Full text of Bank of the United States : Report
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B A N K OP THE U N I T E D STATES. House of Representativess Jlpril 1 3 , 1830. M r , M ' D U F F I K from the Committee of W a y s and Means, to which the subject h a d been referred, made the following REPORT: The Committee of Ways and Means, fotvhoni was referred so much af the Message of the President as relates to the Sank of the United States j beg leave to report: T h a t they have bestowed upon the subject all the attention demanded by its i n t r i n s i c importance, and now respectfully submit the result of their deliberat i o n s t o the consideration of the House. T h e r s ^ v faw subjects, having refere n c e t o the policy of an established goven*tfieyit,,si*vitally connected with the h e a l t h of the body politic, or in wj^civthf pecuniary interests x 0 r society are so e x t e n s i v e l y and deeply invt\i>£d- ' !No one of the attributes of ^sovereignty c a r r i e s with it a more solemn l^sponsibility, or calls in requisition ajrl^ber deg r e e of wisdom, than the.p/nv^r of regula'tiu&, tin-, cornmpft; v^rrency, $nd*thus fixing t h e general standard, )f value for %a^$-e*it i^o <muerc ai community,-Comp o s e d of confederated States. --* ity a s s i g n ^ tc .them- with u cuiTespdirdii its magnitude and difficulty. T h e most simple and obvious analysis of the subject, as it is presented by the message of the President, exhibits the following questions for the decision of t h e National Legislature, 1. H a s Congress the constitutional power to incorporate a bank, such as that of the United States? 2- I s it expedient to establish and maintain such an institution? 3, I s it expedient to establish " a National Bank, founded upon the credit of the Government and its revenues?" I . If the concurrence of all the departments of the Government, at different periods of our history, under every administration, and during the ascendency of both the great political parties, into which the country was divided, soon after the adoption of the present Constitution, shall be regarded as having the authority ascribed to such sanctions by the common consent of all well r e f lated communities, the constitutional power of Congress to incorporate a bank, may be assumed as a postulate no longer open to controversy. I n a little more than two years after the Government went into operation, and at a period when 2 most of the distinguished members of the Federal Convention were either in the Executive or Legislative councils, the act, incorporating the first bank of the United States, passed both branches of Congress bv large majorities and received the deliberate sanction of President Washington, Mho had then recently presided over the deliberations of the Convention. The constitutional power of Congress to pass the act of incorporation, was thoroughly investigated, both in the Executive Cabinet and in Congress, under circumstances, in'all respects, propitious to a dispassionate decision. There was as that t i m e n o organization of political parties, and the question was, therefore, decided by those, who, from their knowledge and experience, were peculiarly qualified to decide correctly; and who were entirely free from the influence of that r»artv excitement and prejudice which would justly impair, in the estimation of posterity, the authority of a legislative interpretation of the constitutional charter No persons can be more competent to give a just construction to the Constitution, than those who had a principal agency in framing it j and no administration can claim a more perfect exemption from all those influences which sometimes,J>ervert the judgments, even of the most wise and patriotic, than that of the Father of his Country, du ring the first term of his service. touch were the circumstances, under which all the branches of the National legislature solemnly determined that the power of creating a National Bank was vested m Congress by the Constitution. The bank thus created, contin„™* i °Pf ra . t,ons f«r twenty years—the period for which its charter was £S?+ * * U n n g W h l c h t i m e » P u b I i c a n d private credit were raised, from a Ji. X ?, V e r y e l e v *ted condition, and the finances of the nation were placed upon the most solid foundation. r^ut *,?• the c h * r t e r expired, in 1811, Congress refused to renew it. princitotlSs then 5 ^ !&"*** ^ W ^ ^ 1 ^ ' l i s t i n g state of political sinceaWd°Trt~ ^ ^ ^ .WrJiartared, the two great parties that have £ S n I S ? M ^ A f S r B t r 7 ' J ? e f m t 0 a S 6 a " a a n organized existence. Mr. left i n T o ^ M the latter municated to the^ Bank b?S.? n ^ , M ^ ' ? * * S c d i t i o » laws was, in, part, cornh e sanction to a n a r t l , ? United States'? ar.d, although he gave his officiar andtoAnother to^» u f t a h e w * ™ ! c * of that institution, at New Orleans, e <iue*tion And A n , . J T « Vi Congress, it was discussed as a party of the most Sir Gallatin t h S £ \ T* distinguished republicans, including r L member of^ J ^ S Z ^ ^ ^ S* • ^ T r * a m r £ and Mr" Crawford, then I the^neLuL h t ! ^ ' w e r e 4 d e c , l d e d ^ in favour of the renewal, sustaining a l G ar um d i t »^l T ? S «nts, the votes in both branches of Congress were m a9 Part 4hl T^L f , ^ V ° t 6 S % A t n o t i m e > since the commencement of Tne government, has there existed a more violent partv excitement, than that wmen marked the period under review. It was the period of the embargo, non-intercourse, and other commercial restrictions; when the undiscriminating opposition ot the leaders of the federal party to the measures adopted by the administration, to vindicate our rights against British aggression, had caused the great majority of the American people to view these leaders as the apologists ot a nation, already regarded in the light of a public enemy. "When to these circumstances we add. that the stock of the bank was principally held b y B r i t i s h subjects, and Americans of the unpopular party, the House will r e a d i l y perceive how great were the national and party prejudices, which m u s t nave been arrayed against the proposition to renew its charter. I t was s t a t e d by Mr* Clay, in a speech delivered in the Senate, that seven-tenths of t h e s t o c k belonged to British subjects, and that certain English noblemen, and a l a t e L o r d Chancellor, were among the \ery largest of the stockholders.— ^IVith all these difficulties to encounter, the proposition for renewing the 1 c h a r t e r was lost onlv by the casting vote of the President of the Senate, and b y a majority of a single vote in the House of Representatives* I n l e s s than three years after the expiration of the charter—the war with G r e a t Britain having "taken place in the mean time—the circulating medium b e c a m e so disordered, the public finances so deranged, and the public credit s o i m p a i r e d , that the enlightened patriot, Mr* Dallas, who then presided over t h e T r e a s u r y Department, with the sanction of Mr- Madison, and, as it is b e l i e v e d , every member of the cabinet, recommended to Congress the establ i s h m e n t of a National Bank, as the only measure by which the public credit c o u l d b e revived, and the fiscal resources of the Government redeemed from a r u i n o u s , and otherwise incurable embarrassment: and, such had been the i m p r e s s i v e lesson taught by a very brief, but fatal experience, that the very i n s t i t u t i o n , which had bcen\so recently denounced, and rejected by the repub* Heart p a r t y , being now recommended by a republican administration, was c a r r i e d through both branches of Congress, as a republican measure, by an o v e r w h e l m i n g majority of the republican party. I t is true that M r . Madison d i d n o t approve and sign the bill which passed the two Houses, because it was n o t s u c h a bill has had been recommended by the Secretary of the T r e a s u r y , a n d b e c a u s e the bank it proposed to create, was not calculated, in the opinion o f t h e President, to relieve the necessities of the country. B u t he premised h i s objections to the measure, by *6 waiving the question of the constitutional a u t h o r i t y of the Legislature to establish an incorporated bank, as being prec l u d e d , in his opinion, by repeated recognitions, u n d e r varied circumstances, of t h e validity of such an institution in acts of the Legislative, Executive* a n d J u d i c i a l branches of the government, accompanied by"indications, in different m o d e s , of a concurrence of the general will of the n a t i o n . " Another bill was i m m e d i a t e l y introduced, and would, in all probability, have become a law, h a d n o t the news of peace, by doing away the pressure of the emergency, ind u c e d Congress to suspend further proceedings on the subject, until the ens u i n g session. A t the commencement of that session, M r . Madison invited t h e a t t e n t i o n of Congress to the subject, and M r . Dallas again urged the nec e s s i t y of establishing a bank to restore the currency, and facilitate the collection arid disbursement of the public r e v e n u e ; and so deep and solemn was the conviction upon the minds of the public functionaries, that such an institution w a s t h e only practicable means of restoring the circulating medium to a state of s o u n d n e s s , that, notwithstanding the decided opposition of all the state b a n k s a n d their debtors, and, indeed, the whole debtor class of the commun i t y , t h e act, incorporating the present B a n k of the United States, was passed by considerable majorities in both branches of Congress, and approved by M r . Madison. T h i s brief history of the former and present bank, forcibly suggests a few practical reflections. I t is to be r e m a r k e d , in the first place, t h a t , since the adoption of the Constitution, a bank has existed u n d e r t h e authority of the F e d e r a l Government, for thirty-three out of forty y e a r s ; d u r i n g which time, public and private credit have been, tfntintained a*t ftn elevation fully equal to what has existed in any nation jri theUtS^Ws^PhNfeas, in the t w o short inter- 4 v a l s , d u r i n g which no national bank e x i s t e d , public and private c r e d i t w e r e g r e a t l y impaired, and in the latter i n s t a n c e , the fiscal o p e r a t i o n s o f t h e G o v e r n m e n t w e r e almost, e n t i r e l y arrested. In the s e c o n d p l a c e , it i s w o r t h y o f s p e c i a l n o t i c e , that, i n both the i n s t a n c e s in w h i c h C o n g r e s s has c r e a t e d a b a n k , i t has been d o n e u n d e r c i r c u m s t a n c e s calculated to g i v e t h e h i g h e s t a u t h o r i t y to the d e c i s i o n . T h e first i n s t a n c e , a s has b e e n a l r e a d y r e m a r k e d , w a s m the primitive d a y s of the republic, when the patriots of the R e v o l u t i o n , ami the sages o f t h e F e d e r a l C o n v e n t i o n , were the l e a d i n g m e m b e r s b o t h o f the Executive and Legislative councils,-and when General W a s h i n g t o n , w h o , at the head ot her a r m i e s , hail c o n d u c t e d his c o u n t r y to i n d e p e n d e n c e , a n d , a s the head of the C o n v e n t i o n , had presided over those d e l i b e r a t i o n s w h i c h r e sulted in t h e e s t a b l i s h m e n t of the p r e s e n t C o n s t i t u t i o n , w a s t h e a c k n o w l e d g e d 1 r e s i d e n t of a p e o p l e , u n d i s t r a c t e d by party d i v i s i o n s . The second i n s t a n c e w a s u n d e r c i r c u m s t a n c e s of a v e r y ditterent, but e q u a l l y d e c i s i v e c h a r a c t e r . W e find t h e v e r y party which had so r e c e n t l y defeated the p r o p o s i t i o n t o r e n e w t h e charter ot the old bank, s e v e r e l y schooled both b y a d v e r s i t y a n d e x KLT\ C f C : m J S » a n i i n o u s l y sacrificing the pride of c o n s i s t e n c y , a n d t h e p r e j u th J °L^r$\at * *hnn* -ot, I»tri U ti«ni. 1 I t m a y be said w i t h o u t d i s p a r a S L rinci'*e d a v , of T I f " ^ t a , e n t a m l P«rer patriotism has n e v e r e x i s t e d th olutl w n r i n c o r n o S f , I JV ° " ' than the C o n g r e s s by which the p r e s e n t b a n k « h l S P ° ,1 • * l f C i V W ; a P 0 , i < i c a l P a r t y c x i s t e d ' «*' w , d c h U ™ 8 h t b e t r u l y publican J r t l t h - e + 1 o n d V h e * f » « « » at Were their c o u n t r y ' s , " i t w a s t h e rZ ih f h e n l P n } °* t h a t d a * *y h a d J " s t c o n d u c t e d t h e c o u n t r y t h r o u g h Wa r W g d m d e f e u c e t h c i J ^ J w , f* . ' " ,' »*" »er rights and honour, and,~ e l e v a t i n g tt >OV the n a , , m v o n l v fn ^ , i * «"<* miserable e n d s o f p a r t y strife, s o u g h t ent t ^ t ^ S ^ ^™ t ™^c t i v e*° ^ ^ ™ * ^ «** thi"^.^^^^^}" nf ° t h n n curious, to n o t i c e s o m e o f n P l e M n of experience M r M ^ " " i o f P r o n » » « n t m e n , y i e l d i n g to t h e a n t h o r i t y a t e d \n i r S t ; r e c w n m e ^ S S 3 ^ 1 ! 0 W a S - ^ f a d i n g o p p o n e n t o f t h e bank c r / M r . C l a y / w h o " r e m ™ « W c a n d T n + f l o n e d the bank c r e a t e d in 1 8 1 6 ; a n d s t r e n u o u s l y sup.,„ P Ve3 J h ^ n ° P P » « c d the renewal o f the charter i n 1 8 1 1 , a s T h a t m j y h i s! id f Jhe^r, P i > S 1 l ° n . t 0 S , a n t t h e ^ r t e r in 1 8 1 6 . q u e s t i o n s of constitutional law w T i *i' w M c h c a n b e s a i d o f f e w c o n t e s t e d l o n g d i v i d e d the c o u n t r y W n Ji i &eat P o l i t»cal parties that h a v e s o e i1 , n y a n d there are but v e r y few „r 5 * . P l o n o « » c e d it to be c o n s t i t u t i o n a l s t a n d c o m m i t t e d in its favour ^ T T ^ ^ n o f « i t h e r party, w h o d o n o t thls im the committee add the solemn ami « • , P°sinS array of authorities, in a case which fully uZdZtSSly™^^?!™* «f.^e Supreme Court,' their cognizance, may they not ask " f t ^ £ t l l i q % be IZt ^ i a I b i U 1 \? a I l l U ( ' 9 t l o n l°™*r w t t l e d and at r e s t ? " e cl-iimi* ?.' • \ W c , ! m n i , U , t ' . e beZ fo b , e d , s *tinctly u n d e r s t o o d , a s u t t e r l y d i s «f tul £ ' ° f a s c r , b l l , S U> t ! i e descision of any or of all the d e p a r t m e n t s r0 e me lt U t v wl - | ? [ ™ » P « " II K»'«-^t constitutional q u e s t i o n , t h e b i n d i n g a u t h o r i beJo, nen l" } g s to judicial p r e c e d e n t s , in c a s e s of mere private f i g h t , d e a f w l ? " P ? n * c , m s t r u c t i o n of the ordinary a c t s of the L e g i s l a t u r e . N o l e n g t h Tinw.»ii Cll l ° n ' ° r c o n c u r r e n c e of authority, can consecrate the u s u r p a t i o n o f P r ™ . J u b v e r « v e of public liberty, and d e s t r u c t i v e of public happiness. B u t , w litre t h e p o w e r e x e r c i s e d is c l e a r l y conducive, t o t h e public w e l f a r e , a n d i t s c t m a i m m o i u u i t v i s m e r e l y doubtful, i t w o u l d s e e m to b e o n e of t h e m o s t o b v i o u s d i c t a t e s of practical w i s d o m , t o regard t h e d e c i s i o n of t h o s e w h o b a d t h e b e s t m e a n s ot a s c e r t a i n i n g t h e i n t e n t i o n of the C o n s t i t u t i o n , and w h o 5 w e r e a c t u a t e d by the most undoubted purity and disinterestedness of motive^ a s o f sufficient authority at least to overrule theoretical objections and silenee i n d i v i d u a l scruples. T h e committee will now submit a few r e m a r k s , with the design of showings t h a t , v i e w i n g the constitutionality of the bank as an original question, t h e arg u m e n t s in its favour a r e at least as strong as those against it. T h e earliest, and the principal objection urged against the constitutionalit y o f a national bank, was, that Congress had not the power to c r e a t e corpor a t i o n s . T h a t Congress has a distinct and substantive power to c r e a t e corpor a t i o n s , without reference to the objects entrusted to its jurisdiction, is a prop o s i t i o n which never lias been maintained, within the knowledge of the Comm i t t e e ; but, t h a t any one of the powers expressly conferred upon Congress, i s s u b j e c t to the limitation, that it shall n o t be carried into effect by t h e a g e n c y of a corporation, is a proposition which cannot be maintained, in the o p i n i o n of the committee. I f c o n g r e s s , u n d e r the authority to pass all laws, necessary and proper for c a r r y i n g into effect the powers vested in all or any of the d e p a r t m e n t s of the g o v e