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PUBLIC DOCUMENT. No. 8. FIFTEENTH ANNUAL REPORT Board of CômSï M ô ïer s SAYINGS BANKS. 1890. P a r t II. CO-OPERATIYE BANKS, COLLATERAL LOAN COMPANIES, MORTGAGE LOAN AND INVESTMENT COMPANIES. BOSTON : W R IG H T & P O T T E R P R IN T IN G CO ., S T A T E P R IN T E R S, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 18 Post Office Square. 1891. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis MÔ O f f ic e of t h e B o a r d ' o f CoaïsnS^tôîsE^s ôï* êTaV î n GS B a n k s , C o m m o n w e a l t h B u il d in g , B oston , Jan. 31, 1891. lo the Honorable the Senate and House o f Representatives in General Court assembled. The Board of Commissioners of Savings Banks, in accord ance with provisions of law, and by the special provisions of chapter 126, Acts of 1890, herewith present Part II. of their fifteenth annual report, relating to 103 Co-operative Banks, with assets of . . 2 Collateral Loan Companies, with assets 2 Mortgage Loan Companies, with assets Total, . of of . f 9,264,833 34 362,301 49 1,959,549 05 ...........................................................................$11,586,683 88 A balance sheet of each of these institutions, showing its financial condition Oct. 31, 1890, will be found in the succeed ing pages. fc* Tn g % CO-OPERATIVE BANKS. The increase in number of the co-operative banks has been small as compared with the phenomenally large increase of last year, but the increase in assets and business transacted shows a very large, healthy and satisfactory growth. In 1889, 27 co-operative banks commenced business, an increase over 1888 of almost fifty per cen t; the past year but 10 new banks have been established, an increase of ten per cent. Oct. 31, 1889, the commencement of the fiscal year, there were 93 banks with assets of $7,106,628.77 ; Oct. 31, 1890, at its close, 103 banks with assets of $9,264,833.34, showing an increase in assets of $2,158.,204.57, the largest yearly increase within the history of these banks, even larger by $500,000 than the year previous, with its growth in number of 27 institutions. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis VI BANK COMMISSIONERS’ REPORT. [Jan. The increase in amount of monthly dues over 1889 is $745,707.33, the amount of monthly dues received during the year is $3,352,534.61, a monthly average of $279,377.88. When it is A'ousljkt(**l*.that*this litljgP trtnttilrfli represents the savings of*«the* 40jGPOif«ndmbere •coMributecf otf a basis of $1 per share per month,‘.that* ntl :oi1^€*Ine!>iber can contribute over $25 per month, and ihaft *k* «Wrage»*but slightly rising $8 per month for eactf jlldn1b&YOv£ £&ti:se^ : ^ y clearly and forcibly the great advantage**ri*‘ th“e’^*rfis{itution3‘A.s public educators. Consider ing further that ninety-two percent, of the entire assets of these banks is invested in loans on real estate, thereby securing homes for the members, we are forced to observe that they appear not only as educators, teaching to save, but also the acquiring of property, the establishing of homes, which is the surest foundation of our government and society. Aggregate Statement o f Liabilities and Assets Oct. 31, 1890. A ssets. L ia b il it ie s . Loans on real estate, . $8,325,922 74 Loans on shares, . 363,793 50 Permanent expense account, 15,410 40 Temporary expense account, 8,719 04 Real estate by foreclosure, . 49,833 19 City and town notes and bonds, . . . . 51,778 56 Sundry assets, 54,989 56 Cash on hand, 394,386 35 Dues capital, $8,009,038 20 1,070,812 07 Profits capital (all series), Interest, . . . . 86,006 21 7,142 74 Premiums, . . Fines, . . . . 3,040 05 72 10 Transfer fees, . Surplus, . . . . 25,967 15 Guaranty fund,. 27,207 37 Forfeited share account, . 4,599 27 Withdrawal profits, . 3,332 69 Forfeiture profits, 31 73 Sundry liabilities, 27,583 76 '$9,264,833 34 $9,264,833 34 From the above statement we note that for every dollar con tributed by the members of these institutions, taken as a whole, there stands to their credit over thirteen per centum surplus in profits capital, which represents the earnings credited to the shareholders. The amount of property held under foreclosure is less than $50,000, comparatively a small amount, but from the observa tions of this Board larger than it ought to be, and arises in many cases from a reaching out too far from the locality of the banks making the loan. The principle governing these banks is local benefit, and Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1891.] PUBLIC DOCUMENT — No. 8. vii should be to get its members and place its loans in its imme diate locality. When, therefore, it steps outside of this province to transact business somewhat, if not largely, simply for profit, or becomes engaged in developing certain property remote from its home, it can but assume business risk and its attendant consequences. A reasonable limit to the growth of an institution of this kind is an element of its strength ; therefore seeking business for purely business profit can be looked upon but with apprehension. From the following analytical statement some interesting comparisons will be observed : — Analytical Statement. Number o f shares issued, . Number of shares in force, Number o f shares withdrawn, Number of shares pledged, Number o f members, . . . . Number of borrowers, . . . . Oct. 31,1S89, 93 Banks. Oct. 31, 1890, 103 Banks. 110,962 111,487 525 248,263 302,623 54,360 42,498 53,169 10,671 42,323 56,288 13,965 37,289 43,896 6,607 6,146 7,803 $2,606,827 28 $3,352,534 61 Amount o f dues received, Amount o f profits credited to shares, Total a s s e t s , ........................................... Increase. 1,657 $745,707 33 369,625 84 477,400 50 107,774 66 7,106,628 77 9,264,833 34 2,158,204 57 FOREIGN COMPANIES. This title is used to designate companies organized under the laws of States other than Massachusetts, doing business after the manner of the Co-operative Banks of this Commonwealth, and commonly known as “ National ” Building and Loan As sociations. The Legislature of 1890 passed an act (chapter 310), regu lating, and, in a degree, controlling corporations, associations or persons chartered or empowered to transact business by the laws of other States, and engaged in transacting business in this Commonwealth, in the manner o f our co-operative banks. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis viii BANK COMMISSIONERS’ REPORT. [Jan. By the provisions of said act, such foreign chartered or empowered corporations or associations are obliged to con form to certain requirements, designed to protect and par tially secure the citizens of this Commonwealth, patrons or depositors in such institutions, from loss. A further purpose was to place restrictions upon them, and still further to pro hibit such of those corporations or associations whose plans and methods were not satisfactory to this Board from transacting any business whatsoever in this Commonwealth. Under the powers of said act this Board has granted permis sion to three such institutions to transact business, viz. : — American Building Loan and Investment Society of Chicago, 111. ; Minnesota Saving Fund and Investment Company of Minneapolis, Minn. ; Security Building and Loan Association of Minneapolis, Minn. ; and they have conformed to all the requirements of said act. Permission has been refused to one such institution, The People’s Building, Loan and Savings Association of Geneva, N. Y. Only four formal applications have been made to this Board ; several verbal applications were made, however, but upon learning the full intent, purpose and requirements of the law no formal application was made. Action has been taken by this Board in the case o f one corpo ration for violation of the provisions of said chapter 310, Acts of 1890. The Railway Building and Loan Association of Minneapolis, Minn., and its agent, was convicted in the Supreme Judicial Court, 1890, and enjoined from further transaction of business. Action has also been taken, and is now pending, upon another institution for similar violation. Annual, or any, periodical examinations of these institutions are not required of or made by this Board ; and to guard against any impression becoming prevalent that these institutions or socie ties have the same identical care, control and supervision as the co-operative banks of our own Commonwealth, a prohibitory clause (sect. 5) is inserted in the permission or license. On the following page will be found the full form of permission or license granted by this Board to such institutions : — Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1891.] PUBLIC DOCUMENT — No. 8. IX F orm of L icense. To whom it may concern : By virtue of the authority given to the Board of Commis sioners of Savings Banks by the provisions of Chapter 310 of the Acts of the Legislature of the Commonwealth of Massachu setts for 1890, approved May 21, the * * * having depos ited with the Treasurer and Receiver-General of this Common wealth the requisite amount required by said chapter 310, is hereby authorized to transact business in said Commonwealth till the authority hereby granted is suspended or revoked, in the manner set forth by its charter and by-laws at the date of its application, and submitted with said application, subject to the following conditions and restrictions : — Conditions and R estrictions. 1st. A sworn statement of condition or balance sheet of the assets and liabilities of said Company as per books, on the last day of each month, shall be made to this Board of Commissioners within fifteen days after the expiration of each month, in such form as shall be satisfactory to said Board of Commissioners. 2d. A sworn statement in detail, giving amount transacted by each agent, agency, local board, etc., shall be made to said Board within ten days after the expiration of each month, showing the aggregate amount of business transacted in this Commonwealth for the month previous. 3d. A certified copy of the certificate received annually from the bank examiner, and certified copies of all returns made to the State authorities, must be made to this Board. 4th. The required fifteen per centum of all business transacted in said Commonwealth, to be deposited with the Treasurer and ReceiverGeneral of this Commonwealth, shall be so deposited on or before the twentieth day of each month for the business transacted in the month previous, under the special penalty of revocation of this license. 5th. The provisions of said chapter 310 not requiring annual examinations by this Board, the impropriety of said Association publishing or advertising that they are under the supervision of the Board of Commissioners of Savings Banks is apparent and is hereby prohibited. 6th. This license or authority for transacting business in this Commonwealth shall be published in full and furnished to each and Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis X BANK COMMISSIONERS’ REPORT. [Jan. every person transacting business therewith, and may be revoked without notice. The amount of funds paid to the Treasurer and ReceiverGeneral of this Commonwealth, in conformity to section 2, chapter 310, Acts of 1890, is as follows : — American Building Loan and Investment Society of Chicago, 111 , — First d e p o s it ,................................................... $25,000 00 Fifteen per cent, of deposits, . . . . 1,591 35 --------------------$26,591 35 Minnesota Saving Fund and Investment Co. of Minneapolis, Minn.,— First d e p o s it ,....................................................$25,000 00 Fifteen per cent, of deposits, . . . . 1,433 84 ---------------26,433 84 Security Building and Loan Association of Minneapolis, Minn.,— First d e p o s it,................................................... $25,000 00 Fifteen per cent, of deposits, . . . . 2,039 31 ---------------27,039 31 T o t a l , ............................................................................. $80,064 50 The above deposits cover amount of business transacted to, and including, Oct. 31, 1890. V iolations of Chapter 310, A cts of 1890. For want of time and opportunity, violations of the abovementioned chapter cannot be readily detected, or, if discov ered, be attended to by members of this Board, as has been demonstrated this past year. Some further provisions should be made to protect our citizens under this statute. W e suggest that it might be done by a division of the penalty imposed, a certain portion being awarded to the complainant. R evere Co- operative B ank . This bank was incorporated Feb. 10, 1888, and commenced business Feb. 16, 1888, issuing 127 shares, upon which had been paid into the treasury, by monthly instalments, the sum of $300. The bank not meeting with the success anticipated, it has Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1891.] PUBLIC DOCUMENT — No. 8. xi discontinued business, and the full sum paid in by the mem bers has been returned to them, as appears by receipts on file in this office. The liabilities of the bank therefore having been liquidated, we recommend that the corporation be dissolved. Canadian Co- operative B ank . This bank was incorporated May 2, 1885, and commenced business May 14, 1885. It appears by sworn affidavits of the secretary and treasurer o f this bank, on file in this office, that but 61 shares in all were issued, all of which have been withdrawn and repaid to its 33 shareholders. The affairs of the bank having been closed, and its liabilities liquidated, we recommend that the corporation be dissolved. MORTGAGE LOAN COMPANIES, As has been the practice heretofore, the examinations of these companies, mostly made by experts as permitted by statute, have been confined to the books, accounts and securities in their Boston offices, and have been made as thoroughly and carefully as is possible in any company whose business is prin cipally transacted outside this Commonwealth. The character of the business of these companies is so entirely dissimilar to that of any other institution under the supervision of this Board, and it is so utterly impossible for it to gather full and accurate information regarding their methods, value of securities and ability to meet all their engagements, that we renew our suggestion of last year, viz. : — “ In view of the fact that similar companies doing business in this Commonwealth, though chartered by other States, are under the supervision of a commissioner appointed by this Commonwealth, who does visit and examine their agencies and their loans, we recommend that these two companies, and others which may be chartered in the future under the provi sions of chapter 387 of the Acts of 1888, be placed under the supervision of the commissioner of foreign mortgage corpora tions.” Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis X ll BANK COMMISSIONERS’ REPORT. [Jan.’91. COLLATERAL LOAN COMPANIES, Two chartered corporations only are transacting business for the purpose of loaning money on chattel mortgages or pledge, — the Collateral Loan Company, Boston ; Workingmen’s Loan Association, Boston. The annual financial statement of each (Corporation will be found on pages 212 and 213 respectively. The annual examination of these companies, as allowed by statute, has been made by an expert and in a thorough manner. His report is on file in this office. In accordance with legislation of 1890, the State director of each of these companies has approved the annual statement required to be made to this Board. Conclusion. The statutes governing co-operative banks and mortgage loan and investment companies, corrected to date, will be found in the appendix. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ED W ARD P. CHAPIN, STARKES W HITON, W ARREN E. LOCKE, Board o f Commissioners o f Savings Banks. ABSTRACT OF ANNUAL REPORTS OF TH E CO-OPERATIVE BANKS, S H O W IN G T H E IR CONDITION AT CLOSE OF BUSINESS O ctober M ade in Conformity Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis to the 31, 1890. Requirements A cts of 1889. of Chapter 159 of the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis A C U SH N E T CO -O P ER ATIV E B A N K — N E W BEDFORD. Incorporated Nov. 15, 1889. Commenced business Nov. 16, 1889. Capital to be accumulated, $1,000,000. R ufu s A . S o u l e , President. G id eo n B. W C h a s . R . P r ic e , Secretary. r ig h t , Treasurer. Names of security committee : O l i v e r P. B r ig h t m a n , J a s p e r W. B r a l e y , L ot B . B a t e s . Regular meetings Thursday following the fourth Saturday of each month. B a l a n c e Sh e e t , O c t o b e r A ssets. Loans on real estate, . Loans on shares, . Permanent expense account, Temporary expense aceount, Unpaid dues, Unpaid interest, . Unpaid premiums, Unpaid fines, Cash in hands of treasurer,. 31, 1890. L ia b il it ie s . $12,875 465 185 10 341 14 00 00 87 05 00 82 82 13 74 3,573 05 Dues capital, . . . . Profits capital (all series), . Surplus,.................................. Guaranty fund, Due on uncompleted loan, . $17,479 35 How are shares issued, — quarterly, semi-annually or annually? Semi annually. Number o f shares issued during the year....................................... 1,827 Number of shares now in f o r c e , ...................................................1,651 Number o f shares now borrowed u p o n , ..........................................131 Largest number of shares held by any one member.............................. 25 Number o f shares withdrawn during the y e a r , .................................. 171 Number o f shares forfeited during the y e a r , .................................. 5 Amount of dues received during the y e a r , ................................................... Highest premium received during the y e a r ,................................................... Lowest premium received during the y e a r , ................................................... Number o f members withdrawn during the year, . . . . 21 283 Present number of members,.......................................... Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis $16,231 504 8 10 725 00 63 16 56 00 $17,479 35 $16,715 00 . 19 01 4 BANK COMMISSIONERS’ REPORT. [Jan. . 19 Present number o f b o r r o w e r s , ........................................... . 264 Present number of n o n - b o r r o w e r s ,.................................. . 12 Number o f loans secured by first mortgage of real estate, . Amount o f loans secured by first mortgage of real estate, . Number and amount of loans on shares, . . . . . 7 Largest loan to any one member.............................................. Smallest loan to any one member............................................ Amount of expenses of the corporation for the year ending Oct. 31, 1890, Amount o f profits credited to shares during the year, . Amount o f cash received during the year............................... Amount o f cash paid during the y e a r ,.................................. Date of examination by commissioner : March 26. $12,875 465 2,000 10 34 509 17,280 13,707 00 00 00 00 23 58 95 90 2 Dues paid in advance, 1,042 609 . Total Value. 1 Value per Share. Nov., 1889, May, 1890, No. of Shares. D ate I ssue . of Series. Reconciliation o f Share Account with Duds and Profits Capital. $12 42 6 11 $12,941 64 3,720 99 . ■ . T ota l,............................................... $16,231 00 504 63 73 00 $16,735 63 Co m m o n w e a l t h B r is t o l , Dues capital, as per ledger, Profits capital (all series), as per ledger, . of Total, . . . . $16,735 63 M assach u setts. Dec. 2, 1890. ss . Personally appeared Chas. R. Price, Secretary of said bank, and made oath that the foregoing report, by him subscribed, is true. Before me, B r is t o l , M a t h e w R. H i t c h , Justice of the Peace. Dec. 2, 1890. ss . Personally appearedGideon B.Wright, Treasurer of said bank, and made oath that $13,010 of the securities, and the cash specified in theforegoingreport, by him sub scribed, were held by him at the date thereof, and he has since received $330 in securities. Before me, B r is t o l , ss . M a t h e w R. H it c h , Justice of the Peace. Dec. 2, 1890. Personally appeared Rufus A. Soule, President, and Oliver P. Brightman, Benj. Anthony, John A. Bates, Lot B. Bates and Isaac W . Benjamin, directors of said bank, and made oath that the above report is correct, according to their best knowledge and belief. Before me, M a t h e w R. H i t c h , Justice of the Peace. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis PUBLIC DOCUMENT — No. 8. 1891.J AL L ST O N CO -O P E R A TIV E B A N K — (W A R D 5 25) BOSTON. Incorporated April 8, 1887. Commenced business April 9, 1887. Capital to be accumulated, $1,000,000. H o m e r R o g e r s , President. G eo . F. T a f t , Secretary. ^ G e o . F . T a e t , Treasurer. Names of security committee: J a m e s 1. W in g a t e , F reelo n M o r r is , S. W. B r o w n , Jr. Regular meetings the first Monday of each month. B a l a n c e S h e e t , O c t o b e r 31, 1890. L ia b il it ie s . A ssets. $102,975 00 Loans on real estate, . 4,265 00 Loans on shares, . 392 00 Permanent expense account, 293 80 Temporary expense account, 123 76 Suspense account, 8,998 49 Cash in hands of treasurer,. $107,130 00 Dues capital, . . . 6,751 14 Profits capital (all series), 2,267 52 Interest,.................................. 207 00 Premiums, . . . . 70 64 Fines........................................ 1 50 Transfer fees........................... 103 58 Surplus.................................... 378 55 Guaranty fund, 16 25 Forfeited share account, 121 87 Withdrawal profits, $117,048 05 $117,048 05 How are shares issued, — quarterly, semi-annually or annually ? Semi annually. Number o f shares issued during the y e a r , .................................. 1,199 Number of shares now in f o r c e , ...................................................4,756 N um ber o f shares now b orrow ed upon, . . . . . . 748 Largest number o f shares held by any one member, . . . . 25 N u m b er o f shares w ithdraw n during the year, . . . . 1,072 Number o f shares forfeited during the y e a r , ..................................47 Amount o f dues received during the year........................................................ Highest premium received during the year...................................................... Lowest premium received during the y e a r , ................................................... Number o f members withdrawn during the year, . . . . 129 Present number o f m e m b e r s , ........................................................... 517 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis $56,638 00 05 05 6 BANK COMMISSIONERS’ REPORT. Present number of b o r r o w e r s , ................................................... Present number o f n o n - b o r r o w e r s ,.......................................... Number of loans secured by first mortgage of real estate, . Amount o f loans secured by first mortgage of real estate, . Number and amount of loans on shares.......................................... Largest loan to any one m em b er,................................................... Smallest loan to any one m e m b e r , .......................................... Amount of expenses of the corporation for the year ending Oct. 31, Amount of profits credited to shares during the year, . Amount o f cash received during the y e a r , .................................. Amount of cash paid during the year.............................................. Date o f examination by commissioner : December 23. [Jan. . 66 . 451 . 47 . 19 . 1890,. $102,975 4,265 5,000 50 757 4,993 89,834 92,785 00 00 00 00 02 08 55 73 April, July, Jan., July, Jan., July, Jan., July, 1887, 1887, 1888, 1888, 1889, 1889, 1890, 1890, . . . . . 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 527 144 519 525 1,252 752 576 461 $47 43 36 29 22 16 10 4 53 85 65 68 94 41 11 00 Total Value. Value per Share. D ate I ssue . of No. of Shares. a • Senes, j1 1 Reconciliation o f Share Account with DueÊkmd Profits Capital. $25,048 6,314 19,021 15,582 28,720 12,340 5,823 1,844 $114,984 14 Total, . C o m m onw ealth ss . Dues capital, as per ledger, $107,130 00 Profits capital (all series), 6,751 14 as per ledger, . 1,103 00 Unpaid dues, . . .■ 3 52 286 00 Suspense profits, Dues paid in advance, Su ffo lk , 31 40 35 00 88 32 36 00 of Total.............................. $114,984 14 M a s sa c h u s e t t s . Noy. 13, 1890. Personally appeared George F. Taft, Secretary of said bank, and made oath that the foregoing report, by him subscribed, is true. Before me, W m . M . F a r r in g t o n , Justice of the Peace. Su f f o l k , ss . N ov . 13, 1890. Personally appeared George F. Taft, Treasurer of said bank, and made oath that the securities and cash specified in the foregoing report, by him subscribed, were held by him at the date thereof. Before me, W m . M . F a r r in g t o n , Justice of the Peace. Su f f o l k , ss . N o v . 13, 1890. Personally appeared Homer Rogers, President, and James I. Wingate, Geo. H. Barnes, Freelon Morris, T. C. Ashley and Fred Hammond, directors of said bank, and made oath that the above report is correet, according to their best knowledge and belief. Before me, W m . M. F a r r in g t o n , Justice of the Peace. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1891.] 7 PUBLIC DOCUMENT — No. A M E SB U R Y CO -O P E R A TIV E B A N K — AMESBTJRY. Incorporated April 1, 1886. Commenced business May 1, 1886. Capital to be accumulated, $1,000,000. G eo . E. B a t c h e l d e e , President. F. F. M o k r il l , Secretary pro tern; F. F. M o r r i l l , Treasurer pro tem. Names of security committee: G e o . E. B a t c h e l d e e , W. W . H a w k e s , R. E. B r ig g s , F. F. M o r r i l l , A. E. T u t t l e . Regular meetings the first Monday in each month. B a l a n c e Sh e e t , O c t o b e r A ssets. Loans on real estate, . Loans on shares, . Unpaid interest, . Cash in hands of treasurer,. 31, 1890. L ia b il it ie s . $55,990 3,670 228 5,817 00 00 05 28 $65,705 33 Dues capital, . . . . Profits capital (all series), Surplus,.................................. Guaranty fund, $59,479 5,453 433 339 00 18 70 45 $65,705 33 How are shares issued, — quarterly, semi-annually or annually ? Semi annually. Number o f shares issued during the y e a r , .......................................... 432 Number o f shares now in f o r c e , ............................................................2,232 Number o f shares now borrowed u p o n , ........................................460 Largest number o f shares held by any one member, . . . . 25 Number of shares withdrawn during the y e a r , .................................. 489 Amount o f dues received during the y e a r , ...................................................$25,210 00 Highest premium received during the y e a r ,................................................... 15 Lowest premium received during the y e a r , ................................................... 10 . . . . 120 N umber o f members withdrawn during the year, Present number o f m e m b e r s , ........................................................... 323 Present number of b o r r o w e r s , ........................................................... 63 Present number o f non-borrowers, . . . . s .. . . 260 Number o f loans secured by first mortgage of realestate, . . . 47 Amount o f loans secured by first mortgage of real estate, 55,990 00 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 8 BANK COMMISSIONERS’ REPORT. [Jan.* Number and amount of loans on s h a r e s , ...........................................16 Largest loan to any one m em ber,.................................................................... Smallest loan to any one m e m b e r , ........................................................... Amount o f expenses of the corporation for the year ending Oct. 31, 1890, . Amount o f profits credited to shares during the y e a r,.................................. A mount of cash received during the y e a r , ................................................... Amount of cash paid during the y e a r ,........................................................... Date o f examination by commissioner: June 26. $3,670 3,000 50 394 3,354 36,691 34,975 00 00 00 41 73 30 13 May, Nov., May, Nov., May, Nov., May, Nov., May, 1886, 1886, 1887, 1887, 1888, 1888, 1889, 1889, 1890, 135 68 213 300 623 231 257 145 260 $61 53 46 39 32 25 18 12 6 Total Value. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Value per Share. No. of Shares. D ate I ssue . of Series. Reconciliation o f Share Account with Dues and Profits Capital. 42 95 57 39 31 47 81 36 09 $8,291 3,668 9,919 11,817 20,129 5,883 4,834 1,792 1,583 70 60 41 00 13 57 17 20 40 Dues capital, as per ledger, Profits capital (all series), as per ledger, . Unpaid dues, $59,479 00 5,453 18 3,067 00 # Dues paid in advance, 80 00 Total, . $67,999 18 Co m m o n w e a l t h E ssex, of Total, . . . . $67,999 18 M a s sa c h u s e t t s . Dec. 5, 1890. ss . Personally appeared F. F. Morrill, Secretary pro tern, of said bank, and made oath that the foregoing report, by him subscribed, is true. Before me, E ssex, C h a s . A. N a y s o n , Justice of the Peace. Dec. 5, 1890. ss . Personally appeared F. F. Morrill, Treasurer pro tem. of said bank, and made oath that the securities and cash specified in the foregoing report, by him subscribed, were held by him at the date thereof. Before me, E ssex , C h a s . A. N a y s o n , Justice of the Peace. Dec. 5, 1890. ss . Personally appeared Geo. E. Batchelder, President, and Geo. E. Batchelder, Wm. W. Hawkes, R. E. Briggs, A. E. Tuttle and F. F. Morrill, directors of said bank, and made oath that the above report is correct, according to their best knowledge and belief. Before me, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis C h a s . A. N a y s o n , Justice of the Peace. 1891.] PUBLIC DOCUMENT — No. 8. 9 A R L IN G T O N C O -O P E R A TIV E B A N K — A R L IN G T O N . Incorporated Oct. 17, 1889. Commenced business Nov. 14, 1889. Capital to He accumulated, $1,000,000. G e o r g e D. M o o r e , President. R. W a l t e r H i l l i a r d , Secretary. W a r r e n A. P e i r c e , Treasurer. Names of security committee: G e o . D. M o o r e , 0 . B. M a r s t o n , S y l v e s t e r S t ic k n e y . Regular meetings the second Thursday of each month. B a l a n c e S pieet , O c t o b e r A ssets. Loans on real estate, . Loans on shares, . Permanent expense account, Unpaid fines, Cash in hands of treasurer,. 31, 1890. L ia b il it ie s . $8,800 200 137 13 427 00 00 17 28 74 Dues capital, . . . . Profits capital (all series), .. Surplus,.................................. Guaranty fund, $9,578 19 How are shares issued, — quarterly, semi-annually or annually f Semi annually. Number o f shares issued during the year........................................1,022 Number o f shares now in force.........................................................1,005 Number of shares now borrowed u p o n , ........................................... 7 0 Largest number of shares held by any onemember, . . . . 25 Number o f shares withdrawn during the year..................................... 17 Amount o f dues received during the y e a r , ................................................... Highest premium received during the y e a r ,................................................... Lowest premium received during the y e a r , ................................................... Number of members withdrawn during the year, . . . . 5 Present number o f m e m b e r s , ........................................................ 162 Present number o f b o r r o w e r s , .......................................................... 6 Present number of n o n - b o r r o w e r s ,................................................156 Number o f loans secured by first mortgage of real estate, . . . 5 Amount o f loans secured by first mortgage of real estate, . . . . Number and amount o f loans on shares.................................................. 2 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis $9,285 265 24 2 00 98 26 95 $9,578 19 $9,285 00 05 05 8,800 00 200 00 10 BANK COMMISSIONERS’ REPORT. [Jan. Largest loan to any one m em ber,....................................................................$2,400 00 50 Smallest loan to any one m e m b e r , ........................................................... Amount of expenses of the corporation for the year ending Oct. 31, 1890, . 161 Amount of profits credited to shares during the y e a r ,.................................. 265 Amount of cash received during the y e a r , ................................................... 9,736 Amount of cash paid during the y e a r ,........................................................... 9,308 Date of examination by commissioner: July 21. 00 96 98 55 81 591 414 2 Total, . $12 38 6 10 $7,316 58 2,525 40 Dues capital, as per ledger, Profits capital (all series), as per ledger, . Unpaid dues, $9,285 00 $9,841 98 Total.............................. $9,841 98 Com m o n w ea lth M id d l e s e x , ss . i Total Value. ! 1 Nov., 1889, May, 1890, Value per Share. No. of Shares. D ate I ssue . of Series. | Reconciliation o f Share Account with Dues and Profits Capital. of 265 98 291 00 M a s sa c h u s e t t s . A r l in g t o n , N ov . 8, 1890. Personally appeared R. Walter Hilliard, Secretary of said bank, and made bath that the foregoing report, by him subscribed, is true. Before me, M id d l e s e x , ss . J a m e s A. B a i l b y , Jr., Justice of the Peace. A r l in g t o n , Nov. 8, 1890. Personally appeared Warren A. Peirce, Treasurer of said bank, and made oath that the securities and cash specified in the foregoing report, by him subscribed, were held by him at the date thereof. Before me, M id d l e s e x , ss . J a m e s A. B a i l e y , Jr., Justice of the Peace. A r l in g t o n , N ov . 8, 1890. Personally appeared Geo. D. Moore, President, and L. C. Tyler, O. B. Marston, Clias. Gott, Sylvester Stickney and Leander D. Bradley, directors of said bank, and made oath that the above report is correct, according to their best knowledge and belief. Before me, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis J a m e s A. B a i l e y , Jr., Justice of the Peace. 1891.] PUBLIC DOCUMENT — No. 8. 11 AT H O L C O -O P E R A TIV E B A N K — AT H O L . Incorporated July 1, 1889. Commenced business July 15, 1889. Capital to be accumulated, $1,000,000. G eo . D. B a t e s , President. C. F . R ic h a r d s o n , Secretary. C. F . R ic h a r d s o n , Treasurer. Names of security committee: . L. C. P a r m e n t e r , L. B. F a y , A. F . T y l e r . Regular meetings the third Monday of each month. B a l a n c e Sh e e t , O c t o b e r L ia b il it ie s . A ssets. Loans on real estate, . Loans on shares, . Permanent expense account, Cash in hands of treasurer,. 31, 1890. $9,350 845 141 3,411 00 00 08 53 Dues capital, . . . . Profits capital (all series), Interest,.................................. Premiums, . . . . F i n e s , .................................. Surplus,.................................. Guaranty fund, Forfeited share account, Withdrawal profits, $13,747 61 How are shares issued, — quarterly, semi-annually or annually ? Semi annually. Number o f shares issued during the year, ...........................................389 Number of shares now in f o r c e , ...................................................1,026 Number of shares now borrowed u p o n , ...........................................174 Largest number of shares held by any one member, . . . . 25 Number of shares withdrawn during the y e a r , .................................. 101 Number of shares forfeited during the y e a r , .................................. 9 Amount o f dues received during the y e a r , ................................................... Highest premium received during the y e a r ,................................................... Number o f members withdrawn during the year, . . . . 24 Present number o f m e m b e r s , ............................................................201 Present number o f b o r r o w e r s , ........................................................... 20 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis $13,179 287 225 6 8 9 3 00 40 32 80 89 03 50 22 22 5 45 $13,747 61 $11,127 00 35 12 BANK COMMISSIONERS’ REPORT. Present number of n o n - b o r r o w e r s ,................................................... 181 Number o f loans secured by first mortgage of real estate, . . . 17 Amount o f loans secured by first mortgage of real estate, . . . . Number and amount of loans on shares, . . . . . 7 Largest loan to any one m em b er,........................................................... ........ Smallest loan to any one member,.................................................................... Amount of expenses of the corporation for the year ending Oct. 31, 1890, . Amount of profits credited to shares during the y e a r,.................................. Amount of cash received during the y e a r , ................................................... Amount o f cash paid during the year............................................................... Date o f examination by commissioner : March 24. [Jan. $9,35000 845 00 2,000 00 25 00 1443 307 30 13,739 75 10,374 74 July, 1889, Jan., 1890, July, 1890, 1 2 3 662 226 138 $16 40 10 10 4 00 Total Value. Q) m Value per Share. D ate I ssue . of No. of Shares. Reconciliation o f Share Account with Dues and Profits Capital. $10,856 80 2,282 60 552 00 Dues paid in advance, $13,179 00 T otal................................. $13,736 40 287 40 270 00 45 00 Total, . $13,736 40 Com m o n w ea lth W Duos capital, as per ledger, Profits capital (all series), as per ledger, . Unpaid dues, o r c e s t e r , ss . of M a s sa c h u s e t t s . A t h o l , N ov . 18, 1890. Personally appeared C. F. Richardson, Secretary of said bank, and made oath that the foregoing report, by h|m subscribed, is true. Before me, W o r c e s t e r , ss . A n d r e w J. H a m il t o n , Notary Public. A t h o l , N ov . 18, 1890. Personally appeared C. F. Richardson, Treasurer of said bank, and made oath that the securities and cash specified in the foregoing report, by him subscribed, were held by him at the date thereof. Before me, W o r c e s t e r , ss . A n d r e w J. H a m il t o n , Notary Public. A t h o l , N ov . 18, 1890. Personally appeared Geo. D. Bates, President, and Chas. A. Bates, Chas. A. Perry, Levi B. Fay, J. S. Paige and L. C. Parmenter, directors of said bank, and made oath that the above report is correct, according to their best knowledge and belief. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Before me, A n d r e w J. H a m il t o n , Notary Public. 1891.] PUBLIC DOCUMENT — No. B A L D W IN S V IL L E C O -O P E R A TIV E B A N K V IL L E . 13 B A L D W IN S - Incorporated July 16, 1889. Commenced business July 24, 1889. Capital to be accumulated, $1,000,000. H . M . S m a l l , President. G eou ge E . B r y a n t , Secretary. G eo . E . B r y a n t , Treasurer. Names of security committee: G eorge Pa r t r id g e , E . V . M u l l e in , E . L. T h o m p s o n . Regular meetings the fourth Wednesday of each month. B a l a n c e Sh e e t , O c t o b e r A ssets. Loans on real estate, . Loans on shares, . Permanent expense account, Temporary expense account, Cash in hands of treasurer,. 31, 1890. L ia b il it ie s . $4,453 150 156 1 136 00 00 30 00 38 Dues capital, . . . . Profits capital (all series), Interest.................................... Premiums, . . . . F i n e s , .................................. Surplus.................................... Guaranty fund, Withdrawal profits, $4,896 68 How are shares issued, — quarterly, semi-annually or annually? Semi annually. Number of shares issued during the y e a r , .......................................... 90 Number o f shares now in f o r c e , ........................................................... 335 Number of shares now borrowed upon.....................................................63 Largest number o f shares held by any one member, . . . . 25 Number of shares withdrawn during the y e a r , .................................. 119 Amount o f dues received during the year, . . . . • . Highest premium received during the y e a r ,................................................... Lowest premium received during the year........................................................ Number o f members withdrawn during the year, . . . . 20 Present number of members,.................................................................... 70 Present number o f b o r r o w e r s , ............................................................9 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis $4,698 97 78 9 2 3 5 2 00 93 70 29 66 06 00 04 $4,896 68 $4,10S 00 15 10 14 BANK COMMISSIONERS’ REPORT. [Jan. Present number of n o n - b o r r o w e r s ,...................................................61 Number o f loans secured by first mortgage of real estate, . . . 7 Amount of loans secured by first mortgage of real estate, . . . . Number and amount of loans on shares, . . . . . . 2 Largest loan to any one m em b er,.................................................................... Smallest loan to any one member,.................................................................... Amount of expenses of the corporation for the year ending Oct. 31, 1890, . Amount of profits credited to shares during the y e a r ,.................................. Amount of cash received during the y e a r , ................................................... Amount of cash paid during the y e a r ,........................................................... Date of examination by commissioner: June 12. $4,453 00 150 00 1,000 00 50 00 6 24 109 99 4,392 80 4,489 22 July, 1889, Jan., 1890, July, 1890, i 2 3 283 19 33 $16 34 10 09 4 00 s Total Value. m Value per Share. D ate I ssue . of No. of Shares. Reconciliation o f Share Account with Dues and Profits Capital. $4,624 22 191 71 132 00 Dues capital, as per ledger, Profits capital (all series), as per ledger, . Unpaid dues, $4,698 00 Total.............................. $4,966 93 97.93 171 00 19 00 Dues paid in advance, $4,966 93 Total, . Co m m o n w ea lth W o k c e st e h , ss. of M a s sa c h u s e t t s . Dec. 2, 1890. Personally appeared George E. Bryant, Secretary of said bank, and made oath that the foregoing report, by him subscribed, is true. Before me, W o r c e s t e r , ss . A sa H o s m e r , Jnstice of the Peace. Dec. 2, 1890. Personally appeared Geo. E. Bryant, Treasurer of said bank, and made oath that the securities and cash specified in the foregoing report, by him subscribed, were held by him at the date thereof. Before me, A sa H o s m e r , Justice of the Peace. W o r c e s t e r , ss . Dec. 2, 1890. Personally appeared H. M. Small, President, and C. A. Perley, C. H. Evans, E. L. Thompson, F. L. Hosmer and G. A. Brooks, directors of said bank, and made oath that the above report is correct, according to their best knowledge and belief. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Before me, A sa H o s m e r , Justice of the Peace. 1891.J PUBLIC DOCUMENT — No. 8. 15 B E V E R L Y C O -O P E R A T IV E B A N K — B E V E R L Y . Incorporated Aug. 25, 1888. Commenced business Sept. 18, 1888. Capital to be accumulated, $1,000,000. O c t a v iu s H o w e , President. C h a s . F . L e e , Secretary. F r a n k l in L e a c h , Treasurer. Names of security committee: Sid n e y W . W in s l o w , W m. J. B e r r y , Sa m u e l C o l e . Regular meetings the third Tuesday of each month. B a l a n c e Sh e e t , O c t o b e r A ssets. Loans on real estate, . Loans on shares, . Permanent expense account, F in e s ,.................................. Cash in hands of treasurer,. 31, 1890. L ia b il it ie s . $26,050 670 80 9 3,697 00 00 85 17 53 Dues capita], . . . . Profits capital (all series), Interest,.................................. Premiums, . . . . Transfer fees........................... Surplus,.................................. Guaranty fund, Forfeited share account, Withdrawal profits, Forfeiture profits, . $30,507 55 $28,842 1,384 46 3 61 29 122 9 5 00 74 94 90 25 98 69 74 73 58 $30,507 55 • How are shares issued — quarterly, semi-annually or annually ? annually. Number o f shares issued during the year........................................ Number o f shares now in force......................................................... Number o f shares now borrowed u p o n , .................................. Largest number of shares held by any one member, . Number of shares withdrawn during the year, . . . . Number o f shares forfeited during the year, . . . . Amount of dues received during the y e a r , .................................. Highest premium received during the y e a r ,.................................. Lowest premium received during the y e a r , .................................. Number of members withdrawn during the year. Present number of members, . . . , Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Semi. 484 1,631 . 132 . 25 . 176 . 15 . . 44 . 285 $17,552 00 50 05 16 BANK COMMISSIONERS’ REPORT. Present number o f b o r r o w e r s , ........................................................... 27 Present number of n o n - b o r r o w e r s , ................................................... 258 Number o f loans secured by first mortgage of real estate, . . . 21 Amount of loans secured by first mortgage of real estate,. . . . Number and amount of loans on s h a r e s , ............................................ 6 Largest loan to any one m em b er,.................................................................... Smallest loan to any one member,................................................... 40 Amount of expenses of the corporation for the year ending Oct. 31, 1890, . Amount of profits credited to shares during the y e a r , ................. 1,174 Amount o f cash received during the y e a r , .................................. 31,056 Amount o f cash paid during the y e a r ,........................................... 27,487 Date o f examination by commissioner : May 6. [Jan. $26,050 00 670 00 5,000 00 00 131 93 76 21 62 Sept., Mar., Sept., Mar., Sept., 1888, 1889, 1889, 1890, 1890, . 664 357 190 233 187 $27 20 14 8 2 49 84 38 10 00 Total Value. 1 2 3 4 5 Value per Share. No. of Shares. D ate I ssue . of Series. Reconciliation of Share Account with Dues and Profits Capital. $18,253 7,439 2,732 1,887 374 Dues capital, as per ledger, Profits capital (all series), as per ledger, . Unpaid dues, $28,842 00 1,384 74 513 00 53 00 Dues paid in advance, $30,739 74 Total, . Co m m o n w ea lth E ssex, 36 88 20 30 00 ss. of Total, . . . . $30,739 74 Massa ch u setts. N ov . 22, 1890. Personally appeared Chas. F. Lee, Secretary of said bank, and made oath that the foregoing report, by him subscribed, is true. Before me, E ssex , ss . J o h n M. M u r n e y , Justice of the Peace. N ov. 22, 1890. Personally appeared Franklin Leach, Treasurer of said bank, and made oath that the securities and cash specified in the foregoing report, by him subscribed, were held by him at the date thereof. Before me, E ssex , ss . J o h n M. M u r n e y , Justice of the Peace. N ov . 22, 1890. Personally appeared Octavius Howe, President, and A. W. Rogers, C. H. Kilham, Wm. J. Berry, Franklin Leach, Chas. F. Lee and H. O. Woodbury, directors of said bank, and made oath that the above report is correct, according to their best knowledge and belief. J o h n M . M u r n e y , Justice of the Peaee. Before me, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1891. 17 PUBLIC DOCUMENT — No. 8. BOSTON CO -O P E R A TIV E B A N K — BOSTON. Incorporated April 30, 1888. Commenced business May 2, 1888. Capital to be accumulated, $1,000,000. A u g u stu s L. T h o r n d ik e , President. E u g e n e M. S m i t h , Secretary F r e d W. H a t c h , Treasurer. Names of security committee: G e o . T . B osson , C h a s . C. A d a m s , E u g e n e M. S m i t h . Regular meetings tbe first Monday of each month. B alan ce Sh e e t , O ctober A ssets. Loans on real estate, . Loans on shares, . Permanent expense account, Real estate by foreclosure, . Suspense, . . . . Cash in hands of treasurer,. 31, 1890. L ia b il it ie s . $61,807 1,720 125 3,354 264 2,708 00 00 00 14 68 69 Dues capital, . . . . Profits capital (all series), Surplus,.................................. Guaranty fund, Forfeited share account, $69,979-51 How are shares issued, — quarterly, semi-annually or annually ? annually. Number of shares issued during the y e a r , .................................. Number of shares now in force........................................................ Number o f shares now borrowed u p o n , .................................. Largest number of shares held by any one member, . Number of shares withdrawn during the year, . . . . Number of shares forfeited during the year,.................................. Amount of dues received during the y e a r , .................................. Highest premium received during the y e a r ,.................................. Lowest premium received during the y e a r , .................................. Number of members withdrawn during the year, Present number of m e m b e r s , ................................................... Present number of b o r r o w e r s , ................................................... Present number o f n o n - b o r r o w e r s ,.......................................... Number of loans secured by first mortgage of real estate, . Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis $64,826 4,739 335 70 8 00 85 32 34 00 $69,979 51 Semi1,602 3,592 . 520 . 25 . 754 2 $40,195 00 55 05 107 422 . 384 31 18 BANK CO M M ISSIO N E D ’ REPORT. Amount of loans secured by first mortgage of real estate, . . . . Number and amount of loans on s h a r e s , ........................................... 7 Largest loan to any one member........................................................................ Smallest loan to any one m e m b e r , ........................................................... Amount of expenses of the corporation for the year ending Oct. 31, 1890, . Amount of profits credited to shares during the year, . . . . . Amount of cash received during the y e a r , ................................................... Amount of cash paid during the y e a r , ........................................................... Date of examination by commissioner: November 18. [Jan. $61,807 00 1,720 00 5,000 00 50 00 442 39 3,578 25 50,524 92 52,750 08 May, Nov., May, Nov., May, 1888, 1888, 1889, 1889, 1890, . 1 2 . 3 4 5 989 494 705 474 930 $32 84 25 81 19 01 12 45 6 12 Total Value. Value per Share. D ate I ssue . of No. of Shares. Series. Reconciliation o f Share Account with Dues and Profits Capital. $32,478 12,750 13,402 5,901 5,691 Dues capital, as per ledger, Profits capital (all series), as per ledger, . Unpaid dues, $64,820 00 Total.............................. $70,627 85 4,739 85 1,062 00 404 00 Dues paid in advance, T ota l,. $70,627 85 Com m onw ealth Su f f o l k , 76 14 05 30 60 of M assa ch u setts. B oston , N ov . 21, 1890. ss. Personally appeared Eugene M. Smith, Secretary of said bank, and made oath that the foregoing report, by him subscribed, is true. Before me, Su ffo lk , G eo. C. B osson , Justice of the Peace. Boston , N ov . 21, 1890. ss . Personally appeared Fred W . Hatch, Treasurer of said bank, and made oath that the securities and cash specified ip the foregoing report, by him subscribed, were held by him at the date thereof. Before me, Su ffo lk , ss . G èo. C. B osson , Justice of the Peace. B oston , N ov . 21, 1890. Personally appeared Augustus L. Thorndike, President, and Geo. T. Bosson, Chas. C. Adams, J. Henry Taylor, Augustus Nickerson and Geo. D. Hall, directors of said bank, and made oath that the above report is correct, according to their best knowledge and belief. Before me, G e o . C. B osson , Justice of the Peace. I Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1891.] 19 PUBLIC DOCUMENT — No. 8. B R A IN T R E E CO -O P E R A TIV E B A N K — B R A IN T R E E . Incorporated June 24, 1889. Commenced business Oct. 15, 1889. Capital to be accumulated, $1,000,000. J a m e s T. S t e v e n s , President. C h a s . B. C u m m in g s , Secretary. C h a s . B. C u m m in g s , Treasurer Names of security committee: A n s e l O. C l a r k , F r a n c is A. H o b a r t , J a m e s T. S t e v e n s . Regular meetings the third Tuesday of each month. B a l a n c e Sh e e t , O c t o b e r L ia b il it ie s . A ssets. Loans on real estate, . Permanent expense account, Temporary expense account, Cash in hands of treasurer,. 31, 1890. $7,475 121 6 10 00 39 75 42 Dues capital, . . . . Profits capital (all series), Interest, . . . . Premiums, . . . . F i n e s , .................................. Transfer fees, . . . . Surplus,.................................. Guaranty fund, Forfeited share account, Withdrawal profits, Forfeiture profits, . Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 00 57 87 80 50 75 17 40 2 30 1 40 61 36 $7,613 56 $7,613 56 How are shares issued, — quarterly, semi-annually or annually ? annually. Number of shares issued during the y e a r , .................................. Number o f shares now in f o r c e , ................................................... Number of shares now borrowed u p o n , .................................. Largest number o f shares held by any one member, . Number o f shares withdrawn during the year, . . . . Number o f shares forfeited during the year, . . . . Amount o f dues received during the y e a r , .................................. Highest premium received-during the year, . . . Lowest premium received during the year, . . N umber of members withdrawn during the year, $7,323 94 156 8 7 Semi. 214 . 664 . 40 . 25 . 25 . 2 $6,846 00 10 05 . 10 20 BANK COMMISSIONERS’ REPORT. . 118 Present number o f m e m b e r s , .................................. 8 Present number o f borrowers........................................... . 110 Present number of non-borrowers, . . . . 8 Number of loans secured by first mortgage of real estate, Amount o f loans secured by first mortgage of real estate, Largest loan to any one member...................................... Smallest loan to any one member,.................................. Amount of expenses of the corporation for the year ending Oct. 31, 1890, Amount o f profits credited to shares during the year, . Amount of cash received during the year, . Amount o f cash paid during the year, . . . . Date of examination by commissioner: December 8. [Jan. $7,475 00 2,000 00 200 00 37 46 97 28 7,512 28 7,978 86 Oct., 1889, Dec., 1889, 482 71 3 111 $13 18 11 11 5 00 Total Value. 1 2 Value per Share. No. of Shares. D ate I ssue . of Series. Reconciliation o f Share Account with Dues and Profits Capital. $6,352 76 788 81 555 00 $7,781 57 Co m m o n w ea lth N orfolk, ss . $7,323 00 y4 57 364 00 85 00 Dues paid in advance, Total, . Dues capital, as per ledger, Profits capital (all series), as per ledger, . Unpaid dues, of Total, . . . . $7,781 57 M a s sa c h u s e t t s . N ov . 18, 1890. Personally appeared Chas. B. Cummings, Secretary and Treasurer of said bank, and made oath that the foregoing report, by him subscribed, is true, and that the securities and cash specified in same were held by him at the date thereof. Before me, C h a r l e s A. B e l c h e r , Justice of the Peace. N orfolk, ss . N ov . 18,1890. Personally appeared James T. Stevens, President, and T. H. Dealing, W . M. Babbitt, Warren H. Foss, A. S. Pennock and J. R. Hathawav, directors of said bank, and made oath that the above report is correct, according to their best knowledge and belief. Before me, C h a r l e s A. B e l c h e r , Justice of the Peace. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1891.] 21 PUBLIC DOCUMENT — No. 8. CAM BR IDGE CO -O P ER ATIV E B A N K -E A S T CA M BR ID G E . Incorporated Sept. 5, 1877. Commenced business Sept. 12, 1877. Capital to be accumulated, $500,000. R u fu s R . W ade, President. J ohn H . P o n c e , Secretary. J o h n L o u g h r e y , Treasurer. Names of security committee: G eo . S. K e e l e r , Jo h n L o u g h r e y , D a n ie l Z a p p . Regular meetings the second Wednesday of each month. B a l a n c e Sh e e t , O c t o b e r L ia b il it ie s . A ssets. Loans on real estate, . Loans on shares, . Permanent expense account, Temporary expense account, Unpaid dues, Unpaid interest, . Unpaid premiums. Unpaid fines, Cash in hands of treasurer,. 31, 1890. $19,085 1,200 52 121 362 158 22 21 3,104 00 00 26 32 00 99 14 93 58 $24,128 22 Dues capital, . . . Profits capital (all series), . Interest,.................................. Premiums, . . . . F i n e s , .................................. Surplus, . . . . . Guaranty fund, Forfeited share account, Withdrawal profits, Sundry accounts payable, Balance due James Kay, Sundry balances, . - $20,805 2,658 424 54 24 29 42 9 63 16 00 56 35 16 63 22 01 66 95 25 07 36 $24,128 22 How are shares issued, — quarterly, semi-annually or annually ? Semi annually. Number of shares issued during the y e a r , .......................................... 282 Number o f shares now in f o r c e , ...............................................................660 Number o f shares now borrowed upon, . . . . . . 154 Largest number of shares held by any one member, . . . . 25 Number o f shares withdrawn during the y e a r , .................................. 231 Number o f shares matured during the year............................................ H Amount o f dues received during the y e a r , ...................................................$8,829 00 Highest premium received during the y e a r ,.................................. * 15 Lowest premium received during the y e a r , ................................................... 05 Number of members withdrawn during the year, . . . . 40 Present number o f m e m b e r s , ...............................................................105 Present number o f b o r r o w e r s , ................................................................ 32 Present number o f n o n - b o r r o w e r s ,........................................................ 73 Number of loans secured by first mortgage of real estate, . . . 31 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 22 BANK COMMISSIONERS’ REPORT. [Jan. Amount of loans secured by first mortgage of real estate, . . . . $19,085 00 Number and amount of loans on s h a r e s , ........................................... 13 1,200 00 Largest loan to any one m em b er,.................................................................... 1,800 00 Smallest loan to any one member, . ................................................... 20 00 Amount of expenses of the corporation for the year ending Oct. 31, 1890, . 381 70 Amount o f profits credited to shares during the y e a r ,.................................. 1,141 31 Amount o f cash received during the y e a r , ................................. 13,405 51 Amount o f cash paid during the y e a r ,.................................................. 12,616 04 Date of examination by commissioner : October 8. Jan., 1879, May, 1880, Feb., 1881, Nov., 1881, Mar., 1882, July, 1883, Oct. 1883, Jan., 1884, April, 1884, July, 1884, Jan., 1885, April, 1885, July, 1885, Jan., 1886, July, 1886, Jan., 1887, July, 1887, Jan., 1888, July, 1888, Jan., 1889, July, 1889, Jan., 1890, July, 1890, 6 11 14 17 18 23 24 25 26 27 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 4! 3 1 5 5 5 5 7 11 16 6 3 5 2 57 25 29 33 69 28 58 65 114 108 Total, . $199 53 168 95 152 45 137 20 130 74 106 58 102 32 98 03 93 91 89 76 81 71 77 69 73 73 65 88 58 25 50 79 43 53 36 42 29 56 22 90 16 43 10 13 4 00 Total Value. Value per Share. No. of Shares. D ate I ssue . of Series. Reconciliation o f Share Account with Dues and Profits Capital. $598 59 168 95 762 25 686 00 653 70 532 90 716 24 1,078 33 1,502 56 538 56 245 13 388 45 147 46 3,755 16 1,456 25 1,472 91 1,436 49 2,512 98 827 68 1,328 20 1,067 95 1,154 82 432 00 Dues capital, as per ledger, Profits capital (all series), as per ledger, . $20,805 00 $23,463 56 Total.............................. $23,463 56 Co m m o n w ea lth M id d l e s e x , ss . of 2,658 56 M assach u setts. Dec. 5, 1890. Personally appeared John H. Ponce, Secretary of said bank, and made oath that the foregoing report, by him subscribed, is true. Before me, M id d l e s e x , ss. F e l i x C o n l a n , Justice of the Peace. Dec. 5, 1890. Personally appeared John Loughrey, Treasurer of said bank, and made oath that the securities and cash specified in the foregoing report, by him subscribed, were held by him at the date thereof. Before me, M id d l e s e x , ss . F e l i x C o n l a n , Justice of the Peace. Dec. 5, 1890. Personally appeared Rufus R. Wade, President, and John P. McCormick, Maurice H. Adams, Geo. S. Keeler, George Ulmer and Patrick H. Dunn, directors of said bank, and made oath that the above report is correct, according to their best knowledge and belief. F e l i x C o n l a n , Justice of the Peace. Before me, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1891 .] 23 PUBLIC DOCUMENT — No. 8 CAM PELLO CO -O P ER ATIV E B A N K — BROCKTON. Incorporated Oct. 3, 1877. Commenced business Oct. 8, 1877. Capital to be accumulated, $1,000,000. G e o r g e E. K e it h , President. W W arren arren T. C o p e l a n d , Secretary. T. C o p e l a n d , Treasurer. Names of security committee: J o h n A. H o w a r d , N a t h a n H. W ashburn, C h a r l e s H. C o l e . Regular meetings the second Monday of each month. B alance Sheet , October 31, 1890. L ia b il it ie s . A ssets. ✓ $218,450 00 Loans on real estate, . 7,950 00 Loans on shares, . Permanent expense account, 175 00 160 26 Temporary expense account, 1,000 00 Mortgage............................... 20 50 F in e s ,.................................. 15,208 43 Cash in hands of treasurer,. $203,379 00 Dues capital, . . . . 37,936 40 Profits capital (all series), 770 50 Interest.................................... 190 44 Premiums, . . . . 1 75 Transfer fees, . . . . 199 76 Surplus,.................................. 352 00 Guaranty fund, 134 34 Withdrawal profits, $242,964 19 How are shares issued, — quarterly, semi-annually or annually ? Semi annually. Number o f shares issued during the y e a r , ..................... 3,024 Number o f shares now in f o r c e , ...................................... 7,768 Number of shares now borrowed u p o n , ..................... 1,319 Largest number o f shares held by any one member,. . . . 25 Number of shares withdrawn during the year,. . . . 1,324 Number of shares retired during the y e a r , ..............................................299 Number of shares matured during the y e a r , ....................................... 26 Amount o f dues received during the y e a r , .................................. ........ Highest premium received during the y e a r ,................................................... Lowest premium received during the year........................................................ Number o f members withdrawn during the year, . . . . 125 Present number o f m e m b e r s , ...............................................................878 Present number of borrowers, ............................................................... 181 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis $242,964 19 $82,644 00 25 25 24 BANK COMMISSIONERS’ REPORT. [Jan. Present number o f n o n - b o r r o w e r s ,................................................... 697 Number of loans secured by first mortgage of real estate, . . . 161 Amount of loans secured by first mortgage of real estate, . . . . $218,450 00 22 7,950 00 Number and amount of loans on s h a r e s , .......................................... Largest loan to any one member, .................................................................... 3,600 00 Smallest loan to any one member,.................................................................... 50 00 Amount of expenses of the corporation for the year ending Oct. 31, 1890, . 1,119 68 Amount of profits credited to shares during the y e a r ,.................................. 16,310 32 Amount of càsh received during the y e a r , .................................. 176,643 49 Amount of cash paid during the y e a r ,.......................................... 166,876 00 Date of examination by commissioner : March 28. Oct., 1880, Oct., 1881, Oct., 1882, Oct., 1883, Oct., 1884, Oct., 1885, Aprii, 1886, Oct., 1886, Aprii, 1887, Oct., 1887, Aprii, 1888, Oct., 1888, Aprii, 1889, Oct., 1889, Aprii, 1890, Oct., 1890, . 4 5 . . . . . . . . . . 6 7' 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 . . . 32 $181 01 36 155 95 210 133 01 257 111 81 308 92 14 221 73 86 125 65 30 279 57 01 359 49 06 329 41 40 388 34 01 609 26 91 909 20 06 1,185 13 47 1,162 7 12 1,359 1 00 Total Value. Value per Share. Shares. D ate O F IS S U E . N o. of Series. Reconciliation o f Share Account with Dues and Profits Capital. $5,792 32 5,614 20 27,932 10 28,735 17 28,379 12 16,323 06 8,162 50 15,905 79 17,612 54 13,620 60 13,195 88 16,388 19 18,234 54 15,961 95 8,273 44 1,359 00 Dues paid in advance, 668 00 Total, . $242,158 40 Co m m o n w e a l t h P lym outh, Dues capital, as per ledger, $203,379 00 Profits capital (all series), as per ledger, . 37,936 40 Unpaid dues, 843 00 ss. of Total.............................. $242,158 40 M assach u setts. B r o c k t o n , N ov . 15, 1890. Personally appeared Warren T. Copeland, Secretary of said bank, and made oath that the foregoing report, by him subscribed, is true. Before me, P lymouth, ss. I r a A. L e a c h , Justice of the Peace. B r o c k t o n , N ov . 15, 1890. Personally appeared Warren T. Copeland, Treasurer of said, bank, and made oath that the securities and cash specified in the foregoing report, by him subscribed, were held by him at the date thereof. Before me, P lym outh , ss . I r a A. L e a c h , Justice of the Peace. B r o c k t o n , N ov . 15, 1890. Personally appeared G. E. Keith, President, and Preston B. Keith, J. A. Howard, Chas. H. Cole, Damon Kingman and Arthur L. Copeland, directors of said bank, and made oath that the above report is correct, according to their best knowledge and belief. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Before me, I r a A. L e a c h , Justice of the Peace. 1891.] 25 PUBLIC DOCUMENT — No. 8. CITIZEN’S’ CO -O P ER ATIV E B A N K — H A V E R H IL L . Incorporated Aug. 22, 1887. Commenced business Sept. 12, 1887. Capital to be accumulated, $1,000,000. G eo . H. C a r l e t o n , President. J a m e s W . G o o d w in , Secretary. J a m e s W . G o o d w in , Treasurer. Names of security committee: J o sh u a M. S t o v e r , G eo . M. G o o d w in . J o h n A. G a l e , Regular meetings the second Monday of each month. B a l a n c e S h e e t , O c t o b e r 31, 1890. L ia b il it ie s . A ssets. Loans on real estate, . ' . Loans on shares, . Temporary expense account, Cash in hands of treasurer,. $36,452 50 80 1,476 00 00 00 46 $38,058 46 Dues capital, . . . . Profits capital (all series), Interest,.................................. Premiums, . . . . F i n e s , .................................. Surplus,.................................. Guaranty fund, Forfeited share account, Withdrawal profits, • . Forfeiture profits, . Advance dues, $34,958 00 2,483 65 168 21 5 86 1 08 116 93 42 31 194 95 11 27 1 20 75 00 $38,058 46’ How are shares issued, — quarterly, semi-annually or annually? Semi annually. Number o f shares issued during the y e a r , ...........................................981 Number o f shares now in f o r c e , ...................................................1,909 Number of shares now borrowed u p o n , .......................................... 228 Largest number o f shares held by any one member, . . . . 25 Number of shares withdrawn during the y e a r , .................................. 502 Number o f shares forfeited during the y e a r , .................................. 15 Amount of dues received during the y e a r , ................................................... $18,237 00 Highest premium received during the y e a r ,................................................... 10 Number o f members withdrawn during the year, . . . . 