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Public Document No. 8 AN NU AL REPORT -T a ax BANK COMMISSIONER 1915. P. A . R . T RELATING TO. SAVINGS BANKS, INSTITUTIONS FOÎt SAVINGS, .TRUST! /.'pjvIPANIES AND FOREIGN BANÉTîÎG îVjR V©jfÂj*IÔN S *,\ BOSTON: WRIGHT & POTTER PRINTING CO., STATE PRINTERS, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 32 DERNE STREET. 1916. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis : * ; A^^of e» . by; Th» SxAyfi .Board of P ublication. tA3Sr Is) l Sv •' ®l)c Commonwealth of iflaesadiusctts. O f f ic e B a n k C o m m is s io n e r , S t a t e H o u s e , January 19, of the 1916. To the General Court of Massachusetts. The annual report of this department is herewith submitted under the requirements of section 15, chapter 590, Acts of 1908, and exhibits the condition of savings banks, co-operative banks, credit unions and savings and loan associations as disclosed by their annual returns of October 30, 1915, and also of trust companies at the date of each of the five calls during the past year. The report will, as heretofore, consist of two parts: Part I. re lating to savings banks and trust companies, and Part II. relating to co-operative banks, credit unions, and savings and loan associa tions. The customary consolidated statements covering transactions of savings banks and trust companies follow this report. G eneral Statement . 4 The aggregate assets of the various companies or individuals under the supervision of the department, compiled from their last reports, are as follows: — Assets. $1,005,591,641 93 195 savings banks, . . . . . . 30,720,795 00 Massachusetts Hospital Life Insurance Company, . 563,595,110 89 77 trust companies, . . . . . . 101,543,317 55 179 co-operative banks, . . . . . 431,599 48 47 credit unions, . . . 1,899,614 94 3 savings and loan associations, 1,739,542 26 1 foreign banking corporation, . . . . 1,088,124 00 88 steamship agents, receiving deposits of, . Increase. $33,963,113 59,236 90,138,709 10,761,847 152,241 79,200 661,643 167,310 42 92 69 13 25 59 10 00 1 591 institutions and agents under the supervision of $1,706,609,746 05 this department, . . . . . $135,648,682 10 Total increase (5), Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1 Decrease. IV REPO RT OF THE [Pub. Doc. The 195 savings banks now doing business report assets amount ing to over $1,005,000,000 and deposits amounting to over $928,000,000, represented by 2,349,207 accounts, an average of about $395 to each account. As compared with the same items as reported in 1905 the figures show an increase in ten years of 519,721 in the number of depositors’ accounts, an increase of $266,022,342 in amount due depositors, and an increase of $33 in the average to each account. The guaranty fund, amounting to $44,398,015.35, is 4.78 per cent, of the amount due depositors. During the past year there has been placed to the credit of depositors over $35,400,000 in dividends. There are 77 trust companies with total assets amounting to $442,207,119 in their banking departments only. These figures show an increase during the past ten years of 33 in number and $217,894,127 in assets. In their savings and trust departments the trust companies now doing business report assets amounting to $121,387,991. The increase of the assets held in trust departments during, the last ten years was $68,858,346, the present assets being more than 350 per cent, in excess of the amount held ten years ago. The increase in the total assets of all departments amounts to more than $312,000,000 and to 248,200 in the number of depositors. There are now 179 co-operative banks doing business in this Com monwealth with total assets of about $101,500,000, an increase of 49 in number and $62,819,000 in assets over those reported ten years ago. There are 47 credit unions doing business, with aggregate assets of $431,599.48, showing an increase during the past year of $152,241.25 in assets, but a decrease of 3 in number. The combined assets of the savings banks, the trust companies, and the co-operative banks, together with the Massachusetts Hos pital Life Insurance Company and the branch of the Bank of Nova Scotia, all of which are under the supervision of this department, amount to $1,703,190,407.63. This is an increase of more than $135,000,000 since a year ago and an increase of over $675,000,000 in ten years. This vast aggregation belongs to about 2,900,000 depositors and shareholders, whose number has increased nearly 900,000 in ten years. In addition to these 453 institutions which do a banking business as ordinarily understood, there are 3 savings and loan associations, 88 steamship agents who receive deposits of money for safekeeping or transmission abroad, and 47 credit unions whose affairs are Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis No. 8.] BANK COMMISSIONER. v supervised and whose books and accounts are examined, making a total of 591 institutions and agents under the supervision of this department. Since 1911 the Legislature has greatly enlarged the scope of this department by increasing the requirements not only as to super vision but by adding thereto auditing and details of control, and by so doing has apparently given a moral assurance to the depositors in these institutions that they are conducted according to law and are safe and sound, and that the Commonwealth would see to it that they will be properly carried on. The augmented duties so prescribed have therefore greatly increased the moral respon sibility and care of the Bank Commissioner. For this reason and by reason of the fact that State supervision and control gives credit to institutions so subject to the oversight of the Commissioner, it would seem wise not to extend such supervision to other institu tions that are not engaged in ordinary banking on customary bank ing principles. The following laws show the trend of the Commonwealth in placing safeguards around these institutions, and indicate the extent of the duty to be performed in protecting depositors and shareholders: — Sections 40 and 41 of chapter 623 of the Acts of 1912 provide for an examination and audit of every co-operative bank, a small part of the expense of which is borne by the bank so audited. Chapter 629 of the Acts of 1912 permits savings banks, if they so desire, to be audited by the Bank Commissioner’s department, the expense of which is borne by the savings bank so audited; this audit is in addition to the regular examination required by law. Chapter 409 of the Acts of 1913 gives the same right to trust companies in regard to an audit by this department as in the case of savings banks. Chapter 121 of the Acts of 1912 placed the three savings and loan associations transacting business in this Commonwealth under the supervision of the Bank Commissioner. Chapter 399 of the Acts of 1910, as amended by chapter 472 of the Acts of 1912 and chapter 177 of the Acts of 1913, empowers the Bank Commissioner to take possession of an institution which is in an unsound or unsafe condition, or when it is considered inexpedient for it to continue business, thereby saving to the depositors the expense of a receiver or liquidator. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis VI REPORT OF THE [Pub. Doc. Chapter 268 of the Acts of 1915 provides that an examination of the books and affairs of credit unions be made by this department. The affairs of the steamship agents who receive money for safe keeping or transmission abroad are examined to determine the amount of the bond required to ensure the repayment of money deposited or safe carriage of money entrusted for transmission. That audits by this department authorized by the laws of 1912 and 1913 are favorably regarded by the banks is indicated by the fact that 60 savings banks and 37 trust companies have availed themselves of such privilege. Over $30,000 in fees for audits by this department and license fees from steamship agents and registration of public accountants have been paid over to the Treasurer and Receiver-General during the year. T o carry out the duties imposed by law upon the Bank Commis sioner necessitates a force of nearly sixty persons, which is more than twice the number employed to do the lesser duties in 1911, before the enactments of the Legislature in enlarging the scope of the depart ment. By reason of the training acquired by the employees and the opportunity which they have for coming under the favorable ob servation of managers of banks, it has been possible to secure men at salaries which are not commensurate with the ability required. There is, however, a distinct disadvantage to the efficiency of the department inasmuch as lucrative positions are offered and have been frequently accepted by men who have become proficient in their work. Savings B an ks . Lincoln Savings Bank. The Lincoln Savings Bank of Boston was granted a certificate by the Board of Bank Incorporation on October 13, 1915, but it had not commenced business up to the date of this report. Lafayette Savings Bank. The affairs relating to this bank, which came into the possession of the Bank Commissioner September 15, 1914, are in litigation. Counsel representing the Bank Commissioner is making every eff rt to bring matters to a satisfactory conclusion for the benefit of the depositors. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis BANK COMMISSIONER. No. 8.] Vll Wales Savings Bank. The affairs of this bank, which is in voluntary liquidation, remain practically unchanged since the time of the last annual report, the depositors at that time having received the full amount of their deposits. The depositors will still receive a small additional amount when the liquidation is completed, and it is hoped that this amount will be paid to them during this year. T rust C ompanies . Following is a list of trust companies which have commenced business during the year 1915: — Commercial Trust Company. First W ard Trust Company of B osto n .1 Park Trust Company. Prudential Trust Company. Quincy Trust Company. Randolph Trust Company. Satucket Trust C om pany.2 A certificate was issued in 1914 by the Board of Bank Incorpora tion to the Hanover Trust Company that public convenience and advantage would be promoted by the establishment of said trust company, but said company has not commenced business at the close of this year. Permission has been granted by the same Board to the following trust companies to establish branch offices: — Beverly Trust Company. Granite Trust Company. Metropolitan Trust Company. Fitchburg Trust Company. On January 17, 1906, this company was placed in voluntary liquid ation, and its affairs were finally closed by the liquidating agent on April 30, 1915. The claims of depositors were paid in full and the following dividends were paid to stockholders: November 22, 1911, $20 per share; April 30, 1915, $6.14 per share, making a total of $26.14 per share returned to stockholders. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1 Name changed to Metropolitan Trust Company. * Name changed to Bridgewater Trust Company. REPO RT OF THE Vlll [Pub. Doc. This department, in connection with and in addition to the usual examination of trust companies, has audited the books and accounts of 37 companies, which by their stockholders’ examining committee availed themselves of the provisions of chapter 409 of the Acts of 1913. The Old Colony Trust Company has taken advantage of chapter 537 of the Acts of 1914, and become a stockholder in a federal reserve bank. Applications have been received by the Board of Bank Incorporation from the stockholders of the Hingham National Bank and the First National Bank of South Weymouth for certificates to be established as trust companies. Hearings have been held and the Board voted that upon receipt of an attested copy of a vote of the stockholders to liquidate the affairs of the above-named banks the Board will issue its certificate that public convenience and advantage would be promoted by the establishment of trust companies in place thereof. M atured Shares in C o- operative B an ks . By an act of Legislature passed in 1915 co-operative banks were permitted to allow members whose shares have reached the matured value of $200 each the option of leaving some of these shares as an investment in the bank. Shareholders in 60 co-operative banks have availed themselves of this privilege, and these shareholders own 8,078 shares, valued at $1,615,600. These matured shares, upon which no periodical pay ment of dues is required, are represented by matured share certifi cates, and the return to the shareholders owning them is about one-half per cent, less than the regular dividend credited to those shareholders who pay monthly dues on unmatured shares. E xamination of the A ffairs G eneral T reasurer C ommonwealth . of the of the and R eceiver - An examination was made during the month of January, for the joint committee on ways and means, under the provisions of chapter 414 of the Acts of 1908, at the incoming of the new State Treasurer. For some years past this department, in addition to its prescribed duties, has, at the request of the Governor and Council, made the examination required by section 68 of chapter 6 of the Revised Laws. The report of this examination was submitted for the close of busi- Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis No. 8.] BANK COMMISSIONER. IX ness August 28. The expense of making these two examinations, and each time verifying more than $56,000,000 in cash and securities in the treasury of the Commonwealth, has aggregated nearly $500. These examinations, but one of which is imposed by law upon this department, are now considered regular duties. Savings B ank L ife I nsurance . The seventh full financial year of Savings Bank Life Insurance ended October 31, 1915. This report includes the annual statement for the year of the four banks which have undertaken the business of life insurance under chapter 561 of the Acts of 1907. The four banks are the Whitman Savings Bank of Whitman, the People’s Savings Bank of Brockton, the Berkshire County Savings Bank of Pittsfield and the City Savings Bank of Pittsfield. These banks issued during the year ending October 31, 1915, 2,539 policies; representing $1,125,673 of insurance. There were also 29 old policies revived, amounting to $11,117 or insurance. The net gain is 1,435 policies for $774,427 of insurance. There were in force in all four banks on October 31, 1915, 10,892 policies for $4,341,205 insurance, with annuities representing annual payments of $30,083. These banks are prohibited from employing solicitors or house-tohouse collectors of premiums. The largest single portion of the expense to the policy holder is thus removed. The savings bank life insurance plan appeals to the people on the basis of thrift, and especially to the savings bank depositors. It is recognized that some inexpensive substitute must be provided for the soliciting agent, consequently the banks are permitted to establish agencies through out the State in mills, shops and factories, and public places, in cluding other savings banks and trust companies. The mechanism whereby these agencies serve as feeders to the insurance banks is simple: an employer becomes an agency for the insurance banks by signing agency agreements in which he agrees to collect the premiums from his employees on their policies and remit them to the banks once a month.' The employer appoints an agency secretary, usually the paymaster, and the agency is entitled to 2 per cent, of the collections so made. M ost of the employers waive this collection fee in order that they may say to their employees that the service is rendered absolutely without compensation to the employer, while Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis X REPO RT OF THE [Pub. Doc. other employers take the collection fee and give it as additional compensation to the agency secretary. The employee usually signs an authorization which is handed to the paymaster and authorizes him to deduct the amount of the premium from the pay envelope when the premium comes due. Thus the evil of lapsing policies, which was ever-present in the private industrial companies, and formed a large part of the cause of the high cost of insurance, is mitigated in the banks; and the initiative to lapse the policy is placed on the employee, because his authorization acts until he revokes it, whereas in the companies the policy holder must take the initiative to pay his premium; if he does not, his policy lapses. Premiums are also paid direct to the banks or to a public agency. There are to-day throughout the State about 220 agencies in mills, shops and factories; there are 28 public agencies, 13 in trust com panies, one in a national bank, and 17 other public agencies. The public agencies in banks and trust companies are: — Attleboro Trust Company. Ludlow Savings Bank. Beverly Savings Bank. Malden Trust Company. Beverly Trust Company. Melrose Savings Bank. Bridgewater Savings Bank. Merrimac Savings Bank. Cambridgeport Savings Bank. Needham Trust Company. Cape Ann Savings Bank, Gloucester. Newburyport Five Cents Savings Bank. Central National Bank, Lynn. Newton Trust Company. Charlestown Trust Company. North Adams Savings Bank. Chicopee Savings Bank. Provident Chicopee Falls Savings Bank. Institution for Savings, Amesbury. Cosmopolitan Trust Company, Boston. Quincy Trust Company. County Savings Bank, Chelsea. Rockland Savings Bank. East Bridgewater Savings Bank. Shelburne Falls Savings Bank. East W eym outh Savings Bank. South W eym outh Savings Bank. Everett Trust Company. Tremont Trust Company, Boston. Florence Savings Bank. Union Trust Company, Springfield. Foxborough Savings Bank. W altham Trust Company. Framingham Trust Company. Ware Savings Bank. Gardner Savings Bank. W ashington Savingslnstitution, Lowell. Great Barrington Savings Bank. Webster Savings Bank. Greenfield Savings Bank. Woronoco Savings Bank, Westfield. Holyoke Savings Bank. Chapter 246 of the Acts of 1914 amended section 15 of chapter 561 of the Acts of 1907 by requiring the mortality experience of all savings and insurance banks to be averaged and unified, so that it Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis No. 8.] BANK COMMISSIONER. xi makes no difference in what bank a death occurs, it is distributed over all banks. This applies only to the mortality experience and is in the interest of greater security; in all other respects the in surance departments are separate in their operation. The invest ments are in the same kind of securities as those of the savings banks. The system is entirely mutual and dividends are paid to policy holders every year. For the year November 1, 1914, to October 30, 1915, all four savings banks with insurance departments are paying to their policy holders extra dividends in addition to the regular dividends. These extra dividends are 75 per cent, of the regular dividends in all cases. The banks issue two forms of policies, monthly premium and annual premium policies. The monthly premium policies are de signed to take the place of the weekly premium policies issued by the companies and are issued at a net cost approximately 35 per cent, less than by the companies. Insurance on the monthly premium basis is principally for amounts less than $500, and is now issued from age two next birthday to age sixty-five next birthday. Annual premium policies are issued for amounts of $500 or $1,000, and with four banks issuing insurance a maximum of $4,000 in surance may be obtained. Annuities, both immediate and deferred, are issued, each bank being limited to a maximum yearly payment of $200. Insurance is also written on the group plan, and already several firms have availed themselves of this opportunity to obtain insurance for their employees. School Savings B anks . The law relative to the collection of savings from school children has now been in force for four years. On October 30, 1915, there were 57 savings banks receiving deposits of this nature. The reports of these banks show that deposits are being received from 461 schools located in 61 cities or towns, the system being operated in 3,303 schoolrooms. The total number of enrolled scholars in the 461 schools on October 30, 1915, was 140,012, and 68,780 of these were depositors in the school savings banks. The amount of deposits received from this source, and other information showing the results being obtained are given below : — Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis xii REPO RT OF THE [Pub. Doc. Number of deposits received from the inception of the system to October 30, 1 9 1 5 , ........................................................................... 1,968,096 Am ount of such d e p o s i t s , ........................................................................... 8670,003 34 Number of deposits received during the year ending October 30, 1 9 1 5 , ................................................................................................................. 531,764 Am ount of deposits received during the year ending October 30, 1 9 1 5 , .................................................................................................................... $173,219 78 Number of withdrawals (not including amounts transferred to savings bank pass books) from the inception of the system to October 30, 1 9 1 5 , ............................................................................................. 76,119 Am ount of such w i t h d r a w a l s , ..................................................................$149,474 01 Number of such withdrawals during the year ending October 30, 1 9 1 5 , .......................................................................................................... 22,272 Am ount of such w i t h d r a w a l s , ........................................................................$44,934 02 Am ount to the credit of depositors in the school savings banks on October 30, 1915, ' ...........................................................................................$70,755 90 Number of scholars to whom savings bank pass books have been issued from the inception of the system to October 30, 1915, . 62,812 Number to whom pass books have been issued during the year ending October 30, 1 9 1 5 , ................................................................................... 11,972 Am ount of deposits transferred from school savings banks to savings bank pass books from the inception of the system to October 30, 1 9 1 5 , ........................................................................................ $447,313 80 Am ount so transferred during year ending October 30, 1915, . $122,689 00 Dividends credited to school savings accounts during year end ing October 30, 1 9 1 5 ,................................................................................................. $863 44 C ertified Public A ccountants. The seventh examination of applicants for certificates as public accountants was held on October 13, 14, 15 and 16, 1915, when 88 persons presented themselves for examination. Sixteen of the appli cants succeeded in passing the examination, and as their qualifications as regards education and experience were deemed sufficient, they were granted certificates, so that on February 16, 1916, there were 134 public accountants holding certificates of registration under the laws of this Commonwealth. These examinations are conducted by a Board of Examiners appointed by and acting in conjunction wfith the Bank Commissioner. B oard of B ank I ncorporation. This Board, consisting of the Bank Commissioner, Treasurer and Receiver-General and the Commissioner of Corporations, is con stituted by chapter 590, Acts of 1908, to pass upon all applications for the establishment of domestic banking corporations. During Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis No. 8.] BANK COMMISSIONER. X lll the year 1915 the Board has held 34 meetings and heard 49 petitions, 27 of which were granted, 19 refused and 3 held in abeyance. These hearings have been upon 3 applications for new savings banks, 6 applications for new trust companies, 4 applications for new co operative banks and 21 applications for new credit unions, besides additional hearings held for the purpose of determining changes of name, operating trust departments and establishing branch offices. The Board also granted two petitions that were heard in 1914 and held in abeyance at the time of the last report. C redit U nions . Of the 50 credit unions whose statements of assets entered into the general statement of the aggregate assets of Credit Unions in 1914 but 47 are considered in 1915. The reports of the 47 unions show gross assets of $431,599.48, an increase of $152,241.25 since the previous report. A total membership of 7,846 is shown, an increase of 1,697. The total receipts during the year were $726,567.53, an increase of $155,508.32, and the total loans made were $501,348.75, an increase of $129,995.28. Total disbursements as dividends to shareholders were $13,382.80, and the total sum paid as interest on savings accounts was $3,057.62. The following is a list of the credit unions which have commenced business since October 31, 1914: — N am e. Antica-Eclano Credit Union, . . . . Asco Credit Union, . . . . . . Augustov Credit Union, . . . . . Boston & Maine R.R. Employees Credit Union, Federal Credit Union, . . . . . Regnillas Credit Union, . . . . . Suffolk Credit Union, . . . . . United Tailors’ Association Credit Union, Whitson Credit Union, . . . . . Winthrop Credit Union, . . . . . Worcester Central Labor Credit Union, Zion Credit Union, . . . . . . Location. Boston, . Boston, . Boston, . Boston, . Boston, . Boston, . East Boston, Boston, . Boston, . Winthrop, Worcester, Worcester, Began Business. Sept. May May March July Nov. Jan. July March Sept. Aug. Jan. 18, 1, 25, 6, 1, 11, 6, 26, 10, 28, 10, 4, 1915 1915 1915 1915 1915 1914 1915 1915 1915 1915 1915 1915 Charters have been granted to the following credit unions, which had not commenced business on October 30, 1915: — Neponset Credit U n i o n , ........................................................................... East Walpole. Skandia Credit U n i o n , ........................................................................... Worcester. C ity of Boston Employees’ Credit U n i o n , ......................................Boston. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis XIV REPORT OF THE [Pub. Doc. Since the previous report the Eighth Ward, the Federal, the Italian Workingmen’s and the Shoe Clerks credit unions of Boston and the St. Joseph Credit Union of West Fitchburg have dissolved and distributed their assets, and the Italo-American Credit Union of Boston has ceased to do business and is making a distribution of its assets. During the year the Bank Commissioner has taken pos session of the property and business of the Immaculate Conception Credit Union of Fitchburg and a dividend of 100 per cent, will be paid to the shareholders. He has also taken possession of the busi ness and property of the St. Francis Credit Union of Fitchburg, to whose shareholders there will, in all probability, be paid a dividend of 100 per cent, at the expiration of the time allowed for proof of claims. He has also taken possession of the property and business of the Peabody Plebrew Credit Union of Peabody and the Salem Investment and Credit Union of Salem, and it now seems probable that but a very small dividend, if any, will be paid to the share holders. The affairs of the Lynn United Hebrew Credit Union and the People’s Credit Union of Lynn, remain in the same condition as at the time of the previous report, with but little hope that further collection of the assets can be made. Of the 50 credit unions whose statements figured in the general statement of the report of 1914, 15 have ceased to do business; 6 of these are in the process of liquidation by the Bank Com missioner and 9 have either completed or are in process of voluntary liquidation. Credit Unions to the number of 12, commencing business since the last annual report, make the number 47 which are now doing business and whose statements enter into the figures given in this report. The Legislature adopted an act in the year 1909 authorizing the organization of credit unions, which were defined therein as “ co operative associations formed for the purpose of promoting thrift among their members.” These co-operative credit associations of the modern type took definite form in Germany in the year 1848, and the idea spread throughout other countries. The system has taken different forms in the different countries in order to adapt itself to the peculiar traditions, characteristics and needs of each. The five years’ ex perience of these organizations in this Commonwealth made it evi- Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis xv BANK COMMISSIONER. No. 8.] dent that some beneficial amendments could be made in the statute, but during the year, the entire statute was repealed and a new one enacted. Under the present statute, as under the former statute, which had but five years’ trial, it was made the duty of the Bank Commissioner to oversee the credit unions and examine their books and affairs, and that fact is used as a reason why they are to be commended to many people. Credit unions may be formed, as stated in section 2 of chapter 268 of the Acts of 1915, for the purpose of accumulating and investing the savings of its members and making loans to members for provi dent purposes. Ordinarily, good banking requires loans to be made upon reasonably good security or to borrowers with financial re sponsibility. It seems to be the custom and purpose of credit unions to lend the money contributed by their shareholders to bor rowers without financial standing and on the presumption that the borrowers will continue to hold their positions by which they receive their wages or salaries or continue in the conduct of a’ remunerative business. T o operate successfully it would seem necessary that the membership in a credit union should be restricted to intimates and associates in close touch with one another, and where there is a moral obligation to their fellow members. As their scope and pur pose are widely different from financial institutions such as savings banks and trust companies, I have recommended that they be placed under the supervision of the Supervisor of Loan Agencies. Aggregate Statement of Condition October SO, 1915 of J+7 Credit Unions, as com pared with a Similar Statement on October 31, 1914, — 50 Credit Unions. Oct. 31, 1914. A sset s . Loans, . . . . Cash, . . . . Expense account, Sundries, Investments, . Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Oct. 30, 1915. $224,360 34 $362,430 36 Shares, . . 44,336 60 49,103 42 Deposits, 9,926 92 13,572 82 Guaranty fund, 734 37 1,460 02 Earnings, - 5,032 86 Entrance fees, Fines, Sundries, . . . . . . Oct. 30, 1915. $177,657 31 $252,218 00 78,891 66 Profit and loss, $279,358 23 $431,599 48 Oct. 31, 1914. L i a b il it ie s . 143,592 41 6,147 36 7,768 33 11,862 79 17,974 36 866 95 1,365 60 485 75 468 02 1,910 75 1,866 55 1,535 66 6,346 21 $279,358 23 $431,599 48 [Pub. Doc. REPORT OF THE XVI Receipts and Disbursements during the Year ending October 30, 1915, • — /+7 Credit Unions. D is b u r s e m e n t s . R e c e ip t s . Shares, .............................................. Deposits, . . . . . . Repaid loans......................................... $154,663 55 . . . . . . 148,429 07 Deposits, . . . . . . 81,761 71 Loans, . . . . . . 501,348 75 Expenses, . . . . 1,557 00 27,943 45 F i n e s , ............................................. 953 50 Sundries................................................. Cash on hand Oct. 31, 1914, $59,373 24 340,816 95 Entrance f e e s , .................................... Interest, S h a r e s , .............................................. 9,180 47 43,023 54 . Interest on deposits, Dividend on shares, . Sundries, . . . . . . . . 11,994 13 . . . 3,057 62 . 13,382 80 6,545 86 . Cash on hand Oct. 30, 1915, 49,103 42 $726,567 53 $726,567 53 Number of shares in force Oct. 30, 1915,.................................................................................................... 47,131 Number of members, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7,846 Number of b o r r o w e r s , ............................................................................................................................... 2,887 Persons, Partnerships , A ssociations to the in P rovisions A mendment of or C orporations S ubject C hapter 428, A cts thereof and in A ddition of 1905, and A cts thereto . No changes have been made since the date of the last annual report in the statutes which apply to the persons, etc., subject to the provisions of the above acts. During the last fiscal year there was collected in license fees and paid into the treasury of the Com monwealth the sum of S3,325. On October 30, 1915, 88 of these persons, etc., were subject to the supervision of this department, the same number as on October 31, 1914; of this number, 41 re ceived deposits of money for safekeeping, the total deposits on October 30, 1915, amounting to $1,088,124, a decrease during the year of $167,310; the number of depositors being 11,299, a decrease of 3,116. The total amount of money sent for deposit in the Italian Postal Savings Bank during the year was $593,571, an increase of $45,885. The total amount of money received for transmission abroad during the same period was $5,486,893, a decrease of $1,748,095. Your attention is again called to the danger existing of loss to the depositors because of the lack of statutes governing the investments of the money which these bankers receive for safe keeping. While the investments by savings banks, co-operative Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis No. 8.] BANK COMMISSIONER. X V II banks and trust companies are prescribed by law, there are no restrictions as to the manner in which the money received on deposit by these bankers shall be invested, the only protection to the de positors being in the bond which the banker executes, — a protec tion which is greatly weakened because of the delay incident to the prosecution of a suit under the bond and the cost of the same. The following table is compiled from the last five annual reports made to this department, and shows the amount of money forwarded to various foreign countries: — A m o u n t f o r w a r d e d d u r in g Y e a r e n d i n g C ountry. Italy, Russia, Great Britain, Turkey, Greece, Austria, Finland, Azores, France, Sweden, Germany, . Other countries, . Totals, Oct. 30, 1915. Oct. 31,1914. Oct. 31,1913. Oct. 31,1912. $3,286,673 678,771 664,157 19,069 157,308 54,026 76,144 503,558 3,388 31,820 5,075 6,904 $3,458,810 1,534,651 913,319 322,503 184,872 264,112 109,037 350,466 21,882 56,020 13,592 5,724 $4,747,968 1,752,057 1,033,264 417,077 414,658 332,598 138,867 215,605 47,078 52,762 23,635 35,820 $3,484,373 $3,157,747 1,319,051 1,135,123 854,904 814,275 322,531 386,297 409,118 282,748 286,194 277,170 117,769 100,594 _ 172,431! 46,294 1 38,133 21,284 16,924 18,770 43,138 142,719 $5,486,893 $7,234,988 $9,211,389 $7,110,860 Oct. 31,1911. $6,336,727 1 N ot reported in previous years. R e c o m m e n d a t io n s . I hereby make the following recommendations for consideration and action by the General Court during the ensuing year: — 1. That money which has been on deposit for more than one month in a savings bank may participate in the earnings of such bank. 2. That savings and loan associations shall be audited to the same extent as co-operative banks, and shall defray the expense of the examination and audit. 3. Credit unions are at present under the supervision of the Bank Commissioner. They are largely engaged in the business of making loans of $300 or less. The making of such loans by others places them under the supervision of the Supervisor of Loan Agencies. Further, credit unions are intended for the purpose of making loans to members for provident purposes, so that their scope and purpose Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis XV111 REPORT — BANK COMMISSIONER. [Pub. Doc. No. 8. are widely different from financial institutions such as savings banks, co-operative banks and trust companies. I therefore recommend that the supervision of credit unions be placed under the Supervisor of Loan Agencies. 4. For the foregoing reasons, I recommend that chapter 268 of the Acts of 1915 be amended so that a credit union may not use the word “ bank” in its corporate name. 5. Among the purposes for which credit unions are organized is the payment of dividends to shareholders; as the Commonwealth is put to the expense of supervision and the examination of the books and accounts, I would recommend that section 8 of chapter 268 of the Acts of 1915, which exempts such credit unions from the payment of taxes, be repealed. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Respectfully submitted, AUGUSTUS L. TH O R N D IK E , Bank Commissioner. I STATEMENTS RELATING TO Savings Banks Trust Compani es . and I NDEX. S tatem ent N um ber S a v in g s B a n k s . 1. Aggregate statement . . . . 2. Comparative condition of all banks . 3. Comparative condition of Boston banks . 4. Condensed statistics of transactions 5. Income account . • . . . . . . . . . . xx . . . p ag e . . . . . . . xxiii . xxiv . xxv . . . . . . . . . . xxvi 6. Dividends . . . . . . . . . . . . xxvii 7. Expenses . . . . . . . . . . . . xxviii 8. S u r p l u s ...................................................................................................................xxix . . . . . . . xxx 10. Investments producing no income . . 11. Changes in real estate and personal loans 9. Real estate by foreclosure . . . . . . . . . . xxx xxxi . . xxxii . . xlix . . . . 12. Statistics covering from 1834 to 1915 inclusive . . . . 25. List of legal investments . . . . . . . T r u s t C o m p a n ie s . 13. Statistics covering from 1879 to 1915 inclusive, all companies . 14. Statistics covering from 1879 to 1915 inclusive, Boston companies . . xxxiv . . xxxvi 15. Statistics covering from 1879 to 1915 inclusive, companies outside of Boston xxxviii 16. Aggregate statement, banking departments, all companies . . . xl 17. Aggregate statement, banking departments, Boston companies . . . xli 18. Aggregate statement, banking departments, companies outside of Boston 19. Aggregate statement, savings departments, all companies . . 20. Aggregate statement, savings departments, Boston companies . . . 23. Reserves . . . 24. Earnings and dividends . Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis . . . . . . xlii xliii . xliv 21. Aggregate statement, savings departments, companies outside of Boston 22. Aggregate statement, trust departments, all companies . . . . . xlv xlvi . . . . . . . xlvii . . . . . . . xlviii REPO RT OF THE XX [Pub. Doc S T A T E M E N T N o . 1. A ggregate State m e n t, O ctober 30, 1915, 195 S a y i n g s B a n k s . Assets. Public funds, bonds and notes . . . . . Railroad bonds and notes . . . . . . Street railway bonds . . . . . . . Boston Terminal Co. bonds . . . . . American Tel. & Tel. Co. bonds . . . . . Stocks of banks and trust companies . . . . Securities acquired in settlement of indebtedness . 121,391 loans on real estate (average of each, $4,049.20) Less amount due on uncompleted loans . $102,306,108 165,127,323 30,075,487 8,032,127 12,472,612 11,466,069 1,508,815 . . $493,761,456 24 2,225,230 16 14 33 83 68 32 27 88 491,536,226 08 10,378 loans on personal security . . . . 145,977,955 66 Bank building and fixtures (estimated value, $10,432,673.97; assessed value, $10,385,245 ) 7,901,698 20 Furniture and fixtures . . . . . . 86,598 19 Real estate by foreclosure, etc. (assessed value, $3,042,406 ) 2,387,001 35 Taxes, insurance, etc., paid on mortgaged properties 62,631 39 . . . . . . . 76,856 93 Premium account Suspense account . . . . . . . 15,617 50 Other assets . . . . . . . . 2,271 37 Deposits in national banks or trust companies 24,730,697 33 Cash and cash items . . . . . . . 1,825,543 48 Total Assets . $1 ,005,591,641 93 Liabilities. Due depositors on 2,349,207 accounts, averaging $395.38 each . . . . $928,830,655 33 (Accounts opened during year, 288,833; closed, 248,502; increase, 40,331) Surplus: — a. Guaranty fund 4-78% of deposits; increase during year, $1,465,805.53) . . 44,398,015 35 b. Profit and loss (increase during year {$2,947,865.17) . . . . . 23,969,412 47 Current income: — a. Interest . . . . . . . $8,125,663 01 b. R e n t ............................................................... 64,117 72 ------------------------$8,189,780 73 Less current expenses'not charged off . . $477,444 98 Less State or local taxes not charged off . . 50,212 20 ------------------------527,657 18 ------------------------7,662,123 55 Other liabilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . 731,435 23 Total Liabilities . . . . $1,005,591,641 93 Total Expenses for the Year, including State Taxes. State Tax (Net). Salaries. Rent. Advertising. Other Expenses. Total. Amount paid for $1,773,862.39 $1,757,016.28 $322,946.09 $58,218.63 $441,241.51 $4,353,284.90 Cost per $1,000 of assets 1.76 1.75 .32 .06 .44 4 .3 3 Cost per $1,000 of assets not including State tax and rent . .......................................... 2 .25 Gross income received during the year, $45,658,006.18. Number of loans not over $3,000 each, 89,272, amounting to $131,498,203.66. 13,357 real estate loans made during year, amounting to $52,012,610.59. Dividends, Deposits and Withdrawals. Ordinary dividends declared during year, average rate, 4.0 8 % Extra dividends declared during year . . . . . Number of deposits during year, 2,592,204, amounting to . Number of withdrawals during year, 2,135,242, amounting to Net increase in amount due depositors Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis . . . . . . . . . . . . . $35,193,264 46 215,251 10 152,256,407 66 . . $187,664,923 22 158,113,864 05 . . $29,551,059 17 BANK COMMISSIONER No. 8, T otal L oans and XXI I nvestments op Savings B anks on O ctober 30, E ach S pecified R ate of I nterest . 1915, at R a te (P e r C e n t ). 0................................................. 1................................................. 1.334 .................................... 2 . 0 0 .................................... 2 . 5 0 .................................... 2.60 2 . 7 5 .................................... 2 . 9 8 .................................... 3 . 0 0 .................................... 3 . 1 0 .................................... 3 . 1 1 .................................... 3.125 .................................... 3 . 1 5 .................................... 3 . 2 0 .................................... 3 . 2 4 .................................... 3 . 2 5 .................................... 3 . 3 0 .................................... 3 . 3 5 .................................... 3 . 3 7 .................................... 3.375 .................................... 3 . 3 8 .................................... 3 . 4 0 .................................... 3 . 4 4 .................................... 3 . 4 5 .................................... 3 . 5 0 .................................... 3.5625 .................................... 3 . 6 0 .................................... 3.625 .................................... 3 . 6 5 .................................... 3 . 6 7 .................................... 3 . 7 0 .................................... 3 . 7 5 .................................... 3 . 8 0 .................................... 3 . 8 5 .................................... 3.875 .................................... 3 . 9 0 .................................... 3 . 9 4 .................................... 3 . 9 5 .................................... 4 . 0 0 .................................... 4.125 .................................... 4 . 2 5 .................................... 4 . 3 0 .................................... 4 . 3 5 .................................... .................................... 4.375 4 . 4 0 .................................... 4 . 5 0 .................................... 4.625 .................................... 4 . 7 5 .................................... 4.875 .................................... 5 . 0 0 .................................... 5 . 1 2 5 .................................... 5 . 2 5 .................................... 5.333 .................................... 5.375 .................................... 5 . 5 0 .................................... 5.625 .................................... 5 . 7 5 .................................... 6 . 0 0 .................................... 6.25 . 6 . 5 0 .................................... 6 . 7 5 .................................... 7 . 0 0 .................................... 7 . 5 0 .................................... 7 . 7 5 .................................... 8 . 0 0 .................................... 9 . 0 0 .................................... 1 0 . 0 0 .................................... Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Loans on Real Estate. Loans on Per sonal Security. $129,656 59 6,500 00 $162,737 30 50,000 00 50,000 00 347,000 00 - ' - 2,458,000 00 - 422,700 00 - 1,541,000 00 31,315,508 96 1,597,500 00 18,447,800 00 - 174,500 00 47,700,517 24 87,000 00 7,317,392 74 98,000 00 327,838,272 25 500 00 759,947 30 10,000 00 31,982,957 22 14,100 00 19,563,373 28 47,740 00 21,860 50 750 00 650 00 - - 485,000 00 1,388,000 00 3,711,580 78 550,000 00 15,362,135 00 - 805,000 00 61,247,807 95 1,395,000 00 13,661,875 00 400,000 00 28,441,595 59 82,500 00 2,206,425 00 1,500 00 5,170,890 22 5,000 00 603,500 00 8,170,213 82 515,000 00 1,009,495 00 30,000 00 125,700 00 '- Bonds, Stocks, etc. Total Loans and Investments. $764,327 44 337,300 00 30,000 00 25,000 00 50,000 00 25,000 00 2,721,200 00 137,200 00 25,000 00 210,000 00 10,000 00 74,800 00 30,525 00 661,000 00 45,000 00 112,000 00 10,000 00 135,000 00 55,000 00 217,840 00 51,600 00 47,880 00 60,826,876 65 13,000 00 250,500 00 48,255 00 116,200 00 80,000 00 50,000 00 501,670 00 88,500 00 204,000 00 44,533 32 77,000 00 1,800 00 13,400 00 168,612,853 86 23,070 00 3,489,637 18 19,500 00 1,900 00 4,500 00 2,500 00 42,066,251 18 244,425 12 31,553,998 20 71,056,721 33 6,500 00 337,300 00 80,000 00 50,000 00 25,000 00 50,000 00 25,000 00 3,068,200 00 137,200 00 25,000 00 210,000 00 10,000 00 74,800 00 30,525 00 3,119,000 00 45,000 00 112,000 00 10,000 00 135,000 00 55,000 00 217,840 00 51,600 00 47,880 00 61,734,578 65 13,000 00 250,500 00 48,255 00 116,200 00 80,000 00 50,000 00 3,430,670 00 88,500 00 204,000 00 44,533 32 77,000 00 1,800 00 13,400 00 203,639,943 60 2,170,570 00 37,299,572 18 19,500 00 1,900 00 984,000 00 2,500 00 151,014,576 37 1,482,000 00 21,223,692 86 498,000 00 387,833,866 04 83,000 00 3,008,072 30 1,500 00 10,000 00 37,854,697 44 5,000 00 617,600 00 39,624,594 60 525,000 00 1,057,235 00 30,000 00 2,284,880 50 750 00 49,600 00 3,711,750 00 314,100 00 1,602,300 00 41,700 00 700,850 00 11,891,007 50 10,000 00 - 2,137,320 00 49,600 00 3,711,100 00 314,100 00 1,602,300 00 [Pub. Doc. REPO RT OF THE XXII T otal L oans I nvestments op Savings B anks on O ctober 30, 1915, E ach Specified R ate of I nterest — Concluded. and at Loans on Real Estate. R a te (P e r C e n t ). 10.666 1 2 .0 14.00 1 5 .0 1 6 .0 1 8 .0 20.00 .................................... 0 .................................... .................................... 0 .................................... 0 .................................... 0 .................................... .................................... Totals . Average rate . . . Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis . Loans on Per sonal Security. - _ _ _ _ - _ - - Bonds, Stocks, etc. $2,250 775,300 266,300 7,700 323,600 1,200 15,800 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 $491,536,226 08 $145,977,955 66 $335,960,170 45 4.91 4.72 4.316 Total Loans and Investments. $2,250 775,300 266,300 7,700 323,600 1,200 15,800 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 $973,474,352 19 4.655 BANK COMMISSIONER, No. 8, STATEM ENT C o m p a r a t iv e C o n d it io n of ASSETS. 1915. L oa n s. On personal security . . . C ash . In banks, on interest In banks, not on interest . Currency and specie Checks and cash items P e r c e n t a g e of I n v e st m e n t s to T o t a l A ssets on O c to b e r 31 — 1304. 1899. 20 31 61 80 81 32 10.17 16.42 2.99 .80 1.24 1.14 0.12 15.99 3.02 .84 1.25 1.19 11.42 19.49 2.03 1.09 .92 1.34 12.76 17.11 .94 1.62 2.14 15.67 12.25 1,508,815 88 1,718,901 91 .15 .18 .33 .05 .03 491,536,226 08 145,977,955 66 467,985,697 19 157,037,225 42 48.88 14.52 48.17 16.16 43.21 16.60 40.93 20.04 41.54 19.72 7,901,698 20 2,387,001 35 7,613,055 69 2,129,237 04 .79 .24 .78 .22 .91 .41 .97 .59 .79 .49 76,856 93 86,598 19 80,520 26 58,074 74 109,036 56 69,743 16 .02 .05 .13 .17 2 06 2 20 2 72 3 2Q 100 100 100 100 $102,306,108 165,127,323 30,075,487 8,032,127 12,472,612 11,466,069 $98,307,236 155,386,808 29,305,772 8,159,721 12,169,658 11,556,171 14 33 83 68 32 27 24,582,805 147,892 1,502,441 323,101 18,013,284 172,789 1,587,036 249,077 28 05 57 91 74 52 21 28 1 \ .02 J 1 LIA B ILITIE S. Amount. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 100 O c t . 31, 1914. O ct . 30, 1915. Per Cent, of De posits. Increase f o r Y e a r . Amount. Per Cent, of De posits. _ $928,830,655 33 44,398,015 35 23,969,412 47 4.78 2.58 $899,279,596 16 42,932,209 82 21,021,547 30 4.77 2.34 7,662,123 55 731,435 23 .82 .08 7,544,488 01 850,687 22 .84 .09 $1,005,591,641 93 - $971,628,528 51 Decrease. - 1.92 4.13 ) $1,005,591,641 93 $971,628,528 51 Deposits . . . . Guaranty fund Profit and loss Current income, less expenses and taxes paid . Sundry liabilities an ks. 1909. M isc e l l a n e o u s . Premium account Furniture and fixtures Sundry assets . . Sa v in g s B 1914. R eal E sta te . For banking purposes B y foreclosure, etc. ll 1915. S e c u r it ie s . Public funds, bonds and notes . Railroad bonds and notes . Street railway bonds . Boston Terminal Co. bonds Telephone company bonds Bank stocks . . . . Securities acquired in settlement of indebtedness N o . 2. A October 31, IS14. October 30, XX111 - Am ount. Per Cent. $29,551,059 17 1,465,805 53 2,947,865 17 3.29 3.41 14.02 117,635 54 1.56 119,251 99* 14.02 $33,963,113 42 3.49 REPO RT OF THE X X IV STATEM ENT C o m p a r a t iv e C o n d it io n N o . 3. B of [Pub. Doc. S a v in g s B osto n an ks. of ASSETS. O ctober 30, 1915. O ctober 31, 1914. Increase for Y e ar. Decrease for Y e a r . P ercentage I n v e s t m e n t s to T otal A ssets. BOSTON BANKS. OTHER BANKS. 1915 1914 1915 1914 S ecurities . P ublic fun d s, bond s and notes . . . . R ailroad bonds and notes Street railway bonds B o s t o n T erm in al C o. b ond s . . . . T e l e p h o n e com p an y bonds . . . . B an k stocks Securities acquired in settlem en t of indebted ness . . . . L o an s. O n real estate . O n personal security R eal E s t a t e . For b anking purposes B y foreclosure, etc. 11.10 10.87 135,355,457 28 $33,197,332 92 $2,158,124 36 46,413,560 76 42,143,320 15 4,270,240 61 6,775,287 85 6,691,409 55 _ 5,042,293 00 5,148,077 50 3,408,126 87 1,713,390 03 3,400,588 12 1,785,123 20 7,538 75 - 426,856 03 148,750 01 278,106 02 145,356,459 71 137,008,170 88 61,204,242 81 64,618,081 70 8,348,288 83 2,580,928 30 871,999 22 2,593,654 60 665,774 39 20,784 37 1,198 00 20,867 78 3,348 26 1,598 00 19,018 79 - $83,878 30 105,784 50 _ 71,733 17 _ 9.74 9.7 7 14.57 13.80 17.28 17.00 2.10 2.22 3.40 3.3 8 1.58 1.69 .44 .45 1.07 .54 1.11 .58 1.32 1.42 1.32 1.47 .14 .05 .16 .24 45.63 44.87 50.39 49.67 3,413,838 89 19.22 21.16 12.34 13.87 _ 12,726 30 .81 .27 .85 .22 .77 .22 .75 .22 400 00 1 .01 .01 .03 .03 [2 .9 6 2.57 2.49 1.83 100 100 100 100 206,224 83 “ M iscellaneous . P rem iu m account . Furniture and fixtures S u n d ry assets . C ash . In b an k s, on interest In banks n ot on interest C urrency and specie C heck s an d cash item s . 8,864,330 15,000 435,922 120,423 59 00 98 86 7,130,343 15,000 608,350 81,536 17,436 11 1,848 99 51 00 93 21 1,733,987 08 172,427 95 38,887 65 $318,543,251 14 $305,343,357 02 $13,199,894 12 O ct . 30, 1915. LIA B ILITIE S. Am ount. $297,332,769 37 Deposits . . . . . 14,015,634 99 Guaranty fund 5,403,018 26 Profit and loss Current income, less expenses 1,670,971 87 and taxes paid 120,856 65 Sundry liabilities . Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis $318,543,251 14 - I ncrease for Y e a r . O ct . 31, 1914. Per Cent, of De posits. _ Amount. Per Cent, of De posits. _ 4.71 1.82 $285,012,376 97 13,424,801 10 5,073,112 75 4.71 1.78 .56 .04 1,656,369 94 176;696 26 .58 .06 - $305,343,357 02 * Decrease. - Amount. Per Cent. $12,320,392 40 590,833 89 329,905 51 4.3 2 4 .4 0 6.5 0 14,601 93 .88 55,839 61* 31.60 $13,199,894 12 4.3 2 BANK COMMISSIONER No. 8.] STATEM ENT Y early T ransactions XXV N o . 4. of Savings B an ks . The following table presents in condensed form the statistics of the transactions of all the savings banks during the past five years : — Y e a r e ndin g O ctober 31 — S T A TIS TIC S b u s in e s s . of 1915. A ccounts. 288,833 248,502 2,349,207 $395 38 Num ber opened during year Number closed during year Number open October 31 Average in each account D eposits a n d W it h d r a w a l s . Total deposits October 31 Increase over previous year Number of deposits during year Number of withdrawals during year Average d e p o s i t .................................... Average withdrawal . . . . Amount deposited during year Amount withdrawn during year L o ans . Of $3,000 or less October 31 Average real estate loan October 31 Number of new real estate loans made Amount of same . . . . . I ncome , D iv id e n d s , etc . Credited to guaranty fund R atio s . Dividends to income . . . . Expenses to income . . . . State taxes to income . . . . Guaranty fund additions to income Other deductions to income . Dividends to total assets October 31 Expenses to total assets October 31 State taxes to total assets October 31 Guaranty fund additions to total assets October 31 .................................... Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1914. 308,879 266,132 2,309,008 $389 46 1913. 332,325 266,981 2,266,261 $383 86 1912. 300,467 237,093 2,200,917 $381 04 1911. 287,096 250,523 2,137,543 $375 30 $928,830,655 $899,279,596 $869,919,019 $838,635,098 $802,220,707 $29,551,059 $29,360,577 $31,283,922 $36,414,391 $31,406,254 2,855,944 2,593,601 2,472,912 2,664,661 2,592,204 1,924,435 1,822,515 2,079,502 1,790,039 2,135,242 $55 60 $58 50 $59 70 $57 88 $58 74 $S3 08 $80 08 $78 74 $74 05 $78 77 $152,256,408 $159,070,038 $158,798,042 $151,738,371 $143,144,858 $158,113,864 $163,800,886 $159,878,625 $145,946,854 $140,944,836 89,272 121,391 $4,049 20 86,153 116,089 $4,031 27 83,554 112,078 $3,989 59 81,403 107,061 $3,936 35 79,491 103,106 $3,824 49 13,357 $52,012,611 12,654 $51,045,196 12,942 $52,036,924 14,683 $58,402,701 13,816 $52,836,058 $45,658,006 35,408,516 2,579,423 1,773,862 1,465,808 $43,943,795 34,091,425 2,509,321 1,753,678 1,688,724 $41,990,814 32,361,968 2,427,363 1,755,051 1,750,699 $39,201,252 30,597,211 2,283,688 1,749,475 1,849,152 $37,808,485 29,094,157 2,240,267 1,740,423 1,534,939 Per Cent. 77.55 5.65 3.89 3.21 9.70 3.52 .26 .18 Per Cent. 77.58 5.71 3.99 3.84 8.88 3.51 .26 .18 Per Cent. 77.07 5.78 4.18 4.17 8.80 3.45 .26 .19 Per Cent. 78.05 5.S3 4.46 4.72 6.94 3.39 .25 .19 Per Cent. 76.95 5.93 4.60 4.06 8.46 3.37 .26 .20 .15 .17 .19 .20 .18 REPORT OF THE XXVI STATEM ENT Incom e of [Pub. Doc, N o . 5. S a v in g s B an ks. Statement of Income Account for Year ending October 30, 1915. Net undivided profits, October 31, 1914 (profit and loss and net interest) $28,566,035 31 T otal current income during year $45,658,006 IS Less amounts paid for: — $323,612 95 Accrued interest . Operating deficit of real estate 57,598 76 2,579,422 51 Running expenses 1,773,862 39 State tax . . . . 4,734,496 61 Net divisible income . . . Less amount credited to guaranty fund . Less ordinary dividends declared . . . . . . . . . . . $1,465,805 53 35,193,264 46 $40,923,509 57 36,659,069 99 $4,264,439 58 331,353 36 15,836 12 Current surplus . . . . . . . Additional receipts on account of bank stock . Additional gains on account of loans on personal security $4,611,629 06 Less Less Less Less Less extra dividends declared premiums written off banking houses written down losses through loans on real estate miscellaneous losses Net undivided profits for year . $215,251 10 800,645 50 196,179 36 136,520 81 197,531 58 ------------— . . . . . . 1,546,128 35 $3,065,500 71 -------------------------. Net undivided profits, October 30, 1915 (profit and loss and net interest) Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis . 3,065,500 71 . $31,631,536 02 BANK COMMISSIONER. No. 8.] STATEM ENT X X V ll N o . 6. D ividends . The following table shows the rates of dividends paid by the banks during the last eighteen years, as well as the average rate earned upon the deposits: — 1 2 1 3 0 .................................... m . . . . 1 1 w . . . . — — 1 — 1 1 2 . . . . 3 .................................... . . . 1 2 5 13 18 25 14 14 3Vi . . . . 2 5 10 12 11 15 11 15 3K ■ ■ ■ ■ 3ys . . . . 161 168 166 157 156 140 160 155 4 .................................... 1 ah . . . . 1 2 3 2 1 6 AH . . . . 3 7 5 2 19 13 8 5 ah . . . . 1 ah . . . 3 3 4 5 .................................... Total _ 1 2 49 37 3 98 13 92 10 81 98 74 82 1 2 1 2 _ 10 1 3 89 8 5 1 90 9 92 85 81 2 1 1899. 1900. 1901. _ 1 1 1 1902. 1903. 1904. 1905. 1906. O O 0 0 H 1907. 1909. <n 1910. 1912. 1913. 1914. 1915. 1 1 N um ber op B a nk s pa yin g at E ach R a t e . RATE OF DIVI DEND (PER CENT). 2 6 70 20 CO 8 T-4 1 1 1 1 3 3 45 18 4 - 16 15 7 2 3 4 88 114 144 161 1 1 1 1 5 5 195 195 193 194 192 192 189 189 189 189 189 18S 187 186 186 186 186 185 Average dividend . 4.08 4.01 4.01 3.91 3.92 3.87 3.95 3.95 3.80 3.69 3.73 3.75 3.71 3.71 3.75 3.81 3.89 3.98 Average earnings . 4.92 4.89 4.83 4.67 4.71 4.66 4.65 4.77 4.73 4.60 4.59 4.70 4.66 4.60 4.61 4.62 4.63 4.72 The extra dividends declared during the year were as follows: — Athol Savings Bank, \ of 1 per cent.....................................................$18,214 Broadway Savings Bank, Lawrence, \ of 1 per cent. 38 . . . 21,604 71 Charlestown Five Cents Savings Bank, j of 1 per cent. . . . 31,475 36 Foxborough Savings Bank, 1 per cent.............................................. 6,230 78 Lynn Five Cents Savings Bank, 1 per cent................................... 60,900 88 Melrose Savings Bank, § of 1 per cent............................................ 10,248 02 Natick Five Cents Savings Bank, \ of 1 per cent....................... 18,555 Provident Institution for Savings, Amesbury, | of 1 per cent. . 65 15,680 93 Webster Five Cents Savings Bank, \ of 1 per cent.................... 12,573 16 Winchendon Savings Bank, f of 1 per cent................................... 19,767 23 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis $215,251 10 [Pub. Doc. REPORT OF THE XXV111 STATEM ENT N o. 7. E xpenses . The running expenses of the banks for the two years ending October 31, 1914, and October 30, 1915, were as follows: — Y e a r endin g O ctober 30, 1915. CLASSIFIC A TIO N . Am ount. Salaries Rent . . . Advertising . Other expenses . Total Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Percent age of Incom e. Cost for Each $1,000 of Assets. Y ear e n d in g O ctober 31, 1914. Amount. Percent age of Income. Cost for Each $1,000 of Assets. 28 09 63 51 3.85 .71 .13 .97 $1.75 .32 .06 .44 $1,713,372 305,103 48,841 442,004 33 86 15 17 3.90 .69 .11 1.01 $1.76 .31 .05 .45 $2,579,422 51 5.66 $2.57 $2,509,321 51 5.71 $2.57 $1,757,016 322,946 58,218 441,241 BANK COMMISSIONER No. 8.] STATEM ENT X X IX N o. 8. S urplus . The aggregate guaranty fund and profit and loss account of the savings banks on October 31 of the last nine years has been as follows : — B ased S e c u r it ie s on Am ount. ■ i 1907 . 1908 . 1909 . 1910 . 1911 . 1912 . 1913 . 1914 . 1915 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B 1907 1908 1909 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 1915 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ased . . . . . . . . . $32,825,176 33,547,581 34,740,030 36,155,736 37,648,475 39,493,627 41,243,486 42,932,209 44,398,015 on Per Cent, of De posits. 05 14 12 30 12 68 11 82 35 at 4.64 4.73 4.68 4.69 4.69 4.71 4.74 4.77 4.78 ook V alu es. $11,096,415 12,929,970 14,131,426 14,609,348 15,353,443 16,564,496 18,105,304 21,021,547 23,969,412 E 30 80 80 21 23 36 63 30 47 s t im a t e d $8,252,932 17,436,211 22,302,689 19,941,773 21,115,669 21,123,202 11,261,415 15,247,028 16,306,431 T otal . Per Cent, of De posits. Amount. 4.64 4.73 4.68 4.69 4.69 4.71 4.74 4.77 4.78 S e c u r it ie s $32,825,176 33,547,581 34,740,030 36,155,736 37,648,475 39,493,627 41,243,486 42,932,209 44,398,015 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 05 14 12 30 12 68 11 82 35 B P rofit and Loss A ccount . G ua r a nty F u n d . YEAR. at 66 55 86 55 58 37 36 05 15 1.57 1.82 1.90 1.89 1.91 1.97 2.08 2.34 2.58 M arket 1.17 2.46 3.00 2.59 2.63 2.52 1.29 1.70 1.75 Per Cent, of De posits. Amount. $43,921,591 46,477,551 48,871,456 50,765,084 53,001,918 56,058,124 59,348,790 63,953,757 68,367,427 V 35 94 92 51 35 04 74 12 82 6.21 6.55 6.58 6.58 6.60 6.68 6.82 7.11 7.36 71 69 98 85 70 05 47 87 50 5.81 7.19 7.68 7.28 7.32 7.23 6.03 6.47 6.53 alu es. $41,078,108 50,983,792 57,042,719 56,097,509 58,764,144 60,616,830 52,504,901 58,179,237 60,704,446 REPORT OF THE XX X STATEM ENT R eal E state N o . 9. F by [Pub. Doc. oreclosure. Principal. Balance as shown in statement of October 31, 1914, 315 estates . $2,129,237 04 Acquired during the year ending October 30, 1915, 287 estates . 2,035,592 21 Excess of proceeds over book values of estates sold during year . 106,064 50 $4,270,893 75 Received for 284 estates sold during year . Losses on estates sold during year and amounts charged off to cover depreciation or prospec tive l o s s .................................................................. $1,798,853 70 228,318 53 ----------------------- 2,027,172 23 $2,243,721 52 Income. Rents, etc., received during year Expenses and taxes on estates, paid during year $186,140 42 336,719 12 N et deficit for y e a r ...................................... $150,578 70 This net deficit was disposed of as follows: — Income credited to profit and loss $5,963 81 Deficit charged to profit and loss 13,262 68 ----------------------Income reducing book value . $1,826 19 Deficit increasing book value . 145,106 02 ------------------- $7,298 87 143,279 83 143,279 83 N et deficit as a b o v e ...................................... $150,578 70 Balance, as showm in statement of October 30, 1915 (318 estates, assessed at $3,042,406 held by 108 b a n k s ) ......................................$2,387,001 35 Increase during y e a r .................................................................................................................................................................. STATEM ENT I n vestm en ts p r o d u c in g no $257,764 31 N o . 10. Income d u r in g the O ctober 30, 1915. Number of Loans. 386 78 Y ear . O ctober 31, 1914. Am ount loaned. Number of Loans. Amount loaned. «1,506,324 83 1,047,803 66 312 51 31,168,077 14 446,293 71 L o ans . On real e s t a t e ............................................................... On personal s e c u r it y ...................................................... Real estate b y loreclosure, in possession, etc. . Stocks, bonds, etc., acquired to secure indebtedness . Bank and trust com pany stocks . . . . Deposits in banks not on interest . . . . - Amount invested. 31,724,290 66 562,203 97 49,991 10 147,892 05 Total loans and investments producing no income - $5,038,506 27 I nv e stm e n ts . Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis - - Amount invested. $1,190,921 10 297,316 81 63,070 10 172,789 52 - $3,338,468 38 - No. S.] BANK COMMISSIONER STATEM ENT I n crease R eal or E D ecrease state an d L for a P oans on e r io d of XXXI N o. 11. T h ir t y - t w o P e r s o n a l S e c u r it y R e a l E s ta t e . Y of e a r s , in L S a y in g s B oans an ks. P erson al S e c u r it y . Increase. Increase. $1,116,000 Decrease. - 1884 ............................................................... $6,619,000 1885 ............................................................... 6,227,000 - $415,000 1886 ............................................................... 7,003,000 9,018,000 - 1887 ............................................................... 7,584,000 7,122,000 - 1888 ............................................................... 7,533,000 1,647,000 - 1889 ............................................................... 7,610,000 3,225,000 - 1890 10,471,000 ............................................................... 8,417,000 1 8 9 1 ............................................................... 10,374,000 - 1892 ............................................................... 12,127,000 1,426,000 - 1893 ............................................................... 8,096,000 - 5,346,000 1894 ............................................................... 9,393,000 - 9,881,000 1895 ............................................................... 9,985,000 10,829,000 1896 ............................................................... 8,656,000 2,047,000 - 1897 ............................................................... 10,299,000 1,263,000 - - 3,432,000 1,144,000 - 1898 ............................................................... 7,066,000 1899 ............................................................... 9,329,000 14,908,000 1900 ............................................................... 9,657,000 9,788,000 - 1 9 0 1 ............................................................... 7,319,000 4,123,000 - - 1902 ............................................................... 9,462,000 10,901,000 - 1903 ............................................................... 11,917,000 1,904,000 23,000 1904 ............................................................... 9,084,000 - 1905 ............................................................... 10,267,000 8,923,000 - 1906 ............................................................... 10,984,000 10,467,000 - 1907 ............................................................... 13,159,000 - 5,999,000 1908 ............................................................... 12,714,000 - 15,651,000 1909 ............................................................... 21,985,000 424,000 1 9 1 0 ............................................................... 24,861 000 5,288,000 - 1 9 1 1 ............................................................... 24,770,000 3,708,000 - - 1 9 1 2 ............................................................... 27,102,000 9,614,000 1 9 1 3 ............................................................... 25,716,000 1,362,000 - 1 9 1 4 ............................................................... 20,840,000 4,630,000 - 1 9 1 5 ............................................................... 23,551,000 - Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 11,059,000 on STATEM ENT T able e x h ib it in g N th e um ber, C o n d it io n and P rogress of N o. 12. the S a v in g s B anks M of assach u setts in E ach I ear FROM 1834 TO 1915 INCLUSIVE. [Returns first required b y Acts 1834, Chapter 190.] YEAR. 27 28 30 30 30 31 30 _ 31 31 33 38 39 41 43 45 45 53 60 73 80 81 86 86 86 89 93 93 95 97 102 24,256 27,232 29,786 32,564 33,063 36,686 37,470 41,423 42,587 43,217 49,699 58,178 62,893 68,312 69,894 71,629 78,823 86,537 97,353 117,404 136,654 148,263 165,484 177,375 182,655 205,409 230,068 225,058 248,900 272,219 291,616 291,488 2,976 2,554 2,778 499 3,623 784 3,953 1,164 630 6,482 8,479 4,715 5,419 1,582 1,735 7,194 7,715 10,816 20,051 19,250 11,609 17,221 11,891 5,280 22,754 24,659 5,010f 23,842 23,319 19,397 128t Amount of Deposits. ’ $3,407,773 3,921,370 4,374,578 4,781,426 4,869,393 5,608,159 5,819,554 6,714,182 6,900,451 6,935,547 8,261,345 9,813,288 8.10 10,680,933 8.62 11,780,813 2.32 11,970,448 12,111,554 2.48 10.04 13,660,024 15,554,089 9.79 18,401,308 12.50 23,370,102 20.60 16.40 25,936,858 8.50 27,296,217 11.62 30,373,447 7.19 33,015,757 33,914,972 2.98 39,424,419 12.46 12.00 45,054,236 44,785,439 2.18t 50,403,674 10.59 56,883,828 9.37 62,557,604 7.13 59,936,482 ,04f 12.27 9.38 9.33 1.53 10.96 2.14 10.55 2.81 1.48 15.00 17.06 Increase in Amount of Deposits over Previous Year. Per centage of In crease. _ _ $513,597 453,208 400,848 87,967 738,766 211,395 894,628 186,270 35,095 1,325,798 1,551,943 867,645 1,099,880 189,635 141,106 1,548,471 1,894,065 2,847,219 4,968,794 2,566,756 1,257,359 3,077,231 2,642,310 899,215 5,509,647 5,629,817 268,7971 5,618,235 6,480,154 5,673,775 2,621,121t 15.07 11.56 9.16 1.84 15.17 3.77 15.37 2.77 .51 19.12 18.79 8.84 10.30 1.61 1.18 12.79 13.87 18.31 27.00 10.98 4.85 11.27 8.69 2.72 16.25 14.28 ,60t 12.54 12.86 9.97 4.19t Aver age to Each Ac count. $140 143 146 146 147 152 157 162 162 160 166 168 169 172 171 169 174 179 189 199 189 184 184 186 185 191 195 198 202 208 214 205 Popula tion of Mas sachu setts. 614,408* 737,609 - - 994,514 1,132,369 1,232,065 - Deposits to Each Person of Popula tion. $5.58 “ 7.88 “ — — - 13.73 - 24.12 - 35.59 - - - 1,267,329 47.29 State Taxes paid. _ “ “ “ “ “ $228,683 400,080 452,399 364,591 Expense of Manage ment. Percent age of Expense to Total De posits. $10,968 12,066 14,413 17,504 18,329 17,204 17,952 19,248 “ 20,777 - “ 33 “ ” “ 22,688 27,017 29,307 34,490 36,405 37,361 41,681 43,707 49,380 59,071 63,471 77,757 89,309 102,027 105,339 107,951 112,264 .29 “ “ .26 — ~ ~ - 28 “ 120,886 135,783 140,713 184,739 203,348 Percent age of Expense to Total Assets. - .27 27 .29 .33 [Pub. Doc. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 22 Percent age of In crease. REPO RT OF THE 1834 .................................... 1835 .................................... 1836 .................................... 1837 .................................... 1838 .................................... 1839 .................................... 1840 .................................... 1841.................................... 1842 .................................... 1843 .................................... 1844 .................................... 1845 .................................... 1846 .................................... 1847 .................................... 1848 .................................... 1849 .................................... 1850 .................................... 1851.................................... 1852 .................................... 1853 .................................... 1854 .................................... 1855 .................................... 1856 .................................... 1857 .................................... 1858 .................................... 1859 .................................... 1860 .................................... 1861.................................... 1862 .................................... 1863 .................................... 1864 .................................... 1865 .................................... N um ber of Banks. Increase in Number Number of of A c Deposit counts Ac over counts. Previous Year. 1866 1867 1868 1869 . 1870 1871 1872 1873 1874 1875 1876 1877 1878 1879 1880 1881 1882 1883 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888 1889 1890 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 1915 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 102 108 115 130 139 160 172 175 179 180 180 179 168 166 164 165 166 168 168 171 172 173 176 177 179 180 184 185 185 187 187 187 185 186 186 186 186 187 188 189 189 189 189 189 192 192 194 193 195 195 316,853 348,593 383,094 431,769 488,797 561.201 630,246 666,229 702,099 720,639 739,289 739,757 674,251 675,555 706,395 738,951 772,518 806,010 826,008 848,787 906,039 944,778 983.202 1,029,694 1,083,817 1,131,203 1,189,936 1,214,493 1,247,090 1,302,479 1,340,668 1,384,329 1,406,722 1,477,447 1,535,009 1,593,640 1,660,814 1,723,015 1,766,614 1,829,487 1,908,378 1,971,644 1,973,926 2,040,894 2,100,970 2,137,543 2,200,917 2,266,261 2,309,008 2,349,207 * In 1830. 25,365 31,740 34,501 48,675 57,028 72,404 69,045 35,983 35,870 18,540 18,650 468 65,506t 1,304 30,840 32.556 33,567 33.492 19,998 22,779 57,252 38,739 38,424 46.492 54,123 47,386 58,733 24.557 32,597 55,389 38,189 43,661 22,393 70,725 57,562 58,631 67,174 62,201 43,599 62,873 78,891 63,266 2,282 66,968 60,076 36,573 63,374 65,344 42,747 40,199 8.70 10.02 .90 .71 21 81 30 .71 38 64 59 .06 •86f .19 .56 .61 .54 .34 .48 .76 .75 .28 .07 .73 .27 .37 .19 .06 .68 .44 .93 .26 .62 .03 .90 .82 .22 .75 .53 .56 .31 .32 .12 .39 .94 .74 .96 .97 .89 .74 67,732,264 80,431,583 94,838,336 112.119.016 135.745.097 163,704,077 184,797,313 202,195,343 217,452,120 237,848,963 243,340,642 244,596,614 209,860,631 206,378,709 218.047.922 230,444,479 241,311,362 252,607,593 262,720,146 274,998,412 291,197,900 302,948,624 315,185,070 332,723,688 353,592,937 369,526,385 393,019,862 399,995,569 416.778.017 439,269,861 453,220,257 473,919,094 488.642.923 518,202,048 540,403,686 560,705,752 586,937,084 608,415,409 631,313,800 662,808,312 694,081,141 706.940.596 709,519,730 743,101,481 770,814,453 802,220,707 838.635.098 869,919,019 899.279.596 928,830,655 7,795,281 12,699,319 14,406,752 17,280,680 23,626,080 27,958,980 21,093,236 17,398,029 15,256,777 20.396.842 5,491,679 I, 255,971 34,735,9831 3,481,9211 11,669,212 12,396,556 10,866,883 11,296,230 10,112,553 12,278,265 16,199,488 II, 12.236.446 17,538,618 20,869,248 15,933,448 23,493,476 6,975,707 16.782.447 22.491.843 13,950,395 20,698,837 14,723,829 29,559,124 22,201,637 20,302,060 26,231,331 21,478,325 22.898.390 31,494,512 31,272,828 12,859,455 2,579,134 33,581,751 27,712,972 31,406,254 36.414.391 31,283,921 29,360,576 29,551,059 13.01 18.75 17.91 18.22 21.07 20.60 12.89 9.41 7.55 9.38 2.31 ‘ili 5.65 5.69 4.72 4.68 4.00 4.67 5.89 4.04 750,723 4.04 5.57 6.27 4.51 6.36 1.77 4.19 5.40 3.18 4.57 3.11 6.05 4.28 3.76 4.68 3.66 3.76 4.99 4.72 1.85 .36 4.73 3.73 4.07 4.54 3.73 3.37 3.29 213 230 247 259 277 291 293 303 309 330 329 330 311 305 308 311 312 313 318 323 321 320 320 323 326 326 330 329 334 337 338 342 347 350 352 351 353 353 357 362 363 359 359 364 367 375 381 384 389 395 1,457,352 93.14 1,651,652 144.00 1,783,086 122.29 1,941,465 141.64 2,238,943 157.92 2,500,183 175.69 2,805,346 192.63 3,003,680 220.67 3,366,416 228.97 3,693,310 251.49 311,848 361,889 570,065 771,998 927,254 1,097,332 1,329,709 1,454,719 1,550,500 1,707,088 1.802.127 1,814,623 1,646,155 1,500,851 1,513,138 1,602,238 935,274 1,090,286 789,686 815,930 861,373 898,634 924,555 957,335 1,013,060 1,053,606 1,094,905 1,143,200 1.138.128 1,191,589 1,240,469 1,249,531 1,275,640 1,330,163 1,410,115 1,472,349 1,535,960 1,604,300 1,658,765 1,751,481 1,854,131 1,897,693 1,878,149 1,805,363 1,758,825 1,740,423 1,749,475 1,755,051 1,753,678 1,773,862 219,257 254,225 297,527 339,271 375,734 429,080 469.681 547,518 644.682 661,503 657,858 671,728 606,550 590,820 581,274 617,672 619.829 650,247 658,690 674,561 698,087 747,295 783,158 827,619 850,978 882,787 936.829 1,010,639 1,028,838 1,080,611 1,134,581 1,162,136 1,202,708 1,233,166 1,283,289 1,333,523 1,374,564 1,447,237 1,546,904 1,583,889 1,648,061 1,789,485 1,897,169 1,929,012 2,057,350 2,240,267 2,283,688 2,427,363 2,509,321 2,579,422 .31 .30 .27 .26 .25 .26 .29 .277 .27 .275 .289 .286 .271 .268 .257 .257 .257 .245 .239 .247 .248 .249 .241 .239 .238 .252 .246 .246 .250 .245 .246 .238 .237 238 .234 .238 .245 .239 .237 .253 .267 .260 .266 .279 .272 .279 .279 .277 2 O 00 .264 .269 .280 .277 .257 .259 .247 .247 .240 .235 .229 .235 .236 .236 .228 .226 .225 .238 .233 .232 .235 .231 .231 .224 .223 .224 .220 .222 .229 .224 .222 .236 .249 .242 .248 .259 .253 .258 .258 .256 R E P O R T OF THE X X X IV [Pub. Doc. STATEM ENT P r in c ip a l A ssets and L ia b il it ie s op A ll T ru st United No. States and Year. of Mas Cos. sachusetts Bonds. Other Stocks and Bonds. Loans on Ileal Estate. 1879 3 $1,867,707 $501,862 $252,400 $1,121,748 $916,771 $33,000 $854,871 1880 4 1,609,581 643,450 195,900 1,401,150 80,000 3,894,905 1,518,247 33,000 2,568,476 1881 5 1,240,207 1,389,149 183,500 1,658,089 1,435,529 4,506,777 3,623,064 33,000 2,100,147 1882 5 1,230,212 1,968,599 153,800 921,851 1,230,216 3,087,998 5,950,107 33,000 2,476,314 1883 5 1,384,544 1,792,268 132,300 1,288,433 1,434,220 3,915,637 9,030,569 33,000 3,336,895 1884 5 1,340,200 1,793,654 113,578 1,314,541 2,477,091 2,900,508 9,745,024 33,000 3,465,035 1885 5 2,512,452 1,726,354 223,178 2,603,282 2,700,705 3,763,793 8,100,195 33,000 5,018,599 1886 6 1,990,500 2,385,070 228,878 2,649,100 3,002,291 4,913,078 8,580,580 33,000 3,882,854 1887 9 1,930,000 3,296,763 442,078 2,509,850 2,551,066 4,268,285 11,933,801 33,000 3,929,109 1888 12 1,850,500 4,771,258 302,123 1,949,597 3,642,234 2,981,927 16,479,571 73,000 6,828,451 1889 12 1,205,500 4,806,117 427,042 4,382,512 2,199,100 6,828,861 13,603,870 289,327 8,782,653 1890 14 1,050,500 4,390,680 509,424 7,620,102 _* 16,756,143 10,551,919 301,327 5,515,350 1891 17 1,142,096 5,221,897 689,608 9,634,482 _* 19,902,256 8,824,712 311,486 7,418,938 1892 19 2,482,410 7,314,499 1,191,640 9,810,396 -* 22,849,001 11,278,171 408,453 8,815,659 Demand Loans with Col lateral. Other Demand Loans. Time Loans with Col lateral. $113,000 $2,848,031 Other Time Loans. Banking Houses. Due from Reserve Banks. 1893 22 1,367,127 7,559,600 1,258,765 8,313,778 -* 16,409,984 11,945,062 610,940 12,317,451 1894 24 3,783,933 7,003,020 1,963,041 7,616,894 -* 20,318,177 17,448,722 677,653 17,633,583 1895 31 3,958,873 7,117,138 2,487,419 11,092,451 -* 22,203,891 21,702,154 677,653 14,242,742 1896 31 4,138,245 8,441,558 2,216,171 8,422,439 -* 20,534,342 18,419,411 677,653 10,290,374 1897 33 4,073,208 12,845,577 2,726,017 9,793,712 -* 25,523,218 21,343,240 864,742 17,532,727 879,076 22,728,203 1898 34 2,368,089 18,898,455 3,306,881 11,239,247 -* 29,924,166 22,424,668 1899 36 2,055,694 20,816,377 3,004,398 19,885,100 -* 35,799,876 22,362,351 1,154,478 21,083,138 1900 35 1,060,200 20,523,020 31,638,493 26,976,691 1,146,639 19,731 537 1901 35 505,500 22,241,276 4,304,483 20,320,743 19,418,175 42,049,638 11,040,992 1,814,323 20,553,555 1902 37 50,500 26,669,446 5,084,068 25,095,387 12,364,712 43,596,283 17,546,640 2,230,870 25,768,803 1903 41 50,550 30,982,634 5,504,246 26,864,326 12,686,898 38,449,751 22,092,149 2,392,107 24,904,962 74,189,357 3,556,859 27,232,262 3,559,879 16,762,126 1904 41 52,667 32,964,825 4,832,324 1905 44 54,832 36,608,408 6,149,126 34,824,407 4,520,595 45,764,178 51,672,412 3,856,004 25,244,716 1906 46 6,659,026 32,565,893 6,624,890 34,879,270 4,999,834 42,757,552 59,495,276 4,657,368 25,158,012 40,753,957 1907 50 5,437,875 31,353,584 6,560,614 26,306,671 4,381,416 40,002,160 61,128,698 4,876,046 25,916,821 1908 52 5,680,721 33,795,341 5,968,266 30,617,598 5,858,675 43,647,418 73,023,727 6,436,471 36,808,861 1909 53 4,725,043 30,212,659 5,941,147 36,591,076 4,979,737 51,251,995 83,292,260 7,787,924 31,034,603 1910 57 4,838,547 29,785,184 7,637,898 37,364,094 6,743,098 46,164,189 97,177,624 8,290,718 27,695,972 8,819,764 40,151,455 8,372,708 51,613,068 119,941,583 8,152,519 33,286,384 1911 62 4,138,133 34,113,583 1912 65 3,533,077 36,482,476 11,129,773 41,412,395 10,542,839 54,878,172 109,461,818 8,117,556 30,599,812 1913 70 3,808,112 38,771,923 11,831,708 45,862,470 10,899,731 48,964,031 112,702,804 8,855,368 35,238.193 1914 74 3,705,487 36,079,362 12,692,364 38,368,667 13,301,249 57,831,518 127,810,271 8,078,748 37,709,534 1915 77 4,177,763 41,468,489 16,518,206 44,289,935 13,387,273 66,681,645 148,992,848 8,134,753 57,410,448 * The forma upon which the annual reports for these years were rendered did not show these items separately. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis B AN K COMMISSIONER No. 8.] XXXV N o. 13. C o m p a n ie s from 1879 to 1915 in c l u s iv e . Due from Other Banks. Currency and Specie. Other Assets. Total Assets and Liabilities. Capital Stock. Surplus and Undivided Earnings less Exp., Int. and Taxes. - $154,519 $104,939 $8,768,848 $1,100,000 $280,264 $7,363,333 - $25,251 - 134,924 98,799 12,178,432 1,237,200 375,054 10,261,770 - 304,408 1880 - 138,279 67,824 16,375,565 2,400,000 470,935 12,772,255 - 732,375 1881 - 200,514 52,858 17,305,469 2,600,000 602,054 13,776,389 - 327,026 1882 $989 190,534 61,108 22,600,497 2,600,000 831,376 19,090,843 $49,393 28,885 1883 - 281,080 77,736 23,541,447 2,800,000 1,064,835 19,539,346 - 137,266 1884 Deposits Demand. Deposits Time. Other Liabili ties. Year. 1879 - 289,748 43,714 27,015,020 2,800,000 1,117,847 22,993,613. - 103,560 1885 8,554 389,274 55,831 28,119,010 3,101,500 1,404,171 23,446,737 - 166,602 1886 30,345 539,659 67,336 31,531,292 4,400,000 1,944,811 23,841,976 - 1,344,505 1887 32,473 546,022 142,653 39,599,809 4,700,000 2,314,452 31,551,776 - 1,033,581 1888 29,770 664,211 140,577 43,359,540 4,800,000 2,708,654 34,653,000 - 1,197,886 1889 850 1,004,264 155,993 47,856,552 6,550,000 3,979,853 36,713,850 - 612,849 1890 14,495 1,602,475 215,056 54,977,501 7,775,000 4,655,027 41,699,163 - 848,311 1891 8,664 1,656,054 252,902 66,067,849 8,475,000 5,106,863 51,498,128 - 987,858 1892 6,215 2,457,902 314,737 62,561,561 9,075,000 5,689,730 46,884,726 - 912,105 1893 10,310 2,085,086 403,558 78,943,977 9,275,000 5,875,700 62,826,190 - 967,087 1894 2,420 2,689,362 382,175 86,556,278 10,375,000 6,374,737 69,096,779 - 709,762 1895 11,246 3,175,288 410,932 76,737,659 10,475,000 7,059,645 58,014,417 - 1,188,597 1896 36,625 2,694,146 449,524 97,882,736 10,875,000 7,356,778 78,092,229 - 1,558,729 1897 66,007 3,659,692 426,568 115,921,052 10,875,000 8,350,855 95,044,949 - 1,650,248 1898 55,593 3,846,567 415,013 130,478,585 11,475,000 9,830,755 107,308,805 - 1,864,025 1899 6,320 3,740,174 414,794 125,559,873 11,375,000 11,325,457 101,052,678 - 1,806,738 1900 14,331 4,751,585 443,614 147,458,215 11,875,000 13,509,728 119,473,973 - 2,599,514 1901 20,270 4,921,885 520,905 163,869,769 14,225,000 17,179,118 129,678,629 - 2,787,022 1902 15,695 5,573,906 535,290 170,052,514 16,025,000 20,922,285 131,476,585 - 1,628,644 1903 5,438,123 8,012,491 1,909,533 198,942,398 16,476,000 22,509,210 152,075,517 6,073,123 1,808,548 1904 3,046,058 9,867,165 2,251,426 223,859,327 17,076,000 23,782,386 174,443,960 6,079,095 2,477,886 1905 4,738,854 9,807,582 5,268,776 237,612,333 16,427,000 26,889,262 183,301,054 8,780,285 2,214,732 1906 2,638,663 11,634,191 6,293,815 226,530,554 17,227,000 28,231,995 170,158,552 7,782,565 3,130,442 1907 7,313,884 10,859,653 2,897,460 262,908,075 17,729,200 29,213,445 203,305,006 10,032,101 2,628,323 1908 6,418,366 17,315,014 2,891,708 282,441,532 18,319,700 30,804,173 219,935,962 9,610,567 3,771,130 1909 4,277,321 19,100,509 2,877,729 291,952,883 18,939,100 33,539,480 230,529,802 5,882,244 3,062,257 1910 8,108,438 21,961,451 3,550,704 342,209,790 23,038,000 32,524,435 268,152,950 15,012,855 3,481,550 1911 5,726,352 21,755,799 3,168,492 336,808,561 24,792,400 35,172,079 262,714,556 8,824,186 5,305,340 1912 1913 6,756,409 24,146,996 3,975,763 351,813,508 26,092,700 37,226,663 274,609,979 9,131,384 4,752,782 7,702,549 22,612,953 3,731,610 389,624,307 27,042,300 34,793,881 287,250,496 16,014,953 4,519,677 1914 9,799,366 25,645,672 5,700,721 442,207,119 28,392,900 33,294,938 356,494,497 21,919,677 2,105,107 1915 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis REPORT OF THE XXXVI [Pub. Doc, STATEM ENT P Year. United No. States and of Mas Cos. sachusetts Bonds. 1879 2 $1,591,707 1880 3 Other Stocks and Bonds. $309,462 1,402,381 453,050 Loans on Real Estate. r in c ip a l Demand Loans with Col lateral. $175,500 $1,106,223 162,500 1,375,050 A ssets Other Demand Loans. and Time Loans with Col lateral. L ia b il it ie s Other Time Loans. of Banking Houses. B o ston Due from Reserve Banks. $113,000 $2,848,031 $287,000 - $742,590 80,000 3,894,905 684,114 - 2,375,901 1881 4 1,238,157 1,203,749 159,800 1,487,750 1,435,529 4,506,777 2,478,710 - 1,968,614 1882 4 1,221,462 1,783,199 132,400 901,351 1,230,216 3,087,998 4,611,502 - 2,298,420 3,094,105 1883 4 1,373,194 1,556,868 111,100 1,268,433 1,434,220 3,915,637 7,753,752 - 1884 4 1,322,850 1,558,254 93,178 1,295,252 2,477,091 2,900,508 8,433,165 - 3,365,117 1885 4 2,472,302 1,490,954 206,178 2,596,682 2,700,705 3,763,793 6,732,551 - 4,784,298 1886 4 1,990,500 2,149,670 183,678 2,629,817 3,002,291 4,894,428 6,566,617 - 3,626,533 1887 7 1,900,000 3,079,363 395,528 2,509,850 2,518,358 4,238,035 9,622,365 - 3,633,980 1888 7 1,785,000 4,475,848 267,498 1,946,597 3,582,244 2,981,927 13,319,889 - 6,480,387 1889 7 1,135,000 4,433,734 356,287 4,194,989 2,199,100 6,412,756 9,899,013 $216,327 8,383,776 1890 9 960,000 4,047,208 414,734 7,385,910 _* 16,296,990 6,600,300 216,327 4,949,284 1891 9 1,003,596 4,848,483 522,000 9,047,513 _* 19,218,852 3,840,500 216,327 6,470,414 1892 10 2,299,985 6,472,711 838,175 9,197,368 -* 21,990,117 4,895,610 295,927 7,723,407 15,333,372 7,015,752 458,350 11,258,657 —* 18,909,448 10,887,543 500,000 16,228,975 1893 11 1,128,977 6,798,028 853,513 7,521,211 1894 11 3,431,733 6,093,235 1,417,551 6,491,921 1895 15 3,446,798 6,074,975 1,808,725 9,895,693 _* 20,772,033 13,699,181 500,000 12,617,621 1896 14 3,569,778 7,167,819 1,559,350 7,461,738 _* 19,004,475 11,462,551 500,000 1897 14 3,481,202 11,264,994 1,979,966 8,719,036 _* 23,366,712 13,081,346 650,000 15,974,023 1898 14 2,092,089 16,523,687 2,432,685 10,008,694 27,509,344 14,275,813 650,000 20,915,766 1899 16 1,928,044 17,584,573 2,014,851 17,336,749 _* 33,403,284 14,433,141 926,442 19,594,697 2,457,391 14,015,601 _* 29,264,749 18,993,352 916,396 17,943,157 _* 1900 16 1,059,000 17,375,051 1901 16 505,000 18,643,195 1902 18 50,000 22,905,331 3,677,631 22,017,398 7,924,578 40,543,057 1903 19 50,000 25,903,398 4,034,633 23,508,361 7,651,269 33,045,418 1904 20 52,117 27,499,732 3,244,527 3,224,297 17,346,362 15,266,312 39,455,209 35,555,338 _* 9,049,453 6,575,655 1,575,969 18,373,094 12,661,173 2,005,084 23,380,113 10,085,936 2,182,300 21,808,261 57,349,971 3,344,872 23,957,133 1905 20 54,282 30,371,305 4,289,607 30,605,282 3,388,076 39,765,501 34,965,688 3,623,440 21,580,601 1906 20 5,258,364 27,211,836 4,153,051 30,754,264 3,446,332 36,049,632 38,842,351 4,280,158 20,011,595 1907 22 3,942,131 25,615,500 3,845,199 22,364,441 2,831,038 33,546,742 38,518,613 4,423,706 21,811,831 1908 23 4,217,762 27,199,245 3,008,790 26,507,050 4,283,257 35,548,782 49,531,224 5,876,438 31,445,972 55,411,835 7,205,360 25,485,500 1909 23 3,805,909 24,785,494 3,354,605 31,771,481 3,856,867 42,409,926 1910 23 3,808,906 23.529.18S 4,185,978 31,841,266 5,306,286 36,957,502 65,877,464 7,500,078 21,181,009 1911 22 3,121,149 25,768,864 4,697,304 34,406,478 6,267,200 42,003,711 86,341,885 7,387,944 26,231,429 1912 22 2,515,054 27,501,680 5,168,416 34,451,120 7,944,412 44,969,495 73,936,307 7,149,683 23,976,311 1913 24 2,846,706 28,002,070 5,489,149 37,473,172 8,242,709 38,674,769 76,186,639 7,554.839 27,758,320 90,309,910 6,508,681 28,657,145 1914 24 2,606,373 21,953,540 5,584,909 30,147,804 9,995,728 46,055,409 1915 26 2,824,634 24,087,673 7,207,447 34,909,667 9,902,744 54,202,675 110,661,385 6,587,650 46,043,590 * The forms upon which the annual reports for these years were rendered did not show these items separately. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis BANK COMMISSIONER No. 8.] X X X V ll N o . 14. T ru st Due from Other Banks. C o m p a n ie s Currency and Specie. from 1879 Other Assets. Total Assets and Liabilities. to 1915 Capital Stock. in c l u s iv e . Surplus and Undivided Earnings less Exp., Int. and Taxes. Deposits Demand. Deposits Time. Other Liabili ties. Year. - $74,131 $47,247 $7,294,891 $900,000 $245,717 $6,126,857 - $22,317 1879 - 35,198 57,260 10,520,359 1,037,200 342,213 8,839,595 - 301,351 1880 - 33,729 49,007 14,561,822 2,200,000 432,319 11,197,359 - 732,144 1881 - 77,999 35,254 15,379,801 2,400,000 563,694 12,089,552 - 326,555 1882 1883 $989 95,779 43,370 20,647,447 2,400,000 762,978 17,406,224 $49,393 28,852 159,429 58,474 21,663,318 2,600,000 968,468 17,957,617 - 137,233 1884 - 172,634 20,600 24,940,697 2,600,000 1,018,770 21,218,367 - 103,560 1885 - 227,049 50 25,270,633 2,701,500 1,294,118 21,108,443 - 166,572 1886 - 382,157 2,982 28,282,618 3,900,000 1,783,668 21,254,460 - 1,344,490 1887 - 346,442 41,725 35,227,557 3,900,000 2,122,446 28,174,880 - 1,030,231 1888 - 422,746 48,242 37,701,970 3,900,000 2,483,238 30,124,146 - 1,194,586 1889 - 724,488 68,720 41,663,961 5,550,000 3,714,415 31,790,357 - 609,189 1890 - 1,314,518 94,901 46,577,104 6,250,000 4,334,342 35,148,231 - 844,531 1891 - 1,273,096 95,824 55,082,220 6,850,000 4,693,946 42,557,168 - 981,106 1892 - 1,982,708 87,143 52,437,711 7,050,000 5,151,159 39,349,658 - 886,894 1893 - 1,613,903 136,600 65,710,909 7,050,000 5,308,265 52,391,564 - 961,080 1894 - 2,028,279 117,377 70,960,682 7,650,000 5,711,725 56,897,697 - 701,260 1895 - 2,371,934 108,805 62,255,903 7,650,000 6,245,893 47,304,135 - 1,055,875 1896 - 2,162,726 80,946 80,760,951 7,850,000 6,456,844 64,978,179 - 1,475,928 1897 10,299 - 2,947,165 75,985 97,441,527 7,850,000 7,421,295 80,540,785 - 1,629,447 1898 3,108,544 76,757 110,407,082 8,450,000 8,847,220 91,262,818 - 1,847,044 1899 - 2,965,973 75,554 105,066,224 8,450,000 10,181,302 84,647,563 - 1,787,359 1900 - 3,862,512 76,846 124,904,451 8,750,000 12,198,959 101,394,048 - 2,561,444 1901 - 4,151,410 166,709 139,492,484 11 ,100,000 15,651,855 109,974,337 - 2,766,292 1902 - 4,380,790 179,247 138,809,613 12,100,000 18,673,134 106,526,390 - 1,510,089 1903 4,676,774 6,491,685 1,391,476 163,563,623 12,501,000 19,821,033 126,730,504 2,803,298 1,707,788 1904 2,754,490 8,133,129 1,582,324 181,113,725 12,501,000 20,756,530 143,238,007 2,311,815 2,306,373 1905 4,313,847 7,569,665 4,267,513 186,158,608 11,102,000 22,907,635 145,690,660 4,383,635 2,074,678 1906 2,381,653 9,012,924 5,219,294 173,513,072 11,552,000 23,700,281 132,839,193 2,704,150 2,717,448 1907 6,857,742 8,636,302 2,103,923 205,216,487 11,752,000 24,463,568 162,357,267 4,108,580 2,535,072 1908 6,047,627 13,944,113 2,037,384 220,116,101 12,152,000 25,425,250 170,162,557 8,995,830 3,380,464 1909 3,842,206 15,125,470 1,951,709 221,107,062 12,252,000 27,604,171 173,146,758 5,298,654 2,805,479 1910 7,641,463 17,314,048 2,463,148 263,644,623 15,050,000 26,423,810 204,952,703 14,235,391 2,982,719 1911 5,327,732 16,840,031 1,854,195 251,634,466 16,250,000 28,107,107 194,915,304 8,012,612 4,349,443 1912 6,236,917 18,676,214 2,684,567 259,826,071 17,250,000 29,394,421 201,752,811 7,217,219 4,211,620 1913 7,052,945 17,649,125 2,283,965 268,805,534 17,450,000 26,508,667 208,375,628 12,915,509 3,555,730 1914 9,082,495 18,981,902 3,833,634 328,415,496 18,480,200 24,546,626 265,669,190 18,242,255 1,487,225 1915 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis xxxviii REPO RT OF THE [Pub. Doc. STATEM ENT P United No. States and Year. of Mas Cos. sachusetts Bonds. Other Stocks and Bonds. r in c ip a l Loans on Real Estate. Demand Loans with Col lateral. A ssets and L ia b il it ie s Other Demand Loans. Time Loans with Col lateral. Other Time Loans. of O u t s id e Banking Houses. Due from Reserve Banks. $112,281 1879 1 $276,000 $192,400 $76,900 $15,525 - - $629,771 $33,000 1880 1 207,200 190,400 33,400 26,100 - - 834,133 33,000 192,575 1881 1 2,050 185,400 23,700 170,339 - - 1,144,354 33,000 131,533 1882 1 8,750 185,400 21,400 20,500 - - 1,338,605 33,000 177,894 1883 1 11,350 235,400 21,200 20,000 - - 1,276,817 33,000 242,790 1884 1 17,350 235,400 20,400 19,289 - - 1,311,859 33,000 99,918 1885 1 40,150 235,400 17,000 6,600 - - 1,367,644 33,000 ‘ 234,301 1886 2 19,283 - $18,650 2,013,963 33,000 256,321 1887 2 $32,708 30,250 2,311,436 33,000 295,129 1888 1889 235,400 45,200 30,000 217,400 46,550 5 65,500 295,410 34,625 3,000 - 3,159,682 73,000 348,064 5 70,500 372,383 70,755 187,523 - 416,105 3,704,857 73,000 398,877 _* 459,153 3,951,619 85,000 566,066 683,404 4,984,212 95,159 948,524 858,884 6,382,561 112,526 1,092,252 1,076,612 4,929,310 152,590 1,058,794 - - 1890 5 90,500 343,472 94,690 234,192 1891 8 138,500 373,414 167,608 586,969 1892 9 182,425 841,788 353,465 613,028 1893 11 238,150 761,572 405,252 792,567 59,990 _* 1894 13 352,200 909,785 545,490 1,124,973 _* 1,408,729 6,561,179 177,653 1,404,608 1895 16 512,075 1,042,163 678,694 1,196,758 _* 1,431,858 8,002,973 177,653 1,625,121 1896 17 568,467 1,273,739 656,821 960,701 -* 1897 19 592,006 1,580,583 746,051 1,074,676 1898 20 276,000 2,374,768 874,196 1,230,553 1899 20 127,650 3,231,804 989,547 2,548,351 -* 1900 19 1,200 3,147,969 1,102,488 2,746,525 -* 1901 19 500 3,598,081 1,080,186 2,974,381 1,529,867 6,956,860 177,653 1,240,921 2,156,506 8,261,894 214,742 1,558,704 2,414,822 8,148,855 229,076 1,812,437 2,396,592 7,929,210 228,036 1,488,441 2,373,744 7,983,339 230,243 1,788,380 4,151,863 2,594,429 4,465,337 238,354 2,180,461 1902 19 500 3,764,115 1,406,437 3,077,989 4,440,134 3,053,226 4,885,467 225,786 2,388,690 1903 22 550 5,079,236 1,469,613 3,355,965 5,035,629 5,404,333 6,026,213 209,807 3,096,701 —* 1904 21 550 5,465,093 1,587,797 16,839,386 211,987 3,275,129 1905 24 550 6,237,103 1,859,519 4,219,125 1,132,519 5,998,677 16,706,724 232,564 3,664,115 -* 5,198,621 1906 26 1,400,662 5,354,057 2,471,839 4,125,006 1,553,502 6,707,920 20,652,925 377,210 5,146,417 1907 28 1,495,744 5,738,084 2,715,415 3,942,230 1,550,378 6,455,418 22,610,085 452,340 4,104,990 1908 29 1,462,959 6,596,096 2,959,476 4,110,548 1,575,418 8,098,636 23,492,503 560,033 5,362,889 1909 30 919,134 5,427,165 2,586,542 4,819,595 1,122,870 8,842,069 27,880,425 582,564 5,549,103 1910 34 1,029,641 6,255,996 3,451,920 5,522,828 1,436,812 9,206,687 31,300,160 790,640 6,514,963 1911 40 1,016,984 8,344,719 4,122,460 5,744,977 2,105,508 9,609,357 33,599,698 764,575 7,054,955 1,018,024 6,623,501 1912 43 8,980,796 5,961,357 6,961,275 2,598,427 9,908,677 35,525,511 967,874 1913 46 961,406 10,769,853 6,342,559 8,389,298 2,657,022 10,289,262 36,516,165 1,300.529 7,479,873 1914 50 1,099,114 14,125,822 7,107,455 8,220,863 3,305,521 11,776,104 37,500,361 1,570,067 9,052,389 1915 51 1,353,129 17,380,816 9,310,759 9,290,268 3,484,529 12,478,970 38,331,463 1,547,103 11,366,858 * The forms upon which the annual reports for these years were rendered did not show these items separately. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis • N o . 15. T ru st Due from Other Banks. C o m p a n ie s Currency and Specie. $80,388 - 99,726 - xxxix BANK COMMISSIONER. No. 8.] from 1879 to 1915 in c l u s iv e . Surplus and Undivided Earnings less Exp., Int. and Taxes. Other Assets. Total Assets and Liabilities. Capital Stock. $57,692 $1,473,957 $200,000 41,539 1,658,073 200,000 $34,547 32,841 Other Liabili ties. Deposits Demand. Deposits Time. $1,236,476 - $2,934 - 3,057 1880 1881 1,422,175 Year. 1879 - 104,550 18,817 1,813,743 200,000 38,616 1,574,896 - 231 - 122,515 17,604 1,925,668 200,000 38,360 1,686,837 - 471 1882 1883 - 94,755 17,738 1,953,050 200,000 68,398 1,684,619 - 33 - 121,651 19,262 1,878,129 200,000 96,367 1,581,729 - 33 1884 - - 1885 117,114 23,114 2,074,323 200,000 99,077 1,775,246 $8,554 162,225 55,781 2,848,377 400,000 110,053 2,338,294 - 30 1886 30,345 157,502 64,354 3,248,674 500,000 161,143 2,587,516 - 15 1887 32,473 199,580 100,928 4,372,252 800,000 192,006 3,376,896 - 3,350 1888 29,770 241,465 92,335 5,657,570 900,000 225,416 4,528,854 - - 3,300 1889 1890 850 279,776 87,273 6,192,591 1,000,000 265,438 4,923,493 - 3,660 14,495 287,957 120,155 8,400,397 1,525,000 320,685 6,550,932 - 3,780 1891 412,917 8,940,960 - 6,752 1892 - 25,211 1893 1894 382,958 157,078 10,985,629 1,625,000 475,194 227,594 10,123,850 2,025,000 538,571 7,535,068 10,310 471,183 266,958 13,233,068 2,225,000 567,435 10,434,626 - 6,007 2,420 661,083 264,798 15,595,596 2,725,000 663,012 12,199,082 - 8,502 1895 11,246 803,354 302,127 14,481,756 2,825,000 813,752 10,710,282 - 132,722 1896 36,625 531,420 368,578 17,121,785 3,025,000 899,934 13,114,050 - 82,801 1897 55,708 712,527 350,583 18,479,525 3,025,000 929,560 14,504,164 - 20,801 1898 55,593 738,023 338,256 20,071,503 3,025,000 983,535 16,045,987 - 16,981 1899 6,320 774,201 339,240 20,493,649 2,925,000 1,144,155 16,405,115 - 19,379 1900 14,331 889,073 366,768 22,553,764 3,125,000 1,310,769 18,079,925 - 38,070 1901 20,270 760,475 354,196 24,377,285 3,125,000 1,527,263 19,704,292 - 20,730 1902 15,695 1,193,116 356,043 31,242,901 3,925,000 2,249,151 24,950,195 - 118,555 1903 761,349 1,520,806 518,057 35,378,775 3,975,000 2,688,177 25,345,013 $3,269,825 100,760 1904 1905 8,664 6,215 291,568 1,734,036 669,102 42,745,602 4,575,000 3,025,856 31,205,953 3,767,280 171,513 425,007 2,237,917 1,001,263 51,453,725 5,325,000 3,981,627 37,610,394 4,396,650 140,054 1906 257,010 2,621,267 1,074,521 53,017,482 5,675,000 4,531,714 37,319,359 5,078,415 412,994 1907 456,142 2,223,351 793,537 57,691,588 5,977,200 4,749,877 40,947,739 5,923,521 93,251 1908 370,739 3,370,901 854,324 62,325,431 6,167,700 5,378,923 49,773,405 614,737 390,666 1909 435,115 3,975,039 926,020 70,845,821 6,687,100 5,935,309 57,383,044 583,590 256,778 1910 466,975 4,647,403 1,087,556 78,565,167 7,988,000 6,100,625 63,200,247 777,464 498,831 1911 398,620 4,915,738 1,314,295 85,174,095 8,542,400 7,064,973 67,799,251 811,574 955,897 1912 519,492 5,470,782 1,291,196 91,987,437 8,842,700 7,832,242 72,857,168 1,914,165 541,162 1913 649,604 4,963,828 1,447,645 100,818,773 9,592,300 8,288,214 78,874,868 3,099,444 963,947 1914 716,871 6,663,770 1,867,087 113,791,623 9,912,700 8,748,312 90,825,307 3,677,422 627,882 1915 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis xl REPO RT OF THE STATEM ENT B D a n k in g epartm en ts, A [Pub. Doc, N o . 16. T ll ru st C o m p a n ie s . Mar. 4, 1915 May 1, 1915 June 23, 1915 Sept. 2, 1915 N ov. 10,1915 73 72 73 75 77 Trust Com Trust Com Trust Com Trust Com Trust Com panies. panies. panies. panies. panies. Assets. S ecurities . United States bonds Massachusetts bonds Other stocks and bonds . Federal Reserve Bank stock . Bonds deposited with U. S. Treas urer to secure postal savings dep o s i t s ............................................. $45,475 3,833,886 33,406,699 - $13,475 3,818,223 34,475,592 - $13,475 3,881,006 35,123,857 - $13,475 3,912,475 36,358,800 $14,074 4,163,689 40,565,726 360,000 - 495,651 625,951 612,622 569,380 542,763 13,810,813 36,347,659 13,679,336 52,382,177 132,581,707 51,238 273,969 14,081,757 37,639,527 13,919,766 53,650,111 133,661,534 69,930 273,969 14,399,145 37,921,631 13,686,687 54,857,548 138,625,583 62,242 273,586 15,426,907 38,060,652 12,124,989 60,625,590 140,024,230 50,656 273,587 16,518,206 44,289,935 13,387,273 66,681,645 148,992,848. 70,075 751,179 8,175,321 267,171 653,939 238,439 8,175,885 240,556 648,340 237,911 8,159,230 217,981 647,340 286,215 8,060,649 214,955 644,307 317,732 8,134,753 518,432 662,511 306,786 554,605 610,255 697,006 676,491 464,644 42,599,011 7,513,381 22,972,773 512,540 331,760 45,899,612 7,787,641 22,828,552 796,541 866,254 43,918,009 8,196,859 24,769,185 502,371 330,851 55,329,781 10,104,148 23,086,214 601,231 287,266 57,410,448 9,799,366 25,645,672 2,676,420 250,674 $370,727,550 $380,321,382 $387,182,427 $406,763,515 $442,207,119 $27,117,700 23,304,000 $27,093,600 23,325,180 $27,362,700 23,389,000 $27,587,700 23,431,500 $28,392,900 23,967,540 L o ans , etc . Loans on real estate . • Demand loans with collateral Other demand loans Time loans with collateral Other time loans . . . . O v e r d r a f t s .................................... Syndicate participations R eal E state , etc . Banking houses . . Real estate b y foreclosure Safe deposit vaults . . Furniture and fixtures . . . . M iscellaneous . Other a s s e t s .................................... C a sh . Due from reserve banks . Due from other banks Currency and specie Checks on other banks . Other cash items . . . . Liabilities. Capital s t o c k .................................... Surplus f u n d .................................... Undivided earnings, less expenses, interest and taxes paid Deposits, demand: — Subject to check . . . . For payment of coupons, etc. Certificates of deposit . Certified checks . . . . Treasurer’s checks Deposits, time: —Certificates of deposit not payable within thirty days Open accounts not payable within thirty days . . . . Due to reserve banks Due to other banks Sinking funds, railroads . Sinking funds, corporations . Dividends unpaid . . . . Bills payable, including certificates of deposit representing money borr o w e d ............................................. Reserved for taxes . . . . Other liabilities . . . . Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 9,853,227 8,379,673 9,091,371 8,937,480 9,327,398 260,641,708 1,546,440 7,474,159 1,543,948 1,299,060 263,009,831 4,989,401 5,935,682 1,296,231 2,655,826 268,176,178 3,979,021 5,201,494 1,492,529 1,112,979 285,932,149 2,427,413 7,037,643 993,073 1,114,680 315,370,037 1,837,129 7,367,794 1,759,718 1,474,825 7,079,260 7,478,270 11,278,276 10,629,747 10,181,909 8,824,903 2,710,910 16,894,143 364,358 298,574 10,421 10,254,891 2,118,403 21,741,332 216,621 353,066 44,369 10,282,291 2,333,325 20,855,123 216,454 348,307 10,333 10,599,718 1,927,360 23,305,260 292,808 340,772 17,287 11,737,768 2,646,606 26,038,388 244,592 470,447 8,225 919,242 261,786 583,711 593,224 369,903 465,879 816,983 405,538 830,525 669,989 589,838 929,098 546,556 118,944 716,343 $370,727,550 $380,321,382 $387,182,427 $406,763,515 $442,207,119 No, BANK COMMISSIONER, xli S T A T E M E N T N o . 17. B D a n k in g epartm en ts, T ru st C o m p a n ie s in B o sto n . Mar. 4, 1915 May 1, 1915 June 23, 1915 Sept. 2, 1915 N ov. 10,1915 24 24 25 25 26 Trust Com Trust Com Trust Com Trust Com Trust Com panies. panies. panies. panies. panies. Assets. S ecurities . United States bonds Massachusetts bonds Other stocks and bonds . Federal Reserve Bank stock . Bonds deposited with U. S. Treas urer to secure postal savings dep o s i t s .............................................. $13,475 2,612,685 19,592,489 $13,475 2,598,562 20,175,904 $13,475 2,650,754 20,659,507 - $13,475 2,598,957 21,220,157 - $13,475 2,811,159 23,415,349 360,000 345,683 323,482 309,762 312,324 6,337,167 28,292,994 10,245,509 41,314,586 98,656,429 27,323 ' 260,049 6,124,814 29,792,410 10,666,951 42,082,427 96,685,752 43,238 260,049 6,267,467 29,737,820 10,420,448 43,101,404 101,232,892 37,380 259,666 6,745,362 29,461,795 8,969,202 48,622,878 102,240,814 33,881 259,667 7,207,447 34,999,667 9,902,744 54,202,675 110,661,385 56,090 538,809 6,512,131 139,341 394,531 99,064 6,512,264 122,590 394,531 97,700 6,514,764 97,874 394,031 113,300 6,512,564 96,078 391,531 114,179 6,587,650 165,331 387,031 126,167 - 307,751 - L oans , etc . Loans on real estate Demand loans with collateral Other demand loans Tim e loans with collateral Other time loans . . . . Overdrafts . . . . . Syndicate participations . R eap E state , etc . Banking houses . . Real estate b y foreclosure Safe deposit vaults . . Furniture and fixtures . . . . . . 112,078 219,494 291,502 297,708 297,939 . 33,666,518 7,058,763 17,672,168 202,422 210,477 36,678,571 7,226,255 18,017,678 284,694 708,632 35,308,633 7,700,305 19,195,391 232,407 198,199 45,757,835 9,479,067 17,173,435 266,981 184,210 46,043,590 9,082,495 18,981,902 2,096,290 165,977 $271,727,950 $270,051,674 $284,750,701 $300,749,538 $328,415,496 $17,575,000 17,810,000 $17,630,900 17,826,180 $17,900,000 17,890,000 $18,025,000 17,917,500 $18,480,200 18,333,540 M iscellaneous . Other assets . . . C a sh . Due from reserve banks . Due from other banks Currency and specie Checks on other banks . Other cash items . . . L ia bilities. Capital stock . . . . . Surplus fund . . . . • . Undivided earnings, less expenses, interest and taxes paid Deposits, demand: — Subject to check . . . . For payment of coupons, etc. Certificates of deposit . Certified checks . . . . Treasurer’s checks Deposits, time: —■ Certificates of deposit not payable within thirty days Open accounts not payable within thirty days . . . . Due to reserve banks Due to other banks Sinking funds, railroads . Sinking funds, corporations . Dividends unpaid . . . . Bills payable, including certificates of deposit representing money borrowed . . . . . . Reserved for taxes . . . . Other liabilities . . . . Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 6,911,987 5,443,583 5,923,665 5,912,356 6,213,086 189,815,511 1,482,302 4,327,996 1,299,296 1,200,270 190,626,204 4,937,976 3,365,578 1,047,733 2,532,846 194,999,507 3,903,930 2,562,353 1,238,556 1,031,881 209,488,566 2,344,886 4,290,496 850,872 1,004,492 232,200,575 1,795,948 4,663,943 1,616,360 1,317,035 5,503,893 5,483,979 9,269,950 8,996,451 8,331,768 7,958,801 2,242,743 13,809,151 364,358 292,920 6,673 9,194,644 1,488,068 17,926,929 216,621 349,980 29,172 9,108,072 1,799,688 17,328,451 216,453 339,849 3,347 8,973,732 1,513,595 19,308,774 292,808 338,369 10,886 9,910,487 2,067,155 22,008,174 244,592 465,315 4,808 369,837 242,196 515,016 272,224 325,192 353,865 146,983 354,577 733,439 213,183 515,179 752,393 188,750 108,381 465,379 $271,727,950 $279,051,674 $284,750,701 $300,749,538 $328,415,496 [Pub. Doc. REPORT OF THE xlii STATEM ENT B a n k in g D epartm en ts, T ru st C N o . 18. o m p a n ie s o u t s id e of B o sto n . Mar. 4, 1915 May 1, 1915 June 23, 1915 Sept. 2, 1915 N ov. 10,1915 48 48 50 49 51 Trust Com Trust Com Trust Com Trust Com Trust Com panies. panies. panies. panies. panies. Assets. S ecurities . United States bonds Massachusetts bonds Other stocks and bonds Bonds deposited with U. S. Treas urer to secure postal savings dep o s i t s .............................................. $32,000 1,221,201 13,814,210 $1,219,661 14,299,688 $1,230,252 14,464,350 $1,313,518 15,138,643 $599 1,352,530 17,150,377 187,900 280,268 289,140 259,618 230,439 7,473,646 8,054,665 3,433,827 11,067,591 35,925,278 23,915 13,920 7,956,943 7,847,117 3,252,815 11,567,684 36,975,782 26,692 13,920 8,131,678 8,183,811 3,266,239 11,756,142 37,392,691 24,862 13,920 8,681,545 8,598,857 3,155,787 12,002,712 37,783,416 16,775 13,920 9,310,759 9,290,268 3,484,529 12,478,970 38,331,463 13,985 212,370 1,663,190 127,830 259,408 139,375 1,663,621 117,966 253,809 140,211 1,644,466 120,107 253,309 172,915 1,548,08» 118,877 252,776 203,553 1,547,103 353,101 275,480 180,619 442,527 390,761 405,504 378,783 166,705 8,932,493 454,618 5,300,605 310,118 121,283 9,221,041 561,386 4,810,874 511,847 157,622 8,609,376 496,554 5,573,794 289,964 132,652 9,571,946 625,081 5,912,779 334,250 103,056 11,366,858 716,871 6,663,770 580,130 84,697 $98,999,600 $101,269,708 $102,431,726 $106,013,977 $113,791,623 $9,542,700 5,494,000 $9,462,700 5,499,000 $9,462,700 5,499,000 $9,562,700 5,514,000 $9,912,700 5,634,000 L oans , etc . Loans on real estate Demand loans with collateral Other demand loans Tim e loans with collateral Other time loans . . . . O v e r d r a f t s .................................... Syndicate participations - - R eal E state , etc . Banking houses . . Real estate by foreclosure Safe deposit vaults . . Furniture and fixtures . . . . M iscellaneous . Other a s s e t s .................................... C a sh . Due from reserve banks . Due from other banks . Currency and specie Checks on other banks . Other cash items . . ' . . . L ia bilities. Capital s t o c k .................................... Surplus fund . . . . . Undivided earnings, less expenses, interest and taxes paid Deposits, demand: — Subject to check . . . . For payment of coupons, etc. Certificates of deposit . Certified checks . . . . Treasurer’s checks Deposits, time: — Certificates of deposit not payable within thirty days Open accounts not payable within thirty days . . . . Due to reserve banks Due to other banks Sinking funds, corporations . Dividends unpaid . . . . Bills payable, including certificates of deposit representing money borr o w e d ............................................. Reserved for taxes . . . . Other liabilities . . . . Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 2,941,240 2,936,090 3,167,706 3,025,094 3,114,312 70,826,197 64,138 3,146,163 244,652 98,790 72,383,527 51,425 2,570,104 248,498 122,980 73,176,671 75,091 2,639,142 253,973 81,097 76,443,583 82,527 2,747,147 142,201 110,188 83,169,462 41,181 2,703,851 143,358 157,790 1,575,367 1,994,291 2,008,326 1,633,298 1,850,141 866,102 468,167 3,084,992 5,654 3,748 1,060,247 630,335 3,814,403 3,186 15,197 1,174,219 533,637 3,528,672 8,459 6,986 1,625,986 413,765 3,996,486 2,403 6,401 1,827,281 579,451 4,030,214 5,132 3,417 549,405 19,590 68,695 321,000 44,711 112,014 670,000 50,961 97,086 456,806 74,659 176,735 357,806 10,563 250,964 $98,999,600 $101,269,708 $102,431,726 $106,013,977 $113,791,362 BANK COMMISSIONER. No. 8.] STATEM ENT S a v in g s D epartm en ts, A xliii N o . 19. ll T ru st C o m p a n ie s . Mar. 4, 1915 May 1, 1915 June 23, 1915 Sept. 2, 1915 N ov. 10,1915 40 37 38 37 34 Trust Com Trust Com Trust Com Trust Com Trust Com panies. panies. panies. panies. panies. Assets. I nvestments A uthorized for S a v in g s B a n k s . Public funds . . . . . Railroad bonds and notes Street railway bonds Boston Terminal com pany bonds . Telephone company bonds National bank and trust company s t o c k ............................................. Loans on real estate Loans on personal security Real estate b y foreclosure Securities acquired in settlement of indebtedness . - . Taxes and insurance paid on mort gaged properties . . . . Premium account . . . . Other assets . ' . . . . Due from national banks and trust companies . . . . . Cash (currency and specie) Checks and other cash items . $1,407,191 1,481,430 1,309,437 5,600 308,549 $1,547,669 1,584,984 1,366,648 1,990 334,776 $1,439,036 1,657,240 1,413,910 1,990 329,332 $1,489,678 1,696,131 1,428,590 2,881 377,335 $1,368,658 1,923,236 1,512,280 26,578 318,968 367,440 10,766,378 5,389,784 8,170 389,818 11,444,215 5,335,962 8,285 361,086 12,259,107 5,274,628 12,713 457,468 13,106,816 5,231,922 9,477 336,106 14,355,430 5,209,124 6,144 7,000 26,000 26,000 20,500 _ 412 4,316 2,883 396 6,019 5,596 113 5,978 5,216 251 4,091 2,597 _ 44,109 1,102,697 51,298 14,704 1,047,768 59,337 18,299 724,462 63,050 1,467 1,085,874 67,588 3,648 938,878 68,399 2,559 $22,227,289 $23,177,762 $23,575,328 $24,984,847 $26,110,469 $21,985,862 12,246 43,974 $22,865,459 12,468 47,716 $23,201,475 12,392 49,882 $24,679,132 14,439 62,097 $25,686,677 15,941 73,304 22,948 162,259 55,774 196,345 67,027 244,552 24,984 204,195 97,970 236,577 $22,227,289 $23,177,762 $23,575,328 $24,984,847 $26,110,469 L ia bilities. D e p o s it s ............................................. Guaranty fund . . . . Profit and loss . . . Interest, rents, etc., less current ex penses ............................................. Other liabilities . . . . Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis [Pub. Doc, REPO RT OF THE xliv STATEM ENT S a v in g s D epartm en ts, T ru st N o . 20. C o m p a n ie s in B oston. Mar. 4, 1915 May 1,1915 June 23,1915 Sept. 2, 1915 N ov. 10,1915 13 12 14 13 13 Trust Com Trust Com Trust Com Trust Com Trust Com panies. panies. panies. panies. panies. Assets. I nvestments A uthorized for S a vings B a n k s . Public f u n d s .................................... Railroad bonds and notes Street railway bonds Boston Terminal Company bonds . Telephone com pany bonds National bank and trust company s t o c k ............................................. Loans on real estate Loans on personal security Real estate b y foreclosure Securities acquired in settlement of indebtedness . . . . Taxes and insurance paid on mort gaged properties . . . . Premium account . . . . Other a s s e t s .................................... Due from national banks and trust c o m p a n i e s .................................... Cash (currency and specie) Checks and other cash items . $902,085 781,225 560,096 1,990 137,867 $1,006,748 738,243 587,273 1,990 141,145 $920,622 751,083 618,648 1,990 133,927 $936,191 734,338 581,271 1,990 160,307 $807,371 781,316 663,343 1,990 92,593 251,919 4,394,389 2,609,838 3,200 279,297 4,691,428 2,545,599 3,315 242,465 5,220,696 2,339,990 3,333 208,865 5,827,008 2,338,545 3,333 210,665 6,604,995 2,192,669 - _ _ 7,000 7,000 7,000 7,000 104 510 2,228 104 1,874 1,305 104 1,829 602 1,201 17,108 473,634 22,073 1,844 434,327 20,855 16,712 258,783 22,262 753 499,460 25,979 624 405,627 27,957 2,081 $10,150,002 $10,477,215 $10,524,087 $11,327,209 $11,807,715 $10,002,394 7,461 38,600 $10,328,205 7,514 41,081 $10,349,929 7,514 42,787 $11,122,696 8,937 55,167 $11,624,048 9,937 63,567 100,821 726 90,343 10,072 123,433 424 139,094 1,315 98,818 11,345 $10,150,002 $10,477,215 $10,524,087 $11,327,209 $11,807,715 104 995 Liabilities. Deposits . . . . . . Guaranty fund . . . . Profit and loss . . . . Interest, rents, etc., less current ex penses ............................................. Other liabilities . . . . Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis . xlv BANK COMMISSIONER, No. 8.] STATEM ENT Sa v in g s D epartm en ts, T ru st C N o . 21. o m p a n ie s o u t s id e of B oston. Mar. 4, 1915 May 1, 1915 June 23,1915 Sept. 2, 1915 N ov. 10,1915 24 26 24 25 22 Trust Com Trust Com Trust Com Trust Com Trust Com panies. panies. panies. panies. panies. Assets. I nvestments A uthorized for S avings B a n k s . Public f u n d s .................................... Railroad bonds and notes Street railway bonds Boston Terminal Company bonds . Telephone company bonds National bank and trust company s t o c k ............................................. Loans on real estate Loans on personal security Real estate by foreclosure Securities acquired in settlement of indebtedness . . . . Taxes and insurance paid on mort gaged properties . . . . Premium account . . . . Other a s s e t s .................................... Due from national banks and trust companies . . . . . Cash (currency and specie) Checks and other cash items . $505,106 700,205 749,341 3,610 170,682 $540,921 846,741 779,375 193,631 115,521 6,371,989 2,779,946 4,970 _ 195,405 $553,487 961,793 847,319 891 217,028 $561,287 1,141,920 848,937 24,588 226,375 110,521 6,752,787 2,790,363 4,970 118,621 7,038,411 2,934,638 9,380 248,603 7,279,810 2,893,377 6,144 125,441 7,750,435 3,016,455 6,144 19,000 19,000 13,500 - $518,414 906,157 795,262 - _ _ 308 3,806 655 292 4,145 4,291 4,149 4,614 147 3,096 1,396 27,001 629,063 29,225 12,860 613,441 38,482 1,587 465,679 40,788 714 586,414 41,609 3,024 533,251 40,442 478 $12,077,287 $12,700,547 $13,051,241 $13,657,638 $14,302,754 $11,983,468 4,785 5,374 $12,537,254 4,954 6,635 $12,851,546 4,878 7,095 $13,556,436 5,502 6,930 $14,062,629 6,004 9,737 61,438 22,222 106,002 45,702 121,119 66,603 65,101 23,669 137,759 86,625 $12,077,287 $12,700,547 $13,051,241 $13,657,638 $14,302,754 9 - Liabilities. D e p o s it s ............................................. Guaranty fund . . . . Profit and loss • . Interest, rents, etc., less current ex penses ............................................. Other liabilities . . . . Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis [Pub. Doc. REPO RT OF THE x lv i STATEM ENT A ggregate of T ru st N o . 22. D epartm en ts. N ov. 10, 1915 34 Trust Companies in all. N ov. 10, 1915 N ov. 10, 1915 22 12 Companies in Companies out side of Boston. Boston. Assets. S ecurities . United States bonds . . . . State bonds . . . . . . C ity, county and town bonds Railroad b o n d s .................................... Street railway bonds . . . . Miscellaneous bonds . . . . Bank stocks . . . . . . Railroad s t o c k s .................................... Manufacturing stocks . . . . Miscellaneous stocks . . . . L o ans . Loans Loans Notes Notes on real estate with collaterals of individuals of corpoiations . . or sureties . . . . . . . . R e al E state . Real estate owned . . Real estate b y foreclosure . . . M iscellaneous . Trust fund agreements Annuities . . . . . . S u n d r i e s ............................................. C a sh . Deposits in savings banks . . . Deposits in national banks or trust companies . Cash on h a n d ...................................................... $62,971 969,223 2,752,901 3,481,940 854,503 7,047,342 1,280,503 17,273,814 3,719,046 18,669,138 $46,590 894,414 2,588,176 3,197,659 728,948 6,386,790 960,531 14,946,099 2,677,316 16,106,518 $18,381 74,809 164,725 284,281 125,555 660,552 319,972 2,327,715 1,041,730 2,562,620 23,874,412 944,079 299,509 241,850 16,638,416 919,502 258,781 104,091 7,235,996 24,577 40,728 137,759 9,885,911 112,170 8,580,837 105,870 1,305,074 6,300 259,502 211,545 430,948 259,502 211,545 341,643 89,305 1,182,673 1,669,563 53,980 542,171 1,148,299 25,323 640,502 521,264 28,657 $95,277,523 $77,669,021 $17,608,502 $80,087,321 13,749,817 1,278,705 161,680 $66,319,049 10,160,008 1,185,791 4,173 $13,768,272 3,589,809 92,914 157,507 $95,277,523 $77,669,021 $17,608,502 L ia bilities. On trust accounts . . . . As executors, administrators, etc. I n c o m e ...................................................... Dividends . . . . . Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis No. S.] BANK COMMISSIONER STATEM ENT R xlvii N o . 23. eserves. Of Trust Companies in Boston. T otal A mount carried in C ash , R eserve B anks D A TE OF CALL. No. of Cos. Net Demand Deposits. Reserve required. C lassification of R e se r v e . U . S. AND M ass . B onds . CASH. U. S. and Mass. Bonds. Due from Re serve Banks. Am ount. Per Cent, of De posits. Amount. Per Cent, of De posits. 1915. Mar. 4 24 $201,223,194 $40,244,639 $48,265,283 23.99 $17,672,168 8.78 May 1 24 206,742,228 41,348,446 49,606,957 23.99 18,017,678 8.72 2,612,037 28,977,242 June 23 25 210,457,101 42,091,420 52,690,353 25.04 19,195,391 9.12 2,664,229 30,830,733 25 223,083,571 44,616,714 59,560,754 26.70 17,173,435 7.70 2,612,432 39,774,887 26 249,500,811 49,900,162 62,855,724 25.19 18,981,902 7.61 2,824,634 41,049,188 $8,464,326 Sept. 2 N ov. 10 . $2,626,160 $27,966,955 Of Trust Companies outside of Boston. $76,703,944 $11,505,592 $15,018,132 19.58 $5,300,605 6.91 $1,253,201 11,719,935 14,621,241 18.71 4,810,874 6.16 1,219,661 8,590,706 11,848,967 14,879,785 18.84 5,573,794 7.06 1,230,252 8,075,739 82,569,202 12,385,380 16,384,478 19.84 5,912,779 7.16 1,313,518 9,158,181 88,952,272 13,342,841 18,804,306 21.14 6,663,770 7.49 1,353,129 10,787,407 Mar. 4 49 May 1 48 78,132,901 June 23 48 78,993,114 50 51 Sept. 2 N ov. 10 . Of All Trust Companies. Mar. 4 73 $277,927,138 $51,750,231 $63,283,415 22.77 $22,972,773 8.27 May 1 72 284,875,129 53,068,381 64,228,198 22.55 22,828,552 8.01 3,831,698 37,567,948 June 23 73 289,450,215 53,940,387 67,570,138 23.34 24,769,185 8.56 3,894,481 38,906,472 75 305,652,773 57,002,094 75,945,232 24.85 23,086,214 7.55 3,925,950 48,933,068 77 338,453,083 63,243,003 81,660,030 24.13 25,645,672 7.58 4,177,763 51,836,595 Sept. 2 N ov. 10 . Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis $3,879,361 $36,431,281 xlviii REPORT OF THE STATEM ENT E a r n in g s and D iv id e n d s [Pub. Doc. N o . 24. A of ll T ru st C o m p a n ie s . From Oct. 31, 1914, to N ov. 10, 1915. From Oct. 21, 1913, to Oct. 31, 1914. From N ov. 26, 1912, to Oct. 21, 1913. Gross e a rn in g s ........................................................................ $19,110,199 52 $20,985,507 41 $16,100,289 11 Less interest paid to depositors in banking departments . $6,698,696 19 $6,105,401 18 $5,190,124 37 Less interest paid to depositors in savings departments . 776,702 07 599,218 26 403,311 75 9,163,408 46 10,895,073 20 6,571,096 79 Total d e d u c t i o n s ...................................................... $16,638,806 72 $17,599,692 64 $12,164,532 91 Net e a r n i n g s ........................................................................ $2,471,392 80 $3,385,814 77 $3,935,756 20 2,658,324 50 2,617,201 00 2,279,714 00 $768,613 77 $1,656,042 20 Less expenses, taxes, premiums and losses Dividends p a i d .................................... ......... Undivided earnings for y e a r .................................... Undivided earnings of previous years . . . $186,931 70* . 10,080,289 36 9,566,396 53 8,679,260 96 $9,893,357 66 $10,335,010 30 $10,335,303 16 $422,000 00 $249,920 00 $766,080 00 6,439 87 4,800 94 2,826 63 Total d e d u c t i o n s ...................................................... $428,439 87 $254,720 94 $768,906 63 Net undivided e a r n in g s ....................................................... $9,464,917 79 $10,080,289 36 $9,566,396 53 T o t a l ................................................................................. Transferred to s u r p l u s ...................................................... Transferred to guaranty fund of savings departments . * Deficit. N umber of D epositors. The total number of depositors in trust companies on the date of the last call o f each year for the last nine years is given below: — Number of Depositors. Date. October 31, 1907 128,953 October 31, 1908 134,881 November 16, 1909 152,381 November 10, 1 9 1 0 .................................................................................................. 171,830 December 5, 1911............................................................................................................. 203,308 November 26, 1912 233,446 October 21, 1913 October 31, 1914 November 10, 1915 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 259,072 ............................................................................................... 299,261 347,471 'No. 8.] BANK COMMISSIONER. xlix S T A T E M E N T N o . 25. L ist of L egal I nvestments . The following is a list of bonds and notes wdiich, in the opinion of this department, are now legal investments under the provisions of clauses second, third, fourth, fifth and sixth of section 68 of chapter 590, Acts of 1908. Clause second, relating to investments in public funds, has been applied only to those counties, cities, towns and districts which appear to have bonds or notes outstanding, and from which debt statements could be obtained. Clause third is the general law relating to railroad bonds. Clause fourth provides that issues which complied with the old law shall continue, under certain conditions, to be legal investments. The banks may not only con tinue to hold such bonds, but may invest further in them. In this list the bonds which do not comply with clauses second and third, but continue legal through clause fourth, are printed in italics and the reason in each case is explained in the footnotes. Clause fifth relates to investments in street railway bonds, and clause sixth to investments in telephone company bonds. Investment in bonds or notes of cities, towns and districts men tioned in the list should not be made without further inquiry, as both their indebtedness and their valuations for the assessment of taxes are constantly changing. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1 REPORT OF THE [Pub. Doc. Public F unds . (Covering counties, cities, towns and districts which appear to have bonds or note3 outstanding; and from which debt statements could be obtained.) Public funds of the United States and of the following States: — California Connecticut Delaware Illinois Indiana Iowa Maine Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Missouri Nebraska New Hampshire New Jersey New York Ohio Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island Vermont Washington Wisconsin District of Columbia Bonds or notes of the following counties, cities, towns and districts in New England: — M a in e . Counties. Aroostook Augusta Kennebec Washington Cities. Auburn Augusta Bangor Bath Belfast Biddeford Brewer Ea3tport Ellsworth Hallowell Lewiston Portland Saco South Portland Waterville W estbrook Towns. Boothbay Harbor Camden Caribou Dexter Fairfield Lisbon Lubec Rum ford Skowhegan Thomaston Yarmouth Water Districts. Augusta Bath Gardiner Kennebec Kitlery* Portland Rum ford & Mexico Van Buren* N e w H am pshire . V erm ont . Counties. Cities. Belknap Hillsborough Merrimack Rockingham Cities. Berlin Concord Dover Franklin Keene Laconia Manchester Nashua Portsmouth Rochester Somersworth Towns. Ashland Bethlehem Boscawen Claremont Derry Gorham Haverhill Jaffrey Milford Newmarket N orthumberland Pembroke Peterborough Plaistow Raym ond Salem Walpole W ilton W olfeboro Water District. North Conway* Barre Burlington Montpelier Rutland St. Albans Swanton Vergennes C onnecticut . County. Fairfield Cities. Ansonia Bridgeport Bristol Derby Hartford Towns. Meriden Bennington Middletown Brattleborough New Britain Hartford New Haven Rockingham New London Norwalk M assachusetts . Putnam Rockville Bonds or notes of any Stamford county, city, town or Waterbury incorporated district! Willimantic of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Towns. Branford R hode I sland . Brooklyn Canton Cities. East Haddam Cranston East Lyme Newport Enfield Providence Essex W oonsocketX Fairfield Hamden Towns. Litchfield Barrington Madison Bristol Manchester Coventry Meriden Cumberland Milford East Greenwich Newtown Norfolk East ProvidenceX Johnston§ Norwich LincolnX Plainfield N orth Kingstown Southington North Smithfield Stafford Scituate Stamford South Kingstown Thomaston Tiverton Torrington Warren Wallingford W arwick W atertown Westerly W indham * Less than 5,000 inhabitants within the district, therefore only bonds issued prior to June 8, 1908, are legal. t This department has been unable to learn of any incorporated district in Massachusetts the net indebtedness of which is in excess of the limit prescribed b y law. Î Net indebtedness, as defined by new law, in excess of legal limit, therefore only bonds issued prior t o June 8, 1908, are legal. § Only those which have been assumed by the city of Providence. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis BANK COMMISSIONER, No. 8.] li Legally authorized bonds for municipal purposes, etc., of the following cities outside of New England: — Akron, O. Albany, N. Y . Allentown, Penn. Altoona, Penn. Amsterdam, N. Y . Auburn, N. Y . Baltimore, Md. Bay City, Mich. Buffalo, N. Y . Canton, O. Cedar Rapids, la. Chicago, 111. Cleveland, O. Columbus, O. Council Bluffs, la. Davenport, la. Dayton, O. Decatur, 111. Des Moines, la . Detroit, Mich. Dubuque, la. Duluth, Minn. Elmira, N. Y. Flint, Mich. Ft. W ayne, Ind. Grand Rapids, Mich. Hamilton, O. Harrisburg, Penn. Indianapolis, Ind. Jackson, Mich. Jersey City, N. J. Johnstown, Penn. Joplin, M o. Kalamazoo, Mich. Kansas City, M o. La Crosse, Wis. Lancaster, Penn. Lansing, Mich. Lorain, O. Los Angeles, Cal. Louisville, K y. McKeesport, Penn. R Milwaukee, Wis. Minneapolis, Minn. Newark, N. J. New Castle, Penn. Niagara Falls, N. Y . Oakland, Cal. Omaha, Neb. Oshkosh, W is. Paterson, N. J. Peoria, 111. Philadelphia, Penn. Pittsburgh, Penn. Racine, Wis. Reading, Penn. Rochester, N. Y . Rockford, 111. Saginaw, M ich. St. Joseph, M o. St. Louis, M o. St. Paul, Minn. a il r o a d B San Francisco, Cal. Scranton, Penn. Seattle, Wash. Sioux City, la. South Bend, Ind. Spokane, Wash. , Springfield, M o. Springfield, O. Superior, Wis. Syracuse, N . Y . Terre Haute, Ind. Toledo, O. Trenton, N . J. T roy, N. Y . W aterloo, la. Wilkes-Barre, Penn. Williamsport, Penn. York, Penn. Youngstown, O. o n ds. B A N G O R & A RO OSTOOK S Y S T E M .!, If Bangor & Aroostook R .R .t, If First “ “ “ Piscataquis Divisionf , If ** “ “ “ Van Buren Extensiont, If “ “ Medford “ t , 11 Aroostook Northern R .R .t, *|f Northern Maine Seaport R.R.t, If R .R . and terminal first . 41 Boston & Lowell R .R . " “ “ 1« « «1 ** " ** “ “ «1 “ «( “ «« “ «« «« “ “ “ “ “ BOSTON & M A IN E SYSTE M . Plain . t , # . • • Connecticut & Passumpsic Rivers R .R . Concord & Montreal R .R . Connecticut River R .R . First Consolidated mortgage Plain “ “ Fitchburg R .R . Plain 11 11 *1 «* M «( “ C( II «« •< T roy & Boston R .R . Vermont & Massachusetts R .R . Sullivan County R .R . Vermont Valley R .R . Maine Central R .R . . Penobscot Shore Line R .R . Maine Shore Line R .R . Belfast & Moosehead Lake R .R . Dexter & Newport R .R . Dexter & Piscataquis R .R . European & North American R y. Upper Coos R .R . First Plain First “ M A IN E C E N T R A L S Y S TE M . Collateral trust First and refunding Notes . First Mortgage Extension mortgage . . . . . 1943 1943 1943' 1937 1947 1935 4s 4s 4s 3 is 3 is 3is 3is 4s 4s 4s 4s Air, 4$S 4s 4s 3 is 3 is 4s . 4s . 3 is . 4s . 3 is . 4s . 4s ♦ 4s . 4 is . 4 is . 4Js . 5s . 4s . 7s . 3 is . 4s . 4 is 1916 1917 1918 1919 1921 1923 1925 1926 1927 1929 1932 1933 1943 1920 1921 1923 1943 1916 1920 1920 1921 1925 1927 1928 1928 1932 1933 1934 1937 1924 1923 1924 1940 . . . . . . 1923 1935 1919 1920 1923 1920 1917 1929 1933 1930 1930 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . t Dividends paid for insufficient number of years. H Amount paid in dividends less than one-third of amount paid in interest. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 5s 5s 5s 5s 5s 5s 5s 4|s 5s 4s 6s 4s 4s 4s 4s 4s 4Js REPORT OF THE lii [Pub. Doc. M A IN E C E N T R A L S Y S T E M — Concluded. Washington County R y. . Portland & Rumford Falls R y. Portland & Ogdensburg R .R . Somerset R y. . . . First Consolidated . First . 44 . . First and refunding 3 is 4s 4|s 5s 4s 1954 1926 1928 1917 1955 4s 4}s 4s 4s 4s 4s 3 is 4s 1918 1951 1927 1924 1925 1938 1932 1947 4s 4s 4s 5s 5s 5s 1995 1958 1928 1937 1928 1940 5s 4ès 3^s 4s 3|s 4s 3ès 4Js 5s 5s 4£s 4s 6s 5s 5s 5s 6s 6s 4s 4s 1995 1933 1925 1948 1925 1941 1925 1930 1933 1936 1930 1995 1922 1919 1936 1937 1922 1920 1990 1925 5s 1987 RTFO R D SYSTEM . Boston & Providence R .R . Holyoke & Westfield R .R . Norwich & Worcester R .R . . . . Old Colony R .R . •i “ 1 “ . First Providence & Worcester R .R . . . . Plain First Debenture 1 Plain . . . . R A IL W A Y S Y S T E M . Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe R y. “ “ “ “ Trans. Short Line “ “ " “ East Oklahoma Chicago, Santa Fe & California R y. . Hutchinson & Southern R y. . . . . San Francisco & San Joaquin Valley R y. . . . General mortgage First . 44 44 44 ** . . . . . B A L T IM O R E & OHIO S Y S TE M . Refund, and gen. mtg. Convertible . Prior lien First Baltimore & Ohio R .R . Pitts. Jc. & M id. Div. Pitts., Lake Erie & W est Va. Southwestern Division Refunding First Consolidated . General Refunding First Central of Ohio R .R . Cleveland, Lorain & Wheeling R y. Cleveland, Terminal & Valley R .R . Huntington & Big Sandy R .R . . Monongahela River R .R . . Ohio River R .R . General First Pittsburg, Cleveland '& Toledo R .R . Ravenswood, Spencer & Glenville R y. W est Virginia & Pittsburgh R .R . Schuylkill River East Side R .R . C E N T R A L OF N EW JE R S E Y SYST E M . Central R .R . of New J e r s e y ..................................................... General CH IC A G O & N O R T H W E S T E R N S Y S T E M . General Chicago & Northwestern R y. Cedar Rapids & Missouri River R .R . Northwestern Union R y. . Milwaukee, Lake Shore & Western R y. Marshfield Extension Michigan Division . Ashland “ Ext. and imp. . Wisconsin Northern R y. . Winona & St. Peter R .R . . Boyer Valley Ry.* Minnesota & Iowa R y. Princeton & Northwestern R y. Peoria & Northwestern Ry.* Mankato & New Ulm Ry.* Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 44 44 Mortgage First 44 44 44 44 44 44 .R .................................... Minnesota <fc South Dakota Ry.* Iowa, Minnesota & Northwestern R y. Sioux C ity & Pacific R .R . . Extension Sinking fund mortgage Mortgage First Consolidated . First Consolidated . First 44 44 rn R y. * Secured on less than 100 miles of railroad. 3| sl .1 4s .5s 4s 5s 6s l 7s 7s 6s 5s 6s 6s 5s 4s 7s 3 is 3is 3 is 3 is 3 is 6s 3 §s 3 is 3 is 3 is 1987 1926 1929 1916 1917 1921 1922 1924 1925 1929 1931 1916 1923 1924 1926 1926 1929 1933 1935 1935 1936 1941 No. 8.] BANK COMMISSIONER. lui C H IC A G O , B U R L IN G T O N & Q U IN C Y S Y S T E M Chicago, Burlington & Quincy R .R . . . . . “ “ “ “ Illinois Division General Mortgage “ " “ “ Iowa “ “ “ “ “ Denver Extension “ “ “ “ Nebraska “ Burlington & Missouri River R .R . in Nebraska . Republican Valley R .R . . . . . . . Tarkio Valley R .R . . . . . . . . Nodaway Valley R .R . . . . . . . •• _ _ Mortgage Consolidated . Mortgage First . 4s . / 3§s 1 4s /4 s * \ 5a 4s . 4s . 6s . 6s . 7s . 7s - 1958 1[ 1949 J 1> 1919 J 1922 1927 1918 1919 1920 1920 C H IC A G O , M IL W A U K E E & ST. PA U L SYST E M . 4 is General and refunding General and refunding conv. 5s 4s European Loan 4Js Convertible 4s Debenture 3 is I 4s General 4?s , 5s First . . . . 6s •• 6s " . . . 5s 5s 5s 5s 5s “ " 6s 4$s Extension 4£s Consolidated extended 4s First . . . . Chi., Mil. & St. Paul R y. “ “ “ “ La Crosse & Davenport Division “ “ “ “ Dubuque “ “ “ “ Wisconsin Valley “ “ “ “ Chicago & Pacific Western “ “ “ “ Wisconsin & Minnesota “ “ “ “ Chicago & Lake Superior “ “ “ “ Chicago & Missouri River Dakota & Great Southern R y. . Fargo & Southern R y. Milwaukee <fc Northern R .R . Chicago, Milwaukee & Puget Sound R y. OM AHA SYSTEM . Consolidated . First . . . . Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis & Omaha R y. Chicago, St.' Paul & Minneapolis R y. . North Wisconsin R y. . . . . St. Paul & Sioux City R .R . 2014 2014 1925 1932 1934 1989 1919 1920 1920 1921 1921 1921 1926 1916 1924 1934 1934 1949 3ès . 1930 i 6s 1918 6s 1930 6s 1919 6s ÜTSTEM.. D E L A W A R E & HU DSON SYSTEM First refunding First . . Delaware & Hudson C o. . “ “ Canal Co. Adirondack R y. Schenectady & Duanesburg R .R Albany & Susquehanna R .R . Convertible . . . 4s 7s 4 is 6s 3 is 1943 1917 1942 1924 1946 6s 1921 4Js 1961 {Is } I 4s I \ 4|s } I 6s j 4s 4s 4s 1922 D E L A W A R E , L A C K A W A N N A & W E S T E R N SYST E M . New York, Lackawanna & Western Ry.§ . . . . First G R E A T N O R T H E R N SYSTE M . Great Northern R y. . Minneapolis Union R y. . . . St. Paul, Minneapolis & M anitoba R y. Eastern R y. of Minnesota Montana Central R y. Wilmar & Sioux Falls R y. Spokane Falls & Northern R y. . . . . . . . . First First and refunding . . . . Consolidated . Montana Extension Pacific Extension Northern Division . . . . First - - {Is 5s 6s . 1933 1937 1940 1948 } 1937 1938 1939 ILLIN O IS C E N T R A L S Y S TE M . Illinois Central R .R . Sterling Extended . . . . “ “ “ Gold Extended . . . . . “■ “ “ Sterling . . . . . . “ “ “ G o l d ................................................................... - Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis § N ot guaranteed by endorsement. 4s 3ès 3s 4s Sis 1951 1950 1951 1951 1951 liv REPORT OF THE [Pub. Doc. ILLIN O IS C E N T R A L SYSTE M — Concluded. Illinois Central R .R . Gold Extended . Springfield Division Refunding Collateral Trust . . . . 3ès 3 is 4s 3 is First 1951 1951 1955 1950 {Ils } 1951 4s 1950 St. Louis Division Cairo Bridge Purchased Lines Western Lines % . Louisville Divisiont Omaha Divisiont Litchfield Division* Collateral Trust || Kankakee & South Western R .R . 3 is 4s 3 is 3s 1952 1951 1953 1951 1951 1952 1921 4s 1918 4s 6s 5s 5s 6s 4*s 6s 4*s 6s 5s 6s 5s 1940 1930 1937 1931 1919 1931 1921 1945 1930 1937 1921 1936 . 3 Js . '4s . 5s . 5s . 3*3 . 4s 1952 1940 1931 1939 1951 1957 /4 s • \ 5s . 4s . 4s 1938 1936 1926 . 6s 1927 First consolidated . . First . . “ . . 4s 5s 6s 6s 6s 6s 6s 1928 1928 1917 1917 1917 1923 1923 L E H IG H V A L L E Y SYSTEM . Lehigh Valley R .R . . . . . . First LO U ISVILLE & N ASH V ILLE SYSTE M . Louisville & Nashville R .R . Evansville, Henderson & Nashville Division Louisville, Cincinnati & Lexington R y. Southeast & St. Louis Division . Mobile & Montgomery New Orleans & Mobile Division, $5,000,000 Nashville, Florence & Sheffield R y . . Pensacola & Atlantic R.R . South & North Alabama R .R . Unified . General First Trust Sinking fund . General — — — — . . . . . — — First “ “ First consolidated . . . . TEM . Michjgan Michigan Michigan Michigan Michigan Michigan Central R .R . . . . . . Central-Michigan Air Line R .R . . Central-Detroit & Bay C ity R .R . Central-Kalamazoo & South Haven R.R.* Central-Jackson, Lansing & Saginaw R .R . Central-Joliet & Northern Indiana R .R * First “ “ 11 “ , t 1 M A R IE SYSTEM . Minneapolis, St. Paul & Sault Ste. Marie R y. Minneapolis & Pacific R y. Minneapolis, Sault Ste. Marie & Atlantic R y. M obile & Ohio R .R . First consolidated First . M O B ILE & OHIO SYSTE M . First mortgage LOUIS SYST E M . Nash., Chat. & St. Louis R y. it Tracy C ity Branch Fayette & M cM innville Branch Lebanon Branch Jasper Branch Extension Centreville Branch . ti STEM. New York Central & Hudson River R .R . Lake Shore . Michigan Central . Debenture . 4s “ 4s Consolidation 4s Refunding and improvement 4 is Mortgage . 3Js First . 3 |s Collateral . 3Js . 3is “ 1934 1942 1998 2013 1997 1959 1998 1998 t Bonds do not cover 75 per cent, of the railroad owned in fee at the date of the mortgage b y the railroad corporation on the railroad of which the mortgage is a lien. * Secured on less than 100 mile3 of railroad. II Railroad covered by one of the issues pledged as collateral is not operated by Illinois Central R .R . Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis BANK COMMISSIONER No. 8.] lv N E W Y O R K C E N T R A L S Y S TE M — Concluded. First general Lake Shore & Michigan Southern R y. Debenture Beech Creek R .R . M ohawk & Malone R y. First New York & Harlem R .R .I Consolidated Mortgage Rome, W atertown & Ogdensburg R .R . Consolidated “ “ “ “ Terminal R .R . N orwood & Montreal R .R . Carthage, W atertown & Sacket’s Harbor R .R . Utica & Black River R .R . Carthage & Adirondack R y. Gouverneur & Oswegatchie R .R . New York & Northern R y. New York & Putnam R .R . Little Falls & Dolgeville R .R . Kalamazoo & W hite Pigeon R .R . Pine Creek R y. . . . . Chicago, Indiana & Southern R .R . Indiana, Illinois & Iowa R .R . Jamestown, Franklin & Clearfield R .R . Cleveland Short Line R y. . Sturgis, Goshen & St. Louis R y. Kalamazoo, Allegan & Grand Rapids R.R.* Mahoning Coal R.R.* Pittsburgh, McKeesport & Youghiogheny R.R. Boston & Albany R .R . First 3§s 1997 4s 1928 4s 1931 4s 1936 4s 1991 3|s 2002 3Js 2000 i5 s 1 4s : 1922 U è sJ 1 5s 1918 5s 1916 5s 1931 4s 1922 4s 1981 5s 1942 5s 1927 4s 1993 3s 1932 5s 1940 6s 1932 4s 1956 4s 1950 4s 1959 4Js 1961 3s 1989 5s 1938 5s 1934 6s 1932 3Js 1952 3Js 1951 4s 1933 4s 1934 4s 1935 4£s 1937 5s 1938 5s 1963 Consolidated First First consolidated First First Plain N O R F O L K & W 'ESTERN S Y S TE M . Norfolk & Western R y. . . . . . . . Consolidated . “ R .R . . . . . . . . General “ . . . . . . New River “ . . . . . . . Improve, and extension Scioto Valley & New England R .R . . . . . . First Columbus Connecting & Terminal R .R . 4s 6s 6s 6s 4s 5s N O R T H E R N PA C IF IC SYSTE M . Refunding and improvem ent 4§s General lien 3s 4s “ “ St. Paul & Duluth Division “ “ M Prior lien 4s 6s St. Paul & Northern Pacific R y. 53 St. Paul & Duluth R .R . First 5a Duluth Short Line R y . 5s Second St. Paul & D uluth R .R . 4s Consolidated 4s Washington & Columbia River R y. First t. 4« 44 Northern Pacific R y. 44 .4 Pennsylvania R .R “ “ 44 “ 4 4 44 “ 4 4 . 44 . . . . . . . . . . General Consolidated . First 44 Second First Consolidated First “ General . 44 . 44 44 . . . Philadelphia & Erie R .R . . Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis • • • “ . “ § N ot guaranteed by endorsement. * Secured on less than 100 miles of railroad. . . . . . . . 2047 2047 1996 1997 1923 1931 1916 1917 1968 1935 5s 4s 4|s 3ès 4s 4 is 4s 5s 6s 5s 4s 4s . 7s . 3Js f 6s . { 5s 1 4s 4s 1919 1943 1965 1945 1948 1960 1936 1928 1938 1919 1928 1943 1917 1930 . . . . . . W est Chester R .R . Western Pennsylvania R .R . Pittsburgh, Virginia & Charleston R y. South West Pennsylvania R .R . . Junction R .R . . . . . . Allegheny Valley R y. . PE N N S Y L V A N IA SYSTEM . Consolidated “ “ Sunbury & Lewiston R y. Sunbury, Hazelton & Wilkesbarre R y. . —. — — — — — . . 1996 1931 1932 1934 1989 1922 1920 1942 [Pub. Doc. REPORT OF THE Ivi P E N N S Y L V A N IA S Y S T E M — Concluded. Cambria & Clearfield R .R . . . . “ R y. . . . Clearfield & Jefferson R y. . . . . Pennsylvania & Northwestern R .R . . . Hollidaysburg, Bedford & Cumberland R .R . United New Jersey R .R & Canal C o. . . (t 4« (1 44 << 44 “ “ 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 . . . . . . . . . . . . 5s 1941 4s 1955 6s 1927 5s 1930 4s 1951 4s 1923 4s 1929 4s 1944 4s 1948 3is 1951 4s 1936 3Ì3 1940 i 4ès\ 1942 t 3Js J 3Js 1948 3ès 1950 First General First General First General “ 44 44 “ Delaware River R.R. & Bridge Co.* Erie & Pittsburgh R.R.* . . Cleveland & Pittsburgh R .R . . 44 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . “ First General . . . 44 “ 44 P H IL A D E L P H IA , B A L T IM O R E & W A S H IN G T O N S Y S T E M . 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 Philadelphia & Reading R .R . . 4s 4s 4s 4s 4s 1943 1917 1922 1926 1932 5s 1933 First mortgage First lien and refunding 4s 4s 1947 2008 First 3 is 4 is 4s 4s 4s 4s 4s 1947 1927 1928 1940 1916 1939 1961 4s 4 is 4is 5s 1935 1937 1941 1942 5s 1928 5s 4s 1918 1922 5s 4*s 5s 1917 1921 1921 5s 5s 5s 1920 1923 1935 Mortgage Philadelphia, Baltimore & Washington R .R . Philadelphia, W ilmington & Baltimore R .R . — . . . - ' — - - - R E A D IN G SYSTE M . First . . . . . U N IO N P A C IFIC SYSTEM . Union Pacific R .R . . . . . . . . . M ISCELLAN EO US. Boston Terminal Co. || || . Boston, Revere Beach & L y D n R .R . . Bridgton & Saco River R .R . . . . . . New London Northern R .R . . . . . . Narragansett Pier R .R . . . . . . . New York & New England R.R.-Boston Terminal || || Portland Terminal Co. . . . . . . Consolidated . First . . . 44 44 “ . Street Railway Bonds. BOSTON E L E V A T E D R A IL W A Y C O M P A N Y . Boston Elevated Railway Company 44 44 44 . . . . . 44 Debenture 44 44 ......................... BO STO N & R E V E R E E L E C T R IC S T R E E T R A IL W A Y C O M P A N Y . Boston & Revere Electric Street R y. Co. . . . . Refunding first mortgage E A ST M ID D L E S E X S T R E E T R A IL W A Y C O M P A N Y . East Middlesex Street R y. C o. . . . . . . F IT C H B U R G & L E O M IN S T E R S T R E E T Fitchburg & Leominster Street R y. Co. . . . . Leominster, Shirley & Ayer Street R y. Co. . Plain . . . . R A IL W A Y C O M P A N Y . First mortgage Consolidated mortgage First mortgage . H O L Y O K E S T R E E T R A IL W A Y C O M P A N Y . Holyoke Street R y. Co. 44 44 44 44 . . . . . . . . * Secured on less than 100 miles of railroad. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis . . . . . Debenture 44 First mortgage || |[ Legalized b y special act of General Court. No. 8.] lvii BANK COMMISSIONER. S P R IN G F IE L D S T R E E T R A IL W A Y C O M P A N Y . Springfield Street R y. Co. . . . Springfield & Eastern Street R y. Co. . Western Massachusetts Street R y. Co. W oronoco Street R y. Co. . . . . . . . . . . First mortgage “ “ “ “ “ . . . . . . . . 4s 5s 5s 5s 1923 1922 1926 1920 . . 4Js 1934 U N IO N S T R E E T R A ILW A Y C O M PA N Y. Union Street Railway Co. . . . . . . . Mortgage . W E S T E N D S T R E E T R A IL W A Y C O M P A N Y . 4s 1916 4s 1917 4jS 1923 4Js 1930 4s 1932 5s - 1916 5s 1917 5s 1918 5s 1932 5s 1944 Debenture W est End Street R y. Co. W O R C E S T E R C O N SO LID A TE D S T R E E T R A IL W A Y C O M P A N Y . Marlborough & W estborough Street R y. Co. Uxbridge & Blackstone Street R y. Co. Worcester Consolidated Street R y. Co. Worcester Worcester Worcester Worcester Worcester & & & & & Refunding first mortgage First mortgage Blackstone Valley Street R y. Co. Clinton Street R y. Co. . Holden Street R y . Co. Marlborough Street R y. Co. Southbridge Street R y. Co. T elephone American Telephone & Telegraph Co. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis . C om pany B 5s 4Js 5s 4Js 4|s 5s 5s 5s 4|s 4 is 1921 1923 1927 1920 1927 1930 1926 1919 1923 1917 1922 1925 4s 1929 5s Gold mortgage First “ Debenture onds. Collateral trust . . Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ABSTRACT OF AN N U AL REPORTS OF THE S a y in g s B an k s for S an d I n s t it u t io n s a v in g s , S H O W IN G T H E IR CONDITION AT THE Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis CLOSE OF BUSINESS O c t o b e r 30, 1915. o [Pub. Doc. REPO RT OF THE ABINGTON SAVINGS BANK, ABINGTON. 6 Incorporated M arch 17, 1853. CENTRE AVENUE. Number of corporators, 67; number of trustees, 17. W il l ia m J. C o u g h l a n , President. D a v id V . P o o l e , Treasurer, L e o n S. F a ib b a n k s , Clerk of the Corporation. Board o f Trustees: W . B . A k n o l d , C . L . B a k e b , W . J. C o u g h l a n , C . H. E d s o n , G. R . F a r r a b , T . F . G il e s , I. C . H o w l a n d , G. W . K e l l e t , J. C . K im b a l l , W . E . L y o n , A . H. N a s h , W . S. O ’B r ie n , C . M . P a c k a r d , D . V. P o o l e , J. W . S p r o u l , W . H. T h a y e r , F . G. W h e a t l e y . Board of Investment: C . L . B a k e r , W . J. C o u g h l a n , W . S. O ’B r ie n , C . M . P a c k a r d , J. W . S p r o u l , F. G . W h eatley. Auditing Committee: A . H . N a s h , C . M . P a c k a r d , W . E . L y o n . Deposits draw interest from first Tuesday of January, April, July and October; dividends are pay able the first Tuesday of April and October. Business hours: 9 a .m . to 12 m .; 1 to 4 P.M.; Satur days, 9 a .m . to 12 m .; also Fridays, for deposits only, 7 to 8 p .m . STATEMENT OF CONDITION, OCTOBER 30, 1915. Assets. Public funds, bonds and notes . . . . Railroad bonds and notes . . . . . Street railway bonds . . . . . . Boston Terminal Co. bonds . . . . . American Tel. & Tel. Co. bonds . . . . Stocks of banks and trust companies . . . Securities acquired in settlement of indebtedness . 661 loans on real estate (average of each, $2,758.04) . Less amount due on uncompleted loans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1,825,069 00 2,000 00 40 loans on personal security . . . . . . . . Bank building and fixtures (estimated value, $35,000; assessed value, $4-5,500) Real estate b y foreclosure, etc. (assessed value, $46,600) . . . . Taxes, insurance, etc., paid on mortgaged properties . . . . Deposits in national banks or trust companies . . . . . Cash . . . . . . . . . . . . . Total Assets $233,881 628,720 74,437 4,950 55,798 52,101 29,000 00 25 50 00 75 00 00 1,823,069 142,209 30,000 35,512 295 86,172 7,054 00 00 00 69 71 87 33 . $3,203,202 10 Liabilities. Due depositors on 5,343 accounts, averaging $543.19 each (Accounts opened during year, 343; closed, 357; decrease, 15) Surplus: — a. Guaranty fund 14-97% of deposits; increase during year, $1,431) b. Profit and loss (increase during year, $14,563.08) . Current income: — a. Interest . . . . . . . $16,147 69 b. Rent . . . . . . . 174 13 Unearned discount Total Liabilities . $2,902,285 27 144,382 00 140,301 82 $16,321 82 418 81 ------------------ Less current expenses not charged off Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis . 15,903 01 330 00 . $3,203,202 10 No. 3 BANK COMMISSIONER. Total Expenses for the Year, including State Taxes. State Tax (Net). Salaries. Rent. Amount paid for $3,385.64 $4,835.66 $532.00 Cost per $1,000 of assets 1.05 1.51 .16 Cost per $1,000 of assets not including State tax and rent . -Advertising. Other Expenses. Total. $38.50 $958.23 $9,750.03 .01 .29 3 .02 1.81 Gross income received during the year, $151,894.99. Rates on Investments and Loans (Average on All, 4.86%). Real estate loans (average rate, 5.12 per cent.): 4)4% , $35,000; 5%, $1,510,401; 5)4% , $86,525; 6%, $191,143. Personal loans (average rate, 5.23 per cent.): 4 )4 % , $55,000; 5%, $29,975; 5)4% , $25,000; 6% , $16,234; 7%, $16,000. Bonds, stocks, etc. (average rate on amounts invested, 4.38 per cent.): 3%, $30,000; 3)4% , $303,200; 4% , $556,900; 4)4% , $65,000; 5%, $121,600; 6%, $7,200; 8%, $2,300; 10%, $15,000; 16%, $15,000. Number of loans not over $3,000 each, 561, amounting to $714,708. 46 real estate loans made during year, amounting to $63,815. Dividends, Deposits and Withdrawals. Ordinary dividends declared during year: April, 1915, 2 )4% . . . . . Oct., 1 9 1 5 , 2 % .......................................... Number of deposits during year, 2,226, amounting to . . . . . Number of withdrawals during year, 3,861, amounting to Net increase in amount due depositors . . . . . . . . . . . $69,597 63 56,216 09 247,903 82 . $373,717 54 330,222 38 . $43,495 16 SCHEDULE OF SECURITIES OWNED. Public Funds, Bonds. Par Value. $25,000 Massachusetts 4s 20.000 Boston 4s 10.000 Los Angeles, Cal., 4)4s 20.000 New Bedford 4s 10.000 San Francisco, Cal., 5s 10.000 Seattle, Wash., 5s 10.000 Taunton 3)4s 8,200 Abington 3)4s 17.000 Abington 4s 5.000 Bedford 4s 5.000 Brookline 4s 10.000 Meriden, Ct., 3)4s 10.000 Middleborough 4s 3.000 Rockport 4s 10.000 Shelburne Falls 4s Public Funds, Notes. $30,000 Abington 4s 22,500 Hanover 4s 8,400 Scituate 4s Railroad Bonds. Par Value. $50,000 Baltimore & Ohio 3)4s 15.000 Boston & Albany 4s 10.000 Boston & Lowell 3)4s 10.000 Boston & Lowell 4s 15.000 Boston & Maine 3)4s 75.000 Boston & Maine 4s 10.000 Boyer Valley 3)4s 20.000 C„ B. & Q. 3J4s 10.000 Chicago, Mil. & St. Paul 4)4s 30.000 Chicago & North West. 4s 7,000 Concord and Montreal 4s 35.000 Fitchburg 3)4s 17.000 Fitchburg 4s 30.000 Illinois Central 3s 30.000 Illinois Central 3)4s 15.000 Louisville & Nashville 5s 10.000 Minn., St. P. & S. S. Marie 4s 20.000 N. Y. C. & H. R. 4s 80.000 N. Y., N. H. & H. 3)4s 44.000 N. Y., N. H. & H. 4s 20.000 No. Maine Seaport 5s 20.000 Old Colony 3Jl>s D ates op E x a m in a t io n and A u d it , October 13-20 inclusive. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Par Value. $28,000 Old Colony 4s 10.000 Pennsylvania 4)^s 25.000 Penobscot Shore Line 4s 12.000 Portland & R. Falls 4s 10.000 Vermont Valley 4J^s Street Railway Bonds. $25,000 Boston Elevated 4s 25.000 Boston Elevated 4)/£s 25.000 West End 5s Bank Stocks. Shs. 100 Abington Nl. Bk. 26 First Nl. Bk., Adams 150 First Nl. Bk., Boston 100 Merchants Nl. Bk., Boston 38 Mt. Vernon Nl. Bk., Boston 50 Second Nl. Bk., Boston 23 Webster & Atlas Nl. Bk., Boston 40 Brockton Nl. Bk. 32 Old Colony Nl. Bk., Plymouth 4 REPO RT OF THE [Pub. Doc. AMHERST SAVINGS BANK, AMHERST. 9 and 11 SOUTH PLEASANT STREET. Incorporated April 5, 1864. Number of corporators, 23; number of trustees, 13. E . D . B a n g s , President. W . T . C h a p in , Treasurer. G eorge C u tler , Clerk o f the Corporation. Board of Trustees: F. P. A in s w o r t h , E . D . B a n g s , E . P. B art l et t , F. A . C a d w e l l , H . T . C o w l e s , G eorge C u t le r , C. F. D e u e l , M . A. D ic k in so n , J. C. H a m m o nd , L. D . H il ls , G. S. K e n d r ic k , II. S. Sh ipm a n , E . M . W h itcom b . Board of Investment: E . D . B a n g s , G. S. K e n d r ic k , E . P. B a r t l e t t . Auditing Committee: G. S. K e n d r ic k , F. P. A in s w o r t h , C. F. D e u e l . Deposits draw interest from first day of January, April, July and O ctober; dividends are payable January 1 and July 1. Business hours: 9 a .m . to 3 p .m .; Saturdays, 9 a .m . to 12 m . STATEMENT OF CONDITION, OCTOBER 30, 1915. Assets. Public funds, bonds and notes . . . . . . . . . Railroad bonds and notes . . . . . . . . . . Street railway bonds . . . . . . . . . . . Boston Terminal Co. bonds . . . . . . . . . . American Tel. & Tel. Co. bonds . . . . . . . . . Stocks of banks and trust companies . . . . . . . . 968 loans on real estate (average of each, $8,085.27) . . . . . . 54 loans on personal security . . . . . . . . . Bank building and fixtures (estimated value, $30,000; assessed value, $19,000) Deposits in national banks or trust companies . . . . . . Cash and cash items . . . . . . . . . Total Assets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $323,400 00 764,537 50 173,187 50 133,883 25 36,863 75 101,725 00 2,986,543 10 226,735 85 30,000 00 24,458 76 2,711 12 $4,804,045 83 Liabilities. Due depositors on 8,790 accounts, averaging $491.18 each . . . . . (Accounts opened during year, 876; closed, 692; increase, 184) Surplus: — a. Guaranty fund (4-93% o f deposits; increase during year, $6,810.03) . . . b. Profit and loss (increase during year, $10,474-00) . . . . . . Current income: — a. Interest . . . . . . . . . . $87,756 19 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis $4,317,553 76 213,219 46 184,865 96 88,406 65 Total Liabilities . . $4,804,045 83 No. 8.] 5 BANK COMMISSIONER. Total Expenses for the Year, including State Taxes. State Tax (Net). Salaries. Rent. Advertising. Other Expenses. Total. Amount paid for $4,624.45 $8,639.64 $1,500.00 $835.07 $15,599.16 Cost per $1,000 of assets .96 1.79 .31 .17 3.23 Cost per $1,000 of assets not including State tax and rent . 1.96 Gross income received during the year, $223,489.39. Rates on Investments and Loans (Average on All, 4.79%). Real estate loans (average rate 5 per cent.): 4 )4% , $56,700; 4 % % , $11,000; 5%, $2,860,675.10; 5)4% , $13,465; 6%, $44,703. Personal loans (average rate, 4.81 per cent.): 3%, $42,000; 4 )4 % , $60,000; 5%, $25,000; 5)4% , $55,929.85; 6%, $43,806. Bonds, stocks, etc. (average rate on amounts invested, 4.37 per cent.): 3%, $25,000; 3)4% , $215,000; 4%, $703,400; 4M % , $25,000; 4)4% , $357,000; 5%, $139,200; 6%, $29,000; 7%, $10,600; 8%, $28,500; 10%, $17,300; 12%, $400. Number of loans not over $3,000 each, 761, amounting to $1,010,223.95. 186 real estate loans made during year, amounting to $270,591.15. Dividends, Deposits and Withdrawals. Ordinary dividends declared during year: Jan. 1915, 2)4% July, 1915, 2% Number of deposits during year, 5,877, amounting to $90,943 22 82,472 82 545,462 41 $718,878 45 553,738 83 Number of withdrawals during year, 6,467, amounting to N et increase in amount due depositors $165,139 62 SCHEDULE OF SECURITIES OWNED. Public Funds, Bonds. Par Value. $50,000 Boston 4s 25.000 Boston 4)4s 25.000 Duluth, Minn., 4)4s 25.000 Hartford, Conn., 4)4s 25.000 Holyoke 4s 25.000 Los Angeles, Cal., 4)4s 25.000 Omaha, Neb., 4)4s 25.000 San Francisco, Cal., 5s 25.000 Seattle, Wash., 5s Par Value. $95,000 Boston & Maine 4)4s 35.000 C., B. & Q. 3)4s 50.000 C., B. & Q. 4s 25.000 Chic., Mil. & St. Paul 5s 92.000 Fitchburg 4s 75.000 Fitchburg 4)4s 25.000 Fitchburg 5s 25.000 Illinois Central 3s 25.000 N. Y „ N. H. & H. 3)4s 125,000 N. Y., N. H. & H. 4s 25.000 Portland Terminal Co. 4s Public Funds, Notes. $57,200 Amherst 4s 12.000 Amherst 4)4s 4,200 Pelham 4s Railroad Bonds. $25,000 Boston & Albany 4s 20.000 Boston & Maine 3)4s 135,000 Boston & Maine 4s Street Railway Bonds. $25,000 Boston Elevated 4s 50.000 Boston Elevated 4)4s 25.000 Boston & Northern 4s 25.000 Springfield 4s 25.000 West End 4)4s 25.000 West End 5s D ates of E x a m in a t io n , December 9 -1 1 inclusive. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Bank Stocks. Shs. 100 First Nl. Bk., Amherst 4 Second Nl. Bk., Boston 23 Conway Nl. Bk. 28 City Nl. Bk., Danbury, Ct. 47 First Nl. Bk., Easthampton 56 Franklin Co. Trust Co., Greenfield 100 City Nl. Bk., Holyoke 100 Holyoke Nl. Bk. 30 Nat. Bk. of Commerce, New Lon don, Ct. 67 Northampton Nl. Bk. 78 Hamp. Co. Nl. Bk., Northampton 78 First Nl. Bk., Northampton 117 Thames Nl. Bk., Norwich, Ct. 38 Palmer Nl. Bk. 115 Chapin Nl. Bk., Springfield 28 Crocker Nl. Bk., Turners Falls 8 Ware Nl. Bk. 6 Mechanics Nl. Bk., Worcester 6 [Pub. Doc. REPORT OF THE ANDOVER SAVINGS BANK, ANDOVER. MAIN STREET. Incorporated April 2, 1834. J o h n H . F l in t , President. Number of corporators, 31; number of trustees, 16. F r e d e r ic S. B o u t w e l l ,' Treasurer. B u r t o n S. F l a g g , Clerk of the Corporation. Board of Trustees: A r t h u r B l is s , F . S. B o u t w e l l , J. H . C a m p io n , J. N. C o l e , H . M. F a m e s , B . S. F l a g g , J. H . F l i n t , L . T . H a r d y , F . G. H a y n e s , F . H . J o n e s , B a r n e t t R o g e r s , D a v id S h a w , G. F . S m it h , J. L. S m it h , A . E . S t e a r n s , S. D . S t e v e n s . Board o f Investment: J. H. F l in t , L. T. H a r d y , S. D . S t e v e n s . Auditing Committee: F . G. H a y n e s , J. N. C o l e , J. H . C a m p io n . Deposits draw interest from third W ednesday of March, June, September and December; dividends are payable the third W ednesday of June and December. Business hours, 9 a . m . to 12 m .; 2 to 4 p . m .; Wednesdays, 9 a . m . to 1 2 m .; the third W ednesday of March, June, September and Decem ber, 9 a . m . to 12 m .; 2 to 4 p . m . STATEMENT OF CONDITION, OCTOBER 30, 1915. Assets. Public funds, bonds and notes . . . . Railroad bonds and notes . . . . . Street railway bonds . . . . . . Boston Terminal Co. bonds . . . . . American Tel. & Tel. C o. bonds . . . . Stocks of banks and trust companies Securities acquired in settlement of indebtedness 1,053 loans on real estate (average of each, $2,647.36) Less amount due on uncompleted loans . $689,386 900,724 130,150 20,000 75,046 142,300 10 75 37 00 00 25 00 00 2,787,667 607,090 23,180 3,822 01 00 26 61 $2,803,254 01 15,587 00 70 loans on personal security . . . . Deposits in national banks or trust companies Cash and cash items . . . . . . Total Assets . $5,379,377 25 Liabilities. Due depositors on 9,172 accounts, averaging $526.20 each (Accounts opened during year, 844: closed, 685; increase, 159) Surplus: — a. Guaranty fund (4-98% of deposits; increase during year, $6,000) b. Profit and loss (increase during year, $23,832.20) . Current incom e: — Interest . . . . . . . . . . Less current expenses not charged off . . . . . $4,826,317 50 240,500 00 228,465 79 $87,978 74 3,884 78 84,093 96 Total Liabilities . . . . . $5,379,377 25 Total Expenses for the Year, including State Taxes. State Tax (Net). Salaries. Rent. Advertising. Other Expenses. Total. Amount paid for $7,932.53 $8,220.00 $1,740.00 $231.07 $1,870.92 $19,994.52 Cost per $1,000 of assets 1.47 1.53 .32 .04 ‘ .35 3.71 Cost per $1,000 of assets not including State tax and rent . . . . . . 1.92 Gross income received during the year, $252,616.33. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis BANK COMMISSIONER. No. 8.] 7 Rates on Investments and Loans (Average on All, 4.77%). Real estate loans (average rate, 5.01 per cent.): 4 )£ % , $102,000; 5%, $2,581,840.01; 5)4% , $37,071; 6%, $66,756. Personal loans (average rate, 4.57 per cent.): 4M % , $13,000; 4% % , $25,000; 4 )4%> $447,295; 4 M%> $73,500; 5%, $45,000; 6%, $3,100; 6)4% , $195. Bonds, stocks, etc. (average rate on amounts invested, 4.51 per cent.): 3%, $200; 3)4% , $193,000; 4%, $1,086,000; 4M % , $80,000; 4)4% , $230,000; 5%, $206,100; 5)4% , $30,000; 6%, $40,000; 7%, $2,000; 8%, $76,100; 10%, $8,000; 12%, $11,000; 14%, $10,500; 15%, $600. Number of loans not over $3,000 each, 813, amounting to $1,340,774.01. 107 real estate loans made during year, amounting to $275,500. Dividends, Deposits and Withdrawals. Ordinary dividends declared during year: Dec., 1914, 2% June, 1915, 2% Number of deposits during year, 7,535, amounting to $91,850 07 93,186 37 508,944 34 Number of withdrawals during year, 5,940, amounting to $693,980 78 559,923 37 N et increase in amount due depositors $134,057 41 SCHEDULE OF SECURITIES OWNED. Public Funds, Bonds. Par Value. $200 United States 3s 25.000 Massachusetts 3J4s 50.000 Massachusetts 4s 25.000 Boston 3)4s 15.000 Boston 4 Ms 45.000 Brockton 4s 15.000 Canton, 0., 5)4s 25.000 Chelsea 3)4s 24,500 Chicago, 111., 4s 5.000 Chicago, 111., 4)4s 15.000 Cleveland, 0., 4)4s 15.000 Dayton, 0., 5)4s 10.000 Fall River 4s 15.000 Jersey City, N. J., 4)4s 10.000 Lawrence 4s 15.000 Los Angeles, Cal., 4)4s 5.000 Milwaukee, Wis., 4)4s 15.000 Minneapolis, Minn., 4s 15.000 New Bedford 4s 15.000 Omaha, Neb., 4)4s 10.000 Pittsburgh, Pa., 4)4s 15.000 Pittsfield 4s 20.000 Portland, Ore., 4)4s 10.000 Providence, R. L, 4s 25.000 Rochester, N. Y., 4)4s 21.000 San Francisco, Cal., 5s 15.000 Seattle, Wash., 4)4s 10.000 Seattle, Wash., 5s 25.000 So. Norwalk, Conn., 4)Ms D ates of E x a m in a t io n , Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Par Value. $15,000 Toledo, 0., 4)4s 10.000 Amesbury 4s 53.000 Andover 3J4s 29.000 Andover 4s 10.000 Methuen 4s 20,500 North Andover 4s 10.000 Palmer 4s 20.000 Kennebec, Me. (W. D.), 3Ks 12.000 Kittery, Me. (W. D.), 5s Railroad Bonds. $30,000 Bangor & Aroostook 5s 25.000 Boston & Albany 4s 15.000 Boston & Lowell 4s 110,000 Boston & Maine 4s 30.000 Boston & Maine 4M>s 15.000 B. & N. Y. Air Line 4s 75.000 Concord & Montreal 4s 20.000 Conn. & Pass. Rivers 4s 25.000 Danbury & Norwalk 5s 25.000 Fitchburg 4s 40.000 Holyoke & Westfield 4Ms 35.000 Illinois Central 4s 7.000 Louisville & Nashville 6s 5.000 Me. Cent. & E. & N. A. 4s 25.000 Manchester & Law. 4s 15.000 Montana Central 6s 25.000 N. Y. Cent. & Hud. Riv. 4s 25.000 N. Y., N. H. & H. 3^s 90.000 N. Y „ N. H. & H. 4s March 8-10 inclusive. Par Value. $45,000 No. Maine Seaport 5s 148,000 Old Colony 4s 25.000 St. J. & L. C. 5s 50.000 Wore., Nash. & R. 4s Street Railway Bonds. $40,000 Boston Elevated 4s 10.000 Boston Elevated 4)^s 25.000 Boston & Northern 4s 2,000 Lowell, Law. & Haverhill 5s 25.000 West End 4)4s 10.000 West End 5s 10.000 Wore. Consd. 4}4s 10.000 Wore. Consd. 5s Bank Stocks. Shs. 180 Andover Nl. Bk. 32 Boylston Nl. Bk., Boston 25 Commonwealth Trust Co., Boston 105 First Nl. Bk., Boston 80 Merchants Nl. Bk., Boston 6 Nl. Security Bk., Boston 400 Nl. Shawmut Bk., Boston 89 Nl. Union Bk., Boston 129 Old Boston Nl. Bk., Boston 110 Second Nl. Bk., Boston 172 Webster & Atlas Nl. Bk., Boston 75 Bay State Nl. Bk., Lawrence 20 Warren Nl. Bk., Peabody [Pub. Doc. REPORT OF THE ARLINGTON FIVE CENTS SAVINGS BANK, ARLINGTON. 622 MASSACHUSETTS AVENUE. Incorporated April 2, 1860. G eor ge H il l , Number of corporators, 36; number of trustees, 16. President. A rthur J. W e l l in g t o n , W il s o n D . C l a r k , Jr., Treasurer. Clerk of the Corporation. Board o f Trustees: C. W . A l l e n , L. B. C a r r , E . S. F e s s e n d e n , J. R . F o s t e r , R . D . G r e e n e , G e o r g e H i l l , H e n r y H o r n b l o w e r , M . E . M o o r e , B . A . N o r t o n , J. P . P a r m e n t e r , C . G . P e c k , W . G . P e c k , H. G . P o r t e r , W . G . R o l f e , A. J. W e l l i n g t o n , O. W . W h it t e m o r e . Board of Investment: C. W . A l l e n , G e o r g e H i l l , O. W . W h it t e m o r e . Auditing Committee: B. A . N o r t o n , J. P . P a r m e n t e r , H . G . P o r t e r . Deposits draw interest from first Saturday of January, April, July and October; dividends are pay able the first Saturday of January and July. Business hours, 9 a . m . to 12 m .; 1 to 3 p . m .; Sat urdays, 9 a .m . to 12 m .; 7 to 9 p . m . STATEMENT OF CONDITION, OCTOBER 30, 1915. Assets. Public funds, bonds and notes . . . . . Railroad bonds and notes . . . . . . Street railway bonds . . . . . . . Stocks of banks and trust companies, . . . . 423 loans on real estate (average of each, $4,398.67) . Less amount due on uncompleted loans . . . . . . . . . 14 loans on personal security . . . . . . Bank building and fixtures (estimated value, $25,000; assessed value, Real estate b y foreclosure, etc. (assessed value, $33,000) Deposits in national banks or trust companies Cash and cash items . . . . . . . . Total Assets $675,730 370,925 61,775 6,473 00 00 00 71 1,860,637 112,500 100 29,389 62,222 4,267 11 00 00 67 28 77 11 00 $3,184,020 54 Liabilities. Due depositors on 7,395 accounts, averaging $388.20 each (.Accounts opened during year, 756; closed, 595; increase, 161) Surplus: — a. Guaranty fund (4.97% o f deposits; increase during year, $6,433.63) b. Profit and loss (increase during year, $16,570.21) . Current incom e: — Interest . . . . . . . . . . Total Liabilities . $2,870,747 80 142,736 31 157,240 87 13,295 56 $3,184,020 54 Total Expenses for the Year, including State Taxes. State Tax (Net). Salaries. Rent. Advertising. Other Expenses. Total. Amount paid for $3,059.20 $7,083.12 $1,000.00 $80.75 $1,596.70 $12,819.77 Cost per $1,000 of assets .96 2.22 .31 .03 .50 4 .0 2 Cost per $1,000 of assets not including State tax and rent . . . . . . 2 .75 Gross income received during the year, $145,463.56. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis No. 8.] BANK COMMISSIONER. 9 Rates on Investments and Loans (Average on All, 4.85%). Real estate loans (average rate, 5 .0 7 per cen t.): 4 Y?,%, $5,200; 5%, $1,576,627.11; 5M % , $133,375; 5 ^ % , $110,000; 6%, $33,435; 6 H % , $1,400; 7%, $600. Personal loans (average rate, 5.41 per cen t.): 5%, $14,000; 5 }i% , $18,000; 5b£%, $78,500; 6%, $2,000. Bonds, stocks, etc. (average rate on amounts invested, 4.42 per cent ) ; 3J^%, $52,000; 4% , $745,150; 4 V2%, $76,500; 4 % % , $10,000; 5%, $87,500; 6%, $150,100; 8%, $4,600. Number of loans not over $3,000 each, 208, amounting to $179,662.11. 55 real estate loans made during the year, amounting to $259,950. Dividends, Deposits and Withdrawals. Ordinary dividends declared during year: Jan., 1915, 2% July, 1915, 2 % Number of deposits during year, 7,042, amounting to . . . . . . . .......................................... . . . Number of withdrawals during year, 5,240, amounting to Net increase in amount due depositors . . . . . . . . . . . . . $53,071 67 54,387 68 431,158 90 $538,618 25 422,868 78 $115,749 47 SCHEDULE OF SECURITIES OWNED. Public Funds, Bonds. Par Value. $15,000 Belfast, Me., 4s 10.000 Beverly 4s 50.000 Boston 4s 20.000 Brockton 4s 20.000 Burlington, Vt., 4s 1.000 Chelsea 4s 2.500 Dayton, 0., 5s 50.000 Fall River 4s 4.000 Fitchburg 4s 5,625 Gloucester 4s 5.000 Hamilton, 0., 5s 15.000 Indianapolis, Ind., 4s 1.000 Lewiston, Me., 5s 20.000 Los Angeles, Cal., 4J^s 32.000 Lynn 4s 5.000 Malden 4s 10.000 Melrose 4s 15.000 New Bedford 4s 16.000 New London, Ct., 4s 10.000 Omaha, Neb., 4}4s 6.000 Rochester, N. H., 4s 10.000 Somersworth, N. H., 4s 10.000 So. Norwalk, Ct., 4s 3.000 Springfield, 0., 4J^s 12.000 Wallingford, Ct., 4s 5.000 Waterbury, Ct., 4s 1.500 Youngstown, 0., 4Hs 14,500 Amesbury 4s 52.000 Arlington 3J^s 19.000 Arlington 4s 11.000 Arlington 4 ^ s 5.000 Attleborough 4s D ates of E x a m in a t io n , Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Par Value. $25,000 Concord 4s 2.000 Cranston, R. I., 4s 15.000 Gardner 4s 9.000 Lexington 4s 4.500 Longmeadow 4s 12.000 Methuen 4s 9.000 Rockport 4s 2.000 Russell 4s 15.000 Waltham 4s 4.000 Westfield 4s 4.000 Winchester 4s 15.000 Augusta, Me. (W. D.), 4s Public Funds, Notes. $10,000 Adams 4s 16.000 Arlington 4s 9.000 Barnstable 4s 10.000 Bourne 4%s 5.000 Dartmouth 4s 7.500 Duxbury 4s 16.000 Hull 4s 1.000 Medfield 4J^s 1.500 Randolph 4s 21,125 Revere 4s 4.000 Swansea 4s 6,400 South Hadley (F. D.), 4s Railroad Bonds. $27,000 Boston & Maine 4s 15.000 C„ B. & Q. 4s 1.000 C., B. & Q. 5s 16.000 Chic., Mil. & St. Paul 6s April 30, M ay 1. Par Value. $5,000 Chic. & Northwest. 4s 25.000 C., St. P., Minn. & O. 6s 35.000 Concord & Montreal 4s 8.000 Fitchburg 4s 30.000 Fre., Elk. & Mo. Val. 6s 4.000 Louisville & Nashville 5s 7.000 Louisville & Nashville 6s 10.000 Mil., L. S. & West. 6s 30.000 Montana Central 6s 25.000 N. Y „ N. H. & H. 4s 15.000 No. Maine Seaport 5s 4.000 Ohio River 5s 30.000 Old Colony 4s 10.000 Penobscot Shore Line 4s 24.000 Pitts., Mck. & Yough. 6s 15.000 Portland Terminal Co. 4s 15.000 P., Gt. Falls & Con. 4^3 20.000 St. J. & L. C. 5s 5.000 St. Paul, Minn. & Man. 6s Street Railway Bonds. $25,000 Lynn & Boston 5s 12.000 West End 4s , 15.000 West End 4J£s 10.000 West End 5s Bank Stocks. Shs. 25 Menotomy Tr. Co., Arlington 34 Fourth-Atlantic Nl. Bk., Boston 12 Nl. Union Bk., Boston 6 Dedham Nl. Bk. 10 REPORT OF THE [Pub. Doc. ASSABET INSTITUTION FOR SAVINGS, MAYNARD. MAIN STREET. Incorporated M arch 31, 1904. C larence Number of corporators, 33; number of trustees, 18. J. B o d f i s h , President. H oward A rthur A. W il s o n , E. W alk er, Treasurer. Clerk of the Corporation. Board of Trustees: J. R . B e n t , C . J. B o d f i s h , W . B. C a s e , B. J. C o u g h l a n , J. W . F l o o d , O. S. F o w l e r , G . H . G u t t e r i d g e , W . H . G u t t e r i d g e , A . G . H a y n e s , A. T . H a y n e s , F . W . H o i t , S. R . K i t c h e n , J. W . O g d e n , T . F . P a r k e r , C. H. P e r s o n s , F . H. S t e v e n s , L. C. T a y l o r , H. A. W il s o n . Board of Investment: C. J. B o d f i s h , C. H . P e r s o n s , A . G. H a y n e s , O. S. F o w l e r , S. R . K i t c h e n . Auditing Committee: W . H . G u t t e r i d g e , W . B . C a s e , T. F . P a r k e r . Deposits draw interest from first day of January, April, July and October; dividends are payable the Thursday after the first Wednesday of January and July. Business hours, 9 a . m . to 3 p . m . ; also Fridays, 7 to 8 p . m . , and Saturdays, 9 a . m . to 4 p . m . and 7 to 8 p . m . STATEMENT OF CONDITION, OCTOBER 30, 1915. Assets. Railroad bonds and notes . . . . . Street railway bonds . . . . . . American Tel. & Tel. Co. bonds . . . . 87 loans on real estate (average o f each, SI ,268.33) . Less amount due on uncompleted loans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $111,695 00 1,350 00 $14,962 75 6,457 35 2,727 50 110,345 32,910 1,472 8,597 1,997 34 loans on personal security Furniture and fixtures . Deposits in national banks or trust companies Cash . . . . . . . . Total Assets . . . . . 00 00 40 13 30 $179,469 43 Liabilities. Due depositors on 1,098 accounts, averaging $157.50 each {Accounts opened during year, 385; closed, 156; increase, 229) Surplus: — a. Guaranty fund {1.03% o f deposits; increase during year, $345) h. Profit and loss {increase during year, $778.63) Current income: — Interest . . . . . . . . . . Less current expenses not charged off . . . . Unearned discount Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis . . . . . . . $172,937 59 1,795 00 4,512 01 $681 53 589 04 92 49 102 34 . Total Liabilities . . . . . $179,469 43 No. 8.] 11 BANK COMMISSIONER. Total Expenses for the Year, including State Taxes. State Tax (Net). Salaries. Rent. Amount paid for $233.64 $625.00 $112.50 Cost per $1,000 of assets 1.28 3 .4 8 .62 Cost per $1,000 of assets not including State tax and rent . Advertising. Other Expenses. Total. $26.60 $205.50 $1,203.24 .15 1.15 6.68 . . . . . 4.78 Gross income received during the year, $6,879.39. Rates on Investments and Loans (Average on All, 5.19%). Real estate loans (average rate, 5.35 per cen t.): 5%, $51,243; 5J^%, $2,650; 5J^%, $37,850; 6%, $18,602. Personal loans (average rate, 5.22 per cent.); 4%, $5,000; 4M % , $4,000; 5%, $8,000; 5J^%, $5,000; 6%, $10,910. Bonds, stocks, etc. (average rate on amounts invested, 4.46 per cent.): 3J^%, $6,500; 4% , $11,500; 4 y2% , $2,000; 5%, $6,000. Number of loans not over $3,000 each, 114, amounting to $112,605. 20 real estate loans made during year, amounting to $18,893. Dividends, Deposits and Withdrawals. Ordinary dividends declared during year: Jan., 1915, 2% July, 1915, 2% Number of deposits during year, 1,683, amounting to . Number of withdrawals during year, 683, amounting to Net increase in amount due depositors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2,123 12 2,504 38 86,835 38 . . . . . SCHEDULE OF SECURITIES OWNED. Street Railway Bonds. Railroad Bonds. Par Value. $4,000 Baltimore & Ohio 3Ks 4.000 Bangor & Aroostook 5s 1.000 Boston & Maine 4s 2.000 Boston & Maine 4J£s 500 Bridgton & Saco River 4s 1,500 N. Y., N. H. & H. 3^s 1.000 N. Y., N. H. & H. 4s 1.000 Peoria & Northwestern 3J£s 1.000 Upper Coos 4s D ates of E x a m in a t io n Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis and A u d it , Par Value. $1,000 Boston Elevated 4s 2.000 Boston Elevated 5s 2.000 Boston & Northern 4s 2.000 West End 4s M ay 3 - 6 inclusive. $91,462 88 36,443 89 $55,018 99 12 REPO RT OF THE [Pub. Doc. ATHOL SAVINGS BANK, ATHOL. 384 MAIN STREET. Incorporated February 12, 1867. L evi B. Fa y , Number of corporators, 52; number of trustees, 13. President. W F r a n k S. P a r m e n t e r , il l ia m G. A v e r y , Treasurer. Clerk o f the Corporation. Board of Trustees: C . F . A m s d e n , W . G. A v e r y , 0 . T . B r o o k s , L . B . F a y , G. C . L o n g l e y , L u c ie n L o r d , F . S. P a r m e n t e r , A . J. R a y m o n d , P . B . S w i f t , A . F . T y l e r , E. W . T y l e r , F . E . W i n g , E . L . W o r r ic k . Board of Investment: C. F . A m s d e n , L . B. F a y , L u c ie n L o r d , P. B. S w i f t , E. W . T y l e r . Auditing Committee: O . T . B r o o k s , F . S . P a r m e n t e r , A . F . T y l e r . Deposits draw interest from first day of January, April, July and October; dividends are payable January 1 and July 1. Business hours: 9 a . m . to 3.30 p . m .; Saturdays, 9 a . m . to 12.30 p . m .; also Thursdays, 7 to 8.30 p . m . STATEMENT OF CONDITION, OCTOBER 30, 1915. Assets. Public funds, bonds and notes 1 . . . . Railroad bonds and notes . Street railway bonds . . . . . . . Boston Terminal C o. bonds . . . . . . American Tel. & Tel. Co. bonds . . . . . Stocks of banks and trust companies . . . . 365 loans on real estate (average of each, $7,196.54) . 68 loans on personal security . . . . Real estate b y foreclosure, etc. (assessed value, 8225) Suspense account . . . . . . Deposits in national banks or trust companies . Cash Total Assets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $184,750 680,168 101,175 50,000 75,740 39,422 2,626,738 434,850 25 1,797 138,501 971 . . . . . . . . 00 75 00 00 63 00 43 00 00 80 26 50 $4,334,140 37 Liabilities. Due depositors on 9,324 accounts, averaging $415.74 each . . . . . {Accounts opened during year, 1,071; closed, 842; increase, 229) Surplus: — a. Guaranty fund {4.90% of deposits; increase during year, $2,395.25) . . . h. Profit and loss {increase during year, 825,147.23) . . . . . . Current incom e: — Interest . . . . . . . . . . $77,128 72 Less current expenses not charged off . . . . 3,621 12 ----------------------- Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Total Liabilities . $3,876,340 97 190,233 10 194,058 70 73,507 60 . $4,334,140 37 13 BANK COMMISSIONER. No. 8.] Total Expenses for the Year, including State Taxes. Total. State Tax (Net). Salaries. Rent. Advertising. Other Expenses. $16,123.28 Amount paid for $4,838.81 $9,193.50 $660.00 $148.16 $1,282.81 3.71 C ost per $1,000 of assets 1.12 2 .1 2 .15 .03 .29 2.44 Cost per $1,000 of assets not including State tax and rent . . . . . . Gross income received during the year, $204,082.16. Rates on Investments and Loans (Average on All, 5%). Real estate loans (average rate, 4.99 per cent.): 434%. $346,800; 454%, $105,500; 5%, $1,946,247.93; 534%, $95,800; 6%, $132,390.50. Personal loans (average rate, 5.45 per cent.): 454%. $25,000; 5%, $131,875; 5J4%. $33,800; 5)4% . $62,000; 554%, $72,000; 6%, $110,125. Bonds, stocks, etc. (average rate on amounts invested, 4.84 per cent.): 3)4% , $135,000; 4% , $469,000; 4 )4 % , $25,000; 434%, $112,250; 5%, $110,000; 6%, $250,000; 7%, $20,000; 8%, $30,000; 10%, $9,100. Number of loans not over $3,000 each, 302, amounting to $343,488.43. 26 real estate loans made during year, amounting to $181,100. Dividends, Deposits and Withdrawals. Ordinary dividends declared during year: Jan., 1915, 2% July, 1915, 2 % Extra dividends declared during year, Jan., 1915, J4% July, 1915, } 4 % Number of deposits during year, 7,077, amounting to . . . . . . .................... 73,757 • • • • • .................................. 9.184 . . . . . Number of withdrawals during year, 6,410, amounting to N et increase in amount due depositors . . . . . . . . . . . $72,514 58 05 9,029 68 70 528,304 83 . $692,790 84 528,346 49 . $164,444 35 SCHEDULE OF SECURITIES OWNED. Public Funds, Bonds. Par Value. $25,000 California 4s 10.000 Massachusetts 334s 10.000 Boston 4s 14.000 Brockton 4s 10.000 Dubuque, la., 4s 5.000 Grand Rapids, Mich., 4)4s 10.000 Indianapolis, Ind., 4s 25.000 Los Angeles, Cal., 434s 25.000 Lynn 43£s 25.000 Worcester 334s 5.000 Lenox 4s Public Funds, Notes. $20,000 Athol 4s 2,250 Athol 434s D ates of E x a m in a t io n , Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Railroad Bonds. Par Value. $10,000 Baltimore & Ohio 334s 5,000 Boston & Albany 4s 35.000 Boston & Albany 5s 20.000 Boston & Maine 434s 15.000 Chicago, Mil. & Puget S. 4s 25.000 Chic., Mil. & St. Paul 4s 25.000 Chicago & Northwestern 5s 50.000 Chicago, R. I. & Pacific 4s 25.000 Chicago, R. I. & Pacific 6s 10.000 Connecticut River notes 6s 75.000 Fitchburg 4s 25.000 Fitchburg 434s 40.000 Illinois Central 334s 25.000 Illinois Central 4s 50.000 Louisville & Nashville 6s 25.000 Montana Central 6s 25.000 N. Y., Lack. & West. 6s 50.000 N. Y., N. H. & H. 4s 50.000 N. Y., N. H. & H. 6s October 28, 29. Par Value. $25,000 No. Maine Seaport 5s 5,000 Northwestern Union 7s 40.000 St. Paul, Minn. & Man. 6s 25.000 St. Paul & North. Pacific 6s 15.000 Troy & Boston 7s Street Railway Bonds. $35,000 Boston Elevated 434s 35.000 Boston & Northern 4s 25.000 Lynn & Boston 5s 10.000 Old Colony 4s Bank Stocks. Shs. 41 Millers Riv. Nl. Bk., Athol 10 Eliot Nl. Bk., Boston 22 Nl. Bk. of Commerce, Boston 300 Nl. Shawmut Bk., Boston 50 Springfield S. D. & T. Co. REPO RT OF THE 14 [Pub. Doc. ATTLEBOROUGH SAVINGS BANK, NORTH ATTLEBOROUGH. 48 NORTH WASHINGTON STREET. Branch Office: 1 North Main Street, Attleboro. Incorporated February 2, 1860. A lbert T otten, Number of corporators, 86; number of trustees, 17. President. A rthur E . K i n g , Treasurer. E dward E . C o d d in g , Clerk of the Corporation. Board o f Trustees: W . B . B a l l o u , T . S. C a r p e n t e r , G . W . C h e e v e r , A . E . C o d d in g , C . W . F i s h e r , W . H . G o f f , G . H . H e r r i c k , E . L. H i x o n , J. F . M a s o n , C . T . P a t e , O. P . R ic h a r d s o n , M . E. R o w e , F. E. S t u r d y , E. A . S w e e n e y , A l b e r t T o t t e n , J. E . T w e e d y , G . K . W e b s t e r . Board of Investment: G. W . C h e e v e r , W . H . G o f f , E. L. H i x o n , O. P. R ic h a r d s o n , M . E . R o w e , F. E . St u r d y , A l b e r t T o t t e n . Auditing Committee: A. E . C o d d in g , O. P. R ic h a r d s o n , J. E . T w e e d y . Deposits draw interest from first day of January, April, July and October; dividends are payable April 15 and October 15. Business hours: 9 a . m . to 3 p .m .; Saturdays, 9 a . m . to 12 m . STATEMENT OF CONDITION, OCTOBER 30, 1915. Assets. Public funds, bonds and notes . . . . . . . . . Railroad bonds and notes . . . . . . . . . . Street railway bonds . . . . . . . . . . . Boston Terminal Co. bonds . . . . . . . . . . American Tel. & Tel. Co. bonds . . . . . . . . . Stocks of banks and trust companies . . . . . . . . Securities acquired in settlement of indebtedness . . . . . . 729 loans on real estate {average of each, $2,734-64) . . . . . . 91 loans on personal security . . . . . . . . . Bank building and fixtures (estimated value, $30,000; assessed value, $27,580) Real estate b y foreclosure, etc. (assessed value, $165,425) . . . . . Taxes, insurance, etc., paid on m ortgaged properties . . . . . Deposits in national banks or trust companies . . . . . . Cash and cash items . . . . . . . . . . . Total Assets . . . . . . . . . . . . $25,000 330,037 100.970 10,000 54,720 6,250 37,703 1,993,554 841,570 20,000 70,647 125 84,804 4,401 . . . . . 00 00 00 00 00 00 10 99 00 00 36 88 94 14 . . . $3,579,784 41 . . . $3,213,846 48 Liabilities. Due depositors on 7,605 accounts, averaging $422.60 each . . (Accounts opened during year, 855; closed, 970; decrease, 115) Surplus: — a. Guaranty fund (4.96% of deposits; increase during year, $1,700) b. Profit and loss (decrease during year, $9,137.79) . . . Current income: — Interest . . . . . . . . . . Less current expenses and rent account not charged off . . . . . . . . $11,049 23 1,801 62 ----------------------Unearned d i s c o u n t .................................................................................................................... Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Total Liabilities . 159,500 00 167,190 32 9,247 61 30,000 00 . $3,579,784 41 15 BANK COMMISSIONER. No. 8.] Total Expenses for the Year, including State Taxes. State Tax (Net). Salaries. Rent. Advertising. Other Expenses. Total. Am ount paid for $5,277.84 $5,389.11 $1,254.93 $3,272.79 $15,194.67 Cost per $1,000 of assets 1.47 1.50 .35 .91 4 .23 Cost per $1,000 of assets not including State tax and rent . . . . . . 2.41 Gross income received during the year, $174,795.06. Rates on Investments and Loans (Average on All, 5.15%). Real estate loans (average rate, 5.52 per cent.): 4% , $17,650; 5%, $823,849; 5hi% , $194,450; 6%, $957 605 99. Personal loans (average rate, 4.65 per cent.): 4%, $73,000; 4h£%, $125,000; 4%i%, $262,000; 4% % , $45,000; 4 % % , $138,500; 5%, $129,700; 5H % , $25,000; 5 % % , $4,000; 6%, $39,370. Bonds, stocks, etc. (average rate on amounts invested, 4.60 per cen t.): 2%, $18,000; 3%, $60,000; 3 K % , $190,000; 4%, $165,000; 4 ^ % , $50,000; 5%, $107,000; 6%, $49,120. Number of loans not over $3,000 each, 588, amounting to $860,334.99. 65 real estate loans made during year, amounting to $79,855. Dividends, Deposits and Withdrawals. Ordinary dividends declared during year: April, 1915, 2J^% Oct., 1915, 2>^% Number of deposits during year, 7,142, amounting to . . . . . . *.......................................... . . . . Number of withdrawals during year, 8,439, amounting to Net increase in amount due depositors . . . . . . . . . . . $75,004 21 76,247 37 528,386 42 . $679,638 00 619,696 62 . $59,941 38 SCHEDULE OF SECURITIES OWNED. Public Funds, Bonds. Par Value. $25,000 San Francisco, Cal., 5s Railroad Bonds. $25,000 Boston & Albany 3bis 30,000 Boston & Maine 3his D ates of E x a m in a t io n , Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Street Railway Bonds. Par Value. $50,000 C., B. & Q. 3his Par Value. 50.000 Chicago, Mil. & St. Paul 4his $50,000 Boston Elevated 5s » 25.000 Fitchburg 4s 30.000 Boston & Northern 4s 30.000 Fitchburg 5s 30.000 Old Colony 4s 60.000 Illinois Central 3s 25.000 Illinois Central 3pis Bank Stocks. 50.000 N. Y., N. H. & H. 3Ms Shs. 50 Manuf. Nl. Bk., No. Attleborough September 7-10 inclusive. 16 REPORT OF THE [Pub. Doc. BARRE SAVINGS BANK, BARRE. Incorporated M ay 1, 1869. C . H . F o llan sby, Number of corporators, 40; number of trustees, 17. President. M . B. H ancock, H a k d in g J e n k i n s , Treasurer. Clerk of the Corporation. Board of Trustees: A . F. A d a m s , C . F. A t w o o d , J. C . B a r t h o l o m e w , G. W . C o o k , C. H. F o l l a n s b y , C. A . G l e a s o n , L. M . H a n f f , G. N. H a r w o o d , J. N. H i l l m a n , H a r d in g J e n k i n s , IB L. P i e r c e , G. F. R i c e , C . S . R o o t , G. R . S i m o n d s , J. L. S m i t h , A . G. W i l l i a m s , A . S. W o o d w a r d . Board of Investment: C . F. A t w o o d , J. C. B a r t h o l o m e w , G. W . C o o k , C. H. F o l l a n s b y , G. N . H arwood. Auditing Committee: J. C . B a r t h o l o m e w , H a r d in g J e n k i n s , A . G . W il l ia m s . Deposits draw interest from fifteenth day of January, April, July and October; dividends are payable January 15 and July 15. Business hours: 9 a . m . to 12 M .; 1 to 3 p . m .; Saturdays, 9 a . m . to 12 m . STATEMENT OF CONDITION, OCTOBER 30, 1915. Assets. Public funds, bonds and notes ......................................................................................................... $68,700 00 Railroad bonds and notes . . . . . . . . . . . 224,100 00 Street railway bonds . . . . . . . . . . . . 36,354 00 American Tel. & Tel. Co. b o n d s ............................................................... .......... . . 13,500 00 Stocks of banks and trust companies . . . . . . . . . 11,882 00 227 loans on real estate (average o f each, $ 8 ,0 8 4 .2 6 )............................................................... 688,777 50 3 loans on personal security . . . . . . . . . . 23,950 00 Bank building and fixtures (estimated value, $10,000; assessed value, $6,800) . . 4,000 00 Deposits in national banks or trust companies . . . . . . . 32,601 94 Cash and cash items . . . . . . . . . . . . 598 81 Total A s s e t s .......................................$1,104,464 25 Liabilities. Due depositors on 2,184 accounts, averaging $455.29 each (Accounts opened during year, 287; closed, 166; increase 121) Surplus: — a. Guaranty fund (4-81% of deposits; increase during year, $2,750) b. Profit and loss (increase during year, $4,580.90) Current income: — Interest . . . . . . . . . . Less current expenses not charged off . . $661 12 Less State or local taxes not charged off . . 115 60 $994,351 95 47,800 00 57,505 09 $5,347 95 776 72 4,571 23 235 98 Suspense account Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Total Liabilities . . $1,104,464 25 No. 8.] BANK COMMISSIONER. 17 Total Expenses for the Year, including State Taxes. State Tax (Net). Salaries. Rent. Advertising. Amount paid for $1,456.68 $1,700.00 $250.00 Cost per $1,000 of assets 1.32 1.54 .23 Cost per $1,000 of assets not including State tax and rent . Other Expenses. Total. $643.55 $4,050.23 .58 3.67 2.12 Gross income received during the year, $49,794.61. Rates on Investments and Loans (Average on All, 4.99%). Real estate loans (average rate, 5.31 per cent.): 5%, $410,744; 5M % , $28,000; 5j^% , $85,550; 6%, $164,483.50. Personal loans (average rate, 6 per cent.): 6%, $23,950. Bonds, stocks, etc. (average rate on amounts invested, 4.30 per cent.): 3%, $30,000; 3J^%, $65,000; 3M % , $8,000; 4%, $140,700; 4>^%, $35,000; 5%, $75,200; 8%, $5,000; 12%, $3,400. Number of loans not over $3,000 each, 187, amounting to $197,212.50. 40 real estate loans made during year, amounting to $152,935. Dividends, Deposits and Withdrawals. Ordinary dividends declared during year: Jan., 1915, 2 M % July, 1915, 2 }4% Number of deposits during year, 1,645, amounting to $19,896 26 20,557 54 141,372 16 $181,825 96 96,690 69 Number of withdrawals during year, 1,061, amounting to Net increase in amount due depositors $85,135 27 SCHEDULE OF SECURITIES OWNED. Public Funds, Bonds. Railroad Bonds. Par Value. $5,000 Washington County, Me., 4s 10.000 Wilkes-Barre, Pa., 10.000 Athol 4s 9,700 No. Attleborough 4s 5,000 W. Springfield 4s 10.000 Br. & Top., Me. (W. D.), 4s 10.000 Kittery, Me. (W. D.), 5s Public Funds, Notes. $8,000 Barre 3%s 1,000 Barre 4s D ate of E x a m in a t io n , Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Par Value. $15,000 Boston & Maine 4s 10.000 Boston & Maine 4}4s 5.000 C., B. & Q. 3J^s 5.000 C., B. & Q. 4s 10.000 Fitchburg 4s 30.000 Illinois Central 3s 10.000 Illinois Central 4s 5.000 Lime Rock 4s 10.000 Michigan Central 3J^s 10.000 N. Y., N. H. & H. 3J^a 30.000 N. Y „ N. H. & H. 4s 46.000 No. Maine Seaport 5s 15.000 St. J. & L. C. 5s 30.000 Washington County 3}4>s July 19. Street Railway Bonds. Par Value. $10,000 Boston Elevated 4)^s 5,000 Fitch. & Leominster 4}4s 1,500 Fitch. & Leominster 5s 10.000 West End 4s 10.000 West End 4}4s Bank Stocks. Shs. 20 Boylston Nl. Bk., Boston 25 Eliot Nl. Bk., Boston 32 Nl. Bk. of Commerce, Boston I 50 Market Trust Co., Boston 34 Second Nl. Bk., Boston 7 Ware Nl. Bk. 18 REPORT OF THE [Pub. Doc. » BASS RIVER SAVINGS BANK, SOUTH YARMOUTH. BRIDGE STREET. Incorporated April 15, 1874. Number of corporators, 38; number of trustees, 18. C h a r l e s G. B a k e r , President. H ir a m D . L o s in g , Treasurer. M a n t o n H . C r o w e l l , Clerk of the Corporation. Board of Trustees: C . G. B a k e r , C. E. C r o w e l l , H. C. C r o w e l l , J. W . C r o w e l l , M . H. C r o w e l l , O . L. C r o w e l l , J. P. E d w a r d s , H. E . G a r f ie l d , E . L. J e n k in s , J. H. J e n k s , Jr., M . F . J o n e s , E. D . K e l l e y , G. H. L o r in g , H. D . L o s i n g , E. C. M a t t h e w s , C. F. P u r r in g t o n , D . F. S e a r s , H. H. S e a r s . Board of Investment: C. G. B a k e r , H. H. S e a r s , G. H. L o r in g , E . L . J e n k in s , J. P. E d w a r d s . Auditing Committee: E . L. J e n k in s , J. H . J e n k s , Jr., C. E. C r o w e l l . Deposits draw interest from first day of January, April, July and October; dividends are payable April 1 and October 1. Business hours: 9 a .m . to 12 m .; 2 to 4 p.m.; Saturdays, 9 a .m . to 12.30 p .m . STATEMENT OF CONDITION, OCTOBER 30, 1915. Assets. Public funds, bonds and notes . . . . Railroad bonds and notes . . . . . Street railway bonds . . . . . . American Tel. & Tel. Co. bonds . . . . Stocks of banks and trust companies . . . Securities acquired in settlement of indebtedness . 302 loans on real estate (.average of each, $l,481f.18) . 34 loans on personal security . . . . Real estate b y foreclosure, etc. (assessed value, $7,200) Deposits in national banks or trust companies . Cash and cash items . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $733,006 14 Due depositors on 1,743 accounts, averaging $380.61 each . . . (Accounts opened during year, 120; closed, 129; decrease, 9) Surplus: — a. Guaranty fund {5.01% of deposits; increase during year, $1,500) b. Profit and loss (decrease during year, $989.81) . . . . Current incom e: — Interest . . . . . . . . . . Less current expenses not charged off . . . . . . . $663,412 41 . . 33,250 00 33,433 91 . . . . . . Total Assets . 00 75 80 50 00 25 50 00 00 53 81 . . . . . . . $10,000 126,893 20,759 9,133 3,000 911 448,224 82,077 3,962 25,149 2,894 . . . . . . . . . . . Liabilities. $3,080 47 172 55 2,907 92 1 90 Unearned discount Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Total Liabilities . . . . . $733,006 14 19 BANK COMMISSIONER. No. Total Expenses for the Year, including State Taxes. Rent. State Tax (Net). Amount paid for $962.12 $2,774.30 $100.00 Cost per $1,000 of assets 1.31 3 .7 8 .14 Cost per $1,000 of assets not including State tax and rent Advertising. Other Expenses. Total. $511.58 $4,374.00 $26.00 .69 5 .9 5 .03 4 .5 0 Gross income received during the year, $35,520.38. Rates on Investments and Loans (Average on All, 5.20%). Real estate loans (average rate, 5.61 per cen t.): 5%, $90,325; 5)4% . $13,000; 5)4% . $146,360; 5M % , $5,600; 6%, $192,550.50; 7%, $389. Personal loans (average rate, 4.98 per cent.): 4)4% . $30,000; 4)4% , $20,000; 5)4% . $11,500; 5)4% , $10,200; 6%, $10,377. Bonds, stocks, etc. (average rate on amounts invested, 4.23 per cent.): 3 )4 % , $60,000; 4% , $66,000; 4 )4% , $35,000; 5%, $14,000; 6%, $600; 7%, $2,400. Number of loans not over $3,000 each, 279, amounting to $231,194.50. 41 real estate loans made during year, amounting to $45,440. Dividends, Deposits and Withdrawals. Ordinary dividends declared during year: April, 1915, 2% Oct., 1915, 2% Number of deposits during year, 970, amounting to $12,533 70 12,665 00 79,656 14 Number of withdrawals during year, 1,255, amounting to $104,854 84 88,573 55 $16,281 29 Net increase in amount due depositors SCHEDULE OF SECURITIES OWNED. Public Funds, Bonds. Par Value. $10,000 Seattle, Washington, 4)4s Railroad Bonds. $11,000 Boston & Maine 4s 9.000 Boston & Maine 4)4s 20.000 C., B. & Q. 3)4s 3.000 Chic., Mil. & St. Paul 5s 10.000 Fitchburg 3)4s 6.000 Fitchburg 5s Par Value. $25,000 Illinois Central 3)4s 4.000 Me. Cent. & E. & N. A. 4s 5.000 N. Y. N. H. &H. 3)4s 15.000 N. Y „ N. H. & H. 4s 5.000 No. Maine Seaport 5s 20.000 Old Colony 4s Street Railway Bonds. $5,000 Boston Elevated 4)4s 3,000 Boston & Northern 4s D a t e s of E x a m in a t io n a n d A u d it , March 15-18 inclusive. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Par Value. $3,000 Old Colony 4s 11,000 West End 4)4s Bank Stocks. Shs. 24 First Nl. Bk., New Bedford 6 First Nl. Bk., Yarmouthport 20 REPO RT OF THE [Pub. Doc. BAY STATE SAVINGS BANK, WORCESTER. 476 MAIN STREET. Incorporated M arch 9, 1895. Number of corporators, 100; number of trustees, 20. J a m e s E a b l y , President. G e o b g e M cA l e e e , Treasurer. (Office Vacant) Clerk of the Corporation. Board of Trustees: T h o m a s B a b b e t t , T . J. B a b b e t t , A l e x a n d e r B e l is l e , S. G . B o w e n , C . M . C a l l a h a n , M . F . C o s g r o v e , D a n ie l D o w n e y , W . N . D b o h a n , J a m e s E a b l y , M . F . F a l l o n , T . H . H a l l , J. F . H e a l y , R ic h a b d H e a l y , M . B . L a m b , J a m e s M c D e e m o t t , J. A . M c D e e m o t t , M . F . M c M a h o n , M . J. O ’ M e a b a , J. B . S im a r d , P. E . S o m e b s . Board o f Investment: J a m e s E a b l y , J. A. M c D e e m o t t , T. J. B abbett, M . F. M cM a h o n , T. H . H all. Auditing Committee: A l e x a n d e e B e l i s l e , W . N . D b o h a n , M . B . L a m b . Deposits draw interest from the first day of March, June, September and December; dividends are payable March 15 and September 15. Business hours: 9 a . m . to 3 p . m . ; Saturdays, 9 a . m . to 1 p . m . , and for deposits only, 6 to 8 p . m . ( STATEMENT OF CONDITION, OCTOBER 30, 1915. Assets. Public funds, bonds and notes . . . . Railroad bonds and notes . . . . . Street railway bonds . . . . . . American Tel. & Tel. Co. bonds . . . . 397 loans on real estate (average of each, $3,8%0.87) . 20 loans on personal security . . . . Suspense account . . . . . . Deposits in national banks or trust companies . Cash . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Total Assets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $221,073 85 385,863 25 109,488 50 27,975 00 1,318,386 00 19,082 00 6 30 70,550 70 1,404 85 $2,153,830 45 Liabilities. Due depositors on 4,210 accounts, averaging $490.55 each (Accounts opened during year, 430; closed, 320; increase, 110) Surplus: — a. Guaranty fund (2.44% o f deposits; increase during year, $5,111) h. Profit and loss (increase during year, $4*882.10) Current income: — Interest . . . . . . . . . . Less current expenses not charged off . . . . Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis . $2,065,216 60 50,542 00 22,59 1 03 $16,358 40 877 58 15,480 82 Total Liabilities . . $2,153,830 45 No. 8.] 21 BANK COMMISSIONER. Total Expenses for the Year, including State Taxes. State Tax (Net). Salaries. Rent. Amount paid for $2,989.53 $1,858.75 $983.34 Cost per $1,000 of assets 1.39 .86 .45 Cost per $1,000 of assets not including State tax and rent . Advertising. Other Expenses. Total. $532.68 $1,044.28 $7,408.58 .24 .48 3.42 .......................................... 1.58 Gross income received during the year, $94,454.73. Rates on Investments and Loans (Average on All, 4.57%). Real estate loans (average rate, 4.98 per cent.): 4J^%, $68,000; 5%, $1,240,649; 5J^%, $6,700; 6%, $3,037. Personal loans (average rate, 5.66 per cent.): 5%, $5,282; 5J^%, $2,500; 6%, $11,300. Bonds, stocks, etc. (average rate on amounts invested, 3.82 per cent.): 3A%< $370,000; 4%, $388,000. Number of loans not over $3,000 each, 232, amounting to $380,761.40. 5 real estate loans made during year, amounting to $27,300. Dividends, Deposits and Withdrawals. Ordinary dividends declared during year: March, 1915, 2% Sept., 1915, 2% Number of deposits during year, 3,064, amounting to $39,185 28 39,299 34 272,801 78 Number of withdrawals during year, 2,657, amounting to N et increase in amount due depositors . . . . . . . . . . . . $351,286 40 304,796 44 . $46,489 96 SCHEDULE OF SECURITIES OWNED. Public Funds, Bonds. Par Value. $100,000 Massachusetts 3As 29.000 Boston 3As 25.000 Boston 4s 7.000 Dayton, 0., 3As 5.000 Everett 4s 4.000 Fitchburg 4s 15.000 Newport, R. I., 3As 15.000 Quincy 4s 5.000 Waltham 3As 13.000 Worcester 3A s 3.000 Worcester 4s Railroad Bonds. Par Value. $80,000 Boston & Albany 4s 10.000 Boston & Lowell 3As * 10,000 Boston & Lowell 4s 10.000 Boston & Maine 3As 10.000 Boston & Maine 4s 80.000 C., B. & Q. 3Ms 5.000 Chicago & Northwestern 4s 5.000 Fitchburg 3As 37.000 Fitchburg 4s 36.000 Illinois Central 3As 45.000 Illinois Central 4s D a t e s of E x a m in a t io n , January 6 -8 inclusive. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Par Value. $15,000 N. Y. C. & H. R. 3^s 25.000 N. Y., N. H. & H. 3lAa 5,000 Old Colony 4s 20.000 Sioux City & Pacific 3As Street Railway Bonds. $33,000 Boston Elevated 4s 40.000 Boston & Northern 4s 41.000 West End 4s 22 [Pub. Doc. REPO RT OF THE BELMONT SAVINGS BANK, BELMONT. 10 LEONARD STREET. Incorporated March 5, 1885. Number of corporators, 48; number of trustees, 17. J. H e n b y F l e t c h e e , President. R o y a l T . B b o d e ic k , Treasurer. C. O l iv e b W e l l in g t o n , Clerk of the Corporation. Board of Trustees: E . F . A t k in s , E . C. B e n t o n , R . T. B b o d e ic k , F b e d e b ic D o d g e , J. L . E l l is , J. H . F l e t c h e e , H e n b y F e o s t , I. B. F e o s t , C. O. H i l l , F . H . K e n d a l l , I. H . L o c k e , J. E . L o c k e , C. J. M c G i n n is , S. D . R o b b in s , E . F . S k a h a n , H . O. U n d e e w o o d , C. O. W e l l in g t o n . Board of Investment: J. H. F l e t c h e e , F b e d e b ic D o d g e , I. H. L o c k e , F. H. K e n d a l l , E . F. S k a h a n . Auditing Committee: J. E . L o c k e , C . O. H i l l , C. J. M c G in n i s . Deposits draw interest from third W ednesday of January, April, July and October; dividends are payable'the third W ednesday of January and July. Business hours: 3 to 5.30 p .m .; also Wednes days, 7 to 8 p .m . STATEMENT OF CONDITION, OCTOBER 30, 1915. Assets. Public funds, bonds and notes . . . . Railroad bonds and notes . . . . . Street railway bonds . . . . . . American Tel. & Tel. Co. bonds . Stocks of banks and trust companies 187 loans on real estate (average of each, $2,389.70) . 3 loans on personal security . . . . Real estate b y foreclosure, etc. (assessed value, $900) Taxes, insurance, etc., paid on mortgaged properties Deposits in national banks or trust companies Cash and cash items . . . . . . $74,240 160,436 52,277 12,507 600 446,875 5,350 549 702 8,849 4,858 00 25 50 50 00 00 00 95 01 04 96 Total A s s e t s .......................................$767,246 24 Liabilities. Due depositors on 2,600 accounts, averaging $281.33 each (Accounts opened during year, 334; closed, 185; increase, 149) Surplus: — a. Guaranty fund (3.18% of deposits; increase during year, $2,000) b. Profit and loss (increase during year, $805.20) Current incom e: — Interest . . . . . . . . . . Less current expenses not charged off . . . . School savings stamps account Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis . . . . . . Total Liabilities . . $731,472 30 23,300 00 3,666 44 $8,701 09 498 41 8,202 68 604 82 $767,246 24 23 BANK COMMISSIONER. No. 8.] Total Expenses for the Year, including State Taxes. State Tax (Net). Salaries. Rent. Amount paid for $1,291.81 $1,225.00 $300.00 Cost per $1,000 of assets 1.68 1.60 .39 Cost per $1,000 of assets not including State tax and rent . Advertising. Other Expenses. Total. $103.95 $741.80 $3,662.56 .13 .97 4.77 . . . . 2 .70 Gross income received during the year, $34,461.93. Rates on Investments and Loans (Average on All, 4.73%). Real estate loans (average rate, 5.13 per cent.): 5%, $341,050; 5}4%> $10,000; 5 H % , $81,075; 6%, $14,750. Personal loans (average rate, 4.83 per cent.): 4 % % , $5,000; 6%, $350. Bonds, stocks, etc. (average rate on amounts invested, 4.13 per cent.): $20,000; 4%, $237,000; 4 H % , $31,500; 5%, $15,000; 8%, $600. Number of loans not over $3,000 each, 131, amounting to $191,825. 29 real estate loans made during year, amounting to $73,800. Dividends, Deposits and Withdrawals. Ordinary dividends declared during year: Jan., 1915, 2% July, 1915, 2 % Number of deposits during year, 2,869, amounting to . N um ber . of withdrawals during year, 1,458, amounting to Net increase in amount due depositors . . . . . . . . ........................................... . . . . . . . . . . . $13,029 53 13,705 55 125,404 81 . $152,139 89' 103,534 21 . $48,605 68 SCHEDULE OF SECURITIES OWNED. Public Funds, Bonds. Par Value. $5,000 Massachusetts 4s 3.000 Beverly 4s 10.000 Boston 4s 6.000 Brockton 4Hs 5.000 Chicago, 111., 4s 5.000 Cleveland, 0., 4p^s 3.000 Melrose 4s 5.000 Minneapolis, Minn., 4s 5.000 Portland, Ore., 4J/£s 3.000 Worcester 4s 20.000 Belmont 4s 2,500 Belmont iy&s 2.000 Peabody 4s D ates of E x a m in a t io n , Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Railroad Bonds. Par Value. $5,000 Boston & Albany 3)^s 15.000 Boston & Albany 4s 28.000 Boston & Maine 4s 3.000 Boston & Maine 4)^s 5.000 C., B. & Q. 4s 20.000 Chicago & Northwestern 4s 8.000 Fitchburg 4s 7.000 Fitchburg 5s 5.000 Illinois Central 3%s 8.000 Illinois Central 4B 3.000 Me. Cent. & E. & N. Am. 4s 10.000 N. Y., N. H. & H. sy2s 35.000 N. Y., N. H. & H. 4s 10.000 Old Colony 4s March 11 and 12. Street Railway Bonds. Par Value. $13,000 Boston Elevated 4s 7.000 Boston Elevated 4p£s 5.000 Boston & Northern 4s 5.000 Springfield 4s 12,000 West End 4s 8.000 West End 5s 3.000 Wore. Consd. 4J^s Bank Stocks. Shs. 6 Nl. Shawmut Bk., Boston BENJAMIN FRANKLIN SAVINGS BANK, FRANKLIN. 9 Incorporated February 20, 1871. DEAN AVENUE. Number of corporators, 38; number of trustees, 19. E l is h a P. C h a p m a n , President. C h a r l e s L. S t e w a r t , Treasurer. A l b e r t C . M a s o n , Clerk o f the Corporation. Board of Trustees: J. E . C a r p e n t e r , E. P. C h a p m a n , F . P. C h a p m a n , A . B. C h il s o n , J. O. C h il s o n , O. T . D o e , W . M . F is h e r , A . J. G a l l is o n , J. F . G e b , G . H . G r a n t , H . W . H o s ie , W . S. J o h n s o n , A. C . M a s o n , C . J. M u r p h y , A . W . P e ir c e , C . L . S t e w a r t , L . W . S t o t t , A . D . T h a y e r , J o sep h V e n a . Board of Investment: E. P. C h a p m a n , A . D . T h a y e r , O. T . D o e , H. W . H o s ie , W . M . F is h e r , C . J. M u r p h y . Auditing Committee: O. T . D o e , J. E . C a r p e n t e r , A . J. G a l l is o n . Deposits draw interest from first day of January, April, July and October; dividends are payable January 15 and July 15. Business hours: 9 a . m . to 12 m . ; 1 to 4 p . m . STATEMENT OF CONDITION, OCTOBER 30, 1915. Assets. Public funds, bonds and notes . . . . Railroad bonds and notes . . . . . Street railway bonds . . . . . . American Tel. & Tel. Co. bonds . . . . Stocks of banks and trust companies . . . 208 loans on real estate {average o f each, $1,948.86) . Less amount due on uncompleted loans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $409,075 00 . . . 3,711 58 ----------------------38 loans on personal security . . . . . . . . . . Furniture and fixtures . . . . . . . . . . . . Real estate b y foreclosure, etc. (assessed value, $18,4-4-0) . . . . . . Taxes, insurance, etc., paid on mortgaged properties . . . . . . Deposits in national banks or trust companies . . . . . . . Cash and cash items . . . . . . . . . . . . $35,000 226,631 14,568 13,012 4,910 00 50 00 50 00 405,363 42 150,220 00 2,609 89 18,140 00 29 65 38,370 88 2,490 86 Total A s s e t s ....................................... $911,346 70 Liabilities. Due depositors on 3,296 accounts, averaging $260.63 each . . . . . {Accounts opened during year, 510; closed, 3SS; increase, 177) Surplus: — а. Guaranty fund (3.17% of deposits; increase during year, $2,115.60) . . . б. Profit and loss {increase during year, $1,334-86) . . . . . . Current incom e: — a. Interest . . . . . . . $9,050 65 b. Rent . . . . . . . 20 00 -------------------— $9,070 65 Less current expenses not charged off . . . . 1,260 48 ----------------------Unearned discount . . . . . . . . . . . . Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Total Liabilities . . . . . $859,028 43 27,247 28 9,168 71 7,810 17 8,092 11 $911,346 70 BANK COMMISSIONER. No. Total Expenses for the Year, including State Taxes. Rent. State Tax (Net). Salaries. Amount paid for $2,070.10 $2,320.00 $240.00 Cost per $1,000 of assets 2 .2 7 2 .5 5 .26 C ost per $1,000 of assets not including State tax and rent . Advertising. Other Expenses. Total. $84.23 $903.30 $5,617.63 .09 .99 6 .16 3.63 Gross income received during the year, $42,615.21. Rates on Investments and Loans (Average on All, 4.90%). Real estate loans (average rate, 5.46 per cen t.): 5%, $209,625; 5J^%, $14,600; 6%, $181,138.42. Personal loans (average rate, 4.72 per cent.): 4% % , $10,000; 4 ^ % , $65,000; 4 % % , $40,000; 5%, $28,100; 6%, $7,120. Bonds, stocks, etc. (average rate on amounts invested, 4.21 per cent.): 3%, $5,000; 3J^%. $48,000; 3 ^ % , $10,000; 4%, $100,000; 4J£%, $5,000; 4 y2% , $65,000; 5%, $56,840; 6%, $3,700. Number of loans not over $3,000 each, 198, amounting to $236,445. 18 real estate loans made during year, amounting to $36,850. Dividends, Deposits and Withdrawals. Ordinary dividends declared during year: Jan., 1915, 2% July, 1915, 2% Number of deposits during year, 3,650, amounting to $15,579 75 16,054 00 181,882 86 . $213,516 61 179,181 26 Number of withdrawals during year, 2,806, amounting to N et increase in amount due depositors . . . . . . . . $34,335 35 SCHEDULE OF SECURITIES OWNED. Public Funds, Bonds. Par Value. $5,000 Boston 4s 10,000 Brockton 4s 5.000 Bridgeport, Conn., 4J^s 5.000 Franklin 4s Public Funds, Notes. $10,000 Wakefield 3%s Railroad Bonds. $5,000 Baltimore & Ohio 3}4b 6.000 Bangor & Aroostook 5s 10,000 Bennington & Rut. 4}4s Par Value. $10,000 Boston & Albany 3}4s 10.000 Boston & Maine 4s 10.000 Boston & Maine 4b£s 10.000 Boston, R. B. & L. 4J^s 25.000 C., B. & Q. 5s 10.000 Chic., Mil. & St. Paul 4Ks 25.000 Fitchburg 4s 5.000 Fitchburg 5s 5.000 Illinois Central 3s 8.000 Illinois Central 3bi>s 20.000 Illinois Central 4s 5.000 Michigan Central 3}4s 10.000 N. Y., N. H. & H. 3^s 10.000 N. Y., N. II. & H. 4s D a t e s of E x a m in a t io n , A p ril 8, 9. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Par Value. $10,000 No. Maine Seaport 5s 5.000 Sioux City & Pacific 3}^s 20.000 Upper Coos 43^s 5.000 Washington County 3J^s Street Railway Bonds. $5,000 Boston Elevated 4}4s 10.000 Boston Elevated 5s Bank Stocks. Shs. 37 Franklin Nl. Bk. 12 Nl. Bk. of Wrentham 26 [Pub. Doc. REPORT OF THE BERKSHIRE COUNTY SAVINGS BANK, PITTSFIELD.* 22 Incorporated February 2, 1846. A r t h u r H . R i c e , President. NORTH STREET. Number of corporators, 52; number of trustees, 22. W il l ia m L . A d a m , Treasurer. J o h n B a r k e r , Clerk of the Corporation. Board of Trustees: W . L. A d a m , J. L. B a c o n , A . H . B a g g , G . W . B a il e y , R . B . B a r d w b l l , J ohn B a r k e r , D a v id C a m p b e l l , F . G . C r a n e , F . W . D u t t o n , C . K . F e r r y , I. D . F e r r e y , H . A . F r a n c is , C. C. G a m w b l l , W . F. H a w k i n s , C. L. H i b b a r d , E. A. J o n e s , A l e x a n d e r K e n n e d y , A . H . R i c e , W . H . S l o a n , L. A . S t e v e n s , J. M . S t e v e n s o n , F r a n k l in W e s t o n . Board of Investment: W . L. A d a m , A . H . B a g g , F. W . D u t t o n , C. K . F e r r y , A l e x a n d e r K e n n e d y , L . A . St e v e n s . Auditing Committee: A. H . B a g g , G. W . B a il e y , C. L . H i b b a r d . Deposits draw interest from first day of January, April, July and October; dividends are payable January 1 and July 1. Business hours: 9 a .m . to 3 p .m .; Saturdays, 9 a .m . to 12 m .; 7 to 9 p .m . STATEMENT OF CONDITION, OCTOBER 30, 1915. Assets. Public funds, bonds and notes . . . . Railroad bonds and notes . . . . . Street railway bonds . . . . . . American Tel. & Tel. C o. bonds . . . . Stocks of banks and trust companies . . . Securities acquired in settlement of indebtedness . 1,448 loans on real estate (average of each, $3,587.29) Less amount due on uncompleted loans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $5,249,350 00 54,950 00 57 loans on personal security . . . . . . . . . Bank building and fixtures (estimated value, $139,000; assessed value, $138,925) Deposits in national banks or trust companies . . . . . . Cash and cash items . . . . . . . . . . . . $129,150 866,675 477,500 111,528 772,241 7,950 00 00 00 75 00 00 5,194,400 308,620 137,000 58,891 4,959 00 00 00 85 93 . $8,068,916 53 Total Assets Liabilities. . Due depositors on 19,582 accounts, averaging $387.22 each (Accounts opened during year, 2,551; closed, 2,590; decrease, 39) Surplus: — a. Guaranty fund (J.53% of deposits; increase during year, $2,500) b. Profit and loss (increase during year, $5,379.53) Current income: — a. Interest . . . . . . . $65,650 28 b. R e n t ............................................................... 855 13 378,500 00 47,622 82 $66,505 41 6,331 15 ----------------- Less current expenses not charged off Suspense account . . . . Total Liabilities . . $7,582,494 45 . . . 60,174 26 125 00 $8,068,916 53 * Statements of Life Insurance Departments appear on pages immediately following page 393. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis No. 8.] BANK COMMISSIONER. 27 Total Expenses for the Year, including State Taxes. State Tax (Net). Salaries. Rent. Advertising. Other Expenses. Total. Amount paid for $7,036.86 $14,358.50 $3,000.00 $197.25 $2,515.28 $27,107.89 Cost per $ 1,000 of assets .87 1.78 .37 .02 .31 3.35 Cost per $1,000 of assets not including State tax and rent . . . . . . 2.11 Gross income received during the year, $381,866.47. Rates on Investments and Loans (Average on All, 4.85%). Real estate loans (average rate, 4.90 per cent.): 4 H % , $1,071,100; 4 % % , $50,000; 5%, $4,069,300; 6%, $4,000. Personal loans (average rate, 5.11 per cent.): 5%, $274,620; 6%, $34,000. Bonds, stocks, etc. (average rate on amounts invested, 4.71 per cent.): 3)^% , $315,000; 4% , $739,150; 4M % , $40,500; 5%, $458,850; 6%, $100,000; 7%, $39,200; 7M % , $10,000; 8%, $188,100; 10%, $106,000; 12%, $39,200; 14%, $30,500; 20%, $10,000. Number of loans not over $3,000 each, 1,092, amounting to $1,712,670. 161 real estate loans made during year, amounting to $491,850. Dividends, Deposits and Withdrawals. Ordinary dividends declared during year: Jan., 1915, 2% July, 1915, 2% Number of deposits during year, 23,218, amounting to $143,453 06 145,450 08 1,231,232 25 $1,520,135 39 1,384,810 71 Number of withdrawals during year, 20,001, amounting to Net increase in amount due depositors $135,324 68 SCHEDULE OF SECURITIES OWNED. Public Funds, Bonds. Par Value. $42,000 Gr. Barrington 3)^s Par Value. $30,000 Louis. & Nashville 6s 242.000 N. Y., N. H. & H. 3y2s 300.000 No. Maine Seaport 5s Public Funds, Notes. Street Railway Bonds. $19,200 Pittsfield $150,000 Hoosac Valley 4s 1.500 Hancock i}4s 29,000 Hoosac Valley 5s 1,800 Lanesborough 4}^s 300.000 Pittsfield Elec. 4s 400 Peru 4s 1.500 Peru 5s 39,750 Dalton (F. D.), 4s Bank Stocks. 5.000 Gt. Barrington (F. D.), 4s Shs. 18.000 Gt. Barrington (F. D.), 4}^s 55 Greylock Nl. Bk., Adams 25 American Trust Co., Boston Railroad Bonds. 143 Eliot Nl. Bk., Boston $100,000 Bangor & Aroostook 5s 250 First Nl. Bk., Boston 100 Fourth-Atlantic Nl. Bk., Boston 25.000 Chic. & Northw. 3J^s 50.000 Fre., Elk. & Mo. Val. 6s 160 International Trust Co., Boston 6.000 111. Central 3J^s 500 Merchants Nl. Bk., Boston 119,000 111. Central 4s 210 Nl. Bk. of Commerce, Boston D a t e s of E x a m in a t io n , March 22-26 inclusive. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Shs. 100 Nl. Bk. of the Republic, Boston 500 Nl. Shawmut Bk., Boston 40 Nl. Union Bk., Boston 204 Old Boston Nl. Bk., Boston 250 Old Colony Tr. Co., Boston 367 Second Nl. Bk., Boston 246 State Nl. Bk., Boston 122 Webster & Atlas Nl. Bk., Boston 24 Hadley Falls Nl. Bk., Holyoke 100 Lee Nl. Bk. 100 North Adams Nl. Bk. 100 Agricultural Nl. Bk., Pittsfield 200 Berkshire L. & T. Co., Pittsfield 268 Pittsfield Nl. Bk. 309 Third Nl. Bk., Pittsfield 100 Chapin Nl. Bk., Springfield 200 Chicopee Nl. Bk., Springfield 300 Springfield Nl. Bk. 10 Housatonic Nl. Bk., Stockbridge 350 Merchants Nl. Bk., Worcester [Pub. Doc. REPORT OF TH E BEVERLY SAVINGS BANK, BEVERLY. 171 CABOT STREET. Incorporated February 23, 1867. Number of corporators, 112; number of trustees, 24. R o l a n d W . B o y d e n , President. C h a r l e s H. K il h a m , Treasurer. R o d n e y C. L a r c o m , Clerk of the Corporation. Board of Trustees: R. C . A l l e n , J. H . B a k e r , R . W . B o y d e n , H . P. B r e t t , G e o r g e B u t m a n , S a m u e l C o l e , T . D . C o n n o l l y , H . E. D u r g in , A . A . F o r n e s s , J. H . G ir d l e r , F . P. H a s k e l l , J. F . H i l l , P. J. L y n c h , J. M . M u r n e y , F r a n c is N o r w o o d , C . E . O b e r , C . L. O d e l l , R o b e r t R o b e r t s o n , G . L . S o u t h w ic k , L . P. S t a n t o n , J. A . W a l l is , F r a n k W o o d b e r r y , H . W . W ood b e r r y , H . P. W o o d b u r y . Board of Investment: R . W . B o y d e n , J. H. B a k e r , G e o r g e B u t m a n , P. J. L y n c h , A. A . F o r n e s s . Auditing Committee: C . E . O b e r , T . D . C o n n o l l y , C . L. O d e l l , R o b e r t R o b e r t s o n , J. H . G ir d l e r . Deposits draw interest from fourth W ednesday of January, April, July and October; dividends are payable fourth W ednesday of April and October. Business hours: 8.30 a .m . to 1.30 p .m .; also Saturdays, 7 to 8.30 p .m ., for deposits only. STATEMENT OF CONDITION, OCTOBER 30, 1915. Assets. Public funds, bonds and notes . . . . Railroad bonds and notes . . Street railway bonds . . . . . . American Tel. & Tel. Co. bonds . . . . Stocks of banks and trust companies . . . Securities acquired in settlement of indebtedness . 745 loans on real estate (average of each, $2,672.33) . Less amount due on uncompleted loans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1,995,522 50 4,634 00 30 loans on personal security . . . . . . Bank building and fixtures (estimated value, $75,000; assessed value, $52,750) Real estate b y foreclosure, etc. (assessed value, $2,725) . . . . Deposits in national banks or trust companies . . . . . Cash . . . . . . . . . . . . . $242,937 694,897 206,725 73,110 258,152 11,001 00 60 00 00 89 00 1,990,888 639,020 60,000 2,550 36,262 6,072 50 00 00 25 28 87 Total A s s e t s .......................................$4,221,617 39 Liabilities. Due depositors on 11,937 accounts, averaging $330.97 each (Accounts opened during year, 1,619; closed, 1,215; increase, 4-04) Surplus: — a. Guaranty fund (4-94% of deposits; increase during year, $7,515.65) b. Profit and loss (increase during year, $27,974-41) • Current incom e: — Interest . . . . . . . . . . Less current expenses not charged off . . $327 51 Less rent not charged off . . . 16 30 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis . 195,392 52 73,035 63 $2,759 23 343 81 ---------------- Total Liabilities . $3,950,773 82 2,415 42 . $4,221,617 39 I No. 8.] 29 BANK COMMISSIONER. Total Expenses for the Year, including State Taxes. State Tax (Net). Salaries. Rent. Advertising. Other Expenses. Total. Amount paid for $7,210.07 $6,064.00 $1,500.00 $154.38 $2,565.95 $17,494.40 Cost per $1,000 of assets 1.71 1.44 .36 .04 .61 4 .16 2.09 Cost per $1,000 of assets not including State tax and rent . Gross income received during the year, $198,011.21. Rates on Investments and Loans (Average on All, 4.86%). Real estate loans (average rate, 5.03 per cent.): 4V£%, $8,400; 4 % % , $63,500; 5%, $1,774,053.50; 5M % . $9,700; 5 K % , $99,531; 6%, $35,704. Personal loans (average rate, 4.70 per cent.): Z% % , $25,000; 4J^%, $25,000; 4J^%, $337,000; 4 % % , $55,500; 5%, $121,520; 5y2% , $50,000; 6%, $25,000. Bonds, stocks, etc. (average rate on amounts invested, 4.70 per cent.): 3J^%, $125,000; 4%, $588,050; 4 H % , $25,000; 4)^% , $190,000; 5%, $244,000; 5V2% , $30,000; 6%, $96,800; 7%, $33,200; 8%, $61,000; 10%, $18,200; 12%, $5,700; 16%, $19,000. Number of loans not over $3,000 each, 583, amounting to $904,374.50. 49 real estate loans made during year, amounting to $197,022. Dividends, Deposits and Withdrawals. Ordinary dividends declared during year: April, 1915, 2% Oct., 1915, 2 % Number of deposits during year, 15,852, amounting to . . Number of withdrawals during year, 10,422, amounting to Net increase in amount due depositors . . . . . . . . .......................................... . . . . . . . . . $839,258 87 683,584 67 . . $72,663 87 74,282 24 692,312 76 . $155,674 20 SCHEDULE OF SECURITIES OWNED. Public Funds, Bonds. Par Value. $25,000 California 4s 25.000 Boston 4s 25.000 Boston 4 J^s 15.000 Canton, 0., 5J^s 22.000 Chelsea 4s 25.000 Hamilton, 0., 5s 5,000 New Bedford 4s 15.000 Oakland, Cal., 534>s 15.000 Omaha, Neb., 4p£s 25.000 Portland, Ore., 6s 25.000 San Francisco, Cal., 3^s 25.000 San Francisco, Cal., 5s Railroad Bonds. $25,000 Boston & Albany 5s 25.000 Boston & Maine 4s 25.000 Boston & Maine 4J^s 10.000 Boston, Rev. Beach & L. 4J^s 75.000 C., B. & Q. 3^s Par Value. $35,000 C., B. & Q. 4s 50.000 Chicago, Mil. & St. Paul 5s 25.000 Chicago & Northwestern 4s 20.000 Chicago & Northwestern 6s 25.000 Connecticut River notes 6s 25.000 Fitchburg 4}4s 131,000 Illinois Central 4s 25.000 Louisville & Nashville 6s 25.000 Michigan Central 3Hs 25.000 Minn., St. P. & S. St. Marie 5s 25.000 N. Y. Central & H. R. 4s 75.000 N. Y., N. H. & H. 4s 5,000 Old Colony 4s 75.000 Pennsylvania 4J^s 15.000 Penobscot Shore Line 4s Street R ailw a y Bonds. $25,000 Boston Elevated 4s 25.000 Boston Elevated 4}^s 30.000 Boston & Northern 4s D a t e s of E x a m in a t io n , June 2 4 -2 6 inclusive. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Par Value. $25,000 Holyoke 5s 30.000 Lynn & Boston 5s 25.000 Old Colony 4s 10.000 So. Shore & Boston 5s 15.000 West End 5s 14.000 Western Massachusetts 5s 15.000 Wore. & Southbridge Bank Stocks. Shs. 332 Beverly Nl. Bank 25 American Trust Co. 190 First NI. Bk., Boston 100 Nl. Bk. of Commerce, Boston 610 Nl. Shawmut Bk., Boston 32 Second Nl. Bk., Boston 182 Old Colony Tr. Co., Boston 18 Nl. Grand Bk., Marblehead 71 First Nl. Bk., Salem [Pub. Doc, REPO RT OF THE 30 BLACKSTONE SAVINGS BANK, BOSTON. 26 WASHINGTON STREET. Incorporated April 23, 1901. Number of corporators, 40; number of trustees, 19. L ou is A . F r o t h in g h a m , President. A r t h u r E . R o b e r t s , Treasurer. J oh n F . T u r n e r , Clerk of the Corporation. Board of Trustees: F . W . A l l e n , E . S. B a r k e r , A. F . B e m is , W . E . C l a r k , E . N. E a m e s , A. W . F l in t , L. A. F r o t h in g h a m , E . E . G r a y , H . B. H o w a r d , T. F . L e e n , C h a r l e s L o g u e , D . A. L o u r ie , J oh n O ’ H a r e , A . E . R o b e r t s , H . H . S a v a g e , J. F . T u r n e r , J. E . W e l c h , C . A . W il c o x , B. S. W i l e y . Board of Investment: L . A . F r o t h in g h a m , J oh n O ’ H a r e , H . H . Sa v a g e , J. E . W elch, A. F. B e m is . Auditing Committee: J. F . T u r n e r , E . N . E a m e s , E . E . G r a y . Deposits draw interest from third Saturday of January, April, July and October; dividends are pay able M onday following third Saturday of April and October. Business hours: 9 a .m . to 2 p .m .; Saturdays, 9 to 1 p .m . ; also M ondays from 3 to 5 p .m . for deposits only. STATEMENT OF CONDITION, OCTOBER 30, 1915. Assets. Public funds, bonds and notes . . . . Railroad bonds and notes . . . . . Street railway bonds . . . . . . American Tel. & Tel. C o. bonds . . . . 354 loans on real estate (average of each, $2,61+5.65) . 12 loans on personal security . . . . Furniture and fixtures . . . . . . Premium account . . . . . . Deposits in national banks or trust companies . Cash and cash items . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $96,243 75 132,232 99 28,000 00 25,045 00 936,560 00 113,500 00 1,198 00 3,777 43 58,285 94 4,301 60 Total Assets . $1,399,144 71 Liabilities. Due depositors on 2,753 accounts, averaging $498.13 each (.Accounts opened during year, 1+97; closed, 386; increase. 111) Surplus: — a. Guaranty fund (1.36% of deposits; increase during year, $3,1+10) b. Profit and loss (increase during year, $1+,523.76) Current income: — Interest . . . . . . . . . . Less current expenses not charged off . . . . Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis . 18,594 78 13,628 06 $1,171 72 90 35 ---------------- Total Liabilities . . $1,365,840 50 . . . 1,081 37 $1,399,144 71 No. 8.] BANK COMMISSIONER. 31 Total Expenses for the Year, including State Taxes. State Tax (Net). Salaries. Rent. Advertising. Other Expenses. Total. Amount paid for «1,685.76 «3,732.00 «2,000.00 «367.63 «1,596.71 «9,382.10 Cost per $1,000 of assets 1.20 2 .6 7 1.43 .26 1.16 6.72 Cost per «1,000 of assets not including State tax and rent . . . . . . 4 .0 9 Gross income received during the year, «68,548.50. Rates on Investments and Loans (Average on All, 5.22%). Real estate loans (average rate, 5.58 Personal loans (average rate, 4.64 «9,500; 6 % % , «5,000. Bonds, stocks, etc. (average rate on 4% , «123,000; 4M % , «10,000; per cent.): 5%, «5,500; 5)4% , «769,170; 6%, «161,890. per cent.): 4)4% , «38,000; 4)4% . «21,000; 4M % . «40,000; 5%, amounts invested, 4.25 per cent.): 3)4% , «62,000; 3 % % , «4,000; 4)4% , «59,000; 5%, «30,000; 6%, «5,000. Number of loans not over «3,000 each, 248, amounting to «529,390. 39 real estate loans made during year, amounting to «106,700. Dividends, Deposits and Withdrawals. Ordinary dividends declared during year: April, 1915, 2% Oct., 1915, 2% Number of deposits during year, 3,265, amounting to «24,047 66 25,482 57 315,341 11 Number of withdrawals during year, 2,237, amounting to «364,871 34 247,571 27 Net increase in amount due depositors «117,300 07 SCHEDULE OF SECURITIES OWNED. Public Funds, Bonds. Par Value. $3,000 Massachusetts 4s 5.000 Boston 3)4s 15.000 Boston 4s 10.000 Boston 4)4s 5.000 Brockton 4s 5.000 Los Angeles, Cal., 4)4s 10.000 Omaha, Neb., 4)4s 4.000 San Francisco, Cal., 5s 5.000 Seattle, Wash., 4)4s 5.000 Seattle, Wash., 5s 5.000 Sioux City, Iowa 4)4s 4.000 Somersworth, N. H., 4s Par Value. «3,000 Danvers 4s 4.000 East Longmeadow 3)4s 4.000 Hull 4s 5.000 Mansfield 4s 5.000 Kennebec, Me. (W. D.), 3)4s Railroad Bonds. $19,000 Baltimore & Ohio 3)4s 5.000 Bangor & Aroostook 5s 10.000 Boston & Albany 4s 12.000 Boston & Maine 4s 5.000 Boston & Maine 4J4s 2.000 C., B. & Q. 3)4s D a t e s op E x a m in a t io n , June 1, 2. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Par Value. «10,000 C., B. & Q. 4s 7.000 Chicago, Mil. & St. Paul 4)4s 5.000 Fitchburg 4s 3.000 Illinois Central 3)4s 5.000 Louisville & Nashville 6s 5.000 Minn., St. P. & S. S. Marie 4s 15.000 N. Y. Central 4s 28.000 N. Y „ N. H. & H. 3)4s 10.000 No. Maine Seaport 5s Street Railway Bonds. $22,000 Boston Elevated 4)4s 6.000 Springfield & Eastern 5s 32 REPO RT OF THE [Pub. Doc. BOSTON FIVE CENTS SAVINGS BANK, BOSTON. 32-38 SCHOOL STREET. Incorporated April 7, 1854. Number of corporators, 46; number of trustees, 20. W il m o t R . E v a n s , President. J oseph C . H o l m e s , Treasurer. J o seph H . C a n n e l l , Clerk of the Corporation. Board of Trustees: C . R . B a t t , E . W . B u r d e t t , J. H . C a n n e l l , Sa m u e l C a r r , A. B . C h a p in , F. A. D a v e n p o r t , W . R. E v a n s , W . R . E v a n s , Jr., R. F. H e r r ic k , J. C . H o l m e s , A. M . L y o n , F. A. M e r r il l , F. C . M c D u f f ie , E . A. M c L a u g h l in , F. W . R e m ic k , S u m n e r R o b in s o n , N . J. R u s t , G. E . S m it h , P h il ip S t o c k t o n , W . F. W h it t e m o r e . Board of Investment: C . R . B a t t , W . R . E v a n s , R . F. H e r r ic k , F. C . M c D u f f ie , S u m n e r R o b in s o n , N . J. R u s t , P h il ip St o c k t o n . Auditing Committee: J. H. C a n n e l l , R . F. H e r r ic k , A. M . L y o n . Deposits draw interest from second W ednesday of January, April, July and October; dividends are payable second Wednesday of April and October. Business hours: 9 a .m . to 2 p .m .; also Saturdays, for deposits only, 3 to 5 and 6 to 8 p .m . STATEMENT OF CONDITION, OCTOBER 30, 1915. Assets. $10,127,397 00 . 4,543,000 00 . 811,000 00 . 359,000 00 . 445,600 00 . . . • . . $24,038,755 00 . 36,584 39 24,002,170 61 11,160,101 00 205 loans on personal security . . . . . . . 350,000 00 Bank building and fixtures (estimated value, $350,000; assessed value, $44-5,000) 24,500 00 Real estate b y foreclosure, etc. (assessed value, $56,000) . . . . 951,048 14 Deposits in national banks or trust companies . . . . . 81,412 37 Cash and cash items . . . . . . . . . . Public funds, bonds and notes . . . . . . Railroad bonds and notes . . . . . . . Street railway bonds . . . . . . . . American Tel. & Tel. Co. bonds . . . . . . Stocks of banks and trust companies . . . . 1,137 loans on real estate (.average of each, $21,110.09) . Less amount due on uncompleted loans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Total Assets . $52,855,229 12 Liabilities. . $49,069,635 57 Due depositors on 199,227 accounts, averaging $246.30 each (Accounts opened during year, 18,916; closed, 19,186; decrease, 370) Surplus: — 2,434,851 65 a. Guaranty fund (4-96% of deposits; increase during year, $73,549.51) 1,270,925 12 b. Profit and loss (increase during year, $98,967.69) . Current income: — $81,020 27 Interest . . . . . . . . . . Less real estate rents and expenses . . . $144 11 Less current expenses not charged off . . 1,059 38 1,203 49 ----------------79,816 78 Total L iab ilities.......................................$52,855,229 12 Total Expenses for the Year, including State Taxes. State Tax (Net). Salaries. Rent. Advertising. Other Expenses. Total. Amount paid for $89,729.23 $87,170.45 $14,257.81 $15,552.16 $206,709.65 Cost per $1,000 of assets 1.70 1 .65 .-27 .29 3.91 Cost per $1,000 of assets not including State tax and rent . . . . . . 1.94 Gross income received during the year, $2,262,119.04. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 33 BANK COMMISSIONER. No. 8. Rates on Investments and Loans (Average on All, 4.40%). Real estate loans (average rate, 4.37 per cent.): 3M%> $330,000; 4%, $6,927,935; 4)^%, $41,500; 4J4%> $6,527,500; 4J^%, $5,195,565.61; 4M % , $981,950; 5%, $3,970,600; 5M % . $9,500; 5>^%, $10,700; 6%, $6,920. Personal loans (average rate, 4.54 per cent.): 4}^%, $500,000 ; 4 \i% , $3,104,650; 4J^%, $5,481,850; 4 % % , $926,000; 5%, $402,600; 5M % , $50,000 ; 5 ^ % , $193,000; 6%, $477,001; 6 ^ % , $25,000. Bonds, stocks, etc. (average rate on amounts invested, 4.34 per cent.): 3J^%, $285,000; 3^4o%, $15,100; 4%, $12,144,197; 4 H % , $200,000; 4 ^ % , $2,123,100; 5%, $799,000; 6%, $343,000; 8%, $110,800; 10%, $124,300; 12%, $105,900; 16%, $76,600. Number of loans not over $3,000 each, 542, amounting to $957,732. 123 real estate loans made during year, amounting to $2,019,100. Dividends, Deposits and Withdrawals. Ordinary dividends declared during year: April, 1915, 2% Oct., 1915, 2 % Number of deposits during year, 225,832, amounting to . . . . .......................................... . . . . . Number of withdrawals during year, 189,248, amounting to N et increase in amount due depositors . . . . . . . . . . . . $896,505 96 912,062 70 10,530,682 62 $12,339,251 28 10,824,757 22 $1,514,494 06 SCHEDULE OF SECURITIES OWNED. Public Funds, Bonds. Par Value. $1,644,000 Massachusetts 4s 500.000 New York 4^s 85.000 Essex Co. 4s 1,489,000 Boston 4s 100.000 Boston 44£s 195.000 Brockton 4s 200.000 Buffalo, N. Y., 4}^s 320.000 Cambridge 4s 75.000 Chelsea 4s 361.000 Chicago, 111., 4s 5.000 Everett 4s 424.000 Fall River 4s 47.000 Fall River 4J4s 63.000 Fitchburg 4s 70.000 Gloucester 4s 105.000 Haverhill 4s 73,500 Holyoke 4s 95.000 Holyoke 4b£s 248.000 Indianapolis, Ind., 4s 250.000 Kansas City, Kansas, 4s 98.000 Lawrence 4s 87,800 Lowell 4s 54.000 Lowell 4}^s 60.000 Lynn 4s 50.000 Lynn 4b£s 12.000 Malden 4s 24.000 Marlborough 4s 45.000 Melrose 4s 226.000 Milwaukee, Wis., 4s 19.000 New Bedford 4s 2.000 Newburyport 4s 32.000 Newport, R. I., 4s 42.000 Newport, R. I., 4J^s 227.000 Pittsfield 4s 25.000 Pittsfield 4J^s 125.000 Providence, R. I., 4s 7.000 Quincy 4s 50.000 Rochester, N. Y., 4b£s 70.000 Salem 4s 54.000 Somerville 4s 355.000 Springfield 4s 50.000 Springfield 4b(s 100.000 St. Paul, Minn., 4Ys 50.000 Syracuse, N. Y., 4J^s 48.000 Taunton 4s Pa $3L000 Taunton 4^s 40.000 Waltham 4s 100.000 Waterbury, Conn., 4s 31.000 Woburn 4s 500.000 Wore: ster 4s 40.000 Adams 4s 30.000 Andover 4s 29.000 Athol 4s 20.000 Attleborough 4s 8.000 Bourne 4s 26.000 Framingham 4s 9.000 Franklin 4s 57.000 Marblehead 4s 44.000 Marion 4J^s 38.000 Milford 4s 23.000 North Andover 4s 31.000 Pepperell 4s 20.000 Reading 4s 14.000 Revere 4s 42.000 Rockland 4s 10.500 Watertown 4s 72.500 Winthrop 4s 40.000 Winthrop 4J^s 35.000 No. Easton Vil. (F. D.), 4s Street Railway Bonds. $235,000 Boston Elevated 4s 200.000 Boston Elevated 4)^s 91.000 West End 4s 25.000 West End 4J^s 260.000 West End 5s Public Funds, Notes. $40,000 Bristol Co. 4s 170.000 Beverly S}4s 9.000 Chicopee 4s 35.000 Lowell 3^s 200.000 Lowell 4s 30.000 Melrose 3Hs 50.000 Waltham 3)^s 4.000 Agawam 4s 15,100 Hudson 3.80% .2,100 Ware 13.000 Weymouth 4b£s 5,897 Winthrop 4s Railroad Bonds. $250,000 Boston & Albany 4s 70.000 Boston & Albany 5s 615.000 Boston & Lowell 4s 100.000 Boston & Lowell 4J/£s 350.000 Boston & Maine 4s D a te s of E x a m in a t io n , December 24-29. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Par Value. $250,000 Boston & Maine 4J^s 694.000 C„ B. & Q. 4s 320.000 Chic., Mil. & St. Paul 5s 125.000 Fitchburg 4s 200.000 Fitchburg 4}^s 100.000 Fre., Elk. & Mo. Valley 6s 90.000 Illinois Central 5s 100.000 Montana Cent. 6s 100.000 New England 4s 25.000 N. Y., Lack. & West. 6s 100.000 N. Y., N. H. & H. 4s 46.000 New York & Northern 5s 850.000 Old Colony 4s 50.000 Philadelphia & Erie 6s 55.000 St. Paul, Minn. & Man. 4J-£s 15.000 St. Paul, Minn. & Man. 6s 38.000 St. Paul & Sioux City 6s Bank Stocks. Shs. 59 American Tr. Co., Boston 130 Boylston Nl. Bk., Boston 710 First Nl. Bk., Boston 25 Fourth-Atlantic NL Bk., Boston 443 Merchants Nl. Bk., Boston 168 Nl. Bk. of Commerce, Boston 200 Nl. Rockland Bk., Boston 56 Nl. Security Bk., Boston 800 Nl. Shawmut Bk., Boston 50 Nl. Union Bk., Boston 500 Old Colony Trust Co., Boston 1,000 Second Nl. Bk., Boston 133 Webster & Atlas Nl. Bk., Boston [400 Winthrop Nl. Bk., Boston 50 First Nl. Bk., Marlborough 100 Blue Hill Nl. Bk., Milton 100 Third Nl. Bk., Springfield 100 Merchants Nl. Bk., Worcester 34 REPO RT OF THE [Pub. Doc, BOSTON PENNY SAVINGS BANK, BOSTON. 1375 WASHINGTON STREET. Incorporated M arch 9, 1861. Jo h n R e y n o l d s , Number of corporators, 65; number of trustees, 28. President. W H erbert M . L elan d , il l ia m H. D tjrke e , Treasurer. Clerk of the Corporation. Board of Trustees: J. R . A i n s l e y , F. W . B a i l e y , C. L. B a i r d , M a t t h e w B i n n e y , F. H. B r ig g s , J. F. B u e r k e l , W . G. C o u s e n s , A. H. D e c a t u r , W . H. D u r k e e , C. C. F e r r i s , J. H. G o o d s p e e d , R . D . G o o d w i n , J. B . H u n t e r , E. B . K e l l o g g , H. M . L e l a n d , V . J. L o r in g , J. D. M c L e l l a n , G. C. M o r t o n , A. K . P a g e , W . H. P i e r c e , J o h n R e y n o l d s , F. A . S c h ir m e r , L. H. S h e p a r d , S. A. D. S h e p p a r d , F. A. S i n g l e t o n , C. I. T h a y e r , R . E . T o w n s e n d , H. H. W i g g i n . Board of Investment: J o h n R e y n o l d s , M atth ew T B in n e y , J. F. B u e r k e l , L. H. S h e p a r d , R . E. ow nsend. Auditing Committee: J. H. G o o d s p e e d , W . H. P i e r c e , L. H. S h e p a r d . Deposits draw interest from tenth day of January, April, July and October; dividends are payable the twelfth day of April and October. Business hours: 9 a . m . to 3 P . M . ; Saturdays, 9 a . m . to 12 M . STATEMENT OF CONDITION, OCTOBER 30, 1915. Assets. Public funds, bonds and notes . . . . . . . Railroad bonds and notes . . . . . Street railway bonds . . . . . . . . American Tel. & Tel. C o. bonds . . . . . . . 682 loans on real estate (average of each, $12,070.53) . . . 105 loans on personal security . . . . . . . Bank building and fixtures (estimated value, $100,000; assessed value, Real estate b y foreclosure, etc. (assessed value, $73,800) . . . Deposits in national banks or trust companies . . . . Cash and cash items . . . . . . . . . $92,843 377,987 170,824 139,468 8,232,105 3,195,050 50,000 74,317 296,222 23,337 . . . . . $63,000) . . . 50 50 00 75 00 00 00 66 13 SO . $12,652,156 34 Total Assets Liabilities. Due depositors on 27,299 accounts, averaging $438.14 each (Accounts opened during year, 5,369; closed, 4,410; increase, 959) Surplus: — a. Guaranty fund (2.97% of deposits; increase during year, $30,000) b. Profit and loss (increase during year, $25,505.15) . Current incom e: — Interest . . . . . . . . . . Less current expenses not charged off . . . . Unearned discount . Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis . . . . . . . Total Liabilities . . . $11,960,826 77 355,000 00 268,881 91 $33,015 46 3,567 80 29,447 66 38,000 00 . $12,652,156 34 No. 8.] BANK COMMISSIONER, 35 Total Expenses for the Year, including State Taxes. State Tax (Net). Salaries. Rent. Advertising. Other Expenses. Total. Amount paid for $15,770.47 $28,942.00 $2,500.00 $3,648.75 $5,124.49 $55,985.71 C ost per $1,000 of assets 1.24 2 .2 9 . 20 . 29 . 40 4 .4 2 C ost per $1,000 of assets not including State tax and rent . . . . . . 2.98 Gross income received during the year, $585,959.63. Rates on Investments and Loans (Average on All, 4.86%). Real estate loans (average rate, 4.99 per cent.): 4J^%, $104,000; 5%, $8,126,430; 5J^%, $1,675. Personal loans (average rate, 4.71 per cent.): 4)^% , $1,755,000; 4^g%, $150,000; 4 % % , $675,500; 4J^%, $50,000; 5%, $314,550; 5% % , $25,000; 5 ^ % , $35,000; 5M % , $165,000; 6%, $25,000. Bonds, stocks, etc. (average rate on amounts invested, 4.12 per cent.): 3J^%, $150,000; 4%, $505,000; 4J^%, $150,000. Number of loans not over $3,000 each, 110, amounting to $241,735. 37 real estate loans made during year, amounting to $843,400. Dividends, Deposits and Withdrawals. Ordinary dividends declared during year: April, 1915, 2% Oct., 1915, 2 % Number of deposits during year, 41,731, amounting to . . Number of withdrawals during year, 32,105, amounting to N et increase in amount due depositors . . . . . . . . .......................................... . . . . . . . . $2,870,694 21 2,251,587 77 . . . $218,821 14 225,436 88 2,426,336 19 . $619,006 44 SCHEDULE OF SECURITIES OWNED. Public Funds, Bonds. Par Value. $50,000 Boston 3h£s 10.000 Boston 4s 25.000 New Bedford 4s 10.000 Newton 4s D ates of E x a m in a t io n , Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Railroad Bonds. Par Value. $25,000 Boston & Albany 4s 100,000 Boston & Maine 4s 50.000 c., B. & Q zy2s 50.000 Chic., Mil. & St. Paul 4)^s 25.000 Chic. & Northwestern 4s 25.000 Fitchburg 4s 50.000 Illinois Central 3J^s 10 0C0 N. Y., N. H. & H. 4s 50.000 Northern Pacific 4)^s M ay 1 2 -1 4 inclusive. Street Railway Bonds. Par Value. $75,000 Boston Elevated 4s 25.000 Boston & Northern 4s 25.000 West End 4s 50.000 West End 4b£s 36 REPORT OF THE [Pub. Doc, BRAINTREE SAVINGS BANK, SOUTH BRAINTREE. WASHINGTON STREET. Incorporated March 21, 1870. B e n j a m in Number of corporators, 33; number of trustees, 11. F. D yter, President. G e o r g e W . St e v e n s , F. E u g e n e D y e r , Treasurer. Clerk of the Corporation. Board of Trustees: H. F. A r n o l d , B. F. D y e r , F. E . D y e r , L. B. H o l l i s , G. V. P e n n o c k , P. C . S p r in g , G. W . S t e v e n s , J. T . S t e v e n s , H. C. T h a y e r , N. G. T o r r e y , B. H. W o o d s u m . Board of Investment: B. F. D y e r , L. B. H o l l is , B. H . W o odsum . Auditing Committee: B. F. D y e r , G. W . S t e v e n s , N. G. T o r r e y . Deposits draw interest from first day of January, April, July and October; dividends are payable January 1 and July 1. Business hours: 8.30 a . m . to 12 m .; 2 to 4 .3 0 p . m .; Saturdays, 8.30 a . m . to 12 m .; also on Thursdays, 6.30 to 7.30 p . m . for deposits and drafts. Wednesdays during M ay June, July, August and September, 8.30 a . m . to 12 m . STATEMENT OF CONDITION, OCTOBER 30, 1915. Assets. Public funds, bonds and notes Railroad bonds and notes . . . . Street railway bonds . . . . . American Tel. & Tel. Co. bonds Stocks of banks and trust companies 214 loans on real estate (average of each, $1,884-57) Less amount due on uncompleted loans . $36,873 179,242 75,275 11,131 9,800 55 50 00 25 00 403,299 67,500 20,817 1,168 00 00 86 85 $404,299 00 1,000 00 7 loans on personal security . Deposits in national banks or trust companies Cash and cash items . . . . Total Assets $805,108 01 Liabilities. Due depositors on 1,966 accounts, averaging $369.08 each . . (Accounts opened during year, 244: closed, 222; increase, 22) Surplus: — a. Guaranty fund (4.04% o f deposits; increase during year, $1,765.59) . b. Profit and loss (increase during year, $10,571 -44) . . . . . . Current incom e: — Interest . . . . . . . . . . $15,736 38 Less current expenses not charged off . . . . 446 69 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis $725,617 43 29,300 07 34,900 82 15,289 69 Total Liabilities . $805,108 01 No. 8. BANK COMMISSIONER. 37 Total Expenses for the Year, including State Taxes. State Tax (Net). Salaries. Rent. Amount paid for $1,611.87 $1,140.00 $300.00 Cost per $1,000 of assets 2 .00 1.41 .37 Cost per $1,000 of assets not including State tax and rent . Advertising. Other Expenses. Total. $23.25 $545.36 $3,620.48 .03 .68 4 .4 9 2. 12 Gross income received during the year, $36,758.63. Rates on Investments and Loans (Average on All, 4.83%). Real estate loans (average rate, 5.17 per cent.): 4J^%, $5,000; 5%, $286,042; 5J^%, $79,875; 6%, $32,382. Personal loans (average rate, 4.65 per cent.): 4J^%, $27,500; 4 % % , $40,000. Bonds, stocks, etc. (average rate on amounts invested, 4.43 per cent.): 3V£%, $23,000; 4%, $127,000; 4 M % , $5,000; 4 ^ % , $77,000; 5%, $74,000; 6%, $3,700; 8%, $3,600; 10%, $700. Num ber of loans not over $3,000 each, 191, amounting to $308,922. 28 real estate loans made during year, amounting to $48,475. Dividends, Deposits and Withdrawals. Ordinary dividends declared during year: Jan., 1915, 2% July, 1915, 2% N um ber of deposits during year, 2,001, amounting to $13,331 25 13,713 23 135,828 31 Number of withdrawals during year, 1,980, amounting to $162,872 79 133,765 23 $29,107 56 N et increase in amount due depositors SCHEDULE OF SECURITIES OWNED. Public Funds, Bonds. Par Value. $5,000 California 4s 10,000 Boston 4s 5.000 Boston 4M® 5.000 Los Angeles, Cal., 4%s 5.000 Omaha, Neb., 4)^s 5.000 San Francisco, Cal., 5s 2.000 Braintree 4s Railroad Bonds. $3,000 Aroostook Northern 5s 5,000 Bangor & Aroostook 5s 10.000 Boston & Albany 4b£s 15.000 Boston & Maine 4s 10.000 C., B. & Q. 4s 15.000 Chic., Mil. & St. Paul 4}is D ates of E x a m in a t io n , Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Par Value. $15,000 Chic., Mil. & St. Paul 5s 13.000 Fitchburg 4s 2.000 Fitchburg 4}^s 10.000 Illinois Central 5.000 Me. Cent. & E. & N. A. 4s 5.000 Michigan Central 3J^s 5.000 N. Y., N. H. & H. 33^s 25.000 N. Y., N. H. & H. 4s 10.000 No. Maine Seaport 5s 10.000 Old Colony 4s 10.000 Pennsylvania 4}^s 5.000 Vermont Valley 4J^s 3.000 Washington Co. 3J^s 5.000 Wore., Nash. & R. 4s April 9, 10. Street Railway Bonds. Par Value. $10,000 Boston & Northern 4s 20.000 Boston Elevated 4)^s 5.000 Brockton 5s 5.000 Gloucester, Essex & Bev. 5s 6.000 Lowell, Law. & ILav. 5s 10.000 Lynn & Boston 5s 5.000 West End 4s 5.000 West End 5s 5.000 Worcester Consol. 4V|>s 5.000 Worcester Consol. 5s Bank Stocks. Shs. 7 Merchants Nl. Bk., Boston 36 Nl. Shawmut Bk., Boston 8 Winthrop Nl. Bk., Boston 37 Brockton Nl. Bk. REPO RT OF THE 38 [Pub. D oc BRIDGEWATER SAVINGS BANK, BRIDGEWATER. 11 Incorporated M arch 19, 1872. CENTRAL SQUARE. Number of corporators, 21; number of trustees, 12. W il l ia m D . J a c k s o n , President. S. L o r in K e it h , Treasurer. F r a n k E . S w e e t , Clerk of the Corporation. Board of Trustees: H . M . B l a c k s t o n e , H . W . B r a g d o n , P . O. C l a r k , O. B . C o l e , J. H . F a ir b a n k s , E . A . H e w it t , W . D . J a c k s o n , S. L . K e it h , G . J. L o w e , E . A . M a c M a s t e r , G u s t a v u s P r a t t , F . E . Sw e e t . Board of Investment: P. 0 . C l a r k , J. H . F a ir b a n k s , E. A. H e w i t t , G. J. L o w , S. L. K e it h . Auditing Committee: P . O. C l a r k , O . B . C o l e , H . W . B r a g d o n . Deposits draw interest from first day of January, April, July and October; dividends are payable April 1 and October 1. Business hours: 8 a . m . to 12 m . ; 2 to 5 p . m . ; also M ondays, 7 to 8 p . m ., for deposits only. STATEMENT OF CONDITION, OCTOBER 30, 1915. Assets. Public funds, bonds and notes . . . . . . . . Railroad bonds and notes . . . . . . . . . Street railway bonds . . . . . . . . . . . American Tel. & Tel. Co. bonds . . . . . . . . Stocks of banks and trust companies . . . . . . . 244 loans on real estate {average of each, $1,759.31) . . . . . 27 loans on personal security . . . . . . . . Bank building and fixtures (estimated value, $9,000; assessed value, $7,400) Real estate b y foreclosure, etc. (assessed value, $5,000) . . . . Taxes, insurance, etc., paid on mortgaged properties . . . . Deposits in national banks or trust companies . . . . . Cash and cash items . . . . . . . . . . Total Assets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $231,871 50 255,417 50 103,522 50 19,502 50 72,825 60 429,272 00 64,897 00 8,000 00 4,111 30 272 82 19,680 83 6,281 41 $1,215,654 96 Liabilities. Due depositors on 3,110 accounts, averaging $365.22 each . . . . . (Accounts opened during year, 394; closed, 359; increase, 35) Surplus: — a. Guaranty fund (4.93% of deposits; increase during year, $1,500) . . . b. Profit and loss (increase during year, $3,513.87) . . . . . . Current incom e: — Interest . . . '. . . . . . . $5,091 40 Less current expenses not charged off . . . . 144 93 ----------------------- Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Total Liabilities . $1,135,852 37 56,000 00 18,856 12 4,946 47 . $1,215,654 96 No. 8.] BANK COMMISSIONER. 39 Total Expenses for the Year, including State Taxes. State Tax (Net). Salaries. Rent. Amount paid for $2,319.72 $2,850.00 Cost per $1,000 of assets 1.91 2 .3 4 — Cost per $1,000 of assets not including State tax and rent . Advertising. Other Expenses. Total. $1,688.42 $6,858.14 1.39 5.64 . . . . 3 .73 Gross income received during the year, $57,126.45. Rates on Investments and Loans (Average on All, 4.83%). Real estate loans (average rate, 5.28 per cent.): 4%, $5,500; 4J^%, $10,500; 5%, $276,285; 5J^%, $14,000; 6%, $122,987. Personal loans (average rate, 5.04 per cen t.): 4 }4 0/c, $20,000; 5%, $23,337; 5^2%. $18,000; 6%, $3,560. Bonds, stocks, etc. (average rate on amounts invested, 4.53 per cent.): 3J^%, $48,000; 4% , $324,250; 4 }4% , $125,000; 5%, $124,300; 6%, $18,300; 7%, $5,000; 7 % % , $5,500; 8%, $19,700; 10%, $3,500; 14%, $4,200; 15%, $600. Number of loans not over $3,000 each, 233, amounting to $296,619. 16 real estate loans made during year, amounting to $22,500. Dividends, Deposits and Withdrawals. Ordinary dividends declared during year: April, 1915, 2% Oct., 1915, 2% Number of deposits during year, 2,911, amounting to $21,222 98 21,440 36 183,450 60 Number of withdrawals during year, 2,716, amounting to Net increase in amount due depositors . . . . . . . . . . . $226,113 94 193,106 71 . . . $33,007 23 SCHEDULE OF SECURITIES OWNED. Public Funds, Bonds. Par Value. $5,000 Massachusetts 4s 10.000 Bay City, Mich., 5s 10.000 Cleveland, 0., 4b£s 10.000 Fall River 4s 10.000 Hartford, Conn., 4J^s 5.000 Lewiston, Me., 5s 25.000 Los Angeles, Cal., 4J^s 10.000 Minneapolis, Minn., 4s 5.000 New Bedford 3J^s 10.000 New Bedford 4s 5.000 San Francisco, Cal., 4J^s 10.000 St. Paul, Minn., 4)^s 10.000 Stamford, Conn., 4s 6.000 Brewster 4s 20.000 Concord 4s 5.000 Dracut 4s 3,250 Huntington 4s 5.000 Mansfield 4s 10 000 Montague 5s 10.000 North Attleborough 4s 8.000 Revere 4s 10.000 Russell 4s Public Funds, Notes. Par Value. $30,000 Bridgewater 4s Railroad Bonds. $10,000 Baltimore & Ohio 3)^s 10.000 Bangor & Aroostook 5s 3.000 Burl. & Mo Riv. 6s 17.000 C., B. & Q. 3)^s 10.000 C., B. & Q. 4s 10.000 Chic. & Northwestern 4s 5.000 Chic. & Northwestern 5s 10.000 Chic., Mil. & St. Paul 4>¿s 10.000 Illinois Central 3)/£s 10.000 Illinois Central 4s 20.000 Louisville & Nashville 5s 5.000 Mahoning Coal 5s 85.000 N. Y., N. H„ & H. 4s 25.000 No. Maine Seaport 5s 10.000 Old Colony 4s 10.000 Port. & Ogdensburg 4J^s 6.000 Sioux City & Pac. 314s 5.000 Troy & Boston 7s D a t e s op E x a m in a t io n , April 27, 28. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Street Railway Bonds. Par Value. $30,000 Boston Elevated 414s 20.000 Boston & Northern 4s 10.000 Lynn & Boston 5s 15.000 Lowell, Law. & Hav. 5s 15.000 West End 4s 15.000 Worcester Consol. 414s Bank Stocks. Shs. 13 Ahington Nl. Bk. 44 Boylston Nl. Bk., Boston 42 First Nl. Bk., Boston 55 Fourth-Atlantic Nl. Bk., Boston 15 Merchants Nl. Bk., Boston 20 Nl. Rockland Bk., Boston 6 Nl. Security Bk., Boston 197 Nl. Shawmut Bk., Boston 90 Brockton Nl. Bk. 55 Home Nl. Bk., Brockton 8 Plymouth Nl. Bank 36 Bristol Co. Nl. Bk., Taunton 40 REPO RT OF THE [Pub. Doc. BRIGHTON FIVE CENTS SAVINGS BANK, BOSTON. 326 WASHINGTON STREET (Ward 25). Incorporated March 28, 1861. Number of corporators, 63; number of trustees, 15. H a r r y C . F a b y a n , President. W a l t e r A . L a m b e r t , Treasurer. W a l t e r C. W a r r e n , Clerk of the Corporation. Board of Trustees: G. F. B u n k e r , F r a n c is B u r k e , H. C. F a b y a n , W . S. F u l l e r , C. E. H o l m a n , S a m u e l K e e n e , J. T. K n o w l e s , W . A. L a m b e r t , W . J. M a g u i r e , G. H . M c D e r m o t t , T . B . M u n r o e , F. G. N e w h a l l , F. A . N o r c r o ss , B . W . W a r r e n , H . A . W il s o n . Board of Investment: H . C. F a b y a n , T . B . M unroe, F. G. N e w h a l l , G. F . B u n k e r , H . A . W il s o n . Auditing Committee: F. G. N e w h a l l , C. E . H o l m a n , W . J. M a g u ir e . Deposits draw interest from first Saturday of January, April, July and October; dividends are payable the M onday after the first Saturday of January and July. Business hours: 9 a .m . to 3 p .m .; Saturdays, 9 a .m . to 12 m . ; and for deposits only, 7 to 9 p .m . STATEMENT OF CONDITION, OCTOBER 30, 1915. Assets. Public funds, bonds and notes . . . . Railroad bonds and notes . . . . . Street railway bonds . . . . . . Boston Terminal Co. bonds . . . . . American Tel. & Tel. Co. bonds . . . . Stocks of banks and trust companies . . . 507 loans on real estate (average of each, $3,825.41) . Less amount due on uncompleted loans . . . . . . .• . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1,688,784 74 . . . 2,800 00 ----------------------23 loans on personal security . . . . . . . . . . Bank building and fixtures (estimated value, SI 0,500; assessed value, $10,500) . . Taxes, insurance, etc., paid on mortgaged properties . . . . . . Deposits in national banks or trust companies . . . . . . . Cash and cash items . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Total Assets $164,140 00 306,425 00 49,500 00 20,000 00 35,500 00 7,00000 1,685,984 74 339,300 00 10,000 00 41114 50,08441 5,193 38 $2,673,538 67 Liabilities. Due depositors on 8,131 accounts, averaging $306.72 each (Accounts opened during year, 1,303; closed, 932; increase, 371) Surplus: — a. Guaranty fund (3.79% of deposits; increase during year, $6,500) 6. Profit and loss {increase during year, 33,822.43) Current incom e: — Interest . . . . . . . . . Less current expenses and rent not charged off . . . Unearned discount . Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis . . . . . . . Total Liabilities . . $2,493,937 67 94,500 00 43,495 48 $44,240 90 4,413 44 39,827 46 1,778 06 . $2,673,538 67 BANK COMMISSIONER. No. 41 Total Expenses for the Year, including State Taxes. Rent. Advertising. Other Expenses. Total. State Tax (Net). Salaries. Amount paid for $4,059.58 $6,333.16 $600.00 $940.14 $2,858.58 $14,791.46 Cost per $1,000 of assets 1.52 2.36 .22 .35 1.06 5.51 Cost per $1,000 of assets not including State tax and rent . 3 .77 Gross income received during the year, $119,428.10. Rates on Investments and Loans (Average on All, 4.77%). Real estate loans (average rate, 5.06 per cen t.): 4J^%, $8,000; 4M % . $25,742.74; 5%, $1,429,922; 5)^% , $ 211 ,220 ; 6% , $ 11, 100. Personal loans (average rate, 4.42 per cent.): 4%, $110,000; 4J^%, $182,700; 4 M%> $12,500; 5%, $17,000; 5y2% , $16,500; 6%, $600. Bonds, stocks, etc. (average rate on amounts invested, 4.13 per cent.): 3 Yi%, $156,000; 4%, $327,000; 4 ^ % , $40,000; 4M % , $10,000; 5%, $45,300; 7%, $5,000; 8%, $4,000; 10%, $1,000; 12%, $200; 15%, $1,500. . Number of loans not over $3,000 each, 290, amounting to $518,487. 