r n m e n t , m a y rightfully pass a law inflicting the p u n i s h m e n t of death, zaiihout any other authority, it is difficult t o conceive why it m a y not pass a l a w , u n d e r t h e same authority, for the more humble purpose of creating a corp o r a t i o n . T h e power of creating a corporation is one of the lowest a t t r i b u t e s , o r , m o r e properly speaking, incidents of sovereign power. T h e c h a r t e r i n g of a b a n k , tor example, does not authorize the corporation to do a n y t h i n g w h i c h the individuals composing it might not do without the charter. I t is t h e r i g h t of every individual of the union to give credit to whom lie chooses, a n d t o obtain credit where he can get it. I t is not the policy of a n y commerc i a l c o u n t r y to r e s t r i c t the free circulation of credit, whether in t h e form of p r o m i s s o r y notes, bills of exchange, or b a n k notes. T h e charter of t h e B a n k o f t h e U n i t e d States, therefore, merely enables the corporation to do, in an a r t i f i c i a l capacity, and with more convenience, w h a t it would be lawful for "the i n d i v i d u a l corporators to do without incorporation. M r , G i r a r d establishe d a b a n k in Philadelphia without a charter, which was in v e r y high credit w i t h i n the sphere of its circulation; and it cannot be doubted, that he might h a v e formed a b a n k i n g co-partnership with the principal capital its in the other c o m m e r c i a l cities of t h e Tjnion, of which the bills would have had a general c r e d i t in every p a r t of t h e country, particularly if the F e d e r a l G o v e r n m e n t h a d provided that these bills should be received in discharge of its d u e s . T h e o n l y material particular in which the charter of the B a n k of the United States c o n f e r s a privilege upon the corporation, a p p a r e n t l y inconsistent with t h e s t a t e laws, is, the exemption of the individual property of the corporators f r o m responsibility for the debts of the corporation. B u t , if the c o m m u n i t y d e a l w i t h the bank, k n o w i n g that the capital subscribed is alone liable for its d e b t s , no one can complain either of imposition or injury5 and, in point of f a c t , no one ever has complained on that score, or ever will. T h e real comd u i n t against the bank, is not that it has not a sufficient basis for its c r e d i t , {>ut t h a t its credit is too extensive. T h e objection lies, therefore, n o t against t h e artificial character communicated t o the stockholders by the charter, b u t a g a i n s t the pecuniary operations of the bank itself- N o w , these operations c o n s i s t in the use o f its own capital—a faculty not surely derived from t h e pjovernrnent, but, in the exercise of which, the g o v e r n m e n t imposes m a n y u s e ful r e s t r i c t i o n s for the benefit of itself and of the c o m m u n i t y . T h e committee have p r e s e n t e d this brief analysis of a bank corporation, w i t h the view of showing t h a t there is nothing in the n a t u r e of the t h i m ^ w i n c h r e n d e r s it unfit to be an i n s t r u m e n t in the h a n d s of a Government a S - 6 mitted to be sovereign in its appropriate sphere, for carrying into effect p o w ers expressly delegated. I t now remains for the committee to show that the B a n k of the U n i t e d States is a « necessary and p r o p e r , " or in other words, a natural a n d a p p r o priate means of executing the powers vested in the Federal Government. I n the discussion of 1791, and also in that before the Supreme Court, the p o w e r s of raising, collecting, and disbursing the public revenue, of borrowing m o n e y on the credit of the United States, and paying the public debt, were t h o s e which were supposed most clearly to carry with them the incidental right of incorporating a bank, to facilitate these operations. T h e r e can be no d o u b t , that these fiscal operations are greatly facilitated by a bank, and it is confidently believed that no person has presided twelve months over the t r e a s u r y , from its first organisation to the present time, without coming to the c o n c l u sion, that such an institution is exceedingly useful to the public finances i n time of peace, but indispensable in time of war, B u t as this view of the q u e s tion has been fully unfolded in former discussions, familiar to the house, t h e committee will proceed to examine the relation which the Bank of the U n i t e d States bears to another of the powers of the Federal Government, but slightly adverted to in former discussions of the subject. T h e power to ci coin money and tix the value thereof," is expressly a n d e x clusively vested in Congress. This grant was evidently intended to i n v e s t Congress with the power of regulating the circulating medium, ** C o i n " was regarded, at the period of framing the constitution, as synonymous w i t h " currency; ? ? as it was then generally believed that bank notes could only b e maintained in circulation by being the true representative of the precious metals. T h e word *< c o i n , " therefore, must be regarded as a particular t e r m , standing as the representative of a general idea. No principle of sound c o n struction will justify a rigid adherence to the letter, in opposition to the p l a i n intention of the clause- If, for example, the gold bars of Ricardo should b e substituted for our present coins, by the general consent of the commercial world, could it be maintained that Congress would not have the power to wake sucli money, and fix its value, because it is not « coined?" T h i s would be s a c r i ficing sense to sound, and substance to mere form. This clause of the C o n stitution is analagous to that which gives Congress the power " to establish post roads. Giving to the word " e s t a b l i s h " its restricted interpretation, a s being equivalent to " f i x , " or « p r e s c r i b e , " can it be doubted that C o n g r e s s has the power to establish a canal, or a river, as a post route, as well as a road? lloads were the ordinary channels of conveyance, and the term w a s , therefore, used as synonymous with " r o u t e s , " whatever might be the channel of transportation, and, in like manner, " c o i n , " being the ordinary a n d most known form of a circulating medium, that term was used as synonymous with currency. An argument in favour of the view j u s t taken, may be fairly deduced from the fact,"that the states are expressly prohibited from " coining money, o r emitting bills of c r e d i t , " and from making any thing but gold and silver a lawful tender in payment of d e b t s . " This strongly confirms the idea, that t h e subject of regulating the circulating medium, whether consisting of coin or paper, was, at the same time that it was taken from the control of the States* vested in the only depository in which it could be placed, consistently w i t h the obvious design of having a common measure of value throughout the union. But, even if it should be conceded, that the grant of power to " coin money and fix the value thereof," does not- in its terms, give Congress the power of regulating any other than the " coined" currency of the Union, may not the power of regulating anv substituted currency, and especially one which is the 7 p r e f e e s e d representative of coin, be fairly claimed as an incidental power—as a n e s s e n t i a l means of carrying into effect the plain intention of the Constitut i o n , i n clothing Congress with the principal power? This power was granted m t h e same clause with that to regulate weights and measures, and for similar r e a s o n s . T h e one was designed to insure a uniform measure of value, as the o t h e r w a s designed to ensure a uniform measure of quantity- T h e former is d e c i d e d l y the more important, and belongs essentially to the General Governm e n t ? according to every just conception of our system. A currency of unif o r m v a l u e is essential to what every one will admit to be of cardinal import a n c e : t h e equal action of our revenue system, upon the different parts of the U n i o n * T h e state of things which existed when the bank was incorporated, f u r n i s h e d a most pregnant commentary on this clause of the constitution. T h e c u r r e n c y of the country consisted of the paper of local banks, variously d e p r e c i a t e d . A t one of the principal sea-ports the local currency was 20 per c e n t * below par, N o w it was in vain for Congress to regulate the value of c o i n , w h e n the actual currency, professing to be its equivalent, bore no fixed r e l a t i o n to it. This great and essential power of fixing the standard of value, w a s , i n point of fact, taken from Congress, and exercised by some hundreds o f irresponsible banking corporations, with the strongest human motives to a b u s e it, because their enormous profits resulted from the abuse. T h e power o f l a y i n g and collecting imposts and excises, is expressly subject to the cond i t i o n t h a t they " shall be uniform throughout the United S t a t e s ; " and it is a l s o provided, that 4 t no preference shall be given, by any regulation 5 of comm e r c e , or revenue, to the ports of one state over those of another.' Now, w h e n i t is known that the circulating medium of Baltimore was 20 per cent. b e l o w t h e value of the circulating medium of Boston, is it not apparent that a n i m p o s t duty, though nominally uniform, would in effect, make a discrimina t i o n in favour of Baltimore, proportioned to the depreciation of the local curr e n c y ? Congress, therefore, not only had the power, but as it seems to the c o m m i t t e e , were under the most solemn constitutional obligations to restore t h e d i s o r d e r e d currency; and the bank of the United States was not only an a p p r o p r i a t e means for the accomplishment of that end, but in the opinion of t h e committee, the only safe and effectual means that could have been used. T h i s view of the subject is in full accordance with the opinion of Mr* Madis o n , a s expressed in his Message of December, J 81G. " B u t , " says he, « for t h e i n t e r e s t of the community at large, as well as for the purposes of the T r e a s u r y , it is essential that the nation should possess a currency of equal v a l u e , credit, and use, wherever it may circulate. T h e Constitution has ent r u s t e d Congress, exclusively, with the power of creating and regulating a c u r r e n c y of that description, and the measures which were taken, during the l a s t session, in execution of the power, give GYGry promise of success. T h e h a n k of the United States, under auspices the most favourable, cannot fail to b e a n important auxiliary." S u c h are the authorities and such the arguments which have brought the c o m m i t t e e to the conclusion, that the power to incorporate a bank is inc i d e n t a l to the powers of collecting and disbursing the public r e v e n u e ; of borrowing money on the credit of the United States; of paying the public d e b t ; and, above all, of fixing and regulating the standard of value, and t h e r e b y insuring, at least so far as the medium of payment is concerned, the uniformity and equality of taxation. I I . T h e next question proposed for consideration, is the expediency of establishing an incorporated bank, with a view to promote the great ends alr e a d y indicated. In discussing the constitutionality of such a measure, some 8 oF the considerations which render it expedient have been slightly unfolded* B u t these require a more full and complete development, while others r e m a i n to be presented. I t must be assumed as the basis of all sound reasoning on this subject, t h a t the existence of a paper currency, issued by banks deriving their c h a r t e r s from the state governments, cannot be prohibited by Congress. Indeed-, bank credit and bank paper are so extensively interwoven with the c o m m e r cial operations of society, that even if Congress had the constitutional p o w e r , it would be utterly impossible to produce so entire a change in the m o n e t a r y system of the country, as to abolish the agency of banks of discount, w i t h out involving the community in all the distressing embarrassments u s u a l l y attendant on great political revolutions, subverting the titles to private p r o perty. T h e sudden withdrawal of some hundred millions of bank c r e d i t , would be equivalent, in its effects, to the arbitrary and despotic transfer of the property of one portion of the community to another, to the extent, p r o b a bly, of halt that amount. Whatever, therefore, may be the advantages of a purely metallic currency, and whatever the objections to a circulating m e d i um partly composed of bank paper, the committee consider that t h e y a r e precluded, by the existing state of things from instituting a comparison be* iween them, with a view to any practical result. If they were not thus precluded, and it were submitted to them as an o r i ginal question, whether the acknowledged and manifest facilities of b a n k credit and bank paper, are more than counterbalanced by the distressing v i cissitudes in trade incident to their use, they are by no means prepared t o say, that they would not give a decided preference to the more costly a n d cumbersome medium. B u t the question really presented for their determination, is not b e t w e e n a metallic and a paper currency, but between a paper currency of uniform value, and subject to the control of the only power competent to its r e g u l a tion, and a paper currency of varying and fluctuating value, and subject t o no common or adequate control whatever. On this question it would s e e m that there could scarcely exist a difference of opinion; and that this is s u b stantially the question involved in considering the expediency of a n a t i o n a l bank, will satisfactorily appear by the comparison of a state of the c u r r e n c y previous to the establishment ot the present bank, and its condition for t h e last ten years. Soon after the expiration of the charter of the first bank of the U n i t e d States, an immense number of local banks sprung up under the pecuniary e x igencies produced by the withdrawal of so large an amount of bank credit, a s necessarily resulted from the winding up of its concerns—au amount falling very little short of fifteen millions "of dollars. These banks being e n t i r e l y free from the salutary control which the bank of the United States had r e cently exercised over the local institutions, commenced that system of i m p r u dent trading and excessive issues, which speedily involved the country in all the embarrassments of a disordered currency. "The extraordinary stimulus of a heavy war expenditure, derived principally from loans, and a corresponding multiplication of local banks, chartered by the double score in some of the States, hastened the catastrophe which must have occurred, at no d i s tant period, without these extraordinary causes. T h e last year of the w a r presented the singular and melancholy spectacle of a nation abounding in resources, a people abounding in self-devoting patriotism, and a government reduced to the very brink of avowed bankruptcy, solely for the w a n t of a national institution, which at the same time t h a t ' i t would have facilitated t h e government loans and other treasury operations, would have furnished a cir- 9 ^culating medium of general credit in every part of the Union* In thi9 veiw of t h e subject, the committee are fully sustained by the opinion of M r . Dail a s , then Secretary of the treasury, and by the concurring and almost unanim o u s opinion of all parties in Congress: for, whatever diversity of opinion p r e v a i l e d , as to the proper basis and organization of a bank, almost every one a g r e e d that a national bank, of some sort was indispensably necessary to resc u e t h e country from the greatest of financial calamities* T h e committee will now present a brief exposition of the state of the cur* r e n c y at the close of the war, of the injury which resulted from it, as well to t h e government as to the community, and their reasons for believing that it c o u l d not have been restored to a sound condition, and cannot now be pres e r v e d in that condition, without the agency of such an institution as the B a n k of the United States, T h e price current appended to this report will exhibit a scale of depreciat i o n in the local currency, ranging through various degrees to 20, and even t o 2 5 per cent. Among the principal eastern