36 Present number of members,....................................................................230 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 26 BANK COMMISSIONERS’ REPORT. Present number o f b o r r o w e r s , ................................................... Present number of non-borrowers, . . x. Number o f loans secured by first mortgage of real estate, . Amount o f loans secured by first mortgage of real estate, . Number and amount of loans on s h a r e s , .................................. Largest loan to any one m em ber,................................................... Smallest loan to any one member,................................................... Amount of expenses of the corporation for the year ending Oct. 31, Amount o f profits credited to shares during the year, . Amount o f cash received during the year........................................ Amount of cash paid during the y e a r ,........................................... Date of examination by commissioner : September 26. [Jan. . 26 . 204 . 25 1 1890, . $36,452 50 4,000 50 156 1,651 27,618 28,663 00 00 00 00 84 71 50 29 Sept., April, Oct., April, Oct., April, Oct., 1887, 1888, 1888, 1889, 1889, 1890, 1890, . . . . . . 463 140 7 210 167 170 301 458 $41 49 33 30 26 48 19 84 13 38 7 10 1 00 Total Value. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Value per Share. No. of Shares. D ate I ssue . of Series. Reconciliation o f Share Account with Dues and Profits Capital. $19,209 4,662 5,560 3,313 2,274 2,137 458 87 00 80 28 60 10 00 Dues capital, as per ledger, Profits capital (all series), as per ledger, . Unpaid dues, . . . $35,033 00 2,483 65 174 00 75 00 Dues paid in advance, $37,690 65 Total, . Co m m o n w ea lth E ssex, • of Total, . . . . $37,690 65 M assach u setts. Oct. 31, 1890. ss . Personally appeared James W . Goodwin, Secretary of said bank, and made oath that the foregoing report, by him subscribed, is true. Before me, E ssex, ss . I k a A . A b b o t t , Justice of the Peace. Oct. 31, 1890. Personally appeared James W . Goodwin, Treasurer of said bank, and made oath that the securities and cash specified in the foregoing report, by him subscribed, were held by him at the date thereof. Before me, I b a A. A b b o t t , Justice of the Peace. E ssex , ss . Oct. 31, 1890. Personally appeared Geo. H. Carleton, President, and D. T. Kennedy, Joshua M. Stover, Edgar 0. Bullock, W. W . Spaulding and G. A. Greene, directors of said bank, and made oath that the above report is correct, according to their best knowledge and belief. J a m e s W . G o o d w in , Justice of the Peace. Before me, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 27 PUBLIC DOCUMENT — No. 8 1891.] C IT Y C O -O P E R A TIV E B A N K — H O LY O K E . Incorporated July 16, 1889. Commenced business July 23, 1889. Capital to be accumulated, $1,000,000. D id a c e S a in t e -M a r i e , President. P ie r r e B o n v o u l o ik , Secretary. P ie r r e B o n v o u l o ir , Treasurer. Names o f security committee: A m ede F. G in g r a s , J o se p h B e a u c h e m in , Jo h n S t . J o h n . Regular meetings the fourth Tuesday of each month. B alance Sheet , October 31, 1890. L ia b il it ie s . A ssets. Loans on real estate, . Loans on shares, . Permanent expense account, Temporary expense account, Unpaid dues, Cash in hands of treasurer,. $9,700 90 122 12 53 6 00 00 62 25 00 70 $9,984 57 Dues capital, . . . Profits capital (all series), . Interest,.................................. F i n e s , .................................. Guaranty fund, Withdrawal profits, Dues paid in advance, . $9,618 153 146 12 6 1 46 00 36 51 30 74 66 00 $9,984 57 How are shares issued, — quarterly, semi-annually or annually ? Semi annually. Number o f shares issued during the y e a r , ..............................................412 Number o f shares now in f o r c e , ...............................................................765 Number o f shares now borrowed u p o n , ................................................60 Largest number o f shares held by any one member, . . . . 25 Number of shares withdrawn during the y e a r , ......................................119 Amount o f dues received during the y e a r , ................................................... $8,424 00 Number o f members withdrawn during the year, . . . . 41 Present number o f m e m b e r s , ...............................................................206 Present number o f borrowers...........................................................................9 Present number of n o n - b o r r o w e r s ,.......................................................197 Number of loans secured by first mortgage of real estate, . . . 8 Amount o f loans secured by first mortgage of real estate, . . . . 9,700 00 Number and amount of loans on s h a r e s , ........................................... 1 90 00 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 28 BANK COMMISSIONERS’ REPORT. [Jan. Largest loan to any one member........................................................................$2,000 00 Smallest loan to any one member,.................................................................... 90 00 Amount of expenses of the corporation for the year ending Oct. 31, 1890, . 22 29 Amount of profits credited to shares during the y e a r,.................................. 162 00 Amount of cash received during the y e a r , ............................................................. 9,314 57 Amount o f cash paid during the y e a r ,............................................................ 10,983 77 Date o f examination by commissioner : January 18. July, 1889, Jan., 1890, July, 1890, 412 269 84 Total, . $16 32 10 08 4 00 Total Value. 1 2 3 Value per Share. No. of Shares. D ate I ssue . of Series. Reconciliation o f Share Account with Rues and Profits Capital. $6,723 84 2,711 52 336 00 Dues capital, as per ledger, Profits capital (all series), as per ledger, . $9,618 00 $9,771 36 Total.............................. $9,771 36 Comm onw ealth H am pden, ss . of 153 36 M a s sa c h u s e t t s . N o v . 10, 1890. Personally appeared Pierre Bonvouloir, Secretary of said bank, and made oath that the foregoing report, by him subscribed, is true. Before me, Ham pden, ss . O r p h i r E. G e n e st , Justice of the Peace. N ov . 10, 1890. Personally appeared Pierre Bonvouloir, Treasurer of said bank, and made oath that the securities and cash specified in the foregoing report, by him subscribed, were held by him at the date thereof. Before me, Ham pden, ss . O r p h i r E. G e n e st , Justice of the Peace. N ov . 10, 1890. Personally appeared Didace Sainte-Marie, President, and Daniel Proulx, A. F. Gingras, J. B. Laroche, Joseph Beauchemin, A. H. Perrault and John St. John, directors o f said bank, and made oath that the above report is correct, according to their best knowledge and belief. O r p h i r E. G e n e s t , Justice of the Peace. Before me, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1891.] 29 PUBLIC DOCUMENT — No. 8. C L IN T O N C O -O P E R A TIV E B A N K — CLIN TO N . Incorporated Sept. 23, 1887. Commenced business Oct. 20, 1887. Capital to be accumulated, $1,000,000. D a n ’ l B. I n g a l l s , President. H a r b y D . C a r t e r , Secretary. T h o s . S. D a v i s , Treasurer. Names of security committee : C h a 8. A. V G e o . P. F r e n c h , L y m a n L e ig h t o n . ic k e r y , Regular meetings the third Thursday of each month. B alance Sheet , October 31, 1890. A ssets. Loans on real estate, . Loans on shares, . Permanent expense account, Temporary expense account, Suspense account, Cash in hands o f treasurer,. Cash in hands o f secretary,. L ia b il it ie s . $45,300 805 300 24 306 342 127 00 00 00 13 02 20 59 Dues capita], . . . . Profits capital (all series), Interest..................................... Fines........................................ Surplus,.................................. Guaranty fund, Forfeited share account, Withdrawal profits, Advance dues, $47,204 94 How are shares issued, — quarterly, semi-annually or annually ? Semiannually. . 860 Number o f shares issued during the y e a r , .................................. 2,388 Number o f shares now in f o r c e , ................................................... . 320 Number of shares now borrowed u p o n , .................................. . 25 Largest number o f shares held by any one member, . . 615 Number o f shares withdrawn during the year, . . . . . Amount o f dues received during the y e a r , .................................. Highest per centum of interest received during the year: 8|. Lowest per centum of interest received during the year: 6. . 114 Number of members withdrawn during the year, Present number o f m e m b e r s , ................................................... . 357 . 44 Present number of b o r r o w e r s , ................................................... Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis $43,902 2,817 238 5 53 98 5 27 57 00 84 35 04 55 15 74 27 00 $47,204 94 $27,286 00 30 BANK COMMISSIONERS’ REPORT. Present number o f n o n - b o r r o w e r s ,................................................... 313 Number o f loans secured by first mortgage of real estate, . . . 40 Amount o f loans secured by first mortgage of real estate, . . . . Number and amount of loans on s h a r e s , ........................................... 11 Largest loan to any one member........................................................................ Smallest loan to any one m e m b e r , ........................................................... Amount of expenses of the corporation for the year ending Oct. 31, 1890,. 2,247 Amount o f profits credited to shares during the year..................... Amount of cash received during the y e a r , ................................... 31,528 35,091 Amount o f cash paid during the y e a r ,............................................ Date o f examination by commissioner: September 11. [Jan. $45,300 00 805 00 4,000 00 50 00 320 80 52 56 62 Oct., April, Oct., April, Oct., April, Oct., 1887, 1888, 1888, 1889, 1889, 1890, 1890, 1 2 3 4 5 6 7. . . . . . . . 373 226 246 419 446 418 260 $40 33 26 19 13 7 1 61 44 52 83 36 09 00 Total Value. Value per Share. Shares. D ate I ssue . of No. of Series. Reconciliation o f Share Account with Dues and Profits Capital. $15,147 7,557 6,523 8,308 5,958 2,963 260 $46,719 84 Total, . Com m o n w ea lth W 53 44 92 77 56 62 00 o r c e s t e r , ss . of Dues capital, as per ledger, ' $43,902 00 Profits capital (all series), as per ledger, . 2,817 84 Total, . . . . $46,719 84 M a s sa c h u s e t t s . N ov . 10, 1890. Personally appeared Harry D. Carter, Secretary of said bank, and made oath that the foregoing report, by him subscribed, is true. Before me, W o r c e s t e r , ss . J o h n T. D a m e , Justice of the Peace. N ov . 10, 1890. Personally appeared Thos. S. Davis, Treasurer of said bank, and made oath that the securities and cash specified in the foregoing report, by him subscribed, were held by him at the date thereof. Before me, W o r c e s t e r , ss . J o h n T. D a m e , Justice of the Peace. Nov. 10, 1890. Personally appeared Daniel B. Ingalls, President, and C. A. Vickery, Walter R. Dame, Geo. A. Heighway, Henry Greenwood and E. C. Sherman, directors of said bank, and made oath that the above report is correct, according to their best knowledge and belief. J o h n T. D a m e , Justice of the Peace. Before me, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 31 PUBLIC DOCUMENT — No. 8. 1891.] D E A N C O -O P E R A T IV E B A N K — F R A N K L IN . Incorporated June 15, 1889. Commenced business July 2, 1889. Capital to be accumulated, $1,000,000. J a m e s P. R a y , President. C . E . G r i f f i n , Secretary. C l a r e n c e E . G r i f f i n , Treasurer. Names of security committee: W m. E . N ason, John A . W aterm an, E u g e n e N. T h a i n . Regular meetings the first Tuesday o f each month. B a l a n c e S h e e t , O c t o b e r 31, 1890. L ia b il it ie s . A ssets. Loans on real estate, . Loans on shares, . Permanent expense account, Temporary expense account, Cash in hands of treasurer,. $5,450 100 262 26 1,007 00 00 80 39 10 $6,846 29 Dues capital............................ Profits capital (all series), Interest,.................................. Premiums, . . . . F i n e s , .................................. Transfer fees, . . . . Guaranty fund, Withdrawal profits, 00 89 49 11 06 25 2 02 2 47 $ 6 ,6 5 7 63 109 8 3 $ 6 ,8 4 6 29 How are shares issued, — quarterly, semi-annually or annually ? Semi annually. . Number of shares issued during the year, ................................................72 Number o f shares now in force, . 460 Number of shares now borrowed upon,................................................... 39 Largest number of shares held by any one member, . . . . 20 Number of shares withdrawn during the year, . . . . .119 Amount of dues received during the y e a r , ................................................... $5,801 00 Highest per centum of interest received during the year: 6£. Lowest per centum of interest received during the year: 6|. Number of members withdrawn during the year................................... 31 Present number of members........................................................................... 93 Present number o f b o r r o w e r s , ........................................... 7 Present number of n o n - b o r r o w e r s ,........................................................ 86 Number o f loans secured by first mortgage of real estate, . . . 6 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 32 BANK C O M M ISSIO N E D ’ REPORT. Amount of loans secured by first mortgage of real estate, . . . . Number and amount of loans on s h a r e s , ................................... 2 Largest loan to any one m em b er,.................................................................... Smallest loan to any one member,................................................... 50 Amount of expenses of the corporation for the year ending Oct. 31, 1890, . Amount of profits credited to shares during the y e a r , ................. 63 6,256 Amount of cash received during the y e a r , .................................. Amount of cash paid during the year.............................................. 6,107 Date of examination by commissioner: September 4. [Jan. $5,450 00 100 00 1,400 00 00 50 92 89 71 48 July, 1889, Oct., 1889, Jan., 1890, July, 1890, 392 17 45 4 6 $16 13 10 4 16 11 03 00 Total Value. 1 2 3 Value per Share. No. of Shares. D ate I ssue . of Series. Reconciliation o f Share Account with Dues and Profits Capital. $6,334 78 170 180 Dues paid in advance, Dues capital, as per ledger, Profits capital (all series), as per ledger, . Unpaid dues, $6,657 00 Total.............................. $6,793 89 63 89 73 00 30 00 Total, . $6,793 89 Co m m o n w e a lth N orfolk, 72 66 51 00 of M a s sa c h u s e t t s . ss . N ov . 5, 1890. Personally appeared Clarence E. Griffin, Secretary of said bank, and made oath that the foregoing report, by him subscribed, is true. Before me, N orfolk, W il l ia m ss . R o c k w o o d , Justice of the Peace. N ov . 5, 1890 Personally appeared Clarence E. Griffin, Treasurer of said bank, and made oath that the securities and cash specified in the foregoing report, by him subscribed, were held by him at the date thereof. Before me, N orfolk, W il l i a m ss . R o c k w o o d , Justice of the Peace. N ov . 10, 1890. Personally appeared James P. Ray, President, and L. W. Milliken, Wm. E. Nason, Wm. A. WyckofF, J. A. Waterman and E. N. Thain, directors of said bank, and made oath that the above report is correct, according to their best knowledge and belief Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Before me, W il l i a m R o c k w o o d , Justice of the Peace. 33 PUBLIC DOCUMENT — No. 8. 1891.] D E D H A M CO -O P E R A TIV E B A N K — D E D H A M . Incorporated Feb. 11, 1886. Commenced business Feb. 18, 1886. Capital to be accumulated, $1,000,000. F. F. F a v o r , President. A. F. G il e s , Secretary. T h om a s P. M u r r a y , Treasurer. Names of security committee : W m. G. W are, John W O. W . WlTHINGTON. ardle, Jr., Regular meetings the third Tuesday of each month. B alance Sheet , October 31, 1890. L ia b il it ie s . A ssets. Loans on real estate, . Loans on shares, . Permanent expense account, Interest unpaid, . Premium unpaid, Fines unpaid, Cash in hands of treasurer,. $12,225 1,835 141 15 00 00 51 00 90 3 40 1,273 20 Dues capital, . . . . Profits capital (all series), Surplus,.................................. Guaranty fund, Forfeited share account, $15,494 0L How are shares issued, — quarterly, semi-annually or annually ? Semiannually. Number of shares issued during the year, . . 237 . 619 Number o f shares now in force, . . . . . 160 Number o f shares now borrowed upon, . 25 Largest number o f shares held by any one member, . 121 Number of shares withdrawn during the year, Amount o f dues received during the year, . Highest premium received during the year, . • Lowest premium received during the year, . . 24 Number of members withdrawn during the year, . 123 Present number o f members, . . . . . 24 Present number of borrowers, . . . . . 99 . Present number of non-borrowers, . 14 Number of loans secured by first mortgage of real estate, . Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis $14,130 1,335 1 21 6 00 11 15 17 58 $15,494 01 $6,749 00 15 05 34 BANK COMMISSIONERS’ REPORT. Amount of loans secured by first mortgage of real estate, . . . . Number and amount of loans on s h a r e s , ........................................... 15 Largest loan to any one m em ber,.................................................................... Smallest loan to any one m e m b e r , ............................................................ Amount o f expenses of the corporation for the year ending Oct. 31, 1890, . Amount o f profits credited to shares during the y e a r ,.................................. Amount of cash received during the y e a r , .................................. 7,685 8,067 Amount of cash paid during the y e a r ,.......................................... Date o f examination by commissioner: June 11. [Jan. $12,225 00 1,835 00 1,800 00 40 00 124 70 706 26 67 06 Feb., May, Nov., May, Nov., May, Nov., May, Nov., May, 1886, 1886, 1886, 1887, 1887, 1888, 1888, 1889, 1889, 1890, . 67 17 20 12 22 68 23 169 41 180 $65 61 54 46 39 32 25 18 12 6 70 86 40 65 38 31 47 82 36 09 Total Value. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Value per Share. No. of Shares. D ate I ssue. of Series. Reconciliation o f Share Account with Dues and Profits Capital. $4,401 1,051 1,088 559 866 2,197 585 3,180 506 1,096 Dues capital, as per ledger, Profits capital (all series), as per ledger, . Unpaid dues, $14,130 00 1,335 11 90 00 21 00 Dues paid in advance, $15,555 11 Total, . Co m m o n w e a l t h N orfolk, 90 62 00 80 36 08 81 58 76 20 ss . of Total, . . . . $15,555 11 M assach u setts. N ov . 18, 1890. Personally appeared A. F. Giles, Secretary o f said bank, and made oath that the foregoing report, by him subscribed, is true. Before me, N orfolk, ss . H e n r y S m i t h , Justice of the Peace. N ov . 18, 1890. Personally appeared Thos. P. Murray, Treasurer of said bank, and made oath that the securities and cash specified in the foregoing report, by him subscribed, were held by him at the date thereof. Before me, N orfolk, ss . H e n r y S m it h , Justice of the Peace. N ov . 18, 1890. Personally appeared F. F. Favor, President, and F. L. Babcock, J. Yarnum Abbott, H. G. Turner, Wm. G. Ware and O. W. Withington, directors of said bank, and made oath that the above report is correct, according to their best knowledge and belief. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Before me, H e n r y S m i t h , Justice of the Peace. 1891.] PUBLIC DOCUMENT — No. 8. 35 DO RCH ESTER C O -O P E R A TIV E B A N K — BOSTON-. Incorporated Aug. 21, 1890. Commenced business Sept. 10, 1890. Capital to be accumulated, $1,000,000. H e r b e r t S. C a r r u t h , President. F r a n k E . B r i g h a m , Secretary. F r a n k E . B r ig h a m , Treasurer. Names of security committee: Sam ’l Gan n ett, G e o . L. B u r t , C harles J. H o m e r P i e r c e , J o se p h E . H a l l , B. F o x . Regular meetings the second Wednesday of each month. B alance Sheet , October 31, 1890. A ssets. Loans on real estate, . Permanent expense account, Cash in hands of treasurer,. L ia b il it ie s . $500 00 87 81 2,438 40 Dues capital, . . . . Interest,.................................. Premiums, ' . Fines, . . $3,026 21 How are shares issued, — quarterly, semi-annually or annually ? annually. Number o f shares issued during the year, . . . . . * Number o f shares now in f o r c e , ........................................... Number o f shares now borrowed upon, . . . . Largest number of shares held by any one member, . Amount o f dues received during the year, . . . . Highest premium received during the year, . . . . Lowest premium received during the year.............................. Present number o f members, . . . . Present number o f b o r r o w e r s , .......................................... Present number of n o n - b o r r o w e r s ,.................................. Number of loans secured by first mortgage of real estate, . Amount of loans secured by first mortgage of real estate, . . Largest loan to any one m em ber,.......................................... • . Smallest loan to any one m e m b e r , .................................. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis $3,018 00 2 50 13 5 58 $3,026 21 Semi1,462 1,462 3 . 25 $3,018 00 05 05 . 195 1 . 194 1 . . . . 500 00 500 00 500 00 [Jan. BANK COMMISSIONERS’ REPORT. 36 Amount of expenses of the corporation for the year ending Oct. 31, 1890, . Amount of cash received during the y e a r , ................................................... Amount of cash paid during the y e a r ,........................................................... Date of examination by commissioner : December 4. $87 81 3,026 21 587 81 1 Sept., 1890, Dues paid in advance, 1,462 $2 00 . . . Total Value. Value per Share. D ate I ssue. of No. of Shares. Series. Reconciliation o f Share Account with Dues and Profits Capital. $2,924 00 $3,120 00 Co m m o n w ea lth Su f f o l k , ss . $3,018 00 102 00 196 00 . Total................................................. Dues capital, as per ledger, Unpaid dues, of Total, . . . . $3,120 00 M assach u setts. N ov . 20, 1890. Personally appeared Frank E. Brigham, Secretary of said bank, and made oath that the foregoing report, by him subscribed, is true. Before me, Su ffo lk , I r a C. H e r s e y , Justice of the Peace. Nov. 20, ss . Personally appeared Frank E. Brigham, Treasurer of said bank, and made oath that the securities and cash specified in the foregoing report, by him subscribed, were held by him at the date thereof. Before me, I r a C. H e r s e y , Justice of the Peace. Suffolk, ss . N ov . 20,1890. Personally appeared Herbert S. Carruth, President, and Joseph E. Hall, Ivers W. Adams, F. H. Viaux, J. Homer Pierce and Chas. B. Fox, directors of said bank, and made oath that the above report is correct, according to their best knowledge and belief. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Before me, I r a C. H e r s e y , Justice of the Peace. 1890. 1891.] 37 PUBLIC DOCUMENT — No. 8. EC ONO M Y C O -O P E R A T IV E B A N K — M ER R IM A C . Incorporated July 26, 1889. Commenced business Aug. 12, 1889. Capital to be accumulated, $1,000,000. G e o . A d a m s , President. B a i l e y S a r g e n t , Secretary. B a i l e y S a r g e n t , Treasurer. Names of security committee : I sa ac B. L i t t l e , F r a n k E. P e a s e , E d . C. H o p k in s . Regular meetings the second Monday of each month. B a l a n c e S h e e t , O c t o b e r 31, 1890. A ssets. Loans on real estate, . Permanent expense account, Temporary expense account, Cash in hands of treasurer,. L ia b il it ie s . $6,950 155 7 851 00 00 00 35 $7,963 35 Dues capital, . . . . Profits capital (all series), . Interest,.................................. Premiums................................ F i n e s , .................................. Transfer fees, . . . . Surplus.................................... Guaranty fund, Withdrawal profits, $7,669 154 108 12 5 00 44 18 75 01 25 11 93 1 61 18 $7,963 35 How are shares issued — quarterly, semi-annually or annually ? Semi annually. Number of shares issued during the y e a r , .......................................... 332 Number of shares now in f o r c e , ........................................................... 721 Number o f shares now borrowed u p o n , .......................................... 37 Largest number of shares held by any one member.............................. 25 Number of shares withdrawn during the y e a r , .................................. 8 Amount of dues received during the year........................................................ $6,568 00 Highest premium received during the y e a r ,................................................... Lowest premium received during the y e a r , ................................................... Number of members withdrawn during the year, . . . . 3 Present number of m e m b e r s , ........................................................... 124 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 15 05 38 BANK COMMISSIONERS’ REPORT. [Jan. Present number of b o r r o w e r s , ........................................................... 9 Present number o f n o n - b o r r o w e r s , ................................................... 115 Number of loans secured by first mortgage of real estate, . . . 9 Amount of loans secured by first mortgage of real estate, . . . . $6,950 00 Largest loan to any one member....................................................................... 1,400 00 Smallest loan to any one member,.................................................................... 50 00 Amount of expenses of the corporation for the year ending Oct. 31, 1890, . 17 13 Amount of profits credited to shares during the y e a r ,................... 156 24 Amount o f cash received during the y e a r , ................................................... 6,865 83 Amount o f cash paid during the y e a r ,............................................................6,519 80 Date of examination by commissioner: August 21. Aug., 1889, Feb., 1890, Aug., 1890, 1 2 3 395 136 190 $15 36 9 09 3 00 $6,067 20 1,236 24 570 00 Dues capital, as per ledger, Profits capital (all series), as per ledger, . Unpaid dues, $7,669 00 154 44 52 00 2 00 Dues paid in advance, $7,875 44 Total, . Com m o n w ea lth E ssex , « Total Value. Value per Share. No. of Shares. D ate of I ssue. Series. Reconciliation o f Share Account ivith Dues and Profits Capital. of Total, . . . . $7,875 44 Ma ssa ch u setts. N ov . 18, 1890. ss . Personally appeared Bailey Sargent, Secretary of said bank, and made oath that the foregoing report, by him subscribed, is true. Before me, E ssex , T h o m a s H. H o yt , Justice of the Peace. N ov . 18, 1890. ss. Personally appeared Bailey Sargent, Treasurer of said bank, and made oath that the securities and cash specified in the foregoing report, by him subscribed, were held by him at the date thereof. Before me, E ssex, T h om a s H. H o y t , Justice of the Peace. N ov . 18, 1890. ss . Personally appeared George Adams, President, and Isaac B. Little, Frank E. Pease, S. A. McConnell, E. C. Hopkins and Chas. A. King, directors of said bank, and made oath that the above report is correct, according to their best knowledge and belief. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Before me, T h o m a s H. H o y t , Justice of the Peaee. 39 PUBLIC DOCUMENT — No. 8. 1891.] EN TE R P R ISE CO -O P E R A TIV E B A N K — EAST BOSTON. Incorporated Mar. 31, 1888. Commenced business April 3, 1888. Capital to be accumulated, $1,000,000. J o sh u a N. T a y l o r , President. H o r a c e B. B u t l e r , Secretary. H o r a c e B. B u t l e r , Treasurer. Names of security committee: Jam es T ow n sen d , W Ch as. T. W m. G. E m e r y ’, it t . Regular meetings the third Wednesday of each month. B alance Sheet , October 31, 1890. L ia b il it ie s . A ssets. Loans on real estate, . Loans on shares, . Permanent expense account, Temporary expense account, Office fixtures, F in e s ,.................................. Cash in hands of treasurer,. $55,300 1,800 1,015 191 103 3 7,761 00 00 69 21 02 95 84 $66,175 71 Dues capital, . . . . Profits capital (all series), Interest,.................................. Premiums, . . . . Transfer fees, . . . . Surplus.................................... Guaranty fund, Forfeited share account, Withdrawal profits, Security committee, $61,554 3,233 289 27 1 962 50 32 00 32 85 20 50 35 00 31 18 25 00 $66,175 71 How are shares issued, — quarterly, semi-annually or annually? Semi annually. Number o f shares issued during the y e a r , ..................................1,144 Number o f shares now in f o r c e , ...................................................3,610 Number o f shares now borrowed upon....................................................315 Largest number of shares held by any one member, . . . . 25 Number o f shares withdrawn during the y e a r , .................................. 259 Number of shares forfeited during the y e a r , .................................. 8 Amount o f dues received during the y e a r , ................................................... $36,831 00 Highest premium received during the year, ................................................... 15 Lowest premium received during the y e a r , ................................................... 95 Number o f members withdrawn during the year, . . . . 34 Present number o f members, ............................................................396 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis [Jan. BANK COMMISSIONERS’ REPORT. 40 Present number o f b o r r o w e r s , ................................................... Present number of n o n - b o r r o w e r s ,........................................... Number of loans secured by first mortgage of real estate, . Amount of loans secured by first mortgage of real estate, . Number and amount of loans on s h a r e s , .................................. Largest loan to any one member....................................................... Smallest loan to any one member,................................................... Amount of expenses of the corporation for the year ending Oct. 31, Amount of profits credited to shares during the year, . Amount o f cash received during the y e a r , .................................. Amount of cash paid during the y e a r ,........................................... Date of examination by commissioner: April 14. . 41 . 355 . 32 $55,300 1,800 3,500 50 583 2,598 42,410 42,081 9 1890, . 00 00 00 00 63 77 40 15 1888, 1888, 1889, 1889, 1890, 1890, 1 . . 2 3 4 5 6 64Ö 454 996 504 671 340 Total Value. April, Oct., April, Oct., April, Oct., Value per Share. D ate I ssue. of No. of Shares. Series. Reconciliation o f Share Account with Dues and Profits Capital. $33 33 26 48 19 82 13 36 7 09 1 00 $21,497 85 12,021 92 19,740 72 6,733 44 4,757 39 340 00 $61,554 00 3,233 32 471 00 • 167 00 Dues paid in advance, $65,258 32 Total, . C o m m onw ealth Su ffolk, Dues capital, as per ledger, Profits capital (all series), as per ledger, . Unpaid dues, ss . of Total.............................. $65,258 32 M a s sa c h u s e t t s . N ov . 8, 1890. Personally appeared Horace B. Butler, Secretary of said bank, and made oath that the foregoing report, by him subscribed, is true. Before me, J o h n H. T o w n s e n d , Justice of the Peace. Su ffolk, N o v . 8, 1890. ss . Personally appeared Horace B. Butler, Treasurer of said bank, and made oath that the securities and cash specified in the foregoing report, by him subscribed, were held by him at the date thereof. Before me, J o h n H. T o w n s e n d , Justice of the Peace. Suffolk, N ov . 8, 1890. ss . Personally appeared Joshua N. Taylor, President, and J. Townsend, Wm. G. Emery, Frank E. Dimick, Wm. D. Gardner and Chas. T. Witt, directors of said bank, and made oath that the above report is correct, according to their best knowledge and belief. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Before me, J o h n H. T o w n s e n d , Justice of the Peace. 41 PUBLIC DOCUMENT — No. 8. 1891.] E Q U IT A B L E C O -O P E R A TIV E B A N K — L Y N N . Incorporated September, 1877. Commenced business October, 1877. Capital to be accumulated, $1,000,000. Jam es H . R ic h a r d s , T h o s . C o l l y e r , Jr., Secretary. T h o s . C o l l y e r , Jr., Treasurer. President. Names of security committee: D. A. S u t h e r l a n d , T. E. W a r d , E. N. H a i n e s . Regular meetings the first Monday of each month. Balance Sheet , October 31, 1890. A ssets. L ia b il it ie s . $128,478 87 Loans on real estate, . 7,670 00 Loans on shares, . 63 85 Temporary expense account, 480 00 Safe account, Cash in hands o f treasurer,. 193 96 $120,306 78 Dues capital, . . . . 15,067 70 Profits capital (all series), . 378 51 Interest,.................................. 327 74 Surplus,.................................. 508 00 Guaranty fund, 67 89 Forfeited ¿hare account, 230 06 Suspense account, . $136,886 68 $136,886 68 How are shares issued, — quarterly, semi-annually or annually ? annually. Number of shares issued during the y e a r , .................................. Number of shares now in f o r c e , ................................................... Number o f shares now borrowed u p o n , .................................. Largest number o f shares held by any one member, . Number o f shares withdrawn during the year, . . . . Number o f shares matured during the year, . . . . Amount o f dues received during the y e a r , .................................. Highest premium received during the y e a r ,.................................. Lowest premium received during the y e a r , .................................. Number o f members withdrawn during the year, Present number o f members,........................................................... Present number o f b o r r o w e r s , ................................................... Present number of n o n - b o r r o w e r s ,........................................... Number o f loans secured by first mortgage of real estate, . Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Semi2,790 5,655 1,117 . 25 1,367 3 / . $56,030 00 17 01 . 186 . 840 . 140 . 700 . 92 42 BANK COMMISSIONERS’ REPORT. [Jan. Amount o f loans secured by first mortgage of real estate, . . . . $128,478 87 Number and amount of loans on shares................................................... 48 7,67000 Largest loan to any one m em b er,.................................................................... 4,400 00 Smallest loan to any one member,.................................................................... 10 00 Amount of expenses of the corporation for the year ending Oct. 31, 1890, . 699 53 Amount of profits credited to shares during the year..................................... 6,504 67 Amount o f cash received during the y e a r , .................................. 82,626 30 Amount of cash paid during the year.............................................. 82,910 69 Date of examination by commissioner : April 4. Oct., 1879, April, 1880, Oct., 1880, April, 1881, July, 1881, Oct,, 1881, April, 1882, Oct., 1882, April, 1883, Oct., 1883, April, 1884, Oct., 1884, April, 1885, Oct., 1885, April, 1886, Oct., 1886, April, 1887, Oct., 1887, April, 1888, Oct., 1888, April, 1889, Oct., 1889, April, 1890, Oct., 1890, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 22 12 30 14 12 17 39 8 27 26 48 63 56 97 56 164 172 261 376 357 690 815 1,185 1,108 Total, . $181 65 171 08 160 78 150 67 145 67 140 85 131 18 121 79 112 79 103 72 95 03 86 53 78 29 70 29 62 50 54 88 47 48 40 26 33 25 26 42 19 80 13 35 7 09 1 00 Total Value. Value per Share. D ate Issue. No. of Shares. of Series. Reconciliation o f Share Account with Dues and Profits Capital. $3,996 30 2,052 96 4,823 40 2,109 38 1,748 04 2,394 45 5,116 02 974 32 3,045 33 2,696 72 4,561 44 5,451 39 4,384 24 6,818 13 3,500 00 9,000 32 8,166 56 10,507 86 12,502 00 9,431 94 13,662 00 10,880 25 8,401 65 1,108 00 $137,332 70 Co m m onw ealth E ssex , of Dues capital, as per ledger, $120,306 78 Profits capital (all series), 15,067 70 as per ledger, . 1,958 22 Unpaid dues, Total, . . . . $137,332 70 M a s sa c h u s e t t s . N ov . 20, 1890. ss . Personally appeared Thos. Collyer, Jr., Secretary of said bank, and made oath that the foregoing report, by him subscribed, is true. Before me, E ssex, J ac ob M . L e w i s , Justice of the Peace. N ov . 20, 1890. ss . Personally appeared Thos. Collyer, Jr., Treasurer of said bank, and made oath that the securities and cash specified in the foregoing report, by him subscribed, were held by him at the date thereof. Before me, E ssex, ss . J a c ob M . L e w i s , Justice of the Peace. N ov . 20, 1890. Personally appeared James H. Richards, President, and H. W . Howard, Zephaniah L. Seymour, Ralph W . Putnam, E. H. Haines and Thos. Collyer, Jr., directors of said bank, and made oath that the above report is correct, according to their best knowledge and belief. J ac ob M . L e w i s , Justice of the Peace. Before me, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1891.] 43 PUBLIC DOCUMENT — No. 8. E Q U IT Y CO -O P E R A TIV E B A N K — W O R C E ST E R . Incorporated Feb. 9, 1887. Commenced business March 17, 1887. Capital to be accumulated, $1,000,000. T. J. H a s t in g s , Secretary. I v e e J o h n so n , President. T. J. H a s t in g s , Treasurer. Names o f security committee: E. J. B a r d w e l l , D a n ie l P a r l i n , U r g e l Ja c q u e s. Regular meetings the Thursday preceding the third Monday of each month. B alance Sheet , October 31, 1890. A ssets. L ia b il it ie s . Loans on real estate, . $102,425 00 Loans on shares, . 3,015 00 Permanent expense account, 370 00 Temporary expense account, 120 64 Suspense account, 565 23 Cash in hands of treasurer, . 3,991 60 $100,169 00 Dues capital, . . . . 8,503 14 Profits capital (all series), 1,255 56 Interest,.................................. 63 38 Fines, . . . 3 00 Transfer f ees, . . . . 347 83 Surplus,.................................. 111 00 Guaranty fund, 34 56 Forfeited share account, $110,487 47 $110,487 47 How are shares issued, — quarterly, semi-annually or annually ? Semi annually. Number o f shares issued during the y e a r , .................................. 1,555 Number o f shares now in f o r c e , ................................................... 4,298 Number o f shares now borrowed u p o n , ..............................................548 Largest number of shares held by any one member, . . . . 25 Number o f shares withdrawn during the y e a r , .................................. 861 Number of shares forfeited during the y e a r , .................................. 14 Amount of dues received during the y e a r , ................................................... $48,875 00 Highest per centum o f interest received during the year: 7\. Lowest per centum o f interest received during the year: 6. Number of members withdrawn during the year, . . . . 102 Present number of members,....................................................................... 488 Present number of b o r r o w e r s , ................................................................ 82 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 44 BANK COMMISSIONERS’ REPORT. Present number of n o n - b o r r o w e r s , ........................................... Number o f loans secured by first mortgage of real estate, . Amount of loans secured by first mortgage of real estate, . Number and amount of loans on s h a r e s , .................................. Largest loan to any one m e m b e r,................................................... Smallest loan to anv one member,................................................... Amount o f expenses of the corporation for the year ending Oct. 31, Amount of profits credited to shares during the year, . Amount o f cash received during the y e a r , .................................. Amount of cash paid during the y e a r , ........................................... Date of examination by commissioner: January 17. [Jan. . 406 . 78 . 21 1890, . , $102,425 3,015 5,000 50 657 5,439 64,194 66,913 00 00 00 00 84 85 31 31 Mar , Sept., Mar., Sept., Mar., Sept., Mar., Sept., 1887, 1887, 1888, 1888, 1889, 1889, 1890, 1890, 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 971 234 466 276 583 526 926 316 $49 41 34 27 20 14 8 2 20 82 63 68 94 42 11 00 Total Value. Value per Share. No. of Shares. D ate I ssue . of Series. Reconciliation o f Share Account with Dues and Profits Capital. $47,773 9,785 16,137 7,639 12,208 7,584 7,509 632 Dues paid in advance, Dues capital, as per ledger, $100,169 00 Profits capital (all series), as per ledger, . 8,503 14 Unpaid dues, 950 00 351 00 Total, . $109,622 14 Com m o n w ea lth W 20 88 58 68 02 92 86 00 o r c e s t e r , ss . of Total.............................. $109,622 14 M a s sa c h u s e t t s . N ov . 10, 1890. Personally appeared T. J. Hastings, Secretary of said bank, and made oath that the foregoing report, by him subscribed, is true. Before me, W o rcester, ss. M a r v in M . T a v l o r , Justice of the Peace. N ov . 10, 1890. Personally appeared T. J. Hastings, Treasurer of said bank, and made oath that the securities and cash specified in the foregoing report, by him subscribed, were held by him at the date thereof. Before me, W orcester, ss . M a r v in M . T a y l o r , Justice of the Peace. N ov . 15, 1890. Personally appeared J. B. Willard, Vice-President, and H. E. Fayerweather, Chas. L. Gates, Urgel Jacques, Everett J. Bardwell and H. G. Crane, directors of said bank, and made oath that the above report is correct, according to their best knowledge and belief. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Before me, E d w a r d B. G l a s g o w , Justice of the Peace. 1891.] PUBLIC DOCUMENT — No. 8. 45 E V E R E T T CO -O P E R A TIV E B A N K — E V E R E T T . Incorporated Sept. 24, 1890. Commenced business Oct. 14, 1890. Capital to be accumulated, $1,000,000. S a m ’ l F r e e m a n , 2d, President. C h a s E. J e n n in g s , Secretary. C h as E. J e n n in g s , Treasurer. Names of security committee : E dw . C. M e a d , N a t h a n ie l A. D i l l , Ch a s. H . Sp en cer. Regular meetings the second Tuesday of each month. Balance Sheet , October 31, 1890. L ia b il it ie s . A ssets. Cash in hands o f treasurer,. $566 30 Dues capital, . . . . Interest,.................................. Premiums, . . . . $566 30 $563 00 3 00 30 $566 30 How are shares issued, — quarterly, semi-annually or annually ? Semi annually. Number of shares issued during the y e a r , .......................................... 563 Number of shares now in f o r c e , ........................................................... 563 Largest number o f shares held by any one member, . . . . 25 Amount of dues received during the year.........................................................$563 00 Present number of m e m b e r s , ........................................................... 95 Present number o f non-borrowers............................................................ 95 Amount of cash received during the y e a r , ................................................... 566 30 Date of examination by commissioner : December 15. Total Value. $563 00 T ota l,............................................... $563 00 D ate Issu e. Oct., 1890, No. of Shares. $1 00 op Series. Value per Share. i Reconciliation o f Share Account with Dues and Profits Capital. 1 563 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Dues capita?, as per ledger, Total, . . . . $563 00 $563 00 46 BANK COMMISSIONERS’ REPORT. Co m m o n w ea lth M id d l e s e x , ss. of [Jan M assa ch u setts. N ov . 22, 1890. Personally appeared Chas. E. Jennings, Secretary of said bank, and made oath that the foregoing report, by him subscribed, is true. Before me, M id d l e s e x , ss . S a m u e l P. C a n n e l l , Justice of the Peace. N ov . 22, 1890. Personally appeared Chas. E. Jennings, Treasurer of said bank, and made oath that the securities and cash specified in the foregoing report, by him subscribed, were held by him at the date thereof. Before me, M id d l e s e x , ss . Sa m u e l P. C a n n e l l , Justice of the Peace. N ov . 21, 1890. Personally appeared Samuel Freeman, 2d, President, and Edw. C. Mead, Geo. F. Foster, N. A. Dill, Jas. E.Freeman and Geo. E.Smith,directors of said bank, and made oath that the abovereport iscorrect, according to theirbest knowledge and belief. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Before me, J o se p h H. Ca n n e l l , Justice of the Peace. 1891.] PUBLIC DOCUMENT — No. 8 47 F A L L R IV E R CO -O P E R A TIV E B A N K — F A L L R IV E R . Incorporated Dec. 1, 1888. Commenced business Dec. 12, 1888. Capital to be accumulated, $1,000,000. J o h n B a r l o w , President. G e o . O. L a t h r o p , Secretary. R o d o l p h u s N. A l l e n , Treasurer. Names of security committee : Chas. F. T r i p p , John B a k l o w , H enry W a r in g . Regular meetings the second Wednesday of each month. B a l a n c e S h e e t , O c t o b e r 31, 1890. A ssets. Loans on real estate, . Permanent expense account, F in e s ,.................................. Cash in hands of treasurer,. Cash in hands of secretary,. L ia b il it ie s . $43,600 70 3 102 31 00 90 56 81 38 $43,808 65 Dues capital, . . . . Profits capital (all series), Interest,.................................. Premiums, . . . . Guaranty fund, Forfeited share account, $41,769 1,542 402 33 60 00 94 75 01 37 58 $43,808 65 How are shares issued, — quarterly, semi-annually or annually ? Semi annually. Number o f shares issued during the y e a r , .................................. 1,664 Number of shares now in f o r c e , ................................................... 3,240 Number of shares now borrowed u p o n , .......................................... 225 Largest number of shares held by any one member, . . . . 25 Number o f shares withdrawn during the y e a r , .................................. 579 Number of shares forfeited during the year,.......................................... 5 Amount of dues received during the y e a r , ................................................... $31,678 00 Highest premium received during the y e a r ,................................................... 11 Lowest premium received during the y e a r , ................................................... 08 Number of members withdrawn during the year, . . . . 91 Present number o f m e m b e r s , ............................................................400 Present number of borrowers....................................................................35 Present number o f non-borrowers, . . . . . . . 365 Number of loans secured by first mortgage of real estate, . . . 36 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 48 BANK COMMISSIONERS’ REPORT. Amount o f loans secured by first mortgage of real estate, . Largest loan to any one member............................................................... Smallest loan to any one m e m b e r , ................................................... Amount of expenses of the corporation for the year ending Oct. 31, 1890, Amount of profits credited to shares during the year, . . . . Amount of cash received during the y e a r , ........................................... Amount of cash paid during the y e a r ,................................................... Date of examination by commissioner : March 17. [Jan. $45,150 00 4,300 00 200 00 281 88 1,476 36 38,723 12 38,620 01 Dec., Mar., Sept., Mar., Sept., 1888, 1889, 1889, 1890, 1890, . . . . 1 2 3 4 5 891 305 571 761 712 Dues paid in advance, $24 14 20 83 14 36 8 Ò9 2 00 Total Value. Value per Share. D ate I ssue. of No. of Shares. Series. Reconciliation o f Share Account with Dues and Profits Capital. $21,508 6,353 8,199 6,156 1,424 74 15 56 49 00 $43,815 94 Com m onw ealth ss . Dues capital, as per ledger, Profits capital (all series), as per ledger, . Unpaid dues, $41,769 00 1,542 94 504 00 174 00 . Total, . B r is t o l , • of Total, . . $43,815 94 M a s sa c h u s e t t s . N ov . 26, 1890. Personally appeared Geo. O. Lathrop, Secretary of said bank, and made oath that the foregoing report, by him subscribed, is true. Before me, A r t h u r S. P h i l l i p s , Justice of the Peace. B r is t o l , ss . N ov . 25, 1890. Personally appeared R. N. Allen, Treasurer of said bank, and made oath that the securities and cash specified in the foregoing report, by him subscribed, were held by him at the date thereof. Before me, A r t h u r S. P h i l l i p s , Justice of the Peace. B r is t o l , ss . N o v . 26, 1890. Personally appeared John Barlow, President, and Chas. T. Tripp, E. W. Borden, Alfred H. Hood, A. N. Lincoln and Henry Waring, directors of said bank, and made oath that the above report is correct, according to their best knowledge and belief. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Before me, A r t h u r S. P h i l l i p s , Justice of the Peace. 1891.] 49 PUBLIC DOCUMENT — No. 8 F E D E R A L C O -O P E R A TIV E B A N K — BOSTON-. Incorporated Jan. 29, 1890. Commenced business Feb. 6, 1890. Capital to be accumulated, $1,000,000. B il l in g s B . R e e d , President. W m. W ■ ardw ell, W i. W ardw ell, Secretary. Treasurer. Names of security committee: Jos. B. B r a g d o n , W m . B. H a y p o r d , Frank W . E ldrege, C h a s . H . H a in e s , F r a n c is G. W a s h b u r n . Regular meetings the first Thursday of each month. B a l a n c e S h e e t , O c t o b e r 31, 1890. A ssets. Loans on real estate, . Loans on shares, . Permanent expense account, Cash in hands of treasurer,. L ia b il it ie s . $4,200 225 124 569 00 00 38 07 $5,118 45 Dues capital, . . . . Profits capital (all series), Interest,.................................. Premiums, . . . . Fines, . . Transfer fees, . . . . Surplus, . . Guaranty fund, Withdrawal profits, $5,003 44 61 3 1 00 55 75 10 02 10 1 73 2 60 60 $5,118 45 How are shares issued, — quarterly, semi-annually or annually? Semi annually. Number o f shares issued during the y e a r , ...........................................816 Number o f shares now in f o r c e , ........................................................... 749 Number of shares now borrowed u p o n , ...........................................65 . . . 25 Largest number o f shares held by any one member, . Number of shares withdrawn during the y e a r , .................................. 67 Amount o f dues received during the y e a r , ................................................... $5,275 00 Highest premium received during the year, . . . . . . . 05 Lowest premium received during the y e a r , ................................................... 05 Number o f members withdrawn during the year, . . . . 10 Present number o f m e m b e r s , ............................................................138 Present number o f b o r r o w e r s , ............................................................8 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 50 BANK COMMISSIONERS’ REPORT. [Jan. Present number of n o n - b o r r o w e r s ,................................................... 130 Number of loans secured by first mortgage of real estate, . . . 4 Amount o f loans secured by first mortgage of real estate, . . . . Number and amount of loans on s h a r e s , ........................................... 4 Largest loan to any one m em b er,.................................................................... Smallest loan to any one member,.................................................................... Amount of expenses of the corporation for the year ending Oct. 31, 1890, . Amount of profits credited to shares during the y e a r,.................................. Amount of cash received during the y e a r , .................................. 5,443 ........................... 4,874 Amount o f cash paid during the year, . * Date o f examination by commissioner: May 5. $4,200 00 225 00 1,900 00 25 00 52 64 47 70 80 73 Feb., 1890, Aug., 1890, 495 254 $9 09 3 00 Total Value. 1 2 Value per Share. No. of Shares. D ate I ssue . of Series. Reconciliation o f Share Account with Dues and Profits Capital. $4,499 55 762 00 Dues capital, as per ledger, Profits capital (all series), as per ledger, . Unpaid dues, Dues paid in advance, 44 55 285 00 71 00 $5,332 55 Total, . Co m m o n w ea lth Su ffo lk , $5,003 00 of Total, . . . . $5,332 55 M a s sa c h u s e t t s . Dec. 1, 1890. ss. Personally appeared Wm. Ward well, Secretary of said bank, and made oath that the foregoing report, by him subscribed, is true. Before me, Suffolk, S a m ’ l H. L o n g l e y , Justice of the Peace. Dec. 1, 1890. ss . Personally appeared Wm. Wardwell, Treasurer of said bank, and made oath that the securities and cash specified in the foregoing report, by him subscribed, were held by him at the date thereof. Before me, Su ffo lk , S a m ’ l H. L o n g l e y , Justice of the Peace. Dec. 1, 1890. ss . Personally appeared Billings B. Reed, President, and Frank W . Eldredge, Jos. B. Bragdon, Chas. H. Haines, D. L. White and E. F. Blossom, directors o f said bank, and made oath that the above report is correct, according to their best knowledge and belief. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Before me, S a m ’ l H. L o n g l e y , Justice of the Peace. 1891.] PUBLIC DOCUMENT — No. 8. 51 F ID E L IT Y C O -O P ER ATIV E B A N K — F ITC H B U R G . Incorporated April 25, 1888. Commenced business May 8, 1888. Capital to be accumulated, $>1,000,000. G eo . E . C l if f o r d , President. W . G . H a t e s , Secretary. W. G. H a y e s , Treasurer. Names of security committee : H. G . M o r s e , L. H. G oodnovv, W il l ia m E d w ards. Regular meetings the second Tuesday of each month. B a l a n c e S h e e t , O c t o b e r 31, 1890. A ssets. Loans on real estate, . Loans on shares, . Permanent expense account, Temporary expense account, Unpaid interest, premiums and fines, . . . . Taxes paid, . . . . Cash in hands of treasurer,. L ia b il it ie s . $84,200 4,665 200 32 00 00 00 50 853 54 62 80 1,600 48 Dues capital............................. Profits capital (all series), Interest,.................................. Premiums, . . . . F i n e s , .................................. Transfer fees, Guaranty fund, Forfeited share account, Withdrawal profits, $91,614 32 How are shares issued, — quarterly, semi-annually or annually? annually. Number o f shares issued during the y e a r , .................................. Number o f shares now in f o r c e , ................................................... Number o f shares now borrowed u p o n , .................................. Largest number of shares held by any one member, . Number o f shares withdrawn during the year, . . . . Number o f shares forfeited during the year, . . . . Amount of dues received during the y e a r , .................................. Highest premium received during the year, . . . . Lowest premium received during the year, . .' Number o f members withdrawn during the year, Present number of members,........................................................... Present number o f b o r r o w e r s , ................................................... Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis $85,747 4,683 819 31 32 00 52 10 22 36 50 95 35 186 69 18 58 $91,614 32 Semi1,636 4,557 . 807 25 901 50 $50,888 00 50 02 126 561 102 52 BANK COMMISSIONERS’ REPORT. Present number of n o n - b o r r o w e r s ,.................................. Number o f loans secured by first mortgage of real estate, . Amount o f loans secured by first mortgage of real estate, . Number and amount of loans on shares, . . . . Largest loan to any one m em ber,........................................... Smallest loan to any one member,.......................................... Amount of expenses of the corporation for the year ending Oct Amount o f profits credited to shares during the year, . Amount o f cash received during the year, . . . . Amount o f cash paid during the y e a r ,.................................. Date of examination by commissioner : August 4. . . 459 66 . 36 1890, . # [Jan. $84,200 00 4,665 00 4,000 00 20 00 403 95 3,778 92 63,739 51 63,137 87 May, 1888, Sept., 1888, Mar., 1889, Sept., 1889, Mar., 1890, Sept., 1890, . . 1 2 3 4 5 6 1,478 436 798 616 681 548 $32 27 20 14 8 06 51 85 38 10 2 00 Total Value. Value per Share. D ate I ssue . of No. of Shares, j Series. Reconciliation o f Share Account with Dues and Profits Capital. $47,384 11,994 16,638 8,858 5,516 1,096 Dues capital, as per ledger, Profits capital (all series), as per ledger, . Unpaid dues, $85,747 00 4,683 52 1,533 00 476 00 Dues paid in advance, $91,963 52 Total, . Co m m o n w e a l t h W 68 36 30 08 10 00 o r c e s t e r , ss . of Total, . . . . $91,963 52 M a s sa c h u s e t t s . N ov . 6, 1890. Personally appeared W . G. Hayes, Secretary of said bank, and made oath that the foregoing report, by him subscribed, is true. Before me, W o r c e s t e r , ss . C h a s . F. R o c k w o o d , Justice of the Peace. N ov . 6, 1890. Personally appeared W . G. Hayes, Treasurer of said bank, and made oath that the securities and cash specified in the foregoing report, by him subscribed, were held by him at the date thereof. Before me, W o r c e s t e r , ss . C h a s . F. R o c k w o o d , Justice of the Peace. N ov . 12, 1890. Personally appeared Geo. E. Clifford, President, and W. C. Johnson, L. C. Albee, H. G. Morse, Geo. Reed and F. F. Farrar, directors of said bank, and made oath that the above report is correct, according to their best knowledge and belief. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Before me, S a m ’ l L. G r a v e s , Justice of the Peace. 1891.] 53 PUBLIC DOCUMENT — No. 8 F IT C H B U R G CO -O P ER ATIV E B A N K — F ITC H B U R G . Incorporated Oct. 27, 1877. Commenced business Nov. 8, 1877. Capital to be accumulated, $1,000,000. Jos. F . S im o n d s , Secretary. J a b e z F is h e r , President. C h a s . F . B a k e k , Treasurer. Names of security committee: J. D u d l e y L i t t l e h a l e , M a e t in W ebber. Regular meetings the third Thursday of each month. B a l a n c e S h e e t , O c t o b e r 31, 1890. L ia b il it ie s . A 8S E T 8. $426,195 00 Loans on real estate, . 22,000 00 Loans on shares, . Real estate by foreclosure, . 1,367 50 Unpaid dues, interest, pre12,155 86 miums and fines, 80 Myra A. Adams,. 173 23 Estate of A. Legros, . Estate o f Seth Twichell, 114 17 121 45 Estate of Peter Laflame, 155 44 Estate of Flora Morris, 5 35 Estate of Christine Flagg, . 1 14 Estate o f Geo. W. Morse, . 22 66 Estate o f C. M. Russell, Estate o f N. Onellet, . 6 91 Suspense account, 896 56 Cash in hands of treasurer,. 6,277 07 $391,314 00 Dues capital, . . . . 73,320 74 Profits capital (all series), . 279 84 Surplus..................................... 1,146 85 Guaranty fund, 271 56 Forfeited share account, 2,121 49 Advance dues, 115 13 Due sundry persons, 17 35 Due J. F. Simonds, 11 15 Estate of Edward Legros, 21 38 Estate of Chas. S. Keith, 53 05 Estate of Martha C. Twichell, 322 48 Estate of C. C. Kinsman, 63 91 Estate of Lurena Oliver, , 36 85 Estate of Andrew Pratt, 286 48 Estate of John F. Ballou, 99 03 Estate of D. Lafontaine, 11 85 Estate of Stanie Noel, . $469,493 14 $469,493 14 How are shares issued, — quarterly, semi-annually or annually ? annually. Number of shares issued during the year, . . . . Number of shares now in force, . ....................................... Number o f shares now borrowed upon, . . . . Largest number of shares held by any one member, . Number o f shares withdrawn during the year, Number o f shares forfeited during the year, . . . . Number of shares retired during the year, . . . . Number o f shares matured during the year,. . . . Amount of dues received during the year, . . . . Highest per centum o f interest received during the year: 7y6o8oLowest per centum o f interest received during the year: 6. Number o f members withdrawn during the year, . . . . Present number of members, , , . . , , Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Semi 9,875 2,508 . 25 1,793 . 46 . 219 . 43 30,114 17 233 1,196 54 BANK COMMISSIONERS’ REPORT. Present number o f b o r r o w e r s , ................................................... Present number of n o n - b o r r o w e r s ,.......................................... Number of loans secured by first mortgage of real estate, . Amount of loans secured by first mortgage of real estate, . Number and amount of loans on s h a r e s , .................................. Largest loan to any one m em b er,................................................... Smallest loan to any one member, . . . .■ Amount of expenses of the corporation for the year ending Oct. 31, Amount of profits credited to shares during the year, . Amount o f cash received during the y e a r , .................................. Amount of cash paid during the y e a r ,........................................... Date of examination by commissioner : August 4. [Jan. . 623 . 573 . 470 $426,195 22,000 4,000 10 1,151 1890, . 24,554 182,851 178,633 • . 153 00 00 00 00 31 88 52 78 May, 1879, Nov., 1879, May, 1880, Nov., 1880, May, 1881, Nov., 1881, May, 1882, Nov., 1882, May, 1883, Nov., 1883, May, 1884, Nov., 1884, May, 1885, Nov., 1885, May, 1886, Nov , 1886, May, 1887, Nov., 1887, May, 1888, Nov., 1888, May, 1889, Nov., 1889, May, 1890, . . . . 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 23 $198 77 78 187 04 111 175 65 82 164 73 123 153 97 114 143 53 162 133 38 138 123 54 222 113 99 215 104 70 95 68 233 190 86 94 216 78 44 251 70 19 503 62 18 403 54 39 860 46 85 848 39 53 827 32 41 834 25 53 1,085 18 86 1,175 12 38 1,182 6 10 Total, . Total Value. Value per Share. D ate I ssue. of No. of Shares. Series. Reconciliation o f Share Account with Dues and Profits Capital. $4,571 71 14,589 12 19,497 15 13,507 86 18,938 31 16,362 42 21,607 56 17,048 52 25,305 78 22,510 50 ■22,293 44 16,518 60 16,943 04 17,617 69 31,276 54 21,919 17 40,291 00 33,521 44 26,803 07 21,292 02 20,463 10 14,546 50 7,210 20 $464,634 74 Com m onw ealth W o r c e s t e r , ss . of Dues capital, as per ledger, $391,314 00 Profits capital (all series), 73,320 74 as per ledger, . Total, $464,634 74 M assa ch u setts. Dec. 2,1890. Personally appeared Jos. F. Simonds, Secretary of said bank, and made oath that the foregoing report, by him subscribed, is true. Before me, W o rcester, ss. H e n r y J a c k s o n , Justice of the Peace. Dec. 3,1890. Personally appeared Chas. F. Baker, Treasurer of said bank, and made oath that the securities and cash specified in the foregoing report, by him subscribed, were held by him at the date thereof. Before me, W o rcester, ss. H e n r y J a c k s o n , Justice of the Peace. Dec. 3,1890. Personally appeared Jabez Fisher, President, and H. P. Boutelle, W. Webber, Ebenezer Bailey, E. N. Choate and J. F. Fisher, directors of said bank, and made oath that Ihe above report is correct, according to their best knowledge and belief. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Before me, H e n r y J a c k s o n , Justice of the Peace. 1891 .] 55 PUBLIC DOCUM ENT— No. 8 FO XB O E O U G H C O -O P E R A T IV E B A N K - F O XB O R O U G H . Incorporated Feb. 25, 1889. Commenced business March 19, 1889. Capital to be accumulated, $1,000,000. E r a st u s P. C a r p e n t e r , President. F. S. L a n e , Secretary. F. S. L a n e , Treasurer. Names of security committee : E. P. C a r p e n t e r , W m. B. C r o c k e r , E z r a P ic k e n s . Regular meetings the third Wednesday o f each month. B a l a n c e S h e e t , O c t o b e r 31, 1890. L ia b il it ie s . A ssets. Loans on real estate, . Permanent expense account, Accrued fines, Cash in hands of treasurer,. $10,250 120 6 580 00 00 58 29 $10,956 87 Dues capital, . . . . Profits capital (all series), Interest,.................................. Premiums, . . . . Transfer fees, . . . . Surplus..................................... Guaranty fund, Forfeited share account, Withdrawal profits, Forfeiture profits, . $10,397 369 39 5 1 70 4 63 2 2 $10,956 87 How are shares issued, — quarterly, semi-annually or annually ? Semi annually. Number of shares issued during the y e a r , ...........................................280 Number o f shares now in f o r c e , ............................................................769 Number of shares now borrowed upon,................................................... 61 Largest number o f shares held by any one member, . . . . 25 Number of shares withdrawn during the y e a r , .................................. 174 Number of shares forfeited during the yea r,...........................................56 Amount of dues received during the y e a r , ................................................... $8,210 00 Highest premium received during the y e a r ,................................................... Lowest premium received during the y e a r , ................................................... Number o f members withdrawn during the year, . . . . 61 Present number of members,.....................................................................171 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 00 90 84 50 75 76 26 41 02 43 30 05 56 BANK COMMISSIONERS’ REPORT. [Jan. Present number of b o r r o w e r s , ................................................... . 1 0 Present number of n o n - b o r r o w e r s ,..................................................161 Number of loans secured by first mortgage of real estate, . . . 10 Amount of loans secured by first mortgage of real estate, . . . . Largest loan to any one m em b er,.................................................................... Smallest loan to any one member,.................................................................... Amount of expenses of the corporation for the year ending Oct. 31, 1890, . Amount of profits credited to shares during the y e a r , .................................. 9,798 Amount of cash received during the y e a r , ................................. Amount of cash paid during the y e a r ,..................................................12,419 Date of examination by commissioner : January 27. $10,250 00 2,500 00 200 00 102 81 376 74 85 58 Mar., Sept., Mar., Sept., 1889, 1889, 1890, 1890, . 1 2 3 4 374 168 72 155 Total, . $20 14 8 2 81 36 09 00 Total Value. Value per Share. D ate I ssue . of No. of Shares. Series. Reconciliation o f Share Account with Dues and Profits Capital. 94 48 48 00 Dues capital, as per ledger, Profits capital (all series), as per ledger, . Unpaid dues, $10,397 00 $11,087 90 Total.............................. $11,087 90 $7,782 2,412 582 310 Co m m o n w e a lth N orfolk, ss . of 369 90 321 00 M a s sa c h u s e t t s . N ov . 19, 1890. Personally appeared Fred S. Lane, Secretary of said bank, and made oath that the foregoing report, by him subscribed, is true. Before me, , R o b t . W. C a r p e n t e r , Justice of the Peace. N orfolk, ss . N ov . 19, 1890. Personally appeared Fred S. Lane, Treasurer of said bank, and made oath that the securities and cash specified in the foregoing report, by him subscribed, were held by him at the date thereof. Before me, R o b t . W . C a r p e n t e r , Justice of the Peace. N orfolk, ss . N ov . 19, 1890. Personally appeared E. P. Carpenter, President, and Ezra Pickens, Geo. B. Nickerson, Geo. F. Williams, ffm . B. Crocker and C. H. Jacobs, directors of said bank, and made oath that the above report is correct, according to their best knowledge and belief. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Before me, R o b t . W . C a r p e n t e r , Justice of the Peace. 1891.] 57 PUBLIC DOCUMENT— No. 8. F R A N K L IN CO -O P E R A TIV E B A N K — F R A N K L IN . Incorporated June 15, 1889. Commenced business July 16, 1889. Capital to be accumulated, $1,000,000. A . H . M o k se , President. H . E . R u o o l e s , Secretary. M . F . C o n r o y , Treasurer. Names of secui'ity committee : A. A. P o n d , H. M. B u l l o c k , E. P ond. Regular meetings the first Tuesday of each month. B a l a n c e S h e e t , O c t o b e r 31, 1890. A s s is t s . Loans on real estate, . Loans on shares, . Permanent expense account, Unpaid fines, Cash in hands of treasurer,. L ia b il it ie s . $4,900 50 135 5 241 00 00 00 40 93 Dues capital, . . . . Profits capital (all series), Interest,.................................. Premiums, . . . . Fines........................................ Surplus,.................................. Guaranty fund, Withdrawal profits, Due secretary, $5,332 33 $5,119 83 83 5 2 6 3 11 22 $5,332 33 How are shares issued, — quarterly, semi-annually or annually ? Semi annually. Number of shares issued during the y e a r , ................................................53 Number o f shares now in force.................................................................... 