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U. S. DEPARTMENT OF LABOR JAMES J. DAVIS, Secretary BUREAU OF LABOR STATISTICS ETHELBERT STEWART, Commissioner BULLETIN OF THE UNITED STATES ) BUREAU OF LABOR STATISTICS) MISCELLANEOUS . . . No. 318 SERIES BUILDING PERMITS IN THE PRINCIPAL CITIES OF THE UNITED STATES IN 1921 JANUARY, 1923 WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1923 A D D IT IO N A L COPIES OF THIS PUBLICATION MAY B E PROCURED FROM TH E SUPERINTENDENT OF DOCUMENTS GOVERNM ENT PRINTING OFFICE W ASHINGTON, D . C. AT 10 CEN TS P E R COPY PURCHASER AGREES NOT TO RESELL OR DISTRIBUTE THIS COPY FOR PROFIT.— PU B. R ES. 57, APPROVED MAY 11, 1922 V CONTENTS. Page. Introduction............................................................................................................................ 5-10 Explanation of general table.............................................................................................. 10,11 T able A.—Number and proposed cost of buildings (new construction and repairs, alterations, and additions on old buildings) covered by permits issued in 1921, by intended use of buildings......................................................................... 12-83 Part 1.—New residential buildings.......................................................................... 12-43 Part 2.—New nonresidential buildings..................................................................... 44-71 Part 3.—Repairs, alterations, and additions on old buildings, and grand total, all permits........................................................................................................ 72-83 8 BULLETIN OF THE U. S. BUREAU OF LABOR STATISTICS N O . 318 WASHINGTON Ja n u a r y , 1923 BUILDING PERMITS IN THE PRINCIPAL CITIES OF THE UNITED STATES IN 1 9 2 1 . INTRODUCTION. Last year the Bureau of Labor Statistics issued its first annual report on this subject, collecting information for the year 1920 from cities of 35,000 population and over. In this, the second in vestigation, the scope of the survey has been extended in an effort to cover all cities of 25,000 and over in the United States—287 cities in all. A report was obtained from each of 265 cities. From some cities the report was secured by mail direct from the local build ing inspectors, in other cities by personal visits of agents of the bureau. In cities in which the work was done by agents the data were taken either directly from the applications for permits on file in the building inspector’s office or from record books kept by the building inspector. No report was secured for 22 cities above 25,000 in population. A number of these cities have no building code and no building inspector. Such cities require no permit to be issued and therefore no record of the amount of building done is available. In a few cities the work of building inspection is done in part by the chief of the fire depart ment. In cities with building codes of this class the fire chief inspects all buildings erected in the fire zone—that is, in a certain restricted area in the heart of the business district only. It can be seen, then, that when any records at all are kept in these cities they are not for the city as a whole, and hence they have been omitted from the re port. The bureau collected information for 1920 not only as to the uses of the buildings erected but also as to the material of which they were built. It was found, however, that a clear-cut classification according to the material used in constructing a building could not be made, for buildings were reported according to materials used in their outer walls, and sometimes the walls of the first story of a dwelling house would be of brick and those of the upper story of wood. In large office buildings and stores the lower stories would sometimes be bunt of stone and the upper stories of brick. Then again steel skeleton buildings sometimes had brick outer walls and sometimes concrete or stone outer walls. All this made it difficult to classify buildings in regard to material used. Nor was it possible to make a very satisfactory classification of fire-resisting and nonfire-resisting buildings, as a building might be 5 6 BUILDING PERMITS IN 1921. placed under the heading of brick because it had brick outer walls and yet have a nonfireproof roof and wooden floors and stairways. The bureau therefore decided to drop that part of the investigation caffin^Tbr^classification of buildings according to material used, and to confine the investigation to the proposed use of the building and the number of families provided for in the dwelling houses erected. An attempt was made to find out the number of additional families cared for by alterations and additions to dwellings, such as changing a one-family dwelling into a two-family dwelling, etc. It was found, hbivSeve^, that comparatively few of the cities kept such records. Some cities which had no records of this kind promised to try to ob tain this information in the future. Undoubtedly quite a number of additional families have been provided for in this manner. Agents found in some towns that what had formerly been a one-family house had been altered so as to house as many as four and five fami lies, and also that garages and barns with a little alteration had been made habitable for one or more families. Such conditions were more usually found in the foreign sections of a factory or mill town. Previous to the year 1920 the Geological Survey of the United States Department of the Interior collected and published data con cerning the number and cost of buildings according to the material used in their construction. The figures shown below are the total amounts of money spent in 131 identical cities from which informa tion was obtained during the years 1914 to 1921, inclusive. From 1914 to 1919, inclusive, the figures are taken from the publications of the Geological Survey, for 1920 and 1921 from the records of the Bureau of Labor Statistics. 1914. 1915. . . . 1916 1917 .................. $749,515,813 1918.......................... .................. . . . . i ......... 776,978,256 1919 ....... 982,028,585 1920 ................. .................. 650,802,375 1921 .................. $401,770,354 1, 259,044, 808 1,343,629,036 1,602,496,737 These figures giving the cost of buildings, as shown by building permits, can not be interpreted to indicate the relative physical amount Of building construction, because the costs of both materials and labor used in such construction have varied from year to year. Table 1 shears the index number of the wholesale prices of build ing materials arid the index number of the changes in the union scale of wages in the building trades as a whole from 1913 to 1921, inclu sive, as compiled by the Bureau of Labor Statistics. T a b l e 1 . — IN D E X N U M B E R S O F W H O LESA LE PR IC ES O F B U IL D IN G M A T E R IA L S A N D U N IO N SCALE O F W AGES IN B U IL D IN G T R A D E S. Index numbers. Yoar. 1913................................... 1914.................... . . . . . . . 1 9 1 5 .......................... 1 1916................................... 1917................................... ! 1 9 1 8 .............................. ! 1919................................... 1920.................................. 1921................................... Wholesale prices. 100 92 94 120 157 172 201 264 165 Union wages. 100 102 103 106 113 126 145 197 200 7 INTRODUCTION. Table 2 shows the total number and estimated cost of the different kinds of buildings covered by permits in 265 cities, the per cent that each kind is of the total number, and the per cent that the cost of each kind is of the total cost, together with the" average cost per building. T able 2 .—B U IL D IN G PER M ITS ISSU E D IN 265 CITIES IN 1921, B Y IN T E N D E D U SE OF B U IL D IN G S. Use of buildings. Number Per cent of total of buildings. number. Cost of buildings. -Per cent Average of total cost per cost. building. RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS. Housekeeping dwellings: One-family dw ellings........................................... 132,665 Two-fam ily dwellings........................................... 17,117 One-family and two^family dwellings w ith stores com bined.................................................. 3,451 4,930 Multi-family apartm ents..................................... 572 Multi-family apartm ents w ith stores............. Nonhousekeeping dwellings: 98 Hotels.......................................................................... 27 Lodging hoftses........................................................ 133 All other..................................................................... Total residential................................................. 158,993 38.4 5.0 1.0 1.4 .2 .03 .01 .04 46.1 $526,317,604 114,682,111 32,940,979 207,021,211 14,086,679 39,676,010 476,559 7,800,505 943,001,658 33.3 7.2 13.1 .9 2.5 .03 .5 59.6 $3,967 6,700 9,545 41,992 24,627 404,857 17,650 58,650 5,931 62,517,117 29,393,444 73,564,759 26,924,861 59,499, 530 3,785,125 19,132, 734 114, 111, 049 16,461,532 14,607,376 90,640,217 8,944,025 5,440,477 101,229,133 12,872,101 639,123,480 1,582,125,138 4.0 1.9 4.7 1.7 3.8 .2 1.2 7.2 1.0 .9 5.7 .6 .3 6.4 .8 40.4 100.0 80,356 31,845 19,565 10,050 500 2,367 118,837 76,482 104,851 59,866 115,908 326 533 8,790 2,399 3,434 4,585 2.1 NONRESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS. 778 Amusem ent buildings................................................. 923 Churches............................................................................. Factories and workshops............................................ 3,760 Public garages.................................................................. 2,679 Private garages................................................................ 118,987 Service stations................................................................ 1,599 Institutions....................................................................... 161 1,492 Office buildings............................................................... Public buildings............................................................. 157 244 Public works and u tilities.......................................... 782 Schools and libraries..................................................... Sheds................................................................................... 27,435 Stables and barns........................................................... 10,213 Stores and warehouses.................................................. 11,516 A ll other............................................................................. 5,366 Total nonresidential......................................... 186,092 Grand total........................................................... 345,085 .2 .3 1.1 .8 34.5 .5 .04 .4 .05 .1 .2 8.0 3.0 3.3 1.6 53.9 100.0 It will be seen from the table that 46.1 per cent of the total number of buildings erected were residential buildings, and that 59.6 per cent of the total amount of money expended was spent for them. Of the residential buildings by far the greater number were onefamily houses—being 38.4 per cent of the total number of buildings and costing 33.3 per cent ot the total cost of all buildings. The greater number of nonresidential buildings were private garages, comprising 34.5 per cent of the total number of buildings and over 60 per cent of the nonresidential buildings. It will be noticed that $3,967 was the average cost for the con struction of a one-family house. The average cost of a one-family house as shown by the 1920 figures was $4,319. The average cost of a two-family house was $6,700 in 1921 and $7,441 in 1920. This lowering of average cost was due mainly to a drop in the price of building material. A study of this table shows that the increased building in 1921 was mainly in the building of dwelling houses or domestic outbuildings; for while the figures show that only 46.1 per cent of the total amount of buildings erected were for residential purposes, if deduction is also BUILDING PERMITS IN 1921. 8 made of the private garages (34.5 per cent of the total buildings erected), of sheds (8 per cent), and of stables and bams (3 per cent), it will leave only 8.4 per cent for all other buildings. When it is con sidered that the average cost of private garages is only $500, of sheds $326, and of stables and bams $553, it will be seen that while the number of these items is large, still they are of minor importance. The preponderance of dwelling houses over business establishments is a swinging of the pendulum from the war-time construction period. During th^ war and for a short time after the building of dwelling houses was neglected. The overcrowding in cities and the resultant high rents created a serious condition all over the country. On the other hand, many large manufacturing concerns expanded; large factories and mills of an kinds were built. This further crowded the cities, as it drew large numbers of workingmen to these centers with out providing them with a place in which to live. The events of the past year or so have shown that gradually the country is getting back to normal conditions, the table showing that comparatively few large factories or commercial buildings were built during 1921. On the other hand, numbers of people have left the cities, going back to the small towns, and to the country, but the great need is still the building of dwelling houses. In most cities 1921 was a year of constraction of this class of buildings, and from all indica tions the year 1922 will surpass 1921. It is interesting to note tnat in spite of industrial depression the amount of money spent in 1921 for amusement buildings was con siderably more than the combined amounts spent for churches and hospitals, and that the amount spent for amusement buildings and private garages combined was greater than that spent for either schools, office buildings, stores, or factories. Table 3 shows the total number of families provided for in 1921 and the per cent of families provided for by each different kind of dwellings. There were 227,259 families provided for in the cities covered by this report. Assuming 5 persons to a family this shows homes were provided for 1,136,295 people. The population of these cities as shown by the 1920 census was 36,850,406. Since the normal rate of increase for cities of 25,000 or over in the United States is 2.7 per cent, the population of these cities has presumably increased 994,961. The building of dwellings during 1921, therefore, was somewhat above the increased population demand and a start was made in reducing the housing shortage. T able 3 .—B U IL D IN G PER M ITS ISSU E D IN 1921, B Y N U M B E R OF F A M IL IES TO B E H O U SE D . Num ber of Per cent N um ber of families of total buildings, provided fam ilies. for. K ind of dwelling. One-family dw ellings......................... .................................................... Two-family dw ellings............................................................................. One-family and two-fam ily dwellings w ith stores combined. M ulti-family apartm ents........................................................................ Multi-family apartments w ith stores com bined.......................... Total..................................................................... | | 132,665 17,117 3,451 4,930 572 158,735 132,665 > 34,234 5,269 52,173 2,918 227,259 58.4 15.1 2.3 23.0 1.3 100.0 9 When it is considered that these data were collected from cities as small as 25,000 it may be somewhat startling to discover that almost one-fourth of the new family accommodations are in apartment houses. The trend toward apartment houses, which started in the larger cities, is spreading to the smaller ones. One of the reasons for this is that very few single dwellings were built to rent and therefore a family that could not afford to buy a home was almost compelled to live in an apartment. This, of course, is not the only explana tion, for the construction of the more expensive apartments shows that many families prefer apartment dwellings to separate homes. Table 4 shows the number and cost of each of the different kinds of buildings for 189 cities from which reports were obtained for both 1920 and 1921, and the percentage of increase or decrease in both number and cost in 1921 as compared with 1920. INTRODUCTION, T able 4 .—B U IL D IN G PER M ITS ISSU E D IN 189 ID E N TIC A L CITIES IN 1920 A N D 1921, B Y IN T E N D E D U SE OF B U IL D IN G S. Buildings for which permits issued. 1921 1920 Use of buildings. Number. Per cent ®f ncrease ( + ) or de crease ( —)in 1921 compared with 1920. Cost. N um ber. Cost. Num ber. $293,260,982 40,037,837 8,779,741 66,268,369 3,579,780 23,680,906 1,229,275 3,872,775 440,709,665 118,330 15,618 3,184 4,501 505 84 23 120 142,365 $476 192,519 105,838,157 30,662,234 198,877,371 12,107,864 38,486,510 420,809 6,867,945 869,453,409 +74.3 +190.2 +283.6 +201.5 +115.8 -1 6 .0 -3 9 . 5 +126. 4 + 87.2 +62.4 +164.3 +249.2 +200.1 +238.2 +62.5 -6 5 .8 +77.3 +97.3 58,015,572 688 26,926,856 806 3,378 69,261,035 2,402 24,856,416 106,454 55,340,792 1,340 3,143,370 140 17,242,870 1,358 110,021,790 134 15,285,389 12,569,250 204 686 83,525,584 26,040 8,618,567 9,778 5,272,539 9,997 94,605,645 5,003 12,346,524 168,408 597,032,200 310,773 1,466,485,609 + 63.4 + 56.2 -3 5 .5 + 15.8 + 59.1 + 5 3 .8 + 24.9 -2 8 .7 + 28.2 +125.8 +641.9 + 50.6 -4 4 .1 + 30.3 + 51.4 +46.7 +52.0 -6 3 .6 -4 1 .1 -1 2 .6 -1 6 .7 -1 6 .8 - 6 .4 +70.9 +110.7 +378.6 -3 3 .9 -7 0 .7 -2 0 .8 +22.8 Cost. RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS. Housekeeping dwellings One-family dwellings............... Two-family dw ellings............. One-family and two-family dwellings w ith stores.......... Multi-family apartm ents___ Multi-family apartments w ith stores.............................. Nonhousekeeping dwellings: H otels............................................ Lodging houses.......................... All other........................................ Total residential buildings. 67,905 5,381 830 1,493 234 100 38 53 76,034 NONRESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS. Am usem ent buildings................... 421 39,556,640 17,719,090 516 Churches......................... ...................... 5,239 190,147,705 Factories and workshops............... Public garages.................................... Private garages.................................. 91,892 94,021,610 Service stations................................. 842 3,598,172 In stitu tio n s......................................... 91 20,702,309 1,087 132,170,885 Office buildings................................. 188 16,325,420 Public buildings............................... Public works and utilities............ 48,863,854 535 Schools and libraries....................... 4,090,561 Sheds...................................................... 11,531 1,318 1,101,615 Stables and b am s............................. 143,120, 638 6,639 Stores and warehouses................... 42,136,640 8,951 A llother................................................ 753,555,139 Total nonresidential............ 129,250 205,284 1,194,264,804 Grand total............................. It will be noted that there was a large increase in both number and cost of all classes of housekeeping dwellings in 1921; the increase in number ranging from 74.3 per cent for one-family dwellings to 283.6 per cent for one-family and two-family dwellings with stores combined, and in cost from 62.4 per cent for one-family dwellings to 10 BUILDING PERMITS IN 1021. 249.2 per cent for one-family and two-family dwellings with stores combined. In every case except multi-family apartments with stores combined the percentage of increase in cost is less than the percentage of increase in number. This would tend to show that the cost of building construction had materially decreased since the previous year. The reason that the increase in the cost of multi family apartments was practically the same as the increase in the number of such buildings, and that the increase in the cost of multi family apartments with stores combined was greater than the increase in number, was that these apartments were built to house a larger number of families than those erected in 1920. The number of hotels fell off 16 per cent, yet the amount expended in their construction increased 62.5 per cent, showing that, although fewer hotels were built in 1921 than in 1920 those that were erected were much larger. There was an increase of 87.2 per cent in the total number of residential buildings and an increase of 97.3 per cent in their aggregate cost. Of the nonresidential buildings, amusement buildings, churches, private garages, service stations, institutions, office buildings, schools, sheds, stables, and stores show an increase in the number erected ranging from 15.8 per cent in the case of private garages to 641.9 for stables and barns. Factories, public buildings, and “ all other” nonresidential buildings show a loss in the number constructed. The total amount expended was higher for amusement buildings, churches, schools and libraries, sheds, and stables and barns, and less for factories, garages, service stations, institutions, office buildings, public buildings, stores, and “ all other” nonresidential. The total number of nonresidential buildings increased 30.3 per cent, while their cost decreased 20.8 per cent. EXPLANATION OF GENERAL TABLE. General Table A, which shows detailed information concerning building operations for 189 cities for the year 1920 and 265 cities for 1921, is divided into three parts. Part 1 relates to new residential buildings, giving the number and cost of each kind of dwelling and the number of families provided for by each kind. The information regarding the number of families provided for was not obtained in a number of cases in 1920. In 1921, however, this information was secured from every city shown in the report. Comparing the work done in each city for the two years it will be seen that in the vast majority of them many more dwelling houses were built in 1921 than in 1920. There are of course a few excep tions to this rule; some cities where there was an exceptional growth in the past few years due to abnormal war activities show a falling off in the number of dwelling houses erected. The factories and mills in such towns are now running on a normal peace-time basis or below it, and many of the workers drawn from the surrounding country districts have returned, so these cities are not so much in need of new homes as some of the others. In comparing the figures shown in Part 2, the new nonresidential group; it will be noticed that in almost every city there was a notable falling off in the building of large factories anti stores in 1921 from that of the previous year. EXPLANATION OF GENERAL TABLE. 11 In 1920 both public and private garages were included under one heading; for 1921 these are reported separately. “Puolic buildings” and “Public works and utilities,” grouped in 1920, are shown separately for 1921. Part 3 shows the number and cost of additions, alterations, and repairs, the grand total of all buildings, both new construction and repairs, for the years 1920 and 1921, and in addition installation per mits for 1921. For 1920 all additions, alterations, and repairs were reported together, while for 1921 they are divided under the headings of repairs for housekeeping dwellings, nonhousekeeping dwellings, and nonresidential buildings. The number of permits issued for repairs in 1921 was much larger in most cities than in 1920, but the amount spent per building was less. This is accounted for partially by the fact that building ma terial was somewhat cheaper and partially by the fact that many more minor alterations were made, while few large additions to factories were erected in 1921. In 1921, 229,896 additions, altera tions, and repairs were made in the 265 cities at a cost of $274,669,536. This covers both residential and nonresidential buildings inseparably combined in the reports from many cities. The number of installation permits and their construction cost were obtained in 1921 wherever such permits were issued by the building inspector. In a number of cities no permits were required for installations of signs, tanks, etc.; in other cities these permits were issued by officers other than that of the building inspector. The number of installation permits reported were 50,777 and the aggregate cost $17,938,064. In summing up the building operations for the year 1921 it can be said that the outstanding feature is the erection of much needed dwelling houses in larger numbers than for many years. T able A ___NUMBER AND PROPOSED COST OF BUILDINGS (NEW CONSTRUCTION, AND REPAIRS, ALTERATIONS, AND ADDI- TIONS TO OLD BUILDINGS) COVERED BY PERMITS ISSUED IN 1921, BY INTENDED USE OF BUILDINGS. i-> 10 PART 1.—NEW RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS. Housekeeping dwellings. City and State. Year. t)ne-family dwellings. Akron, Ohio.................. Alameda, Calif.............. Albany, N. Y ................ Allentown, Pa............... Altoona, Pa.................... Amsterdam, N. Y......... Anderson, Ind............... Asheville, N. C.............. Atlanta, Ga.................... Atlantic City, N. J....... Auburn, N. Y ................ Augusta, Ga.................. Aurora, 111...................... Austin, Tex................... Baltimore, Md.............. Bangor, Me.................... Battle Creek, Mich....... Bay City, Mich............. Bayonne, N. J ............... a Not reported. Cost. 947 $4,694,535 1920 1921 234 993,800 1921 134 453,109 452,900 1920 81 1921 179 1,090,900 644,310 1920 93 1921 92 422,600 1920 36 158,240 1921 431,455 85 1921 50 250,000 1921 37 95,150 1921 953,098 363 552 2,672,058 1920 1921 ‘ 1,261 4,804,725 235,944 27 1920 1921 190 1,569,678 109,600 1920 29 1921 60,900 16 1920 220 488,438 1921 705,204 329 1920 246,200 45 1921 126 476,760 1921 211 546,772 1920 2,053 9,285,900 1921 1,849 9,199,200 1921 60 348,000 1920 87 364,350 1921 117 409,480 1921 121 211,575 1920 6 20,600 1921 156 1,042,500 Fami Num lies. ber. 947 234 134 81 179 93 92 36 85 50 37 . 363 552 1,261 27 190 29 16 220 329 45 126 211 2,053 1,849 60 87 117 121 6 156 Cost. Fami Num lies. ber. Cost. Multi-family dwellings with stores combined. Multi-family dwellings. Fami Num lies. ber. Cost. 30 $1,686,100 Fami Num lies. ber. 15 60 1 17 3 10 18 30 120 2 34 6 20 1 $28,000 2 1 3 1 16,000 56,000 25,000 18 8 25 16 41 3 2 4 j........... 171,700 V 50 32 310,500 82 325,732 6 59,000 4 12,600 9,200 8 8 3 13 1 1 1 49,800 6,600 230,750 3,000 1,800 1,500 8 3 20 2 1 1 1 39 35 10 21 2 2 1 1,500 1,579,000 872,753 358.000 861.000 16,400 234,995 16,749 3 624 300 75 74 10 54 4 34 1 1 6 42 21 438,000 6,000 5,500 34,700 336,000 195,500 2 24 1 11,200 190,680 7,000 2 31 2 3 4 8 16,500 955,000 1,242,000 9 108 212 4 19 27,500 174,000 j 4 35 2 30,000 8 4 86,000 26 68 2 2 12 84 42 Fami lies. (a) $38,400 143,000 583,500 12,000 16,015 18,500 90,000 9 Cost. 3 2 $26,500 8 1 93,500 3 3 1 74,400 11,000 16 4 3 79,666 is BUILDING PERMITS IN 1921. Num ber. One-family and twofamily dwellings with stores combined. Two-family dwellings. Nonhousekeeping dwellings. C ity and State. Year. Hotels. Number. Akron, Ohio.................. Alameda, Calif............... Albany, N. Y ................ Allentown, Pa............... Altoona, Pa.................... Amsterdam, N. Y......... Anderson, Ind............... Asheville, N. C.............. Atlanta, Ga.................... Atlantic City, N. J....... Auburn, N. Y ............. Augusta, Ga.................. Aurora, III...................... Austin, Tex.................... Baltimore, Md............... Bangor, Me.................... Battle Creek, Mich....... Bay City, Mich........ Bayonne, N. J ............... ®Not reported, 1920 1921 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1921 1921 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1921 1920 1921 1921 1920 1921 1921 1920 1921 Cost. 6 1697,800 1 1 . 40,000 500,000 1 1 700,000 39,910 1 1 Number. Cost. 300,000^ I .............. 4,000,000? 1 $12,000 All other new residential dwellings. Other. Lodging houses. Number. Cost. 1; 1 $53,600 130,186 1 233,000 1 2 350,000 180,000 i 30,666 Number. Cost. fpA+ol -nmtTraciriartHol flnJolllTlCfC Number. 983 234 143 97 241 97 94 56 89 60 37 372 591 1,326 55 266 32 19 226 336 45 126 216 2,058 1,920 62 88 120 131 48 204 Cost. $7,078,435 993,800 * 491,509 635,900 2,190,400 712,310 475,600 900,755 489,865 340,000 95,150 1,004,398 4,251,058 6,209, 378 4,997,944 3,117,346 168,600 74,300 749,833 965,653 246,200 476,760 574,472 10,590,900 11,324,280 366.000 370;350 444,980 273,775 356,600 1,607,000 Families. (o) 234 152 111 302 113 102 78 91 70 37 374 1,176 1,614 137 366 35 28 279 342 45 126 222 2,161 2,176 66 89 127 137 90 274 Om w w £ 6 00 T able A .— NUMBER AND PROPOSED COST OF BUILDINGS (NEW CONSTRUCTION, AND REPAIRS, ALTERATIONS, AND ADDI TIONS TO OLD BUILDINGS) COVERED BY PERMITS ISSUED IN 1921, BY INTENDED USE OF BUILDINGS—Continued. PART 1.—NEW RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS—Continued. Housekeeping dwellings. City and State. Year. pne-family dwellings. Berkeley, Calif.. Bethlehem, Pa. Binghamton, N. Y....... Birmingham, Ala......... Bloomington, 111. Boston, Mass....... Bridgeport, Conn. Brockton, Mass... Brookline, Mass... Buffalo, N. Y........ Butte, Mont.......... Cambridge, Mass.. Camden, N. J ........ Canton, Ohio......... 1921 i920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 Cost. 548 $2,037,490 32 113,650 281,950 79 295,900 68 708,500 182 1476 11,419,630 1,555 2,966,014 67,050 20 63 *794,435 136 4 3,558,900 160 539,985 389,980 144 36 173,900 70 336,400 464,000 19 26 458,000 501 1,663,600 1,241 4,639,785 12 20,570 2 2,000 10 117,300 34,400 3 32 102,700 145 498,250 915,000 240 347 1,644,116 Fami Num lies. ber. 548 32 79 68 182 (a) ■ 1.555 #20 63 136 160 144 36 70 19 26 501 1,241 12 2 10 3 32 145 240 347 12 44 (a) 3 25 133 33 66 6 8 32 375 521 Cost. 15 Fami- Num ber. $25,000 31,000 24 57,900 214,300 (a)88 (8) 6 17,050 50 (8) 266 (*) 213,200 66 132 358,900 34,000 12 16 193,000 64 458,800 1,580,000 750 2,400,990 1,042 11,000 162,300 46.000 30.000 One-family and twofamily dwellings with stores combined. Cost. Multi-family dwellings. Fami Num lies. ber. Fami Num lies. ber. Cost. Fami lies. $405,900 $14,000 69,000 43,500 15,000 3,000 (*) (>) 4 11 <*)16 18,000 107,800 <*> 385,250 515,000 (8) 225,200 311,900 (°l92 156 474 107 128 512.000 500.000 9,200 160 10 $8,100 10,500 122,700 549,400 2,000 3,500 16 112 1 2 4,000 « Net reported. 1 Includes two-family dwellings and multi-family dwellings. 2 Included with one-family dwellings. * Includes cost of two-family dwellings and of one-family and two-family dwellings with stores combined. 4 Includes cost of two-family dwellings, one-family and two-family dwellings with stores combined, and multi-family dwellings. Cost. Multi-family dwellings with stores combined. 77,000 180,000 26,000 18 BUILDING PEBMITS IN 1921. Num ber. Two-family dwellings. Nonhousekeeping dwellings City and State. Year. Number. a Not reported. 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 ' 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 Cost. 1 • $866,666 1 73,600 1 4,000,000 1 350,000 Number. Cost. All other new residential dwellings. Other. Number. Cost. 3 1 1 $90,000 500 ‘5,000 1 42,000 2 2 _____________ I________ 1 74,109 1 1 15,000 97,400 10,000 70,000 1 140,000 Number. x u i u i i± « w l e s m t u i t i a i u w e u m g s . Number. Cost. ! 1 $60,000 !i 580 37 84 93 243 476 1,582 25 115 337 228 247 36 78 27 61 892 1,833 13 114 23 33 145 269 359 Cost. $2,558,390 145,150 1,100,950 440,800 1,074,100 1,419,630 3,447,964 129,100 1,369,435 3,558,900 993,385 1,158,180 173,900 380,900 657,000 1,502,909 3,876,300 11,669,375 22,570 5,500 128,200 196,700 242,700 498,250 1,418,000 1,854,116 Families. 706 40 82 122 327 (a) 1,659 27 320 878 333 404 36 84 35 118 1,427 2,405 13 4 12 43 32 145 312 403 GENERAL TABLE, Berkeley, Calif.............. Bethlehem, Pa.............. Binghamton, N. Y....... Birmingham, Ala......... Bloomington, 111........... Boston, Mass.................. Bridgeport, Conn.......... Brockton, Mass............. Brookline, Mass............. Buffalo, N. Y ................ Butte, Mont.................. Cambridge, Mass........... Camden, N. J ................ Canton, Ohio................. Lodging houses. Hotels. Cn T able A — NUMBER AND PROPOSED COST OF BUILDINGS (NEW CONSTRUCTION, AND REPAIRS, ALTERATIONS, AND ADDI- TIONS TO OLD BUILDINGS) COVERED BY PERMITS ISSUED IN 1921, BY INTENDED USE OF BUILDINGS—Continued. t-1 05 PART 1.—NEW RESIDENTIAL DWELLINGS—ContiBued. Housekeeping dwellings. One-family dwellings. City and State. Cedar Rapids, Iowa__ Charleston, S. C............. Charleston, W. Va........ Charlotte, N. C.............. Chattanooga, Tenn....... Chelsea, Mass................. Chester, Pa.................... Chicago, 111..................... Chicopee, Mass.............. Cicero, HI....................... Cincinnati, Ohio........... Clarksburg, W. Va....... Cleveland, Ohio............. Clifton, N. J................... Colorado Springs, Colo. Columbia, S. C............... Columbus, Ga................ 1920 1921 ,1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1921 1920 1921 1921 1920 1921 1921 1921 1920 1921 1921 Cost. Fami Num lies. ber. Cost. One-family and twofamily dwellings with stores combined. Fami Num lies. ber. 187 187 $896,810 320 1 $6,000 320 1,192,292 2 170 170 625,360 184 184 505,315 75,000 14 211 7 211 708,815 1 2,000 2 553 553 1,569,124 162 162 597,855 47,000 4 300 2 300 1,189,420 44 44 198,250 19,000 3 6 149 149 411,050 1 2 7,500 4 4 24,000 180,000 58 1 29 1 5,800 7,000 6 3 30 30 282,300 43 43 259,575 541,700 108 54 2,079 17,723,250 2,079 893 8,273,650 1,786 4,638 22,577,360 4,638 260,400 80 60 40 206,300 60 100 191, 400 66 33 335,200 100 764,200 262 136 262 1,367,44© 68 800,000 256 128 128 800,000 128 50,500 14 7 1,079 6,610,875 1,079 154 154 586,175 1,370 685 4,247,120 1,139 6,370,680 1,139 (2) 1,654 827 1,450 5 12,383,750 1,450 794,700 290 850,000 145 215 215 295,085 116 116 112 305,060 112 493,468 177 70,900 50 25 177 60 105,715 60 2Included with one-family dwellings. 2 1 5 8 8 30 2 6 1 5 Cost. Fami Num lies. ber. $4,000 2,000 25,500 33,615 51,500 a54, 750 4,000 13,850 8,000 32,100 2 2 5 8 8 41 2 6 1 7 111,800 16 74,500 2 564,400 47 232 2,900,740 1 4,700 552,100 39 10 50,000 1 9,000 20 4 60 368 1 49 10 1 16 2 Multirfamily dwellings. 1 3 3 10 15 1 4 1 8 Cost. $17,000 61,000 22,600 87,000 209,500 30,000 45,000 15,000 119,000 Multi-family dwellings with stores combined. Fami Num lies. ber. 4 12 12 36 84 12 12 9 64 709 33 3,472,000 384 24,218,060 5,261 25 5 42,500 62 12 121,000 6 2 26,600 108.550 50 10 7 188,500 64 3 21,000 9 32 993,500 259 121 3,503,000 980 2 30,000 11 107,600 24 24 2 3 34,530 2,203 41,000 14 3 24 1 75,000 6 Includes cost of two-family dwellings. Cost. Fami lies. 1 $22,000 3 2 6 17,000 110,000 6 32 1 5,000 177,000 2 29 1,463,000 45,000 2 3 47 •199 10 1 » 11,000 3 6,666 4 i BUILDING PERMITS IN 1921. Num ber. Two-family dwellings. Nonhousekeeping dwellings. 4828°—23—Bull. 318- City and State. Year. Hotels. Number. Cedar Rapids, Iowa__ Charleston, S. C. Charleston, W. Va__ Charlotte, N. C......... Chattanooga, Tenn Chelsea, Mass................ Chester, Pa__ Chicago, 111....... Chicopee, Mass. Cicero, 111............. Cincinnati, Ohio.. Clarksburg, W. V a... Cleveland, Ohio___ Clifton, N. J................... Colorado Springs, Colo.. Columbia, S. C. Columbus. Ga................ 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1921 1920 1921 1921 1920 1921 1921 1921 1920 1921 1921 1 1 Cost. $200,000 100,000 8 5 1,990,500 2,676,000 1 1 39,000 1,541,000 3 3,335,000 1 1 8,008 30,000 Number. 1 1 2 Cost. $2,000 7,000 30,000 All other new residential dwellings. Other. Lodging houses. Number. Cost. 1 $14,000 1 10,780 2 2 439,000 125,000 Number. • 5 1 1 125,000 20,000 Cost. $2,450 Total new residential dwellings. Number. 190 324 178 195 239 607 165 314 46 165 5 30 52 45 2,225 6,181 106 152 374 276 1,097 158 1,856 2,401 378 116 118 206 62P Cost. $914,810 1,239,292 711,860 561,530 1,139,315 2,147,374 631,855 1,313,050 221,250 581,150 31,500 185,800 845,100 334,075 24,593,850 62,108,810 513,900 695,050 2,779,340 1,758,550 8,535,875 627,175 11,611,300 19,221,750 1,782,300 295,085 349,801 635,368 186,715 Families. 189 331 187 204 275 712 176 322 54 226 6 59 59 47 3,003 12,252 166 238 453 444 1,161 163 2,768 4,084 540 116 138 241 88 T able A.—NUMBER AND PROPOSED COST OF BUILDINGS (NEW CONSTRUCTION, AND REPAIRS, ALTERATIONS, AND ADDI- £ TIONS TO OLD BUILDINGS) COVERED BY PERMITS ISSUED IN 1921, BY INTENDED USE OF BUILDINGS—Continued. 00 * PART 1 .- NEW RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS-Continued. Housekeeping dwellings. City and State. Year. One-family dwellings. Council Bluffs, Iowa... r*ny^p£rtrvn TTy nfflnetnn "R T Ttallaa Tpy T)atiyillfi Til OQi7onnnrf Tnwa Tiaxr+nn Ohin TlAPAtiir TU T)Anver, Plnln _. Dfis Moines Tnwa......... Tie.^roit. Dnhnqne, Tnwa.. ___ Duluth, Minn................ East Chicago, Ind.... East Cleveland, Ohio... Easton, Pa.................... East Orange, N. J .......... a Not reported. 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1921 1921 1920 1921 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1921 1921 1921 1921 1920 1921 Cost. Fami Num lies. ber. 334 334 $1 456,050 867 867 3* 788’ 7l5 *512* 075 208 208 356 977 765 356 78 180,050 78 189 568,300 189 112 112 504,800 532,382 114 114 1 095 4,097,045 1,095 2*300 7 223,576 2 300 * 27 * 27 * 91,200 82 82 327 350 656,015 148 148 257 257 1,289 607 524 524 2,611* 854 140 941,200 140 277 277 1,014,900. 413 413 1,927,850 1,426 4,469,350 1,426 586 586 2,368,345 660 660 2,035,906 4 007 15,108,350 4,007 3*160 12,382,176 3,160 149,500 34 * 34 218,500 49 49 614 614 1,970,375 296,850 96 96 62 313,300 • 62 433,100 49 49 579,350 80 80 100 735,365 100 Cost. One-family and twofamily dwelling*3 with stores combined. Fami Num lies. ber. 16 400 4 18 4 40 8 200 29 2 20 $74,500 1,276,700 6,000 46,000 14,000 129,100 80 4 3 4 3 21 12 39 23 440 605 12 11 4 11 94 2 10 70 402,300 160 38,000 8 28,000 6 28,500 8 18,175 6 140,500 42 110,000 24 78 279,000 181,590 46 3,761,300 880 4,771,005 1,210 88,050 24 78,200 22 9,800 8 82,500 22 803,050 188 11,000 4 107,000 20 613,800 140 1 16 7 1 1 4 Cost. $2,800 90,200 16,000 8,000 3,500 38,500 Multi-family dwellings. Fami Num lies. ber. 1 17 9 2 6 1 2 6 3 1 2 6 16,000 27,200 16,500 7,000 5,800 17,800 2 6 4 2 2 8 2 14 2 3 3 83,000 117,100 20,600 92,000 22,000 3 30 3 6 5 Multi-family dwellings with stores combined. * 3 9 2 1 2 19 94 2 1 1 12 2 1 5 1 6 69 107 2 1 8 7 5 Cost. $52,000 134,500 80,000 8,000 32,000 371,000 995,750 Fami Num lies. ber. 14 33 40 4 12 (a) 376 i6 40,000 4 5,000 30,000 6 144 256,000 6 30,000 6 100,000 400,000 120 175,000 60 152,000 44 5,333,500 1,166 4,285,000 1,696 6 23,000 35,000 12 330,000 99 922,000 200 496,000 117 Cost. Fami lies. 1 $8,000 4 1 30,000 10 3 1 3 1 57,000 15,000 110,000 48,000 20 4 9 1 •13,000 110 1,633,980 205 3,520,200 7 213 677 3 15 1 i 62,000 522,000 6,000 55,666 6 20 123 3 ii BUILDING PERMITS IN 1921. Num ber. Two-family dwellings. Nonhousekeeping dwellings. Number. Council Bluffs, Iowa__ Covington, Ky Cranston, "R. I. Cumberland, Md__ Dallas, Tex __............. Danville, 111............... Davenport, Iowa....... Davton, Ohio............. Decatur, 111................ Denver, Colo................ Des Moines, Iowa......... Detroit, Mich................. Dubuque, Iowa............. Duluth, Minn.............. . East Chicago, Ind......... East Cleveland, Ohio... Easton, Pa..................... East Orange, N. J.-....... a Not reported. 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1921 1921 1920 1921 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 . 1921 1921 1921 1921 1920 1921 Lodging houses. Hotels. Year. City and State. i 1 1 5 Cost. $500,000 200,000 195,000 11,300 3 1,500,000 1 15,000 Number. 1 1 Cost. All other new residential dwellings. Other. Number. Cost. Number. Cost. $33,500 24,000 1 $30,000 5 59,700 1 i 5,000 22,000 1................ 1 Total new residential dwellings. Number. 346 1,092 211 374 78 194 133 121 1,115 2,477 27 87 158 272 535 155 304 427 1,470 590 696 4,629 4,077 46 62 621 125 179 54 100 180 Cost. $1,585,350 5,290,115 526,075 1,119,765 180,050 601,800 637,400 626,882 4,968,045 8,881,626 91,200 560,350 797,015 1,394,107 2,702,229 1,307,200 1,249,900 2,144,850 5.148.350 2,562,145 2,392,296 27,337,130 24,958,381 237,550 • 319,700 2,098,175 573,450 1.968.350 470,700 1.700.350 1,944,165 Families. 365 1,317 216 423 78 198 154 132 (a) 2,846 27 90 192 269 546 293 335 445 1,624 655 758 6,266 6,743 58 77 637 168 472 59 306 376 H B co Table A.—NUMBER AND PROPOSED COST OF BUILDINGS (NEW CONSTRUCTION, AND REPAIRS, ALTERATIONS, AND ADDI- to TIONS TO OLD BUILDINGS) COVERED BY PERMITS ISSUED IN 1921, BY INTENDED USE OF BUILDINGS—Continued. ° PART 1.—NEW RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS—Continued. Housekeeping dwellings. City and State. Year. One-family dwellings. East St. Louis, 111. Elgin, 111................ Elizabeth, N. J. . . Elmira, N .Y ......... El Paso, Tex......... Erie, Pa................. Evanston, 111........ Everett, Mass....... Everett, Wash__ Fall River, Mass.. Fitchburg, Mass.. Flint, Mich........... Fort Smith, Ark.. Fort Wayne, Ind.. Fort Worth, Tex.. Fresno, Calif......... Galveston, Tex— 1920 1921 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1921 1920 1921 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1921 1920 1921 Cost. Fami Num lies. ber. 72 5 72 $196,637 623,631 244 244 7 35 • 123,400 35 131 40 786.000 131 144 144 157 784.000 74 129,100 37 74 71 219,240 71 362 362 1.500.000 634 634 2,228,728 589,405 144 30 144 324 1,231,201 56 324 307 2,101,250 11 307 45,750 11 11 4 34,000 7 7 111 277,500 111 7 28 179,550 28 12 225,586 67 67 45 13 214,250 45 61 25,285 61 23 2,100 1.100.000 2,100 100 215 413,660 215 30 317 775,718 317 4 250 1,034,500 250 477 2,131,831 477 39 949 3,813,643 949 879 2,244,522 879 351 351 1,703,110 200 24 4 49,250 24 462,647 99 2 Included with one-family dwellings. Cost. $85,000 52,000 349,000 1,256,000 153,450 Fami Num lies. ber. 10 14 80 314 74 131,900 297,100 82,000 31,500 34,682 69,550 117,700 110,700 200,000 72,000 40,000 268,000 14 24 26 46 200 60 8 78 (2) 14,000 400 8 60 112 22 8 Cost. Fami Num lies. ber. 2 $21,000 2 18 5 i.62,066 19,500 27 5 12 53 2 6i,800 283,300 22,500 12 82 2 5 100 87 1 4 4 Multi-family dwellings. Cost. Multi-family dwellings with stores combined. Fami Num lies. ber. 4 3 1 6 3 10 $36,000 30,000 10,000 72,000 28,500 150,000 16 18 6 18 12 60 5 361,000 84 1 4 5,000 42 14 114,000 51,300 1 4 8,000 400,000 600 250,000 200 100 6 18 17,000 70,000 55 1 5,000 1 80,000 22 66,000 4 34,500 5 20 32 535,850 177 29,500 5 30 224,700 11,110 4 22 135 i 4 7,000 5Includes cost of two-family dwellings. Cost. Fami lies. 2 3 $62,000 36,000 24 11 1 18,000 3 2 25 28,000 125,000 8 100 1 20,000 6 1 9,000 4 8 BUILDING PERMITS IN 1921, Num ber. One-family and twofamily dwelling*3 with stores combined, Two-family dwellings. Nonhousekeeping dwellings. City and State. Number. "Elgin HI Elmira, N. Y............... El Paso, Tex............... Everett, Wash............ Eall "River, Mass___ Fitehhnrg, Mass............. Elint, Mieh....................... Port Smith, A rk . : ........ Fort, Wayne, Tnd____ Fort Worth, Tex.. . _ Fresno, Calif................ Galveston, Tex...____ 31 Number. Cost. $510,575 Number. Cost. 1 $10,000 92 336,000 99,400 Number. Cost.) Total new residential dwellings. Number. 79 248 45 175 328 119 71 372 674 189 433 325 11 11 112 5 2, 000,000 151 474,415 87,500 200,000 2 5 .............. $300,000 2 1 12,000 2 1, 000,000 1 26,666 1,750 35 98 58 87 2,437 288 318 255 525 996 887 581 28 101 Cost. $252,637 659,631 205,400 1.217.000 2.310.000 330,550 219,240 1,650^000 3,075,303 900,505 1,811,601 2,566,750 45,750 65,500 282,500 214,232 460,436 331,950 171,985 5.375.000 572,660 780,718 1,154,500 2,520,331 4,823,908 2,373,522 2,149,670 63,250 489,647 Families. 84 260 67 241 514 165 71 422 634 219 518 415 11 15 115 42 141 71 119 3,200 348 318 280 586 1,126 909 894 32 103 GENERAL TABLE, Eriftj P a ............................ Evanston, 111............... Everett., Mass . 1920 1921 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 . 1920 1921 1921 1920 1921 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1921 1920 1921 Cost. All other new residential dwellings. Other. Lodging houses. Hotels. Year. K> A.— NUMBER AND PROPOSED COST OF BUILDINGS (NEW CONSTRUCTION, AND REPAIRS, ALTERATIONS, AND ADDI£0 TIONS TO OLD BUILDINGS) COVERED BY PERMITS ISSUED IN 1921, BY INTENDED USE OF BUILDINGS—Continued. 10 T a b le PART 1.—NEW RESIDENTIAL. BUILDINGS—Continued. Housekeeping dwellings. City and State. Year. H am ilton , O hio H am m on d, Tnd Jacksonville F la a Not reported. 258 292 186 598 209 192 253 148 70 87 37 56 80 68 12 33 49 53 940 2,286 316 740 557 1,438 151 138 94 200 566 $1,356,950 1,016,800 550,000 2,095,600 801,413 668,600 885,500 393,440 328,050 477,800 265,850 437,280 290,800 221,700 49,900 283,470 250,000 297,400 2,859,624 5,613, 557 831,420 1,924,894 2,337,279 5,100,000 810,575 666,155 332,376 785,947 1,788,475 Fami lies. Num ber. 258 292 186 598 209 192 253 148 70 87 37 56 80 68 12 33 49 53 940 2,286 316 740 557 1,438 151 138 94 200 566 1 358 13 8 34 38 93 1434 8 145 10 23 44 15 58 200 68 2 1 20 Cost. $7,000 180,000 31,500 ' 104,000 41,000 161,650 286,500 1,025,000 1,309,225 24,000 40,500 31,700 103,800 150,000 267,700 230,200 88,900 300,000 1,500,000 579,700 17,000 4,000 397,900 Fami Num lies. ber. Cost. Fami Num lies. ber. 2 10 10 $74,000 55,000 10 68 17 36 3 59,000 206,150 14,000 19 41 4 1 2 1 51 2,000 8,800 17,500 75,100 4,000 3 189 49,600 38,500 700,000 94)000 6,500 99,800 70 16 26 16 76 186 286 8 16 10 28 20 46 88 30 116 400 1364 2 40 100 11 2 23 1 2 10 1 20 11 150 17 2 34 30 45 Cost. $340,000 21,950 23,500 8 2 10 3,000 60,000 14,000 584,000 1, 11^000 47,500 58,000 37,000 286,250 30 372 5 17 31 18 4 551,300 407,200 40,000 48,300 399,650 1,575,000 229,500 75,000 1 1 1 20 704 12 200,000 Fami Num lies. ber. (a) (a) ^ 16 3 (a) 6 6 375 21 30 14 105 120 198 10 20 510 525 69 20 71 14 50 Cost. Fami lies. $215,200 634,800 (%o 4 99,000 2 1 21,000 9 663,500 74 9 40,900 27 1 20,000 6 15 3 3 * 53 35,000 100,000 63,000 28,000 40,300 157,500 16 (a) 6 52 16 10 9 36 1921. Hamtramck, Mich....... Harrisburg, Pa........... Hartford, Conn............ Haverhill, Mass........... Hazleton, Pa............... Highland Park, Mich... Hoboken, N. J .................. Holyoke, Mass.......... Houston, Tex.............. Huntington, W. Va__ Indianapolis, Ind........ Irvington, N. J............ Jackson, Mich.............. 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1921 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1921 1921 1920 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 Cost. Multi-family dwellings with stores combined. Multi-family dwellings. B U IL D IN G P E R M IT S IN Gary, In d ................... Grand Rapids, Mich... Num ber. One-family and 5 with twofamily dwellings stores combined. Two-family dwellings. One-family dwellings. Nonhousekeeping dwellings. City and State. Year. Number. Gary, Ind.................... Grand Rapids, Mich.... Hamilton, Ohio........... Hammond, Hamtramck,Ind........... Mich....... Harrisburg, Pa............ Hartford, Conn............ Haverhill, Mass........... Hazleton, Pa............... Highland Mich.. Hoboken, Park, N.J............ Holyoke, Mass............. Houston, Tex.............. Huntington, W. Va__ Indianapolis, Ind......... Irvington, N.J............ Jackson, Mich.............. Jacksonville, Fla......... a Not reported. 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1921 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1921 1921 1920 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 Lodging houses. Hotels. 1 1 1 1 Cost. $75,000 95,000 100,000 1, 100,000 1 150,000 3 870,000 Number. Cost. All otherdwellings. new residential Other. Number. Cost. 1 $20,000 1 12,000 150,000 1 1 120,000 1 i, 666,666 Number. 12 Cost. $2,955 Total new residential dwellings. Number. 313 356 237 610 222 192 278 223 72 132 152 269 89 86 20 711 60 77 979 2,368 351 755 632 1,788 251 140 100 207 626 Cost. $2,061,150 1,756,555 826,950 2,150,600 905,413 668,600 985,500 863,240 488,050 825.300 3,009,850 2,865,505 364.300 329,000 136.100 1,412,120 4,000 550,000 685.100 3,451,824 6,400,957 1,009,920 2,031,694 3,036,929 10,845,000 1,776,775 683,155 370,876 901,247 2,648,675 Families. (a) (a) 494 630 235 192 288 276 76 (a) 179 717 110 117 38 250 1 («) 99 1,087 2,572 376 777 1,183 2.565 389 142 108 229 747 § a w$ s to zo T a b le A .— NUMBER AND PROPOSED COST OF BUILDINGS (NEW CONSTRUCTION, AND REPAIRS, ALTERATIONS, AND ADDI- TIONS TO OLD BUILDINGS) COVERED BY PERMITS ISSUED IN 1921, BY INTENDED USE OF BUILDINGS—Continued. t? ^ PART 1.—NEW RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS—Continued. H ou sek eep in g dw ellings. C ity an d State. Y ear. O ne-fam ily dw ellings. Jersey C ity, N . J . . . Johnstow n, P a ......... K alam azoo, M ic h .. K an sas C ity, K ans. K an sas C ity, M o ... K earney, N . J........... K enosha, W is........... K n oxville, T e n n ... K okom o, I n d ........... L akew ood, O h io ... Lancaster, P a ........... L ansing, M ich.......... Law rence, M ass— L exington, K y ......... L im a, O h io................ L incoln, N eb r........... a Not reported. 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1921 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 36 43 153 275 174 191 144 395 816 1,806 108 187 106 170 483 145 231 29 56 377 461 18 50 74 127 68 105 141 235 Cost. $88,900 235,626 918,000 1,687,000 401,365 649,050 306,160 977,360 2,987,700 6,316,750 700,000 815,110 408,450 508,560 1,447,585 371,742 1,708,655 125,600 270,400 1,142,885 1,313,380 79,700 254,300 304,100 1,825,300 147,500 525,000 686,900 983,250 F am i lies. 36 43 153 275 174 191 144 395 816 1,806 108 187 106 170 483 145 231 29 56 377 461 18 50 74 127 68 105 141 235 Num ber. Cost. 23 50 90 51 $192,500 2,124,608 600,000 980,000 23,000 22 32 5 3 3 3136 6 5 8 71 89 13 167,500 300,000 31.000 27.000 33,400 30,000 1,868,445 44.000 25.000 47,200 497,000 756,750 116,550 211 25 6,000 208,000 F am i N u m ber. lies. 46 422 100 180 10 2 44 64 10 6 6 12 626 12 10 16 142 178 26 50 Cost. M ulti-fam ily dw ellings w ith stores com bined. M ulti-fam ily dw ellings. F am i N u m lies. ber. Cost. F am i N u m lies. ber. 22 35 4 $240,000 450,000 17,300 27 58 7 19 $2,305,000 12 200,000 367,000 18 478 48 80 9 4 7 80,000 73,000 85,500 49 916 742,000 1,787,000 60,000 748 728 24 2 75,400 8,000 13,200 13,500 81,500 3,500 10,500 4 1 5 3 8 1 2 10,000 22 12 2 8 2 10 3 16 1 4 i 9,700 40,000 3 44,500 169.500 219.500 42,000 37,000 440,000 2 1 2 13 20 6 2 1 8,000 10,000 3 12 F am i lies. Cost. 1 ........................!.............. ____________i........... 1 $35,000 4 1 8,000 4 4 22,000 3 12 (a) 63 18 18 (0 )6 1 («) 15,000 ... ........... jI 4 B U IL D IN G P E R M IT S IN 1921. N um ber. O ne-fam ily and tw ofam ily d w ellings w ith stores com b in ed . T w o-fam ily dw ellings. N onhousekeeping dw ellings. C ity an d State. H otels. Year. N um ber. N um ber. 3 1 Cost. $300,000 3,500 N um ber. 2 1 N um ber. Cost. $32,000 4,500 - $100,000 250,000 1 2 i ; i , 2 i 1 1 50,000 12,500 1 20,000 1 1 18,000 75,000 20,000 Cost. T otal new residential dw ellings. N um ber. 61 296 218 418 180 196 144 395 839 1,921 155 196 118 171 486 155 550 29 65 387 474 108 167 93 127 77 ISO 143 236 Cost. $313,400 4,909,734 2,018,000 3,484,000 427,865 672,350 306,160 977,360 3,829,700 8,521,250 1,140,000 919,110 605,950 521,060 1,480,985 429,442 3,092,500 125,600 350,400 1,181,085 1,418,580 788,200 1,312,050 499,150 1,825,300 270,000 733,000 1,126,900 993,250 Fam ilies. 82 970 520 593 184 200 144 395 1,564 2,578 205 201 128 170 489 166 877 29 73 398 492 (a) 307 123 127 90 155 (a) 241 GENERAL TABLE, 1920 1921 1920 1921 K alam azoo, M ich ............ 1920 1921 K ansas C ity, K ans 1920 1921 Kansas C itv, Mo 1920 1921 Kearney, N . .T 1921 Kenosha, W is 1920 1921 Knoxville, Tenn 1920 1921 Kokomo, Tnd 1921 Lakewood, Ohio. . 1921 Lancaster, Pa 1920 1921 Lansing, Mich 1920 1921 Lawrence, Mass 1920 1921 Lexington, Ky. 1920 1921 Lima, O hio.. . 1920 1921 L incoln, N eb r............. 1920 1921 Cost. A ll other new residential dw ellings. Other. Lodging houses. a N o t reported. to Oi T able A.—NUMBER AND PROPOSED COST OF BUILDINGS (NEW CONSTRUCTION, AND REPAIRS, ALTERATIONS, AND ADDITIONS TO OLD BUILDINGS) COVERED B Y PERMITS ISSUED IN 1921, B Y INTENDED USE OF BUILDINGS—Continued. to 05 PART 1.—NEW RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS—Continued. Housekeeping dwellings. City and State. Year. One-family dwellings. Little Rock, Ark.. Long Calif. Lorain,Beach, Ohio........ Los Angeles, Calif. Louisville, Ky__ Lowell, Mass........ Lynchburg, Va... Lynn, Mass......... McKeesport, Pa... Macon, Ga........... Madison, Wis...... Malden, Mass....... Manchester, N. H. Mansfield, Ohio... Marion, Ohio....... Medford, Mass__ Memphis, Tenn... a Not reported. 1920 1921 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1921 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 8 296 719 1,2102 128 8,850 13,303 415 602 93 172 47 18 80 33 113 82 154 208 24 38 83 157 72 42 90 118 437 938 Cost. $1,077,573 1,874,850 4,260,588 390.553 494,734 25,124,628 30,763,921 1,909,400 3,197,500 301,150 442,200 186,400 75,500 225,286 225,155 472,123 215,749 426.553 398,250 1,122,407 144,225 140,900 112,465 379,727 204,025 96,000 318,601 590,000 2,052,705 3,866,340 Fami Num lies. ber. Cost. (ON719 (2) 128 1,288 102 128 4 (2) 8,850 13,303 415 602 93 172 47 18 80 113 82 154 208 24 38 157 72 42 90 118 437 938 550 1,651 2 Included with one-family dwellings. Fami lies. Num ber. $613,200 23,000 3,213,818 8,141,293 Cost. Fami Num lies ber. (2) (a)10 (®) $18,100 80,400 256 11,8,0000 00 2882 4 1 8 1,100 3,302 Multi-family dwellings. 3 6 197 1 1 205 602 2 11 6 4 6,000 132 28 52,000 10, 200 3 2 2 18 9,000 2 4 10 24 13,700 21 3 16,200 3 2 1 10, 0 00 2 168,300 5 15 30 1 41,057 8,000 61 641 53,000 9 18 107,200 26 13 1,200 262 1 58,800 21 13 4,500 22 31 20,800 11 99,000 60 450,000 120 123,200 4 8,000 128 1217 106,800 6 30,000 17 25 1 9 5 77,400 124,200 7,000 74,387 / 34,000 34 50 3 Cost. Fami Num lies. ber. $42,700 56,500 4,423,790 12,000 10,000 4,098,488 8,570,763 24,000 397,000 - 46,000 27,500 (a) 20 2,210 4 4 1,036 2,967 (a) 75 33 18 80,000 42 27,035 25,000 6,300 101,300 212,000 85,000 15,000 107,000 40.000 72.000 903,600 Multi-family dwellings with stores combined. Cost. 13 1 1 $217,540 10,000 31,000 100 3 4 2 14,000 6 8 8 6 31 65 30 6 27 . 15 16 277 Fami lies. 3 Includes two-family dwellings and one-family and two-family dwellings with stores combined. BUILDING PERMITS IN 1921. Num ber. and with familyllydwellings stores combined. Two-family dwellings. N onhousekeeping d w ellings. C ity an d State. Year. N um ber. L ittle R ock , A rk........... .. L ong B each, C alif........... L orain, O h io...................... L os A ngeles, C alif.. ! . . . L ouisville, K y .................. L ow ell, M ass...................... L ynchburg, V a ................ L yn n , M ass........................ M cK eesport, P a ............... M acon, G a........................... M adison, W is.................... M alden, M ass.................... M anchester, N . H ........... M ansfield, O h io............. M arion, O h io..................... M edford, M aas................... M em phis, T e n n ._______ aNotreported 1920 1921 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1921 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 Lodging houses. H otels. Cost. N um ber. Cost. N um ber. Cost. 1 1 10 $482,200 1 800,000 8 A ll other n ew residential dw ellings. O ther. $173,000 8,000 N um ber. Cost. 732 135 $145,000 613 91 2 18,000 55 i 1 1 3,500 12,000 . xu iiu uew iBBium uai uw&uuigs. N um ber. 299 1,641 109 9,615 15,564 417 119 211 50 19 379,673 35 122 84 155 75 238 35 85 172 72 44 102 182 463 979 Cost. $1,120,273 1,949,450 9,768,518 431,553 566,734 32,919,134 47,620,977 1,933,400 3,594,500 1,230,550 659,900 196,600 82,500 234,155 519,823 242,784 451,553 430,750 1,496,064 417,225 333,100 94 128,665 545,527 204,025 104,000 429,601 1,100,800 2,255,905 4,906,740 . F am ilies. (a) 749 3,882 117 146 10,986 19,572 (0) 677 ... 162 259 50 20 140 35 127 90 162 80 283 ■ 108 91 210 72 44 112 256 479 1,245 I £ to -Cl T able A.—NUMBER AND PROPOSED COST OF BUILDINGS (NEW CONSTRUCTION, AND REPAIRS, ALTERATIONS, AND ADDI- to TIONS TO OLD BUILDINGS) COVERED BY PERMITS ISSUED IN 1921, BY INTENDED USE OF BUILDINGS—Continued. 00 PART 1.—NEW RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS Continued. H ousekeep ing dw ellin gs. C ity and State. Y ear. O ne-fam ily dw ellings. M eriden, C on n .................. M ilw aukee, W is............... M inneapolis, M in n ......... M obile, A la ......................... M oline, 111........................... M ontclair, N . J ................. M ontgom ery, A la ............ M ount V ernon, N . Y ... M uncie, In d ........................ M uskegon, M ich............... M uskogee, O k la................ N ash ville, T en n ............... N ew ark, N . J .................... N ew ark, O hio.................... N ew B edford, M ass___ N ew B ritain, C onn......... N ew B runsw ick, N . J . . N ew burg, N . Y ................ 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1921 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1921 1921 19 555 993 995 2,714 55 137 38 182 45 83 148 163 61 48 284 129 237 149 422 174 266 41 123 222 61 43 33 56 Cost. $88,800 3,637,301 5,485, 250 3 668,105 &9 772,745 79,990 248,250 205,000 1,716,927 56,970 198,664 1,559,700 1,469,750 140,550 126 626 584*423 289* 952 876 490 446*209 1,264,603 1,130 750 1,914! 912 92,800 500 000 948,200 320,300 208,815 105,000 330,000 F am i nes. N um ber. 15 19 68 555 993 391 12 995 92 2,714 9 55 137 38 12 182 4 45 83 4 148 14 163 61 3 48 284 20 129 237 10 149 422 62 174 266 t 316 41 1 5 123 66 222 134 61 22 43 35 33 46 56 2Included with one-family dwellings. Cost. F am i N u m ber. lies. Cost. F am i N u m lies. ber. $79,250 592,800 3,065,650 124,250 (2) 31,500 30 136 782 24 184 18 1 12 57 $2,000 151,400 592,800 1 16 62 114,331 13, 000 47,000 162,000 14 000 24 8 8 28 2 31,000 2 10 6 2 103,500 3,500 120^000 40 70,000 20 808,457 3,256,340 25,600 528,000 998,200 140,005 207,815 230,000 124 632 10 132 268 44 70 92 400,050 10,000 50,000 8,000 102,600 16,000 52 1 8 1 12 4 F am i N u m ber. lies. 21 77 375 553 676 4 3 48 74,784 15,000 2i 4 10,000 16 78 80,000 118,000 522,293 1,352,100 3 36 48 99 325 3 13 30 1 1 30,000 121,000 267,200 8,000 25,000 12 46 90 4 4 1 2 1 2 6 35 1 5 1 9 2 Cost. $66,500 351,000 1,605,000 1,652,200 2,164,600 5,000 1,400 225,000 7 5 16 25 60 1 1 3 12 r ~ 3 2 M ulti-fam ily dw ellings w ith stores com bined. M ulti-fam ily dw ellings. 12,000 5Includes cost of two-family dwellings. . Cost. F am i lies. 5 $95,775 20 4 82,000 22 25 518,500 118 4 4 100,000 146,000 12 24 8 BUILDING PERMITS IN 1921. Num ber. O ne-fam ily an d tw ofam ily d w ellings w ith stores com b in ed . Tw o-fam ily dw ellings. N onhousekeeping dw ellings. C ity and State. Year. N um ber. M eriden, C onn.................. M ilw aukee, W is............... M inneapolis, M in n ......... M obile, A la ........................ M oline, 111............................ M ontclair, N . J................. M ontgom ery, A la ............ M ount Vernon, N . Y . .. M uniee, In d ....................... M uskegon, M ich............... M uskogee, O k la............... N ash ville, T en n ............... N ew ark , N . J ..................... N ew ark , O hio.................... N ew B edford, M ass___ N ew B ritain, C onn......... N ew B runsw ick, N . J . . N ew burg, N . Y ................ 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1921 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1921 1921 Cost. 1 1 $125,000 200,000 1 600,000 1 300,000 1 2 1 1 N um ber. Cost. 46,666 1,125,000 i 125,000 720,000 ! | ; A ll other n ew residential d w ellings. O ther. Lodging houses. H otels. N um ber. Cost. 2 $108,000 2 315,000 N um ber. $40,000 2 j 1 8,000 i Cost. iu ta i new lcw ucuuai U-Wennigd. N um ber. 42 640 1,458 1,032 2,869 65 138 39 204 49 83 152 194 62 55 305 129 248 151 431 254 721 47 192 368 101 118 80 59 Cost. $236,550 4,732,501 10,873,700 5,444,555 12,245,345 116,490 249,650 805,000 2,183,033 69,970 198,664 1,606,700 1,892,034 155,550 156,126 1,004,423 289,952 956,490 526,209 1,737,603 3,586,500 7,566,902 128,400 1,788,000 2,126,400 735,300 794,430 343,000 *371,000 F am ilies. 71 784 2,212 1,572 3,574 77 140 38 276 53 83 156 246 65 64 324 129 260 185 470 397 1,393 52 255 522 176 215 129 64 5 g to CO T able A.—NUMBER AND PROPOSED COST OF BUILDINGS (NEW CONSTRUCTION, AND REPAIRS, ALTERATIONS, AND ADDI- co TIONS TO OLD BUILDINGS) COVERED BY PERMITS ISSUED IN 1921, BY INTENDED USE OF BUILDINGS—Continued. ° PART 1.—NEW RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS—Continued. H ousekeeping dw ellin gs. C ity an d State. Year. O ne-fam ily dw ellings. N ew H a ven , C on n ......... N ew L ondon, C on n ___ N ew O rleans, L a............. N ew p ort, K y ..................... N ew p ort, R . I ................... N ew p ort N ew s, V a ......... N e w R ochelle, N . Y ___ N ew ton , M ass.................... N ew Y ork, N .Y .: B ro o k ly n .................... B r o n x ........................... M anhattan.................. Q ueens.......................... R ich m on d .................. N iagara F alls, N . Y ___ N orfolk, V a ........................ N orristow n, P a . . ........... N orw alk, C onn................. 1920 1921 1921 1920 1921 1921 1921 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1921 1921 a Not reported. 58 94 48 442 976 45 42 154 185 115 12 2,221 22 4,004 374 1,643 36 3,521 7,958 1,292 2,594 103 161 , 259 290 26 60 Cost. 1608,366 695.000 145.000 1,676,021 2,159,459 53,601 270,300 133,590 1,608,410 1,722,975 1,474,325 1,912,900 12,476,025 24,844,465 2,302,275 6 16,332,849 1,503,500 713.300 20,993,763 45,975,700 3,608,443 8,392,712 531,654 754.300 1,211,160 1,341,668 124,800 300,000 F am i lies. N um ber. 58 94 48 442 976 45 42 154 185 115 208 31 89 8 137 469 $315,000 766,100 39,500 506,939 1,967,932 62 178 16 274 938 8 13 4 18 733 2,794 167 838 90 1,050 1 16 38 10 32 6 51,550 123,000 35,500 174,800 7,853,800 27,157,050 1,697,200 <*) 747,000 7,849,025 7,300 102,250 282,433 71,400 236,510 60,666 16 26 8 36 1,466 5,588 334 1,676 180 2,100 2 32 76 20 64 i2 12 2,221 22 4,004 374 1,643 36 3,521 7,958 1,292 2,594 103 161 259 290 26 60 Cost. O ne-fam ily an d tw ofam ily dwelling* 5 w ith stores com bined. F am i N u m lies. ber. 2 Included with one-family dwellings 12 15 161 F am i N u m lies. ber. Cost. $26,000 83,875 163,401 4 20 163 1 1 2,500 12 172,000 is 2 24,000 2 115 1,523,200 230 932 10,476,385 1,740 63,500 6 4 144 814 4 3 21 4 4 M ulti-fam ily d w ellings. 1,151,450 (a) 9,346,645 1,128 8 61,200 12,000 3 173,631 30 20,000 4 25,653 8 11 30 2 11 81 5 3 1 44 409 22 277 22 109 23 196 2 5 8 9 1 Cost. $580,000 679,000 20,000 215,500 852,730 F am i N u m lies. ber. 137 172 21 55 243 15,000 20 12 27,000 13,000 3 (a) 3,604,000 27,007,700 5,250 3,425,000 844 39,834,900 10,718 (a) 13,565,000 33,435,000 4,532 (a) 1,750,000 6,845,400 1,767 26,000 55,000 149,500 277,350 5,000 M ulti-fam ily dw ellings w ith stores com bined. i 8 19 52 38 5 6Includes cost of two-family dwellings. Cost. F am i lies. 5 $478,000 15 1 22,000 6 4 2 272,800 185,000 54 50 6 19 1,480,000 903,100 89 303 1 5 4 18,000 109,000 87,000 4 24 19 BUILDING PERMITS IN 1921. Num ber. Tw o-fam ily dw ellings. N onhousekeeping dw ellings. C ity an d State. Year. N um ber. N ew H aven , Conn N ew L ondon, C o n n .. N ew port, K y .......... N ew port, R . I .......... N ew port N ew s, V a ......... N ew R ochelle, N . Y . . . N ew ton , M ass.. N ew Y ork, N . Y .: B rooklyn B r o n x .......... M anhattan. Q ueens............... R ich m on d __ Niagara F alls, N . Y ___ Norfolk, V a ........................ N orristow n, P a ................ N orw alk. C onn................. a Not reported. 1920 1921 1921 1920 1921 1921 1921 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1921 1921 1 Cost. N um ber. Cost. 13 $98,000 1 25,000 $10,000 A ll other n ew residential dw ellings. O ther. Lodging houses. H otels. N um ber. Cost. 2 $147,875 1 1 50,000 23,000 i 2,000 2 1 120,000 70,000 N u m b er. 1 i 3 4 3 1 1 1 1 1,915,000 14,600,000 51,000 14,560 7,500 35,000 60,000 3 75,000 1 Cost. xuotti new lesiu eiiin u uw eiim gs. N um ber. 100 213 60 618 1,694 13 45 48 162 216 iia 230 3,113 8,143 570 2,758 47 248 3,688 10,040 1,298 2,595 126 226 288 339 28 66 Cost. $1,503,366 2,140,100 230,500 2,580,335 5,769,397 63,601 270,300 151,090 1,659,960 2.141.975 1,509,825 2,147,700 25,457,025 89,758,400 7.674.975 56,167,749 16,983,500 51,050,300 23,895,213 70,970,870 3,691,503 8,400,212 724,904 1,325,364 1,681,060 1,968,181 199,800 360,000 F am ilies. 257 444 89 791 2,335 12 45 63 170 247 123 249 (a) 16,636 1,608 14,037 (a) 4,837 (a) 13,256 1,302 2,594 150 286 359 419 31 72 H f CO T a b l e A .— NUMBER AND PROPOSED COST OF BUILDINGS (NEW CONSTRUCTION, AND REPAIRS, ALTERATION A AND ADDI- TIONS TO OLD BUILDINGS) COVERED BY PERMITS ISSUED IN 1921, BY INTENDED USE OF BUILDINGS—Continued. Co PART 1.—NEW RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS—Continued. Housekeeping dwellings. City and State. Year. One-family dwellings. 13 962 $3,345,927 962 44 2,089 6,132,655 2,089 185 1,232,950 185 3 506 3,032,950 506 17 903,150* (a)435 435 3 614 8 2,897,800 1,444 5,171,592 1,444 (2)20 1 509 2,399,050 509 4 988 3,994,110 , 98$ 118,730 14 5 14 110,659 41 4 41 1,084 3,971,024 1,084 14 46 46 14 211,600 128 70 341,750 70 78 39 78 435,829 230 160 230 1,123,211 10 326,650 79 79 127 41 483,725 127 114 114 647,990 246 16 246 1,089,111 30 101,000 30 62 18 62 173,800 7 123,181 58 58 1,296 10,332,000 1,296 2,24* 2,244 12,169,100 301 301 677,829 372 55 372 3,283,950 792 161 792 5,122,778 2 Included with one-family dwellings. Cost. Fami Num lies. ber. $150,900 26 311,725 ' 88 49,000 6 661,500 34 (a) (2) 132,000 40 7,000 2 36,000 8 47,870 10 8 19,533 77,950 28 99,150 28 256 817,100 312,800 78 1,237,529 320 38,300 20 82 203,175 32 114,700 100,700 36 7,700 14 5 21 1 Cost. $45,400 96,250 18,000 Fami Num nes. ber. 7 26 1 Cost. Multi-family dwellings with stores combined. Fami Num nes. ber. 11 83 20 8 25 36 4 17 2 2 11 3 $287,594 1,744,500 270,000 98,500 368,500 513,250 490,500 1,119,000 40,000 25,000 142,300 110,000 95 455 180 42 (a) ^216 160 302 12 *8 150 56 4 4 17 1 2 50,000 35,300 134,500 50,000 50,000 37 15 56 36 16 Cost. Fami nes. 6 6 $80,000 85,214 30 23 4 1 46,000 20,000 24 3 1 3 12 11,000 48,000 288,000 4 38 100 1 10,000 4 15 810,000 162 32 212,200 106 660,000 110 12 6 52,000 7 314,500 64 1,689,973 322 26 22 1,012,500 276,765 36 174 3 io7,6o6 8 Includes two-family dwellings and one and two-family dwellings with stores combined. ii (2) 4 18 2 (2) 15,500 i.69, i50 10,000 13,000 1 41,500 5 11,000 2 4 19,000 1 7,000 8 46,100 2 3,545 9 2,257,500 (a) 4 19 3 1 8 4 6 1 12 2 (*) 1921. Fami Num nes. ber. Multi-family dwellings. P E R M IT S IN Oakland, Calif............... 1920 1921 Part Til 1920 1921 Ogftfvn Utah 1921 Oklahoma City,Okla... 1920 1921 Omaha, Nebr................ 1920 1921 Orange, N. J . . . ............. 1921 Oshkosh, Wis................ 1921 Pasadana, Calif.............. 1921 1920 Passaic, N- -f 1921 Paterson, N. .T 1920 1921 Pawtucket, R. I ........... 1920 1921 Panria, Til....................... 1920 1921 Perth Amboy, N. J---- 1920 1921 Petersburg, Va.............. 1921 Philadelphia, Pa. 1920 1921 Phoenix Ariz 1921 Pittsburgh, Pa.............. 1920 1921 a Not reported. Cost. One-family and twofamily dwellings with stores combined. BUILDING Num ber. Two-family dwellings. Nonhousekeeping dwellings. City and State. Year. Number. Oakland, Calif............... Oak Park, 111................. Ogden, Utah.................. Oklahoma City, Okla.. Omaha, Nebr.. Orange, N. J .................. Oshkosn, Wis................ Pasadena, Calif............. Passaic, N. J.................. Paterson, N. J............... Pawtucket, R. I ........... Peoria, 111....................... Perth Amboy, N. J___ Petersburg, Va.............. Philadelphia, Pa........... Phoenix, Ariz................ Pittsburgh, Pa.............. a Not reported. 1920 1921 1920 1921 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1921 1921 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1921 1920 1921 1921 1920 1921 Lodging houses. Hotels. 1 2 3 1 Cost. Number. Cost. $60,000 1,800,000 72,000 .......................*• 10,000 50,000 • 2 • $255,000 All other new residential dwellings. Other. Number. Cost. 5 $92,297 1 2 1 1 4,000 245,000 15,100 120,560 1 5,000 5 1 1 409,570 275.000 880.000 Number. Cost. l U l t t l H OW JL02M.U.0UM.U1 U W tU U U g b . Number. 997 2,249 189 545 443 639 1,504 520 1,011 40 50 1,113 66 210 117 394 )5 191 117 268 31 88 67 1,307 2,265 334 446 1,005 Cost. $3,909,821 8,522,641 1,299,950 5,764,450 1,001,650 3,266,300 5,862,842 2,936,050 5,394,110 390,750 176,192 4,383,834 468,750 1,446,850 748,629 2,410,740 418,250 872,900 • 708 990 1,272,811 108,000 320,600 134,426 12,844,500 13,398,670 940,029 4,585,450 9,089,016 Families. 1,120 2,681 192 720 477 («)1,724 678 1,298 55 64 1,262 168 426 156 587 115 277 154 300 31 110 74 (a) 2,406 407 553 1,335 p CO CO T a b le A .— NUMBER AND PROPOSED GOST OF BUILDINGS (NEW CONSTRUCTION, AND REPAIRS, ALTERATIONS, Atf D ADDI- TIONS TO OLD BUILDINGS) COVERED BY PERMITS ISSUED IN 1921, BY INTENDED USE OF BUILDINGS—Continued. op ^ PART 1.—NEW RESIDENTIAL, BUILDINGS-Continued. Housekeeping dwellings. City and State. Year. One-family dwellings. “Not reported. 1920 1921 1921 1921 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1921 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 38 41 135 58 179 85 162 980 2,865 103 ■ 59 118 19 17 109 192 100 284 8 18 107 231 215 131 106 24 170 579 136 351 Fami Num ber. ly . 38 $187,800 41 187,850 135 792,929 177,535 58 447,550 179 260,600 85 162 574,700 3,553,920 980 8,583,755 • 2,865 317,550 103 248,527 59 308,071 118 19 124,580 17 87,900 972,900 109 192 1,140,300 183,100 100 284 460,740 30,100 8 109,400 18 425,650 107 850,750 231 1,063,828 215 131 650,149 197,825 106 117,650 24 1,103,285 170 3,487,825 579 545,735 136 351 1,442,365 Cost. Fami Num lies. ber. 1 1 1 18 $3,500 2,2b0 4,000 85,300 2 2 2 36 25 148,750 50 1 18 15 30 145 14 66 8 20 8 7 6,000 92,000 113,900 307,200 1,501,300 85,700 384,200 54,100 121,300 24,825 55,000 2 36 30 60 290 28 .132 16 40 16 14 Cost. 2 $10,000 2 1 9 17 1 4 1 3,700 6,300 40,500 51,300 400 47,500 2,500 1 2 5 1 5 5 1 5 11,000 11,000 32,200 7,000 31,888 47,000 3,000 22,500 Fami Num lies. ber. Cost. Multi-family dwellings with stores combined. Fami Num lies. ber. Cost. Fami lies. 1 $6,500 4 52,000 19 4 90,000 35 IN 1921. Pittsfield^ Mass............ Plainfield, N. J.............. Pontiac, Mich................ Port Huron, Mich__ __ Portland, Me................. Portland, Oreg....... .... Portsmouth,' Ohio......... Portsmouth, Va............ Poughkeepsie, N. Y__ Providence, R. I ........... Pueblo, Colo............ Quincy, 111...................... Quincy, Mass......... Racine, Wis................... Revere, Mass.................. Richmond, Ind............. Richmond, Va.............. Roanoke, Va.................. Cost. Multi-family dwellings. B U IL D IN G P E R M IT S Num ber. One-family and twofamily dwellings with stores combined. Two-family dwellings. 2 (a) %1 8 1 . _i___ 2 2 7 1 10 6 1 5 1 5 3 11 2 $8,000 102,500 75,500 709,527 12,000 4 44 (a) 172 9 2 4 8 1 1 1 8 3 8,000 105,000 299,000 5,500 20,000 4,000 70,500 29,050 13 18 49 4 3 4 34 12 3 18 197,000 1,092,500 33 16a (0) Nonhousekeeping dwellings. City and State. Year. Number. Plainfield, N. J— .. .. Pontiac, Mich............. Port Huron, Mich.. . . . Portland Mfi Portland; Oreg. Portsmouth, Ohio__ _ Portsmouth, Va,.......... Poughkeepsie, N. Y ..... Providence, R. I _____ Pueblo, Colo......... Quincy, 111..................... Qniney, Mass........... Ranine, Wis................... Revere, Mass............ . Richmond, Ind............ Richmond, Va............ Roanoke, Va........ a Not reported. 1920 1921 1921 1921 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1921 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 Lodging houses. Hotels. Cost. Number. Cost. All other new residential d\>sellings. Other. Number. Cost. • i $125,000 i 1 75,666 40,000 1 1 100,000 2,000,000 1 1 1 $300 250,000 . 1 1 1 40,000 40, OuO 2,000 2 23,000 50,000 i $15,666 Number. Cost. % Total new residential dwellings. Number. 41 42 136 59 198 89 168 994 2,923 106 63 120 37 34 144 350 100 285 10 • 20 125 310 217 147 131 „ 33 185 599 136 352 Cost. $201,300 190,050 917,929 181,535 540,850 271.100 683,500 3,994,920 9,587,332 329,950 296,027 316,571 216,580 209,800 1,485,100 5,030,600 183.100 466,240 90,100 160,400 528,350 1,337,650 1,120,828 765,187 366,125 145,475 1,377,785 4,603,325 545,735 ' 1,457,365 Families. 42 43 135 60 (a) 219 (a) 207 3,136 113 67 121 55 60 187 566 100 288 11 20 141 404 216 169 152 41 222 741 136 351 $ g CO T a b l e A .— NUMBER AND PROPOSED COST OF BUILDINGS (NEW CONSTRUCTION, AND REPAIRS, ALTERATIONS, AND ADDI- TIONS TO OLD BUILDINGS) COVERED BY PERMITS ISSUED IN 1921, BY INTENDED USE OF BUILDINGS—Continued. eo 051 . PART 1.—NEW RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS—Continued. Housekeeping dwellings. City and State. Year. One-family dwellings. Rochester, N. Y ............ Rockford, 111.................. Rock Island, HI............. Sacramento, Calif......... Saginaw, Mich............... St. Joseph, Mo............... St. Louis, Mo................. St. Paul, Minn.............. Salem, Mass................... Salt Lake City, Utah... San Antonio, Tex........ San Diego, Calif............. San Francisco, Calif__ San Jose. Calif.............. Savannah, Ga................ Schenectady, N. Y ....... Scranton, Pa.................. a Not reported. 1920 im 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 Cost. 287 $1,675,198 951 5.288,953 168 '633,800 241 864,500 60 155,150 183,900 87 190 729,985 619 1,900,692 388 1,042,675 696,655 243 286 947,990 16,800 7 451 1,817,470 1,016 3,825,595 727 2,559,957 1,724 6,569,892 8 41,000 13 70,500 255 999,663 744 2,050,300 1,640 3,870,115 591 2,034,730 1,285 3,233,569 733 5,588,179 1,009 4,266,966 251 698,091 265 1,348,750 281 1,226,664 89 454,400 610,300 135 39 170,700 61 254,250 Fami Num lies. ber. 287 951 168 241 60 87 190 619 388 243 286 7 451 1,016 727 1,724 8 13 255 744 1,640 591 1,285 733 1,009 251 265 281 89 135 39 61 Cost. Fami Num lies. ber. Cost. Fami Num lies. ber. 34 2 4 218 16 6 50 8 6 • 1 2 24 8 4 3 2 $20,000 67,050 41,350 29,000 6,000 82,306 i5,700 3 8 6 8 1 10 4 24,000 371,960 5,000 15,000 80,000 4 84 2 4 30 15 2 4 1 107,400 22,000 34,000 5,000 17 4 4 1 91 228 4 870,735 2,076,000 17,800 182 456 8 3 17,000 4 3 3,890 3 25 3 7 153,200 30,000 54.500 50 6 14 5 34,300 8 17 109 8 25 3 1 12 2 1 $146,300 876,100 51,750 131,000 19,600 5,000 74,300 6,700 8,000 2 42 1 2 15 Multi-family dwellings. 3 4 1 4 28 21 2 2 32 176 12 55 Cost. $27,000 2,060,000 , 10,000 69,500 Multi-family dwellings with stores combined. Fami Num lies. ber. 12 142 4 37 199,200 82 84 327,250 6 22,000 160,000 100 451,600 <*) 2,411,000 1,056 1,454,600 (®) 362 1,824,450 4 120 369,000 7 93,500 51 13 133,700 78 5 51,200 (•) 27 475,850 158 26 593,000 183 171 * 3,770,102 1,218 7 74,800 38 705,000 (“) 3 22 153,200 66 Fami lies. Cost. 4 15 1 2 $28,000 46,000 3 29.900 1 15,000 4 1 60,000 7 1 13,000 3 (a) ' BUILDING PERMITS IN 1921. Num ber. One-family and twofamily dwellingsi with stores combined Two-family dwellings. Nonhousekeeping dwellings. City and State. Year. Number. Rochester, N. Y ............ Rockford, 111.................. Rock Island,v111............. Sacramento, Calif......... Saginaw, Mich............... St. Joseph, Mo.............. St. Louis, Mo................ St. Paul, Mirm.............. Salem, Mass................... Salt Lake City, Utah... San Antonio Tex......... San Diego, Calif....... San Francisco, Calif__ San Jose, Calif.............. Savannah, Ga................ Schenectady, N. Y ....... Scranton, Pa.................. Not reported. 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 Cost. 1 $13,000 1 8,075 1 1,000,000 1 1 128,000 200,000 Number. 1 1 # .»............ Cost. All other new residential dwellings. Other. Lodging houses. Hotels. Number. Cost. $82,500 • 27,000 1 $28,000 3 176,375 2 4,500 Number. Cost. Total new residential dwellings. Number. 309 ' 1,068 186 280 60 91 222 661 392 247 289 7 483 1,19 741 1,837 9 18 263 767 1,653 596 1,316 853 1,410 265 269 303 89 165 44 68 . Cost. ' $1,868,498 8,292,103 860.400 1,140,000 155,150 209.500 964,085 2,392,623 1,071,375 727,355 1,115,990 16,800 2,269,070 7,236,595 4,038,557 8,933,702 46,000 135.500 1,402,663 2,228,800 4,003,815 2,085,930 3,739,419 7,228,289 10,268,068 794,581 2,253,750 1,379,864 454.400 797,800 205,200 308,750 Families. 336 1,319 198 351 60' 94 274 737 398 251 388 7 (a) 2,072 («)2,194 10 21 379 826 (a)1,718 1,450 1,098 2,683 300 (°) 347 89 193 <“> 75 T a b l e A.—NUMBER AND PROPOSED COST OF BUILDINGS (NEW CONSTRUCTION, AND REPAIRS, ALTERATIONS, AND ADDI- TIONS TO OLD BUILDINGS) COVERED BY PERMITS ISSUED IN 1921, BY INTENDED USE OF BUILDINGS—Continued. ’ eg 00 PART 1.—NEW RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS-Continued. Housekeeping dwellings. City and State. Year. One-family dwellings. * Seattle, Wash................ Sheboygan, Wis............ Shreveport, La.............. Sioux City, Iowa........... Sioux Fans, S. D.......... Somerville, Mass........... j South Bend, Ind........... Spokane, Wash............. Springfield 111............... Springfield, Mass........... Springfield, Mo............. Springfield, Ohio........... Stamford, Conn............. Stockton, Calif.............. Superior, Wis..*............ Syracuse, N. Y ............. Tacoma, Wash.............. o Not reported. 1920 1921 1921 1920 1921 1921 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 Cost. 1,431 $3,450,160 1,775 4,319,930 391,282 86 643 2,362,380 1,157 2,728,315 577 1,500,985 303 859,475 5 32,000 11 _60,000 539 1,668,320 519 1,332,338 480,400 143 432 1,147, 245 46 269,005 749,780 161 888,475 253 495 1,508,650 570,635 194 60 180,000 230 701,500 77 406,330 96 525,075 218 711,457 417 819,175 32 116,800 104 344,910 188 1,041,500 348 1,823,400 421 899,895 785 1,642,330 Fami Num-* lies. ber. 1,431 1,775 86 643 1,157 577 303 5 11 539 519 143 432 46 161 253 495 194 60 230 77 96 218 417 32 104 188 348 421 785 Cost. Fami Num lies. ber. Cost. Multi-family dwellings. Fami Num lies. ber. 2 $21; 000 4 11 83,500 22 6 $41,000 10 77 5 37 507,800 38,000 242,775 154 10 74 12 107,197 18 5 49 121 40 10 10 33 52,500 267,900 733,600 70.000 75.000 56.000 209,300 10 98 242 80 20 20 66 1 3 4 10 2 3 3>500 20,300 33,566 30.000 12,500 25.000 1 4 6 20 3 3 48 117 301,500 795,600 96 234 4 6 4 29,500 27.000 18.000 («)9 8 Cost. Multi-family dwellings with stores combined. Fami Num lies. ber. 19 27 $222,400 565,400 (a) 186 8 89,000 29 3 11 1 1 3 7 9 16 10 2 4 8 69 37,200 194,765 45.000 12,500 55.000 140.000 308.000 182,800 30,000 309,000 42,000 98,200 312,777 18 48 (?) 6 106 35 112 84 50 82 (a)16 207 4 11 '2 10 22,000 95,300 47,000 139.000 (a)36 18 58 Cost. Fami lies. 2 2 $105,000 26,000 21 6 10 1 3 20,000 8,000 27,000 30 3 12 BUILDING PERMITS IN 1921. Num ber. One-family and twofamily dwellings with stores combined. Two-family dwellings. Nonhousekeeping dwellings. City and State. Year. Number. a Not reported. Number. Number. Cost. 1 6 1 $47,000' 187,500 55,000 60,000 1 100,000 1 350,000 1 13,800 1 1 64,873 40,000 1 2 1 55,000 36.000 35.000 2 $210,000 1 1 Cost. $45,000 Number. Cost. Number. v 1,454 1,808 89 643 1,157 604 303 5 93 544 583 144 433 50 176 311 636 194 130 242 94 136 227 $27,122 504 33 104 246 483 427 795 • 18 Total new residential dwellings. Cost. $3,974,560 5,072,830 467,282 2,362,380 2,728,315 1,874,485 859,475 32,000 710.000 1,706,320 2,266,875 525,400 1,159,745 327,505 962,580 1,464,375 2,458,050 570,635 330.000 789.000 844,330 803,375 • 874,530 1,159,074 171,800 344,910 1,430,500 2,776,300 964,895 1,781,330 Families. (a) 1,961 90 643 1,157 638 303 5 204 549 (O) 665 438 169 210 463 827 194 240 253 185 190 (a) 624 32 (a) 104 627 447 843 GENEBAL TABLE. Shreveport, L a ............. Sioux City, Iowa. Sioux Falls, S. Dak---Somerville, Mass........... South Bend, Ind........... Spokane, Wash............. Springfield, 111............... Springfield, Mass........... Springfield, Mo.............. Springfield, Ohio........... Stamford, tonn............. Stockton, Calif.............. Superior, Wis................ Syracuse, N. Y Tacoma, Wash.............. 1920 1921 1921 1920 1921 1921 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 Cost. All other new residential' dwellings. Other. Lodging houses. Hotels. CO <X> T a b l e A .— NUMBER AND PROPOSED COST OF BUILDINGS (NEW CONSTRUCTION, AND REPAIRS, ALTERATIONS, AND ADD I- TIONS TO OLD BUILDINGS) COVERED BY PERMITS ISSUED IN 1921, BY INTENDED USE OF BUILDINGS—Continued. 0 PART 1.—NEW RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS—Continued. __ . .. City and State. Year. One-family dwellings. Tp.rrft TT9,nto Tnrl Toledo, Ohio. Cost. 74 $217,700 1920 1921 758 1,187,222 1920 463 1 563,442 1921 482 1,576,357 Topeka, TCans .. 1920 215,800 59 1921 577,210 158 Trenton, N. .T. _ __ 1920 152 * 784,597 1921 283 1,049,530 8 52,553 Troy, N. Y ................... 1920 1921 501 2,311,390 Tulsa, Okla.................... 1920 1921 882 3,139,559 403,300 Utica, N. Y .................... 1920 70 1921 207 1,152,975 Waco, Tex __ 1921 262 719,284 247,242 Waltham, Mass............. 1921 127 566,925 162 Warren, Ohio................ 1921 Washington, D. O 1920 660 4,955,381 1921 1,656 11,158,146 819,500 187 Waterbury, Conn.......... 1920 1921 117 470,800 105 545,950 Waterloo, Iowa............. 1920 1921 61 303,550 385,000 84 Watertown, N. Y ......... 1921 West Hoboken, N. J .. 1920 3 24,500 1921 19 95,000 West New York, N. J.. 1921 17 119,000 Wheeling, W. V a. . . . . . 1920 56 212,700 1921 115 260,100 o Not reported. Fami Num lies. ber. Cost. Fami Num lies. ber. 74 758 463 482 66 33 $228,200 25 59 158 152 9 18 (2) 283 136,045 8 26 13 344,000 86 43 446 66 501 223 1,540,926 52 87,100 882 26 6 7 63,200 14 2 70 866,500 6 260 207 130 262 3 24,'500 6 127 2 11,000 162 4 3 660 1,656 187 12 85,500 24 2 178,350 62 117 31 105 61 76,500 24 12 84 3 4 32,000 8 19 900,000 150 9 17 75 56 5 266,750 98 115 49 2 Included with one-family dwellings. Cost. $144,621 Fami Num lies. ber. 28 770,463 42,500 12,500 41,000 66 6 4 11 16,000 5 41,000 3 108,000 25,500 Cost. Fami Num lies. ber. * 30 3 1 1 %2 $271,500 25,000 14,000 100,000 40,126 (a) 1 10 4 30 18 24 48 1 3 1 16 24 27 30 1 3 577,500 507,350 6,000 100,400 10,000 3,295,000 2,131,000 282,000 .266,250 12,000 65,000 315 177 3 25 4 Cost. Fami lies. 2 $66,000 14 2 48,400 16 7 41,200 21 1 90,000 20 3 110,000 21 1 4 7 2 10,000 81,000 105,000 23,000 4 29 26 & (a) ^539 85 92 9 26 4 18 140,000 58 1 4 25,834 6 9 119,800 42 * Includes cost of two-family dwellings. BUILDING PERMITS IN 1921, Num ber. Housekeeping dwellings. __________ L______________________________________________________________________________ One-family and twodwellings family dwellings with Multi-family dwellings. Multi-family Two-family dwellings. with stores combined. stores combined. Nonhousekeeping dwellings. City and State. Year. Hotels, Number. Terre Haute, Ind........... Toledo, Ohio.................. Topeka, Kans................ Trenton, N. J................ Troy, N. Y..................... Tulsa, Okla.................... Utica, N. Y .................... Waco, Tex..................... Waltham, Mass............. Warren, Ohio................ Washington, D. C ..__ Waterbury, Conn......... Waterloo, Iowa............. Watertown, N. Y ......... West Hoboken, N. J... West New York, N. J.. Wheeling, W. Va.......... a Not reported. 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1921 1921 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1921 1920 1921 1921 1920 1921 Lodging houses. Cost. 1 $1,225,000 11 50,250 1 2 2 1 1 15,000 1,300,000 1,953,350 35.000 70.000 < 1 12,000 Number. 6 3 Cost. $13,275 35,200 All other new residential dwellings. Other. Number Cost. 1 2 $7,500 444,000 1 1 1 1 3 40,000 162,000 85,000 150.000 394.000 1 40,000 Number. 4 Cost. $26,910 xutai ubw leaiuBiinai u. wtuiiugo. Number. 74 758 493 545 60 159 163 289 21 43 831 976 81 343 267 132 168 679 1,685 232 179 107 76 85 4 27 112 59 178 Cost. $217,700 1,187,222 1,834,942 2,040,178 229,800 677,210 2,017,097 1,582,056 188,600 344.000 5,263,804 3,879,819 525.000 2,060,475 1,071,684 366,742 608,925 9,700,381 15,636,496 1,373,000 985,400 597,950 445,050 395,000 36,500 208,000 1,372,000 261,534 672,150 Families. 74 758 600 63 188 170 317 34 86 1,328 1,138 91 478 307 137 (a) 171 2,195 320 271 114 111 88 3 56 269 66 261 (a) E g 4^ T a b l e A ,— NUMBER AND PROPOSED COST OF BUILDINGS (NEW CONSTRUCTION, AND REPAIRS, ALTERATIONS, AND ADDI- TIONS TO OLD BUILDINGS) COVERED BY PERMITS ISSUED IN 1921, BY INTENDED USE OF BUILDINGS—Continued. ^ PART 1.—NEW RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS—Concluded. Housekeeping dwellings. City and State. Year. One-family dwellings. Wichita, Kans............... Wilkes-Barre, P a ,........ Wilmington, Del........... Wilmington, N. C......... Winston-Salem, N. C... Woonsocket, R. I ......... Worcester, Mass............ Yonkers, N. Y .............. York, Pa........................ Youngstown, Ohio....... Zanesville, Ohio............ Total. Cost. Fami Num lies. ber. Cost. One-family and twowith family <dwelling Mnhinftd Fami Num lies. ber. Cost. Multi-family dwellings. Fami- Numlies. ber. Cost. Fami- Numlies. ber. $6,600 $61,300 485 485 $1,597,833 1920 32 11,250 91,935 $87,460 1,245 3,088,902 1,245 17 1921 22 12,600 131,676 1 1920 31,200 21,000 75 333,170 1921 20,000 71 71 405,599 1920 16,300 6,000 47 47 197,926 1921 17,500 38 116,000 123 368,000 123 19 1921 7,600 4 23,000 200 200 2 782,470 1920 49,500 19 2,000 2 335 335 990,778 1 1921 60 11,800 164.000 38 54 109,800 54 245,700 19 1920 307,700 149 94 16,000 286,000 95 95 47 1921 332,900 164.000 48 48,000 34 125,000 363 363 1,411,005 17 1920 100 312.000 79,500 420,700 110 479 479 1,711,380 55 1921 209.000 265 265 2,674,900 1920 104 416,500 329 1921 329 2,523,800 19 8,000 77,000 19 1920 66 304,395 66 1921 95.000 8 100,500 296 48.000 4 296 1,599,500 1920 90,000 75.000 450 100 90.000 50 450 1,053,000 1921 56 191,192 1921 56 830 6 8,779,741 6 1,493 666,268,369 ( a ) 5,381 6 40,037,837 («) 1920 6 67,905 6293,260,982 (a) 1921 132,665 6526,317,604 132,665 17,117 6 114,682,111 34,234 3,451 632,940,979 5/269 4,930 «207,021,211 52,173 a Not reported. 6 See notes to details. Multi-family dwellings with stores combined. Cost. nes. $98,650 28,000 22 6 20,000 11 *8 ‘i8,‘o66‘ 12 Fami 9,000 53,000 53,000 273 25,000 36 234 3,579,780 ( a ) 572 14,086,679 2.918 BUILDING PERMITS IN 1921. Num ber. Two-family dwellings. Nonhousekeeping dwellings. City and State. • Wichita, Kans............. Wilkes-Barre, Pa ... Wilmington, Del Wilmington, N. C Winston-Salem, N. C .. Woonsocket, R. I ....... Worcester, Mass __ Yonkers, N. Y .............. York, Pa Youngstown, Ohio . Zanesville, Ohio __ Total..................... Year. Number. 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1921 1920 1921 Cost. 1 300,000 1 $900,000 Number. Cost. Number. 23,680,906 39,676,010 38 27 $1,229,275 476,559 Cost. 3 85,000 3 $190,000 1 1 100 98 All other new residential dwellings. Other. Lodging houses. Hotels. 53 93 Number. ...........>** 1 345,000 146,000 3,872,775 7,715,068 40 Cost. $26,000 85,437 lutm iiv?w le&iucuoiai U.WC1111150. Number, 495 1,283 25 80 73 53 146 206 342 87 185 401 577 267 337 20 66 316 562 56 76,034 158,993 Cost. 1,665,733 3,763,197 $172,276 385,370 425,599 240,226 501,500 1,731,070 1,232,278 540,300 995,600 1,748,005 2,947,580 2,883,900 3,086,300 85,000 304,395 1.843.000 1.333.000 191,192 440,709,665 943,001,658 Families. (•)1,336 30 82 83 66 165 215 356 159 369 453 (a) 715 433 21 66 333 724 56 (a) 227,259 I 3 e w 6 ° Not reported. CO T able A.—NUMBER AND PROPOSED COST OF BUILDINGS (NEW CONSTRUCTION, AND REPAIRS, ALTERATIONS, AND ADDI TIONS TO OLD BUILDINGS) COVERED BY PERMITS ISSUED IN 1921, BY INTENDED USE OF BUILDINGS—Continued. PART 2.—NEW NONRESIDENT!AL BUILDINGS. City and State. Year. Amusement and recreation places. Num ber. Cost. Churches. Num- Cost. Num ber. Cost. $3,164,945 159,450 9,500 476.000 126,500 545.000 343.000 87,300 4,240 500.000 850 6,235 294,400 176.000 15,030 98,450 154,877 6,000 131,975 20.300 108,500 21.300 5,197,200 8,009,520 44,855 340,300 948,500 165,827 26,000 Number. Cost. 28 $420,000 92,000 18,000 15,000 2,000 1,100 111/500 35,000 147 664,037 2 16,000 12,000 4,000 38,500 33,000 Num ber. 1,579 1,002 187 164 341 ' 197 309 167 211 121 41 159 395 255 64 52 76 105 31 59 71 100 53 1,758 1,919 52 374 437 336 41 75 Cost. Institutions. Num Cost. Num ber. ber. $569,890 230,810 27 $20,850 2 5,500 32,871 1 3,000 383,640 359,940 197,000 2 15,500 220,500 91,289 1 1,500 60.599 1 10,000 36,000 2 5,900 6,700 37,021 . 3 10,000 471,072 42,449 12 47,650 85,415 32.964 1 2,500 40,885 4 7,600 24,185 4 14,455 33.965 2 11,850 6,007 6 5,700 45,055 6 7,000 34,579 * 7,050 1,700,450 2 4,500 6 32,472 1,169,743 18,200 1 5,000 78,540 4 3,000 112,448 5 12,100 41,002 24.600 39,318 2 8.000 Cost. i $165,000 2 500,000 1 65,000 1 1 1 25,000 18,000 54,000 Office buildings. Num ber. Cost. 1 $20,000 3 1 5 73,000 75,000 59,900 3 97,500 1 400,000 5 1,215,000 7 361,400 1 278,000 1 1,200 2,400 4 1 2,350 18 1,041,000 11 2,209,800 1 2 1 75.000 92.000 35.000 BUILDING PERMITS IN 1921, $234,000 $1,201,800 1920 Akron, Ohio----104,700 1921 77,800 60,000 1921 Alameda, Calif.. 1920 Albany, N. Y ... 1921 315,265 1920 Allentown... 132,500 1921 15,000 13,500 1920 Altoona, Pa. 1921 336,000 1921 Amsterdam, N. Y . 1921 Anderson, Ind....... 1921 105,025 23,300 Asheville, N. C___ 1920 489,860 274,800 Atlanta, Ga,.......... 1921 30,000 444,200 1920 62,400 Atlantic City, N. J. 18,000 1921 349,000 70,924 Auburn, N. Y ......... 1920 1921 25,000 1920 Augusta, Ga........... 52,257 1921 32.000 18,820 1920 1,000 Aurora, 111................ 1921 35.000 1921 Austin, Tex___ 38.000 1920 674.000 Baltimore, Md.. 1,271,500 1921 1,170,000 348,000 1921 9,000 Bangor, Me.............. Battle Creek, Mich.. 1920 2.500 1921 2.500 .1921 Bay City, Mich.. 2,100 5,900 Bayonne, N. J... 1920 119.000 1921 1921 Berkeley, Calif........ 1 In 1920 private and public garages were grouped together. Factories, shops, Garages (pub- Garages (private) .* Gasoline and service stations. etc. City and State. Year. Akron, Ohio__ Alameda, Calif.. Albany, N. Y .. Allentown, Pa.. Altoona, Pa___ Amsterdam, N. Y . Anderson, Ind....... Asheville, N. C__ Atlanta, Ga........... Atlantic City, N. J. Auburn, N. Y ......... Augusta, Ga............. Aurora, 111................ Austin, Tex___ Baltimore, Md.. Bangor, Me.............. Battle Creek, Mich. Bay City, Mich.. Bayonne, N. J... Berkeley, Calif.. Public build ings. Num ber. Cost. 1920 1921 $22,000 1921 1920 122,500 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1921 50,000 1921 1921 11,600 1920 45.000 1921 84.000 1920 21.000 1921 90,000 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1921 219,000 1920 1921 128,400 1921 1920 1921 1921 4,500 1920 1921 1921 a Included with sheds. Public work and utilities.5 Num Cost. ber. $2,000 2,000 ‘i3,‘666 Schools, libraries, etc. Num Cost. ber. Num ber. $2,017,000 748,800 40,000 284,000 100,000 154.000 110.000 138,000 1,000,000 401.000 815.000 1,294,800 Cost. 30,140 23,335 6376 30 510 5 67 2 7 12 106 9 6,640 4,022 2,000 159 1,533 «255,328 (a) 6,270 1,450 3,515 2,330 500 6 1,883 (a) 19,200 31,022 900 1,500 2,150 6,318 4,100 300.000 100.000 914.000 318.000 4,000 64,000 5Included with public buildings in 1920. Stores, ware houses, etc. Num Cost. Num ber. ber. $2,705 8,564 253,536 Stables and bams. Sheds. 47 $24,295 15.500 10.500 250 150 985 (a) 650 150 150 1,925 8,425 200 (a) 12,000 44,400 4,800 1,500 22,860 6,090 3,300 Cost. All other. Num Cost. ber. Total. Num ber. Cost. 325 $603,625 2,304 $11,424,313 6 81,900 1,252 2,109,346 198 153,796 256 1,379,280 461 1,179,975 14 112,000 264 1,272,765 393 1,022,300 500 288 415,587 1 480,917 345 905,528 141 623.000 62 29,559 540 274 703,294 2 181 3,534,350 618 6,792,982 904 3,680,072 19 139,060 179 1,840,990 108 2,194,188 500 100 256,562 1 2 1.400 119 87,110 7.400 90 318,417 11 115 113 5 95,381 86 1 2,000 89,755 137 281,459 83 487,333 98 1,787,500 2,033 12,968,850 1 18,000 2,307 17,358,530 68 70,800 406 194,040 523 574,813 59,225 160 20,442 664 693,977 48 367,800 107 2,408,900 118 754,045 "isi'ooo 17 131.000 8Includes stables and bams. 318 127 5 3 11 3 13 18 33 7 10 48 10 199 38 29 2 2 15 16 1 21 11 22 64 7 17 636,741 5,925 7,000 250,200 13,000 Ox T able A.—NUMBER AND PROPOSED COST OF BUILDINGS (NEW CONSTRUCTION, AND REPAIRS, ALTERATIONS, AND ADDI TIONS TO OLD BUILDINGS) COVERED BY PERMITS ISSUED IN 1921, BY INTENDED USE OF BUILDINGS—Continued. if** CS PART 2 .—NEW NONRESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS-Continued. Amusement and recreation City and State. Year. Num ber. Cost. Num Cost. ber. $150,000 172,350 185.000 287.000 58,000 113,500 369,700 23,100 5,000 80,000 41,670 43,450 110,000 Garages (pub Garages (private) .l Gasoline and service stations. lic). Factories, etc. Num ber. Cost. Num ber. Cost. $26,000 16,000 4 $25,000 242,565 (o) 12,100 («) 30,000 8 62,100 3 20,900 75,500 6 ........... 164,800 3 . 33 159,450 Num ber. 64 116 297 2403 602 300 323 569 967 459 378 285 313 92 140 1,749 2,653 37 36 149 236 Cost. $87,100 45,296 171,345 «233,305 415,258 44,675 85,000 3,137,567 1,929,517 381,393 187,858 252,618 146,689 ,035,900 852,225 339,098 139,017 166,870 596 214,630 696 113,097 353 211,539 495 113,292 15 39,170 174,850 16 4,685 28,600 45,037 74 266,250 175 74,539 11 43,638 79,300 31 274,885 27,500 4,355 15 5 86,565 84,100 1 In 1920 private and public garages were grouped together. ... ......... 2 . . 82 2 25,000 13,930 20,000 Institutions. Num Cost. Num ber. ber. 4 1 3 4 4 15 11 $1,982 8,000 19,500 3,900 16,000 39,325 15,000 2 6 *575 3,400 Cost. Office buildings. Num ber. 1 $125,000 4 22,650 3 $819,600 1 132,395 111 18,600 4,000 2 7 12 3 2 2 13 2 6 Cost. 1 105,000 45,000 5,000 10,650 9,900 10,000 I 100,000 12,000 22,121 1 20,000 19,000 1 20,000 5,300 3 Includes public garages. 2 280,000 15 6,817,825 17 5,739,100 7 58,200 3 4,200 1 1 200 1 15 27 235,000 581,000 356,241 2 2 10 4 1 3 6 7 4 6 170,000 60,560 35,100 720,000 8,000 52,000 142,200 211,000 70,200 106,400 BUILDING PERMITS IN 1921. $3,500 1920 28,000 1921 1920 10,000 13,500 1921 1920 20,000 1921 660,200 1921 1920 597.000 1921 445.000 1920 289,794 1921 840,800 36,190 1920 1921 333.000 1920 1921 3,100 1920 200,000 1921 1,091,000 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 50.000 1920 15.000 1921 50.000 1920 1921 1,500 1920 1,000 1921 124,300 1920 1921 185,000 1920 1921 20,500 a Included with private garages. Bethlehem, Pa........ Binghamton, N. Y.. Birmingham, Ala.. Blomihgton, 111.. Boston, Mass— Bridgeport, Conn......... Brockton, Mass............. Brookline, Mass........... Buffalo, N .Y ......... Butte, Mont---- :.......... Cambridge, Mass. .. . .. Camden, N .l................ Canton, Ohio................ Cedar Rapids, Iowa... Charleston, S. C........ Charleston, W. Va........ Charlotte, N .C ............. Churches. City and State. Bethlehem, Pa............... Binghamton, N. Y ____ Birmingham, Ala........... Bloomington, 111............ Boston, Mass.................. Bridgeport, Conn__ ... Brockton, Mass.......... Brookline, Mass. . . . __ Buffalo, N. Y.. Butte, Mont........ Cambridge, Mass. .. . .. . Camden, N. J............. Canton, Ohio............ Cedar Rapids, Iowa___ Charleston, S. C............ Charleston, W. Va......... Charlotte, N, C. .. ... ... Year. Public build ings. Num ber. Cost. 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 2 $157,000 1921 1 90,000 1921 2 273,000 1920 1921 6 1,165,000 1 750,000 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 r 1921 5 Included with public buildings in 1920. Public work and utilities.5 Num Cost. ber. 1 $25,000 2 100,000 1 2,000 3 27,729 6 370,125 i 18,666 Schools, libraries, etc. Num ber. 6 Cost. . Stables and bams. Sheds. Num ber. Cost. $1,400 1 1 5 4 6 7 6 7,000 60,000 274,000 330,000 1,555,185 218,908 185,686 71 5 1 2 3 1 2 7 4 2 1 1 2,068,839 36,000 513,200 15,000 590,700 9,000 125,602 954,132 947,500 208,422 37,000 55,000 100,000 17 170 99 1 $7,535 10,329 21,620 200 7 24 18 831 391 2167 7,525 7,200 1,845 4,746 600 109,700 23,429 1,390 124 38 78 7 25 11 14 3; 22 I 1 20,915 15,000 12,354 16,660 1,000 14,740 13,680 700 4,915 825 100 Stores, ware houses, etc. Num Cost.. Num ber. ber. 5 12 6 391 3 2 2 6 12 8 1 42 131 $18,050 6,655 1,200 7,350 ' 4,000 15,500 9,500 300 3,730 3,665 1,625 10,000 io, 666 23,610 2,000 15 6,600 10 800 11 4,365 72 12,967 76 11,715 4 3 1 1 475 8,350 50 100 12 6 40 75 95 64 79 51 75 24 27 22 12 40 1211 & 351 *8 36 62 4 15 11 15 32 67 30 21 Cost. $111,250 12 400 249*635 1,000,000 390,465 2,450,700 1,470,780 184 055 150 154’ 84,020 93,550 927,000 280,030 893,400 929,865 600 167,150 373,130 100,000 22,600 69,400 262,890 13,000 74,000 113,050 102,615 132,250 324,960 145,655 117,150 All other. Num Cost. ber. 2 50 $1 300 29,’ 125 6 225 249 21 42 6 56 3 30 87 102 18 33 175 2 20 1,600 516,780 316,315 87,955 2,186 23,200 725,200 6,000 145,000 40,674 15,000 198>.700 7,190 530,102 1,730 343,500 Total. Num ber. Cost. 100 176 351 639 692 627 340 930 1,359 604 524 399 455 126 160 2,357 3,130 61 38 267 279 438 490 819 973 476 661 238 61 138 326 122 82 $250,582 301,421 492,650 530,969 1,848,258 2,106,335 208,200 16,313,697 14,412,197 3,582,188 1,535,129 893,094 1,007,824 1,177,500 964,014 7,104,600 6,308,443 118 100 12!125 4,219,093 818,578 1,835,464 973,097 1 232,550 1,424,616 925,268 1,507,829 2,288,562 498,152 598,242 1,063,773 1,418,815 600,305 H £ -Of T able A.—NUMBER AND PROPOSED COST OF BUILDINGS (NEW CONSTRUCTION, AND REPAIRS, ALTERATIONS, AND ADDI- & TIONS TO OLD BUILDINGS) COVERED BY PERMITS ISSUED IN 1921, BY INTENDED USE OF BUILDINGS—Continued. 00 . PART 2.—NEW NONRESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS—Continued. City and State. Num ber. 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1921 1920 1921 1921 1920 1921 1921 1921 1920 1921 •1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1921 1921 1920 1921 1921 1920 1921 Cost. 1 $5,000 3 118,000 1 75,000 5 3,650,000 12 2,447,000 1 60,000 141 7R1 i OX, AKTI 600 23 3,572,500 152 4 345 000 *126* 000 3* 000 1 *301 2 248,000 25 600,000 159 000 '300 1 21 400 1 200 3 23^200 978,500 77 251,800 UtJU X Churches. Num Cost. ber. 91 1 1 1 19 201 1 6 102 1 X X 1 3 2 9 12 1 3 4 5 28 $25,000 427' 300 34'000 100,000 30,000 397,000 706,300 . 20,000 32,000 23l' 400 319 000 30! 700 75,000 30 000 2' 500 2! 002 78,750 16,050 448,000 429,000 8,200 135,000 63,100 20,500 487,450 Factories, shops, Garages (pub Garages (private)-1 Gasoline and service stations. etc. lic). Num ber. Cost. Num Cost. ber. 175 $1,361,500 267 800 3 12' 250 5 25,325 13 408,600 3 37,000 13 280,000 179 4,700,900 101 846,500 2/500 10 150,315 26 3,408,750 38 441,135 168 15,858,900 56 682,000 75,600 14g 14'600 28^041 13 21 1,835,800 16 175,120 11x 447,470 198,000 7 74,500 3 4,200 4 . 22,400 7,600 2 30 252,050 22 114 608 4! 300 13 145 000 2 24,000 3 4i5,666 1 In 1920 private and public garages were grouped together. 1 3 $27,000 101 3,541,500 2 15,000 2 30,000 20 161 550 10 40' 900 23x 2 54 100 4’, 250 9,000 2 63,000 X 12,000 6 60,800 6 64,700 9 222 500 6^000 4 85,666 1 Num ber. Cost. Institutions. Num Cost. Num Cost. ber. ber. 12 $55,200 3 $13,500 5 13, 000 172 23,455 49 150,27a 69 93! 646 150 154 98,335 25 • 250,000 40 80,000 203 708,750 44 467,400 74 26,050 1 ' 800 48,680 108 71,107 205 997 823,255 1 676 681,525 18 86, 550 44,155 'l05 64,962 4,094 1,263,825 190 (3) (3) 5 2,000 225 195,000 4 8,435 52,759 254 1 5,005 87 185^611 5,780 15 6,950 63 12 18,850 1,062 524,870 17 19,600 1,865 521,795 2 8,000 29,420 107 58,660 2 1,200 155 104 102,290 3 17,000 193 81,850 277 131,490 87 24,440 6 27,000 270 285,895 26 95,025 392 194,122 2 5,968 255 42,900 3 29,340 255 251,553 1 3,000 80,345 269 3 Included with repairs. 1 $15,000 2 3,750,000 7 1,122,000 2 700,000 1 28,000 1 175,000 Office buildings. Num ber. Cost. 7 $19,250 1 700 4 2,050 i 7,000 50 3,702,100 41 24,778,400 2 29,500 3 120,000 4 214,000 1 1,000,000 4 18,700 31 13,752,500 23 6,560,000 1 ' 25,000 6 28,077 1 55,750 2 93,000 7 486,000 5 317,900 1 200,000 1 32,000 2 280,000 3 755,000 2 4 9 5,000 15,950 33,700 BUILDING PERMITS IN 1921. Chattanooga, Tenn. Chelsea, Mass......... Chester, Pa............. Chicago, 111............ Chicopee, Mass....... Cicero, 111......................... Cincinnati, Ohio............. Clarksburg, W. Va........ Cleveland, Ohio............. Clifton, N .J .................... Colorado Springs, Colo.. Columbia, S.C ............... Columbus, Ga................ Columbus, Ohio............. Council Bluffs, Iowa— Covington, K y............... Cranston, R. I ................ Cumberland, Md............ Dallas, Tex..................... Danville, 111.................... Davenport, Iowa........... Year. Amusement and recreation places. 4828°—23—Bull. 318- Year. City and State. Chattanooga, Tenn. Chelsea, Mass.................. Chester, Pa..................... Chicago, 111...................... Chicopee, Mass............... Cicero, 111......................... Cincinnati, Ohio............ Clarksburg, W. Va........ Cleveland, Ohio............. Clifton, N. J.................... Colorado Springs, Colo.. Columbia, S. C............... Columbus, Ga................ Columbus, Ohio............. Council Bluffs, Iowa__ Covington, K y............... Cranston, R. I................ Cumberland, Md........... Dallas, Tex..................... Danville, 111.................... Davenport, Iowa........... Public build ings. Public work and utilities.5 Num Cost. ber. Num Cost. ber. 1920 1921 2 $120,412 1920 1921 1920 1921, 1920 1921 3 820,000 1920 1921 1921 1920 2 335,000 1921 1921 1 4,000,000 1920 1921 2 110,000 1921 1921 1920 1921 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921. 1920 1921 * 1921 1921 6 71,400 1920 1921 1921 1920 1921 3 Included with sheds. 2 9 4 2 2 1 2 Schools, libraries, etc. Num ber. 2 4 1 3 11 16 1 2 1 4 6 12 3 1 1 3 3 1 Cost. Sheds. Num ber. Cost. Stables and barns. Num ber. Stores, ware houses, etc. Cost. Num ber. Cost. All other. Num ber. Cost. $522,539 21 $182,500 51 54 $2,855 204,500 $3,300 19 197,750 2 1,850 6 6 $24,000 56,800 2 12,300 3 125,666 3,000 $7,000 15 37,550 12 7 1,100 6,600 9,428 8 10,313 17 94,450 5,211 23 10 42,200 1,356,200 is 30,000 1,241 42,073,500 3,281,500 8,105 4,054,600 8,105 4,099,500 431 7,501,750 15 171,600 4,643,000 28 10,700 8 3,400 10 15,800 26 8,050 125,000 20 11,075 27,800 17 1 174,000 17 4,075 500 34 285,350 600,000 236 263,915 12 54,100 31 935,600 399,000 199 58,125 24 21,685 77,395 53 416,100 48 14,251 11 8 675 800 33 130,975 1,700,000 455 140,425 85 2,392,300 172 4,422,500 4,467,400 280 3,377,500 90 1,310,050 12 4,250 434,465 16 13,650 16,400 16 4,800 27 3,344 6 12,450 34 4,004 7,165 62,201 6 29 3,392 11 1,645 1,932 13 30,927 337 95,465 119,300 162 6 86,760 795,000 840 30 1,351,750 85 27,695 162 68,090 10 5,275 40 202,935 5 1,400 425,000 18 975 6 13,000 2 325 210,000 26 970 7 106,000 5 2 10,650 4,100 4 1,600 235,000 9 2,540 8 15,400 1 2 103,300 61 8,715 600 100 28 72,610 1 41,000 1 27 4,020 300 12 14,545 4 835,000 2 12 6,875 98 2,176 795 19 361 795 (a) 850 205 550,000 3 141,750 6 17 639,020 (°) 1,589! 106 223 120j 303 4 318,000 1 75,000 14 3 18 8,405 20,000 70 20,105 19 200 6 83.700 5Included with public buildings in 1920. e Includes stables and barns. Total. Num ber. Cost. 65 322 70 104 212 192 1,421 17,291 133 176 276 1,315 2,103 174 5,227 479 318 301 179 144 14 1,400 2,134 153 196 120 232 379 145 470 937 263 377 285 $2,199,489 1,257,960 400,287 294,160 799,137 219,746 55,568,800 63,044,200 951,950 238,905 927,347 6,866,020 4,457,966 267,505 47,867,912 20,926,950 976,465 106,138 325,789 466,734 323,815 6,350 565 1 961* 715 925,890 795,030 191 940 554* 590 367,415 267,655 5,330 360 4,56l! 684 377,168 568 603 691.045 S § £ g W CD T able A.—NUMBER AND PROPOSED COST OF BUILDINGS (NEW CONSTRUCTION, AND REPAIRS, ALTERATIONS, AND ADDITIONS TO OLD BUILDINGS) COVERED BY PERMITS ISSUED IN 1921, BY INTENDED USE OF BUILDINGS—Continued. Oj 0 PART 2.—NEW NONRESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS—Continued. City and State. Year. Num ber. Cost. 1 6 $5,000 517,500 5 2 147,100 57,000 2 90,000 7 1,262,500 2 2 27,500 250,000 1 1 4 2 4 1 1 44,666 200,000 35,000 4,000 292,000 6,000 6,000 2 7 42,000 184,000 Churches. Num Cost. ber. 2 $72,000 2 38,635 2 122*500 3 131,200 1 40,000 1 ' 30,000 49,000 2 27 1,068,510 27 1,121,100 1 30,000 4 69,100 1 1 3 20,000 53,000 ' 52, 700 2 2 74,000 33,000 3 1 3 1 96,600 4,000 61,400 180,000 1 9,6661 1 In 1920 private and public garages were grouped together. Factories, shops, Garages (pub Garages (private) J Gasoline and service stations. lic). etc. Num ber. Cost. 102 $1,970,941 43 302,832 13 268,300 20,400 7 393,000 34 9 235,500 164,500 2 141,075 16 161 15,734,635 62 1,445,600 30,850 5 27,600 9 277,600 36 2 30,600 47,235 9 2,050 4 57,400 3 740,760 24 6 43,600 2 510,000 91,234 10 120,500 18 4^11 495,000 2 25,000 18 237,150 582,261 15 17,350 9 1 15,000 31 291,135 13 188,338 Num ber. Num Cost. ber. 23 $243,859 27,800 7 47 330,000 9 117,100 86 1,393,710 1 4,000 61,100 5 2 19,000 4 96,100 15 153,900 10 43,381 3 15,800 2 7,000 48,800 9 2 11,500 9 6 17 . 44,300 150,000 40,000 Cost. 782 $670,692 1,107 588,635 272 245,850 397 111, 910 726 882, 350 1,031 674,940 114 62,298 55,762 275 8,951 6,102,690 7,263 2,308,636 43,824 110 49,692 159 146,475 437 7,200 9 71,573 299 53,300 73 344,267 227 304 168,803 38,683 166 161 20,665 213 38,181 6 76,000 121,454 302 32,800 158 10,556 52 10 50,000 38i 267,132 152,563 569 161,745 317 121 182,465 179 73,405 150 7,500 Institutions. Num Cost. Num Cost. ber. ber. 6 $37,000 4 15,036 9 36,000 13 45,700 13 29,600 2 7,000 16 37,600 1 10 2 4,000 23,650 10,000 3 9 2 4 1 8,100 15,850 5,800 1,600 600 10 3 4 3 3 2 51,000 9,200 13,750 17,000 4,500 8,000 Office buildings. Num ber. 14 7 1 $150,000 3 212,000 5 240,000 Cost. $316,450 170,740 15 1,320,300 393,500 4 20 6,305,800 25 1,919,000 1 50,000 1 9,000 2 6,000 2 166,000 1 350,000 4 3 3 3 4 1 3 4 1 7 72 5 4 1 2 147,555 3,450 255,500 69,500 61,250 75,000 202,000 9,660 140,000 477,600 685,450 266,766 45,500 23,000 8,000 BUILDING PERMITS IN 1921. 1920 1921 1920 1921 D enver, C olo. 1920 1921 D as M nines, Tnwa 1920 1921 Detroit. Mich . 1920 1921 D ub uq ue, Towa 1920 1921 D u lu th , M in n ............ 1921 E a st Chicago, Tnd - . 1921 East Cleveland, Ohio__ 1921 Easton, Pa 1921 E a st Orange, N . J 1920 1921 E a st fit. Ennis Til 1920 1921 1921 Elgin, 111.. E lizab eth, N. .T 1920 1921 Elmira, N. Y. 1920 1921 E l Pasn, T en 1920 1921 Erie, P a .. ___ 1920 1921 Evanston, 111...................... 1921 E v erett, M ass . . 1920 1921 Everett, Wash............... 1921 Amusement and recreation places. City and State. Year. Public build ings. Num ber. Cost. 1920 1921 1920 1921 4 $192,000 1920 11 ’ 5l'000 1921 1 I5J666 Des Moines, Iowa........... 1920 1921 Detroit, Mich.................. 1920 1921 D ub uq ue, Iowa.............. 1920 1 6,845 1921 "Duluth, Minn 2 93,928 1921 E ast Chicago Tnd 1921 East Cleveland, Ohio__ 1921 1 20,545 E asto n , P a 1921 East Orange, N. J ........... 1920 1921 East St. Louis, 111......... 1920 1921 Elgin, 111....................... 1921 Elizabeth, N .J .............. 1920 1921 Elmira, N. Y .................. 1920 1921 El Paso, Tex.................. 1920 9 336,000 1921 Erie, Pa........................ 1920 1921 E v a n sto n , 111.............. 1921 E v erett, M ass.................... 1920 2 53,800 1921 Everett, Wash................ 1921 a Included with sheds Public work and utilities.5 Num Cost. ber. Schools, libraries, etc. Num Cost. ber. 2 $48,000 8 378,657 2 1 2 2 2 1 1 i 1 Sheds. Num ber. Cost. Stables and barns. Stores, ware houses, etc. Num . Cost. Num ber. ber. Cost. All other. Num ber. Cost. $882 18 $419,910 119 $61,584 17 $78,398 5,646 34 504,528 104 17,353 29 10,030 18 295,000 4 3,250 24 67,750 500 2 19,500 (a) 8 704,666 6431 6100,260 (a) (a) 9 1,079,000 «786 6171,200 («) 45 313,000 2 4 62 1,180,250 300 9,500 ' 4 2,475 6 $70,000 5,027 71 169,309 34 147,175 73 2,970,2Q0 7 1,128,445 119 1, 111, 275 21 3,647,974 98 252,603 325 3,443,710 155 4,255,273 1,200 2 19 5,953 2 674,333 1 800 18 3,685 2 i,075 4 30,250 35,000 1 75,928 140 38,090 11,022 59 155,890 5,150 31 1 25 23 164,600 1,600 52 46,839 1 85,000 15 148,300 1 5,000 • 2 3,000 85,000 12 3,995 45,500 23 1,495 3 1,750 3 34 162,025 4,911 2 3 464,415 31 975 1 86 23,009 50,000 6 6,200 13 195,950 6 160,615 1 97,357 2 1,500 171 26,200 500 35 115,800 7 15,850 7 6,475 8 2,030 12,000 1 472,000 6,000 4 38,000 253 126,606 6 5 3,000 1 188,866 11 4 14,500 28 203,510 12,890 5 1,550 1 10,000 25 1,400 6,000 24 308,000 225 75,000 4 330,000 11 3,565 41,200 9 13 6,825 6 3,550 24 110,776 2 229,800 75 9,075 13 4,300 26,000 1 30,000 4 53,000 25 10,000 3 800 1 23,300 14 4,940 75 9 5 16,800 1 2,500 10 13,820 24 24,505 200 8,000 6Included with public buildings in 1920. 6 Includes stables and bams. 2 10 1 Total. Num ber. Cost. 1,065 1,377 305 455 1,240 1,958 192 401 9,394 8,069 131 197 .706 80 373 107 276 400 311 387 246 290 391 170 82 288 99 444 715 370 183 249 353 $3,680,857 2,793,451 931,650 568,310 4,036,710 3,181,240 1,471,323 1,038,373 34,658,730 21,050,106 50,977 920,530 882,988 733,475 478,412 643,480 451,157 1,040,260 1,538,167 437,222 597,136 1,088,234 1,053,330 667,800 45,456 *1,585,200 1,258,600 1,184,499 756,814 1,174,545 526,715 400,868 32,500 T able A.—NUMBER AND PROPOSED COST OF BUILDINGS (NEW CONSTRUCTION, AND REPAIRS, ALTERATIONS, AND ADDI- g« TIONS TO OLD BUILDINGS) COVERED BY PERMITS ISSUED IN 1921, BY INTENDED USE OF BUILDINGS—Continued. PART 2 .