cities, Washington and Balt i m o r e were the points at which the depreciation was greatest. T h e paper t>f the banks in these places, was from 20 to 22 per cent, below par. At Philadelphia, the depreciation was considerably less, though even there it w a s 17 to 18 per cent* In New York and Charleston, it was from 7 to 10 p e r cent. But in the interior of the country, where banks were established, t h e depreciation was even greater than at Washington and Baltimore* In t h e w e s t e r n p a r t of Pennsylvania, and particularly at Pittsburg, it was 25 p e r cent. These statements, however, of the relative depreciation of bank p a p e r at various places, as compared with specie, give a very inadequate idea of t h e enormous evils inflicted upon the community, by the excessive issues of b a n k paper. No proposition is better established than that the value of mon e y , whether it consists of specie or paper, is depreciated in exact proport i o n to the increase of its quantity, in any given state of the demand for it. If, for example, the banks, in 1816, doubled the quantity of the circulating m e d i u m by their excessive issues, they produced a general degradation of the e n t i r e mass of the currency, including gold and silver, proportioned to the redundancy of the issues, and wholly independent of the relative depreciat i o n of bank paper at different places, as compared with specie- T h e nomin a l money price of every article >vas of course one hundred per cent, higher t h a n it would have been, but for the duplication of the quantity of the circul a t i n g medium. Money is nothing more nor le33 than the measure by which the relative value of all articles of merchandise is ascertained. If, when the circulating medium is fifty millions, an article should cost one dollar, it would certainly cost two, if, without any increase of the uses of a circulating medium, its quantity should be increased to one hundred millions. This rise in the price of commodities, or depreciation in the value of money, as compar e d with them, would not be owing to the want of credit in the bank bills, of which the currency happened to be composed. I t would exist, though these bills were of undoubted credit, and convertible into specie at the pleasure of the holder, and would result simply from the redundancy of their quantity. I t i s important to a just understanding of the subject, that the relative depreciation of bank paper at different places, as compared with specie, should not be confoiinded with this general depreciation of the entire mass of the circulating medium, including specie. Though closely allied, both in their causes a&d effects, they deserve to be separately consideredT h e evils resulting from the relative depreciation of bank paper at different places, are more easily traced to their causes, more palpable in their nature* a n d consequently more generally understood by the community. Though io much less ruinous than the evils resulting from the general depreciation o f S e whole currency, they are yet of sufficient magnitude to demand a full e x serious eviU already hinted at, which grew out* of the relative d e preciation of bank paper, at the different pointsof importation, was ita inevitable tendency to draw all the importations of foreign merchandise to the citie* where the depreciation was greatest, and divert diem from those where t h e currency was comparatively sound. If the bank of the United States had n o t been established, and the government had been left without any alternative but to receive the depreciated local currency, it is difficult to imagine the v e x tent to which the evasion of the revenue laws would have been carried- *- ery state would have had an interest to encourage the excessive issues of its b a n k s and increase the degradation of its currency, with a-view to attract foreign commerce. Even in the condition which the currency had reached in 1816* Boston, and New York, and Charleston, would have"found it advantageous to derive their supplies of foreign merchandise through Baltimore; and commerce would undoubtedly have taken that direction had not the currency been corrected. T o avoicl this injurious diversion of foreign imports, Massachusetts, and New York, and South Carolina, would have been driven, b y all motives of self-defence and self-interest, to degrade their respective currencies at least to a par with the currency of Baltimore; and thus a rivalry in the career of depreciation would have sprung up, to which no limit can b e assigned* As the tendency of this state of things would have been to cause the largest portion of the revenue to be collected at a few places, and m t h e most depreciated of the local currency, it would have followed that a v e r y small part of that revenue would have been disbursed at the points where i t was collected. The government would consequently have been compelled t o sustain a heavy loss upon the transfer of its funds to the points of expendi* ture. The annual loss which would have resulted from these causes alone, cannot be estimated at a less sum than two millions of dollars. But the principal loss which resulted from the relative depreciation of b a d paper at different places, and its want of general credit, was that sustained b y the community in the great operations of commercial exchange. The e x t e n t ot these operations annually, may be safely estimated at sixty millions of dollars. Upon this sum, the" loss sustained by the merchants, and planters a n d farmers, and manufacturers, was not probably less than an average of 10 p e r cent, being the excess of the rate of exchange beyond its natural rate in a sound state of the currency, and beyond the rate to which it has been actually reduced by the operations of the Bank of the United States. It will be thus perceived that an annual tax of six millions of dollars was levied from the industrious and productive classes, by the large monied capitalists in our commercial cities, who were engaged in the business of brokerage. A variously depreciated currency, and a fluctuating state of the exchanges, open a wide and abundant harvest to the money broker*; and it is not, therefore, surprising, that they should be opposed to an institution, which, at the same time that it has relieved the community from the enormous tax just stated, has deprived them of the enormous profits which they derived from speculating in the business of exchange. In addition to the losses sustained by the community, in the great operations of exchange, extensive losses were suffered throughout the interior of the country, in all the smaller operations of trade, as well as by the failure of the numerous paper banks, puffed into a factitious credit b y . fraudulent artifices, and having no substantial basis of capital to insure the redemption of their bills. ^ _ ~ , . . , But no adequate conception can be formed of the evils of a depreciated ^A^VCTV 11 c u r r e n c y , without looking beyond the relative depreciation, at different places, to t h e ^general depreciation of the entire mass. It appears from the report Of M r . Crawford, the Secretary of the Treasury in 1850, that during the gen e r a l suspension of specie payments, by the local banks, in the years 1815 a n d 1816, the circulating medium of the United States had reached the agg r e g a t e amount of one hundred and ten millions of dollars, and that, in the y e a r 1819, it had been reduced to forty-five millions of dollars, being a red u c t i o n of fifty-nine per cent, in the short period of four years. T h e comm i t t e e are inclined to the opinion, that the severe and distressing operation of r e s t o r i n g a vicious currency to a sound state, by the calling in of bank paper, -and t h e curtailment of bank discounts, had carried the reduction of the curr e n c y , in 1819, to a point somewhat lower than was consistent with the just r e q u i r e m e n t s of the community for a circulating medium, and that the bank d i s c o u n t s have been gradually enlarged since that time, so as to satisfy those requirements. It will be assumed, therefore, that the circulating medium of t h e United States has been fifty-five millions of dollars for the last ten years, t a k i n g the average. E v e n upon this assumption it will follow, that the national currency has b e e n one hundred per cent, more valuable for the last ten years, than it was in 1816. In other words, two dollars would purchase no more of any comm o d i t y in 1816, than one dollar has been capable of purchasing at any time s i n c e 1819. I t is obvious, therefore, that the depreciation of the paper of p a r t i c u l a r banks, at any particular time, as compared with specie, furnishes no criterion by which to ascertain the general depreciation ot the whole curr e n c y , including specie, as compared with the value of that currency at a diff e r e n t period, A specie dollar in 1816, would purchase no more than half as m u c h as a paper dollar will purchase at present. H a v i n g endeavoured to explain, thus briefly, the general depreciation resulti n g from a redundant currency, the committee will now proceed to point out s o m e of the injurious consequences which have resulted from those great changes in the standard of value, which have been unavoidably produced by the correction of the redundancy. A n individual who borrowed a sum of money in 1816, and paid it in 1820, evidently returned to the lender double the value received from himj and one who paid a debt in 1820, which he had contracted in 1816, as evidently paid d o u b l e the value he had stipulated to pay, though nominally the same amount in money- I t is in this way that fluctuations in the quantity and value of t h e currency interfere, in the most unjust and injurious manner, between debtor and creditor. A n d when banks have the power of suspending specie payments, and of arbitrarily contracting and expanding their issues, without any general control, they exercise a more dangerous and despotic power over the property of the community, than was ever exercised by the most absolute government. In such a state of things, every man in the community holds his property at the m e r c y of money making corporations, which have a decided interest to abuse their power* B y a course of liberal discounts and excessive issues for a few years, followed by a sudden calling in of their debts and contraction of their issues, they would have the power of transferring the property of their debtors to themselves, almost without limit. Debts contracted when their discounts were liberal, and the currency of course depreciated, would be collected when their discounts were almost suspended, and the currency of course unnaturally appreciatcdj and in this way the property of the community might pass under 12 the hammer, from its rightful o w n e r s to the banks, for less than o n e h a l f i t * intrinsic valueIf the committee have not greatly mistaken the m a t t e r ^ t h e r e is more of history than of speculation in what they have here p r e s e n t e d t o t h e consideration of the H o u s e . I t is impossible to form a n y thing like an accurate estimate of t h e i n j u r i e s and losses sustainetl by the community, in various w a y s , b y the d i s o r d e r s a n d fluctuations of the currency, in the period which intervened b e t w e e n t h e e x piration of the old bank charter, and the establishment of the p r e s e n t bs^nk. B u t some tolerable notion may be formed of the losses sustained b y t h e g o v e r n m e n t , in its fiscal operations, during the war. T h e c o m m i t t e e have given this part of the subject an attentive a n d c a r e f u L examination, and they cannot estimate the pecuniary losses of the g o v e r n m e n t * Sustained e x c l u s i v e l y for the want of a sound currency, and an efficient s y s t e m of finance, at a sum less than forty-six millions of dollars* I f they s h a l l m a k e this apparent, the H o u s e will have something like a standard for e s t i m a t i n g a the individual losses of the community. T h e government borrowed, during the short period of the war, e i g h t y m i l . lions of dollars, at an average discount of fifteen per cent, giving c e r t i f i c a t e s o f stock, amounting to eighty millions of dollars, in exchange for s i x t y - e i f f h t millions of dollars, m such bank paperas could be obtained. I n this s t a t e m e n t , treasury notes are considered as stock, at t w e n t y per cent, discount. U p o n t h e very lace ot the transaction, therefore, there was a loss of t w e l v e m i l l i o n s o f dollars, which w o u l d , in all probability, have been s a v e d , if the T r e a s u r y had b e e n aided by such an institution as the B a n k of the U n i t e d States. B u t t h e s u m • f 1 * 1 ^- 6 ^ 1 millions of dollars, received b y the government, w a s i n a d e p r e ciated currency, not more than half as valuable as that in which the s t o c k e r v e n i!r ? £ c h a n £ e f o r ?*;. h a s b e e n a n d w i U be redeemed. H e r e , then, is a n o t h e r l o s s ot thirty-four millions, resulting, incontestibly and e x c l u s i v e l y , from t h e d e E T ^ V l ? « « « 5 e i C n r r e n < £ ^ d m a k i n S * w i t h the sum lost b y the d i s c o u n t , f o r t y S r ? w E 1 dollar*. W h i l e , ^ e n , the government sustained this g r e a t p e c u ™ S n t e ™ « S ; M T h i e e y e a r S ° W a r ' a m « « " t i n g annually to m o r e t h a n t h e ,n 1 X T e r T t C nor.l l°vern^T J .™ ° f P « W \ t ™ worth while t o i n q u i r e , rofit of t h e T u r r t J £ ^ win K P f f d to this enormous amount by the d e r a n g e m e n t the n e c L s ^ s y ; , f f l T &»««"! that the whole benefit of this s p e c u l a t i o n u p o n • k e i i T e ^ e r v « m ^ f ° v e r ? m e n t w a s ™ K z e d by stockjobbers and m o n e y DVOa have the same i n t e ^ »d wh° uricnce ot lift cm+;™i ^ ^u™;,*; • Vt V those disorders as l a w y e r s h a v e in P y 8 m d aB of i £ S ^nV«l ? *i M » ? « »C X , s the human frame. H a v i n g p r e s e n t e d h ted ftrn?T?\i Lt a Tt CU %lt-1UCH Previous to the e s t a b l i s h m e n t of e ? ?n i% ted rei f , w v ' 'J* !- \ «? . f' ™ ™ f«r the committee to i n q u i r e how tar this institution has eflected a r e m e d y of those e v i l s . - i 7 ? i e f i r S t s r C i a t f l u e f t i o n w h i c h a i i s o s under this branch of the i n q u i r y is, wnether or no the bank has corrected the disorders of the c i r c u l a t i n g m e d i u m , o y providing a paper currency, convertible into specie at the p l e a s u r e o f the T h r ' i ^ r d ° f e q " f t l v a l u c v v i t h 9P ec ^c at all points of the U n i o n ? Xhe Chief Magistrate, in that part of his first message which r e l a t e s t o the + ot the U n i t e d States, expresses the opinion, that " i t has f a i l e d i n the great end of establishing a uniform and sound c u r r e n c y . " After g i v i n g t o thU opinion all the consideration to which it is so j u s t l y entitled, from t h e e m i n e n t station and high character of the c i t i x e n b y whom it is entertained, t h e committee are constrained to express their respectful b u t d e c i d e d d i s s e n t f r o m it. I t i s true, that the bank d o e s not, in all c a s e s , redeem the billa i s s u e d b y any 13 o n e of* i t s branches, indiscriminately at all the other branches; and it is in ref e r e n c e t o this fact, as the committee presume, that the President expresses the o p i n i o n that the institutition has failed to establish " a uniform and sound currency." I t i s confidently believed, that no one of the persons who were principally i n s t r u m e n t a l in establishing the bank, ever entertained an idea that it woula a t t e m p t to redeem its bills at any of its offices, other than those by which they s h o u l d b e respectively issued. The charter certainly contains no such req u i r e m e n t , and it would have been highly inexpedient if it had, to say nothing of i t s obvious injustice. T h e inevitable effect of such a requirement, woula h a v e b e e n to compel the bank to perform the whole of the commercial exchang e s of t h e country, without any compensation- I t would not be more unjust t o r e q u i r e a Rail^Road Company to transport all the productions of the count r y w i t h o u t compensation. No institution could stand such an operation; and i t w a s t h e injudicious attempt of the first direction of the bank to do it, that p r i n c i p a l l y contributed to the embarrassments of 1819. A committee was a p p o i n t e d by the House of Representatives, in that year, to investigate the m a n a g e m e n t of the bank; and in