74 real estate loans made during year, amounting to $285,350. Dividends, Deposits and Withdrawals. Ordinary dividends declared during year: Jan., 1915, 2% July, 1915, 2% Number of deposits during year, 12,026, amounting to $43,934 83 45,660 31 548,052 29 Number of withdrawals during year, 6,641, amounting to $637,647 43 460,998 50 Net increase in amount due depositors $176,648 93 SCHEDULE OF SECURITIES OWNED. Public Funds, Bonds. Par Value. $20,000 Massachusetts 3b£s 10.000 Massachusetts 4s 5.000 Akron, 0., 4J^s 10.000 Belfast, Me., 4s 10.000 Boston 3Hs 5.000 Boston 4s 5.000 Bridgeport, Ct., 4s 1.000 Brockton 4s 10.000 Chicago, 111., 4s 5.000 Chicopee 4s 5.000 Everett 4s 10.000 Lowell 4s 10.000 Minneapolis, Minn., 4%s 10.000 Newton 4s 10.000 Portland, 0., 4s 15.000 San Francisco, Cal., 4Hs 20.000 Seattle, Wash., 5s 4.000 Winchester 4s Railroad Bonds. Par Value. $16,000 Boston & Albany 3J^s 5.000 Boston & Albany 4s 14.000 Boston & Lowell 4s 7.000 Boston & Maine 4s . 25,000 C., B. & Q. 3J^s 10.000 C., B. & Q. 4s 20.000 Chic. & Northwest. 4s 15.000 Cleveland & Pitts. 3)^s 10.000 Concord & Montreal 4s 10.000 Dexter & Piscataquis 4s 10.000 Erie & Pitts. 3J^s 28.000 Fitchburg 4s 10.000 Illinois Central 3J^s 20.000 Illinois Central 4s 10.000 M. Cent. & E. & N. A. 4s 20.000 N. Y., N. H. & H. 3Ms 10.000 N. Y., N. H. & H. 4s 9.000 Old Colony 4s 10.000 Pennsylvania 4Hs 20.000 Penobscot Shore Line 4s D a t e s of E x a m in a t io n , April 20, 21. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Par Value. $10,000 P., Gt. Falls & Con. 4Ks 10.000 Washington Co. 3}4s 5.000 Winona & St. Peters 7s 5.000 Wore., Nash. & R. 4s Street Railway Bonds. $10,000 Boston Elevated 4s 5.000 Boston & Northern 4s 10.000 Lynn & Boston 5s 10.000 West End 4s 15.000 West End 5s Bank Stocks. Shs. 15 Eliot Nl. Bk., Boston 15 First Nl. Bk., Boston 30 Market Trust Co., Boston 10 Merchants Nl. Bk., Boston 3 Old Boston Nl. Bk., Boston 2 Second Nl. Bk., Boston 10 Webster & Atlas Nl. Bk., Boston 42 REPO RT OF THE [Pub. Doc. BRISTOL COUNTY SAVINGS BANK, TAUNTON. 35 Incorporated March 2, 1846. BROADWAY. Number of corporators, 62; number of trustees, 13. G e o b g e E. W il b u r , President. A l f r e d C . P l a c e , Treasurer. C h e s t e r E . W a l k e r , Clerk of the Corporation. Board of Trustees: S. G. B e e r s , C . H . B l a i n e , C. W . D a v o l , C. F. F o s t e r , F. A. H u b b a r d , F. L . M o r s e , T . J. M o r t o n , W . R . P a r k , Jr., A. C. P l a c e , S. D . P r e s b r e t , W . T . S o p e r , E . A . T h o m a s , G. E. W il b u r . Board of Investment: T . J. M orton, S. D . P r e s b r e y , W . T . S o p e r , E . A . T h o m a s , G. E . W Auditing Committee: C. H. B l a in e , F. L. M orse, il b u r . W . T . So p e r . Deposits draw interest from first day of January, April, July and October; dividends are payable April 1 and October 1. Business hours: 9 a . m . to 1 p . m . ; Saturdays, 9 a . m . to 4 p . m . STATEMENT OF CONDITION, OCTOBER 30, 1915. Assets. Public funds, bonds and notes . . . . Railroad bonds and notes . . . . . Street railway bonds . . . . . . Boston Terminal Co. bonds . . . . . American Tel. & Tel. Co. bonds . . . . Stocks of banks and trust companies . . . 420 loans on real estate {average o f each, $4*720.41) . Less amount due on uncompleted loans . . . . . . . . . . . * . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2,025,495 00 . . . 42,921 00 ----------------------79 loans on personal security . . . . . . . . . . Bank building and fixtures (estimated value, $80,000; assessed value, $34,300) . . Deposits in national banks or trust companies . . . . . . . Cash and cash items . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Total Assets . . . . . . . . . . . . $1,275,000 00 1,545,000 00 170,000 00 200,000 00 69,500 00 115,900 00 1,982,574 1,659,950 10,000 126,560 6,816 00 00 00 53 58 $7,161,301 11 Liabilities. Due depositors on 13,045 accounts, averaging $501.96 each (.Accounts opened during year, 1,256; closed, 1,343; decrease, 87) Surplus: — a. Guaranty fund (5.13% o f deposits; increase during year, none) . b. Profit and loss (increase during year, $52,306.78) . . Current incom e: — a. Interest . . . . . . . $32,645 40 b. R e n t ................................................................ 20 00 Total Liabilities . $6,548,131 96 336,000 00 245,707 67 $32,665 40 1,203 92 --------------------- Less current expenses not charged off Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis . 31,461 48 . $7,161,301 11 43 BANK COMMISSIONER. No. 8.1 Total Expenses for the Year, including State Taxes. Rent. Advertising. State Tax (Net). Salaries. $800.00 Amount paid for $18,280.83 $14,061.67 .11 Cost per $1,000 of assets 2 .6 5 1.96 Cost per $1,000 of assets not including State tax and rent . Total. Other Expenses. $35,062.96 $1,920.46 4 .8 9 .27 2 .2 3 Gross income received during the year, $335,482.56. Rates on Investments and Loans (Average on All, 4.58%). Real estate loans (average rate, 5.10 per cent.): 4}^% , $5,100; 4M % , $125,000; 5%, $1,480,424; 5 }4,%, $68,850; 5 ^ % , $182,355; 6%, $120,845. Personal loans (average rate, 4.81 per cent.): 4J^%, $686,200; 4 % % , $417,200; 5%, $396,550; 5J^%, $25,000; 5}4% , $25,000; 6%, $95,000; 6 ^ % , $15,000. Bonds, stocks, etc. (average rate on amounts invested, 4.17 per cent.): 3%, $50,000; 3J^%, $640,000; 4% , $1,889,000; 4 ^ % , $472,500; 5%, $245,000; 6%, $25,000; 7 % % , $6,700; 8%, $10,000; 9%, $1,500;' 10%, $27,700; 12%, $10,000; 15%, $5,000. Number of loans not over $3,000 each, 332, amounting to $368,120. 62 real estate loans made during year, amounting to $424,230. Dividends, Deposits and Withdrawals. $126,618 48 126,636 30 834,270 94 Ordinary dividends declared during year: April, 1915, 2% Oct., 1915, 2% Number of deposits during year, 9,637, amounting to Number of withdrawals during year, 11,938, amounting to N et decrease in amount due depositors . . . . . . . . $1,087,525 72 1,097,529 10 . . . . $10,003 38 SCHEDULE OF SECURITIES OWNED. Public Funds, Bonds. Par Value. $50,000 California 4s 50.000 Massachusetts 3Hs 50.000 Massachusetts 4s 150.000 Boston 4s 30.000 Brockton 4s 25.000 Chelsea 4s 50.000 Chicago, 111., 4s 50.000 Detroit, Mich., 4s 50.000 Fall River 4s 50.000 Haverhill 4s 30.000 Lawrence 4s 25.000 Minneapolis, Minn., 4s 15.000 New Bedford 3)4s 164.000 New Bedford 4s 30.000 New London, Ct., 4s 50.000 Newton 4s 50.000 Providence, R. I., 3s 25.000 Somerville 4s 50.000 Springfield 4s 65.000 Taunton 4s 50.000 Woonsocket, R. I., 4s 50.000 Cranston, R. I., 4s Public Funds, Notes. Par Value. $90,000 Bristol Co. 4s 27,500 Bristol Co. 4J^s Railroad Bonds. $20,000 Bangor & Aroostook 5s 75.000 Boston & Albany 3J^s 100.000 Boston & Albany 5s 50.000 Boston & Lowell 4}4s 50.000 Boston & Maine 3L£s 50.000 Boston & Maine 4s 75.000 Boston & Maine 4}4s 50.000 Boston & Providence 4s 50.000 C., B. & Q. 3J^s 100.000 C., B. & Q. 4s 30.000 Chic., M. & St. Paul 5s 100.000 Concord & Montreal 4s 100.000 Fitchburg 3)4s 50.000 Fitchburg 4s 50.000 Fitchburg 50.000 Illinois Central 3b£s 40.000 Michigan Central 5s 50.000 N. Y „ N. H. & H. 3}^s 100.000 N. Y „ N. H. & H. 4s 150.000 Old Colony 4s D a t e s op E x a m in a t io n , June 24, 25. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Par Value. $50,000 Port. & Ogdens. 4}^s 25.000 Rome, W. & Ogdensburg 5s 50.000 St. P., Minn. & Man. 4)^s 50.000 Vermont Valley 4}^s 30.000 Wore., Nash. & R. 4s Street Railway Bonds. $35,000 Boston Elevated 4J^s 50.000 West End 4s 85.000 West End 4J^s Bank Stocks. Shs. 67 Fourth-Atlantic Nl. Bk., Boston 177 Merchants Nl. Bk., Boston 100 Nl. Bk. of Commerce, Boston 50 Nl. Rockland Bk., Boston 100 Nl. Union Bk., Boston 100 Peoples Nl. Bk., Boston 100 Second Nl. Bk., Boston 15 First Nl. Bk., Easton 100 Third Nl. Bk., Springfield 100 Bristol Co. Nl. Bk., Taunton 150 Machinists Nl. Bk., Taunton 200 Taunton Nl. Bk. REPORT OF THE 44 [Pub.r Doc. BROADWAY SAVINGS BANK, LAWRENCE. 522 ESSEX STREET. Incorporated March 9, 1872. Number of corporators, 33; number of trustees, 19. E dm u n d B . C h o a t e , Clerk of the Corporation. Board of Trustees: C . O. A n d e e w s , J. H . B e id e , J. W . C e o s s , W . D . C u e e ie e , S. M . D e c r e e , W . H r , W . E. H.. G i l e , W . D . H a b rtsh ob r n e , W . E . H e a l d , A . S. L a n g , L L.. E . L o c k e , F. L . P o k eteb R o w e l l , G . F. R u s s e l l , W . F. R u t t e b e, G. L L.. S e l d e n , H H.. L L.. S h e r m a n , J. H . S t o n e , W . D . T w is s , H a r r y W y l d e . Board of Investment: W . F. R u t t e e b , W . E . R o w e l l , L . E . L o c k e , A . S. L a n g , W . E . H e a l d . Auditing Committee: W . D . T w is s , W . D . C u r r ie r . F. L . P o r t e r . Deposits draw interest from third W ednesday of January, April, July and October; dividends are payable the third W ednesday of April and October. Business hours: 9 a . m . to 1 p . m . ; Saturdays, 9 a . m . to 12 m . ; 2 to 3 and 7 to 8 p . m . STATEMENT OF CONDITION, OCTOBER 30. 1915. Assets. Public funds, bonds and notes . . . . . . . . . Railroad bonds and notes . . . . . . . . . . Street railway bonds . . . . . . . . . . . American Tel. & Tel. C o. bonds . . . . . . . . . Stocks of banks and trust companies . . . . . . . . 726 loans on real estate (average o f each, $4,256.97) . . . . . . 65 loans on personal security . . . . . . . . . Bank building and fixtures (estimated value, $50,000; assessed value, $47,000) Deposits in national banks or trust companies . . . . . . Cash and cash items . . . . . . . . . . . Total Assets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $279,775 555,670 120,112 80,987 72,500 3,090,560 795,725 30,000 71,929 10,591 00 00 50 50 00 00 00 00 00 34 $5,107,850 34 Liabilities. Due depositors on 9,682 accounts, averaging $479.46 each . . . . . (Accounts opened during year, 1,579; closed, 1,459; increase, 120) Surplus: — а. Guaranty fund (4-98% of deposits; increase during year, $8,000) . . . б. Profit and loss (increase during year, $9,482.23) . . . . . . Current income: — Interest . . . . . . . . . . $2,702- 37 Less current expenses not charged off . . . . 969 46 ----------------------- Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Total Liabilities . . . . $4,642,169 93 231,000 00 232,947 50 1,732 91 $5,107,850 34 45 BANK COMMISSIONER. No. 8.] Total Expenses for the Year, including State Taxes. Rent. State Tax (Net). Salaries. Amount paid for $6,868.94 $9,456.68 $1,800.00 ‘Cost per $1,000 of assets 1.34 1.85 .35 Cost per $1,000 of assets not including State tax and rent . Advertising. Other Expenses. Total. $311.47 $3,162.39 $21,599.48 .06 .62 4 .22 2 .5 3 Gross income received during the year, $242,857.48. Rates on Investments and Loans (Average on All, 4.81%). Real estate loans (average rate, 4.97 per cen t.): 4)^% , $328,000; 5%, $2,687,435; 5J^%, $32,025; 6%, $43,100. Personal loans (average rate, 4.79 per cent.): 3%, $25,000; 4J^%, $348,000; 5%, $356,675; 5^2%, $5,050; 5M % . $25,000; 6%, $36,000. Bonds, stocks, etc. (average rate on amounts invested, 4.41 per cent.): 3%, $50,000; 3J^%, $140,000; 4% , $594,600; 4 y2% , $136,000; 5%, $100,000; 6%, $58,000; 7%, $2,500; 8%, $50,000. Number of loans not over $3,000 each, 487, amounting to $808,165. 54 real estate loans made during year, amounting to $347,800. , Deposits and Withdrawals. Extra dividends declared during year, Number of deposits during year, 13,95! : April, 1915, 2% Oct., 1915, 2% April, 1915, y2% amounting to . . . . . . . . . . . . $86,418 87,915 21,604 814,679 84 12 71 94 $1,010,618 61 847,188 99 Number of withdrawals during year, 8,882, amounting to $163,429 62 Net increase in amount due depositors SCHEDULE OF SECURITIES OWNED. Public Funds, Bonds. Par Value. $25,000 Massachusetts 3}4s 50.000 Boston 4s 64.000 Chicago, 111., 4s 20.000 Ft. Wayne, Ind., 3J^s 25.000 Grand Rapids, Mich., 4J^s 16,600 Lawrence 4s 10.000 Lynn 4s 25.000 Portland, Ore., 6s 25.000 Seattle, Wash., ipfa 15.000 E. Providence, R. I., 4s 5,000 Methuen 4s Railroad Bonds. $20,000 Atch., Top. & Santa Fe 4s 25.000 Boston & Maine 3s 20.000 Boston & Maine 4s Par Value. $26,000 Boston & Maine 4b£s 50.000 Boston & Providence 4s 50.000 Concord & Montreal 4s 20.000 C., B. & Q. 4s 25.000 Fitchburg 4s 25.000 Illinois Central 3s 50.000 Illinois Central 3J^s 15.000 Joliet & No. Ind. 4s 50.000 Louisville & Nashville 5s 8.000 Louisville & Nashville 6s 50.000 M., S. P. & Sault S. Marie 5s 25.000 N. Y „ N. H. & H. 3J^s 50.000 N. Y-, N. H. & H. 4s 25.000 Old Colony 4s 10.000 Pensacola & Atlantic 6s 6.000 St. Paul, Minn. & Man. 4s 20.000 Washington Co. 3}4s D a t e s of E x a m in a t io n , June 3, 4. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Street Railway Bonds. Par Value. $18,000 Boston Elevated 4s 50.000 Boston Elevated 4)^s 35.000 Boston & Northern 4s 10.000 West End 4s 10.000 Wore. & Southbridge 4}^s Bank Stocks. Shs. 100 Nl. Bk. of Commerce, Boston 400 Nl. Shawmut Bk., Boston 25 Webster & Atlas Nl. Bk., Boston 100 Bay State Nl. Bk., Lawrence 100 Merchants Tr. Co., Lawrence 50 Naumkeag Trust Co., Salem „ 46 REPO RT OF THE [Pub. Doc. BROCKTON SAVINGS BANK, BROCKTON. 5-9 NORTH MAIN STREET. Incorporated M arch 3, 1881. Number of corporators, 62; number of trustees, 17. B r a d fo r d E . J o n e s , President. C h a r l e s C . C h o o s e r , Treasurer. M e r t o n S. G u r n e y , Clerk of the Corporation. Board of Trustees: A . F . B a r k e r , W . F. C l e a v e l a n d , C . C . C h o o s e r , W . H . E m e r s o n , M . S. G u r n e y , J o sep h H e w e t t , F. B . H o w a r d , B . E . J o n e s , P . B . K e it h , C . W . K in g m a n , F. H . P a c k a r d , L. W . P u f f e r , D . G. S w a i n , A n d r e w Sw a n s o n , E . M . T h o m p s o n , J. G. W i l d e , H . E . W il l ia m s . Board of Investment: B. E . J o n e s , E . M . T h o m p so n , W . H. E m e r s o n , F. H. P a c k a r d , H. E. W il l ia m s . Auditing Committee: F. B. H o w a r d , E . M . T h o m p so n , M . S. G u r n e y . Deposits draw interest from fifteenth day of January, April, July and October; dividends are pay able April 15 and October 15. Business hours: 9 a . m . to 2 p . m . ; Saturdays, 9 a . m . to 12 m . ; and for deposits only, 7 to 8.30 p . m . from September 15 to June 15. STATEMENT OF CONDITION, OCTOBER 30, 1915. Assets. Public funds, bonds and notes Railroad bonds and notes Street railway bonds Boston Terminal C o. bonds . American Tel. & Tel. Co. bonds Stocks of banks and trust companies Securities acquired in settlement of indebtedness 864 loans on real estate (average of each, $4,837.97) . Less amount due on uncompleted loans . $537,000 1,059,841 233,307 100,000 117,185 50,000 38,000 00 00 50 00 00 00 00 3,748,005 728,447 79,000 216,369 23,161 00 50 00 42 02 00 00 46 loans on personal security . . . . . . . . Bank building and fixtures (estimated value, $101,000; assessed value, $88,WO) Deposits in national banks or trust companies . . . . . Cash and cash items . . . . . . . . . . Total Assets $8,930,316 44 Liabilities. Due depositors on 18,558 accounts, averaging $352.58 each . . . (Accounts opened during year, 2,663; closed, 2,686; increase, 126) Surplus: — a. Guaranty fund (5.01% of deposits; increase during year, $47,000) b. Profit and loss (decrease during year, $8,385.11) . . . . Current income: — a. Interest . . . . . . . $2,890 89 510 00 b. R e n t ............................................................... ----------------------Less current expenses not charged off . . . . . $6,543,126 74 . . 328,000 00 56,412 64 $3,400 89 830 50 2,570 39 206 67 Balance due on foreclosure sale Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis . Total Liabilities . . $S,930,318 44 No. 8.] BANK COMMISSIONER. 47 Total Expenses for the Year, including State Taxes. State Tax (Net). Salaries. Rent. Advertising. Other Expenses. Total. Amount paid for $11,373.02 $11,970.48 $1,200.00 $579.20 $2,042.65 $27,165.35 ■Cost per $1,000 of assets 1.64 1.73 .17 .08 .29 3.91 C ost per $1,000 of assets not including State tax and rent . ....................................... 2.10 Gross income received during the year, $306,741.28. Rates on Investments and Loans (Average on All, 4.63%). Real estate loans (average rate, 4.91 per cent.): 4J^%, $1,201,000; 4M % . $109,500; 5%, $2,036,450; 5M % , $204,225; 6%, $196,830. Personal loans (average rate, 4.59 per cent.): 4% , $25,000; 4}^% , $568,000; 4 M % , $75,000; 5%, $24,850; 5 ^ % , $18,710; 6%, $16,887.50. Bonds, stocks, etc. (average rate on amounts invested, 4.15 per cent.): 3)^% , $608,000; 4%, $983,000; 4J^%, $350,000; 5%, $153,000; 6%, $67,500; 8%, $7,500. Num ber of loans not over $3,000 each, 623, amounting to $1,066,640. 126 real estate loans made during year, amounting to $444,575. Dividends, Deposits and Withdrawals. Ordinary dividends declared during year: April, 1915, 2% Oct., 1915, 2% Number of deposits during year, 23,314, amounting to $121,055 90 121,289 80 1,283,344 99 Number of withdrawals during year, 23,186, amounting to $1,525,690 69 1,358,488 89 Net increase in amount due depositors $167,201 80 SCHEDULE OF SECURITIES OWNED. Public Funds, Bonds. Par Value. $70,000 Boston 4s 81.000 Brockton 44.000 Brockton 4s 50.000 Fall River 4s 30.000 Holyoke 4s 35.000 Indianapolis, Ind., 4s 60.000 Los Angeles, Cal., 4J^s 50.000 New Bedford 4s 25.000 Portland, 0., 6s 15.000 Quincy 4J^s 17.000 Stamford, Conn., 3h^s 20.000 Ashland 4s 30.000 Braintree 4s 10.000 West Bridgewater 4s Railroad Bonds. $25,000 Boston & Albany 3Jd>s 75.000 Boston & Albany 4s 1,000 Boston & Lowell 4s Par Value. $25,000 Bosfon & Maine 3b£s 20.000 Boston & Maine 4s 80.000 Boston & Maine 4}^s 100.000 C„ B. & Q. 3y2s 20.000 Chicago & Northwestern 4s 10.000 Cleveland & Pitts. 4b£s 25.000 Concord & Montreal 4s 20.000 Conn. & Pass. Rivers 4s 80.000 Fitchburg 4s 50.000 Fitchburg 4bás 75.000 Illinois Central 5,000 Illinois Central 4s 25.000 Michigan Central 3J^s 25.000 Michigan Central 5s 75.000 N. Y., N. H. & H. 3^s 40.000 N. Y., N. H. & H. 4s 35.000 Old Colony 4s 25.000 Penobscot Shore Line 4s 25.000 Peoria & No. West. 3bás 30.000 Port. & Ogdens. 4bás 100.000 Portland Terminal Co. 4s Par Value. $35,000 Princeton & N. W. 3Hs 25.000 Vermont Valley 4J^s 25.000 Washington Co. 3J^s 3,000 Wore., Nash. & R. 4s Street Railway Bonds. $25,000 Boston Elevated 4b£s 10.000 Marlboro & Westboro 5s 10.000 Taunton & Brockton 5s 65.000 West End 4s 50.000 West End 5s 30.000 Worcester Consol. 4b£s 20.000 Worcester Consol. 5s 25.000 Wore. & Southbridge 4)^s Bank Stocks. Shs. 75 Nl. Shawmut Bk., Boston 300 Brockton Nl. Bank 125 Home Nl. Bk., Brockton D a t e s op E x a m in a t io n a n d A u d it , February 24-M arch 4 inclusive. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis [Pub. Doc. REPO RT OF THE 48 BROOKLINE SAVINGS BANK, BROOKLINE. 366 C. W WASHINGTON STREET. il l ia m M e r z , Clerk of the Corporation. Board of Trustees: E . W . B a k e r , J. A . C o u s e n s , J a m e s D r is c o l l , E. M . F a r n s w o r t h , G. H. F r a n c is , C. W . H o l t z e r , F. E . J a m e s , A . E . K e n r ic k , M a r t in K in g m a n , H . W . L a m b , P a t r ic k O ’ L o u g h l in , C . H . S t e a r n s , J. P . S t e a r n s , W . H . W h i t e , C . B . W ig g in , F . H . W il l ia m s . Board of Investment: A . E . K e n r ic k , E . M . F a r n s w o r t h , C. H. S t e a r n s , W . H. W h it e , J. A. C ou sen s. Auditing Committee: J. P. S t e a r n s , M a r t in K in g m a n , E . W . B a k e r , H. W . L a m b . Deposits draw interest from second M onday of January, April, July and October; dividends are pay able the third W ednesday of January and July. Business hours: 9 a .m . to 1 p .m .; also M ondays and Wednesdays, 3 to 5 p .m .; Saturdays, except in August, 6 to 8 p .m . STATEMENT OF CONDITION, OCTOBER 30, 1915. Assets. Public funds, bonds and notes . . . . . . . Railroad bonds and notes . . . . . . . . . . Street railway bonds . . . . . . . . . . . American Tel. & Tel. C o. bonds . . . . . . . . . Securities acquired in settlement of indebtedness . . . . . . 367 loans on real estate (average of each, $6,809.51) . . , . 79 loans on personal security . . . . . . . . . Bank building and fixtures {estimated value, $30,000; assessed value, $21,800) Real estate b y foreclosure, etc. (assessed value, $156,650) . . . . . Taxes, insurance, etc., paid on mortgaged properties . . . . . Deposits in national banks or trust companies . . . . . . Cash and cash items . . . . . . . . . . . Total Assets . . . . . . . . . $405,764 50 1,272,384 10 382,888 50 134,646 26 25,000 00 2,499,090 00 1,905,500 00 25,700 00 141,388 06 4,106 23 337,187 51 5,729 12 . $7,139,384 28 . . . . . . . . . . Liabilities. Due depositors on 18,157 accounts, averaging $374.03 each . . . . . $6,791,223 57 (Accounts opened during year, 1,982; closed, 1,656; increase, 326) Surplus: — a. Guaranty fund (3.34% o f deposits; increase during year, $16,595) . . . 226,808 00 h. Profit and loss (increase during year, $1,100.55) . . . . . . 65,861 46 Current income: -—■ Interest . . .. . . . . . . $60,059 58 Less current expenses not charged off . . . . 4,568 33 ----------------------55,491 25 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Total Liabilities . . $7,139,384 28 No. 8.] 49 BANK COMMISSIONER. Total Expenses for the Year, including State Taxes. Rent. State Tax (Net). Salaries. Amount paid for $17,816.12 $10,618.83 Cost per $1,000 of assets 2.50 1.49 Cost per $1,000 of assets not including State tax and rent Advertising. Other Expenses. Total. $71.20 $2,951.87 $31,458.02 .01 .41 4.41 .......................................... 1.91 Gross income received during the year, $311,508.15. Rates on Investments and Loans (Average on All, 4.60%). Real estate loans (average rate, 4.89 per cent.): 4%, $23,500; 4J4%. $503,875; 4 % % , $32,000; 5%, $1,906,865; 534%. $23,900; 6%, $8,950. Personal loans (average rate, 4.56 per cent.): 3%, $25,000; 4 3£% , $255,000; 4J4%, $25,000; 434% . $226,500; 4 % % , $81,000; 5%, $224,800; 534%. $35,200; 5M % , $8,000; 6%, $25,000. Ponds, stocks, etc. (average rate on amounts invested, 4.31 per cent.): 3%, $25,000; 3i/i o%. $5,000; 3y10%, $7,500; 3 34%, $367,000; 4%, $928,000; 4M % , $11,000; 434% , $275,000; 5%, $388,000; 6%, $204,400; 7%, $1,000. Number of loans not over $3,000 each, 127, amounting to $244,650. 38 real estate loans made during year, amounting to $246,500. Dividends, Deposits and Withdrawals. Ordinary dividends declared during year: Jan., 1915, 2% July, 1915, 2% Number of deposits during year, 20,654, amounting to $124,355 27 127,421 06 1,096,409 16 Number of withdrawals during year, 12,776, amounting to N et increase in amount due depositors . . . . . . . . . . . . $1,348,185 49 1,023,025 89 . $325,159 60 SCHEDULE OF SECURITIES OWNED. Public Funds, Bonds. Par Value. $25,000 New York 434s 89.000 Boston 4s 11.000 Boston 4Ms 24.000 Brockton 334s 10.000 Brockton 4s 30.000 Cambridge 4s 20.000 Fall River 4s 3.000 Gloucester 4s 25.000 Portland, Ore., 4J4s 33.000 Quincy 4s 5.000 Brookline 3.10% 7,500 Brookline 3.40% 2.000 Brookline 334s 10.000 Concord 4s 32.000 Hyde Park 4s 21.000 Wareham 4s 50.000 Wellesley 4s Railroad Bonds. Par Value. $25,000 Boston & Albany 4s 25.000 Boston & Albany 434s 25.000 Boston & Albany 5s 45.000 Boston & Maine 4s 55.000 Boston & Maine 434s 54,400 Burl. & Mo. Riv. 6s 100.000 C., B. & Q. 334s 50.000 C., B. & Q. 4s 25.000 Chic. & North. 5s 150.000 Chic. & North. 6s 55.000 Fitchburg 334s 85.000 Fitchburg 4s 25.000 Fitchburg 4J4s 25.000 Illinois Central 3s 101.000 Illinois Central 334s 25.000 N. Y. C. & H. R. 334s 25.000 N. Y. C. & H. R. 4s D a t e s op E x a m in a t io n , February 9-12 inclusive. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Par Value. $60,000 N. Y „ N. H. & H. 3J4s 210.000 N. Y „ N. H. & H. 4s 100.000 No. Maine Seaport 5s 1,000 Troy & Boston 7s Street Railway Bonds. $100,000 Boston Elevated 4J4s 50.000 Boston Elevated 5s 13.000 Glouces., Essex & Bev. 5s 25.000 Holyoke 5s 40.000 Lowell, Law. & Hav. 5s 60.000 Lynn & Boston 5s 15.000 South Shore & Boston 5s 40.000 West End 4s 10.000 West End 5s 20.000 Worcester Consol. 434s 50 REPORT OF THE [Pub. Doc CAMBRIDGE SAVINGS BANK, CAMBRIDGE. 15 DUNSTER STREET. Incorporated April 2, 1834. E n och B e a n e , President. Number of corporators, 46; number of trustees, 18. A r t h u r H . B o a r d m a n , Treasurer. J o h n H . H u b b a r d , Clerk of the Corporation. Board of Trustees: O. F. A l l e n , J o h n A m e e , J. H . B e a l e , E n och B e a n e , A . H . B o a r d m a n , L. N . B r o c k , F. W . D a l l in g e r , J. C. D o w , 8. W . D r iv e r , T h o m as H a d l e y , L. M . H a r r im a n , J. H . H u b b a r d , H. E . M a s o n , W . B. M ’ C o y , W . B. R e id , H u n t in g t o n S a v il l e , P. F. S o u l e , R obert W alcott. Board of Investment: E n o c h B e a n e , H. E . M a s o n , L. N. B r o c k , J. C. D ow . Auditing Committee: E n och B e a n e , J. H . H u b b a r d , S. W . D r iv e r , W . B . R e id , J o h n A m b e , T h o m as H adley. Deposits draw interest from fourth Thursday of January, April, July and October; dividends are payable the Friday after the fourth Thursday of January and July. Business hours: 8 a .m . to 1 p .m .; Thursdays from 8 a .m . to 4 p .m . STATEMENT OF CONDITION, OCTOBER 30, 1915. Assets. Public funds, bonds and notes . . . . . Railroad bonds and notes Street railway bonds . . . . . . Boston Terminal Co. bonds . . . . . . American Tel. & Tel. Co. bonds . . . . . Stocks of banks and trust companies . . . . 1,266 loans on real estate (average of each, $4,207.88) 85 loans on personal security . . . . . Bank building and fixtures (estimated value, $95,000; assessed value, $95,000) Real estate b y foreclosure, etc. (assessed value, $81,628) Taxes, insurance, etc., paid on mortgaged properties Deposits in national banks or trust companies Cash and cash items . . . . . . . . Total Assets $391,100 825,407 384,787 48,700 49,300 37,200 5,327,178 1,633,940 50,000 67,278 6 249,544 29,459 00 50 50 00 00 00 00 00 00 62 37 51 32 . $9,093,901 82 Liabilities. Due depositors on 19,036 accounts, averaging $429.15 each (Accounts opened during year, 2,495; closed, 1,580; increase, 915) Surplus: — a. Guaranty fund (4-87% of deposits; increase during year, $29,900) b. Profit and loss (increase during year, $3,370.06) Current incom e: — a. Interest . . . . . . . . . . b. Rent . . . . . . . . . Discount . . . Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis . . . . . . . Total Liabilities . $8,169,314 08 397,600 00 365,519 87 $92,285 39 4,602 50 96,887 89 64,579 98 . 1 $9,093,901 82 No. 8.' 51 BANK COMMISSIONER. Total Expenses for the Year, including State Taxes. Advertising. Other Expenses. Total. $732.21 $2,294.03 $30,443 44 .08 .25 3.34 ................................................................... 2.29 State Tax (Net). Salaries. Rent. Amount paid for $9,597.29 $17,819.91 C ost per $1,000 of assets 1.05 1.96 C ost per $1,000 of assets not including State tax and rent . Gross income received during the year, $416,185.11. Rates on Investments and Loans (Average on All, 4.96%). Real estate loans (average rate, 5.14 per cent.): 4%, $95,000; 4 M%> $150,000; 4j^ % , $10,300; 4 % % , $18,000; 5%, $3,160,941; 5 ^ % , $1,870,652; 6%, $22,285. Personal loans (average rate, 4.83 per cent.): 4%, $28,000; 4 }i % , $125,000; 4% % , $25,000; 4J^%, $630,000; 4% % , $60,000; 4 % % . $75,000; 4 % % , $50,000; 5%, $373,030; 5J4%, $50,000; 5 ^ % , $76,525; 6%, $61,385; 6hC%, $55,000; 6 ^ % , $25,000. Bonds, stocks, etc. (average rate on amounts invested, 4 .5 4 per cent.), 3lA % , $324,000; 4%, $839,100; 4\i% , $10,000; 4 V2% , $177,000; 5%, $425,000; 6%, $13,000; 7%, $6,000; 8%, $13,000; 10%, $3,200; 12%, $15,000. Number of loans not over $3,000 each, 683, amounting to $1,162,623. 214 real estate loans made during year, amounting to $897,805. Dividends, Deposits and Withdrawals. Ordinary dividends declared during year: Jan., 1915, 2\i% July, 1915, 2 M % Number of deposits during year, 21,064, amounting to Number of withdrawals during year, 16,346, amounting to N et increase in amount due depositors . . . $158,677 53 167,208 93 1,678,340 76 . . . . $2,004,227 22 1,144,591 06 . . . ' . . $859,636 16 SCHEDULE OF SECURITIES OWNED. Public Funds, Bonds. Par Value. $40,000 Massachusetts 3}4a 50.000 Boston 4s 25.000 Bristol, Conn., 4J^s 41.000 Dayton, 0., 5s 11.000 Fitchburg 4s 50.000 Holyoke 4s 5.000 Los Angeles, Cal., 4Hs 2.000 New Bedford 3}Ha 25.000 New Bedford 4s 23.000 San Francisco, Cal., 5s 20.000 Seattle, Wash., 5s 24.000 Attleborough 4s 10.000 Revere 4his 2.000 Wakefield 3V2a Public Funds, Notes. $4 500 Reading 4}4a 48,100 Wakefield 4s 10,500 Wakefield 4}4a D a tes of Railroad Bonds. Par Value. $62,000 Boston & Albany 5s 5.000 Boston & Maine 3}4a 137,000 Boston & Maine 4s 15.000 Boston & Maine 4]/2a 6.000 Boston & Providence 4s 21.000 Boston, R. B. & L. 4J^s 3.000 Burl. & Missouri Riv. 6s 47.000 C., B. & Q. sy2a 19.000 C., B. & Q. 4s 9.000 Chicago, Burl. & Quincy 5s 25.000 Chicago, Mil. & St. Paul 4s 15.000 Chic., Mil. & St. Paul 4y2a 20.000 Chic., Mil. & St. Paul 5s 30.000 Chicago & Northwestern 4s 25.000 Conn. & Pass. Rivers 4s 3.000 Conn. River 3Ms 7.000 Fitchburg 5s 62.000 Illinois Central 4s 10.000 Louisville & Nashville 5s 10.000 Louisville & Nashville 6s 38.000 Mil., L. S. & West. 5s 25.000 N. Y. C. & H. R. 4s 125,000 N. Y., N. H. & H. 3y2a E x a m in a t io n , January 4r-8 inclusive. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Par Value. $50,000 N. Y., N. H. & H. 4s 25.000 No. Maine Seaport 5s 10.000 Old Colony 4s 20.000 Pennsylvania 4}4a 4.000 Ports., Gt. Falls & C’y 4J^s 15.000 St. J. & L. C. 5s 50.000 Washington Co. 3}4a Street Railway Bonds. $105,000 Boston Elevated 4s 35.000 Boston Elevated 4Ks 25.000 Boston & Northern 4s 5.000 Braintree & Weymouth 5s 50.000 Lynn & Boston 5s 57.000 Springfield 4s 100,000 West End 5s 22.000 Worcester Cons. 4Hs Bank Stocks. Shs. 32 Nl. Rockland Bk., Boston 125 Nl. Shawmut Bank, Boston 5 Nl. Union Bk., Boston 150 Charles Riv. Tr. Co., Cambridge 60 First Nl. Bk., New Bedford 52 REPORT OF THE [Pub. Doc. CAMBRIDGEPORT SAVINGS BANK, CAMBRIDGE. 689 MASSACHUSETTS AVENUE. Incorporated February 22, 1853. Number of corporators, 53; number of trustees, 17. F r e d e r ic k W . T il t o n , President. J o s ia h F . L a n e , Clerk of the Corporation. J o h n R . G il e s , Treasurer. Board of Trustees: A. M . B a r n e s , H e r m a n B i r d , E . J. B r a n d o n , W . E . B u r r a g e , J. H. C o r c o r a n . W . W . D a l l in g e r , J. A . D o w , W . H. D u n n in g , H. H. D y e r , W e l l in g t o n F il l m o r e , C h a r l e s J a m e s , W . F. R o a p , G . A . S a w y e r , W . F. S t e a r n s , J. L. St o n e , F. W . T il t o n , H. H. W i n s l o w . Board o f Investment: F. W . T il t o n , W . W . D a l l in g e r , J. H. C o r c o r a n , C h a r l e s J a m e s . W e l l in g t o n F il l m o r e . Auditing Committee: C h a r l e s J a m e s , J. A. D ow , W . F. R o a f . Deposits draw interest from third W ednesday of January, April, July and October; dividends are payable the third W ednesday of January and July. Business hours: 8.30 a .m . to 1.30 p .m .; Saturdays, 8.30 a .m . to 12 m .; 5 to 8 p .m . STATEMENT OF CONDITION, OCTOBER 30, 1915. Assets. Public funds, bonds and notes . . . . . Railroad bonds and notes . . . . . . Street railway bonds . . . . . . . Boston Terminal Co. bonds . . . . . . American Tel. & Tel. Co. bonds . . . . . Stocks of banks and trust companies . . . . 730 loans on real estate {average of each, $5,612.89) . Less amount due on uncompleted loans . . . . . . . . . . . 50 45 75 00 75 00 4,097,410 210,350 254,500 3,113 4,900 58,185 5,940 7600 00 39 32 10 32 $4,218,571 76 121,161 00 13 loans on personal security . . . . . . Bank building and fixtures {estimated value, $200,000; assessed value, $2^8,300) Real estate b y foreclosure, etc. {assessed value, $3,000) Taxes, insurance, etc., paid on mortgaged properties Deposits in national banks or trust companies Cash and cash items . . . . . . . . Total Assets $783,892 841,936 401,690 209,800 100,408 15,000 . $6,987,128 34 Liabilities. Due depositors on 20,839 accounts, averaging $311.10 each . . . . . $6,482,962 77 {Accounts opened during year, 2,325; closed, 2,038; increase, 287) Surplus: — а. Guaranty fund {4 .97% o f deposits; increase during year, $7,240) . . . 322,500 00 б. Profit and loss {increase during year, $15,131.26) . . . . . . 99,121 57 Current incom e: — Interest . . . . . . . . . . $88,456 98 Less current expenses not charged off . . . . 5,912 98 -.......... - ■------82,544 00 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Total Liabilities . . $6,987,128 34 BANK COMMISSIONER. No. S.] 53 Total Expenses for the Year, including State Taxes. State Tax (Net). Salaries. Rent. Advertising. Other Expenses. Total. Amount paid for $7,666.43 $12,225.68 $3,415.00 $522.00 $1,937.14 $25,766.25 1.10 1.75 Cost per $1,000 of assets .49 .07 .28 3.69 C ost per $1,000 of assets not including State tax and rent . 2 .1 0 Gross income received during the year, $304,723.36. Rates on Investments and Loans (Average on All, 4.60%). Beal estate loans (average rate, 4.94 per cent.): 4%, $126,500; 4^£%, $237,500; 4 % % , $67,500; 4J|%, $98,000; 5%, $3,500,160.76; 5 ^ % , $60,950; 6%, $6,800. Personal loans (average rate, 4.74 per cent.): 4V£%, $80,000; 4% % , $40,000; 4M % . $50,000; 4J^%, $20,000; 5%, $10,350; 6>^%, $10,000. Bonds, stocks, etc. (average rate on amounts invested, 3.98 per cent.): 3%, $4,000; 3^2%, $1,131,000; 4%, $904,000; 4 M % . $25,000; 4 H % . $134,000; 5%, $123,000; 6%, $33,000; 7% ,'$25,000; 8%, $ 10,000. Number of loans not over $3,000 each, 431, amounting to $751,029. 88 real estate loans made during year, amounting to $562,415. Dividends, Deposits and Withdrawals. Ordinary dividends declared during year: Jan., 1915, 2% July, 1915, 2% Number of deposits during year, 27,383, amounting to Number of withdrawals during year, 21,846, amounting to Net increase in amount due depositors $119,769 08 122,055 33 1,139,427 29 $1,381,251 70 1,161,629 08 $219,622 62 SCHEDULE OF SECURITIES OWNED. Public Funds, Bonds. Par Value. $30,000 Massachusetts 3}4s 140,000 Boston 80.000 Boston 4s 77.000 Cambridge 3J^s 20.000 Fall River 3}4s 21.000 Fitchburg 4s 25.000 Flint, Mich., 4J4s 96.000 Fort Wayne, Ind., 3J^s 25.000 Hartford, Ct., 3)^s 3.000 Haverhill 4s 10.000 Lawrence 4s 30.000 Malden 4s 40.000 Melrose 3Hs 5.000 Newton 4s 4.000 Providence, R. I., 3s 4.000 Saginaw, Mich., 4s 3.000 Salem 4s 5.000 Sioux City, Iowa, 4b£s 20.000 Somerville 4s 70.000 Springfield 3Hs 25.000 Woonsocket, R. I., 4s 8.000 Hull 4s 20.000 Maynard 4s 10.000 Revere 3J^s 10.000 Westerly, R. I., 3J^s Railroad Bonds. Par Value. $30,000 N. Y., N. H. & H. 4s Par Value. 10.000 Portland & Ogdensburg 4}^s $25,000 Atch., Top. & St. Fe 4s 6.000 St. Paul, Minn. & Man. 4s 17.000 Bangor & Aroostook 5s 25.000 Troy & Boston 7s 25.000 Baltimore & Ohio 3J^s 3.000 Boston & Albany 3J^s Street Railway Bonds. 60.000 Boston & Albany 4s 3.000 Boston & Lowell 3J^s $30,000 Boston Elevated 4s 5.000 Boston & Lowell 4s 45.000 Boston Elevated 4Jis 20.000 Boston & Lowell 4b6s 15.000 Boston Elevated 5s 25.000 Boston & Maine 3b£s 50.000 Boston & Nortnern 4s 25.000 Boston & Maine 4s 1.000 East Middlesex 5s 80.000 C., B. & Q. 3^s 11.000 Marl. & Westborough 5s 10.000 C„ B. & Q. 4s 50.000 Old Colony 4s 25.000 Chic., Mil. & Puget S. 4s 25.000 Springfield 4s 25.000 Chic., Mil. & St. Paul 4)^s 1.000 Taunton & Brockton 5s 15.000 Ch., Rock Is. & Pac. 4s 80.000 West End 4s 55.000 Connecticut River 3)^s 10.000 West End 4his 20.000 Connecticut River notes 6s 62.000 West End 5s 7.000 Fitchburg 9.000 Worcester Consol. 5s 9.000 Fitchburg 4s 3.000 Worcester & Holden 5s 5.000 Fitchburg 4}^s 4.000 Worcester & Marl. 5s 13.000 Fitchburg notes 6s 14.000 Wore. & Southbridge 4b£s 50.000 Iowa, Minn. & Northw. 3J^s 125.000 Illinois Central 3J^s Bank Stocks. 120.000 Illinois Central 4s Shs. 40.000 Mani., Gr. Bay & N. 334>s 100 Harvard Tr. Co., Cambridge D a t e s o f E x a m in a t io n , M ay 3, 4. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 54 REPO RT OF THE [Pub. Doc. CANTON INSTITUTION FOR SAVINGS, CANTON. 576-580 WASHINGTON STREET. Incorporated March 4, 1835. F r a n c is D . President. J. H e r b e r t D u n b ar, Number of corporators, 32; number of trustees, 14. W alter L a n d ic k , Board o f Trustees: W a l t e r A m e s , H. F. B u s w e l l , G. H. C a p e n , T . B . D r a p e r , F. D . L . F e n n o , A. E. F r e n c h , C . H . F r e n c h , I. C . H o r t o n , J. P. L y n c h , E . H . R . R R o b i n s o n , F. W . S u m n e r , G i l b e r t T o l m a n . Board of Investment: Auditing Committee: F . D . D u n b ar, F . D . E . H. D u n b ar, R . R eve re, A. E. Treasurer. A m es, Clerk of the Corporation. F ren ch , H. F . B u sw ell, T . B. H. D ra pe r , F . D u n b ar, H . e v e r e , J. B . L . F e n n o , G il b e r t T o l m a n . W. Su m n er, I. C . H o rton . Deposits draw interest from first day of January, April, July and October; dividends are payable first Tuesday of April and October. Business hours: 8 a .m . to 12 m .; 1.30 to 4 p .m .; Saturdays, 8 a .m . to 12 m .; also M onday evenings, 7 to 8.30, for deposits only. STATEMENT OF CONDITION, OCTOBER 30, 1915. Assets. Public funds, bonds and notes . . . . . Railroad bonds and notes . . . . . . Street railway bonds . . . . . . American Tel. & Tel. C o. bonds . . . . . Stocks of banks and trust companies . . . . 166 loans on real estate (average of each, $2,631.93) . 18 loans on personal security . . . . . Real estate by foreclosure, etc. (assessed value, $31,200) Taxes, insurance, etc., paid on mortgaged properties Deposits in national banks or trust companies . Cash and cash items . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $43,987 247,850 43,825 14,230 11,300 436,900 156,200 30,254 466 37,852 1,890 50 00 00 00 00 00 00 98 31 94 58 Total A s s e t s ...................................... $1,024,757 31 Liabilities. Due depositors on 3,067 accounts, averaging $305.64 each (Accounts opened during year, 304; closed, 283; increase, 21) Surplus: — a. Guaranty fund (4.95% of deposits; increase during year, $592) b. Profit and loss (increase during year, $5,034-78) Current income: — Interest . . . . . . . . . Less current expenses not charged off . . . Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Total Liabilities . $937,385 32 46,452 00 36,762 52 $4,475 55 318 08 ---------------- 4,157 47 . $1,024,757 31 BANK COMMISSIONER. No. 8.] 55 Total Expenses for the Year, including State Taxes. State Tax (Net). Salaries. Rent. Advertising. Other Expenses. Amount paid for $2,257.92 $2,119.97 $550.00 $159.80 $1,119.33 Cost per $1,000 of assets 2 .20 2 .0 7 . 54 .16 1.09 Cost per $1,000 of assets not including State tax and rent . . . . . . Total. $6,207.02 6 .06 3 .32 Gross income received during the year, $46,854.92. Rates on Investments and Loans (Average on All, 4.80%). Real estate loans (average rate, 5.18 per cent.): 4)^% , $30,000; 5%, $281,000; 5)4% , $3,500; 5)4% , $62,800; 6%, $59,600. Personal loans (average rate, 4.93 per cent.): 4 )4% , $35,000; 4)4% , $51,500; 5%, $29,500; 5)4% , $20,000; 5)4% , $10,000; 6%, $10,200. Bonds, stocks, etc. (average rate on amounts invested, 4.29 per cent.): 3)4% , $31,000; 4% , $271,000,, 4 )4 % , $35,000; 5%, $20,000; 6%, $7,500; 8%, $800; 16%, $3,000. Number of loans not over $3,000 each, 126, amounting to $174,000. 10 real estate loans made during year, amounting to $33,100. Dividends, Deposits and Withdrawals. Ordinary dividends declared during year: April, 1915, 2% Oct., 1915, 2 % Number of deposits during year, 2,520, amounting to . . . . . . .......................................... . . . Number of withdrawals during year, 2,100, amounting to Net increase in amount due depositors . . . . . . . . . . . $17,642' 3E 17,684 52: 135,467 20' . $170,794 03 153,815 53 . $16,978' 5 0 SCHEDULE OF SECURITIES OWNED. Public Funds, Bonds. Par Value. $10,000 Massachusetts 4s 5.000 Milwaukee, Wis., 4)4s 5.000 Omaha, Neb., 4J4s 24.000 Canton 4s Railroad Bonds. $5,000 Baltimore & Ohio 3J4s 5.000 Boston & Albany 4s 20.000 Boston & Lowell 4s 30.000 Boston & Maine 4s 20.000 Boston & Providence 4s D ates o f E x a m in a t io n , Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Par Value. $10,000 C., B. & Q. 3J4s 5.000 C., B. & Q. 4s 10.000 Concord & Montreal 4s 10.000 Delaware & Hudson 4s 21.000 Fitchburg 4s 5.000 Fitchburg 4)4s 16.000 Illinois Central 3)4s 20.000 Me. Cent. & E. & N. A. 4s 15.000 Minn. St. P. & Sit. Ste. M. 4s 5.000 N. Y. C. & H. R. 4s 25.000 N. Y., N. H. & H. 4s 10.000 No. Maine Seaport 5s 20.000 Old Colony 4s February 8, 9. Street Railway Bonds. Par Value. $15,000 Boston Elevated 4)4s 15.000 Boston & Northern 4s 5,000 West End 4)4s 10.000 Worcester Consolidated 5s; Bank Stocks. Shs. 30 First Nl. Bk., Boston 8 Webster & Atlas Nl. Bk., Boston 50 Neponset Nl. Bk., Canton 25 Dedham Nl. Bk. 56 REPORT OF THE [Pub. Doc. CAPE ANN SAVINGS BANK, GLOUCESTER. 109 MAIN STREET. Incorporated April 15, 1846. L in c o l n S . S im o n d s , Number of corporators, 51; number of trustees, 11. President. D a n ie l C onbad R . H an son , T . B abso n , Treasurer. Clerk of the Corporation. Board o f Trustees: D . T. B a b s o n , E . W . B a b s o n , F. A . B a b k e b , S. P . F. C ook , E . S. G b i f f i n , F. C. P e a b c e , G . H. P e b k i n s , J. J. P e w , E. L . P h i l l i p s , L. S. S i m o n d s , F. S. T h o m p s o n . Board of Investment: F. A . B a b k e b , J. J. P e w , S. P . Auditing Committee: F. A . B a b k e b , G . H . P e b k in s , F. F. C ook, E . L. P h il l ip s . S. T h om pson. Deposits draw interest from third business day of January, April, July and October; dividends are payable M ay 1 and Novem ber 1. Business hours: 9 a . m . to 3 p . m . ; also Saturdays, 6.30 to 8.30 p . m . for deposits only. During August, close 1 p . m . STATEMENT OF CONDITION, OCTOBER 30, 1915. Assets. Public funds, bonds and notes Railroad bonds and notes . . . . . Street railway bonds . . . . . . . American Tel. & Tel. C o. bonds . . . . . Stocks of banks and trust companies . . . . Securities acquired in settlement of indebtedness 763 loans on real estate (average o f each, $2,305.52) . . Less amount due on uncompleted loans . . . . . . . . . . $245,786 322,088 118,000 45,312 49,543 31,562 50 75 00 50 66 04 1,759,115 607,305 25,000 38,888 563 31,489 9,720 55 35 00 34 56 16 85 $1,770,115 55 11,000 00 112 loans on personal security . . . . . . . Bank building and fixtures (estimated value, $60,000; assessed value, $50,000) Real estate b y foreclosure, etc. (assessed value, $60,750) Taxes, insurance, etc., paid on mortgaged properties Deposits in national banks or trust companies . . . . Cash and cash items . . . . . . . . . Total Assets $3,284,376 26 Liabilities. Due depositors on 9,435 accounts, averaging $314.04 each (Accounts opened during year, 911; closed, 884; increase, 27) Surplus: — a. Guaranty fund (5.06% of deposits; increase during year, none) b. Profit and loss (increase during year, $25,076.82) . Current incom e: — Interest . . . . . . . . . . Less current expenses not charged off . . . . Unearned discount . . Due on foreclosure sales . Real estate suspense account Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Total Liabilities . . . $2,962,939 20 150,000 00 145,241 59 $17,540 14 992 13 16,548 675 682 8,289 01 68 53 25 . $3,284,376 26 57 BANK COMMISSIONER. No. Total Expenses for the Year, including State Taxes. Advertising. Other Expenses. Total. $390.92 $2,933.37 $17,434.83 .12 .90 5.33 .......................................... 3.71 State Tax (Net). Salaries. Rent. Amount paid for $5,299.45 $8,811.09 Cost per $1,000 of assets 1.62 2.69 Cost per $1,000 of assets not including State tax and rent . Gross income received during the year, $162,976.51. Rates on Investments and Loans (Average on All, 5.06%). Real estate loans (average rate, 5.31 per cent.): 4%, $44,800; 4}4%> $40,000; 4 % % , $40,000; 5%, $916,154.37; 5J4%. $54,055.40 ; 6%, $652,030.78. Personal loans (average rate, 4.52 per cent.): 3%, $10,000; 4%, $23,000; 4)4% . $21,200; 434%i $263,700; 4M % , $5,500; 5%, $188,435.45; 5 34%. $25,000; 534%, $34,605; 6%, $9,514.90. Bonds, stocks, etc. (average rate on amounts invested, 4.93 per cent.): 2 % % , $5,000; 3)4% , $67,000; 4%, $212,000; 4 H % , $10,000; 434%, $97,000; 5%, $221,800; 534%, $40,000; 6%, $98,100; 7%, $32,000; 8%, $15,800; 10%, $10,000; 12%, $5,000. Number of loans not over $3,000 each, 689, amounting to $715,781.30. 58 real estate loans made during year, amounting to $297,825. Dividends, Deposits and Withdrawals. Ordinary dividends declared during year: April, 1915, 2% Oct., 1915, 2% Number of deposits during year, 8,535, amounting to $56,205 28 56,224 51 366,066 48 Number of withdrawals during year, 8,535, amounting to $478,496 27 472,542 82 Net increase in amount due depositors . . . . . . . . $5,953 45 SCHEDULE OF SECURITIES OWNED. Public Funds, Bonds. Par Value. $10,000 New York 4)4s 8.000 Essex County 434s 10.000 Akron, 0., 534s 10.000 Boston 4s 3.000 Brockton 4)4s 20.000 Canton, 0., 534s 3.000 Chicopee 4s 3.000 Chicopee 4J4s 10.000 Cleveland, 0., 5s 10.000 Dayton, 0., 5s 15.000 Decatur, 111., 5s 5.000 Dubuque, Iowa, 4s 4.000 East Providence, R. I., 4s 13.000 Milwaukee, Wis., 5s 5.000 Minneapolis, Minn., 4s 20.000 New Bedford 5s 10.000 Oakland, Cal., 5}4s 10.000 Omaha, Neb., 434s 7.000 Portland, Ore., 5s 6.000 Portland, Ore., 6s 5.000 Quincy 4s 5.000 Racine, Wis., 4}4s 3.000 Acton 4s 3.000 East Longmeadow 4)4s 6.000 Franklin 4s 4.000 Winthrop 4J4s 10.000 Youngstown, 0., 434s D ates of E x a m in a t io n , Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Public Funds, Notes. Par Value. $2,800 Carver 5s 20,000 Lowell 4s 5,000 Orleans 2%s Par Value. $8,000 Rome, Watertown & Og. 5s 10.000 San Fran. & San Joaq. Val. 5s 10.000 St. Johns. & Lake Ch. 5s 6.000 St. Paul & Northern Pac. 6s 5.000 St. Paul & Sioux City 6s 4.000 Winona & St. Peter. 7s Railroad Bonds. $20,000 Baltimore & Ohio 3)4s 50.000 Boston & Albany 4s 28.000 Cedar Rapids & Mo. R. 7s 10.000 C., B. & Q. 334s 9.000 C., B. & Q. 4s 12.000 C., Mil. & St. Paul 5s 17.000 C., Mil. & St. Paul 6s 10.000 Ch., St. P., Minn. & Orna. 6s 2.000 Fitchburg 4s 6.000 Fre., E. & Miss. Valley 6s 10.000 Holyoke & Westfield 434s 12.000 Illinois Central 3}4s 17.000 Louisville & Nashville 6s 3.000 Michigan Central 5s 10.000 Montana Central 6s 25.000 N. Y „ N. H. & H. 334s 10.000 No. Maine Seaport 5s 15.000 Pennsylvania 434s 10.000 Pensacola & Atlantic 6s 5.000 Philadelphia & Erie 6s 1.000 P., Gt. Falls & Con. 434s December 27-29. Street Railway Bonds. $10,000 Boston Elevated 4s 25.000 Boston Elevated 5s 25.000 Boston & Northern 4s 10.000 Lynn & Boston 5s 5,000 West End 4s 10.000 West End 5s 10.000 Western Mass. 5s 25.000 Wor. Consolidated 434s Bank Stocks. Shs. 100 Merchants Nl. Bk., Boston 142 Nl. Shawmut Bk., Boston 25 Old Boston Nl. Bk., Boston 50 Second Nl. Bk., Boston 16 Webster & Atlas Nl. Bk., Boston 61 Cape Ann Nl. Bk., Gloucester 17 Gloucester Nl. Bk. 58 REPO RT OF THE [Pub. Doc, CAPE COD FIVE CENTS SAVINGS BANK, HARWICH. Incorporated March 16, 1855. O l iv e r E . E ldred ge, President. A lph on so Joseph Board o f Trustees: K e n r i c k , C. S . E m u lous Number of corporators, 39; number of trustees, 14. K . R o b b in s , L . W eek es, Treasurer.. Clerk of the Corporation. C r o w e l l , E . K . C r o w e l l , O. E . E l d r e d g e , M . W . H o w a r d , J o h n W . M . K n o w l e s , G. H. N i c k e r s o n , 2d, J. A. N i c k e r s o n , J. K . R o b b i n s ,. A . C . S n o w , A . L. W e e k e s , D . L. Y o u n g . Jo sh u a K e n t, Sm all, Board of Investment: A . C. S n o w , O . E . E l d r e d g e , E . K . C r o w e l l , J o h n K e n r i c k , J o s h u a C r o w e l l ,. W . Auditing Committee: A . C. Sn o w , J. A . M . K n o w les. N ic k e r s o n , J. K . R o b b in s . Deposits draw interest from second W ednesday of January, April, July and October; dividends are payable second W ednesday of April and October. Business hours: 9 a . m . to 1 p .m . STATEMENT OF CONDITION, OCTOBER 30, 1915. Assets. Public funds, bonds and notes . . . . . . . . Railroad bonds and notes . . . . . . . . . Street railway bonds . . . . . . . . . . American Tel. & Tel. C o. bonds . . . . . . . . Stocks of banks and trust companies . . . . . . . Securities acquired in settlement of indebtedness . . . . . 382 loans on real estate {average o f each, $1,380.09) . . . . . 78 loans on personal security . . . . . . . . Bank building and fixtures (estimated value, $4,000; assessed value, $12,100) Real estate b y foreclosure, etc. (assessed value, $56,650) . . . . Deposits in national banks or trust companies . . . . . Cash . . . . . . . . . . . . . Total Assets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $12,500 00' 466,845 00 44,906 25 22,700 00 11,201 00 10,100 00' 527,196 15 481,916 50> 17,500 00 47,562 75 13,000 00’ 1,901 54 $1,657,329 19 Liabilities. Due depositors on 4,253 accounts, averaging $354.39 each (Accounts opened during year, 351; closed, 314; increase, 37) Surplus: — a. Guaranty fund (4.95% of deposits; increase during year, $1,700) h. Profit and loss (increase during year, $11,001.31) . Current incom e: — Interest . . . . . . . . . . Less current expenses not charged off . . . . Unearned discount . Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis . . . . . . . Total Liabilities . . . $1,507,237 42. 74,600 00 70,325 66$4,445 80 312 18 --------------. . . 4,133 62 1,032 49 . $1,657,329 19 59' BAN K COMMISSIONER. No. 8. Total Expenses for the Year, including State Taxes. Advertising. Other Expenses. Total. $49.75 $1,341.53 $10,464.44 .03 .81 6 .3 2 3 . 7a State Tax (Net). Salaries. Rent. Amount paid for $4,203.00 $4,870.16 — Cost per $1,000 of assets 2 .5 4 2 .9 4 Cost per $1,000 of assets not including State tax and rent . Gross income received during the year, $80,083.59. Rates on Investments and Loans (Average on All, 4.67%). Real estate loans (average rate, 5.34 per cent.): 4J^%, $43,500; 4 % % , $5,000; 5%, $264,724.80; 5M % » $16,000; 5}4% , $20,000; 6%, $166,015.85; 7%, $11,955.50. Personal loans (average rate, 4.62 per cent.): 4J^%, $75,000; 4J^%, $225,000; 4 % % , $35,000; 4 % % y $45,000; 5%, $89,000; 6%, $12,91.6.50. Bonds, stocks, etc. (average rate on amounts invested, 4.10 per cent.); 3J^%, $60,000; 4%, $458,000; 4 K % , $35,500; 5%, $10,000; 6%, $5,000; 7%, $5,000; 10%, $1,200. Number of loans not over $3,000 each, 380, amounting to $206,378.35. 68 real estate loans made during year, amounting to $64,053. Dividends, Deposits and Withdrawals. Ordinary dividends declared during year: April, 1915, 2% Oct., 1915, 2% Number of deposits during year, 2,466, amounting to $28,436 07 28,567 22 197,439 87 Number of withdrawals during year, 2,571, amounting to Net increase in amount due depositors . . . . . . . . . . . . $254,443 16222,658 67 . $31,784 49* SCHEDULE OF SECURITIES OWNED. Public Funds, Notes. Par Value. $7,500 Chatham 4s 4,500 Dennis 4s 250 Dennis 4)^s 250 Harwich 43-is Railroad Bonds. $65,000 Boston & Albany 4s 100,000 Boston & Maine 4s 70,000 Chic. & Northw. 4s D ates o f E x a m in a t io n , Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Par Value. $10,000 C., B. & Q. 4s 25.000 Concord & Montreal 4s 20.000 Conn. & Pass. Rivers 4s 10.000 Illinois Central 3Hs 50.000 N. Y., N. H. & H. 3V2s 55.000 N. Y., N. H. & H. 4s 21.000 Old Colony 4s 20.000 Pitts., Va. & Charleston 4s 10.000 Portland Terminal Co. 4s 15.000 Vermont Valley 4J^s N ovember 15, 16. Street Railway Bonds. Par Value. $25,000 Boston Elevated 4s 20,000 Worcester Consolidated 4Hs Bank Stocks. Shs. 50 Fourth-Atlantic Nl. Bk., Boston 12 Merchants Nl. Bk., Boston 31 Nl. Bk. of Commerce, Boston 38 Cape Cod Nl. Bk., Harwich 12 First Nl. Bk., Yarmouthport 60 REPO RT OF THE [Pub. Doc. CENTRAL SAVINGS BANK, LOWELL. 58 CENTRAL STREET. Incorporated M arch 3, 1871. H en ry W. B arn es, Number of corporators, 55; number of trustees, 24. President. H arold A rth u r D. M acdonald, J. M u rk lan d , Treasurer. Clerk of the Corporation. Board of Trustees: F r e d e r i c k A y e r , H . W . B a r n e s , H . E. F l e t c h e r , W . E . H a l l , H. H . H a r r i s , G. L. H u n t o o n , H . A . K i n g , J. E . L a m o u r e u x , C. S. L i l l e y , P. S. M a r d e n , G. F. M a r t i n , A . J. M u r k l a n d , A . G. P o l l a r d , H . G. P o l l a r d , A m a s a P r a t t , M . H . P r a t t , J. L. R o b e r t s o n , W . T . S h e p p a r d , F. K . S t e a r n s , P. F. S u l l i v a n , L. T . T r u l l , E . H . W a l k e r , C. W . W h i d d e n , F. N . W i e r . Board of Investment: A . G. Auditing Committee: H . W. P ollard , B arn es, A masa F. K . P r a tt, W . E. Stearn s, H . G. H a ll, J. L. R obertson, H. W . B arn es. P o llard . Deposits draw interest from first Saturday of February, M ay, August and Novem ber; dividends are payable first Saturday of M ay and November. Business hours: 9 a . m . to 1 p . m . ; also Saturdays, 7 to 9 p . m . STATEMENT OF CONDITION, OCTOBER 30, 1915. Assets. Public funds, bonds and notes . . Railroad bonds and notes . . . . . Street railway bonds . . . . . . American Tel. & Tel. Co. bonds . . . . Stocks of banks and trust companies 1,445 loans on real estate (average of each, $2,675.20) Less amount due on uncompleted loans . $926,064 618,662 71,580 116,875 12,300 00 00 00 00 00 3,865,661 503,325 35,000 8,900 267,676 11,502 00 00 00 00 32 09 00 00 60 loans on personal security . . . . . . . . Bank building and fixtures (estimated value, $4-0,000; assessed value, $33,350) Real estate b y foreclosure, etc. (assessed value, $19,500) . . . . Deposits in national banks or trust companies . . . . . Cash and cash items . . . . . . . . . . $6,437,545 41 Total Assets Liabilities. Due depositors on 16,191 accounts, averaging $365.71 each (Accounts opened during year, 2,353; closed, 2,560; decrease, 207) Surplus: — a. Guaranty fund (5.16% o f deposits; increase during year, none) h. Profit and loss (increase during year, $25,427.52) . Reserved for dividend . . . . . Unearned discount . . . . . Suspense account . . . . . $5,921,259 44 305,673 94,986 114,465 778 382 00 59 25 82 31 $6,437,545 41 Total Liabilities Total Expenses for the Year, including State Taxes. State Tax (Net). Salaries. Rent. Amount paid for $7,326.03 $15,948.00 $2,000.00 Cost per $1,000 of assets 1.14 2 .4 8 .31 Cost per $1,000 of assets not including State tax and rent . Gross income received during the year, $292,285.94. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Advertising. Other Expenses. Total. $4,001.64 $29,544.37 $268.70 .62 4 .5 9 .04 3 .1 4 61 B AN K COMMISSIONER. No. 8. Rates on Investments and Loans (Average on All, 4.70%). Real estate loans (average rate, 5.04 per cent.): 4%, $7,895; 4J^%, $156,850; 5%, $3,425,131; 5)^% , $75,050; 6%, $200,735. Personal loans (average rate, 4.60 per cent.); 4 Y2% , $407,881; 4M % , $7,200; 5%, $83,044; 5}4% , $4,200; 6%, $1,000. Bonds, stocks, etc. (average rate on amounts invested, 3.98 per cent.): 3%, $25,000; 3)4% , $20,000; 3.35%, $25,000; 3 V2%, $431,000; 3%%, $9,000; 4%, $1,081,644; 4)4% . $10,500; 4 )4 % , $114,920; 5%, $13,000; 6%, $29,000; 8%, $7,300. Number of loans not over $3,000 each, 1,130, amounting to $1,836,430. I l l real estate loans made during year, amounting to $309,850. Dividends, Deposits and Withdrawals. $112,693 61 113,870 41 751,598 39 Ordinary dividends declared during year: N ov., 1914, 2% M ay, 1915, 2% Number of deposits during year, 12,270, amounting to Number of withdrawals during year, 12,001, amounting to N et increase in amount due depositors . . . . . . . $978,162 41 911,289 15 . . . . . $66,873 26 SCHEDULE OF SECURITIES OWNED. Public Funds, Bonds. Par Value. $65,000 Massachusetts 3)4s 25.000 Augusta, Me., 4s 52.000 Boston 3)4s 35.000 Boston 4s 3.000 Brockton 4s 10.000 Cambridge 4s 22.000 Fall River 4s 1.000 Gloucester 4s 10.000 Holyoke 4s 20.000 Lawrence 4s 59,380 Lowell 4s 5,920 Lowell 4)f>s 12.000 Lynn 3)4s 5,600 Lynn 4s 15.000 New Bedford 3)4s 34.000 New Bedford 4s 20.000 Pittsfield 3)4s 3.000 Providence, R. I., 4s 2,500 Salem 4s 1.000 St. Albans, Vt., 4s 3.000 Taunton 3)4s 3.000 Waltham 4s 22.000 Billerica 3)4s 69.000 Billerica 4s 36.000 Billerica 4)4s 2.000 Boothbay Harbor, Me., 4s 5.000 Brookline 3)4s 7.000 Clinton 3)4s 1.000 Dedham 3)4s 6.000 East Bridgewater 4s 2.000 Falmouth 4s 6.000 Framingham 3)4s D a t e s of E x a m in a t io n Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis and Par Value. $3,000 Ipswich 4s 2.000 Lexington 4)ás 17.000 Methuen 4s 2.000 Needham 4s 5,300 North Attleborough 4s 10.000 Revere 3Ks 4.000 Stoughton 4)£s 3.000 Watertown 4s 12.000 Winchester 3Hs 58.000 North Chelmsford (F.D.) 4s Public Funds, Notes. $6,000 Beverly 3)^s 3,864 Everett 4s 25.000 Holyoke 3s 50.000 Medford 3)^s 15.000 New Bedford 3)^s 4.000 Billerica 4s 3.000 Billerica 5s 4.000 Chelmsford Z%s 17.500 Chelmsford 4s 10.500 Chelmsford 4J4s 4,800 Chelmsford 4p£s 20.000 Dracut 3pés 5.000 Dracut 3%s 9.000 Dracut 4s 200 Dunstable 4)£s 3.000 Mansfield 4s 4,500 Revere 4s 25.000 Scituate 3.35% 14.000 Tewksbury 4s 2.000 Tewksbury 4%s 20.000 Ware 3)¿s A u d it , July 6 - 1 5 inclusive. Railroad Bonds. Par Value. $10,000 Boston & Albany 3)is 8.000 Boston & Lowell 4s 65.000 Boston & Maine 4s 35.000 Boston & Maine 4J^s 10.000 B. & N. Y. Air Line 4s 25.000 C., B. & Q. 3V2s 25.000 Cleveland & Pitts. 3)^s 10.000 Concord & Montreal 4s 91.000 Fitchburg 4s 29.000 Fitchburg notes 4s 55.000 New England R.R., 4s 100,000 N. Y., N. H. & H. 4s 25.000 Old Colony 3)^s 75.000 Old Colony 4s 30.000 Portland & R. Falls 4s 1.000 P., Gt. Falls & Con. 4}^s 5.000 Rome, W. & Ogdensburg 5s 25.000 Washington Co. 3)^s Street Railway Bonds. $50,000 Boston Elevated 4s 24,000 Worcester & Southbridge 4J^s Bank Stocks. Shs. 50 Old Lowell Nl. Bk., Lowell 73 Union Nl. Bk., Lowell 62 R E PO R T OF THE [Pub. Doc. CHARLESTOWN FIVE CENTS SAVINGS BANK, BOSTON. THOMPSON SQUARE (CHARLESTOWN DISTRICT). Incorporated April 7, 1854. W alter Number of corporators, 42; number of trustees, 22. S. G l id d e n , President. F red W il l ia m P. H a r t , Treasurer. E. C o a t e s , Clerk of the Corporation. Board of Trustees: J. F. B r i r y , M . E . S. C l e m o n s , F r a n k D o w , A . A . F a l e s , W . S. G l id d e n , C . A . G r i m m o n s , S. T . H a r r i s , W . P. H a r t , C . B. J o p p , L e s l ie L a n g i l l , F r a n c is L e w i s , G . P. N a s o n , F - V. N o y e s , A. W . P a t c h , C . D . S a w i n , A. W . S t o v e r , W . W . S t o v e r , E . L . S w e e t s e r , J. F . W e l l in g t o n , C l in t o n W h it e , W . E . W h it e , G e o r g e W h it in g . Board of Investment: W . S. G l id d e n , C l i n t o n W Auditing Committee: J. F . W e ll in g t o n , h it e , G eorge W A . W . Patch , M . G r im m o n s . h it in g , C. B. J o p p , A . A . F a l e s . E . S. C l e m o n s , F . V . N o y e s , C . A . Deposits draw interest from third W ednesday of January, April, July and October; dividends are payable the third W ednesday of April and October. Business hours: 9 a .m . to 2 p .m .; Saturdays, 9 a .m . to 12 m .; also Wednesdays, 3 to 5 p .m .; and M ondays, for deposits only, 6.30 to 8.30 p .m STATEMENT OF CONDITION, OCTOBER 30, 1915. Assets. Public funds, bonds and notes Railroad bonds and notes . . . . Street railway bonds . . . . . American Tel. & Tel. C o. bonds Stocks of banks and trust companies 1,267 loans on real estate (average o f each, $5,927.& Less amount due on uncompleted loans . $1,790,261 963,857 . 221,625 142,305 183,303 67 50 00 00 00 7,509,819 3,398,640 70,000 490,362 89,089 00 00 00 08 78 87,520,324 00 10,505 00 176 loans on personal security . . . . Bank building and fixtures (estimated value, $80,000; assessed value, $85,000) Deposits in national banks or trust companies . . . . . Cash and cash items . . . . . . . . Total Assets $14,859,263 03 Liabilities. Due depositors on 26,060 accounts, averaging $517.29 each {Accounts opened during year, 4,®55; closed, %,867; increase, 1,888) Surplus: — a. Guaranty fund (4-90% o f deposits; increase during year, $60,000) b. Profit and loss {increase during year, $78,416.46) . Current incom e: — Interest . . . . . . . . . . Less current expenses not charged off . $2,666 87 Less State or local taxes not charged off . . 1,153 29 $13,480,511 78 660,000 00 648,329 14 $62,560 45 3,820 16 58,740 29 11,681 82 Unearned discount Total Liabilities $14,859,263 03 Total Expenses for the Year, including State Taxes. State Tax (Net). Salaries. Rent. Advertising. Other Expenses. Total. Amount paid for $17,948.35 $24,751.83 $2,500.00 $1,541.95 $3,122.88 $49,865.01 Cost per $1,000 of assets 1.21 1.67 .17 .10 .21 3.36 Cost per $1,000 of assets not including State tax and rent . . . . . . 1.98 Gross income received during the year, $670,292.51. Rates on Investments and Loans (Average on All, 4.88%). Real estate loans (average rate, 4.94 per cent.): 4%, $349,000; 4M % , $126,000;' 4>£%, $623,600; 4 % % , $91,700; 5%, $5,707,764; 5h£%, $6,000; 5 }i% , $570,860; 6%, $34,895. Personal loans (average rate, 5.10 per cent.): 4%, $9,260; 4 ^ % , $330,050; 4 ^ % , $50,000; 4 % % , $890,675; 5%, $1,326,155; 5J^%, $7,500; 5M % , $164,600; 5J^%, $90,000; 5M%> $25,000; 6%, $246,100; 6 }i% , $80,000; 6 ^ % , $104,300; 6M %- $15,000; 7%, $60,000. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 63 BANK COMMISSIONER, .No. 8.] Bonds, stocks, etc. (average rate on amounts invested, 4.51 per cent.): 3%, $10,000; 3.10% $30,000; 3.30%, $40,000; 3.40%, $20,000; 3}4% , $225,000; 3.60%, $20,000; 3.65%, $35,000; 3.67%, $30,000; 3M % , $35,000; 3.80%, $20,000; 3.85%, $18,000; 4%, $1,425,378; 4M % , $144,200; 4HVo, $816,500; 4 % % , $34,000; 5%, $231,500; 5 ^ % , $90,000; 6%, $54,062.50; 7%, $2,700; 8%, $61,600; 10%, $15,000; 12%, $2,400; 14%, $27,500. Number of loans not over $3,000 each, 754, amounting to $1,553,684. 188 real estate loans made during year, amounting to $1,477,750. Dividends, Deposits and Withdrawals. $237,575 251,551 31,475 2,551,418 ‘Ordinary dividends declared during year: April, 1915, 2% Oct., 1915, 2% Extra dividend declared during year, Oct., 1915, Lt% N um ber of deposits during year, 26,519, amounting to 72 82 36 37 $3,072,021 27 1,650,095 28 N um ber of withdrawals during year, 21,993, amounting to $1,421,925 99 N et increase in amount due depositors SCHEDULE OF SECURITIES OWNED. Public Funds, Bonds. Par Value. $86,000 Massachusetts 4s 25.000 Baltimore, Md., 4s 205,000 Boston 4s 50.000 Boston 4}4s 10.000 Cambridge 4s 50.000 Canton, 0., 5^s 20.000 Chelsea 4s 8.000 Chicopee 4s 5.000 Dayton, O., 4J^s 15.000 Dayton, 0., 5J^s 14.000 Des Moines, la., 4}4s 10.000 Fall River 4s 25.000 Grand Rapids, Mich., 4J^s 25.000 Hamilton, 0., 5s 5.000 Kansas City, Mo., 5s 45.000 Los Angeles, Cal., 4J^s 33.000 Lynn 4s 2.000 Malden 4s 4.000 Marlborough 4s 23.000 Melrose 4s 39.000 Milwaukee, Wis., 4s 50.000 Minneapolis, Minn., 4s 29.000 Minneapolis, Minn., 4%s 45.000 New Bedford 4s 56.000 New Bedford 4}£s 10.000 New Bedford 4J^s 25.000 Oakland, Cal., 5%s 25.000 Omaha, Neb., 4^s 25.000 Pittsfield 4s 1.000 Providence, R. I., 4s 24.000 Salem 4s 75.000 San Francisco, Cal., 5s 15.000 Somerville 4s 15.000 Troy, N. Y., 4s 1.000 Worcester 4s 18.000 Amherst 4s 5.000 Billerica 4s 6.000 Brookline 4s 20.000 Dartmouth 4s 18.000 East Longmeadow 4]4s 1.000 Longmeadow 4J^s 18.000 Maynard 4J^s 13.000 Methuen 4s 13.000 Nantucket 5s D ates of E x a m in a t io n , Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Par Value. $3,200 Russell 4s 1,000 Saugus 4}4s 5,500 South Hadley 4s 25,000 Warwick, R. I., 4]/2s Public Funds, Notes. $6,000 Acushnet 4J4s 3.000 Acushnet 5s 13.500 Adams 4s 2,500 Buckland 4%s 15.000 Canton 3.80% 5.000 Colrain 4s 5.000 Deerfield 4s 2.000 Dighton 4s 2.000 Dighton 5s 16.000 Duxbury 4j^s 8.000 Hardwick 4s 22.000 Hatfield 4}4s 30.000 Hull 3.10% 19,900 Hull 4s 25.000 Ipswich 4s 20.000 Needham 3.30% 5.000 Randolph 3.65% 20.000 Revere 3.30% 20.000 Revere 3.40% 20.000 Revere 3.60% 20.000 Revere 3.65% 30.000 Revere 3.67% 20.000 Revere 3%s 75.500 Revere 4s 23,200 Revere 4Ms 8.000 Sandwich 3.85% 10.000 Saugus 3.65% 40,999 Walpole 4s 1,320 Ware 4s 12.000 Wareham 4s 1,259 West Brookfield 4s 562 West Brookfield 6s 5.000 West Stockbridge 3.80% 14.000 Whately 4s 15.000 Whitman 3%s 10.000 Whitman 3.85% 5.000 Winthrop 4%s July 26 -August 6 inclusive. Railroad Bonds. Par Value. $20,000 Boston & Maine 4s 280.000 Boston & Maine 4}4s 12,600 Burlington & Mo. Riv. 6s 125.000 C., B. & Q. 3J^s 10.000 C., B. & Q. 4s 84.000 Chic., Mil. & St. Paul 4J^s 50.000 Concord & Montreal 4s 64.000 Fitchburg 4s 150.000 Fitchburg 4 bás 5,000 Illinois Central 4s 100.000 N. Y. C. & H. R. 3V2s 135.000 N. Y., N. H. & H. 4s Street Railway Bonds. $50,000 Boston Elevated 43^s 55.000 West End 4s 25.000 West End 45^s 94.000 West End 5s Bank Stocks. Shs. 12 Andover Nl. Bank 200 Beacon Tr. Co., Boston 145 Boylston Nl. Bk., Boston 150 Commonwealth Tr. Co., Boston 275 Eliot Nl. Bk., Boston 275 First Nl. Bk., Boston 150 First Ward Nl. Bk., Boston 27 Market Trust Co., Boston 100 Massachusetts Tr. Co., Boston 100 Merchants Nl. Bk., Boston 40 Metropolitan Tr. Co., Boston 100 Mutual Nl. Bk., Boston 263 Nl. Bk. of Commerce, Boston 130 Nl. Shawmut Bank, Boston 24 Second Nl. Bk., Boston 111 Webster & Atlas Nl. Bk., Boston 375 Home Nl. Bk., Brockton 75 Wachusett Nl. Bk., Fitchburg 25 Union Nl. Bk., Lowell 50 Essex Tr. Co., Lynn 34 Blue Hill Nl. Bk„ Milton 64 REPO RT OF THE [Pub. Doc, CHELSEA SAVINGS BANK, CHELSEA. 267 BROADWAY. Incorporated April 29, 1854. A lbeet Number of corporators, 93; number of trustees, 29. A . F i c k e t t , President. A l ic e W M. H u t c h in s , B. D e n i s o n , Treasurer. il l ia m Clerk of the Corporation. Board of Trustees: I. F. A t w o o d , W . A . B a s t o n , A . T . C o l l i e e , E . H . C u e e y , W . B . D e n i s o n , G . H . D u n h a m , A . A . F i c k e t t , C . W . G o u l d , W i l l i a m G e a n t m a n , A . S. H a b b i s , J. S. H a e e o w e e , F. S. H e k s o m , E . R . H o a g , R . W . E . H o p p e e , F. W . K i m b a l l , A . W . L a w b e n c e , S. J. L i t t l e f i e l d , W . L . M a b t i n , W . E . M c C l in t o c k , O t is M e e e i a m , W . C. M i t c h e l l , P . J. M u e b a y , J. M . P u t n a m , C. G . R o b e e t s , W i l l i a m R o b in s o n , J. B . S h u e t l e f f , J. C . S m i t h , H . H . S t ic k ney, L. K . W ash bu en . Board of Investment: A. T . C o l l i e e , A . A. F i c k e t t , W il l ia m G eantm an, E . R . H o a g , C. G . R o b e e t s . Auditing Committee: W . E . M c C l in t o c k , F. W . K i m b a l l , I. F. A t w o o d . Deposits draw interest from fifteenth day of January, April, July and October; dividends are payable the fifteenth day of April and October. Business hours, 8 a . m . to 1 P.M.; also Saturdays, for deposits only, 4 to 8 p . m . STATEMENT OF CONDITION, OCTOBER 30, 1915. Assets. Public funds, bonds and notes . . . . Railroad bonds and notes . . . . . Street railway bonds . . . . . . American Tel. & Tel. Co. bonds . . . . Stocks of banks and trust companies . . . 1,682 loans on real estate (average o f each, $2,567.16) Less amount due on uncompleted loans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $4,358,721 00 40,750 00 104 loans on personal security . . . . . . . . Bank building and fixtures (estimated value, $86,500; assessed value, $79,000) Deposits in national banks or trust companies . . . . . Cash and cash items . . . . . . . . . . Total Assets . . . . . $647,000 583,238 123,875 68,177 6,500 OO OO 00 50 00 4,317,971 1,641,435 26,471 221,096 26,337 00 00 98 80 37 $7,662,102 65 Liabilities. Due depositors on 22,176 accounts, averaging $311.72 each (Accounts opened during year, 3,659; closed, 2,737; increase, 922) Surplus: a. Guaranty fund (4.96% of deposits; increase during year, $21,000) h. Profit and loss (increase during year, $32,452.84) . Current income: — Interest . . . . . . . . . . Insurance account . . . . . . . . . Due on foreclosure sales . . . . . . . . Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Total Liabilities . . $6,912,634 58 343,000 00 354,821 90 48,822 22 2,484 28 339 67 $7,662,102 65 65 BANK COMMISSIONER. No. 8. Total Expenses for the Year, including State Taxes. Rent. State Tax (Net). Salaries. Amount paid for $8,732.53 $19,194.00 $3,500.00 Cost per $1,000 of assets 1.13 2 .5 0 .46 Cost per $1,000 of assets not including State tax and rent . Advertising. $270.50 .03 Other Expenses. Total. $2,588.38 $34,285.41 .34 4 .4 6 2 .87 Gross income received during the year, $357,031.74. Rates on Investments and Loans (Average on All, 4.89%). Real estate loans (average rate, 5.12 per cent.): 5%, $3,591,336; 5)^% , $442,105; 6%, $284,530. Personal loans (average rate, 4.66 per cen t.): 4)4% , $175,000; 4 )4% , $1,033,500; 454%, $10,000; 4% % , $45,000; 5%, $246,050; 5y2% , $41,300; 6%, $90,585. Bonds, stocks, etc. (average rate on amounts invested, 4.51 per cent.): 3)4%, $30,000; 3.15%, $10,000; 3)4% , $50,000; 4%, $867,000; 4M % , $2,000; 4)4% , $211,000; 5%, $48,000; 6%, $239,500; 8%, $1,500; 10%, $2,500. Number of loans not over $3,000 each, 1,154, amounting to $1,996,541. 218 real estate loans made during year, amounting to $623,800. Dividends, Deposits and Withdrawals. $124,349 66 128,395 44 1,533,286 24 Ordinary dividends declared during year: April, 1915, 2% Oct., 1915, 2% Number of deposits during year, 40,390, amounting to . Number of withdrawals during year, 24,809, amounting to $1,786,031 34 1,381,115 02 $404,916 32 N et increase in amount due depositors SCHEDULE OF SECURITIES OWNED. Public Funds, Bonds. Par Value. $25,000 Massachusetts 3)4s 20.000 Attleborough 4s 148,000 Boston 4s 2.000 Boston 4)4s 60.000 Brockton 4s 35.000 Chelsea 4s 25.000 Everett 4s 30.000 Fall River 4s 35.000 Los Angeles, Cal., 4)4s 15.000 McKeesport, Pa., 4s 5.000 Melrose 4s 50.000 Newark, N. J., 4)4s 25.000 New Bedford 4s 21.000 Portland, 0., 6s 10.000 Quincy 4s 42.000 Springfield 4s 20.000 Springfield, Mo., 5s 31.000 St. Paul, Minn., 4)^s 5.000 Waterbury, Ct., 3.000 Abington 4s Public Funds, Notes. Par Value. $10,000 Adams 3.15% 30.000 Walpole Zyss Railroad Bonds. $3,000 Aroostook Northern 5s 22.000 Atch., Top. & Santa Fe 4s 5.000 Boston & Albany 4s 25.000 Boston & Lowell 4s 8.000 Boston & Maine 4s Street Railway Bonds. 55.000 Boston & Maine 4)^s $40,000 Boston Elevated 4s 14.000 Burlington & Mo. Riv. 6s 15.000 Boston Elevated 4j4>s 15.000 Central R.R. of N. J. 5s 25.000 Boston & Northern 4s 30.000 C., B. & Q. 4s 50.000 West End 4s 20.000 Chic., Mil. & St. Paul 4)^s 14.000 Chic., Mil. & St. Paul 6s Bank Stocks. 35.000 Chicago, R. I. & Pacific 4s 28.000 Chic., St. P., Minn. & Oma. 6s Shs. 25 Merchants Nl. Bk., Boston 75.000 Chicago & Northwest 6s 25 Chelsea Trust Co. 24.000 Fitchburg 4s 15 Union Nl. Bk., Lowell 15.000 Illinois Central 4s D a t e s op E x a m in a t io n , February 15-20 inclusive. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Par Value. $50,000 Louisville & Nashville 6s 15.000 Michigan Central 4s 25.000 Montana Central 6s 25.000 N. Y. & N. E. Term. 4s 25.000 N. Y., N. H. & H. 3^s 10.000 No. Maine Seaport 5s 20.000 Norwich & Wore. 4s 35.000 Old Colony 4s 10.000 Pensacola & Atlantic 6s cc REPO RT OF THE [Pub. Doc. CHICOPEE SAVINGS BANK, CHICOPEE. 14 SPRINGFIELD STREET. Incorporated February 27, 1845. Number of corporators, 59; number of trustees, 17. N e l s o n B . C a r t e s , President. C h a r l e s J. S e a v e r , Treasurer. W il l ia m F . B o s t w ic k , Clerk of the Corporation. Board o f Trustees: L . A . A u m a n n , G. A . B l a is d e l l , W . F . B o s t w ic k , N . B . C a r t e r , D . S. C o u r t n e y , C . E. C r e h o r e , F . X . D e r o in , C . J. D r is c o l l , W . J. F u l l e r , E . G. G a y l o r d , J. M . G r is é , A . J. J e n e s , J. P . K i r b y , F . P . L u d w ig , EL A . M o r s e , J. L . P e a s e , P . C . P o n d . Board of Investment: N . B . C a r t e r , W . J. F u l l e r , E . G . G a y l o r d , P . C . P o n d . Auditing Committee: H. A . M o r s e , J. L. P e a s e , A . J. J e n e s . Deposits draw interest from first day of January, April, July and October; dividends are payable January 1 and July 1. Business hours: 9 a .m . to 3 p .m .; Saturdays, 9 a .m . to 12.30 p .m .; also Fridays, 6 to 8 p .m . STATEMENT OF CONDITION, OCTOBER 30, 1915. Assets. $152,455 400,130 109,225 46,002 14,200 1,469,417 213,069 1,000 888 68,293 7,630 Public funds, bonds and notes Railroad bonds and notes . . . . Street railway bonds . . . . . American Tel. & Tel. C o. bonds Stocks of banks and trust companies 719 loans on real estate (average of each, $2,043.69) 32 loans on personal security Furniture and fixtures . . . . . Premium account . . . . Deposits in national banks or trust companies Cash and cash items . . . . . 00 00 00 50 00 00 37 00 75 94 70 $2,482,312 26 Total Assets Liabilities. CO o o CO 98 115,900 0 0 54,312 57 $12,170 13 2,079 21 10,090 92 884 79 17 00 Unearned discount Suspense account Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis of Due depositors on 4,796 accounts, averaging $479.79 each ( Accounts opened during year, 830; closed, 644; increase, 186) Surplus: — a. Guaranty fund (5.03% of deposits; increase during year, none) h. Profit and loss (increase during year, $15,283.13) . Current incom e: — Interest . . . . . . . . . . Less current expenses not charged off . . . . Total Liabilities . . $2,482,312 26 No. 8. BANK COMMISSIONER, 67 Total Expenses for the Year, including State Taxes. State Tax (Net). Salaries. Rent. Advertising. Other Expenses. Amount paid for $4,054.93 $4,031.98 $420.00 $294.05 $891.55 C ost per $1,000 of assets 1.63 1.62 .17 .12 .36 C ost per $1,000 of assets not including State tax and rent . Total. $9,692.51 3 .90 2.10 Gross income received during the year, $113,071.53. Rates on Investments and Loans (Average on All, 4.70%). Real estate loans (average rate, 4.99 per cent.): 4% % , $4,000; 4 H % , $6,650; 5%, $1,458,767. Personal loans (average rate, 4.93 per cent.): 4 )4 % , $15,000; 4 )4% , $85,000; 5%, $50,355; 5)4% , $46,564.37; 6%, $16,150. Bonds, stocks, etc. (average rate on amounts invested, 4.04 per cent.): 3)4% , $205,000; 4% , $408,200; 4 )4 % , $80,000; 5%, $25,000; 6%, $6,600; 10%, $5,000. Number of loans not over $3,000 each, 621, amounting to $885,757. 61 real estate loans made during year, amounting to $79,300. Dividends, Deposits and Withdrawals. Ordinary dividends declared during year: Jan., 1915, 2% July, 1915, 2% Number of deposits during year, 5,816, amounting to $43,644 78 43,499 94 444,446 16 Number of withdrawals during year, 4,491, amounting to $531,590 88 476,997 54 Net increase in amount due depositors $54,593 34 SCHEDULE OF SECURITIES OWNED. Railroad Bonds. Public Funds, Bonds. Par Value. $20,000 California 4s 10.000 Massachusetts 4s 10.000 Boston 4s 25.000 Detroit, Mich., 4s 15.000 Duluth, Minn., 4)4s 5.000 Fitchburg 4s 25.000 Los Angeles, Cal., 4)4s 5.000 Lowell 4s 25.000 Omaha, Neb., 4)4s 3.000 Quincy 4s 5.000 San Francisco, Cal., 5s 4.000 Amesbury 4s Public Funds, Notes. $1,200 Chicopee 4s Par Value. $25,000 Boston & Albany 3)4>s 25.000 Boston & Maine 3)^s 20.000 Boston & Maine 4s 5.000 Boston & Maine 4)^s 38.000 C., B. & Q. Zy2s 10.000 Chic., Mil. & St. Paul 4J^s 10.000 Chic., Mil. & St. Paul 5s 5.000 Chicago & Northwestern 4s 30.000 Chic., R. I. & Pac. 4s 25.000 Conn. River 3)^s 22.000 Conn. River 4s 20.000 Fitchburg 3)^s 34.000 Fitchburg 4s 30.000 Illinois Central 3)^s 14.000 Illinois Central 4s D a t e of E x a m in a t io n , M ay 21. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Par Value. $2,000 Michigan Central 3)4>s 5.000 Michigan Air Line 4s 40.000 N. Y., N. H. & H. 3)^s 45.000 N. Y., N. H. & H. 4s Street Railway Bonds. $55,000 Boston Elevated 4s 10.000 Boston & Northern 4s 30.000 Springfield 4s 5.000 West End 4s 10.000 West End 5s Bank Stocks. Shs. 66 Chapin Nl. Bk., Springfield 50 Union Tr. Co., Springfield 68 [Pub. Doc. REPO RT OF THE CHICOPEE FALLS SAVINGS BANK, CHICOPEE FALLS. 105 MAIN STREET. Incorporated M ay 11, 1875. Number of corporators, 43; number of trustees, 20. G e o r g e M . M o r t o n , President. J oh n B . K n ig h t , Treasurer. E u g e n e J. O ’ N e i l , Clerk of the Corporation. Board of Trustees: C. W . B r a y , G. W . B r a y , W . J. D u n n , F . C. F l in t , L. J. G i b b s , F . L. H i n k l e y , W . O. K e n t e ie l d , C. W . K i n g , J. B . K n ig h t , L. N . L y o n , A . R . M a r t i n , G . M . M o r t o n , E . J. O ’ N e i l , I. H . P a g e , W . S. P a g e , F . E . P a t t e r s o n , A . E . T a y l o r , E . R . T a y l o r , F . S. T a y l o r , F . N . W it h r e l . Board of Investment: G . M . M o r t o n , F . N . W it h r e l , W . S. P a g e , A . R . M a r t i n . Auditing Committee: F. L. H i n k l e y , W . S. P a g e , F. C. F l i n t . Deposits draw interest from first day of January, April, July and October; dividends are payable January 1 and July 1. Business hours:* 9 a .m . to 3 P .M .; Saturdays, 9 a .m . to 12.30 P.M .; also Thurs days and Saturdays, 6 to 8 p.M. STATEMENT OF CONDITION, OCTOBER 30, 1915. Assets. Public funds, bonds and notes . . . . . Railroad bonds and notes . . . . . . Street railway bonds . . . . . . . American Tel. & Tel. Co. bonds . . . . . Stocks of banks and trust companies . . . . 409 loans on real estate (average of each, $2,618.36) . . Less amount due on uncompleted loans . . . . . . . . . . 56 loans on personal security . . . Deposits in national banks or trust companies Cash and cash items . . . . . . . . . . . ' . . . . . . . . . . 00 80 00 25 00 1,070,907 111,413 55,089 7,236 75 82 15 09 $1,079,507 75 8,600 00 . . $94,752 195,539 131,925 30,186 17,100 . . $1,714,149 86 Total Assets Liabilities. Due depositors on 4,358 accounts, averaging $366.15 each (Accounts opened during year, 1,045; closed, 686; increase, 359) Surplus: — a. Guaranty fund {4.92% of deposits; increase during year, none) h. Profit and loss {increase during year, $9,383.10) Current incom e: — Interest . . . . . . . . . . Less current expenses not charged off . . . . Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis $1,595,691 99 78,500 00 32,433 80 $8,999 10 1,475 03 7,524 07 Total Liabilities . . $1,714,149 86 No. BANK COMMISSIONER. 69 Total Expenses for the Year, including State Taxes. State rIAx (Net). Salaries. Rent. Amount paid for $2,205.84 $3,280.00 $300.00 Cost per $1,000 of assets 1.29 1.91 .17 Cost per $1,000 of assets not including State tax and rent . Advertising. Other Expenses. Total. $180.20 $843.30 $6,809.34 .10 .49 3 .96 2 .5 0 Gross income received during the year, $78,140.76. Rates on Investments and Loans (Average on All, 4.86%) Real estate loans (average rate, 5.01 per cent.): 5%, $1,044,907.75; 5A%< $26,000. Personal loans (average rate, 4.84 per cent.): 4 }4,%, $10,000; 4J/^%, $20,000; 5%, $50,587.02; 5A%< $14,000; 6%, $12,776.80. Bonds, stocks, etc. (average rate on amounts invested, 4.53 per cent.): 3A%< $82,000; 4% , $179,500; 4:}^%, $63,000; 5%, $144,900; 6%, $4,000; 7%, $7,000; 8%, $2,500; 10%, $2,000. Number of loans not over $3,000 each, 359, amounting to $471,429.57. 35 real estate loans made during year, amounting to $67,750. Dividends, Deposits and Withdrawals. Ordinary dividends declared during year: Jan., 1915, 2% July, 1915, 2% Number of deposits during year, 9,175, amounting to $28,577 36 28,674 25 398,927 32 Number of withdrawals during year, 4,860, amounting to . Net increase in amount due depositors . . . . . . . , . . . , . $456,178 93 349,240 17 $106,938 76 SCHEDULE OF SECURITIES OWNED. Public Funds, Bonds. Par Value. $10,000 Cranston, R. I., iA>s 5.000 Dayton, 0., 5s 10.000 Detroit, Mich., 4s 5.000 Jamestown, N. Y., 4A s 5.000 Lawrence 4s 5.000 Los Angeles, Cal., 4J^s 5.000 Milwaukee, Wis., 4As 5.000 Minneapolis, Minn., 4s 10.000 Omaha, Neb., 4A& 8.000 Portland, Ore.', 5s 9,0C0 San Francisco, Cal., 5s 10.000 Seattle, Wash., 5s 5.000 Spokane, Wash., 4A& 2,500 E. Bridgewater 4s Par Value. $10,000 Boston & Albany 5s 5.000 Boston & Maine 3J^s 3.000 Boston & Maine 4s 5.000 Boston & Maine 4A& 5.000 Chic., Mil. & St. Paul 5s 15.000 Fitchburg 3)^s 5.000 Fitchburg 5s 10.000 Illinois Central 3J^s 17.000 N. Y. C. & H. R. 3^s 20.000 N. Y., N. H. & H. 3As 47.000 N. Y., N. H. & H. 4s 8.000 Northern Me. Seaport 5s 4.000 Pennsylvania 4As 3.000 Vermont Valley 4A& Street Railway Bonds. Railroad Bonds. $12,000 Atch., Top. & Santa Fe 4s 15.000 Baltimore & Ohio 3As 5.000 Bangor & Aroostook 5s 17.000 Boston & Albany 4s $10,000 Boston Elevated 4s 10.000 Boston Elevated 4A& 17 000 Boston Elevated 5s 23.000 Boston & Northern 4s 1.000 East Middlesex 4s D a t e of E x a m in a t io n , April 12. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Par Value. $3,000 Georgetown, Row. & Ips. 5s 7.000 Glou., Essex & Beverly 5s 17,300 Holyoke 5s 5.000 Lowell, Law. & Hav. 5s 11.000 Springfield 4s 8.000 Spring. & Eastern 5s 5.000 West End 5s 14.000 Worcester Consol. 5s 1.000 Worces. & Southbridge 4As 2.000 Woronoco 5s Bank Stocks. Shs. 16 Franklin Co. Tr. Co., Greenfield 20 Hadley Falls Nl. Bk., Holyoke 50 Home Nl. Bk., Holyoke 40 Chapin Nl. Bk., Springfield 25 Chicopee Nl Bk., Springfield 20 Springfield S. D. & T. Co. 70 [Pub. Doc, REPORT OF THE CITIZENS SAVINGS BANK, FALL RIVER. 6 Incorporated October, 1851. J oh n C. M i l n e , President. SOUTH MAIN STREET. Number of corporators, 63; number of trustees, 20. W il l ia m F . W i n t e r , Treasurer. J o sep h D . M i l n e , Clerk of the Corporation. Board of Trustees: J. E . A m io t , H e n k t A s h w o r t h , J. C . B b a d y , W . B . M . C h a c e , J. A . C h a d w ic k , H . II. E a r l , W . E . F a w c e t t , H . F . G r in n e l l , S. W . H a t h a w a y , J. W . H e n r y , P. J. H u r l e y , C. E. M il l s , J. C. M i l n e , J. D . M il n e , J. E . O s b o r n , J. M . Sw i f t , J. T . S w i f t , W . F . T h o m a s , Jr., J o sep h W a t t e r s , W . F . W i n t e r . Board o f Investment: J. C. M i l n e , H. H. E a r l , S. W . H a t h a w a y , J. M . S w i f t , P. J. H u r l e y . Auditing Committee: H. F. G r in n e l l , J o s e p h W a t t e r s , J. C. B r a d y . Deposits draw interest from first M onday of March, June, September and December; dividends are payable the second M onday of June and December. Business hours: 9 a .m . to 2 p .m . STATEMENT OF CONDITION, OCTOBER 30, 1915. Assets. Public funds, bonds and notes . . . . Railroad bonds and notes . . . . . Street railway bonds . . . . . . American Tel. & Tel. Co. bonds . . . . Stocks of banks and trust companies . . . Securities acquired in settlement of indebtedness . 617 loans on real estate (average of each, $¿¡-,496.02) . Less amount due on uncompleted loans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2,783,372 00 . . . 9,325 01 ----------------------101 loans on personal security . . . . . . . . . . Bank building and fixtures (estimated value, $100,000; assessed value, $97,600) . . Real estate b y foreclosure, etc. (assessed value, $14,912) . . . . . . Deposits in national banks or trust companies . . . . . . . Cash and cash items . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Total Assets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $251,706 00 2,115,277 50 80,000 00 106,538 50 278,002 50 4,140 00 2,774,046 920,226 75,000 8,728 180,857 13,304 99 22 00 13 36 15 $6,807,827 35 Liabilities. Due depositors on 10,368 accounts, averaging $583.49 each . . . . . (Accounts opened during year, 1,355; closed, 1,165; increase, 190) Surplus: — a. Guaranty fund (4-94% of deposits; increase during year, $7,927.11) . b. Profit and loss (increase during year, $62,860.25) . . . . . . Current income: — Interest . . . . . . . . . . $151,976 64 Less current expenses not charged off . . . . 7,384 77 299,134 74 269,962 60 144,591 43,378 152 936 Unearned discount and interest Suspense account Due on foreclosure sale Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis $6,049,671 29 Total Liabilities . 87 12 00 73 . §6,807,827 35 71 BANK COMMISSIONER No. 8.' Total Expenses for the Year, including State Taxes. State Tax (Net). Salaries. Rent. Amount paid for $12,745.03 $13,200.18 $3,000.00 Cost per $1,000 of assets 1.87 1.94 .44 Cost per $1,000 of assets not including State tax and rent . Advertising. Other Expenses. Total. $163.68 $1,900.57 $31,009.46 .02 .28 4 .5 5 ................................................................... 2 .24 Gross income received during the year, $351,740.81. Rates on Investments and Loans (Average on All, 5.28%). Real estate loans (average rate, 5.11 per cent.): 4)4% , $269,500; 4 ^ % , $95,500; 5%, $1,541,259.99; 5)4% , $777,982; 6%, $89,805. Personal loans (average rate, 4.69 per cen t.): 4%, $5,000; 4)4% , $5,000; 4)4% , $584,000; 454%, $15,000; 5%, $279,891.22; 5)4% , $11,735; 6%, $19,600. Bonds, stocks, etc. (average rate on amounts invested, 5.63 per cent.): 3)4%, $10,000; 3)4% , $10,000; 4% , $287,000; 4 M % , S2.900; 4)4% , $192,000; 4M % , 810,000; 5%, $927,000; 5)4% , $31,400; 6%, $1,103,100; 7%, $208,500; 8%, $58,300; 10%, $12,900; 16%, $22,300. Number of loans not over $3,000 each, 364, amounting to $581,479. 94 real estate loans made during year, amounting to $447,250. Dividends, Deposits and Withdrawals. Ordinary dividends declared during year: D ec., 1914, 2% June, 1915, 2 % Number of deposits during year, 9,371, amounting to . . . . . . $113,058 80 .......................................... 114,916 66 . . . . 941,243 77 Number of withdrawals during year, 9,116, amounting to N et increase in amount due depositors . . . . . . . . . . . . $1,169,219 23 935,136 04 . $234,083 19 SCHEDULE OF SECURITIES OWNED. Public Funds, Bonds. Par Value. $20,000 Massachusetts 4s 70.000 Boston 4s 10.000 Chicago, 111., 4s 10.000 Cleveland, 0., 5s 20.000 Des Moines, Iowa, 5s 10.000 Loraine, 0., 5% 10.000 Minneapolis, Minn., 4)4s 10.000 Newark, N. J., 4)4s 15.000 New Bedford 5s 10.000 Oakland, Cal., 4)4s 5.000 Oakland, Cal., 5s 2.000 Oakland, Cal., 5)4s 10.000 Portland, Ore., 4)4s 15.000 Salem 4s 10.000 St. Paul, Minn., 4)4s Public Funds, Notes. $10,000 Newton 3)4s 10.000 Quincy 3)4s 1.000 Carver 4s 1.000 Chicopee 4s 2,900 Norwood 4)4s Railroad Bonds. Par Value. $35,000 Bangor & Aroostook 5s 10.000 Boston & Albany 5s 11.000 Cedar Rapids & Mo. R. 7s D a tes o f Par Value. $10,000 Chic., Mil. & St. Paul 5s 5.000 Chic., Mil. & St. Paul 6s 26.000 Chic. & North. 5s 168.000 Chic. & North. 6s 119.000 Cleveland & Pitts. 4J4s 2.000 Dakota & Gt. Southern 5s 15.000 Dela. & Hudson Canal 7s 160.000 Fre., Elkhorn & Mo. V. 6s 75.000 Housatonic 5s 36.000 Illinois Central 4s 37.000 Kal., Allegan. & G. R. 5s 80.000 Louisville & Nashville 5s 100.000 Louisville & Nashville 6s 68.000 Mahoning Coal 5s 100.000 Michigan Central 5s 136.000 Mil., L. S. & West. 5s 126.000 Mil., L. S. & West. 6s 15.000 M., St. P. & Sit. Ste. M. 4s 100.000 Mont. Cent. 6s 20.000 New England 5s 85.000 N. Y., N. H. & H. 6s 130.000 N. Y., Lack. & West. 6s 75.000 No. Maine Seaport 5s 5.000 Norfolk & Western 6s 22,500 Northwestern Union 7s 5.000 Ohio River 5s 18.000 P., Great Falls & Con. 4)4s 106.000 St. J. & L. C. 5s 17.000 St. Paul & Duluth 5s 42.000 St. P. & Northern Pac. 6s E x a m in a t io n , December 21-23. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Par Value. $96,000 St. Paul, Minn. & Man. 6s 10.000 St. P. & Sioux City 6s 12.000 Troy & Boston 7s 41.000 Winona & St. Peter 7s Street Railway Bonds. $15,000 Boston Elevated 4)4s 30.000 Boston Elevated 5s 20.000 Lynn & Boston 5s 15.000 West End 5s Bank Stocks. Shs. 6 Commonwealth Tr. Co., Boston 93 Eliot Nl. Bk., Boston 223 First Nl. Bk., Boston 79 Merchants Nl. Bk., Boston 77 Nl. Bk. of Commerce, Boston 537 Nl. Shawmut Bk., Boston 50 Second Nl. Bk., Boston 255 Fall River Nl. Bk. 506 Metacomet Nl. Bk., Fall River 1,070 Massasoit-Pocasset Nl. Bk., Fall River 40 Union Nl. Bk., Lowell 72 REPORT OF THE [Pub. Doc. CITY SAVINGS BANK OF PITTSFIELD, PITTSFIELD.* 116 NORTH STREET. Incorporated April 13, 1893. Number of corporators, 49; number of trustees, 19. F r a n c is W . R o c k w e l l , President. H . C a l v in F o r D, Treasurer. J. F r e d K a h l , Clerk of the Corporation. Board of Trustees: C . F. C o o g a n , Z. M . C r a n e , A . W . E a t o n , B. M . E n g l a n d , D . J. G im l ic h , J o seph I n s u l l , J. F. K a h l , K . B. IMi l l e r , A . A . M j l l s , G . tV. B e a s e , H . R . P e ir s o n , A . \Y P l u m b , L. G. R o b b in s , F. W . R o c k w e l l , G. H. S o u t h a r d , Jr., G. H. T u c k e r , H. B. W e l l in g ton , C . H . W il s o n , E . P . W oo d . Board of Investment: C. F. C o o g a n , C. H. W il s o n , L. G. R o b b in s , D . J. G im l ic h , G. H. S o u t h a r d , Jr. Auditing Committee: G. W . P e a s e , J. F. K a h l , G. H. S o u t h a r d , Jr. Deposits draw interest from tenth day of January, April, July and October; dividends are payable January 10 and July 10. Business hours; 9 a .m . to 3 p .m .; Saturdays, 9 a .m . to 12 m .; 7 to 9 p .m . STATEMENT OF CONDITION, OCTOBER 30, 1915. Assets. Public funds, bonds and notes . . . . Railroad bonds and notes . . . . . Street railway bonds . . . . . . Boston Terminal C o. bonds . . . . . American Tel. & Tel. Co. bonds . . . . Stocks of banks and trust companies . . . 607 loans on real estate (average of each, $3,603.08) . Less amount due on uncompleted loans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12,200,006 74 12,933 71 31 loans on personal securi t y. . . . . . . Bank building and fixtures (estimated value, $89,260.27; assessed value, $75,000) Deposits in national banks or trust companies . . . . . . . Cash and cash items . . . . . . . . Total Assets $47,368 473,854 193,702 25,000 62,748 112,515 13 50 06 00 54 00 2,187,073 76,173 89,260 93,710 10,068 03 00 27 03 63 . $3,371,473 19 Liabilities. Due depositors on 10,164 accounts, averaging $320.54 each . . {Accounts opened during year, 2,208; closed, 1,986; increase, 222) Surplus: — a. Guaranty fund {2.23% of deposits; increase during year, $8,200) b. Profit and loss {increase during year, $5,520.27) . . . . Current income: — Interest account, rent account, etc. . . . . . . Less current expenses, etc., not charged off . . . Unearned discount . . . . . . . . . . . . 72,600 00 31,714 90 $13,767 60 4,835 68 8,931 92 210 13 . Total Liabilities $3,258,016 24 . . . . . $3,371,473 19 * Statements of Life Insurance Departments appear on pages immediately following page 393. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis No. 8. BANK COMMISSIONER. 73 Total Expenses for the Year, including State Taxes. State Tax (Net). Salaries. Rent. Advertising. Other Expenses. Total. A m ount paid for $3,926.64 $7,381.29 $3,000.00 $471.09 $3,802.81 $18,581.83 ■Cost per $1,000 of assets 1.16 2 .19 .89 .14 1.12 5 .5 0 C ost per $1,000 of assets not including State tax and rent 3 .4 5 Gross income received during the year, $156,839.40. Rates on Investments and Loans (Average on All, 4.82%). Real estate loans (average rate, 5.04 per cent.): 5%, $2,101,833.03; 5J^%, $550; 6%, $84,690. Personal loans (average rate, 5.37 per cen t.): 4 % % , $5,000; 5%, $16,500; 5/4%, $51,300; 6%, $3,373. Bonds, stocks, etc. (average rate on amounts invested, 4.27 per cent.): 3J^%, $165,000; 4% , $391,000; 4 M % , $24,000; 4)^% , $130,000; 5%, $111,600; 6%, $5,100; 8%, $41,300; 10%, $12,500; 10%%, $2,250; 20%, $500. Number of loans not over $3,000 each, 436, amounting to $683,824.96. 53 real estate loans made during year, amounting to $161,950. Dividends, Deposits and Withdrawals. Ordinary dividends declared during year: Jan., 1915, 2% July, 1915, 2% Number of deposits during year, 18,595, amounting to . . . Number of withdrawals during year, 13,689, amounting to . Net increase in amount due depositors . . . . $58,737 34 60,257 33 829,399 11 . . . . $948,393 78 797,784 90 . . . . $150,608 88 SCHEDULE OF SECURITIES OWNED. Public Funds, Bonds. Par Value. $15,000 Los Angeles, Cal., 4bi>s Public Funds, Notes. $19,000 Pittsfield 4}is 8.000 Pittsfield 5s 5.000 Hinsdale 4)4¡s Railroad Bonds. $10,000 Atch., Top. & San. Fé 4s 27.000 Bangor & Aroostook 5s 43.000 Boston & Albany 4s 5,000 Boston & Maine 3}4a 26.000 Boston & Maine 4s 24.000 Boston & Maine 4Hs 10.000 Boston, R. B. & L. P/is 30.000 C., B. & Q. zy2s 20.000 Chic. & Northwestern 4s Par Value. $4,000 Concord & Montreal 4s 5.000 Dexter & Newport 4s 5.000 Erie & Pittsburgh 3}4a 15.000 Fitchburg 4s 10.000 Fitchburg 4}4a 5.000 Holyoke & Westfield 4J^s 35.000 Illinois Central 3}4s 5.000 Michigan Central 3}4s 25.000 Minn., St. P. & Sit. Ste. M. 5s 10.000 N. Y. C. & H. R. 3}4a 20.000 N. Y., N. H. & H. 3)^8 55.000 N. Y., N. H. & H. 4s 15.000 No. Maine Seaport 5s 25.000 Pennsylvania 4J/i>s 15 000 Penobscot Shore Line 4s 10.000 Peoria & Northwestern 3)4a 10.000 Princeton & Northw. 3b£s 10.000 Sioux City & Pacific 3Hs 5,000 Upper Coos 4J^s D a t e s of E x a m in a t io n a n d A u d it , March 22-27. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Street Railway Bonds. Par Value. $10,000 Boston Elevated 4s 26.000 Boston Elevated 4J^s 100,000 Boston & Northern 4s 6,600 Holyoke 5s 10.000 Hoosac Valley 4s 10.000 Old Colony 4s 10.000 West End 4)4a 30.000 West End 5s Bank Stocks. Shs. 30 Commercial Nl. Bk., Boston 60 Nl. Shawmut Bk., Boston 100 Old Colony Tr. Co., Boston 20 Safety Fund Nl. Bk., Fitchburg 35 Manufacturers Nl. Bk., Lynn 278 Leominster Nl. Bk. 40 No Adams Nl. Bk. 5 Agricultural Nl. Bk.. Pittsfield 10 Third Nl. Bk., Pittsfield 11 Chapin Nl. Bk., Springfield 5 Housatonic Nl. Bk., Stockbridge 30 Waltham Nl. Bk. 74 REPO RT OF THE [Pub. Doc, CITY FIVE CENTS SAVINGS BANK, HAVERHILL. 46-48 WASHINGTON STREET. Incorporated March 31, 1870. Number of corporators, 78; number of trustees, 12. Sy l v a n u s P . G a r d n e r , President. G e o r g e W . N o y e s , TreasurerL e o n a r d H. N o y e s , Clerk of the Corporation. Board of Trustees: C. L . B r ig g s , O. J. C a r l t o n , C. H . C r o y , H . E . G a l e , J. E . G a l e , S. P. G a r d n e r ,. H. H. G il m a n , E . H . H o w e s , P e r l e y L e s l ie , G e o r g e N ic h o l s , 2d, C. A. P in g r e e , P. C. S w e t t . Board o f Investment: S. P . G a r d n e r , J. E . G a l e , G e o r g e N ic h o l s , 2d, P. C. S w e t t , C. L. B r ig g s . Auditing Committee: S. P . G a r d n e r , H. H. G il m a n , C . H. C r o y . Deposits draw interest from first day of March, June, September and December; dividends are pay able first Wednesday of June and December. Business hours: 9 a . m . to 2 p . m . ; Saturdays, 9 a . m . to 12.30 p . m . STATEMENT OF CONDITION, OCTOBER 30, 1915. Assets. Public funds, bonds and notes . . . . Railroad bonds and notes . . . . . Street railway bonds . . . . . . Boston Terminal Co. bonds . . . . . American Tel. & Tel. Co. bonds . . . . Stocks of banks and trust companies 601 loans on real estate (average of each, $2,996.36) . Less amount due on uncompleted loans . . . . 60 00 00 00 25 00 1,800,810 518,800 62,344 3,500 147,447 2,682 00 00 68 00 60 67 $1,810,610 00 9,800 00 37 loans on personal security . . . . Bank building and fixtures (estimated value, $60,000; assessed value, $46,000) Premium account . . . . . . Deposits in national banks or trust companies Cash and cash items . . . . . . Total Assets- $172,495 495,340 130,000 150,000 58,521 47,200 . . . $3,589,141 80 Due depositors on 12,452 accounts, averaging $264.34 each . . . (.Accounts opened during year, 1,522; closed, 1,594; decrease, 72) Surplus: — a. Guaranty fund (4-99% of deposits; increase during year, $2,710) b. Profit and loss (increase during year, $23,610.43) . . . . Current incom e: — Interest . . . . . . . . . . Less current expenses not charged off . . $4,776 87 Less State or local taxes not charged off . . 1,006 76 ----------------------- . . $3,291,617 32 . . 164,285 0087,427 21 Liabilities. 5,783 63 44,765 21 288 17 758 89 Discount Insurance account Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis $50,548 84 Total Liabilities . . $3,589,141 80 75 BANK COMMISSIONER. No. 8. Total Expenses for the Year, includingsState Taxes. Rent. Advertising. State Tax (Net). Salaries. Amount paid for $5,766.10 $8,777.95 $1,500.00 $279.24 Cost per $1,000 of assets 1.61 2.45 .42 .08 Cost per $1,000 of assets not including State tax and rent . Other Expenses. Total. $1,818.73 $18,142.02 .51 5 .07 3.04 Gross income received during the year, $157,848.25. Rates on Investments and Loans (Average on All, 4.71%). Real estate loans (average rate, 5.04 per cent.): 5%, $1,678,520; 5)£% , $88,245; 6%, $34,045. Personal loans (average rate, 4.83 per cent.): 4)4% , $50,000; 4.%%, $25,000; 4)4% , $195,000; 4M % , $113,500; 5%, $40,300; 5)4% , $10,000; 5)4% , $15,000; 6%, $45,000; 6)4% , $25,000. Bonds, stocks, etc. (average rate on amounts invested, 4.08 per cent.): 3)4% , $337,600; 4%, $588,000; 4 )4 % , $84,000; 5%, $10,000; 6%, $5,000; 6)4% , $10,000; 8%, $29,700; 10%, $2,500. Number of loans not over $3,000 each, 445, amounting to $691,640. 89 real estate loans made during year, amounting to $274,375. Dividends, Deposits and Withdrawals. Ordinary dividends declared during year: D ec., 1914, 2% June, 1915, 2% Number of deposits during year, 15,832, amounting to $61,038 46 62,079 09 588,325 59 Number of withdrawals during year, 11,269, amounting to Net increase in amount due depositors . . . . . . . . $711,443 14 606,795 83 . . . . $104,647 31 SCHEDULE OF SECURITIES OWNED. Public Funds, Bonds. Par Value. $25,000 Massachusetts 3J4s 60.000 Boston 4s 12.000 Chicopee 4s 15.000 Fall River 4s 11.000 Haverhill 4s 10.000 Indianapolis, Ind., 4s 14.000 Newton 4s 10.000 North Adams 4)4s 2,000 Danvers 4s Public Funds, Notes. $2,600 Groveland 3)4s 7.000 Groveland 4s 4.000 Groveland 4)4s Railroad Bonds. Par Value. $10,000 Bennington & Rutland 4)4s 25.000 Boston & Albany 4s 75.000 Boston & Maine 4s 10.000 Boston & Maine 4)4s 20.000 C., B. & Q. 4s 25.000 Chic. & Northwestern 4s 25.000 Cleveland & Pitts. 3)4s 22.000 Fitchburg 4s 60.000 Illinois Central 3)£s 5.000 Minn. & Iowa 3)^s 50.000 N. Y. C. & H. R. 3)£s 85.000 N. Y., N. H. & H. 4s 40.000 Old Colony 4s 5.000 Pitts., Va. & Charleston 4s 10.000 St. J. & L. C. 5s . 20.000 Sioux City & Pac. 3Hs 15.000 Upper Coos 4s D a t e s op E x a m in a t io n , February 15, 16. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Street Railway Bonds. Par Value. $10,000 Boston Elevated 4s 15.000 Boston Elevated 4)£s 25.000 Springfield 4s 45.000 West End 4s 10.000 West End 4)^s 25.000 Worcester Consolidated 4)£s Bank Stocks. Shs. 25 Merchants Nl. Bk., Boston 9 Nl. Bk. of Commerce, Boston 50 Nl. Shawmut Bk., Boston 132 First Nl. Bk., Haverhill 68 Haverhill Nl. Bk. 50 Haverhill Trust Co. 100 Merchants Nl. Bk., Haverhill 47 Merrimack Nl. Bk., Haverhill [Pub. Doc. REPORT OF THE 76 CITY INSTITUTION FOR SAVINGS, LOWELL. 174 CENTRAL STREET. Incorporated April 12, 1837. Number of corporators, 37; number of trustees, 12. C h a r l e s P . C o n a n t , President. F r a n k W . H u r d , Treasurer. G e o r g e E. P e r l e y , Clerk of the Corporation. Board of Trustees: W . P . B u t t r ic k , F r a n k C o b u r n , C. P . C o n a n t , J. G. H i l l , C. E. H o x i e , L e o n a r d H u n t r e s s , F. W . H u r d , C. F. K e y e s , W . E. L iv in g s t o n , E . G. M o r r is o n , J o s e p h P e a b o d y , A. D . S a r g e n t . Board of Investment: C . P . C o n a n t , F r a n k C o b u r n , J. G . H i l l , L e o n a r d H u n t r e s s , J o seph P e a b o d y . Auditing Committee: C. P. C o n a n t , W . P. B u t t r ic k , A . D . S a r g e n t . Deposits draw interest from second Saturday in January, April, July and October; dividends are payable second Saturday of January and July. Business hours; 9 a . m . t o lp .M .; also Saturdays, 7 to 9 p . m . STATEMENT OF CONDITION, OCTOBER 30, 1915. Assets. Public funds, bonds and notes . Railroad bonds and notes . Street railway bonds . . . . . . American Tel. & Tel. Co. bonds . . . . Stocks of banks and trust companies Securities acquired in settlement of indebtedness 667 loans on real estate (average of each, 88,172.26) . Less amount due on uncompleted loans . 66 loans on personal security . . . . Furniture and fixtures . . . . . . Taxes, insurance, etc., paid on mortgaged properties Suspense account . . Real estate taken for indebtedness Deposits in national banks or trust companies Cash and cash items . . Total Assets $554,000 2,146,667 733,843 181,923 270,150 5,616 00 50 75 75 00 59 5,450,897 1,257,286 885 1,342 2,547 1,138 328,459 2,008 05 80 00 31 32 56 58 54 05 00 $10,936,766 75 Liabilities. Due depositors on 20,726 accounts, averaging $478.28 each (Accounts opened during year, 2,268; closed, 1,868; increase, 895) Surplus: — a. Guaranty fund (5.04% o f deposits; increase during year, $17,000) b. Profit and loss (increase during year, $27,971.94) . Current income: — Interest . . . . . . . . . . Unearned discount . . . . . . . . . Suspense account . . . . . . . . . Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Total Liabilities . $9,912,813 91 500,000 00 350,031 83 145,388 17 750 00 27,782 84 . $10,936,766 75 77 BANK COMMISSIONER. No. 8.] Total Expenses for the Year, including State Taxes. State Tax (Net). Salaries. Rent. Amount paid for $18,971.76 $17,816.72 $1,675.00 Cost per $1,000 of assets 1.73 1 .63 .15 Cost per $1,000 of assets not including State tax and rent . Advertising. Other Expenses. Total. $468.96 $5,339.01 $44,271.45 .04 .49 4 .0 4 .......................................... 2.16 Gross income received during the year, $500,291.03. Rates on Investments and Loans (Average on All, 4.67%). Real estate loans (average rate, 4.81 per cent.): 4%, $725,000; 4J^%, $498,202; 4 M %. $303,000; 5%, $3,914,881.65; 5 ^ % , $8,175; 6%, $1,638.40. Personal loans (average rate, 5 per cen t.); 4%, $40,376.78; 4J^%, $9,435.95; 4 % % , $1,500; 5%, $1,147,662.19; 5 ^ % , $32,906.88; 6%, $25,405. Bonds, stocks, etc. (average rate on amounts invested, 4.38 per cent.): 3}^% , $451,000; 3.24%, $30,525; 4%, $2,533,000; 4M % . $50,000; 4 $ 1 9 5 , 0 0 0 ; 5%, $548,500; 6%, $6,700; 8%, $129,300; 12%, $26,500. Number of loans not over $3,000 each, 437, amounting to $597,528.65. 123 real estate loans made during year, amounting to $863,287. Dividends, Deposits and Withdrawals. Ordinary dividends declared during year: Jan., 1915, 2% July, 1915, 2 % Number of deposits during year, 19,396, amounting to . . . . . . .......................................... . . . . $186,755 80 189,358 83 1,207,468 53 $1,583,583 16 1,278,047 74 Number of withdrawals during year, 18,826, amounting to $305,535 42 Net increase in amount due depositors SCHEDULE OF SECURITIES OWNED. Public Funds, Bonds. Par Value. $220,000 Boston 4s 50.000 Boston 4J4s 40.000 Fall River 4s 100.000 Lawrence 4s 70.000 Lynn 4s 35.000 Omaha, Neb., 4J^s 39.000 Cranston, R. I., 4s Railroad Bonds. $25,000 Atch., Top. & Santa Fe 4s 200.000 Boston & Albany 3J^s 25.000 Boston & Albany 4s 30.000 Boston & Albany 5s 59.000 Boston & Lowell 4s 100.000 Boston & Maine 3}4s 30.000 Boston & Maine 4s 60.000 Boston & Maine 4J^s 100.000 C., B. & Q. 4s 100.000 Chic., Mil. & St. Paul 5s 26.000 Chicago & North. 3J^s Par Value. $90,000 Chicago & North. 4s 100.000 Chic., R. I. & Pac. 4s 200.000 Concord & Montreal 4s 50.000 Conn. & Pass. Rivers 4s 166.000 Fitchburg 5s 100.000 Kal., Alleg. & G. Rap. 5s 25.000 N. Y. C. & H. R. 4s 125.000 N. Y., N. H. & H. 3J^s 200.000 N. Y., N. H. & H. 4s 100.000 Norwich & Worcester 4s 5,000 Old Colony 4s 160.000 Portland Terminal Co. 4s 100.000 Sullivan Co. 4s Street Railway Bonds. $225,000 Boston Elevated 4s 50.000 Boston Elevated 4)^s 100,000 Boston & Northern 4s 50.000 Lynn & Boston 5s 75.000 Old Colony 4s D a t e s of E x a m in a t io n , September 7-11 inclusive. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Par Value. $50,000 Springfield 4s 150,000 West End 4s 50,000 Worcester Con. 4)^s Bank Stocks. Shs. 124 Boylston Nl. Bk., Boston 53 Fourth-Atlantic Nl. Bk., Boston 150 Nl. Bk. of Commerce, Boston 1,000 Nl. Shawmut Bk., Boston 36 Nl. Union Bk., Boston 40 Old Boston Nl. Bk., Boston 265 Second Nl. Bk., Boston 85 Webster & Atlas Nl. Bk., Boston 19 Bay State Nl. Bk., Lawrence 710 Appleton Nl. Bk., Lowell 51 Old Lowell Nl. Bk., Lowell 100 Union Nl. Bk., Lowell 100 Wamesit Nl. Bk., Lowell 25 First Nl. Bk., Marlborough 42 Fram. Nl. Bk., So. Framingham 78 [Pub. Doc. REPO RT OF THE CLINTON SAVINGS BANK, CLINTON. 79 HIGH STREET. Incorporated M ay 15, 1851. Number of corporators, 32; number of trustees, 16. E l i F o b b e s , President. C. L. S. H a m m o n d , Treasurer. W il l ia m H a m il t o n , Clerk of the Corporation. Board of Trustees: W . L. B a n c r o f t , W . P. B o w e r s , G. A . B r o w n , C. W . F i e l d , E l i F o r b e s , J. W . F o r r e s t e r , E . S. F u l l e r , W . H . G i b b s , J. J. G o o d w in , W il l ia m H a m il t o n , C. L. S. H a m m o n d , J. A . M c Q u a id , G . F . M o r s e , G . P. T a y l o r , B a y a r d T h a y e r , J. E . T h a y e r . Board o f Investment: E l i F o r b e s , G . P. T a y l o r , J. E . T h a y e r , E . S. F u l l e r , W . P. B o w e r s . Auditing Committee: G. F. M o r s e , G. A. B r o w n , J. A. M c Q u a id . Deposits draw interest from second M onday of January, April, July and October; dividends are pay able the second M onday of April and October. Business hours: 9 a . m . to 12 m .; 1 to 3 p . m .; Saturdays, 9 a . m . to 1 p .m . STATEMENT OF CONDITION, OCTOBER 30, 1915. Assets. Public funds, bonds and notes . . . . . Railroad bonds and notes . . . . . . Street railway bonds . . . . . . . Boston Terminal C o. bonds . . . . . . American Tel. & Tel. Co. bonds . . . . . Stocks of banks and trust companies . . . . Securities acquired in settlement of indebtedness . . 477 loans on real estate (average of each, $2,250.33) . . 63 loans on personal security . . . . . Furniture and fixtures . . . . . . . Real estate b y foreclosure, etc. (assessed value, $5,750) Taxes, insurance, etc., paid on mortgaged properties Premium account . . . . . . . Deposits in national banks or trust companies . . Cash and cash items . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $668,205 501,243 92,000 67,200 55,655 49,500 14,926 1,073,405 971,801 1,000 5,113 1,010 10,000 125,827 16,095 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 05 75 00 00 00 00 93 95 50 00 08 72 00 54 67 $3,652,985 19 Total Assets Liabilities. Due depositors on 8,287 accounts, averaging $415.06 each (Accounts opened during year, 826; closed, 786; increase, 90) Surplus: — a. Guaranty fund (4-96% of deposits; increase during year, $3,236) b. Profit and loss (increase during year, $4,168.46) Current income: — Interest . . . . . . . . . . Less current expenses not charged off . . . . Suspense account . Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis . . . . . . . Total Liabilities . . $3,439,576 82 170,736 00 36,991 95 $5,940 02 759 60 5,180 42 500 00 . $3,652,985 19 79 BANK COMMISSIONER. No. Total Expenses for the Year, including' State Taxes. State Tax (Net). Salaries. Rent. Am ount paid for $9,122.12 $6,525.00 $1,000.00 C ost per $1,000 of assets 2 .5 0 1.78 .27 C ost per $1,000 of assets not including State tax and rent . Total. Advertising. Other Expenses. $18,354.26 $11.80 $1,695.34 5.01 .46 2 .2 4 Gross income received during the year, $157,806.60. Rates on Investments and Loans (Average on All, 4.55%). Real estate loans (average rate, 5.01 per cent.): 4%, $17,125; 4M % . $3,015; 5%, $1,027,525.95; 6%, $25,740. Personal loans (average rate, 4.72 per cent.): 4%, $3,250; 4 M%> $100,000; 4M % i $531,000; 4M % , $150,000; 5%, $69,251.50; 5M % . $25,000; 6%, $43,300; 6 M % . $50,000. • Bonds, stocks, etc. (average rate on amounts invested, 4.09 per cent.): 3 $ 1 7 , 0 0 0 ; 3M%> $249,000; 4%, $805,500; 4M % , $11,000; 4M%, $209,100; 5%, $147,400; 6%, $4,000; 7%, $10,500. Number of loans not over $3,000 each, 403, amounting to $460,986.46. 43 real estate loans made during year, amounting to $99,085. Dividends, Deposits and Withdrawals. Ordinary dividends declared during year: April, 1915, 2% Oct., 1915, 2 % Number of deposits during year, 6,985, amounting to . . Number of withdrawals during year, 6,056, amounting to Net increase in amount due depositors . . . . . . . . .......................................... . . . . . . . . . . . $64,427 31 65,513 63 460,728 20 . $590,669 14 495,119 72 . $95,549 42 SCHEDULE OF SECURITIES OWNED. Public Funds, Bonds. Par Value. $10,000 California 4s 25.000 Massachusetts 4s 10.000 New York State 4Ms 20.000 Essex Co. 4s 5.000 Boston 3Ms 54.000 Boston 4s 10.000 Buffalo, N. Y., 4Ms 20.000 Cambridge 4s 29.000 Chicago, 111., 4s 25.000 Cleveland, 0., 4Ms 5.000 Cleveland, 0., 5s 5.000 Everett 4Ms 20.000 Fall River 3Ms 26.000 Fall River 4s 4.000 Gloucester 4Ms 20.000 Hartford, Conn., 4His 10.000 Holyoke 4Ms 5.000 Los Angeles, Cal., 4His 10.000 Lowell 4s 11.000 Lynn 4J|s 11.000 New Bedford 4s 22.000 New Bedford 4Ms 5.000 Newburyport 3Ms 20.000 Pittsfield 4s 5.000 Rockville, Conn., 4s 5.000 Saginaw, Mich., 4s 20.000 Seattle, Wash., 5s 3.000 Syracuse, N. Y., 4s 15.000 Wilkes-Barre, Pa., 4His 15.000 Woonsocket, R. I., 4Ms Par Value. $10,000 Worcester 4s 10.000 Athol 4s 15.000 Belmont 4s 20.000 Brookline 4s 8.000 Clinton 3His 28.000 Clinton 4s 10.000 Framingham 4s 5.000 Warwick, R. I., 4His 15.000 Watertown 4s 2.500 Watertown 4Ms 20.000 Kennebec, Me. (W. D.), 3Ms 5.000 Mansfield (W. D.), 4s Public Funds, Notes. $2,000 Barnstable Co. 3Ms 10.000 Bourne 3Ms 44.000 Lancaster 4s 4.500 Sterling 4s 5,600 Sterling 4Ms 5,400 Sterling 5s 5.000 Yarmouth 3Ms Railroad Bonds. $4,000 Bangor & Aroostook 5s 18.000 Boston & Albany 3Ms 45.000 Boston & Albany 4s 10.000 Boston & Albany 5s 10.000 Boston & Lowell 4Ms 65.000 Boston & Maine 4s 20.000 C., B. & Q. 3Ms D a te s of E x a m in a t io n , August 4 -6 inclusive. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Par Value. $10,000 Chic., Mil. & St. Paul 5s 10.000 Chic. & North. 3Ms 53.000 Fitchburg 4s 5.000 Fitchburg 4Ms 13.000 Illinois Central 3Ms 10.000 Illinois Central 4s 25.000 L. S. & Mich. South. 3Ms 15.000 Michigan Central 3Ms 15.000 Mil., L. S. & W. 5s 20.000 N. Y. C. & H. R. 3Ms 5.000 N. Y , N. H. & H. 3Ms 60.000 N. Y., N. H. & H. 4s 61.000 Old Colony 4s 20.000 Portland Terminal Co. 4s 10.000 Upper Coos 4Ms Street Railway Bonds. $32,000 Boston Elevated 4s 20.000 Boston Elevated 4Ms 10.000 Boston Elevated 5s 10.000 West End 4Ms 20.000 West End 5s Bank Stocks. Shs. 55 Webster & Atlas Nl. Bk., Boston 350 First Nl. Bk., Clinton 40 Fitchburg Bank and Trust Co. 50 First Nl. Bk., New Bedford 80 REPORT OF THE [Pub. Doc. COHASSET SAVINGS BANK, COHASSET. CORNER ELM AND BROOK STREETS. Incorporated February 28, 1845. Number of corporators, 32; number of trustees, 14. C h a r l e s W . G a m m o n s , President. C a l e b L o t h r o p , Treasurer. R u ss e l l B . T o w e r , Clerk of the Corporation. Board of Trustees: P h il a n d e r B a t e s , H . L. B r o w n , G. W . C o l l ie r , C . W . G a m m o n s , D . W . G il b e r t , O. H . H o w e , C a l e b L o t h r o p , E d w a r d N ic h o l s , S. R. N ic h o l s , F. R . P e q r a m , D . N . T o w e r , N . B. T ow er, R. B . T ow er, E . P . W entw orth. Board of Investment: C. W . G a m m o n s , O. H . H o w e , D . N . T o w e r , H. L. B r o w n . Auditing Committee: G. W . C o l l ie r , F. R . P e g r a m , R . B. T o w e r . Deposits draw interest from first Tuesday of January, April, July and October; dividends are pay able the W ednesday after the first Tuesday of January and July. Business hours: 8.30 a .m . to 12 m .; 1 to 4 p .m .; Saturdays, 8.30 a .m . to 12 m . STATEMENT OF CONDITION, OCTOBER 30, 1915. Assets. Public funds, bonds and notes . . . . . Railroad bonds and notes . . . . . . Street railway bonds . . . . . . . American Tel. & Tel. Co. bonds . . . . . Securities acquired in settlement of indebtedness 374 loans on real estate (average of each, $2,158.05) . Less amount due on uncompleted loans . . . . 21 loans on personal security . . . . Bank building and fixtures (estimated value, $15,000; Taxes, insurance, etc., paid on mortgaged properties Suspense account . . . . . . Revenue stamps . . . . . . . Deposits in national banks or trust companies Cash and cash items . . . . . . . . . . . . assessed value, $11,000) . . . . 00 75 50 60 00 807,109 122,700 10,000 96 1 23 20,004 3,856 67 00 00 98 32 52 90 93 $812,809 67 5,700 00 . . . $30,075 179,048 97,407 23,102 1 $1,293,428 17 Total Assets Liabilities. Due depositors on 2,724 accounts, averaging $427.84 each (Accounts opened during year, 257; closed, 201; increase, 56) Surplus: — a. Guaranty fund (4.92% of deposits; increase during year, $982.79) h. Profit and loss (increase during year, $11,398.85) . Current income: — Interest and rent accounts . . . . . . . Less current expenses not charged off . . . . Unearned discount . Due on foreclosure sale Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Total Liabilities . . . $1,165,446 76 57,315 68 51,584 83 $20,257 34 1,568 22 18,689 12 377 78 14 00 . $1,293,428 17 81 BANK COMMISSIONER. No. Total Expenses for the Year, including State Taxes. State Tax (Net). Salaries. Rent. Amount paid for $1,709.96 $2,715.00 $250.00 Cost per $1,000 of assets 1.32 2 .1 0 .20 Cost per $1,000 of assets not including State tax and rent . Advertising. Other Expenses. Total. *5,703.44 $991.48 $37.00 4 .4 2 .77 .03 2 .9 0 Gross income received during the year, $61,814. Rates on Investments and Loans (Average on All, 4.96%). Real estate loans (average rate, 5.23 per cent.): 4J^%, $5,000; 5%, $568,428; 5H%> $82,395.03; 6% , $151,286.64. Personal loans (average rate, 5.14 per cent.): 4 )^ % , $35,000; 5%, $40,500; 5J^%, $21,000; 5 M % , $10,000; 6%, $16,200. Bonds, stocks, etc. (average rate on amounts invested, 4.21 per cent.): 3J^%, $71,000; 4%, $190,000; 4 H % , $22,000; 5%, $56,000. Number of loans not over $3,000 each, 297, amounting to $352,765.67. 53 real estate loans made during year, amounting to $85,175. Dividends, Deposits and Withdrawals. $22,063 25 22,217 90 146,712 46 Ordinary dividends declared during year: Jan., 1915, 2% July, 1915, 2% Number of deposits during year, 2,424, amounting to Number of withdrawals during year, 2,246, amounting to Net increase in amount due depositors . . . . . . . . . . . . $190,993 61 170,613 36 . $20,380 25 SCHEDULE OF SECURITIES OWNED. Public Funds, Bonds. Par Value. $15,000 Massachusetts 4s 5,000 Omaha, Neb., 4)^s Public Funds, Notes. $10,000 Agawam 4s Railroad Bonds. $10,000 Ateh., Top. & Santa Fe 4s 10.000 Baltimore & Ohio 3}4s 10.000 Bangor & Aroostook 5s 15.000 Boston & Albany 5s Street Railway Bonds. Par Value. $4,000 Boston & Lowell 3Hs Par Value. 25.000 G , B. & Q. 3V2b $25,000 Boston Elevated 4s 2.000 Chic., Mil. & St. Paul 4}^s 20.000 Boston & Northern 4s 5.000 Conn. & Pass. Rivers 4s 4.000 Boston & Revere 5s 20.000 Fitchburg 4s 5.000 Holyoke 5s 17.000 Illinois Central 3}4a 1.000 N. Bed., Middle. & Brock. 5s 5.000 Minn., St. P. & Sit. Ste. M. 5s 10.000 Old Colony 4s 10.000 N. Y., N. H. & H. 3Hs 10.000 Springfield 4s 10.000 N. Y., N. H. & H. 4s 1.000 Uxbridge & Blackstone 5s 15.000 North. Me. Seaport 5s 20.000 West End 4s 10.000 Northern Pacific 4)^s 5.000 Worcester & Southbridge 4}^s 10.000 Portland Terminal Co. 4s 5.000 Washington Co. 3J^s D a t e s of E x a m in a t io n a n d A u d it , M ay 24-28 inclusive. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 82 REPO RT OF THE [Pub. Doc. COLUMBUS SAVINGS BANK, BOSTON. 417 HANOVER STREET. Incorporated March 25, 1908. Number of corporators, 18; number of trustees, 11. J oh n F. S u l l iv a n , President. P. R o b e r t G r e e n e , Treasurer. F l o r a V . F o p ia n o , Clerk of the Corporation. Board of Trustees: A. A. B a d a r a c c o , L o u is B ig g i , L. J. C o s t a , Jr., H. S. F it z g e r a l d , J. J. F l y n n , P. R . G r e e n e , R. S. H o f f m a n , J. R . M u r p h y , A . C . Q u in c y , H. E . St o c k b r id g e , J. F . S u l l iv a n . Board of Investment: J. F . S u l l iv a n , J. R . M u r p h y , J. J. F l y n n , A . A . B a d a r a c c o , L o u is B ig g i . Auditing Committee: L . J. C o s t a , Jr., H. E . S t o c k b r id g e , A . C . Q u in c y . Deposits draw interest from first day of February, M ay, August and Novem ber; dividends are pay able M ay 1 and N ovember 1. Business hours: 9 a . m . to 3 p . m . ; also M ondays and Saturdays, for deposits only, 6 to 8 p . m . STATEMENT OF CONDITION, OCTOBER 30, 1915. Assets. Public funds, bonds and notes . . . . 27 loans on real estate (average of each, $2,159.26) 2 loans on personal security . . . . Deposits in national banks or trust companies Cash . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • $1,875 58,300 7,500 15,065 2,890 00 00 00 38 52 Total A s s e t s .......................................$85,630 90 Liabilities. Due depositors on 299 accounts, averaging $281.08 each . (Accounts opened during year, 83; closed, 55; increase, 28) Surplus: — a. Guaranty fund {.81% of deposits; increase during year, $203) . b. Profit and loss {increase during year, $450.38) $84,044 07 678 15 908 68 Total L iabilities.......................................$85,630 90 Total Expenses for the Year, including State Taxes. State-Tax (Net). Salaries. Rent. Amount paid for $94.75 Cost per $1,000 of assets 1.11 Cost per $1,000 of assets not including State tax and rent . Gross income received during the year, $3,664.01. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Advertising. Other Expenses. $55.55 $53.75 .65 .64 Total. $204.05 2 .4 0 1.29 S3 BANK COMMISSIONER. No. 8.' Rates on Investments and Loans (Average on All, 5.10%). Real estate loans (average rate, 5.16 per cent.): 5%, $48,500; 5Ma%. $2,600; 6%, $6,600; 7%, $600. Personal loans (average rate, 5 per cent.): 5%, $7,500. Bonds, stocks, etc. (average rate on amounts invested, 3.73 per cen t.): 3M % . $2,000. Number of loans not over $3,000 each, 20, amounting to $31,300. 2 real estate loans made during year, amounting to $1,200. Dividends, Deposits and Withdrawals. Ordinary dividends declared during year: April, 1915, 2% Oct., 1915, 2 % Number of deposits during year, 743, amounting to . . . . . . ........................................... . . . . . $44,422 12 38,317 12 Number of withdrawals during year, 511, amounting to Net increase in amount due depositors . . . . . . SCHEDULE OF SECURITIES OWNED. Public Funds, Bonds. Par Value. $1,000 Boston 3Mis 1,000 Newton 3Ms D a t e of E x a m in a t io n , February 12. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis $1,384 09 1.428 74 41,609 29 . . $6,105 00 84 REPO RT OF THE [Pub. Doc, COMMONWEALTH SAVINGS BANK, LYNN. 325 UNION STREET. Incorporated M arch 28, 1900. Number of corporators, 37; number of trustees, 18. J o sep h G . P i n k h a m , President. W il l ia m M . B a b n e y , Treasurer. W il l ia m M . N y e , Clerk o f the Corporation. Board of Trustees: G . H . A l l e n , C. N . B a r n e y , W . M . B a r n e y , M . V. B r e s n a h a n , E. E. B o y e r , T h o m a s C a m p b e l l , 2 d , F . J. F a u l k n e r , C. L . G r e e n , J. W . H a r d i n g , F r a n k H i l l i a r d , F . N . H o y t , JV. M . L i b b e y , W . S. L i b b e y , W . B . L i t t l e f i e l d , P . B . M a g r a n e , W . M . N y e , J. G . P in k h a m , G . T . T il l . Board of Investment: W . M . L i b b e y , T h o m a s C a m p b e l l , 2d , W . M . B a r n e y . Auditing Committee: W . M . L i b b e y , F. N . H o y t , J. W . H a r d in g . Deposits draw interest from first W ednesday of March, June, September and December; dividends are payable the day following the first W ednesday of June and December. Business hours: 9 a .m . to 1 p .m .; also, Saturdays, 3 to 6 p .m . STATEMENT OF CONDITION, OCTOBER 30, 1915. Assets. Public funds, bonds and notes Railroad bonds and notes . . . . Street railway bonds . . . . . American Tel. & Tel. Co. bonds Stocks of banks and trust companies 226 loans on real estate (average of each, $3,565.1, Less amount due on uncompleted loans . $50,860 108,432 29,000 22,358 5,100 00 50 00 75 00 805,786 179,916 800 6,321 299 5,837 9,206 3,160 36 88 00 80 88 99 78 81 $807,886 36 2,100 00 71 loans on personal security . . . . Furniture and fixtures . . . . . . Real estate b y foreclosure, etc. (assessed value, $3,750) Taxes, insurance, etc., paid on mortgaged properties Premium account . . . . . . Deposits in national banks or trust companies . . . . . . . . Cash . Total A s s e t s .......................................$1,227,081 75 Liabilities. Due depositors on 2,884 accounts, averaging $412.18 each (Accounts opened during year, 346; closed, 358; decrease, 12) Surplus: — a. Guaranty fund (2.49% of deposits; increase during year, $3,600) b. Profit and loss (increase during year, $928.54) Current incom e: — Interest . . . . . . . . . . Less current expenses not charged off . . . . Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis . $1,188,720 83 29,600 00 3,337 59 $8,159 52 2,736 19 5,423 33 Total Liabilities . . $1,227,081 75 85 BANK COMMISSIONER. No. 8.] Total Expenses for the Year, including State Taxes. State Tax (Net). Salaries. Kent. Advertising. Other Expenses. Total. Amount paid for $1,545.83 $3,670.63 $1,363.41 $581.14 $1,035.73 $8,196. *4 C ost per $1,000 of assets 1.26 2 .9 9 1.11 .47 .84 ' 6 .67 Cost per $1,000 of assets not including State tax and r e n t ..................................................... 4 .3 0 Gross income received during the year, $59,385.20. Rates on Investments and Loans (Average on All, 5.02%). Real estate loans (average rate, 5.24 per cent.): 5%, $453,851.36; 5}4,%, $8,850; 5}/2%, $302,840; 6%, $40,245. Personal loans (average rate, 4.97 per cent.): 4J^%, $63,590; 5%, $66,256.88; 5Jfi%, $47,370; 6%, $2,700. Bonds, stocks, etc. (average rate on amounts invested, 4.27 per cent.): 3J^%, $16,000; 4%, $130,000; 4J^%, $20,000; 5%, $48,000; 6%, $500; 8%, $4,600. Number of loans not over $3,000 each, 200, amounting to $246,608.36. 25 real estate loans made during year, amounting to $42,575. Dividends, Deposits and Withdrawals. Ordinary dividends declared during year: D ec., 1914, 2% June, 1915, 2% Number of deposits during year, 3,493, amounting to $22,425 74 22,612 33 214,695 38 Number of withdrawals during year, 3,394, amounting to $259,733 45 242,820 86 $16,912 59 Net increase in amount due depositors SCHEDULE OF SECURITIES OWNED. Public Funds, Bonds. Par Value. $3,000 Augusta, Me., 4s 1.000 Barre, Vt., 4s 5.000 Beverly 4s 1.000 Boston 3yis 15,000 Omaha, Neb., 4Hs Public Funds, Notes. $26,000 Lynn 4s Railroad Bonds. $6,000 Aroostook Northern 5s 5.000 Bangor & Aroostook 5s Par Value. $5,000 Boston & Albany 5s 5.000 B. & N. Y. Air Line 4s 10.000 Boston & Providence 4s 18.000 C., B. & Q. 4s 3.000 Chic., Mil. & St. Paul 4s 1.000 Fitchburg 4s 5.000 Fitchburg 5s 5.000 Illinois Central 3Hs 6.000 Louisville & Nash. 4s 5.000 Mich. Cen-Jol. & No. Ind. 4s 5.000 No. Maine Seaport 5s 5.000 N. Y., N. H. & H. 3^s 20.000 N. Y., N. H. & H. 4s 5.000 Washington Co. 3)^s D a t e s of E x a m in a t io n , July 14-16 inclusive. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Street Railway Bonds Par Value. $5,000 Boston Elevated 4Hs 12.000 Lynn & Boston 5s 2,000 West End 4s 10.000 West End 5s Bank Stocks. Shs. 20 Commercial Nl. Bk., Boston 5 Peoples Nl. Bk., Boston 26 Manufacturers Nl. Bk., Lynn REPO RT OF THE [Pub. Doc. CONWAY SAVINGS BANK, CONWAY. MAIN STREET. Incorporated March 10, 1887. Number of corporators, 20; number of trustees, 13. A . P . D e l a b a r r e , President. A. C . G u il f o r d , Treasurer. C h ar les P a r so n s, Clerk of the Corporation. Board of Trustees: M a x A n t e s , V. D . B a r d w e l l , C . L . B o y d e n , A . P . D e l a b a r r e , C . F . E l m e r , A. C . G u il f o r d , C . L . H a s s e l l , A . G . H o w e s , J. B . P a c k a r d , C h a r l e s P a r s o n s , A . J. P a t t e r son, H . D . Pease, H . T ow n send . Board of Investment: J. B . P a c k a r d , H . D . P e a s e , A. P . D e l a b a r r e , C. F. E l m e r , C. L. B o y d e n . Auditing Committee: C h a r l e s P a r s o n s , C. F. E l m e r , C. L. H a s s e l l . Deposits draw interest from first day of February, M ay, August and Novem ber; dividends are pay able M ay 1 and N ovember 1. Business hours: 10 a . m . to 12 m . STATEMENT OF CONDITION, OCTOBER 30, 1915. Assets. Public funds, bonds and notes . . . . . Railroad bonds and notes . . . . . Street railway bonds . . . . . . . Boston Terminal Co. bonds . . . . . American Tel. & Tel. C o. bonds . . . . . Stocks of banks and trust companies . . , 176 loans on real estate {average of each, $1,678.81) . 