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_________________IaEle_oJ: The Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco The Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco is one of twelve regional Reserve Banks serves the Twelfth Federal Reserve District, C_QD~Leots_ =r LQ~tbe _BoaLiJeoom --2 ~~ which , together with the Board of which includes the nine western states - Governors in Washington, D.C., comprise Alaska, Arizona , California , Hawaii, Idaho, the nation's central bank. Nevada, Oregon , Utah , and Washington - Guam, American Samoa, and the Northern As th e nation's central bank, th e Federal _ _W£SJ_e[JJ _Bn akJJJ_9_: _ -8 _da-e-tLO-9- to_the _CJlaJle_o-9-e o_f~ C=tLa_ o_9=e Mariana Isl ands. _ - - -- ~5 Reserve is responsible for making and carrying out our nation's monetary policy. To serve this expansive region, th e San It also is a bank regulatory agency, a Francisco Reserve Bank has five offices: the provider of wholesale-priced banking headquarters in San Francisco, and offices services, and the fiscal agent for the United in Los Angeles, Portland , Salt Lake City, and States Treasury. Seattle. Each office provides financial = ~8L9-5J j¥_ts_o_C[~I~P± _ _2] ~ ~D Lce_cJ_o cs 31 ~- services to the public and banking institutions in its locale. Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco MAR 1 0 1995 LIBRARY ECQrn_tne BOQLarD_Om From le f t, J ames A. Vohs, Ch ai rmm (1994), Robert 1. Par ry, P resident , J ud ith M. Runstad, Ch ai rman (1995), and Patr ick K. B ar r on, First Vice P r esident. Pa int ing in backg r ound: Nat han Ol ive ir a Yucatan Secuence Figure 1111982 bb' o il on canvas 84 x 2 _ The robust economy in much of the West The accompanying report on banking in The Report discusses the performance of during 1994 was reflected in the strong the TWelfth District notes that while short the banking industry in the TWelfth District performance of banking throughout most term factors continue to cause ebbs and during 1994, various actions District banks of the TWelfth District. District banks in flows in banking, it is the longer-term are taking to meet the many chall enges Nevada , Oregon, Washington, Alaska , and trends that are shaping the future of the facing them , and the opportunities for Idaho recorded exceptional performances. industry. These trends include the legislated banking reform in this ever In California , the turnaround in the fundamental revolution in the processing of changing environment. economy also helped boost bank earnings, risk information and innovations in the field though the state's economy was not yet of finance. These developments have strong enough to keep many community heightened competition both outside and we strive to anticipate and meet the needs banks from experiencing weak returns. within banking, putting a premium on of our financial system in this dynamic efficiency and broadening the horizons of economic and regulatory environment. Bank credit conditions in the District financial services. One response has been The supervision and regulation of bank improved considerably, with consumer consolidation in banking with interstate holding companies and state-chartered lending outside of California and Hawaii banking an important aspect of this. Banks member banks is a vital area of our especially strong. The most notable in the District also continue to adapt by responsibility. As this Report indicates, development in lending for the District, and expanding fee-based products and maintaining a safe and sound financial for the nation, was the rebound in services, including in less traditional areas, system is becoming an increasingly business loans at banks. such as investment services. complex task. Our goals continue to be - - - -- - - - - - -- It is imperative that, as the central bank, - - - - J --------' the prudent supervision of financial assessment of economic and financial who completed their terms of service institutions along with monitoring conditions throughout our nine western during 1994: On the San Francisco Head compliance with community development states is critical to the formulation of Office Board , William E.B. Siart (Chairman and reinvestment legislation throughout monetary policy. and Chief Executive Officer, First Interstate Bancorp, Los Angeles, CAL William L. the Twelfth District. In wholesale banking, we continue to enhance the quality, safety, In particular, we acknowledge the many Tooley (Chairman, Tooley &. Company, Los and efficiency of our payments system to contributions of James A. Vohs . (Chairm an Angeles, CAl; on the Portland Branch benefit financial institutions and their and Chief Executive Officer, retired, of Board, its Chairman, William A. Hilliard customers in all market segments. Kaiser Foundation Health Plan, lnc.. and (Editor, retired, The Oregonian, Portland, Kaiser Foundation Hospitals, Oakland ) who OR), Stuart H. Compton (Chairm an, Pioneer This Report reviews the Bank's stepped down as Chairman of the San Trust Bank, N.A., Salem, OR); and, on the performance in responding to new Francisco Head Office Board at the end of Federal Advisory Council , Twelfth District challenges and achieving our fundam ental the year after serving in this post for three Member and President, Richard M. objectives during 1994. years. We are delighted that he will Rosenberg (Chairm an and Chief Executive continue to serve the Bank as Deputy Officer, BankAmerica Corporation , San Chairman of the Board in 1995. Francisco, CAl . We would like to extend our thanks and appreciation to our Twelfth District directors for their invaluable counsel We also would like to express our sincere / during 1994. The Directors' independent thanks and appreciation to those directors 9: c>i~~~~~ ~ T /Z Judith M. Runstad Chairman Robert T. Parry 7 President _ _ _ _We_SJJ~_[O_Bao~Log_:_~aap_tL0-9_tQ_t5e_C5alleoge_oJ-: C5aoge_ In 1994, banking in the Twelfth federal Banking in the West turned in a strong A rebound in bank lending in 1994 proved Reserve District continued its rebound, with performance in 1994. Banks in the Twelfth reports of the demise of traditional banking banks reporting record earnings as well as federal Reserve District registered record to be exaggerated. Buoyed by strong bank increases in lending. Banking also profits, improved their asset quality, and capital positions and economic growth, continued to adapt to changes in financial maintained the strong capital positions credit conditions in the District improved markets, changes driven and shaped by built up over the past few years. considerably after the so-called credit technological innovations and regulations. crunch of the early 1990s. This section examines the recent The performance of banking mirrored the performance of banks in the Twelfth robust economic expansion in most of the Looking ahead to the 21st century, District, focusing on the effects of the region . The long-awaited turnaround in banking in the District and elsewhere will growth in the regional economy and the the California economy also contributed to continue to be under pressure to adapt. rise in market interest rates . In addition, im pro ved banking conditions, though it Efficiency will remain critical, calling for this section discusses the adaptations was not enough to keep many community continued cost-cutting and consolidation District banks are making and the banks in the state from weak even in the wake of strong bank earnings. opportunities for legislated banking reform performances. The