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review by the

F e d e r a l R e s e rv e B a n k o f C h ic a g o




The trend of business


Competition in banking
What is known?
What is the evidence?


Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago




dollars) indicates only a slight moderation of
S ome sectors of the economy have stopped
rising in recent months and some have de­
the excessive demands on facilities and the
clined although expansion continued overall.
work force that were evident last year. In
sharp contrast, a year ago virtually all fore­
Total spending on goods and services in­
casts of economic activity envisaged contin­
creased further in the fourth quarter, but
ued rapid growth. But even the highest totals
total industrial production changed little, as
projected at that time fell far short of the
increases in some industries were balanced
actual result as the year unfolded.
by decreases elsewhere. Employment and
personal income continued to increase, but
The m o d e ra te consensus
retail sales merely equaled the third quarter
level. In short, the business picture in early
Despite the diversity of recent views on
business prospects, there is substantial agree­
1967 differs markedly from a year ago when
ment on some important features. Although
virtually all types of activity were rising
Recently published
forecasts of gains an­
Consumer income rose sharply in the fourth quarter
ticip ated in to ta l
but goods purchases increased only slightly
spending for 1967
have varied widely,
percent change from previous quarter at annual rate
disposable income
from less than 3 per­
cent to more than 7
-consumer p urch ase s
of goods
percent—a range of
about 40 billion dol­
lars. The smallest of
these projections (a
gross national product
of 755 billion dollars)
implies a mild decline
from recent levels,
particularly after ad­
justment for expected
higher prices for fin­
ished goods and ser­
reflects outo strike
- 4 L|
vices. The highest proII
jection (795 billion







Business Conditions, February 1967

inflation is likely to continue, the price up­
trend is not expected to accelerate. Also, there
is a wide consensus that no sharp decline in
overall activity will occur. Further rapid
growth in Government spending and a re­
sumption of growth in money and bank credit
are deemed capable of stemming any ten­
dency toward a general economic decline.
Within the Midwest the promise of the new
year varies for different areas. Centers em­
phasizing production of passenger cars,
appliances, furniture and construction ma­
chinery are likely to experience reduced
income growth. Areas concentrating on busi­
ness and industrial equipment, farm machine­
ry, color television, defense work and pro­
cessing of farm products apparently can look
forward to further vigorous prosperity. Many
business firms, faced with long lists of job
vacancies, problems created by the use of
marginal facilities and shortages of materials
and components, view some relaxation of de­
mand pressures more with relief than appre­
Some sectors lag

Total spending on goods and services is
estimated to have reached a rate approxi­
mating 759 billion dollars in the fourth quar­
ter of 1966, up 7.8 percent from the same
period a year earlier. The rate of rise from
the third to the fourth quarter was almost as
large, 7.4 percent, on an annual rate basis.
However, only spending on consumer ser­
vices, producers’ durable equipment, inven­
tories, national defense and needs of state
and local governments showed fourth quarter
gains. Consumer purchases of both durable
and nondurable goods, nonresidential con­
struction and Federal nondefense spending
remained at the third quarter rate. Residen­
tial construction declined sharply.
Spending for producers’ durable equipment

and defense, still rising late in 1966, appeared
to be increasing at a somewhat slower rate
than in earlier periods. Investment in non­
farm business inventories increased substan­
tially in the fourth quarter to a record annual
rate of more than 15 billion dollars and was
far in excess of any period since the early
stage of the Korean War. But here, paradoxi­
cally, lies a principal concern for the con­
tinuance of the upswing. Inventory invest­
ments increasing at well over 1 billion dollars
per month reflect the fact that, despite a level­
ing in factory production, output continued
to exceed current sales.
Sp o tlig h t on in v e n to rie s

One of the signs of health of the five-year
economic expansion, before last spring, was
that inventories had risen only in step with
business sales and in some cases less rapidly
than sales. Continued strong demand coupled
with capacity limitations were largely re­
sponsible. In the second half of 1966, busi­
ness inventories, especially of manufacturers,
rose faster than sales (see chart).
Part of the inventory growth of recent
months represents increases in goods-inprocess of manufacturers of business and de­
fense equipment. Many items produced by
these firms have long production cycles, and
reported inventories rise as value is added to
uncompleted work. But in some industries
the increase has been “involuntary” because
it resulted when sales failed to achieve the
levels assumed in production planning. Dealer
inventories of cars manufactured in the
United States, for example, amounted to 1.4
million units on January 1, equal to 53 days’
sales at the December rate—the highest ratio
for the month since 1960. Production cut­
backs for such products as automobiles, ap­
pliances and building materials have brought
layoffs or shorter weeks to some workers.


Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago

The rapid growth in inventories has been
confined almost entirely to durable goods at
the manufacturing, distributor and retail
levels. Inventories of soft goods, such as
paper, petroleum products, textiles and pro­
cessed foods, generally are not out of line
with current needs.
Prices of a number of raw materials, such
as cotton, wool, hides, rubber, tin, lead and
steel scrap, declined during 1966. Holding
these commodities in excess of normal re­
quirements as protection against possible
price increases or shortages, therefore, ap­
peared less necessary to many firms. On the
other hand, prices of other materials, such as
sulphur, copper, aluminum, cobalt, nickel,
cadmium and molybdenum, rose in late 1966
or early 1967 and lead times on bearings,

Inventories rose faster than sales
starting last spring

to so le s’*





I9 6 0





inventories at month-end divided by monthly sales.


forgings, castings and electrical components
remained very long. In this environment,
ample inventories of such items, of course,
appeared desirable even when holdings
seemed large relative to current consumption.
Steel production declined gradually in the
final months of 1966, partly because of
planned inventory curtailment by steel con­
sumers. In November the ratio of manufac­
turers’ inventories of steel to consumption
was the lowest for the month since the series
was started in 1961. Meanwhile, steel firms
increased their inventories of finished steel
anticipating that customers would increase
orders before long, perhaps after the turn of
the year when inventories are commonly
valued for accounting and tax purposes.
Many business firms have encountered
problems with unbalanced inven­
tories, with some types of pur­
chased materials in excess and
others short. Generally these are
durable goods manufacturers,
some of whom placed orders for
larger quantities than needed in
the expectation of delays in de­
livery or supplier allocations that
did not materialize.
Inventories invariably have
risen relative to sales prior to
business cycle peaks in the post­
war period as supply conditions
eased and demand slowed. Usu­
ally much sharper increases in
these ratios occurred after gen­
eral business declines were under
way because output reductions
lagged the slowdown in sales.
Although the aggregate inven­
tory-sales ratio has risen in re­
cent months, the increase was
from a relatively low level. The
November ratios of 1.73 for

Business Conditions, February 1967

manufacturing and 1.54 for all
Large employment gains
business were still somewhat be­
continued through 1966
low the levels of 1953, 1957 and
1960 when total economic activity
change from previous quarter, thousand employes
was approaching a peak.
Increasing numbers of business
firms have undertaken to halt or
reverse the rise in their inven­
tories. In several industries—
building materials, autos, appli­
ances and steel—production cut­
backs already are correcting
excesses. One of the major uncer­
tainties in the near-term economic
picture is whether inventory ad­
justments can be completed in
particular industries without set­
ting in motion a general decline in
orders. A widespread move on
the part of business to reduce
inventories would tend to under­
mine the assumptions underlying
the preceding year. In December, 18 of 23
favorable projections for total activity in
important Seventh District labor markets
were classified by the Department of Labor
Labor m a rk e ts still tig h t
as having relatively low unemployment, com­
Both total wage and salary employment
pared with 66 of 150 areas for the nation.
and manufacturing employment in the United
The District picture had changed very little
States continued to rise throughout 1966.
from a year earlier in December. During the
From September to December wage and
same period the number of centers in the
salary employment rose by about 900,000,
nation in the low unemployment group rose
and manufacturing employment by 270,000,
by a third.
Unemployment for the nation averaged
equivalent in each case to a seasonally ad­
justed annual rate of over 5.5 percent. These
only 3.8 percent of the civilian labor force in
the fourth quarter, the lowest since 1953. For
gains were about equal to the increase for
1966 as a whole from 1965. Prior to earlier
married men the rate was only 1.8 percent,
much less than in any previous period on
business cycle peaks the rate of rise in em­
ployment has slowed markedly and manufac­
record for this series which started in 1955.
turing employment usually has declined.
Increases in new claims for unemployment
compensation were recorded in December,
Employment gains during 1966 were
especially in areas with large automobile
somewhat less for the Midwest than for the
nation, partly because unemployment had
plants. Nevertheless, the proportion of cov­
fallen to low levels in most of the region in
ered workers receiving unemployment com

■ I , I

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I I l



Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago

pensation in December remained very low,
ranging from 1.2 percent in Indiana and Iowa
to 2.1 percent in Michigan, among Seventh
District states, compared with 2.6 percent for
the nation. For all District states (except
Michigan) and for the nation, the proportion
of workers receiving unemployment compen­
sation in December was the lowest on record
for the month in a series dating back to 1953.
The proportion for Michigan was lower than
any December except in 1965.
Tight labor markets—along with relatively
high profits and rising living costs—comprise
the major reasons for larger increases in
wages and salaries in recent months. Five
percent annual increases in wage rates have
been replacing the 3 to 4 percent norm of
earlier years. This trend is expected to con­
tinue in 1967 even in the face of reduced
demand for labor in some industries. If so,
continuance of the upward cost pressures on
prices is indicated.
P arallels and prospects


Comparisons of recent economic trends
with past periods when activity neared cycli­
cal peaks reveal certain similarities, but also
important differences. Until the second quar­
ter of 1965, the business uptrend of the Six­
ties was remarkable both from the standpoint
of its longevity and the variety of industries
participating. Since then some types of ac­
tivity have declined, some have ceased to
grow and others have increased at a slower
rate. Nevertheless, the rise in total employ­
ment and income has continued.
Unquestionably, the past six months have
seen a deterioration in confidence of many
consumers, businessmen and lenders. Part of
the slowdown in consumer spending, accord­
ing to recent household surveys, reflects un­
certainty caused particularly by rising prices
and the Vietnam conflict. Improvement in

