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Area Wage Survey The Worcester, Massachusetts, Metropolitan Area June 1967 B u lletin No. 1 5 3 0 -8 1 BUREAU OF LABOR STATISTICS BUREAU OF LABOR STATISTICS REGIONAL OFFICES REGION I — NEW ENGLAND John F. Kennedy Federal Buildi Government Center Room 160 3-13 Boston, M ass. 02203 T e l.: 223-6762 REGION ll — \IID- ATI. AN TIC 34 1 Nin th A v e . New Y o r k , N . Y . 1000! T e l . : 97 1 - 5 4 0 5 REGION III— SOUTHERN 1371 Peachtree St. . NE. Atlanta, Ga. 30309 T e l.: 626-5418 REGIO N TV— NO RT H C EN TR A L 219 South Dearborn St. Chicago, 111. 60604 T e l.: 353-7230 REGION V — WE STERN 450 Golden Gate Ave. Box 36017 San Francisco, Calif. 94102 T e l.: 556-4678 R E G IO N V I— M O U N T A IN -P L A IN S Federal Office Building Third Floor 911 Walnut St. K a n s a s City, M o . 64106 Tel.: 374-2481 Area Wage Survey The W orcester, Massachusetts, Metropolitan Area June 1967 Bulletin No. 1530-81 July 1967 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF LABOR W. Willard Wirtz, Secretary BUREAU OF LABOR STATISTICS Arthur M. Ross, Commissioner For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C., 2 0 4 0 2 - Price 25 cents P r e fa ce C ontents Page The B u reau of La bo r Statistics p r o gr am of annual occupational wage s u r v e y s in metro politan areas is d e signed to provide data on occupational earnings, and e s t a b li sh m en t p r a c t i c e s and supple m entary wage pro vision s. It y ie ld s detailed data by s e le c t e d industry divisions for each of the a r e a s studied, fo r geograp hic reg io n s, and for the United State s. A m a j o r consideration in the p r o g r a m is the need fo r g r e a t e r insight into (1) the m ov em en t of wages by occupational c a t e g o r y and skill le ve l, and (Z) the s t r u c ture and le v e l of w a g e s among a reas and industry divisio ns. Tables: 1. 2. A. E stab lish m en ts and w o r k e r s within scope of s u r vey and number stu died____________________________________________________________ Indexes of standard w e ek ly s a la r i e s and s t r a i g h t -t i m e hourly earnings for s elec ted occupational gro ups, and p ercen ts of change fo r s elec ted p e rio d s______________________________ Occupational e a r n i n g s :* A - 1. Off ice occupations—m en and w o m e n _________________ ___________ A - 2. P r o f e s s i o n a l and technical occupations—m e n and w o m e n ___ A - 3 . O ffic e , p r o fe s s i o n a l, and technical occupations— m en and w o m en c o m b i n e d _______________________________________ A - 4 . Maintenance and powerplant o cc u p atio n s _______________________ A - 5. Custodial and m a t e r i a l m ov em en t occupations________________ Ap pendix. Occupational d e s c rip tio n s___________________________________________ E i g h t y - s i x a r e a s currently are included in the p r o g r a m . Inform atio n on occupational earnings is c olle cted annually in each a re a . Information on establishm en t p r a c t ic e s and s u p p le m e n t a ry wage provisions is obtained b i e n n ially in m o s t of the a r e a s . This bulle tin p r es e n ts result s of the su r vey in W o r c e s t e r , M a s s . , in June 1967. The Standard M e t r o politan S ta tis tic a l A r e a , as defined by the Bureau of the Budget through A p r i l 1 9 66 , c on sists of the city of W o rce ste r and 21 towns in W o r c e s t e r County. This study was c o n ducted by the B u r e a u 's regio nal office in Boston, M a s s . , W e n dell D. M a cdo n ald , D ir e c t o r ; by Leo Epstein, under the d irection of Paul V. M ulkern, A s s i s t a n t Regional D i r e c t o r fo r W a g e s and Industrial Relations. 1 3 areas. * N O T E : Sim ila r tabulations are available fo r other (See inside back cover.) A curren t report on occupational earnings and su pple m en tar y wage pro vis ion s in the W o r c e s t e r a rea is also available for the m a c h in e r y industries (June 1966). Union s c a l e s , indicative of prevailin g pay le v e ls , are available for seven s e le c t e d building tra d e s . Hi 2 3 5 7 oo o o A t the end of each su rvey, an individual a rea b u l letin p r e s e n ts s u r v e y r e s u lt s for each area studied. A fte r com p le tion of all of the individual area bulletins for a round of s u r v e y s , a t w o -p a r t s u m m a r y bulletin is is sued. The f i r s t part b rin g s data fo r each of the metro po litan a re as studied into one bulletin. The second part pr esents i n fo r m ation which has been pr o jec ted fr o m individual m e t r o politan a re a data to rela te to geographic regions and the United States. Introduction__________________________________________________________________________ Wage trends for s e l e c t e d occupational g r o u p s ________________________________ 1 13 Area W age Survey----The Worcester, Mass., Metropolitan Area Introduction Occupational em p lo ym en t and earnings data are shown for f u l l - t i m e w o r k e r s , i . e . , those hired to work a regular weekly schedule in the given occupational c la s s if ic a t io n . Earnings data exclude p r e m iu m pay for o v e r t im e and for work on we ek ends, holidays, and late shifts. Nonproduction bonuses are excluded, but c o s t - o f -l i v i n g bonuses and incentive earnings are included. Where weekly hours are reporte d, as for office c l e r i c a l occupations, r e fe r e n c e is to the stand ard workweek (rounded to the n ea re s t half hour) for which em ployee s r e c e iv e their regular s t r a i g h t -t i m e s a la r i e s (e xc lu siv e of pay for o v e r t im e at regular a n d /o r p r e m iu m r a t e s ). A v e r a g e weekly earnings for these occupations have been rounded to the n ea re s t half dollar. This area is 1 of 86 in which the U.S. Dep artm en t of L a b o r 's Bureau of Labor Sta tistic s conducts surveys of occupational earnings and rela te d benefits on an areawide b a s i s . This bulletin p r e s e n ts current occupational em ploym en t and earnings info rm ation obtained la rgely by m ail fr o m the establishm ents v is ited by Bureau field ec o n om ists in the last prev ious su rvey for occupations reporte d in that ea r lier study. P e rs o n a l v isits w e r e made to nonrespondents and to those respondents reporting unusual changes since the previou s s u rvey . In each a re a , data are obtained fr o m r epresen ta tiv e e s t a b lish m en ts within si x broad industry divisio ns: Manufacturing; t r a n s portation, c om m u n ica tio n , and other public utilities; w h o le sale tra de; r etail trade; finance, in su ra n c e, and real estate; and s e r v i c e s . Major industry groups excluded fr o m these studies are government o p e r a tions and the con st ruction and ex tractive industries. Estab lish m en ts having fe w e r than a p r e s c r i b e d number of workers are omitted because they tend to furnish insufficient employment in the occupations studied to w arrant in clusi on . Separa te tabulations are provided for each of the broad in du st ry d iv isio n s which mee t publication c r it e r i a . The a v e r a g e s presen te d r e fle c t c o m p o s it e , areawide e s t i m ates. Industries and e sta blis h m en ts differ in pay level and job staffing and, thus, contribute diffe re ntly to the e s tim a tes for each job. The pay rela tionship obtainable fr o m the a verages m ay fail to r efle ct a ccu rately the wage sprea d or diffe rential maintained among jobs in individual es t a b lis h m e n t s . S i m i la r l y , d iffe re n ce s in average pay le vels for men and wom en in any of the se lec ted occupations should not be as s u m e d to r e fle c t d iffe re n ce s in pay treatm en t of the sex es within individual e s ta b lis h m en ts . Other po s s ib le fa cto rs which may con trib ute to diffe re n ce s in pay for men and women include: D if fe re n ces in p r o g r e s s i o n within establis hed rate r a n g e s , since only the actual rates paid incumbents are collec ted ; and diffe re n ce s in specific duties p e r fo r m e d , although the w o r k e r s are approp riate ly c la s s if i e d within the s a m e survey job de sc ription . Job d e sc ription s used in cla ssifying e m ployees in these s u rvey s are usually m o r e g en eraliz ed than those used in individual e sta blish m en ts and allow for minor diffe re n ce s among esta blish m en ts in the specific duties p e rfo r m e d . T h e s e su r vey s are conducted on a sample basis becau se of the u n n e c e s s a r y c os t involved in surveying all es ta b lis h m en ts . To obtain optim um a c c u r a c y at m in im u m cost, a gre ater proportion of la rg e than of s m a l l e sta blish m en ts is studied. In combining the data, h ow ev er, all es t a b lis h m e n t s are given their appropriate weight. E s tim a te s b as e d on the e sta blis h m en ts studied are prese nte d, t h e r efo r e, as relating to all es ta blis h m en ts in the industry grouping and are a, except fo r those below the m in im u m size studied. Occupational em p lo ym en t e s tim a tes r ep r es e n t the total in all e sta blis h m en ts within the scope of the study and not the number a c tually surveyed. B ec a u s e of d i ffe re n ce s in occupational structure among es t a b lis h m e n t s , the e s tim a tes of occupational employment o b tained f r o m the sa m p le of e sta blis h m en ts studied s e r v e only to indicate the rela tive im portance of the jobs studied. Th ese d iffe ren ces in o c c u pational stru cture do not m a t e r i a l ly affect the a cc u r ac y of the e a r n ings data. Occupations and Earn ings Th e occupations s elected for study are com m on to a variety of manufacturing and nonmanufacturing in du stries, and are of the fo llo w ing t yp es : ( l ) O ffic e c l e r i c a l ; (2) p r o fes s io n al and technical; (3) m a i n tenance and powe rplant; and (4) custodial and m aterial m o v e m e n t . O c cupational c la s s if i c a t i o n is b ase d on a unifo rm set of job description s desi gn ed to take account of in te resta blish m en t variation in duties within the sa m e jo b . The occupations selected for study a re li sted and d e s c r ib ed in the appendix. The earnings data following the job title s are for all in du s tries c om b in ed. Earnings data for so me of the occupations lis t e d and d e s c r i b e d , or for so m e industry divisions within occupations, a re not pres e n te d in the A - s e r i e s tables because either ( l ) e m p lo y ment in the occupation is too sm all to provide enough data to m er it prese n ta tio n , or (2) th ere is po ssibilit y of dis c lo s u re of individual e s tablish m ent data. E stab li sh m en t P r a c t i c e s and Su pplemen tary Wage Pr ov is ion s Tabulations on s elected establis h m en t pr a ctic es and s u p p le m en tar y wage pro vision s ( B - s e r i e s tables) are not presented in this bulletin. Information for these tabulations is c olle cted biennially in this are a. T h e s e tabulations on m i n im u m entrance s a la r i e s for i n e x perienced wom en office w o r k e r s ; shift diffe re n tials; scheduled weekly h ou rs; paid h olidays; paid vacation s; and health, insurance, and pension plans are presen te d (in the B - s e r i e s tables) in previous bulletins for this area. 1 2 T a b le 1. E s t a b l i s h m e n t s a n d w o r k e r s w it h in s c o p e o f s u r v e y a n d n u m b e r s t u d ie d in W o r c e s t e r , b y m a j o r i n d u s t r y d i v i s i o n , 2 J u n e 1967 Minimum employment in establish ments in scope of study Industry division A ll divisions________________________________________ Manufacturing______________________________________ Nonmanufacturing__________________________________ Transportation, communication, and other public u tilitie s 5------------------------------------W holesale tra d e6 ----------------------------------------------Retail trade 6 ----------------- ---------------------------------Finance, insurance, and real e sta te0 ------ _ Services 6 7 --------------------------------------------------------- Number of establishments M ass. , 1 W orkers in establishm ents Within scope of study4 Within scope of study * _ Studied Studied Number Percent 278 91 64, 000 100 38, 270 50 167 111 46 45 44, 800 1 9 , 200 70 30 26, 150 12, 120 50 50 50 50 50 15 18 50 19 9 10 6 14 9 6 7 2 13 7 1 3, 860 630 3, 580 3, 390 660 - 4, 1, 8, 4, 300 500 300 200 900 1 The W orcester Standard Metropolitan Statistical A rea, as defined by the Bureau of the Budget through April 1966, con sists of the city of W orcester, and the towns of Auburn, B erlin, Boylston, Brookfield, East Brookfield, Grafton, Holden, Leicester, M illbury, Northborough, Northbridge, North B rookfield, Oxford, Paxton, Shrewsbury, Spencer, Sterling, Sutton, Upton, Westborough, and West Boylston in W orcester County. The "w o rk ers within scope of study" estim ates shown in this table provide a reasonably accurate description of the size and composition of the labor force included in the survey. The estim ates are not intended, however, to serve as a basis of com parison with other employment indexes for the area to m easure employment trends or levels since (l) planning of wage surveys requires the use of establishment data compiled considerably in advance of the payroll period studied, and (2) sm all establishm ents are excluded from the scope of the survey. 