sharp rise in interest furthermore, innovations that have in the changing environment. rates spawned by the strong national dramatically reduced the cost of amassing economy in 1994 had only a small negative and disseminating information related to effect on reported bank earnings in financial risk, as well as the cost of the District. measuring, evaluating, and managing risk, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _5~ will mean greater competition in traditional Another example is deposit insurance. bank business lines, from both outside and With the collapse of the fSLIC from the within the industry. Similar forces are thrift crisis and the heavy losses to the FDIC behind the greater emphasis by banks on from bank failures in recent years, fee-based products and services. policymakers have been acutely sensitive to the dangers of extending deposit The pace of banking's evolution in financial insurance coverage. Public policy, however, services, however, is still hobbled by also needs to be concerned with regulatory legacies from the 1930s. The efficiency in financial markets. In recent most symbolic example is the Glass years developments have tipped the Steagall Act. Today, key parts of this balance between these two considerations. barrier have been eroded--Iarger banks, This should open the way to giving more including some in this District can weight to the potential gains in efficiency underwrite securities, and a broad array of from further removing barriers separating banks offers investment services and financial institutions. mutual funds. Still, limits remain on this and other fronts. 6 L.O _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1. S_tcQD-9_EeLtQrnJDnC_e_ E_e_c_occC[O_[ O~O~9 _S __ recorded exceptional performances, with The drag on bank performance in aggregate ROAs of better than 1.30 California was apparent at smaller banks. The strong economic recovery in most of percent. In Utah and Hawaii, aggregate Community banks (institutio ns with assets the region and the long-awaited ROAs for banks were only a bit below the under $300 million) in California reported turnaround in California helped push up national average. In Arizona, which had an annualized ROA of only 0.36 percent net income for banks in the Twelfth District strong economic growth in 1994, through the third quarter of 1994. in 1994. Profits among District banks aggregate bank earnings were well below Community banks operating in Southern through September of 1994 were $4.6 the national average, due in part to California , the area hit hardest during the billion , up from a strong $4 billion for the isolated losses on sales of securities. recession , fared worse as a group, barely comparable period in 1993. Annualized, breaking even in the first three quarters of the earnings in 1994 represent an In California, which accounts for close to 1994. Overall, nearly 20 percent of the aggregate return on assets (ROA) of 1.19 65 percent of banking assets in the banks in California lost money in the first percent. That was a record rate for the District, the recovery helped to boost bank three quarters of 1994. That is well above District and marked last year as the first performance, with an aggregate ROA for the national figure of 4 percent and is since 1990 that District bank performance the banks in the state of 1 percent indicative of the lingering effects of the at least matched the national average. (annualized) through the third quarter of nearly three years of recession in the state. 1994. Much of the strength in earnings in Within the District, banks in Nevada, 1994, however, was due to the profitability Oregon, Washington, Alaska, and Idaho of the large institutions in the state. B sseJ_D_u_aJij_~_-= E~lcL>Ls_a~e_~ I~DIe~= Nevada's commercial real estate loans, and The bottom-line impact from the overall Hawaii's residential mortgage and improvement in asset quality was a sizable business loans. reduction in banks' expenses for The economy gave District banking its contributions to loan loss reserves. For the biggest boost through an improvement in In California , asset quality improved across first three quarters of 1994, expenses for asset quality. Growth in the economy the board. The problem loan ratios for loan losses for District banks were about strengthened the financial position of business and consumer loans dropped to $1 billion less than for the comparable borrowers and helped stabilize the value of levels close to the national averages. period in 1993. Western banks also collateral backing bank loans. As a result, However, with the slower growth in the reduced their holdings of real estate problem loans as a percent of total loans California economy, the aggregate problem obtained through defaults on loans, as they have been coming down in the District. real estate loan ratio remained above the "cleaned up " their balance sheets by selling national average and continues to be a off those nonearning assets. Outside of California , overall loan quality drag on bank performance. This is generally was quite good, with total particularly true for community banks in problem loan ratios below the comparable Southern California, many of which have U.S. ratios. Moreover, only some states both a high dependency on real estate The strong national economy pushed up continued to report relatively poor asset loans and a relatively high proportion of short- and long-term interest rates in quality for specific types of loans, such as problem real estate loans. 1994. While the j um ps in rates were Alaska's construction loans, Ari zona's and I~ IsE 1D_l o_te ces_L K o.tes sizable--250 basis points on 3-month Treasury bills and 200 basis points on 10 sales of only $79 million through the third the third quarter were about $500 million. year Treasuries--they had little net effect on quarter of 1994, compared to a net gain of While the unrealized losses were larger the aggregate performance of banking in $128 million for the same period in 1993. than the realized losses, they still were the District during 1994. Only a limited number of banks in the relatively small. Unrealized losses in 1994, District had losses from securities sales for example, represented only about 1 One reason is that the rise in the average that materially affected earnings, and only percent of total equity capital for banks in yield on banks' assets kept pace with the in Arizona were the isolated losses large the District. Moreover, even if District increase in the cost of bank funding. In the enough to have a noticeable effect on banks had booked these losses in 1994, District, net interest margins, which have aggregate earnings. earnings still would have been on a par been relatively high in recent years, with their strong 1993 performance. narrowed only slightly, and then mainly at The bigger impact on banks was from the region's larger banks. Smaller banks as unrealized losses on securities . Banks ~-DEj-tQI=8_ern_oj _D_~-= a group actually reported wider margins currently report unrealized losses on _S_tco ng in the western states, other than Hawaii. securities classified as available-for-sale. District banks held about $53 billion in Capitalization is another indicator of Another reason is that realized and available-for-sale securities as of financial strength for banking in the unrealized losses on securities were September 1994, which was about 62 District. With higher earnings in 1994, limited. For the District as a whole , banks percent of their total investment securities. banks in the District were able to maintain reported a net realized loss from securities The unrealized losses reported through the strong capital positions that they had _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~I rebuilt in recent years, while also increasing dividends and buying back equity. As of September 1994, average Tier 1 and total risk-based capital ratios in the District were 9.9 percent and 12.9 percent, respectively. These figures are just below the high national averages, and compare favorably with the regulatory guidelines for identifying well-capitalized banks--the guidelines include a Tier 1 ratio of 6 percent and a total capital ratio of 10 percent. Within the District, 97 percent of bank assets were held by banks that met or exceeded these guidelines for well capitalized institutions. 