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>··..._:· ;J. ~.: ~r~ Winter 1995 2 i ov~~ .·..--~~~-..... , . ..___j News and Views for Eighth District Bankers t SEP 2 7 2001 Fed Realigns Financial Services 7- >> _ The Federal Reser\'e Bank of St. Louis, in concert with the Fed System, recently reorganized its financial ser\'ices functions to respond more quickly to customer demands for new and enhanced financial ser\'ices and I~ ,_ , ~ ~ to better LJ,\ -=:! - -=--- -.. ; ~ - v"v......, :> ,'~~']~~ ~ -~ • "( _ _ ,, _,_....,.....-y-___ -'""W'(~':' ,~~ 71 I ~----. ,-;;;;;;;;;==Ti,-;;;;;=;:::::;-, lii~m- Treasury Modernizes Tax Payment System Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis f1nan_c1al :,2rnccs were 1~;11tgned rnto lour new product offices ~retail. ,,holesale. cash/fiscal ,::;-md support ser\'ices (see sidebar for specific services). Late last year, the St. Louis Fed implemented a ne\\' management structure to reflect, in part, this realign ment (see organi1,ation chart on page 2). In addition, it consolidated all customer n October 1991, the Treasury's Financial ~lanagement Ser\'ice and the Internal l~e\'enue Ser\'ice announced plans to start converting the current tL'< payment system to electronics in 1995. The si\-phase plan requires corporations with more than $20.000 in employment taxes 1 coordinate and integrate financial services across the Federal Reser\'e System. \\'ith the e\ception of a few staff changes, business relationships established bet,,een Feel St Lollls and financial institutions in the Eighth District will remain the same 1\t the national le\'el, Fed to submit ta\ payments electronically through a financial institution or a Treasun· financial agent. Phase one of the conversion effort began on Jan. I, when financial institutions, representing approximately 800 coq)(mttions, started processing tax payments through either Service Lines Redefined Wholesale Services Fedwire, book entry Retail Services Check and automated clearing house (ACH) Support Services Accounting and automation (Fedline~ etc.) Cash/Fiscal Services Currency/coin, savings bonds, Treasury, Tax and Loan, noncash support functions into a new Employee and Customer Relations Department. ( rn11li1111erl 011111'.\l / //1,~1'/ FechYire or the r\utornated Clearinghouse. These corporations and their affiliates pay more than S7 8 million annually in employment taxes. Feditorial Integrity and Accountability at the St. Louis Fed he public's trust in our nation's banking system depends, in part, on its confidence in the ethics of bankers and bank regulators. Recently, the St. Louis Fed revised its Code of M<IIT II. Karr Conduct for all employees. As the new code affirms positions we've always held, it will be almost invisible to those with whom we do business. Our code reflects a desire to be impartial and fair in our business dealings, whether we are acting as banking supervisors, as fiscal agents for the U.S. Treasury Department, as providers of payments services, or as buyers of goods and services for our own use. The ethical principles we follow guide us in our daily dealings with the public to avoid T even the hint or appearance of bias. We ask all employees to think about, recognize and avoid even trivial situations that could raise any question about our impartiality. For example, we expect employees to refuse all but the most inexpensive items that may be offered by a financial institution or vendor. In addition, we expect our staff to avoid outside activities that could conflict with the unbiased performance of their jobs. This may limit our investments, our part-time jobs, even our hobbies or political activities. With this code we've renewed our resolve to continue a long tradition of independence and impartiality. Jfm:r II. Karr is senior 1•ice president of t/Je Legal and Public r\[fairs Dil'ision mu/ general counsel of t/Je Federal llesen •e Bank of St. Louis. Services Realigned l<Willlltl('( / jm111/i'()}i/ j)(l,!!.<'I In conjunction \\"ith the financial services realignment, a new national-level Financial Services Policy Committee (FSPC) w:Lc.; created to establish strategic direction and policies for the Federal Rese1w's finan cial serrices. St. Louis Fed President Tom :\lelzer was named chairman of this new committee, which oversees the product offices. t\11 l{eserw Banks \\·ill con tinue to participate on System ac.h iso1~· groups. pro\'iding input on local issues and helping develop System-level plans. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Strategic planning will he the first order of business for the new FSPC and other man- agement groups. The Fed intends to consu lt with depository institutions on issues Eighth District Realignment affectin g the future shape of payments systems to ensure their needs are effectively met. Thomas C. Melzer President and FSPC Chairman I Jomes R. Bowen First Vice President I Henry H. Bourgoux Kristi D. Short Senior Vice President Operations and Administration Division Senior Vice President Financial Services Policy Committee Support I Jeon M. Lovati I Martha L. Perine I Raymond H. Laurence I Vice President Corporate Support Services Vice President Employee and Customer Relations Vice President Financial Services Branches The Limited Value of Race and Gender Data in Small Business and Farm Loans I 1/(lrk IJ. I r111gl//l Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis n September, the Federal l~eserve Board solicited comments on a revised version of the interagency Community Reinvestment Act (CRi\) proposal. The new version contains a provision requiring hanks to request race and gender data from applicants for small busi ness and small farm loans. In this unique market, however, such data are unlikely to help supervisors identify banks with lending records that suggest discrimination . i\s our experience with Ilome ~lortgage Disclosure Act (I l\11)/\) data In~ demonstrated, the statistical analrsis of race and gender data h~L~ drawbacks. Currently, supervisors use a three-stage statistical approach to look for evidence of discrimination in the mortgage-lending market. 1n the first stage, they analyze 1-l~J])i\ data for a given institution with a technique called regression analysis. This analysis uses three \'ariables reported under Il~IDi\- the race of the ho1Tmver, the income of the borrower and the loan amount requested by the horro\\'er- to predict the prohabi lity that the institution will approve a mortgage loan. If stage one reveals a strong statistical relationship between race and probability of loan acceptance, supervisors collect additional data on variables related to mortgage loan eval uation and conduct another regression analysis. If the second-stage regression still suggests possible discrimination , supervisors continue to a third stage. In the third stage, the regression model is used to match up pairs of applicants with similar characteristics except for race: examiners then compare approval rates for these matched pairs. The lack of a relationship between race and loan acceptance in stage one or stage two indicates that the institution probably does not discriminate and exempts it from further scrutiny. In this way, supervisors can concentrate their examiner resources on banks whose lending practices are most likely to result in discrimination. Collecting enough data to reduce false signals of discrimination would prove prohibitively expensive, if not impossible. Regression models can, however, fa lsely signal discrimination . False signals occur when the models exclude variables that are important in lending decisions. For instance, the stage-one regression on m!Di\ data excludes credit histo1y If minorities have weaker credit histories. on a\·erage, than other applicants, the regression model \\'ill signal racial discrimination when , upon closer e\amination, no difference in treatment actually exists. In principle, supervisors could eliminate false signals completely by including all relevant explanatory variables in the second-stage regression. Ilowever, accounting properly for all the \'ariables relernnt to umle1writing criteria is difficult and e\pensi\'e- e\'en for a relatively homogeneous market like the mortgage market. False signals in the small business and small farm loan market are an even bigger problem than they are in the mortgage market. Compared with mortgage loans, small business and small farm loans are highly idiosyncratic. Small business loans, for example, \'ary widely in funding terms, payment structures and collateral arrangement.;;. Gi\'en these characteristics, using only race, income and loan amount to predict loan acceptance in stage-one regressions will likely generate numerous false signals of discrimination . ~1oreover, collecting enough additional data to reduce false signals in the second-stage regressions would prove prohibitively expensive, if not impossible. The large number of false signals virtually eliminates the adrantage of this approach to detecting discrimination. R egression models :L~ide, the regulation, :L~ written, does not explicitly state how race and gender data are to be used in calculating an institution's CRA rating. This fact combined with the data's extremeh· limited value in the small business and farm market, indicates that the additional burden imposed on institutions cannot he justified. .I/ark IJ. I r111glill is r, senior 111m1ager {II/(/ eco110111is/ i11 !he 8a11ki11g S11j)ert'1'sio11 and Neg11/ali1m /Ji1•isio11 al !be Fcdeml Nesen·e !3r/llk r!f' SI. /,011is RegionalRoundup OUT FOR COMMENT The following are Federal Reserve System proposals currently out for comment: ■ Proposed amendment to Regulation K(International Banking Operations). Comments due by February 13. (Docket No. R-0862) ■ Proposed revisions to the Federal Reserve Board's official staff commentary for Regulation B(Equal Credit Opportunity). Comments due by February 1S. (Docket No. R-0865) ■ Additional comments on proposal to extend Fedwire hours, specifically, potential benefits, costs and market implications of early Fedwire opening. Comments also sought on new service capabilities and a firm closing time for Fedwire book-entry securities. Comments due by April 28. (Docket No. R-0866) Direct all comments to