2 The 1957 revised edition of the Standard Industrial C lassification Manual and the 1963 Supplement were used in classifying establishm ents by industry division. 3 Includes all establishm ents with total employment at or above the minimum limitation. A ll outlets (within the area) of companies in such industries as trade, finance, auto repair service, and motion picture theaters are considered as 1 establishment. 4 Includes all w orkers in all establishm ents with total employment (within the area) at or above the minimum lim itation. 5 Taxicabs and services incidental to water transportation were excluded. 6 This industry division is represented in estim ates for "a ll indu stries" and "nonmanufacturing" in the Series A tables. Separate presentation of data for this division is not made for one or m ore of the following reasons: (l) Employment in the division is too sm all to provide enough data to m erit separate study, (2) the sam ple was not designed initially to perm it separate presentation, (3) response was insufficient or inadequate to perm it separate presentation, and (4) there is possibility of disclosu re of individual establishment data. 7 H otels; personal se rv ic e s; business s e rv ic e s ; automobile repair shops; motion pictures; nonprofit m em bership organizations (excluding religious and charitable organizations); and engineering and architectural service s. Over tw o-thirds of the workers within scope of the survey in the W orcester area were employed in manufacturing firm s. The following table presents the m ajor industry groups and specific industries as a percent of all manufacturing: Industry groups Machinery (except electrical)____________________ P rim ary m e t a ls ______________ . . . Stone, clay, and glass pro du cts__________ ___________ . . . Fabricated m etal products ___. . . Leather and leather pro du cts--------------------------------A p p a re l________________ ____ __ . . . Specific industries 28 15 12 11 5 Special industry machinery (except m etalw orking)_______ 13 Abrasive, asbestos, and m iscellaneous nonmetallic p roducts----------------------------------- . 12 Metalworking machinery and equipm ent_____________________ 11 Blast furnaces, steelworks, and rolling and finishing m ills ___________________________ M iscellaneous prim ary m etals___________________________ 6 Footwear (except ru b b e r)------- _ 5 This information is based on estim ates of total employment derived from universe m aterials com piled prior to actual survey. Proportions in various industry divisions may differ from proportions based on the results of the survey as shown in table 1 above. 3 Wage Trends for Selected Occupational Groups P r e s e n t e d in table 2 a re indexes and p ercen ta ges of change in a v e r a g e s a l a r i e s of o ffice c le ric a l w o r k er s and industrial n u r s e s , and in a v e r a g e earnings of selected plant worker g ro u p s . The in dexes a re a m e a s u r e o f w a g e s at a given tim e , ex p r e s s e d as a percen t of w a g es during the b a s e pe rio d (date of the area su rvey conducted between July I9 6 0 and June 1961). Subtracting 100 f r o m the index y ie lds the p e rc e n ta ge change in wages f r o m the b a s e period to the date of the index. The pe rc e n ta ge s of change or i n c r e a s e rela te to wage changes bet ween the indicated dates. T h e s e es t i m a t e s a re m e a s u r e s of change in a v e r a g e s for the a re a; they a re not intended to m e a s u r e a v e r a g e pay changes in the establis h m en ts in the a r e a . Method of Computing in the occupational group. T h e s e constant weights r efle ct base year em p lo y m en ts w h e r e v e r p o s s i b l e . The a v er a g e (mean) earnings for each occupation w e r e m u lt ip lied by the occupation weight, and the products for all occupations in the group w e r e totaled. The aggregate s for 2 con secutive y e a r s w e r e rela te d by dividing the aggregate for the la te r y ear by the agg re ga te for the e a r li e r y e a r . The resultant r e la ti v e , l e s s 100 pe rce n t, shows the percenta ge change. The index is the product of multiplying the b a s e y ea r rela tive (100) by the relative for the next succeeding y e a r and continuing to multiply (compound) each y e a r ' s r ela tiv e by the p reviou s y e a r ' s index. A v e r a g e earnings for the following occupations w e r e u sed in computing the wage trends: Each of the s e le c t e d key occupations within an occupational group was a s s ig n e d a weight based on its proportionate em p lo ym en t O ffic e c le r ic a l (m en and women): B ook keep in g-m ach in e operators, class B C lerk s, accou n tin g, classes A and B C lerk s, file , classes A, B, and C C lerk s, order C lerk s, payroll C om p tom eter operators Keypunch operators, classes A and B O ffice boys and girls T a ble 2. O ffice c le r ic a l (m en and w om en)— Continued S ecretaries Stenographers, general Stenographers, senior Sw itchboard operators, classes A and B T a b u latin g-m ach in e operators, class B T ypists, classes A and B S k ille d m ain ten ance (m en): C arpe nters E lectrician s M achinists M echanics M echanics (au tom otive) Pa inters P ipefitters T o o l and die m akers U nskilled plant (m en): Janitors, porters, and cleaners Laborers, m a teria l handling Industrial nurses (m en and wom en): Nurses, industrial (registered) Indexes of standard w eekly salaries and straigh t-tim e hourly earnings for se le cte d occu patio n al groups in W orcester, M ass. , June 1967 and June 1966, and percents of change 1 for se le cte d periods Indexes (June 1961=100) Percents o f change 1 Industry and o cc u p a tio n al group June 1967 June 1966 June 1966 to June 1967 June 1965 to June 1966 June 1964 to June 1965 A ll industries: O ffice c le r ic a l (m en and w o m e n )-----------------Industrial nurses (m en and w om en )---------------S k ille d m ain ten an ce ( m e n ) -------------------------U n sk illed p lan t (m e n )---------------------------------- 12 3 .6 125.9 1 2 1 .0 1 2 9 .0 1 1 6 .9 1 1 8 .0 1 1 5 .2 1 2 1 .7 5 .7 6 .7 5 .0 5 .9 5 .5 6. 1 5 .7 6 .8 1 .9 3. 1 2. 8 1 .8 1 .6 0 1. 1 3. 3 2 .7 2. 1 1 .6 4 .2 4 .2 5 .6 3. 2 3 .9 3 .6 1. 1 3 .4 4 .7 M anufacturing: O ffice c le r ic a l (m en and w o m e n )-----------------Industrial nurses (m en and w o m e n )---------------S k ille d m ain ten ance ( m e n ) -------------------------U n sk illed p lan t ( m e n ) ---------------------------------- 120.8 124.2 119.8 132. 1 1 1 4 .8 1 1 7 .4 1 1 3 .9 1 2 5 .7 5 .2 5 .7 5 .2 5 .1 3. 1 6 .6 5 .3 7 .6 2 .0 3 .2 2 .8 2. 1 1. 5 2- . 5 .9 3. 5 3 .2 1 .6 1 .4 3 .3 4. 2 5 .6 2 .8 7 .0 3 .7 1. 1 3 .4 3 .5 1 A ll ch anges are in creases, unless otherwise in dicated. This d eclin e la rg e ly refle cts em ploy ee turnover within and between high- and low -w age establishm ents rather than w age decreases. June 1963 to June 1964 June 1962 to June 1963 June 1961 to June 1962 June 1960 to June 1961 4 For o ffice c le r i c a l w o r k e r s and industrial n u r s e s , the wage trends relate to we ek ly s a la r i e s for the n o r m a l w o rkw eek , ex c lu sive of earnings at o v e r t im e p r e m i u m r a t e s . F o r plant w o r k er g ro u ps, they m e a s u r e changes in a vera ge s t r a i g h t -t i m e hourly earnings, excluding p r e m i u m pay for o v e r t im e and for work on week en ds, hol idays, and late shifts. The p e rc e n ta ge s are b as e d on data for selected key occupations and include m o s t of the n u m e r ic a lly important jobs within each group. Changes in the la bor fo rce can c au se i n c r e a s e s or d e c r e a s e s in the occupational a vera ge s without actual wage c h a n g e s . It is con ceiv ab le that even though all es ta blis h m en ts in an a r e a gave wage i n c r e a s e s , a v er a ge wages may have declined b e c a u s e lo w e r - p a y i n g es t a b lis h m e n t s entered the area or expanded their work f o r c e s . S i m i la r l y , w a g es m ay have rem ained relatively constant, yet the a v e r a g e s fo r an a re a m ay have risen con siderably b ec a u s e h ig h e r-p a y in g e s t a b lis h m e n t s entered the a re a. Lim itations of Data The indexes and p e rc e n ta ge s of change, as m e a s u r e s of change in a re a a v e r a g e s , a re influenced by: (l ) g en eral s a la r y and wage chan ges, (2) m e r i t or other i n c r e a s e s in pay r e c e iv e d by individual w o r k e r s while in the sam e jo b , and (3) changes in avera ge wa ges due to changes in the labor fo r c e resulting f r o m labor turn o ver, fo r c e expansi ons, fo r c e redu ction s, and changes in the p r o p o r tions of w o r k e r s em p lo yed by es ta blis h m en ts with different pay l e v e l s . The use of constant em p loy m en t weights elim in a te s the effect of changes in the proportion of w o r k e r s r e p r e s e n te d in each job included in the data. The p e rc e n ta g e s of change r eflec t only changes in a v er a g e pay for s t ra ig h t -t im e h o u r s . They a re not influenced by changes in standard work sc h e d u le s , as such, or by p r e m i u m pay for o v e r t i m e . Data w e r e adjusted wh ere n e c e s s a r y to r e m o v e f r o m the index es and percen ta ges of change any significant effect caused by changes in the scope of the s u r v e y . 5 A. Table A-l. Occupational Earnings Office Occupations—Men and Women (A v e r a g e s t r a ig h t -t im e w e e k ly h o u r s and e a r n in g s f o r s e l e c t e d o c c u p a t io n s stu d ie d on an a r e a b a s is b y in d u s t r y d iv is io n , W o r c e s t e r , M a s s ., June 1967) Weekly earnings1 (standard) Sex, occupation, and industry division Number of workers Average weekly hours1 ( standard) Number of workers receiving straight-time weekly earnings of— $ Mean2 Median 2 Middle range 2 45 $ $ 50 55 55 $ $ $ $ % 60 65 70 75 80 85 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 $ $ $ $ % $ $ $ $ $ $ S 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 125 130 135 140 150 95 100 105 110 115 120 125 130 135 140 150 160 3 and under 50 MEN $ $ $ $ 39.5 130.50 133.50 126.00- 142.00 - ~ - - 27 38.0 103.50 104.00 96 . GO- 113.00 - - - - 1 30 24 39.5 39.5 64.00 63.50 62.50 62.00 59 . 00- 68.00 58.00- 68.50 _ - 10 10 11 6 4 4 - 24 38.5 91.00 93.00 81.00- 104.00 1 4 BILLERS, MACHINE (BILLING MACHINE) -----------------------------N O N M A N U F A C T U R I N G ------------------ 47 28 38.5 37.5 74.50 67.50 76.00 73.00 60.00- 86.00 54.50- 78.50 10 4 B O O K K E E P I N G - M A C H I N E OP ERATORS, CLASS A ------------------------------M A NU FA CT UR IN G --------------------- 42 40 38.5 38.5 92.50 92.50 93.00 93.00 91.00- 95.00 91.00- 95.00 BO O K K E E P I N G - M A C H I N E OP ER AT OR S, CLASS B ------------------------------M A N U FA CT UR IN G --------------------NO N M A N U F A C T U R I N G ------------------ 61 27 34 38.5 39.5 38.5 77.50 82.50 74.00 80.00 86.50 77.00 68.50- 88.00 72.50- 91.00 66.00- 86.00 CLERKS, AC COUNTING, CLASS A -------M A N U F A C T U R I N G ------ --------------NO NM AN U F A C T U R I N G ------------------ 174 100 74 39.0 105.00 110.00 39.5 108.00 111.50 38.0 101.50 99.00 CLERKS, AC COUNTING* CLASS B -------M A N U F A CT UR IN G --------------------NO NM A N U F A C T U R I N G ------------------ 352 146 206 38.5 39.5 37.5 83.00 79.50 85.50 CLERKS, FILE, CLASS E --------------M A N U FA CT UR IN G --------------------NO NM A N U F A C T U R I N G ------------------ 7C 33 37 39.0 40.0 38.5 CL ERKS, FILE, CLASS C --------------M A N U FA CT UR IN G --------------------NO N M A N U F A C T U R I N G ------------------ 117 35 82 CL ERKS, ORDER ------------------------M A NU FA CT UR IN G -------------- ------- CLERKS, ACCOUNTING, CLASS A 118 CLERKS, ACCOUNTING, CLASS B OFFICE BOYS ---------------------------M A NU FA CT UR IN G --------------------- “ 1 - 1 4 4 1 3 1 4 11 3 2 7 2 25 12 25 27 5 - 10 - 2 - - - - 6 1 3 T A B U L A T I N G - M A C H I N E OPERATORS, 5 4 - WOMEN 8 8 4 4 ~ “ _ _ _ _ ~ ~ ~ - 2 2 _ - 3 3 1 1 8 4 4 5 2 3 87.00- 126.50 95.50- 127.00 79.00- 126.50 _ _ ~ _ 80.00 79.00 83.50 70.00- 100.00 69.00- 88.00 70.50- 102.00 _ - _ - 66.50 72.00 61.50 66.00 71.50 63.00 61.50- 70.50 6 7.00- 80.50 60.50- 66.00 _ 5 - - - 5 38.5 40.0 38.0 63.'50 69.00 61.00 64.50 69.00 62.50 59.00- 71.00 65.50- 78.00 57.00- 68.50 16 _ - - 16 - 32 31 39.5 39.5 80.50 81.50 76.00 76.00 7 2 . SO 91.00 TS. GO- 96.50 _ 1 - - CL ERKS, PAYROLL ----------------------M A NU FA CT UR IN G --------------------NO NM A N U F A C T U R I N G ------------------ 145 88 57 39.0 39.5 38.0 87.50 87.00 87.50 84.50 86.00 84.00 75. 