10 ---------~--~---- - ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~_IL~8e~Da_~_[eniliD9Bank credit conditions in the District also Alaska fell off sharply in 1994. In Perhaps the most notable development in improved considerably in 1994. Strong California, both the economic recovery and lending for the District, and for the nation, capital positions and a reservoir of liquid the turnaround in bank lending lagged the was the rebound in business loans at assets allowed banks to respond to the rest of the District. As a result, bank loans banks. Competition in the market for increase in the demand for credit. Total for the state in September 1994 were only business credit has been intense for some loans in the District rose by close to 6-3/4 about 3 percent above the level a year time, driving down the bank share of non percent from September 1993 to earlier. Nevertheless, that was a marked mortgage business lending over the past September 1994, following a contraction improvement from the 3 percent decline several years. This longer-run trend made it of over 3-1/2 percent during the previous the previous year. difficult to predict when and how much 12 months. commercial and industrial loans at banks Consumer lending by banks in the District would recover after contracting during Several District states experienced outside of California and Hawaii was most of the 1990s. exceptionally strong loan growth. In especially strong, as households resumed Arizona, Idaho, Nevada, Oregon, Utah, and their borrowing to finance an increase in Beginning in late 1993, however, business Washington, total loan growth was over 10 spending. Real estate lending also was loans at banks began to turn up in the West percent, compared to the national average strong in the faster-growing states in the and in the nation. From September 1993 to of around 8-1/2 percent. However, in District. September 1994, business credit Hawaii, soft economic conditions limited extended by District banks increased by loan growth, and bank loan growth in more than 5 percent. That was less than -- - --------- -I[ ri the approximately 8-1/2 percent for banks nationally, mainly because of the lag in the rebound in California. The timing of the bounceback in bank business lending is roughly consistent with the usual lagged response to an upturn in the economy, though the lag was on the long side. It also reflects the influence of other cyclical or transitory factors. One is the shift back to shorter-term financing by businesses in response to the rise in interest rates. Another is the slowing of the balance sheet restructuring by businesses, which apparently contributed to the weakness in the overall demand for business credit in recent years. [2 _ -+ ~~~~~_~~ __~~.~~_I I I ~ ~6Dd~~Da=kD~~O~ The weak bank earnings and the dearth of disseminating information related to related services, one of the last bastions of lending in the first part of the 1990s financial risk, as well as the cost of traditional banking. followed by the more recent rebound measuring, evaluating, and managing risk. Competition among banks also has suggest that short-term factors continue to cause ebbs and flows in banking. For banks this has meant greater intensified. One example is the market for However, banking also is being driven by competition. New competitors are able to retail deposits, where innovation and longer-term trends that are broad, penetrate service areas traditionally deregulation have meant price competition relentless , and global. associated with banking. More open for small-denomination accounts not only capital markets have contributed to the locally but nationally. Innovations, One key trend is the fundamental growth of nonbank competitors , like including those in computing and revolution in the processing of information pension funds and mutual funds. telecommunications technology, also have about risk. This includes not only Securitization has changed real estate as helped bring a national dimension to innovations in hardware and software for well as consumer financing . Nonbanks are competition for mortgage financing as computer and telecommunications going head-to-head with banks, as finance well as certain types of consumer and technology; it also includes innovations in companies gain some market share at the business credit. the field of finance . These innovations expense of banks and as investment banks have dramatically changed the way expand their consumer and business financial services are provided. They have lending. Nonbanks even offer transactions- reduced the cost of amassing and 13= ~S_tcu _c_t uLQ[C5_a_[l9_es __ Oregon, and utah allow entry by holding to Arizona. For states like Arizona, Nevada companies from all the other states in the and Washington, the lion's share of The competition from outside and from country, while California and Washington banking is controlled by out-of-state within banking is putting a premium on allow access on a reciprocal basis. Alaska holding companies. Districtwide, efficiency and broadening the horizons of and Oregon also permit interstate consolidation has meant some increase in financial services. One response has been branching. Only Hawaii still prohibits concentration among the top few banking consolidation in banking itself. While the acquisitions of commercial banks by out organizations. Many local banking markets evidence of the effects of bank mergers on of-state holding companies (tho ug h even in the District, though, have had either efficiency is mixed, cost reduction remains there a bank holding company has entered stable or declining levels of concentration. part of the force driving consolidation in through the acquisition of a thrift). Though This has been due in part to entry by new banking. For the District, the result has interstate banking in the West is open to banks and the tendency for smaller been around a 20 percent net reduction in holding companies nationally, most cross competitors to gain market share. Another the number of banks since the mid-1980s. border banking in the region has been reason is interstate acquisitions generally In 1994, banking consolidation continued initiated by holding companies with do not reduce the number of competitors in the District with 45 mergers. headquarters in the District. in local markets. Rather, these, and other market extension mergers, expand lending Interstate banking has been an important The merger activity in the District has and funding opportunities and allow for dimension of the consolidation trend. In altered the banking landscape, changing greater diversification. The recent the District, Alaska, Arizona, Idaho, Nevada, the names on banking offices