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✓ January 199'1 MANAGER News and Views on Cash Services for the Eighth Federal Reserve District Fort Worth BEP Running At Top Speed I Exceeding all expectations, the Fort Worth Bureau of Engraving and Printing (BEP) is now ex~ pected to print 40 percent of the nation's currency bythe mid-1990s. When it opened just last spring, the western currency facility be, came the only currency-printing ~~ - facility outside Washington, D.C. Treasury officials consider the ~ multi-million dollar printing lo~ cation the most advanced print~~ ingfacilityofitskind. Atl9,000 square feet, the vault is the largest in the country and second-largest in the world. Production of the first notes began last spring, with shipments to Reserve Banks starting in late summer. r; Security• Enhanced $SO Note In Production Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis A r bout six months ago, bankers and the public alike began inspecting $100 bills with curiosity-looking for the first of new security-enhanced currency introduced last summer. Soon, they'll be able to watch for enhanced $50 notes as well. Production of the series 1990 security-enhanced $50 note has begun, with the first notes ex- pected to be delivered to Reserve Banks next month. The new $50 notes contain the same security features as the recently enhanced $1 00sa polyester security thread visible only when held to light, and microprinting around the portrait on the bill. The first series of enhanced $50 notes will bear the Federal Reserve Bank of ew York's Bills printed at the Fort Worth location bear the small initials "rW' 1 on the lower right comer of the bill, to the right of the Treasury seal. The need for "more fit" notes for use in automated teller machines was cited as one of the reasons for the second printing facility. Another was the need for a contingency center should a natural disaster affect the primary location. Currently, the facility prints only $1 notes; other denominations are expected to follow over the next several years. Originally, The Fort Worth BEP was projected to produce only about 25 percent of the nation's currency by the mid-l990s. seal. Notes for the remaining 11 Federal Reserve districts will be produced during 1992. As with the $100 note, the $50s will serve as replacement notes for unfit bills in circulation; no recall is planned. The remaining denominations containing the new security features, except for the $1 note, will be produced over the next three to five years. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis PROTECT YOURSELF! Knowing The "Rules" Can Secure Your Deliveries safety and integrity of financial institutions' cash transactions with Reserve Banks. Other rule; in the letters e;tablish conformity to enhance processing efficiency. Correctly preparing and securing your deposits is the key to ensuring their integrity. You'll also help prevent delayed credits or losses from negla;t or theft. Listed below is a checklist for preparing secured deposits: • Check your bag before each shipment Make sure there are no hole; in the bag; you use to ship currency or food coupons. If you use plastic bag;, make sure they can withstand the abuse incurred during shipping. Saving money initially by using old, worn-out cloth bags or by not buying the more expensive, but more durable plastic bag;, may cost you more in the long run should a loss occur. • Make sure seals are 1ight Many bag; we receive have seals that can be slipped off the bag. :-::- In this case, someone could remove the seal, slip some currency In the same way, the Fed's cash out, and put the seal back on the offices have e;tablished some de- bag without our receiving teller positing and receiving rule; that noticing that someone had tamwere written for your protection. pered with it. Take the time to These rule; are found in the Fed's ensure your peace of mind. • Prepare your shipment Operating Letters No. 10 and COtTeCtly. All currency and food No.13. Operating Letter No. 10 concoupons should be shipped in full tains the regulations for the repackage; of the same denominaceipt, exchange, and delivery of tion. Make sure the straps idencoin and currency. Operating tify your institution and the teller Letter No. 13 contains rule; appreparing the shipment. Secure plying to the redemption of food 10 straps of the same denominacoupons. tion with two large rubber bands. The Federal Reserve e;tablished Each strap should contain 100 these rule; primarily to assure the note;. -Proper packaging reduces uckle up. Drive 55. Payyour taxe;. We're expected to follow . rule; every day. Though we might que;tion their value, we find some rule; easier to follow when we understand the reasons behind them. the time it take; us to verify your deposit. • Make sure your deposit slips are legible. Aro, plare them in an envelope on the outside of the de{n;it This, too, he!µ; simplify the verification of your dq)a;its. In addition to securing your shipments to the Fed, you also play an important role in making sure that you receive your Fed shipments intact. Here's h2w: • Know the "mies." Make sure the appropriate employees at your institution have copie; of Operatingl.ettersNo. lOandNo.13 and are familiar with their mntents. • Check the bag and seaJ. Before you accept a bag of currency from an annored car company, check to see if the bag or seal has been tampered with in anyway. • Verify, verify, verify! Fed shipments should be opened and verified by two people within each other's presence. While verifying, check the integrity of the shrinkwrap on each bundle, and then strap and bundle-count the money before removing the shrink-wrap. Each package should be piece-verified before you distribute the money to other tellers. • Call us. If you find any problems with your Fed shipment, please call your local Fed cash office immediately. By following these simple rule;, you will help ensure the safety and integrity of your cash transactions with the Fed. Remember, the operating letters are intended to make jobs-both yours and ours--easier. FederalReserveNotes Save Time, MoneyConsolidate Food Coupon Deposits With all the recent changes in the Fed's food coupon