371 Number of shares now borrowed u p o n , ................................................27 Largest number o f shares held by any one member, . . . . 20 Number o f shares withdrawn during the y e a r , ..................................... 114 Amount o f dues received during the y e a r , ................................................... $4,465 Highest premium received during the year, . .................................. Lowest premium received during the y e a r , ................................................... Number o f members withdrawn during the year, . . . . 28 Present number o f m e m b e r s , .................................................................88 Present number of borrowers, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 00 85 75 35 94 78 00 15 51 8 05 05 58 BANK COMMISSIONERS’ REPORT. [Jan. Present number o f n o n - b o r r o w e r s ,................................................... 80 Number o f loans secured by first mortgage of real estate, . . . 7 Amount o f loans secured by first mortgage of real estate,. . . . $4,900 Number and amount of loans on s h a r e s , ....................................... 1 Largest loan to any one member........................................................................ 1,050 Smallest loan to any one member, . . : ................................. 50 Amount of expenses of the corporation for the year ending Oct. 31, 1890, . Amount of profits credited to shares during the year........................... 99 4,625 Amount of cash received during the y e a r , ......................................... Amount o f cash paid during the y e a r ,......................................... . 5,254 Date o f examination by commissioner : September 24. 00 5000 00 00 1565 17 36 64 July, 1889, Jail., 1890, July, 1890, 1 2 3 327 35 9 $16 25 10 06 4 00 Total Value. Value per Share. D ate I ssue . of No. of Shares. Series. Reconciliation o f Share Account with Dues and Profits Capital. $5,313 75 352 10 36 00 Dues paid in advance, $5,119 00 83 85 561 00 62 00 Total, . $5,763 85 Com m onw ealth N orfolk, Dues capital, as per ledger, Profits capital (all series), as per ledger, . Unpaid dues, op Total, . . . . $5,763 85 M a s sa c h u s e t t s . * N ov . 19, 1890. ss . Personally appeared H. E. Ruggles, Secretary o f said bank, and made oath that the foregoing report, by him subscribed, is true. Before me, N orfolk, J a m e s M . F r e e m a n , Justice of the Peace. N ov . 19, 1890. ss . Personally appeared M. F. Conroy, Treasurer of said bank, and made oath that the securities and cash specified in the foregoing report, by him subscribed, were held by him at the date thereof. Before me, J a m e s M . F r e e m a n , Justice of the Peace. t N orfolk, ss. N ov . 19, 1890. Personally appeared A. H. Morse, President, and J. O. Chilson, A. A. Fletcher, H. M. Bullock, Herbert W. Thayer, T. M. Turner and M. F. McCarthy, directors of said bank, and made oath that the above report is correct, according to their best knowledge and belief. J a m e s M . F r e e m a n , Justice of the Peace. Before me, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1891.] 59 PUBLIC DOCUMENT — No. 8. G A R D N ER C O -O P ER ATIV E B A N K — G A R D N ER . Incorporated Jan. 14, 1889. Commenced business March 12, 1889. Capital to be accumulated, $1,000,000. J a m e s A. S t il e s , Secretary. A ugu stu s K n o w l t o n , President. J a m e s A . S t i l e s , Treasurer. Names of security committee: G eo . B . H a g e k , G uy W . G a r la n d , O. O. B r i g h a m . Regular meetings the second Tuesday of each month. B a l a n c e S h e e t , O c t o b e r 31, 1890. L ia b il it ie s . A ssets. Loans on real estate, . Loans on shares, . Permanent expense account, Temporary expense account, Unpaid interest, premiums and fines, . . . . Cash in hands of treasurer,. $25,700 350 253 48 00 00 47 32 74 93 1,661 38 Dues capital, . . . . Profits capital (all series), Interest,.................................. Premiums, . . . . F i n e s , .................................. Transfer fees, . . . . Surplus,.................................. Guaranty fund, Forfeited share account, Withdrawal profits, Forfeiture profits, . $26,696 971 250 27 18 42 22 48 5 3 00 61 37 99 57 50 26 71 88 76 45 $28,088 10 $28,088 10 — How are shares issued, — quarterly, semi-annually or annually ? annually. Number of shares issued during the y e a r , .................................. Number of shares now in force........................................................ Number o f shares now borrowed u p o n , .................................. Largest number of shares held by any one member, . Number o f shares withdrawn during the year, Number o f shares forfeited during the year, . . . . Amount o f dues received during the y e a r , .................................. Highest premium received during the y e a r ,.................................. Lowest premium received during the y e a r , .................................. Number of members withdrawn during the year, Present number o f members, .< . . . . Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Semi. 410 1,681 . 107 . 25 . 309 . 14 $19,034 00 26 02 58 358 GO BANK COMMISSIONERS’ REPORT. [Jan. . 28 Present number of b o r r o w e r s , ........................................... . 330 Present number o f n o n - b o r r o w e r s ,.................................. . 26 Number of loans secured by first mortgage of real estate, . Amount o f loans secured by first mortgage of real estate, . 3 Number and amount of loans on shares, . . . . Largest loan to any one m em b er,........................................... Smallest loan to any one member,. ........................................ Amount o f expenses o f the corporation for the year ending Oct. 31, 1890, Amount o f profits credited to shares during the year, . Amount of cash received during the year, . . . Amount o f cash paid during the y e a r ,.................................. Date o f examination by commissioner : October 3. $25,700 350 2,100 50 184 944 20,655 19,058 00 00 00 00 67 06 66 32 Mar., Sept., Mar., Sept., 1889, 1889, 1890, 1890, . 1 . 2 3 4 1,109 200 235 137 $20 14 8 2 79 36 10 00 Total Value. Value per Share. D ate I ssue . op No. of Shares. Series. Reconciliation o f Share Account with Dues and Profits Capital. $23,056 2,872 1,903 274 11 00 50 00 Dues capital, as per ledger, Profits capital (all series), as per ledger, . Unpaid dues, $26,696 00 Total.............................. $28,190 61 971 61 523 00 85 00 Dues paid in advance, $28,190 61 Total, . C o m m o n w e a l t h 'of M a s s a c h u s e t t s . W o ecester, ss. Nov. 3, 1890. Personally appeared James A. Stiles, Secretary of said bank, and made oath that the foregoing report, by him subscribed, is true. Before me, R a l p h W . B l a c k , Justice of the Peace. W o r c e s t e r , ss. N ov . 3, 1890. Personally appeared James A. Stiles, Treasurer of said bank, and made oath that the securities and cash specified in the foregoing report, by him subscribed, were held by him at the date thereof. Before me, R a l p h W . B l a c k , Justice of the Peace. W orcester, ss. Nov. 6, 1890. Personally appeared Augustus Knowlton, President, and M. J. Ryan, Geo. B. Hager, L. A. Greenwood, Chas. A. Adams and Guy W . Garland, directors of said bank, and made oath that the above report is correct, according to their best knowledge and belief. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Before me, R a l p h W . B l a c k , Justice of the Peace. 1891.] PUBLIC DOCUMENT — No. 8. Cl G E R M A N IA CO -O P E R A TIV E B A N K — BOSTON. Incorporated Oct. 3, 1885. Commenced business Oct. 20, 1885. Capital to be accumulated, $1,000,000. J o se p h T o n d o r f , Jr., President. A n d r e w M . D o r r , Secretary. M a r t in H a se n fu ss , Treasurer. Names of security committee: H erman Obem ark , T o b ia s K l u e b e r , John F a n d e l l . Regular meetings the third Tuesday of each month. B a l a n c e S h e e t , O c t o b e r 31, 1890. A ssets. L ia b il it ie s . $120,000 00 Loans on real estate, . 3,500 00 Loans on shares, . 605 61 Permanent expense account, 109 50 Temporary expense account, 2,896 88 Cash in hands of treasurer,. 60 75 Cash in hands of secretary,. Dues capital, . . . . $111,817 00 Profits capital (all series), 13,525 20 Interest,.................................. 675 55 F i n e s , .................................. 14 04 Surplus,.................................. 415 10 Guaranty fund, 434 61 Forfeited share account, 20 83 Withdrawal profits, 132 63 Forfeiture profits, . 12 Suspense account, . 137 66 $127,172 74 $127,172 74 How are shares issued, — quarterly, semi-annually or annually? Semi annually. Number of shares issued during the y e a r , .................................. 1,770 Number of shares now in force, . . . ' . . . . 4,391 Number o f shares now borrowed u p o n , ...........................................806 Largest number of shares held by any one member, . . . . 25 Number of shares withdrawn during the year, . . . . 1,144 Number of shares forfeited during the year,.......................................... 36 Amount of dues received during the y e a r , ................................................... Highest per centum o f interest received during the year: 11.}. Lowest per centum of interest received during the year: 5f. Number o f members withdrawn during the year, . . . . 133 Present number of members,....................................................................578 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis $47,216 00 62 BANK COMMISSIONERS’ REPORT. Present number of b o r r o w e r s , ................................................... Present number of n o n - b o r r o w e r s , ........................................... Number of loans secured by first mortgage of real estate, . Amount of loans secured by first mortgage of real estate, . Number and amount of loans on s h a r e s , .................................. Largest loan to any one m em b er,................................................... Smallest loan to any one m e m b e r , ........................................... Amount of expenses of the corporation for the year ending Oct. 31, Amount of profits credited to shares during the year, . Amount of cash received during the y e a r , .................................. Amount of cash paid during the y e a r , ........................................... Date of examination by commissioner : May 15. [Jan. . 98 . 480 . 71 * $120,000 3,500 4,000 50 1,094 1890, . 7,170 84,167 83,094 . 28 00 00 00 00 88 72 11 21 Oct., April, Oct., April, Oct., April, Oct., April, Oct., April, Oct., 1885, 1886, 1886, 1887, 1887, 1888, 1888, 1889, 1889, 1890, 1890, . . . . . . . . . . . 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 598 200 124 141 242 542 495 30 611 793 615 $71 63 55 48 40 33 26 20 13 7 1 77 76 93 29 94 73 79 01 45 13 00 Total Value. Value per Share. D ate I ssue . of No. of Shares. Series. Reconciliation o f Share Account with Dues and Profits Capital. $42,918 12,752 6,935 6,808 9,907 18,281 13,261 600 8,217 5,654 615 Dues paid in advance, Dues capital, as per ledger, $111,817 00 Profits capital (all series), 13,525 20 as per ledger, . 627 00 Unpaid dues, * 17 00 Total, . $125,969 20 Com m o n w ea lth Su ffo lk , 46 00 32 89 48 66 05 30 95 09 00 ss . of Total, . . . . $125,969 20 M assach u setts. B oston , N ov . 19, 1890. Personally appeared Andrew M. Dorr, Secretary of said bank, and made oath that the foregoing report, by him subscribed, is true. Before me, Su f f o l k , C h a r l e s V. J a e g e r , Justice of the Peace. ss . B oston , N ov . 19, 1890. Personally appeared Martin Hasenfuss, Treasurer of said bank, and made oath that the securities and cash specified in the foregoing report, by him subscribed, were held by him at date thereof. Before me, C h a s . Y. J a e g e r , Justice of the Peace. S u f f o l k , ss . ' B oston , N ov . 19, 1890. Personally appeared Joseph Torndorf, Jr., President, and Gerhard Kranefuss, Jacob Buchlolz, Tobias Klueber, Theodor Fandell and Herman Obermark, directors of said bank, and made oath that the above report is correct, according to their best knowledge and belief. C h a s . V . J a e g e r , Justice of the Peace. Before me, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1891.] 63 PUBLIC DOCUMENT — No. GLOUCESTER C O -O P E R A T IV E B A N K — G LOUCESTER. Incorporated March 2, 1887- Commenced business April 14, 1887. Capital to be accummulated, $1,000,000. _____ W . F r a n k P a r s o n s , President. E v e r e t t L a n e , Treasurer. / E v e r e t t L a n e , Secretary. Names of security committee: 'G e o . E . L a n e , H e n r y A . Sw e t t , E d w i n O. P a r s o n s , H e r b e r t P r e ss o n , A sa G . A n d r e w s . Regular meetings the second Thursday of each month. B a l a n c e S h e e t , O c t o b e r 31, 1890. L ia b il it ie s . A ssets. Loans on real estate, . Loans on shares, . Unpaid interest, . Unpaid premium, Unpaid fines, Cash in hands of treasurer,. $40,500 3,350 64 8 20 1,266 00 00 75 65 86 24 Dues capital............................ Profits capital (all series), •. Interest,.................................. Premiums, . . . . Fines, • Surplus,.................................. Guaranty fund, Withdrawal profits, $45,210 50 How are shares issued, — quarterly, semi-annually or annually ? Semiannually. . 511 Number of shares issued during the year, . 1,708 Number of shares now in force, . . . . . 389 Number of shares now borrowed upon,. . 25 Largest number o f shares held by any one member, . 244 Number o f shares withdrawn during the year, Amount of dues received during the year, . Highest premium received during the year, . Lowest premiujn received during the year, . . 55 Number of members withdrawn during the year, . . 338 Present number o f members.................................... . 56 Present number of borrowers, . . . . Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis $41,368 3,388 255 28 13 100 47 9 00 01 00 29 98 59 00 63 $45,210 50 $18,922 00 35 05 64 BANK COMMISSIONERS’ REPORT. Present number of non-borrowers............................................................. 282 Number of loans secured by first mortgage of real estate, . . . 43 Amount o f loans secured by first mortgage of real estate, . . . . Number and amount of loans on s h a r e s , ........................................... 23 Largest loan to any one m em b er,.................................................................... Smallest loan to any one member,.................................................................... Amount o f expenses of the corporation for the year ending Oct. 31, 1890, . Amount o f profits credited to shares during the y e a r ,.................................. Amount of cash received during the y e a r , .................................. 22,558 Amount o f cash paid during the y e a r , .......................................... 21,696 Date of examination by commissioner: July 31. [Jan. $40,500 00 3,350 00 2,400 00 50 00 441 53 1,999 53 42 55 April, Oct., April, Oct., April, Oct., April, Oct., 1887, 1887, 1888, 1888, 1889, 1889, 1890, 1890, 1 483 101 . 2 3 4 5 6 . . 8 . . 7 140 136 206 231 319 92 $47 64 40 38 33 32 26 47 19 82 13 36 7 09 1 00 Total Value. Value per Share. D ate I ssue .- of No. of Shares. Series. Reconciliation o f Share Account with Dues and Profits Capital. $23,010 4,078 4,664 3,599 4,082 3,086 2,261 92 Dues capital, as per ledger, Profits capital (all series), as per ledger, . Unpaid dues, $41,368 00 3,388 01 351 00 231 00 Dues paid in advance, $45,107 01 Total, . Co m m onw ealth E ssex, 12 38 80 92 92 16 71 00 ss . of Total, . . . . $45,107 01 M a s sa c h u s e t t s . G l o u c e s t e r , N ov . 22, 1890. Personally appeared Everett Lane, Secretary of said bank, and made oath that the foregoing report, by him subscribed, is true. Before me, E ssex , ss. H o w a r d G. L a n e , Justice of the Peace. G l o u c e s t e r , N ov . 22, 1890. Personally appeared Everett Lane, Treasurer of said bank, and made oath that the securities and cash specified in the foregoing report, by him subscribed, were held by him at the date thereof. Before me, H o w a r d G. L a n e , Justice of the Peace. E ssex, ss . G l o u c e s t e r , N ov . 22, 1890. Personally appeared W . Frank Parsons, President, and Sidney F. Haskell, David O. Frost, Edwin O. Parsons, Geo. E. Merchant and Joseph C. Shepherd, directors of said bank, and made oath that the above report is correct, according to their best knowledge and belief. H o w a r d G . L a n e , Justice of the Peace. Before me, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1891.] 65 PUBLIC DOCUMENT — No. 8. G R A F TO N CO -O P ER ATIV E B A N K — G R AFTO N . Incorporated Oct. 19, 1887. Commenced business Nov. 10, 1887. Capital to be accumulated, $1,000,000. J o se p h A. D o d g e , President. A l d e n A . H o w e , Treasurer. J o h n B . S cott , Secretary. Names o f security committee: H e n r y F. W in g , C h a s. H . N elson, A r t h u r M. B i g e l o w . Regular meetings the second Thursday of each month. B a l a n c e S h e e t , O c t o b e r 31, 1890. A ssets. Loans on real estate, . Loans on shares, . Suspense account, Cash in hands of treasurer,. L ia b il it ie s . $18,706 1,903 110 61 00 00 88 89 $20,781 77 Dues capital, . Profits capital (all series), Surplus..................................... Guaranty fund, $19,016 1,457 227 81 00 20 44 13 $20,781 77 How are shares issued, — quarterly, semi-annually or annually? Semi annually. Number o f shares issued during the year, . . . . . . 188 Number of shares now in f o r c e , ............................................................747 Number of shares now borrowed upon, . . . . . . 230 Largest number o f shares held by any one member, . . . . 25 Number of shares withdrawn during the y e a r , .................................. 128 N umber of shares forfeited during the year............................................. 6 Amount of dues received during the year.........................................................$8,983 00 Highest per centum of interest received during the year, . . . 7 Lowest per centum o f interest received during the year, . . . 6 Number o f members withdrawn during the year, . . . . 22 Present number o f members, ........................................................................137 Present number of b o r r o w e r s , ................................................................ 29 Present number of non-borrowers,...............................................................108 Number of loans secured by first mortgage of real estate, . . . 14 Amount of loans secured by first mortgage of real estate, . . . . 18,706 00 Number and amount of loans on s h a r e s , ........................................... 15 1,903 00 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis [Jan. BANK COMMISSIONERS’ REPORT. 66 Largest loan to any one m em b er,.................................................................... $4,000 00 Smallest loan to any one member,.................................................................... 25 00 Amount o f expenses of the corporation for the year ending Oct. 31, 1890, . 91 31 Amount of profits credited to shares during the y e a r ,.................................. 926 91 Amount of cash received during the y e a r , ................................................... 12,868 79 Amount of cash paid during the y e a r , ............................................................ 13,039 65 Date of examination by commissioner: January 10. Nov., May, Nov., May, Nov., May, 1887, 1888, 1888, 1889, 1889, 1890, 325 65 98 89 97 73 $39 32 25 18 12 6 25 25 44 81 36 09 Total Value. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Value per Share. D ate I ssue. No. of Shares. of Series. Reconciliation o f Share Account with Dues and Profits Capital. $12,756 2,096 2,493 1,674 1,198 444 Dues capital, as per ledger, Profits capital (all series), as per ledger, . Unpaid dues, $19,016 00 1,457 20 234 00 44 00 Dues paid in advance, $20,707 20 Total, . Co m m o n w e a l t h W o rcester, 25 25 12 09 92 57 oe Total, . . . . $20,707 20 M assa ch u setts. ss . N ov . 8, 1890. Personally appeared John B. Scott, Secretary of said bank, and made oath that the foregoing report, by him subscribed, is true. Before me, S. C. W i l l i s , Jr., Justice of the Peace. W o rcester, ss . N ov . 20, 1890. Personally appeared Alden A. Howe, Treasurer of said bank, and made oath that the securities and cash specified in the foregoing report, by him subscribed, were held by him at the date thereof. Before me, W o rcester, D. W ebster ss . N o r c r o ss , Notary Public. N ov . 18, 1890. Personally appeared Jos. A. Dodge, President, and J. H. Carpenter, Geo. A. Dearborn, Dan’l N. Gibbs, Henry F. Wing and Clarence R. Pratt, directors of said bank, and made oath that the above report is correct, according to their best knowledge and belief. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Before me, D. W ebster N o r c r oss , Notary Public. 1891.] 67 PUBLIC DOCUMENT — No. 8. G U A R D IA N C O -O P E R A T IV E B A N K — BOSTON. Incorporated July 2, 1886. Commenced business Aug. 6, 1886. Capital to be accumulated, $1,000,000. D. E l r e d g e , Secretary. G a m a l i e l B r a d f o r d , President. D. E l d r e d g e , Treasurer. Names of security committee : H ir a m A m e s , J. K . F e l l o w s , J. M . S im p s o n , A . II . C l a p p , W. H . R o b e r t s . Regular meetings the first Friday of each month. B a l a n c e S h e e t , O c t o b e r 31, 1890. A ssets. L ia b il it ie s . $133,250 00 Loans on real estate, . 5,050 00 Loans on shares, . 100 00 Permanent expense account, 241 67 Temporary expense account, Real estate by foreclosure, . 1,243 17 9,539 04 Cash in hands of treasurer,. Dues capital, . . . . $134,443 00 Profits capital (all series), 10,095 14 3,282 21 Interest,.................................. 292 30 Premiums, . . . . 115 24 F i n e s , .................................. 1 50 Transfer fees............................ 680 58 Surplus,.................................. 300 00 Guaranty fund, 69 75 Forfeited share account, 144 16 Withdrawal profits, $149,423 88 $149,423 88 How are shares issued, — quarterly, semi-annually or annually? annually. Number o f shares issued during the y e a r , .................................. Number o f shares now in f o r c e , ........................................... Number o f shares now borrowed u p o n , .................................. Largest number o f shares held by any one member, . Number of shares withdrawn during the year, . . . . Number o f shares forfeited during the year, . . . . Amount o f dues received during the y e a r , .................................. Highest premium received during the y e a r ,.................................. Lowest premium received during the y e a r , .................................. Number o f members withdrawn during the year, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Semi1,201 4,700 . 883 . 25 . 601 . 35 . . $53,948 00 20 05 68 BANK COMMISSIONERS’ REPORT. [Jan. Present number o f m e m b e r s , ............................................................... 687 Present number of b o r r o w e r s , .................................................................91 Present number of n o n - b o r r o w e r s ,.......................................................596 Number o f loans secured by first mortgage of real estate, . . . 86 Amount o f loans secured by first mortgage of real estate, . . . . $133,259 00 Number and amount of loans on s h a r e s , ........................................... 28 5,050 00 Largest loan to any one m em ber,.................................................................... 4,000 00 Smallest loan to any one m e m b e r , ............................................................ 50 00 Amount o f expenses of the corporation for the year ending Oct. 31, 1890, . 1,293 38 Amount o f profits credited to shares during the y e a r ,.................................. 6,117 15 Amount of cash received during the y e a r , ................................. 88,638 17 Amount of cash paid during the y e a r ,......................................... 87,166 27 Date o f examination by commissioner : February 17. Aug., Dec., June, Dec., June, Dec., June, Dec., June, 1886, 1886, 1887, 1887, 1888, 1888, 1889, 1889, 1890, 1 2 3 4 5 6 • 7 8 9 668 517 472 338 623 499 466 570 547 $56 51 44 37 30 23 17 11 5 64 65 38 32 47 82 36 09 00 Total Value. Value per Share. D ate I ssue . of No. of Shares. Series. Reconciliation o f Share Account with Dues and Profits Capital. $37,835 26,703 20,947 12,614 18,982 11,886 8,089 6,321 2,735 Dues paid in advance, Dues capital, as per ledger, $134,443 00 Profits capital (all series), as per ledger, . 10,095 14 Unpaid dues, 1,803 00 226 00 Total, . $146,341 14 Co m m o n w ea lth Su ffo lk , 52 05 36 16 81 78 76 30 00 of Total, . . $146,341 14 M assach u setts. N ov . 18, 1890. ss . Personally appeared D. Eldredge, Secretary o f said bank, and made oath that the foregoing report, by him subscribed, is true. Before me, Su ffo lk , W alter ss . H . R o b e r t s , Justice of the Peace. N ov . 18, 1890. Personally appeared D. Eldredge, Treasurer of said bank, and made oath that the securities and cash specified in the foregoing report, by him subscribed, were held by him at the date thereof. Before me, Su f f o l k , ss . W alter H. R o b e r t s , Justice of the Peace. Nov. 18, 1890. Personally appeared Gamaliel Bradford, President, and John K. Fellows, Willis S. Mason, C. Willard Carter, Roscoe Sylvester and Eugene C. Leonard, directors of said bank, and made oath that the above report is correct, according to their best knowledge and belief. Before me, W a l t e r H. R o b e r t s , Justice of the Peace. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1891.] 69 PUBLIC DOCUMENT — No. 8. H A V E R H IL L C O -O P E R A T IV E B A N K — H A V E R H IL L . Incorporated Aug. 20, 1877. Commenced business Sept. 3, 1877. Capital to be accumulated, $ 1,000,000. A m os W . D o w n in g , President. W il l i a m H. P a g e , Secretary. W i l l i a m H. P a g e , Treasurer. Names of security committee : I r a O. S a w y e r , B. F. L e ig h t o n , D . B. C l u f f . Regular meetings the first Monday of each month. B a l a n c e S h e e t , O c t o b e r 31, 1890. A ssets. L ia b il it ie s . Loans on real estate, . $244,025 00 Loans on shares, . 2,500 00 Permanent expense account, 50 00 Unpaid interest, . 2,598 00 Unpaid premiums, 367 85 Unpaid fines, 154 90 38 19 Mortgage balance, 27,000 00 Town of Bradford note, 20,758 99 Cash in hands of treasurer,. Dues capital, . . . . $243,396 00 45,429 05 Profits capital (all series), Surplus,.................................. 671 98 734 93 Guaranty fund, 486 40 Forfeited share account, Matured shares, 6,774 57 $297,492 93 $297,492 93 How are shares issued, — quarterly, semi-annually or annually ? Semi annually. Number o f shares issued during the y e a r , .................................. 1,291 Number of shares now in force, . .................................. 6,521 Number o f shares now borrowed u p o n , .................................. 1,378 Largest number o f shares held by any one member, . . . .2 5 Number o f shares withdrawn during the year............................... 1,263 Number o f shares forfeited during the yea r,.......................................... 42 Number of shares retired during the y e a r , ...........................................139 Number o f shares matured during the y e a r , .................................. ,3 9 Amount o f dues received during the y e a r , ................................................... $80,432 00 Highest premium received during the y e a r ,................................................... 15 Lowest premium received during the y e a r , ................................................... 05 Number o f members withdrawn during the year, . . . . 152 Present number o f members,....................................................................870 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 70 BANK COMMISSIONERS’ REPORT. [Jan. Present number o f b o r r o w e r s , ............................................................192 Present number of n o n - b o r r o w e r s ,................................................... 678 Number of loans secured by first mortgage of real estate, . . . 177 Amount o f loans secured by first mortgage of real estate,. . . . $244,025 00 15 2,500 00 Number and amount of loans on s h a r e s , ............................................ Largest loan to any one m em b er,.................................................................... 5,000 00 Smallest loan to any one member,................................................... 50 00 Amount of expenses of the corporation for the year ending Oct. 31, 1890, . 1,702 29 Amount o f profits credited to shares during the y e a r ,................. 17,130 46 Amount o f cash received during the y e a r , .................................. 155,719 81 Amount o f cash paid during the year, . . . . . . . 147,942 30 Date of examination by commissioner: June 19. July, Jan., July, Jan., July, Jan., July, Jan., Nov., May, Nov., May, Nov., May, Nov., May, Nov., May, Nov., May, 1880, 1881, 1881, 1882, 1882, 1883, 1883, 1884, 1884, 1885, 1885, 1886, 1886, 1887, 1887, 1888, 1888, 1889, 1889, 1890, . . . . . . . . . . . 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 74 $180 34 31 167 83 26 156 36 145 23 97 42 134 48 125 124 06 147 113 98 104 26 107 259 88 77 130 79 89 71 32 347 295 63 04 418 55 04 277 47 31 503 39 83 700 32 61 843 25 63 903 18 89 529 12 38 668 6 09 Total Value. Value per Share. D ate I ssue. No. of Shares. of Series. Reconciliation o f Share Account with Dues and Profits Capital. $13,345 16 5,202 73 4,065 36 14,087 31 5,648 16 15,507 50 16,755 06 11,155 82 22,991 43 10,385 70 24,748 04 18,596 80 23,006 72 13,104 87 20,034 49 22,827 00 21,606 09 17,057 67 6,549 02 4,068 12 Dues paid in advance, 336 00 Total, . $291,079 05 Com m onw ealth E ssex , Dues capital, as per ledger, $243,396 00 Profits capital (all series), as per ledger, . 45,429 05 Unpaid dues, 2,254 00 of Total.............................. $291,079 05 M assach u setts. ss . N ov . 3, 1890. Personally appeared William H. Page, Secretary of said the foregoing report, by him subscribed, is true. Before me, E ssex, Before me, ss . andmade oath that J o h n A. P a g e , Justice of the Peace. N ov . 3, 1890. ss. Personally appeared William the securities and cash specified by him at the date thereof. E ssex, bank, • H. Page, Treasurer of said bank, andmade oath that in the foregoing report, by him subscribed, were held J o h n A. P a g e , Justice of the Peace. Nov. 3,1890. Personally appeared Amos W . Downing, President, and M. Warren Hanscom, Ira O. Sawyer, B. F. Leighton, Geo. W . Ladd and D. B. ClufF, directors of said bank, and made oath that the above report is correct, according to their best knowledge and belief. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Before me, J o h n A. P a g e , Justice of the Peace. 1891.] 71 PUBLIC DOCUMENT — No. 8. H E N R Y W IL S O N C O -O P E R A TIV E B A N K — N A T IC K . Incorporated Oct. 23, 1886. Commenced business Nov. 12, 1886. Capital to be accumulated, $1,000,000. J ohn l i . A d a m s , President. M ilto n F. J o n e s , Secretary. H a r v e y H . W h i t n e y , Treasurer. Names of security committee: E. S. D o d g e , J o se p h W i l d e , A m os P . C h e n e y , E d w a r d M cM a n u s , J. E. SW EE TLAN D. Regular meetings the second Friday of each month. B a l a n c e S h e e t , O c t o b e r 31, 1890. L ia b il it ie s . A ssets. Loans on real estate, . Loans on shares, . Permanent expense account, Unpaid interest, . Unpaid premium, Unpaid fines, Cash in hands of treasurer,. $73,200 5,700 273 460 58 69 6,388 00 00 00 25 15 48 05 $86,148 93 Dues capital, . . . . Profits capital (all series), Surplus,.................................. Guaranty fund, Forfeited share account, $77,314 8,104 439 270 21 00 46 19 00 28 $86,148 93 How are shares issued, — quarterly, semi-annually or annually ? Semi annually. Number o f shares issued during the y e a r , ...........................................705 Number o f shares now in f o r c e , ................................................... 2,742 Number o f shares now borrowed upon................................................... 282 Largest number of shares held by any one member, . . . . 25 Number of shares withdrawn during the y e a r , .................................. 504 Number of shares forfeited during the y ea r,...........................................10 Amount o f dues received during the y e a r , ................................................... $32,098 00 Highest premium received during the y e a r ,................................................... 10 Lowest premium received during the y e a r , ................................................... 05 Number of members withdrawn during the y e a r ,..................................72 Present number o f m e m b e r s , ................................................... ' 427 Present number of borrowers, 88 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 72 BANK COMMISSIONERS’ REPORT. Present number of n o n - b o r r o w e r s ,........................................... . 339 Number o f loans secured by first mortgage of real estate, ■ . 72 Amount o f loans secured by first mortgage of real estate, . Number and amount of loans on s h a r e s , .................................. . 42 Largest loan to any one m em ber,................................................... Smallest loan to any one m e m b e r , ........................................... Amount o f expenses of the corporation for the year ending Oct. 31, 1890, . Amount o f profits credited to shares during the year, . Amount of cash received during the y e a r , .................................. Amount o f cash paid during the y e a r ,........................................... Date of examination by commissioner : August 5. [Jan. $73,200 5,700 3,500 50 491 4,536 58,607 55,542 00 00 00 00 13 37 05 06 Nov., May, Nov., May, Nov., May, Nov., May, 1886, 1887, 1887, 1888, 1888, 1889, 1889, 1890, 1 2 3 4 5 6 . . 7 8 522 308 424 238 282 298 294 376 $54 47 39 32 25 18 12 6 68 07 70 55 62 90 40 10 Total Value. Valueper Share. D ate I ssue . of No. of Shares. „ Series. Reconciliation o f Share Account with Dues and Profits Capital. $28,542 14,497 16,832 7,746 7,224 5,632 3,645 2,293 Dues paid in advance, Dues capital, as per ledger, Profits capital (all series), as per ledger, . Unpaid dues, $77,314 00 Total.............................. $86,572 46 8,104 46 1,154 00 156 00 Total, . $86,572 46 Com m onw ealth M id d l e s e x , 96 56 80 90 84 20 60 60 ss . of M a s sa c h u s e t t s . N ov . 18, 1890. Personally appeared Milton F. Jones, Secretary of said bank, and made oath that the foregoing report, by him subscribed, is true. Before me, M id d l e s e x , ss . J a m e s M c M a n u s , Justice of the Peace. N ov . 18, 1890. Personally appeared Harvey H. Whitney, Treasurer of said bank, and made oath that the securities and cash specified in the foregoing report, by him subscribed, were held by him at the date thereof. Before me, M id d l e s e x , ss . J a m e s M c M a n u s , Justice of the Peace. N ov . 18, 1890. Personally appeared John R. Adams, President, and Judson E. Sweetland, Joseph Wilde, F. M. Forbush, Amos P. Cheney and Edw. McManus, directors of said bank, and made oath that the above report is correct, according to their best knowledge and belief. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Before me, J a m e s M cM a n u s , Justice of the Peace. 1891.] 73 PUBLIC DOCUMENT — No. 8. HIJSTG U AM C O -O P E R A TIV E B A N K — H IN G H A M . Incorporated June 1, 1889. Commenced business June 5, 1889. Capital to be accumulated, $1,000,000. E b e d L. R i p l e y , President. W alter B . F o s t e r , Secretary. W a l t e r B . F o s t e r , Treasurer. Names o f security committee: E . W aters B u rr, T h o m a s H otve , F r a n c is M. R E d w . W . Ba r t l e t t , E dmund H e r sey , ip l e y . Regular meetings the first Wednesday of each month. B alance Sheet , October 31, 1890. L ia b il it ie s . A ssets. Loans on real estate, . Loans on shares, . Permanent expense account, Suspense account, Cash in hands of treasurer,. $11,750 150 128 18 1,299 00 00 00 37 88 Hues capital, . . . . Profits capital (all series), Surplus,.................................. Guaranty fund, Forfeited share account, Other liabilities, $13,346 25 How are shares issued, — quarterly, semi-annually or annually ? Semi annually. . 491 Number o f shares issued during the year, . . . . 1,002 Number o f shares now in f o r c e , ........................................... . 80 Number o f shares now borrowed upon, . . . . . 25 Largest number o f shares held by any one member, . Number o f shares withdrawn during the year, . 47 . 11 Number of shares forfeited during the year,. Amount o f dues received during the year, . . . . Highest premium received during the year, . . . . Lowest premium received during the year, . . . . . 13 Number o f members withdrawn during the year, . 188 Present number o f m e m b e r s , ........................................... . 16 Present number of b o r r o w e r s , ........................................... Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis $12,752 468 25 6 6 86 00 46 59 51 86 83 $13,346 25 $10,220 00 25 05 74 BANK COMMISSIONERS’ REPORT. Present number o f n o n - b o r r o w e r s ,........................................... . 172 Number o f loans secured by first mortgage of real estate, . . 14 Amount o f loans secured by first mortgage of real estate, . Number and amount of loans on s h a r e s , .................................. 2 Largest loan to anv one m em b er,................................................... Smallest loan to anv one m e m b e r , ........................................... Amount of expenses of the corporation for the year ending Oct. 31, 1890,. Amount of profits credited to shares during the year, . Amount of cash received during the y e a r , .................................. Amount of cash paid during the y e a r ,........................................... Date of examination by commissioner : November 28. [Jan. $11,750 150 2,000 50 81 441 11,132 9,863 00 00 00 00 10 19 19 74 June, 1889, Nov., 1889, May, 1890, 1 2 3 \ 514 191 272 $17 73 12 36 6 09 Total Value. Value per' Share, j ate I ssu e. No. of Shares. D of Series. 1 Beconciliation o f Share Account with Dues and Profits Capital. $9,113 22 2,360 76 1,656 48 Dues paid in advance, $12,752 00 468 46 110 00 200 00 Total, . $13,330 46 Com m onw ealth P lym outh, Dues capital, as per ledger, Profits capital (all series), as per ledger, . Unpaid dues, ss . of Total, . . . . $13,330 46 M assach u setts. H in g h a m , N ov . 8, 1890. Personally appeared Walter B. Foster, Secretary of said bank, and made oath that the foregoing report, by him subscribed, is true. Before me, P lym outh, ss . E d w a r d B. P r a t t , Justice of the Peace. H in g h a m , N ov . 8, 1890. Personally appeared Walter B. Foster, Treasurer of said bank, and made oath that the securities and cash specified in the foregoing report, by him subscribed, were held by him at the date thereof. Before me, P lym outh, ss . E d w a r d B. P r a t t , Justice of the Peace. H in g h a m , N o v . 8, 1890. Personally appeared Ebed L. Ripley, President, and Wm. Fearing, 2d, George Price, Francis M. Ripley, Eugene F. Skinner and Chas. W. Burr, directors of said bank, and made oath that the above report is correct, according to their best knowledge and belief. Before me, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis E d w a r d B. P r a t t , Justice of the Peace. 1891.] 75 PUBLIC DOCUMENT — No. 8. HOLBROOK C O -O P E R A T IV E B A N K — HOLBROOK. Incorporated May 31, 1888. Commenced business June 10, 1888. Capital to be accumulated, $1,000,000. E. N e w to n T h a y e k , President. G e o k g e T. W G e o r g e T. W il d e , il d e , Secretary. Treasurer. Names of security committee : Z. A a r o n F r e n c h , W H o w ard P latts, alter E. W h it e . Regular meetings the second Tuesday of each month. B a l a n c e S h e e t , O c t o b e r 31, 1890. L ia b il it ie s . A ssets. Loans on real estate, . Loans on shares, . Permanent expense account, Temporary expense account, Cash in hands of treasurer,. $15,625 320 170 49 556 00 00 00 55 74 $16,721 29 Dues capital, . . . . Profits capital (all series), . Interest,.................................. Premiums, . . . . Fines........................................ Transfer fees, . . . . Surplus,.................................. Guaranty fund, . . . Withdrawal profits, $15,648 626 356 20 16 2 35 10 6 $16,721 29 How are shares issued — quarterly, semi-annually or annually ? Semi annually. Number of shares issued during the y e a r , ...........................................141 Number o f shares now in f o r c e , .................................. . 667 Number of shares now borrowed upon, . . . . .8 1 Largest number of shares held by any one member, . . . . 20 Number of shares withdrawn during the y e a r , .................................. 119 Amount of dues received during the y e a r , ................................................... $7,984 00 Highest premium received during the y e a r ,................................................... Lowest premium received during the y e a r , .................................................... Number of members withdrawn during the y e a r , .............................. 30 Present number o f members, . . . . . . . . 160 Present number of b o r r o w e r s , ............................................................ 17 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 00 01 25 35 54 00 49 00 65 10 05 76 BANK COMMISSIONERS’ REPORT. [Jan. Present number o f n o n - b o r r o w e r s , ........................................... . 143 Number of loans secured by first mortgage of real estate, . . 15 Amount of loans secured by first mortgage of real estate, . Number and amount of loans on s h a r e s , .................................. 2 Largest loan to any one m em b er,................................................... Smallest loan to any one member,................................................... Amount of expenses of the corporation for the year ending Oct. 31, 1890, . Amount of profits credited to shares during the year, . Amount of cash received during the y e a r , .................................. Amount o f cash paid during the y e a r ,........................................... Date of examination by commissioner : September 8. $15,625 320 1,725 100 155 675 10,052 10,565 00 00 00 00 00 93 48 68 June, Dec., June, Dec., June, 1888, 1888, 1889, 1889, 1890, . 1 2 3 4 5 384 135 33 83 32 $30 23 17 11 5 31 77 35 09 00 Total Value. Value per Share, j D ate I ssue . of No. of Shares. Series. Reconciliation o f Share Account with Dues and Profits Capital. $11,639 3,208 572 920 160 Dues paid in advance, Dues capital, as per ledger, Profits capital (all series), as per ledger, . Unpaid dues, $15,648 00 626 01 240 00 13 00 Total, . $16,514 01 Co m m o n w ea lth N orfolk, 04 95 55 47 00 op Total, . . . . $16,514 01 M assach usetts. H o l b r o o k , Dec. 2, 1890. ss . Personally appeared Geo. T. Wilde, Secretary of said bank, and made oath that the foregoing report, by him subscribed, is true. Before me, J o h n W. C h e s s m a n , Justice of the Peace. * N orfolk, ss. Dec. 2, 1890. Personally appeared Geo. T. Wilde, Treasurer of said bank, and made oath that the securities and cash specified in the foregoing report, by him subscribed, were held by him at the date thereof. Before me, N orfolk, J o h n W . C h e s s m a n , Justice of the Peace. Dec. 2, 1890. ss . Personally appeared E. Newton Thayer, President, and E. Snell, W . F. Gleason, H. L. Gordon, Walter E. White and Lewis Alden, directors of said bank, and made oath that the above report is correct, according to their best knowledge and belief. Before me, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis J o h n W . C h e s s m a n , Justice of the Peace. 1891.] 77 PUBLIC DOCUMENT — No. 8. H O LY O K E C O -O P E R A TIV E B A N K — H O LY O K E . Incorporated July 24, 1880. Commenced business Aug. 25, 1880. Capital to be accumulated, $1,000,000. J o se p h W . M o o r e , President. D w i g h t O. J u d d , Secretary. D w i g h t O. J u d d , Treasurer. Names of security committee: T h o m a s W. D o y l e , J o h n H. M o n t g o m e r y , C h a r l e s L. A l l e n . Regular meetings the fourth Wednesday of each month. B a l a n c e S h e e t , O c t o b e r 31, 1890. L ia b il it ie s . A ssets. Loans on real estate, . $111,900 00 Loans on shares, . 11,250 00 98 72 Permanent expense account, 9 20 Real estate by foreclosure, . Furniture account, 400 00 Unpaid dues, interest, pre 1,584 97 miums and fines, 9,432 45 Cash in hands o f treasurer, . $114,676 00 Dues capital, . . . . 19,682 25 Profits capital (all series), 44 08 Surplus,.................................. 259 84 Guaranty fund, Forfeited share account, 13 17 $134,675 34 $134,675 34 How are shares issued, — quarterly, semi-annually or annually annually. Number o f shares issued during the y e a r , .................................. Number o f shares now in f o r c e , ................................................... Number o f shares now borrowed u p o n , .................................. Largest number o f shares held by any one member, . Number o f shares withdrawn during the year, . . . . Number o f shares forfeited during the year, . . . . Number o f shares retired during the y e a r , .................................. Amount o f dues received during the y e a r , .................................. Highest premium received during the y e a r ,.................................. Lowest premium received during the' y e a r , .................................. Number of members withdrawn during the year, Present number of members,........................................................... Present number of borrowers, . . . . . . . Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Semi. 963 3,063 . 825 .* 25 564 5 7 . 85 473 142 $36,129 20 18 05 78 [Jan. BANK COMMISSIONERS’ REPORT. Present number of n o n - b o r r o w e r s ,................................................... 331 Number o f loans secured by first mortgage of real estate, . . . 97 Amount o f loans secured by first mortgage of real estate, . . . . $111,900 00 Number and amount of loans on s h a r e s , ...........................................46 11,250 00 Largest loan to any one m e m b e r,.................................................................... 4,250 00 Smallest loan to any one member,.................................................................... 50 00 Amount o f expenses of the corporation for the year ending Oct. 31, 1890, . 1,199 41 Amount o f profits credited to shares during the y e a r,.................................. 6,697 65 Amount o f cash received during the y e a r , ................................................... 58,396 04 Amount of cash paid during the y e a r , ............................................................ 54,687 21 Date o f examination by commissioner : April 4. Aug., Jan., July, Nov., May, Nov., Nov., May, Nov., May, Nov., May, Nov., May, Nov., May, Nov., May, Nov., May, 1880, 1881, 1881, 1881, 1882, 1882, 1883, 1884, 1884, 1885, 1885, 1886, 1886, 1887, 1887, 1888, 1888, 1889, 1889, 1890, 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 . . . . . . . . . . 10 $170 13 36 160 98 13 150 30 15 143 30 90 133 08 66 123 22 131 104 26 81 95 13 86 41 142 55 77 96 69 72 77 61 77 107 133 54 05 153 46 53 291 39 27 222 32 25 289 25 41 18 78 267 327 12 33 558 6 08 Total Value. Value per, Share, j D ate I ssue. of No. of Shares. ■ Series, j Reconciliation o f Share Account with Dues and Profits Capital. $1,701 5,795 1,953 2,149 11,977 8,132 13,658 7,705 12,270 4,287 5,368 6,609 7,188 7,119 11,427 7,159 7,343 5,014 4,031 3,392 Dues paid in advance, 30 28 90 50 20 52 06 53 22 80 44 39 65 09 57 50 49 26 91 64 Dues capital, as per ledger, $114,676 00 Profits capital (all series), 19,682 25 as per ledger, . 72 00 Total, . $134,358 25 Comm onw ealth H am pden, • of Total.............................. $134,358 25 M a s sa c h u s e t t s . N ov . 26, 1890. ss . Personally appeared Dwight O. Judd, Secretary of said bank, and made oath that the foregoing report, by him subscribed, is true. Before me, H am pden, II e r v e y K. H a w e s , Notary Public. N ov . 26, 1890. ss . Personally appeared Dwight O. Judd, Treasurer of said bank, and made oath that the securities and cash specified in the foregoing report, by him subscribed, were held by him at the date thereof. Before me, H am pden, I I e r v e y K. H a w e s , Notary Public. N ov . 26, 1890. ss . Personally appeared Joseph W . Moore, President, and Chas. L. Alien, W. H. Bullard, Jas. S. Lassiter, J. H. Montgomery and Thomas Connors, directors of said bank, and made oath that the above report is correct, according to their best knowledge and belief. Before me, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis H e r v e y K. H a w e s , Notary Public. 1891.] PUBLIC DOCUMENT — No. 8 79 HOM E C O -O P E R A TIV E B A N K — W O R C E S T E R . Incorporated June 10, 1882. Commenced business June 16, 1882. Capital to be accumulated, $1,000,000. E . H. T ow ne , President. T. J. H a s t in g s , Secretary. T. J. H a s t in g s , Treasurer. Names of security committee : D a n ie l P a r l i n , D . C. L e o n a r d , E. J. B a r d w e l l , Regular meetings the Friday preceding the third Monday of each month. B a l a n c e S h e e t , O c t o b e r 31, 1890. A ssets. L ia b il it ie s . Loans on real estate, . $258,455 90 Loans on shares, . 10,865 00 Permanent expense account, 500 00 Temporary expense account, 574 12 Real estate by foreclosure, . 4,742 04 Cash in hands of treasurer,. 6,501 99 Dues capital, . . . . $239,354 00 Profits capital (all series), 34,318 17 Interest,.................................. 6,983 99 F i n e s , .................................. 231 30 Transfer fees, . . . . 10 00 Surplus..................................... 61 83 Guaranty fund, 507 00 Forfeited share account, 172 76 $281,639 05 $281,639 05 How are shares issued, — quarterly, semi-annually or annually? Semi annually. Number o f shares issued during the y e a r , ..........................................2,329 Number o f shares now in f o r c e , ...........................................................7,055 Number o f shares now borrowed u p o n , .......................................... 1,371 Largest number o f shares held by any one member, . . . . 25 Number o f shares withdrawn during the year, . . . . 1,626 Number o f shares forfeited during the year, . . . . 5 Number o f shares retired during the year..................................................131 Amount o f dues received during the year, . . . . . . . Highest per centum o f interest received during the year: 7|. Lowest per centum o f interest received during the year: 6. Number o f members withdrawn during the year, . . . . 171 Present number o f m e m b e r s , ............................................................808 Present number o f b o r r o w e r s , ............................................................186 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis $82,733 00 80 BANK COMMISSIONERS’ REPORT. [Jan. Present number of n o n - b o r r o w e r s ,................................................... 622 Number of loans secured by first mortgage of real estate, . . . 179 Amount of loans secured by first mortgage of real estate,. . . . $258,455 90 Number and amount of loans on s h a r e s , ...................................... 62 10,86500 Largest loan to any one member, . . . 5,000 00 Smallest loan to any one member,........................................................... ........ 50 00 Amount o f expenses of the corporation for the year ending Oct. 31, 1890, . 1,32358 31 Amount of profits credited to shares during the y e a r , .................... 15,215 Amount of cash received during the y e a r , ................................. 154,105 97 Amount of cash paid during the y e a r ,.......................................... 170,639 12 Date o f examination by commissioner : January 17. June, Dee., June, Dee., June, Dee., June, Dee., June, Dee., June, Dee., June, Dee., June, Dee., June, 1882, 1882, 1883, 1883, 1884, 1884, 1885, 1885, 1886, 1886, 1887, 1887, 1888, 1888, 1889, 1889, 1890, . . . . . . . 108 98 179 230 164 176 218 296 339 373 390 495 481 762 731 968 1,047 $131 121 112 102 93 84 76 68 60 52 44 37 30 23 17 11 5 45 58 02 74 69 91 40 15 17 46 98 74 75 98 43 11 00 Total Value. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Value per Share. No. of Shares. D ate I ssue. of Series. Reconciliation o f Share Account with Dues and Profits Capital. $14,196 11,914 20,051 23,630 15,365 14,944 16,655 20,172 20,397 19,567 17,542 18,681 14,790 18,272 12,741 10,754 5,235 Dues capital, as per ledger, $239,354 00 Profits capital (all series), 34,318 17 as per ledger, . Unpaid dues, 1,903 00 662 00 Dues paid in advance, $275,575 17 Total, . Com m o n w ea lth W 60 84 58 20 16 16 20 40 63 58 20 30 75 76 33 48 00 o r c e s t e r , ss . of Total, $275,575 17 M a s sa c h u s e t t s . N ov . 10, 1890. Personally appeared T. J. Hastings, Secretary of said bank, and made oath that the foregoing report, by him subscribed, is true. Before me, W o rcester, ss. M a r v in M. T a v l o r , Justice of the Peace. N ov . 10, 1890. Personally appeared T. J. Hastings, Treasurer of said bank, and made oath that the securities and cash specified in the foregoing report, by him subscribed, were held by him at the date thereof. Before me, W orcester, ss . M a r v in M. T a y l o r , Justice of the Peace. N ov . 15, 1890. Personally appeared E. H. Towne, President, and W. S. Barton, H. G. Crane, Chas. L. Gates, David Armitage and Everett J. Bardwell, directors of said bank, and made oath that the above report is correct, according to their best knowledge and belief. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Before me, E d w a r d B. G l a s g o w , Justice of the Peace. 1891.] 81 PUBLIC DOCUMENT — No. 8. H O M E STE AD C O -O P E R A TIV E B A N K — BOSTON-. Incorporated Sept. 11, 1877. Commenced business Sept. 12, 1877. Capital to be accumulated, $1,000,000. D. E l d r e d g e , Secretary. J o se p h S. R o p e s , President. D. E l d r e d g e , Treasurer. Names of security committee : H. F. E l d e r , J. M. S im p s o n , John W . H. R o b e r t s , • W. S. M ason , D. C a m p b e l l . Regular meetings the second Wednesday of each month. B a l a n c e S h e e t , O c t o b e r 31, 1890. L ia b il it ie s . A ssets. $256,400 00 Loans on real estate, . 12,450 00 Loans on shares, . 350 00 Temporary expense account, 3,127 77 Real estate by foreclosure, . 22 56 F in e s ,.................................. 4,800 00 Mortgage, . . . . 3,656 31 Cash in hands of treasurer,. $231,812 00 Dues capital, . . . . 42,884 54 Profits capital (all series), 1,641 00 Interest,.................................. Premiums................................ 167 301 Transfer fees, . . . . 2 00 ! Surplus,.................................. 2,122 54 ] Guaranty fund, 1,650 00 j Forfeited share account, 231 91 Withdrawal profits, 205 13 90 22 Retired share account, . $280,806 64 How are shares issued, — quarterly, semi-annually or annually? annually. Number of shares issued during the y e a r , .................................. Number of shares now in f o r c e , ................................................... Number o f shares now borrowed upon,........................................... Largest number o f shares held by any one member, . Number of shares withdrawn during the year, . . . . Number of shares forfeited during the y e a r,.................................. Number of shares retired during the year........................................ Number o f shares matured during the year..................................... Amount of dues received during the y e a r , .................................. Highest premium received during the year...................................... Lowest premium received during the y e a r , .................................. Number of members withdrawn during the year, . . . . Present number of members,............................................................ Present number of b o r r o w e r s , ................................................... Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis $280,806 64 Semi1,437 6,498 1,632 . 25 . 957 . 56 . 250 . 76 • . 183 . 883 . 203 $76,042 00 25 05 / 82 BANK COMMISSIONERS’ REPORT. [Jan. Present number o f non-borrowers,........................................................... 680 Number ofloans secured by first mortgage of real estate, . . . 192 Amount o f loans secured by first mortgage of real estate,. . . . $256,400 00 Number and amount of loans on s h a r e s , ...................................... 53 12,450 00 Largest loan to any one m e m b e r,.................................................................... 4,500 00 Smallest loan to any one member..................................................... 50 00 Amount of expenses of the corporation for the year ending Oct.31, 1890, . 2,207 72 Amount of profits credited to shares during the y e a r ,................. 18,354 01 Amount of cash received during the y e a r , .................................. 174,503 52 Amount o f cash paid during the year............................................... 174,912 81 Date of examination by commissioner: February 17. Mar., 1880, Sept., 1880, Mar., 1881, Sept., 1881, Mar., 1882, Sept., 1882, Mar., 1883, Sept., 1883, Mar., 1884, Sept., 1884, Mar., 1885, Sept., 1885, Mar., 1886, Sept., 1886, Mar., 1887, Sept., 1887, Mar., 1888, Sept., 1888, Mar., 1889, Sept., 1889, Mar., 1890, Sept., 1890, . . . . . . . . . . . 39 43 26 25 96 89 79 126 149 67 371 191 337 370 165 395 506 962 582 551 756 573 $189 02 176 58 164 52 152 96 141 71 130 88 120 35 110 27 100 54 91 22 82 25 73 63 65 31 57 27 49 50 41 99 34 74 27 74 20 97 14 43 8 11 2 00 Total Value. 6 ■7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 Value per Share. _ . I D ate I ssu e. No. of Shares. of Series. Reconciliation o f Share Account with Dues and Profits Capital. $7,371 78 7,592 94 4,277 52 3,824 00 13,604 16 11,648 32 9,507 65 13,894 02 14,980 46 6,111 74 30,514 75 14,063 33 22,009 47 21,189 90 8,167 50 16,586 05 17,578 44 26,685 88 12,204 54 7,950 93 6,131 16 1,146 00 213 00 Dues paid in advance, $277,253 54 Total, . Com m onw ealth Suffolk, Dues capital, as per ledger, $231,812 00 Profits capital (all series), 42,884 54 as per ledger, . Unpaid dues, 2,557 00 of Total.............................. $277,253 54 M assa ch u setts. N ov . 18, 1890. ss. Personally appeared D. Eldredge, Secretary of said bank, and made oath that the foregoing report, by him subscribed, is true. Before me, W a l t e r H. R o b e r t s , Justice of the Peace. Su f f o l k , ss . N ov . 18, 1890. Personally appeared D. Eldredge, Treasurer of said bank, and made oath that the securities and cash specified in the foregoing report, by him subscribed, were held by him at the date thereof. Before me, W a l t e r H. R o b e r t s , Justice of the Peace. Suffolk, N ov . 18, 1890. ss. Personally appeared J. S. Ropes, President, and Willis S. Mason, Edwin P. Bostwick, Patrick Hayes, H. Thos. Elder, and Edwin A. Stevens, directors of said bank, and made oath that the above report is correct, according to their best knowledge and belief. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Before me, W alter H. R oberts, Justice of the Peace. PUBLIC DOCUMENT — No. 1891.] H O USA T O N IC 83 C O -O P E R A TIV E B A N K — G R EAT B A R R IN G T O N . Incorporated June 3, 1889. Commenced business July 1, 1889. Capital to be accumulated, $1,000,000. N a t h a n ie l W arn er , President. T T Z. im o t h y P otter , im o t h y Z. P otter , Secretary. Treasurer. Names of security committee : T im o t h y Z. P otter E. S. , R. N. O T h atcher , rton. Regular meeting the first Monday of each month. B a l a n c e S h e e t , O c t o b e r 31, 1890. A ssets. Loans on real estate, . Loans on shares, . Permanent expense account, Cash in hands of treasurer,. L ia b il it ie s . $4,050 180 56 824 00 00 36 68 $5,111 04 Dues capital, . . . . Profits capital (all series), Interest..................................... F i n e s , .................................. Transfer fees, Guaranty fund, Withdrawal profits, $4,962 65 72 5 00 20 82 08 25 2 34 3 35 $5,111 04 How are shares issued, — quarterly, semi-annually or annually? Semi annually. Number of shares issued during the y e a r , .......................................... 141 Number o f shares now in f o r c e , ........................................................... 389 Number of shares now borrowed u p o n , ...........................................37 Largest number of shares held by any one member, . . . . 15 Number o f shares withdrawn during the y e a r , .................................. 151 Amount of dues received during the y e a r , ...................................................$4,725 00 Highest per centum o f interest received during the year: 6|. Lowest per centum of interest received during the year: 6. Number o f members withdrawn during the year, . . . . 45 Present number o f members,.................................................................... 124 Present number of b o r r o w e r s , ........................................................... 10 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 84 BANK COMMISSIONERS’ REPORT. [Jan. Present number of n o n - b o r r o w e r s ,................................................... 114 Number o f loans secured by first mortgage of real estate, . . . 7 Amount o f loans secured by first mortgage o f real estate, . . . . Number and amount of loans on s h a r e s , ........................................... 3 Largest loan to any one m em ber,.................................................................... Smallest loan to any one m e m b e r , ........................................................... Amount of expenses of the corporation for the year ending Oct. 31, 1890, . Amount o f profits credited to shares during the y e a r ,.................................. 5,809 Amount of cash received during the y e a r , ................................. Amount of cash paid during the y e a r , .......................................... 5,629 Date of examination by commissioner: June 25. $4,050 00 180 00 1,200 00 50 00 40 62 76 80 19 57 July, 1889, Jan., 1890, July, 1890, 1 2 3 273 53 63 $16 20 10 20 4 00 Total Value. Value per Share. D ate I ssue . of No. of Shares. Series. Reconciliation o f Share Account with Dues and Profits Capital. $4,422 60 540 60 252 00 Co m , ss. 65 20 191 00 $5,218 20 $5,218 20 Total, e r k s h ir e $4,962 00 3 00 Dues paid in advance, B Dues capital, as per ledger, Profits capital (all series), as per ledger, . Unpaid dues, m on w ealth of M assach u setts. N ov. 17, 1890. Personally appeared Timothy Z. Potter, Secretary of said bank, and made oath that the foregoing report, by him subscribed, is true. Before me, T. I. F e r g u s o n , Justice of the Peace. B e r k s h ir e , ss. N ov . 17, 1890. Personally appeared Timothy Z. Potter, Treasurer of said bank, and made oath that the securities and cash specified in the foregoing report, by him subscribed, were held by him at the date thereof. Before me, T. I. F e r g u s o n , Justice of the Peace. B e r k s h ir e , ss. N ov . 17,1890. Personally appeared Nathaniel Warner, President, and E. S. Thatcher, R. N. Orton, W . H. Snyder, Martin A. French, O. C. Houghtaling, W . T. Van Deusen and R. H. McDonald, directors of said bank, and made oath that the above report is correct, accord ing to their best knowledge and belief. T. I. F e r g u s o n , Justice of the Peace. Before me, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1891,] PUBLIC DOCUMENT — No. 8. 85 H U DSON C O -O P E R A TIV E B A N K — H U DSON. Incorporated Oct. 25, 1885. Commenced business Nov 19, 1885. Capital to be accumulated, $1,000,000. A . T. K n ig h t , President. C. H. H i l l , Secretary. C h a s . E. H a l l , Treasurer. Names of security committee: J o s ia h S. W B e n j . H a s t in g s , C h a s . F. W elsh , elch. Regular meetings the third Thursday of each month. B a l a n c e S h e e t , O c t o b e r 31, 1890. A ssets. Loans on real estate, . Loans on shares, . Permanent expense account, Accrued interest, . Accrued fines, Accrued premium, Cash in hands of treasurer,. L ia b il it ie s . $61,800 1,2.50 145 143 20 19 154 on 00 52 25 24 20 38 Dues capital, . . . . Profits capital (all series), Surplus,.................................. Guaranty fund, Forfeited share account, $63,532 59 How are shares issued, — quarterly, semi-annually or annually? Semi annually. Number of shares issued during the y e a r , .................................. 1,667 Number of shares now in f o r c e , ................................................... 2,863 Number of shares now borrowed upon,................................................... 367 Largest number o f shares held by any one member, . . . . 25 Number of shares withdrawn during the y e a r , .................................. 470 Number of shares forfeited during the year,...........................................15 Amount of dues received during the y e a r , ................................................... Highest per centum o f interest received during the year: 9^0Lowest per centum o f interest received during the year: 6. Number of members withdrawn during the yea r,.................................. 62 Present number o f members,....................................................................446 Present number of borrowers, . . . . . . . 61 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis $58,156 00 5,091 11 6 8 17 115 65 101 66 $63,532 59 $30,194 00 86 BANK COMMISSIONERS’ REPORT. [Jan. Present number of non-borrowers,............................................................385 Number o f loans secured by first mortgage of real estate, . . . 53 Amount o f loans secured by first mortgage of real estate, . . . . $61,800 00 Number and amount of loans on s h a r e s , ........................................... 8 1,250 00 Largest loan to any one m em b er,.................................................................... 3,100 00 Smallest loan to any one member,.................................................................... 50 00 Amount o f expenses of the corporation for the year ending Oct. 31, 1890, . 355 51 Amount o f profits credited to shares during the y e a r ,.................................. 3,014 24 Amount o f cash received during the year........................................ 41,503 92 Amount o f cash paid during the year............................................... 41,363 95 Date o f examination by commissioner: June 16. Nov., May, Nov., May, Nov., May, Nov., May, Nov., May, 1885, 1886, 1886, 1887, 1887, 1888, 1888, 1889, 1889, 1890, 1 2 3 4 5 6 . 7 8 9 10 167 42 68 50 237 213 210 447 685 744 $69 76 61 96 54 31 46 83 39 55 32 48 25 60 18 90 12 40 6 10 Total Value. Value per Share. D ate I ssue . op No. of Shares. Series. Reconciliation o f Share Account with Dues and Profits Capital. $11,649 2,602 3,693 2,341 9,373 6,918 5,376 8,448 8,494 4,538 Dues capital, as per ledger, Profits capital (all series), as per ledger, . Unpaid dues, $58,156 00 Total.............................. $63,676 11 5,091 11 429 00 241 00 Dues paid in advance, $63,676 11 Total, . Com m onw ealth M id d l e s e x , 92 32 08 50 35 24 00 30 00 40 of M a s sa c h u s e t t s . ss . N ov . 1, 1890. Personally appeared C. H. Hill, Secretary of said bank, and made oath that the foregoing report, by him subscribed, is true. Before me, M id d l e s e x , F e e d O. W elsh , ss . Justice of the Peace. N ov . 1, 1890. Personally appeared C. E. Hall, Treasurer of said bank, and made oath that the securities and cash specified in the foregoing report, by him subscribed, were held by him at the date thereof. Before me, F e e d O. W e l s h , Justice of the Peace. M id d l e s e x , ss . N ov . 7, 1890. Personally appeared Arthur T. Knight, President, and E. P. Miles, Alson Taylor, Chas. F. Welch, Frank E. Brown and E. J. Elliott, directors of said bank, and made oath that the above report is correct, according to their best knowledge and belief. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Before me, J o sia h S. W elsh , Justice of the Peace. 1891.] 87 PUBLIC DOCUMENT — No. 8. H Y D E P A R K CO -O P E R A TIV E B A N K — H Y D E PA R K . Incorporated March 26, 1886. Commenced business May 5, 1886. Capital to be accumulated, $1,000,000. A ndrew W ash bu rn , T h o m a s E. F a u n c e , Secretary. T h o m a s E. F a u n c e , Treasurer. President. Names of security committee: J a m e s D. M c A v o y , A lo n zo H. R G e o r g e L. S t o c k in g . ic h a r d s o n , Regular meetings the first Wednesday of each month. B alance Sheet , October 31, 1890. L ia b il it ie s . A ssets. Loans on real estate, . Loans on shares, . Permanent expense account, Temporary expense account, Cash in hands of treasurer,. $49,900 1,200 291 133 2,751 00 00 81 33 01 $54,282 15 Dues capital, . . . . Profits capital (all series), Interest,.................................. Premiums, . . . . F i n e s , .................................. Transfer fees, . . . . Surplus,.................................. Guaranty fund, Withdrawal profits, Other liabilities, $49,919 3,588 528 67 6 1 33 95 41 00 85 50 55 17 00 48 74 78 08 $54,282 15 How are shares issued, — quarterly, semi-annually or annually? Semi annually. Number of shares issued during the y e a r , .................................. 1,518 Number of shares now in f o r c e , ................................................... 2,907 Number o f shares now borrowed u p o n , .......................................... 360 Largest number o f shares held by any one member, . . . . 25 Number of shares withdrawn during the y e a r , .................................. 660 Number of shares retired during the year................................................20 Amount of dues received during the y e a r , ................................................... $29,520 00 Highest premium received during the y e a r ,................................................... 25 Lowest premium received during the y e a r , ................................................... 05 Number o f members withdrawn during the year, . . . .7 1 Present number of members,.................................................................... 424 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 88 BANK COMMISSIONERS’ REPORT. Present number of b o r r o w e r s , ............................................................46 Present number o f n o n - b o r r o w e r s , ................................................... 378 Number of loans secured by first mortgage of real estate, . . . 38 Amount of loans secured by first mortgage of real estate,. . . . Number and amount of loans on s h a r e s , ...................................... 10 Largest loan to any one member........................................................................ Smallest loan to any one m e m b e r , .......................................... 50 Amount of expenses of the corporation for the year ending Oct. 31, 1890, . Amount of profits credited to shares during the y e a r ,..................... 2,513 35,807 Amount o f cash received during the y e a r , ................................. Amount of cash paid during the y e a r , ................................................... ........ Date of examination by commissioner: March 13. [Jan. $49,900 00 1,200 00 3,400 00 00 588 73 12 36 33,316 57 May, Mar., Sept., Mar., Sept., Mar., Sept., Mar., Sept., 1886, 1887, 1887, 1888, 1888, 1889, 1889, 1890, 1890, . 1 . . 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 137 166 88 173 244 386 373 783 557 $61 48 41 34 27 20 14 8 2 55 90 62 51 60 92 42 11 00 Total Value. Value per Share. D ate I ssue . of No. of Shares. Series. Reconciliation o f Share Account with Dues and Profits Capital. $8,432 8,117 3,662 5,970 6,734 8,075 5,378 6,350 1,114 Dues capital, as per ledger, Profits capital (all series), as per ledger, . Unpaid dues, $49,919 00 Total.............................. $54,086 85 3,588 85 579 00 252 00 Dues paid in advance, $54,086 85 Total, . Com m onw ealth N orfolk, 35 40 56 23 40 12 66 13 00 of M assa ch u setts. N ov . 18, 1890. ss . Personally appeared Thomas E. Faunce, Secretary of said bank, and made oath that the foregoing report, by him subscribed, is true. Before me, N orfolk, ss . F r a n k B. R i c h , Justice o f the Peace. N ov . 18, 1890. Personally appeared Thomas E.Faunce, Treasurer of said bank, and made oath that the securities and cash specified in the foregoing report, by him subscribed, were held by him at the date thereof. Before me, F r a n k B. R i c h , Justice of the Peace. N o r f o l k , ss. Personally appeared Andrew Washburn, Lewis, A. H. Richardson, Geo. E. Whiting bank, and made oath that the above report is and belief. Before me, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Nov. 18, 1890. President, and Geo. L. Stocking, D. W. and Howard Jenkins, directors of said correct, according to their best knowledge F r a n k B. R i c h , Justice o f the Peace. 1891.] 89 PUBLIC DOCUMENT — No. 8. L A W R E N C E C O -O P ER ATIV E B A N K — L A W R E N C E . Incorporated March 12, 1888. Commenced business April 6, 1888. Capital to be accumulated, $1,000,000. W m . F o h b e s , President. A. M. F a y , Secretary. W arren J. A b b o t t , Treasurer. Names of security committee : A . M. F a y , O sc a r S p e a r , C o l in K e r r . Regular meetings the first Friday of each month. Balance Sheet , O ctober 31, 1890. L ia b il it ie s . A ssets. Loans on real estate, . Loans on shares, . Permanent expense account, Temporary expense account, Suspense account, Cash in hands of treasurer,. Cash in hand of secretary, . $42,650 1,550 227 21 3 3,216 168 00 00 67 50 39 46 34 $47,837 36 Dues capital............................ Profits capital (all series), Interest..................................... Premiums, . . . . Transfer fees, Surplus,.................................. Guaranty fund, Withdrawal profits, $45,209 2,234 212 24 00 12 50 35 75 80 76 72 99 2 89 $47,837 36 How are shares issued, — quarterly, semi-annually or annually? Semi annually. Number of shares issued during the y e a r , .................................. 1,297 Number o f shares now in f o r c e , ............................................................ 3,015 Number o f shares now borrowed u p o n , .............................................. 228 Largest number o f shares held by any one member, . . . .2 5 Number o f shares withdrawn during the year............................................479 Amount of dues received during the y e a r , ................................................... $30,972 00 Highest premium received during the year....................................................... 75 Lowest premium received during the y e a r , ................................................... 05 N umber of members withdrawn during the year, . . . . 91 Present number of members......................................................................... 493 Present number o f b o r r o w e r s , ................................................................. 41 Present number o f non-borrowers,...............................................................452 Number of loans secured by first mortgage of real estate, . . . 35 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis BANK COMMISSIONERS’ REPORT. Amount o f loans secured by first mortgage of real estate, . . . . Number and amount of loans on s h a r e s , ...........................................11 Largest loan to any one m em ber,.................................................................... Smallest loan to any one member,.................................................................... Amount of expenses of the corporation for the year ending Oct. 31, 1890, . Amount o f profits credited to shares during the y e a r ,................................. Amount o f cash received during the y e a r , ................................................... Amount o f cash paid during the y e a r ,............................................................ Date o f exandnation by commissioner : April 22. [Jan. ss 90 $42,650 1,550 3,200 00 50 00 341 69 1,735 78 39,752 69 36,717 95 April, Oct., April, Oct., April, Oct., 1888, 1888, 1889, 1889, 1890, 1890, . . 1 2 3 4 5 6 . . 451 264 612 569 758 391 $33 26 19 13 7 30 48 84 38 10 1 00 Total Value. Value per Share. D ate I ssue . of No of Shares. Series. Reconciliation o f Share Account with Dues and Profits Capital\ $15,018 6,990 12,142 7,613 5,381 391 30 72 08 22 80 00 Dues capital, as per ledger, Profits capital (all series), as per ledger, . Unpaid dues, $45,209 00 Total.............................. $47,589 12 2,234 12 146 00 52 00 Dues paid in advance, Total, . $47,589 12 Co m m o n w e a l t h E s s e x , ss. of M a s sa c h u s e t t s . N ov . 28, 1890, Personally appeared A. M. Fay, Secretary of said bank, and made oath that the foregoing report, by him subscribed, is true. Before me, E ssex, N e w t o n P. F r y e , Justice of the Peace. N ov . 28, 1890. ss . Personally appeared W . J. Abbott, Treasurer of said bank, and made oath that the securities and cash specified in the foregoing report, by him subscribed, were held by him at the date thereof. Before me, E ssex, N e w t o n P. F r y e , Justice of the Peace. N ov . 28, 1890. ss . Personally appeared William P'orbes, President, and Jas. B. Lyall, John Burnham, Oscar Spear, Geo. W. Hall and John Watts, directors of said bank, and made oath that the above report is correct, according to their best knowledge and belief. Before me, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis N e w t o n P. F r y e , Justice of the Peace. 1891.] 91 PUBLIC DOCUMENT — No. 8. L E O M IN ST E R C O -O P E R A T IV E B A N K — L E O M IN ST E R . Incorporated May 8, 1888. Commenced business May 18, 1888. Capital to be accumulated, $1,000,000. W . E. W h ite , Secretary. J. G. T y l e r , President. W . E. W h it e , Treasurer. Names of security committee : Chas . E. B igeloav , W. F. L a w r e n c e . H. L. H a r r i s , Regular meetings the third Friday of each month. B alance Sheet , O ctober 31, 1890. L ia b il it ie s . A ssets. Loans on real estate, ,. Loans on shares, . Permanent expense account, Suspense, . . . . Cash in hands of treasurer, . $26,650 210 142 60 610 00 00 81 44 62 Dues capital, . . . . Profits capital (all series), Surplus,.................................. Guaranty fund, Forfeited share account, $27,673 87 How are shares issued, — quarterly, semi-annually or annually ? Semi annually. Number of shares issued during the y e a r , ...........................................568 Number o f shares now in force......................................................... 1,317 Number of shares now borrowed upon,.......................................................172 Largest number o f shares held by any one member, . . . . 25 Number of shares withdrawn during the year........................................ 397 Number of shares forfeited during the y e a r,...........................................4 Amount o f dues received during the y e a r , ................................................... Highest premium received during the y e a r ,................................................... Lowest premium received during the year........................................................ Number o f members withdrawn during the year, . . . . 54 Present number of members,........................................................................239 Present number of b o r r o w e r s , ................................................................. 21 Present number of n o n - b o r r o w e r s ,.......................................................218 Number o f loans secured by first mortgage of real estate, . . . 19 Amount of loans secured by first mortgage of real estate, . . . . Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis $25,648 1,645 316 60 3 00 10 39 56 82 $27,673 87 $16,078 00 1 05 05 26,650 00 92 BANK COMMISSIONERS’ REPORT. Number and amount o f loans on s h a r e s , ...........................................2 Largest loan to any one m em b er,.................................................................... Smallest loair to any one member,.................................................................... Amount of expenses of the corporation for the year ending Oct. 31, 1890, . Amount of profits credited to shares during the year...................................... Amount of cash received during the year, . . . . . . . Amount o f cash paid during the y e a r ,............................................................ Date of examination by commissioner : June 13. [Jan. $210 3,425 325 241 1,370 22,236 24,104 00 00 00 26 11 91 72 May, Nov., May, Nov., May, 1888, 1888, 1889, 1889, 1890, . 1 2 3 4 5 . 447 202 211 213 244 $32 25 18 12 6 .39 50 83 36 09 Total Value. Value per Share. D ate I ssue . of No. of Shares. Series. Reconciliation o f Share Account with Dues and Profits Capital. $14,470 5,151 3,973 2,632 1,485 Dues paid in advance, Dues capital, as per ledger, Profits capital (all series), as per ledger, . Unpaid dues, $25,648 00 Total.............................. $27,744 10 1,645 10 451 00 23 00 Total, . $27,744 10 Co m m o n w e a lth W 33 00 13 68 96 o r c e s t e r , ss . of M a s sa c h u s e t t s . N ov . 17, 1890. Personally appeared William E. White, Secretary of said bank, and made oath that the foregoing report, by him subscribed, is true. Before me, W o r c e s t e r , ss . H. M. L a n e , Justice of the Peace. N ov . 17, 1890. Personally appeared William E. White, Treasurer of said bank, and made oath that the securities and cash specified in the foregoing report, by him subscribed, were held by him at the date thereof. Before me, W o r c e s t e r , ss H. M. L a n e , Justice of the Peace. N ov . 17, 1890. Personally appeared Joel G. Tyler, President, and C. E. Bigelow, E. F. Pierce, F. W . Tenney, W. F. Lawrence and W. H. Wood, directors of said bank, and made oath that the above report is correct, according to their best knowledge and belief. Before me, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis H. M. L a n e , Justice of the Peace. 1891.] 93 PUBLIC DOCUMENT — No. L O W E L L C O -O P E R A T IV E B A N K — L O W E L L . Incorporated April 29, 1885. Commenced business May 14, 1885. Capital to be accumulated, $1,000,000. A r t e m a s B. W o o d w o r t h , President. G e o r g e W . B a t c h e l d e r , Secretary. G e o . E. M e t c a l f , Treasurer. Names of security committee: J o se p h L . S e d g l e y , C a l e b L . Sm i t h , S t e p h e n J. J o h n so n . Regular meetings the first Thursday after the tenth of the month. B alance Sheet , October 31, 1890. L ia b il it ie s . A ssets. Loans on real estate, . Loans on shares, . Permanent expense account, Suspense interest, Suspense premium, Suspense fines, . Cash in hands of treasurer,. Cash in hands of secretary, $92,800 5,040 120 439 33 74 6,929 106 00 00 00 15 40 89 03 80 $105,543 27 Dues capital............................. Profits capital (all series), F i n e s , .................................. Surplus..................................... Guaranty fund, Forfeited share account, Withdrawal profits, Dues on November account,. On share loan account, . $93,649 00 11,477 02 80 178 53 126 80 2 90 2 22 81 00 25 00 $105,543 27 How are shares issued, — quarterly, semi-annually or annually ? Semi annually. Number of shares issued during the y e a r , ........................................... 1,660 Number o f shares now in f o r c e , ............................................................ 3,796 Number o f shares now borrowed upon........................................................726 Largest number of shares held by any one member, . . . . 25 Number of shares withdrawn during the y e a r , ......................................768 Amount o f dues received during the y e a r , ................................................... $42,994 00 Highest premium received during the y e a r ,................................................... 25 Lowest premium received during the y e a r , ................................................... 05 Number o f members withdrawn during the year, . . . . 82 Present number of m e m b e r s , ............................................................... 485 Present number of b o r r o w e r s , ............................................................... 106 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 94 BANK COMMISSIONERS’ REPORT. Present number o f n o n - b o r r o w e r s ,................................................... 379 Number o f loans secured by first mortgage of real estate, . . . 75 Amount o f loans secured by first mortgage of real estate, . . . . Number and amount of loans on s h a r e s , ........................................... 31 Largest loan to any one member........................................................................ Smallest loan to any one member,.................................................................... Amount of expenses of the corporation for the year ending Oct. 31, 1890, . Amount o f profits credited to shares during the year..................................... 61,583 Amount of cash received during the y e a r , .................................. Amount o f cash paid during the y e a r ,........................................... 63,428 Date of examination by commissioner: June 10. [Jan. $92,800 00 5,040 00 3,600 00 50 00 434 70 5,998 54 04 88 1 May, 1885, Nov , 1885, May, 1886, Nov., 1886, May, 1887, Nov., 1887, May, 1888, Nov., 1888, May, 1889, Nov., 1889, May, 1890, 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 248 133 80 255 106 246 257 413 592 586 880 Total, . $79 71 63 55 47 39 32 25 18 12 99 51 26 27 49 99 73 73 96 42 6 10 Total Value. Value per Share. D ate OF ISSUE. No. of Shares. Series. Reconciliation o f Share Account with Dues and Profits Capital. 52 83 80 85 94 54 61 49 32 12 00 Dues capital, as per ledger, Profits capital (all series), as per ledger, . Unpaid dues, $93,649 00 $106,283 02 Total.............................. $106,283 02 $19,837 9,510 5,060 14,093 5,033 9,837 8,411 10,626 11,224 7,278 5,368 Com m onw ealth M id d l e s e x , of 11,477 02 1,157 00 Massach u setts. ss . N ov . 5, 1890. Personally appeared Geo. W . Batchelder, Secretary of said bank, and made oath that the foregoing report, by him subscribed, is true. Before me, M id d l e s e x , ss . E dw ard M. T ucke , Justice of the Peace. N ov . 13, 1890. Personally appeared Geo. E. Metcalf, Treasurer of said bank, and made oath that the securities and cash specified in the foregoing report, by him subscribed, were held by him at the date thereof. Before me, M id d l e s e x , ss . C a r l o s H a z e n , Justice of the Peace. N ov . 18, 1890. Personally appeared A. B. Woodworth, President, and S. R. Kitchen, J. L. Sedgley, J. O. Gulline, E. S. Bickford and L. F. Howard, directors of said bank, and made oath that the above report is correct, according to their best knowledge and belief. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Before me, H a r r is o n W. S t r a t e r , Justice of the Peace. 1891.] 95 PUBLIC DOCUMENT — No. 8. M A L D E N C O -O P E R A TIV E B A N K — M A L D E N . Incorporated April 27, 1887. Commenced business May 9, 1887. Capital to be accumulated, $1,000,000. M a r c e l l u s C o g g a n , President. L e w i s P. B r o w n , Secretary. L e w is P. B r o w n , Treasurer. Names of security committee: E zr a A . Stev en s, M . S. O ’D o n n e l l , G eorge L . G ould , Obed B . W elden , C h as. E . D en nett. Regular meetings the second Monday of each month. B alance Sheet , October 31, 1890. A ssets. Loans on real estate, . Loans on shares, . Permanent expense account, Office fixtures, Suspense, . . . . Cash in hands of treasurer,. L ia b il it ie s . $67,360 4,650 50 42 273 4,331 00 00 00 00 87 97 $76,707 84 Dues capital, . . . . Profits capital (all series), Surplus,.................................. Guaranty fund, Forfeited share account, $69,848 6,390 249 205 15 00 32 42 00 10 $76,707 84 How are shares issued, — quarterly, semi-annually or annually ? Semi annually. Number o f shares issued during the y e a r , .............................................. 851 Number o f shares now in f o r c e , ............................................................ 2,847 Number of shares now borrowed u p o n , .............................................. 622 Largest number o f shares held by any one member....................................25 Number o f shares withdrawn during the y e a r , ..................................... 482 Number o f shares forfeited during the y e a r , ......................................... 2 Amount o f dues received during the y e a r , ................................................... $33,463 00 Highest premium received during the y e a r ,................................................... 1 15 Lowest premium received during the y e a r , ................................................... 05 Number o f members withdrawn during the year, . . . . 71 Present number o f m e m b e r s , ............................................................... 400 Present number o f b o r r o w e r s , ................................................................. 83 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 96 BANK COMMISSIONERS’ REPORT. Present number o f n o n - b o r r o w e r s ,................................................... 317 Number o f loans secured by first mortgage o f real estate, . . . 57 Amount o f loans secured by first mortgage of real estate, . . . . Number and amount of loans on s h a r e s , ........................................... 36 Largest loan to any one m em b er,.................................................................... Smallest loan to any one member,.................................................................... Amount of expenses of the corporation for the year ending Oct. 31, 1890, . Amount of profits credited to shares during the y e a r ,.................................. Amount o f cash received during the y e a r , .................................. 42,288 A m ou n t o f cash paid during the y e a r , .......................................... 39,261 Date o f examination by commissioner : September 25. [Jan. f 67,360 00 4,650 00 2,600 00 50 00 370 73 3,978 20 15 56 May, Nov., May, Nov., May, Nov., May, 1887, 1887, 1888, 1888, 1889, 1889, 1890, . 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 537 356 385 355 467 346 401 $47 39 32 25 18 21 83 64 68 93 12 41 6 10 Total Value. Value per Share. D ate I ssue . of No. of ' Shares. Series. Reconciliation o f Share Account with Dues and Profits Capital. $25,351 14,179 12,566 9,116 8,840 4,293 2,446 $76,970 32 Total, . Com m onw ealth ss . Dues capital, as per ledger, Profits capital (all series), as per ledger, . Unpaid dues, $69,848 00 Total.............................. $76,970 32 6,390 32 732 00 176 00 Dues paid in advance, M id d l e s e x , 77 48 40 40 31 86 10 of M a s sa c h u s e t t s . N ov . 10, 1890. Personally appeared Lewis P. Brown, Secretary of said bank, and made oath that the foregoing report, by him subscribed, is true. Before me, G eo . H o w a r d F a l l , Justice of the Peace. M id d l e s e x , ss . N ov . 10, 1890. Personally appeared Lewis P. Brown, Treasurer of said bank, and made oath that the securities and cash specified in the foregoing report, by him subscribed, were held by him at the date thereof. Before me, G e o . H o w a r d F a l l , Justice of the Peace. M id d l e s e x , ss . N ov . 10, 1890. Personally appeared Marcellus Coggan, President, and Harry H. Barrett, Lyman H. Kichards, John E. Staples, L. B. Jordan, H. C. Gray and J. B. Foster, directors of said bank, and made oath that the above report is correct, according to their best knowledge and belief. G eo . H o w a r d F a l l , Justice of the Peace. Before me, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1891.] 97 PUBLIC DOCUMENT — No. M A N SF IE L D C O -O P ER ATIV E B A N K -M A N S F I E L D . Incorporated March 10, 1883. Commenced business March 21, 1883. Capital to be accumulated, $500,000. C h a s . A . M c A l p w e , President. A l f r e d B . D a y , Secretary. A l f r e d B . D a y , Treasurer. Names of security committee: S. C. L o v e l l , J a m e s A. W h e e l e r , W il l ia m C. W in t e r . Regular meetings the third Wednesday of each month. B a l a n c e S h e e t , O c t o b e r 31, 1890. A ssets. L ia b il it ie s . » Loans on real estate, . $109,925 00 Loans on shares, . 12,415 00 Permanent expense account, 117 00 Unpaid interest, . 376 09 Unpaid premium, 13 32 Unpaid tines, 48 64 Cash in hands o f treasurer, . 7,096 40 Dues capital, . . . . $112,818 00 Profits capital (all series), . 16,902 53 Surplus,.................................. 41 52 Guaranty fund, • 229 40 $129,991 45 How are shares issued, — quarterly, semi-annually or annually ? Semi annually. Number o f shares issued during the year, . . . . . 856 Number of shares now in f o r c e , ........................................... 3,166 Number o f shares now borrowed upon, . . . . 1,084 Largest number o f shares held by any one member, . . 25 Number o f shares withdrawn during the year, . . 690 Amount o f dues received during the year, . . . . Highest premium received during the year, . . . . Lowest premium received during the year, . . . . Number of members withdrawn during the year, . 63 Present number o f m e m b e r s , ........................................... . . 454 Present number of b o r r o w e r s , ........................................... . 143 Present number o f n o n - b o r r o w e r s ,.................................. . 311 Number of loans secured by first mortgage of real estate, . . 104 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis $129,991 45 $36,947 00 10 01 98 [Jan. BANK COMMISSIONERS’ REPORT Amount o f loans secured by first mortgage of real estate, . . . . $109,925 00 Number and amount of loans on s h a r e s , ........................................... 40 12,415 00 Largest loan to any one m em b er,.................................................................... 2,600 00 Smallest loan to any one m e m b e r , ............................................................ 10 00 Amount of expenses of the corporation for the yearending Oct. 31, 1890, . 504 50 Amount o f profits credited to shares duringthe y e a r ,.................................... 6,997 12 73,817 04 Amount o f cash received during the y e a r , ................................................... Amount o f cash paid during the y e a r ,............................................................ 70,267 35 Date of examination by commissioner : February 13. Mar., 1883, Nov., 1883, .May, 1884, Nov., 1884, May, 1885, .Nov., 1885, May, 1886, Nov , 1886, May, 1887, .Nov., 1887, May, 1888, Nov., 1888, May, 1889, Nov., 1889, May, 1890, . . . . . 173 83 134 70 124 47 135 124 256 322 285 189 476 393 355 $116 40 104 09 95 17 86 47 78 03 69 88 61 94 54 24 46 73 39 47 32 41 25 53 18 86 ]2 38 6 10 Total Value. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Value per Share. ate I ssu e. No. of Shares. D of Series. Reconciliation o f Share Account with Dues and Profits Capital. $20,137 8,639 12,752 6,052 9,675 3,284 8,361 6,725 11,962 12,709 9,236 4,825 8,977 4,865 2,165 Dues capital, as per ledger, $112,818 00 Profits capital (all series), 16,902 53 as per ledger, . 1,060 00 Unpaid dues, 408 00 Dues paid in advance, $130,780 53 Total, . Com m onw ealth B r is t o l , 20 47 78 90 72 36 90 76 88 34 85 17 36 34 50 of Total.............................. $130,780 53 M assa ch u setts. N ov . 19, 1890. ss . Personally appeared Alfred B. Day, Secretary of said bank, and made oath that the foregoing report, by him subscribed, is true. Before me, H o w a r d P e r k i n s , Justice of the Peace. B r is t o l , ss. Nov. 19, 1890. Personally appeared Alfred B. Day, Treasurer of said bank, and made oath that the securities and cash specified in the foregoing report, by him subscribed, were held by him at the date thereof. Before me, H o w a r d P e r k i n s , Justice of the Peace. B r is t o l , N ov . 19, 1890. ss . Personally appeared C. A. McAlpine, President, and S. C. Lovell, Wm. C. Winter, J. A. Wheeler, Wm. S. Stearns and John Somers, directors of said bank, and made oath that the above report is correct, according to their best knowledge and belief. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Before me, H o w a r d P e r k i n s , Justice of the Peace. 1891.] PUBLIC DOCUMENT No. 8. 99 M A R B L E H E A D C O -O P ER ATIV E B A N K — M A R B L E H E A D . Incorporated May 5, 1886. Commenced business May 6, 1886. Capital to be accumulated, $1,000,000. B e n j . C o l e , Jr., Secretary. J o n a t h a n C o l e , President. B e n j . C o l e , Jr., Treasurer. Names of security committee: K V . M a r t in , nott M . V . B . M o rse, Jo h n L a n c y . Regular meetings the first Thursday of each month. B a l a n c e S h e e t , O c t o b e r 31, 1890. A ssets. Loans on real estate, . Loans on shares, . Permanent expense account, Unpaid interest, Unpaid premiums, Unpaid fines, Town o f Beverly bonds, City o f Waltham bonds, City of Chicago, 111., bonds, City o f Fort Wayne, Ind., bonds, . . . . Cash in hands of treasurer,. L ia b il it ie s . $42,200 2,250 190 63 7 11 2,121 1.028 3,317 00 00 00 00 85 80 33 30 00 Dues capita], . . . . Profits capital (all series), Surplus.................................... Guaranty fund, Forfeited share account, 00 82 39 92 48 1,068 18 1,027 15 $53,284 61 How are shares issued, — quarterly, semi-annually or annually f Semi annually. Number of shares issued during the year, . . . . . . 194 Number of shares now in f o r c e , ........................................... 1,331 Number o f shares now borrowed upon................................... . 278 Largest number o f shares held by any one member, . . 25 Number o f shares withdrawn during the year, . 183 Number o f shares forfeited during the year, 6 Amount o f dues received during the year, . . . . . . . Highest premium received during the year............................. . . . Lowest premium received during the year, . . . . Number o f members withdrawn during the year, . 57 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis $47,416 5,607 31 222 6 $53,284 61 $16,062 00 05 05 BANK COMMISSIONERS’ REPORT. 100 [Jan. Present number o f m e m b e r s , ...............................................................349 Present number o f b o r r o w e r s , .................................................................53 Present number o f n o n - b o r r o w e r s ,.......................................................296 Number of loans secured by first mortgage of real estate, . . . 52 Amount of loans secured by first mortgage of real estate, . . . . $42,200 00 12 2,250 00 Number and amount of loans on shares..................................................... Largest loan to any one m em b er,.................................................................... 4,500 00 Smallest loan to any one member,..................................................... 50 00 Amount o f expenses of the corporation for the year ending Oct. 31, 1890, . 334 64 Amount of profits credited to shares during the y e a r ,............................. 2,713 69 Amount of cash received during the year, . . . . . . . 24,186 51 Amount o f cash paid during the y e a r ,............................................. 25,267 67 Date o f examination by commissioner : September 2. May, Nov., May, Nov., May, Nov., May, Nov., May, 1886, 1886, 1887, 1887, 1888, 1888, 1889, 1889, 1890, 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 260 236 159 100 235 80 84 82 95 $62 54 46 39 32 25 18 12 22 47 87 54 44 56 88 40 6 11 Total Value. Value per Share. No. of Shares. D ate I ssue . of Series. Reconciliation o f Share Account with Dues and Profits Capital. $16,177 12,854 7,452 3,954 7,623 2,044 1,585 1,016 580 Dues capital, as per ledger, Profits capital (all series), as per ledger, . Unpaid dues, $53,289 82 Total, . Co m m o n w e a l t h E ssex, 20 92 33 00 40 80 92 80 45 of Total, . . . . $47,416 00 5,607 82 266 00 $53,289 82 M assach u setts. ss . N ov . 11, 1890. Personally appeared Benjamin Cole, Jr., Secretary of said bank, and made oath that the foregoing report, by him subscribed, is true. Before me, E ssex, ss . W m. R ey n o ld s, Justice of the Peace. N ov . 11, 1890. Personally appeared Benj. Cole, Jr., Treasurer of said bank, and made oath that the securities and cash specified in the foregoing report, by him subscribed, were held by him at the date thereof. Before me, W m . R e y n o l d s , Justice of the Peace. E ssex, ss . N ov . 11, 1890. Personally appeared Jonathan Cole, President, and Henry O. Symonds, Wm. T. Litchman, Knott V. Martin, Frank Millett and M. V . B. Morse, directors of said bank, and made oath that the above report is correct, according to their best knowledge and belief. W m . R e y n o l d s , Justice of the Peace. Before me, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1891.] 101 PUBLIC DOCUMENT — No. 8. M AR LB O R O U G H CO -O P ER ATIV E BO ROU GH. BANK — M ARL- Incorporated April 16, 1890. Commenced business May 1, 1890. Capital to be accumulated, $1,000,000. C h a r l e s F. R o b in s o n , President. C h a r l e s F. H o l y o k e , Secretary. C h a r l e s F. H o l y o k e , Treasurer. Names of security committee: A u s t in B. H o w e , J oh n S. F a y , H erbert C h a r l e s W . C u r t is , E d w in F . L o n g l e y , C. W r i g h t . Regular meetings the first Thursday of each month. B a l a n c e Sh e e t , O c t o b e r A ssets. Loans on real estate, . Permanent expense account, Cash in hands of treasurer, . 31, 1890. L ia b il it ie s . $7,418 00 169 47 3,643 37 Dues capital, . . . . Profits capital (all series), Guaranty fund, $11,230 84 How are shares issued, — quarterly, semi-annually or annually ? Semiannually. Number of shares issued during the y e a r , .................................. 1,970 Number o f shares now in force......................................................... 1,841 Number of shares now borrowed upon.......................................................... 45 Largest number of shares held by any one member, . . . . 25 Number o f shares withdrawn during the y e a r , .................................. 129 Amount o f dues received during the y e a r , ................................................... Highest premium received during the y e a r , ................................................... Lowest premium received during the y e a r , ................................................... Number o f members withdrawn during the y ea r,.................................. 27 Present number o f members.......................................................................... 388 Present number o f b o r r o w e r s , .................................................................. 7 Present number o f non-borrowers.................................................................381 Number o f loans secured by first mortgage of real estate, . . . 7 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis $11,043 00 184 10 3 74 $11,230 84 $11,470 00 10 05 102 BANK COMMISSIONERS’ REPORT. Amount of loans secured by first mortgage of real estate, . . . . Largest loan to any one m em b er,.................................................................... Smallest loan to any one member,.................................................................... Amount of expenses of the corporation for the year ending Oct. 31, 1890, . Amount o f profits credited to shares during the y e a r ,.................................. Amount o f cash received during the y e a r , ................................................... Amount of cash paid during the y e a r , ........................................................... Date of examination by commissioner : September 5. [Jan. $7,41800 2,000 00 350 00 8498 184 10 11,736 62 8,093 25 . 1 Dues paid in advance, Total Value. May, 1890, Value per Share, j D ate I ssue. No. of Shares. op Series. Reconciliation o f Share Account with Dues and Profits Capital. 1,841 $6 10 $11,230 10 . . . $11,043 00 188 00 Dues capital, as per ledger, Profits capital (all series), as per ledger, . Unpaid dues, $11,418 10 Total.............................. $11,418 10 . Total.................................................. Comm onw ealth M id d l e s e x , ss . ' op 184 10 191 00 M a s sa c h u s e t t s . N ov . 18, 1890. Personally appeared Charles F. Holyoke, Secretary o f said bank, and made oath that the foregoing report, by him subscribed, is true. Before me, M id d l e s e x , ss. H. S. F a y , Justice of the Peace. N ov . 18, 1890. Personally appeared Chas. F. Holyoke, Treasurer of said bank, and made oath that the securities and cash specified in the foregoing report, by him subscribed, were held by him at the date thereof. Before me, M id d l e s e x , ss. H. S. F a y , Justice of the Peace. Nov. 18, 1890. Personally appeared Charles F. Robinson, President, and Austin B. Howe, H. C. Wright, John S. Fay, E. A. Brigham, and George A. Howe, directors of said bank, and made oath that the above report is correct, according to their best knowledge and belief. Before me, H. S. F a y , Justice of the Peace. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1891.] 103 PUBLIC DOCUMENT — No. 8. M E C H A N IC S ’ C O -O P E R A TIV E B A N K - T A O T O N . Incorporated Sept. 14, 1877. Commenced business Sept. 17, 1877. Capital to be accumulated, $1,000,000. E d w i n H . K n o w l e s , President. E d w a r d S. H e r s e y , Secretary W i l l i a m M. L o v e r in g , Treasurer. Names of security committee: J a m e s P. W Cy r u s Sa v a g e , il l ia m s , J. J. G r e e n , Jr. Regular meetings the first Monday after the fifteenth day o f each month. B a l a n c e S h e e t , O c t o b e r 31, 1890. A ssets. L ia b il it ie s . $341,844 00 Loans on real estate, . 12,574 00 Loans on shares, . 345 96 Temporary expense account, 1,757 00 Unpaid dues, 1,211 72 Unpaid interest, . 74 65 Unpaid premiums, 508 74 Unpaid fines, 50 62 Suspense account, 3,191 68 Cash in hands o f treasurer, $294,562 00 Dues capital, . . . 49.681 25 Profits capital (all series), 6,745 79 Interest,.................................. 382 78 Premiums, . . . . 221 38 F i n e s , .................................. 522 45 Guaranty fund, 461 33 Forfeited share account, 1,189 69 Advance payments, 7,791 70 Matured shares, $361,558 37 $361,558 37 How are shares issued, — quarterly, semi-annually or annually? annually. Number of shares issued during the y e a r , .................................. Number of shares now in f o r c e , ................................................... Number o f shares now borrowed upon,........................................... Largest number of shares held by any one member, . Number o f shares withdrawn during the year, . . . . Number of shares forfeited during the year, . . . . Number of shares retired during the y e a r , .................................. Number of shares matured during the year, . . . . Amount of dues received during the y e a r , .................................. Highest premium received during the y e a r ,.................................. Lowest premium received during the year, . . . . Number of members withdrawn during the year, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Semi2,543 8,299 2,245 25 1,585 9 173 88 . . 173 $99,863 00 35 05 BANK COMMISSIONERS’ REPORT. 104 1,074 Present number of mem bers,................................................... . 328 Present number of b o r r o w e r s , ........................................... . 746 Present number o f non-borrowers, . . . . . . 274 Number o f loans secured by first mortgage of real estate, . Amount o f loans secured by first mortgage of real estate, . . 58 Number and amount of loans on shares, . . . . Largest loan to any one m em ber,........................................... Smallest loan to any one m e m b e r , .................................. Amount o f expenses of the corporation for the year ending Oct. 31, 1890, . Amount of profits credited to shares during the year, . . . Amount of cash received during the year, . . . . Amount of cash paid during the y e a r ,.................................. Date of examination by commissioner : April 7. [Jan. |341,844 00 12,574 00 5,000 00 50 00 1,109 19,089 166,970 165,442 62 55 04 75 Jan., Jan., Jan., Jan., Jan., Jan., Jan., Jan., July, Jan., July, Jan., July, Jan., July, 4 5 6 7 8 9 1880, 1881, 1882, 1883, 1884, 1885, 1886, 1887, 1887, 1888, 1888, 1889, 1889, 1890, 1890, 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 108 $183 03 96 160 80 372 139 45 269 119 41 225 100 63 310 83 03 455 66 53 114 51 05 43 69 971 818 36 55 29 62 447 22 91 1,181 16 41 637 1,361 10 11 935 4 00 Total Value. Value per! Share. D ate o r I ssue . No. of Shares. Series. Reconciliation o f Share Account with Dues and Profits Capital. $19,767 15,436 51,875 32,121 22,641 25,739 30,271 5,819 42,422 29,897 13,240 27,056 10,453 13,759 3,740 Dues capital, as per ledger, $294,562 00 Profits capital (all series), as per ledger, . 49,681 25 Advance payments, . 1,189 69 1,189 69 Dues paid in advance, $345,432 94 Total, . Com m onw ealth B r is t o l , 24 80 40 29 75 30 15 70 99 90 14 71 17 71 00 ss . of Total.............................. $345,432 94 M assa ch u setts. N ov . 15, 1890. Personally appeared Edward S. Hersey, Secretary of said bank, and made oath that the foregoing report, by him subscribed, is true. Before me, B r is t o l , ss . H e n r y M. L o v e r in g , Justice of the Peace. N ov . 17,1890. Personally appeared Wm. M. Lovering, Treasurer of said bank, and made oath that the securities and cash specified in the foregoing report, by him subscribed, were held by him at the date thereof. Before me, H e n r y M. L o v e r in g , Justice of the Peace. B r is t o l , ss . N ov . 17, 1890. Personally appeared Edwin H. Knowles, President, and Wm. H. Lewis, James P. Williams, W. W . Swan, Cyrus Savage and J. C. Macdonald, directors of said bank, and made oath that the above, report is correct, according to their best knowledge and belief. Before me, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis G e o . E. C h a m b e r s , Notary Public. 1891.] 105 PUBLIC DOCUMENT — No. 8. M EDFORD C O -O P E R A TIV E B A N K — M EDFORD. Incorporated June 21, 1886. Commenced business July 7, 1886. Capital to be accumulated, $1,000,000. J a m e s S. S t u r t e v a n t , Secretary. D a n a I . M c I n t i r e , President. J a m e s S. S t u r t e v a n t , Treasurer. Names of security committee: John H . H ooper, J o se p h E . O b e r , J o h n A . S u l l iv a n , E li A yers, C h a r l e s P. L a u r ia t . Regular meetings the second Wednesday of each month. Balance S heet , October 31, 1890. A ssets. Loans on real estate, . Loans on shares, . Permanent expense account, Accrued interest, Accrued premiums, Accrued tines, Cash in hands of treasurer, . L ia b il it ie s . $89,150 5,500 147 97 10 30 486 09 00 00 50 35 36 44 $95,421 65 Dues capital, Profits capital (all series), Surplus,.................................. Guaranty fund, Forfeited share account, $85,904 9,145 261 106 5 00 25 31 03 06 $95,421 65 How are shares issued,— quarterly, semi-annually or annually? Semi annually. Number of shares issued during the y e a r , .................................. 1,164 Number o f shares now in f o r c e , ...................................................3,227 Number o f shares now borrowed upon..................................................... 711 Largest number of shares held by any one member, . . . . 25 Number o f shares withdrawn during the y e a r , .................................. 402 Number of shares forfeited during the y e a r ,...........................................13 Amount of dues received during the year......................................................... $36,505 00 Highest premium received during the y e a r , ................................................... 15 Lowest premium received during the y e a r , ................................................... 05 Number o f members withdrawn during the year, . . . . . 64 Present number of m em bers,....................................................................420 Present number o f borrowers,....................................................................70 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 106 BANK COMMISSIONERS’ REPORT. [Jan. Present number of non-borrowers.............................................................. 350 F umber of loans secured by first mortgage of real estate, . . . 58 Amount of loans secured by first mortgage of real estate.............................. $89,150 00 Number and amount of loans on s h a r e s , ........................................... 28 5‘500 00 Largest loan to any one m em b er,.................................................................... 5,000 00 Smallest loan to any one member,.................................................................... 50 00 Amount of expenses of the corporation for the year ending Oct. 31,1890, . 588 62 Amount of profits credited to shares duringthe y e a r , ................................... 4,968 01 Amount of cash received during the y e a r , ................................................... 49,724 47 Amount of cash paid during the y e a r , ........................................................... 52,366 38 Date of examination by commissioner : October 10. July, Nov., May, Nov., May, Nov., May, Nov., May, 1886, 1886, 1887, 1887, 1888, 1888, 1889, 1889, 1890, 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 407 311 300 274 220 191 414 425 685 $59 54 46 39 32 25 18 12 6 73 54 98 65 52 60 90 40 10 Total Value. Value per Share. D ate Issue. No. of Shares. of Series, j Reconciliation o f Share Account with Dues and Profits Capital. $24,310 16,961 14,094 10,864 7,154 4,889 7,824 5,270 4,178 Dues capital, as per ledger, Profits capital (all series), as per ledger, . Unpaid dues, . . $85,904 00 Total.............................. $95,706 25 9,145 25 657 00 159 00 Dues paid in advance, $95,706 25 Total, . C om m onw ealth M id d l e s e x , 11 94 00 10 40 60 60 00 50 of M assach u setts. ss . N o v . 11, 1890. Personally appeared James Sturtevant, Secretary of said bank, and made oath that the foregoing report, by him subscribed, is true. Before me, W il l ia m M id d l e s e x , ss. P. M a r t in , Justice of the Peace. Nov. 11, 1890. _ Personally appeared James Sturtevant, Treasurer of said bank, and made oath that the securities and cash specified in the foregoing report, by him subscribed, were held by him at the date thereof. Before me, W i l l i a m P. M a r t in , Justice of the Peace. M id d l e s e x , ss . N ov . 11, 1890. Personally appeared Dana I. Mclntire, President, and Chas. P. Lauriat, J. R. Teel, Ira W. Hamlin, Chas. H. Loomis, and Wm. C. Craig, directors of said bank, and made oath that the above report is correct, according to their best knowledge and belief. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Before me, W il l ia m P. M a r t i n , Justice of the Peace. 1891.] 107 PUBLIC DOCUMENT — No. 8. M ELRO SE CO -O PER ATIVE B A N K — M ELRO SE. Incorporated April 4, 1890. Commenced business April 21, 1890. Capital to be accumulated, $1,000,000. C. W . H ig g i n s , President. F e e d M . L i b b y , Secretary. C. W . C o o k , Treasurer. Names of security committee: S. E. B e n so n , C. E. T o d d , C. W . C o o k . Regular meetings the first Friday of each month. B a l a n c e S h e e t , O c t o b e r 31, 1890. A ssets. $2 200 109 519 280 00 38 08 30 Dues capital, Interest.................................... Premiums, . . . . F i n e s , .................................. $3 108 76 How are shares issued, — quarterly, semi-annually or annually? annually. Number of shares issued during the year, Number o f shares now in f o r c e , .................................. Number o f shares now borrowed upon, . . . . Largest number of shares held by any one member, Number of shares withdrawn during the year, Amount of dues received during the year, . . Highest premium received during the year, . Lowest premium received during the year, . Number of members withdrawn during the year, . Present number of members,.......................................... Present number of b o r r o w e r s , .................................. Present number o f non-borrowers,.................................. Number of loans secured by first mortgage of real estate, Amount o f loans secured by first mortgage of real estate, Largest loan to any one m em b er,.................................. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis $3,039 52 2 15 00 07 20 49 =zc €£ o CO Loans on real estate, . Permanent expense account, Cash in hands o f treasurer, . Cash in hands o f secretary, . L ia b il it ie s . 76 Semi 606 571 11 25 35 . $3,169 00 05 05 2 77 1 76 l 2,200 00 2,200 00 108 BANK COMMISSIONERS’ REPORT. [Jan. Smallest loan to any one member,.................................................................... $2,200 00 Amount o f expenses of the corporation for the year ending Oct. 31, 1890, . 109 38 Amount of cash received during the y e a r , ................................................... 3,236 11 Amount o f cash paid during the y e a r , ............................................................ 2,436 73 Date o f examination by commissioner : September 23. April, 1890, July, 1890, Oct., 1890, . . 330 52 189 $8 00 5 00 2 00 Total Value. 1 2 3 Value per Share. No. of Shares. D ate o r I ssu e. Series. Reconciliation o f Share Account with Dues and Profits Capital. $2,640 00 260 00 370 00 $3,039 00 249 00 Total.............................. $3,288 00 10 00 Dues paid in advance, $3,288 00 Total, . Com m onw ealth M id d l e s e x , Dues capital, as per ledger, Unpaid dues, . . •. ss . op M assach usetts. N o v . 14, 1890. Personally appeared Fred M. Libby, Secretary of said bank, and made oath that the foregoing report, by him subscribed, is true. Before me, M id d l e s e x , ss. C h a s . E. T o d d , Justice of the Peace. N ov . 14, 1890. Personally appeared C. W . Cook, Treasurer of said bank, and made oath that the securities and cash specified in the foregoing report, by him subscribed, were held by him at the date thereof. Before me, M id d l e s e x , ss . C h a s . E. T o d d , Justice of the Peace. N ov . 14, 1890. Personally appeared C. W. Higgins, President, and H. J. Pettengill, Frank T. Robin son, George J. Bicknell, Seth E. Benson, and Wm. C. Johnston, Jr., directors of said bank, and made oath that the above report is correct, according to their best knowledge and belief. Before me, C h a s . E. T o d d , Justice of the Peace. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1891.] 109 PUBLIC DOCUMENT — No. 8. M E R C H A N T S ’ C O -O P ER ATIV E B A N K — BOSTON. Incorporated Dec. 21, 1881. Commenced business February, 1882. Capital to be accumulated, $1,000,000. A l f r e d J. M e r c e r , President. A l b e r t E. D u f f i l l , Secretary. A l b e r t E. D u f f i l l , Treasurer. Names of security committee: G e o . T. Bossox, T h o s . S w a d k i n s , Jr., E d w a r d C. S c a t e s , A l f r e d J. M e r c e r , A l b e r t S. P a r so n s . Regular meetings the second Monday of each month. B a l a n c e S h e e t , O c t o b e r 31, 1890. A ssets. L ia b il it ie s . Loans on real estate, . $357,850 00 Loans on shares, 15,120 00 752 52 Temporary expense account, 5,370 86 Real estate by foreclosure, . 592 23 Unsettled claims, 15,832 55 Cash in hands o f treasurer,. $339,732 00 Dues capital, . . . . 44,876 86 Profits capital (all series), Interest,.................................. 7,388 20 1,065 47 Premiums, . . . . F i n e s , .................................. 294 77 6 50 Transfer fees, . . . . 517 75 Surplus,.................................. 1,031 55 Guaranty fund, 166 71 Forfeited share account, 296 70 Withdrawal profits, 78 50 Rent account, 63 15 Other liabilities, $395,518 16 $305,518 16 How are shares issued, — quarterly, semi-annually or annually ? Semi annually. Number o f shares issued during the y e a r , .................................. 3,756 Number of shares now in f o r c e , ................................................... 11,617 Number of shares now borrowed upon,...........................................2,392 Largest number o f shares held by any one member............................... 25 Number o f shares withdrawn during the year, . . . . 1,371 Number of shares forfeited during the y e a r,...........................................31 Number of shares retired during the y e a r , .......................................... 144 Amount of dues received during the y e a r , ................................................... $132,245 00 Highest premium received during the y e a r ,................................................... 55 Lowest premium received during the y e a r , ................................................... 05 Number of members withdrawn during the yea r,.................................. 172 Present number o f mem bers,........................................................... 1,352 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 110 BANK COMMISSIONERS’ REPORT. [Jan. OO 'rfi CM Present number of b o r r o w e r s , ........................................... Present number of n o n - b o r r o w e r s , .................................. 1,104 Number of loans secured by first mortgage of real estate, . . 195 Amount of loans secured by first mortgage of real estate, . $357,850 00 Number and amount of loans on shares, . . . . . 53 15,120 00 Largest loan to any one m em b er,........................................... 5,000 00 Smallest loan to any one m e m b e r , .................................. 50 00 Amount of expenses of the corporation for the year ending Oct. 31, 1890, . 2,182 82 Amount o f profits credited to shares during the year, . 20,055 73 Amount of cash received during the year, . . . . . . 191,090 62 Amount of cash paid during the y e a r , .................................. . 193,978 78 1 Date of examination by commissioner : March 31. Feb., June, Dec., June, Dec , June, Dec., June, Dec., June, Dec., June, Dec., June, Dec., June, Dec., June, 1882, 1882, 1882, 1883, 1883, 1884, 1884, 1885, 1885, 1886, 1886, 1887, 1887, 1888, 1888, 1889, 1889, 1890, . 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 . 13 14 15 16 17 18 $140 133 123 113 104 122 94 146 85 215 77 335 68 428 60 52 497 698 45 844 37 30 1,123 1,589 24 17 1,447 1,780 11 1,715 5 110 121 130 142 175 92 90 58 63 01 72 74 05 66 55 73 17 87 81 01 45 12 00 Total Value. Value per Share. D ate I ssue. of No. of Shares. Series. Reconciliation o f Share Account with Dues and Profits Capital. $15,501 16,201 16,065 16,135 18,201 11,555 12,518 16,565 23,001 25,915 26,206 31,528 31,962 34,599 38,151 25,250 19,793 8,875 Dues paid in advance, Dues capital, as per ledger, $339,732 00 Profits capital (all series), as per ledger, . 44,876 86 Unpaid dues, 3,520 00 399 00 Total, . $388,128 86 Comm onw ealth S u ffolk, 20 90 40 46 75 84 04 75 10 40 81 66 28 63 89 15 60 00 ss . of Total, . . . . $388,128 86 M assach u setts. N ov . 10, 1890. Personally appeared Albert E. Duffill, Secretary of said bank, and made oath that the foregoing report, by him subscribed, is true. Before me, Su ffo lk , ss . G. H. M. R o w e , Justice of the Peace. N ov . 10, 1890. Personally appeared Albert E. Duffill, Treasurer of said bank, and made oath that the securities and cash specified in the foregoing report, by him subscribed, were held by him at the date thereof. Before me, Su ffo lk , ss . G. H. M. R o w e , Justice of the Peace. N ov . 10, 1890. Personally appeared Alfred J. Mercer, President, and Alex. C. Pitman, Allison Z. Mason, E. W. Howe, J. A. Flanders, and H. W . Stevens, directors of said bank, and made oath that the above report is correct, according to their best knowledge and belief. Before me, G . H. M . R o w e , Justice of the Peace. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1891 .] PUBLIC DOCUMENT — No. 8. I ll MIDDLEBOROTJGH C O -O P ER ATIV E B A N K - M ID D LE BOROUGH. Incorporated May 1, 1889. Commenced business May 21, 1889. Capital to be accumulated, $1,000,000. S a m u e l S. B o u r n e , President. J o se p h E. B e a l s , Secretary. J o se p h E. B e a l s , Treasurer. Names of security committee : W ar r e n H . Southw orth, W il l i a m B. W I ch a b o d F. A tw o o d . ood , Regular meetings the third Tuesday of each month. B alance Sheet , October 31, 1890. L ia b il it ie s . A ssets. Loans on real estate, . Permanent expense account, Interest unpaid, . Premiums unpaid, Fines unpaid, Cash in hands of treasurer,. $19,750 00 200 00 1 50 15 6 72 459 84 $20,418 21 Dues capital, . . . . Profits capital (all series), Surplus,.................................. Guaranty fund, Forfeited share account, $19,576 801 29 9 1 00 99 64 00 58 $20,418 21 How are shares issued, — quarterly, semi-annually or annually? Semi annually. Number o f shares issued during the y e a r , .............................................. 474 Number of shares now in f o r c e , ............................................................ 1,335 Number o f shares now borrowed u p o n , .............................................. 105 Largest number of shares held by any one member, . . . .2 5 Number o f shares withdrawn during the y e a r , ......................................115 Number o f shares forfeited during the y e a r , ......................................... 1 Amount o f dues received during the y e a r , ................................................... $ 15,216 00 Highest premium received during the y e a r ,................................................... 05 Lowest premium received during the y e a r , ................................................... 05 Number of members withdrawn during the year, . . . . 29 Present number of members,....................................................................... 369 Present number of b o r r o w e r s , .................................................................15 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 112 BANK COMMISSIONE!?S’ REPORT. [Jan. Present number o f n o n - b o r r o w e r s , ................................................... 354 Number of loans secured by first mortgage of real estate, . . . 22 Amount of loans secured by first mortgage of real estate, . . . . Largest loan to any one m em ber,.................................................................... Smallest loan to any one member,.................................................................... Amount o f expenses of the corporation for the year ending Oct. 31, 1890, . Amount o f profits credited to shares during the y e a r,.................................. Amount o f cash received during the y e a r , ................................................... Amount of cash paid during the year, . . . . . . . . . Date o f examination by commissioner : May 13. $19,750 00 3,000 00 300 00 228 60 750 87 16,446 49 16,035 30 1 2 3 869 208 258 May, 1889, Nov., 1889, M a y , 1890, Total Value. ssu e. Value per Share. ate I No. of Shares. D of Series. Reconciliation o f Share Account with Dues and Profits Capital. $18 81 12 36 6 09 $16,345 89 2,570 88 1,571 22 $19,576 00 801 99 174 00 64 00 Dues paid in advance, Total, . $20,551 99 Com m onw ealth P lym ou th , Dues capital, as per ledger, Profits capital (all series), as per ledger, . Unpaid dues, ss . of Total, . . . . $20,551 99 M a s sa c h u s e t t s . N ov . 1, 1890. Personally appeared Joseph E. Beals, Secretary of said bank, and made oath that the foregoing report, by him subscribed, is true. Before me, P lym ou th , ss . C h a s . T. T h a c h e r , Justice of the Peace. N ov . 1, 1890. Personally appeared Joseph E. Beals, Treasurer of said bank, and made oath that the securities and cash specified in the foregoing report, by him subscribed, were held by him at the date thereof. Before me, P lym outh, ss . C h a s . T. T h a c h e r , Justice of the Peace. N ov . 1, 1890. Personally appeared Samuel S. Bourne, President, and E. P. LeBaron, A. C. Howes, Wm. B. Wood, B. F. Tripp and C. H. Leonard, directors of said bank, and made oath that the above report is correct, according to their best knowledge and belief. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Before me, C h a s . T. T h a c h e r , Justice of the Peace. 1891.] 113 PUBLIC DOCUMENT — No. 8. M IL FO R D C O -O P E R A T IV E B A N K -M I L F O R D . Incorporated March 31, 1887. Commenced business April 4, 1887. Capital to be accumulated, $ 1,000,000. It. C. E l d r i d g e , President. W . S. Y . C o o k e , Secretary. W . S. Y . C o o k e , Treasurer. Names of security committee: P. P. F i e l d , L. E. H e a t h , W . B. H a l e , J. N. D a v i s . Regular meetings the first Monday of each month. B a l a n c e S h e e t , O c t o b e r 31, 1890. A ssets. Loans on real estate, . Loans on shares, . Permanent expense account, Suspense account, Cash in hands o f treasurer,. L ia b il it ie s . $88,390 4,440 200 369 5,540 00 00 00 08 07 $98,939 15 Dues capital, . . . . Profits capital (all series), . Interest,.................................. F i n e s , .................................. Transfer fees, . . . . Surplus,.................................. Guaranty fund, Withdrawal profits, $89,921 8,037 492 16 2 344 110 16 00 47 06 06 00 14 00 42 $98,939 15 IIow are shares issued, — quarterly, semi-annually or annually? Semi annually. Number of shares issued during the y e a r , .............................................921 Number of shares now in f o r c e , ...........................................................3,417 Number o f shares now borrowed u p o n , .............................................662 Largest number o f shares held by any one member, . . . . 25 Number o f shares withdrawn during the y e a r , .................................. 654 Amount o f dues received during the y e a r , ................................................... $38,923 00 Number o f members withdrawn during the year, . . . . 81 Present number o f members,.......................................... 591 Present number o f b o r r o w e r s , ................................................... . 109 Present number o f n o n - b o r r o w e r s , ................................................... 478 Number of loans secured by first mortgageof real estate, . . . 94 Amount o f loans secured by first mortgageof real estate, . . . . 88,39000 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 114 BANK COMMISSIONERS’ REPORT. [Jan. Number and amount of loans on s h a r e s , ...........................................28 $4,440 00 Largest loan to any one m em b er,.................................................................... 5,000 00 Smallest loan to any one member,.................................................................... 50 00 Amount of expenses of the corporation for the year ending Oct. 31, 1890, . 432 50 Amount o f profits credited to shares during the year, . . . . . 4,709 20 Amount o f cash received during the y e a r , ..................................... 54,072 83 Amount o f cash paid during the year, . . . . . . . . 50,150 36 Date of examination by commissioner : June 19. Aprii, Oct., Aprii, Oct., Aprii, Oct., Aprii, Oct., 1887, 1887, 1888, 1888, 1889, 1889, 1890, 1890, 1 ,1 2 9 309 282 249 393 415 336 304 $47 40 33 26 19 13 7 1 76 47 40 53 86 39 10 00 Total Value. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 . . . . . . . . Value per Share. No. of Shares. D ate O F IS S U E . Series. | Reconciliation o f Share Account with Dues and Profits Capital. $ 5 3 ,9 2 1 1 2 ,5 0 5 9 ,4 1 8 6 ,6 0 5 7 ,8 0 4 5 ,5 5 6 2 ,3 8 5 304 Dues paid in advance, Dues capital, as per ledger, Profits capital (all series), a s per ledger, . Unpaid dues, $ 8 9 ,9 2 1 00 8 ,0 3 7 47 762 0 0 218 00 Total, . $ 9 8 ,7 2 0 47 Co m m o n w e a l t h W 04 23 80 97 98 85 60 00 o r c e s t e r , ss . of Total.............................. $ 9 8 ,7 2 0 4 7 M a s sa c h u s e t t s . N ov . 19,1890. Personally appeared Walter S. V. Cooke, Secretary of said bank, and made oath that the foregoing report, by him subscribed, is true. Before me, W o rcester, ss. L o w e l l E. F a l e s , Justice of the Peace. N ov . 19, 1890. Personally appeared W. S. Y . Cooke, Treasurer of said bank, and made oath that the securities and cash specified in the foregoing report, by him subscribed, were held by him at the date thereof. Before me, W orcester, ss. L o w e l l E. F a l e s , Justice of the Peace. N ov . 19, 1890. Personally appeared R.C.Eldridge,President, and Geo. P.Cooke, L. E. Heath, Patrick H. Curran, W . B.Hale andJohn Nolan,directors of said bank, and made oath that the above report is correct, according to their best knowledge and belief. Before me, * Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis L o w e l l E. F a l e s , Justice of the Peace. 1891.] 115 PUBLIC DOCUMENT — No. 8. NEW BEDFORD C O -O P E R A TIV E BEDFORD. BANK — N E W Incorporated July 11, 1881. Commenced business Aug. 19, 1881. Capital to be accumulated, $1,000,000. I saac W . B en jam in , President. C h as . R . P r ic e , Secretary. G ideon B. W r ig h t , Treasurer. Names of security committee : S a m ’ l S. P a in e , Jaspe r W . B r a l e y , G eo . R . S tetson . Regular meetings the fourth Friday of each month. B a l a n c e S h e e t , O c t o b e r 31, 1890. L ia b il it ie s . A s s is t s . $215,950 00 Loans on real estate, . 12,440 00 Loans on shares, . 131 93 Permanent expense account, 808 00 Unpaid dues, 379 03 Unpaid interest, . 50 24 F in e s ,.................................. 1,495 47 Personal accounts, 8,796 10 Cash in hands of treasurer,. 52 85 Cash in hands o f secretary, . $195,831 00 Dues capita], . . . . 39,203 20 Profits capital (all series), 476 64 Surplus,.................................. 1,772 54 Guaranty fund, 10 80 Forfeited share account, 33 59 Personal accounts, 2,775 85 Due on loans (uncompleted), $240,103 62 $240,103 62 How are shares issued, — quarterly, semi-annually or annually? Semi annually. Number o f shares issued during the year,. . . . . 1,122 Number of shares now in f o r c e , ......................................4,718 Number of shares now borrowed upon...............................1,616 Largest number o f shares held by any one member,. . . . 25 Number o f shares withdrawn during the y e a r , .................................. 791 Number of shares forfeited during the year,...........................................3 Number of shares retired during the y e a r , ...........................................58 Amount o f dues received during the year........................................................ Highest premium received during the y e a r ,................................................... Lowest premium received during the year........................................................ Number of members withdrawn during the year, . . . .134 Present number o f m e m b e r s , ...............................................................672 Present number of b o r r o w e r s , ...............................................................222 Present number o f non-borrowers............................................................... 450 Number of loans secured by first mortgage of real estate, . . .176 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis $57,042 00 19 01 116 BANK COMMISSIONERS’ REPORT. [Jan. Amount o f loans secured by first mortgage of real estate, . $215,950 00 Number and amount of loans on shares................................................... 46 12,440 00 Largest loan to any one m em b er,.................................................................... 5,000 00 Smallest loan to any one m e m b e r , ............................................................ 20 00 Amount of expenses of the corporation for the year ending Oct. 31, 1890,. 1,343 82 Amount o f profits credited to shares during the year..................................... 13,788 09 124,570 32 Amount of cash received during the y e a r , ................................................... Amount o f cash paid during the y e a r ,............................................................ 122,482 80 Date o f examination by commissioner : March 26. Aug., Feb., Aug., Feb., Aug., Feb., Aug., Feb., May, Nov., May, Nov., May, Nov., May, Nov., May, Nov., May, 1881, 1882, 1882, 1883, 1883, 1884, 1884, 1885, 1885, 1885, 1886, 1886, 1887, 1887, 1888, 1888, 1889, 1889, 1890, . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 164 $151 84 175 141 11 132 130 72 120 68 77 70 110 92 98 101 47 122 92 38 118 83 56 88 79 25 136 70 84 299 62 72 250 54 84 238 47 19 250 39 79 510 32 62 392 25 67 496 18 94 382 12 43 621 6 11 Total Value. Value per Share. D ate Issue. of No. of Shares. Series. Reconciliation o f Share Account with Dues and Profits Capital. $24,901 24,694 17,255 9,292 7,764 9,944 11,270 9,860 6,974 9,634 18,753 13,710 15,950 9,947 16,636 10,062 9,394 4,748 3,794 Dues paid in advance, Dues capital, as per ledger, $195,831 00 Profits capital (all series), as per ledger, . 39,203 20 447 00 Total, . $235,034 20 Com m onw ealth B r is t o l , 76 25 04 36 40 06 36 08 00 24 28 00 22 50 20 64 24 26 31 oe Total, . . . . $235,034 20 M a s sa c h u s e t t s . Dec. 2, 1890. ss . Personally appeared Chas. R. Price, Secretary of said bank, and made oath that the foregoing report, by him subscribed, is true. Before me, B r is t o l , M a y h e w R. H i t c h , Justice of the Peace. Dec. 2, 1890. ss . Personally appeared Gideon B. Wright,Treasurer of said bank,and made oath that $221,845 of the securities required by the foregoing report, by him subscribed, were held by him at the date thereof, and the balance, $6,920, have since been received, and that he held cash $8,931.14. Before me, B r is t o l , ss . M a y h e w R. H it c h , Justice o f the Peace. Dec. 2, 1890. Personally appeared IsaacW . Benjamin, President, and Chas. S.Paisler, Rufus A. Soule, Oliver P. Brightman, Benj. Anthony and John A. Bates, directors of said bank, and made oath that the above report is correct, according to their best knowledge and belief. Before me, M a y h e w R. H it c h , Justice of the Peace. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1891.] 117 PUBLIC DOCUMENT — No. 8 N E W B U E Y P O R T CO -O P ER ATIV E B A N K — N E W B U R Y PORT. Incorporated March 15, 1888. Commenced business April 9, 1888. Capital to be accumulated, $1,000,000. L uther D a m e , President. G eo. E. S tic k n e y , Secretary. G eo . E. S'tickney , Treasurer. Names of security committee : C h as . H. G oodw in , L eonard N. K ent , W . H e rber t N oyes . Regular meetings the second Monday of each month. B a l a n c e S h e e t , O c t o b e r 31, 1890. L ia b il it ie s . A ssets. Loans on real estate, . Loans on shares, . Permanent expense account, Temporary expense account, Suspense account, Cash in hands of treasurer,. $45,000 755 325 63 20 439 00 00 00 66 50 76 $46,603 92 Dues capital, . Profits capital (all series), Interest..................................... Premiums, . . . . Fines, • . . . . Transfer fees, . . . . Surplus,.................................. Guaranty fund, Withdrawal profits, $43,455 2,572 282 45 11 00 83 32 20 08 25 138 72 80 00 18 52 $46,603 92 How are shares issued, — quarterly, semi-annually or annually? Semi annually. Number o f shares issued during the y e a r , .................................. 1,192 Number o f shares now in f o r c e , ................................................... 2,596 Number of shares now borrowed upon,. . . . . . 305 Largest number o f shares held by any one member, . . . . 25 Number o f shares withdrawn during the y e a r , .................................. 434 Amount of dues received during the y e a r , ................................................... $26,870 00 Highest premium received during the y e a r ,................................................... 40 Lowest premium received during the y e a r , ................................................... 05 Number o f members withdrawn during the y e a r,.................................. 75 Present number o f members,.................................................................... 418 Present number of b o r r o w e r s , ........................................................... 51 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis \ 118 BANK COMMISSIONERS’ REPORT. Present number o f non-borrowers,.................................. . 367 Number of loans secured by first mortgage of real estate, . 44 Amount of loans secured by first mortgage of real estate, . Number and amount of loans on shares, 7 Largest loan to any one m em b er,.................................. Smallest loan to any one member,.................................. Amount o f expenses of the corporation for the year ending Oct. 31, 1890, . Amount of profits credited to shares during the year, . Amount o f cash received during the year, Amount o f cash paid during the year, . . . . Date o f examination by commissioner : June 26. [Jan. $45,00000 75500 4,200 00 50 00 51233 2,064 06 39,409 34 39,446 19 April, 1888, April, Oct., April, Oct., 1889, 1889, 1890, 1890, . 1 2 3 4 5 . 6 695 294 313 333 636 325 Total, . Total Value. Value per Share. ! D ate I ssue. i No. of j Shares. op Series. I Reconciliation of Share Account with Bues and Profits Capital. $33 26 19 13 7 38 53 88 39 10 1 00 $23,199 7,799 6,222 4,458 4,515 325 10 82 44 87 60 00 $ 4 6 ,5 2 0 83 Co m m o n w e a l t h op Dues capital, as per ledger, Profits capital (all series), as per ledger, . Unpaid dues, Total, . . . . $43,455 00 2,572 83 493 00 $46,520 83 M assa ch u setts. Nov. 18> 189o. JIiSSe x , ss. Personally appeared Geo. E. Stickney, Secretary of said bank, and made oath that the foregoing report, by him subscribed, is true. Before me, C h a s . A. E v a n s , Justice of the Peace. Nov. 18) 1890> ItSSEX, ss. Personally appeared Geo. E. Stickney, Treasurer of said bank, and made oath that the securities and cash specified in the foregoing report, by him subscribed, were held bv him at the date thereof. Before me, iiSBEX, ss. C h a s . A. E v a n s , Justice of the Peace. Nov. 18> 1890< Personally appeared Luther Dame, President, and Ira F. H. Blake, Lewis F. Barton, Henry A. Wilson, J. A. Perry and Chas. H. Goodwin, directors of said bank, and made oath that the above report is correct, according to their best knowledge and belief. Before me, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis C h a s . A. E v a n s , Justice of the Peace. 119 PUBLIC DOCUMENT — No. 8. 1891.] N E W T O N C O -O P E R A T IV E B A N K — N E W T O N V IL L E . Incorporated June 14, 1888. Commenced business Sept. 4, 1888. Capital to be accumulated, $1,000,000. F r a n c is A . D e w s o n , President. J. C h e e v e r F u l l e r , Secretary. J. C h e e v e r F u l l e r , Treasurer. Names of security committee: Jam es W . F r e n c h , W a l t e r T . P h ip p s , J o h n F. H e c k m a n , T h o m a s B. F i t z , A u s t in R. M i t c h e l l . Regular meetings the first Tuesday of each month. B alance Sheet , October 31, 1890. L ia b il it ie s . A ssets. Loans on real estate, . Loans on shares, . . Permanent expense account, Cash in hands of treasurer,. $63,850 00 700 00 200 00 2,687 85 Dues capital............................ Profits capital (all series), . Interest,.................................. Premiums, . . . . Fines......................................... Surplus,.................................. Guaranty fund, Forfeited share account, Withdrawal profits, Security committee, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 00 92 67 75 20 93 69 96 73 2 00 $67,437 85 $67,437 85 How are shares issued, — quarterly, semi-annually or annually? annually. Number o f shares issued during the y e a r , .................................. Number o f shares now in f o r c e , ................................................... Number o f shares now borrowed u p o n , .................................. Largest number of shares held by any one member, . Number of shares withdrawn during the year, . . . Number o f shares forfeited during the year, . . . . Amount of dues received during the y e a r , .................................. Highest premium received during the y e a r ,.................................. Lowest premium received during the y e a r , .................................. $63,776 2,642 638 79 3 151 82 19 40 Semi1,914 4,248 . 391 . 25 . 665 . 17 , , $42,454 00 35 05 120 BANK COMMTSSTONBT?S’ R E P O R T Number of members withdrawn during the year, . . . . 75 Present number of m e m b e r s , ............................................................... 537 Present number of b o r r o w e r s , ................................................................. 35 Present number o f n o n - b o r r o w e r s , .......................................................502 Number o f loans secured by first mortgage o f real estate, . . . 31 Amount of loans secured by first mortgage of real estate, . . . . Number and amount of loans on shares.................................................. 4 Largest loan to any one m em b er,.................................................................... Smallest loan to any one member.............................................................. Amount of expenses of the corporation for the year ending , 31, 1890, Amount of profits credited to shares during the year, . Amount of cash received during the year, . Amount o f cash paid during the year, . . . . Date of examination by commissioner : August 19. $63,850 700 5,000 00 00 00 100 00 616 2,380 55,657 55,574 97 71 76 49 Sept., 1888, . 1 2 Sept., 1889, Mar., 1890, Sept., 1890, 3 4 5 1,201 892 361 1,038 756 Dues paid in advance, $27 20 14 8 Total Value. I ssu e. Value per Share. I D ate o f No. of Shares. Series. Reconciliation o f Share Account with Dues and Profits Capital. 41 81 37 09 2 00 $32,919 18,562 5,187 8,397 1,512 $66,982 92 Co m m o n w ea lth Su f f o l k , Dues capital, as per ledger. Profits capital (all series), as per ledger, . Unpaid dues, $63,776 00 2,642 92 564 00 404 00 • Total, . 41 52 57 42 00 of Total, . . . . $66,982 92 M assach usetts. N ov . 2 9, 1890. ss. Personally appeared J. Cheever Fuller, Secretary of said bank, and made oath that the foregoing report, by him subscribed, is true. Before me, Suffolk, C h a k l e s A. F it z G e r a l d , Justice of the Peace. N o v . 2 9 , 1890. ss . Personally appeared J. Cheever Fuller, Treasurer o f said bank, and made oath that the securities and cash specified in the foregoing report, by him subscribed, were held by him at the date thereof. Before me, Suffolk, ss . C h a r l e s A. F it z G e r a l d , Justice of the Peace. Dec. 9> 1890> Personally appeared Francis A. Dewson, President, and Edwin W . Gray, Charles L. Keene, James W. French, Austin R. Mitchell and John F. Heckman, directors of said bank, and made oath that the above report is correct, according to their best knowledge and belief. Before me, C h a r l e s A . F it z G e r a l d , Justice of the Peace. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1891.] 121 PUBLIC DOCUMENT — No. 8. N O R TH A B IN G T O N C O -O P E R A TIV E B A N K — N O RTH A B IN G T O N . Incorporated March 23, 1888. Commenced business April 4, 1888. Capital to be accumulated, $1,000,000. M oses N. A r n o l d , President. E r n e s t W. C a l k i n s , Secretary. E d w a r d P. R eed, Treasurer. Names of security committee : E dw ard P. R eed, J o se p h L. G r e e n w o o d , E l ip h a l e t R . B a t e s. Regular meetings the first Wednesday of each month. B a l a n c e S h e e t , O c t o b e r 31, 1890. L ia b il it ie s . A ssets. Loans on real estate, . Loans on shares, . Permanent expense account, Temporary expense account, Interest accrued, . Premiums accrued, Fines accrued, Cash in hands of treasurer,. Cash in hands of secretary,. $17,500 50 250 7 28 1 9 1,569 2 00 00 00 00 75 70 74 72 75 $19,419 66 Dues capital, . Profits capital (all series), Interest, . . . . . Premiums, . . . . F i n e s , .................................. Surplus,.................................. Guaranty fund, Forfeited share account, Withdrawal profits, How are shares issued, — quarterly, semi-annually or annually ? Semiannually. Number o f shares issued during the year, . . 196 Number o f shares now in force, . . . . . 808 Number o f shares now borrowed upon, . 96 Largest number o f shares held by any one member, . 25 . 181 Number of shares withdrawn during the year, Number o f shares forfeited during the year, . 13 Amount o f dues received during the year, . Highest premium received during the year, . Lowest premium received during the year, . Number of members withdrawn during the year, . 41 Present number o f members, . . . . . 193 Present number of borrowers, . . . . . 19 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis $18,029 1,188 89 4 5 58 29 5 7 00 97 58 80 78 94 00 64 95 $19,419 66 » $9,358 00 05 05 122 BANK COMMISSIONERS’ REPORT. [Jan. ....................................................174 Present number o f nòn-borrowers, Number of loans secured by first mortgage of real estate, . . . 21 Amount of loans secured by first mortgage of real estate, . . . . Number and amount of loans on s h a r e s , ........................................... 1 Largest loan to any one m em ber,.................................................................... Smallest loan to any one m e m b e r , ............................................................ Amount of expenses of the corporation for the year ending Oct. 31, 1890, . Amount of profits credited to shares during the y e a r ,.................................. Amount of cash received during the y e a r , .................................. 11,727 Amount of cash paid during the y e a r ,.......................................... 14,338 Date o f examination by commissioner: March 21. $17,500 00 50 00 1,600 00 50 00 6,424 00 899 55 60 08 April, Oct., April, Oct., April, Oct., 1888, 1888, 1889, 1889, 1890, 1890, 1 2 3 4 . . . . 5 6 419 80 97 44 119 49 $33 26 19 13 7 30 46 84 37 09 1 00 Total Value. Value per Share. D ate I ssue . of No. of Shares. Series. Reconciliation o f Share Account with Dues and Profits Capital. $13,952 2,116 1,924 588 843 49 Dues paid in advance, Dues capital, as per ledger, Profits capital (all series), as per ledger, . Unpaid dues, $18,029 00 1,188 97 262 00 5 00 $19,749 97 Total, . Co m m o n w ea lth P lym outh , 70 80 48 28 71 00 of ss . Total, . . . . $19,479 97 M a s sa c h u s e t t s . N ov . 8, 1890. Personally appeared Ernest Calkins, Secretary o f said bank, and made oath that the foregoing report, by him subscribed, is true. Before me, P lym outh, ss . E. P. B o y n t o n , Notary Public. • Nov. 8 , 1890. Personally appeared Edw. P. Reed, Treasurer of said bank, and made oath that the securities and cash specified in the foregoing report, by him subscribed, were held by him at the date thereof. Before me, P lym outh, ss. E d w a r d P. B o yn to n , Notary Public. N ov . 8, 1890. Personally appeared Moses N. Arnold, President, and S. N. Turner, Wm. C. Brett, Wm. B. Arnold, Reuben Smith and F. M. Spiller, directors of said bank, and made oath that the above report is correct, according to their best knowledge and belief. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Before me, E d w . P. B o yn to n , Notary Public. 1891.] PUBLIC DOCUMENT— No. 8 N O RTH AM PTON C O -O P E R A TIV E AM P TO N . 123 BANK — NORTH Incorporated May 21, 1889. Commenced business May 24, 1889. Capital to be accumulated, $1,000,000. E . C . D a v is , President. H. E. G r a v e s , Secretary. M. L. G r a v e s , Treasurer. Names of security committee : C . S. C r o u c h , S. R. C o o l e y , M. L. G r a v e s . Regular meetings the first Monday in each month. B a l a n c e S h e e t , O c t o b e r 31, 1890. A ssets. Loans on real estate, . Loans on shares, . Permanent expense account, Temporary expense account, Cash in hands of treasurer,. L ia b il it ie s . $14,900 30 184 154 1,592 00 00 60 76 54 Dues capital............................. Profits capital (all series), Interest, . . . . . Premiums, . . . . F i n e s , .................................. Transfer fees, . . . . Surplus,.................................. Guaranty fund, Forfeited share account, Withdrawal profits, $16,861 90 How are shares issued, — quarterly, semi-annually or annually? Semi annually. Number o f shares issued during the year, . 331 Number o f shares now in f o r c e , .................................. 1,135 Number o f shares now borrowed upon, . 77 Largest number o f shares held by any one member, . . 25 Number o f shares withdrawn during the year, . . 129 Number o f shares forfeited during the year, . 32 Amount o f dues received during the year, . Highest premium received during the year, . Lowest premium received during the year, . Number o f members withdrawn during the year, . 33 Present number o f m e m b e r s , .................................. . 252 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis $16,227 213 334 34 16 00 44 96 65 99 50 10 79 7 99 14 50 1 08 $16,861 90 $12,722 00 20 05 I 124 BANK COMMISSIONERS’ REPORT. Present number o f b o r r o w e r s , ........................................... Present number of n o n - b o r r o w e r s ,.................................. Number o f loans secured by first mortgage of real estate, . Amount of loans secured by first mortgage of real estate, . Number and amount of loans on shares.................................. Largest loan to any one m em b er,........................................... Smallest loan to any one member,........................................... Amount of expenses of the corporation for the year ending Oct. Amount of profits credited to shares during the year, . Amount o f cash received during the year, . . . . Amount o f cash paid during the y e a r ,.................................. Date o f examination by commissioner : June 21. [Jan. . 17 . 235 . 16 1 1890, . 00 00 00 00 09 217 94 13,386 98 13,075 09 $14,900 30 1,800 30 235 814 142 179 Total Value. 1 2 3 Value per Share. June, 1889, Dec., 1889, June, 1890, No. of Shares. D ate I ssue . of Series. Reconciliation o f Share Account with Dues and Profits Capital. $17 25 11 07 5 00 $14,041 50 1,571 94 895 00 $16,227 00 213 44 132 00 64 00 Dues paid in advance, $16,572 44 Total, . Comm onw ealth H a m p s h ir e , Dues capital, as per ledger, Profits capital (all series;, as per ledger, . Unpaid dues, ss . of Total, . . . . $16,572 44 M a s sa c h u s e t t s . N ov. 3, 1890. Personally appeared H. R. Graves, Secretary of said bank, and made oath that the foregoing report, by him subscribed, is true. Before me, H a m p s h ir e , ss. J. A r t h u r W a i n w r i g h t , Justice of the Peace. N ov . 3, 1890. Personally appeared M. L. Graves, Treasurer of said bank, and made oath that the securities and cash specified in the foregoing report, by him subscribed, were held by him at the date thereof. Before me, J. A r t h u r W a i n w r i g h t , Justice of the Peace. H a m p s h ir e , ss . N ov . 3, 1890. Personally appeared Emory C. Davis, President, and F. D. Barnes, C. S. Crouch, C. M. Wright, E. E. Wood, Jr., and Alvin F. Pease, directors of said bank, and made oath that the above report is correct, according to their best knowledge and belief. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Before me, J. A r t h u r W a i n w r i g h t , Justice of the Peace. 1891.] PUBLIC DOCUMENT — No. 125 N O R T H D IG H T O N C O -O P E R A T IV E R A N K — N O RTH D IG H TO N . Incorporated April 14, 1890. Commenced business April 21, 1890. Capital to be accumulated, $500,000. J a m e s H. C o d d in g , President. N a t h a n ie l R . L in c o l n , Secretary. E d w a r d L in c o l n , Treasurer. Names of security committee: E dw ard A lm y, D a r iu s M. W J a m e s M. L in c o l n . h it e , Regular meetings the second Monday of each month. B a l a n c e S h e e t , O c t o b e r 31, 1890. A ssets. Loans on real estate, . Permanent expense account, Pass book account, Cash in hands of treasurer,. L ia b il it ie s . $1,500 55 39 2,184 00 71 50 04 Dues capital............................. Interest,.................................. Premiums, . . . . F i n e s , .................................. $3,779 25 How are shares issued, — quarterly, semi-annually or annually ? Annually. Number o f shares issued during the y e a r , .............................................. 537 Number of shares now in f o r c e , ............................................................... 537 Number of shares now borrowed upon, .................................................. 8 Largest number of shares held by any one member, . . . . 25 Amount of dues received during the y e a r , ................................................... Highest premium received during the year, . ........................................... Lowest premium received during the y e a r , ................................................... Present number of m e m b e r s , ............................................................... 105 Present number o f b o r r o w e r s , ...................................................................2 Present number of non-borrowers................................................................ 103 Number of loans secured by first mortgage of real estate, . . . 2 Amount of loans secured by first mortgage of real estate, . Largest loan to any one m em ber,........................................... Smallest loan to any one m e m b e r , .................................. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis $3,739 33 1 5 00 52 73 00 $3,779 25 $3,739 00 05 05 1,500 00 1,000 00 500 00 BANK COMMISSIONERS’ REPORT. [Jan. Amount of expenses of the corporation for the year ending Oct. 31, 1890, . Amount of cash received during the y e a r , ................................................... Amount of cash paid during the year............................................................... Date o f examination by commissioner : August 14. $55 71 3,789 75 1,605 71 126 537 Total Value. 1 Value per Share. I ssu e. No. of Shares. D ate o f Series. Reconciliation o f Share Account with Dues and Profits Capital. $7 00 $3,759 00 T o ta l,............................................... $3,759 00 April, 1890, . Co m m o n w e a lth B r is t o l , of Dues capital, as per ledger, Unpaid dues, Total, . . . . $3,739 00 20 00 $3,759 00 M assach u setts. N ov . 10, 1890. ss . Personally appeared Nathaniel R. Lincoln, Secretary of said bank, and made oath that the foregoing report, by him subscribed, is true. Before me, B r is t o l , ss . G e o . E. G o o d in g , Justice of the Peace. N ov . 10, 1890. Personally appeared Edward Lincoln, Treasurer of said bank, and made oath that the securities and cash specified in the foregoing report, by him subscribed, were held by him at the date thereof. Before me, G e o . E. G o o d in g , Justice of the Peace. B r is t o l , ss . N ov . 10, 1890. Personally appeared James H. Codding, President, and Geo. A. Read, Edward Almy, Sami M. Codding, Wm. T. Place and Edward Haskins, directors of said bank, and made oath that the above report is correct, according to their best knowledge and belief. G eo . E . G o o d in g , Justice of the Peace. Before me, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis PUBLIC DOCUMENT — No. 8. 1891.] NORTH E A ST O N C O -O P E R A T IV E EA STO N . 127 B A N K - N O RTH Incorporated April 23, 1890. Commenced business April 23, 1890. Capital to be accumulated, $ 1,000,000. L. B. C r o c k e t t , President. W m. W m . H . C l e m e n t s , Secretary. H . C l e m e n t s , Treasurer. Names of security committee: E dw . R . Hayw ard, H ir a m W F r a n k M id d l e t o n , il l ia m s . Regular meetings the third Monday of each month. B a l a n c e S h e e t , O c t o b e r 31, 1890. A ssets. Loans on real estate, . Permanent expense account, Accrued interest, Accrued premium, Accrued lines, Cash in hands of treasurer, . L ia b il it ie s . $12,500 195 29 7 13 1,861 00 00 00 65 98 72 Dues capital, . . . . Profits capital (all series), Interest,.................................. Premiums, . . . . F i n e s , .................................. Transfer fees, Surplus, . . . Guaranty fund, Forfeited share account, Other liabilities, $14,607 35 How are shares issued, — quarterly, semi-annually or annually ? annually. Number o f shares issued during the y e a r , .................................. Number o f shares now in f o r c e , ................................................... Number of shares now borrowed u p o n , .................................. Largest number of shares held by any one member, . Number of shares withdrawn during the year, . . . . Number of shares forfeited during the year, . . . . Amount o f dues received during the y e a r , .................................. Highest premium received during the y e a r ,.................................. Lowest premium received during the y e a r , .................................. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis $13,804 551 75 21 4 00 45 00 50 24 75 14 27 17 00 13 64 105 50 $14,607 35 Semi. 330 1,014 . 63 . 25 . 104 . 12 . $10,533 00 70 05 128 BANK COMMISSIONERS’ REPORT. . 23 Number of members withdrawn during the year, . 204 Present number of members, . . . . 13 Present number of borrowers.................................................... . 191 Present number of n o n - b o r r o w e r s ,.................................. . 22 Number of loans secured by first mortgage of real estate, . Amount of loans secured by first mortgage of real estate, . Largest loan to any one m em b er,........................................... Smallest loan to any one m e m b e r , .................................. Amount of expenses of the corporation for the year ending Oct. 31, 1890, Amount of profits credited to shares during the year, . Amount of cash received during the year, . . . . Amount of cash paid during the y e a r ,.................................. Date of examination by commissioner: March 25. [Jan. $12,500 2,800 200 156 518 13,318 12,411 00 00 00 92 96 99 78 April, 1889, Oct., 1889, April, 1890, Oct., 1890, . . . . 526 205 174 109 $19 13 7 1 86 39 11 00 Total Value. 1 2 3 4 Value per Share. I ssu e. No. of Shares. D ate o p Series. Reconciliation o f Share Account with Dues and Profits Capital. $10,446 2,744 1,237 109 Dues capital, as per ledger, Profits capital (all series), as per ledger, . Unpaid dues, $13,804 00 551 45 232 00 50 00 Dues paid in advance, $14,587 45 Total, . Comm onw ealth B r is t o l , 36 95 14 00 op Total, . $14,587 45 M assach u setts. N ov . 19, 1890. ss . Personally appeared Wm. H. Clements, Secretary of said bank, and made oath that the foregoing report, by him subscribed, is true. Before me, C h e s t e r R . F i e l d , Justice of the Peace. B r is t o l , N o v . 19, 1890. ss. Personally appeared Wm. H. Clements, Treasurer of said bank, and made oath that the securities and cash specified in the foregoing report, by him subscribed, were held by him at the date thereof. Before me, C h e s t e r R. F i e l d , Justice of the Peace. B r is t o l , ss. Nov. 19,1890. Personally appeared L. B. Crockett, President, and S. K. Kelley, A. B. Sladen, A. J. Leavitt, Frank Middleton and J. C. Goward, directors of said bank, and made oath that the above report is correct, according to their best knowledge and belief. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Before me, C h e s t e r R. F i e l d , Justice of the Peace. 129 PUBLIC DOCUMENT — No. 8. 1891. J NO RW O O D CO -O P E R A TIV E BAN K — NORWOOD. Incorporated Sept. 20, 1889. Commenced business Oct. 1, 1889. Capital to be accumulated, $1,000,000. F r a n c is O. W in s l o w , President. I r v in g S. F o g g , Secretary. I r v in g S. F o g g , Treasurer. Names of security committee: T yler T hayer, G eo . W . G a y , E . J. S h a t t u c k . Regular meetings the first Tuesday of each month. B a l a n c e S h e e t , O c t o b e r 31, 1890. L ia b il it ie s . Assets. Loans on real estate, . Loans on shares, . Permanent expense account, F in e s ,.................................. Cash in hands of treasurer, . $4,400 00 50 00 145 00 6 18 2,663 37 Dues capital, . . . . Profits capital (all series), Interest,.................................. Premiums, . . . . F i n e s , .................................. Surplus,.................................. Guaranty fund, Withdrawal profits, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1 12 1 89 1 61 $7,264 55 $7,264 55 How are shares issued, — quarterly, semi-annually or annually? annually. Number o f shares issued during the y e a r , .................................. Number of shares now in f o r c e , ................................................... Number of shares now borrowed u p o n , .................................. Largest number of shares held by any one member, . Number o f shares withdrawn during the year, . . . . Amount of dues received during the y e a r , .................................. Highest premium received during the y e a r ,.................................. Lowest premium received during the y e a r , .................................. Number of members withdrawn during the year, Present number o f m e m b e r s , ................................................... Present number o f b o r r o w e r s , ................................................... Present number of n o n - b o r r o w e r s ,.......................................... Number o f loans secured by first mortgage of real estate, . $7,059 00 178 02 16 55 60 5 76 Semi. 247 . 684 . 27 . 25 . 63 $7,078 00 15 05 12 131 4 127 3 130 BANK COMMISSIONERS’ REPORT. [Jan. Amount of loans secured by first mortgage of real estate, . . . . Number and amount of loans on s h a r e s , .................................. 1 Largest loan to any one m em ber,................................................... 2,200 Smallest loan to any one m e m b e r , ........................................... 50 Amount o f expenses of the corporation for the year ending Oct. 31, 1890, . Amount o f profits credited to shares during the y e a r ,................. 189 Amount of cash received during the y e a r , .................................. 7,298 Amount of cash paid during the y e a r , ........................................... 5,137 Date of examination by commissioner: June 9. $4,40000 5000 00 00 1741 09 46 74 . . . 1 2 3 453 166 65 $13 36 7 09 1 00 Total Value. Value per Share. Oct., 1889, April, 1890, Oct., 1890, No. of Shares. D ate I ssu e . of Series. Reconciliation o f Share Account with Dues and Profits Capital. $6,052 08 1,176 94 65 00 Dues paid in advance, $7,059 00 178 02 81 00 24 00 $7,318 02 Total, . Co m m o n w ea lth N orfolk, Dues capital, as per ledger, Profits capital (all series), as per ledger, . Unpaid dues, ss . of Total, . . . . $7,318 02 M assach u setts. N o v . 7, 1890. Personally appeared Irving S. Fogg, Secretary of said bank, and made oath that the foregoing report, by him subscribed, is true. Before me, N orfolk, ss . T h o m a s E. C l a r y , Justice of the Peace. N ov . 7 ,1890. Personally appeared Irving S. Fogg, Treasurer of said bank, and made oath that the securities and cash specified in the foregoing report, by him subscribed, were held by him at the date thereof. Before me, N orfolk, ss . T homas E. C l a r y , Justice of the Peace. N ov . 12, 1890. Personally appeared Francis O. Winslow, President, and Harvey L. Boyden, John E. Smith, Geo. W . Gay, Edmund J. Shattuck and Frank A. Fales, directors of said bank, and made oath that the above report is correct, according to their best knowledge and belief. T h o m a s E. C l a r y , Justice of the Peace. Before me, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1891.] PUBLIC DOCUMENT — No. 8. 131 O R AN G E C O -O P E R A T IV E B A N K - O R AN G E. Incorporated Jan. 8 , 1889. Commenced business Jan. 23, 1889. Capital to be accumulated, $1,000,000. W m. L. G hout President, E l is h a S. H a l l , Secretary, E l is h a S. H a l l , Treasurer. Names of security committee: A d elbe kt W . B allou, E d >v . C. F o w l e r , W il l a r d E . J oh n son . Regular meetings the fourth Wednesday of each month. B a l a n c e S h e e t , O c t o b e r 31, 1890. A ssets. Loans on real estate, . Loans on shares, . Permanent expense account, Temporary expense account, Cash in hands o f treasurer, . L ia b il it ie s . $23,000 00 260 00 152 02 4 50 2,740 39 $26,156 91 Dues capital............................ Profits capital (all series), Interest..................................... Premiums, . . . . Fines, . Guaranty fund, Forfeited share account, Withdrawal profits, Undivided profits, . $24,756 829 456 45 21 19 6 00 15 61 7 67 $26,156 91 How are shares issued, — quarterly, semi-annually or annually? Semi annually. Number o f shares issued during the year.................................................531 Number of shares now in force......................................................... 1,485 Number of shares now borrowed upon,...................................................160 Largest number of shares held by any one member, . . . .2 5 Number of shares withdrawn during the y e a r , ..................................399 Amount o f dues received during the y e a r , ................................................... $13,069 00 Highest per centum of interest received during the year: 7T8ff. Lowest per centum of interest received during the year: 6 . Number o f members withdrawn during the y ea r,..................................64 Present number of mem bers,................................................................... 234 Present number of b o r r o w e r s , .......................................... . . . 31 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 00 02 70 00 44 47 132 BANK COMMISSIONERS’ REPORT. . 203 . 28 O O 00 CO* (N 00 260 1,400 €©= Present number of n o n - b o r r o w e r s , ........................................... Number of loans secured by first mortgage of real estate, . Amount o f loans secured by first mortgage o f real estate, . Number and amount of loans on s h a r e s , .................................. Largest loan to any one m e m b e r,................................................... Smallest loan to any one m em ber,.................................................. Amount o f expenses of the corporation for the year ending Oct. 31, Amount o f profits credited to shares during the year, . Amount o f cash received during the y e a r , .................................. Amount o f cash paid during the year............................................... Date o f examination by commissioner : March 25. [Jan. . 3 00 100 00 1890, . 135 753 23,105 21,349 61 34 50 06 832 227 227 199 $22 16 10 4 86 39 11 00 Total Value. 1 2 3 4 Jan., 1889, July, 1889, Jan., 1890, July, 1890, Value per Share. No. of Shares. D ate I ssue . of Series. Reconciliation o f Share Account with Dues and Profits Capital. $19,019 3,720 2,294 796 Dues capital, as per ledger, Profits capital (all series), as per ledger, . Unpaid dues, $24,756 00 829 02 300 00 54 00 Dues paid in advance, $25,885 02 Total, . Co m m o n w ea lth F r a n k l in , 52 53 97 00 of Total, . . . . $25,885 02 M a s sa c h u s e t t s . N ov . 28, 1890. ss . Personally appeared Elisha S. Hall, Secretary of said bank, and made oath that the foregoing report, by him subscribed, is true. Before me, F r a n k l in , ss . R ufus D. C h a s e , Justice of the Peace. N ov . 28, 1890. Personally appeared Elisha S. Hall, Treasurer of said bank, and made oath that the securities and cash specified in the foregoing report, by him subscribed, were held by him at the date thereof. Before me, F r a n k l in , ss . R ufus D. C h a s e , Justice of the Peace. N ov . 28, 1890. Personally appeared Wm, L. Grout, President, and A. W. Ballou, H. S. Dawley, F. S. Ewing, T. W. Bridge and J. R. Bement, directors of said bank, and made oath that the above report is correct, according to their best knowledge and belief. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Before me, R u fu s D. C h a s e , Justice of the Peace. 1891.] PUBLIC DOCUMENT— No. 8. 133 P E A B O D Y ’ C O -O P E R A TIV E B A N K — PE AB O D Y. Incorporated May 28, 1888. Commenced business June 16, 1888. Capital to be accumulated, $1,000,000. G eo . F. S a n g e r , President. H. f'. W a l k e r , Secretary. H. F. W a l k e r , Treasurer. Names of security committee : N. W. Q u in t , W. B. R ic h a r d s o n , S. S. L i t t l e f ie l d . Regular meetings the third Saturday of each month. B alance Sheet , O ctober 31, 1890. A ssets. Loans on real estate, . Loans on shares, . Permanent expense account, Cash in hand of treasurer, . ' L ia b il it ie s . $36,625 1,050 138 1,950 $39,764 00 00 87 81 Dues capital, . . . . Profits capital (all series), Interest,.................................. Premiums, . . . . Fines, . . . . . Transfer fees, . . . . Surplus,.................................. Guaranty fund, Withdrawal profits, 68 How are shares issued, — quarterly, semi-annually or annually ? Semi annually. . 533 Number of shares issued during the year, . . . . Number o f shares now in f o r c e , .................................. ........ 1,825 Number of shares now borrowed upon,.................................. . 215 Largest number o f shares held by any one member, . . 25 Number of shares withdrawn during the year, . 148 Amount of dues received during the year, . . . . Highest premium received during the year, . . . . Lowest premium received during the y e a r ,.......................... Number o f members withdrawn during the year, . 35 Present number of members..................................................... . 298 Present number o f b o r r o w e r s , ........................................... . 38 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis $37,208 1,481 840 107 13 00 31 40 54 69 1 00 71 23 29 43 12 08 $39,764 68 $20,045 00 30 05 134 BANK COMMISSIONERS’ REPORT. [Jan. Present number of n o n - b o r r o w e r s ,................................................... 260 Number o f loans secured by first mortgage of real estate, . . . 31 Amount of loans secured by first mortgage of real estate...............................$36,625 00 Number and amount of loans on shares, . . ,. . . 7 1,050 00 Largest loan to any one m em b er,.................................................................... 3,600 00 Smallest loan to any one member...................................................................... 50 00 Amount of expenses of the corporation for the year ending Oct, 31, 1890, . 184 75 Amount of profits credited to shares during the j e a r , .................................. 1,229 22 Amount of cash received during the y e a r , ................................................... 24,427 84 Amount of cash paid during the y e a r ,........................................................... 23,243 88 Date of examination by commissioner : May 6 . June, Dec., June, Dec., June, 1888, 1888, 1889, 1889, 1890, . . 1 2 3 4 5 824 235 244 184 338 $30 23 17 11 5 44 81 36 09 00 Total Value. Value per Share. D ate I ssue . of No. of Shares. Series. Reconciliation o f Share Account with Dues and Profits Capital. $25,082 5,595 4,235 2,040 1,690 Dues capital, as per ledger, Profits capital (all series), as per ledger, . Unpaid dues, $37,208 00 1,481 31 140 00 185 00 Dues paid in advance, $38,829 31 Total, . Co m m o n w e a lth E ssex, 56 35 84 56 00 ss . op Total, . . . . $38,829 31 M a s sa c h u s e t t s . N ov . 20, 1890. Personally appeared H. F. Walker, Secretary of said bank, and made oath that the foregoing report, by him subscribed, is true. Before me, E ssex, S i d n e y C. B a n c r o f t , Justice of the Peace. N ov . 20, 1890. ss. Personally appeared H. F. Walker, Treasurer of said bank, and made oath that the securities and cash specified in the foregoing report, by him subscribed, were held by him at the date thereof. Before me, E ssex, ss . S id n e y C. B a n c r o f t , Justice of the Peace. N ov . 20, 1890. Personally appeared Geo. F. Sanger, President, and S. L. Newhall, Wm. T. Lee, S. S. Littlefield, P. H. O’Conor and W. B. Richardson, directors of said bank, and made oath that the above report is correct, according to their best knowledge and belief. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Before me, S i d n e y C. B a n c r o f t , Justice of the Peace. 135 PUBLIC DOCUMENT — No. 8. 1891.] PE O P LES’ C O -O P E R A TIV E B A N K — P A L L R IV E R . Incorporated Feb. 18, 1882. Commenced business March 15, 1882. Capital to be accumulated, $1,000,000. M il t o n R eed, President. S a m u e l H a d f i e l d , Secretary. Sa m u e l H a d f i e l d , Treasurer. Names of security committee: J o h n H . E st e s , E . S. A d a m s , Ch a s. E . M il l s , Sa m ’ l H a d f i e l d , F. 0 . D o d g e . Regular meetings the third Wednesday of each month. Balance Sheet , October 31, 1890. L ia b il it ie s . A ssets. Loans on real estate, . Loans on shares, . Temporary expense account, Real estate by foreclosure, . Profit and loss account, Cash in hands o f treasurer,. $97,925 3,500 315 500 50 6,935 00 00 91 00 78 29 $109,226 98 Dues capital............................. Profits capital (all series), Interest,.................................. Premiums, . . . . Fines........................................ Guaranty fund, Forfeited share account, Forfeiture profits, . $92,803 12,610 2,941 323 33 229 282 3 00 02 44 87 29 22 31 83 $109,226 98 How are shares issued, — quarterly, semi-annually or annually ? Semi annually. Number o f shares issued during the y e a r , .................................. 1,214 Number of shares now in force, . . . . . . . 2,992 Number o f shares now borrowed upon,................................................... 768 . . . 25 Largest number o f shares held by any one member, . Number of shares withdrawn during the y e a r , .................................. 868 Number of shares forfeited during the y e a r,...........................................27 Amount of dues received during the y e a r , ................................................... $34,861 00 Highest premium received during the y e a r ,................................................... 10 Lowest premium received during the y e a r , ................................................... 05 Number of members withdrawn during the y ea r,.................................. 120 Present number of members,.................................................................... 391 Present number o f borrowers.....................................................................99 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 136 BANK COMMISSIONERS’ REPORT. . 292 Present number of non-borrowers,.................................. . 74 Number of loans secured by first mortgage of real estate, Amount of loans secured by first mortgage of real estate, . 25 Number and amount of loans on shares, Largest loan to any one m e m b e r,.................................. Smallest loan to any one member,.................................. Amount of expenses of the corporation for the year ending Oct. 31, 1890, . Amount o f profits credited to shares during the year, . Amount of cash received during the year, Amount of cash paid during the year, . . . . Date of examination by commissioner: March 17. [Jan. $97,925 00 3,500 00 4,500 00 50 00 652 48 5,463 36 67,143 00 64,688 48 Mar., July, Jan., July, Jan., July, Jan., July, Nov., May, Nov., May, Nov., May, Nov., May, Nov., May, 1882, 1882, 1883, 1883, 1884, 1884, 1885, 1885, 1885, 1886, 1886, 1887, 1887, 1888, 1888, 1889, 1889, 1890, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Total Value. Value per Share. D ate I ssue . of No. of Shares. Series. 1 Reconciliation o f Share Account with Dues and Profits Capital. 181 $134 43 $24,331 83 5,750 10 45 127 78 2,358 80 20 117 94 3,361 64 108 44 31 1,289 99 13 99 23 90 33 993 63 11 6,132 75 75 81 77 73 51 1,029 14 14 4,634 88 68 16 68 108 60 36 6,518 88 4,014 32 52 82 76 4,046 83 45 47 89 9,943 01 259 38 39 7,281 12 231 31 52 8,644 32 24 84 348 339 18 37 6,227 43 12 09 5,017 35 415 4,014 00 669 6 00 $92,803 00 12,610 02 246 00 69 DO Dues paid in advance, $105,659 02 Total, . Com m onw ealth B r is t o l , Dues capital, as per ledger, Profits capital (all series), as per ledger, . Unpaid dues, oe Total.............................. $105,659 02 M assa ch u setts. N ov . 25,1890. ss . Personally appeared Samuel Hadfield, Secretary of said bank, and made oath that the foregoing report, by him subscribed, is true. Before me, B r is t o l , C iia s . L. B a k e r , Justice of the Peace. N ov . 25,1890. ss . Personally appeared Samuel Hadfield, Treasurer of said bank, and made oath that the securities and cash specified in the foregoing report, by him subscribed, were held by him at the date thereof. Before me, B r is t o l , C h a s . L. B a k e r , Justice of the Peace. N ov . 26,1890. ss . Personally appeared Milton Reed, President, and Owen Durfee, Chas. E. Mills, F. O. Dodge, J. P. Prentiss and Abner P. Davol, directors of said bank, and made oath that the above report is correct, according to their best knowledge and belief. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Before me, C h a s . L. B a k e r , Justice of the Peace. 1891.] PUBLIC DOCUMENT — No. 8. P IO N E E R C O -O P E R A T IV E 137 B A N K — BOSTON. Incorporated July 26, 1877. Commenced business Aug. 6 , 1877. Capital to be accumulated, $1,000,000. D. E l d r e d g e , Secretary. G a m a l i e l B r a d f o r d , President. D. E l d r e d g e , Treasurer. Names of security committee: H ir a m A m e s , G a m a l ie l B r a d f o r d , J. K . F e l l o w s , A . H. Clapp, W. H . R o b e r t s . Regular meetings the first Monday of each month. B alance Sheet , October 31, 1890. A ssets. L ia b il it ie s . Loans on real estate, . $243,250 00 Loans on shares, . 12,750 00 Temporary expense account, 275 00 Real estate by foreclosure, . 1,985 99 Fines...................................... 35 82 Mortgages, . . . . 2,000 00 Cash in hands of treasurer,. 17,108 84 Dues capital, . . . . Profits capital (all series), -Interest,.................................. Premiums, . . . . Transfer fees, Surplus,.................................. Guaranty fund, Forfeited share account, Withdrawal profits, $277,405 65 How are shares issued, — quarterly, semi-annually or annually ? Semiannually. Number o f shares issued during the year, • 1,266 Number o f shares now in force, . . . . 6,012 Number o f shares now borrowed upon, 1,580 Largest number o f shares held by any one member, . 25 Number of shares withdrawn during the year, . 832 Number of shares forfeited during the year, . 98 Number o f shares retired during the year, . . 225 Number o f shares matured during the year, . 34 Amount o f dues received during the year, . Highest premium received during the year, . Lowest premium received during the year, . Number o f members withdrawn during the year, . 182 Present number o f members, . . . . . 886 Present number of borrowers, . . . . . 177 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis $229,617 42,742 734 44 2,497 1,650 71 48 00 06 67 95 75 16 00 06 00 $277,405 65 $69,722 00 25 05 [Jan. BANK COMMISSIONERS’ REPORT. 138 Present number of n o n - b o r r o w e r s ,................................................... 709 Number o f loans secured by first mortgage of real estate, . . . 173 Amount o f loans secured by first mortgage of real estate, . . . . $243,250 00 Number and amount of loans on s h a r e s , ........................................... 47 12,750 00 Largest loan to any one m em b er,.................................................................... 5,000 00 Smallest loan to any one member,.................................................................... 50 00 Amount of expenses of the corporation for the yearending Oct. 31, 1890, . 2,445 10 16,746 16 Amount of profits credited to shares during the y e a r,.................................. Amount of cash received during the y e a r , ................................................... 172,607 55 157,455 68 Amount of cash paid during the year............................................................... Date o f examination by commissioner: February 17. Aprii, Oct., Aprii, Oct , Aprii, Oct., Aprii, Oct., Aprii, Oct., Aprii, Oct., Aprii, Oct., Aprii, Oct., Aprii, Oct., Aprii, Oct., Aprii, Oct., 1880, 1880, 1881, 1881, 1882, 1882, 1883, 1883, 1884, 1884, 1885, 1885, 1886, 1886, 1887, 1887, 1888, 1888, 1889, 1889, 1890, 1890, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 29 55 60 47 100 83 132 277 244 228 245 360 236 216 391 567 462 551 555 698 446 $182 57 170 65 159 19 148 14 137 45 127 08 117 09 107 45 98 04 88 99 80 27 71 82 63 66 55 77 48 13 40 73 33 55 26 61 19 89 13 39 7 10 1 00 Total Value. 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Value per Share. No. of Shares. D ate I ssue. of Series. Reconciliation o f Share Account with Dues and Profits Capital. $5,477 10 4,948 85 8,755 45 8,888 40 6,460 15 12,708 00 9,718 47 14,183 40 27,157 08 21,713 56 18,301 56 17,595 90 22,917 60 13,161 72 10,396 08 15,925 43 19,022 85 12,293 82 10,959 39 7,431 45 4,955 80 446 00 422 00 Dues paid in advance, $273,840 06 Total, . Com m onw ealth Su ffo lk , ss . Dues capital, as per ledger, $229,617 00 Profits capital (all series), 42,742 06 as per ledger, . 1,481 00 Unpaid dues, of Total, . . . . $273,840 06 Massach u setts. N ov . 18, 1890. Personally appeared D. Eldredge, Secretary of said bank, and made oath that the foregoing report, by him subscribed, is true. Before me, 'W a l t e r H. R o b e r t s , Justice of the Peace. Suffolk, ss . N ov . 18, 1890. Personally appeared D. Eldredge, Treasurer of said bank, and made oath that the securities and cash specified in the foregoing report, by him subscribed, were held by him at the date thereof. Before me, W a l t e r H. R o b e r t s , Justice of the Peace. Suffolk, ss . N ov . 18, 1890. Personally appeared Gamaliel Bradford, President, and John K. Fellows, Willis S. Mason, C. Willard Carter, Eugene C. Leonard and H. Thomas Elder, directors of said bank, and made oath that the above report is correct, according to their best knowledge and belief. W a l t e r H . R o b e r t s , Justice of the Peace. Before me, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1891.] 139 PUBLIC DOCUMENT — No. P IT T SF IE L D C O -O P E R A TIV E B A N K — P IT T S F IE L D . Incorporated Feb. 15, 1889. Commenced business March 5, 1889. Capital to be accumulated, $1,000,000. F. W. H in s d a l e , President. H o m e r B. N a s h , Secretary. H o m e r B. N a s h , Treasurer. Names of security committee: H. S. R ussell , W . W. G a m w e l l , M ich ael Cas e y . Regular meetings the first Tuesday of each month. B a l a n c e Sh e e t , O c t o b e r L ia b il it ie s . A ssets. Loans on real estate, . Loans on shares, . Permanent expense account, Temporary expense account, Cash in hands of treasurer,. 31, 1890. $28,850 495 135 14 472 00 00 00 00 67 Dues capital, . . . . Profits capital (all series), Interest,.................................. F i n e s , .................................. Transfer fees, Surplus,.................................. Guaranty fund, $29,966 67 How are shares issued, — quarterly, semi-annually or annually ? Semiannually. 1,193 Number of shares issued during the y e a r , .................................. 2,430 Number o f shares now in f o r c e , ................................................... . 221 Number of shares now borrowed u p o n , .................................. . 25 Largest number of shares held by any one member, . . 141 Number o f shares withdrawn during the year, . . . . Amount of dues received during the y e a r , .................................. Highest per centum o f interest received during the year: 6 ^. Lowest per centum of interest received during the year: 6 . 19 Number o f members withdrawn during the year, 460 Present number of members,............................................................ 28 Present number o f b o r r o w e r s , ................................................... 432 Present number of n o n - b o r r o w e r s ,.......................................... 22 Number of loans secured by first mortgage of real estate, . Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis $28,914 722 281 15 00 56 48 44 75 15 59 16 85 $29,966 67 $21,640 00 140 BANK COMMISSIONERS’ REPORT. Amount o f loans secured by first mortgage of real estate,. . . . Number and amount of loans on s h a r e s , ........................................ 6 Largest loan to any one m em ber,................................................... 5,000 Smallest loan to any one m e m b e r , ........................................... 20 Amount of expenses of the corporation for the year ending Oct. 31, 1890, . 679 Amount o f profits credited to shares during the y e a r ,................. Amount of cash received during the y e a r , ............................. 26 929 79 Amount of cash paid during the y e a r , ........................................... 26,643 Date of examination by commissioner: June 24. [Jan. $28,85000 49500 00 00 27306 50 37 890 444 525 571 Dues paid in advance, $20 14 8 2 62 29 08 00 Total Value. 1 2 3 4 Mar., 1889, Sept., 1889, Mar., 1890, Sept., 1890, Value per Share. No. of Shares. D ate I ssue. of Series. Reconciliation o f Share Account with Dues and Profits Capital. $18,351 6,344 4,242 1,142 80 76 00 00 Dues capital, as per ledger, Profits capital (all series), as per ledger, . Unpaid dues, $28,914 00 722 56 556 00 112 00 Total, $30,192 56 $30,192 56 - Com m onw ealth of M assachusetts . B e r k s h ir e , ss. Dec. 5, 1890. Personally appeared Homer B. Nash, Secretary of said bank, and made oath that the foregoing report, by him subscribed, is true. Before me, W a lt er F. H a w k in s , Justice of the Peace. B e r k s h ir e , ss . Dec. 5, 1890. Personally appeared Homer B. Nash, Treasurer o f said bank, and made oath that the securities and cash specified in the foregoing report, by him subscribed, were held by him at the date thereof. Before me, B e r k s h ir e , ss . W a lt e r F. H a w k in s , Justice of the Peace. Dec. 10,1890. Personally appeared F. W . Hinsdale, President, and M. G. Rosenthal, W. R. Plunkett, W. T. Petherbridge, E. D. Jones and W. W. Gamwell, directors of said bank, and made oath that the above report is correct, according to their best knowledge and belief. Before me, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis W a l t e r F. H a w k in s , Justice of the Peace. 1891.] PUBLIC DOCUMENT — No. 8. 141 P L Y M O U T H C O -O P ER ATIV E B A N K — PL Y M O U T H . Incorporated June 7, 1882. Commenced business June 20, 1882. Capital to be accumulated, $1,000,000. E d w . B. A twood , President. H erbert M o r r is e y , Seeretary. G eorge S. D y e r , Treasurer. Names of security committee: P eleg L. B urgess , Joseph B ar n e s , H. P. B a il e y . Regular meetings the third Friday of each month. B a l a n c e S h e e t , O c t o b e r 31, 1890. A ssets. Loans on real estate, . Loans on shares, . Permanent expense account, Temporary expense account, Unpaid dues. Cash in hands o f treasurer, . L ia b il it ie s . $16,300 1,720 90 42 492 410 00 00 05 75 53 25 $19,055 58 Dues capital............................ Profits capital (all series), Interest,.................................. Premiums, . . . . F i n e s , .................................. Surplus,.................................. Guaranty fund, Forfeited share account, Withdrawal profits, $15,539 2,911 437 39 30 24 33 24 14 42 10 95 02 30 72 98 23 86 $19,055 58 How are shares issued, — quarterly, semi-annually or annually? Semi annually. Number o f shares issued during the y e a r , ...........................................187 Number o f shares now in f o r c e , ............................................................... 398 Number of shares now borrowed u p o n , .............................................. 120 Largest number o f shares held by any one member, . . . . 20 Number o f shares withdrawn during the y e a r , ........................................99 Number of shares forfeited during the year,...........................................4 Amount of dues received during the y e a r , ................................................... $4,243 24 Highest premium received during the y e a r ,................................................... 19® Lowest premium received during the y e a r , ................................................... Number o f members withdrawn during the year, . . . . 40 Present number of members,........................................................................103 Present number o f b o r r o w e r s , ................................................................. 29 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 142 BANK COMMISSIONERS’ REPORT. [Jan. Present number of n o n - b o r r o w e r s ,................................................... 74 Number o f loans secured by first mortgage of real estate, . . . 25 Amount o f loans secured by first mortgage of real estate, . . . . Number and amount of loans on shares, ........................................... 9 Largest loan to any one m em ber,.................................................................... Smallest loan to any one member,.................................................................... Amount of expenses of the corporation for the year ending Oct. 31, 1890, . Amount of profits credited to shares during the y e a r ,.................................. Amount o f cash received during the y e a r , .................................. 6,276 Amount o f cash paid during the y e a r ,........................................... 8,488 Date o f examination by commissioner : May 2. $16,300 00 1,720 00 2,000 00 70 00 148 99 1,066 19 04 76 June, Dec., June, Dec., June, Dec., Dec., June, Dec., June, Dec., June, Dec., June, Dec , June, 1882, 1882, 1883, 1883, 1884, 1884, 1885, 1886, 1886, 1887, 1887, 1888, 1888, 1889, 1889, 1890, 52 7 8 20 20 3 5 5 8 18 49 1 11 15 94 82 . . $130 120 110 101 92 83 67 59 51 44 37 30 23 17 11 5 10 38 83 55 56 87 34 49 89 55 45 55 88 40 11 00 Total Value. No. of Shares. 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 D ate I ssue. op Value per Share. Series. Reconciliation o f Share Account with Dues and Profits Capital. $6,765 842 886 2,031 1,851 251 336 297 415 801 1,835 30 262 261 1,044 410 20 66 64 00 20 61 70 45 12 90 05 55 68 00 34 00 Dues capital, as per ledger, $18,450 52 16 02 111 40 Undrawn balance, . Dues paid in advance, $18,450 52 Total, . Co m m o n w e a l t h P l y m o u t h , ss. op Total, . . . . $18,450 52 M a ssa ch u setts. Dec. 9, 1890. Personally appeared Herbert Morrisey, Secretary of said bank, and made oath that the foregoing report, by him subscribed, is true. Before me, P l y m o u t h , ss. E v e r e t t F. S h e r m a n , Justice of the Peace. iDec. 9, 1890. Personally appeared Geo.S. Dyer,Treasurer of saidbank, and made oath that the securities andcash specified in the foregoingreport, by him subscribed, were held by him at the date thereof. Before me, P l y m o u t h , ss . E v e r e t t F. S h e r m a n , Justice of the Peace. Dec. 9, 1890. Personally appeared E. B. Atwood, President, and C. E. Barnes, B. O. Strong, F. H. Lanman, J. C. Cave and A. O. Brown, directors of said bank, and made oath that the above report is correct, according to their best knowledge and belief. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Before me, H e r b e r t M o r r is e y , Justice of the Peace. 1891 .] PUBLIC DOCUMENT — No. 8. 143 P R O V ID E N T C O -O P E R A TIV E B A N K — CH E L SE A . Incorporated Sept. 25, 1885. Commenced business Sept. 28, 1885. Capital to be accumulated, $1,000,000. T hos . M a r t in , President. C. W il l is G ould , Secretary. C. W il lis G ould , Treasurer. Names of security committee: J ohn W . D orr , M ilton R a y , H e n r y C. S t a r k e y . Regular meetings the fourth Monday of each month. B a l a n c e S h e e t , O c t o b e r 31, 1890. A ssets. L ia b il it ie s . $139,225 00 Loans on real estate, . 6,900 00 Loans on shares, . 28 02 Temporary expense account, 32 80 Profit and loss account, 3 49 Unpaid fines, Cash in hands of treasurer,. 4,733 03 Dues capital, . . . . $132,287 00 Profits capital (all series), 15,814 96 Interest,.................................. 869 11 Premiums, . . . . 157 65 Transfer fees, 1 75 Surplus,.................................. 277 94 Guaranty fund, 1,022 73 Forfeited share account, 375 49 Withdrawal profits, 107 01 Forfeiture profits, . 8 70 $150,922 34 $150,922 34 How are shares issued, — quarterly, semi-annually or annually? Semi annually. Number of shares issued during the year........................................1,664 Number of shares now in force......................................................... 4,126 Number of shares now borrowed upon,...........................................1,030 Largest number o f shares held by any one member, . . . . 25 Number o f shares withdrawn during the y e a r , .................................. 695 Amount of dues received during the y e a r , ................................................... $54,220 00 Highest premium received during the y e a r ,................................................... 25 Lowest premium received during the year........................................................ 05 Number of members withdrawn during the yea r,.................................. 104 Present number o f members,.................................................................... 652 Present number of borrowers, . . . . . . . 133 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 144 BANK COMMISSIONERS* REPORT. [Jan. Present number of non-borrowers,................................................... . 519 Number of loans secured by first mortgage of real estate, . . 103 Amount o f loans secured by first mortgage of real estate, $139,225 00 Number and amount of loans on s h a r e s , .................................. . 30 6,900 00 Largest loan to any one m em b er,................................................... 3,800 00 Smallest loan to any one member,................................................... 50 00 Amount of expenses of the corporation for the year ending Oct. 31, 1890, . 1,025 28 Amount o f profits credited to shares during the year, . 7,931 76 Amount o f cash received during the y e a r , .................................. 87,171 96 Amount o f cash paid during the y e a r , ........................................... 87,600 01 Date o f examination by commissioner: July 1. . . Sept., 1885, Mar., 1886, Sept., 1886, Mar., 1887, Sept., 1887, Mar., 1888, Sept., 1888, Mar., 1889, Sept., 1889, Mar., 1890, Sept., 1890, . . 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 428 353 213 197 254 640 349 602 564 951 575 Dues paid in advance, $74 65 57 49 42 34 27 20 14 19 77 60 72 12 81 78 98 43 8 11 2 00 Total Value. Value per Share. D ate I ssue . of No. of Shares. Series. Reconciliation o f Share Account with Dues and Profits Capital. $31,753 23,216 12,268 9,794 10,698 22,278 9,695 12,629 8,138 7,712 1,150 32 81 80 84 48 40 22 96 52 61 00 Dues capital, as per ledger. $132,287 00 Profits capital (all series), as per ledger, . 15,814 96 Unpaid dues, 1,446 00 211 00 Total, . $149,547 96 Total.............................. $149,547 96 Commonwealth of M assachusetts . S u f f o l k , ss. N ov . 18, 1890. Personally appeared C. Willis Gould, Secretary of said bank, and made oath that the foregoing report, by him subscribed, is true. Before me, John B uck , Justice of the Peace. N ov. 18, 1890. S uffolk , ss . Personally appeared C. Willis Gould, Treasurer of said bank, and made oath that the securities and cash specified in the foregoing report, by him subscribed, were held by him at the date thereof. Before me, S uffolk , ss. J ohn B uck , Justice of the Peace. Nov. 18, 1890. Personally appeared Thomas Martin, President, and Wm. Martin, Hervey C. Starkey, Edward H. Walker, Chas. Edwards and John W. Dorr, directors of said bank, and made oath that the above report is correct, according to their best knowledge and belief. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Before me, John B uck , Justice of the Peace. 1891.] 145 PUBLIC DOCUMENT — No. 8 Q U IN C Y C O -O P E R A TIV E B A N K — Q U IN C Y . Incorporated April 17, 1889. Commenced business May 7, 1889. Capital to be accumulated, $1,000,000. W m . L. F axon , President. R ich ard D. C h ase , Secretary. R ich ard D. C h ase , Treasurer. Names of security committee: G eo . H. F ie l d , A lb e r t K eatin g , A n d r e w M il n e . Regular meetings the first Wednesday of each month. B a l a n c e S h e e t , O c t o b e r 31, 1890. A ssets. Loans on real estate, . Loans on shares, . Permanent expense account, Suspense account, Cash in hands of secretary,. L ia b il it ie s . $13,400 00 250 00 213 13 11 12 Dues capital, . . . . Profits capital (all series), Surplus,.................................. Guaranty fund, 3,849 37 $17,723 62 $17,723 62 How are shares issued, — quarterly, semi-annually or annually ? annually. Number of shares issued during the year, . Number o f shares now in force, . . . . Number of shares now borrowed upon, Largest number o f shares held by any one member, Number o f shares withdrawn during the year, Amount of dues received during the year, . Highest premium received during the year, . Lowest premium received during the year, . Number o f members withdrawn during the year, Present number o f members, . . . . Present number of borrowers.................................. Present number o f non-borrowers, Number o f loans secured by first mortgage o f real estate, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis $17,018 00 680 91 11 71 13 00 Semi. 594 1,215 . 96 . 25 . 229 $14,064 00 25 05 • . 42 . 14 . 236 . 10 146 BANK COMMISSIONERS’ REPORT. [Jan. Amount o f loans secured by first mortgage of real estate.............................. $13,400 00 Number and amount of loans on s h a r e s , ........................................... 3 250 00 Largest loan to any one member, . ............................................................ 2,200 00 Smallest loan to any one member,.................................................................... 50 00 Amount of expenses of the corporation for the year ending Oct. 31, 1890, . 74 25 Amount of profits credited to shares during the y e a r ,................... 645 30 Amount o f cash received during the y e a r , .................................... 16,700 98 Amount o f cash paid during the year, . . . . . . . . 13,971 92 Date of examination by commissioner : June 24. . 1 693 269 253 2 3 Dues paid in advance, Total Value. May, 1889, Nov., 1889, May, 1890, Value per Share. D ate I ssue. of No. of Shares. Series. Reconciliation o f Share Account with Dues and Profits Capital. $18 81 12 36 6 09 $13,035 33 3,324 84 1,540 7T $17,018 00 680 94 227 00 25 00 . $17,925 94 Total, . Com m onw ealth N orfolk, Dues capital, as per ledger, Profits capital (all series), as per ledger, . Unpaid dues, . . ss . oe Total, . . . . $17,925 94 M a s sa c h u s e t t s . Q u in c y , N ov . 15, 1890. Personally appeared Richard D. Chase, Secretary o f said bank, and made oath that the foregoing report, by him subscribed, is true. Before me, J ohn W . M c A n a r n l e y , Justice of the Peace. N orfolk, Q u in c y , N ov. 15, 1890. ss . Personally appeared Richard D. Chase, Treasurer of said bank, and made oath that the securities and cash specified in the foregoing report, by him subscribed, were held by him at the date thereof. Before me, J o h n W . M cA n a r n l e y , Justice of the Peace. N o r f o l k , ss . Q u in c y , N ov . 15, 1890. Personallyappeared Wm. L. Faxon, President, and W. W . Adams, W . W . Ewell, George H. Field, F. E. Hall and John F. Merrill, directors of said bank, and made oath that the above report is correct, according to their best knowledge and belief. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Before me, J o h n W. M c A n a r n l e y , Justice of the Peace. 1891.J 147 PUBLIC DOCUMENT — No. 8. R A N D O LP H CO -O P ER ATIV E B A N K - R A N D O LP H . Incorporated Jan. 29, 1889. Commenced business Feb. 7, 1889. Capital to be accumulated, $1,000,000. John B. T h a y e r , President. P atrick H. M c La u g h l in , Secretary. P a tr ic k H. M cL a u g h l in , Treasurer. Names of security committee : C h as . A. W a le s , H en ry D odge , T homas F a r r e l l . Regular meetings tbe first Thursday of each month. B a l a n c e S h e e t , O c t o b e r 31, 1890. A ssets. Loans on real estate, . Loans on shares, . Permanent expense account, Temporary expense account, Cash in hands of treasurer,. L ia b il it ie s . $16,600 235 195 45 1,369 00 00 00 12 14 $18,444 26 Dues capital, . . . . Profits capital (all series), Interest,.................................. Premiums, . . . . Fines, . . . . . Transfer fees, Surplus,.................................. Guaranty fund, Withdrawal profits, $17,623 00 611 02 168 11 17 85 4 94 50 1 24 9 85 7 75 $18,444 26 How are shares issued, — quarterly, semi-annually or annually ? Semi annually. Number o f shares issued during the year, . . . . . . 210 Number o f shares now in f o r c e , ............................................................ 1,032 Number o f shares now borrowed u p o n , ........................................ 114 Largest number of shares held by any one member, . . . . 21 Number of shares withdrawn during the year, . . . . . 