from Alaska adoption of federal legislation authorizing H_- _ interstate branching also gives holding banks rose in 1994, but by less than assets for loan servicing and for deposit and companies the opportunity to reduce cost and earnings did. trust services. Ee_e 5_a _s_e_d=_B~QoIj=tl9 -= Beyond these services, banks in the West by consolidating their interstate operations in coming years. are joining the move into less traditional Pressures to lower overhead costs in the Banks also continue to adapt by expanding areas, like investment services. Although District also are evident in the decline in fee-based products and services. The bulk only the largest banks are involved in the number of bank branches and other of this activity is related directly to securities underwriting, a broader base of costs, particularly in California. Over the traditional bank credit and deposit the banking industry is generating fees past few years, the number of branches in services. Among these, certain off-balance from offering other services. In the California has dropped by more than 600, sheet credit services have outpaced on District, one-quarter of the banks are now or about 13 percent. California banks also balance sheet lending. Over the 12 providing their customers with mutual have cut payroll costs, including a 1.3 months ending September 1994, for funds and/or annuity products as percent cut in the first three quarters of example , loan commitments in the District alternatives to traditional deposit products. 1994. In other parts of the District, rapid were up 18 percent and letters of credit These include a number of smaller economic growth has eased immediate rose by 13 percent, compared to the 6-3/4 institutions; for example, the median size pressures to reduce the number of banking percent rise in loans. In addition, banks in of bank offering mutual funds is about offices. For the same reason, outside of the District garnered a large portion of $200 million. Still, mutual fund sales in California salaries and benefits at District their noninterest income from charges the District are dominated by a few large [5~ institutions. The top 10 banks in the off-balance sheet contracts on behalf of concentrated in a few large institutions. District accounted for around 90 percent of their customers, including other banks, In the District, about 10 percent of the the close to $55 billion in mutual fund while banks of all sizes use the derivatives banks reported having off-balance sheet sales at western banks in the first nine as part of their own trading activities and interest rate and foreign exchange rate months of 1994. for managing portfolio risk. contracts. The median asset size for For the District as a whole, gross fee income from the mutual those banks was $1.6 billion, and the funds and annuities was $225 million, or a As a group, District banks tend to be top ten banks accounted for about 97 little less than 3 percent of total relatively less active than banks nationally percent of the notional value of interest noninterest income. in providing and using off-balance sheet rate and exchange rate contracts as of instruments. In September 1994, for September 1994. Another fast-growing set of off-balance example, District banks accounted for sheet items is financial derivatives. These about 10 percent of the $15-1/2 trillion in consist of interest rate and foreign notional value of interest rate and exchange rate contracts--including options, exchange rate contracts reported by banks swaps, futures, and forwards. (Banks also nationally, compared with about a 14 hold on-balance sheet derivative percent share of banking assets. Although instruments such as collateralized banks in the District as small as around mortgage obligations and structured $50 million in assets use off-balance sheet notes.) Some large banks enter into the derivatives, their use currently is IE - -- - - - - - - -- -- - - -- - - -- < _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [~l._[O_Q~JD~9-~6e-aa~ These developments in the financial losses to the FDIC from bank failures in and investment banking and perhaps services industry are changing the face of recent years. These events have focused debate the integration of insurance and banking and blurring many of the attention on the moral hazard problems banking or even the mixing of commerce distinctions between banks and nonbank that can stem from deposit insurance. and banking. Balancing the concern to financial institutions. While the process is Moral hazard arises when the provision of protect the deposit insurance system will being driven in large part by technology, it deposit insurance severs the connection be the concern that the current artificial has been influenced by regulations and between a bank's risk-taking and its cost of separation of certain financial activities legislation that have allowed innovation, financing, thereby removing a natural forces the economy to forgo potential but, at the same time, have tempered its check on risk-taking. Without the proper gains in efficiency, resulting in higher pace and dimensions. A number of factors safeguards, deposit insurance and cost and lower quality financial services. explain the cautious approach to change in excessive risk-taking by banks can mean In addition, the artificial barriers may the legal environment, but a key factor is heavy losses for the deposit insurance mean lost opportunities for banks and concern over the risk exposure of the system as well as a misallocation of other financial institutions to diversify deposit insurance system from extending financial resources in the economy. and reduce risk. In 1995, risk to the deposit insurance In recent years, developments have tipped This concern is not surprising in light of system will be an issue, as the Congress is the balance between these concerns. In the estimated $150 billion tab picked up by likely to consider legislation to recognize particular, several serious legislative and taxpayers in the thrift crisis and the heavy the interconnection between commercial regulatory measures have been taken to the federal safety net. - ----------- 1] deal with risk in banking and the exposure banking industry today is far stronger than capitalized banks likely present a minimal of the deposit insurance system. What it was just three years ago, as banks have risk for the deposit insurance system. these measures have in common is the responded both to regulatory efforts and to While a bank's capital position can goal of putting the consequences of bank market pressure to raise their level of deteriorate, the impact on the insurance decision-making, the downside and the capital. Banks issued equity and longer system can be controlled if actions are upside, on the shoulders of the banks and term debt and used retained earnings to taken promptly and if those actions are of some of their liability holders. These recapitalize. In addition, strengthened based on measures that reflect the true measures include having uninsured balance sheets and an improved outlook value of a bank's assets and liabilities. depositors regularly bear losses when for banking have been reflected in the rise banks fail, adopting a depositor preference in bank stock prices from the depressed These developments should mitigate rule, enacting Prompt Corrective Action, levels of the early 1990s. concerns over the deposit insurance accounting explicitly for the market-value system, and perhaps tip the balance of the of some bank assets and