consumer attitudes would find the nation’s
families in an excellent position to increase
their expenditures. Temporary plateaus in
consumer spending, followed by resumption
of the long-term rise have occurred several
times in the past without serious effects on
activity. Retail sales cannot for long remain
out of touch with changes in income.
An interval will elapse before some of the
softer sectors of the economy begin to expand
again. Many families, business firms and
financial institutions are attempting to rebuild
liquidity positions. Inventories in some indus­
tries are being reduced to more comfortable
levels. Some improvement in home building
may occur fairly promptly, but a rebound to
earlier peaks is likely to be delayed by the
need to refill pipelines of credit, materials
and developed land, and for contractors to
rebuild their crews.
To a large degree, the slower rate of eco­
nomic expansion of recent months reflects
limits to the physical capacity of the economy
and monetary and fiscal measures directed
toward restraining price inflation and hold­
ing the expansion to a more sustainable pace.
As conditions warrant, these braking influ­
ences can be moderated and reversed.
Monetary policy has been directed toward
less restraint for some months. Interest rates
have declined and growth in bank credit has
resumed. If labor and materials were to be­
come more generally available, restraints on
Federal spending for buildings and highways
could be eased, and the December 31 date
for reinstating the investment tax credit ad­
vanced. In short, assuming an abatement of
price inflation and greater availability of re­
sources, monetary and fiscal policy could be
turned from the brake to the throttle and with
reasonable expectations that demand growth
would be stabilized at a high, and hopefully,
noninflationary rate.

Business Conditions, February 1967

Competition in banking
W hat is known? W h at is the evidence?
ertain aspects of recent controversy over
the role of competition in banking were dis­
cussed in general terms in the January issue
of this review.1 In banking as in baking, how­
ever, the proof of the pudding is in the eating.
This second instalment, therefore, undertakes
to describe the actual results achieved in the
marketplace, as gauged by prices charged
and paid and services rendered, under al­
ternative banking structures.
Studies of structure and performance in
banking markets have been handicapped both
by data difficulties and by the impossibility of
holding “all other things equal” when seeking
to measure the effects of specific factors pres­
ent in different market situations. Neverthe­
less, by cross classification of the data and
the use of multiple regression analysis, it
often has been possible to isolate the more
important and consistent relationships which
shed light on certain of the issues.
Summarized here are the major results of a
generous sample of research efforts that have
been undertaken in the past two decades.
These are listed on pages 8 and 9 together
with their reference numbers.
It deserves stress that the conclusions indi­
cated by these studies are suggestive rather
than final. In some instances, clear incon­
sistencies are revealed in the results. Com­
plete consistency in the findings could scarce­
ly be expected simply because of the widely

’See “C o m p etitio n in banking: the issu e s,”
Business Conditions, January 1967.

diverse samples of banks and bank markets
studied and the possibilities that some of
these were not representative of all banks.
Where all but one or two of several investi­
gators report similar findings, the relationship
found by the majority may still be a valid
one, but it should be studied further before
being accepted as conclusive and providing a
basis for generalization.
The e ffec ts o f b a n k in g c on cen tratio n

With these reservations in mind, we pro­
ceed to present the available evidence.
Among the structural characteristics of bank­
ing markets most frequently alleged to have
an effect on performance are the number and
size distribution of banks and other financial
institutions. There is a presumption—partly
based on experience in other industries and
partly derived from economic theory—that
the smaller the number of independent sellers
in a particular market or the greater the con­
centration of business in the hands of a few,
the lower is likely to be the quality of the
product or service and the higher the price.
Several analysts have attempted to deter­
mine the relationships, if any, between con­
centration—generally measured as the per­
centage of total deposits in a given banking
market accounted for by some small number
of banks—and various measures of banking
performance. On this basis, and other things
equal, it would be expected that interest rates
on loans should be higher, interest rates on
time deposits lower, the ratio of time to total
deposits lower and pretax earnings on assets

Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago

higher in markets where concentration is high
than in those with greater diffusion of “mar­
ket power.”
In addition, it has been suggested that con­
centration would be likely to result in less
activity in the form of direct lending and more
in purchases of securities, which would be
reflected in a lower loan to deposit ratio than
would otherwise prevail. The number of
banks in the market, on the other hand,
would be expected to be related to measures
of performance in a manner opposite to that
premised for concentration.
Results of four published studies [5, 6 , 7,
13] and two preliminary studies that exam­
ined the relationships between concentration
and performance are generally consistent
with expectations. The inconsistencies are so
few and tentative as to be attributed reasona­
bly to chance characteristics of the data. The
one exception concerns the relationship be­
tween interest rates on business loans and
Although three of the four studies [5, 6 ,
13]—including a major research effort that

utilized extensive data from the Federal Re­
serve’s 1955 and 1957 surveys of business
loans [5]— found a direct relationship,
another study [7] utilizing many of the same
data came to the conclusion that “no easily
identifiable relationship exists between con­
centration ratios and the level of interest
rates charged by commercial banks on busi­
ness loans.”
According to the author of this research
paper [7], intercity variation in loan rates is
better explained by regional differences in
such factors as the rate of change of employ­
ment, bank operating expenses and competi­
tion from nonbank financial institutions. He
further contends that the direct or positive
relationship between concentration and loan
rates found by the earlier studies is a spuri­
ous result ascribable to the pronounced but
misleading correlation between concentra­
tion and the true explanatory factors.
The technical nature of these questions
precludes any attempt to demonstrate which
of the conflicting results seems more accepta­
ble. Suffice it that competent scholars have


Alhadeff, David A. Monopoly and Competition in


tember, 1965), 1-34.