197 Amount o f dues received during the y e a r , ................................................... $12,174 00 Highest premium received during the year, ^ ........................................... 25 Lowest premium received during the y e a r , ................................................... 05 Number of members withdrawn during the year, . . . .4 0 Present number of members,..................................................................240 Present number of b o r r o w e r s , .......................................................... 20 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 148 BANK COMMISSIONERS’ REPORT. [Jan. / Present number o f n o n - b o r r o w e r s , ................................................... 220 Number o f loans secured by first mortgage of real estate, . . . 20 Amount of loans secured by first mortgage of real estate..............................$16,600 00 Number and amount of loans on s h a r e s , ........................................... 3 235 Largest loan to any one m em ber,.................................................................... 3,000 Smallest loan to any one member,. .................................. 35 Amount o f expenses of the corporation for the year ending Oct. 31, 1890, . 190 Amount o f profits credited to shares during the y e a r,.................................. 603 Amount o f cash received during the year, . ........................................... 13,022 Amount o f cash paid during the y e a r , ............................................................12,951 56 Date o f examination by commissioner: October 31. 00 00 00 09 74 73 Feb., 1889, Aug., 1889, Feb., 1890, Aug., 1890, . . . . 640 209 122 61 Dues paid in advance, . $21 15 9 3 . 82 36 09 00 Total Value. 1 2 3 4 Value per Share. No. of Shares. D ate I ssue. of Series. Reconciliation o f Share Account with Dues and Profits Capital. $13,964 3,210 1,108 183 80 24 98 00 $17,623 00 Total.............................. $18,641 02 611 02 407 00 174 00 $18,641 02 Total, . Dues capital, as per ledger, Profits capital (all series), as per ledger, . Unpaid dues, . . C ommonw ealth of M assachusetts . N orfolk , ss . N ov. 7, 1890. Personally appeared Patrick H. McLaughlin, Secretary of said bank, and made oath that the foregoing report, by him subscribed, is true. Before me, A sa P. F ren ch , Justice of the Peace. N o r f o l k , ss . N ov . 7, 1890. Personally appeared Patrick H. McLaughlin, Treasurer of said bank, and made oath that the securities and cash specified in the foregoing report, by him subscribed, were held by him at the date thereof. Before me, A sa P. F ren ch , Justice of the Peace. N o r f o l k , ss . N ov . 7, 1890. Personally appeared John B. Thayer, President, and Thomas Farrell, James Fardy, Franklin W . Hayden, H. W . Boyd and H. H. Guinan, directors of said bank, and made oath that the above report is correct, according to their best knowledge and belief. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Before me, A sa P. F re n c h , Justice of the Peace. 1891.] 149 PUBLIC DOCUMENT — No. 8. R E A D IN G C O -O P E R A TIV E B A N K — R E A D IN G . Incorporated Nov. 27,1886. Commenced business Dec. 6 , 1886. Capital to be accumulated, $1,000,000. W en dell B ancroft , President. H a r r y P. B osson, Secretary. A. N e w e l l H ow es , Treasurer. Names of security committee: L e w is M. B ancroft , M oses E. N ichols , W endell B ancroft . Regular meetings the first Monday of each month. B a l a n c e S h e e t , O c t o b e r 31, 1890. L ia b il it ie s . A ssets. Loans on real estate, . Loans on shares, . Permanent expense account, Temporary expense account, Real estate by foreclosure, . Salaries, . . . . Cash in hands of treasurer,. Cash in hands of secretary,. $54,740 4,380 126 23 2,043 145 5,191 102 00 00 90 44 40 00 26 46 Dues capital, . . . . Profits capital (all series), . Interest,.................................. Premiums................................ F i n e s , .................................. Transfer f ees, . . . . Surplus.................................... Guaranty fund, Withdrawal profits, Forfeiture profits, . $66,752 46 How are shares issued, — quarterly, semi-annually or annually ? Semiannually. . 611 Number of shares issued during the y e a r , .................................. 2,178 Number o f shares now in f o r c e , ................................................... . 435 Number o f shares now borrowed u p o n , .................................. . 25 Largest number of shares held by any one member, . . 393 Number o f shares withdrawn during the year................................ . 16 Number o f shares forfeited during the year, . . . . . Amount o f dues received during the y e a r , .................................. Highest premium received during the year..................................... Lowest premium received during the y e a r , .................................. . 63 Number o f members withdrawn during the year, . 379 Present number o f m e m b e r s , .................................. . Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis $60,552 4,683 1,276 115 00 11 83 23 33 68 2 00 328 00 145 79 80 17 1 00 $66,752 46 $24,197 00 25 05 [Jan. BANK COMMISSIONERS’ REPORT. 150 Present number o f b o r r o w e r s , ............................................................67 Present number o f non-borrowers............................................................ 312 Number o f loans secured by first mortgage of real estate, . . . 49 Amount o f loans secured by first mortgage of real estate, . . . . Number and amount of loans on s h a r e s , ........................................... 18 Largest loan to any one m em b er,.................................................................... ................................................... Smallest loan to any one member,. Amount o f expenses of the corporation for the year ending Oct. 31, 1890, . Amount o f profits credited to shares during the y e a r ,.................................. Amount of cash received during the y e a r , .................................. 35,392 Amount o f cash paid during the y e a r ,........................................... 32,700 Date o f examination by commissioner : January 23. $54,74000 4,38000 3,000 00 10 00 481 60 2,963 37 61 30 • Dee., 1886, June, 1887, Dee., 1887, June, 1888, Dee., 1888, June, 1889, Dee., 1889, June, 1890, 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Dues paid in advance, 609 132 189 201 172 362 234 279 . $52 44 37 30 23 17 04 69 54 61 90 40 11 10 5 00 Total Value. Value per Share. No. of Shares. D ate I ssue. oe Series. Reconciliation o f Share Account with Dues and Profits Capital. $31,692 5,899 7,095 6,152 4,110 6,298 2,597 1,395 36 08 06 61 80 80 40 00 $65,338 11 Co m m o n w e a lth M i d d l e s e x , ss . $60,052. 00 4,683 11 603 00 97 00 . Total, . Dues capital, as per ledger, Profits capital (all series), as per ledger, . Unpaid dues, oe Total, . . . . $65,338 11 M assach u setts. N ov . 3, 1890. Personally appeared Harry P. Bosson, Secretary of said bank, and made oath that the foregoing report, by him subscribed, is true. Before me, M id d l e s e x , ss. A r t h u r P. F r e n c h , Justice of the Peace. N ov . 3 ,1 8 90 . Personally appeared A. Newell HoWes, Treasurer of said bank, and made oath that the securities and cash specified in the foregoing report, by him subscribed, were held by him at the date thereof. Before me, A r t h u r P. F r e n c h , Justice of the Peace. M id d l e s e x , ss. N ov. 3, 1890. Personally appeared Wendell] Bancroft, President, and James McKay, Frank M. Smith, J. H. Carleton, Galen A. Parker, Lewis M. Bancroft and Moses E. Nichols, directors of said bank, and made oath that the above report is correct, according to their best knowledge and belief. A r th u r P. F rench , Justice of the Peace. Before me, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1891.] PUBLIC DOCUMENT — No. 8. 151 R E L IA N C E CO -O P E R A TIV E B A N K — CAM BR ID G E. Incorporated July 16, 1889. Commenced business July 10, 1889. Capital to be accumulated, $1,000,000. E dw . W . H in c k s , President, A A m a s a S. K. C l a r k , Secretary. m asa S. K. C l a r k , Treasurer. Names of security committee: • G eorge H . St ea rn s, M ic h a e l C o r c o r a n , M a r s h a l l N. S t e a r n s , H erm an B ir d , A l b e r t W . C u r t is . Regular meetings the second Wednesday of each month. B a l a n c e Sh e e t , O c t o b e r A ssets. Loans on real estate, . Loans on shares, . Permanent expense account, Temporary expense account, Cash in hands o f secretary, . 31, 1890. L ia b il it ie s . $13,300 600 266 67 6,074 00 00 30 70 88 Dues capital, Profits capital (all series), . Interest,.................................. Premiums, . . . . P 'i n e s , .................................. Transfer fees, Guaranty fund, Forfeited share account, Withdrawal profits, Security committee account,. $20,308 88 How are shares issued, — quarterly, semi-annually or annually ? annually. Number of shares issued during the y e a r , .................................. Number o f shares now in f o r c e , .................................. ........ . Nuipber o f shares now borrowed upon............................................. Largest number o f shares held by any one member, . . . . . Number o f shares withdrawn during the year, Number o f shares forfeited during the year.................................... Amount of dues received during the y e a r , .................................. Highest premium received during the y e a r , .................................. Lowest premium received during the j m a r , .................................. Number of members withdrawn during the year, . Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis $19,489 371 369 20 13 7 9 4 22 00 64 72 77 65 25 06 72 57 50 $20,308 88 Semi. 620 1,543 . 159 . 25 . 202 . 17 . . 32 $16,470 00 10 05 152 BANK COMMISSIONERS’ REPORT. Present number of m em bers,.................................................................... 253 Present number of b o r r o w e r s , ............................................................20 Present number o f non-borrowers............................• . . . . 233 Number of loans secured by first mortgage o f real estate, . . . 9 Amount of loans secured by first mortgage of real estate,. . . . Number and amount of loans on s h a r e s , ............................................ 11 Largest loan to any one member........................................................................ Smallest loan to any one member, ..................................................................... Amount o f expenses of the corporation for the year ending Oct. 31, 1890, . 403 Amount of profits credited to shares during the y e a r , ................. 20,869 Amount of cash received during the y e a r , .................................. Amount o f cash paid during the year, . . .. . . . . . Date of examination by commissioner : April 22. [Jan. $13,300 00 600 00 3,600 00 20 00 314 04 16 35 16,542 94 Value per Share. Total Value. July, 1889, Jan., 1890, July, 1890, No. of Shares. D ate I ssue. • of Series. Reconciliation o f Share Account with Dues and Profits Capital. 1 2 3 1,013 331 239 $16 35 10 09 4 00 $15,990 30 3,289 34 956 00 Dues paid in advance, . • Dues capital, as per ledger, Profits capital (all series), as per ledger, . Unpaid dues, $19,489 00 371 64 389 00 14 00 $20,249 64 Total, . • Total, . . . . $20,249 64 C o m m onw ealth o r M assach u setts. M id d l e s e x , ss . N ov . 18, 1890. Personally appeared A. S .K . Clark, Secretary of said bank, and made oath that the foregoing report, by him subscribed, is true. Before me, M id d l e s e x , ss . C h a r l e s H. T h u r st o n , Justice o f the Peace. N ov . 18, 1890. Personally appeared A. S. K. Clark, Treasurer o f said bank, and made oath that the securities and cash specified in the foregoing report, by him subscribed, were held by him at the date thereof. Before me, M id d l e s e x , ss . C h a r l e s H. T h u r s t o n , Justice of the Peace. N o v . 18, 1890. Personally appeared Edw. W. Hincks, President, and Chas. W . McRaith, Geo. H. Stearns, Albert W. Curtis, Chas. TI. Cutler and Marshall N. Stearns, directors o f said bank, and made oath that the above report is correct, according to their best knowledge and belief. C h a s . H. T h u r s t o n , Justice of the Peace. Before me, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1891 .] 153 PUBLIC DOCUMENT — No. 8. EOXBURY CO -O P ER ATIV E B A N K — BOSTON. Incorporated Oct. 3, 1889. Commenced business Nov. 15, 1889. Capital to be accumulated, $1,000,000. J a m e s F. B l is s , President. T h e o . P f a n n e n s t ie h l , Secretary. C h a s . L i f f l e ii , Treasurer. Names of security committee: Ch as. L if f l e e , G eoege W . B ee tt, J o se p h B e y a n . Regular meetings the first business day of each month. B a l a n c e Sh e e t , O c t o b e r L ia b il it ie s . A ssets. Loans on real estate, . Permanent expense account, Suspense account, Cash in hands of treasurer, . 31, 1890. $7,100 165 3 44 00 21 60 45 $7,313 26 Dues capital, . . . . Profits capital (all series), Surplus,.................................. Guaranty fund, $7,084 190 33 5 00 35 91 00 $7,313 26 How are shares issued, — quarterly, semi-annually or annually ? Semi annually. Number of shares issued during the year, . . . . . . 814 Number o f shares now in f o r c e , ............................................................729 Number of shares now borrowed u pon,................................................... 39 Largest number o f shares held by any one member, . . . . 25 Number o f shares withdrawn during the y e a r , .................................. 85 Amount o f dues received during the y e a r , ................................................... $7,624 00 Highest premium received during the y e a r , .................................. ........ . 05 05 Lowest premium received during the y e a r , ................................................... Number of members withdrawn during the yea r,.................................. 11 Present number o f members.......................................................................96 Present number o f borrowers, . ................................................... 4 Present number o f non-borrowers,........................................................... 92 Number o f loans secured by first mortgage of real estate, . . . 4 Amount of loans secured by first mortgage of real estate, . . . . 7,100 00 Largest loan to any one member........................................................................ 2,800 00 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ( 154 BANK COMMISSIONERS’ REPORT. [Jan. Smallest loan to any one member,.................................................................... $1,000 00 Amount of expenses of the corporation for the year ending Oct. 31, 1890, . 17 70 190 35 Amount of profits credited to shares during the y e a r ,................................. Amount o f cash received during the y e a r , ................................................... 7,866 19 Amount of cash paid during the y e a r , ..................................................................... 7,821 74 Date of examination by commissioner : August 8. Nov., 1889, May, 1890, . 1 2 462 267 $12 36 6 09 Dues paid in advance, Total Value. Value per! Share. ! D ate I ssu e. No. of Shares. o f Series. Reconciliation o f Share Account with Dues and Profits Capital. $5,710 32 1,626 03 23 00 • Total, . $7,084 00 Total.............................. $7,359.35 $7,359 35 Co m m o n w e a lth Suffolk, Dues capital, as per ledger, Profits capital (all series), as per ledger, . Unpaid dues, of 190 35 85 00 M assach u setts. Dec. 11, 1890. ss . Personally appeared Theo. Pfannenstiehl, Secretary o f said bank, and made oath that the foregoing report, by him subscribed, is true. Before me, Su ffo lk , W m. H. H. A n d r e w s , Notary Public. Dec. 11, 1890. ss . Personally appeared Chas. Liffler, Treasurer of said bank, and made oath that the securities and cash specified in the foregoing report, by him subscribed, were held by him at the date thereof. Before me, Su ffo lk , W m . H. H. A n d r e w s , Notary Public. Dec. 11, 1890. ss . Personally appeared James F. Bliss, President, and Frank O. Lowe, Clarence E. Tuttle, Wm. H. Brown, John E. Wiggin, Frank Tucker and Geo. W . Brett, directors of said bank, and made oath that the above report is correct, according to their best knowl edge and belief. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Before me, W m . î ï . H. A n d r e w s , Notary Public. 1891.] PUBLIC DOCUMENT — No. 8. 155 % SALEM C O -O P E R A TIV E B A N K — SALEM . ♦ Incorporated April 7, 1888. Commenced business April 13, 1888. Capital to be accumulated, $1,000,000. J n o . M. R a y m o n d , President. A l b e r t C. M a c k i n t i r e , Secretary. A l b e r t C. M a c k i n t i r e , Treasurer. Names of security committee: Jno. M . R aym ond, F rank A . N ew ell, G e o . W. P i c k e r i n g . Regular meetings the second Friday of each month. B a l a n c e Sh e e t , O c t o b e k 31, 1890. • L ia b il it ie s . A ssets. Loans on real estate, . Loans on shares, . Permanent expense account, Temporary expense account, Accrued interest,. Accrued premium, Accrued fines, Cash in hands o f treasurer,. $61,125 00 675 00 179 00 54 42 19 5 30 10 44 3,094 86 Dues capital, . . . . Profits capital (all series), Interest,.................................. Premiums, . '. F i n e s , .................................. Surplus,.................................. Guaranty fund, Forfeited share account, Withdrawal profits, $65,132 33 How are shares issued, — quarterly, semi-annually or annually? Semi annually. * Number o f shares issued during the y e a r , ................................. 1,591 Number of shares now in force..................................................................3,990 Number o f shares now borrowed upon,...........................................* 380 Largest number o f shares held by any one member............................... 25 Number o f shares withdrawn during the y e a r , ......................................481 Number o f shares forfeited during the y e a r , .................................. 9 Amount of dues received during the y e a r , ................................................... Highest premium received during the y e a r ,................................................... Lowest premium received during the y e a r , ................................................... Number o f members withdrawn during the year, . . . . 100 Present number of mem bers,....................................................................... 733 Present number o f b o r r o w e r s , .................................................................68 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis $60,777 3,249 317 58 4 574 85 49 16 00 08 46 35 60 80 28 10 66 $65,132 33 $37,434 00 40 05 * 156 BANK COMMISSIONERS’ REPORT. Present number of n o n - b o r r o w e r s , ........................................... N umber o f loans secured by first mortgage of real estate, . Amount o f loans secured by first mortgage of real estate, . Number and amount of loans on shares, . . . . . Largest loan to any one m em ber,................................................... Smallest loan to any one m e m b e r , .......................................... Amount o f expenses o f the corporation for the year ending Oct. 31, Amount of profits credited to shares during the year, . Amount of cash received during the y e a r , .................................. Amount of cash paid during the y e a r , ........................................... Date of examination by commissioner : April 8. [Jan. . 665 . 71 . . 11 1890, . . • $61,125 675 3,500 30 254 2,556 43,554 40,535 00 00 00 00 68 98 88 94 Aprii, 1888, Oct., 1888, Aprii, 1889, Oct., 1889, Aprii, 1890, Oct., *1890, . . . 657 621 701 497 647 867 $33 26 19 13 7 1 32 47 82 36 09 00 Total Value. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Value per Share. Ro. of Shares. D ate I ssue. of Series. Reconciliation o f Share Account with Dues and Profits Capital. $21,891 16,437 13,893 6,639 4,587 867 $64,401 08 Co m m on w ealth E ssex , ss . Dues capital, as per ledger, Profits capital (all series), as per ledger, . Unpaid dues, $60,777 00 3,249 08 375 00 84 00 Dues paid in advance, Total, . 24 87 82 92 23 00 of Total, . . . . $64,401 08 M assa ch u setts. N ov . 21, 1890. Personally appeared Albert C. Mackintire, Secretary o f said bank, and made oath that the foregoing report, by him subscribed, is true. Before me, W m . D. C h a p p l e , Justice of the Peace. E ssex, ss . N ov . 21,1890. Personally appeared Albert C. Mackintire, Treasurer of said bank, and made oath that the securities and cash specified ,fn the foregoing report, by him subscribed, were held by him at the date thereof. Before me, W m . D. C h a p p l e , Justice of the Peace. E ssex, ss . Nov. 21, 1890. Personally appeared John M. Raymond, President, and Robin Damon, W . Harvey Merrill, H. P. Hosley, Francis A. Newell and Reuben Arey, directors of said bank, and made oath that the above report is correct, according to their best knowledge and belief. Before me, W m . D. C h a p p l e , Justice of the Peace. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1891.] 157 PUBLIC DOCUMENT — No. 8. S A N D W IC H C O -O P ER ATIV E B A N K - S A N D W IC H . Incorporated Oct. 1, 1885. Commenced business Dec. 15, 1885. Capital to be accumulated, $1,000,000. J o h n E. P b a t t , President. W . H . H e a l d , Secretary. W . H . H e a l d , Treasurer. Names of security committee : H. H. H e a l d , W . E. B o t d e n , L. S. N y e . Regular meetings the third Tuesday of each month. B a l a n c e Sh e e t , O c t o b e r A ssets. Loans on real estate, . Loans on shares, . Permanent expense account, Temporary expense account, Suspense, . . . . Cash in hands o f treasurer,. 31, 1890. L ia b il it ie s . $6,050 600 315 5 8 1,021 00 00 93 00 61 78 Dues capital, . . . . Profits capital (all series), . Interest, • . . . . F i n e s , .................................. Surplus,.................................. Guaranty fund, Withdrawal profits, $8,001 32 How are shares issued, — quarterly, semi-annually or annually ? Semi annually. Number of shares issued during the y e a r , ................................................69 Number o f shares now in f o r c e , ...............................................................222 Number o f shares now borrowed u p o n , ................................................41 Largest number of shares held by any one member, . . . .1 5 Number of shares withdrawn during the y e a r , .................................. 43 Number o f shares forfeited during the y e a r , .................................. 3 Amount o f dues received daring the y e a r , ................................................... Number of members withdrawn during the year, . . . . 8 Present number o f m e m b e r s , ............................................................70 Present number of borrowers................................................... . .2 2 Present number o f n o n - b o r r o w e r s ,................................................... 48 Number of loans secured by first mortgage of realestate, . .1 4 Amount o f loans secured by first mortgage of realestate,. . . . Number and amount of loans on s h a r e s , ...........................................8 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis $7,320 479 153 3 28 7 8 00 66 15 54 98 81 18 $8,001 32 $2,652 00 6,050 00 600 00 158 BANK COMMISSIONERS’ REPORT. [Jan. . . Largest loan to any one m em b er,................................................... Smallest loan to any one m e m b e r , ............................................................ Amount of expenses of the corporation for the year ending Oct. 31, 1890, . Amount of profits credited to shares during the y e a r ,.................................. Amount o f cash received during the y e a r , ................................................... Amount o f cash paid during the y e a r ,............................................................ Date of examination by commissioner : October 21. $900 00 50 00 78 58 267 64 3,007 55 2,240 20 Dee., June, Dee., June, Dee., June, Dee., June, Dee., June, 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 51 7 37 9 8 6 22 22 42 18 Dues paid in advance, Total, . $64 57 50 43 36 30 23 17 11 5 • * 23 19 23 49 77 12 60 25 05 00 Total Value. No. of Shares. 1885, 1886, 1886, 1887, 1887, 1888, 1888, 1889, 1889, 1890, D ate o f Value per Share. I ssu e. Series. Reconciliation o f Share Account with Dues and Profits Capital. $3,275 400 1,858 391 294 180 519 379 464 90 • 2 00 . $7,855 66 Com m onw ealth B arnstable, ss . 73 33 51 41 16 72 20 50 10 00 of Dues capital, as per ledger, Profits capital (all series), as per ledger, . Unpaid dues, . Total, . . . . $7,320 00 479 66 56 00 $7,855 66 M assa ch u setts. N ov . 24, 1890. Personally appeared W . H. Heald, Secretary of said bank, and made oath that the foregoing report, by him subscribed, is true. Before me, G eo . N. C h i b m a n , Justice of the Peace. B arnstable, ss . N ov . 24, 1890. Personally appeared W. H. Heald, Treasurer of said bank, and made oath that the securities and cash specified in the foregoing report, by him subscribed, were held by him at the date thereof. Before me, G e o . N . C h i p m a n , Justice of the Peace. B arnstable, ss . N o v . 24, 1890. Personally appeared John E. Pratt, President, and E. B. Howland, L. S. Nye, W . L. Nye, B. G. Bartley and F. H. Burgess, directors of said bank, and made oath that the above report is correct, according to their best knowledge and belief. Before me, G e o . N. C h i p m a n , Justice of the Peace. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1891.] 159 PUBLIC DOCUMENT — No. S E C U R IT Y C O -O P ER ATIV E B A N K — BROCKTON. Incorporated Dec. 17, 1877. Commenced business Dec. 13, 1877. Capital to be accumulated, $1,000,000. B. E . J o n e s , President. E l l is C. F a l e s , Secretary. F e e d B. H o w a r d , Treasurer. Names of security committee: L. P'. S e v e r a n c e , W . H. S a v a g e , T. E . G i f f o r d . Regular meetings the third Thursday of each month. B alan ce Sh e e t , O ctober 31, 1890. A ssets. L ia b il it ie s . $199,655 00 Loans on real estate, . 12,165 00 Loans on shares, 500 00 Permanent expense account, 918 78 Temporary expense account, 148 19 Loss and gain, Unpaid interest, . 1,080 15 132 81 Unpaid premiums, 128 93 Unpaid tines, 21,745 31 Cash in hands of treasurer,. 589 44 Cash in hands of secretary, . $196,726 00 Dues capital, . . . . 26,350 08 Profits capital (all series), 10,815 09 Interest,.................................. 1,182 30 Premiums, . . . . 626 63 F i n e s , .................................. 3 75 Transfer fees, . . . . 12 87 Surplus,.................................. 592 38 Guaranty fund, 10 50 Forfeited share account, 744 01 Withdrawal profits, $237,063 61 $237,063 61 How are shares issued, — quarterly, semi-annually or annually ? Annually. Number o f shares issued during the year........................................ 1,835 Number o f shares now in f o r c e , ................................................... 5,530 Number o f shares now borrowed upon,...........................................1,388 Largest number o f shares held by any one member............................... 25 Number o f shares withdrawn during the y e a r , .................................. 923 Number of shares retired during the y e a r , ...........................................91 Number of shares matured during the y e a r , .................................. 18 Amount o f dues received during the y e a r , ................................................... $63,035 00 Highest premium received during the y e a r ,................................................... 15 Lowest premium received during the y e a r , ................................................... 10 Number of members withdrawn during the year, . . . . . 153 Present number of mem bers,....................................................................717 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 160 BANK COMMISSIONERS’ REPORT. [Jan. Present number of b o r r o w e r s , ............................................................178 Present number of non-borrowers, ................................................... 539 Number of loans secured by first mortgage of real estate, . . . 148 Amount of loans secured by first mortgage of real estate,. . . . $199,655 00 Number and amount of loans on s h a r e s , ............................................ 30 12,16500 Largest loan to any one member, .................................................................... ’ 5,000 00 Smallest loan to any one m e m b e r , ........................................... 25 00 Amount of expenses of the corporation for the year ending Oct. 31, 1890, . 1,23895 Amount of profits credited to shares during the y e a r ,......................... 12,244 97 Amount o f cash received during the y e a r , .................................. 125,167 28 114,841 38 Amount of cash paid during the y e a r , .......................................... Date of examination by commissioner : April 15. 1879, 1880, 1881, 1882, 1883, 1884, 1885, 1886, 1887, 1888, 1889, 3 4 '5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 17 $185 19 161 16 119 162 139 00 138 118 69 233 99 89 198 82 43 257 66 15 476 50 93 859 36 71 1,388 23 42 11 00 1,683 Dues paid in advance, Total Value. No. of Shares. Dec., Dec., Dec., Dec., Dec., Dec., Dec., Dec., Dec., Dec., Dec., Series. D ate I ssue . of Value per Share. Reconciliation o f Share Account with Dues and Profits Capital. $3,148 19,178 22,518 16,379 23,274 16,321 17,000 24,242 31,533 32,506 18,513 $224,968 08 Co m m o n w ea lth P lym o uth , Dues capital, as per ledger, $196,726 00 Profits capital (all series), as per ledger, . 26,350 08 Unpaid dues, 1,892 00 352 00 - Total, . 23 04 00 22 37 14 55 68 89 96 00 of Total.............................. $224,968 08 M assa ch u setts. B r o c k t o n , N o v . 21, 1890. ss . Personally appeared Ellis C. Fales, Secretary of said bank, and made oath that the foregoing report, by him subscribed, is true. Before me, P lym outh , ss . W arren A. R e e d , Justice of the Peace. N ov . 22, 1890. Personally appeared Fred B. Howard, Treasurer of said bank, and made oath that the securities and cash specified in the foregoing report, by him subscribed, were held by him at the date thereof. Before me, P lym outh, F b e d M . B i x b y , Justice of the Peace. Nov. 22, 1890. ss . Personally appeared B. E. Jones,President, and John W. Hall, B. B. Winslow, T. E. Gifford, W . H.Savage andEmbert Howard, directorsof said bank, and made oath that the above report is correct, according to their best knowledge and belief. Before me, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis % F r e d M . B i x b y , Justice of the Peace. 1891.] 161 PUBLIC DOCUMENT — No. 8. S O M E R V IL LE C O -O P E R A TIV E B A N K — SO M E R V IL LE . Incorporated May 4, 1880. Commenced business June 7, 1880. Capita] to be accumulated, $1,000,000. C h a s . S. L in c o l n , President. J a m e s F . B e a k d , Secretary. J a m e s F . B e a e d , Treasurer. Names of security committee: S t il l m a n N. L i b b y , B. F b a n k T h o m p so n , G e . W . Snow Regular meetings the first Monday of each month. B a l a n c e S h e e t , O c t o b e r 31, 1890. Assets. L ia b il it ie s Loans on real estate, . $215,500 00 Loans on shares, . 10,250 00 Permanent expense account, 250 00 Temporary expense account, 69 50 Cash in hands o f treasurer, . 1,013 05 Dues capital, $193,622 00 Profits capital (all series), 31,175 42 Interest.................................... 1,309 80 Premiums, . » . 80 72 F i n e s , .................................. 49 66 Surplus,.................................. 155 57 Guaranty fund, 500 00 Forfeited share account, 120 16 Withdrawal profits, 69 22 $227,082 55 $227,082 55 How are shares issued, -quarterly, semi-annually or annually? annually. Number of shares issued during the year, . . . . Number o f shares now in force................................................. Number o f shares now borrowed upon, . . Largest number of shares held by any one member, Number of shares withdrawn during the year, Number of shares forfeited during the year, . . . . Amount of dues received during the year, . . . . Highest premium received during the year, . . . . Lowest premium received during the year, . . . . Number o f members withdrawn during the year, . Present number of m em bers,................................................... Present number o f borrowers,................................................... Present number o f non-borrowers,.......................................... Number of loans secured by first mortgage of real estate, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Semi2,783 7,032 1,438 . 25 1,788 . 19 $76,370 00 10 05 . . . . . 186 851 160 691 128 162 BANK COMMISSIONERS’ REPORT. Amount of loans secured by first mortgage o f real estate,. . . . Number and amount of loans on shares, ........................................... 32 Largest loan to any one m em b er,.................................................................... Smallest loan to any one member,................................................... Amount of expenses of the corporation for the year endingOct. 31,1890, . Amount of profits credited to shares during the y e a r , ................. 12,449 Amount of cash received during the y e a r , .................................. 140,742 Amount of cash paid during the year............................................... 143,090 Date of examination by commissioner: February 24. [Jan. $215,500 00 10,250 00 4,000 00 50 00 1,034 28 61 48 60 1880, 1880, 1881, 1881, 1882, 1882, 1883, 1883, 1884, 1884, 1885, 1885, 1886, 1886, 1887, 1887, 1888, 1888, 1889, 1889, 1890, 1890, . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 44 60 15 14 102 38 160 31 180 75 48 98 272 181 402 242 587 502 693 1,033 1,476 779 $174 27 1*63 54 156 51 146 09 135 86 125 87 116 14 106 60 97 38 88 51 79 92 71 59 63 53 55 67 48 05 40 69 33 55 26 61 19 89 13 39 7 10 1 00 Dues paid in advance, Total, . > Total Value. Value per Share. June, Dec., April, Oct., April, Oct., April, Oct., April, Oct., April, Oct., April, Oct., April, O ct, April, Oct., April, Oct., April, Oct., No. of Shares. Date I ssue. of Series. Reconciliation o f Share Account with Dues and Profits Capital. $7,667 9,812 2,347 2,045 13,857 4,783 18,582 3,304 17,528 6,638 3,836 7,015 17,280 10,076 19,316 9,846 19,693 13,358 13,783 13,831 10,479 779 88 40 65 26 72 06 40 60 40 25 16 82 16 27 10 98 85 22 77 87 60 00 Dues capital, as per ledger, $193,622 00 Profits capital (all series), 31,175 42 as per ledger, . 1,233 00 Unpaid dues, 165 00 $226,030 42 Total.............................. $226,030 42 C ommonwealth oe M assachusetts . M id d l e se x , ss . N ov. 11, 1890. Personally appeared James F. Beard, Secretary of said bank, and made oath that the foregoing report, by him subscribed, is true. Before me, H erb e r t A. C h a p in , Justice of the Peace. M id d l e s e x , ss . N ov. 11, 1890. Personally appeared James F. Beard, Treasurer of said bank, and made oath that the securities and cash specified in the foregoing report, by him subscribed, were held by him at the date thereof. Before me, H erbert A. C h a p in , Justice of the Peace. M id d l e se x , ss. N ov. 11, 1890. Personally appeared Chas. S. Lincoln, President, and J. Frank Wellington, B. F. Thompson, Franklin J. Hamblin, Geo. W. Snow and Ezra D. Souther, directors of said bank, and made oath that the above report is correct, according to their best knowledge and belief. H e rber t A. C h a p in , Justice of the Peace. Before me, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 163 PUBLIC DOCUMENT — No. 8. 1891.] SOUTH F R A M IN G H A M C O -O P E R A TIV E BANK — F R A M IN G H A M . Incorporated April 16, 1889. Commenced business May 6, 1889. Capital to be accumulated, $ 1,000,000. C h as . J. M c P herson , President. H a r r ie L. D avenport , Secretary. H a r r ie L. D aven po rt . Treasurer. Names of security committee : R ussell M. F ren ch , E . G ou ldin g . F r a n * II. F a l e s , Regular meetings the first Monday of each month. B a l a n c e S h e e t , O c t o b e r 31, 1890. L ia b il it ie s . A ssets. Loans on real estate, . Loans on shares, . Permanent expense account, Suspense account, Cash in hands of secretary, . $26,225 850 146 86 1,246 00 00 61 35 11 $28,554 07 Dues capital, . . . . Profits capital (all series), Interest,.................................. Premiums, . . . . F i n e s , .................................. Surplus,.................................. Guaranty fund, Forfeited share account, Withdrawal profits, $27,124 00 1,138 82 12 26 2 19 3 10 105 48 62 67 104 15 1 40 $28,554 07 How are shares issued, — quarterly, semi-annually or annually? Semi annually. Number of shares issued during the y e a r , .................................. 1,031 Number of shares now in force, . . . . . . . . 1,957 Number o f shares now borrowed u p o n , ...........................................229 Largest number o f shares held by any one member, . . . . 25 Number of shares withdrawn during the year........................................ 526 Number of shares forfeited during the yea r,...........................................60 Amount of dues received during the y e a r , ................................................... $22,531 00 Highest per centum of interest received during the year: 7|. Lowest per* centum of interest received during the year: 6. .164 Number o f members withdrawn during the year, . . . Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 164 BANK COMMISSIONERS’ REPORT. Present number of members,........................................... Present number of borrowers, Present number of non-borrowers, . . . . Number of loans secured by first mortgage of real estate, Amount of loans secured by first mortgage of real estate, Number and amount of loans on shares, Largest loan to any one member...................................... Smallest loan to any one member, . . . . Amount of expenses of the corporation for the year ending Oct. 31, Amount of profits credited to shares during the year, . Amount of cash received during the year, . Amount of cash paid during the year.............................. Date of examination by commissioner : March 17. [Jan. . 390 . 31 . 359 . 23 $26,225 850 2,000 50 74 1,103 23,881 24,197 1890, 00 00 00 00 99 89 48 43 Value per Share. Total Value. May, 1889, Nov., 1889, May, 1890, No. of Shares. D ate I ssue. of Series. Reconciliation o f Share Account with Dues and Profits Capital. 1 2 3 1,099 372 486 $18 86 12 39 6 10 $20,727 14 4,609 08 2,964 60 Dues capital, as per ledger, Profits capital (all series), as per ledger, . Unpaid dues, $27,124 00 1,138 82 412 00 374 00 Dues paid in advance, $28,674 82 Total, . • Total, . . . . $28,674 82 Commonwealth of M assachusetts . M id d l e se x , ss . Dec. 1, 1890. Personally appeared Harrie L. Davenport, Secretary of said bank, and made oath that the foregoing report, by him subscribed, is true. Before me, M id d l e s e x , ss . Jos. H. L a d d , Justice of the Peace. Dec. 1, 1890. Personally appeared Harrie L. Davenport, Treasurer of said bank, and made oath that the securities and cash specified in the foregoing report, by him subscribed, were held by him at the date thereof. Before me, Jos. H. L a d d , Justice of the Peace. M id d l e se x , ss . Dec. 1, 1890. Personally appeared Chas. J. McPherson, President, and A. M. Eames, Joshua Smith, Richard L. Everit, W. A. Kingsbury and E. Goulding, directors of said bank, and made oath that the above report is correct, according to their best knowledge and belief. Before me, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Jos. H. L a d d , Justice of the Peace. 1891.] PUBLIC DOCUMENT — No. 8 SOUTH SHORE C O -O P E R A T IV E 165 BANK — W EYM OUTH. Incorporated April 18, 1890. Commenced business May 5, 1890. Capital to be accumulated, $1,000,000. W. S. R oberts , Secretary. F rancis A m b l e r , President. W . S. R oberts , Treasurer. Names of security committee: G eorge W . W h it e , Joel F. S h e ppa r d , D avid J. P ie r c e . Regular meetings the first Monday of each month. B a l a n c e S h e e t , O c t o b e r 31, 1890. L ia b il it ie s . A ssets. Loans on real estate, . Permanent expense account, Temporary expense account, Cash in hands of treasurer,. $200 143 10 2,724 00 92 00 45 $3,078 37 Dues capital, Interest, . Premiums, Fines, Transfer fees, $3,038 30 2 6 $3,078 37 How are shares issued, — quarterly, semi-annually or annually ? Semi annually. Number o f shares issued during the y e a r , ...........................................518 Number of shares now in f o r c e , ............................................................512 Number of shares now borrowed u p o n , ...........................................1 Largest number of shares held by any one member, . . . . 25 Number of shares withdrawn during the y e a r , .................................. 6 Amount o f dues received during the y e a r , ................................................... $3,059 00 Highest premium received during the y e a r ,................................................... Lowest premium received during the y e a r , ................................................... Number of members withdrawn during the year, . . . . 2 Present number o f m e m b e r s , ............................................................... 109 Present number o f b o r r o w e r s , ...................................................................1 Present number of n o n - b o r r o w e r s ,.......................................................108 Number of loans secured by first mortgage of real estate, 1 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 00 62 52 98 25 166 BANK COMMISSIONERS’ REPORT. Amount o f loans secured by first mortgage of real estate, . . . . Largest loan to any one m em ber,.................................................................... Smallest loan to any one m e m b e r , ............................................................ Amount of expenses of the corporation for the year ending Oct. 31, 1890, . Amount of cash received during the year......................................................... Amount o f cash paid during the year, . *................................................... Date o f examination by commissioner : August 14. [Jan. $200 00 200 00 200 00 10 00 3,099 37 374 92 Total Value. May, 1890, Value pei Share. I ssu e. No. of Shares. D ate o f Series. Reconciliation o f Share Account with Dues and Profits Capital. 1 512 $6 00 $3,072 00 Dues paid in advance, Dues capital, as per ledger. Unpaid dues, $3,038 00 72 00 38 00 Total, . $3,110 00 Total, . . . . $3,110 00 Commonwealth of M assachusetts . N orfolk , ss . N ov . 19, 1890. Personally appeared W. L. Roberts, Secretary of said bank, and made oath that the foregoing report, by him subscribed, is true. Before me, N orfolk , ss . J ohn J. L oud , Justice of the Peace. N ov. 19, 1890. Personally appeared W. L. Roberts, Treasurer of said bank, and made oath that the securities and cash specified in the foregoing report, by him subscribed, were held by him at the date thereof. Before me, N orfolk, ss . J ohn J. L oud , Justice of the Peace. N ov. 19, 1890. Personally appeared Francis Ambler, President, and Geo. W. White, Joel F. Shep pard, David J. Pierce, James H. Flint and C. F. Vaughan, directors of said bank, and made oath that the above report is correct, according to their best knowledge and belief. Before me, J ohn J. L oud , Justice of the Peace. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1891.] 167 PUBLIC DOCUMENT — No. 8. SOUTH W E Y M O U T H C O -O P E R A T IV E B A N K — SOUTH W EYMOUTH. Incorporated Feb. 28, 1889. Commenced business March 9, 1889. Capital to be accumulated, $1,000,000. A. F. B ullock , President. F. W. H ow e , Secretary. E llis J. P it c h e r , Treasurer. Names of security committee: Louis A . C ook, L ysan de r H e a l d , C h as . H. C la p p , F rancis F. B ullock , A lvin H ollis . Regular meetings the second Saturday of each month. B a l a n c e S h e e t , O c t o b e r 31, 1890. A ssets' Loans on real estate, . Loans on shares, Permanent expense account, Temporary expense account, Cash in hands of treasurer, . L ia b il it ie s . $10,200 650 100 12 23 00 00 00 87 01 $10,985 88 Dues capital, . . . . Profits capital (all series), . Interest,.................................. Premiums, . . . . F i n e s , .................................. Transfer fees, Guaranty fund, .Withdrawal profits, $10,582 291 100 3 00 67 75 00 67 75 4 67 2 37 $10,985 88 How are shares issued, — quarterly, semi-annually or annually ? Semi annually. Number o f shares issued during the y e a r , ...........................................352 Number o f shares now in f o r c e , ........................................................... 791 Number of shares now borrowed u p o n , ...........................................107 Largest number of shares held by any one member, . . .2 5 Number of shares withdrawn during the y e a r , .................................. 77 Amount of dues received during the y e a r , ................................................... $7,924 00 Highest premium received during the y e a r ,................................................... 45 Lowest premium received during the y e a r , ................................................... 05 Number of members withdrawn during the year, . . . . 19 Present number of m e m b e r s , ......................................... • • . 166 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 168 BANK COMMISSIONERS’ REPORT. [Jan. Present number o f b o r r o w e r s , ............................................................22 Present number of n o n - b o r r o w e r s ,................................................... 144 Number o f loans secured by first mortgage of real estate, . . . 17 Amount of loans secured by first mortgage of real estate.............................. $10,200 00 Number and amount of loans on s h a r e s , ........................................... 5 650 Largest loan to any one m em b er,.................................................................... 1,700 50 Smallest loan to any one m e m b e r , ........................................................... Amount o f expenses of the corporation for the year ending Oct. 31, 1890, . 93 Amount o f profits credited to shares during the y e a r ,.................................. 305 8,647 Amount o f cash received during the year........................................................ Amount of cash paid during the y e a r ,................................................... . 9,235 Date of examination b.y commissioner : April 4. 00 00 00 68 59 54 65 March, Sept., March, Sept., 1889, 1889, 1890, 1890, . . . . 1 2 3 4 373 102 174 142 $20 14 8 2 67 29 07 00 Total Value. s <D m Value per Share. D ate I ssue. of No. of Shares. Reconciliation o f Share Account with Dues and Profits Capital. $7,709 1,457 1,404 284 91 58 18 00 Dues capital, as per ledger, Profits capital (all series), as per ledger, . Unpaid dues, $10,582 00 Total.............................. $10,967 67 291 67 94 00 112 00 Dues paid in advance, $10,967 67 Total, . C ommonwealth oe M assachusetts . N o r f o l k , ss . N ov . 21, 1890. Personally appeared F. W . Howe, Secretary of said bank, and made oath that the foregoing report, by him subscribed, is true. Before me, J ohn H. Stetson , Justice of the Peace. N orfolk , ss . N ov . 21, 1890. Personally appeared Ellis J. Pitcher, Treasurer of said bank, and made oath that the securities and cash specified in the foregoing report, by him subscribed, were held by him at the date thereof. Before me, N orfolk , ss. J ohn H. S tetson , Justice of the Peace. N ov . 21, 1890. Personally appeared A. Fenton Bullock, President, and Edgar R. Downs, Chas. T. Foster, James F. Frawley, Herbert W . Sears and Chas. H. Clapp, directors of said bank, and made oath that the above report is correct, according to their best knowledge and belief. J ohn H. S tetson , Justice of the Peace. Before me, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1891.] PUBLIC DOCUMEN SPENCER C O O P E R A T IV E No. 8. 109 B A N K — SPENCER. Incorporated June 8, 1889. Commenced business May 25, 1889. Capital to be accumulated, $1,000,000. C. T. L in l e y , Secretary. L u th er H il l , President. C. T. L in l e y , Treasurer. Names of security committee : A. H. S innott , W . J. L ive r m o r e , E merson S tone . Regular meetings the first Saturday of each month. B a l a n c e S h e e t , O c t o b e r 31, 1890. A ssets. Loans on real estate, . Loans on shares, . Permanent expense account, Temporary expense account, Suspense account, Cash in hands of treasurer,. L ia b il it ie s . $12,389 175 20 140 13 3,136 23 00 00 76 88 22 $15,875 09 Dues capital, . . . . Profits capital (all series), Interest.................................... F i n e s , .................................. Surplus,.................................. Guaranty fund, Forfeited share account, Withdrawal profits, Forfeiture profits, . $15,272 328 219 7 2 3 25 11 4 00 77 63 04 48 43 80 74 20 $15,875 09 Ilow are shares issued, — quarterly, semi-annually or annually ? Semi annually. Number o f shares issued during the y e a r , ...........................................191 Number o f shares now in f o r c e , ............................................................ 1,058 Number of shares now borrowed u p o n , ................................................95 Largest number o f shares held by any one member, . . . . 25 Number o f shares withdrawn during the year....................................... 115 Number o f shares forfeited during the y e a r , .................................. 10 Amount o f dues received during the y e a r , ................................................... $12,310 00 Highest per centum of interest received during the year: 6. Lowest per centum o f interest received during the year: 6. N umber o f members withdrawn during the year, . . . . 22 Present number o f m e m b e r s , ............................................................165 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 170 BANK COMMISSIONERS’ REPORT. Present number o f b o r r o w e r s , ............................................................13 Present number of non-borrowers............................................................ 152 Number o f loans secured by first mortgage of real estate, . . . 10 Amount o f loans secured by first mortgage of real estate, . . . . Number and amount of loans on shares, . . . . . . 3 Largest loan to any one m em b er,.................................................................... Smallest loan to any one member,................................................................... Amount of expenses of the corporation for the year ending Oct. 31, 1890, . Amount of profits credited to shares during the y e a r ,.................................. Amount of cash received during the y e a r , ................................................... Amount o f cash paid during the year, . . . . . . . . Date o f examination by commissioner : April 5. [Jan. $12,389 23 175 00 2,000 00 50 00 197 53 342 90 13,565 71 11,861 92 Value per Share. Total Value. July, 1889, Jan., 1890, July, 1890, No. of Shares. D ate I ssue. of Series. Reconciliation/ o f Share Account with Dues and Profits Capital. 1 2 3 882 125 51 $16 36 10 09 4 00 $14,429 52 1,261 25 204 00 Total, . $15,894 77 Dues capital, as per ledger, Profits capital (all series;, as per ledger, . Unpaid dues, Total, . . . . $15,272 00 328 77 294 00 $15,894 77 C ommonwealth of M assachusetts . W orcester , ss . N ov. 19, 1890. Personally appeared C. T. Linley, Secretary of said bank, and made oath that the foregoing report, by him subscribed, is true. Before me, W orcester , ss . J e r r y R . K ane , Justice of the Peace. N ov . 19, 1890. Personally appeared C. T. Linley, Treasurer of said bank, and made oath that the securities and cash specified in the foregoing report, by him subscribed, were held by him at the date thereof. Before me, W orcester , ss. J e r r y R. K an e , Justice of the Peace. N ov. 19, 1890. Personally appeared Luther Hill, President, and W. A. Barr, Emerson Stone, John O’Gara, E. P. Cutler, Louis Frigon and Andrew H. Sinnott, directors of said bank, and made oath that the above report is correct, according to their best knowledge and belief. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Before me, J e r r y R. K a n e , Justice of the Peace. 1891.] PUBLIC DOCUMENT — No. S P R IN G F IE L D 171 C O -O P E R A T IV E B A N K — S P R IN G F IE L D . Incorporated April 13, 1882. Commenced business May 9, 1882. Capital to be accumulated, $1,000,000. O scar S. G ree n le a f , President. F rancke W . D ickinson , Secretary. C h as . H. C h u r c h il l , Treasurer. Names of security committee: Ch as . L. S h a w , C h as . H. C h u r c h il l , F r e d e r ic k A. Ju d d . Regular meetings the second Tuesday of each month. B a l a n c e S h e e t , O c t o b e r 31, 1890. A ssets. L ia b il it ie s . Loans on real estate, . $125,320 00 Loans on shares, . 12,510 00 Permanent expense account, 103 91 Suspense account, 275 24 Cash in hands of treasurer,. 818 09 Cash in hands o f secretary, . 10 00 $139,037 24 4 Dues capita], . . . . Profits capital (all series), Surplus,.................................. Guaranty fund, $118,054 19,325 767 889 00 87 58 79 $139,037 24 How are shares issued, — quarterly, semi-annually or annually ? For the past year, quarterly; previously, semi-annually. Number o f shares issued during the y e a r , .................................. 2,137 Number o f shares now in f o r c e , ............................................................ 3,945 Number o f shares now borrowed u p o n , .................................. 982 Largest number o f shares held by any one member, . . . . 25 Number o f shares withdrawn during the y e a r , ................................ 685 Amount o f dues received during the y e a r , ................................................... $40,507 00 Highest premium received during the year, . . . . . . . 25 Lowest premium received during the y e a r , ................................................... 0^ Number of members withdrawn during the year, . . . . 98 Present number o f m e m b e r s , ..........................................................538 Present number of b o r r o w e r s , ..........................................................100 Present number o f n o n - b o r r o w e r s ,................................................. 438 Number o f loans secured by first mortgage of real estate, . . . 71 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis [Jan. BANK COMMISSIONERS’ REPORT. 172 Amount o f loans secured by first mortgage of real estate, . Number and amount of loans on s h a r e s , ...........................................38 Largest loan to any one m em b er,.................................................................... Smallest loan to any one m e m b e r , ............................................................ Amount o f expenses of the corporation for the year ending Oct. 31, 1890,. Amount of profits credited to shares during the y e a r,.................................. Amount of cash received during the y e a r , ................................................... Amount of cash paid during the y e a r ,............................................................ Date of examination by commissioner : February 24. $125,320 12,510 5,000 50 629 7,829 75,664 76,427 00 00 00 00 99 45 09 07 May, 1882, Nov., 1882, May, 1883, Nov., 1883, May, 1884, Nov., 1884, May, 1885, Nov., 1885, May, 1886, Nov., 1886, May, 1887, Nov., 1887, May, 1888, Nov., 1888, May, 1889, Nov., 1889, Feb., 1890, May, 1890, Aug., 1890, 1 221 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 44 71 66 103 58 152 72 112 10 102 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 159 207 179 213 215 454 471 468 578 > 16 89 75 84 17 60 41 41 65 05 68 48 46 60 93 46 28 15 04 $28,765 5,319 7,934 6,787 9,699 4,964 11,766 4,997 6,904 5,513 7,422 8,172 5,810 5,452 4,069 5,656 4,370 2,878 1,757 36 16 25 44 51 Dues capital, as per ledger, $118,054 00 Profits capital (all series), 19,325 87 as per ledger, . 995 00 Unpaid dues, 80 32 52 80 10 12 36 34 80 95 84 88 20 12 132 00 Dues paid in advance, Total, . $130 120 111 102 94 85 77 69 61 54 46 39 32 25 18 12 9 6 3 Total Value. D ate I ssu e. Value per! Share. Series. o f No. of Shares. ; Reconciliation o f Share Account with Dues and Profits Capital. $138,374 87 • Total.............................. $138,374 87 C ommonwealth of M assachusetts . H a m p d e n , ss. N ov . 25, 1890. Personally appeared Francke W. Dickinson, Secretary of said bank, and made oath that the foregoing report, by him subscribed, is true. Before me, H a m p d e n , ss . F. A. J udd , Justice of the Peace. N ov. 25, 1890. Personally appeared Chas. H. Churchill, Treasurer of said bank, and made oath that the securities and cash specified in the foregoing report, by him subscribed, were held by him at the date thereof. Before me, F. A. J udd , Justice of the Peace. H a m p d e n , ss . N ov . 25, 1890. Personally appeared Oscar S. Greenleaf, President, and C. L. Shaw, H. J. Margerum, Emile Pauli, Ira B. Allen and W. D. Bigelow, directors of said bank, and made oath that the above report is correct, according to their best knowledge and belief. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Before me, F. A. J udd , Justice of the Peace. 1891.J 173 PUBLIC DOCUMENT — No 8. S T O IE H A M C O -O P E R A TIV E B A N K — STO N EH A M . Incorporated Jan. 10, 1887. Commenced business Feb. 1, 1887. Capital to be accumulated, $1,000,000. J. B. S anborn , President. J. W . M ac D onald , Secretary. J. W . M ac D onald , Treasurer. Names of security committee : A mos H il l , A . H. Co w d r e y , O. H. M arston . Regular meetings the first Tuesday of each month. B alance Sheet , October 31, 1890. L ia b il it ie s . A ssets. Loans on real estate, . Loans on shares, . Cash in hands o f treasurer,. $45,950 00 900 00 1,673 92 $48,523 92 Dues capital, . . . . Profits capital (all series), Surplus,.................................. Guaranty fund, Forfeited share account, Profit and loss account, $43,925 4,299 9 263 26 00 18 19 63 68 24 $48,523 92 How are shares issued, — quarterly, semi-annually or annually ? Semi annually. Number of shares issued during the y e a r , ..............................................508 Number of shares now in f o r c e , ............................................................ 1,628 N umber of shares now borrowed u p o n , .............................................. 318 Largest number o f shares held by any one member, . . . .2 5 Number o f shares withdrawn during the y e a r , ......................................270 Number of shares forfeited during the y e a r , .................................. 10 Number of shares retired during the y e a r , ...........................................5 Amount o f dues received during the y e a r , ................................................... $19,742 00 Highest premium received during the y e a r ,................................................... 35 Lowest premium received during the y e a r , ................................................... 05 Number o f members withdrawn during the year, . . . . 62 Present number o f members,.................................................. 322 Present number o f b o r r o w e r s , .................................................................47 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 174 BANK COMMISSIONERS’ REPORT. [Jan. Present number of n o n - b o r r o w e r s ,................................................... 275 Number o f loans secured by first mortgage of real estate, . . .4 7 Amount of loans secured by first mortgage of real estate, . . . . $45,950 00 Number and amount of loans on s h a r e s , ........................................... 5 900 00 Largest loan to any one member.............................................. ........ 3,000 00 Smallest loan to any one member,.................................................................... 50 00 Amount of expenses of the corporation for the year ending Oct. 31, 1890, . 237 06 Amount of profits credited to shares during the y e a r ,.................................. 2,621 63 Amount o f cash received during the y e a r , .................................. 28,603 17 Amount o f cash paid during the y e a r ,........................................... 32,173 84 Date of examination by commissioner : September 2. Feb., Aug., Feb., Aug., Feb., May, Nov., May, 1887, 1887, 1888, 1888, 1889, 1889, 1889, 1890, . . 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 478 73 230 93 159 127 206 262 $50 43 36 29 22 18 12 6 56 21 04 06 27 94 44 12 Total Value. Value per Share. D ate Issue. No. of Shares. of Series. Reconciliation o f Share Account with Dues and Profits Capital. $24,167 3,154 8,289 2,702 3,540 2,405 2,562 1,603 68 33 20 58 93 38 64 44 Dues capital, as per ledger, Profits capital (all series), as per ledger, . Unpaid dues, $43,925 00 4,299 18 222 00 20 00 Dues paid in advance, $48,446 18 Total, . Total, . . . . $48,446 18 Commonwealth of M assachusetts . M id d l e s e x , ss . * Nov. 18, 1890. Personally appeared J. W . MacDonald, Secretary of said bank, and made oath that the foregoing report, by him subscribed, is true. Before me, M id d l e se x , ss. L ym an D ik e , Justice of the Peace. Nor. 18, 1890. Personally appeared J. W. MacDonald, Treasurer of said bank, and made oath that the securities and cash specified in the foregoing report, by him subscribed, were held by him at the date thereof. Before me, L ym an D ik e , Justice of the Peace. M id d l e s e x , ss . N ov. 18, 1890. Personally appeared J. B. Sanborn, President, and Luther White, Chas. L. Gill, O. H. Marston, Sidney A. Hill and A. H. Cowdrey, directors of said bank, and made oath that the above report is correct, according to their best knowledge and belief. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Before me, L ym an D ik e , Justice of the Peace. 1891.] PUBLIC DOCUMENT — No. 8. STO U G H TO N CO -O P ER ATIV E 175 B A N K — STO UGH TON. Incorporated March 23, 1886. Commenced business April 10,1886. Capital to be accumulated, $1,000,000. H e n r i L. J ohnson , President. H enry W. B ritton , Secretary. H enry W. B ritton , Treasurer. Names of security committee: R ich ard B. W a r d , G eo . F. W a l k e r , C h ristoph er F a r r e l l . Regular meetings the second Saturday of each month. B alance Sheet , October 31, 1890. A ssets. Loans on real estate, . Loans on shares, . Permanent expense account, Temporary expense account, Fine account, Cash in hands of treasurer,. L ia b il it ie s . $65,350 1,490 160 6 00 00 00 00 11 645 61 $67,651 72 Dues capital, . Profits capital (all series), Interest,.................................. Premiums, . . . . Transfer fees, . . . . Surplus,.................................. Guaranty fund, Forfeited share account, Withdrawal profits, $60,982 00 5,622 69 563 29 57 95 1 50 175 03 227 19 11 38 10 69 $67,651 72 How are shares issued, — quarterly, semi-annually or annually? Semi annually. N umber o f shares issued during the year, . . . . . . 902 Number of shares now in f o r c e , ................................................... 2,717 Number of shares now borrowed upon,................................................... 336 Largest number o f shares held by any one member, . . . . 25 Number o f shares withdrawn during the year, . . . . . . 295 Number of shares forfeited during the year,. . . . .1 0 Amount of dues received during the y e a r , ................................................... $27,594 00 Highest premium received during the y e a r ,................................................... 50 Lowest premium received during the y e a r , ................................................... 05 Number o f members withdrawn during the year.....................................52 Present number o f members.......................................................................426 Present number of b o r r o w e r s , ........................................................... 61 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis BANK COMMISSIONERS’ REPORT. 176 [Jail. Present number of non-borrowers,........................................................... 365 Number of loans secured by first mortgage of real estate, . . . 72 Amount of loans secured by first mortgage of real estate,. . . . $65,35000 Number and amount of loans on s h a r e s , ....................................... 9 1,49000 Largest loan to any one m em b er,.................................................................... 4,000 00 Smallest loan to any one member,.......................................................... 25 00 Amount o f expenses of the corporation for the year ending Oct. 31, 1890, . 34256 Amount of profits credited to shares during the y e a r ,........................ 3,193 44 Amount of cash received during the y e a r , .............................................31,915 38 32,503 78 Amount of cash paid during the year...................................................... Date of examination by commissioner: October 7- April, Mar., Mar., Mar., Sept., Mar., Sept., 1886, 1887, 1888, 1889, 1889, 1890, 1890, . . . . 1 2 3 . 6 4 5 7 433 161 283 597 373 412 458 $62 91 48 96 34 47 20 86 14 39 8 10 2 00 Total Value. Value per Share. D ate I ssue. No. of Shares. of Series. Reconciliation o f Share Account with Dues and Profits Capital. $27,240 7,882 9,755 12,453 5,367 3,337 916 03 56 01 42 47 20 00 Dues- capital, as per ledger, Profits capital (all series), as per ledger, . Unpaid dues, $60,982 00 5,622 69 474 00 127 00 Dues paid in advance, $67,078 69 Total, . Total, $67,078 69 Commonwealth of M assachusetts . N o r f o l k , ss . N ov . 13, 1890. Personally appeared Henry W. Britton, Secretary of said bank, and madeoath that the foregoing report, by him subscribed, is true. Before me, N orfolk , ss . H orace N. T ucker , Justice of the Peace. N o v . 13, 1890. Personally appeared Henry W. Britton, Treasurer of said bank, and made oath that the securities and cash specified in the foregoing report, by him subscribed, were held by him at the date thereof. Before me, N orfolk , ss . H orace N. T u cker , Justice of the Peace. N ov. 13, 1890. Personally appeared Charles Tenney, Vice-President, and Alfred Upham, Kilburn R. Clifford, Richard B. Ward, Webster Smith and C. Farrell, directors of said bank, and made oath that the above report is correct, according to their best knowledge and belief. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Before me, H orace N. T u ck er , Justice of the Peace. 1891.] 177 PUBLIC DOCUMENT — No. 8. SU FFO LK C O -O P E R A TIV E B A N K — BOSTON". Incorporated Dec. 11, 1885. Commenced business Jan. 1, 1886. Capital to be accumulated, $ 1,000,000. C h as . J. P a g e , President. P ercy A . B r id g h a m , Secretary A lfred F oster , Treasurer. Names of security committee : C h as . J. P ag e , F red eric H. H e n sh a w , A l e x a n d e r H. H o l w a y . Regular meetings the first Wednesday of each month. B a l a n c e S h e e t , O c t o b e r 31, 1890. ’A ssets . Loans on real estate, . Loans on shares, . Temporary expense account, Suspense account, Cash in hands of treasurer,. L ia b il it ie s . $16,600 385 473 255 557 00 00 36 08 54 $18,270 98 Dues capital, . . . . Profits capital (all series), Interest,.................................. Premiums, . Fines........................................ Transfer fees, . . . . Surplus,.................................. Guaranty fund, Forfeited share account, Withdrawal profits, $16,574 1,231 272 65 28 2 38 41 15 $18,270 98 How are shares issued, — quarterly, semi-annually or annually ? Semi annually. Number of shares issued during the y e a r , .................................. 361 Number o f shares now in f o r c e , ................................................... 733 Number o f shares now borrowed u p o n , ...........................................138 Largest number of shares held by any one member, . * . . .2 5 N umber o f shares withdrawn during the y e a r , .................................. 233 Number o f shares forfeited during the y e a r , .................................. 