liabilities, The effect of this turnaround in bank legislative agenda more toward the as well as setting risk-based deposit capitalization has been a tremendous potential gains from removing barriers insurance premiums. increase in the buffer between potential separating financial institutions. private losses in banking and the deposit The most far-reaching change, though, has insurance system. It is difficult to estimate been the recapitalization of the banking precisely the value of deposit insurance, industry. The capital position of the but available estimates suggest that well- [8'--- _ _________________ _ _B_OOK OrfLcecs_ Robert T. Parry, Presid ent a nd Chi ef Executi ve Officer W. Gordon Sm ith, Vice Pres id ent an d Directo r Ells wo rth E. Lund , J r., Assista n t Vice President Patri ck Tong, Vice President Thomas P. McGrath , Assis ta n t Vice President Patrick K. Barron, First Vice President and Chi ef Operating Officer D. Kerry Webb , Vice President Elizabeth M. O'Sh ea, Assi sta n t Vice President Jack H. Beebe, Senior Vice Pres id ent a nd Director Sallie H. Weissing er, Vice President Gail G. Quarles, Assistant Vice President Sara K. Garrison , Seni or Vice Presid ent Patri cia A. Welch , Vice President Philip M. Ryan, Assista nt Vice Presid ent Mich ael J . Murray, Sen ior Vic e Presid ent Ja mes M. Barnes, Direct or W. Sta rr Seeg m ille r, Assista n t Vice Presid ent Ter ry S. Schwa ko p f, Senio r Vice Presid ent Kenneth R. Binn in g , Director Susan A. Su the rland , Assistant Vice Presid ent Laure nce Washti en , Sen io r Vice President Harold H. Blum , Dir ector Ja mes J . Ten qe . Assista n t Vice Presid ent S. Jean Hinrichs, Gen era l Audi tor Nancy Em erson , Director Thomas R. Th aanu m , Assis ta n t Vice President Rob ert D. Mulford, Vice Presid ent and Gen eral Counsel Eli ot E. Giuili , Director David M. vandre , Assistant Vice President Don ald R. Lieb , Director Kelly K. Walsh , Assistant Vice President Eliza be th R. Masten , Vice Pres id ent and Sec re ta ry of th e Boa rd J ohn Y. C. Li n, Director Beverley-Ann Hawkins, Automa tio n Officer C. Kenneth Arnold , Vice President Susan G. Porterfield , Direct or Le lia M. Jones , Exami ni ng O ffice r Eli zabe th K. Ch risten sen , Vice Presid ent Wayn e L. Rick ards, Director Mark Levo nia n, Research O ffice r Bar bar a J. Contini , Vice Presi de n t Kenneth M. Kinos h ita, Associ at e Gen eral Counsel Brian Motley, Research O ffice r Robert L. Fienberg, Vice President and Director Paig e Birdsa ll, Assistant Vice Presid ent Gary P. Palm er, Financia l Analysis Officer Frederick T. Furlong, Vice Presid ent Sylvia A. Cunningham, Assistant Vice Pres id ent Glenn D. Rud ebusch , Research Officer Willi am K. Ginter, Vice Presid ent Pete r K. C. Hsieh , Assistant Vice Presid ent Bharat Trehan , Resear ch O ffice r Reu ven Gli ck, Vice Presi dent John S. Hs iao, Assis ta n t Vice Presid en t Dal e L. Vaug han , Examin in g Officer John P. J ud d, Vice President a nd Asso cia te Direct or Deb o rah S. Jackson- Duke, Assistant Vice Presi de n t David W. Walker, Exam ining O ffice r Douglas R. Sha w, Vice Presi de n t and Co unse l Rob e rt C. J ohnson , Assistant Vice Presid ent _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ J:1 BLGncb···CJ--EITc_ecs - - -- - - - - - - JSLoct5eLrL ~e9J~Oo [QS~B.o.9-e_' .e.s Gordon Werkema, Sen io r Vice President John F. Moore, Seni or Vice Presid ent Sean J . Rodrigu ez , Vice Presid ent -- - - - - - - Thomas D. Th omson , Executive Vice President of Central Bank Functi on s, ser ved th e Fed er al Reserve Bank both at th e Board o f Governo rs in Washington, J~.ortLQo_a=B[·o~o_c~E~_ · _. Anthony Fabi an , Dir ect or D. C. and in San Francisco before re ti ring February L A. Kenneth Ridd , Vice Presid ent Nancy Olmst ead , Direc to r 19 95 . Th omson began his Reserv e Bank career as Mary E. Lee, Assi stant Vice President Dar cy J . Coulter, Assistant Vice President an eco no m ist at th e Boa rd , th en worked in Rob ert D. Long, Assistant Vice Presid ent Brent M. Du xbury, Assistant Vice Presid ent comm ercial banking for a do zen yea rs before Robin A. Rockwo od , Assistant Vice Presid ent Rach el A. Romer o, Assistant Vice President return in g to th e Fed in San Franc isco. Mary Rector, Offi cer S_e~alt[B Eug en e A. Th omas, Senior Vice President of Gal e P. Ansell, Assistant Vice Presid ent S.e.o.Loc- O_f_Ljc.e rs_8.eJJ.ce Jimmy F. Kamada, Assistant Vice Pres id ent Kenneth L. Pet er son , Assistant Vice Presid ent S~ali ·[aI.e C.itj Feder al Reserve Ban k o f San Fran cis co in 1960 and Three of th e Bank's se nio r o ffi cers with co m bined retired February L 1995. Tho mas held positions in service o f nearly 90 yea rs elec ted to participat e in the Portland and Los Ang el es o ffices before heading th e ea rly re ti re men t pr ogram o ffere d during 19 94 . th e Su pe rv isio n, Regulati on, and Cred it areas in And rea P. Wol cott, Vice Presid ent Gerald R. Dalling , Assi stant Vice Presid ent Jed W. Bodily, Offi cer su pe r vislo n. Regulati on and Cred it, j oined the San Franci sco. E. Ron ald Liggett, Senio r Vice Presid ent o f the Northern Region , retired J uly 1. Duri ng his 37·year Richard B. Hornsby, Offi cer car eer, Liggett se rved in th e Portland , Seatt le , and Salt Lake Ci ty o ffices. 2TI~ _ N _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ E1Lg5Itgbts_o_t O o_e r ot.ion s-=-o_n a=== Ei~~_a_rlcj_a l=-:S_eD/j_c_e_s_~_ [g~= Th e January implementation of the same co llection business of a large financial day settlement provisions of Regulation CC institution with multi-state operations. led to a significant, but not unanticipated , As a major provider of financial and decline in th e volume of checks processed. Elec t ro n ic P a ym e nt s and payments services, the Federal Reserve Despite thes e loss es, we increased F i sca I A ge ncy Bank of San Francisco strives to be producti vity and reduced direct costs by recognized for operational excellence, more than 10 percent. As a result, the The focus on efficiency, quality, and outstanding customer service, and District moved into the top ranks of continual improvement in customer service leadership within th e Federal Reserve productivity performance in the Federal was evident in th e performance of the System and th e financial services Reserve System. More importantly, we automated clearing house (ACH) r funds community. In keeping with these were able to reduce prices on a number of transfer, securities services, and fiscal objectives, the Bank continued its pursuit services and to maintain prices at 1993 agency operations in 1994. of efficiency and higher levels of customer levels ove rall. ser vice by upgrading automation, ACH Ser vice registered excep tio nal maintaining tight cost control, and working In addition to our efficiency gains, we financial performance in 1994, due to closely with our customers to ensure that made considerable progress toward o ur careful management of costs and staffIng our services meet their chang ing needs. long-term goal of end -to-end electro n ic and dramatic improvement in productivity. collection of checks by refining products Our District now stands as one of the and services to meet specific customer leaders in the Federal Reserve System not needs. At year-end, volumes of items only in terms of th ese performance During a year of dramatic changes in our delivered electro nically were 200 perc ent statistics, but also for such innovative business environment, we met ambitious above th e level attained in 1993. A