50— 98.00 75.00- 97.50 76.50- 99.00 - - C O M P TO ME TE R OP ER AT OR S --------------- 50 38.0 79.50 86.00 70.00- 89.50 - KEYP UN CH OP ERATORS, CLASS A -------M A NU FA CT UR IN G --------------------N O NM AN UF AC TU RI NG ------------------ 84 59 25 39.0 39.5 38.0 87.00 86.00 85.50 84.50 93.00 105.50 81.00- 93.50 81.00- 90.50 81.00- 108.00 - - See footnotes at end of table, - - _ 9 4 12 8 _ 2 2 _ _ “ “ 1 1 11 9 2 2 2 ~ 2 2 27 25 8 8 6 2 4 8 2 6 5 1 4 17 9 8 6 5 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 - - 2 2 12 8 4 15 2 13 8 6 2 13 6 7 5 2 3 15 9 6 5 4 1 _ “ 45 30 15 41 8 33 44 13 31 46 27 19 27 19 8 36 21 15 13 5 8 13 7 6 56 5 51 _ 6 4 2 20 22 12 10 3 3 6 6 5 5 3 3 20 17 4 13 28 4 24 25 12 13 16 2 14 11 9 2 4 4 _ _ _ 14 14 9 9 3 3 1 1 _ “ 22 19 3 21 12 9 19 9 10 6 2 4 15 13 2 23 15 8 7 5 2 2 2 - - _ _ - _ _ 1 - - “ 1 12 4 8 - 2 6 5 3 5 - 19 8 - 2 _ _ - _ - - 7 6 1 9 6 3 22 16 6 17 16 1 11 11 2 2 _ - - 1 - - 1 - - “ 15 2 13 _ _ _ ~ ~ ~ 16 13 3 14 10 4 2 1 1 40 16 24 28 9 19 3 2 1 3 3 1 1 4 3 l 9 2 7 - _ _ _ _ ~ 10 10 - 3 3 1 1 - - _ _ - - - - - - - - - - “ “ - - _ _ - - - “ _ _ _ _ - - ~ - - _ 2 _ - - - - 2 - 2 2 “ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - “ 6 Table A -l. Office Occupations—Men and W om en — ContinuecL (A v e r a g e s t r a ig h t - t im e w e e k ly h o u r s and e a r n in g s f o r s e l e c t e d o c c u p a tio n s stu d ied on an a r e a b a s is b y in d u s t r y d iv is io n , W o r c e s t e r , M a s s ., June 1967) Weekly earnings1 (standard) Sex, occupation, and industry division Number of workers Average weekly hours1 ( standard) Number of workers receiving straight-time weekly earnings of— $ $ 45 2 Me: i1 Median2 Middle range 2 $ $ 50 55 50 55 60 _ - $ $ $ $ $ $ i $ $ $ $ 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 125 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 125 5 5 37 8 29 28 15 13 29 19 10 40 7 33 29 15 14 14 6 8 1 1 - 5 5 $ $ t $ 30 135 140 150 130 135 140 150 160 2 1 1 10 8 2 6 5 1 4 3 1 _ - 4 4 5 5 3 3 and under WOMEN - CO NTINUED KEYPUNCH OPERATORS, CLASS B -------MANUFA CT UR IN G --------------------N O NM AN UF AC TU RI NG ------------------ 188 75 113 39.0 39.5 38.5 $ 74.00 75.50 72.50 $ 74.00 74.00 75.00 $ 66.0068.5064.00- $ 80.50 82.50 79.50 _ - 38.0 68.00 68.50 62.50- 74.50 - I 1 14 3 9 5 2 39.0 102.50 103.50 39.0 106.00 105.50 97.00 97.50 38.5 92.50- 114.00 97.00- 114.50 82.00- 112.00 _ - - - - 4 4 14 1 13 21 7 14 20 10 10 25 12 13 30 20 10 51 39 12 46 33 13 55 43 12 37 28 9 43 32 11 11 8 3 13 4 9 _ - _ _ 3 - 4 _ _ _ 3 2 _ 13 13 5 4 2 1 - OFFICE GIRLS -------------------------- 35 SECRETARIES3 --------------------------MA NU FA CT UR IN G --------------------NO NM AN UF AC TU RI NG ----------------- 392 254 138 SECRETARIES, CLASS A -------------MA NU FACTURING --------------------- 43 31 39.0 116.00 114.50 110.50- 137.50 39.0 124.50 116.00 112.50-146.00 _ SECRETARIES, CLASS B -------------MA NU FACTURING --------------------NO NM AN UF AC TU RI NG ----------------- 136 66 70 95.50- 117.00 39.0 105.00 107.00 39.5 108.50 108.00 101.00-118.50 38.5 102.50 104.50 89.50- 114.50 _ - _ - - - “ 5 5 9 9 1 1 8 5 3 10 5 5 14 6 8 9 4 5 33 23 10 9 1 8 11 9 2 7 6 1 11 3 8 2 1 1 5 3 2 1 1 1 1 SECRETARIES, CLASS C -------------MA NU FACTURING --------------------NO NM AN UF AC TU RI NG ----------------- 84 47 37 39.5 99.50 101.00 89.50- 113.50 39.5 109.00 112.00 10 1 . GO- 117.00 39.0 87.00 88.00 79. 50- 99.00 _ _ - - 4 1 5 4 8 “ 4 1 5 4 8 9 5 4 9 6 3 10 4 6 5 4 1 13 12 1 12 12 - 2 2 - 1 1 - _ - 1 1 - _ - _ - SECRETARIES, CLASS D -------------MANUFA CT UR IN G --------------------- 129 110 39.0 38.5 98.00 97.50 99.00 99.00 90.00- 105.50 91.50- 104.50 _ _ - - - 7 7 11 10 9 7 11 10 28 27 24 23 17 16 2 2 15 7 _ _ “ 5 l - STENOGRAPHERS, GENERAL -------------MANUFA CT UR IN G --------------------NONM AN UF AC TU RI NG ----------------- 193 153 40 39.0 39.5 38.0 81.50 81.50 81.50 82.00 82.50 77.50 73.50- 90.00 75.00- 89.50 69.50- 100.50 _ - _ - _ - 2 2 “ 20 8 12 36 28 8 26 26 ~ 32 28 4 31 27 4 20 20 10 8 2 10 10 6 6 - - _ - _ - STENOGRAPHERS, SENIOR --------------MA NU FACTURING --------------------- 134 71 38.5 40.0 89.00 87.00 87.50 89.50 7 9 . CO- 96.50 81 .00- 94.00 _ - _ “ _ _ _ “ 8 1 33 15 18 12 16 9 23 20 10 8 8 4 2 - 8 2 4 CLASS A ---- 43 39.5 89. 50 92.00 81 .GO- 97.50 - - - - - 5 8 4 3 13 6 5 - - SWITCHBOARD OPERATORS, CLASS B ---NONM AN UF AC TU RI NG ----------------- 37 33 38.0 38.0 75.50 72.00 71.50 71.00 6 5 . 50- 82.50 64.00- 74.50 _ _ - 7 7 2 2 6 6 12 12 i 1 _ 1 1 1 - _ _ 7 4 SW ITCHBOARD OP ER AT CR -R EC EP TI 0N IS TS MANU FA CT UR IN G --------------------NONM AN UF AC TU RI NG ----------------- 10 5 73 32 39.5 40.0 38.5 80.50 80.00 81.00 79.00 79.00 79.00 73.50- 86.50 73.50- 84.50 74 . GO- 89.00 _ ~ _ “ _ ~ _ ~ 7 7 ~ 27 16 11 24 17 7 19 18 1 8 1 7 8 4 4 5 3 2 5 5 2 2 T R AN SC RI BI NG -M AC HI NE OPERATORS, GENERAL ------------------------------NONMAN UF AC TU RI NG ----------------- 86 63 38.0 37.5 76. 50 77.00 76.50 78.00 6 8 . 00- 84.00 68.00- 85.00 _ _ _ 4 4 29 19 7 4 13 9 15 12 7 7 6 4 4 4 1 _ TYPISTS, CLASS A --------------------MA NU FACTURING --------------------NONMAN UF AC TU RI NG ----------------- 112 58 54 39.5 39.5 39.0 77.50 77.00 78.00 78.50 77.50 82.00 72.50- 85.50 73.50- 83.00 70. GO- 87.50 _ - _ - 1 1 - 8 2 6 8 8 24 18 6 21 16 5 20 13 7 24 5 19 3 2 1 2 2 1 1 - TYPISTS, CLASS B --------------------MANUFACTURING --------------------NONMAN UF AC TU RI NG ----------------- 223 142 81 39.0 39.5 38.0 69.00 70.00 66.50 69.00 71.00 66.50 6 3 . 50- 74.50 65.50- 75.50 60.50- 72.00 _ - _ - 29 10 19 39 23 16 54 31 23 52 42 10 30 20 10 15 14 1 _ - 3 2 1 1 SWITCHBOARD OPERATORS, ~ - - _ _ _ _ - - - - _ - _ - _ - _ - _ - 4 - _ - _ _ _ _ - - - 2 - - - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - “ - - * - - _ - _ - - _ - _ - _ - _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - - - - - - _ - 1 1 Standard hours reflect the workweek for which employees receive their regular straight-time salaries (exclusive of pay for overtime at regular and/or premium rates), and the earnings correspond to these weekly hours. 2 The mean is computed for each job by totaling the earnings of all workers and dividing by the number of workers. The median designates position— half of the employees surveyed receive more than the rate shown; half receive less than the rate shown. The middle range is defined by 2 rates of pay; a fourth of the workers earn less than the lower of these rates and a fourth earn more than the higher rate. 3 May include workers other than those presented separately. 7 Table A-2. Professional and Technical Occupations—Men and W om en (Average straight-time weekly hours and earnings for selected occupations studied on an area basis by industry division, Worcester, M ass,, June 1967) Weekly earnings1 (standard) Sex, occupation, and industry division Number of workers Average weekly hours1 (standard) N u m b e r of workers receiving straight-time weekly earnings of— $ $ 80 Mean2 Median 2 Middle range 2 S 85 $ S 1 90 95 100 $ i 105 110 $ 115 $ 120 125 5 $ 130 $ 135 $ 140 $ S 145 150 * 155 S 160 165 $ 170 $ s 175 and under 180 and 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 125 130 135 14C 145 150 155 160 165 170 175 180 over - “ - - - - 1 1 13 13 17 17 32 32 14 14 25 25 13 13 23 18 23 23 12 12 4 4 13 13 10 10 9 9 _ - _ 8 8 23 23 29 29 19 19 28 26 21 21 24 21 8 8 11 11 3 3 _ - _ - _ - _ _ - 28 28 _ - - ~ 21 15 21 39 39 11 15 22 22 2 2 6 .. _ _ 9 9 9 9 12 12 2 1 5 3 _ _ MEN DRAFTSMEN, CLASS A ------------------M A N U F A CT UR IN G --------------------- 209 20 A $ $ $ $ 40.0 147.50 146.00 133.50-159.00 40.0 147.00 145.00 133.00-159.50 - DRAFTSMEN, CLAS S B ------------------M A NU FA CT UR IN G --------------------- 202 197 40.0 123.00 123.50 113.00-134.00 40.0 122.50 123.00 113.00-133.50 _ - DR AFTSMEN, CLASS C ------------------I IAMl IC A r T1UKlOlb 1in TM/* — — — ... .— —— — nAINUrAb - 161 39.5 101.50 102.00 9 * * * 93.50-112.00 i r\ DU cn 73* UU*“1 1U* _ - 2 WOMEN NURSES, IN DU ST RI AL (REGISTERED) --M A N U FA CT UR IN G --------------------- 53 48 39.5 111.50 111.00 103.00-118.50 39.5 1C9.50 109.00 102.50-117.50 . _ 1 Standard hours reflect the workweek for which employees receive their regular straight-time to these weekly hours. 2 For definition of term s, see footnote 2, table k - 1 . 2 2 6 6 6 5 _ 1 1 _ 1 _ _ _ lalaries (exclusive of pay for overtime at regular and/or premium rates), and the earnings correspond 8 Table A -3. Office, Professional, and Technical Occupations—Men and W om en Combined (A v e r a g e s t r a ig h t - t im e w e e k ly h o u r s and e a r n in g s fo r s e l e c t e d o c c u p a tio n s stu d ied on an a r e a b a s is b y in d u s t r y d iv is io n , W o r c e s t e r , M a s s ., June 1967) Average Occupation and industry division Number of Weekly earnings 1 (standard) (standard) Weekly Number of work ere Weekly (standard) OF FI CE O C CU PA TI ON S OFFICE OC CU PA TI ON S Average Average Occupation and industry division Weekly earnings 1 (standard) - CO NT IN UE D Occupation and industry division Number of workers Weekly hours 1 (standard) Weekly earnings 1 (standard) OFFICE O C CU PA TI ON S - C O NT IN UE D 38.5 37.5 $ 74.50 67.50 KEYPUNCH OPERATORS, CLASS B ------MANUFA CT UR IN G --------------------N O N M AN UF AC TU RI NG ----------------- 188 75 113 39.0 39.5 38.5 $ 74.00 75.50 72.50 T A B U LA TI NG -M AC HI NE OP ERATORS, CLASS B -----------------------------------------------------------------------MA NUFACTURING -------------------------------------------------- 44 26 39.0 40.0 $ 95.50 107.00 42 40 38.5 38.5 92.50 92. 50 OFFICE BOYS AND G I RL S---------------MA NU FA CT UR IN G --------------------NO NM AN UF AC TU RI NG ----------------- 65 37 28 38.5 39.5 37.5 66.00 65.00 67.50 TABU LA TI NG -M AC HI NE OP ER AT OR S, CLASS C -----------------------------------------------------------------------NONM AN UF AC TU RI NG ----------------------------------------- 28 25 39.0 39.0 75.5 0 75.50 B O O K K E EP IN G- MA CH IN E OPERATORS, CLASS B ------------------------------MANUFA CT UR IN G --------------------NONM AN UF AC TU RI NG ----------------- 61 27 34 38.5 39.5 38.5 77.50 82.50 74.00 S E C R E T A R I E S 2--------------------------MANUFA CT UR IN G --------------------N O N M A N U F A C T U R I N G ---------------- - 392 254 138 39.0 102.50 39.0 106.00 38.5 97.00 TR AN SC RI BI NG -M AC HI NE OPERATORS, GENERAL ------------------------------N O NM AN UF AC TU RI NG ------------------ 86 63 38.0 37.5 76.50 77.00 CLERKS, ACCOUNTING, CLASS A -------NO NM AN UF AC TU RI NG ----------------- 292 112 39.0 115.50 38.0 107.00 SECRETARIES, CLASS A -------------MANU FA CT UR IN G --------------------- 43 31 39.0 116.00 39.0 124.50 136 112 58 54 39.5 39.5 39.0 77.50 77.00 78.00 CLERKS, ACCOUNTING, CLASS B -------MA NU FACTURING --------------------N O NM AN UF AC TU RI NG ----------------- 379 155 224 38.5 39.5 37.5 84.50 80.50 87.00 SECRETARIES, CLASS B -------------MANUFA CT UR IN G --------------------N O NM AN UF AC TU RI NG ----------------- 70 39.0 105.00 39.5 108.50 38.5 102.50 TYPISTS, CLASS A --------------------MANUFA CT UR IN G --------------------NO NM AN UF AC TU RI NG -----------------TYPISTS, CLASS B --------------------MANUFACTURING -------------------------------------------------NONM AN UF AC TU RI NG ----------------------------------------- 224 143 81 39.0 39.5 38.0 69.00 70.00 66.50 CLERKS, FILE, CLASS E --------------MA NU FA CT UR IN G --------------------N O N M AN UF AC TU RI NG ----------------- 70 33 37 39.0 40.0 38.5 66.50 72.00 61.50 SECRETARIES, CLASS C -------------MANUFA CT UR IN G --------------------N O NM AN UF AC TU RI NG ----------------- 84 47 37 39.5 99.50 39.5 109.00 39.0 87.00 CLERKS, FILE, CLASS C --------------MA NUFACTURING --------------------NONM AN UF AC TU RI NG ----------------- 117 35 82 38.5 40.0 38.0 63.50 69.00 61.00 SECRETARIES, CLASS D -------------MANU FA CT UR IN G --------------------- 129 110 39.0 38.5 98.00 97.50 CLERKS, ORDER ------------------------MANUFA CT UR IN G --------------------- 53 48 ST ENOGRAPHERS, GENERAL -------------MA NU FA CT UR IN G --------------------NO NM AN UF AC TU RI NG ----------------- 193 153 40 39.0 39.5 38.0 81.50 81.50 81.50 DRAFTSMEN, CLASS A -------------------------------------------MA NU FACTURING -------------------------------------------------- 211 206 40.0 40.0 147.50 147.00 CLERKS, PAYROLL ---------------------MANUFA CT UR IN G --------------------NO NM AN UF AC