Anderson, Bernard Eric. "An

Investigation into


& Performance in M etropolitan Areas. Washing­

Bank Behavior." Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation,

ton: U. S. Board of Governors of the Federal

Benston, George J.

"Economies of Scale

Reserve System, 1965.


Bank of Kansas City, 1962.

tio n a l Banking Review, II (June, 1965), 507-49.


Carson, Deane and Cootner, Paul H. "The Struc­




I. "Banking

Structure and

ture of Competition in Commercial Banking in

Costs: A Statistical Study of the Cost-Output

the United States." Private Financial Institutions.

Relationship in Commercial Banking." Unpub­

(Commission on Money and Credit, Research

lished Ph.D. dissertation, Johns Hopkins Uni­

Studies.) Englewood Cliffs: Prentice-Hall, 1963,

versity, 1964.

pp. 55-155.

Gramley, Lyle E. A Study of Scale Economies in
Banking. Kansas City, Missouri: Federal Reserve

Marginal Costs in Banking Operations," N a­


Flechsig, Theodore G. Banking M arket Structure

the Effects of Banking Structure on Aspects of
Ohio State University, 1964.

Edwards, Franklin R. "The Banking Competition
Controversy," N ational Banking Review, III (Sep­

Banking. Berkeley: University of California Press,


Horvitz, Paul M. Concentration and Competition

Edwards, Franklin R. Concentration and Competi­

in New England Banking. Research Report No.

tion in Commercial Banking: A Statistical Study.

2. Boston: Federal Reserve Bank of Boston,

Research Report No. 26, Federal Reserve Bank
of Boston, 1964.


Horvitz, Paul M. "Economies of Scale in Bank-

Business Conditions, February 1967

the “expected” negative relationship. In all
four studies, average loan rate was measured
as the ratio of interest received on loans dur­
ing the year to total loans outstanding.
Such a gross measure is, of course, open
to many objections, particularly that it glosses
over differences in the makeup of credit de­
mand and resulting bank-to-bank variations
in loan composition. The distortion caused
by the use of such a measure of the interest
rate on loans would tend to be smaller for
large samples and for samples consisting of
banks that are alike in as many characteristics
as possible. For this reason, the negative re­
lationship between the number of banks in
individual market areas and average interest
rates on loans found in a study [13] of 672
banks in Iowa is more persuasive than the
contrary result reported on the strength of an
analysis [ 12 ] of 106 one- and two-bank
towns throughout the country. At the same
time, the highly localized character of the
Iowa sample makes any generalization to
conditions elsewhere hazardous; a prelimi­
nary study at the Chicago Federal Reserve

been unable to reach agreement on this issue
on the basis of the data currently available.
Nevertheless, this still unresolved contro­
versy serves to illustrate the dangers of ac­
cepting the results of any one study as con­
clusive, especially in the absence of thorough
familiarity with the data and methods em­
ployed in the analysis. But with the possible
exception of interest rates on business loans,
the evidence so far available is consistent with
the view that differences in the degree of
banking concentration may be responsible for
at least a part of any differences observed in
performance in banking markets.
The results of two published studies [12,
13] and two preliminary studies that exam­
ined the effects on performance of the number
of banks in the market are also generally in
accord with theoretical expectations. As with
concentration, the most important incon­
sistencies concerned interest rates on loans.
Two of the studies found a positive relation­
ship between number of banks and loan rates
—that is, the greater the number of banks the
higher the level of loan rates—and two found

ing." Private Financial Institutions. (Commission


on Money and Credit, Research Studies.) Engle­



Phillips, Almarin. "Competition, Confusion, and

Schweiger, Irving and McGee, John S. Chicago

Performance: The Evidence from Iowa," South­

Banking, The Structure

ern Economic Journal, XXXII (April, 1966), 429-

Banks and Related Financial Institutions in Chi­

Banks and Local Savings," N ational Banking




cago and Other Areas. Chicago: University of

Kaufman, George G. and Latta, Cynthia M. "N ear

Chicago, Graduate School of Business, 1961.

Review, III (June, 1966), 539-42.




Wallace, Richard S. "Banking Structure and Bank
Performance: A Case Study of Three Small
Market Areas." Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation,


and the Public Interest. Albany: New York State
Banking Department, 1964.


(March, 1964), 32-45.

Kaufman, George G. "Bank Market Structure and




Commercial Banking," Journal of Finance, XIX





tional Banking Review, II (December, 1964),


N ational Banking Review, I (June, 1964), 469-

Horvitz, Paul M. and Shull, Bernard. "The Impact
of Branch Banking on Bank Performance," N a ­


Entry and the Public Interest: A Case Study,"

wood Cliffs: Prentice-Hall, 1963, pp. 1-54.

Motter, David

Kreps, Clifton H. Jr. "Character and Competitive­

University of Virginia, 1965.