the report of that committee, as well as in t h e discussions to which it gave rise in the House, this attempt of the direct i o n t o redeem the bills of the institution, indiscriminately, at all its branches, w a s indicated as one of the causes of the existing embarrassment. N o €Hi& w h o participated in the debate, pretended to allege that the bank was b o u n d to redeem its bills indiscriminately, or that it was expedient that it s h o u l d d o so. The most that any one did, was to apologise for the unwise attempt* B u t i t ^ e t remains for the committee to show that this indiscriminate red e e m a b i h t y of the bills of all the branches of the bank, is not necessary to ** t h e establishment of a uniform and sound c u r r e n c y . " H u m a n wisdom has never effected, in any other country, a nearer approach to uniformity in the currency, than that which is made by the use of the p r e c i o u s metals. If, therefore, it can be shown that the bills of the United S t a t e s Bank, are of equal value with silver at all points of the Union, it would s e e m t h a t the proposition is clearly made out, that the bank has accomplished " t h e g r e a t end of establishing a uniform and sound currency." It is not denied t h a t the bills of the mother bank, and of all its branches, are invariably a n d promptly redeemed in specie, whenever presented at the offices by which t h e y have been respectively issued, and at which, upon their face, they purport t o be payable. Nor is it denied that the bills of the bank, and of all the Branches, are equal to specie in their respective spheres of circulation. Bills, for example, issued by the mother bank, are admitted to be equal to silver in Pennsylvania, and all those parts of the adjacent states of which Philadelphia is the market. B u t it is contended that these hills, not being redeemable at Charleston and New Orleans, are not of equal value with silver to the merc h a n t who wishes to purchase cotton with them, in those cities. Now, if the Philadelphia merchant had silver, instead of bank bills, he certainly could not effect his purchases with it in Charleston or N e w Orleans, without having the silver conveyed to those places; and it is equally certain that he could not have it conveyed there, without paying for its transportation and insurance- — T h e s e expenses constitute the natural rate of exchange between those cities, and indicate the exact sum which the merchant would give as a premium for a bill of exchange, to avoid the trouble and delay of transporting his specie- I t is obvious, therefore, that, even for these distant operations of commerce, silver would be no more valuable than the bills of the bank: for these would 14 purchase a bill of exchange on either of the cities mentioned, p r e c i s e l y a s well as silver. IF the operation should be reversed, and the planter of L o u i s i a n a or South Carolina should desire to place his funds in Philadelphia w i t h a view to purchase merchandise, he would find the bills of thg branch b a n k in either of those States, entirely equivalent to silver in effecting his object. J£ven, therefore, if the bank had not reduced the rate of the exchanges, i t m i g h t be safely asserted, that its bills would be of equal value with silver a t every point in the Union, and for every purpose, whether local or general. But it is impossible to exhibit any thing like a j u s t view of the beneficial operations of the bank, without adverting to the great reduction i t h a s effected, and the steadiness it has superinduced, in the rate of the c o m m e r c i a l exchanges of the country. Though this branch of the business of t h e b a n k has been the subject of more complaint, perhaps, than a n j other, the C o m m i t t e d have no hesitation in saying, it has been productive of the most signal benefits to the community, and deserves the highest commendation. I t has b e e n already stated that it has saved the community from the immense losses r e s u l t i n g from a high and fluctuating state of the exchanges- I t now r e m a i n s t o show its effect in equalizing the currency. In this respect, it has been p r o d u c t i v e of results more salutary than were anticipated by the most sanguine advocate* of the policy of establishing the bank. It has actually furnished a circulating medium more uniform than specie. This proposition is susceptible o f the clearest demonstration. If the whole circulating medium were specie, a p l a n t s ol Louisiana, who should desire to purchase merchandise in Philadelphia* would be obliged to pay one per cent, either for a bill of exchange o n this latter place, or for the transportation and insurance of his specie. H i s specie at N e w Orleans, where he had no present use for it, would be w o r t h o n e per cent, less to him than it would be in Philadelphia, where he had a d e m a n d for it. But, by the aid of the bank of the United States, one half of t h e expense of transporting specie is now saved to him. T h e bank, for o n e half of one per cent, will give him a draft upon the mother bank of P h i l a d e l p h i a , with which he can draw either the bills of that bank, or specie, a t his pleasure. I n h k e manner, the bank and its branches will give draughts from any point of the Union to any other where offices exist, at a per centage g r e a t l y less than it would cost to transport specie, and in many instances a t p a r . If the merchant or planter, however, does not choose to purchase a d r a u g h t from the bank, but prefers transmitting the bills of the office where he r e s i d e s to any distant point, for commercial purposes, although these bills a r e not strictly redeemable at the point to which they are transmitted, y e t , a s they are receivable in payment of all dues to the government, persons will b e generally found willing to t a k e them at par; and if they should not, the b a n k will receive them frequently at par, and always at a discount much less t h a n would pay the expense of transporting specie. T h e fact that the bills of t h e bank and its branches are indiscriminately receivable at the custom-houses a n d land offices, in payment of duties, and for the public lands, has an effect in giving Uniformity to the value of these bills, which merits a more full a n d d i s t i n c t explanation, For all the purposes of the revenue, it gives to the national c u r r e n c y that perfect uniformity, that ideal perfection, to which a currency of gold a n d sil~ ver, in so extensive a country, could have no pretentions* A bill i s s u e d at Missouri is of equal value with specie at Boston, in payment of d u t i e s ; and the same is true of all other places, however distant, where the b a n k issue* bills, and the government collects its revenue- W h e n it is, moreover, considered, that the bank perforins with the most scrupulous p u n c t u a l i t y , the 15 stipulation to transfer the funds of the government to any point where they tray b e wanted, free of expense, it must be apparent that the committee are c o r r e c t ,16111 to the very letter, in stating that the bank has furnished, both to the a n d to govern** the*people, a currency of absolutely uniform value in all places- for all thepurposes of paying the public contributions, and disbursing the public revenue. And when it is recollected that the government annually c o l l e c t s and disburses more than twenty-three millions of dollars, those who are a t all familiar with the subject will at once perceive that bills which are of absolutely uniform value for this vast operation, must be very nearly so for all the purposes of general commerce. U p o n the whole, then, it may be confidently asserted, that no country in the w o r l d has a circulating medium of greater uniformity than the United S t a t e s ; and that no countrv of any thing like the same geographical extent ha» a currency at all comparable to that of the United States on the score ot uniformity. The committee have seen the statement of an intelligent traveller, who h a s visited almost every part of Europe, exhibiting the great variations of the currency in different parts of the same empire or kingdom. In Russia, the bills1 of the bank of St. Petersburg!! have a very limited circulation. At Riga, a* " throughout Courland, Livonia, and all the Southern parts of the empire, the currency is exclusively of silver coins. In Denmark, the notes of the bank of Copenhagen are current only in Zealand, the other islands, and Jutland, but will not pass at all in Sleswick and Holstein, which constitute the best portion of the kingdom. Since the Congress of Vienna, Germany is divided into thirty-nine separate States, each having a distinct currency, though represented in the Diet at Frankfort. Out of the territory m which these several currencies are issued, they are mere articles of merchandise; which circumstance has given rise in every town to a numerous and distinct class of tradesmen, called money changers. How far those separate and unconnected currencies have a tendency to embarrass comm e r c e , may be inferred from the fact, that a traveller going from St. Petersburgh to Calais Avill lose upon the unavoidable changes of money an everage of six per cent. In France, the bills of the bank are of such large denominations as to be adapted only to the greater operations of commerce, anil are principally confined to the Bankers and extensive traders in-Parts. The general currency is silver? and to avoid the trouble of carrying this to distant parts of the kingdom, gold pieces, or bills of exchange, which are preferable, are purchased at a premium of from one and a half to four per cent. After this brief review of the currencies of Europe, the committee will barely state, as a conclusive vindication of our currency from the imputation of unsoundness, t h a t there is no point in the Union, at which a bill of the United States Bank, issued at the opposite extremity of the country, is at a discount of more than one-fourth of one per cent. I n confirmation of the views here presented, as to the comparative uniformity of the currency furnished by the bank, and, also, as to the obligation of the bank to redeem its bills, indiscriminately, at all the offices, the committee will present a few brief extracts from the speech of a statesman, whose opinions have every title- to authority on these important subjects. M r . Lowndes, in discussing the question, how far the bank had performed the great duty for wh'tch it was created, used the following decided language in 1819, when the currency had not reached the point of uniformity it has now attained by one half of one per cent. . 46 T h e great object of the government, in chartering the bank, was to provide a currency which should have that degree of stability and uniformity in its 16 value whifch is required by the interests both of our commerce and r e v e n u e . — A currency, equall y valuable at every place and every time, cannot be provided by human wisdom. T h e nearest approach to this object has been generally supposed to be afforded by the employment of gold and silver as the measures of value. The 14th Congress did not aim at ideal perfection; t h e y wished to combine with the conveniences of bank circulation an uniformity of value equal to that which was possessed bv the precious metals; and t h e means which they employed to secure this uniformity were simple and effectual, by enjoining, under a heavy penalty, the payment of all its notes in coin upon demand* In the report, indeed, the notes of the national bank are said to be now ' on the same footing with those of local banks.' Of the footing b n which local bank notes stood, he should speak hereafter; but the price c u r r e n t upon his table informed him, that the greatest discount on branch notes of the United States, was three-fourths of one per cent. This was a value much more uniform than that which coin could be expected to have in so extensive a country- H e had been lately looking into a book on political economy, which had been published here, with high, and, in respect to its clearness a n d precision, with just commendations—the work of Mr, T r a c y . H e inferred from one of his chapters, that the difference of exchange between Marseilles and Paris was often from two to three per cent. If, with all the facilities afforded by the internal improvements in which France is so rich, with a currency consisting almost exclusively of gold and silver, the variation in the value of money is three times greater in her territory than on our continent^ can it be said, that, in this respect, the bank has not fulfilled the objects of its institution? Before its establishment, the value of bank notes, even in the commercial States, had varied twenty per cent, from each other; and, as none of ^ m t > ° r e a .** xe<1 proportion to the precious metals, or to any natural standard, it was impossible to assign any limit to their depreciation. You have reauired that the currency furnished by the national bank should be every where convertible into silver, and it is so. You have expected that it should form ? e ar e3 u ]l V as com, and it is more so. He would not detain the committee °y % i n S a paper, which he had prepared with that intention, containing the state ot exchange, since the establishment of the bank, with England, F r a n c e , ana Holland, for he found himself occupving much more of their time than he naa expected. But he believed that any member, who should turn his attention to the subject, would remark its "steadiness during that period. H e thought himset justified in drawing from this fact a conclusion highly favourable to the b a n k . " • In reference to the great depreciation of the paper of the local banks, previous to the estabhsment of that of the United States, he said; " Did the interests or duty of the government of the United States permit that this currency should be received by it? Some dissatisfaction was expressed because the branch notes of the United States Bank were at a discount of three-fourths of one per cent. H e read from a price current the state of the market for bank notes, by which it appeared that notes, which were insisted to be in very good credit, varied from a discount of two and a half to one of seven, fifteen, twenty-five, and even thirty per cent. W a s our revenue to be received in these notes? How were they to be employed? T h e y might be expended in the district in which they were issued. But was the expenditure of every district to be exactly limited to its revenue? W h a t became of the Union if it were so? He spoke of the thing, and not the name. Our Union might dissolve in imbecility as well as be destroyed by violence*— Did not union imply, that the resources of one state, its money as well as its men, might be employed for the defence of another? 