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TW ENTIETH ANNUAL REPORT o\ r' T / - . T : r * • » •••* OF THE C ommissioner ** » « • 11 » < * t * / •* • *' * • •** of Banking ON State Banks, Mutual Savings Banks and Trust Companies OF WISCONSIN Ul SHOWING THE CONDITION OF ALL STATE BANKS, TRUST COMPANIES AND NATIONAL BANKS IN THE STATE AT THE CLOSE OF BUSINESS OCTOBER 31, 1914. MADISON, WISCONSIN D e m o c r a t P r in t in g C o m p a n y , S t a t e P r in t e r Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1914 ROSTER OF THE STATE BANKING DEPARTMENT ALBERT E. KUOLT, Commissioner of Banking.........................Kenosha W. H. RICHARDS, Deputy Commissioner of Banking, Black River Falls C. L. BROWN, Examiner ......................................................... Blue River R. B. ELLIS, Examiner ................................................................. Appleton J. R. HAYES, Examiner ............................................................... La Crosse THOS. HERREID, Examiner ....................... Blair A. C. POND, Examiner ..................................................................Janesville C. F. SCHWENKER, Examiner .................................................La Crosse H. E. STEDMAN, Examiner ................................................................ Berlin BURNE POLLOCK, Building and Loan Examiner ................. Lancaster J. H. COE, Clerk ................................................................................... Barron C. W. RHODES, Clerk ................................................................... Madison G. W. JAMIESON, C le r k .......................... .Shullsburg JENNIE NELSON, Clerk ..................................................................Madison EUGENE WULFF, Clerk ............................................................ Milwaukee Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 3 35..1 NM1 5 W v CONTENTS Introduction ............... ............................................................ ........... Page 5 General Condition ............................................................................ 5 New Banks .............................. , ............................................. ........... 6 Increase in Capital .......................................................................... 7 Consolidation and Dissolution ....................................................... 7 Nationalized ........................................................................................ 8 Bank of Clear Lake Reopened ....................................................... S Commercial and Savings Bank of Racine (in L iqu id ation )... 9 Citizens Savings and Trust Company of Milwaukee ............... 9 Disapproval Decision Reversed ..................................................... 10 Land Mortgage Associations............................................................. 11 Statistical 12 ........................................................................................... State Banking Department ........................................................... 12 Schedule— Showing Number of Banks, etc. .............................. 13 Number of Examinations, 1903-1914 ............................................ 15 Names and Compensation of Employes ...................................... 15 Schedule— Showing Disbursements and Receipts......................... 16 Statistical Table Compiled from Returns 17 for 1914.................... Statistical Table, Comparative .................................................... s Consolidated Statistical Abstract ...................... 19 Abstract of Reports of State Banks ......................................... 20 Abstract of Reports ofMutual Savings Banks .......................... 346 Abstract of Reports ofTrust Companies ..................................... 350 Abstract of Reports of National Banks ...................................... 359 Statement of Banks and Trust Companies, alphabetically ar ranged by Cities and Villages. State Banks .............................................................................. 21-345 Mutual Savings Banks ............................................................. 34,7-349 Trust Companies ........................................................................ 351-358 National Banks ........................................................................... 360-426 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis p p p " " a ‘iv-_■_;i:< -,>' o A - :’ i "• . :.. . ; •••:■• •V' s ^. A V ■; \ V • -■■ •; . ' . ' ■' ' V' 1-. ‘ A * •' V. ., ‘ <‘ H H H i-- r - ■ ■■r ;* " / A ï W a ■■•■■. . ■■■■■ . 'T / ; W ñ : • . i ' A ' M S n i S 5$£7$ - Kj ' V''dSI /r- 'K- W Ë fc -' *■' .. ‘ ‘ ‘ . . - im i -V K ^  v i.’.ÿV'; ÍA 7 K-- i ^ J i~\ r K : ‘ ' ‘y - 1 .' i - A!fe »Í¿ .b : ■ - ; , ., v • - i-.: P U ”-. :‘ K v :s;, î 1 -■ ' ’ -c - '-^ Æ Ê k w i il y . ."' A 'I :1 ■ ï* ■ ' t j, t 's . . •. ■ /' - . • » ”'% - ’ ‘: A ■Bfi*; ’.1 * ■ P j;; - ' / " # ï ; ;•>■-; .\ A .. ;- •> . ' ” ';•• . y 1\ • ; ■ • ■■ ‘ ■' ; ’> • V . \. :Æ ■ v ' ' ■' •>. '• '. * . ’ - *’ " V 1 !;> /"~-i ' ' **•. ’ .. ■ . ' . ' é '■ i$3? ■ . : Vî ^l , . .j H g p ^ p ' 7 ■? II:?-. ; 1 !I . v ... . ... .: : . ; r/v J '.c' ^ m a ^ ■ •>j . RK;. K f;;, . 1-7 r • I'“- ■»¿¡y.- ■ v ; .1 •;•■■''' - ' .*• :. 'A - ' 1 •- ■ 1 \\ ■1 ' ■' ; ■ ■<’ - . . ‘ <S  i:4."lü'.:'; ',v; ■. . * . : ,. tV ■ ■ V . ’ , - '' L • > *-¿. . , \. , ' ' V.tfS9 j 7 f /'* ’ J . jf . • ^ i ' ... ■ '‘ ' > ..1:1 ‘i i ' - . -' ' • \c' ^ : 0 : ^ ■ :y ■/'{i ;;.7;7r -VJ - 1 K ■’ • /; • .;. 1 •' ■v m m K ’' ®V’H ■ jp i ■. ' 7.. iÿ '- ■7^7^: 7i77'^:l'. ... . 1 I" . ' '..'/' ' ■. ; - " -j ■:■■■■ wÊ^i'■' ,; '7 :v J .7.1 " ■: - ' ytM ■. ' 1K S é S ' i . ■■ t'/.yv V Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis • ■; ‘ •■' ’ : * * * 4 » ^ ..... ... • ■• ■ ; ■;■y: : a ; ■ , ' - . ■ . , ■ v i . - ■•,■ - / ^\. V-,. ' ’ V' .i ;r .............. ; i I I State Banking Department T w e n t ie t h A n n u a l R eport . To His Excellency, E m a n u e l L. P h il ip p , Governor of Wisconsin. Sir: I respectfully submit my annual report on banks of W is consin, as provided by section 2024— 5 of the statutes, this being the twentieth annual report. The compilation was made on the basis of the last call for statement, October 31, 1914, and exhibits the financial condition of six hundred and forty-eight state banks, five mutual savings banks, and fourteen trust companies doing business under our state laws on the date mentioned. State banks and trust companies represent an aggregate capi tal investment of $21,819,950, and a gain during the twelve month period in capital invested amounting to $656,200. Their total resources are $238,561,733.03 which shows an increase in resources of $8,487,943.51. My report includes itemized abstracts of the reports of each of the three groups of Wisconsin banking institutions, and in addition that of the national banks of the state. G en eral C ondition . An analysis of the statements of Wisconsin banks, and a re sume of the work of this department for the year 1914, gives evi dence of the industrial depression incident to the European con flict, and the fact that our state banking system was given a severe test. Notwithstanding the unforeseen demands upon the resources of the banks during the latter half of the year, it is encouraging to note that the total resources for the year’s per iod show an increase of $8,487,943.51; that capital investment shows an increase of $656,200, and total deposits a gain of $5,696,715.68. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 6 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF BANKING. The weight of the burden borne by the banks is shown in the increase in loans, amounting to $10,822,830.55. Rediscounts and bills payable showed an increase in accordance with the financial stringency, amounting to $1,171,139.46. That the state banks of Wisconsin could not be accused of hoarding their money is shown by the fact that the average reserve at the December 1, 1913, call was 21%, and on October 31, 1914, this average de creased to 19%. The normal average reserve of our state banks is 22%. In general, it can be said that the state banks of Wisconsin met heavy demands upon their resources during the past year; that conscientious effort was made to take care of the needs of their customers, and that, with one exception, they had liquid assets to meet the situation. N ew B an k s. From December 1, 1913, to October 31, 1914, there were twenty-nine new banks authorized to commence business in W is consin, with an average capitalization of $16,965. It is signifi cant to note in this connection that of the above number, twentythree were banks in locations which previously had no home banking facilities. The list follows : Location. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ID 11 12 13 14 15 1G 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 Name of Bank. Capital. T e lilo ................................... Waldo State Bank...................................... $10,000.00 20,000.00 Nplrnopa. ............................... Nekoosa State Bank ................................. 50,000.00 T?ipon .................................... Ripon State Bank ................................. W^sthnrn .......................... Westboro State Bank .............................. 10,000.00 50,000.00 T.anoasf pr .......................... Lancaster State Bank ..................... 18,000.00 Tviprtnn ................................... Farmers Exchange Bank....................... 10,000.00 Lphanon ................................ Lebanon State Bank ............................... 10,000.00 Ogpma ................................... State Bank o f Ogema............................... 15,000.00 Spring flrppn ..................... Farmers State Bank ............................... 10,000.00 T,apnfl ......................... Laona State Bank...................................... 30,000.00 7vipnnmoTii p The Kraft State Bank ............................ 12,000.00 TiPwis ................................... Lew'is State Bank .................................... 10,000.00 Arpin Dairyman’s State Bank.......................... 10,000.00 TCpnnun Kennan State Bank ............. ................... . 10,000.00 Gilman ................................. State Bank o f Gilman ............................. 25,000.00 XIpI ....................................... Citizens State Bank ................................... 10,000.00 OnshTng . ...................... Bank o f Cushing ...................................... 10,000.00 Windsor . Windsor State Bank.................................. 10,000.00 Allpn IP O Strnml .. Farmers State Bank .............................. 10,000.00 Birchwood .......................... Birchwood State Bank ............................ 10,000.00 Collins ................................. Collins State Bank .................................. Corliss .................... Corliss State Bank ................................. . 12,000.00 50,000.00 Green Bay .......................... The West Side State Bank..................... 10,000.00 F'riesland (P. 0. Cambria) Friesland State Bank................................. 10,000.00 Woodland ............................ Woodland State Bank ............................ 15,000.00 Waumandee ......................... Waumandee State Bank .......................... 10,000.00 Rockland State Bank................................. Portland 25,000.00 Madison ............................... Randall State Bank ................................. Black Hawk (R.F.B. Spring 10,000.00 Green*) .......................... Black Hawk State Bank ......................... Total ......................... Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis $492,000.00 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF BANKING. I ncrease in C a p it a l . The value of ample capital in a bank’s statement is being recognized each year by a gratifying number of banks which tile articles increasing capital stock. I warmly commend this proce dure. It is a double addition to depositor’s guaranty, an effi cient means of inspiring public confidence, and one of the best evidences of the desire of a bank to safeguard the funds of its community. Capital stock has been increased to date of October 31, 1914, as follows : Location. Bnrnpveld ................ On ssvillfi Tndependence ............ Chaseburg ................ Mosinee .. Strum ......................... Glenwood .................. Viola .................. TTndson Union Grove ............. Osseo .. Sturgeon Bav .......... Plymouth .................. Monticello ................ Random Tralee .......... North Lake ............... Grantsburg .......... Coon Valley ............. Coloma ............ Muscoda .................... Rice Lake .................. Name o f Bank. From Barneveld State Bank.......................... Cassville State Bank............................. State Bank o f Independence............... Chaseburg State Bank ......................... State Bank o f Mosinee ..................... First State Bank o f Strum.................. First State Bank o f Glenwood.......... State Bank o f Viola ............................ Bank o f Hudson .................................. State Bank o f Union Grove............. State Bank o f Osseo ............................ Door County State Bank..................... Plymouth Exchange Bank.................... Bank o f Monticello .............................. State Bank o f Random Lake ............ Bank o f North Lake.............................. First Lank o f Grantsburg.................... Coon Valley State Bank....................... The Peoples Bank ................................. F'armers & Merchants Bank............... Barron County Bank .......................... $ 10 , 000.00 10 , 000.00 | To j $15,000.00 20 , 000.00 25.000. 00 50.000. 10 . 000 . 00 12 , 000.00 20. 000. 00 30.000. 00 10.000. 00 I 20. 000. 10.000. 00 I 25.000. 10 . 000 . 00 j 25.000. 50.000. 25.000. 00 10. 000. 00 1 25.000. 30.000. 15.000. 00 20.000. 00 ' 50.000. 00 50.000. 00 100,0 00.00 40.000. 25.000. 00 25.000. 10 . 000. 00 20.000. 15.000. 00 50.000. 25.000. 00 25.000. 10 . 000. 00 20. 000. 15.000. 00 15.000. 00 2 0 , 000.00 25,000.00 10. 000. 00 C onsolidation and D isso lu tio n . The State Bank of Fennimore, with a capital of $50,000, on March 2, 1914, took over the business of the Fennimore Bank. The latter was capitalized at $5,000, and the capital of the State Bank of Fennimore remained unchanged. The Blanchardville State Bank, on August 31, 1914, filed an amendment to its articles of incorporation whereby its capital was increased from $50,000 to $55,000, and its name changed to Union State Bank. It absorbed the business of the Citizens State Bank of Blanchardville, capital $25,000. The final dissolution of the Fidelity Trust Company, Milwau kee, capital $100,000, was made June 12, 1914. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 8 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF BANKING. N atio nalized . Two state banks, during the past year, have entered the na tional system,— the Bank of Hudson, under the name of The National Bank of Hudson, capital $50,000,-—and the Bank of Prescott, under the name of First National Bank, capital $25,000. The following is a summary of gain and loss in capital of state banks and trust companies: Capital, December 1, 1913 ....... Capital, 29 new banks ....................................................................................... Capital, 22 banks increased................................................................................ Capital, 3 banks increased previously, but paid in subsequent to Dec. 1, 1913 ....................................................................................................................... $21,103,750.00 492,000.00 318,000.00 21,200.00 $22,024,950.00 Less capital liquidated................................................................... Less capital nationalized............................................................. $130,000.00 75,000.00 ----- —---------- 205,000.00 Total capital October 81st, 1911.......................... ................................... $21,819,950.00 B a n k of C lear L ak e R eopened . On August 12, 1914, the Bank of Clear Lake resumed busi ness, after being in the hands of this department for a term of three years and seven months. The suspension of payments by this bank was due to slow assets, consisting of mortgages and of real estate acquired by the bank through foreclosures and in settlement of debts. The policy adopted by the state banking department and the special deputy in charge was constantly to endeavor to conserve the assets and keep the administrative expenses at as low a figure as possible consistent with efficient management. The total expense of the receivership during this time, under Special .Deputy Commissioner Ainsworth, amounted to but $4,812.03. This included the deputy’s remuneration, as well as attorney’s fees. The latter amounted to but two hundred dol lars. There was placed to the credit of undivided profits during the receivership the sum of $9,152.95. Thus, the earnings of the bank from various sources more than paid the cost of admin istration. The aggregate amount of proved claims at the time of suspen sion of payments by this bank amounted to $47,506.41. This figure was reduced to $27,386.10 by the time the bank resumed business. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF BANKING. 9 C om m ercial and S avings B a n k of R a c in e . In Liquidation. The Commercial and Savings Bank of Racine, now under going liquidation, was placed in the hands of this department September 17, 1914. The suspension of the bank was occasioned by the fact that its assets contained certain pieces of slow and nonbankable paper, which, coincident with the prevailing unsettled industrial condi tions, made it necessary to close its doors. Service to an industrial community constituted the entire business of this bank, and under ordinary circumstances there would probably be no difficulty in liquidating the paper to meet the demands for cash. But with the industries of the commun ity practically at a standstill, the consequent need of funds by the depositors, and inability of the manufacturing concerns to pay their obligations, the bank could not meet the unlooked for demand upon its resources. It was the original intention of those interested in this institu tion and myself to reopen its doors. After considerable delay, an assessment of one hundred per cent on the stock was nearly completed. However, public confidence had begun to wane. There appeared to be no representative man available to head the project, and liquidation to meet the immediate needs of the community for funds became necessary. Examiner A. C. Pond of this department has been appointed special deputy commissioner in charge of the liquidation. We will endeavor to pay a fifty per cent dividend at the expiration of the time for filing claims. The directors of the bank assert that enough good paper is contained in the assets to pay the de positors in full. C itizen s S avings and T rust C o m p a n y of M il w a u k e e . Liquidation proceedings continue in the affairs of the Citi zens Savings and Trust Company, Milwaukee, in charge of this department since October 2, 1913. We have been able to pay a twenty-five per cent dividend to depositors since that date. The assets of this company are slow in working out, and a fur ther reduction of claims is not imminent. Special Deputy Commissioner A. B. Geilfuss continues to con duct the work of liquidation, and every effort is being made to Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 10 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF BANKING. realize on the assets without sacrifice, as well as to minimize the expense. D isapproval D ecision R eversed . Under date of March 4, 1914, an application was filed in this department for a second bank at Mosinee, Wisconsin. After a thorough investigation, as provided for in section 2024— 6, W. S., I disapproved the application. My decision was based on the fact that Mosinee, with a population of twelve hundred, already had adequate banking facilities in a bank whose capital had in creased 1o $30,000, surplus $15,600, and deposits which had not exceeded $150,000 during the past nine years. Thus, the de positors of this bank were protected in capital investment alone to nearly one-third of their total deposits. Further, it appeared that the new organization would have been dominated by outside interests, and from the information I secured regarding the pro ject, I was convinced that it had all the indications of being a “ spite bank,” rather than a business proposition impelled by a genuine demand for additional banking facilities. Two of the largest subscribers were, in my opinion, unsafe parties to engage in the banking business, and two banks at Mosinee would obvi ously result in uneconomic competition. An appeal was made in this matter, and the board of review, consisting of the governor, secretary of state, and attorney-gen eral reversed my decision on two grounds: first, that it would be unconstitutional to delegate a legislative power to an adminis trative officer, and, second, that none of the three provisions of section 2024— 6 had been violated by the applicants. I respectfully take exception to this ruling in so far as it usurps the authority of a court of record in passing on the con stitutionality of my interpretation of the statute, and depriving me of any discretion in withholding my approval of an applica tion. To refuse to grant a charter is practically impossible under this decision. In consequence of this action on the part of the board of review, I have considered it incumbent upon me to ap prove applications for bank charters at several locations where my investigations plainly brought forth the fact that a bank could not exist on a paying basis, and that its opening for busi ness would mean an unsafe financial institution added to our state banking system. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF BANKING. Id The double liability on the holders of bank stock under section 2024— 44 presents another problem to this department in this connection. My only opportunity for determining whether the financial worth of the stockholders is ample to insure the possible need of collecting an assessment imposed by the above statute is at the time of the initial organization of a bank. Such organization, at least, should exhibit all stockholders to be financially equal to their liability. Subsequently, when the stock transfers take place, it is not possible for this department to prevent any one from holding bank stock. The stock being personal property, under the law the holder is free to transfer title to his shares at will. Therefore, I feel that the proper administration of such valuable provisions as are embodied in section 2024— 44 demands that this department be given authority to refuse a bank charter, where it is plainly evident that the prospective stockholder of the bank is not able to meet his liability. This is a matter which should engage the earnest attention of every adherent to safe banking practice. I am in hopes that the result will be a change in our laws, whereby the incorporation of unnecessary, and, obviously, unsafe banks can be prevented, and, further, that the board of review be composed of men whose offices are not elective. It is not merely a desire for more authority that moves me to ask that a wider latitude be vested in this department in the matter of refusing bank charters. It is plainly evident to any one who has made a careful analysis of the banking business that there are frequent instances where an additional banking insti tution is destined to failure, either through the influence of natural surroundings or the type of men wishing to engage in that particular banking business. L and M ortgage A ssociations . One of the most significant features of the work of this de partment in 1914 has been the inception of the land mortgage associations, provided by chapter 666 o f the statutes. In my report of last year I outlined the plan of operation of these organizations, which offer a long-term loan made workable by bond issues, the bonds to act as intermediaries between the lender and borrower. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ]2 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF BANKING. Two associations were given charters this year: The First Wisconsin Land Mortgage Association, Fan Claire, capital $10,000, on January 22nd, 1914, and the State Land Mortgage Association, Marinette, capital $25,000, on May 5th, 1914. Both have placed bond issues on the market, secured by an equal amount in real estate mortgages, deposited in trust with the state treasurer. Additional security is provided by the capital stock of the associations, on which the usual double liability of bank stock is imposed. Especially promising for the new plan of agricultural credit is the fact that the bonds were sold at a low rate of interest, and were readily disposed of in the face of industrial depression and money stringency, occasioned by the European conflict. A t a time when the bond market was practically at a standstill, the land mortgage bonds appeared and found a ready market. Better credit facilities for the agricultural communities is a topic which is being given nation-wide attention. I believe that we have a practical solution of the question in our land mortgage association act. There remains but to exercise proper adminis tration of the associations’ affairs, and the plan inaugurated in Wisconsin will grow into a potent and highly satisfactory aid to the development of the agricultural resources of the state. . There is now invested in the capital stock of the associations the sum o f $35,000, and such associations have land mortgage bonds outstanding in the amount of $66,000. S ta tistic a l . Table A exhibits abstracts of each of the five reports made to this department by state banks, mutual savings banks, and trust companies during 1914. Table B is a comparative abstract exhibiting a year’s growth in our banking statements. Table C presents the abstracts of statements made at annual periods since the creation of this department in 1903. The de velopment of our state banking system during a period of twenty years detailed therein. S tate B a n k in g D e p a r t m e n t . Record of the activities and expense covering the period of twelve years, from 1903 to 1914, inclusive. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF BANKING. 13 SCHEDULE, SHOWING THE NUMBER OF BANKS, AND THE AGGREGATE ASSETS OF BANKS, UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF THE STATE BANKING DEPARTMENT, YEAR BY YEAR. Year. No. o f Banks. 347 372 390 406 429 450 473 510 573 607 642 667 1003 1904 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 Total assets. $90,164,209.11 90,459,989.31 99,629,048.29 114.308.381.52 124,323,751.84 124,845,425.46 140,155,455.87 162,125,649.30 186,003,546.94 209.037.498.52 230.073.789.52 238,561,733.03 The average size of a bank’s business has considerably in creased, and many examinations which in former years required but one day now require two or three days’ work. This growth for the past five years is shown by the following figures: Average bank deposits now ................................................................................. Average bank deposits in 1909..................... ...................................... .................. Average increase ........................ $310,371.48 251,888.93 $58,482.55 Average bank capitalization now................ Average bank capitalization in 1909..................................... .......... ................... $32,771.00 29,501.00 Average increase ............................................................................................. $3,270.00 The efforts of this department are directed along lines which will efficiently regulate and safeguard our state banking system, and the work represents a steadily increasing task. There reflects in the growing demand for banking facilities the development of the wealth of our state. State banks in Wiscon sin are increasing at the rate of thirty-five banks per year. There are between thirty and forty banks continually in the proc ess of organization. • The activity of this department is confined solely to the work designated by our banking laws, and no untried and expensive schemes are propagated. Our methods of supervision are along lines similar to the supervision exercised by our federal bank ing system—-methods which are the result of years of experi ence in the supervision of the banking business. Plainly evident in our work is the necessity for supervision which is free and unrestricted by political influence. The scope of this department was increased by the passage of Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 14 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF BANKING. sections 2024— 100-140, inclusive, in 1913, creating land mort gage associations. Two such corporations are now under this department, and others are in the process of organization. Their operations require further examinations, as well as an increasing amount of office supervision and clerical detail on our part, per taining to their deposits of securities and bond issues. Outside of our departmental routine, we are required to investigate the financial standing of bondsmen who sign bonds guaranteeing the deposits of state funds in Wisconsin banks. About fifty lists of bondsmen of state depositories have been reported on by our ex aminers the past year. The building and loan associations, also under the control of this department, now number seventy, and they are examined at least once a year. Such examinations, properly made, require considerable time, and the work of one examiner is devoted ex clusively to those corporations. Their operations have been very successful in Wisconsin, due in part to the care which we exer cise in supervising the conduct of their affairs. The Mutual Building and Loan Association of Appleton, ow ing to the embezzlement by a former secretary, has been under going liquidation by this department since October 17, 191o. I feel certain that eventually its members will be paid in full. Aside from this proceeding, there has not been a failure of a building and loan association in Wisconsin in sixteen years. The banking department represented a net cost of but $13,184.22 to the state during 1914. This amount is but $37.62 in excess of the net cost the previous year. The total operating expense was $44,737.99, and the amount of $31,553.77 was borne by the banks through annual examination fees, filing fees, and miscellaneous sources of revenue. The average net cost an nually of this department to the state for the past twelve years has been $11,855.91. In order to retain competent men in the service of the depart ment, I have found it necessary to make yearly increases in the salaries of examiners, salaries being graded according to term of service. There are two examiners being paid $2,400 annually, three at $2,200, three at $2,000, and one at $1,800. Unsettled industrial conditions are quickly evident in our bank reports, and present conditions demand the utmost vigilance on the part of this department. I anticipate that the year 1915 will require additional examiners on our force in order that the work may not suffer by undue haste. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF BANKING. 15 NUMBER. OF EXAMINATIONS MADE BY THE STATE BANKING DEPARTMENT DURING THE TWELVE YEAR PERIOD' FROM JANUARY 1, 1903, TO DECEM BER. 31, 1914. 1903 1904 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 No. o f Building and Loan Associations. No. o f Banks. Year. ........................................................ ....................................................... ........................................................ ........................................................ ........................................................ ........................................................ ........................................................ ........................................................ ........................................................ ........................................................ ......................................................... ........................................................ 53 55 54 54 52 50 53 60 57 61 347 372 390 400 429 450 473 510 607 642 678 70 404 460 477 496 540 614 645 660 986 1398 1455 1486 9,621 Total Number of Examinations Note: No. of Examinations. Beginning with June, 3911, semiannual examinations o f banks have been made. THE NAMES AND COMPENSATION OF ALL EMPLOYES OF THE -STATE BANK ING DEPARTMENT FROM JANUARY 1, 1914, TO DECEMBER 31, 1914, ARE AS FOLLOWS: date! Title. Name. ■ A. E. Kuolt.......... W. H. Richards.. C L Brown....... Thos. Herreid ... R B Ellis............ A G. Pond.......... H. E. Stedman... C. F. Schwenker. Burne Pollock ... J. R. Hayes........ ■T. H. Coe............ C. W. R hodes.... Jennie N e lso n ___ G. W. Jamieson. Eugene Wulff ... Commissioner ... Deputy ................ Examiner ............ Examiner ............ Examiner ............ Examiner ............ Examiner ............ Examiner ............ Examiner ............ Examiner ............ Examiner ........... Clerk ................... Clerk ................... Clerk .................... Clerk .................... Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Total salaries From. To. No. Of months. 1-1-14 1-1-14 1-1-14 1-1-14 1-1-14 1-1-14 1-1-14 1-1-Î4 1-1-14 1-1-14 1-1-14 1-1-14 1-1-14 1-1-14 1-1-14 12-31-14 12-31-14 12-31-14 12-31-14 12-31-14 11-30-14 12-31-14 12-31-14 12-31-14 12-31-14 12-31-14 12-31-14 12-31-14 12-31-14 12-31-14 12 12 12 12 12 11 12 12 ■ 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 Annual salary. Total salary received. $5,000.00 $5,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 2,400.00 2,383.34 2!400.00 2!383.34 2,200.00 2,182.67 2 !200.00 1,999.34 2',200.00 2,182.67 2,000.00 1,984.00 2,000.00 1,984.00 2,000.00 1,984.00 1,800.00 1,750.00 1,500.00 1,500 00 1,500.00 1,490.00 1,200.00 1,200.00 1,200.00 1,200.00 $32,223.36 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF BANKING. The following schedule presents the receipts and disburse ments of the department for the year 1914: Disbursements. $32,223.30 6,057.81 2,721.17 136.46 2,486.98 69.87 996.43 37.82 8.06 Salaries ........................... E-xpense .......................... Transportation ............. Miscellaneous .................... Printing .......................... Stationery ....................... Postage ............................ Telephone and telegraph Express and drayage ... $44,737.99 Total expense Receipts. Examination fees ...................................................... Piling fees ................................................................... Forfeitures (Sec. 2014—12 W. S.) .......................... Pees for taking possession (Sec. 2024—29, W. S.) Refund, Postage advanced ...................................... Witness fees .................. ............................................ Certification fees .......................... ............................ $28,675.00 1,460.00 80.00 700.00 3.62 9.05 3.60 Total receipts .................................................................................................... $30,931.21 $13,806.72 Appropriation reimbursement, under sec. 172—132 W. S., account o f In vestigation conducted for Superintendent o f Public Property...................... 622.o0 Net cost to State................................................................................................. $13,184.22 I respectfully submit in the appendix a financial statement ol each banking corporation doing business in Wisconsin on Oc tober 31, 1914, including national banks located in the state. I am, sir, Very respectfully yours, A. E. K u o l t , Commissioner of Banking. Madison, Wisconsin, January 5, 1915. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis TABLE A. Abstract o f tlie five reports called for from state and mutual savings banks and trust companies during the year 191-L Jan. 13, 1914. Number o f banks................ , .......................................................................... 652 $158,074,801 95 997,298 44 23,119,553 85 23,132 92 435,874 22 5,315,089 63 583,541 58 30,474,389 39 2,163,056 92 963.928 90 800,957 95 2,506,060 00 902,030 40 7,017,479. 00 117,915 60 23,976 16 180,145 27 $163,929,552 1,051,036 23,694,902 24,355 609,675 5,400,904 597,084 34,838,499 2,418,407 1,088,416 982,486 2,362,181 853,572 6,001,501 108,292 38,776 145,264 ........................................................... ........................................... LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in....................... .............................................................. Surplus fund ................................................................................................... Undivided profits, less current expenses and taxes paid............................ Due to banks—deposits...................................................................................... Dividends unpaid ............................................................................................ Individual deposits subject to check.............................................................. Demand certificates o f deposit....................................................................... Time certificates o f deposit............................................................................. Savings deposits .............................................................................................. Certified checks . . . . '..................... ................................................................... Cashier’s checks outstanding.................................................... ..................... Debentures ......................................................................................................... Special ................................................................................................................ Postal savings ............. .................................................................................... Due as executor, administrator, guardian, etc........................................... Notes and bills rediscounted............................................................................ Bills payable ..................................................................................................... Other liabilities ................................................................................................. $233,699,232 18 $244,144,910 01 Total ........................................................................................................ $233,699,232 18 Total Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis $21,356,950 00 6,387,408 47 3,321,381 85 4,398,467 05 110,553 04 57,008,576 26 19,402,600 04 71,631,921 94 46,367,982 95 81,783 81 706,406 51 472,001 70 502,304 56 132,621 23 625,399 98 724,034 53 439,540 00 29,298 26 $21,472,950 6,446,635 3,383,368 5,193,385 16,356 65,272,497 20,432,601 72,046,470 46,504,980 78,236 727,967 485,141 485,203 135,966 637,124 600,597 208,292 17,132 49 87 01 14 88 57 31 78 01 SO 47 00 50 00 82 64 72 00 81 93 59 30 22 87 11 82 98 30 70 33 35 56 82 49 83 $244,144,910 01 June 30, 1914. Sept. 12, 1914. Oct. 31, 1914. 656 664 667 $166,363,989 869,181 23,033,607 26,196 721,539 5,520,059 604,824 29,565,603 1,672,437 996,980 778,083 2,227,577 797,976 6,479,737 111,386 22,534 146,543 70 47 83 43 41 76 70 69 44 14 08 00 05 00 98 37 67 $239,938,258 72 $21,522,950 6,454,038 3,709,646 4,433,781 169,542 59,315,799 20,384,610 71,749,060 47,945,645 101,750 561,991 460,154 512,938 137,376 599,546 955,833 870,644 52,947 00 75 79 95 50 43 85 47 34 32 99 08 32 07 04 21 70 91 $239,938,258 72 $167,561,931 1,033,203 23,621,219 20,988 447,020 5,600,777 569,342 28,314,449 1,521,401 965,313 816,898 2,810,485 834,843 6,598,545 103,258 23,709 162,731 74 05 84 79 74 75 33 59 08 75 23 50 50 00 16 78 69 $241,006,120 52 $21,759,950 6,530,074 3,857,200 4,438,739 11,350 59,766,483 20,379.504 72,312,588 46,640,170 153,513 520,121 459,258 453,511 160,225 791,171 1,296,366 1,345,956 129,935 00 59 52 22 60 09 67 73 41 34 10 13 01 02 96 49 45 19 $241,006,120 52 $167,594,088 1,115,006 23,215,944 26,187 433,342 5,651,827 604,930 26,802,705 1,282,728 1,068,854 663,078 2,849,184 850,432 6,067,723 107,151 18,187 210,360 30 51 60 87 30 85 44 56 55 21 24 50 40 00 09 44 17 $238,561,733 03 $21,819,950 6,531,584 4,311,934 4,333,203 10,873 56,313,008 20,636,804 71,765,294 46,960,729 73,708 632,742 460,604 455,477 229,520 761,552 1,404,573 1,816,160 44,010 00 46 98 13 50 39 78 89 50 59 47 15 60 95 24 05 24. 11 $238,561,733 03 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF BANKING. RESOURCES. Loans and discounts......................................................................................... Overdrafts ......................................................................................................... U. S., state, municipal and other bonds...................................................... Premium on bonds ................................................... .................................... Stocks and other securities......................................................... ................... Banking house, furniture and fixtures..................... ................................... Other real estate owned.................................................................................. Due from approved reserve banks................................................................ Due from other banks ................................................................................. Checks on other banks and cash items.......................................................... Exchanges for clearing house......................................................................... Gold coin ........................................................................................................... Silver coin ......................................................................................................... U. S. and national currency.......................................................................... Nickels and cents............................................................................................... Expense account ............................................................................................. Other resources ................................................................................................. 650 Mar. 4, 1914. TABLE B. Abstract o i reports o f state and mutual savings banks, and o f trust companies o f Wis consin, at the close o f business October 31, 1914, and comparison with a similar abstract o f December 1, 1913. Number o f banks RESOURCES. Loans and discounts........ ..................................................... Overdrafts .................................... .......................................... U. S., state, municipal and other bonds.......................... Premium on bonds ..... ................ ......................................... Stocks and other securities.. ............................................... Banking house, furniture, find fixtures............................... Other real estate owned...................................................... Due from approved reserve banks......................................... Due from other b a n k s ........................................................ Checks on other banks and cash items.................— . — Exchanges for clearing house.............................................. Gold coin ............................................................................ Silver coin .................................................. ........................... U. S. and national currency................................................. Nickels and cents..................................................................... Expense account — .............................................................. Other resources ................................................................... . Total ..................... ....................................................... LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in— ..................................................... Surplus fund ............................... ........................................ Undivided profits, less current expenses and taxes paid Due to banks—deposits........................................................ Dividends unpaid .................................................................. Individual deposits subject to check................................. Demand certificates o f deposit............................................ Time certificates o f deposit...........................................— Savings deposits ........ ........................................................... Certified checks ..................................................................... Cashier’s checks outstanding.............................................. Debentures .......— — — .............................................. Special ....................... ............................................................ Postal savings .......... ......................................................... Due as executor, administrator, guardian, etc............... Notes and bills rediscounted................. ............................. Bills payable ......................... ................................................. Other liabilities ..................................................................... Total Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Dec. 1,1913. 642 667 Decrease. Increase. 25 30 51 60 87 30 85 44 56 55 21 24 50 40 00 09 44 17 $156,771,257 75 963,563 12 23,122,808 87 27,650 47 575,645 77 5,224,429 41 596,811 04 29,681,795 93 1,866,981 82 906,491 93 944,757 25 2,368,427 00 793,500 65 6,016,253 50 101,578 65 21,879 52 89,956 84 $10,822,830 55 151,443 39 93,135 73 $238,561,733 03 $230,073,789 52 $12,380,424 31 $21,819,950 00 G,531,584 46 4,311,934 98 4,333,203 13 10,873 50 56,313,008 39 20,636,804 78 71,765,294 89 46,960,729 50 73,708 59 632,742 47 460,604 15 455,477 60 229,520 95 761,552 24 1,404,573 05 1,816,160 24 44,010 11 $21,163,750 00 6,118,435 81 4,258,882 10 3,977,021 07 6,140 59 54,599,189 85 19,788,718 35 69,478,553 98 46,104,801 64 82,549 98 623,791 96 469,403 70 1,184,443 84 120,745 70 501,443 85 809,056 49 662,127 42 124,733 19 $656,200 413,148 ■ 53,052 356,182 4,732 1,713,813 848,086 2,286,740 855,927 $238,561,733 03 $230,073,789 52 $167,594,088 1,115,006 23,215,944 26,187 433,342 5,651,827 604,930 26,802,705 1,282,728 1,068,854 663,078 2,849,184 850,432 6,067,723 107,151 18,187 210,360 $1,462 60 142,303 47 427,398 44 8,119 40 2,879,090 37 584,253 27 162,362 28 480,757 56,931 51,469 5.572 281,679 01 50 75 50 44 3,692 08 120,403 33 00 65 88 06 91 54 43 91 86 8,950 51 108,775 260,108 595,516 1,154,032 25 39 56 82 $9,315,273 77 $3,892,480 80 ' $8,841 39 8,799 55 728,966 54 ............... 80,723 08 $827,330 26 REPORT OB' THE COMMISSIONER OF BANKING. Oct. 31,1914. Table 0. Financial condition o f all "Wisconsin banks, except National banks, annually, since the creation o f the state banking department, in 1895. Number o f state banks.................................................. Number o f mutual savings banks.............. ................ Total number o f banks......................................... Nov. 16,1885. NOV. 21,1896. Nov. 6,1897. Dec. 1,1898. 125 107 1 130 130 110 1 133 114 1 233 1 240 241 248 Dec. 2,1899. 135 124 1 260 Dec. 13,1900. 143 130 1 274 Dec. 10.1901. 157 137 1 295 NOV. 25,1902. Nov. 17,1903. NOV. 10,1904. NOV. 9,1905. 185 141 1 345 370 388 404 427 447 ’2 2 2 2 2 3 327 847 872 390 NOV. 12,19C6. 406 Dec. 8,1907. 429 NOV. 27,1908. 450 Nov. 26, 1912. Dec. 5,1911. 470 507 569 £90 623 650 8 8 8 11 4 IS 4 15 14 573 007 642 667 473 510 Dec. 1,1918. Oct. 81,1914. Not. 10.1010. NOV. 16,1S09. 8 .Number o f state banks. .Number o f mutual savings banks. .Number o f trust companies. . RESOURCES. Loans and discounts......... .................................... Unpaid capital .............................................................. Overdrafts ...................................................................... Bonds, securities, etc....................................................... Banking houses, furniture and fixtures.............. ........ Other real estate ow ned............................ ......... .......... Due from approved reserve banks............................../ Due from other banks.......................................... ....... J Checks on other banks and cash items ....................... Exchanges for clearing house ................................... Cash on hand ................................................................ RESOURCES. $31,409,181 49 619,150 00 689,681 54 4,222,940 59 1,356,709 60 1,361,737 13 10,621,640 30 $39,751,101 88 583,150 00 740,173 26 4,978,679 93 1,376,615 53 1.447,606 76 11,900,801 41 $43,005,570 30 762,050 00 776,829 40 5,042,273 99 1,432,809,48 827,312 06 11,738,509 37 $47,724,605 18 820 100 00 786,869 55 5,951,994 56 1,524,218 61 751,997 12 13,823,218 79 $56,394,384 08 1,007,320 00 S46.437 77 6,718,712 79 1,666,150 02 800,427 17 13,862,766 67 $60,692,969 69 634,520 00 699,225 55 7,161,940-30 1,810,729 69 ¿16,501 08 13,405,656 36 $60,812,899 08 $66,206,903 27 $74,775,102 08 $83,075,858 88 $81,566,970 01 $92,595,223 41 $108,598,677 28 $124,516,486 38 $141,289,108 69 396,305 52 2,109,625 31 1,385,502 34 1,471.614 91 5,458,468 42 $27,141,604 77 678,500 00 511,456 57 2,209,633 14 1,324,510 32 1,362,827 72 9,180,424 56 642,567 45 7,851,201 26 1,994,481 41 345,395 74 13,461,842 67 654,815 52 8,764,161 28 2,211,025 52 337,073 60 15,767,029 50 736,626 89 11,436,371 19 2,809,837 89 393,506 49 18,546,285 21 678,259 37 12,636,803 61 2,465,231 07 393,518 06 15,787,037 41 719,392 83 13,420,535 76 2,666,312 83 386,239 95 19,000,954 99 77,782 61 390,983 40 3,380,876 50 140,414 85 407,782 15 3,767,532 04 141,826 09 (65,141 40 3,958,902 87 165,415 97 383,560 80 4,082,371 86 231,812 40 564,503 63 3,983,754 24, 221,561 15 530,980 34 4,016,195 81 444,567 60 430,155 62 4,439,231 25 457,831 91 444,981 77 4,432,054 63 419,236 77 397.653 99 4,859,296 60 611,142 60 628,217 70 4,963,594 68 546,187 42 414,475 96 7,663,7,'3 85 445,938 09 532,172 02 5,996,824 00 810,870 41 16,571,908 74 3,389,564 98 386,703 13 22,317,319 56 1,775,051 14 634,053 17 731,128 57 6,893,315 19 904,155 52 20,664,696 28 4,202,431 31 445,330 11 24,876,249 25 1,645,593 08 653,002 03 725,108 83 7,072,0:5 78 893,915 79 23,129,254 43 4,938,121 86 596,592 75 27,245,655 74 68,557 24 331,478 36 3,395,238 41 754,557 58 15,246,346 66 3,043,062 37 389,822 69 19,290,846 20 1,650,240 82 458,051 79 653,953 28 6,068,895 64 716,063 64 676,842 94 7,601,272 97 22,604 60 906,491 93 944,757 25 9,279,759 80 21,879 52 1,068,854 21 663,078 24 9,874,490 99 18,187 44 27,282 54 8,900 23 2,581 26 146 89 $28,062,796 67 $25,905,481 71 443,284 46 2,273,120 02 1,355,016 33 1,447,042 49 5,385,304 94 107,973 59 451,749 76 2,993,935 62 Revprme stump account ... $156,771,257 75 $167,594,068 30 963,563 12 1 1,115,006 51 23,726,105 11 1 23,675,474 77 5,224,429 41 5,651,827 85 596,811 04 604,930 44 29,681,795 93 26,802,705 56 Other resources .................................... .......................... 138,773 89 107,733 28 120,379 68 %155,421 50 97,600 58 79,200 03 86,903 52 46,647 66 28,555 08 16,733 39 11,852 29 13,196 79 654,097 00 8,419 21 20,084 96 14,462 43 17,057 13 298,408 24 40,322 62 89,956 84 210,360 17 Total resources ..................................................... $43,334,012 44 $41,304,022 89 $46,378,979 27 $34,752,191 19 $65,541,599 71 $63,323,185 80 $76,258,877 89 $86,114,164 72 $90,164,209 11 $90,459,989 31 $99,629,018 29 $114,306,381 52 $124,328,751 84 $124,845,425 46 $140,155,455 87 $162,125,649 30 $186,003,546 94 $209,037,498 52 $230,073,789 52 $238,561,733 03 Loans and discounts. .Unpaid capital. .Overdrafts. .Bonds, securities, etc. .Banking houses, furniture and fixtures. .Other real estate owned. .Due from approved reserve banks. .Due from other banks. .Checks on other banks and cash item*. Exchanges for clearing house. .Cash on hand. .Expense account. .Revenue stamp account. .Other resources. . LIABILITIES. Capital stock .............................. ................................. Surplus fund ............................................................... Undivided profits less expenses and taxes paid...... Due to banks ................................................................ Dividends unpaid .......................................................... Individual deposits.......................................... .............. Postal savings fund ..................................................... Due as executor, administrator, etc............................ Bills re-discounted .............................. ; ......................... Bills payable ............................................ Clearing house certificates and checks......................... Other liabilities ............................................................. Total liabilities ................................................. Total resources. LIABILITIES. $7,918,063 51 2,781,856 89 $8,076,752 41 2,728,555 48 $7,907,384 39 2,651,668 16 $7,944,413 38 2,542,948 53 $7,953,914 63 2,763,899 91 $7,698,788 59 2,845,666 98 $8,141,392 29 2,971,762 36 $8,852,225 00 3,343,167 93 $9,909,275 00 3,283,156 94 $9,772,750 00 3,678,627 04 496,568 14 415,824 34 806,443 68 31,218,068 05 29,311,403 73 34,646,213 74 1,103,792 88 1,195 50 42,805,811 17 1,423,601 28 380 00 53,191,295 05 1,280,939 74 2,484 50 56,C29,635 60 1,594,946 12 4,656 50 63,323,456 06 1,352,611 47 1,160 75 71,865,550 82 1,077,129 69 622 75 75,299,649 68 574,993 42 3,315 00 75,592,855 OS $10,131,150 00 $10,898,150 00 4,065,587 95 . 3,018,749 33 1,782,436 16 1,372,683 20 898,630 30 2,568 21 1,935 85 83,950,839 59 96,809,858 46 $11,726,750 00 3,622,082 63 2,404,447 79 1,236,136 95 $12,197,150 00 4,078,167 84 2,558,975 63 1,414,784 11 4,229 35 108,824,269 23 $13,954,150 00 3,791,861 05 2,610,381 00 1,730,151 80 5,625 36 117,407,687 97 $15,092,650 00 4,269,974 94 $18,651,690 00 5,084,635 80 $20,011,660 00 5,382,141 36 1,854,553 02 2,280,946 85 136,905,014 54 154,409,743 75 205,472 47 525,689 22 423,985 18 197,674 59 526,111 67 461,713 17 5F¡4 010 01 535,141 01 567,798 86 9,440 20 36,697 61 33,936 92 40,797 14 136,122 26 121,732 84 124,733 18 44,010 11 $114,306,831 52 $124,323,751 84 $124,845,425 46 $140,155,455 87 $162,125,649 30 $186,003,546 94 $209,087,498 52 $230,073,789 52 $238,561,733 03 179,205 68 190,214 06 84,439 44 156,099 32 61,245 09 112,873 48 79,062 45 85,107 63 127,590 00 306,373 37 46,390 07 161,132 12 306,273 03 305,560 94 326,664 10 258,732 26 254,455 58 575,780 45 303,423 10 276,407 13 248,862 05 171,766 27 422,365 81 402,067 19 126,730 54 179,908 16 44,338 76 21,707 12 15,143 37 87,605 78 8,978 69 7,212 74 5,442 01 $86,114,164 72 $90,164,209 11 $90,459,989 31 $99,629,048 29 $41,304,022 89 $46,378,979 27 $54,752,191 19 $65,541,599 71 $68,323,185 80 $76,258,877 89 $21,819,950 00 6,531,584 46 L 911 084 08 4,333,203 13 492,193 55 287,326 14 903,400 00 12,518 14 257,277 50 237,812 54 $43,334,012 44 $21,163,750 00 6,118,435 81 4,258,882 10 3,977,021 07 6,140 59 192,331,453 30 120,745 70 501,443 85 809,056 49 662,127 42 3,310,825 82 8,740 70 174,630,181 35 6,638 12 563,850 20 706,168 06 383,532 55 103,631,541 49 .......................... * Private banks were legislated out o f existence by Chapter 234, Laws of 1903. t Trust companies were authorized„by Chapter 186, Laws o f 1909, to receive time deposits and appear In abstract for Dec. 5, 1911 for the first time. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Total number o f banks. 197,298,370 87 *7K\ RR9 91 1,404,578 05 1,816,160 24 .Capital stock paid in. .Surplus fund., .Undivided profits less expenses and taxes paid .Due to banks. .Dividends unpaid. .Individual deposits. .Postal savings fund. .Due as executor, administrator, etc. .Bills re-discounted. .Bills payable. .Clearing house certificates and checks .Other liabilities. . Total liabilities. The following abstract is a consolidation of financial statements of state and mutual savings banks and trust companies, and national banks of Wisconsin, at the close of business October 31, 1914. It repre sents the total banking power of Wisconsin. RESOURCES. Loans and discounts.......;........ ........................ ................ Overdrafts ......................................................... .......... — U. S. bonds to secure circulation.................................... Miscellaneous securities to secure circulation............. U. S. bonds' to secure U. S. d e p o sits........................... Other bonds to secure U. S. d e p o s it s ..................... U. S. bonds on hand...............................................••••• Premiums on U. S. b o n d s............................................ Bonds, securities and premiums.................................... Stocks, including premiums............................................ Premium on bonds............................................................. Banking house, furniture and fixtures..................... Other real estate owned.................. ......................... ••• Due from other national banks (not reserve agents) Due from state banks and b a n k e rs;......................... Due from approved reserve agents............. .............. . Due from other banks.................................................... Checks and other cash items........................................... Exchanges for clearing house.................. . — ............ Notes o f other national banks............................... ... . Fractional currency, nickles and cents.......................... Specie, gold and silver coin............................................ Legal tender notes........................................................... Redemption fund with treasurer, U. S.......................... Due from treasurer, U. S......................... ........... •......... Amount, paid on account $100,000,000 gold fund........ Expense account ................................. ............................. Other resources ......................... .......... ........................... Total LIABILITIES. Dollars. $285,109,291 37 1,114,107 42 13,222,090 00 6,865,356 92 ' 704,062 50 2,133,803 56 16 550 00 13 ^802 02 43,891,411 87 1,141,444 02 26.187 87 10,545,012 76 930,298 46 3,879,595 59 2,894,418 85 42,443,316 29 1,282,728 55 1,632,354 14 1,712,757 51 786,832 00 185,218 27 13,711,846 75 7,661,987 00 863,700 50 50,124 37 158,000 00 18.187 44 210,360 17 $443,504,856 20 Capital stock paid i n ................. ........................................ Surplus fund ................................................................... Undivided profits, less current expenses and taxes paid National bank notes outstanding.......... ......................... Due to banks—deposits........................................................ Dividends unpaid ................................................ ................. Individual deposits subject to check................................. U. S. deposits......................... ............................. .................. Postal savings deposits............................... ........................ Other bonds borrowed.......................................................... Notes and bills rediscounted.......................................... Bills payable ........................................................................ Liabilities other than those above stated....................... Total A year ago the total banking power o f the state was $427,483,473.22, and the increase is $16,021,382.98 for the year past. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Dollars. $39,753,475 14,752,649 8,881,129 16,812,497 22,637,141 40,501 333.384,526 1,068,489 1,294,468 00 46 35 50 31 98 96 77 49 88,000 00 1,589,878 12 2,894,300 24 307,798 02 $443,504,856 20 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF BANKING. CONSOLIDATED ABSTRACT. 20 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF BANKING. ABSTRACT OF REPORTS OF STATE BANKS OF TH E STATE OF WISCONSIN At the close o f business October 31st, 1914, as made to the Commissioner o f Banking. RESOURCES. Loans and discounts........ $159,532,011 15 ......................... 1,115,006 51 ................................. 20,814,346 20 Overdrafts Bonds Dollars. LIABILITIES. Dollars. Capital stock paid in Surplus fund . ... 5 912 Q9fi «U Undivided profits Premium on bonds............ 15,612 15 banks—deposits.. 4,320,621 83 Stocks and other securities 428,167 66 Dividends u n p a id ............... 10,873 50 Banking house, furniture and fixtures .................. 5,462,957 10 Individual deposits subject to cheek ......................... 56,313,008 39 Other real estate owned.. 573,876 48 Demand certificates o f deposit ................................ Due from approved reserve banks .............................. 20,636,804 78 25,443,696 23 Time certificates of deposit 67,880,343 68 1,109,691 02 Savings deposits ............... 43,751,536 01 Certified checks ................. 73,708 59 Due from other banks— Checks on other hanks and cash items............... 1,048,193 12 Exchanges fo r clearing house ............................... 663,078 24 Due to Cashier’s cheeks outstanding ..................................... 632,742 47 Postal savings .................. 229,520 95 Gold coin ........................... 2,832,145 00 Silver coin ......................... 846,893 25 U. S. and national currency 5,964,335 00 Bills payable ...................... 1,633,100 24 Nickels and cents............... 106,460 41 Liabilities o t h e r t h a n above stated .................. 30,331 26 Total ......................... $226,051,611 90 16 657 69 Other resources ................. 78,484 69 Total ......................... $226,051,611 90 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Notes and bills counted ........ redis- 1 020,638 50 REPORTS OF STATE BANKS Abbotsford— Abbotsford Bank. G. M. OU IM ETTE, Cashier. R. J. JOHNSON, Asst. Cashier. li. II. F IE B IG , President. A. J. YOUNG, V ice President. D IR E C TO RS. H. A. F. II. F iebig, J. Y oung, Ii. W ing, N. IT. Durland, A. M. Steinwand. E S T A B L IS H E D J AN U ARY 14, 1902. Incorporated as a State Bank A ugust 17, 1903. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. Loans and discounts ........ $120,815 Overdrafts ............................... 95 U. S'., state, m unicipal and other bon ds ..................... 1,000 3,300 Banking house ........„ ........... F urniture and fixtures .... 1,200 Other real estate o w n e d .. 3,600 Due from approved reserve banks ................................... 23,004 Checks on other banks and cash items ........................... 285 Gold coin ................................. 760 Silver coin ............................... 1.043 IT. S. and national currency 3,664 Nickels and cents ................. 164 L ia b ilitie s . 06 10 00 00 00 00 41 $25,000 00 6,000 00 $5,266 13 45.390 72 51,706 SO 25,417 21 151 11 04 00 50 00 86 Total ............................... $158,931 97 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Capital stock paid in . . . . Surplus fund ......................... Undivided profits, less c u r rent expenses and taxes paid ...................................... Individual deposits, su bject to check ............................... Time certificates o f deposit Savings deposits ................. Postal savings ..................... Total $158,931 97 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF BANKING. 22 Ableman— Farmers State Bank. W. ,T. HUMMEL, President. W . C. H O LTZ, Vice President. F R A N K B. MOSS, Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. W . P. Egerer, C. M. Gauser, Frank B. Moss. W . .T. Hummel, John Dettmann, W . C. Holtz, W . B. D ouglas, E S T A B L IS H E D OCTOBER 2, 1912. Statement October 31, 1914. L ia b ilitie s . R e so u rc e s. Loans and discounts .......... O verdrafts ............................. U. S., state, m unicipal and other bon ds ....................... B an king house ........................ Furniture and fixtures . . . Due from approved reserve banks ................................. Due from other banks ........ Gold coin ............................... Silver coin ...................... U. S. and national currency Nickels and cents ................ T otal ........................ . $63,939 07 1,449 76 26,500 00 4,725 00 2,948 14 10,333 3,737 3,080 766 4,163 96 27 99 00 95 00 64 $121,739 82 Capital stock paid in . . . . Surplus fu n d ........................... U ndivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid ........................................ Individual deposits, su bject to check ........... Tim e certificates of deposit Savings deposits ................. T otal $18,000 00 900 00 124 97 20,186 99 75,290 49 7,237 37 ............................. $121,739 82 Abrams— Abrams State Bank. A. AY. G R U N W A L D T , President. D. H. Barker, Vice President. EDD. S P E A K E R , Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. Edd. Speaker, Gust Falk, AVm. Feldt. A. AY. Grunwaldt, D. H. Barker, John Liegeois, E. E. K ralapp, E S T A B L IS H E D JULY 19, 1911. Statement October 31. 1914. L ia b ilitie s . R e so u rc e s. L oans and discou nts .......... $65,759 91 Overdrafts ............................... 43 00 B anking house ..................... 2,244 82 F urniture and fixtures . . . . 1,110 61 Due from approved reserve banks 7........................ 5,796 54 Due from other banks . . . . 1,128 04 Checks on other banks and cash items ........................... 7 26 Gold coin ................................ 135 00 Silver coin ............................... 554 25 TT. S. and national currency 4,328 00 Nickels and cents ............... 38 94 T otal ............................... Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis $S1,146 37 Capital stock paid in ............ Surplus fund ......................... U ndivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid ........................................ Individual deposits, su bject to check ............................... Tim e certificates o f deposit Savings deposits ................. T otal .............................. $10,000 00 500 00 1,747 69 15,980 50 49,156 07 3,762 11 $81,146 37 REPORTS OF STATE BANKS. 23 Adams— Adams County State Bank. C. E. BABCOCK. President. O. E. W H ITC OM B , Vice President. It. B. W OOD, Cashier. D IR E C TO R S . R. B. W ood, T heodore W erner. C. E. B abcock, O. E. W hitcom b, F. M. Reed, E S T A B L IS H E D MAY 12, 1913. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u r c e s. L oans and discounts .......... Overdrafts ............................... U. S., state, m unicipal and other bonds ......................... Furniture and fig u r e s ___ Due from approved reserve banks .................................... (lo ld coin ............... Silver coin ............................. IT. S. and national currency N ickels and cents ............. Total .............................. L ia b ilitie s . $27,615 51 Capital stock paid in . . . . . . . 44 18 .Surplus fund ........................... U ndivided profits, less c u r rent expenses and taxes 8,500 00 paid ........................................ 2,207 50 Individual deposits, su bject to check ................................ 15,988 94 115 00 Time certificates o f deposit 465 25 Savings deposits ................... 1,823 00 Cashier’ s checks outstanding 84 20 $56,843 61 T otal .............................. $10,000 00 5,000 00 369 44 20,135 9,760 10,843 734 72 15 56 74 $56,843 61 Adell— Adell State Bank. NOAH S A EM ANN. President. A. W. FIN N EG AN , Vice President. Noah Saemann, A. W . Finnegan, G eorge W. Bates, E. C. S T R A T T O N . Cashier. M A TT IE P L E K E N P O L , Asst. Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. G. A. Schultz, E. C. Stratton. E S T A B L IS H E D JA N U A R Y 9, 1908. Statement October 31, 1914. L ia b ilitie s . R e so u r c e s. L oans and discounts . . . . . . $88,556 O verdrafts ....................... .. ••• 162 U. S., state, m unicipal and other bon ds ......................... 1,410 B anking house ............. 3,000 Furniture and fi x t u r e s ........ 1,900 Due from approved reserve banks ..................................... 26,942 Checks on other banks and cash items ........................... 35 Gold coin ................... 1,465 Silver coin ............................... 1,359 U. S. and national currency 2,959 Nickels and cents ................. 120 54 86 00 00 00 22 03 00 95 00 71 T ota l . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $127,911 31 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Capital stock paid in ........ Surplus fund ........................... Undivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid ............... D ividends unpaid .................. Individual deposits, su bject to check ................................. Demand certificates o f de posit ................................. Tim e certificates o f deposit Savings deposits ............... $12,000 00 2,200 00 999 99 12 00 57,520 32 8,776 81 40,147 53 6,254 66 T otal ............................... $127,911 31 24 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF BANKING. Albany— Albany Exchange Bank. THOM AS G R A V E N O R , President. W . J. FIN N , Vice President. .T. T. G R A V E N O R , Cashier. C. E. TU R N E R , Asst. Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. Ole E. Kitteisen, Thom as Gravenor, H. G. Hein, W m. B ubb, Aug. Nix, A. D. E dw ards, W . D. R oberts. W . .T. Finn, L. O. Lewis, E S T A B L IS H E D J A N U A R Y 1, 1002. Incorporated as a S tate Bank Ju ly 13, 1903. Statement October 31, 1911. L ia b ilitie s . R e so u r c e s. Loans and d iscou nts . . . . . .$145,142 79 Overdrafts ............................... 3,426 58 B anking house ....................... 5,000 00 Furniture and fixtures . . . . 1,500 00 Other real estate owned . . . 900 00 Due from approved reserve banks ..................................... 26,168 95 Due from other banks . . . . 238 70 Cheeks on other banks and cash item s ........................... 7,166 88 Gold coin ................................. 500 00 Silver coin ............................... 1,130 20 IT. S. and national currency 8,472 00 N ickels and cents ................. 222 01 $199,868 11 Total Capital stock paid i n .......... $15.000 00 5,000 00 Surplus fu nd ......................... U ndivided profits, less c u r rent expenses and taxes 1,313 01 paid ........................................ Individual deposits, su bject 33,051 74 to check ............................... Dem and certificates o f d e p osit .................................. •• 145,503 36 $199,S6S 11 T otal Albany— Bank of Albany. J. F. L I T E L, President. E L L A L IT E L , Vice President. J. F- L IT E L , Cashier. E. F. GRAVES, Asst. Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. Ella Litel, E. F. Graves. J. F. Litel, J. E. Litel, E S T A B L IS H E D S E PT E M B E R 12, 1892. Incorporated as a State Bank A ugust 29, 1893. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. L ia b ilitie s . Loans and discounts .......... $221,819 06 Capital stock paid in .......... $10,000 00 4,250 00 O verdrafts ............................... 3,361 71 Surplus fu nd .......................... Undivided profits, less c u r U. S.. state, m unicipal and rent expenses and taxes other bonds ......................... 6,809 75 paid ........................................ 2,004 66 Stocks and other securities 250 00 08 Banking house ....................... 2,000 00 Due to banks—-deposits . . . F urniture and fixtures . . . . 1,25000 Individual deposits, su bject ................. ............. 52,404 40 to check Due from approved reserve banks .................................... 28,306 39 Demand certificates o f de Due from other banks . . . . . S,47062 p osit ....................................... 212,656 77 Checks on other banks and cash i t e m s ............................. 935 91 Gold coin ................................. 700 00 Silver coin ............................... 784 85 IT. S. and national currency 6,522 00 N ickels and cents ................. 105 62 T otal ............................... $281,315 91 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis T otal ............................... $281,315 91 REPORTS OF STATE BANKS. 25 Alg'oma— Bank of Algoma. M ARTIN B R E T L , Vice President. A. AV. H AM ACIIEK , Cashier. D IR E C TO RS. • W m. Neseman, Sr., M. L. Reinhart. Martin Bretl, Benoit Thiard, E S T A B L IS H E D OCTOBER 13, 188}. Incorporated as a State Bank May 14, 1S98. Statement October 31. 1914. R e so u rc e s. L ia b ilitie s . Loans and discounts .......... $428,542 89 O verdrafts ............................... 1,689 48 L. S., state, m unicipal and other bon ds ....................... 61,000 00 B anking house ..................... 13,000 00 Furniture and fixtures . . . . 7,000 00 Other real estate owned . . . 15,700 00 Due from approved reserve banks ........................... 81,200 02 Checks on other banks and cash items ........................... 1,405 29 E xchanges fo r clearing house ..................................... 94 95 Gold coin ................................. 6,225 00 Silver coin ............... 2,162 70 U. S. and national currency 21,289 00 53 42 Nickels and cents ................. Capital stock paid in .......... $25,000 00 Surplus fund ......................... 27,000'00 Undivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid ........................................ 5,712 74 Individual deposits, su bject to check ............................... 54,040 14 Tim e certificates o f deposit 441,669 54 Savings deposits ........ 64,949 33 Notes and bills re-discounted 11,000 00 B ills p a y a b le ......... 10,000 00 T otal .............................. $639,362 75 T otal .............................. $639,302 75 Algoma— Citizens Bank. M. E. w. P E R R Y , President. SLABY, Vice President. C. E. R O E D E C K E R , Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. M. W. Perry, Henry / Grimm, W alter E. K nospe, John L. Haney, Ernest Bruem mer, C. Capelle. F. Slaby, E S T A B L IS H E D OCTOBER 16, 1911. Statement October 31, 1914. L ia b ilitie s . R e so u rc e s. Loans and discounts ............ $363,347 87 Overdrafts ............................... 1,519 20 U. S., state, m unicipal and other bonds ......................... 7,000 00 Banking house ....................... 12,000 00 Furniture and fixtures .... 8,000 00 Due from approved reserve banks .................................... 65,994 81 Due from other banks .... 2,949 99 Checks on other banks and cash items ........................... 1,339 55 E xchanges fo r clearing house ..................................... 1,084 48 Gold coin ................................. 6,245 00 Silver coin ............................... 784 00 U. S. and national currency 12,545 00 Nickels and cents ......... 424 82 Savings banks ....................... 1,019 68 T otal Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis $484,234 40 Capital stock paid in .......... Surplus fund ................. Undivided profits, less c u r rent expenses and taxes paid ..................... ................... Individual deposits, su bject to check ............................... Tim e certificates o f deposit Savings deposits ................... Total $50,000 00 10,000 00 1,033 63 99,387 52 289,958 24 33,855 0) $484,234 40 26 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF BANKING. Allen— Farmers State Bank. r . O. STRUM, R. P. D. A U STIN C H R IS L E R , President. SAM W. M A R SH A LL , V ice President. «* H A R R Y L. LOW E, Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. Nick Adam s, Herman Haas, W m. A. Low e, H. E. Hanseu, Dan A nderson, L. Bruckner, Chas E. Marshall, j . E. Barron. F. W . Belkil, E S T A B L IS H E D JULY 16, 1914. i Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. L ia b ilitie s . L oans and d iscou n ts............. $15,423 54 Capital stock paid in .......... $10,000 O verdrafts ............................... 318 72 U ndivided profits, less c u r B anking house ..................... 2,500 00 rent expenses and taxes 1,816 89 Furniture and fi x t u r e s ..___ paid ............................................ 153 Due from approved reserve Individual jleposits, su bject banks .................. 1,232 89 to check ............................... 7,557 Due from other ba n k s.............. 1,450 05 Demand certificates o f de Checks on other banks and posit ...................................... 4,841 26 00 Savings deposits ................... cash item s ............................. 973 Gold coin ................................. 160 00 Cashier’s Checks outstanding 420 Silver coin ............................. 113 25 L. S. and national currency 894 00 N ickels and ce n ts...........-... 10 48 T otal ............................... $23,945 82 T otal ............................... 00 66 50 00 10 56 $23,945 82 Allenton— Allenton State Bank. J. A. C H R IST N A C H T, President. ‘G E R H A R D W E N IN G E R , Vice P re si dent. M ATH. ST O F F E L , Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. J. A. Christnacht. Math. Stoffel. Gerhard W eninger, Andrew Vogel, Joseph M. W olf, Chas. Steinberg. James Umbs, E S T A B L IS H E D OCTOBER 14, 1905. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. Loans and d isco u n ts............. $140,133 66 Overdrafts ............................... 100 01 U. S., state, m unicipal and other bonds ....................... 27,425 00 B anking house ............... 4,700 00 F urniture and fix tu res........ 1,837 00 Due from approved reserve banks ............................ 28,551 23 Gold coin ................................. 530 00 Silver coin ............................... 376 25 U. S. and national currency 6,522 00 N ickels and ce n ts................. 48 38 T ota l Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ............................. $210,223 53 L ia b ilitie s . Capital stock paid in .............. $20,000 4,000 Surplus fu nd ......................... Undivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid ........................................ 7,580 Individual deposits, su bject to check ................................. 56,169 Tim e certificates o f deposit 108,250 Savings deposits ................... 13,923 Cashier’ s checks outstanding 300 00 00 20 15 60 58 00 T otal ............................... $210,223 53 REPORTS OF STATE BANKS. 27 Alma— German American Bank. P. E. IBACH, President. KN U T JOHNSON, Vice President. S. P. IBACH, Cashier. D IR E C TO RS. P. E. Ibach, K n ut Johnson, G. Ryffel, Sidney P. Ibach. E S T A B L IS H E D JU N E 25, 1900. Statement October 31, 1914. L ia b ilitie s . R e so u rc e s. L oans and discounts ........... $179,520 Overdrafts '....... 2,627 B anking house ..................... 4,500 Furniture and fix tu res.......... 2,461 Due from approved reserve banks ..................................... 24,143 Checks on other banks and 1,381 cash item s .......................... Gold coin ................................. 1,012 Silver coin .................................. 447 U. S. and national currency 7,329 Nickels and ce n ts................... 54 72 08 00 90 64 31 50 50 00 27 Capital stock paid i n ............ $10,000 Surplus fu nd ........................... 8,500 U ndivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid ............... 2,873 Individual deposits, subject 43,445 to check ................................. Tim e certificates o f deposit 158,393 P ostal savings ....................... 266 00 00 20 24 37 11 T otal ............................... $223,477 92 T otal ............................... $223,477 92 Alma Center— Alma Center State Bank. H. S. CADBY, President. CHAS. S E C H LE R, V ice President. J. B. M IL L E R , Cashier. A. W . H E L W IG , Asst. Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. E. W . Sullivan, J. T. R ingrose, IT. S. Cadby, Jesse Blencoe, Chas. Sechler, Marcus Merchant, P. T. Nolop, H. H. Ormsby, It. W . I Uff. E STA B L IS H E D S E PT E M B E R 3, 1903. Statement October 31, 1914. L ia b ilitie s . R e so u rc e s. Loans and d iscou n ts.............. $149,753 07 Capital stock paid in ........... $10,000 00 10,000 00 Overdrafts ........................ 515 65 Surplus fund ........................... Undivided profits, less c u r U. S., state, m unicipal and rent expen se» and taxes other bonds ......................... 8,414 80 paid ........................................ 5,324 20 F urniture and fixtu res.......... 2,000 00 ............. 50 00 D ividends unpaid Due from approved reserve banks .......................... 24,071 88 Individual deposits, subject to check ............................... 33,532 06 Checks on other banks and cash items ............... 851 42 Demand certificates o f de p osit ....................................... 16 94 Gold coin ................................. 6,270 00 Silver coin ............................... 985 25 Tim e certificates o f deposit 134,586 10 9 59 U. S. and national currency 606 00 P ostal savings ....................... Nickels and ce n ts................... 50 82 T otal ............................... $193,518 89 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis T otal ............................. $193,518 89 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF BANKING. 28 Almena— Almena State Bank. C. C. COE, P resident. CHAS. KAEM M ER, Vice President. H E N R Y PE TE R SO N , Cashier. O. L. A RM STRON G, Asst. Cashier. H I RECTORS. C. C. Coe, Chas. Kaemmer, H enry Peterson, F. L. Olcott, E S T A B L IS H E D Statement M. C. H ow ard, G eorge Panian, C. H. Stuck. ITOBER 15, 1908. 31, 1914. V R e so u rc e s. L ia b ilitie s . Loans and d iscou n ts............. $114,866 22 Overdrafts ......... 1,007 05 Banking house ....................... 2,400 00 F urniture and fix tu res.......... 2,000 00 Due from approved reserve banks ......... 23,738 47 Checks on other banks and 321 68 cash items ........................... Gold coin ............................ 95 00 Silver coin ............................... 773 25 U. S. and national currency 2,296 00 N ickels and ce n ts................. 53 02 Capital stock paid in ............ $10,000 Surplus fund ........................... 2,000 Undivided profits, less c u r rent expenses and taxes paid ...................................... 4,567 Individual deposits, subject to check ............................... 47,882 Tim e certificates of de- ■ posit ....................................... 83,099 T otal ............................... $147,550 69 T otal .......................... 00 00 90 83 96 $147,550 69 Almond— The Portage County Bank. O. A. C R O W E L L , President. D AVID H IC K S, Vice President. W. A. W E B ST E R , Cashier. D IR E C TO RS. O. A. Crowell, David H icks, W. A. W ebster, .1. W . Dunegan, E. G. Crowell. E ST A B L ISH E D .ITILV 15, 1901. Incorporated as a State Bank A ugust 29, 1903. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. Loans and d iscou n ts............ O verdrafts ............................... II. S., state, m unicipal and other bonds ....................... B anking house ....................... F urniture and fix tu res.......... Due from approved reserve banks .................................... Checks on other banks and cash items ........................... Gold coin ................................. Silver coin ......................... U. S. and national currency N ickels and ce n ts................... Total Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis L ia b ilitie s . $83,303 22 50 05 53,000 00 2,500 00 1,000 00 17,606 55 1,260 1,140 5()1 2,797 45 67 00 40 00 46 . . . . $163,204 35 Capital stock paid in ............ Surplus fund ........................... U ndivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid ................. .......... , ......... Individu al deposits, su bject to check ................................. Tim e certificates o f deposit Cashier’s checks outstanding Debentures ............................. T otal $10,000 00 4,000 00 2S9 81 66,296 24 75,450 04 7,145 55 22 71 $163,204 35 REPORTS OF STATE BANKS. 29 Amery— Farmers and Merchants State Bank. ,T. G. BURM AN, President. C. H. OAK'EY, Vice President. P. C. AMUNDSON, Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. T. O. W inger, J. G. Burman, E. W. Carlson, H. T. Lund, W . W. W inchester, C. H. Oakey, P. C Am undson, Gentz Perry, E. J. Schneider, Neis Simley, S. L. Pennington. A. J. Anderson, E S T A B L IS H E D JA N U A R Y 15, 190C. Statement October 31, 1914. L ia b ilitie s . R e so u rc e s. L oans and d is c o u n t s .......... $344,642 87 Capital stock paid i n ............ $25,000 00 10,000 00 Overdrafts ............................... 2,173 29 Surplus fund ........................... Undivided profits, less c u r U. S., state, m unicipal and 9,050 00 rent expenses and taxes other bonds ......................... Banking house ........... 4,000 00 paid .................................•_••• 3,813 79 Furniture and fix tu res........ 3,575 00 Individual deposits, su bject Other real estate o w n e d ----4,228 00 to check ................................. 129,272 88 Due from approved reserve Tim e certificates o f deposit 235,711 71 banks ..................................... 30,601 77 Savings deposits ................... 16,334 02 8,086 75 Cashier’s checks outstand ing Due from other ba n k s.......... 211 34 79 38 Debentures ............................. Checks on other banks and cash item s .......................... 4,208 08 E xchange ................................. 35 34 Silver coin ............... ............... 1,137 75 U. S. and national currency 7,616 00 N ickels and c e n t s .................. 118 25 Personal p r o p e r t y ......... 950 00 T otal ............................... $420,423 10 T otal ............................... $420,423 10 Amherst— The International Bank of Amherst. GEO. W . FLEM IN G, President. JAMES J. NELSON, V ice President. L. A. POM EROY, Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. J. J. Nelson, L. A. Pom eroy, Geo. W . F lem ing, C. F. Haertel. P. N. Peterson, E S T A B L IS H E D SE PT E M B E R 18, 1S93. Statement October 31. 1914. L ia b ilitie s . R e so u rc e s. L oans and discounts ............ $162,530 45 O verdrafts ............................... 4,023 89 U. S., state, m unicipal and other b o n d s........................... 61,856 00 B anking house ....................... 3,000 00 Other real estate o w n e d . . . . 1,000 00 Due from approved reserve banks ..................................... £5,344 39 Due from other b a n k s.......... 17,990 84 Checks on other banks and cash item s .................... 2,160 77 Gold coin ................................. 1,750 00 Silver coin ............................... 750 70 U. S. and national currency 4,176 00 Nickels and c e n t s .................. 13 52 Interest paid ................. 2,438 55 T otal ............................... $287,035 11 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Capital stock paid i n . . ......... $15,000 Surplus fu nd ......................... 10,000 Undivided profits, less c u r rent expenses and taxes paid ....................................... 2,178 Dividends unpaid ................. 30 Individual deposits, su bject to check ................................. 65,567 Demand certificates o f de p osit ....................................... 3,300 Tim e certificates o f deposit 189,234 Certified checks ..................... 930 P ostal s a v i n g s ......................... 793 T ota l 00 00 69 00 30 70 30 43 69 ............................. $287,035 11 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF BANKING. 30 Amherst Junction— The Security Bank. M. K. HANSON, President. N. J. LOB E RG , Vice President. H. N. NELSON, Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. N. M. L. J. L oberg, K. Hanson, L. Nelson, .T. W. Dunegan, H. N. Nelson. E S T A B L IS H E D S E P T E M B E R 25, 1903. Statement October 31. 1914. R e so u rc e s. L oans and d iscou n ts.............. Overdrafts ............................. U. S., state-, m unicipal and other bon ds .......................... Banking house ..................... F urniture and fix tu res.......... Other real estate ow n ed . . . . Due from approved reserve banks ..................................... Checks on other banks and cash i t e m s ............................. Gold coin ................................. Silver coin ............................ U. S. and national currency N ickels and ce n ts................... T ota l ............................. L ia b ilitie s . $49,543 25 152 54 Capital stock paid i n ........... $S,500 Surplus fu n d ........................... S00 Undivided profits, less c u r 21,710 00 rent expenses and taxes 1,200 00 202 paid ...................................... 800 00 D ividends unpaid ..................... 3 33500 Individual deposits, su bject to check ................... 10,327 8,600 79 Tim e certificates o f deposit 66,079 420 185 1,091 1,758 116 00 00 92 00 10 75 44 00 00 00 75 T otal ............................... $85,912 77 $S5,912 77 Antigo— The Fidelity Savings Bank of Antigo, Wisconsin. H E N R Y H A Y, President. AN TON M OLLE, V ice President. W A L T E R R. DASKAM , Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. H en ry H ay, Anton Molle, W alter R. Daskam , W. J. Mattek, J. A. R udolph, John Benishek, C. S. Pierce. E S T A B L IS H E D JA N U A R Y 20, 1909. Statement October 31, 1914. liia b ilitie s . R e so u rc e s. Capital stock paid i n ............. $50,000 00 Loans and d iscou n ts............$131,135 77 2,500 00 O v e r d r a fts ................................. 443 51 Surplus fund ........................... Furniture and fix tu res.......... 3,690 14 U ndivided profits, less c u r Other real estate owned . . . 97901 rent expenses and taxes paid .......................................... 856 13 Due from approved reserve banks ................................... 13,626 15 Individual deposits, su bject to check ................................. 29,22.3 34 Checks on other banks and 63,365 51 cash item s ........................... 1,171 74 T im e certificates o f deposit ................. 7,959 18 Gold coin ................................. 1,137 50 Savings deposits and bills re -d is Silver coin ............................... 1,806 50 Notes counted .............................. 3,000 00 U. S. and national currency 2,828 00 N ickels and cents .................. 85 84 T otal ............................... $156,904 16 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis T ota l ............................. $156,904 16 REPORTS OF STATE BANKS. 31 Appleton— Appleton State Bank. G. A. ZU E H L IiE , President. B. J. ZU E H LK E , Cashier. H E N R Y A. SCHM ITZ, V ice President. M. A. SCHUH, Asst. Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. G. A. Zuehlke, H enry A. Schmitz* B. J. Zuehlke, A lbert H. Krugm eier, Gustave Keller. E S T A B L IS H E D DECEM BER 16, 1911. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. L ia b ilitie s . Loans and d iscou n ts............. $369,542 53 Overdrafts ............................... 357 88 IT.' S., state, m unicipal and 9,744 57 other bonds ......................... B an king house ....................... 12,000 00 F urniture and fix tu res.......... 5,770 00 Due from approved reserve banks ..................................... 99,367 57 Checks on other banks and cash items ........................... 1,603 06 Gold coin ................................. 1,422 50 Silver coin ............................... 612 55 U. S. and national currency 20,494 00 125. 74 Nickels and cen ts................... Capital stock paid i n .............. $50,000 Surplus fu nd .......................... 2,500 Undivided profits, less c u r rent expenses and taxes Paid ........... 6,523 Individual deposits, su bject to check ................................. 109,612 Tim e certificates o f deposit 298,490 Savings deposits .................... 53,913 T otal ...............................$521,040 40 00 00 99 56 04 81 T otal ............................... $521,040 40 Appleton— The Outagamie County Bank. err F R A N K F R E IS , President. •T. A. K R O N S E R , Vice President. WM. F. KAM PS, Cashier. D IR E C TO RS. Frank Freis, .T. A. K ronser, W m. F. Kam ps, S. N. Fish. Geo. Scheiderm ayer, Fred Stoffel, Frank Trettin, W m. Fountain, J. F. Schoettler. E S T A B L IS H E D F E B R U A R Y 1, 1912. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. L ia b ilitie s . L oans and discounts ........ $127,795 34 Overdrafts ............................... 1,539 95 U. S.,' state, m unicipal and other bonds ......... 20,854 99 Stocks and other securities 4,930 50 Banking house ......... 12,408 14 Furniture and fixturesi ___ 9,559 93 Due from approved reserve banks ..................................... 1,741 44 Due from other b a n k s .......... 8,241 03 Checks on other banks and cash items ........................... 988 01 E xchanges fo r clearing house 2,390 42 Gold coin ................................. 3,092 50 Silver coin .................... 8,782 00 U. S. and national currency 926 00 Nickels and cents ................ 148 87 Expense account ................... 1,340 50 Capital stock paid in .......... $50,000 00 Individual deposits, su bject to check ........ 69,056 99 Time certificates o f deposit 58,684 55 Savings deposits .................. 26,998 08 Total Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis $204,739 6? ‘¡¡¡¡¡ti* Total $204,739 62 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF BANKING. Arcadia— Bank of Arcadia. O. B. STROUSE, Cashier. EM IL M AU RER, President. JOH N C. G AVEN E Y, Vice President. D IR E C TO R S. Jolm C. Gaveney, J. I. Dewey, G. N. H idershide, E STA B L IS H E D JUNE 0, 1S88. In corporated as a State Bank A ugust 2, 1901. Emil Maurer, P. C. R ichm ond, Nie Lehrbach, Statement October 31, 1014. L ia b ilitie s . R e so u rc e s. Loans and discounts .......... $299,021 O verdrafts ............................... 6,019 U. S., state, m unicipal and other bonds ....................... 7,028 Stocks and other securities 5,329 Banking house ..................... 8,750 Furniture and fixtures ........ 7,666 Due from approved reserve banks .................................... 55,815 Due from other banks ........ 7,007 Checks on other banks and cash item s ........................... 1,736 E xchanges fo r clearing 15 house ........................................ Gold coin ................................... 967 Silver coin ............................... 609 IT. S. and national currency 8,041 N ickels and cents ............. .. 68 84 47 60 00 00 05 60 18 88 $25,000 00 10,000 00 1,467 97 25 00 55,806 280,414 33,456 1,549 356 23 42 20 85 76 74 50 00 00 57 $408,076 43 Total Capital stock paid in .......... Surplus fund ........................... Undivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid ........................................ Dividends unpaid ................. Individual deposits, su bject to check ................................. Tim e certificates o f deposit Savings deposits ............. Cashier’ s checks outstanding Debentures .............................. $408,076 43 Total Arcadia— Farmers State Bank. D. J. N A LL l", Cashier. J. A. P A LM E R , President. R O B E R T ASH TON , Vice President. D IR E C TO R S. J. F. Danuser, J. A. Palm er, H. E. Hensel, A. C. Sticlow, M. N. Lehnerts, R obert Ashton. D. J. Nally, E S T A B L IS H E D AUGUST 15, 1913. Statement October 31, 1914. L ia b ilitie s . R e so u rc e s. Loans, and discounts ......... $46.268 28 O verdrafts ............................... 296 46 Stocks and other securities 40 00 F urniture and fixtures .... 3,040 38 Due from approved reserve 4,652 01 banks .................................... Checks on other banks and cash items ........................... 175 90 E xchanges fo r clearing house ...................................... 17 Gold coin ................................. 437 50 Silver coin ............................... 465 25 U. S. and national currency 3,292 00 N ickels and cents ................. 103 51 E xpense account . ............... 723 98 T otal .............................. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis $59,495 44 Capital stock paid in .......... Individual deposits, su bject to check ................. .......... Tim e certificates of deposit Savings deposits ................... C ashier’s checks outstanding Total $15,000 00 9,335 31.411 3,149 600 01 38 05 00 $59,495 44 REPORTS OF STATE BANKS. 33 Arena— The Arena State Bank. T. G. C R E TN E Y , President. WM. G. O R H T , Vice President. S. W. DAW SON, Cashier. B. THUDIUM , A sst. Cashier. D IR E C TO RS. T. G. Cretney, .7. T. Pauli, James Laughlin, W m. G. Orht, S. W. Dawson. E S T A B L IS H E D JA N U A R Y 5, 1010. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u r c e s. L ia b ilitie s . Loans and discounts .......... $80,896 54 Capital stock paid in ............ $10,000 00 Overdrafts ............................... 2,405 57 Surplus fund . . . , ................. 1,000 00 B anking house ....................... . 1,415 00 Undivided profits, less c u r 1,714 84 F urniture and fixtures ___ rent expenses and taxes Due from approved reserve Paid ........................ 1,324 67 banks .................................... 8,071 22 Individual deposits, su bject Checks on other banks and to check ............................... 27,642 13 cash item s ........................... 146 io Tim e certificates o f deposit 51 ’ 278 82 Gold coin ........... 65 00 P ostal savings ....... 230 41 Silver com .............................. 323 00 B ills p a y a b le ........................... 5,000 00 U. S. and national currency 1,428 00 Nickels and cents ............ 10 76 Total ..................... $96,476 03 Total ............................... $96,476 03 Argyle— Commercial State Bank. R O B E R T PEACOCK, President. O. G. VIN GER, Vice President. H. N. GRUBBS, Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. C. H. Thom pson, H. N. Grubbs, L. II. Poff, H. F. H awley. O. G. Vinger, Jno. W ood, R obt. Peacock, Jno. McGrath, Ed. Vinger, E S T A B L IS H E D JU LY 17, 1909. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. L oans and discounts ............ $135,356 Overdrafts ............................... 1,115 F urniture and fixtures ........ 3,000 Due from approved reserve b a n k s ...................................... 17,307 Due from other b a n k s .......... 7,160 Checks on other banks and cash items ........................... 469 Gold coin ................................. 1,000 Silver coin ............................... 459 U. S. and national currency 5,416 Nickels and cents ................. 155 L ia b ilitie s . 34 88 00 31 24 44 00 60 00 99 T otal ............................... $171,440 80 3—B. S. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Capital stock paid in ............ $16,000 Surplus fund ........ 1,000 U ndivided profits, less c u r rent expenses and taxes p a id -........................................ 125 Individual deposits, su bject to check .......................... . . . 52,906 Demand certificates o f de p osit .......................... 101,408 00 00 66 67 47 T otal ............................... $171,440 80 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF BANKING. 34 Argyle—State Bank of Argyle. F. A. W A D D IN G TO N , President. J. J. UKEN, Vice President. F. A. W addington, L. W add ington, .1. P. Kundert, L. W AD D IN G TO N , Cashier. C. T. THOM PSON, Asst. Cashier. A. P. LARSON, Asst. Cashier, D IR E C TO RS. Joseph Kem p, J. J. TJren. E S T A B L IS H E D DECEM BER 2, 3895. Incorporated as a State Bank Ju ly 11, 1903. Statement October 31, 1914. U t-sou rces. L ia b ilitie s . L oans and discounts................$279,772 Overdrafts ............................... 927 U. S., state, m unicipal and other bonds ......................... 9,310 B anking house ....................... 3,000 Furniture and fixtures . . . . 1,840 Due from approved reserve 51,025 banks ......... Due from other banks ........ 38,900 Checks on other banks and cash items ............................ 93 Gold coin ................................ 1,516 Silver coin ............................... 1,307 U. S. and national currency 4,833 Nickels and cents ........... 136 39 69 Capital stock paid in ............ Surplus fund ......................... Undivided profits, less , cu r rent expenses and taxes paid ............... Individual deposits, su bject to check ................................. Demand certificates o f de posit ...................................... T im e certificates o f deposit 00 00 00 17 38 $25,000 00 5,000 00 12,922 79 83,828 26 264,9S6 28 924 00 00 00 30 00 40 T otal ............................... $392,661 33 T otal ............................... $392,661 33 Arlington— Arlington State Bank. G. M cM ILLAN , President. A. C. E L LIC K SO N , V ice President. D. W. POOR, Cashier. W . C. H AH N , Asst. Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. G. A. G. W. W. H. Kroncke, McMillan, C. E llickson, II.'D u n lo p , C. Hahn, - John Standenmayer, John Stevenson. E S T A B L IS H E D NOVEM BER 16, 3909. Statement October 31. 1914. R e so u r c e s. Loans and discounts .......... Overdrafts ............................... IJ. S., state, m unicipal and other bonds ..................... Banking house ....................... F urniture and fi x t u r e s ........ Due from approved reserve banks .................................... Due from other b a n k s .......... Gold coin ................... Silver coin ............... U. S. and national currency Nickels and cents ................. Total Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis L ia b ilitie s . $95,353 82 756 01 6,500 00 2,670 00 1,500 00 8,378 194 365 371 2,482 10 12 08 00 85 00 46 $118,381 34 Capital stock paid in .......... Surplus fund ........................... Undivided profits, less c u r rent expenses and taxes paid ........................................ Individual deposits, su bject to check ............... Tim e certificates o f deposit Notes and bills rediscounted B ills p a y a b le ........................... Other liabilities ............. ' ___ Total $15,000 00 250 00 1,633 84 12,430 70 68,346 24 32.220 00 8,500 00 56 $118,381 34 REPORTS OF STATE BANKS. Arnott— Arnott State Bank. C. B R E IT E N S T E IN , President. E. J. C A R LE Y , V ice President. C. S. ORTH M AN , 2nd V ice President. L. E. S C H W E R K E , Cashier. D IR E ' 'TORS. A rthur R aym ond, A. F. Neuman, D. L. Gates, L. E. Schwerke. C. P>reitenstein, E. J. Carley, C. S. Ortliman, J. A. W erachow ski, A ndrew Yokers, Sr., E STA B L IS H E D JUNE 20, 1912. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. Loans and discounts .......... Overdrafts ............................... U. S., state, m unicipal and other bonds ......................... Banking house ....................... F urniture and fixtures . . . . Due from approved reserve banks ............... ..................... Due from other b a n k s ........! Checks on other banks and cash i t e m s ......................... Gold coin ................................. Silver coin ............................... TJ. S. and national currency N ickels and cents ................. Total L ia b ilitie s . $41,762 39 124 49 Capital stock paid in ........ Surplus fund ............ U ndivided profits, less c u r 6,471 17 rent expenses and taxes 1,740 00 paid ............................. 1,400 00 Dividends unpaid . . . Individual deposits, subject 1,128 04 to check ............ 557 94 Tim e certificates o f deposit Cashier’ s checks outstand 122 00 ing ................................. 255 00 126 40 S95 00 60 39 $54,642 82 Total $ 10,000 00 350 00 640 32 2 50 12,184 41 31,393 56 72 03 $34,642 82 Arpin— Dairyman’s State Bank. C. E. B L O D G E T T, President. H. F . R O E H R IG , Vice President. C. E. B lodgett, H. F. R oehrig, Chas. R. Setzkarn, CHAS. R. S E T Z K A R N , Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. Guy O. Babcock, J. T. H olland. E S T A B L IS H E D JUNE 6, 1914. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. L oans and discounts .......... Furniture and fixtures . . . . Due from approved reserve banks .................................... Due from other b a n k s .......... Gold coin ................................... Silver coin ......................... U. S. and national currency Nickels and cents .................. Expense account ................. . Total Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis $24,836 08 955 44 1,000 1,077 55 190 1,402 97 504 30 07 00 90 00 36 34 $30,118 49 L ia b ilitie s . Capital stock paid in .......... Surplus fund ......................... Individual deposits, su bject to check ..................... Tim e certificates o f deposit Contingent fund ............ Total $ 10,000 00 1,500 00 16,152 99 1,465 50 1,000 00 $30,11849 36 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF BANKING. Ashippun— The Bank of Ashippun. GUSTAVE M EISSN ER, President. GEO. A. W . GAU E R K E , V ice P resident. GEO. C O P ITH O R N , Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. John Maasch, Gustave Meissner, O. I. M. W ilhelm son, Geo. A. W . Gauerke, Geo. C opithorn. E S T A B L IS H E D D ECEM BER 7, 1912. Statement October 31, 1914. L ia b ilitie s . R e so u rc e s. L oans and discounts ............ $53,233 42 Capital stock paid in ............ $15,000 00 2,788 90 6 64 Surplus fund ......................... Overdrafts ................... ........... 4,200 00 U ndivided profits, less c u r B anking house ....................... rent expenses and taxes 2,000 00 F urniture and fixtures ----769 18 paid ...................................... Due from approved reserve 5,602 02 Individual deposits, su bject banks ..................................... to check ................................. 15,138 51 5,247 77 Due from other banks ........ Tim e certificates o f deposit 41,141 49 Checks on other banks and 27 47 cash item s ........................... 571 93 Gold coin ................................. 176 85 Silver coin ............................. 3,742 00 U. S. and national currency 29 98 N ickels and c e n t s .................. $74,838 08 Total $74,838 08 Total Athens— The Bank of Athens. R. N EU EN SCH W AN DER, Cashier. GEO. T. FULM E R , Asst. Cashier. GEO. A. K R E U T ZE R , President. F. A. L O N SD O R F, V ice President. D IR E C TO R S. A. C. R eitbrook, R einhold Paersch, A. M. Munes. W m . L. Erbach, F. A. L on sd orf, John Braun, Geo. A. K reutzer, E S T A B L IS H E D OCTOBER 1, 1900. Statement October 31, 1914. L ia b ilitie s . R e so u r c e s. L oans and discounts ............ $170,030 Overdrafts ............................... 567 U. S., state, m unicipal and 6,000 other bon ds ......................... B an king house, fu rn itu re and fixtures ......................... 3,000 Due from approved reserve banks ..................................... , 12,637 Due from other banks ........ 2,949 Gold coin ................................. 2,140 Silver coin ............................... 738 IT. S. and national currency 4,734 Nickels and cents ................ 120 50 80 00 00 28 39 00 30 00 93 T otal ............................... $202,918 20 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Capital stock paid in .......... $30,000 00 Surplus fund ........................... 6,000 00 U ndivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid ........................................ 3,133 30 Individu al deposits, su bject to check ............................... 76,111 39 T im e certificates o f deposit 57,809 72 Savings deposits .................. 18,825 67 Cashier’ s checks outstanding 684 50 Debentures ............................... 53 62 B ills payable ......................... 10,300 00 T ota l ............................... $202,918 20 REPORTS OP STATE BANKS. 37 Auburndale— Auburndale State Bank. J. C. K IE F F E R , President. F R E D SCHULTZ, Vice President. R. A. CONNOR, Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. Fred Schultz, W . R. Connor, Jos. O. Berdan, George Schmidt, W. Trem l, N. M. Berg, John Mackie, A. J. Friedrich, J. C. Kieffer. E S T A B L IS H E D JA N U A R Y 17, 1910. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. Loans and discounts ______ U. S., state, m unicipal and other bon ds ............... ......... B anking house ............... . . . . . F urniture and fixtures ........ Due from approved reserve banks ..................................... Gold coin ................... Silver coin ............. U. S. and national currency N ickels and cents ................. T otal L ia b ilitie s . $84,761 52 21,730 00 3,400 00 2,300 00 16,562 510 806 1,936 125 38 00 20 00 62 ............................. $132,131 72 Capital stock paid in .......... Surplus fu n d ........................... Undivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid ..................................... Individual deposits, subject to check .................... Demand certificates o f de p o s i t ....................................... B ills payable ......................... T otal $13,000 00 2,500 00 2,038 44 31,356 77 76,23651 7,000 00 ............................. $132,131 72 Augusta— Augusta State Bank. IR A B. B R A D F O R D , President. C. E. B R A D F O R D , Vice P resident. A. E. B R A D F O R D , Cashier. E. E. T H W IN G , Asst. Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. C. E. B radford. Ira B. Bradford', A. E. B radford, E S T A B L IS H E D AUGUST 23, 1S75. Incorporated as a State Bank January 2, 1902. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. L ia b ilitie s . Loans and discounts ............ $245,593 62 Overdrafts ............................... 9,953 19 U. S., state, m unicipal and other b o n d s ......................... 16,000 00 Stocks and other securities 2,800 00 B anking house ..................... 7,500 00 F urniture and f i x t u r e s ........ 2,000 00 Other real estate ow n e d ___ 350 00 Due from approved reserve banks ..................................... 48,652 76 Checks on other banks and cash item s ........................... 119 39 Gold coin ................................... 3,077 50 Silver c o i n ................................. 1,586 75 U. S. and national currency 12,291 00 N ickels and cents .................. 60 55 T otal Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis $349,984 76 Capital stock paid in .......... Surplus fu nd ........................... U ndivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid ................... Individual deposits, subject to c h e c k ................................. Tim e certificates o f deposit Savings deposits .................. T otal $25 ¿000 00 15,000 00 3,738 29 171,868 45 119,116 22 15^261 80 $349,984 76 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF BANKING-. 38 Avoca— Avoca State Bank. D A N IE L BOHAN, P resident. JOHN B. EAGAN, V ice President. P. L. HUDSON, Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. L. B. Ruka, J. P; H udson, P. L. H udson. Daniel Bolian, John B. Eagan, E S T A B L IS H E D OCTOBER 8, 1907. Statement October 31, 1914. L ia b ilitie s . R e so u r c e s. Loans and discounts ............ Overdrafts ............................... Furniture and f i x t u r e s ........ Due from approved reserve banks ..................................... Gold coin . . , ............................. Silver coin ........... U. S. and national cu rren cy N ickels and cents ................. T otal ......................... . Capital stock paid in ............ $10,000 Surplus fund ....................... 500 Undivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid ................... 2,561 10,193 75 760 00 Individual deposits, subject to check ............................... 40,804 373 3Q 4,468 00 Demand certificates o f de p osit ............................ 878 74 55 Tim e certificates o f deposit 26,013 $63,090 79 467 51 1,219 69 $80,761 76 T otal ............................... 00 01 33 89 82 72 $80,761 76 Bagley— Bagley State Bank. P H IL . W . GLASS, Cashier. L. A. B E E R , A sst. Cashier. M. GLASS, Asst. Cashier. L. NEW M AN, President. F R E D H. M IL L E R , JR ., Vice Pres. L. Newman, Fred’ H ^M iller, Jr. D IR E C TO R S. Phil W . Glass, Chas. J. Glass. E S T A B L IS H E D M ARCH 27, 1905. Statement October 31. 1914. R e so u r c e s. L ia b ilitie s . Loans and d is c o u n t s ............ Overdrafts ..................... IT. S., state, m unicipal and other bon ds ................. B an king house ...................... Furniture and fi x t u r e s ........ Due from approved reserve banks .................................... Checks on other banks and cash items ........................... $66,338 44 1,444 57 Silver coin ............................... U- S. and national currency Nickels and cents ................. Expense ....... 311 65 825 fle 72 38 237 49 Gold coin ...................... Total Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 500 00 1,235 48 977 62 7,463 34 Capital stock paid in ............ $10,000 00 Surplus f u n d ........................... 25 00 Individu al deposits, subject to check ................... 23,538 43 Demand certificates o f de p osit ............... 826 33 T im e certificates o f deposit 35,827 49 B ills p a y a b le ........................... 10,000 00 466 28 345 00 $80,217 25 Total $S0,217 25 REPORTS OF STATE BANKS. 39 Baldwin— Security State Bank. JO SE P H YOERG, President. S. S. HOLM ES, Vice President. L. SNOEYENBOS, Cashier. C A R L O. D A H L, Asst. Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. Joseph Y oerg, W . E. W ebster, S. S. Holm es, Carl O. Dahl, L. Snoeyenbos, Chas. Settergren, Ed. Heebnik. • E S T A B L IS H E D NOVEM BER 13, 1906. Statement October 31, 1914. L ia b ilitie s . R e so u rc e s. Loans and discounts ............ $175,335 87 Capital stock paid in ............ $25,000 00 8,000 00 Overdrafts ............................... 135 55 Surplus fund .............. Undivided profits, less c u r U. S., state, m unicipal and rent expenses and taxes other bonds ........................ 8,658 75 1,748 44 paid ........................................ B an king house ......... 3,700 00 F urniture and fixtures ........ 1,000 00 Individual deposits, subject to check ............................... 69,064 54 Due from approved reserve banks .................................... 33,356 72 Demand certificates o f de posit ...................................... 4,544 06 Due from other b a n k s .......... 9,458 94 Tim e certificates o f deposit 131,283 55 Checks on other banks and cash items ........................... 1,000 31 Gold coin ................................. 845 00 703 65 Silver coin ...................... U. S. and national currency 5,152 00 N ickels and cents ................. 293 80 T otal ............. ............... $239,640 59 T otal ...................... ...$ 2 3 9 ,6 4 0 59 Balsam Lake— Polk County Bank. H A R R Y D. B A K E R , President. J. H. THOM PSON, Vice President. H E N R Y VOLD, Cashier. L A U R A S. T W E T T E N , Asst. Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. E. W. Overman, J. H. Thom pson, W . R. T aylor, H arry D. Baker, H enry Void, John Davidson, Ira H. Park. E S T A B L IS H E D JUNE 1, 1900. Incorporated as a State Bank A ugust 24, 1903. Statement October 31, 1914. L ia b ilitie s . R e so u rc e s. Loans and discounts ............ $179,149 30 Capital stock paid in .......... $15,000 00 O verdrafts ......... 353 80 Surplus fund ......... 2,090 38 U. S., state, m unicipal and Undivided profits, less cu r other bon ds ......................... 5,000 00 rent expenses and taxes Banking house ....................... 1,833 14 paid ...................................... 3,176 78 F urniture and fixtures ........ 1,469 09 Individual deposits, subject Other real estate o w n e d ___ 268 98 to check ............................... 90,323 44 Due from approved reserve Tim e certificates of deposit 67,281 93 banks .................................... 4,967 41 Savings deposits ................... 8,021 35 Checks on other banks and Cashier’s checks outstanding 1,141 98 cash items ........................... 1,002 72 B ills p a y a b le ........................... 10,000 00 Gold coin ...................... 660 00 Silver coin .......................... 709 50 U. S. and national currency 1,340 00 N ickels and cents .............. 172 54 Other resources ........... 109 38 T otal ............................. $197,035 86 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis T otal ............................. $197,035 86 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF BANKING. 40 Bancroft— Bancroft State Bank. A. W . M AN LEY, President. BUCHANAN JOHNSON, Vice President- H A R O L D ©STRUM, Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. A. W. Manley, H arold Ostrum , Buchanan Johnson, R obert I. R oseberry, S. Ostrum. E S T A B L IS H E D OCTOBER 5, 1912. Statement October 31. 1914. R e so u rc e s. L ia b ilitie s . Loans and discounts .......... Overdrafts ............................... U. S., state, m unicipal and other bonds ......................... Banking house ....................... F urniture and fix tu res........ Due from approved reserve banks ..................................... Due from other b a n k s .......... Checks on other banks and cash i t e m s ............................. Gold coin ................................. Silver coin ............................... U. S', and national currency Nickels and cents .................. $24,801 17 167 64 Total ................. ............. $36,672 65 4,500 00 2,000 00 1,700 00 1,342 82 80 9 145 480 1,463 62 Capital stock paid in .......... Surplus fund ........................... U ndivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid ........................................ Individu al deposits, subject to check ............................... Tim e certificates o f deposit Cashier’s checks outstanding $10,000 00 300 00 936 92 11,386 51 14,048 02 1 20 00 00 60 00 62 T otal ............................. $36,672 65 Bangor— Bangor State Bank. L. J. R O B E R TS, President. WM. SM ITH , V ice President. E. J. W IL E S , Cashier. E. A. M ERLO, Asst. Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. F. W o lf,. John Bedessem, J. D. Vaughan, Jos. Foellm i, R o b ’t. Davis, F ritz Schroeder. L. J. R oberts, W m . Smith, O. W. Jones, Ellen E. Jones, W . M. Page, Jos. Rutz, E S T A B L IS H E D JU L Y 28, 1903. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. L ia b ilitie s . Loans and discounts ............ $230,883 51 Capital stock paid in .......... $20,000 00 Overdrafts ................. ............ 1,600 53 .Surplus fu nd ........................... 5,000 00 U. S., state, m unicipal and U ndivided profits, less cu r other bonds ......................... 44,000 00 rent expenses and taxes Prem ium on bon ds .............. 71 62 8,836 02 paid ........................................ Furniture and fixtures ........ 2,000 00 Due to banks— deposits ___ 2,448 86 Due from approved reserve 68 00 D ividends unpaid .................. banks .................................... 46,572 95 Individual deposits, subject Due from other banks ........ 1,071 20 to check ............................... 46,517 44 Checks on other banks and Demand certificates o f de cash i t e m s ............................. 212 47 posit ................... 250,547 06 Gold coin ................................. 742 50 Reserved fo r taxes ............... 100 00 Silver coin ............................... 398 60 U. S. and national currency 5,916 00 Nickels and cents ................. 48 00 T otal ............................. $333,517 38 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis T otal ............................. $333,517 38 REPORTS OF STATE BANKS. 41 Bangor— Farmers State Bank. IR A A. R IC H A R D SO N , President. A L F R E D M ENGEL, V ice President. A D O L P H T O E PE L , Casliier. D IR E C TO R S. Lud C hristopherson, Peter Burback, R ichard M einking, R. M. Jones, J. G. Hatz, Elmer Feak, Joseph Gasper. Ira A. R ichardson, A lfred Mengel, John Brand, A dolph Bosshard, H u go Hussa, Otto Bosshard, N. M. Elsen, E S T A B L IS H E D JU LY 7, 1910. Statement October 31. 1014. R e so u rc e s. L ia b ilitie s . Loans and d iscou n ts....................$236,50745Capital stock paid in ........... $20,000 O verdrafts ............................... 1,926 15 Surplus f u n d ........................... 3,000 U. S., state, m unicipal and Undivided profits, less cu r other bon ds .......................... 15,000 00 rent expenses and taxes paid .......................................... 2,954 B anking house ....................... 3,800 00 F urniture and fi x t u r e s ........ 3,400 00 D ividends unpaid ................. 24 Due from approved reserve Individual deposits, subject banks ..................................... 33,042 08 to check ............................... 37,551 1,404 28 Tim e certificates o f deposit 237^195 Due from other b a n k s .......... Exchanges fo r clearing Savings deposits ............... 2,560 house ...................................... 190 81 Gold coin ................................. 570 00 Silver coin ............................... 1,115 25 U. S. and national currency 6,288 00 Nickels and cents .................. 42 37 T otal ............................. $303,286 39 T otal ............................. 00 00 91 00 50 35 63 $303,286 39 Baraboo— Bank of Baraboo. IT. G R O T O P H O R S T , P resident. C. W . W H ITM A N . V ice President. J. VAN ORDEN , Cashier. L. S. VAN ORDEN, Asst. Cashier. A. W . M ELZL, Asst. Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. E. P. M cFetridge, J. B. Donovan. H. G rotophorst, C. W . W hitm an, J. Van Orden, E S T A B L IS H E D A P R IL , 1873. In corporated as a State Bank December 11, 1880. Statement October 31. 1914. L ia b ilitie s . R e so u r c e s. Loans and discounts .............. $753,925 O verdrafts ............................... 711 U. S., state, m unicipal and other bonds ......................... 419,445 Banking house ....................... 10,000 Due from approved reserve banks ..................................... 445,592 Checks on other banks and cash items ........................... 1,255 Gold coin ................................. 52,000 Silver coin ................. 6,644 U. S. and national currency 69,157 N ickels and cents .................. 703 T otal Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 72 21 03 00 15 32 00 85 00 49 $1,759,434 77 Capital stock paid in ............ $100,000 Surplus fund ........................... 35,000 U ndivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid ...................... 18,464 Due to banks— deposits . . . . 36.,634 Individual deposits su bject to check ............................... 576,838 Demand certificates o f de p osit .................................— 12,647 T im e certificates o f deposit 601,543 Savings deposits ................... 364,539 Cashier’ s checks outstanding 7,860 P ostal savings ....................... 720 Reserved fo r taxes ................ 5,187 Total 00 00 47 13 19 28 62 08 41 09 50 ,$1,759,434 77 42 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF BANKING. Barneveld— Barneveld State Bank. JEROM E J. JONES, President. AN TON S. ARNESON, Casliier. D IR E C TO R S. Jerom e .T. Jones. Ed. W illiam s, Anton S. Arneson. E S T A B L IS H E D JUNE 1, 1S90. In corporated as a State Bank Ju ly 24, 1903. Statement October 31, 1914. L ia b ilitie s . R e so u rc e s. Loans and d isco u n ts............ $311,588 52 Capital stock paid in ........... O verdrafts ................................. 215 55 Surplus fund ......................... U ndivided profits, less cu r U. S., state, m unicipal and rent expenses and taxes other bonds ......................... 28,000 00 paid ............................. ......... Banking house ....................... 5,000 00 Individual deposits, subject Furniture and fixtu res.......... 1,500 00 to check ............................... Due from approved reserve banks .................................... 58,586 73 Demand certificates o f de Cold coin ................................. 1.465 00 p osit ................. ... .'..........••• 169 55 Silver coin ............................. IT. S. and national currency 2,950 00 Nickels and ce n ts................... 39 79 T otal ....................... . T otal $409,515 14 $15,000 00 3,000 00 3,873 05 93.74S 5S 293,892 91 $409,515 14 Barron— Bank of Barron. W . C. M cLEAN . President. J. P. M cLEAN, Vice President. C. J. RORIDI. Cashier. GEO R. BORTJM, Asst. Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. J. P. McLean, W . C. McLean, C. J. Borum , T. W . Borum . E S T A B L IS H E D OCTOBER, 1885, Incorporated as a State Bank March 14. 1887. Statement October 31, 1914. L ia b ilitie s . R e so u r c e s. Loans and d iscou n ts............. $315,605 20 Overdrafts ............................... 235 44 IT. S.. state, m unicipal and other bon ds ......... 26,470 00 S to ck s’ and other securities 1.200 00 B anking house ...................... 9,000 00 Furniture and fixtu res.......... 1,000 00 Due from approved reserve banks .................................... 49.001 83 Due from other b a n k s.......... 3,885 61 Gold coin ................................. 4.330 00 Silver coin ............................... 1.146 10 U. S. and national currency 2,492 00 N ickels and c e n ts................... 213 73 Tptal Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ............. . $414,57,9 91: Capital stock paid in ............ Surplus fund ........................... Undivided profits, less c u r rent expenses and taxes paid ........................................ Due to banks— d e p o s it s .... Individual deposits, su bject to check ........... Demand certificates of de p osit ...................................... Tim e certificates o f deposit Cashier’ s checks outstanding Postal savings ..................... $25,000 00 11,000 00 . 6.103 5? 4,892 56 101,994 69 100 251,987 11.010 2,511 64 02 38 07 T otal ............................... $414,57,9 9jL REPORTS OF STATE BANKS. 43 Barron— The Normanna Savings Bank. P. A. MOB, President. N. M. ROCKM AN, Vice President. J. C. ROCKM AN, Cashier. E. A. ROCKM AN, Asst. Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. P. A. Moe, G ilbert I. Moe, N. M. Rockm an, .T. C. Rockm an. E STA B L ISH E D JA N U A R Y 4, 1894. Incorporated as a State Bank June 18, 1903. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. L ia b ilitie s . Loans and d i s c o u n t s ...........$230,667 62 Capital stock paid in .............. $12,000 00 Overdrafts ............................... 98 71 Surplus fund ......... 8,000 00 U. S., state, m unicipal and Undivided profits, less c u r 1,500 00 other bonds ......................... rent expenses and taxes Stocks and other securities 200 00 6,992 57 paid ............. F urniture and fix tu res.......... ' 900 00 Individual deposits, su bject Due from approved reserve to check ...........................; . . 59,745 87 banks .................................... 38,737 31 Demand certificates o f de Checks on other banks and posit ....................................... 15,555 60 cash items ........................... 200 11 Time certificates o f deposit 159,008 74 Gold coin ................................. 1,700 00 Savings deposits ............... 13,499 96 Silver coin ............. 581 00 Cashier's, checks outstand U. S. and national currency 2,112 00 in g .......................................... 1,895 92 N ickels and cen ts................... 1 91 T otal ......................... . $276,698 66 T otal ............................... $276,698 66 Beaver Dam— Farmers State Bank. L. W. FLA N N IG A N , President. C. J. SCH O E N FE LD , Vice President. ,T. F. TE AR M A N , Cashier WM. H. H A L L , Asst. Cashier. DIR E C TO RS. W in. Berrigan, John Deniger, L. W . Flannigan, O. R. Jones, Herm an K rueger Antone Kuekuk, C. .T. Schoenfold, C. Starkweather, .1. F. Tearman. E S T A B L IS H E D SE PT E M B E R 20, 1911. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. Loans and d iscou n ts................ $112,271 Overdrafts .............................. 14 U. S., state, m unicipal and other bonds ................. 50,150 Furniture and fix tu res.......... 6,400 Due from approved reserve banks ..................................... 26,SS0 Checks on other banks and cash items ........................... 15 Gold coin ................... 1,500 Silver coin ......... 2,758 II. S. and national currency 4,713 N ickels and c e n t s .................. 176 L ia b ilitie s . 35 Capital stock paid in .......... $50,000 00 86 Surplus fund ........................... 500 00 Undivided profits, less c u r 00 rent expenses and taxes 00 paid .................................... 2,197 67 Individual deposits, su bject 04 to check ................................. 56,263 36 Tim e certificates o f deposit 75,948 '50 00 Savings deposits ............... 19,939 90 00 40 00 78 T otal ..................... ......... $204,879 43 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis T otal ............. $204,879 43 44 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF BANKING. Belgium— Belgium State Bank. NIC HUBING, President. F R A N K PA U LY, Y ice President. F. J. W IT M E Y E R , Cashier. D IR E C TO RS. Nic H u bing, M. J. H ubing, Frank P auly, T hom as Bichler. F. J. W itm eyer, E S T A B L IS H E D N O VEM BER 16, 1912. Statement October 31, 1914. L ia b ilitie s . R e so u r c e s. Capital stock paid in .............. $15,000 00 Surplus fund ........................... 500 00 Individual deposits, su bject to check ............................... 33,029 94 52 00 Dem and certificates of de posit ....................................... 936 50 27 Tim e certificates o f deposit 21,658 39 10,410 28 98 Savings deposits .......... Loans and d iscou n ts.............. Overdrafts ............................... U. S., state, m unicipal and other bonds ......................... Banking house ....................... F urniture and fix tu res........ Due from approved reserve banks ....... Checks on other banks and cash items ..................... Gold coin .............................. Silver coin ............................... IT. S. and national currency Nickels and c e n ts............... Expense ..................................... .1553,289 84 15 47 T otal ............................... $81,535 11 4,298 3,750 4,419 11,646 5 5 369 3,259 134 341 28 00 85 00 49 41 T otal ............................... $81,535 11 Belleville— Belleville State Bank. D. S. SM ITH , President. M. F. ROSS, V ice President. C B. MINCH, Cashier. D IR E C TO RS. Fred Fred Fred C. J. D. S. Smith, Marion F. Ross, E dw ard F ritz, M. O. T ollefson, P. A. Genin, Sauer, Gafke, W ild , Dalrym ple. E S T A B L IS H E D M ARCH 2, 1901. Incorporated as a State Bank June 5, 1903. Statement October 31, 1914. L ia b ilitie s . R e so u r c e s. Loans and d isco u n ts............. $152,853 87 Capital stock paid in ............. $13,000 00 7,500 00 Overdrafts ............................... 1,314 72 Surplus fund ........................... U ndivided profits, less cu r TJ. S., state, m unicipal and other bonds ......................... 11,700 00 rent expenses and taxes paid ....................................... 2,455 17 Banking house ....................... 4.nno on F urniture and fix tu res.......... 2,378 13 Individual deposits, subject to check ............................... 71,220 59 Other real estate ow n e d ___ 2,400 00 Tim e certificates o f deposit 108,142 38 Due from approved reserve ................. 1,613 43 banks ..................................... 19,745 07 Savings deposits Due from other b a n k s.......... 7,439 35 Checks on other banks and cash items ........................... 3 60 Gold coin ................................. 590 00 Silver coin ..................... 481 30 TT. S. and national currency 2,962 00 Nickels and ce n ts................. 63 53 Total Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ,, $205,931 57 T otal $205,931 57 REPORTS OF STATE BANKS. 45 Belleville— Citizens State Bank. S. E. M IL L E R , President. JO H N H O SK E N , Vice President. IV A N P. RUFE, Cashier. ID A V OEGELI, Asst. Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. E. S. Ace, O. A. Scott, O. B. Ace, John F erguson. S. E. Miller, Joh n Hosken, J. T. Lyle, W . H. F erguson, S. D. Ace, E S T A B L IS H E D AUGUST 10, 1903. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u r c e s. L ia b ilitie s . Loans and discou nts ............ $154,594 781 Overdrafts ............................... F urniture and iix tu res........ 1,334 Due from approved reserve banks ..................................... 16,565 Due from other banks ___ 5,812 E xchanges fo r clearing house ..................................... 383 G old coin ............. 937 Silver coin ........................ 937 U. S. and national currency 3,176 N ickles and c e n t s ................. 44 T ota l 43 74 10 19 89 03 40 40 00 94 ............................. $184,362 22 Capital stock paid in ........ $10,000 Surplus fund ......................... 6,000 U ndivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes 2,529 paid ........................................ Individual deposits, su bject to check ................................. 46,403 Tim e certificates o f deposit 117,503 Savings deposits .................. 1,925 T ota l 00 00 01 59 96 66 ............................. $184,362 22 Belmont— Belmont State Bank. W. P. HUGHES, President. R. F. MATES, Vice President. W . P. Hughes, R. F. Mates, D. L. Riechers, John H untington, H A L MTJRLEY, Cashier. D IR E C TO RS. T. J. K ilpatrick, W m. W erfelm an, J. C. H ubenthal. E S T A B L IS H E D MAY 1, 1899. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. L oans and d isco u n ts.......... $103,030 Overdrafts ............................... 818 U. S., state, m unicipal and other bon ds ....................... 3,000 B anking house ......... 3,232 F urniture and fixtures ........ 1,687 Due from approved reserve banks ..................................... 6,562 Checks on other banks and cash item s ......................... 1,952 Gold coin ................................. 1,625 Silver c o i n ................................. 797 U. S. and national currency 5,328 Nickels and cents ................. 162 T otal L ia b ilitie s . 46 69 00 38 60 76 46 00 55 00 80 ............................. $128,197 60 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Capital stock paid in .......... $25,000 00 Surplus fund ......................... 1,750 00 Undivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid .............. 997 47 Individu al deposits, subject to check ............................... 39,449 61 Dem and certificates o f de p osit ....................................... 57 00 Tim e certificates o f deposit 44,017 14 Savings deposits ................. 1,926 38 B ills payable ......................... 15,000 00 T ota l ............................. $128,197 60 46 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF BANKING. \ Belmont— Farmers’ State Bank. .T. H. R IE C H E R S, President. J. H. A L E X A N D E R , Vice President. L. F. KUHN H EN N , Cashier. THOM AS G U GERTY, A sst. Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. R. A. Jones, T. B. H uggins, E. J. Chappell. J. H. Riecliers, .1. H. Alexander, T hom as G ugerty, Jam es L. Doyle, E S T A B L IS H E D AUGUST 9, 1909. Statement October 31, 1914. L ia b ilitie s . R e so u rc e s. L oans and discounts .......... $137,120 80 2,432 78 O verdrafts ............................... 1,971 SO Furniture and fixtures ----1,908 63 Other real estate o w n e d ----Due from approved reserve 19,335 51 banks .................................. 2,555 99 Due from other b a n k s .......... Checks on other banks and 1,234-91 cash item s ........................... 530 00 Gold coin ................................. 479 35 Silver coin ............................. 4,066 00 U. S. and national currency 14 62 Nickels and ce n ts................. Capital stock paid in ......... $20,000 Surplus fund ...................... 2,500 U ndivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid ........... 702 Individu al deposits, subject to check ............................... 91,344 Tim e certificates o f deposit 57,103 $171,650 39 T otal 00 00 35 78 26 $171,650 39 T otal Beloit— The Beloit State Bank. ,H. A. YON OVEN, President. C. H. P A L E Y , V ice President. R. E. MEECH, Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. Henrietta Paley, C. H. Paley, H- A. Von Oven. ' E S T A B L IS H E D OCTOBER 12, 1S92. Statement October 31, 1914. L ia b ilitie s . R e so u r c e s, Capital stock paid in .............. $70,000 00 Loans and d iscou n ts..........$791,797 33 14,000 00 Overdrafts .............................. 1,956 03 Surplus fu nd ......................... Undivided profits, less cu r U. S., state, m unicipal and rent expenses and taxes other bonds .......................... 123,322 50 paid 32,718 27 Stocks and other securities 3,851 50 8,043 88 B anking ho,use ..................... 10,000 00 Due to banks— deposits . . . . Individual deposits, subject F urniture and fix tu res........ 5,000 00 to check ..................... 479,711 66 Due from approved reserve banks ..................................... 174,811 03 Demand certificates o f de posit ...................................... 19,665 03 Checks on other banks and 32,135 32 cash i t e m s ............................. 9,931 69 Tim e certificates o f deposit .................. 510,418 84 Savings deposits Gold coin ......................... 2,000 00 302 60 Silver c o i n ................................. 6,484 00 Certified checks ................... P ostal savings ....................... 6,590 48 IT. S. and national currency 43,878 00 Nickels and c e n t s .................. 554 00 Total ........................... $1,173,586 08 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis T otal ...........................$1,173,586 08 REPORTS OF STATE BANKS. 47 Beloit— The L. C. Hyde & Brittan Bank. C L A R A H Y D E B R IT T A N , President. R. K. R O C K W E L L , Vice President. B.. S: GREENE, Cashier-: D IR E C TO R S. E. S. Greene, C. H. B rittan, . B'. R ockwell, If. K. R ockw ell’. a E S T A B L IS H E D MAY, 18.74. Incorporated as a State Bank, May 9, 18991 Statement October S i , 1914. R e so u rc e s. L ia b ilitie s . Loans and d iscou n ts.......... $290,930 95 Capital stock paid i n .. Overdrafts ............................... 5,994 35 Surplus fund ................... P. S., state, m unicipal and Undivided profits, less cur other bonds ...................... 404,647 05 rent expenses and taxes Prem ium on bonds ............. 347 00 paid ............. Banking- house ..................... 12,500 00 Due to banks— d e p o s it s .... Furniture and fix tu res.......... 4,000 00 Individual deposits, su bject Due from approved reserve to check ....................... banks .................................... 153,601 79 Demand certificates o f de Due from other b a n k s.......... 28 65 p osit ........................... Exchanges for clearing Tim e certificates o f deposit ^ bouse ..................................... 2,193 27 Savings deposits ............ Gold com ................................. 14,440 00 SUver coin ............................... 1,832 85 L.: S. and national currency 26,064 00 Nickels and cents ............... 282 80 Total $916,832 71 Total $50,000 00 10,000 00 8,522 60 6,226 6S 327,856 24 326,762 45 33,849 97 153,614 77 $916,832 71 Benton— The Benton State Bank. P. A. ORTON, President. W . R. BUCHAN, Vice President. W. B. V A IL, Cashier. .1. E. OTIS, Asst. Cashiei R. A. C O U L TH A RT , Ass D IR E C TO R S. F. Metcalf, w . B. Vail. P. A. Orton, W. R. Buchan, H. L. W inskell, E S T A B L IS H E D DECEM BER 3, 1894. Statement October 31, R e so u rc e s. L oans and discounts .......... $278,758 01 O verdrafts ............................... 1,309 71 U. S., state, m unicipal and other bonds ......................... 41,209 00 Banking house ........ .............. 9,250 00 F urniture and fix tu res___ _ 3,800 00 Due from approved reserve banks ............... 53,112 02 Checks on other banks and cash items ....................... 644 56 Gold Coin ................................. 3,082 34 Silver coin ............................... 713 00 U. S. and national currency 8,897 00 Nickels and cen ts................. 149 21 T otal ............................ $400,924 85 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Cashier. 1914 L ia b ilitie s . Capital stock paid i n .......... Surplus fund ........ Undivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid ............. Individual deposits, su bject to check ........ Demand certificates o f dep osit ___ . . . . . T otal $25,000 00 15 000 nn 1 799 U( 79 Oi 286,486 91 ............................. $400,924 So 48 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF BANKING. Berlin— The Berlin State Bank. W. G. BABCOCK, President. J. C. C L IN K , Vice President. A L E X . W A W R Z Y N IA K , Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. W. G. B abcock, H. E. Frisbie. Cyrus W . Allen, John C. Clink, C. M. Boettg'e, E S T A B L IS H E D JA N U A R Y 24, 1905. Statement October 31, 1914. L ia b ilitie s . R e so u rc e s. Loans and d isco u n ts............ $298,012 09 Overdrafts .............................. 21 47 U. S., state, m unicipal and other bonds ......................... 20,100 00 F urniture and fixtu res.......... 2,946 83 Due from approved reserve banks ..................................... 23,177 66 Checks on other banks and 160 99 cash i t e m s .............. Gold c o i n ................................... 1,700 00 Silver coin ............................. 1,993 45 U. S. and national currency 9,104 00 Nickels and cents .............. 160 06 T otal Capital stock paid i n ............ Surplus fund .......................... Undivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid ...................................... Dividends unpaid ................. Individual deposits, su bject to check ............................. Tim e certificates o f deposit Savings deposits ................... Cashier’ s checks outstand ing ............•••••............... ... 6,000 00 8,221 16 6 00 60,375 94 72,771 87 158,439 31 1,562 27 $357,376 55 T otal ............................. $357,376 55 $50,000 00 Birchwood— Birchwood State Bank. A N TH O N Y W ISE, President. JACOB SENTY, Vice President. CLAR E N C E E. W ISE , Cashier. SCIPIO N. W ISE , Asst. Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. A nthon y W ise, Jacob Senty, Frank Newby, H arry A. L ockw ood, Clarence E. W ise. E S T A B L IS H E D JU LY 25, 1914. Statement October 31, 1914. L ia b ilitie s . R e so u r c e s. Loans and d iscou n ts............ F urniture and fix tu res........ Due from approved reserve banks ..................................... Due from other banks ___ Checks on other banks and cash item s ........................... Gold coin ................................. Silver coin ............................... U. S. and national currency N ickels and cents ................. E xpense ..................................... T otal Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ............. ............... $5,339 09 1,654 84 16,673 32 1,500 00 1,216 34 325 00 276 65 739 QO 13 42 376 47 $28,114 13 Capital stock paid i n . . ----Surplus fund ......................... Individual deposits, su bject to check ............................... Tim e certificates o f deposit Savings deposits ................ Cashier’s checks outstand in g ........................................ Other ........................................ T ota l ............................. $10,000 00 1,000 00 10,527 94 5,635 00 32 01 915 18 4 00 $28,114 13 REPORTS OF STATE BANKS. 49 Birnamwood— The Bank of Birnamwood. .T. H. VAN DOREN , President. L. W . B O E T T C H E R , Vice President. D. W . VAN DOREN , Cashier. GEO. A. JEW SON, A.sst. Cashier. D IR E C TO RS. .T. H. Van Doren, L. W . B oettcher, Otto A. Reinke, D. W . Van Doren, Jos. Rundham mer, Jr. Louis Steckbauer, Chas. C. Vogl. E S T A B L IS H E D SE PT E M B E R 1, 1900. Incorporated as a State Bank A ugust 15, 1903. Statement October 31, 1014. R e so u rc e s. Lis i hi I ¡ t i e s . Loans and discounts .......... $133,562 84 Capital stock paid in ............. Overdrafts ............................... 129 63 Surplus fund ......................... Furniture and fixtu res.......... 1,400 00 Undivided profits, less c u r Due from approved reserve rent expenses and taxes banks ................................... 33,341 88 paid ........................................ Due from other b a n k s.......... 9,113 09 Dividends unpaid .................. Gold coin ................................. 1,045 00 Individual deposits, subject Silver coin ............................... 611 00 to check ............................... IL S. and national currency 5,280 00 Demand certificates o f de Nickels and cen ts................... 62 10 posit ...................................... T otal ............................... $184,545 54 $15,000 00 5,000 00 5,284 11 30 00 52,475 88 106,755 75 T otal ................... ........... $184,545 54 Black Creek— Bank of Black Creek. WM. STRA SSB Ü R G E R , President. P E T E R R Y SE R , Vice President. G. H. P E T E R S , Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. G. H. Peters, Chas. Hagen, Aug. Strassburger, , B. J. Zuehlke, W m. Strassburger, Peter Ryser. E S T A B L IS H E D D E CEM BER 2S, 1903. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u r c e s. Loans and d iscou n ts.............. $151,189 10 Overdrafts ............................... 294 08 Banking house ............... 2,500 00 F urniture and fixtu res.......... 1,000 00 Due from approved reserve banks .................................... 24,628 59 Checks on other banks and cash item s ......................... 609 22 Gold coin ................................. 300 00 Silver coin ............................... 1,587 70 IT. S. and national currency 8,473 00 N ickels and ce n ts................. 73 33 T otal ............................ $190,655 02 4— B. S. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis L ia b ilitie s . Capital stock paid in .......... Surplus fund ....... Undivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes Paid ........................................ Individual deposits, su bject to check ................... . ......... Tim e certificates o f deposit $10,000 00 5,000 00 2,526 29 3S,236 87 134,891 86 T otal .............................. $190,655 02 50 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF BANKING. Black Earth— Black Earth State Bank. IV E R SIM LEY, Cashier. OEAF IIAGENE, Asst. Cashier G. W. P A R K E R , President. JOH N A. W A R D , Vice President. D IR E C TO R S John A. W ard, Iver Simley, M. A. M ickelson. A. A. M ickelson, G. W . Parker, E S T A B L IS H E D NOVEM BER 10, 1901. Statement October 31, 1914. L ia b ilitie s . R e so u rc e s. Loans and d iscou n ts.............. $129,586 92 O verdrafts .......................... 1,252 32 U. S., state, m unicipal and 3,000 00 other bonds ......................... Banking hou se ....................... 1.600 00 F urniture and fix tu res.......... 1,750 00 Due from approved reserve banks ............. * • -................ 14,478 14 2,380 00 Gold coin ............... Silver coin ............................... 473 70 U. S. and national currency 5,555 00 Nickels and ce n ts................. 69 96 T otal ...............................$160,146 34 Capital stock paid in .......... Surplus fund .......................... Undivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid ........................................ Individual deposits, su b je ct to check ....................... Demand certificates of de posit ........................................ $12,000 00 1,400 00 2,392 72 41,998 51 102,353 11 Total ............................... $160,146 34 Black Hawk— Black Hawk State Bank. (P . O. S P R IN G GREEN .) A. T. S P R E C H E R . President. JOHN R IE S E R , Vice President. L. R. SPRE C 1IE R , Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. Julius Nold, John Schiess, Geo. L. Schneller. A. T. Sprecher, John Rieser, W . F. Schaefer, Martin Sprecher, E S T A B L IS H E D OCTOBER 31, 1914. Statement October 31, 1914. L ia b ilitie s . R e so u rc e s. Banking house ..................... Furniture and fix tu res........ D u e from approved reserve banks ..................................... $2,200 00 708 45 Total ............................... $11,438 85 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis S.530 40 Capital stock paid in ........... U ndivided profits, less c u r rent expenses and taxes paid ........................................ T otal ............................. $10,000 00 1,438 85 $11,438 85 REPORTS OF STATE BANKS. 51 Black River Falls— Jackson County Bank. B. L. VAN GOItDEN, President. P. E. T A N N E R , Vice President. RUFUS A. JONES, 2nd V ice President. JOH N H. M ILLS, Cashier. W . II. JONES, Asst. Cashier. A N N A OLSON, A sst. Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. Nick Andrews, J. II. Mills, S. II. Van Gorden, B. L. Van Gorden, Geo. F. Cooper, E. A. H om stad, J. B. Miller, It. A. Jones, F. G. W arren, Samuel Lund. F. E. Tanner, A bel Cheney. E S T A B L IS H E D JA N U A R Y 11, 1877. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u r c e s. L ia b ilitie s . L oans and d iscou n ts............$265,006 01 Capital stock paid in ............ $27,700 00 Overdrafts ................................ 3,876 67 Surplus fund ......................... 7,000 00 U. S., state, m unicipal and U ndivided profits, less cu r 21,515 00 other bonds ......................... rent expenses and taxes B an king house ..................... 8,500 00 paid ........................................ 13,660 08 Furniture and fix tu r e s ......... 4,277 62 Due to banks— d ep osits___ 8,854 62 Other real estate o w n e d .... 735 45 D ividends unpaid ............. 465 00 Due from approved reserve individu al deposits, su b banks .................... 43,362 21 je ct to check ....................... 106,175 11 Checks on other banks and Tim e certificates o f deposit 185,722 67 649 67 Cashier’ s checks outstand cash items ........................ Gold coin ................................... 1,630 00 ing .......................................... 3,877 30 Silver coin ............................... 1,304 00 Debentures .............................. 773 08 U. S. and national currency 3,261 50 109 62 Nickels and ce n ts................... T ota l .............................. $354,227 86 T otal ...... ..........................$354,227 86 Blair— The Home Bank of Blair. O. B. BORSH EIM , President. G. L. SOLBERG, Vice President. K. J. P. K. H agestad, M cK ivergin, G. Hanson, I. N. KNUTSON, Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. O'. B. Borsheim , K . S. K nutson, G. L. Solberg. E S T A B L IS H E D OCTOBER 7, 1899. Incorporated as a State Bank March 20, 1903. Statement October 31. 1914. R e so u rc e s. L ia b ilitie s . Loans and d iscou n ts............. $360,397 81 Capital stock paid in ............ $15,000 00 7,162 75 Surplus fund ......................... Overdrafts .......................... 15,000 00 Banking house ............. 3,000 00 Undivided profits, less c u r Furniture and f i x t u r e s ..... . 500 00 rent expenses and taxes L>ue from approved reserve paid ........................................ 4,494 82 banks ..................................... 53,742 60 Due to banks— d ep osits........ 1,798 26 Due from other b a n k s.......... 12,652 79 Individual deposits, su bject Checks on other banks and to check ............................... 39,279 02 cash items ...................... 12 00 Tim e certificates o f deposit 329,130 15 Gold coin ................................. 3,180 00 Savings deposits ................... 24,165 13 Silver coin ............................. 656 00 Cashier’ s checks ou tstan d IT. S. and national currency 7,565 00 in g .......................................... 4,117 97 Nickels and ce n ts........, ......... 116 40 B ills payable ........................ 15,000 00 Reserved fo r ta x e s........... . 1,000 00 T otal ............................. $448,9S5 35 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis T ota l ......................... .... $448,985 35 52 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF BANKING. Blanchardville— Union State Bank. E. I. STEE N SLA N D , President. O. It. OLSON, Vice President. E. It. JACKSON, Cashier. C. H. BUCKINGHAM , Asst. Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. E. I. Steensland, Jas. A. Blanchard, M. J. Cleary, O. R. Olson, H. Bollerud, A ntone A. N yboten. E. Regez, Sr., E S T A B L IS H E D OCTOBER 14, 1891. In corporated as a State B an k June 5, 1903. Statement October 31, 1914. R esou rces. L ia b ilitie s . L oans and d iscou n ts............$391,215 12 Overdrafts ............. 3,583 67 B anking house ..................... 5,000 00 F urniture and fix tu res........ 2,400 00 5,000 00 Other real estate ow n ed ___ Due from approved reserve banks ..................................... 45,829 84 Due from other ba n k s.......... 3,533 .11 Checks on other banks and 1,429 63 cash item s ........................... Gold coin ................................. 2,368 60 Silver coin ............................... 1,036 20 U. S. and national currency 4,791 00 N ickels and cents .................. 32 47 T otal .............................. $468,219 64 Capital stock paid i n .......... Surplus fu nd ......................... Undivided profits, less c u r rent expenses and taxes paid ............. Due to banks— d ep osits___ D ividends unpaid ................. Individual deposits, su bject to check ................................. Dem and certificates of d e p osit ...................................... Savings deposits ................. Cashier’s checks outstand in g .......................................... $55,000 00 11,000 00 1,636 43 1,406 37 12 00 159,082 31 233,340 10 '0,677 43 65 00 T otal .............................. 8468,219 64 Bloomer— Bank of Bloomer. JOS. BARCUM E, President. WM. LA RSO N , Vice President. W m. L arson, O. A. Abraham son, L. M. Newman, A. T. NEW M AN, Cashier. ED. K R A N Z F E L D E R , Asst. Cashier. D IR E C TO R S . James M cK innon, Jos. Barcum e. E S T A B L IS H E D 1882. In corporated as a State Bank A ugu st 15, 1903. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u r c e s. L ia b ilitie s . L oans and discounts ............ $246,608 Overdrafts ............................... 7,310 U. S., state, m unicipal and other bonds ......................... 27,804 B anking house ....................... 4,200 F urniture and fixtures . . . . 2,125 Due from approved reserve banks ..................................... 52,955 Checks on other banks and cash items ........................... 913 Gold coin ................................. 1,915 Silver coin ............................... 1,693 U. S. and national currency 11,293 Nickels and cents .................. 341 Total Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 39 85 95 00 00 21 76 00 00 00 92 $357,161 08 Capital stock paid in .......... Surplus fu nd ......................... U ndivided profits, less c u r rent expenses and taxes paid ........................................ Individu al deposits, su bject to check ................................. Tim e certificates o f deposit Notes and bills rediscounted Total $10,000 00 2,095 68 1,804 86 100,794 54 232,466 00 10,000 00 $357,161 08 REPORTS OF STATE BANKS. 53 Bloomer— Peoples State Bank of Bloomer. F. H. CUTTING, President. CHAS. A L B R E C H T , Vice President. W. E. K IT C H , Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. A. J. Martin, H e n ry /P . W erner, H. M. Traukle. F. H. Cutting, C. F. Althans, Chas. Albrecht, C. Hansen, E S T A B L IS H E D JA N U A R Y 6, 1912. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u r c e s. L ia b ilitie s . Loans and discounts .......... $119,093 82 O verdrafts ............................... 4,985 08 IT. S., state, m unicipal and 6,972 50 other bonds ......................... B anking house ....................... 2,000 00 F urniture and fixtures ___ 2,058 91 Due from approved reserve banks ..................................... 19,276 88 Checks on other banks and cash item s ........................... 1,606 27 Gold coin ................................. 705 00 Silver coin ............................... 566 20 U. S. and national currency 4,432 00 N ickels and cents ................. 490 21 T otal .............................. $162,186 87 Capital stock paid in .......... Surplus fu nd ......................... Undivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid ........................................ Individual deposits, su bject to check ............................... Tim e certificates o f deposit Notes and bills re-discounted $10,000 00 1,553 78 502 64 48,287 22 96,243 23 5,600 00 T otal .............................. $162,1S6 87 Bloomington— The Bloomington State Bank. W IL L M O R R ISSE Y, President. A. C. TUBBS, V ice P resident. S. E. PEARSON, Cashier. L. M. G R E E R , Asst. Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. Thos. Bailie, S. E. Pearson, C. W . Stone. A. C. T ubbs, W ill M orrissey, L. M. Greer, Bert G. Fennel, E S T A B L IS H E D AUGUST 28,1909. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. Loans and discounts ............ O verdrafts ............................... B anking house ................. F urniture and fixtures ___ Due from approved reserve banks ..............................-... Gold coin ............................ Silver coin ............................... U. S. and national currency N ickels and cents ............... Cash short ............................... L ia b ilitie s . $86,097 3,260 3,485 2,745 24 43 78 73 9,618 635 739 2,162 74 15 43 00 95 00 42 41 T otal ............................... $108,834 39 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Capital stock paid in ............ $15,000 Surplus fund ........................... 100 Undivided profits, less c u r rent expenses and taxes paid ........................................ 382 Individual deposits, su bject to check ................................. 20,838 Tim e certificates o f deposit 72,513 00 00 06 49 84 T otal ............................... $108,834 39 54 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF BANKING. Bloomington— The Wocdhouse & Bartley Bank. p . B A R T L E Y , P re s id e d M. F. W OODHOUSE, Cashier. F. L. B A R T L E Y , A sst. Cashier. L. A. W OODHOUSE, A sst. Cashier. D IR E C T O R S , p . Bartley, L. P. Bartley, M. F. W oodhouse, L. A. W oodhouse. E S T A B L IS H E D F E B R U A R Y 1, 1S83. Incorporated as a State Bank A ugust 10, 1903. Statement October 31, 1914. L ia b ilitie s . R e so ii rees. Loans and discounts .......... $671,266 46 O v e r d r a fts ................................ 9,093.20 Banking house ....................... 4,000 00 F urniture and fixtures . . . . 3,119 90 Due from approved reserve 106,267 50 banks .................................... Checks on other banks and cash items ........................... 30 00 1,475 00 Gold coin .......................... Silver coin ................. 491 45 U. S. and national c u r r e n c y " 4,019 00 N ickels and cents .......... 89 08 Capital stock paid i n . . . . . . Surplus f u n d .................... .... Undivided profits, less c u r rent expenses and taxes paid .................................•••• Individu al deposits, su bject to check ............................... Dem and certificates o f d e p osit ....................................... Tim e certificates o f deposit ................ Savings deposits B ills p a y a b le .................... ....... $15,000 00 15,000 00 17,086 18 238,127 77 35,000 00 449,460 75 176 89 30,000 00 T otal ............................... $799,851 59 T otal ............................... $799,851 59 Blue Mounds— Blue Mounds State Bank. II. B. D A H L E , President. H. L. D A H L E , Vice President. T. G. L IN G A R D , Cashier. O. M. D A L E Y , A sst. Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. H. B. Dahle, II. L. Dahlc, * E S T A B L IS H E D T. G. Lingard. MAY 16, 1910. Statement October 31. 1914. R esources. Loans and discounts .......... $43,028 52 Overdrafts ................... 123 91 Banking house ....................... 2,710 29 Furniture and fixtures .... 1,305 37 Due from approved reserve banks ........... 6,850 88 Gold coin ............................ 270 00 Silver coin ........... 199 00 U. S. and national currency 3,215 00 N ickels and cents ................ 13 40 Total Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis $57,716 37 L ia b ilitie s . Capital stock paid in .......... Surplus fu nd ........................ Undivided profits, less c u r rent expenses and taxes paid ................................ Due to banks— deposits ----Individu al deposits, su bject to check ................. Demand certificates o f de p osit ....................................... T im e certificates o f deposit Cashier’ s checks outstanding T otal $10,000 00 1,000 00 1,523 88 71 53 14,754 55 9,684 69 20,220 62 461 10 $57,716 37 REPORTS OF STATE BANKS. Blue River— Blue River State Bank. W. R. COUMBE, President. J. S. P E T E R S , V ice President. ,T. R O B ’T COUMBE, Cashier. G. L. DOOLEY, Asst. Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. W. R. Coumbe, J. S. Peters, ,T. Iio b ’t Coumbe. E S T A B L IS H E D S E PTE M B E R 7, 190G. Statement October 31. 1914. R e so urces. L ia b ilitie s . Loans and discounts .......... .$132,659 85 Capital stock paid in .......... Overdrafts ............................... 623 66 Surplus fu nd ......................... B anking house ....... 1,627 87 Undivided profits, less cu r F urniture and fixtures ___ 1,308 90 rent expenses and taxes Due from approved reserve paid ........................................ banks ............. 9,009 91 Individual deposits, su bject Checks on other banks and to check ............................. 2 00 Tim e certificates o f deposit cash items ............................. Gold coin ................................... 1,260 00 Cashier’ s checks outstanding Silver coin ............................... 598 55 B ills payable ......................... IT. S. and national currency 6,440 00 Other ............. Nickels and cents ................. 121 81 Total ............................... $153,652 55 $10,000 00 1,600 00 1,358 62 49,561 84 78,276 75 2,826 68 10,000 00 28 66 Total .............................. $153,652 55 Bonduel— Bonduel State Bank. CH RIS. BONNIN, President. WM. G R A F, Vice President. R. C. W EN D T , Cashier. D IR E C TO RS. Win. Graf, Chris. Bonnin, Chas. Zuelilke, Elmer Spenglcr, R. C. W endt, Arthur Lange, Math. W agner. E STA B L ISH E D SEPTE M B E R 24, 1906. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. L ia b ilitie s . Loans anci discounts .......... $239,333 88 Capital stock paid in .......... $25,000 Overdrafts ............................ 389 45 Surplus fund ......................... 12,500 B anking house ........... 5,694 21 Undivided profits, less c u r Furniture and fixtures . . . . 1,88180 rent expenses and taxes Due from approved reserve paid ........................................ 6,792 banks .................................... 32,785 53 Individual deposits, subject Due from other banks .... 13,98691 to check ................................. 57,432 Checks on other banks and Time certificates o f deposit 195,403 cash i t e m s ................... 4,788 70 Savings deposits ............. 14,139 Gold coin ................................. 3,830 00 Silver coin ............................... 1,819 40 IT. S. and national currency 6,684 00 Nickels and cents .................. 74 08 T otal .............................. $311,267 96 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 00 00 82 09 88 17 T otal .............................. $311,267 96 56 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF BANKING. Boscobel— Central State Bank. THEO. K R Ö N SHARE, President. J. C. BE TZ, Vice President. C. W . M ENKHAUSEN, Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. Theo. K ronshage, J. C. Betz, Geo. P. H ildebrand. E S T A B L IS H E D AUGUST, 1871. In corporated as a State Bank Ju ly 20, 1903. [F orm erly T H E P IP K IN ST A T E B A N K .] Statement October 31, 1914. L ia b ilitie s . R e so u rc e s. Loans and discounts ............ $235,224 Overdrafts ............................... 1,885 U. S., state, m unicipal and 40,000 other bonds ......................... B anking house ....................... 6,000 Furniture and fixtures ........ 1,000 Due from approved reserve b a n k s ...................................... 48,946 Gold coin ................................. 5,357 Silver coin ............................... 1,311 U. S. and national currency 4,999 Nickels and cents ................. 28 97 10 00 00 00 18 50 50 00 14 Capital stock paid in ............ $25,000 00 300 00 Surplus fund ........................... Undivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid ............... 617 32 Individual deposits, su bject to check ................................. 57,919 16 Dem and certificates o f de posit ........................................ 9,329 45 Tim e certificates o f deposit 251,586 46 T ota l .............................. $344,752 39 T otal ...............................$344,752 39 Boscobel— State Bank of Boscobel. LOUIS B. RUICA, President. JOH N J. RU KA, V ice President. R. J. M ORRISO N, Cashier. F R E D W . RUKA, A sst. Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. L ouis P>. Ruka, John J. Ruka, Fred W. Ruka, R obert J. M orrison. E S T A B L IS H E D JU LY 2, 1892. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. L ia b ilitie s . $15,000 00 Loans and discounts .......... $226,025 46 Capital stock paid in -----3,000 00 O v e r d r a fts ................................ 1,803 74 Surplus fu nd ........................... U ndivided profits, less cu r U. S., state, m unicipal and rent expenses and taxes other bonds ......................... 51,751 39 paid ........................................ 570 83 B anking house ....................... 3,750 00 F urniture and fixtures ........ 1,100 00 Individual deposits, su bject to check ............................... 64,247 54 Due from approved reserve banks ___ .*............................ 43,578 35 Dem and certificates o f de p osit ........................................ 26,193 92 Checks on other banks and cash ite m s.............................. 433 80 T im e certificates of deposit 216,298 66 10,000 00 Gold coin ............. 630 00 Notes and bills rediscounted Silver coin ............................... 1,885 00 U. S. and national currency 4,260 00 Nickels and cents .................. 93 21 T otal ............................... $335,310 95 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis T otal ............................... $335,310 95 REPORTS OF STATE BANKS. 57 Boyceville— Bank of Boyceville. W. R. ZA B E L , President. T. N. CLOUGH, Vice President. Theron N. Clough, W . R. Zabel, M. F. Baker, C. W . HAYES, Cashier. E. C. A JE R , Asst. Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. W m . Schlongh, C. W . Hayes, , John Schutz. E S T A B L IS H E D OCTOBER 19, 1909. Statement October 31, 1014. L ia b ilitie s . R e so u rc e s. Loans and discounts .......... $138,200 68 Capital stock paid in .......... Overdrafts ................................ 