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li±h±Lï±n TWENTIETH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE SECRETARY OF THE STATE BANKING BOARD / SH O W IN G THE CONDITION OF THE COMMERCIAL AND SAVINGS BANKS OF NEBRASKA FOR THE YEAR 1911 SUBMITTED TO THE STATE BANKING BOARD Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis FE B R U A R Y 15, 1912 BY E ROYSE, Secretary York Blank Book Company York, Nebrasxa 1912 DEPARTMENT OF BANKING OF THE STATE OF NEBRASKA BOARD HON. CHESTER H. ALDRICH.......... HON. SILAS R. BARTON........................ HON. GRANT G. MARTIN...................... E. ROYSE................................................... N. R. PERSINGER_________ MISS MAUDE HOGE............. PAUL H. EATON................... MRS. ELLA J. STEVENINE Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis .............Governor, Chairman Auditor of Public Accounts ................... Attorney General ................................... Secretary ............ Chief Clerk ........................ Clerk ......................... Clerk .......... Stenographer EXAMINERS E. E. EMMETT L. E. H. MULLO'WNEY R. F. M. STAPLETON C. JOSEPH PIGMAN J. H. C. NICHOLSON P. ALBRIGHT SPRINGER M. TROTTER L. SVOBODA SECRETARY OF THE STATE BANKING BOARD III State of Nebraska, Department of Banking, Lincoln, February 15, 1912. To His Excellency, CHESTER H. ALDRICH, Governor, HON. SILAS R. BARTON, Auditor of Public Accounts, HON. GRANT G. MARTIN, Attorney General, Members of the State Banking Board. Sirs:— I beg to submit herewith the Twentieth Annual Report of the Secretary of the State Banking Board, covering the. period from Nov ember 10, 1910, to December 5, 1911. The present law requires at least two examinations of banks each year. This provision of the law was not fully complied with in 1911 for the reason that the appropriation sufficient to pay the salaries and expenses of the number of examiners necessary to do the work was not available until April 1, 1911. Most of the banks, however, were examined twice during the year. Four reports were called for by this Department, and made by the banks under your supervision, during the period named, and sum maries of their condition as shown by these returns appear hereafter in this report, which also includes a statement of banks in the hands of receivers, of which there are but three; also a tabulated summary of the condition of the National Banks of Nebraska on December 5, 1911, as shown by reports made to the Comptroller of the Currency; and an abstract of the condition of all the banks of Nebraska, both State and National, made from reports of their condition on the last above named date, together with comparisons and other statistical in formation concerning the banks of the State. This report also contains a copy of the Banking Act now in force. The period covered by this report is marked by a very satisfac tory condition of the banks under your supervision; no failures to be reported, in fact Nebraska has not had a bank failure in five years, and and only one in nearly eight years. An increase in deposits over the preceding year is shown. W hile there has been a general slowing down of business the. stability of the banks has remained unimpaired. Since this Department last had the pleasure of addressing you the new Banking Act has been put in force, and I am pleased to state with less disturbance than was anticipated. Some friction has arisen between the banks and this Department in the enforcement and inter pretation of some of the provisions of the law not clearly defining either the duties of the Department or the rights of the banks, re sulting in the necessity of arbitrary interpretations on the part of the Board, and in some instances a resort to the courts to determine the rights of the banks and the intent of the law. It is hoped these de fects may be remedied by the next Legislative body so that the law may be enforced with less confusion. To this end I beg to make the following recommendations in order that the Department and the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis IV TWENTIETH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE banks may both have indicated clearly to them their duty and rights, and the courts may not be burdened with needless litigation: As a basis for levying assessments for the Guaranty Fund, section 45 of the Banking Act provides that banks shall on the first day of June, 1911, and each six months thereafter, make and file with the State Banking Board a statement showing their average daily deposits for the preceding six months exclusive of public money otherwise secured, while section 46 provides that no bank which has complied in full with all the provisions of this Act shall be required to give any further security or bond for the purpose of becoming a depository for any public funds, but depository 'funds shall be secured in the same manner that private funds are secured. These two sections of the law being in direct conflict with each other should be amended so as to define more clearly thb banks’ rights and requirements in protecting depositors of public funds. In this connection the Department has acted upon the advice and opinion of the Legal Department of the State, and has required banks to include all public as well as private funds in their statements of average deposits. Section 45a, entitled “ New Banks,” should be amended so as to define more clearly the intent of the law. As the section now reads its intent is obscure, and is in fact somewhat contradictory in its provi sions, and requires an arbitrary ruling on the part of The Board, whicli should not be. This section provides that an amount equal to four per cent of the capital stock shall be paid into the Guaranty Fund when a bank begins business, and authorizes the Banking Board to adjust the assessments of such banks so that the first two assess ments, together with the credit fund of four per cent shall equal at least one per cent of the average daily deposits. It makes no provision for paying back to such banks any part of the. fund, should the full four per cent not be necessary to make the required one per cent of the average daily deposits for the two six months periods. This sec tion should be re-enacted and made to define clearly the requirements. Another amendment to the law I would urgently suggest is one to remedy what I consider a serious defect as instanced in a case where a bank voluntarily liquidates, clearly designating what shall be done with the Guaranty Fund accumulated in that bank. If it is intended that the fund as a whole once accumulated shall remain intact and in violate, except to pay loss to depositors of failed banks, the law should so state explicitly. If, however, it is the intent to compel the bank to set aside this fund as its share as long as it shall participate in the hazard and once it withdraws from the system the amount it has on deposit to the credit of the fund is lost to the fund and returned to the stockholders, such provision should be so plain that the courts would not be burdened in determining the point. Another suggestion which I have made "in a previous report is that the limit to loans provided in section 24 of the Banking Act be either increased or repealed entirely, as the practical results clearly show that the effect is to needlessly force the surplus reserves of the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis SECRETARY OF THE STATE BANKING BOARD V country banks, occasioned by such limitations, to the money centers, to the detriment of the banks and the needs of the community in which the. banks are situated. Especially does it work a hardship during the winter months when the demand from the farms is greatest. This section without question is a positive injustice to the various com munities of the state outside of the reserve centers. The last legislature defeated a measure for an amendment to the banking law authorizing the banking board to exercise its discretion in accepting an application for, or issuing a charter to a bank in places, in its judgment, already adequately supplied with banking fa cilities. This is a provision I have heretofore recommended, and I want now to repeat this recommendation. Such authority is successful ly exercised by the Comptroller of the Currency and by Bank Commis sioners and Supervisors of other states. In my opinion the interests of the promoters and the community are. best protected and subserved by rejecting an application for a bank charter where the field is too limited to justify its establishment. Such authority should not be exercised, however, until the board is fully convinced after a thorough and careful investigation that the conditions warrant it. State banks that nationalized prior to the time the assessments provided for in section 45 of the Banking Act became due and payable, are resisting the penalties provided by said section. Section 27 of the Banking Act limits the amount of interest banks may pay directly or indirectly on deposits to a rate not greater than five per cent. Under your supervision building and loan associa tions operate without a limit placed upon the rate of interest they may pay, provided it does not exceed the legal rate of seven per cent, or ten per cent by contract. Here, are two systems operating under your supervision, both of which are bidding for the people’s money, the one restricted to five per cent interest, the other practically without re striction. This is manifestly an injustice to the banks. Either the limit to the rate a bank may pay should be removed, or the building and loan associations should be limited to the same rate that a bank is permitted to pay. It is unfair to tie the hands of the one and give practically unrestricted license to the other. The taking effect of the new law on March 30, 1911, which pro vides that the governor shall be a member of the. banking board in stead of the state treasurer, resulted in the retirement from the board of Hon. Walter A. George, the present state treasurer, to whom I want especially to express my sincere appreciation of his co-operation and valuable assistance in the supervision of the institutions under the control of this department. To the present members of the board I desire to extend my thanks for their valuable counsel, prompt action and final adjudication of all matters brought to their attention, and to whom is largely due what ever success has attended the administration of the department. It is but just to commend the most excellent services of the pre- Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis VI TWENTIETH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE sent examining force, and examiners J. A. Bartos and C. W. Erwin, who retired from the force a few months ago to engage in the banking business. I acknowledge my appreciation of the very excellent and faithful services rendered by the members of the office force. Very respectfully, E. ROYSE, Secretary State Banking Board. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis SECRETARY OF THE STATE BANKING BOARD VII Abstract of the condition of the Commercial and Savings Banks of the State of Nebraska, at the close of business on the 17th day of February, 1911. Number of banks reporting 668. Number of depositors 231,155. Average reserve 29 per cent. RESOURCES Loans and discounts.......................... ....................................$ 66,205,994.76 Overdrafts ................................................................................. 497,484.48 Bonds, Securities, Judgments, Claims, Etc....................... 579,168.19 Due from National and State Banks................................... 16,960,248.15 2,565,389.63 Banking House, Furniture and Fixtures.......................... Other Real Estate................................................................... 194,031.25 Current Expenses and Taxes Paid...................................... 794,932.37 Other Assets.............................. 34,806.22 Cash ........................................................-.........-........................ 4,476,439.90 Total ............................................................$ 92,308,494.95 LIABILITIES Capital Stock Paid in..............................................................$ 12,729,940.00 Surplus Fund.......................................... ........... ...................... 2,427,190.24 Undivided Profits.................................................................... 2,057,972.32 Dividends Unpaid..................................................................... 30,554.63 Individual Deposits........................................-.......................... 40,047,892.26 Demand Certificates of Deposit......................................... 6,824,705.96 Time Certificates of Deposit............................................ 25,709,043.39 Due to Banks............................................................................ 1,523,825.68 Notes and Bills Re-discounted.......................................... 240,977.76 Bills Payable............................................................................ 716,392.71 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Total $ 92,308,494.95 VIII TWENTIETH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE Abstract of the condition of the Commercial and Savings Banks of the State of Nebraska, at the close of business on the 1st day of June, 1911. Number of banks reporting 6 5 8. Number of depositors 229,162. Average reserve 30.6 per cent. RESOURCES Loans and Discounts............................. ................. ...... ....... $ 62,996,009.68 Overdrafts ................................... ..... ............. ..................... . 425,019.14 Bonds, Securities, Judgments, Claims, Etc______ 609,627.89 Due from National and State Banks.......... ...................... . 17,653,547.09 Banking House, Furniture and Fixtures.......................... 2,534,690.27 229,637.1 1 Other Real Estate.............................................................. . Current Expenses and Taxes Paid....................................... 1,120,602.35 Cash ................................................................ 4,387,101.24 Other Assets...................................................................... 29,800.76 Total ..........................................................$ 89,986,035.53 LIABILITIES Capital Stock Paid in............................................... .............. $ 12,544,340.00 Surplus Fund............... 2,448,719.97 Undivided Profits..................................................................... 2,608,941.87 Dividends Unpaid..................................................................... 17,057.90 Individual Deposits ................................................................. 38,965,525.84 Demand Certificates of Deposit.......................... 6,022,429.97 Time Certificates of Deposit............................................. 25,396,288.25 Due to Banks............................................. 1,502,239.10 Notes and Bills Re-discounted............................................ 96,818.53 Bills Payable.............................................................................. 383,674.10 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Total $ 89,986,035.53 SECRETARY OF THE STATE BANKING BOARD Abstract of the condition of the State of Nebraska, at the August, 1911. Number of positors 238,424. Average IX Commercial and Savings Banks of the close of business on the 31st day of banks reporting 662. Number of de reserve 33.6 per cent. RESOURCES Loans and Discounts.............................................................. $ 63,337,313.03 Overdrafts ............................ ....................................... :........... 480,395.64 Bonds, Securities, Judgments, Claims, Etc....................... 637,616.40 Due from National and State Banks................................... 20,924,939.62 Banking House, Furniture and Fixtures.......................... 2,574,918.64 Other Real Estate................................................................... 203,212.90 Current Expenses and Taxes Paid..................................... 1,049,352.04 Other Assets..................................................... 44,592.84 Cash .......................... •..........:...................................................... 4,429,016.08 Total .......................................................$ 93,681,357.19 LIABILITIES Capital Stock Paid in..............................................................$ 12,708,340.00 Surplus Fund............................................................................ 2,539,102.55 Undivided Profits..................................................................... 2,309,144.83 Dividends Unpaid..................................................................... 12,899.37 Individual D eposits............................................ ,................... 40,265,378.44 Demand Certificates of Deposit............................................ 6,584,090.03 Time Certificates of Deposit................................................. 26,772,641.19 -1,958,736.95 Due to Banks ......... ........................ ,........................................ Notes and Bills Re-discounted............................................ 98,715.00 Bills Payable............................................................................. 260,166.93 Depositors’ Guaranty Fund................................................... 172,141.90 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Total $ 93,681,357.19 X TWENTIETH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE Abstract of the condition o f the Commercial and Savings Banks of the State of Nebraska, at the close of business on the 5th day of December, 1911. Number of banks reporting 669. Number of depositors 243,333. Average reserve 27 per cent. RESOURCES Loans and Discounts.............................................................. $ 67,558,844.13 Overdrafts ..............,............... ................................................... 562,178.03 Bonds, Securities, Judgments, Claims, E tc....................... 761,998.02 15,696,080.50 Due from National and State Banks........... ...................... Banking House, Furniture and Fixtures.......................... 2,609,278.80 Other Real Estate ........................................ 211,001.37 Current Expenses and Taxes Paid........ "............. ...... ....... 1,495,125.12 Checks and Items of Exchange............................................ 407,470.19 Currency ............... 2,245,185.57 Gold Coin .......................................... 1,232,036.40 Silver, Nickels and Cents ...................................................... 547,962.48 Other Assets ............................................................................ 61,222.67 Total ......................................................... $ 93,388,383.28 LIABILITIES Capital Stock Paid in..............................................................$ 12,827,240.00 Surplus Fund ........................................................................ 2,582,299.39 Undivided Profits ................................................................... 3,219,594.39 Dividends Unpaid ................................................................... 4,315.50 38,277,027.68 Individual Deposits ___ Demand Certificates of Deposit ........... 6,730,791.67 Time Certificates of Deposit ........................................ 27,184,180.87 Due to Banks............................................................... 1,694,046.83 Notes and Bills Re-discounted.................. 163,245.81 Bills Payable .. .,f...................................................................... 528,995.50 Depositors’ Guaranty Fund ............................................... 176,645.64 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Total $ 93,388,383.28 SECRETARY OF THE STATE BANKING BOARD XI Abstract of the condition of the Commercial Banks of the State of Nebraska, at the close of business on the 5th day of December. 1911. Number of banks reporting 649. Number of depositors 226,054. Average reserve 27.6 per cent. RESOURCES Loans and Discounts ................... ..................... ..................... $ 65,071,755.36 Overdrafts ................................................................................. 562,178.03 Bonds, Securities, Judgments, Claims, Etc...................... 586,740.30 Due from National and State Banks................................. 15,293,308.14 Banking House, Furniture andFixtures............................... 2,606,273.44 Other Real Estate ................................................................... 209,679.32 Current Expenses and TaxesPaid ...................................... 1,470,009.59 Other Assets ............................................................................ 61,222.67 Cash ........................................... 4,402.492.33 Total ......................................... .................$ 90,263,659.18 LIABILITIES Capital Stock Paid in.............................................................$ 12,452,740.00 Surplus Fund ................................. ,..... ................................. 2,513,999.39 Undivided Profits .......... ,....................................................... 3,140,895.92 Dividends Unpaid ............................................................. '.... 4,315.50 Individual Deposits ........................ 35,872,096.11 6,713,708.90 Demand Certificates of Deposit .......................................... Time Certificates of Deposit ........... 27,016,102.29 Due to Banks..................................... 1,694,046.83 163,245.81 Notes and Bills Re-discounted............................................ Bills Payable ............................................................................ 521,995.50 Depositors’ Guaranty Fund............................................... 170,512.93 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Total $ 90,263,659.18 XII TWENTIETH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE Abstract of the condition o f the. Savings Banks of the State of Nebraska, at the close of business on the 5th clay of December, 1911. Number of Banks reporting 20. Number of depositors 17,279. Average reserve 16.7 per cent. RESOURCES Loans and Discounts .......................................... § Overdrafts .............................................. Bonds, Securities, Judgments, Claims, E tc...................... Due from National and State Banks ................. ..... Banking House, Furniture and Fixtures........................ Other Real Estate ..................................... Current Expenses and Taxes Paid Cash ................ Total .................................. LIABILITIES Capital Stock Paid in....................................... Surplus Fund ........................................... Undivided Profits ............................................ Dividends Unpaid ........................................... Individual Deposits ....................................... Demand Certificates of Deposit Time Certificates of Deposit ........................ Bills Payable ........ ..................................... Depositors’ Guaranty Fund Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Total 2,487,088.77 None 175 257.72 402,772.36 3,005.36 1,322.05 25,115.53 30,162.31 3,124,724.10 374,500.00 68,300.00 78,698.47 None 2,404,931.57 17,082.77 168,078.58 7,000.00 6,132.71 3,124,724.10 SECRETARY OF THE STATE BANKING BOARD XIII Abstract of the condition of the National Banks of the State of Nebraska, at the close of business on the 5th day of December, 1911, as reported to the Comptroller of the Currency. Number of banks reporting 247. Average reserve 34 per cent. RESOURCES Loans and Discounts .......................... ...................... Overdrafts ..................................................................... U. S. Bonds to Secure Circulation ................ -..... — U. S. Bonds to Secure Deposits .............................. Oth^r Bonds to Secure U. S. Deposits ................... U. S. Bonds on Hand .................................................. Premium on U. S. Bonds ......................................... Securities, Judgments, Claims, Etc........................ Banking House, Furniture and Fixtures .............. Other Real Estate and Mortgages Owned ......... Due from Other National Banks ......................----Due from State and Private Banks and Bankers Due from Approved Reserve Agents ......... ........ Checks and Other Cash Items.................................. Exchanges for Clearing House ........................ ..... Bills of Other National Banks ................................ Fractional Paper Currency, Nickels and Cents.. Specie ............................................................................ Legal Tender Notes ................................................. Five Per Cent Redemption Fund .......................... Due from U. S. Treasurer ........................................ Total LIABILITIES Capital Stock Paid in............................................. Surplus Fund ........ ..................- ...... -.................... Undivided Profits, Less Expenses .................... National Bank Notes Outstanding .................. Due to Other National Banks ................... -...... Due to State and Private Banks and Bankers Due to Trust Companies and Savings Banks Due to Approved Reserve Agents ................... Dividends Unpaid ................................................. Individual Deposits ............................................ U. S. Deposits ..................................—.................. Deposits of U. S. Disbursing Officers ............. Bonds Borrowed ........ ...........— .......................... Notes and Bills Re-discounted.......................... Bills Payable .......................................................... Reserved for Taxes .............................................. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Total 95,014,175.02 859,100.71 12,232,320.00 1,127,000.00 375,566.68 89,300.00 96,179.42 4,181,514.48 3.850.507.60 321,439.01 7,657,581.88 2.696.333.61 16,683,064.50 969,954.35 1,765,790.90 714.773.00 53,050.86 8,118,819.36 2,085,638.00 563.373.00 26,705.00 $159,482,187.38 16,240,000.00 7,049,770.00 3,194,213.04 12,157,697.50 15,192,244.31 13,674,605.82 639,289.93 456.99 2,836.19 89,029,065.95 635,679.89 526,821.53 2, 000.00 170,080.55 898,911.60 65,514.08 $159,482,187.38 XIV TWENTIETH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE Abstract of the condition of all the Banks of the State of Nebraska, (including State and National Banks), at the close of business on the 5th day of December, 1911. Number of banks reporting. State 669. National 247. Total 916. Average reserve 31 per cent. RESOURCES Loans and Discounts ................................................ $162 573 019 15 Overdrafts ................................................................................. 1,421,278.74 U. S. Bonds to Secure Circulation ........................... ....... 12,232,320.00 U. S. Bonds to Secure Deposits ................. ................ ....... 1,127,000.00 Other Bonds to Secure U. S. Deposits.......... ....... ....... 375,566.68 Premiums on U. S. Bonds..................................................... 96,179.42 Bonds, Securities, Judgments, Claims, Etc...................... 5,032,812.50 Banking House, Furniture and Fixtures_____________ 6,459,786 40 Other Real Estate and Mortgages Owned...................... 532,440.38 Due from Banks ..................................................................... 42,733,060.49 Cash .........................................................................-.................. Five Per Cent Redemption Fund ........................................ Due from U. S. Treasurer .................................................. Other Assets —.......................... .................... Total 17,170,726.73 563,373 00 26 705 00 -j q^-j ^77 qo ...........................................................$251,375,445.54 LIABILITIES Capital Stock Paid in.............................................................. $ 29,067,240 00 Surplus Fund .......................................................................... 9,632,069.39 Undivided Profits, Less Expenses ...................................... 4,918 682 3J Dividends Unpaid ................................................... ’ 7151 09 National Bank notes outstanding............ .................... 12,157 697 50 Deposits ..................................................................................... 193,584,211.47 2 000 00 Bonds Borrowed .............................................................. Notes and Bills Re-discounted....................................... 330 320 30 Bills Payable ............................................................................ 1,427,907.10 Reserved for Taxes ............. 6s'514.0S Depositors Guaranty Fund ........................................ 176 645 64 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Totai .......................................................... $251,375,445.54 SECRETARY OF THE STATE BANKING BOARD XV Number of State Banks Reporting November 10, 1910....................... 666 Number of State Banks Reporting February 17, 1911...................... 668 Number of State Banks Reporting June 1, 1911............................... 658 Number of State Banks Reporting August 81, 1911.......................... 662 Number of State Banks Reporting December 5, 1911................. 669 Total Resources of State Banks November 10, 1910....$ 90,460,835.95 Total Resources of State Banks February 17, 1911...... 92,308,494.95 Total Resources of State Banks June 1, 1911____r...... 89,986,035.53 Total Resources of State Banks August 31, 1911.......... 93,681,357.19 Total Resources of State Banks December 5, 1911........ 93,388,383.28 Resources increased from Nov. 10, 1910 to Dec. 5, 1911 2,927,547.33 Capital increased from Nov. 10, 1910 to Dec. 5, 1911 316,800.00 Deposits in State Banks November 10, 1910................. 71,689,453.58 Deposits in State Banks Feburary 17, 1911.................... 74,136,021.92 Deposits in State Banks June 1, 1911............................... 71,903,541.06 Deposits in State Banks August 31, 1911........................ 75,593,745.98 Deposits in State Banks December 5, 1911...................... 73,890,362.55 Deposits in National Banks November 10, 1910............. 113,432,149.86 Deposits in National Banks January 7, 1911................. 107,980,505.10 Deposits in National Banks March 7, 1911...................... 120,171,922.06 Deposits in National Banks June 7, 1911...................... 121,704,235.39 Deposits in National Banks September 1, 1911............. 126,986,538.67 Deposits in National Banks December 5, 1911............... 119,701,000.61 Population of Nebraska, Census of 1910.......................... 1,192,217 Total Depositors in State Banks December 5, 1911.... 243,333 Deposits in State Banks December 5, 1911................... $ 73,890,362.55 Deposits in Natonal Banks December 5, 1911................. 119,701,000.61 Deposits in National and State Banks December 5, 1911 193,591,363.16 Average deposit for each depositor in State Banks........ 303.64 Average per capita deposit in State Banks................. 62.00 100.40 Average per capita deposit in National Banks............ Average per capita deposit in all banks.......................... 162.37 110,442.52 Average amount of deposits in each State Bank............. Average amount of deposits in all banks........................ 211,336.48 Average amount of deposits in National Banks............. 484 607,95 Average capital for State Banks ........................................ 19,173.75 Average capital for National Banks ......... 65,749.00 Average capital for all Banks ............................................ 31,732.80 Average number of people for each State Bank............. 1,792 Average number of people for each Bank...................... 1,302 Ratio of capital to deposits in State Banks.............................. 1 to 5.77 Ratio of capital to deposits in all Banks ...................................1 to 6.66 Increase in number of State Banks since Nov. 101910........................ 3 Increase in number of National Banks since Nov. 10,1910................... 9 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis XVI The Savings Banks of the State of Nebraska, showing the Location, Name, Capital, Deposits and Depositors at the close of business on the 5th day of December, 1911. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Name Blair ........ ........................ Citizens Tiust and Savings Bank.. Beatrice ............................First State Savings Bank................ Columbus ..........................The Home Savings Bank................ Crete ................................. First Trust and Savings Bank...... David City ......................The City Trust and Savings Bank Fairbury .......................... Fairbury Savings Bank.................... Fremont ............................ Security Savings Bank...................... Fremont .......................... The Home Savings Bank.................. Fremont .......................... Fremont Trust and Savings Bank. Friend ...............................First Savings Bank ........................ Grand Island ...................Home Savings Bank......................... Hartington ..................... Peoples Saving Bank.......................... Lincoln ............................ The First Trust and Savings Bank. Lincoln ...............................American Savings Bank................... Madison ............... .............The Home Savings Bank................ Schuyler .......................... The Schuyler Savings Bank............ South Omaha ................. The South Omaha Savings Bank... Superior ............................ First State Savings Bank................. Wahoo ...............................The Nebraska State Savings Bank. W ilber ...............................The Home Savings Bank................. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Total...................... Capital I Deposits $ 12,500 $ 31,324.18 12,000 46,377.32 12,000 35,522.87 12,500 40,370.70 12,500 67,629.23 25,000 139,441.33 18,000 150,561.29 18,000 236,061.74 15,000 123,489.48 12,500 38,110.79 15,000 82,363.83 25,000 51,233.91 50,000 754,027.61 30,000 370,524.41 12,000 58,858.71 15,000 103,875.17 25 000 141,268.51 15,000 12,401.61 25,000 100,364.22 12,500 5,886.01 192 224 232 218 264 922 979 1,162 1,966 224 874 199 4,15 9 3,200 250 325 1,472 91 265 61 $374,500 I $2,590,092.92 I 17,279 TWENTIETH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE Location Number of SECRETARY OF THE STATE BANKING BOARD XYII Comparative statement from annual reports to the Banking De partment of banks passing into the hands of Receivers, and placed in the hands of trustees, with the amounts of deposits in the closed hanks, and in all banks, in the years 1892 to 1911 inclusive. Year 1892 1893 1894 1895 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901 1 902 1903 1904 1905* 1906 1907 1908 1909 1910 1911 Mo. Day Nov. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Nov. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Dec. 5 19 29 31 31 30 1 2 13 10 25 17 10 9 12 30 27 16 10 5 $ in Deposits in Banks Closed Total Deposits All Banks 71,997.18 652,175.79 197,283.25 584,655.80 1,156,888.81 144,507.34 35,730.06 13,829.96 39,975.91 100,894.18 195,770.70 16,915.81 $24,891,113.29 17,208,476.14 18,074,832.43 14,200,775.62 10,227,537.93 13,902,940.36 18,225,180.14 21,666,111.12 25,894,059.37 31,431,358.54 34,487,619.26 37,073,882.24 39,575,183.14 50,157,335.20 57,574,385.04 64,436,149.75 65,398,753.23 73,283,626.75 71,676,372.78 73,890,362.55 53,691.28 80,016.70 l o 7 17 8 17 36 6 3 2 2 1 2 2 3' 3 1 1 1 1 3 95,052 97,518 116,484 128,593 153,602 179,926 207,459 216,325 224,632 230,067 243,333 4 513 504 482 447 414 398 393 405 412 439 479 501 515 546 584 621 628 662 666 669 *NOTE.— This bank was closed in November, 1904, but subse quent to the date of the close, of the period covered by the 1904 report. 1. Note.— Number of banks placed in hands of Receivers during the year. 2. Note.— Number of banks placed in the. hands of Trustees under bonds. 3. Note.— Number of depositors at date of annual report. 4. Note.— Number of banks in active operation at date of annual report. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis XVIII TWENTIETH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE State Banks previously chartered, but commenced business during the period covered by this report. 1 Sprague ...... The Bank of Sprague.... .The Stockmans and Farmers Bank.. 2 Harrison .$10,000.00 . 25,000.00 State Banks that have been chartered during the period covered by this report. 1 2 . 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Bennington ..Bennington State Bank Ceresco ....... .Farmers and Merchants Bank... Curtis ......... .Curtis State Bank.......... Doniphan ... .Commercial Exchange Bank..... Dorchester ... .Bank of Dorchester_____ Elba ..............Farmers State Bank...... Harrison .....The Harrison State Bank........... Inland ....... .Farmers State Bank___ Kramer ....... .Farmers State Bank...... Lewellen ..... .Garden County Bank.... ....... ...... Lincoln ....... .Nebraska State Bank ... McGrew ___.McGrew State Bank...... Mason City ..Farmers State Bank___ North Platte. .The Platte Valley State Bank... Palmyra __ .Citizens State Bank___ Ponca ......... .Bank of Dixon County.. St. Paul ..... .Citizens State, Bank...... Springfield ..Farmers State Bank___ Superior ..... .First State Savings Bank______ Tarnov ....... .Bank of Tarnov.............. Tryon _____ .The Tryon State Bank.. Verdigre ..... .Nebraska State Bank.... Wabash ....... .Farmers State Bank___ W ymore ..... .The Farmers and Merchants Bank. .$15,000.00 . 15,000.00 . 20,000.00 . 15,000.00 . 25,000.00 . 15,000.00 . 20,000.00 . 10,000.00 . 10,000.00 . 10,000.00 . 50,000.00 . 15,000.00 . 10,000.00 . 50,000.00 . 15,000.00 . 50,000.00 . 30,000.00 . 15,000.00 . 15,000.00 . 15,000.00 . 10,000.00 . 17,000.00 . 10,000.00 . 35,000.00 State Banks; that have Nationalized during the period covered by this report. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Beiden ....... .The Belden Bank........... .....May 31, 1911 Brunswick ..The Brunswick Bank...... ......June 2, 1911 Coleridge ... .Commercial State Bank ....May 29, 1911 Laurel _____ .Farmers State Bank...... ....April 6, 1911 Madison ..... .Madison State Bank....... .....May 29, 1911 Oakland __ .Farmers and Merchants Bank... ...May 26, 1911 Oshkosh ..... .Deuel County Bank____ .....July 17, 1911 Tilden ......... .Elkhorn Valley Bank..... .....May 11, 1911 Wakefield ... .Farmers and Traders Bank Mar. 24 ,1911 Wausa ....... .Farmers State Bank....... ... April 19, 1911 Wausa ....... .Commercial Bank........... .....May 22, 1911 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis $15,000.00 25,000.00 40,000.00 25,000.00 50,000.00 50,000.00 25,000.00 50,000.00 40,000.00 50,000.00 50,000.00 SECRETARY OF THE STATE BANKING BOARO X IX State, Banks that have sold to other Banks during the period cov ered by this report. Dorchester ..Dorchester State Bank.. ..March 2, Elsie ......... ...The Citizens Bank......... ...May 31, Hartington ..Farmers State Bank...... ....Jan. 27, Lincoln ..... ...Farmers and Merchants Bank... .....Jan. 5, 5 Scotia ....... ...First State Bank............ ....Jan. 26, 1 2 3 4 1911 1911 1911 i' $25,000.00 5,000.00 50,000.00 1911 1911 50,000.00 10,000.00 State" Banks that have gone into voluntary liquidation during the period covered by this report. 1 2 3 4 Endicott ... ...State Bank of Endicott.. ....Feb. 17, Murdock ... ...Union State Bank............ __ Jan. 28, Paul .......... ...Bank of Paul.......... ....... . ......July 1, Preston ..... ...Farmers State Bank....... .Mjarch 25, 1911 1911 1911 1911 $10,000.00 10,000.00 5,000.00 13,000.00 Private Banks that have Incorporated during the period covered by this report. 1 Ponca .......... Bank of Dixon County........ Feb. 21, 1911 2 Wabash ....... The Farmers State Bank.......Jan. 9, 1911 $50,000.00 5,000.00 State Banks previously chartered, but have never opened for busi ness and have surrendered their charters. 1 Harrison ..... The Stockmans and Farmers Bank............ $25,000.00 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis TWENTIETH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE XX RECAPITULATION Number of Banks reporting November 10th, 1910............................ 666 Number of Banks chartered but had not commenced business November 10th, 1910 ........................................................................ 2 Number of Banks chartered during period covered by this report 24 Number of Banks Nationalized during period covered by this report................................................... -................................ 11 Number of Banks sold to other Banks during period covered 5 by this report........................................ Number of Banks voluntarily liquidated during period covered by this report.............................................. 4 Number of Private Banks Incorporated during period covered by this report.......................................................... 2 Number of Banks surrendering charter without ever opening 1 Number of Banks reporting December 5th, 1911........................ 669 Total .............................................................................................. 692 692 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis SECRETARY OF THE STATE BANKING BOARD X XI State Banks that have extended the termination of their charters during the period covered by this report. 1 Bancroft ___ Citizens Bank____________ 2 Central City..The Farmers State Bank.. 3 Clarkson ....Clarkson State Bank......... 4 Dunbar -------The Dunbar State Bank... 5 Hickman ....The Bank of Hickman...... 6 Homer ........ Homer State Bank............. 7 Johnstown ..The Citizens Bank............ 8 Indianola ....State Bank........................ 9 Milford ........ The. Nebraska State Bank 10 Ord ............... Ord State Bank........r......... 11 Rulo .............Bank of R ulo................ ...... 12 W ood River..Citizens State Bank Sept. 1, Apr. 13, .to Nov. 18, June 1, Apr. 1, May 15, Sept. 1, Sept. 1, .to May 26, to Aug. 2 4, .to Sept. 25, June 1, 1941 1936 1930 1941 1961 1931 1961 1931 1931 1936 1931 1931 State Banks that have changed their names during the period cov ered by this report. 1 O’Neill ........ Fidelity Bank............................... to Nebraska State Bank 2 Palmer ........ Loup Valley Bank.............. To Loup Valley State Bank State Banks that have, decreased their paid in capital during the period covered by this report. 1 Elk Creek ....State Bank..................... from $20,000.00 to $15,000.00 2 Seward ........ State Bank of Nebraska from 60,000.00 to 35,000.00 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis I To 10 , 000.00 10 , 000.00 10 , 000.00 25.000. 15.000. 25.000. 15.000. 25.000. 16.000. 40.000. 40.000. 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 20 . 000 . 00 25.000. 00 2 0 . 0 0 0 . 00 25.000. 00 25.000. 00 2 0 . 0 0 0 . 00 25.000. 00 30.000. 00 2 0 . 0 00 . 00 25.000. 00 75.000. 00 20 . 0 0 0 . 00 2 0 , 000.00 100 , 000.00 10 , 000.00 25.000. 00 50.000. 00 TWENTIETH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis X X II 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 2 26 27 28 State Banks that have increased their Capital during the period covered by this report. From Arnold ...............................Farmers State Bank................................................................... $ 5.000. 00 5.000. 00 Atlanta ....................... ..Atlanta State Bank................ ...................................................... Bee ................................... State Bank of Bee. ....................... .................. ............. ............- 5.000. 00 Belgrade .......................... Sank of Belgrade.................. ..................................................... 15.000. 00 Belgrade ............................. The Farmers State Bank.......................................................... 10 . 000 . 00 Benson ...............................Bank of Benson.............. ............. ................................................ 2 0 , 000.00 Blue Hill .......................... The Commercial Bank.............. ........ .......................................... 12 , 000.00 Brunswick ........................The Brunswick Bank........................ ....... ................ .................. 12.500.00 Cairo ............................. ..The Cairo State Bank................................................................ 15.000. 00 Callaway .......................... Farmers State Bank.................................................................... 15.000. 00 Coleridge .......................... Commercial State Bank................................. .......................... 30.000. 00 Colon ................................. The Colon State Bank...... .......................................................... 15.000. 00 7,500.00 Comstock .......................... Citizens State Bank....... .............................................................. Cortland .......................... Bank of Cortland.......... .............................................................. 15.000. 00 Crab Orchard ................. Bank of Crab Orchard......................................................... ...... 20 . 000 . 00 Crofton ............................ ..Farmers State Bank..................................... .......................... . 12 , 000.00 Doniphan ................. ....... .Bank o f Doniphan................................ ....................................... 12.500.00 Dorchester ........................ Citizens State Bank............................... .......................... ........ 15.000. 00 Eagle ................................. Bank o f Eagle............................................................................... 2 0 . 0 0 0 . 00 Eddyville ........................ Eddyville State Bank............. ............. ................................ — 10 , 000.00 Ewing ................................. Ewing State Bank........ ............................................................... 15.000. 00 Falls City .......................... Falls City State Bank....... ..... ................... ............................... 50.000. 00 Franklin ......................... Franklin Exchange Bank ..................................................... 15.000. 00 Glenville ......................... The Farmers State Bank................... .............. ........................... 10.000. 00 5 Grand Island ................The Commercial State Bank...... ............................................... 80,000.00 5.000. 00 Hallam ...............................Hallam Bank................................................................................. Hartington ........................The Peoples Savings Bank......... .................................. ........... 15.000. 00 Hay Springs ......................The Northwestern State Bank................................................. 25.000. 00 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 22 , 000.00 12,500.00 15.000. 00 20 . 000 . 00 20 , 000.00 25.000. 00 15.000. 00 15.000. 00 10 . 000 . 00 10 , 000.00 15.000. 00 30.000. 00 25.000. 00 15.000. 00 10 . 000 . 00 10 , 000.00 25.000. 00 25.000. 00 25.000. 00 7,500.00 1 0 . 0 0 0 . 00 1 0 , 000.00 25.000. 25.000. 25.000. 50.000. 16.000. 30.000. 30.000. 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 X X III State Banks that have increased their capital— Continued. 21 , 000.00 Hemingford ......................First State Bank_______ _______ _________ 11 , 200.00 Hemingford ........ ............. The Peoples Bank....................................... . 10 , 000.00 H osk in s...............................Hoskins State Bank......... ............................. 10 , 000.00 2 J-ackson ............ ............ Bank of Dakota County------------------------10 , 000.00 Kenesaw ......................... Kenesaw Exchange Bank.......... .............. . 2 0 , 000. 00 Liberty ..............................The State Bank of 'Liberty.......................... 10 , 000.00 Louisville .......................... Bank of Commerce...... ...... ....... ...... ...... . 10 , 000.00 Lynch ................................. Bank of Lynch..... ...................................... . 8,500.00 Martell ........ ,..................... Kartell State Bank....... ......................... — 5.000. 00 Martinsburg ...................... Martinsburg State Bank...---------------------10 , 000.00 Meadow Grove ................. Security Bank.......... — ............. .................... 15.000. 00 Morse Bluff ......................The Bank of Morse Bluff...........— ........... 20 . 000 . 00 Newcastle ........... .............. Newcastle State Bank.................................. 10 , 000.00 Newport ............................ The Rock County State Bank................ . 5.000. 00 Nora ................................... Nora State Bank........................................... 5.000. 00 Octavia .............................. Octavia State Bank.................. ...... ............ 10 , 000.00 Oshkosh ............................ Deuel County Bank...................................... 20 , 000.00 6 Osmond .........................Security State Bank.------- ---------------------7.000. 00 Palmer ...............................Loup Valley State Bank........ ...... ............ 5.000. 00 Paxton .............................. Commercial State Bank............................. 5.000. 00 Richland .......................... Richland State Bank................. .................. 5.000. 00 Rosemont .......................... The Bank of Rosemont............... ................ 15.000. 00 Silver Creek ................. ....The Silver Creek State Bank....................... 12 . 000 . 00 Snyder ...............................The Snyder State Bank.............................. . 10 , 000.00 Sterling......... ....... ............. First State Bank.......................................... 25.000. 00 Tilden ................................. Elkhorn Valley Bank............ ..................... 10 .000 . 00 5 Trenton .........................The Farmers and Merchants State Bank 25.000. 00 University Place .............Citizens State Bank........ ........................ — 20 . 000 . 00 U tica ................ ...................Merchants Bank of Utica........................... SECRETARY OF THE STATE BANKING BOARD 29 30 31 3 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 4 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 5 56 57 X X IV TWENTIETH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE Classification of Banks under State Supervision by capitalization, ■on December 5th, 1911. 36 banks with capital o f......$ 5 1 ' 1 1 11 3 180 2 2 15 11 1 1 1 1 102 5 1 1 6 71 1 1 116 29 1 7 1 1 11 33 1 1 3 5 669 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ' “ 5,000.00 each, total......$ 180,000.00 5,000. 30,000.00 6,000.00 ___ 6,240.00 6,240.00 ___ 6,500.00 6,500.00 ...... 7,000.00 7,000.00 ___ 825,000.00 7,500.00 ...... 24,000.00 8,000.00 ...... 1,800.000.00 10,000.00 ___ 20,400.00 10,200.00 ...... 22,000.00 11,000.00 ___ 180,000.00 12,000.00 ___ 137,500.00 12,500.00 ___ 13,000.00 13,000.00 ___ 13,500.00 13,500.00 ___ 13,600.00 13,600.00 ___ 14,000.00 14,000.00 ___ 1,530,000.00 15,000.00 ...... 80,000.00 16,000.00 ___ 17,000.00 17,000.00 ___ 17,500.00 17,500.00 ...... 108,000.00 18,000.00 ___ 1,420,000,00 20,000.00 ___ 21,000.00 21,000.00 ___ 22,000.00 22,000.00 ...... 2,900,000.00 25,000.00 ...... 870,000.00 30,000.00 33,000.00 ___ 33,000.00 35,000.00 ___ 245,000.00 ___ 36,000.00 36,000.00 ...... 37,500.00 37,500.00 ...... 440,000.00 40,000.00 50,000.00 ___ 1,650,000.00 60,000.00 ...... 60,000.00 65,000.00 ...... 65,000.00 75,000.00 ...... 225,000.00 100,000.00 ...... 500,000.00 Total ......................$12,827,240.00 Private Banks in the State of Nebraska which have been Incorporated since January 1, 1900, to the date of this report. Bank of Craig................................. ..Craig ................ .$ Bank of C. R. Jones and Co...... ..Juniata ........... . Exchange Bank............................. ...Ogalalla ........... Kenesaw Exchange Bank............ ..Kenesaw ......... . Bank of Merna............................... ..Merna .............. . Farmers Bank ............................... ..Lyons ................ First State Bank.................. ....... -H em ingford ..... . Bank of Dakota County............... ..Jackson ........ . Bank of Chas. McDonald............ ..North Platte ... . Frenchman Valley Bank.............. ..Palisade ........... . Farmers and Merchants Bank.... -H enderson __ . Commercial Bank................... :___ ..Wausa _______ . Bank of Butte........................ ..Butte ............... Bank of Glenville................... :..... -G lenville ....... W ood Lake Bank........................ ..W o o l Lake ..... The Citizens State Bank.......... ..Virginia ........ . Bank of Cortland.......................... ..Cortland ........ . Bank of Odell................................. ..Odell ................ . <J. D. Spearman and Co............... ..Springfield ____ . Farmers Bank................................. -R eynolds ......... Peoples Bank____ _____________ ..Lodge Pole ..... Farmers and Merchants Bank.. ..Ashland ............ . Exchange Bank............................... -O n g .................. . Oakdale Bank................. ........ ...... ..Oakdale ............ . Washington County Bank.......... ..Ft. Calhoun ... . Bank of R ogers............................... ..Rogers .............. Bank of O'ttis and Murphy.......... „Hum phrey ....... . Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 10,000.00 20,000.00 5,000.00 15,000.00 10,000.00 6,000.00 ■5,300.00 10,000.00 30,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 20,000.00 10,000.00 8,000.00 9,000.00 5,000.00 10,000.00 20,000.00 15,000.00 7,500.00 6,000.00 65,000.00 50,000.00 10,000.00 25,000.00 5,000.00 25,000.00 Dec 13 1899 Jan 2 1900 Jul 1900 Nov 1900 Jun 20 1901 Aug 30 1901 Nov 18 1901 Jan 25 1902 Feb 25 1902 Mar 14 1902 Oct 8 1902 Oct 28 1902 Oct 29 1902 Apr 1 1903 May 20 1903 Jun 3 1903 Jul 28 1903 Aug 3 1903 Oct 8 1903 Jan 4 1904 Jan 21 1904 Apr 27 1904 Jun 8 1904 Jun 13 1904 Jul 22 1904 Oct 20 1904 Jan 3 1905 .Bank of Juniata .Bank of Glenville SECRETARY OF THE STATE BANKING BOARD 1 2 3 4 5 6 , 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 il 4 15 16 17 18 19 :20 21 22 23 •24 25 26 27 4 0 Farmers and Merchants Bank. 42 Bank of Ragan. 44 Hubbell Bank................. 45 Madrid Exchange Bank. 4 6 State Bank...................... Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Kimball .......... .. Eagle .......... Valparaiso ___ .. Herman .......... .. Wauneta ........ .. Dakota City .... .. Stratton __ ___ .. Union ........... . .. Papillion ........ .. Harrisburg .... Exeter ............. .. Rushville ........ Oakland _____ .. Louisville ...... .. Ragan ............. .. Culbertson ...... .. Hubbell .......... .. Madrid ............ .. Elkhorn ....... .. Oak ................... .. Norden ............. Wabash .......... Ponca ............... .. 8,500.00 10,000.00 15,000.00 20,000.00 10,000.00 20,000.00 15,000.00 10,000.00 25,000.00 5,000.00 40,000.00 5,000.00 25,000.00 10,000.00 15,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 20,000.00 15,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 50,000.00 Mar May Feb Jul May Jul Oct Jan Feb Mar Apr Sep Mar Mar Mar Mar Jun Jun Jun Jun ' Jul Jan Feb 27 20 6 27 9 1 28 13 5 27 1 1 5 8 11 22 2 14 11 15 6 9 21 1905 1905 1906 1906 1907 1907 1907 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1909 1909 1909 1909 1909 1909 1909 1909 1909 1911 1911 TWENTIETH ANNUAL REPORT OF 29 Bank of 30 Valparais 31 Plateau X XV I Private Banks which have been Incorporated since January 1, 1900.— Continued. State Banks which have sold to or been consolidated with other Banks since January 1, 1900, to the date of this report. Capital 12,000.00 13,600.00 25,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 15,000.00 12,000.00 15,000.00 20,000.00 5,000.00 7,250.00 5,000.00 25,000.00 15,000.00 5,000.00 6,500.00 60,000.00 6,000.00 10,000.00 5,000.00 15,000.00 12,500.00 10,000.00 6,000.00 10,000.00 20,000.00 Date Aug 10 Dec 29 May 21 May 18 Jun 26 Aug 31 Mar 18 M,ar 17 Jun 28 Jul 12 Aug 18 Sep 12 Jan 10 Jan 13 Mar 17 Apr 8 Jun 1 Jun 15 Aug 24 Feb 19 Jul 16 Jun 16 Dec 12 Jan 26 Mar 7 Mar 7 Sold Successor 1900..................... Bank of Cass County 1900 ..Farmers and Merchants Bank 1901 ... ............State Bank of Curtis 19 01.......................... McLean State Bank 1901.................................Bank of Lorton 1901 ....................Valentine State Bank 1902 ..... Ansley State Bank 1902.....Farmers and Merchants Bank 1902 Gothenburg National Bank 1902............................ Collett State Bank 1902.................................. Farmers Bank 1902 ........................Custer County Bank 1903 ................... Sheridan County Bank 1903....National Bank of Pawnee City 1903 Sutherland State Bank 1903.................................. Farmers Bank National Bank 1903....................... First 1903......Farmers andMerchants Bank 1903 .......-................ Dixon State Bank 1904 ................. Stockham State Bank 19<14.............A. E. W ells and Company 1904---............. Plattsmouth State Bank 1904 .................................... Shelton Bank 1905 ................. Tobias National Bank 1905..................... Bank of Boyd County 1905.......................................Citizens Bank XXVII Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Location ...Plattsmouth ... .$ ...Gretna .... ....... . . ..Curtis ................ . ..McLean ........... ..Lorton .............. ..Valentine _____ . ..Ansley .............. . ... DeW itt ........... . ...Gothenburg ..... . ..Trenton ........... ... Ithaca .............. ..Sargent ........... ..Gordon .... ........ . ...Pawnee City ... . ...Sutherland ....... ..Reynolds ......... ..Hastings _____ ...Milligan ........ ...Dixon .......... ..... . ...Stockham .......... ...Oakland ........... . ..Plattsmouth ..... . ...Shelton ........... . ...Tobias ___ ____ ..Butte ................ . ...Fairfield ........... .. SECRETARY OF THE STATE BANKING BOARD Name of Bank 1 Parmele Savings Bank......... 2 Spearman Snodgrass and Co, 3 Farmers State Bank.............. 4 Bank of McLean..................... 5 First State Bank..................... 6 Cherry County Bank............ 7 Ansley Banking Company.... 8 DeWitt State Bank................. 9 Gothenburg Bank.................. 10 Trenton State Bank............... 11 Ithaca State Bank................ 12 Farmers and Merchants........ 13 Maverick Bank........................ 14 Pawnee County Bank.......... 15 Bank of Sutherland.............. 16 Bank of Reynolds................... 17 Adams County Bank............ 18 Nebraska State Bank............ 19 Dixon Bank.............................. 20 Houghton Brothers.............. 21 W ells and Trimborn......... . 22 Plattsmouth Savings Bank.. 23 The Farmers Bank................ 24 The Peoples Bank........ ....... 25 Bank of Butte......................... 26 Bank of Fairfield.................. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Jun Jun Oct Oct Oct Feb Mar Mar Mar Apr Apr Jul Jul Sep Oct Oct Oct Nov Dec Apr May Jun Jul Jul Aug Aug Sep Oct 1 28 3 20 21 28 6 21 31 6 12 7J 11 12 1 6 1 17 26 17 22 19 14 14 4 10 7 19 1905........ _______ ..First National Bank 1905........ ______ W ilsonville State Bank 1905........ ...............First National Bank .Bank of Naper 1905........ 1905........ ________ First National Bank 1906------ ............. ...First National Bank 1906........ ........ Citizens National Bank 1 9 0 6 -..... ...............First National Bank ...Citizens Bank 1906------1906 .....- ________ First National Bank 1906........ ............... First National Bank 1906-....... ...............First National Bank 1906 - .... ...............First National Bank 1906 ........ ........German National Bank 1906 ........ ________ First National Bank 19 0 6 ........ ......... ...Eddyville State Bank 1906.....- ...............First National Bank 1906........ .................. ..... Exchange Bank 1 9 0 6 --— ...............Blair National Bank 1908........ .......... J.tFirst National Bank 1908------ ..................City National Bank 19 08.....-- ......................A .... Union Bank 1 9 0 8 - ..... ............ American State Bank 1908------- ............ American State Bank 1908........ ...............First National Bank 1 908 ........ ____ ___ First National Bank 1908........ __ ___Shelton National Bank 1908........ ........ Mason City Banking Co. TWENTIETH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE 10,000.00 27 The Windom Bank........ ..................University Place 2 8 Wilsonville Bank............................ W ilsonville ......... 10,000.00 10,000.00 29 Bank of Polk County......................Osceola ............. 5,000.00 30 Citizens Bank............. ..................... Naper .............. 12,000.00 31 Alfalfa State Bank.......................... Overton ............. 10,000.00 3 2 Bank of Benedict............................ Benedict ............. 33 Farmers and Merchants Bank___ Gothenburg ....... 10,000.00 34 Farmers and Merchants Bank___ Henderson ......... 10,000.00 5,000.00 35 Bank of Commerce.......................... Giltner .............. 15,000.00 36 Farmers and Merchants Bank......Gresham ............. 37 Litchfield State Bank......................Litchfield ........... 20,000.00 10,000.00 38' Cedar Valley Bank..........................Cedar Rapids.... 30,000.00 39 The Bank of Gering........................Gering ............. ............... 15,000.00 40 Farmers Bank................................ ....Johnson ............. 15,000.00 41 Farley’s Bank................................... Marquette ......... 7,500.00 42 The Farmers State Bank...............Eddyville ......... 10,000.00 4 3 Wolbach State Bank........................ W olbach ............. 10,000.00 44 First State Bank...............................Ogalalla ............. 45 Blair State Bank.............................Blair .................... 75,000.00 15,000.00 4 6 Farmers State Bank..........Amherst .............. 47 Wymore. State Bank...................... Wyrnore .............. 25,000.00 20,000.00 4 8 Citizens Bank........................ ...... Rushville ........... 18,000.00 49 Sarpy County Bank........................ Springfield ......... 18,000.00 50 J. D.. Spearman and Co..................Springfield ......... 10,000.00 51 Trenton Commercial Bank..............Trenton ......... . 52 Tilden State Bank.......................... Tilden .................. 50,000.00 53 Shelton Bank...................................... Shelton ............. 10,000.00 54 First State Bank...............................Mason City ...... 6,000.00 XXV III State Banks which have sold to or been consolidated witn other Banks.— Continued. State Banks which have sold to or been consolidated witn other Banks.— Continued. 10,000.00 Feb 9 1909... Bur well State Bank........................Burwell ........... Farmers Bank 15,500.00 Feb 13 1909... .....................First National Bank The Landmans Bank.................. ...Wolbach ........ . Clarks State Bank.......................... Clarks .................. 12,500.00 Mar 25 1909 ... .....................First National Bank 10,000.00 .Tun 16 1909... ..................... First National Bank Bristow State Bank...................... Bristow ............... J. L. Brandeis and Sons...............Omaha ............... 100,000.00 Jun 28 1909... .....................U. S. National Bank 25 000.00 Aug 4 1909... .....................First National Bank The Farmers State. Bank...............Plainview ........... The Bank of Naper..........................Naper ............... . 5,000.00 Sep 3 1909.... ...Peoples Bank Bank of Ohiowa.................. ....Ohiowa ....... ...... . 15,000.00 Jan 25 1 9 1 0 .....Home Bank Morrill State Bank............................. Morrill ............... 5,000.00 Feb 3 1910... -----.......... ....First National Bank Peoples Bank.................................. Naper .................. 25,000.00 Feb 17 1910... .......... ..........First National Bank 10,000.00 Mar 24 1910... .....................First National Bank Winnebago State Bank........... ...W innebago ____ Republican Valley Bank................ Bloomington .... 10,000.00 May 6 19 10... ....... ....Bloomington State Bank Maple Valley State Bank...............Leigh .................. 30,000.00 May 23 1910... ...Farmers and Merchants Bank Farmers State Bank..................... Orchard ............... 10,000.00 Jun 2 1910... .....................Citizens State Bank Ponca Valley Bank.......................... Lynch .................. 25-000.00 Jun 22 1910... ............. ....... First National Bank Coleridge State Bank................... Coleridge ........... 25,000.00 Jun 30 1910... ............... .....First National Bank Laurel State Bank...........................Laurel ............... 25,000.00 Jul 1 1910... .....................First National Bank 20,000.00 Jul 9 1910 — Bank of Commerce........................ Geneva ............... ..Citizens Bank State Bank of Sargent.....................Sargent ......... . 12,500.00 Aug 13 1910... ..................... First National Bank State Bank........................................Curtis .................. 25,000.00 Oct 22 1910... .....................First National Bank First State Bank...............................Scotia .......... ....... 10,000.00 Jan 26 1911.... Bank of Scotia 6 Farmers State Bank...................... Hartington ........ 50,000.00 Jan 27 19 J1 —.... .................First National Bank Dorchester State Bank....................Dorchester ........ 25,000.00 Miar 2 1911... — ..............-C tizens State Bank 5,000.00 May 31 1911... ..............Commercial State Bank The Citizens Bank.......................... Elsie. .................... Farmers and Merchants Bank........Lincoln ................ 50,000.00 Jan 5 191 1 .. ..................Nebraska State Bank X X IX Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis SECRETARY OF THE STATE BANKING BOARD 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 7 77 78 79 XXX 1 2 3 4 Name of Bank Location German Bank ................. ...... .................Murdock . Chamberlain Banking House............... Graf ......... Chamberlain Banking House .......... .Vesta ......... Farmers and Merchants Bank ........ Alexandria Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Suspended Capital Organized 5.000. 00April 24, 1896........................June 28, 1902 5.000. 00Dec. 6, 1901..............................Sep. 1, 1902 5.000. 00 Dec. 5, 1901............................. Sep. 1, 1902 12 , 000.00 May 15, 1908..........................Jan. 24, 1910 TWENTIETH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE State Banks that have, been placed in the hands of Trustees, and paid their depositors in full, and liquidated all claims against them, since January 1, 1900, to the date of this report. Statement showing'Banks that have passed into hands o f Receivers since. January 1, 1900, and disposition of those having been finally closed up, and Receivers discharged. 1. 2 3. 4 5 6 7. 8 9. Citizens State Bank.................................................. ...... Farmers Bank of Custer County................... ............... Bank of Verdigre ............................. .... Cambridge Gothenburg Broken Bow Gothenburg Bellwood Tecumseh Verdigre O’Neill Firth 9-5-1889 11-10-1896 7-15-1890 2-1-1890 1-6-1894 10-1-1895 9-11-1899 1-2-1892 9-1-1899- Nominal Value of Assets Total Assets Doubtful Good Worthless T $25,413.61 33,389.22 1,099.09 15,416.63 18,120.78 16,717.01 24,695.69 70,099.96 /, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis $27,373.42 10,640.61 48,841.11 9,128.94 68,987.35 9,552.95 14,292.13 32,550.40 $35,357.35 14,801.38 4,041.00 47,641.75 99,046.32 4,673.56 12,693.97 2,300.00 $ 39,032.58 88,144.38 58,831.21 51,981.11 72,187.32 186,154.45 30,943.52 51,681.79 104,950.36 $1,403.78 8,065.25 4,310.15 9,449.86 498.22 5,096.83 4,668.41 $12,500.00 25 000.00 15.000. 00 20.000. 00 15,000.00 50,000.00 5,000.00 15,000.00 10,000.00 Losses on Assets Compounded or Sold by Order of the Court $58,123.64 17,361.68 4,474.99 54,887.53 22,952.61 5,642.55 17,932.21 None 4- -1900 7-3-1901 9-28-1901 1-9-1902 2-21-1902 9-17-1902 2-18-1903 12-7-1904 3-26-1907 Nominal Value of Assets Remaining on Hand None None None $ 7,212.47 None 135,474.17 4,448.58 None 16,868.61 XXXI 2 3 4 •5 6 7 8 9 Offsets Allowed Receiver Appointed Capital Organized SECRETARY OF THE STATE BANKING BOARD Location Name of Bank Collections from Assets 6 7 8 9 $24,669.62 28,616.96 33,404.28 35,983.50 17,299.79 18,314.22 20,354.17 28,652.75 83,413.34 Amount of Proved Claims Unpaid 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 $35,249,58 20,934.40 None 27,856 56 52,098.17 5,316.30 30,408.43 5,786.75 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis $ 5,100.00 375.00 None 1 1,056.50 5,000.00 None None 5,000.00 Borrowed Money Loans Paid and other Disbursements $ 5,000.00 9,027.56 7,248.09 10,982,36 420.39 2,216.61 None None Date of Final Report of Receivers Dividends Paid $23,754.25 20,677.87 24,555.05 10,817,42 13,614.26 16,461.04 22,625.34 84,504.61 Date of Last Report of R eceivers of Trusts Still Unfinished 9- -1905 12-9-1904 3-31-1908 6-15-1905 2-13-1912 12-31-1911 12-31-1911 $1,200.00 6-1-1909 12-31-1911 Per Cent 10 0% 39% 50% 100% 27% 19% 75% 51% 93 o8/ ioo% Legal Expenses Paid $ 538.65 461.55 338.93 1,402.30 1,777.13 4,526.26 1,433.53 921.09 893.85 Receiver’s Salary and Expenses Paid $2.615.00 4,501.16 3,734.92 2,747.59 4,779.38 2,981.90 1,424.75 5,106.32 3.014.S8 Balance in Hands of Receiver None None None $ 30.47 None 1,771.41 18.24 None None RECEIVERS. E. B. Perry______________ _ ____________Cambridge, W. C. May............. ................. ___________ Gothenburg, C H. Holcom b....................... _____ ___ ..Broken Bow, H. V. Temple........... ............ __ __________Lexington, M J. Holland________ ____ ................ ....David City, A O. S la w ........ ..................... ........... ...........Tecumseh, H. A. Cheney................. ......... ____ ________Creighton, 0 F. Piglin............................ ............................ O’Neill, Fred W hittem ore................. ____ ____ ______ Lincoln, Neb. Neb. Neb. Neb. Neb. Neb. Neb. Neb. Neb. TWENTIETH ANNUAL REPORT OF 1 2 3 4 5 Collections from Assessments on Stockholders X X X II Statement.— Continued. X H SECRETARY OF THE STATE BANKING BOARD XXXIII APPROPRIATIONS FOR THE BIENNIUM, WITH BALANCES FROM 1911 APPROPRIATION, SHOWING AMOUNTS EXPENDED, LAPSED, AND BALANCES REMAINING ON HAND JANUARY 1, 1912. Salary of Secretary: Balance of 19 09 appropriation on hand January 1, 1911....... 750.00 .......... $ Appropriation for 1911 and 1912 6,000.00 Amount expended ...... Balance on hand January 1, 1912 $ 3,000.00 3,750.00 $ 6,750.00 $ 6,750.00 Salary of Clerk: Balance of 1909 appropriation on hand January 1, 1911 .... - - $ Appropriation for 1911 and 1912 Amount expended _____ Balance on hand January 1, 1912 375.00 3,000.00 $ 1,500.00 1,875.00 $ 3,375.00 Salary of two Assistant Clerks: Balance of 19 09 appropriation on hand January 1, 1911.................. ............ ............$ 300.00 Appropriation for 1911 and 1912........ 4,800.00 Amount expended ............ ............................ Balance on hand January 1, 1912........... . $ 2,016.62 3,083.38 $ 5,100.00 $ 5,100.00 Salary of Clerk and Stenographer: Balance of 1909 appropriation on hand January 1, 1911 .......... $ 1,594.02 Appropriation for 1911 and 1912 ...... . 2,000.00 Amount expended ___ Amount lapsed ____ Balance on hand January 1, 1912 $ 3,375.00 $ 864.55 1,479.47 1,250.00 $ 3,594.02 $ 3,594.02 Salaries of Nine. Bank Examiners. Balance of 190 9- appropriation on hand January 1, 1911....... ......... $ 9,266.13 Appropriation for 1911 and 1912 .......... 32,400.00 Amount expended ....... Amount lapsed _____ ___ Balance on hand January 1, 1912 $13,650.00 7,016.13 21,000.00 $41,666.13 $41,666.13 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis X XX IY TWENTIETH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE Traveling Expenses of Nine Bank Examiners: Balance of 1909 appropriation oii hand January 1, 1911— --------------------- _____ $ 5,166.30 Appropriations for 1911 and 1912... ......... 18,000.00 Amount expended ............. ........ -....... Amount lapsed ____________________ Balance on hand January 1, 1912.. $ 6,882.53 3,317.31 12,966.46 $23,166.30 $23,166.30 Office Expenses: Balance of 190 9 appropriation on hand ......$ 1,647.65 January i, 1911 ...--------- ------- — Appropriation for 1911 and 1912...... ....... 6,000.00 Amount expended --------- --------- ---- Amount lapsed ____________ ___--....... Balance on hand January 1, 1912.... $ 3,308.56 5.31 4,333.78 $ 7,047.65 $ 7,647.65 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis STATEMENTS Showing the condition of the 669 Commercial and Savings Banks m the State of Nebraska, at the close of business, December 5, 1911. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis TWENTIETH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE 2 Abie The Abie State Bank Butler County. Charter No. 804. _____ President .Vice-President P. J. Roh____ Matt J. Pavel. STATEMENT J. L. Svoboda-------------------------------- Cashier J. W . Svoboda__________ Assistant Cashier DECEMBER 5, LIABILITIES RESOURCES Loans and discounts___________ $ 44,408.05 Overdrafts, secured and un secured ________________________ 325.82 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc____ _____________ —_ 1,000.00 Other assets_____________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures _______________________ 1,783.56 Real estate other than bank ing house _____________________ Current expenses andtaxes paid 863.21 Cash items ______________________ Due from national, state and private banks _________________ 41,464.42 Checks and items of exchange 17.36 Currency _________ 2,271.00 Gold coin________________ :________ 865.00 Silver, nickels andcents__________ 276.13 Total Adams 1911. ______________________ $ 93,274.55 Capital stock paid in----------------- $ Surplus fund_______ :-------------------Undivided profits---------------------------• Dividends unpaid -----------------------Individual deposits subject to check ___________________________ Demand certificates of deposit-Time certificates of deposit-------Certified checks _________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding------Due from national, state and private banks---------------------------Notes and bills re-discounted----Bills payable ____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund----- - Total 10,000.00 500.00 1,435.16 27,966.84 6,881.05 46,350.38 141.12 ______________________ $ 93,274.55 The Farmers State Bank of Adams Gage County. Charter No. 1021. W. E. Bryson_____ ______________ President M. L. Davis_________________ Vice-President W . B. Liggit___________________ ----Cashier W . C. Krueger___________ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5. 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts_____________ $ 54,509.75 Overdrafts, secured and un 42.47 secured ________________________ Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc_____________ ________ Other assets_____________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures _______________________ 7,200.00 Real •estate other than bank ing house _____________________ Current expenses and taxes paid 2,602.92 Cash items ______________ :----------Due from national, state and private banks _________________ 30,748.61 Checks and items of exchange 677.27 Currency ___________ 4,638.00 Gold coin_________________________ 1,285.00 Silver, nickels andcents.—-------- 794.50 Total Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis .$102,498.52 Capital stock paid in____ _______ $ Surplus fund_____________________ Undivided profits _______________ Dividends unpaid _______________ Individual deposits subject to check __________________________ Demand certificates of deposit.. Time certificates of deposit _____ Certified checks _________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding____ Due from national, state and private banks__________________ Notes and bills re-discounted____ Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund-------- Total 25,000.00 1,000.00 4,809.76 33,645.59 477.86 37,414.17 151.34 .$102,498.52 SECRETARY OF THE STATE BANKING BOARD Ainsworth 3 The Citizens State Bank Brown County. Charter No. 761. J. A . Reiehenbaeh------------------------- President B. S. Harrington------------------Vice-President P. W . Murphy. __________________ ------------------Cashier Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts____________ $ Overdrafts, secured and un secured ------------------------------------Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc_____________________ Other assets _____________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ----- ------------------------------Real estate other than bank ing house______________________ Current expenses and taxes paid Cash items _i__________________ _ Due from national, state and private banks---------------------------Checks and items of exchange.— Currency ------------------------------------Gold com ------------------------------------Silver, nickels and cents_______ Total 98,998.09 1,556.32 4,785.00 2,917.89 13,685.35 3,190.47 3,156.00 2,565.00 983.34 -----------------------------. —$131,837.46 ■Albion Capital stock paid in____________ $ 25,000.00 4,000.00 Surplus fund_____________________ Undivided profits____________ . . . . 5,921.89 Dividends unpaid _______________ Individual deposits subject to check ----------------------------------------- 59,075.23 Demand certificates of deposit... 1,223.14 Time certificates of deposit______ 36,424.65 Certified checks__________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks _________________ Notes and bills re-discounted.—_ Bills payable ____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund_____ 192.55 Total _____________ ________ $131,837.46 The Citizens State Bank Boone County. Charter No. 1034. J. P. Shirley---------------------------------- President H. H . Funru------------------------ Vice-President James Fox______ A. R. Carsten... ----------------- Cashier Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts_________ .'— $ Overdrafts, secured and un secured _______________ _________ Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets _____________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ------------------------------------Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expenses and taxes paid Cash items _____________ _________ Due from national, state and private banks__________________ Checks and itemsof exchange.._ Currency --------------------Gold coin --------------------------------Silver, nickels and cents_______ Total Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 55,868.48 124.09 7.89S.40 6,515.33 16,174.22 10,483.60 3,146.00 1,910.00 628.23 .$102,748.35 Capital stock paid in___________ $ Surplus fund--------------------------------Undivided profits________________ Dividends unpaid________________ Individual deposits subject to check ---------------------------------------Demand certificates of deposit... Time certificates of deposit_______ Certified checks________ __________ Cashier’s checks outstanding___ Due to national, state and private banks _________________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable___________________ _ Depositors’ guaranty fund_____ Total 25,000.00 2,500.00 9,443.79 37,069.65 3,075.09 25,533.24 126.58 -$102,748.35 TWENTIETH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE 4 Alda The Alda State Bank Hall County. ' Charter No. 1091. P. C. President Vice-President Kelley-------- -— _____ Cashier John Thomssen---------------------------------------- ___ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. LIABILITIES RESOURCES Loans and discounts---------------------$ Overdrafts, secured and un secured — Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, e t c .--------------------------- - Other assets ------------------- ----------Banking house, furniture and fixtures ________________________ Real estate other than bank ing house ______________________ Current expenses and taxes paid Cash items ______________________ Due from national, state and private banks ______________ ___ Checks and items of exchange... Currency ______ _________________ Gold coin _____ __________________ Silver, nickels and cents________ Total 39,113.11 98.43 3,300.00 1,821.71 8,906.11 72.40 985.00 2,500.00 435.86 ______________________ $ 57,232.62 Alexandria Capital stock paid in----------------- $ Surplus fund_____________________ Undivided profits _______________ Dividends unpaid--------------------------Individual deposits subject to check __________________________ Demand certificate of deposit------Time certificates of deposit----------Certified checks __________ ______ Cashier’s checks outstanding.— Due to national, state and private banks --------------------------Notes and bills re-discounted----Bills payable -----------------------------Depositors’ guaranty fund-------- Total 10,000.00 14.63 2,400.36 16,900.64 455.00 27,394.92 67.07 -------- ---------- ---------------$ 57,232.62 The State Bank of Alexandria Thayer County. Charter No. 4. Chas. I. Moore___________ ^_______ President Geo. W . Wilson_____ ..._____ Vice-President E. A. Jaques, Jr------------------------------Cashier Harley Wilson___________ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. LIABILITIES RESOURCES Loans and discounts____________ $111,611.13 Overdrafts, secured and un secured ________________________ 986.74 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc____ '________________ Other assets __________________ .. .. Banking house, furniture and fixtures _________________ _______ 5,000.00 Real estate other than bank ing house ______________________ Current expenses and taxes paid 3,360.16 Cash items ______________________ Due from national, state and private banks _________________ 49,642.72 Checks and items of exchange... 712.09 Currency ___________ 1,700.00 Gold coin________________________ 2,465.00 Silver, nickels and cents__________ 685.58 Total ______________________ $176,270.90 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Capital stock paid in ..................... $ Surplus fund ____________________ Undivided profits _______________ Dividends unpaid -----------------------Individual deposits subject to check __________ ________________ Demand certificates of deposit... Time certificates of deposit----------Certified checks -------------------- ---— Cashier’s checks outstanding!----Due to national, state and private banks ______________ :— Notes and bills re-discounted----Bills payable ____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund-------- Total 20,000.00 4,000.00 9,491.02 72,751.33 271.00 69,453.15 304.40 ______________________ $176,270.90 SECRETARY OF THE STATE BANKING BOAR D Allen 5 The Allen State Bank Dixon County. Charter No. 3. W . S. Gilman_____________________ President Frank Clough-------------------------- Vice-President V. W . McDonald___________________ Cashier ___________________________ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5. 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts____________ $158,662.10 Overdrafts, secured and un secured ________________________ 436.96 Bonds, securities, judgments, claim s/ etc_____________________ Other assets _____________________ Banking house, furniture and 7,300.00 fixtures ________________________ Real estate other than bank ing house ______________________ 4,280.70 Current expenses and taxes paid 1,256.37 Cash items ______________________ Due from national, state and private banks _________________ 24,054.71 Cheeks and items of exchange-.351.39 Currency _____ 3,225.00 Gold coin _______________________ 1,285.00 Silver, nickels and cents________ 685.58 Total ______________________ $201,537.81 Alma Capital stock paid in_____ _________ 25,000.00 Surplus fund ------------------------------5,000.00 5,988.73 Undivided profits_________________ Dividends unpaid ___________ Individual deposits subject to check __________________________ 45,120.29 Demand certificates of deposit.— 9,667.92 Time certificates of deposit_____ 100,406.97 Certified checks _________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding___ Due to national, state and private banks.. _______________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable-------- ------------------------ 10,000.00 Depositors’ guaranty fund-------------------------353.90 Total ______________________ $201,537.81 The Bank of Alma Harlan County. Charter No. 7. P. M. Everson___________________ President T. L. Porter________________ Vice-President Wm. Everson Robt. W . Porter +__________ Cashier .Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. LIABILITIES RESOURCES Loans and discounts____________ $117,182.54 Overdrafts, secured and un secured ___ . . . _____ ___________ 1,358.86 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc. ___________________ Other assets _____________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures . . . _____________________ 10,000.00 Real estate other than bank ing house _____________________ Current expenses and taxes paid 2,926.13 Cash items________________ Due from national, state and private banks _____ 15,920.36 Checks and items of exchange... 761.85 Currency _______ 3,523.00 Gold coin . . . ____________________ 2,570.00 Silver, nickels andcents_________ 3,497..08 Total __________ ___________ $157,739.82 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Capital stock paid in___________ $ Surplus fund ___________________ Undivided profits_______ Dividends unpaid _______________ Individual deposits subject to check ___________________________ Demand certificates of deposits.. Time certificatesof deposit...____ Certified checks _________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding----Due to national, state and private banks --------------------------Notes and bills re-discounted----Bills payable ____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund--------- Total 30,000.00 6,000.00 5,427.14 58,679.S4 15,403.85 41,942.20 286.79 ______________________ $157,739.82 6 TWENTIETH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE Alma The Harlan County Bank Harlan County. Charter No. 567. W. B. G. Haskell------------------------------- President Estella Haskell--------------- Vice-President E. M. Cox______ Vesta McKee— ----------------- Cashier Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts___________ $ 87,066.69 Overdrafts, secured and unsecured _________________________ 490.49 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc. ___________________ . 1 , 000.00 Other assets ___________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures _____________________ 10, 000.00 Real estate other than bank ing house ________ v____________ Current expenses and taxes paid 1,203.04 Cash items _______________________ Due from national, state and private banks__________________ 43,094.61 Checks and items of exchange— 30.10 Currency _________________________ 2.940.00 Gold coin ______________________ I 1 . 120.00 Silver, nickels and cents_______ 2,282.02 Capital stock paid in____________ 40,000.00 Surplus fund_____________________ 3,700.00 Undivided profits____________ 2,93S.47 Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check ____________________________ 62,590.29 Demand certificates of deposit—. 29,118.72 Time certificates of deposit_____ 10,658.11 Certified checks___________ ________ Cashier’s checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks___________________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills nayable _________ _________ 221.36 Depositors’ guaranty fund_____ Total .$149,226.95 Alma Total _ — $149,226.95 The Alma State Bank Harlan County. Charter No. 1090. J. B. Billings---------------------------------- President C. C. Billings----------------------- Vice-President A. A. Billings______ ____ ____ Cashier ----------------- ------- ------------------Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts_____________ $ Overdrafts, secured and un secured _________________________ Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets ___________ :_________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures _________________________ Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expenses and taxes paid Cash items ______________________ Due from national, state and private banks___________________ Checks and items of exchange.— Currency --------------------------------------Gold coin---------------------------Silver, nickels and cents_______ Total Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 16,212.00 190.58 5,000.00 3,943.01 45.17 12,387.60 13.00 1,700.00 330.00 268.78 .$ 40,099.14 Capital stock paid in____________ $ 15,000.00 Surplus fund______________________ Undivided profits_________________ 4,060.48 Dividends unpaid--_______________ Individual deposits subject to check ------------------------------------------ 15,339.08 Demand certificates of deposit— 58.21 Time certificates of deposit—___ 5,592.57 Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks___________________ Notes and bills re-discounted____ Bills payable ____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund_____ 48.80 Total .$ 40,099.14 SECRETARY OF THE STATE BANKING BOARD Altona 7 The Farmers State Bank Wayne County. Charter No. 1030. J. C. McNish-------. ---------------------...President Geo. Berres-----------------------------Vice-President P. G. Panning_____________ ________ Cashier ------------------------------------------ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts.......... ....................37,769.90 Overdrafts, secured and un secured _________ 316.94 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ________________________ 3,330.00 Real estate other than bank _____________ ______ ing house Current expensesand taxes paid 1,237.75 Cash items _______________________ Due from national, state and private banks___________________ 7,595.75 Checks and itemsof exchange... 58.90 Currency _________________________ 950.00 Gold coin..^______________________ 145.00 Silver, nickels and cents_______ 373.85 Capital stock paid in___________ $ 10,000.00 Surplus fund___________ 500.00 Undivided profits_______ 2,181.80 Dividends unpaid____________ ,____ Individual deposits subject to check ___________________________ 21,599.06 Demand certificates of deposit... Time certificates of deposit_______:. 17,439.44 Certified checks________ ,__________ Cashier’s checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks ________________ Notes and bills re-discounted____ Bills payable______________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund____ _ 57.79 Total ------------------------------------$ 51,778.09 T o t a l _____ _____ ______ ____ $ 51,778.09 Alvo The Farmers and Merchants Bank Cass County. Charter No. 602. G. P. Foreman______________ . . . . President C. R. Jordan_________________ Vice-President S. C. Boyles________________________ Cashier W . O. Boyles_____________ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMEBR 5, 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts____________ $ Overdrafts, secured and un secured _________________________ Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc___________________ . . . Other assets___ __________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures _________________________ Real estate other than bank. ing house_______________________ Current expenses and taxes paid and interest____________________ Cash items_____________________ . . . Due from national, state and private banks__________________ Checks and items of exchange... Currency ________ Gold coin_________________________ Silver, nickels andcents__________ Total Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 58,339.50 713.68 2,500.00 2,808.59 30,683.30 86.95 1,467.00 1,525.00 338.66 .$ 98,462.68 Capital stock paid in____________ $ Surplus fund_____________________ Undivided profits_________________ Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check ___________________________ Demand certificates of deposit... Time certificates of deposit_____ Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding------Due to national, state and private banks___________________ Notes and bills re-discounted----Bills payable ____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund_____ Total 10,000.00 200.00 4,433.85 35,767.50 1,664.59 46,194.29 202.45 .$ 98,462.68 8 TWENTIETH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE Amherst The Commercial State Bank Buffalo County. Charter No. 1031. E. V. Mencke----------- -------------------- President John Zehr-------- ---------------------- Vice-President Henry Meneke____________________ .Cashier -----------------------------------------Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts_____________ $ Overdrafts, secured and un secured ______________________ . . . Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets_______ ... Banking house, furniture and fixtures ---------------------------------- . . . Real estate other than hank ing house_______________________ Current expenses and taxes paid Cash items_____________________ _ Due from national, state and private banks___________________ Checks and items of exchange.'.. Currency _________________________ Gold coin_________________________ Silver, nickels and cents_______ 25,210.36 287.60 1,000.00 68S.83 2,822.49 141.39 1,298.00 70.00 359.89 Total ------------------------------------$ 31,878.56 Angus Capita] stock paid in_____________ $ Surplus fund_____________________ Undivided profits_________________ Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check __________ .._______________ _ Demand certificates of deposit__ Time certificates of deposit______ Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks___________________ Notes and bills re-discounted_____ Bills payable____ :_____ _______ . . . Depositors’ guaranty fund______ 10,000.00 700.24 9,370.92 8,052.98 1,996.35 1,700.00 58.07 Total ______ ___ _____ ______ $ 31,878.56 The Bank of Angus Nuckolls County. Charter No. S92. D. W . Montgomery_______________ President E. V. Montgomery---------------- Vice-President J. E. Montgomery__________________ Cashier ----- -----------------------------------Assistant Cashier STATEMENT Dlv MEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts_____________ $ 19,089.55 Overdrafts, secured and un secured . . . ______ ,_______________ 422.92 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, e t c ...___ _______________ Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures --------------------------------------1,600.00 Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expenses and taxes paid 827.56 Cash items____________________ . . . Due from national, state and private banks___________________ 1,455.89 Checks and items of exchange... 60.00 Currency _________________________ 789.00 Gold coin__________________ _______■ 145.00 Silver, nickels and cents_______ 193.64 Total Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis .$ 24,583.56 Capita] stock paid in____________ $ Surplus fund_____________________ Undivided profits_________________ Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check ------------------------------------------Demand certificates of deposit... Time certificates of deposit_____ Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks___________________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable_______ ;______________ Depositors’ guaranty fund_____ Total 5,000.00 1,700.00 1,426.13 7,787.17 854.80 7,775.96 • 39.50 -8 24,583.56 SECRETARY OF THE STATE BANKING BOARD Anoka 9 The Boyd County State Bank Boyd County. Charter Ko. 1086. P. B. Danker---------------------------------- President Olof Monson--------------------------Vice-President J. A. Adamson. ----------------- Cashier Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts_____________ $ 18,418.26 Overdrafts, secured and un .547.95 secured --------Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc---------------------------------959.66 Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures -------------------------- . . . ____ 3 , 333.00 Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expensesandtaxes paid 6,146.01 Cash items_______________________ . 35.42 Due_ from national, state and private banks____ ;____________ .4,181.68 Checks and items of exchange... l ’ 688'oi Currency --------------------------------------1,359.00 Gold coin--------------------------------------mo. 00 262.85 Silver, nickels andcents__________ Total .$ 37,121.84 Anselmo Capital stock paid in___________ $ Surplus fund_____________________ Undivided profits_________________ Dividends unpaid______________ i__ Individual deposits subject to check ____________ ______________ Demand certificates of deposit__ Time certificates of deposit______ Certified checks.._________ ... Cashier's checks outstanding___ Due to national, state and private banks___________________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable______________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund_____ Total ^ 6,110.85 12,207.52 6,364.16 91.15 2 , 000.00 48.16 .$ 37,121.84 The Anselmo State Bank Custer County. Charter No. 729. David J. F. Christen------------------------------- President Brechbuhl-------- ----------- Vice-President J. J. Tooley _______ . . . . Cashier ------------------ ------------------------Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER RESOURCES Loans and discounts________ $ 85,604.22 Overdrafts, secured and un secured _________________________ 321.19 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ________________________ 3,500.00 Real estate other than bank ing house ______________________ Current expenses and taxes paid Cash items_____________ 24.35 Due from national, state and private banks________ 20,483.93 Checks and items of exchange... Currency --------------------------- _----- . . . 4,012.00 Gold coin___________ ...____________ 8 i 0.00 Silver, nickels and cents_ 588.41 Total ........................ ...............$115,344.10 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1911. LIABILITIES Capital stock paid in________ ____ Surplus fund_____________________ Undivided profits_________________ Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to ^ check ------------------Demand certificates of deposit... Time certificates of deposit______ Certified checks_________________ ... Cashier’s checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks___________________ Notes and bills re-discounted____ Bills payable______________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund_____ Total I 10, 000.00 25,000.00 2,400.00 744.43 76,600.31 10,362.34 237.02 -------------- ------------- ------$115,344.10 TWENTIETH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE 10 Ansley The Farmers State Bank Ouster County. Charter No. 814. Walter E. Newcomb______________ President ---------------------------------------------. Vice-President Geo. E. Richtmyer_________________ Cashier Grover A. Holeman______Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5. 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts_____________ $ 28,229.46 Overdrafts, secured and un secured _______________________ 534.74 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, e tc..____________________ Other assets____________ _________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ________________________ 2,100.00 Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expenses and taxes paid 1,465.77 Cash items_______________________ 408.95 Due from national, state and private banks__________________ 6,316.44 Checks and items of exchange__ 561.29 2,106.00 Currency _________________________ Gold coin_________________________ 1,090.00 Silver, nickels and cents_________ 389.31 Capital stock paid in___________ $ 7,500.00 Surplus fund___ _________ ________ 1 , 200.00 Undivided profits_________________ 2,753.36 Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check ___________________ :_______ 25,469.07 Demand certificates of deposit.— 318.00 Time certificates of deposit______ 5,873.30 Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding__ __ Due to national, state and private banks___________________ Notes and bills re-discounted----Bills payable______________________ " Depositors’ guaranty fund-------88.23 Total _________ ________ ____$ 43,201.90 Arapahoe Total ______________ - ______ $ 43,201.96 The Arapahoe State Bank Furnas County. Charter No. 545. Samuel Patterson______ _____ ____ President ---------------------------------------------- Vice-President Chas. A. Patterson_______ j ________ Cashier ------------------------------------------Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5. 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts_____________$145,828.34 Capital stock paid in___________ $ Overdrafts, secured and un Surplus fund_____________________ secured ________________________ 2,589.87 Undivided profits_________________ Bonds, securities, judgments, Dividends unpaid_________________ claims, etc______________________ Individuai deposits subject to Other assets______________________ check ___________________________ Banking house, furniture and Demand certificates of deposit___ 5,500.00 Time certificates of deposit______ fixtures _______________________ Real estate other than bank Certified checks___________________ ing house_________________________ 2,000.00 Cashier’s checks outstanding____ Current expenses and taxes paid ' 2,899.54 Due to national, state and Cash items_________________________ private banks___________________ Due from national, state and Notes and bills re-discounted____ private banks__________________ 16,922.06 Bills payable_____________________ Checks and items of exchange... Depositors’ guaranty fund_____ Currency ----------------------------------------1,325.00 Gold coin __________________________ 4,770.00 Silver, nickelsand cents____________ 1,768.16 Total ............... ........................$183,602.97 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Total 25,000.00 5,000.00 4,618.56 76,229.24 7,602.10 54,603.33 131.61 10,000.00 418.13 ____ _____________ ___ $183,602.97 SECRETARY OF THE STATE BANKING BOARD Arapahoe 11 The Citizens State Bank Furnas County. Charter No. 896. R. J. Finch_______________________ President ____________________ _________ Vice-President E. E. Emmett—______ _____________ Cashier ___________________________ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. LIABILITIES RESOURCES Loans and discounts_____________ $ 51,274.39 Overdrafts, secured and un secured _________________________ 100.96 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets__________________ ____ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ________________________ 5,000.00 Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expenses and taxes paid 438.78 Cash items__________________ ____ Due from national, state and private banks______ .__________ _ 10,160.55 Checks and items of exchange.— 5.75 Currency _________________________ 1,027.00 Gold coin_________________________ 957.50 Silver, nickels and cents_________ 778.83 .$ 69,743.76 Total Arcadia Capital stock paid in----------------- $ Surplus fund_____________________ Undivided profits_________________ Dividends unpaid.------------------------Individual deposits subject to check ___________________________ Demand certificates of deposit.1— Time certificates of deposit----- — Certified checks________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding------Due to national, state and private banks__________________ Notes and bills re-discounted------Bills payable______________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund.------- 15,000.00 1,500.00 790.18 31,894.48 3,723.95 11,427.93 5,332.90 74.32 .$ 69,743.76 Total The State Bank of Arcadia Valley County. Charter No. 11. G. H . Kinsey— ____ . _____________ President R. J. Kinsey_________________ Vice-President H . S. Kinsey--------------------------------------Cashier ---------- , ------------------------------ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. LIABILITIES RESOURCES Loans and discounts____________ $143,542.08 Overdrafts, secured and un secured ________________________ 2,419.12 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets_____________ __________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures _________________________ 4,000.00 Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expenses and taxes paid Cash items_______________________ 413.60 Due from national, state and private banks___________________ 8,520.34 Checks and items of exchange... 8.96 Currency _________________________ 5,979.00 Gold coin____ . . . . . ________________ 3,335.00 Silver, nickels and cents___ ______ 1,910.93 Total Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis .$170,129.03 Capital stock paid in___________ $ Surplus fund_____________________ Undivided profits (net)_________ Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to eheck _______________________ :___ Demand certificates of deposit—. Time certificates of deposit---------Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding------Due to national, state and private banks---------------------------Notes and bills re-discounted----Bills payable______________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund-------- Total 25,000.00 5,000.00 19.14 73,552.19 65,766.87 439.41 351.42 ..$170,129.03 TWENTIETH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE 12 Arcadia The Commercial State Bank Valley County. Charter No. 987. John Wall_________________________ President Belle Wall------------------------------- Vice-President W . F . Greenlee______________________ Cashier ------------------------------------------ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts_____________ $ 63,936.57 Overdrafts, secured and un secured ________ - _____________ _ 617.60 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets___ - _________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ________________________ 3,300.00 Real estate other than bank ing house_______ i ______________ 564.00 Current expenses and taxes paid 2,461.59 Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and private banks__________________ 2,216.66 Checks and items of exchange__ 1,319.85 Currency _________________________ 3,710.00 925.00 Gold eoin___________ Silver, nickels and cents_________ 1,351.29 Capital stock paid in_____________ $ 10,000.00 Surplus fund---------------1,550.00 Undivided profits _______________ 2,833.80 Dividends u n p a id ...._____________ Individual deposits subject to check --------------------------Demand certificates of deposit... 28,945.39 Time certificates of deposit______ Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s cheeks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks_____ _____________ • .09 Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable_____________________ 5,000.00 Depositors’ guaranty fu n d ...__ 123.43 Total ------------------------------------$ 80,402.56 Total _______________________ $ 80,402.56 Archer The Citizens State Bank Merrick County. Charter No. 912. G. H . Gray------------------------------------President A . C. Mayer-------------------------- Vice-President William O'Connor....... ...................... Cashier ________________ __________ Assistant”"Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5. 1911. RESOURCES Loans and discounts_____________ $ Overdrafts, secured and un secured ________ ________________ Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ________________________ Real estate, other than bank ing house______________ ________ Current expenses and taxes paid Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and private banks___ :______________ Checks and items of exchange... Currency __________ , ______________ Gold coin_________________________ Silver, nickels and cents_________ Total LIABILITIES 49,323.26 471.20 3,300.00 1,001.73 10,296.37 10,000.00 500.00 2,324.86 30,068.60 3,851.55 20,565.55 125.89 2,510.00 140.00 393.89 ....................................... $ 67,436.45 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Capital stock paid in______ ______ $ Surplus fund_____________________ Undivided profits_________________ Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check ----------------------------------Demand certificates of deposit... Time certificates of deposit..____ Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks__________________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund_____ Total .................. 2....................$ 67,436.45 31,949.85 SECRETARY OF THE STATE BANKING BOARD Arlington 13 The Arlington State Bank Washington County. Charter Ko. 12. C. C. Marshall____________________ President G. C. Marshall_______________ Vice-President H . W . Schoettger___________________ Cashier ___________________________ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts_________ . __ $294,831.03 Overdrafts, secured and un 2,151.54 secured _________________________ Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc_____________ : _______ Other assets (warrants)_________ 28,122.56 Banking house, furniture and fixtures ________________________ 5,000.00 Real estate other than bank ing house______________________ _ Current expenses and taxes paid 1,497.48 Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and private banks__________________ 71,432.38 Checks and items of exchange__ 353.71 Currency _________________________ 6,700.00 Gold coin _______________________ 7,330.00 Silver, nickels and cents_________ 1,304.57 Capital stock paid in____________ $ 30,000.00 Surplus fund_____________________ 20,000.00 Undivided profits, less expenses and taxes paid_________________ 4,578.90 Dividends unpaid-------------------------Individual deposits subject to cheek ______________________ 119,678.87 Demand certificates of deposit— 4,675.11 Time certificates of deposit------------ 238,841.87 27.00 Certified checks__________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding——. Due to national, state and private banks-----------------------------Notes and bills re-discounted----Bills payable--------------------------------924.25 Depositors’ guaranty fund---------- .$418,726.27 Total Arnold .$418,726.27 Total The Farmers State Bank Custer County. Charter No. 846. W m . Tyson_______________________ President E. M. Warner_______________ Vice-President D. S. Bohrer________________________ Cashier ___________________________ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts_____________ $ 35,037.80 Overdrafts, secured and un 147.99 secured ________________________ Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc_____________________ 592.40 Other assets ________ ______ ______ Banking house, furniture and 1,500.00 fixtures ________________________ Real estate other than bank ing house______ _________________ Current expenses and taxes paid Cash items ______________________ Due from national, state and private banks__________________ 14,310.91 Checks and items of exchange____ 45.41 Currency _________________________ 2,930.00 Gold c o in ....................... ................. 100.00 Silver, nickels and cents-------- ------390.72 Capital stock paid in____ ________ $ 10,000.00 Surplus fund_____________________ 500.00 Undivided profits_________________ 953.28 Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check ___________________________ 35,889.99 Demand certificates of deposit.— 259.40 Time certificates of deposit_______ 7,373.44 Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks__________________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable_____________________ Depositors guaranty fund_____ 79.12 Total ______________________ $ 55,055.23 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Total ______________________ $ 55,055.23 14 TWENTIETH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE Arnold Tlie Peoples State Bank Custer County. Charter No. 1070. W . H . Jennings___________________ President H . B. Jennings---------------------- Vice-President W . H . Jennings, Jr________________ Cashier ------------------------------------------Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts_____________ $ Overdrafts, secured and un secured _________________________ Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets __________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ________________________ Real estate other than hank ing house— — _________________ Current expenses and taxes paid Cash items____________ :__________ Due from national, state and private banks___________________ Cheeks and items of exchange— Currency _______________ . . . ______ Gold coin_________________________ Silver, nickels andc e n ts...._______ Total Ashland 32,765.42 124.13 2,500.00 298.00 10,721.51 71.78 2,360.00 Capital stock paid in_____________ $ 10,000.00 Surplus fund_____________________ 660.00 Undivided profits_________________ 1,179.65 Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check ------------------------------------------ 30,246.70 Demand certificates of deposit___ 1,325.00 Time certificates of deposit______ 5,375.80 Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding____ 311.95 Due to national, state and private banks.*_____________ . . . Notes and hills re-discounted___ Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund_____ 45.94 304.20 .$ 49,145.04 49,145.04 Total The Farmers and Merchants Bank Saunders County. Charter No. 782. H . A. Wiggenhorn_______________ President W . A. Harnsberger__________Vice-President E. 0 . Wiggenhorn_______________ _ . . Cashier E. A. Wiggenhorn, Jr Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5. 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts_____________ $467,103.62 Overdrafts, secured and ununsecured . . . . . __________________ 1,895.91 Bonds ____________________________ 6,000.00 Other assets______________________ Banking house___________________ 10,000.00 Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expenses and taxes paid Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and private banks______________ 81,238.95 Cheeks and items of exchange... 70.29 Currencv ________________________ 4,277.00 Gold coin_________________________ 13,785.00 Silver, nickels and cents_________ 1,193.85 Capital stock paid in_____________ $ 75,000.00 Surplus fund--------------------------------- 25,000.00 Undivided profits_________________ 21,925.51 Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check ___________ 149,421.73 Demand certificates of deposit— 12,820.89 Time certificates of deposit______ 293,986.50 Certified cheeks__________________ 100.00 Postal savings fund_____________ 128.00 Cashier’s checks outstanding___ Due to national, state and private banks__________________ 6,031.09 Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund____ 1,150.90 Total Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis .$585,564.62 Total .$585,564.62 S E C R E T A R Y OF T H E ST A T E B A N K IN G B O A R D Ashton 15 The Bank of Ashton Sherman County. Charter No. 15. !• M. Polski----------------------------— President Tekla Polski------------------------- Vice-President S. S. Polski_________________________ Cashier --------------------------- ---------------- Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts_____________ $ 94,811.24 Overdrafts, secured and un secured ________________________ 135.03 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc_____________________ Other assets_____________________ I Banking house, furniture and 4,500.00 fixtures ------------------------------------Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expenses and taxes paid 2,606.55 Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and private banks__________________ 11,139.07 Checks and items of exchange... 1,111 80 Currency --------------------------------------2,045.00 Gold coin--------------------------------------2,860.00 Silver, nickels and cents_________ 308.98 Total ----------- -------------------- .$119,518.27 Ashton Capital stock paid in___________ $ Surplus fund-------------------- -----------Undivided profits_________________ Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check ----------------------------------------Demand certificates of deposit___ Time certificates of deposit_____ Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding___ Due to national, state and private banks__________________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund_____ Total 15,000.00 5,000.00 5,246.93 45,456.90 700.00 47,852.20 262.18 ______________________ $119,518.27 The Ashton State Bank Sherman County. Charter No. 1029. Frank X . Badura-------------------------- President A. C. Wichman------------------- Vice-President Joseph Jankowski. ___________________ -------------------Cashier .Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES Leans and discounts_____________ $ Overdrafts, secured and un secured _______________________ Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc____________________ Other assets _____________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ________________________ Real estate other than bank ing house _____________________ Current expenses and taxes paid Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and private b a n k s.... . . . ___________ Checks and items of exchange... Currency _______ Gold coin_________________________ Silver, nickels and cents_________ Total LIABILITIES 51,270.44 57.89 550.00 3,300.00 1,639.97 20,429.65 174.66 1,555.00 1,500.00 362.73 ...................................... .$ 80,840.34 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Capital stock paid in___________ $ 10,000.00 Surplus fund______________________ 50000 Undivided profits___________________ 2,957.00 Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check ------------------------------------------ 18,440.52 Demand certificates of deposit... Time certificatesof deposit________ 48,819.00 Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks__________________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund_____ 123.22 Total ----------------------------------$ 80,840.34 16 TW EN TIETH Atlanta ANNUAL REPORT OF THE The Atlanta State Bank Phelps County. Charter No. 717. L. J. Titus...---------------------------------President W . B. Fulk----------------------------Vice-President M. A._ Fuik-------------------------------------- Cashier F. Edith•Hauman----------- Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DE' 3EMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts_____________ $ Overdrafts, secured and un secured ________ ________________ Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc_____________________ Other assets___________ ______ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ------------------------------------Rea] estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expenses and taxes paid Cash Items_____________________ _ Due from national, state and private banks__________________ Checks and items of exchange— Currency ------------------Gold coin________________________ Silver, nickels and cents__________ Total 36,882.97 238.97 500.00 2,060.24 7,344.54 254.10 2,557.00 1,330.00 589.45 ---------------------------------- $ 51,757.27 Auburn Capital stock paid in___________ $ 10,000.00 Surplus fund_____________________ 1,000.00 Undivided profits________________ 3,001.34 Dividends unpaid ____ ___________ Individual deposits subject to cheek --------------------------Demand certificates of deposit— 16,651.49 Time certificates of deposit______ Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding___ Due to national, state and private banks___________ . ______ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable._____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund_____ 101.85 Total ______________ ____ — Ç 51,757.27 The Nemaha County Bank Nemaha County. Charter No. 638. A. M. Engles-------------------,________ President W m. Tynon---------------------------- Vice-President G. E. Codington_____ _____________ Cashier Elizabeth Tynon_________ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts____________ $240,297.52 Overdrafts, secured and un secured _________________________ 1,538.80 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc_____________________ Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures _____ 6,500.00 Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expenses and taxes paid 1,220.76 Cash items_____ _________________ Due from national, state and private banks___ ______ _____ 44,261.83 Checks and items of exchange— 2,425.82 Currency ________________________ 3,713.00 Gold coin_________________________ 4,282.50 Silver, nickels and cents________ 2,306.65 Capital stock paid in___________ $ 20,000.00 Surplus fund______ ___________ 25,000.00 Undivided profits-— ____________ 2,421.84 Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check ------------------------------------------ 178,361.38 Demand certificates of deposit— 1,304.60 Time certificates of deposit______ 76,851.54 Certified checks____________ ,_____ 2,000.00 Cashier’s checks outstanding___ Due to national, state and private banks________________________ 75.34 Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund.