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A G O 6 1992 Summer 1992 II I • News and Views I Regulatory Burden: What's Being Done About It? It's HMDA Time Again Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis for Eighth District Bankers "The regulatory burden on ll.S. depository institutions h;L<; grown progressirely to the point where it may well threaten the viability of the banking indust,y itself" Federal Reserve Governor John La\\'are said before a congressional subcommittee early this summer. LaWare expressed his concern again at three public meetings held across the count,1· in late June. The meetings were in response to the Federal Deposit Insurance Coq1oration Improvement Act of 1991 (FDICIA) requirement that the Fed, the FDIC, the OCC, and the Office of Thrift Supervisionthe agencies that make up the Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council (FFIEC)- study regulatory burden. It is study the regulatory burden. required by FDICIA to submit a FDICIA requires that the FFIEC report to Congress in December. reriew the policies. procedures. recordkeeping and documentation requirements of its agencies and identi~· any burdens that could be removed without endangering the safety and soundness of institutions. In response. the FFIEC established ,. the Regulatory l'niformity Project to formalize its ongoing effort to emphw;ize consistency among agencies and reduce regulatory burdens and costs. Aresult of this project was a recent FF! EC statement that clarifies recordkeeping and documentation requ irem en ts for banks under the Community Reinvestment Act. The FFIEC will continue to eginning in late July and for the next few weeks thereafter, the FFIEC will be sending District financial institutions subject to the l lome ~lortgage Disclosure Act (I !~!DA) their 1991 Hl\1DA disclosure reports. A<; before, each institution will hare 30 days to study its report before it becomes publicly available. As several institutions learned hst year. this W-day period is crucial and should be spent carefully reviewing report<; for content aml accurac~. The time to identi~-errors or misleading information is before the report is made public. This is also a good time to prepare your response to potential questions about the reports. l lMDA requires that institutions make their reports available for inspection and copying 30 days after they receive it. and that a notice about the availability of Il.\1DA data be posted in home offices and at le;L<;t one branch in each metropolitan statistical area. B Questions about your report should be directed to your federal regulatory agency. At Fed St. Louis, call Jon nee Wadlow at (31-+) +H-8555. Feditorial Regulatory Burden and Noninterest Expense or District bankers faced with the challenge of maintaining earnings in a period of slow loan growth, the noninterest Joan P . Cronin expense line on the income statement receives increasing scrutiny. The cost of regulatory compliance puts additional pressure on that figure. Through 1991, aggregate noninterest expense for all District banks remained generally stable at 3 percent of average assets. However, District banks with less than $100 million in assets, which historically benefited from lower ratios, experienced increases in noninterest expense F Nonetheless, while these efforts proceed, regulations required by FDICIA are being drafted. Because FDICIA is a very specific piece of banking legislation, it limits the discretion available to the Fed when drafting these new rules, which will also affect your costs. Please remember that the rule-making process includes a public comment period. Use it. Each comment you send to the Fed is read. Comments that reflect an understanding of a proposal and outline the practical effect of a proposed regulation on a bank's ability to offer credit and serve its community are particularly useful. They can shape the final regulation. Where FDICIA permits flexibility, such com- in 1989, 1990 and again in 1991. Recognizing that these increases include the cost of bank compliance programs, the Federal Reserve has accelerated its efforts to limit compliance burdens and costs. Together with other regulators, it is taking steps to improve coordination of examinations and inspections with both federal and state regulators. Also under way are interagency working groups addressing common applications forms and common classifications and accounting treatment of certain assets. ments allow the Fed to draft a regulation that accomplishes Congress' purpose with a limited cost to you. Supervisory Issues Launched Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ou ~1-;ked for it, you got it- mo re super\'isory information from the St. Louis Fed. In July, the St. Louis Fed's Division of Banking Supe rvision and Regul ation in troduced Super,•,;m,:r Issues, a bimonthly newsletter on supervisory and regu latory matters fo r the Ei ghth District. Su/Jel'L'!;,w:r Issues was introduced to respon d to bankers' requests fo r more supervisory and regul atot)' guidance. Y .for/II P. Cm11 i11 is tbe se11ior !'ice preside11I (!ftbe Ba11ki11g S11pen •isio11 a11d Neg11/atio11 /Ji1 isio11 (!