23 loans on personal security . . . . Furniture and fixtures . . . . . . . Real estate b y foreclosure, etc. (.assessed value, $1,000) Deposits in national banks or trust companies . Cash . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Total Assets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' . . . . . . $ 6,200 54,185 29,259 5,000 8,385 3,300 295,471 35,830 300 1,200 26,470 1,914 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 00 00 00 00 00 00 90 00 00 00 91 27 . . $467,516 08 Due depositors on 1,194 accounts, averaging $369.67 each . . . . {Accounts opened during year, 66; closed, 85; decrease, 19) Surplus: — a. Guaranty fund (4.47% of deposits: increase during year, $1,100) . h. Profit and loss (decrease during year, $203.47) . . . . . . $441,386 15 Liabilities. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Total Liabilities . . . . 19,720 00 6,409 93 $467,516 08 87 BAN K COMMISSIONER. No. Total Expenses for the Year, including State Taxes. Total. Advertising. Other Expenses. $1,947.57 $26.96 $312.01 3 .6 5 .06 .07 1.84 State Tax (Net). Salaries. Rent. Amount paid for $608.60 $800.00 $200.00 Cost per $1,000 of assets 1.38 1.71 .43 Cost per $1,000 of assets not including State tax and rent . Gross income received during the year, $21,611.09. Rates on Investments and Loans (Average on All, 4.83%). Real estate loans (average rate, 5.03 per cent.): 5%, $285,195; 6%, $10,276.90. Personal loans (average rate, 4.98 per cent.): 5%, $32,200; 6%, $2,930. Bonds, stocks, etc. (average rate on amounts invested, 4.23 per cent.): 3J^%, $14,000; 4%, $67,200; 4 y2%, $5,000; 5%, $20,000; 6%, $1,600. Number of loans not over $3,000 each, 182, amounting to $251,201.90. 6 real estate loans made during year, amounting to $11,500. Dividends, Deposits and Withdrawals. Ordinary dividends declared during year: April, 1915, 2% Oct., 1915, 2 % Number of deposits during year, 610, amounting to . Number of withdrawals during year, 541, amounting to Net decrease in amount due depositors . . . . . . . ........................................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $8,572 18 8,485 81 28,553 12 $45,611 11 55,184 78 $9,573 67 SCHEDULE OF SECURITIES OWNED. Public Funds, Bonds. Par Value. $1,000 Newton 4s Public Funds, Notes. $3,200 Conway 4s 2.000 Conway 5s Railroad Bonds. $6,000 Bangor & Aroostook 5s 2.000 Boston & Maine 3J^s 5.000 Boston & Maine 4s Par Value. $2,000 C., B. & Q. 3J^s 10,000 C., B. & Q. 4s 5.000 Chic., R. I. & Pac. 4s 1.000 Conn. River 4s 1.000 Danbury & Norwalk 4s 5.000 Illinois Central 3)^s 5.000 Michigan Central 4s 10,000 N. Y „ N. H. & H. 4s 1.000 Old Colony 4s 1.000 St. J. & L. C. 5s 1.000 Wore., Nash. & R. 4s Street Railway Bonds. Par Value. $5,000 Boston Elevated 4}^s 5.000 Boston Elevated 5s 10,000 Boston & Northern 4s 6.000 Mystic Valley 5s 5.000 Old Colony 4s Bank Stocks. Shs. 17 Conway Nl. Bk. 10 City Nl. Bk., Holyoke 6 North Adams Nl. Bk. D a t e s o p E x a m in a t io n a n d A u d it , September 27-29 inclusive. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 88 [Pub. Doc. REPO RT OF THE COUNTY SAVINGS BANK, CHELSEA. 435 BROADWAY. Branch Office: In office of Elliot and Whittier. Winthrop. Incorporated February 27, 1890. A lbert D . B o sso n , Number of corporators, 121; number of trustees, 36. President. E ben H W u t c h in s o n , alter S. F r a c k e r , Treasurer. Clerk of the Corporation. Board of Trustees: H . P. A b b o t t , T . A . A d d i s o n , I. R . A l l e n , A . B. A t w o o d , A . D . B o s s o n , C a m p b e l l B o s s o n , P r e s c o t t C h a m b e r l a i n , F. A . C h e n e y , D . J. C o b u r n , F . F. C o o k , F. E . C o x , J. M . C u r l e y , T . F . D r i s c o l l , V. A . F i e l d , W . S. F r a c k e r , C . W . F r e e m a n , T . B . F r o s t , A . E . G a t e s , G . B. G u i l d , W . S. H i x o n , W il l a r d H o w l a n d , E b e n H u t c h i n s o n , C . E . L e g g , E . H . L o w e l l , G . W . M o s e s , D . A . O ’ B r i e n , R o sc o e P i e r c e , M . E . R i c e , E . W . R o b e r t s , S. H . R o b ie , W S. W allace S p o o n e r , D . H . Su l l iv a n , G . A . T a p l e y , F red T h e is e , C . A . W arren, R. entw orth. Board of Investment: A. D . B o s s o n , V. A. F i e l d , W . S. H i x o n , D . A. O ’ B r i e n , R . S. W entw orth . Auditing Committee: P r e s c o t t C h a m b e r l a i n , T . B. F r o s t , G. A . T a p l e y . Deposits draw interest from third Saturday of January, April, July and October; dividends are pay able the M onday following the third Saturday of April and October. Business hours: 8 a . m . to 1 p .m .; also Saturdays, 5 to 9 p .m ., for deposits only. STATEMENT OF CONDITION, OCTOBER 30, 1915. Assets. Public funds, bonds and notes . . . . . . . . . Railroad bonds and notes . . . . . . . . . . Street railway bonds . . . . . . . . . . . Boston Terminal Co. bonds . . . . . . . . . . American Tel. & Tel. Co. bonds . . . . . . . . . Stocks of banks and trust companies . . . . . . . Securities acquired in settlement of indebtedness . . . . . . 705 loans on real estate {average of each, $1,961.86) . . . . . . 35 loans on personal security . . . . . . . . . Bank building and fixtures (estimated value, $46,000; assessed value, $38,000) Deposits in national banks or trust companies . . . . . . Cash and cash items . . . . . . . . . . . Total Assets . . . . . . . . . . $268,799 70 236,760 20 120,551 92 22,931 25 29,496 25 36,690 25 1 05 1,383,114 10 274,600 05 40,000 00 112,392 90 5,707 52 . $2,531,045 19 . . . . . . . . Liabilities. Due depositors on 7,598 accounts, averaging $304.55 each (Accounts opened during year, 1,152; closed, 843; increase, 309) Surplus: -—• a. Guaranty fund (5.10% of deposits; increase during year, $6,000) h. Profit and loss (increase during yeqr, $18,364-54) Current income: — a. Interest . . . . . . $1,254 30 b. R e n t ............................................................... 613 34 . 118,000 00 97,885 05 $1,867 64 701 35 ---------------- Less current expenses not charged off Total Liabilities . . $2,313,993 85 . . . 1,166 29 $2,531,045 19 Total Expenses for the Year, including' State Taxes. State Tax (Net). Salaries. Rent. Amount paid for $3,385.42 $7,526.82 Cost per $1,000 of assets 1.34 2.97 Cost per $1,000 of assets not including State tax and rent . Gross income received_during the year, $124,917.42. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Advertising. Other Expenses. Total. $224.74 $2,505.56 $13,642.54 .09 .99 5.39 .................................................................... 4 .0 5 BANK COMMISSIONER. No. 8.] 89 Rates on Investments and Loans (Average on All, 5.13%). Real estate loans (average rate, 5.62 per cent.): 4%, $4,250; 4M%> $55,000; 5%, $339,700; 514 % , $8,675; 5M%, $165,700; 6%, $809,789.15. Personal loans (average rate, 5.24 per cent.): 4M%. $68,775; 4M%> $25,000; 5%, $81,600; 5M%> $25,700; 6%, $13,525; 6M%. $35,000; 6M%, $25,000. Bonds, stocks, etc. (average rate on amounts invested, 4.13 per cent.): 3%, $55,000; 3.37%, $10,000; 3.38%, $10,000; 3M%, $134,800; 3M%. $11,000; 4%, $313,900; 4M%, $6,300; 4.35%, $1,900; 4M%. $121,800; 5%, $40,300; 6%, $7,900; 7%, $6,500; 8%, $7,050; 10%, $2,200. Number of loans not over $3,000 each, 629, amounting to $875,234.15. 56 real estate loans made during year, amounting to $155,340. Dividends, Deposits and Withdrawals. $42,644 26 43,312 10 488,675 30 Ordinary dividends declared during year: April, 1915, 2% Oct., 1915, 2% Number of deposits during year, 13,725, amounting to Number of withdrawals during year, 8,671, amounting to Net increase in amount due depositors . . . . . . . . . . . . $574,631 66 500,239 50 . $74,392 16 SCHEDULE OF SECURITIES OWNED. Public Funds, Bonds. Par Value. $20,000 Massachusetts 3s 15.000 Massachusetts 3Ms 1.000 Allegheny, Pa,, 3Ms 16.000 Boston 4s 3,300 Brockton 3Ms 4.000 Brockton 4s 1.000 Cedar Rapids, la., 6s 4.000 Chelsea 3Ms 5.000 Chelsea 4s 25.000 Chelsea 4Ms 15.000 Chicago, 111., 4s 2.000 Fall River 4s 12.000 Flint, Mich., 4Ms 5.000 Grand Rapids, Mich., 4Ms 5.000 Los Angeles, Cal., 3%s 2.000 Lowell 3s 2.000 New Bedford 4s 5.000 Omaha, Neb., 4Ms 3.000 Portland, Ore., 4s 7.000 Salem 4s 10.000 Sioux City, la., 4Ms 5.000 So. Norwalk, Ct., 4s 1.000 Worcester 3Ms 5.000 Yonkers, N. Y., 4Ms 20.000 Gardner 4s 500 Hyde Park 4s 1,800 Longmeadow 4Ms Public Funds, Notes. $2,000 Bourne 4s 10,000 Brookline 3.38% 2.000 Carlisle 3Ms 3.000 Dighton 4Ms 6,500 Hull 4s 1,700 Methuen 4s 3.000 New Salem 3Ms D ates o f E x a m in a t io n , Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Par Value. $10,000 Revere 3.37% 500 Revere 3Ms 6.000 Revere 3Ms 7.000 Revere 4s 7.000 Sandwich 4Ms 1,500 Saugus 4s 3,300 Westport 4Ms 1,900 Winthrop 4.35% 9.000 Blandford (F. D.), 4Ms Railroad Bonds. $7,000 Baltimore & Ohio 3Ms 3.000 Boston & Albany 3Ms 10.000 Boston & Albany 4s 5.000 Boston & Albany 5s 5.000 Boston & Maine 3s 2.000 Boston & Maine 3Ms 5.000 Boston & Maine 4s 5.000 Boston & Maine 4Ms 10.000 C., B. & Q. 3Ms 10,200 C., B. & Q. 4s 5.000 Chic., Mil. & St. Paul 4Ms 10.000 Chic. & Northwestern 4s 6.000 Chic. & Northwestern 5s 15.000 Concord & Montreal 4s 10.000 Connecticut River 3Ms 6.000 Fitchburg 4s 28.000 Illinois Central 3s 5.000 Illinois Central 3Ms 5.000 Louisville & Nash. 4s 11.000 Michigan Central 3Ms 5.000 N. Y. C. & H. R. 3Ms 12.000 N. Y., N. H. & H. 3Ms 32.000 N. Y., N. H. & H. 4s 6.000 Old Colony 3Ms 6.000 Old Colony 4s 4.000 Peoria & Northw. 3Ms June 3, 4 . Par Value. $10,000 Portland Terminal Co. 4s 1.000 Providence Terminal Co. 4s 5.000 Upper Coos 4s 5.000 Washington Co. 3Ms Street Railway Bonds. $20,000 Boston Elevated 4s 20.000 Boston Elevated 4Ms 25.000 Boston & Northern 4s 4.000 Glouc., Essex & Bev. 5s 3.000 Lowell, Law. & Hav. 5s 17.000 Lynn & Boston 5s 5.000 Springfield 4s 15.000 West End 4s 7.000 West End 4Ms 3.000 Worcester & Clinton 5s 5.000 Worcester Consol. 4Ms Bank Stocks. Shs. 20 Beverly NI. Bk. 23 Boylston NI. Bk., Boston 25 First Ward NI. Bk., Boston 10 Merchants NI. Bk., Boston 10 Metropolitan Tr. Co., Boston 25 NI. Union Bk., Boston 12 Second NI. Bk., Boston 20 Webster & Atlas NI. Bk., Boston 2 Neponset NI. Bk., Canton 45 Chelsea Trust Co. 12 Dedham NI. Bk. 25 First NI. Bk., Newburyport 25 Warren NI. Bk., Peabody 41 Merchants NI. Bk., Salem 15 Naumkeag Trust Co., Salem 10 First NI. Bk., W. Newton 90 REPO RT OF TH E [Pub. Doc CROCKER INSTITUTION FOR SAVINGS, TURNERS FALLS. 40 SECOND STREET. Incorporated April 3, 1869. Number of corporators, 43; number of trustees, 17. J o sep h F. B a r t l e t t , President. N o r m a n P. F a r w e l l , Treasurer. C h a r l e s R . S t o u g h t o n , Clerk of the Corporation. Board of Trustees: J. F . B a r t l e t t , E. L . B a r t l e t t , H . D . B a r d w e l l , H . B . B a r t o n , A. C. B u r n h a m , N . P . F a r w e l l , P o r t e r F a r w e l l , W . H . P . G il m o r e , E . L . G o d d a r d , G . H . G o d d a r d , J. A. G u n n , H . M . H a r l o w , J. J. L e a r y , F . H . M o n t a g u e , A . R . S m it h , C. R . S t o u g h t o n , M . A. W ard. Board of Investment: J. A . G u n n , E . L . G o d d a r d , M . A. W a r d . Auditing Committee: C. R . S t o u g h t o n , W . H. P. G il m o r e , J. J. L e a r y . Deposits draw interest from first day of January, April, July and October; dividends are payable January 1 and July 1. Business hours: 9 a .m . to 3 p .m .; Saturdays, 9 a .m . to 12.30 p .m . STATEMENT OF CONDITION, OCTOBER 30, 1915. Assets. Public funds, bonds and notes . . . . . . . . . . Railroad bonds and notes . . . . . . . . . . Street railway bonds . . . . . . . . . . . . American Tel. & Tel. Co. bonds . . . . . . . . . . Stocks of banks and trust companies . . . . . . . . . 410 loans on real estate (average of each, $8,225.05) . . . . . . . 82 loans on personal security . . . . . . . . . . Bank building and fixtures (estimated value, $43,000; assessed value, $25,000) . Deposits in national banks or trust companies . . . . . . . Cash and cash items . . . . . . . . . . . . Total Assets . . . . . . . $181,961 75 302,449 05 90,175 00 35,102 50 7,500 00 1,322,274 00 214,302 00 40,000 00 26,346 54 3,379 79 $2,223,490 63 Liabilities. Due depositors on 4,843 accounts, averaging $428.69 each (.Accounts opened during year, 411; closed, 378; increase, 33) Surplus: — a. Guaranty fund (5.08% of deposits; increase during year, $3,500) b. Profit and loss (increase during year, $8,514-37) Current incom e: — a. Interest . . . . . . . $13,928 76 b. Rent . . . . . . . 510 59 Total Liabilities . $2,076,146 85 104,500 00 30,704 76 $14,439 35 2,300 33 ------------------ Less current expenses not charged off Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis . 12,139 02 . $2,223,490 63 91 BANK COMMISSIONER. No. 8. Total Expenses for the Year, including State Taxes. Rent. State Tax (Net). Salaries. Am ount paid for $3,229.10 $4,149.92 $400.00 Cost per $1,000 of assets 1.45 1.86 .18 Cost per $1,000 of assets not including State tax and rent . Advertising. Other Expenses. $923.90 $123.85 .41 .05 Total. $S,826.77 3.95 2 .3 2 Gross income received during the year, $104,549.06. Rates on Investments and Loans (Average on All, 4.79%). Real estate loans (average rate, 5 per cent.): 5%, $1,322,274. Personal loans (average rate, 5.13 per cent.): 5%, $156,807; 5M%> $57,495. Bonds, stocks, etc. (average rate on amounts invested, 4.24 per cent.): 3%, $10,000; 3M % , $69,000; 4%, $345,700; 4M % . *20,000; 4J^%, $132,000; 5%, $46,000; 7%, $7,500. Number of loans not over $3,000 each, 418, amounting to $404,006. 32 real estate loans made during year, amounting to $63,600. Dividends, Deposits and Withdrawals. $40,112 54 40,563 67 230,796 04 Ordinary dividends declared during year: Jan., 1915, 2% July, 1915, 2% Number of deposits during year, 3,491, amounting to Number of withdrawals during year, 3,127, amounting to Net increase in amount due depositors . . . . . . . . . . . . $311,472 25 288,096 02 . $23,376 23 SCHEDULE OF SECURITIES OWNED. Public Funds, Bonds. Par Value. $15,000 California 4s 25.000 Boston 3Ms 5.000 Buffalo, N. Y., 4s 20.000 Cleveland, 0., 4Ms 20.000 Fall River 4s 15.000 Fitchburg 4s 10.000 Los Angeles, Cal., 4Ms 3.000 Lynn 4s 5.000 Minneapolis, Minn., 4s 5.000 Norwalk, Conn., 4s 10.000 San Francisco, Cal., 5s 10.000 Seattle, Wash., 5s 10.000 Peabody 3Ms Public Funds, Notes. $9,000 Gill 4Ms 20,700 Montague 4s Railroad Bonds. Par Value. $49,000 Boston & Maine 4s 10.000 Boston & Maine 4Ms 8.000 C.. B. & Q. 3Ms 30.000 C., B. & Q. 4s 10.000 Chic., Mil. & St. Paul 4Ms 10.000 Chic., R. I. & Pacific 4s 2.000 Conn. & Pass. Rivers 4s 10.000 Delaware & Hudson Co. 4s 8.000 Fitchburg 4s 12.000 Fitchburg 4Ms 15.000 Fitchburg 5s 10.000 Illinois Central 3s 16.000 Illinois Central 3Ms 15.000 Illinois Central 4s 5.000 N. Y., N. H. & H. 3Ms 35.000 N. Y., N. H. & H. 4s 10.000 No. Maine Seaport 5s 15.000 Northern Pacific 4Ms 13.000 Old Colony 4s Par Value. $5,000 Sioux City & Pac. 3Ks 5.000 Upper Coos 4s 10.000 Vermont Valley 5.000 Worcester, Nash. & R. 4s Street Railway Bonds. $10,000 Boston Elevated 4s 40.000 Boston Elevated 4Ms 10.000 Boston & Northern 4s 1.000 Fitchburg & Leominster 4Ms 1.000 Fitchburg & Leominster 5s 10.000 Hoosac Valley 4s 5.000 Old Colony 4s 5.000 West End 4Ms 10.000 Worcester Consol. 4Ms Bank Stocks. Shs. 75 Crocker Nl. Bk., Turners Falls D a t e s of E x a m in a t io n a n d A u d it , September 27-O ctober 1, inclusive. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 92 REPORT OF THE [Pub. Doc. DANVERS SAVINGS BANK, DANVERS. 13 MAPLE STREET. Incorporated March 20, 1850. Number of corporators, 54; number of trustees, 19. C h a r l e s H. P r e s t o n , President. J. F r a n k P o r t e r , Treasurer. A n s e l P . T y l e e , Clerk of the Corporation. Board o f Trustees: G. C. A b b o t t , J o s h u a A b m it a g e , A. W . B e c k f o b d , D . S. B r o w n , G. W . C l a p p , L. S. C o u c h , A l f r e d H u t c h in s o n , J u l iu s P e a l e , C. N. P e r l e t , I. D . P o p e , J. F. P o r t e r , C. H. P r e s t o n , A. H. P u t n a m , L. J. R oss, G. B. S e a r s , W . E . S m a r t , H. S. T a p l e y , A. P. T y l e r . I. M . W o o d b u r y . Board o f Investment: J o sh u a A r m it a g e , C. N. P e r l e t , I. D . P o p e , C. H. P r e s t o n , H. S. T a p l e y . Auditing Committee: A l f r e d H u t c h in s o n , G. B . S e a r s , H . S. T a p l e y , A . P . T y l e r . Deposits draw interest from first day of January, April, July and October; dividends are payable April 1 and October 1. Business hours: 8 a . m . to 2 p . m . ; Saturdays, 8 a . m . to 12 m . STATEMENT OF CONDITION, OCTOBER 30, 1915. Assets. Public funds, bonds and notes . . . . Railroad bonds and notes . . . . . Street railway bonds . . . . . . Boston Terminal Co. bonds . . . . . American Tel. & Tel. C o. bonds . . . . Stocks of banks and trust companies Securities acquired in settlement of indebtedness 584 loans on real estate (average of each, $3.028.38) . Less amount due on uncompleted loans . 95 60 75 00 00 83 80 1,768,575 97,866 47,304 3,605 59,394 1,929 42 00 91 87 24 75 $1,781,310 42 12,735 00 29 loans on personal security . . . . Real estate b y foreclosure, etc. (assessed value, $55,375) Taxes, insurance, etc., paid on mortgaged properties Deposits in national banks or trust companies Cash and cash items . . . . . . Total Assets $232,541 474,835 161,472 85,000 50,800 15,765 506 . . . . . $2,999,599 12 . . . $2,701,222 55 Liabilities. Due depositors on 6,980 accounts, averaging $386.99 each . . (Accounts opened during year, 647; closed, 588; increase, 69) Surplus: — а. Guaranty fund (J.07% of deposits; increase during year, $905) б. Profit and loss (increase during year, $20,066) . . . Current income: — Interest . . . . . . . . . . Less current expenses not charged off . . Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis T o ta l L ia b ilitie s . . . . . . . $15,730 27 334 29 ----------------------- 134,149 00 148,831 59 15,395 98 . $2,999,599 12 93 BANK COMMISSIONER. No. 8.] Total Expenses for the Year, including State Taxes. State Tax (Net). Salaries. Rent. Amount paid for $3,391.89 $4,338.20 $400.00 Cost per $1,000 of assets 1.13 1.45 .13 Cost per $1,000 of assets not including State tax and rent . Advertising. Other Expenses. Total. $90.65 $992.25 $9,212.99 .03 .33 3.07 .......................................... 1.81 Gross income received during the year, $150,608.23. Rates on Investments and Loans (Average on All, 4.79%). Real estate loans (average rate, 5.20 per cent.): 4 b£%, $83,558.50; 5%, $1,046,297.45; 5M%> $2,500; 5Yi%, $477,811.44; 5 % % , $3,500; 6%, $154,908.03. Personal loans (average rate, 4.78 per cen t.): 4p2%, $04,500; 5%, $20,000; 5)^% , $5,100; 6%, $8,266. Bonds, stocks, etc. (average rate on amounts invested, 4.08 per cent.): 3}^% , $260,000; 4% , $575,000; 4J^%, $171,500; 5%, $27,500; 6%, $1,000; 7%, $3,100; 8%, $800; 10%, $1,000. Number of loans not over $3,000 each, 438, amounting to $600,044.97. 98 real estate loans made during year, amounting to $284,587.92. Dividends, Deposits and Withdrawals. Ordinary dividends declared during year: April, 1915, 2% Oct., 1915, 2)^% Number of deposits during year, 4,975, amounting to $51,758 43 64,864 29 323,907 47 . $440,530 19 400,083 41 Number of withdrawals during year, 4,878, amounting to N et increase in amount due depositors . . . . . . . . $40,446 78 SCHEDULE OF SECURITIES OWNED. Public Funds, Bonds. Par Value. $10,000 California 4s 62.000 Boston 4s 15.000 Fall River 4s 50.000 Los Angeles, Cal., 4J^s 25.000 Omaha, Neb., 4J^s 10.000 Portland, Ore., 4s 5,500 Quincy 4s 10.000 San Francisco, Cal., 5s 10.000 Seattle, Wash., 4Hs 10.000 Arlington 4J^s 3,000 Danvers 3)^s 11.500 Danvers 4s 11.500 Saugus 4J^s Railroad Bonds. $1,000 Baltimore & Ohio 3J^s Par Value. $10,000 Bangor & Aroostook 5s 10.000 Boston & Albany 4s 70.000 Boston & Maine 4s 25.000 C., B. & Q. 4s 15.000 Chic., Mil. & St. Paul 4)^s 25.000 Chicago & Northwestern 4s 25.000 Conn. & Pass. Rivers 4s 50.000 Fitchburg 3p¿s 10.000 Fitchburg 4s 56.000 Illinois Central 3J^s 25.000 N. Y. C. & H. R. 4s 25.000 N. Y., N. H. & H. 3}4s 45.000 N. Y., N. H. & H. 4s 15.000 Northern Pacific 4J^s 25.000 Upper Coos 4J^s 40.000 Washington Co. 3Hs 15.000 Wore., Nash. & R. 4s D a t e s o p E x a m in a t io n , January 14, 15 inclusive. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Street Railway Bonds. Par Value. $115,000 Boston Elevated 4s 25.000 Boston & Northern 4s 15.000 West End 4s 10.000 West End 4H>s Bank Stocks. Shs. 10 Beverly National Bk. 10 Merchants Nl. Bk., Boston 60 Nl. Bk. of Commerce, Boston 8 Webster & Atlas Nl. Bk., Boston 75 Danvers Nl. Bk. 21 Warren Nl. Bk., Peabody 51 Asiatic Nl. Bk., Salem 7 First Nl. Bk., Salem 94 REPORT OF THE [Pub. Doc. DEDHAM INSTITUTION FOR SAVINGS, DEDHAM. 603 HIGH STREET. Incorporated M arch 19, 1831. Number of corporators, 81; number of trustees, 15. C o r n e l iu s A . T a f t , Clerk of the Corporation. Board of Trustees: C. P . B a k e r , J. H . B u r d a k in , S. H . C a p e n , F. D . E l y , A . H . H o d g d o n , H . D . H u m p h r e y , R . W . R e d m a n , F. P . R o y c e , C . A . T a f t , J. H . T u t t l e , W . H . W a d e , J. L . W a k e f ie l d , W in s l o w W a r r e n , S. M . W e l d , W . C . W il l ia m s . Board of Investment: C . P. B a k e r , W in s l o w W a r r e n , J. H. B u r d a k in , S. H. C a p e n , R . W . R e d m a n . Auditing Committee: F. D . E l y , C . A . T a f t , A . H . H o d g d o n . Deposits draw interest from first day of February, M ay, August and Novem ber; dividends are pay able on M onday following the second Saturday of M ay and November. Business hours: 9 a .m . to 3 p .m .; Saturdays, 9 a .m . to 12 M. STATEMENT OP CONDITION, OCTOBER 30, 1915. Assets. Public funds, bonds and notes . . . . . . . . . . Railroad bonds and notes . . . . . . . . . . . Street railway bonds . . . . . . . . . . . . American Tel. & Tel. Co. bonds . . . . . . . . . . Stocks of banks and trust companies * .......................................... 611 loans on real estate (average of each, $2,780) . . . . . . . 48 loans on personal security . . . . . . . . . . Bank building and fixtures (estimated value, $45,000; assessed value, $63,800) . . Deposits in national banks or trust companies . . . . . . . $438,697 1,330,993 322,302 85,195 7,500 1,661,919 1,328,000 35,000 160,073 50 85 50 00 00 00 00 00 38 Total A s s e t s .......................................$5,369,681 23 Liabilities. Due depositors on 12,160 accounts, averaging $401.48 each . . . . . ( Accounts opened during year, 976; closed, 661; increase, 315) Surplus: — a. Guaranty fund (4.96% o f deposits; increase during year, $3,586.17) . . b. Profit and loss (increase during year, $17,021.85) . . . . . . . Current income: — Interest . . . . . . . . . . . . . Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Total Liabilities . $4,881,996 03 . 242,165 23 124,467 45 121,052 52 . $5,369,681 23 No. 8.' BAN K COMMISSIONER. 95 Total Expenses for the Year, including State Taxes. State Tax (Net). Salaries. Rent. Advertising. Other Expenses. Total. Amount paid for $15,177.96 $9,131.00 $1,000.00 $1,307.11 $26,616.07 C ost per $1,000 of assets 2 .8 3 1.70 .19 .24 4 .9 6 C ost per $1,000 of assets not including State tax and rent . .......................................... 1.94 Gross income received during the year, $246,253.42. Rates on Investments and Loans (Average on All, 4.64%). Real estate loans (average rate, 5.17 per cent.): 5%, $1,174,094 ; 5)^% , $421,125; 6%, $66,700. Personal loans (average rate, 4.79 per cent.): 4)4% , $323,000; 4)4% , $475,000; 4 f% , $25,000; 4 % % , $75,000; 4J%, $25,000; 5%, $105,000; 5)4% , $25,000; 5)4% , $100,000; 6%, $175,000. Bonds, stocks, etc. (average rate on amounts invested, 4.14 per cent.): 3)4% , $459,000; 3)4% , $1,000; 4%, $1,366,000; 4)4% , $269,000; 4)4% , $1,650; 5%, $60,000; 6%, $76,500. Number of loans not over $3,000 each, 485, amounting to $989,849. 80 real estate loans made during year, amounting to $197,725. Dividends, Deposits and Withdrawals. Ordinary dividends declared during year: N ov., 1914, 2% M ay, 1915, 2% Number of deposits during year, 9,158, amounting to $91,949 81 93,206 73 571,370 40 Number of withdrawals during year, 8,341, amounting to Net increase in amount due depositors . . . . . . . . . . . . $756,526 94 657,868 47 . $98,658 47 SCHEDULE OF SECURITIES OWNED. Railroad Bonds. Public Funds, Bonds. Par Value. $80,000 Boston 3)4s 50.000 Boston 4s 38.000 Bridgeport, Ct., 4s 30.000 Chicago, 111., 4s 12.000 Indianapolis, Ind., 4s 35.000 Lynn 4s 20.000 Melrose 4s 10.000 Newton 3)4s 45.000 Newton 4s 38.000 Norwalk, Ct., 4s 25.000 Scranton, Pa., 4)4s 19.000 Dedham 4s 25.000 Methuen 4s 10.000 Peabody 4s Public Funds, Notes. $1,650 Millis 4)4s 1,000 Westwood 3)4s Par Value. $100,000 Baltimore & Ohio 3J4s 50.000 Boston & Albany 3)4s 25.000 Boston & Albany 4s 20.000 Boston & Lowell 4s 14.000 Boston & Maine 3)4s 80.000 Boston & Maine 4s 45.000 Boston & Maine 4)4s 25.000 Boston, R. B. & L. 4J4s 30.000 C., B. & Q. 4s 26.000 Chic., Mil. & St. Paul 4)^s 24.000 Chic., Mil. & St. Paul 6s 100.000 Chic. & North. 4s 45.000 Concord & Montreal 4s 40.000 Delaware & Hudson Co. 4s 65.000 Fitchburg 4s 15.000 Fitchburg 4M>s 85.000 Illinois Central 3Hs 45.000 Louisville & Nashville 6s 50.000 N. Y. C. & H. R. 3Hs 50.000 N. Y. C. & H. R. 4s 20.000 N. Y., N. H. & H. 3)^s 160.000 N. Y., N. H. & H. 4s D a t e s of E x a m in a t io n , April 7, 8. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Par Value. $30,000 Norwich & Worcester 4s 25.000 Old Colony 3)^s 99.000 Old Colony 4s 15.000 P., Gt. Falls & C. 4)^s 26.000 St. Paul, Minn. & Man. 4)^s 25.000 Washington Co. 3)^s 28.000 Wore., Nash. & R. 4s Street Railway Bonds. $100,000 Boston Elevated 4s 67.000 Boston Elevated 4)^s 15.000 Boston Elevated 5s 50.000 Boston & Northern 4s 25.000 Holyoke 5s 30.000 Old Colony 4s 25.000 West End 4J^s 20.000 West End 5s Bank Stocks. Shs. 75 Nl. Bk. of Commerce, Boston 75 Dedham Nl. Bank 96 [Pub. Doc. REPO RT OF THE DORCHESTER SAVINGS BANK, BOSTON. 586 COLUMBIA ROAD (DORCHESTER DISTRICT). Incorporated April 16, 1894. Number of corporators, 31; number of trustees, 16. F r e d e r ic k L . W a l k e r , President. G e o r g e W . B r a d f o r d , Treasurer. F r a n k M . W h it m a n , Clerk of the Corporation. Board o f Trustees: W . H . A b b o t t , F . W . A r c h e r , G. W . B r a d f o r d , H . W . B u r k e , G. E . F r o s t , J. L . Goss, N. C. H a r r is o n , L . J. L o g a n , J o h n M o r t o n , W . H . R o b e y , L . C. S o u t h a r d , A. H . S t e a r n s , F . L . W a l k e r , F . M . W h it m a n , W . W . W h it m a r s h , E . S. W o o d b u r y . Board of Investment: F. L. W a l k e r , W . H. R o b e y , H. W . B u r k e , A . H. S t e a r n s , N. C. H a r r is o n . Auditing Committee: J. L . G oss, W . H . R o b e y , E . S. W oodbury. Deposits draw interest from second W ednesday of January, April, July and October; dividends are payable next day following second W ednesday of April and October. Business hours: 2 to 7 p . m . ; also Saturdays, 7 to 9 p . m . , for deposits only. STATEMENT OF CONDITION, OCTOBER 30, 1915. Assets. Public funds, bonds and notes Railroad bonds and notes . . . . Street railway bonds . . . . . American Tel. & Tel. C o. bonds 354 loans on real estate (average of each, $Z,96Z.5Jf) 41 loans on personal security Premium account . . . . . Deposits in national banks or trust companies Cash and cash items . . . . . Total Assets 131,353 77,275 9,012 1,048,741 263,290 69 48,644 5,691 . . . . . 90 85 50 00 00 68 22 33 $1,691,313 79 Liabilities. Due depositors on 8,181 accounts, averaging $198.16 each . . . . . $1,621,188 68 (Accounts opened during year, 1,ZZ9; closed, 949; increase, Z80) Surplus: — a. Guaranty fund (1.86% o f deposits; increase during year, $3,949.05) . . . 30,138 06 b. Profit and loss (increase during year, $8,405.11) . . . . . . 35,432 34 Current incom e: — Interest . . . . . . . . . . $4,729 91 Less current expenses not charged off . . . . 303 68 ----------------------4,426 23 Unearned discount . . . . . . . . . . . . 128 48 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Total Liabilities . . $1,691,313 79 No. 97 BAN K COMMISSIONER. Total Expenses for the Year, including State Taxes. Advertising. Other Expenses. Total. State Tax (Net). Salaries. Rent. $354.00 $1,214.20 $8,498.97 Am ount paid for $2,195.77 $4,195.00 $540.00 .21 .72 5.03 Cost per $1,000 of assets 1.30 2 .48 .32 Cost per $1,000 of assets not including State tax and rent . ................................................................... 3.41 Gross income received during the year, $78,904.84. Rates on Investments and Loans (Average on All, 5.04%). Real estate loans (average rate, 5.30 per cent.): 5%, $691,550; 5}4% , $77,600; 6%, $279,591. Personal loans (average rate, 5.28 per cen t.): 5%, $124,700; 5)4% , $30,000; 5)4% . $85,500; 6%, $23,090. Bonds, stocks, etc. (average rate on amounts invested, 3.98 per cen t.): 3%, $15,000; 3)4% , $117,500; 4%, $128,250; 4)4% , $45,000; 5%, $24,500. Number of loans not over $3,000 each, 221, amounting to $421,341. 45 real estate loans made during year, amounting to $132,700. Dividends, Deposits and Withdrawals. Ordinary dividends declared during year: April, 1915, 2% Oct., 1915, 2% Number of deposits during year, 12,801, amounting to $28,129 36 29,513 09 446,504 70 Number of withdrawals during year, 7,951, amounting to Net increase in amount due depositors . . . . . . . . . . . . $504,147 15 376,921 96 . $127,225 19 SCHEDULE OF SECURITIES OWNED. Public Funds, Bonds. Par Value. $8,000 Massachusetts 3J4s 2.000 Beverly 4s 11.000 Boston 3J4s 500 Brockton 3)4s 6.000 Brockton 4s 10.000 Chelsea 3)4s 1.000 Everett 4s 5.000 New London, Ct., 3)4s 2.500 Salem 4s 3.000 Seattle, Wash., 4)4s 3.000 Wilkes-Barre, Pa., 3)4s 15.000 Worcester 4s 10.000 Hyde Park 4s 8.500 Norwood 4s 5,250 Wareham 4s 6.000 Watertown 4s 9.000 West Rutland, Vt., 3)4s Railroad Bonds. Par Value. $8,000 Baltimore & Ohio 3)4s 3.000 Boston & Albany 3)4s 6.000 Boston & Albany 4s 1.000 Boston & Lowell 4s 5.000 Boston & Maine 3s 4.000 Boston & Maine 3)4s 10.000 Boston & Maine 4s 2.000 Bridgeton & Saco River 4s 15.000 C., B. & Q. 3J4s 5.000 Chic., Mil. & St. Paul 4)4s 5.000 Chic. & Northwestern 3)4s i 1,000 Conn. & Pass. Rivers 4s I 3,000 Dexter & Piscataquis 4s I 6,000 Fitchburg 3)^s j 5,000 Fitchburg 4s I 10,000 Illinois Central 3s ■ 15,000 Illinois Central 3)^s I 10,000 N. Y., N. H. & H. 3V2s D a t e s op E x a m in a t io n , April 23, 24. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Par Value. $12,000 N. Y., N. H. & H. 4s 1.000 Old Colony 4s 2.000 P„ Gt. Falls & Con. 4Ms 2.000 Portland & R. Falls 4s 5.000 Washington Co. 3)f>s Street Railway Bonds. $13,000 Boston Elevated 4s 10.000 Boston Elevated 4Ms 5.000 Boston & Northern 4s 10.000 Marlboro & Westboro 5s 1.000 Mystic Valley 5s 1.000 So. Shore & Boston 5s 1.000 West End 4s 5,500 W. Roxbury & Roslindale 5s 5.000 Worcester Consol. 5s 2.000 Worcester & Holden 5s 25.000 Worcester & Southbridge 4Ms 98 REPO RT OF THE [Pub. Doc. EAST BOSTON SAVINGS BANK, BOSTON. 10 MERIDIAN STREET (EAST BOSTON DISTRICT). Incorporated April 26, 1848. Number of corporators, 41; number of trustees, 24. A in s l e y R . H o o p e r , President. A l v in P . J o h n s o n , Treasurer. R a l p h A . H o o p e r , Clerk of the Corporation. Board of Trustees: F . E . B u r n h a m , T h o m as C o p e l a n d , O. G . E a t o n , G . H . G i b b y , R . J. G o v e , W . H. G r a in g e r , F . P . G u r n e y , H a r r y H a m il t o n , J. F . H o d g e , A . R . H o o p e r , A . P . J o h n s o n , E . D . L e ig h t o n , G . H . L i b b y , J. E . L y n c h , J. T . M a n s o n , W il l ia m M c K i e , W . A . M o r r is o n . F r e e m a n N ic k e r s o n , R ic h a r d P ig e o n , G . M . P o r t e r , E . P . R o b in s o n , G . M . S t a l k e r , A. M . W a lcott, F. A . W oo dbu ry. Board of Investment: J. E . L y n c h , G . M . P o r t e r , W il l ia m M c K i e , H a r r y H a m il t o n , A . R . H o o p e r , E . D . L e ig h t o n , R . J. G o v e . Auditing Committee: R . J. G o v e , F. P. G u r n e y , G. M . S t a l k e r . Deposits draw interest from third W ednesday of January, April, July and October; dividends are payable after the third W ednesday of January and July. Business hours: 9 a . m . to 2 p . m . ; also Saturdays, 7 to 9 p . m . , for deposits only; during June, July, August and September, close at 1 p . m . Saturdays. STATEMENT OF CONDITION, OCTOBER 30, 1915. Assets. Public funds, bonds and notes . . . . . Railroad bonds and notes . . . . . . Street railway bonds . . . . . . . Stocks of banks and trust companies . . . . Securities acquired in settlement of indebtedness 1,555 loans on real estate (average of each, $2,506.75) 19 loans on personal security . . . . . Bank building and fixtures (estimated value, $100,000; assessed value, $113,700) Real estate b y foreclosure, etc. (assessed value, $59,200) Taxes, insurance, etc., paid on mortgaged properties Deposits in national banks or trust companies Cash and cash items . . . . . . . Total Assets . . $1,274,501 8.53,875 183,000 156,900 1 3,898,005 432,200 65,000 39,500 485 161,080 9,993 35 00 00 00 00 25 00 00 00 52 82 08 . $7,074,542 02 Liabilities. Due depositors on 18,211 accounts, averaging $352.58 each . . . . . {Accounts opened during year, 1,964; closed, 1,728; increase, 236) Surplus: — a. Guaranty fund (4-99% of deposits; increase during year, $12,177.01) b. Profit and loss {increase during year, $15,994-66) . . . . . . Current income: — Interest . . . . . . . . . . $40,476 62 Less bank building expenses not charged off . . . 328 35 $6,420,865 77 320,167 23 293,360 75 40,148 27 Total L iab ilities.......................................$7,074,542 02 Total Expenses for the Year, including State Taxes. State Tax (Net). Salaries. Rent. Amount paid for $7,628.87 $16,354.20 $3,600.00 Cost per $1,000 of assets 1.08 2.31 .51 Cost per $1,000 of assets not including State tax and rent . Gross income received during the year, $329,207.46. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Advertising. Other Expenses. Total. $386.60 $3,141.52 $31,111.19 .05 .44 4 .39 . . . . . 2 .8 0 99 BANK COMMISSIONER, No. 8, i Rates on Investments and Loans (Average on All, 4.84%). Real estate loans (average rate, 5.02 per cent.): 4J^%, $89,300; 5%, $3,633,555.25; 5J^%, $104,900; 6%, $70,250. Personal loans (average rate, 4.27 per cent.): 3%, $50,000; 4}4% , $125,000; 4 H % , $250,000; 5%, $4,000; 6%, $3,200. Bonds, stocks, etc. (average rate on amounts invested, 4.66 per cen t.): 3}4% , $125,000; 4%, $1,126,889.20; 4 ^ % , $496,000; 5%, $526,000; 5 ^ % , $10,000; 6%, $38,000; 7M % , $6,700; 8%, $79,200; 10%, $8,000; 12%, $10,500; 14%, $37,500. Number of loans not over $3,000 each, 1,220, amounting to $2,204,955. 105 real estate loans made during year, amounting to $265,100. Dividends, Deposits and Withdrawals. Ordinary dividends declared during year; Jan., 1915, 2% July, 1915, 2% Number of deposits during year, 21,547, amounting to $117,918 57 120,548 81 1,119,602 00 Number of withdrawals during year, 17,980, amounting to N et increase in amount due depositors . . . . . . . . $1,358,069 38 1,148,988 76 . . . . $209,080 62 SCHEDULE OF SECURITIES OWNED. Public Funds, Bonds. Par Value. $87,000 Massachusetts 4s 16.000 Akron, 0., 4J^s 30.000 Beverly 4s 125,000 Boston 4s 15.000 Bristol, Conn., 4J^s 14.000 Brockton 4s 18.000 Canton, 0., 5s 10.000 Canton, 0., 5Ks 10.000 Chelsea 4s 25.000 Chicago, 111., 4s 6,000 Chicopee 4)^s 50.000 Cleveland, 0., 5s 15.000 Dayton, 0., 5s 24.000 Dubuque, la., 4s 25.000 Duluth, Minn., 4Hs 36.000 Fall River 4s 10.000 Fall River 4Yg, 13.000 Flint, Mich., 4p& 25.000 Grand Rapids, Mich., 4)^s 18.000 Haverhill 4s 24.000 Holyoke 4s 20.000 Indianapolis, Ind., 4s 24.000 Lowell 4s 38.000 Lynn 4s 20.000 Milwaukee, Wis., 4)^s 50.000 Minneapolis, Minn., 4s 35.000 New Bedford 4s 10.000 Newton 4s 20.000 Oakland, Cal., 5s 42.000 Omaha, Neb.,'4p£s 24.000 Oshkosh, Wis., 4)^s 20.000 Providence, R. I., 4s 15.000 Quincy 4s 30.000 San Francisco, Cal., 5s 25.000 Seattle, Wash., 4}^s Par Value. $20,000 Springfield 4s 21.000 Springfield, 0., 4J4ÌS 17.000 Springfield, 0., 5s 30.000 St. Paul, Minn., 4}^s 10.000 Taunton 4s 25.000 Toledo, 0., 4^s 10.000 Agawam 4s 25.000 Attleborough 4s 10.000 Easthampton 4s 36.000 Falmouth 4s 18.000 Mattapoisett 4s 25.000 Norwood 4s 25.000 Stamford, Conn., 4J^s 10.000 Swampscott 4s 12.000 West Springfield 4s 12,389 Winthrop 4s Street Railway Bonds. Public Funds, Notes. $1,000 Winthrop 4s Railroad Bonds. $20,000 Bangor & Aroostook 5s 50.000 Boston & Albany 3)^s 25.000 Boston & Maine 4s 25.000 Boston & Maine 4)^s 20.000 Central R.R. of N. J. 5s 15.000 C., B. & Q. 4s 27.000 C., B. & Q. 5s 50.000 Chic., Mil. & St. P. 5s 25.000 Chic. & Northwestern 4s 24.000 Chic. & Northwestern 5s 25.000 Cleveland & Pitts. 3)^8 31.000 Cleveland & Pitts. 4)^s 25.000 Conn. River 3^s 25.000 Fitchburg 4J^s D a t e s o f E x a m in a t io n a n d A u d it , March 1 -8 inclusive. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Par Value. $25,000 Fre., Elkhorn & M. V. 6s 25.000 Housatonic 5s 25.000 Kal., Aile. & G. Rap. 5s 50.000 Mich. Cen.-Det. & B. C. 5s 50.000 Mil., L. S. & W. 5s 13.000 Mil. L. S. & W. 6s 25.000 New England 5s 25.000 N. Y., N. H. & H. 3}^s 85.000 N. Y., N. H. & H. 4s 15.000 No. Maine Seaport 5s 50.000 Old Colony 4s 25.000 Portland & Ogdens. i}4s 5,000 Ports., Gt. F. & Con. 4)^s 25.000 St. Johns & L. Champ. 5s 25.000 Vermont Valley 4p£s $75,000 Boston Elevated 4s 38.000 Boston Elevated 4Hs 20.000 Lynn & Boston 5s 25.000 Springfield 4s 25.000 West End 4s Bank Stocks. Shs. 20 Commercial Nl. Bk., Boston 375 First Nl. Bk., Boston 150 First Ward Nl. Bk., Boston 67 Fourth-Atlantic Nl. Bk., Boston 80 Merchants Nl. Bk., Boston 75 Metropolitan Trust Co., Boston 170 Nl. Bk. of Commerce, Boston 757 Nl. Shawmut Bk., Boston 15 Nl. Union Bk., Boston 105 Second Nl. Bk., Boston 100 REPO RT OF THE [Pub. Doc. EAST BRIDGEWATER SAVINGS BANK, EAST BRIDGEWATER. 29 BEDFORD STREET. Incorporated March 8, 1870. Number of corporators, 41; number of trustees, 18. C l a r e n c e A . C h a n d l e r , President. C h a r l e s F . M a n n , Treasurer. E d w a r d S. W h it m a r s h , Clerk o f the Corporation. Board of Trustees: G. A . B u r r e l l , C . A. C h a n d l e r , D . C . F r e n c h , F . E . F u l l e r , R . O. H a r r is , S. A . K e it h , A. L . L e l a n d , C . F . M a n n , E . T . M o r s e , C . L . N u t t e r , R . W . N u t t e r , T . H . P e r k in s , G. A. R o o t , S. E . R y d e r , W . S. S h a w , E . N . W a r d , C . W . W a t e r m a n , E. S. W h it m arsh. Board of Investment: E . N . W a r d , E. S. W h it m a r s h , C. W . W a term an , E. T . M o rse, C. F. M a n n . Auditing Committee: C . A . C h a n d l e r , S. E . R y d e r , F . E . F u l l e r . Deposits draw interest from first Tuesday of January, April, July and October; dividends are payable the first Tuesday of January and July. Business hours: 9 a . m . to 12 m . ; 1 to 3 p . m . ; Saturdays, 9 a . m . to 12 m . ; also Wednesdays, 6.30 to 8 p . m . STATEMENT OF CONDITION, OCTOBER 30, 1915. Assets. Public funds, bonds and notes . . . . . Railroad bonds and notes . . . . Street railway bonds . . . . . . American Tel. & Tel. Co. bonds . . . . . Stocks of banks and trust companies . . . . Securities acquired in settlement of indebtedness . . 416 loans on real estate (average of each, $3,105.16) . . Less amount due on uncompleted loans . . . . . . . . . . . . $105,636 312,975 78,837 34,845 29,300 19,618 25 00 50 00 00 75 1,291,747 480,421 10,000 8,507 23,639 1,069 78 25 00 07 74 09 $1,296,458 25 4,710 47 46 loans on personal security . . . . . . Bank building and fixtures (estimated value, $10,000; assessed value, $8 500) Real estate b y foreclosure, etc. (assessed value, $1 4 ,10 0 ) Deposits in national banks or trust companies . . . . Cash . . . . . . . . . . . . Total Assets $2,396,597 43 Liabilities. Due depositors on 4,185 accounts, averaging $515.17 each (Accounts opened during year, 400; closed, 280; increase, 120) Surplus: — a. Guaranty fund (4.92% of deposits; increase during year, $6,186.39) b. Profit and loss (increase during year, $9,065.27) Current income: — Interest . . . . . . . . . . Less current expenses not charged off . . . . Unearned discount . Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis . . . . . Total Liabilities $2,155,980 33 106,186 39 93,126 46 $42,610 84 2,104 09 40,506 75 797 50 $2,396,597 43 No. 101 BANK COMMISSIONER. Total Expenses for the Year, including State Taxes. State Tax (Net). Salaries. Rent. Amount paid for $3,677.56 $4,577.00 $500.00 C ost per $1,000 of assets 1.53 1.91 .21 C ost per $1,000 of assets not including State tax and rent . Advertising. Other Expenses. $84.66 $1,149.78 .03 .48 Total. $9,989.00 4 .1 6 2 .42 Gross income received during the year, $116,098.01. Rates on Investments and Loans (Average on All, 5%). R eal estate loans (average rate, 5.39 per cent.): Personal loans (average rate, 4.73 per cent.): 5%, $500,111; 5 ) 4 % , $568,725; 6%, $222,911.78. 4%, $55,000; 4J4%, $95,000; 4 ) 4 % , $145,000; 4 % % , $10,000; 4 y8% , $10,000; 5%, $69,586.25; 5)4% , $42,000; 5% % , $10,000; 6%, $43,835. B on d s, stocks, etc. (average rate on amounts invested, 4.34 per cent.): 3 ) 4 % , $95,000; 4%, $248,000; 4 Vi%, $106,000; 5%, $93,680; 6%, $18,700; 7M % , $7,500; 8%, $4,500; 10%, $600; 14%, $3,000. Number of loans not over $3,000 each, 264, amounting to $319,768.50. 67 real estate loans made during year, amounting to $177,125. Dividends, Deposits and Withdrawals. Ordinary dividends declared during year: Jan., 1915, 2)4% . . . . . July, 1915, 2 ) 4 % .......................................... Number of deposits during year, 2,814, amounting to . . . . . Number of withdrawals during year, 2,748, amounting to Net increase in amount due depositors . . . . . . . . . . . $44,538 09 46,012 84 266,343 16 . $356,894 09 240,519 23 . $116,374 86 SCHEDULE OF SECURITIES OWNED. Public Funds, Bonds. Par Value. $10,000 California 4s 15.000 Boston 3)4s 10.000 Boston 4s 15.000 Chelsea 4s 5,000 Des Moines, la., 4s 25.000 Duluth, Minn., 4)4s 10.000 Minneapolis, Minn., 4s 15.000 San Francisco, Cal., 5s 1,680 East Bridgewater 5s Railroad Bonds. Par Value. $10,000 Baltimore & Ohio 3)4s 20.000 Boston & Albany 5s Par Value. $25,000 Boston & Maine 4Hs 25.000 C., B. & Q. 3)4s 30.000 C., B. & Q. 4s 10.000 C., Mil. & St. Paul 4s 10.000 C., Mil. & St. Paul 5s 5.000 Connecticut River 6s notes 25.000 Chic. & Northwestern 4s 5.000 Fitchburg 4s 6.000 Fitchburg 4J^s 25.000 Fitchburg 5s 10.000 Illinois Central 3)4s 12.000 Louisville & Nashville 5s 35.000 N. Y., N. H. & H. 3^28 45.000 N. Y., N. H. & H. 4s 15.000 Old Colony 4s 10.000 Penobscot Shore Line 4s D a t e s o p E x a m in a t io n a n d A u d it , September 8-10 inclusive. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Street Railway Bonds. Par Value. $5,000 Boston Elevated 4s 50.000 Boston Elevated i)4s 10.000 Boston & Northern 4s 10.000 Mystic Valley 5s 5,000 West End 4s ghg Bank Stocks. 30 First Nl. Bk., Boston 75 Fourth-Atlantic Nl. Bk., Boston 6 Merchants Nl. Bk., Boston 25 State Street Tr. Co., Boston. 20 Webster & Atlas Nl. Bk., Boston 75 Brockton Nl. Bank 62 Home Nl. Bk., Brockton 102 [Pub. Doc. REPO RT OF THE EAST CAMBRIDGE SAVINGS BANK, CAMBRIDGE. 292 CAMBRIDGE STREET (EAST CAMBRIDGE). Incorporated April 29, 1854. Number of corporators, 38; number of trustees, 18. G u st a v u s G o e p p e r , President. W il l ia m E . L l o y d , Treasurer. R ic h a r d S. H a l l , Clerk of the Corporation. Board of Trustees: C. W . D a il e y , G . W . D e a r b o r n , J. G . F e r g u s o n , G u st a v u s G o e p p e r , W . F . G o e p p e r , A . H . G r a u s t e in , A. F . H a r l o w , M . J. H a r t y , F . W . H a s t in g s , G . H . L a w r e n c e , W . E . L l o y d , F . H. M a r s h a l l , D . C. P r o u d f o o t , W . F . R o ss , C. H . S l o a n , W . P . S u t t o n , F . B. W h e e l e r , H . E. W o r c e s t e r . Board of Investment: G u st a v u s G o e p p e r , J. G . F e r g u s o n , C. W . D a il e y , F . B. W D . C. P r o u d f o o t . Auditing Committee: F. B. W heeler, heeler, M . J. H a r t y , W . F. G o e p p e r . Deposits draw interest from fifteenth day of January, April, July and October; dividends are payable April 15 and October 15. Business hours: 9 a .m . to 2 p .m .; Saturdays, 9 a .m . to 12 m .; also Tues days, for deposits only, from 6 t o 8 p .m . STATEMENT OF CONDITION, OCTOBER 30, 1915. Assets. Public funds, bonds and notes . . . . Railroad bonds and notes . . . . . Street railway bonds . . . . . . American Tel. & Tel. Co. bonds . . . . Stocks of banks and trust companies . . . Securities acquired in settlement of indebtedness . 1,444 loans on real estate {average of each, $2,750.06) Less amount due on uncompleted loans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3,978,090 00 7,000 00 57 loans on personal security . . . . . . . . Bank building and fixtures (estimated value, $30,000; assessed value, $37,400) Real estate b y foreclosure, etc. (assessed value, $12,Z00) . . . . Taxes, insurance, etc., paid on mortgaged properties . . . . Deposits in national banks or trust companies . . . . . Cash and cash items . . . . . . . . . . $675,750 678,286 172,782 96,093 38,554 1 00 49 00 75 00 00 3,971,090 960,537 15,000 7,744 594 57,639 17,247 00 00 00 27 71 57 51 $6,691,320 30 Total Assets Liabilities. Due depositors on 13,403 accounts, averaging $455.12 each . . . . . {Accounts opened during year, 2,276; closed, 1,534; increase, 74%) Surplus: — а. Guaranty fund (4-95% of deposits; increase during year, $20,838.45) . . б. Profit and loss {increase during year, $4,372.69) . . . . . . Current income: — Interest . . . . . . . . . . $3,960 48 Less current expenses not charged off . . . . 1,241 83 ----------------------- Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Total Liabilities . $6,099,965 07 301,928 15 286,708 43 2,718 65 . $6,691,320 30 103 BANK COMMISSIONER. No. Total Expenses for the Year, including State Taxes. State Tax (Net). Salaries. Rent. Amount paid for $6,380.75 $10,246.24 $2,000.00 C ost per $1,000 of assets .95 1.53 .30 Cost per $1,000 of assets not including State tax and rent Advertising. Other Expenses. Total. $589.25 $8,681.45 $27,897.69 .09 1.30 4.17 ................................................................... 2.92 Gross income received during the year, $304,686.16. Rates on Investments and Loans (Average on All, 4.83%). Real estate loans (average rate, 5.02 per cent.): 5%, $3,863,140; 5}^% , $86,900; 6%, $21,050. Personal loans (average rate, 4.64 per cent.): 4)^% , $448,000; 4 % % , $213,000; 5%, $262,087; 5}4%> $5,000; 5M % . $10,000; 6%, $6,250. Bonds, stocks, etc. (average rate on amounts invested, 4.48 per cent.): 3}^% , $210,000; 4%, $761,500; 4Ji % , $41,000; 4 K % . $306,250; 5%, $220,000; 6%, $108,600; 8%, $20,400; 12%, $13,100; 14%, $3,300. Number of loans not over $3,000 each, 1,066, amounting to $1,832,102. 96 real estate loans made during year, amounting to $350,750. Dividends, Deposits and Withdrawals. Ordinary dividends declared during year: April, 1915, 2)4,% Oct., 1915, 2M % Number of deposits during year, 17,821, amounting to . Number of withdrawals during year, 11,896, amounting to . N et increase in amount due depositors . . . . $122,923 12 125,000 00 1,172,687 32 . . . $1,420,610 44 930,327 15 . . . . $490,283 29 SCHEDULE OF SECURITIES OWNED. Public Funds, Bonds. Par Value. $75,000 Massachusetts 3)^s 62.000 Massachusetts 4s 20.000 Boston 3p£s 97.000 Boston 4s 25.000 Boston 4J^s 25.000 Cambridge 3)4s 11.000 Duluth, Minn., 4b£s 25.000 Lawrence 4s 45.000 Los Angeles, Cal., 4}^s 7,500 Lowell 4s 22,500 Milwaukee, Wis., 4b£s 105,000 New Bedford 4s 25.000 Newark, N. J., 4^s 20.000 Somerville 4s 5,000 San Francisco, Cal., 5s 35.000 Worcester 4s 27.000 Chelmsford 4Ks 15,750 Hull 4^s Public Funds, Notes. $9,000 Hull 4s 16,000 Swampscott 4 3,000 W. Springfield 4bás Railroad Bonds. Par Value. $15,000 Boston & Albany 3bás 70.000 Boston & Albany 4s 25.000 Boston & Albany 5s 25.000 Boston & Maine 3bás 40.000 Boston & Maine 4b¿s 5.000 Chic., Mil. & St. Paul 5s 81.000 Chicago & Northwestern 4s 20.000 Chic., St. P., Minn. & 0. 6s 15.000 Conn. & Pass. Rivers 4s 25.000 Conn. River 3)^s 25.000 Fitchburg 4s 27.000 Fre., Elk. & Mo. Val. 6s 25.000 Illinois Central 3b£s 5.000 Illinois Central 4s 50.000 Louisville & Nashville 5s 31.000 Louisville & Nashville 6s 10.000 Mil., L. S. & Western 5s 6.000 Montana Central 6s 30.000 N. Y., N. H. & H. 4s 75.000 No. Maine Seaport 5s 20.000 Pitts., McKees. & Yough. 6s 50.000 Portland Terminal Co. 4s 2.000 P., Gt. Falls & Con. 4J^s 10.000 Rome, Water. & Ogdens. 5s D a t e s of E x a m in a t io n , April 26-29 inclusive. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Street Railway Bonds. Par Value. $115,000 Boston Elevated 4Ks 15.000 Boston & Northern 4s 15.000 Marlboro & Westboro 5s 5,000 West End 4s 25.000 West End 5s Bank Stocks. Shs. 12 Eliot Nl. Bk., Boston 50 First Ward Nl. Bk., Boston 50 Metropolitan Tr. Co., Boston 13 Mutual Nl. Bk., Boston 67 Nl. Bk. of Commerce, Boston 54 Nl. Union Bk., Boston 50 Webster & Atlas Nl. Bk., Boston 25 Charles River Tr. Co., Cambridge 106 Lechmere Nl. Bk., Cambridge 33 Concord National Bank 11 Fall River National Bank 35 First Nl. Bk., Marlborough 104 REPORT OF THE [Pub. Doc. EASTHAMPTON SAVINGS BANK, EASTHAMPTON. 105 MAIN STREET. Incorporated February 10, 1869. Number of corporators, 42; number of trustees, 25. G e o r g e B . N o b l e , President. C h a r l e s H . J o h n s o n , Treasurer. F r e d e r ic k E . J u d d , Clerk of the Corporation. Board of Trustees: G e o r g e A s t il l , G. A. A y e r , C. A. B u f f u m , J. J. B u r k e , G. S. C o l t o n , G. A. C o o k , W . F. C o y l e , J oh n C u l l e n , W . H. E d w a r d s , F. E . J u d d , J. N . L y m a n , H. L . M a n s f ie l d , A . D . M o n t a g u e , F. P . N e w k i r k , G. B . N o b l e , H . L. P a r s o n s , F. W . P it c h e r , W . L . P it c h e r , G. H. P o m e r o y , J. E . P o r t e r , R. M . S m it h , H. O. St r o n g , H. M. T a y l o r , J oh n W a n a t , W . H. W r ig h t . Board of Investment: G. B. N o b l e , F. P. N e w k i r k , J o h n C u l l e n , J. N . L y m a n , H . N . T a y l o r . Auditing Committee: F. E. J u d d , H . L. M a n s f ie l d , R . M . S m it h . Deposits draw interest from fourth Tuesday of January, April, July and October; dividends are pay able the fourth Tuesday of January and July. Business hours: 9 a .m . to 3 p . m . ; Saturdays, 9 a .m . to 12 m .; 7 to 8 p . m . STATEMENT OF CONDITION, OCTOBER 30, 1915. Assets. Public funds, bonds and notes . . . . Railroad bonds and notes . . . . . Street railway bonds . . . . . . American Tel. & Tel. C o. bonds . . . . Stocks of banks and trust companies Securities acquired in settlement of indebtedness 631 loans on real estate (average of each, $1,945.16) . Less amount due on uncompleted loans . 00 83 25 25 34 00 1,224,246 233,896 1,400 34 60,469 5,466 38 45 00 40 00 24 $1,227,396 38 3,150 00 148 loans on personal security . . . . Furniture and fixtures . . . Taxes, insurance, etc., paid on mortgaged properties Deposits in national banks or trust companies Cash and cash items . . . . . . Total Assets $106,485 198,525 90,336 35,771 109,653 7,000 . $2,073,284 14 Liabilities. Due depositors on 5,301 accounts, averaging $365.47 each {Accounts opened during year, 891; closed, 552; increase, 339) Surplus: — a. Guaranty fund {4.81% of deposits; increase during year, $8,000) b. Profit and loss {increase during year, $4,967.02) Current incom e: — Interest . . . . . . . . . . Less current expenses not charged off . . . . Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Total Liabilities . . $1,937,379 53 95,000 00 33,268 07 $9,252 39 1,615 85 --------------- 7,636 54 . $2,073,284 14 No. 8. BANK COMMISSIONER. 105 Total Expenses for the Year, including State Taxes. State Tax (Net). Salaries. Rent. Am ount paid for $2,622.47 $4,400.00 $450.00 Cost per $1,000 of assets 1.26 2 .12 .22 C ost per $1,000 of assets not including State tax and rent Advertising. Other Expenses. Total. $381.50 $1,746.05 $9,600.04 .18 .84 4 .6 2 3 .1 4 Cross income received during the year, $99,714.59. Rates on Investments and Loans (Average on All, 5.04%). Real estate loans (average rate, 5.12 per cent.): 5%, $887,332.70; 5J^%, $197,950; 5Jfs%, $84,653.50; 6%, $54,310.18. Personal loans (average rate, 5.73 per cent.): 5%, $54,310.18; 5b£%, $17,450; 6%, $161,436.27; 7%, $700. Bonds, stocks, etc. (average rate on amounts invested, 4.56 per cent.): 3%, $14,000; 3(Hi%, $55,000; 4%, $197,000; 4 % % , $10,000; 4 ^ % , $56,000; 5%, $126,600; 6%, $33,600; 7%, $11,000; 8%, $30,000. Number of loans not over $3,000 each, 675, amounting to $710,856.83. 94 real estate loans made during year, amounting to $143,410. Dividends, Deposits and Withdrawals. Ordinary dividends declared during year: Jan., 1915, 2% July, 1915, 2% Number of deposits during year, 5,895,. amounting to $35,565 64 35,842 23 394,113 44 Number of withdrawals during year, 4,390, amounting to N et increase in amount due depositors . . . . . . . . . . . . . $465,521 31 373,649 42 . $91,871 89 SCHEDULE OF SECURITIES OWNED. Public Funds, Bonds. Par Value. $10,000 Massachusetts 4s 5.000 Boston 4s 5.000 Boston 4J^s 5.000 Brockton 4J^s 5.000 Cleveland, 0., 4J^s 1.000 Dayton, 0., 5s 5.000 Detroit, Mich., 4s 1.000 Holyoke 4s 7.000 Lawrence 4s 1.000 Los Angeles, Cal., 4s 10.000 Los Angeles, Cal., 4)^s 5.000 Minneapolis, Minn., 4s 10.000 New Bedford 4s 10.000 Omaha, Neb., 4J/2S 15.000 San Francisco, Cal., 5s 1.000 Seattle, Wash., 4Ms 6.000 Seattle, Wash., 5s 5.000 Stoneham 4s Par Value. $6,000 Boston & Albany 5s 1.000 Boston & Lowell 4s 10.000 Boston & Maine 4s 10.000 C., B. & Q. 3Ms 5.000 C., B. & Q. 4s 10.000 Chic., Mil. & St. Paul 4)^s 5.000 Chic., Mil. & St. Paul 5s 3.000 Conn. River 4s 10.000 Fitchburg 4s 10.000 Fitchburg 5s 14.000 Illinois Central 3s 20.000 Illinois Central 3}^s 5.000 Minn., St. P. & Sit. St. M. 4s 20.000 N. Y., N. H. & H. 3^s 15.000 N. Y., N. H. & H. 4s 26.000 No. Maine Seaport 5s 10.000 Northern Pacific 4J^s 3.000 Old Colony 4s 5.000 Pennsylvania 4)^s 5.000 Portland Terminal Co. 4s Railroad Bonds. $4,000 Aroostook Northern 5s 1.000 Bangor & Aroostook 5s 5.000 Boston & Albany 3}^s 3.000 Boston & Albany 4s Street Railway Bonds. $5,000 Boston Elevated 4s 10.000 Boston Elevated 5s 23.000 Boston & Northern 4s D a t e s o f E x a m in a t io n , June 28-30 inclusive. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Par Value. $10,000 Brock., Bridgew. & Taun. 5s 10.000 Georgetown, Row. & Ip. 5s 1,500 Holyoke 5s 4.000 Hoosac Valley 5s 1.000 Marlboro & Westboro 5s 5.000 Old Colony 4s 10.000 Springfield 4s 5.000 West End 4s 5.000 West End 4)^s 5.000 West End 5s Bank Stocks. Shs. 66 First Nl. Bk., Adams 100 First Nl. Bk., Easthampton 50 Metacomet Nl. Bk., Fall River 4 Monson National Bank 50 North Adams National Bank 20 Hamp. Co. Nl. Bk., Northampton 60 Pittsfield National Bank 132 Chapin Nl. Bk., Springfield 100 Chicopee Nl. Bk., Springfield 200 Springfield National Bank 25 Ware National Bank 50 First Nl. Bk., Westfield 106 REPO RT OF THE [Pub. D oc EAST WEYMOUTH SAVINGS BANK, EAST WEYMOUTH. 714 BROAD STREET. Incorporated February 20, 1872. Number of corporators, 42; number of trustees, 17. W il l ia m H . P e a t t , President. J oh n A . R a y m o n d , Treasurer. J o h n A. M ac F a u n , Clerk of the Corporation. Board of Trustees: F . A. B ic k n e l l , E . M . C a r t e r , C . B . C u s h in g , J. A . C u s h in g , W . A . D r a k e , W . J. D u n b a r , T . H . E m e r s o n , J a m e s F o r d , B . P . F r e n c h , B r a d fo r d H a w e s , R o b e r t M c I n W . H . P r a t t , C . A . R a n d a l l , J. A. R a y m o n d , W . T . S e a b u r y , M ic h a e l S h e e h y , W a l d o T urner. tosh, Board of Investment: W . H. P r a t t , T . H. E m e r s o n , E . M . C a r t e r , C . B . C u s h in g , B r a d f o r d H a w e s , W . A. D r a k e . Auditing Committee: W . H . P r a t t , J. A. C u s h in g , B . P . F r e n c h . Deposits draw interest from tenth day of January, April, July and October; dividends are payable April 10 and October 10. Business hours: 9 a . m . to 12 m . ; 2 to 5 p . m . ; Saturdays, 9 a . m . to 12 m . ; also on M ondays, for deposits only, 7 to 8.30 p . m . STATEMENT OF CONDITION, OCTOBER 30, 1915. Assets. Public funds, bonds and notes Railroad bonds and notes Street railway bonds American Tel. & Tel. C o. bonds Stocks of banks and trust companies Securities acquired in settlement of indebtedness 554 loans on real estate (average o f each, $2,082.65) Less amount due on uncompleted loans . $106,181 284,865 69,187 30,140 1,300 28,005 30 00 50 00 00 00 1,153,788 75,725 21,690 60,086 364 24 27,976 3,037 02 00 42 76 61 35 52 57 02 00 16 loans on personal security Bank building and fixtures (estimated value, $34,550; assessed value, $23,000) Real estate b y foreclosure, etc. (assessed value, $61,131) Taxes, insurance, etc., paid on mortgaged properties Bank building income and expenses . . . . Deposits in national banks or trust companies Cash and cash items . . . . . . . $1,862,372 05 Total Assets Liabilities. Due depositors on 3,821 accounts, averaging $442.75 each (Accounts opened during year, 378; closed, 366; increase, 12) Surplus: — a. Guaranty fund (5.03% of deposits; increase during year, $6^3) b. Profit and loss (increase during year, $773.08) Current incom e: — a. Interest . . . . . . . $17,461 44 b. R e n t ............................................................... 28 00 . $1,691,735 94 85,061 00 68,989 99 $17,489 44 Less current expenses not charged oil . Less State or local taxes not charged off . Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis . . $452 86 451 46 904 32 ----------------- Total Liabilities . 16,585 12 . $1,862,372 05 107 BAN K COMMISSIONER. No. 8.] Total Expenses for the Year, including State Taxes. State Tax (Net). Salaries. Rent. Amount paid for $2,017.65 $3,883.33 — Cost per $1,000 of assets 1.08 2 .0 8 Cost per $1,000 of assets not including State tax and rent . Advertising. Other Expenses. Total. $216.90 $2,221.75 $8,339.63 .12 1.19 4.47 . . . . . 3.39 Gross income received during the year, $85,911.28. Rates on Investments and Loans (Average on All, 5.08%). Real estate loans (average rate, 5.40 per cent.): 4J^%, $4,425; 5%, $644,450.86; 5J^%, $97,464.64; 6%, $403,001.52; 6 ^ % , $1,740; 7%, $2,406; 8%, $300. Personal loans (average rate, 4.93 per cen t.): 4)4;%, $35,000; 5%, $27,080; o }/2%, $2,200; 6%, $11,445. Bonds, stocks, etc. (average rate on amounts invested, 4.40 per cent.): 3)4>%, $28,000; 4%, $204,000; 4)^% , $160,000; 5%, $111,000; 6%, $16,300. Number of loans not over $3,000 each, 459, amounting to $648,663.77. 39 real estate loans mstde during year, amounting to $87,830. Dividends, Deposits and Withdrawals. Ordinary dividends declared during year: April, 1915, 2% Oct., 1915, 2 % Number of deposits during year, 2,860, amounting to . Number of withdrawals during year, 3,807, amounting to N et increase in amount due depositors . . . . . . . . ........................................... . . . . . . . . , . . $259,151 18 254,133 83 . . $32,546 55 32,710 98 193,893 65 . $5,017 35 SCHEDULE OF SECURITIES OWNED. Public Funds, Bonds. Par Value. $12,000 Attleborough 3p2S 9.000 Chelsea 4s 10.000 Los Angeles, Cal., i}4a 7.000 Malden 4s 17.000 New Bedford 4s 20.000 Omaha, Neb., 4Hs 15.000 San Francisco, Cal., 4J4ÎS 5.000 San Francisco, Cal., 5s 10.000 Seattle, Wash., 5s 1.000 Easthampton 4s 1.000 Milton 3Hs Railroad Bonds. Par Value. $25,000 Aroostook Northern 5s 15.000 Baltimore & Ohio 3Hs 20.000 Bangor & Aroostook 5s 10.000 Boston & Maine 4s 85.000 Boston & Maine 4Ks 10.000 Fitchburg 4s 10.000 Fitchburg 5s 91.000 N. Y., N. H. & H. 4s 25.000 No. Maine Seaport 5s D a t e s of E x a m in a t io n , August 11 -1 3 inclusive. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Street Railway Bonds, Par Value. $30,000 Boston Elevated 4j4is 25.000 Boston & Northern 4s 15.000 Lynn & Boston 5s 1,000 Worcester Consol. 5s Bank Stocks. Shs. 13 Dedham National Bank 108 REPO RT OF THE [Pub. Doc. ELIOT FIVE CENTS SAVINGS BANK, BOSTON. 114 DUDLEY STREET. Incorporated February 4, 1864. Number of corporators, 53; number of trustees, 24. G e o r g e E . B u l l a r d , President. F r a n k E. G r a n g e r , Treasurer. S e t h A . F o w l e , Clerk of the Corporation. Board of Trustees: C. E. A l d r ic h , J ttdson B a l d w in , C. T. B a r r y , H. S. B e a n , G. E. B u l l a r d , A . E. C a r r , I. Y . C h u b b u c k , W . O. C u r t is , C . L. D e N o r m a n d ie , L . D . D r u r y , H. D . F o r b e s , S. A . F o w l e , A . F . H a y d e n , C . L . H a y w a r d , G. P . H o d g d o n , F r a n k H o u g h t o n , W . S. L e l a n d , T. S. L o c k w o o d , F. W . M e n d u m , F. N. N a y , G o r h a m R o g e r s , L. D. S e a v e r , W . H. S l o c u m , S. E. T i n k h a m . Board of Investment: G . E . B u l l a r d , A . E. C a r r , W . S. L e l a n d , H . S. B e a n , C . L . H a y w a r d , G orham R og er s. Auditing Committee: H . D . F o r b e s , A. E. C a r r , G. P. H o d g d o n . Deposits draw interest from second W ednesday of January, April, July and October; dividends are payable the Thursday following the second W ednesday of April and October. Business hours: 9 a . m . to 3 p . m . ; Saturdays, 9 a . m . to 12 m . STATEMENT OF CONDITION, OCTOBER 30, 1915. Assets. Public funds, bonds and notes . . . . . . . . Railroad bonds and notes . . . . . . . . . Street railway bonds . . . . . . . . . . Boston Terminal Co. bonds . . . . . . . . . American Tel. & Tel. Co. bonds . . . . . . . . Stocks of banks and trust companies . . . . . . . 646 loans on real estate (average of each, $4,404-13) . . . . . 86 loans on personal security . . . . . . . . Bank building and fixtures (estimated value, $20,000; assessed value, $20,000) Real estate b y foreclosure, etc. {assessed value, $45,900) . . . . Deposits in national banks or trust companies . . . . . Total Assets . . . . $849,631 1,507,962 167,000 79,817 114,493 13,000 2,845,455 2,488,950 21,928 33,759 409,976 25 50 00 50 75 00 00 00 30 75 54 . $8,531,974 59 Liabilities. Due depositors on 20,453 accounts, averaging $391.36 each {Accounts opened during year, 2,386; closed, 2,102; increase, 284) Surplus: — a. Guaranty fund {4.97% o f deposits; increase during year, $15,049.65) b. Profit and loss {increase during year, $11,861.67) . . . . Current incom e: — Interest . . . . . . . . . . Less current expenses not charged off . . . . Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Total Liabilities . . $8,004,448 72 397,888 91 129,348 54 $2,092 23 1,803 81 ---------------- 288 42 . $8,531,374 59 109 BANK COMMISSIONER. No. Total Expenses for the Year, including State Taxes. State Tax (Net). Salaries. Rent. Amount paid for $21,816.33 $16,078.30 $3,500.00 Cost per $1,000 of assets 2 .5 6 1.88 .41 Cost per $1,000 of assets not including State tax and rent . Advertising. Other Expenses. Total. $36.15 $2,825.10 $44,255.88 .33 5 .1 8 ........................................ 2 .2 1 Gross income received during the year, $371,565.78. Rates on Investments and Loans (Average on All, 4.46%). Real estate loans (average rate, 4.92 per cent.): 4%, $87,700; 4 x/ i% , $40,000; 4J^%, $304,810; 5%, $2,343,495; 5H % , *57,150; 6%, $12,300. Personal loans (average rate, 4.59 per cent.): 4)4% , $300,000; 4J^%, $1,543,950; 4%%> $467,000; 5%, $52,500; 5 ^ % , $25,000; 5M % . *25,000; 6%, $75,500. Bonds, stocks, etc. (average rate on amounts invested, 3.87 per cen t.): 3%, $75,000; 3% % , *50,000; 3H % , $1,101,000; 37Ao%, *50,000; 4%, $1,333,100; 4 ^ % , $65,000; 5%, $85,000; 6%, *10,000; 10%, $3,000. Number of loans not over $3,000 each, 347, amounting to *688,505. 68 real estate loans made during year, amounting to *360,800. Dividends, Deposits and Withdrawals. *148,130 20 151,152 11 1,330,458 11 Ordinary dividends declared during year: April, 1915, 2% Oct., 1915, 2% Number of deposits during year, 23,011, amounting to Number of withdrawals during year, 19,851, amounting to Net increase in amount due depositors . . . . . . . . . . . . $1,629,740 42 1,333,445 71 . $296,294 71 SCHEDULE OF SECURITIES OWNED. Public Funds, Bonds. Par Value. $50,000 Massachusetts 3s 150.000 Massachusetts 3Y2a 125.000 Boston 3)^8 25.000 Fall River 3J/)s 26.000 Gloucester 3)4s 2,000 Lowell 4s 72.000 Lynn 4s 28.000 New Bedford 3J^s 66.000 New Bedford 4s 39.000 Newburyport 3Hs 13.000 Newton V/is 43.000 Somerville 4s 15.000 Taunton 4s 25.000 Waltham 3}4a 25.000 Willimantic, Ct., 4s 10.000 Danvers 4s 24.000 Framingham 4s Public Funds, Notes. $50,000 Holyoke 3%s 50.000 Springfield 3%os 19,100 Dedham 4s D ates o f Railroad Bonds. Par Value. $3,000 Boston & Albany 3Y2a 26.000 Boston & Albany 4s 10.000 Boston & Albany 5s 50.000 Boston & Lowell 3]4a 50.000 Boston & Lowell 4)^s 100.000 Boston & Maine 3Jdis 50.000 Boston & Maine 4s 25.000 Boston & Providence 4s 15.000 Boston, Rev. B. & Lynn 4)^s 100.000 C., B. & Q. 3V2a 125.000 C., B. & Q. 4s 50.000 Chic. & Northwestern 4s 50.000 Concord & Montreal 4s 25.000 Conn. & Pass. Rivers 4s 25.000 Conn. River 4s 25.000 Erie & Pittsburgh 3}4s 25.000 Fitchburg 3J4s 50.000 Fitchburg 4s 25.000 Illinois Central 3s 100.000 Illinois Central 3Y& 25.000 Michigan Central 3Y¿s 50.000 New England 4s E x a m in a t io n a n d A u d it , February 1 -6 inclusive. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Par Value. $75,000 N. Y. C. & H. R. 3V2a 25.000 N. Y. & N. E. Term. 4s 30.000 N. Y., N. H. & H. 3^s 169.000 N. Y., N. H. & H. 4s 25.000 No. Maine Seaport 5s 145.000 Old Colony 4s 25.000 Peoria & Northw. 3Ys 25.000 Washington Co. 3Ks Street Railway Bonds. $57,000 Boston Elevated 4s 60.000 West End 4s 50.000 West End 5s Bank Stocks. Shs. 30 Merchants Nl. Bk., Boston 100 Peoples Nl. Bk., Boston 110 REPO RT OF THE [Pub. Doc. ESSEX SAVINGS BANK, LAWRENCE. 296 ESSEX STREET. Incorporated March 15, 1847. Number of corporators, 30; number of trustees, 13. W a l t e r E . P a r k e r , President. A l b e r t I, C o u c h , Treasurer. F r a n k l in B u t l e r , Clerk of the Corporation. Board of Trustees: C . U. B e l l , F r a n k l in B u t l e r , T . M . C o g s w e l l , A . I. C o u c h , F. B. D a v i s , F . H. E a t o n , G. E . K u n h a r d t , R . J. M a c a r t n e y , W . E. P a r k e r , B y r o n T r u e l l , J. E . V a r n e y , R ic h a r d W a r d , H. K . W e b s t e r . Board of Investment: W . E . P a r k e r , H . K . W ebster, J. E . V a r n e y , F. H. E a to n . Auditing Committee: F. B. D a v i s , F r a n k l in B u t l e r , R . J. M a c a r t n e y . Deposits draw interest from third W ednesday in January, April, July and October; dividends are payable the third W ednesday of April and October. Business hours: 9 a .m . to 1 p .m .; also Sat urdays, 2 to 4 p .m . STATEMENT OF CONDITION, OCTOBER 30, 1915. Assets. Public funds, bonds and notes . . . . . . . . . . $1,285,600 Railroad bonds and notes . . . . . . . . . . . 1,635,000 Street railway bonds . . . . . . . . . . . . 270,000 American Tel. & Tel. Co. bonds . . . . . . . . . . 135,000 Stocks of banks and trust companies . . . . . . . . . 300,600 1,602 loans on real estate {average of each, $4,726.46) . . . . . . 7,571,800 83 loans on personal security . . . . . . . . . . 2,096,700 Bank building and fixtures (estimated value, $125,000; assessed value, $118,700) . . 70,000 Deposits in national banks or trust companies . . . . . . . 277,239 C a s h ................................................................................................................................................... 38,011 01 Total Assets . . . 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 08 . . $13,679,950 09 Due depositors on 27,829 accounts, averaging $445.84 each . . . . (Accounts opened during year, 8,816; closed, 8,979; decrease, 168) Surplus: — а. Guaranty fund (4.94% of deposits; increase during year, $12,500) . б. Profit and loss (increase during year, $52,J)8J).39) . . . . . . $12,407,321 57 Liabilities. Total Liabilities . . . . . . . 612,50Q 00 660,128 52 . $13,679,950 09 Total Expenses for the Year, including State Taxes. State Tax (Net). Salaries. Rent. Advertising. Other Expenses. Total. Amount paid for $20,798.27 $21,129.96 $3,000.00 $294.00 $5,247.05 $50,469.28 Cost per $1,000 of assets 1.52 1.54 .22 .02 .38 3 .6 8 Cost per $1,000 of assets not including State tax and rent . . . . . . 1.94 Gross income received during the year, $664,230.14. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 111 BANK COMMISSIONER No. 8.] Rates on Investments and Loans (Average on All, 4.89%). Real estate loans (average rate, 4.90 per cen t.): 4%, $40,000; 4V£%, SI,481,700; 4 % % , $139,000; 5% , $5,835,600; 5H % , $20,000; 6%, $55,500. Personal loans (average rate, 4.59 per cen t.): 4%, $50,000; 4 J^%, $360,000; 4J^%, $1,156,000; 4 ) i% , $151,200; 5%, $252,950; 5}4% , $87,950; 6%, $38,600. Bonds, stocks, etc. (average rate on amounts invested, 5.05 per cent.): 4%, $1,715,600; 4)4>%, $495,000; 5%, $625,000; 6%, $405,000; 7%, $115,000; 8%, $147,500; 10%, $65,000; 12%, $33,100; 16%, $40,000. Number of loans not over $3,000 each, 1,004, amounting to $1,646,000. 188 real estate loans made during year, amounting to $575,100. Dividends, Deposits and Withdrawals. 'Ordinary dividends declared during year: April, 1915, 2% . . . . . Oct., 1915, 2 J ^ % .......................................... Number of deposits during year, 33,662, amounting to . . . . . . Number of withdrawals during year, 26,799, amounting to Net increase in amount due depositors . . . . . . . . $2,655,642 67 2,381,756 92 . . . $234,106 52 293,172 64 2,128,363 51 . $273,885 75 SCHEDULE OF SECURITIES OWNED. Public Funds, Bonds. Par Value. $200,000 Massachusetts 4s 50.000 Albany, N. Y., 4)^8 150.000 Boston 4s 135.000 Chicago, 111., 4s 50.000 Cleveland, 0., 5s 50.000 Pall River 4s 100.000 Hartford, Conn., 4Vijs 200.000 Indianapolis, Ind., 4s 183.000 Lawrence 4s 97.000 Springfield 4s 30.000 Troy, N. Y., 4s ,20,000 Leominster 4s Public Funds, Notes. $5,600 Lawrence 4s 15,000 North Andover 4s D ates o f E x a m in a t io n , Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Railroad Bonds. Par Value. $20,000 Bangor & Aroostook 5s 15.000 Boston & Albany 4s 85.000 Boston & Albany 5s 50.000 Boston & Lowell 4s 150.000 Boston & Maine 4)4s 30.000 Cedar Rap. & Mo. Riv. 7s 25.000 C., B. & Q. 4s 50.000 Chic., Mil. & St. Paul 5s 40.000 Chic. & Northwestern 4s 75.000 Cleveland & Pitts. 4J^s 200.000 Concord & Montreal 4s 100.000 Fitchburg 5s 200.000 Fre., Elkhorn & M. V. 6s 50.000 Mil., L. S. & W. 5s 50.000 Minn., St. P. & Sit. St. M. 5s 140.000 N. Y., Lack. & Western 6s 150.000 N. Y., N. H. & H. 4s 70.000 Northwestern Union 7s 25.000 Pensacola & Atlantic 6s 60.000 Rome, Water. & Og. 5s 35.000 St. Paul & Sioux City 6s 15.000 Winona & St. Peter 7s N ovember 23-29 inclusive. Street Railway Bonds. Par Value. $70,000 Boston Elevated 4)4s 50.000 Holyoke 5s 100,000 West End 5s 50.000 Worcester Consol. 4Hs Bank Stocks. Shs. 400 First Nl. Bk., Boston 75 Fourth-Atlantic Nl. Bk., Boston 400 Merchants Nl. Bk., Boston 75 Nl. Bk. of Commerce, Boston 250 Nl. Bk. of the Republic, Boston 500 Nl. Shawmut Bk., Boston 200 Nl. Union Bk., Boston 300 Second Nl. Bk., Boston 200 Webster & Atlas Nl. Bk., Boston 31 American Tr. Co., Boston 250 Old Colony Tr. Co., Boston 100 Haverhill Nl. Bk. 400 Bay State Nl. Bk., Lawrence 50 Merchants Trust Co., Lawrence 100 Appleton Nl. Bk., Lowell 112 REPO RT OF THE [Pub. Doc„ EVERETT SAVINGS BANK, EVERETT. 440 BROADWAY. Incorporated March 1, 1889. C olu m bus C o bey, Number of corporators, 40; number of trustees, 16. President. E dgak H en ry K . V e a z ie , A. C ate , Treasurer- Clerk of the Corporation. Board of Trustees: D . P . B a i l e y , S . P . C a n n e l l , W . H . C a n n e l l , E . A . C a r t e r , E. A. C a t e , C o l u m b u s C o r e y , F. E. D y e r , W . A. H a m , C h a r l e s M a n s e r , N a t h a n N i c h o l s , J. W . P h i l b r i c k ,. G. W . P l a i s t e d , T . A. S m i t h , J. T. S w a n , H . K . V e a z i e , F. B . W o o d s . Board of Investment: W . A. H am , G. W . Auditing Committee: F. E. D y e r , N ath an P l a is t e d , E. A. N ic h o l s , C a t e , E. A . F. B. W oods, T . A. S m it h . C ar te r . Deposits draw interest from second W ednesday of January, April, July and October; dividends are payable the second W ednesday of April and October. Business hours: 9 a . m . to 2 p . m . ; alsoSaturdays, 7.30 to 8.30 p . m ., for deposits only. STATEMENT OF CONDITION, OCTOBER 30, 1915. Assets. Public funds, bonds and notes Railroad bonds and notes Street railway bonds American Tel. & Tel. C o. bonds 326 loans on real estate (average of each, $2,594-55) . Less amount due on uncompleted loans . . . $168,700 122,725 62,076 23,410 00 00 00 00 845,825 26,875 19,800 11,968 33,671 4,438 00 00 00 90 26 24 $851,675 00 5,850 00 8 loans on personal security . . . . . Bank building and fixtures (estimated value, $20,000; assessed value, $12,800) Real estate b y foreclosure, etc. (assessed value, $16,500) . Deposits in national banks or trust companies Cash and cash items . . . . . . . . Total Assets $1,319,489 40 Liabilities. Due depositors on 6,984 accounts, averaging $182.20 each (Accounts opened during year, 1,084; closed, 784; increase, 350) Surplus: — a. Guaranty fund (2.68% of deposits; increase during year, $8,200) b. Profit and loss (increase during year, $1,621.72) Current incom e: — Interest . . . . . . . . . . Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Total Liabilities . . $1,272,484 53 34,150 00 12,826 65 28 22 $1,319,489 40 No. 8. BAN K COMMISSIONER. 113 Total Expenses for the Year, including State Taxes. State Tax (Net). Salaries. Rent. Amount paid for $1,260.34 $3,700.00 $300.00 C ost per $1,000 of assets .95 2 .8 0 .23 Cost per $1,000 of assets not including State tax and rent . Advertising. Other Expenses. Total. $123.70 $2,005.51 $7,389.55 .09 1.52 5.59 ................................................................... 4.41 Gross income received during the year, $58,429.25. Rates on Investments and Loans (Average on All, 4.87%). Real estate loans (average rate, 5.19 per cent.): 4J^%, $20,000; 4J^%, $35,000; 5%, $458,700; o lA % , $273,750; 6%, $58,375. Personal loans (average rate, 5.85 per cen t.): 5%, $3,600; o A % , $1,000; 6%, $22,275. Bonds, stocks, etc. (average rate on amounts invested, 4.09 per cent.): $75,000; 4% , $230,800; 4L£%, $7,000; 4 K % , $44,000; 5%, $26,000. Number of loans not over $3,000 each, 261, amounting to $434,700. 53 real estate loans made during year, amounting to $135,850. Dividends, Deposits and Withdrawals. Ordinary dividends declared during year: April, 1915, 2% Oct., 1915, 2% Number of deposits during year, 12,418, amounting to . $22,122 09 23,266 70 392,874 57 . $438,263 36 334,211 50 Number of withdrawals during year, 7,325, amounting to Net increase in amount due depositors $104,051 86 SCHEDULE OF SECURITIES OWNED. Public Funds, Bonds. Public Funds, Notes. Par Value. $27,800 Everett 4s 7.000 Everett 4As 4.000 Everett 4J^s 6.000 Everett 5s Par Value. $10,000 Massachusetts ZAs 20.000 Boston 3)^s 26.000 Everett 4s 15.000 Fall River 3p£s 10.000 Fall River 4s 10.000 Malden 4s 4.000 Quincy 4s 7.000 Adams 4s 12.000 Clinton 4s 10.000 Dudley 3)^s D ates o p E x a m in a t io n Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Railroad Bonds. $20,000"Boston & Albany 4s 20.000 Boston & Lowell 4s 10.000 Boston & Maine 4s 10.000 Boston & Maine 4J^s a n d A u d it , February 8 -10 inclusive. Par Value. $10,000 C., B. & Q. 4s 10.000 Chic., Mil. & St. Paul 4A s 15.000 Chic. & Northwestern 4s 10.000 Illinois Central 3As 10.000 N. Y., N. H. & H. 3^s 10.000 Old Colony 4s Street Railway Bonds. $10,000 Boston Elevated 4s 20.000 Boston Elevated 4A& 20.000 Boston Elevated 5s 13.000 West End 4s ( 114 REPORT OF TH E [Pub. Doc. FAIRHAVEN INSTITUTION FOR SAVINGS, FAIRHAVEN. 19 CENTRE STREET. Incorporated February 10, 1832. Number of corporators, 40; number of trustees, 18. T hom as A. T r ip p , President. E l is h a H. C h arles S. W h i t i n g , J r ., Board of Trustees: J. H. A l l e n , L. E . G a r d n e r , W . H. J u d d , D . N. K N y e , E . G. S p o o n e r , E . G. T M o rton , Treasurer. Clerk of the Corporation. S. S. B u m p u s , D . W . D e a n e , L. L e B . D e x t e r , W . B. G. B. L u t h e r , C. H . M o r t o n , L. W . M o r t o n , H. K . a n , J. C. T r i p p , T . A . T r i p p , C. D . W a l d r o n , E . S. B en tley, e l l e y a l l m , W h it in g , Jr. Board of Investment: T . A. Auditing Committee: J. C. T r ip p , T r ip p , W . H. G. B. Judd, G. B. L u th er, L u th er, J. H. L. E. B en tley, D. W. D ean e. A lle n . Deposits draw interest from last M onday of January, April, July and October: dividends are payable the last M onday of April and October. Business hours: 9 a . m . to 1 p . m . STATEMENT OF CONDITION, OCTOBER 30, 1915. Assets. Public funds, bonds and notes Railroad bonds and notes Street railway bonds . . . . . . American Tel. & Tel. Co. bonds Stocks of banks and trust companies Securities acquired in settlement of indebtedness 440 loans on real estate (average of each, $1,852.46) . Less amount due on uncompleted loans . . . . . . 00 50 00 25 00 75 815,081 261,200 5,000 150 28,625 135 67 00 00 00 16 59 $817,921 67 2,840 00 . 42 loans on personal security Bank building and fixtures (estimated value, $5,000; assessed value, $3,720) Real estate b y foreclosure, etc. (assessed value, $190) Deposits in national banks or trust companies Cash . . . Total Assets $91,166 171,572 19,600 22,756 31,260 1,898 . . . . $1,448,445 92 Liabilities. Due depositors on 2,214 accounts, averaging $611.45 each CAccounts opened during year, 242; closed, 194; increase, 48) Surplus: — a. Guaranty fund (3.25% of deposits; increase during year, $5,200) b. Profit and loss (increase during year, $6,107.30) Current incom e: — Interest . . . . . . . . . . Less current expenses not charged off . . . . Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Total Liabilities . . $1,353,745 54 44.000 00 50.000 77 $727 71 28 10 ----------------------- 699 61 . $1,448,445 92 115 BANK COMMISSIONER. No. 8.] Total Expenses for the Year, including State Taxes. Rent. State Tax (Net). Salaries. $500.00 $2,210.42 $2,989.04 Amount paid for .34 1.53 2.07 Cost per SI,000 of assets Cost per $1,000 of assets not including State tax and rent . Total. Advertising. Other Expenses. $1,147.94 $6,902.08 $54.68 .79 4 .7 7 .04 2.90 Gross income received during the year, $69,538.64. Rates on Investments and Loans (Average on All, 5.12%). Real estate loans (average rate, 5.47 per cent.): 5%, $308,187; 5)4% , $251,957.60; 6%, $254,937.07. Personal loans (average rate, 5.06 per cent.): 4)^% , $10,000; 4 )4% , $60,000; 4 % % , $15,000; 5%, $90,400; 5)4% , $55,000; 6%, $30,800. Bonds, stocks, etc. (average rate on amounts invested, 4.31 per cent.); 3%, $10,000; 3)4% , $6,000; 3)4% , $67,000; 4%, $184,600; 4.30%, $5,500; 4)4% . $27,000; 5%, $26,880; 7%, $9,000; 8%, $S,300; 9%, $1,300. Number of loans not over $3,000 each, 389, amounting to $488,561.42. 76 real estate loans made during year, amounting to $109,515. Dividends, Deposits and Withdrawals. Ordinary dividends declared during year: April, 1915, 2% Oct., 1915, 2% Number of deposits during year, 1,379, amounting to $25,279 42 25,921 14 192,159 25 Number of withdrawals during year, 1,405, amounting to $243,359 81 187,087 63 $56,272 18 N et increase in amount due depositors SCHEDULE OF SECURITIES OWNED. Railroad Bonds. Public Funds, Bonds. Par Value. $10,000 Boston & Albany 4s 5.000 Boston & Lowell 4s 10.000 Boston & Maine 3s 10.000 Boston & Maine 3)4s 10.000 Boston & Maine 4s 15.000 C., B. & Q. 4s 5.000 Chicago, Mil. & St. Paul 5s 3.000 Concord & Montreal 4s 10.000 Fitchburg 3)4s 10.000 Fitchburg 4s 10.000 Fitchburg 4)4s 20.000 Illinois Central 3)4s 2.000 Minn. & Iowa 3J4s 5.000 N. Y. C. & H. R. 3)4s 10.000 N. Y., N. H. & H. 3)4s 15.000 N. Y., N. H. & H. 4s Par Value. $20,000 Boston 4s 10.000 Fall River 4s 5.000 Lynn 4s 5.000 Melrose 4s 5.000 Mansfield 4s 5.000 Norwood 4)4s 10.000 Peabody 4s 5,600 Plainville 4s 2.000 Provincetown 4)4s 2.000 Revere 4s 9.000 Westborough 4s Public Funds, Notes. $5,500 Avon 4.30% 6.000 North Brookfield 3)4s D ates o f E x a m in a t io n Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis a n d A u d it , M ay 11-14 inclusive. Par Value. $5,000 No. Maine Seaport 5s 5.000 Peoria & Northw. 3)4s 10,000 Portland Terminal Co. 4s 5.000 Washington Co. 3)4s Street Railway Bonds. 10.000 Boston Elevated 4s 10.000 Boston Elevated 4J4s Bank Stocks. Shs. 50 Eliot Nl. Bk., Boston 211 Nl. Bk. of Fairhaven 90 First Nl. Bk., New Bedford 68 Mechanics Nl. Bk., New Bedford 13 Merchants Nl. Bk., New Bedford 116 REPO RT OF THE [Pub. Doc. FALL RIVER SAVINGS BANK, FALL RIVER. 141 NORTH MAIN STREET. Incorporated M arch 11, 1828. H en ry C. H a w k in s , Number of corporators, 97; number of trustees, 19. President. Jam es C h arles N . B u f f in t o n , Board o f Trustees: C. M . A l l e n , C . A. B a s s e t t , H . P. B. D . D a v o l , N . R . E a r l , E . J . F r e n c h , B . S. C . W . F . H o o p e r , H . H . H o r t o n , W . H . J e n n i n g s , C. L . E . W o o d , C. B . W o o d m a n . Board o f Investment: H. C. Auditing Committee: E . J. H a w k in s , F ren ch , C. M . H. H. A. B assett, Treasurer. Clerk of the Corporation. A lle n , H o rton , B ro w n , J. N . B u f f in t o n , D . S. J. E J. B u r d i c k , C. H a w k i n s , G if f o r d , W . G ree n e, H . B . L u th er, . N ew to n , E . B . V a r n e y , D . J. B. S. C. B u r d ic k , L. E . W ood, C . B. W oodm an. G if f o r d . Deposits draw interest from first M onday of January, April, July and October; dividends are pay able first M onday of April and October. Business hours: 9 a . m . to 2 p . m . STATEMENT OF CONDITION, OCTOBER 30,'1915. Assets. Public funds, bonds and notes Railroad bonds and notes . . . . Stocks of banks and trust companies 881 loans on real estate (average o f each, $4,655.90) Less amount due on uncompleted loans . $815,000 00 3,739,000 00 270,900 00 $4,130,500 00 28,650 00 4,101,850 1,279,350 30,000 184,438 15,588 63 loans on personal security Bank building and fixtures (estimated value, $30,000, assessed value, $53,000) Deposits in national banks or trust companies Cash . . . . . . . . Total Assets 00 00 00 67 02 . $10,436,126 69 Liabilities. Due depositors on 19,181 accounts, averaging $491.68 each (Accounts opened during year, 2,125; closed, 2,465; decrease, 340) Surplus: — a. Guaranty fund (5.01% o f deposits; increase during year, none) b. Profit and loss {increase during year, $120,041 -46) Current incom e: — a. Interest . . . . . . . $17,885 88 b. Rent . . . . . . . 291 57 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis . . . . Total Liabilities . $9,430,918 23 472,700 00 421,944 31 $18,177 45 2,546 67 ----------------- Less current expenses not charged off Unearned discount . . Suspense account . . Due on internal revenue tax . 15,630 94,202 694 36 78 48 22 67 . $10,436,126 69 BANK COMMISSIONER. No. 8.] 117 Total Expenses for the Year, including State Taxes. Rent. Advertising. Other Expenses. Total. State Tax (Net). Salaries. Am ount paid for $22,201.44 $24,323.35 $2,000.00 $1,934.01 $50,458.80 .18 4 .83 Cost per $1,000 of assets 2.13 2 .33 .19 2.51 Cost per $1,000 of assets not including State tax and rent . Gross income received during the year, $537,436.85. Rates on Investments and Loans (Average on All, 5.08%) Real estate loans (average rate, 5.03 per cent.): 4J^%, $708,800; 5%, $2,443,434; 5 K % . $949,616. Personal loans (average rate, 4.51 per cent): 4%, $50,000; 4 3^8%, $50,000; 4L£%, $50,000; 4}^% , $1,034,400; 5%, $69,950; 6%, $25,000. Bonds, stocks, etc. (average rate on amounts invested, 5.28 per cent.): 2 % % , $45,000; 3.85%, $50,000; 4%, $1,165,000; 4 ^ % , $250,000; 5%, $1,146,000; 6%, $1,716,400; 7%, $368,000; 8%, $33,600; 9%, $22,000; 12%, $23,200; 14%, $1,200. Number of loans not over $3,000 each, 439, amounting to $716,975. 116 real estate loans made during year, amounting to $518,525. Dividends, Deposits and Withdrawals. Ordinary dividends declared during year: April, 1915, 2% Oct., 1915, 2 % Number of deposits during year, 17,450, amounting to . . . . . ........................................... . . . . . $181,369 24 181,382 29 1,350,436 92 Number of withdrawals during year, 17,756, amounting t ........................................... $1,713,188 45 1,700,162 76 o Net increase in amount due d e p o s i t o r s ............................................................... . $13,025 69 SCHEDULE OF SECURITIES OWNED. Public Funds, Bonds. Par Value. $100,000 Massachusetts 4s 370.000 Boston 4s 50.000 Fall River 4s 100.000 Newark, N. J., 4Hs 100.000 Worcester 4s Public Funds, Notes. $25,000 Melrose 2%s 50.000 Springfield 3.85% 20.000 Ware 2%s Railroad Bonds $100,000 Boston & Maine 4}4s 80.000 Cedar Rap. & Mo. R. 7s 135,000 C., B. & Q. 4s 9,000 C., B. & Q. 5s 75.000 Chic., Mil. & St. P. 5s 22.000 Chic. & Northw. 5s D ates of E x a m in a t io n , Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Par Value. $250,000 Chic., R. I. & Pac. 6s 125.000 Chic., St. P., M. & O. 6s 50.000 Cleveland & Pitts. 4}4s 100.000 Delaware & Hudson 7s 100.000 Fre., Elkhorn & Mo. V. 6s 200.000 Illinois Central 4s 100.000 Illinois Central 5s 40.000 Kal., Alleg. & Gr. Rpds. 5s 200.000 Louisville & Nash. 5s 125.000 New Orleans & Mobile 6s 50.000 Mahoning Coal 5s 150.000 Mich. Cen-Det. & B. C. 5s 100.000 Mil., L. S. & Western 5s 77.000 Mil., L. S. & Western 6s 100.000 Montana Central 6s 100.000 New England R.R. 5s 350.000 N. Y., Lack. & West. 6s 210.000 N. Y., N. H. & H. 4s 100.000 Philadelphia & Erie 6s 15.000 Pitts., McKees. & Yough. 6s August 9-11 inclusive. Par Value. $50,000 Rome, Water. & Og. 5s 100.000 San Fran. & San Joaq. Val. 5s 25.000 Schenec. & Duanesb. 6s 150.000 St. J. & L. C. 5s 200.000 St. P., Minn. & Man. 6s 128.000 St. Paul & No. P. 6s 43.000 Troy & Boston 7s 80.000 Winona & St. Peter 7s Bank Stocks. Shs. 150 Eliot Nl. Bk., Boston 12 First Nl. Bk., Boston 286 Nl. Shawmut Bk., Boston 232 Second Nl. Bk., Boston 460 Fall River National Bank 50 First Nl. Bk., Fall River 650 Massasoit-Poc. Nl. Bk., Fall River 754 Metacomet Nl. Bk., Fall River 220 Merchants Nl. Bk., New Bedford 118 REPORT OF THE [Pub. Doc. FALL RIVER FIVE CENTS SAVINGS BANK, FALL RIVER. 79 NORTH MAIN STREET. Incorporated April 10, 1855. L eonaed Number of corporators, 40; number of trustees, 20. N . Slad e, Clerk of the Corporation. Board of Trustees: C . N . B o e d e n , J. H. B o w e n , G . P. B b o w n , J a m e s B u f f i n g t o n , S. B. C h a s e , A . P. D a v o l , G . S. D a v o l , W . E . D o w , H. B. D u e f e e , N a t h a n D u e f e e , R . N . D u e f e e , O . S. H a w e s , C. L. H o l m e s , J. F. J a c k s o n , E . B. J e n n i n g s , L e o n t i n e L i n c o l n , J a m e s M a e s h a l l , A . A. M i l l s , L. N . S l a d e , C . S . W a b i n g . Board of Investment: A . P . D a v o l , H . B . D u e f e e , O . S . H a w e s , E . B . J e n n in g s , C . S . W a b in g . Auditing Committee: G . P. B e o w n , A . P. D avo l, C. N . B o ed en . Deposits draw interest from first M onday of March, June, September and December; dividends are payable the second M onday of June and December. Business hours: 9 a . m . to 2 p . m . STATEMENT OF CONDITION, OCTOBER 30, 1915. Assets. Public funds, bonds and notes . . . . . . . Railroad bonds and notes . . . . . . . . Street railway bonds . . . . . . . . . . American Tel. & Tel. C o. bonds . . . . . . . Stocks of banks and trust companies . . . . . . Securities acquired in settlement of indebtedness . . . . 645 loans on real estate {average of each, $3,4^3.IS) . . . . Less amount due on uncompleted loans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2,221,922 00 14,000 00 ----------------------69 loans on personal security . . . . . . . . . . Bank building and fixtures (estimated value, $284-,ZOO; assessed value, $152,200) . . Real estate b y foreclosure, etc. (assessed value, $2,700) . . . . . . Deposits in national banks or trust companies . . . . . . Cash and cash items . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $520,000 2,776,400 140,283 113,812 162,400 14,757 00 00 80 50 00 50 2,207,922 1,092,906 203,400 1,803 214,057 16,961 00 00 00 45 39 82 Total A s s e t s .......................................$7,464,704 46 Liabilities. Due depositors on 25,358 accounts, averaging $265.03 each . . . . . (Accounts opened during year, 3,605; closed, 2,818; increase, 787) Surplus: — а. Guaranty fund (4.95% of deposits; increase during year, $6,182.06) . . . б. Profit and loss (increase during year, $53,084-42) . . . . . . Current income: — a. Interest . . . . . . . . . . $145,558 33 b. Rent . ............................................................... 188 45 ----------------------Unearned discount . . . . . . . . . . •. . Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Total Liabilities . $6,720,623 20 332,958 97 222,603 48 145,746 78 42,772 03 . $7,464,704 46 No. 8. BANK COMMISSIONER, 119 Total Expenses for the Year, including State Taxes. State Tax (Net). Salaries. Rent. Advertising. Other Expenses. Total. Amount paid for $19,149.87 $18,686.16 $3,208.37 $259.88 $3,548.94 $44,853.22 Cost per $1,000 of assets 2 .5 6 2 .5 0 .4 3 . .03 .47 5.99 Cost per $1,000 of assets not including State tax and rent . . . . . . 3 .0 0 Gross income received during the year, $362,987.28. Rates on Investments and Loans (Average on All, 5.03%). Real estate loans (average rate, 5.18 per cent.): 4J^%, $111,200; 5%, $1,255,950; 5J^%, $789,122; 6%, $51,650. Personal loans (average rate, 4.60 per cent.): 4% , $65,000; 4 M % . $100,000; 4J^%, $580,000; 4M % , $131,200; 5%, $184,250; 5>^%, $18,956; 6%, $13,500. Bonds, stocks, etc. (average rate on amounts invested, 5.07 per cent.): 3.10%, $50,000; 3}4% , $100,000; 4% , $958,000; 4 ^ % , $307,000; 5%, $936,000; 6%, $1,197,900; 7%, $118,400; 8%, $55,500; 10%, $5,000. Number of loans not over $3,000 each, 399, amounting to $634,072. 84 real estate loans made during year, amounting to $393,400. Dividends, Deposits and Withdrawals. Ordinary dividends declared during year: D ec., 1914, 2% June, 1915, 2% Number of deposits during year, 37,475, amounting to . $124,355 18 126,216 34 1,212,174 59 Number of withdrawals during year, 22,820, amounting to $1,462,746 11 1,217,876 75 Net increase in amount due depositors $244,869 36 SCHEDULE OF SECURITIES OWNED. Public Funds, Bonds. Par Value. $100,000 Massachusetts 3)^s 25.000 California 4s 50.000 Boston 4s 50.000 Cleveland, 0., 4J^s 70.000 Fall River 4s 25.000 Grand Rapids, Mich., 4J^s 25.000 Hartford, Conn., 4bcS 25.000 Portland, Ore., 50.000 Seattle, Wash., 4)^s 50.000 Worcester 4s Public Funds, Notes. $50,000 Brockton 3.10% Railroad Bonds. $37,400 Burlington & Mo. Riv. 6s 110.000 C., B. & Q. 4s 162.000 C., B. & Q. 5s 15.000 Chicago, Mil. & St. Paul 5s 20.000 Chic. & Northwestern 4s 30.000 Chic. & Northwestern 5s 99.000 Chic. & Northwestern 6s 15.000 Chic., Mil. & St. Paul 5s D ates o f E x a m in a t io n , Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Par Value. $25,000 Chic., R. I. & Pac. 4s 18.000 Cleveland & Pittsburg 4Jis 31.000 Delaware & Hudson 7s 37.000 Fitchburg 4}^s 242.000 Fre., Elk. & Mo. Val. 6s 200.000 Illinois Central 4s 25.000 Illinois Central 5s 20.000 Louisville & Nashville 5s 130.000 Louisville & Nashville 6s 100.000 Mahoning Coal 5s 15.000 Maine Shore Line 6s 50.000 Mich. Cen-Det. & B. C. 5s 205.000 Mil. L. S. & Western 5s 83.000 Mil., L. S. & Western 6s 13.000 Mont. Central 5s 300.000 N. Y., Lack. & West. 6s 250.000 N. Y., N. H. & H. 4s 40.000 No. Maine Seaport 5s 25.000 Northwestern Union 7s 13.000 Penobscot Shore Line 4s 100.000 Philadelphia & Erie 6s 60.000 Rome, Watert. & Og. 5s 159.000 St. J. & L. C. 5s 100.000 St. P., Minn. & Man. 6s 2,000 St. Paul & North. Pac. 6s December 3 -7 in c lu s iv e . Par Value. $10,000 St. Paul & Sioux City 6s 30.000 Schenec. & Duanesbg. 6s 20.000 Winona & St. Peter 7s Street Railway Bonds. $20,000 Boston Elevated 4s 67.000 Boston Elevated 4}^s 30.000 Boston Elevated 5s 27.000 Brockton 5s Bank Stocks. Shs. 255 Fourth-Atlantic Nl. Bk., Boston 465 Mechanics Nl. Bk., Boston 50 Merchants Nl. Bk., Boston 35 Nl. Bk. of Commerce, Boston 340 Nl. Bk. of the Republic, Boston 150 State Nl. Bk., Boston 300 Webster & Atlas Nl. Bk., Boston 20 Dedham National Bank 100 Fall River National Bank 424 Massasoit-Poc. Nl. Bk., Fall River 375 Metacomet Nl. Bk., Fall River 100 Taunton National Bank 120 REPO RT OF THE [Pub. Doc, FARMERS AND MECHANICS SAVINGS BANK, FRAMINGHAM. 26 Incorporated April 23, 1883. W il l a r d H owe, President. CONCORD STREET. Number of corporators, 35; number of trustees, 10. • J u l i a n W . P h il l ip s , A rthur F . H a ll, Treasurer. Clerk of the Corporation. Board of Trustees: A . M . F i t t s , G. E . F o w l e r , C. E . H a b e r s t r o h , L. H . H o o k e r , H . M . H o w e , W il l a r d H o w e , H . C. K i n g m a n , J. W . P h il l ip s , W . F . R i c h a r d s o n , J. T . W h i t n e y . Board of Investment: A . M . F i t t s , J. W . P h il l ip s , W . F . R ic h a r d s o n , J. T . W h it n e y . Auditing Committee: A. S. B a l d w i n , C. E. H a b e r s t r o h , A . M . F i t t s , L. H . H o o k e r , H . M . H o w e , H . C. K in g m a n . Deposits draw interest from first day of January, April, July and October; dividends are payable the third Tuesday of April and October. Business hours: 9 a . m . to 3 p .m .; Saturdays, 9 a .m . to 12 m . and 7 to 9 p . m . STATEMENT OF CONDITION, OCTOBER 30, 1915. Assets. Railroad bonds and notes . . . . . . Street railway bonds . . . . . . . American Tel. & Tel. Co. bonds . . . . . Stocks of banks and trust companies . . . . 488 loans on real estate (average of each, $2,511.87) . . Less amount due on uncompleted loans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 loans on personal security . . . . . Furniture and fixtures . . . . . . . Real estate b y foreclosure, etc. (assessed value, $9,650) Taxes, insurance, etc., paid on mortgaged properties Deposits in national banks or trust companies . . Cash and cash items . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Total Assets $252,498 40,106 34,132 16,706 00 25 50 45 1,225,792 373,655 5,500 13,453 145 36.902 12,951 88 00 00 05 62 21 76 «1,227,592 88 1,800 00 . . ' . $2,011,843 72 Liabilities. Due depositors on 7,644 accounts, averaging $246.20 each {Accounts opened during year, 1,500; closed, 952; increase, 548) Surplus: — a. Guaranty fund (8.17% of deposits; increase during year, $4>700) b. Profit and loss {increase during year, $7,699.34) Current income: — Interest . . . . . . . . . . Less current expenses not charged off . . . . Suspense account Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis . . . . . . . . Total Liabilities . . $1,881,987 27 59,750 00 66,205 39 $3,942 56 644 50 3,298 06 603 00 . $2,011,843 72 121 BANK COMMISSIONER. No. 8. Total Expenses for the Year, including State Taxes. Total. State Tax (Net). Salaries. Rent. Advertising. Other Expenses $12,236.94 Amount paid for $2,765.96 $5,934.77 $1,500.00 $243.67 $1,792.54 6 .0 7 C ost per $1,000 of assets 1.37 2 .9 5 .74 .12 .89 3.96 Cost per $1,000 of assets not including State tax and rent . . . . . . Gross income received during the year, $89,194.80. Rates on Investments and Loans (Average on All, 4.90%). Real estate loans (average rate, 5.06 per cen t.): 4J^%, $28,000; 5%, $1,102,602.88; 5J^%, $3,800; 6%, $91,390. Personal loans (average rate, 4.84 per cent.): 4®^%, $25,000; 4 % % , $277,000; 5%, $50,000; o xA % , $5,700; 6%, $15,955. Bonds, stocks, etc. (average rate on amounts invested, 4.38 per cent.): 3J4%> $45,000; 4% , $163,000; 4 A%< $25,000; 5%, $100,000; 6%, $11,900; 12%, $900. Number of loans not over $3,000 each, 414, amounting to $576,968.25. 86 real estate loans made during year, amounting to $188,050. Dividends, Deposits and Withdrawals. Ordinary dividends declared during year: April, 1915, 2% Oct., 1915, 2% Number of deposits during year, 11,975, amounting to .. $32,333 03 34,163 18 537,467 21 . $603,963 42 404,829 15 Number of withdrawals during year, 8,114, amounting to $199,134 27 Net increase in amount due depositors SCHEDULE OF SECURITIES OWNED. Railroad Bonds. Par Value. $45,000 Bangor & Aroostook 5s 5.000 Boston & Albany 314s 20.000 Boston & Albany 4s 30.000 Boston & Albany 5s 5.000 Boston & Lowell 4s 25.000 Boston & Maine 4s 30.000 C., B. & Q. 314s 20.000 Fitchburg 4s D ates of E x a m in a t io n , Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Par Value. $10,000 N. Y., N. H. & H. 314s 20.000 N. Y., N. H. & H. 4s 25.000 No. Maine Seaport 5s 5,000 Old Colony 4s 15.000 Portland Terminal Co. 4s Street Railway Bonds. $15,000 Boston Elevated 4s 25.000 West End 414s June 14-16 inclusive. Bank Stocks. Shs. 16 Eliot Nl. Bk., Boston 9 Second Nl. Bk., Boston 100 Framingham Nl. Bk. 9 Northborough National Bk. 10 First Nl. Bk. of Newton, W. New. 122 REPO RT OF THE [Pub. Doc, FITCHBURG SAVINGS BANK, FITCHBURG. 745 MAIN STREET. Incorporated February 12, 1846. C h ar les E. W are, Number of corporators, 59; number of trustees, 28. President. F r e d e r ic E b e n e z e r B a il e y , C. N i c h o l s , Treasurer. Clerk of the Corporation. Board of Trustees: H e n r y A l l is o n , H a r r i s o n B a i l e y , B . A . C o o k , A l v a h C r o c k e r , S. E. M . C r o c k e r , G. H. C u t l e r , J. H. D a n i e l s , D . M . D i l l o n , G. A . D u n n , M . F. D u n n , B. D . D w i n n e l l , C h a r l e s F o s d ic k , F. H. F o s s , S. H. F r a n c is , G. P. G r a n t , J r., J. L. J o h n s o n , A . H. L o w e , H e n r y M c G r a t h , T . F. M u r n a n e , F. C. N i c h o l s , C . M . P a r k e r , F. W . P a r k s , W . E . P u t n e y , H. K . S i m o n d s , J. A . S t i l e s , H. G. T o w n e n d , G. R . W a l l a c e , C. E . W a r e . Board of Investment: C. M . P a r k e r , C. E . W a r e , J. L . J o h n s o n , F . F. W . Parks. H . F oss, S. H . F r a n c i s , Auditing Committee: H a r r is o n B a i l e y , B. D . D w i n n e l l , M . F. D u n n . Deposits draw interest from first day of January, April, July and October; dividends are payable January 1 and July 1. Business hours; 8.45 a . m . to 3 p . m . ; Saturdays, 8.45 a . m . to 12 m . ; also Tuesdays, 6 to 8 p . m . STATEMENT OF CONDITION, OCTOBER 30, 1915. Assets. Public funds, bonds and notes . . . . . . . Railroad bonds and notes . . . . . . Street railway bonds . . . . . . . . . Boston Terminal C o. bonds . . . . . . . . American Tel. & Tel. Co. bonds . . . . . . . Stocks of banks and trust companies . . . . . . 922 loans on real estate (average of each, $4,445.07) . . . . 146 loans on personal security . . . . . . . Bank building and fixtures (estimated value, $125,000; assessed value, $123,000) Deposits in national banks or trust companies . . . . Cash . . . . . . . . . . . . $542,290 470,000 125,000 50,000 50,000 162,500 4,098,357 1,853,650 75,000 269,356 3,835 . Total Assets 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 76 62 $7,699,989 38 Liabilities. Due depositors on 14,439 accounts, averaging $490.56 each (Accounts opened during year, 2,486; closed, 2,059; increase, 4@7) Surplus: — a. Guaranty fund (4-95% o f deposits; increase during year, $9,525) 6. Profit and loss (increase during year, $60,583.85) Current income: — a. Interest . . . . . . . . . . b. Rent . . . . . . . . . . Unearned discount . Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis . . . . . . . Total Liabilities . . $7,083,246 65 350,525 00 111,263 01 $152,180 87 1,773 85 153,954 72 1,000 00 . $7,699,989 38 No. 8.] BANK COMMISSIONER. 123 Total Expenses for the Year, including State Taxes. State Tax (Net). Salaries. Rent. Advertising. Other Expenses. Total. Amount paid for $11,705.72 $13,929.86 $1,500.00 $1,733.89 $5,633.08 $34,502.55 Cost per $1,000 of assets 1.52 1.81 .19 .22 .73 4 .4 7 Cost per $1,000 of assets not including State tax and rent . . . . . . 2 .7 6 Gross income received during the year, $358,400.57. Rates on Investments and Loans (Average on All, 4.88%). Real estate loans (average rate, 4.94 per cent.): 4 % % , $452,499; 4 % % , $10,000; 5%, $3,622,558; 514%, $11,850; 6%, $1,450. Personal loans (average rate, 5.09 per cent.): 4 }4% , $25,000; 4 % % , $40,000; 5%, $1,523,625; 5]%%, $15,000; 5V2% , $102,275; 5M % . $50,000; 6%, $83,750; QV2%, $14,000. Bonds, stocks, etc. (average rate on amounts invested, 4.40 per cent.): 3i4% , $200,000; 3M % , $4 0004%, $784,800; 4M % , $5,000; 4 ^ % , $196,984.90; 4 % % , $1,000; 5%, $50,000; 5 ^ % , $ 3 ,O O o ! 6%, $40,500; 7%, $6,700; 8%, $72,500; 10%, $25,500. Number of loans not over $3,000 each, 673, amounting to $1,029,552. 167 real estate loans made during year, amounting to $876,850. Dividends, Deposits and Withdrawals. Ordinary dividends declared during year: Jan., 1915, 2% July, 1915, 2 M % Number of deposits during year, 13,958, amounting to $132,942 79 151,337 92 1,430,708 59 Number of withdrawals during year, 11,320, amounting to Net increase in amount due depositors . . . . . . . . . . . $1,714,989 30 1,456,717 47 . $258,271 83 SCHEDULE OF SECURITIES OWNED. Public Funds, Bonds. Par Value. $16,692 Troy, N. Y., 4J^s 10.000 Wilkes-Barre, Pa., 4s 20.000 Yonkers, N. Y., 4J^s 10.000 Amesbury 4s 6.000 Franklin 4s 10.000 Stamford, Ct., 4s 1.000 Sudbury 4s 10.000 Turners Falls 4s 14.000 Watertown 4s 4.000 Wellesley 4s 3.000 Westminster 4s 4.000 Shelburne Falls (F. D.), 4s Par Value. $75,000 Massachusetts 3)^s 25.000 Massachusetts 4s 7.000 Akron, 0., 414s 8.000 Akron, 0., 5s 3.000 Akron, 0., 5)^s 6.000 Beverly 4s 33.000 Boston 4s 5.000 Brockton 4s 33.000 Chicago, 111., 4s 4.000 Dayton, 0., 4s 12.000 Dayton, 0., 5s 17.000 Fall River 4s 25.000 Fitchburg 4s 25.000 Grand Rapids, Mich., 4J^s 27.000 Lawrence 4s 2.000 Lowell 4s 14.000 Lynn 4s 28.000 Malden 4s 1,800 Melrose 4s 15.000 Milwaukee, Wis., 4J4s 5.000 Minneapolis, Minn., 4s 1.000 Minneapolis, Minn., 4%s 17.000 New Bedford 4s 13.000 Somerville 4s 5.000 Springfield 4J^s 1.000 St. Paul, Minn., 4s 10.000 Taunton 4s D ates of E x a m in a t io n Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Public Funds, Notes. $4,000 Ashburnham 3%s 2,100 Ashburnham 4J^s 1,190 Ashby 4}4s 10,000 Lunenburg 4s Railroad Bonds. $26,000 Boston & Albany 4s 20.000 Boston & Albany 5s 30.000 C., B. & Q. 4s 25.000 Concord & Montreal 4s 166,000 Fitchburg 4s 68.000 Fitchburg 4)^s and A u d it , Par Value. $25,000 Illinois Central 3J^s 25.000 New England 4s 50.000 N. Y „ N. H. & H. 3^s 35.000 Old Colony 4s 1,000 Rome, Wat. & Ogdens. 5s Street Railway Bonds. $25,000 Boston Elevated 4s 9.000 Boston Elevated 4}4s 8.000 Fitchburg & Leominster 4J^s 5.000 Fitchburg & Leominster 5s 4.000 Leom., Shirley & Ayer 5s 49.000 West End 4s 25.000 West End 4J4s Bank Stocks. Shs. 50 Fourth-Atlantic Nl. Bk., Boston 235 Merchants Nl. Bk., Boston 575 Nl. Shawmut Bk., Boston 400 Fitchburg Bk. & Tr. Co. 257 Fitchburg Nl. Bk. 5 Townsend Nl. Bk. 67 Crocker Nl. Bk., Turner’s Falls 100 Merchants Nl. Bk., Worcester 20 Worcester Trust Co. Novem ber 10-16 inclusive. 124 [Pub. Doc. REPORT OF THE FLORENCE SAVINGS BANK, FLORENCE. 85 MAIN STREET. Incorporated February 14, 1873. Number of corporators, 34; number of trustees, 19. L ou is F. P l im p t o n , President. M . P l im p t o n , Treasurer. E m i l ie F r e d e r ic k C . E l y , Clerk o f the Corporation. Board of Trustees: H . N. B r e w s t e r , R . H . C o o k , W i l l i a m C o r d e s , F . C. E l y , O . F . E l y , E . T. F o l e y , E . E . G r a v e s , E . A . H a v e n , H . B . H a v e n , C . A . H u x l e y , L. W . M o r g a n , E . M . P l im p t o n , L . F . P l im p t o n , E . A . R i c e , W . H . R i c e , H . E . R i l e y , O . M . S m i t h , A . M . W a r e , A. C. W arner. Board of Investment: L . F . P l im p t o n , A . M . W are, W . H . R ic e , H . B . H a v e n , W Auditing Committee: H . B . H a v e n , F. C. E l y , A . C . W il l ia m C o rdes. arner. Deposits draw interest from second Tuesday of January, April, July and October; dividends are payable second Tuesday of April and October. Business hours: 10 a . m . to 3 p . m . ; Saturdays, 10 a . m . to 12 M . STATEMENT OF CONDITION, OCTOBER 30, 1915. Assets. Railroad bonds and notes . . . . . Street railway bonds . . . . . . American Tel. & Tel. Co. bonds . . . . Stocks of banks and trust companies . . 240 loans on real estate (average o f each, $2,024.30) 22 loans on personal security . . . Bank building and fixtures (estimated value, $5,100; Deposits in national banks or trust companies Cash and cash items . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . assessed value, . . . . . . Total Assets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3,000) . . . . . . . . $153,173 75 56,037 50 10,000 00 17,900 00 485,831 00 15,702 00 4,000 00 20,416 39 1,006 24 . . . . . . . $764,066 88 Liabilities. Due depositors on 2,529 accounts, averaging $278.55 each . . (Accounts opened during year, 363; closed, 261; increase, 102) Surplus:^— a. Guaranty fund (4-93% o f deposits; increase during year, $1,262) b. Profit and loss (increase during year, $4,601.07) . . . . Current income: — a. Interest . . . . . . . $1,131 64 b. Rent . . . . . . . 46 65 ----------------------Less current expenses not charged off . . . . . Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis . . . . . $704,459 46 34,767 00 23,800 98 $1,178 29 138 85 1,039 44 Total Liabilities . . . $764,066 88 No. BANK COMMISSIONER. 125 Total Expenses for the Year, including State Taxes. State Tax (Net). Salaries. Rent. Amount paid for $924.98 $1,350.00 $200.00 C ost per $1,000 of assets 1.21 1.77 .26 Cost per $1,000 of assets not including State tax and rent Advertising. Other Expenses. Total. $82.30 $408.41 $2,965.69 .11 .53 3 .88 .......................................... 2.41 Gross income received during the year, $35,652.28. Rates on Investments and Loans (Average on All, 4.81%). Real estate loans (average rate, 5 per cent.): 5%, $485,481; 6%, $350. Personal loans (average rate, 5.09 per cent.): 5%, $14,332; 6%, $1,370. Bonds, stocks, etc. (average rate on amounts invested, 4.40 per cen t.): 3%, $5,000; 3^$%, $32,000; 4%, $131,000; 4J^%, $45,000; 5%, $20,400; 7%, $12,500. Number of loans not over $3,000 each, 221, amounting to $329,083. 14 real estate loans made during year, amounting to $28,945. Dividends, Deposits and Withdrawals. Ordinary dividends declared during year: April, 1915, 2% Oct., 1915, 2% Number of deposits during year, 3,605, amounting to $13,180 74 13,302 85 131,708 96 Number of withdrawals during year, 2,283, amounting to Net increase in amount due depositors . . . . . . . . . . . $158,192 55 138,161 55 . . $20,031 00 SCHEDULE OF SECURITIES OWNED. Railroad Bonds. Par Value. $5,000 Baltimore & Ohio 3J^s 5.000 Boston & Albany 4s 10.000 Boston & Lowell 414s 10.000 Boston & Maine 4s 10.000 Boston & Maine 4)^s 5.000 C., B. & Q. 4s 10.000 Chicago, Mil. & St. Paul 5s 5.000 Fitchburg 4b£s D ate of E x a m in a t io n , Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Par Value. $5,000 Illinois Central 3s 27.000 Illinois Central 3}^s 5.000 Illinois Central 4s 45.000 N. Y., N. H. & H. 4s 15.000 Northern Pacific 4)4s Street Railway Bonds. $15,000 Boston Elevated 4s 5.000 Boston Elevated 4)^s June 30. Par Value. $15,000 Boston & Northern 4s 20,000 Old Colony 4s 5,000 West End 5s Bank Stocks. Shs. 85 Home Nl. Bk., Holyoke 40 First Nl. Bk., Northampton 54 Hamp. Co. Nl. Bk., Northampton 126 REPORT OF THE [Pub. Doc. FOXBOROUGH SAVINGS BANK, FOXBOROUGH. SCHOOL STREET. Incorporated April 18, 1855. L e w is E . G r a y , Number of corporators, 30; number of trustees, 15. President. W G eorge R . E l l is , il l ia m H. T orrey, Treasurer. Clerk of the Corporation. Board of Trustees: F o r r e s t B a s s e t t , H o r a c e C a r p e n t e r , E . C . C o m e y , G . R . E l l i s , L . E . G r a y , A . J. H a r t s h o r n , L . B . L a w r e n c e , O r l a n d o M cK e n z ie , W . R i c h a r d s o n , H . G . S m i t h , W . H. T o r r e y , J a r v is W F . A . Pettee, F . H . W . A. Y o un g . R ic h a r d s , J. il l ia m s , Board of Investment: L. E . G r a y , A. J. H a r t s h o r n , F o r r e s t B a s s e t t , J. W . R ic h a r d s o n , W . A . Y Auditing Committee: J a r v i s W il l ia m s , oung. F. A . P e t t e e , F . H. R i c h a r d s . Deposits draw interest from first business day of March, June, September and December; dividends are payable the W ednesday after the second M onday of June and December. Business hours; 9 a . m . to 3 p . m .; also Saturdays, 6 to 8 p .m . STATEMENT OF CONDITION, OCTOBER 30, 1915. Assets. Public funds, bonds and notes . . . . Railroad bonds and notes . . . . . Street railway bonds . . . . . . American Tel. & Tel. Co. bonds . . . . Stocks of banks and trust companies . . . 295 loans on real estate {average o f each, $1,522.90) . Less amount' due on uncompleted loans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8449,355 00 100 00 . . . . 8 loans on personal security . . . . . . . . . Bank building and fixtures (estimated value, $31,876.02; assessed value, $28,000) Real estate b y foreclosure, etc. (assessed value, $11,650) . . . . Deposits in national banks or trust companies . Cash and cash items . . . . . Total Assets $7,000 118,367 97,040 7,950 31,530 00 50 00 00 00 449,255 8,451 31,876 9,364 14,296 1,433 00 87 02 46 74 32 $776,564 91 Liabilities. Due depositors on 1,962 accounts, averaging $354.45 each ( Accounts opened during year, 219; closed, 158; increase, 61) Surplus; ■ —a. Guaranty fund (4-88% of deposits; increase during year, $2,119.02) b. Profit and loss (decrease during year, $624-34) Current income; — a. Interest . . . . . . . $11,336 88 b. R e n t ............................................................... 343 95 33,982 63 36,509 22 $11,680 83 1,043 56 Less current expenses not charged off Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis $695,435 79 10,637 27 Total Liabilities . . . . . $776,564 91 No. BANK COMMISSIONER. 127 Total Expenses for the Year, including State Taxes. State Tax (Net). Salaries. Rent. Amount paid for $796.20 $1,885.00 $412.50 Cost per $1,000 of assets 1.02 2.43 .53 Cost per $1,000 of assets not including State tax and rent . Advertising. Other Expenses. $12.21 $478.24 .01 .61 Total. $3,584.15 4 .6 0 3.05 Gross income received during the year, $37,973.09. Rates on Investments and Loans (Average on All, 5.53%). Real estate loans (average rate, 5.96 per cent.): 5%, $16,600; 6%, $432,655. Personal loans (average rate, 6 per cent.): 6%, $8,451.87. Bonds, stocks, etc. (average rate on amounts invested, 4.78 per cent.): 3%, $5,000; 3 X A % , $28,000; 4%, $94,000; 4M % . $56,000; 5%, $63,220; 6%, $7,800; 8%, $18,500. Number of loans not over $3,000 each, 298, amounting to $348,367.50. 28 real estate loans made during year, amounting to $48,200. Dividends, Deposits and Withdrawals. Ordinary dividends declared during year: Dec., 1914, 2% June, 1915, 2% Extra dividend declared during year, Dec., 1914, 1% Number of deposits during year, 1,562, amounting to $12,430 12,867 6,230 113,557 i 53 81 78 71 $145,086 83 101,231 09 Number of withdrawals during year, 1,638, amounting to Net increase in amount due depositors $43,855 74 SCHEDULE OF SECURITIES OWNED. Public Funds, Bonds. Bank Stocks. K Par Value. $7,000 Los Angeles, Cal., 4Ms Railroad Bonds. $5,000 Bangor & Aroostook 5s 5.000 Boston & Maine 3s 5.000 Boston & Maine 3J^s 10.000 Boston & Maine 4Ms 5.000 Boston, R. B. & L. 4Ms 10.000 Chicago, Mil. & St. Paul 5s 1.000 Concord & Montreal 4s 12.000 Fitchburg 4s 5.000 Fitchburg 5s 10.000 Illinois Central 4s D ate of E x a m in a t io n , Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Ä : Y., N. H. & H. 3Ms 9.000 N. Y., N. H. & H. 4s 20.000 No. Maine Seaport 5s 5.000 Upper Coos 4s 8.000 Washington Co. 3Ms Street Railway Bonds. $11,000 Boston Elevated 4s 19.000 Boston Elevated 4Ms 5.000 Boston & Revere 5s 37.000 Boston & Northern 4s 3.000 Springfield & Eastern 5s 10.000 West End 5s 15.000 Worcester Consol. 4Ms April 15. Shs. 34 Boylston Nl. Bk., Boston 27 Commonwealth Tr. Co., Boston 10 Mt. Vernon Nl. Bk., Boston 11 Nl. Bk. of Commerce, Boston 150 Nl. Shawmut Bk., Boston 14 Old Boston Nl. Bk., Boston 8 Webster & Atlas Nl. Bk., Boston 18 Dedham National Bank 60 Framingham Nl. Bk. 6 National Bank of Wrentham 128 REPO RT OF THE [Pub. Doc. FRANKLIN SAVINGS BANK OF THE CITY OF BOSTON, BOSTON. 6 Incorporated March 15, 1861. C h a r le s H . B a l d w in , PARK SQUARE. Number of corporators, 73; number of trustees, 34. President. C harles Jo h n H . St u r g i s , Treasurer. D . K e y e s , Clerk of the Corporation. Board of Trustees: E . B . B a d g e r , C . H . B a l d w i n , G . S . B a l d w i n , G . G . B r a d f o r d , E . C . B r a d l e e , T . G . B r e m e r , F. H . B r o w n , I. W . C h i c k , F. S. C l a r k , C . F. C u r t i s , T . M . D e v l i n , C . F. D o w s e , J. M . E . D r a k e , A l l a n F o r b e s , C o u r t e n a y G u i l d , H e n r y H a l l , E d w a r d H a m l i n , H . W . H a r t , C . W . H u b b a r d , J. A . J a c o b s , G . V. L e v e r e t t , J a m e s L o n g l e y , H e r b e r t L y m a n , A . E . M a s o n , L a w r e n c e M a y o , O t is N o r c r o s s , J. H . P i e r c e , A . E . P i l l s b u r y , C . E . R o g e r s o n , H . S . S h a w , E l io t W a d s w o r t h , W . Q . W a l e s , F. H. W a r n e r , S. H . W h i d d e n . Board o f Investment: J. A . J a c o b s , J. H. P i e r c e , H. W . H a r t , I. W . C h i c k , A . E . M a s o n , C . H . B a l d w in . Auditing Committee: J. H. P i e r c e , C. F. D o w s e , T . M . D e v l i n , F. H. W arner, C ourtenay G u il d . Deposits draw interest from first day of February, M ay, August and N ovem ber; dividends are pay able February 1 and August 1. Business hours: 9 a . m . to 2 p . m . STATEMENT OF CONDITION, OCTOBER 30, 1915. Assets. Public funds, bonds and notes . . . . Railroad bonds and notes . . . . . Street railway bonds . . . . . . Boston Terminal C o. bonds . . . . . American Tel. & Tel. Co. bonds • i . Stocks of banks and trust companies . . . Securities acquired in settlement of indebtedness . 745 loans on real estate (average of each, $11,351.91) Less amount due on uncompleted loans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78 loans on personal security . . . . . . . Bank building and fixtures (estimated value, $200,000 •/ assessed value, Real estate b y foreclosure, etc. (assessed value, $17,450) . . . Deposits in national banks or trust companies . . . . Cash and cash items . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $8,464,965 00 7,792 50 . $196,000) . . . $2,319,000 3,529,904 720,032 300.000 137,492 57,000 141.000 00 37 00 00 50 00 00 8,457,172 3,224,500 200,000 9,155 642,280 35,873 50 00 00 80 54 85 . $19,773,411 56 Total Assets Liabilities. Due depositors on 30,527 accounts, averaging $604.55 each (Accounts opened during year, 3,388; closed, 3,411; increase, 927) Surplus: — a. Guaranty fund (4.95% of deposits; increase during year, $43,500) b. Profit and loss (decrease during year, $14,136.21) . Current income: — а. Interest . . . . . . . $187,519 17 б. Rent ............................................................... 1,698 25 c. Miscellaneous . . . . . . 5 07 #---------------Less current expenses not charged off . . $10,394 03 Less State or local taxes not charged off . . 3,528 00 . $18,454,980 28 . ‘ 914,500 00 224,793 50 $189,222 49 — 13,922 03 — —- Unearned discount 175,300 46 3,837 32 Total L ia b ilitie s.......................................$19,773,411 56 Total Expenses for the Year, including State Taxes. State Tax (Net). Salaries. Rent. Amount paid for $41,432.20 $33,626.97 Cost per $1,000 of assets 2 .0 9 1.70 Cost per $1,000 of assets not including State tax and rent . Gross income received during the year, $871,160.36. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Advertising. Other Expenses. Total. $934.65 $3,056.82 $79,050.64 .05 .15 3.99 .......................................... 1.90 BANK COMMISSIONER, No. 8.] 129 Rates on Investments and Loans (Average on All, 4.54%). Real estate loans (average rate, 4.64 per cent.): 4%, $1,528,500; 4)4% , $977,000; 4)4% , $1,739,250; 4J4%, $74,800; 5%, $3,994,060.50; 5M % , $13,000; 5)4% , $74,185; 6%, $56,377. Personal loans (average rate, 4.68 per cent.): 4)4% , $300,000; 4 )4 % , $2,050,000; 4)4% , $267,500, 4)4%, $100,000; 5%, $128,000; 5)4% , $190,000; 6%, $189,000. Bonds, stocks, etc. (average rate on amounts invested, 4.35 per cen t.): 3)4% , $130,000; 3)4% , $893,000; 394%, $5,000; 4%, $2,707,000; 4)4% , $2,400,000; 494%, $50,000; 5%, $818,000; 6%, $204,000; 8%, $27,000; 12%, $20,000; 16%, $10,000. Number of loans not over $3,000 each, 325, amounting to $648,328. 54 real estate loans made during year, amounting to $938,350. Dividends, Deposits and Withdrawals. Ordinary dividends declared during year: Feb., 1915, 2% Aug., 1915, 2 % Number of deposits during year, 22,654, amounting to . . . . . . .......................................... . . . . Number of withdrawals during year, 21,071, amounting to N et increase in amount due depositors . . . . . . . . . . $340,057 25 349,828 59 2,748,504 40 . $3,438,390 24 2,519,903 85 . $918,486 39 SCHEDULE OF SECURITIES OWNED. Public Funds, Notes. Public Funds, Bonds. Par Value. $175,000 Massachusetts 3)4s 50.000 New York State 4)4s 25.000 Akron, 0., 5s 300.000 Boston 4s 25.000 Belfast, Me., 4s 50.000 Bristol, Conn., 4)4s 25.000 Brockton 3)4s 50.000 Central Falls, R. I., 4s 50.000 Chicago, 111., 4s 100.000 Cleveland, 0., 4)4s 50.000 Grand Rapids, Mich., 4)4s 20.000 Hamilton, 0., 5s 50.000 Indianapolis, Ind., 4s 70.000 Jersey City, N. J., 5s 50.000 Kansas City, Mo., 4)4s 10.000 Medford 3Ms 4.000 Milwaukee, Wis., 3)4s 30.000 Milwaukee, Wis., 4)4s 50.000 Minneapolis, Minn., 4s 25.000 Minneapolis, Minn., 4)4s 50.000 Minneapolis, Minn., 4Ms 10.000 New Bedford 4s 24.000 Newton 4s 100.000 Omaha, Neb., 4J4s 18.000 Revere 4s 125.000 Rochester, N. Y., 4Ms 27.000 Rutland, Vt., 4s 7.000 St. Albans, Vt., 4s 100.000 St. Paul, Minn., 4Ms 50.000 Stamford, Conn., 4Ms 36.000 Superior, Wis., 4Ms 30.000 Syracuse, N. Y., 4Ms 50.000 Toledo, 0., 4Ms 99.000 Troy, N. Y., 4Ms 75.000 Waterbury, Ct., 4s 25.000 Waterbury, Conn., 4Ms 100.000 Woonsocket, R. I., 4s D ates o p E x a m in a t io n Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis a n d Par Value. $20,000 Lowell 4s 95.000 Quincy 3)£s 5.000 Worcester 4s 5.000 Avon 3)£s 10.000 Billerica 3Ms 10.000 Bourne 3Ms 5.000 Carver 3Ms 30.000 Chicopee 3Ms 4.000 Norfolk 3Ms Railroad Bonds. $50,000 Boston & Albany 3Ms 200.000 Boston & Albany 4s 50.000 Boston & Albany 4Ma 25.000 Boston & Albany 5s 100.000 Boston & Lowell 4s 50.000 Boston & Maine 4s 325.000 Boston & Maine 4Ms 110.000 Boston, R. B. & Lynn 4Ms 50.000 Central R.R. of N. J. 5s 50.000 C., B. & Q. 3Ms 332.000 C., B. & Q. 4s 135.000 Chicago, Mil. & St. Paul 5s 10.000 Chicago, Mil. & St. Paul 6s 200.000 Chic. & Northwestern 4s 50.000 Chi., St. Paul, Minn. & 0. 6s 100.000 Concord & Montreal 4s 50.000 Erie & Pittsburgh 3Ms 44.000 Fitchburg 4s 200.000 Fitchburg 4Ms 150.000 Illinois Central 4s 75.000 Louisville & Nashville 4Ms 50.000 Louisville & Nashville 6s 21.000 Mil., Lake Shore & West. 6s 200.000 N. Y. C. & H. R. 3Ms 50.000 N. Y. & N. E. Term. 4s A u d it , January 21-28 inclusive. Par Value. $280,000 N. Y., N. H. & H. 4s 50.000 Norwich & Worcester 4s 75.000 Old Colony 4s 25.000 Penobscot Shore Line 4s 100.000 Pennsylvania 4Ms 25.000 Peterboro’ & Hillsboro’ 4Ms 73.000 Philadelphia & Erie 6s 20.000 Ports., G. F. & Con. 4Ms 50.000 St. J. & L. C. 5s 100.000 St. Paul, Minn. & Man. 4Ms 100.000 Vermont Valley 4Ms Street Railway Bonds. $100,000 Boston Elevated 4Ms 10.000 Boston, Mil. & Brock. 5s 7.000 Bridge., Whit. & Rock. 5s 4.000 Brockton 5s 43.000 Brock., Bridge. & Taun. 5s 10.000 George., Rowley & Ips. 5s 105.000 Lynn & Boston 5s 7.000 N. Bed., Middle & Brock. 5s 25.000 South Shore & Boston 5s 6.000 Taunton & Brockton 5s 95.000 West End 4s 175.000 West End 4Ms 75.000 West End 5s 10.000 Worcester & Clinton 5s 50.000 Worcester & Southbridge 4Mb Bank Stocks. Shs. 50 Commonwealth Tr. Co., Boston 100 First Nl. Bk., Boston 200 Nl. Shawmut Bk., Boston 20 Nl. Union Bk., Boston 200 Second Nl. Bk., Boston [Pub. Doc. REPORT OF THE 130 FRANKLIN SAVINGS INSTITUTION, GREENFIELD. 332 MAIN STREET. Incorporated April 2, 1834. C h arles Board of Trustees: C. P. D an a M alo n e, W . Steven s, C . N. Number of corporators, 34; number of trustees, 15. N. Stoddard, A l d r ic h , C h a r l e s E. N ic h o l s , C . W . Stoddard, W . N. Clerk o f the Corporation. A lle n , C . Board of Investment: J. W . S t e v e n s , L u c iu s Auditing Committee: W . N . W ash bu rn , C . N im s , L u c iu s W ash bu rn , F. H. F. E . N im s , D a n a P a y n e , D y e r , J oseph F. N im s , H . G r is w o l d , J . P a y n e , A . M . P. L ogan, R ic e , J. W . W ells. M alo n e, C h arles W . E. A lle n , C. C. D y e r . N ic h o l s . Deposits draw interest from first day of January, April, July and October; dividends are payable January 1 and July 1. Business hours: 9 a .m . to 3 p .m .; Saturdays, 9 a .m . to 12.30 p .m ., also M ondays, 7 to 8.30 p .m . STATEMENT OF CONDITION, OCTOBER 30, 1915. Assets. Public funds, bonds and notes . . . . Railroad bonds and notes . . . . . Street railway bonds . . . . . . American Tel. & Tel. Co. bonds . . . . Stocks of banks and trust companies . . . Securities acquired in settlement of indebtedness . 919 loans on real estate (average o f eaph, $3,707.04) . Less amount due on uncompleted loans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3,409,276 47 . . . 2,505 00 ----------------------163 loans on personal security . . . . . . . . . . Bank building and fixtures (estimated value, $100,000; assessed value, $75,000) . . Deposits in national banks or trust companies . . . . . . Cash and cash items . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $564,975 00 1,513,321 25 196,087 50 113,500 00 36,001 00 14,000 00 3,406,771 47 1,423,890 53 50,000 00 168,444 56 2,512 62 Total A s s e t s .......................................$7,489,503 93 Liabilities. Due depositors on 14,599 accounts, averaging $474.83 each) . . . . . (Accounts opened during year, 1,267; closed, 1,246; increase, 22) Surplus: — a. Guaranty fund (4-99% of deposits; increase during year, SI,000) . . . b. Profit and loss (increase during year, $54,028.75) . . . . . . Current income: — Interest . . . . . . . . . . $46,158 45 Less current expenses not charged off . . $3,240 83 Less State or local taxes not charged off . . 1,342 50 ----------------------4,583 33 --------------------- Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Total Liabilities . $6,932,108 69 $346,000 00 169,820 12 41,575 12 . $7,489,503 93 No. 8.' BANK COMMISSIONER. 131 Total Expenses for the Year, including State Taxes. State Tax (Net). Salaries. Kent. Amount paid for $16,608.19 $10,883.26 Cost per $1,000 of assets 2 .2 2 1 .45 Cost per $1,000 of assets not including State tax and rent . Advertising. Other Expenses. Total. $124.57 $2,039.08 $29,655.10 .02 .27 3 .96 ................................................................... 