Weintraub, Robert and Jessup, Paul. A Study of
Selected Banking Services by Bank Size, Struc­

ness of Local Banking: A Summary." Unpub­

ture, and

lished paper, Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond,

Committee on

Digitized 1965.


U. S.


Cong., 2d Sess., 1964.





Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago


Bank of 413 Indiana banks under somewhat
less uniform conditions yielded generally in­
conclusive results.
A second unpublished paper, which exam­
ines the relationship between loan rates and
changes in the number of banks in Indian­
apolis in the postwar period, lends further
support to the view that interest rates on
loans tend to vary inversely with the number
of competing banks. As for the relationships
between the number of banks and other
performance variables—specifically, interest
rates on time deposits, ratios of loans to
assets, time to total deposits and pretax earn­
ings to assets, and service charges on demand
deposits—none of the four studies contradicts
the conjectures made above although in a few
cases the data also fail to give them posi­
tive support. Importantly, however, of the
four foregoing studies only the one for Iowa
reported relationships that were “significant”
in the statistical sense that the results might
not reasonably have occurred by chance.
Additional evidence is offered in two other
bank studies, one in New York state [15] and
the other in the Chicago area [19]. The form­
er found some tendency for rates on new
car loans, conventional mortgage loans and
small business loans to be higher and rates
paid on savings deposits to be lower in up­
state New York towns with only one banking
office than in towns with two or more offices.
On the other hand, service charges on check­
ing accounts were generally lower in the onebank towns. The Chicago study found that in­
terest rates on automobile loans tended to be
lower in suburbs having larger numbers of
banks. The samples in both of these studies,
however, were relatively small and the results
are therefore only tentative.
The findings reviewed thus far generally
conform with expectations. This is not true,
however, of the results of a number of other

studies that have been made. An example is
furnished by investigations of the effects on
bank behavior ascribable to the presence of
nonbank financial institutions.
C om petition fro m t h r ift institutions

Students of banking and bankers alike are
aware that, although commercial banks offer
checking deposit services that are unique,
they face strong “outside” competition in the
supply of other financial services. This is par­
ticularly true for savings. The savings and
time deposits offered by commercial banks
compete with mutual savings bank deposits,
savings and loan association and credit union
shares and other highly liquid financial assets.
The intensity of such competition has been
in sharp focus during the recent “rate war”
between the banks and savings and loan asso­
ciations and had been evident in the earlier
dramatic rise in commercial bank time and
savings deposits following the revision of
Regulation Q in 1962. Nevertheless, evidence
so far examined indicates that the presence
of a thrift institution in a community has no
systematic influence on the rates paid by com­
mercial banks on time deposits.
Of three studies that examined this ques­
tion [ 12 , 13, 18], only one—which looked at
unit banks in Minnesota—supports what
would be expected on a priori grounds,
namely that the additional competition
afforded by the presence of a nonbank finan­
cial institution would raise the interest rates
on time deposits paid by commercial banks.
The Iowa study [13] found no such relation­
ship and the previously mentioned study of
106 unit banks [ 12 ] showed results precisely
opposite to what would appear plausible.
The evidence regarding the effect that the
presence of a thrift institution has on the
ratio of commercial bank time deposits to
total deposits and total local savings (sav-

Business Conditions, February 1967

ings held in local institutions) relative to
population or income is somewhat more help­
ful. Both the study of Iowa banks [13] and
that of the 106 unit banks located through­
out the country [ 12 ] found that the ratio of
commercial bank time deposits to total de­
posits tends to be lower in those communities
where a nonbank thrift institution is present,
indicating that to some degree commercial
bank and other savings are substitutes.
A related finding is the conclusion of a
follow-up study [14] of the same Iowa coun­
ties included in study [12]. This study was
supplemented by an analysis of data for 48
states and showed that the volume of local
savings at banks and thrift institutions com­
bined—both in the aggregate and per capita
—is larger, the greater is the proportion of
local “deposits” held by the nonbank institu­
tions. Similarly, a study of large metropolitan
areas found that savings are greater relative
to income in areas with mutual savings banks
[19]. On balance, this evidence, if not that
relating to time deposit interest rates, con­
firms the existence of considerable inter­
industry competition between commercial
banks and thrift institutions.
Branch b a n k in g and p e rfo rm a n ce

Perhaps the most controversial issue in
American banking history and one on which
feelings have been stronger than any other
concerns branch banking. While much of the
emotion surrounding discussion of this sub­
ject is undoubtedly attributable to aspects of
a noneconomic nature, much of the writing
and debate have focused upon purely eco­
nomic considerations. Certain of the claims
and counterclaims made over the years re­
garding the economic effects of branch bank­
ing have recently been subjected to the im­
personal assessment of statistical analysis.
Seven studies [2, 6 , 10, 12, 16, 19, 20]