—NEW NONRESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS—Continued. City and State. Year. Amusement and recreation places. Num ber. Cost. Churches. Num ber. Cost. Num ber. Cost. 10 $569,100 1 4,500 151 645,255 200 294 450,000 327,000 10 710,500 13 18,005 638 2,123,570 117,000 234 35,865 47,000 19Q 400,000 91,700 93 2 000,000 15 *465,300 150 118,810 103,240 1 3,000 7 503,050 10 173,031 5 33,800 28 7,585,910 16 220,472 134 350,600 9,050 134 42,600 87,650 8 283,030 1 5,000 13 850,600 1 120.000 Num ber. Cost. 45 $84,100 5 58,000 4 24 000 1 2*,800 7 33,400 26 241,600 1 7,000 3 30,500 7 34,000 16 284,500 1 12 4,000 61,500 22 146,500 Num ber. 191 195 108 149 880 857 59 315 479 9 189 530 184 429 140 195 733 1,122 85 123 154 111 147 249 206 393 170 168 29 * 291 14 2 136 160 Cost. $209,880 64,635 113,575 47,200 440,000 58,008 9,652 137,805 134,588 173,000 89,614 125,582 40,502 28,000 128,680 72,285 173,895 273,199 49,769 36,688 91,000 19,202 146,510 104,350 345,4G5 458,083 95.250 73,780 34,530 106,750 154,500 10,000 800,000 70,850 Num Cost. Num ber. ber. 7 $50,400 5 1,450 1,400 6,025 24 24,000 6 8,094 11 246,900 8 17,600 32 60,955 14 33,900 3 12,900 2 8,000 2 9,800 2 1,500 4 22,000 1 1,950 1 3,000 i 6,200 1 10,000 4 16,500 2 4,400 4 11,750 2 3,000 1 1,900 7 25,200 2 5 3 4,666 Cost. 1 $1,000 3 1 20,066 2 48,300 1 60,040 li, 830 1 8,666 1 175,000 2 323,000 Office buildings. Num ber. Cost. 1 $100,000 4 71,020 i 100 10 2, 000,000 1 29,000 6,550 5 5 107,300 35 648,655 59,850 14 7 117,024 9,700 3 3,500 1 45,200 5 3,900 3 2 2 3 4 19,178 1,650 17,000 45,000 125,000 1 2 2 600 2,150 125,000 2 260,000 5 BUILDING PERMITS IN 1921. 1 $.18 350 1920 1 3, 500 1921 1920 1 38,000 2 $49,000 1921 Flint, Mieh..................... 1920 143 280 000 80*000 78 43 151*000 1921 000 iu l* UvAJ 4 1 Fort. Sm ith , Ark 1921 *800 4,575 Fort Wayne, In d .......... 1920 3 20 500 3 58,550 1921 H 56*350 F ort W orth, T ex 1920 18 463*, 500 2 235,’ 000 1921 17 426,800 Fresno, Calif.................. 1921 1 3 105,373 5 54l ’,000 Galveston, Tex. 1920 500 1 25,000 2 27,000 1921 4 109,000 Gary, Ind............... 1920 1 1921 000 152 152 375 3 1212 Grand Rapids, Mich__ 1920 0*000 240*000 3 17; 000 1921 10 442* 200 Hamilton, Ohio............. 1920 1 1 1921 250 900 Hammond, Ind 2 434,000 1921 3 255* 500 H amtram ck, Mich ... 1921 2 4,000 1 20,000 2 45,000 Harrisburg, Pa............... 1920 1921 1 1,600 3 85,500 Hartford, Conn............... 1920 1 120,000 1 1921 500 1 475*000 Haverhill, Mass.............. 1920 1 18,000 1921 •2 6,025 H azleton P a . 2 3,000 1921 1 30,000 2 27,000 Highland Park, Mich__ 1921 Hoboken, N. J................ 1920 1921 1 384,695 2 375,000 Holyoke, Mass................ 1920 1921 1 In 1920 private and public garages were grouped together. Factories, shops, Garag;es^(pub- Garages (private) .1 Gasoline and Institutions. service stations. etc. City and State. Year. Fall River, Mass............ Fitchburg, Mass............. Flint, Mich...................... Fort Smith, Ark............ Fort Wayne, Ind........... Fort Worth, Tex........... Fresno, Calif................... Galveston, Tex.............. Gary, Ind........................ Grand Rapids, Mich__ Hamilton, Ohio............. Hammond, Ind............. Hamtramck, Mich......... Harrisburg, Pa............... Hartford, Conn.............. Haverhill, Mass............. Hazleton, Pa.................. Highland Park, Mich... Hoboken, N. J........... ftolyoke, Mass................ Public build ings. Num Cost. ber. 1920 1921 1920 1921 3 $250,000 1920 1921 2 65,000 1921 1920 1921 2 33,000 1920 1921 1921 4 24,350 1920 2 45,000 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1921 1921 1920 1 3,000,000 1921 1920 1 29,729 1921 1920 1921 1921 1 25,000 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 a Included with sheds. Public work and utilities.5 Num Cost. ber. Schools, libraries, etc. Num ber. 1 $2,500 1 25,000 1 19,000 2 1,200,000 5 25,200 1 4 42,600 2 9,000 Cost. 12 2 $38,940 191,431 25 13 500,000 695,500 Sheds. Num ber. Cost. Stables and barns. Num ber. $535 16,574 10,047 2,120 660 5,775 1,250 2 1,111,000 3 135,000 40 32,000 3 24,296 6188 641,958 (a) 75 5,900 3 10,000 1 1,350 5 3,000 9,750 90 2 310,000 100 15,000 7 790,850 6115 620,807 (a) / 48 14,850 7 1,445 50 3,425 2 24,500 1 192,903 1,915 4 191,999 10,220 5 892,232 900 2 2,050 30,000 1,800 1 55,000 6,880 7,000 25,000 7,800. 6 Included with public buildings in 1920. Cost. $1,100 4,550 2,110 550 2,985 2,450 6,625 67,867 (a) 4,000 1,950 2,900 3,535 (a) 15,804 300 1,175 800 3,250 6,730 4,500 3,000 Stores, ware houses, etc. All other. Num Cost. Num ber. ber. $305, 49 171, 2 3, 9 5, 43 1,000, 42 291, 32 57, 15 108, 22 148, 144 610, 103 268, 67 254, 10 56, 3 45, 19 145, 36 173, 10 50, 13 62, 5 17, 11 20, 111, 48, 177, 8,007, 1,045, 116, 51, 12, 222, 90, Cost. 129 $1,443,285 7 119,200 9 116,940 1 600 154 661,876 135 3 1 70 83 171 6,000 155,000 34,025 110,300 558,475 910 300 296,750 7,700 15,609 191,208 857,500 e Includes stables and bams Total. Num ber. Cost. 367 362 158 208 1,039 934 121 385 577 434 459 872 385 447 209 366 957 1,420 163 153 234 284 184 322 382 617 201 223 70 407 49 34 154 167 $2,756,590 736,435 775.387 231,220 5,044,000 1,702,508 1,298,948 1,335,020 1,715,618 4,737,059 1,492,333 1,096,648 282,282 317,800 878,055 660.387 2,934,430 2,630,331 282,607 167,771 858,750 932,076 507,766 4,224,343 16,484,162 3,017,074 569.650 202,530 164,410 714,980 1,395,030 186,500 2,670,295 202.650 CO T a b l e A .— NUMBER AND PROPOSED COST OF BUILDINGS (NEW CONSTRUCTION, AND REPAIRS, ALTERATIONS, AND ADDI- TIONS TO OLD BUILDINGS) COVERED BY PERMITS ISSUED IN 1921, BY INTENDED USE OF BUILDINGS—Continued. PART 2 , —NEW NONRESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS—Continued. City and State. Year. 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1921 1921 1920 1921 Lansing, Mich.............. 1920 1921 Churches. Factories, Gasoline and Institutions. etc. shops, Garages lic).(pub Garages (private).1 service stations. Num Cost. Num ber. Cost. Num ber Cost. ber. 2 51 10 2 1 $33,000 5,666 612,375 500,000 89,000 6,000 3 483,000 7 377,500 4 350,000 30,500 32 260,000 46,000 10 1,430,500 i 34,000 2 300,600 2 112,500 1 205,000 1 25,000 1 275,000 1 15,000 2 1681 $74,200 332,300 1,500 12 38,200 6 108,500 12 750,000 1 11,000 6 74,250 8 108,200 20 302,850 1 20,800 2 2,500 1 550,000 1 498,000 1 1 6,100 800 62,000 176,000 536,000 337,000 14,500 42 49,810 10 163,640 2 90,000 2 17,000 2 11,500 1J 3,000 4 7 6 4 a Included with private garages. Num Cost. ber. (a) 52 $319,244 175,255 161,700 27 20 88,675 4 103 3,398,420 50 600,000 30 12 70,800 6 34,175 107 7 25,900 22 362,100 12 8 562,000 51 1,567,129 29 793,210 97 65 1,117,000 6 29 268,525 113,650 7 12 5 279,900 2 19,000 7 86,500 204 93 395,000 21,075 8 751,600 2 186,250 7 2 105,000 12 31 364,695 10 157,725 17 1 10,000 11 26,530 ii 68 Num ber. Cost. 62 $265,875 (a) a202 120 2 187,000 $9,800 326 128,045 112,178 1,144 350,000 748,900 200,000 1,500 49,770 252 459 137,067 114,574 61,000 360 56,626 39 139,800 151,900 228 420 508,811 159,183 624,605 285 175 299,013 300,000 460,000 110 90,000 100 35,000 343 154,099 66,238 1,011 606,445 390,000 254,800 18,000 1,087 160 20,000 390 205,374 221 48,581 4 181,250 38,759 68 14,138 25,094 86 28,000 500 235,000 86 92,010 143,700 118 80,625 640 171,420 29,600 717 128,806 Office buildings. Num Cost. Num Cost. Num Cost. ber. ber. ber. 16 $177,350 1 750 4 56,915 4,650 15 20 90,000 300 51 19,550 6 15,030 553 28,500 10,700 5,000 1 110 540,000 18 20 30,000 2 4,600 35 119,200 27 61,300 2 14,000 12 20 3 51 5 4 6,000 30,630 14,000 11,500 6,500 15,000 11,300 31 $10,200 10,000 1 250,000 1 35,000 1 1 24,000 3,000 680,000 240,000 11,400 45,000 300,000 1 30,000 1 12,000 1 1 1 .1 l 225,0Q0 158,000 2 72,666 2 1 1In 1920 private and public garages were grouped together. $1,604,700 580,000 167,600 70,000 26,825 850,000 52 11,330 3,750 51. 75,000 52,100 10 86,200 23 7 2,841,900 200,000 1 80,000 8 72 3 156 2 6,000 993 2,004,000 977,300 1 84,800 12 1 ] 3 226,200 300 8,000 358,500 BUILDING PERMITS IN 1621, Houston, Tex.............. Huntington, W. Va__ Indianapolis, Ind......... Irvington, N. J............. Jackson, Mich.............. Jacksonville, Fla.......... Jersey City, N. J.......... Johnstown, Pa__ ____ Kalamazoo, Mich......... Kansas City, Kans....... Kansas City, Mo........... Kearney, N. J.............. Kenoshia, Wis.............. Knoxville, Tenn........... Kokomo, Ind............... Lakewood, Ohio........... Lancaster, Pa............... Amusement and recreation places. oi City and State. Year. Houston, Tex ........... Huntington, W. Va__ Indianapolis, Ind......... Ir v in g to n , N .T.................... Jackson, M ic h .................. 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1921 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 Jacksonville, Fla.......... Jersey City, N . J.......... Johnstown, Pa............. Kalamazoo, M ich.............. Kansas City, K a n s.......... Kansas City, Mo........... Kearney, J.............. Kenosha, N. Wis............... Knoxville, Term........... Kokomo, Ind................ Lakewood, Ohio........... Lancaster, Pa............... Lansing, Mich.............. Public build ings. Num Cost. Num ber. Cost. Num ber. Cost. ber. 1 $ii,5o6 1 1 17,500 2,000 115,300 6 2 109,734 1 1 100,000 1 i35,666 1 30,000 a Included with sheds. Public work Schools,etc. and utilities.5 libraries, 50,000 2 $101,000 150,000 1 175 3 292,143 21 950,819 1 90,000 2 4 107,000 i 1,666 $113,000 120,000 39 2,664,504 355,000 3 450,000 19 87,875 3 215,553 2 42,000 4 20,600 2 1 534 3 41 7 600,000 125,000 273,536 151,000 463,000 800,000 10,500 3 774,000 2 252,500 15,000 1 Sheds. Num ber. Cost. 9 $20,950 24 6,072 94 15,707 309 76,906 500 100,000 49 9,488 11 3,243 166 13,300 790 11 10,325 23 16,015 18 10,125 9 9,600 21 12,248 5 58 29 3 12 39 37 Stables and barns. Num Num ber. Cost. ber. Cost. 37 $5,805 7,928 43 30,240 34 1755 65,000 3,575 10 880 1 600 1 10 10 10,000 10,100 92,840 1,600 34 1,875 74 23,900 (a) 834,200 (a) 5,735 7 3,060 1 300 1,500 3 1,125 3,025 114 2,050 11,950 3,871 12 2,505 1,330 5Included with public buildings in 1920 Stores, houses,ware etc. $1,505,658 62 14 758,500 553,145 61 446,780 88 477,660 29 50 600,000 81,950 19 14 30,050 56,840 28 161,652 33 66 515,500 14 444,259 60 33,315 12 2,250,000 7 50,825 14,200 12 15 373,100 84 3,503,000 15 61,100 25 116,477 44,175 21 82 285,359 14 33,955 13 62,450 445 25,845 58,470 All other. Total. Num Num ber. Cost. ber. Cost. 233 $3,967,977 303 2,451,255 90 1,157,607 392 1,167,678 304 $161,000 2,990 603 2,260 1,720 9,456,445 50 1,005,200 2,358 4,705,000 540,825 370 286,233 7 14,811 450 507 512,794 1,046,452 123 2,089,561 2 2,260 557 3,985,620 35 1,231,250 379 6,439,881 554 3,387,000 267 4,608,000 159 782,358 3 13,500 161 576,172 407 26 745,500 473,000 14 7,331,245 1,226 71 164,700 4,620,700 118,000 1,337 838,000 165 964,829 409 12 231,655 304 481,226 3,000 52 1,352,637 1 730,776 190 278,349 105 1,499,700 537 716,130 128 178 775,720 706 632,575 845 724,407 H3 t* 6Includes stables and bams. Cn Oi T a b l e A .— NUMBER AND PROPOSED COST OF BUILDINGS (NEW CONSTRUCTION, AND REPAIRS, ALTERATIONS, AND ADDI- TIONS TO OLD BUILDINGS) COVERED BY PERMITS ISSUED IN 1921, BY INTENDED USE OF BUILDINGS—Continued. " PART 2.—NEW NONRESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS—Continued. City and State. 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1921 Gasoline and Factories, shops, Gara**es lic).(pub Garages (private).1 service stations. Institutions. etc. Num Cost. Num Cost. Num ber. Cost. Num ber. Cost. ber. ber. $3,800 3 435,000 \ 5 1.76,650 11 192,750 3 36,000 2 1,535,000 452 4,615,650 340,000 2 7 1 2 2 1 2 1 325 25,200 700 68,439 100, 750 89,000 226,350 25,000 ° Included with private garages. Churches. $60,000 116 35 . 165,000 9 97,250 1 8 18,000 3 28,200 2 47 126,550 10 79,650 9 11,430 26 1 13,500 2993 16 306,482 31 665,750 277 12 241,500 44 161 480,000 20 4 6,000 1 34 4, 000 3 67,350 29 1 60,000 1944 4 39,053 8 2 1 2 1 i 20,000 207/000 18,000 26,666 21 176 35 4 5 $687,200 52,350 167,035 57 $147,500 86,100 1 7,000 15,000 79,500 267,600 2,950 113 64,530 96,000 2,618,107 3,484,072 1,275,704 99 870,400 ' 952,000 130,800 (a)} 7 ( a ) 15,100 119,000 8,250 592,135 28,490 27 77,675 13,200 12 11,000 28,300 36,851 (a ) (a) 284,850 3 23,800 42,115 19,500 57,000 14,000 3 3,500 6,500 6,550 4 11,600 Num ber. Cost. 166 $305,415 103,145 179 182,185 197 138 37,923 10,175 25 3,000 10 242 125,185 85,283 339 172,372 169 25,920 191 449,055 1,020 117 43,855 191 38,787 6,854 3,100,688 8,572 2,076,537 236 362,800 343 2281,650 139,085 2187 247 66,183 64 319 20,135 75,663 196,875 329 105,926 111 30,483 102 56 212,476 2,853 2 28 226 97,860 365 108,339 129 136,955 193 239,840 177 122,915 195 54,814 170 6^000 1In 1920 private and public garages were grouped together. 0 Office buildings. Num ber. Cost. Num ber. Cost. Num ber. Cost. 1 39 $16,000 20,000 5,615 5 1,500 2 12,000 1,400 353 138,240 2 3,450 37 181,211 47,749 192 1 12,000 4 2 1 8 $30,000 1 200,000 75,000 308,000 3 162,000 1 11,650 8 469,000 1 30,000 1 2 9,700 850 3 2 $15,750 4,000 250,100 158,424 246,5,000 $50 43 532 4,586,521 1,197,920 790,000 1 20,000 2 5 20 1 1 5,000 1 1 120,000 2,000 20,000 39 11,016 31 28,300 9,300 8,000 1 62,500 4 1 4,800 24,900 2 1 i 54,069 60,000 25,666 * Includes public garages. 6 2 2 1 721,200 331,500 137,000 120,000 BUILDING PERMITS IN 1921. T^ANingtnTij T T y ...................... Lima, Ohio................... Lincoln, Nebr.. Little Rock, Ark.......... Long Beach, Calif......... Lorain, Ohio.__ Los Angeles, Calif Louisville, Ky.............. Lowell, Mass................ Lynchburg, Va............. Lynn, Mass.................. McKeesport, Pa........... Macon, Ga.................... Madison, Wis................ Malden, Mass................ Manchester, N. H......... Mansfield, Ohio............ Year. Amusement recreationand places. ox City and State. Year. 1920 1921 Lexington, Ky.............. 1920 1921 1920 1921 Lincoln, Nebr.. 1920 1921 1920 Little Rock, Ark.......... 1921 T>nnp "Reach Calif 1921 Lorain, Ohio....... 1920 1921 Los Angeles, Calif.. 1920 1921 Louisville, Ky__ 1920 1921 Lowell, Mass.. 1920 1921 Lynchburg, Va. . 1921 Lynn, Mass.................. 1920 McKeesport, Pa........... 1921 1920 1920 Macon, Ga.................... 1921 1921 Madison, Wis...... 1920 1921 Malden, Mass................ 1920 1921 1920 Manchester, N. H......... 1921 Mansfield. Ohio............ 1921 Public build ings. Schools,etc. j libraries, Num Num Num ber. Cost. ber. Cost. ber. Cost. 1 $14,700 7 3 800,000 2,394 7 257,721 1 300,000 1 850,000 2 1 103,500 $8,500 4 380,000 30,500 2 7 216,300 2 a Included with sheds. Public work.5 and utilities 1 1 4 31,047 10,000 5,000 28,400 2 2 $140,000 304,220 360,000 405,000 2,800 5 5,800 2 355,000 2 255,000 19 340, 715 60 3,143, 650 6 62,000 1 1,600,000 1 10,000 1 2 1 1 46,666 31 130,000 1,150 2 182,429 51 95,734 8,500 1 250,000 ,449 31 1, 886 52,000 3 200,000 Stables and barns. Sheds. Num ber. 2 9 19 3 40 59 20 19 12 61,349 62,633 42 103 35 21 8 11 15 46 54 22 33 3 Cost. Stores, houses,ware etc. Num ber. Cost. Num ber. Cost. $1,250 125 845 4,100 307 27 12 2,765 5,473 131 15,000 11,045 9,125 4 720 3,867 881 24 (a)6,745 6499,948 (a) (a) 6852,072 (a) 4,500 1,060 7,460 771 5,000 250 750 2 420 1,100 1,242 700 3 500 3,450 650 33 3,131 5,197 1 4,250 7,000 3* 850 13,200 1 500 17,846 7,275 13 2,675 5,180 200 350 151 4,190 169 31 26 123 269 339 821 38 69 17 10 23 433 10 25 9 246 84 48 3 $1,575 980 9,540 450 6Included with public buildings in 1920. 2 2 9 5 8 $164,175 22,000 692,700 285,490 270,000 29,000 78,650 393,900 18,525 431,300 10,600 86,390 5,043,559 7,117,224 346,200 824,450 22,350 32,550 24,645 211,220 51,000 22,900 219,747 35,000 42,925 99,400 117,291 11,250 12,550 15,000 All other. Total. Num Num ber. Cost. ber. Cost. 2 1 $1,250 200 604,119 4 5,250 1,067,278 489 422,930 75 1,245,100 41 682 201,100 58 88,140 11 5 13,850 1 110,138 9,200 199 35,500 48 24,280 12,995 15 16,941 41 6 Includes stables and barns. 191 $1,236,990 299 1,263,245 271 * 169 1,256,205 430,378 280,175 33 4,950 18 262 619,133 818,285 363 289 296 1,901,229 997,964 1,294 2,808,880 O 465,636 165 261 19,415,418 500,753 tel 9,455 25,718,020 tel 12,873 4,300,000 383 3,059,200 1,132 2,823,525 301 250,478 389 3 138,985 w 89 753,963 381 703,299 455 tel 134 365,626 144 99,483 121 742,546 72 1,168,460 251, (^7 273 424 1,128,479 194 754,477 498,135 338 2,057,559 239 307 204 391,825 417,000 Oi T a b l e A .— NUMBER AND PROPOSED COST OF BUILDINGS (NEW CONSTRUCTION, AND REPAIRS, ALTERATIONS, AND ADDI TIONS TO OLD BUILDINGS) COVERED BY PERMITS ISSUED IN 1921, BY INTENDED USE OF BUILDINGS—Continued. PART 2.—NEW NONRESIDENT!AL BUILDINGS—Continued. City and State. 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1921 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 Factories, etc. shops, Num Num Num ber. Cost. ber. Cost. ber. Cost. a Included with private garages. Churches. $40,000 44,400 123,400 200, 000 52,000 665.000 506.000 1,065,000 254.000 100. 000 670,000 50,000 Too,*666 ‘178,*487 31,000 390,000 2,940,994 16,705 35,000 $1,950 60,000 15.000 258.000 17 356.000 35.000 20.000 10 591.000 110,700 320,100 15,300 38,700 150.000 269.000 117,500 ’**9,*300 **i5,*666 60,000 127.500 207.000 91.500 1,335 250.000 86,000 21 245,000 4 44 149 728 39 25 1031 Gasoline and Institutions. ;es (pub- Garages (private).1 service stations. Number. Cost. Num ber. $8,650 504,000 20 708,850 121,800 10 13,950 2,586,046 533,144 (a) 144,100 391,695 38,450 23 32,250 6,700 500 23,825 207,000 28,555 357,700 31,500 182,000 23,000 5,251,151 1,036,060 112,000 2,633,500 465,600 114 192,285 37,920 $8,500 ’*56,*166 *158,500 (a) 441,170 2,750 6,000 139,000 7,‘5o6 33,350 *94,*666 400,000 9,000 1In 1920 private and public garages were grouped together, Cost. 121 176 $19,595 131.399 265 128,870 132,760 188 036 279 111, 63,700 117 1,714,076 1,708 32,626 31,757,679 2.457 1,996,015 (8)16.250 5,800 12 3,380 136 141,046 193 63 52,667 9,064 55 99,207 168 226,008 345 29 17.250 8,900 27 120,600 181 27,098 205 49 23,281 159 176 42,299 40,600 891 2,195,263 2,413,253 1,019 24,687 125 567,000 274 228 282.400 125 140,993 183 94,559 2 Office buildings. Num Num Cost. Num ber. Cost. ber. Cost. ber. 2 1 16 47 8 1927 1 3 $1,500 1,000 346,900 27,450 34,900 18,000 53,700 23,000 600 23,000 3 2 1 3 4 115 1 10 61 19,500 5.000 3.000 158,200 14,800 43,900 20,600 500 25,000 21,900 35 Includes public garages. 4 $69,600 2 349,500 115,000 15 50,000 5 $20,400 2 2 18 24 93 4 1,080 248,000 836.500 503,535 389.500 203,100 50,900 1 126,666 6 108,000 1 10,000 11 350,660 79,159 3 5 257,600 5,375,000 55 508,850 1 100*000 1 300.000 53 176.000 1.790 Included with repairs. BUILDING PERMITS IN 1921. Marion, Medford,Ohio... Mass.. Memphis, Tenn.. Meriden, Conn... Milwaukee, Wis. Minneapolis, Minn.. Mobile, Ala............ Moline, 111............ Montclair, N. Ala.. J__ Montgomery, Mount Vernon, N. Y... Muncie, Ind__ Muskegon, Mich Musk >,Okla. e, Term. Newark, N. J. Newark, Ohio......... New Bedford, Mass.. New Britain, Conn.. Year. Amusement recreationand places. Of 00 P u b lic build ings. C ity an d State. Year. Num ber. Cost. Num ber. Cost. Schools, libraries, etc. N um ber. Cost. 2 $143,000 1 150,000 1 4 1 1 4 2 ’ Stables and barns. Sheds. Num ber. Cost. N um ber. 22 $1,747 2 1,000 29 18,585 18 588,000 *61 13,188 $500,000 9,400 18 1 336 21,584 80,000 4 1,176,000 6 452 6 168,793 13 975,180 4 16 2,854,745 11,000 8 7,400 10 3,150 22 5,610 5 4,000 26 5,062 5 500,000 2 4,700 1,400 3 1 137,380 10,000 1 200 3 642,000 23,779 137 1 247,000 112 24,165 110,000 2 17,335 6 1,525 240,000 203 17,168 4 2,078,925 6 59 6 54,770 3 212,726 « 69 114,000 6 63,317 8 900 2 50,000 40 25,000 3 1,892,966 8 350,200 24 5,110 25 3.212 350 6 1[nclude<1 w ith p u b lic b u ild in g s in 1920. Cost. 8 6 10 1 8 (a) *2 18 2 1 6 6 8 1 4 $1,320 1,800 20,000 2,000 25,300 (a) 3,500 20,250 25,600 350 241 4,290 735 500 82,300 3 3,000 (a) (a) 1,150 25,000 4,453 7,655 (a) (a) ^;6 25 26 27 Stores, ware houses, etc. Num ber. Cost. A ll other. Num ber. Cost. 60 $20,260 4 46,000 573,500 38 138 831,030 78,200 9 12 264,075 18 $1,007,600 718,900 68 114 3,271,830 197 1,789,135 16 222,500 30,980 19 76,000 8 6 66,900 8 31,175 28,300 7 176,000 9 11 47,500 8 10,750 11 57,500 14 348,575 6 26 148,325 41,300 400,425 60 113 1,066,196 1 6 15,945 50 30 300,000 39 95,000 223,175 28 35 138.850 6 In clu d es stab les an d b a m s. T otal. Num ber. 236 187 300 324 613 155 2,189 3,237 2,625 331 53 65 173 216 108 75 195 388 31 58 326 329 74 196 446 1,174 1,299 156 412 422 258 293 Cost. $266,922 845,399 279,820 2,102,995 3,083,284 650,250 6,677,581 6,114,051 7,739,825 7,744,195 449,400 368,580 356,231 1,164,336 132,064 1,360,239 157,932 1,308,188 20,450 922,242 660,279 554,013 208,766 681,299 1,048,793 16,318,628 8,238,906 156,567 3,950,500 3,477,671 1,265,966 667,530 GENERAL TABLE. 1921 1920 1 $30,000 1921 MftmphiSj TAnn , 1920 3 ]L82,200 1921 M eriden; f!nnn _ .................. 1921 3 35,500 1920 1921 2 210,000 M inneapolis, M in n ___ 1920 1921 5 244,800 M obile, A la .......................... 1920 1921 i 1921 68,000 M oline, 111. M ontclair, N . J .................. 1921 M ontgom ery, A la ............. 1920 1 750,000 1921 M ount V ernon, N . Y . .. 1920 1921 M uncie, I n d ...................... 1920 1921 M uskegon, M ich................ 1920 1921 M uskogee, O k la.............. 1921 N ash ville, T erm ................ 1920 1 1921 38,700 2 148,104 N ew ark , N . J ...................... 1920 1921 N ew ark , O h io_ _................ 1921 N ew B edford, M ass......... 1920 1921 3 N ew B ritain C on n ......... 1920 40,850 1921 a Include<1 w ith sh e d s. P u b lic work and u tilities.6 50 o\ T able A .— NUMBER AND PROPOSED COST OF BUILDINGS (NEW CONSTRUCTION, AND REPAIRS, ALTERATIONS, AND ADDI TIONS TO OLD BUILDINGS) COVERED BY PERMITS ISSUED IN 1921, BY INTENDED USE OF BUILDINGS—Continued. § P A S T 2 .—N E W N O X R E S lD E N T IA L B U I L D I N G S —C ontinued. City and State. Y ear. A m u sem en t an d recreation places. N um ber. im $300,000 1921 1920 1921 2,500 1921 1920 *75,*600 1921 1921 1921 184,795 1921 1920 1921 1920 130,500 1921 4.304.000 1920 3,406,400 1921 1,471,600 1920 2,596,760 1921 5.140.000 1920 6,535,900 1921 496,815 1920 1.392.000 1921 1920 1921 1920 305.000 1921 1920 198.000 1921 1921 1921 1920 11 192,704 1921 a In clu d ed w ith p riva te garages. N um ber. 1,100 200,000 6,000 Cost. F actories, shops, etc. Num ber. 182,705 73,087 N um ber. C ost. $12,000 (<8,*)000 $5,000 5,000 118,300 26,900 2,700 102,700 320,000 12,500 40.000 1.342.000 2.367.000 633.000 443.500 60.000 1.305.000 254.000 419.000 78.000 92,500 90.000 238.000 301.500 177,686 Cost. Garaps^ (pub- 13 2 15 7 7 140 105 83 70 23 53 79 104 30 16 40 28 112 66 $5,000 31,000 80,000 469,600 530,850 (a) 6,500 395,980 93,450 27,000 6,800 3,500 43,095 4,300 60,900 1,350 55,500 26,321 530,000 • 91,500 854,750 118 2,469,200 551,950 491,600 138,225 232,700 561,783 038,100 97 2,110,765 804,900 234,848 45,340 901,705 93,900 108,800 *48,*375 69,895 10 11,200 1, 858,242 ,134,732 **i6,’66o 78 *437,*085 G asoline an d Garages (p rivate). service station s. N um ber. 78 50 394 2 501 94 156 147 70 72 37 61 230 280 307 3,054 2,823 392 481 482 348 2,570 3,056 . 374 520 190 268 175 217 58 1,427 V 20 C ost. 20,000 $11,700 357,215 *392,039 31,650 59,073 59,015 24,305 38,830 9,660 38.000 141,211 262,002 209,829 9.894.925 1,938,650 4.015.925 2,388,305 6,348,318 4,162,453 2,966,748 1,003,123 261,450 200,848 244,875 89,994 132,881 39,843 23,200 15.000 669,962 348,380 1In 1920 private and public garages were grouped together. N um ber. C ost. In stitu tio n s. N um ber. C ost. Office buildings. N um ber. C ost. 20 $30,000 800 14,100 26,050 5,000 6 1 24,900 700 25 12,500 5 1 7 16,700 1,200 31,350 1 1 14 20 36,750 38,200 4 1,796,000 2 1 $249,000 8 5,471,376 62,500 6 3 $1,150,000 1 100,000 2 458,000 2 6 15 1 1 1 4 200,000 6 470,656 1 225,000 8 5,350,000 1 75,000 4 407,000 1 20,000 12,000 10,000 1,223,900 1,084,650 219,000 311,850 44,668,400 36,423,000 564,950 1,364,825 85,412 95,050 7,000 750,000 91,700 5,000 13 118,080 143,621 • 8 Includes public garages. 16 18 5 18 81 67 32 70 11 21 1 5 5 1 100,000 140,000 B U IL D IN G P E R M IT S IN 1921. N ew B runsw ick, N . J . . N ew burg, N . Y ................ N ew H a ven , C onn........... N ew L ondon, C onn.. N ew O rleans, L a ___ N ew p ort, K y ................ N ew p ort, R . I .............. N ew port N ew s, V a ......... N ew R ochelle, N . Y ___ N ew ton , M ass.............. N ew Y ork, N . Y .: B rook lyn ........... B r o n x .......................... M anhattan................. Q u een s........................ R ich m on d ................. N iagara F alls, N . Y ___ N orfolk, V a ....................... N orristow n. Pa. N orw alk, C onn. O akland, C alif.. C ost. C hurches. P u b lic build in g s. Year. C ity an d State. Cost. N um ber. Cost. Cost. S tables and barns. Sheds. N um ber. C ost. N um ber. 1 $31,388 | 8 1,271,000 2 230,000 8 436,200 14 1,676,8G0 5 839,000 2 255,000 21 353,100 19 601,365 2 $288,700 1 73,000 3 52,500 2 $58,000 2 1 1 4 2 8 11 5 4 3 4 2 6 348,544 3,000 68,000 17,542 298,799 1,175,000 4,235,000 1,750,000 764,000 500,000 2,135,000 600,000 248,000 2 609,000 4 119,125 5 1,555,911 1 90,000 75 281,051 38 488,193 12 94 142 2 47 11 5 6 32 43 2,645 8 8 19 6 90 20 33 $1,800 47,719 45,181 1,200 25,220 658 2,083 1,200 4,300 6,260 439,815 2,300 3,750 Stores, w are hou ses, etc. N um ber. Cost. 3 $ ii,6 6 6 a Included with sheds. Num ber. Schools, libraries, etc. 8 2 9 10 1 200 8,190 | 23,800 800 6 2 2,190 1 600 2 2 3,000 45,500 _________________ 46 40,900 9,285 29 12 11,220 (a) 6 59,541 (a) 9,884 3 ^ 750 7 6,675 1,420 30,650 5Included with public buildings in 1920. 3 i8,200 C ost. A ll other. N um ber. Cost. $48,000 1 13 38 167 10 11 1° 25 5 15 270 392 31 140 48 93 78 154 31 81 16 59 67 46 306,000 151,000 265,165 709,965 21,900 66,875 28,475 105,770 46,500 191,755 3,304,217 3,779,475 826,700 2,900,400 6,836,250 11,805,325 821,325 1,615,410 64,015 188,605 60,700 310,731 407,685i 460,147 64 1,552,182 95 757,513 139 $1,419,508 146 457,150 8 58,800 2 9 24 6 2 200 65,650 112,225 11,650 4,000 554 934,950 51 79 357 401 156 157 69 36 403,892 139,680 169,747 287,030 61,028 515,770 147,127 405,174 27 31 233.830 60,600 8 Includes stables and bams. T otal. N um ber. 96 87 549 660 139 377 531 87 139 73 87 323 336 382 6,183 4,117 545 771 736 688 3,226 3,951 728 845 343 449 361 382 60 22 1,676 2,199 C ost. $76,700 477,000 2,246,323 3,085,039 365,450 6,379,903 1,666,261 57,705 531,064 394,688 597,273 620,227 1,073,094 1,004,731 30,869,607 24,541,475 10,910,625 15,982,990 79,216,360 69,982,141 14,197,335 10,692,953 1,147,138 1,770,698 2,644,407 1,741,066 2,254,999 2,764,002 118,200 31,000 3,932,802 5,540,815 GENERAL TABLE. 1921 1921 1920 1921 1921 1920 1921 Newport, TCy 1921 N ew port, R . I .................... 1921 N ew p ort N ew s, V a ......... 1921 N ew R ochelle, N . Y ___ 1920 1921 N ew ton M ass.................... 1920 1921 N ew Y ork , N . Y .: B r o o k ly n .................... 1920 1921 B ro n x ......... ................... 1920 1921 M a n h atta n .................. 1920 1921 Q u een s........... .............. 1920 1921 R ich m on d ................... 1920 1921 N iagara F alls, N . Y ------ 1920 1921 N orfolk, V a .......................... 1920 1921 N orristow n P a 1921 N orw alk Conn 1921 O akland, Calif 1920 1921 Num ber. P u b lic work an d u tilities.5 T a b l e A .— NUMBER AND PROPOSED COST OF BUILDINGS (NEW CONSTRUCTION, AND REPAIRS, ALTERATIONS, AND ADD ITIONS TO OLD BUILDINGS) COVERED B Y PERMITS ISSUED IN 1921, B Y INTENDED USE OF BUILDINGS—Continued. Oi PART 2.—NEW NONRESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS—Continued. C ity an d S tate. Y ear. A m u sem en t an d recreation places. Num ber. O klahom a C ity, O k la ... Omaha, Nehr Orange, N . .T Oshkosh, Wis P asad en a, C alif ................ Passaic N. J Paterson, N. J ..: .. Pawtucket R T Peoria, TU Perth Amhov, N. J P etersburg V a Philadelphia, Pa Phoenix-, Ariz P ittsbu rgh, Pa „ __ P ittsfield TU'ass Plainfield N I Pontiac Mich Port. Pfiiron Mich Portland Me 1320 1921 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1921 1921 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1921 1920 1921 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1921 1921 1921 1920 1921 2 $410,000 5 630,600 2 1 3 1 1 1 1 326,000 125,000 475,000 25*000 45 000 80*000 500^000 6 14 9 8 1 3 1 249,000 869,000 350,814 173,479 175,000 2,500 3,000 a Included with private garages. N um ber. C ost. 1 $100,000 3 200,000 7 100,000 2 36,000 6 186,000 11 128,600 3 1 16,500 85,000 1 1 1 2 3 13 22 4 7 12 1 3 2 1 70,000 3,000 2,000 6,500 124,200 506,330 884,995 24,950 118,000 175,900 10,000 72,900 42,200 2,500 F actories, shops, etc. N um ber. 3 4 4 15 21 24 7 4 11 25 3 28 16 11 9 11 15 12 9 8 184 185 101 45 2 1 2 2 7 '7 4 Cost. Garages (p u b lic). N um ber. C ost. G asoline an d Garages (p riv ate).1 service station s. Num ber. C ost. 445 $228,020 $33,000 571 7 $44,200 229,429 28,500 56,042 55 39,000 319,628 359 72,200 310,364 620 407 666,360 1,754,450 9 169,836 93,000 533 349,900 125J)42 120 10,085 4 80,500 125 35,843 18,100 32,850 567 125,805 56,010 6 128,120 96 581,000 141,500 165 65,000 82,700 19 212 280,811 945,800 100 37,216 206,550 143 177,926 207 144,590 378,500 298 121,596 9 274,000 77,500 336 180,393 104,600 412 124,298 11 72,300 150,840 22 19.230 344,601 51 26,265 439,400 45,435 7 30 8,603 24,194 1,153 2,582,290 8,805,100 (a) 2 1,569 2 3,505,695 3,169,640 (a) 117 40,795 1,670 2,116,610 2,145,719 1,323,088 60 1,036,609 1,767 1,083,553 100 67,327 37,500 11 123,700 130 58,145 55,000 (a) 3 175 2 61,798 170,500 ' 6 16,800 37,325 175 11,000 46 11,995 27,450 140 64,755 27,850 220 72,905 9.500 10 126,100 1 In 1920 private and public garages were grouped together. N um ber. C ost. 2 4 10 3 11 1 15 $3,000 11,800 15,000 8,500 27,600 1,500 19,123 1 40,000 4 19,000 13 7 4 1 18,625 64,700 50,100 1,000 3 3 2 6,200 14,000 15,200 * In stitu tio n s. N um ber. C ost. Office buildings. Num ber. Cost. 1 $201,000 2 2 326,000 20,000 1 1 50,000 10,000 4 1 1 2 858,000 2,000 22,000 2,800 2 412,734 3 Includes public garages. 2 7 6 2 1 22 1 2 1 2 1 4 1 4 J. 29 36 31 11 $15,000 1,560,000 219,200 800 160,000 194,430 65,000 58,000 12,000 6,700 50,000 170,600 26,000 9.325 2,750 2,099,395 1,711,600 1,086,773 406,300 10 87,000 1 1 350 500 BUILDING PERMITS IN 1921, Oak Park TU C ost. Churches. P u b lic build in g s. Year. C ity and State. 1920 1921 1921 O klahom a C ity, O k la ... 1920 1921 1920 1921 Oran pp. N .T 1921 Oshlrnsn Wis 1921 Pasadana Calif 1921 Passaic, N_ .T • 1920 1921 Paterson N .T 1920 1921 Pawtucket It T 1920 1921 Peoria, 111............................. 1920 1921 P erth A m b oy, N . J. . 1920 1921 Petersburg, V a .. 1921 P hiladelphia, P a ............ 1920 1921 Phoenix, Ariz 1921 P ittsb u rgh , P a ................... 1920 1921 P ittsfield , M ass.................. 1920 1921 P lainfield, N . J . ................ 1921 Ponriae, Mich 1921 P ort H u ron, Mieh.......... 1921 P ortland, M e...................... 1920 1921 1 N um ber. Cost. Num ber. Cost. Schools, libraries, etc. N um ber. Cost. I $170,000 1 100,000 2 $162,000 1 3 $42,000 1 30,000 2 175,000 6 3,124,000 2 11,000 102,500 1 688,000 2 1,019,399 2 10,000 6 6 1 298,000 248,200 7,220 a Included with sheds. P u b lic work and u tilities.5 1 1 180,000 5,200 4 172,000 9 47,000 1 1 182,000 1,800 63,900 2 2 127,000 3 1,085,000 4 975,995 2 138,700 8 374,835 4 2,059,995 ! 1 2 4,000 34,665 Stables an d barns. Sheds. Num ber. 7 24 20 36 23 13 6 47 10 Cost. N u m Cost. ber. $742 14 37,175 80 2,000 13 21,310 11 6,359 4,902 3 4 6 15,484 (a) 1,000 ^20 39 16 34 12 48 1 10 34,144 4,710 5,415 2,655 11,743 300 1,145 66 197 5 9 4 4 1 29 13 42,494 51,787 510 1,125 2,500 1,950 200 * 2,205 1,575 6Included with pnblic buildings in 1920. 11 1 5 6 2 5 12 15 5 11 4 10 1 1 9 lo $3,600 10,000 9,286 5,035 1,600 731 (a) 20,000 1,810 150 8,125 1,150 6,965 900 89,700 85,300 13,275 14,225 1,150 6,150 500 1,000 3,350 5,960 Stores, w are houses, etc. N um ber. 6 1 51 49 103 22 47 34 6 75 20 16 17 27 5 29 11 11 12 84 125 75 87 62 4 7 15 9 10 15 47 Cost. $78,100 60,000 80,380 491,950 998,738 1,605,150 514,300 315,850 17,650 439,479 • 179,000 111,900 365,150 87,825 26,200 230,500 69,540 33,400 81,240 5,498,650 1,540,095 318,220 1,867,051 2,413,461 107,300 46,800 38,265 21.950 li; 750 24,850 85,150 A ll other. Num ber. Cost. 56 $293,758 18 232,745 12 6,066 96 3 30 3 156,709 1,580 52,784 26,000 75 1,615,885 206 253,255 1 1,400 45 927,916 13,850 6 11 114,200 150 1 50 1 4 2,650 ^Includes stables and barns. T otal. N um ber. 463 590 110 532 839 537 686 180 156 753 153 215 340 317 269 380 406 531 54 86 68 1,565 2,190 214 2,037 2,192 121 171 224 202 71 206 313 Cost. $609,862 866,129 175,422 1,755,111 1,444,102 6,380,800 5,268,430 459,779 318,890 1,665,181 920,120 1,106,200 2,148,320 1,632,135 1,053,040 1,116,486 558,357 931,731 475,196 696,715 240,282 22,829,350 14,273,775 551,910 9,130,187 8,838,297 227,637 476,920 550,163 726,959 66,045 140,410 353,540 5 oo T able A .—NUMBER AND PROPOSED COST OF BUILDINGS (NEW CONSTRUCTION, AND REPAIRS, ALTERATIONS, AND ADDI- 05 TIONS TO OLD BUILDINGS) COVERED BY PERMITS ISSUED IN 1921, BY INTENDED USE OF BUILDINGS—Continued. ^ PART 2.—NEW NONRESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS—Continued. C ity an d State. Y ear. A m u sem en t an d recreation places. N um ber. 1920 1921 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1921 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1 1 2 1 8 $5,000 10,000 89,200 2,500 339,200 4 8 2 3 2 1 1 400,300 19,400 30,000 89,500 195,000 65,000 15,000 2 1,013,000 3 127,900 2 9,975 1 2 4 1 1,500 114,745 14,900 12,187 a Included with private garages. N um ber. Cost. 3 $135,000 4 79,500 2 26,000 3 50,980 1 80,000 2 73,800 1 . 38,000 1 1 1 7 7 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 4 1 9,000 1,500 45,000 278,500 408,201 5,000 50,400 125,000 12,000 30,000 15,000 20,300 10,000 114,500 13,000 F actories, shops, etc. N um ber. Cost. Garages (pub lic). N um ber. Cost. 23 $311,000 15 $365,200 4 9,700 1 15,000 1 6,000 6 i.59,800 4 46,500 26 160,150 961,900 59 40 711,700 (a) (a) , 12 121,375 42,890 19 4 101,000 1 3,000 3 21,500 438,450 17 4 7 36,800 10,675 626,664 14 8 5 37,100 177,750 3 17,000 7 14,900 1 40,000 3 8,700 38 1,851,618 430,807 5 86,000 31 9 58,600 7 15,690 21 2,324,568 3 57,000 7 211,500 28 544,510 1 6 57,650 5,000 100,000 3 3 75,000 19,500 2 28 1,246,435 1 3 11,250 10,000 22 509,550 8 155,201 1 200 G asoline an d Garages (p rivate).1 service station s. N um ber. C ost. 2,818 $877,060 3.368 672,009 48 17,145 117 54,689 100 41,381 69 203,385 88 44,384 659 2,175,700 2 956 2 2,231,400 251 138,775 282 78,415 43,900 4 2,150 5 96,587 220 383 138,327 338 214,025 134,765 391 71,690 111 88 25,215 275 514,836 205,805 415 133 150,470 248 45,948 1,496 450,000 2,363 679,876 191,080 388 458 97,125 188 37,676 235 39,766 285 290,075 397 95,698 677 184,540 626 110,555 79 21,030 »In 1920 private and public garages were grouped together. Num ber. C ost. 10 $21,000 2 5,200 3 5 1 3 1. 1 2 2 3 1 48 71 2 1 2 2 1 5 4 8 1 7,273 5,450 2,500 6,500 350 1,000 9,500 1,350 23,00$ 400 20,000 25,700 6,000 2,600 3,700 1,800 5:000 16,900 9,600 15,350 2,500 In stitu tio n s. Num ber. Cost. Office b uildings. N um ber. 3 $475,000 1 15,000 1 48,000 1 103,000 1 25,000 1 50,000 1 40,000 2 3 549,558 734,000 2Includes public garages. C ost. 35 $628,500 1 2 1 16 11 14 41 27,900 33,000 12,000 577,200 373,900 83,805 115,575 4 4 7 2 13,300 25,500 403,650 1,150 5 6 1 4 1 2 1 127,946 613,100 1,000 201,450 40,000 75,000 12,500 4 1 3 1 1,800 55,000 650 3,900 BUILDING PERMITS IN 1921. P ortland, O reg.................. P ortsm outh, O h io........... P ortsm outh, V a ............... P ough keepsie, N . Y — P rovidence, R . I .............. P ueblo, C olo....................... Q uincy, 111........................... Q uincy, M ass..................... R acine, W is........................ R evere, M ass...................... R ichm ond, I n d .................. R ichm ond, V a ................... R oanoke, V a ...................... R ochester, N . Y ................ R ockford, 111....................... R ock Islan d , 111................ Sacram ento, C alif............ Saginaw , M ich................... S t. Joseph, M o................... Cost. Churches. 4828°—23—Bull. 318 City and State. Portland, Ore................. Portsmouth, Ohio......... Portsmouth, Va............. Poughkeepsie, N. Y ___ Providence, R. I............ Pueblo, Colo................... 6* Quincy, 111...................... Quincy, Mass.................. Racine, Wis.................... Revere, Mass.................. Richmond, Ind.............. Richmond, Va................ Roanoke, Va................... Rochester, N. Y............. Rockford, 111.................... Rock Island, 111. #.......... Sacramento, Calif.......... Saginaw, Mich............... St. Joseph, Mo............... Year. 1920 1921 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1921 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 Public build ings. Public work and utilities.5 Schools, libraries, etc. Num Cost. ber. Num Cost. ber. Num Cost. ber. 23 $620,600 i $12,000 l 2,500 i 95,000 3 250,000 2 405,000 2 925,000 1 1 4 2 34,000 1 2 90,000 75,000 1 19,000 $2,000 30,450 1 75,000 1 111,000 1 200,000 4 2 1 5 1 2 3 1 2 14 5 1 1 3 4 3 5Included with public building in 1920. 13,000 14,400 770,000 400,000 17,000 400,000 113,700 567,200 20,000 2,495,296 3,046,489 335,200 1,000 11,090 797,457 310,257 925,180 Sheds. Num ber. Cost. 901 $135,629 10 1,675 60 4,200 13 1,330 8 1,400 215 482,800 98 18,000 «36 6 6,728 26,016 58 29 62 23 34 9 6 308 491 52 81 93 44 12 13 30 18 32 103 173 137 40 5,695 9,445 71,325 5,288 1,750 7,800 130,491 159,382 2,597 4,180 20,000 11,775 23,760 8,650 5,855 760 4,000 10,500 24,823 19,012 4,465 Stables and barns. Stores, ware houses, etc. Num Cost. Num ber. ber. Cost. 177 $3,109,235 52 656,650 8 10,100 24,525 18 35 151,885 2 29,000 6 12,975 28 639,900 271 797,200 3 13,000 1 18,000 2 35,000 11 2 3,600 95,650 5 1,275 45 201,895 4 5,200 72,450 17 5 2,930 45 265,230 12 28,450 1 2 300 5,500 3 3,850 33 195,030 4 8,450 81 362,862 13 873 27 268,225 395 1,970 31 136,037 20,000 13 557,357 5 22,500 16 478,350 24 69,450 255 66,850 13,800 5 1,650 1 50,000 2 2,150 16 102,890 48 411,456 54 133,815 20 62,108 47 15,815 7,800 1 1,000 ii ij, 400 6Includes stables and barns. 4 $675 1 12,000 1 400 18 10,300 26 25,700 All other. Num ber. Cost. Total. Num ber. 3,036 2 $16,500 4,399 78 138 205 7 5,650 100 ] 7,333 139 75 14,900 1,075 1,413 j 2,000 318 1 5,000 409 11 14 8 9,650 296 525 9 55,450 415 20 2,743 520 153 105 673 1 13,500 1,049 1,110 265 29 416 5 383,700 1,684 20 163,310 2,550 459 513 10 13,800 246 263 13 24,150 383 565 1,421 987 25 842 41 7,520 169 11 Cost. $5,224,795 2,883,088 70,495 119,214 490,546 432,565 617,242 5.344.000 5,460,100 407,956 286,346 178,400 68,150 667,582 469,717 2,321,764 1,098,406 286,640 510,515 3,410,971 3,054,307 487,875 602,075 6,310,921 6,159,500 1,064,700 625,550 252,481 212,916 1.718.000 1,543,306 1,261,664 1,929,058 803,715 0 tel tel 1 i £ a Cn T able A.—NUMBER AND PROPOSED COST OF BUILDINGS (NEW CONSTRUCTION, AND REPAIRS, ALTERATIONS, AND ADDI- o TIONS TO OLD BUILDINGS) COVERED BY PERMITS ISSUED IN 1921, BY INTENDED USE OF BUILDINGS—Continued. ® PART 2.—NEW NONRESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS-Continued. City and State. Year. Amusement and recreation places. Num ber. Churches Cost. Num ber. Cost. Num ber. 92 56 58 62 1 26 9 5 11 7 71 32 7 3 6 2 24 12 69 39 3 2 1 7 . 11 14 20 21 10 12 Cost. $3,124,740 668,960 1,339,602 260,060 16,000 253,000 21,950 72,500 230,000 106,000 1,439,370 292,888 32,670 255,000 137,250 205,000 324,670 635,800 518,450 221,845 16,000 143,400 7,050 12,300 838,500 198,550 1,311,685 120,055 116,900 45,160 Num Cost. ber. 16 $215,145 7 9 14 17 3 111, 750 74,500 125,750 495,975 100,000 14 100,350 20 150,000 181 268,200 6,000 2 22,200 4 21,700 6 128,000 14 70,120 5 io, 200 Num ber. Cost. 406 $483,660 629 702,495 1,007 452,276 1,562 394,910 68,315 91 101 124,885 136 35,990 43,925 201 50,075 283 461 258,116 680 111,209 135 1,045,748 92,119 219 15,300 103 136 223,550 52,385 141 232 141,538 335 114,102 200 170,932 284 125,000 1,988 971,580 2,457 240,545 163 22,589 518 464,135 410 122,662 393 88,320 206 13,300 148 272,255 257 360,060 493 187,271 596 144,250 753 315,329 1,120 112,044 Institutions. Num Cost. Num Cost. ber. ber. 7 $30,200 8 21,360 5 8 4 5 17 8 43 6 9 3 15 ,300 14,950 6,825 3,150 14,750 28,960 104,750 3,050 24,500 8,200 1 3,500 1 10,000 7 18,500 14 21,500 1 700 8 29,400 9 82,025 3 2,100 19 16,950 Office buildings. Num ber. Cost. 3 $250,000 2 620,000 5 448,800 27 $848,150 47 361,000 3 251,000 17 830,960 2 275,000 2 194,000 3 108,000 5 79,400 3 1,082,700 5 28,900 3 2,300 10 2,904,500 13 2,311,500 3 317,400 2 400,000 2 425,000 2 230,000 1 500,000 1 1,875 3 386,000 2 822,000 4 62,900 7 464,725 5 259,800 28 1,365,000 32 800,800 2 510,000 1 500,000 4 , 45,000 4 23,000 2 2,300 4 39,000 5 124,000 1 150,000 1 1,000 BUILDING PERMITS IN 1921. 6 $176,850 1920 10 $93,500 9 51,600 16 312,500 1921 4 25,000 1920 1921 11 305,640 6 294,350 S a l e m , Mass.................. 1920 2 9,000 1921 i 225,000 1 45,000 Salt Lake City, Utah... 1920 7 395,275 1921 2 64,000 San Antonio. Tex.......... 1921 1 10,000 10 133,700 3 79,000 San Diego, Calif............. 1920 1921 2 5,000 1 16,500 San Francisco, Calif___ 1920 3 1,900,000 1921 14 2,215,800 21 62,000 R a n l o s e , C a lif 2 1921 10,000 8,900 2 325,000 Savannah, Ga................ 1920 1 400,000 11 139,000 1921 1 Schenectady, N. Y ........ 1920 3,500 1921 4 332,500 4 119,000 1 3,000 Scranton, Pa.................. 1920 1921 2 175,000 2 25,000 Seattle, Wash................. 1920 8 294,000 8 201,500 8 427,750 1921 9 159,500 Sheboygan, Wis............. 1921 1 21,400 Shreveport, La............... 1920 2 202,000 1 25,000 3 24,000 1921 6 435,300 6 138,500 Sioux City, Iowa........... 1921 Sioux Falls, S. Dak....... 1921 1 17,000 Somerville, Mass............ 1920 1 35,000 1 60,000 1921 1 2,500 South Bend, Ind............ 1920 1921 6 422,100 7 100,080 1 40,000 Spokane, Wash.............. 1920 4 196,000 1921 1 12,000 6 123,300 i In 1920 public and private garages were grouped together. Factories, shops, Garages (pub Garages (private).1 Gasoline and service stations. etc. lic). Year. City and State. Public build ings. Num ber. Cost. 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 $23,000 1921 30,000 1921 1920 1921 2,480,800 1920 2,558,790 1921 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 87,000 1920 1921 12 2,197,000 1921 1920 1921 1921 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 21,680 1920 1921 lj 5,500 a Included with sheds. St. Louis, Mo............... St. Paul, Minn............. Salem, Mass.................. Salt Lake City, Utah.. San Antonia, Tex....... San Diego, Calif........... San Francisco, Calif... San Jose, Calif............. Savannah, Ga.............. Schenectady, N. Y __ Scranton, Pa................ Seattle, Wash.............. Sheboygan, Wis........... Shreveport, La............ Sioux City, Iowa......... Sioux Falls, S. D ak... Somerville, Mass......... South Bend, Ind.......... Spokane, Wash............. Public work and utilities.5 Num Cost. ber. $38,600 20,000 76,000 73,788 6,915 15,000 99,250 1,175 Schools, libraries, etc. Num ber. Cost- Stables and barns. Sheds. Num ber. $838,400 560,700 4,024 368,974 737,280 165 22 16,800 138,200 999.000 20 1,266,715 11 125.000 125 6 169 614,650 230 40,000 5 1,624,354 10 447,500 465,000 100,000 921 45 1,007,490 1,030 325,000 20,000 5,900 477,290 35 333,670 11 32 115 92 97,200 90,000 Cost. Num Cost. Num ber. ber. 13,360 35,753 2,200 10,450 51,000 20,620 636,515 42,276 9,400 4,810 8,450 22,995 865 4,734 2,962 135,575 80,570 13,610 6,355 8,503 24,068] 11,424 Stores, ware houses, etc. 73,000 35,000 {Included with public buildings in 1920. 29 $17,501 3,000 22,705 130 (a) (a) 1,000 3,530 1,900 9,000 24,177 4,450 1,275 50 12, 200 5,320 5,260 200 300 97 103 7 71 12 59 22 52 111 21 63 100 55 4 7 15 19 15 30 130 229 Cost. All other. Num Cost. ber. $4,606,900 2,940 $630,508 1,467,400 2,227,826 430,750 247 109,763 65,035 5 19,900 46,255 46,250 13,6 165,201 657,485 189,780 198,700 38,652 3,243,390 1,514,420 659,837 15,000 391,000 48,350 1,350 50,475 100 308,350 1,032,000 45,910 1,748,425 448,575 1,075,830 22,500 458,400 393,350 314,630 103,725 19,875 26,800 18,970 141,400 2,000 55,205 197,150 694,650 2,000 76,375 8 Includes stables and barns. Total. Num ber. Cost. 3,604 $11, 052,708 4,921 5, 438,015 1, 4, 694,878 2,221 4, 140,872 134 181,250 162 325,340 263 052,670 316 264,166 687 450,110 675 825,461 1,107 816,087 361 018,478 420 337,821 132 192,835 162 650,500 178 638.880 276 623,383 431 439,261 311 415,639 410 527,687 3,252 925,045 3,851 495,815 171 883,089 603 712,685 495 641,067 523 378,345 208 346,970 186 202.880 332 948,713 680 654,449 840 468,344 801 993,179 1,200 443,829 T able A.—NUMBER AND PROPOSED COST OF BUILDINGS (NEW CONSTRUCTION, AND REPAIRS, ALTERATIONS, AND ADDI- TIONS TO OLD BUILDINGS) COVERED BY PERMITS ISSUED IN 1921, BY INTENDED USE OF BUILDINGS—Continued. O* 0° PART 2.—NEW NONRESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS-Continued. City and State. Year. Amusement and recreation places. Num Cost. ber. Factories, shops, Garages (pub Garages (private).1 Gasoline and etc. lic). service stations. Num Cost. Num ber. ber. Cost. 2 $216,475 • 13 $193,020 1 18,000 8 17,150 3 152,500 22 1,400,300 24 304,150 2 123,500 4 41,700 1 10,000 1 18,000 2 25,000 16 533,756 8 78,850 11 50,500 6 92,100 1 500 1 15,000 3 3 12 2 11 7 1 4 1 1 6 6 2 2 1 2 Num ber. Cost. Num ber. Cost. 165 $53,990 161 42,695 474 553,613 611 953,320 160 52,045 80 30,000 375 185,026 106 55,488 4 42,000 143 60,490 275,565 245 (a ) 2286 253,027 (a) 149 48,120 1 10,000 165 27,043 39 1,871,300 739 696,495 17 316,850 11 77,500 1,012 362,831 186,000 244,506 23 227,650 989 278,284 23 719,700 305,866 1,306 161,924 1 25,000 18,000 182 77,859 257 49,324 41 53i,085 244,542 1,002 542,508 32 182,685 167,100 8 106,050 1,396 432,610 8 90,750 16,000 227 84,724 19 25,950 74.000 5 16,300 89,638 379 32.000 154 2, 100,000 220,000 300 (a) 14 108,428 ( a ) a 439 2280,908 14,800 32 20,420 1 4 60,000 3,000 20 15,000 8 61,400 141.000 388 679,540 8 51,800 3 41,000 346 182,145 113,500 20 786,375 312 147,527 6 68,500 12 33,500 504 157,205 6,500 2 25,500 64,000 28 9,690 i 2,000 11 123,000 5,000 157 66,735 4 148,500 3 62,200 24,750 210 42,000 ^ In 1920 private and public garages were grouped together, 7 $24,200 Institutions. Num Cost. Num ber. ber. Cost. Office buildings. Num ber. 4 $700,600 25,000 76,200 10 $23,825 18 23,425 7 177,600 7 102,700 2 6,000 1 6 11,350 16,750 39,200 38,700 1 $200,000 2 10,800 11 9,425 11 11,930 2 204,000 2 14,000 6 6 8 6 3 2 6,500 2,000 30 12 11 3 5 4 3 5 46,666 Cost. 3 245,683 1 1,500,000 62,000 16,300 1 6,500 4,500 1 100,000 26,500 12,000 1 9,000 8,495 5,000 2Includes public garages, 1 1 1 11 161 3 1 3 4 3 4 40,000 137,000 375 2i0,540 292,430 4,400 8,600 12,900 23,700 2, 000,000 69,500 39 2 3 4 202,760 1,300 15,000 189,824 16 154 10 4 1 424,100 349,900 64,000 108,400 25,500 40,000 BUILDING PERMITS IN 1921, Springfield, 111— 1920 1921 1 $2,500 Springfield, Mass. 3 506,000 1920 1921 1921 Springfield, Mo.. Springfield, Ohio. 1 50.000 1920 1921 2 15.000 1920 Stamford, Conn.. 3 4,800 1921 1920 i 107,000 Stockton, Calif... 1921 3 1,700 Superior, W is.... 1920 1921 8 48,284 1 40.000 Syracuse, N. Y .. 1920 1921 2 50.000 Tacoma, Wash... 1920 1921 Terre Haute, Ind 1920 1921 Toledo, Ohio....... 1920 12 446,100 1921 6 53,100 Topeka, Kans— 1920 2 502,000 1921 Trenton, N. J___ 1 45,000 1920 1921 Troy, N. Y ......... 1920 1921 “■” *2 200,000 Tulsa, Okla......... 1920 2 27,000 1921 6 378,200 Utica, N. Y......... 1920 1921 1 11,000 Waco, Tex........ . 1921 Waltham, Mass.. 1921 2 42,000 Warren, Ohio___ 1921 (i Included with private garages. Churches. City and State. Year. Public build ings. Public work and utilities.5 Schools, libraries, etc. Num Cost. ber. Num Cost. ber. Num Cost. ber. Sheds. Num ber. Cost. Springfield, 111................ 1920 1 $200,000 $3,450 7 1 $200,000 1921 1 4,000 1 250,000 Springfield, Mass......... 1920 1921 Springfield, Mo.............. 1921 Springfield) Ohio........... 1920 i 1921 ................i ........ Stamford, Conn.............. 1920 67 7, i.50 1921 2 81,000 110 12,440 1 181,358 Stockton, Calif................ 1920 395 5 1921 Superior, Wis................. 1920 53 5,505 1921 j 1 $4,500 6,173 67 Syracuse, N. Y .............. 1920 2 8#590 664 616,300 1921 1 78,463 2 633,406 6 81 6 23,213 Tacoma, Wash............. 1920 1 30,569 2 50,000 .... 1921 Terre Haute, Ind........... 1920 1 20.000_____ 8 11,690 1921 Toledo, Ohio............... 1920 6 720,959 1921 7 2,587,702 165 12,659 1 54,000 Topeka, Kans................ 1920 2 129,000 12 2,630 i; 11,000 1921 2 80,000 24 7,707 Trenton, N. J................. 1920 2' 500,000 1921 Troy, N. Y .................... 1920 1 35,000 l 450,000 1921 1 11,100 Tulsa, Okla..................... 1920 8 4 84,000 1 2 , 550 1 4,000 1921 24,700 10 385,885 10 ....... # Utica, N. Y .................... 1920 11 12,680 1921 3 270,000 Waco, Tex...................... 1921 2 9,400 3 2,499 1 38,986 Waltham, Mass.............. 1921 2 11,000 Warren, Ohio................. 1921 1 30,666 3 290,000 1 2,000 i, 765 6 a Included with sheds. 5Included with publie buildings in 1920. Stables and barns. Num Cost. ber. 2 $1,700 4 800 2 550 2 650 5 (a ) (a) 1,250 21 3,555 5,534 54 (o) (a ) 1 300 8 6,675 7 2,200 21 5,580 2 15,000 1 2,000 4 6,550 7 46,750 1 6,500 6 9,430 3 3,650 Stores, ware houses, etc. Num ber. Cost. All other. Num Cost. ber. Total. Num ber. 275 $112,480 482 218 75 333,000 610 40 42,100 770 173 28 56,000 114 380 25, 875 3 15,500 216 15 296 29 435,650 92, 930 21 54,307 328 33 15 19,995 506 41 408,630 155 244 4 11,700 2 8 196, 475 10 11,690 323 22 25,800 896 17 257,000 78,800 13 60,435 1,171 19 1,028 7 168,100 1,370 29 900,800 62,300 7 38 10,162 246 259 49 794,335 27 259,350 1,159 1,734 82,100 53 272 7| 252,800 23 73,125 18 48,250 496 70,000 22 62,903 492 5 60,600 114 115,449 584 9 33 1 60 4,500 23 259,450 10 409,032 479 1 300 522 100 613,470 7 26 223,450 390 13, 700 22 113,225 36 119, 725 603 74 27 102,757 13 14 6,190 210 75, 700 24 134,400 20 12, 875 283 ^Includes stables and barns. 3 16 16 84 9 $12,200 46,350 143,275 320,430 58,375 Cost. $1,517,740 400,120 3,597,038 1,846,850 152,120 210,000 362,026 644,194 710,430 972,595 775,782 176,885 350,549 3,240,585 1,929,898 2,999,109 2,088,290 305,611 253,324 3,548,304 3,859,371 1,141,904 431,550 3,061,903 1,015,692 55,420 774,500 3,671,172 2,174,250 1,298,982 1,021,055 235,276 413,606 797,140 §fei W £ CO T able A.—NUMBER AND PROPOSED COST OF BUILDINGS (NEW CONSTRUCTION, AND REPAIRS, ALTERATIONS, AND ADDI- -3 TIONS TO OLD BUILDINGS) COVERED BY PERMITS ISSUED IN 1921, BY INTENDED USE OF BUILDINGS—Continued. 0 PART 2.—NEW NONRESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS—Concluded. City and State. a Included with private garages. In 1920 private and public garages were grouped together. Includes public garages. * See notes to details. B U IL D IN G P E R M IT S IN 1921. Watartnum ¥Totvi l/UWJi* W AN• Y......... . • West Hoboken, N. J .... West New York, N. J ... Wheeling W Va Wichita, TCanS............TWillrAs-Rnrro Pa Tyilinin^nn T)al Wi'lmino+nn M f! Winston-Salem, N. C... Woonsonkftt R. T . _ __ Wnrofistfir Mass Yontftrs N Y Vnrt Pa Youngstown, Ohio........ Zanesville, Ohio............. Total................... Amusement and Factories, shops, Garages (pub Garages (private).1 Gasoline and Institutions. Office buildings. Churches. recreation service stations. etc. lic). places. Year. Num Num Num Cost. Num Cost. Num Cost. Num Cost. Num Cost. Num ber. Cost. ber. Cost. ber. Cost. ber. ber. ber. ber.£ ber. 4 $788,200 17 $777,944 5 $215,360 4 $486,500 794 $1,329,749 1920 1 1,500,000 14 1,045,000 2 140,000 9 950,247 4 $260,000 2,487 1,206,076 1921 1 200! 000 1 150,000 1 500,000 6 $8,766 3 il7'500 15 244,415 1920 295 194,490 1 98,800 2 2 544,600 2 250,100 800 233 137,711 1921 6 84,374 14 179,790 1 20,000 2 5,500 61,063 4 153,500 212 1920 1 20j000 1 1,300 16,322 2 $13,000 34,410 5 39,000 4 198 1921 1 60,000 1 50,000 1 50,000 56,735 211 1921 1 225 000 11 244,400 2 18 500 2 85,000 33,550 25 1920 1 86,’000 1 35,000 1 1 1 10,000 500 38,700 1,000 10 41,000 129 1921 1 30,000 6 30,000 1921 3 133,300 1 7,000 5 53,200 86,225 25 322,390 130 1920 1 1,200 11 99,775 5 51,200 2 33,000 3 7,500 69,560 268 1921 2 14,950 14 326,837 7 8,750 382 142,805 4 24,500 34 753,210 1920 1 15,000 5 540,850 24 80,100 615 109,398 8 61,166 4 280,350 5 11,150 1921 6 1,164,708 10 44,090 121 186,561 M .. 1920 1 23,000 2 89,300 85,441 136 26 286,273 16 i04,230 1921 5 711,500 1 7 510,380 490 2 21,000 7 121,075 216 492,996 1920 3 9 100 4 30 983 1 1,190 2 2 10,500 58,074 152 14 42,790 875 1921 1 30^000 3 44 1 1,000 i 2,000 93’ 200 7,300 31 1921 3 56’000 4 3,700 99,975 139 13 397,600 1920 2 11,800 2 48,000 1 1,300 3 8,800 215 38,827 14,300 9 5 37,400 1 18,000 1921 2 45,000 122 72,290 13 733,850 1920 7 28,350 1 1,500 8 308,000 41,115 111 1 2,000 1921 4 59,275 2 28,000 452 670,977 20 884,825 1920 6,125 1 2,800 1 7 200 1,222,115 579,073 16 553 1921 8 23,200 1 4 71,000 209 666,600 1920 1 13,200 4 202,000 (a) (0) 4 7,000 3 1,400 2268 2393,100 14,500 1921 3 6,950 86,086 6 235,300 131 1920 5 7 23,700 2 35 200 2 31 000 70,340 7,050 225 1921 1 250,000 3 44,500 1 25!000 11 100,550 7 8,800 624 235,410 3 98’000 1920 6 253,000 2 265,000 25,000 30 75,000 15 150,000 375 10 175,000 7 250,000 1921 7 750,000 1 12,000 22,580 7 13,700 12,415 4 19,700 107 1 50,000 15 1921 91 20,702,309 1,087 132,170,885 <91,892 494,021,610 8423,598,172 1920 421 39,556,640 516 17,719,090 5,239 190,147,705 1921 77862,517,117 923 29,393,444 3,760 73,564,759 2,679 26,924,861 4118,987 459,499,530 1,599 3,785,125 161 19,132,734 1,492 114,111,049 City and State. Year. Public build ings. Num Cost. ber. Num Cost. ber. Schools, libraries, etc. Num Cost. ber. 5 $668,722 9 1,345,000 1 5,000 1 20,900 2 638,000 1 77,515 1 750,000 5 $57,406 2 2,950 3 16,900 13 555,407 1 5 2 6 12 4,000 446,851 285,670 12,875 441,166 2 510,000 3 *12,400 244 14,607,376 3 481,200 1 10,226 2 339,000 Sheds. Num ber. 452 11 31 2 1 13 1 ie 9 13 56 10 10 22 10 64 88 21 40 66 74 8 24 Cost. $48,427 8,500 4,120 850 500 4,735 6,000 4,795 1,668 22,375 30,130 3,810 2,389 8,195 5,207 22,943 6,515 2,787 5,356 68,780 24,995 57,000 70,800 24 9,825 1 10,000 1,500 5 975,000 7 4 440 1 90,000 535 48,863,854 711,531 7 4,090,561 782 90,640,217 7 27,435 7 8,944,025 5 Included with public buildings in 1920. Stables and barns. Num Cost. ber. 12 $9,600 16 13 4 2 3 7,150 2,150 2,875 Stores, ware houses, etc. Num ber. Cost. 106 $965,970 104 939,150 14 119,475! 33,125 29 12,000 1 52,845 13 48 395,225 1,300 11,790 5 500 19 as,700 4,950 96 411,536 1,305 126 248,350 1,500 63,000 5 5 1,465 16 168,338 2 30,000 22 88,584 1 2,500 30 101,949 29 130,000 43 8,370 48 123,700 72 171,635 43 3,445 8,450 7 3,370 9 69,850 6 2,050 17 8 11,675 15 116,200 11 12,045 79 105,345 2 4,800 15 310,400 5 6,400 43 340,200 2 1,400 40 12,053 56 7,117 9 32,800 5 2,550 42 287,275 15 1,500 15 100,000 3 12,880 900 13 1.31S 1.101.615 6,639 143,120,638 10,213 5,440,477 11,516 101,229,133 1 7See notes to details. 10 13 1 All other. Num Cost. ber. Total. Num ber. Cost. 935 $5,232,445 3,082 7,433,900 361 1,576,680 39 $9,235 381 1,706,024 8 120,800 247 1,030,863 230 257,767 262 611,960 60 617,115 6 5,930 145 218,200 8 810,000 1 4,500 188 624,500 29 15,815 355 366,324 10 131,035 573 1,844,948 6 4,050 876 2,996,358 24 74,395 173 659,026 215 777,336 7 85,057 301 2,107,219 9 7,825 253 1,311,566 66 263,500 17 389,425 331 1,101,713 2 1,750 445 871,772 6 58,550 180 924,297 1 1,500 192 459,721 236 304,135 806 2,625,067 238 94,445 984 2,069,769 5 87,600 254 1,572,800 1 1,700 353 1,037,100 1,040 191 342,829 9 1 4,400 307 211,607 11 140,200 733 1, 212,110 200 100,000 694 3,121,000 156 234,615 8,951 42,136,640 129,250 753,555,139 5,366 12,872,101 186,092 639,123,480 GENERAL TABLE, 1Q20 1921 1 819,000 1920 5 335!319 1921 2 17,000 1920 1921 1921 West Hoboken, N. J__ 1920 1921 W 0st N ew York N. J . 