customer services as Fed -Mail deli very productivity goals and saw considerable particularly noteworthy accomplishment option for ACH advices whi ch eli m ina tes growth in electro nic collection services. was our success in securing th e electronic costly handling of paper advices. Check S er v i c es 2[ As part of a multi-year effort to centralize tenders. At times, the volume of tenders machines will increase currency and upgrade the computer processing processed in the Twelfth District exceeded throughput, enhance counterfeit detection systems for the Federal Reserve's key that of all other Districts, including New capabilities, and provide for more effective electronic payments services, we moved York. By reevaluating our operations and monitoring of deposit quality. our Funds Transfer Service to new improving efficiency, we were able to nationwide software. As the first District accommodate this surge in volume and The Bank also continued its efforts toward with a sizeable customer base and improve overall service. the installation of an automated materials handling system in the vaults of our San significant wire transfer volume to shift to this system, we played a major role in Ca-sh S e rv ice s identifying and resolving issues that will Francisco and Los Angeles offices. Delays encountered in integrating the automated speed the process for other Districts. This In 1994 Cash Services made further storage and retrieval devices with the newly new system will improve funds availability progress in a multi-year effort to upgrade installed rack led to the use of manually nationwide, enhance reliability and automation, efficiency, and customer operated vehicles for storage and retrieval recovery time, and ensure a consistent, service. The renovation of all five offices' purposes. In 1995 the Bank will work with high level of funds transfer service. facilities and the installation of new, the vendor to obtain the full benefits of an second-generation currency processing automated environment. Improved productivity and highly equipment moved forward at a rapid pace. responsive customer service were evident Nine machines were installed, bringing the Despite these challenges of automation, in Fiscal Agency and Securities Services total to 12 and marking the midway point our District continued to deliver a high level operations. Rapidly rising interest rates in our conversion process. The Salt Lake of customer service. For example, our Los brought a dramatic increase in the public's City office was fully converted early in the Angeles offlce accommodated a spike in demand for short- and medium-term year and served as a national test site for food coupon volume following the Treasury securities and a corresponding improving the processing of poor quality Northridge earthquake. increase in the volume of inquiries and currency. These second-generation T2 . Our Bank led the Federal Reserve's zero access to Federal Reserve services, and Economic education expanded with based review of customer service levels in non-centralized automation services. workshops for teachers on money, cash operations. In this effort to provide banking, and two new topics. The new for a more consistent level of service This office expands our existing Federal programs focused on instruction in the use nationwide, we met with several dozen Reserve System responsibilities for of Bank software on monetary policy and customers, whose input will help shape the customer electronic access, which cover the System video/collaborative material new policy to be announced in 1995. such facilities as Fedline and Computer product, The Federal Reserve. Using a Interface connections. A key 1994 initiative satellite distance learning program, we was the development and piloting of FED brought together 360 Oregon high school Mail, which uses e-mail technology to seniors to learn about the Federal Reserve. System Support Prod uc t .O f fi ce deliver low-security data to customers. By In recognition of our strategic contributions year-end some 300 customers in four The Audiovisual staff completed several to Federal Reserve System payments Districts were receiving FED-Mail service, major projects, among them "Closing the services, our Bank was given responsibility which will expand nationwide in 1995. Gap," a System-wide Community Affairs for the System's new Support Product Office in 1994. This new office is part of an program explaining 10 basic fair-lending :~Ubl_Lc __ IoI orma tj_o~ overall restructuring of the System's guidelines. "Your Money Matters," a training program to help cash handlers management of financial and payments Media outreach continues to focus on detect counterfeit currency, was revised for services, which also includes the creation expanding awareness and understanding the Treasury and the Board of Governors. of product offices for retail payments, of the Federal Reserve System . Media visits wholesale payments, and fiscal services. ranged from Oregon and Washington to The Research Library introduced FedWest This office will be responsible for setting California's central valley and Arizona. Onl.ine. a public bulletin board service strategic and tactical direction for the containing economic and banking accounting functions, customer electronic information produced by the Bank. -23= Approxim ately 300 users log on each saving, stock returns, and budget and discussions and data on developments in month to read or download flies. trade deficits. Several issues in bank District states. Pacific Basin research and capital regulation and bank lending were analysis is disseminated by th e Center for Employee communications grew as the examined. Pacific Basin Monetary and Economic District newsletter, 12L Times, increased NAFTA, interstate banking, the California from quarterly to bi-monthly, and received economy, and the convergence of income two national awards for d esign and levels across states. Regional studies dealt with content. In addition, we introduced 12L Studies. Economic Research staff delivered 67 speeches to non-profit organizations. Newswire, an e-mail bulletin board, for Ajoint conference with the Center for Public outreach efforts also included 75 San francisco employees. Economic Policy Research at Stanford meetings between staff and officials who University brought together academic and visited the Bank from the U.S. and abroad , System economists to discuss monetary particularly Pacific Basin countries. E_CO_D_QmLc~e_s _e_oLc_h ~= policy in a low-inflation environment. S_u_~e CY_LSJ _O_D, __ ~ ~ This year's research addressed a wide Reil_llLg j j _Q D, variety of policy-related issues. Some Policy issues were presented to the public studies exam ined monetary policy issues in through various formats. The Weekly Letter the U.S., including the effectiveness of presents analyses of policy issues and various targets and indicators, while others economic developments for business and During 1994 the Supervision, Regulation , covered monetary and exchange rate academic readers . The Economic Review and Credit department was reorganized policies in East Asian countries. Other contains technically oriented research. into two departments, one focusing on macroeconomic studies included various Fedviews is a monthly video discussion safety and soundness supervision and aspects of business cycle behavior in th e between two department economists on regulation (Banking Supervision and U.S. , as well as international research on current macroeconomic policy issues. Regulation), the