comparing bank performance in unit and
branch areas reveal only one clear-cut con­
tradiction: one [ 12 ] found interest rates on
time deposits to be higher in branching areas
while another [6 ] found them to be lower.
Of 12 other measures of performance, six
were observed to be generally more favorable
to bank customers in branch banking areas
than in unit banking areas. The ratios of time
to total deposits and loans to assets were
higher under branch banking as were per­
sonal savings relative to income and the num­
ber of banking offices relative to population.
At the same time, interest rates on mortgage
and unsecured instalment loans were lower.
The six remaining measures of perfor­
mance, on the other hand, were more favora­
ble in unit banking areas. Interest rates on
business and new car loans, the average re­
turn on all loans, the ratio of net current
earnings both to assets and to capital and ser­
vice charges on checking accounts were all
lower in unit banking areas. However, the
lower earnings to assets and earnings to capi­
tal ratios of unit banks are to be viewed as
advantageous to consumers only insofar as
they reflect competitive pricing in the mar­
ket, which is already partially taken into ac­
count in the measures of time deposits and
loan interest rates. If the lower earnings rates
of unit banks are the result of inefficiency—
that is, higher unit costs for a given package
of services—they may actually be detrimental
to the interests of consumers in the long run
by leading to a deterioration in the quality
of service.
The observed relationships may be due to
factors other than the prevalent form of bank­
ing organization. In particular, branch and
unit banking follow fairly definite geographic
patterns in the United States, suggesting that
regional differences in demand or in the
character of state bank regulation could have


Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago


pronounced effects on bank performance that
may not properly be attributed to organiza­
tional characteristics. It may be useful, then,
to look at the results of seven studies [ 1,
2 , 6 , 12 , 15, 19, 2 1 ] that have compared the
performance of unit and branch banks within
branch banking states.
A comparison of these findings again illus­
trates the extent to which the results of indi­
vidual studies have occasionally differed on
particular questions. The only results not
contradicted by at least one of the seven
studies are that branch banks generally have
higher net current earnings relative to capital
and higher loan to asset ratios than unit banks
in the same state. The latter finding has been
reported with unvarying regularity.
Inasmuch as loans bear greater risks than
Government securities, the reduction in risks
attributable to the geographic and industrial
diversification of lending enabled by branch
banking would be expected to result in higher
ratios of loans to deposits and loans to assets;
competition may or may not be an important
factor in accounting for them. These ratios,
in turn, are important in accounting for the
higher earnings rates of branch banks.
Somewhat less thoroughly documented,
but still worthy of consideration is the find­
ing reported in two recent contributions [6 ,
12 ] that ratios of time to total deposits are
lower for branch banks than for unit banks
in the same states. Also receiving support
from two studies [15, 2 1 ] is a tendency for
service charges on checking accounts to be
higher at branch banks. But while the latter
finding simply confirms what was learned in
the comparisons between branch banking and
unit banking areas, the former flatly contra­
dicts the reported results of the inter-area
What at first glance seem to be inconsistent conclusions are in fact two valid

aspects of the relationship between branch
banking and the ratio of time to total de­
posits. Although branch banking areas typi­
cally have higher time deposit ratios than
unit banking areas, unit banks within the
branch banking areas surpass branch banks
in their proportion of time to total deposits.
If, as has been tacitly assumed here, the time
to total deposit ratio reflects competitive
forces—in the sense that vigorous competi­
tion for deposits will result in some demand
deposits being bid away to the interest pay­
ing time deposit categories—then the inter­
area comparisons suggest that deposit com­
petition is keener in branch banking areas.
This interpretation, however, may attri­
bute to branching laws the influence of re­
gional differences in saving habits or other
factors. Similarly, the generally higher inter­
est rates paid on time deposits and higher
ratios of time to total deposits of unit banks
within branch banking areas lend themselves
to various interpretations. They might mean,
among other things, that unit banks in branch
banking areas must resort to rate competi­
tion to make up for the greater locational
convenience offered by branch systems.
Entry by branching

A distinctive type of comparison between
branch and unit banking was the before-andafter study carried out in Nassau County,
New York [17]. This examined the effects of
New York state’s Omnibus Banking Act of
1960, which opened suburban counties to
branches of the New York City banks. The
findings for Nassau County were as follows:
Somewhat surprisingly, the aggregate rate of
return to capital in banking did not fall in the
years immediately following entry, possibly
because of the strong and growing demand
for banking services during the period in
question. On the other hand, there was a

Business Conditions, February 1967

“significant increase in number of offices and
number of banks per submarket,” a reduction
in instalment loan interest rates and a gradual
increase in interest rates on time and savings
But although these results strongly suggest
that benefits are to be derived from liberaliza­
tion of branching laws and subsequent entry
by branching, the study deals only with the
immediate, short-run effects of such a move.
It tells nothing about the potential long-term
influence of big city branches on competition
in the suburbs, nor does it adequately isolate
the influence of liberalizing the branching law
from that of the extraordinary growth and
economic change in Nassau County in affect­
ing the measures of bank performance used.
Nevertheless, the figures presented are suffi­
ciently impressive to make a strong prima
facie case that the change in banking law
favorably affected the price and quality of
banking services in Nassau County.
Branching b y m e rg e r