1921 1920 Wheeling, W. Va 1921 Wichita, TCans 1920 1921 1920 Wilkes-Barre, Pa. 1921 W ilm in g to n , B e l 4 25,067 1920 1921 " W ilm in g to n "NT 1921 ...........!................. Winston-Salem, N. C... 1920 1921 W o o n s o c k e t , R . T_. 1920 1921 Worcester, Mass........... 1920 1921 Yonkers, N. Y ............. 1920 1921 Y o rk , P a 1920 1921 1920 Youngstown, Ohio 1921 Z a n e s v ille O h io 192i T o ta l. 1920 188 16,325,420 1921 157 16,461,532 Public work and utilities.5 T able A .— N UM BER AN D PROPOSED COST OF BUILDINGS (N E W CONSTRUCTION, AN D R E P A IR S , A L T E R A T IO N S , AN D A D D I TIO N S TO OLD B U IL D IN G S) COVERED B Y PERMITS ISSUED IN 1921, B Y IN T E N D E D USE OF B U ILD IN G S— Continued. to PART 3.—REPAIRS, ALTERATIONS, AND ADDITIONS TO OLD BUILDINGS, AND GRAND TOTAL OF ALL PERMITS. Residential buildings.1 City and State. Nonresidential Housekeeping Nonhousekeep buildings.1 ing dwellings. dwellings. Year. Akron, Ohio........... Alameda, Calif___ Albany, N. Y ........ Allentown, Pa....... Altoona, Pa........... Amsterdam, N. Y. Anderson, Ind....... Asheville, N. C___ Atlanta, Ga............ Atlantic City, N. J Auburn, N. Y ....... Augusta, Ga........... Aurora, 111.............. Austin, Tex........... Baltimore, Md....... Bangor, Me............ Battle Creek, Mich Bay City, Mich__ Bayonne, N. J....... Berkeley, Calif___ 1920 1921 1921 1920 1921 1920 53 1921 1920 265 1921 1921 110 1921 337 1921 1920 1921 1,345 1920 826 1921 1920 44 1921 1920 1921 69 1920 1921 132 1921 105 1920 1921 i 1921 14 1920 1921 1921 923 1920 1921 198 1921 Cost. $124,143 84,592 39,615 98,212 846,330 509,566 38,520 9,433 ii7,34i 42,092 5,i20,530 3,800 145,050 i74,925 Num Cost. Num Cost. ber. ber. 162 874 25 6,000 68 161 131 10 ioo 11 40 26 4,800 i,737 3 150 $90,000 1 1 1 1 4,500 $101,775 241,936 28,240 175,403 456,764 1,787,877 138,600 24,806 H I, 297 5,259 3,208,800 4,000 290 109,628 46 96,078 Num ber. 644 292 1,704 1.408 301 365 462 1,139 6 135 406 1.408 1,506 1,208 957 51 54 1, 81 176 172 131 12,202 13,139 17 119 179 1,214 254 244 1,105 Cost. $1,844,877 601,972 150,133 1,887,979 793,697 724,635 315.918 269.919 326,528 20,000 67,855 279,615 2,328,626 1,303,094 9,235,064 2,297,443 92,687 177,120 771,992 34,339 403,148 231,638 47,351 7,070,131 8,334,130 7,800 25,400 91,362 259,178 313,449 271,003 507,645 Num Cost. Num ber. ber. Cost. Rank in Popula cost of tion. con struc tion. 4,253 244 $95,830 2,374 633 2,057 65 47,425 2,175 662 852 806 48 12,965 1,621 207 234 740 1,059 2,617 104 44,232 3,840 1,442 567 '266*779 1,898 183 192 1,815 181 224,200 711 307 435 430 16,293 361 576,318 17,727 147 613 822 15 2,010 409 566 1,702 $20,347, 3,800, 795, 3,903, 4,211, 2,709, 1,813, 1,586, 1,734, 983, 192, 1,988. 13,372, 11,236, 16,073, 7,875, 517, 338, 1,840, 1,319, 739, 989, 1,109, 30.629, 37,593, 444, 589, 1,111, 1,226, 3,078, 2,632, 3,197, 208,435 76 28,806 113,344 223 70 73,502 143 60,331 147 33,525 212 29,767 262 28,507 135 200,616 50,707 *36,'i92 259 52,548 *180 *36,*397 211 34,876 198 733,827 7 25,978 252 36,164 197 47,554 188 76,754 108 96 56,063 Alterations that changed family accommo dations.2 Fami Fami lies lies before. after. 60 180 64 8 6 3 31 40 BUILDING PERMITS IN 1921. Num ber. total, all per Grand permits, new and Total repairs, etc. Installation mits.2 repairs, etc. 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1921 1920 1921 1921 1920 1921 96 186,560 2,722 572, 723 7 10,500 4,591 2,157,769 168 131,377 159j 89,120 94;| 230.371 861| 725,535 54i................ 27,549 344 206,714 366 378,941 255 138 171 63 1,284 74 61 1,087 78 19 2,005 116 139,360 116,975 147,040 41,757 400,949 34,680 165,105 1,261,500 56,725 14,925 791,295 77,810 2 1,250 97 439,831 I1 ! ; j i 1 125 4 37,000 3 9,650 7 239,310 74 162 7 i, 590 154 145 44 439 58 207 177 190,980 165,090 26,000 3,489,455 282,284 207,595 671,105 971,572 44,944 411,967 58,039 115, 71 80 21 390 56 30 1,237 3 5 730 56 136,634 174,437 210,370 117,155 162,725 58,900 68,175 6,576,400 26,000 34,500 1,236,740 22,570 1 Grand total of repairs only reported in 1920. 2 No data obtained in 1920. 106 77 1,943 170 3,000 2,886 314 5,381 6,278 374 322 250 304 120 138 1,314 1,300 263 112 598 551 478 543 675 734 249 370 150 209 110 251 85 85 1,926 1,674 174 130 184 91 3,600 2,328 66 81 27 1,715 2,742 172 4,237 4 12,926 358,940 104,745 528,509 377,540 1,008,586 739,063 6,087, 055 712,068 413,661 72,493 863,923 618,681 275,994 289,591 462,581 754,672 50,358 243 163 1 337 1,507,116 2,387 1,461,959 66,800 134 1,995,170 343 291 12,561 I , 4,168 4,276,474 178,806 ...........| 4 16 50 87 i42,724 5,182 6,436, 086 4 2 379 373,800 28,725 256 6,426 28,167, 668 748,060 9'1 1,479 1,543,881 9,453 25,602,033 1,206 5,287,641 143,535 15 33 4,000 l,f~~ 3,110,970 98 6 685 1,525,659 66,254 837 1,685,439 152’1 273! 2,515,038 37,748 89 359 3,374,399 4,563 13,522,100 506,775 27 84,521 6,290 19,759,446 u i 55 no 337 225,*'”''j 41,611 154 90, 264! 876 5,211,216 |"**iot),694 165 232,221 1,018 1,866,180 140 949 2,792,280 116,309 .........1 1,178 1,908,327 139 1,763 3,210,449 87,091 75 2,066 3,816,374 915 2,203,892 45,566 1,355 3,023,115 i02 i 566 3,290,013 67,957 1,650 472 1,352,744 7 487 1,911,7521j 39,607 . 174i 83 77 15,161 1,261 3,583,718 372 2,303,580 46,338 128 10 25 481 2,072,392 2,037 2,883,320 57,895 132 64,245 2,293 2,467,029 114 249 595,067 43,187 237 264 573,540 448 1,999,332 58,030 224 328 787,101 7,246 84,602,650 2,701,705 2 25,800 133,027,910 305 1,528,250 36,214 205 10 22 2,500 410 1,019,180 1 2,800 688 3,768,562 44,995 77 11 3,306 10,899,085 401,247 20 203 317,3.50 6,145 15,578,536 16 12,500 520 1,007,560 27,869 206 1 796,841 64,198,600 II, 320 3 ...........!........... 15,806 86,680,023 3 No record of small repairs kept. <Includes private garages. GENERAL TABLE, Bethlehem, Pa......... Binghamton, N. Y .. Birmingham, Ala__ Bloomington, 111....... Boston, Mass............ Bridgeport, Conn---Brockton, Mass......... Brookline, Mass........ Buffalo, N. Y ............ Butte, Mont.............. Cambridge, Mass---Camden, N. J............ Canton, Ohio............. Cedar Rapids, Iowa---Charleston, S. C........ Charleston, W. Va... Charlotte, N. C......... Chattanooga, Tenn.. Chelsea, Mass............ Chester, Pa................ Chicago, 111................ Chicopee, Mass......... Cicero, 111................... Cincinnati, Ohio....... Clarksburg, W. Va... Cleveland, Ohio........ -4 co T able A.—NUMBER AND PROPOSED COST OF BUILDINGS (NEW CONSTRUCTION, AND REPAIRS, ALTERATIONS, AND ADDI- -J TIONS TO OLD BUILDINGS) COVERED BY PERMITS ISSUED IN 1921, BY INTENDED USE OF BUILDINGS—Continued. ^ PART 3.—REPAIRS, ALTERATIONS, AND ADDITIONS TO OLD BUILDINGS, AND GRAND TOTAL OF ALL PERMITS—Continued. Residential buildings. City and State. Nonresidential Housekeeping Nonhousekeep- buildings. dwellings. ing dwellings. Year. Clifton. N. J.................... Colorado Springs, Colo.. Columbia, S. C............... Columbus, Ga................ Columbus, Ohio............. Council Bluffs, Iowa— Covington, K y............... Cranston, R. I................ Cumberland, Md........... Dallas, Tex..................... Danville, 111.................... Davenport, Iowa........... Dayton, Ohio................. Decatur, 111.................... Denver, Colo.................. Des Moines, Iowa.......... Detroit, Mich.................. Dubuque, Iowa............. Duluth, Minn................ East Chicago, Ind. v--- 1921 1921 1920 1921 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1921 1921 1920 1921 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1921 1921 210 900 8 1,074 197 163 81 138 864 18 179 706 164 Cost. $77,645'' 302,512 8,850 734,400 168,270 82,610 77,655 57,270 824,251 13,200 120,385 296,336 111,175 Num Cost. Num ber. ber. 3 $3,050 14,000 1 14,000 500 215 366 17 370 17 36 17 26 177 2 74 123 31 Cost. $86,290 166,256 65,000 1,260,440 35,000 53,600 21,975 125,985 532,646 550 117,100 262,510 98,250 225 124,196 1 3,500 25 164,400 1,749 9,665,480 3,720 2,412*086 !!.!!!! 14 35,503 66 47,107 952 398,601 12 54,550 181 247,868 8 16,163 6 24,500 Num ber. Cost. 96 $65,625 425 163,935 713 384,766 468,768 1,266 73,850 25 1,127 2,321,255 1,447 1,997,890 159,992 133 217,270 215 142,775 150 136,210 199 99,630 98 183,255 164 982 3,122,337 1,041 1,356,897 21 27,750 347,389 487 237,485 253 807,246 708 558,846 829 311,000 178 209,925 197 981,600 1,236 1,721 1,332,825 284,730 146 251 292,096 5,400 15,741,355 12,077,566 39 82,831 80 82,610 1,145 701,019 14 40,663 Num ber. Cost. 77 $15,390 1 3,000 327 107,885 1 2,000 434 315,910 161 42,051 Num ber. 792 842 1,010 1,616 101 2,873 4,750 497 785 348 625 610 431 2,567 4,455 311 951 1,023 2,045 2,741 638 957 2,903 5,583 928 1,348 19,423 17,615 216 339 2,633 219 $2,824, 565, 1,060, 1,570, 584, 10,257, 9,265, 1,611, 2,132, 514, 1,292, 1,104, 1,080, 13,420, 14,800, 496, 1,476, 1,833, 5,882, 6,054, 2,549, 2,030, 7,143, 9,978, 4,318, 3,722, 77,737, 58,086, 371, 1,322, 3,724, 1,347, Rank in Popula cost of tion. con struc tion. 33,776! 56,727 152, 559 43, 818 256, 491 126, 468 993, 678 39, 141 98,917 35,967 103 238, lei! 236 35 125 i.84 199 201 22 245 142 52 130 31 79 5 179 78 176 Alterations that changed family accommo dations. Fami Fami lies lies before. after. 1 2 56 17 9 107 43 4 16 25 50 25 50 5 4 10 8 BUILDING PERMITS IN 1921. Num ber. total, all per Grand Total repairs, etc. Installation permits, new and mits. repairs, etc. 341 150,000 421 239,369 122 154,618 157 58,221 80 54,306 7 16,200 2 1 9,000 1,050 2 19,000 16 116 66 11 62 176,240 299,233 208,194 100,550 191,617 500 132,000 162 503,922 50 125,000 34 23,650 25 99 42,300 55,578 322 455,042 51 22,865 149 356 593 659 3,913 72 774 58,414 274,247 326,770 243,750 438,101 150,000 365,196 23 71 267 366 284 108 102 20 54,775 231 93,874 137 209,920 82,650 55,786 5 47,600 39,197 289,570 293,267 404,609 329,332 227,536 461,005 77 67,350 51 63,985 56 388,635 35 160,900 1 17,000 51 267 309 379 46 200 162 147 157 65 841 403 585 172 161 191 1,511 285 347 106 150 849 1,605 172 254 427 804 860 1,025 3,149 4,197 215 180 585 876 203 204 97 282 190 198 971 1,162 68 80 34 212 68,633 344,466 784,417 487,548 81, 253, 188,295 529,824 313,326 (5) (5) 21 762,291 2 99,120 1,505 10 21 116,641 100 1 5,150 81,871 143,693 420,237 97,611 826,201 189 28,250 i 243 555,571 1 ' 352 1,064 624 2,614,515 428 1,458,646 685 2,935,924 969 3,473,478 436 1,872,293 856 1,467,363 454 990,931 612 2,835,058 876 3,676,656 998,350 289 264,696 153 725 3,337,200 1,614 4,615,903 1,036 3,521,444 1,735 3,335,856 867 4,020,913 816,390 355 451 548,239 1,976 458,693 687 3,748,582 807 1,694,213 322 1,722,395 481,648 445 4,325 10,543,525 2,827 2,695,405 611 2,177,277 894 2,929,942 1,529 4,799,766 2,234 10,373,377 2,206 4,485,892 2,478 3,894,677 668,608 3,562 4,745 1,574,880 737 3,279,524 902 2,794,478 1,779 4,448,700 3,095 5,635,382 588 1,464,356 549 1,072,180 609 1,966,375 789 1,953,175 446 1,454,854 652 5,695,798 1,505 20,691,324 2,201 7,548,216 358 1,136,750 775,080 389 373,296 124 1,042 2,283,464 27,292 33,813 50,710 66,767 27,454 95,783 45,396 77,560 93,372 37,234 40,120 27,644 120,485 41,029 91,599 28,870 86,549 106,482 45,086 44,255 55,378 137,634 39,675 36,004 48,615 75,917 138,036 53,884 32,277 46,499 109 167 87 165 210 80 261 65 91 72 241 249 150 246 106 122 62 69 74 160 104 57 202 136 137 55 43 225 257 118 2 4 7 17 10 23 31 53 39 61 10 20 7 14 36 250 39 288 GENERAL TABLE, i7i 113,920 256 172,115 134 45,675 149 78,745 94 120,659 CO '«*00 East Cleveland, Ohio... 1921 Easton, Pa..................... 1921 East Orange, N. J ......... 1920 1921 East St. Louis, 111......... 1920 1921 Elgin, 111......................... 1921 Elizabeth, N. J.............. 1920 1921 Elmira, N. Y.................. 1920 1921 El Paso, Tex.................. 1920 1921 Erie, Pa........................... 1920 1921 Evanston, 111.................. 1921 Everett, Mass................. 1920 1921 Everett, Wash............... 1921 Fall River, Mass............ 1920 1921 Fitchburg, Mass............. 1920 1921 Flint, Mich..................... 1920 1921 Fort Smith, Ark............ 1921 Fort Wayne, Ind........... 1920 1921 Fort Worth, Tex........... 1920 1921 Fresno, Calif................... 1921 Galveston, Tex.............. 1920 1921 Gary, Ind........................ 1920 1921 Grand Rapids, Mich__ 1920 1921 Hamilton, Ohio............. 1920 1921 Hammond, Ind............. 1921 Hamtramck, Mich......... 1921 Harrisburg, Pa............... 1920 1921 Hartford, Conn.............. 1920 1921 Haverhill, Mass............. 1920 1921 Hazleton, Pa.................. 1921 Highland. Park, Mich... 1921 5 Repairs not reported. <1 CR T able A__ NUMBER AND PROPOSED COST OF BUILDINGS (NEW CONSTRUCTION, AND REPAIRS, ALTERATIONS, AND ADDlTIONS TO OLD BUILDINGS) COVERED BY PERMITS ISSUED IN 1921, BY INTENDED USE OF BUILDINGS—Continued. 01 PART 3.—REPAIRS, ALTERATIONS, AND ADDITIONS TO OLD BUILDINGS, AND GRAND TOTAL OP ALL PER M ITS—Continued. Residential buildings. City and State. Year. Nonresidential Housekeeping Nonhousekeep buildings. dwellings. ing dwellings. Hoboken, N. J............... Holyoke, Mass................ Houston, Tex................. Huntington, W. Va___ Indianapolis, Ind........... Irvington, N. J.............. Jackson, Mich................ Jacksonville, Fla........... Jersey City, N. J............ Johnstown, Pa............... Kalamazoo, Mich........... Kansas City, Kans........ Kansas City, Mo............ Keamev, N. J ................ Kenosha, Wis................ Knoxville, Term............ Kokomo. Ind................. Lakewood, Ohio............ 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1921 1921 Cost. $300,001 85 58,000 90 222,925 309 142,276 4,000 1,200,000 87 51,346 84 45,608 1,103 197,393 270 421,588 13 29,000 150 42,000 Num Cost. Num Cost. ber. ber. 200 3 $3,485 28 $63,000 35 120,000 50 212,000 56 50,513 100 100,000 i, ioo 1,000,000 78,694 62 1 2 100 29 6,640 358 483 11 149 389,588 105,950 588,519 605,000 40,000 514 275,350 589 2,307,975 180 96,740 670 252,028 62 81,745 84 201,622 Num ber. 170 228 147 120 192 140 186 368 4,337 5,200 149 450 114 150 1,461 716 753 285 3 24 142 301 283 498 2,351 1,103 60 861 242 768 754 71 112 Cost. $576,339 363,001 231,900 178.000 410,085 434,925 231,780 196,274 2,100,388 2,300,000 130,040 253,793 435,296 973,390 303.343 3,159,829 1,010,107 595.000 3 634,000 185,870 88,640 228,635 266,520 2,361,320 2,583,325 40,000 688,835 178,485 595.344 453,650 52,158 162,898 Num Cost. ber. $190,000 790 480,000 2,570 11 49,000 203 *243,’250 24 14,250 181 104,340 Num ber. 220 262 361 364 1,404 2,812 929 1,726 6,689 10,136 781 1,097 664 480 2,940 1,156 1,306 770 601 483 904 453 907 4,416 4,385 380 1,466 845 991 1,430 331 1,199 Cost. $1,975,369 549,501 3,452,195 1,065,750 7,829,886 9,477,137 2,399,307 3,,395,646 14,593,762 18,330,000 2,450,210 1,223,181 1,318,966 2,921,089 5,085,579 7,458,849 12,602,972 6,000,000 8.726.000 1,396,093 1,337,162 1,280,295 1,716,880 13,522,265 15,739,525 2.018.000 2,572,774 1,370,001 2,469,041 2,665,411 759,949 5,355,098 Rank in Popula cost of tion. construction. 68,166 60,203 138,276 50,177 314,194 25,480 48,374 91,558 298,103 67,327 48,487 101,177 324,410 26,724 40,472 77,818 30,067 41,732 240 203 32 88 i6 115 181 59 28 37 177 148 19 131 171 107 229 58 Alterations that changed family accommo dations. Fami Fami lies lies before. after. 2 6 4 13 5 12 60 120 BUILDING PERMITS IN 1921. Num ber. total, all per Grand permits, new and Total repairs, etc. Installation mits. repairs, etc. 180 262 89 260 20 122 1,173 604 187 165,393 102,327 „ 173,260 218,830 2,500 83,760 396,344 311,060 146,955 2 48,613 378 241,016 131 61,100 161 113,256 54 24,310 10 83,160 200 14 160 49 220 196,860 54 47,211 281 118,170 3 131,250 37 143 204 8 1,000 4 15,650 80 61 106 185 5 11 260 201 55 23 16,200 12 36 17*250 17 412 1,273,918 255 432,188 505 1,329,488 262 132,507 346,513 1,332 239 2,075,175 113,370 1,642 2,399,639 256,652 323 154,325 501 2,548,991 523,801 202 661 3,045,520 195 470,225 296,965 859 2,056,454 495 301,099 445 17 5,150 758 2,580,673 319,845 101,015 658,500 108,325 18 128 790 742,240 4,290 33 181 165,310 131 2,110,495 536 103,010 19,250 732 1,715,393 133 716,931 1,215 1,803 3,738,433 549,647 153,303 1,433 2,461 3,497,061 566,985 255,925 805 3,740 13,144,383 326,404 300 574 1,223,593 89,770 236,725 242 638 1,304,212 60,023,600 6,485 7,689,048 25,555 / 9,422,389 8,769 37,206 82,761,386 752,860 2,493 6,986,260 1,693 774,600 5,355 742, 537 8,636 8,170,837 1,536 927,300 504 924 4,981,375 2,000 1,189 1,454,180 541,802 217,626 588 1 2 8,000 286 469,785 126,200 65,100 . 145 190,212 294 684 1,026,675 321 159,873 273,129 867 1,356,101 254 817,581 217,800 85 100,858 744,474 125,168 103 369 744 1,420,672 539 435,34$ 926,136 56 15,739 779 207,757 504 1,799,835 156 200,625 922 3,050,002 97,349 260 425,459 442 1,149,475 234,115 213 113,462 59(0 1,248,250 197 160,673 466 790 2,612,795 426,571 968 1,214,432 143,260 277,080 671,146 / 75 50,121 351 391, 777 78 358 20,855 187,524 86 375 1,4§2,524 586 1,525, 611 104 144,991 1,563 6,173, 265 776 1,814,365 858,840 668 528,161 3,184 9,377,025 924 232 910,650 7,650 35 23,850 1,500 3,435,448 4,329 14,845,530 2,122 2,428,941 24,394 6,093,693 31, 211 25, 510, 385 6,665 15,914,825 3,008 2,730,445 6,797 22,696,030 43,597 42,706,490 167 612,965 47,075 117,200 735,430 99,950 256 53 287 60,298 499 1,221,529 53,150 57,327 94,270 41,534 41,326 54,948 65,142 55,593 37,295 576,673 234,891 112,759 30,070 99,148 46,781 52,995 38, 378 49,103 78,384 27,824 27,891 39,038 162,351 29,867 457,147 380,582 60,777 30,734 178 116 100 110 229 149 85 26 182 4 39 168 248 172 228 214 99 186 191 233 255 162 33 216 10 12 230 189 20 40 1 2 52 1 131 2 10 20 GENERAL TABLE, 1920 Lancaster, Pa___ 1921 If 20 Lansing, Mich— 1921 1920 Lawrence, Mass.. 1921 1920 Lexington, K y... 1921 1920 Lima, Ohio.......... 1921 1920 Lincoln, Nebr— 1921 Little Rock, Ark. 1920 1921 Long Beach, Calif. 1921 1920 Lorain, Ohio.......... 1921 1920 Los Angeles, Calif. 1921 1920 Louisville, Ky....... 1921 1920 Lowell, Mass......... 1921 1921 Lynchburg, Va. 1920 Lynn Mass....... . 1921 1920 McKeesport, P a... 1921 1920 Macon Ga.............. 1921 Madison, Wis......... 1920 1921 1920 Malden, Mass......... 1921 Manchester, N. H. 1920 1921 1921 Mansfield, Ohio.. Marion, Ohip__ 1921 Medford, Mass... 1920 1921 Memphis, Tenn. 1920 1921 Meriden, Conn... 1921 Milwaukee, Wis. 1920 1921 Minneapolis, Minn. 1920 1921 Mobile, Ala.............. 1920 1921 Moline, 111....................... i 1921 4Includes private garages. -5 -a T a b l e A .— NUMBER AND PROPOSED COST OF BUILDINGS (NEW CONSTRUCTION, AND REPAIRS, ALTERATIONS, AND ADDI- TIONS TO OLD BUILDINGS) COVERED BY PERMITS ISSUED IN 1921, BY INTENDED USE OF BUILDINGS-Continued. -J 00 PART 3.—REPAIRS, ALTERATIONS, AND ADDITIONS TO OLD BUILDINGS, AND GRAND TOTAL OP ALL PERMITS-Continued. Residential buildings. City and State. Year. Nonresidential Housekeeping Nonhousekeep buildings. dwellings. ing dwellings. Montclair, N .J .............. Montgomery, Ala.......... Mount Vernon, N. Y __ Muncie, Ind.................... Muskegon, Mich............. Muskogee, Okla............. Nashville, Tenn............. Newark, N .J.................. Newark, Ohio................ New Bedford, Mass....... New Britain, Conn....... New Brunswick, N. J .. Newburgh, N. Y........... New Haven, Conn......... New London, Conn....... New Orleans, La........... Newport, Ky.................. Newport, R. I................ Newport News, Va....... New Rochelle, N. Y___ 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1921 1921 1920 1921 1921 1920 1921 1921 1921 1921 1920 1921 Cost. 1,100 $185,000 38 49,953 514 537,891 92 36,693 63 152,606 75 30,085 50 • 20,505 127 109,016 7 2,660 146 278,947 Num Cost. Num Cost. ber. ber. Num ber. 159 1,046 70 $15,556 1,170 126 228 37 7 10,500 45 420 465 70 1,429 1,372 1,197 777 2,360,146 1,291 15 25,780 107 145 92 29 59,954 426 393 175 65 720 782 44 35,800 119 545 716 9 15,900 59 101 89,897 228 8 10,750 15 182 86 i63,565l 232 Cost. Num ber. Cost. Num ber. $290,340 6 $310 585 267,041 1,203 200,556 1,328 390,875 473 396,062 810 33,600 130 60,453 158 139,877 1,051 122,776 923 54,407 392 738,720 1,776 491,092 1,193 24, 455 3, 442 2,692,528 2,625 2,898,037 590 274,360 3,901 62,473 310 447,300 749 882 212,560 211,116 785 804 134,463 351 35,000 211 42,000 1,384,654 1,369 1,655 1,162,669 65,885 318 1,540 1,967,358 2,941 1,302,739 159 36,405 412 198,913 13,410 136 431 331,619 442,512 50 5,029 821 Cost. $3,638,019 469,075 1,759,459 2,155,507 3,596,284 209,600 1,138, 821 1,804, 579 966,741 1,219,663 1,946, 228 3,301, 943 22,597,656 18,978,205 347,440 6,185,800 5,816,631 2,572,382 1,596,423 454,700 890,000 5,134,343 6,387,808 661,835 10,927,596 8,738,397 157,711 1,000,277 559,188 2,588,852 3,209,743 Rank in Popula cost of tion. con struc tion. 28,810 43,464 42,726 36,524 36,570 30,277 118,342 414,524 26,718 121,217 59,316 32,779 30,366 162,537 25,688 387,219 29,317 30,255 35,596 36,213 81 146 82 196 213 190 93 15 258 54 159 251 217 si 234 36 263 207 239 95 Alterations that changed family accommo dations. Fami Fami lies lies before. after. 4 12 4 8 1 3 2 6 BUILDING PERMITS IN 1921, Num ber. total, all per Grand permits, new and Total repairs, etc. Installation mits. repairs, etc. 2,195 530 1,587 2,665 525 3,447,385 1,279,994 9,856,708 1,695,167 396,201 5,215 9,100,907 146 1,236,950 72 $672,315 1,755 13,044,037 17 28,462 618 2,029,278 2 2,520 176 177,536 19 27 22 49,150 30,175 31,000 305 232,876 38 60,350 20 100,000 401 160 284 1,078 316,818 121,560 144,085 502,027 37 175,935 93 594,300 45 44,340 216 196,520 1,111 748,017 139 83,875 601 178,645 53 90,325 52 28,253 260 187,000 65 47,560 214 161,187 18 57,488 27 29,076 266 113,133 1,222 1,093,142 67 91,945 2 8,200 13 83,905 2 20,000 127 192,311 715 4,372,287 28 65,640 201 264 5,442 7,410 695 676 4,008 3,414 3,328 3,300 674 703 261 316 380 324 65 42 1,769 2,412 140 149 (5)503 438 302 253 384 329 1,294 119 206 1,054 1,371 196 204 517 817 48 71 79 7,121 7,540 393 1,506 1,950 38 97 73 656 2,873,969 46,054 291,050 876 3,496,516 344,085 14,738 68,116,384 2,018,356 11,789, 19,670 126,848,167 12,548, 1,810 21,492,530 732,016 2,908, 3,632 2,516, 1,000,213 7,837 75,667,896 4,791 139,199, 563 2,284,103 42,999, 4,350 144,605,501 23,573, 10,242 42,640,472 469,042 4,547, 85,755,670 17,659 3,752, 338,940 368 2,700 6,246,388 116,531 1,407, 4,143 10,747,167 576, 304, 730 3,673,546 50,760 991 3,358,181 291, 704, 1,029 4,640,592 115,777 282, 100 37,502 1,145 5,051,711 408,525 32,319 90, 153 522,000 27,743 130 131, 4,442 9,401,768 216,261 1,559, 1,660, 183 65,675 7,043 15,789,616 792 2,059,211 39,858 149, 1,284 6,801,360 170,i, 781 553 1,177,072 32, 804 (5) 1,674 6,050, 861 91,295 1,029, 492, 2,781 7,799,697 2,119, 1,359 11,435,970 191,601 715, ' 7,600 1,958 11,386,000 8 532, 2,950 617 1,385,665 33,268 13 683,507 33,162 188, 535 698, 3,160 6,747,562 45,354 205, 338 1,594,035 63,841 229, 350 441 981 2,783,081 789, 1,511 3,685,985 135,875 935, 4,180 2,113 4,982,072 31 560 1,811,265 64,248 339, 775 2,120,821 131, 1,040 1,684*028 76,121 416, 5,200 1,635 2,557,774 348, 19 669,266 41,707 86,070 133 1,545 255 1,166,673 10 ‘ 147,813 432,562 31,012 525 222 8 57, 18,500, 9,993 54,174,045 1,823,779 2,659 823,825 14,654 42,774,770 14,278, 1,990 946 1,799,373 29,053 305, 5 3,989 16,555,174 588,343 2,839, 5,147 23,476,647 5,549,: 528,362 41,763 200 99, 845,644 32 1,089 342 177, 203, 433 1,671,980 27,700 86 1 90 60 254 243 18 47 192 41 29 170 232 48 105 61 127 111 193 253 6 144 11 221 151 18 44 10 20 30 5 55 10 2 4 1 4 GENERAL TABLE. Newton, Mass................. 1920 1921 New York, N. Y .: Brooklyn.................. 1920 1921 Bronx....................... 1920 1921 Manhattan............... 1920 1921 Queens...................... 1920 1921 Richmond................ 1920 1921 Niagara Falls, N. Y ...... 1920 1921 Norfolk, Va..................... 1920 1921 Norristown, Pa.............. 1921 Norwalk, Conn.............. 1921 Oakland, Calif................ 1920 1921 Oak Park, 111.................. 1920 1921 Ogden, Utah.................. 1921 Oklahoma City, Okla... 1920 1921 Omaha, Nebr................. 1920 1921 Orange, N. J................... 1921 Oshkosh, Wis................. 1921 Pasadena.Calif.............. 1921 Passaic, N. J................... 1920 1921 Paterson, N .J................ 1920 1921 Pawtucket, R. I............. 1920 1921 Peoria, 111........................ 1920 1921 Perth Amboy, N .J....... 1920 1921 Petersburg, V a............... 1921 Philadelphia, Pa........... 1920 1921 Phoenix, Ariz................. 1921 Pittsburgh, Pa............... 1920 1921 Pittsfield, Mass............... 1920 1921 Plainfield, N .J .............. 1921 5 Repairs not reported. -J to T a b l e A .— NUMBER AND PROPOSED COST OF BUILDINGS (NEW CONSTRUCTION, AND REPAIRS, ALTERATIONS, AND ADDI TIONS TO OLD BUILDINGS) COVERED BY PERMITS ISSUED IN 1921, BY INTENDED USE OF BUILDINGS—Continued. 00 o PART 3.—REPAIRS, ALTERATIONS, AND ADDITIONS TO OLD BUILDINGS, AND GRAND TOTAL O F ALL PER M ITS—Continued. Residential buildings. City and State. Nonresidential Housekeeping Nonhousekeep buildings. ing dwellings. dwellings. Year. Pontiac, Mich........... Port Huron, Mich... Portland, M.e............. Portland, Oreg......... Portsmouth, Ohio... Portsmouth, Va....... Poughkeepsie, N. Y . Providence, R. I ----Pueblo, Colo.............. Quincy, 111................. Quincy, Mass............ Racine, Wis.............. Revere, Mass............ Richmond, Ind......... Richmond, Va.......... Roanoke, Va............. Rochester, N. Y....... Rockford, HI............. 1921 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1921 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 Cost. Num Cost. Num Cost. ber. ber. 127 $60,533 29 15,797 266 276,223 153 161 38 2,920 125 4 185 232 79 98 797 347 941 393 76,704 125,948 31,526 1,286,300 62,500 4,800 93,654 98,506 86,620 42,180 477,761 98,830 673,328 160.795 , 1 $7,500 4 40,500 2 2,800 11 25,094 88 $60,969 6 13,475 167 324,980 26 41 48 787 330 16 92 52 7 21 420 104 855 164, 11,530 65,698 151,240 1,870,100 350,570 66,200 103,497 96,322 0,200 17,000 1,116,302 108,675 795,019 71.880 Num ber. 215 35 344 433 5,958 7,355 180 227 202 81 90 2,854 3,707 192 455 (5) 20 177 279 593 284 86 119 1,180 1,228 358 451 1,329 1,796 784 557 Cost. $121,502 29,272 980,111 601,203 2,630,405 2,348,663 95,734 268,212 191,646 116,910 223,266 3,205,100 3,156,400 148,014 413,070 (5)71,000 122,860 199,951 848,092 194,828 92,820 59,180 2,130,522 1,619,157 202,395 207,505 1,727,526 1,468,347 490,805 232,675 Num ber. Ill Cost. Num ber. Cost. $56,353 587 304 639 914 9,988 14,677 365 428 527 218 263 4,073 5,470 610 1,149 21 54 598 1,109 1,225 952 370 257 2,038 2,876 759 1,219 3,322 5,531 1,429 1,350 $1,086, 636, 1,391, 1,638, 11,850, 14,819, 496, 683, 998, 766, 1,050, 10,034, 13,647, 739, 1,165, 268, 299, 1,318, 2,009, 4,290, 2,058, 745, 715, 6,919, 9,276, 1,236, 2,266, 9,906, 15,940, 2,415, 75 2,475 100 117 20,865 Rank in Popula cost of tion. con struc tion. 34,273 200 25,944 235 69,272 154 258,288 21 33,011 244 54,387 208 35,000 *204 *237*595 25 43,050 *i94 *35,*978 260 47,876 *i32 *58,*593 129 28,823 227 26,765 231 171,567 34 50,842 119 *295*750 17 **65*65i 133 Alterations that changed family accommo dations. Fami Fami lies lies before. after. 16 229 360 20 41 10 121 135 320 BUILDING PERMITS IN 1921. Num ber. total, all per Grand permits, new and Total repairs, etc. Installation mits. repairs, etc. 4828°—23—Bull. 318- Rock Island, 111............. Sacramento, Calif........... Saginaw, Mjr.h................ St. Joseph, Mo................ St. Louis, Mo.................. St. Paul, Minn............... Salem, Mass.................... Salt Lake City, U tah... 6Repairs not reported. 