TU RI NG ----------------- 153 91 62 39.0 39.5 38.0 88.00 87.00 90.00 STENOGRAPHERS, SENIOR --------------MANUFA CT UR IN G --------------------- 134 71 38.5 40.0 89.00 87.00 DRAFTSMEN, CLASS B -------------------------------------------MA NUFACTURING -------------------------------------------------- 2C3 198 40.0 123.00 40.0 122.50 SWIT CH BO AR D OPERATORS, CLASS A ---- 43 39.5 89.50 38.0 SW IT CH BO AR D OPERATORS, CLASS B ---NO NM AN UF AC TU RI NG ----------------- 37 33 38.0 38.0 169 163 50 79.5 0 DRAFTSMEN, CLASS C -------------------------------------------MANUFACTURING -------------------------------------------------- C O M P TO ME TE R OPERATORS --------------- 75.50 72.00 39.5 101.00 39.5 100.00 KEYPUNCH OPERATORS, CLASS A -------MA NU FA CT UR IN G --------------------N O N M A N U F A C T U R I N G ----------- ----- 84 59 25 39.0 39.5 38.0 87.00 84.50 93.00 DR AF TS MEN-TRACERS ----------------------------------------------MANUFACTURING -------------------------------------------------- 41 41 105 73 32 39.5 40.0 38.5 80.50 80.00 81.00 40.0 40.0 SWITCH BO AR D O P E R AT OR -R EC EP TI ON IS TS MANUFA CT UR IN G --------------------N O NM AN UF AC TU RI NG ----------------- NURSES, IN DUSTRIAL (REGISTERED) -------MANUFACTURING -------------------------------------------------- 54 49 39.5 112.00 39.5 110.50 BILLERS, MACHINE (BILLING MACHINE) -----------------------------N O NM AN UF AC TU RI NG ----------------- 47 28 B O OK KE EP IN G- MA CH IN E OPERATORS, CLASS A ------------------------------MANUFA CT UR IN G --------------------- 39.5 99.50 39.5 100.50 66 PR OF ESSIONAL AND TE CH NI CA L O C C U PA TI ON S 90.00 90.00 1 Standard hours reflect the w o r k w e e k for which employees receive their regular straight-time salaries (exclusive of pay for overtime at regular and/or p r e m i u m rates), and the earnings respond to these weekly hours 2 M a y include workers other than those presented separately. 9 Table A -4. Maintenance and Powerplant Occupations (A v e r a g e s t r a ig h t -t im e h o u r ly e a r n in g s f o r m e n in s e l e c t e d o c c u p a t io n s stu d ied on an a re a b a s is b y in d u s t r y d iv is io n , W o r c e s t e r , M a s s ., June 1967) N u m b e r of workers receiving straight-time hou:rly ea rnings of— Hourly earnings 1 $ $ $ t $ $ $ $ t 1 $ $ $ * % $ 5 $ ( $ $ $ $ 1.90 2.00 2.10 2.20 2.30 2.40 2.50 2.60 2.70 2.80 2>.90 3.00 3. 10 3 .20 3.30 3.40 3.50 3.60 3.70 3.80 3.90 4.00 4.10 Number Occupation and industry division M ean1 23 Median 2 Middle range 2 and under and 2.00 2.10 2.20 2.30 2.40 2.50 2.60 2.70 2.80 2.90 3.00 3.10 3.20 3 .30 3.40 3.50 3.60 3.70 3.80 3.90 4.00 4.10 over $ $ $ CARP EN TE RS , M A IN TE NA NC E ------------M A N U FA CT UR IN G --------------------- 78 69 3.14 3.05 3.19 3.09 2.75- 3.36 2.73- 3.33 - E L EC TR IC IA NS , M A IN TE NA NC E ---------M A NU FA CT UR IN G --------------------- 195 173 3.51 3.47 3.53 3.51 3.24- 3.91 3.21- 3.69 _ ENGINEERS, STATIO NA RY --------------M A NU FA CT UR IN G --------------------- 39 37 3.24 3.22 3.29 3.25 3.12- 3.43 3.12- 3.39 - _ - - - - FI RE ME N, S T AT IO NA RY BOILER --------M A NU FA CT UR IN G --------------------- 102 ICO 2.62 2.63 2.45 2.46 2.35- 2.84 2.35- 2.84 _ 4 3 _ M A I N TE NA NC E TRADES -------- 33 2.58 2.46 2.29- 3.05 - 2 3 4 2 10 1 - - 2 - 3 6 MA CH IN E - T O O L OP ERATORS, T O O L R O O M — M A N U F A CT UR IN G --------------------- 270 270 3.04 3.04 3.03 3.03 2.84- 3.2 7 2.84- 3.27 _ 5 5 _ 1 1 10 10 14 14 1 1 15 15 12 12 22 22 33 33 75 75 MA CHINISTS, MA I N T E N A N C E ------------M A N U F A CT UR IN G --------------------- 225 222 3.21 3.20 3.23 3.23 2.96- 3.54 2.96- 3.54 - _ ~ 5 5 - 10 10 6 6 5 1 1 46 46 ME CH AN IC S, AU TO MO TI VE (M A I N T E N A N C E ) -----------------------NO NM AN U F A C T U R I N G -----------------PUBLIC U T I L I T I E S 3--------------- 1C9 86 80 3.14 3.10 3.14 3.24 3.24 3.26 ME CH AN IC S, M A I N TE NA NC E -------------MA NU FA CT UR IN G --------------------- 327 318 3.26 3.25 MILL WR IG HT S ---------------------------MA NU FA CT UR IN G --------------------- 36 34 O I L E R S ---------------------------------M A NU FA CT UR IN G --------------------- HELPERS, $ - - - _ _ ~ - “ - 12 12 11 11 2 1 4 4 5 5 4 4 11 10 13 13 “ 5 5 5 5 l 1 4 4 12 12 12 12 18 17 5 5 1 1 2 2 _ _ _ - ~ - 10 10 _ 3 3 21 21 - - - 8 2 2 - - - - ~ - 2 2 _ - _ ~ - - _ - - - 5 5 36 35 13 13 8 - - - - 6 6 - 6 6 20 19 38 37 12 12 4 4 3 3 2 2 9 9 3 2 _ 1 - _ 4 4 8 8 _ _ 10 10 8 8 9 9 18 18 4 4 23 23 9 9 27 25 5 5 6 6 65 65 14 14 _ 1 1 2 - 9 - 23 22 22 8 6 6 8 8 8 25 16 16 _ - _ ~ 9 9 18 17 - _ - - - - ~ “ 2.69- 3.48 2.67- 3.44 2.68- 3.46 _ - _ - _ - _ - _ ~ _ - 4 4 26 26 26 2 2 1 l ~ 3.32 3.31 2.9C- 3.53 2.90- 3.50 _ _ _ _ _ 6 6 21 21 22 22 13 13 18 17 46 46 7 7 5 4 22 22 17 16 66 66 3.01 3.00 3.03 3.01 2.75- 3.32 2.74- 3.33 - _ _ - - 2 2 5 5 - - 5 5 - ~ ~ 5 5 5 5 2 2 3 1 4 4 3 3 54 54 2.71 2.71 2.83 2.83 2.52- 3.02 2.52- 3.02 5 5 - _ 5 5 1 1 2 2 5 5 3 3 2 2 13 13 3 3 13 13 PIPEFI TT ER S, M A IN TE NA NC E -----------M A NU FA CT UR IN G --------------------- 85 84 3.46 3.47 3.45 3.48 3.31- 3.72 3.31- 3.72 _ - - - - - 5 5 1 1 2 2 2 2 SH EE T- ME TA L WORKERS, M A IN TE NA NC E — MA NU FA CT UR IN G --------------------- 35 35 3.29 3.29 3.31 3.31 3.24- 3.37 3.24- 3.37 1 1 284 284 3.13 3.13 3.10 3.10 3.01- 3.29 3.01- 3.29 29 29 TOOL AND DIE MAKERS -----------------M A N U F A CT UR IN G --------------------- - - - _ - _ _ _ _ 1 Excludes p r e m i u m pay for overtime and for w o r k on weekends, holidays, and late shifts. 2 For definition of terms, see footnote 2, table A-l. 3 Transportation, communication, and other public utilities. - ~ 5 5 10 10 2 5 5 10 10 _ _ - _ _ ~ 2 2 2 2 7 6 23 23 2 2 _ 2 2 1 1 12 12 16 16 l 1 _ 87 87 25 25 47 47 31 31 13 13 - 4 - - 4 1 35 16 14 14 4 4 _ 2 2 _ - _ _ _ _ - - - 25 25 _ 6 6 _ - 2 2 _ 1 ~ 2 2 _ - _ - __ - _ - 3 3 5 5 9 4 2 2 _ _ _ _ _ ~ - 4 4 _ _ - - 16 16 - 2 2 2 2 6 6 _ ~ 24 24 _ - 40 40 _ ~ - _ _ 4 4 _ _ - _ _ _ ~ _ _ - 1 1 _ ~ 10 10 _ _ 10 Table A -5. Custodial and Material Movement Occupations (A v e r a g e s t r a i g h t - t im e h o u r ly e a r n in g s fo r s e l e c t e d o c c u p a t io n s stu d ied on an a re a basis b y in d u s t r y d iv is io n , W o r c e s t e r , M a s s ., June 1967) Number of worker s receiving straight-time hourly earnings of— Hourly earnings2 Occupation1 and industry division of workers $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ % $ $ S $ $ $ $ $ $ S $ 1.40 1.50 1.60 1.70 1.80 1.90 2 .00 2.10 2,.20 2 .30 2.40 2,.50 2.60 2.70 2 .80 2.90 3.00 3. 10 3.,20 3.40 3.60 3.80 4. 00 M ean 3 M edian3 Middle range3 GUARDS AND WATCHMEN ----------------MA NU FACTURING -------------------NO NM AN UF AC TU RI NG ----------------- 226 198 28 $ 2.16 2.16 2.17 $ 2.25 2.25 2.15 $ $ 1.74- 2.59 1.74- 2.59 1.76- 2.68 GUARDS: MANUFACTURING -------------------- 144 2.21 2.32 1.72- 2.63 WATCHMEN: MA NU FACTURING -------------------- and under 1.50 1.60 1.70 1.80 1.90 2.00 2 .10 2.20 2,.30 2 .40 2.50 2,.60 2.70 2.80 2 .90 3.00 3.10 3. 20 3. 40 3.60 3.80 4. 00 over - 41 41 ~ 6 6 35 24 22 2 13 10 3 8 3 1 2 12 11 1 1 1 ~ 27 26 l 11 8 3 10 9 1 25 23 2 31 30 l 1 1 1 25 8 7 14 30 7 2 5 14 14 ~ 1 1 - 14 ~ ~ - - - - - - ~ 54 2.00 1.88 1.76- 2.33 - 6 - 14 10 - 10 - 1 - 2 9 - 2 - - - - - - - JANITORS* PORTERS* AND CLEANERS — MA NUFACTURING -------------------NONM AN UF AC TU RI NG ----------------- 683 5C3 180 2.13 2.26 1.74 2.25 2.34 1.59 1.79- 2.50 2.02- 2.53 1.46- 2.02 90 20 70 35 12 23 33 8 25 15 7 8 29 26 3 50 45 5 45 34 11 20 18 2 49 37 12 123 123 ~ 25 21 4 89 88 1 31 30 1 19 4 15 6 6 ~ 6 6 “ 14 14 “ _ _ _ _ - - - ~ 4 4 ~ ~ ~ “ JANITORS. PORTERS. AND CLEANERS ( W O M E N ) -----------------------------NO NM AN UF AC TU RI NG ----------------- 96 65 1.77 1.60 1.78 1.49 1.47- 2.11 1.45- 1.88 35 35 7 5 2 1 6 6 4 3 4 4 13 11 21 _ 4 LABORERS. MA TERIAL HANDLING ------MANUFACTURING -------------------NONMANUF AC TU RI NG ----------------- 557 49 5 62 2.48 2.50 2.26 2.21 2.21 2.19 1.92- 2. 69 1.94- 2.69 1.69- 2.40 11 8 3 5 4 1 24 11 13 31 30 1 59 54 5 42 42 54 49 5 52 48 4 14 14 - 37 21 16 8 8 ~ 20 20 71 71 “ 4 4 - 13 13 - 7 7 - 4 4 - 10 2 8 12 12 - 17 11 6 5 5 - 16 16 - 41 41 ORDER FILLERS ----------------------MA NUFACTURING -------------------- 225 69 2.53 2.27 2.72 2.49 2.30- 2.76 1.84- 2.74 2 2 4 4 7 7 _ 12 12 1 1 6 6 8 16 - 13 1 2 2 11 11 1 1 134 14 5 5 _ _ - 1 1 _ “ 1 1 _ - 1 l _ “ - PACKERS. SHIPPING ------------------MA NUFACTURING -------------------- 221 220 2.73 2.74 2.49 2.50 2.17- 3.43 2.18- 3.43 17 16 _ - 8 8 8 8 5 5 5 5 17 17 1 1 10 10 40 40 21 21 4 4 2 2 5 5 6 6 8 8 2 2 5 5 14 14 21 21 5 5 8 7 _ _ _ _ - RECEIVING CLERKS -------------------MA NU FACTURING -------------------- 71 51 SHIPPING CLERKS ---------------------- _ - _ - 2.17- 2.83 - 2.09- 2.61 2.C8- 2.69 _ - 2.742.252.863.52- 3.54 3.02 3.56 3.57 _ ~ 2.06- 2.68 2.33- 2.69 _ 2.44 2.51 2.49 2.52 2.22- 2.73 2.35- 2.69 29 2.39 2.29 SHIPPING AND RECE IV IN G CLERKS ----MANUFACTURING -------------------- 63 43 2.28 2.37 2.19 2.53 TR UC KD RI VE RS4 -----------------------MA NU FACTURING -------------------NONMAN UF AC TU RI NG ----------------PUBLIC U T I L I T I E S 5-------------- 759 240 519 319 3.02 2.66 3.20 3.56 3.02 2.88 3.52 3.55 TRUCKDRIVERS, LIGHT (UNDER 1-1/2 TONS) ----------------------MA NUFACTURING -------------------- 47 35 2.37 2.47 2.54 2.58 TRUCKDRIVERS, MECILM (1-1/2 TO AND INCLUDING 4 TCNS) ----------MANUFACTURING -------------------NONMANUF AC TU RI NG ----------------- 115 48 67 2.59 2.47 2.67 2.48 2.26 2.49 2.40- 2.89 2.15- 2.95 2.45- 2.85 TRUCKDRIVERS, HEAVT (OVER 4 TONS TRAILER TYPE) -------------------NONMANUF AC TU RI NG ----------------PUBLIC UTILITIES 5-------------- 295 206 144 3.24 3.34 3.56 3.10 3.53 3.55 2.98- 3.55 2.99- 3.56 3.53- 3.58 TRUCKDRIVERS, HEAVY (OVER 4 TONS OTHER THAN TRAILER TYPE) ------NO NM AN UF AC TU RI NG ----------------- 253 234 3.24 3.27 3.53 3.53 2.86- 3.56 2.88- 3.57 See footnotes at end of table. _ _ - 9 - _ - - 2 _ 4 - _ 14 14 ~ _ 4 4 ~ 4 3 - 2 - 5 5 _ - 8 8 7 7 ~ _ “ 9 5 4 ~ 14 14 ~ 16 16 ~ _ _ 4 ~ 7 7 _ _ “ ~ 5 5 ~ _ “ _ _ - “ _ - _ - 5 5 " ~ 8 8 9 9 7 7 - 4 - - 1 9 8 - _ - 7 7 7 7 _ 9 9 33 9 24 15 7 8 ~ 48 48 ~ 10 8 2 ~ 14 10 4 ~ 14 10 4 “ 82 26 56 87 45 42 ~ 59 55 4 1 1 ~ 6 1 5 5 _ _ 5 5 12 8 2 2 5 5 1 1 _ _ _ ~ 7 7 _ “ “ - - 2 2 _ _ “ 5 5 2 2 ~ - ~ 1 ~ 144 144 144 - 1 _ 5 5 6 6 5 6 15 7 _ ~ 14 14 9 9 ~ _ 8 8 ~ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~ ~ - ~ - ~ - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ ~ _ - _ 24 24 “ _ 36 36 _ - 12 12 “ 6 2 - 1 - - - - - - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - 18 18 68 42 “ _ ~ 7 “ 8 8 ~ 2 2 1 39 28 17 17 2 2 20 20 _ - 2 - 4 4 ~ - _ _ ~ 59 4 _ _ - 326 12 314 314 172 170 - - “ - - _ - 11 Table A-5. Custodial and Material Movement Occupations— Continued (Average straight-time hourly earnings for selected occupations studied on an area basis by industry division, Worcester, M ass., June 1967)1 1 2 3 4 5 6 Data limited to men workers except where otherwise indicated. Excludes premium pay for overtime and for work on weekends, holidays, and late shifts. For definition of terms, see footnote 2, table A -l . Includes all drivers, as defined, regardless of size and type of truck operated. Transportation, communication, and other public utilities. Workers were distributed as follows: 17 at $4.20 to $4.40; and 2 at $4.40 and over. Appendix. Occupational Descriptions The primary purpose of preparing job descriptions for the Bureau’ s wage surveys is to assist its fie ld staff in classifying into appropriate occupations workers who are em ployed under a variety o f payroll titles and different work arrangements from establishm ent to establishment and from area to area. This permits the grouping of occupational wage rates representing comparable job content. Because of this emphasis on interestablishment and interarea com parability of occupational content, the Bureau's job descriptions m ay differ significantly from those in use in individual establishments or those prepared for other purposes. In applying these job descriptions, the Bureau's fie ld economists are instructed to exclude working supervisors, apprentices, learners, beginners, trainees, handicapped, p a rt-tim e, temporary, and probationary workers. O F F IC E BILLER, M ACH IN E BOOKKEEPING-MACHINE OPERATOR Prepares statem ents, b ills, and invoices on a m achine other than an ordinary billings or electro m atic or shipping charges typewriter. M ay or perform also keep records other clerical work to b illin g operations. For wage study purposes, classified by type of m ach in e, as follows: billers, Operates a bookkeeping m achine (R em ington Rand, Elliott Fisher, as to Sundstrand, incidental m ach in e, phase of the work. M ay prepare consolidated reports, balance sheets, and other records by hand. discounts and shinning charges. ^ 7 and entrv of necessarv