A final type of study bearing on the merits
of branch and unit banking looks at the
changes in lending behavior and pricing
policy that occur when a unit bank becomes,
through merger, a branch of a larger bank.
Two studies [12, 15]—which utilized similar
questionnaires—purport to shed some light
on this area of banking controversy.
The results of the two studies are striking
in their agreement. In only one of 17 mea­
sures of performance is any inconsistency
evident; this disagreement concerns service
charges on regular checking accounts.
Whereas the New York state study [15]
found that mergers generally led to reduced
service charges, the other study [ 12 ]—which
surveyed all national banks that acquired
other banks through merger in 1962—re­
ported that service charges were usually

raised. With respect to every measure but
two—service charges on special checking
accounts under two alternative assumptions
regarding activity and average balances—
the effects of mergers were generally favor­
able to consumers. After merger, interest
rates on savings deposits were higher; interest
rates on 24-month new car loans, 15-year
conventional mortgages and unsecured small
business loans were lower; secured and un­
secured lending authority of the chief lending
officer was greater; maturities on car loans
and conventional, FHA- and VA-mortgage
loans were longer, and maximum amounts on
car loans and all three types of mortgage
loans were greater. Thus, the quantitative
measures of bank performance relied on in
these two surveys failed to discern any of the
noncompetitive results that opponents of
branch banking and mergers often allege to
be inherent in multiple office banking.
Closer examination, however, reveals that
the results reported are at best misleading and
at worst potentially dangerous. It would be
absurd, for example, to use them as a guide
to future policy, for the favorable effects
found to accompany most of the mergers are
themselves partly the result of the discretion
exercised by regulatory authorities in the past
in deciding which mergers to permit. This is
less true of the New York study [15], which
examined mergers that occurred from 1951
to 1961 when little public control was exer­
cised over bank mergers. Nevertheless, the
bias imparted by the selected nature of the
samples studied cannot safely be ignored.
Even if it is the case that mergers are, on
balance, beneficial to consumers, this would
not be grounds for giving blanket approval to
all branching by merger. Both studies found
some mergers to be detrimental to the public
interest. The emphasis must continue to be
on strengthening the ability to identify in ad-


Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago

vance, for purposes of prevention, those mer­
gers that would be likely to have adverse
effects on bank customers.
Branch le n d in g policies


Certain other charges against branch bank­
ing receive support from the studies cited.
The New York state study [15] found that
the out-of-town branches of branch banks
were less willing to make small (less than
$25,000) unsecured loans than were unit
banks. This was evidenced by the greater
volume, whether measured by number or dol­
lar amount, of unsecured loans relative to
deposits at unit banks. The same observa­
tion was made several years earlier in a study
of New England banking [10].
Often voiced in conjunction with the
charge that branches tend to have much more
impersonal lending policies than unit banks
is the argument that branch banking is unde­
sirable because it drains some localities of
funds and lends them elsewhere. The charge
receives support from the New York finding
that branches showed a much greater disper­
sion of loan to deposit ratios than did unit
banks, clearly indicating that some branches
were primarily deposit collecting agencies,
whereas others were primarily loan outlets.
Although the evidence apparently bears
out the factual basis of these two charges, it
has nothing to say about their logic. Their
underlying premise—the notion that deposit
funds generated locally should stay at home
—has little to recommend it, either as bank­
ing practice or public policy. It amounts to a
contention that the interests of bank borrow­
ers and depositors perfectly coincide, which
is not generally true.
Any attempt to limit the lending activities
of banks to a specified geographic area or
otherwise to favor local borrowers would be
almost certain to divert bank credit into less

profitable channels. This, in turn, would re­
duce the earnings from which depositors can
be paid for the use of their funds and intro­
duce a distortion in the allocation of society’s
Bank size and p e rfo rm a n c e

An additional characteristic of banks that
may be systematically related to bank per­
formance is absolute size, measured in terms
of assets or deposits. The studies that have
been made of the influence of this factor fall
into two broad categories: first, studies of
economies of scale [1, 3, 8 , 9, 11, 19] and,
second, studies of the price, quality and
availability of banking services at banks of
different sizes [2, 4, 6 , 12, 19, 21].
Studies in the first category are concerned
with finding which size of bank is most
“efficient”—that is, which scale of produc­
tion results in minimal costs per unit of out­
put. Although several of these studies are the
products of imaginative and laborious re­
search, none of them satisfactorily comes to
grips with a major conceptual problem—
namely, the specification of just what it is
that banks “produce.”
Banks of different size and location offer
diverse combinations of services that cannot
readily be measured with a common yard­
stick. The failure to solve this problem in an
adequate manner— a failing of which most
investigators in the field are fully aware—
robs their quantitative findings of much sig­
nificance. In fact, since most studies arbi­
trarily measure bank output in terms of the
dollar value of assets and since it is well es­
tablished both that larger banks in general
make larger loans than small banks and that
costs per dollar are regularly lower for large
than for small loans, these studies embody a
systematic bias in the direction of overstating
the relative efficiency of large banks.