-i___ 532.18 Total Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis .$306,546.88 Total .$306,546.8S 21,002.59 S E C R E T A R Y OF T H E ST A T E B A N K IN G B O A R D Auburn 17 The German-American Bank Nemaha County. Charter No. 903. Peter Berlet_______________________ President C. E. Ord___________________ Vice-President J. M. Wright_______________________ Cashier ------------------------------------------ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts_____________ $85,376.65 Overdrafts, secured and un secured ________________________ 157,16 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc_____________________ Other assets________ . _____ :_____ _ Banking house, furniture and fixtures _____________ :__________ 7,074.00 Real estate other than bank ing house________________ 8,000.00 Current expenses and taxes paid 1,372.06 Cash items_______________ _______ Due from national, state and private banks__________ 19,553.61 Checks and items of exchange... 491.28 4,051.00 Cutrency _________________ Gold coin _______________________ 3,545.00 Silver, nickels and cents___ :____ 222.04 Total __________ ___________ $129,842.SO Aurora Capital stock paid in___________ $ Surplus fund _____ Undivided profits__________ _____ Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check ---------------------------------------Demand certificates of deposit__ Time certificates of deposit______ Certified checks____ ______________ Cashier’s checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks__________________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund_____ Total 25,000.00 4,000.00 2,251.75 57,761.70 39,282.51 1,364.92 181.92 _________ ____________ $129,842.80 The Farmers State Bank Hamilton County. Charter No. 1084. J. L . Evans___ _________________ .President J. A. Isaman _______________ Vice-President George W anek ... ------- --------------------- -------------------Cashier .Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES Loans and discounts-------------------- $ Overdrafts, secured and un secured ________________________ Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc_____________________ Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ________________________ Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expenses and taxes paid Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and private banks__________________ Checks and items of exchange------Currency _________________ A ------Gold coin________________________ Silver, nickels andcents___________ Total LIABILITIES 93,043.62 3,388.06 11,358.45 1,105.57 21,483.45 711.16 1,671.00 3,525,00 627.24 ____ ________ .._______ $136,913.55 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Capital stock paid in___________ $ Surplus fund_____________________ Undivided profits_________________ Dividends unpaid_______________ I Individual deposits subject to check ---------------------------------------Demand certificates of deposit... Time certificates of deposit______ Certified checks___________________ Cashier's checks outstanding.... Due to national, state and private banks__________________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable________________ ____ Depositors’ guaranty fund.— . . . Total 36,000.00 6,013.71 36,423.54 13 , 901.27 44,390 16 184.87 ...................... ................$136,913.55 18 TW EN TIETH Avoca ANNUAL REPORT OF THE The Bank of Avoca Cass County. Charter No. 494. V, W . Straub---------------------------------President Henry W ohlers----------------------..Vice-President Jos. C. Zimmerer___________________ Cashier ------ -----------------------------------Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts_____________ $ Overdrafts, secured and un secured --------------------------------------Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc_____________________ Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ------------------------------------Real estate other than bank ing house____ __________________ Current expenses andtaxes paid Cash items________________ ______ Due from national, state and private banks__________________ Checks and items of exchange Currency ------------------------------------Gold coin_________________________ Silver, nickels andcents___________ Total 89,693.93 180.99 3,000.00 912.04 10.00 23,714.29 4,525.00 1,275.00 L618.S6 .$124,930.11 Axtell Capital stock paid in___________ $ 15,000.00 Surplus fund_______________________ 2,250.00 Undivided profits__________________ 2,890.86 Dividends unpaid_______________ _ Individual deposits subject to check ------------------------------------------ 71,021.48 Demand certificates of deposit... Time certificates of deposit_____ 31,657.65 Certified checks___________________ Cashier's checks outstanding___ 1,885.00 Due to national, state and private banks__________________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund______ 225.12 Total .$124,930.11 The Bank of Axtell Kearney County. Charter No. 21. A. G. W arren ...---------------------------- President Ralph Bloom. Oscar Bloom__________ _______Vice-President _______________ -------------------- Cashier -Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts_____________ $103,601.12 Overdrafts, secured and un secured _________________ 204.77 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc_____________________ Other assets_____ :______ __________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ________________________ 6,200.00 Real estate other than bank ing house _____________________ Current expenses and taxes paid Cash items________ . ______________ Due from national, state and private banks__________________ 25,683.01 Checks and items of exchange... 149.23 Currency ------------------------------------3,0°9.00 Gold coin_________________________ 6,280.00 Silver, nickels and cents_________ 379.87 Total Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis .$145,527.00 Capital stock paid in_____ _< Surplus fund______________ Undivided profits_________ Dividends unpaid_____________ “ I Individual deposits subject to check __________________________ Demand certificates of deposit__ Time certificates of deposit____ Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks__________________ Notes and bills re-discounted... I Bills payable_____________ ____ _ Depositors’ guaranty fund______ Total 20,000.00' 840.00 354.19' 37,772.69 64,883.51 16,343.27 5,000.00 333.34 .$145,527.00 S E C R E T A R Y OF T H E S T A T E B A N K IN G B O A R D Axtell 19 The Farmers and Merchants Bank Kearney County. Charter No. 985. John S. Johnson.._______________ President J. H . Larson............ ........... .Vice-President J. D. England______________________ Cashier I. F . Miller------------------------Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5. 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts_____________ $ Overdrafts, secured and un secured ________________________ Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc__________________ Other assets______________________ _ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ------------------------------------Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expenses and taxes paid Cash items.______________________ Due from national, state and private banks---------------------------Checks and items of exchange— Currency ______ Gold coin--------------------------------------Silver, nickels and cents__________ Total 53,320.45 10.10 1,000.00 1,972.68 13,501.50 152.48 2,116.00 2,085.00 910.56 ---------------------------------- $ 75,0€S.77 Bancroft Capital stock paid in___________ $ Surplus fund_____ _______________ Undivided profits_________________ Dividends unpaid________________ Individual deposits subject to check __________________________ Demand certificates of deposit— Time certificates of deposit______ Certified checks_____________ ,_____ Cashier’s checks outstanding___ Due to national, state and private banks__________________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable_________________ ;___ Depositors’ guaranty fund______ Total 10,000.00 1,000.00 3,248.88 21,909.01 525.00 38,255.13 130.75 ______________________ $ 75,068.77 The Citizens Bank of Bancroft Cuming County. Charter No. 23. William Ward-------------------------------- President J. E. Blenkiron------------------- Vice-President G. Arthur Bailey____________ _ .Cashier William Rembe__________ Assistant" Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts_____________$171,452.85 Overdrafts, secured and un secured _______________________ 241.79 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc____________ ;___ . . . ___ Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ________________________ 7,000.00 Real estate other than bank ing house _____________________ Current expenses and taxes paid 1,152.19 Cash items_______ ______________________ 30.00 Due from national, state and private banks__________________ 50,893.60 Checks and items of exchange... 169.46 Currency _______________ .________ 3,610.00 Gold coin_________________________ 2,175.00 Silver, nickels and cents_________ 1,619.29 Capital stock paid in___________ $ 30,000.00 Surplus fund--------------------------- . . . 20,000.00 Undivided profits_________________ 7,469.82 Dividends unp aid ..._____________ Individual deposits subject to check ---------------------------------------- 122,821.62 Demand certificates of deposit__ Time certificates of deposit_____ 50,565.13 Certified checks__________________ 195.00 Cashier’s checks outstanding___ 1,851.61 Due to national, state and private banks__________________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable--------------------------------5,000.00 Depositors’ guaranty fund______ 441.00 Total Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis .$238,344.18 Total ..$238,344.18 20 TW E N TIE T H Barada ANNUAL REPORT OF THE The Bara da State Bank Richardson County. Charter No. 924. J. H . Morehead...-------------------------- President Henry Gerdes------------------------ Vice-President E. E. Bolejaek.. L. H . Morehead. -------------...Cashier .Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts____ t ________$ Overdrafts, secured and un secured ------------------------------------Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ------------------------------------Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expenses and taxes paid Cash items________________________ Due from national, state and private banks__________________ Checks and items of exchange... Currency ________________________ Gold coin________________________ Silver, nickels and cents__________ Total 31,676.51 435.03 2,150.00 1,093.18 8,441.72 95.32 1,530.00 1,370.00 154.15 ----------- ----------------------$ 46,895.91 Barneston Capital stock paid in_______ ;___ $ Surplus fund_____________________ Undivided profits__________________ Dividends unpaid_____ ___________ Individual deposits subject to check ___________________________ Demand certificates of deposit__ Time certificatesof deposit_______ Certified checks___________________ Cashier's checks outstanding___ Due to national, state and private banks__________________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund_____ Total 6,500.00 2,200.00 1,268.05 24,382.23 12,444.10 101.53 __________________ . . . . $ 46,895.91 The Bank of Barneston Gage County. Charter No. 24. J. A. Spencer___ _________________ President C. L. Spencer_______________ Vice-President A. D. Spencer__________ __A___ ______ Cashier E. G. Spencer____________ Assistant Cashier . STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES Loans and discounts_____________ $ Overdrafts, secured and un secured __________________ ______ Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc____ ________________ Other assets._____________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ________________________ Real estate other than bank ing house__________ _____________ Current expenses and taxes paid Cash items_____________________ _ Due from national, state and private banks____ _____________ Checks and items of exchange... Currency -------------------------------------Gold coin--------------------------------------Silver, nickelsand cents___________ Total LIABILITIES 17,239.72 342.48 1,490.00 4,863.30 22,337.74 2,090.00 185.00 509.99 ...................... .............. ..$ 49,058.23 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Capital stock paid in_________ ..$ 5,000.00 Surplus fund_____________________ 250.00 Undivided profits________________ 5,194.66 Dividends unpaid________________ Individual deposits subject to check ------------29,582.90 Demand certificates of deposit... 305.00 Time certificates of deposit_____ 8,616.94 Certified cheeks___ _______________ Cashier's checks outstanding___ Due to national, state and private banks__________________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund______ 10S.73 Total ______ _______ _______ $ 49,058.23 21 S E C R E T A R Y OF T H E ST ATE B A N K IN G B O A R D Barneston The Commercial State Bank Gage County. Charter No. 723. J. M. Howe_______________________ President Boy Howe____________________ Vice-President Henry Monfelt______________________ Cashier S. M. Monfelt___________ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. BESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts.—,__________ $ 27,030.06 Overdrafts, secured and un secured ----- -------------------------------33.82 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc_______:______________ Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures _____ _______ ;__________ 3,000.00 Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expenses and taxes paid Cash items________ ______________ Due from national, state and 9,337.19 private Banks__________________ Checks and items of exchange___ Currency ________________________ 1,475.00 Gold coin_________________________ 80.00 410.50 Silver, nickelsand cents___________ Total .$ 41,366.57 Bartlett Capital stock paid in___________ $ Surplus fund-------------------------------Undivided profits.________________ Dividends unpaid..:______________ Individual deposits subject to cheek -------------------------------Demand certificates of deposit—. Time certificates of deposit_____ Certified checks___________________ Cashier's checks outstanding___ Due to national, state and private banks__________________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable_____ A —________ . . . Depositors’ guaranty fund_____ 10,000.00 1,000.00 210.80 14,560.68 15,520.23 74.86 .$ 41,366.57 Total The Bartlett State Bank Wheeler County. Charter No. 898. A L. Bishop________ :____ ____ ...President Prank Kaiser________ _____ ...Vice-President G. L . Bishop_______________________ Cashier ------------------------------------------- Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. LIABILITIES RESOURCES Loans and discounts-------------------- $ 33,425.95 Overdrafts, secured and un secured ________________________ Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets---------------------------------Banking house, furniture and 1,434,53 fixtures __ ______ _________ __ Real estate other than bank ing house-------------------------------- r797.82 Current expenses and taxes paid Cash items-----------------------------------Due from national, state and 4,564.79 private banks---------------------------541.41 Checks and items of exchange... 590.00 Currency ------------------------------------995.00 Gold coin--------------------------------------352.65 Silver, nickels and cents-------------Total Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis .$ 42,900.31 Capital stock paid in___________ $ Surplus fund_____________________ Undivided profits________________ Dividends unpaid—______________ Individual deposits subject to check __________________________ Demand certificates ofdenosit__ Time certificates of deposit.______ Certified checks___________________ Cashier's cheeks outstanding----Due to national, state and private banks__________________ Notes and bills re-discounted----Bills payable.,------------------------------Depositors’ guaranty fund---------- Total 10,000.00 1,000.00 1,321.11 20,654.86 458.12 9,402.64 63.58 42,900.31 22 TW EN TIETH Bartley ANNUAL REPORT OF THE The State Bank of Bartley Red Willow County. Charter No. 479. J. E. E . E. Hathorn___________________ President Sm ith..------------------------Vice-President F . 6 . Stilgebouer___________________ Cashier ___________________________ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5. 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts_____________ $46,151-08 Overdrafts, secured and un secured ____________ 218.69 Bonds, securities, judgments, claimsi etc____ „_________________ 515.78 Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ________________________ 4,200.00 Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expenses andtaxes paid 425.83 Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and private banks__________________ 20,373.86 Checks and items of exchange... 13.01 Currency ______ 3,040.00 1,565.00 Gold coin___________________ _____ Silver, nickels and cents................. 764.50 Total ---------------------------------- $ 77,273.75 Bassett Capital stock paid in___________ $ Surplus fund ________ Undivided profits_________________ Dividends unpaid________________ Individual deposits subject to check __________________________ Demand certificates of deposit__ Time certificates of deposit_______ Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding___ Due to national, state and private banks__________________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund_____ Total 15,000.00 1,800.00 721.33 39,849.72 47.84 19,704.51 150.35 ................. ......................$ 77,273.75 The State Bank of Bassett Rock County. Charter No. 26. J. D. Brayton____________________ President E. L. Brayton_______________ Vice-President H . E. Artus________________________ Cashier Nancy Linke_____________ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts_____________ $ 79,296.92 Overdrafts, secured and un secured ________________________ 1,680.25 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc_____________________ Other* assets_____________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ________________________ 3,332.92 Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expenses and taxes paid 2,382.13 Cash items __________ ____ _______ Due from national, state and private banks_____________ 68,763.39 Checks and Items of exchange.._ 99.70 Currency _________________ 1,732.00 Gold coin____________________ . . . . 2,785.00 Silver, nickels andcents..__ 1,214.08 Capital stock paid in____ .. . : ___ $ 10,000.00 Surplus . fund_____________________ 2,500.00 Undivided profits________________ 7,279.27 Dividends unpaid________________ Individual deposits subject to check __________ . ______________ 100,559.86 Demand certificates of deposit... 2,879.24 Time certificates of deposit_____ 37,763.58 Certified . checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding___ Due to national, state and private banks__________________ Notes and bills re-discounted:___ Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty f u n d ...... 304.44 Total Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ..........................—......$161,286.39 Total .......................................$161,286.39 • 23 S E C R E T A R Y OF T H E S T A T E B A N K IN G B O A R D Bassett The Commercial Bank Rock County. Charter No. 701. G. M. A. E. Hillburg____________ _____ President Smith__.................. .......Vice-President A. O. Smith------------------------------------- Cashier O. M. Jeffrey____________ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES Loans and discounts_____________ $ Overdrafts, secured and un secured _________________________ Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc_____________ ________ Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ________________________ Real estate other than bank ing house _____________________ Current expenses and taxes paid Cash items______ _________ _______ Due from national, state and private banks__________________ Checks and items of exchange____ Currency .________________________ Gold coin___ _____________________ Silver, nickels and cents____ : ____ Total LIABILITIES 51,292.01 529.47 Individual 2,806.80 2,489.84 41,250.82 1,092.40 2,961.00 deposits subject to check ---------------------------------------- 57,671.37 Demand certificates of deposit... 3,833.16 Time certificates of deposit_______ 23,758.67 Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding___ Due to national, state and private banks__________________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable..___________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund_____ 155.52 848.30 ________ . . . __________ $103,270.24 Battle Creek Capital stock paid in___________ $ 10,000.00 Surplus fund--------------------------------2,000.00 Undivided profits________________ 5,851.52 Dividends unpaid________________ Total _____________________ ..$103,270.24 The Battle Creek \ alley Bank Madison County. Charter No. 27. Herman Hogrefe__________________ President Henry Massman_______ 1_____ Vice-President G. C. Benning____ . . . ----------------------- Cashier J. B. Dufphey___________ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts_________$225,149.16 Overdrafts, secured and un secured ________________________ 1,771.48 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims etc______________________ Other assets---------------------------------Banking house, furniture and fixtures ________________________ 6,200.00 Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expensesand taxes paid 3,559.15 Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and private banks_____________ 40,393.20 Checks and items of exchange... 43.23 Currency _____ 6,585.00 Gold coin_________________________ 3.405.00 Silver, nickels and cents_________ 1,083.22 Capital stock paid in___________ $ 40,000.00 Surplus fund_____________________ 20,000.00 Undivided profits_________________ 12,899.45 Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check __________________________ 75,266.73 Demand certificates of deposit... 3,809.88 Time certificates of deposit_____ 135,693.59 Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding___ Due to national, state and private banks_______ __________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund____ . 519.79 Total ______ _______ _______ $288,189.44 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Total ________ _______ _____ $288,189.44 24 TW E N TIE T H Battle Creek ANNUAL REPORT OF THE Tlie Citizens State Bank Madison County. Charter No. G06. C. E. Burnham___________________ President Geo. Heuerman______________ Vice-President H . Barnes___________________________ Cashier T . L. W hite.____________ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts_________ $115,688.88 Overdrafts, secured and un secured ________________________ 1,212.01 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc_____________________ Other • assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ________________________ 700.00 Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expensesand taxes paid 2,012.08 Cash items ____________ ; ________ Due from national, state and private banks_____________ 22,180.10 Checks and items of exchange... 458.27 Currency _______________ 3,443.00 Gold coin___________ _____________ 1,170.00 Silver, nickels and cents_________ 1,415.00 Capital stock paid in___________ $ 10,000.00 Surplus fund_____________________ 6,000.00 Undivided profits________________ 5,868.68 Dividends unpaid..^______________ Individual deposits subject to check ____________________________ 74,861.51 Demand certificates of deposit— 2,120.18 Time certificates of deposit_____ 49,117.06 Certified checks___ :__ ____________ Cashier’s checks outstanding.... Due to national, state and private banks__________________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable____________ ________ Depositors’ guaranty fund— 311.91 . Total ______________________ $148,279.34 Bayard Total ___________ .2________ $148,279.34 The Bank of Bayard Morrill County. Charter No. 28. _____ President .Vice-President W . W . Vanat'ta. R. F . Durnal... E. R. Vanatta---------------------------------Cashier ______________________ ____ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. LIABILITIES RESOURCES Loans and discounts-------------------- $ 43,072.18 Overdrafts, secured and un- . secured ___________________ ___ 68.60 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc_____________________ Other assets___ ______..___ ...------- Banking house, furniture and fixtures. —— ____________ - _____ 2,323.29 Real estate other than bank ing house_______ !___________ ____ Current expenses and taxes paid 1,021.17 Cash i t e m s . ___________ ________ Due from national, state and private banks___ ,______ 7,088.SO Checks and items of exchange!.. 1,006.79 Currency ___ ____ ___ . . . . _________ 1 , 820.00 Gold coin______________ . . . . . . _____ 685.00 Silver, nickels and cents_________ 213.69 Total ........................................ $ 57,299.52 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Capital stock paid in___________ $ Surplus, fund_____________________ Undivided profits_________________ Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual , deposits subject to cheek _______ Demand certificates of deposit__ Time certificates of deposit_______ Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding..__ Due to national, state and private banks__________________ Notes and bills re-discounted Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund_____ , Total 10,000.00 2,000.00 4,528.58 32,385.71 5.00 8,275.46 104.77 ______ ____ _______ ___$ 57,299.52 S E C R E T A R Y OF T H E ST A T E B A N K IN G B O A R D Beatrice 25 The Union State Bank Gage County. Charter No. 652. J. A . Barnard------------------------------- President ---------------------------------------------- Vice-President J. H . Penner________________________ Cashier ___________________________ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans apd discounts_____________ $161,317.04 Overdrafts, secured and un secured _________________________ 1,275.84 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc_________ . . . _________ 4,997.10 Other assets______________________ Furniture and fixtures___________ 3,469.18 Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ 13,500.00 Current expenses and taxes paid 6,805.03 Cash items_______________________ 3,122.21 Due from national, state and private banks__________________ 46,779.24 Checks and items of exchange.-_ 1,660.88 Currency ________________________ 7,744.00 Gold coin----------------------------7,685.00 Silver, nickels and cents___ 1,551.38 Capital stock paid in___________ $ 50,000.00 Surplus fund_____________________ 2,500.00 9,189.59 Undivided profits_________________ Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits, subject to check ___________________________ 120.200.47 Demand certificates of deposit... 8,219.50 Time certificates of deposit_____ 36,962.97 Certified checks___ ,_______________ Cashier's checks outstanding----496.90 Due to national, state and private banks_______ 31,864.02 Notes and bills re-discounted Bills payable--------------------------------473.45 Depositors’ guaranty fund______ Total .$259,906.90 Beatrice --.$259,906.90 Total The Beatrice State Bank Gage County. Charter No. 1024. F. E. Allen_______________________ President J. T . Harden____________ ____Vice-President H . H . Waite________________________ Cashier ____________ ______________ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. LIABILITIES RESOURCES Capital stock paid in___________ $ 50,000.00 Loans and discounts------------ $178,171.13 Surplus fund_____________________ 3,500.00 Overdrafts, secured and un Undivided profits_________________ 7,501.57 secured . . ____________________________ 398.02 Reserved for taxes_______________ 500.00 Bonds, securities, judgments, Individual deposits subject to claims, etc________________ 22,408.14 check ___________________________ 175,465.47 Other assets_______________ ■ ______ Demand certificates of deposit— 1,543.25 Banking house, furniture and Time certificates of deposit_____ 34,638.54 fixtures ________________________ 2,510.06 Certified checks____________ , _____ Real estate other than hank Cashier’s checks outstanding___ ing house_______________________ Due to national, state and Current •expensesand taxes paid 4,150.44 private banks__________________ 43,254.49 Cash items______ ____________ ____ Notes and bills re-discounted Due from national, state and private banks__________________ 82,701.16 Bills payable_________ ____________ Checks and items of exchange... 1,748.41 Depositors’ guaranty . fund______ 438.72 Currency _______________ :_________ 16.356.00 Gold coin_______________________ 6.070.00 Silver, nickels and cents____ ______ 2,328.68 Total Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis .$316,842.04 Total .$316,842.04 26 TW E N TIE TH Beatrice ANNUAL R EPOR T OF THE The First State Savings Bank Gage County. Charter No. 1052. L . B. Howey---------------------------------Presidept W . C. Black, Jr-------------------- Vice-President F. H . Howey.______________________ Cashier _______________ ____________ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5. 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts_____________ $ 50,065.00 Overdrafts, secured and un secured _________________________ Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures _________________________ Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expenses and taxes paid Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and private banks__________________ 10,191.95 Checks and items of exchange__ Currency _________________________ Gold coin_________________________ Silver, nickels and cents_________ 37.48 Capital stock paid in___________ $ 12,000.00 Surplus fund_____________________ 700.00 Undivided profits________________ 1,131,46 Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check ____________ 46,377.32 Demand certificates of deposit... Time certificates of deposit---------Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding----Due to national, state and private banks__________________ Notes and bills re-discounted Bills payable__________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund---------85.65 Total ______________________ $ 60,294.43 Beaver City Total ______________________ $ 60,294.43 The First State Bank Furnas County. Charter No. 516. _____ President Vice-President T . M. Davis. C. E. V. Smith_____________ _______ Cashier W . C. F. Lumley-------------Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts_________ $215,201.01 Overdrafts, secured and un secured ________________________ 2,415.47 Bonds, securities, judgments, • claims, etc______________________ Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures --------------------------------------6,500.00 Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expensesand taxes paid 3,010.22 Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and Private banks__________________ 29,959. SO Checks and items of exchange... 23.19 Currency ___ _______ 1____________ 5. Gold c o in ______ _____ ;__________ 5.752.50 Silver, nickels and cents_________ 1,122.77 Capital stock paid in___________ $ 20.000.00 Surplus fund— __________________ 20,000.00 Undivided profits_________________ 7,423.87 Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check _____________ 101,091.55 Demand certificates of deposit... 12,394.88 Time certificates of deposit_______ 107,993.31 Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding___ Due to national, state and private banks__________________ Notes and bills re-discounted Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund______ 623.85 Total Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis _______________ ______ $269,527.46 Total ______________________ $26.9,527.46 S E C R E T A R Y OF TH E STATE B AN K IN G B O A R D Beaver City 27 The Bank of Beaver City Furnas County. Charter No. 884. H. Brouhard---------------------------------President ------------------------------------------------ Vice-President T . P. Newton_______________________ Cashier ...________________ ________ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5. 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts_______ ____ .$ 44,293.33 Overdrafts, secured and un secured _______ _____ ___________ 674.06 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc___________________ Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ---------------1,499.85 Real estate other than bank ing house------------------------1,300.00 Current expenses and taxes paid 1,790.23 Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and private banks____________ 5,973.13 Checks and items of exchange... ’293.23 Currency ---------------------820.00 Gold coin------------------------1,210.00 Sliver, nickels and cents___ 330.84 Total -------------------- ------- ____$ 58,184.67 Capital stock paid in___________ $ Surplus fund_____________________ Undivided profits_________ _______ Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check ___________________________ Demand certificates of deposit__ Time certificates of deposit_______ Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding----Due to national, state and private banks__________________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund______ Total 15,000.00 1,500.00 2,846.60 23,328.30 36.00 11,745.13 3,650.00 78.64 _____________ ______ ..$ 58,184.67 Beaver Crossing The State Bank of Beaver Crossing Seward County. Charter No. 33. L . E. Soutliwick---------------------------- President W . O. Soutliwick____________ Vice-President T . H . Dimery_______________________ Cashier C. M. Warner____________ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5. 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts________$108,330.89 Overdrafts, secured and un secured _________________________ 646.65 Bonds, securities, judgments, 2,000.00 claims, etc________________ Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures __________ i ____________ 5,300.00 Real estate other than bank ing house-------------------------- --------2,854.19 Current expenses andtaxes paid 2,273.66 Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and private banks_____________ 15,224.72 Checks and items of exchange... 131.41 Currency _________________________ 1,312.00 Gold coin____________________ 625.00 Silver, nickels and cents____ _____ 639.66 Total Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis .$139,338.18 Capital stock paid in___________ $ Surplus fund_______________ ______ Undivided profits_________________ Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check __________________________ Demand certificates of deposit__ Time certificates of deposit_____ Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding___ Due to national, state and private banks__________________ Notes and bills re-discounted Bills payable___________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund______ Total 25,000.00 6,300.00 3,989.56 39,790.38 64,042.02 216.22 .$139,338.18 28 TW E N TIE T H ANNUAL REPORT OF THE Beaver Crossing- The Citizens State Bank Seward County. Charter No. S67. W . J. Organ---------------------------------- President .Henry Gake------------------------------Vice-President L . G. Gake_______________________ ___________________________ Assistant Cashier Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Doans and discounts_____________ $ Overdrafts, secured and un secured ______ ______________ ___ Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc___ .,____ :____________ Other assets_________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ________________________ Real estate other than bank ing house ______________________ Current expenses and taxes paid Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and private banks_________________ _ Checks and items of exchange__ Currency _____ ______________ Gold coin__________________ .11II .I Silver, nickels and cents_________ Total 72,107.48 497.70 921.81 4,860.00 3,024.37 35,428.30 551.23 5,061.00 300.00 493.51 ---------------------------------- $123,245.40 ®ee Capital stock paid in .._________ $ Surplus fund_____________________ Undivided profits_____ ;___________ Dividends unpaid...;______________ Individual deposits subject to check -----------------------------------------Demand certificates of deposit— Time certificates of deposit_____ Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks__________________ Notes and bills re-discounted Bills payable___________ _________ Depositors’ guaranty fund______ Total 15,000.00 2,000.00 6,016.12 29,114.31 70,913.07 201.90 .$123,245.40 The State Bank of Bee Seward County. Charter No. 690. F. J. Maixner---------------------------------President F. A. Engler---------------------------Vice-President L. L . Stava___ _______ !_________ -------------------Cashier -Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911 RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts_____________ $ Overdrafts, secured and un secured _________________________ Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ______ •__________________ Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expenses and taxes paid Cash items_________ _____________ Due from national, state and private banks___________________ Checks and items of exchange__ Currency _________________________ Gold coin______ '__________________ Silver, nickels and cents_________ Total Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 55,103.92 962.13 1,348.57 9,454.43 3,994.25 975.00 100.00 192.76 .$ 72,131.06 Capital stock paid in_____ ^___ $ 10 000.00 Surplus fund_____________________ Undivided profits____ ____________ 398.75 Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to cheek ------------------------------------------ 19,660.57 Demand certificates of deposit... 10,308.65 Time certificates of deposit_____ 26,617.89 Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding___ Due to national, state and private banks---------------------------5,000.00 Notes and bills re-discounted Bills Payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund______ 145.20 Total .$ 72,1.31.06 S E C R E T A R Y OF T H E S T A T E B A N K IN G B O A R D Beemer 29 The Beemer State Bank Cuming County. Charter No. 34. W . A. Holmes—__________________ President Thos. C Kirk _______ _____ .Vice-President Paul Wupper--------------------------------------Cashier C. H . Brinkmann-------- . . . Assistant Cashier J. S. Seoera______________ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. LIABILITIES RESOURCES Loans and discounts--------------------$171,329.78 Overdrafts, secured and un secured . . . _____________________ 734.19 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and 9,500.00 fixtures _________________________ Real estate other than bank ing house___ ____________________ Current expenses and taxes paid 7,808.01 Cash items______________ j________ Due from national, state and private banks_______ ___________ 16,143.95 Checks and items of exchange____ 32.65 Currency _____ 6,952.00 55.00 Gold coin____________________ Silver, nickels and cents__________ 1,578.64 Total ____________ _________ $214,134.22 Belgrade Capital stock paid in___________ $ 30,000.00 7,500.00 Surplus fund_____________________ Undivided profits________________ 9,511.25 Dividends unpaid— ______________ Individual deposits subject to check __________________ 67,356.65 Demand certificates of deposit___ 3,864.02 Time certificates of deposit_______ 85,528.53 Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding___ Due to national, state and private banks__________________ Notes and bills re-discounted Bills payable_____________________ 10,000.00 Depositors’ guaranty fund________________ 373.77 Total ______________________ $214,134.22 The Bank of Belgrade Nance County. Charter No. 576. _____ President .Vice-President W . H . Andrews_____ B. F. Sm ith............. G. W . Andrews______________________ Cashier E. Earl Nickerson________ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. LIABILITIES RESOURCES Loans and discounts------------------- $157,344.06 Overdrafts, secured and un secured ________________________ 687.53 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ________________________ 5,000.00 Real estate other than bank ing house ----------------- ---------------Current expenses and taxes paid 4,876.86 Cash items_____________________ _ Due from national, state and private banks__________________ 9,936.87 Checks and items of exchange... 1,950.45 Currency _________________________ _ 6,043.00 Gold coin_________________________ 2,645.00 Silver, nickels and cents_____ ____ 1,351.11 Total ________ _____________ $189,834.88 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Capital stock paid in .__________ $ Surplus fund_____________________ Undivided profits_________________ Dividends unpaid___________ _____ Individual deposits subject to check ___________________________ Demand certificates of deposit... Time certificates of deposit_____ Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks__________________ Notes and bills re-discounted____ Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund---------- Total 25,000.00 8,000.00 8,193.31 75,576.82 796.00 54,820.97 426.00 16,665.00 356.78 _______ _____ ________ $189,834.88 30 TW EN TIETH Belgrade ANNUAL REPORT OF THE The Farmers State Bank Nance County. Charter No. 1109. J. E. Cooley------------------------------------President W . E. Ecldey-------------------------Vice-President W . L . Eckley______________________ Cashier ---------------------------------- -------Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5. 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES lo an s and discounts_____________ $ Overdrafts, secured and un secured --------------------------------------Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures --------------------------------------Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expenses and taxes paid Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and private banks_______________ Checks and items of exchange— Currency --------------------------------------Gold coin--------------------------------------Silver, nickels and cents_________ 63,275.19 481.40 5,000.00 2,182.80 3.00 3,295.04 1,676.45 3,180.00 395.00 382.59 Total ----------------------------------- $ 79,871.47 Bellwood Capital stock paid in___________ $ Surplus fund_____________________ Undivided profits_________________ Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to cheek -----------------------------------------Demand certificates of deposit— Time certificates of deposit_____ Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding___ Due to national, state and private banks,'_________________ Notes and bills re-discounted Bills payable________ Depositors’ guaranty fund______ 15,000.00 2,787.98 41,328.55 15,203.91 460.13 5,000.00 90.90 Total _____ . . ..______________ $ 79,871.47 The Bank of Bellwood Butler County. Charter No. 653. Walter Lloyd____ Hattie B. Lloyd. --------President .Vice-President Jesse D. Bell_____________________ _Cashier Jasper S. Bell____________ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES Loans and discounts_____________ $ Overdrafts, secured and un secured -------------------------------------Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc_____________________ Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ________________________ Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expenses and taxes paid Cash items— _____________________ Due from national, state and private banks______________ ;____ Checks and items of exchange,._ Currency _________________________ Gold coin_________________________ Silver, nickels and cents_________ Total LIABILITIES 89,337.54 570.08 2,133.92 3,000.00 55,306.75 4,096.00 1,120.00 81.41 -------- ------------------------- $155,645.70 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Capital stock paid in___________ $ Surplus fund--------------------------------Undivided profits________ Dividends unpaid__________ _______ Individual deposits subject to check ___________________ Demand certificates of deposit— Time certificates of deposit_____ Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding___ Due to national, state and private banks__ _______________ Notes and bills re-discounted Bills payable,____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund______ Total 15,000.00 1,500.00 2,146.39 66,191.84 70,577.92 229.55 ______________________ $155,645.70 S E C R E T A R Y OF T H E S T A T E B A N K IN G B O A R D Belvidere 31 The State Bank of Belvidere Thayer County. Charter No. 36. G. W . Williams___________________ President J. D. Bloomer_______________ Vice-President Hugh A . Bruning----------------------------- Cashier ___________________________ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. LIABILITIES RESOURCES Loans and discounts_____________ $ Overdrafts, secured and un secured _________________________ Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures _________________________ Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expenses and taxes paid Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and private banks__________________ Checks and items of exchange.-Currency _________________________ Gold coin_________________________ Silver, nickels and cents_________ Total 79,942.49 549.40 4,150.00 1,181.84 27,485.26 282.88 2,997.00 140.00 792.27 Capital stock paid in___________ $ Surplus fund_____________________ Undivided profits_______ - ________ Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check ___________________________ Demand certificates of deposit.— Time certificates of deposit----------Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding----Due to national, state and private banks---------------------------Notes and bills re-discounted Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund______ Total ______________________ $117,521.14 Benkleman 12,500.00 5,000.00 2,872.90 53,290.49 5,807.73 37,831.90 218.12 _______________ I_____ $117,521.14 The Bank of Benkleman Dundy County. Charter No. 38. V. Franklin_______________________ President Thos. Ashton_________________ Vice-President J. G. Riley_____________ ___________ Cashier J. W . Murphy___________ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts________ $167,521.06 Overdrafts, secured and un secured _________________________ 1,123.12 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, warrants, etc_____ 2,170.67 Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures _________________________ 8,330.00 Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expenses and taxes paid 3,134.78 Cash items__________ ________ 25.55 Due from national, state and private banks______________ 19,469.29 Checks and items of exchange... 50.00 Currency _________________________ 6,720.00 Gold coin___________________ 3,070.00 Silver, nickels and cents____ 3,702.65 Capital stock paid in___________ $ 25,000.00 Surplus fund_____________________ 5,000.00 Undivided profits_______________ ... 9,440.26 Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check . . . ____ x__________________ 134,624.32 Demand certificates of deposit— 40,565.81 Time certificates of deposit-------Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding------324.05 Due to national, state and private banks---------------------------Notes and bills re-discounted Bills payable------ -------------------------Depositors’ guaranty fund_______ 362.68 Total ______________________ $215,317.12 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 4 Total ______________________ $215,317.12 32 T W E N T IE T H Benkleman ANNUAL REPORT OF TH E The Citizens State Bank Dundy County. Charter No. 1065. C. R. Walker__________ - _________ President D. G. Hines------------------- ----------Vice-President P. R. Walker_______________________ Cashier ___________ _______________ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts_____________ $ 89,218.08 Overdrafts, secured and un 1,203.(8 secured _________________________ Bonds, securities, judgments, 744.33 claims, etc______________________ Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and 6,500.00 fixtures ________________________ Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expenses and taxes paid 3,468.29 Cash items________________________ 84.96 Due from national, state and 8,156.78 private hanks___________________ Checks and items of exchange... Currency ---------------3,186.00 Gold coin--------------------------------------2,000.00 Silver, nickelsand cents___________ 857.18 Total --------------------------------- -$115,419.30 Bennet Capital stock paid in___________ $ 20,000.00 4,000.00 Surplus fund___________ _________ Undivided profits___________________ 5.099.23 Dividends unpaid________________ _ Individual deposits subject to check ------------------------------------------ 69,714.72 Demand certificates of deposit... Time certificates of deposit_____ 14,657.92 Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checksoutstanding______ 1,790.79 Due to national, state and private banks__________________ Notes and bills re-discounted Bills payable____________ ____ ____ Depositors’ guaranty fund______ 156.64 Total ______________________ $115,419.30 The Citizens Bank Lancaster County. Charter No. 40. G. W . Eggleston.-------- ----------------- President John P. Bratt------------------------Vice-President II. H . Bratt_________________________ Cashier ---------------------------------- -------Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911 RESOURCES Loans and discounts.....^_______ $101,407.88 Overdrafts, secured and un secured _________________________ Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc.'-------------------------------- 14,090.00 Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures --------------------------------------4,760.30 Real estate other than bank ing house-----------------------------------350.00 Current expenses and taxes paid 6,377.61 Cash items_______________ Due from national, state and private banks------------------------------ 68,059.42 Checks and items of exchange.._ 311.37 Currency --------------------------------------1,968.00 Gold coin----------- . . . ---------------------4,305.00 Silver, nickels and cents____ _____ 553.56 Total ---------------------------------- $202,183.14 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis LIABILITIES Capital stock paid in___________ $ 25,000.00 Surplus fund_____________________ 2,800.00 Undivided profits__________________ 10,266.36 Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check ------------------------------------------- 58,754.07 Demand certificates of deposit—. 104,996.75 Time certificates of deposit_____ Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks_________________ _ Notes and bills re-discounted Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty f u n d ....... 365.96 Total ______________________ $202,1&3.14 S E C R E T A R Y O F T H E S T A T E B A N K IN G B O A R D Bennet 33 The Farmers Bank Lancaster County. Charter No. 943. Elmer W . Jones------------------------------President Chas Strader-------- ------------------Vice-President Harry Honnor_______________________ Cashier D. 0 . Verity_____________ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES Loans and discounts______ ______ $ Overdrafts, secured and un secured _________ ________________ Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets—_______ l Banking house, furniture and fixtures _________________________ Real estate other than bank ing house______________ ________ Current expenses and taxes paid Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and private banks___________________ Checks and items of exchange— Currency ____ - ___________________ Gold coin__________________ ______ Silver, nickels and cents_________ LIABILITIES 88,214. 3 1,231.20 _______ Total 3,800.00 1,796.72 24,807.47 97.23 2,621.00 685.00 782.33 __________________ ___ $124,019.58 Bennington Capital stock paid in___________ $ Surplus fund__________ __________ Undivided profits_________________ Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to cheek _____________________ ________ Demand certificates of deposit___ Time certificates of deposit—___ Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding___ Due to national, state and private banks__________________ Notes and bills re-discounted Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund______ Total 12,000.00 2,250.00 4,056.64 36,565.96 1,928.12 67,024.44 194.42 ______________________ $124,019.58 The Mangold and Glandt Bank Douglas County. Charter No. 41. Peter Mangold_____________________ President Mary Mangold_______________ Vice-President Geo. M. Mangold------------------- ----------Cashier ------------------------------------------ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. LIABILITIES RESOURCES Loans and discounts_____________$139,984.34 Overdrafts. secured and un secured -------------------------------------4.04 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc___ — --------------------------Other assets__________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures —_______________________ 2,400.00 Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expenses and taxes paid 7,715.67 Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and private banks—_____ ___________ 28,479.34 Checks and items of exchange— Currency _________________________ 2,639.00 Gold coin_________________________ 475.00 Silver, nickelsand cents___________ 706.13 Total —........ .................... .......$182,479.72 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Capital stock paid in------------------$ Surplus fund_____________________ Undivided profits_________________ Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check ___________________________ Demand certificates of deposit__ Time certificates of deposit-------Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding------Due to national, state and private banks_________________ ■_ Notes and bills re-discounted Bills payable:_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund---------- Total 15,000.00 2,000.00 9,302.90 78,095.87 70,026.24 7,638.61 70.07 346.03 ______ ___________ — $182,479.72 34 T W E N T IE T H Bennington ANNUAL RE PO R T OF TH E The Bennington State Bank Douglas County. Charter No. 1149. Peter Bunz, Sr._______________ ;___ President John Dornacker______________ Vice-President Frederick W . Suverkrubbe.... -------- Cashier ______ -___________________ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911 LIABILITIES RESOURCES Loans and discounts.—__________ Overdrafts, secured and un secured _________________________ Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets_____________ ________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures, part payment_________ Real estate, other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expenses and taxes paid Cash items______________ _______ _ Due from national, state and private banks___ :__________ Checks and items of exchange... Currency _______ _________________ Gold coin_________________________ Silver, nickels and cents_______ 1,762.50 40.00 13,762.68 Capital stock paid in______ ____ $ 15,000.00 Surplus fund__________________ — Undivided profits__________ _____ Dividends unpaid_______________ ■— Individual deposits subject to check ___________________________ Demand certificates of deposit... Time certificates of deposit..____ Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding___ Due to private national, state and banks________________ Notes and bills re-discounted Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund______ • 600.00 34.82 Total _______________________ $ 15,600.00 Total __________________ I____ $ 15,600.00 NOTE—Had not opened for business. Benson The Bank of Benson Douglas County. Charter No. 803. Jas. A. Howard__________________ President H . O. WulfT_________________ Vice-President Chas. A. Tracy--------------------------------- Cashier Bert C. Ranz_____________ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts------------------- $205,681.21 Overdrafts, secured and un 1,091.66 secured . . ______________________ Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets --------------------------------Banking house, furniture and fixtures ---------------- ------------------- .— 2 , 000.00 Real estate other than bank ing house________________ _______ 650.00 Current expenses and taxes paid 5,494.94 Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and private banks_____________ 58,865.80 Checks and items of exchange... 62.93 Currency _________________________ 9,473.00 Gold- coin------------------------3,045.00 Silver, nickels and cents_ 2,873.88 Capital stock paid in_______ ____ $ 25,000.00 Surplus fund_____________________ Undivided profits_________________ 9,508.26 Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to chgck ------------------------162,511.42 Demand certificates of deposit— Time certificates of deposit----- - 79,348.62 Certified checks-----------------------------Cashier’s checks outstanding------- 12,342.82 Due to national, state and private banks---------------------------Notes and bills re-discounted Bills payable--------------------------------Depositors’ guaranty fund 527.80 Total ______________________ $289,238.42 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Total ______________________ $289,238.42 S E C R E T A R Y O F T H E S T A T E B A N K IN G B O A R D Benson 35 The Farmers and Merchants Bank Douglas County. Charter No. 9D0. C. H . HalL -------- President Vice-President W m . F. Hinz____ . . . . . . Cashier ------------------------------------------AssistantT'Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts...._________ $ 46,171.59 Overdrafts, secured and un secured ______________ ___________ 356.41Bonds, securities', judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures --------------------------------------5,000.00 Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expenses and taxes paid 4,578.08 Cash items______________________ _ Due from national, state and private banks__________________ 10,291.24 Checks and items of exchange__ Currency --------------------------------------4,349.00 Gold coin____________ :____________ 455.00 Silver, nickels and cents_________ 395.C8 Total -------- a------------------------$ 71,597.00 Berlin Capital stock paid in----------------- $ Surplus fund--------------------------------Undivided profits_________________ Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check -----------------------------------------Demand certificates of deposit... Time certificates of deposit_____ Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding___ Due to national, state and private banks__________________ Notes and bills re-discounted Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund______ Total 15,000.00 2,000 00 5,045.49 35,344.52 750.54 13,353.63 102.82 ______________________ $ 71,597.00 The Bank of Berlin Otoe County. Charter No. 42. F. L. Hillman---------------------------------President John Bredehoft........... ..........—Vice-President S. H . Buck.. C. A. GangeL. ------------------ Cashier -Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts_______ _____ $ 74,468.86 Overdrafts, secured and un secured --------------------------------------1,006.47 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets____ _________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ----------------------------6,700.00 Real estate other than ‘bank ing house------------------------1,250.00 Current expenses and taxes paid 274.67 Cash items____________ __________ Due from national, state and private banks_______ ____ ___ . . . 8,567.57 Checks and items of exchange.._ 31.07 Currency _______ 1,572.00 Gold coin__________________ 2,585.00 Silver, nickels and cents___ 681.50 Capital stock paid in___ _______ $ 20.000.00 Surplus fund_____________________ 900.00 Undivided profits_________________ 514.52 Dividends unpaid_________ _______ Individual deposits subject to check ------------------------------------------ 52,911.60 Demand certificates of deposit—. 417.25 Time certificates of deposit_______ 22,221.53 Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding___ Due to national, state and private b a n k s..._____ _________ Notes and bills re-discounted Bills payable____________ ______ _ Depositors’ guaranty fund______ 172.24 Total ______________________ $ 97,137.14 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Total _______________ _______ I 97,137.14 36 T W E N T IE T H Bertrand ANNUAL REPORT OF THE The First State Bank Phelps County. Charter No. 43. W . F. Dobbin_____________________ President ___________ ____ _______________Vice-President Ford McWhorter------------------------------- Cashier _______________ _____________ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. LIABILITIES RESOURCES Loans and discounts_____________ $112,490.52 Overdrafts, secured and un secured ______________________ 618.16 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and 8 , 000.00 fixtures ________________ ____ . . . Real estate other than bank 3,200.00 ing house_______________________ Current expenses and taxes paid 2,310.46 Cash items_______________________ 109.45 Due from national, state and private banks___________________ 14,964.02 Checks and items of exchange.— 58.79 5,442.00 Currency _________________________ Gold coin____ ____________________ 512.50 Silver, nickels and cents_________ 810.75 Total ---------------------------------- $148,516.65 Berwyn Capital stock paid in___________ $ Surplus fund_____________________ Undivided profits_________________ Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check I__________________________ Demand certificates of deposit... Time certificates of deposit_____ Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding___ Due to national, state and Xtrivate banks__________________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund_____ Total 25,000.00 5,000.004,622.92 43,878.64 64,375.47 385.09 5,000.00 272.53 ______________________ $148,516.65 Tlie Berwyn State Bank Custer County. Charter No. 951. W . A. George_____________________ President Frank Miller__________________ Vice-President W . L. McCandless__________________ Cashier _________________ ______ ____Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. LIABILITIES RESOURCES Loans and discounts_____________ $ Overdrafts, secured and un secured _________________________ Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures _________________________ Real estate other than bank ing house______________ ________ Current expenses arid taxes paid Cash items__________ . ____________ Due from national, state and private banks___________________ Checks and items of exchange____ Currency _________________________ Gold coin_________________________ Silver, nickels and cents_________ Total 48,854.42 624.55 1,776.14 4,687.25 1,319.93 1,471.00 275.00 257.63 _________________ ____ $ 59,265.92 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Capital stock paid in__ ’________ Surplus fund________ ____________ Undivided profits ____________ ’___ Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check ___________________________ Demand certificates of deposit... Time certificates of deposit_____ Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding___ Due to national, state and private banks__________________ Notes and bills re-discounted.— Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund-------- Total 5,000.00 4,000.00 988.77 44,937.96 1,042.73 3,192.91 103.55 ______________________ $ 59,265.92 S E C R E T A R Y O F T H E S T A T E B A N K IN G B O A R D Bethany 37 The First State Bank Lancaster County. Charter No. 838. C. W . Fuller_____ ________________ President P. R. McCoy________________ Vice-President L . S. Hurst--------------------------------------- Cashier _____________________ ______ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. LIABILITIES RESOURCES Loans and discounts_____________ $ 38,441.70 Overdrafts, secured and un 121.54 secured _________________________ Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets.,— __________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ________________________ Real estate other than bank ing house—_____________________ 2,338.40 Current expenses andtaxes paid 1,449.00 Cash items ____________ _________ Due from national, state and private banks_________ ,.________ 8,508.80 Checks and items of exchange— Currency _________________________ 1,485.00 Gold coin ________________________ 500.00 112.53 Silver, nickels andcents__________ Total - ____ __________ _____ $ 52,959.97 Big Springs Capital stock paid in— .:________ $ Surplus fund_____________________ Undivided profits_____ ___________ Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check ___________________________ Demand certificates of deposit__ Time certificates of deposit----------Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding----Due to national, state and private banks__________________ Notes and bills re-discounted----Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund--------- Total 10,000.00 200.00 4,694.92 30,121.55 50.00 7,797.94 95.56 ________ _____________ $ 52,959.97 The Farmers State Bank Deuel County. Charter No. 902. H . I. Babcock_____________________ President E. D. Hamilton____________ Vice-President E. C. G. L. W olf--------------------------------------- Cashier Stout_____________ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. LIABILITIES RESOURCES Loans and discounts________ :____ $ Overdrafts, secured and un secured _________________________ Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc____________________ Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures __________________ _____ Real estate other than bank ing house ______________________ Current expenses and taxes paid Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and private banks__ ________________ Checks and items of exchange— Currency _________________________ Gold coin_______ • .--------------------------Silver, nickels and cents........ ......... Total 49,781.26 3,000.00 1,254.37 10,203.55 796.17 1,115.00 1,085.00 382.84 _______ ______________ $ 67,618.19 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Capital stock paid in___________ $ Surplus fund-----------Undivided profits--------------------------Dividends unpaid--------------------------Individual deposits subject to check ______________________ Demand certificates of deposit— Time certificates of deposit-------- : Certified checks-----------------------------Cashier’s checks outstanding------Due to national, state and private banks--------------------------Notes and bills re-discounted----Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund-------- Total 10,000.00 800.00 1,781.56 31,810.61 22,794.72 303.18 128.12 ...................- ____ _____ ? 67,618.19 T W E N T IE T H 38 Bladen ANNUAL REPORT OF THE The Exchange Bank of Bladen Webster County. Charter No. 654. V. S. Hall................................. ............ President J. A. Hall___________________ Vice-President S. M. Hall__________________________ Cashier ............................ - .....................Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. LIABILITIES RESOURCES Loans and discounts___________ $ Overdrafts, secured and un secured _________________________ Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures — _____________________ Real estate other than bank ing house.._________ ___________ Current expenses and taxes paid Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and private banks__________________ Checks and items of exchange__ Currency _________________________ Gold coin____________________ Silver, nicÿels and cents.-_______ Total 58,665.89 275.00 518.79 8,078.43 1,302.56 417.00 1,670.00 1,116.36 _____________ ________ $ 72,044.03 Bladen Capital stock paid in___________ $ Surplus fund_____________________ Undivided profits_________________ Dividends unpaid__________ ,______ Individual deposits subject to check ____________________________ Demand certificates of deposit.— Time certificates of deposit----------Certified checks______________ ------Cashier’s checks outstanding___ Due to national, state and private banks__________________ Notes and bills re-discounted----Bills payable.—__________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund-------- Total 10,000.00 2,000.00 1,776.81 23,574.75 9,758.23 24,825.00 109.24 ______________________ $ 72,044.03 The State Bank of Bladen Webster County. Charter No. 875. W . E. Thorne_____________________ President J. B. Krai___________________ Vice-President R. B. Bennett---------------- ------------------Cashier ____________ ______ _______ .Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5. 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts___________ — $106,903.48 Overdrafts, secured and un secured ______________ ___ :______ 392.43 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets______________ _______ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ________________________ 4,100.00 Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expenses and taxes paid 1,156.49 Cash items______________ ________ Due from national, state and private banks___________________ 30,188.66 Checks and items of exchange— 2.56 Currency _______________________ — 2,125.00 Gold coin________________________ _ 105.00 Silver, nickels and cents.------------1,407.32 Capital stock paid in___________ $ 15,000.00 Surplus fund__________ :__________ 5,000.00 Undivided profits_________________ 3,070.39 Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check ____________________________ 55,078.82 Demand certificates of deposit-— 3,630.91 Time .certificates of deposit-------- 64,293.96 Certified checks-------------------- --------Cashier’s checks outstanding___ Due to national, state and private banks__________________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable___________ _________ Depositors’ guaranty fund_____ 306.86 Total .......... ........ ................— $146,380.94 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Total _______ ________ — ____ $146,380.94 S E C R E T A R Y O F T H E S T A T E I A N K IN G B O A R D Blair 39 The Banking House of A. Castetter Washington County. Charter No. 510. F. M. Castetter.------------------------- President ------------------------------------------------ Vice-President F. H . C’laridge____________________ Cashier Mary Cook------------------------Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts__________ ,— $534,626.29 Overdrafts, secured and un secured 4,291.16 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc_____ ______ _________ Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures --------------------------------------8 , 000'.00 Real estate other than bank ing house------------------------------------ 15,376.76 Current expenses and taxes paid Cash items________________________ 1,708.38 Due from national, state and private banks___________________ 65,564.65 Checks and items of exchange— 5,794.13 Currency --------------12,507.00 Gold coin----------------------------------------3,580.00 Silver, nickels and cents___________ 1,866.29 Total -------- :-------------- ---------- $653.314.66 Blair Capital stock paid in___ ________$100,000.00 Surplus fund--------------------------------- 20,000.00 Undivided profits_________________ 7,020.94 Dividends unpaid______ ____ ______ Individual deposits subject to check . . . ------------------------------------- 165,360.83 Demand certificates of deposit__ Time certificates of deposit_____ 281,460.29 Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s cheek outstanding_______________ 366.31 Due to national, state and private banks__________________ 23,007.49 Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable--------------------55,000.00 Depositors’ guaranty fund________________ 1,098.80 Total -------------------- ----------$653.314.66 The Citizens State Bank Washington County. Charter No. 797. F . H . Matthiesen_________________ President M. Matthiesen------------------------Vice-President D. Z. Mummert_____________________ Cashier ____________________________ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5. 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts________$192,211.26 Overdrafts, secured and un secured ____ 2,139.95 Bonds and warrants— _____ 41,783.31 Other assets______________________ 2,500.00 Furniture and fixtures___ ________ Real estate other than bank ing house_________ 18,000.00 Current expenses and taxes paid 12,583.07 Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and private banks______________ 63,653.32 Checks and items of exchange— 777.48 Currency __ :______________________ 5,175.00 Gold coin____________________ 9,585.00 Silver, nickels and cents____ 1,710.44 Capital stock paid in___________ $ 50,000,00 Surplus fund ____________________ 5,500.00 Undivided profits_________________ 15,216.17 Interest account__________________ 7,235.03 Individual deposits subject to check ___________________________ 65,556.69 Demand certificates of deposit___ 64.00 Time certificates of deposit_____ 155,620.48 Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s cheeks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks___________________ 50,307.89 Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund------618.57 Total _______ ______________ $350,118.83 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Total ______________________ $350,118.83 40 T W E N T IE T H Blair ANNUAL REPORT OF TH E The Citizens Trust and Savings Bank Washington County. Charter No. 989. P. H . Matthiesen_________________ President M. Matthiesen________________ Vice-President D. Z. Mummert_____________________ Cashier ____________________________ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBEE 5, 1911. KESOUECES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts_____________ $ 14.120.00 Overdrafts, secured and un secured _________________________ Bonds and warrants_____________ 10,692.51 Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures _________________________ Eeal estate other than bank ing house____________________ Current expenses and taxes paid 1,227.11 Cash items_____ _________________ Due from national, state and private banks___________________ 19,695.08 Checks and items of exchange.— Currency _____ ,.__________________ Gold coin_________________________ 400.00 Silver, nickels and cents_________ 33.91 Capita] stock paid in___ ________ $ 12,500.00 Surplus fund_____________________ 400.00 Undivided profits.—. _____________ 1,884.95 Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check ___________________________ 31,324.18 Demand certificates of deposit.._ Time certificates of deposit_____ Certified checks___________________ Cashier's checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks__________________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable__________ !__________ Depositors’ guaranty fund_____ 59.48 Total ______________________ $ 46,168.61 Total ____________ _________ $ 46,168.61 Bloomfield The Farmers and Merchants State Bank Knox County. Charter No. 48. W m . H . Harm___________________ President W . S. Weston_______________ Vice-President Paul A. Tulleys------------------------------- Cashier C. T . Heckt_____________ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBEE 5. 1911. EESOUECES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts____________ $228,715.74 Overdrafts, secured and un 1,419.19 secured ________________________ Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets---------------------------------Banking house, furniture and fixtures ________________________ 13,500.00 Eeal estate other than bank ing house_______________________ 7,248.91 Current expenses and taxes paid 3,275.64 Cash items_______________________ 382.15 Due from national, state and private banks_______ . __________ 16,880.40 Checks and items of exchange__ 292.95 Currency ____________ 4,700.00 Gold coin_________________________ 3,550.00 Silver, nickels and cents_________ 1,144.89 Capital stock paid in_______ . . . . $ 50,000.00 Surplus fund____________________ 6,500.00 Undivided profits_________________ 7,997.21 Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check _________ 81,800.98 Demand certificates of deposit__ 4,431.12 Time certificates of deposit_____ 129,776.01 Certified checks-----------------------------Cashier's checks outstanding____ .25 Due to national, state and private banks__________________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund_____ 604.30 Total ______________________ $281,109.87 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Total _________ _____________ $281,109.87 41 S E C R E T A R Y O F T H E S T A T E B A N K IN G B O A R D Bloomfield The Citizens State Bank Knox County. Charter No. 538. Edward Renard___________________ President G. H . Renard_______________Vice-President E. H . Mason------------------------------------ Cashier H . F. Friedrichs---------------Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts____________ $127,900.07 Overdrafts, secured and un secured _______________________ 2,187.46 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets___________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ________________________ 8 , 000.00 Heal estate other than bank ing house__________________ _____ Current expenses and taxes paid 3,684.52 Cash items_______________________ 300.00 Due from national, state and private banks__________________ 22,519.56 Checks and items of exchange.— 398.84 Currency _________________________ 3,285.00 1,890.00 Gold coin_________________________ Silver, nickels and cents-------------1,447.50 Capital stock paid in___________ $ 25,000.00 Surplus fund_____________________ 5,000.00 7,754.36 Undivided profits_________________ Dividends unpaid--------------------------Individual deposits subject to check __________________ 4----- ------- 67,362.80 Demand certificates o f deposit— 4,433.85, Time certificates of deposit-------- 114,679.71 Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding------422.90 Due to national, state and private banks__________________ 1,240.54 Notes and bills re-discounted------5,220.25 Bills payable--------------------------------Depositors’ guaranty fund-------498.54 .$231,612.95 Total .$231,612.95 Total Bloomington The Bloomington State Bank Franklin County. Charter No. 51. George M Wilmot________________ President S. Y . Hartt_________________ Vice-President Claude Wilmot---------- ------------------------Cashier R. C. Kirkbride---------------- Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. LIABILITIES RESOURCES Loans and discounts_____________$104,811.03 Overdrafts, secured and un secured _______________ _________ 1,836.29 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc____________________ — 500.00 Other assets---------------------------------Banking house, furniture and fixtures ___ ,____________________ 8 , 000.00 Real estate other than bank ing house_____________________ — Current expenses and taxes paid 3,696.98 Cash items-----------------------------------Due from national, state and private banks___________________ 18,945.59 Checks and items of exchange.— 244.86 Currency __________ 4,360.00 Gold coin..-----------------------------------80.00 Silver, nickels and cents---------------1,851.70 Total ........................ ...............$144,326.45 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Capital stock paid in___________ $ Surplus fund__________________ — Undivided profits------------ ------------. Dividends unpaid--------------------------Individual deposits subject to check ___________________________ Demand certificates of deposit— Time certificates of deposit—----Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding------Due to national, state and private banks_________________ — Notes and bills re-discounted----Bills payable--------------------------------Depositors’ guaranty fund-------- Total 25,000.00 5,000.00 4,262.44 59,866.88 5,974.62 21,033.69 22,947.98 240.84 ................. - .....................$144,326.45 42 T W E N T IE T H Bloomington ANNUAL REPORT OF TH E Tlie Farmers State Bank Franklin County. Charter No. 1108. C. I. Hildreth____________ :__________ President E. Montgomery__________Vice-President W . A. Deary________________________ Cashier _______________________ ____ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts_____________ $ Overdrafts, secured and un secured ________ ,___________ _____ Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, ete.___ _________________ Other assets________________ ______ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ____ ________ ___ ______ Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expenses and taxes paid Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and private banks___ _______ .______ Checks and items of exchange__ Currency _________________________ Gold coin_____________ .. . 1 ________ Silver, nickels and cents_________ Total 21,972.55 95.62 3,300.00 2,913.30 14,637.72 87.97 1,736.00 10,000-00 2,973.30 15,684.30 6,010.65 8,395.67 2,063.63 59.08 443.47 —____________________ $ 45,186'63 Blue Hill Capital stock paid in___________ $ Surplus fund__________ _______ . . . Undivided profits_______ __________ Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check ___________________________ Demand certificates of deposit... Time certificates of deposit_____ Certified checks_________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks___________________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable_____________ _______ Depositors’ guaranty fund____ Total ______________________ $ 45,186.63 The Commercial Bank Webster County. Charter No. 868. M. McBride__________ ,____________ President Jacob Goll___________________ Vice-President E. McBride-------------- ;________________ Cashier W . S. Ashby-------------------- Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DF CEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES I.oans and discounts_____________ $114,467.63 Capital stock paid in___________ $ Overdrafts, secured and un Surplus fund--------------------------------secured . . . . ______ ______ ________ 1,127.40 Undivided profits_________________ Bonds, securities, judgments, Dividends unpaid_________________ claims, e t c ...________ ____ ______ Individual deposits subject to Other assets___ _______ 1_.________ check ----------------------------Banking house, furniture and Demand certificates of deposit... 2,500.00 fixtures ______________ Time certificates of deposit_____ Real estate other than bank Certified checks___________________ ing house_______________________ Cashier's checks outstanding____ Current expensesand taxes paid 1,911.55 Due to national, state and Cash items_______________________ private banks__________________ Due from national, state and Notes and bills re-discounted___ private banks_____________ 53,980.25 Bills payable_____________________ Checks and items of exchange__ 1,839.76 Depositors’ guaranty fund_____ Currency __________________ 1,873.00 Gold coin__________________________ 3.440.00 Silver, nickels and cents___ :_____ 2,251.90 Total _____ _________ ______ $183,391.49 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Total 15,000.0* 3,000.00 9,553.91 59,166.14 7,737.85 84,275.46 4,264.90 393,23 ---------------------------------- $183,391.49 43 S E C R E T A R Y O F T H E S T A T E B A N K IN G B O A R D Blue Spring's The Blue Spring’s State Bank Gage County. Charter No. 595. W . W . Black_____________________ President _______________________________ Vice-President T . L . Green---------------------- ---------------- Cashier ____________________________ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. LIABILITIES RESOURCES Loans and discounts,____________ $104,594.48 Overdrafts, secured and un 1,920.37 secured _________________ . ______ Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets________________________ Banking house, furniture and 3,500.00 fixtures ___________ Real estate other than bank ing house__________ __________ Current expenses and taxes paid 1,304.33 Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state anfi private banks---------------------------- 13,670.84 Checks and items of exchange— 773.77 2,862.00 Currency _________________________ Gold coin_________________________ 2,555.00 365.60 Silver, nickels and cents----- --------.$131,546.39 Total Boelus Capital stock paid in___________ $ Surplus fund_____________________ Undivided profits_________________ Dividends unp aid .,.---------------------Individual deposits subject to check ___________________________ Demand certificates of deposit— Time certificates of deposit--------Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding------Due to national, state and private banks__________________ Notes and bills -re-discounted----Bills payable-----------------------Depositors’ guaranty fund-------- 20,000.00 3,300,00 5,333.09 83,630.89 18,974.73 5.00 302.68 .$131,546.39 Total The Boelus State Bank Howard County. Charter No. 573. ________President ___Vice-President L . B. Kenyon. P. Jensen____ N. Jensen_____________________ _______ Cashier J. Jensen_________________ Assistant Casfiier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. LIABILITIES RESOURCES Loans and discounts,,------------------$121,295.01 Overdrafts, secured and unsecured -----1,004.59 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ 900.00 Other assets---------------- ----------------Banking house, furniture and fixtures ______________________ 5,000.00 Real estate other than bank ing house-------------- - - - ------------- Current expenses and taxes paid 2 , 78^,.bo Gash items--------------------------34.2a Due from national, state and private banks---------------------------- H ,701.57 Checks and items of exchange— 425.o9 Gold coin-------------------------------------Silver, nickels and cents-------------Total Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Capital stock paid in___________ $ Surplus fund_____________________ Undivided profits_________________ Dividends unpaid_____________ Individual deposits subject to check ____________________ ■-____ Demand certificates cf deposit,.. Time certificates of deposit_____ Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding------Due to national, state and private banks__________________ Collections to be remitted-----------Bills payable--------------------------1— Depositors’ guaranty fund-------- 15,000.00’ 5,000.00 5,316.78 41,096.83 1,176.64 75,873.88 8,411.43 201.39 298.82 207. iu .$152,375.77 Total .$152,375.77 44 T W E N T IE T H Boone ANNUAL RE PO R T OF TH E The Boone State Bank Boone County. Charter No. 840. R. W . Stillinger__________________ President H. Bolton__________________ .Vice-President A. A. Dodendorf------------------------------ Cashier __________________________ _Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts_____________ $ 27,165.60 Overdrafts, secured and un 82.95 secured _________________________ Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ________________________ 2,080.00 Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expenses and taxes paid 4,540.10 Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and private banks__________________ 2,673.77 Checks and items of exchange... Currency ..._______________________ 211.00 610.00 Gold coin_________________________ Silver, nickelsand cents___________ 82.80 6,240.00 Capital stock paid in___________ Surplus fund_____________________ 2,000.00 Undivided profits_________________ 4,876.08 Dividends unpaid-------------------------Individual deposits subject to check ___________________________ 10,349.26 Demand certificates of deposit— 27.00 Time certificates of deposit-------7,873.44 Certified checks.---------------------------Cashier’s checks outstanding------Due to national, state and private banks__________________ 18.80 Notes and bills re-discounted----Bills payable..---------------------- :-----6,000.00 Depositors’ guaranty fund------61.10 Total ______________________ $ 37,445.68 Bostwick Total ........... .......... ................. $ 37,445.68 The Bostwick State Bank Nuckolls County. Charter No. 1.110. J. J. B. McGrew.__ _________- ______President W . Kirkbride_____________ Vice-President C. II. Waldo------............................. ....... ___________Cashier Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. LIABILITIES RESOURCES Loans and discounts-------------------- $ 21,725.33 Overdrafts, secured and un 365,71 secured _________ _______________ Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, e t c ...__________________ Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and 3,300.00 fixtures ________________________ Real estate other than bank ing house_____________________ _ Current expenses and taxes paid 2,355.87 Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and private banks___________________ 6,212.53 Checks and items of exchange... 7.50 647.00 Currency _________________________ Gold coin_________________________ Silver, nickels andcents---------------202.76 Total ...................................— $ 34,816.70 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Capital stock paid in___________ $ Surplus fund------------------Undivided profits--------------------------Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check ______________________ Demand certificates of deposit— Time certificates of deposit-------Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding------Due to national, state and private banks__________________ Notes and bills re-discounted----Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund-------- Total 10,000.00 100.00 3,277.22 14,015.62 7,383.64 40.2? ______ ____ _______ _$ 34,816.70 45 S E C R E T A R Y O F T H E S T A T E B A N K IN G B O A R D Brady The Bank of Brady Lincoln County. Charter No. 811. J. H . B. It. Kelly___________ - ................„President Kelly__________ _____ „Vice-President W . W . Winquest------------------------------Cashier ---------- ------- ------------------------- Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. LIABILITIES RESOURCES Loans and discount's-------------------- $ 18,975.15 Overdrafts, secured and un 1,090.91 secured ___________ ______ _______ Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets---------------------------------Banking house, furniture and 3,250.00 fixtures ------------------------------------Real estate other than bank ing house.,------------------------------r972.96 Current expenses and taxes paid Cash items----- . -------------- ------------Due from national, state and private banks------------------------------ 11,442.92 240.92 Checks and items of exchange----3,136.00 Currency -- -----------------------------------795.00 Gold coin--------------------------------------589.64 Silver, nickels and cents-------------.$100,493.53 Total Capital stock paid in----------------- $ Surplus fund_____________________ Undivided profits_________________ Dividends unpaid--------------------------Individual deposits subject to check ___________________________ Demand certificates of deposit— Time certificates of deposit-------Certified checks-----------------------------Cashier’s checks outstanding------Due to national, state and private banks---------------------------Notes and bills re-discounted----Bills payable--------------------------------Depositors’ guaranty fund-------- 10,000.00 2,000.00 1,880.87 47,730.60 253.24 38,434.75 194.07 .$100,493.53 Total The Brady State Bank Brady Lincoln County. Charter ‘No. 980. ______President ..Vice-President C. M. Trotter. S. L. Burson.. ___________ Cashier .Assistant Cashier R. F. Davis M. Trotter.. STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. LIABILITIES RESOURCES Loans and discounts-------------------- 5 50,389.02 Overdrafts, secured and un 256.15 secured _________________________ Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc---------------------------------Other assets---------------------------------Banking house, furniture and 3,333,33 fixtures _________________________ Real estate other than bank ing house----------:---------------------- 7Current expenses and taxes paid Cash items.— ---------------------------- Due from national, state and private banks----------------------- ------ 15,197.25 Checks and items of exchange— 2,662.00 Currency . . . . -------------------------------155.00 Gold coin--------------------------------------866.06 Silver, nickels and cents-------------Total Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis .$ 72,858.81 Capital stock paid in----------------- $ Surplus fund--------------------------------Undivided profits--------------------------Dividends unpaid--------------------------Individual deposits subject to check ___________________________ Demand certificates of deposit— Time certificates of deposit-------Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding------Due to national, state and private banks---------------------------Notes and bills re-discounted----Bills payable--------------------------------Depositors’ guaranty fund------- Total 10,000.00 1,250.00 360.62 44,854.43 51.77 16,223.24 118.75 .$ 72,858.81 46 T W E N T IE T H Brainard ANNUAL R E P O R T OF THE -The Bank of Brainard Butler County. Charter No. 56. J. T. McKnight-------------- ------------„President Henry Schulz-------------------------- Vice-President A. K. Smith_________________________ Cashier A. O. Klein_______________ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts_____________ $247,338.52 Overdrafts, secured and un secured ________________________ _ 440.99 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures _________________________ 1,265.00 Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expenses and taxes paid 91.15 Cash items_______________________ 103.21 Due from national, state and private banks___________________ 79,610.28 Checks and items of exchange.., 2,563.72 Currency --------------------------------------- 12,468.00 Gold coin---------------2,000.00 Silver, nickels "'and cents_________ 1,721.80 Capital stock paid in___________ $ 20,000.00 Surplus fund_____________________ 11,000.00 Undivided profits_________________ 539.03 Dividends unpaid_____________ Individual deposits subject to check . . . ________________________ 102,306.52 Demand certificates of deposit— 87,989.64 Time certificates of deposit_______ 125,104.28 Certified checks.,_________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding____ Due to national, state, and private banks_____ i ___________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable_________ ___________ Depositors’ guaranty fund_____ 663.20 Total ---------------------------------- $347,602.07 Brainard Total ---------------------------, ___ $347,602.67 The Farmers State Bank Butler County. Charter No. 931. F. C. Horacek. E. R. Gurney.. _____ President .Vice-President J. G. Dobry_________________________ Cashier G. J. Divis----------------------- Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES Loans and discounts_____________ $ Overdrafts, secured and un secured ______________________ . . . Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ___________ _____ . ______ Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expenses and taxes paid Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and private banks___________________ Checks and items of exchange__ Currency _________________________ Gold coin_________________________ Silver, nickelsand cents___________ Total LIABILITIES 64,609.13 81.08 5,533.40 1,377.87 30,508.56 2,652.00 2,100.00 959.66 _______________ ___ ...$107,821.70 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Capital stock paid in___________ $ Surplus fund_________ Undivided profits_________________ Dividends unpaid________________ _ Individual deposits subject to check ___________________________ Demand certificates of deposit___ Time certificates of deposit_____ Certified checks_______ ___________ Cashier’s checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks___________ ______ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund____ Total 20,000.00 1,500.00 1,931.79 25,625.38 3,714.40 54,768.59 81.45 200.09 __________________ ___ $107,821.70 S E C R E T A R Y O F T H E S T A T E B A N K IN G B O A R D Brayton 47 The Brayton State Bank Greeley County. Charter No. 986. J. R. Hanna_____________________ President P. J. Kerrigan_______________ Vice-President G. A. Brannen... ___________________ _____ _____ Cashier .Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES I.oans and discounts_____________ $ 24,440.99 Overdrafts, secured and un secured _________________________ 348.53 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims __________________________ Other assets _____________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ___ _________ , ______ 1,625.77 Real estate other than bank ing house.,___ _______ _________ __ Current expenses and taxes paid 421.80 Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and 6,648.05 private banks__________ Checks and items of exchange... 72.05 Currency _________________________ 613.00 50.00 Gold coin________________ Silver, nickels and cents_ 29.89 Capital stock paid in___________ $ 5,000.00 Surplus fund_____________________ 1,000.00 Undivided profits________ ______ 985.S9 Dividends unpaid--------------------------Individual deposits subject to check ___________________________ 17,072.66 Demand certificates of deposit___ 90.80 Time certificates of deposit----------- 10,053.83 Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding------Due to national, state and private banks___________________ Notes and bills re-discounted----Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund-------47.40 .$ 34,256.08 Total Brewster 34,256.08 Total The Brewster State Bank Blaine County. Charter No. 58. John Ferguson____________________ President C. L . E rickson..-.___________ Vice-President P. C. Erickson---------------------------------Cashier ____________________________ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts-------------------- ij 46,128.81 Overdrafts, secured and un secured ___________ I--------------------- 1,112.51 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets---------------------------------Banking house, furniture and 2 , 000.00 fixtures ________________________ Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expenses and taxes paid Cash items-----------------------------------Due from national, state and 5,361,49 private banks----------------------------710.37 Checks and items of exchange... 2,157.00 Currency --------------------------------------455.00 Gold coin-------------------------------------125.20 Silver, nickels and cents-------------- Capital stock paid in___________ $ 10,000.00 2,500.00 Surplus fund___ __________ Undivided profits_______ 628.94 Dividends unpaid--------------------------Individual deposits subject to check ___________________________ 35,204.98 Demand certificates of deposit... 1,819.50 Time certificates of deposit____ ... 7,820.03 Certified chocks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding------Due to national, state and private banks___________________ Notes and bills re-discounted----Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund-------76.93 Total Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 58,050.38 Total 58,050.38 \ 48 T W E N T IE T H Bridgeport ANNUAL REPORT OF TH E The Bridgeport Bank Morrill County. Charter No. 566. Fred R. _ Lindberg------------------------- President L . P. Lindberg------------------- -.Vice-President Mark Spanogle______________________ Cashier Clyde Spanogle___________ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts___________ ..$142,198.65 Overdrafts, secured and un secured _________________________ 328.62 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ 'Other assets______________________ Banking hpuse, furniture and fixtures --------------------------------------3,500.00 Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expenses andtaxes paid 562.77 Cash items.______________________ Due from national, state and private banks____________________ 22,467.62 Checks and items of exchange... Currency --------------------------------------6,725.00 Gold coin--------------------------------------1,630.00 Silver, nickels andcents___________ 915.41 Capital stock paid in___________ $ 15,000.00 Surplus fund______ :______________ 1,000.00 Undivided profits_______ 5,568.26 Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check _____ ____________________ ^ 95,771.77 Demand certificates of deposit... 2,981.23 Time certificates of deposit—_ 57,736.00 Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks___________________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund_____ 270.81 Total .$178,328.07 Total .$178,328.07 \ Bristow The American Exchange Bank Boyd County. Charter No. 688. John Frostrom____________________ President G. H. Renard------------------------Vice-President ----------------------------------------------------------- Cashier Edythe Frostrom-------------Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DE OEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES Loans and discounts_____________ $ Overdrafts, secured and un secured __________________ I______ Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______ _______________ Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ------------------------------------Real estate other than bank ing house-----------------------------------Current expenses and taxes paid Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and private banks___________________ Checks and items of exchange... Currency --------------------------------------Gold c o in ...____ _________________ Silver, nickels and cents_________ Total Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis LIABILITIES 67,712.43 471.41 5,000.00 5,070.94 12,519.27 5,528.31 163.93 1,436.00 570.00 346.80 Capital stock paid in__________ _$ Surplus fund--------------------------------Undivided profits_________________ Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check -----------------------------------------Demand certificates of deposit... Time certificates of deposit_____ Certified checks_________ __________ Cashier’s checks outstanding.... Due to national, state and private banks___________________ Notes and bills re-discounted____ Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund_____ Total 25,000.00 1,000.00 12,901.36 17,600.89 31,368.51 900.00 58.05 3.860.25 6,000.00 130.03 .$ 98,819.09 49 S E C R E T A R Y OF T H E S T A T E B A N K IN G B O A R D Broadwater The Broadwater Bank Morrill County. Charter No. 1059. J. C. W . Beggs_____________________ President L . Evans_________________ Vice-President M. L. Wehn--------------------------------------- Cashier ____________________________ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. LIABILITIES RESOURCES Loans and discounts_____________ $ 21,140.09 Overdrafts, secured and un- secured _________________________ Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures _________________________ Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expenses and taxes paid Cash items______ -________________ Due from national, state and private banks__________________ Checks and items of exchange__ Currency _________________________ Gold coin_________________________ Silver, nickels and cents_________ Total 17.50 1,223.97 014.40 1,903.62 31.00 1,265.00 10,000.00 400.00 1,357.15 14,804.59 2,506.26 684.95 57.92 615.29 .$ 29,810.87 Brock Capital stock paid in___________ $ Surplus fund_____________________ Undivided profits________________ Dividends unpaid___ _____________ Individual deposits subject to check -----------------------------------------Demand certificates of deposit__ Time certificatesof deposit_______ Certified checks______________ . ____ Cashier’s checks outstanding,___ Due to national, state and private banks___________________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable,—. ________ ________ Depositors’ guaranty fund_____ Total .$ 29.810.S7 The Bank of Brock Nemaha County. Charter No. 59. John Yont_________________________ President _______________________________ Vice-President E. C. Yont_________ ________________ Cashier -------------- .---------------------------- Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. LIABILITIES RESOURCES Loans and discounts_____________ $ 56,670.54 Overdrafts, secured and un secured __________________ ________ 351.82 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets________ _____________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ___ — 3,000.00 Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expenses and taxes paid 2,745.94 Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and private banks___________________ 26,528.56 Checks and items of exchange,,. Currency ___________________________ 3,081.00 Gold coin_________________ :_______ 980.00 Silver, nickels and cents................... 1,622.50 Total ______________________ $ 94,980.36 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Capital stock paid in___________ $ 10,000.00 Surplus fund_____________________ 15,000.00 Undivided profits___________________ 4,210.35 Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to. check _____________ 53,383.66 Demand certificates of deposit,,, 3,414.00 Time certificates of deposit,— 8,862.91 Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks ou tstand ing,.,,, Due to national, state and private banks________________ _ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable--------------------------------Depositors’ guaranty fund_____ 109.44 Total __ ___________________ f 94,980.36 50 T W E N T IE T H Broken Bow ANNUAL REPORT OF THE The Broken Bow State Bank Ouster County. Charter No. 540. Chas. E. Ford------------------------------- President J. M. Kimberling-------------------- Vice-President S. K. W arrick ....___________________ Cashier R. S. Runs_______________ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts_____________ $173,708.71 Overdrafts, secured and un secured --------------------------------------503.10 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets../______ :____________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ________________________ Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expenses and taxes paid Cash items______________ ________ Due from national, state and private banks__________________ 46.491.47 Checks and items of exchange... 4,531.97 Currency ----------------------------------------3,412.00 Gold coin---------------------------------- . . . 3,505.00 3,350.17 Silver, nickels and cents___________ Capital stock paid in___________ $ 30,000.00 Surplus fund_____________________ 10,000.00 2,020.78 Undivided profits, net_______ Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check __________________ 148,499.45 Demand certificates of deposit__ 30,029.71 Time certificates of deposit.____ Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks__________________ 7,902.77 Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable....__________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund_____ 443.71 Total ---------------------------------- $235,502.42 Broken- Bow Total _______________ _____ .$235,502.42 The Security State Bank Custer County. Charter No. 842. W . A. George----------- -------------------- President Jules Haumont----------------------- Vice-President L. R. H . Jewett_______________________ Cashier D. Pickett___________ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES Loans anddiscounts_______________ $156,262.02 Overdrafts, secured and un secured --------------------------------------255.35 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________ 752.43 Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ------------------------------------7,000.00 Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expenses and taxes paid Cash items_______ l____ _________ Due from national, state and private banks______________ 30,211.74 Checks anditems of exchange... 292.33 Currency --------------------------------------3,502.00 3,625.00 Gold coin_____ ___________________ Silver, nickels and cents____ . ____ 1,704.06 Total ---------------------------------- $203,604.93 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis LIABILITIES Capital stock paid in___________ $ Surplus fund_____________________ Undivided profits_________________ Dividends unpaid____________ _____ Individual deposits subject to check -----------------------------------------Demand certificates of deposit... Time certificates of deposit____ Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks__________________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable--------------------------------Depositors’ guaranty fund_____ Total 35,000.00 7,500.00 278.96 97,457.36 21,898.2017,791.15- 3,383.11 20,000.00* 296.16* ---------------------------------- $203,604.93: S E C R E T A R Y O F T H E S T A T E B A N K IN G B O A R D Brule 51 The First State Bank Keith County. Charter No. 966. J. W . Welpton___________________ President H . Welpton__________________ Vice-President R. E. Dutch_________________________ Cashier V . E . Warren_________ ...Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts_____________ $ Overdrafts, secured and unsecured _________________________ Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc_____ ____ ____________ Other assets____________________ _ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ________________________ Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expenses andtaxes paid Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and private banks_______ __________ Checks and items of exchange__ Currency _____ Gold coin_________________________ Silver, nickels andcents___________ Total 14,224.83 70.93 568.18 616.79 5,204.41 1,350.00 295.00 165.90 .$ 22,496.04 Bruning Capital stock paid in___________ $ 5,00u.00 Surplus fund_____________________ 350.00 701.58 Undivided profits____ ____________ Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check ___________________________ 13,841.06 Demand certificates of deposit__ Time certificates of deposit..___ 2,567.46 Certified checks________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks------------- ---------------Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable----------- -------------------Depositors’ guaranty fund_____ 35.94 Total .$ 22,496.04 The German Bank Thayer County. Charter No. 618. Prank Bruning____________________ President S. J. Pitzsimons_____________ Vice-President W . H . Grone________________________ Cashier A. A . Grone_____________ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. . I RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts_____________ $105,726.25 Overdrafts, secured and un544.64 secured . __________ ___________ Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc---------------------------------Other assets_____________________ _ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ________________________ 3,500.00 Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expenses and taxes paid Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and private banks__________ 12,713.47 Checks and items of exchange... 1,263.27 Currency _________________________ 3,660.00 Gold coin_________________________ 675.00 Silver, nickels and cents__________ 321.60 Total Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis .$128,404.23 Capital stock paid in___._______ $ Surplus fund_____________________ Undivided profits____ _____________ Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check .. .____ ___________________ Demand certificates of deposit... Time certificatesof deposit_______ Certified checks____ _______________ Cashier’s checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks___________________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund_____ Total 25,000.00 3,600.00 1,795.62 41,585.96 14,491.83 32,734.98 9,000.00 195.84 .$128,404.23 52 T W E N T IE T H Bruno ANNUAL REPORT OF THE The Bruno State Bank Butler County. Charter No. 64. J. A. Proskovec_______ _____________ Cashier F . J. Zeman______________________ President Joseph Rerueba______________ Vice-President ____________________________ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. LIABILITIES RESOURCES Loans and discounts_____________ $ Overdrafts, secured and un secured _________________________ Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc___________________ _ Other assets______________ -Banking house, furniture and fixtures _________________________ Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expenses and taxes paid Cash items___ ,-----------------------------Due from national, state and private banks___________________ Checks and items of exchange— Currency _________________________ Gold coin'.________________________ Silver, nickels and cents--------------- 61,848.78 429.51 2,000.00 1,225.93 50,645.99 40.67 2,121.00 1,695.00 673.04 Total _______________________ $120,679.92 Burchard. Capital stock paid in___________ $ Surplus fund____________ s______ _ Undivided profits_________________ Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check ____________________________ Demand certificates of deposit... Time certificates of deposit_____ Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks-----------------------------Notes and bills re-discounted----Bills payable--------------------------------Depositors’ guaranty fund-------- 6,000.00 2,000.00 1,609.37 36,834.21 23,746.80 50,303.10 186.44 Total _______ _______________ $120,679.92 The Bank of Burcliard Pawnee County. Charter No. 65. J. D. Barr________________________ President F. p. Smyth__________ ____ ..Vice-President W . M. Johnston----------------------------- Cashier E. S. Nesbitt------------------- Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. LIABILITIES RESOURCES Loans and discounts_____________ $104,269.35 Overdrafts, secured and un secured _________________________ 2,306.73 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc________________ ...___ Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ____________________ 6.500.00 Real estate other than bank ing bouse________ 1,250.00 Current expenses and taxes paid 1,873.01 Cash items_______________________ 23.94 Due from national, state and private b a n k s...________________ 17,483.60 Checks and items of exchange... 3.69 Currency _________________________ 2,272.00 Gold coin_________________________ 4,960.00 Silver, nickels and cents_________ 479.25 Total Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis .$141,421.57 Capital stock paid in___________ $ Surplus fund___________ Undivided profits_________________ Dividends unpaid--------------------------Individual deposits subject to cheek __________________________ Demand certificates of deposit— ’Time certificates of deposit-------Certified checks___________________ Cashier's checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks___________________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund_____ Total 25,000.00' 5,000.00 3,670.56 64,034.66 43,484.38: 231.97’ .$141,421.57' S E C R E T A R Y O F T H E S T A T E B A N K IN G B O A R D Burr 53 The German-American Bank Otoe County. Charter No. 66. B. F . Goerke . . . ........ .......... . „ —President W . C. W olf__________________ Vice-President G. J. Kahl-----------------------------------------Cashier ____________________________ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. LIABILITIES RESOURCES Loans and discounts_____________ $ 66,106.£8 Overdrafts, secured and un secured _________________________ 25.91 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc_____ ________________ Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and 3,000.00 fixtures ________________________ Real estate other than bank ing house..___ ___________ _____ Current expenses and taxes paid 1,126.07 Cash items__________ ____________ Due from national, state and private banks___________________ 37,255.44 Checks and items of exchange__ 14.19 Currency _________________________ 2,662.00 Gold coin_________________________ 1,345.00 700.87 Silver, nickels and cents_________ Total Burwell ____ ____ ____________ $112,236.46 Capital stock paid in___________ $ Surplus fund___ ;_________ _______ Undivided profits_________________ Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check ____________________________ Demand certificates of deposit___ Time certificates of deposit_______ Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks___________________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund_____ Total 10,000.00 6,000.00 2,989.38 70,247.66 1,265.50 21,600.70 133.22 ______________________ $112,236.46 The Farmers Bank of Burwell Garfield County. Charter No. 1033. T . H. Doran______________________ President W . I. Cram__________________ Vice-President J. C. Green--------------------------------------- Cashier ____________________________ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. LIABILITIES RESOURCES Loans and discounts________ $107,981.85 Overdrafts, • secured and un secured _________________________ 1,121.92 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc_____________________ Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ________________ 5,956.93 Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expensesand taxes paid 1,805.30 Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and private banks__________________ 16,547.53 Checks and items of exchange.— 643.77 Currency _________________________ 2,947.00 Gold coin_________________________ 1,005.00 Silver, nickels and cents------------1,516.57 Total ______________________ $139,525.87 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Capital stock paid in___________ $ Surplus fund_____________________ Undivided profits_________________ Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check ________________________ Demand certificates of deposit__ Time certificates of deposit_____ Certified checks_________________ ___ Cashier’s checks outstanding___ Due to national, state and private banks___________________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund-------- Total 25,000.00 2,500.00 4,334.19 80,832.15 5,941.50 20,664.72 66.85 186.46 ______________________ $139,525.87 54 T W E N T IE T H Butte ANNUAL REPORT OF TH E The Citizens State Bank Boyd County. Charter No. 69. H. F. Soat_______________________ President J. A. McLaughlin.— _______ Vice-President F . A. Putnam_____________________ Cashier ___________________________ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts-------- ------------$ Overdrafts, secured and un secured _______________________ .. . School district warrants_________ Boyd County warrants____ _______ Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ______ :-------- . ---------------Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expenses and taxes paid Cash items___________________ Due from national, state and private banks__________________ Checks and items of exchange... Currency _________________________ Gold coin_________________________ Silver, nickels and cents_________ Total Byron 47,983.59 154.79 835.79 195.77 5,000.00 20,366.52 813.07 15,300.80 523.48 5,819.00 220.00 1,165.42 _____ ________________ $ 98,384.23 Capital stock paid in___________ $ 15,000.00 Surplus fund_______________ :___ ... 800.00 Undivided profits_________________ 22,057.62 Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check _____________________________ 31,296.28 Demand certificates of deposit__ Time certificates of deposit_____ 28,652.30 Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding___ 449.60 Due to national, state and private banks___________________ Notes and bills re-discounted— Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund_____ 128.43 Total ______________ ______ .$ 98,384.23 The Farmers and Merchants Bank Thayer County. Charter No. 630. E. Eggers____________________ _____President ._ Vice-President W . S. Smith______________ 4_ .-_ ______Cashier _______________________ — .Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5. 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts.:____________ $ 44,307.49 Overdrafts, secured and un secured _________________________ 722.41 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc____ 1_________________ Other assets..