624 22 Surplus fund ........................... B anking house ....................... 2,305 77 Undivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes F urniture and fixtures ........ 1,679 43 Due from approved reserve paid ........................................ 18,69S 26 Individual deposits, su bject banks .................................... Due from other banks ........ 8,236 00 to check ................................ Checks on other banks and T im e certificates o f deposit cash i t e m s ............................. 58 19 /Savings deposits ................... Gold coin ................................... 1,030 00 Cashier’ s checks outstanding Silver coin ............................... 756 25 TJ. S. and national currency 2,175 00 Nickels and c e n t s ................. 54 87 $10,000 00 5,000 00 1,090 46 53,449 99,769 70 4,437 95 88 78 60 T otal ............................... $173,818 67 T otal ............................... $173,818 67 Boyd— State Bank of Boyd. A L B E R T BU TSCH ER, President. THEO. BU TSCH ER, Vice President. GEO. NELSON, Cashier. JOH N W . M EYER, Asst. Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. A lbert Butscher, Theo. Butscher, John Low , Gust. Keehn, * Theo. Keehn, Constantine Nau, W m . Esslinger. E S T A B L IS H E D F E B R U A R Y 10, 1903. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. Loans and discounts .. . . . . $121,778 Overdrafts ............................... 1,601 U. S., state, m unicipal and 9,100 other bonds ......................... B an king house ....................... 4,500 Furniture and fi x t u r e s ........ 2,100 Due from approved reserve b a n k s ...................................... 24,115 Checks on other banks and cash items ........................... 28 Gold coin ................................. 110 Silver coin ............................... 825 U. S. and national currency 2,926 Nickels and cents .................. 78 L ia b ilitie s . 83 69 00 00 00 08 57 00 25 00 15 T otal .............................. $167,163 57 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Capital stock paid in .......... Surplus fund ........................... Undivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid ........................................ Individual deposits, su bject to check ............................... Tim e certificates o f deposit Savings deposits ................... Cashier’s checks outstanding $25,000 00 4,200 00 1,345 55 21,091 71,977 42,180 1,368 72 43 08 79 T otal .............................. $107,163 57 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF BANKING. 58 Boyd— The Citizens State Bank of Boyd. W A L T E R M ILL IN G , P resident. F. X. K L E IN E R , Vice President. B. H. M A TZK E , Cashier. W . W. SHONG, Asst. Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. R obert Ritchie, Ed. W anish, Joseph Liclit, Nick Drace. R obert Connor, F. X . Kleiner, W alter M illing, L. A. Turner, E S T A B L IS H E D JU LY 7, 1910. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. Loans and discounts .......... O v e r d r a fts ............................ B anking h o u s e ....................... Other real estate owned . . . Due from approved reserve banks ........................ Due from other b a n k s .......... Gold coin ................................. Silver coin ............................... U. S. and national currency N ickels and cents ................. T otal ............................. L ia b ilitie s . $51,941 460 2,509 7,273 38 64 00 63 396 00 14 29 870 00 155 10 885 00 20 59 $64,525 63 Capital stock paid in ............ $12,500 250 Surplus fund ...................... Undivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid ............. 441 Individual deposits, su bject to check ................... 15,994 Tim e certificates o f deposit 18,480 Savings deposits ................. 16,859 T otal ......................... 00 00 56 43 20 44 $64,525 63 Brandon— F. R. Foster & Son, Bankers. F. R. F O STE R , President. J. W. F O STE R , V ice President. F. R. S C H W AN D T, Cashier. D IR E C TO R S . F. R. Foster, J. W. Foster, F. R. Schwandt. E S T A B L IS H E D JA N U A R Y 1, 1892. In corporated as a State Bank June 26, 1903. Statement October 31. 1914 l. I ■ R e so u rc e s. L ia b ilitie s . L oans and d iscounts .......... $272,589 72 O v e r d r a fts ............................ 7,551 15 U. S., state, m unicipal and other bon ds ......... 25,100 00 Stocks and other securities 325 00 Banking house ...................... 5,000 00 F urniture and fixtures ........ 1,500 00 Due from approved reserve banks ......... 59,724 36 Gold coin ................................. 1.747 50 Silver coin . . . .......................... 720 75 U. S. and national currency 11,036 00 Nickels and cents .................. 15 82 Capital stock paid in ............ $50,000 00 Surplus fund ......................... 8,994 79 Undivided profits, less c u r rent expenses and taxes paid ........................................ 1,473 54 Individual deposits, su bject to check ................................. 67,414 85 Demand certificates o f de p osit ...................................... 73,596 29 Time certificates o f deposit 183,830 S3 Total ............................... $385,310 30 Total ............................... $385,310 30 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis REPORTS OF STATE BANKS. 59 Bristol— Bristol State Bank. F. C. E. STEVEN S, President. H. M URDOCH, Vice President. E D W IN J. ZAUN, Cashier. ROSA ZAUN, Asst. Cashier. C L AR A ZAUN, Asst. Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. F. E. Stevens, F. R. Snyder, A. C. Zaun, E dwin J. Zaun, c. it . M urdoch, E S T A B L IS H E D AUGUST 17, 1907. Statement October 31. 1914. L ia b ilitie s . R e so u r c e s. Loans and d iscou n ts............ U. S., state, m unicipal and other bonds ......................... B anking house ....................... F urniture and fix tu res......... Due from approved reserve banks ......................... Due from other ba n k s.......... Checks on other banks and cash items ....... 'Gold coin ........................ Silver coin ............................... IJ. S. and national currency Nickels and c e n ts................. $53,966 97 T otal ............................... $93,933 53 13,104 56 1,075 00 1,301 00 14,390 15 6,495 24 14 100 492 2,645 348 65 00 20 00 70 Capital stock paid in ........ Surplus fund ......................... Undivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid ........................................ Due to banks— d e p o s it s .... Individual deposits, subject to check ................................. Demand certificates of de posit ...................................... Savings deposits ................... $10,000 00 3,000 00 T ota l ............................... $93,933 53 Brodhead— Green County Bank. J. L. R O D E R IC K , President. C ..). STEPH EN SON , Vice President. 2,456 63 205 37 23,304 66 49,894 17 5,072 70 IS E D W . H. COLE, Cashier. G. ZU ERCH ER, Asst. Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. E dw ard McNair, .1. B. Pierce, ( ’ has. Zuercher, E. ,T. Mitchell. C. J. Stephenson, J. L. R oderick, M. G. K arney, Edw. H. Cole, A. W . Palm er, E S T A B L IS H E D AUGUST 1, 1895. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u r c e s. Loans and d iscou n ts............$363,228 O verdrafts ............................... 287 U. S., state, m unicipal and other bon ds ......................... 60,700 B anking house ....................... 8,500 Furniture and fix tu r e s ......... 1,500 Due from approved reserve banks ............................ . . . . 52,950 Due from other b a n k s.......... 4,317 Checks on other banks and cash items ........................... 1,637 Gold coin .................................. 4,287 Silver coin .............................. 889 U. S. and national currency 11,310 Nickels and cents .................. 69 L ia b ilitie s . 03 20 00 00 00 65 00 $50,000 00 40,000 00 3,330 02 112,783 40 199,575 30 103,9S8 28 28 50 95 00 39 T otal ............................... $509,697 00 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Capital stock paid in ............ Surplus fu nd ......................... Undivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid ....................................... Individual deposits, su bject to cheek ................................. Demand certificates o f de posit ...................................... Savings deposit .................... Total ............................... $509,097.00 GO REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF BANKING. Brodhead— The Bank of Brodhead. C. W . C A R P E N T E R , President. H. P. YOUNG, Vice President. F. K. VANCE, Cashier. K . O. LO FTH US, Asst. Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. F. K. Vance, F. N. Stewart. C. W . Carpenter, H. P. Young, Iv. O, L ofthus, E S T A B L IS H E D JULY 20, 1S81. Statement October 31, 1914. L ia b ilitie s . R e so u rc e s. Loans and d isco u n ts............$195,366 55 Overdrafts ............................... 7,209 01 U. S., state, m unicipal and other bon ds ........................ 2,000 00 F urniture and fixtures ........ 3,000 00 Due from approved reserve banks .................................... IS, 100 89 Due from other b a n k s . . . . . . 1,692 68 Checks on other banks and 926 37 cash items ........................... ^ m d coin ................................. 2,485 00 915 25 Silver coin ............................... U. S. and national currency 7,981 00 366 86 Nickels and cen ts................... Other .......................................... 7 00 Capital stock paid in ............ Surplus fu nd ............. U ndivided profits, less c u r rent expenses and taxes paid ...................................... Individual deposits, subject to check ................................ Demand certificates o f de posit ....................................... Savings deposits .........., ____ B ills payable ........................... $50,000 00 5,500 00 5,587 03 84,943 40 08,329 21 10,670 97 15,000 00 T otal ............................... $240,050 61 T otal ............................... $240,050 61 Brooklyn— Brooklyn State Bank. C. L. W AC K M A N , Cashier. A. R. DAHMS, A sst. Cashier. G. I. T R IP P , President. ZA L A B A L D W IN , V ice President. D IR E C TO RS. Chas. Baldwin, C. L. W ackm an, M abel A lsop. Zala Baldwin, Ed. Rutty, G. I. T ripp, F red Chapin, E STA B L IS H E D JU LY 12, 1900. Statement October 31, 1914. L ia b ilitie s . R e so u rc e s. L oans and d isco u n ts............. $153,603 82 Overdrafts ............................... 3,134 54 U. S., state, m unicipal and other bonds ......................... 5,000 00 Prem ium on bonds ............... 276 00 Banking house ....................... 1,200 00 Furniture and F ix t u r e s .... 1,S87 19 Due from approved reserve banks ..................................... 18,195 44 Gold coin ................................. 1,557 50 Silver coin ............................. 597 60 U. S. and national currency 1,445 00 228 12 Nickels and c e n t s ................... Expenses ................................... 79 98 T otal Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis .............................. $187,205 19 Capital stock paid in ............ Surplus f u n d ........................... Individual deposits, subject to check ................................. Demand certificates o f de posit ....................................... B ills payable ........................... T otal $15,000 00 4,000 00 46,466 61 116,738 58 5,000 00 .............................. $187,205 19 REPORTS OF STATE BANKS. 61 Brownsville— The Brownsville State Bank. P. H. M cCARTY, President. B A R T L B JO N E LY, Vice President. OTTO RUBDEBUSCH, Cashier. D IR E C TO RS. P. H. M cCarty, B artle .Tonely, Jacob W urtz, Otto Ruedebusch, 'C'has. F. Kuen, H enry R osenkraus, E. H. L yons. E S T A B L IS H E D F E B R U A R Y ¡13, 1908. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. L ia b ilitie s . Loans and d iscou n ts... $94,491 Overdrafts ................................ 1 R anking house ....................... 2,090 F u rn itu re 'a n d fixtures .... 1,725 Due from approved reserve banks ...................................... 20,994 Gold coin ................................. 335 Silver coin .............................. 397 U. S. and national currency 3,345 Nickels and ce n ts......... 86 Total 09 98 00 00 82 00 30 00 08 .............................. $123,466 27 Capital stock paid in ............ Surplus fund ........................... Undivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid ........................................ Individual deposits, subject to check ................................. Tim e certificates o f d eposit. Savings deposits ................... T otal $15,000 00 2,000 00 1,930 70 29,600 92 68,931 32 6,003 33 .............................. $123,466 27 Browntown— The Farmers Bank of Browntown. H E N R Y DIVAN , President. AN DRESS T R E E , Vice President. R. E. E R IC K SO N , Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. •T. H. Bast, C. A. K elly, H enry W hitehead, H enry Divan, R. E. Erickson, Frank Soddy, O. M. Erickson, A ndress Tree, A. F. A nderson. E S T A B L IS H E D JA N U A R Y 13, 1903. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. L ia b ilitie s . Loans and discounts ............ $117.528 56 O verdrafts ............................... 1.203 39 B anking house ....................... 3.550 00 Furniture and fix tu res........ 1.935 00 Due from approved reserve banks ..................................... 16.853 54 Due from other b a n k s........... 4,418 84 Checks on other banks and cash items ............................. 11 00 Gold coin ............................... 15 00 Silver coin ............................... 304 30 1,910 00 U. S. and national currency 46 28 Nickels and cents ................. Total Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis $147,835 91 Capital stock paid i n ........... Surplus fund ........................... Undivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid ........................................ Individual deposits, su bject to check ................................. Demand certificates o f de posit ........ ...•..................... T otal $15,550 00 3,008 63 1,161 17 53,231 01 74,885 10 $147,835 91 62 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF BANKING. Bruce— Lumberman’s State Bank of Bruce. D. J. A R P IN , President. E. P. A R P IN , V ice President. W . A. B L AC K B U R N , Vice President. A. G. KR A U SE , Cashier. B. H. T A Y L O R , A sst. Cashier. D IR E C TO RS. 7. Z. Arpin, W . A. Blackburn. D. ,7. A rpin, E. P. Arpin, A. G. Krause, E S T A B L IS H E D 7A N U A R Y 5, 1902. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. L ia b ilitie s . L oans and discounts .......... $117,028 57 Overdrafts ............................... 2,513 56 U. S„ state, municipal and other bonds ........................ 1,000 00 Stocks and other securities. 75 00 B anking house ........... 3,000 00 n ture and fixtures......... 2,619 00 Other real estate o w n e d ... 1,948 50 Due from approved reserve banks . . . . - ........................... 14,050 56 Checks on other banks and cash items ........................... 287 88 G' ld coin ................................. 635 00 Silver coin ............................... 1,702 10 U. S. and national currency 3,169 00 280 68 N ickels and ce n ts................... Capital stock paid i n ......... $15,000 00 Surplus fund ................... 5,000 00 U ndivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid ........................................ 348 36 Individual deposits, su bject to check ................................ 53,453 87 Tim e certificates o f d eposit. 45,078 57 nvings deposits ........... 13,744 38 Cashier’s checks outstand ing ......................................... 10,457 87 226 80 Debentures ............................... B ills p ayable ........................... 5,000 00 T otal .............................. $148,309 85 T otal .............................. $148,309 85 Burlington— Bank of Burlington. C. R. M cCANNA. President. LOUIS R O H R , Vice President. C. R. McCanna, L ouis R ohr, G. A. Uebele, T. J. Cunningham, G. A. UEBELE. Cashier. JOHN T. PR ASC H , Asst. Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. A. M. Brehm, S. D. Slade, H. A. Runkel. E S T A B L IS H E D D ECEM BER 14, 1871. Incorporated as a State Bank Decem ber 17, 1891. Statement October 31, 1914. L ia b ilitie s . R e so u rc e s. Loans and discounts .......... $986,510 42 Capital stock paid in ............ O verdrafts ............................... 5,165 19 Surplus fund ......................... U ndivided profits, less cu r U. S., state, m unicipal and rent expenses and taxes other bonds ......................... 30,340 76 paid ............... 7 ................... Stocks and other securities. 500 00 Due to banks— d e p osits........ F urniture and fix tu res.......... 5.000 00 Other real estate o w n e d ... 3,839 76 D ividends unpaid ................. Individual deposits, su bject Due from approved reserve to check ............... banks .................................... 71.970 60 Due from other b a n k s.......... 7,827 82 Tim e certificates o f deposit Savings deposits ........ E xchanges fo r clearing 1.907 05 Certified ch eck s....................... house .................................... Gold coin ................................. 4,010 00 Silver coin ............................... 4,150 00 U. S. and national currency 19,470 00 N ickels and cents .................. 253 29 T otal Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis $1,140,944 89 Total $75,000 (X) 25,000 00 25,633 58 4,674 96 50 00 265,547 500,161 244,549 328 40 05 65 25 $1,140,944 89 REPORTS OF STATE BANKS. 63 Burlington— Meinhardt Bank. A L B E R T M E IN H A R D T. President. E L IS A M E IN H A R D T, T ice President. ED A M E IN H A R D T, Cashier. D IR E C TO RS. A lbert Meinhardt, E lisa Meinhardt, Eda Meinhardt. E S T A B L IS H E D T ' N P A R Y 1, 1891. Incorporated as a State Bank December 30, 1896. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. L ia b ilitie s . Loans and d i s c o u n t s .... ... $588,482 42 Overdrafts ........................... 655 80 U. S., state, m unicipal and other bonds ....................... 38,180 60 B anking house ...................... 5,000 00 Due from approved reserve banks ..................................... 63,501 81 E xchanges fo r clearing house ..................................... 537 89 Oold coin .............. 4,209 50 Silver coin ....................... .'... 1,61120 U. S. and national currency 14,572 00 N ickels and ce n ts... 41 01 Capital stock paid in .......... $25‘,000 Surplus fund .......................... 50,000 Undivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid ......... 14,612 Individual deposits, subject to check ................................ 140, 699 Tim e certificates o f deposit. 410,506 Savings deposits ................. 87,974 T otal .............................. $719,702 29 00 00 37 27 61 04 T otal ............................... $719,792 29 Burnett— Burnett State Bank. ■T. H. PEACH EY, President. ED. PAUTSCH, Vice President. II. E. R O L L, Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. ■T. H. Peachey, L. W . Dehne, Edw. Pautsch, F. E. Moni, Herman Schelipfeffer, C eoree Meyhew, Ed. Nitschke. E S T A B L IS H E D JUNE 30, 1910, Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rocs. Loans and d isco u n ts............ Overdrafts ............. . . . . . ....... IT. S., state, m unicinal and ocher bonds ........... B anking house ...................... Furniture and fixtu res........ ° t h e r real estate o w n e d .... Due from approved reserve banks ...................................... Checks on other banks and cash items ............................. C old coin .................................. Silver coin ............................... U. S. and national currency Nickels and ce n ts................. T otal Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis L ia b ilitie s . $61,031 74 216 80 1,550 3,000 1,850 1,950 00 00 00 00 4,082 72 39 390 498 1,108 69 60 00 50 00 49 $75,786 85 $10.000 Capital stock paid in ............ Surplus fund ..... 2,000 Undivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes 983 paid .................... Individual deposits, su bject to check ................................ 26,959 Tim e certificates o f deposit 35,823 Cashier’s checks outstand in g .......................................... 20 T otal .............................. 00 00 42 35 10 98 $75,786 85 04 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF BANKING. Butternut— Ashland County Bank. WM. G. F O R D YC E , President. C. S. FO R D YC E , Vice President. TE D SC H O FIE LD , Cashier. JOHN M. FOR D YC E , A sst. Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. Mrs. L. G. Bastedo, James A. Johnson, C. S. F ord yce, Ted Schofield. W m . G. F ordyce, E S T A B L IS H E D JA N U A R Y 11, 1804. Incorporated as a State Bank A ugust 10, 1003. Statement October 31, 1914. L ia b ilitie s . R e so u rc e s. Loans and d iscou n ts............ $140,320 63 Overdrafts ................................ 421 94 U. S., state, m unicipal and ether b o n d s ......................... 7,000 00 1,250 00 B anking house ....................... Furniture and fixtures ........ 1,250 00 Due from approved reserve banks ..................................... 12,753 76 Due from other b a n k s ......... 495 95 Checks on other banks and cash items ............................ 413 00 Gold coin ................................. 915 00 Silver coin ...................... 608 65 U. S. and national currency 3,271 00 Nickels and cen ts................. 63 55 T otal .......................... .. $168,764 08 Capital stock paid in ............ Surplus fund ......................... U ndivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid ........................................ Individual deposits, subject to check ............................... Tim e certificates o f deposit. Savings deposits ................... P ostal savings ....................... $10,000 00 2,000 00 3,037 92 36,848 83,617 29,419 3,840 94 24 94 04 $168,764 08 T otal Cadott— Citizens State Bank. C H A R L E S GRASSLE, President. H E N R Y GOETZ, JR ., Vice President. GEO. W . BOIE, Cashier. F R E D GOETZ, A sst. Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. John J. Kaiser, Charles Grassle, J. C. T anberg. H enry Goetz, Jr., Jam es D oherty, S. R. K aiser, Geo. W . Boie, E S T A B L IS H E D OCTOBER, 1902. Statement October 31, 1914. L ia b ilitie s . R e so u rc e s. L oans and d iscou n ts............. $175,713 49 Capital stock paid in ............ $25,000 00 5,000 00 Overdrafts ............................... 2,159 06 Surplus fund ........................... Undivided profits, less c u r U. S., state, m unicipal and rent expenses and taxes 1,500 00 other bon ds ........................ paid .................................. 1,038 01 Banking house ....................... 4,000 00 12 00 F urniture and fix tu res........... 3,000 00 D ividends unpaid ................. Other real estate o w n ed ----1,190 00 Individual deposits, su bject to check ................................. 44,865 11 Due from approved reserve banks .................................... 6,676 00 Tim e certificates of deposit 101,830 95 Savings deposits .................... 24,087 88 Checks on other banks and cash items ........................... 1,287 50 Cashier’ s checks outstand ing .......................................... 1,673 76 Gold coin ................................. 1,085 00 Silver coin ................................ 953 80 U. S. and national currency 5,797 00 N ickels and cents ................. 145 86 Total Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ............................. $203,507 71 T otal .............................. $203,507 71 J : REPORTS OF STATE BAN KS. 65 C a d o tt— S ta te B a n k o f C a d o tt. F R A N K J. T A V E L L E , President. F R E D L. MUNROE, Cashier. A R T H U R LOTZ, A ctin g Asst. Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. W . L. H em phill, Fred L. Munroe, B. S. B row n, Frank J. Bavelle, M. A. Gilbert, E dw ard Freese. E S TA B L IS H E D IN 1896. Incorporated as a State Bank June 26, 1903. S ta te m e n t O c to b e r 3 1 , 1 9 1 4 . R esou rces. Loans and discounts ............ O v e r d r a fts ................................ U. S., state, m unicipal and other bon ds ......................... Banking house ....................... Furniture and lixtures ___ Other real estate o w n e d ___ Due from approved reserve banks .................................... Checks on other banks and cash items ........................... Gold coin .................................. Silver coin ............................... U. S. and national currency Nickels and cents ................. Total ............................... C a lu m e t $29,431 95 296 46 1,100 3 ,OIK) 1,118 104 00 00 50 00 1,465 21 20 330 298 1,324 13 L ia b ilit ie s . Capital stock paid in .......... Surplus fund ........................... Undivided profits, less current expenses and taxes paid ........................................ Individual deposits, su bject to check ................................. T im e certificates o f deposit Postil 1 savings .. 10,043 06 18,532 3S 2 09 T otal ............................... $38,503 26 .17,000 00 2,000 00 327 73 80 00 40 00 94 $38,503 26 H a rb or— F arm ers S ta te CHAS. BERGEN . Jr., President. ANTON MOERSCH, Vice President. B ank. A. C. E W A L D , Cashier. D IR E C TO RS. Chas. Bergen, .Tr., Chas. Lohse, Anton Moerscli, Chas. W iegand, Edwin Burg, Anton Kalt, H. H. Bergen, Heurs' A. Rather. John Peth, E S T A B L IS H E D J AN U ARY IS, 1911. S ta tem en t O cto b e r 3 1 , 1 9 1 4 . R esou rces. Loans and discounts ............ Overdrafts ............................... IT. S., state, m unicipal and other bon ds ......................... B anking house ....................... Furniture and fixtures ........ Due from approved reserve banks .................................... Checks on other banks and cash item s ........................... Gold coin ................................ Silver coin ............................... IT. S. and national currency Nickels and cents ................. T otal .............................. 5— B. S. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis $65,811 31 167 51 1,550 00 2.236 42 1,576 03 10,686 27 624 335 445 1,323 49 L ia b ilitie s . Capital stock paid in . . . . Undivided profits, less current expenses and taxes paid ........................................ Individual deposits, subject to check ............................... Time certificates o f deposit Savings deposits ................... Other resources ..................... $10,000 00 340 13 23.244 30,849 20,357 12 85 74 70 46 04 00 75 00 4S $84,804 88 T otal ............................... $84.804 88 cc REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF BANKING, Calvary— Farmers State Bank. JO H N L. BEAU, President. P E T E R SIMON, Vice President. A L B E R T J. F R IT Z , Cashier. N ICK K R E B SB A C H , Asst. Cashier. D IR E C TO RS. H enry Fuhrm ann, Joseph Pickart, A lbert J. Fritz. John L. Beau, Peter Simon, Nic. K rebsbach, H enry Blonien, E S T A B L IS H E D FEBRUARY 8, 1911. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. Loans and discounts .......... Overdrafts ............................... U. S., state, m unicipal and other bonds ......................... Due from approved reserve b a n k s ...................................... Gold c o i n .................................. Silver coin ............................... U. S. and national currency Nickels and cents ................. L ia b ilitie s . $79,791 48 1,499 44 3,500 17,335 215 422 871 41 Capital stock paid in .......... $15,000 00 Surplus fund ......................... 3,900 00 Undivided profits, less cur- . 00 rent expenses and taxes paid ........................................ 1,753.27 84 Individual deposits, subject ¿0 to check ................................. 16,051 83 45 T im e certificates o f deposit 51,868 53 00 Savings deposits ................. 13,112 73 81 Cashier’ s checks outstanding 1,988 66 i Other resources ..................... 2 00 T otal ............................... .$103,677 02 T otal ............................... $103,677 02 Cambria— Bank of Cambria. M. J. R O W LA N D S, President. D. M. R O W LA N D S, Cashier. O. A. SCOTT, Asst. Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. M. .T. R ow lands, D. M. R ow lands, C. A. Scott. E S T A B L IS H E D A U G U ST 30. 1881. Incorporated as a State Bank Ju ly 29, 1903. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. L ia b ilitie s . Loans and discounts .......... $134,665 96 Capital stock paid in ............ $10,000 00 O v e r d r a fts ....... ........................ 1,417 24 Surplus fund ........................... 1,250 00 U. S., state, m unicipal and U ndivided profits, less cu r other bon ds ......................... 2,600 00 rent expenses and taxes Furniture and fixtures . . . . . 2,500 00 paid ........................................ 981 71 Due from approved reserve Individual deposits, su bject banks ..................................... 13,689 39 to check ................................. 45,462 02 Due from other banks ........ 9,204 30 Demand certificates o f de Gold coin ................... 647 -50 posit ...................................... 190 70 Silver coin ............................... 4,520 00 Tim e certificates o f deposit 93,939 88 U. S. and national currency 611 75 Savings deposits ................. 8,708 69 Nickels and cents ................. 676 86 B ills p a y a b le ........................... 10,000 00 T otal ............................... $170,533 00 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis T otal ............................... $170,533 00 REPORTS OF STATE BANKS. 67 Cambria— The Cambria State Bank. H. F. SCHEMMEL, President. JOH N SLIN G ER , Vice President. E. O. R O B E R TS, Cashier. O. I. JONES, Asst. Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. H. F. Schemmel, John Slinger, Jos. Sanderson, E. O. R oberts > O. I. Jones, D. R.W illiam s, A. G. H opkins. E S T A B L IS H E D SE PT E M B E R 30, 1909. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. L ia b ilitie s . Loans and d iscounts .......... $105,387 12 Overdrafts ............................... 1,270 00 U. S., state, m unicipal and other b o n d s ......................... 15,770 00 B anking house ........................ 3,220 00 F urniture and fix t u r e s ........ 2,370 00 Due from approved reserve b a n k s ...................................... 25,316 67 4,488 15 Due from other b a n k s .......... Gold c o i n .................................. 1,900 00 Silver c o i n ............................ 1,012 00 IT. S. and national currency 4,474 00 Nickels and cents ................. 43 10 Capital stock paid in ............ Surplus fund ........................... Undivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid ........................................ Individual deposits, su bject to check ............................... Tim e certificates o f deposit ................ Savings deposits T otal ............................... $165,251 04 $15,000 00 4,000 00 3,117 75 34,160 66 86,279 04 22,693 59 T otal ............................... $165,251 04 Cambridge— Bank of Cambridge. A. C. AMUNDSON, President. JOH N W . P O R T E R , V ice President. A. R. AMUNDSON, Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. A- S'" A m undson, John W . Porter, a . R. Am undson. E S T A B L IS H E D S E P T E M B E R , 1899. Incorporated as a State Bank A ugu st 15, 1903. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u r c e s. L oans and discou nts ............ $128,418 Overdrafts ................. 903 U. S., state, m unicipal and other bonds ......................... 1,065 B anking h o u s e ....................... 2,500 Furniture and fi x t u r e s ........ 2,000 Due from approved reserve b a n k s ...................................... 13,910 Checks on other banks and cash item s ........................... 336 Gold c o i n .......................... 245 Silver coin ............................... 833 U. S. and national currency 2,538 Nickels and cents ................. 109 L ia b ilitie s . 61 53 00 00 00 92 20 00 io 00 17 T otal ............................... $152,859 53 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Capital stock paid in .......... $10,000 00 2,000 00 Surplus fund ........... U ndivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes T Paid ........................................ 1,978 28 Individual deposits, su bject to check ................................. 41,277 07 Dem and certificates o f de posit ...................................... 66,852 74 Cashier’ s checks outstanding 7,751 44 Notes and bills rediscounted 8,000 00 B ills p a y a b l e ........................... 15,000 00 T otal .............. . $152,859 53 68 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF BANKING. Cambridge— The International Bank of Cambridge. C. C. MAY, President. H A R R Y C. MAY, Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. M ary E. May, C. C. May, H arry C. May. E S T A B L IS H E D F E B R U A R Y 12, 1893. In corporated as a State Bank Ju ly 27, 1903. Statement October 31, 1914. L ia b ilitie s . R e so u rc e s. Loans and discounts ........... O verdrafts ............................... Stocks and other securities B anking house ............. ......... F urniture and fixtures ........ Due from approved reserve banks .................................... Gold coin ................................. Silver coin ............................... U. S. and national currency N ickels and cents ............••• $52,412 565 150 1,681 2,052 6,015 622 1,407 3,853 110 Capital stock paid in .......... $10,000 00 Surplus fu nd ....... 835 00 U ndivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes 103 39 paid ........................................ Individu al deposits, su bject to c h e c k ................................. 34,431 53 59 50 Demand certificates o f d e p osit ...............................•••• 22,900 31 10 00 13 41 85 00 64 01 $68,870 23 T otal $68,870 23 T otal Cameron— Bank of Cameron. L. I. ROE President. M. C. H O W A R D , V ice President. IN G V A L EGSTAD , Cashier. W . W . P IE P E R , Asst. Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. S. O Mauseth, M. C. H ow ard, C. H. Museus, Ingval Egstad, L. I. Roe. E S T A B L IS H E D AUGUST 1, 1901. In corporated as a State Bank A ugust 20, 1903. Statement October 31, 1914. L ia b ilitie s . R e so u r c e s. L oans and discounts .......... $127,470 61 Capital stock paid in .......... $10,000 00 2,000 00 503 43 Surplus fu nd ......................... Overdrafts ................... ........... 2,600 00 U ndivided profits, less cu r Banking house ............... ....... rent expenses and taxes 1,500 00 F urniture and fixtures ........ paid ........................................ 1,132 85 1,216 50 Other real estate owned ----Individual deposits, su bject , Due from approved reserve to check ................................. 49,784 86 24,324 09 banks ............... ..................... Tim e certificates o f deposit 90,040 00 Checks on other banks and 9,469 38 30 50 Savings deposits ................... cash item s .......................... 555 00 Gold coin ................................. 1,005 30 Silver coin ............................... 2,960 00 U. S. and national currency 261 66 Nickels and cents ................. T otal Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis $162,427 09 T otal $102,427 09 REPORTS OF STATE BANKS. 69 Campbellsport— The First State Bank of Campbellsport. F. J. B A R B E R , President. WM. K N IC K E L , Vice President. JOHN LOEBS, Cashier. B. H. GLASS, Asst. Cashier. D IR E C TO RS. F. J. Barber, Dr. I’ . E. Uelmen, John Loebs, A. J. Barber, W in. Knickei. E S T A B L IS H E D M ARCH 0, 1009. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. L ia b ilitie s . Loans and discounts ........... $299,172 00 Overdrafts ............................... 773 02 Stocks and other secu rities.. 2,500 00 Banking house ....................... 18,000 00 F urniture and fixtures ___ 3,951 49 Due from approved reserve banks .................................... 66,023 17 Due from other ba n k s.......... 4,036 13 Checks on other banks and cash i t e m s ............................. 19 25 Gold coin ................................. 1,350 00 Silver coin ............................... 1,055 45 F. S. and national currency 4,708 00 N ickels and ce n ts................... 288 53 T otal ......................... . Capital stock paid in ........... $50,000 Surplus fund ........................... 10,000 Undivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid ........................ 4,131 Dividends unpaid ................. 165 Individual deposits, subject to check ................................. 75,907 Demand certificates o f de posit ...................................... 331 Time certificates of deposit 150,593 Savings deposits ......... 110,747 $401,877 13 00 00 77 50 10 48 68 60 T otal ............................... $401,877 13 Camp Douglas— Bank of Camp Douglas. C. H. HOTON, President. WM. E. GLEASON, Vice President. E V E LY N SIN GLETON , Cashier. D IR E C TO RS. C. H. Iloton , W . G. Fraley, W . E. Gleason, C. IT. Seibold, C. O. Cron. E S T A B L IS H E D SE PT E M B E R 20, 1904. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. L ia b ilitie s . Loans and d i s c o u n t s . . . . . . . . $107,125 79 Capital stock paid in .......... $12,000 00 4,000 00 Overdrafts ................... 31 13 Surplus fund ........................... Undivided profits, less cu r U. S., state, m unicipal and rent expenses and taxes other bonds ......................... 46,523 30 paid ............... 862 84 Banking house ....................... 3,200 00 720 00 F urniture and f i x t u r e s ........ 2,200 00 Dividends unpaid ................. Individual deposits, subject Due from approved reserve to check ................................. 44,205 24 banks .................................... 23,799 63 Due from other b a n k s.......... 322 33 Tim e certificates o f deposit 132,102 72 Checks on other banks and cash items ........................... 1,500 00 Gold coin ........... 3,235 00 Silver coin ............................... 1,360 10 IT. S. and national currency 4,547 00 N ickels and ce n ts.................. 44 52 T otal ............................... $193,890 SO Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis T otal ............................... $193,890 SO 70 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF BANKING; Caroline— Caroline State Bank. GUST. A. E A D T K E , President. W A L T E R T H IE L E , Vice President. D. H. B R E E D , Cashiëf. D IR E C TO R S. A nton Kuckult, Gust. A. Radtke, Em il P ockat, W alter Thiele, Gust. Schilling. E S T A B L IS H E D N OVEM BER 11, 1913. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u r c e s. L ia b ilitie s . Loans and discounts ........... $34,924 Stocks and other securities 2,450 1,412 B anking house ..................... Due from approved reserve banks .................................... 1,599 Due from other b a n k s........ 2,936 E xchanges fo r clearing house ..................................... 1,255 Gold coin ................................. 275 Silver coin .................... 597 IT. S. and national cu r r e n c y .. 3,630 N ickels and c e n ts................... 56 E xpense ................... 348 T otal ............................... 06 00 45 75 11 Capital stock paid in .......... $15,000 00 Individual deposits, su bject to check ................................. 10,620 52 Tim e certificates o f deposit 21,994 75 Savings deposits ...................... 1,86959 00 00 05 00 59 85 $49,484 86 T otal ............................... $49,4S4 86 Casco— Bank of Casco. H. J. NOEL, President. THOS. D R U R Y , V ice President. D. W . L A W L E R , Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. H. J. Noel, Thos. D rury, M. W . Burke, Julius J. D efret, Aug. R ipley. E S T A B L IS H E D M ARCH 10, 1899. Incorporated as a State Bank A ug. 27, 1903. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. L oans and discounts ............ Overdrafts ............... U. S., state, m unicipal and other bonds ......................... Banking house ....................... F urniture and fix tu res........ Other real estate ow n e d ___ Due from approved reserve banks ..................................... Checks on other banks and cash item s ........................... Gold coin ................................. Silver coin ............................. U. S. and national currency N ickels and cen ts................. L ia b ilitie s . $85,580 82 94 69 15,000 2,650 2,750 500 00 00 00 00 28,665 54 1,495 1,710 1,275 4,460 89 67 00 70 00 57 T otal ............................... $144,271 99 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Capital stock paid i n .............. $10,000 00 Surplus fu nd ......................... 2,000 00 U ndivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid ........................................ 2,772 92 Individu al deposits, subject to check ............................... 22,079 71 Tim e certificates o f deposit 105,662 02 Savings deposits ................. 1,724 29 Certified checks ..................... 33 05 T otal ............................... $144,271 99 REPORTS OF STATE BANKS. 71 Cashton— Bank of Cashton. L. W . E A IILB , President. P. E. NELSON, Vice President. L. L. C. P. L. M. E A R L E , Cashier. P. N. HEGGE, Asst. Cashier. D IR E C TO RS. P. E. M itby, M. B rody, C. F. Bennett. W . Earle, M. Earle, II. Campbell, E. Nelson, E S T A B L IS H E D M ARCH 10, 1899. In corporated as a State Bank A ugu st 27, 1903. Statement October 31, 1914, L ia b ilitie s . R e so u r c e s. Loans and d iscou n ts............$333,101 O verdrafts ............... 168 U. S., state, m unicipal and 8,000 other bonds ........... Banking house ..................... 5,000 F urniture and fix tu res.......... 3,085 Due from approved reserve banks .................................... 62,098 Due from other b a n k s .......... 10,715 Checks on other banks and cash item s ........................... 349 Gold coin ................................. 1,595 Silver coin ............................... 1,103 U. S. and national currency 6,850 N ickels and ce n ts................. 30 72 14 00 00 93 04 11 Capital stock paid i n . . . . . . . $20,000 00 Surplus fund . . . . ................. 600 00 U ndivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid .................................... . ■ 385 93 Individu al deposits, subject to check ............... ............... 64,310 56 T im e certificates o f deposit 346,800 89 91 00 00 00 53 T otal ............................... $432,097 38 T otal ............................... $432,097 3S Cashton— Farmers Exchange Bank. WM. H E ISE R , President. JOHN W . M ASH AK, Vice President. OTTO W . S P R E C H E R , Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. W m . Ileiser, G. K am perschroer, John Quinn, V incent Steidl, John W . Mashak, Frank W avra. H. .T. W illg ru b s, E S T A B L IS H E D SE PT E M B E R 2, 1913. Statement October 31, 1914. L ia b ilitie s . R e so u rc e s. Loans and d is c o u n t s .;.......... $57,809 34 Overdrafts ........... 38 64 U. S., state, m unicipal and other bonds ......................... 600 00 Banking house ..................... 2,400 00 Furniture and fix tu res.......... 1,711 47 Due from approved reserve banks ................. 15,598 58 Due from other b a n k s.......... 2,062 07 Exchanges fo r clearing house 121 83 Gold coin ................................. 80 00 Silver coin ............................... 515 05 IT. S. and national currency 2,688 00 Nickels and c e n t s . . . .............. 66 0!> Total Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis $S3,691 07 Capital stock paid in ............. $10,000 Undivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid ........................................ 360 Individual deposits, subject to check .......................... 24,130 Time certificates of deposit 49,200 Total 00 06 52 49 $83,691 07 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF BANKING. 72 Cassville— Badger State Bank. W M .-G A TE S, President. G. A. K L IN D T , Vice President. G. A. K L IN D T , Cashier. M. H. H A BERM AN N , Asst. Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. W m . Gates, Jr. G. A. K lindt, Jas. J. Seipp. C. W . Donaldson, John A. K lindt, Jr., John Rech, John Zeigler, E S T A B L IS H E D N OVEM BER 3, 1910. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. L ia b ilitie s . Loans and d iscou n ts............. $153,710 92 Overdrafts ............................... 1,365 57 B anking house ....................... 1,919 12 Due from approved reserve banks ..................................... 25,767 89 Checks on other banks and 750 75 cash items ........................ Gold coin ........................ 65 00 Silver coin ............................... 1,262 45 I'. S. and national currency 2,840 00 96 03 N ickels and cen ts................... T otal . , ........................... $187,777 73 Capital stock paid in .......... $15,000 Surplus fund ......................... 500 Undivided profits, less c u r rent expenses and taxes paid ........................................ 1,306 Individual deposits, subject to check ............................... 40,522 Tim e certificates of deposit 117,884 Savings deposits ................ 2,213 Certified checks ............. 42 i'shier’ s checks outstand ing . . . . ....... 309 B ills payable ......................... 10,000 00 00 49 00 21 40 00 63 00 T otal ..................... ......... $187,777 73 Cassville— The Cassville Bank. G. K. A. STEVENS, President. M. STEVENS, V ice President. D. RU PP, Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. G. K. A. Stevens, M. Stevens, D. Rupp. E S T A B L IS H E D MAY 4, 1890. In corporated as a State Bank A ugust 3, 1903. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. L ia b ilitie s . Loans and d iscou n ts.............. $200,991 91 Overdrafts ............................... 2,997 84 2,400 00 B anking house ....................... Furniture and fix tu res.......... 659 83 Other real estate o w n e d ........ 1,000 00 Due from approved reserve banks .......................... 33,106 77 Checks on other banks and cash items ........................... 105 00 Gold coin ................................. 735 00 Silver coin ......... 818 55 U. S. and national currency 3,338 00 N ickels and cen ts................... 87 74 Capital stock paid in .............. $20,000 00 Undivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid ....................................... 4,810 72 Individual deposits, subject to check ................................. 59,643 60 Demand certificates o f de p osit ....................................... 160,006 39 Savings deposits ................... 916 66 Cashier’ s checks outstand in g .................................... 863 30 T otal Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ............................. $246,240 67 T otal ............................. $246,240 67 REPORTS OF STATE BANKS. 73 Cazenovia— State Bank of Cazenovia. J. C. AN DERSON , President. F R A N K B O W A R , Vice President. W . F. G R E E N IIALG II, Cashier. D IR E C TO RS. Peter N. Bauer, W . F. Greenhalgh. Frank Bowar, Jno. W alsh, J. C.' Anderson, E S T A B L IS H E D N OV E M BE R 21, 190(5. Statement October 31, 1914. L ia b ilitie s . R e so u rc e s. L oans and d iscou n ts.............. $100,925 28 Capital stock paid in .......... $10,000 00 1,100 00 Overdrafts ............................... 1,981 38 Surplus fund ................... . . . . Undivided profits, less c u r U. S., state, m unicipal and rent expenses and taxes 12,125 00 other bonds ......................... paid . . . ‘ ................................. 261 24 Banking house ........................ 2,389 86 Furniture and fixtu res.......... 1,780 00 Individual deposits, su bject to check ................................. 34,237 11 Due from approved reserve banks .................................. 21,142 72 Demand certificates o f de p osit ...................................... 1,335 00 Due from other b a n k s.......... 6,427 52 Tim e certificates o f deposit 99,524 01 Checks on other banks and cash items .................... 9 40 Cashier’ s checks outstand in g .......................................... 43 20 Gold coin ................................. 405 00 9,500 00 Silver coin .............................. 427 60 Notes and bills rediscounted IT. S. and national currency 8,322 00 Nickels and ce n ts............... 04 80 T otal ............................... $156,000 56 T otal ............................... $156,000 56 Cecil— The State Bank of Cecil. H ERM AN BOCH ER, President. W . C. ZACH O W , V ice President. J. L. R O LLM AN N , Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. H. C. Scheller. A lbert A. Becher, Emil Schmidt. W . C. Zachow, Herm an Bocher, Gust E. Hartz, J. L. Rollm ann, E S T A B L IS H E D M ARCH 7, 1906. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. L ia b ilitie s . L oans and d iscou n ts............. $113,645 95 Capital stock paid in ............ Overdrafts ............... 2,214 15 Surplus fund . . . ; ............... Stocks and other securities 3.740 00 Undivided profits, less c u r rent expenses and taxes Banking house 2,876 55 paid ......... Due from approved reserve banks .................................... 21,275 07 Due to ba n k s—d ep osits........ Checks on other banks and Dividends unpaid ................. cash items ........................... 2,474 16 Individual deposits, subject to check ............................... Gold coin ................................. 2,735 00 Silver coin .............. 543 70 Time certificates o f deposit IT. S. and national currency 3,095 00 Savings deposits ................... Nickels and c e n ts................... 69 23 Cashier’ s checks outstand ing ........................................ Notes and bills rediscounted T otal ............................... $152,668 81 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis $15,000 00 4,000 00 5.043 75 2,464 60 12 00 47,420 00 03 . 24.3 38 11,564 97 1.420 11 2,500 00 Total ............................... $152.668 81 74 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF BANKING. Cedarburg— Cedarburg State Bank. C H A R LE S C. W IR T H . President. J. H. W IT T E N B E R G , Vice President. .T. H. W IT T E N B E R G , Cashier. E. H. R O T H , Asst. Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. Charles C. W irth, .1. H enry W ittenberg, John E. Nieman W. H. W iesler. E. H. R oth. E S T A B L IS H E D JA N U A R Y 13, 1909. Statement October 31, 1914. L ia b ilitie s . R e so u rc e s. Loans and discounts ............ $160,747 85 Capital stock paid in ............ Overdrafts ........................... 53 95 Surplus fund ........................... Undivided profits, less c u r U. S., state, m unicipal and rent expenses and taxes other bonds ......................... 24,012 50 paid ......................... .. ............ B anking house ...................... 9.995 23 ¡Individual deposits, su bject Furniture and fix tu res........ 5,204 26 to check ............................... Due from approved reserve ¡Demand certificates of de banks ..................................... 41,822 42 p osit .................................. Checks on other banks and cash items ........ 980 79 Tim e certificates of deposit Gold coin ................................. 3,495 00 ¡Savings deposits .................. Silver coin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 569 95 P osta l savings ........................ IT. S. and national currency 9,124 00 N ickels and ce n ts................... 59 $40,000 00 2,750 00 $256,006 64 $256,006 64 Total Total 11,536 11 39,650 86 6,310 66,783 88,640 334 07 61 59 77 Cedarburg— The Farmers & Merchants Bank. C. F. KEN N EY. President. JOHN F. BRUSS, V ice President. M. P. B E C K E R , Cashier. A. E. BRTJSS, Asst. Cashier. DIR E C TO RS. C. F. John Jacob E. G. Kenney, F. Brass, Dietrich, W urthmann, M. P. Becker, Jacob B. Becker, A irs, E. N. Kraemer. E STA B L ISH E D JU LY 29, 1893. Incorporated as a State Bank June 22, 1903. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. L ia b ilitie s . Loans and discou n ts................ $325,708 07 Capital stock paid in ............ Overdrafts ................. .. 1,137 03 Surplus fund ......................... U. S., state, m unicipal and Undivided profits, les£ c u r other bonds ......................... 97.820 14 rent expenses and taxes Stocks and other securities 2,000 00 paid ....................................... Furniture and f i x t u r e s ..... . 3,066 38 Due to banks— d e p o s it s .... Due from approved reserve Individual deposits, su bject banks ............................ 62,931 27 to check ................................. Checks on other banks and T im e certificates of deposit cash i t e m s ............................. 3.267 70 Savings deposits . ................ Gold coin ................................. 3,402 50 P ostal savings ....................... Silver coin ............................... 2,674 55 IT. S. and national currency 10,323 00 N ickels and ce n ts................... 114 99 T otal ............................... $511,445 63 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis $30,000 00 7,000 00 13,608 71 4,307 88 74,438 85,681 292,171 148 20 64 85 97 T otal ............................... $511,445 63 REPORTS OF STATE BANKS. 75 Cedar Grove— Cedar Grove State Bank. J. B. H U E N IN K , President. JOH N VAN DE W A L L , Vice President. W M. H U E N IN K , Cashier. IR A LUBBERS, Asst. Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. G. Lammers, A. Stokdyk, Sr. Theo. W eiler. J. B. Huenink, John Van De W all, H. Ruslink, Thos. Bichler, E STA B L IS H E D OC TO B E R 19, 1901. Statement October 31, 1914. L ia b ilitie s . R e so u rc e s. L oans and d iscou n ts............ $214,926 35 Capital stock paid i n ........ $25,000 12,000 Overdrafts ............................... 1,301 86 Surplus fu nd ......................... Undivided profits, less cu r U. S., state, m unicipal and rent expenses and taxes other bonds ......................... 9,500 00 paid ...................................... 4,741 Banking h ou se....................... 3,500 00 Furniture and fix tu res........ 2,500 00 Individual deposits, su bject to check ............................... 90,363 Due from approved reserve banks ......... 37,798 77 Demand certificates o f d e 13,478 p osit .................................. Gold coin ' ................................. 1,477 50 94,525 Silver coin ............................... 1,381 95 Tim e certificates of deposit U. S. and national currency 3,548 00 Savings deposits ................... 34,571 297 17 P ostal savings ....................... N ickels and ce n ts................... 151 Reserved fo r ta x e s............... 1,400 T otal T ota l ............................. $276,231 60 00 00 09 40 28 89 33 61 00 ............................. $276,231 60 Centuria— State Bank of Centuria. GEO. W . W IL D , President. I. SEERY, Vice President. GUST A N DERSON , Cashier. K. B. W IL D , Asst. Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. I. Seery, K. B. W ild, Annette A nderson, Gust A nderson, Geo. W . W ild. E S T A B L IS H E D MAY 15, 1903. Incorporated as a State Bank Ju ly 28, 1903. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. L ia b ilitie s . Loans and d iscou n ts............$143,359 31 Capital stock paid in .......... Overdrafts ............................... 151 70 Surplus fund ......... ............... B anking house ...................... 4,500 00 Undivided profits, less c u r Furniture and fixtu res........ 1,981 00 rent expenses and taxes Other real estate ow n ed ___ 550 00 paid ................. Due from approved reserve Individual deposits, subject 21,665 14 banks .................................. to check ............................... Gold coin .................. 1,020 00 Tim e certificates o f deposit Silver coin ............................... 974 95 Savings deposits ................. U. S. and national currency 2,704 00 N ickels and cen ts................. 149 27 T otal ............................. $177,055 37 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis T otal $25,000 00 6,000 00 13,628 82 40,170 97 88,691 59 3,563 99 ............................. $177,055 37 76 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF BANKING. Chaseburg— Chaseburg State Bank. R. B. H O y T , President. G. A. K A E P P L B R , Vice President. .T. W . LO W E , Cashier. H. E. HAGEN, A sst. Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. G. B. Gardner, R. B. H oyt, R obert Lam prich. G. A. Kaeppler, Fred bum m er, E S T A B L IS H E D DECEM BER 14, 1910. Statement October 31, 1914. L ia b ilitie s . R e so u rc e s. Loans and d isco u n ts........... $192,174 15 Overdrafts ............................... 747 88 U. S., state, m unicipal and 27.040 00 other bon ds ....................... B anking house ....................... 2,500 00 F urniture and fix tu res........ 1,064 00 Due from approved reserve banks ....................... ....... , . 33,080 24 271 97 Due from other b a n k s.......... Checks on other banks and cash items ............... 422 15 Gold coin ................................. 1,140 00 1,025 30 Silver coin ............................... U. S. and national currency 2,594 00 N ickels and c e n ts................. 70 00 T otal Capital stock paid i n .............. $20,000 5,000 Surplus fund ........................... Undivided profits; less c u r rent expenses and taxes paid ...................................... 2,724 Individual deposits, su bject 21,795 to check ............................... Tim e certificates o f deposit 204,841 Savings deposit ................. 8,988 70 14 00 85 $263,329 69 Total ............................. $203,329 69 00 00 Chetek— Chetek State Bank. C. W . D IN G E R , President. F. A. S O U T H W O R T H , V ice President. B E R N A R D MOE, Cashier. A. M. SIMPSON, Asst. Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. .T. W . Bell, W . K . Coffin, C. W . Dinger, Ben F. Faast, .T. B. Keith, C. F. Museus, F. A. Soutliworth. E S T A B L IS H E D OCTOBER 14, 1913. Statement October 31, 1914. L ia b ilitie s . R e so u rc e s. Loans and d isco u n ts............. Overdrafts ............................... B anking house ....................... Furniture and fix tu res.......... Due from approved reserve banks ..................................... Checks on other banks and cash items ........................... E xchanges fo r clearing house .............................. Gold coin ................................. Silver coin ............................... U. S. and national currency Nickels and ce n ts................... Expense' ....................... T otal Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis $40,389 9 2,500 2,092 68 03 00 00 3,937 05 Capital stock paid i n . . . , . Individual deposits, subject to check . '. ..... Tim e certificates o f deposit Savings deposits ............ Cashier’ s checks outstand in g ......................................... $10,00000 14,814 46 18,205 21 11,592 93 1,231 05 50 6S 484 130 811 4,283 73 1,083 91 00 30 00 00 00 $55,843 65 Total $55,843 65 REPORTS OF STATE BANKS. 77 Chetek— Farmers and Merchants Bank. K. R O SH O LT, President. GUSTA R O SH O L T , Vice President. A. T. G A L B Y, Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. Iv. R osholt, Gusta R osholt, A. T. Galby. E S T A B L IS H E D 3900. In corporated as a State Bank A ugust 15, 1903. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. L ia b ilitie s . Loans and discounts ............ $187,800 Overdrafts ............................... 3,274 B anking house ...................... 2,867 Other real estate ow n e d ___ 1,057 Due from approved reserve banks ..................................... 22,062 Due from other ba n k s.......... 1,508 E xchanges fo r clearing bouse ...................................'. 135 Gold coin ................................. 960 Silver coin ............................... 1,300 U. S. and national currency 2,392 N ickels and c e n t s . . . . ........... 102 71 73 09 00 36 46 39 00 50 00 38 Capital stock paid in ............. Surplus fund ........................... Undivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes Paid ........................................ Individual deposits, su bject to check ................................. Demand certificates o f de posit ....................................... Savings deposits ................... Cashier’s checks outstand ing .......................................... T otal ........................... .. $223,400 62 $10,000 00 2,000 00 1,031 71 61,359 30 116,994 65 28,644 58 3,430 38 T otal ............................... $223,460 62 Chili— Chili State Bank. W . R. H O P P E , President. AN TON HOGENSON, Vice President. A. P. SAM PLE, Cashier. D IR E C TO RS. Peter H otchkiss, John F. Henning, E rnest Neinas, W . R. Happe, H enry Nebel, Anton H ogenson, Jno. Ure. E S T A B L IS H E D AUGUST 13, 3912. Statement October 31, 1914. R e s o u rc e s. Loans and d iscou n ts.............. Overdrafts ............................... U. S., state, m unicipal and other bonds ............... ,_____ Banking house ............. Furniture and fix tu res.......... Due from approved reserve banks ........... Checks on other banks and cash items ............................ Gold coin ......... Silver c o i n ................................. IT. S. and national currency Nickels and cents ................ Total Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis L ia h ilitie s. $52,228 14 44 10 2,892 00 3,220 84 1,592 47 6,603 24 546 07 455 00 226 75 1,461 Of) 55 62 $69,325 23 Capital stock paid in ............ Surplus fund ......................... Undivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid ........................................ Individual deposits, subject to cheek ............................... Demand certificates o f de posit ............................ Total $13,000 00 1,335 57 382 54 39,000 32 15,006 80 $69,325 23 REPORT OP THE COMMISSIONER OP BANKING. 78 Chilton— State Bank of Chilton. T. E. CON N ELL, President. M. J. CON N ELL, Vice President. A. B. CONNELL, Oasliier. L. A. K IN G STO N , A sst. Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. T. E. Connell, Martha .T. Connell, A. B. Connell. E S T A B L IS H E D A P R IL 20, 1891. Statement October 31, 1914. L ia b ilitie s . R e so u rc e s. L oans and d isco u n ts........... $372,222 72 U. S., state, m unicipal and 5,555 other bonds ......................... 5,200 Banking house ................. . 2,683 Furniture and fix tu res........, Due from approved reserve 17,737 banks ..................................... E xchanges fo r clearing 1,018 6,070 Ool il ooin ................................. 728 2,921 U. S. and national currency 111 N ickels and cents ................. 2S Capital stock paid in ............ 16 Surplus fu nd ......................... Undivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes 34 00 paid ......................................... 02 Due to banks— d e p o s i t s ----Individual deposits, su bject 05 to check ......................... Tim e certificates o f deposit. 44 Savings deposits ................... 00 95 00 64 $414,319 88 T otal $25,000 00 5,000 00 4,201 71 2,583 67 27,136 16 302,529 63 17,848 71 $414,319 88 T otal Chilton— The Commercial Bank. P. J. E G E R E R , President. H E N R Y PAU LSEN , V ice President. A. C. K IN GSTON , Cashier. H. J. SCHOMMER, Asst. Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. O. L. Dosschel, R. C. H ugo, Jos. Schm idthofer. P. J. Egerer, H enry Paulsen, Joseph Hanert, W . J. Kroehnke, E S T A B L IS H E D AUGUST 29, 1911. Statement October 31, 1914. L ia b ilitie s . R e so u rc e s. Loans and discounts ........... $194,240 07 Capital stock paid in ............ $25,000 00 2,000 00 2 90 Surplus f u n d ........................... O verdrafts ............................... U ndivided profits, less cu r U. S., state, m unicipal and rent expenses and taxes 6,754 30 other bonds ......................... paid ............................ •------4,049 45 7,600 00 B anking house ...................... 3,955 18 Individual deposits, subject Furniture and fix tu res.......... to check ............................... 71,254 72 Due from approved reserve 98,269 83 27,713 40 Tim e certificates of deposit banks ............... ...................... 52,546 89 441 19 Savings deposits ................... Due from other b a n k s.......... Cashier’ s checks outstand Checks on other banks and i n g .......................................... 1,26430 1,099 53 cash item s ............................ 1,450 00 Gold coin ................................. 725 40 Silver coin ............................... 10,267 00 U. S. and national currency 136 27 Nickels and cents .................. T otal Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis $254,385 24 T otal $254,385 24 REPORTS OP STATE BANKS. 79 Chippewa Falls— Northwestern State Bank. P. T. F A V E L L , Cashier. GEO. T. PLE H N , Asst. Cashier. S. C. F. COBBAN, President. D IR E ( H ORS. S. C. F. Cobban, Frank Joas, Andrew Hanson, M. A. Poznanski, Geo. F. Plehn, E STA B L IS H E D H. B. Coleman, P. T. Favell, J. H. McGraw, Jos. II. Kelly, Ernest J. Hebert. JU LY 19, 1904. Statement Oci ober 31, 1914. L ia b ilitie s . R e so u rc e s. Loans and discou nts .......... $393,750 25 Capital stock paid in .......... $SO,000 00 S,000 00 Overdrafts ............................... 1,716 32 Surplus fund ........................... Undivided profits, less cu r U. S., state, m unicipal and rent expenses and taxes other bon ds ......................... 76,300 00 Prem ium on bonds ............. 100 00 paid ........................................ 4,419 95 11,433 02 Banking h o u s e ....................... 15,000 00 Due to banks— d e p o s it s ___ Furniture and fixtures ........ 1,000 00 Individu al deposits, su bject to check ................................ 130,595 00 Due from approved reserve banks ..................................... 110,772 20 Tim e certificates o f deposit 371,035 67 18,355 S8 Due from other banks ........ 1,421 77 Savings deposits ___________ Cashier’s checks outstanding 1,021 34 Checks on other banks and 2,436 40 cash items ..................... . . . 1,279 72 P ostal s a v in g s ......................... Gold coin ................................. 10,670 00 Silver coin .................... 1,655 00 U. S. and national currency 13,366 00 Nickels and cents .................. 266 06 T otal ................... .......... $627,297 26 T otal ............................... $627,297 26 Clayton— Citizens State Bank of Clayton. CHAS. J. AN DERSON , President. H E N R Y M EYER, Vice President. H. W . JONES, Cashier. D IR E C TO RS. Chas. J. Anderson, G. IV. F. Hansche, H enry Meyer, E. J. B jurstrom , H. W . Jones, F. E. Yates. H enry Krueger, E S T A B L IS H E D JA N U A R Y 15, 1908. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. Loans and discounts .......... Overdrafts ............................... Banking house ....................... Furniture and fi x t u r e s ........ Due from approved reserve banks .................................... Other real estate ow ned . . . . Due from other banks ........ Checks on other banks and cash i t e m s ............................. Gold c o i n ................................... Silver coin ............................... U. S. and national currency Nickels and cents ................. T otal ............................... Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis L ia b ilitie s . $43,807 1,162 1,163 1,861 . q; 3.^098 5,767 6,385 50 53 64 07 92 29 89 28 65 1.030 4,654 55 62 00 60 00 15 $69,078 21 Capital stock paid in .......... Surplus f u n d ............. ............ Undivided profits, less current expenses and .taxes paid ........................................ Individu al deposits, su bject to c h e c k ............... .... . ;... . Tim e certificates o f deposit Cashier’s checks outstanding $10,000 00 400 00 T otal ............................... $69,078 21 560 04 23,651 78 33,972 95 493 44 } ¡V 80 REPORT OP THE COMMISSIONER OP BANKING. Clear Lake— Bank of Clear Lake. C. E. L IN D E RSO N , Cashier. E L IZ A B E T H F IT Z E R , Asst. Cashier. C. M. R E E D , President. T. S. N ILSSEN , V ice President. D IR E C TO R S. A. N. Nelson, Gnst. Sunberg, B. .T. Johnson. C. M. Reed, A. E. Reed, F. A. P artlow , E S T A B L IS H E D SE PT E M B E R 15, 1903. Statement October 31, 1914. L ia b ilitie s . R e so u rc e s. Loans and discounts .......... $29,905 73 Capital stock paid in ......... O verdrafts ............................... 76 45 Undivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes Banking house ....................... 2,500 00 Furniture and fixtures . . . . . 1,50000 paid ........................................ Other real estate owned . . . 19,69354 Individual deposits, su bject to check ............................... Due from approved reserve hanks ................................... 1,644 42 Tim e certificates of deposit Gold coin ................... 535 00 Savings deposits ................... Silver coin ............................... 944 65 Cashier’ s checks outstanding U. S. and national currency 1,825 00 B ills payable ........................... Nickels and cents ............. 73 29 Old stockholders a c c o u n t... $15,000 00 T otal ............................... $58,698 08 T otal ............................... $58,698 08 69 26 6,498 15 18,989 93 12 00 309 17 2,000 00 15,819 57 Clear Lake— The Peoples Bank. A. J. McL e n n a n , President. Ld. SOUTHM AYD, Vice President. C. JOHNSON, Cashier. E S T H E R SAN DBERG, Asst. Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. Ld. Southm ayd, Thom as Stout, Jr. F. A. M cD ougald. A. J. M cLennan, W . E. W ebster, James Johnston, Jos. Yoerg, E S T A B L IS H E D AUGUST 12, 1907. Statement October 31, 1914. L ia b ilitie s . R e so u rc e s. Loans and discounts ............ $146,293 O verdrafts ............................... 1,044 U. S., state, m unicipal and other bonds ......................... 8,010 2,777 Banking house ....................... F urniture arid fi x t u r e s ........ 1,500 Due from approved reserve banks .................................... 7,268 Checks on other banks and cash items ............... 2,341 Gold c o i n .................................. 775 Silver coin ............. 591 U. S. and national currency 3,817 Nickels and cents ................. 132 66 77 00 20 00 41 04 00 75 00 50 T otal ............... ...............$174,551 33 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Capital stock paid in .......... $25,000 Surplus fund ........................... 6,000 Undivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid ........................................ 5,664 D ividends unpaid ................. 6 Individual deposits, su bject to check ................................. 75,096 Demand certificates o f de posit ......................... ............. 5,779 Tim e certificates o f deposit 55,040 P ostal savings ....................... 1,965 00 00 52 00 15 01 15 50 T otal ...............................$174,551 33 \ REPORTS OF STATE BANKS. 81 Cleveland— Cleveland State Bank. JOS. D. S C H N E ID E R , President. A. STO LT E N B E R G , Vice President. A. H. B A N D L O W , Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. .Tos. D. Schneider, Otto K lessig, F. H. Jacobi, Joseph Stein, E S T A B L ISH E D W illiam F. Briemann, A. B. Erdm an, A. Stoltenberg. AUGUST 19, 1907. Statement October 31, 1914. L ia b ilitie s . R e s o u rc e s. L oans and discounts ............ $130,304 Overdrafts ............................... 143 U. S., state, m unicipal and 68,989 other bonds ....................... Banking house ....................... 2,500 F urniture and fixtures ........ 1,050 Due from approved reserve b a n k s ........................ 14,294 Silver coin ................. 440 U. S. and national currency 3,055 Nickels and cents ................. 63 26 36 25 00 00 84 35 00 21 T otal ............................... $220,840 27 Capital stock paid in .......... $15,000 00 5,000 00 Surplus fund ........................... Undivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid ........................................ 1,758 72 Individu al deposits, su bject to c h e c k ................................. 60,813 30 Dem and certificates o f de p osit ...................................... 125,547 73 Savings deposits ................... 12,720 52 T otal ............................... $220,840 27 Clinton— Citizens Bank of Clinton. C. W . C O L LV E R , President. IV E R JACOBSON, Vice President. H. A. M O E H LE N PA H , Cashier. F. W. H E R R O N , Asst. Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. O. B. D uxstad, B yron Snyder, Solon Cooper, F. W . Herron, Iver Jacobson, H. A. M oehlenpah, C. W . Collver. E STA B L IS H E D JU LY 15, 1882. Statement October 31. 1914. L ia b ilitie s . R e so u r c e s. Loans and discounts ............ $325,263 Overdrafts ................... 1,229 U. S., state, m unicipal and 19,550 other bonds ......................... Banking house ............... 7,500 Due from approved reserve banks ..................................... 58,300 Due from other banks ........ _ 516 Checks on other banks and cash items ............................. 154 E xchanges fo r clearing house .............................. 621 G old coin ............................. 630 Silver coin ........... 2,050 U. S. and national currency 2,999 Nickels and cents ................. 128 02 74 00 00 62 97 11 21 00 00 00 03 T otal ............................... $418,942 70 6— B. S. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Capital stock paid in .......... $50,000 00 Surplus fu nd ........................... 10,000 00 Undivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid ........................................ 2,215 38 Individu al deposits, su bject to check ..................... .......... 131,698 64 Tim e certificates o f deposit 175,624 46 29,072 86 Savings deposits ................... Postal s a v i n g s ......................... 6 02 B ills payable ........................... 20,000 00 Reserved fo r taxes ............. 325 34 T otal ............................... $418,942 70 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF BANKING. 82 Clinton— State Bank. W. O. N EW HOUSE, President. H. O. N A TESTA , Vice President. C. ,T. SM ITH, Cashier. A. T ILL O T SO N , Asst. Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. W . O. Newhouse, H. O. Natesta, A. .T. -Wilkins, F. B. R ogers, E S T A B L ISH E D W . H. N orthrup, P. E. G aardef, H. S. A nderson. JA N U A R Y 13, 1913. Statement October 31, 1914. L ia b ilitie s . R e so u r c e s. L oans and discou nts . . . . . . Overdrafts ................................ U. S., state, m unicipal and other bon ds ......................... Banking house ....................... F urniture and fixtures ........ Due from approved reserve banks ...................................... Checks on other banks and cash i t e m s ............................. E xchanges fo r clearing house ....................................... Gold c o i n ................. ................. Silver coin .............................. U. S. and national currency N ickels and cents ................ $82,341 22 346 21 3,600 00 8,743 54 3,177 10 9,490 18 Capital stock paid in .......... $35,000 00 U ndivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid ........... 1,590 06 Individu al deposits, su bject to check .................................... 31,81577 Tim e certificates o f deposit 30,357 44 Savings deposits .................... 15,14412 5 00 25 1,325 513 4,184 157 00 00 05 00 09 $113,907 39 Total $113,907 39 T otal Clintonville— Clintonville State Bank. D J. R O H R E R , President. CÖAS. T O P P , V ice President. L E V I C. LARSON , Cashier. M A X STIEG, A sst. Cashier. ' D IR E C TO R S. D. J. R ohrer, Levi C. Larson, Chas. T opp, W . H. F inney, H. R. Swanke. E S T A B L IS H E D AUGUST 1, 1900. Incorporated as a State Bank Ju ly 13, 1903. Statement October 31, 1914. L ia b ilitie s . R e so u rc e s. L oans and discounts .......... $253,383 59 Capital stock paid in .......... 3,624 54 Surplus fund ........................... O v e r d r a fts ................................ U ndivided profits, less cu r U. S., state, m unicipal and 3,549 33 rent expenses and taxes other bon ds ......................... Qo paid .................................. 8,750 B anking house ............. .. 6,250 00 Due to banks— deposits . . . F urniture and fixtures ........ 1,800 00 Individual deposits, su bject Other real estate o w n e d ----to check ............................... Due from approved reserve 21,400 89 T im e certificates o f deposit banks ........................... ......... Savings deposits ............. Checks on other banks and 449 74 Cashier’s checks outstanding cash item s ........................... 2,397 50 Notes and bills rediscounted Gold coin ................................... 1,884 50 Silver coin ............................... 4,477 00 U. S. and national currency 153 36 Nickels and cents .................. T otal Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis $308,120 45 T otal $35,000 00 7,000 00 9,250 47 496 40 76,370 87,955 65,727 3,820 22,500 16 7.9 42 21 00 $308,120 45 REPORTS OF STATE BANKS. 83 Clyman— Farmers State Bank. JAS. T. W A L S H , President. T. A. M cCOLLOW , Vice President. W . H. KUENZI, Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. H. L. M organ, H enry Stueber, W . H. Kuenzi. Jas. T. W alsh, G. Simon, T. A. M cCollow, E. F. Kressine, E S T A B L IS H E D S E PT E M B E R 2, 1911. Statement October 31, 1914. L ia b ilitie s . R e so u r c e s. Loans and discounts .......... O verdrafts ............................... Banking house ....................... F urniture and fixtures ........ Due from approved reserve banks ..................................... Due from other banks .......... Checks on other banks and cash item s -........................... Gold coin ................................. Silver coin ........................ IJ. S. and national currency Nickels and c e n t s ................... T otal ............................... $43,519 16,500 2,000 2,000 07 00 00 00 7,993 59 6,621 35 14 220 413 2,009 55 55 00 30 00 41 $81,346 27 Capital stock paid in .......... Surplus fund ........................... Undivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid ........................................ Individu al deposits, su bject to c h e c k ............................ Tim e certificates o f deposit Cashier’ s checks outstanding $10,000 00 1,250 00 Total ............................... $81,346 27 1,417 59 20,810 73 41,949 60 5,918 35 Cobb— Cobb State Bank. E. F. HEU ER, President. GEO. F R IT S C H , Sr., Vice President. A. F. K R A M E R , Cashier. C. B. SM ITH , Asst. Cashier. D IR E C TO RS. A. E. Thom as, H. V. B ishop, W . N. B illings, Geo. F ritsch, Sr., E. F. Heuer. E S T A B L IS H E D M ARCH 19, 1910. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. L oans and discounts .......... $145,463 64 Overdrafts ............................... 788 79 U. S., state, m unicipal and other bon ds ......... 9,000 00 B anking house ....................... 2,950 30 F urniture and fixtures ........ 1,800 00 Due from approved reserve banks ............... 11,984 43 Checks on other banks and cash i t e m s ............................. 288 -95 Gold coin ................................. 1,367 50 Silver coin ............................... 773 30 U. S. and national currency 4,384 00 Nickels and cents ................. 86 55 T otal ............................. . $178,887 46 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis L ia b ilitie s . Capital stock paid in . . . . . . $12,00000 Surplus fund ........................... 2,000 00 Undivided profits, less curr^'pt expenses and taxes paid ........................................ 1,864 68 Individu al deposits, su bject to check ................................. 52,792 71 Tim e certificates o f deposit 97,598 59 6,631 50 Savings deposits ................. B ills p a y a b l e ............. 6,000 00 T ota l ............................... $178,887 46 84 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF BANKING. Cochrane— Farmers and Merchants Bank. .TNO. B. H O F E R , President. G O T T F R IE D K L E IN , Vice President. A. W . H O F E R , Cashier. H. O. STEIN, Asst. Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. H. O. Stein, John B. H ofer, G ottfried Klein, A. E. Guettinger, A. W . H ofer. E S T A B L IS H E D J ANUAIIY 20, 190S. Statement October 31. 1914. R e so u rc e s. L ia b ilitie s . Loans and discounts .......... $202,906 02 Capital stock paid in .......... O verdrafts ............................... 1,087 74 Surplus fu nd ........................... U. S., state, m unicipal and U ndivided profits, less cu r 23,500 00 other bonds ......................... rent expenses and taxes B anking house ....................... 1,600 00 paid ........................................ Furniture and fi x t u r e s ........ 1,950 00 D ividends unpaid ................. Due from approved reserve Ind ividu al deposits, su bject banks ..................................... 38,791 64 to check ................................. Due from other banks ........ 5,556 83 Tim e certificates o f deposit Checks on other banks and Savings deposits ................... cash i t e m s ............... 601 56 Cashier’ s checks outstanding Gold coin ................................. 3,765 00 Reserved fo r in t e r e s t ............ Silver coin ............................... 442 25 IT. S. and national currency 3,677 00 N ickels and cents ................. 48 42 T otal ............................... $283,926 46 $10,000 00 10,000 00 4,063 25 600 00 39,683 198,329 15,388 5,061 800 22 13 95 91 00 T otal ............................... $283,926 46 Colby— Colby State Bank. ERASTU S BOW EN , President. ED. K A Y H A R T , V ice President. K. A N D R E W S , Cashier. R. G. S A L T E R , A sst. Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. E rastus Bowen, Ed. K ayhart, R. G. Salter, R. B. Salter, K. Andrews. E S T A B L IS H E D S E P T E M B E R 11, 1900. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. Loans and discounts ............ $217,254 O v e r d r a fts ................................ 239 Banking house ....................... 5,000 Furniture and f i x t u r e s ........ 2,500 Due from approved reserve banks ................... 75,938 Checks on other banks and cash items ........................... 9 Gold coin ................................. 3,645 Silver coin .......................... 1,025 U. S. and national currency 3,275 N ickels aud cents ................. 165 L ia b ilitie s . 74 96 06 00 80 22 00 65 00 41 T otal ............ ................... $309,053 78 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Capital stock paid in .......... Surplus fund ......... U ndivided profits, less cur rent expenses and taxes paid ........................................ Individu al deposits, su bject to check ................................. Demand certificates o f de p osit ...................................... $25,000 00 10,000 00 16,914 64 89,215 55 167,923 59 T otal ................. ............. $309,053 78 REPORTS OF STATE BANKS. 