17 * * B u t , if the g o v e r n m e n t w e r e willing to bear t h e loss of a d e p r e c i a t e d a n d u n e q u a l c u r r e n c y , it m u s t n e g l e c t t h e plainest p r i n c i p l e of t h e Constitution in d o i n g s o — e q u a l i t y of t a x a t i o n . T h e c o m m i t t e e m u s t *well r e m e m b e r , t h a t , before t h e establisliment of the national b a n k , such w a s t h e u n e q u a l v a l u e of c u r r e n c y in the different s t a t e s , t h a t the m e r c h a n t s paid d u t i e s , v a r y i n g fifteen p e r c e n t , from each other on t h e same a r t i c l e s . ' V O n the question, w h e t h e r the b a n k was b o u n d to r e d e e m , i n d i s c r i m i n a t e l y , t h e b i l l s of all its b r a n c h e s , he said: « H e should not argue t h a t the bank w a s n o t bound to pay its n o t e s , i n d i s c r i m i n a t e l y , a t all its offices. H e believed t h a t nobody now c o n t e n d e d t h a t it (t was." * * * I t was no unfair a c c o u n t of t h e p r a c t i c a l opera* t i o r r of the system of which he was s p e a k i n g , to say t h a t it gave to the b r a n c h e s w h e r e t h e exchange was unfavourable, t h e e n t i r e disposition of t h e specie o f t h o s e b r a n c h e s w h e r e t h e exchange w a s favourable. U p w a r d s of s i x millions of specie have been s e n t to t h e b r a n c h of N e w Y o r k , besides t h e a m o u n t which has been paid by the s u b s c r i b e r s of the b a n k t h e r e ; but, in i s s u i n g notes which the bank of N e w York has been obliged to r e d e e m , e v e r y b r a n c h t h r o u g h o u t t h e c o u n t r y has d r a w n upon a fund, with whose condition a t t h e t i m e it could not be a c q u a i n t e d . " * * * * * ** S u c h a system might be e x p e c t e d to p r o d u c e i n c o n v e n i e n t c h a n g e s in t h e d i s t r i b u t i o n of b a n k capital, an e x t r e m e facility of o b t a i n i n g loans a t one t i m e , a n d expected c o n t r a c t i o n s of d i s c o u n t a t a n o t h e r . " * * * ** W h e n e v e r the s t a t e of exchange is unfavourable, w h e n e v e r the j u s t p r i n c i p l e s of b a n k i n g r e q u i r e a r e d u c t i o n of d i s c o u n t s , t h e n , u n d e r this s y s t e m of i n d i s c r i m i n a t e p a y m e n t of its n o t e s , t h e b a n k has n o t h i n g to fear from a d r a u g h t of specie, and is encouraged to l e n d to every a p p l i c a n t . Wherever t h e exchange is favourable, and on the sound p r i n c i p l e s of b a n k i n g , a n enlarged a c c o m m o d a t i o n might be given to t h e c o m m u n i t y — t h e r e t h e flow of notes f r o m every state whose exchange is u n f a v o u r a b l e , c o n t r a c t s or s u s p e n d s all t h e operations of t h e bank. T h u s , w h e r e v e r d i s c o u n t s should b e e n l a r g e d , t h e t e n d e n c y of this s y s t e m is to r e d u c e t h e m , a n d to e n l a r g e t h e m w h e r e v e r t h e y should be r e d u c e d / 5 I n d e p e n d e n t l y of t h e gross injustice of r e q u i r i n g t h e b a n k t o perform all t h e e x c h a n g e s of this extensive confederacy w i t h o u t a n y c o m p e n s a t i o n , these e n l i g h t e n e d views show most conclusively its i n e x p e d i e n c y a n d injustice, as i t r e g a r d s t h e different sections of t h e U n i o n . I t w o u l d inevitably r e n d e r t h o s e p a r t s of the U n i o n w h e r e the bank issues w e r e p r u d e n t and m o d e r a t e , t r i b u t a r y to those w h e r e the issues w e r e injudicious a n d excessive. I n this w a y , t h e v e r y i n e q u a l i t y in t h e c u r r e n c y , w h i c h t h e b a n k w a s d e s i g n e d t o c o r r e c t , would be p e r p e t u a t e d by t h e vain a t t e m p t to m a k e it perform impossib i l i t i e s . T h e power of a n n i h i l a t i n g space, of t r a n s p o r t i n g m o n e y or a n y o t h e r a r t i c l e to the most d i s t a n t points, w i t h o u t the loss of t i m e or t h e a p p l i c a t i o n of labour, belongs to no human institution* B u t t h e s a l u t a r y a g e n c y of the b a n k of t h e U n i t e d S t a t e s , in f u r n i s h i n g a s o u n d a n d uniform c u r r e n c y , is n o t confined to t h a t portion of t h e c u r r e n c y w h i c h consists of its own bills. One of t h e most i m p o r t a n t p u r p o s e s w h i c h t h e b a n k w a s designed to accomplish, a n d which? i t is confidently b e l i e v e d , n o o t h e r h u m a n a g e n c y could have effected, u n d e r o u r f e d e r a t i v e s y s t e m of g o v e r n m e n t , w a s the e n f o r c e m e n t of specie p a y m e n t s on t h e p a r t of n u m e r o u s l o c a l b a n k s , d e r i v i n g their c h a r t e r s from t h e several s t a t e s , a n d w h o s e p a p e r i r r e d e e m a b l e in specie, and illimitable in its q u a n t i t y , c o n s t i t u t e d t h e a l m o s t e n t i r e c u r r e n c y of the c o u n t r y . A m i d s t a c o m b i n a t i o n of t h e g r e a t e s t diffic u l t i e s , t h e bank has almost c o m p l e t e l y s u c c e e d e d i n t h e performance of t h i s C 18 arduous, delicate, and painful dutv. W i t h exceptions, too i n c o n s i d e r a b l e - t o merit notice, all the state banks in~the Union have resumed specie p a y m e n t s . T h e i r bills, in the respective spheres of their circulation, are of e q u a l v a l u e with gold and silver; while, for all the operations of commerce, b e y o n d t h a t sphere, the bills or the checks of the hank of the United States ai-e e v e n m o r e valuable than specie. And even in the very few instances in which t h e p a p e r of state banks is depreciated, those banks are winding up their c o n c e r n s ; a n d it may be safely said, that no citr/.en of the Union is under the n e c e s s i t y of taking depreciated paper, because a sound currency cannot be obtained. . N o r t h Carolina is believed to be the only state where paper of the local b a n k s i s i r r e deemable in specie, and consequently depreciated- Even there, the d e p r e c i a t i o n is only one or two per cent*, and what is more important, the p a p e r of the Bank of the United States can be obtained by all those who desire i t , a n d have an equivalent to give for it* T h e committee are aware, that the o p i n i o n is entertained by some, that the local banks would, at some time or o t h e r , e i t h e r voluntarily, or by the coercion of the state legislatures, have r e s u m e d s p e c i e payments. In the very nature of things this would seem to be an i m p o s s i b i l i ty. I t must be remembered that no banks ever made such larjre d i v i d e n d s as were realised by the local institutions, during the suspension of spetrie p a y m e n t s . A rich and abundant harvest of profit was opened.to t h e m , w h i c h the resumption of specie payments must inevitably blast- W h i l e p e r m i t ted to give their own notes, bearing no interest, and not redeemable i n s p e c i e , ih exchange for better notes beariiig interest, it is obvious, that the m o r e p a p e r they issued, the higher would be their profits. T h e most powerful m o t i v e that can operate upon inonied corporations, would have existed, t o p r e v e n t the state banks from putting an end to the very state of things, from w h i c h their excessive profits proceeded. Their very nature mustbave been c h a n g e d , therefore, before they could have been induced to co-operate, voluntarily* in the restoration of the currency. I t is quite as improbable that the s t a t e legislatures would have compelled the banks to do their duty. I t has a l r e a d y been stated that the tendency of a depreciated currency to a t t r a c t i m p o r t a tions to the points of greatest depreciation, and to lighten the relative burthens of federal taxation, would naturally produce, amonu; the states, a r i v a l r y in the business of excessive bank issues. But there remains to be s t a t e d a cause, of more general operation, which would have prevented the interposition of the state legislatures to correct those issues. T h e banks were, directly and indirectly, the creditors of the whole community, and the resumption of specie payments necessarily involved a general curtailment of discounts, and withdrawal of credit, which would p r o d u c e a general and distressing pressure upon the entire class of debtors. T h e s e constituted the largest portion of the population of all the states where specie payments were suspended, and bank issues excessive. Those, therefore, who controlled public opinion in the states, where the depreciation of the local paper was greatest, were interested in the perpetuation of the evil. Deep and deleterious, therefore, as the disease evidently was. in many of t h e s t a t e s their Legislatures could not have been expected to apply a remedy, so i>ainfui as the compulsion of specie payments would have been, without the aid of the Bank of the United States. And here it is worthy of special r e m a r k , that, while that bank has compelled the local banks to resume snecie p a y m e n t s , it has most materially contributed, by its direct aid and liberal a r r a n g e m e n t s , to enable them to do so, and that with the least possible embarrassment to theimselves, and distress to the community. If the State Legislatures had been ever so anxious to compel the banks to resume specie payments, a n d the banks ever so willing to make the effort, the committee are decidedly ot the 19 o p i n i o n that thev could not have done it, unaided by the Bank of the United S t a t e s , without "producing a degree of distress incomparably greater than has b e e n actually experienced. They will conclude their remarks on this branch o f t h e subject by the obvious reflection, that, if Congress, at the close of the w a r , h a d left it to the states to restore the disordered currency, this import a n t function of sovereignty would have been left with those from whom the C o n s t i t u t i o n has expressly taken it, and by whom it could not be beneficially or effectually exercised. But another idea, of considerable plausibility, is not witho u t i t s advocates. I t is said that this government, by making the resumption and c o n t i n u a n c e of specie payments the condition upon which the state banks s h o u l d receive the government deposites, might have restored the currency t o a s t a t e of uniformity. Without stopping to give their reasons for believing t h a t specie payments could not have been restored in this way, and that, even if t h e y could, a uniform currency of general credit, throughout the Union, w o u l d not have been provided, the committee will proceed to give their reas o n s for thinking that such a connexion between the Federal Government a n d t h e State banks would be exceedingly dangerous to the purity of both.—W h i l e there is a National Bank, bound by its charter to perform certain stip u l a t e d duties, and entitled to receive the government deposities as a comp e n s a t i o n , fixed by the law creating the charter, and only to be forfeited by t h e failure to perform those duties, there is nothing in the connexion at all inconsistent with the independence of the bank, and the purity of the government. T h e country has a deep interest that the bank should maintain specie paym e n t s ; and the government an additional interest that it should keep the public f u n d s safely, and transfer them, free of expense, wherever they may be w a n t e d . T h e government, therefore, has no power over the bank, but the s a l u t a r y power of enforcing a compliance with the terms of its charter. Every t h i n g is fixed by the law, and nothing left to arbitrary discretion. I t is true t h a t t h e Secretary of the Treasury, with the sanction of Congress, would h a v e t h e power to prevent the bank from using its power unjustly and oppress i v e l y , and to punish any attempt, on the part of the Directors, to bring the e c u n i a r y influence of the institution to bear upon the politics of the country, y withdrawing the government deposites from the offending branches. B u t this power would not be lightly exercised by the treasury, as its exercise w o u l d necessarily be subject to be reviewed by Congress. I t is, in its n a t u r e , a salutary corrective, creating no undue dependence on the part of t h e bank. -K.TJ.-I B u t the state of things would be widely different, if there was no JVational b a n k , and it was left to the discretion of the Secretary of the Treasury to select the local banks in which the government deposites should be m a d e All the State banks would, in that case, be competitors for the favour of the t r e a s u r y ; and no one, who will duly consider the nature of this sort of patrona g e , can, fail to perceive, that, in the hands of an ambitious man, not possessed of perfect purity and unbending integrity, it would be imminently dangerous to the public liberty. T h e State banks would enter the lists of political controversy, with a view to obtain this patronage; and very little sagacity is required to foresee, that, if there should ever happen to be an administration disposed to use its patronage to perpetuate its power, the public funds would be put in jeopardy by being deposited in banks unworthy of confidence, and the most extensive corruption brought to bear upon the elections throughout the Union. A state of things more adverse, to the purity of the government—a power more liable to be abused—can scarcely be imagined.— If five millions of dollars were annually placed in the hands of the Secretary of the Treasury, to be distributed at his discretion, for the purpose of inter- E 20 nal improvement, it would not invest him with a more dangerous a n d c o r r u p t ing power, ^ P In connexion with this branch of the subject, the committee w i l l briefly examine the grounds of a complaint, sometimes made against the b a n k o f the United States. It is alleged that this bank, availing itself of the g o v e r n m e n t deposites, consisting in some places principally of local paper, m a k e s heavy and oppressive draughts on the local banks for specif, and thus c o m p e l s them to curtail their discounts, to the great injury of the community* I n t h e first place, it is to be remarked, that one of the highest duties of the b a n k - the great object for which it was established—was to prevent the excessive issues of local paper; and this duty can only be performed, by enforcing u p o n the State banks the payment of specie for any excess in their issues. B u t the committee are induced to believe, that this complaint is principally owing,* so far as it now exists, to the fact, that the operations of the Federal T r e a s u r y are mistaken for the operations of the bank, because the bank is the a g e n t by whom those operations are performed. This institution receives the government deposites in the paper of the local banks, certainly in no spirit o f hostility to those banks. On the contrary, it tends to give them credit, a n d is designed to have that effect- But the bank of the United States is n o t only bound to pay in specie, or its own bills, what it receives for the g o v e r n m e n t in local paper, but to transfer the funds to any part of the Union, w h e r e they may be required for disbursement* Let it be assumed, that the g o v e r n m e n t collects annually, at the customhouse in Charleston, one million of dollars in local bank notes, and disburses in South Carolina only one hundred thousand, it would result from this, that the government would have n i n e hundred th ousand dollars of local bank paper deposited in the Charleston, branch, which the bank would be bound by its charter, and for the national benefit, to transfer perhaps to Washington or Norfolk. As this paper w o u l d not answer the purposes of the government at those places, the bank would b e , of course, compelled to provide specie, or bills that will command specie at those places. It is obvious, then, that it is the inequality in the collection a n d dts^?, e „ molle l ?i "} f - e £ : v e n u e ' t h » t produces the evil in question. If all t h e re- ' l ^ Uf ecte d i n Charleston were disbursed in the State, no draughts would f a r ^ , ^ ™, n s ^ e u ,sot lc a lo, bb annok . s, o fuor specie. The Bank of the United S t a t e s , so mifi«22i^ J. 70 l 1 e T? i e a ss ut or any complaint on this score, has greatly !Th?.S ". ^ y "Pon the local banks, by means of t h i libeial arrangements which its large capital and numerous 'branches have enabled it to make with them. The decree in which that institution has reduced the rate of exchange, may be fairly assumed as that in which it has mitigated the action of the Treasury upon "the State banks. If, for example, there existed no national bank, and the deposites of the revenue collected in Charleston were made in one of the local banks, what would be the eftect of transferring, annually, nine hundred thousand dollars to Washington or N o r folk? The local banks, havi ng no branches at either of those places, instead of transmitting draughts, as is now generally done, would he compelled to transmit specie. The bank in which the government depositee were made, w ? u ^ c o n s e <Juently be under the necessity of demanding specie from all the other banks, m a manner, and to an extent, much more oppressive than any thing that can be imputed to the Bank of the United States- If, to avoid these specie draughts, the local banks should purchase bills on Washington or Norfolk, they would probably cost five or six per cent, even in a tolerable state of the currency, which would be a loss to the banks almost to the full extent of the premium. . Although the expediency of renewing the charter of the present bank ia 21 n o t a question now submitted for the decision of Congress, the Committee c o n s i d e r it so far involved in the matter referred to them, as to render it their d u t y t o present some considerations bearing on that question, in addition to w h a t t h e y have said on the general expediency of maintaining such an institut i o n . I t a national bank, similar to the present, be a necessary and proper a g e n t for the accomplishment of the great purposes heretofore indicated, t n e o n l y remaining question would seem to be, whether the charter of the - p r e s e n t stockholders should be renewed, or a new