377,651 326,791 23 126,410 1 15,000 643,235 434,112 356 322,185 135 47,165 3,144 1,184,606 192 330,230 173,562 493,060 60 57 127,000 130 171,196 81,579 2 43,405 105,380 800 82 220,267 4,000 230 143,860 56 89,070 2 15,700 1 3,000 91 94,195 105 170,995 141 277,410 98 425,735 ' 399,115 157,195 85,547 240,386 213,753 291,260 1 128,315 26 37,400 iii, 855 20 5,000 383 392 1,128 1,405 796 868 244 26 4,613 4,930 854 943 528 718 284 373 1,421 1,131 1,452 4,412 2,783 350 76 229 186 284 196 148 4,996 5,152 505 1,031 1,309 313 74 203 251 343 956 676 957 631 589 488 548 296 161 200 176 132 125,030 689 532,661 537,016 114,600 746 1,733 3,516,643 834,558 9,030 2,664 4,771,205 826,246 33 2,175 2,697,483 364,444 1,957 3,045,369 388,956 702 2,165,985 246,280 3,945 44 34,145 4,372,300 8,700 17,694,078 1,827,841 11,044 14,502,451 2,684 9,282,606 549,171 764,342 195 345,757 5,196 14,184,673 547,722 320,472 671 682,084 898 1,142,924 384,020 810 3,839,353 216,967 1,456 4,709,933 3,761 7,052,365 598,440 2,402 3,442,058 530,667 629,879 127 42,667 4,002 8,228,052 4,483,792 5,626 26,730,559 3,110,000 1,700 528,783 6,313 22,244,672 50 10,000 797 1,295,612 298,196 116,600 507 4,020,850 710 2,199,759 181,015 551 2,464,968 387,185 880 2,539,707 302,646 551 3,017,114 396,275 2,353,312 1 20,000 627 496,875 9,702 13,630,805 2,731,200 12,816,265 34 7, ioo 10,845 2,240,520 196,398 222 67,906 987 1,614,675 2,277 5,686,620 611,555 2, 3,500 2,963 3,915,857 542,975 1,440 3,503,095 250,265 585 1,248,445 42,000 394 1,389,106 154,226 676 1,838,455 179,742 227,562 1,567 3,588,331 1,517 2,382 4,148,117 411,381 3 517,755 1,621 3,036,334 3 13,600 2,593 2 124,037 506,863 357,000 1,163 2! 202,245 26 82,740 1,009 2,165,435 719,995 1,409 6,675,054 1,613,641 1,954 5 669 534 1,364,634 888,470 165,715 663 800,000 405 260,000 822 1,352,329 201,303 231,540 486 1,720,064 116,855 564 1,630,660 35,177 65,908 61,903 77,939 772,897 234,698 42,529 118,110 161,379 74,683 508,676 39,642 83,252 88,723 i.37,783 3i5,3i2 30,955 43,874 71,227 25 202 93,091 70,983 104,437 59,183 129,614 139,631 60,840 35,096 242 63 101 265 23 24 195 64 46 38 13 183 121 112 117 27 157 73 84 185 141 71 126 123 56 218 175 i.56 34 70 15 40 50 100 24 32 51 58 20 50 ii 29 GENERAL TABLE, San Francisco, Calif— San Jose, Calif................ Savannah, Ga............... Schenectady, N. Y ........ Scranton, Pa............... Seattle, Wash................. Sheboygan, W is............ Shreveport, La............... Sioux City, Iowa........... Sioux Falls, S. Dak....... Somerville, Mass............ South Bend, Ind........... Spokane, Wash.............. Springfield, 111................ Springfield, Mass........... Springfield, Mo.............. Springfield, Ohio........... Stamford, Conn.............. 1920 1921 1920 1921 1,026 1920 732 1921 1920 1921 ‘ 1920 1921 1,786 1920 1921 751 1920 1921 ---->»** 1920 1921 313 1921 1,364 1920 1921 1920 1921 220 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 200 1920 1921 1920 1921 1921 1920 1921 1,079 1921 256 1921 1920 1921 160 1920 1921 851 1920 1921 814 1920 1921 490 1920 1921 1921 270 1920 1921 1920 1921 ii2 00 T able A.—NUMBER A N D PROPOSED COST OF BUILDINGS (NEW CONSTRUCTION, AND REPAIRS, ALTERATIONS, AND ADDI- oo TIONS TO OLD BUILDINGS) COVERED BY PERMITS ISSUED IN 1921, BY INTENDED USE OF BUILDINGS—Concluded. 10 PART 3.—R EPA IR S, ALTERATIONS, AND ADDITIONS TO OLD BUILDINGS, AND GRAND TOTAL OF ALL PERM ITS—Concluded. Residential buildings. City and State. 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1921 1921 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 372 $142,141 936 485,765 1,629 1,081,674 209 117,226 ♦ 308 i76 85 100 ' 315,746 108,745 59,974 29,550 116 120,749 29i 72,730 99 $49,532 328 636,635 57 $81,720 1 500 2 2,200 75 60,110 203 807,987 29 47,525 100 934,425 39 16,465 74 67,106 38 34,500 183 279,642 36 83,2i0. 300 (5)473 471 1.1 1,264 1,608 2,391 402 99 1,229 1,832 164 295 612 647 319 300 403 409 312 215 159 53 140 2,728 2,748 397 374 397 327 $401,339 (6) 1,267,711 191,673 2,244,595 1 707,444 122,400 723,322 233,918 191,280 1,349,020 1,889,661 286,090 246,471 1,340,850 708,082 452,961 343,877 449,510 1,250,671 621,447 125,210 127,080 59,475 66,250 2,960,114 3,366,002 1,019,410 460,501 258,245 155,940 855 $2,248, 464 40,296 856 . ‘ 39,67i 1,934, 396 750 898 1,616, 887, 132. 'i7i*7i7 680 2,181 2,918 0,915, 5,828, 598 448 . "96,'965 3,063 4,671, 4,592, 942. 4,556 722 757, 229 1,116 826. "66,083 1,631, *243,*i64 266 2,881 6,732, 7,789, 210 . 4,111 "50,*022 1,657, 794 496 1,355, 231 . 950 6,419, 850 *ii9,289 1,267 .1,520 3,305, 830 . "72,'6i3 696, 981 373 1,462, 377 403 9,384, 486 . "72*075 7,326, $21,600 1,713 1,910 "94,'i56 2,445, 340. 429 783 3,206, ...... i50 1,162 890 . "38,*500 500 1,434, 040 30,915 839, 823 27,050 395 591 1,472, 315 4,342 437,571 17,892, 940 8,055 26,931, 334. "9i,*7i5 540 990 3,969, 925. 090 934 751 3,151, 058 "36*230 1,887, 633 858, 757 . 1,010 138 219 53 67 155 42 173 92 166 45 94 169 222 164 8 97 220 Fami Fami lies lies aft$r. before. 204 449 5 10 13 5 29 io 1921. Stockton, Calif............ Superior, Wis............... Syracuse, N. Y ............. Tacoma, Wash............. Terre Haute, Ind......... Toledo, Ohio................ Topeka, Kans.............. Trenton, N. J..,........... Troy, N. Y................... Tulsa, Okla.................. Utica, N. Y.................. Waco, Tex................... Waltham, Mass............ Warren, Ohio............... Washington, D. C........ Waterbury, Conn......... Waterloo, Iowa............. Alterations that changed family accommo dations. B U IL D IN G P E R M IT S IN all Rank per Grand Nonresidential Total repairs, etc. Installation permits,total, new and in mits. Housekeeping Nonhousekeep buildings. repairs, etc. cost Popula Year. dwellings. ing dwellings. of tion. con struc tion. NifmNum Cost. Num ber. Cost. Num ber. Cost. Num ber. Cost. Num ber. ber. Cost. berT Cost. 1921 1920 1921 1921 1920 1921 294 76,660 1920 1921 720 259,038 1920 1921 378 270,573 1920 1921 360 154,149 1921 30 42,100 1920 1921 621 224,097 1920 1921 85 72,053 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1921 1920 1921 100,494 63,843,233 1 3,500 6 50,725 2 1 8,550 3,750 8192,726,481 &Repairs not reported. 315 772,660 662 1,779,620 31,285 130 114,094 194 767,709 40,074 32.000 35 207 458,200 18 26.000 138 2,208,000 29,926 342 195,738 589 1,081,772 56,208 197,442 426 131 117,282 4 10,970 963 * 1,246,886 709 364,282 1,777 3,874,963 72,217 134 383,130 854 642,168 3,013 7,401,723 ‘ 380 516,725 1,348,027 73,833 417,562 103 58,298 578 47 96,264 431 829 1,638,566 • 784 1,132,686 1,158 3,665,504 110,168 270 385,249 630 539,398 97 52,576 1,033 2,143,766 147,100 21 105,000 51 263 912,100 33,372 847 607,345 1,384 3,440,128 48,395 352,920 146 120,273 . 769 76 12,850 1,632 2,469,820 116 144,805 383 1,609,402 43,496 117 155,173 3i 79,370 494 1,610,494 994 2,375,014 2,201 6,748,086 179,754 940 1,476,907 6 1,250 2,507 6,495,506 133 379,100 654 4,835,800 100,176 162 474,300 852 4,597,700 272,732 519 730 700,561 47,152 a 479,714 648 1,021 995,716 240,560 288 1,337 3,295,670 132,358 200 100,000 150 192 1,6u6 4,554,192 86 54,395 298 480,202 29,569 8185,017 *280,508,499 390,301 1,474,773,303 34,146,413 41,928 95,869,513 *229,896 *274,669,536 50,777 17,938,064 625,758 1,874,732,738 36,850,406 8 See notes to details. 145 250 120 187 44 153 124 215 113 158 49 66 209 68 247 35 48 5 10 4 48 10 75 GENERAL TABLE, West Hoboken, N. J— West New York. N. J ... Wheeling, W. Va........... Wichita, Kans................ Wilkes-Barre, Pa........... Wilmington, Del............ Wilmington, N. C......... Winston-Salem, N. C ... Woonsocket, R. I.......... Worcester, Mass............. Yonkers, N. Y ............... York, Pa....................... Youngstown, Ohio........ Zanesville, Ohio............. Total...................... 00 00 SERIES OF BULLETINS PUBLISHED BY THE BUREAU OF LABORSTATISTICS T he publication o f th e annual and special reports and of th e bim on th ly bulletins was discontinued in July, 1912, and since th a t tim e a bulletin has been pu blish ed a t irregular intervals. Each nu m ber contains m a tter devoted to one o f a series o f general su bjects. These bulletins are num bered consecutively, beginning w ith No. 101, and up to No. 236 th ey also carry consecutive num bers under each series. Beginning w ith No. 237 th e serial n u m bering has been discontinued. A list o f th e series is given below. Under each grouped all th e bulletins which contain m aterial relating to th e su bject m a tte r o f th a t series. A list o f th e reports and bulletins o f the Bureau issued prior to July 1,1912, w ill be furnished on application. The bulletins m arked thu s are o u t of prints * is Wholesale Prices. *Bul. 114. Wholesale prices, 1890 to 1912. Bui. 149. Wholesale prices, 1890 to 1913. *Bul. 173. Index numbers of wholesale prices in the United States and foreign countries. *Bul. 181. Wholesale prices, 1890 to 1914. *Bul. 200. Wholesale prices, 1890 to 1915. Bui. 226. Wholesale prices, 1890 to 1916. Bui. 269. Wholesale prices, 1890 to 1919. Bui. 284. Index numbers of wholesale prices in the United States and foreign countries. [Revision of Bulletin No. 173.] Bui. 296. Wholesale prices, 1890 to 1920. Retail Prices and Cost of living. *Bul. 105. Retail prices, 1890 to 1911: Part I. Retail prices, 1890 to 1911: Part II—General tables. *Bul. 106. Retail prices, 1890 to June, 1912: Part I. Retail prices, 1890 to June, 1912: Part II—General tables. Bui. 108. Retail prices, J890 to August, 1912. Bui. 110. Retail prices, 1890 to October, 1912. Bui. 113. Retail prices, 1890 to December, 1912. Bui. 115. Retail prices, 1890 to February, 1913. *Bul. 121. Sugar prices, from refiner to consumer. Bui. 125. Retail prices, 1890 to April, 1913. *Bul. 130. Wheat and flour prices, from farmer to consumer. Bui. 132. Retail prices, 1890 to June, 1913. Bui. 136. Retail prices, 1890 to August, 1913. *Bul. 138. Retail prices, 1890 to October, 1913. *Bul. 140. Retail prices, 1890 to December, 1913. Bui. 156. Retail prices, 1907 to December, 1914. Bui. 164. Butter prices, from producer to consumer. Bui. 170. Foreign food prices as affected by the war. *Bul. 184. Retail prices, 1907 to June, 1915. Bui. 197. Retail prices, 1907 to December, 1915. Bui. 228. Retail prices, 1907 to December, 1916. Bui. 270. Retail prices, 1913 to 1919. Bui. 300. Retail prices, 1913 to 1920. Bui. 315. Retail prices, 1913 to 1921. [In press. Wages and Hours of Labor. Bui. 116. Hours, earnings, and duration of employment of wage-earning women in selected industires in the District of Columbia. *Bul. 118. Ten-hour maximum working day for women and young persons. Bui. 119. Working hours of women in the pea canneries of Wisconsin. *Bul. 128. Wages and hours of labor in the cotton, woolen, and silk industries, 1890 to 1912. *Bul. 129. Wages and hours of labor in the lumber, millwork, and furniture industries, 1890 to 1912. ♦ Bui. 131. Union scale of wages and hours of labor, 1907 to 1912. *Bul. 134. Wages and hours of labor in the boot and shoe and hosiery and knit goods Industries, 1890 to 1912. *Bul. 135. Wages and hours of labor in the cigar and clothing industries, 1911 and 1912. Bui. 137. Wages and hours of labor in the building and repairing of steam railroad cars, 1890 to 1912. Bui. 143. Union scale of wages and hours of labor, May 15,1913. 84 BULLETINS PUBLISHED BY BUREAU OF LABOR STATISTICS. 85 Wages and Hours of Labor—Concluded. Bui. 146. Wages and regularity of employment and standardization of piece rates in the dress and waist industry of New York City. *Bul. 147. Wages and regularity of employment in the cloak, suit, and skirt industry. *Bul. 150. Wages and hours of labor in the cotton, woolen, and silk industries, 1907 to 1913. *Bul. 151. Wages and hours of labor in the iron and steel industry in the United States, 1907 to 1912. Bui. 153. Wages and hours of labor in the lumber, millwork, and furniture industries, 1907 to 1913. *Bul. 154. Wages and hours of labor in the boot and shoe and hosiery and underwear industries, 1907 to 1913. # Bui. 160. Hours, earnings, and conditions of labor of women in Indiana mercantile establishments and garment factories. Bui. 161. Wages and hours of labor in the clothing and cigar industries, 1911 to 1913. Bui. 163. Wages and hours of labor in the building and repairing of steam railroad cars, 1907 to 1913. Bui. 168. Wages and hours of labor in the iron and steel industry, 1907 to 1918. Bui. 171. Union scale of wages and hours of labor, May 1,1914. Bui. 177. Wages and hours of labor in the hosiery and underwear industry, 1907 to 1914. Bui. 178. Wages and hours of labor in the boot and shoe industry, 1907 to 1914. *Bul. 187. Wages and hours of labor in the men's clothing industry, 1911 to 1914. ♦ Bill. 190. Wages and hours of labor in the cotton, woolen, and silk industries, 1907 to 1914. *Bul. 194. Union scale of wages and hours of labor, May 1,1915. Bui. 204. Street railway employment in the United States. Bui. 214. Union scale of wages and hours of labor, May 15,1916. Bui. 218. Wages and hours of labor in the iron and steel industry, 1907 to 1915. Bui. 221. Hours, fatigue, and health in British munition factories. Bui. 225. Wages and hours ofjabor in the lumber, millwork, and furniture industries, 1915. Bui. 232. Wages and hours of labor in the boot and shoe industry, 1907 to 1916. Bui. 238. Wages and hours of labor in woolen and worsted goods manufacturing, 1916. Bui. 239. Wages and hours of labor in cotton goods manufacturing and finishing, 1916. Bui. 245. Union scale of wages and hours of labor, May 15,1917. *Bul. 252. Wages and hours of labor in the slaughtering and meat-packing industry, 1917. Bui. 259. Union scale of wages and hours of labor, May 15,1918. Bui. 260. Wages and hours of labor in the boot and shoe industry, 1907 to 1918. Bui. 261. Wages and hours of labor in woolen and worsted goods manufacturing, 1918. Bui. 262. Wages and hours of labor in cotton goods manufacturing and finishing, 1918. Bui. 265. Industrial survey in selected industries in the United States, 1919. Preliminary report. Bui. 274. Union scale of wagq§ and hours of labor, May 15,1919. Bui. 278. Wages and hours of labor in the boot and shoe industry, 1907 to 1920. Bui. 279. Hours and earnings in anthracite and bituminous coal mining. Bui. 286. Union scale of wages and hours of labor, May 15, 1920. Bui. 288. Wages and hours of labor in cotton goods manufacturing, 1920. Bui. 289. Wages and hours of labor in woolen and worsted goods manufacturing, 1920. Bui. 294. Wages and hours of labor in the slaughtering and meat-packing industry in 1921 Bui. 297. Wages and hours of labor in the petroleum industry. Bui. 302. Union scale of wages and hours of labor, May 15,1921. Bui. 305. Wages and hours of labor in the iron and steel industry, 1907 to 1920. Bui. 316. Hours and earnings in anthracite and bituminous coal mining. Bui. 317. Wages and hours of labor in lumber manufacturing, 1921. [In press.] Employment and Unemployment. *Bul. 109. Statistics of unemployment and the work of employment offices. Bui. 116. Hours, earnings, and duration of employment of wage-earning women in selected industries in the District of Columbia. Bui. 172. Unemployment in New York City, N. Y. *Bul. 182. Unemployment among women in department and other retail stores of Boston, Mass. *Bul. 183. Regularity of employment in the women's ready-to-wear garment industries. Bui. 192. Proceedings of the American Association of Public Employment Offices. *Bul. 195. Unemployment in the United States. Bui. 196. Proceedings of the Employment Managers' Conference held at Minneapolis, January, 1916. Bui. 202. Proceedings of the conference of the Employment Managers' Association of Boston, Mass., held May 10,1916. Bui. 206. The British system of labor exchanges. Bui. 220. Proceedings of the Fourth Annual Meeting of the American Association of Public Employ ment Offices, Buffalo, N. Y., July 20 and 21,1916. Bui. 223. Employment of women and juveniles in Great Britain during the war. *Bul. 227. Proceedings of the Employment Managers' Conference, Philadelphia, Pa., April 2 and 3, 1917. Bui. 235. Employment system of the Lake Carriers' Association. Bui. 241. Public employment offices in the United States. 86 BUILDING PERMITS IN 1921. Employment and Unemployment—Concluded. Bui. 247. Proceedings of Employment Managers' Conference, Rochester, N. Y., May 9-11,1918. Bui. 310. Industrial unemployment: A statistical study of its extent and causes. Bui. 311. Proceedings of the Ninth Annual Meeting of the International Association of Public Em ployment Services. Women in Industry. Bui. 116. Hours, earnings, and duration of employment-of wage-earning women in selected indus tries in the District of Columbia. *Bul. 117. Prohibition of nij^it work of young persons. *Bul. 118. Ten-hour maximum working-day for women and young persons. Bui. 119. Working hours of women in the pea canneries of Wisconsin. *Bul. 122. Employment of women in power laundries in Milwaukee. Bui. 160. Hours, earnings, and conditions of labor of women in Indiana mercantile establishments and garment factories. *Bul. 167. Minimum-wage legislation in the United States and foreign countries. *Bul. 175. Summary of the report on condition of woman and child wage earners in the United States. *Bul. 176. Effect of minimum wage determinations in Oregon. *Bul. 180. The boot and shoe industry in Massachusetts as a vocation for women. Bui. 182. Unemployment among women in department and other retail stores of Boston, Mass. Bui. 193. Dressmaking as a trade for women in Massachusetts. Bui. 215. Industrial experience of trade-school girls in Massachusetts. *Bul. 217. Effect of workmen's compensation laws in diminishing the necessity of industrial employ ment of women and children. Bui. 223. Employment of women and juveniles in Great Britain during the war. Bui. 253. Women in the lead industry. Workmen’s Insurance and Compensation (including laws relating thereto). *Bul. 101. Care of tuberculous wage earners in Germany. *Bul. 102. British National Insurance Act, 1911. Bui. 103. Sickness and accident insurance law of Switzerland. Bui. 107. Law relating to insurance of salaried employees in Germany. • x *Bul. 126. Workmen's compensation laws of the United States and foreign countries. *Bul. 155. Compensation for accidents to employees of the United States. ♦ Bill. 185. Compensation legislation of 1914 and 1915. Bui. 203. Workmen's compensation laws of the United States and foreign countries. Bui. 210. Proceedings of the Third Annual Meeting of the InterriStional Association of Industrial Accident Boards and Commissions. Bui. 212. Proceedings of the conference on social insurance called by the International Association of Industrial Accident Boards and Commissions. *Bul. 217. Effect of workmen's compensation laws in diminishing the necessity of industrial employ ment of women and children. Bui. 240. Comparison of workmen's compensation laws of the United States. Bui. 243. Workmen's compensation legislation in the United States and foreign countries. Bui. 248. Proceedings of the Fourth Annual Meeting of the International Association of Industrial Accident Boards and Commissions. Bui. 264. Proceedings of the Fifth Annual Meeting of the International Association of Industrial Accident Boards and Commissions. Bui. 272. Workmen's compensation legislation of the United States and Canada, 1919. *Bul. 273. Proceedings of the Sixth Annual Meeting of the International Association of Industrial Accident Boards and Commissions. Bui. 275. Comparison of workmen's compensation laws of the United States and Canada. Bui. 281. Proceedings of the Seventh Annual Meeting of the International Association of Industrial Accident Boards and Commissions. Bui. 301. Comparison of workmen's compensation insurance and administration. Bui. 304. Proceedings of the Eighth Annual Meeting of the International Association of Industrial Accident Boards and Commissions. Bui. 312. National Health Insurance in Great Britain, 1911 to 1920. [In press.] Industrial Accidents and Hygiene. *Bul. 104. Lead poisoning in potteries, tile works, and porcelain enameled sanitary ware factories. Bui. 120. Hygiene of the painters' trade. *Bul. 127. Dangers to workers from dust and fumes, and methods of protection. Bui. 141. Lead poisoning in the smelting and refining of lead. *Bul. 157. Industrial accident statistics. Bui. 165. Lead poisoning in the manufacture of storage batteries. *Bul. 179. Industrial poisons used in the rubber industry. Bui. 188. Report of British departmental committee on the danger in the use of lead in the painting of buildings. BULLETINS PUBLISHED BY BUREAU OF LABOR STATISTICS. 87 Industrial Accidents and Hygiene—Concluded. ♦ Bui. 201. Report of committee on statistics and compensation insurance cost of the International Association of Industrial Accident Boards and Commissions. [Limited edition.] Bui. 205. Anthrax as an occupational disease. Bui. 207. Causes of death by occupation. Bui. 209. Hygiene of the printing trades. ♦ Bui. 216. Accidents and accident prevention in machine building. Bui. 219. Industrial poisons used or produced in the manufacture of explosives. Bui. 221. Hours, fatigue, and health in British munition factories. Bui. 230. Industrial efficiency and fatigue in British munition factories. Bui. 231. Mortality from respiratory diseases in dusty trades. *Bul. 234. Safety movement in the iron and steel industry, 1907 to 1917. Bui. 236. Effect of the air hammer on the hands of stonecutters. Bui. 251. Preventable death in the cotton manufacturing industry. Bui. 253. Women in the lead industries. Bui. 256. Accidents and accident prevention in machine building. Revision of Bui. 216. Bui. 267. Anthrax as an occupational disease. [Revised.] Bui. 276. Standardization of industrial accident statistics. Bui. 280. Industrial poisoning in making coal-tar dyes and dye intermediates. Bui. 291. Carbon monoxide poisoning. Bui. 293. The problem of dust phthisis in the granite-stone industry. Bui. 298. Causes and prevention of accidents in the iron and steel industry, 1910 to 1919. Bui. 306. Occupation hazards and diagnostic signs: A guide to impairments to be looked to t in hazardous occupations. Conciliation and Arbitration (including strikes and lockouts). *Bul. 124. Conciliation and arbitration in the building trades of Greater New York. ♦ Bui. 133. Report of the industrial council of the British Board of Trade on its inquiry into industrial agreements. Bui. 139. Michigan copper district strike. Bui. 144. Industrial court of the cloak, suit, and skirt industry of New York City. Bui. 145. Conciliation, arbitration, and sanitation in the dress and waist industry of New York City. Bui. 191. Collective bargaining in the anthracite coal industry. ♦ Bui. 198. Collective agreements in the men’s clothing industry. Bui. 233. Operation of the Industrial Disputes Investigation Act of Canada. Bui. 303. Use of Federal power in the settlement of railway labor disputes. Labor Laws of the United States (including decisions of courts relating to labor). *Bul. 111. Labor legislation of 1912. *Bul. 112. Decisions of courts and opinions affecting labor, 1912. ♦ Bui. 148. Labor laws of the United States, with decisions of courts relating thereto. ♦ Bui. 152. Decisions of courts and opinions affecting labor, 1913. ♦ Bui. 166. Labor legislation of 1914. ♦ Bui. 169. Decisions of courts affecting labor, 1914. ♦ Bui. 186. Labor legislation of 1915. ♦ Bui. 189. Decisions of courts' affecting labor, 1915. Bui. 211. Labor laws and their administration in the Pacific States. ♦ Bui. 213. Labor legislation of 1916. Bui. 224. Decisions of courts affecting labor, 1916Bui. 229. Wage-payment legislation in the United States. ♦ Bui. 244. Labor legislation of 1917. Bui. 246. Decisions of courts affecting labor, 1917. Bui. 257. Labor legislation of 1918. Bui. 258. Decisions of courts and opinions affecting labor, 1918. Bui. 277. Labor legislation of 1919. Bui. 285. Minimum-wage legislation in the United States. Bui. 290. Decisions of courts and opinions affecting labor, 1919-1920. Bui. 292. Labor legislation of 1920. Bui. 308. Labor legislation of 1921. [In press.] Bui. 309. Decisions of courts and opinions affecting labor, 1921. Foreign Labor Laws. Bui. 142. Administration of labor laws and factory inspection in certain European countries. Vocational Education. Bui. 145. Conciliation, arbitration, and sanitation in the dress and waist industry of New Yort City. ♦ Bui. 147. Wages and regularity of employment in the cloak, suit, and skirt industry. ♦ Bui. 159. Short-unit courses for wage earners, and a factory school experiment. Bui. 162. Vocational education survey of Richmond, Va. Bui. 199. Vocational education survey of Minneapolis. Bui. 271. Adult working-class education (Great Britain and the United States). 8 8 BUILDING PERMITS IN 1921. Labor as Affected by the War. Bui. 170. Foreign food prices as affected by the war. Bui. 219. Industrial poisons used or produced in the manufacture of explosives. Bui. 221. Hours, fatigue, and health in British munition factories. Bui. 222. Welfare work in British munition factories. Bui. 223. Employment of women and juveniles in Great Britain during the war. Bui. 230. Industrial efficiency and fatigue in British munition factories. Bui. 237. Industrial unrest in Great Britain. Bui. 249. Industrial health and efficiency. Final report of British Health of Munition Workers Committee. Bui. 255. Joint industrial councils in Great Britain. Bui. 283. History of the Shipbuilding Labor Adjustment Board, 1917 to 1919. Bui. 287. National War Labor Board. Miscellaneous Series. *Bul. 117. Prohibition of night work of young persons. ♦ Bui. 118. Ten-hour maximum working-day for women and young persons. ♦ Bui. 123. Employers’ welfare work. *Bul. 158. Government aid to home owning and housing of working people in foreign countries. *BuI. 159. Short-unit courses for wage earners, and a factory school experiment. ♦ Bui. 167. Minimum-wage legislation in the United States and foreign countries. Bui. 170. Foreign food prices as affected by the war., Bui. 174. Subject index of the publications of the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics up to May 1,1915. Bui. 208. Profit sharing in the United States. Bui. 222. Welfare work in British munition factories. Bui. 242. Food situation in Central Europe, 1917. Bui. 250. Welfare work for employees in industrial establishments in the United States. Bui. 254. International labor legislation and the society of nations. Bui. 263. Housing by employers in the United States. Bui. 266. Proceedings of Seventh Annual Convention of Governmental Labor Officials of the United States and Canada. Bui. 268. Historical survey of international action affecting labor. Bui. 271. Adult working-class education in Great Britain and the United States. Bui. 282. Mutual relief associations among Government employees in Washington, D. C. Bui. 295. Building operations in representative cities in 1920. Bui. 299. Personnelresearch agencies. Bui. 307. Proceedings of the Eighth Annual Convention of Governmental Labor Officials of the United States and Canada. Bui. 313. Consumers’ cooperative associations in the United States. [In press.] Bui. 314. Cooperative credit societies in America and foreign countries. [In press.] SPECIAL PUBLICATIONS ISSUED BYTHE BUREAUOF LABOR STATISTICS. Descriptions of occupations* prepared for the United States Employment Service, 1918-19. ♦ Boots and shoes, harness and saddlery, and tanning. Cane-sugar refining and flour milling. Coal and water gas, paint and varnish, paper, printing trades, and rubber goods. Electrical manufacturing, distribution, and maintenance. Glass. Hotels and restaurants. Logging camps and sawmills. Medicinal manufacturing. Metal working, building and general construction, railroad transportation, and shipbuilding. Mines and mining. ♦ Office employees. Slaughtering and meat packing. Street railways. ♦ Textiles and clothing. ♦ Water transportation. o