/!be Federal Nesen e Bank ofSt. Louis. 1 When surveyed earlier this year, nearly 75 percent of Distri ct bank respondents ~L-;ked for a Fed publication devoted to brief analyses of supervisory and regulatory matters. Supm•1;m1:1' Issues will provide banks with inform ati on on proposed and fin al regulations, ~L<; well ~L<; policy guidelines. Suggestions from Fed examiners wi II also be included. In addition to the newsletter, the Division of Banki ng Supervision 1 and Regul ation is respondi ng to bankers· requests fo r more info rmation by offerin g educational seminars and an expanded telephone "hotline" service. If you have suggestions fo r SujJerl'iso1:r Issues or would like info rmation on other supervision and regul ation services, call Dawn Ligi bel at (3 14) 444-8909. Tinkering with Federal Deposit Insurance F Mark D. Flood Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ederal depo_sit insur~nce is a defining feature of our nation 's financial landscape. It has been around so long- it will be60yearsonjanuary l, 1994-that there are few bankers working today who can remember the industry before there ww; an FDIC. For many years, federal deposit insurance was regarded ~L'-> a tremendous success. /1.s it protected depositors, it also prevented banking panics and thus contributed greatly to monetary stability. The painful experiences of the 1980s have soured this cheery assessment, however. For many years, federal deposit insurance was regarded as a tremendous success. The painful experiences of the 1980s have soured this cheery assess· ment, however. As we evaluate the various options for reform , it is worthwhile to recall that federal deposit insurance was extremely controversial at its inception in the Banking Act of 1933. Sen. Robert Bulkley (D-OH), speaking on i\1ay 4, 1933. identified the possible dangers: In the stress of the recent banking crisis ... there was a very definite appeal from bankers for the l'nited States Government itself to insure all bank deposits so that no depositor anywhere in the country need have any fear as to the loss of his account. Such a guarantee as that would indeed have put a premium on bad banking. Such a guarantee ;L<; that would have made the Government pay substantially all losses which had been accumulated. whether by misfortune, by unwise judgment, or by sheer recklessness. and it might well have brought an intolerable burden upon the Federal Tre;L<;ury. With estimates of taxpayer losses in the FSLIC bailout exceeding $200 billion, his words now seem strikingly farsighted. Despite Bulkley's intimation, however, bankers in 1933 were far from showing unanimous support for deposit insurance. Indeed, the American Bankers A-;sociation and the Association of Reserve City Bankers both mounted intense campaigns against it. Their arguments were informed, in part, by the expe rience of the state deposit guaranty plans of the 1910s and 1920s, all eight of which had failed. Ironically, the opposition also included Carter Gh'->s (D-\i\), who shepherded the bill through the Senate, and Franklin D. Roosevelt, himself a former insurance executive, who signed the bill into law. Their personal opposition was overwhelmed by the immense popular support for insurance; rather than defend a lost cause, they chose to help shape the legislation. The potential perils they saw in federal deposit insurance are the same flaws we hear today: it substitutes supervisory discretion for the rigorous discipline of the marketplace, it tends to subsidize banks with risky loans and relatively low capital, and it puts the federal taxpayer at risk. The original legislation addressed these concerns by imposing conservative coverage ceilings, raising chartering standards, broadening supervisory authority and emphatically segregating the insurance fund from the federal taxpayer. The potential perils people saw in federal deposit insurance in 1933 are the same flaws we hear today. What h~L'-> happened in the intervening years? Coverage ceilings have risen steadily, even <J'ter adjusting for inflation. Brokered deposits and FDIC toobig-to-fai I policies ha\'e further expanded the scope of coverage. The full faith and credit of the ll. S. Tre<L<;ury now backs up the insurance funds. Deregulation has subjected both banks and thrift<; to increasingly harsher competition and, in some GL'->es, relaxed regulatory scrutiny. Our recent deposit insurance troubles may be the result of such piecemeal tinkering with a complex and far-reaching institution. .Hark IJ. Hood is r111 eco110111isl r1I the Fedeml Resert •e Bank <!/SI Louis. For more i1!/im11atio11. see bis article in lheju(J'/A ug11sl 1992 issue <!