85 Coleman— Coleman State Bank. CHAS. A. W U N D E R L IC H , President. F E L IX ROSE, Vice President. E. F. P E L K E Y , Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. F. X. Scheuren, E. F. Pelkey, Chas. W underlich, Fred Neven. F elix Rose, E S T A B L IS H E D JA N U A R Y 2, 190S. Statement October 31, 1914. He sou roes. L ia b ilitie s . L oans and discounts .......... O verdrafts ................................ Stocks and other securities B anking house ....................... F urniture and fixtures ........ Due from approved reserve banks' ..................................... Checks on other banks and cash items ........................... E xchanges fo r clearing h o u s e ...................................... Gold coin ................................. Silver c o i n ............... U. S. and national currency Nickels and cents ................. T otal ............................... $65,481 99 4,508 3,000 1,946 05 82 07 00 55 5,943 82 656 76 378 135 857 2,295 262 Capital stock paid in .......... $15,000 Surplus fund ........................... 3,000 U ndivided profits, less c u r rent expenses and taxes paid ............. 974 Dividends unpaid ................. 3 Individu al deposits, su bject to check ................................. 29,025 Tim e certificates o f deposit 37,561 00 00 89 00 15 72 42 00 30 00 97 $85,564 76 T o t a l .............................. $85,564 76 Colfax— Bank of Colfax. J. T. JOYCE, President. WM. L IS T E R , Vice President. GEO. T. V O R L A N D , Cashier. LU LA M. Y OKES, A sst. Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. E. B. Hill, J. T. Joyce. O. G. K inney, Geo. T. Vorland, W m . Lister, E S T A B L IS H E D AUGUST 1, 1S99. In corporated as a State Bank June 18, 1903. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u r c e s. L ia b ilitie s . Loans and discounts .......... $205,438 17 Capital stock paid in .......... $20,000 O v e r d r a fts ................................ 1,355 94 Surplus fu nd ........................... 4,000 U. S., state, m unicipal and U ndivided profits, less cu r other bonds ......................... 2,500 00 rent expenses and taxes B anking house ........................ 5,000 00 paid ......... 1,123 F urniture and f ix t u r e s ........ 3,000 00 Individu al deposits, su bject Due from approved reserve to check ............................... 85,186 banks ..................................... 34,278 95 Tim e certificates o f deposit 130,085 Due from other b a n k s .......... 413 49 Savings deposits ................... 1,561 Checks on other banks and Cashier’s checks outstanding 18,271 cash i t e m s ............................. 418 75 P ostal savings ............................... 1,066 Gold coin ................................. 1,030 00 Silver coin ............................... 1,300 75 U. S. and national currency 6,528 00 Nickels and cents .................. 1 44 Other resources ..................... 29 78 Total Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ,. $261,295 27 T otal 00 00 03 95 39 94 61 35 $261,295 27 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF BANKING. 8G Collins— Collins State Bank. L. T. VOIGT, President. M. R A P P E L , V ice President. M. G. V A D E SK E Y, Cashier. AUG. BOON, A sst. Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. L. T. V oigt, Otto H aberm ann, W m . Belitz, Julius Krueger, R. C. Behnke, A ug. Boon, M. Rappel. E S T A B L IS H E D AUGUST 7, 1914. Statement October 31, 1914, R e so u r c e s. L ia b ilitie s . Loans and discounts .......... U. S., state, m unicipal and other bon ds ......................... Banking house ....................... F urniture and fixtures ........ Due from approved reserve banks ..................................... Due from other banks . . . . Checks on other banks and cash item s ........................... Gold c o i n ................................... Silver coin ............................... U. S. and national currency Nickels and c e n t s ................. T otal ............................... $19,664 25 2,000 1,858 1,051 2,722 61 150 300 896 32 Capital stock paid in .......... U ndivided profits, less c u r 00 rent expenses and taxes 57 paid .................. 58 Individu al deposits, su bject to check ................... 09 Tim e certificates o f deposit 686 Savings deposits ................... $10,000 00 481 59 13,880 71 3,555 09 875 81 56 00 20 00 09 $28,743 20 T otal ............................... $28,743 20 Coloma— The Peoples Bank. V IL A S F O L L E T T , President. D A R W IN F O L L E T T , Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. Vilas Follett, S. C. Runnels, D arwin Follett. E S T A B L IS H E D OCTOBER 4, 1902. Incorporated as a State Bank Ju ly 3, 1903. Statement October 31, 1914. R esou rces. L oans and discou nts .......... $176,948 81 Overdrafts ............................... 2 47 U. S., state, m unicipal and other bonds ......................... 39,834 66 Due from approved reserve banks ..................................... 40,126 35 Checks on other banks and cash item s ........................... 191 69 Gold coin ................................... 1,505 00 Silver coin .......................... 948 95 U. S. and national currency 7,465 00 N ickels and cents .................. 70 05 Total Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis $267,092 98 L ia b ilitie s . Capital stock paid in .......... $20,000 00 Surplus fund ........................... 5,000 00 U ndivided profits, less c u r rent expenses and taxes paid ........... 2,223 08 Individual deposits, su bject to c h e c k ................................. 47,213 05 T im e certificates o f deposit 191,987 69 Cashier’ s checks outstanding 569 16 Reserved fo r ta x e s................. 100 00 Total $267,092 98 REPORTS OF STATE BANKS. 87 Columbus— Farmers & Merchants Union Bank. .T. E. W H E E L E R , President. G. W. SH E P A R D , Vice President. J. R. W H E E L E R , Cashier. D IR E C TO RS. .T. E. W heeler, J. R. W heeler, G. W. Shepard, A. K. W heeler. E S T A B L IS H E D S E PTE M B E R 9, 1861. Incorporated as a State Bank Ju ly 3, 1903. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. L ia b ilitie s . Loans and discounts ............ $372,732 49 O v e r d r a fts ............................ 7,366-59 II. S., state, m unicipal and 95,673 78 other bonds ......................... B anking house ....................... 7,800 00 Furniture and fi x t u r e s ........ 1,723 25 Due from approved reserve banks ..................................... 65,225 02 Due from other banks ........ 4,224 98 Checks on other banks and cash items ........................... 3,351 49 10,030 00 Gold coin ............................ Silver coin ............................... 1,791 80 U. S. and national currency 7,927 00 N ickels and cents ................. 141 12 Capital stock paid in ............ $25.000 00 Surplus fund ........................... 20,000 00 U ndivided profits, less c u r rent expenses and taxes 6,836 65 paid ........................................ Individual deposits, su bject to check ................................. 116,505 33 T im e certificates of deposit 382,801 63 Savings deposits ................. 26,843 91 T otal ............................... $577,9S7 52 T otal ............................... $577,987 52 Coon Valley— The Coon Valley State Bank. S. P. L IE R , President. L E W IS O. I!R Y E , Vice President. E. B. KNTJDTSON, Cashier. I. B. KUNDSTON, Asst. Caslijer. D IR E C TO R S. L ew is O. Brye, Frank Scbaper, E. B. K nudtson, Simon P. Lier, K. C. Storlie, C. F. Brinkm ann. E S T A B L IS H E D OCTOBER 3, 1905. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. L ia b ilitie s . Loans and discounts ............ $248,672 515 O v e r d r a fts .............. IT. S., state, m unicipal and other bonds ......................... 21,350 B anking house ....................... 3,000 Furniture and fixtures ........ 1,500 Due from approved reserve banks ..................................... 44,009 Due from other b a n k s .......... 660 Gold coin ................................. 2,195 Silver coin ............................... 712 U. S. and national currency 6,039 Nickels and cents ................. 54 Total Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 02 89 Capital stock paid in .......... $25,000 00 Surplus fund ........................... 2,000 00 U ndivided profits, less cu r 00 rent expenses and taxes 00 paid ........................................ 3S4 54 00 Individual deposits, su bject to check ............................... 38,639 47 64 Tim e certificates o f deposit 235,082 90 54 Savings deposits ................... 26,424 12 00 Cashier’ s checks outstanding 1,177 33 25 00 02 $328,708 36 Total $328,708 36 88 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF BANKING. Corliss— Corliss State Bank. H E N R Y HARM AN N , President. M. H. H ERZOG, V ice President. LOUIS J. K R A D W E L L , Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. H enry M. H. L ou is H enry J. W. Simmons, Geo. T. Gillett, H. I. Hanson, T. I. L ingsw eiler. Harm ann, H erzog, J. K radw ell, Lytle, E S T A B L IS H E D AUGUST 17, 1914. Statement October 31, 1914. L ia b ilitie s . R e so u rc e s. Loans and discounts .......... O verdrafts ................................ B anking house ....................... Furniture and fixtures ........ Due from approved reserve banks ................................ Due from other b a n k s .......... Gold coin ................................. Silver coin ............................... IT. S. and national currency N ickels and cents ................. T otal ............................... $11,468 382 2,821 1,668 89 36 25 76 14,697 1,997 290 687 1,062 81 31 87 00 00 00 49 $35,156 93 Capital stock paid in .......... $12,000 00 U ndivided profits, less c u r rent expenses and taxes paid ; ............... 916 67 Individu al deposits, su bject to check ................................. 16,622 35 Tim e certificates o f deposit 2,477 58 Savings deposits ............. 3,140 33 T otal ............................... $35,156 93 Cottage Grove— Cottage Grove State Bank. W. R. C L A R K , President. A. O. PAU NACK, V ice President. F R A N K PYBU RN , Cashier. A. L. W E ID E N B E C K , Asst. Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. W . R. Clark, J. <T. Prendergast, H. C. K orfm aclier, A. O. Paunack, H. C. Struckm eyer, Klueter, I. A. Myers, Frank P yburn. E. G. Barron, E S T A B L IS H E D N OVEM BER 24, 1911. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u r c e s. Loans and discounts .......... $68,461 32 U. S., state, m unicipal and other bonds ......................... 19,574 60 Prem ium on bon ds ................ 122 48 Banking house ....................... 1,939 86 F urniture and fixtures ........ 1,019 10 Due from approved reserve banks ......... 20,120 02 Gold c o i n .............. 120 00 Silver coin .............................. 234 80 U. S. and national currency 3,450 00 N ickels and cents ................. 22 66 Other resources ..................... 49 31 T otal ............................... $115.114 15 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis L ia b ilitie s . Capital stock paid in ............ Surplus fu n d ..................... U ndivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid ........................................ Dividends unpaid ............. Individual deposits, su bject to check ............... .............. Demand certificates o f de posit .................. $12,000 00 500 00 1,397 39 3 00 29,253 68 71,960 08 T otal ............................... $115,114 15 REPORTS OF STATE BANKS. 89 Crivitz— The State Bank of Crivitz. B. J. P. GOULD, President. P. D U R L E R , Vice President. F. H. R E D D IN G , Cashier. R. J. HERM AN, Asst. Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. B. P. Gould, F. H. R edding, J. P. Durler. Geo. C. Paust, L. W. Evert, E. Umberham. E S T A B L IS H E D DECEM BER 9, 1912. Statement. October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. Loans and discounts .......... O v e r d r a fts ................................ Banking house ....................... Furniture and flxtures ........ Other real estate o w n e d ___ Gold coin ................................... Silver coin ............................... U. S. and national currency Nickels and cents .................. T otal ............................... L ia b ilitie s . $28,877 205 1,058 190 2,900 50 1,172 2,754 86 69 67 72 00 22 00 75 00 30 Capital stock paid in ............ Surplus fund ........................... U ndivided profits, less c u r rent expenses and taxes paid ........................................ Individual deposits, su bject to check ................................. Time certificates o f deposit $10,000 00 1,000 00 $37,295 35 T otal ............................... $37,295 35 305 22 16,118 25 9,871 88 Cross Plains— State Bank of Cross Plains. H E N R Y M. ZA N D E R , President. F R A N K J. SEAMAN, Vice President. .TAMES G. B A IL E Y , Cashier. D IR E C TO RS. H. M. Zander, Frank J. Seaman, A dolph B irrenkott, W . E. L. F roggatt, J. G. Bailey, John Schwab, John C. K ading, Joseph Kessenich, H. W. Koch. E S T A B L IS H E D JA N U A R Y 25, 1908. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. L ia b ilitie s . Loans and discounts .......... $187,539 70 O v e r d r a fts ................................ 1,847 50 U. S., state, m unicipal and other bon ds ......................... 33,391 88 2,360 55 B an king house ....................... F urniture and fixtures ........ 1,747 68 Due from approved reserve banks .................................... 23,854 76 Checks on other banks and cash items ........................... 1,834 03 Gold coin ................................. 552 50 Silver c o i n ................................. 331 85 IT. S. and national currency 4,859 00 Nickels and cents ................. 33 58 Total Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis $258,353 03 Capital stock paid in .......... Surplus fund ........................... U ndivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid ........................................ Due to banks— deposits . . . . Individual deposits, su bject to check ................................. Demand certificates o f de posit ...................................... Tim e certificates o f deposit Total $15,000 00 3,000 00 3,320 30 71 16 35,638 09 25,199 3S 176,124 10 $258,353 03 90 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF BANKING. Cuba City— Cuba City State Bank. JOH N CLEM ENS, President. JAM ES C A LV E R T , Vice P resident. H. D. MELOY, Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. John Clemens, ’ Michael M aring, T. E. Splinter, Jam es Calvert, W m. Thom as, W . J. Lindsay. L. W . Porter, E S T A B L IS H E D J A N U A R Y 14, 1899. Statement October 31. 1914. R e so u r c e s. L ia b ilitie s . Loans and discounts .......... $146,485 O v e r d r a fts ...........................'. . . 20 U. S., state, m unicipal and other bonds ......................... 3,000 Prem ium on bonds ................ 277 Banking house ....................... 5,000 F urniture and fixtures ........ 1,575 Other real estate owned . . . 8,000 Due from approved reserve banks ..................................... 17,595 Checks on other banks and cash i t e m s ............................. 1,879 Gold c o i n ................................... 942 Silver coin ............................... 1,261 U. S. and national currency 5,761 N ickels and cents ............... 168 Other resources ..................... 113 70 03 00 42 00 00 00 13 51 50 95 00 95 50 T otal ............................... $192,080 69 Capital stock paid in ______ Surplus f u n d .......................... U ndivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid ........................................ Individual deposits, su bject to check ............................... Tim e certificates o f deposit Certified ch ick s ..................... Cashier’ s checks outstanding P ostal savings ........................ $20,000 00 3,500 00 464 07 76,077 9S 88,756 70 352 94 29 00 2,900 00 Total ............................... $192,0S0 69 Cudahy— Cudahy State Bank. JOH N D. B IR D S, President. A. L. W IR T H , Vice President. A. L. W irth, Chas. A. N icolaus, J. D. Bird, CILAS. A. NICOLAUS, Cashier. D IR E C TO RS. C. Schendel, E. F. Lawler. E S TA B L ISH E D OCTOBER 2, 1909. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. Loans and discounts ............ $190,168 O v e r d r a fts ................................ 9 U. S., state, m unicipal and 60,313 other bonds ......................... B an king house . . . ....... 3,800 Furniture and f i x t u r e s ........ 1,500 Due from approved reserve banks ..................................... 40,660 Checks on other banks and cash items ........................... 245 Gold c o i n ................... 3,325 Silver coin ............................... 473 U. S. and national currency 11,548 N ickels and cents ............... 220 L ia b ilitie s . 22 59 82 00 00 59 00 00 45 00 94 T otal ............................... $312,264 61 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Capital stock paid in . . . . . . Surplus fund ......................... U ndivided profits, ,less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid ................. Individual deposits, su bject to check ................................ Tim e certificates o f deposit Savings deposits ................... Cashier’s checks outstanding P ostal savings ................... $25,000 00 5,000 00 6,841 81 88,141 27,499 144,964 3,539 11,278 50 42 75 01 12 T otal ............................... $312,264 61 REPORTS OF STATE BANKS. 91 Cumberland— Island City State Bank. L E W IS LARSON , President. A. L. M ORKEN, Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. Lew is L arson, A. L. Morken, John D. Olson, o. A. Ecklie. , E S T A B L IS H E D IN 1S9G. Incorporated as a State Bank Ju ly 20, 1903. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. L ia b ilitie s . Loans and discounts .......... $165,355 O v e r d r a fts ................................ 2,151 Banking house ........... 6,296 F urniture and fixtures ........ 2,591 Other real estate o w n e d ___ 910 Due from approved reserve banks ...........................................35,934 Checks on other banks and 621 cash items ........................... Gold coin ................................ 1,390 Silver coin ............................... 610 U. S. and national currency 2,904 Nickels and cents .................. 96 T o t a l .............................. 93 11 51 50 00 C apital stock paid in .......... Surplus fund ..................... " ... Undivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid ........................................ Individual deposits, su bject 35 to check ................................. Tim e certificates o f deposit 77 Savings deposits ................... 00 C ashier’s checks outstanding 20 B ills payable ........................... 00 81 $218,862 18 $25,000 00 4,500 00 2,315 27 92,644 44 48,018 40 9,922 23 5,012 80 31,449 04 T otal ............................... $218,862 18 Cumberland— State Bank of Cumberland. F. C. W. M IL L E R , President. F. IvALK, V ice President. A. H. M IL L E R , Cashier. E. M. M IL L E R , Asst. Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. F. W . Miller, C. F. Kalk, A. II. Miller. E S T A B L IS H E D OCTOBER S, 1SS3. In corporated as a State Bank A ugu st 12, 1903. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. L ia b ilitie s . Loans and discounts ............ $322,850 11 Capital stock paid in .......... $10,000 00 O v e r d r a fts ......... ....................... 3,385 17 Surplus fu nd ........................... 22,000 00 Banking house ....................... 3,000 00 B uilding fu nd ......................... 6,000 00 Furniture and fixtures . . . . . 500 00 U ndivided profits, less cu r Other real estate owned . . . 329 09 rent expenses and taxes Due from approved reserve paid ...................... 6,484 32 banks .................................... 48,309 84 Individual deposits, su bject Gold coin ................................. 905 00 to check ............................. 119,443 92 Silver coin ............................... 2,823 90 Tim e certificates o f deposit 197,054 06 IT. S. and national currency 1,809 00 Savings deposits ................... 21,767 33 Nickels and cents .................. 561 69 Cashier’s checks outstanding 1,724 17 T otal ..............................$384,473 80 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis T otal ............................... $384,473 80 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF BANKING. 92 Curtiss— Curtiss State Bank. OLE THOM PSON, President. T. B. PE TE R M A N , Vice President. GLEN REIBSAM EN, Cashier. D IR E C TO R S . T. B. Peterman, Glen R eibsam en, B. B. Green, Ole Thom pson. E S T A B L IS H E D JU L Y 23, 1912. Statement October 31, 1914. L ia b ilitie s . R e so u rc e s. Loans and discounts .......... Overdrafts ................................ Banking house ....................... Furniture and fixtures . . . . . Due from approved reserve banks ..................................... Gold coin ................................. Silver coin ........................... . IT. S. and national currency N ickels and cents ................. T otal ............................... Capital stock paid in .......... $10,000 00 Surplus fu n d ........................... 1,200 00 U ndivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid ........... 457 17 4,833 83 Individual deposits, su bject to check ....................................... 25,311 14 890 00 24,299 78 193 85 Tim e certificates of deposit 5,833 10 2,322 10 Savings deposits ................... 1,708 39 58 61 Cashier’s checks outstanding B ills payable ........................... 4,500 00 .$60,989 75 2,500 1,447 16 13 00 00 T otal ............................... $73,, 309 58 $73,309 58 Cushing-— Bank of Cushing. II. D. B A K E R , President. THOS. HANSON, Vice President. WM. S. LARSON, Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. II. D. Baker, Thos. Hanson, W m . S. Larson, F. W . Nelson, C. F. Peterson. E S T A B L IS H E D JUNE 17, 1914. Statement October 31, 1914. L ia b ilitie s . R e so u rc e s. L oans and discounts ............ Overdrafts .................... Banking- house ....................... F urniture and fixtures ........ Due from approved reserve banks ....................................... Checks on other banks and cash i t e m s ............................. E xchanges fo r clearing house ...................................... Gold coin ................................... Silver coin ............................... U. S. and national currency N ickels and c e n t s ................... Expense ................................. Total Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis $24,486 239 2,630 898 61 14 60 07 1,698 70 94 73 1 25 393 372 128 1,100 Capital stock paid in .......... Surplus fund ......................... Individu al deposits, su bject to check ............................... Tim e certificates of deposit Savings deposits ................... Cashier’ s checks outstanding Other ...................................... $10,000 00 1,000 00 15,003 3,055 2,170 413 426 99 00 50 20 84 85 00 85 00 17 81 $32,069 53 Total $32,069 53 REPORTS OF STATE BANKS. 93 Dallas— Bank of Dallas. r>. A. RU SSELL, President. M. L. R A N D A L L , V ice President. E R L A N D ENGH, Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. Erland Engh, A. L. Pongratz, M. L. Randall, ’ E S T A B L IS H E D .JULY 12, 1902. In corporated as a State Bank A ugu st 28, 1903. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. L oans and d iscou n ts............ Overdrafts ............... B anking house ..................... Furniture and fix tu res........ Due from approved reserve banks ..................................... Checks on other banks and cash item s ........................... Gold coin ........................ Silver coin ............................. U. S. and national currency Nickels and cents ......... Expense .................................... T otal L ia b ilitie s . $87,971 31 1,740 1,437 46 48 99 00 5,654 43 1,453 40 1,228 5,175 45 88 34 00 90 00 62 89 ............................. $104,S67 11 Capital stock paid i n . . . . . . Surplus fund ......................... Individual deposits, su bject to check .............................. Demand certificates o f de p osit .................................... T im e certificates o f deposit Savings deposits ................. Cash over ................................. T otal $10,000 00 2,000 00 26,995 60 1,287 59,041 5,375 167 32 67 05 47 ................. '.......... $104,S67 11 Dalton— Dalton State Bank. (P. O. K ingston) R O B E R T D A LTO N , President. R IC H A R D SCHULZ, Vice President. E. D IX O N , Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. R obert Dalton, R ichard Schulz, E. D ixon, F red Semple, W m . Sump, A. S. Bangs, Bert Loveland. E S T A B L IS H E D JA N U A R Y 2, 1913. Statement October 31, 1914. L ia b ilitie s . R e so u rc e s. Loans and discounts .......... $49,322 45 Capital stock paid in ............. Overdrafts ............................ 1 55 Undivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes U. S., state, m unicipal and paid ....... other bon ds ......................... 5,000 00 B anking house ..................... 2,500 00 Individual deposits, su bject to check ............................... F urniture and fixtures ----1,550 00 Demand certificates o f de Due from approved reserve p osit ..... banks ..................................... 14,725 96 Gold coin ................................. 140 00 Silver coin ................... 253 90 U. S. and national currency 3,127 00 Nickels and cents ............... 44 44 Total ............................. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis $76,665 30 T otal ............................. $10,000 00 246 71 23,077 57 43,341 02 $76,665 30 94 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF BANKING. Dane— State Bank of Dane. M. O’ D W Y E R , President. JOH N LOCKW OO D, Vice President. E. F. DE B O W E R , Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. M. O’Dw yer, .John L ockw ood, W . A. Dohn, Otto Schwenn, J. K. Stevenson, E. F. De Bower, B yron Rapp. E S T A B L IS H E D JU LY 15, 1911. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. Loans and d iscou n ts.......... Overdrafts ............................... II. S., state, m unicipal and other bonds ......................... B anking house ....................... F urniture and fix tu res........ Due from approved reserve banks ............................. - . . Checks on other banks and cash item s ......................... Gold coin .......................... Silver coin ............................... U. S. and national currency Nickels and c e n t s . . . . . . . . . . L ia b ilitie s . Capital stock paid i n . . . . . . $12,000 00 Surplus f u n d ............. 1,000 00 U ndivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes 3S1 70 paid ........................................ Individual deposits, su bject to check ............................... 11,099 65 Tim e certificates o f deposit 85,177 34 Savings deposits ................. 747 30 $88,874 81 3,531 84 1,930 00 3,000 00 2,047 32 7,850 45 300 1,352 703 772 00 50 75 00 4332 T otal ............................... $110,405 99 T otal ............................... $110,405 99 Darien— The Farmers State Bank of Darien. R. S. YQUNG, President. J. R. EAGAN, Cashier. LEON C. P IP E R , Asst. Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. It. S. Y oung, John Piper, IT. Frank, J. R. Eagan. E S T A B L IS H E D JA N U A R Y 1, 1S97. Statement October 31. 1914. R e so u r c e s. Loans and d iscou n ts............ $120,422 12 Overdrafts ............................... 255 88 IT. S., state, m unicipal and other bonds ......................... 19,000 00 B an king house ...................... 1,500 00 Due from approved reserve banks ..................................... 19,124 53 Gold coin ..............,.................. 432 50 Silver coin ................................. 390 00 IJ. S. and national currency 2,570 00 Nickels and cents .................. 119 74 T otal Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ............................. $163,814 77 L ia b ilitie s . Capital stock paid in ........ $15,000 Surplus fu nd ......................... 15,000 U ndivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid ........................................ 11,653 Individual deposits, su bject to check ............................... 66,481 Demand certificates . o f de p osit ....................................... 5.892 Tim e certificates o f deposit 43,134 Savings deposits ................. 5,652 T ota l 00 00 37 38 62 51 89 ............................. $163,814 77 REPORTS OF STATE BANKS. 95 Deerfield— Bank of Deerfield. A. H. HOFFM AN , President. N. L. R E SLA N D , Vice President. H. B. FARG O. Cashier. E. J. H E L M ICK S, Asst. Cashier. D IR E C TO RS. A. IT. Hoffman, N. L. Resland, H. B. F argo, N. J. Berge, Frank Draeger. E S T A B L IS H E D NOVEM BER 27, 1909. Statement October 31. 1914. R e so u rc e s. L ia b ilitie s . Loans and d iscou n ts.......... $116,848 81 Capital stock paid in ..,___ $10,000 00 O verdrafts ............................. 2,115 82 Surplus fund ......................... 2,000 00 U. S., state, m unicipal and Undivided profits, less cu r 2,440 00 other bonds ......................... rent expenses and taxes B an king house ................. 2,500 00 Paid ........................................ 2,847 19 F urniture and fix tu res........ 1,630 00 Individual deposits, su bject Due from approved reserve to check ............................... 44,854 29 banks ..................................... 8,477 71 Demand certificates o f de Checks on other banks and posit ....................................... 75,452 76 129 32 Bills payable ......................... cash i t e m s ............................. 5,000 00 Gold coin ................................. 2,245 00 Silver coin ............................. 462 70 II. S. and national currency 3,274 00 Nickels and c e n t s ................ 30 88 T otal ............................. $140,154 24 T otal ............................. $140,154 24 Deer Park— State Bank of Deer Park. W . E. W E B S T E R , President. G. A. FOU RS, Vice President. ■TNO. SA K R ISO N , Cashier. ED. SA K R ISO N , Asst. Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. W . E. W ebster, Geo. A. Fouks, Jno. Sakrison, Ed. Sakrison. E S T A B L IS H E D OCTOBER 6, 1905. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. L oans and d iscou n ts............ O verdrafts ............................. B an k in g house ..................... F urniture and fixtu res........ D u e from approved reserve banks ................................... Due from other ba n k s.......... ■Checks on other banks and cash items ........................... Gold coin ................................. ;Silver (coin .............................. TJ. S. and usitional currency _Nickeils an<a cents ................. L ia b ilitie s . $66,784 15 2,500 1,000 46 62 00 00 14,097 77 12,890 91 58 3,275 1,069 3,226 70 50 00 55 00 80 'Tp.taJ ............................... $104,988 61 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Capital stock paid in ......... $10,000 00 Surplus fund ......................... 5,000 00 Undivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid ; ............... 640 80 Individual deposits, su bject to check ............................... 27,753 28 Tim e certificates o f deposit 49,627 57 Savings deposits .......... 11,420 66 Cashier’ s checks outstand ing .......................................... 546 30 T otal ............... .. $104,988 61 96 R E P O R T OF T H E C O M M IS S IO N E R OF B A N K IN G . De Forest— The De Forest State Bank. A. A. LIN D E , Cashier. C. A. LIN D E , Asst. Cashier. THOMAS FA RN E SS, President. J. H. B E R T R A N D , Vice President. D IR E C TO R S. J. H. H. P. A. J. Tlios. W. R. Chipman, A. A. Linde, E. C. Melami. Bertrand, Jam ieson, Jamieson. Farness, E S T A B L IS H E D JUNE 2, 1002. Statement October «31, 1914. L ia b ilitie s . R e so u rc e s. L oans and d isco u n ts.......... $156,098 03 O verdrafts ....................... 2,044 95 Banking house ....... 2,745 66 F urniture and fix tu res........ 623 76 Due from approved reserve banks ..................................... 6,098 11 847 25 Due from other b a n k s........ Checks on other banks and cash items ......................... 60 80 Silver coin ................. 1,257 90 Silver coin ............................... 1,257 90 IT. S. and national currency 1,496 00 Nickels and ce n ts................. 389 88 Total Capital stock paid in .............. $15,000 Surplus fund ......................... 6,600 U ndivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid ...................................... 171 Individual deposits, su bject 25,471 to check ......... Tim e certificates o f deposit 115,564 B ills payable ......................... 10,000 T otal ............................. $172,807 34 00 00 57 71 06 00 ............................. $172,807 34 Delà van— Citizens Bank of Delavan, E. M. ADAM S, Cashier. W . R. T O P PIN G , Asst. Cashier. E. F. W IL L IA M S , President. H. A. BRIGGS, Vice President. D IR E C TO R S. E. D. H. J. H ow ard W illiam s, A. S. Parish, W . F. Fernholz, J. J. Phoenix. F. W illiam s, E. La Bar, A. B riggs, II. G oodrich, E S T A B L IS H E D F E B R U A R Y 24, 1875. Statement October «31, 1914. R e so u r c e s. L ia b ilitie s . L oans and discounts .......... $508,960 06 O verdrafts ............................... 4,651 46 U. S., state, m unicipal and other bonds ......................... 20,000 00 B anking house ...................... 10,000 00 Furniture and fixtu res........ 4,000 00 Due from approved reserve banks ..................................... 67,068 32 Due from other b a n k s........ 401 66 Checks on other banks and cash items ........................... 942 80 E xchanges fo r clearing house ........... 1,521 64 G old coin ................................. 5,587 50 Silver coin ............................... 2,733 00 U. S. and national currency 14,521 00 Nickels and c e n ts................. 297 79 Capital stock paid in ........ $50,000 00 Surplus fu nd ........... 15,000 00 U ndivided profits, less c u r rent expenses and taxes paid ........................................ 22,474 42 Due to banks— d e p o s it s .... 911 38 Individual deposits, subject to check .............................. 184,435 21 Dem and certificates o f de posit ...................................... 174,507 88 Savings deposits ................... 192,674 92 P ostal savings ........................ 681 42 T otal Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis $640,685 23 T otal $640,685 23 REPORTS OF STATE BANKS. 97 Delavan— Wisconsin State Bank. A. H. K E N D R IC K , President. G. E. B A R K E R , Vice President. C. H. SHULZ, Cashier. R. C. L IL L IB R ID G E , Asst. Cashier. D IR E C TO RS. F. G. Tanck, A. H. Kendrick, R. C. L illibrid ge. E. W . W alker, G. E. Barker, C. H. Barker, C. H. Shulz, E S T A B L IS H E D 1855. Incorporated as a State Bank Ju ly 25, 1903, under name o f Bank o f E. Latimer & Co. Changed name to W isconsin State Bank N ovember 1, 1911. Statement October 31. 1914. R e so u rc e s. L ia b ilitie s . Loans and discounts ........... $291,874 38 Overdrafts ............................. 4,871 19 U. S., state, m unicipal and other bonds ....................... 25,500 00 Prem ium s on b o n d s .............. 262 50 B anking house ..................... 11,000 00 Furniture and fixtu res.......... 6,349 50 Due from approved reserve banks .................................... 29,586 30 Due from other ba n k s.......... 1,659 00 Checks on other banks and cash i t e m s ............................. 477 39 E xchanges fo r clearing house ___ ^............................ 1,031 05 Gold coin ................................. 3,522 50 1,555 40 Silver coin ..................... , . . . II. S. and national currency 14,003 00 Nickels and ce n ts................. 353 17 Capital stock paid i n . . . . . . $30,000 00 Surplus fu n d ................ 15,000 00 Undivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid ...................................... 12,292 64 Individual deposits, subject to check ................................. 128,766 49 Demand certificates o f de 86,857 62 posit .................................... Savings deposits ................... 119,15863 Total ............................. $392,075 38 Total ............................. $392,075 38 Denmark— Denmark State Bank. H. F. BUCKMANN, President. II. F. W IT T IG , V ice President. GEO. G. DE BROUN, Cashier. D IR E C TO RS. Jno. Bartelme, M. ,T. Flaherty, Jno. F. Enz, H. F. Buckmann, John J. Jorgensen, IL A. Dumdey, H enry W ittig. F. W. Kriwanek, Jos. F. K onop, E STA B L IS H E D M ARCH 19, 1909. Statement October 31, 1914. L ia b ilitie s . R e so u rc e s. L oans and d iscou n ts............. $278,190 03 Overdrafts ........................... 3,162 27 Banking house ................. 4,500 00 Furniture and fixtu res.......... 3,000 00 Due from approved reserve banks .................................... 15,743 33 Due from other ba n k s.......... 6,538 24 Gold coin ................................. 150 00 909 10 Silver coin .................. U. S. and national currency 14,615 00 Nickels and cen ts................. 54 20 $326,862 17 T otal 7— B. S. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Capital stock paid in .......... Surplus fund ......................... U ndivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid ........................................ Due to banks— deposits .... Dividends unpaid .............. Individual deposits, subject to check ................. ............. Time certificates o f deposit Savings deposits ................... T otal $25.000 00 5.000 00 5,254 80 170 92 24 00 65,003 99 205,769 97 20,638 49 ............................$326.862 17 98 R E P O R T CF T H E C O M M IS S IO N E R OF B A N K IN G . Be Pere— State Bank. ,T. S. G IT TIN S, President. J. P. DOUSMAN, V ice President. C A R L G. SCOTT, Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. Jacob Falck, John A. K uypers, R obert Crabb, W. M. W orkm an. .Tolm S. Gittins, John H ockers, J. P. Dousman, 1). II. G regory, Peter Rnel, E S T A B L IS H E D JUNE, 1S78. In corporated as a State Bank O ctober 22, 1SS9. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. L ia b ilitie s . Loans and d iscou n ts............ $397,504 58 Overdrafts ............................... 1,122 74 [J. S., state, m unicipal and other bonds ....................... 61,964 52 B anking house ..................... 17,000 00 Furniture and fixtu res.......... 6,994 50 Other real estae o w n e d .... 1,000 00 Due from approved reserve banks .................................... 88,562 09 Due from other b a n k s.......... 1,009 71 Checks on other banks and cash items ........................... 7,205 31 Gold coin ................................. 8,212 00 1,809 70 Silver coin ............................. IT. S. and national currency 29,914 00 Nickels and ce n ts................. 222 92 Capital stock paid in ....... $50,000 00 Surplus fund ...................... 20,000 0C U ndivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid ........................................ 10.927 88 D ividends unpaid ................. 2,000 00 Individual deposits, su bject to check ...........................:. 136,317 51 Time certificates o f deposit 251,731 94 Savings deposits ................. 147,366 40 Cashier’s checks outstand ing .................................... 2,912 58 Debentures ......... 1,265 76 T otal T otal ............................. $622,522 07 ............................. $622*522 07 Be Soto— Be Soto State Bank. A. J. B R O A D H E A D , President. CHAS. H. H A S K E L L , Vice President. R. P. LOFTUS, Cashier. R. E. HAAG, Asst. Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. C. H. Upham, • A. J. Broadhead, R. P. L oftus, J. W . M orelli. C. H. Haskell, E S T A B L IS H E D F E B R U A R Y 23, 1904. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. L oans and d iscou n ts............ $111,526 95 Overdrafts ..................... 3,872 14 Banking house ..................... 1,400 00 Furniture and fix tu res.......... 1,500 00 Other real estate o w n e d ... 2,248 50 Due from approved reserve . banks ..................................... 21,786 45 Due from other ba n k s........ 13,886 16 Checks on other banks and cash items ........................... 41 24 Gold coin ................................. 15 00 Silver coin ............................. 998 25 TT. S. and national currency 719 00 N ickels and cen ts................. 122 14 Total ............................... $158,115 83 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis L ia b ilitie s . Capital stock paid in ........ Surplus fund ................. U ndivided profits, less c u r rent expenses and taxes paid ........................................ Individu al deposits, su bject to check ............................... T im e certificates o f deposit Savings deposits .................. T otal $10,000 00 3,000 00 1,273 29 33,086 29 79,843 04 30,913 21 $158,115 83 REPORTS OF STATE BANKS. 99 Dodgeville— City Bank of Dodgeville. D. H. W IL L IA M S , President. V. T. W IL L IA M S , Cashier. E. J. W IL L IA M S , Asst. Cashier. D IR E C TO RS D. H. W illiam s, Jane W illiam s, E. J. W illiam s. E S T A B L IS H E D DECEM BER 1G, 1SS9. In corporated as a State Bank A ugust 3, 1903. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. L ia b ilitie s . L oans and d is c o u n t s ............ $57,515 76 O verdrafts ................. , ............. 747 71 B anking house ..................... 9,000 00 F urniture and fixtures ___ • 1,300 00 Other real estate ow n ed ___ 2,700 00 Due from approved reserve banks ...................................... 6,712 60 Gold coin ................................. 1,217 50 Silver coin ............................. 1,183 00 U. S. and national currency 3,875 00 Nickels and cen ts.................. 86 80 T otal ............................. Capital stock paid in ......... $10,000 Surplus fu nd ..................... 2,000 U ndivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid ...................................... 221 Individual deposits, su bject to check ............................... 31,878 Tim e certificates o f deposit 40,239 T otal $84,338 37 ............................. 00 00 07 21 09 $84,338 37 Dodgeville— Strong’s Bank. O R V IL L E STRONG, P residen t. T. M. STRONG, Cashier. W. F. C A R T E R , Asst. Cashier. D IR E C TO RS. Orville Strong, T. M. Strong, A rthur Strong, H. C. Strong.' E S T A B L IS H E D JA N U A R Y 8, 1881. In corporated as a State Bank June 5, 1903. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. L oans and d is c o u n t s ............ $363,639 73 Overdrafts ............................... 1,853 91 U. S., state, m unicipal and other bonds ......................... 50,460 00 10,000 00 B anking house ..................... F urniture and fixtu res.......... 1,100 00 Due from approved reserve banks .................................... 69,253 38 Checks on other banks and cash item s ........................... 1,290 04 Gold coin ................................. 6,605 00 Silver coin ............................. 1,316 35 JT. S. and national currency 9,360 00 Nickels and cen ts................. 114 38 T ota l ............................. $514,992 79 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis L ia b ilitie s . Capital stock paid in ........... $50,000 10,000 Surplus fu n d .......................... U ndivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid ........................................ 2,095 Individual deposits, su bject to check ................................. 120,533 Demand certificates o f de posit ...................................... 5,920 Tim e certificates o f deposit 279,155 Savings deposits ................. 47,287 T otal 00 00 25 9S 53 08 95 ............................. $514,992 79 100 R E P O R T OF T H E C O M M IS S IO N E R OF B A N K IN G . Dorchester— Dorchester State Bank. C. E. B LO D G E TT, President. E. O. E R IC K SO N , Vice President. H. A. M AURER, Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. C. E. B lodgett, Herrn. M arquardt, F. M. Chase, H. A. Maurer, Bert W ells, F. W . Chase, E. K. Evenson, E. O. E rickson. E S T A B L IS H E D AUGUST 29, 1906. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. L ia b ilitie s . Loans and d iscou n ts.............. $146,876 36 Overdrafts ............................... 55 91 B anking house ..................... 3,000 00 F urniture and fix tu res........ 2,500 00 Due from approved reserve banks ..................................... 64,4SS 88 Checks on other banks and cash items ......................... 18 74 Gold coin ................................. 1,020 00 Silver coin ............................. 1,241 80 U. S. and national currency 5,705 00 Nickels and cen ts................... 82 42 T otal Capital stock paid in .......... Surplus fund ..................... u U ndivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid ...................................... Individu al deposits, su bject to c h e c k ................ Demand certificates o f de p osit ...................................... Savings deposits .................. P ostal savings ....................... T otal ............................. $224,989 11 $20,000 00 6,000 00 7,240 61 128,895 07 51,688 14 10,648 75 516 54 ............................. $224,989 11 Dousman— Dousman State Bank. C. C. OLSON, President. L. J. B ISC H E L, Vice President. J. A. OLSON, Cashier. GEO. A. M A RTIN , A sst. Cashier. D IR E C TO RS. G. A. Martin, Nie Mundschau. C. C. Olson, L. J. Bischel, Oscar A. Olson, E S T A B L IS H E D NOVEM BER 14, 1906. Statement October 31, 1914. L ia b ilitie s . R e so u rc e s. Loans and d iscou n ts............$134,453 Overdrafts ............................... 581 U. S., state, m unicipal and other bonds ......................... 6,018 B anking house ................. 2,516 F urniture and fix tu res........ 2,632 Due from approved reserve banks .................................... 23,849 Gold coin ............................ 250 Silver coin ............................. 504 U. S. and national currency 4,506 N ickels and cents .......... 49 T otal 37 05 90 60 17 09 00 03 00 75 ............................. $175,360 96 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Capital stock paid i n ....... $20,000 Surplus fund ......................... 4,000 Undivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid ........................................ 2,087 Individual deposits, subject to check ............................... 48,466 Tim e certificates o f deposit 87,983 Savings deposits .................. 12,843 T otal 00 00 31 86 53 26 ............................. $175,360 96 REPORTS OF S T A T E BANKS. 101 Downing— Bank of Downing. D. A. C. COOLIDGE, President. M. COOLIDGE, Vice President. L. H. R O C K W E L L , Jr., Cashier. D IR E C TO RS. L. Id. R ockw ell, Jr. D. C. C ooiidge, A. M. C ooiidge, E S T A B L IS H E D S E PTE M B E R 1, 1901. Incorporated as a State Bank A ugust 22, 1903. Statement October 31. 1914. R e so u rc e s. L ia b ilitie s . Loans and d iscou n ts.............. $121,547 36 C'apial stock paid in ............. $10,000 00 Overdrafts ................................. 652 89 Surplus fund ......................... 2,000 00 U. S., state, m unicipal and Undivided profits, less cu r other bonds ......................... 500 00 rent expenses and taxes Prem ium on b o n d s ................ 12 95 -paid ................. 1,163 92 Stocks and other securities 550 00 Due to banks— d ep osits___ 7,770 08 B anking house ....................... 1,500 00 Individual deposits, subject Furniture and fix tu r e s .___ 2,650 00 to check ...................... 40,284 01 Due from approved reserve Tim e certificates of deposit 36,901 42 banks ................. 10,729 50 Savings deposits ................... 47,461 01 Due from other ba n k s.......... 1,011 64 Cashier’ s checks ou tstan d Checks on other banks and in g .......................................... 4,079 13 cash it e m s ............................. 3,289 70 Debentures ............................... 15 00 Cold coin ................................... 1,265 00 Silver coin ...................... 1,972 60 P. S. and national currency 3,855 00 N ickels and cen ts................. 137 93 T otal ..................... ....... $149,674 57 T otal ............................. $149,674 57 Durand— Bank of Durand. A. .T. W A L L A C E , President. GEORGE T A R R A N T , V ice President. A. J. W allace, Geo. Tarrant, W. LI. H untington, * JO SE PH W E B E R , Cashier. D IR E C TO RS. H. M. Orlady, Joseph W eber. E S T A B L IS H E D F E B R U A R Y 20, 1884. Statement October 31. 1914. R e so u rc e s. L ia b ilitie s . Loans and d iscou n ts........... $423,450 O verdrafts .................................... 2,877 B anking house ....................... 12,500 Furniture and fixtu res___ 2,158 Due from approved reserve banks ..................................... 46,514 Due from other b a n k s.......... 4,652 Checks on other banks and cash items ........................... 3,119 E xchanges fo r clearing house 787 Gold coin ................................. 4,180 Silver coin ............................. 1,152 IT S. and national currency 6,449 Nickels and c e n ts................. 90 Total Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 44 Capital stock paid in .......... $25,000 58 Surplus fu nd ....... 25,000 00 Undivided profits, less cu r 67 rent expenses and taxes paid ...................................... 7,817 02 Individual deposits, subject 60 to check ....... 100,298 Tim e certificates o f deposit 349,815 45 Postal savings ....................... 1 69 00 70 00 75 $507,932 90 Total 00 00 32 84 10 64 $507,932 90 102 R E P O R T OF T H E C O M M IS S IO N E R OF B A N K IN G . Durand— State Bank of Durand. JOHN B R U N N ER , Jr., President. E. O S T E R R E IC H E R , Vice President. K. K. B R A IN A R D , Cashier. GEO. L. H O W A R D , Asst. Caslner. D IR E C TO R S. John E ngeldinger, E. Österreicher, H. E. Stanton, C. A. Ingram , E. S. Pattison, John Brunner, Jr. P. G. Pfeiffer. M. Dorwin, Geo. L. H ow ard, E STA B L IS H E D N OVEM BER 18, 1897. Incorporated as a State Bank January 20, 1900. Statement October 31, 1914. L ia b ilitie s . R e so u rc e s. L oans and d iscou n ts............ >'238.510 13 Overdrafts ........... . ............... 1,157 12 U. S., state, m unicipal and other bonds ......... 2,3oO 00 Banking liouse ....................... 7,000 00 F urniture and fix tu res........ 3.489 38 Other real estate o w n e d .... 4,350 00 Due from approved reserve banks ..................................... 13.071 62 Due from other b a n k s.......... 475 69 Checks on .other banks and cash items ........................... 4,901 92 E xchanges fo r clearing house 516 69 Gold coin ................................. 960 00 Silver coin ............................... 2,280 00 U. S. and national currency 4,470 00 N ickels and ce n ts................... 38 70 T otal ............................. $284.603 25 Capital stock paid in ............ $25,000 Surplus fund ......................... 10,000 Undivided profits, less c u r rent expenses and taxes paid ..................................... 757 Individual deposits, su bject to check ............................... 50,268 Tim e certificates o f deposit 192,705 Savings deposits ............. 5.930 00 00 .81 74 73 97 $284,603 25 T otal Eagle— Bank of Eagle. H. M. L O IB L, President. E. J. LIN S, Vice President LOUISE H. LINS, Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. F. K loppen burg, E. B. A bendrotli. H. M. L oibl, E. J. Lins, E. D. Smart, E S T A B L IS H E D AUGUST, 1901. Incorporated as a State Bank A ugust 29, 1903. Statement October 31, 1914. L ia b ilitie s . R e so u rc e s. Loans and d is c o u n ts ... . . . . $143,278 90 Overdrafts ..................... 425 70 Banking house . ................. 2,850 00 Furniture and fix tu res........ 2,500 00 Due from approved reserve banks ..................................... 43,872 08 Checks on other banks and cash items ......... . . . ........... 207 84 Gold coin ................................. 972 50 Silver coin ............................... 1,042 10 TJ. S. and national currency 4,494 00 N ickels and cen ts................... 60 22 Total Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ............................. $190.703 32 Capital stock paid in ............. Surplus fund ......................... Undivided profits, less c u r rent expenses and taxes paid ...................................... D ividends unpaid ................. Individual deposits, subject to check ............................... Time certificates o f deposit Savings deposits ................... T otal $15,000 00 2,700 00 3,310 00 12 00 58,016 05 98,332 14 22,333 13 ............................. $199.703 32 REPORTS OF S T A T E BANKS. 103 Eagle River— State Bank of Eagle River. M U IG A R E T M eKEN ZIE, President. F R E D M OREY, Vice President. A. M cK EN ZIE , Cashier. D IR E C TO RS. M argaret McKenzie, A. McKenzie. Fred Morey, E S T A B L IS H E D JU LY 3, 1891. Incorporated as a State Bank A ugust 14, 1903. S ta tem en t October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. L ia b ilitie s . L oans and d iscou n ts............ Overdrafts ............................. Banking house ..................... Furniture and fix tu res.......... Other real estate o w n ed ___ Due from approved reserve banks .................................... Due from other ba n k s.......... Checks on other banks and cash item s ......................... Gold coin ........... Silver coin ............................ U. S. and national currency Nickels and c e n ts................. T otal $53,900 1,036 1,500 1,500 493 72 40 00 00 50 51,548 65 133 41 389 1,525 1,300 14,230 103 Capital stock paid in ......... $10,000 Surplus fund ...................... 060 Undivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes 1.695 paid ...................................... Individual deposits, subject to check ............................... 72,493 Tim e certificates of deposit 42,811 00 00 08 87 15 38 00 00 00 64 ............................. $127,660 70 T otal ............................. $127,680 70 Eastman— State Bank of Eastman. J. F. P IE R , President. A. F IN N EY , Vice President. H, E. P IE R , Cashier. CHAS. H. FIN N EY , Asst. Cashier. DIRE' FORS. W alter Seidel, J. F. Pier, H enry Otto. .T. W . W allin, Geo. H. Finney, A. Finney, J. C. Ertel, E S T A B L ISH E D DECEM BER 19, 1910. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. Loans and d i s c o u n t s ...... Overdrafts ............................... U. S., state, m unicipal and other bonds ........................ B anking house ......... Furniture and fix tu res.......... Due from approved reserve banks ............. Due from other ba n k s.......... Checks on other banks and cash items ............................. Gold coin ................................. Silver coin ^ . U. S. and national currency Nickels and ce n ts................. Total Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis L ia b ilitie s , $78,605 60 558 17 10,405 00 2,218 57 1,030 57 4,867 08 628 56 367 197 ' 856 1,743 , 10 08 50 95 00 15 $10Í,48S 23 Capital Stock paid in ........... $10,000 Surplus Fund ......................... 500 Undivided Profits, less Cur rent Expenses and Taxes paid ........................................ 115 Individual D eposits, su bject to check ................................. 13,790 Time Certificates o f D eposit 77,076 Cashier’ s Checks Outstand ing ......... 6 Total 00 00 47 CO 16 CO ............................. $101,488 23 104 R E P O R T OF T H E * C O M M IS S IO N E R OF B A N K IN G . East Troy— Farmers and Merchants’ Bank. J. F. JUDE, President. T. J. O’ L E A R Y , V ice President. M. J. P O W E R S, Cashier. L. J. M A RTIN , Asst. Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. J. T. F. E. F. J. J. J. J ude, O’ Leary, Rice, Crane, B. F. Ludtke, John J. Crosswaite, Chas. Taft. E S T A B L IS H E D JU LY 6, 1912. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. Loans and d iscou n ts.............. O verdrafts ............................. i . S., state, m unicipal and other bonds ......................... B anking house ..................... F urniture and fixtu res.......... Due from approved reserve banks .................................... Checks on other banks and cash items ........................... Gold coin ................................. Silver coin ............................. U. S. and national currency Nickels and ce n ts................. T otql ..................................... L ia b ilitie s . $69,974 53 197 94 3,432 23 4,686 26 4,341 95 8,526 55 39 197 737 1,677 119 Capital stock paid in .......... Undivided profits, less current expenses and taxes paid ........................................ Individual deposits, subject to check ................................. Time certificates o f deposit Savings deposits ................. $20,000 00 33 81 13,309 31 46,648 93 13,938 79 60 50 40 00 88 $93,930 84 T otal .................................... $93,930 84 East Troy— State Bank of East Troy. .T. P. CH A FIN , President. H. E. H E N R Y , Cashier. E D W . B. R O H L E D E R , Vice President. E D W . B. R O H L E D E R , Asst. Cashier. D IR E C TO RS. J. P. Chafin, Edw. B. Rohleder, II. E. Henry. E S T A B L IS H E D JA N U A R Y 2, 1892. Statement October 31. 1914. R e s o u r . es. Loans and d isco u n ts..........$326,517 52 O verdrafts ............................. !242 17 U. S., state, m unicipal and other bonds ......................... 3,500 00 Banking house ..................... 7,000 00 F urniture and fix tu res___ 3,000 00 Due from approved reserve banks ....... 35,484 62 Checks on other banks and cash items ......................... 432 92 Gold Coin ................................. 1,480 00 Silver Coin ............................. 1,275 10 II. S. and National Currency 8,675 00 N ickels and Cents . . . . . . . . . . 147 20 T otal Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ............................. $387,754 53 L ia b ilitie s . Capital stock paid i n ....... $30,000 Surplus fund ......................... 6,000 Undivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid ..................................... 3,963 Individual deposits, subject to check ............................... 91,733 Tim e certificates o f deposit 141,280 Savings deposits ................. 114,184 Cashier’s checks outstand ing .......................................... 593 T otal 00 00 10 52 02 19 70 ............................. $387,754 53 REPORTS OF S T A T E BANKS. 105 Eau Claire— Eau Claire Savings Bank. W. K. C OFFIN , President. C. W . LOCKW OO D, Vice President. D. W. D. A B. C. W . D IN GER, Cashier. .TOHN BAUMAN, Asst. Cashier. D IR E C TO RS. T. C. A. M. S. Clark, K. Coffin, M. Dulany, J. Keith, G. P roctor, e s t a b l is h e : B. Keith, W . L ockw ood, J. Marsh, B. H ubbard. NOVEM BER 24, I DOG. Statement October 31, 1914. L ia b ilitie s . R e so u rc e s. in ....... $50,000 00 Loans and d iscou n ts........... $444,433 93 Capital stock paid O verdrafts ............................... 842 10 Surplus fund ............................. 6,000 00 14,000 00 Undivided profits, less c u r Banking house ...................... rent expenses and taxes Furniture and fix t u r e s ..... 2,607 60 paid .......................... 3,387 23 Due from, approved reserve banks .................................... 53,024 22 Individual deposits, subject to check ........... 160,432 82 Checks on other banks and 1,619 57 Tim e certificates o f deposit 121,119 55 cash items ........................... E xchanges fo r clearing house 3,581 92 Savings d e p o s it s '................... 187,730 46 Gold coin ................................. 185 00 Cashier’ s checks outstand 62 50 in g ....................... : ................. Silver coin ............................. 639 45 IT. S. and national currency 9,605 00 Postal savings ........................... 1,950 00 Nickels and ce n ts............... 143 77 Total ............................. $530,682 56 Total ............................. $530,682 56 Eau Claire— Union Savings Bank. K. R O SIIO LT, President. H. S. STRAN DN ESS, Vice President. .T, E. BAR R O N , Cashier. W . J. M AHONEY, Asst. Cashier. D IR E C TO RS. N. C. Foster, S. G. Moon, B. A. Buffington, W . L. Davis, K. Rosholt, J. T. Joyce, G. W . R obertson, E. S. Hayes, W . ,T. Starr, A. H. Hollen, O. H. Ingram , H. T. Lange, .T. T. Barber, Geo. L. Blum. 11. S. Strandness, E STA B L IS H E D D E CEM BER 17, 1906. Statement October 31, 1914. L ia b ilitie s . R e so u rees. L oans and d iscou n ts............$237,603 43 Capital stock paid in .......... $50.000 00 Overdrafts ...................... 424 94 Surplus fu nd ......................... 6,000 00 TJ. S., state, m unicipal and Undivided profits, less cu r other bonds ......................... 8.000 00 rent, expenses and taxes B anking house ....................... 12.500 00 paid ....................................... 3,484 53 F urniture and f i x t u r e s ..... 2,125 00 Due to banks— d ep osits....... 9,827 13 Due from approved reserve D ividends unpaid ................. 9 00 banks ..................... .............. 38,11172 Individual deposits, subject Due from other h a n ks.......... 16,649 62 to check ............... 118,934 65 Checks on other banks and Tim e certificates o f deposit 72,553 27 rash items ........................... 59 25 Savings deposits ................... 70,581 51 E xchanges fo r clearing Cashier’ s checks outstand house .................................... 4.319 38 ing .......................................... 1,735 50 Gold coin ............................... 3,770 00 Silver coin ............................... 529 50 U. S. and national currency 3,485 00 Nickels and ce n ts.................. 59 57 Canadian m oney ................... 41 14 Items in tra n sit..................... 5,447 04 Total Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis $333,125 59 Total .............................. $333.125 59 106 R E P O R T OF T H E C O M M IS S IO N E R OF B A N K IN G . Eden— Eden State Bank. W IL L IA M NAST, President. M A RTIN K A E D IN G , Vice President. W . J. NAST, Cashier. D IR E C TO RS. Geo. W . Nast, W . J. Nast, II. A. Kaeding. W illiam Nnst, Martin Kneeling, George F lood, E S T A B L IS H E D OCTOBER 11, 1910. 1 .. I! Vet Statement October 31, 1914. L ia b ilitie s . R e so u rc e s. Loans and d iscou n ts............ $112^497 To U. S., state, m unicipal and other bonds ......................... 9,000 00 B anking house ........ 3,818 50 Furniture and fixtu res......... 3,045 08 Other real estate o w n e d .... 1,290 00 Due from approved reserve banks .................................... 30,087 71 Due from other b a n k s........ 16,386 51 Cheeks, on other Banks and cash items ........................... 80 00 Gold coin ............. 212 50 Silver coin ............... 590 30 IT. S. and national currency 3,681 00 57 86 Nickels and ce n ts................... T otal ............................. $180,747 21 Capital stock paid i n ............ Surplus fund ............ ............ Undivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid ........................................ Individual deposits, subject to check ............................... Tim e certificates o f deposit Savings deposits ................... T otal $15,000 00 1,500 00 1,988 09 48,507 41 75,903 05 37,848 66 ............................. $180,747-21 Edgar— The Bank of Edgar. A. W . BUCHNER, P resident II. G. F L IE T H , Vice President W M. C. SEIM, Cashier. D IR E C TO RS. II. G. Flieth, A. W . Puchner, W m . C. Seim, C. C. He Long, O. G. Fehlhaber. E S T A B L IS H E D S E PTE M B E R, 1902. Incorporated as a State Bank A ugust 20, 1903. Statement October 31, 1914. L ia b ilitie s . R e so u rc e s. Loans' and d iscou n ts.......... $176,876 45 Overdrafts ............................... 2,327 02 Other real estate o w n e d .... 2,000 00 Due from approved reserve banks ..................................... 12,798 84 Due from other b a n k s.......... 3,866 84 Checks on other banks and cash items .......................... 98 00 Gold coin ................................. 1,545 00 Silver coin .............................. 761 45 U. S. and national currency 5,403 00 Nickels and ce n ts.................. 127 91 T otal .............................. $205.800 51 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Capital stock paid in ............ Surplus fund ......................... Undivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes ; paid ............. Individual deposits, subject to check ............................... Time certificates o f deposit Savings deposits ................. Notes and bills rediscounted B ills payable ......................... T otal $15,000 00 8,500 00 3,517 52 53,771 58 93,137 64 21.873 77 2,000 00 8,000 00 .............................. $205,800 51 REPORTS OF S T A T E BANKS. 107 Edgerton— Tobacco Exchange Bank. A N D R E W JENSON, President. W . S. H E D D L E S, Vice President. A N D R E W JENSON, Cashier. W M. BUSSEY, Asst. Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. Andrew Jenson, W . S. Heddles, W m . Bussey, W . A. Shelley, A lex. W hite, * D. L. Babcock, C. G. Biederman. E S T A B L IS H E D NOVEM BER 20, 1897. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. L ia b ilitie s . Loans and d iscou n ts............ $487,735 55 Capital stock paid in ............ Overdrafts ............. 9,289 47 Surplus fund ......................... B anking house ....................... 20,274 60 U ndivided profits, less cu r Furniture and fix tu res........ 3,070 06 rent expenses and taxes paid ........................................ Other real estate ow n e d ___ 9,400 62 Due from approved reserve Individual deposits, subject banks ..................................... 55,243 57 to check ................................ Checks on other banks and Demand certificates o f de cash items ........................... 2,237 50 posit ................... Gold coin ............. 4,840 00 Savings deposits .................. Silver coin ............................... 600 45 IT. S. and national currency 10,281 00 123 44 N ickels and cen ts............. Total $50,000 00 30,000 00 13,568 62 177,782 70 184.125 24 147,619 70 Total .............................. $603,090 20 .............................. $603,096 26 Eland— Eland State Bank. A. ,T. PLO W M A N . President. C. G R A B B A R T , Vice President. G. J. MOSES, Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. A. J. Plowm an, Adam R ettig, Anton Linke, W m . F. John, C. Grabbart, G. J. M. F. Mary Wm. E STA B L IS H E D Moses, Coe. A. Thom pson, Leiskaw. F E B R U A R Y 21, 190S. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. Loans and discounts .......... Overdrafts ............................... B anking house ...................... Furniture and fixtu res.......... Due from approved reserve banks ___ : ........................... Due from other b a n k s.......... Checks on other banks and .cash items .......................... Gold coin ............................... Silver coin ................. ........... IT. S. and national currency N ickels and c e n ts.................. E xpense ................. ................ T otal .............................. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis L ia b ilitie s . $47.344 3,491 4.050 3.474 59 70 00 59 1 08 202 12 723 65 730 1,424 157 218 71 00 25 00 52 22 $61,792 78 Capital stock paid in ............ Surplus fund ........... Due to banks— d e p o s it s .... Individual deposits, su bject to check ............... ................ Time certificates of deposit Savings deposits ................... Notes and bills rediscounted B ills payable ............ ............ Other liabilities . . . . ... T otal .............................. $15,000 00 1,500 00 33 57 11,510 22,232 3,657 3.500 2,950 1,408 95 25 93 00 00 08 $61.792 78 108 R E P O R T OF T H E C O M M IS S IO N E R OF B A N K IN G . Elcho— State Bank of Elcho. CHAS. W . FISH , President. W. D. BURTON, V ice President. GEO. H. BAUER, Cashier. DIRE« Chas. W . Fish, W . D. Burton, John F. Singer, Bernhardt F ollstad, Julius F ollstad, Clias. Beard, L. W . Filyes, R. P. Guttill, E. S. Tradewell. E S T A B L IS H E D A P R IL 7, 1913. Statement 31, 1914. L ia b ilitie s . R e so u r c e s. Loans and d is c o u n t s ......... Overdrafts ............................... B anking house ....................... Furniture and fix tu res........ Due from approved reserve banks . ................................... Checks on other banks and cash item s .......................... Gold coin ................. ; ........ ... Silver coin ............................... IT. S. and national currency N ickels and cents ................ T otal .............................. $32,580 4,385 1,901 1,156 336 11 10 335 S30 6 41 Capital stock paid in ........... 30 Surplus fund ......................... 00 U ndivided profits, less cu r 00 rent expenses and taxes paid ....................................... Individual deposits, subject 93 to check ............................... 60 Tim e certificates of deposit 00 Notes and bill rediscounted 30 Overdraft ................................. 00 50 $41,553 04 Total .............................. $10,000 00 500 00 1,163 94 13,566 5,093 9.463 1,766 37 48 16 09 $41,553 04 Elderon— Elderon State Bank. C A R L RO SH O LT, President. F R A N K L IN SCHULZ, Vice President. P E T E R C H E R E K , Cashier. H A R R Y HERMONSON, Asst. Cashier. D IR E C TO RS. Rom on W oyteski, Peter Cherek, Eric Ilerm anson, L. S. Jacobson. Carl R osholt, A. J. Plowm an, E. J. Benson, S. B. Olson, Franklin Schulz, E STA B L ISH E D FE B R U A R Y 27, 1913. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. Leans and d iscou n ts............ Overdrafts ........................ .. Banking house ....................... F urniture and fix tu r e s .___ Due from approved reserve banks .................................... Due frem other b a n k s........ Checks on other banks and cash items ........................... Gold coin ....................... Silver coin .............................. U. S. and national currency N ickels and cen ts................... T otal ............................ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis L ia b ilitie s . $19,553 209 1,397 400 12 33 49 15 56 00 30 85 457 10 198 1,055 5 82 00 40 00 87 $23,374 03 Capital stock paid in .......... Undivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid ...................................... Individual deposits, subject to check ............................... Demand certificates o f de posit ...................................... Notes and bills rediscounted Total .............................. $10,000 00 115 14 6,896 18 4,562 71 1,800 00 $23,374 03 REPORTS OF S T A T E BANKS. 109 Eleva— Bank of Eleva. C. P. LARSON , President. CHAS. B. M ELBY, Vice President. C. P. LARSON, Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. C. I>. Larson, C. B. Melby, Elm er Olson. E S T A B L IS H E D M ARCH I, 1901. Incorporated as a State Bank June 15, 1903. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. L ia b ilitie s . Loans and d is c o u n t s ..___ $100,115 56 Capital stock paid in .......... Overdrafts ............................... 800 00 Surplus fu nd ........................... B anking h o u s e ........................ 3,090 76 Undivided profits, less cu r Furniture and fix tu res........ 1,833 25 rent expenses and taxes Due from approved reserve paid ....................................... banks .................................... 16,187 73 Due to banks— d e p o s i t s .... Gold coin .................................. 615 00 Individual deposits, subject 1,455 25 Silver coin ....................... to check ............................... U. S. and national currency 4,947 00 Tim e certificates of deposit Nickels and cents ......... 116 50 Savings deposits ................. Cashier’ s checks outstand ing .......................................... T otal ............................. $129,161 05 T otal $10,000 00 3,500 00 468 80 9,757 74 27,227 68 56,425 97 16,129 63 5,651 25 ......................... $129,161 05 Elkhart Lake— Bank of Elkhart Lake. GEO. W . W O L F F , President. LOUIS LAUN, Vice President. H ERM AN O ST IIO FF , Cashier. DIRECTORS.Geo. W . W olff, Louis Laun, R obert Horneck, Win. Graf, Aug. Schaferkort, P. E. Breckheimer, E. C. Pin gel. E S T A B L IS H E D AUGUST 20, 1907. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. L ia b ilitie s . Loans and d is c o u n t s ..___ _ $102,214 37 Capital stock paid in ........... $25,000 00 O verdrafts ............................... 807 69 Surplus fund ......................... 1,500 00 U. S,, state, m unicipal and Undivided profits, less cu r other bonds ........................ 12,058 58 rent expenses and taxes Prem ium on bon ds ............... 9 50 Paid ....................................... 2,6 714 1 Stocks and other securities 600 00 Individual deposits, subject Banking house ....................... 6,000 00 to check ............. 40,811 00 Furniture and fix tu res........ 2,500 00 Tim e certificates o f deposit 76,808 10 Due from approved reserve Savings deposits ................. 7,927 63 banks .......... 21,506 32 Gold coin .................................. 2,135 00 Silver coin ........... 2,158 70 U. S. and national currency 4,197 00 530 98 N ickels and cents .................. Total Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis $154,718 14 Total $154,718 14 110 R E P O R T OF T H E C O M M IS S IO N E R OF BANKING. Elkhcrn— Elate Bank of Eikhorn. L. W . SW AN, Cashier. GEO. H. K E N N E Y, Asst. Cashier. E. J. H O O PE R , President. R. J. LEAN , Vice President. D IR E C TO R S. R. J. Lean, J. J. Slattery. E. J. H ooper, John Oslock, L. W. Swan, E S T A B L IS H E D JU LY S, 1S9G. Statement October 31, 1914. L ia b ilitie s . R e so u r c e s. Loans and discounts ............ $362,638 O v e r d r a fts ................................ 3,468 U. S., state, m unicipal and other bonds ......................... 34,72o Banking house ....................... 5,000 Due from approved reserve banks ..................................... 22,856 E xchanges fo r clearing house ...................................... 2,077 Gold coin ................................. 2,022 Silver coin ................... 2,351 U. S. and national curfen cy 10,182 N ickels and cents ................. 114 Capital stock paid in .......... $25,000 00 Surplus fund ......................... 25,000 00 U ndivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes 00 paid ........................................' 4,652 95 00 Due to banks— deposits ----8,481 73 D ividends unpaid ................. 25 00 29 Individual deposits, su bject to check ................................. 162,470 36 39 50 Tim e certificates o f d eposit 141,230 40 78,575 37 20 Savings deposits ................... 00 35 46 62 T otal ............................... $445,435 81 T otal ............................... $445,435 81 Elk Mound— Bank of Elk Mound. E. S. GREGERSON , Cashier. E. W . HANSON, Asst. Cashier. O. H. INGRAM , President. H E N R Y AUSMAN, Vice President. D IR E C TO R S. H enry Ausm an, E. S. Gregerson. O. H. Ingram , A. B. Ausman, E. B. Ingram , E S T A B L IS H E D F E B R U A R Y 3, 1906. Statement October 31, 1914. L ia b ilitie s . R e so u rc e s. Loans and discounts .......... O verdrafts ................................ U. S., state, m unicipal and other bonds ......................... B anking house ....................... F urniture and fixtures ........ Due from approved reserve banks ..................................... Checks on other banks and cash item s ........................... Gold coin ................................. Silver coin ............................... U. S. and national currency Nickels and cents ................. T otal $97,913 90 191 1,200 00 2,425 00 2,484 04 14,065 74 25 810 367 5,025 63 72 00 35 00 45 ............................. $124,572 12 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Capital stock paid in ............ $10,000 00 Surplus fu nd ........................... 1,300 00 U ndivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid ........................................ 755 31 Individual deposits, su bject to check ................................. 38,178 53 Dem and certificates o f de posit .................... 566 12 T im e certificates o f deposit 47,125 14 Savings deposits .......... 23,606 57 Cashier’ s checks outstanding 40 45 B ills p a y a b le ...................... 3,000 00 T otal ............................... $124,572 12 REPORTS OF S T A T E BANKS. I ll Ellsworth— Bank of Ellisworth. ,T. L. MOODY, President. J. E. FO LEY , Vice President. ORIN LORD, Cashier. L. It. CAD W E L L , Asst. Cashier. J. G. H AGESTAD, Asst. Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. R. N. Jenson, J. T. Beddall, Ered D. L ord. J. L. M oody, Orin Lord, .T. E, Eoley, II. It. Huber, E S T A B L IS H E D MAY 15, 1SSS. Statement October 31. 1914. R e so u rc e s. L ia b ilitie s . Loans and discounts .. . . . . $351,521 21 Capital stock paid in .......... $i0,000 00 1,234 93 Surplus fund ......................... O v e r d r a fts .................... 15,000 00 U. S., state, m unicipal and Undivided profits, less cu r other bonds ......................... 63,501 25 rent expenses and taxes B anking house ....................... 5,000 00 paid ........................................ 10,659 89 F urniture and fixtures ........ 2,606 18 Due to banks— deposits ___ 16,705 SI Other real estate owned . . . . 19,000 00 Individual deposits, su bject Due from approved reserve to Qlieck ................................. 120,087 90 banks .................................... 40,406 52 Demand certificates of de Due from other b a n k s ......... 23,325 99 p osit ................ 54 87 Cnecks on other banks and Tim e certificates o f deposit 224,711 57 2,529 06 Savings deposits ................... cash items .................. 72,404 91 E xchanges fo r clearing Cashier’ s checks outstanding 7,968 99 h o u s e ............................ 3,598 46 B ills payable ........................... 20,000 00 Gold coin ........................... 4,920 00 Silver coin ............................... 2,503 86 U. S. and national currency 7,436 00 10 48 Nickels and cents ................. T otal ............................... $527,593 94 T otal ............................... $527,593 94 Ellsworth— Citizens State Bank of Ellsworth. T. D. J. M cCOLLOW , President, C. MUNGER, Vice President. CHAS. M. HANSEN, Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. P. A. H aessly, D. C. TRJ. M cCollow, Chas. F. A. Severance, Chas. C. J. Christenson, E S T A B L IS H E D N OVEM BER Munger, M. Hansen, R iley. 24, 1909. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. L ia b ilitie s . Loans and discounts .......... $138,781 48 O v e r d r a fts ................................ 1,438 95 Banking house ....................... 3,840 09 Furniture and fixtures ........ 1,970 65 Due from approved reserve b a n k s ......... : .......................... 24,117 13 Checks on other banks and cash items ........................... 4,638 06 Gold coin ................................. 510 00 Silver coin ,...................... 326 50 U. S. and national currency 2,585,00 Nickels and cents .................... 55 79 Total Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis $176,263 65 Capital stock paid in .......... $15,000 Surplus fu n d ........................... 3,000 Undivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid ........................................ 1,695 Dividends unpaid ................. 45 Individual deposits, su bject to check ............................... 56,865 Demand certificates o f de posit .................................. 75 Tim e certificates o f deposit 41,289 Savings deposits ...... 45,742 Cashier’ s checks ofitstanding 2,549 Bills p a y a b le ........................... 10,000 00 00 88 00 90 00 62 76 49 00 T otal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $176,263 65 .112 R E P O R T OF T H E C O M M IS S IO N E R OF BANKlNO. Elmwood— First State Bank. O. W . GROOT, President. HUGH B E LL , Vice President. F. A. S P R IN G E R , Cashier. E. J. M cK ERN Ott, Asst. Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. C. E. F ox, E. R. Blaisdell, F. G. H olt. O. W . Groot, H ugh Bell, J. H. Graslie, F. A. S pringer, E S T A B L IS H E D S E PT E M B E R 14, 1904. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. L ia b ilitie s . L oans and discounts .......... $204,745 57 Capital stock paid in ........... $15,000 00 O v e r d r a fts ................................ 3,054 81 Surplus fu nd ......................... 1,700 00 B anking house ....................... 4,200 00 U ndivided profits, less cu r F urniture and fi x t u r e s ........ 4,579 56 rent expenses and taxes Due from approved reserve paid ........................................ 97 34 banks .................................... 20,339 81 Individual deposits, subject 7,777 56 Due from other banks ........ to check ................................. 61,507 83 Checks on other banks and Demand certificates o f de cash i t e m s ............................. 611 40 p osit ...................................... 663.75 Gold c o i n .................................. 2,477 50 Tim e certificates o f d eposit. 155,250 11 Silver coin ............................... 841 90 B ills payable ............. 20,000 00 U. S. and national currency 5,578 00 Cash over ................................. 72 18 Nickels and cents ......... 85 10 Total ............................... $254,291 21 T otal ............................... $254,291 21 Elroy— State Bank of Elroy. JOH N E. H A R T , President. A. T. G R EGORY, V ice President. GEORGE J. C L A R K , Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. Geo. J. Clark, H. .T. Vogel, F. B. Dix. A. T. G regory, J. T. Dithm ar, W . A. Smith, John E. Hart, E S T A B L IS H E D JA N U A R Y 1, 1890. Incorporated as a State Bank Ju ly 3, 1900. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. , L in h ilitie s. Loans and discounts ............ $273,409 26 Capital stock paid in .......... $25,000 00 O v e r d r a fts ................................ 421 11 Surplus fund ......................... 3,500 00 U. S., state, m unicipal and Undivided profits, less c u r other bonds ......................... 7.400 00 rent expenses and taxes Stocks, and other securities 1,000 00 paid ........................................ 223 94 Banking house ....................... 7,500 00 Individual deposits, su bject Furniture and fi x t u r e s ........ 2,148 00 to check ................................. 33,412 64 Other real estate o w n e d ___ 5,040 00 Demand certificates o f de Due from approved reserve posit ...................................... 260 00 b a n k s ..................................... 49,391 16 Time certificates o f deposit 280,564 95 Checks on other banks and Savings deposits ................... 8,115 09 cash item s ........................... 151 00 Certified checks ............... 85 00 Gold coin ................................. 1,540 00 Cashier’ s checks outstanding 5,083 50 Silver coin ............................... 371 45 U. S. and national currency 7,852 00 N ickels and cents ......... 21 14 Total Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis $356,245 12 T otal $356,245 12 REPORTS OF S T A T E BANKS. 113 Elroy— The Citizens Bank. C. S. H U N T L EY , President. A. A. T E L P E R , Vice President. L. S. MARSH, Cashier. ALM A E. G IF F O R D , Asst. Cashier. D IR E C TO RS. C. S. H untley, John W ilcox , A. A. Teller, L. S. Marsh. E S T A B L IS H E D NOVEM BER 11, 1895. Incorporated as a State Bank A ugust 7, 1903. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. L ia b ilitie s . Loans and discounts .......... $300,773 84 O v e r d r a fts ................................ 1,714 77 U. S., state, m unicipal and other bonds ................. . . . . 49,000 00 Banking house, furniture and fixtures ......................... 6,000 00 Due from approved reserve b a n k s ...................................... 39,225 21 Checks on other banks and cash item s ........................... 91 88 2.000 00 Gold coin ................................. Gold coin ................................. 2,000 00 U. S. and national currency 9,457 00 Nickels and cents ................. 100 58 Suspense .................... 692 05 Capital stock paid in ............ $25,000 00 Surplus fund ........................... 5,000 00 Undivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid ............... 1,336 92 Individual deposits, subject to c h e c k ................................. 69,882 90 Tim e certificates o f deposit 301,622 47 Savings deposits ................. 6,769 73 P ostal savings ....................... 243 31 T o t a l ............................... $409,855 33 T o t a l ..................... ......... $409,855 33 Emerald— State Bank of Emerald. P. B. DU N BAR, President. . A L E X FLEM IN G, V ice President. W . S. FLEM ING, Cashier. H E N R Y V. FLEM IN G, Asst. Cashier. D IR E C TO RS. P. B. Dunbar, Henry V. Flem ing, Alex. Flem ing, W . S. Flem ing. W m . F. W hite, E S T A B L IS H E D SE PT E M B E R 19, 1912. Statement October 31, 1914. L ia b ilitie s . R e so u rc e s. Loans and discounts .......... O v e r d r a fts ................................ B anking house ....................... F urniture and fi x t u r e s ........ Due from approved reserve banks ..................................... Checks on other banks and cash it e m s ............................. Gold coin ................... Silver coin ............................... U. S. and national currency Nickels and cents ............... Total Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis $31,721 307 2,500 1,870 07 64 00 98 11,860 75 10 235 780 2,742 35 00 00 85 00 21 $52,083 50 Capital stock paid in .......... Surplus fund .................... U ndivided profits, less c u r rent expenses and taxes paid ...................................... Individual deposits, su bject to check ................................. Tim e certificates of deposit Savings d e p o s it s ..................... Cashier’ s checks outstanding Total $10,000 00 400 00 752 64 26,459 08 14,061 25 165 53 225 00 $52,063 50 114 R E P O R T OF T H E C O M M IS S IO N E R OF B A N K IN G . Endeavor— First State Bank of Endeavor. C. V. S K IN N E R , President. C. W . COON, Vice President. H. G. C H U R C H IL L , Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. C. V. Skinner, W ill S. Hume, .1. M. Scholes, ,L C. Bennett, E noch Skinner, F. H. Smith, H. G. Churchill, A lfred Russell. C. W. Coon, E STA B L IS H E D F E B R U A R Y 7, 1900. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. Loans and discounts .......... O v e r d r a fts ................................ Banking house ....................... Furniture and fi x t u r e s ........ Due from approved reserve banks ..................................... Due from other b a n k s .......... Checks on other banks and cash i t e m s ............................. Gold c o i n .................................. Silver coin ......... U. S. and national currency Nickels and c e n t s .................... Expense ..................................... In a b ilitie s , $80,667 428 2,403 1,990 05 00 57 88 11,400 51 2,225 59 228 207 429 1,996 74 40.9 Capital stock paid in ........... Surplus fund ........................... Dividends unpaid ................. Individual deposits, su bject to check ................................. Demand certificates o f de p osit ...................................... B ills p a y a b le ........................... $10,000 00 2,250 00 10 00 24,573 00 57,128 16 8,500 00 46 50 35 00 60 65 T otal ............................... $102,461 16 T otal ............................... $102,461 16 Ettrick— Bank of Ettrick. H. F. CLAUSSEN, President. Iv. A. KNUTSON, V ice President. H. F. CLAUSSEN, Cashier. LU CILE CLAUSSEN, Asst. Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. H. F. Claussen, L. K. Underheim, A. M. Pederson, A. J. Ekern, K. A. Knutson, A. P. Ofsdalil. J. E. Cance, E S T A B L IS H E D DECEM BER 20, 1911. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. Loans and discounts ............ Stocks and other securities Banking house ....................... F urniture and fixtures ........ Due from approved reserve banks .'.................................... Gold c o i n ................................... Silver coin ............. U. S. and national currency N ickels and cents ......... L ia b ilitie s , $86,976 40 3,750 2,088 27 00 00 50 151,127 1,785 244 1,764 48 45 00 50 00 76 T otal ............................... $111,824 48 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Capital stock paid in . . . . . . Surplus fund ........................... Undivided profits, less c u r rent expenses and taxes paid ............... ................•___ Individual deposits, su bject to c h e c k ............. Tim e certificates o f deposit Savings deposits ................... $15,000 00 1,000 00 1,958 29 31,674 96 41,372 82 20,818 41 T otal ................................ $111,824 48 REPORTS OF S T A T E BANKS. 115 Evansville— Bank of Evansville. GEO. L. PU LLE N , President. A. C. G R A Y, V ice President. PAUL P U LLE N , Cashier. D IR E C TO RS. A. C. Gray, Geo. L. Pullen, Paul Pike Pullen, E STA B L IS H E D 1870. In corporated as a State Bank January 28, 1875. Statement October 31, 1914. L ia b ilitie s . R e so u rc e s. L oans and d is c o u n t s ............$318,606 O verdrafts .............................. 5,383 10,000 Banking house ................... F urniture and fix t u r e s ........ 5,000 Due from approved reserve b a n k s .............................. 16,994 Checks on other banks and cash items ........................... 2,626 Gold coin ................................. 2,455 Silver coin ............................... 3,271 U. S. and national currency 16,796 Nickels and cents ........ ......... 77 17 35 00 00 38 67 00 50 00 68 T otal ............................... $381,510 75 Capital stock paid in .......... $25,000 00 Surplus fund ........................... 5,000 00 Undivided profits, less c u r rent expenses and taxes paid ........................................ 5,912 56 Individual deposits, subject to check ............... 98,516 95 Demand certificates o f de posit .................... 98,064 14 Savings d e p o s i t s ---------------- 109,017 10 B ills p a y a b l e ........................... 40,000 00 T otal ..................... ......... $381,510 75 Evansville— Farmers and Merchants State Bank. A. C. S. B A K E R , President. F. M IL L E R , Vice President. R O B E R T D. H A R T L E Y , Cashier. D IR E C TO RS. A. V. C. H. E. Gabriel, L. Van W art, R obert D. H artley. S. Baker, A. A xtell, F. Miller, O. Meyers, E S T A B L IS H E D JUNE 1, 1907. Statement October 31, 1914. L ia b ilitie s . R e so u rc e s. Loans and discounts ............ $228,531 O v e r d r a fts ................................ 1,072 U. S., state, m unicipal and other bonds .................. 22,400 B anking house ....................... 5,800 F urniture and fix t u r e s ........ 2,400 Due from approved reserve banks .................................... 22,394 Checks on other banks and cash items ........................... 73 Gold coin ................................. 1,695 Silver coin . . ............... 994 U. S. and national currency 2,115 Nickels and cents ................. 159 29 57 00 00 00 10 85 00 95 00 18 T otal ............................... $287,635 94 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Capital stock paid in .......... $25,000 00 Surplus f u n d ........................... 1,500 00 Undivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid ........................................ 785 77 Individual deposits, su bject to check ................................. 63,256 07 Demand certificates o f de 80,629 08 posit ...................................... Savings deposits ................... 96,465 02 Bills payable ........................... 20,000 00 T otal ............................... $287,635 94 116 R E P O R T OF T H E C O M M IS S IO N E R OF B A N K IN G . Evansville— The Grange Bank. T. C. R IC H A R D SO N , President. V: C. HOLM ES, Vice President. J. P. P O R T E R , Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. T. C. R ichardson, V. C. Holm es. J. P. Porter. E S T A B L IS H E D JUNE 14, 1897. In corporated as a State Bank Ju ly 11, 1903. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u r c e s. L ia b ilitie s . Loans and d iscounts .......... $128,251 41 O v e r d r a fts ........................ 3,964 82 U. S., state, m unicipal and other bonds ......................... 39,500 00 Furniture and fixtures ........ 3,000 00 Due from approved reserve 21,541 37 banks ..................................... Checks on other banks and cash items ........................... 3,607 00 Gold c o i n ................................. 840 00 Silver coin ............................. •. 561 00 U. S. and national currency 3,780 00 N ickels and cents ............... 41 09 Capital stock paid in .......... $15,000 00 Surplus fu nd ........................... 5,000 00 Undivided profits, less c u r rent expenses and taxes 749 72 paid ........................................ Individual deposits, su bject to check ................................. 49,996 69 Demand certificates o f de posit ....................................... 99,049 79 23,912 79 Savings deposits ................... Postal s a v in g s ............. 1,377 70 B ills payable ........................... 10,000 00 T otal ............................... $205,086 69 T otal .............................. $205,086 69 Fairwater— Fairwater State Bank. A. W . BO N E STE E L, President. D E R K . BRU IN S, Vice President. ROY E. SM ITH , Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. A. W . Bonesteel, Derk. B ruins, C. S. Griffith, E. W . Loper, N. H. W estm an, C. Of Tinkham, W . R. A bercrom bie. E S T A B L IS H E D M ARCH 16, 1903. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. L ia b ilitie s . Loans and discounts ........... $151,017 24 O v e r d r a fts ............................ '. . 2,322 97 U. S., state, m unicipal and other bonds ......................... 5,624 15 B anking house ....................... 2,600 00 Furniture and f i x t u r e s ........ 1,800 00 Due from approved reserve b a n k s ...................................... 25,371 40 Checks on other banks and cash i t e m s ............................. 13 50 Silver coin ............................... 891 50 U. S. and national currency 3,599 00 Nickels and cents ................. 169 74 Capital stock paid in ............ $25,000 00 Surplus fu n d ........................ 4,000 00 U ndivided profits, less c u r rent expenses and taxes paid ........................................ 6,267 94 Individual deposits, su bject to check ................................. 34,943 96 T im e certificates o f deposit 123,197 60 Total Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis $193,409 50 Total $193,409 50 REPORTS OF S T A T E BANKS. 117 Fall Creek— The State Bank. Iv. R OSH OLT, President. J. E. ZETZM AN , V ice President. H E N R Y W ISE , Cashier. C. W. VOECHTING, Asst. Cashier. D IR E C TO RS. K. R osholt, .T. E. Zetzman, C. ,T. Lissack, W m . H. Fraw ley, W m . Niebuhr, P. S. Linderthaler, F. C. Lanua, H enry W ise. E STA B L IS H E D NOVEM BER 27, 1903. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u r c e s. L ia b ilitie s . Loans and discounts .......... $169,566 O verdrafts ..................................... 1,245 Banking house ....................... 2,100 Furniture and fi x t u r e s ........ 1,500 Due from approved reserve b a n k s ...................................... 36,155 Due from other banks . . . . . . 7,222 Checks on other banks and 3,131 cash items ........................... Gold coin ................................. 1,620 Silver coin ..................... 170 TJ. S. and national currency 4,695 Nickels and cents ............... 74 33 41 00 00 64 38 72 00 45 00 56 Capital stock paid in ............ $10,000 00 Surplus Bind ....... 2,500 00 Undivided profits, less c u r rent expenses and taxes 1,574 38 paid .......... Individual deposits, su bject to check ................................ 47,190 73 Time certificates o f deposit 166,216 38 Total ............................... $227,481 49 Total ............................... $227,481 49 Fall River— The First State Bank. JOH N F O STE R , Sr., President. G. W . STEPH E N S, Vice President. L. E. EVERSON, Cashier. CH E STE R D. H AUF, Asst. Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. Joh n Foster, Sr., G. W . Stephens, Maria B abcock, James S. B abcock, S. C. Chambers, L. E. Everson. E S T A B L IS H E D JA N U A R Y 8, 1904. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. Loans and discounts .............. $144,298 O v e r d r a fts ................................ 3,134 Furniture and fi x t u r e s ........ 2,823 Due from approved reserve b a n k s ...................................... 22,973 Due from other banks -------16 Checks on other banks and cash items ........................... 1,577 Gold coin ................................. 1,245 Silver c o i n ................................ 837 IT. S. and national currency 1,099 53 Nickels and c e n t s ................... L ia b ilitie s . 08 11 15 66 00 00 00 93 Capital stock paid in .......... $10,000 00 Surplus fund ........................... 7,000 00 Undivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid ........................................ 5,764 85 Individual deposits, su bject ' to check .............................. 42,270 31 Demand certificates o f de posit ........... 43 48 Savings deposits ................... 96.901 79 Certified checks ......... 2,0^7 25 B ills p a y a b l e ........................... 14,000 00 T otal ............................... $178,057 68 T o t a l .............................. $178,057 68 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 41 31 118 R E P O R T OF T H E C O M M IS S IO N E R OF B A N K IN G . Fennimore— State Bank of Fennimore. D W IG H T T. P A R K E R , President. W IL L IA M M ARSDEN, Vice President. J. R. V IL LE M O N T E, Cashier. W IL L M AURER, Asst. Cashier. L. G. B R E C IiL E R , Asst. Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. D w ight T. Parker, ' W illiam Marsden, Geo. A. Kruel, ,T. R. Villemonte. Jacob Baum gartner, E S T A B L IS H E D JUNE 8, 1S96. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u r c e s. L ia b ilitie s . Loans and d is c o u n t s ............$722,591 33 Overdrafts .............................. 16,088 25 If. S., state, m unicipal and other bonds .......................... 17,000 00 B anking h o u s e ...................... 15,000 00 F urniture and f i x t u r e s ........ 9,540 42 6,522 85 Other real estate o w n e d ___ Due from approved reserve banks ..................................... 78,678 51 Due from other banks . ; . . . 81 52 Checks on other banks and 117 07 cash items ........................... Gold coin .............................. 9,515 00 Silver coin ............................... 1,680 00 U. S. and national currency 6,290 00 Nickels and cents .................. 124 84 Capital stock paid in .......... Surplus fund ......................... U ndivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid ........................................ Individual deposits, su bject to check ................................. Tim e certificates o f deposit Cashier’ s checks outstanding P ostal savings ....................... $50,000 00 10,000 00 1,077 48 117,992 701,563 2,295 300 56 82 55 38 T otal ............................... $S83,229 79 Total ............................... $883,229 79 Ferryville— Ferryville State Bank. M. B A RH AM , President. JOH N O. NASH, V ice President. F. R. GA R V E Y, Cashier. D IR E C TO RS. M. Barham, John O. Nash, .John H. Sterling, R obert Tweed, E. C. Amann, John Churness, L. F. Copsey. E S T A B L IS H E D JU LY 26, 1911. Statement October 31. 1914. L ia b ilitie s . R e so u r c e s. Loans and discounts ............ O verdrafts ............................... U. S., state, m unicipal and other bonds? ......................... B anking house ........................ F urniture and fixtures ........ Due from approved reserve banks ..................................... Due from other banks ........ Checks on other banks and cash items ........................... Gold coin ................................. Silver coin ............................... U. S. and national currency Nickels and cents ............... T otal ............................... Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 60,379 00 1,296 49 16,307 50 1,800 00 900 00 7,476 42 3,248 16 70 37 433 2,158 72 Capital stock paid in .......... $10,000 00 Surplus fund ........................... 300 00 Undivided profits, less c u r rent expenses and taxes 54 17 paid ........................................ D ividends unpaid ................. 28 00 Individual deposits, su bject to check ................................. 26,482 44 Tim e certificates o f deposit 57,315 32 88 50 30 00 68 $94,179 93 T otal ............................... $94,179 93 REPORTS OF S T A T E BANKS. 119 Florence— State Bank of Florence. E. E. W IL C O X , President. M AX SELLS, V ice President. . F. S. EVANS, Cashier. D IR E C TO RS. Max Sells, F. S. Evans, E. E. W ilcox , E. W . H opkins, Peter McGovern, E S T A B L IS H E D JA N U A R Y 2, 1891. Statement October 31, 1914. L ia b ilitie s . R e so u rc e s. Loans and discounts .......... $105,933 46 U. S., state, m unicipal and 19,500 00 other bonds ............... F urniture and fixtures ........ 1,400 00 Due from approved reserve banks .................................... 15,331 76 Due from other b a ji k s .......... 168 00 Checks on other fianks and cash items ........................... 118 74 Gold co n ................................. 200 00 Silver coin ............................... 1,497 18 U. S. and national currency 12,519 00 $156,668 14 Total Capital stock paid in .......... Surplus fund ......................... Undivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes p a i d ....................................... Individual deposits, su bject tt> check ................................ Time certificates o f deposit Cashier’s checks outstanding Postal savings ....................... $15,000 00 5,000 00 3,332 64 42,066 98 90,842 SO 20 83 404 89 $156,668 14 Total Fond du Lac— Citizens State Bank. F. J. W O L F F , President. A. .T. PU LLE N . Vice President. A. L. CARSTEN S, Vice President. JOHN O. K A L T , Cashier. E. L. R IC H A R D SO N , Asst. Cashier. F. W. G IL L E T T , Asst. Cashier. t\ V* D IR E C TO R S. A. L. Carstens, W . J. Gillett, W. W. Hughes, J. O. Kalt, A. J. Kremer, J. F. Freenor. A. J. Pullen, J. C. Harcum , J. Lonergan, T. E. P ritchard, II. A. Michler, F. J. W olff, L. P. Hinn, E S T A B L IS H E D MAY 20, 1911. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. L ia b ilitie s . Loans and discounts ........... $217,824 22 Overdrafts ............................... 284 80 TJ. S., state, m unicipal and other bonds ......................... 14,996 86 B anking house ....................... 25,000 00 Furniture and fixtures . . . . . 7,894 13 Due from approved reserve banks . : ................................. 29,453 95 Checks on other banks and cash i t e m s ............................. 1,383 52 Gold coin ................................ 500 00 Silver coin ............................... 1,140 40 IT. S. and national currency 11,985 00 Nickels and cents .................. 172 45 Capital stock paid in .......... $100,000 00 Undivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid .................................... 3,187 56 Due to banks— deposits ___ 607 79 Individual deposits, subject to check ................................. 75,087 38 T hno certificates of deposit 27,671 01 Savings deposits ............... 104,056 59 Certified checks ..................... 25 00 Total Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis $310.635 33 Total $310,635 33 120 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF BANKING. Fond du Lac— Cole Savings Bank. A. E. COLE. P residen t.' W. C. R E IN IG , Vice President. WM. 1. COLE, Cashier. THOS. C. R O SE N TH A L, Asst. Cashier. D IR E C TO RS. S. E. Gavin, W m. I. Cole, A. E. Cole. W. C. R einig P. ,T. Ladd, P. H. Martin E S T A B L IS H E D 1881. In corporated as a State Bank Decem ber 12, 1891. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. L ia b ilitie s . Loans and discounts ............ $249,505 10 Overdrafts ............................... 330 07 U. S., state, m unicipal and other bonds ......................... 40,247 50 Banking house ....................... 1,713 72 Other real estate owned . . . . 23,249 55 Due from other b a n k s .......... 3,092 09 Gold c o i n ................................... 3,702 50 Silver coin ............................... 2,545 70 U. S. and national currency 15,741 00 337 66 Nickels and cents ................. Capital stock paid in .......... $50,000 00 Surplus fund ........................... 8,200 00 U ndivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes 910 04 paid ........................................ Dividends unpaid .............. 55 00 Individual deposits, su bject to check ................... 41,270 51 Demand certificates o f de posit ...................................... 1 00 Tim e certificates o f deposit 00,992 20 Savings deposits ....... 179,036 14 T otal ............................... $340,464 89 T otal ............................... $340,464 S9 Footville— The Footville State Bank. S. W. LACEY, President. W. O. H O W E L L , Vice President. ROY BUCKMANN, Cashier. D IR E C TO RS. S. W . Lacey, W . O. H owell, R oy Buckm ann, M. Elirlinger, F. A. Luckfield, F. R. L ow ry. E S T A B L IS H E D JA N U A R Y 3, 1910. Statement October 31, 1914. L ia b ilitie s . R e so u rc e s. Loans and discounts ............ Overdrafts ................................. Banking house ....................... Furniture and fixtures ........ Due from approved reserve banks .................................... Gold c o i n ................. Silver c o i n ................................. U. S. and national currency N ickels and cents ................. T otal ............................... Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis $65,045 1,146 3,000 2,960 45 54 00 00 3,453 20 352 1,643 29 30 00 40 00 22 $77,649 91 Capital stock paid in .......... $20,000 00 Surplus f u n d ............... 480 00 Undivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid. ...................... 36 05 Individual deposits, su bject to check .................... 26,612 19 T im e certificates o f deposit 9,364 74 Savings deposits . . . , ........... 21,156 93 T otal ............................... $77,649 91 REPORTS OP S T A T E BANKS. 121 Forest Junction— Forest Junction State Bank. JOHN SEYBOLD, President. G. H. SCH M ITT, Vice President. W. C. A L TE N , Cashier. L. A. HOFFM AN , Asst. Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. John Seybold, G. II. Schmitt, W. C. Alten, L. A. Hoffman, W illiam Filyer, John Brooks, M aurice Meehan. E S T A B L IS H E D SE PT E M B E R 5, 1911. Statement October 81, 1914. R e so u rc e s. L ia b ilitie s . L oans and discounts ............ $69,826 O v e r d r a fts ................................. 262 U. S., state, m unicipal and other bonds ......................... 10,000 B anking house ...................... 3,600 Furniture and f i x t u r e s ........ 1,900 Due from approved reserve banks .................................... 17,559 Gold c o i n ................................... 1,220 Silver coin ............................... 241 U. S. and national currency 1,238 Nickels and cents ............................... 91 41 99 00 00 00 29 00 30 00 59 Capital stock paid in .......... Surplus fund ........................... Undivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid ........................ ............... Individual deposits, subject to check ............................... Demand certificates o f de p osit ...................................... Savings deposits ................... Certified checks ......... T o t a l ..........! . . ------ ------ $105,939 58 $15,000 00 1,500 00 , 2,152 01 31,721 76 47,167 69 6,898 12 1,500 00 T o t a l ................. •............$105,939 58 Forestville— State Bank of Forestville. H. J. TE SK E , President. J. DONOVAN, Vice President. W. H. B A S TA R , Cashier. D IR E C TO RS. H. .7. Teske, J. Donovan, E. M. E. Mueller, W. H. Bastar, C. R. Guth, Samuel Perry, Geo. Schmitz. E S T A B L IS H E D D E C E M B E R 24, 1909. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. Loans and discounts ............ $116,908 35 Overdrafts ............................... 703 29 Banking house ....................... 3,000 00 Furniture and fixtures ........ 1,228 50 Due from approved reserve b a n k s ...................................... 31,551 36 Gold coin ................................. 3,860 00 SUver coin ............................... 2,252 55 TJ. S. and national currency 4,692 00 N ickels and cents ................. 115 09 Total ............................... $164,311 14 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis L ia b ilitie s . Capital stock paid in ............ $10,000 Surplus fund ....... 2,000 Undivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid ........................................ 1,353 Individual deposits, su bject to check ................................. 30,607 Tim e certificates o f deposit 114,921 Savings deposits ............... 5,429 00 00 07 01 31 75 Total ............................... $164,311 14 122 REPORT CE THE CRJ-MISS:ONER OF BANKING. Fort Atkinson— Citizens State Bank. R. D. CHASE, President. T. B. ROYCE, V ice President. C. A. C A SW E L L, Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. J. A. C'aswell, T. B. R oyce. C. A. Caswell, R. D. Chase, E S T A B L IS H E D JU LY 1, 1'8S4. Statement October 31, 1914. L ia b ilitie s . R e so u rc e s. Capital stock paid in .............. L oans and d iscou n ts............ $176,2S9 95 ...................... O verdrafts ................................. 650 38 Surplus fund Undivided profits, less cu r U. S., state, m unicipal and other bonds ......................... rent expenses and taxes 6,680 00 paid ................................. B anking house ....................... 2,500 00 F urniture and fix tu res.......... 1,500 00 Individual deposits, subject to check ............................... Due from approved reserve banks ................................. 53,00129 Demand certificates o f de posit .............. Checks on other banks and cash items ........................... 512 32 Savings deposits ................... Silver coin ............................... 1,368 00 U. S. and national currency 7,770 00 Nickels and cents ............... 130 76 T otal .............................. $250.405 70 T otal $25,000 00 5,000 00 11,610 48 107,695 27 86.9S9 SO 14,110 15 .............................. $250,405 70 Fort Atkinson— Fort Atkinson Savings Bank. O. W . D O N K L E , Cashier. G. E. W A R D , Asst. Cashier. C. J. W A R D , President. ... W. IvIN D LIN , Vice President. D IR E C TO R S. E. C. O. G. J. W. W ilcox, J. W ard, W . Donkle, E. W ard, P. Galloway, D. C. Converse, G. W . K indlin, W . J. Kyle, C. F. A. Treoloff. E S T A B L IS H E D JA N U A R Y 27, 1910. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s L ia b ilitie s . Loans and d iscou n ts........... $206,189 Overdrafts ............... 326 U. S., state, m unicipal and other bon ds , ....................... 42,546 B anking house ........... 7,500 Furniture and fi x t u r e s ..... 2,500 Due from approved reserve banks ....................... .'........... 30,435 Due from ' other b a n k s........ .. 49 Exchanges fo r clearing house ..................................... 1.203 6,670 Gold coin ............................... Silver coin ............................... 2,203 U. S. and national currency ;3,4S6 N ickels and cents ................. 144 Total Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 32 40 12 00 00 25 00 Capital stock paid in ............. $10,000 00 Surplus fund ..................... 1,200 00 Undivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid ............... 1,667 05 Individual deposits,, subject to check .................. S5,859 76 Demand certificates of de p osit ..................................... 60,996 41 Savings deposits ................... 113,530 73 90 00 90 00 06 $303,253 95 Total $303.253 95 Re p o r t s of sta te b a n k s . 123 Fountain City— First State Bank. F. .7, BOHR I, President. C. A. K IR C H N E R , Vice President. H. E. B O H R I, Cashier. D IR E C TO R S F. J. B ohri, C. A. K irchner, H. R oettiger, M. L. Fugina, H. E. B ohri. E STA B L IS H E D AUGUST 11, 1906. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. L ia b ilitie s . Loans and d iscou n ts............. $256,743 29 Capital stock paid in ......... $20,000 Overdrafts ............................... 673 29 Surplus fund ......................... 4,500 U. S., state, m unicipal and Undivided profits, less cu r other bonds ........................ 53,868 65 rent expenses and taxes F urniture and fixtu res........ 2,054 30 paid ...................................... 2,469 Due from approved reserve Individual deposits, su bject banks ..................................... 70,567 12 to check ............................... 69,523 Checks on other banks and T im e certificates o f deposit 299,673 cash items ............................ 3,982 27 Certified checks ..................... 300 Gold coin ................................. 3,370 00 Silver coin ............................... 1.0S1 10 U. S. and national currency 3,931 00 Nickels and ce n ts.................. 195 39 T otal ............................... $396,466 41 00 00 68 02 71 00 T otal ............................... $396,466 41 Fox Lake— State Bank of Fox Lake. C. H. EGGLESTON , President. H. ('LAU SEN , Vice President. D. C. CHURCH, Cashier. G. T. R O B E R TS, Asst. Cashier. D IR E C TO RS. C. H. E ggleston, President. H. Clausen, H. A. Graham, R. O. W illiam s, E S T A B L IS H E D W . D. Borst, H. Dickson, D. C. Church. MARCH 2, 1S91. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. L ia b ilitie s . Loans and d isco u n ts............. $316,164 84 Capital stock paid in ........... $40,000 10.000 Overdrafts ............................... 1,375 43 Surplus fund ........................... U. S., state, m unicipal and Undivided profits, less c u r rent expenses and taxes other bonds ......................... 22,100 00 Banking house ........... 6,000 00 26,934 paid ........................................ Furniture and fixtures . . . . 2,500 00 Individual deposits, subject to check ............................... 77,020 Due from approved reserve banks .................................... 75,653 49 Demand certificates of d e posit .................... 596 Checks on other banks and cash items ........................... 20 00 Time certificates of deposit 185,764 Gold coin .......................... 8,735 00 Savings deposits ................ 106,499 Silver coin ............................. 2,128 25 IT. S. and national currency 11,697 00 442 83 Nickels and cents ............. •.. Total .............................. $446,816 84 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Total 00 00 96 54 92 69 73 .............................. $446,816 84 124 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF BANKING. Fredonia— State Bank of Fredonia. D. M. R O SE N H E IM ER , President. E. P. NEUENS, Vice President. H. W . W IT T , Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. D. M. Rosenheim er, E. P. Nenens, Nie. J. Paulus, E. W . Jaehnig', E. A. W itt. ' E S T A B L IS H E D JU LY 2, 1910. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. Loans and d isco u n ts............ Overdrafts ..........'................... U. S., state, m unicipal and other bonds ....................... B anking house ....................... Furniture and fix tu res........ Due from approved reserve banks ......................... Checks on other banks and cash items ...................... Gold coin ....... Silver coin ............................... U. S. and national currency Nickels and cents ................ T otal L ia b ilitie s . $85,393 50 109 56 8,500 00 2,812 63 2,073 48 16,582 32 91 2,132 450 5,263 299 63 50 20 00 74 Capital stock paid in .............. $15,000 00 Surplus fund ...................... 1,000 00 U ndivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid ........................................ 2,093 01 Individual deposits, subject to check ............................... 42,399 04 Tim e certificates o f deposit 46,442 97 Savings deposits ................. 16,440 34 Cashier’ s checks outstand 33120 ing .......................................... ............................. $123,708 56 T otal ............................. $123,708 56 Fremont— Fremont State Bank. THEO. II. JOHNSON, President. W . J. A. M cIN T Y R E , Vice President. N. H. JOHNSON, Cashier. SINA A. JOHNSON, Asst. Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. W . J. A. M cIntyre, John Ploeger, W m . Sherburne, Theo. H. Johnson, N. H. Johnson. E S T A B L IS H E D M ARCH 16, 1910. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. L ia b ilitie s . Loans and discounts . . . . . . $91,782 25 Capital stock paid in ............. $10.000 00 Overdrafts ............f .............. 316 76 Surplus fund ......................... 600 00 U. S., state, m unicipal and Undivided profits, less c u r other bonds ......................... 2,827 50 rent expenses and taxes B anking house ....................... 2,500 00 paid ........................ 1,190 30 F urniture and fixtures . . . . 2,700 00 Individual deposits, subject to check ............................... 24,231 85 Due from approved reserve 82,302 14 banks ..................................... 17,038 67 Tim e certificates o f deposit Savings deposits ................. 4,517 30 Checks on other banks and cash items ......................... 1,005 18 Gold coin ................................. 585 FI Silver coin ............................... 801 40 TJ. S. and national currency 3,126 00 N ickels and ce n ts....... 158 83 Total Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis $122,841 59 Total $122,841 59 REPORTS O F STATE BANKS. 125 Friendship— Friendship State Bank. A. F. H IL L , President. ,. \V. PU RVES, Vice President. A. C. MOORS, Cashier. D IR E C TO RS. A. F. H ill, John P. Lewis, J. \V. Turves. E S T A B L IS H E D S E PTE M B E R 19, 1910. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. L ia b ilitie s . Loans and d isco u n ts............. $105,545 99 Capital stock paid i n ........... $10,000 00 Overdrafts ............................... 199 41 Surplus fund ................. . . . . 3,000 00 U. S., state, m unicipal, and U ndivided profits, less cu r other bonds ........................ 19,700 00 rent expenses and taxes Furniture and fix tu res........ paid ........................................ ' 1, 000 00 950 24 Due from approved reserve Individual deposits, subject banks ............................ 18,779 10 to check ................................ '57,862 SO Checks on other banks and Tim e certificates of deposit 66,518 09 cash items ....................... 64 42 Savings deposits ................... 14,314 16 Cold coin .................................. 2,110 00 Postal savings ........................ 5 04 Silver coin ............................... 842 00 Th S. and national currency 4,239 00 170 41 Nickels and cen ts................... T otal ............... .............. $152,650 33 T otal .............................. $152,650 33 Friesland— Friesland State Bank. (P. O. Cambria.) E. W . BRANDED, President. E L I CU PERY, Vice President. H E N R Y P R IT C H A R D , Cashier. D IR E C TO RS. T. W . Hutchinson, H enry Sauer, R, F. Clark, P. N. Cupery, J. F. Burbach, E. W . Braudel. E li Cupery, E S T A B L IS H E D AUGUST 27, 1914. Statement October 31, 1914. R esou rces. Loans and d iscou n ts............. Overdrafts .............................. Banking house ........................ F urniture and fix tu res........ Due from approved reserve banks .................................... Due from other banks ......... Gold coin .................................. Silver coin ................................ TJ. S. and national currency Nickels and ce n ts................. T otal .............................. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis L ia b ilitie s . $6,782 296 2,550 1,499 8,524 1,468 505 379 2,450 59 Capital stock paid I n .............. Surplus fund ...................... Undivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid .............................. 93 Individual deposits, subject to check ........................... 93 00 Time certificates o f deposit 50 00 39 82 34 00 27 $24,516 18 T otal .............................. $10,000 00 500 00 859 16 5,917 55 7,239 47 $24,516 18 126 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF BANKING. Galesville— Bank of Galesville. E. F. C L A R K , President. A. A. A R N O LD , Vice President. J. F. CANCE, Cashier. R. H. A SH L E Y , Asst. Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. A. A. A rnold, E. F. Clark, J. F. Cance, B. W . Davis, S. C. French, F. A. Ivellman E S T A B L IS H E D JU LY 30, 1SS3. Incorporated as a State Bank June 4, 1S85. Statement October 31, 1914. L ia b ilitie s . R e so u r c e s. Loans and d iscou n ts.......... $466,809 34 Overdrafts ...................... 2,495 57 U. S., state, m unicipal and other bonds ......................... 63,325 00 Banking house ....................... 7,000 00 Due from approved reserve banks .................................... 72,369 21 Due from other b a n k s.......... 1,363 11 Checks on other banks and cash items ............................ 1,371 22 Gold coin .................................. 3,425 00 Silver coin ............................... 1,222 00 IT. S. and national currency 6,377 00 Nickels, and c e n t s ............... 292 21 T otal Capital stock paid in ....... $50,000 Surplus fund ........................... 10,000 Undivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid ........................................ 13,968 216 D ividends unpaid ..................... Individual deposits, su bject to check *................................ 97,125 Tim e certificates of deposit 375,941 Savings deposits ................... 70,360 Cashier’ s checks ou tstan d in g .............................................. 8,434 3 P ostal Savings ....................... T otal ............................. $620,049 66 00 00 09 00 76 93 25 '55 08 ............................. $626,049 GO Galesville— Farmers and Merchants State Bank. G. O. G IL B E R T SO N , President. G. H. LA W R E N C E , Vice President. -T. A. BERG. Cashier. GEO. O. SAGEN, Asst. Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. C. C. G. H. Lawrence, G. O. T. M. Benrud, J. A. S. D. Grover, F. J. John Dick, J. O. Hovre, E S T A B L IS H E D N OVEM BER Wason. G ilbertson, Berg, Stellpflug. 6, 1908. Statement October 31, 1914. L ia b ilitie s . R e so u r c e s. Loans and d iscou n ts............. $133,127 97 Overdrafts ........... 206 06 Stocks and other securities 290 00 F urniture and fixtu res........ 2,800 00 Due from approved reserve banks ..................................... 15,448 51 Checks on other banks and cash items ....................... 4,229 41 Gold coin ................................. 1,805 00 Silver c o i n ............................. 445 00 U. S. and national currency 3,795 00 Nickels and ce n ts................... 66 15 Total Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis $102,213 10 Capital stock paid i n .......... Surplus fund ......................... U ndivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid .......................................... Individual deposits, subject to check ............................... Tim e certificates o f deposit Savings deposits ................ T otal $15,000 00 3,000 00 1,901 90 25.687 86 88,606 02 28,017 32 $162,213 10 REPORTS OF S T A T E BANKS. 127 Gays Mills— Bank of Gays Mills. H- W . STUCKEY, President. F J. L E W IS , Vice President. O. A. SH E R W O O D , Cashier. D IR E C TO RS. IT. W. Stuckey, F. .T. Lewis, T im othy Murpliy, G. T. A tw ood, E S T A B L ISH E D N. Jurgenson, S. L. Brown, W . H. Lowe. AUGUST 24, 1904. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. L ia b ilitie s . Loans, and d iscou n ts............. $167,858 22 5,341 02 Ovei d rafts ...................... Stocks and other securities 110 00 B anking house ....................... 1,835 00 1,787 00 F urniture and fix tu r e s......... Due from approved reserve banks ................................ 12,487 70 Due from other b a n k s.......... 2.582 01 E xchanges fo r clearing house ...................................... 721 52 Gold coin ................................. 430 00 1.177 96 Silver c o i n ................................ U. S. and national currency 3,911 00 T otal Capital stock paid i n ............ $20,000 3,000 Surplus fund ......................... Undivided profits, less c u r rent expenses and taxes paid ........................................ 1,048 Individual deposits, subject to check ....................................... 33,415 Demand certificates o f de posit ...................................... 130,777 Bills payable ......................... 10.000 ................... ......... $198,241 43 T otal 00 00 07 80 50 00 ................. '.......... $198,241 43 T -i. Genesee Depot— State Bank of Genesee Depot. T ; H A V ip E D W A R D S , President. CHAS. R. JONES, Vice President. A R T H U R R IC H A R D S, Cashier. D IR E C TO RS. Milo M ucklestone, F. W Schwinn, C. It. Jones, H ow ard Greene, T. David Edwards, John Sherman. E S T A B L IS H E D F E B R U A R Y 10, 1910. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. Loans and d iscou n ts............. Overdrafts ............... Stocks and other securities Banking house ....................... Due from approved reserve banks ..................... Checks on other banks and cash i t e m s ..................... Gold c o i n ............... Silver c o i n .............. L. S. and national currency Nickels and c e n t s ................. T o ta ! ............................. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis L ia b ilitie s . $78,451 1.209 732 2,140 43 90 99 67 14,886 S3 47 362 537 763 59 19 50 75 00 79 $99,192 05 Capital stock paid in .............. $10,000 U ndivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes 3,576 paid ........................................ Individu al deposits, subject to check ................................. 22,684 Tim e certificates o f deposit 55,068 ............... 7,862 Savings deposits T otal ............................... 00 99 78 12 16 $99,192 05 128 R E P O R T OF T H E C O M M IS S IO N E R OF B A N K IN G . Genoa— Genoa State Bank. A. TU LLOCH, President. G. A. K A E P P L E R , Vice President. H. A. TULLOCH, Cashier. C. A. MONTE, Asst. Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. G. A. K aeppler, Louis Monte, A. Tulloch, Fred Morelli. Charles Ott, E S T A B L IS H E D AUGUST IS, 1900. Statement October 31. 1914. R e so u rc e s. L ia b ilitie s . L oans and discounts ............ $140,923 81 O verdrafts ........... 480 09 U. S., state, m unicipal and 13,000 00 other bonds ......................... Banking house ....................... 2,500 00 F urniture and fixtures ........ l x500 00 Due from approved reserve banks .................................... 21,231 75 Due from other banks ........ 5,426 65 Cheeks on other banks and cash items ........................... 157 68 Gold coin ................................ 960 00 Silver coin ............................... 281 85 U. S. and national currency 2,773 00 Nickels and cents ................. 194 88 Capital stock paid in ........... $10,000 Surplus fu nd ......................... 2,500 Undivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid ........................................ 2,616 Individual deposits, subject to check ................................. 17,372 Tim e certificates o f deposit 156,194 Total ............................... $189,429 71 00 00 07 50 14 Total ............................... $189,429 71 Genoa Junction— Citizens State Bank. .TAMES G. A L L E N , President. C. D. B L A N K , V ice President. C. A. STONE, Cashier. GRACE G. STONE, Asst. Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. James G. Allen, C. D. Blank, E. O. Ivull, C. E. W illiam s. R. Holm es, E S T A B L IS H E D N OVEM BER 3, 1904. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. L oans and discounts ............ $143,355 26 O verdrafts ............................. 131 00 U. S., state, m unicipal and other bonds ......................... 12,750 00 Banking house ................... 4,500 00 F urniture and fixtures ........ 1,900 00 Due from approved reserve banks .................................... 5,258 51 Checks on other banks and cash items ............................ 6,014 34 Silver c o i n ................................. 688 50 U. S. and nation al currency 1,850 00 Nickels and cents ................. 18 36 T otal ............................. $176,465 97 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis L ia b ilitie s . Capital stock paid in .......... Surplus fu nd ........................ Undivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid ........................................ Individual deposits, subject to check ...................... Demand certificates o f d e posit .................................... T otal $12,000 00 13,000 00 7,022 51 50,048 80 94,394 66 ............................. $176,465 97 REPORTS OF S T A T E BANKS. 129 Gillett— The Citizens State Bank. F. F. KOSICE, President. AUG. Z IP P E L , Vice President. H. A. KOSK E , Cashier. D IR E C TO RS. A ugu st Zippel, Peter Gomber, F. F. Koske, H. A. Koske, II. C. Sorensen. E S T A B L IS H E D AUGUST 17, 1907. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. L ia b ilitie s . Loans and d isco u n ts........... $172,477 41 Overdrafts ............................... 1,146 34 Banking house ..................... 6,250 00 2,000 00 F urniture and fixtu res........ Due from approved reserve banks .................................. 39,432 86 Due from other b a n k s .......... 2,477 o i Checks on other banks and cash items ......................... 41 80 Gold coin ................................. 2,395 00 168 40 Silver coin ............................. U. S. and national currency 2,372 00 Nickels and ce n ts................. 31 51 Total ............................. $228,792 33 Capital stock paid in .......... Surplus fund ......................... Undivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid ...................................... Individual deposits, subject to check ................................. Demand certificates o f de posit ...................................... Savings deposits ................. Certified checks ..................... T otal $25,000 00 5,000 00 3,986 50 49,994 74 137,127 52 7,676 91 6 66 ............................. $228,792 33 Gilman— State Bank of Gilman. A. R. H E AGLE, President. JO SE PH FLE ISC H MAN, Vice President M. B. STEG NER, Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. A. R. Heagle, Jos. Fleischm an, M. B. Stegner, P hilip Adler, P. T. Favell. E S T A B L IS H E D MAY 22, 1914. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. Loans and d iscou n ts............. Overdrafts ............................... Banking house ..................... Other real estate o w n e d .... Checks on other banks and cash items ......................... Silver coin ............................... U. S. and national currency Nickels and cents ................. E xpense .................................... T otal ............................. 9— B. S. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis L ia b ilitie s , $15,127 52 20 628 20 24 69 22 109 525 42 287 43 95 00 89 54 $16,76S 42 Capital stock paid in ............ Due to banks— d e p o s it s .... Individual deposits, su bject to check .............................. Time certificates o f deposit Cashier’s checks outstanding .......................................... Total ............................. $10.000 00 979 30 4,871 30 725 32 192 50 $16.768 42 130 R E P O R T OF T H E C O M M IS S IO N E R OF B A N K IN G . Gilmanton— Gillmanton State Bank. GEO. W . SM ITH, Cashier. P. J. HUTCHINSON, Asst. Cashier. E. A. KENYON, President. NIC HANSEM AN, V ice President. D IR E C TO R S. Nie Hanseman, L u d w ig Schultz, A. B. Hutchinson. Geo. W . Smith, K. L. Borsom , E. A. K enyon, Chas. Loom is, E STA B L IS H E D JU LY 14, 1910. Statement October 31, 1914. L ia b ilitie s R e so u rc e s. Loans and d is c o u n t s ........... Overdrafts ............... Banking house ..................... Furniture and fix tu res........ Due from approved reserve banks ..................................... Gold coin ............. Silver coin ............................. IT. S. and national currency Nickels and cents ................. Total ......................... Capital stock paid i n ............ $10,000 00 Undivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid ........................................ 1,262 38 Individual deposits, su bject to check ............................... 19,718 79 2,695 95 1,760 00 Demand certificates o f de posit .................................... 67 576 80 19,139 3,309 00 Tim e certificates of deposit ................. 610 41 51 Savings deposits $37,545 169 2,500 2,200 12 74 00 00 Total $50,798 12 ......................... $50,798 12 Glenbeulah— The Glenbeulah State Bank. F .T. W IT MEYER, President. A. W. STAN N A R D , Vice President. O. H. W IT M E Y E R , Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. AY. D. Scott, .T, Hansen. R. B. Melvin, A. W . Stannard, F. J. W itm eyer, E S T A B L IS H E D MARCH S, 1913. Statement October 31, 1914. L ia b ilitie s . R e so u rc e s. Loans and d iscou n ts............ Overdrafts ......................... .. U. S., state, m unicipal and other B onds ......................... B anking house ..................... F urniture and fix tu res----Due from approved reserve banks ..................................... Checks on other banks and cash items ........................... Gold coin ................................. Silver coin ............................. U. S. and national currency Nickels and cen ts................. Expense .................................... T otal Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ............................. $51.998 66 110 19 4,472 50 3.750 00 3,738 76 7.199 59 110 55 582 3,388 85 195 00 00 lo 00 74 12 $75,685 71 Capital stock paid i n . . ----Surplus fund ......................... Individual deposits, su bject to check ................................. Demand certificates o f dep osit . ................................ Time certificates o f deposit Savings deposits ................. Cashier’s checks outstandin g ...................................... . T otal ...................... $15,000 00 750 00 37,031 65 2,327 17 15,471 97 2.926 59 2.17S 33 $75,685 71 REPORTS OF S T A T E BANKS. 131 Glen Haven— The Glen Haven Bank. W H. JORDO N, President. M. W. M E TC A LF, Vice President. T. S. M E TCALF, Cashier. E T H E L M E TCALF, Ast. Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. M. W. Metcalf. W in. H u tchcroft. W . IT. Jordan, A lbert Kuenster, L. H. Bennett, E S T A B L IS H E D NOVEM BER 22, 1005. Statement October 31, 1914. L ia b ilitie s . R e so u r c e s. Loans and d isco u n ts............$154,210 77 Overdrafts ............................... 1,242 55 B anking house ............. . . . . 2,000 00 F urniture and fixtu res........ 1,000 00 Due from approved reserve banks ..................................... 20,771 50 Checks on other banks and cash i t e m s ......................... .. 330 02 Gold coin ................. 780 00 Silver coin ............................. 436 00 U. S. and national currency 3,296 00 Nickels and cen ts................. 216 83 T otal ............................. $1S4,2S3 67 Capital stock paid in .......... Surplus fund ...................... Undivided profits, less c u r rent expenses and taxes paid ...................................... Individual deposits, su bject to check ............................... Demand certificates o f de p osit ...................................... Tim e certificates of deposit T otal $10,000 00 5,000 00 1,783 44 31,979 27 449 65 135,071 31 ............................. $184,283 67 Glenwood— First State Bank of Glenwood. A. J. V A N D E R H ID E N , President. P. A. BEEBE, Vice President. M. F. B A K E R , Cashier. H. L. P A YN E , Asst. Cashier. D IR E C TO R S A. J. Vander H iden, D. C. Coolidge, P. A. Beebe, A. C. Harrim an. M. F. Baker. E S T A B L IS H E D JA N U A R Y 1, 1896. In corporated as a S tate Bank Ju ly 20, 1903. Statement October 31, 1914. L ia b ilitie s . R e so u rc e s. L oans and d iscou n ts.............. $172,719 30 Capital stock paid in .......... O v e r d r a fts ................................ 205 12 Undivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes U. S., state, m unicipal and paid ...................................... other bonds ......................... 600 00 Stocks and other securities 1,750 00 Individual deposits, su bject to check ............................... B anking house ............... 3,300 00 F urniture and fixtu res.......... 2,900 00 Time certificates o f deposit Other real estate o w n e d .... 142 00 Savings deposits ................. Cashier's checks outstand Due from approved reserve ing .......................................... banks .................................... 14,661 40 B ills payable ......................... Checks on other banks and cash item s ......................... 570 75 Gold coin ................................. 65 00 Silver coin ................................ 705 00 U. S. and national currency 3,310 00 Nickels and ce n ts................. 21 85 Other ........................................ 361 52 Total Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis $201,311 94 Total $25,000 00 2,078 19 80,805 29 52,037 40 21.675 61 9,715 45 10,000 00 $201,311 94 132 R E P O R T OF T H E C O M M IS S IO N E R OF B A N K IN G . Glidden— Citizens Bank of Glidden. It. j . RUSSELL, President. K A T E E. RU SSELL, Vice President. K A T E E. RU SSELL, Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. W in. Sharff, « D. F. T yler, Julius Schroeder. It. J. Russell, Kate E. Russell, W alter ,T. Cordy, Frank R. Cordy, E S T A B L IS H E D AUGUST 15, 1900. F orm erly G lid den State Bank. Incorporated as a State Bank A ugust 24, 1903. Statement October 31, 1914. L ia b ilitie s . R e so u rc e s. Loans and d iscou n ts.......... $35,854 09 Capital stock paid i n .......... $10,000 00 Surplus fund ........................ 1,000 00 U. S., state, m unicipal and other bonds ......................... 3,000 00 Undivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes Banking house ..................... 4,000 00 paid ........................................ 1,391 94 Furniture and fix tu res.......... 1,745 00 Individual deposits, su bject Due from approved reserve to check ............................... 23,147 54 12,252 31 banks .................................... Demand certificates o f de Checks on other banks and p osit ..................................... 26,166 56 cash i t e m s ............................. 584 08 Gold coin ................................. 225 00 Cashier’ s checks outstand 600 00 ing- ........................................ Silver coin ............... 360 60 U. S. and national currency 4,225 00 Nickels and ce n ts................. 59 96 T otal ............................. $62,306 04 T ota l ............................. $62,306 04 Grafton— Grafton State Bank. WM. W E B E R , President. A L B E R T K A T H , Vice President. LOUIS L. ZAUN, Cashier. R O B ’T P. ZAUN, Asst. Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. F. C. Mintzlaff, W in. W eber. Ily . H ennings, A lbert Kath, Louis L. Zaun, E S T A B L IS H E D JA N U A R Y 17, 1907. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. L ia b ilitie s . L oans and d iscou n ts............ $119,482 54 Capital stock paid i n .......... $10,000 4,500 122 75 Surplus fund ....... Overdrafts ............................... Undivided profits, less cu r U. S.. state, m unicipal and rent expenses and taxes 15,000 00 other bonds ......................... paid ........................................ 2,606 2,250 00 Banking house ..................... 1,200 00 Individual deposits, su bject Furniture and fix tu res.......... to check ................................. 32,393 Due from approved reserve 53,378 17,441 95 Tim e certificates o f deposit banks ..................................... Savings deposits ................ 59,812 Checks on other banks and 5 89 82 P ostal savings ..................... cash item s ........................... 00 1,295 Gold coin ................................. 642 05 Silver coin ............................. 5,044 00 U. S. and national currency 129 15 Nickels and cents ................. $162,697 T otal .. 26 $162,697 Total Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 00 00 25 94 65 87 55 26 R E P O R T S OF S T A T E B A N K S . 133 Grand Rapids— Bank of Grand Rapids. ISAAC P. W IT T E R , President. GEO. W . MEAD, Vice President. E. B. B E D F O R D , Cashier. W . G. SC H ROEDEL, A sst. Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. Isaac P. W itter, E m ily L. W itter, Geo. W . Mead. E S T A B L IS H E D F E B R U A R Y 9, 1SSS. Incorporated as a State Bank A ugust 13, 1903. Statement October 31. 1914. R e so u rc e s. L ia b ilitie s . Loans and d iscou n ts................ $150,727 O verdrafts ............................. 5,250 U. S., state, m unicipal and 34,630 other bonds ........................ Stocks and other securities 4,040 Other real estate ow n e d ___ 4,400 Due from approved reserve banks .................................... 36,240 Checks on other banks and cash items . .•....................... 2,714 Gold coin ................................. 4,837 Silver coin ............. 1,167 U. S. and national currency 12,983 Nickels and cents .............. 132 Orders ..................................... 23,046 Total ........................... 30 13 00 00 00 00 11 50 80 00 91 43 Capital stock paid in .......... $50,000 Surplus fund ......................... 10,000 Undivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid ...................................... 5,S33 Due to banks— d ep osits........ 5,700 Individual deposits, su bject to check ................................... 254,985 Tim e certificates o f deposit 204,535 Savings deposits ................. 48,183 Reserved fo r ta x es............... 932 $580,170 17 00 00 57 00 62 54 33 11 T otal ............................... $5S0,170 17 Granton— Farmers State Bank. R O B E R T K U R T H , President. JOHN P. K IN T Z E L E , Vice President. W. SCOTT DAVIS, Cashier. HUGH L. BERG, A sst. Cashier. D IR E C TO RS. R obert Kurth, .Tno. P. Kintzele, Geo. A. Ure, W . Scott Davis, E S T A B L IS H E D Carl C. Berg, W m. Iyurth, A. J. K norr. JA N U A R Y 5, 1904. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. L oans and d iscou n ts... $131,946 18 Overdrafts ............................. 1,809 30 2,700 00 Banking house ..................... Furniture and fixtures .... 1,700 00 Due from approved reserve banks .................................... 30,253 57 Due from other banks . . . . 36 00 Checks on other banks and cash items ........................... 711 87 Gold coin ................................ 547 50 Silver coin ............................... 52 35 U. S. and national currency 4,076 00 N ickels and cents ................. 19 83 T otal ............................. $173,852 60 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis L ia b ilitie s . Capital stock paid i n . ____ Surplus fund ......................... Undivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid ........................................ Dividends unpaid ................. Individual deposits, su bject to check ............................ Dem and certificates o f de posit ....................................... Savings deposits ................... $10,000 00 2,000 00 861 45 10 00 56,826 70 99,764 65 4,389 80 T otal ............................... $173,852 60 134 R E P O R T OP T H E C O M M IS S IO N E R OF B A N K IN G . Grantsburg— First Bank of Grantsburg. A. P. NELSON, President. SIMON TH ORESON , Vice President. J. II. CASSEL, Cashier. B. A. W IC K ST R O M , Asst. Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. Ole Anderson, S. T horeson, A. I’ . Nelson, W m . Anderson, Andrew Peterson. E S T A B L IS H E D F E B R U A R Y 7, 1890. Incorporated as a State Bank June 8, 1901. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. L ia b ilitie s . Loans and discouu t s ............. $390,072 87 Overdrafts ................................. 83 70 Banking house ....................... 2,000 00 Furniture and fix tu res___ __ 3,500 00 Due from approved reserve hanks .............................. .. 41,157 53 Due from other ba n k s.......... 23S 07 Checks on other banks and cash items ............................. 2,999 50 Gold coin ................................. 4,897 50 1,170 00 Silver c o i n ............, .................. U. S. and national currency 9,545 00 N ickels and ce n ts................. 171 82 T ota l Capital stock paid in ............. $30,000 Undivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes 4,159 paid ........... Individual deposits, subject to check ............... 87,759 Tim e certificates o f deposit 142,129 Savings deposits ................ 167,471 Cashier’ s checks outstand 13,319 in g .......................................... ............................. $464,839 71 00 89 16 43 99 24 T otal ............................... $464,839 71 Gratiot— Gratiot State Bank. II. W. B U R M E ISTE R , President. JAMES A. K E L L E Y , Vice President. H. W . BU R M E ISTE R , Cashier. H. L. LEACH , Asst. Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. H. W. Burmeister, J. A. W and, James A. Kelley, W m. Coughlin. S. Birkbeek, E S T A B L IS H E D F E B R U A R Y 19, 1902. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. l oans and d iscou n ts............ Overdrafts ....... IT. S., state, m unicipal and other bonds ......................... B anking house ....................... Furniture and fix tu res........ Due from approved reserve banks ..................................... Checks on other banks and cash items .......................... Gold coin ............. Silver coin ............................... IT. S. and national currency Nickels and ce n ts................... T otal Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis L ia b ilitie s . $130,740 17 218 23 7,000 00 3,500 00 1,700 00 39,489 81 19+73 2,515 00 947 70 6,434 00 100 47 ................... $198,840 11 Capital stock paid in ........... Surplus fund ......................... U ndivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid .................... Individual deposits, su bject to check ........... Demand certificates o f de posit ...................................... T otal 10,000 00 5,000 00 1.041 88 54,826 22 127,378 01 $198,840 11 REPORTS OF STATE BANKS. 135 Green Bay— Bank of Green Bay. P E T E R F. DOR SC H E L, President. L. G OTFRED SO N, Vice President. H. R. ER IC H SE N , Cashier. D IR E C TO RS. Nie Meyer, Peter F. Dorscliel, V ictor I. Minalian, W m . L. Evans, Joseph H. Servotte, W alter T. Hagen, Henry H errick, Joseph F. Martin, H. R. Erichsen. Lawrence Gotfredson, E S T A B L ISH E D JUNE 20, 1901. Statement October 31, 1914. L ia b ilitie s . R e so u rc e s. Loans and d i s c o u n t s .... ... $320,932 32 Capital stock paid in ............ Surplus fund ................. .. U. S., state, m unicipal and 80,000 00 Undivided profits, less cu r other bonds .............. rent expenses and taxes 13,000 00 B anking house ....................... 1,500 00 paid ................. *.................... Furniture and fixtu res.......... Individual deposits, subject Due from approved reserve 58,701 71 to check ......................... .. banks .................................... Time certificates of deposit E xchanges fo r clearing 5,329 30 Savings deposits ................... house .............................. 2,320 00 Reserved and interest............ Gold c o i n ................................... 2.195 55 Silver coin ..................... 9 ,G43 00 U. S. and national currency 300 80 Nickels and c e n t s ..'............. $493,022 08 Total $50,000 00 15,000 00 4,787 02 101,470 155,113 105,344 2.200 78 3»4 94 00 $493.022 OS Total Green Bay— The Farmers Exchange Bank. .T. II. OSTE RLO H , President. FRED A. R A H R , Vice President. J. L. JOHNSON, 2nd Vice President. A. L. CANNARD , Cashier. J. S. H A S L E T T , Asst. Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. Fred A. Rahr, J. H. Osterloh, Samuel H. Cady, N. Feldhausen, Herman Smits, Phil. A. Haevors, J. S. Johnson. II. Cleermans, J. V. M i c k S ' h . E STA B L IS H E D M ARCH 2, 1903. Statement October 31, 1914. L ia b ilitie s . R e so u rc e s. Loans and d isco u n ts........... $331,171 01 Capital stock paid in ............. $30.000 0,000 O verdrafts ............................... S80 73 Surplus fund ........................... Undivided profits, less cu r U. S., state, m unicipal and rent expenses and taxes 1,187 27 other bonds ....................... 963 Stocks and other securities 1750 paid ............. B anking house ....................... 9.000 00 Individual deposits, subject to check ................................. 139,819 F urniture and fix tu res.......... 0.842 50 Other real estate o w n e d .... 18,414 46 Time certificates o f deposit 107,898 Savings deposits ................ 133.291 Due from approved reserve banks ................... 20,080 27 Checks on other banks and cash items ........................... 7,010 30 Gt Id coin ................................ 4,195 00 Silver 'join ............................... 852 00 IT. S. and national currency 12,3(9 00 Nickels and ce n ts............... 7 33 Total Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis $417,974 03 Total 00 00 SO 43 30 44 $417.974 05 136 REPORT of the c o m m is s io n e r of b a n k in g . Green Bay— The West Side State Bank. ANTON P A TT E N , President. WM. D R ISC O L L, Vice President. GEO. GIBBS, Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. Anton Platten, W m . D riscoll, J. P. H ogan, ,T. E. Shauglinessey, F. ,T. B. Duchateau, W ill J. Platten, E. A. Neufeld. E S T A B L IS H E D AUGUST 27, 1914. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. L oans and d iscou n ts............. Furniture and f i x t u r e s ...... Due from approved reserve banks ..................................... d e c k s on other banks and cash i t e m s ............................. E xchanges fo r clearing house ...................................... Gold c o i n ................................... Silver c o i n ................................. U. S. and national currency Nickels and cen ts.................. T otal L ia b ilitie s . $57,68(1 71 3.1-47 41 28,105 62 7 00 790 11 385 00 2.309 70 9,044 00 199 18 Capital stock paid in .............. Surplus fund ......... Undivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid ........................................ Individual deposits, su bject to c h e c k ................................. Tim e certificates o f deposit Savings deposits ................ Certified checks ..................... ............................. $101,674 73 T otal $50,000 00 10,000 00 965 84 11,680, 92 17,877 39 11,038 26 112 32 ............................. $101 .074 73 Green Lake— Green Lake State Bank. C. S. M ORRIS, President. S. G. P O T T E R , Vice President. W . L. W A L K E R , Cashier. L. H. BU RLIN G, Asst. Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. C. S. Morris, W. L. W alker, J, R. Brooks, L. D. Patterson, S. G. Potter, W . S. Haigh. E S T A B L IS H E D JU LY 28, 1902. Statement October 31, 1914. lte so u re e s. L ia b ilitie s . Loans and d is co u n ts ... $214,045 S3 Capital stock paid in ............. $23,000 00 Overdrafts ........................... 2,473 47 Surplus fund ........................... 7,000 00 U. S., state, m unicipal and Undivided profits, less cu r other bonds ..................... 20,600 00 rent expenses and taxes Banking house ....................... 5,259 22 paid ........................................ 4,222 93 F urniture and fix tu res......... 2,779 81 Individual deposits, subject Other real estate ow n e d ___ 300 00 to check ................................. 56,394 00 Due from approved reserve Tim e certificates of denosit 196,937 89 banks ................... 40,203 85 Savings deposits ........ 4,244 75 Due from other ba n k s.......... 1,000 00 P ostal savings ....................... 13 54 Gold c o i n ................... 565 00 Silver coin ............... 1,493 65 U. S. and national currency 4,942 00 Nickels and ce n ts............ 150 26 Total ........................... Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis $293,813 11 T otal ............................. $293,S13 11 REPORTS OF S T A T E BANKS. 137 Greenleaf— State Bank of Greenleaf. T. E. CONNEi_j , President. THOS. F L A T L E Y , V ice President. .T. P». F L A T L E Y , Cashier. A. G. ZIM M ERMAN, A sst. Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. M. J. Roach, .Jas. E. Clark, T. E. Connell, R. M. Priest, .Jacob Brittnacher, J. B. Flatley, Thos. Flatley, Frank R. Falek. Leo P. F ox, E S T A B L IS H E D F E B R U A R Y 4, 1913. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u r c e s. L ia b ilitie s . Loans and d iscou n ts............ $72,508 11 Capital stock paid in ............. $15,000 Overdrafts ............................... 103 00 Undivided profits, less cu r U. S., state, m unicipal and rent expenses and taxes other bonds ......................... 2,059 97 paid ......................................... 1,741 Banking house ....................... 4,418 20 Individual deposits, subject Furniture and fixtu res.......... 2,410 73 to check ................................. 36,037 Due from approved reserve Time certificates of deposit 39,778 banks ..................................... 10,116 02 Savings deposits ................. 7,330 Due from other ba n k s.......... 1,108 40 Checks on other banks and cash i t e m s ............................. 3,465 49 Gold c o i n ................................... 125 00 Silver c o i n ................................. 411 70 U. S. and national currency 3,066 00 Nickels and ce n ts................... 95 29 T otal ............................. $99,837 91 Total ............................. 00 16 94 27 54 $99,887 91 Greenwood— Farmers and Merchants Bank. CHAS. CORNELIUS, President. C. H. CLUTE, Vice President. Charles Cornelius, C. H. Cinte, John Stanton, Geo. A. Ure, H arry Hewett, H enry F. Stabnaw, JOH N H U N TZIC K E R , Cashier. A R T H U R BU KER, Asst. Cashier. D IR E C TO RS. Dan Cook, R oy L. Kayhnrt, A dolph Schwarze, W m. Vollrath, R obt. Huntzieker. E S TA B L ISH E D OCTOBER 11, 1912. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. Loans and d iscou n ts............ Overdrafts ............................... Banking house ....................... Furniture and fix tu res.......... Due from approved reserve banks ..................................... Due from other b a n k s . . . . . . Checks on other banks and cash i t e m s ............................. Gold coin ................................... Silver coin ............................... IT. S. and national currency Nickels and cen ts................... Total L ia b ilitie s . $96,713 1,017 7,498 3,414 79 44 58 79 12,422 79 4,034 95 321 10 538 2,861 68 13 00 45 00 56 ............................. $128.901 48 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Capital stock paid in ............ $30,000 3,000 Surplus fund ........................... Undivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid ........................................ 1,088 D ividends unpaid ................. 6 Individual deposits, subject to check ................................. 41,770 Tim e certificates o f deposit. 45,863 Savings deposits ................... 7,172 Total 00 00 84 00 59 22 83 ............................. $128,901 43 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF BANKING. 138 Greenwood— Greenwood State Bank. E ll A S TI'S BOW EN , President. JOHN SHAN KS, Vice President. E. F. W O L L E N BE It G , Cashier. F. L. N O R R IS, Asst. Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. Erastu» Bowen, H. H. H artscn, E. F. W ollen berg, W m. H untzickér, John Shanks. E STA B L IS H E D OCTOBER 1», 1S91, Statement October 31, 1914. L ia b ilitie s . R e so u rc e s. 1 CO Loans and d iscou n ts............ $205.874 IS Capital stock paid in .............. 2.376 98 Surplus fund ........................... Overdrafts ............................... Undivided profits, less cu r U. S., state, m unicipal and rent expenses and taxes 1 , 000 00 other bonds ......................... paid ........................................ 3.600 00 B anking house ....................... 3.400 00 Individual deposits, subject Furniture and fixtu res.......... to check ................................. Due from approved reserve 5,158 19 Demand certificates o f de banks ............................... posit .................................. Checks on other banks and 1.854 76 Time certificates o f deposit cash items ........................... 200 00 Savings d e p o s it s ..................... Gold c o i n ................................... 884 10 P ostal s a v in g s ......................... Silver coin ............................... 00 Notes and bills re-discounted F. S. and national currency 58 66 Bills payable ........................... Nickels and cents ................. 552 98 Other ............; ........................ . 405 65 4,127 OS 74,-145 37 2,759 85,123 7,658 3 10.400 5,000 51 51 00 0-1 00 00 $228,717 80 Total $228.717 SO Total $25.000 00 5,000 00 Gresham— State Bank. R. E. K O P E L K E , President. A. KU CKU K, Vice President. L. G. L A U BE N STE IN , Cashier. G. E. LA U BE N STE IN , Asst. Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. L. G. Laubenstein, A ndrew Mader H enry Hoffman, R. Kopelke, A. Kuckuk, E S T A B L IS H E D DECEM BER 21, 1008. Statement October 31. 1914. L ia b ilitie s . R e so u rc e s. Loans and d is co u n ts ... . . . . B anking house ................... Furniture and fixtu res.......... Due from approved reserve banks .................................... Checks on other banks and cash i t e m s ............................. Gold c o i n ................................... Silver c o i n ..................... TT. S. and national currency Nickels and ce n ts................... Total Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis $82.58289 3,385 00 1,500 00 5.015 28 22 335 871 3,028 51 23 00 00 00 40 $90.790 80 Capital stock paid in .......... $15,000 00 Surplus fund ......................... 7.500 00 Undivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid ................. ....................... 2,853 42 Individual deposits, subject to check ............................... 20.135 40 Tim e certificates of deposit 45,301 92 Notes and bills re-d is counted ...................... 0,000 00 Total $96,790 80 REPORTS OF STATE BANKS. 139 Hales Corners— State Bank of Hales Corners. JAMES GODSELL, President. JOHN MEADE, Vice. President and Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. Jam es Godsell, John Meade, Mary C. Godsell, Ellen Meade. E S T A B L IS H E D JU LY 21, 1910. Statement October 31. 1914. R e so u rc e s. L ia b ilitie s . Loans and d isco u n ts........... $110,820 59 Capital stock paid in ............. $20,000 Overdrafts ............................... 419 35 Surplus fund ........................... 5,000 U. S., state, m unicipal and Undivided profits, less cu r other bonds ......................... 57,175 78 rent expenses and taxes Banking house ................ 6,250 00 paid ........................ 3,495 Furniture and fix tu res.......... 1.792 07 Individual deposits, subject Due from approved reserve to check ............... 32.595 21,105 32 Tim e certificates of deposit banks ..................................... 87,071 Checks on other banks and Savings deposits ................. 63,047 cash items ........................... 75 00 Gold coin ................................. 1,247 50 Silver coin ............................... 782 05 U. S. and national currency 5,437 00 Nickels and cen ts................... 105 SO T otal ..................... - . . . $211,210 52 T otal 00 00 89 70 04 83 ............................ $211,210 52 Hammond— The Bank of Hammond. GEO. AY. AVRIGHT, President. C H R IS T IA N HANSON, Vice President. P. C. AN DERSON, Cashier. H. L. AN DERSON, Asst. Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. Geo. M. Leonard, H. L. Anderson, Christian Hanson, Geo. AAr. AYright, 1'. C. Anderson. E S T A B L IS H E D M ARCH 1, 1892. Incorporated as a State Bank A ugust 12, 1903. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. Loans and d iscou n ts........... Overdrafts ................. Stocks and other securities B anking house,' furniture and fixtures ......................... Other real estate ow n ed ___ Due from approved reserve banks .................................... Gold coin ................................. Silver coin ............................... IT. S. and national currency Nickels and cen ts................... Expense ................................ Total , Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis L ia b ilitie s . $92,450 35 967 73 100 00 3,500 00 11,500 00 17.002 630 417 1,220 27 52 Capital stock paid in ......... ... $10,000 Surplus fund ...................... 3,000 Individual deposits, subject to check ................................ 32,390 Tim e certificates o f deposit 82,477 00 00 24 30 80 00 39 00 00 27 $127,867 54 Total $127,867 54 140 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF BANKING. Hancock— Bank of Hancock. C. A. W A L K E R , President. M. S. W A L K E R , ^ ic e President. A. A. GIBBS, Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. M. S. W alker, C. A. W alker, A. A. Gibbs. E S T A B L IS H E D JA N U A R Y 1, 1899. In corporated as a State Bank June 9, 1903. Statement October 31, 1914. L ia b ilitie s . R e so u rc e s. Loans and discounts. ............ $84,854 Overdrafts ............................... 433 U. S., state, m unicipal and other bonds ......................... 17,000 B anking house ..................... 2,200 F urniture and fixtu res.......... 1,400 Due from approved reserve banks ..................................... 15,534 1,623 Due from other b a n k s......... Checks on other banks and cash item s ........................... 167 Gold coin ................................ 3,240 Silver coin ............................. 554 TJ. S. and national currency 3,583 74 Nickels and cen ts................. T otal 00 50 00 00 00 21 89 25 00 25 00 36 ............................. $130,664 46 Capital stock paid in ......... Surplus fund ......................... Undivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid ........................................ Individual deposits, su bject to check ............................... Demand certificates o f de p osit ..................................... Tim e certificates o f deposit P ostal savings ..................... T otal $15,000 00 5,000 00 1,710 84 34,506 76 1,165 00 73,280 56 1 30 ............................. $130,664 46 Hartford— First City Bank. JOH N C. C O E R PE R , President. JOH N P. DENISON, Vice President. JOHN C. DENISON, Cashier. JOHN P. DENISON, A sst. Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. John C. Coerper, John C. Denison, John P. Denison. E S T A B L IS H E D IN 1857. Incorporated as a State Bank A ugu st 13, 1903. Statement October 31, 1914. L ia b ilitie s . R e so u rc e s. L oans and d iscou n ts............ Overdrafts ............................. Due from approved reserve banks ..................................... Checks on other banks and cash items . . , ..................... Silver coin ............................. U- S. and national currency N ickels and cents ................. T otal Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ................... ......... $44,136 06 819 56 2,966 03 457 100 383 12 74 40 00 01 $48,874 80 Capital stock paid in .......... Surplus fu nd ................. U ndivided profits, less c u r rent expenses and taxes paid ........................................ Individual deposits, su bject to check ............................... Demand certificates o f de posit ..................................... Notes and bills r e -d is counted . i ............................. T otal ............................. $10,500 00 6,500 00 393 89 10,052 42 17,428 49 4,000 00 $48,874 SO REPORTS OF STATE BANKS. 141 Hartford— Hartford Exchange Bank. A N D R E W H AU SER, President. T H E R E S A M cCOLLOW , V ice President E. A. M cCOLLOW , Cashier. A. A. H AUSER, Asst. Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. Thersea M cCollow, J. B. Becker, A ndrew Hauser, E. A. M cCollow. A. A. Hauser, E S T A B L IS H E D S E PTE M B E R 9, 1S90. Incorporated as a State Bank A ugu st 4, 1903. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. L ia b ilitie s . Loans and d iscou n ts..........$187,721 251 Overdrafts ............................. U. S., state, m unicipal and other b o n d s ........................ 70,055 Furniture and fixtu res___ _ 3,495 Due from approved reserve banks .................................... 38,166 Checks on other banks and 276 cash items ......................... Gold coin ................................. 920 Silver coin ........................ 1,356 U. S. and national currency 13,259 Nickels and cents ................. 358 T otal ............................. 99 00 00 00 16 22 00 75 00 60 Capital stock paid in .......... $20,000 00 Surplus fund ......................... 5,000 00 U ndivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes 1,472 58 Paid ........................................ Individual deposits, su bject to check ............................. 61,987 84 Time certificates o f deposit 190,896 83 Savings d ep osits..................... 36,202 47 Certified checks ..................... 300 00 $315,859 72 T otal ............................. $315,859 72 Hartland— Bank of Hartland. H. W . GOODW IN , President. H. G. B. N IXO N , Vice President. W . G. SM ITH , Cashier. D IR E C TO RS. H. W. G oodw in, H. G. B. Nixon, W . G. Smith. E S T A B L IS H E D N OVEM BER 1, 1S94. In corporated as a State Bank, June 4, 1903. i: Statement October 31. 1914. R e so u rc e s. Loans and d iscou n ts..........$121,787 O verdrafts .............................. 212 U. S., state, m unicipal and other bon ds ..................... 94,853 Banking house ..................... 3,500 F urniture and fixtures ___ 1,200 Due from approved reserve banks ..................................... 61,613 Checks on other banks and cash item s ........................... 1,979 Gold coin ................................. 1,080 Silver coin ............................. 2,925 U. S. and national currency 3,964 Nickels and cents ................. 593 T otal L ia b ilitie s . 