Business Conditions, February 1967

Despite this, a finding common to almost
all of the studies was that the greatest part of
the potential savings due to size may be re­
alized by banks with no more than 10 mil­
lion dollars in deposits. When output is mea­
sured by the number of loans or deposit
accounts rather than the dollar volume, as in
a recent study of the costs of a sample of
New England banks [3], the results are even
less favorable to large size. Extremely mod­
erate economies of scale were reported for
each of six separate bank activities for which
cost to output relationships were estimated.
Another interesting attempt to measure
economies of scale defined bank output as
the yield weighted sum of 16 earning asset
categories [9]. The study found that average
costs of banks in the Kansas City Federal
Reserve District decreased up to a deposit
size of about 300 million dollars, then began
to increase. In sharp contrast to the con­
clusion reached in a study of all member
banks in 1959 [11] that branch offices were
more expensive to operate than unit banks of
the same size, it was reported by the Kansas
City study that merging unit banks into a
branch system would reduce costs even if the
output of each office remained unchanged.
At the present time—given the conflicting
results, inadequate data and imperfect meth­
odology of extant studies—there is no firm
basis for judgment on which size of bank is
most efficient. In all probability this will de­
pend on the composition of the services
rendered so that at best there may be only
an optimal distribution of sizes of banks,
rather than a single optimal size for all banks.
The influence of size on other banking per­
formance variables has been the subject of
several studies [2, 4, 6 , 12, 19, 21]. At first
glance, the results seem to be entirely in
favor of size. Not only do larger banks pay
higher average rates on savings, but they

charge lower average rates on loans, have
higher ratios of time to total deposits and—
despite this price situation, which would ap­
pear to be unfavorable to bank profits—they
end up with higher net current earnings rela­
tive to both assets and capital. The problem,
similar to that encountered in studies of econ­
omies of scale, is that the effective rates of
interest were computed as the ratios of total
interest income on loans to total loans and
total deposit interest paid to total time de­
posits (except for the Chicago area study
[19], which gives the quoted rates on specific
types of loans).
It is well known, however, that large banks
have a larger share of their assets in large,
low-cost, low-risk loans to major corpora­
tions on which interest rates charged are rela­
tively low. Similarly, large banks normally
have a much larger share of their time de­
posits in large denomination certificates of
deposit, which entail little administrative ex­
pense and generally command higher interest
rates than are paid on regular savings ac­
counts. For this reason the findings presented
contain a pronounced bias and must be re­
garded as possessing only limited validity.
Some additional insight into the relation­
ship of size to banking performance is shed
by a recent questionnaire survey of 2,650
commercial banks [21]. Using cross-classifi­
cation tables to sort the separate influences
of bank structure (branch versus unit), size
and location (city versus other), the authors
concluded that “size is what matters in the
provision of banking services, not location,
and not structure.”
Thus, larger banks more frequently made
automatic allocations from depositors’ de­
mand deposits to their savings accounts;
maintained Christmas Club programs, and
provided trust services, parking facilities,
drive-in windows, special checking accounts,


Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago

data processing, payroll and locked box
services, foreign exchange, revolving credit
and safe deposit boxes. On the other hand,
charges on regular checking accounts were
found to be generally lower at small banks
than at large banks.
But although the authors concluded that
“banking services definitely increase with
bank size,” they hastened to add that “where
small banks are less apt to provide the serv­
ice than large ones . . . usually it is because
there is little demand for this service by the
customers of the smaller banks.”
Policy im plications

No attempt has been made in this article
either to present every detail of each study or
to survey more than a small sample of recent
research in the general area of banking mar­
kets. Nevertheless, most of the major empiri­
cal studies that deal directly with banking
competition have been included so that the
results presented are biased to only a mini­
mal degree by selective omission. If the find­
ings are taken at their face value—which, as
has repeatedly been indicated, is very hazard­
ous—they would seem to suggest the desira­
bility of a public policy toward banking
structure that discouraged concentration, en­
couraged new entry, liberalized branching
and permitted banks to grow to large size.
That these immediate goals in many mar­
ket situations would be mutually contradic­
tory follows as a matter of arithmetical
necessity. These contradictions— apparently
inherent in a society where technological ad­

vantages of size exist side by side with an
economic system that relies on competition
to prevent exploitation of consumers and the
stagnation of industry—are the essence of the
problem faced by the public agencies en­
trusted with channeling the evolution of the
banking system along those lines most con­
ducive to the public interest.
Valuable as they are as a start toward pro­
viding a factual basis for decisions bearing a
crucial impact on the quality and prices of
banking services today and in the future, em­
pirical studies like those summarized above
can provide only part of the answers to ques­
tions involving fundamental value judgments.
There is the possibility that particular changes
in the banking structure may have much more
pronounced effects on some classes of bank
customers than on others. There is also the
fact that bank performance is far from being
uniquely determined by bank size or struc­
ture or even the intensity of external rivalry
but that it does depend heavily on the quali­
ties of individual bank managements and
personnel—factors that are not easily re­
ducible to terms suitable for statistical in­
Imperfect knowledge, nevertheless, is
greatly to be preferred to total ignorance. If
the great amount of effort currently being
expended on research in the field of banking
markets and banking competition yields
nothing else, it will have been worthwhile if
it dispels some of the prejudices and precon­
ceptions that have marked discussion of these
subjects in the past.

BUSINESS CONDITIONS is published monthly by the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago. George W . Cloos was primarily
responsible for the article "The trend of business" and Larry R. Mote for "Competition in banking; W hat is known?
W hat is the evidence?"
Subscriptions to Business Conditions are available to the public without charge. For information concerning bulk mailings,
address inquiries to the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois 60690.

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