1.74 Gross income received during the year, $350,830.17. Bates on Investments and Loans (Average on All, 4.80%). Real estate loans (average rate, 4.97 per cent.): 4 )4 % , $100,000; 4)4% . $80,000; 5%, $3,226,771.47. Personal loans (average rate, 5.15 per cent.): 4)4% , $245,000 ; 4)4% , $25,000; 5%, $779,040.53; 5)4% , $25,000; 5)4% , $83,850; 6%, $191,000; 6)4% , $25,000; 6)4% , $50,000. Bonds, stocks, etc. (average rate on amounts invested, 4.35 per cent.); 4%, $1,642,200; 4)4% , $350,300; 5%, $386,300; 5)4% , $800; 6%, $50,600; 7%, $4,500; 8%, $24,400. Number of loans not over $3,000 each, 830, amounting to $1,163,404.80. 96 real estate loans made during year, amounting to $226,980. Dividends, Deposits and Withdrawals. Ordinary dividends declared during year: Jan., 1915, 2% July, 1915, 2% Number of deposits during year, 10,576, amounting to $134,125 14 134,773 76 728,137 13 Number of withdrawals during year, 9,961, amounting to $997,036 03 919,865 66 N et increase in amount due depositors . . . . . . . . $77,170 37 SCHEDULE OF SECURITIES OWNED. Public Funds, Bonds. Par Value. $19,750 Greenfield (F. D.) 4s 18.000 South Deerfield (W. D.), 4s Par Value. $150,000 Boston 4s 150,000 Chicago, 111., 4s 25.000 Chicago, 111., 4)4s 45.000 Dayton, 0., 5s 50.000 Pittsburgh, Pa., 4)4s 25.000 Seattle, Wash., 5s 30.000 Attleborough 4s 14,500 Marblehead 4s Railroad Bonds. $33,000 Boston & Albany 4s 25.000 Boston & Albany 5s 25.000 Boston & Lowell 6s notes 75.000 Boston & Maine 4s 100.000 Boston & Maine 4)4s 200.000 C., B. & Q. 4s 50.000 Chicago, Mil. & St. Paul 5s 25.000 Chic. & Northwestern 4s 25.000 C., R. I. & P. 4s 25.000 Conn & Pass. Rivers 4s 25.000 Connecticut River 6s notes 25.000 Danbury & Norwalk 5s 76.000 Fitchburg 4s 25.000 Fitchburg 4)4s 35.000 Fitchburg 5s 150.000 Illinois Central 4s 50.000 Kal., Alleg. & G. R. 5s 100.000 Mil., L. S. & West. 5s 50.000 N. Y. & N. E. Term. 4s Public Funds, Notes. $800 Cobain 5)4s 5.200 Deerfield 4)4s 1.200 Deerfield 5s 1,700 Leyden 4)4s 1,800 Leyden 5s 15.000 Northfield 4)4s 900 Rowe 4)4s 1,050 Rowe 5s 950 Sunderland 4s 2,500 Sunderland 4)4s 6,000 Sunderland 5s 750 Deerfield (F. D.), 5s D ates o f E x a m in a t io n Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis a n d A u d it , October 25-29 inclusive. Par Value. $225,000 N. Y., N. H. & H. 4s 50.000 New England 4s 25.000 Northern Pacific 4)£s 25.000 Old Colony 4s 25.000 Pennsylvania 4J/>s 25.000 Portland & Ogdens. 4)£s 25.000 Sullivan Co. 4s Street Railway Bonds. $100,000 Boston Elevated 4s 50.000 Boston Elevated 4)£s 50.000 Boston & Northern 4s Bank Stocks. Shs. 153 Nl. Bk. of Commerce, Boston 34 Webster & Atlas Nl. Bk., Boston 210 Fbst Nl. Bk., Greenfield 25 Franklin Co. Tr. Co., Greenfield 6 North Adams National Bank 45 First Nl. Bk., Northampton 40 Hamp. Co. Nl. Bk., Northampton [Pub. JDoc. REPORT OF THE 132 GARDNER SAVINGS BANK, GARDNER. 29 Incorporated M ay 26, 1868. H en ry PARKER STREET. Number of incorporators, 53; number of trustees, 18. F. H o w e, Clerk of the Corporation, Board o f Trustees: A . W . B a n c r o f t , C . L. B e n t , E . L. B r o o k s , D . R . C o l l i e r , M . A. C r e e d , A . P. D e r b y , T . B. D u n n , J. D . E d g e l l , H. W . G a l e , M. J. G r e e n w o o d , M. P. G r e e n w o o d , S e t h H e y w o o d , H. F. H o w e , A . E . K n o w l t o n , C . F. R i c h a r d s o n , E . G. W a t k i n s , W . H. W h e e l e r , F. S. W h i t t e m o r e . Board of Investment: J. D . E .. LL.. B r o o k s , E d g ell, E Auditing Committee: R ic h a r d s o n , H . C . F. F. M. A . H o w e, C reed , A. W . A . EE .. H.. K n o w lto n , H W. G a l e . B an cro ft. Deposits draw interest from first day of January, April, July and October; dividends are payable MonJanuary 1 and July 1. Business hours: 9 a . m . to 3 p . m . ; Saturdays, 9 a . m . to 12 m . ; also Mon days, 6 to 8 p . m . , for deposits only. STATEMENT OF CONDITION, OCTOBER 30, 1915. Assets. Public funds, bonds and notes . . . . Railroad bonds and notes . . . . . Street railway bonds . . . . Boston Terminal Co. bonds . . . . . American Tel. & Tel. C o. bonds . . . Stocks of banks and trust companies . • Securities acquired in settlement of indebtedness 924 loans on real estate (average o f each, $2,829.42) Less amount due on uncompleted loans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2,160,482 89 . . 8,101 34 ----------------------207 loans on personal security . . . . . . . . . . Bank building and fixtures (estimated value, $100,000; assessed value, $74,000) . . Real estate b y foreclosure, etc. (assessed value, $375) . . . . . . Taxes, insurance, etc., paid on mortgaged properties . . . . . . Deposits in national banks or trust companies . . . . . . . . C a s h .................................................... . Total Assets . . . . . . . $392,687 76 632,436 72 151,410 43 19,716 43 65,095 00 78,500 00 11,895 00 . . . . 2,152,381 55 883,136 24 62,000 00 1,085 87 194 31 83,790 43 2,580 11 . . . $4,536,909 85 . . . $4,130,698 28 . . . 206,500 00 122,457 89 Liabilities. Due depositors on 11,457 accounts, averaging $360.54 each . . (Accounts opened during year, 1,481; closed, 1,201; increase, 280) Surplus: — a. Guaranty fund (5% o f deposits; increase during year, $2,500) . b. Profit and loss (increase during year, $20,302.80) . . . Current incom e: — a. Interest . . . . . . . $S1,703 42 b. Rent . . . . . . . 422 18 ----------------------Less current expenses not charged off . . . . . $82,125 60 4,901 80 77,223 80 3 32 26 56 Insurance premiums Suspense account Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis . . Total Liabilities . . $4,536,909 85 BAN K COMMISSIONER. No. 8. 133 Total Expenses for the Year, including State Taxes. State Tax (Net). Salaries. Rent. Advertising. Other Expenses. Total. Amount paid for #8,290.34 #10,171.64 #2,000.00 #356.48 $2,896.70 $23,715.16 Cost per $1,000 of assets 1.83 2 .24 .44 .08 .64 5.23 Cost per $1,000 of assets not including State tax and rent . . . . . . 2 .9 6 Gross income received during the year, $210,079.77. Rates on Investments and Loans (Average on All, 4.80%). Real estate loans (average rate, 5 per cent.): 5%, $2,152,381.55. Personal loans (average rate, 4.97 per cent.): 4J^%, $30,000; 4 % % , $35,000; 5%, $769,625.55; 6%, $39,810.69. Bonds, stocks, etc. (average rate on amounts invested, 4.38 per cent.): 3)^% , $196,000; 4% , $636,700; 4M % , $9,500; 4 % % , $186,000; 5%, $186,800; 6%, $82,600; 7%, $3,400; 8% , $19,600; 10%, $15,600; 16%, $3,000. Number of loans not over $3,000 each, 956, amounting to $1,143,824.08. 128 real estate loans made during year, amounting to $273,551.59. Dividends, Deposits and Withdrawals. Ordinary dividends declared during year: Jan., 1915, 2% July, 1915, 2% Number of deposits during year, 12,865, amounting to $77,457 93 79,015 60 649,466 28 Num ber of withdrawals during year, 10,344, amounting to N et increase in amount due depositors , . . . . . . . $805,939 81 678,072 08 . . . . $127,867 73 SCHEDULE OF SECURITIES OWNED. Public Funds, Bonds. Par Value. $20,000 California 4s 50.000 Massachusetts 3J^s 10.000 New York State 4}^s 50.000 Chelsea 4s 10.000 Cincinnati, 0., 4)^8 25.000 Dayton, 0., 5s 6.000 Gloucester 4s 20.000 Los Angeles, Cal., 4^8 10.000 Omaha, Neb., 4)^s 10.000 Portland, Ore., 4s 5.000 Portland, Ore., 5s 10.000 Portland, Ore., 6s 15.000 Seattle, Wash., 5s 26.000 Sioux City, la., 4}/£s 10.000 Spokane, Wash., 4His 10.000 Attleborough 4s 20.000 Gardner 3J^s 36.000 Gardner 4s 6.000 Peabody 4s 3.000 Foxborough (W. D.), 4s 5,500 Van Buren, Me. (W. D.}, 4s Public Funds, Notes. $2,000 Gardner 4s 9,500 Gardner 4Ms 7,200 Hubbardston 4s D ates of Railroad Bonds. Street Railway Bonds. Par Value. $20,000 Atch., Top. & Santa F6 4s 35.000 Baltimore & Ohio 3Ms 40.000 Bangor & Aroostook 5s 25.000 Boston & Albany 4s 35.000 Boston & Maine 4s 25.000 Boston & Maine 4Ms 25.000 B., R. Beach & Lynn 4J^s 5.000 C., B. & Q. 5s 15.000 Chicago, Mil. & St. Paul 4Ms 10.000 Chicago, Mil. & St. Paul 5s 5.000 Connecticut River 3Ms 11.000 Delaware & Hudson Co. 4s 30.000 Fitchburg 4s 50.000 Illinois Central 3Ms 3.000 Louisville & Nashville 6s 25.000 Maine Shore Line 6s 10.000 Mich. Cent. Air Line 4s 10.000 Mil., L. S. & W. 6s 10.000 Minn., St. P. & Sit. Ste. M. 5s 10.000 N. Y. C. & H. R. 4s 101,000 N. Y „ N. H. & H. 4s 25.000 No. Maine Seaport 5s 10.000 Northern Pacific 4Ms 10.000 Old Colony 4s 10.000 Portland & R. Falls 4s 20.000 Portland Terminal Co. 4s 5.000 San Fran. & San J. Valley 5s 10.000 Sioux City & Pacific 3Ms 15.000 Upper Coos 4s 20.000 Wash. & Col. River 4s Par Value. $15,000 Boston Elevated 4s 25.000 Boston Elevated 4Ms 25.000 Boston & Northern 4s 5.000 Brockton 5s 5.000 N. B., Middleboro & Brock. 5s 20.000 Old Colony 4s 25.000 Springfield 4s 3.000 Springfield & Eastern 5s 25.000 West End 5s Bank Stocks. Shs. 18 Millers River Nl. Bk., Athol 50 Eliot Nl. Bk., Boston 30 First Nl. Bk., Boston 20 Merchants Nl. Bk., Boston 8 First Nl. Bk., Clinton 30 Fitchburg Bank & Trust Co. 316 First Nl. Bk., Gardner 100 Orange Nl. Bk. 34 Crocker Nl. Bk., Turner’s Falls. 171 First Nl. Bk,, Winchendon 18 Mechanics Nl. Bk., Worcester 25 Merchants Nl. Bk., Worcester E x a m in a t io n a n d A u d it , M ay 27-June 4 inclusive; Novem ber 29-D ecem ber 3 inclusive. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 134 REPO RT OF THE [Pub. Doc. GEORGETOWN SAVINGS BANK, GEORGETOWN. 24 Incorporated M ay 26, 1868. EAST MAIN STREET. Number of corporators, 36; number of trustees, 15. W a l t e r M . B r e w s t e r , President. E d w a r d S. F ic k e t t , Treasurer. L e w is H . G il e s , Clerk of the Corporation. Board of Trustees: W . E . A t k in s o n , L. H . B a t e m a n , W . M . B r e w s t e r , G. F. C a r l e t o n , E. A . C h a p l in , S. A . D o n o g h u e , E . S. F ic k e t t , L. H . G il e s , F. H . H a r r im a n , M . L. H o y t , T . P . K i l l a m , R . F. M e t c a l f , G. W . N o y e s , H . H . N o y e s , C. E. T y l e r . Board of Investment: H . H. N o y e s , S. A . D o n o g h u e , C. E . T y l e r . Auditing Committee: L. H . G il e s , M . L. H o y t , F . H . H a r r im a n . Deposits draw interest from third W ednesday of January, April, July and October; dividends are payable the fourth W ednesday of April and October. Business hours: 9 a . m . to 2 p . m . ; Saturdays, 9 a . m . to 12 m . STATEMENT OF CONDITION, OCTOBER 30, 1915. Assets. Public funds, bonds and notes . . . . Railroad bonds and notes . . . . . Street railway bonds . . . . . . American Tel. & Tel. Co. bonds . . . . Stocks of banks and trust companies . . . 365 loans on real estate (.average of each, $1,087.65) . Less amount due on uncompleted loans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $73,150 157,977 37,880 14,135 7,400 00 35 00 00 00 396,993 51,108 1,200 25,101 634 17 48 00 12 51 $397,568 17 575 00 13 loans on personal security . . . . Real estate b y foreclosure, etc. (assessed value, $1,000) Deposits in national banks or trust companies Cash and cash items . . . . . . Total A s s e t s ....................................... $765,579 63 Liabilities. Due depositors on 1,679 accounts, averaging $429.96 each (Accounts opened during year, 114; closed, 134; decrease, 20) Surplus: — a. Guaranty fund (5.12% of deposits; increase during year, none) b. Profit and loss (increase during year, $3,637.61) Current incom e: —Interest . . . . . . . . . Less current expenses not charged off . . . Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Total Liabilities . . $721,911 61 37,000 00 6,204 53 $532 29 68 80 ------------- . . . 463 49 $765,579 63 135 BANK COMMISSIONER. No. 8.] Total Expenses for the Year, including State Taxes. State Tax (Net). Salaries. Rent. Advertising. Other Expenses. Total. Amount paid for $1,430.05 $1,589.80 $275.00 $27.00 $501.24 $3,823.09 C ost per $1,000 of assets 1.87 2 .0 8 .36 .03 .65 4 .99 Cost per $1,000 of assets not including State tax and rent . . . . . . 2.76 Gross income received during the year, $38,514.13. Rates on Investments and Loans (Average on All, 4.81%). Real estate loans (average rate, 5.15 per cent.): 5%, $334,734.35; 5}^% , $5,950; 6%, $55,158.82; 6 H % . $ 1 0 0 ; 7%, $1,050. 4 Personal loans (average rate, 5.14 per cen t.): 4%%,, $15,000; 5%, $25,108.48; 6 %, $11,000. Bonds, stocks, etc. (average rate on amounts invested, 4 29 per cent.): 3%, $15,000; 3.30%, $5,000; 3H % . $25,000; 4%, $145,500; 4)^% , $84,650; 5%, $24,500; 6 %, $2,000. Number of loans not over $3,000 each, 359, amounting to $340,701.65. 41 real estate loans made during year, amounting to $52,915. Dividends, Deposits and Withdrawals. Ordinary dividends declared during year: April, 1915, 2 % ......................................... $14,012 20 October, 1915, 2 % ........................................... 13,960 51 Number of deposits during year, 766, amounting t o .......................................... .......... 68,035 06 Number of withdrawals during year, 1,052, amounting t o .......................................... .......... N et decrease in amount due depositors . . . . . . . . $96,007 77 97,319 33 $1,311 56 SCHEDULE OF SECURITIES OWNED. Public Funds, Bonds. Railroad Bonds. Par Value. $6,000 Essex County 4s 5.000 Boston 4s 1.000 Chicopee 4s 3.000 Everett 4s 10.000 Los Angeles, Cal., 4J^s 1.000 Marlborough 4s 5.000 New Bedford 4s 5.000 Omaha, Neb., 4 J/2S 10.000 San Francisco, Cal., 5s 4.000 Waterville, Me., 4s 4.000 Georgetown 4s 5.000 Longmeadow 4s 2,500 W. & S. Acton (W. S. D.), 4s Par Value. $10,000 Baltimore & Ohio 3A$ 10.000 Bennington & Rutland 4J^s 5.000 Boston & Albany ‘AA s 8.000 Boston & Albany 4s 2.000 Boston & Lowell 4s 5.000 Boston & Maine 4s 10.000 Chicago, Mil. & St. Paul 4As 4.000 Concord & Montreal 4s 10.000 Delaware & Hudson 4s 5.000 Dexter & Newport 4s 5.000 Fitchburg 4s 15.000 Illinois Central 3s 10.000 Illinois Central 3}^s 14.000 Illinois Central 4s 10.000 N. Y. C. & H. R. 4s 5.000 New York & N. Eng.Term. 4s 2.000 N. Y „ N. H. & H. 4s 5.000 Old Colony 4s Public Funds, Notes. $6,650 Hull VA b 5.000 Randolph 3.30% D a t e of E x a m in a t io n , M ay 7. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Par Value. $10,000 Pennsylvania 4J^s 15,000 Portland Terminal Co. 4s 3.000 Upper Coos 4s 4.000 Upper Coos 4J^s Street Railway Bonds. $25,000 Boston Elevated 4As 1.000 Dighton, Som. & Swansea 5s 1.000 Hoosac Valley 5s 1.000 Lynn & Boston 5s 1.000 Providence & Taunton 5s 5.000 Springfield & Eastern 5s 4.000 Worcester & Southbridge iA a Bank Stocks. Shs. 55 Georgetown Nl. Bk. 20 First Nl. Bk., Ipswich 136 REPORT OF THE [Pub. Doc. GRAFTON SAVINGS BANK, GRAFTON. Incorporated March 13, 1869. Num ber of corporators, 49; number of trustees, 21. H a r r in g t o n L. N ic h o l s , President. J o seph A. D o d g e , Treasurer. F r a n c is P r e s c o t t , Clerk of the Corporation. $ Board of Trustees: F . A . A n d e r s o n , F . H . C l a p p , S. L. D a v e n p o r t , J. F . D o n a h u e , C . H . E l l io t , F . L. F arnttm , P e r l e y G o d d a r d , M a r t in H i c k e y , E . A . H o w e , E . E . H o w e , F . M . M c G a r r y , E dm u n d M o r t im e r , H . L. N ic h o l s , F r a n c is P r e s c o t t , H ir a m R e y n o l d s , L. M . R ic e , C . L. S e a b u r y , J. E . S h e r id a n , E . P . U s h e r , F . H . W a r r e n , O . M . W in g . Board of Investment: H . L. N ic h o l s , O. M . W i n g , C . L. S e a b u r y , P e r l e y G o d d a r d , S. L. D a v e n p o r t . Auditing Committee: O. M . W i n g , E . E. H o w e , M a r t in H i c k e y . Deposits draw interest from first day of January, April, July and October; dividends are payable January 15 and July 15. Business hours: 9 a .m . to 12 m .; 1.30 to 3 p .m .; Saturdays, 9 a . m . to 12 m . STATEMENT OF CONDITION, OCTOBER 30, 1915. Assets. Public funds, bonds and notes . . . . Railroad bonds and notes . . . . . Street railway bonds . . . . . . American Tel. & Tel. Co. bonds . . . Stocks of banks and trust companies . . . 197 loans on real estate {average of each, $1,746.39) . 14 loans on personal security . . . . Real estate b y foreclosure, etc. (assessed value, $4,000) Deposits in national banks or trust companies . Cash and cash items . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 833,070 87,400 50,757 7,826 500 344,040 6,165 4,663 899 1,149 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 00 00 50 25 00 00 00 65 65 54 $536,471 59 Total Assets A Liabilities. Due depositors on 1,064 accounts, averaging 8457.59 each (Accounts opened during year, 113; closed, 86; increase, 27) Surplus: — a. Guaranty fund (5.07% of deposits; increase during year, h. Profit and loss (increase during year, $2,587.52) . Current incom e: — Interest . . . . . . . . . Less current expenses not charged off . . . . Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Total Liabilities . . . $1,000) . . . . . . . . . . . 24,700 00 16,467 24 89,301 55 874 77 ----------------------- 8,426 78 . . . 8486,877 57 . . $536,471 59 137 BANK COMMISSIONER. No. 8.] Total Expenses for the Year, including State Taxes. State Tax (Net). Salaries. Rent. Advertising. Other Expenses.- Total. Amount paid for | {$603.37 $1,200.00 $167.25 $19.83 $800.48 $2,790.93 Cost per $1,000 of assets 1.12 2 .2 3 .31 .04 1.49 5 .1 9 Cost per $1,000 of assets not including State tax and rent . . . . . • 3 .7 6 Gross income received during the year, $25,081.42. Rates on Investments and Loans (Average on All, 4.89%). Real estate loans (average rate, 5.12 per cent.): 4}^% , $14,175; 5%, $270,155; 5J^%, $21,750; 6 %, $37,960. Personal loans (average rate, 5.75 per cen t.): 5J^%, $3,000; 6 % , $3,165. Bonds, stocks, etc. (average rate on amounts invested, 4.41 per cent.): 4% , $125,070; 4J^%, % $27,000; 5%, $33,000; 8 % , $600. Number of loans not over $3,000 each, 191, amounting to $212,480. 19 real estate loans made during year, amounting to $33,300. Dividends, Deposits and Withdrawals. Ordinary dividends declared during year: Jan., 1915, 2% July, 1915, 2% Number of deposits during year, 671, amounting to . Number of withdrawals during year, 798, amounting to . $9,159 07 9,326 70 51,001 28 . $69,487 05 54,461 53 . $15,025 52 Net increase in amount due depositors SCHEDULE OF SECURITIES OWNED. Railroad Bonds. Public Funds, Bonds. Par Value. $8,000 Boston 4s 5,000 San Francisco, Cal., 5s 3,510 Grafton 4s Par Value. $5,000 Bangor & Aroostook 5s 5.000 Boston & Albany 5s 12.000 Boston & Maine 4s 5.000 C., B. & Q. 4s 5.000 N. Y. C. & H. R. 4s 26.000 N. Y., N. H. & H. 4s 15.000 No. Maine Seaport 5s 15.000 Portland & R. Falls 4s Public Funds, Notes. $16,560 Grafton 4s D a t e of E x a m in a t io n , April 16. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Street Railway Bonds. Par Value. $15,000 Boston Elevated 4s 15.000 Boston Elevated 4J^s 5.000 Boston & Northern 4s 3.000 Brockton 5s 5.000 West End 4s 12.000 Worcester Con. 4J^s Bank Stocks. Shs. 6 Spencer Nl. Bk. 138 REPO RT OF THE [Pub. Doc. GRANITE SAVINGS BANK, ROCKPORT. 9 Incorporated March 21, 1884. MAIN STREET. Number of corporators, 37; number of trustees, 13. R o b e r t H e r n e , Clerk of the Corporation. Board of Trustees: J a m e s A b b o t t , A . C . B u t m a n , G r a f t o n B u t m a n , A . H . F r e n c h , L . B . G r im e s , R o b e r t H e r n e , G . A . L o w e , F r a n c is N o b l e , B . N . T a r r , F . W . T a r r , H . H . T h u r s t o n , L . W . T h u r s t o n , H . C. T u f t s . Board of Investment: J a m e s A b b o t t , G. A . L o w e , B. N. T a r r , H. H. T h u r s t o n , H. C. T u f t s . Auditing Committee: A . H. F r e n c h , B. N . T a r r , F . W . T a r r . Deposits draw interest from first day of January, April, July and October; dividends are payable April and October 4. Business hours: 9 a .m . to 12 m .; also Wednesdays, 2 to 3 p .m ., and Satur days, 2 to 3 and 6 to 7 p . m . STATEMENT OF CONDITION, OCTOBER 30, 1915. Assets. Public funds, bonds and notes . . . . . . . . Railroad bonds and notes . . . . . . . . . Street railway bonds . . . . . . . . . . American Tel. & Tel. C o. bonds . . . . . . . . Stocks of banks and trust companies . . . . . . . Securities acquired in settlement of indebtedness . . . . . 304 loans on real estate (average of each, $1,020.65) . . . . . 34 loans on personal security . . . . . . . Bank building and fixtures (estimated value, $8,000; assessed value, $8,000) Real estate b y foreclosure, etc. (assessed value, $9,700) . . . . Taxes, insurance, etc., paid on mortgaged properties . . . . Deposits in national banks or trust companies . . . . . Cash and cash items . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $60,745 33,705 6,880 7,040 13,935 3,000 310,279 19,615 8,000 9,904 370 12,708 1,701 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 08 67 99 54 Total A s s e t s .......................................$487,884 28 Liabilities. Due depositors on 1,572 accounts, averaging $289.44 each . . . . . (Accounts opened during year, 136; closed, lJfl; decrease, 6) Surplus: — а. Guaranty fund (6.01% of deposits; increase during year, $1,676) . . . б. Profit and loss (increase during year, $697.23) . . . . . . Current incom e: — I n t e r e s t ............................................................................................... $833 49 Less current expenses not charged off . . . . . 360 81 ----------------------Balance due on foreclosure sale . . . . . . . . . . Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Total Liabilities . . . . . $454,998 07 22,779 00 9,060 43 472 6 8 5 7 4 10 $487,884 28 139 BAN K COMMISSIONER. No. 8.] Total Expenses for the Year, including State Taxes. State Tax (Net). Salaries. Rent. Amount paid for $460.48 $2,106.66 $150.00 Cost per $1,000 of assets .95 4 .3 2 .31 Cost per $1,000 of assets not including State tax and rent . Advertising. Other Expenses. Total. $158.64 $861.30 $3,737.08 .33 1.77 7.68 .......................................... 6.42 Gross income received during the year, $24,118.24. Rates on Investments and Loans (Average on All, 5.42%). Real estate loans (average rate, 5.97 per cen t.): 5%, $3,950; 5J^%, $4,500; 6%, $301,829. Personal loans (average rate, 5.40 per cent.): 5%, $11,000; 5Yi%, $1,500; 6%, $7,115. Bonds, stocks, etc. (average rate on amounts invested, 4.05 per cent.): 2%, $6,000; 3%, $2,000 ; 3J^%, $15,000; 3M % . SI,000; 4%, $85,200; 4>£%, $9,000; 5%, $6,000; 6%, .$1,200; 10%, $1,500. Number of loans not over $3,000 each, 327, amounting to $282,044. 41 real estate loans made during year, amounting to $35,205. Dividends, Deposits and Withdrawals. Ordinary dividends declared during year: April, 1915, 2% Oct., 1915, 2% Number of deposits during year, 1,374, amounting to $8,520 91 8,763 40 68,067 08 Number of withdrawals during year, 1,317, amounting to $85,351 39 73,750 50 $11,600 89 N et increase in amount due depositors SCHEDULE OF SECURITIES OWNED. Public Funds, Bonds. Par Value. $2,000 Massachusetts 3J^s 4.000 Essex Co. 4s 3.000 Boston 33dis 1.000 Boston 4s 6.000 Chelsea 4s 2.000 Chicago, 111., 4s 1.000 Everett 4s 2.000 Fall River 4s 2.000 Lowell 3J^s 1.000 Lynn 4s 2.000 Minneapolis, Minn., 4s 3.000 New Britain, Conn., 4s 1.000 Pittsburgh, Pa., 4s 2.000 San Francisco, Cal., 5s 2.000 Schenectady, N. Y., 4s 2.000 Sioux City, la., i'As 1.000 South Norwalk, Conn., 4s 2.000 Springfield 4s 2.000 Troy, N. Y., 4s 1.000 Waltham 4s 1.000 Waterbury, Conn., 4s Par Value. $2,000 Danvers 4s 2.000 Douglas 4s 1.000 Marblehead 4s 1.000 North Andover 4s 2.000 Orange 4s 2.000 Rockport 3J^s 2.000 Rockport 4s 3.000 Stoneham 4s 2,00C Swampscott 3V^s Public Funds, Notes. Street Railway Bonds. $2,000 Boston Elevated 4s 2.000 Boston Elevated 4V£s 1.000 West End 4s 2.000 West End 4)^s $1,000 Plymouth 3%s Railroad Bonds. $2,000 Bangor & Aroostook 5s 5.000 Boston & Maine 4s 3.000 Boston & Maine 4p£s 4.000 Chic., Mil. & St. Paul 4s 7.000 Fitchburg 4s 2.000 Illinois Central 3s D a t e s of E x a m in a t io n a n d A u d it , September 1 -7 inclusive. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Par Value. $4,000 N. Y., N. H. & H. 3H b 4.000 N. Y.. N. H. & H. 4s 2.000 Northern Maine Seaport 5s 2.000 Old Colony 4s Bank Stocks. Shs. 15 Beverly Trust Co. 12 Cape Ann Nl. Bk., Gloucester 1 Gloucester Nl Bk. 15 Gloucester S. D. & T. Co. 60 Manchester Trust Co. 12 Rockport Nl. Bk. REPO RT OF THE 140 [Pub. Doc. GREAT BARRINGTON SAVINGS BANK, GREAT BARRINGTON. 320 MAIN STREET. Incorporated February 3, 1869. Number of corporators, 36; number of trustees, 16. W il l ia m W . N o r t o n , President. C l a r e n c e R . Sa b i n , Treasurer. W a l t e r B . Sa n f o r d , Clerk of the Corporation. Board of Trustees: J. C. B e n t o n , O. C . B i d w e l l , J. H . C . C h u r c h , A . C . C o l l in s , A . S. F a s s e t t , C . M. G i b b s , C h a r l e s G id d in g s , F . E . G id d in g s , R . O . H a r p e r , W . C . H in m a n , W . W . N o r t o n , T . E . R a m s d e l l , C . R . Sa b i n , W . B . S a n f o r d , F . H . T u r n e r , F . H . W r ig h t . Board o f Investment: W . W . N o r t o n , O. C. B i d w e l l , A . S. F a s s e t t , F. H . T u r n e r , F. E . G id d in g s . Auditing Committee: W . B . S a n f o r d , J. C. B e n t o n , C. M . G i b b s . Deposits draw interest from first day of January, April, July and October; dividends are payable the first day of January and July. Business hours; 9 a .m . to 12 m .; 1 to 3 p .m . STATEMENT OF CONDITION, OCTOBER 30, 1915. Assets. Public funds, bonds and notes . . . . . Railroad bonds and notes . . . . . . . . . Street railway bonds . . . . . . . . . . . Boston Terminal C o. bonds . . . . . . . . . . American Tel. & Tel. C o. bonds •. Stocks of banks and trust companies . . . . . . . . 455 loans on real estate (average of each, $3,664-95) . . . . . . 49 loans on personal security . . . . . . . . . Real estate b y foreclosure, etc. (assessed value, $35,750) . . . . . Deposits in national banks or trust companies . . . . . . Cash and cash items . . . . . . . . . . . $44,000 451,575 88,782 20,000 31,442 142,067 1,212,551 83,977 40,439 55,453 1,504 . 00 00 50 00 50 14 00 70 56 42 39 Total A s s e t s .......................................$2,171,793 21 Liabilities. Due depositors on 5,433 accounts, averaging $370.54 each (Accounts opened during year, 634; closed, 550; increase, 74) Surplus: — a. Guaranty fund {4-13% o f deposits; increase during year, $6,000) b. Profit and loss (increase during year, $3,488.54) Current incom e: — Interest . . . . . . . . . . Less current expenses not charged off Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis . $2,013,135 22 83,000 00 40,659 91 $37,051 51 2,053 43 34,998 08 Total Liabilities . . $2,171,793 21 141 BAN K COMMISSIONER. No. 8.] Total Expenses for the Year, including State Taxes. State Tax (Net). Salaries. Rent. Am ount paid for $3,094.68 $4,120.50 $1,000.00 Cost per $1,000 of assets 1.42 1.90 .46 Cost per $1,000 of assets not including State tax and rent . Advertising. Other Expenses. Total. $36.65 $632.09 $8,883.92 .02 .29 4 .0 9 2.21 Gross income received during the year, $95,024.44. Rates on Investments and Loans (Average on All, 4.73%). Real estate loans (average rate, 5 per cent.): 4)^% , $52,500; 5%, $1,131,826; 6%, $28,225. Personal loans (average rate, 5.19 per cent.): 5%, $57,750; 5J^%, $20,540 ; 6%, $5,687.70. Bonds, stocks, etc. (average rate on amounts invested, 4.26 per cent.): 3)^% , $105,000; 4% , $446,000; m V o , $20,000; 5%, $79,800; 6%, $39,100; 7%, $21,400; 8%, $27,400; 10%, $2,600; 12%, $3,900. Number of loans not over $3,000 each, 410, amounting to $527,753.70. 97 real estate loans made during year, amounting to $199,000. Dividends, Deposits and Withdrawals. Ordinary dividends declared during year: Jan., 1915, 2% July, 1915, 2 % Number of deposits during year, 4,455, amounting to . . . . . . ........................................... . . . . Number of withdrawals during year, 4,003, amounting to N et increase in amount due depositors . . . . . . . . . . . $37,545 68 37,707 78 335,998 98 . $411,252 44 355,042 25 . $56,210 19 SCHEDULE OF SECURITIES OWNED. Public Funds, Bonds. Par Value. $15,000 Boston 4s 20,000 Chicago, 111., 4s 9,000 Gt. Barrington (F. D.), 4s Railroad Bonds. $30,000 Bangor & Aroostook 5s 30.000 Boston & Albany 4s 20.000 Boston & Lowell 4s 39.000 Boston & Maine 4s 20.000 Boston & Maine 4J^s 30.000 C., B. & Q. 3)^s 60.000 C., B. &'Q. 4s 9,000 Connecticut River 4s 40.000 Fitchburg 4s 30.000 N. Y., N. H. & H. 3^s 45.000 N. Y N. H. & H. 4s 20.000 No. Maine Seaport 5s 55.000 Old Colony 4s 25.000 Washington Co. 3J^s Street Railway Bonds. Par Value. $44,000 Boston Elevated 4s 15.000 Hoosac Valley 4s 10.000 Leom., Shirley & Ayer 5s 10.000 Lynn & Boston 5s 10.000 West End 4s Bank Stocks. Shs. 6 First Nl. Bk., Adams 60 Beverly Nl. Bk. 10 Commercial Nl. Bk., Boston 23 Fourth-Atlantic Nl. Bk., Boston 45 Market Trust Co., Boston 14 Nl. Union Bk., Boston 72 Peoples Nl. Bk., Boston 16 Dedham Nl. Bk. 12 Franklin Nl. Bk. 39 Nl. Mahaiwe Bk., Gt. Barrington 8 Franklin Co. Tr. Co., Greenfield 38 First Nl. Bk., Haverhill 30 City Nl. Bk., Holyoke 26 Holyoke Nl. Bk. D a t e s op E x a m in a t io n , M ay 20, 21. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Shs. 25 Park Nl. Bk., Holyoke 24 Lee Nl. Bk. 25 Leominster Nl. Bk. 80 Manufacturers Nl. Bk., Lynn 10 Nl. Bk. of Methuen 30 Monson Nl. Bk. 10 First Nl. Bk., New Bedford 10 Mechanics Nl. Bk., New Bedford 67 No. Adams Nl. Bk. 19 Warren Nl. Bk., Peabody 1 Pittsfield Nl. Bk. 23 Old Colony Nl. Bk., Plymouth 10 Nat. Mt. Wollaston Bk., Quincy 11 Framingham Nl. Bk. 35 Chapin Nl. Bk., Springfield 100 Chicopee Nl. Bk., Springfield 50 Bristol Co. Nl. Bk., Taunton 19 Taunton Nl. Bk. 39 Crocker Nl. Bk., Turners Falls 15 Blackstone Nl. Bk., Uxbridge 5 Ware Nl. Bk. 10 First Nl. Bk., Winchendon 25 Merchants Nl. Bk., Worcester REPORT OF THE 142 [Pub. Doc. GREENFIELD SAVINGS BANK, GREENFIELD. 358 MAIN STREET. Incorporated March 19, 1869. E ugene B . B lak e, Number of corporators, 32; number of trustees, 12. President. W il l ia m Sam u el Board of Trustees: W . F. A F i e l d , L. F. G b a v e s , D . , W. W. H C o n an t, ik e n S. A llen , R . u n t e r , C . F . A ik e n , Treasurer. Clerk of the Corporation. E . B. H . B la k e , S. K e it h , G . D. C . C on an t, L u n t, J. J. E . H . D on ovan , Sa n d e r so n , C. L. F. L. W h it m o r e . Board o f Investment: E . B . B la k e , Auditing Committee: E . B. B la k e , C. H . K e it h , C. L. F ie l d , J. E . D o n o van , R. W . G. C . L u n t, W . S. A llen . H u n ter. Deposits draw interest from first day o f January, April, July and October; dividends are payable January 1 and July 1. Business hours: 9 a . m . to 3 p . m . ; Saturdays, 9 a . m . to 12.30 p . m . ; also Mondays, 7 to 8.30 p . m . STATEMENT OF CONDITION, OCTOBER 30, 1915. Assets. Public funds, bonds and notes . Railroad bonds and notes . . . . . Street railway bonds . . . . . . American Tel. & Tel. Co. bonds . . Securities acquired in settlement of indebtedness 402 loans on real estate (average of each, $1,529.66) Less amount due on uncompleted loans . $85,950 683,302 97,500 54,000 10,254 00 50 00 00 00 614,923 353,591 73,680 526 85 28 27 15 $617,123 85 2,200 00 65 loans on personal security Deposits in national banks or trust companies Cash and cash items . . . . . Total A s s e t s .......................................$1,973,728 05 Liabilities. Due depositors on 4,456 accounts, averaging $408.22 each . . . . . ( Accounts opened during year, 181; closed, 380; decrease, 199) Surplus: — a. Guaranty fund (5.77% of deposits; increase during year, none) . . . b. Profit and loss {increase during year, 811,424.80) . . . . . . Current incom e: — I n t e r e s t ...............................................................................................$25,515 72 Less current expenses not charged off . . . . 2,883 65 ----------------------- Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Total Liabilities . $1,819,043 18 104,888 96 27,163 84 22,632 07 . $1,973,728 05 143 BANK COMMISSIONER. No. 8.] Total Expenses for the Year, including State Taxes. Advertising. Other Expenses. Total. $253.43 $1,282.21 $14,178.04 .13 .65 7.19 3.59 State Tax (Net). Salaries. Rent. Amount paid for $6,297.90 $5,539.50 $805.00 C ost per $1,000 of assets 3 .19 2.81 .41 Cost per $1,000 of assets not including State tax and rent . Gross income received during the year, $93,937.43. Rates on Investments and Loans (Average on All, 4.83%). Real estate loans (average rate, 5.10 per cent.): 5%, $552,023.85; 6%, $62,900. Personal loans (average rate, 5.24 per cent.): 5%, $262,648.78; 5J^%, $12,997.50; 6%, $77,945. Bonds, stocks, etc. (average rate on amounts invested, 4.50 per cent.): 3%, $50,000; 3J^%, $261,000; 4%, $349,750; 4M % . $38,000; 4M % . $48,200; 5%, $207,000; 6%, $53,000. Number of loans not over $3,000 each, 416, amounting to $460,434.35. 29 real estate loans made during year, amounting to $56,575. Dividends, Deposits and Withdrawals. Ordinary dividends declared during year: Jan., 1915, 2% July, 1915, 2 % Number of deposits during year, 1,043, amounting to . . . . . .......................................... . ‘ . . . • Number of withdrawals during year, 2,140, amounting to . N et decrease in amount due depositors . . . . . . . . . . $36,740 64 36,183 80 132,752 40 . $205,676 84 254,661 51 . $48,984 67 SCHEDULE OF SECURITIES OWNED. Public Funds, Notes. Par Value. $38,000 Franklin Co. W/is 5.000 Franklin Co. 4)^s 5.000 Colrain (F. D.), 4s 19,750 Greenfield (F. D.), 4s 18,200 Northfield i}4s Railroad Bonds. Par Value. $50,000 Boston & Maine 3s 25.000 Boston & Maine 4s 25.000 Boston & Maine 4J^s 125,000 G, B. & Q. 3y2s 50.000 C., B. & Q. 4s 47.000 Chicago & Northwest. 5s 53.000 Chicago & Northwest. 6s 7,000 Fitchburg 4s Par Value. $76,000 Illinois Central 3J^s 100.000 Milwaukee, L. S. & W. 5s 133.000 N. Y., N. H. & H. 4s 50.000 Sioux City & Pacific 3J^s 10.000 Washington Co. 3}4s Street Railway Bonds. $50,000 Lynn & Boston 5s 50.000 Springfield 4s D a t e s of E x a m in a t io n a n d A u d it , September 27-O ctober 1 inclusive. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 144 REPO RT OF THE [Pub. Doc. GROVE HALL SAVINGS BANK, BOSTON. 648 WARREN STREET (ROXBTJRY DISTRICT). Incorporated January 30, 1914. A lbert Number of corporators, 35; number of trustees, 21. A . G i n z b e r g , President. J o s e p h L . D o w n e y , Treasurer. G uy A . H am , Clerk o f the Corporation. Board of Trustees: P. S. A r o n s o n , T o b ia s B e r m a n , E . J. B r o d y , R e u b e n B r o o m f ie l d , W . L . C o l l i n s , J. L . D o w n e y , A . A . G i n z b e r g , J. H . G o o d m a n , A . M . G r e e n b l a t t , O s c a r G r o s b e r g , G. A . H a m , D . M . K a s a n o f , C o l m a n L e v i n , M . L . L o u r i e , H y m a n P h il l ip s , N a t h a n P i n a n s k i , L o u i s R o s e n b e r g , A . R . R o s e n t h a l , J o s e p h R u d n i c k , I. W . S h a p i r a , H a r r is U l i n . Board o f Investment: J o s e p h R u d n i c k , P . S. A r o n s o n , I. W . S h a p i r a , A . A . G i n z b e r g . A . R . R o s e n t h a l , *J. H . G o o d m a n , N a t h a n P i n a n s k i . Auditing Committee: E . J. B r o d y , A . M . G r e e n b l a t t , M . L. L o u r i e . Deposits draw interest from second W ednesday of February, M ay, August and N ovem ber; dividends are payable the second W ednesday of M ay and Novem ber. Business hours: 9 a . m . to 3 p . m . also Thursdays and Saturdays, for deposits only, 7 to 9 p . m . STATEMENT OF CONDITION, OCTOBER 30, 1915. Assets. Public funds, bonds and notes . . . . Railroad bonds and notes . . . . . Street railway bonds . . . . . . 20 loans on real estate (average o f each, $5,328.75) . 7 loans on personal security . . . . Premium account . . . . . . Deposits in national banks or trust companies . Cash and cash items . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $4,000 00 2,895 00 4,925 00 106,575 00 30,000 00 73 08 5,932 93 2,270 69 Total A s s e t s .......................................$156,671 70 Liabilities. Due depositors on 1,936 accounts, averaging $80.08 each . {Accounts opened during year, 1,510; closed, 412; increase, 1,098) Surplus: — Guaranty fund {.16% of deposits; increase during year, $250) Current incom e: — Interest . . . . . . . . . Less current expenses not charged off Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Total Liabilities . $155,026 34 250 00 $2,395 32 999 96 ---------------- 1,395 36 $156,671 70 No. 8.] BANK COMMISSIONER. 145 Total Expenses for the Year, including State Taxes. State Tax (Net). Salaries. Rent. Am ount paid for $134.06 $999.96 Cost per $1,000 of assets .86 6 .38 Cost per $1,000 of assets not including State tax and rent Advertising. Other Expenses. Total. $1,134.02 7.24 6.38 Gross income received during the year, $4,854.80. Rates on Investments and Loans (Average on All, 5.22%). Real estate loans (average rate, 5.07 per cen t.): 5%, $93,275; 5J^%, $10,800; 6%, $2,500. Personal loans (average rate, 6 per cen t.): 6%, $30,000. Bonds, stocks, etc. (average rate on amounts invested, 4.62 per cen t.): 4)^% , $10,000; 5%, $2,000. Number of loans not over $3,000 each, 5, amounting to $8,500. 12 real estate loans made during year, amounting to $52,800. Dividends, Deposits and Withdrawals. Ordinary dividends declared during year: N ov., 1914, 2% M ay, 1915, 2 % Number of deposits during year, 9,316, amounting to . . Number of withdrawals during year, 2,366, amounting to Net increase in amount due depositors . . . . . . . . .......................................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . $892 59 1,532 18 145,083 60 $147,508 37 64,784 12 $82,724 25 SCHEDULE OF SECURITIES OWNED. Public Funds, Bonds. Par Value. $2,000 Los Angeles, Cal., 4)^s 2,000 San Francisco, Cal., 5s Railroad Bonds. $3,000 Chic., Mil. & St. Paul 4)^s D a t e o f E x a m in a t io n , January 13. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Street Railway Bonds. Par Value. $5,000 West End 4J^s D a t e s of A u d it , August 2 - 4 inclusive. 146 REPO RT OF THE [Pub. Doc. HAMPDEN SAVINGS BANK, SPRINGFIELD. 294 MAIN STREET. Incorporated April 13, 1852. D w ig h t 0 . G il m o b e , Number of corporators, 43; number of trustees, 14. President. J o h n B . P h e l p s , Treasurer. L ou is C. H y d e , Clerk of the Corporation. Board of Trustees: H . J. B e e b e , H . R. B e m i s , F. E . C a b p e n t e b , G. R . E s t a b r o o k , W . E . G i l b e r t , D . O . G i l m o r e , H . S. H y d e , L. C . H y d e , C . H . M u l l i g a n , P e t e r M u r r a y , T . H . N y e , M . S. S o u t h w o r t h , F. H . S t e b b i n s , E . T . T i f f t . Board of Investment: D . O. G i l m o r e , F. H. S t e b b i n s , F. E. C a r p e n t e r , W . E . G i l b e r t . Auditing Committee: H . S . H y d e , M . S. S o u t h w o r t h , E . T . T i f f t . Deposits draw interest from the fifteenth day of February, M ay, August and Novem ber; dividends are payable February 18 and August 18. Business hours: 9 a . m . to 4 p .m .; Saturdays, 9 a .m . to 12 M. STATEMENT OF CONDITION, OCTOBER 30, 1915. Assets. Public funds, bonds and notes . . . . Railroad bonds and notes . . . . . Street railway bonds . . . . . . American Tel. & Tel. Co. bonds . . . . Stocks of banks and trust companies . . . 371 loans on real estate (average of each, $9,405.99) . 55 loans on personal security . . . . Deposits in national banks or trust companies . Cash and cash items . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Total Assets $50,000 1,361,342 174,000 92,023 28,850 3,489,625 352,097 145,424 2,474 . . . . . . . . . . 00 00 00 75 00 00 69 64 67 . $5,695,837 75 Liabilities. Due depositors on 9,789 accounts, averaging $542.73 each (Accounts opened during year, 1,528; closed, 1,323; increase, 205) Surplus: — a. Guaranty fund (5.03% of deposits; increase during year, $5,950) b. Profit and loss (increase during year, $27,564.44) Current income: — Interest . . . . . . . . . . Less current expenses not charged off . . . . Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis $5,312,807 40 267,400 00 102,006 24 $17,096 33 3,472 22 13,624 11 Total Liabilities . . $5,695,837 75 No. 8.] BAN K COMMISSIONER. 147 Total Expenses for the Year, including State Taxes. State Tax (Net). Salaries. Rent. Am ount paid for $8,949.21 $9,603.72 $5,600.00 Cost per $1,000 of assets 1.57 1.68 .98 Cost per $1,000 of assets not including State tax and rent . Advertising. Other Expenses. Total. $38.25 $2,423.10 $26,614.32 .01 .42 4 .6 6 2.11 Gross income received during the year, $259,419.33. Rates on Investments and Loans (Average on All, 4.67%). Real estate loans (average rate, 4.97 per cent.): 4J^%, $203,650; 5%, $3,285,975. Personal loans (average rate, 5.25 per cent.): 5%, $218,450; 5J^%, $86,797.69; 6%, $46,850. Bonds, stocks, etc. (average rate on amounts invested, 3.94 per cent.): 3J^%, $625,000; 4%, $975,000; 4 ^ % . $50,000; 5%, $50,000; 6%, $21,300; 8%, $5,000. Number of loans not over $3,000 each, 216, amounting to $349,107.69. 27 real estate loans made during year, amounting to $276,800. Dividends, Deposits and Withdrawals. Ordinary dividends declared during year: Feb., 1915, 2% Aug., 1915, 2% Number of deposits during year, 9,874, amounting to $100,422 51 102,058 60 943,953 71 Number of withdrawals during year, 8,400, amounting to $1,146,434 82 998,809 02 $147,625 80 Net increase in amount due depositors SCHEDULE OF SECURITIES OWNED. Public Funds, Bonds. Par Value. $50,000 Boston 3Hs Railroad Bonds. $50,000 Boston & Albany 4s 50,000,Boston & Lowell 4J^s 50,000 Boston & Maine 3J^s 50,00013. & N. Y. Air Line 4s D ates op Par Value. $100,000 C., B. & Q. 3^s 100.000 C., B. & Q. 4s 200.000 Conn. River 4s 50.000 Fitchburg 3J^s 50.000 Fitchburg 4s 225.000 Illinois Central 3J^s 50.000 N. Y. C. &H. R. 3 ^ s, 50.000 N. Y. & N. E. Term. 4s 100.000 N. Y., N. H. & H. 3^s 200.000 N. Y „ N. H. & H. 4s 50.000 Old Colony 4s E x a m i n a t i o n , A p ril Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 13, 14. Street Railway Bonds. Par Value. $75,000 Boston Elevated 4s 50.000 Boston Elevated 5s 50.000 Springfield 4s Bank Stocks. Shs. 50 Nl. Bk. of the Republic, Boston 30 First Nl. Bk., Norwich, Ct. 213 Chapin Nl. Bk., Springfield 50 Chicopee Nl. Bk., Springfield [Pub. Doc. REPO RT OF THE 148 HAVERHILL SAVINGS BANK, HAVERHILL. 153 MERRIMACK STREET. Incorporated February 8, 1828. W il l ia m W . S p a u l d in g , Number of corporators, 60; number of trustees, 18. President. R aym ond N A l f r e d E . C o l l in s , oyes, Treasurer. Clerk of the Corporation. Board o f Trustees: I . A . A b b o t t , W . E . B i x b y , R . S. C h a s e , J. A. C o l b y , C. E . D o l e , W . H. F l o y d , E . G. F r o t h i n g h a m , H . B . G o o d r ic h , H. M . G o o d w i n , J. L. H o b s o n , F. E. H u t c h i n s o n , G. W . L e n n o x , H. E . L e w i s , J. A . L y n c h , F. D . M c G r e g o r , I s a a c P o o r , C. D . P o r t e r , W . W . Sp a u l d in g . Board of Investment: W . W . S p a u l d i n g , F . D . M c G r e g o r , H . E . L e w i s . Auditing Committee: C . E . D o l e , W . H . F l o y d , J. A . C o l b y . Deposits draw interest from third W ednesday of January, April, July and October; dividends are payable the fourth W ednesday of April and October. Business hours: 9 a . m . to 2 P.M .; Sat urdays, 9 a .m . to 12.30. P.M. STATEMENT OF CONDITION, OCTOBER 30, 1915. Assets. Public funds, bonds and notes . . . . Railroad bonds and notes . . . . . Street railway bonds . . . . . . American Tel. & Tel. C o. bonds . . . . Stocks of banks and trust companies . . . 935 loans on real estate {average of each, $4,624.41) . Less amount due on uncompleted loans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $4,347,825 00 24,000 00 68 loans on personal security . . . . . . . . Bank building and fixtures (estimated value, $75,000; assessed value, $84,600) Deposits in national banks or trust companies . . . . . Cash and cash items . . . . . . . . . . Total Assets $702,250 822,941 236,879 121,831 153,100 00 25 00 25 00 4,323,825 1,477,650 25,000 241,018 7,691 00 00 00 92 55 . $8,112,186 97 Liabilities. Due depositors on 16,399 accounts, averaging $448.99 e a c h .......................................... {Accounts opened during year, 1,355; closed, 1,254; increase, 101) Surplus: — a. Guaranty fund (4-95% of deposits; increase during year, $11,600) b. Profit and loss (increase during year, $9,705.10) . . . . . . Current incom e: — а. Interest . . . . . . . $7,244 89 б. Rent . . . . . . . 29 17 ----------------------$7,274 06 Less current expenses not charged off . . . . 20 00 364,400 00 377,113 84 7,254 06 210 64 144 81 Due on foreclosure sale Suspense account Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis $7,363,063 62 Total Liabilities . . $8,112,186 97 BANK COMMISSIONER. No. 8.] 149 Total Expenses for the Year, including State Taxes. State Tax (Net). Salaries. Rent. Amount paid for $12,569.56 $12,649.59 $2,500.00 Cost per $1,000 of assets 1.55 1.56 .31 Cost per $1,000 of assets not including State tax and rent . Advertising. Other Expenses. Total. $85.50 $1,687.33 $29,491.98 .01 .21 3.64 1.78 Gross income received during the year, $379,888.02. Rates on Investments and Loans (Average on All, 4.81%). Real estate loans (average rate, 4.94 per cent.): 4 X A % , $45,000; 4M%> $1,005,000; 5%, $3,253,350; 5 H % , $2,350; 6%, $18,125. Personal loans (average rate, 4.72 per cen t.): 4}£% , $200,000; 4% % , $100,000; 4)^% , $671,500; 4 % % , $165,650; 5%, $103,500; 5)4% , $25,000; 5}4% , $82,000; 5% % . $25,000; 6%, $105,000. Bonds, stocks, etc. (average rate on amounts invested, 4.60 per cent.): 3)4% , $343,000; 4%, $747,000; 4)4% , $57,000; 4)4% , $533,000; 5%, $230,000; 5)4% , $32,000; 8%, $153,100. Number of loans not over $3,000 each, 611, amounting to $1,002,275. 136 real estate loans made during year, amounting to $567,450. Dividends, Deposits and Withdrawals. Ordinary dividends declared during year: April, 1915, 2 )4% Oct., 1915, 2M % Number of deposits during year, 14,325, amounting to $154,780 40 156,888 48 932,861 98 • $1,244,530 86 1,010,527 69 Number of withdrawals during year, 13,470, amounting to Net increase in amount due depositors $234,003 17 SCHEDULE OF SECURITIES OWNED. Public Funds, Bonds. Par Value. $190,000 Boston 4s 57.000 Boston 4)4s 15.000 Brockton 4s 25.000 Fall River 4s 100,000 Los Angeles, Cal., 4)4s 32.000 Oakland, Cal., 5p2S 25.000 Omaha, Neb., 4)4s 25.000 Portland, Ore., 4s 50.000 Portland, Ore., 4)4s 95.000 San Francisco, Cal., 5s 45.000 Seattle, Wash., 4)4s 25.000 Worcester 4s 20.000 Amherst 4s D ates op Railroad Bonds. Par Value. $87,000 Atch., Top. & Santa F6 4s 100.000 Boston & Albany 3)4s 25.000 Boston & Maine 3)4s 133.000 Boston & Maine 4)4s 70.000 Chic., Mil. & St. Paul 4J4s 50.000 Conn. River 3)4s 15.000 Dexter & Piscataquis 4s 50.000 Fitchburg 5s. 30.000 Illinois Central 4s 50.000 Louisville & Nashville 5s 25.000 N. Y. & N. E. Term. 4s 120.000 N. Y., N. H. & H. 3)4s 50.000 N. Y., N. H. & H. 4s 33.000 Old Colony 3)4s 25.000 Old Colony 4s 15.000 Washington Co. 3)4s E x a m i n a t i o n , January 7 , 8. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Street Railway Bonds. Par Value. $25,000 Boston Elevated 4)4s 35.000 Boston Elevated 5s 50.000 Old Colony 4s 50.000 West End 4s 85.000 West End 4)4s Bank Stocks. Shs. 187 Fourth-Atlantic Nl. Bk., Boston 500 Nl. Shawmut Bk., Boston 16 Webster & Atlas Nl. Bk., Boston 115 First Nl. Bk., Haverhill 375 Haverhill Nl. Bk. 300 Merrimack Nl. Bk., Haverhill 38 Bay State Nl. Bk., Lawrence 150 REPO RT OF THE [Pub. Doc. HAYDENVILLE SAVINGS BANK, HAYDENVILLE. SOUTH MAIN STREET. Incorporated M arch 17, 1869. B y r o n L o o m is , Number of corporators, 41; number of trustees, 24. President. W A lfred G . C o n e , il b u r M . P u r r i n g t o n , Treasurer. Clerk of the Corporation. Board of Trustees: H o r a t io B i s b e e , T . I. B r e c k e n r id g e , F. H . B r y a n t , R . F. B u r k e , C . F. B u r r , L . W . C l a p p , C . E . C l a r k , F. W . C l a r k , A. G . C o n e , C . S. D a m o n , S. A . E w i n g , H . W . G r a v e s , J. W . H i l l , H . P. H o w e s , T . P. L a r k i n , B y r o n L o o m is , C . N. L o u d , G e o r g e M a r k s , J. W . M a s o n , E . F. M i l l e r , L a w r e n c e M o l l o y , H . A . S m i t h , S. W . T i l t o n , C . H . W a i t e . Board o f Investment: B y r o n L o o m is , T . P. L a r k i n , T . I. B r e c k e n r id g e , C. E. C l a r k , C . S. D a m o n . Auditing Committee: J. W . H i l l , L. W . C l a p p , H. A . S m i t h . Deposits draw interest from second Tuesday of January, April, July and October; dividends are pay able the second Tuesday of January and July. Business hours: 9 a . m . to 4 p . m .; Saturdays, 9 A.M, to 12 m . STATEMENT OF CONDITION, OCTOBER 30, 1915. Assets. Public funds, bonds and notes . . . . . . . . . Railroad bonds and notes . . . . . . . . . . Street railway bonds . . . . . . . . . American T el..& Tel. Co. bonds . . . . . . . . . Stocks of banks and trust companies . . . . . . . . 394 loans on real estate {average o f each, $1,223.81) . . . . . . 180 loans on personal security . . . . . . . . . Bank building and fixtures (estimated value, $6,000; assessed value, $5,000) Taxes, insurance, etc., paid on mortgaged properties . . . . . Deposits in national banks or trust companies . . . . . . Cash and cash items . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $65,701 93,605 5,000 8,737 13,000 482,181 42,974 4,000 25 18,065 1,493 61 00 00 50 00 98 50 00 00 17 71 Total A s s e t s .......................................$734,784 47 Liabilities. Due depositors on 1,930 accounts, averaging $357.57 each . . {Accounts opened during year, 295; closed, 294-', increase, 1) Surplus: — a. Guaranty fund (5.OS% of deposits; increase during year, $750) b. Profit and loss {increase during year, $2,058.14) . . . Current income: — а. Interest . . . . . . . $3,605 31 б. Rent . . . . . . . 39 68 ----------------------Less current expenses not charged off . . . . Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis . . . . $690,114 49 . . 34,750 00 7,088 82 $3,644 99 813 83 2,831 16 Total L iab ilities....................................... $734,784 47 BANK COMMISSIONER. No. 8.] 151 Total Expenses for the Year, including State Taxes. Rent. Advertising. Other Expenses. State Tax (Net). Salaries. $840.48 Amount paid for $721.97 $1,800.00 $240.00 $364.00 1.14 Cost per $1,000 of assets .98 2 .4 5 .32 .49 Cost per $1,000 of assets not including State tax and rent . Total. $3,966.45 5.38 4 .0 8 Gross income received during the year, $35,193.81. Kates on Investments and Loans (Average on All, 4.88%). Real estate loans (average rate, 5.06 per cent.): 5%, $451,076.62; 5J^%, $3,675.11; 6%, $27,430.25. Personal loans (average rate, 5.79 per cent.): 5%, $8,818.60; 6%, $34,155.90. Bonds, stocks, etc. (average rate on amounts invested, 4.22 per cent.): SA%< $32,000; 4% , $116,100; 4>^%, $15,000; 5%, $16,126.61; 6%, $4,600; 7%, $2,500; 10%, $900. Number of loans not over $3,000 each, 534, amounting to $348,906.48. 17 real estate loans made during year, amounting to $15,025. Dividends, Deposits and Withdrawals. $13,319 91 13,467 95 97,666 00 Ordinary dividends declared during year: Jan., 1915, 2% July, 1915, 2% Number of deposits during year, 1,505, amounting to Number of withdrawals during year, 1,487, amounting to Net increase in amount due depositors . . . . . . . . . . . ’. . $124,453 86 121,786 51 $2,667 35 SCHEDULE OF SECURITIES OWNED. Railroad Bonds. Public Funds, Bonds. Par Value. $10,000 Boston 33£s 10.000 Boston 4s 1,000 Chicago, 111., 4s 12.000 Williamsburg 4s Public Funds, Notes. $1,500 Chesterfield 5s 1,526 Goshen 5s 29,100 Williamsburg 4s 600 Williamsburg 5s D ates o p E x a m in a t io n , Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Par Value. $20,000 Boston & Maine 4s 10.000 Boston & Maine 4J^s 20.000 C., B. & Q. 4s 10.000 Chic., R. I. & Pac. 4s 10.000 Illinois Central 3J4s 12.000 N. Y., N. H. & H. ZAs 4,000 N. Y., N. H. & H. 4s 10.000 No. Maine Seaport 5s July 1, 2. Street Railway Bonds. Par Value. $5,000 Worcester Con. &A$ Bank Stocks. Shs. 18 Conway Nl. Bk. 21 First Nl. Bk., Easthampton 25 City Nl. Bk., Holyoke 15 Home Nl. Bk., Holyoke 10 First Nl. Bk., Northampton 25 Hamp. Co. Nl. Bk., Northampton 9 Northampton Nl. Bk. 152 REPO RT OF THE [Pub. Doc. HIBERNIA SAVINGS BANK, BOSTON. 201 WASHINGTON STREET. Incorporated M ay 21, 1912. P a t r ic k O ’H earn, Number of corporators, 59; number of trustees, 35. President. Ja m e s F r a n k J. C a r e n s , Treasurer* N . C l a r k , Clerk of the Corporation. Board of Trustees: R . H. B a k e r , J. J. B a r r y , J. E. B o w e n , J. F. C a r e n s , J. N. C l a r k , J. F. C r o n i n , F. J. C r o s b y , J. E . C r o w l e y , J. M . C u r l e y , F. L . D a l e y , T . W . G o o d , J. M . G r a h a m . B . J. H e a n e y , J o h n L a l l y , E . L. L o g a n , J. F. L o w , D . H. M a g u i r e , F. X . M a h o n e y , E r n e s t M a n a h a n , J. F. M c D o n a l d , F. J. M c G r a t h , J . A. M c G r a t h , J. R . M c V e y , W . P. M e e h a n , S. J. M o r a n , C. H. N o r t o n , D . T . O ’C o n n e l l , J. F. O ’ C o n n e l l , P a t r ic k O ’H e a r n , P. P. P o r t e r , T . J. R e a r d o n , C. F. R i o r d a n , L. K . R o u r k e , J. J. S c a r r y , J. T . S c u l l y . Board of Investment: P a t r ic k O ’H e a r n , J. R . M c V e y , J. F. O ’C o n n e l l , W . P . M e e h a n , J. F. L ow , L. K . R o u r k e , E r n e s t M a n a h a n , J. F. C r o n i n , F. J. C r o s b y , T . W . G o o d . Auditing Committee: J. N . C l a r k , R . H . B a k e r , C . H. N o r t o n . Deposits draw interest from the fifteenth day of January, April, July and October; dividends are payable January 15 and July 15. Business hours: 9 a . m . to 3 p . m . ; Saturdays, 9 a . m . to 1 p . m . STATEMENT OF CONDITION, OCTOBER 30, 1915. Assets. Public funds, bonds and notes Street railway bonds . . . . . American Tel. & Tel. Co. bonds Stocks of banks and trust companies 151 loans on real estate (average of each, $3,556.22) Less amount due on uncompleted loans . 50. 00 50 12 536,990 131,260 773 37,812 3,247 00 00 65 82 56 $540,740 00 3,750 00 23 loans on personal security Premium account . . . . Deposits in national banks or trust companies Cash and cash items . . . . Total Assets $59,108 7,220 14,112 2,331 . . . . . $792,856 15 Liabilities. Due depositors on 2,004 accounts, averaging $389.50 each . . {Accounts opened during year, 589; closed, 815; increase, 274) Surplus: — a. Guaranty fund {-47% o f deposits; increase during year, $1,711.59) b. Profit and loss {increase during year, $1,916.35) . . . . Current income: — Interest . . . . . . . . . . Less current expenses not charged off . . . . . . . . . $780,564 80 3,696 74 5,948 45 . $3,369 24 1,520 16 1,849 08 797 08 Unearned discount Total Liabilities . . . . . * Joseph J. Forrester was elected Treasurer in December, 1915. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis $792,856 15 153 BANK COMMISSIONER. No. 8.] Total Expenses for the Year, including State Taxes. State Tax (Net). Salaries. Rent. Amount paid for $991.88 $1,750.00 $2,509.04 Cost per $1,000 of assets 1 .25 2 .21 3 .16 Cost per $1,000 of assets not including State tax and rent . Advertising. Other Expenses. Total. $5,250.92 6 .6 2 2.21 Gross income received during the year, $32,022.82. Rates on Investments and Loans (Average on All, 5.05%). Real estate loans (average rate, 5.14 per cent.): 5%, $387,290; 5>£%, $148,700; 6%, $1,000. Personal loans (average rate, 5.02 per cent.): 4J^%, $41,500; 4 % % , $40,000; 5%, $18,300; 5J^%, $400; 6%, $21,060; 6M % . $10,000. Bonds, stocks, etc. (average rate on amounts invested, 4.49 per cen t.): 4%, $41,500 ; 4)4% , $5,000; 4J^%, $15,000; 5%, $22,000; 6%, $1,700. Number of loans not over $3,000 each, 69, amounting to $130,800. 47 real estate loans made during year, amounting to $186,350. Dividends, Deposits and Withdrawals. Ordinary dividends declared during year: Jan., 1915, 2% July, 1915, 2% Number of deposits during year, 3,289, amounting to $10,703 13 12,417 06 365,698 95 Number of withdrawals during year, 1,969, amounting to $388,819 14 211,496 30 $177,322 84 N et increase in amount due depositors SCHEDULE OF SECURITIES OWNED. Public Funds, Notes. Public Funds, Bonds. Par Value. $2,000 Needham 4s 10,000 Swampseott 4)^s 500 Walpole 4s Par Value. $15,000 Boston 4s 5.000 Boston 4Ms 5.000 San Francisco, Cal., 4)^s 10.000 San Francisco, Cal., 5s 12.000 Seattle, Wash., 5s D ates o f E x a m in a t io n Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Street Railway Bonds, Par Value. $2,000 Boston & Northern 4s 6,000 West End 4s Bank Stocks. Shs. 17 Federal Trust Co., Boston a n d A u d it , July 22-27 in c lu s iv e . REPO RT OF THE 154 [Pub. Doc. HINGHAM INSTITUTION FOR SAVINGS, HINGHAM. MAIN STREET. Incorporated April 2, 1834. M o r r is F. W h it o n , Number of corporators, 54; number of trustees, 14. President. E lm er H ow ard L . C u r t is s , P. Treasurer. H ersey, Clerk of the Corporation. Board o f Trustees: C . B . B a r n e s , E . L . C u r t i s s , H . W . F. M . H e r s e y , H . P. H e r s e y , W . W . H e r s e y , E . B . E . E . W h i t n e y , M . F. W h i t o n , B . C . W i l d e r . Board o f Investment: M . F. W h it o n , H. W . C u s h in g , Auditing Committee: M. F. W h it o n , W. W. H ersey, C u s h in g , W. B . A. R L o r in g , B . F. M . B. A . H ersey, F e a r in g , o b in s o n W . B. , J. S . E . F. F o w ler, S k in n e r , F e a r in g . R o b in s o n . Deposits draw interest from first Tuesday of January, April, July and October; dividends are pay able the Wednesday following the first Tuesday of January and July. Business hours: 8 a . m . to 12 m .; 1 to 4 p .m .; Saturdays, 8 a . m . to 12 m . STATEMENT OF CONDITION, OCTOBER 30, 1915. Assets. Public funds, bonds and notes . . . . Railroad bonds and notes . . . . . Street railway bonds . . . . . . Boston Terminal Co. bonds . . . . . American Tel. & Tel. Co. bonds . . . . Stocks of banks and trust companies . . . 408 loans on real estate (average of each, $3,551.53) . Less amount due on uncompleted loans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 loans on personal security . . . . . . Bank building and fixtures (estimated value, $5,000; assessed value, Real estate b y foreclosure, etc. (assessed value, $5,800) . . Deposits in national banks or trust companies . . . Cash and cash items . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1,456,875 26 7,850 00 ----------------------. . . . $8,500) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $157,186 20 582,602 50 122,754 00 100,000 00 54,585 00 9,000 00 1,449,025 26 476,150 00 5,000 00 3,205 47 84,027 17 910 02 Total A s s e t s .......................................$3,044,445 62 Liabilities. Due depositors on 5,349 accounts, averaging $523.28 each (.Accounts opened during year, 478; closed, 462; increase, 11) Surplus: — a. Guaranty fund (4-97% of deposits; increase during year, $668) h. Profit and loss (increase during year, $20,288.37) . Current incom e: — Interest . . . . . . . . . . Less current expenses not charged off . . $2,595 00 Less State or local taxes not charged off . 63 30 . 139,087 00 59,477 92 $45,056 33 2,658 30 -------------Unearned discount Due on foreclosure sale Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Total Liabilities $2,799,007 67 42,398 03 530 00 3,945 00 $3,044,445 62 155 BANK COMMISSIONER. No. Total Expenses for the Year, including State Taxes. Advertising. Other Expenses. Total. $48.50 $2,009.62 $15,834.39 .02 .66 5 .20 3 .1 0 State Tax (Net). Salaries. Rent. Amount paid for $5,920.66 $7,355.61 $500.00 C ost per $1,000 of assets 1.94 2 .4 2 .16 Cost per $1,000 of assets not including State tax and rent . Gross income received during the year, $147,807.17. Rates on Investments and Loans (Average on All, 4.76%). Real estate loans (average rate, 5.33 per cent.): 4%, $3,000; 4.14%, $500; 4 % % , $45,000; 5%, $762,366.26; 5M % , $9,000; 5}4% , $269,400; 6%, $354,859; $4,500; 7%, $400. Personal loans (average rate, 4.49 per cent.): 4%, $22,000; 4 K % . $100,000; 4iMs%, $15,000; 4J^%, $300,000; 5%, $27,100; 6%, $12,050. Bonds, stocks, etc. (average rate on amounts invested, 4.07 per cent.): 3)^% , $365,000; 4% , $467,000; 4h£%, $74,872.20; 5%, $95,000; 5)^% , $15,000; 6%, $23,000. Number of loans not over $3,000 each, 267, amounting to $411,620.26. 50 real estate loans made during year, amounting to $223,800. Dividends, Deposits and Withdrawals. Ordinary dividends declared during year: Jan., 1915, 2% . . . . . July, 1 9 1 5 , 2 % ........................................... Number of deposits during year, 3,104, amounting to . . . . . Number of withdrawals during year, 3,508, amounting to Net increase in amount due depositors . . . . . . . . . . . $54,086 80 54,364 13 273,997 88 . $382,448 81 351,839 34 . $30,609 47 SCHEDULE OF SECURITIES OWNED. Public Funds, Bonds. Par Value. $15,000 California 4s 10.000 Baltimore, Md., 4s 53.000 Boston 4s 10.000 Chelsea 3J/£s 15.000 Oakland, Cal., 5J^s 25.000 Oshkosh, Wis., 4s 10.000 Springfield 3}^s 10.000 Waterbury, Ct., 3}4s 5,000 Woonsocket, R. I., 4s Public Funds, Notes. $4,872 Hingham4J^s Railroad Bonds. $25,000 Atch., Top. & Santa Fé 4s 20,000 Bangor & Aroostook 5s D ates o f E x a m in a t io n , Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Par Value. $20,000 Boston & Albany 3)^s 15.000 Boston & Maine 3)^s 10.000 Boston & Maine 4s 10.000 Boston & Maine 4)^s 14.000 Burlington & Mo. River 6s 45.000 C., B. & Q. 3y2a 25.000 Chic., Mil. & St. Paul 4)^s 20.000 Chic., Mil. & St. Paul 5s 20.000 Chic. R. I. & Pacific 4s 25.000 Fitchburg 4s 15.000 Fitchburg 5s 25.000 Illinois Central 50.000 Illinois Central 4s 5,000 Mich. Central 3Hs 25.000 N. Y. C. & H. R. 4s 80.000 N. Y., N. H. & H. 3^s 15.000 N. Y., N. H. & H. 4s 40.000 No. Maine Seaport 5s 35.000 Old Colony 3)^s 50.000 Portland Terminal Co. 4s April 22, 23. Street Railway Bonds Par Value. $50,000 Boston Elevated 4s 35.000 Boston Elevated 43^s 14.000 Boston & Northern 4s 25.000 Springfield 4s Bank Stocks. Shs. 90 Hingham Nl. Bk. 156 REPO RT OF THE [Pub. Doc. HOLLISTON SAVINGS BANK, HOLLISTON. WASHINGTON STREET. Incorporated February 27, 1872. C harles D. F is h e r , Number of corporators, 24; number of trustees, 15. President. John A lbert M . B atcheldeh, E. Board o f Trustees: H. L. A d a m s , C. H. M . B a r t l e t t , J. M . B a t c h e l d e r , C. A . C u t l e r , E . A . D a n i e l s , J. H. D e w i n g , C . P. D o z o i s , C. D . F i s h e r , W . P. L e l a n d , P. F. L e l a n d , A l o i s e M a e d e r , J. H. M a h o n e y , A . E . P h i p p s . Board o f Investment: C . D . F is h e r , H . L . A d a m s , C . A . Auditing Committee: C . H. M . B artlett, A. M . P h ip p s , Treasurer. Clerk o f the Corporation. C ro w le y, C r o w l e y , J . F . L e l a n d , A l o is e C u tler, C . P. A. M . J. F . K in g s b u r y , M ae d e r . D o z o is . Deposits draw interest from first day of March, June, September and December; dividends are p a y able the first M onday of June and December. Business hours: 9 a .m . to 12 m .; 1.30 to 3.30 p . m .; Saturdays, 9 a . m . to 12 m . STATEMENT OF CONDITION, OCTOBER 30, 1915. Assets. Public funds, bonds and notes . . . . . . . . . . $103,561 66 Railroad bonds and notes . . . . . . . . . . . 69,881 25 Street railway bonds . . . . . . . . . . . . 11,995 00 Boston Terminal Co. bonds . . . . . . . . . . . 3,000 00 American Tel. & Tel. Co. bonds . . . . . . . . . . 7,065 00 Stocks of banks and trust companies . . . . . . . . 4,575 00 Securities acquired in settlement of indebtedness . . . . . . . 1 00 196 loans on real estate (average of each, $1,863.36) . . . . . . . 267,218 33 1 loan on personal security . . . . . . . . . . 150 00 Bank building and fixtures (estimated value, $6,300; assessed value, $7,100) . . 5,700 00 Taxes, insurance, etc., paid on mortgaged properties . . . . . 10 70 Deposits in national banks or trust companies . . . . . . . 6,126 80 C a s h ....................................................................................................................................................2,193 16 Total Assets $481,477 90 Liabilities. Due depositors on 1,385 accounts, averaging $316.92 each {Accounts opened during year, 121; closed, 135; decrease, Ilf) Surplus: — a. Guaranty fund {5.04-% ° f deposits; increase during year, $580) h. Profit and loss {increase during year, $1,006.64) Current incom e: — Interest . . . . . . . . . . Less current expenses not charged off . . . . Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis $438,929 94 22,105 00 12,702 24 $8,680 65 939 93 — ------------ 7,740 72 Total L iab ilities.......................................$481,477 90 157 BANK COMMISSIONER. No. 8.] Total Expenses for the Year, including State Taxes. State Tax (Net). Salaries. Rent. Advertising. Other Expenses. Total. Amount paid for $472.52 $1,882.03 $300.00 $507.54 $3,162.09 Cost per $1,000 of assets .98 3.91 .62 — 1.05 6 .56 Cost per $1,000 of assets not including State tax and rent . . . . . . 4 .9 6 Gross income received during the year, $22,432.20. Rates on Investments and Loans (Average on All, 4.93%). Real estate loans (average rate, 5.50 per cent.): 5%, $87,888.15; 5V£%, $89,244.04; 6%, $90,086.14. Personal loans (average rate, 6 per cent.): 6%, $150. Bonds, stocks, etc. (average rate on amounts invested, 4.16 per cent.): 3 % c[ , $22,000; 4%, $140,706.56, 4 V2% , $17,000; 5%, $18,000; 6%, $4,400. Number of loans not over $3,000 each, 204, amounting to $225,153.14. 19 real estate loans made during year, amounting to $32,550. Dividends, Deposits and Withdrawals. Ordinary dividends declared during year: D ec., 1914, 2% June, 1915, 2% Number of deposits during year, 1,169, amounting to $8,352 08 8,406 13 68,607 26 Number of withdrawals during year, 1,390, amounting to $85,365 47 77,478 46 $7,887 01 Net increase in amount due depositors SCHEDULE OF SECURITIES OWNED. Par Value. $2,000 Needham 4s 4.000 Reading 4s 2.500 Revere 4s Public Funds, Bonds. Par Value. $6,000 Boston 4s 2.000 Brockton 4s 2.000 Chelsea 4s 5.000 Fall River 3)^s 2.000 Fall River 4s 5.000 Haverhill 4s 5.000 Holyoke 4s 7.000 New Bedford 4s 5.000 Norwalk, Ct., 4s 1.000 Omaha, Neb., 4)4s 3.000 Quincy 4s 5.000 Rockville, Ct., 4s 5.000 San Francisco, Cal., 5s 1.000 Seattle, Wash., 4b£s 3.000 Troy, N. Y., 4)^s 6.000 Waltham 4s 3.000 Ashland 4s 2,500 Concord 4s 1.000 Framingham 4s 1.000 Franklin 4s 500 Mansfield 4s D ates o p E x a m in a t io n Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Public Funds, Notes. $500 Athol 4s 500 Brockton 4s 740 Dedham 4s 3.000 Holbrook 4s 5,465 Holliston 4s 4.000 Ipswich 4s 3.500 Marlborough 4s 5.000 Revere 4s 1.500 Wrentham 4s Par Value. $8,000 C., B. & Q. 4s 7.000 Illinois Central 3J^s 2.000 N. Y. C. & H. R. 4s 5.000 N. Y., N. H. & H. 3^s 10.000 N. Y., N. H. & H. 4s 11.000 No. Maine Seaport 5s 5.000 Pennsylvania 4}^s 3.000 Pitts., Va. & Charleston 4s 2.000 Washington Co. 3J^s Street Railway Bonds. $4,000 Boston Elevated 4s 2.000 Boston Elevated 4b£s 6.000 West End 4s Railroad Bonds. $4,000 Boston & Albany 4s 2.000 Boston & Albany 5s 1.000 Boston & Lowell 4s 6.000 Boston & Maine 4s 5.000 Boston & Maine 4J^s a n d A u d it , March 8-13 inclusive. Bank Stocks. Shs. 15 Franklin Nl. Bk. 29 Framingham Nl. Bk. v [Pub. Doc. REPO RT OF THE 158 HOLYOKE SAVINGS BANK, HOLYOKE. 197-201 HIGH STREET. Incorporated February 21, 1855. R obert R u ssell, President. A lbert Board o f Trustees: D . H. I v e s , C . M o o r e , T. J . F . A . Number of corporators, 61; number of trustees, 19. C h arles G. M ag n a, J . A . C l o u g h , A . A . C o b u r n , T h o m a s D i l l o n , G. C . J e n k s , W . D . J u d d , A . G. M a g n a , F. H . M e t c a l f , M o r r o w , M . W . P r e n t is s , W . W h it in g , J . L . W y c k o f f . Board o f Investment: R o bert R u ssell, Auditing Committee: F . A. J. A. W h it in g , W . A. W. Johnson, Treasurer. Clerk of the Corporation. A. P r e n t is s , H . C lou gh , M . W. P r e n t is s , H . L . C. G i l l , H . O. H a s t i n g s , N . C. M a n s i r , P h i l a n d e r L . R u ssell, R obert P r e n t is s , D . H. R u ssell, Iv e s. R u ssell. Deposits draw interest from first day of January, April, July and October; dividends ar.e payable the third M onday of January and July. Business hours: 9 a . m . to 4 p . m .; Saturdays, 9 a . m . to 12 m .; also Thursdays, 7 to 8 p . m . STATEMENT OF CONDITION, OCTOBER 30, 1915. Assets. Public funds, bonds and notes . . . . . . . . . Railroad bonds and notes . . . . . . . . . . Street railway bonds . . . . . . . . . . . American Tel. & Tel. Co. bonds . . . . . ■ . . Stocks of banks and trust companies . . . . . . . . Securities acquired in settlement of indebtedness . . . . . . 615 loans on real estate {average of each, $6,128.95) . . . . . 88 loans on personal security . . . . . . . . . Bank building and fixtures (estimated value, $52,500; assessed value, $47,660) Deposits in national banks or trust companies . . . . . . Cash . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Total Assets . . . . . . . . $434,735 90 1,845,022 75 365,778 90 104,355 00 176,372 00 1 00 3,766,227 00 892,272 50 52,500 00 270,719 84 6,697 08 . $7,914,681 97 , . . . . r. . . . . Liabilities. Due depositors on 14,209 accounts, averaging $505.98 each . . . . . (Accounts opened during year, 1,691; closed, 2,033; decrease, 342) Surplus: — a. Guaranty fund (5.08% ° f deposits; increase during year, none) . . . b. Profit and loss (increase during year, $39,975.38) . . . . . . Current incom e: — a. Interest . . . . . . $147,571 08 b. R e n t ............................................................... 110 34 -----------------------$147,681 42 Less current expenses not charged off . . . . 5,281 41 -------- -------------Unearned discount . . . . . . . . . . . . Total Liabilities . . . . . $7,189,461 57 365,000 00 217,441 22 142,400 01 379 17 $7,914,681 97 Total Expenses for the Year, including State Taxes. State Tax (Net). Salaries. Rent. Advertising. Other Expenses. Total. Amount paid for $15,610.80 $11,963.06 $1,500.00 $650.50 $2,275.96 $32,000.32 Cost per $1,000 of assets _ 1.97 1.51 .19 .08 .29 4.04 C ost per $1,000 of assets not including State tax and rent . . . . . . 1.88 Gross income received during the year, $370,355.15. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 159 BANK COMMISSIONER. No. Rates on Investments and Loans (Average on All, 4.70%). Real estate loans (average rate, 4.95 per cen t.): 4M%> $14,000; 4}-2% , $443,850; 5%, $3,228,827; 5 )4 % , $45,550; 6%, $34,000. _ , . Personal loans (average rate, 4.68 per cen t.): 4 % % , $90,000; 4J^%, $470,962.50; 5%, $188,970; 5J^%, $12,000; 5 )4 % , $75,240; 5 % % , $12,000; 6%, $31,200. Bonds, stocks, etc, (average rate on amounts invested, 4.39 per cent.): 3%, $12,000; 3)4% , $20,000; 3 H % , $636,000; 3M % , $16,000; 4%, $1,666,500; 4J^%, $204,000; 5%, $235,125; 6%, $77,900; 7%, $40,300; 8%, $16,500; 10%, $78,700; 14%, $2,000. Number of loans not over $3,000 each, 375, amounting to $575,785. 77 real estate loans made during year, amounting to $443,750. Dividends, Deposits and Withdrawals. $137,469 84 138,470 31 1,053,685 67 Ordinary dividends declared during year: Jan., 1915, 2% July, 1915, 2% Number of deposits during year, 16,428, amounting to . Number of withdrawals during year, 17,690, amounting to $1,329,625 82 1,266,274 29 $63,351 53 Net increase in amount due depositors SCHEDULE OF SECURITIES OWNED. Public Funds, Bonds. $9,000 Bay City, Mich., 5s 23.000 Boston 4s 25.000 Dubuque, la., 4s 6.000 Fall River 4s 23.000 Haverhill 4s 2.000 Lewiston, Me., 5s 20.000 Lynn 4s 35.000 Los Angeles, Cal., 4J^s 12.000 Oshkosh, Wis., 4s 13.000 Quincy 4s 10.000 San Francisco, Cal., 4)4s 10.000 San Francisco, Cal., 5s 24.000 Seattle, Wash., 4)4s 7.000 South Bend, Ind., 4s 22.000 South Norwalk, Ct., 4s 10.000 Superior, Wis., i)4s 16.000 Hyde Park 4s 5.000 Longmeadow 4s 5.000 Manchester, Ct., 4s 3.500 Methuen 4s 4.000 Nantucket 4s 35.000 North Kingstown, R. I., 4s 8.000 Pepperell 4s 4.000 Russell 4s 6.000 Stow 3%ß 8,100 Walpole 4s 5.000 Westerly, R. I., 3)4.5 4.000 Whately 4s 10.000 Winthrop 4s 13.000 Blandford (F. D.) 4s 20.000 Kennebec, Me. (W. D.), 3MS Public Funds, Notes. $20,000 Essex County 3)4,s 10.000 Easthampton 3Ms 5.500 Hull 4s 3.000 Saugus 3)4& Railroad Bonds. $20,000 Atch., Top. & Santa Fe 4s 25.000 Bangor & Aroostook 5s 70.000 Boston & Albany 4s D ates o f E x a m in a t io n Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis a n d $5,000 Boston & Lowell 4s 50.000 Boston & Maine 3)4s 102.000 Boston & Maine 4s 25.000 Boston & Maine i)4s 10.000 B. & N. Y. Air Line 4s 30.000 Boyer Valley 3)4s 24,600 Burl. & Missouri R. 6s 95.000 C., B. & Q. 3)4s 110.000 C., B. & Q. 4s 15.000 Chic., M il & St. Paul 5s 23.000 Chicago &' Northwest. 3)4a 26.000 Chicago & Northwest. 4s 100.000 Chic., R. I. & Pacific 4s 47.000 Concord & Montreal 4s 10.000 Conn. River 6s notes 10.000 Fitchburg 3)4s 103.000 Fitchburg 4s 25.000 Fitchburg 6s notes 12.000 Illinois Central 3s 195.000 Illinois Central 3)4s 110.000 Illinois Central 4s 10.000 Lime Rock 4s 35.000 Louisville & Nashville 4s 10.000 Me. Cent. & E. & N. A. 4s 25.000 Michigan Central 3)4b 15.G00 Minnesota & Iowa 3)45 25.000 N. Y. C. & H. R. 3)4s 55.000 N. Y. C. & H. R. 4s 80.000 N. Y „ N. H. & H. 3)4a 140.000 N. Y „ N. H. & H. 4s 49.000 No. Maine Seaport 5s 16.000 Old Colony 4s 50.000 Penobscot Shore Line 4s 20.000 Pennsylvania i)4s 22.000 Pitts., Va. & Charlest’n 4s 20.000 Portland & Ogdens. 4)4s 15.000 Portland & R. Falls 4s 30.000 Sioux City & Pacific 3)4.5 20.000 Sullivan Co. 4s 30.000 Washington Co. 3)4s Street Railway Bonds. $40,000 Boston Elevated 4s 45.000 Boston Elevated 4)4s A u d it , $5,000 Boston, Milton & Brock. 5s 85.000 Boston & Northern 4s 34.000 Citizens’ Electric 5s 4.000 East Middlesex 4s 10.000 Georg., Row. & Ips. 5s 25.000 Glouc., Es. & Beverly 5s 11.000 Holyoke 5s 7.000 Milford & Uxbridge 5s 5.000 Mil., Holliston & Fram. 5s 15.000 Uxbridge & Blackstone 5s 72.000 West End 4s 15.000 Wore. Consolidated 4)4s Bank Stocks. Shs. 20 Greylock Nl. Bk., Adams 14 First Nl. Bk., Adams 50 First Nl. Bk., Amherst 20 Millers River Nl. Bk., Athol 19 Conway Nl. Bk. 21 First Nl. Bk., Easthampton 15 Fitchburg Bank & Tr. Co, 5 First Nl. Bk., Greenfield 48 Franklin Co. Tr. Co., Greenfield 38 City Nl. Bk., Holyoke 236 Hadley Falls Nl. Bk., Holyoke 71 Home Nl. Bk., Holyoke 390 Holyoke Nl. Bk. 5 Union Nl. Bk., Lowell 8 Monson Nl. Bk. 5 First Nl. Bk., Newburyport 90 First Nl. Bk., Northampton 37 Hamp. Co. Nl. Bk., Northampton 50 Northampton Nl. Bk. 38 Palmer Nl. Bk. 6 Pittsfield Nl. Bank 117 Chicopee Nl. Bk., Springfield 215 Third Nl. Bk., Springfield 62 Springfield Nl. Bank 97 Townsend Nl. Bank 26 Ware National Bank 4 First Nl. Bk., Westfield December 10-18 inclusive. 160 REPO RT OF THE [Pub. Doc, HOME SAVINGS BANK, BOSTON. 75 TREMONT STREET. Incorporated M arch 17, 1869. Number of corporators, 52; number of trustees, 30. G eoege E . B hock , President. C harles S. N orbis , Treasurer. L a w r e n c e H . M erch an t , Clerk o f the Corporation. Board of Trustees: S. L. B art l et t , G. D . B ig e l o w , E dmund B illin gs , C arl B r an dt , G . E . B rock , A . H. C o l by , H . W . C u m n e r , A . H. C u r t is , C. F. C ut le r , R . H. W . D w ig h t , G . H. E llis , G. A . F e r n a ld , I. G. H e r s e y , C. C . H o y t , G eorge H utch inson , H . C. Ja ck son , J erome Jo n es , T heodore Jo n es , W . T . K e oug h , C. W . L eonard , F r an k L e v e r o n i , F. H . M a n n in g , F. A . M orse , C. S. N orris , J. N . P a r k e r , W . L. P ie r c e , E . G. P r eston , S. W . R e yn old s , J. H. R ussell , F. A . T u r n e r . Board of Investment: G. E . B rock , H. C . Ja ck son , J. H . R ussell , I. G. H e r s e y , C. F. C u t le r , C. C . H oyt. Auditing Committee: S. W . R eyn old s , R . H. W . D w ig h t , G . H . E llis . Deposits draw interest from tenth day of January, April, July and October; dividends are payable the third W ednesday of April and October. Business hours: 9 a .m . to 2 f .m . ; also Saturdays, except during July and August, for deposits only, 4 to 7 p .m . STATEMENT OF CONDITION, OCTOBER 30, 1915. Assets. Public funds, bonds and notes . . . . Railroad bonds and notes . . . . . Street railway bonds . . . . . . . . . . Boston Terminal Co. bonds . Stocks of banks and trust companies . . . 982 loans on real estate {average of each, SI4,126.86) Less amount due on uncompleted loans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $13,882,975 00 10,400 00 148 loans on personal security . . . . Real estate b y foreclosure, etc. (assessed value, $389,600) Taxes, insurance, etc., paid on mortgaged properties Premium account . . . . . . Deposits in national banks or trust companies Cash and cash items . . . . . . $1,808,211 2,701,014 525,197 30,000 117,900 17 50 70 00 00 13,872,575 5,583,450 212,103 8,179 16,090 917,686 17,105 00 00 48 38 53 36 87 . $25,809,513 99 Total Assets Liabilities. . $24,063,018 95 Due depositors on 55,092 accounts, averaging $436.78 each {Accounts opened during year, 9,312; closed, 5,978; increase, 3,334) Surplus: — a. Guaranty fund {4.99% ° f deposits; increase during year, $90,500) b. Profit and loss {increase during year, $29,237.07) . Current incom e: — Interest . . . . . . . . . . Less current expenses not charged off . . . . Unearned discount . . . . . . . . Total Liabilities . . $94,701 95 4,105 06 90,596 89 60,838 19 . . 1, 200,000 00 395,059 96 . . . $25,809,513 99 Total Expenses for the Year, including State Taxes. State Tax (Net). Salaries. Rent. Advertising. Other Expenses. Total. Amount paid for $42,235.41 $34,408.36 $12,000.00 $1,201.33 $13,265.31 $103,110.41 Cost per $1,000 of assets 1 .64 1.33 .47 .05 .51 4 .0 0 Cost per $1,000 of assets not including State tax and rent . . . . . . 1.89 Gross income received during the year, $1,181,235.63. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 161 BANK COMMISSIONER. No. 8.] Rates on Investments and Loans (Average on All, 4.59%). Real estate loans (average rate, 4.81 per cen t.): 4%, $620,500; 4)4% , $517,500; 4)4% . $3,203,775; 4% % , $933,000; 5%, $8,128,250; 5)4% , $1,700; 5)4% , $442,600; 6%, $25,250. Personal loans (average rate, 3.95 per cent.): 3%, $100,000; 3)4% , $400,000; 3M % . $1,373,000; 4%, $2,717,400; 4)4% , $471,200; 4)4% , $513,800; 5%, $1,050; 6%, $7,000. Bonds, stocks, etc. (average rate on amounts invested, 4.67 per cent.): 3)4% , $15,000; 3.40%, $25,000; 3)4% , $220,000; 3.85%, $50,000; 4%, $2,150,500; 4)4% , $50,500; 4)4% , $1,075,474.37; 4M % , $40,000; 5%, $896,000; 5)4% , $25,000; 6%, $415,000; 7%, $134,500; 7)4% , $3,400; 8%, $15,000; 10%, $22,000; 12%, $40,000; 14%, $32,500. Number of loans not over $3,000 each, 196, amounting to $394,200. 114 real estate loans made during year, amounting to $1,587,450. Dividends, Deposits and Withdrawals. Ordinary dividends declared during year: April, 1915, 2% Oct., 1915, 2 % Number of deposits during year, 77,065, amounting to . . Number of withdrawals during year, 54,956, amounting to Net increase in amount due depositors . . . . . . . . .......................................... . . . . . . . . $6,219,971 55 4,523,812 01 . . . $430,000 59 449,134 04 5,340,836 92 . $1,696,159 54 SCHEDULE OF SECURITIES OWNED. Public Funds, Bonds. Par Value. $5,000 Massachusetts 4s 50.000 New York State 4)4s 10.000 Essex Co. 4s 44.000 Akron, 0., 5s 175,000 Boston 4s 25.000 Bristol, Conn., 4)4s 21.000 Brockton 4s 4.000 Brockton 4)4s 25.000 Canton, 0., 5J4s 26.000 Chicago, 111., 4)4s 25.000 Cleveland, 0., 4)4s 50.000 Cleveland, 0., 5s 35.000 Des Moines, la., 4s 55.000 Fall River 4s 10.000 Flint, Mich., 4)^s 50.000 Grand Rapids, Mich., 4)^s 25.000 Holyoke 4s 30.000 Holyoke 4)^s 20.000 Indianapolis, Ind., 4s 30.000 Kansas City, Mo., 4)4s 20.000 La Crosse, Wis., 4s 19.000 Los Angeles, Cal., 4)£s 19.500 Lowell 4s 13.500 Lowell 4)^s 15.000 Lowell 4)£s 10.000 Lynn 4s 40.000 Lynn 4)^s 25.000 Milwaukee, Wis., 4)^s 50.000 Minneapolis, Minn., 4s 50.000 Newton 4s 25.000 Omaha, Neb., 4)^s 19.000 Pittsburgh, Pa., 4)^s 5.000 Portland, Ore., 5s 43.000 Quincy 4s 25.000 Racine, Wis., 5s 65.000 St. Paul, Minn., 4Hs 50.000 Seattle, Wash., 5s 30.500 Syracuse, N. Y., 4)^s 4.000 Toledo, 0., 4)^s 25.000 Toledo, O., 4Ms 65,474 Troy, N. Y., 4)^s 16.000 Waterbury, Ct., 4s 25.000 Worcester 4s 15.000 Youngstown, 0., 5s Par Value. $8,000 Arlington 4)^s 12.000 Brookfield 4s 9.000 Franklin 4)^s 5.000 Leominster 4s 25.000 Stamford, Ct., 4)^s 19.000 W. Bridgewater 4s 22.000 West Springfield 4s 3.000 Westfield 4s 10.000 Whitman 4s Public Funds, Notes. $50,000 Middlesex Co. 3)^8 30.000 Plymouth Co. 3Hs 100.000 Beverly 3HÍS 25.000 Medford 3.40% 50.000 Springfield 3.85% 15.000 Carver 3)£s 20.000 Manchester 4s 10,500 Reading 4)£s 10.000 So. Hadley 3)^s Railroad Bends. $210,000 Boston & Albany 4s 125.000 Boston & Albany 5s 70.000 Boston & Lowell 4s 100.000 Boston & Maine 4s 46.000 Boston & Maine 4)^s 67.000 Cedar Rapids & Mo. R. 7s 170.000 C., B. & Q. 4s 15.000 C., B. & Q. 5s 130.000 Chic., Mil. & St. P. 5s 47.000 Chic., Mil. & St. P. 6s 116.000 Chicago & Northwestern 4s 29.000 Chic. & Northwestern 5s 32.000 Chic., St. P., Minn. & O. 6s 137.000 Concord & Montreal 4s 11.000 Danbury & Norwalk 5s 50.000 Delaware & Hudson 4s 10.000 Delaware & Hudson Canal 7s 10.000 Dexter & Piscataquis 4s 4.000 Fargo & Southern 6s 264.000 Fitchburg 4s 45.000 Fre., Elkh. & Mo. Valley 6s 29.000 Gouv. & Oswegatchie 5s D ates op E x a m in a t io n , N ovember 30-Decem ber 4 inclusive. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Par Value. $100,000 Lake Shore & Mich. So. 4s 107,000 Louisville & Nashville 6s 23.000 Michigan Central 5s 62.000 Milwaukee & Northern 4)£s 11.000 Mil., L. S. & W. 5s 19.000 Mil., L. S. & W. 6s 25.000 Minneapolis Union 6s 6.000 Montana Central 5s 2.000 Montana Central 6s 30.000 Nash., Florence & Shef. 5s 50.000 New York & Northern 5s 1.000 N. Y., Lack. & West. 6s 19,500 Northwestern Union 7s 19.000 Ohio River 5s 115,000 Old Colony 4s 20.000 Philadelphia & Erie 6s 50.000 Portland & Ogdens. 4)£s 28.000 Rome, Watertown & Og. 5s 50.000 St. P., Minn. & Man. 4s 46.000 St. P., Minn. & Man. 4)^s 26.000 St. P., Minn. & Man. 6s 68.000 St. Paul & No. Pacific 6s 19.000 St. Paul & Sioux City 6s 50.000 Vermont Valley 4}4s 26.000 Willmar & Sioux Falls 5s 33.000 Winona & St. Peter 7s Street Railway Bonds. $150,000 Boston Elevated 4)^s 25.000 Holyoke 5s 88.000 West End 4s 103.000 West End 4)^s 150.000 West End 5s 10.000 Worcester Con. 4%s Bank Stocks. Shs. 325 First Nl. Bk., Boston 34 Fourth-Atlantic Nl. Bk., Boston 50 Market Trust Co., Boston 220 Merchants Nl. Bk., Boston 125 Nl. Union Bk., Boston 400 Second Nl. Bk., Boston 25 Webster & Atlas Nl. Bk., Boston 162 REPO RT OF THE [Pub. Doc HOOSAC SAVINGS BANK, NORTH ADAMS. 97 MAIN STREET. Incorporated April 19, 1871. Number of corporators, 28; number of trustees, 15. H . E . W ettiekbee , Clerk of the Corporation. Board of Trustees: O. A. A e c h e b , P. J. A she , A . H . B a b b e e , E dmund B issaillo n , W . W . B u t l e b , G. A . H a sting s , J. D. H u n t e b , J. E . H u n t e b , G. P. L a w b e n c e , W . B . P a e m e le , E . B. P e n n i m a n , C. Q. R ichmond , W . W . R ichmond , D . A. R ussell , H . E . W e t h e e b e e . Board of Investment: W . W . B u t le b , E dmund B issaillo n , H . E . W e th e b b e e . Auditing Committee: D . A . R ussell , A. H . B a b b e b , W . B . P a e m e l e . Deposits draw interest from first day of March, June, September and December; dividends are pay able June 1 and December 1. Business hours: 9 a .m . to 4 p .m .; Saturdays, 9 a .m . to 2 p .m . and 7 to 8 p .m . STATEMENT OF CONDITION, OCTOBER 30, 1915. Assets. Public funds, bonds and notes . . . . . . . . Railroad bonds and notes . . . . . . . . . . Street railway bonds . . . . . . . . . . . American Tel. & Tel. Co. bonds . . . . . . . . . 339 loans on real estate (average of each, $2,058.08) . . . . . . 103 loans on personal security . . . . . . . . . Bank building and fixtures (estimated value, $120,000; assessed value, $91,500) Taxes, insurance, etc., paid on mortgaged properties . . . . . Deposits in national banks or trust companies . . . . . Cash and cash items . . . . . . . . . . . Total Assets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $25,000 00 400,781 50 55,618 00 28,338 50 697,690 01 110,895 71 100,000 00 1,433 96 16,231 04 2,404 12 . . $1,438,392 84 Due depositors on 4,590 accounts, averaging $296.39 each . . . . (Accounts opened during year, 1,030; closed, 848; increase, 182) Surplus: — a. Guaranty fund (4-51% of deposits; increase during year, $6,707.89) . h. Profit and loss (increase during year, $529.54) . . . . . Current incom e: — Interest . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1,360,430 07 Liabilities. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Total Liabilities . . . . 61,432 93 529 54 . 16,000 30 . $1,438,392 84 BANK COMMISSIONER. No. 8. 163 Total Expenses for the Year, including State Taxes. State Tax (Net). Salaries. Rent. Advertising. Other Expenses. Total. $2,787.79 $4,078.15 Amount paid for $999.92 ' $506.01 $1,010.51 $9,382.38 1.94 2.83 Cost per $1,000 of assets .69 .35 .70 6.51 Cost per $1,000 of assets not including State tax and rent . 3 .8 8 Gross income received during the year, $68,020.31. Rates on Investments and Loans (Average on All, 4.90%). Real estate loans (average rate, 5.56 per cen t.): 5%, $292,205; 5J^%, $32,050; 6%, $373,435.01. Personal loans (average rate, 5.40 per cent.); 4%, $26,719; 5%, $13,491.05; 6%, $70,685.66. Bonds, stocks, etc. (average rate on amounts invested, 3.89 per cent.): 3%, $5,000; 3J^%, $297,000; 4%, $178,000; 4 y2% , $15,000; 5%, $30,000. Number of loans not over $3,000 each, 371, amounting to $421,814.33. 28 real estate loans made during year, amounting to $43,388.76. Dividends, Deposits and Withdrawals. Ordinary dividends declared during year: Dec., 1914, 2% June, 1915,2% Number of deposits during year, 6,675, amounting to . . . . Number of withdrawals during year, 4,655, amounting to N et increase in amount due depositors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $25,154 48 25,705 66 344,217 65 . $395,077 79 345,388 57 . $49,689 22 SCHEDULE OF SECURITIES OWNED. Public Funds, Bonds. Par Value. $10,000 Bay City, Mich., 5s 5,000 Sioux City, Iowa, 43d>s 10,000 Wilkes-Barre, Pa., 3)^>s Railroad Bonds. Par Value. $25,000 Boston & Albany 4s 12,000 Boston & Maine 3Hs Par Value. $60,000 C., B. & Q. 3^s 10.000 C .,B .& Q . 4s 10.000 Chic., Mil. & St. Paul 4J^s 7.000 Fitchburg 3J^s 5.000 Fitchburg 4s 5.000 Illinois Central 3s 68.000 Illinois Central 3b£s 15.000 Illinois Central 4s 80.000 Michigan Central 3Hs 60.000 N. Y., N. H. & H. 3^s 53.000 N. Y „ N. H. & H. 4s D ates of E x a m in a tio n , M ay 17-20 inclusive. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Street Railway Bonds. Par Value. $10,000 Boston Elevated 5s 30.000 Boston & Northern 4s 10.000 Old Colony 4s 10.000 West End 5s 164 REPO RT OF THE [Pub. Doc, HOPKINTON SAVINGS BANK, HOPKINTON. MAIN STREET. Incorporated March 23, 1867. Number of corporators, 28; number of trustees, 16. J. D avid St e w a r t , President. E rnest H . A dam s , Treasurer. W alter M . H illia r d , Clerk of the Corporation. Board of Trustees: E . H . A dam s , E . A . B riggs , G . W . B utter field , J. L. C l a f l in , P. H . D o la n , L. F. F a ir b a n k s , A . W . G e r r y , W . M . H illia r d , A . N . K y e s , W . S. M or se , W . D . M oshier . A lfred P h ipps , H . H . P ip e r , J. D . St e w a r t , G. S. T hompson , W . A . W ood . Board of Investment: J. D . St e w a r t , W . A. W ood , W . D . M oshier , A. N. K y e s , W . S. M orse , J. L. C l a f lin . Auditing Committee: W . D . M osh ier , G. S. T hompson , A . W . G e r r y . Deposits draw interest from first Saturday of February, M ay, August and Novem ber; dividends are payable the first Saturday of M ay and November. Business hours: 9 a . m . to 2 p . m . ; Wednesdays and Saturdays, 9 a . m . to 12 m . STATEMENT OF CONDITION, OCTOBER 30, 1915. Assets. Public funds, bonds and notes . . . . . . . . Railroad bonds and notes . . . . . . . . . Street railway bonds . . . . . . . . . . American Tel. & Tel. Co. bonds . . . . . . . . Stocks of banks and trust companies . . . . . . . 109 loans on real estate {average of each, $1,933.13) . . . . Bank building and fixtures {estimated value, $6,000; assessed value, $6,000) Real estate b y foreclosure, etc. (assessed value, $9,500) . . . . Deposits in national banks or trust companies . . . . . Cash and cash items . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $45,267 150,200 39,400 6,440 15,037 210,711 3,500 5,200 16,525 653 50 00 00 00 50 00 00 00 49 52 $492,935 01 Total Assets Liabilities. $443,160 60 Due depositors on 1,168 accounts, averaging $379.42 each Accounts opened during year, 85; closed, 107; decrease, 22) Surplus: — a. Guaranty fund {5% of deposits; increase during year, $434.82) b. Profit and loss {increase during year, $2,099.18) Current income: — a. Interest . . . . . . . $11,301 81 b. Rent . . . . . . . 26 62 22,162 68 17,714 29 $11,328 43 Less current expenses not charged off . Less State or local taxes not charged off . Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis . . $944 92 486 07 1,430 99 ------------------ 9,897 44 Total L iab ilities.......................................$492,935 01 165 BANK COMMISSIONER. No. 8.' Total Expenses for the Year, including State Taxes. State Tax (Net). Salaries. Rent. Amount paid for $880.97 $1,584.85 $264.00 Cost per $1,000 of assets 1.79 3.21 .54 Cost per $1,000 of assets not including State tax and rent . Advertising. Other Expenses. Total. $424.15 $3,153.97 .86 6 .40 ................................................................... 4 .07 Gross income received during the year, $22,434.56. Rates on Investments and Loans (Average on All, 4.77%). Real estate loans (average rate, 5.19 per cen t.): 5%, $159,255; 5 K % , $23,250; 6%, $28,206. Bonds, stocks, etc. (average rate on amounts invested, 4.43 per cent.); 3J^%, $55,000; 4% , $112,800; 4>^%, $15,000; 5%, $61,000; 8%, $7,600; 10%, $500; 14%, $1,000; 16%, $2,500. Number of loans not over $3,000 each, 86, amounting to $95,161. 9 real estate loans made during year, amounting to $15,000. Dividends, Deposits and Withdrawals. Ordinary dividends declared during year: N ov., 1914, 2% M ay, 1915, 2% Number of deposits during year, 686, amounting to . . Number of withdrawals during year, 804, amounting to N et increase in amount due depositors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $8,438 83 8,545 15 44,529 56 . $61,513 54 52,616 25 $8,897 29 SCHEDULE OF SECURITIES OWNED. Public Funds, Bonds. Par Value. $5,000 C., B. & Q. 3^s 5.000 Chic., Mil. & St. Paul 4J^s 5.000 Chic., Mil. & St. Paul 5s 10.000 Concord & Montreal 4s 5.000 Fitchburg 4s 5.000 Fitchburg 5s 15.000 Illinois Central V/$, 5.000 Lake Shore & Mich. So. 3j^s 5.000 Michigan Central 3J^s 5.000 Minn., St. P. & Sit. Ste. M. 5s 5.000 N. Y. C. & H. R. 3^s 5.000 N. Y., N. H. & H. 3^s 10.000 N. Y „ N. H. & H. 4s 5.000 Northern Maine Seaport 5s 10.000 Pitts., Va. & Charlest’n 4s 15.000 Portland & R. Falls 4s 6.000 St. J. & L. C. 5s Par Value. $15,000 Massachusetts 3)^s 10.000 Boston 4s 10.000 Chicago, 111., 4s 5.000 Woonsocket, R. I., 4}^s 5.000 Acton 4s Public Funds, Notes. $800 Hopkinton 4s Railroad Bonds. $10,000 Boston 10.000 Boston 5.000 Boston 5.000 Boston D ates & Albany 5s & Lowell 4s & Maine 4s & Maine 4}^s o f E x a m in a t io n Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis a n d A u d it , February 23-25 inclusive. Street Railway Bonds. Par Value. $5,000 Boston Elevated 4s 10.000 Boston & Northern 4s 15.000 West End 5s 10.000 Worcester Con. 5s Bank Stocks. Shs. 10 Greylock Nl. Bk., Adams 16 Fourth-Atlantic Nl. Bk., Boston 50 Commonwealth Tr. Co., Boston 25 First Nl. Bk., Boston 10 Webster & Atlas Nl. Bk., Boston 5 Natick Nl. Bk. 166 REPO RT OF THE [Pub. Doc. HUDSON SAVINGS BANK, HUDSON. 46 Incorporated February 26, 1869. B. G eorge C och ran, so n T . T ro w , F . T. W arren O . W elsh , H . P . A n d rew s, F . u n t e r Sa f f o r d , Treasurer. Clerk of the Corporation. E. B r o w n , F . H . C h a m b e r l a i n , G . B . C o c h r a n , D a v i d G o o d E. P . L a r k i n , W . H . M o u l t o n , L . F . P r i e s t , J. H . R o b i n C. J. S a w y e r , C. H . S t o n e , F r a n k T a y l o r , G . A . T r i p p , , G . P . K e it h , , F . S. R o w ell, W . T . F . Number of corporators, 40; number of trustees, 19. President. F red Board of Trustees: a l e , N. M . H MAIN STREET. Safford , O . W elsh . Board of Investment: G. B. Auditing Committee: J. H. C och ran, R o b in s o n , J. H. T . F. G. A . R o b in s o n , T ro w (o n e T r ip p , C . J. Sa w y e r , E . P . L a r k in . vacancy). Deposits draw interest from third W ednesday of January, April, July and October; dividends are payable the Thursday after the third W ednesday of January and July. Business hours: 9 a .m . to 3 p .m .; also Saturdays, for deposits only, 6 to 8 p .m . STATEMENT OF CONDITION, OCTOBER 30, 1915. Assets. Public funds, bonds and notes . . . . Railroad bonds and notes . . . Street railway bonds . . . . . . American Tel. & Tel. Co. bonds . . . . Stocks of banks and trust companies ’ . Securities acquired in settlement of indebtedness . 504 loans on real estate {average of each, $1,767.59) . Less amount due on uncompleted loans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $891,465 00 599 30 . . $391,850 477,200 176,325 37,400 3,500 100 00 890,865 133,650 47,471 1,237 52,055 7,095 18 loans on personal security . . . . . . . . Bank building and fixtures (estimated value, $4-7,471.51; assessed value, $36,600) Taxes, insurance, etc., paid on mortgaged properties . . . . Deposits in national banks or trust companies . . . . . Cash and cash items . . . . . . . . . . 00 00 00 00 00 70 00 51 22 32 39 Total A s s e t s .......................................$2,218,750 14 Liabilities. Due depositors on 5,978 accounts, averaging $346.54 each (Accounts opened during year, 788; closed, 623; increase, 165) Surplus: — a. Guaranty fund {4 .68% of deposits; increase during year, $6,800) b. Profit and loss (increase during year, $5,649.91) Current income: — Interest . . . . . . . . . . Less current expenses not charged off . . . . . $2,071,630 74 97,000 00 38,646 86 $12,640 08 1,167 54 11,472 54 Total Liabilities . . . . . $2,218,750 14 Total Expenses for the Year, including State Taxes. State Tax (Net). Salaries. Rent. Advertising. Other Expenses. Total. Am ount paid for $4,442.52 $3,407.50 $500.00 $95.00 $1,033.33 $9,478.35 Cost per $1,000 of assets 2 .0 0 1.53 .22 .04 .46 4 .2 5 Cost per $1,000 of assets not including State tax and rent . . . . . . 2 .0 3 Gross income received during the year, $103,293.62. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis BANK COMMISSIONER, No. 8.] 167 Rates on Investments and Loans (Average on All, 4.81%). Real estate loans (average rate, 5.26 per cent.): 5%, $437,960; 5J^%, $441,000.70; 6%, $11,155; 7M %, $750. Personal loans (average rate, 4.78 per cent.): 4%, $15,000; 4 M % . $10,000; 4J^%, $30,000; 4M % , $30,000; 5%, $19,000; 5 ^ % , $28,750; 6%, $900. Bonds, stocks, etc. (average rate on amounts invested, 4.44 per cent.): 3%, $5,000; 3 }4% , $120,200; 3% % , $3,800; 3.65%, $10,000; 3 % % , $1,500; 3.80%, $8,400; 3.90%, $13,000; 4% , $461,350; 4 M % . $21,000; 4M % . $158,500; 5%, $215,000; 6%, $49,000; 7%, $30,000; 8%, $3,500. Number of loans not over $3,000 each, 464, amounting to $552,395. 65 real estate loans made during year, amounting to $109,925. Dividends, Deposits and Withdrawals. Ordinary dividends declared during year: Jan., 1915, 2% July, 1915, 2% Number of deposits during year, 5,849, amounting to $38,235 57 38,748 08 345,796 93 Number of withdrawals during year, 4,662, amounting to $422,780 58 346,875 70 N et increase in amount due depositors $75,904 88 SCHEDULE OF SEC U RITIE S OW NED. Public Funds, Notes. Public Funds, Bonds. Par Value. $10,000 California 4s 10.000 Massachusetts 3Hs 5.000 Massachusetts 4s 20.000 Akron, 0., 5s 5.000 Bay City, Mich., 5s 5.000 Beverly 4s 15.000 Boston 4b£s 10.000 Brockton 4s 20.000 Chelsea 4s 5.000 Fall River 4Ks 5.000 Hamilton, O., 5s 10.000 Los Angeles, Cal., 4}^s 36.000 Lynn 4s 10.000 Milwaukee, Wis., 4)^s 17.000 New Bedford 4s 15.000 Portland, O., 4)^s 5.000 Rockville, Ct., 4s 15.000 San Francisco, Cal., 5s 5.000 Spokane, Wash., 4J^s 7.000 St. Paul, Minn., 4)4s 10.000 Syracuse, N. Y., 4)^s 5.000 Troy, N. Y., 4s 3,500 Troy, N\ Y., il4s 6.000 Worcester 4s 4.000 Attleboro 4s 6,650 Hudson 4s 8.000 Hudson 4}^s 5.000 No. Kingstown, R. I., 4s 14.000 Saugus 4s 4.000 Tiverton, R. I., 4s 10.000 Wallingford, Ct., 3.65% 10.000 Wellesley 4s 5.000 Br. & Top., Me. (W. D.), 4s D a tes o p E x a m in a t io n , Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Par Value. $3,400 Bolton 4s 12,200 Hudson 3J^s 3,800 Hudson 3%g 1,500 Hudson 3%s 8,400 Hudson 3.80% 13,000 Hudson 3.90% 21,300 Hudson 4s 6.000 Hudson 4)4s 2.000 Hudson 4)^s Railroad Bonds. $15,000 Bangor & Aroostook 5s 20.000 Boston & Albany 3j4>s 26.000 Boston & Maine 4s 5.000 B. & N. Y. Air Line 4s 9.000 Burl. & Mo. River 6s 5.000 Cedar Rapids & Mo. R. 7s 15.000 C., B. & Q. SV2s 10.000 C., B. & Q. 4s 4.000 C., B. & Q. 5s 30.000 Chic., Mil. & St. Paul 4^s 5.000 Chic., Mil. & St. Paul 5s 10.000 Chic. & Northwestern 4s 5.000 Chic. & Northwestern 5s 35.000 Chic. & Northwestern 6s 5.000 Chic., R. I. & Pac. 4s 10.000 Delaware & Hudson 4s 30.000 Fitchburg 4s 5.000 Illinois Central 3s 23.000 Illinois Central 3Hs 30.000 Illinois Central 4s 17.000 Louisville & Nashville 5s August 2, 3. Par Value. $5,000 Me. Cent. & E. & N. A. 4s 20.000 Michigan Central 3)4s 15.000 Michigan Central 5s 5.000 Mil. & Northern 4^s 10.000 N. Y „ N. H. & H. 3J^s 30.000 N. Y., N. H. & H. 4s 15.000 No. Maine Seaport 5s 10.000 Ohio River 5s 1.000 Portland & R. Falls 4s 5.000 Portland Terminal Co. 4s 2.000 Rome, Watertown & Ogds. 5s 10.000 St. P., Minn. & Man. 4s 5.000 St. Paul & Sioux City 6s 20.000 Troy & Boston 7s 10.000 Washington Co. 3b£s 5.000 Winona & St. Peter 7s Street Railway Bonds. $20,000 Boston Elevated 4s 20.000 Boston Elevated 5s 15.000 Boston & Northern 4s 7.000 Glouc., Essex & Beverly 5s 10.000 Holyoke 5s 15.000 Leominster, Shirley & A. 5s 25.000 Lynn & Boston 5s 10.000 Old Colony 4s 5.000 West End 4s 23.000 West End 4)^s 5.000 West End 5s 25.000 Wore. Consolidated 4)^s Bank Stocks. Shs. 35 Hudson Nl. Bk. 168 REPO RT OF THE [Pub. Doc, HYDE PARK SAVINGS BANK, BOSTON. 1196 RIVER STREET (HYDE PARK DISTRICT). Incorporated March 8, 1871. R o bert B l e a k ie , Number of corporators, 28; number of trustees, 15. President. A rth u r F r e d e r ic k L . Johnson, H . B u rt, Board of Trustees: H. F. A r n o l d , R o b e r t B l e a k i e , H. S. B u n t o n , A . H. B u r t , F. C. J o h n s o n , F. G . K a t z m a n n , E . W . L e w i s , R . P. M o s e l e y , H. B . T e r r y , J . A . T D . T i r r e l l , F. N. T i r r e l l , H. E . B . W a l d r o n , R i n a l d o W i l l i a m s . Board of Investment: R o bert B l e a k ie , H. S. Treasurer. Clerk of the Corporation. F. N. B un to n , F. C. T ir r e l l , G rah am , il d e n G rah am , , E. F. L. V an H. E . B. W ald ro n . Auditing Committee: F. L. Johnson, H. S. B un to n , R . P. M o seley. Deposits draw interest from first day of January, April, July and October; dividends are payable January 15 and July 15. Business hours: 9 a . m . to 3 p . m . ; Saturdays, 9 a . m . to 12 M . ; also Fridays, for deposits only, 5 to 7 p . m . STATEMENT OF CONDITION, OCTOBER 30, 1915. Assets. Public funds, bonds and notes . . . . Railroad bonds and notes . . . . . Street railway bonds . . . . . . American Tel. & Tel. Co. bonds . . . . Stocks of banks and trust companies . . . 455 loans on real estate (average of each, $2,376.68) . Less amount due on uncompleted loans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 75 50 50 00 1,081,390 8,150 1,000 24,143 16 96,826 4,752 50 00 00 47 79 28 77 $1,081,790 00 399 50 5 loans on personal security . . . . . . . . . Bank building and fixtures (estimated value, $20,000; assessed value, $22,800) Real estate b y foreclosure, etc. (assessed value, $35,350) . . . . Taxes, insurance, etc., paid on mortgaged properties . . . . Deposits in national banks or trust companies . . . . . Cash and cash items . . . . . . . . . . Total Assets $237,461 487,948 153,033 36,162 5,131 . $2,136,017 36 Liabilities. Due depositors on 6,750 accounts, averaging $283.67 each . . . . . {Accounts opened during year, 937; closed, 760; increase, 177) Surplus: — a. Guaranty fund {^.96% o f deposits; increase during year, $1,571.61) . b. Profit and loss {increase during year, $15,623.32) . . . . . . Current income: — Interest . . . . . . . . . . $33,334 12 Less current expenses not charged off . . . . 1,802 12 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis $1,914,795 38 95,037 85 94,652 13 31,532 00 Total Liabilities . . $2,136,017 36 BANK COMMISSIONER. No. 169 Total Expenses for the Year, including State Taxes. Rent. State Tax (Net). Salaries. Am ount paid for $2,705.05 $4,338.60 $1,000.00 Cost per $1,000 of assets 1.26 2 .0 3 .46 Cost per $1,000 of assets not including State tax and rent . Advertising. Other Expenses. Total. $28.00 $709.30 $8,780.95 .01 .33 4 .0 9 2.37 Gross income received during the year, $97,104.39. Rates on Investments and Loans (Average on All, 4.79%). Real estate loans (average rate, 5.10 per cen t.): 5%, $954,840.50; 5}4% , $32,120; 6%, $94,430. Personal loans (average rate, 4.89 per cent.): 4%, $2,000; 5%, $5,000; 6%, $1,150. Bonds, stocks, etc. (average rate on amounts invested, 4.42 per cent.): 3V£%, $81,000; 4%, $534,700; 4Y2% , $148,700; 5%, $138,000; 6%, $28,000; 7%, $10,000; 10%, $600; 12%, $600; 14%, $2,500. Number of loans not over $3,000 each, 369, amounting to $640,490. 16 real estate loans made during year, amounting to $48,650. Dividends, Deposits and Withdrawals. Ordinary dividends declared during year: Jan., 1915, 2% July, 1915, 2% Number of deposits during year, 8,902, amounting to $35,252 45 35,536 96 380,111 48 Number of withdrawals during year, 6,276, amounting to $450,900 89 390,436 49 N et increase in amount due depositors $60,464 40 SCHEDULE OF SECURITIES OWNED. Public Funds, Bonds. Par Value. $6,000 Boston 3}4s 6.000 Boston 4s 15.000 Fall River 4s 10.000 Malden 4s 10.000 Minneapolis, Minn., 4s 15.000 New Bedford 4s 15.000 New Bedford 5s 10.000 Worcester 4s 5,300 Hull 4s 103,000 Hyde Park 4s 5.000 Palmer 4s 15.000 Kennebec, Me. (W. D.), V/>s 20.000 Kittery, Me. (W. D.), 5s Public Funds, Notes. $3,700 Hyde Park 4J^s Railroad Bonds. $10,000 Baltimore & Ohio 3J^s 29.000 Boston & Albany 5s D ates o f E x a m in a t io n , Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis « Par Value. $18,000 Boston & Lowell 4s 50.000 Boston & Maine 4tYs 10.000 C., B. & Q. 3J4s 20.000 C., B. & Q. 4s 31.000 Chic., Mil. & St. Paul 4p^s 30.000 Chic. & Northwestern 4s 10.000 Chicago, R. I. & Pacific 6s 25.000 Concord & Montreal 4s 10.000 Connecticut River 3p2S 3.000 Danbury & Norwalk 6s 10.000 Delaware & Hudson Co. 7s 20.000 Fitchburg 3p¿s 2.000 Fitchburg 4s 14.000 Fitchburg 4Hs 15.000 Fitchburg 6s notes 10.000 Illinois Central 3p£s 20.000 Illinois Central 4s 10.000 Lake Shore, Mich. South. 4s 10.000 Minn., St. P. & Sit. St. M. 4s 15.000 N. Y. C. & H. R. 4s 70.000 N. Y., N. H. & H. 4s 25.000 No. Maine Seaport 5s April 29, 30. Par Value. $10,000 Portland & Ogdensburg 4)^s 10.000 Upper Coos 4s 10.000 Vermont Valley 4J^s 5.000 Wore., Nash. & R. 4s Street Railway Bonds. $30,000 Boston Elevated 4J^s 20.000 Boston Elevated 5s 30.000 Boston & Northern 4s 9.000 Lynn & Boston 5s 15.000 Old Colony 4s 34.000 West End 4s 20.000 West End 5s Bank Stocks. Shs. 25 First Nl. Bk., Boston 6 Merchants Nl. Bk., Boston 31 Nl. Bk. of Commerce, Boston 6 Second Nl. Bk., Boston 14 First Nl. Bk., Newburyport REPO RT OF THE 170 [Pub. Doc. INSTITUTION FOR SAVINGS IN NEWBURYPORT AND ITS VICINITY, NEWBURYPORT. 93 STATE STREET. Incorporated January 31, 1820. H en by B . L it t l e , W il l ia m G eorge Board of Trustees: Number of corporators, 82; number of trustees, 23. President. F. B alch , Treasurer. Clerk of the Corporation. L. D . C o l e , L. B. C u s h i n g , J. H. I r e l a n d , N . N. H. B . L i t t l e , W . B. L i t t l e , J. E . M c C u s k e r , F. F. M o r r i l l , B. P. P. M o s e l e y , M o s e l e y , D . F. N o y e s , R . T . N o y e s , G. A . P h i l b r i c k , G. W . P i p e r , T . C . S i m p s o n , J. F. S p a u l d i n g , J. EL W h e e l e r , F. O. W o o d s . W il l ia m Jon es, L . N . K e n t, E . Board of Investment: H . Auditing Committee: J. B. B alch , F. R. A v e r y , E . B u rk e, H. C. W . L it t l e , E . L it t l e , L . B. L it t l e , C u s h in g , F. F. E . M cC u s k e r , W . B . L it t l e , J. M o r r il l , G. W . H . Irelan d , L . P ip e r , N. T. C . S im p s o n . K e n t. Deposits draw interest from third Wednesday of January, April, July and October; dividends are payable the fourth Wednesday of April and October. Business hours: 8.30 a . m . to 2 p . m . STATEMENT OF CONDITION, OCTOBER 30, 1915. Assets. $2,594,575 2,165,950 135,000 229,320 35,001 1,319,073 1,489,800 20,000 130,801 104,141 Total Assets . . . CO Public funds, bonds and notes . . . . . . . . . Railroad bonds and notes . . . . . American Tel. & Tel. Co. bonds . . . . . . . . . Stocks of banks and trust companies . . . . . . . . Securities acquired in settlement of indebtedness . . . . . . 569 loans on real estate (average of each, $2,318.23) . . . . . . 77 lpans on personal security . . . . . . . . . Bank building and fixtures (estimated value, $35,000; assessed value, $35,000) Real estate b y foreclosure, etc. (assessed value, $207,600) . . . . . Deposits in national banks or trust companies . . . . . . Cash and cash items . . . . . . . . . . . 00 00 00 00 00 94 00 00 26 09 87 $8,227,781 16 . Liabilities. Due depositors on 13,148 accounts, averaging $573.85 each {Accounts opened during year, 901; closed, 1,037; decrease, 136) Surplus: — a. Guaranty fund (4.97% of deposits; increase during year, none) b. Profit and loss {decrease during year, $4,736.15) Current income: — Interest . . . . . . . . . . $7,545,021 29 375,000 00 305,171 69 2,588 18 . $8,227,781 16 Total Liabilities . Total Expenses for the Year, including State Taxes. State Tax (Net). Salaries. Rent. Amount paid for $21,691.58 $11,499.96 Cost per $1,000 of assets 2 .6 4 1.40 Cost per $1,000 of assets not including State tax and rent . Advertising. Other Expenses. Total. $1,107.82 $34,299.36 .13 4 .1 7 1.53 Gross income received during the year, $391,600.36. Rates on Investments and Loans (Average on All, 4.70%). Real estate loans (average rate, 4.76 per cent.): 4%, $105,500; 4)4% , $141,500; 4)4% , $203,750; 4M%> $37,000; 5%, $809,733.94; 5)4% , $21,000; 6%, $590. Personal loans (average rate, 4.73 per cent.): 4%, $53,000; 4 )4% , $200,000; 4)4% , $607,900; 4M%> $180,000; 5%, $257,350; 5)4% , $25,000; 5)4% , $52,500; 6%, $101,050; 6)4% , $13,000. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 171 BANK COMMISSIONER. No. 8.] Bonds, stocks, etc. (average rate on amounts invested, 4.67 per cent.): 3J^%, $40,650; 3 ^ % , $10,000; 3 % % , $35,750; 3% % , $5,000; 4%, $2,488,375; 4M % . $59,700; 4 A % , $1,218,600; 4M % , $20,000; 5%, $537,100; 5 % % , $40,000; 53^%, $85,000; 6%, $434,300; 7%, $26,320; 8%, $80,800; 10%, $20,000; 12%, $52,000; 14%, $25,000. Number of loans not over $3,000 each, 525, amounting to $492,348.94. 48 real estate loans made during year, amounting to $50,695. Dividends, Deposits and Withdrawals. Ordinary dividends declared during year: April, 1915, 2% Oct., 1915, 2% Number of deposits during year, 6,356, amounting to $145,731 89 145,781 49 651,576 25 Number of withdrawals during year, 9,427, amounting to $943,089 63 897,893 64 N et increase in amount due depositors . . . . $45,195 99 . SCHEDULE OF SECURITIES OWNED. Public Funds, Bonds. Par Value. $1,000 Massachusetts 3As 165.000 Massachusetts 4s 1.000 Bristol County 4s 40.000 Akron, 0., 5J^s 25.000 Baltimore, Md.,4s 325.000 Boston 4s 16.000 Boston 4J4s 21.500 Brockton 4s 19.000 Brockton 4As 250 Cambridge 3A® 7,050 Cambridge 4s 40,600 Canton. 0., 5s 100.000 Chelsea 4s 3,300 Chicopee 4s 50.000 Cleveland, 0., 4J^s 25.000 Cleveland, 0., 5s 25.000 Dayton, 0., 4As 8.000 Dayton, 0., 5s 26.000 Decatur, 111., 4s 10.000 Dubuque, la., 4s 46.000 Duluth, Minn., 4J^s 15.000 Duluth, Minn., 5s 12.000 East Portland, Ore., 6s 2.000 Everett 4s 71.000 Fall River 4s 6.000 Fall River i% s 12.000 Fall River 4}^s 5.000 Gloucester 4s 21.500 Hamilton, 0., 5s 50.000 Holyoke 4s 15.000 Lawrence 4s 100.000 Los Angeles, Cal., 4s 67,250 Lowell 4s 18.000 Lynn 4s 3.000 Malden 4s 10.000 Marlborough 3^s 44.000 Milwaukee, Wis., 4b£s 20.000 Minneapolis, Minn., 4%s 50.000 Newark, N. J., 4.A? 48.000 New Bedford 4s 35,750 Newburyport 3^8 43.000 Newburyport 4s 85.000 Oakland, Cal., 5A& 135.000 Omaha, Neb., iYzS 10.000 Portland, Ore., 5s 47.500 Portland, Ore., 6s 10.000 Saginaw, Mich., 4s D ates of E x a m in a t io n , Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Par Value. $6,000 Salem 4s 20.000 San Francisco, Cal., 5s 50.000 Seattle, Wash., 4b£s 57.000 Seattle, Wash., 5s 15.000 Sioux City, la., 4J^s 50.000 Somerville 4s 5.000 Spokane, Wash., 4A& 6.000 Stamford, Conn., 4)^s 6.000 Taunton 4 A b 50.000 Toledo, 0., 4^s 15,600 Troy, N. Y., 4A& 30.000 Woonsocket, R. I., 4J^s 9.000 Worcester 4s 12.000 Youngstown, 0., 5s 18.000 Amherst 4s 5.000 Arlington 4s 45.000 Cranston, R. I., 4s 50.000 Eden, Me., 4s 22.000 North Attleborough 4s 11.000 Revere 4s 18.000 Rumford, Me., 4s 9.000 Sharon 4A s 20.000 Warwick, R. I., 4As 15.000 Gardiner, Me. (W. D.), 4s 1.000 Mansfield (W. D.) 4s Public Funds, Notes. $25,000 Amesbury 3b£s 1.000 Attleborough 4s 3.000 Carver 4s 13,680 Essex 4s 5.000 Hull 4s 20.000 Lexington 4s 6.000 Maynard 4As 6,400 Merrimac 3As 3.000 Norfolk 3p£s 21.000 Norwood 4s 37,700 Norwood 4.14,5 5.000 Rockland 3A s 5.000 Shrewsbury 3A s 1,500 Stoughton 4s 1.000 Wellesley 4s 4,995 Winthrop 4s Railroad Bonds. $35,000 Allegheney Valley 4s 80.000 Boston & Albany 4s 34.000 Boston & Albany 5s August 16-18 inclusive. Par Value. $345,000 Boston & Maine 4As 45.000 Boston, R. B. & Lynn 4As 48,200 Burl. & Missouri River 6s 60.000 Chicago, Burl. & Quincy 4s . 50,000 Chic., Mil. & St. Paul 4As 40.000 Chic., Mil. & St. Paul 5s 125.000 Chicago & Northwest. 4s 59.000 Chicago & Northwest. 5s 186.000 Chicago & Northwest. 6s 15.000 Dexter & Piscataquis 4s 134.000 Fitchburg 4s 25.000 Fitchburg 4As 50.000 Fitchburg 5s 45.000 Fre., Elk. & Missouri V. 6s 12.000 Housatonic 5s 25.000 Illinois Central 4s 30.000 Louisville & Nashville 5s 65.000 Louisville & Nashville 6s 39.000 Me. Cent. & E. & N. A. 4s 50.000 Michigan Central 4s 17.000 M., St. Paul & Sit. St. M. 5s 25.000 N. Y. C. & H. R. 4As 25.000 N. Y., Lack. & Western 6s 225.000 N. Y., N. H. & H. 4s 13,500 Norwich & Worcester 4s 9,000 Old Colony 4s 140.000 Penobscot Shore Line 4s 25.000 Portland & Ogdensburg 4As 10.000 Ports., Gt. Falls & Con. 4As 41.000 Rome, Water. & Ogdens. 5s 25.000 Upper Coos 4s 20.000 Wore., Nashua & Roch. 4s Bank Stocks. Shs. 100 Commonwealth Tr. Co., Boston 250 First Nl. Bk., Boston 200 Merchants Nl. Bk., Boston 275 Nl. Shawmut Bk., Boston 208 Nl. Union Bk., Boston 100 Old Boston Nl. Bk., Boston 520 Second Nl. Bk., Boston 225 Webster & Atlas Nl. Bk., Boston 20 Gloucester Nl. Bk. 56 First Nl. Bk., Newburyport 1,226 Merchants Nl. Bk. Newb’p’t 112 Ocean Nl. Bk., Newburyport I 18 Warren Nl. Bk., Peabody [Pub. Doc. REPORT OF THE 172 INSTITUTION FOR SAVINGS IN ROXBURY AND ITS VICINITY, BOSTON. 2343 WASHINGTON STREET. Incorporated February 22, 1825. C h ar le s G . Sm it h , Number of corporators, 39; number of trustees, 18. President. H A r t h u r B . J o s l in , enry W est, Treasurer. Clerk of the Corporation. Board of Trustees: H o r a c e B a c o n , S. M . B o l s t e r , W il f r e d B o l s t e r , A . M . B u l l a r d , W . D . C o t t o n , E . U. C u r t i s , N e l s o n C u r t i s , W . A . G a s t o n , J o s e p h M o r r i l l , H u g h N a w n , H . A . R u e t e r , F r e d S e a v e r , C . G . S m i t h , S. L. T r e a d w e l l , F . S. W a t e r m a n , H e n r y W e s t , E . B . W i l d e r , J. D . W i l l i a m s . Board of Investment: C. G. S m i t h , J. D . W il l ia m s , E . U. C u r t i s , J o s e p h M Auditing Committee: N e l s o n C u r t i s , A . M . B u l l a r d , E . B . W ild e r , W. o r r il l . D . C otto n . Deposits draw interest from third Wednesday of January, April, July and October; dividends are pay able the Thursday following the third W ednesday of April and October. Business hours: 9 a .m . to 3 p .m .; Saturdays, 9 a . m . to 12 m . STATEMENT OF CONDITION, OCTOBER 30, 1915. Assets. Public funds, bonds and notes . . . . Railroad bonds and notes . . . . . Street railway bonds . . . . . . Boston Terminal Co. bonds . . . . . American Tel. & Tel. Co. bonds . . . . Stocks of banks and trust companies . . . 848 loans on real estate (average of each, $4^68.10) . Less amount due on uncompleted loans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' . . . . . $1,015,000 5,937,954 763,985 150,000 252,143 27,101 00 50 00 00 75 00 3,644,790 1,764,800 150,000 374,762 29,387 00 00 00 $3,645,390 00 600 00 47 loans on personal security . . . . . . . . . Bank building and fixtures (estimated value, $150,000; assessed value, $182,000) Deposits in national banks or trust companies . . . . . . Cash and cash items . . . . . . . . . . . Total Assets . . . . . . . 86 58 . $14,109,924 69 Liabilities. Due depositors on 30,000 accounts, averaging $442.94 each (Accounts opened during year, 3,801; closed, 3,74%; increase, 59) Surplus: — a. Guaranty fund 14.97% °J deposits; increase during year, 817,500) b. Profit and loss (increase during year, $8,926.62) . . Current incom e: — Interest . . . . . . Internal revenue account . . . . . . . . Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Total Liabilities . . $13,288,240 53 660,000 0 0 155,188 50 6,435 6 6 60 0 0 . $14,109,924 69 BANK COM M ISSIONER. No. 8.' 173 Total Expenses for the Year, including State Taxes. State Tax (Net). Salaries. Rent. Advertising. Other Expenses. Total. Amount paid for $42,371.36 $22,402.75 $4,500.00 ~ $5,200.31 $74,4/4.42 Cost per $1,000 of assets 3.00 1.59 .32 .37 5.28 Cost per $1,000 of assets not including State tax and r e n t ..................................................... 1-96 Gross income received during the year, $593,560.86. Rates on Investments and Loans (Average on All, 4.35%). Real estate loans (average rate, 4.82 per cent.): 3 % % , $36,000; 4%, $207,750; 4>4 %, $66,000; 4J^%, $710,550; 4M % , $51,500; 5%, $2,542,190; 5 ^ % - $20,100; 6 %, $10,700. Personal loans (average rate, 4.57 per cen t.): 4)^% , $125,000; 4% % , $75,000; 4)-^%, $1,118,900, 1 ) 3%, $225,000; 4M % , $80,400; 5%, $100,000; 6 %, $40,500. Bonds, stocks, etc. (average rate on amounts invested, 4.10 per cen t.): 3%, $100,000; 3}^% , $2,147,000; 4%, $4,099,000; 4M % . $50,000; 4 V2%, $1,555,000; 5%, $245,000; 6 %, $78,000; 8 %, $4,300; 10%, $17,300; 12%, $5,500. Number of loans not over $3,000 each, 489, amounting to $933,605. 94 real estate loans made during year, amounting to $443,850. Dividends, Deposits and Withdrawals. Ordinary dividends declared during year: April, 1915, 2% Oct., 1915,2% Number of deposits during year, 36,841, amounting to $247,820 23 251,172 39 2,262,302 6 6 Number of withdrawals during year, 34,829, amounting to $2,761,295 28 2,450,558 44 Net increase in amount due depositors $310,736 84 SCHEDULE OF SECURITIES OWNED. Public Funds, Bonds. Par Value. $60,000 Massachusetts 4s 100.000 Boston 3p£s 506.000 Boston 4s 6,500 Holyoke 4s 25.000 Indianapolis, Ind., 4s 37,500 Lynn 4s 38.000 New Bedford 4s 50.000 Rutland, Vt., 4s 25.000 Waterbury, Ct., 4s 30.000 Worcester 4s 45.000 Arlington 4s 29.000 Billerica 4s 18.000 Reading 4s 45.000 Winchester 4s Railroad Bonds. $175,000 Boston & Albany 3}^s 309.000 Boston & Albany 4s 70.000 Boston & Albany 5s 45.000 Boston & Lowell 4s 100.000 Boston & Lowell 4p£s 372.000 Boston & Maine 3)^s 340.000 Boston & Maine 4s 210.000 Boston & Maine 4J^s D a t e s op E x a m in a t io n , Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Par Value. Par Value. $75,000 Northern Pacific 4}^s $25,000 Boston & Prov. 4s 25.000 Norwich & Worcester 4s 420.000 C., B. & Q. 3J^s 135.000 Old Colony 4s 357.000 C., B. & Q. 4s 350.000 Pennsylvania 4p£s 400.000 Chic., Mil. & St. Paul 4^s 50.000 Portland Terminal Co. 4s 150.000 Chic., Mil. & St. Paul 5s 25.000 Providence Terminal Co. 4s 50.000 Chic. & Northwest. 3)^s 25.000 Sullivan Co. 4s 150.000 Chic. & Northwest. 4s 10.000 Washington Co. 3}^s 85.000 Concord & Montreal 4s 50.000 Worcester, Nash. & R. 4s 25.000 Danbury & Norwalk 5s 100.000 Delaware & Hudson 4s 50.000 Fitchburg 3Hs Street Railway Bonds. 215.000 Fitchburg 4s $80,000 Boston Elevated 4s 100.000 Fitchburg 4p^s 250.000 Boston Elevated 4p£s 78.000 Fitchburg 6s notes 67.000 Boston & Northern 4s 50.000 Gt. Northern 4J4s 150.000 Springfield 4s 100.000 Illinois Central 3s 206.000 West End 4s 370.000 Illinois Central 3Jdis 20.000 West End 4Jdis 25.000 Louisville & Nashville 4s 50.000 Manchester & Law. 4s Bank Stocks. 20.000 Michigan Central 3p£s 25.000 Mich. Cen.-Jol. & No.Ind. 4s Shs. 33 Fourth-Atlantic Nl. Bk., Boston 100.000 N. Y. C. & H. R. 3J^s 15 Nl. Bk. of Commerce, Boston 50.000 N. Y. C. & H. R. 4s 173 Nl. Rockland Bk., Boston 50.000 N. Y. C. & H. R. 4Ms 55 Second Nl. Bk., Boston 330.000 N. Y., N. H. & H. ZV2s 10 Webster & Atlas Nl. Bk., Boston 320.000 N. Y „ N. H. & H. 4s M ay 1 0 -1 2 inclusive. [Pub. Doc. REPO RT OF THE 174 IPSWICH SAVINGS BANK, IPSWICH. SOUTH MAIN STREET. Incorporated M arch 20, 1869. T h om as H. L o r d , President. John Number of corporators, 21; number of trustees, 14. * G e o r g e E . F a r l e y , Treasurer. A . B l a k e , Clerk of the Corporation. Board of Trustees: J. A . B l a k e , A . S. B r o w n , G . B . B r o w n , A. C. D a m o n , G . E . F a r l e y , C. E . G o o d h u e , F . T. G o o d h u e , G . H . G r e e n , T . H . L o r d , D . S. P e r l e y , G e o r g e P r e s c o t t , D a n i e l S a f f o r d , G . E . S a f f o r d , H. M . S a y w a r d . Board of Investment: T . H. L o r d , J. A. B l a k e , G. H. G r e e n , G. B. B r o w n , C. E . G o o d h u e . Auditing Committee: J. A . B l a k e , D a n i e l S a f f o r d , F. T . G o o d h u e . Deposits draw interest from fourth Wednesday of January, April, July and October; dividends are payable the fourth Wednesday of January and July. Business hours: 8.30 a . m . to 12.30 p . m .; also Saturdays, 3 to 5 p . m . STATEMENT OF CONDITION, OCTOBER 30, 1915. Assets. Public funds, bonds and notes . . . . . Railroad bonds and notes . . . . . . Street railway bonds . . . . . . . American Tel. & Tel. C o. bonds . . . . . Stocks of banks and trust companies . . . . 231 loans on real estate {average of each, $2,174-85) . . 8 loans on personal security . . . . . Furniture and fixtures . . . . . . . Real estate b y foreclosure, etc. (assessed value, $18,626) . Taxes, insurance, etc., paid on mortgaged properties . Deposits in national banks or trust companies . . Cash and cash items . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Total Assets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $126,200 267,513 25,259 19,208 15,301 502,391 15,567 2,700 21,332 89 41,227 9,918 00 75 00 13 00 43 00 00 13 28 82 93 . $1,046,708 47 Liabilities. Due depositors on 3,173 accounts, averaging $303.26 each (Accounts opened during year, 388; closed, 387; increase, 1) Surplus: — a. Guaranty fund {5.20% of deposits; increase during year, none) b. Profit and loss {increase during year, 82,433.68) Current incom e: — Interest . . . . . . . . . . Less current expenses not charged off . . . Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Total Liabilities . $962,258 00 50,002 33 26,775 01 $8,842 12 1,168 99 ---------------- 7,673 13 . $1,046,708 47 BANK COMMISSIONER. No. 8.] 175 Total Expenses for the Year, including State Taxes. State Tax (Net). Salaries. Rent. Am ount paid for $1,713.08 $2,368.00 $650.00 Cost per $1,000 of assets 1.64 2 .2 6 .62 Cost per $1,000 of assets not including State tax and rent . Advertising. Other Expenses. Total. $124.80 $1,142.62 $5,998.50 .12 1.09 5.73 3.47 Gross income received during the year, $47,938.49. Rates on Investments and Loans (Average on All, 4.83%). Real estate loans (average rate, 5.54 per cent.): 5%, $223,777; 5M%> $497.30; 5J^%, $8,350; 6 %, $269,767.13. Personal loans (average rate, 5.97 per cent.): 5%, $467; 6 %, $15,100. Bonds, stocks, etc. (average rate on amounts invested, 4.01 per cent.): 3%, $21,000; 3 j/j% , $185,000; 4%, $195,000; t y 2%, $46,000; 5%, $10,000; 6 %, $3,400; 8 %, $6,100. Number of loans not over $3,000 each, 186, amounting to $213,371.43. 5 real estate loans made during year, amounting to $9,100. Dividends, Deposits and Withdrawals. Ordinary dividends declared during year: Jan., 1915, 2% July, 1915, 2% Number of deposits during year, 2,438, amounting to . . . . . . . . Number of withdrawals during year, 2,289, amounting to N et decrease in amount due depositors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $18,056 01 18,056 64 161,445 24 . $197,557 89 229,365 33 . $31,807 44 SCHEDULE OF SECURITIES OWNED. Public Funds, Bonds. Par Value. $10,000 Barre, Vt., 3Ks 10.000 Boston 4s 20.000 Chelsea 3y2s 10.000 Chelsea 4s 5.000 Dubuque, la., 3b£s 10.000 Los Angeles, Cal., i y 2s 10.000 New Bedford 4s 8.000 Salem 4s 15.000 Dedham Zy>s 6.000 North Attleborough 4s 4.000 Peabody 3J^s 14.000 Br. & T „ Me. (W. D.), 4s Public Funds, Notes. $5,000 Ipswich 4s D ates of E x a m in a t io n , Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Railroad Bonds. Par Value. $15,000 Baltimore & Ohio 3J^s 10.000 Benning. & Rutland 4)^s 10.000 Boston & Albany 4s 2.000 Boston & Lowell 4s 20.000 Boston & Maine 4)^s 5.000 Boyer Valley 3 y s 47.000 C., B. & Q. 3V2s 5.000 C., B. & Q. 4s 15.000 Concord & Montreal 4s 6.000 Fitchburg 4s 21.000 Illinois Central 3s 30.000 Illinois Central 3J^s 5.000 Minnesota & Iowa 3b¿s 10.000 N. Y., N. H. & H. zy2s 33.000 N. Y., N. H. & H. 4s 20.000 Old Colony 4s 19.000 Peoria & Northwest. 3J^s 5.000 Portland Terminal Co. 4s June 14-16 inclusive. Street Railway Bonds. Par Value. $10,000 Boston Elevated 4s 6.000 Boston Elevated 4)^s 5.000 Boston Elevated 5s 5.000 West End 4s Bank Stocks. Shs. 8 Gloucester Nl. Bk. 26 First Nl. Bk., Ipswich 8 Nl. Grand Bk., Marblehead 43 First Nl. Bk., Salem 122 Merchants Nl. Bk., Salem 14 Salem Nl. Bk. 50 Salem S. D. & T. Co. REPO RT OF THE 176 [Pub. Doc. LAWRENCE SAVINGS BANK, LAWRENCE. 255 ESSEX STREET. Incorporated March 10, 1868. D a n ie l Sa u n d e r s , Number of corporators, 29; number of trustees, 14. President. N L e w is A . F o y e , ew ton P. Frye, Treasurer. Clerk of the Corporation. Board of Trustees: L. A . F o y e , N. P . F r y e , L. G. H o l t , J. S. H o w e , C. H . K i t c h i n , J. A . M a c d o n a l d , A . E . M a c k , A . D . M a r b l e , W . T. M cA l p i n e , J. I. M i l l i k e n , J. A . P e r k i n s , W . E . P h i l b r i c k , R . E . P r e sc o t t , D a n ie l Sa u n d e r s . Board of Investment: D a n i e l Sa u n d e r s , J. I. M Auditing Committee: R . A . P r e s c o t t , A . D . M il l ik e n , arble, A. E . M a c k , L. G. H o l t , W . T. M cA l p i n e . J. A . M a c d o n a l d . Deposits draw interest from first day of January, April, July and October; dividends are payable January 1 and July 1. Business hours: 9 a .m . to 1 p . m .; also Saturdays, 2 to 4 and 7 to 8 p . m . STATEMENT OF CONDITION, OCTOBER 30, 1915. Assets. Public funds, bonds and notes . . . . . . . . . Railroad bonds and notes . . t . . . . . . . American Tel. & Tel. Co. bonds . . . . . . . . . Stocks of banks and trust companies . . . . . . . . 924 loans on real estate (average of each, $3,735.78) . . . . . . 