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Age and Sex

Chapter 4

Age and Sex


ge and sex composition provides a

the population pyramids in Figure 4-1. Each of the bars

glimpse of a country’s demographic his­

in the population pyramids represents the percentage

tory— reflecting past trends in births,

of the total population in that age-sex group. The dis­

deaths, and migration— as well as a view toward its

tribution of the population by age and sex in 1900

demographic future. The age and sex structure of the

exhibited the classic pyramid shape, wider at the bot­

U.S. population affects many of the characteristics

tom and narrower at the top. This broad-based shape

described in other chapters of this atlas. For example,

characterizes a young, relatively high-fertility popula­

knowing that many Great Plains counties have high

tion. In 1900, children under 5 years old accounted for

median ages and relatively few young people in their

12 percent of the U.S. population, while people aged

populations provides insight into the patterns of popu­

65 and older accounted for less than 5 percent.

lation decline seen in some maps in Chapter 2. In

The low fertility of the Great Depression years is

some cases, maps and graphics have been disaggre­

evidenced by the “pinch” in the age structure in the

gated by age or sex to make the impact of these

1950 pyramid, as people born during the 1930s were

demographic characteristics more apparent.

10 to 19 years old. By 1950, the onset of the post
World War II Baby Boom had altered the bottom of the

Changes in Age and Sex Structure

pyramid, as 1 1 percent of the population was under

The age and sex structure of the U.S. population

age 5, giving the second age-sex pyramid a large base

of the Census 2000 age-sex pyramid shows the

changed during the twentieth century, as shown by

of very young people.

aging of the U.S. population in the second half of the

The more rectangular shape of the lower half

twentieth century, due primarily to low fertility fol­
lowing the Baby Boom. A pinch in the pyramid for
Fig u re 4-1.

the 20-to-29 age group resulted from the relatively

Percent Distribution of Population by Age and Sex, 1900, 1950, and 2000

low number of births during the 1970s. The Baby
Boom bulge appears in the 2000 pyramid in the 35to-54-year age range. Another feature of the 2000

85 and older

M ale

F em a le

M ale


80 to 84
75 to 79
70 to 74
65 to 69
60 to 64

Fem a le


40 to 44

85 and older
80 to 84


]. ■■

50 to 54

Fem a le


5 5 to 59
45 to 49

M ale


75 to 79


age-sex pyramid is the less cone-like shape at the top
of the pyramid compared with the 1900 and 1950

70 to 74

pyramids. The larger proportions of the population in

65 to 69

older age groups in 2000 resulted in part from sus­

60 to 64

tained low fertility rates and partly from relatively

55 to 59
50 to 54
45 to 49

larger declines in mortality at older ages than at
younger ages.

40 to 44

3 5 to 39

35 to 39

Trends in Median Age

30 to 34

30 to 34

Another way of summarizing the overall age struc­

2 5 to 29

25 to 29

ture of a population is with its median age— the age

20 to 24

20 to 24

at which half the population is older and half is

15 to 19

15 to 19

10 to 14

10 to 14

Under 5

Under 5

younger. The median age of the population in 1900
was 22.9 years. The median age rose in 8 of the next




















10 decades, reaching a record high of 35.3 years in
2000 (Figure 4-2). The only two decades of the twen­
tieth century when the median age did not increase

U.S. Census Bureau

were 1950-1 960 and 1960-1 970, when

Fig u re 4-2.

Changes in Sex Ratios, 1900 to 2000

the iarge number of births during the

Median Age by Sex, 1900 to 2000

While the overall sex ratio— the number of males per

Baby Boom (1946-1964) resulted in a

100 females— in the United States declined during the

decline in median age from 30.2 years in

twentieth century, a sustained East-West dichotomy is

1950 to 28.1 years in 1970.

evident in maps 04-02 through 04-04. In 1900, the
sex ratios in most western states were higher than the

At the state level, the median age
in 2000 was lowest in Utah (27.1 years),

U.S. figure of 104.9, and lower sex ratios were found

Texas (32.3), Alaska (32.4), and Idaho

in states along the Atlantic coast. By 1950, only Alaska

(33.2). The median age was highest in

and Flawaii had a sex ratio above 105, and

West Virginia (38.9), Florida (38.7), Maine

Massachusetts had the lowest sex ratio among the 48

(38.6), and Pennsylvania (38.0). States

states (93.8). In 2000, the sex ratio for the United

with lower median ages in 2000 were

States was 96.3, and most states in the eastern half of

generally located in the West and the

the country had a sex ratio below that figure.