extensions which m a y or m ay not be computed on the b illin g m ach in e, and totals which are autom atically accum ulated by m ach in e. The oper ation usually involves a large number of carbon copies o f the b ill being prepared and is often done on a fanfold m ach in e. m achine). Uses Class B. Keeps a record of one or more phases or sections of a set of records usually requiring little knowledge o f basic book keeping. Phases or sections include accounts payable, payroll, cus tomers' accounts (not including a simple type of billin g described under b iller, m ach in e), cost distribution, expense distribution, in ventory control, e tc . M ay check or assist in preparation of trial a bookkeeping m achine (Sundstrand, Elliott Fisher, Remington Rand, e t c . , which m ay or m ay not have typewriter keyboard) to prepare customers' bills as part o f the accounts receivable operation. Generally involves the simultaneous entry o f figures on customers' ledger record. The m a chine auto m a tica lly accum ulates figures on a number o f vertical columns and com putes, and usually prints autom atically the debit or credit balan ces. Does not involve a knowledge o f bookkeeping. Works from uniform and standard types of sales and credit slips. with or without a type records and distribution of debit and credit item s to be used in each from customers' purchase orders, internally prepared orders, shipping m em orandum s, e tc . Usually involves application o f predeterm ined (bookkeeping Register, Class A . Keeps a set of records requiring a knowledge of and experience in basic bookkeeping principles, and fam iliarity with the structure of the particular accounting system used. Determines proper com bination typing and adding machines) to prepare bills and invoices m achine Cash are B iller, m achine (b illin g m achine). Uses a special billin g m a chine (M oon Hopkins, Elliott Fisher, Burroughs, e tc . , which are B iller, Burroughs, N ational writer keyboard) to keep a record of business transactions. balances and prepare CLERK, control sheets for the accounting department. AC C O U N TIN G Class A . Under general direction o f a bookkeeper or accountant, has responsibility for keeping one or more sections of a com plete set o f books or records relating to one phase o f an establishment's busi ness transactions. 13 Work involves posting and balancing subsidiary 14 C L E R K , A C C O U N T I N G — C on tin u ed CLERK, O RD ER— C ontinued ledger or ledgers such as accounts receivable or accounts payable; exam ining and coding invoices or vouchers with proper accounting to make up the order; checking prices and quantities of items on order sheet; and distributing order sheets to respective departments to be filled . distribution; and requires judgment and experience in m aking proper M ay check with credit department to determine credit rating of customer, assignations and allocations. acknowledge receipt of orders from customers, follow up orders to see that they have been fille d , keep file of orders received, and check shipping invoices with original orders. closing journal entries; M ay assist in preparing, and m ay adjusting, direct class B accounting Class B. Under supervision, performs one or more counting operations such as posting simple journal vouchers payable vouchers, entering vouchers in voucher registers; bank accounts; and posting subsidiary ledgers controlled and clerks. routine a c or accounts reconciling by general ledgers, or posting simple cost accounting data. This job does not require a knowledge of accounting and bookkeeping principles but is found in offices in which the more routine accounting work is subdivided on a functional basis among several woikers. CLERK, FILE Class A . In an established filing system containing a number o f varied subject m atter files, classifies and indexes file m aterial such as correspondence, reports, technical documents, e tc . M ay also file this m aterial. M ay keep records of various types in con junction with the files. M ay lead a sm all group of lower le v e l file cleik s. Class B. Sorts, codes, and files unclassified m aterial by simple (subject m atter) headings or partly classified m aterial by finer sub headings. Prepares simple related index and cross-reference aids. As requested, locates clearly identified m aterial in files and forwards m aterial. M ay perform related clerical tasks required to m aintain and service files. CLERK, PAYROLL Computes wages of com pany em ployees and enters the necessary data on the payroll sheets. Duties involve: C alculating workers' earnings based on time or production records; and posting calculated data on payroll sheet, showing information such as worker's n am e, working days, tim e , rate, deductions for insurance, and total wages due. M ay make out p a y checks and assist paymaster in m aking up and distributing pay envelopes. M ay use a calculating m achine. COMPTOMETER OPERATOR m atical tical or tom eter of other Primary duty is to operate a C om ptom eter to perform m ath e computations. This job is not to be confused with that of statis other type of clerk, which m ay involve frequent use o f a C om p but, in which, use of this machine is incidental to performance duties. DUPLICATING-M ACHINE OPERATOR (MIMEOGRAPH OR D IT T O ) Under general supervision and with no supervisory responsibilities, reproduces multiple copies of typewritten or handwritten m atter, using a Class C . Performs routine filing of m aterial that has already been classified or which is easily classified in a simple serial classi M im eograph or Ditto m achine. M akes necessary adjustment such as for ink and paper feed counter and cylinder speed. Is not required to prepare fication stencil or Ditto master. May keep file of used stencils or Ditto masters. M ay sort, collate, and staple com pleted m aterial. system As requested, (e .g . , alphabetical, chronological, or num erical). locates readily available m aterial in files and forwards m aterial; and m ay fill out withdrawal charge. Performs simple clerical and manual tasks required to m aintain and service files. KEYPUNCH OPERATOR CLERK, ORDER Class A . phone, R eceives customers' orders for m aterial or merchandise by m a il, or personally. Duties involve any com bination of the follow ing: Quoting prices to customers; m aking out an order sheet listing the item s Operates a num erical an d /or alphabetical or com bin a tion keypunch machine to transcribe data from various source docu ments to keypunch tabulating cards. Performs same tasks as lower le v e l keypunch operator but, in addition, work requires application 15 K E Y P U N C H O P E R A T O R — Continued o f coding skills and the m aking of some determinations, for ex am p le, locates on the source document the items to be punched; extracts inform ation from several documents; and searches for and interprets inform ation on the document to determine information to be punched. M ay train inexperienced operators. Class B. Under close supervision or following specific procedures or instructions, transcribes data from source documents to punched cards. Operates a numerical and/or alphabetical or com bination keypunch m achine to keypunch tabulating cards. May verify cards. Working from various standardized source documents, follows specified sequences which have been coded or prescribed in detail and require little or no selectin g, coding, or interpreting o f data to be punched. Problems arising from erroneous items or codes, missing information, etc. , are referred to supervisor. OFFICE BOY OR GIRL Performs various routine duties such as running errands, operating m inor o ffic e m achines such as sealers or m ailers, opening and distributing m a il, and other minor clerical work. SECRETARY Assigned as personal secretary, normally to one individual. M ain tains a close and highly responsive relationship to the d a y -to -d a y work activities o f the supervisor. Works fairly independently receiving a m ini m u m o f detailed supervision and guidance. Performs varied clerical and secretarial duties, usually including most o f the follow ing: (a) Receives telephone calls, personal callers, and incoming m a il, answers routine inquiries, and routes the technical inquiries to the proper persons; (b) establishes, m aintains, and revises the supervisor’s files; (c ) maintains the supervisor's calendar and makes appointments as instructed; (d) relays messages from supervisor to subordinates; (e) reviews correspondence, m e m oranda, and reports prepared by others for the supervisor's signature to assure procedural and typographic accuracy; and (f) performs stenographic and typing work. M ay also perform other clerical and secretarial tasks o f comparable nature and difficu lty. The work typically requires knowledge o f office routine and understanding o f the organization, programs, and procedures related to the work o f the supervisor. S ECRET A R Y — Conti nue d Exclusions Not all positions that are titled "secretary" possess the above characteristics. Examples o f positions which are excluded from the def inition are as follows: (a) Positions which do not m eet the "personal" secretary concept described above; (b) stenographers not fully trained in secretarial type duties; (c) stenographers serving as office assistants to a group o f professional, tech n ica l, or m anagerial persons; (d) secretary posi tions in which the duties are either substantially more routine or substan tia lly more com plex and responsible than those characterized in the def inition; a n d (e ) assistant type positions which involve more difficult or more responsible tech n ical, administrative, supervisory, or specialized clerical duties which are not typical o f secretarial work. NOTE: The term "corporate o ffic e r ," used in the level definitions follow ing, refers to those officials who have a significant corporate-wide policym aking role with regard to m ajor company activities. The title "v ic e president, " though normally indicative o f this role, does not in all cases identify such positions. V ice presidents whose primary responsibility is to act personally on individual cases or transactions (e. g. , approve or deny individual loan or credit actions; administer individual trust accounts; directly supervise a clerical staff) are not considered to be "corporate o fficers" for purposes o f applying the following le v e l definitions. Class A a. Secretary to the chairman o f the board or president o f a company that em ployes, in a ll, over 100 but fewer than5 ,0 0 0 persons; or b. Secretary to a corporate officer (other than the chairman o f the board or president) o f a company that employs, in a ll, over 5, OCX) but fewer than 2 5 ,0 0 0 persons; or c. Secretary to the head (im m ediately below the corporate officer le v e l) o f a m ajor segment or subsidiary o f a company that employs, in a ll, over 25, 000 persons. Class B a. Secretary to the chairman o f the board or president o f a company that em ploys, in a ll, fewer than 100 persons; or b. Secretary to a corporate officer (other than chairman of the board or president) of a company that em ploys, in a ll, over 100 but fewer than 5 ,0 0 0 persons; or 16 SECRETARY— Continued STENOGRAPHER, GENERAL— Continued c. Secretary to the head (im m ediately below the officer le v e l) over either a m ajor corporate-wide functional activity (e. g. , m arketing, research, operations, industrial relations, etc. ) or a m ajor geographic or organizational segm ent (e. g. , a regional headquarters; a m ajor division) o f a com pany that em ploys, in a ll, over 5 ,0 0 0 but fewer than 2 5 ,0 0 0 em ployees; or May maintain files, keep sim ple records, or perform other relatively routine clerical tasks. May operate from a stenographic pool. Does not include transcribing-machine work. (See transcribing-m achine operator. ) STENOGRAPHER, SENIOR Primary duty is to take dictation involving a varied technical or specialized vocabulary such as in le g a l briefs or reports on scientific re search from one or more persons either in shorthand or by Stenotype or sim ilar m achine; and transcribe dictation. May also type from written copy. May also set up and m aintain files, keep records, etc. Secretary to the head o f a large and important organizational d. Secretary to the head o f an individual plant, factory, etc. (or other equivalent le ve l o f o fficial) that em ploys, in a ll, over 5 ,0 0 0 persons; or e. segment (e. g. , a m iddle m anagem ent supervisor o f an organizational seg ment often involving as many as several hundred persons) o f a com pany that em ploys, in a ll, over 2 5 ,0 0 0 persons. Class C a. Secretary to an executive or m anagerial person whose respon sibility is not equivalent to one o f the specific level situations in the def inition for class B, but whose subordinate staff normally numbers at