13 Amount of dues received during the y e a r , ................................................... $4,248 00 Highest premium received during the y e a r ,................................................... Lowest premium received during the y e a r ,................................................... Number o f members withdrawn during the year, . . . . 36 Present number o f members,.................................................................... 120 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 00 79 03 20 97 75 12 74 78 60 30 2 178 BANK COMMISSIONERS’ REPORT. Present number of b o r r o w e r s , ............................................................20 Present number of n o n - b o r r o w e r s ,................................................... 100 Number o f loans secured by first mortgage of real estate, . . . 14 Amount o f loans secured by first mortgage of real estate,. . . . Number and amount of loans on s h a r e s , ..................................... 7 Largest loan to any one m em ber,................................................... 2,000 Smallest loan to any one m e m b e r , .......................................... 50 Amount of expenses of the corporation for the year ending Oct. 31, 1890, . Amount o f profits credited to shares during the y e a r ,................. 1,058 Amount of cash received during the y e a r , .................................. 4,857 Amount o f cash paid during the y e a r , .....................................................4,251 Date of examination by commissioner : June 23. [Jan. $16,600 00 385 00 00 00 190 80 65 92 93 Jan., 1886, July, 1886, Jan., 1887, July, 1887, Jan., 1888, July, 1888, Nov., 1888, May, 1889, Nov., 1889, May, 1890, Total, . 10 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 57 34 45 41 139 47 73 200 97 $67 60 52 44 37 30 25 18 12 95 42 56 93 54 39 63 97 43 6 11 Total Value. 1 2 Value per Share. No. of Shares. D ate I ssue. of Series. Reconciliation o f Share Account with Dues and Profits Capital. $3,873 604 1,787 2,021 1,539 4,224 1,204 1,384 2,486 592 Dues capital, as per ledger, Profits capital (all series), as per ledger, . Unpaid dues, Errors and omissions, since adjusted and corrected, . 15 20 04 85 14 21 61 81 00 62 Total, $19,717 63 . . . . $16,574 00 1,825 63 369 00 949 00 $19,717 63 Com m onw ealth of M assachusetts . Dec. 19, 1890. S u ffolk , ss. Personally appeared Percy A. Bridgham, Secretary of said bank, and made oath that the foregoing report, by him subscribed, is true. Before me, C. C. B arton , Justice of the Peace. Dec. 19, 1890. S uffolk , ss . Personally appeared Alfred Foster, Treasurer o f said bank, and made oath that the securities and cash specified in the foregoing report, by him subscribed, were held by him at the date thereof. Before me, J ames H. Collin s , Justice of the Peace. Dec. 19,1890. S uffolk , ss . Personally appeared Chas. J. Page, President, and James H. Page, a director of said bank, and made oath that the above report is correct, according to their best knowledge and belief. _ Before me, A rth ur D. M c C l e l l a n , Justice of the Peace. Su ffo l k , ss . - Dec. 20, 1890. Personally appeared F. H. Henshaw, Geo. F. Wood, A. H. Holway and W. H. Pinkham, directors of said bank, and made oath that the above report is correct, accord ing to their best knowledge and belief. Before me, P ercy A . B r id g h a m , Justice of the Peace. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1891.] 179 PUBLIC DOCUMENT — No. 8. TAUNTON CO -O P ER ATIV E B A N K — T A U N T O N . Incorporated March 2,1880. Commenced business March 17,1880. Capital to be accumulated, $1,000,000. H en ry M L overing , President. H erbert O. M orse , Secretary. C h as . F oster , Treasurer. Names of security committee: D a n ie l Ca r e y , A lb e rt D. D av o l , T hos . B a k e r . Regular meetings the first Tuesday after the fifteenth of each month. B a l a n c e S h e e t , O c t o b e r 31, 1890. L ia b il it ie s . A ssets. $252,950 00 Loans on real estate, . 10,300 00 Loans on shares, . 293 67 Permanent expense account, 442 83 Temporary expense account, 2,229 00 Unpaid dues, 1,942 03 Unpaid interest, . 10,481 87 Cash in hands o f treasurer, . $278,639 40 Dues capital............................ $235,856 00 35,874 56 Profits capital (all series), 5,793 75 Interest and premiums, . 183 83 Fines and transfer fees,. 6 20 Surplus,.................................. 841 22 Guaranty fund, 83 84 Forfeited share account, / $278,639 40 How are shares issued, — quarterly, semi-annually or annually ? Annu ally. Number o f shares issued during the y e a r , .................................. 1,678 Number o f shares now in f o r c e , ................................................... 6,224 Number o f shares now borrowed upon, . . . . . 1,681 Largest number o f shares held by any one member, . . . . 25 Number o f shares withdrawn during the y e a r , .................................. 500 Number of shares retired during the y e a r , .......................................... 310 Amount of dues received during the y e a r , ........................................... Highest premium received during the year....................................................... Lowest premium received during the y e a r , ................................................... Number o f members withdrawn during the year, . . . . 31 Present number o f members,.................................................................... 370 Present number o f b o r r o w e r s , ................................................... ........ 259 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis $70,585 00 10 05 180 BANK COMMISSIONERS’ REPORT. Present number of n o n - b o r r o w e r s ,................................................... 611 Number o f loans secured by first mortgage of real estate, . . . 260 Amount o f loans secured by first mortgage of real estate, . . . . Number and amount of loans on s h a r e s , ........................................... 82 Largest loan to any one m em ber,.................................................................... Smallest loan to any one member,.................................................................... Amount of expenses of the corporation for the year ending Oct. 31, 1890, . Amount of profits credited to shares during the y e a r ,................ 16,730 Amount o f cash received during the y e a r , ................................. 240,350 Amount o f cash paid during the y e a r ,.......................................... 234,012 Date o f examination by commissioner: August 14. [Jan. $252,950 00 10,300 00 5,000 00 50 00 780 50 59 78 23 March, May, May, May, May, May, May, May, May, May, May, 1880, 1881, 1882, 1883, 1884, 1885, 1886, 1887, 1888, 1889, 1890, . . . . . . . . . . . 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 34 101 245 245 408 430 615 560 820 1,300 1,466 $174 149 129 110 92 76 60 45 31 18 99 86 60 64 83 09 34 53 55 40 6 00 Total Value. Yalueper Share. D ate OF ISSUE. No. of Shares. Series. ! Reconciliation o f Share Account with Dues and Profits Capital. $5,949 15,135 31,752 27,106 37,874 32,718 37,109 25,496 25,871 23,920 8,796 66 86 00 80 64 70 10 80 00 00 00 Dues capital, as per ledger, $235,856 00 Profits capital (all series), 35,874 56 as per ledger, . $271,730 56 Total, . Total.............................. $271,730 56 Commonw ealth of M assachusetts . B iiistol , ss. Nov. 20, 1890. Personally appeared HerbertO. Morse,Secretary the foregoing report, by him subscribed, is true. Before me, B ristol , ss . of saidbank, and made oath that L loyd E. W h it e , Justice of the Peace. N ov . 20, 1890. Personally appeared Chas. Foster, Treasurer of said bank, and made oath that the securities and cash specified in the foregoing report, by him subscribed, were held by him at the date thereof. Before me, L loyd E. W h it e , Justice of the Peace. B ristol , ss . N ov. 20, 1890. Personally appeared Henry M. Lovering,President, and John H. Church, Daniel Carey, John H. Dalglish, Geo. E. Dean and H. A. Cushman, directors of said bank, and made oath that the above report is correct, according to their best knowledge and belief. L loyd E. W h ite , Justice of the Peace. Before me, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 181 PUBLIC DOCUMENT — No. 8. 1891.] TR O Y CO O P E R A T IV E BANK — PALL R IV E R . Incorporated July 18, 1880. Commenced business July 20, 1880. Capital to be accumulated, $1,000,000. J erome C. B orden , President. C h as . B. Cook , Treasurer. C has . B. Cook , Secretary. Names o f security committee: John M. Y oung , T homas D. C o vell , A. H omer Sk in n e r . Regular meetings the third Tuesday of each month. B a l a n c e S h e e t , O c t o b e r 31, 1890. L ia b il it ie s . A ssets. $198,650 00 Loans on real estate, . 10,300 00 Loans on shares, . 200 00 Permanent expense account, 778 00 Unpaid dues, Unpaid interest, premiums, 363 58 and fines, . . . . 17,999 29 Cash in hands of treasurer,. Dues capital............................. $191,224 00 36,156 57 Profits capital (all series), 154 08 Surplus.................................... 539 36 Guaranty fund, 30 26 Forfeited share account, 186 60 Advance payments, $228,290 87 $228,290 87 How are shares issued, — quarterly, semi-annually or annually ? Semi annually. Number of shares issued during the y e a r , .................................. 1,706 Number o f shares now in f o r c e , ................................................... 5,866 Number o f shares now borrowed u p o n , .................................. 1,356 Largest number of shares held by any one member, . . . . 25 Number of shares withdrawn during the year, . . . . 1,156 Number o f shares retired during the y e a r , ...........................................35 Amount o f dues received during the year, . Highest premium received during the year, . Lowest premium received during the year, . . 176 Number of members withdrawn during the year, . 850 Present number o f members, . . . . . 159 Present number o f borrowers, . . . . . 691 Present number of non-borrowers, . 126 N umber of loans secured by first mortgage of real estate, • Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis $63,660 00 15 05 182 BANK COMMISSIONERS’ REPORT. [Jan. Amount o f loans secured by first mortgage of real estate, . Number and amount of loans on shares, . .. . . . . 56 Largest loan to any one member, " ........................................... Smallest loan to any one member,.................................................................... Amount of expenses of the corporation for the year ending Oct. 31, 1890, . Amount of profits credited to shares during the y e a r,.................................. Amount of cash received during the y e a r , ................................................... Amount o f cash paid during the y e a r ,............................................................ Date o f examination by commissioner : March 17. $198,650 10,300 5,000 50 1,061 11,775 125,866 111,548 00 00 00 00 43 78 45 50 July, Oct., April, Oct , April, Oct., April, Oct., April, Oct., April, Oct., April, Oct., April, Oct., April, Oct., April, Oct., April, Oct., 1880, 1880, 1881, 1881, 1882, 1882, 1883, 1883, 1884, 1884, 1885, 1885, 1886, 1886, 1887, 1887, 1888, 1888, 1889, 1889, 1890, 1890, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68 88 56 81 53 75 98 59 81 62 113 194 221 255 204 292 461 423 823 574 1,017 568 Total, . $177 171 159 148 137 126 116 106 97 88 79 71 63 55 48 40 33 26 19 13 7 1 Total Value. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Value per Share. No. of Shares. D ate I ssue. of Series. Reconciliation o f Share Account with Dues and Profits Capital. 04 $12,038 72 10 15,056 80 46 8,929 76 15 12,000 15 26 7,274 78 78 9,508 50 71 11,437 58 97 6,311 23 60 7,905 60 61 5,493 82 91 9,029 83 53 13,876 82 45 14,022 45 62 14,183 10 04 9.800 16 68 11,878 56 54 15,461 94 63 11,264 49 92. 16,394 16 42 7,703 08 12 7,241 04 00 568 00 Dues capital, as per ledger, $191,224 00 Profits capital (all series), as per ledger, . 36,156 57 $227,380 57 Total.............................. $227,380 57 Co m m o n w ea lth B r is t o l , ss . of M a s sa c h u s e t t s . N o t . 22, 1890. Personally appeared Chas. B. Cook, Secretary of said bank, and made oath that the foregoing report, by him subscribed, is true. Before me, B r is t o l , ss . M. G. B. S w if t , Justice of the Peace. N ov . 22, 1890. Personally appeared Chas. B. Cook, Treasurer of said bank, and made oath that the securities and cash specified in the foregoing report, by him subscribed, were held by him at the date thereof. Before me, B ristol , ss. M. G. B. S w if t , Justice of the Peace. N ov. 24, 1890. Personally appeared Jerome C. Borden, President, and Albert F. Dow, Leonard N. Slade, John M. Young, Thos. D. Covel and Nath’l B. Borden, directors of said bank, and made oath that the above report is correct, according to their best knowledge and belief. Before me, M. G. B. Sw if t , Justice of the Peace. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1891.] 183 PUBLIC DOCUMENT — No. V O L U N T E E R C O -O P E R A TIV E B A N K — BOSTON. Incorporated Nov. 16, 1887. Commenced business Jan. 1, 1888. Capital to be accumulated, $1,000,000. W alter C. S h a p l e i g h , President. F r a n k E . B u r b a n k , Secretary. A r t h u r L y m a n , Treasurer. Names of security committee : John A . R e e d , Ja m e s A . C o o k , F r a n k Ha s e y , T h os . C . R i l e y . Regular meetings the third Wednesday of each month. B a l a n c e Sh e e t , O c t o b e r L ia b il it ie s . A ssets. Loans on real estate, . Loans on shares, . Permanent expense account, Temporary expense account, Real estate by foreclosure, . Profit and loss, Cash in hands of treasurer,. Cash in hands o f secretary,. 31, 1890. $79,100 1,350 132 175 279 16 8;»41 1,310 00 00 70 01 24 77 07 23 Dues capital, . . Profits capital (all series), Interest,.................................. Premiums, . . . . F i n e s , .................................. Transfer fees........................... Guaranty fund, Forfeited share account, Withdrawal profits, Forfeited profits, . $90,605 02 How are shares issued, — quarterly, semi-annually or annually ? Semiannually. 1,645 Number of shares issued during the y e a r , .................................. 4,484 Number o f shares now in f o r c e , ................................................... . 482 Number o f shares now borrowed u p o n , .................................. . 25 Largest number o f shares held by any one member, . 1,064 Number of shares withdrawn during the year, . . . . . 38 Number o f shares forfeited during the year, . . . . Amount o f dues received during the year, . . . . Highest premium received during the y e a r ,.................................. Lowest premium received during the year....................................... 141 Number of members withdrawn during the year, 574 Present number of m e m b e r s , .................................................... Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis $84,305 4,569 1,281 150 41 2 62 98 92 00 47 50 30 88 25 32 66 78 86 $90,605 02 $50,072 00 55 05 184 [Jan. BANK COMMISSIONERS’ REPORT. Present number o f b o r r o w e r s , ............................................................56 Present number o f n o n - b o r r o w e r s ,................................................... 518 Number of loans secured by first mortgage of real estate, . . . 43 Amount of loans secured by first mortgage of real estate, . . . . Number and amount of loans on s h a r e s , ........................................... 13 Largest loan to any one m em ber,.................................................................... Smallest loan to any one m e m b e r , ............................................................ Amount o f expenses of the corporation for the year ending Oct. 31, 1890, . Amount o f profits credited to shares during the y e a r ,.................................. Amount of cash received during the y e a r , ................................. 75,059 Amount o f cash paid during the y e a r , .......................................... 73,537 Date o f examination by commissioner : March 25. $79,100 00 1,350 00 5,000 00 50 00 744 47 3,866 78 46 41 Jan., July, Jan., July, Jan., July, 1888, 1888, 1889, 1889, 1890, 1890, 898 499 873 729 731 754 1 2 i 4 5 6 Dues paid in advance, $36 29 22 16 74 74 97 43 10 11 4 00 Total Value. Value per Share. D ate I ssue. of No. of Shares. Series. Reconciliation o f Share Account with Dues and Profits Capital. $32,992 14,840 20,052 11,977 7,390 3,016 Dues capital, as per ledger, Profits capital (all series), as per ledger, . Unpaid dues, $84,305 00 4,569 47 1,963 00 568 00 . $90,837 47 Total, . Co m m o n w e a l t h Su f f o l k , 52 26 81 47 41 00 of Total, . . . . $90,837 47 M a s sa c h u s e t t s . N ov . 6, 1890. ss . Personally appeared F. E. Burbank, Secretary o f said bank, and made oath that the foregoing report, by him subscribed, is true. Before me, Suffolk, R o b e r t T r e a t P a i n e , 2d, Justice of the Peace. * ss. Nov. 6, 1890. Personally appeared Arthur Lyman, Treasurer of said bank, and made oath that the securities and cash specified in the foregoing report, by him subscribed, were held by him at the date thereof. Before me, Su ffo lk , R o b e r t T r e a t P a i n e , 2d, Justice of the Peace. Nov. 26, 1890. ss. Personally appeared Walter C. Shapleigh, President, and John J. Delea, George Murphy, W. W . Amsden, J. F. Johnson and John A. Reed, directors of said bank, and made oath that the above report is correct, according to their best knowledge and belief. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Before m e,' W alter H. R o b e r t s , Justice of the Peace. 1891.] 185 PUBLIC DOCUMENT — No. 8. W A K E F IE L D C O -O P E R A T IV E B A N K — W A K E F IE L D . Incorporated Jan. 31, 1887. Commenced business March 5, 1887. Capital to be accumulated, $1,000,000. T h o m a s J. S k i n n e r , President. H a r r y F o s t e r , Treasurer. H a r r y F o st e r , Secretary. • Names o f security committee : E v e r e t t W . E a to n , H o race G o w in g , J o sia h M. S h a w , R ic h a r d S. Sto u t , J oh n L e m m a n . Regular meetings the first Saturday o f each month. B alance Sheet , October 31, 1890. A ssets. Loans on real estate, . Loans on shares, . Permanent expense account, Accrued interest,. Accrued premiums, Accrued fines, Cash in hands of treasurer,. L ia b il it ie s . $56,500 5,500 126 54 • 5 25 2,552 00 00 42 75 00 50 46 $64,764 13 Dues capital, . . . . Profits capital (all series). . Surplus,.................................. Guaranty fund, $58,696 5,642 335 90 00 50 63 00 $64,764 13 How are shares issued, — quarterly, semi-annually or annually ? Semi annually. Number o f shares issued during the y e a r , .................................. 1,022 Number o f shares now in f o r c e , ............................................................ 2,547 Number o f shares now borrowed u p o n , ........................................ 528 Largest number of shares held by anyone member, . . . . 25 Number of shares withdrawn during the y e a r , .................................. 361 Amount of dues received during the y e a r , ................................................... $28,838 00 Highest premium received during the y e a r ,................................................... 30 Lowest premium received during the y e a r , ................................................... 05 Number of members withdrawn during the year, . . . . 58 Present number of m e m b e r s , ......................................................... 432 Present number of b o r r o w e r s , .......................................................... 77 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 186 [Jan. BANK COMMISSIONERS’ REPORT. Present number o f n o n - b o r r o w e r s ,................................................... 355 Number of loans secured by first mortgage of real estate, . . . 53 Amount of loans secured by first mortgage of real estate, . . . . $56,500 00 Number and amount of loans on s h a r e s , ........................................... 43 5,500 00 Largest loan to any one m em b er,.................................................................... 3,300 00 Smallest loan to any one member,.................................................................... 50 00 Amount of expenses of the corporation for the year ending Oct. 31, 1890, . 227 93 Amount of profits credited to shares during the y e a r ,.................................. 3,431 11 Amount of cash received during the y e a r , .................................. 40,636 80 Amount o f cash paid during the y e a r ,........................................................... 42,805 93 Date o f examination by commissioner: June 30. Mar., 1887, May, 1887, Nov., 1887, May, 1888, Nov., 1888, May, 1889, Nov., 1889, May, 1890, 313 136 296 315 240 327 410 510 $50 47 40 32 25 18 12 6 01 49 01 75 73 96 43 11 Total Value. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Value per Share. D ate I ssue. No. of Shares. of Series, Reconciliation o f Share Account with Dues and Profits Capital. $15,653 6,458 11,842 10,316 6,175 6,199 5,096 3,116 Dues paid in advance, Dues capital, as per ledger, Profits capital (all series), as per ledger, . Unpaid dues, $58,696 00 5,642 50 549 00 29 00 Total, . $64,887 50 Com m onw ealth M id d l e s e x , 13 64 96 25 20 92 30 10 of Total, . . . . $64,887 50 M a ssa ch u setts. ss . N ov . 1, 1890. Personally appeared Harry Foster, Secretary of said bank, and made oath that the foregoing report, by him subscribed, is true. Before me, M id d l e s e x , R ic h a r d B r it t o n , Justice of the Peace. ss. N o v . 1, 1890. Personally appeared Harry Foster, Treasurer o f said bank, and made oath that the securities and cash specified in the foregoing report, by him subscribed, were held by him at the date thereof. Before me, M id d l e s e x , ss . R ic h a r d B r it t o n , Justice of the Peace. N ov . 1, 1890. Personally appeared Thomas J. Skinner, President, and E. D. Weston, E. W. Eaton, R. S. Stout, John Lemman and J. M. Shaw, directors of said bank, and made oath that the above report is correct, according to their best knowledge and belief. Before me, R ic h a r d B r it t o n , Justice of the Peace. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1891 .] PUBLIC DOCUMENT — No. 8. W ALTHAM C O -O P E R A T IV E 187 BANK — W ALTH AM . Incorporated Oct. 13, 1880. Commenced business Oct. 21, 1880. Capital to be accumulated, $1,000,000. F r a n c is B u t t r ic k , President. D a n ie l F . Y i l e s , Secretary. D a n ie l F . V i l e s , Treasurer. Names of security committee : F r a n c is B u t t r ic k , A lfre d M . G oodale, E d w a r d P. S m i t h . Regular meetings the third Thursday of each month. Balance Sheet , Octobek 31, 1890. A ssets. L ia b il it ie s . Loans on real estate, . $505,100 00 Loans on shares, . 5,550 00 Unpaid interest, . 1,460 75 Unpaid premiums, 265 92 Unpaid fines, 94 64 Cash in hands o f treasurer,. 16,177 24 Dues capital............................. $435,719 00 Profits capital (all series), 83,292 26 Interest,.................................. 2,542 25 Premiums................................ 403 90 Fines........................................ 57 84 Transfer fees, . . . . 3 00 Surplus,.................................. 3,059 74 Guaranty fund, 3,200 00 Withdrawal profits, 129 29 Outstanding bills, temporary expense account, 236 27 $528,648 55 $528,648 55 ' How are shares issued, — quarterly, semi-annually or annually ? Quar terly. Number o f shares issued during the y e a r , .................................. 5,056 Number o f shares now in force.........................................................14,062 Number o f shares now borrowed upon,................................................... 2,968 Largest number o f shares held by any one member, . . . .2 5 Number of shares withdrawn during the year, . . . . 2,648 Amount of dues received during the year......................................................... $153,076 00 Highest premium received during the y e a r ,................................................... 30 Lowest premium received during the y e a r , ................................................... 05 Number of members withdrawn during the y e a r,..................................373 Present number of members,.................................................................... 2,168 Present number o f b o r r o w e r s , ...............................................................442 Present number of non-borrowers,............................................................1,726 Number o f loans secured by first mortgage of real estate, . . . 397 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 188 BANK COMMISSIONERS’ REPORT. [Jan. Amount o f loans secured by first mortgage of real estate,. . . . $505,100 00 Number and amount of loans on s h a r e s , ...................................... 45 5,550 00 Largest loan to any one m e m b e r,.................................................................... 5,000 00 Smallest loan to any one member,. 50 00 Amount of expenses of the corporation for the year ending Oct. 31,1890, . 3,357 11 32,415 77 Amount o f profits credited to shares during the y e a r ,................. Amount of cash received during the y e a r , .................................. 270,545 75 Amount of cash paid during the y e a r , .......................................... 255,366 60 Date of examination by commissioner: May 27. Oct., April, Oct., April, Oct., April, Oct., April, Oct., April, Oct., April, Oct., April, Oct., April, Oct., April, Oct., Jan., April, July, Oct., 1880, 1881, 1881, 1882, 1882, 1883, 1883, 1884, 1884, 1885, 1885, 1886, 1886, 1887, 1887, 1888, 1888, 1889, 1889, 1890, 1890, 1890, 1890, . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 . . . . . . . . . Total Value. Value per Share. D ate I ssue. No. of Shares. of Series. Reconciliation o f Share Account with Dues and Profits Capital. 225 $174 18 $39,190 50 162 36 21,918 60 135 15,395 88 150 94 102 14,274 90 102 139 95 16,038 16 129 34 124 26,793 00 119 08 225 20,196 45 185 109 17 99 60 21,513 60 216 90 35 25,117 30 278 29,714 65 81 41 365 19,938 98 72 77 274 33,374 74 64 43 518 34,385 70 56 37 610 37,503 76 48 58 772 28,742 00 41 06 700 46,475 00 33 80 1,375 25,708 80 26 78 960 26,580 00 1,329 20 00 14,862 25 13 45 1,105 10 25 9,799 00 956 8,479 92 7 12 1,191 4,308 07 4 03 1,069 1,246 00 1 00 1,246 460 00 Dues paid in advance, $522,017 26 Total, . Com m onw ealth M id d l e s e x , Dues capital, as per ledger, $435,719 00 Profits capital (all series), 83,292 26 as per ledger, . 3,006 00 Unpaid dues, ss. of Total.............................. $522,017 26 M assa ch u setts. W a l t h a m , N ov . 14, 1890. Personally appeared Daniel F. Yiles, Secretary of said bank, and made oath that the.foregoing report, by him subscribed, is true. Before me, T h o m a s H. A r m s t r o n g , Justice o f the Peace. M id d l e s e x , ss . N ov . 14, 1890. Personally appeared Daniel F. Yiles, Treasurer of said bank, and made oath that the securities and cash specified in the foregoing report, by him subscribed, were held by him at the date thereof. Before me, T h o m a s H. A r m s t r o n g , Justice of the Peace. M id d l e s e x , ss . N ov . 14,1890. Personally appeared Francis Buttrick, President, and Freeman C. Hodgdon, John L. Keyser, Timothy Leary, Geo. S. Alden and Phillip Jones, directors of said bank, and made oath that the above report is correct, according to their best knowledge and belief. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Before me, T h o m a s H. A r m s t r o n g , Justice of the Peace. 1891.] PUBLIC DOCUMENT — No. 8. 189 W A T E R T O W N C O -O P E R A TIV E B A N K — W A T E R T O W N . Incorporated June 23, 1888. Commenced business June 28, 1888. Capital to be accumulated, $1,000,000. S. S. G l e a s o n , Secretary. C h a s . B r i g h a m , President. S. S. G l e a s o n , Treasurer. Names o f security committee : J a m e s H. N o r c r o ss , H. W . O t is , S. S. G l e a so n . Regular meetings the fourth Thursday evening of each month. B alance Sheet , October 31, 1890. A ssets. Loans on real estate, . Loans on shares, . Temporary expense account, Cash in hands o f treasurer, L ia b il it ie s . $39,750 100 100 3,327 00 00 03 36 Dues capital, . . . . Profits capital (all series), Interest..................................... Premiums, . . . . F i n e s , .................................. Transfer fees, . . . . Surplus,.................................. Guaranty fund, Withdrawal profits, $43,277 39 How are shares issued, — quarterly, semi-annually or annually ? Semi annually. Number of shares issued during the y e a r , .................................. 1,247 Number o f shares now in f o r c e , ................................................... 2,467 Number of shares now borrowed upon,.................................................. 207 Largest number o f shares held by any one member, . . . . 25 Number of shares withdrawn during the y e a r , .................................. 202 Amount of dues received during the y e a r , ................................................... Highest premium received during the y e a r ,................................................... Lowest premium received during the y e a r , ................................................... Number o f members withdrawn during the year, . . . . 32 Present number of members,.................................................................... 295 Present number o f borrowers, . . . . . . . . 22 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis $40,546 1,475 951 125 27 00 89 82 85 22 50 110 07 20 20 19 84 $43,277 39 $25,056 00 30 05 K 190 BANK COMMISSIONERS’ REPORT. Present number of n o n - b o r r o w e r s ,................................................... 273 Number o f loans secured by first mortgage of real estate, . . . 22 Amount of loans secured by first mortgage of real estate, . . . . Number and amount of loans on s h a r e s , ........................................... 1 Largest loan to any one m em b er,.................................................................... Smallest loan to any one member,.................................................................... Amount of expenses of the corporation for the year ending Oct. 31, 1890, . Amount of profits credited to shares during the y e a r , .................................. * 33,253 Amount of cash received during the y e a r , .................................. Amount of cash paid during the y e a r ,.......................................... 35,196 Date o f examination by commissioner : April 22. [Jan. $39,750 00 100 00 5,000 00 100 00 161 94 1,263 48 21 18 June, Dec., June, Dec., June, 1888, 1888, 1889, 1889, 1890, . 1 2 3 . 4 5 669 362 295 459 682 $30 23 IT 11 5 51 85 38 10 00 Total Value. Value per Share. D ate I ssue. op No. of Shares. Series. Reconciliation o f Share Account with Dues and Profits Capital. $20,411 8,633 5,127 5,094 3,410 Dues paid in advance, Dues capital, as per ledger, Profits capital (all series), as per ledger, . Unpaid dues, $40,546 00 Total.............................. $42,821 89 1,475 89 800 00 145 00 Total, . $42,821 89 Comm onw ealth M id d l e s e x , 19 70 10 90 00 op M assach u setts. ss . N ov . 13, 1890. Personally appeared Samuel S. Gleason, Secretary of said bank, and made oath that the foregoing report, by him subscribed, is true. Before me, M id d l e s e x , ¥ m. ss . E. F a r w e l l , Justice of the Peace. N ov . 13, 1890. Personally appeared Samuel S. Gleason, Treasurer of said bank, and made oath that the securities and cash specified in the foregoing report, by him subscribed, were held by him at the date thereof. Before me, M id d l e s e x , W m. ss . E. F a r w e l l , Justice of the Peace. N ov . 13, 1890. Personally appeared Chas. Brigham, President, and Horace W. Otis, Thos. E. Hackett, Thos. P. Emerson, Jas. H. Norcross and Albert H. Hartwell, directors of said bank, and made oath that the above report is correct, according to their best knowledge and belief. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Before me, W il l ia m E. F a r w e l l , Justice of the Peace. 1891.] 191 PUBLIC DOCUMENT — No. 8 W E B S T E R CO -O P E R A TIV E B A N K — W E B S T E R . Incorporated Aug. 2, 1889. Commenced business Aug. 8, 1889. Capital to be accumulated, $1,000,000. L. E. P a t t is o n , President. E. L. S p a l d i n g , Secretary. E. L. S p a l d in g , Treasurer. Names of security committee : Louis E. P a t t is o n , J o h n J. L o v e , F b a n k A. U p h a m . Regular meetings the second Thursday o f each month. Balance Sheet , October 31, 1890. Assets. Loans on real estate, . Loans on shares, . Permanent expense account, Temporary expense account, Cash in hands of treasurer, . L ia b il it ie s . $ 6 ,4 0 0 175 150 27 240 00 00 70 00 30 Dues capital, . . . . Profits capital (all series), . Interest,.................................. Premiums, . . . . F i n e s , .................................. Transfer fees, Surplus.................................... Guaranty fund, Withdrawal profits, $6 ,9 9 3 00 How are shares issued, — quarterly, semi-annually or annually annually. Number o f shares issued during the year........................................ Number of shares now in f o r c e , ................................................... Number of shares now borrowed u p o n , .................................. Largest number of shares held by any one member, . Number o f shares withdrawn during the year, . N umber of shares forfeited during the year, . . . . Amount of dues received during the y e a r , .................................. Highest premium received during the y e a r ,.................................. Lowest premium received during the y e a r , .................................. Number o f members withdrawn during the year, Present number of members, . . . . . . . Present number o f b o r r o w e r s , ................................................... Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis $ 6 ,8 1 7 84 74 3 5 00 08 26 95 88 50 3 52 1 50 2 31 $ 6 ,9 9 3 00 Semi. 237 . 601 . 59 . 25 . 33 . 7 • . 17 . 113 . 10 $5,960 00 35 05 192 BANK COMMISSIONERS’ REPORT. [Jan. Present number of n o n - b o r r o w e r s ,................................................... 103 Number of loans secured by first mortgage of real estate, . . . 8 Amount of loans secured by first mortgage of real estate,. . . . Number and amount of loans on s h a r e s , ............................................ 2 Largest loan to any one m em ber,.................................................................... Smallest loan to any one m e m b e r , .......................................... 75 Amount o f expenses of the corporation for the year ending Oct. 31, 1890, . Amount o f profits credited to shares during the year.................... 88 Amount of cash received during the y e a r , ........................................... . Amount o f cash paid during the y e a r , .....................................................5,911 Date of examination by commissioner: February 11. $6,400 00 175 00 2,000 00 00 100 00 28 6,143 42 26 Aug., 1889, Feb., 1890, Aug., 1890, . 383 73 145 $15 21 9 05 3 00 Total Value. 1 2 3 Value per Share. No. of Shares. D ate o f 'I ssue . Series. Reconciliation o f Share Account with Dues and • Profits Capital. $5,825 43 660 65 435 00 $6,817 00 Total.............................. $7,026 08 84 08 125 00 105 00 Dues paid in advance, $7,026 08 Total, . Co m m o n w ea lth W Dues capital, as per ledger, Profits capital (all series), as per ledger, . Unpaid dues, . f o r c e s t e r , ss . of M a s sa c h u s e t t s . N o v . 13, 1890. Personally appeared E. L. Spalding, Secretary of said bank, and made oath that the foregoing report, by him subscribed, is true. Before me, W o r c e s t e r , ss . H e n r y J. C l a r k , Justice of the Peace. N ov . 13,1890. Personally appeared E. L. Spalding, Treasurer of said bank, and made oath that the securities and cash specified in the foregoing report, by him subscribed, were held by him at the date thereof. Before me, H e n r y J. C l a r k , Justice of the Peace. W orcester, ss. N o v . 13, 1890. Personally appeared L. E. Pattison, President, and John J. Love, Chas. M. Clark, Frank A. Upham, James Douglas and Joseph P. Love, directors of said bank, and made oath that the above report is correct, according to their best knowledge and belief. Before me, H e n r y J. C l a r k , Justice of the Peace. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1891. ] PUBLIC DOCUMENT — No. 8. WEIR CO-OPERATIVE 193 B AN K -TAU N TO N . Incorporated July 11, 1884. Commenced business July 16, 1884. Capital to be accumulated, $1,000,000. S y l v a n n u s N. S t a p l e s , President. A l b e r t H. T e t l o w , Secretary. T . P re sto n B u r t , Treasurer. Names of security committee: Ch as. H. P au ll, Geo. E . W H e r b e r t M. S t a p l e s . il b u r , Regular meetings on the 16th of each month. Balance Sheet , October 31, 1890. A s s is t s . L ia b il it ie s . $137,750 00 Loans on real estate, . 5,600 00 Loans on shares, . 50 00 Permanent expense account, 88 75 Temporai-y expense account, 1,309 83 Real estate by foreclosure, . 456 90 Suspense account, 480 00 Cash in hands o f treasurer,. Dues capital, . . . . $127,560 00 Profits capital (all series), 14,485 79 Interest.................................... 2,776 09 Premiums, . . . . 155 75 91 76 F i n e s , .................................. Transfer fees, 1 25 Surplus..................................... 307 04 Guaranty fund, 300 00 54 70 Advance payments, R e n t s , .................................. 3 10 $145,735 48 $145,735 48 How are shares issued, — quarterly, semi-annually or annually? Semi annually. Number of shares issued during the y e a r , ...........................................508 Number of shares now in f o r c e , ................................................... 3,477 Number of shares now borrowed upon,................................................... 965 Largest number o f shares held by any one member, . . . . 25 Number of shares withdrawn during the y e a r , .................................. 620 .................................. 45 Number of shares retired during the year, Amount of dues received during the year, . . . ■ . . . . Highest premium received during the y e a r ,................................................... Lowest premium received during the y e a r , ................................................... Number of members withdrawn during the yea r,..................................59 Present number o f members,.................................................................... 443 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis $42,540 00 10 05 BANK COMMISSIONERS’ REPORT. 194 [Jan. 125 Present number of b o r r o w e r s , ........................................... 318 Present number of non-borrowers............................................ 105 Number of loans secured by first mortgage of real estate, . $137 750 00 Amount of loans secured by first mortgage of real estate, . 5, 600 00 21 Number and amount of loans on shares, . . . . 600 00 Largest loan to any one m em b er,........................................... 50 00 Smallest loan to any one member,.......................................... 288 25 Amount o f expenses of the corporation for the year ending Oct. 31, 1890, ,456 80 Amount o f profits credited to shares during the year., . ,918 76 Amount of cash received during the year................................ ,926 47 Amount o f cash paid during the year, . . . . . Date of examination by commissioner : April 7. 1 July, 1884, July', Jan., July, Jah., July, Jan., July, Jan., July, Jan., July, 1885', 1886, 1886, 1887, 1887, 1888, 1888, 1889, 1889, 1890, 1890, 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 . 9 10 11 12 13 196 250 51 248 295 286 291 350 419 193 449 180 269 $90 44 82 17 73 98 66 03 58 30 50 79 43 50 36 42 29 55 22 88 16 40 10 11 4 00 Total Value. Value per Share. D ate I ssue . op No. of Shares. Series. Reconciliation o f Share Account with Dues and Profits Capital. $17,726 20,542 3,772 16,375 17,198 14,525 12,658 12,747 12,381 4,415 7,363 1,819 1,076 $142,603 79 Total, . Co m m o n w e a l t h B r is t o l , 24 50 98 44 50 94 50 00 45 84 60 80 00 op Dues capital, as per ledger, $127,560 00 Profits capital (all series), 14,485 79 as per ledger, . 558 00 Unpaid dues, Total.............................. $142,603 79 M a s sa c h u s e t t s . N ov . 17, 1890. ss . Personally appeared A. H. Tetlow, Secretary of said bank, and made oath that the foregoing report, by him subscribed, is true. Before me, G. E d g a r W i l l i a m s , Justice of the Peace. B r is t o l , N ov . 17, 1890. ss . Personally appeared T. Preston Burt, Treasurer of said bank, and made oath that the securities and cash specified in the foregoing report, by him subscribed, were held by him at the date thereof. Before me, G. E d g a r W i l l i a m s , Justice of the Peace. B r is t o l , N ov . 17, 1890. ss . Personally appeared S. N. Staples, President, and H. M. Staples, John H. Dalglish, Horatio H. Hall, John A. McDonald and G. Arthur Lincoln, directors of said bank, and made oath that the above report is correct, according to their best knowledge and belief. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Before me, G. E d g a r W il l ia m s , Justice of the Peace. 189 L j 195 PUBLIC DOCU M EN T- N o . 8. W E S T F IE L D C O -O P E R A T IV E B A N K — W E S T F IE L D . Incorporated Dec. 13, 1881. Commenced business Dec. 19, 1881. Capital to be accumulated, $1,000,000. M oses P. B r e c k e n r i d g e , President. O l in C. T o w l e , Secretary. O l in C. T o w l e , Treasurer. Names of security committee: A. W . H o lton , W. B. C o r n w e l l , S. B. C a m p b e l l . Regular meetings tbe third Monday of each month. B alance Sheet , October 31, 1890. L ia b il it ie s . A ssets. $111,383 74 Loans on real estate, . 8,521 50 Loans on shares, . Permanent expense account, 236 87 50 00 Temporary expense account, 691 46 Cash in hands o f treasurer, . $104,869 00 Dues capital, . . . . 14,166 84 Profits capital (all series), 1,297 14 Interest,.................................. 27 47 Fines, . 41 98 Surplus..................................... 444 26 Guaranty fund, 36 68 Forfeited share account, 20 Suspense account, . $120,883 57 $120,883 57 How are shares issued, — quarterly, semi-annually or annually? Semi annually. Number o f shares issued during the year.................................................653 Number of shares now in f o r c e , ...................................................2,833 Number of shares now borrowed upon,................................................... 1,224 Largest number of shares held by any one member, . . . . 25 Number of shares withdrawn during the y e a r , ..................................852 Number of shares forfeited during the year, . . ., . .1 3 Amount o f dues received during the y e a r , ................................................... $36,597 00 Highest per centum of interest received during the year: 6. Lowest per centum o f interest received during the year: 6. Number o f members withdrawn during the yea r,.................................. 94 Present number of m em bers,.......................................................................447 Present number of b o r r o w e r s , .............................................................. 205 Present number of n o n - b o r r o w e r s ,...................................................... 242 Number of loans secured by first mortgage of real estate, . . . 114 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 196 BANK COMMISSIONERS’ REPORT. [Jan. Amount o f loans secured by first mortgage o f real estate.............................. $111,383 74 Number and amount of loans on s h a r e s , .......................................... 91 8,521 50 Largest loan to any one m e m b e r ,................................................................... 2,850 00 Smallest loan to any one m em ber,................................................................... 5 00 Amount o f expenses of the corporation for the year ending Oct. 31, 1890, . 398 70 Amount of profits credited to shares during the y è a r , ................................. 5,776 50 Amount o f cash received during the y e a r , .................................................. 61,588 78 Amount of cash paid during the y e a r , ........................................................... 62,051 38 Date o f examination by commissioner : July 7. Dee., 1881, Dec., 1882, June, 1883, Dec., 1883, June, 1884, Dec., 1884, June, 1885, Dec., 1885, June, 1886, Dec., 1886, June, 1887, Dec., 1887, June, 1888, Dec., 1888, June, 1889, Dec., 1889, June, 1890, 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 . . 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 155 104 38 65 20 97 58 62 38 219 103 334 162 500 270 269 339 $135 116 107 98 90 82 74 66 58 51 44 37 30 23 17 31 53 61 88 45 08 14 36 77 36 22 24 41 81 37 11 10 5 00 Notices of withdrawal given, 41, payable in November, Dues paid in advance, Total Value. Value per Share. D ate I ssue. of No. of Shares. Series. Reconciliation o f Share Account with Dues and Profits Capital. $20,973 12,119 4,089 6,427 1,809 7,961 4,300 4,114 2,233 11,247 4,554 12,438 4,926 11,905 4,689 2,985 1,695 Dues capital, as per ledger, $104,869 00 Profits capital (all series), 14,166 84 as per ledger, . 1,177 00 Unpaid dues, 1,641 95 101 00 $120,212 84 Total, . Co m m o n w ea lth H am pden, 05 12 18 20 00 76 12 32 26 84 66 16 42 00 90 90 00 op Total.............................. $120,212 84 M a s sa c h u s e t t s . N ov . 17, 1890. ss . Personally appeared Olin C. Towle, Secretary of said bank, and made oath that the foregoing report, by him subscribed, is true. Before me, Ham pden, A r t h u r S. K n e il , Justice of the Peace. N ov . 17, 1890. ss . Personallyappeared Olin C. Towle, Treasurer of said bank, and made oath that the securities and cash specified in the foregoing report, by him subscribed, were held by him at the date thereof. Before me, A r t h u r S. K n e i l , Justice of the Peace. H am pden, N ov . 17, 1890. ss . Personally appeared W . P. Breckenridge, President, and N. S Barnes, S. B. Camp bell, A. W . Holton, W. S. Kellogg and J. B. Goodrich, directors of said bank, and made oath that the above report is correct, according to their best knowledge and belief. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Before me, A r t h u r S. K n e i l , Justice of the Peace. 1891.] W EST 197 PUBLIC DOCUMENT — No. 8. ROXBTJRY C O -O P ER ATIV E B A N K — (JAM A IC A P L A IN ) BOSTON. Incorporated Feb. 1, 1881. Commenced business March 3, 1881. Capital to be accumulated, $1,000,000. J o h n P e a r c e , President. B e n j . H . J o n e s , Secretary. E d w a r d M . B r e w e r , Treasurer. Names of security committee: E dw ard M . B r e w er, H e n r y A. W R. S. B a r r o w s , ood. Regular meetings the first Thursday of each month. B alance Sheet , October 31, 1890. L ia b il it ie s . A ssets. Loans on real estate, . Loans on shares, Unpaid dues, Unpaid interest, . Unpaid premiums, Unpaid fines, Town of Watertown, Mass., bonds, . . . . Town of Andover, Mass., bonds, . . . . Loan on Town o f Winchester, Mass., bonds, Cash in hands o f treasurer,. $92,225 14,350 854 220 8 44 00 00 00 01 96 02 5,043 75 $105,682 00 Dues capital, . . . . 15,189 02 Profits capital (all series), 305 23 Surplus,.................................. 782 68 Guaranty fund, 18 44 Forfeited share account, 67 00 Advance dues, Due borrowers on real estate 3,300 00 lo a n s ,.................................. 5,200 00 7,000 00 398 63 $125,344 37 $125,344 37 How are shares issued, — quarterly, semi-annually or annually? annually. Number of shares issued during the year........................................ Number of shares now in f o r c e , ................................................... Number o f shares now borrowed upon,........................................... Largest number o f shares held by any one member, . Number o f shares withdrawn during the year, . . . . Amount o f dues received during the y e a r , .................................. Highest per centum of interest received during the year: 7. Lowest per centum of interest received during the year: 6. Number o f members withdrawn during the year, . Present number of mem bers,........................................................... Present number of b o r r o w e r s , ................................................... Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Semi1,106 3,431 . 949 . 25 . 576 $40,288 00 . 77 . 423 . 94 198 BANK COMMISSIONERS’ REPORT. Present number of n o n - b o r r o w e r s ,...................................................... 329 Number of loans secured by first mortgage of real estate, . . . 50 Amount of loans secured by first mortgage of real estate, . . . . Number and amount of loans on shares...................................................... 44 Largest loan to any one m em b er,.................................................................... Smallest loan to any one m e m b e r , ............................................................ Amount of expenses of the corporation for the year ending Oct. 31, 1890, . Amount o f profits credited to shares during the year, . . . . Amount o f cash received during the y e a r , ................................................... Amount of cash paid during the y e a r , ............................................................ Date of examination by commissioner : September 30. [Jan. $92,225 00 14,350 00 5,000 00 50 00 755 98 6,087 98 55,977 24 59,612 08 Mar., Sept., Mar., Sept., Mar., Nov., May, Nov., May, Nov., May, Nov., May, Nov., May, Nov., May, Nov., May, 1881, 1881, 1882, 1882, 1883, 1883, 1884, 1884, 1885, 1885, 1886, 1886, 1887, 1887, 1888, 1888, 1889, 1889, 1890, . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 10 $157 64 18 147 40 28 137 40 9 127 60 99 117 92 51 105 56 10 96 36 24 87 44 73 78 84 165 70 48 111 62 36 216 54 52 143 46 92 222 39 60 399 32 48 307 25 56 509 18 88 508 12 40 529 6 10 Total Value. Valueper Share. D ate I ssue . of No. of Shares. Series. Reconciliation o f Share Account with Dues and Profits Capital. $1,576 2,653 3,847 1,148 11,674 5,383 963 2,098 5,755 11,629 6,921 11,776 6,709 8,791 12,959 7,846 9,609 6,299 3,226 Dues paid in advance, Dues capital, as per ledger, $104,895 00 Profits capital (all series), as per ledger, . 15,189 02 Unpaid dues, 854 00 67 00 Total, . $120,938 02 Comm onw ealth Suffolk, 40 20 20 40 08 56 60 56 32 20 96 32 56 20 52 92 92 20 90 ss . of Total.............................. $120,938 02 M assa ch u setts. N o v . 6, 1890. Personally appeared Benj. H. Jones, Secretary of said bank, and made oath that the foregoing report, by him subscribed, is true. Before me, Suffolk, ss. C h a s . G. K e y e s , Justice of the Peace. N ov . 6, 1890. Personally appeared Edward M. Brewer, Treasurer of said bank, and made oath that the securities and cash specified in the foregoing report, by him subscribed, were held by him at the date thereof. Before me, Suffo lk , ss . C h a s . G. K e y e s , Justice of the Peace. N o v . 12, 1890. Personally appeared John Pearce, President, and Bailey L. Page, Leopold Vogel Roswell S. Barrows, Henry A. Wood and Daniel A. Brown, directors of said bank, and made oath that the above report is correct, according to their best knowledge and belief. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Before me, C h a s . G. K e y e s , Justice of the Peace. 1891.] 199 PUBLIC DOCUMENT — No. 8. \ W H IT M A N C O -O P E R A T IV E B A N K — W H IT M A N . Incorporated March 6, 1889. Commenced business March 11, 1889. Capital to be accumulated, $1,000,000. G e o . D. S o u l e , Secretary. A m os S. S t e t so n , President. G eo . D . S o u l e , Treasurer. Names of security committee: A rth u r Colem an, I sa a c W . G il e s , Ch as. D . Na sh . Regular meetings the second Monday of each month. Balance Sheet , October 31, 1890. L ia b il it ie s . A ssets. Loans on real estate, . Permanent expense account, Temporary expense account, Cash in hands of treasurer,. $11,700 155 11 49 00 00 13 81 $11,915 94 Dues capital............................. Profits capital (all series), Interest,.................................. Premiums, . . . . F i n e s , .................................. Transfer fees, Surplus,.................................. Guaranty fund, Withdrawal profits, $11,436 351 102 6 3 00 12 00 00 62 50 5 58 6 19 4 93 $11,915 94 How are shares issued, — quarterly, semi-annually or annually? Semi annually. Number o f shares issued during they e a r , ............................................... 544 Number o f shares now in f o r c e , ............................................................ 1,002 Number o f shares now borrowed u p o n , ................................................60 Largest number of shares held by any one member, . . . . 25 Number o f shares withdrawn during the y e a r , .................................. 110 Amount o f dues received during the y e a r , '................................................... $9,224 00 Highest premium received during the y e a r ,................................................... Lowest premium received during the y e a r , ................................................... Number of members withdrawn during the year, . . . . 26 Present number of members.......................................................................... 187 Present number of b o r r o w e r s , ................................................................. 11 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 05 05 200 BANK COMMISSIONERS’ REPORT. [Jan. Present number o f n o n - b o r r o w e r s , ................................................... 176 Number of loans secured by first mortgage o f real estate, . . . . 1 1 Amount of loans secured by first mortgage of real estate..............................$11,700 00 Largest loan to any one member, . . . . . . . . . 1,600 00 Smallest loan to any one member,.................................................................... 200 00 Amount o f expenses of the corporation for the year ending Oct. 31, 1890, . 67 15 Amount o f profits credited to shares during the y e a r,................................ 345 37 Amount o f cash received during the year, . . . . . . . 9,699 99 Amount of cash paid during the year, . . 11,415 78 Date o f examination by commissioner: August 5. Mar., Sept., Mar., Sept., 330 140 298 234 $20 14 8 2 83 36 09 00 Total Value. 1 2 3 4 1889, 1889, 1890, 1890, Value per Share. I ssu e. No. of Shares. D ate o f Series. Reconciliation o f Share Account with Dues and Profits Capital. $6,873 2,010 2,410 468 Dues paid in advance, Dues capital, as per ledger, Profits capital (all series), as per ledger, . Unpaid dues, $11,436 00 351 12 118 00 142 00 Total, . $11,905 12 Co m m o n w ea lth P lym outh, 90 40 82 00 of Total, . . . . $11,905 12 M assach u setts. N ov . 24, 1890. ss . Personally appeared George D. Soule, Secretary of said bank, and made oath that the foregoing report, by him subscribed, is true. Before me, P lym outh , ss . J o se p h P e t t e e , Jr., Notary Public. N o v . 24, 1890. Personally appeared George D. Soule, Treasurer of said bank, and made oath that the securities and cash specified in the foregoing report, by him subscribed, were held by him at the date thereof. Before me, P lym outh, ss . J o se p h P e t t e e , Jr., Notary Public. N ov . 24, 1890. Personally appeared Amos S. Stetson, President, and F. W. Osborne, W. H. Cook, I. W. Giles, Arthur Coleman and Edward Grigor, directors of said bank, and made oath that the above report is correct, according to their best knowledge and belief. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Before me, J o se p h P e t t e e , Jr., Notary Public. 1891 .] 201 PUBLIC DOCUMENT — No. 8. W O B U R N C O -O P E R A TIV E B A N K — W O B U R N . Incorporated Feb. 21, 1887. Commenced business March 10, 1887. Capital to be accumulated, $1,000,000. J a m e s S k i n n e r , President. A. W . W h it c h e r , Secretary. A. W . W h i t c h e r , Treasurer. Names of security committee: J. W . H a m m o n d , G eo. B u ch anan, M a r t in H a y w a r d , T h o m a s Sa l m o n , S. B . G o d d a r d . Regular meetings the second Thursday of the month. B a l a n c e S h e e t , O c t o b e r 31, 1890. L ia b il it ie s . A ssets. Loans on real estate, . Loans on shares, . Temporary expense account, Suspense................................ Cash in hands of treasurer,. $56,425 1,350 18 135 1,934 00 00 20 25 49 Dues capital............................ Profits capital (all series), Interest,.................................. Premiums................................ Surplus.................................... Guaranty fund, Forfeited share account, Withdrawal profits, Interest on deposits, $59,862 94 How are shares issued, — quarterly, semi-annually or annually ? Semiannually. . 402 Number of shares issued during the y e a r , .................................. Number o f shares now in f o r c e , ................................................... 2,182 Number o f shares now borrowed upon............................................ 415. Largest number o f shares held by any one member, . 25 Number o f shares withdrawn during the year, . . . . 339 Number o f shares forfeited during the year, . . . . 3 Amount o f dues received during the year....................................... Highest premium received during the y e a r ,.................................. Lowest premium received during the y e a r , .................................. Number o f members withdrawn during the year, 48 Present number o f m e m b e r s , ................................................... 380 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis $54,558 00 4,329 34 240 63 17 30 458 99 142 88 66 21 40 18 9 41 $59,862 94 $26,232 00 15 05 [Jan. BANK COMMISSIONERS’ REPORT. 202 Present number of b o r r o w e r s , ............................................................66 Present number o f n o n - b o r r o w e r s ,................................................... 314 Number o f loans secured by first mortgage of real estate, . . . 56 Amount of loans secured by first mortgage of real estate, . . . . $56,425 00 Number and amount of loans on s h a r e s , .................................... 10 1,350 00 Largest loan to any one member........................................................................ 3,500 00 50 00 Smallest loan to any one member......................................... Amount o f expenses of the corporation for the year ending Oct. 31, 1890, . 331 33 2,702 73 Amount of profits credited to shares during the y e a r ,.............. Amount of cash received during the y e a r , ............................... 34,973 32 Amount of cash paid during the y e a r ,........................................ 33,438 02 Date o f examination by commissioner : April 2. Mar., Oct., April, Oct., April, Oct., April, Oct., 1887, 1887, 1888, 1888, 1889, 1889, 1890, 1890, 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 . . . . . . . . 482 242 210 210 293 458 187 100 $48 40 33 26 19 13 7 1 82 33 28 44 81 36 09 00 Total Value. Value per Share. D ate I ssue . of No. of Shares. Series. Reconciliation o f Share Account with Dues and Profits Capital. $23,531 9,759 6,988 5,552 5,804 6,118 1,325 100 Dues paid in advance, 24 86 80 40 33 88 83 00 Dues capital, as per ledger, Profits capital (all series), as per ledger, . Unpaid dues, 4,329 34 425 00 131 00 Total, $59,312 34 Total, . Co m m o n w e a l t h M id d l e s e x , $54,558 00 of . . . . $59,312 34 ____ f______ M assach u setts. ss. N ov . 13, 1890. Personally appeared Arthur W . Wliitcher, Secretary of said bank, and made oath that the foregoing report, by him subscribed, is true. Before me, M id d l e s e x , John G. M a g u ir e , Justice of the Peace. N ov . 13, 1890. ss. Personally appeared Arthur W . Whitcher, Treasurer of said bank, and made oath that the securities and cash specified in the foregoing report, by him subscribed, were held by him at the date thereof. Before me, M id d l e s e x , John G. M a g u ir e , ss . Justice of the Peace. N ov . 13, 1890. Personally appeared James Skinner, President, and S. B. Goddard, Martin Hay ward, S. F. Trull, H. E. Smith and George Buchanan, directors of said bank, and made oath that the above report is correct, according to their best knowledge and belief. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Before me, John G. M a g u ir e , Justice of the Peace. 8 91 .] PUBLIC DOCUMENT — No. 8. W OLLASTO N 203 C O -O P E R A TIV E B A N K — (W O LL A STO N ) Q U IN C Y . Incorporated April 8, 1889. Commenced business April 16, 1889. Capital to be accumulated, $1,000,000. W kndell G. C orth ell , H President. e r b e r t W. H P in k h a m , W. erbert P in k h a m , Secretary. Treasurer. Names of security committee : H erbert T. W h it m a n A , lbert Q G. Oln ey u in c y A. F aunce , . Regular meetings the third Tuesday of each month. B a l a n c e S h e e t , O c t o b e r 31, 1890. A ssets. Loans on real estate, . Loans on shares, . Permanent expense account, F in e s ,.................................. Cash in hands of treasurer, . L ia b il it ie s . $20,800 50 157 12 3,224 00 00 50 58 61 $24,244 69 Hues capital, . . . . Profits capital (all series), Interest,.................................. Premiums, . . . . Surplus,.................................. Guaranty fund, Withdrawal profits, $23,181 877 115 13 23 25 9 00 34 14 70 42 00 09 $24,244 69 % How are shares issued, — quarterly, semi-annually or annually ? Semi annually. Number o f shares issued during the y e a r , .............................................. 841 Number o f shares now in f o r c e , .................................................. 1,907 Number o f shares now borrowed u p o n , ...............................................114 Largest number o f shares held by any one member, . . . . 25 Number o f shares withdrawn during the y e a r , ..................................... 442 Number of shares forfeited during the y e a r , ......................................... 5 Amount o f dues received during the y e a r , ................................................... $19,333 00 Highest premium received during the y e a r ,................................................... 40 Lowest premium received during the y e a r , ................................................... 05 Number o f members withdrawn during the year, . . . . 54 Present number o f m e m b e r s , ............................................................... 267 Present number o f b o r r o w e r s , .................................................................13 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis [Jan. BANK COMMISSIONERS’ REPORT. 204 . 254 Present number o f n o n - b o r r o w e r s ,.................................. . 13 Number o f loans secured by first mortgage of real estate, . . Amount o f loans secured by first mortgage of real estate, . 1 Number and amount of loans on shares, . . . . Largest loan to any one m em b er,........................................... Smallest loan to any one member,........................................... Amount of expenses of the corporation for the year ending Oct. 31, 1890, . Amount of profits credited to shares during the year, . Amount of cash received during the year, . . . . Amount of cash paid during the year...................................... Date of examination by commissioner: May 2. $20,800 00 5000 3,250 00 50 00 26493 877 34 25,671 82 22,494 73 April, Oct., April, Oct., 1889, 1889, 1890, 1890, . 1 . . 4 2 3 776 461 348 322 Total Value. Value per Share. D ate I ssue . of No. of Shares. Series. Reconciliation o f Share Account with Dues and Profits Capital. $19 86 13 38 7 10 1 00 $15,411 6,168 2,470 322 Total, . . . . Com , m onw ealth oe M $23,181 00 877 34 381 00 $24,439 34 $24,439 34 Total, . orfolk Dues capital, as per ledger, Profits capital (all series), as per ledger, . Unpaid dues, 67 00 Dues paid in advance, N 36 18 80 00 assach u setts. ss. N ov. 18,1890. Personally appeared Herbert W. Pinkham, Secretary o f said bank, and made oath that the foregoing report, by him subscribed, is true. Before me, F r e d e r i c k E. L i t c h f i e l d , Justice of the Peace. N orfolk , ss. N ov. 18,1890. Personally appeared Herbert W. Pinkham, Treasurer of said bank, and made oath that the securities and cash specified in the foregoing report, by him subscribed, were held by him at the date thereof. Before me, F r e d e r i c k E. L i t c h f i e l d , Justice of the Peace. N orfolk , ss. N ov. 18,1890. Personally appeared Wendell G. Corthell, President, and Smith B. Harrington, I. W. Faunce, Wm. Fenton, A. L. Baker and W. E. Simmons, directors of said bank, and made oath that the above report is correct, according to their best knowledge and belief. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Before me, F r e d e r ic k E. L it c h f ie l d , Justice of the Peace. 1891.] PUBLIC DOCUMENT — No. W ORCESTER 205 C O -O P E R A TIV E B A N K — W O R C E S T E R . Incorporated Oct. 19, 1877. Commenced business Oct. 19, 1877. Capital to be accumulated, $1,000,000. Steph en C. E a rle , President. T. T. J. J. H a s t in g s , H a s t in g s , Secretary. Treasurer. Names of security committee: H enry B rannon , H. H. B M. S. B eam an ig e l o w , . Regular meetings the third Monday of each month. B a l a n c e S h e e t , O c t o b e r 31, 1890. A ssets. L ia b il it ie s . Loans on real estate, . $326,825 00 Loans on shares, . 12,675 00 Temporary expense account, 357 52 21,294 39 Real estate by foreclosure, . Suspense account, 2,264 95 Cash in hands o f treasurer,. 5,299 42 Dues capital, . . . . $306,152 00 56,754 86 Profits capital (all series), Interest,.................................. 1,869 50 64 53 F i n e s , .................................. 2 00 Transfer fees, . . . . Surplus,.................................. 2,495 74 1,300 00 Guaranty fund, Forfeited share account, 77 65 $368,716 28 $368,716 28 How are shares issued,— quarterly, semi-annually or annually? Semi annually. Number of shares issued during the y e a r , ..................................2,570 Number of shares now in f o r c e - , ...................................................9,143 Number o f shares now borrowed upon.............................................1,640 Largest number o f shares held by any one member, . . . . 25 Number of shares withdrawn during the year, . . . . 1,822 Number o f shares forfeited during the year, . . . . . 8 Number of shares retired during the y e a r , ...........................................284 Number of shares matured during the y e a r , .................................. 101 Amount of dues received during the year.........................................................$101,937 00 Highest per centum of interest received during the year: 8J. Lowest per centum o f interest received during the year: 6. Number o f members withdrawn during the year, . . . . 212 Present number o f members.............................................................. 1,064 Present number o f b o r r o w e r s , ...........................................................212 Present number o f non-borrowers, . . . . . . . 852 Number o f loans secured by first mortgage of real estate, . . . 238 Amount o f loans secured by first mortgage of real estate, . . . . 326,825 00 Number and amount of loans on s h a r e s , ........................................... 66 12,675 00 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 206 BANK COMMISSIONERS’ REPORT. [Jan. Largest loan to any one m em ber,.................................................................... $5,000 00 Smallest loan to any one m e m b e r , ........................................................... 50 Amount o f expenses o f the corporation for the 37ear ending Oct. 31, 1890, . 1,330 Amount of profits credited to shares during the y e a r ,................................. 21,243 Amount of cash received during the y e a r , ................................................... 223,076 Amount of cash paid during the year............................................................... 233,982 Date o f examination by commissioner: January 17. 00 42 58 22 28 . . . . . . . . . 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 . . . . . . . . Total Value. Oct., 1879, Oct., 1880, Oct., 1881, Oct., 1882, Oct., 1883, April, 1884, Oct., 1884, April, 1885, Oct., 1885, April, 1886, Oct., 1886, April, 1887, Oct., 1887, April, 1888, Oct., 1888, April, 1889, Oct., 1889, April, 1890, Oct., 1890, Value per Share. D ate I ssue . of No. of Shares. Series. Reconciliation o f Share Account with Dues and Profits Capital. 