___________ _________ 2,600.02 Banking house, furniture and fixtures ________________________ 2,300.00 Real estate other than banking house_______________________ Current expenses andtaxes paid 2,064.69 Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and private banks___________________ 44,700.48 Checks and items of exchange... Currency _________________________ 3,425.00 Gold coin_________________________ 1,240.00 Silver, nickels andcents__________ 453.11 Total Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis .$101,813.20 Capital stock paid in___________ $ Surplus fund_________________ _ _ _ Undivided p ro fits..._______________ Dividends unpaid_____________ ____ Individual deposits subject to cheek ___________________________ Demand certificates of deposit.— Time certificates of deposit______ Certified checks_______________ Cashier’s checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private hanks___________________ Notes and bills re-discounted.__ Bills payable— _____ _____________ Depositors’ guaranty fund_____ Total 7,500.00 1,500.00 3,306.36 69,337.81 460.00 19,507.64 201.39 .$101,813.20 S E C R E T A R Y O F T H E S T A T E B A N K IN G B O A R D Cadams 55 The Cadams State Bank Nuckolls County. Charter No. 1038. J. C. D a y ..___________ ___________ President J. R. Parsons_______________ Vice-President J. D. Johnson______________________ Cashier D. M. Johnson------------------Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts_____________ $ 19,554.30 Overdrafts, secured and un 180.13 secured _________________________ Bonds, securities, judgments. claims, etc________ t ___ _________ Other assets._______________ ______ ^Banking house, furniture and 1,919.82 fixtures ______ _________________ Real estate other than bank ing house_____ f ________________ Current expenses and taxes paid 1,579.43 Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and private banks.-________________ Checks and items of exchange... Currency _________________________ 575.00 Gold coin_________________________ 35.00 297.35 Silver, nickels and cents_________ Total ........ ..........................—$ 28,657.72 Cairo Capital stock paid in___________ $ 10,000.00 Surplus fund_______ ^____________ Undivided profits___________________ 2,486.27 Dividends unpaid_____ - __________ • Individual deposits subject to check ------------------------------------------ 10,834.12 Demand certificates of deposit... 1,055.55 Time certificates of deposit_____ 4,250.00 Certified checks______________ _____ Cashier's checks outstanding___ Due to national, state and private banks___________________ Bills payable_____________________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Depositors’ guaranty fund_____ 31.78 Total ____________________ ._$ 28,657.72 The Cairo State Bank Hall County. Charter No. 698. S. N. Wolbach___________________ President J. E. Cox____________________ Vice-President Geo. W . Wingert____ ______________ Cashier Elliot Harrison___________ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts________ $119,185.93 Overdrafts, secured and un secured _________________ 517.67 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets_____________ ____ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ________________________ 5,300.00 Real estate other than bank ing house_____________________ _ Current expensesand taxes paid 1,718.07 Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and private banks__________________ 18 914.36 Checks and items of exchange.— 562.27 Currency ------------3,738.00 Gold coin______________ ___________ 1,570.00 Silver, nickels andcents----------------591.83 Capital stock paid in___________ $ 16,000.00 Surplus fund_____________________ 1,700.00 Undivided profits.________________ 2,675.36 Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check ___________________ 45,658.78 Demand certificates of deposit... 2,273.26 Time certificates of deposit..___ 83,432.63 Certified checks___________________ Cashier's checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks__________________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable--------------------------------Depositors’ guaranty fund--------358.10 Total ______________________ $152,098.13 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Total ___________ __________ $152,098.13 •56 T W E N T IE T H Cairo ANNUAL R E P O R T OF TH E Farmers State Bank Hall County. Charter No. 1119. C. C. Hansen---------------------------------President W . C. Robinson_____________ Vice-President G. C. Raven________________________ Cashier ____________ _____________ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES Loans and discounts______ - ______$ Overdrafts, secured and un secured _________________________ Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc_____ :________________ Other assets-.___________ ,________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures __ —- __________________ Real estate other than bank ing house____ ___________________ Current expenses and taxes paid Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and private banks__________________ Checks and items of exchange____ Currency _________________________ Gold coin_________________________ Silver, nickels and cents__________ Total LIABILITIES 46,237.40 420.43 5,000.00 2,128.83 9,309.61 115.74 2,005.00 310.00 699.83 ______________________ $ 66,226.84 Callaway Capital stock paid in___________ $ Surplus fund_____________________ Undivided profits_________________ Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject. to check ____________________________ Demand certificates of deposit___ Time certificates of deposit_____ Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks__________________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund_____ Total 15,000.00 2,570.50 18,049.46 1,403.85 21,626.45 7,500.00 76.58 - _____ ______ - _______ $ 66,226.84 The Callaway State Bank Custer County. Charter No. 660. Geo. O. Benger___________________ President W . T . Keyes_________________ Vice-President E. M. McGrew_____________________ Cashier Harry M. Lamb_________ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. LIABILITIES RESOURCES Loans and discounts_____________ $ Overdrafts, secured and un secured _________________________ Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc_____________________ Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ________________________ Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expenses and taxes paid Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and private banks__________________ Checks and items of exchange— Currency _________________________ Gold coin--------------------------------------Silver, nickels and cents_________ Total Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 62,337.84 371.21 4,500.00 724.97 34,684.23 29.25 3,490.00 767.50 767.37 ............... .........................$107,672.37 Capital stock paid in----------------- $ Surplus fund_____________________ Undivided profits------------------------— Dividends unpaid-------------------------Individual deposits subject to check ——_______________________ Demand certificates of deposit— Time certificates of deposit____ _ Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding-—— Due to national, state and private banks_________________ _ Notes and bills re-discouflted-----Bills payable------------------------- ------Depositors’ guaranty fund-------- Total 15,000.00 3,000.00 1,257.74 56,010.02 6,149.25 25,108.16 918.55 228.65 ...... .................................$107,672.37 S E C R E T A R Y O F T H E S T A T E B A N K IN G B O A R D Callaway 57 Tlie Farmers State Bank Custer County. Charter No. 949. John Frederick. B. F. Biggie... ________President ___Vice-President John Frederick, Jr_________________ Cashier Chas. M. Frederick______ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts_____________ $124,273.04 Overdrafts, secured and un secured _________________________ 552.52 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets___________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ________________________ 4,000.00 Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expenses and taxes paid Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and private banks__________________ 11,058.38 Checks and items of exchange.— 909.45 Currency _________________________ 1,990.00 Gold coin_________________________ 70.00 Silver, nickels and cents__________ 412.93 Capital stock paid in___________ $ 40,000.00 Surplus fund--------------------------------- 8,000.00 Undivided profits_________________ 1,410.85 Dividends unpaid--------------------------Individual deposits subject to check ___________ :______________ 63,769.95 Demand certificates of deposit— . Time certificates of deposit_____ 22,043.36 Certified cheeks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding------2,672.34 Due to national, state and private banks__________________ 5,216.06 Notes and bills re-discounted-----Bills payable--------------------------------Depositors’ guaranty fund-------153.76 Total _________ ______ ______$143,266.32 Cambridge Total ______________________ $143,266.32 The Cambridge State Bank Furnas County. Charter No. 981. A. F . Ballah ___________________ President L . E. Ballah_________________ Vice-President C. A . Phillips------------------------------------Cashier __________________ ________ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. LIABILITIES RESOURCES Loans and discounts_____________ $ 41,710.40 Overdrafts, secured and un secured _________________________ Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc._____________________ Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures _________ ______________ 6,000.00 Real estate other than bank ing house____________ __________ Current expenses and taxes paid 1,353.20 Cash items-------------------- --------------Due from national, state and private banks__________________ 9,801.03 Checks and items of exchange... 105.20 Currency _______ 2,879.00 Gold coin_________________________ 1,577.50 Silver, nickels and cents-------------696.24 Total _________ ______ _____ $ 64,122.57 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Capital stock paid in----------------- $ Surplus fund_____________________ Undivided profits--------------------------Dividends unpaid-------------------------Individual deposits subject to check ______________________ Demand certificates of deposit— Time certificates of deposit-------Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding----Due to national, state and private banks-------------------- ------Notes and bills re-discounted----Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund-------- Total 25,000.00 2,500.00 1,677.21 17,367.17 101.11 17,400.00 77.08 __________ ______ ____ $ 64,122.57 58 T W E N T IE T H Campbell annu al r e po rt of the The Bank of Campbell Franklin County. Charter No. 74. Henry Ghind------------------------------------President T. k . Lund:-----------------------------Vice-President B. B. Helmick. A. W . Gagnon.. ----------------- Cashier .Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts__________ ___ $156,272.02 Overdrafts, secured and un secured ________________________ 3,917.05 Bonds, securities, judgments! claims, etc______________________ Other assets________________ !_ Banking, house, furniture and fixtures ____________________ 6,660.00 Real estate other than ^’ bank ing house_______________________ Current expenses and taxes paid 3,034.30 Cash items_____________________ Due from national, state and private banks__________________ 13,195.86 Checks and items of exchange..! Currency ____________ ____________ 4.008.00 Gold coin ..____________________ 1.130.00 Silver, nickels and cents_________ 675.26 Total .$188,893.09 Carleton Capital stock paid in___________ $ Surplus fund_____________________ Undivided profits_________________ Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check ___________________________ Demand certificates of deposit... Time certificates of deposit_____ Certified checks___________________ Cashier's checks outstanding.... Due to national, state and private banks___________ _______ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable_______________ 1_____ Depositors’ guaranty fu n d ...—. 25,000.00 23,500.00 5,598.00 51,948.29 5,053.71 76,770.81 658.76 362.52 .$188,893.09 Total The Citizens State Bank Thayer County. Charter No. 75. F. P. Beachy_____ M. E. Eastabrooks --------President .Vice-President Erie Whipkey_____________ _______ Cashier W . R. Eastabrooks_____ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES Loans and discounts_____________ $ Overdrafts, secured and un secured ______________ _______ _ Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets.._________________!_ _ ! Banking house, furniture and fixtures ------------------------------------Real estate other than bank ing house________________ ______ Current expenses and taxes paid Cash items________________ ;______ Due from national, state and private banks________________ Checks and items of exchange... Currency --------------------------------------Gold coin--------------------------------------Silver, nickels and cents_________ Total Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis LIABILITIES 79,152 49 48.76 2,000.00 3,991.76 9,217.69 35.00 2,595.00 1,665.00 824.49 ---------------------------------- $ 99,530.19 Capital stock paid in________ ;___$ 20,000.00 Surplus fund--------------------------------5,000.00 Undivided profits_________________ 8,607.48 Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check ------------------------------------------- 41,249.23 Demand certificates of deposit... 2,590.99 Time certificates of deposit_____ 21,882.94 Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding___ Due to national, state and private banks__________________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund_____ 199:55 Total -------------------- ------- ------$ 99,530.19 S E C R E T A R Y O F T H E S T A T E B A N K IN G B O A R O Cedar Bluffs 59 Tlie Bank of Cedar Bluffs Saunders County. Charter No. 77. R. H . Knapp----------------- ---------------President P. B. Knapp-------------------------- Vice-President J. H . Mackprang______ *.____________Cashier R. J. Fleming------------------Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5. 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts____ _________$208,076.92 Overdrafts, secured and un secured _________________________ Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc_____ ________________ Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ________________________ 5,000.00 Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expenses and taxes paid 2,392.18 Cash items_______________________ 26.80 Due from national, state and private hanks__________________ 49,973.25 Checks and items of exchange... 3,420.15 Currency -------------1_______________ 3,220.00 Gold coin--------------------------------------3,450.00 Silver, nickels and cents_________ 386.65 Capital stock paid in_________ $ 20,000.00 Total ----------- ----------------------$275,956.15 Cedar Bluffs Surplus fund__________________ ___ Undivided profits_________________ Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject 7,000.00 6,093.14 to check ------------------------------------------ 82,943.84 Demand certificates of deposit— Time certificates of deposit_____ 159,416.59 Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding___ Due to national, state and private banks__________________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable___ _________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund_____ 502.58 Total ........ ................... ............$275,956.15 The Farmers and Merchants Bank Saunders County. Charter No. 78. Chas. J. P. S. Williams------------------------President Jessen---------------------------Vice-President H . C. Hatterscheid________ .Cashier Ered E. Wehner_________ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans anddiscounts_________ $174,660.40 Overdrafts, secured and un secured --------------------------------------329.80 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets________________________ Banking house, furniture and 4,500.00 fixtures ------------------------------------Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expensesand taxes paid 3,928.25 Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and private banks__________________ 21,704.36 Cheeks and items of exchange.._ 1,535.32 Currency --------------------------------------4,410.00 Gold coin_________________________ 4,290.00 Silver, nickels and cents_________ 420.92 Capital stock paid in___________ $ 20,000.00 Surplus fund--------------------------------5,000.00 9,389.58 Undivided profits_________________ Dividends unpaid_________________ Total ---------------------------------- $215,779.05 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Individual deposits subject to check __________________________ 72,452.72 Demand certificates of deposit—. 4,217.50 Time certificates of deposit_______ 104,305.84 Certified checks___________________ Cashier's checks outstanding___ Due to national, state and private banks__________________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable_____________ _____ Depositors’ guaranty fund_____ 413.41 Total ___ __________________ $215,779.05 60 T W E N T IE T H ANNUAL REPORT OF TH E Cedar Rapids The S. S. Hadley Company Boone County. Charter No. 81. C. C. Goodrich------------------- 1---------President A . B. Hadley----------- 1------------Vice-President Stanley M a ly ...____ ________________ Cashier I). A . Beach_____________ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5. 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts____________ $195,800.13 Overdrafts, secured and un secured _____________________ 524.17 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ------------------------------------- 10,917.00 Real estate other than bank 332.49 ing house_______________________ Current expenses and taxes paid 1,521.95 Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and private banks__________________ 14,637.83 Checks and items of exchange... 1,921.81 Currency ------------------------------------3,754.00 Gold coin_________________________ 4,600.00 Silver, nickels and cents_________ 927.41 Capital stock paid in___________ $ 50,000.00 Surplus fund_____________________ 10,000.00 Undivided profits_________________ 11,019.91 Dividends unpaid_________________ Total ---------------------------------- $234,936.79 Center Knox Individual deposits subject to check __________________ 92,788.66 Demand certificates of deposit— 483.97 Time certificates of deposit_______ 70,243.96 Certified checks____________ _______ Cashier’s checks outstanding___ Due to national, state and private banks__________________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable_________ :____ ___ . . . Depositors’ guaranty fund.——_ 400.29 Total ___ __________________ $234,936.79 The Center State Bank County. Charter No. 665. B. M. N. Saunders____ _____________ President C. Wilde^________________ Vice-President W . W . Walton__________________ ...Cashier ___________________________ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts_____ ________ $ Overdrafts, secured and un secured ___________ _____________ Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc_____________ ________ Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ________________________ Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expenses and taxes paid Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and private banks__________________ Checks and items of exchange__ Currency _________________________ Gold coin______ ___________________ Silver, nickels and cents_________ Total Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 21,852.57 205.65 2,000.00 531.04 2,143.76 13.39 1,793.00 400.00 237.99 .$ 29,177.40 Capital stock paid in___________ $ Surplus fund_____________________ Undivided profits_________________ Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check ___________________________ Demand certificates of deposit... Time certificates of deposit_______ Certified checks________ ___________ Cashier’s checks outstanding___ Due to national, state and private banks__________________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund_____ Total 6,000.00 600.00 3,350.98 11,796.88 69.48 7,317.78 42.28 .$ 29,177.40 61 SECRETARY O F THE STATE BANKING BOARD Central City The Farmers State Bank Merrick County. Charter No. 83. John Chas Clay_________________________ President C. McEndree.__________ Vice-President J. W . Vieregg---------------.Cashier ------------------------------------------Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts-------------------- $272,130.9S Overdrafts, secured and un secured ___ — T--------------------------116.25 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets______________________ Banking house___________________ 8,000.00 Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expenses and taxes paid 1,799.70 Cash items_____________ :-------------Due from national, state and private banks_____ _______ 44,138.73 Checks and items of exchange— 3,902.73 Currency _________________________ 12,522.00 6,050.00 Gold coin_________________________ Silver, nickels and cents--------------799.26 Capital stock paid in----------------- $ 25,000.00 Surplus fund--------------------------------- 25,000.00 Undivided profits--------------------------- 7,823.59 Dividends unpaid— ,-------------------Individual deposit subject to check ______________ 113,931.05 Demand certificates of deposit— 4,914.84 Time certificates of deposit-------- 145,039.64 Certified checks-----------------------------Cashier’s checks outstanding----Due to national, state and private banks__________________ 26,973.69 Notes and bills re-discounted----Bills payable-------------------- -----------Depositors’ guaranty fund----776.84 Total _____ - ____________ — $349,459.65 Central City Total ______________________ $349,459.65 The Platte Valley State Bank Merrick County. Charter No. 84. M. V . Scott_______________________ President P.' K. Sprague______________ Vice-President J. Cleve Scott---------------------- -------------Cashier ------------------------------------------Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts-------------------- $251,464.69 Overdrafts, secured and un secured _________________________ 93.38 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets---------------------------------Banking house, furniture and fixtures ________________ ____ — 7,000.00 Real estate other than bank ing house______________ r_______ Current expenses and taxes paid 1,730.47 Cash items_____________ _________ 701.74 Due from national, state and ^ private banks________________ 65,898.57 Checks and items of exchange— 139.14 Currency ------11,784.00 Gold coin_________________________ 2,800.00 Silver, nickels and cents-------------935.74 Capital stock paid in-----------------$ 50,000.00 Surplus fund_____________________ 2,000.00 Undivided profits---------------------------- 10,479.44 Dividends unpaid--------------------------Individual deposits subject to check ___________________________ 107,998.24 Demand certificates of deposit— 1,533.57 Time certificates of deposit----------- 156,303.92 Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding----Due to national, state and private banks___________________ 13,625.68 Notes and bills re-discounted----Bills payable--------------------------------Depositors’ guaranty fund------- • 606.88 Total ....................... Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis .$342,547.73 Total ______________________ $342,547.7? I 62 TWENTIETH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE Ceresco The State Bank of Ceresco Saunders County. Charter No. 85. F. J. Maixner---------------------------------President August Dahlstrom----------------- Vice-President Charles Maijcner______ , ____________ Cashier W . B. Thorpe___________ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts_____________ $ 64,011.70 Overdrafts, secured and un secured _________________________ 1,198.54 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ___________________________ 3,000.00 Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expenses and taxes paid 669.42 Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and private banks..:________________ 40,430.80 Checks and items of exchange... 192.91 Currency _________________________ 140.00 Gold coin_________________________ 2,210.00 366.68 Silver, nickels and cents_________ Total __________ ____ ______ $112,220.05 Ceresco Capital stock paid in___________ $ Surplus fund_____________________ Undivided profits_________________ Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check ___________________________ Demand certificates of deposit— Time certificates of deposit_______ Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding___ Due to national, state and private bunks__________________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund_____ Total 10,000.00 2,000.00 2,442.98 56,062.41 2,489.22 39,014.84 210.60 ____________ _________ $112,220.05 The Farmers and Merchants Bank Saunders County. Charter J. L. Alfred Winter---------------------------------President Peterson---------------- ----- Vice-President STATEMENT DE 3. 1143. M. H . Gross________________________ Cashier ------------------------------------------Assistant Cashier EMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES Loans and discounts_____________ $ 11,363.18 Overdrafts, secured and un 171.21 secured _________________________ Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures --------------------1,687.64 Real estate other than bank ing house______________ ________ Current expenses and taxes paid 166.52 Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and private banks__________________ 10,938.89 Checks and items of exchange__ Currency --------------------------------------488.00 Gold coin__________________________ 40.00 • Silver, nickelsand cen ts..._____. . . 119.40 Total ______________________ $ 24,974.84 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis LIABILITIES Capital stock paid in___________ $ 15,000.00 Surplus fund____________ ________ Undivided profits_________________ 256.27 Dividends unpaid_______________ ... Individual deposits subject to 5,953.12 check ---------------Demand certificates of deposit— 30.68 Time certificates of deposit_____ 3,134.77 Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding___ Due to national, state and private banks__________________ Notes arid bills re-discounted___ Bills payable____ . . . _____ ________ Depositors’ guaranty fund_____ 600.00 Total _____________ ________ $ 24,974.84 S E C R E T A R Y OF T H E ST ATE B A N K IN G B O A R D Cliadron 63 The Citizens State Bank Dawes County. Charter No. 87. W . A. Carmean___________________ President J. T . May______ ____ _______ Vice-President STATEMENT DE E. K. Riekman_____________ _______ Cashier C. W . M itchell...________ Assistant Cashier EMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts_____________ $267,404.35 Overdrafts, secured and un 449.12 secured _________________________ Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc____________ __________ Other assets_________ - ___________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ____________________ .___ 10,000.00 Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current -expenses and taxes paid 3,692.87 Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and private banks__________________ 70,764.57 Checks and items of exchange.— 386.71 Currency _________________________ 9,325.00 Gold coin___________________ 4,440.00 Silver, nickels and cents__________ 692.62 Capital stock paid in___________ $ 35,000.00 Surplus fund______ *._____________ 10,000.00 Undivided profits_________________ 12,827.54 Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check ___________________________ 152,221.05 Demand certilcates of deposit... 648.23 Time certificates of deposit_____ 154,312.88 Certified checks___________________ Oasijier’s checks outstanding___ Due to national, state and 1,491.62 private banks__________________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable___ _________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund_____ 618.22 Total ______________________ $367,155.54 Chambers Total ___ __________________ $367,155.54 The Chambers State Bank Holt County. Charter No. 637. I. Baldw in..... W . J. Doherty _____President .Vice-President Edward Adams____ _________________Cashier ____________ ___ ___________ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES Loans and discounts_____________ $ 60,225.67 Overdrafts, secured and un secured _________________________ 143.29 Bonds,' securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets_________ ____________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ________________________ 500.00 Real estate other than bank ing house________ ______________ Current expenses and taxes paid 4,109.37 \ Cash items_____________ _________ Due from national, state and private banks__________________ 7,686.05 Cheeks and items of exchange____ 16.00 Currency _________________________ 2,405.00 Gold coin_________________________ 260.00 Silver, nickels and cents_________ 234.65 Total ______________________ $ 75,580.03 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis LIABILITIES Capital stock paid in_______ ____ $ Surplus fu n d ...'.....____________ Undivided profits_________________ Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check . . . ________________________ Demand certificates of deposit__ Time certificates of deposit-------Certified checks___ :_______________ Cashier's checks outstanding----Due to national, state and private banks__________________ Notes and bills re-discounted----Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund-------- Total 16,000.00 1,700.00 5,786.73 36,040.18 15,934.26 118.86 ______________________ $ 75,580.03 TW E N TIE TH 64 Chapman ANNUAL REPORT OF THE The Chapman State Bank Merrick County. Charter No. 685. M. Y . Scott— ____________________ President E. E. Ross___________________ Vice-President E. K. Sprague_______________ Vice-President • D. E. Magnuson..------- ---------------------Cashier Roy Rice__________________ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. LIABILITIES RESOURCES Loans and discounts_____________ $ Overdrafts, secured and un secured __________ Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ________________________ Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expenses and taxes paid Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and private banks__________________ Checks and items of exchange__ Currency _________ Gold coin_________________________ Silver, nickels and cents_________ 92,998.97 744.85 4,000.00 2,500.00 975.97 22,937.92 46.09 2,160.00 1,020.00 331.59 .$127,655.39 Total Cheney Capital stock paid in___________ $ Surplus fund_____________________ Undivided profits_________________ Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check ________________________ Demand certificates of deposit__ Time certificates of deposit_______ Certified checks___________________ Cashier's checks outstanding----Due to national, state and private banks__________________ Notes and bills re-discounted----Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund-------- 10,000.00 3,000.00 3,643.06 51,937.81 8,192.71 50,628.17 253.64 .$127,65o.39 Total The Bank of Cheney Lancaster County. Charter No. 1097. Chas. Marshal]_____ ._____________ President John T . Marshall------------------- Vice-President W . G. Bullock______________________ Cashier ___________________________ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts______ .*.______$ 18,502.09 Overdrafts, secured and unsecured _______ - ________________ 139.96 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ________ 1,844.84 Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expenses andtaxes paid 1,827.23 Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and private banks__________________ 5,091.36 Checks and items of exchange— Currency _________________ 1,221.00 Gold coin_________________________ 327.50 Silver, nickels andcents___________ 243.15 Capital stock paid in___________ $ 10,000.00 Surplus fund_____________________ Undivided profits_________________ 2,180.70 Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check — _____________________ 13,640.11 Demand certificates of deposit__ 10.00 Time certificates of deposit_____ 2,580.06 Certified checks____ :______________ Cashier’s checks outstanding___ Due to national, state and private banks__________________ 756.18 Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable____ 1,_______________ Depositors’ guaranty fund____ 30.08 Total Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis .$ 29,197.13 Total .$ 29,197.13 S E C R E T A R Y OF T H E ST ATE B A N K IN G B O A R D Chester 65 Tlie Farmers Bank Thayer County. Charter No. 90. James Wilson-------------------- -------— President ------------------------------------------------ Vice-President Robert Wilson, Jr____________ ____ .Cashier Robert J. Malowney_____ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts_____________ $105 ,792.12 Overdrafts, secured and un secured ____________ ____ _______ 430.01 Bonds, securities, judgments' claims, etc______________________ Other assets__________ 4 ,293.33 Banking house, furniture and fixtures . . . . ____________________ 1 000.00 Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expenses and taxes paid 1, 472.96 Cash items_______________________ 1.90 Due from national, state and private banks_____ _____ i ____ t_ 24,757.22 Checks and items of exchange-1. ’ l5iL41 Currency --------------------------------------5,906.00 Gold coin--------------------------------------1,890.00 Silver, nickelsand cents___________ 721.29 Capital stock paid in__________ $ 25 000.00 Surplus fund_____________________ io 000.00 Undivided profits______________“ I 4 580.98 Dividends unpaid______________ III Individual deposits subject to check ____________ is 776.74 Demand certificates of deposit__ 365.12 Time certificates of deposit_____ 032.83 Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding___ Due to national, state and private banks__________________ 419.65 Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund_____ 248.92 Total -------------------- ------------- $146,424.24 Chester Total ---------------------------------- $146,424.24 The Chester State Bank Thayer County. Charter No. 1111. A Richards ---------------------------------President Chas. Richards----------------------- Vice-President . C. H . Mayborn— ________________ Cashier W . H . Kuhlman_________ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5. 1911. RESOURCES Loans and discounts_____________ $ Overdrafts, secured and un secured ________________ ____ . . . . Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc_______ ______________ Other assets, County warrants.. Banking house, furniture and fixtures ------------------------------------Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expenses and taxes paid Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and private banks_______ 1_________ Checks and items of exchange__ Currency --------------------------------------Gold coin________________________ Silver, nickels and cents_________ Total LIABILITIES 47,657.48 199.59 26.65 5,000.00 1,806.78 12,877.32 2,303.00 735.00 638.41 ---------------------------------- $ 71,244.23 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Capital stock paid in___________ $ Surplus fund_____________________ Undivided profits_________________ Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check -------------------------------------------Demand certificates of deposit... Time certificates of deposit_____ Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding___ Due to national, state and private banks^_________________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund_____ Total 15,000.00 2,164.76 37,442.46 1,193.63 15,342.70 100.68 _______________ ______ $ 71,244.23 66 TW E N TIE T H Clarkson ANNUAL REPORT OF THE The Clarkson State Bank Colfax County. Charter No. 92. Longin Folda-------------- ----------------- President J. M. Mundil-------------------------- Vice-President Emil R. Dudek_____________________ Cashier Fred Jelinek_____________ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5. 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts____________ $167,878.84 Overdrafts, secured and un 2,044.90 secured _________________________ Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets_______ , ___________ _ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ________________________ 3,000.00 Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expenses and taxes paid charged daily to profits_______ Cash items_________ _____________ Due from national, state and private banks__________________ 22,661.13 Cheeks .and items of exchange,... 260.07 5,120.00 Currency _________ Gold coin_________________________ 705.00 Silver, nickels and cents_________ 1,236.43 Total ______ _______________ $202,906.37 Clarkson Capital stock paid in___________ $ Surplus fund_____________________ Undivided profits_________________ Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check ___________________________ Demand certificates of deposit__ Time certificates of deposit____ Certified checks____ _______________ Cashier’s checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks__________________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund_____ Total- 20,000.00 8,000.00 3,101.47 92,462.51 78,111.85 738.35 492.19 ______________________ $202,906.37 The Farmers State Bank Colfax County. Charter No. 882. John Noh---------------------------------------President John Petr, Jr-------------------------Vice-President J. D. W olf_________________________ Cashier Emil Petr_________________ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5. 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts____________ $159,363.47 Overdrafts, secured and un secured _____________________ ___ 1,732.18 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc___ __________________ Other assets____ ;_________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ________________________ 4,800.00 Real estate other than bank ing house____________________ . . . Current expenses and taxes paid Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and private banks__________________ 16,916.22 Checks and items of exchange____ 33.05 Currency _________________________ 5,143.00 Gold coin_________________________ 2.390.00 Silver, nickels and cents_________ 1,003.57 Total Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis .$191,381.49 Capital stock paid in___________ $ Surplus fund____ , _______________ Undivided profits,,!______________ _ Dividends unpaid___________ _____ Individual deposits subject to cheek -----------------------------------------Demand certificates of deposit__ Time certificates of deposit_____ Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks ou tstand ing,,,,, Due to national, state and private banks_________ ________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund_____ Total 25,000.00 5,000.00 1,724.29 38,416.97 8,843.41 98,507.75 1,495.45 12,000.00 393.62 .$191,381.49 S E C R E T A R Y OF T H E ST ATE B A N K IN G B O A R D Clatonia 67 The Farmers Bank of Clatonia Gage County. Charter No. 481. ----------------------- ~ ~ x r ~ £ rcs!<knt Albert..-------- ---------------Vice-President H p n 'r 'v 'T i h o ' r V Hemy E • J - Chittenden--------------------- ------- .Cashier ------------------------- ...------------- Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES Loans and discounts_____________ $ Overdrafts, secured and un secured --------------------------------------Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ------------------Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expenses and taxes paid Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and private banks__________________ Checks and items of exchange.__ Currency --------------------------------------Gold coin________ Silver, nickels and cents_________ Total LIABILITIES 98,636 20 301.07 1,800.00 364.35 18.84 9,701.95 31.18 3,307.75 730.00 926.73 . . . -------- ---------------------$115,818.07 Clay Center Capital stock paid in___________ $ Surplus fund--------------------------------Undivided profits_________________ Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check -----------------------------------------Demand certificates of deposit... Time certificates of deposit_______ Certified cheeks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks___ _______________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund_____ Total 18,000.00 1,000.00 3,068.46 40,796.43 2,619.00 50,103.47 230.71 -------- -------------------------$115,818.07 The Commercial State Bank Clay County. Charter No. 94. H . E. McDowell---------------------------- President John Murtey---------------------------- Vice-President J. L. Campbell_____________________ Cashier H. B . Campbell_________ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5. 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts_____________ $157,792.09 Overdrafts, secured and un secured --------------------------------------622.00 Bonds, (Clay Center water)_____ 2,000.00 Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ___________________ 4,700.00 Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expenses and taxes paid Cash items_______________________ 14.47 Due from national, state and private banks__________________ 53,687.79 Checks and items of exchange... 279.31 Currency ...-------------------------- ---------8,460.00 Gold coin_________________________ 3,730.00 Silver, nickels and cents_________ 1,792.28 Capital stock paid in___________ $ 30,000.00 Surplus fund--------------------------------6,000.00 Undivided profits--------------------------5,595.79 Dividends unpaid_________________ Total ---------------------------------- $233,077.94 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Individual deposits subject to check --------------------------------------89,461.33 Demand certificates of deposit—. 35,296.86 Time certificates of deposit..___ 66,153.70 Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding___ Due to national, state and private banks...:_____________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund_____ Total 570.26 ______________ •_______ $233,077.94 TW E N TIE T H 68 Clay Center ANNUAL REPORT OF THE The Clay Center State Bank Olay County. Charter No. 911. Geo. P. Schwab___________________ President A. P. Randall_______________ .Vice-President P. T . Swanson. H . A. Swanson.. ___________ Cashier .Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts------------------- i$123,401.73 Overdrafts, secured and un secured _________________________ 1,044.98 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets---------------------------------Banking house, furniture and fixtures --------------------------------------7,875.00 Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expenses and taxes paid Cash items-----------------------------------Due from national, state and private banks__________________ 16,490.02 Checks and items of exchange— 351.18 Currency ----------------------------4,740.00 ' Gold coin_________________________ 2,405.00 Silver, nickels and cents------------1,641.67 Capital stock paid in----------------- $ 25 .000.00 Surplus fund--------------------------------5 ,000.00 6 ,153.61 Undivided profits, (net)-------------Dividends unpaid.----------- ------------Individual deposits subject to c h e c k __ __ ____________ __ _____37 847.95 Demand certificates of deposit— 83 157.73 Time certificates of deposit----- Certified checks------------------- ;---------Cashier’s checks outstanding----Due to national, state and 548.05 private banks--------------------------Notes and bills re-discounted----Bills payable— ---------------------------242.24 Depositors’ guaranty fund-------- Total ______________________ $157,949.58 Clearwater Total ________________ _____ $157,949.58 The State Bank of Clearwater Antelope County. Charter No. 629. R. S. Payne_______________________ President Geo. N. Seymour_____________ Vice-President J. C. Perguson______________________ Cashier H . D. Miller______________ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DE CEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts____________ $101,082.12 Overdrafts, secured and un secured _________________________ 1,217.39 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc----------------------- ---------Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ____________________ 4,000.00 Real estate other than bank ing house--------------------7Current expenses and taxes paid 1,143.14 Cash items_______________ _______ Due from national, state and private banks__________________ 14,499.18 Checks and items of exchange... 277.38 Currency _________________________ 2,443.00 Gold coin_____ ,-----------------------------2,105.00 Silver, nickels and cents-------------1,482.96 Capital stock paid in----------------- $ 12,000.00 Surplus fund _____________________ 7,400.00 Undivided profits--------------------------- 2,648.83 Dividends unpaid— -------- ------------Individual deposits subject to check ______________________ - 41,469.48 Demand certificates of deposit.. . Time certificates of deposit-------- 64,442.76 Certified checks-----------------------------Cashier’s checks outstanding------10.00 Due to national, state and private banks__________________ Notes and bills re-discounted----Bills payable.— « ----------------- ------Depositors’ guaranty fund-------279.10 Total Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ___ _____ — __________$128,250.17 Total __________ - __________ $128,250.17 S E C R E T A R Y OF TH E ST ATE B A N K IN G B O A R D Clearwater 69 The Citizens State Bank Antelope County. Charter Vo. 976. B. M. Macauley----------------------------- President J. L. Fisher------------------------- -Vice-President G. L . Macauley--------------------------- — Cashier ------------------------------------------Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DE' 5EMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts______ ______ $ 43,23G.C'2 Overdrafts, secured and un secured ----------------- ___________ _ 858.70 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets-____ ________________ Banking house, furniture and 3,986.70 fixtures ---------------------------- ---------Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expenses and taxes paid 1,194.73 Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and private banks__________________ 3,697.45 Checks and items of exchange.— 1,132.13 Currency _________________________ 834.00 Gold coin_________________________ 695.00 Silver, nickels and cents____ ______ 514.21 Total ______________________ $ 56,149.54 Cody Capital stock paid in___________ $ 12,000.00 Surplus fund____________ ______ 1,150.00 Undivided profits___________________ 1,654.34 Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check ------------------------------------------ 19,541.33 Demand certificates of deposit— Time certificates of deposits____ 20,707.16 Certified checks__________ ________ Cashier’s checks outstanding____ 1,004.90 Due to national, state and private banks__________________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable____ _________ : ______ Depositors’ guaranty fund_____ 91. SI Total — _________ ____ ____ $ 56,149.54 The Bank of Cody Cherry County. Charter No. 542. M. O. Ayres--------------------- — *-------- President M. E. Skeen---------------------------Vice-President H. B. Skeen.—_______________________ Cashier Geo. Carter____________ — Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. ' RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts_____________ $ Overdrafts, secured and un secured _________________________ Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ___ Real estate other than bank ing bouse________________ Current expenses andtaxes paid Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and private banks____ ______________ Cheeks and items of exchange... Currency _______________ Gold coin______ _____ Silver, nickels andcents___________ Total Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 69,701.01 67.58 1,000.00 250.00 95.63 57,973.73 5,435.00 455.00 1,541.92 -$136,519.87 Capital stock paid in_________ $ 10,000.00 Surplus fund--------------------------------2,000.00 Undivided profits..„______________ 127.63 Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check ------------------------------------------ 110,484.33 Demand certificates of deposit— 166.00 Time certificates of deposit_____ 11,623.98 Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding___ Due to national, state and 1,913.83 private banks__________________ Notes and bills re-discounted-— Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund_____ 204.10 Total .$136,519.87 70 TW E N TIE T H College View ANNUAL REPORT OF THE The Bank of College View Lancaster County. Charter No. 928. James Schee------------------_---------------- President J. H . Morrison----------------------- Vice-President S. J. Quantock_____________________ Cashier P. B. Quantock_________ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts_____________ $ 71,847.14 Overdrafts, secured and un 604.26 secured ------------------------------- ------Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets_______________ ______ Banking house, furniture and fixtures --------------------------------------3,330.00 Real estate other than bank ing house..--------------630.00 Current expenses and taxes paid 1,119.47 Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and private banks____________ 17,184.24 Checks and items of exchange... 548.19 Currency _________________________ 600.00 Gold coin___________________ 2,200.00 Silver, nickels and cents..______ _ 110.94 Total ---------------------------------- $ 98,174.24 Colon Capital stock paid in___________ $ 10,000.00 Surplus fund----------------------------------7,000.00 Undivided profits___________________ 2,715.66 Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check ------------------------------------------ 03,470.10 Demand certificates of deposit__ Time certificates of deposit____ 13,371.49 Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding____ 1,432.65 Due to national, state and private banks__________________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund_____ 184.34 Total ______________________ $ 98,174.24 The State Bank of Colon Saunders County. Charter S'O. 529. F. J. Kirchman..................................President Aug. Franson------------------------ Vice-President J. F . Bastar-------- ---------- ------------------Cashier ------------------------------------------Assistant Cashier STATEMENT Dlv IEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts_____________ $113,063.33 Overdrafts, secured and un secured _________ 1,006.40 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ 2,930.00 Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures _________________________ 5,000.00 Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expenses and taxes paid 6,759.63 Cash items_______________ 446.23 Due from national, state and private banks______________ 36,791.66 Checks and items of exchange.._ Currency _________________________ 1,086.00 Gold coin_________________________ 1,985.00 Silver, nickels and cents__________ 1,194.24 Capital stock paid in----------------- $ 20,000.00 Surplus fund_____________________ Undivided profits_________________ 9,282.88 Dividends unpaid..._______________ Individual deposits subject to check ------------------------------------------ 50,318.16 Demand certificates of deposit... Time certificates of deposit_____ 90,335.92 Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks______ i___________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable________________ !____ Depositors’ guaranty fund......... 295.53 Total ---------------------------------- $170,232.49 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Total ---------------------------------- $170,232.49 S E C R E T A R Y OF TH E ST A T E B A N K IN G B O A R D Columbus 71 The Columbus State Bank Platte County. Charter No. 97, M. Brugger------------------------------------- President Win. Bucher---------------------------- Vice-President H . A. Clarke_______________________ Cashier V. H . Weaver____________ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Lohns and discounts_____________ $398,439.95 Overdrafts, secured and un secured _______ ______________ . . . 12,002.84 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc---------------------------------680.65 Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures --------------------------25,000.00 Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expenses and taxes paid 2,262.48 Cash items______________________ _ Due from national, state and private banks__________________ 51,662.81 Checks and items of exchange... 1,557.24 Currency --------------------------------------- 11,425.35 Gold coin--------------------------------------- 10,800.00 Silver, nickels and cents_________ 883.25 Total ---------------------------------------- $514,714.57 Columbus Capital stock paid in___________ $ 75,000.00 Surplus fund____ . . . . . ___________ 12,000.00 Undivided profits_________________ 7,241.07 Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check ____________________ 133,450.04 Demand certificates of deposit__ Time certificates of deposit_____ 232,448.95 Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding____ 10,251.82 Deposits of national, state and private banks__________________ 20,141.25 Notes and bills re-discounted___ 23,300.00 Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund________________ 881.44 Total ________________ ______ ...$514,714.57 The Home Savings Bank Platte County. Charter No. 1066. Theo. Friedhof------------------------------President C. W . Freeman---------------------- Vice-President G. W . Phillips______ ____ ___________ Cashier Frank Rorer_________ ____ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5. 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts_____________ $ 43,118.35 Overdrafts, secured and un secured _________________________ Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures _______________ ,_________ Real estate other than bank ing house_____________________ 1. Current expenses and taxes paid 203.37 Cash items___________ ___________ Due from national, state and private banks__________________ 4,560.89 Checks and items of exchange__ Currency _________________________ 500.00 Gold coin________________________ _ Silver, nickels and cents_________ Capital stock paid in___________ $ 12,000.00 Surplus fund_____________________ 200.00 Undivided profits_________________ 605.38 Dividends unpaid________________ _ Individual deposits subject to check _______ i___________________ 9,590.40 Demand certificates of deposit__ Time certificates of deposit____ 25,932.47 Certified checks________________ ___ Cashier’s checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks__________________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund_____ 54.36 \ Total Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis .$ 48,382.Cl Total .$ 48,382.61 2 TW EN TIETH Comstock ANNUAL R EPOR T OF THE Tlie Citizens State Bank Custer County. Charter No. 948. E. C. Gibbons___________________ President J. T . Arthur_______________ „Vice-President E. E. Skolil_________________________ Cashier G. G. Rockhold_________ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5. 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts_______ . ____ $ Overdrafts, secured and un secured _________________________ Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc_______________;______ Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures _________________________ Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expenses and taxes paid Cash items____________________ . . . Due from national, state and private banks__________________ Checks and items of exchange___ Currency _________________________ Gold coin____________ +____________ Silver, nickels and cents_________ Total 62,339.95 1,993.89 4,000.00 6,970.SO 815.92 5,962.00 755.00 478.43 ______ ____ ____ . . ___ $ 83,315.99 Comstock Capital stock paid in___________ $ 25,000.00 Surplus fund_____________________ Undivided profits, net___________ 1,506.45 Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check ------------------------------------------- 38,914.71 Demand certificates of deposit__ Time certificates of deposit_____ 17,772.91 Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks_________________ _ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund_____ 121.92 Total ______________ _______ $ 83,315.99 The Farmers and Merchants Bank Custer County. Charter No. 1092. Vencel Krikac____ _________________ President J. W . Yockey____ ___________ Vice-President E. J. Crawford--------------------------------- Cashier V . Krikac, Jr-------------------Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts____ _________ $ 62,240.61 Overdrafts, secured and un secured _________________________ 1,175.61 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures _________________________ 3,300.00 Real estate other than bank ing house__ _____________________ Current expenses and taxes paid 457.47 Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and private banks___________ 9,638.36 Checks and items of exchange... 711.35 Currency _________________________ 1,915.00 Gold coin__________________ 565.00 Silver, nickels and cents______ . . . 584.78 Capital stock paid in___________ $ 10,000.00 Surplus fund_____________________ 500.00 Undivided profits_________________ 800.67 Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check _______________________ ^__ 38,294.01 Demand certificates of deposit... 142.61 Time certificates of deposit_____ 30,741.02 Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks___________________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund-------109.87 Total Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis .$ 80,588.18 Total .$ 80,588.18 SECRETARY OF THE STATE BANKING BOARD Concord 73 The Concord State Bank Dixon County. Charter No. 99. James Paul. John PauL. -------------- President -------Vice-President I). A. Paul____*_____________________ Cashier D. Van Donselaar________ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts_____________ $173,862.77 Overdrafts, secured and un 934.37 secured ------------------— --------------Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures --------------------------------------3,000.00 Real estate other than bank ing house_____________ ;_________ Current expenses and taxes paid 1,844.49 Cash items____ ,______ ___________ Due from national, state and private banks__________________ 14,808.17 Checks and items of exchange— 76.71 Currency ______ 3,875.00 Gold coin.-_____ _________________ 315.00 Silver, nickels and cents__________ 496.79 Total ----------------- . . T ______ $199,213.30 Cook . Capital stock paid in___________ $ Surplus fund--------------------------------Undivided profits__________________ Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check ------------------------------------Demand certificates of deposit-— Time certificates of deposit_______ Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks_____ _____________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable___________________ __ Depositors’ guaranty fund_____ Total 30,000.00 13,000.00 21,841.01 32,088.52 7,001.28 94,709.87 372.62 __________ ____ ______ $199,213.30 The Farmers Bank of Cook Johnson County. Charter No. 100. Louis Schacht---------------------------------President W . O. Tomer-------------------------- Vice-President P. H . Naeve_________________________ Cashier Guy R. Martin___________ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5. 1911. RESOURCES Loans and discounts________ $109,807.63 Overdrafts, secured and un secured ____ 693.70 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets________ _____________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures _________________________ 5,590.00 Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expensesand taxes paid 1,555.63 Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and private banks__________________ 13,505.10 Checks and items of exchange.— 2,973.95 Currency ________________ 1,700.00 Gold coin_________________________ 1,305.00 Silver, nickels andcents__________ 832.73 Total ______________________ $137,963.74 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis LIABILITIES Capital stock paid in___________ $ Surplus fund______________________ Undivided profits_________________ Dividends unpaid____ ___________ _ Individual deposits subject to check ___________________ Demand certificates of deposit— Time certificates of deposit-______ Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks________ _________ Notes and bills re-discounted____ Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund_____ Total 17,500.00 12,000.00 3,323.93 87,253.67 2,150.45 10,465.35 4,976.00 294.34 ------------------- -------------- $137,963.74 74 TWENTIETH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE Gook The Cook State Bank Johnson County. Charter No. 1044. G. G. Betzelberger_________ :_____ President Herman Elouke____ __________ Vice-President C. H . Bickel_________________________ Cashier ___________________________ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts_____________ $ 75,568.86 Overdrafts, secured and un 652.41 secured _____________________ ___ Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc_____ . _________ ______ Other assets_______________________ Banking house, furniture and 5,500.00 fixtures ____________________ Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expenses and taxespaid 2,060.06 Cash items______________ 1,146.48 Due from national, state and private banks_________________ _ 3,778.26 6,173.78 Checks and items of exchange__ Currency _________________________ 792.00 jGold coin________________ •_________ 785.00 793.40 Silver, nickels and cents_________ Total ______________ _______ $ 97,250.25 Cordova Capital stock paid in___________ $ Surplus fund_____________________ Undivided profits___ - _____ ______ Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check ___________________________ Demand certificates o f deposit--Time certificates of deposit_____ Certified checks_______ ___________ Cashier’s checks outstanding------Due to national, state and private banks__________________ Notes and bills re-discounted— Bills payable— __________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund------- Total ___________________ — 20,000.00 1,000.00 2,124.58 33,485.75 1,531.74 24,027.00 2,500.00 12,500.00 81.18 97,250.25 The Cordova State Bank Seward County. Charter No. 639. W . O. Southwick_________________ President L. E. Southwick_____________ Vice-President A. G. Burbank_____________________ Cashier L. R. Lull_______________ -Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES Loans and discounts'________ ____ $ 78,989.86 Overdrafts,secured and un secured _____________________ 1 ____ 82.03 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc_________ - ___________ Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and 2,450.00 fixtures _________________________ Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Interest paid______________ 452.36 Current expenses and taxes paid 1,127.61 Cash items____ _________________ __ Due from national, state and private banks___________ 16,092.14 Checks and items of exchange.— 856.29 Currency ____ 2,948.00 Gold coin__________________ 1,507.50 Silver, nickels and cents___ 719.91 Total ______________________ $105,225.70 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis LIABILITIES Capital stock paid in___________ $ Surplus fund______ _______________ Undivided profits_______ _______ Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check ___________________________ Demand certificates of deposit— Time certificates of deposit_______ Certified checks__________________ T Cashier’s checks outstanding__ 1_ Due to national, state and private banks__________________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Hills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund_____ Total 10,000.00 1,700.00 8,158.44 29,059.67 61,124.30 5.00 178.29 ______ - ______________ $105,225.70 75 SECRETARY OF THE STATE BANKING BOARD Cornlea The Cornlea State Bank Platte County. Charter No. 822. B. H . Schaberg___________________ President Peter Bender........................ — Vice-President J. L . Kroeger—--------------------------------- Cashier A. H . Niefur------------------- .Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5. 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts_____________ $ 74,564.26 Overdrafts, secured and un secured _________________________ 287.34 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures _________________________ 3,000.00 Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expenses and taxes paid 129.89 Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and private banks__________________ 5,936.17 Checks and items of exchange__ Currency _________________________ 1,655.00 Gold coin_________________________ 1,595.00 Silver, nickelsand cents___________ 1,026.87 Capital stock paid in___________ $ 15,000.00 1,800.00 Surplus fund_____________________ Undivided profits_________________ 278.60 Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check ___________________________ 27,033.41 Demand certificates of deposit— 2,161.98 Time certificates of deposit_____ 32,887.81 Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks___ . _____________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable_____________________ 8.88S.00 Depositors’ guaranty fund_____ 144.73 Total _________ ____________ $ 88,194.53 Cortland Total ______________________ $ 88,194.53 The Bank of Cortland Gage County. Charter No. 754. _____ President .Vice-President Fred Boesiger-----W m . P. Norcross. F. A. Burling_______________________ Cashier Frank Miltenberger_______ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. LIABILITIES RESOURCES Loans and discounts-------------------- $ 71,579.05 Overdrafts, secured and un 856.13 secured __________ - —----------------3,019.11 Warrants _______________ ________ Other assets---------------------------------Banking house, furniture and fixtures ________ ______ ------------■*-- 2,500.00 Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expenses and taxes paid 2,595.16 Cash items-----------------------------------Due from national, state and private banks---------------------------- 16,520.06 5.15 Checks and items of exchange— 2,541.00 Currency --------------------------------------800.00 Gold coin--------------------------------------334.88 Silver, nickels and cents-------------- Total Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis .$100,750.54 Capital stock paid in______ Ï___ $ Surplus fund_____________________ Undivided profits-.____ — !_____ Dividends unpaid_______ _________ Individual deposits subject to check __________________________ Demand certificates of deposit___ Time certificates of deposit_______ Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s cheeks outstanding------Due to national, - state and private banks__________________ Notes- and bills re-discounted-----Bills payable____________ — -----Depositors’ guaranty fund-------- Total 20,000.00 1,500.00 4,545.26 41,160.98 750.00 32,598.89 195.41 .$100,750.54 TWENTIETH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE 76 Cortland The Farmer: 5 State Bank Gage County. . Charter Vo. 1120. C. P. Potts------------------------------------President F. J. A. Hartwig----------------- Vice-President E. L. Pothast---------------------------------- Cashier ------------------------------------------Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DE DUMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts_____________ $ Overdrafts, secured and un secured ‘________ ____ ___________ Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets________________ _____ _ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ------------------Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expenses and .taxespaid Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and private banks__________________ Checks and items of exchange__ Currency --------------------------------------Gold coin________________ Silver, nickels and cents_________ Total 50,765.53 415.78 5,000.00 809.08 17,326.64 203.00 1,348.00 230.00 417.41 ---------------------------------- $ 76,515.44 Cotesfield Capital stock paid in— ________ $ 15,000.00 Surplus fund_____________________ Undivided profits_________________ 1,397.24 Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check ___________________________ 25,465.31 Demand certificates of deposit___ 219.00 Time certificates of deposit_____ 34,383.84 Certified checks___________________ Cashier's checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks__________________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund_____ 50.05 Total ______________________ $ 76,515.44 The First State Bank Howard County. Charter No. 879. C. C. Hansen-------------------------------- President Thomas Blanchard___________ Vice-President L. C. Madsen. ____ ____________ ------------------ Cashier Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES Loans and discounts_____________ $ Overdrafts, secured and un secured --------------------------------------Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures --------------------------------------Real estate other than bank ing house_______________ ________ Current expenses and taxes paid Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and private banks__________________ Checks and items of exchange—. Currency --------------------------------------Gold coin_________________________ Silver, nickels and cents_________ Total LIABILITIES 57,161.30 732.00 2,740.00 1,477.90 6,473.22 831.00 1,355.00 975.00 543.74 — ___________________ $ 72,289.16 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Capital stock paid in___________ $ Surplus fund_____________________ Undivided profits_____ ___________ Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check ___________________________ Demand certificates of deposit__ Time certificates of deposit_______ Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks__________________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund_____ Total 10,000.00 2,000.00 3,974.76 33,592.89 400.00 22,170.24 151.27 ...... ............ ........ .......... _$ 72,289.10 SECRETARY OF THE STATE BANKING BOARD Cowles 77 The Cowles Bank Webster County. Charter No. 800. Henry Gund_______________________ President C. P. Gund___ •__________ ____ Vice-President e ' T . Foe___________ __________ ____ Cashier ________________________ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT HE CEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts-------------------- $ 65,879.37 Overdrafts, secured and un secured ______ ________________ 408.52 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________ _______ Other assets--------------------------------Banking house, furniture and fixtures _________________________ 4,500.00 Real estate other than bank ing house---------------------------------7Current expenses and taxes paid 537.51 Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and private banks---------------------------2,591.15 Checks and items of exchange... 122.43 Currency _____________ 588.00 Gold coin_________________________ 950.00 297.41 Silver, nickels and cents---------------- Capital stock paid in ..............—-$ 15,000.00 Surplus fund--------------------------------3,500.00 Undivided profits--------------------------2,550.91 Dividends unpaid-------------------------Individual deposits subject to check ___________________________ 30,786.13 Demand certificates of deposit— 875.95 Time certificates of deposit-------- 23,017.87 Certified checks------------------ ---------CJashier’s checks outstanding------Due to national, state and private banks---------------------------Notes and bills re-discounted----Bills payable--------------------------------Depositors’ guaranty fund------143.53 Total ______________ _______ $ 75,874.39 Cozad Total ___ ---------------------------- $ 75,874.39 The Cozad State Bank Dawson County. Charter No. 870. Wm. McLaughlin____ ^ -----------------President A. L. Davis__________________ Vice-President R. S. Thornton. - --------------------------- _______ ____ Cashier .Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. LIABILITIES RESOURCES Loans and discounts---------------------5 50,114.43 Overdrafts, secured and un 89.41 secured _________________________ Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc----------------------- ---------Other assets---------------------------------Banking house, furniture and 1,489.27 fixtures ------------------------------------Real estate other than bank ing house-------------------------------- Current expenses and taxes paid 9,349.82 Cash items-----------------------------------Due from national, state and private banks---------------------------- 12,590.19 13.45 Checks and items of exchange... 3.043.00 Currency --------------------------------------3.515.00 Gold coin----------------- --------------------1,668.93 Silver, nickels and cents-------------Total Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis .$ 81,873.50 Capital stock paid in-------- ---------3 Surplus fund--------------------------------Undivided profits--------------------------Dividends unpaid-------------------------Individual deposits subject to check ______________________ ____ Demand certificates o f deposit... Time certificates of deposit-------Certified checks-----------------------------Cashier’s checks outstanding------Due to national, state and private banks---------------------------Notes and bills re-discounted----Bills payable--------------------------------Depositors’ guaranty fund-------- Total 15,000.00 12,835.74 37,051.88 16,851.47 134.41 .$ 81,873.50 TWENTIETH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE Crab Orchard The Bank of Crab Orchard Johnson County. Charter No. 104. B ---------------------------------President O. A. Bailey--------------------------- Vice-President r.' T. R. Richardson________ ............ — ______ __________ Assistant Cashier Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts_______ _____ $ 71,444.38 Overdrafts, secured and un secured --------------------------------------------1,359.68 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets__________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures --------------------------------------5,000.00 Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expenses and taxes paid 2,719.10 Cash items________________ 2,209.26 Due from national, state and private banks____________ 3,700.46 Checks anjl items of exchange... 317.19 Currency --------------------------------------1,166.00 Gold coin__________________ 515.00 Silver, nickels and cents___ 231.68 Total .$ 88,662.75 Crab Orchard Capital stock paid in----------------- $ Surplus fund_____________________ Undivided profits_________________ Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check -----------------------------------------Demand certificates of deposit— Time certificates of deposit_____ Certified cheeks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private b a n k s..._______________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund_____ Total 25,000.00 3,092.49 37,242.09 22,873.62 321.22 133.33 -$ 88,662.75 The Farmers State Bank Johnson County. Charter No. 818. I. S. Platt________________________ President Solon Bacon------------------- ------- Vice-President H . C. Platt. ______ ____ _ ------------------ Cashier Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES Loans and discounts_____________ $ 36,118.59 Overdrafts, secured and un secured _________________________ 637.74 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc___________________________ 137.10 Other assets..____________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ----------------------- :________ 3,330.00 Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expenses and taxes paid 1,108.41 Cash items________ 113.77 Due from national, state and private banks__________________ 2,267.25 Checks and items of exchange... 267.51 Currency ________________ 1,151.00 Gold coin------------------------------,_____ 385.00 Silver, nickesl and cents_________ 520.51 Total ....................................... $ 46,036.88 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis LIABILITIES Capital stock paid in___________ $ 10,000.00 Surplus fund----------- ;_____________ 2,000.00 Undivided profits___________________ 1,547.67 Dividends unpaid_____________ ____ Individual deposits subject to check ------------------------------------------ 18,866.69 Demand certificates of deposit.._ 1,469.83 Time certificates of deposit_____ 9,058.37 Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks__________________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable_____________________ 3,000.00 Depositors’ guaranty fund_____ 94.32 Total .................... ..................$ 46,036.88 r Ì SECRETARY OF THE STATE BANKING BOARD 79 The Farmers State Bank Craig Burt County. Charter No. 755. _____ President Vice-President J. C. Martin. E. D. Martin. E. J. Martin_______________ ________ Cashier „____ -____________________ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. LIABILITIES RESOURCES Loans and discounts-------------------- $126,913.68 Overdrafts, secured and un secured _________________________ 1,399.69 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets____ ._________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ________________________ 3,453.00 Real estate other than bank 1,000.00 ing house_______________________ Current expenses and taxes paid Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and private banks__________________ 15,473.45 Cheeks and items of exchange— 7.01 Currency _____ 1----------------------------- 3,287.00 Gold coin_____________ ___________ 3,225.00 Silver, niekles and cents---------------702.25 .$155,461,08 Total Crawford Dawes Capital stock paid in___________ $ 21,000.00 Surplus fund_______________________ 1,140.00 Undivided profits--------------------2,598.78 Dividends unpaid.----------- ------------Individual deposits subject to check ____________________________ 58,664.74 Demand certificates of deposit— 1,554.34 Time certificates of deposit-------- 69,330.29 Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding------Due to national, state and 854.28 private banks--------------------------Notes and bills re-discounted----- , Bills payable---------------------------— 318.65 Depositors’ guaranty fund-------- .$155,461.08 Total The Commercial State Bank County. Charter No. 107. Leroy Hall________________________ President Andrew Vetter_____________ ..Vice-President Frank L. Hall----------------- - —. - - - —-Cashier M. G. Eastman_____ ____ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. LIABILITIES RESOURCES Loans and discounts-------------------- $237,958.39 Overdrafts, secured and un 718.84 secured -------------------- ;----------------Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc---------------------------------Other assets---------------------------------Banking house, furniture and fixtures ------------------------- - 11,652.50 Real estate other than bank ing house-----------------------------------Current expenses and taxes paid Cash items----- ----------------------------Due from national, state and private banks--------------------------- 39,832.85 968.08 Checks and items of exchange... 8,827.00 Currency Gold coin-------------------- ----------------ï ’ i i r ’ "8 Silver, nickels and cents-------------1,116.3« Total ______________________ $302,119.04 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Capital stock paid m----------------- $ 35.000.GO Surplus fund--------------------------------Undivided profits--------------------------6,806.o6 Dividends unpaid--------------------------Individual deposits subject to check ______________________ 153,401.06 Demand certificates of deposit— 2,087.29 Time certificates of deposit-------- 88,297..i Certified checks-----------------------------Cashier’s checks outstanding----- Due to national, state and private banks-------------------l,94o.27 Notes and bills re-discounted----Bills payable--------—— --------0Depositors’ guaranty fund-------o»i.o» tal _____ ______ ______ $302,119.04 80 TW E N TIE T H Creighton ANNUAL REPORT OF THE The Security Bank of Creighton * Knox County. Charter No. 466. H . A. Cheney. A. C. Cheney. .——.President .Vice-President A. J. Tunchurg---------------------------------Cashier H . W . Woodworth----------Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts__________ $242 083 83 Overdrafts, secured and un secured ____ ...__________________ 1 , 681.15 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc---------------------------------93.70 Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ------------------------------------- 13,000.00 Real estate other than bank ing house____________ Current expenses and taxes paid 6,582 S9 Cash items_________________ Due. from national, state’ and private banks-----------------------38,726.05 956 62 Checks and items of exchange____ Currency. ----------------------------------------9,451.00 Gold c o m --------------------- 1---------------2.650.00 silver, nickels and cents____________ 1,930.09 Capital stock paid in___________ $ 40,000.00 Surplus fund________________ 4 000 00 Undivided profits._______________ I 9 ’ 274 67 Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check -------...--------------------------------- 92,600.39 Demand certificates of deposit— Time certificates of deposit____ 146,116.59 Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding____ 5,781.11 Due to national, state and private banks---------------------------3,683.96 Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable--------------------------------- 15,000.00 Depositors’ guaranty fund_____ 698.61 Total ---------- — $317,155.33 Creighton 'Total .$317,155.33 The Bank of Creighton Knox County. Charter No. 475. Robert M. Peyton------------------------- President G. M. Peyton...--------------------Vice-President Chas. Atkinson_____________________ Cashier A. J. Scholz---------------- — Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts_____________ $197,828.36 Overdrafts, secured and un secured -------r— ______________ 2,684.09 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets___________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ------------------------------------8,000.00 Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expenses and taxes paid 3,914.82 Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and private banks._________________ 28,757.53 Checks and items of exchange... ’ 663.02 Currency --------------------------------------7,697.00 Gold coin--------------------------------------1,755.00 Silver, nickels anlcents.._________ 1,266.01 Capital stock paid in----------------- $ 25,000.00 Surplus fund--------------------------------5,000.00 Undivided profits_________________ 6,690.36 Dividends unpaid________________ I Individual deposits subject to check ------------------79,121.36 Demand certificates of deposit— Time certificates of deposit_____ 128,731.37 Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding____ 502.51 Due to national, state and private banks__________________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable--------------------------------7,000.00 Depositors’ guaranty fund_____ 520.23 Total --------------------------------- $252,565.83 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Total _____ ________________ $252,565.83 S E C R E T A R Y OF T H E ST A T E B A N K IN G B O A R D Creston Platte 81 The Citizens State Bank County. Charter No. 514. E. R. Gurney___________________ President E. T . Graham_______________ Vice-President S. T . Fleming_______________________ Cashier H . W . Luedtke__________ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5. 1911. LIABILITIES RESOURCES Loans and discounts_____________ $137,210.70 Overdrafts, secured and un secured _________________________ 2,352.44 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and 5,000.00 fixtures ________________________ Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expenses and taxes paid 2,477.51 56.16 Cash items____________________ —Due from national, state and private hanks__________________ 9,257.45 Checks and items of exchange... 23.50 3,726.00 Currency _________________________ Gold coin_________________________ 2,260.00 Silver, nickels and cents.._______ 336.95 Total ______________________ $162,700.71 Crete Capital stock paid in----------------- $ 25,000.00 Surplus fund_____________________ 2,500.00 Undivided profits_________________ 4,262.53 Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check ____________________________ 66,651.75 Demand certificates ofdeposit.._ 5,120.79 Time certificates of deposit----------- 48,859.64 Certified checks----------------------- ;----Cashier’s checks outstanding------Due to national, state and private banks-------------------- ------Notes and bills re-discounted----Bills payable_____________________ 10,000.00 Depositors’ guaranty fund------------------------ 306.00 Total ______________________ $162,700.71 The Crete State Bank Saline County. Charter No. 1003. T . II. Miller_________________ — ...President W . S. Collett____________ 1st Vice-President C. B. Anderson_________ 2nd Vice-President J. G. Miller-------------------------- ----------- Cashier Edward Dredla----------------- Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts------ -------------- $277,016.61 Overdrafts, secured and un secured _________________________ 9"8.84 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc__ ___________________ 14,174.45 Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ___ 3,632.30 Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expenses andtaxes paid 2,953.40 1,967.67 Cash items_________________ Due from national, state and private banks____________ 60,511.92 Checks and items of exchange— 6,915.51 Currency _________________________ 21,809.00 Gold coin___________________ 6,260.00 Silver, nickels and cents------ 8,634.06 Capital stock paid in----------------- $ 50,000.00 Surplus fund_____________________ 19,000.00 Undivided profits--------------------------4,795.89 Dividends unpaid.----------- ------------Individual deposits subject to eheck ___________________________ 92,220.17 Demand certificates of deposit— 210,503.54 Time certificates of deposit-------"Certified checks --------------------------J^O.OO Cashier’s checks outstanding------- 1/,890.9b Due to national, state and private banks--------------------------- 18,497.14 Notes and bills re-discounted----Bills payable-------------- ------- ---------oon Depositors’ guaranty fund---------sdu.ui Total Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis j __ $404,843.76 Total .$404,843.76 TW EN TIETH 82 Crete ANNUAL REPORT OF THE The First Trust and Saving Bank Saline County. Charter No. 1062. G. M. Murphey_____ _____________ President John Tully__________ .________ Vice-President J. H . Lohmann____ ____ ___________ Cashier H . V. Jelinek___________ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5. 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts_____________ $ 38,311.49 Overdrafts, secured and un secured ________ ________________ Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and Capital stock paid in— -------------$ 12,500.00 1,000.00 Surplus fund____________ __________ Undivided profits________________ 755.55 Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check ___________________________ 35,395.70 Demand certificates of deposit— Time certificates of deposit-------4,975.00 Certified checks-----------------------------Cashier’s checks outstanding------Due to national, state and private banks---------------------------Notes and bills re-discounted----Bills payable----------- ------- ------------Depositors’ guaranty fund-------76.35 fixtures _____________________ Real estate other than bank ing house__ _________ _____ _____ Current expenses andtaxes paid 175.06 Interest paid_____________________ 76.10 Due from national, state and private banks__________________ 16,027.01 Checks and items of exchange__ Currency _________ 65.00 Gold coin___ _____________________ 45.00 Silver, nickels andcents___________ 2.88 Total ______________________ $ 54,702.60 Grofton Knox Total ______________________ $ 54,702.60 The Farmers State Bank County. Charter No. 909. Geo. M. Ely______________________ President J. B. Kuehn________________ Vice-President ~ D. A. Matthews-. J. H . Reifenrath. ---------------- Cashier Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts________$126,369.48 Overdrafts, secured anti un secured — ____________________ _ 536.08 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc._;_______________ 400.00 Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ________________________ 4,500.00 Real estate other than bank ing house__________________ " Current expenses and taxes paid 3,433.97 Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and private banks-_________ 13,485.29 Checks and items of exchange.— 299.-14 Currency _________________________ 5,062.00 Gold coin_________________________ 110.00 Silver, nickels and cents__________ 974.05 Capital stock paid in___________ $ 25,000.00 Surplus fund_____________ ________ 10,000.00 Undivided profits_________________ 8,392.79 Dividends unpaid_________________ Total _______ ____ _________ $155,200.31 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Individual deposits subject to check ____ 45,783.15 Demand certificates of deposit— 7,182.48 Time certificates of deposit_______ 58,533.38 Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks__________________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund_____ 308.51 Total ______________________ $155,200.31 83 SECRETARY OF THE STATE BANKING BOARD Crookston The Bank of Crookston Cherry County. Charter No. 1035. C. H . Cornell_____________________ President M. V. Nicholson_____________ Vice-President C. H . Vanden------- --------------------------- Cashier ________ ________ — ........ ..Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. LIABILITIES RESOURCES Loans and discounts_____________ $ Overdrafts, secured and un secured _________________________ Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ------------------------------------Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expenses and taxes paid Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and private banks__________________ Checks and items of exchange... Currency _________________________ Gold coin_________________________ Silver, nickels and cents_______ Total 32,063.19 547.30 2,454.69 l|465?28 10,705.22 45.00 1,263.00 205.00 1,400.14 ______________________ $ 50,148.82 Culbertson Capital stock paid in___________ $ Surplus fund_____________________ Undivided profits--------------------------Dividends unpaid.------------------------Individual deposits subject to check ___________________________ Demand certificates of deposit— Time certificates of deposit-------Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checksoutstanding--------Due to national, state and private banks__________________ Notes and Bills re-discounted----Bills payable-------------- ----------------Depositors’ guaranty fund-------- Total 10,000.00 1,000.00 3,782.55 31,430.73 3,637.38 247.43 50.73 ______________________ $ 50,148.82 The Culbertson Bank Hitchcock County. Charter No. 1055. Geo. G. Eisenhart_________________ President Henry Eleven!_______________ Vice-President A. C. Eisenhart------------------------------- Cashier ------------------------------------------ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. LIABILITIES RESOURCES Loans and discounts__________ —_$ Overdrafts, secured and un secured ______________ ,---------------Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets______________________ Furniture and fixtures___________ Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expenses and taxes paid Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and private banks._________________ Cheeks and items of exchange... Currency --------------Gold coin_________________________ Silver, nickelsand cents----------------- Total Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 83,919.53 594.36 4,000.00 2,000.00 1,765.13 40,344.04 10,780.00 1,660.00 1,707.84 .$146,770.90 Capital stock paid in___________ $ Surplus fund_____________________ Undivided profits______________ .__ Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check __________________________ Demand certificates of deposit—_ Time certificates of deposit-------Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding------Due to national, state and private banks__________________ Notes and bills re-discounted----Bills payable________________ ______ Depositors’ guaranty fund-------- Total 20,000.00 2,500.00 4,505.95 73,092.40 _ 558.70 45,798.17 25.00 290.68 .$146,770.90 84 TWENTIETH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE Curtis The Curtis State Bank Frontier County. Charter No. 1129. C. M. Brown______ ....____________President R. G. Taylor.________________ Vice-President Van E. Peterson.. ____________________ _________ Cashier Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES Loans and discounts_____________ $ Overdrafts, secured and un secured ____________________ _____ Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures _________ Real estate other than bank ing house_____ ____________ Current expenses and taxes paid Cash items.______________________ Due from national, state and private banks____ ______________ Checks and items of exchange... Currency _________________________ Gold coin____ ____________________ Silver, nickels and cents_________ Total LIABILITIES 38,345.53 371.C9 1,550.00 800.00 2,852.19 4,117.91 173.70 1,070.00 880.00 381.23 ___ __________________ $ 50,542.25 Cushing Capital stock pai£ in______ ____ $ Surplus fund_____________________ Undivided profits_____________ Dividends unpaid_____________ ____ Individual deposits subject to check ___________________________ Demand certificates of deposit... Time'' certificates of deposit_____ Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding— ... Due to national, state and private banks__________________ Notes and bills re-discounted----Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund-------- Total 20,000.00 2,961.62 21,167.33 470.00 5,905.26 38.04 ______________________ $ 50,542.25 The Cushin >•State Bank Howard County. Charter No. 939. Frank J. Taylor_________________ President G. W . McMillen____________ Vice-President F. A. Myers----------------------- -,_______ Cashier Iona Myers_______________ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DE CEMBER 5, 1911. LIABILITIES RESOURCES Loans and discounts_____________ $ Overdrafts, secured and un secured _________________________ Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets_____ ________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ________________________ Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expenses and taxes paid Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and private banks__________________ Cheeks and items of exchange____ Currency ____________________ Gold coin_________________________ Silver, nickels and cents__________ Total 29,492.00 448.77 1,660.00 1,192.11 3,067.66 374.75 900.00 10.00 564.03 ____ _________________ $ 37,709.32 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Capital stock paid in___________ $ Surplus fund________________ ____ Undivided profits_________________ Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check ____________________________ Demand certificates of deposit.— Time certificates of deposit_____ Certified checks__ ________________ Cashier's checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks__________________ Notes and bills re-discounted____ Bills payable_________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund_____ Total 5,000.00 g,500.00 1,327.15 16,858.74 195.00 8,435.t9 3,300.00 92.74 ______________________ if 37,709.32 SECRETARY OF THE STATE HANKING BOARD Dakota City Dakota The Bank of Dakota City County. Charter No. 994. M. O. Ayers—____ ________________ President Geo. Carter__________________ Vice-President Harry H . Adair_____________________ Cashier __________________________ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. LIABILITIES RESOURCES Loans and discounts___________ --$159,383.30 Overdrafts, secured and un secured ________ ____________1____ Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc_______________ - ______ Other assets________ _____________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ________________________ 0,600.00 Real estate other than bank ing house__ ____________________ Current expenses and taxes paid 6,237.23 Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and private banks______ - __________ 47,378.89 Checks and items of exchange.-. Currency _________________________ 1,100.00 Gold coin_________________________ 2,0'O.on Silver, nickels and cents_________ 891.49 Total ______________________ $224,250.97 Dalton Capital stock paid in---------------- $ Surplus fund-------------------------------Undivided profits----------------- -------Dividends unpaid--------------------------Individual deposits subject to check ___________________________ Demand certificates of deposit—. Time certificates of deposit---------Certified checks-----------------------------Cashier’s checks outstanding------Due to national, state and private banks__________________ Notes and bills re-discounted----Bills payable--------------------------------Depositors’ guaranty fund-------- Total 20,000.00 4,000.00 9,317.89 71,490.42 1,464.14 95,558.20 22,016.o0 . 409.82 ______________________ $224,250.97 The Dalton State Bank Cheyenne County. Charter No. 1028. G. W. H. Willis_____________________ President II. Kleinke_______________ Vice-President J. L. Willis--------------------------------------- Cashier ------------------------------------------Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5. 1911. LIABILITIES RESOURCES l oans and discounts_____________ $ Overdrafts, secured and un secured _____________________ - — Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______ _______________ Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ________________________ Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expenses and taxes paid Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and private banks__________________ Checks and items of exchange— Currency _______ Gold coin______________________ . . . Silver, nickels and cents-------- — Total Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 38,099.22 284.90 3,333.33 3,359.92 10,110.00 550.56 2,452.00 445.00 265.45 .$ 58,906.38 Capital stock paid in----------------- $ Surplus fund_____________________ Undivided profits--------------------------Dividends unpaid.----------- ------------Individual deposits subject to check ___________________________ Demand certificates otdeposit— Time certificates of deposit----------Certified checks----------------- -----------Cashier’s checks outstanding------Due 10 national, state and private banks---------------------------Notes and bills re-discounted----Bills payable--------------------------------Depositors’ guaranty fund-------- Total 10,000.00 1,000.00 4,498.07 33,324.22 1-79 9,997.00 .$ 58, 906.38 86 TWENTIETH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE Danbury The Bank of Danbury Red Willow County. Charter No. 117. B . E. Ashton---------------------------------President ------------------------------------------------ Vice-President T . E. McDonald__________________ __Cashier J. W . Nutt...... .......... .......... Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts_____________ $ Overdrafts, secured and un secured _________________________ Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets_____ - ___________ ____ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ________________________ Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expenses and taxes paid Cash items________________ ________ Due from national, state and private banks__________________ Checks and items of exchange... Currency _________________________ Cold coin._____________ :_____ .Silver, nickels and cents_________ Total 97,624.18 312.22 8,300.00 3,003.43 37.10 27,765.26 9.15 5,739.00 5,980.00 778.76 ---------------------------------- $149,549.10 Dannebrog Capital stock paid in___________ $ 25,000.00 Surplus fund________________ 5,000.00 Undivided profits_________________ 4,565.51 Dividends unpaid_________________ 3,375.00 Individual deposits subject to check ---------------------------------- . ____ 34,536.51 Demand certificates of deposit... 15,274.15 Time certificates of deposit_____ '60,767.05 Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding____ 704.79 Due to national, state and private banks_____________ ____ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund______ 329.09 Total _____ ______________$149,549.10 The Dannebrog State Bank Howard County. Charter No. 118. C . C. Hansen-------------------------------- President T . J. Hansen------------------------- Vice-President C. M. Carlson_________________ _ ------------------------------------------ Assistant Cashier Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts_____________ $124,690.40 Overdrafts, secured and un-' secured ______ _>__________________ 791.54 Bonds, securities r judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ------------------------------------4,901.16 Real estate other than bank ing house____________ ____ _____ Current expenses andtaxes paid 3,550.87 Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and private banks___________________ 20,270.67 Checks and items of exchange... 707.02 Currency ------------------------4,243.00 •Gold coin__________________ 2— ___ 2,425.00 •Silver, nickels and cents____________ 211!24 Total Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ____________ _____ $161,850.90 Capital stock paid in.__________ $ Surplus fund--------------------------------Undivided profits_____ ___________ Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check ------------------------------------ 1 .. Demand certificates of .deposit... Time certificates of deposit_____ Certified checks____ __________ ____ Cashier’s checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private hanks__________________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund____ Total 15,000.00 3,000.00 6,722.76 29,775.02 1,122.66 89,896.55 15,941235 392.56 ......................... ................$161,850.90 SECRETARY OF THE STATE BANKING BOARD Dannebrog The First State Bank Howard County. Charter No. 992. Frank J. T a y lo r ...,______________ President C. Theo. Krough____________ Vice-President Chris Appel--------------------------------------- Cashier M. B. Appel---------------------Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. LIABILITIES RESOURCES Loans and discounts_____________ $ 95,700.63 Overdrafts, secured and un 717.14 secured _________________________ Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______ _______________ Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ________________________ 3,333.33 Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expenses and taxes paid 2,482.95 Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and 8,800.28 private banks_____________ . ____ Checks and items of exchange... 1,155.93 Currency ________________________ 2,810.00 2,415.00 Gold coin______________________ Silver, nickels and cents_________ 501.36 Total _____ .-_________ ..-....$117,916.62 Davenport Thayer Capital stock paid in___________ $ Surplus fund_____________________ Undivided profits_________ ________ Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check _______________________ Demand certificates of deposit... Time certificates of deposit_______ Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding------Due to national, state and private banks__________________ Notes and bills re-discounted----Bills payable-------------.'------------------Depositors’ guaranty fund-------- Total 10,000.00 5,000.00 6,127.75 40,883.39 382.26 55,270.14 253.08 ___________ ^_________$117,916.62 The Jennings State Bank County. Charter No. 120. W . H. Jennings___________________ President M. Jennings__________________ Vice-President H . B. Jennings----- ^----- i ------------------Cashier M. M. Jennings..------------Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. LIABILITIES RESOURCES Loans and discounts_________ $145,552.62 Overdrafts, secured and un secured _________________________ 2,184.49 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets__________________ T— Banking house, furniture and fixtures ___________________________ 3,500.00 Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expensesand taxes paid 4,401.58 Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and private banks__________________ 24,734.89 Checks and items of exchange._. Currency . . _______________________ 4.204.00 Gold coin_______________ ______ — 1,030.00 Silver, nickels and cents--------------------- 904.36 Total ______________________ $186,511.94 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Capital stock paid in___________ $ Surplus fund___ _________________ Uhdivided profits--------------------------Dividends unpaid_____ i__________ Individual deposits subject to cheek ____________________________ Demand certificates of deposit... Time certificates of deposit-------Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding------Due to national, state and private banks__________________ Notes and bills re-discounted----Bills payable--------------------------------Depositors’ guaranty fund-------- Total 15,000.00 5,000.00 5,522.27 86,393.64 14,302.16 59,834.19 457.08 ........................................ $186,511.94 88 TWENTIETH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE Davey The Farmer; 3 State Bank Lancaster County. Charter No. 756. H. L. Johnson---------------------- :------------- President Hanson------------------------------Vice-President J. M. Hanson------------------------------------Cashier Peter Nelson-------------------- Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DE CEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES Loans and discounts_____________ $ Overdrafts, secured and un-' secured ------------------------------- .,___ Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc___________ Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures Real estate other than bank_____ ing house Current expenses and taxes paid Cash items Due from national, state and private banks________________ Cheeks and items of exchange... Currency --------------------------------------Gold coin______________ ___________ Silver, nickels and cents_________ Total LIABILITIES 73,3X9.85 581.38 2,665.00 1,678.05 27,615.04 213.30 2,480.00 1,020.00 408.84 ---------------------------------- $109,984.46 David City Capital stock paid in___________ $ 8,000.00 2,000.00 Surplus fund_______________ Undivided profits_________________ 4,803.86 Dividends unpaid_________________ 25.00 Individual deposits subject to check ------------42,460.00 Demand certificates of deposit—. 3,942.36 Time certificates of deposit_______ 48,572.28 Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks__________________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund_____ 180.96 Total ----- ----------------------------$109,984.46 The City Trust and Savings Bank Butler County. Charter I ¡0. 1071. Chas. Stoops---------------------------------- President E . K. Crow--------------------------Vice-President C. O. Crosthwaite__________________ Cashier ------------------------------------------Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DE' ¡EMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts_____________ $ 61,621.87 Overdrafts, secured and un secured _________________________ Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc..________________ _____ 6,522.43 Other assets______________________ . Banking house, furniture and fixtures ________________________ Real estate other than bank ing house_____________________ Current expenses and taxes paid 122.32 Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and private banks__________________ 14.011.56 Checks and items of exchange__ Currency ______________ __________ Gold coin_________________________ 450.00 Silver, nickels and cents_________ 40.84 Capital stock paid in___________ $ 12,500.00 Surplus fund_____________________ 250.00 Undivided profits_________________ 2,270.37 Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check --------------_.----- _---------- _____ 67,629.23 Demand certificates of deposit—_ Time certificates of deposit_____ Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks__________________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable____________ .<____ ' __ Depositors’ guaranty fund_____ 119.42 Total _________ ____________ $ 82,769.02 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Total ----- -------- --------------------$ 82,769.02 SECRETARY OF THE STATE BANKING BOARD David City 89 The Butler County State Bank Butler County. Charter No. 1085. Arthur J. Evans____ ______________ President Joseph Sfiramek______________ Vice-President Clarence D. Coe._______________ ;■___ Cashier W . M. E v a n s..,_________ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5. 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts_____________ $140,487.15 Overdrafts, secured and un secured __________________ _______ 470.79 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc_____________________ _ Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and 3,500.00 fixtures ________ Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expenses and taxes paid 461.53 Bash items_______________________ 9.62 Due from national, state and private banks__________________ 37,941.58 Checks and items of exchange... 862.58 Currency ______________________ . . . 8,408.00 Gold coin_________________________ 1,890.00 Silver, nickels and cents_________ 627.40 Total ......... „ _____________ $194,658.65 Dawson Capital stock paid in___________ $ Surplus fund_____________________ Undivided profits_________________ Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check ___________________________ Demand certificates of deposit___ Time certificates of deposit_____ Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s cheeks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks__________________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund------ Total 35,000.00 1,500.00 3,602.65 78,928.14 4,746.94 68,814.76 1,835.35 230.81 ______________________ $194,658.65 The Dawson Bank Richardson County. Charter No. 670. Daniel Riley____ __________________ President L. A. Ryan_______ __________ Vice-President Dan. J. Riley__________ ____________ Cashier N. T . Riley_______________ Assistant Cashier Tom R. Riley_____________ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts..___________ $132,990.88 Overdrafts, secured and un secured _________________________ 272.22 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures _______________________ _ 3,500.00 Real estate other than bank ing house_______ i_______________ Current expenses and taxes paid 1,586.27 Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and private banks______ ___________ 43,785.84 Checks anditems of exchange.— 57.74 Currency _________________________ 2,542.00 Gold coin_________________________ 3,880.00 650.55 Silver, nickels and cents............— Capital stock paid in___________ $ 25,000.00 Surplus fund______________________ 18,000.00 Undivided profits_________________ 2,527.53 Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check ___________________________ 124,474.42 Demand certificates of deposit... Time certificates of deposit_____ 18,911.58 Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s cheeks outstanding------Due to national, state and private banks__________________ Notes and bills re-discounted----Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund-------351.97 Total ______________________ $189,265.50 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Total —____________________ $189,265.50 90 TWENTIETH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE Daykin The Jefferson County Bank Jefferson County. Charter No. 122. T ---------------------- - ——President A. P. Linden-------- ----------------- Vice-President F. W . Denney_______________________ Cashier F. E. Hemenover________ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts_____________ $ 87,995.64 Overdrafts, secured and un secured -----------------586.15 Bonds, securities, judgments, 1,400.00 claims, etc----------------------------. . . . Other assets______________________ Banking house,, furniture and fixtures ------------------------------------2,100.00 Real estate other than bank ing house_________________ Current expenses and taxes paid 840.85 Cash items________________ ______ Due from national, state and private banks___________ 21,281.06 Checks and items of exchange... ’ i04L4 Currency --------------------------------------5,196.00 Gold coin---------------------------840.00 Silver, nickels and cents___ 312.44 Capital stock paid in________ $15,000.00 Surplus fund_____________________ 3,000.00 Undivided profits_________________ 1,683.48 Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check ___________________________ 65,716.26 Demand certificates or deposit— 1,592.54 Time certificates of deposit____ 33,448.48 Certified checks_________________ __ Cashier’s checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks__________________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund_____ 216.02 Total Decatur .$120,656.78 Total .$120,656.78 The Farmers and Merchants State Bank Burt County. Charter No. 1005. H . D. Byram---------------------------------President ----------------------------------------------- Vice-President J. W . Hastings________ ------------------------------------------ Assistant Cashier Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5. 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts________ $ 27,094.98 Overdrafts, secured and un-' secured --------------------------------------319.34 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc________________ 323.00 Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and 1,000.00 fixtures ------------------------------------Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expenses and taxespaid 561.71 Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and private banks_____________ 3,487.14 Checks and items of exchange___ 451.54 Currency --------------------------------------1,446.00 Gold coin------------------------------350.00 Silver, nickels and cents____ 991.76 Total Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis .$ 36,025.47 Capital stock paid in___________ $ 10,000.00 Surplus fund----------------------------------2,000.00 Undivided profits___________________ 1,459.85 Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check ------------------------------------------ 13,748.71 Demand certificates of deposit--. Time certificates of deposit_____ 8,739.41 Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding.___ Due to national, state and private banks____ _____ _______ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund_____ 77.50 Total .$ 36,025.47 SECRETARY OF THE STATE BANKING BOARD Denton 91 The Denton State Bank Lancaster County. Charter No. 927. L. J. Dunn________ ______________ President W . M. Rowland_____________ Vice-President C. M. Rowland____ T_______________ Cashier ___________________________ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5. 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts_____________ $ Overdrafts, secured and un secured _________________________ Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ______ _________________ Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expenses and taxes paid Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and private banks__________ . ______ Checks and items of exchange____ Currency _________________________ Gold coin_________________________ Silver, nickels and cents_________ Total Deshler 54,030.99 649.30 2,800.00 1,022.08 7,065.26 209.20 3,310.00 300.00 421.48 __T________ __________ $ 69,808.31 Capital stock paid in___________ $ 10,000.00 Surplus fund_______________________ 2,000.00 Undivided profits___________________ 1,540.99 Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check _______ 23,619.01 Demand certificates of deposit— Time certificates of deposit_____ 30,387.39 Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checksoutstanding--------2,142.52 Due to national, state and private banks__________________ Notes and bills re-discounted----Bills payable__________ __________ Depositors’ guaranty fund_____ 118.40 Total ______________________ $ 69,808.31 The Farmers and Merchants Bank Thayer County. Charter No. 1057. John Rodenburg___ _______________ President Rudolph Koch________________ Vice-President H . M. Harms------------------------------------- Cashier ------------------------------------------ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT’ DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts-------------------- $162,579.12 Overdrafts, secured and un secured _________________________ 375.10 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets______________________ Bank'ng house, furniture and fixtures ________________________ 8,330.00 Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expenses and taxes paid 24.00 Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and private banks___________ 23,681.20 Checks and itemsof exchange.— 1,743.81 Currency _________________________ 5,962.00 Gold coin________________ ___ ____ 2,747.50 Silver, nickels and cents.—........ — 891.15 Capital stock paid in___________ $ 25,000.00 Surplus fund_____________ ________ 1,300.00 Undivided profits_________________ 3,499.47 Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check ___________________________ 65,034.22 Demand certificates of deposit____ 4,207.65 Time certificates of deposit_____ 106,903.35 Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding------Due to national, state and private banks__________________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable________ _____________ Depositors’ guaranty fund_____ 389.19 Total Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis .$206,333.88 Total .$206,333.88 92 TWENTIETH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE Deweese The State Bank of Deweese Clay County. Charter No. 829. S' F I . P. ---------------------------------President Shively-------------.---------- Vice-President W . E. Underkofler. ____ __________________ -------------------Cashier .Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts_____________ $ Overdrafts, secured and unsecured __________ ______________ Bonds, securities, judgments' claims, etc______________________ Other assets— ______________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ------------------------------------Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expenses and taxes paid Cash items____________ __________ Due from national, state and private banks________________ ____ Checks and items of exchange— Currency ------Gold coin_______________ 50.00 41L53 Silver, nickels and cents_ Total Be Witt Saline 33,474 23 123.32 1,200.00 19,463.70 179.98 2,095.00 --------------------------------- $ 56,997.76 Capital stock paid in___________ $ Surplus fund-------------------------------Undivided profits_________________ Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check -------------------------------------- Demand certificates of deposit— Time certificates of deposit-.-___ Certified checks_________ __________ Cashier’s checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks__________________ Notes and bills - re-discounted___ Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund_____ Total 5,000.00 3,000.00 387.48 24,229.01 24,300.34 80.93 _____ ____________ ___ $' 56,997.76 The Farmers and Merchants Bank County. • Charter No. 643. C. H . Buck__ _________ ______ _ ■ President H . Damkroger-------------- — — Vice-President J. R. Barger. C. W . Boggs. -Cashier -Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5. 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts .$112,452.93 Overdrafts, secured and secured _________________________ 1,036.13 Bonds, securities, judgments ~ claims, etc________________ 319.75 Other assets____________ I-I_IIIII! Banking house, furniture and fixtures ________________ 6,500.00 Real estate other than" bank ing house_____________ ____ _ Current expenses and taxes paid 244.95 Cash items_______________ 34.90 Due_ from national, state"’ and private banks__________________ 18,431.96 Checks and items of exchange_ 525.86 Currency _______________________ 894.00 Gold coin________ __ IIIIIIIIII 1,590.00 Silver, nickels and cents_________ 640.50 Total Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis .$142,670.9S Capital stock paid in___________ $ Surplus fund__________ ;__________ Undivided profits_________________ Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to cheek ___________________________ Demand certificates of deposit— Time certificates of deposit_____ Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks__________________ Notes and bills re-diseounted___ Bills payable____ _________ ,______ Depositors’ guaranty fund_____ Total 20,000.00 5,000.00 4,754.19 54,466.24 55,016.15 617.68 2,523.24 293.48 ---------------------------------- $142,670.98 SECRETARY OF THE STATE BANKING BOARD DeWitt 93 The Home State Bank Saline County. Charter No. 740. W . W . Barmby_____ _____ _______ President Henry Hahn_____ _____________ Vice-President Fred D. Wild-------------------------------------Cashier -------— ------------------------------ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. LIABILITIES RESOURCES Loans and discounts_____________ $ 61,439.18 Overdrafts, secured and un secured 040.17 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ 1,089.24 Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ________________________ 4,223.18 Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expenses and taxes paid 1,758.32 Cash items__________________ ._________ 231.12 Due from national, state and private banks----------- ----------------_ 5,535.35 Checks and items o f exchange___ 675.64 Currency _________________________ 2,029.00 Gold coin_________________________ 510.00 Silver, nickelsand cents:___________ 459.94 Total ______________________ $ 78,591.14 Diller Capital stock paid in___________ $ 20,000.00 2,200.00 Surplus fund_____________________ Undivided profits--------------------------2,961.24 Dividends unpaid-------— — ---------Individual deposits subject to check __ , ______________________ 27,893.38 Demand certificates of deposit— 23,39a.08 Time certificates of deposit-------Certified checks.--------------------------Cashier’s checks outstanding— — Due to national, state . and private banks---------------------------Notes and bills re-discounted----Bills payable_____________________ 2,000.00 Depositors’ guaranty fund-------141.44 Total ______________________ $ 78,591.14 The Hiller State Bank JeiTerson County. Charter No. 773. President .Vice-President A Mayborn A. Bell____ O. J. Mayborn---------------------------- -------Cashier _______________ ____ ______ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts--------------------$145,341.97 Overdrafts, secured and un secured _________________________ 1,324.91 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc____ :_________________ Other assets_________________ ____ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ________________________ 5,000.00 Real estate other than bank ing house_____________________ _ Current expenses and taxes paid Due from national, state and Silver, nickels and cents-------------1,458.69 private banks------------------------------- 22,788.37 Checks and items of exchange— 154.93 Currency --------------4,595.00 Gold coin---------------- --------------------180.00 Silver, nickels, and cents-------------1,458.69 Capital stock paid in___________ $ 20,000.00 Surplus fund__________________ — 2,500.00 Undivided profits__________ 1— 7,323.36 Dividends unpaid--------------------------Individual deposits subject to check ___________________________ 38,470.62 Demand certificates of deposit-— 341.53 Time certificates of deposit--------- 106,561.34 Certified checks___________________ 100.00 Cashiers’ checks outstanding----24.50 Due to national, state and private banks__________________ 5,177.09 Notes and bills re-discounted----Bills payable— ---------------------Depositors’ guaranty fund-------345.43 Total ______________________ $180,843.87 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Total ______________________ $180,843.87 TWENTIETH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE 94 Dixon The Dixon State Bank Dixon Count}7. Charter No. 759. Ed. O’Elaherty___________________ President L. B. Rahn___________________ Vice-President A. 6 . Rahn____ _________________ ____________ Cashier .Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. LIABILITIES RESOURCES Loans and discounts__ __________ $ Overdrafts, secured and un secured _______ _____ ___________ Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc____________ _________ Other assets_________________ ____ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ________________________ Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expenses and taxes paid Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and private banks________________ Checks and items of exchange-,. Currency _________________________ Gold coin__________ ,______________ Silver, nickels and cents_________ Total 65,145-19 867.60 3,900.00 1,976.51 33,795.83 328.39 1,497.00 595.00 941.11 _______________ ____ _ .$109,046.63 Dodge Capital stock paid in___________ $ Surplus fund_____________ ______ Undivided profits_________________ Dividends unpaid____________ , ___ Individual deposits subject to check ___________________________ Demand certificates of deposit___ Time certificates of deposit_____ Certified checks________ :__________ Cashier’s checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks___________ ______ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund____ Total 14,000.00 2,800.00 3,142.39 42,043.43 2,460.00 34,397.60 10,000.00 203.21 ______________________ $109,040.63 The Farmer: ? State Bank Dodge County. Charter No. 128. Ernst Fuerboff____________________ President John Bauer.----------- ______ ,___ Vice-President Herman Holsten_____________________ Cashier Will R. Iirabak__________ Assistant Cashier James H . Hook--------------- Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DE' 1EMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts_____________ $330,370.45 Overdrafts, secured and un secured ______________________ . . . 2,994.67 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures --------------------------4,000.00 Real estate other than bank ing house_____________________ Current expenses andtaxes paid 4,942.09 Cash items.______________________ 15.05 Due from national, state and private banks___________________ 35,050.79 Checks and items of exchange__ Currency --------------------------------------6,030.00 Gold coin__________________ 4,850.00 Silver, nickels and cents__________ 119.12 Capital stock paid in___________ $ 30,000.00 Surplus fund__________ 30,000.00 Undivided profits_________________ 21,264.09 Dividends unpaid______________ . . . Individual deposits subject to check ------------------------------------------ 89,854.80 Demand certificates of deposit__ Time certificates of deposit_____ 206,383.50 Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks__________________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable_____________________ 10,000.00 Depositors’ guaranty fund_____ 875.78 Total Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis .$388,378.17 Total S E C R E T A R Y OF T H E ST A T E B A N K IN G B O A R D Doniphan 95 The Bank of Doniphan Hall County. Charter No. 129. S. N. Wolbach_____________ ____ ..President E _____________________________ Vice-President H . E. Punic----------------------------------- ____________Cashier Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts____________ $142,670.17 Overdrafts, secured and un secured ----------------- -------------------170.72 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc---------------------------------Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ____ ________________ _— 4,000.00 Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expenses and taxes paid 267.45 Cash item s..--------------------------------Due from national, state and private banks_________ 31,904.61 Cheeks and items of exchange— 115.21 Currency _________________________ 1,582.00 Gold coin________________ 6,450.00 Silver, nickels and cents747.42 Capital stock paid in----------------- $ 20,000.00 Surplus fund_____________________ 7,500.00 Undivided profits--------------------------1,247.83 Dividends unpaid.----------- ------------Individual deposits subject to check ____________________ 73,123.03 Demand certificates of deposit... 16,978.95 Time certificates of deposit--------- 68,681.38 Certified checks-----------------------------Cashier’s checks outstanding------ , Due to national, state and private banks---------------------------11.95 Notes and bills re-discounted----Bills payable--------------------------------364.74 Depositors’ guaranty fund------- .$187,907.88 Total .$187,907.88 Total The Commercial Exchange Bank Doniphan Hall County. Charter No. 1146. H . A. Redman______ . . ____________ President L. J. Berg___________________ Vice-President Chas. M. Redman----- ----------------------- Cashier B. P. A. Redman______ ..Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts-------------------- $ 4,819.46 Overdrafts, secured and un secured _________________________ Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets---------------------------------Banking house, furniture and fixtures ----------------------- ,------------1,172.15 Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expenses andtaxes paid 266.13 Cash items.______________________ 1 -SiDue from national, state and private banks__________________ 15,309.05 Checks and items of exchange... Currency _________________________ 2,024.00 Gold c o in ...---------------------------------Silver, nickels andcents----------------359.59 Capital stock paid in----------------- $.15,000.00 Surplus fund--------------------------------1,142.07 Undivided profits--------------------------Dividends unpaid.----------- ------------Individual deposits subject to 4,024.82 check ______________________ _____ 55.00 Demand certificates of deposit... 3,130.00 Time certificates of deposit-------Certified checks-----------------------------Cashier’s checks outstanding------Due to national, state and private banks---------------------------Notes and bills re-discounted----Bills payable--------------------------------600.00 Depositors’ guaranty fund------ - Total Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis .$23,951.89 Total .$23,951.89 96 TW EN TIETH Dorchester ANNUAL REPORT OF THE The Citizens State Bank Saline County. Charter No. 961. N. W. P. Nelson— ---------------------------- President E. Nelson------------------------- Vice-President C. H . Nelson________________________ Cashier Henry Nelson_____________ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5. 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans anddiscounts_______________$156,244.41 Overdrafts, secured and un secured ____ 482.58 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims,etc.— ------------------------------1 , 000.00 Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ------------------------------------4,500.00 Real estate other than bank ing house_____ _________________ Current expenses and taxes paid 3,279.67 Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and private banks__________________ 40,786.45 Checks and items of exchange— 135.59 Currency --------------------------------------8,267.00 Gold coin--------------------------------------990.00 Silver, nickels and cents__________ 759.23 Capital stock paid in___________ $ 25,000.00 Surplus fund--------------------------------5,000.00 Undivided profits_________________ 6,056.56 Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check ------------------------_---------------- 58,760.27 Demand certificates of deposit—. 121,251.06 Time certificates of deposit_____ Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks__________________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund___ ... 377.04 Total ---------------------------------- $216,444.93 Dorchester Total _____ ________________ $216,444.93 The Bank of Dorchester Saline County. Charter No. 1138. J. W . Byers------------------------------------President W . J. Thompson---------------------Vice-President James Scherzer______________________ Cashier H . H . Edwards_______ — Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DU EMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES Loans and discounts_____________ $100,612.76 Overdrafts, secured and un-" secured ________________________ 478 ]3 Bonds, securities, judgments. claims, etc______________________ Other assets_____________ I________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures -------------- ---------- ,________ 7,300.00 Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expenses and taxes paid 2,221.47 Cash items__________________ Due from national, state and private banks__________________ 23,019.23 Checks and items of exchange____ 7.73 Currency -----------3,682.00 Gold coin_____ ___________________ 2,000.01 Silver, nickels and cents_________ 883.79 Total ---------------------------------- $140,210.11 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis LIABILITIES Capital stock paid in___________ $ Surplus fund_________________ Undivided profits_____________ . . . I Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check -----------------------------------------Demand certificates of deposit__ Time certificates of deposit_____ Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and ^private banks.____ _______ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund_____ Total 25 000 00 3,545 73 43,294.10 67,370.28 1,000.00 -------------------- ----------—$140,210.11 S E C R E T A R Y OF TH E ST A T E B A N K IN G B O A R O Dorsey 97 The Bank of Dorsey Holt County. Charter No. 983. Jaroslav Eolda____________________ President S. S. Welpton------------------------- Vice-President D. B. Welptom______________________ Cashier Jno. O’Donnell___________ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts_____________ $ 7,629.47 Overdrafts, secured and un secured - ________________________ 102.93 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ____________________ 1,079.75 Real estate other than bank ing house______________________ _ Current expenses andtaxes paid 2,636.56 Cash items_____ _________________ 75.01 Due from national, state and private banks__________________ 3,427.00 Checks and items of exchange... Currency . . . ______________________ 1,063.00 Gold coin_________________________ 85.00 266.26 Silver, nickels andcents__________ Capital stock paid in___________ $ 5,000.00 Surplus fund _____________ _______ Undivided profits_________________ 2,748.76 Dividends unpaid_________________ Total ___ — — . _________ $ 16,364.98 Douglas Individual deposits subject to check . . . ___________ ____________ Demand certificates of deposit... Time certificates of deposit_____ Certified checks_____ ____ ______ ___ Cashier’s checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks__________________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund_____ Total 7,989.29 604.39 22.54 ______________________ $ 16,364.98 The Bank of Douglas Otoe County. Charter No. 131. Chas. Marshall___________ ?._______ President A . H . Hostetter_____________ Vice-President J. L . Marshall. __________ :__.-,___ ------------------ Cashier Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts_____________$118,174.71 Overdrafts, secured and un secured — _____________________ _ 102.63 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc________________ ______ Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures . . . ____________ :________ 6,600.00 Real estate other than bank ing house______________ 1________ Current expenses and taxes paid 1,730.53 Cash items_____ __________________ Due from national, state and private banks__________________ 41,049.93 Checks and items of exchange__ Currency _________________________ 3,993.00 Gold coin_________________________ 3,025.00 Silver, nickels and cents_________ 867.28 Capital stock paid in ...'________ $ 20,000.00 Surplus fund______________ _______ 7,000.00 Undivided profits_________________ 3,418.88 Dividends unpaid.._______________ Individual deposits subject to check ___________________________ 102,827.79 Demand certificates of deposit... 1,078.50 Time certificates of deposit_____ 36,348.12 Certified checks___________________ 880.00 Cashier’s checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks._________________ 3,659.S5 Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund____ 330.44 Total ______________________ $175,543.08 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Total ___ _________________ .$175,543.08 98 TW EN TIETH DuBois ANNUAL REPORT OF THE The State Bank of DuBois Pawnee County. Charter No. 132. A. H. H . S. Pelton-------------------------------- President Parwell----------------------- Vice-President L . C. Parwell_______________________ Cashier ___________________________ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts___________ __$ 87,019.91 Overdrafts, secured and un secured ________________ ______ 2,032.91 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures _________ _______________ 5,000.00 Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expenses and taxes paid 1,345.58 Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and private hanks______________ 20,993.87 Checks and items of exchange... 1,369.80 Currency _________________________ 3,168.00 Gold coin— a_____________ 1,550.00 Silver, nickels and cents_________ 780.59 Total ............. .........................$123,260.66 Dunbar Capital stock paid in___________ $ Surplus fund___________ Undivided profits_________________ Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check ______________________ Demand certificates of deposit... Time certificates of deposit_____ Certified checks _________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks__________________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund_____ Total 15,000.00 3,000.00 2,281.61 59,261.82 43,476.64 240.59 ______________________ $123,260.66 The Dunbar State Bank Otoe County. Charter Vo. 133. Thomas Murray_______ President Hans P. Anderson_________ ..Vice-President Pred Haschenburger_________ Vice-President H . S. Westbrook___________________ Cashier Earl Seyfer----------------------- Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DE< EMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES Loans and discounts____________ $231,433.21 Overdrafts, secured and un secured --------------------------------------1,606.68 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets____________ _________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ------------------------------------6,500.00 Real estate other than bank ing house____________________ . . . Current expenses and taxes paid 1,595.70 Cash items_________ _____________ Due from national, state and private banks__________________ 32,690.11 Cheeks and items of exchange__ Currency _________________________ 2,744.00 Gold coin________ 10,225.00 Silver, nickelsand cents___________ 363.61 Total _____________________ $287,158.31 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis LIABILITIES Capital stock paid in___________ $ 25,000.00 Surplus fund-----------------------10,000.00 Undivided profits_________________ 4,556.90 Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check ------------------------------------------- 82,512.02 Demand certificates of deposit... 444.20 Time certificates of deposit_____ 164,034.45 Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks__________________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund_____ 610.74 Total ______________ ____ ...$287,158.31 99 S E C R E T A R Y OF T H E ST A T E B A N K IN G B O A R D Dunbar Tlie Farmers Bank Otoe County. Charter No. 996. A . Weiler---------------------------------------- President W . H . Bricknell-------------------- Vice-President A. M. Weiler_______________________ Cashier ___________________________ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts_____________ $ Overdrafts, secured and un secured _________________________ Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc____ ._________________ Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures _________________ r;______ Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expenses and taxes paid Cash items_____________________ _ Due from national, state and private banks _________________ Checks and items of exchange... Currency ____________________ Gold coin_________________________ Silver, nickels and cents_________ Total 86,765.14 805.27 2,400.00 1,500.00 406.49 15,904.64 163.52 1,077.00 1,540.00 1,559.76 .$111,621.82 Duncan Capital stock paid in .._________ $ Surplus fund______________ ___ . . . Undivided profits___________ Dividends unpaid______ ___________ Individual deposits subject to check . . . ________________________ Demand certificates of deposit__ Time certificates of deposit_____ Certified checks____ _______________ Cashier’s checks outstanding____ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Due to national, state and private banks______ ____________ Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund_____ 15,000.00 3,000.00 1,195.16 60.00 38,853.94 1,740.75 51,547.19 7.55 217.23 .$111,621.82 Total The Duncan State Bank Platte County. Charter No. 1093. Geo. P. Bissell____________________ President D. H . Harrington___________ Vice-President A. J. Lindley_______________________ Cashier ___________________________ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. LIABILITIES RESOURCES Loans and discounts-------------------- $ 47,179.41 Overdrafts, secured and un secured _________________________ 17.42 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures _____ I_____________ _— 3,100.00 Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expenses and taxes paid 980.09 Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and private banks_________ ________ 13,020.49 Checks and items of exchange.— 34.32 Currency _________________________ 2,558.00 Gold coin — ____________ 805.00 Silver, nickels and cents-------------1,451.83 Total Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis .$ 69,146.56 Capital stock paid in___________ $ Surplus fund______ ____ __________ Undivided profits_________________ Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check ____________________________ Demand certificates of deposit-— Time certificates of deposit_____ Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks____ - _____________ Notes and bills re-discounted----Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund_____ Total 10,000.00 2,142.42 24,781.31 1,800.00 30,321.06 101.77 .$ 69,146.56 100 TW E N TIE T H Dunning’ ANNUAL R EPOR T OF THE The Dunning State Bank Blaine County. Charter No. 944. H . L . Brinkerhoff_______ ___i _____President F. W . Field------------------- „-.-Vice-President C. M. Welch________________________ Cashier B. G. Crampton__ ______ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. LIABILITIES RESOURCES Loans and discounts— -__________ $ Overdrafts, secured and un secured _________________________ Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, ete.-_i__________________ Other assets__________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures --------------------------------------Real estate other than bank ing house______________ ________ Current expenses and taxes paid Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and private banks__________________ Checks and items of exchange— Currency ---------Gold coin--------------------------------------Silver, nickels and cents_________ Total 403.61 2,550.00 2,334.39 31,630.31 36.80 1,915.00 455.00 299.11 ----------- ---------------------- $ 76,875.89 Dwight Butler 37,251.07 Capital stock paid in___________ $ Surplus fund_____________________ Undivided profits_________________ Dividends unpaid-—______________ Individual deposits subject to check ____________________________ Demand certificates of deposit--. Time certificates of deposit_____ Cashier's checks outstanding____ Cashier’s checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks__________________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable______ ______________ Depositors’ guaranty fund_____ Total 10,000.00 1,200.00 3,537.71 46,638.95 10,398.59 5,000.00 100.64 _______ - _________ :___ $ 76,875.89 The Dwight State Bank County. Charter No. 774. John W . Burge___________________ President Mike Slosar___________________ Vice-President F. W . Tomes_______________________ Cashier ------------------------------------------Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DE CUMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES Loans and discounts_____________ $. 53,333.78 Overdrafts, secured and un 769.88 secured _________________________ Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc_______ _____________ Other assets_______________ . _____ Banking house, furniture and 2,400.00 fixtures ________________________ Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expenses and taxes paid Cash items_______________ _______ Due from national, state and private banks__________________ 34,382.15 Checks and items of exchange____ 8.12 Currency ______________ 1,861.00 Gold coin______________________ —. 1,370.Off Silver, nickels and cents..!_______ 683.20 Total ______________________ if 94,807.93 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis LIABILITIES Capital stock paid in___ _______ $ 10,000.00 Surplus fund________________________ 2,000.00 Undivided profits______ _______ —_ 2,301.24 Dividends unpaid___________ :_____ Individual deposits subject to check ________________________ 37,751.35 Demand certificates of deposit____ 11,721.77 Time certificates of deposit______ 30,895.52 Certified checks__________ _________ Cashier's checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks__________________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable..-__________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund_____ 138.05 Total ____ ____________ ____ $ 94,807.93 S E C R E T A R Y OF TH E ST ATE B A N K IN G B O A R D Eagle 101 The Bank of Eagle Cass County. Charter No. 839. Geo. Reitter, Jr___________________ President Geo. Reitter, Sr______________Vice-President G. J. Reitter_________________________ Cashier ___________________________ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DE CEMBER 5, 1911. LIABILITIES RESOURCES Loans and discounts— _________ $119,924.31 Overdrafts, secured and un 1,797.81 secured _________________ ________ Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc._____________________ Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures _______ 1_______________ 3,210.66 Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ 3,000.00 Current expenses and taxes paid 161.72 Cash items_____ _________________ Due from national, state and private banks__________________ 20,531.94 88.98 Checks and items of exchange____ Currency _________________________ 2,752.00 Gold coin_________________________ 2,840.00 Silver, nickels and cents_________ 583.82 Total _________________ ____ $154,891.24 Eddyville Dawson Capital stock paid in___________ $ Surplus fund_____________________ Undivided profits_________________ Dividends unpaid--------------------------Individual deposits subject to check ______ I_________________ _ Demand certificates of deposit— Time certificates of deposit_____ Certified checks___________________ Cashier's checks outstanding------Due to national, state and private banks__________________ Notes and bills re-discounted----Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund-------- Total 30,000.00 3,500.00 3,991.53 65,846.27 9,987.72 41,342.22 223.50 ______________________ $154,891.24 Th.e Eddyville State Bank County. Charter No. 737. Diah Woodruff____________________ President T. F. O’Meara_______________ Vice-President B. R. Hedglin............ .,-------------------„-Cashier R. O’Meara------- ----------------Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. LIABILITIES RESOURCES Loans and discounts_____________ $ 73,217.71 Overdrafts-, secured and un secured ________ ________________ 467.55 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures _________________________ 2,300.50. Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expenses and taxes paid 3,836.74 Cash items_______________________ 98.36 Due from national, state and private banks__________________ 7,379.35 Checks and items of exchange.— 353.47 Currency __________ 659.00 Gold coin_________________________ 1,480.00 Silver, nickels and cents_________ 949.25 Total ____ _________________ $ 90,741.93 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Capital stock paid in___________ $ Surplus fund_____________________ Undivided profits_________________ Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check ___________________________ Demand certificates of deposit— Time certificates of deposit-------Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding------Due to national, state and private banks__________________ Notes and bills re-discounted----Bills payable--------------------------------Depositors’ guaranty fund-------- Total 20,000.00 7,257.15 37,507.38 130.33 25,685.38 161.69 ............... ........................ $ 90,741.93 102 TW E N TIE T H Eddy ville ANNUAL REPORT OF THE The Security State Bank Dawson County. Charter No. 979. Geo. P. Rowell___________________ President W . H . Marshall_____________ Vice-President Geo. B. Hovland___________________ Cashier P. M. Cunningham______ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DE CEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts_____________ $ Overdrafts, secured and un secured __________ _______________ Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc_____________________ Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ------------------------------------Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expenses and taxes paid Cash items______ ________________ Due from national, state and private banks__________________ Checks and items of exchange... Currency --------------Gold coin--------------------------------------Silver, nickels and cents....:_____ Total 16,407.62 125.95 Individual 3,333.33 1,709.51 2,265.89 26.96 696.00 125.00 321.84 ---------------------------------- $ 25,012.10 Edgar Capital stock paid in___________ $ 10,000.00 Surplus fund_____________________ Undivided profits_________________ 1,727.88 Dividends unpaid_________________ deposits subject to cheek _____________________ Demand certificates of deposit... Time certificate^ of deposit_____ Certified checks___________________ Cashier's checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks—. . ___________ ___ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable_______ _________ ____ Depositors’ guaranty fund_____ Total 9,365.91 50.00 3,836.00 32.31 ____ _________________ $ 25,012.10 The State Bank of Edgar Clay County. Charter No. 136. H. C. Hart----------------------------------President Grace L. Walker............... .........Vice-President Bulter Hart______ ______ __________ Cashier ______ ____________________ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5. 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts_______ ______ $168,358.48 Overdrafts, secured and un secured _________________ ______ 3,018.52 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, e t c ....__________________ Other assets ____________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ________________________ 5,000.00 Real estate other than bank ing house-----------------------------------1 ,000.00 Current expenses and taxes paid 3,967.03 Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and private banks_______ ...________ 48,227.89 Checks and items of exchange... 1,445.56 Currency _________________________ 2,082.00 Gold coin____________ 4,360.00 Silver, nickels and cents_________ 764.97 Total Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis .$238,224.45 Capital stock paid in___________ $ 15,000.00 Surplus fund______________________ 10,000.00 Undivided profits_________________ 9,015.62 Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check ____________________________ 77,960.79 Demand certificates of deposit— 122,976.67 Time certificates of deposit_____ Certified' checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks.,____ ____________ 2,877.83 Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable— _________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund_____ 393.54 Total .$238,224.45 S E C R E T A R Y OF T H E ST A T E B A N K IN G B O A R D Edgar 108 The Clay County State Bank Clay County. Charter No. 724. C. A. Voorhees.__________________ President _______________________________ Vice-President F . A . Yoorhees_____________________ Cashier C. S. Voorhees___________ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. LIABILITIES RESOURCES Capital stock paid in..._________ $ Loans and discounts________ $172,146.16 Surplus fund__________ __________ Overdrafts, secured and un Undivided profits_________________ secured _________________________ 1,098.54 Dividends unpaid_________________ Bonds, securities, judgments, Individual' deposits subject to claims, etc______________________ check _______ ’___________________ Other assets______________________ Demand certificates of deposit__ Banking house, furniture and fixtures —, ____________ 5,000.00 Time certificates of deposit_____ Real estate other than bank Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding____ ing house_______________________ Current expenses and taxes paid 7,158.60 Due to national, state and Cash items_______________________ private banks__________________ Due from national, state and Notes and bills re-discounted----private banks.-,________________ 24,131.69 Bills payable_____________________ Checks and items of exchange... 1,445.43 Depositors’ guaranty fund_____ Currency ______________________ 2,073.00 Gold coin___________________________ 3,150.00 Silver, nickels and cents___________ 1,514.01 Total ______________________ $217,717.43 Edison Furnas Total 15,000.00 5,000.00 10,653.44 89,072.04 97,608.95 383.00 _____ ________________ $217,717.43 The Bank of Edison County. Charter ¿yo. 767. W . G. Springer........ .......................... President N. A. Pettygrove____________ Vice-President J. M. Mohney------------- ---------------------- Cashier F. P. Nielson..................Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. LIABILITIES RESOURCES Loans and discounts_____________ $ 38,970.62 Overdrafts, secured and un secured _________________________ 644.49 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets________________ --------Banking house, furniture and fixtures _____________ . . . ________ 3,300.00 Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expenses andtaxes paid 757.25 Cash items____________ __________ Due from national, state and private banks..________ 14,248.75 Checks and items of exchange... Currency ___________________ 1,431.00 Gold coin_________________________ 1,162.50 Silver, nickels and cents--------------337.54 Total ______________________ $ 60,852.15 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Capital stock paid in___________ $ Surplus fund_____________________ Undivided profits_________________ Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check __________ . . . ------- -------------Demand certificates of deposit__ Time certificates of deposit-------Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding------Due to national, state and private banks__________________ Notes and bills re-discounted----Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund------- Total 10,000.00 4,000.00 2,058.86 31,058.89 1,030.93 12,447.44 114.72 141.31 ...... ...................... ..........$ 60,852.15 104 TW EN TIETH Elba ANNUAL REPORT OF THE Tlie Elba State Bank Howard County. Charter No. 557. C. C.~ Hansen______________________ President Peter Jepson__________________ Vice-President Fred A. Skow. __ ------------------ Cashier Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Doans and discounts____$ 68,231.78 Overdrafts,secured and un-' secured _ .----------- . . . _■_ 650.67 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc_________ . __ 133.27 Other assets.!— ._________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures - — ___ _ ... ___________ 2 , 200.00 Real estate other than bank ing house____ __________________ Current expenses and taxes paid 1,766.90 Casli items__ ___ _____ i._________ Due from national, state and private banks________________ __ 12,475.62 Cheeks and items of exchange-— 158.26 Currency ______ _____ __________— 2,187.00 Gold coin________ i _______________ 1,717.50 Silver, nickels and cents_______ — . 666.73 Total ______________________ $ 90,187.73 Elba Capital stock paid in—_________ $ Surplus fund_____________________ Undivided profits.—______________ Dividends unpaid— a—. __________ Individual deposits subject to check ____________________ Demand certificates of deposit.— Time certificates of deposit_____ Certified checks.__________________ Cashier s checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks..—— . . . ________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund_____ Total 10,000.00 2,500.00 4,546.74 400.00 32,312.29 4,882.35 26,882.57 2,500.00 6,000.00 163.78 ______________________ if 90,187.73 The Farmers State Bank Howard County. Charter No. 1135. N. J. Paul_____ ___________ _______President N. O. Nelson---------------------------Vice-President Mark Holm_________________________ Cashier ________ ____________ _____ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts.—__________ if Overdrafts, secured and un secured — — ___ „j.._____ Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc.__________ __________ Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures _____ _____ — ’________ Real estate other than bank ing house.._____________________ Current expenses and taxes paid Cash ite m s.... . . ______ __________ ' Due from national, state and privates b a n k s...— . . ..______ Checks and items of exchange__ Currency _________________________ Gold coin______ i _________________ Silver, nickels and cents_________ Total Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 18,080.95 315.07 2,659.37 519.69 8,567.27 23.42 1,195.00 430.00 428.65 .$ 32,219.42 Capital stock paid in___________ $ 15,000.00 Surplus fund_____________________ Undivided profits.________________ 638.62 Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check ______________ 12,500.80 Demand certificates of deposit... Time certificates of deposit_____ 3,450.00 Certified checks___________________ Cashier's checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks__ _______________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Collections to be remitted or credited ________________________ 30.00 Depositors’ guaranty fund.____ 600.00 Total .$ 32,219.42 S E C R E T A R Y OF T H E ST ATE B A N K IN G B O A R D Elgin 105 The Elgin State Bank Antelope County. Charter Mo. 139. Geo. N. Seymour____ ____ _______ President M. S. Huffman____ _________ Vice-President W m . H . Campbell. ________________ ______ ____________ Cashier .Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts_____________ $312,411.17 Overdrafts, secured and un secured ___ __ 4,594.34 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures --------------------------------------- 10,000.00 Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expenses and taxes paid 2,430.22 Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and 31,318.70 private banks---------------Checks and items ofexchange.— 104.94 Currency --------------------------------------2,951.00 Gold coin--------------------------------------6,015.00 Silver, nickels and cents_________ 2,121.68 Capital stock paid in___________ $ 50,000.00 Surplus fund_____________________ $ 10,000.00 Undivided profits_______ 9,140.06 Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check ---------------------------------------;. . 123,204.17 Demand certificates of deposit.— 7,300.45 Time certificates of deposit_ 171,479.02 Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks__________________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund_____ 823.65 Total ------------------------- -------- $371,947.35 Elk Creek Total _________ ____________ $371,947.35 The State Bank of Elk Creek Johnson County. Charter No. 141. Fred E. Bodie_____________________ President 11. N. Libby_________________ Vice-President _______________ ,__ ___________________ Cashier II. W . Blume___ _________ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. LIABILITIES RESOURCES Loans and discounts_____________ $ Overdrafts, secured and un secured _________________________ Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets________________ ,_____ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ________________________ Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expenses and taxes paid Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and private banks___________ Checks and items of exchange__ Currency _________________________ Gold coin_________________________ Silver, nickels and cents_________ Total Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 68,903.20 20.03 3,500.00 987.23 15,600.26 1.01 4,271.00 40.00 588.19 .$ 93,910.92 Capital stock paid in___________ $ Surplus fund____________________ Undivided profits_________________ Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check ____________________ Demand certificates of deposit... Time certificates of deposit_____ Certified checks...___________ _____ Cashier’s checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks__________________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable____ ________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund_______ Total 15,000.00 3,000.00 2,619.05 48,228.13 11,826.47 13,092.00 145.27 93,910.92 10 6 TW E N TIE TH Elkhorn ANNUAL REPORT OF THE The State Bank of Elkhorn Douglas County. Charter No. 1075. J. M. Brunner____________________ President B. B. Baldwin______________________ Cashier _______________________________ Vice-President ___________________________ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts_____________$102,20*2.53 Overdrafts, secured and un secured _________________________ 540.19 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc__________ ... 5,100.00 Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ________________________ 3,286.90 Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expenses and taxes paid 2,795.58 Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and private banks___________________ 49,167.15 Checks and items of exchange.— 552.76 Currency ____________ —__________ 2,617.00 Gold coin_______ 1,195.00 515.98 Silver, nickels andcents------- . ------- Capital stock paid in___________ $ 20,000.00 Surplus fund_____________________ 1,725.00 Undivided profits_________________ 4,013.53 Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check . . . _________________________ 128,701.74 Demand certificates of deposit__ 13,162.90 Time certificates of deposit_____ Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding------Due to national, state and private banks__________________ Notes ‘and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund_____ 369.92 Total _____________ ________ $167,973.09 Ellis Total _________________ ____ $167,973.09 The Ellis State Bank Gage County. Charter No. 964. T J. E h Pierce _ ! Penner __ _____ : _____ President ____________ Vice-President Chas. Bonham----------------------------------Cashier L . D. Bonham------------..— Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. LIABILITIES RESOURCES Loans and discounts-------------------- $ Overdrafts, secured and un secured ______________ Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ___________________ Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expenses and taxes paid Cash items-----------------------------------Due from national, state and private banks__________________ Checks and items of exchange.__ Currency _________________________ Gold coin---------------- j.--------------------Silver, nickels and cents--------------Total Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 23,837.15 698.87 1,504.10 1 , 666.00 9S0.03 5,559.67 135.51 1,708.47 50.00 320.15 ..$ 36,460.25 Capital stock paid in___________ $ 5,000.00 Surplus fund_____________________ 400.00 Undivided profits_________________ 1,252.60 Dividends unpaid ------------------------8.00 Individual deposits subject to check . . . ________________________ 18,589.62 Demand certificates of deposit— Time certificates of deposit-------- 11,140.00 Certified checks___________________ Cashier's checks outstanding------Due to national, state and private banks_______ .'__________ Notes and bills re-discounted----Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund-------70.03 Total .$ 36,460.25 107 S E C R E T A R Y OF T H E S T A T E B A N K IN G B O A R D Elm Creek Buffalo The Farmers and Merchants Bank County. Charter No. 143. W . N. Garrison___________________ President A . M. Brown_____ ___________ Vice-President Lee Armstrong _____________________ Cashier __________________________ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts______ 85,901.66 Overdrafts, secured and un secured _________________________ 581.39 Bonds, ‘ securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets____________ __________ Banking house, furniture and 4,250.00 fixtures ____________________ ____ Real estate other than bank ing house____ v__________________ 2,863.58 Current expenses and taxes paid Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and private banks__________________ 20,439.12 145.42 Cheeks and items of exchange... 4,350.00 Currency ______ ________________ 300.00 Gold coin_________________________ 801.69 Silver, nickels and cents-------------Total _____________________ .$119,632.86 Elm Creek Buffalo Capital stock paid in___________ $ Surplus fund_____________________ Undivided profits_________________ Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check -----------------------------------------Demand certificates of deposit... Time certificates of deposit_______ Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks__________________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund_____ Total 20,000.00 3,500.00 5,300.41 53,437.81 773.20 36,398.44 223.00 . . . . __________________ $119,632.86 The City Bank of Elm Creek County. Charter No. 969. C. G. Bliss____________ ____ _______ President H. A. Wells_________________Vice-President Earl E. B lis s ...--------------------------------- Cashier . ------------------------- ---------------Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. LIABILITIES RESOURCES Loans and discounts:_____________ $ 59,109.11 Overdrafts, secured and un secured _________________________ 958.58 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets---------------------------------Banking house, furniture and fixtures ___________________ 3,300.00 Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ 375.43 Current expenses and taxes paid 1,888.69 Cash items-----------------------------------Due from national, state and private banks___________________ 12,168.99 Checks and items of exchange... 343.57 Currency _________________________ 2,398.00 Gold coin_________________________ 500.00 Silver, nickels and cents-------------802.25 Total Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis .$ 81,844.62 Capital stock paid in___________ $ 10,000.00 Surplus fund____ 7_______________ 700.00 Undivided profits_________________ 1,930.77 Dividends unpaid___________ _____ Individual deposits subject to cheek _______________________ 42,459.64 Demand certificates of deposit___ 2,073.45 Time certificates of deposit_____ 24,493.49 Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding..— Due to national, state and private banks__________________ Notes and bills re-discounted----Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund_____ 187.27 Total .$ 81,844.62 108 TW EN TIETH Elmwood ANNUAL REPORT OF THE The American Exchange Bank Cass County. Charter S o. 145. John P. Cobb-------------------------------- President B. I. Clements-—------------------Vice-President C. S. Aldrich_______________________ Cashier G. L . Clements___________ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts_____ ________ $144,230.01 Overdrafts, secured and un-' secured _________________________ 2,025.22 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc____ _________________ Other assets-—- __________________ Banking house, furniture and 7,000.00 fixtures --------------------------- -----Real estate other than bank ing house_________ - _____________ Current expenses and taxes paid 17,295.45 Cash items_______________________ 172.93 Due from national, state and 23,492.52 private banks______________ Checks and items of exchange— Currency ---------------------------3,649.00 Gold coin__________ - _____________ 3,750.00 Silver, nickels andcents___________ 1,509.99 Capital stock paid in___________ $ 25,000.00 Surplus fund_____________________ 5,000.00 Undivided profits_________________ .18,073.80 Dividends unpaid____ ____________ * Individual deposits subject to check ------------------------------------------ 46,852.20 Demand certificates of deposit__ Time certificates of deposit_____ 104,072.85 Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding___ 3,776.SO Due to national, state and private banks_____________ _____ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund_____ 350.47 Total .$203,126.12 Elsie Total .$203,126.12 The Commercial State Bank Perkins County. Charter No. 975. Robt. Taylor---------------------------------- President P. E. Beaumont-------------------- Vice-President S. J. O’Connor___________________ —Cashier G. M. O’Connor___ !_____ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts_____________ $ Overdrafts, secured and un secured --------------------------------------Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ---------------------------------------: Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expensesandtaxes paid Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and private banks ____________ — Checks and items of exchange.— Currency ______ :__________________ Gold coin_________________________ Silver, nickels andcents___________ Total Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 37,305.53 176.45 1,600.00 915.32 9,171.51 168.00 1,872.00 300.00 70.37 .$ 51,579.18 Capital stock paid in___________ $ Surplus fund_____________________ Undivided profits_________________ Dividends unpaid____________ ____ Individual deposits subject to check __________ Demand certificates of deposit.— Time certificates of deposit_____ Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks__________________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable— :__________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund_____ Total 5,000.00 2,704.78 26„472.39 504.00 16,872.30 25.71 .$ 51,579.18 S E C R E T A R Y O F TH'E S T A T E B A N K I N G B O A R D Elwood Gosper 109 The Home Bank County. Charter No. 1116. _____President .Vice-President D. B. Gano. Frank Eland. W . L. Tilden------. . ------------------------- ;__Cashier ________________ — ------- -Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1011. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts_____________ $ 51,952.31 Overdrafts, secured and un secured ________________ 283.10 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, e t c ...___________________ .Other assets________ _____________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ___________ 8,134.00 Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expenses andtaxes paid 441.30 Cash items_____________ i ________ 174.28 Due from national, state and 4,360.16 private banks__________________ Checks and items of exchange— Currency . ___ 2,220.00 Gold coin______ __________________ Silver, nickels andcents__________ 368.05 Capital stock paid in----------------- $ 25,000.00 Surplus fund--------------------------------2.676.03 Undivided profits--------------------------V Dividends unpaid----- ------------------- T Individual deposits subject to check ________________ _____ _____ 27,231.99 931.00 Demand certificates of deposit— 9,293.39 Time certificates of deposit-------Certified checks-----------------------------Cashier’s checks outstanding------Due to national, state and 249.95 private banks---------------------------Notes and bills re-discounted----2,500.00 Bills payable--------------------— 50.87 Depositors’ guaranty fu n d ..----- Elyria .$ 67,933.23 Total .$ 67,933.23 Total The Elyria State Bank Valley County. Charter No. 1103. A. A. Hayek_______________________ President W . F. Dawson_____ 1________ Vice-President W. M. Costello ------------------ Cashier Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. LIABILITIES RESOURCES Loans and discounts_____________ $ 26,476.58 Overdrafts, secured and un 498.62 secured _________________________ Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc---------------------------------Other assets..-------------------------------Banking house, furniture and 1,833.55 fixtures --------------------------------------Real estate other than bank ing house_____________________ — 769.90 Current expenses and taxes paid Cash items________ 1--------------------Due from national, state and private banks---------------------------- 15,392.72 35.35 Checks and items of exchange— 2,205.00 Currency --------------------------------------502.50 Gold coin-------------- ----------------------395.54 Silver, nickels and cents--------------Total Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis .$■ 48,109.76 Capital stock paid in___________ $ 10,000.00 Surplus fund__________________ — Undivided profits___________________ 1,582.70 Dividends unpaid— _____ ________ Individual deposits subject to check ___________________________ 25,257.70 Demand certificates of deposit— 1,290.41 Time certificates of deposit-------9,927.69 Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding------Due to national, state and private banks________________ Notes and bills re-discounted----Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund-------51.26 Total .$ 48,109.76 110 TW E N TIE T H Emerson ANNUAL REPORT OF THE The Farmers State Bank Dixon County. Charter No. 149. Fred Blume.. A. A . Davis. -------—— President ------ Vice-President Geo. H . Haase.. F. F. Haase______ ----------------- Cashier .Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts____________ $206,106 76 Overdrafts, secured and un secured _________________________ 94.23 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets_________________ I .I ll Banking house, furniture and fixtures _______________________ 2 , 000.00 Real estate other than bank ing house. _______ ______________ Current expenses and taxes paid 1,564.10 Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and private banks__________________ 62,011.16 Checks and items of exchange_ 251.74 Currency _________________________ 4.713.00 Gold coin_______________________ 5.535.00 Silver, nickels and cents.._I_— _I 2,351.61 Capital stock paid in___________ $ 40,000.00 Surplus fund_____________________ 2,000.00 Undivided profits_________________ 23,881.12 Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check ------------------------------------------ 89,141.81 Demand certificates of deposit... 883.79 Time certificates of deposit_______ 126,053.58 Certified checks___________________ 2,080.00 Cashier’s checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks___________________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable_______________ _____ Depositors’ guaranty fund_____ 587.30 Total ----------------------------------$284,627.60 Emmet Total ---------------------------------- $284,627.60 The Emmet State Bank Holt County. Charter No. 958. Ed. F. Gallagher----------------------- ...President I. F. Birmingham--------------- Vice-President W . P. Dailey____ ______ __________ Cashier ................................_............... Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5. 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts________ :____ $ Overdrafts, secured and un secured ----------...------------------------Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ------------Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expenses and taxes paid Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and private banks__________________ Checks and items of exchange... Currency --------------------Gold coin_________________________ Silver, nickels and cents_________ Total Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 36,302.76 386.86 1,000.00 402.00 142.80 9,018.04 255.17 1,115.00 Capital stock paid in___________ $ Surplus fund_____________________ Undivided profits_________________ Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check ---------------------------------------Demand certificates of deposit—. Time certificates of deposit_____ Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks__________________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund_____ 5,000.00 5,000.00 2,210.86 25,519.83 11,123.14 90.90 322.10 .$ 48,944.73 Total .$ 48,944.73 SECRETARY OF THE STATE BANKING BOARD Ericson 111 The Ericson State Bank Wheeler County. Charter No. 878. Erik Erickson. Jonas Warner. _____President .Vice-President Fred A. Cuscaden__________________ Cashier M. C. Cuscaden_________ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES Loans and discounts_____________ $ Overdrafts, secured and un secured — __________ ___________ Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures _________________________ Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expenses and taxes paid Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and private banks__________________ Checks anditems of exchange.._ Currency --------------------------------------Gold coin_________________________ Silver, nickels and cents______ . . . Total LIABILITIES 49,990.19 440.07 1,500.00 1,166.09 12,216.15 120.65 1,844.00 360.00 132.87. ______________________ $ 67,770.02 Eustis Capital stock paid i n .............___$ Surplus fund_____________________ Undivided profits_________________ Dividends unpaid_____ ____________ Individual deposits subject to check . . . --------------------------------------Demand certificates of deposit__ Time certificates of deposit_______ Certified cheeks___________________ Cashier’s cheeks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks__________________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund_____ Total 7,500.00 2,500.00 2,732.13 26,130.44 3,645.52 25,126.50 135.43 _____________ ________ $ 67,770.02 The Farmers State Bank Frontier County. Charter No. 151. L . R. Ewart------------------------------...President ------------------------------------------------ Vice-President H . N. Johnson_____________________ Cashier ------------------------------------------Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5. 1911. RESOURCES Loans and discounts_____________ $ Overdrafts, secured and un secured _________________________ Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ________________________ Real estate other than bank ing h o u se...____________ Current expenses and taxes paid Cash items,.______________________ Due from national, state and private banks_____________ Checks and items of exchange... Currency _________________________ Gold coin_________________________ Silver, nickgls and cents_________ Total LIABILITIES 94,918.59 684.22 5,000.00 300.00 1,386.42 33,152.10 408.36 2,015.00 2,320.00 832.02 _______________ ______ $141,016.71 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Capital stock paid in___________ $ Surplus fund_____________________ Undivided profits_________________ Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check ----------------.------------------------Demand certificates of deposit... Time certificates of deposit_____ Certified cheeks___________________ Cashier’s cheeks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks__________________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable_______ _____________ Depositors’ guaranty fund_____ T otal 15,000.00 3,000.00 2,444.85 84,539.36 33,140.63 2,660.20 231.67 ........................................ $141,016.71 112 TWENTIETH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE i-iiistis The Pioneer Bank Frontier County. Charter No. 941. £■ S. Tunis----------------------------------- President Or. K. Holbein------------------------ Vice-President ___ ____ _I.~I.IIII .Assistant Cashier Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts___ _______ 75,507.54 Overdrafts, secured and un secured __________ ______________ 1,622.89 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets_____________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures _____________________ 3,300.00 Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expenses and taxes paid Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and private banks__________________ 23,325.98 Checks and items of exchange__ 402.54 Currency _____ ___________________ 1,081.00 Gold coin_______________________ 3. 1,620.00 Silver, nickels and cents_________ 770.21 Total .$107,630.16 Ewing Capital stock paid in----------------- $ Surplus fund_____________________ Undivided profits_________ ____ Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check ---------------------------------------- Demand certificates of deposit... Time certificates of deposit_____ Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks___________________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund_____ Total 10,000.00 450 00 4 41,669.69 51,081.11 213.12 .$107,630.16 The Ewing■State Bank Holt County. Charter No. 561. M. F. T. Sanders. Whitternore. ------------ President — Vice-President J. L . Eisher__ A. E. Spittler.. ----------------- Cashier .Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DEiCEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts_____________ $152 071 48 Overdrafts, secured and un secured _________________________ 3,539.17 Bonds, securities, judgments ~ claims, etc______________________ Other assets_______________ I___~_2 Banking house, furniture and fixtures ________________________ 4,971.85 Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expenses and taxes paid Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and private banks__________________ 36,675.47 Checks and items of exchange... 1,850.73 Currency ________ !______________ _ 2.005.00 Gold coin..______________________ ~ 1.515.00 Silver, nickels and cents.________ 649.74 Total Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis .$203,278.44 Capital stock paid in 4i 25,000.00 Surplus fu n d ... Undivided profits less expenses 1,251.94 Dividends unpaid Individual deposits subject to check Demand certificates of deposit. 5,800.17 Time certificates of deposit 83,791.52 Certified checks Cashier’s checks outstanding___ Due to national, state and private banks 1,919.14 Notes and bills re-discounted. Bills payable 5,000.00 Depositors’ guaranty fund 428.91 Total .$203,278.44 113 SECRETARY OF THE STATE BANKING BOARD Ewing The Pioneer Bank Holt County. Charter No. 914. L. S. Butler_______________________ President J. X . Trommersh ausser_____ Vice-President S. W . Brion, Jr___________ A ______ Cashier ___________________________ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DE CEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts_____________ $ 74,040-23 Overdrafts, secured and un secured _________________________ 664.82 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and 4,800.00 fixtures _________________________ Real estate other than bank ing house__________________ ____ Current expenses and taxes paid 1,206.82 Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and private banks__________________ 15,760.57 Checks and items of exchange..261,65 Currency ___ 6,086.00 Gold coin_________________________ 100.00 Silver, nickels and cents-------------785.02 Capital stock paid in___________ $ 15,000.00 Surplus fund_____________ ______ 750.00 Undivided profits_________________ 2,911.51 Dividends unpaid___ _____________ Individual deposits subject to check _________ 49,549.25 Demand certificates of deposit__ 1,967.42 Time certificates of deposit_______ 27,549.75 Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks__________________ 5,800.00 Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable________ , -----------------Depositors’ guaranty fund-------■177.18 Total _____ ____ ___________ $103,705.11 Exeter Total ______________________ $103,705.11 The Exeter State Bank Fillmore County. Charter No. 747. W m . H . Wallace.________________ President C. A. Bickel________________ Vice-President H . M. Link--------------------—Cashier -------------- ---------------------------- Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. LIABILITIES RESOURCES Loans and discounts_____________ $103,166.38 Overdrafts, secured and un secured --------------------------------------84.53 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc__________ 7,000.00 Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ____ :_________________ - 4 , 000.00 Current expenses and taxes paid 620.65 Cash items________________ ______ Due from national, state and private banks__________________ 25,203.08 Checks and items of exchange... 108.87 Currency _________________________ 2,800.00 Gold coin_________________________ 1,162.50 Silver, nickels and cents_________ 512.09 Total Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis .$144,658.70 Capital stock paid in___________ $ Surplus fund______________________ Undivided profits_________________ Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check __________________________ Demand certificates of deposit__ Time certificates of deposit_____ Certified checks.._________________ Cashier's checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks___________________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable!____ ________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund_____ Total 25,000.00 10,000.00 4,897.33 61,698.23 42,830.28 232.86 .$144,658.70 114 TWENTIETH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE Exeter The Wallace and Company Bankers Fillmore County. Charter No. 1009. W m . H . Wallace-------------------------- President -------------------------- --------------------- Vice-President Win. P. Wallace ___________________ Cashier ---------------------;_____________ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts________$194,134.45 Overdrafts, secured and un 2,812.60 secured _____ _______________ „__ Bonds ____ '_______________________ 20,000.00 Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ________________________ 7,500.00 Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expenses and taxes paid 732.15 Cash items_______________________ 1 Due from national, state and private banks_____________ 60,237.47 Cheeks and items of exchange___ 58.74 Currency _________________________ 3,905.00 Gold coin_____ ___________________ 3,450.00 Silver, nickels and cents____ 769.96 Capital stock paid in___________ $ 50,000.00 Surplus fund_____________________ 10,000.00 Undivided profits__________ 4,439.40 Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check ___________________________ 101,720.67 Demand certificates of deposit.— 121,875.41 ' Time certificates of deposit_____ Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks__________________ 5,106.63 Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable__________________ . . . 458.26 Depositors’ guaranty fund_____ Total . . . . . ________________ .$293,600.37 Fairbury Total ______________________ $293,600.37 The Harbine Bank Jefferson County. Charter No. 153. G. L. W . H ansen..._______________ President W . Eldridge_____________ Vice-President L. M. Nelson_______________________ Cashier S. R. Merrell____________ Assistant Cashier H. H . McLucas------------ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5. 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts_____________ $535,420.80 Overdrafts, secured and un 1,978.35 secured _________________________ Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc____________ ________ 12,305.25 Other assets______________________ Banking house, 'furniture and fixtures ________________________ 8,972.73 Real estate other than bank ing house-----------------------------------2 , 000.00 Current expenses andtaxes paid 7,887.66 Cash ite m s...__________________ _ Due from national, state and private banks__________________ 208,924.60 Checks and items of exchange... 1,494.09 Currency ---------------------- 1__________ 39,696.00 Gold coin------------------4,845.00 Silver, nickels and cents_________ 3,289.64 Capital stock paid in___________ $100,000.00 Surplus fund--------------------------------- 14,000.00 Undivided profits_________________ 41,986.13 Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check ------------------------------------------ 360,904.27 Demand certificates of deposit... 4,235.08 Time certificates of deposit_____ 207,996.51 Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s cheeks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks__________________ 96,105.04 Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund____ 1,587.09 Total ______________________ $826,814.12 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Total ------------------------------- ..$826,814.12 SECRETARY OF THE STATE BANKING BOARD Fairbury 115 Tlie Goodrich Brothers Banking Company Jefferson County. Charter No. lot. L. W . Goodrich..............................President John Heasty...... ........................ Vice-President S. M. Bailey.___________ . Cashier E. R. Allen---------------------- Assistant'Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts................ $260,432.37 Overdrafts, secured and un secured --------------------------------------2,051.86 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc_______ 3,(500.00 Other assets____________ . . . . _____ Banking house, furniture and 3,891.96 fixtures ------------------------------------Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expenses and taxes paid 2,177.80 Cash item s..__________ 2,705.00 Due from national, state and private banks--------------------------- 132,833.09 Checks and items of exchange... 10,189.40 Currency --------------------------------------- 18,628.00 Gold c o in ...____ _________________ 11,305.00 Silver, nickels and cents_________ 2,010.25 Capital stock paid in------------------$100,000.00 20,000.00 Surplus fund--------------Undivided profits_________________ 8,643.15 Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check ------------------------------------------ 153,594.67 Demand certificates of deposit—. 84,301.17 Time certificates of deposit_____ Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding____ 241.67 Due to national, state and private banks_____________ 81,859.48 Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable________________ j____ Depositors guaranty fund_____ 584.59 Total -------------------- ------- ------$449,224.73 Fairbury Total ______________________ $449,224.73 The Fairbury Savings Bank Jefferson County. Charter No. 155. L. W . Goodrich..------------------------- President John Heasty-------------------------- Vice-President S. M. Bailey______Secretary and Treasurer ------------------------------------------ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5. 1911. RESOURCES Loans and discounts..___________ $ Overdrafts, secured and un secured ____________________ _____ Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures _________________________ Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expenses and taxes paid Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and private banks__________________ Checks and items of exchange.._ Currency _________________________ Gold coin.________________________ Silver, nickels and cents__________ Total LIABILITIES 86,384.00 27,966.58 1,055.40 51,337.10 961.64 2,330.00 2,500.00 193.09 ...... .......... ........... .......... $172,727.81 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Capital stock paid in___________ $ 25,000.00 Surplus fund-------------------------------5 , 000.00 Undivided profits____ ____________ 2 985 74 Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check, withdrawals— __________ 132,406.03 Demand certificates of deposit... 3,465.30 Time certificates of deposit_______ 3,570.00 Certified checks.. . . ______ . . . ______ Cashier’s checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks___________________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund______ 584.59 A Total ........ ........................... ..$172,727.81 TWENTIETH ANNUAL REPORT OP THE 116 Fairfield The Citizens Bank Olay County. Charter No. 156. C. L. Lewis_____ C. H . Epperson. _____President .Vice-President T . P. Shivley_____ _________________ Cashier ___________________ _______ .Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts____________ $170,321.29 Overdratts, secured and un secured ______________ __________ 3 , 063.54 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc____ . ________________ Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures --------------------------------------9,300.00 Real estate other than bank ing house_____ __________________ Current expenses and taxes paid 136.(9 Cash items_______________________ 325.00 Dae from national, state and private banks_____________ *____ 30.055.23 Checks and items of exchange... 455.31 Currency _________________________ 5,421.00 Gold coin____ 1___________________ 5,280.00 Silver, nickels and cents_________ 1,565.65 Capital stock paid in___________ $. 40,000.00 Surplus fund_____________________ 10,000.00 Undivided profits_________________ 12,676.77 Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check __________________________ 61,867.92 Demand certificates of deposit... 78,875.05 Time certificates of deposit_____ Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s cheeks outstanding.__ _ Due to national, state and private banks__________________ 22,160.25 Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund_____ 343.72 Total _____ ________________ $225,923.71 Fairfield Total ___________ __________ $225,923.71 The Farmers and Merchants Bank Clay County. Charter Xo. 1022 H . E. Potter______________ ______ President Joseph Kyne_________________ Vice-President Geo. W . Cobel_____________________ Cashier Ward B. Spatz___ _______ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES Toans and discounts..:___________ $105,871.35 Overdrafts, secured and un secured _________________________ 1,087.86 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc____ __________________ Other assets________________ ______ Banking house, furniture and fixtures _____________________ I . . . 8,275.00 Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expenses and taxes paid Cash items______ ________________ Due from national, state and private banks____________ . . . . . . 12,717.41 Check« and items of exchange... 486.08 Currency _________________ 1,990.00 Gold coin________________ 4,000.00 Silver, nickels and cents_ 681.55 Total ______________________$135,109.¿0 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis LIABILITIES Capital stock paid in_____ _____ $ Surplus fund_____________________ Undivided p ro fits...._________ ;___ Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check _________________________ Demand certificates of deposit____ Time certificates of deposit_____ Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks___________________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable____________ !.________ Depositors’ guaranty fund_____ Total 25,000.00 7,000.00 736.82 45,084.75 1,956.32 55,119.53 211.8S ______________________ $135,109.30 SECRETARY OF THE STATE BANKING BOARD Fairmont 117 The Farmers State Bank Fillmore County. Charter No. 1006. Geo. E. Aldrieh___._______________ President B. E. Aldrich _________ ___ Vice-President Francis F. Putlitz. Bernice I. Dennis— ___________ Cashier .Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1011. ‘ LIABILITIES RESOURCES Loans and discounts_____________ $211,938.34 Overdratts. secured and un secured ________________ ________ 3,G90.48 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc--------------. . . --------------Other assets-------------- ------------------Banking iiouse, furniture and fixtures _________ ______ T----------6 , 000.00 Real estate other than hank ing house___ :____ j-------------- —A _ Current expenses and taxes paid 4,100.36 Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and private banks__________________ 37,002.08 Checks and items of exchange... 723.53 Currency _________________________ 5,867.00 Gold coin_________________________ 1,430.00 Silver, nickels and cents.------------1,486.04 Total _____________ 1__ , . — $272,237.83 Fairmont Capital stock, paid in----------------- $ 50,000.00 Surplus fund_____________________ 25,000.00 Undivided profits_________________ 6,464.00 Dividends unpaid_________________ i Individual deposits subject to check ___________ 82,702.54 Demand certificates of deposit___ 107,607.82 Time certificates of deposit_____ Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding------Due to national, state and private banks__________ ________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund___ _. 463.47 Total u_____ ____ __________ $272,237.83 The Bank of Fairmont Fillmore County. Charter No. 1100. President ..Vice-President Shelby Stines---------------F. C. Patterson---------- Leroy Stines---------------------------------------Cashier __________ _____ __________ Assistant Casnior STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts------------------- $ 33,391.07 Overdrafts, secured and un secured _________________________ 232.14 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc___ __________________ 547.64 Other assets---------------------------------Banking house, furniture and fixtures _________________________ 1,500.00 Real estate other than bank ing house...,---------------------------- rCurrent expenses and taxes paid Cash items-------- -------------------------- , Due from national, state and private banks.—------------------------ 19,380.38 Cheeks and items of exchange— 47.40 Currency ____ , -----------------------------3,625.00 Gold coin--------------------------------------250.00 Silver, nickels and cents-------------1,000./I Capital stock paid in----------------- $ 15,000.00 Surplus fund--------------------------------. Undivided profits above expenses 333.29 Dividends unpaid_____ ;----------------individual deposits subject to check ___________ 19,091.12 Demand certificates of deposit— 25,501.78 'lime certificates of deposit-------Certified cheeks-----------------------------Cashier’s checks outstanding------Due to national, state and private banks-----------------------------Notes and hills re-discounted----Bills payable--------------------------------Depositors’ guaranty fund-------54.lo Total ______________________ $ 59,930.34 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Total ______________________ $ 59,980.34 TWENTIETH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE 118 Falls City Richardson The Richardson County Bank County. Charter No. 158. J. L. Slocum. J . R. Cain__. --------President .Vice-President George W . Holland___________ .Cashier A. P. Schaible___________ Assistant Cashier B. K. Baker-------------------- Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts_____________ $352,638.59 ■Overdrafts, secured and un secured _________________________ 2,221.48 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ 13,055.00 ■Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures____ :____________________ 7, 000.00 Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expensesand taxes paid 3,492.28 Cash items________ ___________ ___ Due from national, state and private banks___________________ 87,913.78 Checks and items of exchange... 1,103.05 Currency --------------------------10,130.00 Cold coin________________ i________ 10,055.00 Silver, nickels and cents___________ 1,119.41 Total ---------------------------------- $488,728.59 Falls City Capital stock paid in___________ $ 50,000.00 Surplus fund--------------------------------- 20,000.00 8,832.26 Undivided profits_________________ Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check ------------------------------------------ 214,703.45 Demand certificates of deposit— 144,055.87 Time certificates of deposit_____ Certified checks___________ ________ 7,165.00 Cashier’s checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks_________ . . . . . ____ 43,130.94 Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable_______________ _____ Depositors’ guaranty fund_____ 841.07 Total ____ ________ ________ $488,728.59 The Falls City State Bank Richardson County. Charter No. 159. W . E. Dorririgton___ ____________ President E . P. Wirth-------------------------- Vice-President W . A Greenwald----------------------------- Cashier' Guy P. Greenwald----------- Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DE CUMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES Loans and discounts_____________ $216,911.88 -Overdrafts, secured and un secured --------------------------------------1,038.33 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ •Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures --------------------------------------- 13,200.00 Real estate other than bank ing house______________ ________ Current expensesand taxes paid 1,820.12 Cash items______ ________________ Due from national, state and private banks__________ . . . ____ 37,070.77 Checks and items of exchange... 1,311.47 Currency ------------------------Cold coin----------------------------------------5,050.00 Silver, nickels and cents____ _______ 2,045.14 Total Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ........................................$287,414.71 LIABILITIES Capital stock paid in___________ $ 75,000 00 Surplus fund--------------------------------- 15,000.00 Undivided profits_________________ 7 791 17 Dividends unpaid_________________ ’ Individual deposits subject to cheek _____________ ______________ 128 533.36 Demand certificates of deposit— 52,’097!80 Time certificates of deposit_____ Certified checks___________ ________ 575.00 Cashier’s checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks__________________ 8,067.94 Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable________ ____ ________ Depositors’ guaranty fund_____ 349.44 8,967.00 Total ............... — ............ .......$287,414.71 SECRETARY OF THE STATE BANKING BOARD Farnam 119 The State Bank Dawson County. Charter No. 703. Hugh R a lsto n ....---------------------------President J. H . Kelly..---------------------------Vice-President L . W . Ralston______________ _____ .Cashier C. R. Gastineau_________ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts_____________ $ 96,621.86 Overdrafts. secured and un secured _____ _____ _____________ 301.06 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets... . . . ________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures _________________________ 3,300.00 Real estate other than bank ing house____________ 1_________ Current expenses and taxes paid 936.04 Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and private banks____________ 22,276.07 Checks and items of exchange— 202.80 Currency _________________________ 2,487.00 Gold coin___________________ 3,537.50 1,099.17 Silver, nickels and cents___ Capital stock paid in___________ $ 20,000.00 Surplus fu n d ...---------------------------1,500.00 Undivided .profits_________________ 3,908.02 Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check _________________ Demand certificates of deposit... 39,626.58 Time certificates of deposit_____ Certified checks________ __________ Cashier’s cheeks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks_____ —,____________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund_____ 236.76 Total ....................................... $130,761.50 Farnam Total ____ ______________ . —$130,761.50 The Farnam Bank Dawson County. Charter No. 799. David Hanna---------------------------------- President C. L. Dunham-------------------...Vice-President S. P. Parker_____ __________________ Cashier W . Clark Jones__________ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES Loans and discounts_____________ $ Overdrafts, secured and un_ secured ________________________ _ Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets______________________ Banking house, \ furniture and fixtures _________________ !_______ Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expenses and taxes paid Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and private banks_______ . ______ __ Checks and items of exchange... Currency _________________________ Gold coin_________________________ Silver, nickels and cents_________ Total LIABILITIES 50,763.69 921.69 2 , 000.00 1,754.70 16,081.62 97.31 1,978.00 833.80 ___________ __________ $ 74,430.81 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Capital stock paid in___________ $ 20 ,000.00 Surplus fund—___________________ Undivided profits_________________ 4,725.73 Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check ---------------—_______________ 34,715.25 Demand certificates of deposit.._ 14,904.71 Time certificates of deposit_____ Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks___________________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund_____ 85.12 Total ............. .................. .......$ 74,430.81 65,490.14 120 TWENTIETH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE Farwell 'lie Farwell State Bank Howard County. Charter No. 719. A . 0 . Wichman___ ______ ________ President Gustav Sievers------------------------Vice-President ---------------- Cashier Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts_______________ 64 ,261. Overdrafts, secured and un-’ secured ___________ ;_____________ 325. Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture arid fixtures _______________ 2 Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ 2. Current expensesand taxes paid T Cash items_____ _________________ Due from national, state and private banks__________________ 8, Checks and items of exchange— Currency _________________________ 11 Gold coin_________________________ Silver, nickels and cents_________ Total ---------------------- _----------$ 84,127.85 Farwell Capital stock paid in___________ $ 10,000.00 Surplus fund , 0 0 0.00 Undivided profits_________________ 3 ,299.38 Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check ------------------------------------------ 30 626.66 Demand certificates of deposit-— 1 344.90 Time certificates of deposit_____ 32, 289.50 Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks__________________ 4 ,,374.93 Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund_____ 192.48 Total ---------------------------------- $ 84,127.85 The First State Bank Howard County. Charter No. 971. P . J. Taylor---------------------------------President George Irvine----------------------—Vice-President E. LarkowskL _________________ ----------------------Cashier --Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911 RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts_____________ $ Overdrafts, secured and un-' secured ______ Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc_____ ________________ Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures --------------------------------------Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expenses and taxes paid Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and Private banks---------------------------Checks and items of exchange— Currency --------------------------------------Gold coin--------------------------------------Silver, nickels and cents_________ Total Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 37,861.13 124.79 2,605.79 679.50 5,578.56 211.52 1,440.00 675.00 238.48 .$ 49,414,77 Capital stock paid in----------------- $ 10,000.00 Surplus fund-------------------- ________ 2,000.00 Undivided profits________________ 2 550 27 Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check — ------------------------ ------------ 10,278.05 Demand certificates of deposit— 968.25 Time certificatesof deposit_____ 23,520.88 Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks___________________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable.—____ _____________ Depositors’ guaranty fund_____ 97.32 Total .$ 49,414.77 SECRETARY OF THE STATE I ANKING BOARD Filley 121 The State Bank of Filley Gage County. Charter No. 616. W . P. Norcross____ » _____________ President l i . H . Norcross_____________ Vice-President Earl Norcross_________________ - ____ Cashier ___________________________ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT D! CEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts___ __________ $ 35,790.90 Overdrafts, secured and un secured _________ _______________ 627.43 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc.-—________ ______ Other assets.—___ ________________ ' Banking house, furniture and 3,270.70 fixtures ____________ - ___________ Real estate other than bank ing house____ ________ *_________ Current expenses and taxes paid 4,807.93 Cash items___ —___ _____________ Due from national, state and private banks____________________ 24,984.05 Checks anditems of exchange— 1,181.56 Currency _________________________ 592.00 Gold coin_________________________ 1,305.00 439.96 Silver, nickels and cents________ - Capital stock paid in___________ $ 10,000.00 Surplus fund___________ 2,000.00 Undivided profits_______ 6,474.79 Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check _________________________ — 51,062.77 Demand certificates of deposit— 3,330.88 Time certificates of deposit-------Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding------Due to national, state and private banks.-.------ ------------------Notes and bills re-discounted----Bills payable------------ ------------------Depositors’ guaranty fund-------131.05 Total ____ ___________ _____ $ 72,999.59 Firth Total ____________ - ________ $ 72,999.59 The Firth Bank Lancaster County. Charter No. 162. H H Kramer — —___ - ____ President Win. Kramer— ______________ Vice-President C. E. Groves------------------------------------- Cashier ------------------------------------------ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. LIABILITIES RESOURCES loan s and discounts___ - ________ $115,718.63 Overdrafts, secured and unecured _________________________ 1,131.95 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc________ ___ _— _______ 480.92 Other assets.——___ —---------- ------Banking house, furniture and fixtures _________________________ 3,300.00 Real estate other than bank ing house— _________ - _________ Current expenses andtaxes paid 6,512.56 Cash items--_______ _____ _______ Due from national, state and private banks__________________ 39,633.04 Checks and items of exchange— 219.89 Currency _________________________ 3,136.00 Gold coin_________________________ 4,495.00 Silver, nickels andcents_____ _____ 569.78 Total ___________ —------------- $175,197.77 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Capital stock paid in___________ $ Surplus fund_____________________ Undivided profits_________________ Dividends unpaid__________ ______ Individual deposits subject to check ___________________________ Demand certificates of deposit— Time certificates of deposit----------Certified checks.—- -----------------------Cashier’s checks outstanding------Due to national, state and ■private banks_______ :----------------v ntes and bills re-discounted----Bills payable..-__________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund---------- Total 15,000.00 3,000.00 10,143.23 67,688.64 ^5,643.00 73,393.76 329.14 ______________________ $175,197.77 TWENTIETH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE 122 Florence The Bank of Florence Douglas County. Charter No. 812. J. B. Brisbin_____________________ President Thos. E. Price______________ Vice-President H . T . Brisbin___________ —__________Cashier William Gordon_________ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5. 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Doans and discounts_____________ $ 81,691.54 Overdrafts, secured and un 1,081.10 secured _________________________ Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc_________ i ___________ 6,950.00 Other assets__________ ___________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ____________ 500.00 Real estate other than bank ing house_______________ ________ Current expenses and taxes paid 1,722.66 Cash items-______________________ 2,497.99 Due from national, state and private banks__________________ 21,047.22 Cheeks and items of exchange.— 623.10 Currency ____________ _____________ 2,008.00 Gold coin______________ 1,297.50 Silver, nickels and cents_________ 369.28 Capital stock paid in_______ :___ $ 5,000.00 2,500.00 Surplus fund_____________________ Undivided profits_________________ 3,367.79 Dividends unpaid— _____________ Individual deposits subject to check ___________________________ 72,584.61 Demand certificates of deposit-— 9,205.21 Time certificates of deposit_____ 26,884.56 50.00 Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks___________________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund-------196.22 Total ----------—........ .......... --$119,788.39 Florence Douglas Total —........ ............ ................$119,788.39 The Farmers State Bank County. Charter No. 1056. W . R. W all------------------------------------President ---------------------------------------- ------- Vice-President E. T. Parker_______________________ Cashier ------------------------------------------Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES Loans and discounts_____________ $ 24,239.74 Overdrafts, secured and un secured ___ - ____________________ 325.34 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures _________________________ 50(1.00 Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expenses and taxes paid 1,160.21 Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and private banks__________________ 3,263.01 Checks and items of exchange— Currency _________________________ 1,900.00 Gold coin.—______________________ 775.00 Silver, nickelsand cents___________ 451.79 Total Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis _____________________ -$ 32,615.09 LIABILITIES Capital stock paid in___________ $ 10,000.00 Surplus fund_____________________ Undivided profits___________________ 1,494.64 Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check ___________________________ 10,596.31 Demand certificates of deposit____ 3,934.40 Time certificates of deposit_____ 6,552.47 Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks___________________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund_____ 37.27 Total ___________ __________ $ 32,615.09 SECRETARY OF THE STATE BANKING BOARD Fordyce 123 The Fordyce State Bank Cedar County. Charter No. 936. Frans Nelson____________________ ..President A. J. Thoene_________________ Vice-President W m . Dirks___________________________ Cashier ___________________________ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. LIABILITIES RESOURCES Loans and discounts..___________ $ Overdrafts, secured and un secured _________________________ Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures _______________ __________ Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expenses and taxes and interest paid____________________ Cash items______________ j _______ Due from national, state and private banks__________________ Checks and items of exchange... Currency _________________________ Gold coin________________ ‘ Silver, nickels and cents_________ Total 54,571.33 349.54 2,125.68 1,440.29 8.93 8,387.97 10,000.00 1,400.00 2,425.95 19,433.51 2 ,0 0 6 .4 0 30,955.63 3,000.00 122.20 1,699.00 290.00 470.95 .$ 69,343.69 Fort Calhoun Capital stock paid in___________ $ Surplus fund_____________________ Undivided profits.—.______________ Dividends unpaid--------------------------Individual deposits subject to c h eck __ ____________________ Demand certificates of deposit™ Time certificates of d eposit...—. Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks___________________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable___ _________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund_____ ,$ 69,343.69 Total The Washington County Bank Washington County. Charter No. 798. Henry Rix_________________________ President May Rix______________________ Vice-President Ernest Rix---------------------- 1 _------------------ Cashier ___________________________ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. LIABILITIES RESOURCES Loans and discounts________ $147,345.76 Overdrafts, secured and un secured __________________ '______ 459.89 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc________ 5,600.00 Other assets__________ ___________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures _________________________ 8,000.00 Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expenses and taxes paid 32,242.11 Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and private banks__________________ 48,631.99 Cheeks and items of exchange... 328.26 Currency _______________ 1,353.00 Gold coin_________________________ 7,750.00 Silver, nickels and cents_________ 819.53 Total _________ ____________ $252,530.54 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Capital stock paid in___________ $ Surplus fund_____________________ Undivided profits_______ Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check ___________________________ Demand certificates of deposit... Time certificates of deposit_____ Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding------Due to national, state and private banks______ ____________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable________ :____________ Depositors’ guaranty fund_____ Total 30,000.00 6,000.00 35,440.79 89,245.23 91,377.41 458.11 _______ _____ ________ $252,530.54 TWENTIETH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE 1 24 Poster The Foster State Bank Pierce County. Charter No. 865. Prank E. A . Lambert___________________ President Kinkaid_______________Vice-President Geo. T . Lambert_____ _____ _______ Cashier ________ __________________ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DE CEMBER 5, 1911. LIABILITIES RESOURCES Loans and discounts_______ ______$ Overdrafts, secured and un secured _________________________ Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures _________________________ Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expenses and taxes paid Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and private banks__________________ Checks and items of exchange.-. Currency _________________________ Gold coin________ ,________________ Silver, nickels and cents_________ Total 38,787.56 213.04 1,974.51 1,014.90 14,271.85 3.65 1,781.00 150.00 523.44 _____________________ .$ 58,719.95 Franklin Capital stock paid in______ ____ $ Surplus fund___________ _________ Undivided profits________________ r Dividends unpaid.—. _____________ Individual deposits subject to check ___________________________ Demand certificates of deposit— Time certificates of deposit— ._ Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks------------- ---------------Notes and bills re-discounted----Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund-------- Total 10,000.00 100.00 1,917.08 28,247.32 14,463.93 3,923.30 68.32 _________________ ____ $ 58,719.95 The Franklin Exchange Bank Franklin County. Charter No. 163. G. E. Hail_________________________ President A . Hayden___________________ Vice-President H . J. Murray._____________________ Washier Win. H . Murray_________ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. LIABILITIES RESOURCES Loans and discounts_____________ $ Overdrafts, secured and un secured ______ Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc___ _______________ ___ Other assets___________ ___________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures _________________________ Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expenses and taxes paid Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and private banks____ _____________ Checks and items of exchange... Currency ____________ ______ . ____ Gold coin_____________________ ____ Silver, nickels and cents.—______ Total Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 99,525.61 644.84 6,500.00 2,430.09 36.‘73 21,773.60 7,095.22 1.956.00 1,700.00 638.54 .$142,300.63 Capital stock paid in___________ $ 20.000.00 1,000.00 Surplus fund_____________________ Undivided profits--------------------------5,233.59 Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check ___________________________ 57,508.39 Demand certificates of deposit— Time certificates of deposit----------- 50,608.83 Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks__________________ 7,726.95 Notes and bills re-discounted----Bills payable_______________ ______ Depositors’ guaranty fund-------222.87 Total .$142,300.63 SECRETARY OF THE STATE BANKING BOARD Franklin 125 The Franklin State Bank Franklin County. Charter No. 625. C. Hildreth____ :___________________ President A. A. Galt________________ ___Vice-President R. P. Galt__________________________ Cashier —_________________________ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts__________ .$147,611.17 Overdrafts, secured and un 903.52 secured _________________________ Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc_____________________ _ Other assets______________________ Banking nouse, furniture and fixtures ------------------------8,000.00 Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expensesand taxes paid 5,407.41 Cash items___________ ___________ Due from national, state and private banks__________________ 38,837.61 Checks and items of exchange... 759.05 Currency ----------------------------6,056.00 Gold coin_________________________ 125.00 Silver, nickels and cents.._______ 501.S7 Capital stock paid in___________ $ 25,000.00 Surplus fund_____________________ 2,000.00 Undivided profits_________________ 7,770.21 Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to 101,212.40 check . . . __ Demand certificates of deposit... 5,160.00 Time certificates of deposit___ 39,839.24 Certified checks_________ _____ ____ Cashier’s checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks______________ . . . . 16,807.87 Notes and bills ie-discounted___ Bills payable_____________________ 10,000.00 Depositors’ guaranty fund____ 411.91 Total ----------------------------- ---- $208,201.63 Fremont Total ______________________ $208,201.63 The Security Savings Bank Dodge County. Charter No. 164. J. W . Goff________________________ President J. T . May___________ ________ Vice-President Pearl E. Albertson____________ ...Treasurer -------- L'.--------:-------- ------------- Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES I.oans and discounts_____________ $150,821.15 Overdrafts, secured and un secured __________ ______________ Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ 8,459.91 Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ________________ ___ _____ Real estate other than bank ing house.______________________ 1,306.71 Current expenses and taxes paid Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and private banks.._______________ _ 21,376.17 Checks and items of exchange__ Currency :_____________ ________ ___ 562.00 Gold coin_________________________ 75.00 Silver, nickels and cents_____ ____ 106.13 Capital stock paid in___________ $ 18,000.00 Surplus fund_____________________ 6,000.00 7,782.95 Undivided profits_________________ Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check ___________________________ 148,661.29 Demand certificates of deposit... Time certificates of deposit_____ 1,900.00 Certified checks..______ __________ Cashier’s checks outstanding..__ Due to national, state and private banks___________________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable_______ r.____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund_____ 422.83 Total Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis .$182,767.07 Total .$182,767.07 TWENTIETH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE 126 Fremont Dodge The Home Savings Bank County. Charter No. 165. P. McGiverin_______________ ______ President Geo. L . Loomis_____________ Vice-President Otto H . Schurman__________________ Cashier _______________ ____________ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts________ $251,328.98 Overdrafts, secured and un secured _________________________ Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures _________________________ Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expenses and taxes paid 933.73 Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and private banks.:____________ 13,635.32 Checks and items of exchange— Currency _________________________ 1,500.00 Gold coin_________________________ Silver, nickels and cents_________ Capital stock paid in___________ $ 18,000.00 Surplus fund_____________________ 8,000.00 Undivided profits_______ 4,733.22 Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check ___________________________ 236,061.74 Demand certificates of deposit__ Time certificates of deposit_____ Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks___________________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund_____ 603.07 Total ______________________ $267,398.03 Fremont Dodge Total ________________ - ____ $267,398.03 The Fremont Trust and Savings Bank County. Charter No. 791. R. B. Schneider___________________ President E. R. Gurney________________Vice-President T . L. D. D. Mathews_____________________ Cashier Cashier Rowe______________ Assistant STATEMENT DE CEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts________ '____ $125,167.95 Overdrafts, secured and un secured _________________________ Bonds, etc_______________________ 3,500.00 Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures _________________________ Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expenses and taxes paid Cash items.. . . . __________________ Due from national, state and private banks__________________ 9,533.08 Checks and items of exchange_ 2,159.13 Currency _________________________ 3,420.00 Gold coin_________________________ Silver, nickels and cents____ - ____ 165.83 Capital stock paid in___________ $ 15,000.00 Surplus fund_____________________ 3,000.00 Undivided profits_________________ 2,128.93 Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check ___________________________ 119,865.38 3,624.10 Demand certificates of deposit__ Time certificates of deposit_____ Certified checks________________ ___ Cashier’s checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks___________________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable______ ______________ Depositors’ guaranty fund_____ 327.58 Total Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis . . . ___________________ $143,945.99 Total . . . ______ , ____________$143,945.99 S E C R E T A R Y O F TK-E S T A T E B A N K I N G B O A R D Friend Saline 127 Tlie Merchants and Farmers Bank County. Cnarter No. 686. C. W . Nunemaker_________________ President J. W. Gilbert-------------------------Vice-President C. E. Bowlby------------------------------------Cashier John Humphrey-------------- Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DE CEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts_____________ $115,738.62 Overdrafts, secured and un secured ________ 873.74 B onds-------------------------------------------6,489.96 Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures --------------------------------------8,000.00 Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expensesand taxes paid 2,188.13 Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and private banks__________________ 22,812.05 Cheeks and items of exchange... 4,515.74 Currency ------3,635.00 Gold coin-------------------------------------1,400.00 Silver, nickels and cents________ 858.29 Total -------------------- -------------$166,511.53 Friend Saline Capital stock paid in...... .......... ..$ 30,000.00 Surplus fund______________________ 10,000.00 6,992.79 Undivided profits_________________ Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check _________________ 60,895.43 Demand certificates of deposit... 57,323.94 Time certificates of deposit_____ Certified cheeks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding____ 1,052.59 Due to national, state and private banks__ ________________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund_____ 246.78 Total ______ _____ _________ $166,511.53 The First Savings Bank County. Charter No. 1073. L. E. Southwick---------------------------- President W . O. Southwick----------------- Vice-President S. F . Nunemaker____________ Vice-President A. H . Frantz___ . . . ________________ Cashier H . J. Southwick__________Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts_______ ______ $ 45,390.00 Overdrafts, secured and un secured _________________________ Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures _________________________ Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expenses and taxes paid 260.04 Cash items__________________ r____ Due from national, state and private banks__________ ________ 6,964.66 Checks and items of exchange__ Currency _________________ 500.00 Gold coin_________________________ Silver, nickels and cents_________ Capital stock paid in___________ $ 12,500.00 Surplus fund_____________________ 100.00 2,318.65 Undivided profits_______________ Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check ----------------------------------38,110.79 Demand certificates of deposit... Time certificates of deposit_____ Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks___________________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund_____ 85.26 Total Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis .$ 53,114.70 Total .$ 53,114.70 128 TW EN TIETH Funk Phelps ANNUAL REPORT OF THE The Funk State Bank County. Charter No. 826. A. G. Warren_____________________ President J. S. Johnson_______________ Vice-President A. Pranzen---------------------------------. ------Cashier L. A. Pranzen------------------Assistant Cashier JO. Pranzen_______________ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts_____ _______ $ 58,913.58 Overdrafts, secured and un secured ______ __________________ 703.07 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc---------------------------------Other assets.——- ____ __________ . Banking house, furniture and fixtures ___ _________ _______ :__ 1,000.00 Real estate other than bank ing house________________ :______ Current expensesandtaxes paid 825.23 Cash items______________ ________ Due from national, state and private banks___________ ____ :___ 7,475.33 Checks and items of exchange... Currency _________________________ 1,122.00 Gold coin_________________________ 2,150.00 Silver, nickels andcents__________ 588.58 Capital stock paid in----------------- $ 1 0 , 000.00 1,400.00 Surplus fund-------------------------------1,416.59 Undivided profits--------------------------Dividends unpaid___________ ______ individual deposits subject to check ___________________________ 27,103.50 Demand certificates of deposit— 27,692.63 Time certificates of deposit--------Certified checks-----------------------------Cashier’s checks outstanding------Due to national, state and private banks----------------------------Notes . and bills re-discounted----5,000.00 Bills payable.—. . -------- . --------------165.67 Depositors’ guaranty fund-------- .$ 72,778.39 Total Total Gandy The Gandy Bank Logan County. Charter No. 847. W . H . McDonald_________________ President John F. Newburn____ . . . ____Vice-President F. E. Peterson_____________________ Cashier _____________ - ____________ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts_____________ $ 53,726.53 Overdrafts, secured and un secured _________________ :____ . . . . 403.64 Bonds, .securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures _________ 3,200.00 Real estate other than bank ing house__________ ________ 1___ Current expenses and taxes paid 107.90 Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and private banks___________________ 34,447.07 Checks and items of exchange... 107.10 1,893.00 Currency _________________________ Gold coin_________________________ 2,145.00 Silver, nickels and cents_________ 408.85 Total Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis .$ 96,439.09 Capital stock paid i n ...________ $ Surplus fund_____________ _______ Undivided profits_________________ Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check ___________________ Demand certificates of deposit__ Time certificates of deposit_______ Certified checks..____ ____________ Cashier’s checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks____________ _______ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund_____ Total 10,000.00 2,000.00 4,937.02 67,753.59 86.00 11,515.06 147.42 .$ 96,439.09 S E C R E T A R Y OF T H E ST A T E B A N K IN G B O A R D Gandy 129 The Farmers Bank Logan County. Charter No. 940. W . H . M cLeay..----------------- „ —— President H. A . Tunnell----------------------Vice-President W . JJ. Quade_______________ __ Cashier ----------------------------- _--------- Assistant ""Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5. 1911. RESOURCES Loans and discounts_____________ $ Overdrafts, secured and un secured ---------------------------- -------- Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, e tc ..___ ________________ Other assets__ ___________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ___ .1 __________________ Real estate other than bank ing h ouse...___ ________________ Current expenses and taxes paid Cash items.——__________________ Due from national, state and private banks..________________ Checks and items of exchange... Currency Gold coin.i_____ ______________ Silver, nickels and cents_________ Total LIABILITIES 50,036.92 107.50 600.00 150.00 2,510.76 12,246.88 100.10 2,785.00 260.00 639.85 ----------- ---------- ------------$ 69,437.01 Garrison Capital stock paid in___________ $ Surplus fund____________ ________ Undivided profits_________________ Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check -----------------------------------------Demand certificates of deposit___ Time certificates of deposit_____ Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks_______ __________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund_____ Total 6,000.00 10,538.70 28,778.82 41.55 23,984.62 93.32 ______________________ $ 69,437.01 The Farmers and Merchants Bank Butler County. Charter No. 833. Jul Petermichel___________________ President W . C. Kirchman-------------------- Vice-President H . L. Mosgrove_____________________ Cashier ------------------------------------------ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES Loans and discounts_______ _____ $ 40,086.27 Overdrafts, secured and un secured ____ : . . . : _______________ _ 97.13 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, e tc ...___________ _______ Other assets_______________ ______ Banking house, furniture and fixtures _________________________ 3,300.00 Current expenses and taxes paid 2,297.13 Cash items'_______ _______________ Due from national, state and private banks__________________ 2,417.64 Checks and items of exchange... 9.40 Currency _____ 1,847.00 Gold coin______ ____ 345.00 Silver, nickels and cen ts..._______ 549.01 Total ____________ ______ . . . $ 50,948.58 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis LIABILITIES Capital stock paid in___________ $ Surplus fund_____________________ Undivided profits_________________ Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to cheek -----------------------------------------Demand certificates of deposit... Time certificates of deposit_____ Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks__________________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund_____ Total 10,000.00 1,300.00 2,397.67 12,572.43 224.26 24,356.07 98.15 ________ ____ ________ $ 50,948.58 130 TW EN TIETH Geneva ANNUAL REPORT OF THE The Citizens Bank Fillmore County. Charter No. 170. Peter Youngers____________________ President M. Bolton____________________ Vice-President John P. Davis________________ Vice-President Lewis F. Johnson____________ ______ Cashier W . H . Stewart___________ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DE CEMBER 5, 1911. LIABILITIES RESOURCES Loans anddiscounts_______________$159,353.19 Overdrafts, secured and un secured ________________________ 2,914.77 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ 2,912.76 Other assets _____________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures _______________________ 8,333.00 Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expenses and taxes paid Cash items______________ _________ Due from national, srate and private banks__________________ 45,276.06 Checks and items of exchange... 531.17 3,836.00 Currency _________________________ Gold coin_________________________ 5,905.00 Silver, nickels andcents___________ 969.48 Total . . . . . ____ _____ ______ $230,031.48 Geneva Capital stock paid in___________ $ Surplus fund_____________________ Undivided profits, net___________ Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check ___________________________ Demand certificates of deposit__ Time certificates of deposit-------Certified checks___________________ Cashier's checks outstanding------Due to national, state and private banks__________________ Notes and bills re-discounted----Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund_____ Total 25,000.00 3,500.00 2,063.19 88,149.94 99,979.15 7,245.36 3,624.25 469.54 — _______ ___________ $230,031.43 The Geneva State Bank Fillmore County. Charter No. 524. Frank W . Sloan___________________ President E. Sandrock________________ Vice-President E. J. Dempster...---------------------------- Cashier Job Smith________________ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts____ ^________$431,255.38 Overdrafts, secured and un secured ___________ _______:______ 10,450.37 U. S. Bonds_____________________ 5,500.00 Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures _________________________ 10,000.00 Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expenses and taxes paid 10,085.34 Cash items______________ 452.00 Due from national, state and private banks ____________ :____ 85,901.26 Checks and items of exchange__ 9,302.09 Currency _____ 15,242.00 Gold coin_________________________ 6,045.0(1 Silver, nickels and cents_________ 3,647.26 Capital stock paid in___________ $ 60,000.00 Surplus fund_____________________ 60,000.00 Undivided profits_________________ 23,451.59 Dividends unpaid______ ,__________ Individual deposits subject to check ___________________________ 206,023.86 Demand certificates of deposit... 219,212.08 Time certificates of deposit_____ Certified checks____________ ______ Cashier's cheeks outstanding____ 16,606.62 Due to national, state and private banks _________________ 1,600.30 Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund-------986.25 Total Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis .$587,880.70 Total .$587,880.70 131 S E C R E T A R Y OF T H E ST A T E B A N K IN G B O A R D Germantown The Germantown State Bank Seward County. Charter No. 790. E . R. Gurney-------------------------------- President M. E. Daily------------ :-------------Vice-President Aug. C. Beckman___________________ Cashier W . C. Grots.:____ _______ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES Loans and discounts_____________ $ Overdrafts, secured and un secured _________________________ Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures _______________________ _ Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expenses and taxes paid Cash items____________________ . . . Due from national, state and private banks________ Checks and items of exchange__ Currency _________________________ Gold coin_________________________ Silver, nickels and cents______ ___ Total Gibbon Buffalo LIABILITIES 86,537.35 1,208.72 Capital stock paid in__.................$ 12,500.00 1,500.00 Surplus fund_____________________ Undivided profits____ ____________ 3,209.86 Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual 3,150.00 2,377.97 378.13 16,886.25 200.23 2,305.00 2,415.00 1,137.63 ________ ____ ________ $116,596.28 deposits subject to check ___________________________ 36,062.87 Demand certificates of deposit-— 902.81 Time certificatesof deposit_______ 62,225.53 Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks__________________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund_____ 195.21 Total ______________________ $116,596.28 The Commercial Bank of Gibbon County. Charter No. 174. Chester Holloway---------------------------President Gage T. Holloway------------------- Vice-President O. C. Holloway_____________________ Cashier ---------------------------- -------------Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5. 