least several dozen em ployees and is usually divided into organizational segments which are often, in turn, further subdivided. In some com panies, this le v e l includes a wide range o f organizational echelons; in others, only one or two; or b. Secretary to the head o f an individual plant, factory, etc. (or other equivalent le v e l o f official) that em ploys, in a ll, fewer than 5 ,0 0 0 persons. Class D a. Secretary to the supervisor or head o f a sm all organizational unit (e. g. , fewer than about 25 or 30 persons); or b. Secretary to a nonsupervisory staff specialist, professional em p loyee, administrative officer, or assistant, skilled technician or expert. (NOTE: Many companies assign stenographers, rather than secretaries as described above, to this level o f supervisory or nonsupervisory worker. ) STENOGRAPHER, GENERAL Primary duty is to take dictation involving a normal routine vo cabulary from one or more persons either in shorthand or by Stenotype or similar m ach in e; and transcribe dictation. May also type from written copy. OR Performs stenographic duties requiring significantly greater inde pendence and responsibility than stenographers, general as evidenced by the follow ing: Work requires high degree o f stenographic speed and accuracy; and a thorough working knowledge o f general business and o ffice procedures and o f the specific business operations, organization, p o licies, procedures, files, workflow, etc. Uses this knowledge in performing stenographic duties and responsible clerical tasks such as, m aintaining followup files; assembling m aterial for reports, memorandums, letters, etc. ; composing sim ple letters from general instructions; reading and routing incom ing m a il; and answering routine questions, etc. Does not include transcribing-m achine work. SWITCHBOARD OPERATOR Class A . Operates a sin gle- or m u ltip le-p osition telephone switch board handling incom ing, outgoing, intraplant or o ffice calls. Performs full telephone information service or handles com p lex calls, such as conference, c o lle c t, overseas, or similar calls, either in addition to doing routine work as described for switchboard operator, class B, or as a fu ll-tim e assignment. ("F u ll" telephone information service occurs when the establishment has varied functions that are not readily understandable for telephone informa tion purposes, e. g. , because o f overlapping or interrelated functions, and consequently present frequent problems as to which extensions are appro priate for calls. ) Class B. Operates a sin gle- or m u ltip le-p o sitio n telephone switch board handling incom ing, outgoing, intraplant or o ffice calls. M ay handle routine long distance calls and record tolls. M ay perform lim ited telephone information service. ("L im ite d " telephone inform ation service occurs i f the functions o f the establishment serviced are readily understandable for te le phone information purposes, or if the requests are routine, e. g. , giving extension numbers when specific names are furnished, or if com p lex calls are referred to another operator. ) 17 S W IT C H B O A R D O P E R A T O R -R E C E P T IO N IS T In addition to performing duties of operator on a single position or m on itor-type switchboard, acts as receptionist and m ay also type or perform routine c le rica l work as part of regular duties. This typing or c le rica l work m ay take the m ajor part of this worker's tim e while at T A B U L A T I N G -M A C H I N E O P E R A T O R — C o n tin u e d specific instructions. M ay include simple wiring from diagrams and some filin g w oik. The work typ ically unit, for e x a m p le, operations. individual sorting or collating involves portions of a work runs or repetitive switchboard. TRAN SCRIBING -M ACH INE OPERATOR, GENERAL Primary duty is to transcribe dictation involving a normal routine TA B U L A T IN G -M A C H IN E OPERATOR Class A . Operates a variety of tabulating or electrical account ing m ach in es, ty p ica lly including such machines as the tabulator, vocabulary from transcribing-machine records. M ay also type from written copy and do sim ple clerical work. Workers transcribing dictation involving a varied technical or specialized vocabulary such as lega l briefs or reports on scientific research are not included. A worker who takes dictation in calculator, interpreter, collator, and others. Performs com plete reporting assignments without close supervision, and performs difficult shorthand or by Stenotype or sim ilar m achine is classified as a stenographer, general. wiring as required. The com plete reporting and tabulating assign ments typ ica lly involve a variety of long and com plex reports which often are o f irregular or nonrecurring type requiring some planning and sequencing o f steps to be taken. As a more experienced oper ator, is typ ica lly involved in training new operators in m achine operations, or partially trained operators in wiring from diagrams and operating sequences of long and com plex reports. Does not TYPIST include working supervisors performing tabulating-m achine operations and d a y -to -d a y supervision of the work and production of a group of tab u latin g-m ach in e operators. Class B. Operates more difficult tabulating or electrical account ing m achines such as the tabulator and calculator, in addition to the Uses a typewriter to make copies o f various m aterial or to make out bills after calculations have been m ade by another person. M ay in clude typing of stencils, m ats, or sim ilar m aterials for use in duplicating processes. M ay do clerical work involving little special training, such as keeping sim ple records, filin g records and reports, or sorting and dis tributing incom ing m a il. Class A . Performs one or more of the follow ing: Typing m a sorter, reproducer, and collator. This work is performed under specific instructions and m ay include the performance of some wiring from diagram s. The work typically involves, for ex a m p le, tabulations terial in final form when it involves com bining m aterial from several sources or responsibility for correct spelling, syllabication, punctu ation, e tc . , o f technical or unusual words or foreign language m a involving a repetitive accounting exercise, a com plete but sm all tabulating study, or parts of a longer and more com plex report. Such reports and studies are usually of a recurring nature where the pro terial; and planning layout and typing o f com p licated statistical tables to m aintain uniform ity and balance in spacing. M ay type routine form letters varying details to suit circumstances. cedures are w e ll established. M ay also include the training o f new em p loyees in the basic operation of the m achine. Class B. Performs one or more of the follow ing: Copy typing from rough or clear drafts; routine typing o f forms, insurance policies, Class C . Operates simple tabulating or electrical accounting m achines such as the sorter, reproducing punch, collator, e t c . , with e t c . ; and setting up simple standard tabulations, or copying more com p lex tables already setup and spaced properly. 18 PROFESSIONAL TECHNICAL D RAFTSM AN D RAFTSM AN Class A . Plans the graphic presentation of com plex item s having distinctive design features that differ significantly from established drafting precedents. Works in close support with the design originator, and m ay recom m end minor design changes. Analyzes the e ffe ct of each change on the details of form , function, and positional relation ships of components and parts. Works with a m inim um of supervisory assistance. C om pleted work is reviewed by design originator for con sistency with prior engineering determinations. M ay either prepare drawings, or direct their preparation by lower le v e l draftsmen. Class B. Performs nonroutine and com plex drafting assignments that require the application of most of the standardized drawing tech niques regularly used. Duties typ ically involve such work as: Prepares working drawings of subassemblies with irregular shapes, m ultiple functions, and precise positional relationships between components; prepares architectural drawings for construction of a building including detail drawings of foundations, w all sections, floor plans, and roof. Uses accepted formulas and manuals in m aking necessary computations to determine quantities of m aterials to be used, load capacities, strengths, stresses, etc . R eceives initial instructions, requirements, and advice from supervisor. AND C om pleted work is checked for technical Continued Suggested methods of approach, applicable precedents, and advice on source materials are given with initial assignments. Instructions are less com plete when assignments recur. Work m ay be spot-checked during progress. D R AFT SM AN - TRACER Copies plans and drawings prepared by others by placing tracing cloth or paper over drawings and tracing with pen or pen cil. (Does not include tracing lim ited to plans prim arily consisting o f straight lines and a large scale not requiring close d e lin e a tio n .) an d /or Prepares simple or repetitive drawings of easily visualized item s. is closely supervised during progress. NURSE, Work INDUSTRIAL (REGISTERED) A registered nurse who gives nursing service under general m ed ica l direction to ill or injured em ployees or other persons who becom e ill or suffer an accident on the premises o f a factory or other establishm ent. adequacy. Duties involve a combination of the follow ing: Giving first aid to the ill or injured; attending to subsequent dressing o f em ployees' injuries; keeping Class C . Prepares detail drawings o f single units or parts for engineering, construction, manufacturing, or repair purposes. Types records of patients treated; preparing accident reports for com pensation or other purposes; assisting in physical exam inations and health evaluations of applicants and em ployees; and planning and carrying out programs o f drawings prepared include isometric projections (depicting three dimensions in accurate scale) and sectional views to clarify positioning o f components and convey needed information. Consolidates details from a number of sources and adjusts or transposes scale as required. MAINTENANCE involving health education, accident prevention, evaluation of plant en vironm ent, or other activities affecting the health, w elfare, and safety of all personnel. AND POWERPLANT CARPENTER, M AINTENANCE CARPENTER, MAINTENANCE— Continued Performs the carpentry duties necessary to construct and m aintain in good repair building woodwork and equipm ent such as bins, cribs, counters, benches, partitions, doors, floors, stairs, casings, and trim made of wood in an establishment. Work involves most of the follow in g: Plan ning and laying out o f work from blueprints, drawings, m odels, or verbal instructions; using a variety of carpenter's handtools, portable power tools, and standard measuring instruments; m aking standard shop computations relating to dimensions of work; and selecting m aterials necessary for the work. In general, the work of the m aintenance carpenter requires rounded training and experience usually acquired through a form al ap prenticeship or equivalent training and experience. 