South (map 04-01).

Growth of the Male and Female

Along with the overall rise in
median age between 1950 and 2000,
the county-level maps of median age in












this chapter show distinct geographic

Between 1990 and 2000, the male population grew
slightly faster (1 3.9 percent) than the female popula­

patterns. In 2000, the highest median ages occurred

were born in Florida. In contrast, many of the counties

tion (12.5 percent). In 1990, females outnumbered

in counties in the upper Great Plains and the interior

in the Northeast and Midwest with older populations

males by 6.2 million, a difference that dropped to 5.3

Northeast, and also in Florida, coastal areas of the

reflected what is known as “aging in place.” In those

million in 2000. This decline resulted in the sex ratio

Pacific Northwest, and northern portions of Michigan,

areas, the high percentage aged 65 and older was

(males per 100 females) increasing from 95.1 in 1990

Wisconsin, and Minnesota.

often a result of older people remaining while younger

to 96.3 in 2000.

The large proportion of those aged 65 and older

people migrated elsewhere. Whether the pattern is due

Despite this increase, the sex ratio in the United

in Florida in 2000 was, in part, the product of a well-

to the inmigration of retirees or the outmigration of

States decreased during most of the twentieth century.

established pattern of retiree migration to that state.

young adults, the result is counties with large propor­

After a peak of 106.2 in 1910, the sex ratio declined

Relatively few members (8.9 percent) of this group

tions of people 65 and older.

to a low of 94.5 in 1980. This long decline resulted

U.S. Census Bureau


Chapter 4. Age and Sex

mainly from the relatively larger reduction in female

populations. On the other hand, some counties in the

population, with high percentages of the non-Hispanic

mortality rates during the period. The sex ratio then

Great Plains and Florida have relatively high older

White population aged 65 and older in counties in

increased between 1980 and 1990, as male death

population dependency ratios. Taken together, the

Florida, the Great Plains, and parts of the desert

rates declined faster than female death rates and as

total dependency ratio shows the relationship between

southwest (map 04-1 5). The counties with higher

more male immigrants than female immigrants

the number of people younger than age 18 or 65 and

percentages of Blacks who were 65 and older in 2000

entered the country.

older to those aged 18 to 64. A handful of counties

were located in the South, the Great Plains, and the

have ratios of 100 or more, while central Colorado has

Ohio River Valley (map 04-16).

This Chapter’s Maps

a number of counties with a total dependency ratio

The maps in this chapter illustrate the age and sex

below 40.

composition of the U.S. population both historically

The percentage of the population under age 18

A series of tract-level maps displays the percent­
age of the population under age 5 for the country’s
largest metropolitan areas (maps 04-1 7 through

and in 2000. They also show the geographic distribu­

varied by race and Hispanic origin in 2000. The Two

04-26). For the United States as a whole, 6.8 percent

tion of the young and old populations by race and

or More Races population and the Hispanic population

of the population in 2000 was under age 5. While the

Hispanic origin. Historical maps in the chapter high­

had the highest percentages under 18 in 2000, at 41.9

tract-level patterns varied among metropolitan areas,

light the aging of the U.S. population and the gradual

percent and 35 percent, respectively. For the United

one pattern was common across all of the metropoli­

disappearance of high sex ratios in western states.

States as a whole, 2 5.7 percent was under age 18. The

tan areas: suburban tracts with high percentages

Map 04-07 shows patterns of median age by
county in 2000. Counties with a high median age are
found in Appalachia, much of Florida, the midsection

county-level variations in these percentages are seen

under age 5 were almost always located in rapidly

in maps 04-1 1 through 04-1 3.

growing areas with high percentages of new housing

The percentage of the population 65 and older

and young families.

of the country, and the northern Rockies. Counties

also varied by race and Hispanic origin in 2000, with

with a low median age are seen in Utah and Alaska.