1911. RESOURCES Loans and discounts_____________ $ 14,411.02 Overdrafts, secured and un secured _________________________ 11.60 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc_____________________ Other assets______________________ Furniture and fixtures________________ 565.00 Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expenses and taxes paid 149.05 Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and private banks___________________ 18,240.49 Checks and items of exchange— 94.75 Currency ,___ ;_____________________ 1,225.00 Gold coin_________________________ 570.00 Silver, nickels and cents_________ 591.81 Total ______________________ $ 35,858.72 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis LIABILITIES Capital stock paid in___________ $ 5,000.00 Surplus fund_____________________ 1,000.00 1,635.30 Undivided profits__________ Dividends unpaid___ - ____________ Individual deposits subject to check ____________________________ 28,145.64 Demand certificates of deposit— Time certificates of deposit_____ Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks__________________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund--------77.78 Total ____________ ; ________ $ 35,858.72 132 TW E N TIE T H Gibbon ANNUAL REPORT OF THE The Exchange Bank Buffalo County. Charter No. 175. H . F . Flint____ ___________________ President ------------------------------------------------ Vice-President 1. A. Kirk___________________________ Cashier W . C. Ogilvie____________ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DE CEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts_____________ $ Overdrafts, secured and un secured _L_______________________ Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ____________ ______________ Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expenses and taxes paid Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and private banks___________________ Checks and items of exchange.— Currency ____________ Gold coin_________________________ Silver, nickels and cents_________ Total 995.13 2,000.00 1,017.13 43,974.22 1,039.88 1,125.00 2,855.00 530.89 ______________________ $146,456.21 Gilead Thayer 92,918.30 Capital stock paid in___________ $ Surplus fund ..____________ Undivided profits_________________ Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check ____________________________ Demand certificates of deposit... Time certificates of deposit_____ Certified checks_____ _____________ Cashier’s checks outstanding------Due to national, state and private banks________________ — Notes and bills re-discounted----Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund-------- Total 16,000.00 3,200.00 2,646.57 96,536.05 27,739.01 334.58 _________________ ____ $146,456.21 The State Bank of Gilead County. Charter No. 802. G. W . Hansen-------------------------------- President L . M. Nelson_________________Vice-President E. R. Henricbs— ______ ____________ Cashier ----------------------------------- Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DE CEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts_____________ $ 58,313.15 Overdrafts, secured and un secured _________________________ Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______ _______________ Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ________________________ Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expenses and taxes paid Cash items____________________ . . . Due from national, state and private banks__________________ Checks and items of exchange... Currency _________________________ Gold coin_________________ Silver, nickels and cents__________ Total Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 486.18 2,000.00 773.49 4,172.61 57.31 1,978.00 50.00 1,135.44 .$ 68,966.18 Capital stock paid in___________ $ Surplus fund_____________________ Undivided profits_________________ Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check _________ . . . . I ____________ Demand certificates of deposit... Time certificates of deposit_______ Certified checks______ ,____ _______ Cashier’s checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks_______ __________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable. __________ _________ Depositors’ guaranty fund______ Total 10,000.00 2,000.00 2,076.96 27,542.75 917.70 26,327.37 101.40 .$ 68,966.18 133 S E C R E T A R Y OF T H E S T A T E B A N K IN G B O A R D Giltner The Bank of Bromfield Hamilton County. Charter No. 62. Win. Glover______ 1________________ President E. A. Glover_________________ Vice-President Chas. O. Glover_____________________ Cashier Belva M. Glover_________ Assistant Cashier Erie Wright______________ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DE CEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts________ $112,129.44 Overdrafts, secured and un secured _________________________ 2,122.83 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc_________________ 8,000.00 Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures _________________________ 2,236.43 Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expensesand taxes paid 5,697.73 Cash items__________________ 450.00 Due from national, state and private banks_____________ 11,134.48 Checks and items of exchange... Currency _________________________ ) Gold coin__________________ ;---------- > 6,194.53 Silver, nickels and cents_________ ) Total ______________________ $147,965.44 Giltner Capital stock paid in___________ $ 20,000.00 1,600.00 Surplus fund_____________________ Undivided profits___ ______________ 10,731.33 Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check ____________________________ 38,723.65 Demand certificates of deposit... 28,669.50 Time certificates of deposit_____ 38,000.00 Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks.—_____ _______ — Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable_____________________ 10,000.00 Depositors’ guaranty fund________________ 240.96 Total ____ $147,965.44 The Citizens Bank Hamilton County. Charter No. 899. J. M. S. Marvel_____________________ President Wagner------------------------------Vice-President L . J. Gfallentine_____________________ Cashier C. W . W a gn er...________ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES Loans and discounts_____________ $ Overdrafts, secured and un secured _________________________ Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______ _______________ Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures _________________________ Real estate other than bank ing house_____ _________________ Current expenses and taxes paid Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and private banks__________________ Checks and items of exchange... Currency . . . . _____________________ Gold coin_________________________ Silver, nickels and cents_________ Total LIABILITIES 86,579.08 1,698.15 3.400.00 4,384.57 11,192.69 5,347.01 1,670.00 10.00 210.05 ______________________ $114,491.55 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Capital stock paid in___________ $ Surplus fund_____________________ Undivided profits_______ Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check ___ Demand certificates of deposit__ Time certificates of deposit_____ Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private* banks__________________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund_____ Total 10,200.00 1,170.00 5,526.71 27,730.51 7,366.96 55,738.82 80.00 6,442.07 236.48 ______________________ $114,491.55 134 TW E N TIE T H Glenville Clay ANNUAL REPORT OF THE The Bank of Glenville County. Charter No. 727. C. A. Brandt______________________ President Enno Uden____________________ Vice-President L . L. Brandt------------------------------------- Cashier ------- ---------------------------------- Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts____________ $161,669.81 Overdrafts, secured and un secured ________________________ 1,522.41 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets___________________ — Banking house, furniture and fixtures ___________ 3,000.00 Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expenses and taxes paid 666.37 Cash items____________________ Due from national, state and private banks______________ 31,724.78 Checks and items of exchange-— 345,06 5,650.00 Currency ______________________ Gold coin__________________ 1,970.00 Silver, nickels and cents___ 1,006.37 Total ______________________ $207,554.80 Glenville Capital stock paid in-—________ $ 20,000.00 Surplus fund_____________________ 10,000.00 Undivided profits_________________ 2,693.81 Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check ____________________________ 55,495.41 Demand certificates of deposit— 118,908.06 Time certificates of deposit_____ Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding-,__ Due to national, state and private banks________ _________ 63.36 Notes, and bills re-discounted— _ Bills payable_______ ,_____________ Depositors’ guaranty fu n d .,____ 394.16 Total ______________________ $207,554.80 The Farmers State Bank Clay County. Charter No. 1087. Geo. W . Elesner__________________ President L. P. Ileye___________________ Vice-President W . J. Wulstein--------------------------------- Cashier ______ ___ — ...... ............ —Assistant Cashier ’ATEMENT DECEMBER 5. 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts_____________ $ 66,979.0,6 Overdrafts, secured and un secured _________________________ 55.80 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets______________________ Furniture and fixtures-----------------865.25 2,000.00 Real estate_______________________ Current expenses and taxes paid 111.10 Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and private banks__________________ 13,563.24 Checks and items of exchange— 444.19 Currency _________________________ 3,400.00 Gold coin_________________________ Silver, nickels and cents-—______ 830.40 Capital stock paid in___________ $ 20,000.00 Surplus fund_____ —______ ______ 437.10 Undivided profits—_______________ 293.47 Dividends unpaid--____ __________ » Individual deposits subject to check ___________________________ 28,029.87 Demand certificates of deposit— 520.00 Time certificates of deposit_____ 38,589.00 221.68 Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks__________________ 16.45 Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund------141.47 Total _______________ - ______$ 88,249.04 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Total ________ - ____________ $ 88,249.04 S E C R E T A R Y OF TH E ST ATE B A N K IN G B O A R D Goehner 135 The Goelmer State Bank Seward County. Charter No. 714. M. Madson, Sr____________________ President Geo. Bauer, Jr______________ Vice-President E. D. Weber___ __________________ ____________Cashier Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. LIABILITIES RESOURCES Loans and discounts_____ :_____ .;$ Overdrafts, secured ana un secured _________________________ Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets.—- __________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ________________________ Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expenses and taxes x>aid Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and private banks.________ Checks and items of exchange____ Currency _____ Gold coin________________________ „ Silver, nickels and cents__________ Total 62,922.75 251.92 2,500.00 3,183.99 20,633.18 226.40 3,930.00 1,860.00 301.15 _______ ______________ $ 95,809.39 Gordon Capital stock paid in___________ $ Surplus fund______________ ______ Undivided profits_________________ Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check ___________________________ Demand certificates of deposit— Time certificates of deposit— -------Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding------Due to national, state and private banks__________________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund_____ Total 7,500,00 4,000.00 4,607.11 23,606.68 2,685.07 53,234.16 176.37 ___________ __________ $ 95,809.39 The Gordon State Bank Sheridan County. Charter No. 965. Lewis Oberwetter_________________ President Louis Schmitt________________ Vice-President Bruce II. Hewett____________________ Cashier I. S. Magowan___________ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DE CUMBER 5, 1911. LIABILITIES RESOURCES Loans and discounts_____________$145,447.93 Overdrafts, secured and un secured _________________________ 3,885.95 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc-------------------- ------------Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ________________ —_______ 13,300.60 Real estate other than bank ing house______ l_______ :___ :___ Current exx>enses and taxes paid 5,327.31 Cash items__________________ ____ Due from national, state and private banks__________________ 9,193.55 Checks and items of exchange... 33.00 Currency _________________________ 4,382.00 Gold coin_________________________ 1,760.00 Silver, nickels and cents_________ 1,719.20 Total _____ ____ ____ ______ $185,048.94 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Capital stock paid in___________ $ Surplus fund_________ =.__________ Undivided profits_________________ Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check ___________________________ Demand certificates of deposit... Time certificates of deposit-------Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s cheeks outstanding------Due to national, state and private banks__________________ Notes and bills re-discounted----Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund_____ Total 40,000.00 3,000.00 11,083.32 67,055.59 730.74 58,725.80 4,200.33 253.16 ______________________ $185,048.94 TW E N TIE T H 136 Graf ANNUAL REPORT OF THE The Bank of Graf Johnson County. Charter No. 695. L . A. Graf_____________ - _________ President W . A. Graf__________________ Vice-President ___________ Cashier Assistant Cashier J. O. Graf... ----------------------- STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts_____________ $ 47,386.30 Overdrafts, secured and un secured _________________________ 884.12 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets_____ *._______________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures _______ ________________ Real estate other than bank ing house________ ______________ Currerit expenses and taxes paid 4,265.75 Cash , items_______________________ Due from national, state and private banks__________________ 8,152.59 Checks and items of exchange... Currency ______ __________________ 603.00 Gold coin_________ ______________ ^ Silver, nickels and c en ts...——— 80.83 Capital stock paid in_________ .__$ 10,000.09 Surplus fund_____________________ Undivided profits_____________ - 14,871.19 Dividends unpaid.._______________ Individual deposits subject to check ______ _____________________ 25,763.90 Demand certificates of deposit— Time certificates of deposit-------- 10,649.00 Certified checks--------------------- ------Cashier’s checks outstanding------Due to national, state and private banks..________________ Notes' and bills re-discounted----Bills payable____ ________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund-------82.50 Total ______ : ______________ $ 61,366.59 Grafton Total ___ ___________________$ 61,366.59 The Grafton State Bank Eillmore County. Charter No. G93. Prank W . Sloan___________________ President W . A. Stuckey_______________ Vice-President James F. Burke------------------------------- Cashier Geo. B. Miles, Jr...... ........ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts_____________ $140,740.51 Overdrafts, secured and un secured ___________ 649.11 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc_________________——. Other assets_____ ,________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures _________________________ Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expenses and taxes paid 648.14 Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and private banks__________________ 27,248.67 Checks and items of exchange... 5,260.13 Currency _________________________ 3,923.00 Gold coin_________________________ 1,750.00 Silver, nickels and cents_________ 1,771.07 Capital stock paid in___________ $ 10,000.00 Surplus fund_____________________ 13,000.00 Undivided profits_________________ 40.06 Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check ___________________________ 43,803.71 Demand certificates of deposit... 114,822.96 Time certificates of deposit_____ Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks__________________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund-------323.90 Total ______________________ $181,990.63 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Total ______________________ $181,990.63 S E C R E T A R Y OF T H E S T A T E B A N K IN G B O A R O Grand Island Hall 137 The Commercial State Bank County. Charter No. 607. E. Williams_______________________ President Vice-President C. H . Menck------. ----------- ;----------------- Cashier Chas. Beckman___________ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5. 1911. EESOUECES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts_____________ $348,319.32 Capital stock paid in___________ $100,000.00 Overdrafts, secured and un Surplus fund___ _________________ 30,000.00 secured ____________ - ____________ 286.10 Undivided profits_________________ 10,234.06 Bonds, securities, judgments, Dividends unpaid_________________ claims, etc______________________ Individual deposits subject to Other assets__________________ 1___ check ___________________________ 166,867.53 Banking house, furniture and Demand certificates of deposit..-. fixtures _________________________ 29,980.95 Time certificates of deposit_____ 87,866.05 Eeal estate other than bank Certified checks___________________ ing house_______________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding_______________ 9,409.93 Current expenses and taxes paid Due to national, state and deducted. private banks__________________ 11,899.21 Cash items_______________________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Due from national, state and Bills payable_____________________ 25,000.00 private banks_______ ___________ 42,121.81 Depositors’ guaranty fund________________ 617.85 Checks and items of exchange... 3,157.95 Currency ____________________ 8,924.00 Gold coin______________ . . . . _______ 5,720.00 Silver, nickels and cents___________ 3,404.50 Total ____________ _________ $441,894.63 Grand Island Total ______________ ________ $441,894.63 The Home Savings Bank Hall County. Charter No. 1099. E. Williams_______________________ President S. D. Ross___________________ Vice-President C. II. Menck------------Secretary and Treasurer —-------- ------------- ----------------Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBEE 5, 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts-------------------- $ 80,955.00 Overdrafts, secured and un secured . . . ; _____________________ Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ 6,557.91 Other assets---------------------------------Banking house, furniture and fixtures --------------------------------------Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expenses and taxes paid deducted. Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and private banks__________________ 10,262.07 Check» and items of exchange... Currency _________________________ 500.00 Gold coin--------------------------------------Silver, nickels and cents--------------- Capital stock paid , in___________ $ 15,000.00 Surplus fu n d ...__________________ Undivided profits_________________ 731.05 Dividends unpaid__________ !______ Individual deposits subject to check ------------------------------------------ 82,363.83 Demand certificates of deposit__ Time certificates of deposit_____ Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks__________ _______ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund_____ 180.10 Total Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ..$ 98,274.98 Total .$ 98,274.98 138 TW E N TIE T H Grant ANNUAL REPORT OF THE The Commercial Bank of Grant Perkins County. Charter Xo. 849. B. F. Hastings___________________ President A. e ". Hastings______________ Vice-President E. E. Jackman------------------- -------------Cashier ------------------------------------------Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. LIABILITIES RESOURCES Loans and discounts-------------------- $ 93,390.54 Overdrafts, secured and un secured _________________________ 43.57 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets-------- ------------------------Banking house, furniture and fixtures ________________________ 1,500.00 Real estate other than bank ing house__________________ 1,525.00 Current expenses and taxes paid 4,540.46 Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and private banks___________________ 19,458.85 Checks and items of exchange-— 91.47 Currency _______ 2,213.00 Gold coin_________________________ 2,645.00 Silver, nickels and cents_________ 918.67 Total ______________________ $126,362.56 Greeley Greeley Capital stock paid in----------------- $ Surplus fund______________ _______ Undivided profits--------------------------Dividends unpaid----- :-------------------Individual deposits subject to check ______________________ Demand certificates of deposit— Time certificates of deposit-------Certified cheeks-------- --------------------Cashier’s checks outstanding------Due to national, state and private banks---------------------------Notes and bills re-discounted----Bills payable------ i------------------------Depositors’ guaranty fund------- Total 20,000.00 4,000.00 4,994.13 72,278.82 1,630.25 22,289.14 102.08 839.70 222.44 ______________________ $126,302.56 The Greeley State Bank County. Charter No. 184. J R Garry Hanna_____________________ President Treat_________________ Vice-President P. J. Kerrigan---------------------------------- Cashier C. J. Harwood__________ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts________ $216,201.00 Overdrafts, secured and un secured -----------2,505.63 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc____ _________________ 7,353.65 Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures - _________________ 10,000.00 Real estate other than bank ing house________________ _______ Current expenses andtaxes paid 2,088.21 Cash items__________________ 2.42 Due from national, state and private banks_____________ 30,578.29 Checks and items of exchange— _ 35.08 Currency _________________________ 5,265.00 Gold coin-------- -----------------------------5,290.00 Silver, nickels and cents-----2,561.66 Capital stock paid in___________ $ 30,000.00 Surplus fund_____________________ 20,000.00 Undivided profits_________________ 17,096.89 Dividends unpaid--------------------------Individual deposits subject to check ___________________ .’----------- 90,878.45 Demand certificates of deposit— 4,744.00 Time certificates of deposit-------- 115,747.75 Certified checks-----------------------------Cashier’s checks outstanding------Due to national, state and private banks__________________ 2,895.01 Notes and hills re-discounted___ Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund-------519.50 Total - ____ ________________ $282,481.00 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Total ______________________$282 ,4SI. 60 139 S E C R E T A R Y OF TH E STATE B AN K IN G BO ARO Gresham York The Gresham State Bank County. Charter No. 1122. H. J. A . Eyestone_________________ President T . Quigley_______________Vice-President Geo. B. Campbell__________________ Cashier ___________________________ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5. 1911. RESOURCES Loans and discounts_____________ $ Overdrafts, secured and un secured ________ - ________________ Bonds, securities, judgments,. claims, etc.-_________ _________ Other assets_______________ . ______ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ________________________ Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expenses and taxes paid Cash items— '______________ , ____ Due from national, state and private banks__________________ Checks and items of exchange.._ Currency _________________________ Gold coin_________________________ Silver, nickels and cents__________ Total 43.60 3,906.23 i 1,965.33 ' 17,870.07 345.37 1,223.00 125.00 217.14 ______________________ $ 58,637.18 Gretna Sarpy LIABILITIES 32,941.44 Capital stock paid in___________ $ Surplus fund_____________________ Undivided profits_________________ Dividends unp aid ...______ ,___ ;___ Individual deposits subject to check ___________________________ Demand certificates of deposit____ Time certificates of deposit_____ Certified checks_________________ _ Cashier’s checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks__________________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable_________ ____________ Depositors’ guaranty fund_____ Total 15,000.00 2,452.34 18,446.62 1,462.65 21,233.07 42.50 ______________________ $ 58,637.18 The Farmers and Merchants Bank County. Charter No. 558. Peter Mangold____________________ President W m. G la n d t...____ «._______ ..Vice-President W m . P. Mangold________________ ...Cashier C. P. Tangeman_________ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DE CEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES Loans and discounts..__________ .$144,830.47 Overdrafts, secured and un 897.77 secured _______ ____ _________ __ Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc_____ _______:_________ Other assets________ — _________ _ Banking house, furniture and fixtures _____ ______________,____ 4,533.33 Real estate other than bank ing house— __________________ 1,780.75 Current expenses and taxes paid 4,530.15 Cash items______________ _,_______ Due from national, state and private banks.._________________ 41,147.37 Checks and items of exchange... 348.99 Currency _______________________ 1,282.00 Gold coin_________________________ 1,085.00 Silver, nickels and cents_________ 739.42 Total ........ .......... ........ ............ $201,175.25 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis LIABI LI TIES Capital stock paid in___________ $ Surplus fund_____________________ Undivided p rofits...______________ Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check ___________________________ Demand certificates of deposit__ Time certificates of deposit_____ Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s cheeks outstanding.:___ Due to national, state and private banks__________ ____ :___ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable______ ______ ______ _ Depositors’ guaranty fund_____ Total 13,600.00 2,340.00 6,453.73 77,126.46 5,846.09 90,762.38 4,707.87 338.72 ___________________ . —$201,175.25 140 TW EN TIETH Gretna ANNUAL REPORT OF THE The Bank of Gretna Sarpy County. Charter No. 1118. P. J. Langdon___________________ President H . A. Clarke________________ Vice-President E. T . Hughes______________________ Cashier E. B. Stow_______________ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. LIABILITIES RESOURCES Loans and discounts_________ ;___ $ 83,111.82 j Capital stock paid in----------------- $ Surplus fund_____________________ Overdrafts, secured and un secured _____________________ :___ 1,657.83 I Interest and discount------------------Bonds, securities, judgments, Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to claims, etc______________________ check ___________________________ Other assets______________________ Demand certificates of deposit— Banking house, furniture and fixtures _________ 1,500.00 Time certificates of deposit-------Real estate other than bank Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding------ing house_______________________ Due to national, state and Current expenses andtaxes paid 7,206.10 73.76 private banks__________________ Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and Notes and bills re-discounted----private banks__________________ 17,363.10 Bills payable----- -------- — ------------Checks and items of exchange._. Depositors’ guaranty fund-------Currency _________________________ 2,272.00 Gold coin_________ _______________ 887.50 Silver, nickels andcents___________ 701.23 Total ___ .____________:_____ $114,773.64 15,000.00 8,887.70 58,448.78 20,289,00 6,999.24 5,000.00 148.92 . .$114,773.64 Total The Gross State Bank Gross Boyd County. Charter No. 608. F. W . Woods_____________________ President L. G. Kloke_________________Vice-President A. R. Kloke________________________ Cashier C. P. Kloke_____________ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DE CEMBER 5, 1911. LIABILITIES RESOURCES Loans and discounts_____________ $ Overdrafts, secured and un secured _________________________ Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc________________ ______ Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ________________________ Real estate other than bank ing house__________ ____________ Current expenses and taxes paid Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and private banks__________________ Checks and items of exchange... Currency _________________________ Gold coin_________________________ Silver, nickels and cents__________ Total 29,756.90 120.30 1,243.00 2,380.99 6,533.73 168.07 2,115.00 190.00 215.01 ______________________ $ 42,723.00 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Capital stock paid in___________ $ 5,000.00 Surplus fund________________________ 1,000.00 Undivided profits_________________ 3,250.84 Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check _____________________ 13,377.89 Demand certificates of deposit... Time certificates of deposit_____ 20,007.29 Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding------Due to national, state and private banks_________ _________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund-------86.98 Total ______________________ $ 42,723.00 141 S E C R E T A R Y O F T H E S T A T E B A N K I N G BOARD Guide Rock Webster The Bank of Guide Bock County. Charter No. 187. W . T . Aul<L-_______ _____________ President ______________________________ _ Vice-President N. M. Doudna----------------------------- „.Cashier ___________________________ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. LIABILITIES EESOURCES Loans and discounts_____________ $ 93,297.06 Overdrafts, secured and un secured ____________________ 982.25 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ 1,000.00 Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures _________________________ 3,500.00 Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expenses andtaxes paid 594.07 Cash items____ __________________ Due from national, state and private banks__________________ 27,952.39 Checks and items of exchange... Currency ___ 5,100.00 700.00 Gold coin________________________ Silver, nickels andc en ts..._______ 1,216.33 Total ____ .___________ _____ $134,342.10 Guide Rock Capital stock paid in___________ $ Surplus fund______________ _____ Undivided profits_________________ •Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check ___________________________ Demand certificates of deposit— Time certificates of deposit-------Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding------Due to national, state and private banks---------------------------Notes and bills re-discounted----Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund-------- Total 15,000.00 3,000.00 1,345.56 89,289.97 25,446.64 259.93 ________________ - ____ $134,342.10 The Guide Rock State Bank ■Webster County. Charter No. 918. H . B. Hunter_____________________ President H . Wichmann_______________ Vice-President John Yung----------------------------------- -------Cashier Lloyd H . Hunter :______ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. LIABILITIES RESOURCES Loans and discounts-------------------- $124,908.58 Overdrafts, secured and un secured ______________ =---------------Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets___________________ — Banking house, furniture and 5,000.00 fixtures ..:---------------------------------Real estate other than bank ing house_____________________ rCurrent expenses and taxes paid 1,044.15 Cash items______ . -----------------Due from national, state and 9,654.17 private banks---------------------------887.08 Checks and items of exchange... 3.345.00 Currency --------------------------------------2.985.00 Gold coin-------------------------------------1,181.94 Silver, nickels and cents-------------Total Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis .$149,005.92 Capital stock paid in_________ ..$ Surplus fund_____________________ Undivided profits_________________ Dividends unpaid-.,______________ Individual deposits subject to check ____________________ T______ Demand certificates of deposit... Time certificates of deposit_______ Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks__________________ Nptes and bills re-discounted----Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund_____ Total 15,000.00 12,500.00 3,733.83 78,243.51 140.50 39,077.23 310.85 .$149,005.92 142 TW E N TIE T H Hadar ANNUAL REPORT OF THE The Farmers State Bank Pierce County. Charter No. 893. R. G. Rohrke---------------------------------President Fred Braaseh--------------------- --Vice-President Louise Dengler. _ E. W . Zutz_______ ----------------- Cashier -Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Capital stock paid in___________ $ Surplus fund.—__________________ Undivided profits_________________ ; Dividends unpaid— _____ ________ Individual deposits subject to check ----------------- :----------------------Demand certificates of deposit— Time certificates of deposit______ Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks____________ _____ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable.-___________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund___ _ 8,000.00 1,300.00 1,860.03 14,886.81 175.00 11,174.00 57.75 _ Loans and discounts_____________ $ 27,394.45 Overdrafts. secured and un secured ___ _________ '.______ ____ 423.99 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures -------------------------------------- 2,400.00 Real estate other than bank ing house_____________ __________ Current expenses and taxes paid 893.33 Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and private banks_________ 2,834.22 Checks and items of exchange-— 1,521.29 Currency _________________________ 1,630.00 Gold coin______ __________ ________ Silver, nickels and cents___________ 350.31 Total .$37,453.59 Haigler Total .$ 37,453.59 The State Bank of Haigler Dundy County, Charter No. 188. Thomas Ashton___________________ President I. J. Larned------------------------ Vice-President W . H . Larned ________ _ Cashier F. B. Durrie---------------------Assistant "Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5. 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts_____________ $ Overdrafts, secured and un secured _____________________ _Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________ i ______ Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and , fixtures ___________________ - ____ Real estate other than bank ing house.—_________ :__________ Current expenses and taxes paid Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and private banks______________ :___ Checks and items of exchange.— Currency _________________________ Gold coin_________________________ Silver, nickels and cents_________ Total Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 73,849.35 1,358.11 32,12 5,000.00 749.59 5,224.12 103.00 22,430.45 100.00 5,514.00 3,055.00 1,334.45 .$118,750.19 Capital stock paid in----------------- $ 15,000.00 Surplus fund------------------------2,000.00 Undivided profits— . — ^_________ 7,570.15 Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check ---------------68,492.15 Demand certificates of deposit— 2,714.49 Time certificates of deposit_____ 22,785.75 Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks__________________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable___ ____,______ . . . ____ Depositors’ guaranty fund_____ 187.65 Total .$118,750.19 S E C R E T A R Y OF T H E ST ATE B A N K IN G B O A R D Hallam 143 The Hallam Bank Lancaster County. Charter No. 513. G. Rippen__________________________ President F. T . Carsten_______________Vice-President John J. Meyer---------------------------------- Cashier ___________________________ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DE CEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts_____________ $ 81,229.36 Overdrafts, secured and un secured __________ _______ ________ 51.93 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets-------------:--------------------Banking house, furniture and fixtures ________________________ 1,500.09 Real estate, other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expenses and taxes paid 93.51 Cash items_________ ________ ,____ Due from national, state and private banks__________________ 22,603.23 Checks and items of exchange— 106.38 Currency ____________________ 2,561.00 Gold coin_________________________ 1,635.00 Silver, nickels and cents-------------330.26 Capital stock paid in— -------------$ 10,000.00 Surplus fund_____________________ 625.00 Undivided profits__— 121. 25 Dividends unpaid--------------------------Individual deposits subject to check _____________________ 51,232.55 Demand certificates of deposit— Time certificates of deposit-------- 47,693.55 Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding------Due to national, state and 219.87 private banks__________________ Notes and bills re-discounted----Bills payable-------------------------------Depositors’ guaranty fund-------. 218.45 Total Total ____________ - ____ $110,110.67 Harbine _____ ________________ $110,110.67 The State Bank of Harbine Jefferson County. Charter No. 859. Chas. Sandman________________ .„President August Englemann__________ Vice-President G. W . Arnold----------------- ------------------------ ____________Cashier .Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. LIABILITIES RESOURCES Loans and discounts-------------------- $ 35,010.42 Overdrafts, secured and un 363.59 secured — Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc----------------------- ---------Other assets---------------------------------Banking house, furniture and fixtures -------------------------- ------------ 3,000.00 Real estate other than bank ing house.-------------------------------r910.83 Current expenses and taxes paid 183.15 Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and 2,869.64 private banks---------------------------I17.94 Checks and items of exchange... 495.00 Currency --------------------------------------400.00 Gold coin.— -------------------- ----------657.83 Silver, nickels and cents-------------Total Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis $ 44,008.40 I Capital stock paid in----------------.$ 10,000.00 Surplus fund_____________________ 2,800.00 Undivided profits--------------------------2,801.03 Dividends unpaid--------------------------Individual deposits subject to check ______________________ - - - - - 19,494.34 Demand certificates of deposit— 8,834.08 Time certificates of deposit--------Certified checks-----------------------------Cashier’s checksoutstanding--------5.CO Due to national, state and private banks--------------------------■Votes and bills re-discounted-----Bills payable----------- ------- -------------Depositors’ guaranty fund-------<3.95 Total .$ 44,008.40 144 TW E N TIE T H Hardy ANNUAL REPORT OF THE The Hardy Bank Nuckolls County. Charter No. 190. W . II. Leigh---------------------------------- President ------------------------------------------------ Vice-President Jas. H . Pair----------------- ----------------- Cashier ------------------------------------------Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DE CEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts________ $102,278.08 Overdrafts, secured and un secured _________________________ 2,254.94 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________ _______ Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ___j---------------2,900.00 Real estate other than bank ing house____________ i __________ Current expensesand taxes paid 4,728.38 Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and private banks__________________ 18,292.27 Checks- anditems of exchange-— 74.19 Currency ------------------------------ 1,537.00 Gold coin--------------------------------------4,265.00 Silver, nickels and cents_________ . 788.20 Total ---------------------------------- $137,118.66 Hardy Capital stock paid in---------- ------- $ Surplus fund_____________________ Undivided profits_________________ Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check ----------------------------------Demand certificates of deposit— Time certificates of deposit_______ Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks___________ _______ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable______________ _______ Depositors’ guaranty fund_____ Total 15,000.00 4,000.00 7,023.40 71,275.79 2,489.92 37,056.98 272.57 ----------- ----------------------$137,118.66 The Farmers State Bank Nuckolls County. Charter No. 848. II. C. Aurand---------------------------------President Geo. M. Powell-------------------- Vice-President Thos. D. Griffin__________________ Cashier Chas. P. Griffin_________ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5. 1911. RESOURCES Loans and discounts_____________ $ Overdrafts, secured and un secured _________________________ Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets_________________ — II Banking house, furniture and fixtures ------------------------------------Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expenses and. taxes paid Cash items____ __________________ Due from national, state and private banks__________________ Checks and items o f exchange— Currency --------------------------------------Gold coin_________________________ Silver, nickels and cents__________ Total LIABILITIES 55,651.55 972.76 4 , 000.00 1,727.71 28,480.34 41.12 1,240.00 1,740.00 ’849!o2 ---------------------------------- $ 94,702.50 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Capital stock paid in±___ :______ $ Surplus fund-----------------Undivided profits_________________ Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check -----------------------------------------Demand certificates of deposit— Time certificates of deposit— Certified, checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks__________________ Notes, and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable____________________ . Depositors’ guaranty fund_____ Total ........ .......................... . 12,000.00 3,500.00 3,630.23 56,153.99 1,814.34 17,444.25 159.69 $ 94,702.50 S E C R E T A R Y OF T H E ST A T E B A N K IN G B O A R D Harrisburg 145 The Banner County Bank Banner County. Charter No. 1008. Lars Olsen---------------------------------------President Prank Hollenbeck____________ Vice-President J. N. W yatt-—______________________ Cashier ------------------------------------------Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts_____________ $ 52,053.46 Overdrafts, secured and un secured _________________________ 59.55 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets_________________ ____ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ________________________ Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expenses and taxes paid 782.08 Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and private banks__________________ 4,684.22 584.57 Checks and items of exchange__ Currency _________________________ 1,379.00 Gold coin_________________________ 635.00 Silver, nickels and cents_________ 296.24 Total _________________ ___ 60,474.12 Harrison Capital stock paid in___________ $ Surplus fund_____________________ Undivided profits_________________ Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check _________ Demand certificates of deposit.— Time certificates of deposit_______ Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks_______ ,__________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable,_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund_____ Total 10,000.00 2,500.00 4,294.40 35,383.98 9.40 8,199.13 87.21 -1____________________ $ 60,474.12 The Harrison State Bank Sioux County. Charter No. 1127. W . C. Reed_______________________ President D. W . Hamaker_____________ Vice-President Geo. L . Gerlach____________________ Cashier ------------------------------------------ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. LIABILITIES RESOURCES Loans and discounts-------------------- $ Overdrafts, secured and un secured _________________________ Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc---------------------------------Other assets___________ T— Banking house, furniture and fixtures ________________________ Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expenses and taxes paid Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and private banks__________________ Checks and items of exchange— Currency _________________________ Gold coin_________________________ Silver, nickels and cents_________ Total _________ — ______ — Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 32,119.81 6.60 3,600.20 1,723.44 14,013.86 84.95 1,303.00 950.00 246.17 54,048.03 Capital stock paid in______ ,____ $ 20,000.00 Surplus fund_____________________ Undivided profits_________________ 2,774.92 Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to cheek ___________________________ 29,717.23 Demand certificates of deposit-— 1.00 Time certificates of deposit------1,522.03 Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding------Due to national, state and private banks---------------- ----------Notes and bills re-discounted----Bills payable-------- -----------------------Depositors’ guaranty fund.......... 32.85 Total — __________________ $ 54,048.03 146 TW E N TIE T H Harting’ton ANNUAL REPORT OF THE The Peoples Savings Bank Cedar County. Charter No. 1089. W . S. Weston---------------------------------President Henry Lammers---------------------- Vice-President Geo. I. Parker...___________________ Cashier ------------------------------------------ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES Loans and discounts........................$ Overdrafts, secured and un secured _______________ ;_________ Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets___________________ . . . Banking house, furniture and fixtures ------------------------------------Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expenses andtaxes paid Cash items_____________________ _ Due from national, state and private banks__________________ Checks and items of exchange... Currency ---------------------Gold coin___________________ Silver, nickels andcents__________ Total ---------------------------------- Harvard LIABILITIES 78,058.28 51.81 519.11 7,162.05 2,915.00 445.00 92.53 89,246.78 Capital stock paid in___________ $ 25,000.00 650.00 Surplus fund_________________ . . . . Undivided profits_________________ 5,244.42 Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check ___________________________ 50,798.91 Demand certificates of deposit... 235.00 Time certificates of deposit_____ 200.00 Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks__________________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable_____ ________ .. . . ____ 7,000.00 Depositors’ guaranty fund_____ 118.45 Total _________________ _____ 89,246.78 The Union State Bank . Clay County. Charter No. 196. Theo. Griess________ ______________ President J. II. Yost-------------------------- Vice-President George H . Thomas_________________ Cashier E. M. Bengston..............Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts_____________ $202,644.04 Overdrafts, secured and un secured _________________________ 2,099.21 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets________________ ______ Banking house, furniture and fixtures _________ 8,300.00 Real estate other than bank ing house_____ __________________ 4,000.00 Current expenses and taxes paid Cash items_______________________ 250.87 Due from national, state and private banks__________________ 43,457.55 Checks and items of exchange... 1,313.18 Currency _________________________ 3.459.00 Gold coin_________________________ 3,240.CO Silver, nickels and cents__________ 3,119.32 Capital stock paid in___________ $ 25,000.00 Surplus fund--------------------------------5 , 000.00 Undivided profits (net)__________ 6,683.36 Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check ------------------------------------------- 103,119.43 Demand certificates of deposit... 15,184.44 Time certificates of deposit_____ 112.088.98 Certified checks__________ _________ Cashier’s checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks__________________ 4,211.28 Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable.____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund_____ 595.68 Total .... ........ ..........................$271,883.17 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Total ---------------------------------- $271,883.17 S E C R E T A R Y OF T H E ST ATE B A N K IN G B O A R D Harvard Clay 147 The Harvard State Bank County. Charter No. 739. G. A. Herzog__________ ____ _____ President M. Weil______________________ Vice-President T . A. Blakslee---------------------------------- Cashier W . H . Herzog____________Assistant Cashier L . E. Bayles_____________ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts_____________ $126,282.80 Overdrafts, secured and un secured _______________ ____ — - __ 1,018.29 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets______________ - ______ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ________________________ 8,300.00 Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expenses and taxes paid 27.15 Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and private banks____ ___________— 14,017.73 Checks and items of exchange-— 435.04 Currency _________________________ 4,039.00 Gold coin______________ ___________ 1,560.50 Silver, nickels and cents_ 1,279.53 Capital stock paid in___________ $ 25,000.00 5,000.00 Surplus fund__________________ 4,159.72 Undivided profits, (net)— _____ Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check _________ ___________ :-------- 51,144.90 1,840.26 Demand certificates of deposit__ Time certificates of deposit.:____ 68,373.12 Certified checks______________ _____ Cashier's checks outstanding------Due to national, state and 1,119.19 private banks________ _________j Notes and bills re-discounted----Bills payable__________ ___________ 352.85 Depositors’ guaranty fund-------- .$156,990.04 Total Hastings Adams .$156,990.04 Total The Bank of Commerce County. Charter No. 863. W . M. Lowman___________________ President A. L. Clarke_________________ Vice-President --------------------------------------------- ----------- Cashier E. C. Huxtable---------------Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts_____________ $268,888.30 Overdrafts, secured and un 8,531.26 secured _________________ ____ Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc-------------- '.----------------- ... 6,137.50 Other assets__________________ ___ Banking house, furniture and 2 , 200.00 fixtures ________________________ Real estate other than bank ing house_____________________ rCurrent expenses and taxes paid 5,064.34 Cash items-------------------—------------- 17,617.69 Due from national, state and private banks---------------------------- 83,056.46 3,346.48 Checks and items of exchange— Currency — ---------------------------------- 12,777.00 5,295.00 Gold coin_________________________ 3,126.39 Silver, nickels and cents-------------- Capital stock paid in___________ $ 50,000.00 Surplus fund_____________________ 10,000.00 Undivided profits_________________ 7,557.59 Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check _____________________ 186,692.92 Demand certificates of deposit__ 157,963.54 Time certificates of deposit____ _ Letters of credit_________________ 400.00 Cashier’s checks outstanding____ 1,505.72 Due to national, state and private banks__________________ 1,266.68 Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable_______________ ______ Depositors’ guaranty fund_____ 653.97 Total Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis .$416,040.42 Total .$416,040.42 148 TW EN TIETH Havelock ANNUAL REPORT OF THE The Farmers and Mechanics Bank Lancaster County. Charter No. 571. Fred Whittemore_________________ President E. E. Anderson-------------------- Vice-President V. P. Hofmann____________________ Cashier J. M. Malone____________ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts____________ $131,633.59 Overdrafts, secured and un secured ________________________ 1,153.36 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets_______ . _____________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ________________ :_______ 5,000.00 Real estate other than bank ing house___ _________ :_________ Current expenses and taxes paid Cash items___________ __________ Due from national, state and private banks__________________ 9,482.84 Checks anditems of exchange.— 3,530.79 Currency _________________________ 4,386.00 Gold coin___________________ 3,215.00 Silver, nickels and cents______ —_ 1,249.88 Total ---------------------------------- 159,651.46 Hay Springs Capital stock paid in___________ $ Surplus fund_____________________ Undivided profits_________ Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check ___________________________ Demand certificates of deposit__ Time certificates of deposit_____ Certified checks____ ______________ Cashier’s checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks__________________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable_______________ _______ Depositors’ guaranty fund_____ T otal 15,000.00 5,500.00 1,381.33 63,657.22 66,980.46 1,877.55 5,000.00 254.90 ______________ _______ 159,651.46 The Northwestern State Bank Sheridan County. Charter No. 201. Charles Weston_______________ . . . .President L. J. Schill___________________ Vice-President W . B. McQueen <•.____________ Cashier S. A. McQueen__________ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts_____________ $158,077.01 Overdrafts, secured and un955.27 secured . . . . _____________ Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ________________________ 5,600.00 Real estate other than bank ing house____________________ Current expenses and taxes paid 6.69 Cash items.______________ 18.40 Due from national, state and private banks___________________ 41,974.68 Checks and itemsof exchange.— 453:88 Currency _________________________ 2,087.00 Gold coin______ 1__________________ 4,265.00 Silver, nickels and cents____ :____ 724.89 Capital stock paid in___________$ 50,000.00 Surplus fund_____________ „______ 2,500.00 Undivided profits_________________ 1,350.67 Dividends unpaid__ ______________ Individual deposits subject to check --------------------------------78,875.41 Demand certificates of deposit__ 3,050.20 Time certificates of deposit_____ 76,482.66 Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding____' Due to national, state and private banks__________________ 1,569.74 Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund____ 334.14 Total ___________ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis $214,162.82 Total ______________________ $214,162.82 149 S E C R E T A R Y OF T H E ST A T E H AN KIN G B O A R D Hazard The Hazard State Bank Sherman County. Charter No. 972. D. W . Titus______________________ President f ! L. Grammer______________Vice-President E . H . Robinson--------------------r ~ ------ Cashier ------------------------------------------ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES I.oans and discounts----------------- ..$ 34,518.77 Overdrafts, secured and un 647.26 secured ______ :---------------------------Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets---------------------------------Banking house, furniture and fixtures ____ ___________________ 1,500.00 Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expenses and taxes paid 1,180.25 Cash items.—____________________ Due from national, state and private banks__________________ 13,194.47 Cheeks and items of exchange— 429.21 3,074.00 Currency _________________________ Gold coin_________________________ Silver, nickels and cents-------------85.58 Capital stock paid in----------------- $ 10,000.00 Surplus fund_______________ 200.00 Undivided p rofits.... ----------2,223.51 Dividends unpaid--------------------------Individual deposits subject to check ___________________________ 30,626.21 Demand certificates of deposit... 208.15 Time certificates of deposit.----- : 10,828.50 Certified checks.---------------------------Cashier's checks outstanding------Due to national, state and private banks------------------------- — 500.00 Note's and bills re-discounted----Bills payable------------------------- ------Depositors’ guaranty fund------<3.17 Total _________________ ____ $ 54,659.54 He artwe11 Total ______________________ ¥ 54,659.54 The Heartwell State Bank Kearney County. Charter No. 877. H . H. Stedman___________________ President C. H . Abrams_______________Vice-President V. L. Johnson. J. R. Hoban___ __________ Cashier Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. LIABILITIES RESOURCES Loans and discounts-------------------- $ 52,183.44 Overdrafts, secured and un 082.28 secured ------------------------- ------------Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc----------- ---------------------Other assets---------------------------------Banking house, furniture and 3,000.00 fixtures ________________________ Real estate other than bank 609.00 ing house_____________________ — 646.38 Current expenses and taxes paid 20.26 Cash items-----------------------------------Due from national, state and 9 524.76 private banks---------------------------6 4 .1 0l Checks and items of exchange... 1,597.00 Currency . . . -------------- ------------------205.00 Gold coin-------------------------------------575.36 Silver, nickels and, cents-------------Total Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis .$ 09,407.58 Capital stock paid in----------------- $ Surplus fund----------- ---------------------Undivided profits--------------------- --— Dividends unpaid--------------------- — Individual deposits subject to check ___________________________ Demand certificates of deposit— Time certificates of deposit-------Certified cheeks-----------------------------Cashier’s checks outstanding------Due to national, state and private banks---------------------------Notes and bills re-discounted----Bills payable--------------------------------Depositors’ guaranty fund-------- Total 10,000.00 500.00 913.97 16,934.04 2,586.50 38,335.88 .$ 69,407.58 150 TW E N TIE T H Hebron ANNUAL REPORT OF THE The Tliayer County Bank Thayer County. Charter No. 202 . T . M. Wetherald-------------------------- President W . S. Bushnell----------------------Vice-President W . D. Galbraith__________________ Cashier C. E. Green_____________ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5. 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts_____________ $217,912.15 ■Overdrafts, secured and un 443.18 secured _________________________ Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc----------------3 , 000.00 Other assets______________________ Banking house_____________________ 10,000.00 Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expenses and taxes paid Cash items___________________ Due from national, state and private banks --------------------------- 54,899.27 Checks and items of exchange... 557.19 Currency ------------------------------------5,387.00 Gold coin--------------------------------------6,710.00 •Silver, nickels and cents__________ 561.63 Capital stock paid in___________ $ 30,000.00 Surplus fund--------------------------------- 10,000.00 Undivided profits___ ________ 10,843.67 Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check ------------------------------------------ 134,076.40 Demand certificates of deposit— 18,159.31 Time certificates of deposit_____ 94,122.91 Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding..__ Due to national, state and private banks_____________ :____ 1,715.99 Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable___ ________________ _ Depositors’ guaranty fund____ 552.08 Total ---------------------------------- $299,470.42 Helvey Total -------------------------- -------$299,470.42 The Farmers State Bank Jefferson County. Charter No. 1102. H . Damkroger. W m . Ziettlow-. ------------ President -----Vice-President Harry W . Hartman _________ ;__ __________ - , ----------------Cashier .Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES loans and discounts-____________ < •Overdrafts, secured and un secured ______________________ . . . Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets_____________________ I Banking house, furniture and fixtures ________________________ Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expenses and taxes paid Cash items_______________ _____ Due from national, state and private banks___ _______________ ■Checks and items of exchange_ Currency ________________________ Gold coin_______________________ Silver, nickels and cents________ Total Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 12,139.63 204.64 2 , 100.00 1,801.51 3,639.50 592.00 45.00 324.82 .$ 20,847.10 Capital stock paid in____----------- $ Surplus fund________ Undivided profits____ ._] ' Dividends unpaid________ 111111111 Individual deposits subject to check -----------------------------------------Demand certificates of deposit... Time certificates of deposit_____ Certified checks________ Cashier’s checks outstanding— I’ Due to national, state and private banks__________________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable________ _____________ Depositors’ guaranty fund— — Total 10,000.00 -i qiq 70 4 77Q 95 4,140 00 16.42 .$ 20,847.10 151 S E C R E T A R Y OF T H E ST ATE BA N K IN G B O A R D Hemingford Box Butte The First State Bank County. Charter No. 635. James G. L. Barry___ __________________ President Taylor________________ Vice-President K. L . Pierce--------------------------------------- Cashier D. A. Pierce---------------------Assistant Cashier Anna M. Pierce__________ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. LIABILITIES RESOURCES Loans and discounts________ ____ $ Overdrafts, secured and un secured ____________ Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc.-____________________ Other assets____ ___ :_____ ;_______ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ___ Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expenses and taxespaid Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and private banks__________________ Checks and items o f exchange__ Currency _________________________ Gold coin_________________________ Silver, nickels and cents________ 95,410.25 1,504.22 Individual 2 , 20(1.00 450.41 29,812.07 25.22 3,727.00 10.00 509.07 .$133,678.24 Total Hemingford Capital stock paid in___________ $ 22,000.00 Surplus fund______________ ______ 4,400.00 Undivided profits_______________ 3,265.39 Dividends unpaid____________ _____ deposits subject to check ____________________________ 63,685.79 Demand certificates of deposit— 6,053.09 Time certificates of deposit_______ 34,021.00 Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks_____ - ___________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund_____ 252.97 rl'ot al .$133,678.24 The Peoples Bank Box Butte County. Charter No. 1094. L. E. Canfield._________________ - ____ President S. Wildy_________________ Vice-President STATEMENT DE C. U. Canfield______________________ Cashier _____________________ _____ Assistant Cashier EMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts_____________ $ 12 , 359.44 Overdrafts, secured and un secured _________________________ 222.24 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets.—_______________ ____ Banking house, furniture and 756.80 fixtures ________________________ Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expenses and taxes paid 739.98 Cash items-—____________________ Due from national, state and private banks__________ 9,729.33 Checks and items of exchange— 161.42 Currency -----------511.00 Gold coin--------------------------------------125.00 Silver, nickels and cents--492.22 Capital stock paid in___________ $ 12,500.00 Surplus fund_____________ _______ Undivided profits________________ 1,272.50 Dividends unpaid__________ - ___—Individual deposits subject to check ___________________________ 8,4.32.90 Demand certificates of deposit— 250.43 'Pimp certificates of deposit__ 2.609.95 Certified checks-----------------------------Cashier’s checks outstanding------Due to national, state and private banks--------------------- --— Notes and bills re-discounted----Bills payable-------------------------- -----Depositors’ guaranty fund-------31.65 Total Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis .$ 25,097.41 Total .$ 25,097.43 152 TW E N TIE T H Henderson ANNUAL REPORT OF THE Tlie Bank of Henderson York County. Charter No. 205. O. W . Friesen----- ---------- ------------- President John Freisen, Sr_____________ Vice-President P. L. Freisen... __________________ —-------------Cashier .Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts_____________ $124,410.74 Overdrafts, secured and un secured --------------------------------------1,162.57 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ------------------------------------1,605.87 Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expensesand taxes paid 5,792.02 Cash items________ .______________ Due from national, state and private banks__________________ 33,997.58 Checks and items of exchange... 54.94 Currency --------------------------------------5,037.00 Gold coin______________ _________ 1,220.00 Silver, nickels andcents__________ 649.89 Capital stock paid in___________ $ 20,000.00 Surplus fund--------------------------------500.00 Undivided profits_________________ 8,761.25 Dividends unpaid____ _____________ Individual deposits subject to check ---------------------24,321.26 Demand certificates of deposit— 5,718.32 Time certificate of deposit_______ 114,282.22 Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks________ __________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty - fund_____ 347.56 Total ---------------------------------- $173,930.01 Hendley Total ---------------------------------- $173,930.61 The Farmers State Bank Furnas County. Charter No. 869. TV. T . McKinney-------------------------- President ■C. H . Dreier--------------------------Vice-President C. P. Hord______ J. G. McKinney... ----------------- Cashier .Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911 RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts_____________ $ •Overdrafts, secured and un secured --------------- .. ..___________ Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets____ _______________ ” Banking house, furniture and fixtures ------------------------------------Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expenses and taxes paid Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and private banks__________________ Checks and items of exchange__ Currency --------------------------------------Gold com ---------.Silver, nickelsand cents__________ Total 46,716 40 287.83 3,250.00 2,164.27 6,079.53 ’ 50 69 1,217.00 9i7.5o 197.76 ----------------- ------- -------- $ 60,880.98 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis I .Capital stock paid in----------------- $ 15,000.00 Surplus fund_____________________ 4,000 00 Undivided profits__ 2 ’ fi47 ' 5i> Dividends unpaid_______ IIIIII— Individual deposits subject to check ------------------------------------------ 24,381.39 Demand certificates of deposit—. Time certificates of deposit_____ 10,562 30 Certified checks______________ ____ Cashier’s checks outstanding____ 200.00 Due to national, state and private banks__________________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable------------------ . . . ______ 4,000.00 Depositors’ guaranty fund—— 89.77 Total -------------------- ------- ------$ 60,880.98 153 S E C R E T A R Y OF T H E S T A T E BAN K IN G B O A R D Henry The Henry State Bank Scotts Bluff County. Charter No. 1098. T. F. Jordon_____________________ President John Boatsman______________ Vice-President B. E. Timbers_____________________ Cashier ............. ........ .......................... Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts_____________ $ 20,265.67 Overdrafts, secured and un secured _________________________ 174735 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets---------------------------------Banking house, furniture and fixtures ________________________ 1,000.00 Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expenses andtaxes paid 717.40 Cash items—----- --------------------------Due from national, state and private banks—. _______________ 4,662.00 Checks and items of exchange— Currency ____ —1_______________ 1,088.00 Gold coin______ __________________ 30.00 Silver, nickels and cents_________ 444.82 Capital stock paid in___________ $ 10,000.00 Surplus fund_____________________ Undivided profits_______________ ... 841.31 Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check ___________________________ 15,184.44 Demand certificates of deposit... Time certificates of deposit_____ 2,266.50 55.70 Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks__________________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund_____ 34.29 .$ 28,382.24 Total Herman .$ 28,382.24 Total The Plateau State Bank Washington County. Charter No. 934. G. C. Latta______________________ President E. W . Burdic________________ Vice-President E. C. Burdic____________________ — Cashier R. G. Allen_______________ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DE CEMBER 5, 1911. LIABILITIES RESOURCES Loans and discounts_______ $189,917.66 Overdrafts, secured and un secured _______ ____________ j.—i— 7,352.90 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc_________________ 100.00 Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ------------10,000.00 Real estate other than bank ing house________ 5,558.85 Current expenses andtaxes paid 7,734.92 Cash items.— -----------------------------532.75 Due from national, state and private banks__ ________________ 10,924.95 Checks and items of exchange... 1,502.45 Currency --------------3,333.00 Gold coin____________________ 3,350.00 Silver, nickels and cents----1,125.52 Total ______________________ $241,432.97 I Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Capital stock paid in_____ _____ $ Surplus fund_____________________ Undivided profits--------------------------Dividends unpaid___ _____________ Individual deposits subject to check ________________ ..._________ Demand certificates of deposit... Time certificates of deposit-------Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding------Due to national, state and private banks__________________ Notes and bills re-discounted----Bills payab le...---------------------------Depositors’ guaranty fund-------- Total 30,000.00 3,000.00 12,211.16 97,099.49 800.00 85,414.66 705.03 5,258.18 6,457.58 486.87 ________________ ____ .$241,432.97 154 TW E N TIE T H Herman ANNUAL REPORT OF THE Tlie Herman State Bank Washington County. Charter No. 995. E. P. H anson...:----------------------------President Chas. B ott-------------- ---------------Vice-President Lorentz C. Hanson_________________ Cashier _________________ '._________ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5. 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts_____________ $ 86,935.76 Overdrafts, secured and un secured --------------------------------------1,654.63 Bonds, securities, judgments, • claims, etc_________________ Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ------------------------------------5,000.00 Real estate other than bank ing house----------------------------2,320.00 Current expenses andtaxes paid 4,934.61 Cash items______________ _________ Due from national, state and private banks____ _____________ 8,885.99 Checks and items of exchange.._ Currency --------------------------------------5,995.00 Gold coin--------------------------------------310.00 Silver, nickels andcents__________ 1,164.71 Capital stock paid in................. ..$ 15,000.00 Surplus fund_____________________ 1,000.00 Undivided profits..________________ 6,823.23 Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check ___________________________ 34,717.12 Demand certificates of deposit... Time certificates of deposit_____ 57,623.97 Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding____ 131.81 Due to national, state and private banks__________________ 1,688.39 Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund_____ 216.18 Total ---------------------------------- $117,200.70 Hershey Total __ ____ ______________ $117,200.70 The Bank of Lincoln County Lincoln County. Charter No. 753. E. P. Seeberger------------------------------President O. H . Eyerly---------------------------Vice-President Earl Brownfield_____ _______________________ ----------------- Cashier Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES Loans and discounts_____________ $ 45,232.20 Overdrafts, secured and un secured _________________________ 276.19 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ------------------------------------1,070.00 Real estate other than bank ing house-----------------------------------826.00 Current expenses andtaxes paid 2,617.75 Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and private banks__________________ 20,330.57 Checks and items of exchange... Currency --------------------------------------2,475.00 Gold coin_________________________ 75.00 Silver, nickels andcents__________ 206.79 Total Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ----------------- ------------- 73,109.50 LIABILITIES Capital stock paid in______ ____ $ 10,000.00 Surplus fund----------------------------------2,000.00 Undivided profits___________________ 3,646.42 Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check -------------------------------45,360.71. Demand certificates of deposit____ 3,214.00 Time certificates of deposit_______ 8,777.23 Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks______ :___________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund__ __ 111.14 Total ________ ________ ____ $ 73,109.50 S E C R E T A R Y OF T H E S T A T E B A N K IN G B O A R D Hickman 155 The Bank of Hickman Lancaster County. Charter No. 208. L. Enyart______ ___________ _______ President J. H . Catron, Sr____________ Vice-President C. L. Morrison_____________________ Cashier B. B. Abels____ _________ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DE CEMBER 5, 1911. LIABILITIES RESOURCES Loans and discounts________$104,195.11 Overdrafts, secured and un secured _______ 153.49 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures _______________ 1,850.00 Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expensesand taxes paid 1,982.87 Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and private banks__________________ 48,137.68 Checks anditems of exchange____ 67.66 Currency _________________________ 6,258.00 Gold coin--------------------------------------2,975.00 Silver, nickels and cents_____ — 169.81 Total ______________________ $165,789.62 Hildreth Capital stock paid in___________ $ Surplus fund_________ Undivided profits_________________ Dividends unpaid_____________ ____ Individual deposits subject to check ___________________________ Demand certificates of deposit_ Time certificates of deposit-------Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding------Due to national, state and private banks__________________ Notes and bills re-discounted----Bills payable--------------------------------Depositors guaranty fund— Total 20,000.00 5,000.00 4,449.23 61,991.12 8,339.52 51,604.92 14,124.99 279.84 ______________ _____ .4165,789.62 The Franklin County Bank Franklin County. Charter No. 209. J. P. A. Black___________________ President O. W . Black____ ____ _______ Vice-President W . S. Marr-----------H . S. Kirkbride— ___________ Cashier .Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. LIABILITIES RESOURCES Loans and discounts____________ $127,179.19 Overdrafts, secured and un secured ________________________ 1,063.64 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc ____________________ Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ---------------r 3,333.35 Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expenses and taxes paid 3,309.68 Cash items_____________ :------------- Due from national, state and private banks__________________ 23,454.12 Checks and items of exchange— 43.65 Currency _________________________ 2,978.00 Gold c o in .-.._____________________ 1,205.00 Silver, nickels and cents------------Total 1,133.50 — _______ ___________ $163,700.13 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Capital stock paid in___________ $ 20,000.00 Surplus fund_____________________ 4,000.00 Undivided profits_________________ 6,884.62 Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check _______________________ 54,763.09 Demand certificates of deposit— 21,920.03 Time certificates of deposit_____ 55,813.42 Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding------Due to national, state and private banks---------------------------Notes and bills re-discounted----Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund-------318.37 Total ______________________ $163,700.13 1 56 TW E N TIE T H Hildreth ANNUAL REPORT OF THE The State Bank of Hildreth Franklin County. Charter No. 922. Fred Soker------------------------------------- President J. H . Blank---------------------------Vice-President F. W . Schultis___ :_________________ Cashier ___________________________ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5. 1911. LIABILITIES RESOURCES Doans and discounts_____________ $ Overdrafts, secured and un secured --------------------------------------Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets________________ ______ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ________________________ Real estate other than bank ing house____________________ ___ Current expenses and taxes paid Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and private banks__________________ Checks and items of exchange____ Currency --------------------Gold coin--------------------------------------Silver, nickels and cents__________ Total 84,798.21 1,810.08 3,300.00 5,284.51 23,964.80 798.93 3,140.00 1,985.00 1,590.27 ________________ ____ .$126,677.80 Holbrook Capital stock paid in___________ $ Surplus fund_____________________ Undivided profits_________________ Dividends unpaid_______________ _ Individual deposits subject to check ___________________________ Demand certificates of deposit__ Time certificates of deposit_______ Certified checks_______ ____ _______ Cashier’s checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks._________________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund______ Total 10,000.00 3,500.00 8,495.58 48,149.42 7,166.70 49,094.91 271.19 _____________ ____ ___ $126,677.80 The Bank of Holbrook Furnas County. Charter No. 605. Sam’l Patterson__________________ President C. M. Brown--------------------------Vice-President A. M. Keyes________________________ Cashier ----------------------------------- Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DE CEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts_____________ $ 78,642.55 Overdrafts, secured and un-. secured --------------------------------------557.02 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets_____________ _________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ------------------------------------1,315.00 Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expenses and taxes paid 3,324.33 Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and private banks_______ :________ .. . 20,451.60 Checks and items of exchange... 389.02 /Currency --------------------------------------2,219.00 Gold coin---------------------------- ---------5,050.00 Silver, nickels andcents.__ ______ 384.45 Total Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis -------------- ----------- ------- $112,332.97 Capital stock paid in___________ $ Surplus fund_____________________ Undivided profits ________________ Dividends unpaid_________________ individual deposits subject to check ___________________________ Demand certificates of deposit__ ’lime certificates of deposit_____ Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks__________________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund_____ Total 15,000.00 5,000.00 6,293.69 59,327.76 644.10 25,585.78 239.85 241.79 ...... ................. ................$112,332.97 157 S E C R E T A R Y OF T H E ST A T E B A N K IN G B O A R D Holmesville The State Bank of Holmesville Gage County. Charter No. 853. J. H . Steinmeyer_________________ President _____________________ ______ ___Vice-President R. H . Steinmeyer....------------------------ Cashier _____________________________ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. LIABILITIES RESOURCES Loans and discounts_____________ $ Overdrafts, secured and un secured _________________________ Bonds, securities, judgments, claims etc______________________ Other assets_____________ !________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ________________________ Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expenses and taxes paid Cash items________________ _____ Due from national, state and private banks__________________ Checks and items of exchange-.. Currency ________________ __________ Gold coin_________________________ Silver, nickels and cents_________ 32,021.30 1,166.64 3,300.00 87.60 1,403.76 21.54 2,180.00 160.00 401.59 .Capital stock paid in___________ $ 10,000.00 Surplus fund_____________________ 1,0-50.00 Undivided profits_________________ 1,079.34 Dividends unpaid_____ ____ _______ Individual deposits subject to check ___________________________ 22,612.40 Demand certificates of deposit... 812.78 Time certificates of deposit_______ 5,122.39 Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks__________________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable.____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund_____ 65.52 ____ _________________ $ 40,742.43 Total _____ _______ ________ $ 40,742.43 P. C. Babcock_______________ Vice-President C. L . Stanley----------------- Assistant Cashier Total STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. LIABILITIES RESOURCES Loans and discounts____________ $ Overdrafts, secured and un secured _________________________ Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ________________________ Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expenses and taxes paid Cash items----------- ----------- ------------Due from national, state and private banks---------------------------Checks and items of exchange— Currency _________________________ Gold coin_________ _______ _______ Silver, nickles and cents_____ :----Total Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 42,279.21 568.64 1,882.49 1,715.69 7,660.92 84.30 2,545.00 615.00 437.85 .$ 57,789.10 Capital stock paid in___________ $ Surplus fund-----------------------------Undivided profits_________________ Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check ____________________________ Demand certificates of deposit... Time certificates of deposit----- Certified checks_________ _________ Cashier’s checks outstanding------Due to national, state and private banks__________________ Notes and bills re-discounted----Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund-------- Total 10,000.00 2,000.00 4,097.15 18,169.15 23,383.84 138.96 .$ 57,789.10 158 TW EN TIETH Homer ANNUAL REPORT OF THE The Homer State Bank Dakota County. Charter No. 211. C. J. O’ Connor------------------------------President M. O.- Ayres:-----,-------------------Vice-President G. W . McBeath________________ .....C ash ier G. M. Best_______________ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. LIABILITIES RESOURCES Doans and discounts__________ v_.$102,258.83 Overdrafts, secured and un secured _________ !________ ______ 93.14 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets________ _____________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ________________________ 6,666.00 Real estate other than bank ing house__________ ____________ Current expenses and taxes paid 2,397.28 Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and private banks__________________ 25,792.46 Checks and items of exchange..68.88 1,428.00 Currency ---------------------. . . ________ Gold coin_________________________ 845.00 Silver nickels and cents__________ 1,163.58 Total -------- ------- ------------------$140,718.17 Homer Capital stock paid in___________ $ Surplus fund_____________________ Undivided profits_________________ Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check ________________________ . . . Demand certificates of deposit___ Time certificates of deposit_____ Certified checks___________________ Cashier's checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks__________________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund____ Total 20,000.00 5,000.00 6,614.91 70.00 53,800.08 4,821.69 40,181.55 10,000.00 229.94 . . . ______________ ____ $140,718,17 The Security State Bank Dakota County. Charter No. 770. Thomas Ashford _________________ President John Ashford------------------------- Vice-President W . H. Ryan________________________ Cashier Geo. W . Ashford_________ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES Loans and discounts____________ $100,108.02 Overdrafts, secured and un secured ________________________ 316.02 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ___________ :____________ 1,000.00 Rea] estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expenses and taxes paid 1,319.16 Cash item s_______________________ Due from national, state and private banks__________________ 32,299.14 Checks and items of exchange.__ 382.38 Currency ________________ '________ 3,950.00 Gold coin______________ __________ 80.00 Silver, nickels and cents_________ 908.17 Total __________ , __________ $140,363.49 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis LIABILITIES Capita] stock paid in___________ $ Surplus fund_____________________ Undivided profits___ _____________ Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check -----------------------------------------Demand certificates of deposit__ Time certificates of deposit_____ Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks__________________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund_____ Total 20,000.00 4,000.00 3,836.32 48,340.85 268.11 63,140.44 532.83 244.94 ---------------------------------- $140,363.49 SECRETARY OF THE STATE BANKING BOARD Hooper Dodge 159 The Dodge County Bank County. Charter No. 212. Casper Moeller_____________________ President Geo. D. Gibson_____________ Vice-President W m . Meyer-------P. H . Maryott—. ___________Cashier .Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and'discounts________$247,078.71 Overdrafts, secured and un 879.56 secured . . _________________ Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc_______ _______________ Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ________________________ 8,330.00 Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expensesand taxes paid 3,685.39 Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and private banks._____ ..— .3 0 ,1 1 9 .2 7 Checks and items of exchange____ 17.17 Currency _________________________ 2,381.00 Gold coin_________________________ 7,565.00 Silver, nickels and cents__________ 729.22 Capital stock paid in___________ $ 25,000.00 Surplus fund_____________________ 25,000.00 Undivided profits_________________ 8,830.59 Dividends unpaid_________________ 22.50 Individual deposits subject to check ___________________________ 99,976.81 Demand certificates of deposit__ 749.20 Time certificates of deposit_______ 140,677.80 Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s cheeks outstanding------Due to national, state and private banks---------------------------Notes and bills re-discounted----Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund-------518.42 Total ____________ _______ —$300,775.32 Hordville Total .................... ........ ..........$300,775.32 The First State Bank Hamilton County. Charter No. 956. W . I. Parley______________________ President A. W . Hickman______________ Vice-President P. J. Refshauge___________ _______ Cashier ___________________________ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5. 1911. LIABILITIES RESOURCES Loans and discounts_____________ $ Overdrafts, secured and un secured ________ ________________ Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets__________ _________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ______ _______________ _ Real estate other than bank ing house________ :______ ________ Current expenses and taxes paid Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and private banks___________ Checks and items of exchange... Currency ..._______________________ Gold coin_______________ Silver, nickelsand cents___________ Total 80,533.62 1,962.90 5,000.00 2,466.20 7,393.06 3,106.00 770.00 170.40 ____ _____ ________. — $101,402.13 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Capital stock paid in___________ $ 15,000.00 Surplus fund_____________________ 1,000.00 Undivided profits_________________ 4,054.45 Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check __________________ 24,427.37 Demand certificates of deposit__ 6,280.44 Time certificates of deposit_______ 50,435.94 Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding___ _ Due to national, state and private banks__________________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund-------203.98 Total _____ ____________ $101,402.18 160 TWENTIETH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE Hoskins Wayne The Hoskins State Bank County. Charter No. 584. Aug. Ziemer------------------------- ----------President Ed. Behmer---------------------------- Vice-President R. G. Robrke_______________________ Cashier Robt. E. Templin_________ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts_____________ $109,714.13 Overdrafts, secured and un secured — — '____ _____ — ____ 409.54 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc . — 1_______ 2,454.57 Other assets______ _______________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ________________________ 2,700.00 Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expenses and taxes paid and interest______ ______________ 6,343.83 Cash items_______________ _______ Due from national, state and private banks._________________ 12,095.54 Checks and items of exchange— 1,572.98 1,503.00 Currency _________ Gold coin-------------------------:________ 2,830.00 Silver, nickels and cents— —____ 527.88 Total ----------------------------------$140,151.47 Howe Capital stock paid in___________ $ Surplus fund_____________________ Undivided profits_________________ Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check --------------------------Demand certificates of deposit__ Time certificates of deposit____ Certified checks___________________ Cashier's checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks__________________ Notes and bills re-discofinted___ Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund_____ Total 15,000.00 3,000.00 8,220.94 45,763.01 67,366.09 464.89 336.54 ________________ ______$140,151.47 The Bank of Howe Nemaha County. Charter No. 512. H . C. Kleckner_______ ____________ President W m . Campbell________ ______ Vice-President E. C. Roberts------------------------------------Cashier ------------------------------------------Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DE CEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts_____________ $ 44,682.80 Overdrafts, secured and un secured __________ 318.79 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, e tc.-——________________ 500.00 Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ____ — ________________ 2,578.77 Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expenses andtaxes paid 1,060.27 Cash items_______________________ 3,354.87 Due from national, state and private banks__________________ 5,831.56 Checks and items of exchange__ Currency ______ —— ______________ 1,520.00 Gold coin___ _____________________ 660.00 Silver, nickels andcents— ________ 554.42 Capital stockpaid in______________ 10,000.00 Surplus fund___________________ 2,000.00 Undivided profits______ 1__________ 1,485.58 Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check ___________________ 33,359.01 Demand certificates of deposit— Time certificates of deposit______ 11,108.55 Cashier’s checks outstanding____ Cashier's checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks__________________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ 3,000.00 Bills payable___ _______________ Depositors’ guaranty fund_____ 108.40 Total ____ ______ __________ $ 61,061.54 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Total __________________ — -$ 61,061.54 SECRETARY OF TH'E STATE BANKING BOARD Howells 161 The Colfax County Bank Colfax County. ' Charter No. 214. E . P. Folda_______________________ President Joseph Smatlan______________ Vice-President A. Polda_____________________ . ______ Cashjer J. M. Polda_____________ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts_____________ $271,566.26 Overdrafts, secured and un secured _________________________ 1,858.59 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, e t c ...___________________ Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and 4,000. CO fixtures ______ __________________ Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expenses and taxes paid Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and private banks__________________ 35,395.84 Checks and items of exchange.— 2,384.18 Currency _________________________ 7,721.00 Gold coin_________________________ 4,335.00 2,059.33 Silver, nickels and cents-------------- Capital stock paid in___________ $ 20,000.00 Surplus fund________ 15,000.00 Undivided profits_________________ 4,809.61 Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check ___________________________ 128,732.21 Demand certificates of deposit— Time certificates of deposit_____ 160,010.34 Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding------Due to national, state and private banks__________________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund-------767.54 Total __________ _______ ___ $329,319.70 Howells Colfax Total —____ _______________ $329,319.70 The Howells State Bank County. Charter No. 669. H . Quesner_________________________ President H . Holsten___________________ Vice-President E. Quesner------------------------- ------- ---------Cashier L . R. Caufal---------------------Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts________ $200,291.99 Overdrafts, secured and un secured _________________________ 1,769.65 Bonds, securities, judgments, 'claims, etc______________ _______ Other assets..____________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ________________________ Real estate other than bank ing house___________ T— . ------- Current expenses and taxes paid Cash items-----------------------------------Due from national, state and private banks______________ 16,426.69 Checks and items of exchange... 2,496.99 Currency _________________________ 4,954.00 Gold coin___________________ 5,740.00 Silver, nickels and cents-----884.20 Capital stock paid in___________ $ 15,000.00 Surplus fund_____________________ 10,000.00 Undivided profits_________________ 1,681.22 Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check __________________________ - 92,734.45 Demand certificates of deposit... 1,877.72 Time certificates of deposit----------- 110,680.82 Certified checks___________________ 100.00 Cashier’s checks outstanding------Due to national, state and private banks__________________ Notes and bills re-discounted----Bills payable------------------- ------------Depositors’ guaranty fund-------489.31 Total Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis .$232,563.52 Total .$232,563.52 162 TWENTIETH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE Hubbard Dakota The Hubbard State Bank County. Charter No. 743. D. F . Waters---------------------------------President ------------------------------------------------ Vice-President Michael Waters______________________ Cashier J. R. Waters______________ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts_____________ $ Overdrafts, secured and un secured _________________________ Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ------------------------------------Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expenses andtaxes paid Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and private banks---------------------------Checks and items of exchange... Currency -----------------Gold coin--------------------------------------Silver, nickels andcents___________ Total 65,043.79 179.14 2,450.00 781.61 33,790.95 2,815.00 1,000.00 442.03 .$106,502.52 Hubbell Capital stock paid in___________ $ Surplus fund-—______ ___________ Undivided profits_________________ Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check -------------------------------------Demand certificates of deposit— Time certificates of deposit_______ Certified checks___________________ i Cashier’s checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks__________________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund_____ Total 10,000.00 1,100.00 1,891.52 39,464.56 1,035.33 52,804.96 206.15 .$106,502.52 The Farmers and Merchants State Bank Thayer County. •Charter No. 1026. H . H . Johnson___________________ President F . Wilcox— .'------------- ------------Vice-President D. J. Baldwin____________ . Cashier ---------------------------------------- .Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts__________ .. .$ 23,209.66 Overdrafts, secured and un secured _________________________ 2.70 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc_______________ ______ Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ______________ __________ 3,000.00 Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expenses and taxes paid 2,794.74 Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and private banks _____________ 13,582.75 Checks and items of exchange— 3.11 Currency ________ 1,575.00 Gold coin_________________________ 680.00 Silver, nickels and cents_________ 477.49 Capital stock paid in___________ $ 10,000.00 Surplus fund_____________________ Undivided profits___________________ 3,644.97 Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check ------------------------------------------ 25,391.14 Demand certificates of deposit— Time certificates of deposit_____ 6,242.00 Certified checks__________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks__________________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund_____ 47.34 Total ----------------------------------$ 45,325.45 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Total ............... ..................... 45,325.45 SECRETARY OF THE STATE BANKING BOARD Hubbell 163 The Hubbell Bank Thayer County. Charter No. 1074. W . H . Conklin____________________ President J. E. Conklin........ .....................Vice-President L. A. Conklin__________ ______ _____ Cashier ___________________________ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts_____________ $109,836.95 Overdrafts, secured and un secured _________________________ 91.28 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc_________ _____________ Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ________________________ 1,000.00 Real estate other than bank ing house_______________ ________ Current expenses and taxes paid Cash items_______ 1______________ Due from national, state and private banks__________________ 45,638.04 Checks and items of exchange____ 538.35 Currency _________________________ 3,566.00 - Gold coin_________________________ 2,485.00 Silver, nickels and cents_________ 862.59 Capital stock paid in___________ $ 20,000.00 5,000.00 Surplus fund_____________________ Undivided profits_________________ 9,321.04 Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check____ _________________ - ____ 129,380.94 Demand certificates of deposit— Time certificates of deposit-------Certified checks----------------------------Cashier’s checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks_____________ .____ Notes and bills re-discounted----Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund-------316.03 Total ______________________ $164,018.01 Humboldt Total ____ - ________ _______ $164,018.01 The State Bank Richardson County. Charter No. 216. ________________ President S P Gist. S.' r ! Gist____________________ Vice-President P. R. Butterfield------------------------------- Cashier Otto Kotouc__________ ___ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. LIABILITIES RESOURCES Loans and discounts-------------$233,490.12 Overdrafts. secured and un secured __________ 140.29 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc---------------------------------Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ________________________ 5,868.94 Real estate other than bank ing house_________________ ______ Current expenses andtaxes Paid 1,101.37 Cash items__________________ 404.98 Due from national, state and private banks_____________ 31,657.42 Checks and items of exchange__ 2,064.12 Currency _________________________ 5,125.00 Gold coin________________-------------2,600.00 658.17 Silver, nickels and cents-----Total ............ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ..$283,110.41 Capital stock paid in___________ $ 50,000.00 Surplus fund--------------------------------- 10,000.00 Undivided profits--------------------------2,535.00 Dividends unpaid--------------------------Individual deposits subject to check _____________________ 142,162.04 Demand certificates of deposit— 67,949.09 Time certificates of deposit-------Certified checks-----------------------------Cashier’s checks outstanding------Due to national, state and private banks---------------------------Notes and bills re-discounted----Bills payable--------------------------------- 10,000.00 Depositors’ guaranty fund--------464.28 Total ______________________ $283,110.41 TWENTIETH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE 164 Humphrey Platte The Bank of Otis and Murphy County. Charter No. 817. W . M. Condon___________________ President Herman Wendt_______________ Vice-President Frank H. Tieskoetter_____ _________ Cashier ___________________________ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans anddiscounts______________ $209,750.34 Overdrafts, secured and un secured _________ 1,573.62 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ 2,500.00 Other assets_________________ ____ Banking house, furniture and 2,500.00 fixtures ___________ Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expenses and taxes paid 3,448.00 Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and private banks__________________ 25,732.41 Checks and items of exchange... 1,991.35 Currency _________________________ 8,715.00 2,325.00 Gold coin_________________________ Silver, nickels and cents__________ 568.80 Capital stock paid in___________ $ 25,000.00 Surplus fund_____________________ 4,000.00 Undivided profits_________________ 5,767.77 Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check ___________________________ 105,893.S2 Demand certificates of deposit... 3,639.70 Time certificates of deposit_____ 107,493.40 Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding____ 6,807.75 Due to national, state and private banks__________________ 68.23 Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable..___________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund_____ 433.85 Total _____________________ $259,104.52 Huntley Total _____________________ $259,104.52 The State Bank of Huntley Harlan County. Charter No. 832. O. H . Johnson___________________ President R. F . Johnson_______________ Vice-President J. II. Hardin_______________________ Cashier R. T . Johnson___________ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5. 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts_____________ $ Overdrafts, secured and un secured _________________________ Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ________________________ Rea] estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expensesandtaxes paid Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and private banks_______________ . . . Checks and items of exchange__ Currency --------------------------------------Gold coin_________________________ Silver, nickels andcents__________ Total Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 35,998.22 850.04 2,000.00 280.13 3,947.74 1,427.00 475.00 353.28 .$ 45,331.41 Capita] stock paid in___________ $ Surplus fund_____________________ Undivided profits_________________ Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check ___________________________ Demand certificates of deposit... Time certificates of deposit_____ Certified checks__________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks__________________ v otes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable:_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund_____ Total 6,000.00 2,000.00 478.31 22,128.55 ’475.00 9,160.16 999.00 4,000.00 89.79 .$ 45,331.41 SECRETARY OF THE STATE BANKING BOARD Hyannis Grant 165 The Bank of Hyannis County. Charter No. 486. John Clay_________________________ President James Porbes________________ Vice-President C. O. Jones________________________ Cashier Chas. Finegan___________ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5. 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts_____________$293,410.16 Overdrafts, secured and un secured ________________________ _ 313.40 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ________________________ 500.00 Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expenses and taxes paid 1,396.12 Cash items_____________________ Due from national, state and private banks__________________ 88,437.94 Checks and items of exchange... Currency ___________________ 9,395.00 Gold coin_________________________ 5,010.00 722.69 Silver, nickelsand cents___________ Capital stock paid in___________ $ 30,000.00 Surplus fund_____________________ 8,000.00 Undivided profits_________________ 11,284.36 Dividends unpaid___________ ______ Individual deposits subject to check _____ I____________________ 251,568.96 200.00 Demand certificates of deposit__ Time certificates of deposit_____ 94,254.77 Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding____ 2,212.84 Due to national, state and private banks__________________ 1,132.56 Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable_____________________ , 531.82 Depositors’ guaranty fund_____ Total ______ _____ ______ ...$399,185.31 Imperial Total ............... ................ ........ $399,185.31 The Farmers and Merchants Bank Chase County. Charter No. 219. O. P. Shallenberger_________ _____ President ______________________________ Vice-President J. E. Burke_________________________ Cashier J. F. McLain____________ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts________$117,973.56 Overdrafts, secured and un secured _________________________ 678.75 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, e tc .._____ _______________ Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures _____________ 8,300.00 Real estate other than bank ing house____ __________________ Current expensesand taxes paid 3,650.48 Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and private banks__________________ 31,400.82 Checks and items of exchange... 612.45 Currency _________________________ 5,501.00 Gold coin________ 2,480.00 Capital stock paid in___________ $ 25,000.00 Surplus fund_____________________ 500.00 Undivided profits_________________ 8,174.99 Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check ___________________________ 75,754.12 Demand certificates of deposit... 231.00 Time certificates of deposit_______ 61,459.45 Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks__________________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund_____ 275.59 S ilv e r , n ic k e ls Total a n d c e n t s ______________ 7 9 8 .0 9 ______________________ $171,395.15 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Total ........................ ...............$171,395.15 1C6 TWENTIETH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE Inavale The Bank of Inavale Webster County. Charter No. 795. Charles Hunter__________ ________ President Alfred McCall_______________ Vice-President G. Morrow_____________________ :____ Cashier ____________________________ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts_____________ $ 58,928.83 Overdrafts, secured and un secured _________________________ 643.42 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures _____________ *_____ _____ 2,086.61 Real estate other than bank ing house______ ________________ Current expenses and taxes paid 526.75 Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and private banks__________________ 12,469.48 Checks and items of exchange__ Currency _________________________ 2,075.00 Gold coin_________________________ 30.00 Silver, nickelsand cents___________ 559.71 Capital stock paid in___________ $ 10,000.00 2,000.00 Surplus fund_____________________ Undivided profits_________________ 883.18 Dividends unpaid___________ ______ Individual deposits subject to check ___________________________ 54,918.43 Demand certificates of deposit—. 815.80 Time certificates of deposit_____ 8,342.72 Certified checks___________________ Cashier's checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks__________________ 232.52 Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable.;____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund____ 127.15 Total .$ 77,319.80 Indianola .$ 77,319.80 Total The State Bank Red Willow County. Charter No. 220. L . E. Southwick__________________ President Prank Powell_________________ Vice-President W m . A. Dolan--------------------------------- Cashier C. S. Quick, Jr__________ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES Loans and discounts________$109,906.45 Overdrafts, secured and un secured _________________________ 642.71 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures _________ 5,000.00 Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expensesand taxes paid 3,005.64 Cash items___________ ____ ________ Due from national, state and private banks__________________ 25,585.71 Checks and items of exchange... Currency _________________________ 2,766.00 Gold coin_________________________ 3,705.00 Silver, nickelsand cents___________ 1,079.43 Total ______________________ $151,690.93 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis LIABILITIES Capital stock paid in___________ $ Surplus fund_____________________ Undivided profits_________________ Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check ____________________________ Demand certificates of deposit— Time certificates of deposit_______ Certified checks____________ _— Cashier’s checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks__________________ Notes and bills re-discounted..^_ Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund_____ 25,000.00 6,000.00 6,400.37 51,844.08 1,316.68 60,831.26 298.54 Total _______________ ____ ..$151,690.93 SECRETARY OF THE STATE BANKING BOARD Indianola 167 The Farmers and Merchants State Bank Red Willow County. Charter No. 913. C. A. Hedges..........— ........ ........ ...President J. R. Neel-------------- -----------------Vice-President W . A. Reynolds_____________________ Cashier J. B . Hillers.____________ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts_____________ $ 27,608.16 Overdrafts, secured and un secured _________________________ 148.73 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets________ ______________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ________________________ 3,250.00 Rea] estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expenses andtaxes paid 1,967.07 Cash items________________ 42.26 Due from national, state and private banks__________________ 8,323.72 Checks and items of exchange... Currency --------------------------------------1,775.00 Gold c o i n .....____________________ 1,245.00 Silver, nickels andcents___________ 442.19 Total .$ 44,802.13 Inland Clay Capital stock paid in___________ $ Surplus fund_____________________ Undivided profits_________________ Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check ___________________________ Demand certificates of deposit__ Time certificates of deposit_______ Certified checks__ ________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks__________________ Notes and bills re-discounted____ Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund_____ Total 12,500.00 1,400.00 2,732.31 13,613.35 952.90 10,404.25 3.127.03 72.29 .$ 44,802.13 The Farmers State Bank County. Charter No. 1134. C. E. Sanderson________________ President J. D. Lamp---------------------------- Vice-President J. B . Morgan_______________________ Cashier -------------------------------------------Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5. 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts_____________ $ Overdrafts, secured and un secured _________________________ Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets_________ _____________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ________________________ Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expenses andtaxes paid Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and private banks__________________ Checks and items of exchange... Currency --------------------------------------Gold coin_____ ___________________ Silver, nickels andcents___________ Total Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 28,044.69 226.70 2,043.04 599.88 9,369.34 647.00 545.00 366.58 .$ 41,842.23 Capital stock paid in___________ $ Surplus fund_____________________ Undivided profits_________________ Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check ___________________________ Demand certificates of deposit__ Time certificates of deposit_______ Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks________________ __ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable____________________ _ Depositors’ guaranty fund_____ Total 10,000.00 1,016.87 13,909.87 588.32 15,892.70 434.47 .$ 41,842.23 IG 8 TWENTIETH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE Inman The Inman State Bank Holt County. Charter No. 622. Ed. F . Gallagher_________________ President T . F . Birmingham______ . . . .Vice-President E. C. Sharp________________________ Cashier W . W . Watson___________ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES Loans and discounts_____________ $ Overdrafts, secured and un secured _________________________ Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc____ _________________ Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ________________________ Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expenses and taxes paid Cash ite m s...__________ __________ Due from national, state and private banks__________________ Cheeks and items of exchange... Currency ______________ . . . ________ Gold coin_____________________ . . . . Silver, nickels and cents_________ . Total LIABILITIES 69,651.53 709.81 2,225.00 1,045.25 25,296.09 260.SO 2,737.00 1,015.00 574.78 ________ _______ _____ $103,515.26 Ithaca Capital stock paid in___________ $ Surplus fund_____________________ Undivided profits_________________ Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check ____________________________ Demand certificates of deposit... Tirnp certificates of deposit_____ Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding------Due to national, state and private banks________________ — Notes, and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable---------------------------Depositors’ guaranty fund-------- Total 10,000.00 3,000.00 4,705.97 36,218.03 49,393.72 197.54 _____ _____ ____ , ____ $103,515.26 The Farmers State Bank Saunders County. • Charter No. 687. G. F . Wagner_____________________ President F. C. Hanke___________ _____ Vice-President J. M. Hall__________________________ Cashier ______ ____________________ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5. 1911. RESOURCES Loans and discounts_____________ $ Overdrafts, secured and un secured _________________________ Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets______________________ Banking house, 'furniture and fixtures ________________________ Real estate other than bank ing house..1____________________ Current expenses and taxes paid Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and private banks__________________ Checks and items of exchange... Currency _________________________ Gold coin___________________ ;_____ Silver, nickels and cents_________ Total LIABILITIES 81,134.00 122.12 1,662.00 3,922.36 53,486.61 2,125.00 2,370.00 508.56 ________ ____ ________ $145,330.65 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Capita] stock paid in___________ $ 5,000.00 Surplus fund_____________________ 5,000.00 Undivided profits_________________ 6,298.55 Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check ------------------------------------------- 33,260.32 Demand certificates of deposit... Time certificates of deposit_____ 95,481.45 Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks__________________ Notes and tubs re-discounted___ Bills nayable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund_____ 290.33 Total ______________________ $145,330.65 SECRETARY OF THE STATE BANKING BOARD Jackson 169 The Bank of Dakota County Dakota County. Charter No. 651. M. 0 . Ayers.______ _______________ President . Vice-President Lee C. Kearney_____________________ Cashier ___________________________ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5. 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts________ $160,222.39 Overdrafts, secured and un secured _________________________ 338.69 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ________________________ 4,000.00 Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expensesand taxes paid 3,119.83 Cash items______ ________________ Due from national, state and private banks__________________ 42,840.83 Checks and items of exchange... Currency _________________________ 4,385.00 Gold coin_________________________ 570.00 745.33 Silver, nickelsand cents----------------- Capital stock paid in___________ $ 20,000.00 Surplus fund_____________________ Undivided profits_________________ 3,461.84 Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check ___________________________ 62,724.84 Demand certificates of deposit— 260.32 Time certificates of deposit— — 129,258.12 Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding------1.00 Due to national, state and private banks__________________ Notes and bills re-discounted----Bills payable— ---------------------------Depositors’ guaranty fund-------515.95 Total .................................. .....$216,222.07 Jansen Total ........................................ $216,222.07 The State Bank Jefferson County. Charter No. 612. John P. Thiessen_________________ President John Nider___________________ Vice-President H . A. Thiessen__________ __________ Cashier J. A . Thiessen...-------------Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. LIABILITIES RESOURCES Loans and discounts_____________ $ Overdrafts, secured and un secured _________________________ Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc---------------------------------Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ________________________ Real estate other than bank ing house.__ ____________________ Current expenses and taxes paid Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and private banks__________________ Checks and items of exchange... Currency _________________________ Gold coin--------------------------------------Silver, nickels and cents---------------Total 59,787.46 573.62 3,400.00 2,576.19 1,381.40 50.33 1,561.00 500.00 677.74 ........... .................... .......