19 E L E C T R IC IA N , HELPER, M A IN T E N A N C E Performs a variety of electrical trade functions such as the in stallation, m ain ten an ce, or repair of equipment for the generation, dis tribution, or utilization o f electric energy in an establishment. Work involves m ost o f the follow ing: Installing or repairing any of a variety of e lectrica l equipm ent such as generators, transformers, switchboards, con trollers, circuit breakers, motors, heating units, conduit systems, or other transmission equipm ent; working from blueprints, drawings, layouts, or other specifications; locating and diagnosing trouble in the electrical system or equipm ent; working standard computations relating to load requirements o f wiring or electrical equipment; and using a variety of electrician 's handtools and measuring and testing instruments. In general, the work of the m aintenance electrician requires rounded training and M A IN T E N A N C E T R A D E S — C ontinued a worker supplied with materials and tools; cleaning working area, m a chine, and equipm ent; assisting journeyman by holding materials or tools; and performing other unskilled tasks as directed by journeyman. The kind of work the helper is perm itted to perform varies from trade to trade: In some trades the helper is confined to supplying, liftin g, and holding m a terials and tools and cleaning working areas; and in others he is permitted to perform specialized machine operations, or parts of a trade that are also performed by workers on a fu ll-tim e basis. M A CH IN E-TO O L OPERATOR, TOOLROOM experience usually acquired through a formal apprenticeship or equivalent Specializes in the operation of one or more types of machine tools, such as jig borers, cylindrical or surface grinders, engine lathes, or m illin g m achines, in the construction of m achine-shop tools, gages, jigs, fixtures, or dies. Work involves most of the follow ing: Planning training and experience. ENGINEER, S T A T IO N A R Y Operates and maintains and may also supervise the operation of and performing difficult m achining operations; processing items requiring com plicated setups or a high degree of accuracy; using a variety of pre stationary engines and equipm ent (m echanical or electrical) to supply the establishm ent in which em ployed with power, heat, refrigeration, or cision measuring instruments; selecting feeds, speeds, tooling, and oper ation sequence; and making necessary adjustments during operation to air-con dition in g. Work involves: Operating and maintaining equipment such as steam engines, air compressors, generators, motors, turbines, ventilating and refrigerating equipment, steam boilers and b oile r-fe d water pumps; m aking equipm ent repairs; and keeping a record of operation of m achinery, tem perature, and fuel consumption. May also supervise achieve requisite tolerances or dimensions. M ay be required to recognize when tools need dressing, to dress tools, and to select proper coolants and cutting and lubricating oils. For cross-industry wage study purposes, these operations. H ead or ch ief engineers in establishments m ach in e-to ol operators, toolroom , cluded from this classification. in tool and die jobbing shops are e x em ploying more than one engineer are excluded. M ACH IN IST, FIREM AN, S T A T IO N A R Y BOILER Fires stationary boilers to furnish the establishment in which em p loyed with h e a t, power, or steam. Feeds fuels to fire by hand or operates a m ech an ical stoker, or gas or oil burner; and checks water and safety v alv es. M ay cle a n , o il, or assist in repairing boilerroom equipm ent. HELPER, M AIN TE N A N C E TRADES Assists one or more workers in the skilled maintenance trades, by performing specific or general duties of lesser skill, such as keeping M AINTENANCE Produces replacem ent parts and new parts in making repairs of m etal parts of m echanical equipment operated in an establishment. Work involves most of the follow ing: Interpreting written instructions and speci fications; planning and laying out of work; using a variety of machinist's handtools and precision measuring instruments; setting up and operating standard machine tools; shaping of m etal parts to close tolerances; making standard shop computations relating to dimensions of work, tooling, feeds, and speeds of m achining; knowledge of the working properties of the com m on m etals; selecting standard m aterials, parts, and equipment re quired for his work; and fitting and assembling parts into mechanical equipm ent. In general, the m achinist's work normally requires a rounded training in m achine-shop practice usually acquired through a formal ap prenticeship or equivalent training and experience. 20 OILER M ECH ANIC, A U T O M O T IV E (M AINTENANCE) Repairs autom obiles, tablishment. equipment to performing motortrucks, and tractors o f an es Work involves most of the follow ing: Examining automotive diagnose buses, source of trouble; repairs that involve the disassembling equipm ent and use of such handtools as wrenches, gages, drills, or specialized equipment in disassembling or fitting parts; replacing broken or defective parts from stock; grinding and adjusting valves; reassembling and installing the various assemblies in the vehicle and making necessary adjustments; and alining wheels, adjusting brakes and lights, or tightening body bolts. In general, the work of the auto motive m echanic requires rounded training and experience usually acquired through a formal MECHANIC, apprenticeship Lubricates, with oil or grease, the m oving parts or wearing sur faces of m echanical equipment of an establishm ent. or equivalent training and experience. PAINTER, MAINTENANCE Paints and redecorates w alls, woodwork, and fixtures of an es tablishment. Work involves the follow in g: Knowledge of surface p ecu li arities and types of paint required for different applications; preparing surface for painting by removing old finish or by placing putty or filler in nail holes and interstices; and applying paint with spray gun or brush. M ay m ix colors, oils, white lead , and other paint ingredients to obtain proper color or consistency. In general, the work of the m aintenance painter requires rounded training and experience usually acquired through a formal apprenticeship or equivalent training and experience. MAINTENANCE Repairs m achinery or m echanical equipment of an establishment. Work involves most of the follow ing: Examining machines and m echanical equipment to diagnose source of trouble; dismantling or partly dismantling m achines and performing repairs that m ainly involve the use of handtools in scraping and fitting parts; replacing broken or defective parts with items obtained from stock; ordering the production of a replacem ent part by a machine shop or sending o f the m achine to a machine shop for m ajor repairs; preparing written specifications for m ajor repairs or for the pro duction of parts ordered from machine shop; reassembling m achines; and making all necessary adjustments for operation. In general, the work of a maintenance m echanic requires rounded training and experience usually acquired through a form al apprenticeship or equivalent training and e x perience. Excluded from this classification are workers whose primary duties involve setting up or adjusting m achines. MILLWRIGHT Installs new machines or heavy equipm ent, and dismantles and installs m achines or heavy equipment when changes in the plant layout are required. Work involves most of the follow ing: Planning and laying out o f the work; interpreting blueprints or other specifications; using a variety o f handtools and rigging; parts to be used; and installing and maintaining in good order power transmission equipm ent such as drives and speed reducers. In general, the m illw right's work norm ally requires a rounded training and experience in the trade acquired through a formal apprenticeship or equivalent train Installs or repairs water, steam , gas, or other types of pipe and pipefittings in an establishment. Work involves most o f the follow ing: Laying out of work and measuring to locate position of pipe from drawings or other written specifications; cutting various sizes of pipe to correct lengths with chisel and ham m er or oxyacetylene torch or pip e-cu ttin g m achine; threading pipe with stocks and dies; bending pipe by hand-driven or power-driven machines; assembling pipe with couplings and fastening pipe to hangers; making standard shop computations relating to pressures, flow , and size of pipe required; and m aking standard tests to determine whether finished pipes m eet specifications. In general, the work of the maintenance pipefitter requires rounded training and experience usually acquired through a formal apprenticeship or equivalent training and e x perience. Workers primarily engaged in installing and repairing building sanitation or heating systems are exclu ded. PLUMBER, MAINTENANCE m aking standard shop computations re lating to stresses, strength of m aterials, and centers of gravity; alining and balancing o f equipm ent; selecting standard tools, equipm ent, and ing and experience. PIPEFITTER, MAINTENANCE Keeps the plumbing system o f an establishm ent in good order. Work involves: Knowledge of sanitary codes regarding installation of vents and traps in plumbing system; installing or repairing pipes and fixtures; and opening clogged drains with a plunger or plum ber's snake. In general, the work of the maintenance plumber requires rounded training and e x perience usually acquired through a form al apprenticeship or equivalent training and experience. 21 S H E E T -M E T A L W O R K E R , T O O L A N D DIE M A K E R — C on tin u ed M A IN T E N A N C E Fabricates, installs, and maintains in good repair the sh eet-m etal equipm ent and fixtures (such as machine guards, grease pans, shelves, lockers, tanks, ventilators, chutes, ducts, m etal roofing) of an establish m ent. Work involves most of the following: Planning and laying out all volves most of the follow ing: Planning and laying out of work from m odels, blueprints, drawings, or other oral and written specifications; using a variety of tool and die maker's handtools and precision measuring instru types of sh ee t-m eta l m aintenance work from blueprints, m odels, or other specifications; setting up and operating all available types of sh e e t-m e ta l working m achines; using a variety of handtools in cutting, bending, form ing, shaping, fittin g, and assembling; and installing sh eet-m etal articles ments, understanding of the working properties of com m on metals and alloys; setting up and operating of machine tools and related equipment; making necessary shop computations relating to dimensions of work, speeds, feeds, and tooling of machines; heattreating of m etal parts during fabri as required. In general, the work of the maintenance sh eet-m etal worker requires rounded training and experience usually acquired through a formal cation as w ell as of finished tools and dies to achieve required qualities; working to close tolerances; fitting and assembling of parts to prescribed apprenticeship or equivalent training and experience. tolerances and allowances; and selecting appropriate m aterials, tools, and processes. In general, the tool and die m aker's work requires a rounded training in m achine-shop and toolroom practice usually acquired through a formal apprenticeship or equivalent training and experience. TOOL AN D DIE M AKER (D ie m aker; jig m aker; tool maker; fixture maker; gage maker) Constructs and repairs or dies for forgings, punching, m achine-shop tools, gages, jig s, fixtures and other m etal-form ing work. Work in CUSTODIAL AND ELEVATOR O PERATOR, PASSENGER For cross-industry wage study purposes, tool and die makers in tool and die jobbing shops are excluded from this classification. MATERIAL MOVEMENT JANITOR, PORTER, Transports passengers between floors of an office building, apart OR CLEANER— Continued or other establishment. Duties involve a com bination o f the following: m ent house, department store, h otel, or similar establishment. Workers who operate elevators in conjunction with other duties such as those of starters and janitors are excluded. Sweeping, mopping or scrubbing, and polishing floors; removing chips, trash, and other refuse; dusting equipm ent, furniture, or fixtures; polishing m etal fixtures or trimmings; providing supplies and minor maintenance G UARD A N D W A T C H M A N services; and cleaning lavatories, showers, and restrooms. specialize in window washing are excluded. Guard. Performs routine police duties, either at fixed on tour, m aintaining order, using arms or force where necessary. gatem en who are stationed and other persons entering. W atch m an . property against fire, JAN ITOR , PORTER, post or Includes at gate and check on identity of em ployees Makes rounds of premises periodically in protecting th eft, and illegal entry. OR CLEANER (Sweeper; charwoman; janitress) Cleans and keeps in an orderly condition factory working areas and washrooms, or premises of an office , apartment house, or com m ercial Workers who LABORER, MATERIAL HANDLING (Loader and unloader; handler and stacker; shelver; trucker; stockman or stock helper; warehouseman or warehouse helper) A worker em ployed in a warehouse, manufacturing plant, store, or other establishment whose duties involve one or more of the following: Loading and unloading various materials and merchandise on or from freight cars, trucks, or other transporting devices; unpacking, shelving, or placing materials or merchandise in proper storage location; and transporting m a terials or merchandise by handtruck, car, or wheelbarrow. Longshoremen, who load and unload ships are excluded. 