the highest percentage found in the non-Hispanic

Throughout the country, some individual counties

White population (1 5 percent), followed by the Black

centages of the total population that were aged 85

have a markedly lower median age than neighboring

population (8.1 percent). For the United States as a

and older in 2000 (map 04-05), no Arizona or Nevada

Some of the chapter’s map patterns may be
unexpected. For instance, in the map showing the per­

counties, due in some cases to the presence of a large

whole, 12.4 percent of the population in 2000 was 65

county fell within the two highest percentage ranges,

university or military base.

and older, and the county-level percentages exhibited

although these areas are generally perceived to be

a strong geographic concentration (map 04-14).

popular destinations for retirees. The maps in the

older to the population aged 18 to 64 are shown in

Counties with 20 percent or more of their population

chapter on migration show that Arizona and Nevada

The ratios of people under 18 and people 65 and
maps 04-08 through 04-10. Many counties in Utah and

aged 65 and older are located in the country’s

are indeed magnets for retirees, and at the same time

Alaska have high youth dependency ratios, meaning

midsection and across much of Florida. The

they are also destinations for younger migrants. In

that they have larger-than-average numbers of young

geographic patterns of the older, non-Hispanic White

2000, the median ages for Arizona (34.2) and Nevada

people compared with the sizes of their 18-to-64

population are similar to those of the entire older

(35.0) were both below the U.S. median of 35.3 years.


U.S. Census Bureau

Chapter 4. Age and Sex

Population 85 and Older, 2000

4.5 to 6.6
3.0 to 4.4
Percentage of population
85 and older

In 2000, 1.5 percent of the U.S. population was 85 and
older. The darkest-shaded counties in the map above had
4.5 percent or more of their population in this age group.
These counties stretch through the country's midsection
from central Texas through Kansas, Nebraska, South
Dakota, and North Dakota. They are generally thinly popu­
lated and rural. The population in many of these counties

U.S. Census Bureau

declined in recent decades, in part due to the outmigra­
tion of younger people. Numerous other counties in the
Great Plains are in the second- and third-highest
categories. Some Florida counties also had relatively high
percentages of their populations 85 and older, partly
reflecting the large number of retirees who moved to
the state.

2.0 to 2.9
1.5 to 1.9

Many metropolitan-area counties have low percent­
ages of population aged 85 and older. Indeed, visible
within the area of darker-shaded counties in the middle of
the country are lighter-shaded counties in metropolitan
areas such as Dallas-Fort Worth and Minneapolis-St. Paul.
Many counties in interior western states also have
generally low percentages 85 and older.