set of stockholders incorporated. I n considering this question, Congress will, of course, be governed in some d e g r e e , by the terms on which the present stockholders will agree to accept a r e n e w a l of their charter. But, as the committee have satisfactory reasons for b e l i e v i n g that terms eminently advantageous to the government can be obtaine d , t h e y will proceed to some other inquiries. W h a t then would be the eff e c t o f refusing to renew the present charter? And, in the first place, what a r e t h e inducements for pursuing that coarse? I t i s sometimes alleged that the present stockholders are large capitalists, a n d , a s the stock of the bank is some 20 per cent- above par, that a renewal o f t h e charter would be equivalent to a grant to them of 20 per cent, upon t h e i r capital. I t is true that a small proportion of the capital of the company b e l o n g s to very wealthy men. Something more than two millions of that owne d i n t h e United States belongs to persons holding upwards of one hundred t h o u s a n d dollars each. I t is also true that foreigners own seven millions, or o n e fifth of the capital. B u t , on the other hand, it is to be remarked, that the g o v e r n m e n t , in trust for the people of the United States, holds seven millions; a n d t h a t persons owning less than five thousand dollars each, hold four mili i o n s six hundred and eighty-two thousand; and that persons owning between five a n d ten thousand dollars each, hold upwards of three millions. I t is also w o r t h y of remark, that a very considerable portion of the stock'—very nearly s i x millions—is held by females, by trustees and guardians for the use of fej t n a l e s ami orphan children, and by charitable and other institutions. Of the t w e n t y - e i g h t millions of the stock which is owned by individuals, only three ^ j n i l l i o n s four hundred and fifty-three thousand is now held by the original subs c r i b e r s . All the rest has been purchased at the market prices—a large port i o n of it, probably, when those prices were higher than a t present. Most of r i h e investments made by wills, and deeds, and decrees in equity, for the use J^yf females and minors, are believed to have been made when the stock was g r e a t l y above par. From this brief analysis, it will appear that there is nothing r a n t h e character or situation of the stockholders, which should make it desira^<t>le t o deprive them of the advantage which they have fairly gained, by an app l i c a t i o n of their capital to purposes highly beneficial, as the committee have sSattempted to show, to the government and people of the United States. If ,Mforeigners own seven millions of the stock of the bank, our own government £5owns as much; if wealthy men own more than two millions, men in moderate j^circumstances own between seven and eight millions; and females, orphans, 3 a n d institutions, devoted to charitable and other purposes, own nearly six millions. £ B u t the objection that the stock is owned by men of large capital would ap- m e r c h a n t s and manufacturers, having an active employment for their capitals, do not choose to be the first adventurers in a bank project. Accordingly, w h e n the present bank went into operation, it is believed t h a t moat of thecapil 22 t a l w a s o w n e d b y l a r g e c a p i t a l i s t s , a n d u n d e r a m u c h more u n e q u a l d i s t i i * b u t t o n t h a n e x i s t s a t p r e s e n t . T h e l a r g e a m o u n t of s t o c k n o w h e l d m t r u s t far f e m a l e s a n d m i n o r s , has b e e n p r i n c i p a l l y , if n o t e n t i r e l y , p u r c h a s e d s i n c e the b a n k w e n t i n t o o p e r a t i o n ; a n d t h e s a m e r e m a r k is g e n e r a l l y a p p l i c a b l e t o the s t o c k in t h e h a n d s of small h o l d e r s . I t is o n l y w h e n t h e c h a r a c t e r o f a bank is fully e s t a b l i s h e d , a n d w h e n its s t o c k a s s u m e s a s t e a d y v a l u e , t h a t t h e s e des c r i p t i o n s of p e r s o n s m a k e i n v e s t m e n t s in it. I t is m o r a l l y c e r t a i n , t h e r e f o r e , t h a t , if a n o t h e r d i s t i n c t i n s t i t u t i o n w e r e c r e a t e d , on t h e e x p i r a t i o u of the p r e s e n t c h a r t e r , t h e r e w o u l d be a m u c h great* e r portion of i t s c a p i t a l s u b s c r i b e d by m e n of l a r g e f o r t u n e s , t h a n i s n o w o w n * e d b y p e r s o n s of this d e s c r i p t i o n , of t h e s t o c k of t h e U n i t e d S t a t e s B a n k f - n I n d e e d , i t m i g h t b e c o n f i d e n t l y p r e d i c t e d , t h a t t h e l a r g e c a p i t a l i s t s w h o now hold s t o c k in t h a t b a n k , w o u l d , from t h e i r local position a n d o t h e r a d v a n t a g e s , be t h e first t o forestall t h e s u b s c r i p t i o n s to t h e n e w b a n k , w h i l e t h e s m a l l s t o c k h o l d e r s , s c a t t e r e d over t h e c o u n t r y , w o u l d b e p r o b a b l y e x c l u d e d , a n d the females a n d m i n o r s , a n d o t h e r s i n t e r e s t e d in t r u s t i n v e s t m e n t s m a d e b y d e c r e e s in e q u i t y , w o u l d b e a l m o s t n e c e s s a r i l y e x c l u d e d , as t h e s a n c t i o n o f a c o u r t c o u l d s c a r c e l y b e o b t a i n e d , after t h e p a s s a g e of t h e n e w a c t of i n c o r p o r a t i o n , i n t i m e to a u t h o r i s e a s u b s c r i p t i o n . T o d e s t r o y t h e e x i s t i n g b a n k , t h e r e f o r e , after i t h a s r e n d e r e d s u c h sijmfci s e r v i c e s to t h e c o u n t r y , m e r e l y with a v i e w to i n c o r p o r a t e a n o t h e r , w o u l d be a n a c t r a t h e r of c r u e l t y a n d c a p r i c e , t h a n of j u s t i c e a n d w i s d o m , a s i t r e g a r d s t h e p r e s e n t s t o c k h o l d e r s . I t is n o l i g h t m a t t e r to d e p r e c i a t e t h e p r o p e r t y of i n d i v i d u a l s , h o n e s t l y o b t a i n e d , a n d usefully e m p l o y e d , to t h e e x t e n t o f five millions six h u n d r e d t h o u s a n d d o l l a r s , a n d t h e p r o p e r t y of t h e g o v e r n m e n t , to t h e e x t e n t of one million four h u n d r e d t h o u s a n d d o l l a r s , p u r e l y f o r t h e s a k e o t c h a n g e . I t w o u l d i n d i c a t e a f o n d n e s s for e x p e r i m e n t , w h i c h a w i s e g o v e r n m e n t will n o t i n d u l g e upon slight c o n s i d e r a t i o n s . l i u t t h e g r e a t i n j u r y w h i c h w o u l d r e s u l t from t h e refusal of C o n g r e s s t o r e n e w t h e c h a r t e r oi t h e p r e s e n t b a n k , w o u l d , b e v o n d all q u e s t o n , b e t h a t w h i c h 7??2»* T i V i° ^ c o m ! » u t n t t y *t l a r g e . I t w o u l d b e difficult t o e s t i m a t e the s u d d ^ n a t u r a l l y a n d n e c e s s a r i l y r e s u l t f r o m the ' •Jv » J r W 1 t h d r * w a l o* m o r e t h a n forty m i l l i o n s of c r e d i t , which t h e c o m m u n i s •X? *! -n i e . k 0 t t h e X j m t e d S t a t e s , in w i n d i n g u p i t s c o n c e r n s , w o u l d n o t o n l y w i t h d r a w its o w n p a p e r from c i r c u l a t i o n , a n d call in i t s d e b t s , but w o u l d u n a v o i d a b l y m a k e s u c h h e a v y d r a u g h t s on t h e local i n s t i t u t i o n s for s p e c i e , as v e r y g r e a t l y t o c u r t a i l their d i s c o u n t s . T h e pressure upon t h e act i v e , i n d u s t r i o u s , a n d e n t e r p r i s i n g classes, w h o d e p e n d m o s t u p o n t h e f a c i l i t i e s of b a n k c r e d i t , w o u l d be t r e m e n d o u s . A v a s t a m o u n t of p r o p e r t y w o u l d c h a n g e h a n d s a t half its v a l u e , p a s s i n g u n d e r the h a m m e r , from t h e m e r c h a n t s , m a n u f a c t u r e r s , a n d f a r m e r s , to t h e large monied c a p i t a l i s t s , w h o a l w a y s s t a n d *-eady t o avail t h e m s e l v e s of t h e p e c u n i a r y e m b a r r a s s m e n t s of t h e c o m m u n i t y ; T h e l a r g e s t s t o c k h o l d e r s of t h e p r e s e n t b a n k , t h e v e r y p e r s o n s w h o s e p r e s e n t l a w f u l g a i n s it w o u l d be t h e o b j e c t of s o m e t o c u t oft", h a v i n g a l a r g e s u r p l u s m o n e y c a p i t a l t h r o w n u p o n t h e i r h a n d s , w o u l d b e t h e v e r y first t o s p e c u l a t e u p o n t h e d i s t r e s s e s of t h e c o m m u n i t y , a n d b u i l d u p p r i n c e l y f o r t u n e s u p o n t h e r u i n s of t h e i n d u s t r i o u s a n d a c t i v e c l a s s e s . O n t h e o t h e r h a n d , t h e f e m a l e s a n d m i n o r s , a n d p e r s o n s in m o d e r a t e c i r c u m s t a n c e s , w h o h o l d s t o c k i n t h e i n s t i t u t i o n , w o u l d s u s t a i n a n i n j u r v , in n o d e g r e e m i t i g a t e d b y t h e g e n e r a l dis* t r e s s of t h e c o m m u n i t y . A v e r y g r a v e a n d S o l e m n q u e s t i o n will b e p r e s e n t e d to C o n g r e s s , w h ^ n t h e y c o m e to d e c i d e u p o n t h e e x p e d i e n c y of r e n e w i n g t h e c h a r t e r of t h e P 1 ^ sent bankT h a t i n s t i t u t i o n h a s s u c c e e d e d in c a r r y i n g t h e c o u n t r y t h r o u g h S3 t h e paiftful process necessary to cure a deep seated disease in the national curr e o c y . T h e nation, after having suffered the almost convulsive agonies of this n e c e s s a r y remedy, is now restored to perfect health. In this state of things i t w i l l be for Congress to decide, whether it is the part of wisdom to expose t h e c o u n t r y to a degree of suffering almost equal to that which it has already suffered, for the purpose of bringing back that very derangement of the curr e n c y * which has been remedied by a process, as necessary as it was distressing. I f the bank of the United States were destroyed, and the local institutions l e f t without its restraining influence^ the currency would almost certainly rel a p s e into a state of unsoundness- The very pressure which the present bank, in w i n d i n g up its concerns, would make upon the local institutions, would comp e l them either to curtail their discounts when most needed, or to suspend s p e c i e payments- It is not difficult to predict which of these alternatives t n e y would adopt, under the circumstances in which they would be placed*-— T h e imperious wants of a suffering community would call for discounts, in language which could not be disregarded. T h e public necessities would dem a n d , and public opinion would sanction, the suspension, or at least an evas i o n , of specie payments. B u t , even if this desperate resort could be avoided in a period of peace and general prosperity, neither reason nor experience will permit us to doubt, that a s t a t e of war would speedily bring about all the evils which so fatally affected the credit of the government and the national currency, during the late war w i t h Great Britain. W e should be again driven to the same miserable round of financial expedients, which, in little more than two years, brought a wealt h y community almost to the very brink of a declared national bankruptcy, and placed the government completely at the mercy of speculating stockjobbers. T h e committee feel warranted, by the past experience of the country, in exp r e s s i n g it as their deliberate opinion, that, in a period of war, the financial res o u r c e s of the country could not be drawn into efficient operation without the aid of a national bank, and that the local banks would certainly resort to a suspension of specie payments. T h e maxim is eminently true in modern times that money is the sinew of military power. In this view of the subject, it does appear to the committee, that no one of the institutions of the country, not exc e p t i n g the army or navy, is of more vital importance than a national*bank. I t has this decided advantage over the army and navy: while they are of scarcely any value except in war, the bank is not less useful than cither of them in war, and is also eminently useful in peace. I t has another advantage, still greater. If, like the army or navy, it should cost the nation millions annually to sustain it, the expediency of the expenditure mi^ht be doubted. But, when it actually saves to the government and to the country, as the committee have heretofore attempted to show, more millions annually than are expended in supporting both the army and navy, it would seem that, if there was one measure of national policy, upon which all the political parties of the country should be brought to unite, by the impressive lessons of experience, it is that of maintaining a national bank* I t is due to the persons, who for the last ten years, have been concerned in the administration of the bank, to state, that they have performed the delicate and difficult trust committed to them, in such a manner as,at the same time to accomplish the great national ends for which it was established, and promote the permanent interest of the stockholders, with the least practicable pressure upon the local banks. As far as the committee are enabled to form an opinion, from careful inquiry, the bank has been liberal and i n d i g e n t in its d e a l i n g 24 •with these institutions, and, with scarcely an exception, now stands in t h e l n o ^ i amicable relation to them. Some of those institutions have borne t h e most* disinterested and unequivocal testimony in favor of the bank. It is but strict justice also to remark, that the direction of the m o t h e r bask appears to have abstained, with scrupulous care, from bringing the p o w e r and influence of the bank to bear upon political questions, and to have s e l e c t e d for the direction of the various branches, businessmen in no w a y c o n n e c t e d with party politics. The Committee advert to this part of the conduct o f t h e directors, not only with a view to its commendation, but for the purpose o f expressing their strong and decided conviction that the usefulness and s t a b i l i t y of such an institution will materially depend upon a steady and undeviatinff*" adherence to the policy of excluding party politics and political partisans f r o m all participation in its management. It is gratifying to conclude this b r a n c h of the subject by stating, that the affairs of the present bank, under t h e a b l e , efficient, and faithful guidance of its two last presidents and their a s s o c i a t e s , have been brought from a state of great embarrassment into a condition o f the highest prosperity. Having succeeded in restoring the paper o f t h e local banks to a sound state, its resources are now such as to justify the d i r e c t o r s in extending the issue and circulation of this paper so as to satisfy the w a n t s o f the community, both as it regards bank accommodations and a circulating medi^l!"*- 7-P°™ t , i e s o u n d e s t principles of banking, the very ample r e s o u r c e s of the institution would justify the directors in granting accommodations to a much greaterextent than they have vet done; and though thev have i n c r e a s e d the circulation of their paper from four and a half to fourteen millions, since January, 1823, they are ready and willing to increase it still further, b y discounting bills ot exchange and other business paper. It is believed t h a t the discounts and issues of the institution are now actually limited by t h e w a n t of applications resting upon these, the only substantial' and safe foundations of bank credit and circulation. 