/ the SI. Louis Fed's Rel!iell'. Call (314) 4..,-1-HH0Y lo resert •e a rnpJ •. RegionalRoundup OUT FOR COMMENT The fo llowing are Federal Reserve System proposals currently out fo r comme nt: ■ Revision to Reg Hto implement prompt corrective action for undercapitalized state member banks. Comments due by August 14 (Docket No. R-0763). Research Director Named William G. Dewald will join the St. Louis Fed ~L'i senior vice president in the Research and Public Information Division in September. Dewald will succeed Anatol B. (Ted) Balbach, senior vice presi dent and director of research, when he retires November 1. ■ Proposal to adopt uniform regulations prescribing standards for real estate lending. Comments due by August 31 (Docket No. R-076S). ■ Proposal on new Reg Fto implement interbank liability provisions. Comments due by September 16 (Docket No. R-0769). Direct all comments to William W Wile,, Secre!arJ', Board of Col'ernors of the Federal Re,erve ~ystem, 20th St. and Constitution Ave.. N. W. Washingt011. DC 20551. For copie, ofproposals out for public comment, contact Anne Guthrie at (314) 444-8810. AllElectronic ACH Countdown Continues Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Dewald is an international economist on the Planning and Economic Analysis staff of the U.S. Department of State and a former deputy director. Prior to this, he was an economics professor at Ohio State University. to convert paper securities to the Tre~L'iury's electronic system. The l~L'it definitive (paper) Tre~L'iuty securities, issued in 1986. will mature in 2016. Their increasing scarci~' has incre~L'.ecl the costs of handling each item . By encouraging conversion, you wi ll reduce your processing costs, offer better service and solidify your customer relationships. In return, investors have safer, more conven ient Treasut)' security investments. To receive "Smart Exchange" brochures, call Kelly Campbell at (314) 444-8509. FDICIA Establishes New Rules For FDIC Insurance Treasury Encourages "Smart Exchange" The "Smart Exchange" program , recently launched by the U.S. Treasury, is a nationwide effort All newly chartered banks must now apply directly to the FDIC for deposit insurance under FDICIA. This includes institutions being formed for the sole puq1ose of acquiring a failed bank or thrift by merger. Formerly, newly chartered national and state member banks received deposit insurance automatically with the approval of their national charter for Federal Reserve membership. It's 431 down, 147 to go. With the final all-electronic /\CH (/\EACH) deadline less than one year away- July 1, 1993District:wicle conversion of AC! I participants to electronic de! ivet)' continues. So far, about 77 percent of the institutions that receive AC! I commercial items from the Fed do so electronically. Before the J\l~ACH deadline w~L'i announced in December 1990, only 30 percent of commercial /\CH receivers were electronic. Since then, 431 have made the conversion. Nationwide, more than 4,700 depository institutions have converted to a Federal Reserve Bank electronic connection. Those who have converted now benefit from the fast, reliable receipt of items, reduced Fed fees, and incre~L<;ed security and privacy. New institutions seeking insurance must also now have $2 million expected mi nimum initial capitalization; the old requirement was $750,000. The FDIC will, however, consider approving applications with lower amounts when there are "compell ing circumstances .. , New Logo Symbolizes Nationalization of Fed Services Anew Fed logo is beginning to appear on many Systemwide promotional and educational materials for Feel customers. The new logo symbolizes the Fed's effort to develop products and services on a national rather than regional level. The move to nationwide services wi 11 FEDERAL RESERVE emphasize consistency of quaJi~, across District lines. FINANCIAL Customers, of S E R V I CES course, will continue to communicate with their local Fed offices for all Fed services. The time to convert is now. If you convert before 1993, you'll avoid additional fee increases associated with tape and paper delivery. Contact your account executive or the Customer Support Department at 1-800-333-0869 or (314) 444-8660 for a-;sistance and information. What Fed Consolidation Means For Bankers Saturday Check Deadlines May Improve Funds Availability Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis !most a year h<L'-i P<L'-isecl since the Feel announced its plans to consolidate the prima1~· mainframe data processing of all 12 Federal Reserve Districts at three locations-Richmoml, Dallas and fa-;t Rutherford, f'.'J Consolidation will improve the reliability and a\'ailability of the Fed's critical computer systems, eliminate duplication of resources and equiplllent and. eventually, reduce operating costs. Though consolidation will significantly affect how we process payments and data. our customers should notice little change in our service. For financial institutions, day-to-day operations \\'ith the Fed will remain much the same cL'-i always. Regardless of where the processing occurs. the St. Louis Fed will have the ability to access all the custolller transaction and account inforlllation