other on credit, inflation and growth , investment and Western Economic Developments contains compliance and community affairs. o.nd__CI e_d iJ_ _ 29:- -- - - - -- -- -- -- - - __IS2LQOO9-ement c ~- ~- _ _" .ornrni tree Fr om lef t, Rober t T Parr y. P r eSident and Ch ie f Execut ive O ffi cer . Michael J Mu rray , Senior Vice President. Corpor a te Adm inistra tio n. Patr ick K. B arr on, Fir st Vice P r esident and C hief O per at ing O fficer . and Thomas D. Thomson, Executive Vice P r eSident. C entr al B ank Funct ions. Pai nt ing in background: B yr on Gardner Ribbon Landscape 19S\ acr ylic on canvas 6S x 50 li S' _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ 2_5~ B_QJJ ~9 -S_u_p_e~Vj_SjD_D _ _ a_n([::E~e9u JaJjDIL- these, international examiners examined financial, and supervisory information on 92 agencies and branches, 15 Edge Act financial institutions. offices, and 4 representative offices. This ance-a~n d Examiners conducted 68 examinations of Bank was actively involved in the Cred~Compl i commercial banks. Outstanding formal and development of a new Supervisory C_ommuniJf _ B ££ajLs _ informal supervisory actions involving state Program for Foreign Banks with initiatives member banks declined from 25 at year designed to improve the supervision of Community Affairs provided information to end 1993 to 22 in 1994. Foreign Banking Organizations operating in more than 600 lenders by sponsoring six the United States. small-business lending seminars. They helped District bankers learn how to make Examiners completed 130 on-site inspections of bank holding companies, 8 Domestic application filings totaled 257, up small business loans profitably, how to more than 1993 because new bank holding from 252 in 1993. Applications to form integrate public sector programs and companies were formed and problem bank holding companies or acquire lending criteria successfully, and how to institutions required heightened additional banks or nonbanking businesses enhance their institution's CRA program. supervisory attention. At year-end there increased significantly (from 52 in 1993 to Two other seminars, "Resolving Legal were 58 outstanding supervisory actions 83 in 1994), reflecting continued interest Issues When Lending on Indian (not including supervisory letters) in place in consolidations and the desire of banking Reservations," focused on resolving legal at holding companies in less than organizations to expand during favorable and jurisdictional issues, sovereign satisfactory condition, 13 less than 1993. economic conditions. immunity questions, and underwriting problems that arise when lending on Indian reservations. At year end, there were 142 agencies and In another major project, staff completed branches of foreign banks in the District, validation of District data in the National 19 Edge and Agreement corporation Information Center database, the Federal At other conferences in San Francisco, offices, and 42 representative offices. Of Reserve's central repository of structure, Honolulu, and San Diego, more than 900 Lb --- -- - - - ----- ------- - ------ -- - - L · _ .- S~LQIlC LL_O peLo ~tLo_n s From lef t, A ndre a P . Wolco tt, Vice P resident, Salt Lake Ci ty, J ohn F. M oore, Senior Vice President, Los A ngeles, and Gordon R G . Werkema, Senior Vice P re sident, Nor thern Re9 ion A. Kenneth Ridd, Vice P resident, Por tland, was not ava ilable f or the pho1 09ra ph Paintin9 in back9raund: Fritz Schold er Galloping Indian After Leigh 1978 erchinq and actJatint 15/ 90 Lt 3 112 x b2 1/2" - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - 4..1 --- bankers, housing and small business During 1994, 56 depository institutions reflecting reduced amounts borrowed developers, representatives of non-profits, borrowed from the discount window under adjustment credit. This Bank held Native Americans and native Hawaiians, compared to 64 in 1993, and 587 loans $39.0 billion in collateral accounts at year and government officials heard nationally were extended, compared to 483 loans in end compared to $29.3 billion at the end recognized speakers discuss community 1993. The dollar amount of funds of 1993, as banks had been pledging reinvestment, economic development, borrowed declined from $5.1 billion in additional assets to their collateral pools. lending on trust lands, fair lending, and 1993 to $3.5 billion in 1994, primarily other related issues. 5_umrno_[ 1-0=£ 0-r_eLQtLo_os In its continuing role in the guidance of non-profit mortgage banking consortia, the department was key to the development of the Association of Reinvestment Consortia for Housing which represents over 300 commercial banks, thrifts and savings and loans, with loan commitments and fundings of over $700 million. Custod y Serv ices _ _ Volume (in thousands) 1992 1993 1994 Cash Services Currency notes paid into circulation Food stamp coupons processed 3 ,758,533 604,544 4 ,069,935 651 ,348 4,212,494 694,306 150 766 113 702 216 805 2,978,582 76,781 33,496 2 ,994,572 73 ,648 32,709 2,269,690 69,567 29 ,941 19,416 19,962 19,925 380,448 406,220 459,032 910 483 587 78 64 56 Security Services Other Treasury original issues Book-Entry Securities processed Po/ ments Servi.c.e s Check Services Commercial checks collected Government checks processed Return items processed Electronic Payments Services Some 2,000 regulatory inquiries were received, about the same as previous years. These usually involve truth-in lending issues, but there was a notable increase in fair lending inquiries. Wire transfers processed Automated clearinghouse transactions processed Discou nls_o _o a - A c{y_onC eS Total discounts and advances" Number of financial institutions accommodated" *who le number (not in thousands) 28 """------ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _____ ___-__-__= Eor o1ogs-ooirExp-eos-e-s_ _ (lo_t5D:us_o_od_s_o_LcLoJln_cs) December 31, 199Lt Current Earnings Discounts and Advances United States Government Securities Foreign Currencies Income from Services All Other 1993 611 834 . .. 1,919,419 1,943,930 130,257 182,225 .. 78,131 86,370 .. . 936 622 lbtal Current Earnings 2,129,354 2,213,981 Current Expenses lbtal Current Expenses . Less: Reimbursement for Certain Fiscal Agency and Other Expenses . Net Expenses . Cost of Earnings Credits Current Net Earnings . 196,427 190,474 16,058 180,369 15,584 174,890 19,536 19,800 December 31, 199Lt Profit and Loss 1993 Additions to Current Net Earnings Profit on prior period Adjustments Profit on Sales of United States Government Securities (Net) Profit on Foreign Exchange Transactions (Net) All Other lbtal Additions .. .. . .. 392,452 2 352,494 4,503 39,161 8,198 51,862 Deductions From Current Net Earnings Loss on Sales of United States Government Securities (Net) Loss on Foreign Exchange Transactions (Net) All Other Total Deductions .. .. . .. 2,177 13 2,190 61,817 61,817 Net Additions (+) or Deductions (-) .. 350,304 (9,955) Cost of Unreimbursed Treasury Services .. (4,755) (4,260) .. 1,929,449 2,019,291 Assessments by Board of Governors Board Expenditures . (21,315) . Federal Reserve Currency Costs (28,180) Net Earnings Before Payments to the U.S. Treasury .. 2,225,503 Dividends Paid . 30,255 Payments to the U.S. Treasury (Interest on Federal Reserve Notes) .......... 2,177,906 1,866,540 17,342 494,875 512,217 44,580 450,295 494,875 Transferred to Surplus Surplus, January 1 Surplus, December 31 .. .. .. (20,692) (44,506) 1,939,878 28,758 29~ --------------- --~ CQ~_QLatL\Le_St~!