1 thu i n J i L ^ f ^ i l 8 ? - " 011 ^ m . u c h o n t h e constitutionality and expediency o f an b V S K ^ i n - * Bank the only question which remains to be examined u L n theTr^. l ? r ? r ^ e x P e d l e n c 7 o€ establishing « a National Bank founded upon the credit of the Government and its revenues " auirV P « t n ? S ! *£ f ttVC?!?n t h e i n t e n t i o » o f the President, in suggesting the* of the I mon, similar to those now established by the Rank of the United Statea, and co-extensive with them. The great object of furnishing a national currency could not be accomplished, with an approach to uniformity, without the agency of such branches; and another object, second only in importance to the one just stated, the extension of the commercial facilities of bank accommodations to the different parts of the Union, could not be at all effected without such agency. If there should be simply a great central bank established at the seat of Government, without branches to connect its operations with the various points of the commerce of the Union, the promise to pay specie for its notes, whenever pre* sented, would be almost pure! v nominal. Of what consequence would it be to a merchant or planter of Louisiana, or a manufacturer or farmer of Maine, that he could obtain specie for bills of the National Bank, on presenting them at the City of Washington—a place wholly unconnected either with Louisiana or Maine by any sort of commercial intercourse, and where, consequently, these bills would never come in the regular course of trade? A promise to pay specie at a place so remote from the place of circulation, and where the bills would never come but at a great expense, and for the sole purpose o f being 25 p r e s e n t e d for payment, would neither give credit to the notes, nor operate as a n effective check upon excessive issues. Whatever credit such notes might h a v e , at a distance from the place of issue, would not be because they were red e e m a b l e at the pleasure of the holder—for such would not be the fact; but principally because of the ultimate responsibility of the Government, and of t h e i r being receivable in payment of all dues to the Treasury. T h e y would r e s t , therefore, upon almost precisely the same basis of credit as the paper m o n e y of our Revolution, the assignats of Revolutionary France, and the T r e a s u r y notes of the late war. These were receivable in discharge of debts d u e t o the Treasury, and Government was of course ultimately responsible for their payment; yet the two former depreciated almost to nothing, and t h e latter, though bearing interest, sunk to twenty per cent, below par. But t h e n o t e s of a central Government Bank, without branches, would be subject t o depreciation from a cause which constitutes a conclusive objection to s u c h an institution. There tvould be nothing to limit excessive issues but the discretion and prudence of the Government or of the direction.— H u m a n wisdom has never devised any adequate security against the excessive i s s u e s , and, consequently, the depreciation of bank paper, but its actual, and e a s y , and prompt convertibility into specie at the pleasure of the holder•— E x p e r i e n c e has shown that, where the paper of a bank is, by any means, habitually circulated at places remote from the point where it is issued, and not connected with it by a regular commercial intercourse, there will not e x i s t that easy and prompt convertibility which is so essential to the credit of bank paper. When bank bills are confined to their appropriate sphere of circulation, a redundant issue*is certainly and immediately followed by a run upon the bank for specie. This timely admonition is as useful to the bank as i t is to the community: for it enables the directors to avoid, with unfailing c e r t a i n t y , an excess equally injurious to both, and which no human sagacity could anticipate or prevent, by calculation merely. Whatever, therefore, in a s y s t e m of bank circulation, prevents the reflux of redundant issues, necessarily destroys the only adequate security against these injurious and ruinous excesses. B u t a Government Bank, without branches would be obnoxious to another objection which could not be obviated. Its loans would be confined to the D i s t r i c t of Columbia; or, if extended to the various parts of the U n i o n ^ t o say nothing of the inconvenience to which it would expose those at a distance who obtained accommodations—they would be unavoidably granted without a n y knowledge of the circumstances of the persons upon whose credit the Government would depend for re-payment. It would, in fact, be, for all useful purposes, a mere District Bank. T h e s e views of the subject have brought the committee to the conclusion, that, if a Government Bank should be established, it would have at least as m a n y branches as the Bank of the United States, and probably a much greater number. Few administrations would have the firmness to resist an application to establish a branch, coming from any quarter of the Union, however injudicious the location might be, upon correct principles of commerce and banking. T h e Bank of the United States now employs five hundred agents; in the various parts of the Union where its offices are established. From this fact some idea may be formed of the very great addition which would be made to the patronage of the Executive Government by the establishment of such a bank as the one under consideration. B u t the patronage resulting from the appointment—the annual appointment — o f these agents, great as it would doubtless be, would be insignificant and 26 harmleeft, when compared with that which would result from the d i s p e n s a tion of bank accommodations to the standing amount of at least fifty m i l l i o n s of dollars! The mind almost instinctively shrinks from the contemplation c> f a n idea eo ominous to the purity of the Government and the liberties of t h e people. N o government of which the committee have any knowledge, e x c e p t perhapi* the despotism of Russia, was ever invested with a patronage at o n c e s o prodigious in its influence and so dangerous in its character* In the m o s t desperate financial extremities, no other European Government has e v e r ventured upon an experiment so perilous. If the whole patronage of the E n g l i s h monarchy were concentrated in the hands of the American E x e c u t i v e , i t mar be well doubted whether the public liberty would be so much e n d a n g e r e d by it as it would by this vast pecuniary machine, which would place i n t h e hands of every administration fifty millions of dollars, as a fund for r e w a r d i n g political partisans. Without assuming that a corrupt use would be made of this new s p e c i e s of government patronage, a very slight acquaintance with the practice o f all political parties, vvhatever may be their professions, will be sufficient t o satisfy any reflecting mind, that all the evil consequences of corruption w o u l d flow from its exercise. Have not our political contests too frequently degenerated into a selfish scramble for the offices of the country? Are there n o t those who sincerely and honestly believe that these offices are legitimate o b j e c t s of political welfare, and the rightful reward of the victorious party? A n d disinterested and patriotic as the great body of every political party i s admitted to be, the fact is no less true than it is lamentable, that the most d e v o t e d and active partisans are vwy often mere soldiers of fortune, who watch t h e political signs, and enlist, at the eleventh hour, under the banners of t h e party most likely to prove successful. Such being, more or less, the cv>mposition of all political parties, what would be the probable use made of fifty mill10i"iS J? j ? • P a t , ; o n a S ^ by a political party which conscientiously g e l d the doctrine that all the offices ir the gift of the executive should He divided among the partisans of a successful political leader? Would not the same principle be even more applicable to bank loans? A n d would not the Treasury of the United States, under the sanctifying influence of ^ X l KlGl? . ? a r ^ mfctuation, be literally plundered, by mercenary J retainer^ bankrupts m fortune, and adventurers in politics? *hn«^e«P*w P aadministration should be ever so muck disposed to restrain the ! £ ! ? ™ \ i Vt er ro tt l l?C ^ rlte a ^ould be utterly impracticable to exercise a n y effit numbe S S i \ u Z Tr- ° ] ? * * of bank directors who would be scattered over the Union, and who, upon all the known principles of human nature, it may be confidently predicted, would principally consist of busy and officious r J J political partisans. Such would be the depositaries—acting, not under the public e y e , but under the protecting mystery of a sort of concealment and secrecy d e e m e d indispensable in banking operations—to whom not only the whole Treasury of the Union would be confided, to be squandered, perhaps, in profligate favouritism, Jjut the tremendous power of putting the whole property of the nation under mortgage, for the redemption of the bills issued at tlieir discretion. To say nothing of the utter insecurity of the public revenues under such a system* a new species of legislative power, unknown to the Constitution, would be committed to these irresponsible bank directors, of which no human sagacity can predict the consequences, A just analysis of the operation of granting loans by this government bank, in exchange for the notes of private individuals, will show, that it involve* £h« exercise, on the part of the directors, of the two fold power of appropria- 27 t i n g the public revenue in the most dangerous of all forms—discretionary loans-—and of pledging the responsibility of the Government to an unlimited e x t e n t , for the payment of the debts at the same time created against it.— T h e s e are among the highest functions of legislative power, ana have been expressly and exclusively vested in Congress. Unless, therefore, it be a s s u m e d , that Congress may rightfully transfer the powers with which it is inv e s t e d to these bank directors, it will be difficult to find any warrant, either i n t h e letter or spirit of the Constitution, for the creation of this tremendous e n g i n e of pecuniary influence. It may, indeed, be doubted, whether all t h e branches of the legislative authority united, have any constitutional p o w e r to lend the public revenue, either to individuals, corporations or s t a t e s , without reference to the objects to which it shall be applied. But, whatever may be the power of Congress on this subject, it appears to the Committee to be inexpedient, in every view of the question, that the Government should be converted into a great money lender. There is no species of trade in which it would be wise for the Government to embark; b u t of all the variety of pursuits known to human enterprise, that of lendiug m o n e y by the Government to the citizens of the country, would be fraught w i t h the most pernicious consequences. I n the first place, it is a business to which, in the very nature of things, no Government is adapted, and, least of all, a popular Government, There is n o employment of capital that requires a more vigilant and skilful superint e n d e n c e . Nothing but the ever active motive of individual interest can supp l y the watchfulness necessary to secure a banking institution against the grossest frauds and impositions. In pecuniary transactions, few men are to e found who will serve others, in cases involving the exercise of discretionar y power, with the same fidelity that they would serve themselves; and, when we consider the strong motives, both of private friendship and political attachm e n t , which would operate on the directors of a Government bank, to bestow its favours without impartiality or prudence, it requires but little sagacity to foresee that enormous losses would be annually sustained by the insolvency of t h e Government debtors. A l l Governments have found it expedient to place the public Treasury und e r the guardianship of a high and confidential officer, aided, in the enforcem e n t of a rigid responsibility, by a system of checks and counterchecks, operating upon all the subordinate officers concerned in collecting and disbursing the public revenue. Such is our own system. No discretion is r e s t e d in the chief officer of the 'Treasury, much less in those that are subord i n a t e , in the appropriation of a single dollar of the public money. "No money can be drawn from the Treasury but in consequence of appropriations m a d e by l a w . " How far these wise and provident safeguards, and this constitutional barrier, would be prostrated by placing not only the public revenue, b u t the public credit, at the disposal of some hundreds of bank directors in various p a r t s of the Union, is a very grave question for the consideration of the House, Our own experience has demonstrated the great danger of having large masses of the community indebted to the Government, It was a deep conviction of this danger that induced Congress to abolish the system of credit sales in the disposition of public lands. Congress has been compelled to yield to the pressing importunities of the purchasers of these lands, by granting them not only repeated indulgences, but by remitting some millions of the debt. W h a t , then, would be the situation of the Government, with a debt of fifty millions diffused throughout the country, and due to it from the most active, enterprising, ami influential classes of the community? N o thing that has not happened can be more certain, than that the very unfavourable 28 *ici»*itude in trade, every period of commercial distress and e m b a r r a s s m e n t , would give rise to importunate and clamorous calls for i n d u l g e n c e , a n d For an injudicious extension of discounts, which no administration w o u l d h a v e the firmness to resist. E v e r y o n e who has witnessed the urgency and u n a n i m i t y with which the representatives of the states, indebted for public l a n d s , have pressed the claims of their citizens for indulgence and remission, m u s t be satisfied, that, if the citizens of all the states should b e c o m e i n d e b t e d much more largely for bank loans, the government would have s c a r c e l y a n y faculty of resistance, when appeals for indulgence should c o m e from a i l quarters of the U n i o n , sustained by the strong plea of public distress and e m bar rass me ntT h e policy of extending indulgence to the public debtors, and o f g r a n t i n g more liberal loans to the community, would, in the natural course of t h i n g s , become the favourite theme of those who aspire to popular favour. P o l i t i c a l parties would come to be divided upon the question of observing t o w a r d s t h e public debtors a strict banking policy, indispensable to the m a i n t e n a n c e o f specie payments, on the one hand, or"a liberal government policy, n e c e s s a r i l y involving a suspension of specie payments, on the other. A n d \vhen it i s c o n sidered that the whole class of debtors, always the most numerous and a c t i v e portion of the community, would be naturally in favour of increasing b a n k issues, and extending bank indulgences, it can scarcely be doubted that s p e c i e payments would be suspended in the first great pecuniary e x i g e n c y , g r o w i n g out of the embarrassments in our commerce, or deficiencies in our r e v e n u e . T h e Government, therefore, which is under the most sacred obligations t o constrain all the banks to maintain specie payments, with a view to the u n i formity and soundness of the currency, would, by its own e x a m p l e , perpetuate the great national evil of a fluctuating and depreciated c i r c u l a t i n g medium. T h e s e evils, which would be so highly probable in time of peace, w o u l d be almost certain in the event of war. T h e temptation to supply the F e d e r a l l r e a s u r y by the easy process of bank issues, rather than resort^to the u n p o pular process of internal taxation, would be too fascinating to be r e s i s t e d , — W e should thus experience, what every nation has experienced in l i k e circumstances, the manifold evils of a mere paper currency, having no relation to any standard of intrinsic value. In these views the committee are fully sustained b^y the opinion of Mr, L o w n d e s , expressed in 1S19. T h e s e are his w o r d s : <• 'I hat the destruction of the (United States) Bank would be followed by the establishment of paper money, he firmly believed; he might almost say, he knew. It ua« an extremity from which the house would recoil, if now roposed; but if the resolutions on'the table were passed, it would very soon e proposed- T h e subject was too large for an incidental discussion* Gentlemen thought the amount of government paper might be limited, and depreciation prevented, by the rate of interest which should be exacted. Inadequate every where, the security was particularly ineffectual in the U n i t e d C B u t the inevitable t e n d e n c y of a government bank to involve the country in a paper system, is not, in tlie opinion of the committee, the greatest objection to it. T h e powerful, and in the hands of a bad administration, the irresistible and corrupting influence which it would exercise over the elections of the country, constitutes an objection more imposing than all others united. N o matter by what means an administration might get into power, with s u c h a tremendous engine in their hands, it would be almost impossible to dispiaca them without some miraculous interposition of Providence, D e e p l y impressed with the conviction, that the weak point of a free govar&r 29 m e n t is the absorbing tendency of executive patronage, and sincerely believing t h a t the proposed bank would invest that branch of the government with a w e i g h t of monied influence more dangerous in its character, and more powe r f u l in its operation, than the entire mass of its present patronage, the Com* m i t t e e have felt that they were imperiously called upon, by the highest cons i d e r a t i o n s of public duty, to express the views they have presented, with a f r a n k n e s s and freedom demanded by the occasion. It is, at the same time d u e to their own feelings, that they should state unequivocally their convict i o n , that the suggestion of the Chief Magistrate, which they have thus freely e x a m i n e d , proceeded from motives of the most disinterested patriotism, and w a s exclusively designed to promote the welfare of the country. This is not t h e mere formal and heartless homage, sometimes offered up to official station, e i t h e r from courtesy or interest, but a tribute which is eminently due, and cheerfully rendered, to the exalted character of the distinguished individual o n whom it is bestowed. Extract of a letter from an intelligent merchant in Charleston, Carolina, to the Chairman of the Committee of fVays and illustrating the exchange operations of the Bank of the South Means-, United States. «* This effect of diminishing the vast difference of exchange between the v a r i o u s points of the country, was evidently produced by the bank* T h e adv a n t a g e s produced by this institution, in the intercourse between the Western a n d Atlantic States, can be duly appreciated only by one who sees, passing before him, the actual operation of the system of exchange it has created.