41 90 68 00 00 30 58 00 15 00 10 ............................. $293,709 12 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Capital stock paid in ............. Surplus fund ........................... Undivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes T Paid ".................................... Individual deposits, su bject to check ............................... Demand certificates o f de p osit ...................................... Savings deposits .................. T otal $15,000 00 5,000 00 5,014184 56,329 69 188,27967 24,054 92 ............................. $293,709 12 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF BANKING. 142 Hawkins— Hawkins State Bank. C. K. E LLIN G SO N , President. P. H. HAM M ER, Vice President. G. O. VIG, Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. C. K. E llingson , Mike Schupsky, P. H. Hammer, Ruben Stone. O. T . Hatz, E S T A B L IS H E D S E PT E M B E R 13, 1911. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. L oans and d iscou n ts............ Overdrafts ........... B anking house ..................... Furniture and fix t u r e s .... Due from approved reserve banks ..................................... Gold coin ................................. Silver coin ............................... TJ. S. and national currency Nickels and cents ................. T otal ............................. L ia b ilitie s . $51,869 14 2,103 2,000 10 93 82 00 7,545 445 548 533 133 62 00 55 00 49 Capital stock paid in ............. ..................... Surplus fund Undivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid ...................................... Individual deposits, su bject to check ............................... Demand certificates o f de posit ...................................... Savings deposits ................. Cashier’s checks outstand in g ........................................ $65,193 51 T otal ............................. $10,000 00 3,675 00 406 92 33,855 71 8,344 92 7,277 05 1,633 91 $65,193 51 Hazel Green— Hazel Green State Bank. E. S TAD EL, President. R. J. B R Y A N T , Vice President. B. C. BE R G, Cashier. J. F. N A D L E R , A sst. Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. E. Stadel, B. C. Berg, Joseph Runde, R. J. Bryant, J. H. Cox, C. Shilliam. E S T A B L IS H E D AUGUST 23, 1906. Statement Octobér 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. T otal Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ............................. $237,203 58 L ia b ilitie s . Capital stock paid i n $15,000 Surplus fund ........................ 2,000 U ndivided profits, less, cu r rent expenses and taxes paid ........................................ 3,524 Individual deposits, su bject to check ............................... 51,519 Tim e certificates o f deposit 140,626 Savings deposits . . . . . __ _. 23,252 P ostal savings ___ r . ............... 1,280 . Loans and d iscou n ts..........$184,297 14 Overdrafts ......................... . . . 163 25 LT. S., state, m unicipal and other bonds ......................... 14,027 43 B anking house ....................... 5,112 58 Furniture and fixtures . . . . 2,500 00 Due from approved reserve banks .................................... 21,251 20 Due from other banks . . . . 1,871 68 Checks on other banks and cash items ......................... 211 37 Gold coin ................................. 532 50 Silver coin ............................... 748 25 U. S. and national currency 6,407 00 Nickels and cents ............... 81 18 T otal 00 00 99 49 04 98 08, ............................. $237,203 58 REPORTS OF STATE BANKS. 143 Highland— Highland State Bank. P L A T T W H ITM A N , President. H A R R Y J. F E CH T, Cashier. D IR E C TO RS. P latt W hitm an, H arry .1. Feeht, Mae Feeht. E S T A B L IS H E D A P R IL 21, UK).-?. Incorporated as a State Bank June 0, 1903. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e ». L ia b ilitie s . Loans and d iscou n ts............ $219,483 47 Overdrafts ............................... 2,941 46 B anking house ........... 3.500 00 Furniture and fixtures.......... 1,389 00 Due from approved reserve banks .................................. 34,297 07 Checks on other banks and cash i t e m s ............................. 788 51 Gold coin .............................. . 3,237 50 Silver c o i n .............................. 927 40 U. S. and national currency 9,834 00 Nickels and cen ts___ . . . . . . . 139 10 Total Capital stock paid in .............. $20,000 Surplus fund ........................... 1,850 Undivided profits, less cu r rent expenses, and taxes 607 paid ........................................ Individual deposits, subject to check ................................. 61.979 Time certificates o f d eposi; 170-, 831 Cashier’ s checks outstand ing- .......................................... 15,265 ................... .,....... $276,537 51 00 00 69 98 79 03 Total .............................. $276,537 51 Hilbert— State Bank of Hilbert. T. E. CONNELL, President. JOHN ,T. M AD LE R , V ice President. JOHN J. M ADLER, Cashier. H. L. M EYER, Asst, Cashier. D IR E C TO RS. T. E. John John J. W . Connell, J. Sherman, J. Madler, Grupe, H. L. Mever, John W eber, Sr„ H. R. Swanke. E STA B L IS H E D MAY 16, 1904. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. Loans and d is c o u n t s .......... $279,580 23 Overdrafts ........................ 283 87 U. S,, state, m unicipal and other bonds ......................... 2.500 00 B anking house .................... 4,000 00 Furniture and fixtu res.......... 1,000 00 Due from approved reserve banks .................................... 39,972 77 Due from other ba n k s.......... 310 03 Gold c o i n .................................. 130 00 Silver coin ............................, 725 90 F. S. and national currency 11,58800 Nickels and ce n ts................. 97 63 Total ......................... .$340,183 43 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis L ia b ilitie s . Capital stock paid in ........... Surplus fund ......................... Undivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid ...................................... Due to banks— d ep osits........ Individual deposits, subject to check ............................... Time certificates o f deposit Savings deposits ................... P ostal savings ....................... $25,000 00 10,000 00 1,125 70 3.138 87 86.103 192,982 21.009 824 06 08 20 52 .0 T otal ............................. $340,183 43 144 report op t h e c o m m is s io n e r op b a n k in g . Hillsboro— Farmers State Bank. W . K. JE W E L , President. F. A. MACHO VEC, Vice President. W. E. LIN D, Cashier. H E N R Y L IN K E , Asst. Cashier. DIRECTORS. John H ofm eister, Edw. W olf, J. M. Healy, W . K. Jewel, E. E. Gage, Pat Lynch, F. A. Maeliovec, A lbert Shaker. E S T A B L IS H E D JA N U A R Y 2, 1913. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. Loans and d iscou n ts........... $112,527 46 Overdrafts ............................... 782 82 Banking house ..................... 5,000 00 Furniture and fix tu res.......... 2,569 25 Due from approved reserve banks .................................. 13.405 90 Checks on other banks and 415 13 cash items ......... Gold coin ................................. 595 00 Silver coin ................................, 593 15 U. S. and national currency 6,288 00 N ickels and cents ................. 66 48 E xpense .................................. 182 52 T otal ............................... $142,423 71 L ia b ilitie s . Capital stock paid in .......... Individual deposits, su bject to check ............................. Time certificales o f deposit Notes and bills rediscounted $20,000 00 32,107 9 j 85,315 76 5,000 00 T otal ...............................$142,423 71 Hillsboro— Hillsboro State Bank. J;- V- W ERN ICIv, President. K. HAM M ER, Vice President. E. HAM M ER, Cashier. H E N R Y KAUFFM AN, Asst. Cashier. DIR E C TO RS. E. V. W ernick, Emma PI. W ym an, E. Hammer, t F. A. W opat. It. Hammer, E STA B L IS H E D N O VEM BER 1, 1902. Statement October 31 R e so u rc e s. 1914. L ia b ilitie s . Loans and discounts ..........$266,905 08 Capital stock paid in .......... $15,000 00 O v e r d r a fts ........... .................... 2,192 33 Surplus fu nd ........... 8,000 00 U. S., state, m unicipal and Undivided profits, less c u r other bonds ......................... 21,500 00 rent expenses and taxes Banking house ....................... 5,000 00 paid ........................................ 1,774 55 Furniture and fi x t u r e s ........ 1,230 15 Individual deposits, su bject Due from approved reserve to check ................................. 69,961 05 banks ............... . ................... 09,921 14 T im e certificates o f deposit 281,492 90 Checks on other banks and Cashier’s checks outstanding 1,076 96 cash i t e m s .................... 915 00 Postal s a v in g s ......................... 44 38 E xchanges fo r clearing b o u s e ...................................... 132 30 Gold coin ................................. 2,370 00 Silver coin ............................. 580 jo U. S. and national currency 6,519 00 N ickels and cents ................. 84 74 T otal ...............................$377,349 84 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis T otal ...............................$377,349 84 REPORTS OF STATE BANKS. 145 Hixton— Farmers and Merchants Bank. H. A. M. STEEN, President. H. E. BU RTO N, Vice President. L. M cD IR M ID , Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. H. H. D. L. II. A. E. A. A. J. Geo. D. Maule, Nils E rickson, Chas. Newell, .las. Thayer. M. Steen, Burton, St.olts, Sly, Dorrance, E STA B L IS H E D OCTOBER 31, 1911. Statement October 31, 1914. L ia b ilitie s . R e so u rc e s. 47 20 00 00 85 80 10 50 25 00 78 Capital stock paid in .......... Surplus fund ......................... Undivided profits, less current expenses and taxes paid ........................................ Individual deposits, su bject to check ............................... Tim e certificates o f deposit Cashier’ s checks outstanding $12,500 00 1,000 00 CO CO LO Loans and discounts .............. $113,950 2,026 O v e r d r a fts ................ B anking house ....................... 3,125 Furniture and f i x t u r e s ........ 2,060 Due from approved reserve banks ..................................... 18,610 Due from other banks ........ 8,334 Checks on other banks and cash i t e m s ............................. 33 Gold c o i n .................................. 1,712 Silver c o i n ................................ 559 U. S. and national currency 1,050 Nickels and cents ................. 65 36 37,088 40 97,938 79 1,462 40 T otal .............................. $151,527 95 T otal .............................. $151,527 95 Holcombe— State Bank of Holcombe. A. J. E D M IN STE R , President. It. C. RODECIvER, V ice President. R O B E R T L. ZIM M ERMAN, Cashier. N. M. M A R T IN , Asst. Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. R. C. Rodecker, R. L. Zimmerman, A. .1. Edminster, R. L. Cleaves. E S T A B L IS H E D AUGUST 31, 1905. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. Loans and discounts . . . . . . . O v e r d r a fts ................................ Banking house ....................... F urniture and fix t u r e s ........ Due from approved reserve b a n k s ...................................... Checks on other banks and cash items ........................... Gold c o i n .................................. Silver coin ............................... U. S. and national currency Nickels and cents ................ Cash short ............................... T otal ............................... 10—B. S. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis L ia b ilitie s . $58,064 128 2,500 2,380 72 63 00 25 9,667 85 179 97 'VTO 00 256 65 1,680 00 23 51 1 26 $75,032 84 Capital stock paid in ............ $10,000 Surplus fu nd ....................... .. ' 2,000 U ndivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes 1,760 paid ........................................ Individual deposits, su bject to check ................................. 38,327 Tim e certificates o f deposit 22,945 T otal ............................... 00 00 48 23 13 $75,032 84 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF BANKING. 146 Holliandale— Hollandale State Bank. H. I). THOMAS, President. C ARL C H A N D L E R , Vice President. S T E P H E N T. SH AN LEY, Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. Carl Chandler, H ow ard D. Thom as, S. T. Slmnley. E S T A B L IS H E D SE P T E M B E R 25, 1908. Statement October 31. 1914. R e so u rc e s. L oans and d iscou n ts............ O verdrafts .............................. Banking house ..................... Furniture and fixtu res.......... Due from approved reserve banks .................................... Due from other b a n k s.......... Checks on other banks and cash i t e m s ............................. Gold coin ................................. Silver coin ............................... U. S. and national currency Nickels arid c e n ts................... T otal L ia b ilitie s . $86,674 1,517 4,000 1,500 94 05 00 00 15,821 07 1,783 26 153 370 272 1,895 12 Capital stock paid in ......... Surplus fund ...................... Undivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid ........: ......... ................... Individual deposits, su bject to check ............................. Tim e certificates of deposit $15,000 00 3,000 00 339 00 58,679 11 36,981 15 16 00 45 00 33 ............................. $113,999 26 Total ............................. $113,999 26 Holmen— Bank of Holmen. OTTO B O SSH ARD, President. THOS. JOHNSON, Vice President. C. A. S JO L A N D E R , Cashier. OSCAR HAUG, Asst., Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. J. M. H alderson, C. A. Sjolander. Otto Bosshard, Thos. Johnson, W . D. Sandman, E S T A B L IS H E D JA N U A R Y 4, 1909. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. Loans and d iscou n ts............ $173,219 46 Overdrafts ............................... 18 59 U. S., state, m unicipal and other bonds ......................... 15,000 00 Banking house ..................... 3,500 00 F urniture and fix tu res.......... 2,000 00 Due from approved reserve banks .................................... 37,082 30 Gold coin ................................. 2,680 00 Silver coin ................. 795 60 IJ. S. and national currency 5.S46 00 N ickels and cents ................ 41 75 T otal ...................... ....$ 2 4 0 ,1 8 3 70 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis L ia b ilitie s . Capital stock paid in ........... $15,000 Surplus fund ......................... 5,000 Undivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid ..................... 5,790 Individual deposits, subject to check ............................. 47,900 Tim e certificates of deposit 123,627 Savings deposits .............. 42 ,SOS T otal 00 00 10 83 41 36 ............................. $240,183 70 REPORTS OF STATE BANKS. 147 Honey Creek— State Bank of Honey Creek. W. E. BABCOCK, President. H. B. M IL L E R , Vice President. WM. KINGSTON, Cashier. A. M. BABCOCK, A sst. Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. \V. E. B abcock, H. B. Miller, Mrs. Prank Page, Wm. K ingston, E S T A B L IS H E D John L. Punk, W . R. Purvis, E dw in Morse. JU LY 30, 1907. Statement October 31, 1914. L ia b ilitie s . R e so u rc e s. Loans and d isco u n ts............ Overdrafts ............................. Furniture and fixtu res.......... Due from approved reserve Checks on other banks and ifpms ......................... Gold coin ................................. U. S. and national currency Nickels and c e n t s .................. Cash short ............................. $90,613 22 306 69 1,574 26 7,330 19 136 960 450 2,080 129 38 67 00 45 00 09 36 Capital stock paid in .......... Surplus fu nd ....................... • Undivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid ..................... ................ Individu al deposits, su bject to check ............................. . Time certificates of deposit Savings deposits ................... 00 938 44 3,556 58 27.232 80 52,303 47 9,587 64 $103,618 93 T otal $103,618 93 Total $ 10,000 Horicon— Horicon State Bank. H. G. D IE K E L M A N N , Cashier. H. V. B. W IL C O X , Asst. Cashier. A. W . W IL C O X , President. CHAS. H A W K S , Vice President. D IR E C TO R S. A. W. Wilcox-, H. V. B. W ilcox, Charles H awks, E. IJ. Clausen. H. G. Diekelmann, E S T A B L IS H E D SE PT E M B E R 7, 1896. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u r c e s. L ia b ilitie s , .| Loans and d iscou n ts............ $419,945 83 Capital stock paid in .......... $50,000 00 25,000 00 Overdrafts ............................... 227 78 Surplus fund ......................... Undivided profits, less cu r U. S., state, m unicipal and rent expenses and taxes other bonds ......................... 79,330 00 paid ...................................... 11,727 77 Stocks and other securities 3,359 01 B anking hou se......................... 5,000 00 Individual deposits, subject to check ............................... 144,257 24 Due from approved reserve 97,470 17 banks ..................................... 20,924 53 Tim e certificates o f deposit Gold coin ................................. 16,392 50 Savings deposits ................. 207,611 74 Silver coin ............................... 4,114 60 Cashier’ s checks outstand ing ........................................ 5,373 10 U. S. and national currency 7,735 00 3,166 27 Nickels and cents ............ 155 63 Postal savings ....................... 35,000 00 Uncurrent coin ..................... 896 00 B ills payable . : ..................... 77 14 B uilding fund ....................... 21,602 55 Cash over . . ......................... T otal ............................. $579,6S3 43 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis T otal ............................. $579,683 43 148 REPORT OP THE COMMISSIONER OF BANKING. Hortonville— Bank of Hortonville. X' C. President. F. BUCK, Vice President. F. N. T O R R E Y , Cashier. DIR E C TO RS. G. C. F. A. Zuehlke, F. Buck, N. Torrey, M. R itger, A. Haller. E S T A B L IS H E D JU LY 29, 1S95. Incorporated as a State Bank January 11, 1902. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. L ia b ilitie s . Loans and discounts ............ $202,278 Overdrafts ......... 298 Banking house ..................... 4,000 F urniture and fixtu res........ 2,466 Due from approved reserve banks ................................... 28,736 Checks on other banks and cash item s ........................... 132 Gold coin ................................. 930 Silver coin ............... 737 U. S. and national currency 6,181 N ickels and cen ts................. 67 T otal 69 25 00 32 Capital stock paid in ........ Surplus fund ......................... Undivided profits, less c u r rent expenses and taxes paid ........................................ Individu al deposits, su bject to check ................................. Tim e certificates o f deposit Savings deposits ................. 54 97 00 40 00 23 ............................. $245,828 40 T otal . $25,000 00 10,000 00 615 91 48,869 54 158,704 11 2,638 84 ..................... $245,828 40 Howards Grove— State Bank of Howards Grove. (P . O. SH E B O YG A N , R. F. D.) AUGUST W IT T E , President. GEO. C. ZIM M ERM ANN, Vice President. AUGUST FROM E, Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. A ugust W itte, A ugu st Luecke, Leo. C. Zimmermann, Louis W . D rier A ugust From e, E S T A B L IS H E D JA N U A R Y 25, 1913. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. Loans and d iscou n ts................ $121,884 O verdrafts ............................. 1,526 B an kin g house ........... 2,500 F urniture and fixtures . . . . 1,800 Due from approved reserve banks ..................................... 24,065 Checks on other banks and cash item s ......................... 25 Gold coin ......... 120 Silver c o i n ................................ 127 U. S. and national currency 1,007 N ickels and cen ts................. 16 Insurance prem ium s .......... 60 T otal L ia b ilitie s . 54 11 00 00 30 00 00 40 00 07 00 ............................. $153,131 42 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Capital stock paid in ............. Surplus f u n d .............. Undivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid ..................... D ividends unpaid .......... Individu al deposits, subject to check .......... Dem and certificates o f de posit ............. Savings deposits ............ T otal ......................... $10,000 00 1,000 00 11 00 59.9S9 14 3,450 14 $153,131 42 REPORTS OF STATE BANKS. 149 Humbird— First State Bank. F. M. T H E IL E R , President. K R E T SC H M E R , Vice President. B. J. S T A L L A R D , Cashier. MRS. E T T A B A B L E R , Asst. Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. B. J. Stallard, H. L. Dünn, Fred Theiler, Geo. Iffland, M. Kretschm er, P. A. Hem my. C. D. Fowler, E S T A B L IS H E D DECEM BER S, 1904. Statement October B l, 1914. Ito,sou rces. Loans and d iscou n ts.............. Overdrafts ............................... Banking house ..................... Furniture and fixtu res.......... Due from approved reserve banks ..................................... Checks on other banks and cash i t e m s ............................. Gold coin ................................. Silver coin ............................... IT. S. and national currency Nickels and cents ................. Total L ia b ilitie s . $98,644 1,100 3,000 1,742 75 39 00 20 Capital stock paid in .......... $10,000 Surplus fu nd ...................... 4^000 Undivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes 258 paid ........................................ Individu al deposits, subject to check ................................. 39,705 Tim e certificates o f deposit 62,095 8,987 37 317 20 310 1,812 125 85 00 15 00 46 ............................. $116,060 17 00 00 86 49 82 T otal ............................... $116,060 17 Hurley— Iron Exchange Bank. J. C. R EYN OLDS, President. ' W . S. R EYN OLDS, Cashier. JOH N P. M ILL E R , Asst. Cashier. D IR E C TO RS. W . S. R eynolds, ,T. C. R eynolds. John P. Miller, E S T A B L IS H E D DECEM BER 7, 1885. Incorporated as a State Bank June 10, 1903. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. L ia b ilitie s . Loans and d iscou n ts_ $154,025 52 Capital stock paid in .......... O verdrafts ............................. 50 50 Surplus fu nd ......................... U. S., state, m unicipal and Undivided profits, less cu r other bonds ......................... 27,800 00 rent expenses and taxes Stocks and other securities 398 24 paid ............................ Banking house ..................... 3,000 00 Individu al deposits, subject Furniture and fixtures . . . . 50000 to check ................................. Due from approved reserve Dem and certificates o f de banks ..................................... 176,211 71 posit .................. Due from other b a n k s ........ 19,658 99 Tim e certificates o f deposit Checks on other banks and Certified checks ..................... cash items ........................... 10 41 Gold coin ............. 3,120 00 Silver coin .............. 2,060 42 U. S. and national currency 42,583 00 Total ............................. $429,418 79 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis T otal $30,000 00 10,000 00 8,930 69 228,565 89 63,915 02 87,422 19 585 00 ............................. $429,418 79 150 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF BANKING. Hustisford— Hustisford State Bank. ED G A R BOEING, President. S. B. JONES. Vice President. E dgar Boeing, R ichard R oll, S. B. Jones, R IC H A R D R O L L, Sr., Cashier. R IC H A R D R O L L, Jr., Asst. Cashier. 1 AN N A F L E T C H E R , Asst. Cashier. D IR E C TO RS. H. C. R yder, H. O. R yder. E S T A B L IS H E D JA N U A R Y 6, 1902. Statement October 31, 1914. L ia b ilitie s . R e so u rc e s. Loans and d iscou n ts............$166,542 Overdrafts ............................... 559 U. S., state, m unicipal and other bonds ......................... 1,000 B anking house ................. 9,000 F urniture and fix t u r e s .... 4,000 9,680 Other real estate ow n e d ___ Due from approved reserve banks ................. 18,834 Gold coin ................................ 2,927 Silver coin . ........................ 4,132 U. S. and national currency 1,055 Nickels and ce n ts................. 264 T otal Capital stock paid in ............. .................... Surplus fund Undivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid ........................................ Individual deposits, subject to check ........... Demand certificates of de posit ..................................... Savings deposits .................. Notes and bills re-d iscounted ........................ 24 01 00 00 00 16 45 50 00 35 54 T otal ............................. $217,995 25 $30,000 00 6,000 00 1,763 80 60,710 86 98,072 38 1,548 21 19,900 00 ...........................i. $217,995 25 Hustler— Hustler State Bank. J. H. M O R R IL L , President. J. H. M U ELLER, Vice President. ■ W . W . SM ITH, Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. W . F. Talg, John Adrian, E. J. W iles. .T. H. M orrill, J. H. Mueller, Ole H. Olson, G. O. Laurence, E S T A B L IS H E D F E B R U A R Y 17, 1910. Statement October 31, 1914. L ia b ilitie s . R e so u rc e s. L oans and discounts .......... Overdrafts ............................. U. S., state, m unicipal and other bonds ......................... B anking house ..................... Furniture and fix tu res........ Due from approved reserve b a n k s ...................................... Due from other b a n k s .......... Checks on other banks and cash i t e m s ............................. Gold coin .................... Silver coin ............................... U. S. and national currency Nickels and c e n t s ........... T otal $75,224 33 723 38 18,100 00 2,200 00 1,650 00 9,606 92 2,448 86 20 310 1,268 6,775 39 87 00 00 00 80 ............................. $118,367 16 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Capital stock paid in .......... $10,000 00 Surplus fu n d ................. 1,000 00 Undivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid .................................... 701 35 Due to banks— d ep o sits___ 1,071 20 Individual deposits, subject to check ................................ 23,473 35 Tim e certificates o f deposit 82,118 06 Other liabilities ..................... 3 20 T otal ............................. $118,367 16 REPORTS OF STATE BANKS. 151 Independence— State Bank of Independence. JOH N SPR E C H E R , President. ANTON SENTY, V ice President. W A L T E R E. S P R E C H E R , Cashier. OTTO A. S P R E C H E R , Asst. Cashier. D IR E C TO RS. John Sprecher, Otto A. Sprecher, ' W alter E. Sprecher, Anton Senty. E S T A B L IS H E D A P R IL 3, 1897. Incorporated as a State Bank May 31, 1902. Statement October 31, 1914. L ia b ilitie s . R e so u rc e s. Loans and d is co u n ts .. . . . . . . $320,185 11 O verdrafts ...................... 654 46 II. S., state, m unicipal and other bonds ............... 48,500 00 Banking house ....................... 6,900 00 Burn Ju re and fixtures . . . . 3,566 97 Due from approved reserve banks .......... 92,270 41 Checks on other banks and cash item s ................. 65 00 Gold coin ....... 6,2Q0 00 Silver coin ............................. 489 05 IT. S. and national currency 5,187 00 Nickels and ce n ts........ 158 65 T otal ............................. $484,176 65 Capital stock paid in ........ $50,000 Surplus fund ......................... 10,000 Undivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid ...............................■ 851 Individual deposits, subject to check ............................... 66,267 Tim e certificates o f deposit 322,583 Savings deposits ................. 25,068 Cashier’ s checks ou tstan d ing ........................................ 9,406 00 00 03 18 96 23 2o $484,170 65 Total Ingram— Ingram State Bank. B. O. W A L T E R , Cashier. L. M. W A L T E R , Asst. Cashier. U. G. BLOOD. President. C. A. MAGNUS, Vice President. D IR E C TO RS. E. J. Denmark, U. G. B lood, B. O. W alter. A. E. Kuhlman, C. A. Magnus, Ben J. Faast, A. P. Kearney, E STA B L IS H E D NOVEM BER 7, 1900. Statement October 31, 1914. R e s o u rc e s . R e so u rc e s. Loans and d iscou n ts............. Overdrafts ............................... B anking house ..................... Furniture and fixtures, r . .. Other real estate o w n e d .... Due from approved reserve banks .................. Due from other b a n k s.......... Checks on other banks and cash items ......................... Gold coin ................. , ............. Silver coin ............................. IT. S. and national currency Nickels and Cents ................. Other resources ................. Total .................................... Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis $30,839 87 75 01 2,680 00 1,465 00 500 00 1,436 64 476 97 28 88 220 00 114 15 1,190 00 28 95 184 52 $39,239 99 Capital stock paid in .......... Surplus fu nd ......................... Individual deposits, subject to check .............................. .. Time certificates o f deposit Savings deposits ................. Cashier’s checks outstand ing ..................... ..................... B ills payable ........ ................. Total $10,000 00 2,100 00 9.945 61 6.664 87 5,187 13 342 38 5,000 00 $39.239 99 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF BANKING. 152 loia— Bank of loia. S. M. M YH EE, President. GUNDER BERGEN , Vice President. O. C. LEEAN, Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. S. M. Myhre, N. O. B idney, Gunder Bergen, Mrs. F lora E. Myhre. O. C. Leean, E S T A B L IS H E D N OVEM BER 4, 1893. Incorporated as a State Bank A ugu st 28, 1903. Statement October 31, 1914. L ia b ilitie s . R e so u rc e s. Loans and discounts .......... $200,394 65 Overdrafts ............................... 798 93 U. S., state, m unicipal and other bon ds ....................... 31,595 00 5,000 00 Banking house ..................... Furniture and f i x t u r e s ..... 2,685 85 Other real estate o w n e d .... 2,200 00 Due from approved reserve banks .................................. 40,164 91 Due from other b a n k s.......... 468 39 Checks on other banks and cash i t e m s ............................. 640 78 Gold coin ................................. 4,685 00 Silver coin ............................. 687 90 II. S. and national currency 7,939 00 Nickels and cen ts................. 312 72 T otal ............................. $297,573 13 Capital stock paid i n .......... Surplus fund ......................... Undivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid ........................................ Due to banks— deposits . . . Individual deposits, subject to check ............................... Demand certificates o f de p osit ...................................... Tim e certificates o f deposit Savings deposits ................. Reserved for ta x e s............... $15,000 00 15,000 00 4,127 67 329 00 39,484 65 6,241 204,958 11,832 600 19 23 39 00 $297,573 13 Total loia— The Farmers State Bank of loia. H. B. .T. SEVERSON, President. W IL L IA M S , Vice President. .T. C. SW ENDSEN, Cashier. G. L. GUNDUSON, Asst. Cashier D IR E C TO R S. H. .T. Severson, B. W illiam s, A. W einm ann, Jr., M. C. Bergen. Chas. L. Buswell, E S T A B L IS H E D D ECEM BER 19, 1899. Incorporated as a State Bank December 27, 1901. Statement October 31, 19Í4. R e so u rc e s. L oans and discou nts .......... $166,381 93 Overdrafts ........................ 770 73 2,700 00 B anking house ..................... F urniture and f i x t u r e s ..... . 2,500 00 Other real estate o w n e d .... 1,250 00 Due from approved reserve banks .................................... 3,255 39 Due from other ba n k s.......... 329 00 Checks on other banks and cash item s ......................... 1,786 13 Gold coin ................................. 75 00 Silver coin ............................. 660 35 IJ. S. and national currency 3,946 00 N ickels and c e n ts ................. 150 12 Total ............................... $183,804 65 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis L ia b ilitie s . Capital stock paid in ............ Surplus fu nd ......................... Undivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid ........................................ Due to banks— d ep osits----Individual deposits, su bject to check ................................. Tim e certificates o f deposit Savings deposits ................. Notes and bills re -d is counted ................................. $20,000 00 7,500 00 1,983 67 468 39 38,253 49 98,651 34 3,830 76 13,117 00 Total ............................... $183,804 65 REPORTS OP STATE BANKS. 153 Iron Ridge— Commercial State Bank. JACOB, K L O E C K N E R , President. WM. K L O E C K N E R , Vice President. JOHN K L O E C K N E E , Cashier. P E T E R K L O E C K N E R , Asst. Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. Jacob K loeckner, Win. Kloeckner, John Kloeckner, Peter K loeckner. E S T A B L IS H E D F E B R U A R Y 9, 1905. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. L ia b ilitie s . Loans and discounts ..........$125,256 91 Overdrafts ............................... 348 81 U. S., state, m unicipal and 16,900 00 other bonds ......................... F urniture and fixtures ___ 2,500 00 Due from approved reserve banks ..................................... 21.755 44 Gold coin ................................. 3,545 00 Silver coin ............................. S80 65 U. S. and national currency 5.494 00 Nickels and ce n ts................. 129 79 Capital stock paid in .......... $10,000 00 Surplus fu nd ...................... 5,000 00 Undivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid ........................................ 2.49S 48 Individual deposits, su bject to check .......... 40,709 45 Tim e certificates o f deposit 118,602 67 T otal ............................. $176, S10 60 T otal ............................ $176,810 60 Iron River— Iron River Bank. •JOHN A. P E T T IN G IL L , President. W. F. MC E LD O W N E Y , Vice President. GEO. L. P E T T IN G IL L , Cashier. D IRECTO RS. John A. Pettingill, Geo. L. P ettingill, G. A. Herman, Incorporated W m. F. M cEldowney, Swan Swanson. E STA B L ISH E D IN 1892. as a State Bank F ebruary 17, 1900. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. Loans and d iscou n ts............. Overdrafts ............................... Banking house ..................... Furniture and fixtu res.......... Other real estate ow n e d ___ Due from approved reserve banks .................................... Due from other ba n k s.......... Checks on other banks and cash items ......................... Gold coin ................................. Silver coin ............................. IT. S. and national currency Nickels and cents .............. T otal ............................. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis L ia b ilitie s . $47,181 421 4,000 2,352 2,209 81 08 00 04 20 5,065 98 415 15 19 2,515 355 1,782 27 00 00 60 00 23 $66,344 09 Capital stock paid in .............. $15,000 00 Surplus fund ............... 2,000 00 Undivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid ............... 294 34 Individual deposits, su bject to check ............................... 16,783 89 Time certificates o f deposit 22,192 51 Savings deposits ................ 6,872 30 Notes and bills re-d is counted ............... i ............... 3,20105 T otal ............................. $66,344 09 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF BANKING. 154 Iron River— Wisconsin State Bank. GEORGE S. BARN ES, President. T. F. M A C K M IL L E R , Vice President. B YR O N R IP L E Y , Cashier. M. C. H E LM ER , Asst. Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. G eorge S. Barnes, T. F. M ackmiller, A lbert G. Johnson, J. W. Tarter, Isaac H ubbard, T. N. Okerstrom, M. C. Helmer, B yron R ipley. E S T A B L IS H E D JUNE 2, 190S. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. L ia b ilitie s , Loans and d iscou n ts............ $42,192 31 O verdrafts ............................. '5, (580 14 F urniture and fixtures ___ 1,830 12 2,098 00 Other real estate o w n e d ___ Due from approved reserve banks .................................... 1,858 00 Due from other banks ___ 1,805 42 Checks on other banks and cash items ............. 30 00 Gold coin ................................. 1,580 00 Silver coin ............................. 525 00 U. S. and national currency 2,125 00 N ickels and cents ................. 72 15 Insurance receivable ........... 1,609 16 Capital stock paid i n ............ $10,000 00 Surplu's fund ......................... 1,600 00 Undivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid ...................................... 782 25 Individual deposits, subject 16,303 23 to check ............................ Tim e certificates o f deposit 7,794 89 Savings deposits ........... 6,416 38 Notes and bills redis counted ................................. . 10,508 55 5,000 00 Bills payable ................. T o t a l................................ $58,405 30 T otal ............................. $58,405 30 Jackson— The Jackson State Bank. F. P. LE ICH , President. THEO. SYDOW , Vice President. W. H. FROEHLICIL, Cashier. A L F . P.. F R O E H L IC H , Asst. Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. F. P. Leich, Theo. Sydow, P. W. Ivraemer, E S T A B L IS H E D f f m . H. Froehlich, Peter Gumm. AUGUST 5, 1907. Statement October 31. 1914. R e so u rc e s. Loans and d isco u n ts........... $93,646 74 Overdrafts ............................ 866 13 Banking house ..................... 5,000 00 Furniture and fix tu r e s ......... 2,555 00 Due from approved reserve banks ................................ 5,277 77 Checks on other banks and cash items ........................... 1.203 58 Gold coin .......................... 607 50 Silver coin ............................. 57S 20 U. S. and national currency 4,576 00 N ickels and cents ................. 58 15 T otal ............................... $114,369 07 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis L ia b ilitie s . Capital stock paid in ............. $20,000 743 Surplus fund ......................... Undivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid ................. 638 Individual deposits, su bject to check ............................... 36,779 Tim e certificates o f deposit 26,984 Savings deposits, ............... 29,05S Cashier’s checks outstand in g ........................................ 135 Debentures ............................. 29 00 60 64 07 10 82 50 34 T otal ............................... $114,369 07 REPORTS OF STATE BANKS. 155 Janesville— Bower City Bank. GEO. G. SU T H E R LA N D , President. M ICH AEL H AYES, Vice President. A. E. BINGHAM , Cashier. H. D. MURDOCK, Asst. Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. Geo. G. Sutherland, W illiam M cLay, A. E. Bingham , R. M. B ostw ick, Jam es A. Fathers, Michael Hayes. E STA B L IS H E D A P R IL 16, 1S95. Statement October 31. 1914. R e so u rc e s. Loans and discounts ............ $176,826 10 135 43 O v e r d r a fts ................................ U- S., state, m u n ic ip a l and other bonds ....................... 10,000 00 Furniture and fix t u r e s ........ 3,500 00 Due from approved reserve banks .................................... 43,893 74 Checks on other banks and cash item s ....... 17,009 42 E xchanges fo r clearing bouse ...................................... 7,890 S6 Gold coin ................................... 4,162 50 Silver coin ............................... 1,870 20 U. S. and national currency 10,930 00 Nickels and cents ................. 379 33 Total ............................... $576,597 58 L ia b ilitie s . Capital stock paid i n ............ $50,000 00 Surplus fund ........................... 50,000 00 Undivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes 26,049 55 paid .................................. Individual deposits, su bject to check .................... 252,479 88 Demand certificates o f de p osit ...................................... 27,633 07 Savings deposits ................... 170,435 08 T otal ...............................$576,597 58 Janesville— Merchants and Savings Bank. W. S. J E F F R IS , President. WM. BLADON , V ice President. S. M. SM ITH, Cashier. C. H. GAGE, A sst. Cashier. E. J. HAUM ERSON, Asst. Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. J. F. Pember, M. O. Mouat; M. G. Jeffris, I. F. Connors, W. S. Jeffris, W m. Bladon, S. M. Smith. E S T A B L IS H E D OCTOBER 18, 1875. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. L ia b ilitie s . Loans and discounts ............ $872,925 85 O v e r d r a fts ................................ 861 99 U. S., state, m unicipal and other bonds ....................... 411,560 29 Due from approved reserve banks .................................... 312,638 07 Checks on other banks and cash i t e m s ............................. 6,519 79 E xchanges fo r clearing house .................................... 7,988 84 Gold coin ......... 33,510 00 Silver coin ........... 2,985 30 IT. S. and national currency 32,012 00 Nickels and cents ................. 271 60 Capital stock paid in ........... $100,000 00 Surplus f u n d ........................... 100,000 00 Undivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid .................................. 50,551 64 25,320 18 Due to banks— deposits ___ Individual deposits, su bject to check ................................. 391,191 14 Demand certificates o f d e posit ...................................... 87,602 29 Savings deposits ................... 921,586 48 Certified checks ..................... 22 00 Reserved fo r taxes ............... 5,000 00 Total Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis $1,081,273 73 Total $1,681,273 73 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF BANKING. 156 Jefferson— The Farmers & Merchants Bank of Jefferson. H. C. C H R IST IA N S, President. GEORGE C OPELAN D, V ice President. GEO. ,T. K IS P E R T , Cashier. WM. S. K IS P E R T , Asst. Cashier. W . A. MUCK, Asst. Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. Adam Kispert, Geo. F. B ullwinkel, O. F. Roessler. H. C. Christians, George J. K ispert, Geo. Copeland, L ynn H. Smith, E S T A B L IS H E D F E B R U A R Y 2, 1874. Statement October 31, 1914. L ia b ilitie s . R e so u rc e s. Loans and discounts .............. $475,102 O v e r d r a fts ................................ 6,004 U. S., state, m unicipal and other bonds ......................... 21,928 Banking house ....................... 25,000 Furniture and fixtures ........ 8,000 Due from approved reserve banks .................................... 81,210 Checks on other banks and cash i t e m s ............................. 734 Gold coin ................................. 4,297 Silver coin ..........— .............. 1,990 U. S. and national currency 8,297 Nickels and cents . ................ 117 35 86 75 00 00 27 74 50 79 00 90 T otal ............................... $632,684 16 Capital stock paid in .......... $60,000 00 Surplus fund ........................... 40,000 00 Undivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid ........................................ 6,698 92 49 48 Due to banks— deposits ----Individual deposits, su bject to c h e c k ................................. 117,435 10 Demand certificates o f de p osit ........... 378,527 60 Savings deposits ............. 29,952 59 Postal savings ....................... 20 47 T otal ............................... $632,684 16 Jefferson— The Jefferson County Bank. W. II. P O R T E R , President. ,T. W. P U E RN E R , Vice President. W . H. P orter, .T. W . Puerner, W . S. H en ry, G odfrey Fernholz, W. S. H E N R Y , Cashier. M. BE C K, Asst. Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. J. W . Heid, L. M. Smith, Em il Stoppenbach. E S T A B L IS H E D S E PT E M B E R , 1856. Incorporated as a State Bank Septem ber 4, 1875. Statement October 31, 1914. L ia b ilitie s . R e so u rc e s. Loans and discounts ............ $418,291 Overdrafts ................. 2,010 U. S., state, m unicipal and other bonds ......................... 39,200 Banking house ........................ 6,000 F urniture and fixtures ........ 1,500 Due from approved reserve banks .................................... 87,028 Due from other banks . . . . 15,480 Checks on other banks and cash item s ........................... 966 Gold c o i n .................................. 6,095 Silver coin ............................... 2,744 IT. S. and national currency 13,207 Nickels and cents ................. 393 93 65 00 00 00 20 58 87 00 85 00 79 T otal ............................... $592,918 87 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Capital stock paid in .......... Surplus fund ....................... Undivided profits, less cur rent expenses and taxes paid ........................................ Due to banks— deposits . . . . Individual deposits, subject to check ............................... Demand certificates o f de posit ...................................... Savings deposits ................... $75,000 00 15,000 00 10,547 69 38 37 161,934 70 247,802 88 82,595 23 T otal ............................... $592,918 87 REPORTS OF STATE BANKS. 157 Johnson Creek— Mansfield’s Bank. F R E D C. M A N SFIE LD , President. A. E. G REEN W OOD , Cashier. D IR E C TO RS. Fred C. Mansfield, A. E. Greenwood, Grace Mansfield Pearce. E S T A B L IS H E D JA N U A R Y 18, 1895. In corporated as a State Bank N ovember 5, 1901 Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. L ia b ilitie s . Loans and discounts .............. $107,105 Overdrafts ............................... 387 U. S., state, m unicipal and other bonds ......................... 2,650 B anking h o u s e ................. 4,000 F urniture and fixtures ........ 1,118 Due from approved reserve banks .................................... 13,154 Due from other b a n k s .......... 3,447 Checks on other banks and cash items ........................... 242 Gold c o i n .................................. 1,050 Silver c o i n .......................... 1,431 IT. S. and national currency 2,800 Nickels and c e n t s ................... 210 02 99 00 00 52 34 31 90 00 10 00 25 T otal ............................... $137,597 43 Capital stock paid in .......... Surplus fund ......................... Undivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid ........................................ Individual deposits, su bject to check ................................ Demand certificates o f de posit ...................................... Tim e certificates o f deposit Cashier’s checks outstanding $15,000 00 3,193 27 2,260 61 31,545 36 95 00 72,503 87 12,999 32 T otal ............................... $137,597 43 Juda— The Bank of Juda. JOH N K R Y D E R , President. IR A D. JOHNSON, Vice President. GEO. BARNUM, Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. John K ryder, B. H. R oderick, Geo. Barnum, C. H. Halle, J. F. Miller, J. W . McElwee, Ira D. Johnson. E S T A B L IS H E D F E B R U A R Y 3, 1903. Incorporated as a State Bank A ugust 11, 1903. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. L ia b ilitie s . Loans and d isco u n ts.......... $58,242 74 Capital stock paid in .......... $10,000 00 Overdrafts ............................... 717 18 Surplus fund ........................... 3,500 00 Banking house ....................... 2,700 00 Undivided profits, less cu r Furniture and fixtures . . . . . 1,500 00 rent expenses and taxes Due from approved reserve paid ........................................ 656 48 banks ................. '.................. 7,090 23 Individual deposits, su bject Silver coin ............................... 606 00 to check ................................. 21,963 08 U. S. and national currency 2,164 00 Demand certificates o f de Nickels and cents ................. 15 73 p osit ...................................... 36,916 32 T otal ............................... Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis $73,035 88 T otal ............................... $73,035 88 158 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF BANKING. Junction— Junction State Bank. H. G. GR A SH OR N , President. C. A. E A R W IG , Vice President. S. J. SBBORA, Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. H. G. Grashorn, S. J. Sebora, S. M. Quan, C. A. Barw ig, Jacob R oth. E S T A B L IS H E D OCTOBER 4, 1909. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. Loans and d is c o u n t s ............ Overdrafts ........... Banking house ....................... Furniture and fix t u r e s ........ Due from approved reserve banks ....... Due from other banks . . . . . Gold coin ................................. Silver coin ............................... TJ. S. and national currency Nickels and cents ................. Total ................. ............. L ia b ilitie s . $60,208 151 2,350 2,105 62 03 25 35 7,332 2,587 1,890 2,202 1,786 273 45 23 00 95 00 28 Capital stock paid in ............ $10,000 Surplus fund ................. 200 Undivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid ........................................ 1,489 Individual deposits, su bject to check ................................. 22,454 Time certificates o f deposit 39,076 7,667 Savings deposits ................. $S0,SS7 16 T otal ............................... 00 00 07 06 28 75 $80,887 16 Juneau— Citizens Bank of Juneau. W . E. H A LL O C K , President. M. H A R T ZH E IM , Vice President. F. W . G E B H A R D T , Cashier. A R T H U R R. HEMMY, Asst. Cashier. D IR E C TO RS. Sidney R. .Tones, F. W . Gebhardt, W . E. H allock, Ferd. Lindemann, M. Hartzheim. E S T A B L IS H E D JU LY 6, 1891. In corporated as a State Bank F ebruary 3, 1896. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. Loans and discounts .............. $285,594 Overdrafts ................................ 1,652 IT. S., state, m unicipal and other bonds ......................... 3,000 Banking house ....................... 9,400 F urniture and fixtures ........ 2,300 Other real estate owned . . . . 1,400 Due from approved reserve banks .................................... 46,811 Checks on other banks and cash items ........................... 11 Gold coin ................................. 4,530 Silver coin ............................... 1,455 U. S. and national currency 8,117 Nickels and cents ................. 92 L ia b ilitie s . 68 62 00 00 00 00 39 52 00 00 00 90 T otal ............................... $364,365 11 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Capital stock paid in ........ $30,000 00 Surplus fund .............................. 15,000 00 U ndivided profits, "less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid ................................... 9,490 36 Individual deposits, su bject to check ........... 138,342 31 Tim e certificates o f deposit 107,432 05 Savings deposits ___ , .............. 52,83673 Cashier’ s checks outstanding 11,263 68 T otal ............................... $364,365 11 REPORTS OF S T A T E BANKS. 159 Kaukauna— Farmers and Merchants Bank. JOHN SCHM IDT, President. WM. F. HOHMAN, Vice President. H. W E IF E N B A C H , Cashier. - D IR E C TO R S. John Schmidt, M. Ryan, H. W eifenbach, W . F. Hohman, M. A. Lemke, Conrad Tinimers, Chas. Appleton, H. E. Thom pson, J. L. Coonen. E S T A B L ISH E D JU LY G, 1911. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. Loans and discounts ........... $162,575 64 Overdrafts ......................... 98 58 U. S., state, m unicipal and other bon ds ......................... 6,500 00 F urniture and fixtures ........ 1,764 76 Due from approved reserve banks .................... 5,816 30 Checks on other banks and cash items ........................... 596 78 Hold c o i n ............................ 1,970 00 S Tver coin .............................,. 766 75 17. S. and national currency 15,216 00 Nickels and cents ................. 187 52 Other resources ..................... 596 04 T o t a l ...... ....................... $196,088 37 L ia b ilitie s . Capital stock paid in .......... Surplus fund ........................... Undivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid ........................................ Due to banks— d e p o s it s ........ Individual deposits, subject to check .......................... Tim e certificates o f deposit Savings deposits ................... Certified checks ..................... $30,000 00 1,000 00 1,652 87 ^74 53 43,850 86,698 32,569 42 04 81 62 50 T otal ............................... $196,088 3« Kaukauna— The Bank of Kaukauna, C. L. W. S T R IB L E Y , President. LINDATJER, Vice President. F. A. TO W S L E Y , Cashier. DI LECTORS. Geo. O. Bergstrom , John M cNaugliton, Fred Hoeline, F. A. T ow sley, .Tudson G. Rosebush, C. W. Stribley, L. Lindauer, M. A. W ertheim er. E S T A B L IS H E D JU LY, 1881. In corporated as a State Bank F ebruary 3, 1896. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. Loans and discounts ............ $404,493 90 O v e r d r a fts .......................... 162 57 Furniture and fixtures ........ 4,575 00 Due from approved reserve 21,181 94 banks .................................... Checks on other banks and cash items ............................. 629 30 Gold coin ................................. 6,545 00 Silver coin .............................. 2,086 10 U. S. and national currency 10,471 00 Nickels and cents ................. 318 23 T otal .............................. $450,463 04 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis L ia b ilitie s. Capital stock paid in ............ $80,000 Surplus fu nd ........................ 20,000 U ndivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid ........................................ 7,S6S Individual deposits, su bject to check ........... 65,394 Tim e certificates of deposit 127,077 Savings deposit ....... 149.498 Certified c h e c k s ....................... 320 Postal s a v in g s ......................... 303 00 00 68 80 65 05 00 86 Total ............................... $450,463 04 100 R E P O R T OF T H E C O M M IS S IO N E R OF B A N K IN G . Kendall— Farmers and Merchants Bank of Kendall. L E W IS B U SW E LL, President. F R AN C IS DUNCAN, V ice President. GEO. H. ROB E R TSO N , Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. P atrick Finucain, V. E. Arzt, Chas. Rueckheim , Herman Moe. Lew is Buswell, Luther Buswell, F rancis Duncan, .Tas. E. Dwyer, H. P. Waffle, E S T A B L IS H E D SE PT E M B E R 11, 1913. Statement October 31, 1914. L ia b ilitie s . R e so u rc e s. Loans and d is c o u n t s ............ Overdrafts ........................ B anking house ....................... F urniture and fixtures ........ Due from approved reserve banks ..................................... Checks on other banks and cash i t e m s ............................. Gold coin ................................... Silver coin ............................... U. S. and national currency Nickels and cents ................. T otal ............................... $67,644 51 5,923 3,348 09 50 04 50 13,598 46 529 760 863 3,146 142 13 00 10 00 98 $96,006 SO Capital stock paid in ............ $23,000 Surplus fund ........................... 1,000 Contingent f u n d ..................... 544 Undivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid . r.................................... 424 Individu al deposits, su bject to check ................................. 14,497 Demand certificates o f d e 1,583 p osit ...................................... Tim e certificates o f deposit 54,956 T otal ............................... 00 00 67 13 90 45 65 $96,006 80 Kendall— Kendall State Bank. G. R. H IL L , President. O. R. HOLM ES, V ice President. G. R. Hill, O. R. Holm es, Fred Zimmerman, CHAS. M ARQ UETTE, Cashier. H A R R Y A. ROGERS, Asst. Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. H arry A. R ogers, Chas. Marquette. E S T A B L IS H E D OCTOBER 2, 1903. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. L oans and discounts ............ $114,468 04 O verdrafts ............................... 42 30 U. S., state, m unicipal and other bonds ......................... 42,091 40 B anking house ....................... 3,450 00 F urniture and f i x t u r e s ........ 2,139 69 Due from approved reserve b a n k s ...................................... 17,265 22 Due from other banks . . . . . 7,527 11 Checks on other banks and cash items ....................... 43 35 Gold coin ................................. 167 50 Silver coin ............................... 699 65 U. S. and national currency 5,613 00 N ickels and cents ................. 25 03 T otal ............................... $193,532 29 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis L ia b ilitie s . Capital stock paid in ........ Surplus fund ........................... U ndivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid ........................................ Individual deposits, subject to check ............................... Demand certificates o f de p osit ...................................... Time certificates o f deposits P ostal savings ....................... $15,000 00 3,000 00 2,951 87 29,398 5S 7,658 76 135,520 77 2 31 T otal ............... ........... .. $193,532 29 REPORTS OF S T A T E BAxNKS. 161 Kennan— Kennan State Bank. F. W. SAMBLS. President. C. T. B A D E R , Vice President. D IR E C TO RS. c. F. ,T. K andutsch, H u go K andutsch, John Gilbert, F. Bader, F. W . Samels. E S T A B L IS H E D MAY 19, 1914. Statement October 31. 1914. R e so u rc e s. Loans and discounts ............ O v e r d r a fts ............................ Stocks and other securities B anking house ....................... F urniture and fix t u r e s ........ Due from approved reserve banks .................... Due from other b a n k s .......... Checks on other banks and cash i t e m s ............................. Gold coin ................................. Silver c o i n ................................ U. S. and national currency T otal .............................. L ia b ilitie s . $18,178 514 1,450 2,500 1,870 92 03 76 00 13 898 84 299 10 32 60 295 2,558 00 00 58 00 $28,657 30 Capital stock paid in .......... U ndivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid ........................................ Individual deposits, subject to check ............................... Tim e certificates o f deposit Savings deposits ................... Cashier’s checks outstanding $10,000 00 T otal ............................... $28,657 36 58 34 11,368 4,277 597 2,355 25 20 70 87 Kenosha— Merchants & Savings Bank. H. H. B. ROBINSON, President. W. J E F F E R Y , Vice President. N. A. R O W E , Cashier. JOS. FUNCK, Asst. Cashier. D IR E C TO RS. C. E. Remer, W. J. F rost, W. W. Vincent, ChaS. H. Gonnerman, W. J. Bermingham , H. B. R obinson, Mathias Werve, H. W. Jeffery, Christ Petersen, N. A. Rowe, Fred Larsen, Jos. Funck. E STA B L IS H E D MARCH 1, 1897. Incorporated as a State Bank July 6, 1901. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. L ia b ilitie s . Loans and discounts ............ $504,987 44 O verdrafts ............................... 2,806 11 U. S., state, m unicipal and other bonds ......................... 176.109 18 B anking house ....................... 25,000 00 Furniture and fixtures ........ 10.000 00 Due from approved reserve banks .................................... 59,802 75 Due from other b a n k s .......... 1,748 11 Checks on other banks and ............................ cash I t e m s 239 9S Exchanges fo r clearing house .................................... 3.479 89 Gold coin ................................ 2,817 50 Silver coin ............................... 2,156 65 U. S. and national currency 33,528 00 Nickels and cents ................. 248 24 R edem ption with U. S. Treasurer ............................. 2,000 00 Bonds to secure postal sav ings ........................................ 8,000 00 Capital stock paid in ............ $100,000 00 Surplus fund ........................... 5,000 00 U ndivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid ........................................ 3,332 91 Individual deposits, su bject to check ................. V............ 364,292 30 Demand certificates o f de posit ...................................... 104.975 82 Savings deposits ................... 245 245.261 57 P ostal savings ............ 6.066 25 Reserved fo r taxes ........ 3,995 00 Total ............................... $832,923 85 T otal ............................... $832,923 85 11— B. S. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 162 R E P O R T OF T H E C O M M IS S IO N E R OF B A N K IN G , Kewaskum— Bank of Kewaskum, A. L. R O SB N H E IM ER , President. M. R O SB N H E IM ER , Vice President. B. H. ROSENHISIMER, Cashier. N. W . ROSB N H E IM ER , Asst. Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. A. L. Rosenheim er, O. E. Lay, M. Rosenheim er, B. H. Rosenheim er, A. G. K och, N. W . Rosenheimer. G eorge Petis, E S T A B L IS H E D OCTOBER 15, 1904. Statement October 31, 1914. L ia b ilitie s . R e so u rc e s. Loans and discounts ..............$331,459 31 O verdrafts ............................... 361 48 U. S., state, m unicipal and 38,241 01 other bonds ......... B anking house ....................... 10,000 00 F urniture and fix t u r e s ........ 5,764 10 Due from approved reserve banks .................................. 54,020 53 Checks on other banks and cash item s ........................... 240 12 Gold coin ................................. 1,595 -00 Silver coin ............................... 936 40 IJ. S. and national currency 8,180 00 Nickels and cents ................. 8 63 Capital stock paid in .......... Surplus fund ................... U ndivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid ......................................... Individual deposits, su bject to check ................................. Tim e certificates of deposit Savings deposits ................... Cashier’s checks outstanding Debentures ......... T otal ........................... T otal ....................... . . . . $450,806 58 $30,000 00 10,000 00 7,110 79 67,440 292,853 38,389 4,766 247 01 30 34 14 00 $450,806 58 Kewaunee— Farmers and Merchants State Bank of Kewaunee. O. H. BRUEMM ER, President. M. J. RU DEBECK , V ice President. J. E. HUTCHINSON, Cashier. J. J. SCHULTZ, Asst. Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. .los. G. W alecka, M. ,T. Rudebeck, H enry A. Dvorak. O. H. Bruemmer, F. J. W ochos, P. L. G. Reinke, George Erichsen, E S T A B L IS H E D M ARCH 17, 1911. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. L ia b ilitie s. Loans and discounts ............ $406,894 83 O v e r d r a fts ................................ 363 07 IJ/ S., state, m unicipal and other bon ds ......................... 24,000 00 B anking house ....................... 7,816 16 Furniture and fixtures ........ 4,266 77 Due from approved reserve banks .................................... 58,757 09 Due from other banks ........ 131 93 .Checks on other banks and cash i t e m s ............... 863 57 Gold coin ................................. 2,272 50 Silver coin ............................... 461 05 U. S. and national currency 13,477 00 N ickels and cents ................. 82 57 Capital stock paid in .......... $25,000 00 Surplus fund ........................... 6,250 00 U ndivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and faxes paid ........................................ 3,984 07 D ividends unpaid ............. 16 00 Individual deposits, su bject to check ................................. 69,154 09 Tim e certificates of deposit 360,029 86 Savings deposits ................... 54,952 52 T otal .............................. $519,386 54 T otal ............................... $519,386 54 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis REPORTS OF S T A T E BANKS. 163 Kewaunee— State Bank of Kewaunee. L. A L B E R T K A R E L , President. L. A lbert Karel, John M. Borgm an, W enzel Kieweg, V. H. JAN DA, Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. John L. Haney, George A. Duvall. E STA B L IS H E D JUNE, 1876. Incorporated as a State Bank January 30, 1892. Statement October 31. 10 14. R e so u rc e s. L ia b ilitie s . Loans and d is c o u n t s ............$683,604 Overdrafts ............................... 1,495 U. S., state, m unicipal and 85,000 other bonds ......................... B anking house ....................... 10,000 Furniture and fixtures ........ 5,000 Other real estate o w n e d ___ 13,400 Due from approved reserve banks ..................................... 75,058 Checks on other banks and cash items ........................... 1,116 E xchanges fo r clearing house ...................................... 1,348 Gold coin . . ; ............................. 11,900 Silver coin -----■........................ 963 U. S. and national currency 11,835 Nickels and c e n t s ................... 170 Expense .................................... 1,191 Other resources ..................... 1,290 30 31 00 00 00 00 Capital stock paid in ............ $60,000 Surplus fund ......................... 15,000 Individual deposits, subject to check ................................. 72,503 Tim e certificates o f deposit 752,235 Savings deposits ................ 3,o36 00 00 10 55 26 94 51 74 00 10 00 47 81 73 T otal ............................... $903,374 91 T otal ...............................$903,374 91 Kiel— Citizens State Bank. D. F. NAUTH, President. CHAS. A. B A H R , Vice President. F. A. B R A N D L O W , Cashier. D IR E C TO RS. D. F. Nauth, Otto Stoelting, Clias. A. Bahr, Geo. P. Meyer, Frank Stark, Jas. L. Yoelker, Theo. W . Schreiber, W. J. Guetzloe. Frank Schaller, E S T A B L IS H E D MAY 26, 3914. Statement October 31. 1914. R e so u rc e s. L ia b ilitie s . Loans and d iscou n ts............ $45,635 98 O verdrafts ............................. 76 91 U. S., state, m unicipal and other bon ds ....................... 17,716 20 Banking house ..................... 2,130 04 Due from approved reserve hanks ..................................... 6,644 21 E xchanges fo r clearing house ..................................... 598 48 Gold coin .......................... 75 00 Silver coin ..................... 922 00 U. S. and national currency 3,663 00 Nickels and ce n ts................... 126 33 Total Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis $77,588 15 Capital stock paid in ............ $25,000 Undivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid ...................................... 1,090 Individual deposits, subject to check ............................. 27,116 Tim e certificates o f deposit 22,512 Savings deposits ................. 1,869 T otal .. 00 33 22 20 40 $77,588 15 R E P O R T OF T H E C O M M IS S IO N E R OF B A N K IN G . 164 Kiel— State Bank of Kiel. H. S. E L D R E D , President. W . P. W AG N E R , Vice President. R IC H A R D K IE L , Cashier. W . J. T A Y L O R , Asst. Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. H. S. E ldred, R ichard K iel, J . B._ Laun, H. C. Mesch. W . 1’ . W agner, E S T A B L IS H E D S E PTE M B E R 1, 1S9S. Statement October 31, 1914. L ia b ilitie s . R e so u rc e s. Loan's and d isco u n ts............$365,103 Overdrafts ............................... 7,155 P. S., state, m unicipal and other bonds ....................... 11,500 Banking house ..................... 11,500 Furniture and fix tu res........ 1,700 Due from approved reserve banks .................................. 61,986 Due from other b a n k s.......... 100 Checks on other banks and cash items ......................... 1,328 Gold coin ................................. 2,980 Silver coin ...................... 3,140 U. S. and national currency 11,989 Nickels and ce n ts............... 179 T otal 55 64 00 00 00 54 95 97 00 30 00 18 Capital stock paid in ........... Surplus fund ......................... Undivided profits, less c u r rent expenses and taxes paid ...................................... Individual deposits, subject to check .............................. Tim e certificates of deposit Savings deposits .............. Postal savings ..................... Other ........................................ ............................. $479,189 13 T otal $50,000 00 25,000 00 28.946 04 91,027 252,186 31,865 158 o 68 81 22 38 00 ............................. $479,189 13 Kilbourn— Farmers and Merchants State Bank. R. I). B A R N EY , President. THOS. M. McMANMAN, V ice President. A. C. TENNISON, Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. R. D. Barney, Tliox. M. McManman, Jas. F. D ougherty. F. P. McManman, D. T. O’ Neil, E S T A B L IS H E D F E B R U A R Y 26, 1910. Statement October 31, 1914. L ia b ilitie s . R e so u rc e s. Loans and d iscou n ts............$149,388 Overdrafts ............................... 578 IT. S., state, m unicipal and other bonds ....................... 34,700 B anking house ..................... 3,500 Due from approved reserve banks ..................... 34,057 E xchanges fo r ~ clearing house ..................................... 1,184 Gold coin ........................ 520 Silver coin ............................. 1,688 IT. S. and national currency 4,049 Nickels and ce n ts................. 160 T otal Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ., Capital stock paid i n . .......... $20,000 Surplus fund ............... 2,500 Undivided profits less cu r rent expenses and taxes 00 paid ................. 2,902 00 Individual deposits, subject to check ............................... 46,135 19 Tim e certificates o f deposit 140,841 .............. 10,670 90 Savings deposits 776 00 P ostal savings ....................... 20 00 18 48 70 $229,826 65 Total 00 00 33 79 12 86 55 $229,826 65 REPORTS OF S T A T E BANKS. 1G5 Kilbourn— Kilbourn State Bank. W. S. STROUD, President. D. N. COAPMAN, Cashier. E. H. R O TH E , Asst. Cashier. O. P. H E L L A N D , Asst. Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. D. N. Coapman, R. M. Stroud. W. S. Stroud, E S T A B L IS H E D JA N U A R Y 1, 18S4. Incorporated as a State Bank A ugust 7, 1903. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. L ia b ilitie s . oc 5 2 Loans and d iscou n ts............ $343,441 36 Capital stock paid in ............. $20,000 00 Overdrafts ............................... 541 56 Surplus fund ......................... 20,000 00 U. S., state, m unicipal and Undivided profits, less cu r other bonds ......................... 85,080 00 rent expenses and taxes Banking house......................... 10,000 00 paid ...................................... 2,330 67 Due from approved reserve Individual deposits, su bject banks .................... 47,245 04 to check ............................... 59,051 Due from other ba n ks.......... 1,124 55 T im e certificates o f deposit 358,034 E xchanges fo r clearing Savings deposits ................. 38,316 house .................................... 134 75 Postal savings ....................... 1,130 C old coin ................................. 1,525 00 Silver coin ............................... 3,075 55 U. S. and national currency 6,479 00 Nickels and c e n ts.................. 217 27 T otal ............................. $498,S64 08 T otal ............................. $498,864 08 Kingston— Kingston State Bank. ED W . VAUGHAN, President. JAMES C A R T E R , Vice President. J. T. SH AW , Cashier. II. V OLKM ANN, Asst. Cashier. D IR E C TO RS. S. M. Vaughan, A. O. Ellison, Ed. Vaughan, James Carter, J. T. Shaw, W . W . Hunter. Frank Umbreit, E STA B L IS H E D N OVEM BER 5, 1909. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. Loans and d iscou n ts............ Overdrafts ............................... U. S., state, m unicipal and other bonds ......................... Banking house ....................... Furniture and fixtures ___ Due from approved reserve banks .................................... Gold coin ................................ Silver coin ............... U. S. and national currency Nickels and ce n ts................... T otal L ia b ilitie s . $90,586 49 2 89 4,000 00 4,000 00 1,200 00 10,196 655 633 3,288 47 74 00 30 00 59 ................... ........ $114,610 01 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Capital stock paid in .............. $15,000 00 ...................... 800 00 Surplus fund Undivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid ........................................ 1,135 68 Individual deposits, subject to check ............................... 22,631 54 Tim e certificates o f deposit 75,042 79 T otal ............................. $114,610 01 166 R E P O R T OF T H E C O M M IS S IO N E R OF B A N K IN G . Knapp— State Bank of Knapp. WM. ROBINSON, President. W. H. F R AN C IS, Vice President. C. R. CASE, Cashier. OSCAR ESENSTAD, Asst. Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. W illiam R obinson, W . H. Francis, E S T A B L IS H E D C. R. Case. AUGUST 12, 1901. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. L ia b ilitie s . Loans and d iscou n ts............ $104,916 Overdrafts ............................... 219 Banking house ..................... 4,000 Furniture and fix tu res.......... 1,500 Due from approved reserve , banks ..................................... 14,613 Due from other b a n k s.......... 262 Checks on other banks and cash i t e m s ............................. 927 Gold coin ................................. 1,040 424 Silver coin ............................... U. S. and national currency 2,412 N ickels and c e n ts................. 60 T otal 91 Capital stock paid in .............. 6S Surplus fund ......................... 00 Undivided profits, less cu r 00 rent expenses and taxes paid ...................................... 56 Individual deposits, su bject 64 to check ........... Demand certificates o f d e 73 p osit .............. 00 Time certificates of deposit 50 Savings deposits ................ 00 Cashier’ s checks outstand 42 ing ........................................... ............................. $130,377 44 T otal $10,000 00 3,000 00 1,159 33 46,576 88 1,446 11 52,618 52 14,014 35 1,562 25 ............................. $130,377 44 La Crosse— Exchange State Bank. W. B. T S C H A R N E R , President. JOS. P. GOHRES, V ice President. R O B E R T B. L O W R Y , Cashier. W . J. L O W R Y , Asst. Cashier. D IR E C TO RS. G eorge B. Phillips, W . B. Tscharner, C. P. Thom pson, Joseph P. Gohres. R obt. L ow ry, E S T A B L IS H E D N OVEM BER 4, 18S9. Statement October 31. 1914. R e so u rc e s. L ia b ilitie s . Loans and d iscou n ts............$240,780 03 Capital stock paid in .............. Overdrafts ............................... 851 00 Surplus fund ......................... U. S., state, m unicipal and Undivided profits, less cu r other bonds .......................... 88,823 72 rent expenses and taxes Stocks and other securities 500 00 paid .................................. Banking house ....................... 4,500 00 Individual deposits, subject F urniture and fixtu res........ 1,200 00 to check ................................. Other real estate ow n e d ___ 2,430 00 Time certificates o f deposit Due from approved reserve Savings deposits ................. banks .................................. 37,490 38 Certified checks ..................... E xchanges fo r clearing bouse ..................................... 2,333 90 Gold coin ................................. 4,585 00 Silver coin ............................... 1,263 35 U. S. and national currency 7,426 00 N ickels and ce n ts................... 117 23 T otal Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis $392,320 61 Total $25,000 00 9,000 00 3,492 19 I l l , 658 60,481 182,467 221 19 22 11 90 $392,320 Cl REPORTS OF S T A T E 1G7 BANKS. La Crosse— Security Savings Bank of La Crosse. A. GUNDERSEN, President. N. F R E Y , Vice President. ,T. A. T H W IN G , Cashier. J. B. B R E N N ER , Asst. Cashier. D IR E C TO RS. Ole E lbertson, N. Frey, L. J. Kilian, A. Gundersen. J. A. Thw ing, F. A. Cotton, B. F. Keeler, Olaf R. Skaar, L. P . Benezet, E S T A B L IS H E D F E B R U A R Y 1, 1S94. S ta tem en t October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. L ia b ilitie s . Loans and d i s c o u n t s ...! ... $347,645 84 Overdrafts ............................... 1,313 39 U. S., state, m unicipal and other bonds ......................... 7,000 00i F urniture and fixtures . . . . 4,000 00Other real estate o w n e d ... .. 2,197 46 Due from approved reserve banks .................................... 43,477 94 E xchanges fo r clearing house ........... 3,753 36 Gold coin ......... 1,982 50 Silver coin ............................... 333 10 II. S. and national currency 5,227 00 49 56 Nickels and ce n ts................... T ax cerificates ........................ 544 55 Other resources ..................... 94 49 T otal ............................ $417,619 19 Capital stock paid in .............. Surplus fund ........................... Undivided profits less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid .......................... Individual deposits, subject to check ................... Tim e certificates of deposit Savings deposits ................ Certified checks ..............-.... Cashier’s checks outstand in g ......... T otal $30,000 00 6,000 00 2,960 24 108,190 34 67,635 85 202,748 33 60 93 3 50 ............................. $417,619 19 La Crosse— State Bank of La Crosse. •TORN C. BURNS, President. L. H. M A RTIN , Vice President. A. Bellerue, .T. M. H olley, IT. A. Kroner, James Thom pson, .T. M. H O L L E Y , Cashier. PAUL T. SCHULZE, Asst. Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. L. H. Martin, John C. Burns, .Tos. Miller. E S T A B L ISH E D JU LY 7, 1879. Incorporated as a State Bank July 31, 1883. S ta te m e n t October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. L ia b ilitie s . Loans and discounts-............$874,330 Overdrafts ............................... 398 U. S., state, m unicipal and other bonds ....................... 236,116 Stocks and other securities 69,914 28,072 Furniture and fixtu res.......... Due from approved reserve banks ..................................... 201,806 Due from other b a n k s.......... 1,167 Checks on other banks and cash items ........................... 491 E xchanges fo r clearing house ................... 11.498 Gold coin ........... 31,285 Silver coin ............................... 4,437 IT. S. and national currency 44,518 Nickels and cen ts................... 345 Total Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 86 19 25 27 86 08 85 05 Capital stock paid in .......... $100.000 00 Surplus fund ......................... 50,000 00 Undivided profits, less cu r rent expense and taxes paid ....................................... 16.200 80 Due to banks— d e p o s it s .... 134,424 78 Individual deposits, subject to check ............................... 221,734 00 Demand certificates o f de posit ...................................... 313,250 58 Savings deposits ................... 668 561 83 Certified checks ..................... 210 00 60 00 60 00 38 $1,504,381 99 Total $1,504,381 99 168 R E P O R T OF T H E C O M M IS S IO N E R OF B A N K IN G . Ladysmith— Rusk County Bank. W. F. O’CONNOR, President. GLENN H. W IL L IA M S , Vice President. L. C. S T R E A T E It, Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. M. H. Bailan, L. C. Streater, H. A. Dim ock, W . F. O’Connor, G. H. W illiam s. E S T A B L IS H E D MAY 15, 1911. Statement October 81, 1914. L ia b ilitie s . R e so u rc e s. Loans and d iscou n ts............ Overdrafts ............................... Stocks and other securities Banking house ................. Furniture and fix tu res.......... Due from approved reserve banks .................................... Due from other b a n k s ... .. Checks on other banks and cash items '.......................... Gold coin ................................. Silver coin ............................... IT. S. and national currency N ickels and cen ts................... T otal $94,739 51 373 73 500 00 7,300 00 2,090 00 12,348 87 130 62 1.073 67 65 00 1,409 10 1,052 00 108 02 ............................. $121,190 52 Capital stock paid in ............ $25,000 00 600 00 Surplus fund ......................... Undivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes 334 97 paid ........................................ Individual deposits, subject to check ............................... 52,750 69 Tim e certificates o f deposit 18,239 63 Savings deposits ................. 18,467 52 Cashier’ s checks outstand 197 7! ing .......................................... ' Notes and bills rediscounted 5,600 00 Total ............................... $121,199 52 Ladysmith— State Bank of Ladysmith. R. O. SIN C LA IR , President. D. F. C L A R K , Vice President. J. O. SIN C LA IR , Cashier. B. E. FR EN C H , Asst. Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. R. S. Johnson, D. F. Clark, R. O. Sinclair, F. W . T ubbs, R. H. Burns, J. O. Sinclair, W. J. Kerm ott. E S T A B L IS H E D M ARCH 7, 1903. Incorporated as a State Bank Septem ber 4, 1903. Statement October 81, 1914. R e so u rc e s. L ia b ilitie s . Loans and d iscou n ts............$360,336 31 Capital stock paid in ............ Overdrafts .......................... 7,754 32 Surplus fund ........................... Stocks and other securities 529 21 Due to banks— deposits ___ Banking house ..................... 11,500 00 Dividends unpaid ................. Furniture and fixtu res.......... 3,700 00 Individual deposits, subject to check ............................... Other real estate o w n e d .... 591 13 Due from approved reserve Tim e certificates o f deposit banks .......................... 14,602 49 Savings deposits ................. Checks on other banks and Cashier’ s checks outstand ing . .................................... cash items ........................... 5,541 46 Gold coin .............................. 245 00 B ills payable ..................... Silver coin .............................. 2,322 00 U. S. and national currency 2,621 00 Nickels and c en ts................... 15 41 E xpense ................................... 218 22 T otal Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ............................. $409,976 61 T otal $35.000 15,000 1,636 90 00 00 85 00 142,198 82 125,946 77 59,795 47 1,308 70 29,000 00 ............................. $409.976 61 REPORTS OF S T A T E BANKS. 169 La Farge— Bank of La Farge. J. A. HAYES, Vice President. L. L. L A T H R O P , Cashier. J. J. CREEDEN, Asst. Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. Carlos Buchanan, L. L. Lathrop, J. A. Hayes, J. J. C'reeden. H. W . H ubbel, E S T A B L IS H E D AUGUST 1, 1S98. Incorporated as a State Bank A ugust 29, 1903. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. L ia b ilitie s . Loans and d iscou n ts........... $119,349 13 Overdrafts ............................... 2,683 37 Stocks and other securities 573 10 Banking house ............... 1,300 00 Furniture and fixtu res.......... 1,000 00 Due from approved reserve banks .................................... 17,467 84 Due from other ba n k s.......... 50 E xchanges fo r clearing house .................................... 782 67 Gold coin ................................. 1,345 00 Silver coin ................................. 41 25 IJ. S. and national currency 7,561 00 Nickels and c e n t s . . . .............. 20 10 Capital stock paid in ............ $10,000 00 Surplus f u n d ........................... 2,125 00 Undivided profits less c u r rent expenses and taxes paid ........................................ 755 87 Individual deposits, subject to check ............................... 44,617 48 Tim e certificates o f deposit 85,403 80 Cashier’ s .checks outstand in g .......................................... 