80 75 200 146 101 279 339 159 379 408 468 430 516 611 859 858 1,050 1,280 905 $195 23 171 38 148 96 127 90 108 09 98 66 89 55 80 75 72 23 63 99 56 04 48 32 40 86 33 65 26 67 19 91 13 40 7 10 1 00 $15,618 40 12,853 50 29,792 00 18,673 40 10,917 09 27,526 14 30,357 45 12,839 25 27,375 17 26,107 92 26,226 72 20,777 60 21,083 76 20,560 15 22,909 53 17,082 78 14,070 00 9,088 00 905 00 Total, $365,447 86 Total, . Com orcester • 684 00 Dues paid in advance, W Dues capital, as per ledger, $306,152 00 Profits capital (all series), 56,754 86 as per ledger, . 2,541 00 Unpaid dues, , m on w ealth of M . . . . $365,447 86 assach u setts. ss. N ov. 10, 1890. Personally appeared T. J. Hastings, Secretary of said bank, and made oath that the foregoing report, by him subscribed, is true. Before me, W orcester , ss. M a r v in M. T aylo r , Justice of the Peace. N ov . 10,1890. Personally appeared T. J.Hastings, Treasurer of s^id bank, and made oath that the securities and cash specified inthe foregoing report,by himsubscribed, were held by him at the date thereof. Before me, M a r v i n M . T a y l o r , Justice of the Peace. W orcester , ss. N ov. 10, 1890. Personally appeared David Armitage, Daniel Parlin, J. B. Willard, T. Spencer Jenks and Geo. W . Brooks, directors of said bank, and made oath that the above report is correct, according to their best knowledge and belief. Before me, E d w a r d B. G l a s g o w , Justice of the Peace. W orcester , ss. N ov. 17, 1890. Personally appeared Stephen C. Earle, President of the Worcester Co-operative Bank, and made solemn affirmation that the above report is correct, to the best of his knowl edge and belief. E d w a r d B. G l a s g o w , Justice of the Peace. Before me, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1891.] 207 PUBLIC DOCUMENT — No. 8. / W O R K IN G M E N ’S C O -O P ER ATIV E B A N K - BOSTON. Incorporated June 9, 1880. Commenced business June 11, 1880. Capital to be accumulated, $1,000,000. R ob’t T reat P a in e President. , F F r a n c is B . Sears, rank E. B urbank , Secretary. Treasurer. Names of security committee: G eo . W. P ope Jas. D. , H enry A. R M cL e l e a n , oot. Regular meetings the second Friday of each month. B a l a n c e S h e e t , O c t o b e r 31, 1890. L ia b il it ie s . A ssets. $363,000 00 Loans on real estate, . 13,950 00 Loans on shares, . 992 28 Temporary expense account, 3,205 66 Real estate by foreclosure, . Cash in hands o f treasurer, . 11,687 53 Cash in hands o f secretary,. 1,367 04 $327,366 00 Dues capital, . . . . 53,159 09 Profits capital (all series), . 8,307 18 Interest, . . . . 1,057 15 Premiums, . . . . 336 19 Fines......................................... 8 50 Transfer fees, . . . . 2,285 02 Surplus,.................................. 975 00 Guaranty fund, 83 61 Forfeited share account, 513 77 Withdrawal profits, 111 00 Retired share account, . $394,202 51 $394,202 51 How are shares issued, — quarterly, semi-annually or annually ? Semiannually. 4,016 Number o f shares issued during the y e a r , .................................. 10,503 Number o f shares now in f o r c e , ................................................... 2,227 Number o f shares now borrowed u p o n , .................................. . 25 Largest number o f shares held by any one member, . 2,187 Number o f shares withdrawn during the year, . . . . 2 Number o f shares forfeited during the year, . . . . . 58 Number of shares retired during the y e a r , .................................. $119,417 00 Amount o f dues received during the y e a r , .................................. 25 Highest premium received during the y e a r ,.................................. . 05 Lowest premium received during the y e a r , .................................. • . 249 Number o f members withdrawn during the year, 1,305 Present number o f m e m b e r s , ................................................... . 266 Present number o f b o r r o w e r s , ................................................... Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis [Jan BANK COMMISSIONERS’ REPORT 208 Present number of n o n - b o r r o w e r s ,...........................................1,039 Number of loans secured by'first mortgage of real estate, . . . 222 $363,000 00 Amount o f loans secured by first mortgage of real estate, . . . . 13,950 00 Number and amount of loans on s h a r e s , ...........................................46 5,000 00 Largest loan to any one m em b er,.................................................................... 50 00 Smallest loan to any one m e m b e r , ................................................... • 1,982 84 Amount of expenses of the corporation for the year ending Oct. 31, 1890, . 20,558 20 Amount of profits credited to shares during the y e a r ,.................................. 214,152 47 Amount o f cash received during the y e a r , ................................................... 217,335 81 Amount o f cash paid during the y e a r ,........................................................... Date of examination by commissioner : March 25. June, 1880, Dec., 1880, June, 1881, Dec., 1881, June, 1882, Dec., 1882, June, 1883, Dec., 1883, June, 1884, Dec., 1884, June, 1885, Dec., 1885, June, 1886, Dec., 1886, June, 1887, Dec., 1887, June, 1888, Dec., 1888, June, 1889, Dec., 1889, June, 1890, 100 96 61 112 84 123 171 186 210 230 175 217 472 370 363 580 798 1,148 1,528 1,677 1,802 Total Value. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Value per Share. No. of Shares. D ate I ssue. of Series. Reconciliation o f Share, Account with Dues and Profits Capital. Dues capital, as per ledger, $327,366 00 Profits capital (all series), 53,159 09 as per ledger, . 4,324 00 Unpaid dues, $177 64 $17,764 00 165 90 15,926 40 9,428 16 154 56 16,083 20 143 60 11,173 68 133 02 122 81 15,105 63 112 92 19,309 32 19,226 82 103 37 94 15 19,771 50 85 23 19,602 90 76 62 13,408 50 68 30 14,821 10 60 26 28,442 72 52 50 19,425 00 44 99 16,331 37 21,889 20 37 74 24,530 52 30 74 27,517 56 23 97 26,633 04 17 43 11 11 18,631 47 9,010 00 5 00 817 00 Dues paid in advance, Total.............................. $384,849 09 Total, . Com Suffolk, m on w ealth of M $384,849 09 assach u setts. . Nov. 8, 1890. ss. Personally appeared F. E. Burbank, Secretary of said bank, and made oath that the foregoing report, by him subscribed, is true. Before me, S uffolk , ss. W alter H. R o berts, Justice of the Peace. N ov . 28, 1890. Personally appeared Francis B. Sears, Treasurer of said bank, and made oath that the securities and cash specified in the foregoing report, by him subscribed, were held by him at the date thereof. Before me, M i l a n F. S t e v e n s , Justice of the Peace. Suffolk, ss. N ov. 28, 1890. Personally appeared G. W . Pope, Vice-President, and M. S. Miller, John Denton, G. N. Miller, Geo. S. Nowell and J. D. McLellan, directors of said bank, and made oath that the above report is correct, according to their best knowledge and belief. Before me, M i l a n F. S t e v e n s , Justice of the Peace. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1891.] 209 PUBLIC DOCUMENT — No. 8 CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET, O c t o b e r 31, 1890. L ia b il it ie s . A ssets. $8,325,922 74 Loans on real estate, . Loans on shares, . 363,793 50 15,410 40 Permanent expense account, Temporary expense account, 8,719 04 49,833 19 Real estate by foreclosure, . City and town notes and 51,778 56 bonds, . . . . 54,989 56 Sundry assets, . . Cash on hand, . . * 394,386 35 $8,009,038 20 Dues capital, 1,070,812 07 Profits capital (all series), 86,006 21 Interest, . . . . 7,142 74 Premiums, 3,040 05 Fines, . . . . 72 10 Transfer fees, . Surplus, . . . . 25,967 15 Guaranty fund, 27,207 37 4,599 27 Forfeited share account, . 3,332 69 Withdrawal profits, . 31 73 Forfeiture profits, 27,583 76 Sundry liabilities, $9,264,833 34 $9,264,833 34 111,487 Number o f shares issued during the year, . 302,623 Number o f shares now in force, . . . . 56,288 Number of shares now borrowed upon, 53,169 N umber of shares withdrawn during the year, . 1,026 Number o f shares forfeited during the year, 2,493 Number o f shares retired during the year, . . 439 Number of shares matured during the year, . $3,352,534 61 Amount of dues received during the year, . 7,789 Number of members withdrawn during the year, 43,896 Present number of members, . . . . 7,803 Present number o f borrowers, . 36,093 Present number o f non-borrowers, 6,548 Number of loans secured by first mortgage of real estate, 8,325,922 74 Amount of loans secured by first mortgage of real estate, 1,913 Number o f loans on s h a r e s , .................................. 363,793 50 Amount o f loans on shares,........................................... 51,546 08 Amount o f expenses of the corporation for the year ending Oct. 31, 1890, . 477,400 50 Amount o f profits credited to shares during the year, 5,495,085 43 Amount of cash received during the year, . 5,413,743 71 Amount o f cash paid during the year, . Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis éJÜ ST A T E M E N T S Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 212 [Jan. BANK COMMISSIONERS’ REPORT. C O LL A T E R A L L O A N CO M PAN Y — BOSTON. Incorporated April 5, 1859. F rancis D. Cobb , President. L uther S. M oore , Cashier. Directors: E . H. B a tc h el er , F rancis D. Cobb , John P. L ym an , E. A. Jones , J ohn O. S h a w , Jr. H armon H a l l , Director for the State. A. G. H apgood , Director for the City. B a l a n c e S h e e t , O c t o b e r 31, 1890. A ssets. L ia b il it ie s . Cash on hand, . Loans outstanding, . $11,496 30 239,577 35 $251,073 65 Capital stock paid in ,. Notes payable, . Auction reserve,. Reserve fund, Profit and loss, . Suspense (auction sale), . $150,000 23,900 2,784 39,411 20,447 14,529 00 00 25 53 95 92 $251,073 65 Date of examination : September 30. L. S. M oore , Cashier. Correct. Attest : S uffolk , ss . H armon H a l l , State Director. B oston, N ov. 8, 1890. Then personally appeared Luther S. Moore, Cashier, and made oath that the fore going statement, by him subscribed, is true, to the best of his knowledge and belief. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Before me, Jo h n .O. S h a w , Jr., Notary Public. 1891 .] 213 ' PUBLIC DOCUMENT — No. 8. W O R K IN G M E N ’S L O A N ASSO C IA T IO N — BOSTON. Incorporated 1888. R obert T reat P a in e , President. C h as . W . H ubbard , Vice-President. F rancis B. Sears , Treasurer. A rth ur L ym a n , Clerk. Ch as . H. W ashburn , Manager. Directors : E dmund B il l in g s , J. A rthur B eeb e , H en ry B. C abot , W m . E ndicott , 3d, C h as . W . H u b b a r d , A rth u r S. Johnson , J oseph L e e , A rth ur L ym an , John F . M oors, C h as . C. J ackson , R o bert T r e a t P a in e , R o b e r t T r e a t P a i n e , 2d, F r a n c is B. S e a r s , S a m u e l C a r r , Jr., C h as . L. Y oung . Balance S heet , October 31, 1890. L ia b il it ie s . A ssets. Loans, . . . . Expense account, Cash on hand, . Dividend Number 4, State tax, . . . . $102,240 2,508 2,958 2,355 1,164 84 54 52 00 94 $111,227 84 Capital stock, Notes payable, . Profit and loss account, $78.500 00 25,000 00 7,727 84 $111,227 84 Date of examination: April 30. F rancis B. S e a r s , Treasurer. Approved: S u ffolk , ss . S amuel Ca r r , State Director. B oston, Oct. J8, 1890. Personally appeared the above-named Francis B. Sears, Treasurer, and made oath that the foregoing statement, by him subscribed, is true, to the best of his knowledge and belief. F rancis S. T ent , Justice of the Peace. Before me, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 214 BANK COMMISSIONERS’ REPORT. GLOBE IN V E S T M E N T [Jan CO M PA N Y — BOSTON. J. L ow ell M oore, Treasurer. A llison Z. M ason , President. B alance Sheet , October 31, 1890. L ia b il it ie s . A ssets. Loans secured by first liens on real estate, . Loans secured by second liens on real estate, Tax sale certificates, . Stocks and bonds, Real estate acquired by foreclosure, . . . . Furniture and fixtures, Current expenses, Remittances for interest matured within 60 days, Other past due interest re mitted for but not paid to u s , .................................. Past due loans remitted for but not paid to us, . Due from branch offices and agents, . . . . Due from sundry persons, . Cash on hand and in banks, Bonds securing guaranty fund.................................... Foreclosure account, . Accrued interest,. Notes secured by collateral, Chattel note account, . $474,992 54 144,394 91 4,765 73 9,759 37 67,928 13 2,605 81 40,483 16 22,279 56 104,848 85 43,570 33 861 19 19,897 66 28,352 84 19,151 8,961 17,512 2,183 400 Capital stock paid in, Surplus fund, . Guaranty fund,. Undivided profits, Bills payable, . Debenture bonds outstanding,.................................. Interest paid in advance by borrowers, Due on coupons not presented, . . . . Loans paid but not remitted fo r,.................................. Deposits awaiting investment................................ Due to branch offices and agents, . . . . Due to banks and bankers, Due on loans not presented, Interest accrued on debentures, coupons of which are not yet due, $362,500 31,500 18,360 20,174 7,867 00 00 25 92 01 352,100 00 3,223 51 780 49 6,454 33 17,046 59 73,698 71 109,450 00 2,750 00 7,042 00 25 05 37 06 00 $1,012,947 81 $1,012,947 81 Date of examination : October 14. Description o f Stocks and Bondp. Par Value. Glenwood Springs, Col., bonds, Trinidad, Col., warrants, . Fitchburg R.R. 1st mortgage 6s, Fitchburg R R. 1st mortgage 5s, City of Newton 4s, . of Minneapolis 4s, . of Cleveland 6s, Eastern R.R. 6s, . . . Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis $6,000 3,500 2,000 3.000 3.000 6.000 2,000 2,000 $27,500 Market Value. $6,720 3.500 2,180 3,180 3,120 6,000 2,230 2.500 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 $29,430 00 Book Value. $6,304 3,454 2,200 3,105 3,180 5,820 2,350 2,496 38 99 00 00 00 00 00 25 $28,910 62 1891.] PUBLIC DOCUMENT — No. 8. 215 How much o f its capital stock is owned by officers of the company ? 223 shares. How much, if any, o f the stock owned by its officers is pledged to the company as collateral ? None. State the sections of country in which loans are made, giving the principal counties: Eastern half o f Kansas; North-western Missouri, including Kansas City; the follow ing counties in Nebraska, — Antelope, Madison, Wheeler, Custer; eight counties in Minnesota, o f which Douglas is the centre, all known as the “ Park Region; ” irrigated portions of Colorado; Northern third of Arkansas; Northern half of Mississippi. Total amount loaned to d a t e , ....................................................................$4,742,368 98 Total amount of loans p a i d , .................................................................... 516,705 90 Number and amount of loans extended the past two years, . . 15 7,401 67 Total amount o f loans unpaid and outstanding j GuaianteeLl’ ’ ’ ' & ( Unguaranteed, . . Total amount in process of f o r e c l o s u r e ,................................................... Total amount of debentures certified,........................................................... Less amount on hand and with a g e n t s , ................................................... Total liability for debenture bonds.................................................................. 2,611,255 56 1,614,407 52 36,584 24 352,600 00 500 00 352,100 00 I, J. Lowell Moore, treasurer of the aforesaid company, do solemnly swear that the foregoing statement is true, to the best of my knowledge and belief. J. L o w e l l M o o r e , Treasurer. Co m m o n w e a l t h Suffolk, of M assa ch u setts. ss . Subscribed and sworn to before me, this tenth day of December, eighteen hundred and ninety. A r t h u r C a r r o l l , Notary Public. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 216 BANK COMMISSIONERS’ REPORT N A T IO N A L M O R TG A G E A N D D E B E N TU R E [Jan. CO M PA N Y — BOSTON. G e o r g e M a y , Treasurer. C a r k o l l N. B e a l , President. B alance Sheet , October 31, 1890. L ia b il it ie s . A ssets. Loans secured by first liens on real estate, Matured interest due on same, Commission notes secured by second liens on real estate,. Tax sale certificates, Stocks and bonds, . Ileal estate acquired by foreclosure, . . . . Other real estate, . Expenses on account of foreclosure, . . . . Loans in process of foreclosure, . . . . Furniture and fixtures, . Current expenses, . Premiums paid, Commission and exchange account, . . . . Past due interest remitted for, but not paid to us, . Due from branch offices and agents, . . . . Bills receivable, Due from sundry persons, . Due from banks and bankers, C a s h , .................................. Insurance premiums advanced for clients, Attorney fees advanced for clients, . . . . $703,314 40 23,348 33 47,671 97 13,738 51 25,366 66 31,999 78 . 1,440 00 500 05 18,790 4,210 15,042 4,738 21 49 67 32 950 70 37,997 25 7,910 1,019 5,194 933 182 71 31 28 38 73 $258,900 00 Capital stock paid in, 3,300 00 Guaranty fund,. 6,872 08 Undivided profits, Reserve against deprecia25,368 36 tion, . . . . 63,000 00 Bills payable, . Debenture bonds out515,038 00 standing, Interest due on coupons 672 86 not presented, Due borrowers on loans in 1,888 79 process of completion, . Certificates of deposit bear48,657 09 ing interest, . Deposits awaiting invest495 00 ment, . . . . Due to branch offices and 12,293 59 agents.............................. 282 89 Due to banks and bankers, 6,632 05 Due to sundry persons, 1,686 01 Suspense account, Mortgage loans held for 1,514 52 collection, 828 99 1,422 50 $946,601 24 $946,601 24 Date o f examination : November 1. Description o f 8tocks and Bonds. Par Value. Kansas Land and Loan Co. stock, . Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis $76,100 Market Value. Book Value. - $25,366 66 1891.] PUBLIC DOCUMENT — No. 8 217 How much of its capital stock is owned by officers of the company ? $49,500. How much, if any, o f the stock owned by its officers is pledged to the company as collateral? None. State the sections of country in which loans are made, giving the principal counties: C o l o r a d o , — Arapahoe, Boulder, Carbon, Delta, Garfield, Grand, Grover, La Plata, Morgan, Rio Blanco, Weld, Yuma; D a k o t a , — Beadle, Brookings, Brown, Clark, Codington, Davison, Day, Edmunds, Hamlin, Lake, Lincoln, Marshall, McPherson, Spink; K a n s a s , — Allen, Anderson, Butte, Chautauqua, Cherokee, Clark, Clay, Coffey, Cowley, Crawford, Dickinson, Douglas, Edwards, Elk, Ellsworth, Ellis, Ford, Garfield, Graham, Gray, Harvey, Harper, Hodgeman, Jackson, Jefferson, Kingman, Kiowa, Lincoln, Lyon, Marion, Meade, Mitchell, Morris, Neosha, Osborn, Ottawa, Pawnee, Pottawattomie, Pratt, Reno, Rice, Rooks, Rush, Russell, Saline, Shawnee, Stafford, Wilson, Woodson; F l o r i d a , — Putnam; M a s s a c h u s e t t s , — Middlesex; M i c h i g a n ,— Delta, Mackinaw, Schoolcraft; M in n e s o t a , — Murray, Pipestone; M is so u r i , — Holt; N e b r a s k a , — Butler, Dodge, Hayes, Holt; W y o m in g , — Laramie. Total amount loaned to date, a p p r o x im a tin g ,.......................................... $3,500,000 00 Total amount of loans paid, a p p r o x im a t in g ,.......................................... 1,250,000 00 Number and amount of loans extended the past two years: Cannot answer. None. Total amount o f loans unpaid and ( G u a r a n t e e d ,.................................. outstanding, \ Unguaranteed, approximating, . 2,250,000 00 Total amount in process of f o r e c l o s u r e , ................................................... 18,790 21 Total amount of debentures certified,........................................................... 535,038 00 Less amount on hand and with a g e n t s , ................................................... 20,000 00 Total liability for debenture b o n d s , ................................................... . 515,038 00 I, George May, Treasurer of the aforesaid company, do solemnly swear that the fore going statement is true, to the best of my knowledge and belief. G e o r g e M a y , Treasurer. Co m m o n w ea lth S uffolk, of M assach u setts. ss . Subscribed and sworn to before me, this twelfth day of November, 1890. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis C h a s . A l m y , Jr., Justice of the Peace. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis APPENDIX. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis STATUTES R E L A T IN G TO CO-OPERATIVE BANKS. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis [Chapter 310;, Acts of 1890.] An A ct in relation to the business of co- operative banking . Be it enacted, etc , as follow s: Section 1. Except as is hereinafter provided, no person, association or corpo ration shall carry on the business of accumulating the savings of its members and loaning to them such accumulations in the manner of a co-operative bank within this Commonwealth, unless incorporated under the laws thereof for such purpose. Sect . 2. The board of commissioners of savings banks may authorize any such association or corporation duly established under the laws of another state to carry on such business in the Commonwealth, but said association or corpora tion shall not transact such business in this Commonwealth unless it shall first deposit with the treasurer of the Commonwealth the sum of twenty-five thousand dollars and thereafter a sum equal to fifteen per cent, of the deposits made in such association or corporation by citizens of the Commonwealth, the amount of per centage of deposits so required to be determined from time to time by said board of commissioners of savings banks; or in lieu thereof the whole or any part of said sum may consist of any of the securities named in the first, second and third clauses of section twenty of chapter one hundred and sixteen of the Public Statutes and acts amendatory thereof, at their par value, and the said deposit shall be held in trust by said treasurer for the protection and indemnity of the residents of the Commonwealth with whom such associations or corporations respectively have done or may transact business. Said moneys or property shall be paid out or disposed of only on the order of some court of competent jurisdiction made on due notice to the attorney-general of the Commonwealth, and upon such notice to the creditors and shareholders of such association or corporation as the court shall prescribe. For the purpose of ascertaining the business and financial condition of any such association or corporation doing or desiring to do such business, said board may make examinations of such associations or corporations at such times and at such places as said board may desire, the expense of such examinations being paid by the association or corporation examined, and may also require re turns to be made to them in such form and at such times as they may elect. When ever, upon examination or otherwise, it is the opinion of said' board that any such association or corporation is transacting business in such manner as to be hazard ous to the public, or its condition is such as to render further proceedings by it hazardous to the public, said board shall revoke or suspend the authority given to said association or corporation, but this section shall not prevent such a bank or institution, incorporated under the laws of another state, from loaning money upon mortgages of real estate located within the Commonwealth. Sect. 3. Every such person, association or corporation transacting business in the Commonwealth at the time of the passage of this act shall, within sixty days after such passage, conform to the requirements of this act. Sect. 4. Whoever violates any provision of the preceding sections shall be punished by a fine not exceeding one thousand dollars; and any provision thereof may on petition be enforced by injunction issued by a justice of the supreme judi cial court or of the superior court. S ect. 5. This act shall take effect upon its passage. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Approved M ay 2 1 , 1 8 9 0 . P. S., CHAPTER 117. [WITH AMENDMENTS AND ADDITIONAL LEGISLATION NOTED IN MARGIN,] IN D EX. SE C TIO N 1. Corporations for accumulation of sadngs of members and lending funds to members. 2. Agreement, what to set forth. 3. Name. 4. Corporation, how organized. 5. Limit of capital. Plans of issuing stock, etc. 6. By-laws. Officers to hold office until successors are elected. Office of secretary and treasurer may be held by one person. 7. Monthly meetings. Dues. 8. Withdrawal of shares. C. Shares, when matured. S ECTIO N 10. Moneys to be lent by monthly sales; how invested, if unsold. 11. Premiums. 12. Interest. 13. Security. 14. Payment. Partial payments. 15. Pines. Forfeiture of shares. 16. Recovery of loan. 17. Books of account. Duties of treas urer, etc. 18. Distribution of profits and losses. Guaranty Fund. 19. Corporation may buy and sell real estate. 20. Powers of savings bank commis sioners. for S e c t i o n 1. Twenty-five or more persons who associate Corporations accumulation of of mem themselves together by an agreement in writing with the savings bers and lending to mem intention o f forming a corporation for the purpose of funds bers. 1877, 224, § 1. accumulating the savings o f its members paid into such 1890, 243. corporation in fixed periodical instalments and lending to its members the funds so accumulated shall, by and with the consent of the Jboard of commissioners o f savings banks, become a corporation upon complying with the provisions of the three following sections. Sect. 2. The agreement shall set forth the fact that Agreement, what to set the subscribers thereto associated themselves with the forth. 1877, 224, § 2. intention of forming a corporation ; the name by which the corporation shall be known ; the purpose for which it is formed ; the town or city, which shall be within this Commonwealth, in which it is located ; and the limit of capital to be accumulated. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis vi Name. 1877, 224, § 3. “ Co-operative saving fund and loan associa tions ” to be known as “ Co operative Banks.” 1883, 98. Public Statutes, 117. Title amended. 1883, 98. Co-operative banks. 1883, 98. Third section to take effect .July 1, 1883. Corporation, how organized. 1877, 224, § 4. APPEN D IX. Sect. 3. The name shall he one not previously in use by any existing corporation established under the laws of this Commonwealth, and shall be changed only by act of the General Court. The words “ co-operative saving fund and loan association” shall form a part of the name. Section three of chapter one hundred and seventeen of the Public Statutes, relative to the name of co-operative saving fund and loan associations, is hereby amended by striking out the words “ co-operative saving fund and loan association,” in the fourth line, and inserting in place thereof the words “ Co-operative Bank.” The title of said chapter one hundred and seventeen of the Public Statutes is hereby amended by striking out the words “ Saving Fund and Loan Associations,” and in serting in place thereof the word “ Banks.” The names of all co-operative saving fund and loan associations heretofore organized are hereby changed by striking; out in each the words “ saving fund and loan association,” and inserting in place thereof the word “ bank,” and they shall hereafter be known as “ co-opera tive banks.” The first and second sections of this act shall take effect upon its passage, and the third section upon the first day of July in the year eighteen hundred and eighty-three. Sect. 4. The provisions of sections eighteen, twenty, and twenty-one of chapter one hundred and six shall apply to such corporations, except that, in the certificate signed by the secretary of the Commonwealth, the limit of capital to be accumulated, as fixed in the agreement of association, shall be inserted, instead of the amount of the capital, that the certificate required by said section twenty-one to be filed and recorded may be signed and sworn to by the presiding and financial officers, and a majority at least of the officers possessing the powers of directors by whatever name they may be called, and that the fees to be paid for filing and recording the certificates Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis APPEN D IX. vi i required by said section twenty-one, including the issu ing of the certificate of organization, shall be five dollars. Sect. 5. The capital to be accumulated shall not ex Limit of capital. 1887, 216, § 1. ceed one million dollars, and shall be divided into shares of the ultimate value of two hundred dollars each. The limitation of capital to be accumulated in any co-operative bank now organized or hereafter formed under the provi sions of chapter one hundred and seventeen of the Public Statutes shall be held to apply to capital actually paid in, and no such bank shall be restrained from issuing shares so long as the capital actually paid in on shares is not in of issning excess of one million dollars. The shares may be issued Plans stock, etc. 1877, 224, § 5. in quarterly, half-yearly, or yearly series, in such amounts and at such times as the members may determine. No person shall hold more than twenty-five shares in the cap ital of any one such corporation. No shares of a prior series shall be issued after the issue of a new series. Sect. 6. The number, title, duties and compensation By-laws. Officers to hold of the officers of the corporation, their terms of office, office until suc cessors are the time of their election, as well as the qualifications of elected. 1877, 224, §§ 6, electors, and time of each periodical meeting of the officers 16. and members, shall be determined by the by-laws; but no member shall be entitled to more than one vote at any election. All officers shall continue in office until their successors are duly elected, and no corporation shall expire from neglect on its part to elect officers at the time prescribed by the by-laws. persoD In any co-operative bank now or hereafter formed One may be both secretary and under the provisions o f chapter one hundred and seven treasurer. teen of the Public Statutes, the offices of secretary and 1885, 121, § 1. treasurer may be held by one and the same person. Monthly meet Sect. 7. The officers shall hold stated monthly meet ings. Dues. 224, }§ 5, ings. At or before each of these meetings every member 1877, 7, 9. 271, § 1, shall pay to the corporation, as a contribution to its capi 1881, cl. 3. tal, one dollar as dues upon each share held by him until the share reaches the ultimate value of two hundred Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis vili APPEN D IX. dollars, or is withdrawn, cancelled, or forfeited. Payment of dues on each series shall commence from its issue. Withdrawal of Sect. 8. A member may withdraw his unpledged 1887,216, § § 2 ,3 . s p a r e g at anytime by giving thirty days’ notice of his intention so to do, written in a book held and provided by the corporation for that purpose. Upon such with drawal the shareholder’s account shall be settled as fol lows ; — From the amount then standing to the credit of the shares to be withdrawn there shall be deducted all fines, a proportionate part of any unadjusted loss, to gether with such proportion of the profits previously cred ited to the shares as the by-laws may provide, and such shareholders shall be paid the balance : provided, that at no time shall more than one-half of the funds in the treasury be applicable to the demands of withdrawing members without the consent of the directors. The directors may, at their discretion, under rules made by them, retire the unpledged shares of any series at any time after four years from the date of their issue, by enforcing the withdrawal of the same ; but whenever there shall remain in any series, at the expiration of five years after the date of its issue, an excess above one hundred unpledged shares, then it shall be the duty of the directors to retire annually twenty-five per centum of such excess existing at said expiration of five years after the date of its issue, so that not more than one hundred unpledged shares shall remain in such series at the expiration of nine years from the date of its issue, and thereafter the direct ors may in their discretion retire such other unpledged shares as they consider the best interests of the bank to require : provided, that whenever under the provisions of this section the withdrawal of shares is to be enforced the shares to be retired shall be determined by lot, and the holders thereof shall be paid the full value of their shares, less all fines and a proportionate part of any unadjusted loss; provided also, that shares pledged for share loans shall be treated as unpledged shares. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis A PPEN D IX. IX Shares may be issued in the name of a minor, and if so issued may, at the discretion of the directors, be with drawn, in manner as provided in section two of this act, by such minor, the parent or guardian of such minor, and in either case payments made on such withdrawals of shares shall be valid. When a share or shares are held by any one in trust for another, the name and residence of the person for whom such share or shares are held shall be disclosed ; and the account shall be kept in the name of such holder as trustee for such person; and, if no other notice of the existence and terms of such trust has been given in writing to the corporation, in the event of the death of the trustee, such shares may be withdrawn by the person for whom such deposit was made or by his legal representatives. Sect. 9. When each unpledged share of a given series shares,^when reaches the value of two hundred dollars, all payments of J,887;2n*§1> dues thereon shall cease, and the holder thereof shall be i887,2i6,§5. paid out of the funds of the corporation two hundred dol lars thereof, with interest at the rate of six per cent, a year from the time of such maturity to the time of pay ment : provided , that at no time shall more than one-half of the funds in the treasury be applicable to the payment of such matured shares without the consent of the direct ors ; provided fu rth er , that when any series of shares, either pledged or unpledged, reaches maturity between the dates of adjustment of profits, or whenever shares are retired between such dates, the holders of such shares shall in addition to the value thereof, be entitled to interest at the rate of six per cent, per annum for all full months from the date of the preceding adjust ment. Chapter one hundred and seventeen of the Public f8^ n2d5“ entStatutes is amended as follows, by adding to section nine the following words: ‘ ‘ And that before paying matured shares all arrears and fines shall be de ducted.” Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis APPENDIX. X Moneys to be lent by monthly sales; howinvested, if unsold. 1877, 224, § 7. 1881, 271, § 1, cl. 4. 1890, 78. Premiums. 1877, 224, § 12. Interest. 1881, 271, § 1, cl. 3. Acts of 1882. Chap. 251, § 2. S e c t . 10. The moneys accumulated, after due allowance made for all necessary and proper expenses and for the with drawal of shares, shall, at each stated monthly meeting, be offered to the members according to the premiums bid by them for priority of right to a loan. Each member whose bid is accepted shall be entitled upon giving proper security to receive a loan of two hundred dollars for each share held by him, or such fractional part of two hundred dollars as the by-laws may allow. If a balance of money remains unsold after a monthly sale, the directors may invest the same in any of the securities named in the second clause of section twenty of chapter one hundred and sixteen, or may loan the same upon the shares of the corporation, on the approval of the directors or investing committee thereof, at the highest rate paid at the last preceding monthly sale of such moneys. S ec t. 11. Premiums for loans shall consist of a per centage charged on the amount lent in addition to interest, and shall be deemed to be a consideration paid by the borrower for the present use and possession of the future or ultimate value of his shares, and shall, together with interest and tines, be received by the corporation as a profit on the capital invested in the loan, and shall be distributed to the various shares and series of said capital as hereinafter provided. S e c t . 12. A borrowing member, for each share bor rowed upon, shall, in addition to his dues and monthly premium, pay monthly interest on his loan at the rate of six per cent, per annum until his shares reach the ulti mate value of two hundred dollars each, or the loan has been repaid; and when said ultimate value is reached, said shares and loan shall be declared cancelled and satis fied, and the balance, if any, due upon the shares shall be paid to the member. Any corporation organized under said chapter one hun dred and seventeen may provide in its by-laws that the bid for loans at its stated monthly meeting shall, instead of a premium, be a rate of annual interest upon the sum desired, payable in monthly instalments. Such bids shall include the whole interest to be paid, and may be at any rate not less than five per centum per annum. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis APPENDIX. Sect. 13. xi F o r e v e r y lo a n m a d e , a n o te . . . sec u red b y security. J 1877, 224, § 8. first mortgage of real estate situated in this Common- issi, 271, § 1, & ° > cl. 1. wealth shall be given, accompanied by a transfer and 1889>159pledge of the shares of the borrower. The shares so pledged shall be held by the corporation as collateral se curity for .the performance of the conditions of said note and mortgage. Said note and mortgage shall recite the number of shares pledged and the amount of money advanced thereon, and shall be conditioned for the pay ment, at the stated meetings of the corporation, of the monthly dues on said shares, and the interest and pre mium upon the loan, together with all fines on payments in arrears until said shares reach the ultimate value of two hundred dollars each, or said loan is otherwise cancelled or discharged : provided, that the shares, without other security, may, in the discretion of the directors, be pledged as security for loans, to an amount not exceeding their value as adjusted at 'the last adjustment and valua tion of shares before the time of the loan. If the borrower neglects to offer security satisfactory to the directors within the time prescribed by the by-laws, his right to the loan shall be forfeited, and he shall be charged with one month’s interest and one month’s pre mium at the rate bid by him, together with all expenses, if any, incurred; and the money appropriated for such loan may be re-loaned at the next or any subsequent meeting. S e c t . 1.4 . A b o r r o w e r m ajy r e pv ajy a lo a n at a njy t im e ,■> 1877> Payment. 224> § llt upon application to the corporation, whereupon, on settlement of his account, he shall be charged with the full amount of the original loan, together with all monthly instalments of interest, premium, and fines in arrears, and shall be given credit for the withdrawing value of his shares pledged and transferred as security; and the balance shall be received by the corporation in full satis faction and discharge of said loan: provided, that all settlements made at periods intervening between stated meetings of the directors shall be made as of the date of Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis , , . 18 8 7 210 5 4 xii APPEN DIX. the stated meetings next succeeding such settlement; and provided , that a borrower desiring to retain his shares and ofnShare°srfeiture ■18, 7, 2. 4, § 13. Recovery of loan. 1882,251. membership may at his option repay his loan without claiming credit for said shares, whereupon said shares shall be re-transferred to him, and shall be free from any claim by reason of said cancelled loan. Partial payment of loans on real estate made by any co-operative bank may be received in sums of fifty dollars or any multiple thereof; and for each two hundred dollars so repaid one share of stock shall be released from pledge. S e c t . 15. Members who make default in the payment their monthly dues, interest and premiums, shall be charged a fine not exceeding two per cent, a month on each dollar in arrears. No fines shall be charged after the expiration of six months from the first lapse in any such payment, nor upon a fine in arrears. The shares of a member who continues in arrears more than six months shall, at the option of the directors, if the member fails to pay the arrears within thirty days after notice, be de clared forfeited, and the withdrawing value of the shares at the time of the first default shall be ascertained, and, after deducting all fines and other legal charges, the bal ance remaining; shall be transferred to an account to be designated the “ Forfeited Share Account,” to the credit of the defaulting member. Said member, if not a bor rower, shall be entitled, upon thirty days’ notice, to receive the balance so transferred without interest from the time of the transfer, in the order of his turn, out of the funds appropriated to the payment of withdrawals. All shares so forfeited or transferred shall cease to partici pate in any profits of the corporation accruing after the last adjustment and valuation of shares before said first default. S e c t . 16. If a borrowing member is in arrears for ° dues, interest, premium or fines for more than six months, the directors may, at their discretion, declare the shares forfeited, after one month’s notice, if the arrears continue Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis APPENDIX. X lll unpaid. The account of such borrowing member shall then be debited with the arrears of interest “ premium” and fines of date of forfeiture,7 and the ^shares shall be 1885, Amendm ent. 121, § 4. credited upon the loan at their withdrawing value. The balance of the account may, and after six months shall, be enforced against the security, and be recovered as secured debts are recovered at law. S e c t . 17. The general accounts of every such corpo- Books of ac. ration shall be kept by double entry. All moneys of treasurer, received by the corporation from each member shall be 1877>22i>§14receipted for by persons designated by the directors, in a pass-book provided by the corporation for the use of, and to be held by, the member; and said pass-book shall be plainly marked with the name and residence of the holder thereof, the number of shares held by him, and the number or designation of the series or issue to which said shares respectively belong, and the date of the issue of such series. All moneys so received shall be originally entered by the proper officer in a book to be called the “ cash-book,” to be provided by the corpora tion for the purpose, and the entries therein shall be so made as to show the name of the payer, the number of shares, the number or designation of the series or issues of the particular share or shares so entered, together with the amount of dues, interest, premiums and fines paid thereon, as the case may be. Each payment shall be classified and entered into a column devoted to its kind. Said cash-book shall be closed after the termination of each stated meeting, and shall be an exhibit of the receipts of all moneys paid at said meeting. All payments made by the corporation for any purpose whatsoever shall be by order, check or draft upon the treasurer, signed by the president and secretary, and endorsed by the persons in whose favor the same are drawn. The name of the payee, the amount paid, and the purpose, object or thing for which the payment is made, together with its date, shall be entered on the margin of said order, check or draft. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis X IV APPEN D IX. The treasurer shall dispose of and secure the safe keeping of all moneys, securities, and property of the corporation, in the manner designated by the by-laws, and the treas urer and secretary shall give such security for the faithful performance of their respective duties as the by-laws may direct. Distribution of S e c t . 18. The profits and losses may be distributed profits and losses. annually, semi-annually or quarterly, to the shares then 1881, 271, § 1, cl. 2. existing, but shall be distributed at least once in each year, and whenever a new series of shares is to be issued. Profits and losses shall be distributed to the various shares existing at the times of such distribution, in proportion to their value at that time, and shall be computed upon the basis of a single share fully paid to the date of distri bution. Losses shall be apportioned immediately after their occurrence. Guarantee fund At each periodical distribution of profits the directors to be reserved from profits. shall reserve as a guaranty fund a sum not less than one 1885, 121. nor more than five per cent, of the net profits accruing since the next preceding adjustment, until such fund amounts to five per cent, of the dues capital, which fund shall thereafter be maintained and held; and said fund shall be at all times available to meet losses in the business of the corporation from depreciation of its securities or otherwise. Corporation S e c t . 19. Any such corporation may purchase at any may buy and sell real estate. sale, public or private, any real estate upon which it may 1877, 224, § 17. have a mortgage, judgment, lien or other incumbrance, or in which it may have an interest; and may sell, convey, lease or mortgage, at pleasure, the real estate so purchased to any person or persons whatsoever. All real estate so acquired shall be sold within five years from the acquisi tion of the title thereto. Powers of sav S e c t . 20. The commissioners of savings banks shall ings bank commissioners. perform, in reference to every such corporation, the same 1879, 129, §§ 1,2. duties, and shall have the same powers, as are required of or given to them in reference to savings banks, and shall Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis APPEN D IX. xv annually make report to the general court of such facts and statements respecting such associations, and in such forms as they deem that the public interest requires. Every officer of such corporation shall answer truly all inquiries made, and shall make all returns required by the commissioners. •A n A ct r e l a t in g (Section 2 to co - o p e r a t iv e banks. of Chapter 159, Acts of 1889.) Every co-operative bank shall annually within twenty days after the last business day of October make a return to the commissioners of savings banks in such form as may be prescribed by them, showing accurately the con dition thereof at close of business on said day, which re turn shall be signed and sworn to by the secretary and treasurer of such corporation. The president and five or more of the directors shall certify and make oath that the report is correct according to their best knowledge and belief. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis STATUTES R E L A T IN G TO MORTGAGE LOAN AND INVESTMENT Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis COMPANIES. ■ i -üü Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ♦ A.ÜST A C T IN R E L A T IO N TO MOKTGrAGE LOAN AND INVESTMENT COMPANIES. (Chapter 387, Acts o f 1888.) S e c t io n lish e d E v e r y c o r p o ra tio n n o w o r h e re a fte r e s t a b 1. under th e la w s o f th is C o m m o n w e a lth fo r th e sp ec ia l p u r p o s e o f n e g o tia tin g o r m a k in g lo a n s o f m o n e y se c u re d b y d e e d o f tr u s t o r m o r tg a g e o f rea l e sta te situ a ted o u tsid e of th is C o m m o n w e a lth , m a y e x e r c ise and e n jo y a ll th e p o w e r s , an d sh all b e g o v e r n e d b y th e p r o v is io n s and be su b je c t to the d u tie s, re str ic tio n s and lia b ilitie s p r e sc r ib e d in th is act an d a n y a cts w h ich m a y h erea fter b e p a sse d in a m e n d m e n t o r lie u th e r e o f. A ll su ch c o rp o ra tio n s h e r e to fo r e ch a rtered sh all c o n tin u e to e x e r c ise an d e n jo y th e ir p o w e r s a n d p r iv ile g e s a c c o r d in g to th e ir r e s p e c tiv e ch a rte rs, and sh all b e su b je c t to a ll th e lia b ilitie s im p o s e d by p o w e r s , p r iv ile g e s a n d th e sa m e , except so fa r as said lia b ilitie s are m o d ifie d and c o n tr o lle d b y th e p r o v isio n s o f th is a ct. S e c t . 2. E v e r y su ch co rp o ra tio n m a y m a k e lo a n s o f m o n e y sec u red b y d e e d o f tr u st o r m o r tg a g e o f real esta te situ a ted in a n y s ta te , o th e r th an th is C o m m o n w e a lth , o r te r r ito r y o f th e U n it e d S ta te s to an a m o u n t n o t e x c e e d in g fifty p e r c e n t, o f th e a p p ra ised v a lu e o f said p r o p e r t y ; b u t n o lo a n sh all b e m a d e on a n y p r o p e r ty su b je c t to a p r io r m o r t g a g e , e n cu m b ra n ce o r lie n . E v e r y su ch c o r p o r a tio n m a y a lso h o ld , sell and a ssig n th e b o n d s , n o t e s , m o r tg a g e s a n d se c u ritie s ta k e n fo r su ch lo a n s ; m a y g u a r an tee th e p a y m e n t o f th e in te r e st an d p r in c ip a l o f a n y b o n d s , n o te s o r o th e r e v id e n c e s o f d e b t se c u re d as a fo re s a id , an d m a y g u a ra n te e th e title t o th e p r o p e r ty se c u r in g su ch e v id e n c e s o f u n p a id : debt fo r th e tim e su ch d e b t r em a in s p r o v id ed , th a t n o th in g co n ta in e d in th is a ct sh all Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis A P P E N D IX . XX b e c o n stru e d as a u th o rizin g su ch c o r p o ra tio n s to e n g a g e in th e b u sin e ss o f title in su ra n c e. Sect. 3. E v e r y su ch c o r p o ra tio n m a y p u rc h a se , h o ld , g u a r a n te e , s e ll and a ssig n n o te s o r b o n d s , and th e m o r t g a g e s o r d e e d s o f tr u s t se c u r in g th e sa m e , or o th er p a p e rs se c u r in g a n y lo a n m a d e b y a n y in d iv id u a l, firm , c o r p o r a tio n o r a sso c ia tio n , p r o v id e d su ch loan sh a ll h av e b e e n m a d e in a cco rd a n c e w ith th e c o n d itio n s u n d e r w h ich su ch c o r p o ra tio n s can m a k e lo a n s, as p r e sc r ib e d in se c tio n tw o o f th is a ct. Sect. 4. E v e r y su ch co rp o ra tio n m a y re c e iv e m o n e y fr o m a n y in d iv id u a l, firm , c o rp o ra tio n o r a sso c ia tio n , fo r in v e s tm e n t in th e sec u rities w h ic h by th is a ct a u th o rize d to se ll su ch c o r p o ra tio n s are o r is s u e , and m ay a llo w in te r e st on su ch m o n e y fr o m th e tim e o f its r e c e ip t to th e tim e o f its in v e s tm e n t as a fo re sa id , at su ch rate fis m a y b e a g re e d u p o n ; m a y r e c e iv e , care fo r , m a n a g e an d sell s to c k s , b o n d s and ev id e n c e s o f d e b t, th e a v a ils o f w h ich are in te n d e d fo r in v e stm e n t as a fo re sa id . No su ch c o r p o r a tio n sh all re c e iv e m o n e y on d e p o s it , e x c e p t as h e r e in b e fo re p r o v id e d , o r e n g a g e in a n y fo r m o f b a n k in g o r tr u st b u sin e ss o th e r than as p e r m itte d b y th e te r m s o f th is a c t. Sect. 5. E v e r y su ch c o rp o ra tio n m a y act as a g e n t fo r th e p u r p o se o f fo r e c lo s in g m o r tg a g e s and c o lle c tin g cla im s a risin g b y rea so n o f a n y e v id e n c e o f d e b t d e p o site d w ith it u n d er th e p r o v isio n s o f se c tio n fo u r o f th is act ; m a y p u rch ase real e sta te at a n y p u b lic a u c tio n sale th e r e o f m a d e b y v irtu e o f th e p o w e r co n ta in e d in a n y d eed o f tr u s t o r m o r tg a g e o w n e d , h e ld o r g u a r a n te e d b y i t , o r at a p riv a te sale th e r e o f m a d e fo r th e p u r p o s e o f ca n c e llin g th e debt sec u red b y a n y su ch deed o f tr u s t or m o r t g a g e ; m a y h o ld , s e ll, tr a n sfe r a n d c o n v e y said p r o p e r ty : p ro v id ed , all rea l e sta te p u rch a se d o r a cq u ire d u n d e r th e p r o v is io n s o f th is sec tio n sh all b e so ld w ith in five y e a r s a fte r su ch p u rch ase o r a c q u isitio n . Sect. 6. E very su ch c o r p o ra tio n m a y issu e deben tu re s o r b o n d s , to sec u re th e p a y m e n t o f w h ic h , su ch c o r - Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis APPEN D IX. p o r a tio n shall fr o m xxi tim e to tim e a ssig n , tra n sfe r and set o v e r to tr u s te e s , n on e o f w h o m sh all b e officers o f th e c o r p o ra tio n , o r to a tr u st c o m p a n y esta b lish e d u n d e r th e law s o f th is C o m m o n w e a lth , d eed s o f tr u s t or m o r tg a g e s o f rea l esta te on w h ich lo a n s h av e b een m a d e in a cco rd ance w ith th e p r o v isio n s o f th is a c t, to b e h eld b y su ch tr u ste e s o r c o m p a n y in tr u st fo r th e b en efit o f the h o ld e rs o f said d e b e n tu re s or b o n d s , w h e re u p o n su ch tru ste e s o r . c o m p a n y sh all in d o rse th e ir or its certificate o f su ch fact u p o n d e b e n tu r e s o r b o n d s n o t e x c e e d in g in a m o u n t th e face v a lu e o f sec u ritie s so tra n sfe rred to th em o r it. Sect. 7. T h e to ta l a m o u n t o f m o r tg a g e s g u a ra n te e d an d o f d e b e n tu re s or b o n d s issu e d b y a n y su ch c o r p o ra tio n sh all at n o tim e b e in e x c e ss o f ten tim e s th e a m o u n t o f its ca p ita l s to c k a c tu a lly p a id in and its su rp lu s. Se c t. 8. ta k e n A l l b o n d s , n o te s an d o th e r e v id e n c e s o f d e b t b y su ch c o r p o ra tio n fo r m o n e y lo a n e d sh all be p a y a b le to su ch c o rp o ra tio n at its p rin c ip a l p la c e o f b u si n ess w ith in th is C o m m o n w e a lth , and sh all p a ss b y de li v e r y , b y tra n sfe r on th e b o o k s o f su ch co rp o ra tio n at its p r in c ip a l p la c e o f b u sin e ss w ith in th is C o m m o n w e a lth , o r b y certificate o f its tra n sfe r a g e n t at su ch o th e r p lace as it m a y a p p o in t. N o tra n sfe r e x c e p t on th e b o o k s o f th e by c o r p o ra tio n or certificate of its tra n sfe r a g e n t, sh all b e v a lid u n le ss th e last tra n sfe r sh all h a v e b e e n to b e a re r. A c o m p le te r e c o r d o f su ch tra n sfe r b y said tran s fe r a g e n ts sh all b e fo rw a rd e d to an d k e p t a t th e p rin c ip a l p la c e o f b u s in e s s o f su ch c o rp o ra tio n w ith in th is C om m o n w e a lth . S e c t . 9. E v e r y such c o r p o ra tio n m a y h o ld real estate w ith in th is C o m m o n w e a lth su ita b le fo r th e tra n sa ctio n o f its b u s in e s s , to an a m o u n t n o t e x c e e d in g t w e n ty -fiv e p e r c e n t, o f its ca p ita l a c tu a lly p a id in . S ect . 10. N o su ch c o r p o ra tio n sh all be th e p u rch ase r o r h o ld e r o f a n y o f th e sh ares o f its o w n ca p ita l s to c k , u n le s s su ch p u rch ase sh all b e n e c e ssa r y to p r e v e n t lo ss u p o n a d e b t p r e v io u s ly c o n tra c te d in g o o d faith ; an d s to c k Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis xxii A P P E N D IX . so p u rc h a se d sh a ll, w ith in s ix m o n th s fr o m th e tim e o f its p u r c h a se , b e so ld or d isp o se d of a t p u b lic or p r iv a te sa le . S e c t . 11. T h e sh a reh o ld ers o f e v e r y su ch c o r p o ra tio n sh all b e h e ld in d iv id u a lly lia b le in th e sam e m a n n e r an d to th e sa m e e x t e n t, an d n o t o th e r w ise , as sto c k h o ld e r s o f m a n u fa c tu rin g co rp o ra tio n s are or m ay u n d e r th e la w s o f th is C o m m o n w e a lth . c o n ta in e d in se c tio n s s i x t y -t w o to be h e ld lia b le T h e p r o v is io n s s e v e n t y -o n e in c lu siv e o f ch a p te r o n e h u n d re d a n d s ix o f th e P u b lic S ta tu te s sh all a p p ly to an d r e g u la te th e e n fo r c e m e n t o f th is lia b ilit y . S e c t . 12. E v e r y su ch co rp o ra tio n sh a ll se t a p art as a g u a r a n ty fu n d a su m n o t le ss th an live p e r c e n t, o f its p a id in c a p ita l, and sh all th e re a fte r a n n u a lly ad d th e r e to a s u m n o t le ss th an ten p e r c e n t, o f its n et e a r n in g s , u n til su ch fu n d , w ith th e a cc u m u la te d in te r e st th e r e o n , sh all b e eq u a l to n o t le ss th an t w e n t y -liv e p e r c e n t, o f its p a id in c a p ita l. S a id fu n d sh all be in v e s te d in U n it e d S ta te s b o n d s ; E n g lis h c o n so ls ; first m o r tg a g e b o n d s o f a n y ra il ro a d c o r p o ra tio n w h ich has p a id a d iv id e n d on its sto c k fo r at le a st th re e y e a r s n e x t p r e c e d in g th e date o f sa id i n v e s t m e n t ; in th e le g a lly a u th o riz e d b o n d s fo r m u n ic ip a l p u r p o se s o f a n y c it y o f th e U n it e d S ta te s o f n o t le ss th an t h ir t y th o u sa n d in h a b ita n ts sh a ll n o t e x c e e d five p e r c e n t, w h o se w h o le in d e b te d n e ss o f its la st a sse sse d v a lu a tio n ; o r in a n y se c u rities in w h ich sa v in g s b a n k s o f th is C o m m o n w e a lth are a llo w e d to in v e s t. S e c t . 13. T h e b o o k s o f e v e r y su ch c o r p o ra tio n sh all a t a ll re a so n a b le tim e s b e o p e n fo r in sp e c tio n to th e s t o c k h o ld e r s and to all h o ld e r s o f b o n d s and d e b e n tu r e s issu e d b y su ch c o r p o r a tio n , o r o f n o te s an d o th e r e v id e n c e s o f d e b t g u a ra n te e d b y su ch c o r p o r a tio n . S e c t . 14. T h e c o m m issio n e r s o f s a v in g s b a n k s sh all h av e acce ss to th e v a u lt s , b o o k s and p a p e r s o f e v e r y su ch c o r p o r a t io n ; an d it sh all b e th e ir d u t y to in s p e c t, e x a m in e an d in q u ire in to its affairs an d ta k e p r o c e e d in g s in re g a r d to th e m at su ch tim e s as th e y sh a ll d e e m n e c e s s a r y , Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis xxm A P P E N D IX . in th e sam e m a n n e r and to th e sam e e x te n t as i f su ch c o rp o ra tio n w a s a sa y in g s b a n k , su b je c t to all th e law s w h ich are n o w o r h erea fter m a y be in fo rce r e la tin g to su ch in s titu tio n s in th is re g a rd : p rov id ed , however, said c o m m is s io n e r s m a y cau se a n y e x a m in a tio n to b e m a d e b y an e x p e r t u n d e r th e ir d ire c tio n b u t at th e e x p e n se o f th e c o r p o ra tio n . E very su ch co rp o ra tio n sh all a n n u a lly , w ith in ten d a y s a fter th e la st b u sin e ss d a y o f O c t o b e r , m a k e a retu rn to said c o m m is s io n e r s , w h ich re tu rn shall b e in th e fo r m o f a tria l b a la n ce o f its b o o k s , an d sh all s p e c ify th e d ifferen t k in d s o f its lia b ilitie s and th e d iffer en t k in d s o f its a s se ts, sta tin g th e a m o u n t o f each k in d in a cco rd a n c e w ith a b la n k fo r m to be fu rn ish ed b y said c o m m is s io n e r s , and su ch ann u al retu rn s sh all b e p u b lish e d in a n e w sp a p e r o f th e c ity o r to w n w h ere su ch c o rp o ra tio n is lo c a te d , at th e e x p e n se o f su ch c o r p o r a tio n , at tim e s and in su ch m a n n e r as m a y b e c o m m is s io n e r s . d ire c te d by su ch said S a id c o m m issio n e r s shall a n n u a lly m a k e r e p o r t to th e g e n e ra l co u rt o f su ch facts and sta te m e n ts r e s p e c tin g su ch c o r p o r a tio n s, an d in su ch fo r m s as th e y d e e m th at th e p u b lic in te re st r e q u ire s. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis » •*' !C: ■'/'•«?•->* 111 , ' ' ; ; ' ( r ' . :^ v v : : / km - f '- M f i ¡¡¿L ' : •■ • . Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 75 v * ' " -• i t \ ! / , :' '..."f ■ ‘ '• Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis GENERAL INDEX. PA G E General remarks on Co-operative B a n k s , ............................................. iii “ “ Loan C om p a n ies,....................................................... ix “ “ Mortgage, Loan and Investment Companies, ix . Annual Eeports o f Co-operative B a n k s , .............................................5-207 “ “ Loan Companies.............................................................212-213 “ “ Mortgage, Loan and Investment Companies, .214-217 Aggregate Statement o f Co-operative B a n k s , .................................... 209 A P P E N D I X PA G E Statutes relating to Co-operative B a n k s , ............................................. “ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis “ Mortgage, Loan and Investment Companies, . iii xix IN D EX X X V ll IN D E X TO THE ANNUAL REPORTS. [Alphabetically by Location.] CO-OPERATIVE BANKS. CORPORATE L O C A T IO N . Amesbury, . Arlington, . Athol............................. Baldwinsville, Beverly, Boston, 1 Brockton, Cambridge, . Chelsea, Clinton, Dedham, East Cambridge, Everett, . Fall River, . Fitchburg, . Foxborough, Franklin, Gardner, Gloucester, . Grafton, Great Barrington, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis PAGE NAM E. Amesbhry Co-operative Bank, 44 Arlington “ 44 Athol “ 4« Baldwinsville “ 44 Beverly “ (4 Allston “ 44 Boston “ 44 Dorchester “ 44 Enterprise “ 44 Federal “ 44 Germania “ 44 Guardian “ 44 Homestead “ 44 Merchants’ “ 44 Pioneer “ 44 Roxbury “ 44 Suffolk 44 Volunteer “ 44 West Roxbury “ 44 Workingmen’s “ 44 Campello “ Security “ 44 Reliance “ 44 Provident “ “ Clinton “ 44 Dedham “ 44 Cambridge “ 44 Everett “ 44 ' Fall River “ 44 People’s “ 44 . Troy “ 44 ' Fidelity “ 44 i Fitchburg “ 44 Foxborough “ 44 Dean fi . Franklin “ 44 Gardner “ 44 Gloucester “ Grafton “ Housatonic “ • • 7 9 11 13 15 5 17 35 39 49 61 67 81 109 137 153 177 183 197 207 23 159 151 143 29 33 21 45 47 135 181 51 53 55 31 57 59 63 65 • 83 IN DEX XXV 111 L O C A T IO N . Haverhill, . Hingham, Holbrook, . . Holyoke, Hudson, Hyde Park, . Lawrence, Leominster, . Lowell, Lynn, . Malden, Mansfield, . Marblehead, Marlborough, Medford, Melrose, Merrimac, . Middleborough, . Milford, Natick,. New Bedford, Newburyport, Newton, North Abington, . Northampton, North Dighton, . North Easton, Norwood, Orange, Peabody, Pittsfield, Plymouth, . Quincy, Randolph, . Reading, Salem, . Sandwich, . Somerville, . South Braintree, . South Framingham, South Weymouth, Spencer, Springfield, . Stoneham, . Stoughton, . Taunton, Wakefield, . Waltham, . Watertown, . Webster, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis CORPORATE TACE NAM E. f Citizens’ Co-operative Bank, << 1 Haverhill “ ti a Hingham tt Holbrook “ tt (City u 1 Holyoke “ a Hudson “ tt “ Hyde Park Lawrence tt Leominster it “ Lowell tt Equitable “ a “ Malden a “ Mansfield tt if Marblehead u Marlborough tt “ Medford tt Melrose a Economy “ << Middleborough ft Milford Co-operative Bank, a . Henry Wilson a tt f Acushnet 1 New Bedford “ Newburyport “ tt u . Newton u North Abington « tt it Northampton tt . North Dighton “ tt . North Easton tt tt a . Norwood tt tt . Orange tt . Peabody “ tt . Pittsfield tt . Plymouth tt _ ( Quincy tt 1 Wollaston tt . Randolph tt n . Reading n . Salem tt . Sandwich tt . Somerville tt . Braintree “ . South Framingham Co-operative Bank, tt tt . South Weymouth tt tt . Spencer a tt . Springfield a tt . Stoneham tt a . Stoughton tt tt r Mechanics’ tt a \ . . t Taunton tt tt l Weir a “ . Wakefield tt tt . Waltham tt tt Watertown tt “ . Webster . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 69 73 75 27 77 85 87 89 91 93 41 95 97 99 101 105 107 37 I ll 113 71 3 115 117 119 121 123 125 127 129 131 133 139 141 145 203 147 149 155 157 161 19 163 167 169 171 175 177 103 179 193 185 187 189 191 xxix IN D EX. L O C A T IO N . Westfield, W eymouth,. Whitman, . Woburn, Worcester, . PAGE CORPORATE N AM E. . Westfield Co-operative Bank, . South Shore “ “ . Whitman “ “ . Woburn “ “ (•Equity “ . |Home “ “ 1Worcester “ “ . .................................. 195 .................................. 165 .................................. 199 .................................. 201 .................................. 43 .................................. 79 ..................................205 COLLATERAL LOAN COMPANIES. t Collateral Loan C o m p a n y , .......................................... , 212 . 213 1 Workingmen’s Loan Association, . Boston, MORTGAGE LOAN AND INVESTMENT COMPANIES. Boston, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ( Globe Investment C o m p a n y , .......................................... , 214 216 1 National Mortgage and Debenture Company, . IN DEX XXX IN D E X TO THE ANNUAL DEPORTS. [Alphabetically by Corporate Name.] CO-OPERATIVE BANKS. C O R P O R A TE NAM E Acushnet Co-operative Bank, Allston “ “ Amesbury “ “ Arlington “ “ Athol “ “ Baldwinsville “ “ Beverly “ “ Boston “ “ Braintree “ “ Cambridge “ “ Campello “ “ Citizens’ “ “ City “ “ Clinton “ “ Dean “ “ Dedham “ “ Dorchester “ “ Economy “ “ Enterprise “ “ Equitable “ “ Equity “ “ Everett “ “ Fall River “ “ Federal “ “ Fidelity “ “ Fitchburg “ “ Foxborough “ “ Franklin “ “ Gardner “ “ Germania “ “ Gloucester “ “ Grafton “ “ Guardian “ “ Haverhill “ “ Henry Wilson “ “ Hingham “ “ Holbrook “ “ Holyoke “ “ Home “ “ Homestead “ “ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis L O C A T IO N . New Bedford, Boston, . Amesbury, . Arlington, Athol, . Baldwinsville, Beverly, Boston, . South Braintree, . East Cambridge, . Brockton, Haverhill, Holyoke, Clinton, . Franklin, Dedham, Boston, . Merrimac, East Boston, . Lynn, Worcester, Everett, . Fall River, . Boston, . Fitchburg, Fitchburg, Foxborough, . Franklin, Gardner, Boston, . Gloucester, Grafton,. Boston, . Haverhill, Natick, . *. Hingham, Holbrook, Holyoke, Worcester, Boston, . PAG E 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 43 45 47 49 51 53 55 57 59 61 63 65 67 69 71 73 75 77 79 81 IN D EX CORPORATE NAM E. Housatonic Co-operative Bank, Hudson “ “ Hyde Park “ “ Lawrence “ “ Leominster “ “ Lowell “ “ . Malden “ “ . Mansfield “ “ Marblehead “ “ Marlborough “ “ Mechanics’ ’“ “ Medford “ “ Melrose “ “ . Merchants’ “ “ Middleborough Co-operative Bank, Milford New Bedford “ “ Newburyport “ “ Newton “ “ North Abington “ “ Northampton “ “ North Dighton “ “ North Easton “ “ Norwood “ Orange “ “ Peabody “ “ People’s “ “ Pioneer “ “ Pittsfield “ “ Plymouth “ Provident “ “ Quincy “ “ Randolph “ Reading “ “ Reliance “ “ Roxbury “ “ Salem “ “ Sandwich “ “ Security “ “ Somerville “ “ South Framingham “ “ South Shore “ “ South Weymouth “ “ Spencer “ “ Springfield Stoneham “ “ Stoughton “ “ Suffolk “ “ Taunton “ “ Troy Volunteer “ “ Wakefield Waltham “ “ Watertown “ “ Webster “ “ Weir “ “ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis XXXI PAGE L O C A T IO N . Great Barrington, . Hudson,. Hyde Park, . Lawrence, Leominster, . Lowrell, . . . . Malden, . Mansfield, Marblehead, . Marlborough, Taunton, Medford, Melrose, Boston, . Middleborough, Milford, . New Bedford, Newburyport, Newton, North Abington, . Northampton, North Dighton, North Easton, Norwood, Orange, . . . Peabody, Fall River, Boston, . Pittsfield, Plymouth, Chelsea, Quincy, . Randolph, Reading, Cambridge, . Boston, . Salem, . . Sandwich, Brockton, Somerville, . South Framingham, Weymouth, . South Weymouth, Spencer,. Springfield, . Stoneham, Stoughton, Boston, . Taunton, Fall River, . Boston, . Wakefield, Waltham, Watertown, . Webster, Taunton, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83 85 87 89 91 93 95 97 99 101 103 105 107 109 I ll 113 115 117 119 121 123 125 127 129 131 133 135 137 139 141 143 145 147 . 149 . 151 . 153 . 155 . 157 . 159 . 161 . 163 . 165 . 167 . 169 . 171 . 173 . 175 . 177 . , 179 . 181 . 183 . 185 . 187 . 189 . 191 . 193 xxxn IN D EX CORPORATE NAM E. Westfield Co-operative Bank, . West Roxbury “ “ . Whitman “ “ Woburn “ “ Wollaston “ “ Worcester “ “ . Workingmen’s “ “ L O C A T IO N . . . . . . . . . . PAGE Westfield, Boston, . Whitman, Woburn, Quincy, . Worcester, Boston, . . . . . . . . 1'95 197 199 201 203 205 207 COLLATERAL LOAN COMPANIES. Collateral Loan C o m p a n y , ...........................................Boston, . Workingmen’s Loan A s s o c ia t io n ,..................................Boston, . . . . . . . 212 213 MORTGAGE LOAN AND INVESTMENT COMPANIES. Globe Investment C o m p a n y ,.......................................... Boston, . . . . National Mortgage and Debenture Company, . . . Boston, . . . . Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 214 216