Chapter 4. Age and Sex

40.0 to 41.9
35.3 to 39.9
median ~

30.2 to 35.2
25.0 to 30.1
20.0 to 24.9
15.2 to 19.9
Data not

Median Age, 2000

45.0 to 58.6
40.0 to 44.9
median 35.3

35.3 to 39.9
30.2 to 35.2
25.0 to 30.1
20.0 to 24.9


U.S. Census Bureau

Chapter 4. Age and Sex

Older Population Dependency Ratio, 2000


60.0 to 96.2

60.0 to 73.7

50.0 to 59.9
Population under 18 years old
per 100 people 18 to 64

U.S. Census Bureau


41.5 to 49.9
30.0 to 41.4

50.0 to 59.9
40.0 to 49.9

Population 65 and older
per 100 people 18 to 64

30.0 to 39.9

20.0 to 29.9

ratio -

20.1 to 29.9

3.1 to 19.9


2.6 to 20.0


Chapter 4. Age and Sex

Under 18 Years, 2000

Under 18 Years, 2000

Hispanic Population

Two or More Races Population

■ fM P ~


60.0 or m ore

60.0 or m ore
50.0 to 59.9

50.0 to 59.9
Percentage of Hispanic population
under 18 years old

percent —

35.0 to 49.9
30.0 to 34.9

Percentage of T w o or M ore Races
population under 18 years old


41.9 to 49.9
30.0 to 41.8

20.0 to 29.9

20.0 to 29.9

Less than 20.0

Less than 20.0
No Two or More
Races population


U.S. Census Bureau

Chapter 4. Age and Sex

Percentage of population
65 and older

25.0 to 34.7
20.0 to 24.9
15.0 to 19.9


12.4 to 14.9

percent 124

5.0 to 12.3
1.8 to 4.9

65 and Older, 2000

65 and Older, 2000

White Non-Hispanic Population

Black Population

■ £ 2 ?-


25.0 or m ore

25.0 or m ore

20.0 to 24.9
Percentage of non-Hispanic W h ite
population 65 and older


15.0 to 19.9


10.0 to 14.9

20.0 to 24.9
Percentage of Black population
65 and older

15.0 to 19.9
8.1 to 14.9

5.0 to 9.9

5.0 to 8.0

Less than 5.0

Less than 5.0
No Black population

U.S. Census Bureau


Chapter 4. Age and Sex

San Francisco-Oakland-San Jose, CA

Under 5 Years, 2000
Largest Metropolitan Areas

20.0 to 31.5
13.0 to 19.9

Percentage of population under 5
years old; U .S. m ap b y county,
m etropolitan area maps
by census tract

10.0 to 12.9


6.8 to 9.9
5.0 to 6.7
0.0 to 4.9
No population

Boston-WorcesterLaw re nee- Lo w el I -

Lo s Angeles-Riverside- *
O range C o u n ty 1




100 mi






- m

200 mi

* '
100 mi


Los Angeles-Riverside-Orange County, CA


Houston-Galveston-Brazoria, TX

U.S. Census Bureau

Chapter 4. Age and Sex

Chicago-Gary-Kenosha, IL-IN-WI

Boston-Worcester-Lawrence-Lowell-Brockton, MA-NH

Dallas-Fort Worth, TX

New York-Northern New Jersey-Long Island, NY-NJ-CT-PA


Fort W orth


Philadelphia-Wilmington-Atlantic City, PA-NJ-DE-MD
New York



Atlantic City

Atlanta, GA



Washington-Baltimore, DC-MD-VA-WV

U.S. Census Bureau


Chapter 4. Age and Sex

Sex Ratio, 2000

Sex Ratio, 2000

Population Under 18

Population 65 and Older

■SE& -

• m m --


130.0 to 208.3

130.0 to 173.5
N um ber of m ales under 18 years old
per 100 fem ales under 18

U.S. ratio

105.2 to 129.9
100.0 to 105.1
95.0 to 99.9

105.0 to 129.9
100.0 to 104.9

N um ber of m ales 65 and older
per 100 fem ales 65 and older

95.0 to 99.9
U.S. ratio

79.0 to 94.9


70.0 to 94.9
49.9 to 69.9


U.S. Census Bureau

Chapter 4. Age and Sex

25.0 to 192.7
U.S. percent _
change 12.5

12.5 to 24.9
0.0 to 12.4
-10.0 to -0.1
-25.0 t o -10.1
-39.8 to -25.1

U.S. Census Bureau


Chapter 4. Age and Sex

45.0 or m ore

45.0 to 64.6

40.0 to 44.9

38.6 to 44.9

35.0 to 39.9

35.0 to 38.5

30.2 to 34.9

30.0 to 34.9

25.0 to 30.1

25.0 to 29.9

20.0 to 24.9

20.7 to 24.9

Less than 20.0
No Black population

Median Age, 2000

Median Age, 2000

American Indian and Alaska Native Population

Asian Population

• tW -

45.0 or m ore



45.0 or m ore

40.0 to 44.9

40.0 to 44.9

35.0 to 39.9

32.7 to 39.9

28.0 to 34.9

30.0 to 32.6

25.0 to 27.9

25.0 to 29.9

20.0 to 24.9

20.0 to 24.9

Less than 20.0

Less than 20.0

No AIAN population

No Asian population

U.S. Census Bureau

Chapter 4. Age and Sex


45.0 or m ore

45.0 or m ore

40.0 to 44.9

40.0 to 44.9

35.0 to 39.9

35.0 to 39.9

27.5 to 34.9

30.0 to 34.9

25.0 to 27.4

2 2 .1 to 29.9

20.0 to 24.9

20.0 to 22.6

Less than 20.0

Less than 20.0

No Pacific Islander

No Two or More
Races population

Median Age, 2000
Hispanic Population

45.0 or m ore
40.0 to 44.9
35.0 to 39.9
30.0 to 34.9

25.8 to 29.9
20.0 to 25.7
Less than 20.0

U.S. Census Bureau