program, we recogniz.e that some lingering confusion may exist on the recommended frequency of deposits. It is not necessary to deposit coupons daily. In fact, we encourage all of our customers, particularly those with low food coupon dollar volume, to consider depositing either weekly or when sufficient volume warrants. Fewer deposits translates into saving.5 from reduced preparation time and from a decrease in transportation costs. The Bottom line On Cross-shipping Fed cash offices are now monitoring currency flows more closely to better track cases of cross-shipping-when a depository institution orders currency from the Fed closely followed or preceded by a shipment of the same denomination to the Fed. Cross-shipping is tracked because it misuses the non-priced services of the Fed's cash offices. While the Federal Reserve acts as an agent for the Treasury in supplying currency as growth or currency deterioration demands and in remov- Can You Spot A Counterfeit? ast year, the Treasury . introduced securityenhanced currency consisting of a polyester security thread and microprinting around the portrait on the bill. But the recent enhancements are just two additional features that augment nine existing counterfeit-deterrents. Can you name them all? 0 Federal Reserve seal - The issuing Reserve Bank's code l TMIS •an OR AU. DEBTS letter matches the letter in the seal and first letter in the two serial numbers: The St. Louis Fed is in the Eighth Federal Reserve District, earning the code H (the eighth letter of the alphabet) . Reserve otes authorized for Fed St. Louis will have an Hin the seal and at the beginning of the serial numbec;. @ Serial numbers - These numbers are distinctively styled and evenly spaced. Ink color is . - IS llGA.L TtNDU ,uaue AND !'RIVA.TI G)o H 10988809 D Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ,. •• • ing unfit currency from circulation, Reserve Banks are not intended to be substitutes for bank vaults or for processing unsorted money. The bottom line is that crossshipping results in unneccesary processing at the Fed and ulti:mately affects the efficiencies of other cash services. As always, exchanges of fit currency between depository institutions are encouraged. If you have any questions about cross-shipping, call your local cash office. Debit Cards To Replace Food Coupons? In three cities across the country, food coupons are being replaced by the electronic-benefits transfer (EBT) system-plastic cards that electronically credit and debit customers' benefits accounts. The cards offer clients security and convenience, reduce laborintensive sorting operations at banks, and are a better safeguard against food coupon fraud. While no Eighth District city has yet been targeted as a pilot site, the EBT system promises to be a technology of the future in our area. the same as in the Treasury seal. o two notes of the same series and denomination have the same serial number. @} Border - The note's border has fine lines and a lacy, weblike design which is distinct and unbroken. 0 Fibers - The notes have tiny red and blue fibers embedded in the paper. Though not readily apparent, they can be seen with the naked eye. 0 Portrait - The portrait on the face of notes is life-like and has a screen-like background. 0 Treasury seal - The seal has sawtooth points that are sharp, distinct and unbroken. The color of the seal is the same as the serial numbers. @ Denomination - The note's denomination, or value, is printed on the corners as well as over the Treasury seal. f3 Paper - The paper is a cotton and linen rag paper which has a strong, pliable feel. There are no watermarks. 0 Printing - Engraved printing gives the notes an embossed feel. When considering the authenticity of a bill, compare a suspect note with a genuine note of the same denomination and series, paying attention to the quality of printing and to the paper's characteristics. Look for differences, not similarities-you may be surprised at how "real" counterfeits can look! ~~~@! H 10988809 D rO WA.•rn1s~iTO~,l)- \ 8 Standard Units Make Currency Verification Easier OPERATING L E T T E R No. Post Office Box 442 St. Louis, Missouri 63166 The Cash Manager is published semiannually by the cash departments of the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis. Views expressed are not necessarily official opinions of the Federal Reserve System or the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis e were surprised. When we decided to devote a regular column in The Cash Manager to our operating letters, we assumed everyone was familiar with the Fed's operations document. But you set us straight shortly after our first issue was mailed-we received a flood of inquiries asking: "What is it?" Operating Letter o. 10 sets forth the terms and conditions under which this Bank provides coin and currency services to depository institutions in the Eighth Federal Reserve District. Any institution depositing or ordering coin or currency with us agrees to these terms and conditions. A copy of Operating Letter No. 10 on file in your cash department is an invaluable reference tool. If you or your institution W would like additional copies of the letter, please contact Anne Guthrie at the St. Louis Fed, 314-444-8810. the same denomination in 10 equal packages of 100 notes each. Each full package must be secured by a single strap and each strap color-coded by deClose-up: Standard nomination according to Units Fact: The St. Louis office reAmerican Bankers Association ceives more than 1,000 bundles (ABA) standards. Each full in currency deposits each day bundle must be securely and processes more than one bound; two large rubber bands million notes daily. work best. (The most common Because of the enormous vol- pr~blem in deposits is too ume of deposits received daily at many straps and rubber bands, the Fed, Operating Letter o. 10 i.e., 100-note packages asrequires all deposits to be in sembled from multiple smaller standard unit form. Standard packs.) units are as follows: Afinal thought to remember: • Full Packages - 100 notes of Apackage is 100 notes, one dethe same denomination, and nomination, one color-coded • Full Bundles - 1,000 notes of strap. It's that easy!