4,223 81 B ills payable — ................... 5,000 00 T otal T otal ............................. $152,125 96 ............................. $152,125 96 Lake Mills— Bank of Lake Mills. S. A. RE E D, President. a RAD EN GSBERG, Vice President. E. C. B R O W N , Cashier. O. B. COOMBE, Asst. Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. S. A. Reed, W m . Everson, E. C. Brown, • E S T A B L IS H E D C'onrad E ngsberg, W . A. E ngsberg. JA N U A R Y 2,. 1892. Statement October 31. 1914. R e so u rc e s. L ia b ilitie s . Loans and d iscou n ts............$209,090 Overdrafts ............................... 4,296 U. S., state, m unicipal and other bonds ......................... 1,700 B anking house ..................... 8,280 Furniture and fix tu res........ 4,278 Due from approved reserve 1 anks ..................................... 27,553 Checks on other banks and cash items ........................... 856 E xchanges fo r clearing house ..................................... 356 Gold coin ................................. 2,752 Silver coin ............................... 1,303 U. S. and national currency 3,386 Nickels and cen ts................. 72 Tota 1 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Capital stock paid in ............ Surplus fu nd ......................... Undivided profits, less cu r 00 rent expenses and taxes 44 paid ......... 94 Individual deposits, subject to checK ................................. 47 Demand certificates of de posit ...................................... 97 Savings deposits ................... Notes and bills rediscounted 71 50 35 00 62 30 95 $263,928 25 Total $30,000 00 11,000 00 2,077 83 79,572 14 128,494 38 7,783 90 5,000 00 $263.928 25 170 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF BANKING. Lake Mills— Greenwood’s State Bank. C. If. G REEN W OOD , President. A. W . GR E E N W O O D , Vice President. G. E. GREENW OOD , Cashier. O. A. W O D K E , Asst. Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. C. P. Greenwood, A. W . Greenwood, Chas. S. Greenwood, G. E. Greenwood, O. A. W odke. E S T A B L IS H E D OCTOBER 21, 1893. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. L ia b ilitie s . Loans and d iscou n ts............ $325,334 12 Overdrafts ............................... 721 97 U. S., state, m unicipal and other bonds ......................... 79,950 00 B anking house ....................... 7,000 00 1,000 00 Furniture, and fixtu res.......... Due from approved reserve banks .................................... 64,752 59 Checks on other banks and cash items ........................... 2,299 68 Gold coin ................................. 6,000 00 Silver coin ............................... 1,481 60 IT. S. and national currency 5,447 00 Nickels and ce n ts................... 141 25 Capital stock paid in .............. $80,000 00 Surplus fund ...................... 20,000 00 Undivided profits, less c u r rent expenses and taxes 7,934 58 paid ................................ Individual deposits, subject to check ................................. 89,273 62 Demand certificates of de p osit ...................................... 270.584 68 26,335 33 Savings deposits ................... T otal ............................. $494,128 21 T otal ............................. $494,128 21 Lake Nebagamon— Bank of Lake Nebagamon. BESSEL B A X T E R , President. R. B A X T E R . Cashier. M. P. B A X T E R , Asst. Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. Joseph R oper, M. P. Baxter, R ussell Baxter. E S T A B L IS H E D 1900. Incorporated as a State Bank August 28, 1903. Statement October 31, 1914. L ia b ilitie s . R e so u rc e s. Loans and discounts ............ $29,983 98 Capital stock paid in ............. Overdrafts ............................... 1 65 Surplus fund ........................... B anking house ....................... 1,500 00 U ndivided profits, less cu r Furniture and fix tu res.......... 700 00 rent expenses and taxes Other real estate o w n e d . . . . 600 00 paid ........................................ Due from approved reserve Individual deposits, subject to check ............... banks .................................... 3,271 59 Due from other b a n k s.......... 1,411 22 Tim e certificates o f deposit Checks on other ba rk s and Savings deposits ................ cash items ............... -.......... 1.453 29 Silver coin ............................... 360 00 IT, 8. and national currency 600 00 Nickels and cen ts................... 43 21 Tpta} Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ........................... $39.930 94 T ota l ............................. $5,009 00 3,000 00 1,856 60 13,741 57 9,514 48 6,818 29 $39,930 94 REPORTS OF S T A T E BANKS. 171 Lancaster— Lancaster State Bank. L. H. STEVENS, President. H. A. STEVENS, V ice President. F. J. H A N V IL L E , Cashier. C. N. H IL L , Asst. Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. L. II. Stevens, F. .T. Hanvilie, G. A. Stevens, C. N. Hill. E S T A B L IS H E D JA N U A R Y 2, 1914. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. L ia b ilitie s . Loans and d isco u n ts........... $248,375 42 Capital stock paid in ............. $50,000 Overdrafts ............................... 3,638 57 Undivided profits, less cu r Stocks and other securities 428 40 rent expenses and taxes 12,500 00 Ranking house ..................... paid ...................................... 416 Furniture and fixtu res.......... 1,750 00 Individual deposits, su bject Due from approved reserve to check ............................ 51,181 banks ..................................... 10,048 61 Time certificates o f deposit 165,879 Due from other ba n k s.......... 38 36 Cashier’s checks ou tstan d E xchanges fo r clearing ing ................... 2,643 house .................................... 276 3S B ills p a y a b l e ......... ................ 20,000 4,595 00 Gold coin ............. Silver coin ............................... 730 45 IT. S. and national currency 7,684 00 Nickels and ce n ts................... 56 11 T otal ................. . . ....... $290,121 30 Total 00 40 63 71 46 00 ............................. $290,121 30 Lancaster— The People’s State Bank. CHAS. II. B A S H F O R D , President. L. A. C L A R K , Vice President. J. H A R O L D PUGH, Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. Chas. II. B ashford, P. R. Stoffel, L. A. Clark, Geo. B. Clementson. .T. H arold Pugh, E S T A B L IS H E D OCTOBER 25, 1911. Statement October 31. 1914. R e so u rc e s. L oans and discounts .......... $152,926 30 Overdrafts ............................... 3,527 74 B anking house ..................... 2,657 23 Due from approved reserve banks ............. 19,748 98 Due from other b a n k s.......... 754 60 Checks on other banks and cash item s ................... 1,513 89 Gold coin ................................. 350 00 Silver coin ............................... 1,299 25 IT. S. and national currency 3,170 00 364 76 Nickels and cents ................ T otal ............................. $186,312 75 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis L ia b ilitie s . Capital stock naid in ........ Undivided profits, less c u r rent expenses and taxes paid ...................................... Individual deposits, su bject to check ............................... Dem and certificates o f de p osit .................................... Tim e certificates o f deposit Savings deposits ................. Cashier’ s checks outstand in g ............: .......................... B ills p ayable ......................... T otal $25,000 00 342 59 67,004 76 2,268 00 81,537 30 3,814 92 1,34518 5,000 00 ............................ $186,312 75 172 R E P O R T OF T H E C O M M IS S IO N E R OF B A N K IN G . Lancaster— Union State Bank. R. M EYER, Jr., Cashier. W . B. C A R TE R , Asst. Cashier. C. H. B A X T E R , President. V. L. S H O W A L T E R , Vice President. D IR E C TO R S. Y. L- Showalter, R obert Brooker. C. PI. Baxter, W . B. Carter, R. Meyer, Jr. E S T A B L IS H E D IN 1S65. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. L ia b ilitie s . Loans and discounts .......... $733,661 66 Overdrafts ................. 23,775 70 U. S., state, m unicipal and other bon ds ......................... 20,900 00 F urniture and fix tu res.......... 10,000 00 Other real estate o w n e d .... 6,000 00 Due from approved reserve banks .................................... 107,693 61 E xch an ges fo r clearing house .................................... 433 53 Gold coin ................................. 10,300 00 Silver coin ............................. 3,198 70 U. S. and national currency 10,399 00 N ickels and cents .................. 475 78 Capital stock paid in ....... $50,000 00 Surplus fu n d ...................... 10,000 00 Undivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid ...................................... 3,146 07 Individual deposits, su bject to check ............................... 158,018 55 Demand certificates o f de p osit ...................................... 17,977 74 Tim e certificates o f deposit 682,179 25 Savings deposits ................. 1,177 50 Certified checks ..................... 620 25 Cashier’s checks outstand 3,718 62 in g ....... T otal ............................. $926,837 98 T otal ............................. $926,837 98 Laona— Laona State Bank. JOH N D. K ISSIN G E R , President. R. S. E L L IO T T , Vice President. Y. H. JOHN, Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. John D. K issin ger, R. S. E lliott, W . D. Connor, Fred E. Alderton, L ouis A. Reed. E S T A B L IS H E D F E B R U A R Y 5, 1914. Statement October 31, 1914. L ia b ilitie s . R e so u rc e s. Loans and discounts .......... $19,192 00 U. S., state, m unicipal and other bonds ......................... 4,930 63 Banking house ..................... 2,500 00 F urniture and fixtures . . . . 1,843 10 Due from approved reserve banks .................................... 6,917 60 Checks on other banks and cash item s ......................... 120 34 Silver coin ............................. 413 00 IT. S. and national currency 1,400 00 Nickels and cents ................. ' 70 79 T otal ............................. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis $37,387 46 Capital stock paid in ........ Undivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid ...................................... Individual deposits, su bject to check ........*....................... Tim e certificates o f deposit Savings deposits ................. Cashier’s checks outstand in g .......................................... T otal ............................. $10,000 00 476 20 10,190 04 5,863 75 8,971 55 1,885 92 $37,387 46 REPORTS OF STATE BANKS. 173 La Valle— State Bank of La Valle. H. E. P A DDOCK, President. CHAS. PEARSON , V ice President. H A R R Y T H O R N TO N , Cashier. E L SIE T H O R N TO N , Asst. Cashier. D IR E C TO RS. H. E. P addock, Charles Pearson, ,T. W . Iiy slop , H. S. Carver, H arry Thornton. E S T A B L IS H E D JUNE 27, 1902. Incorporated as a State Bank June 29, 1903. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. L ia b ilitie s . Loans and discounts ............ $244,014 Overdrafts ............................... 1,473 U. S., state, m unicipal and other bon ds ......................... 1,400 Banking house ..................... 2,625 2,300 Furniture and fix tu res........ Due from approved reserve banks .................. 64,765 Due from other ba n k s.......... 4,654 Gold coin ................................. 4,915 Silver coin ............................... 511 U. S. and national currency 5,193 Nickles and ce n ts................. 96 Expense .................................. 828 T otal 15 59 00 00 00 Capital stock paid in ............ $10,000 00 Surplus fund ......................... 4,500 00 Individual deposits, su bject to check ............................... 56,244 42 Demand certificates o f de p osit ....................................... 2,406 15 Tim e certificates o f deposit 259,626 01 53 18 00 00 00 42 71 - ------- : ................. $332,776 58 Total $332,770 58 Lebanon— Lebanon State Bank. F. A. E IC H E L B E R G , President. H. G. U TTE C K , Vice President. ED. GOETSCH, 2nd Vice President. W . N® KLE IN M A N N , Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. F. A. E ichelberg, H. G. Utteck, Ed. Goetsch, C. F. Utteck, W. N. Kleinmann, j . A. M arlow, M. Hackbarth. E S T A B L IS H E D JA N U A R Y 10, 1914. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. Loans and discounts .......... O verdrafts ............................... Banking house ..................... F urniture and fix tu res___ Due from approved reserve banks .................................... Checks on other banks and cash items ........................... Gold coin ................................. Silver coin ............................... U. S. and national currency Nickels and cents ................... Expense .................................... T otal ............................. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis L ia b ilitie s . $27,326 82 2,859 1.461 68 19 00 43 2,609 75 1,476 85 223 1 ,S60 56 271 20 00 15 00 25 58 $38,311 23 Capital stock paid i n .......... Surplus fund ......................... Individual deposits, su bject to check ............................... Demand certificates o f deposit ...................................... Savings deposits ................... B ills payable ......................... Total ............................. $10,000 00 1,000 00 8,761 46 15,418 42 131 35 3,000 00 $38,311 23 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF BANKING. Lena— Farmers and Merchants Bank. L. W. BRAZEAU , President. DENNIS DIONNE, Vice President. O. W . BRAZEAU, Cashier. E A R L DIONNE, Asst. Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. J. N. Bassett, A. M. Martineau, L. W . Brazeau, O. W . Brazeau, Sol. G. Pelkey, Dennis Dionne. E S T A B L IS H E D JU LY G, 1903. Statement October 31, 1914. L ia b ilitie s . R e so u rc e s. Loans and d iscou n ts.......... $89,753 84 Overdrafts ..............'................ 528 15 Banking house ........... 2,000 00 F urniture and fi x t u r e s .... 500 00 Due from approved reserve banks ..................................... 6,162 26 Due from other banks . . . . 4,999 96 Checks on other banks and cash items ......................... 1,632 42 Gold coin ................................. 1,605 00 Silver coin ............................. 471 50 U. S. and national currency 1,086 00 N ickels and ce n ts....... 79 89 T otal ............................. $108,819 02 Capital stock paid in .......... Surplus fu nd ......................... U ndivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid .................................. ... Individual deposits, su bject to check ............................... Tim e certificates o f deposit Savings deposits ......... B ills payable ........................ T otal $10,000 00 2,000 00 1,147 89 43,429 42,576 4,665 5,000 33 00 80 00 ............................. $108,819 02 Lewis— Lewis State Bank. CHAS. E. L E W IS , P re s s e n t. H E N R Y C. F IS H E R , Vice President. WM. A. ANDERSON, Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. Chas. E. Lewis, H enry C. Fisher, W m . A. Anderson, W ilfre d Owens, Sam Larson, Thore B jornsen, F rank B jorkm an. E S T A B L IS H E D M ARCH 28, 1914. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. L ia b ilitie s . Loans and discounts .......... $17,737 46 Overdrafts ............................. 113 03 B anking house ..................... 3,775 00' F urniture and fixtures ----2,365 09 Due from approved reserve banks ................. 17,782 07 G old coin ................................. 135 00 Silver coin ................. 278 20 IT. S. and national currency 2,801 00 N ickels and cents .................. 107 10 669 66 E xpense .................................. • Capital stock paid in ......... $12,000 00 3,000 00 Surplus fund ........................ Individual deposits, su bject to check ............ .....................- 21,394 44 Tim e certificates o f deposit 4,907 47 Savings deposits ........ _......... 3,857 34 Cashier’s checks outstand ing ................................ 604 36 T otal Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ............................. $45,763 61 T otal ............................. $45,763 61 REPORTS OF STATE BANKS. 175 Limeridge— The State Bank of Limeridge. R. L. BOHN, President. TRU M AN W A R R E N , Vice President. O. L. BOHN, Cashier. C. R. BOHN, A sst. Cashier. HI RECTORS. R. L. Bolin, F. W. Goodell, W. H. Kinney, J. A. Buell, Trum an W arren. E STA B L IS H E D AUGUST 4, 1900. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. L ia b ilitie s . Loans and discounts ............ $120,768 Overdrafts ............................. 975 B anking house . ................ 2,600 F urniture and fix tu res.......... 1,916 Due from approved reserve 18,595 banks .................. Due from other ba n k s_____ 94 Checks on other banks and cash items ........................... 21 Gold coin ........................ 10 Silver coin ............................. 890 U. S. and national currency 4,693 Nickels and cen ts................. 64 T otal 45 79 00 00 22 74 00 00 95 00 59 ................................. $150,629 74 Capital stock paid in ....... . $10,000 Surplus fund ..................... 900 Undivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes Paid ...................................... 915 Individual deposits, subject to check ............. 11,111 Time certificates of deposit 127,702 Total 00 00 12 78 84 $150,629 74 Linden— Bank of Linden. JO H N H A R K E R , President. S. B. H A R K E R , Vice President. H. B. K IR K P A T R IC K , Cashier. R. M. H A R K E R , Asst. Cashier. D IR E C TO RS. S. B. H arker, John Harker, W m . M. Smith, George A lton, R o y Lovelace. E S T A B L IS H E D M ARCH 1, 1903. Incorporated as a State Bank July 22, 1903. Statement October 31, IDS 4. R e so u rc e s. L ia b ilitie s . Loans and d iscou n ts............$120,837 30 Overdrafts ............................... 773 39 U. S., state, m unicipal and other bonds ......................... 9,500 00 B anking house ......... 4,625 00 F urniture and fixtures ___ 2,015 00 Due from approved reserve banks ..................... 21,904 65 Checks on other banks and cash i t e m s ............................. 52 41 Gold coin ................................. 1,165 00 Silver coin ............................... 1,418 60 U. S. and national currency 7,093 00 Nickels and cents ................. 156 84 Capital stock paid in ............. $20,000 00 Surplus fu nd ......................... 4,000 00 Undivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid ...................................... 3,610 26 Individual deposits, su bject to check ........... 49,294 54 Time certificates o f deposit 92,636 39 T otal ..................... ....$ 1 6 9 ,5 4 1 19 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Total $169,541 19 176 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF BANKING. Little Chute— Bank of Little Chute. H. J. V E R STEGEN , President. WM. GEENEN, Vice President. P. A. GLOUDEMANS, H. J. S T A R K , Asst. Cashier. D IR E C TO RS. H. J. Yerstegen, H enry W eyenberg, Win. Geenen, J. H. Doyle. P. A. Gioudemans, E S T A B L IS H E D D E CEM BER 7, 1906. Statement October 31, 1914. L ia b ilitie s . R e so u rc e s. Capital stock paid i n ............ Loans and d iscou n ts............$132,109 31 Overdrafts ............................... 814 10 Surplus fu n d ......................... Undivided profits, less cu r U. S., state, m unicipal and rent expenses and taxes other bonds ........... 31,735 00 paid ............................ B anking house ..................... 3,985 00 F urniture and fixtures ----680 00 Individual deposits, su bject to check ............................... Due from approved reserve banks ..................................... 14,436 30 Demand certificates o f de p osit ...................................... Checks on other banks and 335 76 Savings deposits ................. cash items ........................... Gold coin ................................. 25 00 Silver coin ................................. 237 35 U. S. and national currency 2,269 00 N ickels and ce n ts........................... 9379 T otal ............................. $186,720 61 T otal $15,000 00 3,500 00 9,288 41 26,133 69 129,003 69 3,794 82 ............................. $186,720 61 Livingston— Livingston State Bank. A RCH . E. R D N D E L L, President. A. V. W E L L S , Vice President. J. P. Rundell, A. V. W ells, Arch. E. Rundell, A lbert E. Rundell, G otlieb Muller, F R E D W . STEPH EN S, Cashier. G R E T A V. R IC H A R D S, Asst. Cashier. DIR E C TO RS. C. F. C. T. A. B. A. E. Fawcett, Rundell, Iverson, G riswold. E S T A B L IS H E D M ARCH 11, 1902. Incorporated as a State Bank A ugust 14, 1903. Statement October 31. 1914. L ia b ilitie s . R e so u rc e s. Loans and discounts .......... $146,642 67 Overdrafts ............................... 1,702 87 U. S., state, m unicipal, and other bonds ........................ 1,000 00 Prem ium s on b o n d s ............. 82 10 B anking house ..................... 2,224 68 Furniture and fixtu res.......... 2,369 47 Due from approved reserve banks .................................... 12,982 55 Due from other b a n k s .......... 2,307 90 Checks on other banks and cash items ........................... 1,671 60 Gold coin ................................. 1,755 00 Silver coin ............................... 748 80 U. S. and national currency 4,041 00 Nickels and cen ts................. 150 18 T otal ............................... $177,678 82 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Capital stock paid in .......... $15,000 Surplus fund ......................... 9,000 U ndivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid .................................. 855 Individu al deposits, su bject to check ................................. 57,281 Demand certificates o f de p osit ....................................... 9,334 Tim e certificates o f deposit 71,207 B ills p ayable ......................... 15,000 T otal 00 00 40 53 09 80 00 $177,678 82 REPORTS OF STATE BANKS. 177 Lodi— State Bank of Lodi. A. It. R EYN OLDS, President. E. W. GROVES, Vice President. W. A. C ALD OW , Cashier. JOH N F. COLLINS, Asst. Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. A. R. R eynolds, E lla F olsom , F. W . Groves, W . A. Caldow, Daisy D. MacMillan. E S T A B L IS H E D NOVEM BER 29, 1S97. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. L ia b ilitie s . Loans and d iscou n ts............. $331,738 49 O verdrafts ............................... 10,132 20 Banking house ....................... 4,500 00 Furniture and fixtures ___ 1,500 00 Due from approved reserve banks ..................................... 38,407 20 Gold coin ............. 1,500 00 Silver coin ....................... . 1,002 75 U. S. and national currency 3,699 00 Nickels and c e n ts................. 145 47 Capital stock paid in .......... $25,000 00 Surplus fund ......................... 6,000 00 Undivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid ........................................ 3,832 40 Individual deposits, su bject to check ................................. 60,664 53 Tim e certificates of deposit 254,120 19 Savings deposits ................. 5,947 99 Notes and bills rediscounted 22,060 00 B ills payable ......................... 15,000 00 T otal T otal ............................. $392,625 11 ............................. $392,625 11 Lodi— The Columbia Bank. JOHN C A L D W E L L , Sr., President. J. L. C A L D W E L L , Vice President. H. S. C A L D W E L L , Cashier. M. C A L D W E L L , Asst. Cashier. D IR E C TO RS. John Caldwell, Sr., .T. L. Caldwell, W . E. Lam ont, Jas. M. Caldwell, R obert Caldwell, H. S. Caldwell, M. Caldwell. E STA B L IS H E D N OVEM BER 14, 1906. Statement October 31, 1914. L ia b ilitie s . R e so u rc e s. Loans and d iscou n ts............ $339,194 71 Capital stock paid in ............ O verdrafts ............................... 2,649 36 Surplus fund ........................... Undivided profits, less c u r U. S.., state, m unicipal and rent expenses and taxes other bon ds ......................... 3,000 00 paid ...................................... B anking house ..................... 5,000 00 Furniture and fixtu res.......... 2,257 90 Individual deposits, subject to check ................................. Due from approved reserve banks .................................... 41,454 83 Tim e certificates o f deposit Due from other b a n k s.......... 600 00 Notes and bills rediscounted Checks on other banks and cash item s ........................... 611 08 Gold coin ................................. 865 00 Silver coin ............................... 278 35 II. S. and national currency 3,480 00 Nickels and ce n ts................... 49 25 Total Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis $399,440 48 Total $20,000 00 1,200 00 1,799 28 13,477 44 347,963 76 15,000 00 $399,440 48 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF BANKING. 178 Lomira— Lomira State Bank. P E T E R W O L F , President. R O B E R T W A E IIL E R , Vice President. LOUIS L. ZAUN, Cashier. L. PI. ZAUN, Asst. Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. J. N. Dili ring, Louis L. Zaun. Peter W olf, R obert W aehler, R obert B entley, E S T A B L IS H E D AUGUST 26, 1903. Statement October 31, 1914. L ia b ilitie s . R e so u rc e s. Loans and d iscou n ts............ $102,771 04 U. S., state, m unicipal and other bonds . ............. 9,750 00 1,200 00 B anking house ....................... Furniture and fix tu res.......... 1,300 00 Due from approved reserve banks .................................... 24,807 45 Checks on other banks and cash item s ........................... 551 82 Gold coin .............................. 1,615 00 Silver coin ............................... 754 00 U. S. and national currency 4,402 00 N ickels and c e n t s ................. 169 00 T otal Capital stock paid in ............. Surplus fund ........................... Undivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid ........................................ Individual deposits, su bject to check ............................... Tim e certificates o f deposit Savings deposits ................. T otal ............................. $147,320 31 $15,000 00 5,000 00 1,000 01 33,116 35 89,755 11 3,439 84 ............................. $147,320 31 Lone Rock— Farmers Bank. L. O. B R A IN A R D , President. H. A. BRACE, Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. L. O. Brainard, H. A. Brace, J. F. Brace. E S T A B L IS H E D NOVEM BER, 1900. Incorporated as a State Bank A ugu st 12, 1903. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. Loans and d iscou n ts............$147,762 Overdrafts ............................... 1,246 B anking house ............. 1,692 Due from approved reserve banks .................................... 21,5S} G old coin ................................. 157 Silver coin ............................... 1,150 U. S. and national currency 5,140 Nickels and ce n ts.................. 49 T otal L ia b ilitie s . Capital stock paid in .............. $10,000 00 Surplus fund .................. 3,000 00 Undivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid .................... 2,159 28 9.9. 00 Individual deposits, subject to check ............................... 68,512 72 70 00 Tim e certificates o f deposit 93,432 52 12 Cashier’ s checks ou tstan d in g .......................................... 1,676 43 66 57 41 ............................. $178,780 95 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis T otal ............................. $178,780 95 REPORTS OF STATE BANKS. 179 Loyal— Citizens State Bank of Loyal. C. H. B R O W N , President. B. W. COLBY, Vice President. H. H A S L E T T , Cashier. J. R. COLBY, Asst. Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. Joe Bertz, C. H. Brown, H. H. C hristoferson, C. B. Esselman, W m . Lenling, A. Davel, F. W . Draper, B. W . Colby. II. Ilaslett, E STA B L IS H E D DECEM BER 15, 1909. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. L ia b ilitie s . Loans and d iscou n ts............ $186,392 67 Overdrafts ............................... 87 48 U. S., state, m unicipal and other bonds .................... 937 50 B anking house ........................ 3,900 00 Furniture and fixtu res.......... 2,200 00 Due from approved reserve banks .................................... 29,703 78 Due from other ba n k s.......... 6,960 24 Checks on other banks and cash item s .......................... 252 18 Gold coin ............... 250 00 Silver coin ............................... 605 80 U. S. and national currency 3,580 00 Nickels and ce n ts................. 65 99 Total ............................. $234,935 64 Capital stock paid in .......... $25,000 Surplus fu nd ........................... 3,500 Undivided profits, less c u r rent expenses and taxes paid ........................................ 3,153 Individual deposits, su bject to c h e c k ........... ..................... 72,109 Tim e certificates o f deposit 109,283 Savings deposits ................... 19,889 Reserved fo r ta x e s................. 2,000 T otal 00 00 73 00 53 36 00 ............................. $234,935 64 Loyal— The Loyal State Bank. A. A. GRAVES, President. J. RICHM OND, Vice President. R. M. JE N K S, Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. W m . Luchterhand, Frank Sliupe, F. C. Luchterhand. A. A. Graves, B. Christman, James Richm ond, John Beaver, E STA B L IS H E D JUNE 15, 1903. Statement October 31. 1914. R e so u rc e s. L ia b ilitie s . Loans and d iscou n ts........... $117,272 89 Overdrafts ............................... 357 59 U. S., state, m unicipal and other bonds ......................... 4,200 00 Banking house ..................... 4,800 00 Furniture and fix tu res.......... 2,000 00 Due from approved reserve banks ..................................... 8,208 82 Checks on other banks and cash items ......................... 1,370 49 GoRl coin ................................. 595 00 Silver coin ............................... 1,282 00 U. S. and national currency 1,267 00 Nickels and cen ts................... 98 10 Capital stock paid in ............ $25,000 00 Surplus fund ......................... 3,500 00 U ndivided profits less c u r rent expenses and taxes paid ..............................-......... 3,127 44 individu al deposits, su bject to , check ............................... 34,590 84 Demand certificates o f d e posit .................................... 63,087 51 Savings deposits ................... 7,146 10 B ills payable ___ , ................. 5,000 00 Total ............................. $141,451 89 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis T otal ............................. $141,451 S9 180 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF BANKING. Luck— State Bank of Luck. C. C. G. SH E R E R , President. P. A. JENSSEN, Vice President. R. E. S H E R E R , Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. W m . Johnson, C. G. Sherer, C. P. A. Jens sen, It. E. Sherer, L. J. Askov. E S T A B L IS H E D IN 1901. Incorporated as a State Bank A ugust 27, 1903. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. L ia b ilitie s . Loans and d iscou n ts...........$163,741 Overdrafts ............................... 387 U. S., state, m unicipal and other bonds ......................... 2,400 Banking house ..................... 70 F urniture and fix tu res.......... 2,700 Other real estate o w n e d .... 2,550 Due from approved reserve banks ................................... 22,544 Checks on other banks and cash items ........................ 971 G old coin ................................. 1,290 Silver coin ............................... 496 U. S. and national currency 2,555 Nickels and cen ts.................. 31 T ota l 86 24 00 00 00 00 80 59 00 45 00 56 Capital stock paid in .......... Surplus fu nd ....................... U ndivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid ........................................ Individual deposits, su bject to check ............................... Tim e certificates o f deposit Savings deposits .. ............... Notes and bills rediscounted ............................. $201,038 50 T otal $15,000 00 1,S00 00 2,552 56 61,685 34,002 79,423 6,575 32 04 58 00 ............................. $201,038 50 Luxemburg— Bank of Luxemburg. L. A L B E R T K A R E L , President. A R T . C. B A ZLE N , Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. L. A lbert K arel, A ugust Spitzer, Oliver Debauch, Charles L. Peters. E S T A B L IS H E D OCTOBER 16, 1902. Incorporated as a State Bank A ugust 29, 1903. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. L ia b ilitie s . L oans and discounts ............ $245,322 36 Capital stock paid in ............ $20,000 Overdrafts .......................... 2,434 54 Surplus f u n d ........................... 3,500 U. S., state, m unicipal and U ndivided profits, less cu r other bonds ......................... 74,925 00 rent expenses and taxes Banking house ....................... 2,500 00 2,361 paid ........................................ F urniture and fixtures ___ 1,250 00 Individual deposits, su bject Other real estate o w n e d ___ 900 00 to c h e c k ................................. 68,641 Due from approved reserve Tim e certificates o f deposit 296,720 banks .................................... 47,995 95 Savings deposits ................. 344 Checks on other banks and cash item s ........................... 68 40 Gold c o i n .................................. 5,202 50 Silver coin ................. '. ........... 1,963 90 U. S. and national currency 8,698 00 Nickels and cents ................ 307 56 T otal ............................... $391,568 21 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 00 00 87 45 54 35 T otal ............................... $391,568 21 REPORTS OF STATE BANKS. 181 Lyndon Station— Lyndon State Bank. D. J. P U FF E R , President. It. H. LAABS, Vice President. P H IL . P. HAYES, Cashier. D IR E C TO RS. D. J. Puffer, R. H. Laabs, M. F. Conway, J. F. Doyle, J. P. Enright, G. T. R. G. J. Hayes, S. Lawler, Jirsa, E. Eakins. E S T A B L ISH E D DECEM BER G, 1012. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. Loans and d is c o u n t s ............ O verdrafts ............... U. S., state, m unicipal and other bonds ......................... Banking house ....................... Furniture and fixtures ........ Due from approved reserve banks .................. Due from other banks ........ Checks on other banks and cash items ........................... Gold coin ................................. Silver coin ............................... U. S. and national currency Nickels and cen ts................. L ia b ilitie s . $55,271 24 3 76 27,766 20 2,500 00 1,963 57 8,858 11 1,053 75 148 1,335 429 3,459 80 Capital stock paid in ............ $10,000 00 Surplus fund ........................... 2,500 00 U ndivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid ........................................ 1,180 38 individual deposits, su bject to check ................................. 12,580 95 Time certificates of deposit 75,408 69 Savings deposits ................. 1,198 45 11 00 00 00 73 Total ............................... $102,868 47 T otal .............................. $102,868 47 Lyons— Lyons State Bank. JOHN W AG NER, President. C. H. STUBBS, Vice President. W IL B U R G. W E E K S, Cashier. D IRECTO RS. E dgar A. W eeks, John W agner, W ilb u r G. W eeks, James E. Brett, T. H. Spiegelhoff, C. H. Stubbs, Jake Freser. E STA B L ISH E D SE PTE M B E R 20, 1909. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. Loans and discounts ............ Overdrafts ............................... B an king house ....................... F urniture and fixtures ........ Other real estate owned ___ Due from approved reserve banks .................................... Silver coin ............................... U. S. and national currency Nickels and cents ................. T otal ............................... Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis L ia b ilitie s . $72,863 98 2,451 1,657 200 6,756 359 1,283 61 12 26 83 37 00 57 80 00 68 $85,731 63 Capital stock paid in ........... $10,000 Undivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid ........................................ 3,034 Individual deposits, subject to check ................................. 23,108 Demand certificates o f de posit ............................................ 44,588 Notes and bills rediscounted 5,000 T otal ............................... 00 25 53 85 00 $85,731 63 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF BANKING. 182 MacFarland— MacFarland State Bank. P. E. BR IC K SO N , President. JOH N M. A N DERSON , Vice President. HOM ER L. V IC K , Asst. Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. John M. Anderson, H enry C. Kleine, P. E. B rickson , M. D. Larson, H om er L. V ick, John H ölscher. O. T. Olson, E S T A B L IS H E D JA N U A R Y 24, 1905. Statement October 31. 1914. L ia b ilitie s . R e so u rc e s. Loans and discounts ............ Overdrafts ............................... U. S., state, m unicipal and other bon ds ......................... Banking house ....................... F urniture and fi x t u r e s ........ Due from approved reserve banks ..................................... Checks on other banks and cash i t e m s ............................. Gold coin ................................. Silver c o i n ................... ............. TJ. S. and national currency Nickels and cents ................. $89,121 44 1,011 16 3,407 25 2,700 00 2,275 00 6,987 74 263 805 758 1,861 213 83 00 00 00 40 Capital stock paid in .......... $15,000 00 Surplus fund ........................... 4,500 00 U ndivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid ........................................ 3,587 63 Individual deposits, su bject to c h e c k ................................ 27,306 64 Tim e certificates o f deposit 41,309 55 Notes and bills rediscounted 5,000 00 B ills p a y a b le ........................... 12,700 00 T otal ............................... $109,403 82 T otal ............................... $109,403 82 Madison— Bank of Wisconsin. JO SE P H M. BOYD, President. H. L. RU SSELL, Vice President. CHAS. O’ N E ILL , Cashier. IR V IN G E. BACKUS, Asst. Cashier. H. C. JAM IESON, Asst. Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. S. A. Piper, W . II. Collins, James Conklin, Charles O’Neill, P. B. K n ox, F. W. Cantwell, Frank Kessenich, R. R. K rop f, Jos. M. B oyd, Geo. E. Gary, T. A. Coleman, Ernest K arow , Alfred R ogers, Jackson Reuter, H. L. Russell, W . F. Pierstorff, A. H. Kayser, W. J. Teckem eyer, Fred R entschler. E S T A B L IS H E D OCTOBER 1, 1893. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. L ia b ilitie s . Loans and d is c o u n t s ..........$1,507,134 73 O v e r d r a fts ................................ 6,913 11 U. S., state, m unicipal and 62,000 00 other bonds ......................... Stocks and other securities 17,500 00 B anking house ....................... 33,201 31 Furniture and fi x t u r e s ........ 4,000 00 Due from approved reserve banks .................................... 152,651 59 Due from other banks ........ 16,189 78 Checks on other banks and cash i t e m s ............................. 366 40 E xchanges fo r clearing h o u s e '...................................... 15,992 42 Gold coin ................................. 6,425 00 Silver c o i n ................................. 5,029 20 IT. S. and national currency 60,514 00 Nickels and cents ................. 1,078 86 Federal reserve bank stock 3,600 00 Capital stock paid in .......... $300,000 00 Surplus fu nd ................. 60,000 00 U ndivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid ......................................... 11,166 68 Due to banks— d e p o s it s ........ 195,579 42 Dividends unpaid ................. 448 00 Individual deposits, su bject to check ............................... 680,430 88 Demand certificates o f d e posit ...................................... 351 ,.125 21 Savings deposits ................... 87,787 54 Certified checks ..................... 1,735 19 Postal s a v in g s ......................... 3,030 79 Notes and bills rediscounted 177,292 69 Reserved fo r taxes .............. 6,000 00 Bond repurchase a c c o u n t... 18,000 00 Total Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis $1,892,596 40 Total $1,892,596 40 REPORTS OF STATE BANKS. 183 Madison— Merchants and Savings Bank. A. M. STO N D A LL, President. T. C. McC a r t h y , Vice President. M. C. HAGAN, Cashier. D IR E C TO RS. IT. A. L oftsgord on , Geo. H. Breitenbach, A. C. Hoppm ann. A. M. Stondall, T. C. McCarthy, P>. F. Mautz, E S T A B L IS H E D JUNE 15, 1910. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. L ia b ilitie s . Loans and discounts ............ $501,644 Overdrafts ............................... 2,799 U. S., state, m unicipal and other bonds ......................... 26,914 F urniture and fixtures ........ 7,000 Other real estate o w n e d ___ 3,812 Due from approved reserve 37,770 b a n k s ...................................... Due from other b a n k s .......... 509 Checks on other banks and cash items ........................... 450 E xchanges fo r clearing house ........................ 6,868 Gold coin ................................. 5,662 Silver coin ................. 2,972 U. S. and national currency 18,456 Nickels and cents .................. 202 Total ............................. 56 98 Capital stock paid in .......... Surplus fund ........................... Undivided profits, less cu r 44 rent expenses and taxes 00 paid ........... 56 Due to banks—d e p o s it s ___ Individual deposits, su bject 95 to c h e c k ............................... 35 Tim e certificates o f deposit Savings deposits ................... 96 Certified checks ..................... Cashier’s checks outstanding 15 50 80 00 88 $615,065 13 _T___:_______ T otal ............................. $50,000 00 10,000 00 9,742 75 14,790 30 291,809 166,797 68,235 200 3,488 97 77 63 00 71 $615,065 13 Madison— Randall State Bank. A. C. LARSON, President. JOH N L. COLBY, Vice President. A. C. Larson, John L. Colby, V ictor E. A lbright, F ay H am m ersley, George F. Gregg, V IC TO R E. A L B R IG H T , Cashier. D IR E C TO RS. E dw ard M. Ulve, Otto F. Toepfler, Frank W . Lucas, Julius E. Olson. E S T A B L IS H E D OCTOBER 3, 1914. statement October 31. 1914. R e so u rc e s. Loans and discounts ............ B anking house ....................... Furniture and fixtures ........ Due from approved reserve banks .................................... Due from other b a n k s .......... Gold coin ......... Silver c o i n ................................. IT. S. and national currency Nickels and cents ................. Expense .............................. Total ......................... .. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis L ia b ilitie s . $19,683 25 1,401 17 80 54 2,663 10,259 20 506 1,079 49 76 72 00 55 00 29 Capital stock paid in ............ Undivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid ....................................... Individual deposits, su bject to check ............................... Tim e certificates o f deposit Savings deposits ................. $25,000 00 22 24 9,858 68 1,050 00 68 66 256 30 $35,999 58 Total ......................... , . . $35,999 58 184 R E P O R T OF T H E C O M M IS S IO N E R OF B A N K IN G . Madison— Security State Bank. M A R T IN LOFTSG O R D O N , President. H. A. LOFTSGORDON , Vice President. A. C. H Ö LSCH ER, Cashier. D IR E C TO RS. .T. E. Kleiner, H. A. L oftsgord on , 'M artin L oftsgord on , W m . Dem psey, E S T A B L IS H E D Statement A. C. Hölscher, C. H. Tenney, H. L. French. IT OB ER 2, 1911. v 31, 1014. L ia b ilitie s . R e so u rc e s. Loans and discounts ............ O v e r d r a fts .............................. Furniture and fi x t u r e s ........ Due from approved reserve banks .................................... Due from other banks . . . . . Gold coin ................................. Silver coin ................................. U. S. and national currency Nickels and cents .................. $84,987 67 419 29 2,030 90 T otal ............................... $99,986 96 6,853 2,277 155 236 2,994 33 13 21 00 25 00 51 Capital stock paid in .......... $10,000 00 U ndivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid ........................................ 2,125 83 Individual deposits, subject to check ................................ 36,818 07 Tim e certificates of deposit 40,496 26 10,546 80 Savings deposits .................... T otal ............................... $99,986 96 Madison— The Capital City Bank. ,T. W. H OBBIN S, President. C A R L A. JOHNSON, Vice President. J. W . H OBBINS, Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. J. W . H obhins, C. J. Hausmann, C. A. Johnson, J. A. Mack. R. II. Jackson, E S T A B L IS H E D NOVEM BER S, 1883. Statement October 31, 1914. L ia b ilitie s . R e so u rc e s. Loans and discounts ............ $827,391 15 Capital stock paid i n .......... $200,000 00 50,000 00 Overdrafts ............................... 680 91 Surplus fund ........................... Undivided profits, less c u r U. S., state, m unicipal and rent expenses and taxes other bonds ......................... 125,750 00 paid ........................................ 72,289 32 Stocks and other securities 8,400 00 31,668 17 B anking house ....................... 16,000 00 Due to banks— d ep osits........ Individu al deposits, subject Due from approved reserve to check ................................ 367 325 68 banks .................................... 115,181 76 Tim e certificates o f deposit 378,315 89 Checks on other banks and 49,199 97 cash items ........................... 2,521 20 Savings deposits ................... Certified checks ..................... 223 48 E xchanges fo r clearing h o u s e ...................................... 8,518 31 Gold c o i n ................................... 16,577 50 Silver coin ............................... 3,470 20 IT. S. and national currency 24,346 00 Nickels and cents ............. 185 48 T otal Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis $1,149,022 51 T otal $1,149,022 51 REPORTS OF S T A T E BANKS. 185 ~ *" fSSB •i Madison— The German-American Bank. F. W . SUHR, President. JOHN SUHR, V ice President. EDMUND SUHR, Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. F. W. Suhr, John Suhr, Edm und Suhr. E S T A B L IS H E D S E PTE M B E R B>, 1871. Incorporated as a State Bank May 26, 1885. Statement October 31. 1914. R e so u rc e s. L ia b ilitie s . Loans and discounts ........... $440,566 84 Overdrafts ............................... 1,070 20 U. S., state, m unicipal and other bonds ......................... 71,364 87 F urniture and fix t u r e s ........ 1,000 00 Due from approved reserve banks .................................... 147,894 30 518 45 Due from other banks ........ Checks on other banks and cash i t e m s ............................. 358 16 E xchanges fo r clearing h o u s e ...................................... 5,324 14 Gold coin ................................. 19,350 00 Silver coin ............................... 734 00 U. S. and national currency 36,401 00 Nickels and cents ................ 92 72 Capital stock paid in .......... $50,000 00 Surplus fu nd ........................... 10,000 00 U ndivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid ........................................ 16,409 46 Due to banks— deposits ___ 6,740 78 Individual deposits, subject to check ............................ 215,647 64 Tim e certificates o f deposit 328,551 27 Savings deposits ................... 97,286 63 Certified checks ..................... 38 99 T otal ............................... $724,674 77 T otal ............................... $724,674 77 Madison— The State Bank. L. S. H AN KS, President. J. H. P A LM E R , Vice President. E. O. K N E Y, Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. L. S. Hanks, J. II. Palmer, E. O. Ivney. E S T A B L IS H E D JULY 1, 1853.. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. L ia b ilitie s . Loans and discounts .......... $741,548 07 Overdrafts ............................... 1,751 93 U. S., state, m unicipal, and other bonds ........................ 87,970 00 Stocks and other securities 34,000 00 10,000 00 B anking house ....................... Due from approved reserve banks .................................... 193,670 57 Checks on other banks and cash item s ........................... 2,042 66 E xchanges fo r clearing house ........................ 3,508 93 Gold coin ................................. 16,187 50 Silver coin ............................... 1,938 05 U. 8. and national currency 47,524 00 Nickels and cen ts............... 148 29 Capital stock paid i n .......... $100,000 00 50,000 00 Surplus fu nd ....................... Undivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid ...................................... 20,080 43 Due to banks-—d ep osits___ 49,616 54 Individual deposits, subject to check ................................. 206,51399 Demand and time certifi cates o f deposit .............. 554,34643 Savings deposits ..................... 339,73063 Total Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis $1,120,290 02 Total $1,120,290 02 18G R E P O R T OF T H E C O M M IS S IO N E R OF B A N K IN G . Maiden Rock— Bank of Maiden Rock. F. W . C A R P E N T E R , President. C. W . C A R PE N T E R , Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. F. W . Carpenter, C. W . Carpenter, N. M. Carpenter. E S T A B L IS H E D AUGUST 2, 1892. Incorporated as a State Bank July 25, 1903. Statement October 31, 1914. L ia b ilitie s . R e so u rc e s. Loads and d isco u n ts..........$163,231 Overdrafts ............................... 218 U. S., state, m unicipal, and other bonds ....................... 11,050 B anking house .................... 2,200 Furniture and fix t u r e s ..... 1,665 Due from approved reserve banks ..................... ..,........... 23,584 Due from other b a n k s.......... 85 Checks on other banks and ,762 cash items ........................... Silver coin ............. 288 TJ. S. and national currency 4,750 Nickels and ce n ts................... 131 70 42 00 00 00 22 00 Capital stock paid in ............ $10,000 00 Surplus f u n d ........................... 3,000 00 U ndivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes 2,383 13 paid ................................. Individual deposits, subject to check ............................... 43,679 43 Demand certificates of d e posit ...................................... 9,277 23 Tim e certificates o f deposit 139,627 44 85 25 00 79 T otal ............................... $207^967 23 T otal ............................... $207,967 23 Manitowoc— Manitowoc Savings Bank. JOH N SCHTJETTE, President. LOUIS SCHUETTE, V ice President. E D W IN SCHUETTE, Cashier. H E N R Y DET.TEN, Asst. Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. John Schuette, L ouis Schuette, Edwin Schuette. E S T A B L IS H E D A P R IL 7, 1S84. Statement October 31, 1914. L ia b ilitie s . R e so u rc e s. Loans and d iscou n ts..........$1,151,806 O verdrafts ............................... 12,561 U. S., state, m unicipal and other bonds ........................ 282,900 B anking house ................. 25,000 Furniture and fixtures........ 7,602 Other real estate o w n e d ....... 3,144 Due from approved reserve banks .................................... 151,039 Due from other ba n k s.......... 42,553 Checks on other banks and cash items ........................... 32,853 Gold coin ............................... 9,960 Silver coin ............................ 6,990 TT. S. and national currency 63,023 Nickels and cents ................. 100 Total Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 59 79 00 00 50 SI 62 95 Capital stock paid in .......... $200,000 00 Surplus fund ..................... '.. 35,000 00 U ndivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and- taxes paid ...................................... 27,274 99 Due to banks—d e p o s it s ... 1,175 31 Individual deposits, subject to check ............................. 552,988 49 Time certificates o f deposit 461,069 >80 Savings deposits ................... 492,027 24 19 00 00 00 38- $1,769,535 83 Total $1,769,535 83 REPORTS OF S T A T E 187 BANKS. Manitowoc— The German-American Bank. CHAS. ESCH, President. CHAS. G. H A C K E R , V ice President. H E N R Y G ROTH , Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. Ohas. Esch, H enry Groth, W m. M. Boeuning, C. G. Hacker, A. L. Haugen. E S T A B L IS H E D SE PT E M B E R IS, 1000. Statement October 31, 1914. L ia b ilitie s . R e so u rc e s. . Capital stock paid in ........... $30,000 00 L oans and d iscou n ts............$215,933 43 8,000 00 Overdrafts ............................... 2,146 10 Surplus fund ......................... Undivided profits, less c u r U. S., state, m unicipal and rent expenses and taxes other bonds ....................... 15,200 00 paid ........................................ 3,115 <8 Banking house ....................... 17,319 46 ................. 2450 F urniture and fixtu res........ 4,673 70 Dividends unpaid Other real estate o w n e d ... 2,215 35 Individual deposits, su bject to check ............................... 95,995 18 Due from approved reserve 93,503 04 banks ..................................... 11,861 11 Tim e certificates o f deposit 61,181 41 Due from other b a n k s.......... 7S9 73 Savings deposits ................... Certified checks ...................... S25 00 Checks on other banks and cash item s ........................... 5,172 22 Gold coin ................................. 6,835 00 Silver coin ............................... 975 70 U. S. and national currency 9,395 00 Nickels and cents ............... 128 11 Total .............................$292,644 91 $292,044 91 Total Marathon— The State Bank of Marathon City. AUG. R IT G E R , President. ADAM MUCHA, Vice President. GEO. E. R IT G E R , Cashier. D IR E C TO RS. Aug. R itger, Carl H ilber, Adam Mucha, Ernst. Ringle, Geo. E. R itger, Jos. Muscliinski. A. J. Schneiders, E STA B L ISH E D M ARCH 11, 1905. Statement October 31, 1914. L ia b ilitie s . R e so u rc e s. Loans and discou n ts___ . . . $149,920 58 Capital stock paid in ............. 160 73 Surplus fund ......... Overdrafts ........................ U ndivided profits, less cu r U. S., state, m unicipal and other bonds ......................... 5,000 00 rent expenses and taxes paid ....................................... B anking house ....................... 2,500 00 Furniture and fixtu res...... 1,000 00 Individual deposits, subject to check ................................. Due from approved reserve banks ..................................... 14,555 70 Demand certificates of de p osit ............................ Due from other b a n k s . . . . . . 2,000 00 Gold coin .......................... 305 00 Savings deposits ................... Silver coin ............................... 645 20 Cashier’s cheeks outstand ing .......................................... U. S. and national currency 4,895 00 ...................... Nickels and ce n ts........... -.... 70 61 Money orders T otal ............................. $181,052 82 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis T otal $15,000 00 7,500 00 2,150 12 41,297 08 113,661 73 1,088 50 281 98 73 41 ............................. $181,052 82 188 R E P O R T OF T H E C O M M IS S IO N E R OF B A N K IN G . Maribel— Maribel State Bank. THOS. D E W A N E , President. J. A. K E L L N E R , Vice President. P A T R IC K J. C A E B E R R Y , Cashier. D IR E C TO RS. P hil B rady, N icholas Heiser, Herman Brass. Thos. Dewane, J. A. Kellner, H. A. Dnm cley, Michael L. Kellner, E S T A B L IS H E D JUNE 20, 1912. Statement October 31. 1914. R e so u rc e s. Loans and d iscou n ts.............. Overdrafts ............................... Banking house ...................... Furniture and fix tu res........ Due from approved reserve banks .................................... Due from other b a n k s........ Checks on other banks and cash items ........................... Gold coin ................................ Silver coin ............................... U. S. and national currency Nickels and ce n ts................... T otal L ia b ilitie s . $84,489 866 3,219 1,672 29 08 74 22 14,451 32 3,987 00 30 2,055 130 3,029 62 00 00 30 00 98 .............................. $113,992 99 Capital stock paid in ............ $12,000 00 1,300 00 Surplus fu nd ......................... Undivided profits, less c u r rent expenses and taxes paid ...................................... 665 3S Individual deposits, subject to check ............................... 33,393 90 Demand certificates of de posit ........... ......................... 58,209 70 Savings deposits ................. 424 01 Notes a,nd bills rediscounted 8,000 00 T otal .............................. $113,992 99 Marinette— Farmers and Merchants Bank of Marinette. CHAS. E E IN K E , President. J. E. U TKE, Vice President. L. A. M cA LPIN E, Cashier. G. J. R E IN K E , Asst. Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. S. C. Miller, Frank E. Noyes, W . B. Quinlan. Chas. Reinke, L. A. McAlpine, J. E. Utke, L. J. Evans, E S T A B L IS H E D DECEM BER 2, 1902. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. L ia b ilitie s . Loans and d iscou n ts............ $463,858 17 Overdrafts ............................... 396 87 U. S., state, m unicipal and other bonds ................. 20,850 00 Stocks and other securities. 2,430 00 16,000 00 B anking house ..................... Other real estate o w n e d .... 6,212 96 Due from approved reserve banks .................................... 33,469 03 Due from other ba n k s........ 2,192 88 Checks on other banks and cash items ........................... 8,041 66 Gold coin ................................. 10,460 00 Silver coin ............................... 2,492 75 U. S. and national currency 6,410 00 N ickels and cents ................. 503 47 Capital stock paid in ........ $50,000 00 Surplus fund ......................... 34,000 00 Undivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid ........................................ 9,048 46 Due to banks— d e p o sits.. .. 593 60 Individual deposits, subject to check ................................. 108,549 25 Demand certificates of de posit ...................................... 10,259 23 Time certificates of deposit 243,088 48 Savings deposits ................... 110,272 45 Cashier’ s checks outstand ing .......................................... 6 32 Reserved for ta x e s................. 1,500 00 Total ............................... $573,317 79 T otal ............................... $573,317 79 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis REPORTS OF STATE BANKS. 189 Marion— First State Bank of Marion. R. SCH R O E C K E N STE IN , President. P. C. ROGERS, Vice President. J. H. D R IE SSEN , Cashier. D IR E C TO RS. P. F. E. B. C. R ogers, M. De Yaud, M. K issinger, Goldwait, Chas. Engel, J. H. Driessen, W m . Hoffman, R. Schroeckenstein. E S T A B L IS H E D JA N U A R Y 22, 1S94. Incorporated as a State Bank December 29, 1902. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. L ia b ilitie s . Loans and d iscou n ts............ $217,524 14 Capital stock paid in .......... $30,000 Overdrafts ............................... 34 65 Surplus fu nd ........................... 6,000 U. S., state, m unicipal and Reserve account ..................... 3,600 other bonds ......................... 20,000 00 Undivided profits, less cu r Banking house ....................... 7,500 00 rent expenses and taxes Furniture and fixtu res........ 2,500 00 paid . . . ' ................................. 3,419 Due from approved reserve Individual deposits, su bject banks .................................... 47,628 72 to check ............................... 71,380 Checks on other banks and Time certificates o f d e p o s it .. .168,164 cash items ........................... 106 40 Savings deposits ................... 29,494 l,4 2 2 / 50 P ostal savings ....................... Gold coin ................................ 26 Silver coin ............................... 859 05 TJ. S. and national currency 14,452 00 Nickels and ce n ts................... 58 56 T otal .............................. $312,086 02 00 00 00 00 47 84 84 87 T otal .............................. $312,086 02 Marion— The Farmers and Merchants Bank. II. T. BUCK, President. A. G. A R N D T , V ice President. T. J. HAUFE, Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. H. T. Buck, A. G. Arndt, H. ,T. Sprague, John Arndt, Chas. Kiekhoefer, Frank W estphal, Herman W . Schmidt. E S T A B L IS H E D JUNE 24, 1911. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. L ia b ilitie s . Loans and d iscou n ts............ Overdrafts ............................... Furniture and fixtu res........ Due from approved reserve bankas ..................................... Gold coin ................................. Silver coin ............................... IT. S. and national currency Nickels and c e n t s . . . . ......... .. $50,522 54 1,231 34 923 00 Total ............................... $55,031 45 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 871 04 90 00 492 15 808 00 91 38 Capital stock paid in .......... Surplus fund ......................... Undivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes Paid ...................................... Individual deposits, su bject to check ................................ Tim e certificates o f deposit Savings deposits ................... Notes and bills rediscounted Bills payable ......................... T otal .............................. $10,000 00 1,000 00 160 69 11,677 25,450 1,742 3,000 2,000 82 49 45 00 00 $55,031 45 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF BANKING. 190 Markesan— Farmers State Bank. H. P F R ID A Y , President. E. E. CABLE, Vice President. C. E. II. E. E. W . A. M IL L E R , Cashier. F. E. H ENSLEN, Asst. Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. Fred Card, C. P. W hitehouse, Herm an Abendorth, A. C. W eek. A. Dillie, W . Laper, P. F riday, E. Cable, H. Geidel, E S T A B L IS H E D F E B R U A R Y 1, 1910. Statement October 31, li)14. L ia b ilitie s . R e so u rc e s. L oans and d iscou n ts............. $216,165 30 Capital stock paid i n . .......... $40,000 00 1,200 00 Overdrafts ............................... 1,954 09 Surplus fund .......................... Undivided profits, less cu r IJ. S., state, m unicipal and rent expenses and taxes other bonds ......................... 8,265 00 paid ........................................ 3,925 87 B anking house ................... 8,000 00 ................... 67,608 60 Furniture and fixtu res.......... 3,500 00 Dividends unpaid Individual deposits, su bject Due from approved reserve to check ............................. 150,114 81 banks .................................... 27,676 53 Tim e certificates o f deposit 8,487 74 Checks on other banks and cash items ....... 227 71 Cashier’ s checks outstand .......................................... 4,134 69 ing 1,850 00 Gold coin ................................. H 08 Silver coin ............................. 1,428 90 P ostal savings ....................... U. S. and national currency 6,361 00 N ickels and ce n ts................... 54 26 T otal ............................. $275,482 79 T otal ............................. $275,482 79 Markesan— Markesan State Bank. T. W . M IL L E R , President. D. D. W IL L IA M S , V ice President. IR A W . P A R K E R , Cashier. R A L P H C L A R K , Asst. Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. Geo. H. Phelps, M. B. F olsom , C. H. Smith, D. D. W illiam s, W illiam Sink. H. Volkmann, T. W . Miller, E S T A B L IS H E D N OVEM BER ,3, 1891. Statement October 31, 1914. L ia b ilitie s . R e so u rc e s. Loans and d iscou n ts............ $358,506 55 Capital stock paid in .......... $10,000 00 10,000 00 355 90 Surplus fund ........................... Overdrafts ............................... Undivided profits, less cu r U. S., state, m unicipal and rent expenses and taxes 53,490 00 other bonds ....................... . paid ...................................... 17,923 01 4,800 00 Banking house .................... • 45 00 1,000 00 D ividends unpaid ................. Furniture and fix tu res........ Individual deposits, subject Due from approved reserve to check ................................. 107,637 41 63,136 34 banks .................................... Demand certificates of d e Checks on other banks and p osit ...................................... 305,890 43 1,449 52 cash items ........................... 14,653 36 2,440 00 Savings deposits ................... Gold coin ................. ............... Cashier’ s checks outstand 1,224 60 Silver coin ............................... ing ............\............................ 1,698 67 11,413 00 IT. g. and national currency 75 70 107 67 P ostal savings ..................... N ickels and ce n ts................... Total Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ........ $497,923 58 T otal ........ $497,923 58 REPORTS OF STATE BANKS. 191 Marshall— Bank of Marshall. J. C. B IE D E R M A N , President. YV. H. RAMAN, Vice President. WM. H. T A SK E R , Cashier. L. F. K E L L E Y , Asst. Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. W m. H. Tasker, L. F. K elley. .T. C. Biederman, W . H. Raman, F. W . Hall, E STA B L IS H E D AUGUST 20, 1003. Statement October 31, li)14. R e so u rc e s. Loans and d iscou n ts........... Overdrafts ............................... U. S., state, m unicipal and ether bonds ......................... Furniture and fixtures ___ Due from approved reserve banks .................................... Checks on other banks and cash items ........................... Gold coin ................................. Silver coin ............................... U. S. and national currency Nickels and cen ts................. T otal L ia b ilitie s . $87,064 65 347 23 21,998 25 1,400 00 21,384 62 620 922 1,051 1,821 245 95 50 45 00 96 ............................. $136,856 01 Capital stock paid i n .......... Surplus fund ......................... Undivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid ...................................... Individual deposits, su bject to check ................... ............. Demand certificates of de posit ...................................... Cashier’s checks outstand ing .......................................... T otal $10,000 00 2,000 00 1,423 o<> 30,641 65 92,680 90 n o 73 ............................. $136,856 61 Marshfield— Marshfield State Bank. IT. F. T H IE L , President. H. C. KOEN IG, Vice President. AMOS R O L L , Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. ,T. W . Salter, Am os R oll, W . Hipke. H. F. Thiel, H, C. K oenig, W illiam W elter, H ugo W egener, E S T A B L IS H E D F E B R U A R Y 5, 1008. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. L ia b ilitie s . Loans and d iscou n ts........... $262,006 48 Capital stock paid in ............ $50,000 00 O verdrafts ...................... 869 21 Surplus fund ...................... 3,000 00 Banking house .............. 8,400 00 U ndivided profits, less cu r Furniture and fixtu res........ 4,500 00 rent expenses and taxes Other real estate o w n e d .... 28748 paid ....................................... 5,217 28 Due from approved reserve Due to banks— d ep osits----10,230 00 21,848 88 Individual deposits, su bject banks .................................... Checks on other banks and to check ............................... 97,184 20 cash items ........................... 803 07 Time certificates o f deposit 61,660 98 E xchanges fo r clearing Savings deposits ................. 81,672 72 house .................................... 3,081 50 Certified checks ..................... 60 00 6,000 00 Gold coin ................................. 1,825 00 Notes and bills rediscounted Silver coin ............................... 1,970 75 Reserved fo r taxes and in 2,600 00 U. S. and national currency 11.215 00 terest ..................................... Nickels and cen ts................. 217 81 Total ............................. $317,625 18 ït t ——■ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis T otal . . . . . . . . . ............ $317,625 18 192 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF BANKING. Mason— Mason State Bank. C. H. W E R D O N , President. C. I. LARSON , Vice President. O. M. AXN ESS, Cashier. H. ,T. AXN E SS, Asst. Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. C. II. W erdon, Chtis. I. Larson, O. M. Axness, H. J. Axness. E S T A B L IS H E D DECEM BER 29, Ì905. Statement October 31, 1914. L ia b ilitie s . R e so u rc e s. Loans and d iscou n ts............ $67,406 71 Capital stock paid in ........... $10,000 00 2,000 00 O verdrafts ............................... 63 84 Surplus fund . ......................... Furniture and fix tu res........ 500 00 Undivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes Due from approved reserve paid ...................................... 4,281 03 banks .................................... 10,901 87 Individual deposits, subject Checks on other banks and to check ............................... 30,427 cash items ......................... 171 77 34,819 Gold coin ................................ 560 00 Tim e certificates o f deposit Silver coin ............................... 705 55 Cashier’s checks outstand ing- ........................................ 75 II. S. and national currency 1,171 00 398 58 27 Insurance p a y a b le .................. Nickels and cen ts................... Insurance receivable ......... 413 50 T otal ............................. Total $82,002 51 ............................. $82,002 51 Mattoon— Mattoon State Bank. D. L IG H TB O D Y. President. IV. F. M EAGHER, Vice President. W . B. K R A M A R , Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. W . B. Kram ar, W . F. Meagher. R oy F. B abcock, D. L igh tb ody, E S T A B L IS H E D F LY JO, 1906. Statement October 31, 1914. L ia b ilitie s . R e so u rc e s. Loans and d iscou n ts............ Overdrafts ............................... Banking house ..................... Furniture and fix tu res........ Due from approved reserve banks .................................... Due from other banks ........ Checks on other banks and cash items ........................... Gold coin ................................. Silver coin ............................... IT. S. and national currency Nickels and c e n ts................. 'Total ................... .. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis $78,136 48 2,000 1.500 87 80 00 00 8,303 09 1,051 20 153 810 1,012 2,447 76 18 00 30 00 60 $95.539 04 Capital stock paid i n ........ $10,000 00 Surplus fund ......................... 3,500 00 Undivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes 1,745 67 paid ...................................... Individual deposits, su bject to check ............................... 21.866 11 Demand and time certifi cates of d ep osit................. 44,025 79 Savings deposits ................... 11,401 47 Notes and bills rediscounted 3,000 00 Total .............................. $95,539 04 REPORTS OF STATE BANKS. 193 Mauston— Juneau County Bank. GBO. S. GRUBB, President. O. G. LOOMIS, Vice President. W . G. HOSIG, Cashier. d ir e c t o r s . Geo. S. Grulih, O. G. Loom is, \V. G. H osig, G. N. McNown, F. W ilcox, H. C. Strong. E S T A B L ISH E D MARCH 10, 1887. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. L ia b ilities. Loans and d is c o u n t s .......... $178,136 54 Capital stock paid in ............. $25,000 Overdrafts ............................... 5,611 83 Surplus fund ......................... 6,500 U. S., state, m unicipal and Undivided profits, less cu r other bonds ....................... 63,943 89 rent expenses and taxes Banking house ....................... 5,300 00 Paid ...................................... 6,893 Due from approved reserve Individual deposits, subject 61,443 65 banks .................................... to check ............................... 82,127 Gold coin ................................ 650 00 Time certificates o f deposit 386,522 Silver coin ............................. 145 60 Postal savings ....................... 2,048 U. S. and national currency 4,852 00 Salvage fund ......................... 11,102 Nickels and ce n ts.................. n o .38 T otal ................. ........... $520,193 89 P otai 12 30 79 29 39 ............................. $520,193 89 Mauston— State Bank of Mauston. W. F. W IN SÖ R , President. P. D. CURRAN, Vice President. 00 00 m m HERM AN SCH ROEDER, Cashier. H. D. W IN SO R , Asst. Cashier. D IR E C TO RS. W. F. Win sor, P. D. Curran, W . .T. T roy, S. F. H oward, Anton Suszycki, Herman Schroeder, F. S. Yeeder. E S T A B L IS H E D IN 1870. Incorporated as a State Bank March 2, 1901. Statement October 31, 1914. H esou rocs. Loans and d is co u n ts ... . . . . $402,741 58 O verdrafts ............................... 7,863 15 IJ. S., state, m unicipal and other bonds ....................... 16,607 75 Banking house, fu rn itu re and fixtures .................... 6,735 00 Due from approved reserve banks ................................... 40,214 78 Checks on other banks and cash items ........................... 350 09 Gold coin ................................. 175 00 Silver coin ............................ 877 50 IJ. S. and national currency 4,272 00 Nickels and cents ............... 35 07 A bstract books ..................... 4.000 00 Total ............................. $483,871 92 13— B. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis L ia b ilitie s . Capital stock paid in ........ Surplus fund .......................* l ndivided profits, less c u r rent expenses and taxes paid ...................................... Dividends unpaid ................. Individual deposits, subject to check ........................ I tm and certificates o f d e posit ..................................... Time certificates o f deposit Savings deposits ................. Potai $25.000 00 5,000 00 7 jo 30 00 64,454 52 23 00 380,710 29 84g 99 ................... ......... $483,871 92 J 94 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF BANKING. Mayville— State Bank of Mayville, M O. RUEDEBUSCH, President. IH RON B A R W IG , Vice President. WM. R IN G L E , Cashier. R. F. RUEDEBUSCH, Asst. Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. Byron Barw ig, Aug. Ruedebusch, D. S. Keeley, R. .T. Langenbach, C. W . Lam o roan X, M. A. Bussewitz, A. Bachhuber. E STA B L IS H E D AUGUST 7, 1SSG. Incorporated as a State Bank Novem ber 3, 1902. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u r c e s. L ia b ilitie s . Loans and d iscou n ts............$484,487 Overdrafts ............................... 65 U. S., state, m unicipal and other bonds ......................... G9.071 B anking house ..............•.____ 20,000 Furniture and fixtures ........ 5,407 Other real estate o w n e d ... 10,000 Due from* approved reserve banks .................................... 154,498 Checks on other banks and cash items ........................... 614 Gold coin ................................. 15,527 1,477 Silver coin ............................ IJ. S. and national currency 44,337 N ickels and cents ................. 289 T otal 7G Capita] stock paid in ............. $70,000 79 Surplus fund ..................... . 22,500 Undivided profits, less c u r 25 rent expenses and taxes 00 paid ...................................... 7,319 77 Individual deposits, su bject 00 to check ............................... 136, G77 Tim e certificates o f deposit 422,823 85 Savings deposits ................. 142,085 Cashier’ s checks outstand 32 ing .......................................... 3,346 50 P ostal savings ....................... 1,023 15 00 72 ............................. $805,777 11 Total 00 00 95 18 80 87 36 95 ............................. $805,777 11 Mazomanie— The People’s State Bank. •T. P. HUDSON. President. SAMUEL M U RRISH , Vice President. W . H. W U R S T E R , Cashier. L O T T A B. SM ITH , Asst. Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. A. L. Par man, .1. P. Hudson, L. B. Ruka, W . II. W urster, Samuel M urrish. E STA B L IS H E D N O V E M BE R 2, 1891. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. L ia b ilitie s . Loans and discounts ........... $126,778 89 Capital stock paid in .......... Overdrafts ............................... 74 51 Surplus fund ........................... U. S., state, m unicipal and U ndivided profits, less cu r other bonds ......................... 25,852 10 rent expenses and taxes B anking house ....................... 2,000 00 paid ....... F urn'tu re and fixtures ........ 1,275 00 Individual deposits, subject Due from approved reserve to check ....... banks .................................... 26,612 07 Tim e certificates o f deposit Gold coin ..............................., 2,050 00 Notes and bills rediscounted Silver coin ..................... , 273 00 B ills payable .............. . . ......... U. S. and national currency 8,814 00 Reserved fo r taxes and in Nickels and cents 7094 terest ..................................... Total ,,, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis $188,800 51 T o ta J $17,000 00 3,500 00 4,042 22 53,026 103.107 2,565 4,000 51 44 00 00 1,559 34 . . . $188,800 51 REPORTS OF STATE BANKS. J95 Medford— State Bank of Medford. .TOIIN CARSTEN S, President. HERM AN DUM KE, V ice President. C. L. ALVE R SON , Cashier. L. L. U R QU H A R T, Asst. Cashier. DIRECTORS. L. L. Urquhart, Herman Dnmkc. F M- Perkins, John Carstens, C. L. Alverson, E S T A B L IS H E D OCTOBER 1, 1800. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. L ia b ilitie s . Loans and d i s c o u n t s ............$222,500 18 Capital stock paid in .......... $25,000 Overdrafts ............................... 890 66 Surplus fund ........................... 25,000 B anking house ....................... 3,000 00 Undivided profits, less c u r F urniture and fixtures ........ 1,000 00 rent expenses and taxes Due from approved reserve paid ........................................ 10,410 banks ..................................... 17,016 77 Due to banks— deposits ___ 2,538 Checks on other banks and Individual deposits, subject cash items ........................... 3,931 24 to check ................................ 84,159 Gold c o i n .................. 4,730 00 Demand certificates o f d e Silver coin ............................... 2,472 50 posit ...................................... 109,761 II. S. and national currency 12,709 00 Savings deposits ................... 11,482 Nickels and c e n t s ................... 137 65 Cashier’ s checks outstanding 32 Total .......................................... $268,388 00 00 00 65 80 70 Total .......................................... $268,388 00 Mellen— Mellen State Bank. " ■ -rAiW] C. F. PE TE R SO N , Cashier. GEO. E. FO STE R , President. C. r. PE CK , Vice President. D IR E C TO R S. C. F. Peterson, R obert Johnson, C. A. Poundstone. Geo. E. Foster, C. P .'P eck , H. I. Latimer, C. W . Lockart, E S T A B L IS H E D AUGUST 6, 1902. Incorporated as a State Bank July 22, 1903. j Statement October 31, 1911. R e so u roes. Loans and discounts ............ $146,641 O verdrafts ............................... 1,839 U. S., state, m unicipal and other bonds ......................... 22,500 Prem ium on b o n d s ............... 400 Banking house ....................... 4,300 Furniture and fixtures ........ 1,500 Due from approved reserve „ banks .................................... 15,463 Checks on other banks and cash i t e m s ............................. 1,121 Gold coin ................................. 2,’ 650 Silver coin ............................... 232 U. S. and national currency 4,669 Nickels and cents ................. 309 T otal Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis L ia b ilitie s . 72 32 Capital stock paid in ............ $16,000 00 Surplus f u n d .............................. 10,00000 Undivided profits, less cu r 00 rent expenses and taxes 00 paid ........................................ 1,057 34 00 Individual deposits, subject 00 to check .................................... 69,38494 Tim e certificates o f deposit 54,278 05 07 Savings deposits .................... 39,27863 Postal s a v i n g s ............................ 11,62774 57 00 55 00 47 , . . . . . . $201,626 70 T otal ...............................$201,626 70 196 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF BANKING. Melrose— Bank of Melrose. F. E. E. TA N N E R , President. G. HIGGIN S, Vice President. c - ,T< HOGG, Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. W in. T ibbetts, .T. D. Patterson, H u sh Smith, O. B. Marshall, Andrew Heineck. A. T. W ebb, F. E. Tanner, E. G. H iggins, A ndrew Lutz, W ard O. Gilbert, E. P. Olson, E S T A B L IS H E D JUNE 21, 1907. Statement October 31, 1914. L ia b ilitie s . R e so u rc e s. $12.500 00 Loans and discounts ............ $201,559 48 Capital stock paid in .......... 10,000 00 Overdrafts ............................... Undivided profits, less cu r U. S., state, m unicipal and rent expenses and taxes 24,000 00 other bonds ..................... 545 33 Furniture and fixtures ........ Individual deposits, su bject Due from approved reserve 60,884 85 to check ......................... - • • 27,680 00 banks .................................... 8,594 99 Time certificates o f deposit 114,855 83 Due from other banks ........ 69,191 03 540 00 Gold coin ................................... 833 20 210 55 Cashier’ s checks outstanding Silver coin ................... •......... 2,105 00 XT. S. and national currency 30 60 Nickels and cents .................. $268,810 24 Total $268,810 24 T otal Menasha— Bank of Menasha. .lOS. L. F IE W E G E R , President. A. D. E L D R ID G E , Vice President. H A R R Y DE W O L F , C ashlci. D IR E C TO R S. H. IT. K im berly, Jos. L. Fieweger, M. B. W hitin g. A. D. E ldridge, H a rry De W o lf, E S T A B L IS H E D N OVEM BER 1, 1870. In corporated as a State Bank May 2o, 1891. Statement October 31, 1914. L ia b ilitie s . R e so u rc e s. Loans and discounts ............ $419,599 350 U. S., state, m unicipal and 90,000 2.000 Stocks and other securities 22,575 13,622 Furniture and fixtures . . . . Due from approved reserve 70.123 6,140 Due from other banks ........ E xchanges fo r clearing 4.417 14,539 2 , S09 13,029 U ? ST and national currency 432 Nickels and cents ................. T otal Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 34 15 00 00 13 25 05 22 Capital stock paid in .......... Surplus fund ........................... Undivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid ....................... ................. Indiyidual deposits, su bject to check .............................. Tim e certificates o f deposit Savings deposits ................... Certified checks ..................... $50,000 00 35,000 00 53,806 27 112,113 137,875 270,752 90 91 76 49 00 02 88 75 00 64 $659,638 43 T otal $659,638 43 REPORTS OF STATE BANKS. 197 Menomonee Falls— Citizens State Bank. G. B. E. HOYT, President. T R IL L E R , Vice President. JNO. A. P R A T T , Cashier. JOS. W . CANNON, Asst. Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. G. C. E. H oyt, W . Fraser, B. Triller, Jno. A. Pratt, A. R. Baer. E STA B L IS H E D JA N U A R Y 20, 1902. Statement October 31, 1914. L ia b ilitie s . R e so u rc e s. Loans and d is c o u n t s ............ $183,180 21 O v e r d r a fts ................................ 725 90 U. S., state, m unicipal and other bonds ......................... 