-=emeOJ_o_C~C_C_O_UOJ ( _Lo~_5o_us~a_rldS __oI_cLoJLoLs)- _ __ December 31 , 199Lf Assets .. 1,102,000 904,000 33,059 Loans to Depository Institutions . 33 ,295 Federal Agency Obligations . 342 ,931 Gold Certificate Account Special Drawing Rights Certificate Account.. Other Cash United States Government Securities: Bills Notes Bonds .. . .. . .. December 31, 1993 199Lf Liabilities 1,392 ,000 904,000 60,625 ° 541 ,512 16,726,325 18,722,081 13,592,343 15,419,200 4,054,557 4 ,619 ,775 Federal Reserve Notes . Items in Process of Coll ection Bank Premises Operating Equipment 34,373,225 38,761,056 34,749,451 39,302 ,568 .. . .. 544,324 155,956 38,263 1,554,904 150,876 31 ,746 31,023 ,861 26,322,759 Deposits: lbtal Depository Institutions Reserve Accounts Foreign Other Deposits lbtal Deposits .. . . .. 4 ,938,398 20,515 80,318 5 ,039,231 6,790,730 20,503 21,320 6,832,553 Deferred Credit Items Other Liabiliti es . .. 639,717 394,728 1,016,233 271,689 Total Liabilities Total United States Government Securities Total Loans and Securities 1993 37,097,537 34,443,234 Cap ital A ccounts Capital Paid In Surplus .. .. 5]2 ,217 512 ,217 494,875 494,875 Total Liabilities and Capital Accounts 38,121,971 35,432,984 Other Assets: Denominated in Foreign Currencies All Other .. . 3,207,077 1,073,067 3 ,295,072 862,844 Interdistrict Settlement Account (3 ,685, 226) (12 , 12 1,65 1) Total Assets 38,121 ,971 35,432,984 ~O'-- _ <D <D U> () ./ ..., U> _ _Eeafrcal=~e_s_er~e=S_ook_o_t SOD_Ecooc_Ls_c_Q_B_o_OCd_o_t 0 lrectors Chairman of the Board and Federal Reserve Agent Judith M. Runstad Partner Foster, Pepper &:. Shefelman Seattle, Washington Deputy Chairman James A. Vohs Chairman and CEO (Retired) Kaiser Foundation Health Plan, Inc. and Kaiser Foundation Hospitals Oakland, California Gerry B. Cameron Chairman and CEO U.S. Bancorp Portland, Oregon Krestine M. Corbin President and CEO Sierra Machinery, Inc. Sparks, Nevada Gary G. Michael Chairman and CEO Albertson's, Inc. Boise, Idaho Richard L. Mount Chairman, President and CEO Saratoga Bancorp Saratoga, California Cynthia A. Parker Executive Director Anchorage Neighborhood Housing Services, Inc. Anchorage, Alaska Carl J. Schmitt Chairman and CEO University Bank &:. Trust Company Palo Alto, California Fe_d _eCOC ~_dY LSO~y= C _O_U ncLI_JS 2Lem5_ec Edward M. Carson Chairman of the Board first Interstate Bancorp Los Angeles, California E. Kay Stepp Principal and Owner Executive Solutions Portland , Oregon - - - - - -- - -- - -- - 3[ -----------" [Qs- H;LXO-gele_s_Bcanc_6_B o~a[a oJ-=OLcecJ_Qcs_ Chair of the Board Anim E. Landecker Western Regional Vice President Local Initiatives Support Corporation Los Angeles, California Anne L. Evans Chairman Evans Hotels San Diego, California Antonia Hernandez President and General Counsel Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund Los Angeles, California David L. Moore President Western Growers Assn . Irvine, California William S. Randall Chief Operating Officer First Interstate Bancorp Phoenix, Arizona Steven R. Sensenbach President and CEO Vineyard National Bank Rancho Cucamonga, California Thomas L. Stevens, Jr. President Los Angeles Trade 'Technical College Los Angeles, California 32 ~QctlaD(f=Bca~c5_B_o_a[a o_fOLce_cJ_QcS_ Chairman of the Board Ross H.. Runkel Professor of Law Willamette University Salem, Oregon Cecil W. Drinkward President and CEO Hoffman Corporation Portland, Oregon John D. Eskildsen President and CEO U.S. Bank of Oregon Portland, Oregon Elizabeth K. Johnson President TransWestern Helicopters, Inc. Scappoose, Oregon Marvin H.. O'Quinn Chief Operating Officer Providence Portland Medical Center Portland , Oregon Carol A. Whipple Owner/Manager Rocking C Ranch Elkton, Oregon Thomas C. Young Chairman , President and CEO Northwest National Bank Vancouver, Washington - --- - - - -'0-_ 33 S_olt L_ok _e_CLtf_BLOocb _B_o~OLd of - Qi.ce_ct oJ:s Chairman of th e Board Gerald R. She rratt Presid ent So uthe rn Utah University Ced ar City, Utah Richa rd E. Davis Presid ent and CEO Salt Lak e Convention &:. Visitors Bu rea u Salt Lake City, Utah Nancy Mortensen Vice Presid ent-Marketing Zion s Cooperative Mercantile Institution Salt Lake City, Utah Dani el R. Nelson Cha ir ma n and CEO West On e Bancorp Bo ise , Id ah o _ Con stance G. Hogland Executive Director Boi se Neighborhood Hou sing Serv ices, Inc. Boi se, Idah o Roy C. Nels on Presid ent Bank of Utah Ogden , Utah 3~ - _ _ -Se_ottle B[~ODC6_B~OO[_d 0_£ -Di. ce_c_tQcS_ Chairman of the Board George F. Russell , Jr. Chairman Frank Russell Company Tacoma . Washington Em ilie A. Adams Presid ent and CEO Better Business Bureau Foundation Seattle, Washington Th omas E. Cleveland Chairman and CEO Enterprise Bank Bell evu e, Washington Tornio Moriguchi President Uwajimaya, Inc. Seattl e, Washington Cons tance L. Proctor Partner Alston , Courtnage, MacAulay &: Proctor Seattle, Washington John V. Rindl aub Chairman a nd CEO Seafirst Corporation Seattle, Washington William R. Wiley Seni or Vice President for Science and Technology Policy Battell e Memorial Institute Richl and , Washington - 3-5 -- ~(I~LLS_Q[j_C_O_UQCJLQD_Sma l[~B_usJoe_s_s_a oa_~9[ic_ultu[ e_[g-~15 Chairman Donald Butler Chairman Agrolink Corp. Tucson . Arizona Vice Chairman Bailey S. Barnard Former President Heller First Capital Corp. San Francisco, California Barry Baszile President Baszile Metals Service Los Angeles, California Jerry D. Caulder Chairman, President and CEO Mycogen Corp. San Diego, California Karla S. Chambers Vice President Stahl bush Island Farms, Inc. Corvallis, Oregon Walter F. Payne, Jr. President and Chief Executive Officer Blue Diamond Growers Sacramento, California Nancy G. Learned President Learned-Mahn, Inc. Boise , Idaho Leslie 'Tang Schilling President L.T.D.D., Inc. San Francisco, California Lawrence S. Okinaga Partner Carlsmith , Ball , Wichman , Murray, Case &. Ichiki Honolulu, tlawai i Peter H. van Oppen President and Chief Executive Officer Interpoint Redmond , Washington Peter Ii . Parra Executive Director Employers' Trai ning Reso urce Bakersfield , California Bob L. Vice President California Farm Bureau Federation Sacramento, California _ _____ ___ _ _ _ __.. Lwm '---'~ This Report wa s prod uced by Ka ren The background paintings in the Sa n Fra ncisco O ff ice Fla mme, designed a nd illustra ted by photographs are from the art collection of P .O . Box 7702 Ma rk Hendri cks. Western Ba nk ing wa s the Federal Reserve Bank of San francisco. Sa n Fra nc isco, Ca Iifornia wri tten by Fred erick T. Furlong a nd Acquired between 1981 and 1987 with G ory C. Zi mmerman wit h ed floria l funds designated as part of the budget for Los A ngeles Bran ch as si sta nce from J ud it h Goff. the construction of the new San francisco P.O . Box 20 77 Termi na I Anne x Highlig hts was writ ten by Borbar a and Los Angeles facilities, the collection is Los A ng e les, Ca li fornia Bennett o nd Koren Flomme. Color comprised of over five hundred artworks by pho togr aphy by Pau l Schu lz. artists from the Twelfth District. The objects Portiand Bra nch are installed in public and work spaces in P.O . Box 343b the San francisco headquarters and the Portla nd. Ore gon 9720 8 9 4120 90 051 four branches where they provide an environment that is not only enjoyable and Sa It La ke C ity Bra nch stimulating, but educational as well. While P.O . Box 30 780 its primary emphasis is on contemporary Sa It La ke Ci t y. Uta h 84 125 art, the collection is given added dimension by a select sampling of Sea tt le Bra nch traditional crafts. P.O. Box 35b 7, Termi na I Annex Sea ttle, Wa shington 981 24