22 ORD ER FILLER SHIPPING A N D RECEIVING CLERK— C o n tin u e d For wage study purposes, workers are classified as follows: (Order picker; stock selector; warehouse stockman) Receiving clerk Fills shipping or transfer orders merchandise in accordance for finished goods from stored with specifications on sales slips, customers’ orders, or other instructions. M ay, in addition to fillin g orders and in dicating items filled or om itted, keep records o f outgoing orders, requi sition additional stock or report short supplies to supervisor, and perform other related duties. PACKER, SHIPPING Prepares finished products for shipment or storage by placing them in shipping containers, the specific operations performed being dependent upon the type, size, and number of units to be packed, the type of con tainer em p loyed , and method of shipment. Work requires the placing o f items in shipping containers and m ay involve one or more of the follow ing: Knowledge of various items of stock in order to verify content; selection of appropriate type and size of container; inserting enclosures in container; using excelsior or other material to prevent breakage or dam age; closing and sealing container; and applying labels or entering identifying data on container. Packers who also make wooden boxes or crates are excluded. SHIPPING AN D RECEIVING CLERK Shipping clerk Shipping and receiving clerk TRUCKDRIVER Drives a truck within a city or industrial area to transport m a terials, merchandise, equipment, or m en between various types o f es tablishments such as: Manufacturing plants, freight depots, warehouses, wholesale and retail establishments, or between retail establishments and customers’ houses or places of business. M ay also load or unload truck with or without helpers, make minor m ech an ical repairs, and keep truck in good working order. D river-salesm en and o v er-th e -ro a d drivers are excluded. For wage study purposes, truckdrivers are classified by size and type o f equipment, as follows: (T ractor-trailer should be rated on the basis of trailer c a p a c ity .) Truckdriver (com bination o f sizes listed separately) Truckdriver, light (under 1 tons) Truckdriver, medium ( 1 V 2 to and including 4 tons) Truckdriver, heavy (over 4 tons, trailer type) Truckdriver, heavy (over 4 tons, other than trailer type) Prepares merchandise for shipment, or receives and is responsible for incom ing shipments o f merchandise or other m aterials. Shipping work TRUCKER, involves: A knowledge o f shipping procedures, practices, routes, available means of transportation, and rates; and preparing records of the goods Operates a manually controlled g aso lin e- or electric-pow ered truck or tractor to transport goods and m aterials of all kinds about a shipped, making up bills o f lading, posting weight and shipping charges, warehouse, and keeping a file o f shipping records. May direct or assist in preparing the merchandise for shipment. R eceiving work involves: Verifying or directing others in verifying the correctness of shipments against bills o f lading, invoices, or other records; checking for shortages and rejecting damaged goods; routing merchandise or materials to proper departments; and m aintaining necessary records and files. POWER manufacturing plant, or other establishment. For wage study purposes, workers are classified by type o f truck, as follows: Trucker, Trucker, power (forklift) power (other than forklift) A v a i l a b l e O n R e q u e s t ----The seventh annual r e p o r t on s a l a r i e s f o r a c c o u n t a n t s , a u d i t o r s , attorneys, chem ists, engineers, engineering technicians, draftsmen, t r a c e r s , jo b an a l y s ts , d i r e c t o r s o f p e r s o n n e l , m a n a g e r s o f o f f i c e s e r v i c e s , b u y e r s , f r e i g h t rate c l e r k s , and c l e r i c a l e m p l o y e e s . O r d e r as BBS Bulletin 1535, m i n i s t r a t i v e , T e c h n i c a l , and 50 cents a c op y. Nat ional Clerical Survey of P ro fe s s io n a l, A d P a y , F e b r u a r y —M a r c h 19 6 6 . ☆ U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: 1967 -303-597/9 Area Wage Surveys A li s t o f th e la te s t a v a ila b le b u lle tin s is p r e s e n te d b e lo w . A d ir e c t o r y in d ica tin g d a te s o f e a r l i e r s tu d ie s , and the p r i c e s o f the b u lle tin s is a v a ila b le on r e q u e s t . B u lle tin s m a y b e p u rch a se d f r o m the S u p erin ten d en t o f D o c u m e n ts , U .S . G o v e r n m e n t P r in tin g O f fic e , W a sh in g to n , D .C ., 20402, o r f r o m any o f th e B L S r e g io n a l s a le s o f f ic e s show n on the in s id e fr o n t c o v e r . A rea B u lle tin n u m b er and p r i c e A k r o n , O h io , June 1966 1_________________________________ 1 4 6 5 -8 1 , A lb a n y —S c h e n e c t a d y - T r o y , N .Y ., A p r . 1 9 6 7 ---------------- 1 5 3 0 -6 2 , A lb u q u e rq u e , N. M e x ., A p r . 1 9 6 7 ______________________ .1 5 3 0 -6 0 , A lle n to w n —B e th le h e m —E a s to n , P a .—N .J ., F e b . 1 9 6 7 _________________________________________________ 1 5 3 0 -5 3 , A tla n ta , G a ., M a y 1 9 6 7 ___________________________________ 1 5 3 0 -7 1 , B a lt im o r e , M d ., N ov. 1966 1_____________________________ 1 5 3 0 -3 0 , B ea u m on t—P o r t A r t h u r - O r a n g e , T e x ., M ay 1 9 6 7 ____ 1 5 3 0 -7 4 , B ir m in g h a m , A la ., A p r . 1967 1__________________________ 1 5 3 0 -6 3 , B o is e C ity , Ida h o, J u ly 1966 1____________________________ 1 5 3 0 -2 , B o s to n , M a s s ., O ct. 1966________________________________ 1 5 3 0 -1 6 , 1 5 3 0 -7 6 , 1 5 3 0 -4 2 , 1 5 3 0 -7 2 , 1 5 3 0 -5 5 , 1 5 3 0 -4 1 , 1 5 3 0 -5 1 , 1 4 6 5 -8 2 , 30ce n ts 30ce n ts 20ce n ts 25ce n ts 25ce n ts 30ce n ts 40 ce n ts 1 4 6 5 -7 7 , 1 5 3 0 -6 , 20ce n ts 25 ce n ts 1 5 3 0 -1 8 , 1 5 3 0 -6 7 , 1 5 3 0 -3 5 , 1 5 3 0 -5 9 , 1 5 3 0 -4 6 , 1 5 3 0 -1 7 , 1 4 6 5 -7 3 , 25 ce n ts 25ce n ts 35ce n ts 20 ce n ts 30ce n ts 20 ce n ts 25ce n ts 1 5 3 0 -7 0 , 1 5 3 0 -7 , 1 5 3 0 -2 3 , 1 5 3 0 -6 8 , 30ce n ts 20 ce n ts 25 ce n ts 20ce n ts St. L o u is , M o .—111., O ct. 1966 1___________________________ S alt L a k e C ity , Utah, D e c . 1966 1________________________ San A n to n io , T e x ., June 1 9 6 6 _________________ ___________ San B e r n a r d in o —R iv e r s id e —O n t a r io , C a lif ., S ep t. 1966___________________________________________________ San D ie g o , C a lif ., N ov. 1966 1____________________________ San F r a n c i s c o —O a k la n d , C a lif ., Jan. 1967 1_____________ San J o s e , C a lif ., S ept. 1966----------------------------------------------Savannah, G a ., M ay 1 9 6 7 _________________________________ S c r a n to n , P a ., A u g. 1966----------------------------------------------------S ea ttle—E v e r e t t, W a sh ., O c t. 1966______ - ________________ 1 5 3 0 -2 7 , 1 5 3 0 -3 3 , 1 4 6 5 -7 8 , 30ce n ts 25ce n ts 20ce n ts 1 5 3 0 -1 4 , 1 5 3 0 -2 4 , 1 5 3 0 -3 6 , 1 5 3 0 -1 0 , 1 5 3 0 -6 9 , 1 5 3 0 -3 , 1 5 3 0 -2 2 , 25 ce n ts 25 ce n ts 30ce n ts 20ce n ts 20ce n ts 20 ce n ts 25 ce n ts S io u x F a lls , S. D a k ., O ct. 1966___________________________ South B en d , In d ., M a r. 1 9 6 7 ______________________________ S p ok a n e, W a s h ., June 1 9 6 6 ________________________________ T a m p a —St. P e t e r s b u r g , F l a . , S ep t. 1966 1 _____________ T o le d o , O h io—M ic h ., F e b . 1967 1___ _____________________ _ T r e n to n , N .J ., D e c . 1966 1_________________________________ W a sh in g ton , D .C .—M d .—V a . , O ct. 1966 1_________________ W a te rb u ry , C o n n ., M a r. 1 9 6 7 ------------------------------------------W a t e r lo o , Iow a , N ov. 1966 1_______________________________ W ic h ita , K a n s ., O ct. 1966 1________________________________ W o r c e s t e r , M a s s ., June 1 9 6 7 ____________________________ Y o r k , P a ., F e b . 1967 ...................................................................... Y ou n gstow n —W a r r e n , O h io , N ov. 1966___________________ 1 5 3 0 -1 2 , 1 5 3 0 -5 7 , 1 4 6 5 -7 5 , 1 5 3 0 -9 , 1 5 3 0 -5 0 , 1 5 3 0 -3 4 , 1 5 3 0 -1 5 , 1 5 3 0 -5 4 , 1 5 3 0 -2 1 , 1 5 3 0 -1 1 , 1 5 3 0 -8 1 , 1 5 3 0 -4 7 , 1 5 3 0 -2 9 , 20ce n ts 20ce n ts 20ce n ts 25ce n ts 30ce n ts 25ce n ts 30 ce n ts 20ce n ts 25 ce n ts 25 ce n ts 25ce n ts 25ce n ts 25ce n ts 1 5 3 0 -3 8 , 1 5 3 0 -5 2 , 1 5 3 0 -5 8 , 1 5 3 0 -6 1 , 1 5 3 0 -6 4 , 1 5 3 0 -8 , 1 5 3 0 -7 3 , 1 5 3 0 -5 6 , 1 5 3 0 -1 3 , 1 5 3 0 -2 0 , 1 5 3 0 -2 5 , D a v e n p o rt—R o c k Is la n d —M o lin e , Iowa—111., O ct. 1966 1________________________________________________ D a y to n , O h io , Jan. 1 9 6 7 __________________________________ D e n v e r , C o lo ., D e c . 1966__________________________ ______ D e s M o in e s , Iow a , F e b . 1 9 6 7 -----------------------------------------D e t r o it , M ic h ., Jan. 1967 1 ______________________________ F o r t W o rth , T e x ., N ov . 1966 1___________________________ G r e e n B a y , W i s . , A u g. 1966 1----------------------------------------G r e e n v ille , S .C ., M a y 1 9 6 7 ____________________________ H o u s to n , T e x ., June 1966 1 ______________________________ In d ia n a p o lis , I n d ., D e c . 1966__________ __________________ 1 5 3 0 -1 9 , 1 5 3 0 -4 5 , 1 5 3 0 -3 2 , 1 5 3 0 -4 4 , 1 5 3 0 -4 8 , 1 5 3 0 -2 8 , 1 5 3 0 -5 , 1 5 3 0 -6 6 , 1 4 6 5 -8 5 , 1 5 3 0 -3 7 , 30 ce n ts 25c e n ts 25 c e n ts 25c e n ts 30 ce n ts 30ce n ts 25 ce n ts 25c e n ts 30 c e n ts 25 ce n ts 1 5 3 0 -4 3 , 1 5 3 0 -3 9 , 1 5 3 0 -2 6 , 1 5 3 0 -7 7 , 1 5 3 0 -1 , 20c e n ts 2 5 c e n ts 25 ce n ts 20ce n ts 25 ce n ts 1 5 3 0 -6 5 , 1 5 3 0 -4 9 , 1 5 3 0 -7 5 , 1 5 3 0 -4 , 1 5 3 0 -4 0 , 1 5 3 0 -3 1 , 1 4 6 5 -8 4 , 30c e n ts 30 c e n ts 20ce n ts 25 ce n ts 25 c e n ts 25c e n ts 25c e n ts 1 Data on establishment Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis B u lle tin n u m ber and p r ic e 30 c e n ts M ilw a u k e e , W is ., A p r . 1967 1 _____________________________ 25ce n ts M in n e a p o lis —St. P a u l, M in n ., Jan. 1967 1_________ ________ 20 c e n ts M u sk eg on —M u sk eg on H e ig h ts , M ic h ., M ay 1 9 6 7 _________ N ew a rk and J e r s e y C it y , N .J ., F e b . 1 9 6 7 _______________ 25ce n ts N ew H av en , C o n n ., Jan. 1 9 6 7 _____________________________ 25ce n ts N ew O r le a n s , L a ., F e b . 1967 1____________________________ 30ce n ts N ew Y o r k , N .Y ., A p r . 1966 1_____________________________ _ 20 ce n ts N o r fo lk —P o r ts m o u th and N e w p o rt N ew s— 30ce n ts H am p ton , V a ., June 1966________________________________ 25 ce n ts O k la h om a C ity , O k la ., A u g. 1966 1_______________________ 25 ce n ts O m a h a , N e b r .—Iow a , O c t. 1966___________________________ 30 ce n ts P a te r son —C lifto n —P a s s a i c , N .J ., M ay 1 9 6 7 _____________ 25 c e n ts P h ila d e lp h ia , P a .—N .J ., N ov. 1966 1 ___________________ 20 ce n ts P h o e n ix , A r i z . , M a r. 1 9 6 7 ________________________________ 20ce n ts P it ts b u r g h , P a ., Jan. 1967 1 _______________________________ 20 ce n ts P o r tla n d , M a in e, N ov. 1966_______________________________ P o r tla n d , O r e g .—W a s h ., M ay 1966 1__ ___________________ 30 ce n ts 30 c e n ts P r o v id e n c e —P a w tu ck et—W a r w ic k , R .I .—M a s s . , 25 ce n ts M ay 1967 1----------------------------------------------------------------------------30ce n ts R a le ig h , N .C ., S ept. 1966--------------------------------------------------30ce n ts R ic h m o n d , V a ., N ov. 1966________- ______________ - ________ 30ce n ts R o c k f o r d , 111., M ay 1 9 6 7 __________________________________ B u ffa lo , N .Y ., D e c . 1966 1________________________________ B u rlin g to n , V t . , M a r. 1967 1 ____________________________ C a n to n , O h io , A p r . 1 9 6 7 __________________________________ C h a r le s to n , W . V a . , A p r . 1 9 6 7 __________________________ C h a r lo tt e , N .C ., A p r . 1 9 6 7 ______________________________ C h a tta n o o g a , T e n n .- G a ., S ep t. 1966 1_________________ — C h ic a g o , 111., A p r . 1967 1 ________________________________ C in cin n a ti, O h io —K y.—I n d ., M a r. 1 9 6 7 ________ - ________ 1966 1___________________________ C le v e la n d , O h io , S ep t. C o lu m b u s , O h io , O ct. 1966 1_____________________________ D a lla s , T e x ., N ov. 1966 1________________________________ J a c k s o n , M i s s ., F e b . 1967 _______________________________ J a c k s o n v ille , F la ., Jan. 1967 1 --------------------------------------K a n sa s C it y , M o .—K a n s ., N ov . 1966_____________________ L a w r e n c e —H a v e r h ill, M a s s .—N .H ., June 1 9 6 7 ___________ L ittle R o ck —N o rth L it tle R o c k , A r k ., A ug. 1966 1------L o s A n g e le s —L on g B e a c h and A n a h eim —Santa A n a G a rd e n G r o v e , C a lif ., M a r. 1967 1 ___________________ L o u is v ille , K y .—In d ., F e b . 1967 1 _______________________ L u b b o ck , T e x ., June 1 9 6 7 _______________________________ M a n c h e s te r , N .H ., A u g. 1966 1--------------------------------------M e m p h is , T e n n .—A r k . , Jan. 1967 ----------------------------------M ia m i, F la ., D e c . 1966______________________ _____________ M id la n d and O d e s s a , T e x ., June 1966 1 ------------------------- A rea practices and supplementary wage provisions are also presented.