$ 70,507.74 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Capital stock paid in__________ $12,000.00 Surplus fund_____________________ 2,400.00 Undivided profits_________________ 4,295.25 Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check ___________________________ 42,733.82 Demand certificates of deposit__ Time certificates of deposit_______ 8,976.72 Certified checks_______ :___________ Cashier’s checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks_________ _________ Notes and bills re-discounted----Bills payable--------------------------------Depositors’ guaranty fund_____ 101.95 Total ........................................$ 70,507.74 170 TWENTIETH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE Johnstown The Citizens Bank Brown County. Charter No. 614. A . G. Holt__________ ____________ President B . M. Holt---------------------------- Vice-President Hazel M. Holt______________________ Cashier ___________________________ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Boans and discounts_____________ $ Overdrafts, secured and un secured ________ *________________ Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets_________________ — Banking house, furniture and fixtures ________________________ Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expenses and taxespaid Cash items________ *____ - ________ Due from national, state and private banks__________________ Checks and items of exchange__ Currency _________________________ Gold coin______ __________________ Silver, nickels and cents_________ Total 49,948.06 316.87 3,250.00 884.19 21,718.36 81.60 1,801.00 1,665.00 465.02 .$ 80,130.10 Julian Capital stock paid in___________ $ Surplus fund_____________________ Undivided profits________________ Dividends unpaid________________ . _ Individual deposits subject to check _____________________ Demand certificates of deposit__ Time certificates of deposit_____ Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks__________________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund_____ Total 10,000.00 1,000.00 3,840.77 33,617.07 31,549.70 122.56 .$ 80,130.10 The Bank of Julian Nemaha County. Charter No. 226. E. Berlet________ J. E. Casselman. _____ President .Vice-President C. L. Mesnet_______________________ Cashier ___________________________ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts__________ — 69,017.58 Overdrafts, secured and un secured _________________________ 176.00 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc._____________________ Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ________________________ 2,500.00 Real estate other than bank ing house__________________ .____ Current expenses and taxes paid 1,169.27 Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and private banks_____________ '____ 31,190.29 Checks and items of exchange-— 183.15 Currency-_______________ ____ - _____ 2,031.00 Gold coin_________________________ 1,500.00 Silver, nickels and cents_________ 1,030.30 Capital stock paid in_10,000.00 Surplus fund_____________________ 2,500.00 Undivided profits_________________ 2,783.93 Dividends unpaid--_______________ Individual deposits subject to check ____________ __________ —— 71,037.80 Demand certificates of deposit__ 424.06 Time certificates of deposit-——21,868.00 Certified checks_______________ ___ Cashier’s checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks_____________ _____ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund_____ 183.80 Total -------- ------------------- ------$108,797.59 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Total _____________ ________ $108,797.59 SECRETARY OF THE STATE BANKING BOARD Juniata 171 The Bank of Juniata Adams County. Charter No. 552. A. L. Clarke__________ _______ ____ President W . A . Taylor_______________ Vice-President C. J. Vanhouten------------------------------Cashier ___________________________ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts_____________ $ 72,465.78 Overdrafts, secured and un secured _________________________ 800.83 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets.— ---------------------------Banking house, furniture and 6,666.00 fixtures ________________________ Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expenses and taxes paid 3,051.09 Cash items_____________ _________ Due from national, state and private banks__________________ 31,269.61 Checks and items of exchange... Currency . . . ______________________ 3,610.00 Gold coin_________________________ Silver, nickels and cents------------644.61 Capital stock paid in___________ $ 20,000.00 Surplus fund_____________________ 5,000.00 Undivided profits__________________ 10,535.34 Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check ____________________________ 42,643.29 Demand certificates of deposit... 39,602.62 Time certificates of deposit-------Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding------Due to national, state and private banks__________________ Notes and bills re-discounted----Bills payable--------------------------------226.67‘ Depositors’ guaranty fund-------- Total ____ ___________ ____ .$118,007.92 Kearney Total ........................................ $118,007.92 The Farmers Bank of Kearney Buffalo County. Charter No. 228. J G Lowe.. . _____________ President W . O. King_____________ ....Vice-President J. A. Boyd--------------------------------------- Cashier ________________ ______ ___ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. LIABILITIES RESOURCES Loans and discounts_____________ $199,949.43 Overdrafts, secured and un secured _________________________ 2,098.35 Bonds, securities,judgments, claims, etc..;______ ____ T-----------9,105.25 Other assets..-------------- — -----------Banking house,furniture and 5,000.00 • fixtures _______________ r ----------Real estate other than bank ing house.-------------rCurrent expenses and taxes paid 8,172.33 Cash item s..----------- --------------------- , Due from national, state and private banks_______ — 44,376.06 Checks and itemsof exchange... 1,399.20 Currency 1.11------- ----------------- 1—- 10,265.00 Gold coin_________________________ 2,535.00 Silver, nickels andcents---------------1,211.54 Total ............................... ........ $284,112.16 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Capital stock paid in___________ $ 25,000.00 Surplus fund_____ ________________ 8,000.00 Undivided profits_____________ . . . . 12,900.61 Dividends unpaid______________ ___ Individual deposits subject to check ___________________________ 157,252.10 9,522.63 Demand certificates of deposit__ Time certificates of deposit_____ 66,560.85 Certified checks__________________ Cashier's checks outstanding__ Due to national, state and private banks__________________ 4,352.71 Notes and bills re-discounted----Bills payable---------------------------Depositors’ guaranty fund------------------------ 523.26 Total ........ ...............................$284,112.16 172 TWENTIETH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE Keene Tlie Farmers State Bank Kearney County. Charter No. 874. A. G. Warren-------------------'------------- President A. J. Larson----------------------...Vice-President C. P. Dossett..-. Mina M. Dossett. —L-------------Cashier .Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts_____________ $ Overdrafts, secured and un secured _________________________ Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets______________ ________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ------------------------------------Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expenses and taxes paid Cash items_________________ _____ Due from national, state and private banks__________________ Checks and items of exchange... Currency --------------------------------------Gold coin-------- ----------------------------Silver, nickels and cents__________ Total 500.00 1,006.00 10,191.98 28.12 2,076.00 155.00 438.71 ---------------------------------- $ 39,403.56 Kenesaw Adams 25,007.75 Capital stock paid in___________ $ 5,000.00 Surplus fund___________________ __ 200.00 Undivided profits____________ i oop’ss Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check ------------------------------------------ 15,790.92 Demand certificates of deposit... 17,126.69 Time certificates of deposit_____ Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks____________ ______ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable____________________ I Depositors’ guaranty fund_____ 76.42 Total ---------------------------------- $ 39,403.56 The Kenesaw Exchange Bank County. Charter No. 585. A. L. Clarke---------------------------------President S. A. Westing-----------------------Vice-President H. R. Coplin_________________ ___ Cashier H . M. R u s s e ll......_____ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES loans and discounts_____________ $ Overdrafts, secured and un secured _________________________ Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets___ __ _______________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ------------Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expenses and taxes paid Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and private banks__________________ Checks and items of exchange... Currency ---------------Gold coin--------------------------------------Silver, nickels and cents_________ Total Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 80,135.45 194.52 2,500.00 7.58 7,096.75 257.32 1,140.00 1,935.00 568.66 .$ 93,835.28 Capital stock paid in___________ $ Surplus fund--------------------------------Undivided profits.________________ Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check -----------------------------------------Demand certificates of deposit... Time certificates of deposit_______ Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks__________________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund_____ Total 20,000.00 1,000.00 3,932.16 34,916.59 6,125.08 27,672.13 199.32 -$ 93,835.28 SECRETARY OF THE STATE BANKING BOARD Kenesaw Adams 173 The First State Bank County. Charter No. 1019. B. J. Hilsabeek_______ _____ ......P resid en t Eranklin Bernhard__________Vice-President ____________ Cashier .Assistant Cashier Win. Bernhard. ---------------------------- STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. L IA B IL IT IE S RESOURCES Loans and discounts-------------------- $ 69,350.25 Overdrafts, secured and un secured _________________________ 1,451.24 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc-------. . . ---------------------Other assets___________ ___________ Banking house, furniture and fix tu r e s ________________________________ Real estate other than bank ing house_____________________ 7Current expenses and taxes paid Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and private banks__________________ Checks and items of exchange... Currency ____________ Gold coin_________________________ Silver, nickels and cents-------------T o ta l 5 ,0 0 0 .0 0 3,110.55 2,174.78 1,241.35 4,280.00 1,015.00 49.51 ........................... .................. — $ 8 4 ,6 7 2 .6 8 Kennard Capital stock paid in------------------$ Surplus fund_____________________ Undivided profits--------------------------Dividends unpaid.----------- ------------Individual deposits subject to check ______________________ Demand certificates of deposit— Time certificates of deposit-------Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding------Due to national, state and private banks..------------------------Notes and bills re-discounted----Bills payable--------------------------------Depositors’ guaranty fund-------- Total 15,000.00 2,000.00 4,860.21 37,062.88 4,211.00 20,878.63 433.89 226.07 .....................................- $ 84,672.68 The Farmers and Merchants Bank Washington County. Charter No. 499. Magnus Johnson. John Nissen------- _____ ..President ...Vice-President W . H . Harrison. G. E. Kronberg. ___ _______ Cashier Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. LIABILITIES RESOURCES Loans and discounts-------------$159,711.52 Overdrafts, secured and un secured -------------------- ------------------ 1,463.49 Bonds, securities, judgments, _ claims, etc---------------------7,684.84 Other assets---------------------------------Banking house, furniture and fixtures ________ ___ __^________ 5,000.00 Real estate other than bank ing house_____________________ 2,400.00 Current expenses andtaxes paid 6,977./4 Cash items__________________ 64.48 Due from national, state and private banks------------------------------ 22,539.69 Checks and itemsof exchange... 114.93 Currency --------------------------------------Gold coin............... .......................... — 1H20.00 Silver, nickels andcents-------------------69/.10 Total Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis .$211,713.79 Capital stock paid in----------------- $ 15,000.00 Surplus fund_____________________ 5,000.00 Undivided profits--------------------------- 10,916.87 Dividends unpaid________ _________ Individual deposits subject to check _______ 72,967.05 Demand certificates of deposit... 50.00 Time certificates of deposit----------- 107,361.10 Certified checks— ------------------------Cashier's checks outstanding------Due to national, state and private banks---------------------------Notes and bills re-discounted----Bills payable---------------------------- — Depositors’ guaranty fund-------418./7 Total .$211,713.79 17 4 TWENTIETH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE Keystone The Bank of Keystone Keith County. Charter No. 1076. J. W . Welpton------------------------------President H. W elpton..----------------------- Vice-President R. H . Barber........ .......... . . ..........__ .Cashier A . K. Barber_____________ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES loans and discounts_____________ $ 14,031.93 Overdrafts, secured and un secured _________________________ 44.22 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc_____ —...____________ Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures . . . --------------------------------580.00 Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expenses andtaxes paid 593.66 Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and private banks__________________ 12,024.81 Checks and items of exchange... 802 31 Currency ------------------376.00 Gold coin_________________________ Silver, nickels andcents___________ 348.11 Capital stock paid in----------------- $ 10,000.00 Surplus fund_______________ 200.00 Undivided profits___________ 1,335.63 Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to cheek ------------------------------------------ 16,789.80 Demand certificates of deposit—. 148.72 Time certificates of deposit______ 801.00 Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks__________________ Notes and bills re-discounted.._ Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund_____ 25.89 Total ----------------------------- . . . $ 29,301.04. Kilgore Total ------------- -------------------- $ 29,301.04 The Kilgore State Bank Cherry County. Charter No. 1053. J. C. Snyder-------- ----------------------- President E. R. Gurney-----------------------Vice-President M. G. Snyder... __________________ ------------------ Cashier .Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts_____________ $ Overdrafts, secured and un secured ---------------- .---------------------Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets.________ _____________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures --------------------------------------Seal estate other than banking house___________ ____________ Current expenses and taxes paid Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and private banks__________________ Checks and items of exchange— Currency --------------------------------------Gold coin_________________________ Silver, nickels and cents_________ Total Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 23,696.50 250.62 2,300.00 * 1,273.50 6,016.32 31.75 592.00 177.50 286.67 .$ 34,624.86 Capital stock paid in____ s Surplus fund_____________________ Undivided profits_________________ Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check ___________________________ Demand certificates of deposit..! Time certificates of deposit_____ Certified checks______ *___ ________ Cashier's checks ou tstanding..... Due to national, state and private banks________________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund_____ Total 1 0 , 000.00 600.00 1,920.60 15,232.71 5,945.00 907.50 19.05 .$ 34,624.86 SECRETARY OF THE STATE E ANKING BOARD Kimball 175 The Bank of Kimball Kimball County. Charter No. 831. Gus Linn____ _______ _____________ President B. K. Bushee— ____ ________ Vice-President Henry Vogler........ .......... — — .......... —Cashier George L. Vogler---------------Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. L IA B IL IT IE S RESOURCES Loans and discounts--------------------$113,495.55 Overdrafts, secured and un secured _________________________ 89.19 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ 10,687.67 Other assets-------------*------------------Banking house, furniture and 8,333.33 fix tu r e s _____________ _____ .___ Real estate other than bank ing house_____________________ - Current expenses and taxes paid 2,493.42 Cash items___________ ________—— Due from national, state and private banks__________________ 23,438.90 Checks and items of exchange— 17.70 Currency _________________________ 5,373.00 Gold coin_________________________ 2,630.00 479.39 Silver, nickels and cents-------------Total ______________________ $167,038.15 Capital stock paid in___________ $ 25,000.00 Surplus fund--------------------------------5,000.00 6,326.02 Undivided profits_________________ Dividends unpaid----------- :-------------Individual deposits subject to check ___________________________ 81,801.36 Demand certificates of deposit— 257.01 Time certificates of deposit----------- 45,851.54 Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding------Due to national, state and private banks-------r-------------------Notes and bills re-discounted----2,500.00 Bills payable--------------------------------Depositors’ guaranty fund-------302.22 Total _______ ____ __ „ ____ $167,038.15 The Citizens State Bank Kimball Kimball County. Charter No. 1032. F. M. Wooldridge.............. .............. President __________ Vice-President M. L. Wooldridge----------------- : -------- .Cashier F . D. Wooldridge----------- Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts..----------------- $ 37, 187.36 Overdrafts, secured and un 141.44 secured — Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc--------- —— ---- ,----------Other assets..------------------------------Banking house, furniture and fixtures ______ - 3 333.00 Real estate other than bank ing house--------------------------------- - 151.11 Current expenses and taxes paid Cash items-------------- ------------------- Due from national, state and private banks---------------------------- 25 ,295.20 831.05 Checks and items of exchange... Currency --------------------------------------1 ,907.00 500.00 Gold coin-----------------------------------193.67 Silver, nickels and cents----------- Capital stock paid in ...,-------------$ 10, 000.00 599.00 Surplus fund--------------------------------442.73 Undivided- profits--------------------------Dividends unpaid--------------------------Individual deposits subject to 43,892.62 1 0 0 .0 0 Demand ^certificates of deposit— Time certificates of deposit-------- 14,408.06 Certified checks----------------- ;----------Cashier’s checks outstanding------Due to national, state and private banks------------ ---------------Notes and bills re-discounted----Bills payable--------------------------------97.42 Depositors’ guaranty fund-------- Total ______________________ $ 69,539.83 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Total ______________________ $ 69,539.83 176 TW E N TIE T H Kramer ANNUAL REPORT OF THE The Farmers State Bank Lancaster County. Charter No. 1147. J. H . Lohmann------------------------------President E. H . Weilage-------------- .-------- Vice-President Louis Helmer ---------------------------------- Cashier Ohas. Schlichtemeier-------- Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts____________ $ 9 765 00 Overdrafts, secured and un secured _________________________ Bonds, securities, judgments" claims, etc______________________ Other assets_________________ H „ I Banking house, furniture and fixtures ________________________ 2, 000.00 Real estate other than hank ing house_______________________ Current expenses and taxes paid 185.49 Cash items and interest paid___ 17.95 Due from national, state and private banks__________________ 4,641.20 Checks and items of exchange... Currency _________________________ 1,255.00 Gold coin______________________: : : : : : : : 5.00 Silver, nickels and cents_________ 115.13 Capital stock paid in__________ $ io 000 00 8*66 Surplus fund, profits__________ Undivided profits_________________ Dividends unpaid____________ 1.111 Individual deposits subject to 4 321 20 check ___________________________ Demand certificates of deposit__ Time certificates of deposit_____ 3,170.00 Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s cheeks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks__________________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Interest and discount...________ 84.97 Depositors’ guaranty fund_____ 400.00 Total ---------------------------------- $ 17,984.53 Lanham Total ...................................... .$ 17,984.83 The State Bank of Lanham Gage County. Charter No. 950. William Wieters. Thomas P. Price. --------President .Vice-President Helen Wieters. ________________ ------------------ Cashier .Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts_____________ $ 36,957.44 Overdrafts, secured and un secured --------------------------------------130.72 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets___________ ___________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ------------------------------------1,650.00 Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expenses and taxes paid 2,433.81 Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and private banks____________ 9,029.93 Cheeks and items of exchange... 31.12 Currency --------------------------------------1,628.00 Gold coin----------------------------915.00 Silver, nickels and cents___ 648.95 $ 5,000.00 Capital stock paid in____ Surplus fund__________________ Undivided profits_______________ II 2,830.87 Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check ___________________________ 14,698.19 Demand certificates of deposit..I 30,779.84 Time certificates of deposit_____ Certified checks________ __________ Cashier’s checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks_____ ,.____ ____ __ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund.IIIII 116.07 Total Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis .$ 53,424.97 Total .$ 53,424.97 177 S E C R E T A R Y OF TH E ST ATE B A N K IN G B O A R D Lawrence The Lawrence State Bank Nuckolls County. Charter No. 1039. Henry Buescher— ........—........ .........President H . B. Earsting_____________ Vice-President H . G. Eggerss«— . ------------------ Cashier .Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts_____________ $ 63,004.06 Overdrafts, secured and un secured' _______________________ 246.49 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ________________________ 3,300.00 Real estate other than bank ing house—._____________________ Current expenses andtaxes paid 640.98 Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and private banks_______________ ___ 13,386.91 Checks and items of exchange— 3,067.00 Currency ________________ Gold coin_________________________ 1,580.00 Silver, nickels andcents----------------310.59 .$ 85,536.63 Total Lebanon Capital stock paid in_____ _____ $ Surplus fund_____ ______ Undivided profits_________________ Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check -----------------------------------------Demand certificates of deposit—. Time certificates of deposit_______ Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks__________________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund_____ Total 10,000.00 200.00 1,500.59 21,104.84 4,821.84 47,769.00 140.36 .$ 85,536.63 The State Bank Red Willow County. Charter No. 235. J. P. Kinne— ........ ........ — .........— President J. B. Cumming...... .......... .........Vice-President E. E. Devoe--------------------------------------Cashier J. L. Horton........ ..............Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES Loans and discounts-------------------- $ 44,129.72 Overdrafts, secured and un 157 *38 secured --------------------------------------Bonds, securities, judgments. claims, etc. ------------------------------Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures —--------------------------------3,600.00 Real estate other than bank ing house.._______________ _____— Current expenses and taxes paid 1,190.59 Cash items---------------------------- ------Due from national, state and private banks__________________ 4,773.16 Checks and items of exchange— 292.07 Currency _________________________ 3,775.00 Gold coin________________ _________ 575.CO Silver, nickels and cents-------------529.59 Total ........................................ $ 59,322.51 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis LIABILITIES Capital stock paid in___________ $ Surplus fund______________ Undivided profits_________________ Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check ___________________________ Demand certificates of deposit__ Time certificates of deposit_____ Certified checks___________________ Cashier's checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks__________________ Notes and bills re-diseounted----Bills payable______________ _______ Depositors’ guaranty fund-------- Total 12,000.00 3,000.00 2,838.11 38,063.05 291.85 3,000.00 129.50 .............................. —$ 59,322.51 178 TW E N TIE T H Leigh ANNUAL REPORT OF THE The Leigh State Bank Colfax County. Charter No. 1113. Niels Olson________________________ President R. H . Goodge____________ '...Vice-President E. M. Nelson_______________________ Cashier P. L. Veach_____________ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5. 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts......... „ ........ _$ 56,166.04 Overdrafts, secured and un secured _________________________ 615.49 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc_____ ________________ Other assets_____ 1__________ _____ Banking house, furniture and fixtures _____________ __________ 6,666.66 Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expenses and taxes paid 4,266.45 Cash itenrs...______________ — __ Due from national, state and private banks_______________ 6,558.67 Checks anditems of exchange... 55.71 Currency _________________________ 2,249.00 130.00 Gold coin_________________________ Silver, nickels and cents_____ — _ 1,514.04 Capital stock paid in___________ $ 20,000.00 Surplus fund_____________________ 2,000.00 Undivided profits_________________ 4,768.40 Dividends unpaid_________________ Total ---------------------------------- $ 78,222.06 Individual deposits subject to check --------------------------------------Demand certificates of deposit— Time certificates of deposit_______ Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks__________________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund_____ Total 25,785.57 3,752.95 17,822.01 4,000.00 93.13 *.................... .................$ 78,222.06 \ Leshara The Leshara State Bank Saunders County. Charter No. 901. Jay Willey---------------------------------------President J. T . Conrad----------------------- Vice-President T. F. Green_________________________ Cashier ---------- . . . ----------------------....A ssistan t Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES Loans and discounts_____________ $ Overdrafts, secured and un secured _________________________ Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc________________ . . . ___ Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures -------- ---------------------- ;___ Regl estate other than bank ing house______ ______ ___________ Current expenses and taxes paid Cash items_______________ ..._____ Due from national, state and private banks__________________ Checks and items of exchange... Currency _________ Gold coin______________ ____ _____ Silver, nickels and cents__________ Total LIABILITIES 43,340.85 271.67 3,300.00 1,934.15 10,718.03 58.82 1,955.00 950.00 445.85 ____ ______ ______ ___ $ 62,974.37 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Capital stock paid in___________ $ Surplus fund--------------------------------Undivided profits_________________ Dividends unpaid___ r_.___________ Individual deposits subject to check -----------------------------------------Demand certificates of deposit... Time certificates of deposit_______ Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks__________________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund_____ Total 10,000.00 1,100.00 2,963.67 24,518.14 231.97 24,045.36 113.23 ........................................ 8 62,974.37 S E C R E T A R Y OF T H E S T A T E B A N K IN G B O A R D Lewellen 179 Tlie Bank of Lewellen Garden County. Charter No. 886 . J. W . Wehn_______________________ President ______________________________ Vice-President ___________ Cashier Assistant Cashier J. H . Wehn— . _________________ STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts_____________ $ 49,826.57 Overdrafts, secured and un secured _________________________ 322.57 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ________________________ 3,333.00 Real estate other than bank ing house________________________ Current expenses and taxes paid 1,744.11 Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and private banks____________ - ____ 15,197.81 Checks and items of exchange— 813.47 2,060.00 Currency ___ .•____________ ,________ Gold coin------------------------------412.50 Silver, nickels and cents_________ 765.84 Capital stock paid in___________ $10,000.00 Surplus fund_____________________ Undivided profits_________________ 8,472.02 Dividends unpaid--------------------------Individual deposits subject to check ___________________________ 46.815.56 Demand certificates of deposit— 10.30 Time certificates of deposit------9,037.37 Certified checks___________________ Cashier's checks outstanding------Due to national, state and private banks---------------------------Notes and bills re-discounted----Bills payable—-------- --------------Depositors’ guaranty fund-------140.02 Total _______ I..................... —$ 74,475.87 Lewellen Total ______________________ $ 74,475.87 The Garden County Bank Garden County. Charter No. 1139. S. P. Delatour____________________ President Eugene Delatour-—____ _____ Vice-President B. C. Delatour_____________________ Cashier ___________________________ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts___ - __________ 16,324.75 Overdrafts, secured and un- * secured ________________________ 22.18 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets---------------------------------Banking house, furniture and fixtures ________________________ 523.71 Real estate other than bank ing house_____________ --------------- t Current expenses and taxes paid 379.77 Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and private banks___________ 7,648.79 Checks and items of exchange— 201.45 Currency _____________ 455.00 Gold coin__________________ 235.00 Silver, nickels and cents---139.89 Capital stock paid in—_________ $ 10,000.00 Surplus fund_____________________ Undivided profits.,________________ 1,045.10 Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check _______ __________________ - 13,739.04 Demand certificates of deposit__ Time certificates of deposit_____ 727.40 Certified checks____________ ______ Cashier’s checks outstanding____ 19.00 Due to national, state and private banks______ ___________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ ■ Bills payable___________________ _ Depositors’ guaranty fund— 400.00 Total Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis .$ 25,930.54 Total .$ 25,930.54 180 TW EN TIETH Lewiston ANNUAL REPORT OF THE The Bank of Lewiston Pawnee County. Charter No. 634. R. Hunzeker______________________President Chas. H . White_____________ Vice-President Frank L. Bratton__________________ Cashier ___________________________ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. LIABILITIES RESOURCES Loans and discounts________ _____$ 30,395.15 Overdrafts, secured and un 921.94 secured ________ ________________ Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets _____________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ________________________ 1,650.60 Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expenses and taxes paid 102.37 Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and private banks-._______ ______ —_ 8,909.60 Checks and items of exchange__ 29.95 Currency _________________________ 762.00 Gold coin___________________ 505.00 Silver, nickels and cents_________ 363.04 Total _______ ____ _________ $ 44,239.05 Lexington Capital stock paid in___________ $ 10,000.00 Surplus fund_____________________ 1,500.00 Undivided profits___________________ 2,387.79 Dividends unpaid____ _____________ Individual deposits subject to check ___________________________ 25,521.62 Demand certificates of deposit__ 4,749.65 Time certificates of deposit_____ Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks__________________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable___ — _ : ____________ Depositors’ guaranty fund_____ 79.99 Total _________ ____________ $ 44,239.05 The Lexington Bank Dawson County. Charter No. 238. R. F. Stuckey____________________ President J. L. May__________ ________ Vice-President C. F. Spencer_______________________ Cashier C. G. May_____________ ..Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts_____________ $223,698.85 Overdrafts, secured and un 920.87 secured ________ Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc_________ ____________ Other assets.. . ___________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures _________ . . . . __ 10 , 000 . 00 * Real estate otherthan bank ing house 800.00 Current expenses and taxes paid Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and private b a n k s...____ ,_ 26,563.01 Checks and itemsof exchange_____ 1,762.42 Currency _________________________ 8,433.00 Gold coin_________________________ 3,395.00 Silver, nickels andcents__________ 1,952.27 Capital stock paid in_____ _____ $ 50,000.00 Surplus fund_____________________ 10,000.00 Undivided profits__________ :______ 2,144.39 Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to 93,689.88 check _____ Demand Certificates of deposit... Time certificates of deposit.— _i 103,146.39 Certified checks___________________ Cashier's checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks_________ 8,037.17 Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable__________ 10,000.00 Depositors’ guaranty fund_____ 507.59 Total ........................................$277,525.42 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Total ........................................$277,525.42 S E C R E T A R Y OF TH E STATE B AN K IN G BO ARD Liberty 181 The State Bank of Liberty Gage County. Charter No. 491. F. H . Howey____________________President Joseph Barr_________________ Vice-President C. S. Chandler_____________________ Cashier P. R. Belville____________ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts_____________ $100,435.14 Overdrafts, secured and un secured _________________ _______ 2,074.57 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ________________________ 4,000.00 Real estate other than bank ing house_______ - ______________ Current expenses andtaxes paid 1,656.76 Cash items_______________________ 242.76 Due from national, state and private banks__________________ 17,289.59 Checks and items of exchange... Currency _____ 2,229.00 Gold coin_________________________ 1,750.00 Silver, nickels and cents__________ 768.63 Capital stock paid in___________ $ 25,000.00 Surplus fund_____________________ 200.00 Undivided profits_________________ 3,609.85 Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check __________________ 76,368.40 Demand certificates of deposit... 25,005.60 Time certificates of deposit_____ Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks__________________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund_____ 262.60 Total _____________ ________ $130,446.45 Lincoln Total ______________________ $130,446.45 The American ¡Sayings Bank Lancaster County. Charter No. 569. J. C. Scacrest___________________ President Chas. B. Gregory___________ Vice-President Chas. B. Gregory---------------------------Cashier H . A. Easterday-------------- Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. LIABILITIES Capital stock paid in___________ $ 30,000. Surplus fund_____________________ 6.000. Undivided profits_________________ 10,067. Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits _____________ 356,633.49 Demand certificates of deposit... 4,206.00 Time certificates of deposit_____ 10,084.92 Certified cheeks___________________ Cashier's checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks__________ _______ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable______ ____ __________ Depositors’ guaranty fund-------834.78 Total Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis .$417,826.49 gss RESOURCES Loans and discounts---------------------$370,552.64 Overdrafts, secured and un secured _____________ ___________ Bonds, securities, judgments. claims, etc______________________ 10,102.05 Interest paid on deposits----------6,441.67 Banking house, furniture and fixtures ______________ _________ Real estate other than bank ing -house.— ...-------------- --------Current expenses and taxes paid 4,875.27 Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and private banks__________________ 21.560.78 Checks and items of exchange... 2,443.93 1,093.00 Currency _________________________ Gold coin_________________________ 25.00 Silver, nickels and cents-------------727.35 Total .$417,826.49 182 TW EN TIETH Lincoln ANNUAL REPORT OF THE The First Savings Bank of Lincoln Lancaster County. Charter No. 954. S. H . Burnham---------------------- ...President A . J. Sawyer-------- ---------------- Vice-President H . S. Freeman_____________________ Cashier Joe L . Burnham_________ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5. 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts____________ $625,840.22 •Overdrafts, secured and un secured _________________________ Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc-------------------- ------- ------ 77,136.33 Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ________________________ Real estate other than bank ing house.—. . . _________________ Current expenses and taxes paid 3,844.73 Cash items______________________ . Due from national, state and private banks__________________ 144,690.74 Checks and items of exchange... 282.31 Currency _________________________ 1,698.00 Gold coin_________________________ Silver, nickels and cents___ ______ 111.51 Total ______ ____ __________ $853,603.84 Lincoln Capital stock paid in___________ $ 50,000.00 Surplus fund______________________ 23,000.00 Undivided profits__________________ 25,181.89 Dividends unpaid______________ ___ Individual deposits subject to check ___________________________ 722,965.75 Demand certificates of deposit... 2,185.00 Time certificates of deposit_____ 28,876.86 Certified checks_______ "___________ Cashier’s checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks___________ ,______ Notes and bills re-discounted.—. Bills payable___________________ _ Depositors’ guaranty fund_____ 1,394.34 Total ______ _______ ____ — $853,603.84 The German American State Bank Lancaster County. Charter No. 1045. ■Julius Reusch------------------------------- .'“ resident Nicholas Ress------------------------ Vice-President W m. Seelenfreund______ . . . ________ Cashier ------------------------------------------Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DE CEMBER 5, 1911. LIABILITIES Capital stock paid in___________ $ 50,000.00 ’ ■Surplus fund____ ____________ . . . . 4 , 000.00 Undivided profits!____ , _______ _ 3,129.12 Dividends unpaid____ ________ Individual deposits subject to check __________ — 161,232.91 Time certificates of deposit__ . . . 74,307.43 Certified cheeks____ ________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding— 21,940.91 Due to national, state and private banks.—— ___ . . . L ’ 7,230.00 Notes and bills re-dis.counted— . Bills payable..______ _____________ Depositors’ guaranty fund_____ 565.61 _ RESOURCES Loans and discounts____ . . . ____..$238,172.83 Overdrafts, secured and un secured _____________ l._.______ .. . 867.23 Municipal ’ bonds-----------------3,500.00 •Other assets____________ Furniture and fixtures.— . . . . 1,272.62 Real estate other thanbank ing house.— ___ . . . . ________ ___ Current expenses and taxes paid 2,575.10 Cash items________ _____. . . ____ . . . Due from national, state and private b a n k s ...._________ ;. u . . 54,695.76 Checks and items of exchange... 6,448.34 Currency --------------------------------------7,759.00 Gold c o in ...---- ----------------------------5,245.00 :Silver, nickels and cents................ 1,870.10 Total Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis .$322,405.98 Total .$322,405.98 183 S E C R E T A R Y OF TH E STATE B A N K IN G B O A R D Lincoln The Nebraska State Bank Lancaster County. Charter No. 1130. M. W . Folsom____________________ President H . K. Burket________________ Vice-President C. H . Beaumont------------------------------ Cashier J. G. Burket-------------------- Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. LIABILITIES. RESOURCES Loans and discounts____________ $108,688.17 Overdrafts, secured and unse cured __________________________ 221.11 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc. ___________________ 27,100.00 Other assets ____ _______________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ________________________ 4,333.50 Real estate other than banking house ________________________ . . Current expenses and taxes paid Cash items __________ 85.14 Due from national, state and private banks ________________ :. 145,697.27 Checks and items of exchange.. 22,686.66 Currency _____________________ _____ 21,753.00 Gold coin ________________________ 7,005.00 6,501.37 Silver, nickels and cents------------Total .......... — t ____________ $644,071.22 Lindsay Platte Capital stock paid in-----------------Surplus fund ------------------------------Undivided profits -----------------------Dividends unpaid ------------------------Individual deposits subject to check _________________________ Demand certificates of deposit Time certificates of deposit-------Certified checks ______________ _ Cashier’s checks outstanding----- Due to national, state and priprivate banks__________________ Notes and bills re-discounted-----Bills payable -----------------------------Depositors’ guaranty fund---------- Total 50,000.00 5,000.00 1,769.04 353,163.63 38,699.00 8,174.61 186,751.96 512.98 ______________________ $644,071.22 The Lindsay State Bank County. . Charter No. 243. Edward Johnson___________ ______ President A. D. Hinman_______________ Vice-President W . B. Miller------------------------------------Cashier H . J. Wagner------------------- Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. LIABILITIES RESOURCES Loans and discounts_____________ $ 88,450.90 Overdrafts, secured and un 747.94 secured ___________________ _____ Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc-------------------------- ------Other assets__________________ ____ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ________________________ 5,200.00 Real estate other than bank ing house_________________ . . . . . . Current expenses and taxes paid 1,345.55 Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and private banks___________ . . . -----6,251.22 Checks and items of exchange.— 1,987.27 Currency _________________________ 1,795.00 Gold coin_________________________ 380.00 Silver, nickels and cents-------------182.89 Total Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis .$106,340.77 Capital stock paid in----------------- $ 20,000.00 Surplus fund_____________________ 2,700.00 Undivided profits--------------------------2,780.67 Dividends unpaid--------------------------Individual deposits^* subject to check ____________________________ 26,702.97 Demand certificates of deposit... 2,327.65 Time certificates of deposit----------- 45,146.28 Certified checks---------------- ------------Cashier's checks outstanding------Due to national, state and private banks---------------------------Notes and bills re-discounted----Bills payable.. ___________________ 6,500.00 Depositors’ guaranty fund-------183.20 Total .$106,340.77 184 TW EN TIETH Lindsay ANNUAL REPORT OF THE The Farmers and Merchants Bank Platte County Charter No. 617. H . B. Miller-------------------------- ---------President Michael Gaspers----------------------Vice-President M. J. Ramaekers____ _________ ____ Cashier P. J. Schacher___________ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts_____________ $113,181.05 Overdrafts, secured and un secured _________________________ 1,395.09 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc._____________________ Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ___________ 6,400.00 Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expenses and taxes paid 1,208.14 Cash items_______________ _______ 61.92 Due from national, state and private banks___________ 15,702.28 Checks and items of exchange.— 304.07 4,263.00 Currency _________________________ Gold coin__________________ 920.00 Silver, nickels and cents___ 692.66 Capital stock paid in___________ $ 25,000.00 Surplus fund_____________________ 3,000.00 Undivided profits_________________ 2,015.46 Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check ____________________________ 53,435.91 Demand certificates of deposit— 4,823.07 Time certificates of deposit_______ 43,100.00 Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks__________________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable_____________________ 12,500.00 Depositors’ guaranty fund_____ 253.77 Total .$144,128.21 Linwood Butler .$144,128.21 Total The Farmers and Merchants Bank County. Charter No. 244. Emil Polda.______ ________________ President Longin Folda................. - .......... Vice-President P. E. Mundil.................................. . . Cashier ------- ------- ---------------------— .Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5. 1911. RESOURCES Loans and discounts_____________ $112,356.70 Overdrafts, secured and un secured _________________________ 799.83 Bonds _______________ 2,000.00 Other assets________ Z'i___________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ________________________ 2,500.00 Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expenses and taxes paid Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and private banks__________________ 28,984.91 Checks and items of exchange... 67.75 Currency _________________________ 1,876.00 Gold coin_________________________ 3,915.00 -Silver, nickels and cents_________ 1,060.05 Total _______________ . ---------$153,560.24 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis LIABILITIES Capital stock paid in___________ $ Surplus fund-------„-----------------------Undivided profits_________________ Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check -----------------------------------------Demand certificates of deposit... Time certificates of deposit_____ Certified checks____ ______________ Cashier’s checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks_______ ___________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund_____ Total 10,000.00 5,000.00 1,069.63 43,935.00 5,038.15 88,214.70 302.16 .................. .................... $153,560.24 SECRETARY OF THE STATE BANKING BOARD Lisco 18& The Lisco State Bank Garden County. Charter No. 1061. Reuben Liseo______________________ President T. E. Weils_________________Vice-President W . W . Aldridge____________________ Cashier W . P. Gumaer___________ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5. 1911. LIABILITIES RESOURCES Loans and discounts_____________ $ Overdrafts, secured and un secured _________________________ Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ________________________ Real estate other than bank ing house________________ Current expenses and taxes paid Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and private banks__________________ Checks and items of exchange__ Currency ______________________ — Gold coin_________________________ Silver,' nickels and cents_________ Total 32,233.48 107.76 1,000.00 929.90 230.59 8,730.62 36.00 807.00 1,095.00 295.19 __ ____ ______________ $ 45,465.54 Capital stock paid in___________ $ 10,000.00 Surplus fund_____________________ 500.00 Undivided profits_________________ 469.47 Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check ___________________________ 23,756.51 Demand certificates of deposit— Time certificates of deposit_____ 10,672.10 Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks__________________ Notes and bills re-discounted-----Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund---------67.46 Total _____ ________________ $ 45,465.54 > Long1Pine Brown The Brown County Bank County. Charter No. 247. W m . Glover_______________________ President E. E. Bucklin______________ Vice-President W . A. Bucklin___________ __________ Cashier C. A . Allen_______________ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES Loans and discounts________$100,065.47 Overdrafts, secured and un 910.17 secured _________________________ Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets____ 1_________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ________________________ 3,300.00 Real estate other than bank ing house____ 4__________________ Current expensesand taxes paid 2,994.22 Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and private banks________ _________ 55,024.90 Checks anditems of exchange_____ 6,854.45 Currency _________________________ 4,451.00 Gold coin___________________ _____ 2,440.00 Silver, nickelsand cents___________ 855.67 Total ........ ........... .......... .........$176,895.88 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis LIABILITIES Capital stock paid in___________ $ 10,200.00 Surplus fund_______________________ 3,570.00 Undivided profits___________________ 4,851.07 Dividends unpaid_____ J.__________ Individual deposits subject to check ___________________________ 81,669.79 Demand certificates of deposit-— 4,108.10 Time certificates of deposit_____ 70,072.78 Certified checks________________ ____ Cashier’s checks outstanding____ 2,111.30 Due to national, state and private banks__________________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund_____ 312.84 Total ______________________ $176,895.88 TWENTIETH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE 186 Long Pine Brown Tlie Commercial Bank County. Charter No. 894. F. McGiverin_____________________ President Otto Berger____ ____ ___ ____ Vice-President Chas. P. Nelson------------------------------- Cashier ------- ------- ---------- ---------- Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. LIABILITIES RESOURCES Loans and discounts_____________ $ 64,035.74 Overdrafts, secured and un secured ______________________ — 267.95 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and 3,300.00 fixtures ________________________ Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ 3,200.00 Current expenses and taxes paid 4,346.69 Cash items______ ____________ ___ .. Due from national, state and private banks__________________ 6,336.93 43.10 Checks and items of exchange__ Currency _________________________ 2,442.00 Gold coin_________________________ 1,655.00 1,078.46 Silver, nickels and cents_________ Total .$ 86,705.87 Loomis Capital stock paid in___________ $ Surplus fund--------------------------------Undivided profits_________________ Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check ___________________________ Demand certificates of deposit— Time certificates of deposit--------Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding------Due to national, state and private banks---------------------------Notes and bills re-discounted----Bills payable--------------------------------Depositors’ guaranty fund.......... 1 0 , 000.00 2,0 0 0 .0 0 6,773.39 27,567.82 31,147.90 4,075.65 5,000.00 141.11 .$ 86,705.87 Total The Farmers State Bank Phelps County. Charter No. 551. _________________________ President A.’ " h ".’ Mattson.......................... Vice-President A. G. Johnson, Millie Johnson.... ________...Cashier Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. LIABILITIES RESOURCES Loans and discounts-------------------- $ 55,501.12 Overdrafts, secured ana un secured ____________ —---------------121.40 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets--------------------------------Banking house, furniture and fixtures ________________________ 3,070.11 Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expenses and taxes paid 1,952.46 Cash items______________________ _ Due from national, state and private banks__________________ 5,958.77 Checks and items of exchange... 550.00 Currency _________________________ 1,164.00 Gold coin_________________________ 2,190.00 Silver, nickels and cents__________ 598.34 Total ____ ____ ____ _______ ? 71,106.20 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Capital stock paid in------------------$ Surplus fund_____________________ Undivided profits--------------------------Dividends unpaid-------------------------Individual deposits subject to check _________________________ ... Demand certificates of deposit... Time certificates of deposit-------Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding------Due to national, state and private banks---------------------------Notes and bills re-discounted-----Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund-------- Total 15,000.00 1,000.00 2,055.67 17,276.48 32,628.40 3,000.00 145.65 ...... ..................................$ 71,106.20 SECRETARY OF THE STATE BANKING BOARD Loretto Boone 1ST The Loretto State Bank County. Charter No. 1036. J. O. Detweiler------------------------------President E. J. Miiile------------- ------------- Vice-President R. E. Stewart____ „ ________________ Cashier _____ . ____ _____ _______ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts_____________ $ 24,109-05 Overdrafts, secured and un secured ________ 296.38 Bonds, securities, judgments, elaims, e t c ...___________________ Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and 3,000.00 fixtures ________________________ Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expenses and taxes paid 573.33 Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and 2,370.20 private banks_________________ Checks and items of exchange__ 131.71 Currency _________________________ 200.00 Gold coin_________________________ 255.00 Silver, nickels and cents_________ 217.17 Total ........................................ $ 31,152.84 Lorton Capital stock paid in___________ $ Surplus fund_____________________ Undivided profits_________________ Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check ____________ Demand certificates of deposit__ Time certificates of deposit_______ Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks__________________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund-------- Total 10,000.00 400.00 1,356.66 14,499.26 4,679.51 182.85 34.56 __________ _________ ..$31,152.84 The Bank of Lorton Otoe County. Charter No. 564. _____ President Vice-President Theo. Ererichs.. Christ Steffens.. H . W . Ererichs____________________ .Cashier ___________________________ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES Loans and discounts_____________ $ Overdrafts, secured and un secured _________________________ Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures _______________________ _ Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expenses and taxes paid Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and private banks__________________ Checks and items of exchange... Currency _________________________ Gold coin_________________________ Silver, nickels and cents_________ Total LIABILITIES 37,829.92 92.61 2,725.00 2,323.28 10,171.25 48.51 1,249.00 845.00 373.52 ............................•-_____ $ 55,658.09 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Capital stock paid in___________ $ 10,000.00 Surplus fund__________________ . . . 2,000.00 Undivided profits_________________ 2,776.06 Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check ___________________________ 31,140.45 284.00 Demand certificates of deposit__ Time certificates of deposit_____ 9,378.95 Certified checks___________________ Cashier's cheeks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks__________________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills- payab le..._____ _____________ Depositors’ guaranty fund_____ 78.63 Total ........................... ............ $ 55,658.09 188 TWENTIETH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE Louisville Tlie Bank of Commerce Cass County. Charter No. 1048. T . E. Parmele____________________ President C. C. Parmele-------- — ---------Vice-President 0 . E. W ood_________________________ Cashier ___________________________ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts________ $109,558.13 Overdrafts, secured and un 984.28 secured _________________________ Bonds, securities, Judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures --------------------------5,000.00 Real- estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expensesand taxes paid 7,850.22 Cash items___________________ '___ Due from national, state and private banks__________________ 11,996.02 Checks and items of exchange-.. 209.07 Currency _________________________ 4,822.00 Gold coin----- --------------------------------1,210.00 Silver, nickels and cents__________ 490.70 Total ---------------------------------- $142,120.42 Loup City Capital stock paid in___________ $ Surplus fund____________________ _ Undivided profits______________ . . . Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check ____________________________ Demand certificates of deposit__ Time certificates of deposit_____ Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks__________________ Notes and bills re-discounted----Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund-------- Total 15,000.00 8,265.95 62,388.42 9,729.76 46,480.30 255.99 ...................................... $142,120.42 The Loup City State Bank Sherman County. Charter No. 816. J. S. Pedlar_______________________ President John W . Long__________ _____ Vice-President C. C. Carlson--------E. N. Austin--------- - —........ .........Cashier .Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. LIABILITIES RESOURCES Loans and discounts________$193,520.09 Overdrafts, secured and un secured _________________________ 2,220.54 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc__________________ 1,000.00 Other assets__________________ ____ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ________________________ 8,500.00 Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expensesand taxes paid 6,680.94 Cash items____ ___________________ Due from national, state and private banks_________ 24,183.93 Checks and items of exchange____ 797.56 Currency ______ 5,168.00 Gold coin______ __________________ 4,000.00 Silver, nickels and cents__________ 1,417.15 Total _________ ____ _______ $247,488.21 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Capital stock paid in___________ $ 25,000.00 Surplus fund___________ 17,500.00 Undivided profits_________________ 15,355.63 Dividends unpaid..!_______________ Individual deposits subject to check __________ 114,197.00 Demand certificates of deposit__ 7,261.64 Time certificates of deposit_____ 65,405.03 Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding------Due to national, state and private banks.—_______________ 2,293.80 Notes and bills re-discounted----Bills payable--------------------------------Depositors’ guaranty fund------------------------- 475.11 Total ................................. .....$247,488.21 SECRETARY OF THE STATE BANKING BOARD Lushton 189 The Bank of Lushton York County. Charter No. 662. E. J. Wightman---------------------------- President Geo. W . Post------------------------- Vice-President J. L . Ashmore_____________________ Cashier _______ ___________________ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5. 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts_____________ $ Overdrafts, secured and un secured _________________________ Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ________________________ Real estate other than bank ing house_________________ .*____ Current expenses and taxes paid Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and private banks__________________ Checks and items of exchange.— Currency ______ Gold coin_________________________ Silver, nickels and cents_________ Total 67,420.21 1,309.10 3,330.00 1,184.57 10,478.22 30.34 4,557.00 530.00 644.60 ______ ______ ________ $ 89,484.04 Lynch Capital stock paid in___________ $ 10,000.00 Surplus fund___ ,________________ 2,000.00 Undivided profits_________________ 3,007.12 Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check ___________________________ 23,293.13 Demand certificates of deposit... 3,240.96 Time certificates of deposit_____ 47,696.93 Certified checks_________________ Cashier's checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and 84.50 private banks__________________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund____ 161.40 Total _______ ____ _________ $ 89,484.04 The Bank of Lynch Boyd County. Charter No. 539. E. Nelson__________________________ President Geo. W . Chambers__________ Vice-President R. H. Harris._____________________ ..Cashier Geo. B. Tonner__________ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5. 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts_____________ $ 47,452.62 Overdrafts, secured and un secured _________________________ 109.79 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets_________ _______ ______ Banking house, furniture and 5,000.00 fixtures ________________________ Real estate other than bank ing house____ __________________ Current expenses and taxes paid ' 1,681.66 Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and private banks__________________ 8,099.20 Checks and items of exchange.._ 1,569.22 Currency _________________________ 1,297.00 Gold coin_________________________ 1,000.00 Silver, nickels and cents__________ 668.03 Capital stock paid in_____________ 15,000.00 Surplus fund_________ 300.00 Undivided profits_________________ 2,632.57 Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check ___________________________ 22,453.92 Demand certificates of deposit__ Time, certificates of deposit_____ 25,334.62 Certified checks______________ _____ Cashier’s checks outstanding___ Due to national, state and private banks__________________ 1,040.69 Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund_____ 115.72 Total ______ _______________ $ 66,877.52 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Total ______________ _____ ..$ 66,877.52 TWENTIETH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE 190 Lyons The Farmers Bank Burt County. Charter No. 615. Franklin Everett.—_______________ President Walter Everett_______________ Vice-President W . S. Newmyer---------------- ---------------- Cashier D. E. Lyon------------------------Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts_____________ $215,016.81 Overdrafts, secured and un secured __________ _______________ 4,390.22 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc..__________ __________ Other assets._____________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ________________________ Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expenses and taxes paid Cash items______________________ _ Due from national, state and private banks__________________ 46,379.89 326.09 Checks and items of exchange____ Currency____ ____________________ 4,099.00 3,400.00 Gold »coin____ ____________________ Silver, nickels an(} cents---------------2,194.29 Capital stock paid in___________ $ 25,000.00 Surplus fund_____________________ 3,200.00 Undivided profits_________________ 6,390.97 Dividends unpaid--------------------------Individual deposits subject to check ___________________________ 151,762.60 Demand certificates of deposit... Time certificates of deposit----------- 76,117.45 Certified checks___________________ 11,611.50 Cashier’s checks outstanding------Due to national, state and private banks__________________ 1,243.50 Notes and bills re-discounted----Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund--------540.28 Total ____ _________________ $275,866.30 McCool Junction Total .......................................$275,866.30 The Blue River Bank York County. Charter No. 277. Geo. W - Post________________ . ____President T . W . Smith_________________ Vice-President A. L. Moore-------------------------------------- Cashier R. P. Lord------------------------Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. LIABILITIES RESOURCES Loans and discounts_____________$104,386.10 Overdrafts, secured and un secured ________________________ 417.24 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ________________________ 3,000.00 Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expenses andtaxes paid 1,847.01 Cash items___________________ 338.76 Due from national, state and private banks__________________ 7,490.51 Checks and items of exchange— Currency _________________________ 2,506.00 Gold coin_______________________ 4,345.00 Silver, nickels andcents----------------381.92 Total Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis .......... .......................... ..$124,712.54 Capital stock paid in----------------- $ Surplus fund_____________________ . Undivided profits--------------------------Dividends unpaid--------------------------Individual deposits subject to check ____________________________ Demand certificates of deposit— Time certificates of deposit-------Certified checks------------------- ---------Cashier’s checks outstanding------Due to national, state and private banks.:_____________ Notes and bills re-discounted----Bills payable--------------------------------Depositors’ guaranty fund-------- Total 15,000.00 3,000.00 3,526.55 36,574.15 10,025.91 56,329.02 256.91 ____ ___________ ______ $124,712.54 SECRETARY OF THE STATE BANKING BOARD McCool Junction 191 The Farmers and Merchants Bank York County. Charter No. 784. W . W . Seng-------------------- ---------------President N. L . Seng----------------- ------- -Vice-President W . L. Seng_________________________ Cashier ---------------- ------------- ------------Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts_____________ $62,166.17 Overdrafts, secured and un secured _______________________ . . . 297.26 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and 4,552.98 fixtures------------------------_------------Real estate other than bank ing house___________ i _____ ____ Current expenses and taxes paid 5,413.76 Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and 4,741.69 private banks__________________ Cheeks and items of exchange— 689.26 Currency ........ .......... ........... _•______ 1,615.00 Gold coin--------------------------------------725.00 767.72 Silver, nickels and cents__________ Total .................. .................... $ 80,968.84 McGrew Capital stock paid in___________ $ Surplus fund--------------------------------Undivided profits_________________ Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check -----------------------------------------Demand certificates of deposit— Time certificates of deposit_______ Certified checks__ ________________ Cashier's checks outstanding..__ Due to national, state and private banks__________________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund_____ Total 15,000.00 500.00 7,116.77 17,566.49 1,688.47 38,951.94 145.17 .......................... ..............$ 80,968.84 The McGrew State Bank Scotts Bluff County. Charter No. 1142. L. C. M. L ord...... — -------- ------- ------President C. Pranklin------- ------- ------Vice-President C. H . B urk.._______________________ Cashier P. W . Burk................. .......... Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5. 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts_____________ $ 14,857.55 Overdrafts, secured and un secured _________________________ 6.09 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures _____ ________ __________ Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expenses and taxes paid Cash items__________________________ 1,162.68 Due from national, state and private banks______ :___________ 20,618.66 Checks and items of exchange__ Currency _________________________ 3,185.00 Gold coin_______ _________________ Silver, nickels and cents_________ 448.98 Capital stock paid in___________ $ 15,000.00 Surplus fund________ _____ ______ Undivided profits_________________ 789.47 Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check ___________________ 4______ 23,889.49 Demand certificates of deposit— Time certificates of deposit_____ Certified checks....________ ______ Cashier’s checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks__________________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable_________ !___________ Depositors’ guaranty fund_____ 600.00 Total _____ _________ ____ ..$ 40,278.96 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Total __________________ ____ $ 40,278.96 TWENTIETH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE 192 McLean The McLean State Bank Pierce County. Charter No. 599. E. R. Gurney______________________ President P. A. Weyhrich____________ Vice-President Emil Boehler............................. ............. Cashier Esther Boehler___________ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. LIABILITIES RESOURCES Capital stock paid in___________ $ 10,000.00 Loans and discounts_____________ $ 43,129-07 5,000.00 Surplus fund_____________________ Overdrafts, secured and un 475.24 Undivided profits_________________ 764.78 secured _________________________ Bonds, securities, judgments, Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to claims, etc______________________ cheek ___________________________ 13,219.38 Other assets______________________ Demand certificates of deposit__ 68.00 Banking house, furniture and Time certificates of deposit_______ 25,713.82 fixtures __________ 2,500.00 Real estate other tnan bank I Certified checks-----------------------------ing house_______________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding------Due to national, state and Current expenses and taxes paid 848.35 private banks__________________ Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and Notes and bills re-discounted----private banks____________ 5,204.19 Bills payable--------------------------------Depositors’ guaranty fund-------101.66 Checks and items of exchange.— 225.14 1,195.00 Currency _________________________ Gold coin__________________ 7.60.00 Silver, nickels and cents___ 530.65 Total ______ ____ __________ $ 54,867.64 Macon Total ______________________ $ 54,867.64 The Macon State Bank Franklin County. Charter No. 820. C. F. Hildreth__________________ : ____President M. Hildreth_____________ Vice-President N. F. Hester--------------------------------------Cashier ___________________________ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts_____________ $ 15,029.31 Overdrafts, secured and un secured _________________________ 190.47 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc_________ „____________ Other assets____ i________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ____________ ____ _______ 1,650.00 Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expenses and taxes paid charged" off_____________________ Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and private banks________ . . . l______ 12,234.99 Checks anditems of exchange... 36.10 Currency _________________________ 1,903.00 Gold coin__________________ 45.00 Silver, nickels andcents___________ 134.22 Capital stock paid in___________ $ 5,000.00 Surplus fund__________________ _ 500.00 Undivided profits_________________ 735.66 Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check ___________________________ 18,187.10 Demand certificates of deposit— 976.88 Time certificates of deposit----------5,751.00 Certified checks-----------------------------Cashier’s checks outstanding------Due to national, state and private banks---------------------------Notes and bills re-discounted----Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund-------72.45 Total Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis —____________________ $ 31,223.09 Total ______________________ $ 31,223.09 SECRETARY OF THE STATE BANKING BOARD Madison 193 The Home Savings Bank Madison County. C h a r te r N o . 919. M. E. C. Garrett.......................... .........President O’Shea------------------------------- Vice-President Ed. Fricke________ ___________________ ----------------- Cashier Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts_____________ $ 65,200.00 Overdrafts, secured and un secured _________________________ Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ___________________ Real estate other than bank ing house______ ________________ Current expenses and taxes paid 166.49 Cash items_______________________ Due ’ from national, state and private hanks__________________ 8,036.84 Checks and items of exchange... Currency _________________________ Gold coin_________ _______________ Silver, nickels and cents_________ Capital stock paid in___________ $ 12,000.00 Surplus fund--------------------------------2,000.00 Undivided profits_________________ 435.86 Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check — .................. r----------- ------- '58,858.71 Demand certificates of deposit... Time certificates of deposit_____ Certified checks______ ;____________ Cashier’s checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks______;____________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund_____ 108.76 Total ---------------------------------- $ 73„403.33 Madrid Total -------------------- ------------_$ 73,403.33 The Madrid Exchange Bank Perkins County. Charter No. 1077. C. H. Beaumont---------------------------President . Vice-President F. E. Beaumont____________________ Cashier A . L . Bourquin----------------Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5. 1911. RESOURCES Loans and discounts_____________ $ Overdrafts, secured and un secured . ------------------------------------Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ________________________ Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expenses and taxes paid Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and private, banks__________________ Checks and items of exchange... Currency _____ Gold coin...... ......... Silver, nickels and cents_________ Total LIABILITIES 47,964.13 218.35 3,326.17 7,364.50 17,385.49 225.77 2,145.00 610.00 337.87 ---------------------------------- $ 79,577.28 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Capital stock paid in___________ $ Surplus fund_____________________ Undivided profits_______ .___ _______ Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check -----------------------------------------Demand certificates of deposit—. Time certificates of deposit_____ Certified checks_________________ _ Cashier’s checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks______________ .___ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund_____ Total 10,000.00 15,081.02 27,888.39 1,009.00 16,455.63 9,045.98 97.26 _______________ ______ $ 79,577.28 TWENTIETH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE 194 Magnet Cedar The Magnet State Bank County. Charter No. 648. Win. Soost________________________ President A. E . Mainquist____________Vice-President I. O. Woolston______ ____ _________ Cashier H . S. Ringland______ ____ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts_____________ $ 28,179.21 Overdrafts, secured and un secured _____ ____ _____ ____ ____ 1,510.49 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, e tc ..____ _______________ Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and 1,186.00 fixtures ________________________ Real estate other than bank ing house________________ - ______ Current expenses and taxes paid 607.97 Cash items_______________________ 37.55 Due from national, state and private banks__________________ 4,668.01 Checks and items of exchange.„ 118.71 Currency _________________________ 1,079.00 Gold coin_________________________ 322.50 274.71 Silver, nickels and cents_________ Total _______ ____ _________ $ 37,984.15 Malcolm Capital stock paid in____ ,______ $ Surplus fund_____________________ Undivided profits_________________ Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check ____________________________ Demand certificates of deposit__ Time certificates of deposit_____ Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding------Due to national, state and private banks__________________ Notes and bills re-discounted----Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund-------- Total 6,000.00 1,500.00 1,036.57 11,903.82 13,485.15 4,000.00 58.61 ........................................? 37,984.15 The Malcolm State Bank Lancaster County. Charter No. 938. L. A. C. Meyer_____________________ President Otterman _______________ Vice-President J. D. Dasenbrock___________________ Cashier --------------------------------------- „Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES. LIABILITIES. Loans and discounts___ ________ $ 51,409.55 Overdrafts, secured and un secured _________________________ 937.63 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc. ___________________ 50.00 Other assets ____________ - ________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures_________________________ 2,500.00 Real estate other than bank ing house ______________________ Current expenses andtaxes paid 1,017.21 Cash items ______________________ 14.35 Due from national, state and private b an k s__________________ 14,889.13 Checks and items of exchange____ 2.10 Currency _________________________ 1,685.00 Gold coin — _____________________ 1,020.00 Silver, nickels andcents _________ 711.97 Total Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis .$ 74,236.94 Capital stock paid i n ___________ $ Surplus fund ____________________ Undivided profits _____________ — Dividends unpaid ________________ Individual deposits subject to check _______________________ - ___ Demand certificates of deposit-— Time certificates of deposit_____ Certified cheeks _________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks _________________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable ____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund______ Total 7,500.00 770.00 1,672.82 30,618.05 1,645.00 31,917.97 113.10 .$ 74,236.94 SECRETARY OF THE STATE BANKING BOARD Malmo 195 The Farmers and Merchants Bank Saunders County. Charter No. 258. Peter Reimers---------------------------------President C. W . Bruce-------------------------- Vice-President E. C. Shumaker... _______ ---------------------- ------------------.Assistant Cashier Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5. 1911. RESOURCES. LIABILITIES. Loans and discounts ___________ $146,201.08 Overdrafts, secured and un secured ------------------------------------------- 3,004.84 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc____________ 7,123.78 Other assets _____________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures--------------------------------------5 , 000.00 Real estate other than bank ing house ______________________ Current expenses and taxes paid 2,242.80 Cash items ______________________ 92.90 Due from national, state and private banks . . . . _____________ 31,453.17 Checks and items of exchange__ 135.69 Currency __________ 2,595.00 Gold coin _________ 160.00 Silver, nickels and cents_________ 248.52 Capital stock paid i n ___________ $ 25,000.00 Surplus fund ____________________ 3,000.00 4,434.26 Undivided profits _______________ Dividends unpaid________________ Individual deposits subject td check ____ 52,143.38 Demand certificates of deposit „ 290.00 Time certificates of d ep osit______ 113,000.05 Certified checks _________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding___ Due to national, state and private banks _________________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable ____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund______ 389.59 Total ........................................ $198,257.28 Manley Total ______________________ $198,257.28 The Manley State Bank Cass County. Charter F. H . Stander ___________________ President Thomas E. Parmele_________ Vice-President No. 906. W m . J. Rau_______________________ Cashier ___________________________ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES. Loans and discounts __________ $ 27,401.51 Overdrafts, secured and un secured _________________________ 180.29 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc. _______________ ____ Other assets _____________________ Banking house, furniture and 1 , 666.66 fixtures ____________ Real estate other than bank ing house _____________________ Current expenses andtaxes paid 1,308.25 Cash items ______________________ Due from national, state and private banks _______ _________ 5,126.07 Checks and items of exchange... Currency _________________________ 890.00 Gold coin ________________________ 415.00 Silver, nickels andcents _________ 241.69 Capital stock paid in___________ $ 5,000.00 Surplus fund ___________________ 350.00 Undivided profits _______________ 1,757.82 Dividends unpaid _______________ Individual deposits subject to check ___________________________ 20,013.47 Demand certificates of deposit.. Time certificates of deposit____ 10,006.82 Certified checks _________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding____ 50.53 Due to national, state and private banks _________________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable ____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund______ 50.83 Total ____________ _____ ___ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 37,229.47 Total ___ __________________ 37,229.47 196 TWENTIETH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE Marion The Marion State Bank Red Willow County. Charter No. 959. S. W . Stilgebouer________________ President E . E. Smith_________ ;_______ Vice-President S. H. Stilgebouer___________________ Cashier ___________________________ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5. 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts..........................30,049.33 Overdrafts, secured and un secured . . . ______________________ 61.28 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets______ _____________. . . Banking house, furniture and fixtures __________ 3,000.00 Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expenses andtaxes paid 2,002.48 Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and 3,104.34 private banks______ __________ Checks and items of exchange... 116.73 2,740.00 Currency _____________ . . . ________ Gold coin____________________ 600.00 Silver, nickels and cents_________ 605.67 Total ___________ ____ _____ $ 42,279.83 Marsland Dawes Capital stock paid in___________ $ Surplus fund_____________________ Undivided profits_________________ Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check ___________________________ Demand certificates of deposit... Time certificates of deposit_____ Certified checks_____ __________ ____ Cashier's checks 'outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks__________________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund-------- Total 10,000.00 2,000.00 2,349.40 8,698.61 12,852.06 51.67 2,254.63 4,000.00 73.46 _____ _________ ______ $ 42,279.83 The Marsland State Bank County. Charter No. 1042. H . G. Purman____________________ President A. S. Enyeart________________ Vice-President Burt Furman________________________ Cashier ____________ ______________ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES Loans and discounts______ ______ $ Overdrafts, secured and un secured _________________________ Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other a sse ts...__________ ________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ______ _________________ Real estate other than bank ing house___________ ____________ Current expenses and taxes paid Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and private banks__________________ Checks and items of exchange____ Currency _________________________ Gold coin_________________________ Silver, nickels and cents_________ Total Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis LIABILITIES 35,088.73 197.02 600.00 1,781.75 3,593.73 120.01 1,488.00 310.00 246.61 ____ _________________ $ 43,425.85 Capital stock paid in___________ $ 10,000.00 Surplus fund_______________________ 2,000.00 Undivided profits___________________ 3,220.48 Dividends .unpaid________________ _ Individual deposits subject to check ___________________________ 20,522.68 Demand certificates of deposit... 2,415.45 Time certificates of deposit_______ 5,206.93 Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks_________ _________ Notes and bills re-difecounted___ Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund_____ 60.31 Total ______ ____ ................... $ 43,425.85 SECRETARY OF THE STATE BANKING BOARD Martell 197 The Martell State Bank Lancaster County. Charter No. 888. R. E. Moore___ John H . Moore. --------President .Vice-President W . II. H . Moore. ------------------ Cashier .Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts_____________ $ 60,561.14 Overdrafts, secured and un secured ____________________ 1,427.51 Bonds, securities, judgments' claims, etc____________ 18.00 Other assets__________ IIIIIIII Banking house, furniture and fixtures ___________________ 2,140.57 Real estate other than "bank ing house______________________ Current expenses and taxes p'aid 2,656.10 Cash items________________ 821.99 Due from national,- state’ and private, banks__________________ 17,991.56 Checks and items of exchange. 6.25 Currency ________________________ 3,495.00 Gold coin__________________ ' " H I 500.00 Silver, nickels and cents________ I 833.49 Total .$ 90,451.61 Martinsburg Capital stock paid in__________ $ 10 000 00 Surplus fund_____________________ Undivided profits_________________ 4,018.74 Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check ---------------20,049.70 Demand certificates of deposit... 7,778.18 Time certificates of deposit_____ 48,334.34 Certified cheeks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding____ 135.07 Due to national, state and private banks__________________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund_____ 135.58 Total .8 90,451.61 The Martinsburg State Bank Dixon County. Charter No. 764. W m . Auge_______ J. M. O'Connell --------President .Vice-President M. I. Mellon Fred Jeffery. —-------------- Cashier -Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts_____________ $ Overdrafts, secured and un secured -------. . . --------------------------Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc_____________________ Other assets...._______ IIIIIIIII Banking house, furniture and fixtures ---------------------------------Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expenses and taxes paid Cash items______________________ Due from national, state and private banks___________________ Checks and items of exchange. Currency ----------------Gold com---------------------------------- — Oliver, nickelsand cents___________ Total Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 58 343.86 3o6. 14 2,059.30 624 66 29 60 11,284.45 1,938.00 740.00 170.07 .$ 75,496.08 Capital stock paid in___________ $ 10,000 00 Surplus fund--------------------------------650.00 Undivided profits_________________ 918.45 Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check ------------------------------------------ 16,536.15 Demand certificates of deposit... 2,523.50 Time certificates of deposit_____ 44,481.07 Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding__ _ Due to national, state and private banks__________________ 240.76 Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable.____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund____ 146.15 Total .? 75,496.08 198 TWENTIETH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE Maskell The Maskell State Bank Dixon County. Charter No. 1011. A . H . Maskell--------------------------------- President N. C. Johnson------------------------Vice-President J. P. Whittemore------------------ Vice-President C. W . Mead_________________________ Cashier N. C. Nelson_____________ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts_____________ $ 95,225.77 Overdrafts, secured and un 265.19 secured --------------------------------------Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets_______________ _______ Banking house, furniture and 3,330.00 fixtures ------------Real estate other than hank ing house_______________________ Current expenses andtaxes paid 2,296.88 556.26 Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and private banks---------------------------- 19,909.08 Checks and items of exchange... 1,646.00 Currency --------------------------------------Gold coin-------------------------------------185.00 607.21 Silver, nickels andcents............ ....... ---------------------------------- $124,021.39 Total Mason City Capital stock paid in___________ $ Surplus fund_____________________ Undivided profits_________________ Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check -----------------------------------------Demand certificates of deposit__ Time certificates of deposit_____ Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks__________________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund______ Total 10,000.00 2,000.00 3,992.47 32.641.80 69,961.03 160.00 5,020.83 245.26 ---------------------------------- $124,021.39 Tlie Mason City Banking Company Custer County. Charter No. 562. P. H . Marlay---------------------------------President E. B . Copley------------------------- Vice-President R. B. Walker------------------------------------Cashier ------------------------------------------Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES Loans and discounts_____________ $ Overdrafts, secured and un secured ------Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ---------------Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expenses and taxes paid Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and private banks__________________ Checks and items of exchange... Currency --------------------------------------Gold coin--------------------------------------Silver, nickels and cents_________ Total LIABILITIES 91,212.39 990.68 5,800.00 8,742.86 226.16 6,492.00 1,280.00 915.67 ---------------------------------- $115,659.76 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Capital stock paid in___________ $ Surplus fund_____________________ Undivided profits_________________ Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check ................. Demand certificates of deposit... Time certificates of deposit_____ Certified cheeks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks__________________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund_____ 25,000.00 1,050.00 2,646.62 58,643.85 2 , 406.41 25,008.72 664.31 239.85 Total ------------------------- ---------$115,659.76 SECRETARY OF THE STATE BANKING BOARD Mason City 199 The Farmers State Bank Custer County. Charter No. 1131. John A . HalL____ ________________ President Geo. C. Chipps______________Vice-President John T . W ood--------------- — ---------- Cashier -------------------------------------------Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. LIABILITIES RESOURCES Doans and discounts_____________ $ 32,435.45 Overdrafts, secured and un secured _________________________ 114.29 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets, Safety boxes_____ 12.00 Banking house, furniture and fixtures ________________________ 3,331.36 Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expenses and taxes paid 1,378.48 Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and private banks__________________ 6,098.74 Checks and items of exchange— 28.00 2,408.00 Currency _________________________ Gold coin_________________________ 275.00 Silver, nickels and cents-------------75.46 Total _______________ -______$ 46,156.78 Maxwell Capital stock paid in----------------- $ 10,000.00 Surplus fund_________________ - — Undivided profits___________________ 1,917.13 Dividends unpaid--------------------------Individual deposits subject to cheek ___________________________ 26,336.79 Demand certificates of deposit— Time certificates of deposit------7,628.00 Certified cheeks___________ ________ Cashier’s checks outstanding------Due to national, state and private banks.—----------------------Collections _______________________ 241.31 Notes and bills re-discounted----Bills payable--------------------------------Depositors’ guaranty fund---------33.55 Total __________________ - — $ 46,156.78 The Maxwell State Bank Lincoln County. Charter No. 768. W . H . McDonald_____ ____________ President W . H . Plumer_______________ Vice-President H . E. Smith------A . C. Plumer------- __________ Cashier Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5. 1911. LIABILITIES RESOURCES Loans and discounts-------------------- $ 38,224.16 Overdrafts, secured and un secured _________________________ 437.37 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets---------------------------------Banking house, furniture and fixtures ________________________ 1,660.00 Real estate other than bank ing house----------------------------------Current expenses and taxes paid 87.24 Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and private banks__________________ 19,845.49 Checks and items of exchange... 170.83 Currency----- .--------------------------------2,784.00 Gold coin--------------------------------------750.00 Silver, nickels and cents--------------542.54 Total ____________________ $ 64,501.63 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Capital stock paid in----------------- $ Surplus fund----------------------------------Undivided profits--------------------------Dividends unpaid.----------- - -----------Individual deposits subject to check ___________________________ Demand certificates of deposit— Time certificates of deposit----------Certified cheeks----------------- -----------Cashier’s checks outstanding------Due to national, state and private banks---------------------------Notes and bills re-discounted— Bills payable--------------------------------Depositors’ guaranty fund-------- Total 10,000.00 1,250.00 5,582.29 38,879.12 1,621.80 7,039.94 128.48 ______________________ $ 64,501.63 200 TWENTIETH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE Maywood The State Bank of Maywood Frontier County. Charter No. 572. S. W . Hunt______ ________________ President W . A. Chamberlain__________ Vice President S. W . Gilbert_______________________ Cashier G. E. Bates_______________ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. LIABILITIES RESOURCES Loans and discounts________$174,024.76 Overdrafts, secured and un 718.53 secured _________________________ Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets_____________ . . . ______ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ________________________ 7,000.00 Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expensesand taxes paid 4,128.91 Cash items___________________ ____ Due from national, state and private banks__________________ 17,168.24 Checks and items of exchange____ 1,428.14 Currency ___________________________ 4,958.00 Gold coin___________________________ 3,245.00 Silver, nickels and cents____________ 1,336.06 Total Capital stock paid in___________ $ 25,000.00 Surplus fund____________________ 5,000.00 10,124.58 Undivided profits________ Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check ___________________________ 103,034.17 Demand certificates of deposit__ Time certificates of deposit_____ 59,707.64 Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding____ 1,761.00 Due to national, state and private banks__________________ Notes and bills re-discounted.... 9,000.00 Bills p ayab le...__________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund________________ 380.25 Total _____________ ______ ..$214,007.64 Mead __ t__________________ $214,007.64 The Bank of Mead Saunders County. Charter P. L . Hall______________ Thos. Ostenberg______ ___ President __ Vice-President No. 262. C. T . Condii. G. Soderberg— _____. . ____________ Cashier Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts_____________ $115,622.55 Overdrafts, secured and un secured ___________ . . . ______ ____ 141.34 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc_________________ _____ Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures —______________________ 2,626.50 Real estate other than bank ing house_______________ ________ Current expenses and taxes paid 3,097.91 State warrants._______________ 3,042.98 Cash items_______ _______________ Due from national, state and private banks______________ . . . . 96,915.66 Checks and items of exchange—. 61.29 Currency _________________________ 5,994.00 Gold coin_________________________ _ 5,965.00 Silver, nickels and cents.—______ 716.80 Capital stock paid in___________ $ 10,000.00 Surplus fund_____________________ 5,000.00 4,633.86 Undivided profits_________________ Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check ___________________________ 70,456.30 Demand certificates of deposit__ Time certificates of deposit_____ 143,577.52 Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks__________________ Notes and bills re-discounted----Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund______ 516.35 Total Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis .$234,184.03 Total .$234,184.03 SECRETARY OF THE STATE BANKING BOARD Meadow Grove 201 The Meadow Grove State Bank Madison County. Charter No. 263. W m . M cIntosh...----------------------------President John Bohlsen.-------------------------Vice-President H . E. M a so n ..._____ ____________ _ Cashier I. W . McIntosh.................... .Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts.____________ $ Overdrafts, secured and un secured ---------------------- ---------------Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures--------------------------------------Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expenses and taxes paid Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and private banks__________________ Cheeks and items of exchange... Currency _____ Gold coin--------------------------------------Silver, nickels and cents__________ Total 81,146.17 2,329.93 5,984.87 2,817.75 6,081.56 15.81 2,709.00 462.50 408.26 ........................... ............ $104,955.85 Meadow Grove Capital stock paid in.................... $ Surplus fund--------------------------------Undivided profits_________________ Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check -----------------------------------------Demand certificates of deposit__ Time certificates of deposit_____ Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks__________________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund_____ Total 25,000.00 5,000.00 8,150.30 39,334.11 26,647.80 630.00 193.64 ................. ...................... $104,955.85 The Security Bank Madison County. Charter No. 835. John H . Harding-------------- ----------President W . S. C rook......................... ..Vice-President W . H . Bosse_________ ____ ___________ Cashier W . H . Harding.................... Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5. 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts........ ............ ..$ 73,062.92 Overdrafts, secured and un secured --------------------------------------- 1*797.01 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and 4,992.91 fixtures ______________ __________ Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expenses and taxes paid 3,818.76 Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and private banks____ _____________ 7,833.83 Checks and items of exchange__ 504.67 Currency _________________________ 878.00 Gold coin--------------------------------------745.00 Silver, nickels and cents_________ 868.48 Capital stock paid in_________ ..$ 15,000.00 Surplus fund--------------------------------500.00 Undivided profits_________________ 5,535.54 Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check ___________________________ ' 40,778.80 Demand certificates of deposit__ Time certificates of deposit____ 31,060.20 Certified checks..__________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding____ 1,483.06 Due to national, state and private banks_____________ <____ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund_____ 143.98 Total ---------------------------------.$ 94,501.58 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Total ........................................ $ 94,501.58 202 TWENTIETH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE Memphis The Bank of Memphis Saunders County. Charter No. 659. Randall K. Brown---------------------------President E . A . Wiggenhorn______ ____ Vice-President H. H . Ehlers________________________ Cashier ____ ____ _________________ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts_____________ $ Overdrafts, secured and un secured _________________________ Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures _________ _____ _________ Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expenses and taxes paid Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and private banks__________________ Checks and items of exchange... Currency _________________________ Gold coin_________________________ Silver, nickelsand cents___________ Total 28,864.76 599.52 1,500.00 1,908.98 19,833.93 1,595.00 725.00 480.74 ________ _____________ $ 55,507.93 Merna Capital stock paid in_______ ____f 5,000.00 2,000.00 Surplus fund_____________________ Undivided profits_________________ 3,039.53 Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check ___________________________ 24,058.35 Demand certificates of deposit.— 911.25 Time certificates of deposit_______ 20,384.40 Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks.— ______________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable..;___ _______________ Depositors’ guaranty fund_____ 114.40 Total _____ ________ ______ .$ 55,507.93 The Bank of Merna Custer County. Charter No. 604. Chas. E. Lord---------------------------------President S. K. Warrick----------------------- .Vice-President Jas. A. Kirk___________ ________ .....C ash ie r ..._________________________ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5. 1911. RESOURCES Loans and discounts____________ _$ 60,426.29 Overdrafts, secured and un 167.96 secured _________________________ Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ________________________ 100.00 Real estate other than bank ing house__ ____________________ Current expenses and taxes paid Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and private banks__________________ 19,982.07 Checks and items of exchange__ Currency _______ 2,013.00 Gold coin_________________________ 20.00 Silver, nickelsand cents___________ 518.36 Total Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ........................................$ 83,227.68 LIABILITIES Capital stock paid in___________ $ Surplus fund_____________________ Undivided profits_________________ Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to cheek ________________ !__________ Demand certificates of deposit__ Time certificates of deposit_____ Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks__________________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund_____ Total 10,000.00 5,000.00 836.21 42,482.49 24,731.32 177.66 _________ _____ ______ $ 83,227.68 203 SECRETARY OF THE STATE BANKING BOARD Merna The Home Bank Custer County. Charter No. 861. _____ President .Vice-President J. S. Francis--------J . A. Kellenberger. R. R. Duncan------------------------- ---------- casnier J- W . Kelly____ __________ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. LIABILITIES RESOURCES Loans and discounts-------------------- $ 45,694.05 Overdrafts, secured and un 253.66 secured _________________________ Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets.--------------------------------Banking house, furniture and 3,000.00 fixtures ------------------------------------Real estate other than bank ing house-----------------------------------Current expenses and taxes paid Cash items-----------------------------------Due from national, state and private banks---------------------------- 17,339.10 188.92 Checks and items of exchange— 2,665.00 Currency ------------------------------------ - 532.50 Oold coin— ---------------------------------830.48 Silver, nickels and cents-------------.$ 70,503.71 Total Merna Custer Capital stock paid in----------------- $ Surplus fund_____________________ Undivided profits, net---------------Dividends unpaid--------------------------Individual deposits subject to check __________________ Demand certificates of deposit— Time certificates of deposit-------Certified checks----------------- -----------Cashier’s checks outstanding------Due to national, state and private banks---------------------------Notes and bills re-discounted----Bills payable--------------------------------Depositors’ guaranty fund--------- 10,000.00 3,000.00 1,723.23 44,954.57 10,700.09 125.82 .$ 70,503.71 Total The Farmers Bank of Merna County. Charter No. 1037. B. F . Cox_________________________ President e ! B. Daley__________________ Vice-President F. L . Beals---------------------------------------------- ___________ Cashier Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts............. .......... $ 27,702.04 Overdrafts, secured and un 783.61 secured — Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc---------------------------------Other assets---------------------------------Banking house, furniture and 5,000.00 fixtures --------------------------------------Real estate other than bank ing house_____________________ 7Current expenses and taxes paid Cash items-----------------------------------Due from national, state and 7,563.40 private banks---------------------------83.20 Checks and items of exchange— 850.00 Currency --------------------------------------255.00 Gold coin--------------------------------------423.63 Silver, nickels and cents--------------- Capital stock paid in----------------- $ 15,000.00 Surplus fund_____________________ 250.00 Undivided profits--------------------------1,471.17 Dividends unpaid-------------------------Individual deposits subject to check ______________________ 20,853.11 Demand certificates of deposit— 5,096.69 Time certificates of deposit-------Certified checks----------------------------Cashier’s checks outstanding------Due to national, state and private banks---------------- -----------Notes and bills re-discounted-----Bills payable-------- ---------- ---------— Depositors’ guaranty fund-------49.91 Total Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 42,720.88 Total .8 42,720.88 204 TWENTIETH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE Merriman Cherry The Anchor Bank County. Charter No. 580. A. H Metzger----------------------------...President W . A . Metzger----------------------- Vice-president A. C. Blanchard____________ . Cashier R. C. Tilton_____________ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5. 1911. RESOURCES Loans and discounts_____ ____ ___$ Overdrafts, secured and un secured Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ------------------------------------Real estate other than bank ing house______ ________________ Current expenses and taxes paid Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state anti private banks..------------------------Checks and items of exchange... Currency --------------------------------------Gold coin----------------Silver, nickels and cents______ . . . Total LIABILITIES 82,277.92 1,402.51 3,600.00 68,083.96 108.50 5,750.00 970.00 1,509.31 -------- ------------- ------------$163,702.20 Milford Capital stock paid in............. .......$ 12,000.00 Surplus fund--------------------------------4,000.00 Undivided profits_________________ 2,789.60 100.00 Dividends unpaid_________________ ; Individual deposits subject to check ------------------------------------------- 112,781.04 Demand certificates of deposit... Time certificates of deposit____ 30,782.23 Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding____ 1,043.87 Due to national, state and private banks__________________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund_____ 205.46 Total ------------------------------...$163,702.20 The Nebraska State Bank Seward County. Charter No. 265. F. S. Johnson------------------------------- President -------- ---------------------------------------Vice-President Geo. E. Salladin______ . ______ Cashier L. C. Opper-------------------------Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts_____________ $139,068.61 Overdrafts, secured and un 41.40 secured _________________________ Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and 6,248.04 fixtures ------------------------------------Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expensesand taxes paid 3,937.52 Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and private banks____ 1............... ....... 24,248.56 Checks and items of exchange... Currency ---------------------4,221.00 Gold coin--------------------------------------2.090.00 Silver, nickels and cents_________ 2,022.87 Capital stock paid in___________ $ 25,000 00 Surplus fund--------------------------------5,000.00 Undivided profits_________________ 5,595.38 Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check --------------74,863.62 Demand certificates of deposit... 7,876.74 Time certificates of deposit_____ 60 , 751.43 Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks__________________ 2,456.20 Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund____ 334.63 Total -------------- ---------- -------- $181,878.00 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Total ----------------------- ---------- $181,878.00 SECRETARY OF THE STATE BANKING BOARD Milford 205 The Farmers and Merchants Bank Seward County. Charter No. 726. E. H. Strayer............................— _— President W . T . Auld---------------------------- Vice-President H . S. Knight...........................................Cashier Jno. E. Vance____________ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts____________ _$ 60,198.21 Overdrafts, secured and un secured _________________________ 221.24 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc---------------------------------739.36 Other assets... ___________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures __________ l . . . ________ 500.00 Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expenses and taxes paid Cash items____ __________________ Due from national, state and private banks.-________________ 36,594.17 Checks and items of exchange... 1,555.16 Currency _________________________ 4,401.00 105.00 Gold coin______________ __________ Silver, nickels and cents__________ 891.54 Total Millard __________ ___________ $105,205.68 Capital stock paid in___________ $ Surplus fund______ _____ Undivided profits, net______ _ Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check ___________________________ Demand certificates of deposit___ Time certificates of deposit_____ Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks__________________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund_____ Total 10,000.00 5,500.00 426.82 57,806.87 5,530.65 25,733.47 207.87 ........ ............................ ..$105,205.68 The German Bank of Millard Douglas County. Charter No. 266. A . B. Detweiler............... ................... President W m . VonDohren-------------------- Vice-President W . T . Detweiler________ ____ _______ Cashier ___________________________ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5. 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts_____________ $146,594.87 Overdrafts, secured and un secured _________________________ Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ 166.50 Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ________________________ 5,000.00 Interest and discount paid_______ 1,091.80 Current expenses andtaxes paid 610.06 Cash items_______________________ 20.00 Due from national, state and private banks__________________ 15,380.50 Checks and items of exchange.— Currency _________________________ 5,560.00 Gold coin_______________ ________ 445.00 Silver, nickels and cents_________ 596.76 Capital stock paid in___________ $ 15,000.00 Surplus fund_______________ 4,750.00 Undivided profits___________ 3,052.55 Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check ______________ 74,253.67 Demand certificates of deposit.._ 13,600.89 Time certificates of deposit_______ 64,414.91 Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks__________________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund_____ 393.47 Total ____ ________ ______ „$175,465.49 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Total _________ ________ ___ $175,465.49 TWENTIETH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE 206 Miller The First Bank of Miller Buffalo County. Charter No. 267. J. L . Becker________ ______________ President J. S. Stewart________________ Vice-President P. D. Brown___ ___________________ ----------------- Cashier Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts_____________ $ 87,782.06 Overdrafts, secured and un secured _____ :_______________ *___ 231.45 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, e tc.-____________________ Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures —______________________ 4,000.00 Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expenses and taxes paid 1,260.04 Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and private banks__________________ 36,322.08 80.21 Checks and items of exchange____ Currency _________________ 2,056.00 Gold coin_________________________ 2,000.00 Silver, nickels and cents__________ 583.35 Total ---------------------- ---------- -$134,315.19 Miller Buffalo Capital stock paid in___________ $ Surplus fund--------------------------------Undivided profits_________________ Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check -----------------------------------------Demand certificates of deposit— Time certificates of deposit_______ Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks__________________ Notes and bills re-discounted. Bills payable___ __________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund_____ Total 25,000.00 5,000.00 21,308.25 74,204.35 27.00 8,543.50 232.09 ----------------------------------$134,315.19 The Bank of Miller County. Charter No. 268. Nelson Maddox------------------------------- President N. J. Maddox------------------------- Vice-President C. E. MillhouSe.____ _______________ Cashier M. L. Millhouse_________ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES Loans and discounts_____________ $ 32,329.36 Overdrafts, secured and un secured _____________ ___________ 593.47 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc_____ ________________ Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures_________________________ 863.22 Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expenses and taxes paid 1,721.24 Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and private banks___________________ 10,281.94 Checks and items of exchange.— 44.76 Currency _______ 1,231.00 Gold coin______________ __________ 450.00 Silver, nickels and cents___ ____ 392.26 T o t a l____________ ________ _$ 47,907.25 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis LIABILITIES Capital stock paid in___________ $ 25,000.00 Surplus fu n d ...____________________ 2,665.20 Undivided profits___________________ 3,770.22 Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check ---------------14,911.78 Demand certificates of deposit— Time certificates of deposit___ . . . 1,500.00 Certified checks________ ___________ Cashier’s checks outstandings— Due to national, state and private banks__________________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund_____ 60.05 Total — .....................................$ 47,907.25 SECRETARY OF THE STATE BANKING BOARD Milligan 207 The Farmers and Merchants Bank Fillmore County. Charter No. 748. F. W . Sloan---------------------------------- President A. A. Hamouz------------------------Vice-President C. Smrha_____________________________ Cashier _______ ___________________ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5. 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Doans and discounts________$115,545.41 Overdrafts, secured and un secured --------------------------------------69.59 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures____________________ 2,500.00 Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expensesand taxes paid 1,094.48 Cash items___________________ ____ Due from national, state and private banks__________________ 29,707.77 Checks and items of exchange... 6,983.74 Currency _________________________ 5,162.00 Gold coin_________________________ 770.00 Silver, nickels and cents__________ 1,730.99 Capital stock paid in___________ $ 16,000.00 Surplus fund_____________________ 1,000.00 Undivided profits_________________ 2,715.59 Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check ___________ 38,669.62 Demand certificates of deposit I Time certificates of deposit___ f 104,903.84 Cashier’s checks outstanding____ Certified checks___________________ Due to national, state and private banks__________________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund___ _ 274.93 Total ____________________ ..$163,563.98 Minatare Total ......................................$163,563.98 The Minatare Bank Scotts Bluff County. Charter No. 62Q. S. K. Warrick_____________________ President Chas. E. Ford------------------------Vice-President G. F. Haas__________________________ Cashier W . F. Graham___________ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5. 1911. RESOURCES Loans and discounts_____________ $ Overdrafts, secured and un secured ________________ _________ Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc. ____________________ Other assets ____________ ________ Banking Touse, furniture and fixtures_________________________ Real estate other than bank ing house ______________________ Current expenses and taxes paid Cash items____ __________________ Due from national, state and pri vate b an k s_____________________ Checks and items of exchange... Currency _________________________ Gold coin_________________________ Silver, nickels andcents__________ LIABILITIES 68,768.82 11.06 2,500.00 17,883.66 810.30 3,194.00 60.00 892.89 T o t a l........ .......................... .......$ 94,120.73 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Capital stock paid in____________ $ Surplus fu n d --------------------------------Undivided profits ________________ Dividends unpaid ________________ Individual deposits subject to check -----------------------------------------Demand certificates of deposit____ Time certificates of deposit_______ Certified checks __________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and pri vate banks_____________________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable __________ __________ Depositors’ guaranty fund ______ 10,000.00 5,000.00 1,039.36 54,131.83 2,455.67 21,339.78 154.09 T o t a l.... ................. .................. $ 94,120.73 208 TWENTIETH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE Mitchell The Mitchell State Bank Scotts Bluff County. C h a rter N o . 957. E. A. Currie----------------------------------President W . 0 . Wieland------------------ —-Vice-President Jas. T . Whitehead. O. R. Lovelace____ -----------------Cashier .Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES Loans and discounts_____________ $ Overdrafts, secured and un secured --------------------------------------Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ________________________ Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expenses and taxes paid Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and private banks___________ Checks and items of exchange— Currency --------------------------------------Gold coin--------------------------------------Silver, nickels and cents__________ Total LIABILITIES 53,073.25 296.73 4,462.62 2,535.79 34,793.49 75.75 3,163.00 110.00 1,570.18 ----------------------------------$100,080.81 Monowi Capital stock paid in___________ $ Surplus fund--------------------------------Undivided profits_____ ___________ Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check -----------------------------------------Demand certificates of deposit— Time certificates of deposit_______ Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks__________________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable____________________ I Depositors’ guaranty fund_____ Total 15,000 00 3,000.00 4,500.16 60,369.53 1,570.48 15,410.80 100.00 129.84 ---------------------------------- $100,080.81 The Monowi State Bank Boyd County. C h a r te r N o . 676. E. F. Strain------------------------------------President A. G. Heckman---------------------- Vice-President W . L. Hauptli_____________________ Cashier H . B. Berson_____________ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts_____________ $ 59,359.50 Overdrafts, secured and un secured — ____ _______ - ________ 370.77 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ________________________ 4,000.00 Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expenses and taxes paid 2,042.74 Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and private b an k s.-._______________ 13,789.90 Checks and items of exchange— 7.00 Currency ------3,133.00 Gold coin_________________________ 472.50 Silver, nickels and cents................ 735.17 Capital stock paid in___________ $ 12,000.00 Surplus fund--------------------------------2,500.00 Undivided profits_________________ 3,153.73 Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check ------------------------------------------ 12,558.83 Demand certificates of deposit— 1,250.00 Time certificates of deposit_______ 52,276.45 Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks__________________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable_______ ______________ Depositors’ guaranty fund_____ 171.57 Total ..............— .................... $ 83,910.58 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Total .........................................$ 83,910.58 SECRETARY OF THE STATE BANKING B O A R D Monroe 209 The Bank of Monroe Platte County. C h a rter N o . 271. Rodney Hill........ ................................. President M. E. Hill--------------------- ------Vice-President Howard J. Hill________ ________ ____Cashier __________ ________________ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts_____________ $122,309.72 Overdrafts, secured and un secured _________________________ 2,173.98 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________ v______ 1,000.00 Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ________________________ 2,400.00 Real estate other than bank ing house________________ ________ 2,580.00 Current expenses and taxes paid 243.50 Cash items____________ Due from national, state and private banks__________________ 8,920.87 Checks and items of exchange-— 199.26 Currency —_______________________ 1,696.00 Gold coin____________ _____________ 840.00 Silver, nickels asd cents________ 515.55 Capital stock paid in_______ ___ $ 15,000.00 Surplus fund_____________________ 3,000.00 Undivided profits—_______________ 1,372.40 Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check ________ 42,636.38 Demand certificates of deposit.— 1,368.25 Time certificates of deposit_____ 63,944.90 Certified checks___________________ 400.00 Cashier’s checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks__________________ 4,835.94 Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable_____________________ 10,000.00 Depositors’ guaranty fund____ 321.01 Total —.................... ................$142,878.88 Moorefield Total ........ .................. ........... $142,878.88 The Bank of Moorefield Frontier County. Charter No. 810. Geo. F. Sawyer.:-------- ------------------President J. G. Sawyer-------------------------- Vice-President H . B. Sawyer... __________________ ------------------ Cashier Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts_____________ $ 30,145.79 Overdrafts, secured and un secured _________________________ 730.61 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures _____________ 1,400.00 Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expenses and taxes paid 186.41 Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and private banks__________________ 6,478.96 Checks and items of exchange— 978.25 Currency _____________ 846.00 Gold coin_________________________ 130.00 Silver, nickels and cents........ ......... 474.28 Capital stock paid in___________ $ 5,000.00 Surplus fund--------------------------------4,500.00 Undivided profits_________________ 306.92 Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check ------------------------------------------ 26,207.87 Demand certificates of deposit... 1,624.17 Time certificates of deposit_______ 3,671.14 Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks__________________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills’ payable— _________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund_____ 60.20 Total Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis .$ 41,370.30 Total .$ 41,370.30 TWENTIETH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE 210 Morrill The Farmers and Merchants Bank Seotts Bluff County. Charter No. 1063. W . H . Ostenberg_________________ President B. F . Stockwell____________ Vice-President . John Boatsman— ------- ---------------------Cashier Emilie Boatsman---------------Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. LIABILITIES RESOURCES Loans and discounts_____________ $ 54,813.89 Overdrafts, secured and un secured __________ _______________ 887.56 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and 5,000.00 fixtures ________________________ Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expenses and taxes paid 1,092.40 Cash items----------------- -----------------Due from national, state and private banks________ 10,925.65 Checks and items of exchange.— 418.98 Currency ________________________ 2,675.00 Gold coin_______________________ . . Silver, nickels and cents_ 666.13 Total ........ ___________ _____ $ 76,479.61 Morse Bluff Capital stock paid in------------------$ Surplus fund_____________ ;----------Undivided profits_________________ Dividends unpaid--------------------------Individual deposits subject to check ______________________ Demand certificates of deposit— Time certificates of deposit----------Certified checks--------------------- -------Cashier’s checks outstanding------Due to national, state and private banks___________________ Notes and bills re-discounted----Bills payable--------------------------------Depositors’ guaranty fund-------- Total 15,000.00 1,800.00 2,106.74 47,456.07 9,901.25 21.72 95.56 98.27 _____________ ______ —$ 76,479.61 The Bank of Morse Blult Saunders County. Charter No. 272. Walter Fleming___________________ President j . g . Wilson_________________ Vice-President Emil E. W olf----------------------------------- Cashier G. M. Skinner------------------Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts_____________ $226,874.11 Overdrafts, secured and un secured _________________________ 1,543.13 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ 6,000.00 Other assets_____________ ________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ______________________ _ 2,200.00 Real estate other than bank ing house---------------Current expenses and taxes paid 4,087.82 Cash items.______________________ 19.66 Due from national, state and private banks__________________ 32,102.62 Checks and items of exchange— 390.00 2,548.00 Currency _________________________ Gold coin--------------2,310.00 Silver, nickels and cents----- --------932.58 Capital stock paid in___________ $ 30,000.00 Surplus fund_____________________ 500.00 Undivided profits----------------1--------5,324.16 Dividends unpaid--------------------------Individual deposits subject to check ___________________________ 56,568.48 Demand certificates of deposit... 855.00 Time certificates of deposit______ 185,175.74 Certified checks____________ _______ Cashier’s checks outstanding------Due to national, state and private banks__________________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund_____ 584.54 Total Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis . . . . __________ _______ $279,007.92 Total .......... .......... .................$279,007.92 SECRETARY OF THE STATE BANKING BOARD Mount Clare 211 The Mount Clare State Bank Nuckolls County. Charter No. 785. p . E. Bottenfield_________________ President Theo. Menke___ _________ .„.Vice-President R. A. R. Martin. ----------------------------- _______ ____ Cashier .Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts-------------------- $ 30,401.44 Overdrafts, secured and un 403.40 secured -------------- -----------------------Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and 900.00 fixtures ________________________ Real estate other than hank ing house-----------------------------------475.19 Current expenses and taxes paid Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and private hanks----------------- ---------- 26,618.25 Checks and items of exchange... 505.00 Currency _________________________ 1,600.00 Gold coin_________________________ 143.99 Silver, nickels and cents-------------- Capital stock paid in----------------- $ 10, 000.00 1,700.00 Surplus fund---------------------- ------- — 1,084.32 Undivided profits--------------------------96.00 Dividends unpaid---------------- ---------Individual deposits subject to check — ------------------------------------- 23,405.65 1,564.38 Demand certificates of deposit— Time certificates of deposit-------- 23,112.10 Certified cheeks-----------------------------Cashier’s checks outstanding------Due to national, state and private hanks---------------------------Notes and bills re-discounted----Bills payable--------------------------------84.82 Depositors’ guaranty fund-------- .$ 61,047.27 Total .$ 61,047.27 Total The Bank of Mullen Mullen Hooker County. Charter No. 627. John Morrison_____________________ President ______ ____ _ Vice-President Chas. E. Gruenig.-----------------------------Cashier W . W . Gruenig__________ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES LI ABILITIES Loans and discounts-------------------- $ 54,716.74 Overdrafts, secured and un 398.50 secured — Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets---------------------------------Banking house, furniture and 2,400.00 fixtures __________________ ______ Real estate other than bank ing house_____________________ r453.30 Current expenses and taxes paid Cash items-----------------------------------Due from national, state and private hanks-------------------- ------- 23.082.35 402.37 Checks and items of exchange— 3,272.00 Currency _________________________ 540.00 Gold coin--------------------------------------381.49 Silver, nickels and cents--------------- Capital stock paid in----------- — -? 1 0 , 0 0 0.00 2,500.00 Surplus fund--------------------------------5,636.34 Undivided profits--------------------------Dividends unpaid—----------------------Individual deposits subject to check ______________ _______ ____ 55.119.65 1,318.40 Demand certificates of deposit— Time certificates of deposit-------- 10,948.41 Certified checks----------------- -----------Cashier’s checks outstanding------Due to national, state and private hanks---------------------------Notes and bills re-discounted----Bills payable--------------------------------123.95 Depositors’ guaranty fund— — Total Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis .$ 85,646.75 Total .$ 85,646.75 212 TWENTIETH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE Mullen The Citizens Bank Hooker County. Charter No. 1101. J. L . Roseberry----------------- ------------President S. O. Simonson-------- ------- ------Vice-President 0 . M. Barnebey_____________________ Cashier ------------------------------------------ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts_____________ $ Overdrafts, secured and un secured --------------------------------------Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ------------------------------------Real estate other than bank ing house__ _______ _____________' Current expenses and taxes paid Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and private banks__________________ Checks and items of exchange... Currency . . . . --------------------------------Gold coin_________________________ Silver, nickels and cents_________ Total 64,986.30 937.58 4,041.95 3,220.99 192.33 22,941.25 555.80 3,880.00 275.00 228.25 ----------------------------- j,—$101,259.45 Murdock Capital stock paid in___________ $ 25,000.00 Surplus fund_____________________ 1,500.00 Undivided profits_________________ 5,955.52 Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check ------------------------------------------ 65,283.12 Demand certificates of deposit__ Time certificates of deposit____ 3,277.05 Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding____ 170.00 Due to national, state and private banks__________________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable_______ _____________ Depositors’ guaranty fund_____ 73.76 Total ----------------- ----------------$101,259.45 The Bank of Murdock Cass County. Charter No. 678. P. W olf. ----------------- . ---------------President Lfenry A. Tool---------------------- Vice-President H . A. Guthmann _____________________ ------------------ Cashier .Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts_____________$ 96,001.92 Overdrafts,' secured and un secured _________________________ 882.37 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ______________ s_________ 4,000.00 Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expenses and taxes paid 1,151.36 Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and private banks__________________ 11,286.75 Checks and items of exchange... 270.25 Currency _________________________ 2,914.00 Gold coin_________________________ 360.00 Silver, nickels and cents_________ 653.41 Total Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis .$117,520.06 Capital stock paid in___________ $ Surplus, fund_____________________ Undivided profits_________________ Dividends unpaid__________ .______ Individual deposits subject to check _______________________ Demand certificates of deposit... Time certificates of deposit_____ Certified checks____ ______________ Cashier’s checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks__________________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund_____ Total 15,000.00 200.00 1,373.19 34,404.08 61,604.28 1,758.83 3,000.00 179.68 .$117,520.06 SECRETARY OF THE STATE BANKING BOARD Murray 213 Tlie Murray State Bank Cass County. Charter No. 578. Chas. C. Parinole_ Pred L . Nutzman. --------President .Vice-President W . G. Boedeker__________ __________ Cashier ------------------------- - ------- „------Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES Loans and discounts_____________ $ Overdrafts, secured and un secured _________________________ Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ___ _____________________ Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expenses and taxes paid Cash items_______ _______________ Due from national, state and private hanks__________________ Checks and items of exchange— Currency _________________________ Gold coin_________________________ Silver, nickels and cents_________ Total LIABILITIES 59,780.88 294.99 2,795.00 1,434.61 7,645.29 l,479.QO 565.00 506.19 _____ ________________ $ 74,500.96 Naponee Capital stock paid in___________ $ Surplus fund_____________________ Undivided profits_________________ Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check ____________________ Demand certificates of deposit— Time certificates of deposit_______ Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private hanks______________ ____ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable— _____ , ____________ Depositors’ guaranty fund_____ Total 10,000.00 5,000.00 2,676.89 44,362.96 1,906.09 10,444.78 110.24 _______ _____ _____ — $ 74,500.96 The Naponee State Bank Franklin County. Charter No. 565. J. B. McGrew-------------------------------- President R. V. McGrew---------------------- Vice-President L. J. Stevens W . C. Crippen -----------------Cashier Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES Loans and discounts_____________ $ 58,134.02 Overdrafts, secured and un secured --------------------------------------537.75 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc_____________________ Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ______________ 3,300.00 Real estate other than bank ing house-----------------------------------500.00 Current expensesandtaxes paid 1,485.70 Cash items______________ ________ Due from national, state and private banks____ ,_____________ 12,781.33 Checks and items of exchange— Currency ______ 1,050.00 Gold coin_________________________ 5.00 Silver, nickels andcents__________ 1,425.49 Total .................. ................. „ $ 79,219.29 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis LIABILITIES Capital stock paid in___________ $ Surplus fund_____________________ Undivided profits_________________ Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check --------------------Demand certificates of deposit— Time certificates of deposit_____ PerHAed check“___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks__________________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund_____ Total 10 , 000.00 1,200.00 2,238.43 38,500.39 211.83 14,897.77 415.92 11,574.77 180.18 ........................................$ 79,219.29 214 TWENTIETH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE Naponee The Republican Valley Bank Franklin County. Charter No. 1023. Geo. M. Wilmot____ ____ ________ President Peter Rasmussen_____________ Vice-President E. W . Polly________________________ Cashier ____________________ _______Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. LIABILITIES RESOURCES Loans and discounts_____________ $ Overdrafts, secured and un secured ____ _____________________ '''Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets _____________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ______ _________________ Real estate other than hank ing house_______________________ Current expenses and taxes paid Cash items_______________________ Due . from national, state and private banks__________________ Checks and items of exchange... Currency _________________________ Gold coin_________________________ Silver, nickelsand cents___________ Total 56,923.55 653.18 3,313.68 3,972.20 28,068.15 10,000.00 5,861.87 50,946.18 1,051.52 25,758.96 2,255.45 125.19 2,150.00 600.00 318.41 ______________________ $ 95,999.17 Nebraska City Capital stock paid in___________ $ Surplus fund_____________________ Undivided profits_________________ Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check ___________________________ Demand certificates of deposit— Time certificates of deposit_____ Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding------Due to national, state and private hanks_________ Notes and bills re-discounted----Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund--------- Total ______________________ $ 95,999.17 The Farmers Bank Otoe County. Charter No. 278. L . Enyart____________ ____________ President J. H . Catron____ ____________ Vice President J. M. Riser________________________ .Cashier Theo Schrunder__________ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES. LIABILITIES Loans and discounts________ $214,687.55 Overdrafts, secured and un secured ________________________ 21.44 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc---------------------------------County warrants------------------690.75 Banking house, furniture and fixtures ________________________ 2,250.00 Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expenses andtaxes paid 22.75 Cash items-----------------------------------T>ue from national, state and private banks-------------------- 78,709.13 Checks and items of exchange— 403.00 Currency _________________________ 3,800.00 Gold coin____________________ 15,000.00 •Silver, nickels and cents-----1,204.82 Capita] stock paid in___________ $ 50,000.00 Surplus fund_____________________ 10,000.00 Undivided profits_________________ 4,773.00 Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to cheek ------------------------------------------ 139,070.10 Demand certificates- of deposit,.. 4,317.25 Time certificates of deposit_____ 41,080.64 Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks__________________ 67,169.64 Notes and bills re-discounted___ Special deposits_____ ____________ 18.29 Depositors’ guaranty fund____ 360.52 Total Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis .$316,789.44 Total .$316,789,44 SECRETARY OF THE STATE BANKING BOARD Nehawka 215 The Nehawka Bank Cass County. Charter No. 279. J. M . Stone------------------------------------President P. P. Sheldon------------------------Vice President David C. West_____________________ Cashier ___________________________ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts________ $141,359.53 Overdrafts, secured and un secured _________________________ 149.00 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets . . . . _________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures __________________ _____ 5,128.31 Real estate other than bank ing house____________ ___________ Current expenses and taxes paid 628.34 Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and private banks__________________ 37,870.18 Checks and items of exchange... Currency ________________ 1,985.00 Gold coin__________________________ 2,165.00 Silver, nickelsand cents____________ 1,144.98 Total ____________ _____ ,..$190,430.34 Neligh Capital stock paid in___________ $ 25,000.00 2,736.73 Surplus fund___________ :_________ Undivided profits_________________ 1,637.44 Dividends unpaid______ __________ Individual deposits subject to check ___________________________ 102,843.83 Demand certificates of deposit__ 3,850.69 Time certificates of deposit_____ 45,156.30 Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding____ 8,904.37 Due to national, state and private banks__________________ Notes and bills re-discounted..._ Bills payable___________________ _ Depositors’ guaranty fund_____ 300.98 Total ...___________________ $190,430.34 The Atlas Bank Antelope County. Charter No. 511. Geo. N. Seymour___________ _____ President J. J. Melick___________ , ____ Vice-President R. S. Payne_______________ _________ Cashier T . S. Pexton---------------------Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5. 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts_____________ $327,833.44 Capital stock paid in______ ____ $ 50,000.00 Surplus fund_____________________ 5,000.00 Overdrafts, secured and un Undivided profits_________________ 7,463.45 secured _________________________ 1,872.85 Bonds, securities, judgments, Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to claims, etc______________________ check _____________ 94,284.40 Other assets--------------------------------Banking house, furniture and Demand certificates of deposit... 41,570.38 Time certificates of deposit_____ 161,090.72 fixtures ________________________ 5,000.00 Certified checks___________________ Real estate other than bank Cashier’s cheeks outstanding____ ing house_______________________ Due to national, state and Current expensesand taxes paid 2,411.07 private banks____ ______________ 53,581.29 Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and Notes and bills re-diseounted___ Bills payable_____________________ private banks__________________ 61,087.73 Checks and items of exchange... 3,141.31 Depositors’ guaranty fund____ 663.06 Currency _________________________ 7,810.00 Gold coin______________________ 3,345.00 Silver, nickels and cents____________ 1,151.90 Total . . . . _________ ______ —$413,653.30 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Total ____ _________________ $413,653.30 216 TWENTIETH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE Neligh The Security Bank Antelope County. Charter No. 1114. S . D. Thornton. F . H . Plank.... --------President Vice-President S. D. Thornton, Jr. _____________________ ------------------ Cashier .Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts_____________ $ Overdrafts, secured and un secured ------------------- ------------------Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets___________________ J.I Banking house, furniture and fixtures ------------------------------------Real estate other than bank ing house__________ ...__________ Current expenses and taxes paid ■Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and private banks__________________ Checks and items of exchange.. Currency --------------------------------------Gold c o m ...---------------------------------Silver, nickelsand cents___________ Total 63,813 68 1,516.58 1,500.00 2,603.35 4,373.71 1,362.00 637.50 1,800.44 ----- -------- -------------------$ 77,637.26 Nelson Capital stock paid in___________ $ Surplus Bind________ ____ _______ Undivided profits_________________ Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check ---------------Demand certificates of deposit— Time certificates of deposit_____ Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks__________________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund_____ Total 25,000.00 3,470.22 28,560.05 319.60 20,218.65 62.74 ---------------- ------------------ 8 77,637.26 The Commercial Bank Nuckolls County. Charter No. 280. Jas. B. Wehrman. J. R. Parsons___ --------- President ..Vice-President I. J. Wehrman S. A . Lapp_____ ----------------- Cashier .Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts________ _ :$i (>7 813 80 Overdrafts, secured and un secured _________________________ 2 964 25 Bonds, securities, judgments! claims, etc--------------------------6 , 200.00 Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures --------------------5 , 000.00 Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expenses and taxes paid 1,646 89 Cash items____________________ _ 25 00 Due from national, state and private banks__________________ 16,495.30 Checks and items of exchange__ ’ 179*65 •Currency --------------------------------------3,972.00 Gold com_____________________ 3 790.00 Silver, nickelsand cents___________ 413.47 T°ta l ..................... Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis $148,500.36 Capital stock paid in----------------- $ Surpius fund------------------------Undivided profits___________ _ Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check -----------------------------------------Demand certificates of deposit__ Time certificates of deposit___ Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks__________________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund_____ Total 25,000.00 12,500.00 3 531 ra ’ 56 .'oo 58,500.54 27,074 74 21,582.04 255.45 ........ ................................$148,500.36 SECRETARY OF THE STATE BANKING BOARD Nemaha 217 The Bank of Nemaha Nemaha County. Charter No. 6S2. W m . Campbell____________________ President F . E. Allen.,_____ ____________ Vice-President Frank Titus________________________ .Cashier ________ ....._______________ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5. 1911. RESOURCES Loans and discounts____ ________ $ Overdrafts, secured and un secured _______________________ Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc_______________ ____ Other assets___ ___________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ______________ _________ Real estate other than bank ing house...:___ ________________ Current expenses and taxes paid Cash items___ ___________________ Due from national, state and private banks__________ Checks and items of exchange... Currency _____________________ . . . . Gold coin_________________________ Silver, nickels and c en ts........... Total LIABILITIES 46,826.55 192.79 1 , 666.00 2,063.50 16,528.79 2,635.00 260.00 582.62 ........ .......... ............. .......$ 70,755.25 Newcastle Capital stock paid in___________ $ 5,000.00 Surplus fund__________________ 2,000.00 Undivided profits___________________ 4,798.09 Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check ___________________________ 49,025.80 Demand certificates of deposit... 9,802.50 Time certificates of deposit_____ Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks__________________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable____________ :________ Depositors’ guaranty fund_____ 128.86 Total ........................................ $ 70,755.25 Farmers’ State Bank Dixon County. Charter No. 282. Ed Wilkinson_____________________ President E . Mounsey__________________ Vice-President _____________________________________ ___________________________ Assistant Cashier Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. LIABILITIES RESOURCES Loans and discounts_____________ $157,585.43 Overdrafts, secured and un secured _______ 945.50 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ 700.00 Other assets___ <_________ ______ _ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ________________________ 3,350.00 Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expensesand taxes paid 6,193.58 Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and private banks________________ 22,700.25 Checks and items of exchange____ 1,670.06 Currency ___________________________ 1,710.00 Gold coin__________________________ 2,077.50 Silver, nickels andc en ts............. . 1,379.72 Total ...... ........ .................... ..$198,312.04 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Capital stock paid in___________ $ 15,000.00 Surplus fund_____________________ 3,000.00 Undivided profits_________________ 11,999.49 Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check ___________________________ 59,618.71 Demand certificates of deposit... 850.00 Time certificates of deposit_______ 107,447.50 Certified checks____ .-..i___________ Cashier’s checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks__________________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund_____ 396.34 Total _____ ________________ $198,312.04 218 TWENTIETH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE Newcastle The Newcastle State Bank Dixon County. Charter No. 603. T . J. Ryan------------------------------------President I ’red Whittemore____________ Vice-President J. P. Whittemore___________________ Cashier ___________________________ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 19X1. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts_____________ $199,292.60 Overdrafts, secured and un secured _________________________ 644.89 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ________________________ 5,232.15 Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expenses and taxes paid 5,319.84 Cash items_______________________ 582.40 Due from national, state and private banks__________________ 37,222.49 Checks and items of exchange__ 1.760.00 Currency _________________________ 6.860.00 Gold coin_________________________ 1,357.50 Silver, nickels and cents_________ 622.16 Capital stock paid in___________ $ 25,000.00 Surplus fund_____________________ 500.00 Undivided profits_________________ 6,679.49 Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check __________ 63,776.05 5,796.17 Demand certificates of deposit___ Time certificates of deposit---------132,610.57 Certified checks-----------------------------Cashier’s checks outstanding------Due to national, state and private banks___ '______________ 24,016.41 Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable--------------------------------Depositors’ guaranty fund------515.34 Total ______________________ $258,894.03 Newman Grove Total _________ ____________ $258,894.03 The Newman Grove State Bank Madison County. Charter No. 283. Geo. H . Gutru____________________ President H . H . Eunru_________________ Vice-President E. W . Johnson---------------------------------Cashier O H . Olson________________Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. LIABILITIES Capital stock paid in----------------- $ 30,000. Surplus fund_____________________ 10,000. Undivided profits_______ _________ 2,519. Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check ___________________________ 112,350.35 Demand certificates of deposit— 8,025.62 Time certificates of deposit-------- 81,382.47 Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding------Due to national, state and private banks__________________ Notes and bills re-discounted-----Bills payable--------------------------------Depositors’ guaranty fund_____ 520.63 Total ........... ........................... $244,798.50 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis £88 RESOURCES Loans and discounts_____________ $199,492.46 Overdrafts, secured and un secured ___ - ____________________ 1,685.21 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets_____________ ________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ________________________ 6 , 000.00 Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expenses and taxes paid 649.52 Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and private banks__________________ 24,693.87 Checks and items of exchange.— 1,326.18 Currency _________________________ 6,128.00 Gold coin_________________________ 3,300.00 Silver, nickels and cents_________ 1,523.26 •Total ........................ ................$244,798.50 SECRETARY OF THE STATE BANKING BOARD Newman Grove 219 The Shell Creek Valley Bank Madison County. Charter No. 1082. John J. O’Shea-------------------- . ------- President Charles Olson________________ Vice-President Thos. O’Shea, Jr__________________ Cashier ___________________________ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts_____________ $ 39,088.15 Overdrafts, secured and un secured _________________________ 82.63 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures —_______________ 5,000.00 Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expenses and taxes paid 2,757.78 Cash items_______ . ______________ 6.10 Due from national, state and private banks___________ 14,449.20 Checks and items of exchange— 138.30 Currency _______ 1,247.00 1,640.00 Gold coin__________________ Silver, nickels and cents__ 470.85 Capital stock paid in___________ $ 15,000.00 Surplus fund_____________________ Undivided profits_________________ 3,437.51 Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check ________ 24,292.18 Demand certificates of deposit— 1.00 Time certificates of deposit_____ 22,066.75 Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding------Due to national, state and private banks__________________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund____ 82.57 Total __________ ________ __ $ 64,880.01 Newport Total ____________ ____ ____ $ 64,880.01 The Rock County State Bank Rock County. Charter No. 517. O. F. F . Turner____________ _______ President M. McGiverin____________ Vice-President Jabe B. Gibson_____________________ Cashier John H . Gibson_________ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES Loans and discounts_____________ $ Overdrafts, secured and un secured ------------------- ------------------Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ___________ _____________ Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expenses and taxes paid Cash items___ I__________________ Due from national, state and private banks__________________ Checks and items of exchange... Currency _____________ Gold coin_________________________ Silver, nickels andcents___________ Total LIABILITIES 65,267.18 1,556.51 3,300.00 3,147.69 33,858.11 1,960.04 2,645.00 835.00 482.37 ------------------- ------- ------- $113,051.90 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Capital stock paid in___________ $ Surplus fund_____________________ Undivided profits_________________ T>ividends unp aid ...______________ Individual deposits subject to check ____________ Demand certificates of deposit__ Time certificates of deposit_____ Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks__________________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund.......... Total 15,000.00 400.00 5,558.28 58,393.69 5,050.00 28,396.92 110.48 142.53 ______________________ $113,051.90 22C TWENTIETH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE Nickerson Dodge The First Bank County. Charter No. 712. E . R. Gurney.. A. W . Sprick. ------- President .Vice-President L. H . Westerhoff. _____________________ ____________Cashier .Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts_____________ $ 85,782.61 Overdrafts, secured and un secured --------------------------------------2,258.85 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets— ____ ______________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ------------------------------------3,250.00 Real estate other than bank ing house-----------------------------------1,400.00 Current expenses andtaxes paid 2,197.71 Cash items________, ______________ 54.12 Due from national, state and private banks__________________ 14,748.58 Checks and items of exchange— 1,191.21 Currency -----------3,110.00 Gold coin--------------------------------------430.00 Silver, nickels andcents__________ 404.77 Total ---------------------------------- $114,827.85 Niobrara Capital stock paid in___________ $ Surplus fund________ ____________ Undivided profits_________________ Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check ______________________ :____ Demand certificates of deposit— Time certificates of deposit_____ Certified checks______________ _____ Cashier’s checks outstanding------Due to national, state and private banks--________________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund_____ Total 15,000.00 750.00 2,878.96 43,755.76 52,207.74 235.39 ______________________ $114,827.85 The Niobrara Valley Bank Knox County. Charter No. 285. Nelson---------------------------------------President ---------------------------------------------- Vice-President F. Geo. W . Chambers_________________ Cashier M. C. Nelson____________ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5. 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts______ ____ —$119,381.73 Overdrafts, secured and un secured _________________________ 1,848.48 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets____ ■ _________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ------------------------------------- 6,000.00' Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expenses and taxes paid 1,578.92 Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and private banks__________________ 18,764.02 Checks and items of exchange— Currency ----------------------------4,650.00 Gold coin_______ _____ 6,565.00 Silver, nickelsand cents___________ 1,322.85 Capital stock paid in___________ $ Surplus fund_____________________ Undivided profits_________________ Dividends unpaid___ - ____________ Individual deposits subject to check ____________________ Demand certificates of deposit___ Time certificates of deposit_____ Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks__________________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund____ 20,000.00 1,000.00 3,208.23 44,114.60 7,256.01 80,421.08 3,736.22 374.86 --------- t Total ---------------------------------- $160,111.00 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Total ----- 1 _______ _________ $160,111.00 SECRETARY OF THE STATE BANKING BOARD Nora 221 Tlie Nora State Bank Nuckolls \ County. Charter No. 917. Edward Kelly---------------------------------President E . L . Downing----------------------Vice-President Chas. E. Johnson. _____________________ ------------------ Cashier .Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES. Loans and discounts_____________ $ Overdrafts, secured and un secured -----------Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc____ _________________ Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ------------------------------------Real estate other than bank ing house_________ _ Current expenses and taxes paid Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and private banks____ . ____________ Checks and items of exphange... Currency ---------------- -------'_________ Gold coin_________________________ Silver, nickelsand cents___________ Total 53.85 750.00 1,298.05 988.09 15,901.73 3.77 1,207.00 Capital stock paid in___________ $ 10,000.00 Surplus fund_____________________ 1.54 Undivided profits_________________ 1,485.18 Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check ___________________________ 36,659.59 Demand certificates of deposit-.. 8,109.75 Time certificates of deposit_____ Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks__________________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund_____ 79.39 445.00 106.76 .$ 56,335.95 Norden Keya 35,581.70 Total .$ 56,335.95 The Bank of Norden Paha County. Charter No. 1088. H . W . Logan-------------------------------- President M. L . Logan-----------------------Vice-President Edna M. Logan_____________________ Cashier --------------------------------------------Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5. 1911. RESOURCES Loans and discounts_____________ $ 25,858.57 Overdrafts, secured and un secured ------------------------------------- 381.94 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims', e tc ..._______________ __ Other assets_______________ _______ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ________________________ 1,250.00 Real estate other than bank ing houser_____________ ’________ Current expenses and taxes paid Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and private banks_______ ___________ 6,974.00 Checks and items of exchange— 3,080.95 Currency ________ 1,335.00 Gold coin_________________________ 1,150.00 Silver, nickels and cents_________ 356.56 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in___________ $ Surplus fund--------------------------------Undivided profits_________________ Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check ___________________________ Demand certificates of deposit... Time certificates of deposit_______ Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks__________________ Notes and bills re-discounted.—. Bills payable_________________ ____ Depositors’ guaranty fund_____ * Total ______________________ $ 40,387.02 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Total 10,000.00 1,685.00 842.29 22,137.02 2,325.00 3,325.49 72.22 ________ ............. .................... 40,387.02 222 TWENTIETH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE Norman The Norman Exchange Bank Kearney County. Charter No. 942. F . R. Kingsley...------------------------- President -------------------—------- ---------------- Vice-President Geo. P. Kingsley___________________ Cashier Ray L. Barnes___________ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5. 1911. RESOURCES. LIABILITIES. Loans and discounts_____________ $ 14,089.46 Overdrafts, secured and un secured _________________________ .10 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc. _____________________ Other assets ________ ____________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ________________________ Real estate other than banking house___________________________ Current expenses and taxes paid Cash item s_______________________ Due from national, state and pri vate banks ___________________ 13,436.74 Checks and items of exchange.. 2,291.00 Currency ________________________ Gold coin _______________________ 25.00 Silver, nickels and cents________ 68.92 Total ............................... ........ $ 29,911.22 North Loup Capital stock paid in___________ $ 5,000.00 Surplus f u n d ___ :______ :_________ Undivided profits _______________ 3,520.93 Dividends unpaid _______________ Individual deposits subject to ._ . check __________________________ 2,391.91 Demand certificates of deposit_18,951.99 Time certificates of deposit_____ Certified checks__________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding___ Due to national, state and private banks _________________ Notes and bills rediscounted___ Bills payable_______________ ,_____ Depositors’ guaranty f u n d -------46.39 Total ______________________ $ 29,911.22 The Farmers State Bank Valley County. Charter No. 570. Geo. E. Johnson_________________ President ______________________________ Vice-President E. G. McProud_____________________ Cashier ___________________________ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5. 1911. RESOURCES. LIABILITIES. Loans and discounts ___________ $103,756.31 Overdrafts, secured and un secured ________________________ 3,885.11 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc. _____ ;_____________ Other assets _____________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures________ _________ _______ Real estate other than bank ing house _____________________ Current expenses and taxes paid 415.60 Cash item s_______________________ Due from national, state and private banks _________________ 7,655.39 Checks and items of exchange.. Currency ________________________ 1,540.00 Gold coin _______________________ 2,932.40 Silver, nickels and cents_________ 632.16 Capital stock paid in___________ $ 20,000.00 Surplus fund ___________________ 1,500.00 Undivided profits _______________ 1,995.60 Dividends unpaid _______________ Individual deposits subject to check __________________________ 68,226.83 Demand certificatesof deposit.. 2,469.17 Time certificates of deposit____ 12,084.42 Certified checks__________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding___ Due to national, state and private banks__________________ 1,327.94 Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable_____________________ 13,000.00 Depositors’ guaranty f u n d _____ 213.01 Total ______________________ $120,816.97 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Total ______________________ $120,816.97 223 SECRETARY OF THE STATE BANKING BOARD North Platte The McDonald State Bank Lincoln County. Charter No. 647. Chas. McDonald _________________ President W . H . McDonald___________ Vice-President W . H . McDonald------------------------------Cashier , ------------------- ---------- ------------Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts____________ $268,083-98 Overdrafts, secured and un secured _________________________ 412.38 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc. ___________________ 15,500.00 Other assets _____________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ____________________ — - 15,000.00 Real estate other than bank ing house----------------- -----------------Current expenses and taxes paid Cash items-----------------------------------Due from national, state and private banks__________________ 131,730.83 Checks and items of exchange-.. 2,122.98 Currency _________________________ 18,554.00 Gold coin_________________________ 6.245.00 7,440.43 Silver, nickels and cents---------------- Capital stock paid in--------- $100,000.00 Surplus fund________________ 2,000.00 Undivided profits____________ 13,989.23 Dividends unpaid--------------------------Individual deposits subject to check ___________________________ 201,056.71 Demand certificates of deposit— 3,746.42 Time certificates of deposit- 97,477.57 Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding------Due to national, state and private banks____________ 45,975.94 Notes and bills re-discounted----Bills payable.____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund-----843.73 Total _________________ ____ $465,089.60 North Platte Total _________ ______ _____ $465,089.60 The Platte Valley State Bank Lincoln County. Charter No. 1140. F. 0. _____ President Vice-President Pielsticker. M . E. Scott---------------------------- #----------Cashier E. E . Mehlman----------------- Assistant C ash ier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. LIABILITIES RESOURCES Loans and discounts-------------------- $ 81,183.34 Overdrafts, secured and un 4.90 secured ___ ______________________ Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ 62.51 Other assets---------------------------------Banking house, furniture and 4,500.00 fixtures ------------------------------------Real estate other than bank ing house_____________________ 7Current expenses and taxes paid 2,754.26 Cash items-----------------------------------Due from national, state and private banks...:----------------------- 24,621.47 1,197.34 Checks and items of exchange... 7,929.00 Currency --------------------------------------330.00 Gold coin_________________________ Silver, nickels and cents--------------- 1,522.02 Total Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis .$124,104.84 Capital stock paid in----------------- $ Surplus fund--------------------------------Undivided profits--------------------------Dividends unpaid.-------------------------Individual deposits subject to check ______________________ _____ Demand certificates of deposit— Time certificates of deposit--------Certified checks-----------------------------Cashier’s checks outstanding------Due to national, state and private banks---------------------------Notes and bills re-discounted-----Bills payable------------------- ---------Depositors’ guaranty fund--------- Total 50,000.00 3,059.18 56,286.77 286.00 12,026.58 446.31 2 , 0 0 0.00 .$124,104.84 224 TWENTIETH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE Oak The Scroggin and Company Bank Nuckolls County. Charter No. 1080. B. F. Scroggin. A . C. Scroggin. --------President .Vice-President G. G. Scroggin. J. L . Scroggin. ------------- -.Cashier Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts.—__________ $ 78,674 49 Overdrafts, secured and un secured ...__________ _____________ 429.91 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets_____________________ I Banking house, furniture and fixtures -------------------------------------- 5,000.00 Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expenses and taxes paid 409.25 Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and private, banks------------1,022.36 Checks and items of exchange... 3,744.61 Currency --------------------------------------1,185.00 Gold coin----------------------------1,330.00 661.19 Silver, nickels and cents___ Capital stock paid in___________ $ 25,000.00 Surplus fund----------------- 10,000.00 Undivided profits_________________ 3,152.59 Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check ---------------------------------------- •_ 28,383.25 Demand certificates of deposit... 991.00 Time certificates of deposit_ 24,802.00 Certified checks^__________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks_________ _________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable___ __________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund_____ 127.97 Total ----- T--------------------------$ 92,456.81 Oakdale Total ______________________ $ 92,456.81 The Antelope County Bank Antelope County. Charter No. 291. C. V. Anderson. F. V. Brodball.. --------President .Vice-President W . H . Morris.. Erie A. Brodball. ----------------- Cashier .Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts__________ ;__ $ Overdrafts, secured and un secured ----- . . . ---------------------------Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______ __________ Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ------------------------------------Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expenses and taxes paid Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and private banks__________________ Checks and items of exchange... Currency --------------------------------------Gold com--------------------------------------Silver, nickelsand cents___________ Total Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 78,229.17 745.03 5,800.00 5,110 22 16,867.51 560.oo 1,600.00 613.03 .$109,524.96 Capital stock paid in____ ___ ; 18,000.00 Surplus fund__________________ _ 2,180.00 Undivided profits____________ I 6,308.50 Dividends unpaid___________ II Individual deposits subject to check ___________________________ 45,451.50 Demand certificates of depositlll 692.67 Time certificates of deposit_____ 36,534.85 Certified checks...________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks__________________ 133.73 Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund..___ 223.71 Total .$109,524.96 SECRETARY OF THE STATE BANKING BOARD Oakdale 225 Tlie Oakdale Bank Antelope County. Charter No. 788. R. S. Payne--------------------------------- President C. W . Priestly--------------------- Vice-President Geo. N. Seymour____________ Vice-President Geo. W . Park_______________________ Cashier D. B. Otis_______________ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5. 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts________$141,671.18 Overdrafts, secured and un secured -----------------1,587.63 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc._____________________ Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ------------------------------------4,000.00 Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expensesand taxes paid 2,773.63 Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and private banks__________________ 29,746.37 Checks and items of exchange—. 111.44 Currency --------------------------------------2,553.00 Gold coin_________________________ 2,975.00 .1,157.38 Silver, nickels and cents_________ Capital stock paid in .—...............$ 13,000.00 Surplus fund_____________ _______ 7,500.00 Undivided profits_________________ 4,696.03 Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to 65,891.05 check __________________ Demand certificates of deposit... 9,096.44 Time certificates of deposit_______ 86,049.79 Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks__________________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund_____ 342.32 Total -------------- ------------------- $186,575.63 Oakland Total ______________ : ............$186,575.63 The Oakland State Bank Burt County. Charter No. 1095. Geo. W . Minier, Jr_______ _______ President E. S. Poxword—-------- ------------Vice-President W . E. Minier________________________ Cashier ------------------------------------------ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5. 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts_____________ $ Overdrafts, secured and un secured _________________________ Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets____ _________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ________________________ Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expenses and taxes paid Cash item s.._____________________ Due from national, state and private banks______ :___________ Checks and items of exchange... Currency _________________________ Gold coin--------------------------------------Silver, nickels and cents_________ Total Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 61,949.67 983.23 8,056.24 2,708.65 51.69 5,706.96 182.33 1,882.00 80.00 273.10 .$ 81,873.87 Capital stock paid in___________ $ Surplus fund_____________ ___ ____ Undivided profits_________________ Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check ______________________ Demand certificates of deposit__ Time certificates of deposit_______ Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks__________________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund_____ Total 25,000.00 500.00 3,038.84 24,662.02 836.85 20,737.80 7,000.00 98.36 .$ 81,873.87 TWENTIETH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE 226 Obert The Farmers State Bank Cedar County. Charter No. 1046. W . S. Weston_____________________ President j . C. Robinson________ ._____ Vice-President Carl A. Pedersen___________________ Cashier Ludvig Nidergaard----------- Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5. 1911. LIABILITIES RESOURCES Loans and discounts_____________ $ Overdrafts, secured and un secured _________________________ Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ________________________ Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expenses and taxes paid Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and private banks-.— ;______________ Checks and items of exchange— Currency _________________________ Gold coin— ____ _________________ Silver, nickels and cents_________ Total 58.05 2,100.00 1,636.84 8,119.51 351.30 2,245.00 220.00 450.41 ........ ................................$ 78,579.79 Oconto Custer 63,398.68 Capital stock paid in___________ $ Surplus fund_____________________ Undivided profits_________________ Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check ___________________________ Demand certificates of deposit-— Time certificates of deposit_______ Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s . checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks__________________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund— Total 10,000.00 750.00 3,402.44 32,801.44 3,065.13 23,409.37 5,000.00 151.41 ___________ _______ — $ 78,579.79 The Oconto State Bank County. Charter No. 722. G. E. Stuckey___________________ President George Mary___________ ______Vice-President J. D. Kennedy______________________ Cashier Cliff Young— ___________ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts_____________ $ 62,622.89 Overdrafts, secured and un secured _________________________ 205.32 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ________________________ 3,705.67 Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expenses andtaxes paid 2,035.93 Cash items_______________________ 300.69 Due from national, state and private banks__________________ 16,958.66 Checks and items of exchange__ Currency__ ______________________ 2,148.00 Gold coin_________________________ 1,150.00 Silver, nickels andcents___________ 1,255.34 Capital stock paid in___________ $ 25,000.00 Surplus fund_________ 2,000.00 Undivided profits____________________ 3,197.56 Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check — ________________________ 37,054.50 Demand certificates of deposit__ 90.42 Time certificates of deposit_____ 22,366.06 Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding____ 552.88 Due to national, state and private banks__________________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund_____ 121.08 Total Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis .$ 90,382.50 Total 90,382.50 SECRETARY OF THE STATE BANKING BOARD Oconto Custer 227 The Farmers Bank County. Charter No. 866. L . Enyart---------------------------------------President J. P. Short---------------------------- Vice-President STATEM ENT J. V. Devine_______________________ Cashier J. P. Berry___ _____ ____ Assistant Cashier DECEMBER 5. 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts_____________ $ Overdrafts, secured and un secured ______________ ___________ Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets____ ._________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ------------------------------------Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expenses and taxes paid Cash items-—____________________ Due from national, state and private banks________ __ _______ Checks and items of exchange— Currency _________________________ Gold coin--------------------------------------Silver, nickels andpents................. 54,525.99 474.92 2,983.10 3,093.79 14,421.49 1,179.18 2,014.00 480.00 114.61 Total ,---------------------------------- $ 79,287.08 Octavia Capital stock paid in___________ $ 10,000.00 Surplus fund_____________________ Undivided profits_________________ 4,818.44 Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check ___________________________ 46,782.58 Demand certificates of deposit— 1,594.21 Time certificates of deposit_______ 15,936.84 Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks______________ ____ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund______ 155.01 Total ______________________ $ 79,287.08 The Octavia State Bank Butler County. Charter No. 721. Geo. Hahn________________________ President L . L. Meek------------------------------Vice-President E. A. Rusher-»_____________________ Cashier ___________________________ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5. 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts_____________ $ 61,165.90 Overdrafts, secured and un secured _____________________ ____ 212.90 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc— __________________ Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ________________________ 1,650.00 Real estate other . than bank ing house.—____________________ Current expenses and taxes paid 15.21 Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and private banks__________________ 12,048.44 Checks and items of exchange.— 278.75 Currency _________________________ 2,615.00 Gold coin_________________________ 1,460.00 Silver, nickels and cents_________ 670.59 Capital stock paid in___________ $ 10,000.00 Surplus fund_____________________ Undivided profits____ I____________ 1,423.35 Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check ____________________________ 38,770.31 Demand certificates of deposit___ 1,768.60 Time certificates of deposit_____ 28,018.13 Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks__________________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund______ 136.40 Total Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis .$ 80,116.79 Total .$ 80,116.79 228 TWENTIETH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE Odell The Hinds State Bank Gage County. Charter No. 762. E . B. Hinds---------------------- ------- President Chas. N. Hinds_________________________ Cashier ---------------------------------------------- Vice-President ---------------------------------- \___ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5. 1911. RESOURCES' LIABILITIES Loans and discounts_____________ $104,350.51 Overdrafts, secured and un 691.63 secured -----------------------------Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ------------------------------------1,000.00 Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expenses and taxes paid Cash items_______________________ Due from national banks_______ 28,140.74 Checks and items of exchange__ Currency __----------- -----------------------3,865.00 Gold coin--------------------------------------2,560.00 Silver, nickels and cents_________ 688.37 Total — ----------------------------- $141,296.25 Odell Capital stock paid in___________ $ Surplus fund_________ Undivided profits--.______________ Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check ____________________________ Demand certificates of deposit— Time certificates of deposit_____ Certified checks___ _______________ Cashier’s checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks__________________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund_____ Total 15,000.00 4,000.00 1,707.30 53,964.03 66,391.21 233.66 ---------------------------------- $141,296.25 The State Bank of Odell Gage County. Charter No. 973. T . W . Stanoshech-------------------------- President Ernst Loemker-----------------------Vice-President H . B. Gipson__ ___________________ ------------------ Cashier .Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5. 1911 RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts_____________ $ Overdrafts, secured and un secured _________________________ Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, warrants, etc__________ Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ------------------------------------Real estate other than bank ing house________ ______________ Current expenses and taxes paid Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and private banks__________________ Checks and items of exchange— Currency -----------------------Gold coin--------------------------------------Silver, nickels and cents— ............ Total Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 42,227.25 289.15 851.74 2,600.00 988.74 21,531.82 2.50 2,676.00 770.00 1,319.59 .$ 73,256.79 Capital stock paid in___________ $ Surplus fund______________ ____ „ Undivided profits_________________ Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check -----------------------------------------Demand certificates of deposit— Time certificates of deposit_____ Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks__________________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable— _________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund_____ Total 10,000.00 1,200.00 1,417.09 34,233.77 1,700.00 • 24,627.90 78.03 .$ 73,256.79 SECRETARY OF THE STATE BANKING BOARD Ogalalla 229 The Exchange Bank Keith County. Charter No. 574. J. W . Welpton-------------------------- —.President H. Welpton---------------------------Vice-President C. C. Worden______________________ Cashier P. T . Williams__________ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5. 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts_____________ $152,086.11 Overdrafts, secured and un secured ---------------------1,415.78 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc_______ ______ 1,941.00 Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and 7,500.00 fixtures _________ Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ 1,280.00 Current expenses and taxes paid 4,020.20 Cash items_______ _____________. . . . Due from national, state and private banks_______________ . . . 27,359.28 Checks and items of exchange— 269.75 Currency _________________________ 4,755.00 Gold coin_________________________ 2,695.00 Silver, nickels andcents_________ 1,367.48 Capital stock paid in___ _______ $ 25,000.00 Surplus fund_____________________ 5,000.00 6.545.20 Undivided profits_________________ Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check ___________________________ 102,896.22 Demand certificates of deposit__ Time certificates of deposit_____ 35,332.09 Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding____ 440.52 Due to national, state and private banks__________________ 29,163.15 Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable___ _____ ___________ Depositors’ guaranty fund_____ 312.42 Total ............................ ..........$204,689.60 Ogalalla Total _______ ______________ $204,689.60 The Citizens Bank Keith County. Charter No. 947. E. M. Searle, Jr_________________ President J. H . Orr____________________ Vice-President A. Nelson____________________________ Cashier ___________________________ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5. 1911. RESOURCES Loans and discounts_____________ $115,153.71 Overdrafts, secured and un 1,033.79 secured __________ Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ___________________ .’____ 8,064.91 Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ 1,455.65 Current expenses andtaxes paid 4,532.33 Cash items________ ______________ Due from national, state and private banks__________________ 45,335.00 Checks and items of exchange__ Currency _________________________ 2,748.00 Gold coin____________ 1,060.00 Silver, nickels and cents_________ 1,343.36 Total .........................................$180,726.75 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis LIABILITIES Capital stock paid in___________ $ Surplus fund_____________________ Undivided profits_________________ Dividends unpaid________ _________ Individual deposits subject to check ________________ Demand certificates of deposit— Time certificates of deposit____ Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks___ - _____________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund_____ Total 25,000.00 5,000.00 8,629.47 90,813.57 50,236.09 777.00 270.62 ........................................ $180,726.75 TWENTIETH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE 230 Ohiowa The Home Bank Fillmore County. Charter No. 953. Joseph Stoy— ____________________ President Prank Sieber_______________ .._Vice-President P. J. Sieber---------------------------- _----------Cashier E. J. Lynn------------------------Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. LIABILITIES RESOURCES Capital stock paid in----------------- $ 25,000.00 Loans and discounts_________ „..$130,738.89 3,000.00 Surplus fund--------------------------------Overdrafts, secured and un 9,682.00 Undivided profits--------------------------secured _________ ________________ 1,792.00 Dividends unpaid.----------- ------------Bonds, securities, judgments, Individual deposits subject to claims, etc______________________ ( cheek ______________________ _____ 77,531.28 Other assets______________________ Demand certificates of deposit... 20,030.25 Banking house, furniture and Time certificates of deposit..----- 117,272.74 fixtures ------------------------------------8,000.00 Certified checks----------------- _----------Real estate other than bank Cashier’s checks outstanding------ing house__________________ _____ Due to national, state and Current expenses and taxes paid 6,237.40 private banks---------------------------Cash items_______________________ Notes and bills re-discounted----Due from national, state and Bills payable--------------------------------private banks__________________ 95,185.89 419.12 Depositors’ guaranty fund-------Checks and items of exchange... 1,227.98 3,311.00 Currency __________________ Gold coin________________________ _ 5,000.00 1,442.23 Silver, nickels and cents___________ Total .$252,935.89 O’Neill .$252,935.39 Total The Nebraska State Bank Holt County. Charter No. 895. g. S. Welpton____ ____ ___________ President O. F. Biglin________________ Vice-President Jas. P. O’Donnell------------------- ------- ..Cashier ------------------------------------------Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts_____________ $ 75,970.68 Overdrafts, secured and un secured _________________________ 158.25 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc_____________________ 494.98 Other assets___________ __________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ______________ __________ 7,520.97 Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expenses and taxes paid 2,838.25 Cash items _____________________ Due from national, state and private banks__________________ 23,614.89 Checks and items of exchange— 546.03 Currency _________________________ 3,085.00 Gold coin_________________________ 1,450.00 Silver, nickels and cents__________ 359.55 Capital stock paid in___________ $ 25,000.00 Surplus fund___________________ 1,000.00 Undivided profits_________________ 4,177.60 Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check ___________________________ 39,583.03 2,820.31 Demand certificates of deposit___ Time certificates of deposit_____ 37,945.04 Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks__________________ 5,398.22 Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund____ 114.40 Total _____ _____ __________ $116,038.60 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Total _________ ____ _____ „$116,038.60 SECRETARY OF THE STATE BANKING BOARD Ong 231 The Exchange Bank Clay County. Charter No. 787. _____President .Vice-President M. Bolton. R. Tweed- C. C. Cartney...------- ---------------------- Cashier J. W . McCue_______ ____ .Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. LIABILITIES RESOURCES Loans and discounts_____________ $141,(300.68 Overdrafts, secured and un secured _________________________ 163.94 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ______________________ 5,000.00 Real estate other than bank ing house_________ _____ _______ 4,256.27 Current expenses andtaxes paid 3,336.88 Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and private banks__________________ 59,588.64 Checks and items of exchange__ Currency _______ 2,786.00 4,050.00 Gold coin_________________________ Silver, nickels andcents..._______ 765.02 Total ...................... ................. $221,547.43 Ong Capital stock paid in___________ $ 25,000.00 Surplus fund______ ___________ 20,000.00 4,240.88 Undivided profits_________________ Dividends unpaid ------------------------Individual deposits subject to cheek ____________________________ 57,729.85 Demand certificates of deposit / . „. . . Time certificates of deposit... f io/,bt>t>.uo Certified checks----------- -----------------Cashier’s checks outstanding------Due to national, state and private banks-------- ------------------6,488.67 Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund-------422.97 Total .................... ........ .......... $221,547.43 The Bank of Commerce Clay County. Charter No. 1124. C. J. Carlson_____________________ President A . W . Anderson_____________ Vice-President Joseph Anderson------------------- -------------Cashier ___________________________ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5. 1911. RESOURCES Loans and discounts_____________ $ 48,527.50 Overdrafts, secured and un secured _________________________ 81.19 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures _____________________ ___ 3,660.00 Real estate other than bank ing house________________ 1_____ Current expenses and taxes paid 1,528.01 Cash items..'_____________________ Due from national, state and private banks__________________ 15,424.18 Checks and items of exchange____ 329.80 Currency _________________________ 2,353.00 Gold coin_________________________ 655.00 Silver, nickels and cents_________ 516.53 Total ........................................ $ 73,075.21 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis LIABILITIES " Capital stock paid in .._________ $ Surplus fund_____________________ Undivided profits_________________ Dividends unp aid-------------- ---------Individual deposits subject to check ______________________ Demand certificates of deposit... Time certificates of deposit------Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding------Due to national, state and private banks---------------------------Notes and bills re-discounted----Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund---------- 15,000.00 2,748.71 21,083.02 23,266.45 10,896.40 80.63 Total .........................................$ 73,075.21 TWENTIETH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE 232 Orchard The Orchard State Bank Antelope County. Charter No. 624. A. P. C. King------------------------------------President McGiverin------------------------ Vice-President E. A. King_____________________:_____ Cashier A. C. King, Jr___________ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts...__________ $ 48,917.00 Overdrafts, secured and un 1,464.79 secured _________ _____ __________ Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc_____________ _________ Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and 1,000.00 fixtures ___________ ____________ Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expenses and taxes paid 2,800.98 Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and private banks__________ 4,304.08 228.37 Checks and items of exchange____ Currency _________________________ 2,035.00 Gold coin_________________________ 760.00 777.50 Silver, nickels and cents_________ Total ____ _________________ $ 62,287.72 Orchard Capital stock paid in___________ $ Surplus fund_____________________ Undivided profits_________________ Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check ____________________ Demand certificates of deposit—. Time certificates of deposit_______ Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks__________________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund_____ Total 10,000.00 1,700.00 3,859.28 19,380.40 2,024.00 23,206.44 2,000.00 117.60 ____________ _________ $ 62,287.72 The Citizens State Bank Antelope County. Charter No. 856. E. R. Gurney______________________ President T . A. Drayton___ ___________ Vice-President A . Dudek..______________________ ....C ashier -----------------------------------------Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES Loans and discounts_____________ $ Overdrafts, secured and un secured _________________________ Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc_______________________ Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ___________ _____________ Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expenses and taxes paid Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and private banks__________________ Checks and items of exchange... Currency _________________________ Gold coin_________________________ Silver, nickels and cents__________ Total LIABILITIES 96,788.59 1,367.46 1,000.00 1,797.06 17,626.78 231.19 2,559.00 1,175.00 593.02 _______ ____________ ..$123,138.10 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Capital stock paid in___________ $ Surplus fund_____________________ Undivided profits_________________ Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check ___________________________ Demand certificates of deposit__ Time certificates of deposit_____ Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks__________________ Notes and bills re-discounted-----Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund-------- Total 30,000.00 5,000.00 4,371.21 38,975.37 2,639.97 41,967.08 1.74 182.73 ______________________ $123,138.10 SECRETARY OF THE STATE BANKING B O A R D Ord 233 The Ord State Bank Valley County. Charter No. 310. Vincent Kokes_____________________ President C. B. Anderson____________ Vice-President Ches Chinn__________________________ Cashier James C. Wisda_________ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Lonas and discounts____________ $228,906.89 Overdrafts, secured and un 3,154.31 secured 1_____ _____ ____________ Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ________________________ 1,000.00 Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expenses and taxes paid 1,175.45 Interest paid_____________________ 3.00 Due from national, state and private hanks____________ 24,942.11 768.23 Checks and items of exchange__ Currency _________________________ 6,688.00 Gold coin_________________________ 4,130.00 2,440.20 Silver, nickels and cents_________ Capital stock paid in___________ $ 50,000.00 Surplus fund_____________________ 20,000.00 Undivided profits_________________ 8,441.70 Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check ____________________________ 108,016.68 Demand certificates of deposit____ 67,306.58 Time certificates of deposit_____ Due to national, state and private banks— ______ *_______ 16,531.14 Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding____ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Building fund____________________ 2,500.00 Depositors’ guaranty fund_____ 412.09 Total _____ ___________ ____ $273,208.19 Orleans Total ________ _____________ $273,208.19 The Bank of Orleans Harlan County. , Charter No. 311. E. S. Kirtland____________________ President ______________________________ Vice-President H . C. Smith________________________ Cashier Philip Ruplinger_________ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5. 1911. RESOURCES Loans and discounts_____________ $105,490.48 Overdrafts, secured and un secured _________________________ 1,293.19 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc___________ ______ ____ Other assets_____ ________________ Banking house, furniture apd fixtures _____________________ 7,000.00 Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expensesand taxes paid 1,885.82 Cash items_____________________ _ Due from national, state and private banks__________ . ___ ___ 7,190.27 'Checks anditems of exchange... 317.43 Currency _________________________ 2,004.00 Gold coin_________________________ 2,117.50 Silver, nickelsand cents___________ 1,181.51 Total .................... ................„$128,480.20 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis LIABILITIES Capital stock paid in___________ $ Surolus fund_____________________ Undivided profits_________________ Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check ___________ Demand certificates of deposit__ Time certificates of deposit_______ Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks__________________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund______ Total 25.000.00 5,000.00 2,159.94 41,860.01 49,470.65 4,727.65 261.95 ---------------------------------- $128,480.20 TWENTIETH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE 234 Osceola The Osceola Bank Polk County. Charter No. 718. O. E. Mickey___ ____ ____________ President E. S. Mickey_________________ Vice-President A. P. Nuquist------------------- :---------------Cashier ------------------------------- ------- .-Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts_________ :___ $158,245.46 Overdrafts, secured and un secured _________________________ 726.57 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ______________________ 10,000.00 Real estate other than bank ing house_____ _______ __________ Current expenses and taxespaid 3,870.79 Cash items_______________________ 145.59 Due from national, state and private banks__________________ 58,259.53 Checks and items of exchange__ 1,471.45 6.545.00 Currency ___________ Gold coin_________________________ 4,585.00 3,716.21 Silver, nickels and cents_________ Capital stock paid in___________ $ 37,500.00 7,500.00 Surplus fu n d ...__________________ Undivided profits_________________ 6,565.05 Dividends unpaid__________ i --------Individual deposits subject to check . . . ________________________ 84,824.60 Demand certificates of deposit__ 110,755.90 Time certificates of deposit_____ Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding------Due to national, state and private banks__________________ Notes and bills re-discounted----Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund-------420.05 Total ___ __________________ $247,565.60 Osmond Total ______________________ $247,565.60 The Farmers State Bank Pierce County. Charter No. 470. James F . Toy_________ ____________ President Nls Nissen.,___________________ Vice-President M. J. Kuhl---------------- :----------------------Cashier W . E. Loyd_______ ____ -Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. LIABILITIES RESOURCES Loans and discounts_____________ $ 94,694.14 Overdrafts, secured and un secured ___________________ ■ _____ 983.73 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ________________________ 6,934.48 Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expenses and taxes paid 2,479.99 Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and private banks___________ 6,235.79 Checks and items of exchange... 232.45 Currency _________________________ 2,999.00 Gold coin_________________________ 525.00 Silver, nickels and cents--------------- 1,371.40 Total ______________________ $116,455.98 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Capital stock paid in___________ $ 25,000.00 Surplus fund________________ 2,500.00 Undivided profits_________________ 4,558.50 Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check _______________ 7__________ 27,935.71 Demand certificates of deposit___ 664.50 Time certificates of deposit_______ 45,025.15 Certified checks__________________ Savings account_________________ 530.37 Cashier's checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks...,_______________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable_______ 10,000.00 Depositors’ guaranty fund_______________ 241.75 Total ______________ $116,455.98 235 SECRETARY OF THE STATE BANKING BOARD Osmond The Security State Bank Pierce County. Charter No. 537. _____ President .Vice-President W . P. Boye... Gus J. Marek. Joseph Cizek-------------------------------------Cashier Otto P. Paege...................Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. LIABILITIES RESOURCES Loans and discounts_____________ $113,870.11 Overdrafts, secured and un secured _______________________.. . 2,322.00 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc___________ . _________ Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ______________ ;-------------2,060.10 Real estate other than bank ing house__________________ _____ Current expenses and taxes paid 6,125.12 Cash items.______________________ Due from national, state and 8,475.39 private banks__________ Checks and items of exchange— 109.06 Currency ____________________ 1,277.00 Gold coin_________________________ 2,050.00 1,054.42 Silver, nickels and cents__________ Total ..................................... ..$137,343.23 Overton Dawson Capital stock paid in___________ $ Surplus fund_____________________ Undivided profits_________________ Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check _________________ :_________ Demand certificates of deposit____ Time certificates of deposit_______ Certified checks___________________ Savings accounts_____________ Cashier’s checks outstanding------Due to national, state and private banks__________________ Notes and bills re-discounted----Bills payable____ ________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund-------- Total 25,000.00 10,126.00 53,538.15 1,218.39 46,728.30 493.73 238.66 ______________________ $137,343.23 The Overton State Bank County. Charter No. 876. T . H . Boyles— ____ _______ ______ President A . Boyles____________________ Vice-President T . G. Boyles_______________________ Cashier C. J. Boyles_____________ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts_____________ $127,373.67 Overdrafts, secured and un secured _________________________ 1,410.87 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ________________________ 3,597.15 Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expenses and taxes paid 2,459.48 Cash items------------------------- ---------Due from national, state and private banks__________________ 21,513.07 Checks and items of exchange— 1,212.88 Currency _________________________ 1,712.00 Gold coin_________________________ 2,000.00 Silver, nickels and cents_________ 279.15 Total Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis .$161,558.27 Capital stock paid in___________ $ Surplus fund_____________________ Undivided profits_______________ ... Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check ___________________________ Demand certificates of deposit— Time certificates of deposit_____ Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks__________________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund_____ Total 25,000.00 500.00 8,260.08 54,079.38 1,215.00 72,164.77 339.04 .$161,558.27 236 TWENTIETH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE Oxford The Bank of Oxford Furnas County. , Charter No. 792. J. A. Divan_______________________ President A. E. Divan_________________ Vice-President .Walter Divan_______________________ Cashier H . L. Lee________________ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBEB 5, 1911. LIABILITIES KESOUKCES Loans and discounts_____________ $ Overdrafts, secured and Un secured ___________ — __________ Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, e tc .-,___________________ Other assets.—___________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ________________________ Eeal estate other than bank ing house__________ ____________ Current expenses and taxes paid Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and private banks__________________ Checks and items of exchange.— Currency _________________________ Gold coin_________________________ Silver, nickels and cents_________ Total 41,673.22 145.60 5,000.00 3,434.44 12,375.99 198.26 5,810.00 ,15.00 601.52 ______________________ $ 69,254.03 Page Capital stock paid in___________ $ 15,000.00 Surplus fund______________________ 2,000.00 Undivided profits.—________________ 5,338.24 Dividends unpaid______________ Individual deposits subject to check ___________________________ 34,294.05 Demand certificates of deposit____ 3,248.74 9,260.35 Time certificates of deposit_______ Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks__________________ Notes and bills re-discounted----Bills payable..___________________ Depositors guaranty fund______ 112.65 Total _______ ______________ $ 69,254.03 The Farmers Bank Holt County. Charter No. 319. E. Eoy Townsend___ _________ .— President E. H . Smith_________________Vice-President C. A. Townsend_____________________ Cashier ---------------------------- -------------Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES I oans and discounts_____________ $ Overdrafts, secured and un secured ________________ _________ Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc___________________.•__ Other assets___________ . . . ________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ________________________ Real estate other than bank ing house_____________ _________ Current expenses and taxes paid Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and private banks__________________ Cheeks anditems of exchange____ Currency ______________ Gold coin_____ ____________________ Silver, nickels and cents____ ;___ _ Total LIABILITIES 52,416.37 487.82 1,500.00 3,836.85 15,349.32 937.37 2,766.00 1,180.00 594.45 _______________ ____ —$ 79,068.18 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Capital stock paid in___________ $ Surplus fund____________________ _ Undivided profits_________________ Dividends unpaid— ____________ Individual deposits subject to cheek ___________________________ Demand certificates of deposit.— Time certificates of deposit_______ Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks__________________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund___ __ Total 5,000.00 2,250.00 5,200.39 32,830.15 830.00 32,792.15 165.49 _______ ______________ $ 79,008.IS 237 SECRETARY OF THE STATE BANKING BOARD Page The Page State Bank Holt County. Charter No. 904. Fred Brechler__________ ______ ___ President Otto H . Maas_________ ____ .Vice-President Geo. Brechler------------------------------------ Cashier B. 0 . Chase--------------------- Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. LIABILITIES RESOURCES Loans and discounts_____________ $ 47,759.59 Overdrafts, secured and un secured _________________________ 165,83 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets---------------------------------Banking house, furniture and 1,000.00 fixtures ' . . . . ____________________ Real estate other than bank ing house-----------------------------------Current expenses and taxes paid 935.09 Cash items----------------------------------Due from national, state and private banks__________________ 15,660.80 Checks and items of exchange.._ 832.38 Currency ____ _____________________ 3,246.00 Gold coin_________________________ 505.00 Silver, nickels and cents-------------1,200.52 Total --------------------------------- $ 71,305.21 Palisade Capital stock paid in___________ $ Surplus fund--------------------------------Undivided profits--------------------------Dividends unpaid-------- ------------------Individual deposits subject to check ___________ . . . ------------------Demand certificates of deposit... Time certificates of deposit-------Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding------Due to national, state and private banks---------------------------Notes and bills re-discounted----Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund---------- Total 10,000.00 2,000.00 3,723.74 33,729.48 2,185.22 19,537.82 128.95 ........ .......... .......... .......... $ 71,305.21 The Frenchman Valley Bank Hitchcock County. Charter No. 661. A. V. J. Vennurn___________________ .President S. Vennurn______ ________ Vice-President S. P. Vennurn...------------------------------ Cashier ___________________:______ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. LIABILITIES RESOURCES Loans and discounts-------------------- $ 93,349.72 Overdrafts, secured and un secured _________________________ 199.93 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc__________ 1----------—X. Other assets-------1-------------------------Banking house, furniture and fixtures ________________________ 5,000.00 Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expenses and taxes paid 2,960.83 Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and private banks____________ 54,439180 Checks and items of exchange... 985.66 Currency _________________________ 4,008.00 Gold coin__________________ 465.00 Silver, nickels and cents---1,120.76 Total Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis .$162,529.70 Capital stock paid in___________ $ Surplus fund_________________ . . . . Undivided profits_________________ Dividends unpaid....,_____________ Individual deposits subject to check ___________________________ Demand certificates of deposit— Time certificates of deposit_____ Certified checks___________________ Cashier's checks outstanding------Due to national, state and private banks__________________ Notes and bills re-discounted----Bills payable--------------------------------Depositors’ guaranty fund---------- Total 25,000.00 5,000.00 14,627.48 71,199.69 14,650.10 31,755.08 297.35 .$162,529.70 238 TWENTIETH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE Palmer The Palmer State Bank Merrick County. Charter No. 521. John Clay_____________ J. W . Vieregg—_______ ----------- President — Vice-President H . J. Templin_______________ _ ----------------. ------------------------Assistant Cashier Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts________ $138,026.98 Overdrafts, secured and un secured --------------------------------------631.78 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets______________________ Banking house______________ 1,400.00 Real estate other than bank ing house.______________________ Current expenses and taxes paid 1,340.07 Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and private banks— ------------------------ 18,829.06 Checks and items of exchange__ 285.37 Currency --------------------------------------1 ,&35.00 Gold coin--------------------------------------4,300.00 Sliver, nickels and . cents_________ 411.92 Total ---------------------------------- $167,154.18 Palmer Capital stock paid in----------------- $ Surplus fund-------------------------------Undivided profits_________________ Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check -----------------------------------------Demand certificates of deposit— Time certificates of deposit_______ Certified checks___________________ Cashier's checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks__________________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable____________________ _ Depositors’ guaranty fund______ Total 25,000.00 1,500.00 4,547.37 56,649.94 3,051.56 76,087.51 '317.80 ---------------------------------- $167,154.18 The Loup Valley State Bank Merrick County. Charter No. 978. Mark V. Lambert---------------------------President I. J. Nicholas----------------------- Vice-President Ross B. Cox. ------------------ Cashier .Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES Loans and discounts___________ __$ Overdrafts, secured and un secured _________________________ Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ------------------------------------Real estate other than bank ing house-----------------------------------Current expenses and taxes paid Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and private banks__________________ Checks and items of exchange-— Currency --------------------------------------Gold coin--------------------------------------Silver, nickels and cents_________ Total LIABILITIES 56,012.73 77.44 3,250.15 3,775.00 9.50 4,237.49 530.77 906.00 2,375.00 445.96 ------------------- ---------------$ 71,620.04 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Capital stock paid in— ________ $ 25,000 00 Surplus fund---------------------------------T 600.00 Undivided profits_________________ 86.76 Dividends unpaid________________ I Individual deposits subject to check ------------------------------------------ 25,638.16 Demand certificates of deposit-— 164.85 Time certificates of deposit_____ 15,281.43 Certified checks_____________ _____ Cashier’s checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks____________ ______ Notes and bills re-discounted___ 4,775.00 Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund____ __ 73.84 Total .................. .......... ..........$ 71,620.04 SECRETARY OF THE STATE BANKING BOARD Palmyra 239 The Bank of Palmyra Otoe County. Charter No. 322. J. H . Catron__________ ____ _____ President L. Enyart.___________________Vice-President J. H . Catron, Jr__________________ Cashier A. T . Cassel_____ _____ —Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts________$113,674.61 Overdrafts, secured and un secured _________________________ 269.60 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc.____ _________________ 1,070.75 Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and 1,000.00 fixtures ________________________ Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expenses and taxes paid 5.25 Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and private banks____________ 44,801.55 Checks and items of exchange— 193.89 Currency _________________________ 3,156.00 Gold coin— 1____________ —.........— 2,545.00 1,394.90 Silver, nickels and cents----- Capital stock paid in___________ $ 20,000.00 Surplus fund_____________________ 7,000.00 Undivided profits_________________ 2,193.55 Dividends unpaid--------------------------Individual deposits subject to check ___________________________ 93,967.54 Demand certificates of deposit-— 6,654.73 Time certificates of deposit-------- 37,906.98 Certified checks-----------------------------Cashier’s checks outstanding------Due to national, state and private banks__________ _______ Notes and bills re-discounted----Special account-----------------------------80.01 Depositors’ guaranty fund---------308.74 Total _____________________ ,$168,111.55 Palmyra Total _____ ____ ___________ $168,111.55 The Citizens State Bank Otoe County. Charter No. 1141. _____ President Vice-President L. E. Jones. ____________Cashier .Assistant Cashier C. A. Sweet. STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES' LIABILITIES Loans and discounts--------------------$ 17,024.15 Overdrafts, secured and un secured ______________ __________ Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc------------------------------— Other assets---------------------------------Banking house, furniture and fixtures _______________________ — 2,213.00 Real estate other than bank ing house-------------------------- ------- Current expenses and taxes paid 470.31 Cash items_______________ 1---------Due from national, state and private banks_________ 2,090.04 Checks and items of exchange— 119.29 Currency _________________________ 730.00 Gold coin________________ 10.00 Silver, nickels and cents69.19 Capital stock paid in___________ $ 15,000.00 Surplus fund_____________________ Undivided profits_________________ 440.16 Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check ___________________________ 6,029.42 Demand certificates of deposit— 456.40 Time certificates of deposit--------200.00 Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding------Due to national, state and private banks__________________ Xntes and bills re-discounted----Bills payable--------------------------------Depositors’ guaranty fund---------600.00 Total _________ ____________ $ 22,725.98 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Total .$ 22,725.98 240 TWENTIETH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE Panama The Bank of Panama Lancaster County. Charter No. 323. Chas. Marshal]____________________ President Samuel Tilton_____ __________ Vice-President John T. Marshall.______ ___________ Cashier ----- ------------- ---------------------- Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts______ _____..$ Overdrafts, secured and un secured --------------------------------------Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets_____________ i _______ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ------------------------------------Real estate other than bank ing house____________ _______ Current expenses and taxes paid Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and private banks____________________ Checks and items of exchange__ Currency — _____________ Gold coin--------------------------------------Silver, nickels and cents_________ Total 84.64 3,300.00 1,065.96 22,148.24 3,627.00 1,300.00 844.51 ........ ............ ................-.$121,524.74 Papillion Sarpy 89,151-39 Capital stock paid in___________ $ 10,000 00 Surplus fund--------------------------------3,000.00 Undivided profits_________________ 1,727.78 Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check ------------------------------------------ 38,789.53 Demand certificates of deposit— 3,371.18 Time certificates of deposit_______ 64,392.65 Certified checks___________________ Cashier's checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks__________________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund______ 243.60 Total ---------------------------------- $121,524.74 The Banking House of A. W . Clarke County. Charter No. 1004. A. W . Clarke. --------President Vice-President I. D. Clarke. D. S. Pase_— ----------------- Cashier .Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts_____________ $203,357.92 Overdrafts, secured and un secured --------------------------------------2,513.81 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and 8,300.0C fixtures ------------------------------------Real estate other than bank ing house___________________ _ Current expenses andtaxes paid 1,600.24 Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and private banks__________________ 67,766.12 Checks and items of exchange— Currency ------------------------5,548.00 Gold coin--------------------------------------6.755.00 Silver, nickels andcents—............ . 549.10 Capital stock paid in_ _ <i 25,000.00 Surplus fund________________ 3,000.00 Undivided profits________ _____ ' 6,505.95 Dividends unpaid___________ I k Individual deposits subject to check ___________________________ 112,118.10 Demand certificates of Time certificates of deposit_____ 142,942.82 Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding____ 6,242.70 Due to national, state and private banks__________________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable.___ _________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund_____ H 580.62 Total Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis .$296,390.19 Total .$296,390.19 SECRETARY OF THE STATE BANKING BOARD Pauline 241 The Bank of Pauline Adams County. Charter No. 887. A . L. Clarke______________________ President W. A. Taylor______________ Vice-President P. N. Perry___ __________________ ---------- ------- Cashier Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES Loans and discounts_____________ $ Overdrafts, secured and un secured ________________ _. Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ________________________ Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expenses and taxes paid Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and private banks__________________ Checks and items of exchange... Currency ______________ Gold coin_________________________ Silver, nickels and cents_________ Total LIABILITIES 42,094.20 824.86 2,500.00 687.14 2,755.82 2.94 2,829.00 895.00 243.89 .......................................$ 52,832.85 Paxton Capital stock paid in___________ $ Surplus fund_____________________ Undivided profits___________ Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check ___________________________ Demand certificates of deposit— Time certificates of deposit_____ Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks__________________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable.____ ________ _____ _ Depositors’ guaranty fund______ Total 7,500.00 2,500.00 2,247.89 24, 348.94 16,118.23 117.79 ______________________ $ 52,832.85 The Commercial State Bank Kieth County. Charter No. 915. L. E. C o y.____ ___ _____ _______ President A. M. Coy----------------------------- Vice-President C. F. Coy___________________________ Cashier ------------------------------------------Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5. 1911. RESOURCES Loans and discounts_____________ $ Overdrafts, secured and un secured ___________________ ______ Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures _______________ _________ Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expenses and taxes paid Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and private banks__________________ Checks and items of exchange____ Currency _________________________ Gold coin_________________________ Silver, nickels and cents-------------Total LIABILITIES 45,304.£9 377.77 2,500.00 2,816.81 16,397.02 190.75 1,532.00 445.00 562.79 ____ _________________ $ 70,126.83 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Capital stock paid in___________ $ Surplus fund____________________ Undivided profits________ :________ Dividends unpaid_________________ _ Individual deposits subject to check -----------------------------------------Demand certificates of deposit... Time certificates of deposit_______ Certified checks_______________ ____ Cashier’s checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks__________________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund______ Total 7,500.00 200.00 2,917.34 46.334.85 150.00 12,898.02 126.62 __________ ____ ______ $ 70,126.83 242 TWENTIETH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE Peru The Citizens State Bank Nemaha County. Charter No. 328. Jacob G ood..-------------------------------- President ------------------- ------- ------------------- Vice-President Ellis E. Good_______________________ Cashier O. M. Good-------------------- Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts__________ „.$158,396.27 Overdrafts, secured and un secured --------------------------------------387.18 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc---------------------------------84.85 Other assets, (State warrants)— 6,178.80 Banking house, furniture and fixtures _____ 3,525.00 Real estate other than bank ing house— -----------------------------2,000.00 Current expenses and taxes paid 6,138.08 Cash items__________________ _____ Due from national, state and private banks__________________ 28,255.81 Checks and items of exchange... 109.24 Currency -------------------------------2,105.00 Gold coin_________________________ 6,925.00 Silver, nickels and cents________ 1,340.72 Total ..$215,445.95 Peru Capital stock paid in___________ $ Surplus fund_______ Undivided profits_________________ Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check -----------------------------------------Demand certificates of deposit... Time certificates of deposit_____ Certified checks___________________ Cashier's checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks__________________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund______ Total 25,000.00 5,000.00 12,390.66 83,377.16 89,300.28 377.85 .$215,445.95 The Peru State Bank Nemaha County. Charter No. 1106. William Tynon------------------------------- President C. R. Weiden--------------------..Vice-President R. W . Kelly_____________________ ..Cashier ------------------------------------------ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts__________ 32,192.27 Overdrafts, secured and un secured ________ :._____ ____ ______ 44.82 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ________ ________________ 4,989.28 Real estate other than bank ing house_____ :_____ ^__________ Current expenses and taxes paid 2,307.61 Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and private banks..________________ 4,374.10 Checks and items of exchange__ 2.85 Currency _________________________ 1,194.00 Gold coin_________________________ 375.00 Silver, nickels and cents__________ 175.56 Capital stock paid in________ ___$ 15,000.00 Surplus fund_____________________ Undivided profits_________ ________ 2,454.61 Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check ------------------------------------- . . . 20,981.50 Demand certificates of deposit... 41.00 Time certificates of deposit_______ 5,130.10 Certified checks___________ ________ Cashier’s checks outstanding____ Due to national,- state and private banks__________________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable------------------------------1. 2,000.00 Depositors’ guaranty fund______ 48.28 Total ---------------------------------- $ 45,655.49 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Total . . . . ---------------------------- $ 45,655.49 SECRETARY OF THE STATE BANKING BOARD Petersburg Boone 243 The Citizens State Bank County. Charter No. 621. Thos. O’Shea---------------------------------- President P. M. Carraher-------------------Vice-President _______ ____________ _______ ______ ------------------------------------------ Assistant Cashier Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts-—__________ $ 46,544.81 Overdrafts, secured and un secured — _____________________ 149.05 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ 467.69 Other assets______________________ 262.75 Banking house, furniture and fixtures ________________________ 6,705.58 Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ 5,598.85 Current expenses andtaxes paid 3,158.57 Cash items_______________________ 1.77 Due from national, state and private banks__________________ 4,375.47 Checks and items of exchange.— 2.75 Currency _________________________ 2,800.00 1,665.00 Gold coin_________________________ Silver, nickels andcents__________ 670.43 Total Capital stock paid in___________ $ Surplus fund_____________________ Undivided profits_________ ________ Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check ------------------------------------------Demand certificates of deposit— Time certificates of deposit_______ Certified checks_________________ — Cashier's checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks__________________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund—___ _ ______________________ $ 72,402.72 Petersburg Total 20,000.00 2,894.25 5,055.27 14,985.01 4,605.21 24,615.94 247.04 ---------------------------------- $ 72,402.72 The Bank of Petersburg Boone County. Charter No. 631. P. Jouvenat___________ :___________ President J. A. Reichenbach___________ Vice-President Emil Winter_________________________ Cashier A. B. Scanned___________ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5. 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts________ $244,905.52 Overdrafts, secured and un secured _________________________ 2,682.70 Bonds, securities, j udgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ________________________ 6,000.00 Real estate other than bank ing house___ ___________________ Current expensesand taxes paid 4,334.98 Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and private banks__________________ 49,527.34 Checks and items of exchange.— 888.07 Currency ___________ 5,955.00 Gold coin_________________________ 7,395.00 Silver, nickels and cents_________ 950.60 Capital stock paid in____ ____ _$ 35,000.00 Surplus fund-------------------------------- 10,000.00 Undivided profits_____________—_ . 8,799.74 Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check ------------------------------------------ 79,027.98 Demand certificates of deposit.— 2,2®.30 Time certificates of deposit_____186,841.94 Certified checks— _____________ _ Cashiei's checks outstanding...._ Due to national, state and private banks_________ ________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable____________ __________ Depositors’ guaranty fund_____ _ 681.25 Total .1____________________ $322,639.21 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Total .................................... ..$322,639.21 244 TWENTIETH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE Phillips The Bank of Phillips Hamilton County. Charter No. 593. L . E. Otto------------------------------------- President J. A. Cavett-------------------------- Vice-President Harry Peard________________________ Cashier --------------------------------- 1____ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES ' LIABILITIES Loans and discounts_____________ $ Overdrafts, secured and un secured ------------------------------------__ Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures . . . . ------------------------------Rea] estate other than bank ing house-----------------------------------Current expenses and taxes paid Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and private banks__________________ Checks and items of exchange... Currency --------------------------------------Gold coin--------------------------------------Silver, nickels and cents_________ Total 94,293.87 1,453.78 3,000.00 675.00 6,436.98 19,274.37 629.21 193.00 4,035.00 194.37 -------------------------------- .$130,190.58 Pickrell Capital stock paid in___________ $ Surplus fund_____________________ Undivided profits_________________ Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check -----------------------------------------Demand certificates of deposit... Time certificates of deposit_____ Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks_________________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable____ 1________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund______ Total 10,000.00 2,000.00 15,323.22 51,496.56 1,134.70 49,828.58 130.92 276.60 ________ _____________ $130,190.58 The Farmers State Bank 1 Gage County. Charter No. 781. Edd Bauman---------------------------------- President Christ Spilker-------------------------Vice-President F. L. Pothast C. H . Hickman.. ----------------- Cashier .Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts_____________ $ Overdrafts, secured and un secured ______ Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures -----------------------------Rea] estate other than hank ing house_________ ;_____________ Current expenses andtaxes paid Cash items___________ ___________ Due from national, state and private banks__________________ Checks and items of exchange__ Currency _________ Gold coin____________________ Silver, nickels andcents_____;_____ Total Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 88,187.34 258.45 3,650.00 673.16 16,170.71 958.00 2,000.00 366.62 .$112,264.28 Capital stock paid in___________ $ Surplus fund--------------------------------Undivided profits_________________ Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check . . . -----------------------------------Demand certificates of deposit... Time certificates of deposit_______ Certified checks______ :____________ Cashier’s checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks__________________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable__________________ . . . Depositors’ guaranty fund______ Total 10,000.00 2,000.00 1,824.93 50,977.20 10,763.48 36,480.92 217.75 .$112,264.28 SECRETARY OF THE STATE BANKING BOARD Fierce Pierce 245 Tlie Pierce State Bank County. Charter No. 331. M. Inhelder____________________ ..President H . H . Mohr___________ ______ Vice-President A. P. Magdanz--------------------------------- Cashier L . P. Tomer---------------------Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts--------------------$198,862.17 Overdrafts, secured and un secured ________________________ 274.15 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc----------------------- ---------Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ________________________ 8,000.00 Real estate other -than bank ing house_______________________ 175.00 Current expenses and taxes paid 11,124.20 Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and private banks__________________ 35,298.50 Checks and items of exchange.— 1,476.31 Currency___ _____________________ 11,612.00 Gold coin_________________________ 1,360.00 Silver, nickels and cents-------------2,461.08 Capital stock paid in----------------- $ 25,000.00 Surplus fund______________________ 15,000.00 Undivided profits--------------------------- 15,189.89 Dividends unpaid--------------------------Individual deposits subject to check ___________________________ 118,693.95 Demand certificates of deposit— 145.00 Time certificates of deposit----------- 96,118.83 Certified checks.__________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding------Due to national, state and private banks---------------------------Notes and bills re-discounted----Bills payable--------------------------------Depositors’ guaranty fund---------495.74 . Total ______________________ $270,643.41 Pierce Pierce Total ____________ ____ ____ $270,643.41 The Pierce County Bank County. Charter No. 489. Woods Cones_____________________ President __________________ Vice-President F. W . Steinkraus___________________ Cashier A. J. Mastalir_________ 1.Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5. 1911. LIABILITIES RESOURCES Loans and discounts-------------$248,224.12 Overdrafts, secured and un secured --------------------------540.52 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets..;------------------------------Banking house, furniture and fixtures ________________________ 10,000.00 Real estate other than bank ing house..-------------------- -------- Current expensesand taxes paid 4,964.(4 Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and ,357.42 private banks---------------------------,518.16 Checks and items of exchange... ,922.00 Currency----- --------------------------------,072.50 Gold coin Sliver, nickels and cents--------------- 1,291.42 Total Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis .$318,890.88 Capital stock paid in----------------- $ 30,000.00 Surplus fund_____________________ 15,000.00 Undivided profits_________________ 10,456.48 Dividends unpaid----------------------- Individual deposits subject to check ____________________________ 105,616.56 Demand certificates of deposit... 9,269.98 Time certificates of deposit-------- 133,926.66 Certified checks----------------------------Cashier's checks outstanding------Due to national, state and private banks__________________ 13,910.47 Notes and bills re-discounted----Bills payable--------------------------------„ Depositors’ guaranty fund--------------------------- 710.(3 Total ........... - _______________$318,890.88 246 TWENTIETH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE Plainview Pierce The Citizens State Bank County. Charter No. 467. W . L. Mote------------------------------------President ---------------------------------------------- Vice-President M. Sorenson_________________________ Cashier Prank Metschies_________ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5. 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts_____________ $244,596.47 Overdrafts, secured and un secured -------------:________ _____ __ 1,504.15 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, e tc .._______________ ______ 188.67 Other assets.—- __________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ______ 2,500.00 Real estate other than bank ing house-----------------------------------7,740.60 Current expenses and taxes paid 2,686.09 Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and private banks__________________ 21,683.87 Checks and items of exchange— 233.44 Currency . . . -----------------------8,686.00 Gold coin--------------------------------------2,235.00 Silver, nickels and cents............ . 1,510.47 Capital stock paid in______ ____ $ 50,000.00 Surplus fund--------------------------------1,000.00 Undivided profits_________________ 10,147.94 Dividends unpaid________ ____ ____ Individual deposits subject to check ------------------------------------------ 83,643.34 Demand certificates of deposit... Time certificates of deposit_____ 132,651.80 Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks___ ______________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ 15,556.40 Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund_____ 565.28 Total -------------------- ------- -— $293,564.76 Plainview Pierce Total ----------------- ---------- ------$293,564.76 The Security State Bank County. Charter No. 801. O. E. Engler---------------------------------- President Bruce Sires------------------------------Vice-President R. L. Tindale____________________ ------------------------------------------ Assistant Cashier Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES loans and discounts_____________ $ Overdrafts, secured and un secured ---------------------------- ---------Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc___ __________________ Other a ssets...________ ___________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ------------------------------- -----Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expenses and taxes paid Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and private banks__________________ Checks and items of exchange... Currency --------------------------------------Gold coin--------------------------------------Silver, nickels and cents__________ Total Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 83,749.88 348.02 1,500.00 1,116.31 11,707.09 942.26 1,968.00 1,135.00 1,281.76 .