— F o r example: Lexington, in Kentucky, annually accumulates a large surplus of funds to her credit in Charleston, derived from the sale of horses, hogs, a n d other live stock, driven to that as well as to other Southern markets by h e r citizens. Philadelphia is indebted to Charleston for exchange remittee!, dividends on bank stock, &c. and Lexington is indebted to Philadelphia, for merchandise. Without the transportation of a single piece of coin, Lexingt o n draws on Charleston, and remits the check to Philadelphia in payment of h e r debt there; which operation adjusts the balance between the three points of the triangle almost without expense or trouble. Could such facilities be obtained from any other than an institution having branches in different parts of the Union, acting as co-partners in one concern? Local banks, whatever m i g h t be their willingness, could not accommodate in the same manner and to a like e x t e n t , " * * * * * * " T h e discounting of bills on the low terms established by the Branch Bank a t this place, is a great benefit to the agricultural interest, particularly in enhancing the price of cotton and rice; and were the bank to stop its operations, t h e r e is no saying how far these staples would be depressed. T h e private dealers in exchange would take the place of the bank in that business, and their profits on bills would be taken out of the pockets of the planters, as the merchants would always regulate the price they would give for an agricultural production, by the high or low rate at which they could negotiate their bills* On account of its connexion with ail parts of the Union, the bank affords thift important advantage to the public: it is always a purchaser and always a seller of exchange at fixed and low rates, and thus prevents extortion by private d e a l e r s " * * * * * * "Before this bank went into operation, ex- so c h a n g e w a s from 8 to 10 p e r c e n t , e i t h e r for or against C h a r l e s t o n , w h i c h vm a loss to t h e p l a n t e r to that a m o u n t on all t h e produce of G e o r g i a a n d South C a r o l i n a , and indeed vou might sav, all t h e Fp r o d u c e of the South***-., -JS e r n and Western States." * % * £ • - * " I f t h e Bank of t h e U n i t e d S t a t e s w e r e d e s t r o y e d , t h e local b a n k s would again issue their paper to an excessive a m o u n t ; a n d while a few a d v e n t u r o u s s p e c u l a t o r s would be m u c h benefitted by such an issue, t h e h o n e s t a n d uns u s p e c t i n g c i t i z e n s of o u r c o u n t r y would, finallv b e the losers. I f W e » J back to w h a t took p l a c e in N e w Y o r k , P e n n s y l v a n i a , the W e s t e r n S t a t e s , and even in our own S t a t e , we shall see t h e grossest impositions c o m m i t t e d by b a n k s , c o m m e n c i n g with a few thousand dollars in specie, b u y i n g - ui> n e w s p a p e r s to puff them as specie-paving b a n k s , in o r d e r to d e l u d e t h e public a n d , after g e t t i n g their bills in circulation, blowing u p , and l e a v i n g t h e u n a u s ! p e c t i n g p l a n t e r and farmer victims of a fraud, by which they w e r e d e n r i v « t of t h e h a r d e a r n i n g s of y e a r s of honest i n d u s t r y . B u t , sir, I b e l i e v e t h e b a S owes a g r e a t deal of the opposition which exists, a n d has e x i s t e d , t o t h e feet t h a t it has p u t down these fraudulent institutions, got u p bv c o m b i n a t i o n s ami conspiracies ot speculators,- and who, after receiving large d i v i d e n d s , m a i u u m i t o d e s t r o y the credit ot their own paper, a n d , by t h e ' a g e n c y of b r o k e r s , b w K it u p a t half its nominal v a l u e . «**wgi* « i " ? L n C ? l l a S t oMf 7 °t?h ee :>*oun- il e hd a ,dn ea n conversation with a g e n t l e m a n i n t h e conof the 2 ™ 1 *] h " T ™ N « r t h . a " d »»? says t h e v a r e d e t e £ +l mined to break up the United S t a t e s B a n k , to enable t h e m to use t h e i r m o n e y to a d v a n t a g e , as t h a t institution gives so m a n y facilities to t h e c o m m u n i t y ^ to d e p r i v e them of their former profits." * * * * ^* r e IS a n o t h e r : n s i d «.r«ii T , l f « e r a t i o n : the distress would be i m m e n s e , w h i c h a h Would p r o d u e e a m o to?£l£u«»ZV VS*?% l t » S t h o s e w h o a r e indebted ll findtl at to mUHon n? . "n ] this branch, the^planters owe u p w a r d s of a r w i gn W ^ L j K l ; a n tl h e! ,Vnmn M v « n » nesitatioA in L y i n g as safe a d e b t a s is r e s e nPl a n t e V s ^n. 1 J" n g e t -C d i t B u t if the b a n k should wind u p i t s affafr^ from other an« h p v , S . , ^ i n s t i t u t i o n s ; and a s t h e b a S tatCS Co rt wherc once n r l t v * M Ke V ' r d j » d g m e n t is obtained a l m o s t at l HV d e f o r h a b i t s Z«? U l d TK * " ? P ^ ' and monied m e n w o u l d b u y i t » 1 o s o " w h o \ h « u M * h „ n h r o u fP u thho e- u t t h e ^ n i o n all classes would suffer, excep? buvkroner*v?t • «" " : «">ney to go into t h e b r o k e r a g e b u s i n e s s , E sac fi P , 7 P w f, i f " «^ I were sure the b a n k would not b e r e c h a r t e r 3 L L I i n v e r t my property into money, with a view to d e a l i n g i n exchange. I could m a k e a vast fortune by i t . " ' 31 State of the Bank of the United States, Jlpril N o t e s discounted, D o m e s t i c bills discounted, F u n d e d debt held by the bank, R e a l estate, F u n d s in Europe, equal to specie, Specie, P u b l i c deposits, * . P r i v a t e deposits, Circulation, - . _ _ _ 1, 1 8 3 0 . 52,138,270 10,506,882 11,122,530 2,891,890 £,789,498 9,043,748 8,905,501 7,704,256 * 16,083,894 89 54 90 75 54 97 87 87 00 • T h i s is the circulation from the office returns. W e know, however, that a part o f it is r e c e i v e d at other offices, and is in passage from one to the otlier. So that the uett circul a t i o n U $14,176,927. LIST No. A P P E N D I X , N o . 1. of Transfers directed by the Secretary of the Treasury from United States and Offices, from 6th June to 14th December Date W h e r e from [June 1 8 2 9 8, N e w York NoT «< «< Bank U n i t e d States <« N e w York Ditto N e w Orleans Louisville Cin cinnati Bank U n i t e d States Ditto Ditto .a. Ditto Ditto Ditto Portland Ditto N e w York Providence Hartford N e w York Ditto Cincinnati 33 [July 8 , C ( N e w York Ditto .... 32! Aug. 3 , *• BalUmore 33 N e w York Sept. 1. 9, Louisville Charleston •c Bank U n i t e d States N e w York < * Louisville 14, 44 N e w York 4 « 4 < 45 Boston 21, 47 Charleston C t Oct. 49 N e w York 50 Ditto 51 N o v , 2 , < « Bank U n i t e d S t a t e s 4 * N e w York 52 Boston 53 Bank U n i t e d States 63 N e w York 64 Ditto 65 Ditto 66] Bank U n i t e d S t a t e s -67 Boston • 68 Ditto 6 9 * > « . 1 4 , 1829| N e w York 70 t • N e w Orleans ••••••* 71 Bank United States 72, 4 < Ditto 73 4 4 74 Savannah W h e r e to Washington Ditto Ditto Bank U n i t e d States Ditto Ditto Ditto Baltimore Norfolk Fayetteville Charleston Savannah Mobile Portsmouth Boston • • .»••-. Ditto N e w York Ditto Richmond Charleston ••-• Pittsburgh Washington Ditto Ditto *..• Ditto Pittsburgh Fayetteville Norfolk Ditto Nashville Washington Ditto Fayetteville Norfolk W a s h i ntrton Norfolk Washington Ditto • Norfolk Washington Norfolk Washington Ditto Ditto Bank United States Ditto Ditto Baltimore Charleston Norfolk and ., 1829 l oo,ooo| 50,000| 150.000! 1,865,000' 7"5,O0O| 5O,000l iis.oool 135,OOOl 80,0001 20,000 200,000 is,oool| 35,000 20,000 90,000 4O,00O| 140,000[ 35,000 ro.ooo 80,000| 15,000, 100,000 100,000 5O,0~00| 100,000 2O.O00J io,ooo| 2O.O00J 2O,O00j 2O,000|| 100,000 4O,000H 2O,000fl 50,000| 100,000 5 O.OOOI 100,000 50,000 50,000 100,000 50,000 100,000| 100,000 25,OO0| 500,000 1,000,000 400,000 300.000 Sr,O55 5 0>,QO0 000 5 0 , 000 ! From the above statement, the annual amount of the transfers made for the Government,] frr.c of expense, may be inferred. APPENDIX, No. II. PRICES CURRENT, Exhibiting a Comparative View of the relative value ofBank Notes in 1816 and in 1829, at various places. ~~ " ~| Boston. .B1, Mvi Spanish Dollars , ; American *' , IGold Bo9ton Notes New York " Philadelphia " Pennsylvania ** Baltimore " 1 Maryland " Virginia " Di^Columb^4 N.Xarolina *' 8. Carolina " f Georgia " par par 1 New 7 k lftC , o Dec 5 1Dn _ Julvi \ Philadelphia. 1Q1. Jalv\ 1ann 1W ^ 18| adv. para 17 " par 17 " 4|adv. 17 « par par par 7 adv. dis. a par do. par 17 dis. 1fl90 Dec 5- par • > * • * • » • I dis. a par 20 a 21 disc $ disc* a par 13 disc. 21 a 22 disc- \ 13 disc. 10 a 12 disc do. 1 discdisc, a par 1 disc. I disc. 1 disc. 11 disc 41 " 10 " 4 adv. 7 disc* 4 adv. par par | disc, a i disc. 6£ •« U" Baltimore. 1816. ^ ^ Washington. 1829. ^ ' ^ 1816. Jul L y 20 a 22 adv, do. 18adv, 20 a 22 adv, 15 c 16 adv. 6 a 7 adv. 6 a 7 adv. 2 adv. 12 a 14 adv. 8$ a 9 adv. 2£ adv. adv par Richmond. 1829. ' ' 1816. * Dec 5 Julyl | Norfolk. 1829. *5i 1816. - July 1- Dec par par 5 disc par par par par 1816. July 1. 1829. Dec 5. 9 a 10 adv. do. par par 6<*8adv, par 8 adv. 5 adv. 4 dis. par par par par par 8 adv* 2 adv. 5 a 65 disc* par par par 8 a 9 disc. par 9 a 101 dis. 1 disc. 5 dis. l a U disc. 2 a 2 | dis. do* do. do. par a 3 disc par 21 disc, do* do* 7 a 8 | adv. do. 1829. Dec. 5. 7 a9 par Cltarleston. Savannah. 1816. Jutyh New Orleans. 1829. Dec. 5. 1816. July 1- 1829. Dec. 1. 12 a 15 adv. par Louisville. j disc, 5 a 9 disc, do. do» do* do. do. do* 1816. JuJyl. 1829. Dec 5. 10 adv. par 4 jidv. par par par 3 adv. Lexington. 1816. July 1. 2 adv* 2 adv. 2 adv. disc. 1829. Dec. 5. Cincinnati. } 1816. Ja!y I. par par par \ 1829. Dec*. 4 adv. 1816. July t. >829. Dec. 5. 18 a 25 adv. par * * * •*•» * 10 adv. par 14 disc, i disc. j Pittsburgh. 9 adv. par 1 disc. 4 adv. H disc* par a I adv. APPENDIX, No. HI. BA TES OF EXCHANGE at which Draughts are sold, and Domestic Bills purchased or collected, by the Bank of the United States audits Offices of Discount and Deposit. 1 Bank K States, fl Fotthnd. Wl4 At Bank of tkelL States Office Portland Portsmouth Boston Providence Hartford New York Baltimore Washington • Richmond Norfolk Fayetteville ~ Charleston Savannah Mobile New Orleans * St. Louis Nashville Louisville Lexington Cincinnati Pittsburgh Buffalo clwted. wM clUed!i Pvrtmmih* MSST dttwdT 1 Swim. 7ST chased. Providence. told. «bwed. Hartford. toiJ- chaswl. New York . j wld* diuvd. BaUimm. TOW. *haittl. Washington. n»U. chawd. Bithmnd. tcld. clmsed. Norfolk. JOW. CIIBWHI. Fayeitevilk. aoliK cliawd. Charleston. *oW. chaink Savannah. sold. chajt^U Mobile. >uU* chaK^l. New Orleans. ' told. chased. St. Louis* *ol£ chttfed. Nashville. sold teased. 1 | Louisville. «>M. ehned. Lexington. iokJ. chmed. 1 Cincinnati. *ihU elwwtl. Ptittburgh* «ld. cbuctl. Buffalo. toW. cha«?d. APPENDIX, No. IV. DISTRIBUTION of domestic Bills of Exchange, according to the latest statements, up to the 15//i March, J&JO. • Have now runI The following ning1 to maturity ] branches: the following amount of bills: Philadelphia. Portland. Philadelphia Portland Portsmouth Boston Providence Hartford New York Baltimore Washington Richmond Norfolk Fayetteville Charleston Savannah Mobile New Orleans list. Louis Nashville Louisville Lexington Cincinnati Pittsburgh [Buffalo B 1 1 I i 1 911.518 33,579 43,073 712,590 210,077 47,750 521,785 240,456 84,379 377,539 167,165 113,976 513,051 251,613 677.526 1,303,600 51.001 1,789.601 669,966 614,710 371,988 249,264 160,171 81 76 95 70 12 47 42 34 44 83 27 92 12 12 28 96 04 06 60 44 54 17 15 4,936 53 94,182 16 C0,U0 01 1,080 OfJ 95,953 68 66,026 11 7,182 00 13,535 07 25.041 05 30,750 00 14,327 32 18,762 99 6,610 15 55,775 84 400 00 6,000 00 13,104 94 12,572 56 14,261 09 39,934 36 358 33 5,509 01 1,268 73 4,045 73 6,163 19 5,454 69 .-*= - = --*= = = . . . PAYABLE AT Portsmouth, Boston. 7,500 00 43,729 600 00 16,343 28,659 3,196 66 9.101 4,425 2,791 09 50,747 21,330 3.500 2,000 00 2,550 657 56 5,790 500 202,103 39,959 1,251 68 86,273 297,760 Hartford. Providence. 62 15,877 62 01 6,384 91 00 2,851 63 23,739 97 946 00 00 6,400 52 5,197 00 96 15,721 35 29,800 69 25,799 53 24,690 t * * • • • • 601 i 40 70 78 30 00 01 87 88 79 04 881 40 10,000 00 641,64 1900 00 3,740 00 100 00 ,ig 157 00 New York. Baltimore. Washinjrto]]. Richmond. 83 103,731 52^ 37,652 01 5,000 00 00 94 15 81,719 97 3,666 37 400 00 79 34,527 26 1,000 00 45 51,552 48 5,160 41 81 25,496 56 12 35,154 86 54 12,715 88 6,944 46 34 5,066 80 7,000 00 3,000 00 79 52 33,469 87 3,034 63 72 1,124 50 3,399 6R 99 26,323 11 500 00 45 60,339 21 1 %77l 25 06 4,080 00 250 00 1,050 00 3,220 00 8,550 00 9,617* 13 28,200 00 5,500 00 8,838 33 40,227 64 47,700 00 180 00 2,470 00 10,052 73 4,837 50 ! 115,561 75 8,956 09 283,242 4,013 14,414 10,373 44 342,424 3,382 S3 74,552 6,238 32 31,867 15,826 58 48,254 13,887 432 76 14,163 44,826 56,638 1,964 00 202,262 2,000 00 153,255 352,582 391,623 10,756 Norfolk. 33,685 55\ ' 2,873 68 3,286 61 3,718 71 997 78 Fayetteville. Charleston. 211 78 15,055 31 Savannah. 4,507 19 2,923 27 • •• 4 » 46,577 45 16,152 29 375 00 13,042 27 7,404 02 New Orleans. Mobile. *• | 7,142 17 400 00 1,173 90 6,420 98 53,409 18 14,957 84 6,300 00 133,572 11,788 700 00 9,745 100 23,202 50 14,200 00 2,768 00 13,628 Nashville. Louisville. Lexington. Cincinnati. Pittsburg. 42,474 22 2,895 03 27,131 98 19,524 90 105,074 56 13,550 93 100 00 843 Ijfl 2,414 77 571 87 203 00 98 1,684 73 18,454 500 796 85 73 88 00 09 4,157 77 18,784 121 650 22,254 13,420 20,433 5M 95 00 76 35 13 6,279 21 58,821 75 85 9,436 90 00 2,671 99 1,945 42 65 35 36,738 16 800 00 20 26,544 53 81 10,116,388 51 560,904 19 23,422 75 27,996 99 815,474 45 161,139 37 49,173 52 12,228,445 89 521,608 19 1125,798 33 139,582 24 82,323 82 20,240 11 184,749 70 121,160 05 261,955 87 5,008,382 7S 75,054 09 340,683 61 537,452 52 37,691 16 305,418 54 125,151 09 —' » Various olherii places. | Buffalo. 34,744 99 15,773 S3 50,726 05 122,201 23 15,172 05 74,397 22 25,006 52 1,300 00 288 00 402 12 30,451 2,041 41 29,209 24 10,855 1] 16,679 13,221 59 7,235 05 6,199 34 5,550 00 1,600 00 950 00 14,405 46 963 88 30,794 26,575 00 4,810 76 13,645 37 4,056 61 2,000 <J0! 3,200 00 24,150 20 500 00 173,157 34 4,486 47 62,886 56 125,425 22 8,815 50 12,605 01 4,650 | 8,775 00 19,417 99 I 2,375 38 50 11,748,937 81 4,553 2,950 SO 1 13,948 14 18,728 72 416,939 93 14,331 79 79,179 65 36,743 39 1,000 00 00 297.390 45 101,652 81 27,045 74 97,755 92 11,648 57 24,027 83 66,814 24 1 596 71 467 38 65,986 8,106 82 7,452 12 31,277 67 49,149 70 1,661 18 16,268 04 21,209 50 26,210 21 365 96 3,012 38 1.000 Of) 39,737 88 16,119 S9 58,833 27 43,765 01 56,445 25 19,573 65 26,649 08 1,872 76 2,144 90 1,762 06 455 00 1,465 26 3,165 52 5,679 60 850 00 1.9G0 00 2,785 71 6,699 73 St. Louis. i 44,521 40,607 1 31,995 29,S72 ; 44,251 15 36 27 08 07 4,157 77 338,421 53 !_ , * • , | ~—