75 loans on personal security . . . . . . . . . Bank building and fixtures {estimated value, $105,000; assessed value, $71,700) Real estate b y foreclosure, etc. (assessed value, $15,150) . . . . . Deposits in national banks or trust companies . . . . . . Cash and cash items . . . . . . . . . . . Total Assets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $310,725 571,168 44,718 10,800 3,451,810 1,276,837 104,897 10,134 96,240 13,417 00 75 75 00 00 00 30 53 95 62 $5,890,749 90 Liabilities. Due depositors on 12,902 accounts, averaging $415.09 each . . . . . $5,355,467 02 (.Accounts opened during year, 2,605; closed, 2,4-06; increase, 199) Surplus: — a. Guaranty fund (5.01 % o f deposits; increase during year, $9,994) ■ ■ • 268,180 00 b. Profit and loss {increase during year, $29,116.61) . . . . . . 149,872 91 Current incom e: — a. Interest . . . . . . . $119,234 93 b. R ent . . . . . . . 415 27 ----------------------$119,650 20 Less current expenses not charged off . . •• . . 4,925 61 114,724 59 427 05 Unearned discount 2,078 33 Due on foreclosure saje Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Total Liabilities . . $5,890,749 90 177 BANK COMMISSIONER. No. 8.] Total Expenses for the Year, including State Taxes. State Tax (Net). Salaries. Rent. Amount paid for $9,145.52 $8,793.00 $3,600.00 Cost per $1,000 of assets 1.55 1.49 .61 Cost per $1,000 of assets not including State tax and rent . Advertising. Other Expenses. Total. $65.90 $2,792.88 $24,397.30 .01 .47 4 .1 3 1.97 Gross income received during the year, $276,639.60. Rates on Investments and Loans (Average on All, 4.80%). Real estate loans (average rate, 4.96 per cent.): 4%, $48,000; 4 ^ % , $240,000; 5%, $3,122,095; 5J^%, $6,300; 5 ^ % , $21,750; 6 %, $13,665. Personal loans (average rate, 4.73 per cent.): 4}^% , $175,000; 4J^%, $25,000; 4 p2 % t $706,000 ; 4% % , $25,000; 4 % % , $55,000; 5%, $87,060; 5 A % , $45,405; 5 % % , $25,000; 6 %, $108,372; 6 Ji% . $25,000. Bonds, stocks, etc. (average rate on amounts invested, 4.32 per cent.): 3%, $70,000; 3 A % , $241,000; 4%, $250,000; 4 A % , $139,500; 5%, $206,000; 5M % . $1,700; 6 %, $40,000; 8 %, $8,300; 10%, $2,500. Number of loans not over $3,000 each, 582, amounting to $961,942. 122 real estate loans made during year, amounting to $370,190. Dividends, Deposits and Withdrawals. $98,424 33 100,615 79 1,190,270 74 Ordinary dividends declared during year: Jan., 1915, 2% July, 1915, 2% Number of deposits during year, 21,614, amounting to $1,389,310 8 6 1,246,639 09 Number of withdrawals during year, 14,556, amounting to $142,671 77 Net increase in amount due depositors SCHEDULE OF SECURITIES OWNED. Public Funds, Notes. Public Funds, Bonds. Par Value. $5,000 Methuen 4s 1,500 Methuen 4 A b . • 1,700 Methuen 5Ms Par Value. $5,000 Massachusetts 3A b 15.000 Belfast, Me., 4s 5.000 Bridgeport, Ct., 4s 5.000 Chicago, 111., 4s 25.000 Cleveland, 0., 5s 20.000 Fort Wayne, Ind., 3J^s 15.000 Lawrence 4s 2.000 Los Angeles, Cal., 4 A b 25.000 Minneapolis, Minn., 4s 10.000 New Britain, Ct., 4s 5.000 New London, Ct., 4s 21.000 Oakland, Cal., 4A& 25.000 Portland, Ore., 4s 25.000 Portland, Ore., 4As 35.000 Portland, Ore., 6s 5.000 Quincy 4s 14.000 San Francisco, Cal., 5s 17.000 Seattle, Wash., 5s 20.000 Terre Haute, Ind., 4s 10.000 Attleboro 3J^s D ates of E x a m in a t io n Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Railroad Bonds. $25,000 Bangor & Aroostook 5s 15.000 Boston & Albany 3J^s 20.000 Boston & Maine 3A b 10.000 Boston & Maine 4s 35.000 Boston & Maine 4Aa 40.000 C., B. & Q. zy2s 35.000 C., B. & Q. 4s 25.000 Chic., Mil. & St. Paul 4A s 25.000 Chic., Mil. & St. Paul 5s 26.000 Cleveland & Pitts. 3J^s 10.000 Concord & Montreal 4s 15.000 Connecticut River 3b£s 10.000 Erie & Pitts. 3Aa and A u d it , Par Value. $10,000 Fitchburg 3 A b 5.000 Fitchburg 4s 70.000 Illinois Central 3s 25.000 Louisville & Nashville 5s 5.000 M. Cent. & E. & N. A. 4s 75.000 Minn., St. P. & Sit. Ste. M. 5s 25.000 N. Y., N. H. & H. 3^s 25.000 Pennsylvania 4A s 5.000 Pensacola & Atlantic 6s 25.000 Peoria & Northwest. 33^s 5.000 Ports., G. F. & C. 4 A b 20.000 Princeton & Northwest. 2As Bank Stocks. Shs. 20 Fourth-Atlantic Nl. Bk., Boston 25 Merchants Nl. Bk., Boston 20 Nl. Bk. of Commerce, Boston 29 Nl. Shawmut Bk., Boston 22 Webster & Atlas Nl. Bk., Boston 12 Bay State Nl. Bk., Lawrence December 13-18 inclusive. 178 REPORT OF THE [Pub. Doc. LEE SAVINGS BANK, LEE. MAIN STREET. Incorporated March 5, 1852. B ennett Number of corporators, 34; number of trustees, 11. T. G a l e , President. John E dward S. R o g e r s , Treasurer. L. K i l b o n , Clerk of the Corporation. Board of Trustees: W . C. B e n t o n , B. T . G a l e , C. E. H i b b a r d , J. L. K i l b o n , T h o m a s N o r t o n , J. A. R i c e , M . T . R o b b i n s , E. S. R o g e r s , C. H. S h a y l o r , A. C. S p a r k s , A. T. T r e a d w a y . Board of Investment: B. T. G a l e , C. H. S h a y l o r , T h o m a s N o r t o n . Auditing Committee: B. T. G a l e , W . C. B e n t o n , A. C . S p a r k s . Deposits draw interest from first day of March, June, September and December; dividends are pay able June 1 and December 1. Business hours: 9 a . m . to 3 p .m .; Saturdays, 9 a .m . to 12.30 p .m . STATEMENT OF CONDITION, OCTOBER 30, 1915. Assets. Public funds, bonds and notes Railroad bonds and notes Street railway .bonds American Tel. & Tel. Co. bonds Stocks of banks and trust companies Securities acquired in settlement of indebtedness 353 loans on real estate (average of each, $2,247.09) 6 8 loans on personal security Bank building and fixtures (estimated value, $19,000, assessed value, $9,600) Deposits in national banks or trust companies Cash and cash items . . . . $120,950 478,868 87,450 28,130 115,660 1,350 793,222 161,831 16,500 60,667 2,967 Total Assets 00 75 00 00 00 00 96 77 00 92 30 . $1,867,598 70 Liabilities. Due depositors on 3,890 accounts, averaging $435.01 each {Accounts opened during year, 490; closed, 418; increase, 72) Surplus: — a. Guaranty fund {4.96% of deposits; increase during year, $2,500) b. Profit and loss {increase during year, $9,526.25) Current incom e: — a. Interest . . . . . . . . . . b. Rent . . . . . . . . . . Total Liabilities . . . $1,692,200 34 84,000 00 65,125 6 6 $25,920 39 352 31 ----------------- . . . 26,272 70 $1,867,598 70 Total Expenses for the Year, including State Taxes. State Tax (Net). Salaries. Rent. Amount paid for $3,350.67 $3,809.96 $800.00 Cost per $1,000 of assets 1.79 2 .0 4 .43 Cost per $1,000 of assets not including State tax and rent . Gross income received during the year, $84,523.73. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Advertising. Other Expenses. Total. $121.92 $923.17 $9,005.72 .07 .49 4 .8 2 2 .6 0 No. 8 BANK COMMISSIONER. 179 Bates on Investments and Loans (Average on All, 4.84%). Real estate loans (average rate, 5.07 per cent.): 4J^%, $75,000; 5%, $609,692.25; 5J^%, $24,250; 6%, $84,280.71. Personal loans (average rate, 5.19 per cent.): 5%, $115,335.29; 5%%, $1,500; 5 H % , $19,400; 6%, $24,725. Bonds, stocks, etc. (average rate on amounts invested, 4.54 per cent.): 3)^% , $125,000; 4%, $398,500; 4M % , $6,250; 4 ^ % , $2,500; 4 ^ % , $81,700; 5%, $100,000; 6%,"$23,400; 7%, $19,100; 8%, $25,300; 10%, $22,200; 12%, $1,500; 16%, $4,000; 20%, $3,300. Number of loans not over $3,000 each, 341, amounting to $337,422.73. 61 real estate loans made during year, amounting to $95,075. Dividends, Deposits and Withdrawals. Ordinary dividends declared during year: N ov., 1914, 2% M ay, 1915, 2 % Number of deposits during year, 3,373, amounting to . . Number of withdrawals during year, 2,895, amounting to Net increase in amount due depositors . . . . . . . . $31,635 86 .......................................... 32,181 70 . . . 268,395 88 . . . . . . . . . $332,213 44 276,315 60 . $55,897 84 SCHEDULE OF SEC U RITIE S OW NED. Public Funds, Bonds. Par Value. $5,000 Massachusetts 3 5.000 Boston 4s 10.000 Chicago, 111., 4s 5.000 Cleveland, 0., 5s 5.000 Lawrence 4s 10.000 Los Angeles, Cal., 4p^s 10.000 Norwalk, Conn., 4s 10.000 San Francisco, Cal., 5s 2.000 Stamford, Conn., 4s 3.500 Great Barrington 4s 5.000 Manchester, Conn., 4s 5.000 Kittery, Me. (W. D.), 5s Public Funds, Notes. $15,000 Lee 4s 2.500 Lee 4<^(,s 15.000 Lee 4J^s ■ 1,900 Otis 4^s 4,800 Tyringham 4p£s 6,250 Lee (F. D.) 4L£s Railroad Bonds. $10,000 Bangor & Aroostook 5s 10.000 Baltimore & Ohio 3J^s 10.000 Beech Creek 4s 10.000 Boston & Albany 3J^s 10.000 Boston & Albany 4s 5,000 Boston & Albany 5s 10.000 Boston & Lowell 4)^s 10.000 Boston & Maine 4s 15.000 Boston & Maine 4}^s D ates of E x a m in a t io n , Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Par Value. $20,000 C., B. & Q. 3V2s 35.000 C., B. & Q. 4s 5.000 Chic., Mil. & St. Paul 4)^s 10.000 Chic., Mil. & St. Paul 5s 5.000 Chic. & Northw. 4s 15.000 Chicago, R. I. & Pacific 4s 20.000 Concord & Montreal 4s 10.000 Delaware & Hudson 4s 10.000 Fitchburg 3J^s 10.000 Fitchburg 4s 5.000 Fitchburg 4)^s 40.000 Illinois Central 3J^s 25.000 Illinois Central 4s 10.000 Louisville & Nashville 4s 5.000 Louisville & Nashville 6s 15.000 Mil., L. S. & W. 5s 10.000 N. Y. C. & H. 3V2s 10.000 N. Y., Lack. & West. 6s 10.000 N. Y., N. H. & H. 3J^s 40.000 N. Y „ N. H. & II. 4s 20.000 No. Maine Seaport 5s 5.000 No. Pacific 4p£s 25.000 Old Colony 4s 10.000 Providence Terminal Co. 4s 10.000 Sioux City & Pacific 3p2S 15.000 Western Pennsylvania 4s Street Railway Bonds. $20,000 Boston Elevated 4s 5.000 Boston Elevated 4)^s 10.000 Boston & Northern 4s 5.000 Holyoke 5s 15.000 Hoosac Valley 4s December 6, 7. Par Value. $10,000 Lynn & Boston 5s 5.000 Old Colony 4s 10,000 West End 4s 5.000 West End 5s 5.000 Worcester Consol. 4p2S Bank Stocks. Shs. 40 First Nl. Bk., Amherst 5 American Trust Co., Boston 15 Fourth-Atlantic Nl. Bk., Boston 40 First Nl. Bk., Boston 20 Merchants Nl. Bk., Boston 60 Nl. Bk. of Commerce, Boston 30 Nl. Bk. of the Republic, Boston 39 Nl. Shawmut Bk., Boston 12 Nl. Union Bk., Boston 26 Old Colony Trust Co., Boston 50 Second Nl. Bk., Boston 40 Webster & Atlas Nl. Bk., Boston 10 Nl. Mahaiwe Bk., Gt. Barrington 101 Lee Nl. Bk. 34 No. Adams Nl. Bk. 33 Agricultural Nl. Bk., Pittsfield 90 Pittsfield Nl. Bk. 5 Third Nl. Bk., Pittsfield 50 Chapin Nl. Bk., Springfield 72 Chicopee Nl. Bk., Springfield 60 Springfield Nl. Bk. 51 Third Nl. Bk., Springfield 15 Housatonic Nl. Bk., Stockbridge 30 Merchants Nl. Bk., Worcester 180 REPORT OF THE [Pub. Doc, LEICESTER SAVINGS BANK, LEICESTER. MAIN STREET. Incorporated April 17, 1869. Number of corporators, 46; number of trustees, 12. A lonzo B. D av id so n , President. H arold C. M urdock , Treasurer. A l e x a n d e r M c N e is h , Clerk of the Corporation. Board of Trustees: G. O. C u r r ie r , A . B. D av id so n , A. F. E stabrook , B. A. G ib so n , A le x a n d e r M c N e is h , C. T . M u n ro e , C. E . P e r r y , W . E . S prag ue , E dw ard W a r r e n , S. G . W a r r e n , W alter W a r r e n , W . C. W a tson . Board of Investment: A . B . D a v id so n , W . C. W a tso n , C. T . M u n r o e , W . E. Sp ra g u e , A . F. E sta br o o k , B. A . G ib so n , S. G . W a r r e n . Auditing Committee: W . C. W a tso n , C . E . P e r r y , W alter W a r r e n . Deposits draw interest from first day of March, June, September and December; dividends are p a y able June 1 and December 1. Business hours: 9 a . m . to 1 p .m .; 2 to 4 p . m . ; Saturdays, 9 a . m . to 1 P.M. STATEMENT OF CONDITION, OCTOBER 30, 1915. Assets. Public funds, bonds and notes . . . . . . . •. . . Railroad bonds and notes . . . . . . . . . . . Street railway bonds . . . . . . . . . . . . American Tel. & Tel. C o. bonds . . . . . . . . . . Stocks of banks and trust companies . . . . . . . . . Securities acquired in settlement of indebtedness . . . . . . . . 254 loans on real estate {average of each, $1,909.31) . . . . . . . 5 loans on personal security . . . . . . . . . . Bank building and fixtures (estimated value, $9,000; assessed value, $5,500) . . Real estate b y foreclosure, etc. (assessed value, $2,600) . . . . . . Deposits in national banks or trust companies . . . . . . . Cash ............................................................................................... .................................................... Total Assets . . $88,000 00 191,975 00 41,120 00 16,033 75 7,625 00 1,556 00 484,966 00 40,750 00 7,000 0 0 2,523 78 9,123 11 2,847 95 . . . $893,520 59 Due depositors on 1,778 accounts, averaging $466.75 each . . . {Accounts opened during year, 190; closed, 125; increase, 65) Surplus: — a. Guaranty fund {4.91% of deposits; increase during year, $614-26) b. Profit and loss {increase during year, $2,047.22) . . Current income: — а. Interest . . . . . . . $17,923 09 б . Rent . . . . . . . 95 50 ----------------------Less current expenses not charged off . . . . . . $829,889 63 Liabilities. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 40,794 95 5,945 98 $18,018 59 1,128 56 16,890 03 Total Liabilities . . . . . $893,520 59 No. 8. 181 BANK COMMISSIONER. Total Expenses for the Year, including State Taxes. State Tax (Net). Salaries. Rent. Amount paid for $1,515.85 $1,441.00 $400.00 Cost per $1,000 of assets 1.70 1.61 .45 Cost per $1,000 of assets not including State tax and rent . Advertising. Other Expenses. Total. $178.76 $696.73 $4,232.34 .20 .78 4 .7 4 .......................................... 2 .5 9 Gross income received during the year, $40,006.17. Rates on Investments and Loans (Average on All, 4.66%). Real estate loans (average rate, 5.12 per cent.): 5%, $412,824; 5J/£%, $26,483; 6 %, $45,659. Personal loans (average race, 5.14 per cent.): 5%, $30,000; 5J^%, $10,000; 6 % , $750. Bonds, stocks, etc. (average rate on amounts invested, 3.97 per cent.): 3%, $5,000; S}4% , $126,000; 4%, $174,000; 5%, $36,000; 8 % , $5,300. Number of loans not over $3,000 each, 217, amounting to $263,429. 25 real estate loans made during year, amounting to $47,600. Dividends, Deposits and Withdrawals. Ordinary dividends declared dining year: D ec., 1914, 2% June, 1915, 2 % Number of deposits during year, 936, amounting to . Number of withdrawals during year, 909, amounting to Net increase in amount due depositors . . . . . . . . . . .......................................... . . . . . . . . . . . . $15,766 25 15,888 23 83,171 08 . . $114,825 56 87,957 84 $26,867 72 SCHEDULE OF SECURITIES OWNED. Public Funds, Bonds. Par Value. $5,000 Brockton 4s 5.000 Fall River 4s 15.000 Middletown, Ct., 3hlJs 24.000 New Bedford 4s 10.000 Saginaw, Mich., 4s 1.000 Clinton 4s 5.000 No. Attleborough 4s 10.000 Westborough 3J^s 10.000 Kennebec, Me. (W. D.), 3J^s 3.000 Leicester (W. D.) 4s Railroad Bonds. Par Value. $33,000 Boston & Maine 4s 5.000 Boston & Providence 4s 15.000 Boyer Valley 3b£s 20.000 C., B. & Q. 3^s 5.000 C., B. & Q. 4s 3.000 Erie & Pittsburgh 3>i>s 5.000 Illinois Central 3s 30.000 Illinois Central 3h£s 15.000 N. Y., N. H. & H. 3b& 14.000 N. Y., N. H. & H. 4s 20.000 No. Maine Seaport 5s 5.000 Old Colony 4s 5.000 Upper Coos 4s $10,000 Bangor & Aroostook 5s 8.000 Boston & Albany 3has D ates o r E x a m in a t io n , April 30, M ay 1. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Street Railway Bonds. Par Value. $10,000 Boston Elevated 4s 11.000 Boston & Northern 4s 6.000 East Middlesex 5s 5.000 Springfield 4s 10.000 West End 4s Bank Stocks. Shs. 10 Commonwealth Tr. Co., Boston 15 Webster & Atlas Nl. Bk., Boston 3 Millbury Nl. Bk. 25 Merchants Nl. Bk., Worcester 182 REPORT OF THE [Pub. Doc, LENOX SAVINGS BANK, LENOX. WALKER STREET. Incorporated April 4, 1890. Number of corporators, 27; number of trustees, 13. F r an k L. G ilm or e , President. C harles M . S e a rs , Treasurer. M u r r ay A . B r o w n , Clerk of the Corporation. Board of Trustees: F. J. B arr ett , H . A. B e ld en , G. F. B ou rn e , M . A . B r o w n , W . G. C lifford , W . D . C ur tis , F. L. G ilm ore , W illiam M a iia n n a , E dw ard M cD onald , G. A. M o le , L. C. P e te r s , H e n r y S e d g w ic k , M . R . Se d g w ic k . Board of Investment: F. L. G ilm or e , W . D . C u r t is , H e n r y S e d g w ic k , H . A. B e l d e n , G. F. B o u rn e . Auditing Committee: F. J. B a rr e tt , L. C. P e te r s , G. F. B ou rn e . Deposits draw interest from first day of January, April, July and October; dividends are payable first Tuesday of January and July. Business hours: 9 a .m . to 12.30 p .m .; 1.30 to 3 p .m .; Satur days, 9 a .m . to 12 m . STATEMENT OF CONDITION, OCTOBER 30, 19X5. Assets. Public funds, bonds and notes . . . . Railroad bonds and notes . . . . . Street railway bonds . . . . . . American Tel. & Tel. Co. bonds . . . . Stocks of banks and trust companies . . . Securities acquired in settlement of indebtedness . 145 loans on real estate {average of each, $3,431.54) . Less amount due on uncompleted loans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $499,573 59 2,000 00 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 loans on personal security Deposits in national banks or trust companies Cash and cash items . . . . Total Assets . . $28,424 225,799 59,711 12,703 63,620 930 00 00 00 00 00 00 497,573 47,780 3,372 871 59 00 10 44 . . . $340,784 13 Due depositors on 2,095 accounts, averaging $430.49 each . . . (Accounts opened during year, 314; closed, 2 1 4 ; increase, 100) Surplus: — a. Guaranty fund (2.73% of deposits; increase during year, $2,122) h. Profit and loss<(increase during year, $1,307.24) . . . . Current income: — Interest . . . . . . . . . . Less current expenses not charged off . . . . . . $901,877 05 . . 24,623 81 7,387 27 Liabilities. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis $7,897 26 1,001 26 6,896 00 Total Liabilities . . . . . $940,784 13 BANK COMMISSIONER. No. 8.] 183 Total Expenses for the Year, including State Taxes. State Tax (Netl. Salaries. Rent. Advertising. Other Expenses. Total. Amount paid for $1,831.86 $1,787.04 $200.00 $32.05 $664.85 $4,515.80 Cost per $1,000 of assets 1.94 1.89 .21 — .76 4 .8 0 Cost per $1,000 of assets not including State tax and rent . . . . . . 2 .65 Gross income received during the year, $40,422.94. Rates on Investments and Loans (Average on All, 4.81%). Real estate loans (average rate, 5.12 per cent.): 4)^% , $39,426.90; 5%, $371,066.69; 5)^% , $11,100; 6 %, $75,980. Personal loans (average rate, 5.13 per cent.); 4J^%, $900; 4 ^ % , $10,000; 5%, $27,380; 6 %, $9,500. Bonds, stocks, etc. (average rate on amounts invested, 4.37 per cent.): 3)^% , $92,000; 4%, $131,000; 4 M % , $25,000; 5%, $80,000; 6 %, $6,000; 7%, $9,100; 8 %, $12,900; 10%, $10,900; 20%, $2,000. Number of loans not over $3,000 each, 98, amounting to $140,170.69. 32 real estate loans made during year, amounting to $117,118.88. Dividends, Deposits and Withdrawals. Ordinary dividends declared during year: Jan., 1915, 2% July, 1915, 2 % Number of deposits during year, 2,704, amounting to . . Number of withdrawals during year, 1,444, amounting to N et increase in amount due depositors . . . . . . . . ........................................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . $15,891 25 16,367 22 188,190 02 $220,448 49 144,179 42 $76,269 07 SCHEDULE OF SECURITIES OWNED. Public Funds, Bonds. Par Value. $16,000 Boston 4s 1.000 Walpole 4s 5.000 Kittery, Me. (W. D.), 5s 5.000 Van Buren, Me. (W. D.), 4s Railroad Bonds. $36,000 Bangor & Aroostook 5s 10.000 Boston & Albany 4s 20.000 Boston & Maine 4}^s 10.000 C., B. & Q. 3Y2b 10.000 C., B. & Q. 4s Par Value. $15,000 Chic. & Northwestern 4s 62.000 Illinois Central 3J^s 15.000 N. Y., N. H. & H. 3Y2b 20.000 N. Y., N. H. & H. 4s 20.000 No. Maine Seaport 5s 5,000 Washington Co. 3}4s Street Railway Bonds. $5,000 Boston Elevated 4s 5.000 Boston Elevated 4}^s 30.000 Boston & Northern 4s 17.000 Citizens’ Electric 5s 5.000 Old Colony 4s D ates of E xam in a tio n and A ud it , March 15-19. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Bank Stocks. Shs. 57 Lee Nl. Bk. 80 Lencx Nl. Bk. 60 North Adams Nl. Bk. 15 Palmer Nl. Bk. 20 Agricultural Nl. Bk., Pittsfield 19 Pittsfield Nl. Bk. 10 Chapin Nl. Bk., Springfield 14 Chicopee Nl. Bk., Springfield 24 Third Nl. Bk., Springfield 50 Springfield Nl. Bk. 25 Springfield S. D. & T. Co. 15 First Nl. Bk., Northampton 20 First Nl. Bk., Winchendon 10 Mechanics Nl. Bk., Worcester 184 REPORT OF TH E [Pub. Doc. LEOMINSTER SAVINGS BANK, LEOMINSTER. 12 Incorporated March 16, I 8 6 0 . MAIN STREET. Number of corporators, 34; number of trustees, 15. A rthur H . H a l l , President. C harles A . Joslin , Treasurer. E v erett B . R ichardson , Clerk o f the Corporation. Board of Trustees: E . F. B lodgett , W . H . C h ase , A . L. C l ar k , W . G. D e r b y , F. S. F a r n sw o r th , A . H . H a ll , W . H . H a rr ison , C. A . J oslin , C lesson K e n n e y , E . B. K in g m a n , H amilton M a y o , D . C . N ic ke r so n , E . B . R ichardson , H . R . Sm it h , F. A . W h it n e y . Board of Investment: C lesson K e n n e y , H a m ilton M a y o , A . H . H a ll , D . C. N icker so n , W . G. D e r b y . Auditing Committee: A . H . H a l l , E . B. K in g m a n , F. S. F a r n sw o r th . Deposits draw interest from first day of January, April, July and October; dividends are payable January 10 and July 10. Business hours: 9 a .m . to 3 p .m .; Saturdays, 9 a .m . to 12 m . STATEMENT OF CONDITION, OCTOBER 30, 1915. Assets. Public funds, bonds and notes . . . . . . . . . . $739,780 11 Railroad bonds and notes . . . . . . . . . . . 217,945 0 0 Street railway bonds . . . . . . . . . . . . 20,000 00 American Tel. & Tel. C o. bonds . . . . . . . . . . 14,156 25 Stocks of banks and trust companies . . . . . . . . . 21,000 00 911 loans on real estate (average of each, $2,059.13) . . . . . . . 1,875,875 00 68 loans on personal security . . . . . . . . . . 418,197 00 Bank building and fixtures (estimated value, $82,000; assessed value, $60,790) . . 78,063 80 Real estate b y foreclosure, etc. (assessed value, $26,610) . . . . . . 20,993 60 Deposits in national banks or trust companies . . . . . . . 90,264 73 C a s h .......................................................................... .......... ..................................................... 10,411 54 Total A s s e t s .......................................$3,506,687 03 Liabilities. Due depositors on 7,992 accounts, averaging $410.44 each {Accounts opened during year, 851; closed, 825; increase, 26) Surplus; — a. Guaranty fund {4.97% o f deposits; increase during year, $7,000) b. Profit and loss {increase during year, $2,802.96) Current incom e: — a. Interest . . . . . . . $51,280 32 b. Rent, etc., . . . . . . 1,387 39 Total Liabilities . $3,280,212 75 163,000 00 17,754 85 $52,667 71 6,948 28 ------------------ Less current expenses not charged off Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis . 45,719 43 . $3,506,687 03 No. 8.] 185 BANK COMMISSIONER. Total Expenses for the Year, including State Taxes. State Tax (Net). Salaries. Rent. Amount paid for $4,967.50 $6,440.46 $2,000.00 C ost per $1,000 of assets 1.42 1.84 .57 Cost per $1,000 of assets not including State tax and rent . Advertising. Other Expenses. Total. $16.25 $1,522.89 $14,947.10 .43 4.26 2.27 Gross income received during the year, $155,378.85. Rates on Investments and Loans (Average on All, 4.65%). Real estate loans (average rate, 4.94 per cent.): 4%, $45,000; 4 M % . $17,000; 4> 2 %, $103,500; 4;h£%, $38,000; 5%, $1,668,950; 6%, $3,425. Personal loans (average rate, 5 per cen t.): 5%, $418,047; 6%, $150. Bonds, stocks, etc. (average rate on amounts invested, 3.98 per cent.): 3M % . $325,500; 3 % % , $39,600; 3.90%, $15,000; 4%, $581,705.11; 4M % . $25,000; 5%, $10,000; 8%, $15,000; 10%, $8,000. Number of loans not over $3,000 each, 841, amounting to $1,101,017. 73 real estate loans made during year, amounting to $136,770. Dividends, Deposits and Withdrawals. Ordinary dividends declared during year: Jan., 1915, 2% July, 1915, 2 % Number of deposits during year, 8,020, amounting to . . . . . . .......................................... . . . . Number of withdrawals during year, 7,912, amounting to N et increase in amount due depositors . . . . . . . . . . . $61,798 37 62,745 32 513,025 00 . $637,568 69 550,845 94 . $86,722 75 SCHEDULE OF SECURITIES OWNED. Public Funds, Bonds. Par Value. $10,000 Beverly 4s 40.000 Boston 3Ms 10.000 Cambridge 3Ms 20.000 Cambridge 4s 15.000 Chicago, 111., 4s 10.000 Chicopee 4s 20.000 Cleveland, 0., 4Ms 23.000 Dubuque, la., 4s 20.000 Everett 4s 10.000 Fall River 4s 12.000 Holyoke 4s 23.000 Lowell 4s 38.000 Lynn 4s 20.000 Malden 4s 25.000 New Bedford 4s 15.000 Newton 4s 13.000 North Adams 4s 20.000 Pittsfield 4s 15.000 Providence, R. I., 3Ms 2.000 Quincy 4s 30.000 Salem 4s 10.000 San Francisco, Cal., 5s 3.000 Somerville 3Ms 22.000 Somerville 4s Par Value. $15,000 Syracuse, N. Y., 4s 10.000 Troy, N. Y., 3Ms 10.000 Waltham 4s 10.000 Worcester 3Ms 35.000 Worcester 4s 18.000 Athol 4s 4.000 Dracut 4s 39.000 Leominster 3Ms 1.000 Leominster 4s 6.000 Peabody 4s 4.000 Reading 4s 11.000 Revere 4s 5.500 Sterling 3.90% 20.000 Stoneham 3Ms 16.000 Wakefield 4s 3.000 Watertown 4s Public Funds, Notes. $1,500 Barnstable 3Ms 85.000 Leominster 3Ms 4.000 Leominster 4Ms 5.000 Methuen 3Ms 705 Nantucket 4s 600 Shirley 3Ms 9.500 Sterling 3.90% D ates of E x a m in a t io n , August 19, 20. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Railroad Bonds. Par Value. $15,000 Boston & Albany 3Ms 30.000 Boston & Albany 4s 15.000 Boston & Maine 3Ms 25.000 Boston & Maine 4s 1.000 Boston & Maine 4Ms 10.000 C., B. & Q. 3Ms 20.000 Concord & Montreal 4s 11.000 Connecticut River 3Ms 25.000 Fitchburg 3Ms 4.000 Fitchburg 4s 30.000 Illinois Central 3Ms 20.000 N. Y „ N. H. & H. 3Ms 10.000 N. Y „ N. H. & H. 4s 6.000 Old Colony 4s Street Railway Bonds. $20,000 Boston Elevated 4s Bank Stocks. Shs. 150 Leominster Nl. Bk. 80 Safety Fund Nl. Bk., Fitchburg 186 REPO RT OF THE [Pub. Doc. LEXINGTON SAVINGS BANK, LEXINGTON. 440 MASSACHUSETTS AVENUE. Incorporated March 11, 1871. Number of corporators, 45; number of trustees, 25. (Office vacant), President. E d w in B. W orthen , Treasurer. A . E. S cott , Clerk of the Corporation. Board of Trustees: G. E. B riggs , F. C. C h ilds , G. H. C h ilds , J. E . C r o n e , C. B. D a v is , E. F. F obes W . B. F oster , C. P. Joh nson , A. E. L o c ke , J. E. A. M u l l ik e n , E. P. N ichols , H. S. O. N ichols ’ J. L. N orris , F. D. P eir ce , J. F. R ussell , A. E. Scott , G. A. S k elton , J. S. S m ith , G. W . S p auld ing , I r ving St o n e , A. B. T e n n e y , H. C . V a l e n t in e , J. J. W a lsh , A. C . W h it n e y , E. B. W or th e n . Board of Investment: C. B. D a v is , J. E . C r one , G. W . S pauld ing , F. D . P eir ce , J. L. N orris . Auditing Committee: G. E . B riggs , A . C . W h it n e y , H . S. O. N ichols . Deposits draw interest from third W ednesday of January, April, July and October; dividends are payable the third W ednesday of April and October. Business hours: every business day, except Saturday, 2 to 5 p . m .; Saturdays, 10 a . m . to 12 m . STATEMENT OF CONDITION, OCTOBER 30, 1915. Assets. Public funds, bonds and notes . . . . . . Railroad bonds and notes . . . . . . . Street railway bonds . . . . . . . American Tel. & Tel. Co. bonds . . . . . . 129 loans on real estate (average of each, $2,685.06) . . . Less amount due on uncompleted loans . . . . . . . . . $346,372 50 50 00 16 loans on personal security . . . . . . Bank building and fixtures (estimated value, $80,000; assessed value, $28,950) Real estate by foreclosure, etc. (assessed value, $4,800) . . . . . Premium account . . . Deposits in national banks or trust companies . . . . . Cash . . . . . . . Total Assets $113,775 155,938 65,157 13,268 00 65 50 75 346,322 53,932 28,800 3,379 50 6,737 3,009 50 70 00 74 00 98 88 $790,372 70 Liabilities. Due depositors on 2,291 accounts, averaging $324.82 each (Accounts opened during year, 138; closed, 167; decrease, 29) Surplus: — a. Guaranty fund (4-04% of deposits; increase during year, $540) b. Profit and loss (increase during year, $282.87) Current incom e: — a. I n t e r e s t ............................................................... $3,300 44 b- R e n t ............................................................... 60 00 Less current expenses not charged off School savings system . Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis . . . . . . . . . . $744,162 60 36,740 00 6,321 26 $3,360 44 289 18 ---------------- 3,071 26 77 58 Total L iab ilities.......................................$790,372 70 No. 8.] BANK COMMISSIONER. 187 Total Expenses for the Year, including State Taxes. State Tax (Net). Salaries. Rent. Advertising. Other Expenses. Total. Amount paid for $1,580.26 $1,769.50 $500.00 $32.65 $382.42 $4,264.83 Cost per $1,000 of assets 2 .0 0 2.24 .63 .04 .48 5.39 Cost per $1,000 of assets not including State tax and rent . . . . . . 2.76 Gross income received during the year, $35,177.98. Rates on Investments and Loans (Average on All, 4.74%). Real estate loans (average rate, 5.11 per cent.): 4M%> $8,000; 5%, $291,497.50; 5M%> $4,450; 6%, $42,375. Personal loans (average rate, 5.35 per cent.): 5%, $35,000; 6%, $18,932.70. Bonds, stocks, etc. (average rate on amounts invested, 4.26 per cent.): 3%, $5,000; 3)4% , $21,000; 4%, $201,000; 4)4% , $85,000; 5%, $42,000. Number of loans not over $3,000 each, 102, amounting to $150,912.70. 12 real estate loans made during year, amounting to $31,200. Dividends, Deposits and Withdrawals. Ordinary dividends declared during year: April, 1915, 2% Oct., 1915, 2 % Number of deposits during year, 1,814, amounting to . . Number of withdrawals during year, 1,671, amounting to Net increase in amount due depositors . . . . . . . . .......................................... . . . . . . . . . . . $13,978 48 14,222 27 85,853 58 . $114,054 33 96,856 3g . $17,197 98 SCHEDULE OF SECURITIES OWNED. Railroad Bonds. Public Funds, Bonds. Par Value. $5,000 Massachusetts 3s 10.000 Massachusetts 4s 10.000 Baltimore, Md., 4s 5.000 Duluth, Minn., 4)4s 7.000 Fall River 4s 15.000 Hartford, Conn., 4)4s 5.000 Melrose 4s 10.000 Omaha, Neb., 4Mb 10.000 San Francisco, Cal., 4Ms 25.000 Lexington 4s 4.000 Wellesley 4s 8.000 Kittery, Me. (W. D.), 5s Par Value. $10,000 Aroostook Northern 5s 10.000 Bangor & Aroostook 5s 2.000 Boston & Albany 4s 4.000 Boston & Albany 5s 5.000 Boston & Maine 4s 25.000 Boston & Maine 4)4s 24.000 C., B. & Q. 4s 5.000 Concord & Montreal 4s 5.000 Connecticut River 3Ms 5.000 Conn. & Pass. Rivers 4s 10.000 N. Y., N. H. & H. 3J4s 30.000 N. Y „ N. H. & H 4s D ate op E x a m in a t io n , April 2. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Par Value. $10,000 No. Maine Seaport 5s 6.000 Old Colony 3Ms 7.000 Old Colony 4s Street Railway Bonds. $10,000 Boston Elevated 4s 10.000 Boston Elevated 4Ms 22.000 Boston & Northern 4s 15.000 Springfield 4s 10.000 Worcester Cons. 4J4s 188 REPO RT OF THE [Pub. Doc. LOWELL FIVE CENT SAVINGS BANK, LOWELL. 107 MERRIMACK STREET. f Greenhalge Grammar School. Branch Offices: \ Riverside Grammar School. [ Colburn Training School. Incorporated April 12, 1854. Number of corporators, 44; number of trustees, 17. A ustin K . C h a d w ic k , President. C harles A . R ichardson , Treasurer. C harles L. K napp , Clerk of the Corporation. Board of Trustees: C. A. A bbott , C. E . B artlett , A . K . C h a d w ic k , F. E . D u n b a r , G. L. H ooper , C . L. K napp , J. A . L e g a r e , G. S. M o t le y , F r an k lin N ou rse , F. P. P u t n a m , A . C . R ussell , C . W . R ussell , A . T . S afford , W . S. Sou th w or th , S. H . T hompson , J. C. W a d l eig h , W . F. W il d e r . Board of Investment: C. A . A bbott , A . K . C h a d w ic k , F. E . D u n b a r , G. L. H ooper , S. H . T hompson , W . F. W ild e r . Auditing Committee: F r an k lin N ourse , G . L. H ooper , J. A . L eg a h e . Deposits draw interest from first Saturday in January, April, July and October; dividends are payable M onday following first Saturday of January and July, Business hours: 9 a .m . to 1 p . m ; also Saturdays, from 7 to 9 p . m . STATEMENT OF CONDITION, OCTOBER 30, 1915, Assets. Public funds, bonds and nptes . . . . Railroad bonds and notes . . . . . Street railway bonds . . . . American Tel. & Tel. C o. bonds . . . . Stocks of banks and trust companies . . . 829 loans on real estate (average of each, $4,327.29) . Less amount due on uncompleted loans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3,598,123 98 10,800 00 37 loans on personal security Bank building and fixtures (estimated value, $70,000, assessed value, $93,950) Deposits in national banks or trust companies Cash and cash items . . . . Total Assets $231,667 1,045,900 242,587 92,400 44,600 00 00 50 00 00 3,587,323 497,776 40,000 134,935 14,571 98 67 00 19 37 . $5,931,761 71 Liabilities. Due depositors on 21,228 accounts, averaging $255.99 each {Accounts opened during year, 4,362; closed, 3,366; increase, 996) Surplus: — a. Guaranty fund {4.91% of deposits; increase during year, $5,000) b. Profit and loss {increase during year, $10,610.29) . Current incom e: — a. Interest . . . . . . . . . . b. Rent . . . . . . . Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Total Liabilities . . $5,434,142 87 267,000 00 132,727 15 $96,674 69 1,217 00 ----------------- 97,891 69 . $5,931,761 71 189 BANK COMMISSIONER. No. 8.] Total Expenses for the Year, including State Taxes. Advertising. Other Expenses. Total. $256.74 $3,255.23 $27,131.07 .04 .55 4 .57 .......................................... 2 .72 State Tax (Net). Salaries. Rent. Amount paid for $8,901.71 $12,617.39 $2,100.00 Cost per $1,000 of assets 1.50 2 .1 3 .35 Cost per $1,000 of assets not including State tax and rent . Gross income received during the year, $269,248.89. Rates on Investments and Loans (Average on All, 4.73%). Real estate loans (average rate, 4.92 per cent.): 43ds%. $875,300; 4 % % , $30,000; 5%, $2,466,498.98; 5H % . $75,100; 6%, $140,425. Personal loans (average rate, 4.67 per cent.): 4%, $3,000; 4Ji%< $115,000; 4)^% , $122,350; 4 ;';-i%, $75,000; 5%, $177,801.67; 5J^%, $1,150; 6%, $3,475. Bonds, stocks, etc. (average rate on amounts invested, 4.34 per cen t.): 3}^% , $270,000; 4%, $962,000; 4 y2%, $257,000; 5%, $123,200; 5V2%, $10,000; 6%, $47,000; 8%, $30,600; 10%, $1,000; 12%, $2,500. Number of loans not over $3,000 each, 628, amounting to $810,101.25. 108 real estate loans made during year, amounting to $425,775. Dividends, Deposits and Withdrawals $98,840 10 100,759 53 1,039,484 63 Ordinary dividends declared during year: Jan., 1915, 2% July, 1915, 2% Number of deposits during year, 35,867, amounting to Number of withdrawals during year, 18,883, amounting to Net increase in amount due depositors . . . . . . . . $1,239,084 26 975,751 80 . . . . $263,332 46 SCHEDULE OF SECURITIES OWNED. Public Funds, Bonds. Par Value. $10,000 California 4s 15.000 Massachusetts 3}^s 10.000 Massachusetts 4s 10.000 Akron, 0., 5}^s 10.000 Canton, 0., 5s 45.000 Chicago, 111., 4s 10.000 Duluth, Minn., 4^s 40.000 Los Angeles, Cal., 4L£s 3.000 Lowell 4s 15.000 Minneapolis, Minn., 4s 10.000 Portland, Ore., 4s 10.000 Portland, Ore., 6s 20.000 St. Paul, Minn., 4J^s 8.000 San Francisco, Cal., 5s 10.000 Spokane, Wash., 4s 10.000 Toledo, 0., 43^s Railroad Bonds. $10,000 Allegheny Valley 4s 50.000 Boston & Albany 3)^s 25.000 Boston & Albany 4s 50.000 Boston & Maine 3)^s Par Value. $50,000 Boston & Maine 4s 20.000 Boston & Maine 4J^s 50.000 C., B. & Q. 3^s 105,000 C., B. & Q. 4s 40.000 Chicago, Mil. & St. Paul os 25.000 Chic., R. I. & Pac. 4s 85.000 Chic. & North. 4s 14.000 Concord & Montreal 4s 40.000 Fitchburg 4s 7.000 Fre., Elk. & Mo. Valley 6s 25.000 Illinois Central 3J^s 50.000 Illinois Central 4s 28.000 Louisville & Nashville 5s 25.000 Louisville & Nashville 6s 20.000 Michigan Central 3J^s 25.000 Minn. & Iowa 3J^s 20.000 Minn., St. P. & Sit. St. M. 5s 5.000 N. Y., L. & W. 6s 90.000 N. Y., N. H. & H. 4s 25.000 N. Y. C. & H. R. 3}As 25.000 Norwich & Wore. 4s 47.000 Pennsylvania 4Ms 25.000 Port. & Ogdens. 4)^s 75.000 Portland Terminal Co 4s 10.000 Sioux City and Pac. 3}4a D a t e s of E x a m in a t io n , February 17-19 inclusive. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Street Railway Bonds. Par Value. $75,000 Boston Elevated 4s 45.000 Boston Elevated 4}^s 50.000 Boston & Northern 4s 10.000 Holyoke 5s 10.000 Old Colony 4s 10.000 Springfield St. Ry. 4s 10.000 West End 4s 40.000 Worcester Con. 43dis Bank Stocks. Shs. 52 Boylston Nl. Bk., Boston 10 Merchants Nl. Bk. Boston 200 Nl. Shawmut Bk., Boston 40 Nl. Union Bk., Boston 25 Second Nl. Bk., Boston 66 Union Nl. Bk., Lowell 20 Wamesit Nl. Bk., Lowell 190 REPORT OF THE [Pub. Doc. LOWELL INSTITUTION FOR SAVINGS, LOWELL. 18 SHATTUCK STREET. Branch Office: Westford. Incorporated February 20, 1829. Number of corporators, 38; number of trustees, 11. F e e d e e ic A . F i s h e e , President. E d w a r d B . C a e n e y , Treasurer. J o sep h L . C u s h in g , Clerk of the Corporation. Board of Trustees: J. C. A b b o t t , G e o e g e B o w e b s , J. A. C a m e b o n , E. B. C a e n e y , M ic h a e l C o l l in s , J. L. C u s h in g , H a e k y D u n l a p , F. A. F i s h e e , C . H . H o b so n , R. F . M a e d e n , R. P . W h it e . Board of Investment: G e o e g e B o w e b s , H a e e y D u n l a p , C . H . H o b s o n , E . B . C a e n e y . Auditing Committee: J. L. C u s h in g , M ic h a e l C o l l in s , R . F. M a e d e n . Deposits draw interest from first Saturday of February, M ay, August and Novem ber; dividends are payable the M onday after the first Saturday of M ay and November. Business hours: 9 a . m . to 1 p . m . ; also Saturdays, 7 to 9 p . m . STATEMENT OF CONDITION, OCTOBER 30, 1915. Assets. Public funds, bonds and notes . . . . Railroad bonds and notes . . . . . Street railway bonds . . . . . . Boston Terminal Co. bonds . . . . . American Tel. & Tel. Co. bonds . . . . Stocks of banks and trust companies . . . 588 loans on real estate (average of each, $8,095.75) . Less amount due on uncompleted loans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $4,777,804 43 17,500 00 31 loans on personal security . . . . . . . . . Bank building and fixtures (estimated value, $59,970; assessed value, $59,970) Real estate b y foreclosure, etc. (assessed value, $10,250) . . . . . Taxes, insurance, etc., paid on mortgaged properties . . . . . Deposits in national banks or trust companies . . . . . . Cash and cash items . . . . . . . . . . . Total Assets $697,983 1,045,682 330,649 21,285 116,386 59,200 75 35 90 00 25 00 4,760,304 540,465 36,944 1 2,751 199,716 12,016 43 00 67 00 67 62 11 $7,823,386 75 Liabilities. Due depositors on 14,427 accounts, averaging $496.18 each (Accounts opened during year, 1,934; closed, 1,295; increase, 639) Surplus: -ra. Guaranty fund (5% of deposits; increase during year, $17,420) b. Profit and loss (increase during year, $18,481.30) . Reserved for dividend ^ . . . . . . Total Liabilities . . $7,158,391 92 357,920 00 169,474 77 137,600 06 . . . $7,823,386 75 Total Expenses for the Year, including State Taxes. State Tax (Net). Salaries. Rent. Advertising. Amount paid for $9,781.28 $14,990.22 $800.00 $638.82 Cost per $1,000 of assets 1.25 1.91 .10 .08 Cost per $1,000 of assets not including State tax and rent . Gross income received during the year, $348,035.81. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Other Expenses. Total. $3,332.04 $29,542.36 .42 3 .7 6 2.41 BANK COMMISSIONER. No. 8. 191 Rates on Investments and Loans (Average on All, 4.78%). Real estate loans (average rate, 4.89 per cent.): 2>Y2%, $16,900; 4%, $244,500; 4)4% , $202,000; 4)4% , $540,383.33; 4M % , $191,500; 5%, $3,127,368.60; 5)4% , $379,437.50; 6%, $58,215. Personal loans (average rate, 5.07 per cent.): 4)4% , $204,600; 4)4% , $25,000; 5%, $60,465; 5)4% , $200,000; 6%, $50,400. Bonds, stocks, etc. (average rate on amounts invested, 4.47 per cent.): 3)4% , $64,400; 4%, $1,535,850; 4)4%, $8,070; 4M % , $28,000; 4)4% , $388,500; 4M % , $5,000; 5%, $183,224; 5)4% , $3,000; 6%, $50,000; 8%, $8,900; 12%, $47,300. Number of loans not over $3,000 each, 392, amounting to $544,882. 58 real estate loans made during year, amounting to $379,500. Dividends, Deposits and Withdrawals. $129,908 14 135,010 40 976,391 64 Ordinary dividends declared during year: N ov., 1914, 2% M ay, 1915, 2% Number of deposits during year, 15,017, amounting to Number of withdrawals during year, 12,133, amounting to Net increase in amount due depositors . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1,241,310 18 887,435 13 $353,875 05 SCHEDULE OF SECURITIES OWNED. Public Funds, Bonds. Par Value. $60,000 California 4s 20.000 Massachusetts 3J4s 23.000 Massachusetts 4s 56.000 Boston 4s 6.500 Brockton 4s 3.500 Canton, 0., 5s 3.000 Everett 4s 2.000 Flint, Mich., 4)4s 2.500 Hamilton, 0., 4)4s 4.000 Hamilton, 0., 5s 1.000 Holyoke 4s 25.000 Lawrence 4s 7.500 Lowell 4s 8.000 Lynn 4s 25.000 Lynn 4)4s 25.000 Los Angeles, Cal., 4)4s 50.000 Omaha, Neb., 4)4s 5.000 Peoria, 111., 4s 2.000 Pittsfield 4s 43.000 Portland, Ore., 4)4s 50.000 Portland, Ore., 6s 3.000 Quincy 4s 5.000 Salem 4s 10.000 San Francisco, Cal., 4)4s 25.000 San Francisco, Cal., 5s 24.000 Seattle, Wash., 4s 50.000 Seattle, Wash., 4}^s 3.000 Spokane, Wash., 5)^s 2.000 Taunton 4s 2,724 Youngstown, 0., 5s 5.000 Bourne 4)4s 3.000 Franklin 4s 1.000 Gorham, N. H., 4s 10.000 Lexington 4s 14.000 Mansfield 4s 5,400 Mattapoisett 4s 11.000 Nantucket 4s Par Value. Par Value. $51,000 Fitchburg 4s $1,000 Pepperell 4s 25.000 Fitchburg 4)^s 2.500 Plymouth 4s 31.000 Illinois Central 4s 1.000 Saugus 4s 18.000 Louisville & Nashville 4s 12,350 Ware 4s 25.000 Louisville & Nashville 4)^s 3.000 Bethlehem, N. H. (W.D.), 4s 10.000 New England 4s 8.000 No. Chelmsford (F. D.) ij^s 50.000 N. Y. C. & H. R. 4s 4.500 N.Conway, N. H. (W.D.) 4s 150.000 N. Y., N. H. & H. 4s 9.000 W. & S. Acton (W. D.) 4s 35.000 No. Maine Seaport 5s 20,000 Worthington (F. D.) 4s 1.000 Maine Central 4s 8.000 Maine Central 5s Public Funds, Notes. 6.000 Old Colony 4s $5,400 Lowell 3V2b 25.000 Pennsylvania 4)^s 4.000 Lowell 4s 11.000 Port. & Ogdens. 4)/£s 8,070 Lowell 4J^s 3.000 Somerset 4s 3.000 Lowell 4)4s 10.000 St. Paul, Minn. & Man. 4s 7.000 Dracut 4s 15.000 Wore., Nash. & Roch. 4s 500 Hardwick 4s 4.000 Stoughton 4s Street Railway Bonds. 13,600 Tyngsboro 4s $53,000 Boston Elevated 4s 25.000 Boston Elevated 4Ks Railroad Bonds. 12.000 Boston Elevated 5s $50,000 Atch., Top. & Santa F6 4s 102.000 Boston & Northern 4s 15.000 Baltimore & Ohio 3)^s 31.000 Boston & Lynn 5s 40.000 Bangor & Aroostook 5s 1.000 Marlboro & Westboro 5s 33.000 Beech Creek 4s 6.000 N. Bedford, Mid. & Brock. 5s 10.000 Boston & Albany 4s 45.000 Old Colony 4s 11.000 Boston & Albany 5s 1.000 Uxbridge & Blackstone 5s 50.000 Boston & Lowell 4s 41.000 West End 4s 29.000 Boston & Maine 4s 8.000 West End 4)^s 58.000 Boston & Maine 4Hs 1.000 Worcester Cond. 4)^s 25.000 Boston & N. Y. Air Line 4s 20.000 Wore. & Southbridge 4J^s 2,000 Boston & Providence 4s 100.000 C., B. & Q. 4s Bank Stocks. 100.000 Chic. & North. 4s Shs. 473 Second Nl. Bk., Boston 35.000 Chic., R. I. & Pac. 4s 30 Old Lowell Nl. Bk., Lowell 13.000 Conn. & Pass. Rivers 4s 89 Union Nl. Bk., Lowell 20.000 Delaware & Hudson 4s D a t e s of E x a m in a t io n , January 11-1 3 inclusive. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 192 REPO RT OF TH E [Pub. Doc, LUDLOW SAVINGS BANK, LUDLOW. EAST STREET. Incorporated February 23, 1888. S id n e y St e v e n s , President. Number of corporators, 44; number of trustees, 21. G e o r g e A . B i r n i e , Treasurer. F r a n k N. M o o r e , Clerk of the Corporation. Board of Trustees: G. A . B i r n i e , C. S. B r o w n in g , F. L. B u r r , H. I. C a r v e r , W . S. C o l w e l l , E . E. F u l l e r , C. W . G o w e n , G. D . G r e e n , P. A. H o y t , C. P. J o n e s , R o b e r t K y l e , M . H. L y o n s , F. N. M o o r e , H. W . M o r r il l , A . S. P a c k a r d , C. E , Q u in b y , A l e x a n d e r R u x t o n , J. F. S h e a , S id n e y St e v e n s , F. W . S t u r g is , F. A . T o w n e . Board of Investment: S id n e y S t e v e n s , G . D . G r e e n , M . H . L y o n s , E . E . F u l l e r , W . S. C o l w e l l . Auditing Committee: F. N . M o o r e , C. W . G o w e n , H. W . M o r r il l , C. E . Q u in b y . Deposits draw interest from first day of January, April, July and October; dividends are payable April 10 and October 10. Business hours: 10 a . m . to 12 m .; 1 to 3 p .m .; also Wednesdays and Fridays, 7.30 to 9 p . m . STATEMENT OF CONDITION, OCTOBER 30, 1915. Assets. Public funds, bonds and notes . . . . Railroad bonds and notes . . . . Street railway bonds . . . . . . American Tel. & Tel. Co. bonds . . . . Stocks of banks and trust companies .' . 246 loans on real estate {average of each, $1,929.9If) 8 loans on personal security . . . . Deposits in national banks or trust companies Cash and cash items . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Total Assets $42,618 77,854 18,969 11,860 1,100 474,766 15,273 61,374 4,959 24 96 64 00 00 55 68 48 60 $708,777 15 Liabilities. Due depositors on 2,163 accounts, averaging $311.64 each . . . . . (Accounts opened during year, 360; closed, 425; decrease, 65) Surplus: — a. Guaranty fund (2.65% o f deposits; increase during yedr, $1,639.38) . . . b. Profit and loss (increase during year, $3,628.07) . . . . . . Current incom e: — Interest . . . . . . . . . . $639 29 Less current expenses not charged off . . . . 105 41 ----------------------- Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Total Liabilities . . . . . $674,081 57 17,880 61 16,281 09 533 88 $708,777 15 No. 8.] BANK COMMISSIONER. 193 Total Expenses for the Year, including State Taxes. State Tax (Net). Salaries. Rent. Am ount paid for $713.49 $1,234.00 $236.00 Cost per $1,000 of assets 1.01 1.74 .33 Cost per $1,000 of assets not including State tax and rent . Advertising. Other Expenses. Total. $20.00 $341.99 $2,545.48 .03 .48 3 .59 2.25 Gross income received during the year, $32,803.56. Rates on Investments and Loans (Average on All, 4.95%). Real estate loans (average rate, 5.18 per cent.): 5%, $360,008.55; o A % , $61,467.50; 6%, $53,290.50. Personal loans (average rate, 5.93 per cent.): 5%, $1,023.68; 6%, $14,250. Bonds, stocks, etc. (average rate on amounts invested, 4.14 per c e n t): 3J^%, $60,000; 4%, $50,000; 5%, $44,100. Number of loans not over $3,000 each, 205, amounting to $230,890.23. Real estate loans made during year, none. Dividends, Deposits and Withdrawals. Ordinary dividends declared during year: April, 1915, 2% Oct., 1915, 2 % Number of deposits during year, 2,569, amounting to . . Number of withdrawals during year, 1,926, amounting to N et decrease in amount due depositors . . . . . . . . .......................................... . . . . . . . . . $12,482 54 12,337 21 144,190 89 . . $169,010 64 181,484 02 . . $12,473 38 SCHEDULE OF SECURITIES OWNED. Railroad Bonds. Public Funds, Bonds. Par Value. $10,000 Massachusetts 4s 11,000 Athol 4s 6,000 Clinton 4s Public Funds, Notes. $15,000 Ludlow 5s Par Value. $5,000 Boston & Albany 4s 5.000 Boston & N. Y. Air L. 4s 5.000 C., B. & Q. 3^s 5.000 Chic., Mil. & St. P. PAs 10.000 Fitchburg 3p£s 15.000 Illinois Central 3A s 15.000 N. Y. C. & H. R. ZV2s 5.000 N. Y., N. H. & H. ZAs 19.000 No. Maine Seaport 5s 5.000 Washington Co. ZA$ D a t e o r E x a m in a t io n , April 14. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Street Railway Bonds, Par Value. $6,100 Holyoke 5s 2,000 Lynn & Boston 5s 10,000 West End 5s Bank Stocks. Shs. 10 City Nl. Bk„ Holyoke 194 REPO RT OF THE [Pub. Doc. LYNN FIVE CENTS SAVINGS BANK, LYNN. 112 MARKET STREET. Incorporated M ay 15, 1855. R o l l in E . H arm on, Number of corporators, 73; number of trustees, 26. President. H enry E . N bw hall, S a m u e l H . H o l l is , Treasurer. Clerk o f the Corporation. Board of Trustees: F . P . A b o r n , H . H . A t h e r t o n , G . R . B e a r d s e l l , C. B . B r e e d , H . W . B r e e d , M . P . C l o u g h , J. F . E d s o n , E . V. F r e n c h , C. S. G r o v e r , R . E. H a r m o n , C. E. H a r w o o d , W . S. H i x o n , S. J. H o l l i s , S. H . H o l l i s , W . G . K e e n e , T . A . K e l l e y , J. W . K i m b a l l , H . E . N e w h a l l , H . W . N e w h a l l , J. S. N e w h a l l , T . P . N i c h o l s , F . S. P e v e a r , C. E. R o l f e , C. S. San bo rn , H . F . T a ple y , J ohn W o odbu ry. Board o f Investment: R. E. Auditing Committee: H . W . H arm on, S. J. N ew hall, H o l l is , H . F . T a p l e y , J. F. E dson , C. S. J. S. San bo rn , N ew h all, John W oodbury. C. A. C ross, C. F. S m it h . Deposits draw interest from first day of January, April, July and October, if received not later than the last day of the month preceding these dates; dividends are payable January 1 and July 1. Business hours: 9 a . m . to 1 p . m .; also Saturdays, from 3 to 6 p . m . STATEMENT OF CONDITION, OCTOBER 30, 1915. Assets. Public funds, bonds and notes . . . Railroad bonds and notes . . . . Street railway bonds . . . . . American Tel. & Tel. Co. bonds . . . Stocks of banks and trust companies . . Securities acquired in settlement of indebtedness 894 loans on real estate (average of each, $2,652) Less amount due on uncompleted loans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 loans on personal security . . . . Bank building and fixtures (estimated value, $35,000; Taxes, insurance, etc., paid on mortgaged properties Suspense account . . . . . . Deposits in national banks or trust companies . Cash and cash items . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2,400,165 28 . . . 29,271 87 ----------------------. . . . . . assessed value, $48,000) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Total Assets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1,334,174 93 1,230,310 26 560,573 26 129,098 75 1,400 00 20,000 00 2,370,893 41 1,358,800 00 34,639 79 1,996 04 21 95 67,090 30 31,816 93 $7,140,815 62 Liabilities. Due depositors on 27,305 accounts, averaging $234.45 each {Accounts opened during year, 3,629; closed, 4,646; decrease, 1,017) Surplus: — a. Guaranty fund {5.12% of deposits; increase during year, none) b. Profit and loss {increase during year, $10,419.98) . Current incom e: — Interest . . . . . . . . . . Less current expenses not charged off . . $7,926 40 Less bank building expenses not charged off . 437 10 . 328,300 00 335,947 04 $83,160 49 8,363 50 -------------- Real estate acquired b y foreclosure Interest on mortgages held as collateral $6,401,681 36 Total Liabilities . 74,796 99 32 48 57 75 . $7,140,315 62 Total Expenses for the Year, including State Taxes. State Tax (Net). Salaries. Rent. Advertising. Am ount paid for $14,586.40 $16,870.72 $1,771.00 Cost per $1,000 of assets 2 .0 4 2 .3 6 .25 Cost per $1,000 of assets not including State tax and rent . . . Gross income received during the year, $348,121.43. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Other Expenses. Total. $4,913.57 $38,141.69 .69 5.34 . . . 3 .0 5 No. 8. BANK COMMISSIONER. 195 Rates on Investments and Loans (Average on All, 4.73%). Real estate loans (average rate, 5.40 per cen t.): 5%, $685,932.46; 5 K % , SI,461,260.06; 6%, $223,700.89. Personal loans (average rate, 4.77 per cent.): 3%, $35,000; $25,000; 4J^%, $630,000; 4% % , $110,000; 4M % . $198,000; 5%, $148,000; 5 H % , $17,000; 5 }i% , $71,500; 6%, $84,300; 6M % , $15,000; 6J^%, $25,000. Bonds, stocks, etc. (average rate on amounts invested, 4.23 per cent.): 3%, $20,000; 3J^%, $668,800; 3M % , $36,000; 4%, $1,516,984.81; 4 U % , $11,000; 4 ^ % , $676,000; 5%, $413,900; 6%, $18,800. Number of loans not over $3,000 each, 693, amounting to $968,902.28. 135 real estate loans made during year, amounting to $243,610. Dividends, Deposits and Withdrawals. Ordinary dividends declared during year: Jan., 1915, 2% July, 1915, 2% Extra dividend declared during year, July, 1915, 1% Number of deposits during year, 36,239, amounting' to $121,950 121,785 60,900 1,156,689 Number of withdrawals during year, 35,332, amounting to Net decrease in amount due depositors . . . . . . . . . $1,461,326 69 1,471,934 76 . . 64 97 88 20 . $10,608 07 SCHEDULE OF SECURITIES OWNED. Public Funds, Bonds. Par Value. $161,000 Massachusetts 3J^s 7.000 Massachusetts 4s 36.000 Alleghany, Pa., 4s 23,800 Attleborough 4s 15.000 Boston 3)^s 125,000 Boston 4s 43.000 Cambridge 4s 12.000 Chelsea 3}4s 32.000 Chelsea 4s 6.000 Chicopee 4s 12.000 Everett 4s 20.000 Fall River 3V2s 5.000 Fall River 4s 4.000 Gloucester 4s 5.000 Haverhill 4s 5.000 Holyoke 3his 30.000 Holyoke 4s 15.000 Los Angeles, Cal., 4his 3.000 Lynn 3his 22.000 Lynn 4s 6.000 Malden 4s 5.000 Melrose 4s 43.000 New Bedford 4s 10.000 Norwich, Conn., 3his 5.000 Oakland, Cal., 4Jis 23.000 Omaha, Neb., 4his 2.000 Quincy 4s 10.000 Saginaw, Mich., 4s 10.000 San Francisco, Cal., 5s 25.000 Sioux City, Iowa, 4Jis 8.000 Springfield 3his 42.000 Superior, Wis., 4his 10.000 Taunton 4s 5.000 Woonsocket, R. I., 4his 5.000 Youngstown, O., 5s 10.000 Amesbury 4s 2.000 Ashland 4s 45.000 Danvers 4s 25.000 Deerfield 4s 7.000 Greenfield 4s 32,500 Holbrook 4s 20.000 Hyde Park 4s 7,350 Longmeadow 4s 15.000 Mansfield 4s 4.000 Marshfield 4s 5.000 Middleborough 4s 4.000 Peabody 4s 1,800 Plymouth 3his 20.000 Revere 4s 3.000 Russell 4s D a t e s o p E x a m in a t io n , Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Par Value. Par Value. $5,000 Reading 4s $90,000 C., B. & Q. 3his 14,500 So. Hadley 4s 21.000 C., B. & Q. 4s 9,600 Tisbury 4s 181.000 Chic., Mil. & St. Paul 4his 9,225 Watertown 4s 10.000 Chic., Mil. & St. Paul 5s 5.000 Wellesley 4s 10.000 Chic. & Northwest. 4s 19.000 Westfield 4s 20.000 Chic. & Northwest. 5s 4.000 Whitman 4s 9.000 Chic. & Northwest. 6s 25.000 Augusta, Me. (W. D.), 4s 5.000 Chic., R. I. & Pac. 4s 7.000 Blandford (F. D.) 4s 3.000 Connecticut River 3his 13,800 Hadley (W. S. D.) 4s 16.000 Concord & Montreal 4s 30.000 Kennebec, Me. (W. D.), 3his 57.000 Fitchburg 4s 25.000 Kittery, Me. (W. D.), 5s 1.000 Fitchburg 5s 25.000 W. Groton (W. S. D.) 4s 6.000 Fitchburg 6s, notes .5,000 Great Northern 4h£s 20.000 Illinois Central 3s Public Funds, Notes. 50.000 Illinois Central 3y2s $5,000 Plymouth Co. 4s 24.000 Illinois Central 4s 5.000 Plymouth Co. 4his 25.000 Louisville & Nashville 4s 1.000 Chicopee 4s 5.000 Maine Central 5s 12.000 Chicopee 4his 25.000 Michigan Central 4s 15,500 Barnstable 4s 20.000 N. Y. C. & H. R. 3Ks 6.000 Billerica 4h£s 5.000 N. Y. C. & H. R. 4s 10.000 Brookfield 4s 86.000 N. Y., N. H. & H. 3V2s 4.000 Canton 4s 144.000 N. Y., N. H. & H. 4s 10.000 Easthampton 1.000 Northern Pacific 4hi>s 1.000 East Longmeadow 3%s 1.000 Ports., Gt. Falls & Con. 4p£s 3.500 Hull 4s 5.000 Portland & Ogdensburg 4j4is 2,400 Merrimac 4s 19.000 Upper Coos 4s 9.000 Ipswich 4s 20.000 Vermont Valley 4}4s 2.500 Norwood 4s 17.000 Revere 4s S treet R ailw a y B on d s. 2.000 Salisbury 4s $10,000 Boston Elevated 4s 25.000 Swampscott 3?4S 276.000 Boston Elevated 4J/2S 9,409 Winthrop 4s 16.000 Boston Elevated 5s 16,900 Walpole 4s 28.000 Boston & Northern 4s 2.000 Ware 4s 41,500 Holyoke St. Ry. 5s 5.000 Lowell, Law. & Hav. 5s Railroad Bonds. 82.000 Lynn & Boston 5s $17,000 Aroostook Northern 5s 6.000 Marlboro & "Westboro 5s 47.000 Atch., Top. & Santa F6 4s 2.000 N. B. Mid. & Brockton 5s 112.000 Bangor & Aroostook 5s 6.000 Milford, Hoi. & Fram. 5s 149.000 Baltimore & Ohio 3his 2.000 Old Colony 4s 5.000 Boston & Albany 4s 30.000 West End 4s 12.000 Boston & Albany 5s 42.000 West End 4h£s 25.000 Boston & Lowell 4s 13.000 West End 5s 5.000 Boston & Maine 3his 3.000 Western Mass. 5s 13.000 Boston & Maine 4s 1.000 Worcester & Clinton 5s 4.000 Boston & Maine 4his 2.000 Boston & N. Y. Air Line 4s gjjS B an k S tock s. 14.000 Boston, R. B. & Lynn 4his 14 Boylston Nl. Bk., Boston 3,800 Burl. & Missouri Riv. 6s April 2 6 - 2 9 in c lu s iv e . REPO RT OF THE 196 [Pub. Doc. LYNN INSTITUTION FOR SAVINGS, LYNN. 25 EXCHANGE STREET. Incorporated June 20, 1826. C h arles S. P u r in t o n , Number of corporators, 49; number of trustees, 29. President. J o seph F r e d e r ic k D. A. H ealey, L. B t j b ie r , Treasurer. Clerk of the Corporation. Board of Trustees: J . M . B a r r y , J . S. B a r t l e t t , C. N . B r e e d , G. H . B r e e d , G. W . B r e e d , W . M . B r e e d , F. L. B u b i e r , H . P. B u r r i l l , C . A . C o l l i n s , W . C. F i s h , J . F. H a n n a n , C. H . H a s t i n g s , J . D . A. H e a l e y , B. N. J o h n s o n , W . W . J o h n s o n , F. W . K i m b a l l , C. I. L i n d s e y , J. P. M a r t i n , H . R . M a y o , J . B. N e w h a l l , B. F. P e a c h , A . W . P i n k h a m , C . S. P u r i n t o n , B. F. S p i n n e y , F. C . S p i n n e y , G. E . S p r a g u e , H . B . S p r a g u e , F. A. W i l s o n , C. G. W o o d b r i d g e . Board of Investment: C. S. Auditing Committee: W . P u r in t o n , B . M . B reed, F. B . F. S p in n e y , P each, C. A. F. A . C o l l in s , C. G . W o o d b r id g e . W il s o n . Deposits draw interest from first day of February, M ay, August and Novem ber; dividends are pay able M ay 15 and N ovember 15. Business hours: 8.30 a . m . to 1 p . m . ; also Saturdays, 2.30 to 5.30 p . m . STATEMENT OF CONDITION, OCTOBER 30, 1915. Assets. Public funds, bonds and notes . . . . Railroad bonds and notes . . . . . Street railway bonds . . . . . . Boston Terminal Co. bonds . . . . . American Tel. & Tel. Co. boncls . . . . Stocks of banks and trust companies . . . 1,048 loans on real estate {average of each, $3,288.45) Less amount due on uncompleted loans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • $3,404,870 00 10,969 00 ----------------------78 loans on personal security . . . . . . . . . Bank building and fixtures (estimated value, $60,000; assessed value, $41,000) . . Taxes, insurance, etc., paid on mortgaged properties . . . . . . Deposits in national banks or trust companies . . . . . . . Cash and cash items . . . . . . . . . . . . . Total Assets . . . . . . . . . . $735,125 2,102,445 228,550 80,000 155,742 100,300 00 75 00 00 50 00 . . . . 3,393,901 00 1,678,635 00 40,000 00 921 62 183,087 52 62,275 48 . . $3,760,983 87 Due depositors on 19,051 accounts, averaging $410.87 each . . . . (Accounts opened during year, 2,098; closed, 2,152; decrease, 5If) Surplus: — a. Guaranty fund (5.01% of deposits; increase during year, $6,979) . h. Profit and loss (increase during year, $50,864.21) . . . . . Reserved for dividend . . . . . . . . . . . . $7,827,544 09 Liabilities. . . . . 392,452 00 390,987 78 150,000 00 Total L iab ilities.......................................$8,760,983 87 Total Expenses for the Year, including State Taxes. State Tax (Net). Salaries. Rent. Advertising. Other Expenses. Total. Am ount paid for $17,814.10 $14,958.01 $2,500.00 $1,078.35 $3,483.98 $39,834.44 Cost per $1,000 of assets 2 .0 3 1.71 .28 .12 .40 4 .5 4 Cost per $1,000 of assets not including State tax and rent . . . . . . 2 .23 Gross income received during the year, $414,062.23. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis BANK COMMISSIONER. No. 8.] 197 Rates on Investments and Loans (Average on All, 4.78%). Real estate loans (average rate, 5.14 per cent.): 4)4% . $45,500; 4)4% . $125,050; 5%, $2,134,307; 5)4% . $988,114; 6%, $96,130. Personal loans (average rate, 4.32 per cent.): 2%, $50,000; 2)4% . $50,000; 4)4% , $385,410; 4J4%, $250,000 ; 4)4% , $786,700; A%%, $50,000; 4)4% , $73,100; 5%, $7,075; 5)4% , $19,000 ; 6%, $7,350. Bonds, stocks, etc. (average rate on amounts invested, 4.66 per cent.): 3%, $7,000; 3)4% , $699,800; 3.60%, $6,500; 4%, $1,214,000; 4)4% , $25,000; 4)4% , $479,500; 5%, $411,000; 5)4% , $27,000; 6%, $405,200; 7%, $99,000; 8%, $52,800; 10%, $40,000; 12%, $7,500. Number of loans not over $3,000 each, 776, amounting to $1,314,515. 77 real estate loans made during year, amounting to $205,650. ¡, Deposits and Withdrawals. :: N ov., 1914,2% M ay, 1915, 2% amounting to . ,412, amounting to . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $145,954 32 149,335 94 1,295,174 64 . $1,590,464 90 1,472,390 47 $118,074 43 Net increase in amount due depositors SCHEDULE OF SECURITIES OWNED. Par Value. $65,000 Boston & Albany 5s 30.000 Boston & Maine 4s 48.000 Boston & Maine 4)4s 20.000 Boston & Providence 4s 4.000 Boston, R. B. & Lynn 4%s 11,200 Burl. & Mo. Riv. 6s 10.000 Central of N. J. 5s 153.000 C., B. & Q. 4s 50.000 Chic., Mil. & St. Paul 4)^s 50.000 Chic., Mil. & St. Paul 5s 28.000 Chic., Mil. & St. Paul 6s 55.000 Chic. & Northw. 3)d>s 20.000 Chic. & Northw. 4s 45.000 Chic., St. P., M. & O. 6s 15.000 Cleveland & Pitts. 4)^s 35.000 Concord & Montreal 4s 25.000 Erie & Pittsburgh 3Hs 10.000 Fargo & Southern 6s 5.000 Fitchburg 4s 124.000 Fre., Elk. & Mo. V. 6s 25.000 Holyoke & Westfield 4h£s 25.000 Housatonic 5s 7.000 Illinois Central 3s 52.000 Illinois Central 4s 25.000 Kal., Alle. & Gr. R. 5s 32.000 Louisville & Nashville 5s 50.000 Louisville & Nashville 6s 25.000 Maine Central 5s 27.000 Michigan Central 3)^s 90.000 Michigan Central 5s 89.000 Mil., L. S. & West. 6s 6.000 Montana Central 6s 25.000 New England 5s 75.000 N. Y. C. &H. R. 3Ks Public Funds, Bonds. Par Value. $200,000 Massachusetts 3)4s 110,000 Boston 4s 9.000 Brockton 4s 50.000 Chicago, 111., 4s 35.000 Cleveland, 0., 4J4s 27.000 Dayton, 0., 5)4s 25.000 Duluth, Minn., 4J4s 61.000 Fall River 4s 14.000 Gloucester 4s 41.000 Lynn 4s 15.000 Middletown, Ct., 3)4s 4.000 Newton 4s 50.000 Omaha, Neb., 4)4s 15.000 Oshkosh, Wis., 4)4s 6.000 Racine, Wis., 4s 15.000 Clinton 4s 25.000 Cumberland, R. I., 4s 23.000 Medway 4s 8.000 Revere 4s Public Funds, Notes. $1,000 Saugus 4s 2,800 Swampscott 3)4s 6,500 Swampscott 3.60% Railroad Bonds. $100,000 Baltimore & Ohio 3)4s 29.000 Bangor & Aroostook 5s 70.000 Boston & Albany 3J4s 32.000 Boston & Albany 4s D ates of E x a m in a t io n Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis and A u d it , December 31-January 8. Par Value. $50,000 N. Y. & N. E. Term. 4s 25.000 N. Y., N. H. & H. 3)^s 125,000 N. Y., N. H. & H. 4s 50.000 Northern Pacific 4Hs 77.000 Northwestern Union 7s 30.000 Pennsylvania 4)^s 25.000 Peoria & Northw. 3)f>s 50.000 Port. & Ogdens. 4)^s 22,500 Ports. Gt. Falls & C. 4J/)s 10.000 St. J. & L. C. 5s 36.000 St. P., Minn. & Man. 4s 42.000 St. P., Minn. & Man. 6s 15.000 Troy & Boston 7s 7,000 Winona & St. Peters 7s Street Railway Bonds. $50,000 Boston Elevated 4s 85.000 Boston Elevated 4)^s 20.000 Boston & Northern 4s 50.000 West End 4s 25.000 West End 5s Bank Stocks. Shs. 100 Nl. Rockland Bk., Boston 223 Nl. Shawmut Bk., Boston 92 Nl. Union Bk., Boston 75 Second Nl. Bk., Boston 200 Central Nl. Bk., Lynn 213 Nl. City Bk., Lynn 100 Essex Trust Co., Lynn 198 REPO RT OF THE [Pub. Doc. MALDEN SAVINGS BANK, MALDEN. 48 PLEASANT STREET. Incorporated April 2, 1860. E b s k in e F. B ic k f o b d , Number of corporators, 66; number of trustees, 16. President. C h esteb A. F e a n c is N. C ae v e e , Sh o ve, Treasurer. Clerk o f the Corporation. Board of Trustees: E. F. B i c k f o b d , J. G. C h a n d l e e , A. J. C h a s e , H e e b e e t D a m o n , G. H. G e a v e s , W . H. H a s t i n g s , E. P. K i m b a l l , W . E. P i p e s , R . R . R o b i n s o n , F. M. S a w t e l l , F. A. S h o v e , E. J. S t e v e n s , E d w i n T e o l a n d , A . W . W a l k e e , J o s e p h W i g g i n , E. G. W i s e . Board of Investment: E . F. B ic k f o b d , J . G. C h a n d l e e , A. J . C h a s e , W is e . E. J. Ste v e n s, Joseph W ig g in , E. G. Auditing Committee: E. F. B ic k f o b d , E. P. K im b a l l , W . E. P ip e s . Deposits draw interest from second W ednesday of January, April, July and October; dividends are payable the second W ednesday of April and October. Business hours: 8.30 a . m . to 1 p . m . ; also Saturdays, for deposits only, 7 to 8.30 p . m . STATEMENT OF CONDITION, OCTOBER 30, 1915. Assets. Public funds, bonds and notes . . . . Railroad bonds and notes . . . . . Street railway bonds . . . . . . Boston Terminal Co. bonds . . . . . American Tel. & Tel. C o. bonds . . . Stocks of banks and trust companies . . 1,712 loans on real estate {average of each, $2,575.40) Less amount due on uncompleted loans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ■ . . . . . . . . . . $1,633,615 852,580 346,151 25,000 68,975 22,500 00 00 00 00 00 00 4,409,085 843,050 6,040 590 53,691 1,734 00 00 66 91 50 32 $4,415,185 00 6,100 00 42 loans on personal security . . . . Real estate b y foreclosure, etc. (assessed value, $13,125) Taxes, insurance, etc., paid on mortgaged properties Deposits in national banks or trust companies Cash and cash items . . . . . . Total Assets . $8,263,013 39 Liabilities. Due depositors on 21,158 accounts, averaging $356.69 each (Accounts opened during year, 3,099; closed, 2,313; increase, 786) Surplus: — a. Guaranty fund (4.61% o f deposits; increase during year, $20,000) b. Profit and loss (increase during year, $43,915.01) . Current incom e: — Interest . . . . . . . . . . Less current expenses not charged off . . . . Total Liabilities . . . $7,547,027 83 348,000 00 358,987 55 $11,033 99 2,035 98 ----------------- . . . 8,998 01 $8,263,013 39 Total Expenses for the Year, including State Taxes. State Tax (Net). Salaries. Rent. Advertising. Other Expenses. Total. Am ount paid for $10,964.02 $13,738.04 $2,156.01 $944.79 $3,407.41 $31,210.27 Cost per $1,000 of assets 1.32 1.66 .26 .11 .41 3 .7 6 Cost per $1,000 of assets not including State tax and rent . . . . . . 2 .1 8 Gross income received during the year, $392,397.25. Rates on Investments and Loans (Average on All, 4.82%). Real estate loans (average rate, 5.23 per cent.): 4 M%> $50,000; 4J^%, $49,300; 4 % % , $60,000; 5% , $2,689,825; 5M % . $9,800; 5V2% , $859,125; 6%, $691,035. Personal loans (average rate, 4.70 per cent.): 4M%> $145,000; 4J^%, $291,500; 4 % % , $141,000; 5%, $226,000; 5)4% , $300; 6%, $39,250. Bonds, stocks, etc. (average rate on amounts invested, 4.23 per cent.): 2.60%, $25,000; 3%, $34,000; 3Vs%, $20,000; 3M % , $25,000; 3 ^ % . $440,000; 3% % , $25,000; 4% , $1,567,120; 4)4% , $23,000; 4 V2% , $444,740; 4 % % , $21,000; 5%, $284,600; 5)4% , $33,950; 6%, $29,000; 8%, $4,000; 10%, $3,700; 16%, $13,800. Number of loans not over $3,000 each, 1,346, amounting to $2,287,910. 163 real estate loans made during year, amounting to $358,485. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis No. 8.] BANK COMMISSIONER, 199 Dividends, Deposits and Withdrawals. Ordinary dividends declared during year: April, 1915, 2% Oct., 1915, 2 % Number of deposits during year, 31,867, amounting to . . . . . . .......................................... . . . . $1,538,976 73 1,310,980 49 Number of withdrawals during year, 22,755, amounting to N et increase in amount due depositors . . . $140,985 98 144,182 92 1,253,807 83 . . . . . $227,996 24 SCHEDULE OF SECURITIES OWNED. Public Funds, Bonds. Par Value. $50,000 Massachusetts 3Lis 10.000 Massachusetts 4s 29.000 Essex Co. 4s 20.000 Hampden Co. 4s 4.000 Middlesex Co. 4s 10.000 Akron, 0., 5s 20.000 Akron, 0., 5Lis 16.000 Beverly 4s 77.000 Boston 4s 8.000 Boston 4Lis 7.000 Brockton 4s 17.500 Brockton 4Lis 16.000 Cambridge 4s 17,600 Canton, 0., 5s 13,950 Canton, 0., 5Lis 15.000 Cleveland, 0., 5s 4.000 Dayton, 0., 4s 26.000 Dayton, 0., 5s 8.000 Des Moines, la,, 4Lis 10.000 Dubuque, la., 4s 25.000 Duluth, Minn., 4Lis 15.000 Everett 4s 7,640 Everett 4Lis 43.500 Fall River 4s 26.000 Fitchburg 4s 14.000 Grand Rapids, Mich., 4Lis 15.000 Hartford, Conn., 4Lis 11.000 Holyoke 4s 15.000 Jersey City, N. J., 4Lis 25.000 Lawrence 4s 57,270 Lowell 4s 4,600 Lowell 4Lis 21.000 Lynn 4s 15.000 Lynn 4L£s 37.000 Malden 3Lis 44,100 Malden 4s 22.000 Marlborough 4s 17.000 Melrose 4s 5.000 Milwaukee, Wis., 4Lis 50.000 Minneapolis, Minn., 4s 15.000 New Haven, Conn., 4s 12.000 New London, Conn., 4s 24.000 Newport, R. I., 4s 10.000 Newton is 25.000 Oshkosh, Wis-, 4Lis 10.000 Pittsburgh, Pa., 4s 9.000 Pittsfield 4Lis 15.000 Portland, Ore., 6s 34.000 Quincy 4s 11.000 Revere 3Lis 18,200 Revere 4s 7.000 Saginaw, Mich., 4s 2.000 Somerville 4s 5.000 St. Paul, Minn., 4Lis 50.000 Toledo, 0., 4Lis 15.000 Troy, N. Y., 4s 3.000 Waltham 4s $10,000 Waterbury, Conn., 4s 5.000 Woburn 4Lis 20.000 Woonsocket, R. I., 4Lis 30.000 Worcester 3Lis 10.000 Worcester 4s 20.000 Arlington 4Lis 24,500 Bourne 4s 21.000 Bourne 4%s 7.000 Clinton 4s 4.000 Eastport, Me., 4s 6.000 Franklin 4s 13.000 Greenfield 4Lis 2.000 Ipswich 4s 1.000 Leominster 4s 2.000 Longmeadow 4s 15.000 Meriden, Conn., 4s 6.000 Methuen 4s 10.000 Old Orchard, Me., 4s 9.000 Orange 4s 17.000 Plymouth 4s 7.500 Rockport 4s 4.000 Saugus 4s 4.500 Saugus 4Lis 6.000 Sharon 4s 2.000 Stoughton 4s 5.500 Wakefield 4Lis 11.000 Winchester 4s 25.000 Winthrop 3%s 10.000 Wrentham is Public Funds, Notes. $8,000 Everett 4s 25.000 Quincy 2.60% 20.000 Somerville 3LsS 10.000 Woburn 3L£s 3.000 Brewster is 6.000 Concord 4s 32.000 Easthampton 4s 35,700 Hull 4s 7.000 Ipswich 4s 10.000 Millbury 4s 10.000 Milton 3s 10.000 Natick 3s 7.000 Provincetown 4s 4.000 Salisbury 4s 5.000 Saugus 4Lis 7,350 Ware 4s 15.000 Westboro 314s Railroad Bonds. $25,000 Baltimore & Ohio 3Lis 15.000 Bangor & Aroostook 5s 75.000 Boston & Albany 4s 25.000 Boston & Albany 5s 5,000 Boston & Lowell 3Lis 35.000 Boston & Lowell 4s 14.000 Boston & Maine 3s D a t e o f E x a m in a t io n , June 14-18 inclusive. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis $23,000 Boston & Maine 4s 20.000 Boston & Maine 4Lis 10.000 Boston, R. B. & Lynn 4Lis 12.000 Boyer Valley 3Lis 50.000 C., B. & Q. 3Lis 10.000 C., B. & Q. 4a 45.000 Chic., Mil. & St. Paul 5s 25.000 Chicago & Northw. 4s 30.000 Concord & Montreal 4s 2.000 Connecticut River 4s 15.000 Danbury & Norwalk 4s 24.000 Fitchburg 3Lis 11.000 Fitchburg 4s 14.000 Fitchburg 6s, notes 25.000 Great Northern 4Lis 31.000 Illinois Central 3Lis 20.000 Illinois Central 4s 15.000 Michigan Central 3Lis 60.000 N. Y. C. & H. R. 3Lis 25.000 N. Y. C. & H. R. 4s 50.000 N. Y., N. H. & FI. 3Lis 30.000 N. H., N. H. & H. 4s 15.000 Old Colony 3Lis 35.000 Old Colony 4s 5.000 Peterboro & Hills. 4Lis 25.000 Portland & Ogdens. 4Lis 15.000 St. Paul, Minn. & Man. 4Lis 20.000 Vermont Valley 4Lis 25.000 Wore., Nash. & Roch. 4s S treet R a ilw a y B o n d s. $25,000 Boston Elevated 4s 25.000 Boston & Northern 4s 8.000 Brock., Bridgew. & Taun. 5s 11.000 East Middlesex 4s 20.000 Leom., Shirley & Ayer 5s 8.000 Low., Law. & Haverhill 5s 50.000 Lynn & Boston 5s 4.000 N. Bed., Mid. & Brock. 5s 25.000 Old Colony 4s 10.000 Springfield 4s 76.000 West End 4s 21.000 West End 4Lis 35.000 West End 5s 30.000 Worcester Con. 4Lis 5.000 Worcester & Marlboro 5s Bank Stocks. Shs. 70 First Nl. Bk., Boston 15 Fourth-Atlantic Nl. Bk., Boston 32 Merchants Nl. Bk., Boston 5 Nl. Rockland Bk., Boston 25 Nl. Shawmut Bk., Boston 10 Old Boston Nl. Bk., Boston 13 Nl. Bk. of Commerce, Boston 68 First Nl. Bk., Malden 200 REPO RT OF THE [Pub. Doc. MARBLEHEAD SAVINGS BANK, MARBLEHEAD. 154 WASHINGTON STREET. Incorporated March 18, 1871. Number of corporators, 64; number of trustees, 18. J oh n L. G il b e r t , President. W il l ia m F . N u t t in g , Treasurer. J oh n G . B r o u g h t o n , Clerk of the Corporation. Board o f Trustees: R . C . B r id g e , J. G . B r o u g h t o n , W . A . B r o w n , F r a n k C o l e , F . E . C o n l t , J. L. G il b e r t , F . P . H a m m o n d , W . B . M e r r it t , W . F . N u t t in g , E v e r e t t P a in e , J. D . P a in e , T . W . P a in e , G ir d l e r S t a c e y , J. D . S u l l iv a n , H . S. S w e e t l a n d , E . D . T u t t , R ic h a r d T u t t , J. S. WORMSTEAD. Board of Investment: J. L. G il b e r t , E v e r e t t P a i n e , F. P. H a m m o n d , W . A. B r o w n . Auditing Committee: J. L . G i l b e r t , J. D . S u l l iv a n , J. G . B r o u g h t o n . Deposits draw interest from first day of February, M ay, August and Novem ber; dividends are pay able M ay 1 and Novem ber 1. Business hours: 8.30 a .m . to 1 p .m . STATEMENT OF CONDITION, OCTOBER 30, 1915. Assets. Public funds, bonds and notes . . . . Railroad bonds and notes . . . . . Street railway bonds . . . . . . American Tel. & Tel. C o. bonds . . . . Stocks of banks and trust companies . . . Securities acquired in settlement of indebtedness . 139 loans on real estate (average of each, $2,196.71) . Less amount due on uncompleted loans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Total Assets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $305,543 00 . . . 200 00 ----------------------7 loans on personal security . . . . . . . . . . . Bank building and fixtures (estimated value, $2,250; assessed value, $3,4-00) . . Taxes, insurance, etc., paid on mortgaged properties . . . . . . Deposits in national banks or trust companies . . . . . . . Cash and cash items . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $129,097 70 21,727 50 44,061 50 5,460 00 3,800 00 6,000 00 305,343 00 84,950 00 2,250 00 103 90 27,861 39 4,159 24 . . $634,314 23 Due depositors on 1,925 accounts, averaging $304.80 each . . . . (Accounts opened during year, 215; closed, 152; increase, 63) Surplus: -— a. Guaranty fund {3.91 % o f deposits; increase during year, $1,409.18) . h. Profit and loss {increase during year, $1,101.30) . . . . . . $586,735 46 Liabilities. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Total Liabilities . . . . 22,943 49 25,135 28 $634,814 23 201 BANK COMMISSIONER. No- 8.] Total Expenses for the Year, including State|Taxes. Advertising. State Tax (Net). Salaries. Rent. $134.00 Amount paid for $643.60 $1,000.00 $100.00 .21 C ost per $1,000 of assets 1.01 1.67 .16 Cost per $1,000 of assets not including State tax and rent . OtheriExpenses. Total. $497.17 $2,374.77 .78 3.73 2 .56 Gross income received during the year, $27,768.91. Rates on Investments and Loans (Average on All, 4.82%). Real estate loans (average rate, 5.10 per cent.): 4)^% , $3,500; 5%, $267,275; 5J^%, $3,700; 6%, $30,868. Personal loans (average rate, 4.84 per cent.): 4M %t $35,000; 4)^% , $25,000; 6%, $24,950. Bonds, stocks, etc. (average rate on amounts invested, 4.41 per cent.): 3J^%, $5,000; 4%, $140,500; 4 y2% , $22,000; 5%, $45,000; 6%, $3,800. Number of loans not over $3,000 each, 127, amounting to $140,900. 19 real estate loans made during year, amounting to $28,850. Dividends, Deposits and Withdrawals. Ordinary dividends declared during year: April, 1915, 2% Oct., 1915, 2% Number of deposits during year, 1,625, amounting to Number of withdrawals during year, 1,117, amounting to $10,373 71 10,854 26 108,461 97 . . Net increase in amount due depositors . . . $129,689 94 92,230 93 $37,459 01 SCHEDULE OF SECURITIES OWNED. Public Funds, Bonds. Par Value. $10,000 Boston 4s 15.000 Fall River 4s 10.000 Holyoke 4)^s 5.000 Lynn 4s 11.000 Marlborough 4s 6.000 Quiney 4s 10.000 Salem 4s 13.000 Attleborough 4s 9.000 Lincoln 4s 5.000 Mansfield 4s 2,500 Marblehead 4s 12.000 Shelburne Falls 4s Par Value. $9,000 Stoughton 4s 10,000 Wellesley 4s Railroad Bonds. $3,000 Boston & Maine 4s 5.000 C., B. & Q. 5.000 Fitchburg 5s 5.000 Upper Coes 4s 5.000 Upper Coos 4p^s Street Railway Bonds. $7,000 Boston Elevated 4Hs 5.000 Boston Elevated 5s D a t e s op E x a m in a t io n a n d A u d it , March 14-17 inclusive. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Par Value. $5,000 Boston & Northern 4s 12,000 Lowell, Law. & Hav. 5s 5.000 Lynn & Boston 5s 4.000 West End 4s 6.000 West End 5s Bank Stocks. Shs. 20 Mt. Vernon Nl. Bk., Boston 54 Marblehead Nl. Bk. 38 Nl. Grand Bk., Marblehead 202 REPO RT OF THE [Pub. Doc. MARLBOROUGH SAVINGS BANK, MARLBOROUGH. 32 MECHANIC STREET. Incorporated Aprii 3, 1860. Number of corporators, 48; number of trustees, 20. C h a r l e s F . R o b in s o n , President. C h a r l e s F . H o l y o k e , Treasurer. H e r b e r t M . H a z e l t o n , Clerk of the Corporation. Board of Trustees: W . A . A l l e n , A m e d e e B e a u r e g a r d , G. F. B o n d , M ic h a e l B u r k e , J. F. C o s g r o v e , C. W . C u r t is , J. A. C u r t is , C . B. E a g e r , W . B. F a y , J. A . F r y e , W . P. F r y e , B. F. G r e e l e y , H . M . H a z e l t o n , C. F. H o l y o k e , E . F. H o u g h t o n , L. P. H o w e , E . I. M o r s e , W . B. M o r s e , C. F. R o b in s o n , C. T. W a r n e r . Board of Investment: C . F . R o b in s o n , W . P . F r y e , B . F . G r e e l e y , W . B . M o r s e , G . F . B o n d . Auditing Committee: E . I. M o r s e , H . M . H a z e l t o n , C . B . E a g e r . Deposits draw interest from third W ednesday of January, April, July and October; dividends are payable the third W ednesday of January and July. Business hours: 9 a . m . to 3 p .m .; Saturdays, 9 a . m . to 12.30 P.M. STATEMENT OF CONDITION, OCTOBER 30, 1915. Assets. Public funds, bonds and notes . . . . . Railroad bonds and notes . . . . . . Street railway bonds . . . . . . . Boston Terminal Co. bonds . . . . . . American Tel. & Tel. Co. bonds . . . . . Stocks of banks and trust companies . . . . 521 loans on real estate (average of each, $2,889.99) . 24 loans on personal security . . . . . Bank building and fixtures (estimated value, $37,500; assessed value, $36,395) Real estate b y foreclosure, etc. (assessed value, $12,650) Taxes, insurance, etc., paid on mortgaged properties Deposits in national banks or trust companies Cash and cash items . . . . . . . $391,537 742,337 156,862 75,000 62,847 142,048 1,505,684 172,050 33,500 8,480 326 78,780 5,795 Total Assets 50 50 50 00 50 92 00 00 00 10 17 71 05 $3,375,249 95 Liabilities. Due depositors on 9,005 accounts, averaging $348.61 each (.Accounts opened during year, 1,020; closed, 877; increase, 143) Surplus: — a. Guaranty fund (4-98% of deposits; increase during year, $1,143.59) . b. Profit and loss (increase during year, $8,201.15) Current income: — a. Interest . . . . . . . $29,178 61 b. R ent . . . . . . . 996 00 ----------------$30,174 61 Less current expenses not charged off $3,374 55 Less State or local taxes not charged off . 782 50 4,157 05 Suspense account Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis . . . . . . . Total Liabilities . $3,139,262 64 156,514 75 52,928 89 26,017 56 526 11 . $3,375,249 95 No. 8.] BANK COMMISSIONER. 203 Total Expenses for the Year, including State Taxes. State Tax (Net). Salaries. Rent. Amount paid for $5,853.67 $6,292.00 $1,800.00 Cost per $1,000 of assets 1.73 1.86 .53 Cost per $1,000 of assets not including State tax and rent . Advertising. $82.46 .02 Other Expenses. Total. $754.54 $14,782.67 .22 4 .36 ........................................... 2.10 Gross income received during the year, $150,546.75. Rates on Investments and Loans (Average on All, 4.69%). Real estate loans (average rate, 5.06 per cent.): 4%, $70,000 ; 4J^%, $294,000; 4 M % , $14,500; 5%, $745,871; 5 ^ % , $125,525; 6%, $255,788. Personal loans (average rate, 4.92 per cen t.): 4J^%, $15,000; 4 % % , $30,000; 5%, $126,500; 6%, $550. Bonds, stocks, etc. (average rate on amounts invested, 4.31 per cent.): 3%, $10,000 ; 3J^%, $248,000; V/s% , $22,000; 4%, $829,000; 4 y2%, $169,600; 5%, $158,700; 6%, $27,700; 7M%- SI,200; 8%, $56,800; 10%, $11,500; 12%, $800; 14%, $11,500. Number of loans not over $3,000 each, 421, amounting to $490,014. 43 real estate loans made during the year, amounting to $98,300. Dividends, Deposits and Withdrawals. Ordinary dividends declared during year: Jan., 1915, 2% July, 1915, 2 % Number of deposits during year, 8,267, amounting to . . . . . . .......................................... . . . . Number of withdrawals during year, 6,981, amounting to Net increase in amount due depositors . . . . . . . . . . . $58,751 82 59,682 11 494,005 94 . $612,439 87 516,037 18 . $96,402 69 SCHEDULE OF SECURITIES OWNED. Public Funds, Bonds. Par Value. $25,000 Boston 4s 15.000 Brockton 4s 10.000 Chelsea 4s 10.000 Chicago, 111., 4s 25.000 Fall River 4s 20.000 Fitchburg 4s 7.000 Lewiston, Me., 5s 25.000 Los Angeles, Cal., 4J£s 25.000 New Bedford 4s 2.000 Quincy 4s 7.000 Portland, Ore., 6s 25.000 San Francisco, Cal., 5s 25.000 Spokane, Wash., 4^s 20.000 Springfield, Mo., 5s 5.000 Worcester 4s 12.000 Arlington 4s 10.000 Attleborough 4s 15.000 Leominster 4s 47.000 Natick 4s 7.000 Warwick 4J^s 10.000 Wellesley 4s 10.000 Br. & Tops., Me. (W. D.), 4s Public Funds, Notes. $9,600 Marlborough 4}^s 22,000 Hudson V/&s 3,000 Plymouth 3J^s Railroad Bonds. Par Value. $14,000 Bangor & Aroostook 5s 20.000 Boston & Albany 3J^s 35.000 Boston & Albany 4s 15.000 Boston & Albany 5s 20.000 Boston & Lowell 4}^s 15.000 Boston & Maine 3}4s 47.000 Boston & Maine 4s 40.000 Boston & N. Y. Air L. 4s 50.000 C., B. & Q. Z'As 20.000 C., B. & Q. 4s 20.000 Chic., Mil. & St. Paul 4}^s 25.000 C., R. I. & P. 4s 25.000 Delaware & Hudson Co. 4s 10.000 Fitchburg 3J^s 20.000 Fitchburg 4s 10.000 Illinois Central 3s 35.000 Illinois Central 3J^s 30.000 Illinois Central 4s 10.000 Louisville & Nashville 4s 5,000 Mobile & Montgomery 4J^s 25.000 N. Y. C. & H. R. 4s 20.000 N. Y. & N. Eng. Term. 4s 20.000 N. Y., N. H. & H. 3J^s 60.000 N. Y „ N. H. & H. 4s 25.000 No. Maine Seaport 5s 10.000 Old Colony 3}4s 45.000 Old Colony 4s 30.000 Pitts. Vir. & C. 4s 15.000 Port. & Ogdens. 4J^s Par Value. $10,000 Vermont Valley 4J£s 10.000 Washington Co. 3J£s 10.000 Wore., Nashua & R. 4s Street Railway Bonds. $42,000 Boston Elevated 4s 33.000 Boston Elevated 4)^s 25.000 Boston & Northern 4s 25.000 Georgetown, Row. & Ips. 5s 10.000 Old Colony 4s 25.000 West End 5s Bank Stocks. Shs. 12 Boylston Nl. Bk., Boston 115 First Nl. Bk., Boston 12 Fourth-Atlantic Nl. Bk., Boston 65 Merchants Nl. Bk., Boston 15 Nl. Bk. of Commerce, Boston 357 Nl. Shawmut Bk., Boston 25 Nl. Union Bk., Boston 8 Second Nl. Bk., Boston 50 Webster & Atlas Nl. Bk., Boston 15 First Nl. Bk., Clinton 107 First Nl. Bk., Marlborough 100 Peoples Nl. Bk., Marlborough 136 Merchants Nl. Bk., Worcester 50 Worcester Nl. Bk. D a t e s o f E x a m in a t io n a n d A u d it , November 12-18 inclusive. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 204 REPORT OF THE [Pub. Doc. MARSHFIELD SAVINGS BANK, MARSHFIELD. Incorporated July 5, 1910. Number of corporators, 41; number of trustees, 21. L e w is W . H a l l , President. H o r a t io II. S p r a g u e , Treasurer. F r a n c is T . H a r l o w , Clerk of the Corporation. Board o f Trustees: E l ija h A m e s , E . E . A m e s , C . W . B a r t l e t t , W . H. B r o w n , H e n r y C a r v e r , A . H. C h a n d l e r , J. E . F o r d , L . W . H a l l , W a l t o n H a l l , F . T . H a r l o w , F . W . H a t c h , M . H. K e n t ! L u t h e r L i t t l e , J. W . M e r r il l , O. B. O a k m a n , A . T . S p r a g u e , H. B. S p r a g u e , W . H. S p r a g u e ! J. B. Sw i f t , O sc a r S t e v e n s , G. H. T h o m a s . Board o f Investment: A. T. S p r a g u e , O sc a r St e v e n s , H e n r y C a r v e r , F. W . H a t c h , E l ija h A m e s , C . W . B artlett. Auditing Committee: W a l t o n H a l l , F. T . H a r l o w , E . E . A m e s . Deposits draw interest from second Tuesday of January, April, July and October; dividends are payable second Tuesday of January and July. Business hours: Tuesdays, 9 to 11 a . m . STATEMENT OF CONDITION, OCTOBER 30, 1915. Assets. Public funds, bonds and notes Railroad bonds and notes . . . . Street railway bonds . . . . . American Tel. & Tel. Co. bonds 57 loans on real estate (average of each, $842.12) Less amount due on uncompleted loans . $15,789 1,937 3,867 885 73 50 50 00 48,001 1,250 108 2,310 109 08 00 72 66 14 $48,010 50 9 42 4 loans on personal security . . . . . Taxes, insurance, etc., paid on mortgaged properties Deposits in national banks or trust companies Cash . . . . . . . . . Total Assets . . . . . $74,259 33 Liabilities. Due depositors on 296 accounts, averaging $243.69 each . ( Accounts opened during year, 66; closed, 17; increase, 39) Surplus: — a. Guaranty fund (.75% of deposits; increase during year, $163.94) b. Profit and loss (increase during year, $410-17) Current incom e: — Interest . . . . . . . . . . Less current expenses not charged off . . . . Suspense account . Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis . . . . . . . Total Liabilities . . $72,133 71 528 72 632 62 $1,037 58 93 30 ---------------- 944 28 20 00 $74,259 33 No. 8.] BANK COMMISSIONER. 205 Total Expenses for the Year, including State Taxes. State Tax (Net). Salaries. Rent. Advertising. Other Expenses. Am ount paid for $85.23 $45.30 $10.00 $21.00 $103.87 Cost per $1,000 of assets 1.15 .61 .13 .28 1.40 Cost per $1,000 of assets not including State tax and rent . Total. $265.40 3 .5 7 2.29 Gross income received during the year, $3,629.66. Rates on Investments and Loans (Average on All, 5.36%). Real estate loans (average rate, 5.90 per cent.): 5%, $4,700; 6%, $43,301.08. Personal loans (average rate, 5.32 per cent.): 5%, $850; 6%, $400. Bonds, stocks, etc. (average rate on amounts invested, 4.20 per cen t.): 3J^%, $4,000; 4%, $12,000; 4> 2 %, $5,000; 5%, $2,000. Number of loans not over $3,000 each, 56, amounting to $43,310.50. 10 real estate loans made during year, amounting to $7,300. Dividends, Deposits and Withdrawals. Ordinary dividends declared during year: Jan., 1915, 2% July, 1915, 2 % Number of deposits during year, 279, amounting to . . . . . . .......................................... . . . . . Number of withdrawals during year, 169, amounting t o . Net increase in amount due depositors . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1,221 70 1,275 94 18,491 77 $20,989 41 12,163 42 $8,825 99 SCHEDULE OF SECURITIES OWNED. Public Funds, Bonds. Par Value. $1,000 California 4s 2.000 Massachusetts 3J^s 2.000 Los Angeles, Cal., 4J^s 2.000 New Bedford 4s 2.000 New London, Conn., 4s 2.000 Seattle, Wash., 4p£s D a tes o f Par Value. $1,000 Meriden, Conn., 4%s 2.000 Norwich, Conn., 3J^s 2.000 Orange 4s E x a m in a t io n a n d A u d it , O cto b e r 1, 2 and 8. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Railroad Bonds. Par Value. $1,000 Boston & Albany 4s . 1,000 N. Y., N. H. & H. 4s Street Railway Bonds. $2,000 West End 4s 2,000 West End 5s 206 REPORT OF THE [Pub. Doc. MECHANICS SAVINGS BANK, HOLYOKE. 345-347 DWIGHT STREET. Incorporated March 16, 1872. H enry Number of corporators, 50; number of trustees, 17. E. G a y l o r d , President. N ath an I saac P. A very, E. S a w y e r , Treasurer. Clerk of the Corporation. Board of Trustees: N. P. A v e r y , E. P. B a g g , E . W . C h a p i n , A. W . E s l e e c k , G . F. F o w l e r , T . H. F o w l e r , H. E. G a y l o r d , C . E . M a c k i n t o s h , J. S. M cE l w a i n , A. J. N e w e l l , C . P . R a n d a l l , J. F . R a n g e r , C . W . R i d e r , H. G . S e a r s , J. A . S k i n n e r , F . M . S m i t h , F . S. W e b b e r . Board of Investment: H . E . G a y l o r d , H. G . S e a r s , C . E . M a c k i n t o s h , J. F . R a n g e r , A . J. N e w e l l . Auditing Committee: G . F . F o w l e r , F . S. W ebber, C. P. R andall. Deposits draw interest from first day of February, M ay, August and Novem ber; dividends are pay able after third M onday in M ay and November. Business hours: 9 a . m . to 4 p . m . ; Saturdays, 9 a . m . to 12 m . ; also Thursdays, 7 to 8 p . m . STATEMENT OF CONDITION, OCTOBER 30, 1915. Assets. Public funds, bonds and notes . . . . . . . . . . Railroad bonds and notes . . . . . . . . . . . Street railway bonds . . . . . . . . . . . . American Tel. & Tel. Co. bonds . . . . . . . . . . Stocks of banks and trust companies . . Securities acquired in settlement of indebtedness . . . . . . . 640 loans on real estate {average of each, $3,686.98) . . . . . . . 78 loans on personal security . . . . . . . . . . Furniture and fixtures . . . . . . . . . . . . Real estate b y foreclosure, etc. (assessed value, $6,200) . . . . . . Deposits in national banks or trust companies . . . . . . . C a s h ................................................................................................................................................... Total Assets $402,502 15 392,244 55 134,182 50 65,402 00 106,987 00 6,200 00 2,359,670 00 247,127 00 10,000 00 7,299 45 186,470 07 10,050 97 $3,928,135 69 Liabilities. Due depositors on 7,036 accounts, averaging $506.69 each (Accounts opened during year, 1,105; closed, 966; increase, 139) Surplus: — a. Guaranty fund (4-92% of deposits; increase during year, $4*938) h. Profit and loss (increase during year, $18,888.80) . Current income: — Interest . . . . . . . . . . Less current expenses not charged off . . . . Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis $3,565,095 85 175,486 00 103,239 77 $90,223 94 5,909 87 84,314 07 Total Liabilities . . $3,928,135 69 No. 8.] BAN K COMMISSIONER. 207 Total Expenses for the Year, including State Taxes. State Tax (Net). Salaries. Rent. Advertising. Other Expenses. Total. Amount paid for $4,291.08 $7,717.34 $2,000.00 $318.64 $2,158.45 $16,485.51 Cost per $1,000 of assets 1.09 1.96 .51 .08 .55 4.19 Cost per $1,000 of assets not including State tax and rent . ................................................................... 2.59 Gross income received during the year, $178,192.67. Rates on Investments and Loans (Average on All, 4.80%). Real estate loans (average rate, 4.99 per cent.): 4)^% , $62,000; 5%, $2,295,620; 6%, $2,050. Personal loans (average rate, 5.08 per cen t.): 5%, $181,872; 5J£%, $10,000; 5}-^%, $27,805; 6%, $23,400. Bonds, stocks, etc. (average rate on amounts invested, 4.35 per cent.): 3}4% , $89,000; 3.67%, $50,000; 4%, $601,000; 4M % . $10,000; 4J^%, $137,000; 5%, $137,100; 6%, $41,800; 7%, $32,200; 10%, $5,300; 16%, $2,900. Number of loans not over $3,000 each, 499, amounting to $737,482. 59 real estate loans made during year, amounting to $251,638.31. Dividends, Deposits and Withdrawals. Ordinary dividends declared during year: N ov., 1914, 2% M ay, 1915, 2% Number of deposits during year, 8,919, amounting to $66,161 74 66,831 28 642,119 56 Number of withdrawals during year, 7,187, amounting to Net increase in amount due depositors . . . . . . . . . . . . . $775,112 58 665,022 54 $110,090 04 SCHEDULE OF SECURITIES OWNED. Public Funds, Bonds. Par Value. $25,000 Massachusetts 3}4s 10.000 Massachusetts 4s 15.000 Boston 4s 5.000 Chicago, 111., 4s 5.000 Chicago, 111., 4)4s 13.000 Cleveland, 0., 5s 5.000 Decatur, 111., 4s 2.000 Dubuque, la., 4s 10.000 Duluth, Minn., 4s 10.000 Duluth, Minn., 4)^s 75,500 Holyoke 4s 10.000 Los Angeles, Cal., 4}^s 1.000 Milwaukee, Wis., 3)^s 2.000 Milwaukee, Wis., 4s 1.000 Milwaukee, Wis., 4Hs 20.000 Omaha, Neb., 4)^s 25.000 Seattle, Wash., 5s 2.000 St. Louis, Mo., 4s 24.000 St. Paul, Minn., 4)^s 3.000 Brookline 3)^s 11.000 Easthampton 4s 15.000 So. Hadley 4s D ates o p Public Funds, Notes. Par Value. $50,000 Holyoke 3Jfis 50.000 Holyoke 3.67% 3,500 Granby 4s 10.000 South Hadley 3J^s Railroad Bonds. $10,000 Bangor & Aroostook 5s 75.000 Boston & Albany 4s 1,000 Boston & Lowell 4s 10.000 Boston & Lowell 4V£s 35.000 Boston & Maine 4s 22.000 Boston & Maine 4)^s 60.000 C., B. & Q. 4s 10.000 Cnic., Mil. & St. Paul 4J-& 30.000 Chicago & Northw. 4s 16.000 Chicago, R. I. & Pac. 4s 18.000 Fitchburg 4s 10.000 Holyoke & Westfield 4Ms 30.000 Illinois Central 4s 10.000 Louisville & Nashville 4s 45.000 N. Y., N. H. & H. 4s E x a m in a t io n , June 30-July 2 inclusive. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Par Value. $5,000 No. Maine Seaport 5s 15,000 Pennsylvania 4b£s Street Railway Bonds. $15,000 Boston Elevated 4s 10.000 Boston Elevated 5s 25.000 Boston & Northern 4s 39,100 Holyoke 5s 3.000 Springfield 4s 9.000 West End 4s 10.000 West End 4)/£s 25.000 West End 5s Bank Stocks. Shs. 29 First Nl. Bk., Boston 418 City Nl. Bk., Holyoke 272 Hadley Falls Nl. Bk., Holyoke 3 Holyoke Nl. Bk. 50 Home Nl. Bk., Holyoke 50 Third Nl. Bk., Springfield 208 REPO RT OF THE [Pub. Doc, MECHANICS SAVINGS BANK, LOWELL. 202 MERRIMACK STREET. Incorporated M arch 1, 1861. A lexander Number of corporators, 37; number of trustees, 21. G. C u m n o c k , President. H aven C harles H . C log sto n , Treasurer. G. H i l l , Clerk o f the Corporation. Board of Trustees: J. C . B e n n e t t , E. N . B u r k e , C . F r a n k H a n c h e t t , A . E. H a t c h , H . G. H i l l , A. N . G. N o r c r o s s , H . H . P a r k e r , W . L . P a r k e r , T . A. S t e v e n s , J. F . T a l b o t , W . G. W a r d , J. H . C l o g s t o n , A. G. C u m n o c k , F . A. F l a t h e r , D . M i l l i k e n , W . A. M i t c h e l l , C . H. N e l s o n , M . A. R a w l i n s o n , J. J. R o g e r s , J. F . S a w y e r , K . W h it t ie r . Board of Investment: C. H. N e l s o n , W . L. P a r k e r , E. N . B u r k e , J. F. S a w y e r , C. H. C l o g s t o n . Auditing Committee: N . G. N o r c r o s s , T . A . S t e v e n s , H. H. P a r k e r . Deposits draw interest from first Saturday of March, June, September and December; dividends are payable the M onday following the first Saturday of June and December. Business hours: 9 a . m . to 1 p . m . ; also Saturdays, 7 to 9 p . m . STATEMENT OF CONDITION, OCTOBER 30, 1915. Assets. Public funds, bonds and notes . . . . . . . . Railroad bonds and notes . . . . . . . . . Street railway bonds . . • . . . . . . American Tel. & Tel. Co. bonds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Stocks of banks and trust companies 413 loans on real estate (average of each, $5,252-47) . . . . . . 25 loans on personal security . . . . . . . . . Bank building and fixtures (estimated value, $70,000; assessed value, $69,750) Real estate by foreclosure, etc. (assessed value, $19,050) . . . . . Taxes, insurance, etc., paid on mortgaged properties . . . . . Deposits in national banks or trust companies . . . . . . Cash and cash items . . . . . . . . . . Total Assets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $460,000 00 489,445 00 194,580 00 45,250 00 3,900 00 2,169,271 41 463,180 00 67,000 00 18,812 02 343 20 13,574 45 16,372 83 $3,941,728 91 Liabilities. Due depositors on 6,113 accounts, averaging $602.12 each (Accounts opened during year, 687; closed, 609; increase, 78) Surplus: — a. Guaranty fund (5% of deposits; increase during year, $J,,268.30) b. Profit and loss (increase during year, $10,912.85) . Current income: — a. Interest . . . . . . . $55,959 03 b. R e n t .......................................... .......... . 1,330 39 $3,680,790 44 184,045 04 24,543 76 $57,289 42 Less current expenses not charged off Less State or local taxes not charged off $4,181 56 1,454 05 5,635 61 51,653 81 695 86 Suspense account Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Total Liabilities . . $3,941,723 91 No. S.’ 209 BANK COMMISSIONER. Total Expenses for the Year, including State Taxes. Advertising. Other Expenses. Total. . $756.01 $1,374.55 $17,914.05 .19 .35 4 .5 4 .......................................... 2 .8 0 State Tax (Net). Salaries. Rent. Amount paid for $0,866.67 $8,916.82 Cost per $1,000 of assets 1.74 2 .26 Cost per $1,000 of assets not including State tax and rent . Gross income received during the year, $174,665.30. Rates on Investments and Loans (Average on All, 4.65%). Real estate loans (average rate, 4.99 per cent.): 4%, $4,316.46; 4J^%, $190,150; 5%, $1,832,939.95; 5H % , $30,000; 5Ji% , $78,000; 6%, $33,865. Personal loans (average rate, 4.68 per cent.): 4)^% , $335,530; 5%, $97,650; 5 % % , $30,000. Bonds, stocks, etc. (average rate on amounts invested, 4.03 per cent.): 3%, $25,000; ¿ A % , $225,000; 4%, $872,000; 4 ^ % , $50,000; 6%, $35,000; 8%, $3,900. Number of loans not over $3,000 each, 241, amounting to $330,639.01. 48 real estate loans made during year, amounting to $373,838. Dividends, Deposits and Withdrawals. Ordinary dividends declared during year: D ec., 1914, 2% June, 1915, 2 % Number of deposits during year, 3,904, amounting to . . Number of withdrawals during year, 4,563, amounting to Net increase in amount due depositors . . . . . . . . .......................................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . $69,555 96 70,687 16 424,041 90 $564,285 02 443,071 52 $121,213 50 SCHEDULE OF SECURITIES OWNED. Public Funds, Bonds. Par Value. $40,000 Allegheny, Pa., 3Vis 50.000 Boston 4s 75.000 Cambridge 3J^s 25.000 Chicago, 111., 4s 16.000 Lawrence 4s 20.000 Marlborough 4s 50.000 New Bedford 4s 10.000 Peoria, 111., 4s 21.000 Pittsburgh, Pa., 4s 10.000 Portland, Ore., 6s 20.000 Providence, R. I., 4s 25.000 Waterbury, Ct., 4s 25.000 Woonsocket, R. I., 4s 15.000 Andover 4s 10.000 Peabody '¿As D ates of E x a m in a t io n , Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Par Value. $18,000 Peabody 4s 31.000 Wakefield 4s Railroad Bonds. $40,000 Boston & Maine 4s 25.000 Boston & Maine 4)^s 25.000 C., B. & Q. 3J^s 10.000 Chic., Mil. & St. P. 4Vis 19.000 Chic. & Northwestern 4s 50.000 Concord & Montreal 4s 20.000 Delaware & Hudson Co. 4s 10.000 Fitchburg 4s 25.000 Fitchburg 6s notes 25.000 Illinois Central 3s 25.000 Illinois Central 4s 10.000 New England 4s April 5, 6. Par Value. $25,000 N. Y. C. & II.' R. 3Ris 50.000 N. Y „ N. H. & H. 3Ms 65.000 N. Y., N. H. & H. 4s 30.000 Old Colony 4s 15.000 Pennsylvania 4}^s 30.000 Portland Terminal Co. 4s Street Railway Bonds. $150,000 Boston Elevated 4s 22.000 Boston & Northern 4s 25.000 West End 4s Bank Stocks. Shs. 39 Union Nl. Bk., Lowell 210 REPORT OF THE [Pub. Doc. MECHANICS SAVINGS BANK, READING. 194 MAIN STREET. Incorporated March 20, 1891. C har les H . N ow ell, Number of corporators, 25; number of trustees, 12. President. L e w is M . B a n c r o ft, E dgar N . H u n t , Treasurer. Clerk of the Corporation. Board of Trustees: O . L . A k e r l e y , L . M . B a n c r o f t , A . J. F r a n c is , E. N . H u n t , H . R . J o h n s o n , J. E. K e l l e y , J a c o b M i t c h e l l , M . E . N i c h o l s , C. H . N o w e l l , W . S. P a r k e r , M . A . S t o n e , A . F . U pton. Board of Investment: C. H. N o w e l l , M . E . N ic h o l s , H. R . J o h n s o n . Auditing Committee: A . J. F r a n c is , A . F . U p t o n , O . L . A k e r l e y . Deposits draw interest from first Saturday of March, June, September and December; dividends are payable the second Saturday of June and December. Business hours: 8.30 to 11 a . m . ; 2.30 to 4 p . m . ; Saturdays, 8.30 a . m . to 12 m . and 7.30 to 9 p . m . for deposits only. STATEMENT OF CONDITION, OCTOBER 30, 1915. Assets. Public funds, bonds and notes . . . . Railroad bonds and notes . . . . . Street railway bonds . . . . . . American Tel. & Tel. Co. bonds . . . . Stocks of bahks and trust companies . . . 190 loans on real estate {average of each, $1,636.30) . Less amount due on uncompleted loans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $313,675 80 2,779 07 . . . . . . . 7 loans on personal security . Furniture and fixtures . . . . . Deposits in national banks or trust companies Cash and cash items . Total Assets . . . . . $41,210 90,803 7,775 6,507 2,100 00 13 00 50 00 310,896 11,867 742 13,758 1,664 73 50 69 05 19 $487,324 79 Liabilities. Due depositors on 2,380 accounts, averaging $192.03 each . . . . . $457,045 34 (Accounts opened during year, S79; closed, 211; increase, 168) Surplus: — a. Guaranty fund (2.75% of deposits; increase during year, $1,100.80) . . . 12,559 04 b. Profit and loss {increase during year, $1,446.54) . . . . . . 9,548 22 Current income: — а. Interest . . . . . . . $8,708 05 б. Rent . . . . . . . 106 66 ----------------------$8,814 71 ' Less current expenses not charged off . . . . 642 52 -----------------------8,172 19 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Total Liabilities . . . . . $487,324 79 No. 211 BANK COMMISSIONER. Total Expenses for the Year, including State Taxes. State Tax (Net). Salaries. Advertising. Other Expenses. Rent. Amount paid for .1650.93 $700.00 $260.55 $35.00 $377.68 Cost per $1,000 of assets 1.33 1.44 .53 .07 .77 Cost per $1,000 of assets not including State tax and rent . Total. $2,024.16 4 .14 2 .2 8 Gross income received during the year, $21,897.50. Rates on Investments and Loans (Average on All, 4.76%). Real estate loans (average rate, 5.04 per cen t.): 4%, $1,200; 5%, $295,656.73; 5J^%, $700; 6%, $13,340. Personal loans (average rate, 5.29 per cent.): 5%, $8,417.50; 6%, $3,450. Bonds, stocks, etc. (average rate on amounts invested, 4.14 per cent.): 3%, $10,000; 33^2%, $27,000; 4%, $81,100; 5%, $33,000. Number of loans not over $3,000 each, 161, amounting to $208,664.23. 31 real estate loans made during year, amounting to $46,125. Dividends, Deposits and Withdrawals. Ordinary dividends declared during year: Dec., 1914, 2% June, 1915, 2% Number of deposits during year, 2,691, amounting to $8,000 72 8,211 72 124,508 85 Number of withdrawals during year, 2,063, amounting to. $140,721 29 108,710 57 Net increase in amount due depositors . $32,010 72 SCHEDULE OF SECURITIES OWNED. Railroad Bonds. Public Funds, Bonds. Par Value. $10,000 Boston 4s 16,000 Reading 4s 6,000 Dracut (W. D.), 4s Public Funds, Notes. $5,000 North Reading 4s 4,000 Reading 4s D ate op E x a m in a t io n , Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Par Value. $5,000 Baltimore & Ohio 3)^s 13.000 Bangor & Aroostook 5s 5.000 Boston & Maine 4s 12.000 C„ B. & Q. 3J^s 1.000 Fitchburg 4s 10.000 Illinois Central 3s 15.000 N. Y., N. H. & H. 4s 20.000 No. Maine Seaport 5s 1.000 Penobscot Shore Line 4s 5.000 Peoria & Northw. 3)^s March 11. Par Value. $5,000 Sioux City & Pacific 3J^s 1.000 Upper Coos 4s Street Railway Bonds. $5,000 Boston Elevated 4s 3.000 Boston & Northern 4s Bank Stocks. Shs. 21 First Nl. Bk., Reading 212 REPO RT OF THE [Pub. Doc. MEDFORD SAVINGS BANK, MEDFORD. 29 HIGH STREET. Incorporated February 26, 1869. G eorge 0 . F o ster, President. J. Number of corporators, 73; number of trustees, 18. C harles G il m a n W a it e , B . B u ss, Treasurer. Clerk of the Corporation. Board of Trustees: E. F. A l l e n , H. B . B a l l o u , C . M . B r e w e r , J. A . C h a p i n , G . 0 . F o s t e r , J. E . G a t e s , Sid n e y G l e a s o n , H . A . H a n s c o m , W . N . H o m e r , R . B . L a w r e n c e , W . B . L a w r e n c e , a it e , W . P . M a r t i n , J. H . N o r c r o s s , C . H. P a r k e r , E. S . R a n d a l l , J. W . R o c k w e l l , J. G . W W . C. W a it . Board of Investment: G . 0 . F o s t e r , E. S. R a n d a l l , C . H . P a r k e r , E . F . A l l e n , H . A . H a n s c o m . Auditing Committee: J. A . C h a p i n , W . B. L a w r e n c e , J. E. G a t e s . Deposits draw interest from first Saturday of February, M ay, August and Novem ber; dividends are payable the second Saturday of M ay and November. Business hours: 8 a . m . to 3 p . m . ; Saturdays, 8 a . m . to 12 m . ; 7 to 9 p . m . STATEMENT OF CONDITION, OCTOBER 30, 1915. Assets. Public funds, bonds and notes . . . . . . . . . . Railroad bonds and notes . . . . . . . . . . . Street railway bonds . . . . . . . . . . . . Stocks of banks and trust companies . . . . . . . . . 855 loans on real estate (average of each, $2,224-15) . . . . . . . 9 loans on personal security . . . . . . . . . . Bank building and fixtures (estimated value, $23,200; assessed value, $23,200) . Real estate b y foreclosure, etc. (assessed value, $8,150) . . . . . . Taxes, insurance, etc., paid on mortgaged properties . . . . . . Deposits in national banks or trust companies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cash and cash items Total Assets . . . . . $140,000 00 707,695 00 125,000 00 24,000 00 1,901,650 00 107,100 00 7,500 00 5,000 00 11 25 88,682 73 12,537 42 . . $3,119,076 40 Due depositors on 9,555 accounts, averaging $294.18 each . . . . (Accounts opened during year, 1,132; closed, 891; increase, 241) Surplus: — a. Guaranty fund (4-99% o f deposits; increase during year, $3,800) . h. Profit and loss (increase during year, $21,260.46) . . . . . . $2,810,984 76 Liabilities. Total Liabilities . . . . . . . 140,500 00 *167,591 64 . $3,119,076 40 * November, 1915, dividend of $53,801.66 not yet charged out of this amount. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis BANK COMMISSIONER. No. 8.' 213 Total Expenses for the Year, including State Taxes. State Tax (Net). Salaries. Rent. Advertising. Other Expenses. Total. Amount paid for $3,694.53 $6,322.36 $1,500.00 $77.30 $1,903.51 $13,497.70 Cost per $1,000 of assets 1.18 2 .0 2 .48 .02 .61 4.31 Cost per $1,000 of assets not including State tax and rent . . . . . . 2 .6 5 Gross income received during the year, $145,428.56. Rates on Investments and Loans (Average on All, 4.85%). Real estate loans (average rate, 5.01 per cent.): 4%, $1,100; 4)^%, $15,500; 5%, $1,843,950; 5J^%, $17,600; 6%, $23,500. Personal loans (average rate, 4.49 per cent.): 4J^%, $25,000; 4J^%, $25,000; 4]/•>%, $25,000; 4 ^ % , $25,000; 5%, $5,000; 6%, $2,100. Bonds, stocks, etc. (average rate on amounts invested, 4.58 per cent.): 3%, $30,000; 3J^%, $143,000; 4%, $355,000; 4J^%, $214,000; 5%, $174,000; 6%, $43,000; 7%, $35,000; 7 M%, $5,000; 8%, $ 11,000 ; 12% , $ 8 ,000 . Number of loans not over $3,000 each, 674, amounting to $1,127,550. 78 real estate loans made during year, amounting to $178,800. Dividends, Deposits and Withdrawals. Ordinary dividends declared during year: N ov., 1914, 2% M ay, 1915, 2% Number of deposits dining year, 10,102, amounting to $52,446 76 53,274 69 439,080 00 Number of withdrawals during year, 7,626, amounting to $544,801 45 466,941 30 $77,860 15 Net increase in amount due depositors SCHEDULE OF SECURITIES OWNED. Public Funds, Bonds. Par Value. $50,000 Massachusetts 3)4s 10.000 Massachusetts 4s 20.000 Bristol Co. 4s 20.000 Brockton 4J4s 25.000 Fall River 4s 15.000 Providence, R. I., 4s Railroad Bonds. $25,000 Boston & Albany 4s 20.000 Boston & Lowell 4s 25.000 Boston & Maine 4s 30.000 Central R.R. of N. J. 5s 50.000 C., B. & Q. 3Hs 25.000 Chicago, Mil. & St. P. 5s 25.000 Chic. & Northw. 4s D ates o p E x a m in a t io n , Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Par Value. $24,000 Chie. & Northw. 5s 39.000 Cleveland & Pitts. 4J^s 25.000 Concord & Montreal 4s 30.000 Detroit & Bay City 5s 10.000 Dexter & Piscataquis 4s 8,000 Fre., Elk. & Mo. Valley 6s 45.000 Fitchburg 4s 25.000 Fitchburg 4}4s 10.000 Fitchburg 6s notes 30.000 Illinois Central 3s 15.000 Kal., Alle. & Gr. R. 5s 25.000 New Orleans & Mobile 6s 50.000 N. Y., N. H. & H. 4s 50.000 Port. & Ogdens. 4}4s 10.000 Portland Terminal Co. 4s 30.000 Ports., Gr. F. & Con. 4 J^s 18.000 Sioux City & Pac. 3)^s 25.000 Troy & Boston 7s January 12, 13. Par Value. $25,000 Vermont Valley 4)^s 25.000 Washington Co. V/& 10.000 Winona & St. Peter 7s Street Railway Bonds. $50,000 Boston Elevated 4s 50.000 Lynn & Boston 5s 25.000 Worcester Cons. 4his Bank Stocks. Shs. 10 Commercial Nl. Bk., Boston 50 Fourth-Atlantic Nl. Bk., Boston 100 Nl. Bk. of Commerce, Boston 80 Second Nl. Bk., Boston 100 Nl. Shawmut Bk., Boston 214 REPORT OF THE [Pub. Doc MEDWAY SAVINGS BANK, MEDWAY. VILLAGE STREET. Incorporated February 20, 1871. A d d is o n E. B u llard , Number of corporators, 29; number of trustees, 20. President. W il l ia m W il l ia m N. H it c h c o c k , H . U pto n , Treasurer. Clerk of the Corporation. Board of Trustees: G. S . B e n t , A . E. B u l l a r d , G. W . B t j l l a k d , F. C . C l a e k , S . G. C l a r k , A. E, C l o u g h , W . N. H i t c h c o c k , R . J. H o d g s o n , G. P . H o l b r o o k , T . F. M a l l o y , R . M . O ’ D o n n e l l , T . E. O ’ D o n n e l l , W . W . O l l e n d o r f f , W . L. P a l m e r , E. F. R i c h a r d s o n , S u m n e r R o b b i n s , A . L. R u g g l e s , H . W . S h a w , H . H . T h o r n e , W . H . U p t o n . Board of Investment: A . E. B u llard , E. F. Auditing Committee: S. G. C la r k , G. W . W . N. G. B u lla r d , S. R ic h a r d s o n , H. H. H it c h c o c k , F. C la r k , W . L. C . C lark , P alm er, T h o rn e. W. W. G. S. O llen dorff, B e n t, G. P H o lbro ok . Deposits draw interest from first day of March, June, September and December; dividends are pay able on and after June 15 and December 15. Business hours: 9 a . m . to 12 m . ; 2 to 5 p . m . ; Sat urdays, 9 a . m . to 12 m . STATEMENT OF CONDITION, OCTOBER 30, 1915. Assets. Public funds, bonds and notes . . . . Railroad bonds and notes . . . . . Street railway bonds . . . . . . American Tel. & Tel. Co. bonds . . . . 205 loans on real estate (average of each, $1,615.63) . 6 loans on personal security . . . . Furniture and fixtures . . . . . . Deposits in national banks or trust companies . Cash and cash items . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Total Assets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $73,058 145,960 10,000 8,827 331,205 4,400 2,369 5,546 2,162 69 00 00 50 00 00 41 12 81 . . . $583,529 53 Due depositors on 1,809 accounts, averaging $289.76 each . . . (Accounts opened during year, 188; closed, 177; increase, 11) Surplus: — a. Guaranty fund (5.01% of deposits; increase during year, $885.13) b. Profit and loss (increase during year, $2,506.58) . . . . Current income: — Interest . . . . . . . . . . Less current expenses not charged off ... . . . . . . $524,181 25 Liabilities. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis . 26,283 49 22,332 08 . $11,663 06 930 35 10,732 71 Total Liabilities . . . . . $583,529 53 No. 8.] BANK COMMISSIONER. 215 Total Expenses for the Year, including State Taxes. State Tax (Net). Salaries. Rent. Advertising. Other Expenses. Total. Amount paid for $908.56 $1,500.00 $325.00 $33.25 $504.78 $3,371.59 Cost per $1,000 of assets 1.56 2 .57 ,56 .06 .86 5.61 Cost per $1,000 of assets not including State tax and rent . . . . . . 3.49 Gross income received during the year, $27,028.61. Rates on Investments and Loans (Average on All, 4.96%). Real estate loans (average rate, 5.49 per cent.): 5%, $141,510; 5)^% , $57,200; 6%, $132,495. Personal loans (average rate, 5.77 per cent.): 5%, $1,000; 6%, $3,400. Bonds, stocks, etc. (average rate on amounts invested, 4.21 per cent.); 3%, $1,000; 3}4% , $46,000; 4%, $134,058.69; 4 % % , $22,000; 5%, $31,000; 6%, $2,000; 7%, $5,000. Number of loans not over $3,000 each, 183, amounting to $215,530. 33 real estate loans made during year, amounting to $49,075. Dividends, Deposits and Withdrawals. Ordinary dividends declared during year: Dec., 1914, 2% June, 1915, 2% Number of deposits during year, 1,426, amounting to $9,762 06 9,875 53 97,191 02 Number of withdrawals during year, 1,289, amounting to $116,828 61 100,024 09 $16,804 52 Net increase in amount due depositors SCHEDULE OF SECURITIES OWNED. Public Funds, Bonds. Par Value. $5,000 Massachusetts 3J^s 5.000 Belfast, Me., 4s 6.000 Boston 4s 5.000 Chicago, 111., 4s 5.000 Haverhill 4s 2.000 Minneapolis, Minn., 4J^s 3.000 Springfield, 0., 5s 4.000 Worcester 4s 5.000 Douglas 4s 5.000 Medway 4s 3,500 N. Attleborough 4s 10,000 Kittery, Me. (W. D.), 5s D ate o f E x a m in a t io n , Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Public Funds, Notes. Par Value. $12,458 Medway 4s 2,100 Millis 4s Railroad Bonds. $5,000 Bangor & Aroostook 5s 2.000 Boston & Lowell 4s 5.000 Boston & Maine 4)^s 3.000 Boston & Providence 4s 2.000 Burl. & Mo. Riv. 6s 2.000 Cedar Rapids & Mo. Riv. 7s 10.000 C., B. & Q. 3^s 6.000 C., B. & Q. 4s 5.000 Chic. & Northw. 5s 11.000 Concord & Montreal 4s January 11. Par Value. $5,000 Fitchburg 4s 1.000 Illinois Central 3s 16.000 Illinois Central 3)^s 10.000 Illinois Central 4s 5.000 New England 4s 10.000 N. Y. C. & H. R. 3J^s 26.000 N. Y., N. H. & H. 4s 3.000 Northw. Union 7s 3.000 Old Colony 4s 5.000 Ports., Gt. F. & C. 4J^s 8.000 St. J. & Lake C. 5s 5.000 Washington Co. 3J^s Street Railway Bonds. $10,000 Boston Elevated 4}^s 216 REPO RT OF THE [Pub. Doc. MELROSE SAVINGS BANK, MELROSE. 497 MAIN STREET. Incorporated April 5, 1872. M o ses S. P ag e, President. F ban k H en by Board of Trustees: G . R . Number of corporators, 64; number of trustees, 12. A . B u sh , C . H . A d am s, F . P . B o w de n , A . L . C a e b , J o n e s , C . H . L a n g , J r ., J o h n Board o f Investment: L abb abee, E . M . S. P a g e , C . H . A dam s, John Auditing Committee: F. P . B o w den , W . C. M . H o yt, Treasurer. Clerk of the Corporation. W. C . G o ss, J. A . H e w e s, W. A . Je pso n , S. P a g e , M . S. P a g e , F . P . Sh u m w a y . L a b b abee, A . L . C a b b . G o s s , D e c iu s B e e b e .* Deposits draw interest from first day of January, April, July and October; dividends are payable the third W ednesday of January and July. Business hours: 8 a . m . to 2 p . m .; Saturdays, 8 a . m . to 12 m ., and 7 to 9 p . m . STATEMENT OF CONDITION, OCTOBER 30, 1915. Assets. Public funds, bonds and notes . . . . Railroad bonds and notes . . . . . Street railway bonds . . . . . . American Tel. & Tel. Co. bonds . . . . Stocks of banks and trust companies Securities acquired in settlement of indebtedness 689 loans on real estate (average of each, $1,748.71) . Less amount due on uncompleted loans . 20 30 75 00 00 00 1,204,860 649,330 6,256 25 61,839 2,847 19 14 97 60 05 23 $1,206,859 83 1,999 64 68 loans on personal security . . . . Real estate b y foreclosure, etc. (assessed value, $9,300) Taxes, insurance, etc., paid on mortgaged properties Deposits in national banks or trust companies Cash and cash items . . . . . . Total Assets $282,400 242,348 81,437 30,600 750 3,050 . . . . . $2,565,745 43 Liabilities. Due depositors on 9,362 accounts, averaging $245.21 each {Accounts opened during year, 1,012; closed, 701; increase, 311) Surplus: — a. Guaranty fund {4.86% of deposits; increase during year, $11,051.68) b. Profit and loss {decrease during year, $1,213.15) Current incom e: — Interest . . . . . . . . . . . Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Total Liabilities . * Since deceased. . . $2,295,632 35 111,585 38 114,265 33 44,262 37 . . $2,565,745 43 No. 8.] BANK COMMISSIONER. 217 Total Expenses for the Year, including State Taxes. State Tax (Net). Salaries. Rent. Advertising. Amount paid for $4,524.62 $5,230.80 $600.00 $360.88 Cost per $1,000 of assets 1.76 2 .0 4 .23 .14 Cost per $1,000 of assets not including State tax and rent . Other Expenses. Total. $2,140.82 $12,857.12 .83 5.00 3.01 Gross income received during the year, $116,941.41. Rates on Investments and Loans (Average on All, 4.88%). Real estate loans (average rate, 5.26 per cent.): 4J^%, $9,000; 5%, $738,067.49; 5}4% , $267,535.20; 6%, $190,257.50. Personal loans (average rate, 4.81 per cent.): 4}4% , $303,000; 4% % , $10,000; 4 % % , $122,500; 5%, $92,843; 5 H % , #65,000; 5 ^ % , $10,600; 5 % % , $10,000; 6%, $35,387.14. Bonds, stocks, etc. (average rate on amounts invested, 4.21 per cent.): 3J^%, $15,000; 4% , $512,300; 4M % , $15,000; 4 ^ % , $79,000; 5%, $33,050; 6%, $1,000; 8%, $500. Number of loans not over $3,000 each, 642, amounting to $989,157.29. 100 real estate loans made during year, amounting to $195,342.48. Dividends, Deposits and Withdrawals. $41,057 42,662 10,248 486,079/ Ordinary dividends declared during year: Jan., 1915, 2% July, 1915, 2% Extra dividends declared during year, Jan., 1915, 3^% Number of deposits during year, 12,002, amounting to Number of withdrawals during year, 8,301, amounting to N et increase in amount due depositors . . . . . . . . . . . . . $580,047 30 426,731 40 $153,315 90 SCHEDULE OF SECURITIES OWNED. P u b lic F u n d s, B on d s. Par Value. $10,000 Baltimore, Md., 4s 1.000 Bath, Me., 4s 10.000 Belfast, Me., 4s 31.000 Boston 4s 1.000 Chicago, 111., 4s 1.000 Duluth, Minn., 4s 6.000 Everett 4s 10.000 Haverhill 3}4s 2,500 Hyde Park 4s 3.000 Lawrence 4s 5.000 Los Angeles, Cal., 4)^3 4.000 Lowell 4s 1.000 Lynn 4s 1.000 Malden 4s 46.000 Melrose 4s 26.000 New Bedford 4s 4.000 Norwalk, Conn., 4s 5.000 Providence, R. I., 4s 10.000 Quincy 4Ks 5.000 San Francisco, Cal., i ’/is 25.000 San Francisco, Cal., 5s 3.000 Seattle, Wash., 4}is D ates o p E x a m in a t io n , Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Par Value. $2,000 St. Paul, Minn., 4s 1.000 Somerville 4s 15.000 Spokane, Wash., 4J/£s 1.000 Taunton 4s 5.000 Amesbury 4s 4.000 Ashland 4s 9.000 Danvers 4s 10.000 Peabody 4s 1.000 Revere 4s 5.000 Southborough 4s 1.000 Winchester 4s Public Funds, Notes. $18,800 Melrose 4s Railroad Bonds. $29,000 Boston & Albany 4s 14.000 Boston & Lowell 4s 54.000 Boston & Maine 4s 20.000 Boston & Maine 4Hs 24.000 C., B. & Q. 4s 10.000 Chic., Mil. & St. Paul 4J/£s April 20-23 in c lu s iv e . Par Value. $14,000 Chic. & Northw. 4s 22.000 Concord & Montreal 4s 28.000 Fitchburg 4s 5.000 Fitchburg 4J^s 1.000 F., Elk. & Mo. V- 6s 5.000 Gt. Northern 4J/£s 10.000 N. Y. C. & H. R. 4s 10.000 N. Y., N. H. & H. 4s 5.000 Peoria & Northw. 3}4s Street Railway Bonds, $21,000 Boston Elevated 4s 16.000 Boston Elevated 4J^s 5.000 Boston Elevated 5s 18.000 Boston & Northern 4s 1.000 Old Colony 4s 23.000 West End 4s Bank Stocks. Shs. 5 Melrose Nl. Bk. 33 42 02 53 218 REPO RT OF THE [Pub. Doc. MERRIMAC SAVINGS BANK, MERRIMAC. MAIN STREET. Incorporated April 19, 1871. D a n ie l W . G ould, President. A. R a y m Number of corporators, 41; number of trustees, 15. F r e d e r ic k W aterh ou se, o n d C . G ran t, Treasurer. Clerk of the Corporation. Board of Trustees: D . W . G o u l d , F. C. G r a n t , H. W . H a l e , F. B. J u d k i n s , Z e n a s L o v e l l , J. P e a s e , E. H. P r e b l e , G . E. R i c k e r , C. E . R o w e l l , B. H. S a r g e n t , E. P . S a r g e n t , W . S a r g e n t , H. H. S t o r y , G . A . T i t c o m b , G . T . W a l k e r . Board o f Investment: D . W . Auditing Committee: W . B. G ou ld, E . P. Sa r g e n t , Sarg en t, H. H. Sto r y, B. H. Sa r g e n t . B. H. Sarg en t. F. B . Deposits draw interest from third W ednesday of January, April, July and October; dividends are pay able the fourth W ednesday of April and October. Business hours: 9 a . m . to 3 p . m .; Saturdays, 9 a .m . to 12.30 P.M. STATEMENT OF CONDITION OCTOBER 30, 1915. Public funds, bonds and notes . . . . Railroad bonds and notes . . . . . Street railway bonds . . . . . . Boston Terminal Co. bonds . . . . . American Tel. & Tel. Co. bonds . . . . Stocks of banks and trust companies 138 loans on real estate (average of each, $2,163.76) . 5 loans on personal security . . . . Furniture and fixtures . . . . . . Real estate by foreclosure, etc. (assessed value, $800) Deposits in national banks or trust companies Cash . . . . . . . . . Total Assets $27,000 108,871 15.000 20.000 7,000 2,550 298,599 28,500 1,479 900 33,044 1,351 . . . . . 00 33 00 00 00 00 36 00 17 00 96 58 $544,296 40 Liabilities. Due depositors on 1,541 accounts, averaging $333.31 each (Accounts opened during year, 118; closed, 123; decrease, 5) Surplus: — a. Guaranty fund (4.99% of deposits; increase during year, none) b. Profit and loss (increase during year, $1,609.49) Current income: — Interest . . . . . . . . . Less current expenses not charged off . . . Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Total Liabilities . . $513,630 56 25,629 63 4,830 13 $213 05 6 97 ------------- . . . 206 08 $544,296 40 No. BANK COMMISSIONER. 219 Total Expenses for the Year, including State Taxes. State Tax (Net). Salaries. Rent. Amount paid for $847.50 $2,087.42 $223.60 Cost per $1,000 of assets 1.56 3 .8 3 .41 Cost per $1,000 of assets not including State tax and rent . Advertising. Other Expenses. Total. $25.64 $391.61 $3,575.77 .05 .72 6.57 4.60 Gross income received during the year, $24,912.30. Rates on Investments and Loans (Average on All, 4.61%). Real estate loans (average rate, 5.10 per cent.): 5%, $263,024.36; 5)^% , $10,900; 6%, $24,675. Personal loans (average rate, 4.71 per cent.): 4)^% , $15,000; 4J^%, $5,000; 5%, $8,500. Bonds, stocks, etc. (average rate on amounts invested, 3.78 per cent.): 3%, $10,000; 3J^%, $93,000; 4%, $73,000; 4 H % . $5,000; 5%, $2,550. Number of loans not over $3,000 each, 92, amounting to $107,499.36. 11 real estate loans made during year, amounting to $19,350. Dividends, Deposits and Withdrawals. Ordinary dividends declared during year: April, 1915, 2% Oct., 1915, 2 % Number of deposits during year, 1,006, amounting to . . Number of withdrawals during year, 1,112, amounting to N et increase in amount due depositors . . . . . . . . .......................................... . . . . $9,828 09 9,809 75 54,061 90 . . $73,699 74 67,818 77 . $5,880 97 . . . . . . . SCHEDULE OF SECURITIES OWNED, Public Funds, Bonds. Par Value. $9,000 Chicopee 3b£s 5.000 Waterbury, Ct., 4s 5.000 Auburn, Me., 4s 3.000 Merrimac 4s Public Funds, Notes. $5,000 Merrimac 4s D ate of E x a m in a t io n , Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Railroad Bonds. Par Value. $20,000 Boston & Maine 4s 16.000 C., B. & Q. 3y2s 5.000 Chic., Mil. & St. Paul 4)^s 6.000 Concord & Montreal 4s 5.000 Erie & Pittsburgh 3}4s 10.000 Illinois Central 3s 15.000 Illinois Central 3 10.000 Michigan Central 3)^s 10.000 N. Y., N. H. & H. 3Ks February 11. Par Value. $6,000 Old Colony 4s 8,000 Peoria & Northw. 3)d>s Street Railway Bonds. $15,000 Boston Elevated 4s Bank Stocks. Shs. 25V£ First Nl. Bk., Merrimac 220 REPO RT OF THE [Pub. Doc. MERRIMACK RIVER SAVINGS BANK, LOWELL. 417 MIDDLESEX STREET. Incorporated February 24, 1871. N ath an G . L am son, Number of corporators, 39; number of trustees, 20. President. Jam es F r a n k l in G . H il l , E . Johnson, Treasurer. Clerk of the Corporation. Board of Trustees: B. F . C a d y , M i c h a e l C o r b e t t , C. M . F o r r e s t , H. C . F u l l e r , W . H. F u l l e r , C. E . G o u l d i n g , J. J. H a r v e y , F . H. H a y n e s , J. G. H i l l , W . H. H o w e , F . E . J o h n s o n , J. H. J o h n s o n , N. G. L a m s o n , C . P . P e r h a m , O . B. R a n l e t t , C h a r l e s R u n e l s , H. C . T a f t , C. F . V a r n u m , P . E . Y a r n u m , C. F . Y o u n g . Board of Investment: N . G. Auditing Committee: H. C. L am son , C. F. V arn u m , T a f t , J. G . H il l , W . H. H. C. T a ft, W . H. F u ller, C. M . F o rrest. H o w e. Deposits draw interest from first Saturday of February, M ay, August and Novem ber; dividends are payable M onday following the first Saturday of M ay and November. Business hours: 9 a . m . to 1 p .m . ; also Saturdays, 7 to 9 p . m . STATEMENT OF CONDITION, OCTOBER 30, 1915. Assets. Public funds, bonds and notes . . . Railroad bonds and notes . . . . Street railway bonds . . . . . American Tel. & Tel. C o. bonds Stocks of banks and trust companies 516 loans on real estate (average of each, $3,881.59) 54 loans on personal security Real estate b y foreclosure, etc. (assessed value, $625) Deposits in national banks or trust companies Cash . . . . . . . . Total Assets 382,125 74,200 27,162 30,000 2,002,900 929,275 281 52,300 5,808 . . . 00 00 50 00 56 00 22 92 78 . . $3,514,051 48 Due depositors on 4,944 accounts, averaging $633.88 each . . . . (.Accounts opened during year, 587; closed, 409; increase, 178) Surplus: — a. Guaranty fund {.4.94% o f deposits; increase during year, $9,187.11) . b. Profit and loss (increase during year, $18,609.75) . . . . . Current incom e: — Interest . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3,133,912 77 Liabilities. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Total Liabilities . . . . 154,875 00 141,870 39 . 83,393 32 . $3,514,051 48 No. 8.] 221 BANK COMMISSIONER, Total Expenses for the Year, including State Taxes. State Tax (Net). Salaries. Rent. Advertising. Other Expenses. Total. Am ount paid for $4,999.51 $8,862.69 $500.00 $488.87 $1,099.48 $15,950.55 Cost per $1,000 of assets 1.42 2 .5 2 .14 .14 .31 4 .53 C ost per $1,000 of assets not including State tax and rent . 2 .97 Gross income received during the year, $160,555.97. Rates on Investments and Loans (Average on All, 4.81%). Real estate loans (average rate, 4.96 per cent.): 4%, $35,000; 4M % . $164,000; 4 ^ % , $49,000; 5%, $1,682,025; 5}4% , $37,100; 6%, $35,775.56. Personal loans (average rate, 4.83 per cen t.): 4J^%, $365,000; 4 % % , $190,000; 5%, $238,175; 5J4%, $50,000 ; 5j4% , $46,000; 6%, $40,100. Bonds, stocks, etc. (average rate on amounts invested, 4.20 per cent.): 3M % . $120,000; 4% , $329,000; 4 14%, $40,000; 5%, $30,600; 7%, $4,700; 8%, $2,700; 12%, $6,400. Number of loans not over $3,000 each, 398, amounting to $615,925.56. 57 real estate loans made during year, amounting to $145,850. Dividends, Deposits and Withdrawals. Ordinary dividends declared during year: N ov., 1914, 2% M ay, 1915, 2 % Number of deposits during year, 4,092, amounting to . . Number of withdrawals during year, 3,678, amounting to Net increase in amount due depositors . . . . . . . . .......................................... . . . . . . . . . . . $57,355 58 59,409 08 376,029 93 . $492,794 59 353,018 47 . $139,776 12 SCHEDULE OF SECURITIES OWNED. Public Funds, Bonds. Par Value. $10,000 Augusta, Me. (W. D.), 4s Railroad Bonds. $59,000 Boston & Maine 4s 15.000 B., R. B. & Lynn 4Ms 30.000 C., B. & Q. 3y2s 40.000 C., B. & Q, 4s D ates o f E x a m in a t io n , Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Par Value. $25,000 Chic. & Northw. 