$103,748.32 Capital stock paid in----------------- $ Surplus fund--------------------------------Undivided profits_________________ Dividends unpaid________________ _ Individual deposits subject to check -----------------------------------------Demand certificates of deposit... Time certificates of deposit_____ Certified cheeks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks_______ __________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable-------------------------- IIII Depositors’ guaranty fund______ Total 15,000.00 500.00 2,278.91 38,529.26 43,872.31 400.00 3,000.00 167.84 l$103,748.32 SECRETARY OF THE STATE BANKING BOARD Platte Center 247 The Platte County Bank Platte County. Charter No. 515. H . A. Clarke---------------------------------President W m . Schelp ---------------------------Vice-President W . P. Schelp. ________________ ----------------- Cashier Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts_____________ $115,680.16 Overdrafts, secured and un secured ---------------------------1,625.63 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc. ___________________ 6,400.00 Other assets ___________ _____ Banking house, furniture and fixtures---------------------------------- ___ 6,000.00 Real estate other than bank ing house___________________ ;___ Current expenses and taxes paid 4,340.64 Cash item s________ ______________ Due from national, state and private banks ____ 16,491.70 Checks and items of exchange— 778.60 Currency --------------------------------------3,274.00 Gold coin ------------1,475.00 Silver, nickels and cents _______ . 932.30 T o t a l-------------------- ------------- .$156,998.03 Platte Center Capital stock paid in_____________ $ Surplus fund ---------->____________ Undivided profits _______ Dividends unpaid________________ Individual deposits subject to check ___--------------------------------------Demand certificates of deposit— Time certificates of deposit_____ Certified checks _________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding_____ Due to national, state and pri vate banks ____________________ Notes and bills rediscounted___ Bills payable ____________________ Depositors’ guaranty f u n d _____ 25,000.00 1,000.00 6,673.47 42,907.70 81,151.87 264.99 Total ----------------------------------- $156,998.03 The Farmers State Bank Platte County. Charter No. 1115. D. W . Killen---------------------------------President John M a rk -------- -------------------- Vice-President J. A. Hauser___________________ Cashier ------------------------------------------ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts____ _________$ Overdrafts, secured and un secured ________ ________________ _ Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc. —____________ ______ Other assets__ ___________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures __________________ Real estate other than bank ing house __________________ _____ Current expenses and taxes paid Cash item s_________________ ______ Due from national, state and private banks _________________ Checks and items of exchange.. Currency ................ Gold coin ___________ Silver, nickels and cents___ ,_____ Total Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 81,011.43 1,528.29 6,665.90 1,978.74 13,112.98 246.62 1,989.00 745.00 622.62 .$107,930.58 Capital stock paid in__________ _$ Surplus fund ____________________ Undivided profits_________________ Dividends unpaid _______________ Individual deposits subject to check -----------------------------------------Demand certificates of deposit___ Time certificates of deposit____ Certified checks _________________ Cashier's checks outstanding_____ Due to national, state and private banks _________________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund _____ Total 20,000.00 328.00 2,769.30 35,145.14 49,239.86 279.99 138.29 .$107,930.58 248 TWENTIETH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE Plattsmouth The Bank of Cass County Cass County. Charter No. 642. Chas. C. Parmele-------------------------- President Jacob Tritsch -------------- ---------Vice-President T. M. Patterson____ _ _ _ Cashier R. P. Patterson...______ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5. 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts _________ $325,936.42 Overdrafts, secured and un secured _________ 3,556.18 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc. . ____ 1,551.41 Other assets _____________________ Banking, house, furniture and fixtures ________________________ 9,300.00 Real estate other than bank ing house _____________________ 3,376.75 Current expenses andtaxes paid 6,579.93 Cash item s_______________________ 351.02 Due from national, state and private b a n k s__________________ 38,744.52 Checks and items of exchange___ 1,865.35 Currency --------------------------------------- 13,701.00 Gold coin __________________ 11,960.00 .Silver, nickels and cents_________ 3,398.23 Capital stock paid in_________ ._$ 50,000.00 Surplus fund ---------------------------30,000.00 Undivided profits _______________ 16,486.19 Dividends unpaid ________________ Individual deposits subject to check . . . ------------147,379.80 Demand certificates of deposit___ Time certificates of deposit_____ 141,843.62 Certified checks . . . _______________ 2,000.00 Cashier’s checks outstanding_____ 11,921.91 Due to national, state and private banks _______ 4,987.94 Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable-------------------------------- 15,000.00 701.35 Depositors’ guaranty f u n d _____ T o t a l------------------------------------$420,320.81 Plattsmouth T o t a l___ ____ ______________ $420,320.81 The Plattsmouth State Bank Cass County. Charter No. 786. W . H . Newell______________________ President J. H . Becker------------------------- Vice-President J. M. Roberts_____________ :_________ Cashier _____________ _____________ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5. 1911. RESOURCES loans and discounts_____________ $133,549.18 Overdrafts, secured and un secured --------------------------------------653.85 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc. ____________________ Other assets _____________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures_______ 1,479.00 Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expensesand taxes paid 3,259.20 Cash item s________________ _____ _ Due from national, state and private banks ___________________ 19,868.85 Checks and items of exchange... 809.63 Currency ----------- ---------------------- . . . 5,342.00 Gold c o in -------------------2,310.00 rSilver, nickels and cents_ 414.82 T o t a l------------------- ---------------- $167,686.53 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis LIABILITIES Capital stock paid in .____ _____ $ Surplus fu n d -------------------------------Undivided profits ________________ Dividends unpaid _______________ Individual deposits subject to check -----------------------------------------Demand certificates of deposit... Time certificates of deposit_______ Certified checks _____ ___________ Cashier’s checks outstanding___ Due to national, state, and (private banks _________________ Notes and bills rediscounted_____ Bills payable___________ ____ Depositors’ guaranty fund______ 50,000.00 1,000.00 6,409.19 66,144.36 1,122.46 42,765.97 244.55 T o t a l -------- ---------- ---------------- $167,686.53 249 SECRETARY OF THE STATE BANKING BOARD Pleasant Dale The First State Bank Seward County. Charter No. 655. T. E. H . Bishop____ ____ __________ President B e r le t________ _________ Vice-President A. P. Ackerman------- ---------- ---------------Cashier __________________________ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. LIABILITIES RESOURCES Loans and discounts!-------------------$ 59,588.41 Overdrafts, secured and un secured Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc. _______________ _____ Other assets _____________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ________________________ 2,665.00 Real estate other than bank ing house ----------------------------------Current expenses and taxes paid 1,006.64 Cash items ______________________ Due from national, state and 17,337.92 private b a n k s ....................... Checks and items of exchange------107.95 1,555.00 Currency _________________________ Gold coin ________________________ 1,500.00 Silver, nickels andcents__________ 224.52 T o t a l_______________________ $ 83,985.44 Pleasanton Capital stock paid in___________ $ Surplus fund__________ _______ — Undivided profits_________________ Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check ____________________________ Demand certificates of deposit... Time certificates of deposit----------Certified checks______________ _____ Cashier’s checks outstanding------Due to national, state and private banks---------------------------Notes and bills re-discounted----Bills payable--------------------------------Depositors’ guaranty fund.-------- 8,000.00 2,000.00 1,593.75 26,777.85 1,729.60 43,723.75 160.49 T o t a l____ __________________ $ 83,985.44 The Pleasanton State Bank Buffalo County. Charter No. 336. A. H . Grammer___________________ President E. W . Noyes_________________Vice-President P. L. Grammer R. E. Grammer------- __________ Cashier Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. LIABILITIES RESOURCES Loans and discounts_____________ ij 92,370.98 Overdrafts, secured and un 1,463.31 secured __________ ________ ______ Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc. . . 2 ---------------------------Other assets---------------------------------Banking house, furniture and fixtures . . . --------------------------------- 5,500.00 Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expenses and taxes paid Cash items-------- ------- ------------------Due from national, state and private banks---------------------------- 39,981.53 548.02 Cheeks and items of exchange... 3.779.00 Currency . . . . --------------------------------3.075.00 Gold coin------------------ ------------------860.48 Silver, nickels and c e n ts.............Total Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis .$147,578.32 Capital stock paid in___________ $ Surplus fund_____________________ Undivived profits_________________ Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check ___________________________ Demand certificates of deposit... Time certificates of deposit----------Certified checks;___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding------Due to national, state and private banks---------------------------Notes and bills re-discounted-----Bills payable----------------- --------------Depositors’ guaranty fund---------- Total 25,000.00 3,000.00 1,870.77 '60,835.49 120.00 56,464.60 287.46 .$147,578.32 250 TWENTIETH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE Pleasanton The Farmers State Bank Buffalo County. Charter No. 1072. M. L. Dolan___ Chas. G. Ryan. -------- President .Vice-President John R. Bonson_____________ _______ Cashier P. A . Mueller__________ „.A ssistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts_____________ $ Overdrafts, secured and un secured -----------------------------Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc_________ ____________ Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ________________________ Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expenses and taxes paid Cash items____________ ___________ Due from national, state and private banks__________________ Checks and items of exchange.. Currency _______ Gold coin_________________________ Silver, nickels and cents_________ Total 23,708.69 373.62 1,200.00 115.26 6,350.51 30.99 708.00 1,240.00 286.76 ________ ____ ________ $ 34,013.83 Plymouth Capital stock paid in___________ $ 12,000.00 Surplus fu n d ...__________________ Undivided profits...______________ 117.33 Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check ___________________________ 17,880.91 Demand certificates of deposit— 175.00 3,794.70 Time certificates of deposit_____ Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks________ ________ _ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund______ 45.89 Total _________ ___________ $ 34,013.83 The Bank of Plymouth Jefferson County. . Charter No. 337. C. W . Harvey_____________________ President ---------------------------------------------- Vice-President Prank Nelson________________________ Cashier E. L . K oenig...____ _____ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5. 1911. RESOURCES Loans and discounts_____________ $103,365.04 Overdrafts, secured and un secured _________________________ 456.46 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc---------------------------------2,000.00 Other assets_______________ ______ Banking house, furniture and 6,000.00 fixtures ________________________ Rea] estate other than bank ing house______ 1________________ Current expenses and taxes paid Cash items_______________________ 10.93 Due from national, state and private banks____________________ 41,832.83 Checks and items of exchange__ Currency --------------------------------------2,965.00 Gold coin--------------------------------------3,945.00 Silver, nickels and cents_________ 690.98 Total _______ ______________ $161,266.24 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis LIABILITIES Capital stock paid in___________ $ Surplus fund____________________ Undivided profits_________________ Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check .............. Demand certificates of deposit__ Time certificates of deposit_____ Certified cheeks___________________ Cashier’s cheeks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks__________ ________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable..___________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund______ Total 25,000.00 5,000.00 824.71 76,885.21 53,294.09 262.23 ...... .............................. ..$161,266.24 SECRETARY OF THE STATE BANKING BOARD Polk 251 The Bank of Polk Polk County. Charter No. 921. Joshua Cox----------------- ------------------President M. F. Smith-------------------------- Vice-President Raymond L . C o x ..................................Cashier L. A. Beckman_________ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5. 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts.......................$164,937.45 Overdrafts, secured and un secured _________________________ 2,033.77 Bonds, securities, judgments, 3,000.00 claims, e tc ...___________________ Other assets_________ ___________ _ Banking house, furniture and fixtures _________ :______________ 6,000.00 Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expenses and taxes paid 3,108.03 Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and private banks__________________ 38,723.64 Checks and items of exchange... 507.18 Currency ____________ 3,567.00 Gold coin_________________________ 2,345.00 Silver, nickels andcents— .............. 672.81 Capital stock paid in___________ $ 20,000.00 Surplus fund___________________ _ 3,000.00 Undivided profits________________ 6,265.75 Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to cheek __________________________ 52,791.21 Demand certificates of deposit... 8,602.05 Time certificates of deposit_______ 133,788.52 Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks_________________ _ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund______ 447.35 Total _________ ____ _______ $224,894.88 Ponca Total __________ _____ _____ $224,894.88 The Bank of Dixon County Dixon County. , Charter No. 1133. E. E. Halstead------------------------------President E. H . Halstead_____________ Vice-President M. F . Halstead_____________________ Cashier Orin N. Kuerl____________ Assistant Cashier- STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts________$264,296.88 Overdrafts, secured and un secured __________ 344.95 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc________________ 239.87 Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ___________ 10,437.55 Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expenses andtaxes paid 7.00 Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and private banks________________ 65,959.49 Checks and items of exchange... 3.46 Currency _____ 11,685.00 Gold c o in ........................ 690.00 Silver, nickels and cents____ 1,504.14 Capital stock paid in___________ $ 50,000.00 Surplus fund_____________________ 10,000.00 Undivided profits.._______________ 5,040.50 Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check ________________ 75,555.80 Demand certificates of deposit__ 4,987.85 Time certificates of deposit_____ 176,457.42 Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks__________________ 32,447.63 Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable________ 1____________ Depositors’ guaranty fund______ 679.14 Total Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis .$355,168.34 j Total .$355,168.34 252 TWENTIETH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE Ponca Dixon The Security Bank of Ponca County. Charter No. 339. W m . Auge, Sr._ J. M. O’Connell --------President .Vice-President G. L . W ood............ ................... ..............Cashier M. I. Mellon______________ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Doans and discounts_____________ $322,957 59 Overdrafts, secured and un secured -----------1,801.46 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc-----------------------2,603.34 Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and 6,500.00 fixtures --------Real estate otherthan bank ing house 3,000.00 Cash items------------------------------------ 11,192.21 Due from national, state and private banks_____________ 69,712.45 Checks and items of exchange— 5.00 12,204.00 Currency _____ Gold coin-------_-----------------------------3,135.00 Silver, nickels and cents____ _____ 1,113.37 Capital stock paid in___________ $ 65,000.00 Surplus fund--------------------------------- 15,000.00 Undivided profits_________________ 18,367.54 Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check ------------------------------------------ 91,565.73 Demand certificates of deposit— 5,147.70 Time certificates of deposit-........ 218,570.60 Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks___________ - ______ 19,878.91 Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund______ 693.94 Total .....................................-.$434,224.42 Poole Total ---------------------------------- $434,224.42 The State Bank of Poole Buffalo County. Charter No. 858. John R. Bonson. Adam Schneider. --------President .Vice-President C. E. Clark. ______________ .....................Cashier Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts__________ — $ Overdrafts, secured and un secured --------------------------------------Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets____________________ II Banking house, furniture and fixtures -------------------------------------Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expenses andtaxes paid Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and private banks__________________ Checks and items of exchange— Currency --------------------------------------Gold coin--------------------------------------Silver, nickels andcents__________ Total Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 30,333.32 157.52 2,500.00 688.61 7,319.70 1,463.00 650.00 545.16 .$ 43,657.31 Capital stock paid in___________ $ 10,000.00 Surplus fund________ ____ _______ Undivided profits_________________ 1,739.12 Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check ------------------------------------------ ¡24,139.99 Demand certificates of deposit— 200.00 Time certificates of deposit____ 7,492.40 Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks__________________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund______ 85.80 Total .$ 43,657.31 SECRETARY OF THE STATE BANKING' BOARD Potter 253 The Potter State Bank Cheyenne County. Charter No. 999. Peter Jensen---------------------------------- President C. W . Johnson---------------------- Vice-President J. A. Woten_________________________ Cashier ___________________________ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5. 1911. RESOURCES Loans and discounts_____________ $ Overdrafts, secured and un secured —_______________________ Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets—____________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ____ __________________ Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expenses and taxes paid Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and private banks__________ Checks and items of exchange.— Currency --------------------------------------Gold coin--------------------------------------Silver, nickels and cents__________ Total Prague LIABILITIES 35,561.01 407.70 3,296.56 1,160.43 7,102.39 337.39 1,764.00 165.00 203.06 ______________________ $ 49,997.54 Capital stock paid in___________ $ Surplus fund_____________________ Undivided profits___________ . ____ Dividends Unpaid.—,______________ Individual deposits subject to check __________ Demand certificates of deposit— Time certificates of deposit_____ Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding____ Collection account_______________ Due to national, state and private banks__________________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund_____ Total 10,000.60 2,000.00 3,730.66 26,664.35 4,864.35 65.34 2,590.25 82.59 . . . _____________ _____ $ 49,997.54 The Farmers and Merchants Bank Saunders County. Charter No. 340. F. J. Kirchman--------------------------- President J. G. Hohl________ __________ Vice-President W . C. Kirclnnan____________________ Cashier ___________________________ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5. 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans anddiscounts_______________$136,053.95 Overdrafts, secured and un 3,263.07 secured __________________ Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc_________________ 5,000.00 Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and 5,500.00 fixtures ________________________ Real estate other than bank ing house__________ _______ _____ Current expenses and taxes paid 7,469.92 Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and private banks__________________ 56,982.94 Checks and items of exchange... 191.10 Currency _________________________ 4,831.00 Gold coin_________________________ 5,470.00 Silver, nickels and cents_________ 441.44 Capital stock paid in_________ ..$ 25,000.00 Surplus fund_____________________ 2,500.00 Undivided profits_________________ 11,668.00 Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check ___________________________ 26,571.64 Demand certificates of deposit__ Time certificates of deposit____ 155,403.39 Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding____ 3,634.80 Due to national, state and private banks__________________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable________________ _____ Depositors’ guaranty fund______ 425.59 Total ______________ ____ ...$225,203,42 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Total ______________________ $225,203.42 254 TWENTIETH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE Prague The Bank of Prague Saunders County. Charter No. 932. E. E. P la c e t...------------------------- ...President Jos. Vlasak---------------------------- Vice-President J. J. Vlasak_________________________ .Cashier A. L. Vlasak_____________ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5. 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts_____________ $ Overdrafts, secured and un secured _________________________ Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc____________________, . . Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures -------------------------- ------Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expenses and taxes paid Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and private banks__________________ Checks and items of exchange... Currency --------------------------------------Gold coin--------------------------------------Silver, nickels and cents__________ Total 78,376.74 267.17 8,310.33 3,325.00 4,445.09 32,713.28 10.25 3,902.00 3,270.00 338.38 ------------------------- -------- $134,958.24 Prairie Home Capital stock paid in___________ $ Surplus fund_____________________ Undivided profits_________________ Dividends unpaid__________ 7______ Individual deposits subject to check ____________________________ Demand certificates of deposit... Time certificates of deposit_______ Certified checks___________________ Cashier's checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks__________________ Notes and bills re-discounted— Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund______ Total 10,000.00 2,000.00 6,345.41 24,060.97 1,729.30 90,583.42 239.14 ______________ _______ $134,958.24 The Farmers Bank Lancaster County. Charter No. 844. J. W . Daily------------------------------------President W . E. D a i l y . . . . . ----------------- Vice-President _____________________________________ ____________ _____ ________ Assistant Cashier Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts_____________ $ 17,247.61 Overdrafts, secured and un secured --------------------------------------418.88 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets___________ 1__________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ________ _______________ 2,286.80 Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expenses and taxes paid 3,810.01 Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and private banks____ __________ 4,130.55 Checks and items of exchange... 241.64 Currency ______ _______________ . . . 500.00 Gold coin----------------------310.00 Silver, nickels and cents_ 534.43 Capital stock paid i n ...________ $ 7,000.00 Surplus fund_____________________ Undivided profits_________________ 3,998.59 Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check -------------------------------7,411.56 Demand certificates of deposit... 462.00 Time certificates of deposit_____ 6,583.45 Certified checks___________________ Cashier's checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks._________________ 4,000.00 Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable._____ ______________ Depositors’ guaranty fund______ 24.32 Total ________ _____ _______ $ 29,479.92 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Total _____________ ____ ___ $ 29,479.92 255 SECRETARY OF THE STATE BANKING BOARD Primrose The Primrose State Bank Boone County. Charter No. 752. v Win. Davis________ _______________ President David Primrose______________ Vice-President Jos. Davis___________________________ Cashier W . C. Wicks_____________ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5. 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts_____________ $ Overdrafts, secured and un secured _________________________ Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ________________________ Real estate other than hank ing house_______________________ Current expenses and taxes paid Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and private bank's__________________ Checks and items of exchange... Currency _________________________ Gold coin_________________________ Silver, nickels and cents_________ Total 60,653.89 210.71 4,500.00 1,222.04 29,000.17 593.79 2,573.00 1,230.00 1,380.31 ............... ....................... $101,363.91 Prosser Capital stock paid in___________ $ Surplus fund_______________ _____ Undivided p ro fits...______________ Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check -----------------------------------------Demand certificates of deposit... Time certificates of deposit_____ Certified checks__________ _________ Cashier’s checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks____ _____________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund______ Total 13,500.00 18,160.10 48,500.88 500.00 20,543.70 159.23 _____ ______ _________ $101,363.91 The Prosser State Bank Adams County. Charter No. 783. Chas. K. Hart____ _______________ President C. J. Hart___________________ Vice-President R. C. Perry, Jr. ____________________ ____________Cashier .Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. LIABILITIES RESOURCES Loans and discounts_____________ $ Overdrafts, secured and unsecured _________________________ Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ________________________ Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expenses and taxes paid Cash items___________________ ____ Due from national, state and private banks__________________ Checks and items of exchange— Currency _________________________ Gold coin_________________________ Silver, nickels and cents______ i . . Total Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 59,294.91 374.77 2,665.16 543.22 19,370.19 Capita] stock paid in___________ $ Surplus fund_____________________ Undivided profits_________________ Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check ____________________________ Demand certificates of deposit__ Time certificates of deposit_____ Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks__________________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable________________ _____ Depositors’ guaranty fund______ 15,000.00 2,699.15 43,044.80 24,449.74 202.60 2,452.00 20.00 676.04 .$ 85,396.29 Total .$ 85,396.29 TWENTIETH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE 256 Eagan The Bank of Ragan Harlan County. Charter No. 1051. W . G. Haskell____________________ President Gomer Thomas_______________ Vice-President F. W . Stevens--------------------------------- Cashier Emma Peterson__________ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. LIABILITIES RESOURCES Loans and discounts_____________ $ Overdrafts, secured and un secured _________________________ Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc___ __________________ Other assets____________ '_________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ________________________ Real estate other than hank ing house.____________ ___________ Current expenses and taxes paid Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and private banks__________________ Checks and items of exchange__ Currency _________________ ’_______ Gold coin______ __________________ Silver, nickels and cents_________ Total 64,370.98 276.38 5,415.68 3,312.20 1,031.03 18,142.76’ 12.50 3,867.00 1,040.00 576.27 .$ 98,044.80 Ravenna Capital stock paid in----------------- $ Surplus fund_____________________ Undivided profits_________________ Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check ______________________ _____ Demand certificates of deposit— Time certificates of deposit_____ Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding------Due to national, state and private banks---------------------------Notes and bills re-discounted-----Bills payable--------------------------------Depositors’ guaranty fund.-------- 20, 000.00 4,000.00 2,440.87 47,231.67 1,415.45 22,588.09 187.42 181.30 .$ 98,044.80 Total The State Bank of Ravenna Buffalo County. Charter No. 344. C. N. Davenport__________________ President R. M. Thomson________ ____ Vice-President J. H . Harrison-------------- ,----------------- Cashier ------------------------------------------ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. LIABILITIES RESOURCES Loans and discounts_____________ $143,940.52 Overdrafts, secured and un 738.48 secured ______________ ____________ Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ 1,000.00 Other assets______________________ Furniture and fixtures___________ 2,500.00 Real estate other than bank ing house______________ ________ Current expenses and taxes paid 2,435.95 Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and private banks________ 42,343.49 Checks and items of exchange... 768.04 Currency ________________________ 1 3,664.00 Gold coin_______________ 5,220.00 Silver, nickels and cents_ 1,393.47 Total Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis .$204,003.95 Capital stock paid in___________ Surplus fund_____________________ Undivided profits____________ Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check ___________________________ Demand, certificates of deposit... Time certificates of deposit-------Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding------Due to national, state and private banks______ ,___________ Notes and bills re-discounted----Bills payable--------------------------------Depositors’ guaranty fund---------- Total $25,000.00 2,000.00 4,272.06 65,850.09 21,683.44 83,579.14 1,177.07 442.15 .$204,003.95 SECRETARY OF THE STATE BANKING BOARD Ravenna 257 The Citizens State Bank tBuft'alo County. Charter No. 645. F . McGiverin______________________ President Edw. Cronau_________________ Vice-President A . T . Shellenbarger------------- - ---------- Cashier A. E. Erazim------------------- Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. LIABILITIES RESOURCES Loans and discounts_____________$125,242.10 Overdrafts, secured and un secured ________________________ 1,928.28 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets___________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ______________ j.------------1,000.00 Real estate other than bank ing house___________ ____________ Current expenses and taxes paid 2,274.48 Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and private banks__________________ 44,662.43 Checks and items of exchange... 470.96 Currency _________________________ 7,044.00 Gold coin_____ ____________________ 4,055.00 Silver, nickels andcents........... ....... 1,406.70 Total ........ ..............—..............$188,083.95 Raymond Capital stock paid in----------------- $ 25,000.00 Surplus fund_____________________ 4,000.00 Undivided profits--------------------------5,344.70 Dividends unpaid--------------------------Individual deposits subject to check ____________________________ 70,482.45 Demand certificates of deposit... 1,043.12 Time certificates of deposit--------- 81,760.87 Certified cheeks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding------Due to national, state and private banks---------------------------Notes and bills re-discounted.—_ Letters of Credit_________________ 75.00 Depositors’ guaranty fund-------------------------- 377.81 Total ................... - ................... $188,083.95 The Bank of Raymond Lancaster County. Charter No. 613. W . J. Weller______________________ President H . H . Forke__________ ______ Vice-President J. C. Deuser, Jr-------------------------------Cashier ______________________ ____ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts_____________ $ 72,379.89 Overdrafts, secured and un secured _________________________ 668.55 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets---------------------------------Banking house, furniture and fixtures __________ ^------------------- ’ 3,200.00 Real estate other than bank ing house-----------------------------------Current expenses and taxes paid 1,513.46 Cash items---------------------------13.40 Due from national, state and private banks__________________ 16,555.99 Checks and items of exchange... 1,036.38 Currency ------------1,240.00 Gold coin_________________________ 2,025.00 Silver, nickels and cents-------------243.22 Capital stock paid in_______ ____ $ 10,000.00 Surplus fund----------------2,000.00 Undivided profits---------2,672.79 Dividends unpaid--------------------------Individual deposits subject to check ______________________ 58,714.82 Demand certificates of deposit— 242.00 Time certificates of deposit-------- — 25,077.23 Certified checks-----------------------------Cashier's checks outstanding------Due to national, state and private banks---------------------------Notes and bills re-discounted-----Bills payable--------------------------------Depositors’ guaranty fund-------- 164.66 Long -------------------------------------------1-39 Total Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis .$ 98,875.89 Total .-. .$ 98,875.89 258 TWENTIETH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE Red Cloud The State Bank of Red Cloud Webster County. Charter No. 345. W . T . Auld_______________________ President -------------- ------------------------------- Vice-President J. W . Auld_________________________ Cashier ............................ .....................Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5. 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts_____________ $233,209.01 Overdrafts, secured and un secured _________________________ 1,244.56 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc._____________________ Other assets______________________ Purniture and fixtures___________ 1,000.00 Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ 3,000.00 Current expenses and taxes paid 1,836.34 Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and private banks___________ 48,069.12 Checks and items of exchange-— 1,428.65 Currency _________ I Gold coin_______________________ V 11,015.47 Silver, nickels and cents_______ 1 Capital stock paid in___________ $ 50,000.00 Surplus fund——__________ ____ — 3,500.00 Undivided profits______ __________ 4,222.75 Dividends unpaid______ ___________ Individual deposits subject to check____ - ____________ — ____ 179,947.30 Demand certificates of deposit— ) g2 610 88 Time certificates of deposit____ f ’ Certified checks;__________ l________ Cashier’s checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks__________________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund______ 522.22 Total .......... ..............................$300,803.15 Total — ..................................$300,803.15 Red Cloud The Peoples Bank of Red Cloud Webster County. Charter No. 346. C. H . Miner------------------------ ---------- President J. M. Miner---------------------------- Vice-President W . A . Sherwood______________ ____ Cashier ------------------------------------ — Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts—______ $201,808.98 Overdrafts, secured and un secured ______ 2,338.41 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets, County warrants— 2,742.46 Furniture and fixtures______ 2,000.00 Real estate other than bank ing house________ _____________ Current expenses and taxes paid 3,731.72 Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and private banks_______ ___________ 28,587.61 Checks and items of exchange.— 957.29 Currency ____________ 8,577.00 Gold coin_________ 2,015.00 Silver, nickels and cents_________ 1,080.96 Capital stock paid in___________ $ 50,000.00 Surplus fund_____________________ 1,500.00 Undivided profits______ ;__________ 7,795.33 Dividends unpaid_________ ________ Individual deposits subject to check _______ ___________________ 127,476.82 Demand certificates of deposit | 59,165.28 Time certificates of deposit__ f Certified checks________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks— ____________ 7,474.53 Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund______ 427.47 T o ta l Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ............................ .......... $253,839.43 Total ________ _____ _____ —$253,839.43 SECRETARY OF THE STATE BANKING BOARD Red Cloud 259 The Webster County Bank Webster County. Charter B. E. Mizer_______________________ President ______________________________ Vice-President No. 1049. S. B. Piorance-----________ A _________ ----------,____ Cashier Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. LIABILITIES RESOURCES Loans and discounts_____________ $ 74,272.30 Overdrafts, secured and un 638.18 secured _________________________ Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ________________________ 1,500.00 Real estate other than bank ing house_____________ _____ ___ Current expenses and taxes paid 804.69 Cash items__________________ :____ Due from national, state and private banks____ _____________ 23,116.95 Cheeks and items of exchange... 428.35 Currency _________________________ 1,892.00 Gold coin__________________ 280.00 Silver, nickels and cents__ 111.08 Total _________ ______ _____ $103,043.55 Republican City Capital stock paid in___________ $ Surplus fund_____________________ Undivided profits_________________ Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check ___________________________ Demand certificates of deposit— Time certificates of deposit_______ Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks..________________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund______ Total 25,000.00 500.00 2,617.40 57,728.98 2,230.00 14,825.74 141.43 ...................................$103,043.55 The Commercial State Bank Harlan County. Charter No. 749. J. B. McGrew._____________________ President C. E. Moffett________________ Vice-President A. H . Warren_______________________ Cashier O. D. Hanson___________ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. LIABILITIES RESOURCES Loans and discounts_____________ $ 69,971.45 Overdrafts, secured and un 1,313.98 secured _________________________ Bonds, securities, 'judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ________________________ 4,025.00 Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expenses and taxes paid 1,436.85 Cash items____________ _____ ____ * Due from national, state and private banks__________________ 24,991.58 Checks and items of exchange... 129.10 Currency _________________________ 5,135.00 Gold coin_________________________ 1,565.00 Silver, nickels and cents__________ 654.97 Total ............. ..........................$109,222.93 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Capital stock paid in------------------$ Surplus fund_____________________ Undivided profits.------------------------Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check ___________________________ Demand certificates of deposit__ Time certificates of deposit-------Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding------Due to national, state and private banks__________ Notes and bills re-discounted----Bills payable--------------------------------Depositors’ guaranty fund---------- Total 20,000.00 1,500.00 4,053.16 65,556.53 1,195.25 16,628.72 78.96 210.31 ______________________ $109,222.93 260 TWENTIETH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE Reynolds The Farmers Bank of Reynolds Jefferson County. Charter No. 772. H . H . Johnson------------------------------President M. E. Johnson----------------------- Vice-President A . H . Bothwell_______ .'____________ „Cashier ................... .............................. Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5. 1911. RESOURCES Loans and discounts_____________ $ Overdrafts, secured and un secured --------------------------------------Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ------------------------------------Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expenses and taxes paid Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and private banks__________________ Checks and items of exchange... Currency ________ Gold coin--------------Silver, nickels andcen ts................. Total LIABILITIES 66,092.23 354.40 3,330.00 12,785.77 586.82 4,000.00 290.00 134.39 ................. .................... _$ 87,573.61 Richland Colfax Capital stock paid in___________ $ Surplus fund____ _____ Undivided profits_________________ Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check ____________________________ Demand certificates of deposit... Time certificates of deposit_____ Certified cheeks___________________ Cashier's checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks__________________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable.____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund______ Total 10,000.00 2,000.00 2,007.24 38,112.06 35,301.62 152.69 ........................ ...............$ 87,573.61 The Richland State Bank County. Charter No. 946. John E. Arnold------------------------------President J. J. Hanssen----------- ------------Vice-President Geo. A . Shonka_____________________ Cashier ................................................Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5. 1911. RESOURCES Loans and discounts_____________ $ Overdrafts, secured and un secured _________________________ Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures __________________ Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expenses and taxes paid Cash items____________________ . . . Due from national, state and private banks__________________ Checks and items of exchange___ Currency _____ Gold coin_________________________ Silver, nickels and cents__________ LIABILITIES 65,736.25 141.38 8,832.60 1,943.79 1,515.53 18,934.41 64.33 3,053.00 850.00 547.07 Total ................. ....................... $101,618.36 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Capital stock paid in___________ $ Surplus fund_____________________ Undivided profits_________________ Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check __________________________ Demand certificates of deposit__ Time certificates of deposit_____ Certified cheeks___________________ Cashier's checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks__________________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable_______ ______________ Depositors’ guaranty fund______ Total 10,000.00 3,049.30 33,531.88 1,202.50 53,660.49 174.19 ........................................ $101,618.36 SECRETARY OF THE STATE BANKING BOARD Rising City 261 The Rising City Bank Butler County. Charter No. 702. S. A. Reichenbaeh________________ President J. A . Reichenbaeh______ ____ Vice-President C. E. Reynolds_____________________ Cashier G. W . Day________ ______ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5. 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts_____________ $157,158.93 Overdrafts, secured and un secured _________________________ 717.50 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ________________________ 5,500.00 Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expenses and taxes paid Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and private banks_____________ 23,145.60 Checks and items of exchange____ 50.92 Currency _________________________ 7,171.00 Gold coin________________________ 610.00 995.93 Silver, nickels and cents_________ Total ..................... .................$195,349.88 Rising City Capital stock paid in___________ $ Surplus fund____ ________________ Undivided profits_________________ Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check ------------------------------------------Demand certificates of deposit__ Time certificates of deposit_______ Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks__________________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable____ 1________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund______ Total 20,000.00 5,500.00 3,925.82 64,432.05 7,831.75 93,333.03 327.23 ............... ........ ............ ..$195,349.88 The Farmers State Bank Butler County. Charter No. 776. Arthur Myatt---------------------------------President D. J. Smith............................Vice-President Ralph Stanley________________________ Cashier ________ ______ - ........—..........Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES Loans and discounts.^___________ $ 83,142.00 Overdrafts, secured and un secured _________________________ Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc___________ . _________ Other assets____________ __________ Banking house, furniture and 5,000.00 fixtures ________________________ Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expenses and taxes paid Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and private banks__________________ 9,742.12 Checks and items of exchange... Currency _________________________ 3,571.00 Gold coin_________________________ 1,135.00 Silver, nickelsand cents___________ 687.14 Total ................................. ......$103,277.26 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis LIABILITIES Capital stock paid in___________ $ Surplus fund_____________________ Undivided profits___________________ Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check _______ . . . ________________ Demand certificates of deposit____ Time certificates of deposit_____ Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks_________ _________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund---------- Total 15,000.00 3,000.00 1,768.68 36,649.89 2,323.00 44,355.60 180.09 ........................................ $103,277.26 TWENTIETH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE 262 Riverdale Buffalo The State Bank County. Charter No. 964. Fred Bargmann___________________ President Thomas Pratt-.______________ Vice-President C. H . Pratt_______________________ Cashier ___ _______________________ Assistant. Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts__________ ___$ 25,243.40 Overdrafts, secured and un secured _____ . . . . ________________ 244.24 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ________________________ 500.00. Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expenses and taxes paid 704.21 Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and 13,005.10 private hanks__________ Checks and items of exchange— 92.94 Currency _________________________ 1,547.00 Gold coin___________ - ____________ 597.50 455.44 Silver, nickels and cents_________ Capital stock paid in______________ 5,000.00 Surplus fund____ . . . . . ____________ 1,000.00 Undivided profits_________________ 2,995.99 Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check ___________________________ 21,630.13 Demand certificates of deposit___ 40.00 Time certificates of deposit_____ 11,637.80 Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks__________ :_______ Notes and bills re-discounted___ I Bills payable___________ _____ ;___ Depositors’ guaranty fund_______ 85.91 Total 42,389.83 Riverton 42,389.83 Total The Riverton State Bank Franklin County. Charter No. 546. J. B . McGrew___________________ President E. Hunter___________________ Vice-President N. R. Morrow______ ____ _________ ..Cashier F . E. Britton____________ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5. 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts_____________ $ 72,008.13 Overdrafts, secured and un secured _________________________ 83.38 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets_____________ I________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ________________________ 2,700.00 Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ 2,200.00 Current expenses andtaxes paid 1,314.84 Cash items_______________________ 253.33 Due from national, state and private banks__________________ 11,473.67 Checks and items of exchange... Currency _________________________ 2,995.00 Gold coin___________ ____ ________ 1,010.00 Silver, nickels andcents___________ 659.47 Total Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis .$ 94,697.82 Capital stock paid in___________ $ 10,000.00 Surplus fund_____________________ 2,500.00 Undivided profits_________________ 2,462.88 Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check ____________________________ 63,807.79 Demand certificates of deposit__ 3,000.00 Time certificates of deposit_______ 12,728.79 Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks_________________ _ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund______ 198.36 Total .$ 94,697.82 263 SECRETARY OF THE STATE BANKING BOARD .Riverton The Republican Valley Bank Franklin County. Charter No. 926. Isaac Shepherdson________________ President Peter Rasmussen______ _______Vice-President E. T . Rasmussen___________________ Cashier F . H . Shepherdson_______Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5. 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts_____________ $ 58,997.46 Overdrafts, secured and un secured ________________ *________ 629.25 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc___________________ ___ Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ________________________ 1,666.00 Real estate other than bank ing house___ ___________________ Current expenses and taxes paid 1,922.50 Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and 8,943.16 private hanks__________________ Checks and items of exchange...■ Currency _________________________ 1,721.00 365.00 Gold c o in ...______________________ Silver, nickelsand cents___________ 222.19 Capital stock paid i n . . . . . . . . __ $ 5,000.00 Surplus fund___ _____ 2,000.00 Undivided profits____________ 2,635.01 Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check ___________________________ 44,205.67 Demand certificates of deposit— 2,692.45 Time certificates of deposit.:._ 17,751.41 Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks__________________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable_________________ .•___ Depositors’ guaranty fund---------182.02 Total .......... ............................. $ 74,466.56 Roca Total —.....................................$ 74,466.56 The Bank of Roca Lancaster County. Charter No. 974. H . F. Warner.—. _________________ President W . H . Meyer_________________ Vice-President H. J. Beall. ______ ____ Cashier Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts_____________ $ 24,112.10 Overdrafts, secured and un secured _________________________ 10.00 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ________________________ 1,598.07 Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expenses andtaxes paid 831.55 Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and private banks__________________ 14,280.30 Checks and items of exchange__ Currency _________________________ 2,240.00 Gold coin_________________________ 375.00 Shyer, nickels andcents.._________ 84.75 T o ta l Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis .$ 43,531.77 Capital stock paid in___________ $ Surplus fu n d _____________________ Undivided profits_________________ Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check ___________________________ Demand certificates of deposit___ Time certificates of deposit_______ Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks__________________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund______ Total 5,000.00 600.00 1,472.82 27,406.83 2,697.22 6,303.00 51.90 .$ 43,531.77 264 TWENTIETH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE Rockville The Rockville State Bank of Rockville, Neb. Sherman County. Charter No. 851. P. Jensen_________________________ President Olof Nelson__________________ Vice-President E. Dwehus_______ ___________________ Cashier A . J. Werner____________ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. LIABILITIES RESOURCES Loans and discounts_____________ $ 47,173.38 Overdrafts, secured and un secured _______ - __________________ 294.87 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ________________________ 2,500.00 Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expenses and taxes paid 2,004.16 Cash items_____________ _________ Due from national, state and private banks__________________ 17,005.93 Checks and items of exchange... 532.30 2,556.00 Currency _________________________ Gold coin_________________________ 630.00 Silver, nickels and cents__________ 559.74 Total ............................... .........$ 73,256.38 Rogers Colfax Capital stock paid in----------------- $ Surplus fund--------------------------------Undivided profits________________ Dividends unpaid_______________ . . Individual deposits subject to check_________________ Demand certificates of deposit... Time certificates of deposit_______ Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding------Due to national, state apd private banks__________________ Notes and bills re-discounted----Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund---------- Total 7,500.00 1,500.00 4,409.52 33,443.74 885.00 25,396.57 121.55 ............... ............. - ........ $ 73,256.38 The Bank of Rogers County. Charter No. 809. E. P. Polda_______________________ President Jaroslav Polda______ ____ ___ Vice-President Prank Dudek, J r.. James E. Cippera. ___________ Cashier .Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts_____________ $ 76 ,212 .11 Overdrafts, secured and un 1,181.82 secured _________________________ Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ________________________ 2,500.00 Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expenses and taxes paid Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and private bqpks__________________ 10,411.86 Checks and items of exchange... 89.50 Currency _________________________ 1,870.00 Gold coin______________r____________ 930.00 Silver, nickels and cents_________ 716.64 Capital stock paid in------------------$ 10,000.00 Surplus fund_____________________ 800.00 Undivided profits--------------------------448.59 Dividends unpaid________ _________ Individual deposits subject to check ______________________ - — - 42,573.71 Demand certificates of deposit— 1,025.90 Time certificates of deposit-------- 38,872.98 Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding------Due to national, state and private banks---------------------------Notes and bills re-discounted----Bills payable--------------------------------Depositors’ guaranty fund---------190.75 Total Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis .$ 93,911.93 Total .$ 93,911.93 SECRETARY OF THE STATE BANKING BOARU Rosalie 265 The Rosalie State Bank Thurston County. Charter No. 952. H . P. Gallagher-------------------- ------President ........................ — ................. ....... Vice-President P. L. Gallagher___________________ Cashier G. G. Griffin____________ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES. Loans and discounts_____________ $ 41,771.48 Overdrafts, secured and un secured ________________________ 338.17 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc. _____________________ Other assets _____________________ Banking house, furniture and 1,660.00 fixtures ________________________ Real estate other than bank ing house ______________________ Current expenses and taxes paid 842.47 Cash item s_______________________ Due from national, state and private banks _________________ 22,780.21 Checks and items of exchange.. 469.73 Currency ________ _______________ 1,272.00 Gold coin _______________________ 180.00 Silver, nickels and cents _______ 806.52 Total _____ _____ __________ $ 70,120.58 Rosalie Capital stock paid in___________ $ Surplus fund ____________________ Undivided profits _______________ Dividends unpaid ______________ Individual deposits subject to check _______________________ . . . Demand certificates of deposit.. Time certificates of deposit_____ Certified checks _________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding___ Due to national, state and private banks _________ _______ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable ___________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund______ Total 5,000.00 1,000.00 1,359.13 42,519.26 19,494.19 645.57 102.43 ______________________ $ 70,120.58 The Farmers State Bank Thurston County. Charter No. 1060. E. R. Gurney_________ ____________ President John Daggett __________ ____ Vice-President Theodore Johnson__________________ Cashier E. E. Soukup____________ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DE CEMBER 5, 1911. LIABILITIES RESOURCES Loans and discounts_____________ $ 39,486.33 Overdrafts, secured and un secured _______ ________________ 130.85 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc. ___ _______________ Other assets _____________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ________________________ 3,300.00 Real estate other than bank ing house _____________________ Current expenses and taxes paid 1,439.21 Cash item s_______________________ Due from national, state and private banks _________________ 13,147.14 Checks and items of exchange.. 135.47 Currency _________________________ 3,496.00 Gold coin _______________________ 25.00 Silver, nickels and cents_________ 898.49 Total ...................... ............. . Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 62,058.49 Capital stock paid in___________ $ Surplus fund_____________________ Undivided profits _______________ Dividends unpaid _______________ Individual deposits subject to check ___________________ ,______ Deiffand certificates of deposit.. Time certificates of deposit_______ Certified checks _________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding___ Due to' national, state and private banks _________________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable ___________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund____ Total ......... 10,000.00 3,000.00 2,979.33 21,972.10 4,625.80 13,433.47 988.00 5,000.00 59.79 62,058.49 TWENTIETH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE 266 B.oseland The Eoseland State Bank Adams County. Charter No. 778. W . F. Duncan___________________ President Erick Johnson_______________ Vice-President Ed Hall _____________________________ Cashier Beulah M. Hall___ _______ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5. 1911. LIABILITIES RESOURCES Loans and discounts___________ $ Overdrafts, secured and un secured _________________________ Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc. ___________________ Other assets _____________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ____________________ Real estate other than bank ing house _____________________ Current, expenses and taxes paid Cash item s___ ___________________ Due from national, state and private banks _________________ Checks and itemsof exchange____ Currency _________________ Gold coin _________________________ Silver, nickels and cents_______ Total 58,575.95 177.54 2,003.90 1,886.02 32,485.85 27.90 1,835.00 1,500.00 720.48 _______________ _____ .$ 99,212.64 Rosemont Capital stock paid in___________ $ Surplus fund ____________________ Undivided profits ________________ Dividends unpaid _______________ Individual deposits subject to check ____________________________ Demand certificates of deposit___ Time certificates of deposit___ Certified checks _________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding___ Due to national, state and private banks _________________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable ______ . ____________ Depositors’ guaranty fund_____ Total 10,000.00 2,000.00 3,324.74 40,321.46 43,291.14 275.30 _____ ________________ $ 99,212.64 The Bank of Rosemont Webster County. Charter No. 933. Henry Gund_______________________ President C. F. Gund__________________ Vice-President O. J. Boos____ ,_____________________ Cashier —.......................... - ..................Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts. _ _ __ ii> 43,789.00 Overdrafts, secured and un secured . . _____ _ . ... 346.50 Bonds, securities, judgments, _______ ___ claims, e t c . __ _ Other assets . . . _ . . . ________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures . _ . _ . . _ 2,889.83 Real estate other than bank ing house . __ ____ 662.76 Current expenses and taxes paid Cash items.. . . .... ..... Due from national, state and private banks ____ __ . . _ _ 5,931.50 Checks and items of exchange... 710.00 Currency Gold coin. _ ___ . . . . . _. 170.00 Silver, nickels and cents . . _ _ 53.44 Capital stock baid in___________ $ 10,000.00 Surplus fund_____________________ Undivided profits____ ____________ 1,308.12 Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check ___________________________ 26,715.40 Demand certificates of deposit__ 371.88 Time certificates of deposit_____ 16,047.50 Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks__________________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund______ 110.25 Total ------------------- Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ... . .$ 54,553.15 Total _____ _____ __________ $ 54,553.15 SECRETARY O F THE STATE BANKING BOARD Royal 267 Tlie Royal State Bank Antelope County. Charter No. 967. T . A . Drayton____________________ President A. L. Johnson........................Vice-President R. L . Drayton-----------------------------------Cashier ----------- ------------- ------- -------- Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. LIABILITIES RESOURCES Loans and discounts_____________ $ 21,490.24 Overdrafts, secured and un secured _________________________ 478.82 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc_______________ _______ Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and 675.00 fixtures ________________________ Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expenses and taxes paid 3,315.75 Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and private banks_______ ___________ 7,348.48 Checks and items of exchange... 34.39 Currency _________________________ 1,270.00 Gold coin_________________________ 180.00 Silver, nickels and cents_________ 305.71 Total _________ _______ ____ $ 35,098.39 Rulo Capital stock paid in_______ ___ $ 5,000.00 Surplus fund-1'___________________ 2,000.00 Undivided profits_________________ 4,775.58 Dividends unpaid____ _____________ Individual deposits subject to check ____________________________ 11,323.45 Demand certificates of deposit— Time certificates of deposit_____ 11,955.70 Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding------Due to national, state and private banks__________________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund______ 43.66 Total ________ _____ __ ____ $ 35,098.39 The Bank of Rulo Richardson County. Charter No. 354. J. H . Miles__________________ ____ President Thos. G. Bowker_____________ Vice-President^ W . J. Cunningham---------------------------Cashier ---------- ------- ------------------------Assistant Cashier TATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. LIABILITIES RESOURCES Loans and discounts_____________ $ 64,462.46 Overdrafts, secured and un secured _________________________ 319.53 Bonds, securities, judgments, 2,000.00 claims, etc______________________ Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ________________________ Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expenses and taxes paid 1,832.76 Cash items_______________________ 31.50 Due from national, state and private banks__________________ 32,417.50 Cheeks and items of exchange... Currency _________________________ 175.00 Gold coin_________________________ 3,180.00 Silver, nickels and cents_________ 1,019.35 Total ........................................ $105,438.10 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Capital stock paid in___________ $ Surplus fund_____________________ Undivided profits_________________ Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check ____________________________ Demand certificates of deposit__ Time certificates of deposit_____ Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks__________________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund______ Total 20,000.00 4,000.00 3,191.69 60,541.26 17,488.75 216.40 _________ _________ ___$105,438.10 268 TWENTIETH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE Rushville The Union Bank of Rushville Sheridan County. Charter No. 1013. Lewis Oberwetter-------------------------- President W . E. Strotheide------------------- Vice-President J. T . Edmunds________________ _____Cashier ------------------------------------------ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts_____________ $180,733.95 Overdrafts, secured and un secured _____ 4,512.40 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ 117.45 Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ________________________ 5,800.00 Real estate other than bank ing house-----------------------------------2,000.00 Current expenses and taxes paid 3,669.81 Cash items_______________________ 609.84 Due from national, state and private banks__________________ 28,865.08 Checks and items of exchange— 500.00 2,925.00 Currency __________ Gold coin--------------------------------------4,730.00 Silver, nickels and cents_________ 2,262.55 Capital stock paid in___________ $ 25,000.00 1,500.00 Surplus fund_____________________ Undivided profits___________ ______ 10,109.81 Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check ------------------------------------------ 104,432.83 Demand certificates of deposit-— 315.39 Time certificates of deposit_____ 93,213.73 Certified checks_____________ .-_____ Cashier’s checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks__________________ 1,722.25 Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund______ 432.07 Total .$236,726.08 Ruskin Total .$236,726.08 The Buskin State Bank Nuckolls County. Charter No. 587. M. Bolton---------------------------------------President . Vice-President J. P. Jepsen_________________________ Cashier -C . Lundsgaard___________ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5. 1911. RESOURCES Loans and discounts_____________ $ Overdrafts, secured and un secured _________________________ Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets, Interest paid— __ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ____________________ Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expenses and taxes paid Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and private banks__________________ Checks and items of exchange____ Currency _________________________ Gold coin_________________________ Silver, nickels and cents_________ LIABILITIES 44,080.60 48.73 1,654.00 820.71 3,300.07 1,726.57 12,460.23 194.73 2,520.00 635.00 128.03 Total _______ _______— ........ $ 67,568.67 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Capital stock paid in___________ $ 10,000.00 Surplus fund_____________________ 2,500.00 Undivided profits_________________ 3,794.66 Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check ____________________________ 26,022.73 Demand certificates of deposit.— 1,316.67 Time certificates of deposit_______ 23,804.19 Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding:____ Due to national, state and private banks__________________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable_______________ ____ _ Depositors’ guaranty fund______ 130.42 Total ........ ................. ........ — $ 67,568.67 269 SECRETARY OF THE STATE BANKING BOARD Ruskin The Farmers State Bank Nuckolls County. Charter No. 819. J. R. Parsons_____________________ President F. D. Wegener__________ -Vice-President Percy Baird_________________________ Cashier E. C. Baird________________ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. LIABILITIES RESOURCES Loans and discounts.____________ $ 88,058.23 Overdrafts, secured and un secured 1,672.83 Bonds ____________________________ 2,500.00 Other assets_____________________ _ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ________________________ 3,294.59 Real estate other than bank ing house____________________ —_ Current expenses and taxes paid 2,325.41 Cash' items_______________________ 63.15 Due from national, state and private banks__________________ 15,836.73 Checks and items of exchange... Currency __________________________ 4,400.00 Gold coin___________________ 1,000.00 315.36 Silver, nickels and cents________ —. Total ........................................ $119,466.30 Saint Libory Howard Capital stock paid in___________ $ Surplus fund_____________________ Undivided profits_________ ________ Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check ___________________________ Demand certificates of deposit— Time certificates of deposit_______ Certified checks___________________ Cashiers checks outstanding___ _ Due to national, state and private banks__________________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable_________________ ____ Depositors’ guaranty fund______ Total 15,000.00 3,000.00 4,008.62 27.00 52,392.39 860.00 43,934.97 243.32 ........ ..................... ..........$119,466.30 The Saint Liborv State Bank County. Charter No. 1112. C. C. J. H . Hansen____________________ President Buhrman_____________ Vice-President J. M. McAnulty____________________ Cashier -------- ---------—--------------------- Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. LIABILITIES RESOURCES Loans and discounts_____________ $ 52,559.60 Overdrafts, secured and un secured _________________________ 1,192.12 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc---------------------------------Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ________________________ 3,333.19 Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expenses and taxes paid 1,694.71 Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and private banks__________________ 6,426.10 Checks and items of exchange.— 1,767.41 Currency _________________________ 1,705.00 Gold coin_________________________ 115.00 Silver, nickels and cents--------------361.80 Total Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis .$ 69,154.93 Capital stock paid in___________ $ Surplus fund_____________________ Undivided profits_________________ Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check ___________________________ Demand certificates of deposit__ Time certificates of deposit_____ Certified checks___________________ Cashier's checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks__________________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills nayable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund______ Total 10,000.00 2,390.29 27,214.45 991.00 28,442.30 116.89 .$ 69,154.93 TWENTIETH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE 270 Saint Mary The Citizens State Bank Johnson County. Charter No. 1018. D. M. Boatsman------------------------ President Lorenz Goracke---------------------- Vice-President H . C. Schumann____________________ Cashier ------------------- ---------------------- Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5. 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts_____________ $ Overdrafts, secured and un secured _________________________ Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ------------------------------------Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expenses and taxes paid Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and private banks__________________ Checks and items of exchange... Currency --------------------------------------Gold coin_________________________ Silver, nickels and cents............ Total 29,390.05 179.66 808.57 2,101.00 1,006.72 7,722.40 1,335.00 344.19 ----------------------------------$ 42,887.59 Saint Paul Howard Capital stock paid in___________ $ 10,000.00 Surplus fund_____________ ___ 200.00 Undivided profits_________ ________ 1,976.34 Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check _______________________ 25,778.84 Demand certificates of deposit— 386.29 Time certificates of deposit_______ 4,504.00 Certified checks...________________ Cashier's checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks_________ _________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund____ _ 42.12 Total _____________ _____ .. .$ 42,887.59 The Saint Paul State Bank County. Charter No. 478. N. J. Paul-----------------------------------President ---------------------------------- ----------- Vice-President W . S. Paul_________________________ Cashier ------------------------------------------Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5. 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts_____________ $169,448.21 Overdrafts, secured and un secured _________________________ 2,048.05 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ 5,873.51 Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ________________________ 1,100.00 Real estate other than bank ing house________ ___ __________ Current expenses and taxes paid 4,222.22 Cash items_______________________ 81.15 Due from national, state and private banks__________________ 68,787.72 Checks and items of exchange__ 39.84 Currency _________________________ 6,439.00 Gold coin_________________________ 4,100.00 Silver, nickels and cents_________ 1,719.04 Capital stock paid in___________ $ 25,000.00 Surplus fund_____________________ 5,000.00 Undivided profits_______________ 5,815.50 Dividends unpaid____________ _____ Individual deposits subject to check --------------------------------------. . . 130,024.13 Demand certificates of deposit... 4,762.77 Time certificates of deposit-..— 82,115.12 Certified checks__________ ____ ____ Cashier's checks outstanding..__ Due to national, state and private banks____________ . . . . . . 10,334.60 Notes and bills re-discounted..._ Collections to be remitted or credited ____________ 284.04 Depositors’ guaranty fund___ . . . 522.58 Total ___________ _____ ____ $263,858.74 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Total ----------- ---------- ------------$263,858.74 SECRETARY OF THE STATE BANKING BOARD Saint Paul Howard 271 The First State Bank County. Charter No. 506. Lars Larsen------------------------------------President S. M. Sonderup-------------------- Vice-President Geo. E. Lean_______________________ Cashier - __________ _______________ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts_____________$140,409.65 Overdrafts, secured and un secured •_________________________ 2,706.42 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc__________________ ____ Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and 7,500.00 fixtures ________________________ Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expenses and taxes paid 1,272.11 Cash items_______________________ 24.19 Due from national, state and private banks__________________ 29,948.65 Checks and items of exchange— 107.77 Currency ________ 3,832.00 Gold coin________________ 3,010.00 Silver, nickels and cents...... ......... 2,744.95 Total __________ _____ ____ $191,555.74 Saint Paul Capital stock paid in___________ $ Surplus fund_____ . . . ____________ Undivided profits_________________ Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check ___________________________ Demand certificates of deposit— Time certificates of deposit_____ Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks_______________ — Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund______ Total 25,000.00 5,000.00 5,157.63 92,763.99 2,840.36 50,000.00 10,435.72 358.04 ______________________ $191,555.74 The Citizens State Bank Howard County. Charter No. 1136. Frank J. Taylor_________________ President Peter Jensen_______________ ..Vice-President C. E. Taylor_________________________ Cashier F . F . Shaughnessy............ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. LIABILITIES RESOURCES Loans and discounts_____________ $204,180.39 Overdrafts, secured and un secured _________________________ : 1,714.12 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ________________________ 8,911.00 Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expenses and taxes paid 688.81 Cash item s..._____________________ Due from national, state and private banks____________ 42,486.63 Checks and items of exchange... 5.12 Currency _________________________ 8,343.00 Gold coin___________ 3,390.00 Silver, nickels and cents___ 746.06 Total .......................... —.......... $270,465.13 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Capital stock paid in___________ $ Surplus fund_____________________ Undivided profits_________________ Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check ___________________________ Demand certificates of deposit__ Time certificates of deposit_____ Certified checks___________________ Cashier's checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks__________________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund______ Total 30,000.00 10,000.00 16,878.84 86,075.83 19,776.63 90,357.59 15,760.81 1,615.43 ______________________ $270,465.13 272 t w e n tie th Salem annual report of the The Bank of Salem Richardson County. Charter No. 359. S. P. Gist----- -------------------------- ------President T . J. Gist------------------------------ Vice-President R. B. Houston. M. A. Stitzer ------------------ Cashier ..Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts_____________ $ 98,202.96 Overdrafts, secured and un secured _________________________ 2,163.11 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets_____________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ________________________ 4,000.00 Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expenses and taxes paid 3,060.07 Cash item s..:--___________________ Due from national, state and private banks__________________ 11,202.43 Checks and items of exchange., 45.86 Currency _________________________ 1,165.00 Gold coin_________________________ 370.00 Silver, nickels and cents_________ 423.0(3 Total ---------------------------------- $120,632.51 Sargent Capital stock paid in___________ $ 30,000.00 Surplus fund-------------------------------- 10,000.00 Undivided profits___________________ 7,383.46 Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check----- ------------------------------------ 51,758.91 Demand certificates of deposit-— 9,310.00 Time certificates of deposit_____ Certified checks___________________ Cashier's checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks__________________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable------------------------------- 1 12,000.00 Depositors’ guaranty fund______ 180.14 Total ---------------------------------- $120,632.51 The Farmers State Bank Custer County. Charter No. 1117. G. W . Brown. J. E. KisselL. .—— President .Vice-President C. H . Kiker_____ ____________ ______ Cashier Edw. Larson,_______ ____ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DE CEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts____ _______ •_$ 56,439.72 Overdrafts, secured and un secured --------------------------------------1,944.07 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets_____________ ________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures -----------4,700.00 Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expenses and taxes paid 1,268.94 Cash items_______________________ 97.40 Due from national, state and private banks__________________ 5,824.74 Checks and items of exchange__ 638.25 Currency ----------. --------------------------2,030.00 Gold coin—-----------------------------------695.00 Silver, nickels and cents____ _____ 581.90 Capital stock paid in------------------$ 15,000.00 Surplus fund_____________________ Undivided profits.;_______________ 2,498.67 Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to cheek ------------------------------------------ 34,886.94 Demand certificates of deposit— 26.00 Time certificates of deposit_______ 11,716.02 Certified checks___________________ Cashier's checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks__________________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable---------------------------II .1 10,000.00 Depositors’ guaranty fund___ 92.39 Total - ______ ______ _______ $ 74,220.02 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Total -------------------------------—$ 74,220.02 SECRETARY OF THE STATE I ANKING BOARD Saronville 273 The Farmers State Bank Clay County. Charter No. 362. _____ President .Vice-President Adolph Aspegren. John Benson____ J. W . Isrealson_____________________ Cashier Marie Kiintberg__________ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. LIABILITIES RESOURCES Loans and discounts_____________ $ Overdrafts, secured and un secured _________________________ Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ________________________ Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expenses and taxes paid Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and private banks__________________ Checks and items of exchange... Currency _________________________ Gold coin____ ____________________ Silver, nickels and cents__________ Total 71,104.05 303.05 2,200.00 20,796.17 1,070.43 1,416.00 2,750.00 208.05 ______________________ $ 99,847.75 Schuyler Capital stock paid in___________ $ 10,000.00 Surplus fund_____________________ 4,500.00 1,085.51 Undivided profits, net_____________ Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check __________________ 17,171.72 Demand certificates of deposit__ Time certificates of deposit_______ 66,873.18 Certified checks___________________ Cashier's checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks__________________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable____ :________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund______ 217.34 Total . . . ...... ............ ...............$ 99,847.75 The Banking House of F. Folda Colfax County. Charter No. 363. Martha E. Eolda_________________ President Englebert F. Folda_________ Vice-President Jaroslav Folda--------------------------------- Cashier Bertha Folda---------------------Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. LIABILITIES RESOURCES Loans and discounts_____________ $350,864.99 ' Overdrafts, secured and un secured _____________________ .----4,665.37 Bonds, City of Schuyler_________ -19,500.00 Other assets _____________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ________________________ 6,000.00 Real estate other than bank ing house_____________________ — Current expenses and taxes paid Cash items__________ *-----------------Due from national, state and private banks__________________ 43,947.19 Cheeks and items of exchange— 719.65 Currency _________________________ 10,742.00 Gold coin--------------------------------------3,605.00 Silver, nickels and cents-------------4,237.73 Total Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis .$444,281.93 Capita! stock paid in___________ $ 25,000.00 Surplus fund_____________________ 20,000.00 Undivided profits_________________ 3,256.08 Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check ________________ *______ 181,6.32.47 Demand certificates of deposit.— 3,767.84 Time certificates of deposit_____ 201,435.34 Certified checks___________________ Cashier's checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and 8,256.10 private banks_______ Notes and bills re-discounted----Bills payable___________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund-------------------------- 934.10 Total .$444,281.93 274 TWENTIETH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE Schuyler The Schuyler Savings Bank Colfax County. Charter No. 364. J. W . Busch___ __________________ President H . C. Wright— -------------------- Vice-President J. E. Arnold.—_________ __________ Cashier _ .-------- ----------------------------- Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts_____________$107,601.00 Overdrafts, secured and un secured _________________________ Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc_____________________ 5,400.00 Other assets_________________ _____ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ________________________ Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ 1,322.05 Current expenses and taxes paid Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and private banks__________________ 8,986.36 Checks and items of exchange... Currency _______ 85.00 Gold coin_________________________ 500.00 Silver, nickelsand cents___________ 21.06 Capital stock paid in___________ $ 15,000.00 Surplus fund_____________________ 3,000.00 Undivided profits_________________ 1,732.63 Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to • check __________________ 102,500.17 Demand certificates of deposit— Time certificates of deposit_____ 1,375.00 Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks_________________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund_____ 286.67 Total .$123,894.47 bcotia Greeley Total .$123,894.47 The Bank of Scotia County. Charter No. 677. G. W . Fitzsimmons___________ ..President T . H . M iller........................ ..Vice-President S. T. Grohosky__________ ____ _____ Cashier J. C. Poppe_____________ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5. 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts___________ ..$113,259.36 Overdrafts, secured and un secured _________________________ 1,240.51 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets___________ ,__________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ________________________ 3,913.40 Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ . Current expensesand taxes paid 2,656.64 53.10 Cash items________ 1______________ Due from national, state and private banks_______ 26,075.39 Checks and items of exchange... 468.35 Currency _________________________ 3,105.CO Gold coin______________ 1,090.00 Silver, nickels and cents____ A ___ 924.21 Total Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis .$152,185.96 Capital stock paid in___________ $ Surplus fund_____________________ Undivided profits_________________ Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check ___________________________ Demand certificates of deposit.._ Time certificates of deposit_______ Certified checks___________________ Cashier's checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks.'_________________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund______ Total 15,000.00 1,000.00 5,369.3673,289.14 4,649.60 53,198.24 279.02- ..$152,785.96 SECRETARY OF THE STATE BANKING BOARD Scottsbluff 275 The Irrigators Bank Scotts Bluff County. Charter No. 577. J. H . Casselman_________________ President A. C. Morrison______________ Vice-President J. H . Casselman___________________ Cashier V . B. Kirkham___________ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans anddiscounts_______ __________51,191-62 Overdrafts, secured and un secured ______________________ 392.03 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ 1,010.00 Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ________________________ 3,539.28 Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expenses and taxes paid 3,603.78 Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and private banks___________________ 9,905.61 Checks and items of exchange.— 175.00 Currency _________________________ 3,505.00 Gold coin_________________________ 45.00 Silver, nickels and cents_________ 260.48 Total _______ - .......... ............. $ 73,627.80 Scribner Dodge Capital stock paid in ._____ ____ $ Surplus fund_____________________ Undivided profits_________________ Dividends unpaid______ j.__________ Individual deposits subject to check ___________________________ Demand certificates of deposit__ Time certificates of deposit_____ Certified checks___________________ Cashier's checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private hanks__________________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable___________________ _ Depositors’ guaranty fund______ Total 20,000.00 3,500.00 5,439.50 28,099.01 16,478.34 110.95 ....................................... $ 73,627.80 The Scribner State Bank County. Charter No. 367. Fred Volpp________________________ President Henry Sievers________________ Vice-President W . G. Henatsch--------------------------------- Cashier Fred Keller------------------------Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts----------$369,552.36 Overdrafts, secured and un secured ________ ;________________ 7,963.04 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc________________ 2,000.00 Other assets____ _________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ________________________ 7,000.00 Real estate other than bank ing house..—____________ 4,500.00 Current expenses and taxes paid 17,791.07 Cash items-----------------------------------Due from national, state and private banks---------------------------- 52,635.36 Checks and items of exchange— 150.25 Currency _____________________ — 5,447.00 Gold coin__________________ 5.800.00 Silver, nickels and cents--2,634.92 Capital stock paid i n ...________ $ 40,000.00 Surplus fund_____________________ 12,500.00 Undivided profits________ A_____ 24,795.84 Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check _________________________ 129,004.38 Demand certificates of deposit___ 929.15 Time certificates of deposit--------- 267,400.94 Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding------Due to national, state and private banks--------------------------Notes and bills re-discounted— -------—-------Bills payable— Depositors’ guaranty fund—_----943.69 Total ........ ..............- ............... $475,574.00 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Total __________________ - — $475,574.00 276 TWENTIETH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE Seward The State Bank of Nebraska Seward County. Charter No. 369. Walter Cattle---------------------------------President B. E. Cattle------------------------ Vice-President Harry D. Landis___________________ Cashier P. Gordon Cattle_______ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5. 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans anddiscounts_______________$188,47-1.20 Overdrafts, secured and un secured ________________________ 912.18 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc---------------------------------- 33,911.00 Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures -----------------------------------1,855.00 Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expenses and taxes paid Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and private banks__________________ 75,263.57 Checks and items of exchange.._ 1,865.85 9,686.00 Currency ___________ Gold coin_________ _______________ 7,525.CO Silver, nickels and cents__________ 602.20 Capital stock paid in___________ $ 35,000.00 Surplus fund______________ _______ 8,000.00 Undivided profits, less expenses 7,078.48 and taxes paid.________________ Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check ------------------------------------------ 163,392.81 Demand certificates of deposit... 100,913.92 Time certificates of deposit_____ Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks__________________ 5,207.64 Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund______ 502.16 Total -,----- --------------------- ------$320,095.01 Shelby Total ...... .......... ............. ........ $320,095.01 The Shelby State Bank Polk County. Charter No. 1064. Geo. E. Brigham__________ ______ President I. J. Merrick...... .......... .........Vice-President D. C. Cole___________________________ Cashier Robert J. Inness_________ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts_____________ $ 77,538.14 Overdrafts, secured and un secured _________ _____ _________ 314.76 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets._____________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ________________________ 6,666.66 Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expenses and taxespaid 745.26 Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and private 'banks__________________ 76,523.80 Checks and items of exchange___ 613.95 Currency _________________________ 4,668.CO Gold coin_________________________ 449.00 Silver, nickels and cents_________ 722.09 Total Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis .$168,232.66 Capital stock paid in___________ ¡j Surplus fund_____________________ Undivided profits_________________ Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check . . . . _______________________ Demand certificates of deposit__ Time certificates of deposit_____ Certified checks___________________ Cashier's checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks__________________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund_____ _ Total 2 0 , 000.00 1 , 100.00 1,525.60 68,433.51 9,478.60 52,100.87 15,356.21 237.87 .$168,232.66 SECRETARY OF THE STATE BANKING BOARD Shelton 277 The Meisner’s Bank Buffalo County. Charter No. 372. H. J. Bobbins___________________President M. G. Lee____________________ Vice-President _____________Cashier ..Assistant Cashier Fred D. More. ________________ STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts________$214,689.76 Overarafts, secured and un secured _________________________ 2,053.45 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and 2,445.67 fixtures ________________________ Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expensesand taxes paid 4,196.08 Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and private banks__________________ 46,814.02 Checks and items of exchange... 297.17 Currency ____________________ 3,556.00 Gold coin_________________________ 3,940.00 728.04 Silver, nickels and cents_________ Capital stock paid in___________ $ 40,000.00 Surplus fund__ _______ ___________ 4,000.00 Undivided profits_________________ 10,550.86 Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check ________ 103,009.27 Demand certificates of deposit__ 2,043.77 Time certificates of deposit-------- 108,767.38 Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding------Due to national, state and private banks__________________ Notes and bills re-discounted----9,811.63 Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund---------537.28 Total ........ ......................... ...$278,720.19 Shickley Total _________________ ____ $278,720.19 The State Bank of Shickley Eillmore County. Charter No. 373. James O. Merryman______________ President M. Bolton____________________ Vice-President F. Skipton------------------------------------------.Cashier __ :________________________ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. LIABILITIES RESOURCES Loans and discounts________$163,632.58 Overdrafts, secured and un 1,418.16 secured _______________________ Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc_____________ ________ Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures --------------5,000.00 R eal estate other than bank ing house_____________________ _ Current expensesand taxes paid 4,313.21 Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and private banks__________________ 32,855.56 Checks and items of exchange... Currency __________________________ 6,000.00 Gold coin__________v_------------------------ 2,410.00 Silver, nickels and cents----------------1,096.55 Total ....................................... $216,726.06 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Capital stock paid in___________ $ 20,000.00 Surplus fund_____________________ 2,550.00 Undivided profits_________________ 6,755.71 Dividends unpaid--------------------------Individual deposits subject to check ________ „_________________ 35.016.71 Demand certificates of deposit___ 1,048.00 Time certificates of deposit------- 150,902.15 Certified checks___________________ Cashier's checks outstanding.----Due to national, state and private banks__________________ Notes and bills re-discounted----Bills payable__________ T--------------Depositors’ guaranty fund---------453.49 Total ........................................ $216,726.06 Y 278 TWENTIETH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE Shickley Tlie Farmers and Merchants Bank Fillmore County. Charter No. 1050. ----------------------------------------------------President W . G. Matzke----- ----------------- Vice-President W . A. Snare________________________ Cashier __________________________ .Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES J.oans and discounts_____________ $ 84,852.73 Overdrafts, secured and un secured _________________ _______ 318.64 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc________________ ;_____ Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ________________________ 3,666.66 Real estate other than bank- • ing house_______________________ Current expenses and taxes paid 550.09 ■Cash ite m s ....— . _______________ 29.04 Due from national, state and 14,657.79 private banks_______ Checks and items of exchange... 201.91 Currency _________________________ 5,600.00 215.00 Gold coin_______ Silver, nickels and cents_________ 1,585.92 Capital stock paid in_____ . ____ $ 11,000.00 Surplus fund_____ ________ ;______ Undivided profits_____________ _____ 2,425.48 Dividends unpaid____________ _____ Individual deposits subject to check ________________________ . . . 25,545.55 Demand certificates of deposit... 2,209.06 Time certificates of deposit_ 70,293.68 Certified checks________________ . . . Cashier’s checks ou tstand ing..... Due to national, state and private banks________________ _ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable______ :_______ ______ Depositors’ guaranty fund— —— 203.71 Total — ................................. $111,677.78 Shubert Total . . . . . . ________________ $111,677.78 The Farmer 3 State Bank Richardson County. Charter No. 374. i Warren Hutchins___________ ______ President John Ahern, Sr___ :__________ Vice-President J. M. Evans-------_____________ :.__i___ Cashier G. S. Hutchins___________ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DE CEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts____________ $142,599.90 Overdrafts, secured__and un secured ______ _ 935.19 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc__._________ __________ Other assets___________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ________________________ 3,875.00 Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expenses and taxes paid 1,401.66 Cash items_______________ :_____ 133.33 Due from national, state and private banks____ — _______ - 38,194.97 Checks and items of exchange... Currency ____________________ 2,270.00 Gold coin___________ 3,575.00 Silver, nickels and cents_________ 1,188.78 Capital stock paid in______ .___.$ 20,000.00 Surplus fund— ;----------- --------- . 4,500.00 Undivided profits____ ____ ..._ _ — 3,177.01 Dividends unpaid____ .1 ____ — Individual deposits subject to check ----------------------— — 93,595.09 Demand certificates of deposit... Time certificates of deposit..—... 71,882.42 Certified checks_______ ____ . . . . : . . 180.00 Cashier’s checks outstanding— Due to national, state hind private banks_______ — 513.24 Notes and bills re-discounted— Bills payable____ ________ . . . Ji-— . Depositors’ guaranty fund— —— 376.07 Total ------------------------------------$194,223.83 T o t a l ___ ________ . . . . —____ $194,223.83 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis SECRETARY OF THE STATE BANKING BOARD Shubert 279 The Citizens Bank Richardson County. Charter, No. 1001. H. E. E. Williams_________ ____ ____President C. Riggs________________ Vice-President J. P. Shubert------------------------ -A. .Cashier ___________________________ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. LIABILITIES RESOURCES Loans and discounts_____________ $ 47,550.10 Overdrafts, secured and un secured _________________________ 477.38 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets._____________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ________________________ 3,333.00 Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expenses and taxes paid 2,173.23 Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and private banks__________________ 5,384.68 Checks and items of exchange... Currency _________________________ 1,253.00 Gold c o in ...._____________________ 700.00 322.40 Silver, nickelsand cents___________ Total __ ____ ___________ _____ -$ 61,193.79 Sidney Capital stock paid in___________ $ Surplus fund_____________________ Undivided profits_________________ Dividends unpaid___________ ______ Individual deposits subject to check ___________________________ Demand certificates of deposit... Time . certificates of deposit_____ Certified checks___________ _______ Cashier's checks outstanding------Due to national, state and private banks__________________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable..___________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund---------- Total 10,000.00 2,500.00 3,859.79 24,139.51 20,586.70 107.79 __________________________ ? 61,193.79 The American Bank Cheyenne County. Charter No. 375. J. J. McIntosh____________________ President Geo. E. Taylor______________ ^Vice-President Robt. A. Barlow------------------- ---------- Cashier Grace McIntosh------------------Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, m il. LIABILITIES RESOURCES Loans and discounts------------------- $302,803.84 Overdrafts, secured and un secured ___________ _____________ £44.32 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc------------ ---------------------Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ________________________ 10,000.00 Real estate other than bank ing house________ ; ---------------Current expenses and taxes paid Cash items____________________ — Due from national, state and private banks...'----------------------- 41,901.96 Checks and items of exchange... 2,068.24 Currency __________________________ 6,249.00 Gold coin.;____________________ . — 25.085.00 Silver, nickels and cents___________ 5,182.70 Total _______ ____ _________ $394,415.06 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Capital stock paid in___________ $ 40,000.00 Surplus fund_____________________ 10,000.00 Undivided profits_________________ 10,256.95 Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to cheek ___________________________ 172.343.29 Demand certificates of deposit... 8,860.44 Time certificates of deposit_______ 150,923.51 Notes and bills re-discounted___ Certified checks___ ^______________ Cashier's checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks__________________ 1,180.21 Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund---------870.66 Total ______________________ $394,435.06 280 TWENTIETH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE Silver Creek The Silver Creek State Bank Merrick County. Charter No. 377. N. L. Squier---------------------------------- President D. J. Towslee-------------------------Vice-President P. H . Bell__________________________ Cashier J. W . Jackman........ ........ Assistant Cashier A. M. Davies-------------------Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts— __________ $142,179.68 Overdrafts, secured and un secured ____ 894.56 Bonds, securities,judgments, claims, etc__________ ___________ 2,430.00 Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ------------------------------- ____ 4,700.00 Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expenses and taxes paid Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and private banks__________________ 25,229.20 Checks and items of exchange.— 482.20 Currency --------------------------------------5,028.00 Gold coin--------------------------------------- 2,505.00 Silver, nickels and cents__________ 1,089.44 Capital stock paid in___________ $ 25,000.00 2,000.00 Surplus fund-----------------------Undivided profits less expenses, taxes and interest paid________ 2,712.62 Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check ------------------------------------------ 76,534.13 Demand certificates of deposit— 5,856.55 Time certificates of deposit_____ 71,683.93 Certified checks___________________ 400.00 Cashier's checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks__________________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable________ ____________ Depositors’ guaranty fund______ 350.85 Total ----------------------------------$184,538.08 Sioux Total ----------------- ----------------$184,538.08 The Bank of South Sioux City Dakota County. Charter No. 1025. M. O. Ayers__________ ____________ President J. J. Eimers_________________ Vice-President Geo. J. Boucher_____________ . _____ Cashier Jennie M. Boucher_______ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DE CEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES Loans and discounts_____________ $ Overdrafts, secured and un secured ______________________ —. Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets____________ __________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures _______ _______ — ____— Real estate other than bank ing house_____ :_________________ Current expenses and taxes paid Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and private banks_______ Checks and items of exchange__ Currency ____ :___ ______________ .. . Gold coin_________________________ Silver, nickels and cents-------------Total LIABILITIES 35,753.18 4.10 1,868.33 1,083.12 23,750.61 1,350.00 140.00 399.98 _________ ____________ $ 64,349.32 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Capital stock paid in___________ $ 10,000.00 Surplus fund________________________ 200.Gj Undivided profits__ ______________ 2,427.89 Dividends unpaid___ •_____________ Individual deposits subject to check ------------------------------------------- 37,918.99 Demand certificates of deposit... 1,062.60 Time certificates of deposit.... . . 12,661.68 Certified checks___________________ Cashier's checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks_____________ ____ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable.__________ _________ Depositors’ guaranty fund______ 78.26 Total ----- 7 ............................ .$ 64,349.32 SECRETARY OF THE STATE BANKING BOARD Smithfield 281 The Farmers State Bank Gosper County. Charter No. 871. E. R. Gurne/----------------- ---------------President ---------------------------------------------- Vice-President V . G. Williams______________________ Cashier ___________________________ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES Loans and discounts.____ _______ $ Overdrafts, secured and un secured __________________ ______ Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc___________ __________ Other assets__________ ___________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ________ Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expenses and taxes paid Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and private banks__________________ Checks and items of exchange... Currency _________________________ Gold coin_____ ______ Silver, nickels and cents_____ . . . . Total LIABILITIES 27,188.59 81.47 2,000.00 2,750.00 1,212.85 3,932.19 1,141.00 10.00 351.26 ______________________ $ 38,667.36 Snyder Capital stock paid in___________ $ 12,500.00 Surplus fund_____________________ Undivided profits.._________________ 1,144.44 Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check ___________________________ 18,093.83 Demand certificates of deposit__ Time certificates of deposit____ 6,859.62 Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks__________________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund______ 69.47 Total ................................ .......$ 38,667.36 The Snyder State Bank Dodge County. Charter No. 379. Conrad Schneider___________ 1____ President W . A . A. Hamann_____ _____ Vice-President H . G. Meyer____ Hazel McClean.. ___________ Cashier Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. Total .... .......... ....................... $175,515.52 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Capital stock paid in___________ $ Surplus fund_____________________ Undivided profits_________________ Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to cheek _______________________ Demand certificates of deposit___ Time certificates of deposit_______ Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding___ Due to national, state and private banks__________________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund______ Total 25,000. 5.,000. 1,515. §88 LIABILITIES RESOURCES Loans and discounts_____________$126,953.50 Overdrafts, secured and un secured ____________________ _____ 1,191.89 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ________________________ 5,550.00 Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ .238.80 Current expenses and taxes paid 854.86 Cash items.______________________ Due from national, state and private banks__________________ 34,710.12 Checks and items of exchange... 523.75 Currency _________________________ 2,707.00 Gold coin________________ 2,105.00 Silver, nickels and cents_________ 680.60 47,625.90 480.00 95,582.41 12.00 299.53 __ _______ ___________ $175,515.52 282 TWENTIETH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE Snyder The Farmers and Merchants Bank Dodge Countv. Charter No. 998. E. R. Gurney-------------------------------- President H . Engelbrecht---------------------- Vice-President J. J. Dickey_________________________ Cashier ____________________________ A s s i s t a n t C a s h ie r STATEMENT DECEMBER 5. 1911. RESOURCES Loans and discounts_____________ $ Overdrafts, secured and un secured ______ __________ :_______ Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ________________________ Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expenses and taxes paid Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and private banks_____________ _____ Checks and items of exchange... Currency — ................... Gold coin_________________________ Silver, nickels and cents_________ Total LIABILITIES 48,374.80 1,227.88 4,000.00 737.27 8,650.52 52.95 1,955.00 220.00 599.21 ........................................$ 65,817.63 South Omaha Capital stock paid in___ _______ $ 12,500.00 Surplus fund_____________________ 2,000.00 1,105.21 Undivided profits_________________ Dividends unpaid_________________ 6.00 Individual deposits subject to check ___________ :_______________ 25,002.73 Demand certificates of deposit... Time certificates of deposit_____ 25,108.48 Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks_____________ _____ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund______ 95.21 Total ........................... ........... $ 65,817.63 The South Omaha Savings Bank Douglas County. Charter No. 381. H. K. C. Bostwick-------------------- -------President C. Barton_____ :_________ Vice-President F. R. Getty____ '.____________ ______ Cashier ________________ . . . . _______ Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5. 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts_____________ $143,301.00 Overdrafts, secured and un secured _________ _______________ Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ 18,920.00 Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures __________ ...___________ 900.00 Real estate other than bank ing house______________ ________ Current expenses and taxes paid 3,447.35 Cash items________________ ______ Due from national, state and private banks_______ . __________ 12,479.61 Cheeks and items of exchange... Currency _________________________ 704.00 Gold coin--------------------------------------450.00 Silver, nickels and cents___ _____ 150.19 Capital stock paid in .__________ $ 25,000.00 Surplus f u n d ..._______ 8,000.00 Undivided profits_______ 5,783.71 Dividends unpaid__________ :______ Individual deposits subject to check ____ _______. . . . __________ 140,118.51 Demand certificates of deposit__ Time certificates of deposit_____ 1,150.00 Certified checks._______ ______ ____ Cashier’s checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks__________________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund---------299.93 Total ........................................ $180,352.15 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Total .......................... ............. $180,352.15 SECRETARY OF THF STATE BANKING BOARD Spalding 283 The Spalding City Bank Greeley County. Charter No. 713. J. H . Sullivan,____________________ President T . P. Sullivan_____ ____ ____ Vice-President S. R. C lark.._______ _______________ Cashier ____________________________ Assistant. Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts_____________$128,600.21 Overdrafts, secured and un secured _________________________ 199.70 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc_______ „______________ Other assets_____________ ____ ____ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ________________________ 5,000.00 Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expenses and taxes paid 530.00 Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and private banks.___ :_____________ 31,461.68 Checks and items of exchange__ 724.28 Currency _________________________ 3,305.00 Gold coin_____________________ . . . . 3,035.00 Silver, nickels and cents___ 1____ 659.11 Total ............... ........ .......... ..... $173,514.98 Spencer Capital stock paid in___________ $ Surplus fund_______________ _____ Undivided profits__________________ Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to ch e c k ___ ________________ Demand certificates of deposit— Time certificates of deposit_______ Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding------Due to national, state and private banks__________________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable_____________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund---------- Total 15,000.00 20,000.00 12,765.05 57,416.24 2,339.21 65,730.60 263.88 ............... - .......... — $173,514.98 The Corn Exchange Bank Boyd County. Charter. No. 683. Edward G. H. Renard................ ....... .......... President Renard______________ Vice-President John Frostrom-----G. E. Bredenberg. ___________ Cashier .Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts_____________ $112,542.96 Overdrafts, secured and un secured __________ _______________ 1,171.61 Bonds, securities, judgments, 7,087.52 claims, etc_____ ________________ Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ________________________ 4,833.20 Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ 5,578.14 Current expenses and taxes paid 6,298.50 Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and private banks__________________ 29,136.16 Checks and items of exchange.— 237.39 Currency _________________________ 4,478.00 Gold coin_________________________ 55.00 Silver, nickels and cents--------------- 1,418.70 Capital stock paid in___________ $ 25,000.00 Surplus fund_____________________ 5,000.00 Undivided profits--------------------------7,038.47 Dividends unpaid--------------------------Individual deposits subject to check ___________________________ 23,083.47 Demand certificates of deposit— 500.00 Time certificates of deposit--------- 101,904.45 Certified checks-----------------------------Cashier’s checks outstanding------Due to national, state and private banks__________________ 10,000.00 Notes and bills re-diseounted___ Bills payable..______________ ______ Depositors’ guaranty fund---------- _ 310.79 Total —........................ ........ —$172,837.18 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Total. _____________________ .$172,837.18 284 TWENTIETH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE Sprague The Bank of Sprague Lancaster County. Charter No. 1125. Albert Egger_______________________ President M. I. Miles----------------------------- Vice-President Prank E. Miles______________________ Cashier ------------------------------------------- Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5, 1911. RESOURCES Loans and discounts_____________ $ Overdrafts, secured and un secured ____________________ _____ Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc______________________ Other assets______________________ Banting house, furniture and fixtures ________________________ Real estate other than bank ing house_______________________ Current expenses and taxes paid Cash items________________ . ______ Due from national, state and private banks__________________ Checks and items of exchange... Currency _________________________ Gold coin--------------------------------------Silver, nickels and cents__________ Total 496.19 2,000.00 1,086.37 5,982.52 40.00 898.00 880.00 266.35 ..................... — ............$ 29,448.42 Springfield Sarpy LIABILITIES 17,798-99 Capital stock paid in___________ $ 10,000.00 Surplus fund_____________________ Undivided profits_________________ 1,524.99 Dividends unpaid_________________ Individual deposits subject to check ___________________________ 8,985.56 Demand certificates of deposit— Time certificates of deposit_____ 8,919.24 Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private banks__________________ Notes and bills re-discounted___ Bills payable..___________________ Depositors’ guaranty fund______ 18.63 Total ______________ ____ — f 29,448.42 The American State Bank County. Charter No. 1020. N. J. Christianson______________ President W . H . Davidson_____________ Vice-President E. N. Christianson______ !__________ Cashier _____________________ ____ ..Assistant Cashier STATEMENT DECEMBER 5. 1911. RESOURCES Loans and discounts________ $191,134.78 Overdrafts, secured and un secured _____________ 3,675.58 Bonis, securities, judgments, claims, etc________________ 500.00 Other assets______________________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ________________________ 11,000.00 Real estate other than bank ing house__________________________ 7,000.00 Current expenses and taxes paid 4,009.63 Cash items_______________________ Due from national, state and private banks_____________ 11,794.00 Checks and items of exchange— 44.60 Currency _________________________ 4,008.00 Gold coin____________________ 2,656.00 Silver, nickels and cents____ 808.91 Total ______________________ |236,631.50 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis LIABILITIES Capital stock paid in___________ $ Surplus fund_____________________ Undivided profits_________________ Dividends unpaid_____ ___________ Individual deposits subject to check _____ Demand certificates of deposit__ Time certificates of deposit____ Certified checks___________________ Cashier’s checks outstanding____ Due to national, state and private