William W Wiles, Secreta1J 1, Board of Governors of tbe Federal Reserve System, 20tb St. and Constitution Ave. , N. W , Wasbington, D.C. 20551. Greenwood, Leslie Join St. Louis Bank Lynn ~1. Greenwood and Willicm1 C. Leslie both joined the official ranks of the St. Louis Fed in December 1994. Greenwood w;L<.; appointed vice president of the Public Affairs Department. During her 20year career in communications and public relations, Greenwood served as senior vice president of operations at Landmark Bank, and most recently at llnited Missouri Bank, both in St. Louis. served ;L<.; director of corporate relations at the Federal Ilome Loan ~lortgage C01v. and most recently, <L"l public relations director for A.G. Edwards & Sons Inc .. St. Louis. Leslie w<Lli appointed \'ice president of the Bank's newly fo rmed !Mai I Operations area, which includes check and J\CI I you ready for the Renaissance Arerenaissance of rural conference, The America? that is. in Rural On ~larch 7-8, the Federal Banks of St. Louis, Reserve America Atlanta, Dallas and Richmond Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis processing. During Leslie's 20-plus years in banking, he are sponsoring a conference at the Peabody Ilotel in ~lemphis, Tenn., that focuses on rural economic development. The Renaissance Conference will cover a wide range of topics including: common themes in rural development, utilizing New Community Profile Available Later this month , the St. Louis Fed will rele;L<.;e a new community profile of the lower ;\1ississippi delta region. The profile includes an analysis of census and other demographic data, along with information on community credit needs obtained through interviews with community organizations, go\'ernment secondary markets, strategic planning for rural community diversification and financing small businesses. St. Louis Fed President ThrnmL"l C. ~1elzer and Lawrence Lindsey, a member of the Federal Reserve Board of Governors, will be featured speakers at the conference. Other speakers include Eobert D. ~lcTeerjr., Dalhli Fed president: J. Alfred Broaddus Jr. , Richmond Feel president; and representati\'es from Ill'D and the l\ural Development Agency. officials and residents in the area. Descriptions of organizations and programs that help address credit needs will also be provided. Counties in the following areas are covered in the profile: • 7 in northeast Arkansas • 8 in southeast Arkansas • 11 in western Kentucky • 11 in southern Illinois • 8 in northwest Tennessee • 11 in northwest ~1ississippi • 12 in southwest ~lississippi •6 in northeast Missouri. Copies of the profile will be mailed to CRA officers at all financial institutions in the Eighth District portion of the lower Mississippi delta region . Stay tuned for additional profiles coming soon. J\ communi~' profile of the Little Rock, J\rk., i\1SJ\ is being developed and will be available to banks in that area later this year. Th is is the first time four Fed districts have joined together to offer a conference of this size. The conference is designed for financial institution officers, government officials, and business, community and nonprofit organization leaders interested in rural community and economic development lending. If you would like more information, contact Diana judge at (314) 444-875 1or toll-free at 1-800-333-0810, ext. 8751. Interstate Branching: States Begin Their Work hough interstate banking and branching are now ··done deals·· at the federal level, they remain very much live issues at the state level. Over the ne:..:t vear or two, state legislatures will be asked to make several important decisions regarding the branching provisions of the _._..._ new Reigle-Neal fnterstate Banking and Branching Efficiency Act of 199'-f. Their decisions could have a tremendous effect on the branching acti\'ities of banks across the country. Because the law prohibits states from discriminating against oul-qfs/{{/e banks and hank holding companies, states need to review and possibly amend many of their existing banking laws. States also have to decide whether to allow banks mih/11 !heir bo,dm' to participate in interstate mergers or protect them from such acti\'ity. The big day for interstate branching is.June 1, 1997. By th is date, states 111 ust decide whether to: • Oj)I out- enact laws that prohibit out-of-state banks from merging with in-state banks, which will also prevent in-state banks from making acquisitions out-of-state. If a state does not opt out, interstate mergers ,rill be permitted after.June l, 1997. • Oj)I !11 ear(J'- enact laws that permit mergers of inand out-of-state banks before June I, 1997. • Ch{{11ge co11ce11/mlio11 lim !ls- enact, repeal or amend limits on the proportion of deposits one banking organization may control in the state. A50 percent limit will apply if states are silent. Tax Application (ETA). will enable staff at the taxpayer's financial institution to enter the tax inforrnation into pre-formatted screens. By the year 2000, all financial institutions will send ta:..: payments through a ne,,· system called the Electronic Federal 'fax Processing System (EFTPS). EFT PS wi 11 incre<L-;e the speed, efficienc,· and accurac,· of revenue collection and taxpayer account posting. It also will expedite the government's funcb availability. while providing critical investment decisionmaking information to the Treasu1Y The Federal Reser\'e, acting as the fiscal agent for the government, will play a role in If states already have a limit in place, that limit will apply. • C1/)(111ge {{ge requireme11/senact, repeal or amend limiL-; on how long a bank must exist before it can be acquired by another bank. No limit will apply if states are silent, and states cannot enact limib greater than five years. • Pem11I de 11orn bm11chi11genact laws that perrnit out-ofstate banks to acquire a bank branch or establish a new branch in the state. Neither will be permitted if states are silent. Despite the fanfare in W~L-;hington O\'er the p~L-;sage of this bill, it is these state decisions that will determine whether interstate branching is ushered in \\'ith a \\'himper or a roar. Tax Payment System ( COI i/iil 11£'1/ji'///n /i'()}I/ j J(l,!.!,1') In April, two additional payment mechanisms will be offered. The first is a new "non-value'' Fedwire message, which will replace the current typecode 1000 message. The second option is a new software application for the Fed's Fedline®or Computer Interface connections. This application, called the Electronic Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis , , the system by providing sameday reporting and payrnent mechanisrns (e.g., Fedwire and ETA). If you would like more detailed information about electronic ta:..: payments, call Ilarriet Siering at (.') 14) 44'-f-8502. Calendar I FedFacts 1995 Price Changes Announced In November 1994, Fed St. Louis announced its 1995 prices for Eighth District check, electronic and securities services. While most prices remained the same, selected changes were made. Among the changes were increases in check return item fees and decreases in check deposit and wire transfer fees. The only ACH price change was an increase in paper government NOCs to $10. If you have questions or would like additional copies of the price booklets, contact Customer Access Support at (314) 444--0869 or toll-free at 1-800-333-0869. Switch to Presentment MICR Under Way Since November 1994, over 60 St. Louis Zone check customers have switched from Informational MICR to Presentment MICR, where the MICR transmission (rather than receipt of paper items) ■ I I I Post Office Box 442 St. Louis. ~lissouri 63!66 CB is published quarterly by the Public Information Office of the Federal l{ese1Ye Bank of St. Louis. \'iews expressed are not necessaril~· official opinions of the Federal l{eserve System or the Federal l{eser ie Bank of St. Louis. 1 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis constitutes legal presentment. Most of these customers said they made the switch to take advantage of a lower mini-mum daily fee of $5. These customers will get an added bonus on Feb. 15, when all rejects will be included in tl1eir transmissions for free. If you'd like more information on either of these check services or would like to join the 315 institutions in the District that receive MICR transmissions, contact Customer Access Support at (314) 444--0869 or toll-free at l--800--333--0869. Louisville Office Announces Check Price Changes Effective Feb. 1, the Louisville Branch lowered the per-item fee for RCPC Regular deposits from 1.8 cent-; to 1.7 cents and increased fees for local items in mixed cash letters from 1.8 cents to 1.9 cents. These changes were made to encourage customers with sufficient volume to deposit their items at the later RCPC deadline. Also effective Feb. 1, the per-item fee for the trun-cation/ChecKeeper service was reduced from 1.3 cents to 1.1 cents. St. Louis Fed Seeks Efficiency With ACH The St. Louis Fed is taking some of its own advice and converting its internal payments from check to ACH. The Fed initially targeted 450 of its vendors for the conversion, providing them with benefit information and educational materials on ACH. The results of this initiative are noteworthy. To date, over 300 vendors have signed up to receive their payments via ACH. The St. Louis Fed is seeing tangible improvements as a result-its payments processing efficiency has improved, steps to complete payment transactions have been eliminated and payment reconciliation time has decreased. Upcoming Fed-sponsored Events for Eighth District Depository Institutions Renaissance in Rural America Conference ~larch 7--8 -- ~Iernphis, Tenn. 199S District Dialogues ~1arch l - Paducah, Ky. ~larch 22 - Quincy, Ill. ~lay 17 --Cape Girardeau, ~lo. October 2 -- Eransvi Ile, Ind. October 3 -- Mt. Vernon, 111. 199 S Economic Forums April 25 -- Greenville, ~liss. April 26 -- Camden, Ark. October 18 - Jackson, Tenn. f\1ovember 8 -- Columbia, ~lo. For more information on the Rural America Conference call Diana.Judge at (314) 444-8751 or toll-free at l-800-333-0810 ext. 8751. For more information on Economic Forums or District Dialogues, call Bernie Berns at (314) 444--8321 or toll-free at l--800-333-0810 ext. 8321.