you will need. Therefore. your service relationship with our Bank will remain the same. The St. Louis Fed is scheduled to consolidate its data processing and move new applications between July 1993 and midyear 1994. Beginning this fall. District institutions \\'i 11 be :L'-iked to help us test certain applications to ensure that our processing changes will not impair your operations. Though testing may cause some inconvenience, your participation is crucial to making the transition to consolidated processing a smooth one. Once accomplished. consolidation will enable us to enhance lllany Fed services. For example. after consolidation, i\Cl I customers will have se\'eral ne\\. options. \'al ue-added servicessuch cL'-i the ability to have specific types of items routed to different locations. on-line access to transaction status. and control over delive,y times- will be new. You will hear more about these enhancemenL'i <L'i \Ye move toward our new processing environment. For more information on automation consolidation. testing or future services, call Jerry ~1cGunnigle at (314) 444-8732. eginning September !2. the St. Louis office will offer Saturday check processing, allowing many financial institutions to impro\'e their \\'eekend funds availability by up to two days. A1991 sur\'ey showed that many St. Louis zone institutions process checks on Saturday and hold the items until ~londav. In most CcL'-ies. "other Fed items·· receive Tuesday or Wednesday funds availability. The new Saturday deadlines will allow institutions to deposit these items on Saturday and receive ~londay morning availability on most endpoints. "We realize that lllaximizing funds availability is important to our customers." ~like ~lueller. assistant \'ice president of the St. Louis Check Department, said. "We also recognize the need for flexibilit\'. Institutions that don't process checks on Saturday can still deposit on Frida~ ern1ing or use our ne,\· amount encoding service to take advantage of Saturday deadlines." If you would like more information, contact Customer Support at (314) 444-8680 or l-80CH33-0869. B Calendar FedFacts St. Louis Reduces Cost of MICRLine Services On June 1, the St. Louis office reduced the minimum daily fee associated with its MICR!ine service from $10 to $5 per day. In addition, the fine sort inclusion fee was reduced from $0.01 to $0.009 per item. Both price reductions make MICR!ine more affordable. If you have considered the MICRline service in the past, but could not cost-justify it, now may be the time to take another look. For a detailed cost analysis, contact Customer Supp011 at 1-800-333-0869. Louisville Offers New RCPC Group Sorts On June 15, the Louisville office began offering two new RCPC group sort deposit options. These are in addition to two others announced in Febrnary. The attractive deposit deadline and item price will enhance the collection of Louisville zone items. For a list of the endpoints available, please contact our Louisville office at (502) 5689257 or Customer Support at 1-800-333-0869. Get All The "Facts" In St. Louis District bankers can get the facts on Fedline®at a Fedline Advanced Continuation Training Session (FACTS) September 15 in St. Louis. The session is for Fedline users who want a review of its services and an introduction to future services. FACTS sessions are being introduced after a successful pilot program last spring. An institution can send up to two people to the all-day session at a cost of $50 each. (It's free if you've tested with us twice in the past 12 months.) Other Eighth District offices will also ■ ' I I Post Office Box 44~ St. Louis. .\1issouri 6.~ 166 8 LIBRARY CB is published quarterl y by the Public Information Office of the Federal l{eser\"e Bank of St. Louis. \"iews expressed are not necessaril\" official opinions of the Federal · l{eserve System or the Federal Reser\'e Bank of St. Louis. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis host sessions, beginning with Memphis in the fall of 1992. To get more information or to sign up, call the Customer Support Department at 1-800333-0869 or (314) 444-8680. FRY·9SP Can Now Be Submitted Electronically The St. Louis Fed is now accepting data electronically for the "Parent Company Only Financial Statements for Bank Holding Companies with Total Consolidated Assets of $150 Million" (FRY-9SP) report. For more information on submitting data on this or other reports electronically, call Robin Miller at (314) 444-8554 or 1-800-333-0810, ext. 8554. Upcoming Fed-sponsored Events for Eighth District Depository Institutions September 24, 2S Community Development Lending Conference sponsored by the St. Louis Fed and the Federal Ilome Loan Banks of Des ~loines and Chicago. St. Louis, ~1o. September 29 District Dialogue Springfield, ~io. September 30 District Dialogue Fort Smith, Ark. October 27 Regional Economic Forum Louisville, Ky. October 28 Regional Economic Forum Bowling Green, Ky. For more information on these meetings, ple~L'ie call (31 4) 444-8320