4s 30.000 Fitchburg 4s 25.000 Illinois Central 3Ms 10.000 Illinois Central 4s 10.000 Lime Rock 4s 25.000 Michigan Central 4s 65.000 N. Y., N. H. & H. 3Ms 30.000 N. Y., N. H. & H. 4s 15.000 No. Maine Seaport 5s 10.000 Providence Terminal Co. 4s June 15, 16. Street Railway Bonds. Par Value. $50,000 Boston Elevated 4s 25,000 Worcester Con. 4Ms Bank Stocks. Shs. 20 Eliot Nl. Bk., Boston 64 First Nl. Bk., Boston 47 Fourth-Atlantic Nl. Bk., Boston 54 Old Boston Nl. Bk., Boston 27 Webster & Atlas Nl. Bk., Boston 102 Wamesit Nl. Bk., Lowell 222 REPORT OF THE [Pub. Doc. MIDDLEBOROUGH SAVINGS BANK, MIDDLEBOROUGH. SOUTH MAIN STREET. Incorporated March 15, 1873. D a v id G. P ratt, Number of corporators, 31; number of trustees, 19. President. T heodore G eorge W . Stetso n , N. W ood, Treasurer. Clerk of the Corporation. Board of Trustees: C . N. A t w o o d , F. L . B a r r o w s , W . G. B o y n t o n , L . H . C a r r , J. M . C l a r k , G. E . D o a n e , E. S . H a t h a w a y , C . M . L e o n a r d , E. T . L i n c o l n , J. A . M i l l e r , D . G. P r a t t , M . S . R y d e r , G. R . S a m p s o n , S a m u e l S h a w , J. A. S p a r r o w , G. W . S t e t s o n , G. E. T i l l s o n , E. F. W i t h a m , T . N. W o o d . Board of Investment: D . G. Auditing Committee: G. W . P r att, G. Stetso n , R . M. Sam pson , S. R y d e r , G. E . G. E . D o an e. T il l s o n . Deposits draw interest from first M onday of January, April, July and October; dividends are p a y able the first M onday of April and October. Business hours: 9 a . m . to 12.30 p . m .; 2 to 4 p . m . ; Saturdays, 9 a .m . to 12.30 p . m .; also Mondays, 7 to 8 p .m . STATEMENT OF CONDITION, OCTOBER 30, 1915. Assets. $373,823 526,504 170,847 31,393 3,900 2,000 984,471 102,410 40,000 9,150 68,731 2,833 Public funds, bonds and notes . . . . . . . . . Railroad bonds and notes . . . . . . . . . . Street railway bonds . . . . . . . . . . . American Tel. & Tel. C o. bonds . . . . . . . . . Stocks of banks and trust companies . . . . . . . . Securities acquired in settlement of indebtedness . . . . . . 437 loans on real estate (average o f each, $2,252.79) . . . . . 76 loans on personal security . . . . . . . . . Bank building and fixtures (estimated value, $47,000; assessed value, $36,000) Real estate b y foreclosure, etc. (assessed value, $8,800) . . . . . Deposits in national banks or trust companies . . . . . . Cash . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Total Assets 25 75 50 75 00 00 00 00 00 00 98 60 . $2,316,065 83 Liabilities. Due depositors on 6,569 accounts, averaging $327.43 each (Accounts opened during year, 574; closed, 481; increase, 93) Surplus: — a. Guaranty fund (5.01% of deposits; increase during year, $700) b. Profit and loss (increase during year, $12,787.16) . Current incom e: — Interest . . . . . . . . . . Less current expenses not charged off . . . Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Total Liabilities . . $2,150,925 81 107,700 00 51,932 62 $5,573 41 66 01 ---------------- 5,507 40 $2,316,065 83 223 BANK COMMISSIONER. No. 8.] Total Expenses for the Year, including State Taxes. Rent. Advertising. State Tax (Net). Salaries. $500.00 Amount paid for $4,660.58 $4,148.52 .21 Cost per $1,000 of assets 2.01 1.79 Cost per $1,000 of assets not including State tax and rent . Other Expenses. Total. $1,098.03 $10,407.13 .47 4 .4 8 2 .26 Gross income received during the year, $106,963.59. Rates on Investments and Loans (Average on All, 4.69%). Real estate loans (average rate, 5.14 per cent.): 5%, $793,809; 5)^% , $105,012; 6%, $85,650. Personal loans (average rate, 5.12 per cen t.): 4J^%, $20,000; 5%, $52,350; 5)4% , $14,450; 6%, $15,610. Bonds, stocks, etc. (average rate on amounts invested, 4.26 per cent.): 2%, $6,000; 3%, $33,000; 3J^%, $142,000; 3M % , $5,000; 4%, $615,500; 4Y2%, $203,800; 5%, $79,000; 6%, $33,700; 7%, $14,300; 18%, $1,200. Number of loans not over $3,000 each, 427, amounting to $474,912. 51 real estate loans made during year, amounting to $71,650. Dividends, Deposits and Withdrawals. Ordinary dividends declared during year: April, 1915, 2% Oct., 1915, 2% Number of deposits during year, 5,403, amounting to $41,136 99 41,157 42 303,582 06 Number of withdrawals during year, 5,229, amounting to $385,876 47 370,626 96 $15,249 51 Net increase in amount due depositors SCHEDULE OF SECURITIES OWNED. Public Funds, Bonds. Par Value. $25,000 Boston 3)4>s 10.000 Boston 4s 10.000 Bridgeport, Conn., 4}4s 16.000 Detroit, Mich., 4s 9.000 Kansas City, Mo., 4s 15.000 Los Angeles, Cal., 4}^s 15.000 Minneapolis, Minn., 4s 10.000 New Bedford 4s 15.000 New London, Ct., 4s 34.000 Omaha, Neb., 4)^s 15.000 Worcester 3Ms 40.000 Revere 4s 5.000 Winthrop 3^8 15.000 Wrentham 4s 10.000 Kittery, Me. (W. D.), 5s 26,500 Middleborough (F. D.), 4s Public Funds, Notes. $4,000 Barre 4s 1,600 Halifax il4s 27.000 Lakeville 4s 30.000 Middleborough 4s 3,200 Middleborough 4}/£s 39.000 Middleborough (F. D.), 4s D ates of Railroad Bonds. Par Value. $15,000 Bangor & Aroostook 5s 30.000 Boston & Maine 4s 8.000 Cedar R. & Mo. River 7s 55.000 C., B. & Q. 3^s 10.000 C., B. & Q. 4s 25.000 Chic., Mil. & St. Paul 4}is 25.000 Chicago & Northw. 4s 20.000 Chic., R. I. & Pac. 4s 11.000 Chic., R. I. & Pac. 6s 25.000 Delaware & Hudson Co. 4s 5.000 Dexter & Newport 4s 10.000 Fitchburg 3J^Js 16.000 Fitchburg 4s 30.000 Fitchburg 4)4s 15.000 Fitchburg 5s 20.000 Fitchburg 6s notes • 33,000 Illinois Central 3s 20.000 Illinois Central 3Vi>s 1.000 Maine Central 5s 10.000 Michigan Central 4s 20.000 N. Y. C. & H. R. 4s 55.000 N. H., N. H. & H. 4s 16.000 No. Maine Seaport 5s 5.000 Northwestern Union 7s 41.000 Old Colony 4s E x a m in a t io n a n d A u d it , November 4 - 9 inclusive. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Par Value. $17,000 Sioux City & Pac. 3}4s 1,300 Winona & St. Peter 7s Street Railway Bonds. $10,000 Boston Elevated 4s 30.000 Boston Elevated 4Ms 25.000 Boston & Northern 4s 1.000 East Middlesex 4s 3.000 Lowell, Law. & Hav. 5s 4.000 Providence & Taunton 5s 31.000 West End 4s 25.000 West End 4}4s 20.000 Worcester Cons. 4}4s 15.000 Worcester Cons. 5s 10.000 Wore. & Southbridge 4Ya Bank Stocks. Shs. 12 Middleborough Nl. Bk. 27 Plymouth Nl. Bk. 224 REPO RT OF THE [Pub. Doc. MIDDLESEX INSTITUTION FOR SAVINGS, CONCORD. MAIN STREET. Incorporated March 4, 1835. Number of corporators, 24; number of trustees, 11. H a r v e y W h e e l e r , President. C h a r l e s E . B r o w n , Treasurer. H e r b e r t W . H o s m e r , Clerk of the Corporation. Board of Trustees: M u r r a y B a l l o u , C. E . B r o w n , St e d m a n B u t t r ic k , L. N. F o w l e r , P r esco tt K e y e s , R u ss e l l R o b b , T h o m a s T o d d , F. A. T owte r , C. H . T owtl e , H a r v e y W h e e l e r , W il l ia m W heeler. Board of Investment: H a r v e y W h e e l e r , L. N . F o w l e r , S t e d m a n B u t t r ic k , C. H . T o w l e . Auditing Committee: H a r v e y W heeler, M u r r a y B a l l o u , F. A. T o w e r . Deposits draw interest from first day of March, June, September and December; dividends are pay able January 1 and July 1. Business hours: 9 a . m . to 2 p . m .; Saturdays, 9 a . m . to 12.15 p . m . STATEMENT OF CONDITION, OCTOBER 30, 1915. Assets. Public funds, bonds and notes . . . . . . . . . . Railroad bonds and notes . . . . . . . . . . . Street railway bonds . . . . . . . . . . . . Boston Terminal Co. bonds . . . . . . . . . . . American Tel. & Tel. Co. bonds . . . . . . . . . . Stocks of banks and trust companies . . . . . . . . . Securities acquired in settlement of indebtedness . . . . . . . 431 loans on real estate (average of each, $2,167.59) . . . . . . . 22 loans on personal security . . . . . . . . . . Bank building and fixtures (estimated value, $12,000; assessed value, $10,080) . . Deposits in national banks or trust companies . . . . . . . C a s h .................................................................................................................................................... Total Assets . . . . . $78,300 00 495,700 00 116,050 00 50,000 00 36,150 00 10,000 00 12,000 00 934,230 21 464,700 00 10,500 00 33,888 02 2,523 14 $2,244,041 37 Liabilities. Due depositors on 6,152 accounts, averaging $336.21 each (Accounts opened during year, 536; dosed, 481; increase, 55) Surplus: — a. Guaranty fund (5.02% of deposits; increase during year, $1,900) b. Profit and loss {increase during year, $18,212.26) . Current incom e: — Interest . . . . . . . . . . Less current expenses not charged oil . . $2,870 62 Less State or local taxes not charged off . . 187 49 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis . 103,900 00 32,732 33 $42,110 15 3,058 11 ----------------- Total Liabilities . $2,068,357 00 39,052 04 . $2,244,041 37 BANK COMMISSIONER. No. 225 Total Expenses for the Year, including State Taxes. State Tax (Net). Salaries. Rent. Am ount paid for $5,005.04 $5,500.00 $500.00 Cost per $1,000 of assets 2 .23 2 .45 .22 Cost per $1,000 of assets not including State tax and rent . Advertising. Other Expenses. Total. $806.70 $11,811.74 .36 5 .26 2.81 Gross income received during the year, $102,488.71. Rates on Investments and Loans (Average on All, 4.65%). Real estate loans (average rate, 5.03 per cen t.): 5%, $890,080.21; 5}^% , $22,850; 6%, $21,300. Personal loans (average rate, 4.60 per cent.): 4J^%, $381,000; 4% % , $25,000; 4 % % , $25,000; 5)^% , $26,700; 6%, $7,000. Bonds, stocks, etc. (average rate on amounts invested, 4.20 per cent.): 3J^%, $242,000; 3% % , $14,500; 4%, $346,000; 4M % . $15,800; 4J^%, $75,000; 5%, $77,000; 6%, $5,000; 7%, $20,000; 14%, $ 10 , 000 . Number of loans not over $3,000 each, 365, amounting to $567,405.21. 48 real estate loans made during year, amounting to $100,125. Dividends, Deposits and Withdrawals. Ordinary dividends declared during year: D ec., 1914, 2% June, 1915, 2 % Number of deposits during year, 4,756, amounting to . . . . . .......................................... . . . . Number of withdrawals during year, 4,164, amounting to . Net increase in amount due depositors . . . . . . . . . . $38,943 09 39,560 57 286,591 16 . $365,094 82 332,466 52 . $32,628 30 SCHEDULE OF SECURITIES OWNED. Public Funds, Bonds. Par Value. $50,000 Concord & Montreal 4s 10.000 Conn. & Passumpsic Riv. 4s 10.000 Conn. Riv. 3b£s 25.000 Delaware & Hudson 4s 25.000 Fitchburg 4s 25.000 Fitchburg 5s 5,000 Fitchburg 6s notes 20.000 Illinois Central 3)^s 10.000 Illinois Central 4s 20.000 Kal., Alle. & Gr. R. 5s 50.000 Michigan Central 3}^s 25.000 N. Y. C. & H. R. 3^s 20.000 N. Y., N. H. & H. 3^s 25.000 N. H„ N. H. & H. 4s 20.000 Old Colony 4s Par Value. $22,000 Concord 14,500 Concord 3%s 26.000 Concord 4s 15,800 Concord 4^£s Railroad Bonds. $10,000 Boston & Albany 3}^s 15.000 Boston & Lowell 4s 10.000 Boston & Maine 4s 25.000 Boston & Maine 4)^s 25.000 C., B. & Q. ZV& 25.000 Chic. & Northw. 4s 10.000 Cleveland & Pitts. 3J^s D ates o f E x a m in a t io n Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis and A u d it , February 8 -1 2 inclusive. Par Value. $10,000 Portland & R. Falls 4s 10.000 Sullivan Co. 4s 20.000 Troy & Boston 7s Street Railway Bonds, $25,000 Boston Elevated 4s 50.000 Boston Elevated 43dis 20.000 West End 4s 20.000 West End 5s Bank Stocks. Shs. 100 Concord Nl. Bk. 226 [Pub. Doc, REPO RT OF THE MILFORD SAVINGS BANK, MILFORD. 236 MAIN STREET. Incorporated April 24, 1851. A. C harles Board of Trustees: H. D . G. A . D r a p e r , S . A . E Number of corporators, 45; number of trustees, 13. C l a f l in , Clerk o f the Corporation. C. A . C l a f l i n , C. A . C o o k , H. M . C u r t i s s , C. H . D r a p e r , G. W . E l l i s , F . D . F i e l d , F . P . L e e , W . I. S t i m p s o n , A u g u s t u s B ow ker, astm an , W h e e l e r , W e n d e l l W il l ia m s . Board of Investment: C. A . C ook, Auditing Committee: H. A u gustus W h ee le r , D . B ow kee, S. A . E astm an , S. A. G. W . E astm an . E l l is . Deposits draw interest from second Saturday of January, April, July and October; dividends are pay able the second Saturday of April and October. Business hours: 9 a .m . to 3 p . m .; Saturdays, 9 a . m . to 1 P .M . STATEMENT OF CONDITION, OCTOBER 30, 1915. Assets. Public funds, bonds and notes . . . . . . . . . . $892,636 Railroad bonds and notes . . . . . . . . . . . 557,740 Street railway bonds . . . . . . . . . . . . 135,000 Boston Terminal Co. bonds . . . . . . . . . . . 50,000 American Tel. & Tel. Co. bonds . . . . . . . . . . 52,425 Stocks of banks and trust companies . . . . . . . . . 129,876 419 loans on real estate (average o f each, $2,083.11) . . . . . . . 872,822 54 loans on personal security . . . . . . . . . . 724,040 Bank building and fixtures (estimated value, $25,000; assessed value, $30,500) . . 25,000 Deposits in national banks or trust companies . . . . . . . 65,768 C a s h ................................................................................................................................................... 2,371 89 18 00 00 00 00 50 40 00 00 78 Total A s s e t s .......................................$3,507,680 75 Liabilities. Due depositors on 9,681 accounts, averaging $336.04 each . . . . . (Accounts opened during year, 1,013; closed, 935; increase, 78) Surplus: — а. Guaranty fund (4-99% of deposits; increase during year, $2,013.46) . . . б. Profit and loss (increase during year, $12,499.30) . . . . . . Current income: — Interest . . . . . . . . . . $3,259 70 Less current expenses not charged off . . . . 134 10 ----------------------- Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Total Liabilities . $3,253,245 44 162,199 18 89,110 53 3,125 60 . $3,507,680 75 227 BANK COMMISSIONER No. 8.] Total Expenses for the Year, including State Taxes. Advertising. Other Expenses. Total. State Tax (Net). Salaries. Rent. $151.07 $758.99 $16,979.74 Amount paid for $8,741.55 $6,528.13 $800.00 .04 .22 4 .8 4 C ost per $1,000 of assets 2 .49 1.86 .23 ............................................ 2 .1 2 C ost per $1,000 of assets not including State tax and rent . Gross income received during the year, $159,345.19. Rates on Investments and Loans (Average on All, 4.53%). Real estate loans (average rate, 4.93 per cent.): 4%, $10,500; 4}4%> $14,900; 4J^%, $94,650; 454%» $9,000; 5%, $728,661.40; 5 ^ % , $3,000; 6%, $11,711; 7%, $400. Personal loans (average rate, 4.69 per cent.): 4J4%, $125,000; 4J4%» $319,100; 454%, $37,500; 5%, $207,290; 5M % , $10,000; 6%, $150; &H%, $25,000. Bonds, stocks, etc. (average rate on amounts invested, 4.26 per cent.): 3J^%, $285,000; 354%> $8,400, 4%, $932,350; 4 ^ % , $6,486.18; 4 ^ % , $368,000; 5%, $100,000; 8%, $75,800; 10%, $800; 14%, $14,000. Number of loans not over $3,000 each, 422, amounting to $503,205.08. 82 real estate loans made during year, amounting to $94,172. Dividends, Deposits and Withdrawals. Ordinary dividends declared during year: April, 1915, 2% Oct., 1915, 2 % Number of deposits during year, 8,599, amounting to . . . . . . . ........................................... . . . $60,791 65 61,634 75 555,310 41 Number of withdrawals during year, 8,503, amounting to . $677,736 81 586,260 42 N et increase in amount due depositors . . . . . . . . . . . $91,476 39 SCHEDULE OF SECURITIES OWNED. Public Funds, Bonds. Par Value. $10,000 Massachusetts 354s 25.000 Akron, 0., 5s 45.000 Boston 4s 6.000 Bridgeport, Ct., 4s 15.000 Bridgeport, Ct., 4J4s 20.000 Brockton 4s 20.000 Buffalo, N. Y., 454s 20.000 Cambridge 4s 20.000 Cleveland, 0., 454s 8.000 Dubuque, la., 4s 25.000 Hartford, Ct., 454s 13.000 Haverhill 4s 25.000 Los Angeles, Cal., 454s 20.000 Lynn 4s 25.000 Minneapolis, Minn., 4s 50.000 New Bedford 4s 20.000 New Britain, Ct., 4s 10.000 Newport, R. I-, 4s 11.000 Providence, R. I., 4s 12.000 Saginaw, Mich., 4s 20.000 San Francisco, Cal., 5s 20.000 Seattle, Wash., 454s 15.000 Spokane, Wash., 454s 15.000 Springfield, Mo., 5s 27.000 Taunton 4s 23.000 Toledo, 0., 454s 25.000 Waterbury, Ct., 454s D a tes o p Par Value. $50,000 Worcester 4s 10.000 Douglas 4s 9.000 Franklin 4s 2.000 Medway 4s 31.000 Milford 4s 50.000 Stamford, Ct., 454s 15.000 Tiverton, R. I., 4s 10.000 W. & So. Acton (W. D.), 4s 25.000 So. Hadley (F. D.), 4s Public Funds, Notes. $3,500 Bellingham 4s 60.000 Hopedale 4s 15.000 Medway 4s 4,000 Mendon 354s 5,850 Mendon 4s 25.000 Milford 354s 4,400 Milford 354s 22.000 Milford 4s 6,486 Milford 454s Railroad Bonds. $50,000 Boston & Albany 354s 50.000 Boston & Albany 4s 30.000 Boston & Maine 4s 60.000 Boston & Maine 454s E x a m in a t io n , June 2 4 -2 6 inclusive. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Par Value. $25,000 C., B. & Q. 3V2s 75.000 C., B. & Q. 4s 10.000 Cleveland & Pitts. 454s 10.000 Fitchburg 4s 25.000 Fitchburg 454s 15.000 New England 5s 50.000 N. Y. C. & H. R. 354s 75.000 N. Y., N. H. & H. 354s 50.000 N. Y., N. H. & H. 4s 25.000 No. Maine Seaport 5s 12.000 Old Colony 4s Street Railway Bonds. $40,000 Boston Elevated 4s 25.000 Boston Elevated 454s 60.000 West End 4s 10.000 Worcester Cons. 454s Bank Stocks. Shs. 140 First Nl. Bk., Boston 8 Merchants Nl. Bk., Boston 285 Nl. Shawmut Bk., Boston 47 Nl. Union Bk., Boston 12 Webster & Atlas Nl. Bk., Boston 125 Home Nl. Bk., Milford 289 Milford Nl. Bk. 228 REPORT OF THE [Pub. Doc, MILLBURY SAVINGS BANK, MILLBURY. ELM STREET. Incorporated April 10, 1854. G eorge J. D u d ley, Number of corporators, 45; number of trustees, 20. President. E rnest E dw ard F. R ic e , L . S m it h , Treasurer. Clerk of the Corporation. Board of Trustees: H . W . A i k e n , H . W . C a r t e r , T . A. D o w d , D a m i e n D u c h a r m e , G . J. D u d l e y , H . W . G l o v e r , H . M . G o d d a r d , E . E . H o w e , J. R . L i n c o l n , H . T . M a x w e l l , F. W . M o o r e , J. W . P i e r c e , E. F. R i c e , H . F. R i c e , E . L. S m i t h , G . I. S t o w e , T . H . S u l l i v a n , L. S . W a t e r s , W . W . W i n d l e , T. A. W i n t e r . Board o f Investment: G. J. D u d ley, Auditing Committee: F. W . J. R . M oo re, W. H. W . L in c o l n , W . W in d l e , H. C a r t e r , D a m ie n M . D uch arm e, G . I. Sto w e. G oddard. Deposits draw interest from first day of January, April, July and October; dividends are payable January 15 and July 15. Business hours: 9 a . m . to 3 P . M . ; Saturdays, 9 a . m . to 12 m . STATEMENT OF CONDITION, OCTOBER 30, 1915. Assets. Public funds, bonds and notes . . . . . . . . . Railroad bonds and notes . . . . . . Street railway bonds . . . . . . . . . . . American Tel. & Tel. Co. bonds . . . . . . . . . Stocks of banks and trust companies . . . . . . . . Securities acquired in settlement of indebtedness . . . . . . 451 loans on real estate {average of each, $2,638.12) . . . . . . 22 loans on personal security . . . . . . . . . Bank building and fixtures (estimated value, $20,000; assessed value, $11,800) Taxes, insurance, etc., paid on mortgaged properties . . . . . Deposits in national banks or trust companies . . . . . . Cash . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Total Assets . . . . . $123,050 355,671 104,000 32,448 18,801 26,328 1,189,792 104,635 18,000 108 24,691 2,463 00 79 00 75 00 14 17 00 00 46 13 04 . $1,999,989 48 Liabilities. $1,782,246 65 Due depositors on 4,147 accounts, averaging $429.77 each (Accounts opened during year, 634; closed, 417; increase, 317) Surplus: — a. Guaranty fund (4-94% of deposits; increase during year, $2,795.48) h. Profit and loss (increase during year, $6,732.78) Current income: — a. Interest . . . . . . . $32,557 55 b. Rent . . . . . . . 239 34 88,015 66 98,594 31 $32,796 89 Less current expenses not charged oS . Less State or local taxes not charged off . Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis . . $1,379 84 284 19 1,664 03 31,132 86 Total Liabilities . . $1,999,989 48 229 BANK COMMISSIONER. No. 8.' Total Expenses for the Year, including State Taxes. Advertising. Other Expenses. Total. $245.55 $440.94 $5,746.99 .12 .22 2.87 1.80 State Tax (Net). Salaries. Rent. Amount paid for $2,138.00 $2,922.50 Cost per $1,000 of assets 1.07 1.46 — C ost per $1,000 of assets not including State tax and rent . Gross income received during the year, $91,279.63. Rates on Investments and Loans (Average on All, 4.86%). Real estate loans (average rate, 5.07 per cen t.): 5%, $1,086,640.17; 5M % . $37,000; 6%, $31,152; 6J^%, $35,000. Personal loans (average rate, 5.27 per cen t.): 4)^% , $60,000; 5%, $3,900; 6%, $5,735; 6J^%, $35,000. Bonds, stocks, etc. (average rate on amounts invested, 4.42 per cent.): 3)^% , $35,000; 4%, $264,050; 4M % , $5,000; 4 H % , $188,000; 5%, $129,500; 6%, $3,000; 7%, $5,500; 8%, $8,500; 10%, $5,800; 12%, $3,500. Number of loans not over $3,000 each, 383, amounting to $397,436.31. 50 real estate loans made during year, amounting to $93,950. Dividends, Deposits and Withdrawals. Ordinary dividends declared during year; Jan., 1915, 2% July, 1915, 2 % Number of deposits during year, 3,010, amounting to . . . . . . ........................................... . . . . Number of withdrawals during year, 2,568, amounting to N et increase in amount due depositors . . . . . . . . . . . $33,377 78 33,948 24 212,555 52 . $279,881 54 210,705 97 . $69,175 57 SCHEDULE OF SECURITIES OWNED. Public Funds, Bonds. Par Value. $25,000 Massachusetts 3H>s 10.000 Boston 4s 5.000 Boston 4Ks 15.000 Holyoke 4s 11.000 Sioux City, la., 4His 6.000 Longmeadow 4s 10.000 Marshfield 4s 9.000 Saugus 4s 10.000 South Hadley 4s Public Funds, Notes. $11,050 Millbury 4s 2.000 Millbury 4J^s 9.000 Sutton 4s D ates o f E x a m in a t io n , Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Railroad Bonds. Par Value. $17,000 Boston & Albany 4s 20.000 Boston & Albany 5s 74.000 Boston & Maine 4)^s 16.000 B., R. B. & Lynn 4)^s 5,500 Cedar Rap. & Mo. Riv. 7s 20.000 Chic., Mil. & St. Paul 5s 15.000 Chic. & Northw. 4s 25.000 Fitchburg 4J^s 26.000 Fitchburg 5s 18.000 Illinois Central 4s 10.000 Michigan Central 4s 10.000 New London North. 4s 20.000 N. Y. C. & H. R. 4J^s 10.000 N. Y., N. H. & H. 3^s 39.000 N. Y., N. H. & H. 4s 20.000 No. Maine Seaport 5s 10.000 Portland & R. Falls 4s 5,000 Portland Terminal Co. 4s April 29, 30. Street Railway Bonds. Par Value. $30,000 Boston Elevated 4)^s 5.000 Boston & Northern 4s 10.000 East Middlesex 5s 21.000 Lynn & Boston 5s 13.000 Springfield 4s 5.000 West End 4s 10.000 West End 4Ks 10.000 West End 5s Bank Stocks. Shs. 50 First Ward Nl. Bk., Boston 25 Metropolitan Tr. Co., Boston 57 Nl. Bk. of Commerce, Boston 35 Second Nl. Bk., Boston 10 Webster & Atlas Nl. Bk., Boston 20 North Adams Nl. Bk. 25 Ware Nl. Bk. 48 Worcester Nl. Bk. REPO RT OF THE 230 [Pub. Doc, MILTON SAVINGS BANK, MILTON. 62 ADAMS STREET. Incorporated M ay 18, 1905. H. C l if f o r d G allag h er, Number of corporators, 30; number of trustees, 18. President. F r e d e r ic k F r e d e r ic k C h ase, A. G a s k in s , Treasurer. Clerk of the Corporation. Board o f Trustees: J . B. B a x t e r , T . K . C u m m i n s , H. C. G a l l a g h e r , S a m u e l G a n n e t t , F. A . G a s k i n s , F. R . H a r t , J. P. H o l m e s , W a l t e r J a c k s o n , R . M . J o h n s o n , C. S. P i e r c e , M . V . P i e r c e , J. F. P o p e , N . H. S t o n e , J o h n T a l b o t , W . B. T h u r b e r , E . P. W h i t n e y , C. W . W h it t ie r , G e o r g e Board of Investment: W ig g l e s w o r t h . T . K . C u m m in s , N. H . C . Auditing Committee: J. B. B a x t e r , R. M. H . Sto n e, G eorge W ig g l e s w o r t h , John T albo t, G allag h er. W . B. Jo h n son , T h u r ber. Deposits draw interest from second Thursday of March, June, September and December; dividends are payable the fourth Thursday of M arch and September. Business hours: Mondays, W ednes days and Fridays, 4 to 6.30 p . m . STATEMENT OF CONDITION, OCTOBER 30, 1915. Assets. Public funds, bonds and notes . . . . Railroad bonds and notes . . . . . Street railway bonds . . . . . . American Tel. & Tel. Co. bonds . . . . 57 loans on real estate {average of each, $3,071.49) . Less amount due on uncompleted loans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . $176,575 00 1,500 00 13 loans on personal security Deposits in national banks or trust companies Cash . . . . . . . . Total Assets $26,940 334,133 14,212 13,375 00' 40 50 00 175,075 00 167,750 00 2,550 30 1,000 00 $735,036 20 Liabilities. Due depositors on-2,732 accounts, averaging $259.78 each . . . . . (Accounts opened during year, 377; closed, 231; increase, 146) Surplus: — a. Guaranty fund (1.46% o f deposits; increase during year, 1,732.37) . b. Profit and loss (increase during year, $2,687.02) . . . . . . Current income: — Interest . . . . . . . . . . $5,919 06 Less current expenses not charged off . . . . 257 95 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis $709,720 03 10,382 34 9,272 72 5,661 11 Total Liabilities . $735,036 20 No. 8.] 231 BANK COMMISSIONER, Total Expenses for the Year, including State Taxes. State Tax (Net). Salaries. Rent. Advertising. Other Expenses. Total. Am ount paid for $2,427.29 $500.00 $500.00 $122.00 $313.50 $3,862.79 Cost per $1,000 of assets 3 .3 0 .68 .68 .17 .43 5.26 Cost per $1,000 of assets not including State tax and rent . .......................................... 1.28 Gross income received during the year, $31,700.94. Rates on Investments and Loans (Average on All, 4.57%). Real estate loans (average rate, 4.99 per cent.): 4 M%> $9,000; 5%, $166,075. Personal loans (average rate, 4.93 per cent.): 4}^% , $60,000; 4 ^ % , $10,000; 4 % % , $15,000; 5%, $56,750; 6%, $26,000. Bonds, stocks, etc. (average rate on amounts invested, 4.23 per cen t.): 3%, $25,000; 3J^%, $28,000; 4%, $295,000; 4 ^ % , $65,000. Number of loans not over $3,000 each, 42, amounting to $77,675. 11 real estate loans made during year, amounting to $33,600. Dividends, Deposits and Withdrawals. Ordinary dividends declared during year: M arch, 1915, . . . . . Sept., 1915, 1 % % .......................................... Number of deposits during year, 3,328, amounting to . . . . . Number of withdrawals during year, 2,086, amounting to Net increase in amount due depositors . . . . . . . . . . . $10,846 39 11,234 43 192,536 53 . $214,617 35 159,201 55 . $55,415 80 SCHEDULE OF SECURITIES OWNED. Par Value. $10,000 Boston & Maine 4J^s 10.000 C., B. & Q. 3J^s 34.000 G , B. & Q. 4s 10.000 Chic., Mil. & St. Paul 4s 22.000 Chic., Mil. & St. Paul 4J^s 25.000 Chic. & No. Western 4s 5.000 Chic., R. I. & Pac. 4s 20.000 Delaware & Hudson 4s 5.000 Fitchburg 4s 10.000 Fitchburg 4}^s 10.000 Illinois Central 3s 20.000 Illinois Central 4s 10.000 L. S. & Michigan South. 4s 5.000 Minn., St. P. & Sit. St. M. 4s Public Funds, Bonds. Par Value. $5,000 Boston 3)^s 3.000 Los Angeles, Cal., 4J^s 5.000 Minneapolis, Minn., 4s 4.000 Milton 4s 10.000 Milton 4J^s Railroad Bonds. $10,000 Allegheny Valley 4s 5.000 Atch., Top. & Santa Fé 4s 10.000 Boston & Albany 3)^s 25.000 Boston & Albany 4s 3.000 Boston & Lowell 3J^s D ates o p E x a m in a t io n Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis a n d A u d it , F e b ru a ry 11-13 in c lu s iv e . Par Value. $24,000 N. Y. C. & H. R. 4s 40.000 N. Y „ N. H. & H. 4s 15.000 Northern Pacific 3s 10.000 Northern Pacific 4s 1.000 Old Colony 4s 10.000 Ports., Gt. Falls & Con. 4J^s 2.000 St. Paul, Minn. & Man. 4s 5.000 Wash. & Columbia River 4s Street Railway Bonds. $10,000 Boston & Northern 4s 5,000 West End 4s 232 REPO RT OF THE [Pub. Doc. MONSON SAVINGS BANK, MONSON. 64 MAIN STREET. Incorporated March 29, 1872. Number of corporators, 34; number of trustees, 12. (Office vacant), President. Board of Trustees: F lyn t, C . M. P. W . S o u l e . C . A. A. C h arles W il l ia m L. B rad w ay, R . G ag e, C . Board o f Investment: A. D . Auditing Committee: A . D . W. R ic k e t t s , P . C ush m an, Jack son , N orcross, C . N orcross, R . M. P. O. B rad w ay, Treasurer. Clerk of the Corporation. C . G ag e, A. D. E l l is , R u f u s M cC r a y , L. A. D . F a y , G . C . N orcross, F lyn t, W . L. L. C . R ic k e t t s , C . F lyn t. C ush m an, R ufus Fay. Deposits draw interest from first day of January, April, July and October; dividends are payable April 1 and October 1. Business hours: 9 a . m . to 12 m .; 1 to 4 p . m .; Saturdays, 9 a . m . to 12 m . STATEMENT OF CONDITION, OCTOBER 30, 1915. Assets. Public funds, bonds and notes . . . . . . . Railroad bonds and notes . . . . . . . Street railway bonds . . . . . . . . . Boston Terminal C o. bonds . . . . . . . American Tel. & Tel. C o. bonds . . . . . . . Stocks of banks and trust companies . j . . . 422 loans on real estate (average of each, $2,722.39) . . . . 27 loans on personal security . . . . . . Bank building and fixtures (estimated value, $19,000; assessed value, Deposits in national banks or trust companies . . . Cash and cash items . . . . . . . . . Total Assets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $18,000) . . . . . . . . . . $202,743 75 367,457 50 54,950 00 35,000 00 18,075 00 15,800 00 1,148,850 21 129,711 00 19,000 00 73,628 74 4,290 09 . . . $2,069,506 29 . . . $1,847,906 33 Liabilities. D ue depositors on 3,508 accounts, averaging $526.77 each . . (.Accounts opened during year, 278; closed, 317; decrease, 39) Surplus: — a. Guaranty fund (5.03% of deposits; increase during year, none) b. Profit and loss {increase during year, $10,000) . . . Current income: — a. Interest . . . . . . . $26,568 38 b. Suspense account . . . . . 325 00 ----------------------Less current expenses not charged off . . . . Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Total Liabilities . . . . . . . $26,893 38 293 42 ----------------------- 93,000 00 102,000 00 26,599 96 . $2,069,506 29 233 BANK COMMISSIONER. No. 8.] Total Expenses for the Year, including State Taxes. Advertising. Other Expenses. Total. $18.50 $728.90 $6,570.52 .01 .35 3 .17 1.96 State Tax (Net). Salaries. Rent. Amount paid for $2,505.50 $3,317.62 Cost per $1,000 of assets 1.21 1.60 Cost per $1,000 of assets not including State tax and rent . Gross income received during the year, $95,942.11. Rates on Investments and Loans (Average on All, 4.68%). Real estate loans (average rate, 5.01 per cent.): 5%, $1,131,075.21; 5M%> $15,000; 6%, $2,775. Personal loans (average rate, 4.37 per cen t.): 3%, $30,000; 4%, $15,000; 4J^%, $10,000; 5%, $73,850; 5M % . $600; 6%, $261. _ Bonds, stocks, etc. (average rate on amounts invested, 4.1!r per cent.): 3 % %. $135,000; 4%, $432,000; 4)4% , $10,000; 4)4% , $56,200; 5%, $30,300; 6%, $25,500; 8%, $4,000; 10%, $3,000; 16%, $3,000. Number of loans not over $3,000 each, 278, amounting to $400,001.21. 17 real estate loans made during year, amounting to $33,600. Dividends, Deposits and Withdrawals. Ordinary dividends declared during year: April, 1915, 2% . . . . . Oct., 1915, 2 M % .......................................... Number of deposits during year, 2,032, amounting to . . . . . Number of withdrawals during year, 2,430, amounting to Net increase in amount due depositors . . . . . . . . . . . $35,798 56 40,491 83 200,110 56 . $276,400 95 258,435 79 . $17,965 16 SCHEDULE OF SECURITIES OWNED. Public Funds, Bonds. Par Value. $10,000 Massachusetts 3Ms 10.000 Massachusetts 4s 10.000 Middlesex Co. 4s 10.000 Boston 4Ms 20.000 Brockton 4s 10.000 Cambridge 4s 10.000 Chicago, 111., 4s 10.000 Everett 4s 10.000 Lynn 4s 10.000 Malden 4s 10.000 Minneapolis, Minn., 4s 10.000 Newton 4s 10.000 Pittsfield 4s 10.000 Rochester, N. Y „ 4Ms 10.000 Concord 3Ms 10.000 Cumberland, R. I., 4s 5.000 East Providence, R. I., 4s 5.000 Methuen 4s 12.000 Monson 4s 10.000 Natick 4s Public Funds, Notes. $1,200 Holland 4Mb D ates o f E x a m in a t io n , Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Railroad Bonds. Par Value. $10,000 Bangor & Aroostook 5s 18.000 Boston & Albany 4s 15.000 Boston & Lowell 4Ms 20.000 Boston & Maine 4s 10.000 Boston & Maine 4Ms 10.000 Boston & Providence 4s 20.000 C., B. & Q. 3Ms 17.000 C., B. & Q. 4s 20.000 Chic., Mil. & St. P. 5s 10.000 Cleveland & Pitts. 4Ms 10.000 Concord & Montreal 4s 10.000 Conn. & Pass. Rivers 4s 10.000 Conn. River 4s 10.000 Delaware & Hudson 4s 20.000 Fitchburg 4s 20.000 Illinois Central 3Ms 10.000 Lake Sh. & Mich. So. 3Ms 10.000 Louis., Cin. & Lex. 4Ms 10.000 Michigan Central 3Ms 10.000 New London Northern 4s 10.000 N. Y. C. & H. R. 3Ms 10.000 N. Y., L. & W. 6s 30.000 N. Y., N. H. & H. 4s 10.000 Norwich & Worcester 4s December 8, 9. Par Value. $10,000 Old Colony 4s 10.000 Sioux City & Pacific 3Ms 10.000 St. P. & Nor. Pac. 6s 10.000 U. N. J. R.R. & Canal Co. 4s Street Railway Bonds. $10,000 Boston Elevated 4s 10.000 Boston & Northern 4s 25.000 Springfield 4s 10.000 West End 4s Bank Stocks. Shs. 30 First Nl. Bk., Boston 30 Merchants Nl. Bk., Boston 25 Nl. Bk. of Commerce, Boston 25 City Nl. Bk., Holyoke 30 Monson Nl. Bk. 15 Palmer Nl. Bk. 25 Union Trust Co., Springfield 3 Ware Nl. Bk. 234 REPO RT OF THE [Pub. Doc, NANTUCKET INSTITUTION FOR SAVINGS, NANTUCKET. 55 MAIN STREET. Incorporated April 2, 1834. H en ry B ro w n , Number of corporators, 40; number of trustees, 19. President. L iz z ie J o s ia h F. M u rph e y, S. Treasurer. R id d e l l , Clerk of the Corporation. Board o f Trustees: A . G. B r o c k , W . C . B b C c k , H e n r y B r o w n , W . M . B u r d i c k , W . F. C o d d , E . B. C o l e m a n , A . H. C o o k , J . A. H o l m e s , J r . , W i l l i a m H o l l a n d , L e s t e r H u l l , E . H . J e r n e g a n , J. F. M u r p h e y , H e n r y P a d d a c k , B . E . P e a s e , G. C. R u l e , R . C. S m a l l , E. G. T h o m a s , A d d is o n W i n s l o w , J. M . W i n s l o w . Board o f Investment: H en ry Auditing Committee: J. M . B ro w n , W in s l o w , R . C. S m a l l , G. C. A. H. C o o k . E . B. R u le, C o l e m a n , W il l ia m E . H. Jern eg an , E . G. T h o m as, H ollan d. Deposits draw interest from first M onday of January, April, July and October; dividends are payable the second M onday of January and July. Business hours: 9 a . m . to 1 p . m . from M ay 1 to N ovem ber 1; 10 a . m . to 1 p . m . from Novem ber 1 to M ay 1. STATEMENT OF CONDITION, OCTOBER 30, 1915. Assets. Public funds, bonds and notes . . . . . . . . . Railroad bonds and notes . . . . . . . . . . Street railway bonds . . . . . . . . . . . Boston Terminal Co. bonds . . . . . . . . . . American Tel. & Tel. C o. bonds . . Stocks of banks and trust companies . . . . . . . . 380 loans on real estate (average of each, $1,821.42) . . . . . . 40 loans on personal security . . . . . . . . . Bank building and fixtures (estimated value, 86,000; assessed value, $5,715) Real estate b y foreclosure, etc. (assessed value, $8,000) . . Deposits in national banks or trust companies . . . . . . Cash and cash items . . . . . . . . . . . Total Assets $96,000 89,601 22,000 20,000 16,243 3,450 692,140 128,292 4,500 2,640 36,207 2,252 00 65 00 00 75 00 00 00 00 65 12 99 . $1,113,328 16 Liabilities. Due depositors on 2,152 accounts, averaging $465.27 each . . . . . (Accounts opened during year, 294; closed, 243; increase, 51) Surplus: — a. Guaranty fund (4-86% of deposits; increase during year, $1,227.09) . . . b. Profit and loss (increase during year, $7,259.21) . . . . . . Current incom e: — a. Interest . . . . . . . $17,519 46 b. R e n t ..................................................... .......... 166 19 ----------------------$17,685 65 Less current expenses not charged oil . . . . 975 61 ----------------------- Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Total Liabilities . $1,001,263 36 48,704 06 46,650 70 16,710 04 . $1,113,328 16 235 BANK COMMISSIONER No. 8.] Total Expenses for the Year, including State Taxes. State Tax (Net). Salaries. Rent. Advertising. Other Expenses. Total. Amount paid for $1,297.35 $2,087.27 $100.00 $440.18 $3,924.80 C ost per $1,000 of assets 1.16 1.87 .09 — .39 3 .51 Cost per $1,000 of assets not including State tax and rent . . . . . . 2 .26 Gross income received during year, $55,000.04. Rates on Investments and Loans (Average on All, 5.15%). Real estate loans (average rate, 5.56 per cent.): 5%, $217,383; 5)4% , $127,319; 6%, $343,288; 8%, $350. Personal loans (average rate, 4.83 per cen t.): 4)4% , $60,000; 5%, $3,987; 5)4% , $8,000; 6%, $37,205; 6M %, *10,000. Bonds, stocks, etc. (average rate on amounts invested, 4.18 per cent.): 3)4% . $62,000; 4% , $91,000; 4)4% , $72,000; 5%, $15,000; 6%, $1,000; 7%, $7,000. Number of loans not over $3,000 each, 339, amounting to $470,569. 51 real estate loans made during year, amounting to $59,925. Dividends, Deposits and Withdrawals. Ordinary dividends declared during year: Jan., 1915, 2% . . . . . July, 1915, 2 ) 4 % .......................................... Number of deposits during year, 1,781, amounting to . . . . . Number of withdrawals during year, 1,967, amounting to N et increase in amount due depositors . . . . . . . . . . . $18,657 07 23,628 40 144,073 23 . $186,358 70 149,665 28 . $36,693 42 SCHEDULE OF SECURITIES OWNED. Public Funds, Bonds. Par Value. $10,000 Massachusetts 4s 10.000 Albany, N. Y., 4)4s 3.000 Bay City, Mich., 4s 10.000 Boston 4s 5.000 Cleveland, 0., 4J4s 5.000 Jersey City, N. J., 4)4s 5.000 Lawrence 4s 5.000 Malden 4s 3.000 Middletown, Ct., 3)4s 5.000 Newark, N. J., 4)4s 15.000 San Francisco, Cal., 5s 5.000 Seattle, Wash., 4)4s 10.000 St. Paul, Minn., 4)4s 5.000 Billerica 4s D ates o p E x a m in a t io n , Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Railroad Bonds. Par Value. $5,000 Boston & Maine 4s 10.000 Boston & Maine 4)4s 22.000 C., B. & Q. 3)4s 5.000 C., B. & Q. 4s 17.000 Illinois Central 3)4s 8.000 Illinois Central 4s 5.000 N. Y „ N. H. & H. 4s 1.000 Upper Coos 4s 10.000 Upper Coos 4)4s 7.000 Winona & St. Peter 7s September 2, 3. Street Railway Bonds. Par Value. $10,000 Boston Elevated 4)4s 10,000 Springfield 4s 2,000 West End 4s Bank Stocks. Shs. 10 Boylston Nl. Bk., Boston 15 Eliot Nl. Bk., Boston 10 Old Boston Nl. Bk., Boston 10 Pacific Nl. Bk., Nantucket REPO RT OF THE 236 [Pub. Doc. NATICK FIVE CENTS SAVINGS BANK, NATICK. 6 MAIN STREET. Incorporated April 5, 1859. H en ry C . M u l l ig a n , President. C . A rth u r H en ry Board of Trustees: L . F elch , H . P f e if f e r , C . Number of corporators, 35; number of trustees, 16. G. F is k e , D o w se, W . R . B ig e l o w , C . H . C h il d , W . H . C o l b y , F . E . C u m m in g s , C . G. A. F is k e , F . P o o ke, Board of Investment: H. C. J. H . H a ye s, C . W . H . P ratt, M u l l ig a n , W. F. H. W . Auditing Committee: C. W . Johnson, F. E . Treasurer. Clerk of the Corporation. B . Joh n son , J. B . L eam y, H . C . J. W . R o b in s o n , W . B. H a ye s, A. D o w se, W . M u l l ig a n , W . H . W alcott. R o b in s o n , C. A . P o o ke, J. B L eam y H . C o lby. W . B. C u m m in g s , R o b in s o n . Deposits draw interest from first day of February, M ay, August and Novem ber; dividends are payable the second Tuesday of M ay and November. Business hours: 9 a . m . to 3 p . m . STATEMENT OF CONDITION, OCTOBER 30, 1915. Assets. Public funds, bonds and notes . . . . Railroad bonds and notes . . . . . Street railway bonds . . . American Tel. & Tel. Co. bonds . . . . Stocks of banks and trust companies .' . ' . Securities acquired in settlement of indebtedness . 1,226 loans on real estate (average of each, $2,246.25) Less amount due on uncompleted loans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2,759,818 00 5,915 00 67 loans on personal security . . . . . . . . . Bank building and fixtures (estimated value, $25,000; assessed value, $29,750) Real estate b y foreclosure, etc. (assessed value, $2,600) . . . . . Taxes, insurance, etc., paid on mortgaged properties . . . . . Deposits in national banks or trust companies . . . . . . Cash and cash items . . . . . . . . . . . Total Assets . . . . $804,438 495,225 155,995 70,948 21,001 1,950 15 00 00 75 00 00 2,753,903 49,031 15,000 2,729 699 166,381 19,130 00 96 00 91 74 05 63 . $4,556,434 19 Liabilities. Due depositors on 12,971 accounts, averaging $312.66 each (Accounts opened during year, 1,095; closed, 772; increase, 323) Surplus: — a. Guaranty fund (6% of deposits; increase during year, $9,400) . b. Profit and loss (increase during year, $7,000.04) Unearned discount . . . . . . . . . Suspense account . . . . . . . . . Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Total Liabilities . . $4,055,592 41 202,800 295,497 2,494 50 00 50 28 00 . $4,556,434 19 BAN K COMMISSIONER. No. 8.] 237 Total Expenses for the Year, including State Taxes. State Tax (Net). Salaries. Rent. Advertising. Other Expenses. Total. Amount paid for $3,454.99 $6,255.16 $1,000.00 $61.00 $1,562.43 $12,333.58 Cost per $1,000 of assets .76 1.37 .22 .01 .34 2 .7 0 Cost per $1,000 of assets not including State tax and rent . . . . . . 1.72 Gross income received during the year, $200,491.71. Rates on Investments and Loans (Average on All, 4.77%). Real estate loans (average rate, 5.01 per cent.): 5%, $2,704,733; 5b£%, $10,940; 6%, $38,230. Personal loans (average rate, 5.03 per cen t.): 4 % % , $5,450; 5%, $40,601.96; 5)^% , $350; 6%, $2,630. Bonds, stocks, etc. (average rate on amounts invested, 4.32 per cent.): 3)^% , $24,300; 3 % % , $20,000; 4%, $1,180,800 ; 4b£%, $20,000; 4}4% , $122,500; 5%, $78,500; 6%, $101,300; 7%, $500; 10%, $13,000; 16%, $2,500. Number of loans not over $3,000 each, 1,047, amounting to $1,517,576.96. 121 real estate loans made during year, amounting to $263,345. Dividends, Deposits and Withdrawals. $73,853 75,707 9,140 9,415 674,339 Ordinary dividends declared during year: N ov., 1914, 2% M ay, 1915, 2% Extra dividends declared during year, / A ov' ’ (52? \ M ay, 1915, J£% Number of deposits during year, 11,764, amounting to 02 75 08 57 26 $842,455 68 655,755 03 Number of withdrawals during year, 9,884, amounting to Net increase in amount due depositors $186,700 65 SCHEDULE OF SECURITIES OWNED. Public Funds, Notes. Public Funds, Bonds. Par Value. $6,000 Agawam 4s 3.000 Attleborough 4s 5.000 Dedham 4s 1,500 Duxbury 4s 3.000 Methuen 4s 19,300 Natick 3Ks 20.000 Natick 3%s 201,300 Natick 4s 20.000 Natick 4L£s 6,800 Natick 5s 5.000 Wayland 33^s 20,500 Wayland 4s 2,5C0 Wayland 4 ^ s Par Value. $10,000 California 4s 3.000 Beverly 4s 95.000 Boston 4s 15.000 Brockton 4s 6.000 Haverhill 4s 2.000 Lawrence 4s 6.000 Lynn 4s 10.000 McKeesport, Pa., 4s 49.000 Pittsfield 4}4s 5.000 Portland, Ore., 6s 1.000 Quincy 4s 10.000 Seattle, Wash., 5s 10.000 Worcester 4s 4.000 Agawam 4s 7.000 Aldington 4s 20.000 East Bridgewater 4s 10.000 Franklin 4s 9.500 Great Barrington 4s 15.000 Hadley 4s 31.000 Hingham 4s 14.000 Lincoln 4s 11.000 Littleton 4s 2.000 Methuen 4s 12.000 Milford 4s 78,500 Natick 4s 3.000 North Andover 4s 10.000 Peabody 4s 5.000 Ware 4s 14.000 Wellesley 4s 18.000 Winthrop 4s 5.500 Wrentham 4s D ates o p E x a m in a t io n Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Railroad Bonds. $5,000 Bangor & Aroostook 5s 13.000 Boston & Albany 4s 20.000 Boston & Lowell 4s 92.000 Boston & Maine 4s 8.000 Burl. & Mo. River 6s 34.000 C..B.& Q. 4s 4.000 C., B. & Q. 5s 3.000 Chic. & Northw. 5s 25.000 Chic. & Northw. 6s 23.000 Concord & Montreal 4s 14.000 Dexter & Piscataquis 4s 48.000 Fitchburg 4s 18.000 Louisville & Nashville 6s 4.000 Mil., L. S. & Western 6s 5.000 Minn., St. P. & Sit. Ste. M. 5s a n d A u d it , Par Value. $50,000 N. Y „ N. H. & H. 4s 10.000 No. Maine Seaport 5s 38.000 Old Colony 4s 12.000 Philadelphia & Erie 6s 8.000 Pitts., Va. & Char. 4s 4.000 Rome, Watertown & Og. 5s 30.000 St. Paul, Minn. & Man. 4J^s 25.000 St. Paul & Sioux City 6s 10.000 Wor., Nash. & Roch. 4s Street Railway Bonds. $40,000 Boston Elevated 4s 16.000 Boston Elevated 4]4s 5,000 Lynn & Boston 5s 20.000 Springfield 4s 25.000 West End 4s 25.000 West End 4J^s 25.000 West End 5s Bank Stocks. Shs. 7 Boylston Nl. Bk., Boston 25 First Nl. Bk., Boston 46 Nl. Bk. of Commerce Boston 10 Second Nl. Bk., Boston 5 Webster & Atlas Nl. Bk., Boston 16 Dedham Nl. Bk. 17 Framingham Nl. Bk. 10 First Nl. Bk., West Newton 120 Natick Nl. Bk. September 20-24 inclusive. 238 REPO RT OF THE [Pub. Doc. NEW BEDFORD FIVE CENTS SAVINGS BANK, NEW BEDFORD. 791 PURCHASE STREET. Incorporated April 14, 1855. L oum Sn o w , Number of corporators, 112; number of trustees, 38. President. W il l ia m G eobge H. H. A llen , H . P it m a n , Treasurer, Clerk of the Corporation. Board of Trustees: F. T . A i k e n , G. H. H. A l l e n , J. W . A l l e n , B e n j a m i n B a k e r , J. H. B a r r o w s , W . H. B a s s e t t , R . L. B a y l i e s , O. F. B r o w n , J. H. C l i f f o r d , R. C. P. C o g g e s h a l l , H. C. D e n i s o n , W . O. D e v o l l , J o h n D u f f , F. H. G i f f o r d , A. M c L . G o o d s p e e d , J. H. H e r r i n g , E. W . H e r y e y , H. W . H e r v e y , C. M . H u s s e y , H. M . K n o w l e s , H. S . K n o w l e s , L . C. L a p h a m , P. M . L u n d , A. G. P i e r c e , Jr., A . R . P i e r c e , O. N. P i e r c e , J o s e p h P o i s s o n , L o u m S n o w , J. V. S p a r e , J i r e h S w i f t , Jr., A. L. S y l v i a , F r e d e r i c T a b e r , H. W . T a b e r , G. T. T h o m p s o n , A . L. T u c k e r , J. W . W e b s t e r , W . R . W e s t , B e n j a m i n W i l c o x . Board of Investment: W . L oum Auditing Committee: O. D evoll, J. H. S n o w , J ir e h J ir e h S w if t , P. M . H e r r in g , S w if t , Jr., J. W . Jr., A . L und, A . G. L . T u ck er, W . W ebster, R . C. P. P ie r c e , Jr., O. N. P ie r c e , R . W est. C oggesh all. Deposits draw interest from second Wednesday of January, April, July and October; dividends are payable the second W ednesday of April and October. Business hours: 9 a . m . to 1 p . m . ; also Saturdays, 7 to 9 p . m . STATEMENT OF CONDITION, OCTOBER 30, 1915. Assets. Public funds, bonds and notes . . . . Railroad bonds and notes . . . . . Street railway bonds . . . . . . American Tel. & Tel. Co. bonds . . . . Stocks of banks and trust companies . . . Securities acquired in settlement of indebtedness . 1,751 loans on real estate (average o f each, $2,934-71) 147 loans on personal security . . . . Bank building and fixtures (estimated value, $115,000; Taxes, insurance, etc. paid on mortgaged properties Deposits in national banks or trust companies . Cash . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . assessed value, $141,175) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Total Assets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2,106,015 1,171,997 250,000 93,229 153,700 34,000 5,138,678 2,796,020 70,000 57 457,075 17,336 00 50 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 20 69 71 . $12,288,109 10 Liabilities. Due depositors on 35,090 accounts, averaging $319.26 each (Accounts opened during year, 3,929; closed, 3,472; increase, 457) Surplus: — a. Guaranty fund (5% of deposits; increase during year, $600) b. Profit and loss (increase during year, $96,525.26) . Current incom e: — Interest . . . . . . . . . Less current expenses not charged off . . . Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Total Liabilities . . $11,202,787 60 561,000 00 498,754 91 $27,607 29 2,040 70 ----------------- 25,566 59 . $12,288,109 10 No. 8.] BANK COMMISSIONER 239 Total Expenses for the Year, including: State Taxes. State Tax (Net). Salaries. Kent. Am ount paid for $25,635.04 $19,625.75 $2,500.00 C ost per $1,000 of assets 2.09 1.60 .20 C ost per $1,000 of assets not including State tax and rent . Advertising. Other Expenses. Total. $2,123.58 $49,884.37 .17 4 .06 1.77 Gross income received during the year, $585,713.85. Rates on Investments and Loans (Average on All, 4.82%). Real estate loans {average rate 5.22 per cen t.): 4J^%, $294,500; 4 ^ % , $195,600; 5%, $2,072,823; 5 A % t $2,488,749; 6%, $87,006. Personal loans (average rate, 4.73 per cen t.): 4L£%, $212,000; 4)^% , $1,193,000; 4J^%, $50,000; 4 % % , $543,500; 5%, $495,615; 5M % . $155,000; 5 A % , $80,400; 6%, $66,505. Bonds, stocks, etc. (average rate on amounts invested, 4.35 per cent.): 3.11%, $25,000; 3A%> $426,000; 4%, $2,015,500; 4J£%, $40,000; 4.30%, $14 000; 4J^%, $854 000; 5%, $292,000; 5 ^ % . $30,000; 6%, $25,000; 7%, $32,500; 8%, $15,000; 9%, $59,700; 10%, $21,500. Number of loans not over $3,000 each, 1,399, amounting to $2,252,066. 205 real estate loans made during year, amounting to $557,063. Dividends, Deposits and Withdrawals. Ordinary dividends declared during year: April, 1915, 2% Oct. 1915, 2% Number of deposits during year, 44,118, amounting to $210,528 56 212,231 58 2,169,121 45 Number of withdrawals during year, 29,758, amounting to $2,591,881 59 2,442,870 99 $149,010 60 N et increase in amount due depositors SCHEDULE OF SECURITIES OWNED. Public Funds, Bonds. Par Value. $200,000 Massachusetts ZAs 75.000 Massachusetts 4s 8.000 Bay City, Mich., 4s 5.000 Bay City, Mich., 5s 160.000 Boston 4s 40.000 Boston 4J4s 25.000 Bridgeport, Conn., 4s 55.000 Cambridge 4s 30.000 Canton, 0., 5 A b 20.000 Chicago, 111., 4s 25.000 Cleveland, 0., ±As 30.000 Danbury, Conn., 4s 50.000 Detroit, Mich., 4s 126.000 Fall River 4s 50.000 Grand Rapids, Mich., 4}dis 25.000 Haverhill 4s 50.000 Holyoke 3^s 24.000 Holyoke 4s 25.000 Kansas City, Mo., 4s 25.000 Lawrence 4s 25.000 Los Angeles, Cal., 4V£s 46.000 Lowell 4J^s 25.000 Lynn 4s 15.000 Milwaukee, Wis., ZAs 50.000 Minneapolis, Minn., 4s 304.000 New Bedford 4s 154.000 New Bedford 4As 25.000 New London, Ct., 4s 25.000 New London, Ct., 5s 75.000 Oakland, Cal., 5Ms D ates o p E x a m in a t io n , Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Par Value. $50,000 Oshkosh, Wis., 4As 25.000 Pittsburgh, Pa., 4s 25.000 Providence, R I., 4s 25.000 Salem 4s 30.000 San Francisco, Cal., 4}^s 20.000 Springfield 4s 32.000 Taunton 4A& 10.000 Willimantic, Conn., 4s 4,000 Middleboro’ (F. D.), 4s Public Funds, Notes. $25,000 Brookline 3.11% 50,500 Dartmouth 4s 17.000 Dartmouth 4As 14.000 Dartmouth 4.30% Railroad Bonds. $25,000 Boston & Albany ZAs 50.000 Boston & Albany 4As 50.000 Boston & Albany 5s 35.000 Boston & Maine ZAs 50.000 Boston & Maine 4s 75.000 Boston & Maine 4As 24.000 C., B. & Q. 4s 75.000 Chic., Mil. & St. P. 4A>s 25.000 Chicago, Mil. & St. P. 5s 50.000 Connecticut River ZAs 25.000 Fitchburg ZAs 50.000 Fitchburg 4s 25.000 Fitchburg 4As December 20-23 inclusive. Par Value. $1,000 Illinois Central ZAs 50.000 Louisville & Nashville 4s 53.000 Louisville & Nash ville 5s 50.000 Michigan Central 4s 25.000 M., St. P. & Sit. St. M. 4s 50.000 New England 4s 25.000 N. Y., N. H. & H. ZAs 75.000 N. Y., N. H. & H. 4s 130.000 Old Colony 4s 50.000 Providence Term. Co. 4s 25.000 Portland & Ogdens. 4As 100.000 Pennsylvania 4As Street Railway Bonds. $75,000 Boston Elevated 4As 75.000 Boston Elevated 5s 25.000 Springfield 4s 50.000 West End 4s 25.000 West End 5s Bank Stocks. Shs. 115 Merchants Nl. Bk., Boston 150 Nl. Shawmut Bk., Boston 200 Metacomet Nl. Bk., Fall River 50 Franklin Nl. Bk. 325 First Nl. Bk., New Bedford 29 Mechanics Nl. Bk., New Bedford 568 Merchants Nl. Bk., New Bedford 100 Third Nl. Bk., Springfield REPORT OF THE 240 [Pub. Doc. NEW BEDFORD INSTITUTION FOR SAVINGS, NEW BEDFORD. 174 UNION STREET. Incorporated June 16, 1825. W il l ia m W. C bapo , Number of corporators 114; number of trustees, 32. President. E dm und G eorge W ood, Board of Trustees: G. N. A l d e n , G i d e o n C. W . C l i f f o r d , C . A. C o o k , H. H . , E . P . H a s k in K e r r , J. W . K n o w P r e s c o t t , W . A. R H . L. T i f f a n y , E . m a n A llen , C rapo , , T . S. H a t h a w a y , C . M l e s , W . A. M a c k i e , H . C o b in s o n , W . A. R o b in s o S . W i l d e , C . F. W i n g , s II. B atch elo r, Clerk o f the Corporation. Jr., B. H. A n t h o n y , E . W . B o u r n e , E . W. W. C r a p o , B e n j a m in C u m m in g s , H S. B ro w n , . E . C u sh . H o l m e s , H . S . H u t c h i n s o n , C . S . K e l l e y , N. B . . W . M o s h e r , D . L. P a r k e r , E . T . P i e r c e , O l i v e r n , Jr., J. E . N. S h a w , E . D . S t e t s o n , F. H . T a b e r , E dm und W ood. Board of Investment: W . W . C r a p o , O l i v e r P r e s c o t t , C. A . C o o k , G i d e o n A l l e n , T . S. H a t h a w a y , C. F. W i n g . Auditing Committee: W . A. M a c k ie , B. H. Treasurer. A n th o n y, E. T. Jr., E. T. P ie r c e , P ie r c e . Deposits draw interest from first M onday of January, April, July and October; dividends are payable on the second M onday of April and October. Business hours: 9 a . m . to 1 p . m . ; also Saturdays, 7 to 9 p . m . STATEMENT OF CONDITION, OCTOBER 30, 1915. Assets. Public funds, bonds and notes Railroad bonds and notes . . . . . Street railway bonds .. . . . . . Boston Terminal Co. bonds . . . . . American Tel. & Tel. Co bonds . . . . Stocks of banks and trust companies . . . 1,591 loans on real estate (average o f each, $3,4-09.64) Less amount due on uncompleted loans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Total Assets . . . . 87 20 00 00 25 00 . . . . . . . . $5,440,466 03 . . . 15,717 49 ------------------------------------------ 5,424,74854 190 loans on personal security . . . . . . . . . . 4,166,744 72 Bank building and fixtures (.estimated value, $167,500; assessed value, $183,800) . 167,500 00 Taxes, insurance, etc., paid on mortgaged properties . . . . . . 404 88 Internal revenue stamps . . . . ’ . . . . . . . 213 98 Deposits in national banks or trust companies . . . . . . . 682,143 76 C a s h .................................................................................................................................................... 49,443 00 . . . . $4,034,422 4,564,381 398,800 80,000 187,861 639,862 . . . . . . $20,396,526 20 . . . $18,668,109 44 . 934,000 00 749,757 69 Liabilities. Due depositors on 37,703 accounts, averaging $495.13 each . . (Accounts opened during year, 4,664; closed, 4,883; increase, 381) Surplus: — a. Guaranty fund (5% of deposits; increase during year, none) . 6. Profit and loss (increase during year, $ 163,602.50) . . Current income; — o. Interest . . . . . . . . . . b. Discount . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $40,979 42 1,023 59 42,003 01 2,656 06 Unearned discount Total Liabilities . . . . . $20,396,526 20 Total Expenses for the Year, including State Taxes. State Tax (Net). Salaries. Rent. Amount paid for $51,448.57 $23,094.86 Cost per $1,000 of assets 2 .5 2 1.13 — Cost per $1,000 of assets not including State tax and rent . . Gross income received during the year, $954,272.29. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Advertising. Other Expenses. Total. $4,833.82 $79,377.25 .24 3.89 . . . . 1.37 BANK COMMISSIONER. No, 241 Rates on Investments and Loans (Average on AH, 4.67%) Real estate loans (average rate, 5.04 per cent.): 4%, $260,000; 4 X A % , $935,638; 4 % % , $131,200; 5%, $1,652,665.54; 5V2%, $2 281,335: 6%, $113,910. Personal loans (average rate, 4.93 per cen t.): 4%%., $325,000; 4^2%, $1,060,000; 4 % % , $370,000; 5%, $1,617,700; 5M % , $25,000; 5)^% , $417,680.67; 6%, $351,364.05. Bonds, stocks, etc. (average rate on amounts invested, 4.36 per cent.): 3%, $208,000; 3% % , $65,000; 3)^% , $15,000; 3.35%, $10,000; 3 ^ % , $30,000; 3 ^ % , $1,795,000; 3% % , $55,000; 4%, $5,915,879; 4Ji% , $40,780; 4 % % , $744,737.50; 4M % . $22,150.12; 5%, $383,900; 6%, $198,100; 7%, $160,600; 8%, $119,000; 9%, $209,600; 10%, $43,000; 12%, $56,400; 14%, $17,000. Number of loans not over $3,000 each, 1,291, amounting to $1,973,414.72. 231 real estate loans made during year, amounting to $664,300. Dividends, Deposits and Withdrawals. Ordinary dividends declared during year: April, 1915, 2% Oct., 1915, 2% Number of deposits during year, 40,410, amounting to $356,523 61 356,615 26 2,994,108 48 $3,707,247 35 3,683,839 88 Number of withdrawals during year, 34,758, amounting to Net increase in amount due depositors . . . . . . . . $23,407 47 SCHEDULE OF SECURITIES OWNED. Public Funds, Bonds. Par Value. $100,000 Massachusetts 3s 350.000 Massachusetts 3J^s 101.000 Massachusetts 4s 50.000 Essex Co. 4s 31.000 Akron, 0., 5s 415.000 Boston 4s 30.000 Brockton 4s 11.000 Canton, 0., 3}4s 100.000 Chicago, 111., 4s 50.000 Danbury, Ct., 4s 50.000 Dayton, 0., 5s 50.000 Detroit, Mich., 4s 8.000 Everett 4s 23,500 Everett 4%s 25.000 Fall River 4s 60.000 Fitchburg 4s 50.000 Flint, Mich., 4Hs 26.000 Gloucester 4s 50.000 Grand Rapids, Mich., 4V£s 74.000 Haverhill 4s 39.000 Holyoke 4s 130.000 Kansas City, Mo., 4s 50.000 Lawrence 4s 50.000 Los Angeles, Cal., 4Hs 20.000 Lowell 4s 35.000 Lynn 4s 100.000 Minneapolis, Minn., 4s 174.000 New Bedford 3J^s 376.000 New Bedford 4s 50.000 Omaha, Neb., 35.000 Pittsburgh, Pa., 4s 50.000 Pittsfield 4s 100.000 Portland, Ore., 4s 25.000 Portland, Ore., 6s 50.000 Providence; R. I., 4s 100.000 Seattle, Wash., 4J^s 21.000 Somerville 4s 16.000 Springfield, 0., 4Ks 25.000 Spokane, Wash., 4s 50.000 Spokane, Wash., 4V£s 66,250 Syracuse, N. Y., 4s 30.000 Woonsocket, R. I., 4s 50.000 Woonsocket, R. I., 4J^s 50.000 Worcester 4s 15.000 Youngstown, 0., 4s 6.000 Brookfield 4s 25.000 East Providence, R. I., 4s 45.000 Fairhaven 4s 44.000 Marion 4}^s 16.000 Nantucket 4J/£s 25.000 Pepperell 4s 8,400 Plainville 4s 3,500 Saugus 4s 25.000 Winthrop 3%s D ates o f E x a m in a t io n Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Public Funds, Notes. Par Value. $120,000 Bristol Co. 4s 2.000 Haverhill 3V¿s 1.000 Acushnet 4s 4.000 Acushnet 5s 15.000 Amesbury 3bis 10.000 Brewster 3.35% 5.000 Carlisle 3.20% 77,600 Fairhaven 4s 15,280 Fairhaven 4}^s 2.000 Fairhaven 4j4is 22,150 Fairhaven 4%s 3,600 Fairhaven 5s 14.500 Falmouth 4J^s 3,737 Gosnold 4Ms 20.000 Holbrook 3.20% 10.000 Mansfield 3.20% 18,119 Mattapoisett 4s 1,750 Revere 4s 3.000 Rochester 4s 8.000 Tisbury 3s 30.000 Warren 3.20% 30.000 Westport 3Ms 36.500 Westport 4s 500 Westport 4Ks 3,300 Westport 5s 30.000 Winchester 3%a Railroad Bonds. $50,000 Boston & Albany 3J^s 170.000 Boston & Albany 4s 100.000 Boston & Albany 5s 87.000 Boston & Lowell 4s 100.000 Boston & Maine 3J^s 200.000 Boston & Maine 4s 10.000 Boyer Valley 3J4s 14,600 Burl. & Mo. River 6s 25.000 Cedar Rapids & Mo. Riv. 7s’ 200.000 C„ B. & Q. 3^s 358.000 C., B. & Q. 4s ■; 7,000 ( ’,, B. & Q. 5s 50.000 Chic., Mil. & St. P. 4s 50.000 Chic., Mil. & St. P. 4J^s 25.000 Chic., Mil. & St. P. 5s 128.000 Chic. & Northwestern 4s 31.000 Chic., St. P., Minn. & 0. 6s 25.000 Cleveland Short Line 4J^s 80.000 Concord & Montreal 4s 248.000 Connecticut River 3)4s 150.000 Delaware & Hudson 4s 50.000 Erie & Pittsburgh 3J^s 100.000 Fitchburg 3J^s 275.000 Fitchburg 4s December 20-24 inclusive. Par Value. $25,000 Fitchburg 4J^s 25.000 Great Northern 4\ia 100.000 Illinois Central 3s 150.000 Illinois Central 3V£s 75.000 Illinois Central 4s 28.000 Lake S. & Mich. South. 4s 50.000 Louisville & Nashville 4s 25.000 Louisville & Nashville 6s 158.000 Michigan Central 4s 50.000 M., St. P. & S. Ste. M. 5s 225.000 New England 4s 50.000 N. Y. C. & H. R. 3V2a 370.000 N. Y., N. H. & H. 4s 25.000 Old Colony 3^s 419.000 Old Colony 4s 75.000 Pennsylvania 4J^s 14.000 Peoria & Northwest. 3Vás 71.000 Princeton & Northw. 3)d>s 20.000 Sioux City & Pacific 3Jd>s 30.000 St. J. & L. C. 5s 45.000 St. P., Minn. & Man. 6s 90.000 Washington County 3j4>s 55.000 Wilmar & Sioux Falls 5s Street Railway Bonds. $84,000 Boston Elevated 4s 50.000 Boston Elevated 4)^s 50.000 Boston & Northern 4s 25.000 Holyoke 5s 25.000 Old Colony 4s 175,000 West End 4s I Bank ^Stocks. Shs. 90 Eliot Nl. Bk., Boston 170 First Nl. Bk., Boston 230 Merchants Nl. Bk., Boston 460 Nl. Bk. of Commerce, Boston’ 1.000 Nl. Shawmut Bk., Boston 130 Nl. Union Bk., Boston 564 Second Nl. Bk., Boston 60 Webster & Atlas Nl. Bk., Boston 22 Nl. Bk. of Fairhaven 200 Fall River Nl. Bk. 375 Metacomet Nl. Bk., Fall River 1,356 First Nl. Bk., New Bedford 1 1.000 Mechanics NI. Bk., N. Bedford 1,096 Merchants NI. Bk., N. Bedford 200 Third Nl. Bk., Springfield 242 REPORT OF TPIE [Pub. Doc, NEWBURYFORT FIVE CENTS SAVINGS BANK, NEWBURYPORT. 74 STATE STREET. Incorporated April 24, 1854. C h arles President. T h u rlo w , John J. W il l is Board of Trustees: m a n , E r s k in e L . H . B a il e y , C lem ent, C . H ale , L aurence J. A. J. L . H . B alch, Jr., C. A. D a v is , D . A . C. H . A. B l is s , D odge, W. F . a s o n , W. H N T . Treasurer. L u n t, Clerk of the Corporation. C u r r ie r , H a y w a r d , J . H . H ig g in s , M a y n a r d , J. E . M o o dy, C harles Number of corporators, 68; number of trustees, 23. M . B r e w s t e r , M ic h a e l N a t h a n ie l D o le, E rn est H o u s t o n , W il l ia m . N o yes, G. W. G. W . Ilsley, H . P lu m er, C ash - F oss, E . A. R . Johnson, R ic h a r d s o n , T h u rlo w . Board of Investment: C harles G. T h u rlo w , J. Auditing Committee: L aurence H . H ayw ar d , W . R ic h a r d s o n , W . R . J o h n s o n , W il l ia m Ilsley, A. H a l e , B a l c h , Jr. L. E rnest H. J. B a il e y , E . M oody, E . F oss. Deposits draw interest from last M onday of January, April, July and October; dividends are payable the first M onday of M ay and November. Business hours: 8.30 a . m . to 2 p . m .; Saturdays, 8.30 a .m . to 12.30 p . m . and 7.30 to 9 p . m . for deposits only, except during July, August and September. STATEMENT OF CONDITION, OCTOBER 30, 1915. A ssets. Public funds, b o n d i and notes . . . . . Railroad bonds and notes . . . . . . Street railway bonds . . . . . . . American Tel. & Tel. Co. bonds . . . . . Stocks of banks and trust companies . . . . Securities acquired in settlement of indebtedness 427 loans on real estate {average of each, $3,146-49) ■ Less amount due on uncompleted loans . . . . . . . . . . $479,680 471,940 98,800 57,084 58,351 500 00 00 00 00 00 00 1,342,555 524,700 30,000 8,944 171,882 4,611 00 00 00 78 42 26 $1,343,555 00 1,000 00 48 loans on personal security . . . . . . Bank building and fixtures {estimated value, $35,000; assessed value $35,000) Real estate by foreclosure, etc. {assessed value, $14,900) . Deposits in national banks or trust companies Cash and cash items . . . . . . . . Total Assets $3,249,048 46 Liabilities. Due depositors on 6,337 accounts, averaging $458.98 each {Accounts opened during year, 795; closed, 634; increase, 161) Surplus: — a. Guaranty fund (4.97% o f deposits; increase during year, $2,170) b. Profit and loss {increase during year, $25,024-91) . Current income: — a. Interest . . . . . . . $1,280 77 b. Rent . . . . . . . 35 01 . $2,908,562 98 144,600 00 182,408 46* $1,315 78 426 21 Less current expenses not charged off Premium account . . . 889 57 12,587 45 . Total Liabilities . . . . . $3,249,048 46 * The November, 1915, dividend of $56,094.94, not yet charged out of this amount. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis No. 8.] BANK COMMISSIONER. 243 Total Expenses for the Year, including State Taxes. State Tax (Net). Salaries. Rent. Amount paid for $5,672.06 $6,441.72 $800.00 Cost per $1,000 of assets 1.74 1.98 .25 Cost per $1,000 of assets not including State tax and rent . Advertising. Other Expenses. Total. $91.38 $1,536.76 $14,541.92 .03 .47 4 .4 7 2 .48 Gross income received during the year, $147,351.30. Rates on Investments and Loans (Average on All, 4.73%). Real estate loans (average rate, 5.03 per cen t.): 4J^%, $53,500; 5%, $1,113,505; 5J4%, $83,000; o'A% , $67,575; 6%, $24,975. Personal loans (average rate, 4.73 per cent.): 4J^%, $121,000; $15,000; 4J^%, $166,650; 4 % % , $44,000; 5%, $128,050; 6%, $40,000; 6H % , $10,000. Bonds, stocks, etc. (average rate on amounts invested, 4.37 per cen t.): 3%, $35,000; 3V£%, $99,000; 4%, $756,180; 4M % , $15,000; 4J^%, $180,000; 5%, $40,800; 5 ^ % , $15,000; 6%, $9,450; 7%, $2,500; 8%, $36,200; 12%, $8,800. Number of loans not over $3,000 each, 295, amounting to $314,255. 50 real estate loans made during year, amounting to $167,775. Dividends, Deposits and Withdrawals. Ordinary dividends declared during year: N ov., 1914, 2% M ay, 1915, 2 % Number of deposits during year, 5,608, amounting to . . Number of withdrawals during year, 5,003, amounting to Net increase in amount due depositors . . . . . . . . .......................................... . . . . . . . . . . . $55,099 47 55,381 84 333,709 49 . $444,190 80 384,263 50 . $59,927 30 SCHEDULE OF SECURITIES OWNED. Public Funds, Bonds. Par Value. $20,000 New York State 4}^s 73.000 Boston 4s 15.000 Boston 4J4s 7.000 Brockton 4s 15.000 Canton, 0., 5J^s 25.000 Chelsea 3V2s 45.000 Chelsea 4s 14.000 Danbury, Ct., 4s 25.000 Los Angeles, Cal., 4J^s 25.000 Minneapolis, Minn., 4s 27.000 New Bedford 4s 10.000 New Britain, Ct., 4s 9.000 Newburyport 3)^s 25.000 Omaha, Neb., 4Jfis 10.000 Seattle, Wash., 4j4>s 20.000 Springfield, Mo., 5s 25.000 Waterbury, Ct., 4s 30.000 Cumberland, R. I., 4s 20.000 East Providence, R. I., 4s 10.000 Enfield, Ct., 3^s 10.000 Warwick, R. I., 4L£s 3.000 Augusta, Me. (W. D.), 4s- D ates o p E x a m in a t io n , Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Public Funds, Notes. Par Value. $5,500 Newbury 4s 15,080 Rowley 4s Railroad Bonds. Par Value. $10,000 Portland Terminal Co. 4s 10.000 Upper Coos 4s 10.000 Upper Coos i}4s 12.000 Worcester, Nash. & R. 4s Street Railway Bonds. $15,000 Boston & Albany 3p£s $25,000 Boston Elevated 4s 55.000 Boston & Albany 4s 45.000 Boston Elevated 4Jis 25.000 Boston & Maine 4s 10.000 Boston & Northern 4s 35.000 Boston & Maine 4J^s 10.000 West End 4s 10.000 C., B. & Q. 3^s 10.000 West End 5s 40.000 C., B. & Q. 4s 75.000 Chicago & Northw. 4s 10.000 Connecticut River 4s Bank Stocks. 15.000 Fitchburg 4s Shs. 10.000 Fitchburg 5s 8 Boylston NI. Bk., Boston 35.000 Illinois Central 3s 88 First NI. Bk., Boston 10.000 Illinois Central 4s 25 Fourth-Atlantic NI. Bk., Boston 20.000 la., Minn. & Northw. 3}^s 18 NI. Bk. of Commerce, Boston 5,000 Louisville & Nashville 6s 300 NI. Shawmut Bk., Boston 10.000 N. Y. Cent. & Hud. River 4s 24 NI. Union Bk., Boston 10.000 N. Y., N. H. & H. tyis 38 Webster & Atlas NI. Bk., Boston 35.000 N. Y., N. H. & II. 4s 56 First NI. Bk., Newburyport 35.000 Old Colony 4s 89 Océan NI. Bk., Newburyport January 13, 14. D a t e s o f A u d it , April 12-16 inclusive. 244 REPO RT OF THE [Pub. Doc. i NEWTON SAVINGS BANK, NEWTON. 286 WASHINGTON STREET. Incorporated June 17, 1831. C harles T. P u l s ip e r , President. W il l ia m Board of Trustees: W . F. n in g , Sam uel T. W. Number of corporators, 29; number of trustees, 15. C h arles F . B acon, H. C lark , Treasurer. Clerk of the Corporation. W . H. B a r k e r , H. E. B o t h f e l d , B e r n a r d E a r l y , E u g e n e F a n W . F. H a r b a c h , G. W . J a c k s o n , G. J . M a r t i n , F r a n c i s M u r d o c k , u l s i f e r , G. F. S i m p s o n , A . It. W e e d , E . T . W i s w a l l . B acon, F arq u h ar, P roctor, Board of Investment: C. T . C . T. P P u l s if e r , W . F . H a r b a c h , H . E . B o t h f e l d , F r a n c is M u r d o c k , B e r n a r d E a r ly. Auditing Committee: C . T. P u l s if e r , W . H. B ark er, E ugene F a n n in g . Deposits draw interest from tenth day of January, April, July and October; dividends are payable after the Tuesday next following January 10 and July 10. Business hours: 9 a . m . to 3 p . m . ; Sat urdays, 9 a . m . to 1 p . m . STATEMENT OF CONDITION, OCTOBER 30, 1915. Assets. Public funds, bonds and notes . . . . . . . . . . Railroad bonds and notes . . . . . . . . . . . Street railway bonds . . . . . . . . . . . . Boston Terminal Co. bonds . . . . . . . . . . . American Tel. & Tel. Co. bonds . . . . . . . . . . Securities acquired in settlement of indebtedness . . . . . . . 796 loans on real estate (average o f each, $5,439.14) . . . . . . 26 loans on personal security . . . . . . . . . . Bank building and fixtures (estimated value, $50,000; assessed value, $53,600) . Real estate by foreclosure, etc. (assessed value, $12,050) . . . . . . Taxes, insurance, etc., paid on mortgaged properties . . . . . . Deposits in national banks or trust companies . . . . . . . Cash and cash items . . . . . . . . . . . Total Assets . . . . . . . . $102,860 1,320,812 300,000 150,000 115,356 65,750 4,329,556 394,075 50,000 6,373 668 226,317 10,922 00 51 00 00 25 13 80 00 00 21 71 37 04 $7,072,692 02 Liabilities. Due depositors on 16,107 accounts, averaging $404.77 each {Accounts opened during year, 1,227; closed, 1,128; increase, 104) Surplus: — a. Guaranty fund {4.97% of deposits; increase during year, $8,345) b. Profit and loss {increase during year, $16,979.79) . Current incom e: a. Interest . . . . . . . . . . b. Rent . . . . . . . . . . Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 3,519,644 98 323,920 00 145,217 00 32,200 37 1,709 67 83,910 04 Total Liabilities . . $7,072,692 02 No. BANK COMMISSIONER. 245 Total Expenses for the Year, including State Taxes. State Tax (Net). Salaries. Rent. Amount paid for $9,619.90 $12,629.91 $2,500.00 Cost per $1,000 of assets 1.36 1.78 .35 Cost per $1,000 of assets not including State tax and rent . Advertising. Other Expenses. Total. $128.99 $2,549.75 $27,428.55 .02 .36 3 .8 7 .......................................... 2 .16 Gross income received during the year, $323,730.32. Rates on Investments and Loans (Average on All, 4.64%). Real estate loans (average rate, 5 per cen t.): 4)4% , $45,000; 5%, $4,239,806.80; 5)4% , $2,000; 5)4% , $30,750; 6%, $12,000. Personal loans (average rate, 4.99 per cent.): 4M % , $150,000; 5%, $144,000; 5)4%» $93,625; 6%, $1,450; 7%, $5,000. Bonds stocks, etc. (average rate on amounts invested, 3.82 per cen t.): 3%, $6,000; 3)4% , $706,000; 4%, $1,173,600; 4)4% , $150,000. Number of loans not over $3,000 each, 342, amounting to $647,368.60. 66 real estate loans made during year, amounting to $532,400. Dividends, Deposits and Withdrawals. Ordinary dividends declared during year: Jan., 1915, 2% July, 1915, 2% Number of deposits during year, 12,791, amounting to $121,574 20 123,786 18 879,682 98 Number of withdrawals during year, 11,987, amounting to Net increase in amount due depositors . . . . . . . . $1,125,043 36 906,594 21 . . . . $218,449 15 SCHEDULE OF SECURITIES OWNED. Public Funds, Bonds. Railroad Bonds. Par Value. $1,000 Massachusetts 3s 25.000 Massachusetts 3J4s 25.000 Chicago, 111., 4s 1.000 Fall River 3)4s 25.000 Kansas City, Mo., 4s 5.000 Newton 4s 5.000 Providence, R. I., 3s 10.000 Bristol, R. I., 3)4s 8.000 Needham 4s D ates of E x a m in a t io n Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Par Value. $100,000 Boston & Albany 4s 80.000 Boston & Maine 3)4s 70.000 Boston & Maine 4s 100.000 Boston & Maine 4)4s 200.000 C., B. & Q. 3)4s 175.000 C., B. & Q. 4s 20.000 Concord & Montreal 4s 70.000 Delaware & Hudson Co. 4s 140.000 Illinois Central 3)4s a n d A u d it , M ay 5-7. Par Value. $25,000 Illinois Central 4s 100.000 N. Y., N. H. & H. 314s 230.000 N. Y., N. H. & H. 4s 25,000 Old Colony 4s Street Railway Bonds. $110,000 Boston Elevated 4s 50,000 Boston Elevated 4)4s 140,000 West End 4s 246 REPORT OF THE [Pub. Doc, ) NEWTON CENTRE SAVINGS BANK, NEWTON. 81 UNION STREET (NEWTON CENTRE). Incorporated February 25, 1896. H en ry II. K en d all, President. W il l ia m W il l ia m Board of Trustees: W . C. N. H. G e o r g e , F . J. L u it w ie l e r , G . F . R ic h a r d s o n , Number of corporators, 36; number of trustees, 20. M . B r e w e r , H . H a l e , A. F lan d ers, J. L . Scott, M . C. Board of Investment: H. H. K e n d a l l , S. Auditing Committee: A . L. Scott, C. S. R ic e , Treasurer. B. D o n h a m , W . M . F l a n d e r s , F . G a s b a r r i , M . B. J o n e s , S. W . J o n e s , H. H. K e n d a l l , C. S. O . E . N u t t e b , I. C . P a u l , F . L . R i c h a r d s o n , G . C arlso n , W . L . H arw o o d , H . M ellen , W . M . A. H . Clerk of the Corporation. N o ble, T u ttle. W. Jo n es, N . L u it w ie l e r , II. G eo rg e, G. F. I. C. P a u l, F. L. R ic h a r d s o n . R ic h a r d s o n . Deposits»draw interest from fifteenth day of January, April, July and October; dividends are pay able January 15 and July 15. Business hours: 8 a . m . to 12 m .; 1.30 to 3 p .m .; Saturdays, 8 a .m . to 12 m . STATEMENT OF CONDITION, OCTOBER 30, 1915. Assets. Public funds, bonds and notes . . . . Railroad bonds and notes . . . . . Street railway bonds . . . . . . American Tel. & Tel. C o. bonds . . . . Stocks of banks and trust companies Securities acquired in settlement of indebtedness 161 loans on real estate (average of each, $3,193.37) . Less amount due on uncompleted loans . 7 loans on personal security . . . . Real estate by foreclosure, etc. (assessed value, Premium account . . . . . Deposits in national banks or trust companies Cash . . . . . . . . 20 10 00 50 25 00 514,132 33,600 14,026 4,909 11,274 113 50 00 25 50 92 42 $515,632 50 1,500 00 . $22,800) . . Total Assets $50,653 365,622 87,333 19,482 6,696 4,000 . . . . . $1,111,843 64 Liabilities. Due depositors on 3,720 accounts, averaging $286.95 each . . . . . (Accounts opened during year, 562; closed, 419; increase, 143) Surplus: — а. Guaranty fund (2.76% of deposits; increase during year, $2,597.82) . . » б. Profit and loss (decrease during year, $267.46) . . . . . . Current incom e: — Interest . . . . . . . . . . $6,619 12 Less current expenses not charged off . . . . 762 66 ----------------------Unearned discount . . . . . . . . . . . . Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Total Liabilities . $1,067,445 28 29,467 92 8,743 98 5,856 46 330 00 . $1,111,843 64 No. 8.] BANK COMMISSIONER. 247 Total Expenses for the Year, including State Taxes. State Tax (Net). Salaries. Rent. Am ount paid for $2,064.76 $1,299.96 $686.28 Cost per $1,000 of assets 1.86 1.17 .62 Cost per $1,000 of assets not including State tax and rent . Advertising. Other Expenses. Total. $155.70 $792.87 $4,999.57 .14 .71 4 .5 0 2.02 Gross income received during the year, $49,981.90. Rates on Investments and Loans (Average on All, 4.74%). Real estate loans (average rate, 5.13 per cent.): 5%, $428,587.50; 5J^%, $35,645; 6%, $49,900. Personal loans (average rate, 5.39 per cent.): 5%, $19,000; 5M%> $2,000; 6%, $12,600. Bonds, stocks, etc. (average rate on amounts invested, 4.33 per cent.): 3%, $8,000; 314%, $137,000; 3.65%, $23,000; 4%, $164,000; 4 ^ % , $87,000; 5%, $129,000; 12%, $2,600; 14%, $1,400. Number of loans not over $3,000 each, 92, amounting to $164,242.50. 19 real estate loans made during year, amounting to $77,000. Dividends, Deposits and Withdrawals. Ordinary dividends declared during year: Jan., 1915, 2% July, 1915, 2% Number of deposits during year, 5,096, amounting to $18,700 50 19,494 40 327,102 10 Number of withdrawals during year, 2,769, amounting to N et increase in amount due depositors . . . . . . . . . . . . $365,297 00 288,253 66 . $77,043 34 SCHEDULE OF SEC U RITIE S O W N ED. Public Funds, Bonds. Par Value. $5,000 Massachusetts 3}4s 23.000 Newton 3.65% 8,000 Br. & Tops., Me. (W. D.), 4s 16.000 Kennebec, Me. (W. D.), 3Ms Railroad Bonds. $10,000 Atch., Top. & Santa F5 4s 3.000 Baltimore & Ohio 3F£s 20.000 Boston & Albany 3Ms 5.000 Boston & Albany 4s 5.000 Boston & Albany 5s 3.000 Boston & Maine 4s 1.000 Boston & Maine 4J^s 5.000 Boston, R. B. & Lynn 4J^s 7.000 C., B. & Q. 3Mb 50.000 C., B. & Q. 4s 30.000 Chicago, Mil. & St. P. 4}4s D ates op E x a m in a t io n s Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Par Value. $44,000 Chicago, Mil. & St. P. 5s 1.000 Concord & Montreal 4s 10.000 Fitchburg 3)^s 6.000 Fitchburg 4s 10.000 Fitchburg 5s 8.000 Illinois Central 3s 20.000 Illinois Central 3KS 18.000 Illinois Central 4s 1.000 Illinois Central 5s 1.000 Kal., Al. & Gr. Rapids 5s 1.000 Me. Cen. & Eu. & No. Amer. 4s 5.000 Michigan Central 3J^s 1.000 Michigan Central 4s 5.000 Mil., L. S. & W. 5s 51.000 N. Y „ N. H. & H. 3Ms 15.000 N. Y „ N. H. & H. 4s 5.000 No. Maine Seaport 5s 25.000 Northern Pacific 4M& 2.000 No. Pacific-Wash. Cent. 4s 10.000 Pennsylvania 4)^s and A u d it s , Par Value. $3,000 Penobscot Shore Line 4s 1,000 Portland & R. Falls 4s Street Railway Bonds. $3,000 Boston Elevated 4s 16.000 Boston Elevated 4J^s 30.000 Boston Elevated 5s 7.000 Boston & Revere 5s 5.000 Glouc., Essex & Bev. 5s 2.000 Lynn & Boston 5s 15.000 West End 4s 10.000 West End 5s Bank Stocks. Shs. 14 First Nl. Bk., Boston 26 Newton Trust Co. January 4 - 8 inclusive, July 6 - 1 0 inclusive. 248 REPO RT OF THE [Pub. Doc. NONOTUCK SAVINGS BANK, NORTHAMPTON. 57 MAIN STREET. Incorporated February 9, 1899. H en ry L. W il l ia m s , Number of corporators, 41; number of trustees, 19. President. O r iv il l e C l if f o r d H. L ym a n , W. P ro u ty, Treasurer. Clerk of the Corporation. Board of Trustees: H. M . A b b o t t , E . H. B a n i s t e r , C a l v i n C o o l i d g e , W . E. C o o n e y , C . N. F i t t s , H. N . G a r d i n e r , M . S . H o w e s , I t . W . I r w i n , C . W . K i n n e y , C . H. L y m a n , R. W . L y m a n , C . K . M o r t o n , L. B . N i q u e t t e , E. K . P a r s o n s , H. A . P a r s o n s , O . W . P r o u t y , F . M . S t a r k w e a t h e r , H. L . W i l l i a m s , R . L. W i l l i s t o n . Board of Investment: C. W . Auditing Committee: C. H. K in n e y , O . L ym a n , F. M . W. P ro u ty (o n e v a c a n c y ). Stark w eath er (one vacancy). .Deposits draw interest from first W ednesday of March, June, September and December; dividends are payable the first Wednesday of June and December. Business hours: 9 a . m . to 3 p . m . ; Saturdays, 9 a . m . to 12 m . ; also Saturdays, for deposits only, 7.30 to 8.30 p . m . STATEMENT OF CONDITION, OCTOBER 30, 1915. Assets. Public funds, bonds and notes . . . . Railroad bonds and notes . . . . . Street railway bonds . . . . . . American Tel. & Tel. C o. bonds . . . . Stocks of banks and trust companies . . . Securities acquired in settlement of indebtedness . 350 loans on real estate (average of each, $1,807.78) . 66 loans on personal security . . . . Real estate b y foreclosure, etc. ( assessed value, $300) Deposits in national banks or trust companies . Cash and cash items . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Total Assets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $34,386 103,533 32,993 18,008 24,726 6,500 632,725 133,076 300 42,860 1,376 . . 68 80 75 75 00 00 07 02 00 05 75 $1,030,486 87 Liabilities. Due depositors on 2,559 accounts, averaging $379.31 each (Accounts opened during year, 401; closed, 385; increase, 16) Surplus: — a. Guaranty fund (3.58% of deposits; increase during year, $3,800) b. Profit and loss (increase during year, $2,404.64) Current incom e: — Interest Less current expenses not charged off . . . Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Total Liabilities . $970,665 89 34,800 00 15,543 73 $11,096 50 1,619 25 ----------------- 9,477 25 . $1,030,486 87 249 BANK COMMISSIONER. No. 8.' Total Expenses for the Year, including State Taxes. State Tax (Net). Salaries. Rent. Amount paid for $1,613.12 $2,905.00 $500.00 1.56 2.82 Cost per $1,000 of assets .48 Cost per $1,000 of assets not including State tax and rent . Total. Advertising. Other Expenses. $825.35 $5,933.47 $90.00 5 .75 .09 .80 3.71 Gross income received during the year, $48,317.12. Kates on Investments and Loans (Average on All, 4.84%). Real estate loans (average rate, 5 per cent.): 5%, $632,725.07. Personal loans (average rate, 5.05 per cent.): 5%, $120,576.02; 5J-£%, $12,500. Bonds, stocks, etc. (average rate on amounts invested, 4.26 per cen t.): 3%, $5,000; 3 $10,000; 3)4% , $35,000; 4%, $111,000; 4J^%, $23,000; 5%, $17,500; 6%, $5,000; 7%, $3,300; 8%, $4,700; 10%, $2,800; 14%, $1,000. N um ber of loans not over $3,000 each, 361, amounting to $470,551.09. 38 real estate loans made during year, amounting to $57,500. Dividends, Deposits and Withdrawals. $18,381 69 16,359 06 186,561 54 Ordinary dividends declared during year: D ec., 1914, 2% June, 1915, 1% % Number of deposits during year, 3,038, amounting to Num ber of withdrawals during year, 2,326, amounting to N et increase in amount due depositors . . . . . . . . . . . . $221,302 29 211,471 16 . $9,831 13 SCHEDULE OF SECURITIES OWNED. Public Funds, Bonds. Par Value. $3,000 Boston 3J^s 3.000 Minneapolis, Minn., 4s 3.000 Portland, Ore., 4s 10,000 St. Louis, Mo., 3J^s 6.000 So. Hadley 4s Public Funds, Notes. $10,000 Hatfield 4s Railroad Bonds. Par Value. $5,000 Boston & Albany 4J^s 10.000 Boston & Albany 5s 11.000 Boston & Maine 4s 3.000 Boston & Maine 414s .10,000 Boston & Lowell 4)£s 20.000 C., B. & Q. 3^8 5.000 C., B. & Q. 4s 5.000 Chic., Mil. & St. Paul 5s 1.000 Connecticut River 3b£s 5.000 Erie & Pittsburgh 3J^s 5.000 Illinois Central 3s 10.000 Lime Rock 4s 10.000 N. Y „ N. H. & H. 4s 2.000 Old Colony 4s 5.000 Baltimore & Ohio 3J^s 1.000 Boston & Albany 3)^s D ates o f E x a m in a t io n , Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis June 28, 29. Street Railway Bonds. Par Value. $1,000 Boston Elevated 4s 5,000 Boston Elevated 4b£s 10.000 Boston & Northern 4s 10.000 Old Colony 4s 10.000 West End 4s Bank Stocks. Shs. 10 Greylock Nl. Bk., Adams 5 Millers River Nl. Bk., Athol 33 First Nl. Bk., Northampton 50 Chapin Nl. Bk., Springfield 40 Chicopee Nl. Bk., Springfield 23 Third Nl. Bk., Springfield 7 Hampden Nl. Bk., Westfield 250 REPO RT OF THE [Pub. Doc, NORTH ADAMS SAVINGS BANK, NORTH ADAMS. 86 MAIN STREET. Incorporated April 26, 1848. H ebbebt W . C l a b ic , President. A. W . Number of corporators, 45; number of trustees, 15. E zea C h ip p e n d a l e , D . Treasurer. W h it a k e b , Clerk of the Corporation. Board of Trustees: A . W . C h i p p e n d a l e , H. W . C l a b k , C . H. C u t t i n g , W . P. M c C b a w , M c V e ig h , C . T. P h e l p s , W . H . P e it c h a e d , W . H . S p e b b y , F . D . S t a p f o e d , E d m o n d J. P. W a l l , A . C . W e b e b , V . A . W h i t a k e b , C . E . W h i t n e y , C . E . W i n c h e l l . Board of Investment: C . E . W in c h e l l , W . Auditing Committee: C . H. C u t t in g , A. H. Sh ebm an V a d n a is , S p e b b y , W . P . M cC b a w . W . C h ip p e n d a l e , Sh e b m a n M cV e ig h . Deposits draw interest from first day of January, April, July and October; dividends are payable April 1 and October 1. Business hours: 9 a . m . to 4 p . m . ; Saturdays, 9 a . m . to 2 p . m . and 7 to 8 p . m . for deposits only. STATEMENT OF CONDITION, OCTOBER 30, 1915. Assets. $141,832 614,965 127,390 60,000 45,785 8.351 1,670,928 528,761 46,644 24,964 1.352 106,848 9,158 Public funds, bonds and notes . . . . . . . . . Railroad bonds and notes . . . . . . . . . . Street railway bonds . . . . . . . . . . . American Tel. & Tel. Co. bonds . . . . . . . . . Stocks of banks and trust companies . . . . . . . . Securities acquired in settlement of indebtedness . . . . . . 466 loans on real estate (average of each, $3,585.68) . . . . . . 97 loans on personal security . . . . . . . . . Bank building and fixtures (estimated value, $73,000; assessed value, $63,000) Real estate by foreclosure, etc. (assessed value, $26,700) . . . . . Taxes, insurance, etc., paid on mortgaged properties . . . . Deposits in national banks or trust companies . . . “ . Cash and cash items . . . . . . . . . . . Total Assets . . . . . 92 00 00 00 00 00 78 52 63 70 60 07 00 $3,386,982 22 Liabilities. $3,143,361 44 Due depositors on 7,563 accounts, averaging $415.62 each (Accounts opened during year, 1,116; closed, 911; increase, 205) Surplus: — a. Guaranty fund (5.57% of deposits; increase during year, none) b. Profit and loss (increase during year, $8,799.64) Current incom e: — Interest . . . . . . . . . . Less current expenses not charged off . . . . 175,000 00 46,577 45 $22,371 63 787 58 21,584 05 10 01 449 27 Savings bank life insurance Suspense account Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Total Liabilities . . . . . $3,386,982 22 No. 8.] BANK COMMISSIONER. 251 Total Expenses for the Year, including State Taxes. State Tax (Net). Salaries. Rent. Amount paid for $5,721.31 $7,655.37 $1,000.00 Cost per $1,000 of assets 1.69 2 .26 .29 Cost per $1,000 of assets not including State tax and rent . Advertising. Other Expenses. Total. $127.48 $1,317.62 $15,821.78 .04 .39 4.67 2.69 Gross income received during the year, $155,939.23. Rates on Investments and Loans (Average on All, 4.83%). Real estate loans (average rate, 5.24 per cen t.): 4%, $150,000; 4}^% , $237,460; 5%, $600,555.70; 5J^%, $20,500; 6%, $662,413.08. Personal loans (average rate, 5.18 per cent.): 4J^%, $155,450; 4 % % , $41,100; 5%, $136,613; 5M%> $25,000; 5h£%, $13,500; 6%, $132,098.52; 6 ^ % , $25,000. Bonds, stocks, etc. (average rate on amounts invested, 4.13 per cent.): 3%, $60,000; 3.40%, $5,340; 3 Yi.%, $93,600; 3J^%, $11,533.32; 4%, $537,600; 4)4% , $3,000; 4V2%, $157,200; 5%, $124,000; 6% , $ 10, 000 . Number of loans not over $3,000 each, 415, amounting to $514,066.52. 67 real estate loans made during year, amounting to $94,200. Dividends, Deposits and Withdrawals. Ordinary dividends declared during year: April, 1915, 2% Oct., 1915, 2 % Number of deposits during year, 8,466, amounting to . . . . . .......................................... . . . . Number of withdrawals during year, 6,766, amounting to . Net increase in amount due depositors . . . . . . . . . . $58,344 79 59,774 72 490,991 56 . $609,111 07 460,423 81 . $148,687 26 SCHEDULE OF SECURITIES OWNED. Public Funds, Bonds. Par Value. $2,000 Boston 4s 5.000 Bridgeport, Conn., 4)4>s 4.000 Chicago, 111., 4s 5.000 Fall River 4s 10.000 Los Angeles, Cal., VAs 2.000 Melrose 4s 14.000 New Bedford 4s 15.000 Omaha, Neb., 4)4s 3.000 Portland, Ore., 4s 10.000 Portland, Ore., 6s 5.000 Sioux City, la., 4h%s 5.000 Springfield, Mo., 5s 3.000 East Bridgewater 4)4s 8,500 Littleton 4s 2,600 Plymouth 4s Public Funds, Notes. $2,000 Florida 5s 5,340 North Adams 3.40% D ates o f E x a m in a t io n , Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Par Value. $13,600 North Adams 3)4s 11,533 North Adams 3%s 3,500 North Adams 4s 11,200 North Adams 4J/£s Railroad Bonds. $35,000 N. Y „ N. H. & H. 3)4s 102,000 N. Y „ N. H. & H. 4s 30.000 Northern Me. Seaport 5s 25.000 Pennsylvania 4)4s 5,000 Port., Gt. Falls & Con. 4)4s 15.000 Portland Terminal Co. 4s 25.000 Sullivan County 4s $64,000 Bangor & Aroostook 5s 20.000 Baltimore & Ohio 3)4s Street Railway Bonds. 8.000 Boston & Albany 4s 7.000 Boston & Maine 4s $15,000 Boston Elevated 4s 50.000 Boston & Maine 4)4s 20.000 Boston Elevated 4)4s 85.000 C., B. & Q. 4s 12.000 Boston & Northern 4s 5.000 Chic., Rock Island & Pac. Is 25.000 Hoosac Valley 4s. 10.000 Chic., Mil. & St. Paul 4s 21.000 Hoosac Valley 5s 6.000 Chic., Mil. & St. Paul 4)^s 5.000 Old Colony 4s 5.000 Delaware & Hudson 4s 25.000 Springfield 4s 30.000 Fitchburg 4s 6.000 West End 4s 5.000 Fitchburg 4)4s 60.000 Illinois Central 3s 25.000 Illinois Central 3)4s Bank Stocks. Shs. 8.000 Min., St. P. & Sit. St. M 4s 400 North Adams Trust Co. 2.000 Min., St. P. & Sit. St. M. 5s M ay 17-19 inclusive. 252 REPO RT OF THE [Pub. Doc. NORTHAMPTON INSTITUTION FOR SAVINGS, NORTHAMPTON. 109 MAIN STREET. Incorporated March 1, 1842. O l iv e r W alk e r , Number of corporators, 33; number of trustees, 17. President. Sam u el T . G. S p a u l d in g , D . D ru r y, Treasurer. Clerk o f the Corporation. Board^ of Trustees: A. C . B a r d w e l l , H . H . C h i l s o n , C . N. C l a r k , F . E . C l a r k , M e r r i t t C l a r k , B. E. C o o k , E. F . C r o o k s , S . D . D r u r y , O . W . E d w a r d s , H . R . H i n c k l e y , J . L . L y m a n , F . S . R e y n o l d s , T. G. S p a u l d i n g , F . W . T h a y e r , H . M . T y l e r , O l i v e r W a l k e r , A r t h u r W a t s o n . Board of Investment: S. D. Auditing Committee: F. E . D ru r y, C la r k , F. E. E . F. C la r k , A rth u r C ro o k s, H. H. W atso n . C h il s o n . Deposits draw interest from first Wednesday of January, April, July and October; dividends are pay able the first W ednesday of April and October. Business hours: 9 a . m . to 3 p . m . ; Saturdays, 9 a . m . to 12 m . also M ondays, 6.30 to 8 p . m . STATEMENT OF CONDITION, OCTOBER 30, 1915. Assets. Public funds, bonds and notes Railroad bonds and notes . . . . Street railway bonds . . . . . Boston Terminal Co. bonds . . . . American Tel. & Tel. Co. bonds Stocks of banks and trust companies Securities acquired in settlement of indebtedness 796 loans on real estate (average of each, $3,869.50) Less amount due on uncompleted loans . 63 loans on personal security . . . . Bank building and fixtures (estimated value, $100,000; assessed value, Real estate by foreclosure, etc. (assessed value, $59,870) Taxes, insurance, etc., paid on mortgaged properties Premium account . . . . . Suspense account . . . . . Accrued interest . . . . . . Deposits in national banks or trust companies Cash and cash items . . . . . $604,600 1,510,375 280,875 200,000 112,812 12,900 12,350 00 00 00 00 50 00 00 3,080,119 163,918 100,000 60,438 73 2,437 1,061 532 181,035 11,882 47 00 00 35 62 50 65 56 61 08 $3,181,219 47 101,100 00 100 , 000) Total A s s e t s .......................................$6,335,411 34 Liabilities. Due depositors on 14,962 accounts, averaging $396.49 each . . . . . (•Accounts opened during year, 2,002; closed, 1,656; increase, 446) Surplus: — a. Guaranty fund (4.92% of deposits; increase during year, $12,000) . . . b. Profit and loss (decrease during year, $16,673.28) . . . . . . Current incom e: — I n t e r e s t ............................................................................................... $17,921 71 Less current expenses not charged off . . $1,432 54 Less State and local taxes not charged off . 2,030 89 ----------------------3,463 43 ----------------------- Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Total Liabilities . $5,932,387 36 292,000 00 96,565 70 14,458 28 . $6,335,411 34 253 BANK COMMISSIONER. No. 8. Total Expenses for the Year, including State Taxes. State Tax (Net). Salaries. Rent. Amount paid for $10,416.61 $10,228.00 $438.32 Cost per $1,000 of assets 1.64 1.61 .07 Cost per $1,000 of assets not including State tax and rent . Advertising. Other Expenses. Total. $261.05 $3,335.92 $24,679.90 .04 .53 3.89 .......................................... 2.18 Gross income received during the year, $274,672.60. Rates on Investments and Loans (Average on All, 4.59%). Real estate loans (average rate, 4.99 per cent.): 4J^%, $127,000; 5%, $2,911,189.47; 5J^%, $40,000; 6%, $1,930. Personal loans (average rate, 5.17 per cen t.): 4 Ji% , $25,000; 5%, $57,870; 5J^%, $69,998; 6%, $11,050. Bonds, stocks, etc. (average rate on amounts invested, 4.10 per cent.); 3H%> $777,000; 3.65%, $11,000; 3.85%, $11,000; 4%, $1,372,300; 4M % , $77,000; 4 ^ % , $230,300; 5%, $275,000; 6%, $9,000; 7%, $900; 10%, $7,000; 12%, $5,000. Number of loans not over $3,000 each, 686, amounting to $856,727.47. 120 real estate loans made during year, amounting to $721,400. Dividends, Deposits and Withdrawals. $109,616 86 112,178 11 1,129,060 78 Ordinary dividends declared during year: April, 1915, 2% Oct., 1915, 2% Number of deposits during year, 15,822, amounting to . Number of withdrawals during year, 13,063, amounting to $1,350,855 75 1,067,833 55 $283,022 20 Net increase in amount due depositors SCHEDULE OF SECURITIES OWNED. Public Funds, Bonds. Par Value. $150,000 Massachusetts 3J^s 100,000 Massachusetts 4s 75.000 Boston 4s 50.000 Cambridge 4s 52.000 Northampton 3Ks 55.000 Northampton 4J^s 25.000 Seattle, Wash., 5s 31.000 Springfield 4s 5.000 Hadley (W. S. D.), 4s Public Funds, Notes. $3,300 Everett 4s 11.000 Northampton 3.65% 11.000 Northampton 3.85% 8.000 Northampton 4s 1.000 Northampton 4J^s 10.000 Northampton 4J^s 5.000 Easthampton 4s 12,300 Hatfield 4)^s D ates oe E x a m in a t io n , Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Railroad Bonds. Par Value. $50,000 Boston & Albany 4s 50.000 Boston & Maine 4s 25.000 Boston & Maine 4)^s 9,000 Burl. & Mo. River 6s 75.000 C„ B. & Q. 3^s 50.000 C., B. & Q. 4s 50.000 Chic., Mil. & St. Paul 5s 50.000 Chic. & Northw. 3J^s 25.000 Chic. & Northw. 4s 50.000 Chic., R. I. & Pac. 4s 150.000 Fitchburg 4s 25.000 Fitchburg 4p^s 76.000 Holyoke & Westfield 4J£s 50.000 Illinois Central 3)^8 100.000 L. Shore & Mich. So. 3J^s 100.000 Michigan Central 3J^s 50.000 Milwaukee, L. S. & W. 5s 100.000 N. York & N. E. 4s 215.000 N. Y „ N. H. & H. 4s June 28-30 inclusive. Par Value. $100,000 No. Maine Seaport 5s 80.000 Old Colony 4s 50.000 Providence & Wore. 4s Street Railway Bond3, $100,000 Boston Elevated 4Ks 100,000 Boston & Northern 4s 50.000 Old Colony 4s 40.000 West End 5s Bank Stocks. Shs. 15 Nl. Bk. of Commerce, Boston 20 Merchants Nl. Bk., Boston 50 Second Nl. Bk., Boston 9 First Nl. Bk., Northampton 50 Northampton Nl. Bk. 254 REPO RT OF THE [Pub. Doc, NORTH AVENUE SAVINGS BANK, CAMBRIDGE. I960 MASSACHUSETTS AVENUE. Incorporated March 7, 1872. C harles F. Number of corporators, 31; number of trustees, 16. President. Stratto n , F ran k M il t o n E. San ds, L. W alton , Treasurer. Clerk of the Corporation. Board of Trustees: FI. O. C u t t e r , E. L. G r u e b y , C. F. H a t h a w a y , W . L. H o o p e r , P h i n e a s H u b b a r d , W . E. H u t c h i n s , W . J. M a n d e l l , C. D . R i c e , F. E. S a n d s , A. P. S t o n e , C. F. S t r a t t o n , E. B. S t r a t t o n , B. T . T h a y e r , S a m u e l U s h e r , M . L. W a l t o n , G . B. W a s o n . Board of Investment: C. F. Auditing Committee: C. F. Stratto n , W . L. B. Stratto n , T . W . E. H o oper, H u t c h in s , T h a yer, Sam u el E. L. G ru e by, C. D . R ic e . U sh er. Deposits draw interest from tenth day of January, April, July and October; dividends are payable January 10 and July 10. Business hours: 8.30 a . m . to 1 p . m . ; also Saturdays, from 6 to 8 p . m . STATEMENT OF CONDITION, OCTOBER 30, 1915. Assets. Public funds, bonds and notes . . . . Railroad bonds and notes . . . . . Street railway bonds . . . . . . Boston Terminal Co. bonds . . . . . American Tel. & Tel. Co. bonds . . Stocks of banks and trust companies . . . Securities acquired in settlement of indebtedness . 594 loans on real estate (average of each, $3,366.54) . Less amount due on uncompleted loans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2,002,523 33 2,800 00 27 loans on personal security . . . . . . . . Bank building and fixtures (estimated value, $40,000; assessed value, $31,400) Real estate b y foreclosure, etc. (assessed value, $16,800) . . . . Taxes, insurance, etc., paid on mortgaged properties . . . . Premium account . . . . . . . . . . Deposits in national banks or trust companies . . . . . Cash . . . . . . . . . . . . . Total Assets $249,745 468,843 213,010 5,000 32,225 1,350 11,280 85 85 78 00 50 00 00 1,999,723 268,300 37,000 13,825 321 147 16,872 6,297 33 00 00 14 50 00 82 86 . $3,323,943 63 Liabilities. Due depositors on 9,112 accounts, averaging $345.13 each {Accounts opened during year, 1,064; closed, 973; increase, 91) Surplus: — a. Guaranty fund {3.64% of deposits; increase during year, $7,900) b. Profit and loss {increase during year, $13,847.37) . Current income: •— Interest . . . . . . . . . . Less current expenses not charged off . . . . Unearned discount . . . . . . . . Total Liabilities . . 114,500 00 55,121 81 $12,485 79 3,483 09 ----------------- . . $3,144,825 99 . . . 9,002 70 493 13 $3,323,943 63 Total Expenses for the Year, including State Taxes. State Tax (.Net). Salaries. Rent. Amount paid for $5,069.10 $6,143.00 $2,000.00 Cost per $1,000 of assets 1.52 1.85 .60 Cost per $1,000 of assets not including State tax and rent . Gross income received during the year, $151,689.82. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Advertising. Other Expenses. Total. $314.72 $2,901.14 $16,427.96 .09 .87 4 .9 3 2 .8 1 BAN K COMMISSIONER. No. 8.] 255 Kates on Investments and Loans (Average on All, 4.78%). Real estate loans (average rate, 5.02 per cent.): 4J^%, $12,500; 5%, $1,892,933.33; 5}^% , $73,600; 6%, $20,690. Personal loans (average rate, 4.76 per cent.): 4% % , $15,000; 4V£%, $112,500; 4 % % , $90,000; 5%, $24,500; 5M % . $10,000; 6%, $16,300. Bonds, stocks, etc. (average rate on amounts invested, 4.27 per cent.): 3%, $16,000; 3)^% , $211,000; 4%, $420,250; 4J^%, $144,000; 5%, $183,500; 6%, $24,900; 7%, $2,000. Number of loans not over $3,000 each, 329, amounting to $599,143.33. 56 real estate loans made during year, amounting to $227,500. Dividends, Deposits and Withdrawals. Ordinary dividends declared during year: Jan., 1915, 2% July, 1915, 2 % Number of deposits during year, 11,985, amounting to . . . . . . .......................................... . . . . Number of withdrawals during year, 8,742, amounting to Net increase in amount due depositors . . . . . . . . . . . $57,564 17 59,236 22 568,386 69 . $685,187 08 553,880 55 . $131,306 53 SCHEDULE OF SECURITIES OWNED. Public Funds, Bonds. Par Value. $11,000 Boston 3J^s 10.000 Boston 4s 5.000 Brockton 4s 3.000 Cambridge 4s 5.000 Des Moines, la., 4s 5.000 Dubuque, la., 4s 6.000 Flint, Mich., 4)^s 1.000 Gloucester 4s 1.000 Holyoke 3p£s 2.000 Johnstown, Pa., 3J^s 3.000 Kansas City, Mo., 4s 6.000 Lynn 3JdjS 25.000 Los Angeles, Cal., 4}^s 2,750 Milwaukee, Wis., 4s 10.000 New Bedford 4s 1.000 New London, Ct., 3J^s 5.000 Oakland, Cal., 4J^s 5.000 Omaha, Neb., 4^s 10.000 San Francisco, Cal., 5s 25.000 Seattle, Wash., 4)^s 1.000 Somerville 4s 2.000 Springfield 4s 4.000 Wilkes-Barre, Pa., 3)^s 7.000 Andover 4s 2.000 Ipswich 4s 10.000 Lincoln 3J^s 10.000 Mansfield 4s 8.000 Milford 4s 8.000 Palmer 3J^s 20.000 Revere 4s 7,500 Br. & Tops., Me. (W. D.), 4s Public Funds, Notes. $10,000 Chicopee 4s 14.000 Greenfield 3^s 5.000 Whitman 4s Railroad Bonds. Par Value. $15,000 Boston & Albany 5s 3.000 Boston & Lowell 3}^s 5.000 Boston & Lowell 4s 1.000 Boston & Maine 3)^s 29.000 Boston & Maine 4s 10.000 Boston & Maine 4)^s 1.000 Bridgeton & Saco R. 4s 20,800 Burl. & Mo. R. 6s 20.000 C., B. & Q. 3^s 5.000 C., B. & Q. 4s 3.000 C., B. & Q. 5s 20.000 Chic., Mil. & St. Paul 4J^s 10.000 Chic., Mil. & St. Paul 5s 2.000 Chic & Northw. 5s 20.000 Chic., R. I. & Pac. 4s 10.000 Cleveland & Pitts. 3}4s 6.000 Concord & Montreal 4s 4.000 Connecticut River 3J^s 1.000 Connecticut River 4s 5.000 Dexter & Piscataquis 4s 5.000 Erie & Pittsburgh 3j4ls 20.000 Fitchburg 3J^s 33.000 Fitchburg 4s 3.000 Fitchburg 4J^s 16.000 Illinois Central 3s 34.000 Illinois Central 3)^s 1.000 Iowa, Minn., & Northw. 3Jf>s 5.000 Louisville & Nashville 4s 10.000 Me. Cent. & E. & N. A. 4s 20.000 Michigan Central 4s 15.000 N. Y. C. & H. R. 4s 40.000 N. Y., N. H. & H. 3^s 11.000 N. Y „ N. H. & H. 4s 3.000 Old Colony 4s 9.000 Portland & Ogdens. 4J^s 2,600 Republican Valley 6s 2.000 Tarkio Valley 7s 10.000 Upper Coos 4s 5.000 Upper Coos 4F£s 6.000 Washington Co. 3J^s $35,000 Atchison, Top. & San. F6 4s 5.000 Boston & Albany 3)4s D ates of E x a m in a t io n , Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis March 31, April 1. Street Railway Bonds. Par Value. $10,000 Boston Elevated 5s 4.000 Boston, Milton & Brock, os 15.000 Boston & Northern 4s 1.000 Brockton 5s 11.000 Brock., Bridg. & Taunton 5s 4.000 Brockton & E. Bridgew. 5s 11.000 Citizens Electric 5s 2.000 E. Middlesex 4s 1.000 Fitch. & Leominster 5s 18.000 George., Row. & Ips. 5s 1.000 Glouc., Essex & Beverly 5s 1.000 Leomin., Shirley & Ayer 5s 12.000 Lowell, Law. & Haver. 5s 14.000 Lynn & Boston 5s 1.000 Marlboro’ & Westboro’ 5s 3.000 Mil., Holliston & Fram. 5s 7.000 Milford & Uxbridge 5s 2,500 Mystic Valley 5s 10.000 Old Colony 4s 1.000 Peoples 5s 5.000 Providence & Taunton 5s 5.000 South Shore & Boston 5s 5.000 Springfield & Eastern 5s 4.000 Taunton & Brockton 5s 5.000 Uxbridge & Blackstone os 23.000 West End 4s 20.000 West End 4J^s 7.000 West End 5s 1.000 Western Mass. 5s 1.000 Wore. & Clinton 5s 7.000 Wore. Consolidated 4Ks 1.000 Wore. Consolidated 5s 4.000 Wore. & Southbridge 4}dis Bank Stocks. Shs. 15 First Nl. Bk., Marlborough [Pub. Doc, REPO RT OF THE 256 NORTH BROOKFIELD SAVINGS BANK, NORTH BROOKFIELD. SUMMER STREET. Incorporated February 28, 1854. Number of corporators, 37; number of trustees, 14. G e o r g e R . H a m a n t , President. A r t h u r C . B l is s , Treasurer. M a u r ic e A . L o n g l e y , Clerk of the Corporation. Board o f Trustees: F . S. B a r t l e t t , H . P. B a r t l e t t , E. D . B a t c h e l l e r , A. C. B l is s , B . A. B u s h , S. A. C l a r k , G. R . D o a n e , W . F . F u l l a m , G. R . H a m a n t , S u m n e r H o l m e s , M . A. L o n g l e y , H . T . M a y n a r d , T. G. R ic h a r d s , A. G. S t o n e . Board of Investment: G. R . H a m a n t , S u m n e r H o l m e s , G. R. D o a n e , H . T. M a y n a r d . Auditing Committee: T . G. R ic h a r d s , H. T. M a y n a r d , H. P. B a r t l e t t . Deposits draw interest from third day of January, April, July and October; dividends are payable January 3 and July 3. Business hours: 9 a .m . to 1 p .m .; 2 to 4 p .m .; Saturdays, 9 a .m . to 12 m . STATEMENT OF CONDITION, OCTOBER 30, 1915. Assets. Public funds, bonds and notes . . Railroad bonds and notes . . . . Street railway bonds . . . . . American Tel. & Tel. Co. bonds Stocks of banks and trust companies 273 loans on real estate (average of each, $1,717.12) Less amount due on uncompleted loans . 00 00 00 75 00 468,775 300 4,000 4,215 5,344 2,154 52 00' 00 45 86 24 $470,075 52 1,300 00 1 loan on personal security . . . . . . . . . Bank building and fixtures (estimated value, $10,000; assessed value, $10,000) Real estate b y foreclosure, etc. (assessed value, $4,200) . . . . Deposits in national banks or trust companies . . . . . Cash . . . . . . . . . . . . . Total Assets $70,500 154,000 60,215 13,518 2,500 . . . . . $735,533 82 Liabilities. Due depositors on 2,100 accounts, averaging $333.03 each (Accounts opened during year, 182; closed, 154; increase, 28) Surplus: — a. Guaranty fund (5.64% ° f deposits; increase during year, none) b. Profit and loss (increase during year, $3,952) Current income: — Interest . . . . . . . . Less current expenses not charged off . . . Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Total Liabilities . . $699,364 66 39,500 00 34,524 00 $13,085 01 939 85 --------- — . . . 12,145 16 $785,533 82 No. 8.' BANK COMMISSIONER. 257 Total Expenses for the Year, including State Taxes. State Tax (Net). Salaries. Rent. Amount paid for $977.87 $1,543.80 Cost per $1,000 of assets 1.24 1.96 Cost per $1,000 of assets not including State tax and rent . Advertising. Other Expenses. Total. $40.10 $590.51 $3,152.28 .05 .75 4 .0 0 2 .76 Gross income received during the year, $37,940.16. Rates on Investments and Loans (Average on All, 5.05%). Real estate loans (average rate, 5.35 per cent.): 5%, $196,950; 5 K % . $213,875.52; 6%, $57,950. Personal loans (average rate, 6 per cen t.): 6%, $300. Bonds, stocks, etc. (average rate on amounts invested, 4.61 per cent.): 3 % % , $18,000; 4%, $109,500; 4 y2% , $40,000; 5%, $118,400; 6%, $10,000; 7%, $5,000; 8%, $1,800. Number of loans not over $3,000 each, 215, amounting to $227,775.52. 34 real estate loans made during year, amounting to $87,300. Dividends, Deposits and Withdrawals. $14,797 27 15,037 71 83,571 27 Ordinary dividends declared during year: Jan., 1915, 2 }4% July, 1915, 2\i% Number of deposits during year, 1,376, amounting to Number of withdrawals during year, 1,623, amounting to Net increase in amount due depositors . . . . . . . . . . . . $113,406 25 91,611 01 . $21,795 24 SCHEDULE OF SECURITIES OWNED. Public Funds, Bonds. Par Value. $18,000 Dayton, 0., 5s 10.000 San Francisco, Cal., 5s 10.000 North Brookfield 4s 10,500 Plainville 4s 4,000 Stamford, Ct., 4s Public Funds, Notes. $18,000 North Brookfield Railroad Bonds. Par Value. $17,000 Bangor & Aroostook 5s 20.000 Boston & Maine 4s 15.000 Concord & Montreal 4s 5.000 Delaware & Hudson 7s 5.000 Fitchburg 5s 10.000 Louisville & Nashville 6s 20.000 N. Y „ N. H. & H. 4s 25.000 No. Maine Seaport 5s 5.000 Old Colony 4s 10.000 Ports., Gt. F. & Con. 4Hs 12.000 Rome, Water. & Ogdens. 5s 10.000 Upper Coos 4p£s D a t e of E x a m in a t io n , July 16. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Street Railway Bonds. Par Value. $20,000 Boston Elevated 4)-^s 10.000 Boston & Northern 4s 6.000 Lowell, Law. & Hav. 5s 10.000 Lynn & Boston 5s 10.000 Springfield & Eastern 5s 5.000 Worcester Consolidated 5s Bank Stocks. Shs. 10 Eliot Nl. Bk., Boston 18 Spencer Nl. Bk. 4 Ware Nl. Bank 258 REPO RT OF THE [Pub. Doc. NORTH EASTON SAVINGS BANK, NORTH EASTON. MAIN STREET. Incorporated February 8, 1864. Number of corporators, 25; number of trustees, 14. W il l ia m H . A m e s , President. C h e s t e b R . F i e l d , Treasurer. L o b e n zo B . C b o c k e t t , Clerk of the Corporation. Board o f Trustees: F. L. A m e s , H obabt A m e s , J. S. A m e s , O a k e s A m e s , W . H. A m e s , D. F. B uck l e y , L. B. C b o c k e t t , C . R . F i e l d , J. R . F i e l d , H . W . F b e n c h , W . K . G o w a b d , J. B. K in g , G. E. S h e p a b d , J. M . W il l ia m s . Board of Investment: W . H. A m e s , F. L. A m e s , H . W . F b e n c h , W . K . G o w a b d , G. E. S h e p a b d . Auditing Committee: F . L . A m e s , J. M . W il l ia m s , D . F . B u c k l e y . Deposits draw interest from fifteenth day of January, April, July and October; dividends are payable April 15 and October 15. Business hours: 9 a . m . to 12 m .; 1.30 to 3 p . m .; Saturdays, 9 a .m . to 12 m . STATEMENT OF CONDITION, OCTOBER 30, 1915. Assets. Public funds, bonds and notes . . . . Railroad bonds and notes . . . , Street railway bonds . . . . . . Boston Terminal Co. bonds . . . . . American Tel. & Tel. Co. bonds . . . . Stocks of banks and trust companies . . . Securities acquired in settlement of indebtedness . 365 loans on real estate (average o f each, $2,644-47) . Less amount due on uncompleted loans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $50,000 362,386 250,535 5,000 43,173 14,760 16,712 00 81 11 00 61 00 50 . . . . $967,006 25 . . 1,773 27 ------------------------------------------ 965,232 98 53 loans on personal security . . . . . . . . . . 733,000 00 Bank building and fixtures (estimated value, $35,000; assessed value, $27,000) . . 25,217 38 Real estate b y foreclosure, etc. (assessed value, $13,825) . . . . . . 20,907 61 Taxes, insurance, etc., paid on mortgaged properties . . . . . . 147 95 Deposits in national banks or trust companies . . . . . . . 65,951 30 Cash and cash items . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,313 36 . . Total Assets . . . . . . . . . $2,556,333 61 Liabilities. Due depositors on 4,453 accounts, averaging $537.52 each (Accounts opened during year, 298; closed, 331; decrease, 33) Surplus: — o. Guaranty fund (4-98% of deposits; increase during year, $529.35) h. Profit and loss (increase during year, $20,945.22) . Current income: — Interest . . . . . . Less current expenses not charged off . . $299 33 Less bank building expense account . . 621 53 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis . $2,393,596 14 119,017 10 41,107 63 $3,538 60 920 86 2,617 74 Total Liabilities . . $2,556,338 61 259 BANK COMMISSIONER. No. 8.] Total Expenses for the Year, including State Taxes. Rent. State Tax (Net). Salaries. Am ount paid for $6,320.73 $3,375.00 $575.00 C ost per $1,000 of assets 2 .4 7 1.32 .22 C ost per $1,000 of assets not including State tax and rent . Advertising. Other Expenses. Total. $463.14 $10,733.87 .18 4 .1 9 1.50 Gross income received during the year, $119,247.15. Bates on Investments and Loans (Average on All, 4.84%). Real estate loans (average rate, 5.24 per cen t.): 5%, $608,201.73; 5}^% , $237,761.25; 6%, $119,270. Personal loans (average rate, 4.91 per cent.); 4J^%, $241,500; 4 % % , $157,500; 5%, $214,000; 5 % % , $55,000; 6%, $65,000. Bonds, stocks, etc. (average rate on amounts invested, 4.25 per cent.): 3%, $25,000; 3)^% , $113,000; 4%, $410,000; 4J^%, $120,000; 5%, $89,000; 8%, $7,500. Number of loans not over $3,000 each, 256, amounting to $394,828.25. 12 real estate loans made during year, amounting to $27,100. Dividends, Deposits and Withdrawals. Ordinary dividends declared during year: April, 1915, 2% Oct., 1915, 2 % Number of deposits during year, 2,003, amounting to . . Number of withdrawals during year, 2,874, amounting to N et increase in amount due depositors . . . . . . . . ........................................... . . . . . . . . . . . $46,375 73 46,571 76 220,666 02 . $313,613 51 291,095 81 . $22,517 70 SCHEDULE OF SECURITIES OWNED. Public Funds, Bonds. Par Value. $10,000 San Francisco, Cal., 5s 5.000 Syracuse, N. Y., 4s 5.000 Randolph 4s 30.000 No. Easton (Vil. Dist.), 4s Railroad Bonds. $35,000 Boston & Albany 4s 8.000 Boston & Lowell 3Hs 20.000 Boston & Maine 3J^s 35.000 Boston & Maine 4J^s 35.000 G , B. & Q. 3^s 25.000 Chicago & Northw. 4s Par Value. $20,000 Concord & Montreal 4s 5.000 Dexter & Piscataquis 4s 10.000 Fitchburg 3J^s 20.000 Fitchburg 4s 10.000 Fitchburg 4Ms 25.000 Illinois Central 3s 15.000 Illinois Central 3)^s 10.000 Illinois Central 4s 20.000 N. Y., N. H. & H. 3V2a 35.000 N. Y., N. H. & H. 4s 10.000 No. Maine Seaport 5s 15.000 Old Colony 4s 5.000 Portland & R. Falls 4s 11.000 Providence Terminal Co. 4s D a t e s of E x a m in a t io n , April 22-26 inclusive. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Street Railway Bonds. Par Value. $75,000 Boston Elevated 4J^s 10.000 Boston Elevated 5s 88.000 Boston & Northern 4s 5,000 East Middlesex 4s 25.000 Old Colony 4s 25.000 West End 4s 35.000 West End 5s Bank Stocks. Shs. 75 Nl. Shawmut Bk., Boston 38 Bristol Co. Nl. Bk., Taunton 260 REPO RT OF THE [Pub. Doc. NORTH END SAVINGS BANK, BOSTON. 57 COURT STREET. Incorporated February 17, 1870. Number of corporators, 28; number of trustees, 14. W il l ia m G. S h il l a b e r , President. F r a n k E . B u x t o n , Treasurer. E d w in A . B a y l e t , Clerk o f the Corporation. Board of Trustees: E. A. B a y l e y , C. G. B u r g e s s , J. T. B u r n e t t , F. E. B u x t o n , C. E. N o y e s , I. E. N o y e s , W . F. R o b in s o n , C. P. S h il l a b e r , W . G. S h il l a b e r , S. F. S q u ir e s , F. H . V i a u x , M . P. W h i t e , A . M . W ig g in , C. E . W ig g in . Board o f Investment: W . G. S h il l a b e r , C. E . W ig g in , C. E . N o y e s , J. T . B u r n e t t , S. F . S q u ir e s . Auditing Committee: C. G. B u r g e s s , J. T . B u r n e t t , A . M . W ig g in . Deposits draw interest from first day of January, April, July and October; dividends are payable January 1 and July 1. Business hours: 9 a .m . to 2 p .m . STATEMENT OF CONDITION, OCTOBER 30, 1915. Assets. Public funds, bonds and notes Railroad bonds and notes . . . . . . Street railway bonds . . . . Boston Terminal Co. bonds . . . . . . . . American Tel. & Tel. Co. bonds . . . . . . . 582 loans on real estate {average o f each, $5,484.76) . . . . 59 loans on personal security . . . . . . Real estate b y foreclosure, etc. (assessed value, $72,300) . . . Deposits in national banks or trust companies . . . . Cash and cash items . . . . . . . . . $106,367 824,187 92,220 215,475 91,620 3,192,132 1,757,216 47,659 337,154 5,574 50 50 00 50 00 80 69 93 57 47 Total A s s e t s .......................................$6,669,608 96 Liabilities. Due depositors on 13,230 accounts, averaging $467.33 each . . . . . ( Accounts opened during year, 1,314; closed, 1,281; decrease, 67) Surplus: — a. Guaranty fund (4-46% o f deposits; increase during year, $16,000) . . . b. Profit and loss (decrease during year, $9,856.62) . . . . . . Current incom e: — I n t e r e s t ............................................................................................... $44,270 82 Less current expenses not charged off . . . . 7,048 86 ----------------------- Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Total Liabilities . $6,182,744 09 276,000 00 173^642 91 37,221 96 . $6,669,608 96 261 BANK COMMISSIONER. No. 8.] Total Expenses for the Year, including State Taxes. State Tax (Net). Salaries. Rent. Amount paid for $12,466.92 $14,521.99 $5,500.00 C ost per $1,000 of assets 1.87 2 .1 8 .82 C ost per $1,000 of assets not including State tax and rent . Advertising. Other Expenses. Total. $112.10 $3,498.68 $36,099.69 .02 .52 5.41 2 .7 2 Gross income received during the year, $303,166.26. Rates on Investments and Loans (Average on All, 4.63%). Real estate loans (average rate, 4.89 per cent.): 4%, $67,000; 4Mt%> $206,500; 4Mi%, $405,032.80; 5%, $2,413,000 ; 5J^%, $55,350; 6%, $45,250. Personal loans (average rate, 4.64 per cent.): 4%, $875; 4 % , $130,000; 4J^%, $1,012,750; 4 % % , $225,000; 5%, $336,100; 5J^%, $50,241.69; 6%, $2,250. Bonds, stocks, etc. (average rate on amounts invested, 4.01 per cent.): 3%, $25,000; 3Mi%, $10,000; 3}4% , $565,000; 4%, $595,000; 4 H % , $50,000; 5%, $100,000; 7%, $20,000. Number of loans not over $3,000 each, 336, amounting to $567,445. 65 real estate loans made during year, amounting to $345,800. Dividends, Deposits and Withdrawals. Ordinary dividends declared during year: Jan., 1915, 2% . . . . . July, 1 9 1 5 , 2 % ........................................... Number of deposits during year, 13,159, amounting to . . . . . Number of withdrawals during year, 11,117, amounting to Net increase in amount due depositors . . . . . . . . . . . $116,731 89 117,948 13 972,812 22 . $1,207,492 24 1,066,148 10 . $141,344 14 SCHEDULE OF SECURITIES OWNED. Public Funds, Bonds. Par Value. $50,000 Boston 25.000 Worcester 4s 10.000 Mansfield (W. D.), 4s Public Funds, Notes. $10,000 Southborough 3J^s 10,000 Southborough V/2s Railroad Bonds. Par Value. $50,000 Atch., Top. & Santa F5 4s 25.000 Boston & Maine 3Hs 75.000 C„ B. & Q. 3^s 50.000 Chic., Mil. & St. Paul 4Mis 25.000 Concord & Montreal 4s 25.000 Erie & Pittsburgh 3J^s 145,000 Pitchburg 4s 25.000 Illinois Central 3s 75.000 Illinois Central 3J^s 50.000 Michigan Central 3Mis 50.000 Minn., St. P. & Sit. St. M. 5s D a t e s o f E x a m in a t io n , M ay 13, 14. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis $50,000 N. Y. C. & H. R. 4s 50.000 N. Y „ N. H. & H. 3V2s 25.000 N. Y., N. H. & H. 4s 40.000 Penobscot Shore Line 4s 50.000 Portland Terminal Co. 4s 20.000 Troy & Boston 7s 25.000 Upper Coos 4s Street Railway Bonds. $50,000 Boston Elevated 5s 50,000 Boston & Northern 4s 262 [Pub. Doc. REPORT OF THE NORTH MIDDLESEX SAVINGS BANK, AYER. MAIN STREET. Incorporated March 5, 1885. Number of corporators, 34; number of trustees, 19. D a n ie l W . F l e t c h e b , President. S a b a h T . T u t e n , Treasurer. E d w a b d A . R ic h a b d s o n , Clerk o f the Corporation. Board o f Trustees: W . H . A n n is , E u g e n e B a b e t , G. H. B i x b t , D . W . F l e t c h e b , H o w a e d F u l l e b , T . L. H a z e n , D . G. H o u g h t o n , H . E . M e a d , F . A . P a t c h , O. K . P ie b c e , E . A . R ic h a b d s o n , W . U . S h e b w in , W a ld o S p a u l d in g , E . D. S t o n e , B e n ja m in T a f t , P e t e b T a b b e l l , H . B. W h i t e , F b e d e e ic k W h it n e y , C. F . W o b c e s t e b . Board of Investment: D . W . F l e t c h e b , F. A. P a t c h , H . B. W h i t e , O. K . P ie b c e , P e t e b T a b b e l l . Auditing Committee: W . U . Sh e b w i n , H o w a b d F u l l e b , E . A . R ic h a b d s o n . Deposits draw interest from first day of January, April, July and October; dividends are payable January 5 and July 5. Business hours: 9 to 1 1 a .m .; 12.30 to 3 p .m .; Saturdays, 8 a .m . to^l p . m . STATEMENT OF CONDITION, OCTOBER 30, 1915. Assets. Public funds, bonds and notes . . . . . . . . Railroad bonds and notes . . . . . . . . . . Street railway bonds . . . . . . . . . . . Boston Terminal C o. bonds . . . . . . . . . American Tel. & Tel. Co. bonds . . . . . . . . . Stocks of banks and trust companies . . . . . . . . Securities acquired in settlement of indebtedness . . . . . 384 loans on real estate {average o f each, SI,555.53) . . . . . . 51 loans on personal security . . . . . . . . Bank building and fixtures (estimated value, $36,600; assessed value, $29,800) Real estate by foreclosure, etc. (assessed value, SI 7,675) . . . . . Taxes, insurance, etc., paid on mortgaged properties . . . . . Premium account . . . . . . . . . . . Deposits in national banks or trust companies . . . . . . Cash and cash items . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .• . . . . . . . . . . $222,900 00 229,450 00 74,275 00 50,000 00 23,250 00 18,288 89 8,000 00 597,325 56 216,532 25 35,000 00 14,450 99 54 54 1,187 50 37,535 60 918 72 Total A s s e t s ....................................... $1,529,169 05 Liabilities. Due depositors on 4,890 accounts, averaging $293.10 each (Accounts opened during year, 506; closed, S90; increase, 116) Surplus: — o. Guaranty fund (4-07% of deposits; increase during year, $3,600) b. Profit and loss (decrease during year, $1,152.61) Current income: — a. Interest . . . . . . . $13,610 03 b. R e n t ............................................................... 427 07 . $1,433,256 94 58,300 00 25,915 75 $14,037 10 Less current expenses not charged off . . Less State or local taxes not charged off . . Less foreclosure income account not charged off $1,589 29 581 10 190 35 2,360 74 -------------- Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 11,676 36 20 00 Unearned discount Total Liabilities . . $1,529,169 05 263 BANK COMMISSIONER, No. Total Expenses for the Year, including State Taxes. Rent. State Tax (Net). Amount paid for $2,922.89 $3,698.66 $500.00 Cost per $1,000 of assets 1.91 2 .4 2 .33 Cost per $1,000 of assets not including State tax and rent . Advertising. Other Expenses. Total. $978.92 $8,100.47 .64 5 .3 0 3.06 Gross income received during the year, $69,052.42. Rates on Investments and Loans (Average on All, 4.61%). Real estate loans (average rate, 5.09 per cent.): 4%, $3,818; 4J^%, $13,700; 5%, $507,699.56; 5J^%, $9,966; 6%, $62,142. Personal loans (average rate, 5.18 per cent.): 4J^%, $10,000; 4 % % , $20,000; 5%, $123,831; 5J^%, $27,825; 6%, $34,876.25. Bonds, stocks, etc. (average rate on amounts invested, 3.96 per cent.): 3%, $10,000; 3J^%, $227,900; 3Jfj%, $6,000; 4%, $270,000; 4M % , $25,000; 4)^% , 345,000; 5%, $28,000; 6%, $500 ; 8%, $6,500; 10%, $5,000. • Number of loans not over $3,000 each, 382, amounting to $451,489.81. 40 real estate loans made during year, amounting to $42,490. Dividends, Deposits and Withdrawals. Ordinary dividends declared during year: Jan., 1915, 2% July, 1915, 2% Number of deposits during year, 3,601, amounting to $26,490 29 26,776 70 218,866 47 Number of withdrawals during year, 3,212, amounting to $272,133 46 220,945 85 N et increase in amount due depositors $51,187 61 SCHEDULE OF SECURITIES OWNED. Public Funds, Bonds. Par Value. $5,000 Massachusetts 3)^s 32.000 Boston 3)^s 25.000 Boston 4]4s 1.000 Fitchburg 4s 5.000 Marlborough 4s 5.000 Spokane, Wash., 4Hs 15.000 Springfield 3)^s 9.000 Mansfield (W. S. D.), 4s Public Funds, Notes. $10,000 Acton 4s 23.000 Ayer 4s 6.000 Groton 3%s 11.000 Groton 4s 7.000 Littleton 4s 30.000 Pepperell 4s 3,500 Shirley 3Hs 35,400 Shirley (Vil. W. D.), 3Jd>s Railroad Bonds. Par Value. $10,000 Bangor & Aroostook 5s 10.000 Boston & Albany 3J^s 5.000 Boston & Lowell 4s 5.000 Boston & Maine 4s 15.000 Boston & Maine 4}^s 5.000 B., Revere B. & Lynn 12.000 C., B. & Q. 3^s 20.000 C., B. & Q. 4s 15.000 Cleve. & Pittsburgh 33d>s 5.000 Connecticut River 3Yfi 15.000 Fitchburg 3J^s 18.000 Fitchburg 4s 10.000 Illinois Central 3s 10.000 Illinois Central 314a 5.000 Illinois Central 4s 10.000 Mil., L. S. & W. 5s 10.000 N. Y. C. & H. R. 3^s 5.000 N. Y., N. H. & H. 3Hs 30.000 N. Y., N. H. & H. 4s D a t e s o f E x a m in a t io n , April 28, 29. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Par Value. $6,000 Old Colony 4s 5.000 Sioux City and Pacific 3)^s 5.000 Wore, Nash, and Roch. 4s Street Railway Bonds. $30,000 Boston Elevated 4s 15.000 Boston Elevated 4J^s 10.000 Boston & Northern 4s 15.000 West End 4s 5.000 Worcester Con. 4J^s Bank Stocks. Shs. 40 First Nl. Bk., Ayer. 5 Commercial Nl. Bk., Boston 10 Eliot Nl. Bk., Boston 10 Merchants Nl. Bk., Boston 28 Nl. Shawmut Bk., Boston 5 Peoples Nl. Bk., Boston 32 Merchants Nl. Bk., Worcester 264 REPO RT OF THE [Pub. Doc. ORANGE SAVINGS BANK, ORANGE. 11 Incorporated March 31, 1871. WEST MAIN STREET. Number of corporators, 26; number of trustees, 11. A d e i .b e e t W . B a l l o u , President. G e o r g e W . A n d r e w s , Treasurer. T . W e s l e y B r id g e , Clerk of the Corporation. Board of Trustees: G. W . A n d r e w s , A . W . B a l l o u , T . W . B r id g e , E. M . B u e l l , H . S. D a w l e y , F . A . D e x t e r , A . J. F i s h e r , H . C. G a t e s , C. E. G i b b s , A . L. J o h n s o n , F . D . K e l l o g g . Board of Investment: A . W . B a l l o u , A. J. F i s h e r , E . M . UELL. Auditing Committee: A . J. F i s h e r , F . D . K e l l o g g , H . C . G a t e s . Deposits draw interest from first day of February, M ay, August and Novem ber; dividends are pay able February 1 and August 1. Business hours: 9 a . m . to 3 p . m .; Saturdays, 9 a . m . to 12.30 p . m . STATEMENT OF CONDITION, OCTOBER 30, 1915. Assets. Public funds, bonds and notes . . . . Railroad bonds and notes . . . . . Street railway bonds . . . . . . Boston Terminal Co. bonds . . . . . American Tel. & Tel. Co. bonds . . . . Stocks of banks and trust companies . . . Securities acquired in settlement of indebtedness . 346 loans on real estate (average of each, $4,179.SO) . Less amount due on uncompleted loans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1,448,838 00 2,800 00 61 loans on personal security . . . . . . . . . Bank building and fixtures (estimated value, $20,000; assessed value, $10,200) Deposits in national banks or trust companies . . . . . . Cash and cash items . . . . . . . . . Total Assets $257,062 489,836 58,637 10,000 36,062 18,700 21,000 50 25 50 00 50 00 00 1,446,038 110,595 15,000 18,362 2,499 00 70 00 05 61 . $2,483,794 11 Liabilities. Due depositors on 6,157 accounts, averaging $367.78 each (Accounts opened during year, 423; closed, 424; decrease, 1) Surplus: — a. Guaranty fund (5.03% of deposits; increase during year, none) b. Profit and loss (increase during year, S13,047.02) . • . Current income: — a. Interest . . . . . . . $22,541 74 b. Rent . . . . . . . 414 27 Total Liabilities . $2,264,481 07 114,014 00 83,776 20 $22,956 01 1,433 17 ----------------- Less current expenses not charged off Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis . 21,522 84 . $2,483,794 11 No. 8. 265 BANK COMMISSIONER. Total Expenses for the Year, including State Taxes. State Tax (Net). Salaries. Rent. Amount paid for $3,340.41 $4,554.96 $600.00 C ost per $1,000 of assets 1.35 1.83 .24 C ost per $1,000 of assets not including State tax and rent . Advertising. $78.63 .03 Other expenses. Total. $949.38 $9,523.38 .38 3.83 2 .2 4 C ross income received during the year, $113,480.06. Rates on Investments and Loans (Average on All, 4.71%). Real estate loans (average rate, 5 per cen t.): 4 $ 3 8 , 7 0 0 ; 5%, $1,379,695; 5J^%, $7,800 ; 6%, $19,843. Personal loans (average rate, 5.13 per cent.): 4J^%, $23,000; 5%, $56,955; 5)^% , $9,830.70; 6%, $20,810. Bonds, stocks, etc. (average rate on amounts invested, 4.20 per cent.): 3J^%, $223,000; 4%, $450,200; 4 H % . $101,350 ; 4M % , $2,000; 5%, $113,300; 8%, $1,800; 10%, $11,600. Number of loans not over $3,000 each, 309, amounting to $306,563. 27 real estate loans made during year, amounting to $47,675. Dividends, Deposits and Withdrawals. Ordinary dividends declared during year: Feb., 1915, 2% Aug., 1915, 2% Number of deposits during year, 3,540, amounting to . $43,920 36 43,816 62 234,564 80 . $322,301 78 302,822 57 Num ber of withdrawals during year, 4,455, amounting to Net increase in amount due depositors $19,479 21 SCHEDULE OF SECURITIES OWNED. Public Funds, Bonds. Par Value. $10,000 Baltimore, Md., 4s 35.000 Boston 4s 30.000 Chicago, 111., 4s 5.000 Dayton, O., 5s 2.000 Fall River 4)4>s 5.000 Kansas City, Mo., 4}^s 10.000 La Cross, Wis., 4s 5.000 Lawrence 4s 10.000 Lynn 3J^s 11.000 Lynn 4s 12.000 New Bedford 4s 5.000 New Britain, Ct., 4S 5.000 Newton 4s 10.000 San Francisco, Cal., 5s 10.000 Sioux City, la., 4j4>s 10.000 Superior, Wis., 4)^s 5.000 Waterville, Me., 4s 5.000 Woonsocket, R. I., 4s 1.000 Dedham 3J^s 3.000 Plainfield, Ct., 4s 6.000 Southborough 4s 8.000 Westfield 3Lis 12.000 Shelburne Falls (F. D.), 4s 5.000 W. & S. Acton (W. D.), 4s Public Funds, Notes. Par Value. $2,000 Erving 4s 8,350 Erving 4Ms 3,200 Orange 4s 14,500 Orange 4Ms 2.000 Orange 4Ms 1,500 Prescott 1.000 Stoneham 4s 5.000 Warwick 4Jis Railroad Bonds. $22,000 Bangor & Aroostook 5s 10.000 Boston & Albany 4s 10.000 Boston & Lowell 43 20.000 Boston & Maine 3Ms 15.000 Boston & Maine 4s 10.000 Boston & Maine 4Vis 10.000 Boston, R. B. & L. 4Hs 36.000 C., B. & Q. 3^s 44.000 C., B. & Q. 4s 10.000 Connecticut River 4s 35.000 Delaware & Hudson Co. 4s 43.000 Fitchburg 4s 5,000 Fitchburg 5s 70.000 Illinois Central 3Hs D a t e s of E x a m in a t io n , August 5, 6. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Par Value. $6,000 Minn., St. P. & Sit. Ste. M. 4s 54.000 N. Y., N. H. & H. 3^s 30.000 N. Y., N. H. & H. 4s 35.000 No. Maine Seaport 5s ' 17.000 Old Colony 4s 14.000 Washington Co. 3)^s Street Railway Bonds. $20,000 Boston Elevated 4t}4s 5.000 Boston Elevated 5s 15.000 Boston & Northern 4s 1.000 Holyoke 5s 5.000 Mystic Valley 5s 10.000 Old Colony 4s 5.000 Worcester & Southbridge 4)/£s Bank Stocks. Shs. 6 Millers River Nl. Bk., Athol 20 First Ward Nl. Bk., Boston 10 Metropolitan Trust Co., Boston 8 Webster & Atlas Nl. Bk., Boston 43 Franklin Co. Tr. Co., Greenfield 100 Orange Nl. Bk. 1 10 Third Nl. Bk., Springfield 266 REPO RT OF THE [Pub. Doc. PALMER SAVINGS BANK, PALMER. 435 MAIN STREET. Incorporated M arch 4, 1870. Number of corporators, 46; number of trustees, 17. R o sciu s C. N e w e l l , President. C h a r l e s L. W a id , Treasurer. C h a r l e s A . T a b o r , Clerk o f the Corporation. Board of Trustees: H . E. W . C l a r k , M . J. D il l o n , J. F. F o l e y , C . E. F u l l e r , F. J. H a m il t o n , J. O. H a m il t o n , E. E. H o b so n , G . S. H o l d e n , L . R . H o l d e n , C . A. L e G r o , G . D . M o o e r s , R . C . N e w e l l , C . F . S m it h , W . E. S t o n e , C . A . T a b o r , E. B. T a y l o r , C. L . W a id . Board of Investment: W . E . S t o n e , H . E . W . C l a r k , C. F. S m it h , E . E . H o b so n , R . C. N e w e l l . Auditing Committee: W . E. S t o n e , E . B. T a y l o r , C. A. L e G r o . Deposits draw interest from first day of January, April, July and October; dividends are payable January 1 and July 1. Business hours: 9 a . m . to 3 p . m . ; Saturdays, 9 a . m . to 12 m . ; also Fridays, 7.30 to 9 p . m . STATEMENT OF CONDITION, OCTOBER 30, 1915. Assets. Public funds, bonds and notes . . . . Railroad bonds and notes . . . . . Street railway bonds . . . . . . American Tel. & Tel. Co. bonds . . . . Stocks of banks and trust companies . . . 706 loans on real estate (average o f each, S3,808.IS) . Less amount due on uncompleted loans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1,988,881 00 . . . 6,339 40 ----------------------69 loans on personal security . . . . . . . . . . Bank building and fixtures (estimated value, 855,800; assessed value, $4-6,380) . . Real estate by foreclosure, etc. (assessed value, $3,500) . . . . . . Deposits in national banks or trust companies . . . . . . . Cash and cash items . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $230,500 543,075 39,175 45,300 10,900 00 00 00 00 00 1,982,541 60 181,218 00 50,800 00 4,621 67 134,701 00 10,432 41 Total A s s e t s .......................................$3,233,264 68 Liabilities. Due depositors on 7,234 accounts, averaging $415.62 each (Accounts opened during year, 981; closed, 946; increase, 85) Surplus: — a. Guaranty fund (4-07% of deposits; increase during year, $1,095.34) • b. Profit and loss (increase during year, $15,035.88) . . . . . . Current income: — a. Interest . . . . . . . $12,437 88 b. R e n t ................................................................ 1,258 73 ----------------------$13,696 61 Less current expenses not charged off . . . . 2,962 06 149,677 73 66,088 20 10,734 55 137 86 Suspense account Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis $3,006,626 34 Total Liabilities . . $3,233,264 68 267 BANK COMMISSIONER. No. 8.] Total Expenses for the Year, including State Taxes. Rent. State Tax (Net). Salaries. Amount paid for $4,316.21 $7,100.00 $600.00 Cost per $1,000 of assets 1.33 2 .1 9 .18 Cost per $1,000 of assets not including State tax and rent . Advertising. $449.20 .14 Other Expenses. Total. $2,338.02 $14,803.43 .72 4 .5 6 3 .05 Gross income received during the year, $150,395.26. Rates on Investments and Loans (Average on All, 4.88%). Real estate loans (average rate, 5.01 per cent.): 5%, $1,947,584.60; 5 ^ % , $12,164; 6%, $22,593; 6J^%, $ 200. Personal loans (average rate, 4.84 per cent.): 4%%> $25,000; 4 }4% , $75,000; 5%, $62,464; 5}4% i $7,054; 6%, $11,700 Bonds, stocks, etc. (average rate on amounts invested, 4.57 per cent.): 3%, $35,000; 3 H % . $25,000; 4% , $369,000; 4J£%, $131,500; 5%, $245,000; 6%, $51,100; 7%, $15,000; 8%, $9,800. Number of loans not over $3,000 each, 588, amounting to $733,359.10. 54 real estate loans made during year, amounting to $109,050. Dividends, Deposits and Withdrawals. $57,746 94 57,619 75 471,985 53 Ordinary dividends declared during year: Jan., 1915, 2% July, 1915, 2% Number of deposits during year, 7,410, amounting to Number of withdrawals during year, 5,323, amounting to . . . . . $587,352 22 543,715 27 $43,636 95 Net increase in amount due depositors SCHEDULE OF SECURITIES OWNED. Public Funds, Bonds. Par Value. $25,000 Boston 4s 30.000 Chelsea 4s 20.000 Chicago, 111., 4s 10.000 Cleveland, Ohio, 4J^s 10.000 Dayton, 0., 5s 15.000 Dubuque, la., 4s 16.000 Everett 4s 18.000 Milwaukee, Wis., 4s 12.000 Milwaukee, Wis., 4)^s 10.000 Omaha, Neb., 4J^s 14.000 Quincy 4s 10.000 San Francisco, Cal., 5s 20.000 Springfield, Mo., 5s . 5.000 Springfield, 0., 5s 10.000 Waterbury, Ct., 4s 1.000 Monson 4s Public Funds, Notes. $4,500 Three Rivers (F. D.), 4}^s Railroad Bonds. Par Value. $25,000 Beech Creek 4s 10.000 Boston & Lowell 4)^s 15.000 Boston & Maine 4L6s 15.000 Cedar Rapids & Mo. R. 7s 45.000 C., B. & Q. 4s 35.000 Chic., Mil. & St. Paul 5s 10.000 Chic., Mil. & St. Paul 6s 10.000 Chic., St. P., Minn. & O. 6s 10.000 Concord & Montreal 4s 20.000 Fitchburg 5s 35.000 Illinois Central 3s 25.000 Illinois Central 3)4>s 50.000 Illinois Central.4s 15.000 Ind., Illinois & Iowa 4s 35.000 Louisville & Nashville 5s 26.000 Mich. Central-Det. &B. City 5s 15.000 Mil., L. S. & Western 5s 18.000 Montana Central 5s 5,000 N. Y., Lackawanna & W. 6s 10.000 N. Y „ N. H. & H. 4s 15.000 N. Y. C. & H. R. 4)^s D a t e s of E x a m in a t io n a n d A u d it , December 6-11 inclusive. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Par Value. $10,000 No. Maine Seaport 5s 10.000 Pennsylvania 4)4>s 25.000 Portland & Ogdens. 4V£s 21.000 Rome, Watertown & Og. 5s 10.000 St. Paul, Minn. & Man. 6s 5.000 St. Paul & Northern Pac. 6s 10.000 St. Paul & Sioux City 6s 5.000 Upper Coos 4s 10.000 Vermont Valley 4}^s Street Railway Bonds. $10,000 Boston Elevated 43^s 10.000 Boston Elevated 5s 10.000 Boston & Northern 4s 10.000 West End 5s Bank Stocks. Shs. 11 Monson Nl. Bk. 98 Palmer Nl. Bk. 268 REPO RT OF THE [Pub. Doc. PENTUCKET SAVINGS BANK, HAVERHILL. 42 Incorporated March 17, 1891. J o sep h W . V it t u m , President. WASHINGTON STREET. Num ber of corporators, 32; number of trustees, 15. H e n r y B. G e o r g e , Treasurer. H . I v a n H a l l , Clerk o f the Corporation. Board of Trustees: G. F. C a r l e t o n , G. H. C a r l e t o n , W . G. C o g s w e l l , J. I . C u r t is , G. W . D o b b in s , A. F. D u r g in , D . G. F o x , J. W . H a r r is , D . C. H u n t , N. C. J o h n s o n , J. F. N ic h o l s , F. W . P e a b o d y , J. H . S a y w a r d , I. F. S l e e p e r , J. W . V it t u m . Board of Investment: J. W . V it t u m , G. H . C a r l e t o n , G. F. C a r l e t o n , J. W . H a r r is , D . C . H u n t . Auditing Committee: I. F . S l e e p e r , D . C . H u n t , W . G . C o g s w e l l . Deposits draw interest from first day of February, M ay, August and Novem ber; dividends are pay able the first W ednesday of February and August. Business hours: 9 a .m . to 2 p . m .; Saturdays, 9 a .m . to 12.30 P.M. STATEMENT OF CONDITION, OCTOBER 30, 1915. Assets. Public funds, bonds and notes . . . . Railroad bonds and notes . . . . . Street railway bonds . . . . . . Boston Terminal Co. bonds . . . . . American Tel. & Tel. C o. bonds . . . . Stocks of banks and trust companies . . . 391 loans on real estate {average of each, $3,540.98) . Less amount due on uncompleted loans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1,385,705 89 . . 1,200 00 ----------------------36 loans on personal security . . . . . . . . . . Bank building and fixtures (estimated value, $25,000; assessed value, $26,700) . . Deposits in national banks or trust companies . . . . . . . C a s h ......................................................................................................................................... .......... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $83,428 203,786 42,850 10,000 31,212 9,300 70 91 00 00 50 00 1,384,505 336,125 25,000 51,412 1,385 89 00 00 83 57 Total A s s e t s .......................................$2,179,007 40 Liabilities. Due depositors on 4,437 accounts, averaging $464.53 each ( Accounts opened during year, 503; closed, 516; decrease, 13) Surplus: —o. Guaranty fund (2.92% o f deposits; increase during year, $5,008) b. Profit and loss (increase during year, $7,446-14) Current income: — Interest . . . . . . . . . . Less current expenses not charged off . . . . Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Total Liabilities . . $2,061,127 18 60,227 55 53,757 95 $5,255 99 1,361 27 ---------------- 3,894 72 . $2,179,007 40 No. 8.] BANK COMMISSIONER. 269 Total Expenses for the Year, including State Taxes. State Tax (Net). Salaries. Rent. Advertising. Other Expenses. Total. Amount paid for $3,039.57 $4,391.69 $1,000.00 $45.57 $1,257.20 $9,734.03 Cost per $1,000 of assets 1.39 2.01 .46 .02 .58 4 .46 Cost per $1,000 of assets not including State tax and rent . .......................................... 2 .6 1 Gross income received during the year, $103,937.71. Rates on Investments and Loans (Average on All, 4.97%). Real estate loans (average rate, 5.20 per cen t.): 4.14%, $3,000; 4 % % , $32,500; 5%, $1,033,230.89; 514%, $42,100; 6%, $273,675. Personal loans (average rate, 4.89 per cent.): 4%, $10,000 ; 4 } 4 % , $129,000; 5%, $140,000; 5 ]4 % , $30,000; 6%, $2,125; 6M % . $25,000. Bonds, stocks, etc. (average rate on amounts invested, 4.20 per cen t.): 3%, $10,000; 3\4%, $90,000; 4 % , $236,625; 4Y%%, $24,000; 4M % , $5,000; 5%, $20,000; 8%, $9,300. Number of loans not over $3,000 each, 286, amounting to $461,209. 58 real estate loans made during year, amounting to $194,405. Dividends, Deposits and Withdrawals. Ordinary dividends declared during year: Feb., 1915, 2% Aug., 1915, 2 % Number of deposits during year, 4,515, amounting to . . . . . .......................................... . . . . Number of withdrawals during year, 4,023, amounting to . Net increase in amount due depositors . . . . . . . . . . $37,884 52 38,441 19 357,111 42 . $433,437 13 328,047 22 . $105,389 91 SCHEDULE OF SECURITIES OWNED. Public Funds, Bonds. Par Value. $10,000 Hampden Co. 4s 22.000 Boston 4s 5,400 Dubuque, la., 4s 9.000 Lawrence 4s 5.000 Minneapolis, Minn., 4%s 3.000 Saginaw, Mich., 4s 15.000 San Francisco, Cal., 5s 3.000 Stoughton 4s 1,500 Wellesley 4s Public Funds, Notes. $9,000 Norwood 4s 725 Revere 4s D a tes o f Railroad Bonds. Par Value. $4,500 Baltimore & Ohio 3J^s 5.000 Boston & Albany 3}4s 3.000 Boston & Albany 4s 4.000 Boston & Lowell 4s 5.000 Boston & Maine 3}4s 10.000 Boston & Maine 4s 4.000 Boston & Maine 4^3 38.000 C., B. & Q. 4s 5.000 Erie & Pittsburgh 3Ys 5.000 Fitchburg 3}4s 5.000 Fitchburg 4s 10.000 Illinois Central 3s 10,500 Illinois Central 3J^s 2.000 Illinois Central 4s 33.000 N. Y. C. & H. R. 4s 40.000 N. Y „ N. H. & H. 3^s 6.000 N. Y., N. H. & H. 4s E x a m in a t io n , M ay 9, 10. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Par Value. $10,000 Pennsylvania 4)^s 3.000 Upper Coos 4s 5.000 Washington Co. 3}4s 4.000 Wore., Nash. & R. 4s Street Railway Bonds. $20,000 Boston Elevated 4s 5.000 Boston Elevated 4J^s 10,000, Boston & Northern 4s 5.000 Lynn & Boston 5s 5.000 West End 4J^s Bank Stocks. Shs. 52 Nl. Shawmut Bk., Boston 35 Fourth-Atlantic Nl. Bk., Boston 6 First Nl. Bk., Haverhill REPO RT OF THE 270 [Pub. Doc. PEOPLE’S SAVINGS BANK, BROCKTON.* 221 MAIN STREET. Incorporated February 8, 1895. H ebman Number of corporators, 49; number of trustees, 25. S. I I e w e t t , Clerk o f the Corporation. Board of Trustees: G. W . A l d e n , L. E. C h a m b e b l a i n , M . A . D a v i s , W . L. D o u g l a s , H e b v e y D u n h a m , J. H . F i e l d , E. H . F l e t c h e b , R . C. F b a s e e , F . B . G a b d n e b , H . S. H e w e t t , E. B . K e i t h , J. S. K e n t , H . L. K i n g m a n , E . M . L o w , C. S. L u d d e n , K e n n e t h M c L e o d , A. T . M o o n e y , F. E. P a c k a b d , D a v i d P e b k i n s , W i l l i a m R a p p , W . A . R e e d , F. P. R ic h m o n d , B e b n a b d S a x t o n , G. H . S n o w , L o n W e s t o n . Board o f Investment: W . L . D o u g l a s , E. M . L o w , F. B. G a b d n e b , F. P . R ic h m o n d , F . E . P a c k a b d . Auditing Committee: F. B. G a b d n e b , E . B. K e i t h , H . L . K i n g m a n . Deposits draw interest from the first day of March, June, September and December; dividends are payable the fourth business day after the first of March and September. Business hours: 9 a . m . to 2 p . m .; Saturdays, 9 a . m . to 12 m .; also Saturday evenings from September 15 to June 15 from 7 to 8.30 p . m . for deposits only. STATEMENT OF CONDITION, OCTOBER 30, 1915. Assets. Public funds, bonds and notes . . . . Railroad bonds and notes . . . . . Street railway bonds . . . . . . American Tel. & Tel. Co. bonds . . . . Securities acquired in settlement of indebtedness . 657 loans on real estate (average of each, $4,508.04) . Less amount due on uncompleted loans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2,961,147 49 . . . 2,650 00 ----------------------44 loans on personal security . . . . . . . . . . Bank building and fixtures (estimated value, $80,000; assessed value, $58,450) . . Real estate by foreclosure, etc. (assessed value, $ 4,900) ..................................... Taxes, insurance, etc., paid on mortgaged properties . . . . . Premium account . . . . . . . . . . . Deposits in national banks or trust companies . . . . . . . Cash and cash items . . . . . . . . . . . . Total Assets . . . . . . . . . . . . . $457,881 814,012 188,087 89,602 11,687 00 78 35 50 62 2,958,497 49 182,210 00 74,000 00 3,774 12 608 825 81,136 18,032 94 00 33 04 $4,880,355 17 Liabilities. Due depositors on 23,446 accounts, averaging $201.09 each . Accounts opened during year, 4,4®?'1 closed, 4,130; increase, 288) Surplus: — a. Guaranty fund (2.97% of deposits; increase during year, $19,000) . . . b. Profit and loss (increase during year, $1,364.35) . . . . . . Current income: — Interest . . . . . . . . . . $11,523 56 Less current expenses not charged off . . . . 1,089 85 ----------------------Unearned discount . . . . . . . . . . . . Total Liabilities . . . . . $4,714,749 15 140,000 00 15,102 17 10,433 71 70 14 $4,880,355 17 * Statements of Life Insurance Departments appear on pages immediately following page 393. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 271 BANK COMMISSIONER No. 8.] Total Expenses for the Year, including State Taxer. State Tax (Net). Salaries. Rent. A m ount paid for $7,441.89 $9,182.12 ■Cost per $1,000 of assets 1.52 1.88 Cost per $1,000 of assets not including State tax and rent . Advertising. $1,147.21 .23 Other Expenses. Total. $2,490.24 $20,261.46 .51 4 .1 4 2 .62 C ross income received during the year, $217,669.21. Rates on Investments and Loans (Average on All, 4.73%). Real estate loans (average rate, 5.01 per cent.): 4)%%, $366,500; 4 % % , $29,000; 5%, $2,217,855.50; 5 H % . $226,351.99; 6%, $118,790. Personal loans (average rate, 5.43 per cent.): 5%, $91,000; 5)4% , $10,000; 5)4% , $10,700; 6%, $70,510. Bonds, stocks, etc. (average rate on amounts invested, 4.10 per cent.): 3)4% , $411,000; 4%, $981,637.50; 4M % . $37,000; 4 )4 % . $115,137.50; 5%, $62,000; 5)4% , $10,000. Number of loans not over $3,000 each, 438, amounting to $756,270.99. 67 real estate loans made during year, amounting to $237,800. Dividends, Deposits and Withdrawals. Ordinary dividends declared during year: March, 1915, 2% Sept., 1915, 2% Number of deposits during year, 47,352, amounting to $86,274 26 86,811 39 1,221,454 93 N um ber of withdrawals during year, 30,556, amounting to $1,394,540 58 1,289,366 79 $105,173 79 N et increase in amount due depositors SCHEDULE OF SECURITIES OWNED. Par Value. Par Value. $5,000 Fitchburg 3Ks $3,000 Athol 4s 43.000 Fitchburg 4s 2.000 Mansfield 4s 30.000 Illinois Central 3Hs 4.000 Medway 4s 5,000 Man., Gr B. & N. W. 3)£s 3.000 Methuen 4s 186,000 N. Y., N. H. & H. 3Hs 2,800 Plainville 4s 75.000 N. Y., N. H. & H. 4s 6.000 Saugus 4s 25.000 No. Maine Seaport 5s 1.000 Swampscott 4s 19.000 Peoria & N. W. '¿14s 1.000 Wakefield 3)4s 10.000 Portland Terminal Co. 4s 71,425 West Bridgewater 4s 10.000 Providence Terminal Co. 4s 5.000 Westwood 4s 10.000 Washington Co. 3)^s 10.000 Kennebec, Me. (W. D.), 3)^s Public Funds, Bonds. Par Value. $10,000 Massachusetts 3)4s 68.000 Boston 4s 20.000 Boston 4J4s 50.000 Brockton 3)4s 20.000 Brockton 4s 8.000 Brockton 4Ks 5,250 Brockton 4)4s 16.000 Fitchburg 4s 2.000 Indianapolis, Ind., 4s 40.000 Los Angeles, Cal., 4)4s 11,800 Lowell 4s 7.000 Lynn 4s 9.000 New Britain, Conn., 4%s 10.000 Oakland, Cal., 5)4s 10.000 Oshkosh, Wis., 4s 14,500 Portland, Ore., 6s 15.000 San Francisco, Cal., 5s 5.000 Seattle, Wash., 4)4s 5.000 Sioux City, la., 4)4s 15.000 Somerville 3)4s 9.000 Andover 4s D ates of E x a m in a t io n Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Railroad Bonds. $10,000 Atch., Top. & Santa F6 4s 70.000 Baltimore & Ohio 3)£s 205,000 Boston & Maine 4s 25.000 Boston & Maine 4)£s 74.000 C., B. & Q. 4s 22.000 Chic. & No. Western 4s 8.000 Concord & Montreal 4s 15.000 Connecticut River 4s 5.000 Dexter & Piscataquis 4s and A u d it , November 17-24 inclusive. Street Railway Bonds. $45,000 Boston Elevated 4s 5,000 Boston Elevated 4)^s 75.000 Boston & Northern 4s 10.000 Boston & Revere 5s 5 000 Georgetown, Row. & Ips. 5s 10.000 Old Colony 4s 18.000 West End 4s 30.000 Worces. & Southbridge 4Hs 272 REPO RT OF THE [Pub. Doc, PEOPLES SAVINGS BANK, HOLYOKE. 365 HIGH STREET. Incorporated M arch 19, 1885. Jo h n E . C l a r k , Number of corporators, 45; number of trustees, 17. President. F . H . C h a m b e b l in , John H il d e e t h , Treasurer. Clerk of the Corporation. Board of Trustees: G . P. B. A l d e b m a n , O. D . A l l y n , T. S. C h i l d s , J. E . C l a e k , H . M . C o o l e d g e , A . D . D u r o c h e r , H . J. F r i n k , L. M . G a y l o r d , L. G . H e i n r i t z , J o h n H i l d r e t h , J. C . H u b b a r d , J. N. H u b b a r d , J. K . J u d d , W i l l i a m M c C o r k i n d a l e , R . T . O a k e s , J. A . S u l l i v a n , C. H . T aber. Board of Investment: J. E. C l a r k , J. A. S u l l i v a n , J. N. H u b b a r d , R . T . O a k e s , G. P. B. A l d e r m a n . Auditing Committee: J. N. H u b b a r d , J. C . H u b b a r d , O. D . A l l y n . Deposits draw interest from first day of February, M ay, August and N ovem ber; dividends are pay able the third Tuesday of M ay and Novem ber. Business hours: 9 a . m . to 4 p .m .; Saturdays, 9 a . m . to 12 m .; also Thursdays, 7 to 8 p . m . STATEMENT OF CONDITION, OCTOBER 30, 1915. Assets. Public funds, bonds and notes . . . . Railroad bonds and notes . . . . . Street railway bonds . . . . . . Boston Terminal Co. bonds . . . . . American Tel. & Tel. Co. bonds . . . . Stocks of banks and trust companies . . Securities acquired in settlement of indebtedness 438 loans on real estate (average of each, $6,603.19) 47 loans on personal security . . . . Deposits in national banks or trust companies Cash . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Total Assets . . . . . . . . . $386,925 419,962 71,725 75,000 67,529 75,787 1 2,892,199 365,255 190,286 6,242 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 50 25 00 00 00 00 41 00 54 41 $4,550,913 45 Liabilities. Due depositors on 9,754 accounts, averaging S435.58 each . . . . CAccounts opened during year, 1,664; closed, 1,225; increase, 439) Surplus: — a. Guaranty fund {2.94% o f deposits; increase during year, $15,000) . b. Profit and loss (increase during year, $15,384-46) . . . . . Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Total Liabilities . . . $4,248,589 84 . . 125,000 00 177,323 61 . $4,550,913 45 No. 8.' 273 BANK COMMISSIONER. Total Expenses for the Year, including State Taxes. Rent. State Tax (Net). Salaries. $1,333.32 Amount paid for $4,793.99 $9,599.96 Cost per $1,000 of assets 1.05 2.11 .29 Cost per $1,000 of assets not including State tax and rent . Total. Advertising Other Expenses. $151.74 $2,700.36 $18,579.37 .59 4.07 .03 2.73 Gross income received during the year, $207,383.66. Rates on Investments and Loans (Average on All, 4.79%). Real estate loans (average rate, 5.01 per cent.): 5%, $2,857,199.41; ö l//J 7c< $35,000. Personal loans (average rate, 5.17 per cen t.): 5%, $293,125; 5)^% , $22,000; 6%, $50,130. Bonds, stocks, etc. (average rate on amounts invested, 4.11 per cent.): 33^%, $180,000; 4%, $808,000; 43^%, $50,000; 5%, $1,250; 6%, $15,200; 7%, $24,300; 8%, $5,000; 10%, $11,000. Number of loans not over $3,000 each, 276, amounting to $479,845.30. 25 real estate loans made during year, amounting to $114,800. Dividends, Deposits and Withdrawals. Ordinary dividends declared during year: N ov., 1914, 2% , M ay, 1915, 2% Number of deposits during year, 14,938, amounting to $76,363 08 78,028 17 921,58S 89 Number of withdrawals during year, 11,266, amounting to Net increase in amount due depositors . . . . . . . . . $1,075,980 14 879,706 07 . . . $196,274 07 SCHEDULE OF SECURITIES OWNED. Public Funds, Bonds. Par Value. $100,000 Massachusetts 4s 81.000 Fall River 4s 50.000 Hartford, Ct., 4J^s 25.000 Holyoke 4s 29.000 New Bedford 4s 50.000 Salem 4s 50.000 Worcester 4s 3,000 Van Buren, Me. (W. D.), 4s Railroad Bonds. $25,000 Boston & Albany 4s 100,000 Boston & Maine 4s D ates of E x a m in a t io n , Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Par Value. $50,000 Delaware & Hudson Co. 4s 25.000 Fitchburg 3}^s 50.000 Fitchburg 4s 80.000 N. Y., N. H. & H. 3J^s 50.000 N. Y., N.H. & H. 4s 45.000 Old Colony 4s Par Value. $500 Holyoke 5s 10,000 West End 4s Bank Stocks. Shs. Street Railway Bonds. $15,000 Boston Elevated 4s 50,000 Boston & Northern 4s July 1, 2. 20 Hadley Falls Nl. Bk„ Holyoke 110 Holyoke Nl. Bk. 223 Home Nl. Bk., Holyoke 7 Monson Nl. Bk. 145 Chapin Nl. Bk., Springfield 50 Chicopee Nl. Bk., Springfield REPO RT OF THE 274 [Pub. Doc. PEOPLE’S SAVINGS BANK, WORCESTER. 450 MAIN STREET. Incorporated M ay 13, 1864. C h a r i .e s Number of corporators, 136; number of trustees, 25. M . B e n t , President. G eorge F r e d e r ic k W . W h it e , Treasurer. A. G a s k i l l , Clerk of the Corporation. Board of Trustees: G. I . A l d e n , C. M . B e n t , A. H. B u l l o c k , I . E . C o m i n s , G e o r g e C r o m p t o n , A l e x a n d e r DeWiTT, R . B. D o d g e , W . T. F o r b e s , G. A. G a s k i l l , A. W . G if f o r d , H. W . G o d d a r d , J. N. H e a l d , A. S. H e y w o o d , C. H. H u t c h i n s , W . H. I n m a n , W . W . J o h n s o n , E . W . K i n s l e y , C. F. M a r b l e , P. B. M o r g a n , G. A. S m i t h , C. M . T h a y e r , A l f r e d T h o m a s , M . J. W h i t t a l l , W il l ia m W o o d w a r d , A . O . Y o u n g . Board of Investment: C. M . B e n t , W . W . J o h n s o n , H. W . G o d d a r d , G e o r g e C r o m p t o n , P. B. M organ. Auditing Committee: G . A . G a s k i l l , E . W . K i n s l e y , G . A . S m i t h . Deposits draw interest from first day of February, M ay, August and November; dividends are pay able the second day of February and August. Business hours: 9 a . m . to 3 p . m .; Saturdays, 9 a .m . to 1 p .m ., and 6 to 8 p .m . for deposits only. STATEMENT OF CONDITION, OCTOBER 30, 1915. Assets. Public funds, bonds and notes Railroad bonds and notes Street railway bonds American Tel. & Tel. Co. bonds Stocks of banks and trust companies Securities acquired in settlement of indebtedness 1,905 loans on real estate (average of each, $4,213.45) 120 loans on personal security . . . . Bank building and fixtures (estimated value, $225,000; assessed value, $208,000) Real estate b y foreclosure, etc. (assessed value, $4,000) Taxes, insurance, etc., paid on mortgaged properties Suspense account . . . . . . Deposits in national banks or trust companies Cash and cash items . . . . . . $2,216,778 3,537,365 625,553 146,471 99,669 94,273 8,026,623 2,039,856 190,000 5,153 239 20 244,233 31,577 75 00 75 87 23 71 71 90 00 75 34 00 86 04 Total A s s e t s ...................................... $17,257,816 91 Liabilities. Due depositors on 33,392 accounts, averaging $483.82 each . . . . . $16,155,862 34 {Accounts opened during year, 4 J 0 4 ; closed, 8,773; increase, 931) Surplus: — a. Guaranty fund {4.96% of deposits; increase during year, $14,350) 802,000 00 h. Profit and loss {increase during year, $53,823.99) . . . . . . 156,143 76 Current income: — Interest . . . . . . . . . . $153,814 52 Less current expenses not charged off . . $10,362 12 Less State or local taxes not charged off . . 2,792 98 ----------------------13,155 10 140,659 42 Unearned discount 3,151 39 Total Liabilities . . . . . $17,257,816 91 Total Expenses for the Year, including State Taxes. State Tax (Net). Salaries. Rent. Advertising. Other Expenses. Total. Amount paid for $32,074.93 $25,203.26 $4,500.00 $3,895.17 $9,035.13 $74,708.49 Cost per $1,000 of assets 1.86 1.46 .26 .22 .52 4 .3 2 Cost per $1,000 of assets not including State tax and rent . . • 2 .20 Gross income received during the year, $767,036.67. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis No. 8. BANK COMMISSIONER 275 Rates on Investments and Loans (Average on All, 4.61%). Real estate loans (average rate, 4.96 per cent.): 4%, $30,000; 4M%> $459,250; 434%, $90,000; 5% , $7,443,073.71; 5M % . $4,000; 6%, $300. Personal loans (average rate, 4.85 per cen t.): 4M % , $71,000; 4M%> $1,092,500; 4J4%, $208,700; ‘l% % , $75,000; 5%, $180,681.90; 5)4% , $50,000; 5M % , $72,900; 5% % , $5,000; 6%, $234,075; 6M % , $40,000; 6)4% . $10,000. Bonds, stocks, etc. (average rate on amounts invested, 4.10 per cent.): 3%, $25,000; 3)4%. $25,000; 3)4% , $1,321,500; 334%, $49,920; 4%, $3,986,110; 4)4% , $75,000; 4)4% , $753,790; 5%, $413,000; 6%, $44,600; 8%, $28,500; 10%, $40,000. Number of loans not over $3,000 each, 1,089, amounting to $1,949,703.71. 117 real estate loans made during year, amounting to $392,650. Dividends, Deposits and Withdrawals. Ordinary dividends declared during year: Feb., 1915, 2% Aug., 1915, 2% Number of deposits during year, 45,383, amounting to $301,048 99 304,819 54 2,452,962 96 $3,058,831 49 2,525,081 06 Number of withdrawals during year, 35,249, amounting to Net increase in amount due depositors $533,750 43 SCHEDULE OF SECURITIES OWNED. Public Funds, Bonds. Par Value. $25,000 Massachusetts 3s 100.000 Massachusetts 3)4s 50.000 Massachusetts 4s 50.000 Essex Co. 4s 25.000 Augusta, Me., 4s 145.000 Boston 3)4s 245.000 Boston 4s 5.000 Bridgeport, Ct., 4s 25.000 Brockton 4s 9.000 Brockton 4)4s 25.000 Cambridge 3)4s 20.000 Cambridge 4s 25.000 Chelsea 4s 20.000 Everett 4s 10.000 Fall River 4s 20.000 Fitchburg 3)4s 3.000 Gloucester 4s 4.000 Haverhill 4s 5.000 Holyoke 4s 100.000 Kansas City, Mo., 4Ms 20.000 Lawrence 4s 50.000 Los Angeles, Cal., 4Ms 21,560 Lowell 4s 50.000 Minneapolis, Minn., 4s 50.000 Minneapolis, Minn., 4Ms 105.000 New Bedford 4s 15.000 Newburyport 3Ms 25.000 Pittsburgh, Pa., 4L£s 30.000 Pittsfield 4s 11.000 Springfield 4s 42.000 Somerville 3Ms 20.000 Seattle, Wash., 4Ms 50.000 Syracuse, N. Y., 4Ms 39.000 Taunton 3Ms 21.000 Taunton 4s 60.000 Troy, N. Y., 4s 75.000 Worcester 3Ms 306.000 Worcester 4s 12.000 Acton 4s 10.000 Danvers 4s 30.000 Meriden, Ct., 4s 10.000 Milton 3Ms 25.000 Norwich, Ct., 3His 12.000 Revere 3His 5.000 Wakefield 4s 10.000 Watertown 4s 9.000 Winchester 3Ms 4.000 Winchester 4s D ates of E x a m in a t io n , Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Public Funds, Notes. Par Value. $24,550 Auburn 4s 13,190 Auburn 4Ms 6.500 Boylston 3His 9.000 Boylston 4s 600 Boylston 4Ms 22,500 Charlton 4s 12.000 Northbridge 2.500 Oxford 3Ms 31,420 Oxford 3Ms 35.000 Oxford 4s 4.000 Phillipston 4s 2.000 Uxbridge 4s 25.000 Winchester 3%s Railroad Bonds. $25,000 Bangor & Aroostook 5s 50.000 Boston & Albany 3Ms 266.000 Boston & Albany 4s 9.000 Boston & Albany 4Ms 27.000 Boston & Lowell 3Ms 31.000 Boston & Lowell 4s 5.000 Boston & Lowell 4Ms 129.000 Boston & Maine 3Ms 109.000 Boston & Maine 4s 91.000 Boston & Maine 4Ms 46.000 Boston & Providence 4s 19,600 Burl. & Mo. R. 6s 60.000 C., B. & Q. 3Ms 192.000 C., B. & Q. 4s 100.000 Chic., Mil. & St. Paul 4Ms 50.000 Chicago & Northw. 4s 25.000 Chic., R. I. & Pac. 4s 50.000 Cleveland & Pittsburgh 3Ms 21.000 Conn. River 3Ms 20.000 Conn. & Passumpsic Rivers 4s 14.000 Dakota & Gt. Southern 5s 55.000 Delaware & Hudson 4s 39.000 Fitchburg 3Ms 129.000 Fitchburg 4s 2.000 Fitchburg 4Ms 30.000 Fitchburg 5s 200.000 Illinois Central 3Ms 55.000 Illinois Central 4s 50.000 Louisville & Nashville 4s M ay 24-28 inclusive. $49,000 Louisville & Nashville 4Ms 9,000 Louisville & Nashville 5s 33.000 Me. Cent. & E. & N. A. 4s 65.000 Michigan Central 3Ms 50.000 Mil., Lake Shore & West. 5s 50.000 Min., St. P. & Sit. St. M. 5s 109.000 New England 4s 50.000 N. Y. C. & H. R. 3Ms 155.000 N. Y. C. & H. R. 4s 25.000 N. Y., Lack. & West. 6s 111.000 N. Y „ N. II. & H. 3Ms 325.000 N. Y., N. H. & H. 4s 55.000 Norwich & Worcester 4s 151.000 Old Colony 4s 75.000 Pennsylvania 4Ms 50.000 Port. & Rumford Falls 4s 50.000 Portland Terminal Co. 4s 84.000 Rome, Water. & Ogdens. 5s 50.000 St. P., Minn. & Man. 4s 25.000 Sullivan Co. 4s 28.000 Western Pennsylvania 4s 82.000 Wore., Nash. & Roch. 4s Street Railway Bonds. $92,500 Boston Elevated 4s 142.000 Boston Elevated 4Ms 102.000 Boston & Northern 4s 24.000 East Middlesex 4s 13.000 Fitchburg & Leominster 4Ms 30.000 Holyoke 5s 36.000 Lynn & Boston 5s 7.000 N. B., Middle. & Brock. 5s 81.000 Old Colony 4s 15.000 Springfield St. Ry. 4s 75.000 West End 4s 25.000 Worcester Consolidated 4Ms 7.000 Worcester Consolidated 5s Bank Stocks. Shs. 25 Nl. Bk. of Commerce, Boston 285 Nl. Shawmut Bk., Boston 100 Second Nl. Bk., Boston 300 Worcester Nl. Bk. [Pub. Doc REPO RT OF THE 276 PLYMOUTH SAVINGS BANK, PLYMOUTH. 36 MAIN STREET. Incorporated June 11, 1828. C h arles S. D a v is , Number of corporators, 33; number of trustees, 18. President. Jam es Jam es E. B artlett, Board of Trustees: J. E. B a r t l e t t , A. E. C o o p e r , C. S. D a v i s , H. B. D a v i s , G. W . S. K y l e , A r t h u r L o r d , G e o r g e T . R . D . T h u r ber, Treasurer. Clerk of the Corporation. G. B lack m er, W . L . G o o d in g , F. M a bb ett, L . B ro w n , M orton J. H e a v e n s, B . E. E. C o l l in g w o o d , H o bart, R e e d , J oh n R u ssell, J. F. C. D . J. W . H olm es, T h u r ber, W atso n . Board of Investment: A . E. Auditing Committee: J. E. B lack m er, B artlett, C. S. C. S. D a v is , H . B. D a v is , G. L. G o o d in g , F. J. H eaven s. D a v is , G eo r g e M a b b e t t . Deposits draw interest from first day of January, April, July and October; dividends are payable the first Tuesday of January and July. Business hours: 9 a . m . to 3 p . m . STATEMENT OF CONDITION, OCTOBER 30, 1915. Assets. Public funds, bonds and notes . . . . . . . . . $300,000 00 Railroad bonds and notes . . . . . . . . . . . 900,400 00 Street railway bonds . . . . . . . . . . . . 53,920 00 American Tel. & Tel. Co. bonds . . . . . . . . . . 45,835 00 Stocks of banks and trust companies . . . . . . . . . 253,787 00 509 loans on real estate {average of each, $1,570.17) . . . . . . . 799,218 00 34 loans on personal security . . . . . . . . . . 627,775 00 Bank building and fixtures (estimated value, $54,000; assessed value, $54,000) . . 25,000 00 Deposits in national banks or trust companies . . . . . . . 74,181 03 C a s h .....................................................' ......................................................................................... 3,791 28 Total Assets . . . . . $3,083,907 31 Liabilities. Due depositors on 6,688 accounts, averaging $413.76 each . . . . . (.Accounts opened during year, 587; closed, 591; decrease, 4) Surplus: — a. Guaranty fund (5.06% o f deposits; increase during year, $4,000) . . . b. Profit and loss (decrease during year, $616.76) . . . . . . Current income: — a. Interest . . . . . . . $55,963 03 b. Rent . . . . . . . 1,153 28 ----------------------$57,116 31 Less current expenses not charged off . . . . 2,822 31 ----------------------- Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Total Liabilities $2,767,256 98 140,000 00 122,356 33 54,294 00 . $3,083,907 31 BANK COMMISSIONER. No. 8.] 277 Total Expenses for the Year, including State Taxes. State Tax (Net). Salaries. Rent. Advertising. Amount paid for $6,740.88 $6,980.00 $1,000.00 Cost per $1,000 of assets 2 .18 2 .2 6 .32 Cost per $1,000 of assets not including State tax and rent . Other Expenses. Total. $1,653.91 $16,374.79 .54 5 .30 2 .8 0 Gross income received during the year, $160,182.49. Rates on Investments and Loans (Average on All, 5.25%). Real estate loans (average rate, 5.21 per cent.): 4J^%, $4,300; 5%, $577,723; 5J^%, $85,435; 6%, $131 760. Personal loans (average rate, 4.79 per cent.): 4%, $45,000; i lA % , $50,000; 4J^%, $281,000; 4 % % , $50,000; 5%, $42,425; 5M % . $50,000; 5}4% , $21,000; b % % , $20,000; 6%, $68,350. Bonds, stocks, etc. (average rate on amounts invested, 5.45 per cent.): 3J^%, $125,000; 4%, $278,000; 4M % , $110,000; 4 ^ % , $44,000; 5%, $380,300; 6%, $494,200; 8%, $92,900; 10%, $32,800; 12%, $27,000. Number of loans not over $3,000 each, 452, amounting to $495,759. 42 real estate loans made during year, amounting to $77,565. Dividends, Deposits and Withdrawals. Ordinary dividends declared during year: Jan., 1915, 2 }4 % . . . . . July, 1915, 2 J ^ % .......................................... Number of deposits during year, 4,413, amounting to . . . . . Number of withdrawals during year, 6,326, amounting to Net increase in amount due depositors . . . . . . . . . . . . . $66,547 44 66,680 73 307,422 04 $440,650 21 439,633 72 $1,016 49 SCHEDULE OF SECURITIES OWNED. Public Funds, Bonds. Par Value. $100,000 Boston 4s 100,000 Boston 15.000 Cambridge 4s 10.000 Fall River 4}4s 15.000 New Bedford 5s 25.000 San Francisco, Cal., 5s 24.000 Maynard 4J/£s 3.000 Plymouth 4s Public Funds, Notes $5,000 Plymouth Co. 4J^s 3.000 Plymouth 4s Railroad Bonds. $15,000 Boston & Maine 4h£s 15.000 Chic., Mil. & Si. Paul 5s D ates o f E x a m in a t io n , Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Par Value. $10,000 Chic., Mil. & St. Paul 6s 117.000 Chic. & Northwestern 6s 50.000 Chic., R. I. & Pac. 4s 21.000 Chic., St. P., Minn. & 0. 6s 20.000 Detroit & Bay City 5s 5,000 Fre., Elk. & Mo. Val. 6s 30.000 Housatonic 5s 50.000 Louisville & Nash. 5s 10.000 Louisville & Nashville 6s 34.000 Montana Central 6s 25.000 New England 5s 125.000 New Orleans & Mobile 6s 60.000 N. Y. C. & H. R. 3'/# 25.000 N. Y. C. & H. R. 4s 65.000 N. Y., N.H. & H. 3V2s 30.000 N. Y., N. H. & H. 4s 100.000 No. Maine Seaport 5s 58.000 Pitts., McK. & Yough. 6s 25.000 St. Paul & No. Pacific 6s 22.000 San Francisco & San J. V. 5s 10.000 Spokane Falls & Northern 6s June 21-23 inclusive. Street Railway Bonds. $55,000 Boston Elevated 5s Bank Stocks. Shs. 7 Abington Nl. Bk. 100 First Ward Nl. Bk., Boston 228 Merchants Nl. Bk., Boston 108 Nl. Bk. of Commerce, Boston 811 Nl. Shawmut Bk., Boston 100 Nl. Union Bk., Boston 55 Old Boston Nl. Bk., Boston 270 Second Nl. Bk., Boston 80 Brockton Nl. Bk. 250 Home Nl. Bk., Brockton 18 Union Nl. Bk., Lowell 278 Old Colony Nl. Bk., Plymouth 184 Plymouth Nl. Bk. 100 Third Nl. Bk., Springfield 171 Bristol Co. Nl. Bk., Taunton REPORT OF THE 278 [Pub. Doc. PLYMOUTH FIVE CENTS SAVINGS BANK, PLYMOUTH. 44 MAIN STREET. Incorporated April 6, 1855. H orace M. President. Sa u n d e r s, H en ry Board of Trustees: E . E. R . B e l c h e r , C h apm an , C . R ic h a r d B . A tw o o d , W . L. C . Board of Investment: C . J. S. P. Auditing Committee: C. P. W il l ia m W . B a rn es, T. W. B o yd en , G . D o ten , H o lm es, Number of corporators, 40; number of trustees, 21. W. T. H atch , W. M. R o b b in s , H . H atch , C . B a il e y , A. S. C . W . C . B arn es, W. W. B rew ster, J. C . W . L. B elch er, B o yd en , H. M . B arn es, H . L. B rew ster, E . W. G J. B . F in n e y , B . Sa u n d e r s, C . A . St r o n g , Stro n g , E. R . H. B rad fo rd , E l d r id g e , W . Treasurer. Clerk of the Corporation. W. T. W. B artlett, B urgess, , C . o o d in g P . S. A . H atch , W ash bu rn . E l d r id g e , W. W. B r ew ster. Sau n ders. Deposits draw interest from second Tuesday of January, April, July and October; dividends are pay able the second Tuesday of January and July. Business hours: 9 a . m . to 3 p . m . ; also Saturdays, 7 to 8 p . m . STATEMENT OF CONDITION, OCTOBER 30, 1915. Assets. Public funds, bonds and notes . . . . . . . . Railroad bonds and notes . . . . . . . . Street railway bonds . . . . . . . . . American Tel. & Tel. Co. bonds . . . . . . . Stocks of banks and trust companies . . . . . . Securities acquired in settlement of indebtedness . . . . 773 loans on real estate (average of each, $1,832.18) . . . . Less amount due on uncompleted loans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1,420,273 50 4,000 00 ----------------- -----33 loans on personal security . . . . . . . . . . Bank building and fixtures (estimated value, 815,000; assessed value, $20,100) . . Real estate b y foreclosure, etc. (assessed value, $200) . . . . . . Taxes, insurance, etc., paid on mortgaged properties . . . . . . Suspense account . . . . . . . . . . . . Deposits in national banks or trust companies . . . . . . . Cash and cash items . . . . . . . . . . . . Total Assets . . . . . . . . . . . $299,491 66 533,042 50 100,940 00 24,700 00 40,400 00 4,238 10 1,416,273 50 151,340 00 12,500 00 259 77 55 25 6 26 24,114 56 5,538 25 $2,612,893 85 Liabilities. Due depositors on 8,435 accounts, averaging $286.32 each . . . . . (Accounts opened during year, 865; closed, 773; increase, 92) Surplus: — a. Guaranty fund (5% of deposits; increase during year, $831.06) . . . b. Profit and loss (increase during year, $10,725.65) . . . . . . Current income: — a. Interest . . . . . . . $30,341 47 b. Rent . . . . . . . 358 65 ----------------------- $30,700 12 Less current expenses not charged off . . . . 2,724 72 ----------------------- Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Total Liaoilities $2,415,094 79 121,596 76 48,232 90 27,975 40 . $2,612,899 85 No. 8. BANK COMMISSIONER. 279 Total Expenses for the Year, including State Taxes. State Tax (Net). Salaries. Rent. Amount paid for $4,138.54 $5,602.01 $800.00 Cost per $1,000 of assets 1.58 2 .1 4 .30 Cost per $1,000 of assets not including State tax and rent . Advertising. Other Expenses. Total. $22.00 $1,543.53 $12,106.08 .01 .59 4 .6 2 2.74 Gross income received during the year, $122,645.03. Rates on Investments and Loans (Average on All, 4.75%). Real estate loans (average rate, 5.02 per cen t.): 4 X A % , $23,000; 5%, $1,331,288.50; 5M%> $1,500; 5J^%, $10,000; 5>^%, $4,600; 6%, $45,885. Personalloans (averagerate, 4.69 per cen t.): 4J^%, $25,000; 4J^%, $77,000; 5%, $39,040; 6%, $10,300. Bonds, stocks, etc. (average rate on amounts invested, 4.37 per cent.): 3%, $10,000; 3}4% , $188,000; 3M %, $3,000; 4%, $465,000; 4 % % , $10,000; 4 A.%, $227,666.66; 5%, $81,000; 6%, $24,100; 8%, $17,300; 10%, $1,000; 14%, $4,000. Number of loans not over $3,000 each, 668, amounting to $763,868.50. 65 real estate loans made during year, amounting to $129,285. Dividends, Deposits and Withdrawals. Ordinary dividends declared during year: Jan., 1915, 2% July, 1915, 2 % Number of deposits during year, 7,706, amounting to . Number of withdrawals during year, 6,252, amounting to Net increase in amount due depositors . . . . . . . .......................................... . . . . . . . . . . . . $440,135 00 431,721 68 . . $46,454 88 46,314 43 347,365 69 . $8,413 32 SCHEDULE OF SECURITIES OWNED. Railroad Bonds. Public Funds, Bonds. Par Value. $5,000 Bay City, Mich., 5s 25.000 Beverly 4s 15.000 Boston 4s 12,500 Brockton 4s 25.000 Chelsea 4s 25.000 Fall River 3Hs 13.000 Haverhill 4s 35.000 Los Angeles, Cal., 4As 10,900 Lowell 4s 35.000 New Bedford 4s 50.000 Omaha, Neb., 43d>s 6.000 Oshkosh, Wis., 4s 10.000 South Norwalk, Conn., 414& 3.000 Plymouth 3%s 3.000 Plymouth 4s 16.000 Concord 4s Public Funds, Notes. $6,666 Duxbury 4}4s 1.000 Plymouth 3A s 3.000 Plymouth 4s 1,600 Plympton 4s Par Value. $35,000 Baltimore & Ohio 3J^s 25.000 Bangor & Aroostook 5s 20.000 Boston & Albany 3As 10.000 Boston & Lowell 4s | 30,000 Boston & Maine 4s 30.000 Boston & Maine 4As 30.000 Chic., Mil. & St. Paul 4As 10.000 Chic., Mil. & St. Paul 5s 15.000 Chic. & Northwestern 3As 40.000 Connecticut River 4s 15.000 Fitchburg 4As 6,000 Fre., Elk. & Mo. Valley 6s 10.000 Illinois Central 3s 25.000 Illinois Central 3As 25.000 Illinois Central 4s 10.000 Me. Cent. & E. & N. A. 4s j 5,000 Mil., L. S. & Western 5s 10,000 New England 5s 10.000 N. V. C. & H. R. 4s 57.000 N. Y., N. H. & H. 33^s 30.000 N. Y., N. H. & H. 4s 10.000 No. Maine Seaport 5s i D a t e s of E x a m in a t io n , April 29, 30. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Par Value. $35,000 Old Colony 4s 10.000 Portland Terminal Co. 4s 30.000 Providence Terminal Co. 4s 12.000 Rome, Watertown & Og. 5s 10.000 Washington County 3}4s Street Railway Bonds. $16,000 Boston Elevated 4s 36.000 Boston Elevated 4As 25.000 West End 4s 25.000 West End 4As Bank Stocks. Shs. 40 First Nl. Bk., Boston 21 First Ward Nl. Bk., Boston 137 Nl. Shawmut Bk., Boston 15 Webster & Atlas Nl. Bk., Boston 60 Brockton Nl. Bk. 76 Old Colony Nl. Bk., Plymouth 45 Plymouth Nl. Bk. 10 Third Nl. Bk., Springfield 280 REPORT OF THE [Pub. Doc.- PROVIDENT INSTITUTION FOR SAVINGS IN THE TOWNS OF SALISBURY AND AMESBURY, AMESBURY. 3 Incorporated February 28, 1828. MARKET STREET. Number of corporators, 42; number of trustees, 11. (Office vacant), President. A lfred C h arles L . A llen , Board of Trustees: C L o c k e , A . N. . L . A l l e n , W . E . B id d l e , J. E . B l a k e , J o h n Board of Investment: W . W . Auditing Committee: J. E . B l a k e , C . L . A l l e n , A . G . W il l e y . P a r r y , R . P . T ru e, H a w k es, A. A. C. C . W ebster, Treasurer. Clerk of the Corporation. C . W e b s t e r , D a n ie l W e b s t e r , D a n ie l C u r r ie r , W . W . H a w e s , H . B . W ebste r, A. G . W il l e y . W ebster. Deposits draw interest from third W ednesday of January, April, July and October; dividends are pay able the fourth W ednesday of April and October. Business hours: 9 a . m . to 2 p . m . ; Saturdays, 9 a . m . to 12 M . STATEMENT OF CONDITION, OCTOBER 30, 1915. Assets. Public funds, bonds and notes . . . . . Railroad bonds and notes . . . . . . Street railway bonds . . . . . . . American Tel. & Tel. C o. bonds . . . . . Stocks of banks and trust companies . . . . Securities acquired in settlement of indebtedness . . 319 loans on real estate (average of each, $2,196.24) . . Less amount due on uncompleted loans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $701,400 00 800 00 35 loans on personal security . . . . . . . . Bank building and fixtures (estimated value, $12,000; assessed value, $14,950) Real estate b y foreclosure, etc. (assessed value, $28,405) . . . . Deposits in national banks or trust companies . . . . . Cash . . . . . . . . . . Total Assets $850,000 589.000 235.000 57.000 67,200 21.001 00 00 00 00 00 00 700.600 930.600 10,000 15,981 146,527 9,124 00 00 00 84 38 90 . $3,632,035 12 Liabilities. Due depositors on 7,579 accounts, averaging $430.91 each {Accounts opened during year, 416; closed, 482; decrease, 66) Surplus; — a. Guaranty fund (4-97% of deposits; increase during year, none) h. Profit and loss (increase during year, $3,912.68) Current income: — a. I n t e r e s t ............................................................... $5,247 54 b. R e n t ............................................................... 52 81 . Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis . . $3,265,837 89 162,348 87 198,988 01 $5,300 35 560 00 Less current expenses not charged off Unearned discount ■ . 4,740 35 120 00 . Total Liabilities . . $3,632,035 12 No. 8.] 281 BANK COMMISSIONER. Total Expenses for the Year, including State Taxes. State Tax (Net). Salaries. Rent. Amount paid for $11,148.13 $6,580.00 Cost per $1,000 of assets 3.07 1.81 Cost per $1,000 of assets notjincluding State tax and rent Advertising. Other Expenses. Total. $763.06 $18,491 19 .21 5.09 2.02 Gross income received during the year, $160)292.29. Rates on Investments and Loans (Average on All, 4.49%). Real estate loans (average rate, 5.03 per cent.): 5% , $673,400; 534% . $12,000; 6 % , $15,200. Personal loans (average rate, 4.70 per cen t.): 434%, $225,000; 4% % , $50,000; 4)4% . $290,000; 4%'%, $30,000; 5%, $257,500; 6%, $78,100. Bonds, stocks, etc. (average rate on amounts invested, 4.17 per cent.): 334%> $245,000; 4% , $1,279,000; 434%, $192,000; 5%, $51,600; 6%, $10,000; 8%, $43,900; 10%, $5,000; 12%, $2,700. Number of loans not over $3,000 each, 299, amounting to $288,900. 25 real estate loans made during year, amounting to $28,700. Dividends, Deposits and Withdrawals. Ordinary dividends declared during year: April, 1915, 2% Oct., 1915,2% t, , , . / April, 1915, M % Extra dividends declared during year: S q c(. 1915 'i% $63,101 62,760 7,861 7,819 270,394 Number of deposits during year, 3,656, amounting to 22 95 . 76 17 72 $411,937 82 420,184 07 Number of withdrawals during year, 5,445, amounting to Net decrease in amount due depositors $8,246 25 SCHEDULE OF SECURITIES OWNED. Public Funds, Bonds. Par Value. $37,000 Amesbury 4}4s 25.000 Arlington 4s 25.000 Billerica 4s Par Value. $25,000 Beverly 4s 50.000 Boston 334s 125.000 Boston 4s 55.000 Cambridge 334s 20.000 Cambridge 4s 50.000 Chelsea 4s 25.000 Chicago, 111., 4s 25.000 Cleveland, 0., 434s 20.000 Fall River 4s 46.000 Haverhill 4s 25.000 Lewiston, Me., 4s 50.000 Los Angeles, Cal., 434s 25.000 Lynn 4s 25.000 Malden 4s 9.000 Medford 4s 51.000 New Bedford 4s 2.000 Somerville 4s 10.000 Taunton 334s 20.000 Taunton 4s 105.000 Amesbury 4s D ates o f E x a m in a t io n Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Street Railway Bonds. Par Value. $100,000 Boston Elevated 4s 25.000 Boston Elevated 4}4s 60.000 Springfield 4s 50.000 West End 4s Railroad Bonds. $75,000 Boston & Albany 334s 40.000 Boston & Maine 4s Bank Stocks. 25.000 Boston & Maine 434s Shs. 30.000 Boston, R. B. & L. 4}4s 100 Powow River Nl. Bk., Amesbury 25.000 Boyer Valley 334s 35 Boylston Nl. Bk., Boston 100,000 C., B. & Q. 4s 50 Merchants Nl. Bk., Boston 35.000 Chicago & Northwestern 4s 30 Nl. Bk. of Commerce, Boston 30.000 Cleveland & Pittsburgh 334s 342 Nl. Shawmut Bk., Boston 50.000 Illinois Central 4s 25 Nl. Union Bk., Boston 25.000 Mich. Cent.-Det. & B. City 5s 21 Old Boston Nl. Bk., Boston 75.000 N. Y., N. H. & H. 4s 27 Second Nl. Bk., Boston 25.000 Providence Terminal Co. 4s 32 Webster & Atlas Nl. Bk., Boston 40.000 Sullivan County 4s 33 Bay State Nl. Bk., Lawrence 14.000 Wore., Nash. & R. 4s 7 Union Nl. Bk., Lowell a n d A u d it , N ovember 8-11 inclusive. 282 REPO RT OF THE [Pub. Doc. THE PROVIDENT INSTITUTION FOR SAVINGS IN THE TOWN OF BOSTON, BOSTON. 36 TEMPLE PLACE. Incorporated December 13, 1816. Number of corporators, 119; number of trustees, 35. (Office vacant), President. H en ey S . H u n t in g t o n W olcott, P aek m an , Treasurer. Clerk of the Corporation. Board of Trustees: G o b d o n A b b o t t , C . F . A d a m s , O l i v e s A m e s , E . P . B e e b e , A l f e e d B o w d i t c h , H. B . C a b o t , P h i l i p C a b o t , E. C. C l a e k e , C . E. C o t t i n g , A l l e n C u b t i s , C . P . C u e t i s , L o u i s C u b t is , L iv in g s t o n D a v is , P . Y. D e N o e m a n d ie , P h il ip D e x t e b , W il l ia m F a b n s w o e t h , G . R . F e a e i n g , Jr., E. N . F e n n o , W . C . F o e b e s , G . A . G a b d n e b , G . P . G a b d n e e , E. W . G e e w , R o b e e t H o m a n s , H. S . H o w e , J. C . H o w e , W a l t e e H u n n e w e l l , C . C . J a c k s o n , G . v . L . M e y e b , T h e o p h i l u s P a e s o n s , R . G . S h a w , Jr., A . B . S i l s b e e , R . H . S t e v e n s o n , Jr., E. V . R . T h a t e e , L . S. T u c k e b m a n , W . Board of Investment: W . V au g h an . C . F . A d a m s , L o u is n e w e l l , W il l ia m Auditing Committee: J. C. C u e t is , G o e d o n F a b n s w o e t h , P h il ip H o w e , L iv in g s t o n D a v is , A bbo tt, C . D e x t e b , W . C. E. V. E. C o t t in g , W a l t e e R . H u n T h a yeb. F o ebes. Deposits draw interest from first W ednesday of January, April, July and October; dividends are pay able after the third W ednesday of January and July. Business hours: 9 a . m . to 2 p . m . STATEMENT OF CONDITION, OCTOBER 30, 1915. Assets. Public funds, bonds and notes . . . . . . Railroad bonds and notes . . . . . . . Street railway bonds . . . . . . . . Boston Terminal Co. bonds . . . . . . American Tel. & Tel. Co. bonds . . . . . . Stocks of banks and trust companies . . . . . Securities acquired in settlement of indebtedness . . . 392 loans on real estate (average of each, $57,391.39) . . 161 loans on personal security . . . . . . Bank building and fixtures (estimated value, $1,478,000; assessed Deposits in national banks or trust companies . . . Cash and cash items . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . value, $1,478,000) . . . . . . Total Assets . . $7,611,571 12,664,020 967,000 960,000 900,000 369,375 17,250 22,497,425 8,401,925 570,000 1,281,245 38,645 65 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 76 95 . $56,278,458 36 Liabilities. Due depositors on 104,160 accounts, averaging $504-94 each (Accounts opened during year, 8,812; closed, 8,760; increase, 52) Surplus: — a. Guaranty fund (4.99% of deposits; increase during year, $65,000) b. Profit and loss (increase during year, $75,269.81) . Current income: — a. Interest . . . . . . . $553,152 73 b. Rent . . . . . . . 25,044 55 . $52,594,793 06 2,625,000 00 527,749 54 $578,197 28 47,281 52 Less current expenses not charged off 530,915 76 Total Liabilities . . . . . $56,278,458 36 Total Expenses for the Year, including State Taxes. State Tax (Net). Salaries. Rent. Advertising. Other Expenses. Total. Amount paid for $123,431.45 $75,105.00 $36,000.00 $14,110.50 $248,646.95 Cost per $1,000 of assets 2.19 1.33 .64 .25 4.41 Cost per $1,000 of assets not including State tax and rent . .......................................... 1.58 Gross income received during the year, $2,328,044.83. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis BANK COMMISSIONER No. 8.] 283 Rates on Investments and Loans (Average on All, 4.25%). Real estate loans (average rate, 4.16 per cent.): 3 M % , $708,000; 3M % , $1,175,000; 4%, $11,059,775; 4J^%, $1,016,000; 4M % , $3,961,750; 4% % , $50,000; 4J^%, $2,596,550; 4 % % , $157,000; 5%, $1,677,550; 5J^%, $10,000; 6%, $85,800. Personal loans (average rate, 4.60 per cent.): 4 }4% , $1,432,200; 4)^% , $5,203,925; 4 % % , $522,500; 5%, $521,000; 5M % , $200,000; 5>^%, $187,000; 6%, $310,300; 6M % , $25,000. Bonds, stocks, etc. (average rate on amounts invested, 4.21 per cent.): 3%, $156,000; 3% % , $125,000; 3.45%, $47,880; 3V2%, $3,505,486.65; 3»/16%, $13,000; 3«Ao%. $54,000; 3% % , $27,455; 3.65%, $37,200; 4%, $16,497,500; 4 ^ % , $688,500; 4 ^ % , $1,347,000; 5%, $1,291,250; 6%, $166,000; 7%, $61,200; 8%, $173,100; 10%, $100,000. Number of loans not over $3,000 each, 86, amounting to $150,925. 30 real estate loans made during year, amounting to $1,576,600. Dividends, Deposits and Withdrawals. Ordinary dividends declared during year: Jan., 1915, 2% July, 1915, 2% Number cf deposits during year, 98,870, amounting to $984,911 43 999,559 48 6,700,462 11 Number of withdrawals during year, 90,664, amounting to Net increase in amount due depositors . . . . . . . . . $8,684,933 02 7,250,700 78 . . . $1,434,232 24 SCHEDULE OF SECURITIES OWNED. Public Funds, Bonds. Par Value. $338,000 Massachusetts 3J^s 325.000 Massachusetts 4s 100.000 New York State 4s 50.000 Augusta, Me., 4s 1,051,000 Boston 4s 375.000 Boston 4)4s 50.000 Burlington, Vt., 4s 50.000 Detroit, Mich., 4s 50.000 Haverhill 4s 109.000 Holyoke 4s 20.000 Lawrence 4s 563.000 Lowell 4s 95.000 Lynn 4s 600.000 New Bedford 4s 40.000 New Britain, Conn., 4s 125.000 New Haven, Ct., 4s 285.000 Pawtucket, R. I., 4s 20.000 Pittsfield 4s 1,000,000 Providence, R. I., 4s 122.000 Quincy 4s 219.000 Rutland, Vt., 4s 268.000 Springfield 4s 233,500 Springfield 4J^s 96.000 Stamford, Ct., 4s 14.000 Waltham 4s 9.000 Woburn 4s 100.000 Worcester 4s 25.000 Attleborough 4s 14.000 Braintree 4s 47,880 Brookline 3.45% 67.500 Brookline 3J^s 23.000 Brookline 3.60% 70.000 Brookline 4s 17.500 Foxborough 4s 36.000 Grafton 4s 25.000 Leominster 4s 10.000 Lexington 4s 167.000 Manchester 4s 7.000 Tiverton, R. I., 4s 100.000 Westerly, R. I., 4s 165.000 West Springfield 4s D ates or E x a m in a t io n , Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Public Funds, Notes. Par Value. $80,000 Bristol County 4}^s 5.000 Essex County 3s 25,000 Brockton 3s 100.000 Lowell 3Vsa 142,986 North Adams 3J^s 31.000 North Adams 3.60% 13.000 North Adams 35^s 37,200 North Adams 3.65% 36.000 Somerville 3s 25.000 Somerville 3)^s 15.000 Taunton 3s 20.000 Brookline 3s 6.000 Brookline 3}4a 14,455 Brookline 3%a 13.000 Brookline % es Railroad Bonds. $50,000 Albany & Susque. 3V:>s 100.000 Allegheny Valley 4s 90.000 Ateh., Top. & Santa Fé 4s 300.000 Baltimore & Ohio 3}^s 100.000 Bangor & Aroostook 5s 310.000 Boston & Albany 4s 100.000 Boston & Albany 4V¿s 290.000 Boston & Albany 5s 191.000 Boston & Lowell 4s 50.000 Boston & Lowell 4J^s 200.000 Boston & Maine 4s 150.000 Boston & Maine 4J^s 180.000 Boston & Providence 4s 79,400 Burlington & Mo. R. 6s 1,204,000 C., B. & Q. 4s 93.000 C., B. & Q. 5s 300.000 Chic., Mil. & St. Paul 4s 100.000 Chic., Mil. & St. Paul 4^s 200.000 Chic., Mil. & St. Paul 5s 550.000 Chic. & Northwestern 4s 456.000 Chic. & Northwestern 5s 50.000 Chic., R. I. & Pac. 4s 100.000 Concord & Montreal 4s December 16-20 inclusive. Par Value. $250,000 Connecticut River 4s 500.000 Delaware & Hudson Co. 4s 950.000 Fitchburg 4s 250.000 Fitchburg 4J^s 350.000 Illinois Central 3Ks 450.000 Illinois Central 4s 150.000 Lake Shore & Mieh. S. 4s 350.000 Louisville & Nash. 4s 190.000 Louisville & Nash. 4Hs 100.000 Mich. Cen.-Jol. & No.Ind.4s 100.000 Minn. & Iowa 3Jis _ , 200.000 New England 4s 89.000 N. Y. C. & H. R. 3^s 100.000 N. Y. C. & H. R. 4s 300.000 N. Y. & N. E. Term. 4s 390.000 N. Y., N. H. & H. 3y2a 450.000 N. Y., N. H. & H. 4s 86,600 N. Y., N. H. & H. 6s 55.000 Northern Pacific 3s I 1,000,000 Old Colony 4s 400.000 Pennsylvania ipfa 200.000 Portland Terminal Co. 4s 275.000 St. P., Minn. & Man. 4s 107.000 Upper Coos 4)^s 672.000 Vermont & Mass. 33dis Street Railway Bonds. $250,000 Boston Elevated 4s 400.000 Boston & Northern 4s 100.000 Holyoke 5s 100.000 Old Colony 4s 200.000 West End 4s Bank Stocks. Shs. 1,000 Merchants Nl. Bk., Boston 75 Nl. Bk. of Commerce, Boston 571 Nl. Shawmut Bk., Boston 312 Nl. Union Bk., Boston 350 Old Boston Nl. Bk., Boston 848 Second Nl. Bk., Boston 612 Webster & Atlas Nl. Bk., Boston / 284 REPORT OF TH E [Pub. Doc. QUINCY SAVINGS BANK, QUINCY. 1374 HANCOCK STREET. Incorporated March 18, 1845. John Number of corporators, 34; number of trustees, 12. President. Q . A . F ie l d , C larence G eorge Board of Trustees: G. E . A dam s, R . J . Q . A . F ie l d , E . B . M a r s h , Board of Investment: J. Auditing Committee: E . A dam s, D. C h a s e , R . F . C l a f l in , H . E . C G. A . S i d e l i n g e u , F . H . S m i t h , Q . A . F ie l d , E. B. M arsh , R. D. R. D. B ü r g in , Treasurer. Clerk o f the Corporation. C hase, C h ase, R . F. H. ran e , J. H . E m ery, H . M . F a x o n , H . F . S p e a r , H . T . W h it m a n . H. T . C l a f l in , W h it m a n . E. C rane. Deposits draw interest from the first Tuesday of January, April, July and O cto b e r dividends are pay able W ednesday following first Tuesday of April and October. Business hours: 8.30 a . m . to 3 p . m .; Saturdays, 8.30 a . m . to 12 m . STATEMENT OF CONDITION, OCTOBER 30, 1915. Assets. Public funds, bonds and notes . . . . Railroad bonds and notes . . . . . Street railway bonds . . . . . . American Tel. & Tel. C o. bonds . . . . Stocks of banks and trust companies . . . Securities acquired in settlement of indebtedness . 1,240 loans on real estate (average of each, $2,563.23) I.ess amount due on uncompleted loans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$3,202,088 63 23,686 40 31 loans on personal security . . . . . . . . Bank building and fixtures (estimated value, $83,568.14; assessed value, $82,100) . Taxes, insurance, etc., paid on mortgaged properties . . . . . . Deposits in national banks or trust companies . . . . . . Cash and cash items . . . . . . . . Total Assets $329,000 1,276,291 145,333 100,677 40,985 9,000 00 25 90 50 00 00 3,178,402 268,535 83,568 893 63,258 904 23 00 14 31 47 79 . $5,496,849 59 Liabilities. Due depositors on 17,564 accounts, averaging $287.95 each . . {Accounts opened during year, 1,996; closed, 1,437; increase, 559) Surplus: — a. Guaranty fund {4.96% of deposits; increase during year, 810,905) b. Profit and loss {increase during year, $21,774-70) . . . . Current incom e: — a. Interest . . . . . . . $24,370 92 b. R e n t ............................................................... 372 64 ----------------------Less current expenses not charged off . . . . Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis . . . . $5,057,553 88 250,905 00 164,645 81 . $24,743 56 998 66 23,744 90 Total Liabilities . . $5,496,849 59 No. 8. BANK COMMISSIONER. 285 Total Expenses for the Year, including State Taxes. Rent. Advertising. Other Expenses. Total. State Tax (Net). Salaries. Amount paid for $7,922.53 $9,439.98 $1,200.00 $199.05 $3,184.73 $21,946.29 Cost per $1,000 of assets 1.44 1.72 .22 .03 .58 3.99 2 .3 3 Cost per $1,000 of assets not including State tax and rent . Gross income received during the year, $247,573.72. Rates on Investments and Loans (Average on All, 4.70%). Real estate loans (average rate, 5.10 per cent.): 4}^% , $277,450; 5%, $2,124,671.23; 5)di%, $631,750; 6%, $144,531. Personal loans {average rate, 4.87 per cent.): 4J^%, $100,000; 5%,$147,785; 5}4% , $11,250; 6% ,$9,500. Bonds, stocks, etc. (average rate on amounts invested, 4.03 per cent.): 3%, $25,000; 3)^% , $565,000; 4%, $1,069,000; 4M % . $50,000; 4J^%, $86,000; 5%, $104,000; 6%, $10,000; 8%, $20,000. Number of loans not over $3,000 each, 1,025, amounting to $1,808,738.73. 150 real estate loans made during year, amounting to $393,600. Dividends, Deposits and Withdrawals. Ordinary dividends declared during year: April, 1915, 2% . . . . . Oct., 1 9 1 5 , 2 % .......................................... Number of deposits during year, 21,671, amounting to . . . . . . Number of withdrawals during year, 15,964, amounting to Net increase in amount due depositors . . . . . . . . $1,274,256 11 1,085,262 25 . . . $92,053 72 93,793 13 1,088,409 26 . $188,993 86 SCHEDULE OF SECURITIES OWNED. Public Funds, Bonds. Par Value. $75,000 Massachusetts 3J^s 100,000 Boston 4s 23.000 Brockton 4s 50.000 Fall River 25.000 Minneapolis, Minn., 3}4s 50.000 New Bedford 4s 6,000 Quincy 4J^s Railroad Bonds. $25,000 Atch., Top. & Santa F6 4s 15.000 Baltimore & Ohio 3Jdis 65.000 Bangor & Aroostook 5s 50.000 Boston & Albany 4s 20.000 Boston & Maine 3J^s 50.000 Boston & Maine 4s D ates op E x a m in a t io n , Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Par Value. $60,000 Boston & Maine 4Hs 115.000 Chic., Burl. & Quincy 3J^s 25.000 Chic., Burl. & Quincy 4s 50.000 Chicago & Northwestern 4s 14.000 Chicago & Northwestern 5s 25.000 Conn. & Passump. Riv. 4s 50.000 Delaware & Hudson 4s 50.000 Fitchburg 3J^s 50.000 Fitchburg 4s 25.000 Illinois Central 3s 95.000 Illinois Central 3]4s 20.000 Illinois Central 4s 10.000 Michigan Central 3Hs 10.000 N. Y. Cent. & H. R. 3^s 25.000 N. Y. C. & H. R. 4s 100.000 N. Y., N. H. & H. 3^s 176.000 N. Y., N. H. & H. 4s March 9 -1 2 inclusive. Par Value. $25,000 No. Maine Seaport 5s 25.000 Old Colony 3J^s 45.000 Providence Term. Co. 4s 25.000 St. Paul, Minn. & Man. 4s 25.000 Washington Co. 3)^s 25.000 Wore., Nash. & Roch. 4s Street Railway Bonds. $80,000 Boston Elevated 4s 20.000 Boston Elevated 4Hs 50.000 Boston & Northern 4s Bank Stocks. Shs. 200 Commonwealth Tr. Co., Boston 100 Nl. Mt. Wollaston Bk., Quincy 286 REPORT OF TH E [Pub. Doc. RANDOLPH SAVINGS BANK, RANDOLPH. MAIN STREET. Incorporated April 14, 1851. H erbert F. F rench, Number of corporators, 33; number of tiustees, 12. President. P a t r ic k N . I r v in g H . M cL a u g h l in , Board of Trustees: J. A. B r e n n a n , A. L. F r e n c h , F. C. G r a n g e r , E . M . M J. K . W i l l a r d . Board of Investment: R . A. Auditing Committee: T hayer, T olm an, T, easurer. Clerk of the Corporation. S. T . C r a w f o r d , J. H. F i e l d , A. P. F r e n c h , H. F. P. H. M c L a u g h l i n , R . A . T h a y e r , N. I. T o l m a n , C hase, an n N. I. P . H . M cL a u g h l in , , T olm an, J. J. K . A . B rennan, W il l a r d , J. J. A . B rennan, F. C. G ranger. H . F ie l d . Deposits draw interest from first day of January, April, July and October; dividends are payable the first day of April and October. Business hours; 9 a . m . to 1 p . m .; 2 to 3 p . m .; Saturdays, 9 a . m . to 12 M . STATEMENT OF CONDITION, OCTOBER 30, 1915. Assets. Public funds, bonds and notes Railroad bonds and notes Street railway bonds American Tel. & Tel. Co. bonds . Stocks of banks and trust companies 315 loans on real estate (average of each, $8,865.95) . Less amount due on uncompleted loans . $36,000 551,822 75,000 31,825 15,500 00 50 00 00 00 1,217,775 127,021 5,297 77,613 5,514 00 00 98 65 16 $1,224,475 00 6,700 00 7 loans on personal security . Real estate b y foreclosure, etc. (assessed value, $5,200) Deposits in national banks or trust companies Cash . . . . . , Total Assets $2,143,369 29 Liabilities. Due depositors on 3,970 accounts, averaging $489.24 each (Accounts opened during year, 241; closed, 186; increase, 55) Surplus: — a. Guaranty fund (4-97% of deposits; increase during year, $950) h. Profit and loss (increase during year, $18,600.56) Current incom e: — Interest Less current expenses not charged off Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis $1,942,292 00 96,628 00 96,218 07 $8,688 44 457 22 8,231 22 Total Liabilities . . $2,143,369 29 No. 8.] BANK COMMISSIONER. 287 Total Expenses for the Year, including State Taxes. State Tax (Net). Salaries. Rent. Advertising. Other Expenses. Total. Amount paid for $3,625.44 $3,100.00 $360.00 $46.00 $1,528.66 $8,660.10 Cost per $1,000 of assets 1.69 1.45 .17 .02 .71 4 .04 C ost per $1,000 of assets not including State tax and rent . . . . . . 2 .18 Gross income received during the year, $99,941.18. Rates on Investments and Loans (Average on All, 4.90%). Real estate loans (average rate, 5.31 per cent.): 5%, $510,750; 5J^%, $645,600; 6%, $61,425. Personal loans (average rate, 4.77 per cent.): 4 % % , $50,000; 4 % % , $25,000; 5%, $47,900; 5J^%, $4,121. Bonds, stocks, etc. (average rate on amounts invested, 4.22 per cent.): 4% , $576,000; 4 K % , $75,000; 5%,.$52,500; 6%, $6,200; 8%, $6,800. Number of loans not over $3,000 each, 138, amounting to $259,175. 39 real estate loans made during year, amounting to $98,350. Dividends, Deposits and Withdrawals. Ordinary dividends declared during year: April, 1915, 2% Oct., 1915, 2ys% Number of deposits during year, 1,701, amounting to . . Number of withdrawals during year, 2,541, amounting to N et increase in amount due depositors . . . . . . . . .......................................... . . . . . . . . . . . $37,423 58 40,040 19 169,893 02 . $247,356 79 218,156 45 . $29,200 34 SCHEDULE OF SECURITIES OWNED. Public Funds, Bonds. Par Value. $68,000 Boston & Maine 4s 25.000 Boston & Maine 4'As 25.000 Boston & N. Y. Air Line 4s 25.000 Chicago & Northwest. 4s 15.000 Conn. & Pass. Rivers 4s 25.000 Delaware & Hudson 4s 10.000 Fitchburg 4s 25.000 Fitchburg 4J^s 30.000 Illinois Central 4s 70.000 N. Y., N. H. & H. 4s 25.000 No. Maine Seaport 5s 80.000 Old Colony 4s 27.000 Portland Terminal Co. 4s 25.000 Sullivan County 4s Par Value. $25,000 Belfast, Me., 4s 5.000 Randolph 4s 4.000 Rockland 4s Public Funds, Notes. $2,000 Randolph 4s Railroad Bonds. $25,000 Bangor & Aroostook 5s 50,000 Boston & Albany 4s 5.000 Boston & Lowell 4s D ate op E x a m in a t io n , Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis April 9. D a t e s o f A u d it , November Street Railway Bonds. Par Value. $50,000 Boston Elevated 4s 25,000 Boston Elevated 4p£s Bank Stocks. Shs. 25 Nl. Union Bk., Boston 8 Webster & Atlas Nl. Bk., Boston 62 Home Nl. Bk., Brockton 35 Nl. City Bk., Lynn 25 Taunton Nl. Bk. 6 -9 inclusive. 288 REPORT OF TH E . [Pub. Doc. REVERE SAVINGS BANK, REVERE. 327 BROADWAY. Incorporated April 12, 1912. A l f r e d S, H a l l , President. Number of corporators, 62; number of trustees, 35. W il l is G. B o n d , Treasurer. A l b e r t J. B h o w n , Clerk of the Corporation. Board of Trustees: C . K . B a d g e r , G. M . B e m is , W . G . B o n d , A . J. B r o w n , C. H . B r o w n , N. S. B u r b a n k , W . H . C a n a v a n , A. B. C a r t e r , C . F. C h is h o l m , F. M . C r a ig , A. H . C u r t is , S. R . C u t l e r , W . H . D e r b y , G . W . F o lso m , T . W . G il l e t t e , A . S. H a l l , C . W . H a l l , H . J. H a r d in g , L .'L . H a r t w e l l , W . H . J o h n s o n , A. C . K i r b y , A . II. M a g u n e , F . P . M o r s e , M a t t h e w M u l l ig a n , P. C . N o b l e , I. P. P a r k , J. R . P r o c t o r , F. G . R o g e r s , T . V. S a r g e n t , J. B. S h u r t l e f f , Jr., W . P. S t e r n e r , W . G. T o r r e y , F. C . T o w a r d , Y. E. T r a c e , H . L. Y o u n g . Board o f Investment: C. Id. B r o w n , C. F. C h is h o l m , A. S. H a l l , T . V. S a r g e n t , J. B . S h u r t l e f f , Jr. Auditing Committee: P. C. N o b l e , I. P. P a r k , F. G. R o g e r s . Deposits draw interest from fifteenth day of February, M ay, August and N ovem ber; dividends are payable M ay 15 and Novem ber 15. Business hours: 8.30 a . m . to 1 p . m .; also Saturdays, for d e posits only, 4 to 8 p . m . STATEMENT OF CONDITION, OCTOBER 30, 1915. Assets. Public funds, bonds and notes . . . . Railroad bonds and notes . . . . . Street railway bonds . . . . . . American Tel. & Tel. C o. bonds . . . . 37 loans on real estate (.average of each, $1,621.62) Less amount due on uncompleted loans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $60,050 00 50 00 . . . 9 loans on personal security . . . . Furniture and fixtures . . . . . Deposits in national banks or trust companies Cash . . . . . . •. Total Assets . . $3,918 3,668 6,290 1,735 55 25 40 00 60,000 9.800 452 2.800 465 00 00 25 61 92 . . . $89,130 98 Due depositors on 2,009 accounts, averaging $43.58 each . . . {Accounts opened during year, 933; closed, 334; increase, 609) Surplus: — a. Guaranty fund (.40% o f deposits; increase during year, $174-13) b. Profit and loss (increase during year, $119.33) . . . . Current incom e: —Interest . . . . . . . . . . Less current expenses not charged off . . . . . . $87,557 41 . . 353 80 230 48 Liabilities. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis $1,505 42 516 13 989 29 Total Liabilities . . . . . $89,130 98 No. 8.] BANK COMMISSIONER 289 Total Expenses for the Year, including State Taxes. Rent. State Tax (Net). Salaries. Amount paid for $87.57 $520.00 $300.00 Cost per $1,000 of assets .98 5 .8 3 3 .3 6 Cost per $1,000 of assets not including State tax and rent . Advertising. $77.75 .87 Other Expenses. Total. $196.70 $1,182.02 2.21 13.25 8.91 Gross income received during the year, $4,029.63. Rates on Investments and Loans (Average on All, 5.60%). Real estate loans (average rate, 5.95 per cent.): 5J^%, $6,150; 6%, $53,850. Personal loans (average rate, 5.28 per cent.): 4J£%> $2,000; 5%, $3,500; 5J^%, $1,000; 6%, $3,300. Bonds, stocks, etc. (average rate on amounts invested, 4.45 per cen t.): 3)^% , $3,000; 4%, $6,000; 4 X A%, $5,000; 5%, $2,500. Number of loans not over $3,000 each, 43, amounting to $54,130. 13 real estate loans made during year, amounting to $20,550. Dividends, Deposits and Withdrawals. $964 77 1,135 30 77,160 18 Ordinary dividends declared during year: N ov., 1914, 2% M ay, 1915, 2% Number of deposits during year, 5,776, amounting to Number of withdrawals during year, 1,944, amounting to N et increase in amount due depositors . . . . . . . . . . . . $79,260 25 50,335 74 . $28,924 51 SCHEDULE OE SECURITIES OWNED. Railroad Bonds. Public Funds, Bonds. Par Value. $2,000 Massachusetts 3}4>s 500 Massachusetts 4s 1,000 Revere 4J%s 500 Saugus 4s Par Value. $1,000 Chic., Mil. & St. Paul 4}4s 1.000 Concord & Montreal 4s 1.000 Fitchburg 4s 1.000 N. Y., N. H. & H. 3y2s D a t e o r E x a m in a t io n , Jan uary 15. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Street Railway Bonds. Par Value. $1,000 Boston Elevated 4J^s 500 Boston Elevated 5s 1.000 Leominster, Shirley & Ayer 5s 1.000 Old Colony 4s 1.000 West End 4J^s 1.000 West End os 1 1,000 Worcester & Southbridge 4Jd>s 290 REPO RT OF THE [Pub. Doc. ROCKLAND SAVINGS BANK, ROCKLAND. 5 CHURCH STREET. Incorporated March 30, 1868. Number of corporators, 50; number of trustees, 15. J o s ia h A . T o e r e y , President. H a r r y W . B u r r e l l , Treasurer. C l a r e n c e E . R ic e , Clerk of the Corporation. Board o f Trustees: A l b e r t C u l v e r , A . W . D o n o v a n , J. E . F r e n c h , H . E . F u l l e r , W . M . H u r l e y , E d w in M u l r e a d y , A . A . P h e l p s , J. A . R a d c l if f e , J. S. S m it h , J. J. S p e n c e , J. W . S p e n c e , J. F . T h o m p so n , E . P . T o e r e y , H . S. T o e r e y , J. A . T o r r e y . Board of Investment: J. A . T o r r e y , A . A. P h e l p s , A l b e r t C u l v e r , H. E . F u l l e r , E . P. T o r r e y . Auditing Committee: E d w in M u lread y, H . E . F u l l e r , J. S. Sm it h . Deposits draw interest from first Tuesday of January, April, July and October; dividends are payable the W ednesday after the first Tuesday of January and July. Business hours: 9 a . m . to 12 m . ; 1 to 4 p . m . ; Saturdays, 9 a . m . to 12 m . ; also Fridays, 7 to 8 p . m . STATEMENT OF CONDITION, OCTOBER 30, 1915. Assets. Public funds, bonds and notes Railroad bonds and notes Street railway bonds American Tel. & Tel. Co. bonds Stocks of banks and trust companies Securities acquired in settlement of indebtedness 719 loans on real estate (average of each, SI,839.95) Less amount due on uncompleted loans . $165,209 463,678 126,083 34,293 4,100 18,136 00 50 00 75 00 20 1,322,930 43,126 57,000 15,117 28,748 1,797 65 00 00 98 82 44 00 35 47 loans on personal security Bank building and fixtures (estimated value, $75,000; assessed value, $63,125) Real estate b y foreclosure, etc. (assessed value, $16,250) Deposits in national banks or trust companies Cash . . . . . . Total Assets $2,280,221 34 Liabilities. Due depositors on 6,228 accounts, averaging $333.51 each . . . . . (Accounts opened during year, 863; closed, 559; increase, 304) Surplus: — o. Guaranty fund {4.91% of deposits; increase during year, $2,498.48) . b. Profit and loss {increase during year, $12,806.46) . . . . . . Current income: — Interest .............................................................................................. $28,769 51 Less current expenses not charged off . . . . . 1,936 56 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis $2,077,104 37 102,041 72 74,242 30 26,832 95 Total Liabilities . . $2,280,221 34 291 BANK COMMISSIONER. No. 8.] Total Expenses for the Year, including State Taxes. State Tax (Net). Salaries. Rent. Advertising. Other Expenses. Total. .Amount paid for $2,744.23 $3,830.00 $600.00 $44.15 $ l,6 o6.67 $8,875.05 C ost per $1,000 of assets 1.20 1.67 .26 .02 .73 3.88 C ost per $1,000 of assets not including State tax and rent . . . . . . 2.42 Gross income received during the year, $110,081.91. Rates on Investments and Loans (Average on All, 5.03%). Real estate loans (average rate, 5.45 per cen t.): 5%, $575,813; 5J^%, $3,200; 5 % % , $279,303.65; 6%, $464,614. Personal loans (average rate, 5.52 per cent.): 5%, $14,870; 5J^%, $11,400; 6%, $16,856. Bonds, stocks, etc. (average rate on amounts invested, 4.30 per cent.): 3hi% , $149,000; 4% , $362,500; 4 M % , $1,500; 4 ^ % , $109,000; 5%, $181,200; 6%, $19,500; 10%, $400. Num ber of loans not over $3,000 each, 650, amounting to $645,848. 53 real estate loans made during year, amounting to $92,845. Dividends, Deposits and Withdrawals. $47,970 72 38,933 82 328,248 36 Ordinary dividends declared during year: Jan., 1915, 2 X A% July, 1915, 2% Number of deposits during year, 5,937, amounting to Number of withdrawals during year, 5,606, amounting to Net increase in amount due depositors . . . . . . . . . . . . $415,152 90 334,057 26 . $81,095 64 SCHEDULE OF SECURITIES OWNED. Public Funds, Bonds. Par Value. $20,000 Boston 4s 1.000 Brockton 4s 5.000 Dubuque, la., 4s 30.000 Los Angeles, Cal., 4)^s 4.000 Medford 4s 4.000 New London, Ct., 4s 6.000 Newton 4s 4.000 Pittsfield 3J^s 5.000 Portland, Ore., 4s 10.000 Portland, Ore., 4b£s 15.000 Quincy 4s 25.000 San Francisco, Cal., 5s 15.000 Seattle, Wash., 5s 5.000 Sioux City, la., 4pis 8.000 Taunton 4s 3.000 Abington 4s 1,500 Hanover 4bis 4.000 Rockland 4s Railroad Bonds. $15,000 Atch., Top & Santa Fé 4s 10.000 Bangor & Aroostook 5s D ates o f E x a m in a t io n Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Par Value. $10,000 Boston & Albany 3%s 15.000 Boston & Albany 5s 12.000 Boston & Lowell 4s 27.000 Boston & Maine 4s 40.000 C., B. & Q. 3}4s 10.000 C., B. & Q. 4s 26.000 Chic., Mil. & St. Paul 4b£s 15.000 Chic., Mil. & St. Paul 5s 10.000 Chicago & Northwestern 4s 5.000 Concord & Montreal 4s 5.000 Dexter & Piscataquis 4s 5.000 Erie & Pittsburgh 3As 20.000 Fitchburg 4s 10.000 Fitchburg 5s 60.000 Illinois Central 3Jtis 10.000 Lake Shore & Mich. South. 4s 5.000 Louisville & Nashville 4s 10.000 Min., St. P. & Sit. St. M. 5s 20.000 N. Y. C. & H. R. 4s 17.000 N. Y., Lack. & Western 6s 25.000 N. Y., N. II. & H. 3^s 16.000 N. Y., N. H. & H. 4s 20.000 No. Maine Seaport 5s 15.000 Old Colony 4s a n d A u d it , Par Value. $6,000 Pitts., Va. & Charleston 4s 10.000 Portland Terminal Co. 4s 10.000 Somerset Ry. 4s 2.000 Upper Coos 4s 5.000 Washington Co. 3A& 5.000 Wore., Nash. & R. 4s Street Railway Bonds. $15,000 Boston Elevated 4s 28.000 Boston Elevated 4J^s 20.000 Boston Elevated 5s 10.000 Boston & Northern 4s 4,000 Brockton 5s 10.000 West End 4s 10.000 West End 4}4 s 30.000 West End 5s Bank Stocks. Shs. 12 Abington Nl. Bk. 4 Merchants Nl. Bk., Boston 25 Rockland Trust Co. March 29-A pril 2 inclusive. 292 REPO RT OF THE [Pub. Doc. SALEM SAVINGS BANK, SALEM. 125 WASHINGTON STREET. Incorporated January 29, 1818. C h arles S. R e a , Number of corporators, 101; number of trustees, 23. President. Jam es F ran k S. P e r k in s , Y o u n g , J r ., Treasurer. Clerk of the Corporation. Board of Trustees: G . H. A l l e n , H. P. B e n s o n , W . D . C h a p p l e , W . A . C h i s h o l m , D . P . C o f f i n , E . J. F a b e n s , G. R . F e l t , H. O. F u l l e r , G. W. G r a n t , G. R. J e w e t t , J. J. M a c k , R . M . M a h o n e y , W . P. M c M u l l a n , G. A . M o r r i l l , W . E. N o r t h e y , R o b e r t O s g o o d , J o h n P i c k e r i n g , F . G . P o u s l a n d , C . S. R e a , D . A. V a r n e y , G . A. V i c k e r y , G e o r g e W e s t , R i c h a r d W h e a t l a n d . Board o f Investment: C. S. R e a , G. R . Je w ett, W . Auditing Committee: W . A . C h is h o l m , A . G. W . D . A. V ar n e y, G. H. A llen , R obert O sgood, C h is h o l m . G ran t, G. R . F e lt. Deposits draw interest from third W ednesday of January, April, July and October; dividends are pay able after the third W ednesday of April and October. Business hours: 8.45 a . m . to 1.15 p . m . ; also Saturdays, 7 to 9 p . m . STATEMENT OF CONDITION, OCTOBER 30, 1915. Assets. Public funds, bonds and notes Railroad bonds and notes Street railway bonds Boston Terminal Co. bonds . American Tel. & Tel. Co. bonds Stocks of banks and trust companies Securities acquired in settlement of indebtedness 981 loans on real estate (average of each, $4,556.09) Less amount due on uncompleted loans . $1,S89,707 2,212,994 760,280 100,000 203,450 156,000 100 00 50 00 00 00 00 00 4,469,524 1,292,300 60,000 7,108 229,818 17,729 86 00 00 88 76 29 $4,642,554 60 173,029 74 44 loans o-n personal security . . . . . . Bank building and fixtures (estimated value, $100,000; assessed value, $126,700) Real estate b y foreclosure, etc. (assessed value, $10,700) Deposits in national banks or trust companies Cash and cash items . . . . . . Total Assets $11,399,013 29 Liabilities. Due depositors on 20,828 accounts, averaging $505.63 each (Accounts opened during year, 2,262; closer, 2,095; increase, 167) Surplus: — a. Guaranty fund (5% of deposits; increase during year, $7,000) . h. Profit and loss (increase during year, $74,882.28) . Current income: — ..................................................... $6,337 80 o. Interest . b. Rent . ..................................................... 90 05 . $10,531,333 41 527,000 00 335,713 64 $6,427 85 1,461 61 ---------------- Less current expenses not charged off Total Liabilities . . . . . 4,966 24 $11,399,013 29 Total Expenses for Year, including State Taxes. State Tax (Net). Salaries. Rent. Advertising. Other Expenses. Total. Amount paid for $27,705.63 $21,034.92 $2,500.00 $505.02 $4,023.44 $55,769.01 Cost per $1,000 of assets 2 .4 3 1.84 . 22 . 04 . 35 4 .8 8 Cost per $1,000 of assets not including State tax and rent . . . . . . 2 .2 3 Gross income received during the year, $530,594.46. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 293 BANK COMMISSIONER. No. S.]- Rates on Investments and Loans (Average on All, 4.62%). Real estate loans (average rate, 4.89 per cent.): 4%, $43,000; 4 )4 % , 873,500; 4 )4% , 8758,200; 4 )4% . P*8i $63,500; 5%, $3,513,474.86; 5)4% , $8,550; 6%, $9,300. Personal loans (average rate, 4.67 per cent.); 4%, $20,000; 4 )4 % , $75,000; 4 )4 % , $662,500; 4)4% , $50,000; 4)4% , $265,500; 4 % % , $50,000; 5%, $85,500; 5)4% , $50,800; 6)4% , $33,000. Bonds, stocks, etc. (average rate on amounts invested, 4.39 per cent.): 3%., $159,000; 3)/10%, $20,000; 32/io%. $6,800; 3)4% , $50,000; 3)4% , $1,127,000; 4%, $1,619,500; 4)4% , $75,000; 4)4% , $1,100,000; 5%, $918,500; 5)4% , $25,000; 6%, $119,500; 7%, $29,000; 8%, $25,500; 10%, $58,300; 12%, $22,300; 14%, $15,500. Number of loans not over $3,000 each, 626, amounting to $1,169,190.32. 226 real estate loans made during year, amounting to $1,253,650. Dividends, Deposits and Withdrawals. Ordinary dividends declared during year; April, 1915, 2% Oct., 1915, 2 % Number of deposits during year, 17,035, amounting to . . . . . . .......................................... . . . . Number of withdrawals during year, 17,316, amounting to N et decrease in amount due depositors . . . . . . . . $1,737,585 37 1,764,892 41 . . . $202,506 69 202,499 86 1,332,578 82 . $27,307 04 SCHEDULE OF SECURITIES OWNED. Public Funds, Bonds. Par Value. $250,000 Massachusetts 3)4s 33.000 Akron, 0., 5s 25.000 Allegheny, Pa., 4s 175.000 Boston 4s 25.000 Boston 4)4s 85.000 Burlington, Vt., 3J4s 20.000 Fall River 3)4s 6.000 Gloucester 3)4s 150.000 Los Angeles, Cal., 4J4s 50.000 Lynn 4)4s 50.000 Minneapolis, Minn., 4s 50.000 New Bedford 5s 75.000 North Adams 4s 20.000 Oakland, Cal., 4)4s 25.000 Oakland, Cal., 5)4s 133.000 Omaha, Neb., 4)4s 50.000 Portland, Ore., 6s 20.500 Quincy 3)4s 22.000 Saginaw, Mich., 4s 55.500 Salem 4s 39.000 Salem 4)4s 200.000 San Francisco, Cal., 5s 110.000 Seattle, Wash., 4)4s 60.000 So. Norwalk, Conn., 4s 50.000 Spokane, Wash., 4)4s 25.000 St. Louis, Mo., 3)4s 10.000 Waterbury, Conn., 4s 10.500 Ware 3)4s 15.000 Augusta, Me. (W. D.), 4s Public Funds, Notes. $20,000 Brookline 3.10% 25.000 Brookline 3)4s 5.000 Middleborough 4s 9,800 North Adams 3%os D ates o p E x a m in a t io n , Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Railroad Bonds. Par Value. $25,000 Boston & Albany 3)4s 113.000 Boston & Albany 5s 15.000 Boston & Lowell 4s 84.000 Boston & Maine 3s 80.000 Boston & Maine 4s 150.000 Boston & Maine 4)4s 26.000 Cedar Rapids & Mo. R. 7s 100.000 C., B. & Q. 3)4s 100.000 Chic., Mil. & St. Paul 4)4s 100.000 Chic., Mil. & St. Paul 5s 50.000 Chic. & Northw. 3)4s 100.000 Cleve. & Pittsburgh 3)4s 10.000 Cleve. & Pittsburgh 4)4s 100.000 Concord & Montreal 4s 10.000 Connecticut River 3)4s 50.000 Conn. & Passumpsic R. 4s 75.000 Fitchburg 4J4s 50.000 Fitchburg 5s 31.000 Fre., Elk. & Mo. Val. 6s 25.000 Housatonic 5s 75.000 Illinois Central 3s 100.000 Illinois Central 3)4s 16.000 Illinois Central 4s 50.000 Lake Shore & M. S. 3)4s 10.000 Maine Shore Line 6s 8.000 Michigan Central 4s 60.000 Mil., Lake Shore & W. 5s 15.000 Mil., Lake Shore & W. 6s 100.000 Minnesota & Iowa 3)4s 25.000 Min., St. P. & Sit. St. M. 5s 25.000 N. Y. C. & H. R. 3)4s 9.000 N. Y., Lack. & West. 6s 25.000 New York & New Eng. 4s 25.000 N. Y „ N. H. & H. 3)4a 200,000 N. Y., N. H. & H. 4s January 2 7 -F e b ru a r y 3, inclusive. Par Value. $50,000 Old Colony 4s 50.000 Princeton & N. W. 3)4s 25.000 Providence & Wore. 4s 50.000 St. J. & Lake Champ. 5s 10.000 Sullivan County 4s 18.000 Wore., Nash. & Roch. 4s Street Railway Bonds. $100,000 Boston Elevated 4s 200.000 Boston Elevated 4)^s 50.000 Boston & Northern 4s 5.000 Brock., Bridge. & Taun. 5s 29.000 Lynn & Boston 5s 1.000 Marlboro’ & Westboro’ 5s 50.000 Old Colony 4s 100.000 West End 4s 63.000 West End 4)^s 160.000 West End 5s 15.000 Worcester & Holden 5s Bank Stocks. Shs. 30 Beverly Nl. Bk. 25 Boylston Nl. Bk., Boston 155 First Nl. Bk., Boston 583 Merchants Nl. Bk., Boston 502 Nl. Bk. of Commerce, Boston 175 Nl. Shawmut Bk., Boston 80 Nl. Union Bk., Boston 223 Second Nl. Bk., Boston 45 Nl. Grand Bk., Marblehead 294 REPO RT OF THE [Pub. Doc. SALEM FIVE CENTS SAVINGS BANK, SALEM. 210 ESSEX STREET. Incorporated March 9, 1855. H en ry A . H a l e , Number of corporators, 154; number of trustees, 30. President. H arr y W il l ia m P . H u bo n , P . Treasurer. G if f o r d , Clerk o f the Corporation. Board of Trustees: R . D . A d a m s , W . K . B i g e l o w , H . M . B i x b y , F . A . B r o w n , 8. H . B a t c h e l d e r , W . F . C a s s , W . O. C h a p m a n , W . R . C o l b y , L. H . C o l e , H . M . B atch eld er, J. F . D a l t o n , C . H. D a n f o r t h , C . P . F a u n c e , W . S . F e l t o n , H . P . G if f o r d , H . A . H a l e , G . M . H a r r is , W . C . H a r r i s , U. G . H a s k e l l , W . L. H y d e , W . M . J e l l y , E. W . L o n g l e y , W . S. N e a l , A . H . P h i p p e n , C . E. P h ip p e n , J . C . R o b s o n , M a t t h e w Board of Investment: H . Auditing Committee: M. W . B atch eld er, K . F. A. B ig e l o w , H . M . R o bson , B ro w n , W. H . R o p e s , N . G . S im o n d s , J . F . S m it h . W . R. B ix b y , C . P . A. C o lby, H . H a l e , M atth ew R o bso n . F au n ce. Deposits draw interest from first day of February, M ay, August .and Novem ber; dividends are pay able February 1 and August 1. Business hours: 8.45 a . m . to 1.15 p . m . ; also Saturdays, from 7 to 9 p . m ., for deposits only. STATEMENT OF CONDITION, OCTOBER 30, 1915. Assets. Public funds, bonds and notes . . . . . . . . . Railroad bonds and notes . . . . . . . . . . Street railway bonds . . . . . . . . . . . American Tel. & Tel. Co. bonds . . . . . . . . . Stocks of banks and trust companies . . . . . . . . 1,123 loans on real estate {average o f each, $4,437.4%) . . . . . 86 loans on personal security . . . . . . . . . Bank building and fixtures (estimated value, $200,000; assessed value, $198,000) Real estate by foreclosure, etc. (assessed value, $34,400) . . . . . Deposits in national banks or trust companies . . . . . . Cash and cash items . . . . . . . . . . . Total Assets . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1,875,150 00 1,981,250 00 273,255 00 88,400 00 183,430 00 4,983,226 08 1,295,125 00 150,000 00 29,952 65 246,899 82 35,452 39 . $11,142,140 94 . . . Liabilities. Due depositors on 28,480 accounts, averaging $356.31 each (.Accounts opened during year, 4B%7; closed, 4,095; increase, 532) Surplus: — a. Guaranty fund (5% of deposits; increase during year, $7,500) . b. Profit and loss (increase during year, $66,552.64) . Current income: — Interest . . . . . . . . . . Less current expenses not charged off . . $7,009 86 Less real estate expense paid and not charged off 3,972 45 . $10,147,574 87 507,500 00 377,894 56 $120,153 82 10,982 31 109,171 51 Total Liabilities.......................................$11,142,140 94 Total Expenses for the Year, including State Taxes. State Tax (Net). Salaries. Rent. Amount paid for $26,002.09 $21,028.40 — Cost per $1,000 of assets 2 .3 3 1.89 Cost per $1,000 of assets not including State tax and rent . Gross income received during the year, $540,584.39. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Advertising. Other Expenses. Total. $1,896.91 $6,236.35 $55,163.75 .17 .56 4 .9 5 ........................................... 2.62 BANK COMMISSIONER. No. 8.] 295 Rates on Investments and Loans (Average on/All, 4.78%). (average rate, 4.85 per cen t.): 4%, $99,000; 4 1 4 % , $27,450; 4 4 4 % , 81,807,571.08; 4% % , $7,000; 4M % . $71,650; 5%, $2,403,280; 5H % , $4,500; 544%, $351,575; 6%, $147,900; 6)4% , $3 300. Personal loans (average rate, 4.86 per cen t.): 4 ) 4 % , $25,000; 4 WZo $374,700; 4% % , $45,000; 4M % , $300,400; 5%, $315,200; 5 ) 4 % , $54,900; 5 ^ % , $145,300; 5 % % , $7,500; 6%, $27,125. B on d s, stocks, etc. (average rate on amounts invested, 4.68 per cent.): 3%, $45,000; 3 ) 4 % , $70,000; 4%, $1,209,300; 4)4% , $1,624,750; 5%, $1,036,000; 5)4% , $45,800; 6%, $247,000; 7%, $6,000; 8%, $74,500; 12%, $12,500; 16%, $22,500. Real estate loans Number of loans not over $3,000 each, 670, amounting to $1,130,669.83. 357 real estate loans made during year, amounting to $1,576,846.08. Dividends, Deposits and Withdrawals. Ordinary dividends declared during year; Feb., 1915, 2% Aug., 1915, 2 % Number of deposits during year, 37,397, amounting to . . . . . .......................................... . . . . . Number of withdrawals during year, 30,394, amounting to . Net increase in amount due depositors . . . . . . . $2,240,858 54 2,220,064 32 . . . $191,498 71 192,703 40 1,856,656 43 . $20,794 22 SCHEDULE OF SECURITIES OWNED. Public Funds, Bonds. $20,000 Massachusetts 3p£s 30.000 Massachusetts 4s 10.000 California 4s 20.000 Auburn, N. Y., 4s 10.000 Augusta, Me., 4s 137,000 Boston 4s 10.000 Buffalo, N. Y., 4)^s 25.000 Bristol, Conn., 4)is 12.800 Cambridge 4s 10,550 Cambridge 4)4s 25.000 Canton, 0., 5s 25.800 Canton, 0., 5)4s 50.000 Cleveland, 0., 4)4s 12.000 Dayton, 0., 5s 10.000 Decatur, 111., 5s 10.000 Everett 4s 66.000 Grand Rapids, Mich., 4)4s 5.000 Haverhill 4s 29.000 Indianapolis, Ind., 4s 25.000 Kansas City, Mo., 4)4s 20.000 Lawrence 4s 75.000 Los Angeles, Cal., 4)4s 19.000 Minneapolis, Minn., 4J^s 40.000 New Bedford 4s 26.000 New Britain, Conn., 4s 5.000 New London, Conn., 4s 29.000 Newton 4s 20.000 Oakland, Cal., 5)4s 10.000 Oshkosh, Wis., 4)4s 25.000 Portland, Ore., 4)4s 93.000 Portland, Ore., 5s 40.000 Rochester, N. Y., 4J^s 5.000 Saginaw, Mich., 4s 10.000 Saginaw, Mich., 4)4$ 34.000 St. Paul, Minn., 4)4s 98.000 Salem 4s 22.000 Salem 4)4s 50.000 Schenectady, N. Y., 4J^s 20.000 Seattle, Wash., 5s 15.000 Spokane, Wash., 4)4s 43.000 Springfield 4s 25.000 Stamford, Conn., 5s 80.000 Syracuse, N. Y., 4)4s 10.000 Terre Haute, Ind., 4s 93,200 Troy, N. Y., 4)4s 62.000 Utica, N. Y., 4)4s 60.000 Waterbury, Conn., 4)4s 25.000 Wilkes-Barre, Pa., 4s 25.000 Wilkes-Barre, Pa., 4)4s $50,000 Woonsocket, R. I., 4)4s 12.500 Yonkers, N. Y., 5s 25.000 Youngstown, 0., 4)4s 6.000 Abington 4s 8.000 Bedford 4s 18.000 Clinton 4s 25.000 Framingham 4)4s 4.000 Gardner 4s 10.000 Great Barrington 4s 11.000 Hardwick 4s 3.000 Lincoln 4s 12.500 Littleton 4s 40.000 Warwick, R. L, 4)4s 9.000 Shelburne Falls (F. D.) 4s Public Funds, Notes. $20,000 Bristol Co. 4)4s Railroad Bonds. $23,000 Adirondack Ry. 4J^s 50.000 Baltimore & Ohio 3)4s 10.000 Boston & Albany 4s 50.000 Boston & Albany 4)4s 30.000 Boston & Albany 5s 60.000 Boston & Maine 4)4s 10.000 C., B. & Q. 4s 40.000 Chic., Mil. & St. Paul 6s 20.000 Chicago & Northw. 4s 20.000 Chicago & Northw. 5s 5.000 Chic., R. I. & Pac. 6s 130.000 Cleveland & Pitts. 4)4$ 80.000 Concord & Montreal 4s 15.000 Danbury & Norwalk 5s 6.000 Danbury & Norwalk 6s 50.000 Delaware & Hudson 4s 25.000 Fitchburg 4)4s 100.000 Fre., Elk. & Mo. Valley 6s 45.000 Illinois Central 3s 25.000 Illinois Central 4s 25.000 Joliet & No. Indiana 4s 58.000 Kal., Al. & Gr. Rapids 5s 25.000 Kankakee & Southwest 5s 45.000 Louisville & Nashville 4)4s 50.000 Louisville & Nashville 5s 25.000 Louisville & Nashville 6s 49.000 Mahoning Coal 5s 65.000 Maine Central 5s 15.000 Michigan Central 4s 100.000 Michigan Central 5s D a t e s of E x a m in a t io n , September 2 0 -2 4 inclusive. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis $60,000 Mil., L. S. & West. 5s 45.000 Mil., L. S. & West. 6s 50.000 Min., St. P. & Sit. Ste. M. 5s 55.000 Montana Cent. 5s 10.000 New Haven & Derby 5s 10.000 N. Y., Lack. & West. 6s 50.000 N. Y., N. H. & H. 4s 10.000 Ohio River 5s 95.000 Old Colony 4s 25.000 Pennsylvania 4)4s 15.000 Pitts., Va. & Charleston 4s 75.000 Ports., Gt. F. & Con. 4)4s 50.000 Rome, Watertown & Og. 5s 15.000 San Fran. & San Joaq. V. 5s 16.000 Schenectady & Duans. 6s 100,000 St. P., Minn. & Man. 4)4s 25.000 Western Pennsylvania 4s 50.000 Wilmar & Sioux Falls 5s Street Railway Bonds. $8,000 Boston Elevated 4s 50.000 Boston Elevated 4)4s 50.000 Boston Elevated 5s 20.000 Lynn & Boston 5s 15.000 Old Colony 4s 20.000 West End 4s 75.000 West End 4)4s 25.000 West End 5s 10.000 Western Mass. 5s 5,000 Worcester & Marl. 5s Bank Stocks. Shs. 100 Boylston Nl. Bk., Boston 225 First Nl. Bk., Boston 80 Fourth-Atlantic Nl. Bk., Boston 165 Nl. Bk. of Commerce, Boston 300 Nl. Shawmut Bk., Boston 100 Nl. Union Bk., Boston 65 Old Boston Nl. Bk., Boston 125 Second Nl. Bk., Boston 75 State Nl. Bk., Boston 40 Webster & Atlas Nl. Bk., Boston 60 Warren Nl. Bk., Peabody 130 Asiatic Nl. Bk., Salem 25 First Nl. Bk., Salem 200 Mercantile Nl. Bk., Salem 450 Merchants Nl. Bk., Salem 153 Salem National Bk. 296 REPO RT OF TPIE [Pub. Doc. SEAMEN’S SAVINGS BANK, PROVINCETOWN. 274 COMMERCIAL STREET. Incorporated April 14, 1851. Number of corporators, 43; number of trustees, 12. L y s a n d e r N. P a in e , President. W il l ia m H . Y o u n g , Treasurer. M y r ic k C . Y o u n g , Clerk o f the Corporation. Board of Trustees: M . C . A t w o o d , H . S. C o o k , A . P . H a n n u m , H . F. H o p k in s , H . P . H u g h e s , J o sep h M a n t a , G. F. M i l l e b , E . N . P a in e , L. N . P a in e , A . L. P u t n a m , J. B . R ich , W . H . Y o u n g . B oard o f In vestm ent: A u ditin g Com m ittee: H. S. C o o k , A . P. H a n n u m , G. F. M i l l e r , L. N . P a i n e , A . L. P u t n a m . M . C . A t w o o d , A . P . H a n n u m , J. B . R ic h . Deposits draw interest from first day of January, April, July and October; dividends are payable the Friday preceding the third M onday of January and July. Business horn-s: 9 a . m . to 12 m and 1 to 3 P.M. STATEMENT OF CONDITION, OCTOBER 30, 1915. Assets. Public funds, bonds and notes Railroad bonds and notes Street railway bonds American Tel. & Tel. Co. bond 3 Stocks of banks and trust companies 370 loans on real estate (average of each, $897.07) 159 loans on personal security . . . . . Bank building and fixtures (estimated value, $7,500; assessed value, $7,550) Real estate by foreclosure, etc. (assessed value, $13,900) Taxes, insurance, etc., paid on mortgaged properties Deposits in national banks or trust companies Cash and cash items $65,525 42,045 29,200 10,800 4,340 331,917 156,588 5,000 14,266 248 13,015 3,957 00 00 00 00 00 45 50 00 69 44 45 16 Total A s s e t s .......................................$676,903 69 Liabilities. D ue depositors on 2,159 accounts, averaging $290.89 e a c h .......................................... {Accounts opened during year, 254; closed, 185; increase, 69) Surplus: — a. Guaranty fund {4 .84% ° f deposits; increase during year, $4 A 98) b. Profit and loss {increase during year, $1,860.25) . Current incom e: — I n t e r e s t ...............................................................................................$10,894 45 Less current expenses not charged off . . . . 1,486 68 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis $628,038 72 30,433 61 9,023 59 9,407 77 Total Liabilities . $676,903 69 No. 8.] 297 BANK COMMISSIONER. Total Expenses for the Year, including State Taxes. State Tax (Net). Salaries. Rent. Amount paid for $1,334.29 $2,636.00 $200.00 C ost per $1,000 of assets 1.97 3 .8 9 .29 C ost per $1,000 of assets not including State tax and rent . Advertising. Other Expenses. Total. $25.00 $900.25 $5,095.54 .04 1.33 7 .52 .......................................... 5 .26 Gross income received during the year, $33,361.09. Rates on Investments and Loans (Average on All, 5.30%). Real estate loans (average rate, 5.74 per cent.): 5%, $44,473.50; 5]4,%, $4,000; 5J^%, $79,725; 6%, $203,718.95. Personal loans (average rate, 5.22 per cent.): 3 % % , $15,000; 4 M % , $25,000; 4j/o%, $15,000; 5%, $21,700; 5 ^ % , $1,200; 6%, $78,688.50. Bonds, stocks, etc. (average rate on amounts invested, 4.43 per cent.): 3)^% , $5,000; 4% , $82,000; 4 Yt%, $56,000; 5%, $8,825; 6%, $1,200; 8%, $400; 12%, $1,700. Number of loans not over $3,000 each, 500, amounting to $307,532.45. 66 real estate loans made during year, amounting to $68,632.50. Dividends, Deposits and Withdrawals. Ordinary dividends declared during year: Jan., 1915, 1 % % July, 1915, 2 % Number of deposits during year, 1,803, amounting to . . Number of withdrawals during year, 2,018, amounting to Net increase in amount due depositors . . . . . . . . . .......................................... . . . $10,064 22 11,436 53 137,959 70 . . $159,460 45 148,91143 . $10,549 02 . . . . . . SCHEDULE OF SECURITIES OWNED. Public Funds, Bonds. Par Value. $8,000 Washington Co., Me., 4s 6.000 Bay City, Mich., 4s 10.000 Boston 4s 4.000 Gloucester 4s 10.000 Kansas City, Mo., 4Hs 2.000 Lowell 4s 7,500 Milwaukee, Wis., iy>s 2.000 New Bedford 4s 7.000 Quincy 4)^s 3,0Q0 Provincetown 4J4s Public Funds, Notes. Par Value. $3,500 Provincetown 4}^s 2,525 Provincetown 5s Railroad Bonds. $5,000 Boston & Maine 4s 5.000 Boston & Maine 4j4>s 1.000 C., B. & Q. 4s 5.000 Fitchburg 5s 5.000 Illinois Central 3)^s 5.000 Illinois Central 4s 5.000 Lime Rock 4s 7.000 N. Y., N. H. & H. 4s 5.000 Old Colony 4s D a t e s oe E x a m in a t io n a n d A u d it , August 23-27 inclusive. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Street Railway Bonds. Par Value. $10,000 Boston Elevated 4J^s 10.000 Boston & Northern 4s 10.000 West End 4J^s Bank Stocks. Shs. 20 Eliot NI. Bk., Boston 17 Second NI. Bk., Boston 4 Webster & Atlas NI. Bk., Boston 12 Home NI. Bk., Brockton 13 First NI. Bk., Provincetown [Pub. Doc. REPO RT OF THE 298 SHELBURNE FALLS SAVINGS BANK, SHELBURNE FALLS. 22 BRIDGE STREET. Incorporated March 28, 1855. H e r b e r t N e w e l l , President. Number of corporators, 25; number of trustees, 11. W il f r e d S. B a l l , Treasurer. F r a n k L . R e e d , Clerk of the Corporation. Board of Trustees: E d w in B a k e r , W . S. B a l l , F. J. C a n e d y , L o r e n zo G r is w o l d , C. W . H a w k s , F. E. M e r r ic k , H e r b e r t N e w e l l , F. L. R e e d , C. D . S p e n c e r , J. A . W e l l s , M . Z. W o o d w a r d . Board of Investment: E d w in B a k e r , C . W . H a w k s , W . S. B a l l . Auditing Committee: H e r b e r t N e w e l l , F. L. R e e d , M . Z. W oodw ard. Deposits draw interest from tenth day of January, April, July and October; dividends are payable April 10 and October 10. Business hours: 9 a .m . to 3 p . m . STATEMENT OF CONDITION, OCTOBER 30, 1915. Assets. Public funds, bonds and notes . . . . . . . . Railroad bonds and notes . . . . . . . . . Street railway bonds . . . . . . . . . . American Tel. & Tel. Co. bonds . . . . . . . . Stocks of banks and trust companies . . . . . . . 253 loans on real estate (average of each, $4,039.51) . . . . . 16 loans on personal security . . . . . . . . Bank building and fixtures (estimated value, $10,000; assessed value, $6,900) Deposits in national banks or trust companies . . . . . Cash . . . . . . . . . . . . . Total Assets . . . $126,500 578,192 120,000 35,645 19,800 1,021,995 13,250 9,000 45,593 628 . . . . . . . . . . 00 10 00 88 00 00 00 00 75 65 $1,970,605 38 Liabilities. Due depositors on 4,883 accounts, averaging $375.40 each (Accounts opened during year, SIS; closed, 371; decrease, 58) Surplus: — a. Guaranty fund (5.08% of deposits; increase during year, none) b. Profit and loss (increase during year, $8,004-99) Current income: — Interest . . . . . . . . . Less current expenses not charged off . . . Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis . $1,833,104 41 93,174 68 23,233 92 $21,510 67 418 30 21,092 37 Total Liabilities . . $1,970,S05 38 299 BANK COMMISSIONER. No. 8: Total Expenses for the Year, including State Taxes. Rent. State Tax (Net). Salaries. Am ount paid for $3,590.15 $2,850.00 $450.00 Cost per $1,000 of assets 1.82 1 .45 .23 C ost per $1,000 of assets not including State tax and rent . Advertising. Other Expenses. Total. $27.00 $1,039.39 $7,956.54 .01 .53 4 .0 4 1.99 Gross income received during the year, $89,609.66. Rates on Investments and Loans (Average on All, 4.52%). Real estate loans (average rate, 4.95 per cen t.): 4 % % , 8225,000; 5%, $791,045; 6%, $5,950. Personal loans (average rate, 5.60 per cent.): 5%, $5,300; 6%, $7,950. Bonds, stocks, etc. (average rate on amounts invested, 4.02 per cent.): 3%, $10,000; 3J^%, $310,000; 4%, $449,000; 4J^%, $108,500; 6%, $3,000; 7%, $16,800. Number of loans not over $3,000 each, 208, amounting to $203,745. 33 real estate loans made during year, amounting to $31,550. Dividends, Deposits and Withdrawals. $35,761 93 35,497 36 200,640 96 Oldinary dividends declared during year: April, 1915, 2% Oct., 1915, 2% Number of deposits during year, 2,732, amounting to Number of withdrawals during year, 2,918, amounting to Net decrease in amount due depositors . . . . . . . . . . . . $271,900 25 285,779 34 . 313,879 09 SCHEDULE OF SECURITIES OWNED. Public Funds, Bonds. Par Value. $10,000 Massachusetts 3]4s 15.000 Belfast, Me., 4s 30.000 Boston 4s 20.000 Chicago, 111., 4s 20.000 Stamford, Ct., 4s 10.000 Taunton 4s 15.000 Shelburne 4s Public Funds, Notes. $3,000 Buckland 4)^s 3,500 Shelburne Falls F. D. V/is Railroad Bonds. $20,000 Boston & Maine 4s 30.000 Boston & Maine 4Vi>s Par Value. $50,000 C., B. & Q. 3 ^ s 25.000 Chi., Mil. & St. Paul 4)^s 10.000 Cleveland & Pitts. 4p^s 10.000 Concord & Montreal 4s 56.000 Fitchburg 4s 12.000 Fitchburg 4Hs 10.000 Illinois Central 3s 90.000 Illinois Central 3}4s 65.000 Michigan Central 3p£s 35.000 N. Y. C. & H. R. 3^s 15.000 N. Y. C. & H. R. 4s 10.000 N. Y. & N. E. Term. 4s 25.000 N. Y „ N. H. & H. 3p£s 30.000 N. Y., N. H. & H. 4s 20.000 Old Colony 4s 15.000 Portland Terminal Co. 4s 10.000 Providence Term. Co. 4s D a t e of E x a m in a t io n , September 30. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Par Value. $35,000 Sioux City & Pac. 3Ks 10.000 Western Pennsylvania 4s 10.000 Wore., Nash. & R. 4s Street Railway Bonds, $75,000 Boston Elevated 4s 25.000 Boston Elevated 4Vils 20.000 Springfield 4s Bank Stocks. Shs. 30 First Nl. Bk., Northampton 30 North Adams Nl. Bk. 138 Shelburne Falls Nl. Bk. 300 REPO RT OF THE [Pub. Doc. SOMERVILLE SAVINGS BANK, SOMERVILLE. 57 UNION SQUARE. Incorporated February 24, 1885. Number of corporators, 41; number of trustees, 20. J • W a l t e r S a n b o r n , President. F r e d e r ic W . S t o n e , Treasurer. T h o m as M il l e r , Clerk of the Corporation. Board o f Trustees: G. L . B a x t e r , A. F . L. W . F a r m e r , J. O. H a y d e n , F . F u lt o n O ’B r io n , A. A. P e r r y , E. A . P. V i n a l , W . E . W h it n e y , W . C a r p e n t e r , E . A. D a v e n p o r t , P h il ip E b e r l e , A. B . F a l e s , P. L a d d , G. W . L a d d , H. P. M a k e c h n ie , T h o m as M i l l e r , D . P il l s b u r y , J. W . S a n b o r n , E . S. S p a r r o w , F . W . S t o n e , H. W o o d b e r r y . Board of Investment: J. W . S a n b o r n , F. P . L a d d , W . E . W h it n e y , A . F. C a r p e n t e r , G . W . L a d d . Auditing Committee: J. W . Sa n b o r n , T h o m as M il l e r , E . A . D a v e n p o r t . Deposits draw interest from first day of March, June, September and December; dividends are pay able June 15 and December 15. Business hours: 9 a .m . to 1 p .m .; Saturdays, 9 a .m . to 12 m .; also Mondays, 7 to 9 p .m . STATEMENT OF CONDITION, OCTOBER 30, 1915. Assets. Public funds, bonds and notes . . . . Railroad bonds and notes . . . . . Street railway bonds . . . . . . Boston Terminal Co. bonds . . . . . American Tel. & Tel. Co. bonds . . . . Securities acquired in settlement of indebtedness 736 loans on real estate (average of each, $2,850.76) . Less amount due on uncompleted loans . $517,215 292,001 90,000 54,562 27,362 1,000 89 88 00 50 50 00 1,730,163 82,700 1,127 8,028 123,999 5,783 60 00 78 49 08 58 $1,738,413 60 8,250 00 7 loans on personal security . . . . . Taxes, insurance, etc., paid on mortgaged properties Premium account . . . . . . Deposits in national banks or trust companies Cash and cash items . . . . . . Total Assets $2,933,945 30 Liabilities. Due depositors on 12,194 accounts, averaging $225.44 each (Accounts opened during year, 1,579; closed, 1,629; decrease, 50) Surplus: — а. Guaranty fund (8.85% of deposits; increase during year, $6,900) б . Profit and loss (increase during year, $3,751.80) Current income: — Interest . . . . . . . . . . Less current expenses not charged off . . . . Suspense account . . . . . . . . . Total Liabilities . $2,749,072 57 106,000 00 25,654 72 01 35 51,100 66 2,117 35 $2,933,945 30 Total Expenses for the Year, including State Taxes. State Tax (Net). Salaries. Rent. Advertising. Other Expenses. Total. Am ount paid for $3,503.22 $5,330.00 $600.00 $71.50 $1,472.70 $10,977.42 Cost per $1,000 of assets 1.19 1.82 .20 .02 .50 3.73 C o st per $1,000 of assets not including State tax and rent . . . . . . 2 .3 4 Gross income received during the year, $130,191.41. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis No. BANK COMMISSIONER 301 Rates on Investments and Loans (Average on All, 4.64%). Real estate loans (average rate, 5.03 per cen t.): 4 H % , $35,500; 5%, $1,551,003.60; 5)^% , $64,000; 6 % , $74,260. Personal loans (average rate, 3.98 per cent.): 3%, $30,000; 4%, $2,700; 4)4% , $20,000; 454%, $10,000; 4 % % , $10,000; 5%, $10,000. Bonds, stocks, etc. (average rate on amounts invested, 4 per cent.): 354%, $20,000; 3)4% , $292,225;. 4%, $497,350; 4)4% , $4,000; 4)4% , $69,500; 5%, $103,000; 5)4% , $5,000; 7%, $1,000. Number of loans not over $3,000 each, 580, amounting to $975,103.60. 92 real estate loans made during year, amounting to $275,950. Dividends, Deposits and Withdrawals. Ordinary dividends declared during year: D ec., 1914, 2% June, 1915, 2% Number of deposits during year, 18,359, amounting to $48,269 64 49,797 00 698,673 83 Number of withdrawals during year, 12,737, amounting to Net increase in amount due depositors . . . . . . . . $796,740 47 636,658 31 . . . . $160,082 16 SCHEDULE OF SECURITIES OWNED. Public Funds, Bonds. Par Value. $30,000 Masachusetts 3)4s 11.000 Massachusetts 4s 10.000 Akron, 0., 5s 5.000 Akron, 0., 5)4s 8.000 Barre, Vt., 3)4s 5.000 Boston 3)4s 41.000 Boston 4s 25.000 Boston 4)4s 4,6C0 Brockton 4s 1.000 Buffalo, N. Y., 7s 5.000 Chicago, 111., 4s 4.000 Chicopee 4s 7.000 Dayton, 0., 5s 5.000 Dubuque, la., 4s 5.000 Fall River 3)4s 7.000 Fall River 4s 13,500 Fitchburg 4s 3.000 Gloucester 4s 10.000 Holyoke 4s 3.000 Indianapolis, Ind., 4s 5.000 Joplin, Mo., 5s 5,250 Lowell 4s 4.000 Lynn 4s 5.000 Malden 3)4s 26.000 Medford 4s 7.000 Milwaukee, Wis., 4s 5.000 Minneapolis, Minn., 3)4s 5.000 Minneapolis, Minn., 4s 20.000 New Bedford 4s 5.000 New London, Ct., 3J4s 4.000 New London, Ct., 4s 5.000 Omaha, Neb., 4)<^s 5.000 Quincy 3p£s Par Value. $10,000 Racine, Wis., 5s 5.000 Schenectady, N. Y., 4s 10.000 Somerville 3p£s 19.000 Somerville 4s 5.000 So. Norwalk, Ct., 4s 2.000 Taunton 4s 5.000 Willimantic, Ct., 4s 20.000 Woburn 4s 3.000 Woonsocket, R. L, 4^s 11.000 Youngstown, 0., 5s 1.000 Belmont 4s 3.000 Brooklyn, Ct., 4s 4,500 Longmeadow 4j4s 10.000 Mansfield 4s 15.000 Meriden, Ct., 3)/£s 5.000 Milton 3)^s 1.000 Peabody 4s 4.000 Revere 4)4s 5.000 Saugus 4s 1.000 South Hadley 4J^s 8.000 Stoneham 4s 2.000 Westerly, R. I., 4s 1.000 Whitman 4s 10.000 Augusta, Me. (W. D.), 4s 5.000 Br. & Tops., Me. (W. D.), 4s 5.000 Kennebec, Me. (W. D.), 3Ms 4.000 Van Burén, Me. (W. D.), 4s Public Funds, Notes. $4,000 East Bridgewater 4s 3.000 Randolph 4s 10.000 Scituate 4s 20.000 Winchester 3%s 3,225 Winthrop 3)4¡s D a t e s of E x a m in a t io n , M ay 7 -1 0 inclusive. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Railroad Bonds. Par Value. $7,000 Bangor & Aroostook 5s 5.000 Boston & Albany 3Hs 30.000 Boston & Albany 4s 2.000 Boston & Maine 4s 13.000 Boston & Maine 4Hs 10.000 Boston, R. B. & L. 4)4>s 15.000 C., B. & Q. 3y2a 10.000 C., B. & Q. 4s 17.000 Concord & Montreal 4s 15.000 Fitchburg 4s 29.000 Illinois Central 3)^s 1.000 Maine Central 5s 2.000 Man., G. B. & Northw. 3)^s 10.000 Michigan Central 3 y s 30.000 N. Y. C. & H. R. 3y2s 30.000 N. Y „ N. H. & H. 3y2s 25.000 N. Y „ N .H . & H. 4s 15.000 No. Maine Seaport 5s 2.000 Old Colony 4s 5.000 Penobscot Shore Line 4s 5.000 Peoria & Northwestern 3}4b 5.000 Providence Term. Co. 4s 10.000 St. J. & L. Champlain 5s 5.000 Sioux City & Pacific 3)^s Street Railway Bonds. $10,000 Boston Elevated 4s 8.000 Boston Elevated 4Hs 5.000 Lynn & Boston 5s 45.000 West End 4s 22.000 West End 5s D a t e s of A u d it , October 28-N ovem ber 2, inclusive . 302 REPO RT OF THE [Pub. Doc. SOMERVILLE INSTITUTION FOR SAVINGS, SOMERVILLE. 84 BROADWAY. Branch Office: Teele Square, West Somerville. Incorporated M arch 9, 1910. N ath an H . R eed, Number of corporators, 59; number of trustees, 17. President. R a y R . R id e o u t , T h om as L . D a v is , Treasurer. Clerk of the Corporation. Board of Trustees: J. M . A n d b e w s , F . L . C o b u r n , T . L . D a v i s , W i l l i a m F l e m in g , E l l s w o r t h F i s k , W . W . K e n n a r d , G. S. L o v e j o y , J. H. M a g u i r e , J. S. P i k e , E . L . P r i d e , N. H. R e e d , R . R . R i d e o u t , F . M . R o g e r s , C . L . S h e a , J. C . H. S n o w , W . L . S n o w , F . F . S t o c k w e l l . Board of Investment: N . H . R e e d , J. M . A n d r e w s , J. S. P i k e , W . L. S n o w , F. F. S t o c k w e l l . Auditing Committee: E . L . P r i d e , W il l ia m F l e m in g , J. S. P i k e . Deposits draw interest from tenth day of January, April, July and October; dividends are payable third Saturday of April and October. Business hours: 9 a . m . to 12 m .; 2 to 4 p .m .; also Sat urdays, 7 to 8.30 p .m .; Saturdays, during July and August, close at 12 m . STATEMENT OF CONDITION, OCTOBER 30, 1915. Assets. Public funds, bonds and notes . . . . Railroad bonds and notes . . . . . Street railway bonds . . . . . . American Tel. & Tel. C o. bonds . . . . 58 loans on real estate (average of each, $2,806.03) . 2 loans on personal security . . . . Furniture and fixtures . . . . . . Deposits in national banks or trust companies . Cash and cash items . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Total Assets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $10,449 18,387 16,994 4,451 162,750 15,000 900 2,838 1,853 10 50 00 25 00 00 00 90 41 $233,624 16 Liabilities. Due depositors on 4,301 accounts, averaging $53.22 each (Accounts opened during year, 1,915; closed, 737; increase, 1,178) Surplus: — a. Guaranty fund (.90% of deposits; increase during year, $560) b. Profit and loss (increase during year, $596.18) Current incom e: — Interest . . . . . . . . . Less current expenses not charged off . . . Unearned discount Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis . . . . . . . $228,923 21 2,070 00 2,227 09 $96 87 30 58 ----------- . Total Liabilities . . . . . 66 29 337 57 $233,624 16 303 BANK COMMISSIONER. No. S.] Total Expenses for the Year, including State Taxes. State Tax (Net). Salaries. Rent. Advertising. Other Expenses. Total. Amount paid for $295.65 $685.00 $199.92 $122.11 $646.97 $1,949.65 Cost per $1,000 of assets 1.26 2.93 .85 .52 2 .7 7 8 .3 3 Cost per $1,000 of assets not including State tax and rent . . . . . . 6.22 Gross income received during the year, $11,122.29. Rates on Investments and Loans (Average on All, 5.26%). Real estate loans (average rate, 5.54 per cent.): 5%, $15,200; 5}£%> $24,200; 5J^%, $83,800; 6%, $39,550. Personal loans (average rate, 4.42 per cent.): 4V£%, $5,000; 414%, $10,000. Bonds, stocks, etc. (average rate on amounts invested, 4.61 per cen t.): 4% , $33,000; 4Vi%, $5,000; 5%, $10,000 ; 5H % , *5,000. Number of loans not over $3,000 each, 35, amounting to $68,850. 12 real estate loans made during year, amounting to $43,300. Dividends, Deposits and Withdrawals. Ordinary dividends declared during year: April, 1915, 2% Oct., 1915, 2 % Number of deposits during year, 8,878, amounting to . . Number of withdrawals during year, 2,572, amounting to Net increase in amount due depositors . . . . . . . . $3,508 65 .......................................... 3,916 55 . . . 121,168 26 . . . . . . . . . $128,593 46 92,409 30 . $36,184 16 SCHEDULE OF SECURITIES OWNED. Railroad Bonds. Public Funds, Bonds. Par Value. $5,000 Boston 4s 5,000 Oakland, Cal., SVVs D ate op E x a m in a t io n , Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Par Value. $2,000 Boston & Maine 4s 5.000 Chic., Mil. & St. Paul 4Vis 10,000 N. Y. C. & H. R. 4s 3.000 N. Y., N. H. & H. 4s April 2 3 . Street Railway Bonds. Par Value. $10,000 Boston Elevated 5s 4.000 Boston & Northern 4s 4.000 Old Colony 4s 304 REPO RT OF THE [Pub. Doc. SOUTH ADAMS SAVINGS BANK, ADAMS. 26 CENTRE STREET. Incorporated M ay 1, 1869. F r a n c is E. M ole, Number of corporators, 33; number of trustees, 11. President. G eorge W il l ia m Orr, H. H o l d e n , Treasurer. Clerk of the Corporation. Board o f Trustees: I. S. B a l l , N. H . B i x b y , G. Z. D e a n , A. S. H a r r i n g t o n , G. H . H o l d e n , F. E . M o l e , W . S. M o r t o n , W i l l i a m O r r , C. F. S a y l e s , A. H. S i m m o n s , C . F . S m i t h . Board o f Investment: N . H . B i x b y , A . S. H a r r i n g t o n , F. E . M Auditing Committee: C . F . S m i t h , A . H. S i m m o n s , W il l ia m ole, W . S. M orton, C. F. S m i t h . Orr. Deposits draw interest from first day of January, April, July and October; dividends are payable January 1 and July 1. Business hours: 9 a . m . to 12.30 p . m .; 1.30 to 3 p .m . STATEMENT OF CONDITION, OCTOBER 30, 1915. Assets. Public funds, bonds and notes . . . . . Railroad bonds and notes . . . . . . Street railway bonds . . . . . . . Boston Terminal Co. bonds . . . . . . American Tel. & Tel. Co. bonds . . . . . Stocks of banks and trust companies . . . . 512 loans on real estate (average of each, SI ,4-77.32) . . . 56 loans on personal security . . . . . Furniture and fixtures . . . . . . . Real estate b y foreclosure, etc. (assessed value, $6,100) Deposits in national banks or trust companies . . Cash and cash items . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $440,954 336,668 120,031 4,700 23,127 19,000 756,387 59,305 4,000 5,168 31,303 4,057 . . Total Assets 84 75 50 00 50 00 77 55 00 67 34 7S $1,804,705 70 Liabilities. Due depositors on 4,055 accounts, averaging $423.95 each {Accounts opened during year, 529; closed, 490; increase, 39) Surplus: — a. Guaranty fund {4.34% o f deposits; increase during year, S4,400) b. Profit and loss {increase during year, $1,343.48) Current incom e: — Interest . . . . . . . . . . Less current expenses not charged off . . . . Insurance suspense account . . . . . . . Total Liabilities . $1,719,115 58 74,675 00 9,139 48 $2,664 70 1,342 54 1,322 16 453 48 . . . . . $1,804,705 70 Total Expenses for the Year, including State Taxes. State Tax (Net). Salaries. Rent. Am ount paid for $3,937.29 $3,496.00 $637.08 Cost per $1,000 of assets 2 .1 8 1.94 .35 Cost per $1,000 of assets not including State tax and rent . Gross income received during the year, $75,301.85. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Advertising. Other Expenses. Total. $869.57 $8,987.19 $47.25 .03 .48 4 .98 2.45 305 BANK COMMISSIONER No. S .]. Rates on Investments and Loans (Average on All, 4.69%). Real estate loans (average rate, 5.13 per cent.): 5%, $654,202.77; 6%, $102,185. Personal loans (average rate, 5.36 per cen t.): 4V£%, $5,000; 5%, $30,260.58; 6%, $24,044.97. Bonds, stocks, etc. (average rate on amounts invested, 4.27 per cent.): 3Vi%, $147,120; 3 % % , $4,000; 4%, $491,170; 4 M % , $5,000; 4 K % , $137,000; 5%, $128,700; 5% % , $13,900; 6%, $25,600; 7%, $3,300; 8%, $1,000. Number of loans not over $3,000 each, 532, amounting to $524,422.50. 74 real estate loans made during year, amounting to $84,935. Dividends, Deposits and Withdrawals. Ordinary dividends declared during year: D ec., 1914, 2% June, 1915, 2% Number of deposits during year, 3,874, amounting to $32,859 15 33,112 74 270,339 95 Number of withdrawals during year, 3,150, amounting to $336,371 84 321,028 30 Net increase in amount due depositors . . . . . . . . $15,343 54 SCHEDULE OF SECURITIES OWNED. Public Funds, Bonds. Par Value. $10,000 California 4s 800 Attleboro 4s 5.000 Augusta, Me., 4s 8.000 Boston 3Vis 5.000 Boston 4s 5.000 Bristol, Conn., 4V£s 6,620 Buffalo, N. Y., 3Vis 3,900 Canton, 0., 5Vi>s 5.000 Chelsea 3Vis 5.000 Chelsea 4s 5.000 Chicopee 4s 2.000 Danbury, Conn., 3Vis 10.000 Dayton, 0., 4pis 4.000 Dayton, 0., 5s 5.000 Des Moines, la., 4s 5.000 Fall River 4Vis 1.000 Fitchburg 4s 5.000 Joplin, Mo., 5s 10.000 La Crosse, Wis., 4s 25.000 Los Angeles, Cal., 4Vis 4,165 Lowell 4s 5.000 Melrose 4s 20.000 Minneapolis, Minn., 4s 7.000 New Bedford 4s 20.000 New Britain, Conn., 4s 10.000 Oakland, Cal., 5Vis 5.000 Omaha, Neb., 4Vis 5.000 Oshkosh, Wis., 4Vis 15.000 Portland, Ore., 4s 20.000 San Francisco, Cal., 5s 3.000 Seattle, Wash., 4s 1.000 Seattle, Wash., 5s 5.000 Spokane, Wash., 4Vis 5.000 Springfield, Mo., 5s 5.000 Springfield, O., 5s 10.000 Stamford, Ct., 4s 3.000 Utica, N. Y., 4Vis 10.000 Wilkes-Barre, Pa., 4Vis 10.000 Youngstown, O., 4Vis 5.000 Agawam 4Vis D ates of E x a m in a t io n , Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Par Value. $5,000 Ashland 4s 2.000 Hadley 4s 9.000 Mansfield 4s 10.000 Norwalk, Ct., 4s 5.000 North Attleboro 4s 10.000 Shelburne Falls 4s 8.000 Sudbury 4s 4.000 Stoneham 4s 2.000 Swampscott 4s 4.000 Uxbridge 4s 7.000 Warwick, R. I., 4Vis 5.000 Westerly, R. I., 3Vis 10.000 Kennebec, Me. (W. D.), 3Vis Public Funds, Notes. $14,000 Berkshire Co. 4s 10.000 Berkshire Co. 4Vis 9.000 Adams 4s 4.000 Cheshire 3%s .3,500 Cheshire 4s 18,625 Dedham 4s 1,880 Revere 4s 5,200 Scituate 4s 3.000 Ware 4s Railroad Bonds. $5,000 Baltimore & Ohio 3Vis 5.000 Bangor & Aroostook 5s 15.000 Boston & Albany 3Vis 15.000 Boston & Albany 4s 10.000 Boston & Albany 5s 5.000 Boston & Lowell 4s 5.000 Boston & Maine 3Vis 25.000 Boston & Maine 4s 10,600 Burlington & M. R. 6s 25.000 C., B. & Q. 3Vis 5.000 Chic., Mil. & St. Paul 4s 10.000 Chic., Mil. & St. Paul 4Vis 5.000 Chicago & Northwestern 4s 15.000 Chicago & Northwestern 6s December 7, 8. Par Value. $15,000 Delaware & Hudson Co. 4s 20.000 Fitchburg 4s 5.000 Fitchburg 5s 5.000 Gt. Northern 4Ms 20,500 Illinois Central 3Vis 10.000 Illinois Central 4s 5.000 Minn., St. P. & Sit. St. M. 4s 15.000 N. Y. C. & H. R. 4s 20.000 N. Y „ N. H. & H. 3Vis 10.000 N. Y „ N. II. & H. 4s 10.000 No. Maine Seaport 5s 5.000 Norwich & Worcester 4s 5.000 Old Colony 4s 5.000 Pennsylvania 4Vis 10.000 Penobscot Shore Line 4s 10.000 Portland Terminal Co. 4s 10.000 Sioux City & Pacific 3Vis 5.000 Washington Co. 3Vis Street Railway Bonds. $10,000 Boston Elevated 4s 10.000 Boston Elevated 4Vis 5.000 Boston Elevated 5s 15.000 Boston & Northern 4s 10.000 Hoosac Valley 4s 10.000 Hoosac Valley 5s 5.000 Old Colony 4s 20.000 West End 4s 7.000 West End 4Vis 30.000 West End 5s Bank Stocks. Shs. 132 First Nl. Bk., Adams 10 Conway Nl. Ilk. 12 Lee Nl. Bk. 5 Lenox Nl. Bk. 21 North Adams Nl. Bk. 5 Third Nl. Bk., Pittsfield 5 Williamstown Nl. Bk. 306 REPORT OF THE [Pub. Doc. SOUTH BOSTON SAVINGS BANK, BOSTON. 3S8 BROADWAY (SOUTH BOSTON DISTRICT). Incorporated March 30, 1863. G eorge Number of corporators, 72; number of trustees, 22. A. T y l e r , President. E d w in H enry C. M it c h e l l , Treasurer. B. G a l l a g h e r , Clerk of the Corporation. Board of Trustees: E. H. B a k e r , E . S. B o l a n d , G. H. B o n d , It. M . B o w e n , J. P. B r a d l e y , E. A. C h u r c h , J. H. C o r n e l ', C. T. G a l l a g h e r , R . E. H a r r i s o n , F. C. H e r s e y , A. H. J a m e s , G. F . L a w l e y , J. A. M i t c h e l l , C. M . N i c h o l s , J. C . N ic h o l s , C. H. S l a t t e r y , W . H. H. S o u l e , J. L . S p a u l d i n g , Jr., W . P. S t o n e , G. A . T y l e r , J. J. W a l l , A. H. W h i t e . Board of Investment: G. A . T y l e r , C. T . G a l l a g h e r , G. H. B o n d , J. A. M J. C. N i c h o l s , J. L. S p a u l d i n g , Jr., A. H. W h i t e . it c h e l l , E. H. B a k e r , Auditing Committee: F. C. H e r s e y , W . P. S t o n e , A. H. Ja m e s , C. H. S l a t t e r y . Deposits draw interest from the third W ednesday of January, April, July and October; dividends are payable the first day of M ay and November. Business hours: 9 a . m . to 3 p . m .; Saturdays, 9 a . m . to 12 m ., also M ondays, for deposits only, 7 to 9 p . m . * STATEMENT OF CONDITION, OCTOBER 30, 1915. Assets. Public funds, bonds and notes . . . . Railroad bonds and notes . . . . . Boston Terminal Co. bonds . . . . . American Tel. & Tel. C o. bonds . . . . Stocks of banks and trust companies . . . Securities acquired in settlement of indebtedness . 1,741 loans on real estate (average of each, $2,478.90) Less amount due on uncompleted loans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $4,324,867 00 . . . 9,100 00 — — ---------— 72 loans on personal security . . . . . . . . . . Bank building and fixtures (estimated value, $64,000; assessed value, $64,000) . . Real estate b y foreclosure, etc. (assessed value, $600) . . . . . . Taxes, insurance, etc., paid on mortgaged properties . . . . . . Deposits in national banks or trust companies . . . . . . . Cash and cash items . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1,296,050 1,081,568 150,000 40,387 15,700 9,027 00 75 00 50 00 63 4,315,767 1,980,650 50,000 852 635 280,053 19,032 00 00 00 34 39 06 41 Total A s s e t s ...................................... $9,245,724 08 Liabilities. Due depositors on 28,670 accounts, averaging $299.53 each . . . . . (Accounts opened during year, 3,109; closed, 2,984; increase, 125) Surplus: ■ —a. Guaranty fund (J.93% of deposits; increase during year, $13,536) . . . b. Profit and loss (increase during year, $36,735.17) . . . . . . Current income: ■—• a. Interest . . . . . . $12,150 42 b. Rent . . . . . . . 33 34 ----------------------$12,183 76 Less current expenses not charged off . . $1,606 73 Less State or local taxes not charged off . . 1,284 94 ----------------------2,891 67 ----------------------- Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Total Liabilities . $8,587,634 08 424,186 00 224,611 91 9,292 09 . $9,245,724 08 No. 8.] BANK COMMISSIONER. 307 Total Expenses for the Year, including State Taxes. State Tax (Net). Salaries. Rent. Advertising. Other Expenses. Total. Amount paid for $14,770.98 $18,866.50 $1,800.00 $32.25 $6,576.01 $42,045.74 C ost per $1,000 of assets 1.60 2 .0 4 .19 — .71 4.54 C ost per $1,000 of assets not including State tax and rent . . . . . . 2 .75 Gross income received during the year, $413,178.95. Rates on Investments and Loans (Average on All, 4.60%). Real estate loans (average rate, 5.01 per cent.): 5%, $4,259,057; 5M % . $8,175; 6%, $48,535. Personal loans (average rate, 4.51 per cen t.); 4 M % , $317,000; 4J^%, $25,000; 4H%p $1,435,900; 4M%> $71,250; 5%, $106,500; 6%, $25,000. Bonds, stocks, etc. (average rate on amounts invested, 3.99 per cent.): 3%, $25,000; 3)4% , $911,000; 4%, $1,318,000; 4M % - $7,050; 4)4% , $120,000; 5%, $158,200; 7%, $50,000; 8%, $10,000; 10%, $900; 12%, $1,800; 14%, $800. Number of loans not over $3,000 each, 1,172, amounting to $1,940,317. 107 real estate loans made during year, amounting to $312,100. Dividends, Deposits and Withdrawals. $157,262 61 159,375 71 1,546,774 27 Ordinary dividends declared during year: April, 1915, 2% Oct., 1915, 2% Number of deposits during year, 36,450, amounting to $1,863,412 59 1,560,954 72 Number of withdrawals during year, 28,476, amounting to $302,457 87 Net increase in amount due depositors SCHEDULE OF SECURITIES OWNED. Public Funds, Bonds. Par Value. $25,000 Massachusetts 3s 125.000 Massachusetts 3J4s 70.000 Massachusetts 4s 10.000 Hampden County 4s 5,0C0 Middlesex County 4s 50.000 Boston 3Ms 355.000 Boston 4s 55.000 Cambridge 3Ms 16.000 Dayton, 0., 5s 20.000 Everett 4s 20,010 Fall River 3)4s 10.000 Haverhill 4s 10.000 Holyoke 4s 20.000 Lowell 4s 20.000 Malden 4s 60.000 New Bedford 4s 5.000 Newton 4s 28.000 Quincy 3Ms 25.000 Somerville 3Ms 60.000 Springfield 3Ms 25.000 Waltham 3Ms 50.000 Worcester 4s 20.000 Arlington 4J4s 5.000 Belmont 3Ms 10.000 Belmont 4s 25.000 Concord 4s D ates o f E x a m in a t io n , Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Par Value. $30,000 Ipswich 4s 13.000 Lincoln 3Ms 20.000 Marloorough 4s 8.000 Norwood 4s 5.000 Orange 4s 10.000 Rockport 4s 35.000 Swampscott 3Ms 4.000 Watertown 4s 10.000 Winchester 4s 30.000 Augusta, Me. (W. D.), 4s Public Funds, Notes. $7,050 East Bridgewater 4Ms Railroad Bonds. $50,000 Boston & Albany 3Ms 100,000 Boston & Albany 4s 25.000 Boston & Lowell 3Ms 25.000 Boston & Maine 4Ms 80.000 C., B. & Q. 4s 25.000 Cleveland & Pitts. 3Ms 25.000 Connecticut River 3Ms 20.000 Danbury & Norwalk 5s 25.000 Fitchburg 3Ms 50.000 Fitchburg 4s February 23-26 inclusive. Par Value. $75,000 Illinois Central 3Ms 25.000 Illinois Cenhal 4s 10.000 Iowa, Minn., & N. W. 3Ms 25.000 New England 4s 60.000 N. Y. C. & H. R. 3Ms 25.000 N. Y „ N. II. & H. 3Ms 60.000 N. Y., N. H. & H. 4s 14.000 Norwich & Worcester 4s 40.000 No. Maine Seaport 5s 75.000 Old Colony 4s 25.000 Peterborough & Hills. 4Ms 50.000 Ports., Gt. Falls & C. 4Ms 50.000 St. Johnsbury & L. C. 5s 12.000 Sullivan County 4s 50.000 Troy & Boston 7s 30.000 Wilmar & Sioux Falls 5s 35.000 Worcester, N. & R. 4s Bank Stocks. Shs. 8 First Nl. Bk., Boston 9 Merchants Nl. Bk., Boston 75 Nl. Bk. of Commerce, Boston 22 Old Boston Nl. Bk., Boston 18 Second Nl. Bk., Boston 100 Webster & Atlas Nl. Bk., Boston 14 Winthrop Nl. Bk., Boston 308 REPORT OF THE [Pub. Doc, SOUTHBRIDGE SAVINGS BANK, SOUTHBRIDGE. 69 MAIN STREET. Incorporated April 20, 1848. C a l v in Number of corporators, 65; number of trustees, 21. D . P a i g e , President. C har les R o be r t A . B e c k w it h , A . C h a p m a n , Treasurer. Clerk of the Corporation. Board of Trustees: R . A . B e c k w i t h , J o n a s B e m i s , A l e x i s B o y e r , W . W . B u c k l e y ', E. L . C h a p i n , C . A . C h a p m a n , J. M . C o c h r a n , G e o r g e G r a n t , H . C . G r i m w a d e , F r a n k H a r t l e y , C . F . H i l l , C . W . H i l l , J. F . L a r i v i e r e , W . C . L e w i s , C . D . P a i g e , J. E. P a i g e , S. D . P e r r y , C .