2,830 00 F urniture and fixtures ........ 2,445 21 Due from approved reserve banks ............... 15,412 69 Checks on other banks and cash item s ........................... 255 59 Gold c o i n ................................... 2,872 50 Silver coin ............................... 903 00 U. S. and national currency 9,793 00 Nickels and cents ................. 125 53 Capital stock paid in .......... Surplus fund ........................... Undivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid ........................................ Individual deposits, su bject to check ................................ Tim e certificates o f deposit Savings deposits ................... Cashier’ s checks outstanding 691 76 36,142 140,716 21,902 90 97 01 89 00 $218,543 63 Total T otal ............................... $218,543 63 $15,000 00 4,000 00 Menomonee Falls— Farmers and Merchants Bank. SAMUEL A. CONNELL, President. G A E W IN A. MACE, Vice President. A L B E R T H. E C K IIA R D T , Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. Samuel A. Connell, Garwin A. Mace, W illiam H. Connell, A lbert H. E ckhardt, Jam es M. Connell, W illiam B. Campbell, E dw ard Puehler. E S T A B L IS H E D JU LY 27, 1908. Statement October 31, 1914. L ia b ilitie s . R e so u rc e s. Loans and d is c o u n t s .............. $213,002 Overdrafts ............... ........ . . . 693 U. S., state, m unicipal and other bonds ......................... 59,400 B anking house ....................... 3,750 Furniture and fi x t u r e s ........ 1,750 Due from approved reserve banks .................................... 51,419 Gold coin ................... 627 Silver coin .................... 610 U. S. and national currency 8,120 Nickels and cents .................. 100 34 40 00 00 00 03 50 00 00 61 Total ...............................$339,472 88 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Capital stock paid in ............ $15,000 00 5,500 00 Surplus fund ......................... Undivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid ........................................ 1,972 69 Individual deposits, subject to check ................................ 33,313 41 Tim e certificates o f deposit 199,898 91 Savings deposits ................ 83,787 87 T otal ...............................$339,472 88 198 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF BANKING. Menomonie— Bank of Menomonie. L. D. H A R V E Y , President. M A R T IN FLA D O ES, Vice President. OLE NESSETH, Cashier. D IR E C TO RS. L. A. Dahl, Ole Nesseth. L. D. H arvey, Martin Fladoes, O lof Noer, >1 E S T A B L IS H E D AUGUST 26, 1867. Incorporated as a State Bank Ju ly 27, 1903. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. L ia b ilitie s . Loans and discounts ............ $176,584 87 Overdrafts ............................... 610 98 B anking house ......... 7,500 00 Furniture and fixtures ........ 1,100 00 Due from approved reserve 11,971 39 banks .................................... Due from other b a n k s .......... 3,037 08 Checks on other banks and cash item s ........................... 372 65 E xchanges fo r clearing house ...................................... 924 59 Gold coin ................................. 4,892 50 Silver coin ............................... 1,903 10 U. S. and national currency 4,000 00 Nickels and cents ............... 143 36 Capital stock paid in .......... $30,000 00 Surplus fund ........................... 7,500 00 Undivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes 610 12 paid ........................................ Due to banks— deposits . . 15,842 25 Individual deposits, su bject to check ................................. 72,432 09 Demand certificates of de posit ...................................... 5,635 64 Time certificates of deposit 71,182 20 Savings deposits ................... 5,318 22 Notes and bills rediscounted 4,500 00 T otal ............................... $213,020 52 T otal ............................... $213,020' 52 Menomonie— Kraft State Bank. P H IL L IP K R A F T , President. JOH N S. K R A F T , Vice President. WM. F. K R A F T , Cashier. F. WM. NOTNAGEL, Asst. Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. P hillip K raft, John S. K raft, Sam P. K raft, W m . F. K raft, F. W m. Notnagel. E S T A B L IS H E D M ARCH IS, 1914. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. Loans and discounts ........... $103,768 47 Overdrafts ............................... 32 20 Furniture and fix t u r e s ........ 3,308 27 Due from approved reserve b a n k s -.................................... 23,920 72 Checks on other banks and cash i t e m s ............................. 768 61 Gold coin ................................. 360 00 Silver coin ............................... 1,125 25 U. S. and national currency 3,093 00 Nickels and cents ................. 75 06 T otal ............................... $136,451 5S Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis L ia b ilitie s . Capital stock paid in ............ $30,000 Surplus fund .......................... 3,000 Und-vided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid ........................................ 1,038 Individual deposits, subject to check ................................ 20,315 Demand certificates o f d e posit ........................................ 277 Time certificates of deposit 81,035 Savings deposits ................. 784 00 00 43 25 25 91 74 T otal ............................... $136,451 5S 199 REPORTS OF STATE BANKS. Menomonie— The Schutte & Quilling Bank. A. QU ILLIN G, President. W. SCHUTTE, JR ., Cashier. O. C. KAUSRUD, Asst. Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. W m. Schutte, Jr., O. C. Kausrud. A. Q uilling, H. C. Inenfeldt, E S T A B L IS H E D IN 1873. Incorporated as a State Bank A ugust 27, 1903. Statement October 31, 1914. L ia b ilitie s . R e so u rc e s. Loans and discounts .............. $838,933 Overdrafts ........... 4,026 U. S., state, m unicipal and other bonds ........................ 20,545 Stocks and other securities 4,400 B anking house ....................... 16,000 Furniture and f i x t u r e s ........ 4,240 Other real estate o w n e d ___ 828 Due from approved reserve banks .................................... 101,097 Due from other banks ........ 34,621 Checks on other banks and cash item s ........................... 7,236 Gold coin ................................. 10,132 Silver coin ............................... 2,625 U. S. and national currency 37,733 Nickels and cents ................. 236 74 37 16 00 00 76 85 35 71 76 50 20 00 28 T otal .............................$1,082,657 68 Capital stock paid in .......... Surplus fu nd ........................... Undivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid ........................................ Due to banks— d e p o s it s ----Individual deposits, subject to check ................................ Demand certificates o f de posit ........................................ Tim e certificates of deposit. Savings deposits ................... Cashier’s checks outstanding $30,000 00 30,000 00 93,122 47 6,500 00 255,935 91 11,008 591,958 57,381 6,151 32 34 30 34 T otal .............................$1,082,657 68 Merrill— Lincoln County Bank. A. H. STANGE, President. C. J. K IN ZE L , Vice President. WM. J. TESCH, Cashier. A. G R U E TT, Asst. Cashier. D IR E C TO RS. A. B. Nelson, Charles J. Kinzel, John A. Emerich. A. H. Stange, C. H. Stange, John Van Hecke, E. H. Staats, E S T A B L IS H E D JU LY, 1S97. Incorporated as a State Bank A ugust 10, 1903. Statement October 34, 191 J. L ia b ilitie s . R e so u rc e s. L oans and d is c o u n t s ............$666,335 O verdrafts ............................... 54 U. S., state, m unicipal and other bonds ......................... 204,000 Banking house, furniture and fixtures ....................... 27,000 Due from approved reserve banks .................................... 92,837. Due from other banks ........ 6,920 E xchanges fo r c le a r in g , h o u s e ............................ 1,277 G old c o i n ................................... 13,612 Silver coin ............................... 2,148 U. S. and national currency 12,897 Nickels and cents ................. 450 10 66 00 00 13 03 94 50 60 00 94 T otal .............................$1,027,533 90 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Capital stock paid in .............$100,000 Surplus fu nd ........................... 20,000 Undivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid ...........................•............ 15,889 Due to banks— deposits . . . . 556 Individual deposits, su bject to check ................................. 316,241 Tim e certificates o f deposit 132,055 Savings deposits ................... 434,363 Cashier’s checks outstanding 425 Reserved fo r interest and taxes ........... 8,000 00 00 76 24 73 44 02 71 00 T otal ............................. $1,027,533 90 2 GO REPORT OP THE COMMISSIONER OP BANKING. Merrill— The German American State Bank. F. .T. SM ITH, President. F. W. K U BASTA, Vice President. R. C. B A L L S T A D T , Cashier. ORS. R. C. Ballstadt, W m. F. Peterman, Val. Henrich, F. .1. Smith. F. W. Kubasta, VV. G. Smith, Fred Hestermann, W m. F. Nevermann, A. F. Lueck, E STA B L IS H E D AUGUST 22, 1904. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. L ia b ilitie s . Loans and discounts ............ $342,686 98 Capital stock paid in ______ $40,000 00 Overdrafts ............................ 914 55 Surplus fund ........................... 8,000 00 U. S., state, m unicipal and Undivided profits, less cu r other bonds ......................... 88,237 50 rent expenses and taxes F urniture and fi x t u r e s ........ 1,499 00 paid ........................................ 4,838 43 Due from approved reserve Due to banks— deposits . . . . ' 313 74 banks ............. 46,634 93 Individual deposits, su bject Due from other b a n k s .......... 5,236 45 to check ................................. 91,581 27 Checks on other banks and Time certificates c f deposit 09,921 50 cash item s ................... 213 90 Savings deposits ................... 248,965 07 E xchanges fo r clearing Cashier’ s checks outstanding 264 00 house .................................... 778 25 Bonds rediscounted .............. 22,500 00 Gold coin ................................. 10,070 00 B ills p a y a b le ........................... 15,000 00 Silver coin ......... 543 70 U. S. and national currency 4,502 00 Nickels and cents ................. 66 75 T otal ............................... $501,384 01 T otal ............................... $501,384 01 Merrillan— The State Bank of Merrillan. A. E. B R A D F O R D , President. A. J. K E IT H , Vice President. J. L. W R IG H T , Asst. Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. M. P. Cannon, G. R. Francis, W m . Gearing. A. E. B radford, A. J. Keith, T. B. Keith, E S T A B L IS H E D JA N U A R Y, 1901. Incorporated as a State Bank A ugu st 29, 1903. Statement October 31. 1914. R e so u roes. Loans and d isco u n ts......... .. Overdrafts ............................... B anking house ..................... F urniture and fixtu res.......... Other real estate o w n e d .... Due from approved reserve banks ................................... Checks on other banks and cash items ........................... Gold coin ................................. Silver coin ............................... U. S. and national currency N ickels and c e n ts................... Total ............................... Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis L ia b ilitie s . $67,689 349 3,633 1,041 2,040 45 23 34 71 37 9,114 32 200 570 00 686 90 2.558 00 70 24 $87,755 56 Capital stock paid in .............. Surplus fund ......................... Undivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid ........................................ Individual deposits, subject to check ............................... Tim e certificates o f deposit Savings deposits ................ T otal ............................... $10.000 00 2,000 00 1,793 77 34.090 10 34,738 09 5,133 60 $87,755 56 REPORTS OF STATE BANKS. 201 Merrimack— The State Bank of Merrimack. CEO. A. GROSS, President. JAS. S. T O W E R S , Vice President. E. ,T. YON BERG. Cashier. PIItEi TTORS. M. .T. K indschi, E. .T. von Berg, T. M. Mould, Geo. A. Gross, John Herr, .Tames S. T ow ers, W . H. McLeish. E STA B L IS H E D Statement OCTOBER 16, 1908. I' 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. Loans and d iscou n ts........... U. S., state, m unicipal and other bon ds ......................... Banking house ....................... Furniture and fixtures.......... Due from approved reserve banks ..................................... Due from other b a n k s........ Silver coin ............................... IT. S. and national currency Nickels and ce n ts................. T otal L ia b ilitie s . $73,387 91 12,000 00 2,500 00 1,200 00 11,677 1,462 1,015 2,423 47 .34 26 00 00 51 ............................. $105,713 05 Capital stock paid in ............ $10,000 00 2,500 00 Surplus fund ......................... Undivided profits, less c u r rent expenses and taxes paid ...................................... 784 81 Individual deposits, su bject to check ................................ 18,477 40 Tim e certificates o f deposit 64,639 63 9,31121 Savings deposits .................. T otal ............................. $105,713 05 Merton— Farmers Exchange Bank. R. A IN S W O R T H , President. E. J. W O O D H E A D , Vice President. C. II. GOLDEN, Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. R. Ainsw orth, E. J. W oodhead, C. II. Golden, G. Staus, Win. Schlicher, Math W eber, W. W. Brown. R obert W inkler, Paul R. McKee. E STA B L IS H E D JA N U A R Y 2, 1914. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. L oan s and d iscou n ts............ Overdrafts ............................... U. S., state, m unicipal and other bonds ..................... B anking house ..................... Furniture and fixtu res........ Due from approved reserve banks ..................................... Gold coin ............. Silver coin ............................. U. S. and national currency Nickels and ce n ts................. T otal ............ ............. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis L ia b ilitie s . $35.014 13 227 23 Capita] stock paid in ............. $18,000 00 Undivided profits, less c u r - . rent expenses and taxes 24,263 29 paid .................................... 435 02 3,643 82 Individual deposits, su bject 2,425 09 ........................... 18,699 88 to check Tim e certificates o f deposit 26,675 84 4,405 85 Savings deposits ................. 8,302 61 280 00 447 70 1,348 00 58 24 $72,113 35 T otal ............................. $72,113 35 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF BANKING. 202 Middleton— Bank of Middleton. TV. P. I’ I E R ST O R F F, President. LOUIS W A T Z K B , V ice President. W . H. P IE R S T O R F F , Cashier. F. L. P IE R S T O R F F , Asst. Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. M elchoir K alscheur, W . H. Pierstorff, Chas. F. Allen, W m . D urkopp. TV. F. Pierstorff, L ouis Russ, L ouis W atzke, .lames F roggart, A ugust F. Brunkow , E STA B L IS H E D JULY 0, 1903. Statement October 31, 1914. L ia b ilitie s . R e so u rc e s. L oans and d iscou n ts............ $280,630 76 Overdrafts ............................... 3,211 49 U. S., state, m unicipal and other bonds ....................... 2,000 00 F urniture and fix tu res........ 2,800 00 Other real estate o w n e d .... 16,564 76 Due from approved reserve banks .................................... 23,626 26 Gold coin ......... 5 00 288 10 Silver coin ............................. IT. S. and national currency 7,483 00 N ickels and cen ts............... 21 60 T otal ............................. $336,630 97 Capital stock paid in ............ Surplus fund ......................... Undivided profits, less c u r rent expenses and taxes paid .................... Individual deposits, su bject to check ............................... Demand certificates o f de posit .................................. B ills payable ......................... T otal $25,000 00 4,100 00 464 82 21,246 72 250,819 43 35,000 00 ............................. $336,630 97 Milltown— The Milltown State Bank. C H A R LE S II. OAIvEY, President. TV. M. C H R ISTEN SE N . Cashier. SIMON K. T W E T T E N , Vice President. W A L T E R E. T W E T T E N , Asst. Cashier. Peter Christensen, Charles Id. Oakey, John N. Rahr, . D IR E C TO R S. Simon K. Twetten, TV. M. Christensen. E S T A B L IS H E D DECEM BER 30, 1907. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. L ia b ilitie s . Loans and d iscou n ts............ $164,304 24 Capital stock paid in ........... $12,000 00 Overdrafts ............................... 585 62 Surplus fund ......................... 3,000 00 U. S., state, m unicipal and Undivided profits, less cu r other bon ds ......................... 1,500 00 rent expenses and taxes B a n k in g -h o u se ..................... 3,000 00 paid ........................................ 2,785 25 Furniture and f i x t u r e s ..... 2,474 88 D ividends unpaid ................. 255 00 Due from approved reserve Individual deposits, subject banks .................................. 20,787 05 to check ............................... 46,169 05 Checks on other banks and Demand certificates o f de posit ..................................... 587 32 cash items ........................... 6 60 Gold coin ........... 1,395 00 Tim e certificates of deposit 45,335 87 Silver coin ............................... 475 00 Savings deposits ................. 80,588 38 IT. S. and national currency 4,158 00 Certified checks ..................... 25 00 Nickels and ce n ts................. 59 48 B ills payable ..................... 8,000 00 T otal Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ............................. $198,745 87 T otal ........................... $198,745 87 REPORTS OF STATE BANKS. 203 Milton— Bank of Milton. P. M. GREEN , President. E. D. BLISS, V ice President. B. H. W E L L S , Cashier. J. H. COON, Asst. Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. B. H. W ells, E. D. Bliss, J. H. Coon. .T. G. Carr, T. A. Saunders, P. M. Green, E S T A B L IS H E D NOVEM BER, 1883, Incorporated as a State Bank A pril 16, 1884. Statement October 31, 1914. L ia b ilitie s . R e so u rc e s. $15,000 00 Loans and d iscou n ts............ $171,332 58 Capital stock paid in ......... 15,000 00 Overdrafts ............................... 1,562 63 Surplus fund ........................... Undivided profits, less cu r TJ. S., state, m unicipal and other bonds ......................... 12,500 00 rent expenses and taxes 1,671 33 paid ...................................... B anking house ..................... 4,000 00 F urniture and fix tu res........ 2,000 00 Individual deposits, subject to check ............................... 69,801 10 Other real estate o w n e d .... 504 16 Demand certificates o f de Due from approved reserve posit ...................................... 110,165 78 banks .................................... 22,959 64 10,000 00 Due from other b a n k s........ 1,677 49 B ills p a y a b l e .........................s Checks on other banks and cash items ........................... 55 53 Gold coin ................................. 950 00 Silver coin ............................... 517 95 TJ. S. and national currency 3,513 00 Nickels and cen ts.............. 65 23 T otal ............................. $221,638 21 T otal ............................. $221,638 21 Milton Junction— The Farmers Bank. JOH N A. PAU L, President. A. M. TAUL, Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. A ugust Lalk, W esley W inch. John A. Paul, A. M. Paul, S. C. Chambers, E S T A B L IS H E D JU LY 11, 1911. Statement October 31, 1914. , L ia b ilitie s . R e so u rc e s. Loans and d iscou n ts............ $189,058 25 Overdrafts ............................... 2,284 60 B anking house ..................... 5,06S 18 Due from approved reserve 35,211 84 banks .................................... Checks on other banks and cash items ........................... 301 98 E xchanges fo r clearing house .................................... 30 12 Gold coin ................................. 675 00 Silver coin ............................... 862 30 IT. S. and national currency 4,629 00 Nickels an I ce n ts................... 92 06 Total ............................. $238,213 33 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Capital stock paid in ............ Surplus fund ........................... Undivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid ...................................... Individual deposits, subject to check ................. Demand certificates o f de p osit ...................................... Total $25,000 00 5,000 00 1,648 55 86,356 99 120,207 79 ............................. $238,213 33 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF BANKING. 204 Milton Junction— The State Bank of Milton Junction. J. M ILTON C L A R K E , Vice President. W IL L H. GATES, Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. .T. M ilton Clarke, W ill H. Gates, L. IT. M organ, C. O, Button. E S T A B L IS H E D 1883 AS T H E GATES EXC H AN G E BA N K . In corporated as a State Bank D ecem ber 29, 1891. Statement October 31. 1914. L ia b ilitie s . R e so u rc e s. Loans and d is c o u n t s .,........ O verdrafts ............................... U. S „ state, m unicipal and other bonds ......................... Due from approved reserve banks ..................................... Due from other b a n k s ..___ Checks on other banks and cash i t e m s ............................. Gold coin ................................. Silver coin ............................... II. S. and national currency Nickels and c e n t s ................... T otal $94,239 92 443 00 4,000 00 14,352 97 1,146 00 904 20 350 3,361 147 36 00 35 00 80 ............................. .$118,965 40 Capital stock paid in ..... ... Surplus fund ........................ Undivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid ........................................ ¡Individual deposits, subject to check ........ . . .................. Demand certificates o f de posit ..................................... T otal $15,000 00 10,000 00 1,213 09 35,776 74 56,975 57 ............................. $118,965 40 Milwaukee— Badger State Bank. GUSTAV R E IN K E , President. C L. R O L O F F , V ice President. Gutsav Reinke, W m . A. T haringer, A ugu st N uedling, Em il W allber, Carl F. Busacker, H. Schumacher, F. E. W A L L B E R , Cashier. A. C. F R A N C K E , Asst. Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. Herman Krienitz, R ichard Hoeppner, C. L. R oloff, F. C. Schultz, J. J. O’ Connell. E S T A B L IS H E D N OVEM BER 4, 1907. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. Loans avid discou it s ............$648,577 Overdrafts ............................... 2,015 U. S., state, m unicipal and other bon ds ....................... 351.137 F urniture and fix t u r e s ..... 3.600 Other real estate o w n e d ___ 5,900 Due from approved reserve banks ................................... 90,606 Checks on other banks and cash items ........................... 1,177 E xchanges fo r clearing house .......................... 17,082 Gold coin ................................. 935 Silver coin ........................ 4,575 U. S. and national currency 30,207 Nickels and ce n ts................. 805 Toral Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis L ia b ilitie s . 63 07 72 00 00 82 55 06 00 00 00 43 .............................$1,156,619 28 Capital stock paid in ............. $100,000 00 Surplus fu nd ......................... 35,000 00 Undivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid .................................... 22,752 63 Individual deposits, subject to check ............................... 262,215 66 Time certificates of deposit 64,800 50 Savings deposits ................. 665,013 32 Certified checks ..................... 50 00 Cashier’ s checks outstand in g .......................................... 6,787 17 T otal .............................$1,156,619 28 205 REPORTS OF STATE BANKS. Milwaukee— German-American Bank. J. B. W H IT N A L L , President. W. D. GRAY, Vice President. E D W . A. F A RM E R , Cashier. L. E. K IL IA N , Asst. Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. F. A. Lange, R . J. Schwab, M. S. Sheridan, Fred W . Niles, A. L. Gebhardt, Louis Dessert. W . D. Gray, H. J. Millman, Edw. A. Farmer, W m . Geo. Bruce, J. B. W hitnall, E dgar L. W ood, E S T A B L IS H E D DECEM BER 1, 1892. Statement October 31, 1914. L ia b ilitie s . R e so u rc e s. L oans and d iscou n ts... $2,585,445 34 Capital stock paid in .............. $250,000 50,000 Overdrafts .............................. 26,354 94 Surplus fund ........................... Undivided profits, less c u r U. S., state, m unicipal and rent expenses and taxes other bonds ......................... 391,410 95 paid ...................................... 43,809 Stocks and other securities 10,750 00 7,314 F urniture and fixtu res........ 20,691 80 Due to banks— d e p o s it s .... Dividends unpaid ................. 23 Other real estate ow n e d ___ 25,944 58 Individual deposits, su bject Due from approved reserve to check .............................. 1,215,651 banks .................................... 102,786 97 Due from other ba n k s.......... 12,426 36 Demand certificates o f de posit ..................................... 10,446 Checks on other banks and 6,965 55 Tim e certificates of deposit 268,218 cash items ........................... Savings deposits ................... 1,245,455 E xchanges fo r clearing 3,653 house ..................................... 46,338 37 Certified checks ..................... Gold coin ................................. 44,905 00 Cashier’ s checks outstand in g .................................... 4,484 Silver coin ................................. 15,589 65 U. S. and national currency 130,007 00 Bills payable ......................... 300,000 6,000 Nickels and ce n ts......... 150 00 Reserved fo r ta x e s................. Reserved fo r interest............ 14,709 T otal 54 42 00 25 39 96 03 90 03 00 00 93 $3,419,766 51 T otal ....... ..................... $3,419,766 51 00 00 Milwaukee— Home Savings Bank. FAU STIN P R IN Z , President. M IC H A E L B. W E L L S , Vice President and Cashier. A L F R E D P R IN Z, Asst. Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. A lbert Froede, Faustin Prinz, Julius Goetz, George Durner, Chas. J. Poetsch, Michael B. Wells, H u go Zedier. E S T A B L IS H E D MAY 19, 1911. Statement October 31, 1914. L ia b ilitie s . R e so u rc e s. Loans and d iscou n ts........... $299,811 96 Capital stock paid in ........... Overdrafts ............................... 222 12 Undivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes U. S., state, m unicipal and paid ................................ other b o n d s ......................... 45,852 06 Banking house ..................... 10,000 00 Individual deposits, subject to check ............................... F urniture and fixtu res........ 7,725 12 Tim e certificates o f deposit Due from approved reserve banks ............................ 34,857 74 Savings deposits ................. Certified checks ................... Exchanges fo r clearing house ..................................... 3,307 29 Cashier’ s checks outstand in g ........................................ Gold coin ................... 5,890 00 Silver coin ......... 1,121 05 Reserved fo r taxes and in terest .............................. ••• U. S. and national currency 12,339 00 Nickels and ce n ts................. 486 01 115,483 99 138,093 14 100,941 78 24 50 $421,612 35 $421,612 35 Total Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Total $50,000 00 10,764 75 1,802 65 3,901 54 REPORT OP THE COMMISSIONER OF BANKING. 206 Milwaukee— Marshall & Ilsley Bank. JAS. K. IL S L E Y , President. JOHN C A M PB E LL, Y ice President. G. A. REUSS, Vice President. J. H. P U E LIC H E R , Vice President and Cashier. H. F. J. H. J. P A IN E , A sst. Cashier. X. BODDEN, Asst. Cashier. E. JONES, Asst. Cashier. J. D R E H E R , A sst. Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. C. C. Yawkey, Jas. K. Ilsley, R obt. N. McMynn, John Campbell, J. H. T w eedy, Jr., G. A. Renss, Gustav Reuss, J. H. Puelicher, A lbert P. Gallun. Sami. H. Marshall, E S T A B L IS H E D A P R IL 22, 1817. Incorporated as a State Bank Decemer 31, 1887. Statement October 31, 1914. L ia b ilitie s . R e so u rc e s. $500,000 00 L oans and d isco u n ts........ $7,504,106 02 Capital stock paid in ........ 600,000 00 2,817 29 Surplus fund ....................... Overdrafts ........................... U ndivided profits, less U. S., state, m unicipal and current expenses and other bonds ................... 2,421,667 46 taxes paid ....................... 102,101 28 6,332 83 Stocks and other securities 338,592 81 Due to banks— d e p osits.. 1,810,705 72 Banking houses ................. 125 00 34,314 50 Dividends unpaid .............. Safe deposit d epartm en t.. 11,016 43 Individual deposits, su b Other real estate ow n e d .. ject to check .................. 3,311,289 02 Due from approved re 1,730,672 70 Demand certificates of de serve banks ................... posit ................................... 1,222,084 00 28,114 09 Due from other b a n k s .... Savings deposits ............. 5,223,515 04 Checks on other banks Certified checks ................. 15,327 90 111,852 84 and cash ite m s............... Cashier’ s checks outstand E xchanges fo r clearing ing .................................... ' 61,447 04 89,978 03 house ................................. 130,000 00 514,052 50 Reserves ............... ............... Gold coin ............................. 50,000 00 15,536 20 Reserves fo r b u ild in g s ... Silver coin ......................... Reserves fo r ta x e s............ 22,011 17 U. S. and national c u r 324,777 73 Reserve fo r accrued in rency ................................. terest ................................. 66,511 47 1,286 21 Nickles and ce n ts.............. Reserve fo r unearned in terest ................................. 20,000 00 T otal ......................... $13,135,117 64 T otal ......................... $13,135,117 04 Milwaukee— Merchants and Farmers State Bank. F R A N K C. F ISC H E R , President. F R A N K SEEMANN, SR., V ice Pres. E. C. KAM BE, Cashier. GUS A. K ISSIN G E R , Asst. Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. Frank C. F isher, C. J. Glienke, A. G. Schwefel, W . Sievers, F erdinand Hahm, W alter F. Kirchhoff. Frank Seemann, Sr., E S T A B L IS H E D DECEM BER 3, 1910. Statement October 31, 1914. L ia b ilitie s . R e so u rc e s. Loans and discounts ............ $420,408 Overdrafts ........................ 223 LT. S., state, m unicipal and other bon ds ............... *------ 125,299 Banking house ..................... 16,318 Furniture and fixtures . . . . 6,364 Due from approved reserve banks ............................ 83,583 Checks on other banks and cash items ............................. 774 E xchanges fo r clearing house ..................................... 5,733 Gold coin ................................. 1,327 Silver coin ............................... 1,267 U. S. and national currency 19,952 N ickels and ce n ts................. 338 Capital stock paid in .......... $65,000 00 Surplus fu nd ......................... 10,000 00 Undivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes 43 paid ........................................ 10,193 23 67 5 00 36 Dividends unpaid ................. Individual deposits, subject to check ............................... 202,865 15 83 Demand certificates o f de posit ................. 33,306 95 21 Savings deposits ................. 355,911 66 22 00 09 Certified checks ..................... 50 Cashier’ s checks outstand ing ........................................ 4,288 06 95 02 20 95 84 T otal ............................... $681,592 05 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis T otal ...............................$681,592 05 REPORTS OF STATE BANKS. 207 Milwaukee— Merchants & Manufacturers Bank of Milwaukee. W. F. M YERS, President. W. S. PA D D O C K , Vice President. L. M. Alexander, F. H. Spence, W. S. Paddock, Fred Doepke, II. W. Schwab, Nathaniel Greene, .Tudson G. Rosebush, B. V. D E L A HUNT, Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. F. ,T. W ood, E. C. K noernschild, W. F. Meyers, H. P. Andrae, B. V. Delà Hunt, J . A. Trostel. E S T A B L IS H E D JU LY 19, DOG. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. L ia b ilitie s . Loans and d iscou n ts..........$1,309,771 Overdrafts ............................... 1,055 U. S., state, m unicipal and other bonds ......................... 207,585 F urniture and fix tu res........ 1,933 26,794 Other real estate o w n e d ___ Due from approved reserve b a n k s ...................................... 192,593 Due from other ba n k s.......... 12,412 Checks on other banks and cash items ......................... 13,255 E xchanges fo r clearing house ..................................... 28,740 Gold coin ................................. 5,717 Silver coin ............................... 5,645 U. S. and national currency 81,987 Nickels and cents .................. 1,611 T otal 71 21 00 75 82 21 45 78 81 50 30 00 35 . . . ; ................... $1,8S9,103 89 Capital stock paid in ............$400,000 Surplus fund ......................... 56,000 Undivided profits, less c u r rent expenses aud taxes 13,094 paid ........................................ Due to banks— d ep osits........ 85,381 Dividends unpaid .............. 282 Individual deposits, subject to check ................................... 797,744 Time certificates o f deposit 125,709 Savings d e p o s i t s ...... ............ 391,117 Certified checks ..................... 2,736 Cashier’s checks outstand ing ........................................ 7,696 Other liabilities ..................... 6,341 T otal 00 00 79 51 00 23 00 57 39 77 63 ...........................$1,889,103 89 Milwaukee— Mitchell Street State Bank. ST E P H E N H. E L L E R , President. SYL. J. W A B IS Z E W S K I, Vice Pres. Syl. J. W abiszew ski, J. M. Schneider, Jas. J. Zimmermann, Jas. I. Fitzsim m ons, J. F. E G ERTO N , Cashier. JACOB T. THOMAS, Asst. Cashier. D IR E C TO RS. Chas. Miksch, Stephen H. Eller, Joseph F. Esser, J. F. Egerton. E S T A B L IS H E D A P R IL 19, 1907. Statement October 31. 1,91-1 R e so u rc e s. L ia b ilitie s . Loans and d is c o u n t s ............ $557,105 Overdrafts ............................... .6,484 U. S., state, m unicipal and other bonds ......................... 201,662 Furniture and fix t u r e s .... 5,000 Other real estate ow n ed ___ 16,587 Due from approved reserve banks ........... 33,320 Due from other b a n k s ......... 11 Checks on other banks and cash items ........................... 2,880 E xchanges fo r clearing house ............. 9,603 Gold coin ................................. 1,530 Silver coin ............................... 5,800 U. S. and national currency 16,074 Nickels and cen ts................. 1,570 Memo, account ..................... 750 T otal ................... Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 34 12 94 00 00 66 50 91 27 00 00 00 01 00 $857,379 75 Capital stock paid in .......... $50,000 00 Surplus fund ......................... 10,000 00 Undivided profits, less c u r rent expenses and taxes paid ........................................ 8,921 25 Individual deposits, subject to check ................................. 267,828 90 Demand certificates o f de p osit ..................................... 55,601 47 Savings deposits ................... 370,291 44 Certified checks ..................... 464 41 Cashier’s checks ou tstan d ing .......................................... 272 28 Notes aud bills rediscounted 40,000 00 B ills payable ......................... 54,000 00 Total ............................. $857,379 75 208 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF BANKING. Milwaukee— North Avenue State Bank. W IL L IA M F. C O E R PE R , President. GEORGE K L IP P E L , Vice President. JOS. M. W O L F , Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. W m . Garens, • John C. Coerper, D. W ittenberg, W m . F. Coerper, Geo. L. B aldauf, George K lippel. A. J. Langholff, E S T A B L IS H E D SE PT E M B E R 2, 1911. Statement October 31, 1914. L ia b ilitie s . R e so u rc e s. Loans and d iscou n ts.............. $301,382 Overdrafts ............................... 292 TJ. S., state, m unicipal and 63,815 other bonds ......................... B anking house ....................... 12,500 Furniture and fix t u r e s ..... 4,275 Due from approved reserve banks ..................................... 13,283 Checks on other banks and cash items ........................... 1,266 E xchanges fo r clearing house ..................................... 7,276 1,997 Gold c o i n .................................. Silver coin ............................... 1,229 U. S. and national currency 12,168 N ickels and cents ................. 315 56 19 90 00 00 78 93 48 50 11 00 68 Total ............................... $419,803 13 Capital stock paid in .......... $50,000 00 Surplus fu nd ......................... 10,000 00 Undivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid ......... 7,988 54 Individual deposits, su bject to check ................................. 171,796 14 Tim e certificates of deposit 28,898 64 Savings deposits ................... 142,030 74 Certified checks ..................... 300 00 Cashier’s checks outstand ing .................................'........ 4,757 58 Reserved fo r ta x es................. 810 00 Reserved fo r in terest............ 3,221 49 T otal . . . . ..................... . $419,803 13 Milwaukee— Second Ward Savings Bank. JOS. E. U IH L E IN , President. CHAS C. SCHM IDT, V ice President. H E N R Y B IE L F E L D , Vice P resident. A L B E R T C. E LSE R , Vice President. W . L. CHENEY, Cashier. F R A N K B R A N D , A sst. Cashier. J. U. LADEM ANN, A sst. Cashier. HUGO K IE L , Asst. Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. H enry H. Schroeder, Jos. E. Uihlein, Fred J. Schroeder, John Kremer, A lbert O. Trostel, Chas. C. Schmidt, A lbert H. W einbrenner, H. G. B ielfeld, W . L. Cheney, R obert A. Uihlein, W m . L. R oss, W in. B. Uihlein, R ussell Jackson. A lb. C. Elser, E S T A B L IS H E D NOVEM BER 1, 1855. Incorporated as a State Bank January 26, 1866. Statement October 31, 1914. L ia b ilitie s . ' R e so u rc e s. Loans and d iscou n ts.$10,072,368 05 Overdrafts ............................... 42,651 99 U. S., state, m unicipal and other bonds ..........................3,141,588 70 Stocks and other securities 600 00 B an king houses ..................... 353,747 72 Due from approved reserve banks ................................... 2,641,346 94 Due from other ba n k s........... 17,668 49 Checks on other banks and cash items ........................... 226,361 41 E xchanges fo r clearing house ..................................... 142,659 91 Gold coin ................................. 573,685 00 Silver coin ..................... , . . . 78,157 40 U. S. and national currency 1,007,188 00 Nickels and cents .................. 14,466 99 Total Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ., $18,312,490 60 Capital stock paid in ............$1,000,000 00 Surplus fu n d ......................... 400,000 00 Reserve account ..................... 204,375 00 Undivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid ................. 103,283 37 Due to banks— deposits ....1 ,3 4 8 ,3 6 0 72 Individual deposits, su bject to check ........... 4,077,587 44 Demand certificates o f de posit .......................................1.645,573 27 Savings deposits ...............9,430,098 78 Certified, checks ............•........ 13,773 94 Cashier’s checks outstand ing .......................................... 69,410 81 Postal savings ....................... 19,773 09 Due IT. S. treasurer................ 254 18 T otal $18,312,490 60 REPORTS OF ST A T E M ilw a u k e e — T h e BANKS. U n io n 209 B ank. J. J. H A N D LE Y, Cashier. JOH N P. B L IF F E R T , Asst . Cashier. W . B. RUBIN, President. J. C. K A R E L , Vice President. D IR E C TO R S. W . J. Fiebrantz, Jos. C rowley, J. J. H andley, Chas. Jiran, Eugene L. H usting, Jr. W. B. Rubin, J. C. Karel, J. II. Rubin, W . C. Zabel, S. A. W anta, E S T A B L IS H E D AUGUST 1, 1912. S ta te m e n t O c to b e r 3 1 , 1 9 1 4 . R esou rces. Loans and discounts .......... $233,091 36 Overdrafts ............................... 1,327 28 U. S., state, m unicipal and 11,492 50 other bonds ......................... Furniture and fix tu res.......... 4,692 17 Other real estate ow n ed ___ 3,500 00 Due from approved reserve banks .................................... 7,820 21 Checks on other banks and cash items ........................... 1,190 00 E xchanges fo r clearing house ..................................... 8,225 04 Gold coin ................................. 92 50 Silver coin ............................. 1,432 40 U. S. and national currency 6,790 00 L ia b ilit ie s . Capital stock paid in .......... $50,000 00 Undivided profits, less current expenses and taxes paid ................................. 6,175 27 Individual deposits, su bject to check ................................. 119,617 97 Tim e certificates o f deposit 16,676 97 Savings deposits ................. 52,076 55 Certified checks ..................... 1,104 20 Cashier’s checks outstandin g ........................................ 2,052 50 Notes and bills rediscounted 21,950 00 B ills p a y a b le ........................... 10,000 00 T otal ............................... $279,653 46 T otal ............................... $279,653 46 M ilw a u k e e — W e s t ADAM GETTE LM A N , President. GEORGE KOCH, Vice President. A. Gettelman, O. J. F iebing, Geo. Koch, V ictor Schlitz, Chas. J. Kuhnm uench, S id e B ank. CHAS. J. KUHNM UENCH, Cashier. H E R B E R T F E E R IC K , Asst. CasTiier. D IR E C TO R S. O. J. Schoenleber, V. J. Schoenecker, Jr. J. F. Schwalbach, W. A. Zinn. E S T A B L IS H E D MAY 10, 1S93. Incorporated as a State Bank June 30, 1894. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. L ia b ilitie s . Loans and d iscou n ts..........$1,776,866 66 Overdrafts ............................... 2,549 87 U. S., state, m unicipal and other bonds ......................... 79,710 00 Due from approved reserve banks ................................... 130,107 26 Checks on other banks and cash items ......................... 3,029*4)7 E xchanges fo r clearing house .................................... 35,096 73 Gold coin ................................. 58,065 00 Silver coin ............................. 12,160 00 U. S. and national currency 87,993 00 Nickels and cents ................. 364 57 Capital stock paid in .......... $200,000 00 Surplus fund ......................... 100,000 00 Undivided profits, less current expenses and taxes paid ...................................... 16,130 85 Due to banks— d ep osits___ 1,765 67 Individual deposits, su bject to check .. 868,476 90 Demand certificates o f deposit, .................................. 665 00 Tim e certificates o f deposit 301,702 76 Savings deposits - r. , . 675 479 30 Certified checks ..................... 2,610 47 Cashier’ s checks outstanding ........................................ 3,520 50 Reserved fo r taxes and interest ..................................... 20,591 61 T otal ...........................$2,190,943 06 14— B. S. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis T ota l ...........................$2,190,943 06 210 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF BANKING. Milwaukee— Wisconsin State Bank. C H R IS T IA N GLAUS, President. H A R IIY S. PIGGIN S, Vice President. John Bruemmer, Christian Glaus, W in. Gutenkunst, W. II. Hasse, Oscar Mehl, John F. M uckerheide, W IL L IA M H. HASSE, Cashier. D IR E C TO RS. Herman Noll, John H. Paul, Ed. E. Plaum , A ugust C. Sehrt, II. S. P iggin s. E S T A B L IS H E D MAY S, 1912. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. L ia b ilitie s . Loans and discounts .......... $324,390 85 Overdrafts ............................... 6,507 57 U. S., state, m unicipal and other bonds ......................... 149,858 73 Furniture and fix tu res.......... 5,000 00 Due from approved reserve banks .................................... 35,367 02 Checks on other banks and cash i t e m s ............................. 2,552 09 E xchanges fo r clearing house .................................... 7,234 45 Gold coin ....................... 1,237 50 1,000 00 Silver coin .......................... IT. S. and national currency 7,665 00 Nickels and cen ts................. 92 45 T otal ............................. $540,905 66 Capital stock paid in ............. Surplus fund ......................... Undivided profits, less c u r rent expenses and taxes paid ........................................ Individual deposits, subject to check ................................. Demand certificates o f de posit ..................................... Time certificates o f deposit Savings deposits ................. Certified checks ..................... Cashier’ s checks outstand in g .......................................... Reserved fo r taxes and in terest .................................... T otal $75,000 00 10,000 00 15,248 49 141,166 68 3,000 80,816 211,977 107 00 82 32 30 1,934 90 1,654 15 ............................. $540,905 66 Milwaukee— Wisconsin State Savings Bank. T. C. ESSER, President. O. W . BOW , Vice President. F R E D E R IC K A. LOCH NER, Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. A lbert Schultz, E. L. Mohr, A. H. Hammatter, John Stuesser. T. C. Esser, F. W. K aufm an, O. W . B ow , W m. P. H ug, E S T A B L IS H E D F E B R U A R Y 5, 1912. Statement October 31. 1914. R e so u rc e s. Loans and d iscou n ts............$208,258 Overdrafts ............................... 245 IT. S., state, m unicipal and other bon ds ......................... 65,433 B anking house ..................... 10,000 F urniture and fix tu res.......... 5,216 Due from approved reserve banks ............... 39,364 Checks on other banks and cash items ........................... 1,093 E xchanges fo r clearing house ..................................... 11,153 Gold coin ................................. 460 Silver coin ............................. 1,196 U. S. and national currency 7,771 N ickels and cents ................ 724 Total L ia b ilitie s . 52 34 95 00 08 75 32 56 00 65 00 10 ............................. $350,917 27 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Capital stock paid i n .......... $50,000 00 Undivided profits, less c u r rent expenses and taxes paid .................... 10,395 61 Individual deposits, su bject to c h e c k ................................. 142,072 24 Tim e certificates of deposit 14,989 40 Savings deposits ................. 133,364 27 Cashier’ s checks outstand ing ....... 95 75 T otal ............................. $350,917 27 REPORTS OF STATE BANKS. 211 Mineral Point— Farmers and Citizens Bank. P H IL IP H E W IT T , President. R. G. W H IT E , V ice President. .TOPIN B. P IT T Z , Cashier. E. G. P E N H A LLE G O N , Asst. Cashier. D IR E C TO RS. R. G. W hite, W . J. Jenck, W. D. Brown. P hilip H ew itt, H. D. Luden, John B. Pittz, Joseph Gräber, E S T A B L IS H E D MARCH 3, 1910. Statement October 31, 1914. L ia b ilitie s . R e so u rc e s. Loans and d iscou n ts.............. $244,942 Overdrafts ............................... 1,645 Banking house ..................... 4,500 Furniture and fix tu res.......... 1,500 Due from approved reserve 35,589 banks .................................... Checks on other banks and cash items .......................... 75 E xchanges fo r clearing house ................ 3,049 Gold coin ................................. 4,155 Silver coin ............................... 2,528 U. S. and national currency 9,243 Nickels and ce n ts................. 96 Total Capital stock paid i n ........ $40,000 Surplus fund ......................... 3,000 Undivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes 3,448 paid ...................................... 05 Individual deposits, subject to check ............................... S7,774 159,234 00 Tim e certificates of deposit Savings deposits ................... 13,852 60 Cashier’s checks outstand .......................................... 13 ing 00 15 00 40 02 22 00 00 ............................. $307,323 44 T otal 00 00 50 88 44 62 00 ............................. $307,323 44 Mineral Point— The Iowa County Bank. JAM ES W . HUTCHISON, President. JO SIA H LAN YON , Vice President. James E. Y. Josiah E. C. W . H utchison, H utchison, Lanyon, Fiedler, E. Y. HUTCHISON, Cashier. A. F. BISH O P, JR ., Asst. Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. B. F. Prideaux, Matt Jackson, R. D. James, M. F1. Schoof. E S T A B L IS H E D OCTOBER 1, 1S85. Incorporated as a State Bank Ju ly 24, 1903. Statement October 31, 1914. L ia b ilitie s . R e so u rc e s. Capital stock paid in .......... $60,000 00 Loans and d iscou n ts............$917,027 21 50,000 00 Overdrafts ............................... 4,696 43 Surplus fund ......................... Undivided profits, less cu r U. S., state, m unicipal and rent expenses and taxes other bonds ........................ 20,000 00 paid ........................................ 19,161 38 B anking house ................... 20,000 00 60 00 F urniture and fixtures ----2,666 50 D ividends unpaid ................. Individual deposits, su bject Due from approved reserve to check ............................... 405,170 49 banks ......... 130,671 50 Time certificates o f deposit 524,076 11 Checks on other banks and 57,487 39 cash items ........................... 1,211 92 Savings deposits ............. Certified checks ..................... 2,500 00 E xchanges fo r clearing house ........... 2,688 93 Cashier’ s checks outstand ing ........................................ 7,665 75 Gold coin ................................. 13,605 00 20 79 Silver coin ............................. 1,270 42 P ostal savings ..................... U. S. and national currency 12,304 00 Total ........................... $1,126,141 91 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Total ...........................$1,126,141 91 212 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OB' RANKING. Minocqua— Bank of Minocqua. JOHN SC H ILLIN G , President. JOH N SC H IL LIN G , Cashier. E L L A M. SC H ILLIN G , Asst. Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. E lla M. Schilling, Fred Lange, John Schilling. E S T A B L IS H E D MAY 4, 1891. In corporated as a State Bank June 22, 1903. Statement October 31, 1914. L ia b ilitie s . R e so u rc e s. Loans and d isco u n ts.......... Furniture and fixtures ___ Due from approved reserve banks .................................... Gold coin ............. Silver coin ............................. U. S. and national currency Nickels and cents ................. T otal ............................... $22,726 63 1,400 00 -20,092 120 31 4,988 1 06 00 00 00 78 Capital stock paid in ........ Surplus fund ........................ Undivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid .................................... Individual deposits, su bject to check ............................... Demand certificates o f de p osit ........................ T otal 49,359 47 ............................... 5,000 00 1,000 00 182 85 28,569 72 14,606 90 49,359 47 Minong— Farmers State Bank. E. F. SW ANSON, President. L. C. ST A D L E R , Vice President. F. T. JE N K S, Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. E. F. Swanson, F. T. Jenks, L. C. Stadler, C. F. L arson, S. W . Macks, E S T A B L IS H E D MAY 17, 1912. Statement October 31, 1914. L ia b ilitie s . R e so u rc e s. Loans and d iscou n ts............ Overdrafts ............................... Stocks and other securities B anking house ..................... F urniture and fi x t u r e s ........ Due from approved reserve banks ..................................... Checks on other banks and cash i t e m s ............................. Gold coin ................................. Silver coin ............................. U. S. and national currency N ickels and cen ts............... T otal ............................... Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis $37,132 512 1,770 1,608 2,126 21 75 72 57 49 4,417 71 49 22 135 00 593 70 760 00 1 89 $49,108 26 Capital stock paid in .......... $10,000 Surplus fund ......................... 650 Undivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid ........................................ 313 Individual deposits, su bject to check ................................. 24,839 Tim e certificates o f deposit 10,032 3,272 Savings deposits ................ T otal ___ .-...................... 00 00 32 80 17 97 $49,108 26 REPORTS OF STATE BANKS. 213 Mlshicot— The State Bank. H E R M A N STEH N, Cashier. IR A B E YE R , President. AUG. R H ODE, Vice President. D IR E C TO RS. Ira Beyer, Aug. Rhode, Herm an Stehn, W m . Mueller, G. L. K arnopp, A. H olst, Fred W itte, Chris. Rhein, Fred Eisenmann, Jos. Skwor, Peter R ouiler. E S T A B L IS H E D M ARCH 12, 1010. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. L ia b ilitie s . L oans and d iscou n ts............$186,916 39 Overdrafts .................... 1,564 48 U. S., state, m unicipal and other bon ds ......................... 10,000 00 3,775 00 B anking house ..................... Furniture and fix tu res___ 3,300 00 Due from approved reserve 16,995 50 hanks .................................... Due from other ba n k s.......... 1,487 00 .Gold coin ................................. 1,140 00 Silver coin ............................... 487 75 FT. S. and national currency 5,417 00 N ickels and cen ts................. 46 05 Capital stock paid in ............ $15,000 00 3,500 00 Surplus fu n d ......................... Undivided profits, less c u r rent expenses and taxes paid ....... 2,290 38 D ividends unpaid ................. 56 00 Individual deposits, su bject to check ............................... 30,593 31 Tim e certificates o f deposit 173,689 48 Notes and iscounted 6,000 00 T otal ............................ $231,129 17 T otal ............................. $231,129 17 Mondovi— Buffalo County Bank. JACOB CAÑAR, President. ANTON QU ARBERG , Vice President. E D W . RTJPLINGER, Cashier. D IR E C TO RS. Jacob Cañar, A lex Lees, IT. .T. Cnnar, Ole J. W ard, A. Quarberg, W . L. Houser, J. F. B robst, E S T A B L IS H E D NOVEM BER 1, 1900. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. Loans and d iscou n ts............ $98,011 59 Overdrafts ............................... 2,490 51 B anking house ..................... 9,880 00 Furniture and fixtures........ 2,400 00 Due from approved reserve banks .................................... 10,487 68 Due from other ba n k s........ 2,044 96 Checks on other banks and cash item s ........................... 2,054 93 Gold c o i n .................................. 1,045 00 Silver coin ............................. 776 45 TJ. S. and national currency 3,466 00 N ickels and cen ts................... 63 60 T otal ............................. $132,720 72 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis L ia b ilitie s . Capital stock paid i n ........... Surplus fu nd ......................... Undivided profits, less current expenses and taxes paid ...................................... Individual deposits, subject to check ............................... Demand certificates o f deposit ..................... .............. Total $25.000 00 3,100 00 1,265 93 47,420 63 55,934 16 ............................. $132,720 72 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF BANKING!. 214 Monroe— The Citizens Bank. G. T. HODGES, President. J. H. DU RST, Cashier. JOHN LUCH SIN GER, Vice President. SAME. W E N G E R , Asst. Cashier. CHAS. A. S C H IN D L E R , Asst. Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. G. T. H odges, F. J. Bolender, John Luchsinger, W . P. B ragg, W . W . Chadwick, J. H. Durst, Ed. C'arroll, Adam Schm idt. W . J. K night, E S T A B L IS H E D A P R IL 2, 1883. Statement October S i, 1914. L ia b ilitie s . R e so u rc e s. L oans and d iscou n ts............ $801,525 23 Overdrafts ............................... 658 36 U. S., state, m unicipal and other bon ds ....................... 1,259 06 Furniture and fix tu res........ 5,000 00 Other real estate o w n e d .... 3,509 71 Due from approved reserve banks ..................................... 77,590 76 Due from other b a n k s ........ 3,593 89 Checks on other banks and cash items ......................... 261 33 E xchanges fo r clearing 7,275 80 house ........................... Gold coin ...................... 20,050 00 Silver coin ...................... 5,136 33 TJ. S. and national currency 7,669 00 Nickels and cen ts................. 268 50 Total ............................. $933,797 99 Capital stock paid in ..........$100,000 Surplus fu nd ......................... 50,000 Undivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid ...................................... 14,123 Due to banks— d ep osits___ 9,682 Individual deposits, subject to check ............................... 253,557 Demand certificates o f de posit ...................................... 367,577 Savings deposits ................. 118,857 B ills p ayable ......................... 20,000 T otal 00 00 91 17 00 74 11 00 ............................. $933,797 99 Monroe— The Commercial & Savings Bank. JOHN GETTIN GS, President. A. C. T R A C H SE L , Vice President. A. C. Trachsel, Joshua K lassy, Simon Saucerman, E dw ard R uegger, John Gettings, Alvin F. Rote. establ : J. B. H E E R E N , Cashier. P. J. MOSER, A sst. Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. Joseph T rum py, O. W . Bennett, Jacob Elmer, Ed. T. K undert, J. L. Sherron, Jacob Benkert. DECEM BER 14, 1903. Statement October 31, 1914. L ia b ilitie s . R e so u rc e s. Loans and d iscou n ts............$345,901 85 Capital stock paid in ........... $100,000 00 Overdrafts ............................... 340 06 Surplus fu nd ............. 18,000 00 U ndivided profits, less c u r U. S., state, m unicipal and rent expenses and taxes other bonds ....................... 48,678 75 paid ....................................... 5.361 70 Stocks and other securities 46 84 15,344 41 25,000 00 Due to banks— d ep osits----Banking house ............... 33 00 F urniture and fix tu res........ 13,000 00 Dividends unpaid .................. Individual deposits, su bject Due from approved reserve to check ............................... 135,843 55 banks .......................... 39,580 27 Due from other b a n k s.......... 2,182 48 Demand certificates o f d e p osit ...................................... 105.506 00 Checks on other banks and cash items ........................... 532 02 Savings deposits ................... 102,047 07 Certified checks ..................... 50 00 E xch an ges fo r clearing 10,000 00 house ..................................... 945 25 B ills p a y a b le ........................... Gold coin ................................. 4.045 00 Silver coin ............................. 4,729 14 U. S. and national currency 6,908 00 N ickels and ce n ts................. 296 07 T o ta l ............................. $492,185 73 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis T otal ............................. $492,185 73 REPORTS OF STATE BANKS. 215 Montello— The Montello State Bank. O. A. JUST, President. T. W. W H ITS O N , Vice President. W . F. CU RRIE, Cashier. D IR E C TO RS. C. A. Jnst, E. D. Morse, W . F. Currie, T. W . W hitson, M. M. Smart, J. H. Kem pley, C. J. Tagatz. ESTABETSHED F E B R U A R Y 20, 1900. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. L ia b ilitie s . Loans and d iscou n ts............ $200,793 20 Capital stock paid in ............ $25,000 O verdrafts ........................... 667 07 Surplus fu nd ................... 5,000 U. S., state, m unicipal and Undivided profits, less c u r other bonds ....................... 122,200 00 rent expenses and taxes Furniture and fixtu res........ 1,960 00 paid ...................................... 3,281 Due from approved reserve Individual deposits, subject banks .................................. 57,331 64 to check ........................ 57,260 Checks on other banks and Tim e certificates of deposit 282,907 cash item s ........................... 174 27 Savings deposits ................. 20,705 Gold coin ................................. 3,105 00 Cashier’ s checks outstand Silver coin ............................... 1,894 25 871 in g . . . ........................ U. S. and national currency 6,779 00 Nickels and cents ......... 122 85 T otal ............................. $395,027 28 T otal 00 00 66 56 58 56 92 ............................. $395,027 28 Montfort— Citizens State Bank. HERM AN T R A N K L E , President. WM. F. DI V A L L , V ice President. D A V ID .TAMES, Cashier. J. C. MASON, Asst. Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. Herman Trankle, John Draves, John Kram er, W m . F. Di VaR, Frank W anek. E S T A B L IS H E D A P R IL 5, 1905. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u r c e s. Loans and d iscou n ts............ $145,229 50 Overdrafts .................... 2,524 90 U. S., state, m unicipal and other bonds ....................... 1,600 00 1.500 00 B anking house ..................... F urniture and fixtu res........ 2,375 00 Due from approved reserve banks .................................. 11,408 38 Checks on other banks and cash items ........................... 728 54 Gold coin ................................ 920 00 Silver coin ............... 730 00 IT. S. and national currency 5,000 00 Nickels and c e n ts................. 214 21 T otal ............................ $172,230 53 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis L ia b ilitie s . Capital stock paid in .......... .810.000 Surplus fund ......................... 3,000 Undivided profits, less c u r rent expenses and taxes paid ...................................... 201 Individual deposits, subject to check ........... 27,983 Demand certificates of de p osit ...................................... 412 Tim e certificates o f deposit 126.451 Savings deposits .............. 4,182 Total 00 00 02 38 00 96 17 ............................. $172,230 53 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF BANKING. 216 Montfort— Montfort State Bank. LOUIS A LTH AU S, President. D IR E C TO R S. A. F. David, I. S. E. W ashburn. C. K . Stephens, L ouis Althaus, t t? C. K . STEPH EN S, Cashier. A. F. D A V ID , Asst. Cashier. W p h ^ tp r ’ E S T A B L IS H E D Incorporated as a State P rivate Bank Incorporated as a State Bank OCTOBER, 1SS2. Bank F ebruary 17, 1892. May 1, 1900. the second time July 30, 1903. Statement October 31, 1914. L ia b ilitie s . R e so u rc e s. Loans and d iscou n ts.......... Overdrafts ............................. U. S., state, m unicipal and other bonds .................. Banking house ..................... F urniture and fix tu res........ Other' real estate o w n e d ... Due from approved reserve ta n k s .................................... Checks on other banks and cash item s ........................... Gold coin ............................... Silver coin ............................... TT. S. and national currency Nickels and c e n ts................. Expense ................................... T otal $99,219 94 4,706 99 500 5,425 1,800 2.100 00 00 00 00 Capital stock paid in ............ Surplus fund ......................... Individual deposits, subject to check ............................... Demand certificates o f de posit ................... Savings deposits ........ B ills payable .............. $20,000 00 4,000 00 29,969 58 51,907 02 2,654 32 15,000 00 3,062 20 739 190 5,329 283 15 15S 67 00 00 55 79 78 .............................$123,530 92 $123,530 92 T otal Monticello— Bank of Monticello. .T. C. F R E IT A G , President. JACOB W IT T E N W Y L E R , Vice Pres. L. ,T. B R E Y L IN G E R , Cashier. H. O. B A B L E R , Asst. Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. Nic Freitag, F. W . H um iston, Jacob W ittenw yler, Ed. W ittw er, .T. C. F reitag, L. J. Breylinger. C. Bontly, E S T A B L IS H E D A P R IL 16, 1896. Statement October 31, 1914. L ia b ilitie s . R e so u r c e s. Loans and d iscou n ts..........$271,224 O verdrafts ............................... 1,382 17. S., state, m unicipal and other bon ds ....................... 69,675 Banking house ...................... 3,000 Other real estate o w n e d ... 1,000 Due from approved reserve banks ......... 27,496 Due from other b a n k s........ 3,621 Checks on other banks and cash items ........................... 83 Gold coin ............................ 735 Silver coin ............................... 895 TT. S. and national currency 6,603 Nickels and ce n ts................. 160 T otal 20 75 00 00 00 98 59 97 00 00 00 52 ............................. $385,878 01 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Capital stock paid i n ........ Surplus fund ................. U ndivided profits, less c u r rent expenses and taxes paid ....................................... Due to banks— d e p o s its .... Individual deposits, su bject to check ............................. Demand certificates o f de p osit ...................................... Savings deposits ................... $40,000 00 6,000 00 1,404 49 5,637 16 100,811 75 212,579 51 19,445 10 T otal .............................. $385,878 01 REPORTS OF STATE BANKS. 217 Morrisonville— Morrisonville State Bank. JOHN R. C A L D W E L L , President. C H A R L E S M AIR, Vice President. C. M. M ORRISON, Cashier. R. J. C A L D W E L L , Asst. Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. John R. Caldwell, N. L. Huseboe, Charles Mair, W m . Hahn, T. II. Mail*. E S T A B L IS H E D OCTOBER 2, 1!>02. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. L ia b ilitie s . Loans and d iscou n ts............ $118,823 09 Overdrafts ............................... 621 24 U. S., state, m unicipal and other bonds ......................... 11,000 00 Banking house ....................... 2,000 00 F urniture and fixtures ........ 2,000 00 Due from approved reserve 12,6S7 84 banks .................................... Gold coin ............................... 20 00 ¡■Giver coin ............................... 302 20 U. S. and national currency 3,037 00 Nickels and ce n ts................. n o 54 T otal ............................. $150,601 91 Capital stock paid in .......... $20,000 Surplus fund ...................... 7,000 Undivided profits, less c u r rent expenses and taxes paid ....................................... 3,789 Individual deposits, su bject to check ............................... 14,749 Tim e certificates of deposit 105,062 Total 00 00 20 90 81 $150,601 91 Mosinee— State Bank of Mosinee. A. von BERG, President. LOUIS D ESSERT, V ice President. W. A. von BERG, Cashier. E. B. von BERG, Asst. Cashier. D IR E C TO RS. M. A. Althenburj James Allen, Arden Paronto, E. J. Coerper. A. von Berg, L. Dessert, K arl Mathie, John Maguire, Nic. Streveler, E STA B L ISH E D JA N U A R Y 9, 1905. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. L ia b ilitie s . Loans and discounts ............ $186,905 53 Capital stock paid in .......... Overdrafts ................... 434 52 Surplus f u n d .......................... U. S., state, m unicipal and Undivided profits, less cu r other bonds ......................... 5,900 00 rent expenses and taxes Prem ium on bonds .............. 75 00 Paid ........................................ B anking house ....................... 2,000 00 Individual deposits, su bject Furniture and fixtures ........ 2,425 00 to check ................................. Due from approved reserve T im e certificates o f deposit banks .................................... 21,03S 43 Savings deposits ................... Due from other banks ........ 2,062 44 Notes and bills rediscounted Checks on other banks and B ills payable ........................... cash i t e m s ............................. 151 22 Gold c o i n ................................... 1,140 00 Silver coin ............................... 1,884 35 U. S. and national currency 3,344 00 Nickels and cents ................. 85 19 Total Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis $227,445 68 Total $30,000 00 15,600 00 2,235 45 85,064 61 55,808 98 18,736 64 10,000 00 10,000 00 $227,445 68 218 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF BANKING! Mt. Calvary— Mount Calvary State Bank. A N D R E W VOGEL, President. F R A N K X. A IG N E R , V ice President. A R T H U R VOGEL, Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. Ben Bittner, H enry Holzman, H ubert W eingartz, A lbert W agner. A ndrew Vogel, Frank X. A igner, A rthur Vogel, Jos. Helz, J. A. W irth, E S T A B L IS H E D OCTOBER 18, 1909. Statement October 31, 1914. L ia b ilitie s . R e so u rc e s. L oans and discounts ............ $118,369 55 Overdrafts ............................... 25 26 Banking house ....................... 2,100 00 Furniture and fixtures ........ 1,790 00 Due from approved reserve banks ..................................... 20,839 35 Silver coin ............................... 664 00 IJ. S. and national currency 4,608 00 Nickels and cents ................. 201 94 Capital stock paid in . . ----Surplus f u n d ........................... Undivided profits, less c u r rent expenses and taxes paid ........................................ D ividends unpaid ................. Individual deposits, subject to check ................................. Tim e certificates o f deposit Savings deposits ................... Notes and bills rediscounted 1,650 00 1,820 96 34 00 27,488 60,193 28,211 9,200 38 60 16 00 $14S, 59S 10 Total $148,598 10 Total $ 20,000 00 Mt. Hope— Mt. Hope State Bank. A N D R E W CAIRNS, President. A N D R E W A B R A H A M , Vice President. WM. L E IG H TO N , Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. A nthony Abraham , .Tames Silvers, G eorge M oody. Chas. P. Hinn, A. J. Frey, A ndrew Cairns, Andrew Abraham, E S T A B L IS H E D D E C E M B E R 30, 1910. Statement October 31, 1914. L ia b ilitie s . R e so u rc e s. Loans and d i s c o u n t s ............ $74,409 39 Overdrafts ............. 1,139 59 B anking house ....................... 900 00 F urniture and fi x t u r e s ........ 1,609 21 Due from approved reserve banks ..................................... 7,173 78 Checks on other banks and cash items ........................... 47 07 Gold coin .................................. 5 00 Silver coin ............................... 338 53 U. S. and national currency 1,740 00 T otal ................. ............. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis $87,362 57 Capital stock paid in ............ $15,000 ...................... 2,000 Surplus fund Und vided profits, less c u r rent expenses and taxes paid ........................................ 367 Individual deposits, subject to check ........................ 18,143 Time certificates o f deposit 49,850 B ills p a y a b le ........................... 2,000 Cash over ................................ 1 Total ............................... 00 00 81 25 51 00 00 $87,362 57 REPORTS OF STATE BANKS. 219 Mt. Horeb— Mount Horeb Bank. H. H. B. D A H L E , President. L. D A H L E , Vice President. T. G. L IN G A R D , Cawliier. D IR E C TO R S. H. B. Dahle, II. L. Dahle, T. G. L ingard. E STA B L IS H E D SE PT E M B E R 29, 1S91. Incorporated as a State Bank Ju ly 24, 1903. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. L ia b ilitie s . Loans and discounts .............. $305,322 Overdrafts ............................... 2,386 Banking house ....................... 3,792 Furniture and fix t u r e s ........ 2,353 Due from approved reserve b a n k s ...................................... 30,330 Due from other banks ........ 709 Checks on other banks and cash i t e m s ............................ 567 Gold c o i n ................................... 7,655 Silver coin ............... 1,149 Li. S. and national currency 4,486 Nickels and cents ................. 372 22 74 87 98 31 63 98 00 60 00 95 Capital stock paid in .......... $35,000 00 Surplus fund ........................... 7,000 00 Undivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes 1,960 20 paid ........................................ Individual deposits, subject to check ............................... 89,027 02 Demand certificates o f de posit .................................... 63,077 88 Time certificates of deposit 162,756 33 Cashier’s checks outstanding 305 85 Total ............................... $359,127 28 Total $359,127 28 Mount Horeb— State Bank of Mount Horeb. N. A. C. EVANS, President. H O FF, Vice President. I. POSSHAGE, Cashier. N ORA L. EVANS, Asst. Cashier. D IR E C TO RS. N. C. Evans, A. Hoff, A. F. Gramm, I. Fosshage, R. E. Beat, P. G. K rogh, P. A. Tyvand. E S T A B L IS H E D MAY 15, 1901. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. L ia b ilitie s . Loans and discounts .............. $301,842 Overdrafts ............................... 10,287 B anking house ....................... 6,000 Furniture and fi x t u r e s ........ 1,619 Due from approved reserve b a n k s ...................................... 34,039 Checks on other banks and cash i t e m s ............................ 1,828 Gold coin .................................. 5,155 Silver coin ............................... 527 U. S. and national currency 6,405 Nickels and cents ........... 54 Total Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 36 05 00 50 18 09 00 90 00 00 $367,758 OS Capital stock paid in .......... Surplus fund ........................... Undivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid .................................. Individual deposits, subject to check ............................... Demand certificates of de posit ...................................... Tim e certificates o f deposit Cashier’s checks outstanding B uilding fu nd ......................... T ota l ., $32,000 00 8,000 00 7,444 21 73,954 51 55,035 183,350 1,973 6,000 82 43 11 00 ,. $367,758 08 220 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF BANKING. Mt. Sterling— The State Bank. E. C. AMANN, Vice President. JULIUS JACKSON, Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. E. C. Amann, Sam Iverson, M. R. Munson O. II. W alker, Nels J. Severson. E. E. Sherwood, Julius Jackson, E S T A B L IS H E D D E CEM BER 14, 1912. Statement October 31, 1914. L ia b ilitie s . R e so u rc e s. Loans and discounts ............ O verdrafts ............................... U. S., state, m unicipal and other bonds ......................... B anking house ....................... F urniture and fix t u r e s ........ Due from approved reserve banks .................................... Due from other banks ........ Checks on other banks and cash items ........................... Gold coin ................................. Silver c o i n ................................. U. S. and national currency N ickels and cents ................. $70,168 86 1,126 22 Total ............................... $94,822 13 6,916 00 2,493 43 1,160 34 Capital stock paid in .......... $10,000 00 Undivided profits, less c u r rent expenses and taxes 471 61 paid ................. ............... ••• Individual deposits, subject to check ................................ 18,103 75 Time certificates o f deposit 66,246 77 6,762 66 1,003 00 603 725 309 3,503 51 14 00 25 00 23 T otal ............................... $94,822 13 Mukwonago— Citizens Bank of Mukwonago. F R A N K A. M cK EN ZIE , President. M. L. DAVIS, Vice President. CIIAS. F. H U N TE R , Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. H. C. F. A. Chas. A. H. L. E. Y oum ans, M. L. Davis, H. O. B ayley, Ed. Goodman, Frank A. McKenzie, E S T A B L IS H E D JA N U A R Y Greeley, W ood, F. Hunter, Peacock. 1, 1S93. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u r c e s. L ia b ilitie s . Loans and discounts .......... $302,187 58 Capital stock paid in ........... $25,000 5,000 Overdrafts ....... 1,986 32 Surplus fund ........................... Undivided profits, less cu r U. S., state, m unicipal and rent expenses and taxes other bonds ......................... 62,880 56 paid ...................... 5,075 B anking house ....................... 5,000 00 .............. 27 F urniture and fixtures . . . . 4,000 00 D ividends unpaid Individual deposits, subject Due from approved reserve to check ............................... 58,083 banks .................................... 46,614 96 Gold coin ................................. 2,090 00 Tim e certificates o f deposit 341,634 Silver coin ............. 903 90 U. S. and national currency 8,975 00 Nickels and c e n t s .........'-----182 25 T otal ............................... $434,820 57 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 00 00 78 00 07 72 Total ............................... $434,820 57 REPORTS OF STATE BANKS. 221 Muscoda— Farmers and Merchants Bank. P. E. N E F F, President. E. J. SC H W IN G LE , Vice President. B. L. MARCUS, Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. F. E. Neff, E. .T. Schwingle, John M clelhattan, Frank Pospical, Wra. V ictora, J. L. Miller, B. L. Marcus. E S T A B L IS H E D JU L Y 1, 1911. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u r c e s. L ia b ilitie s . Loans and d is c o u n t s ............ $146,826 37 Overdrafts .......................... " 1,652 08 Furniture and fix t u r e s ........ 2,836 83 Due from approved reserve banks .................................. 14,110 49 Checks on other banks and cash items ........................... 5,434 91 Gold coin .................................. 620 00 Silver coin ............................... 182 60 IT. S. and national currency 4,239 00 N ickels and cents .................. 26 35 Capital stock paid in .......... $20,000 00 Surplus fund ........................... 200 00 Undivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid ........................................ 353 6S Individual deposits, su bject to check ................................. 34,832 31 Tim e certificates o f deposit 119,084 22 Cashier’ s checks outstanding 1,458 42 T otal ............................... $175,928 63 $175,928 63 Total Muscoda— Muscoda State Bank. It. B. M cIN T Y R E , V ice President. ' R. M. O R C H A R D , Cashier. O. W . FESSEL, Asst. Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. It. B. M cIntyre, C. R. P ickering, O. W . Fcssel, ,T. N. Swingle. E S T A B L IS H E D OCTOBER, 1884. In corporated as a State Bank A ugu st 21, 1903. Statement October 31. 1914. R e so u rc e s. Loans and d is c o u n t s ............$142,395 91 O v e r d r a fts .......................... 2,864 24 U. S., state, m unicipal and other bonds ......................... 1,509 00 B anking house ....................... 5,150 00 Furniture and fixtures ........ 2,755 00 Other real estate ow n ed ........ 732 45 Due from approved reserve banks .................................... 6,520 01 Checks on -other banks and cash items ........................... 85 66 Gold coin ................................. 1,060 00 Silver c o i n ............ ............... 235 50 IT. S. and national currency 6,473 00 N ickels and cents .............. 77 83 T otal ...............................$169,849 60 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis L ia b ilitie s . Capital stock paid in .......... $20,000 Surplus fund ........................... 600 Undivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid ........................................ 2,716 45 Dividends unpaid ................. Individual deposits, su bject to check ..................... 32,770 Demand certificates o f de posit ........................................ 12 Tim e certificates o f deposit 99,944 Savings deposits ................... 768 Cashier’ s checks outstanding 2,826 Postal savings ....................... 144 B ills p a y a b l e ........................... 10,000 Cash over .............................. 20 00 00 59 50 01 50 40 76 61 67 00 56 T otal ..............................$169,849 60 222 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF BANKING. Necedah— The Necedah Bank. H A R R Y W. B A R N E Y , President. C. E. BABCOCK, Vice President. G. H. L IV E R N A S II, Cashier. A. C. SORENSON, Asst. Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. H arry W. Barney, F. M. Reed, C. C. Fuller, .Tames H. Spencer, C. E. Babcock. E S T A B L IS H E D JU LY 1, 1899. In corporated as a State Bank Ju ly 31, 1903. Statement October 31, 1914. L ia b ilitie s . R e so u rc e s. L oans and discounts ............ $136,130 33 Overdrafts ............................... 396 86 U. S., state, m unicipal and other bonds ......................... 25,300 00 Furniture and fi x t u r e s ........ 228 50 Due from approved reserve banks .................................... 30,S67 97 Gold coin ................................. 870 00 Silver coin ............................... 2,250 00 U. S. and national currency 5,676 00 Nickels and cents .................. 313 64 Capital stock paid in .......... Surplus fund ........................... Undivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid ........................................ Individual deposits, subject to check ............................... Tim e certificates o f deposit Savings deposits ................... Cashier’s checks outstanding P ostal savings ....................... $15,000 00 7,000 00 610 49 59,707 111,079 2,630 4,461 1,514 94 01 57 11 18 T otal ............................... $202,033 30 T otal ...............................$202,033 30 Neenah— Neenah State Bank. W . H. S P EN G LE R , President. TO. J. LACHM ANN, V ice President. B. C. W ETTLATTFER. Cashier. W . H. H U NTERTITUER, Asst. Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. W . H. Spengler, E. J. Lachm ann, G otfried Ulrich, J. R. Barnett, Sr., J. N. Stone, Chas. Schultz, F. S. Merrill. E S T A B L IS H E D D E C E M B E R 11, 1911. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u r c e s. L oans and discounts . . . . . . . $242,612 Overdrafts ............................... 595 U. S., state, m unicipal and other bon ds ......................... 18,200 Banking house ....................... 1,767 Due from approved reserve banks .................................... 9,145 Due from other banks ........ 344 Checks on other banks and cash items ............................. 732 Gold coin ...................... 810 Silver coin ............................... 5,461 TJ. S. and national currency 7,102 Nickels and cents ................. 250 L ia b ilitie s . 86 88 00 50 06 25 31 00 75 00 77 T otal . . . . . . . . ............... $287,022 38 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Capital stock paid in .......... $60,000 00 Surplus fund ............................... 2,000 00 Undivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid ........................................ 4.502 32 Due to banks— d ep osits........ 1,149 33 Individual deposits, subject to check ................................. 40,883 65 Tim e certificates o f deposit 30,159 14 Savings deposits ................... 147,446 12 Cashier’s checks outstanding 17 00 Debentures ........... 264 82 Reserved fo r taxes ............... 600 00 T otal ............................... $287,022 38 REPORTS OF STATE BANKS. 223 Neillsville— Commercial State Bank. A. .7. M ARSH, President. C A R L R A B E N ST E IN , Vice President. H. M. ROOT, Cashier. E. H. SCHOENGARTH, Asst. Cashier. D IR E C TO RS. W. 7. Marsh, O. W. Schoehgarth, H. M. R oot. Carl Rabenstein, S. M. Marsh, A. B. Marsh, A. F. Radke, E S T A B L IS H E D JU LY 1, 1S98. Statement October 31, 1914. L ia b ilitie s . R e so u rc e s. Loans and discounts .............. $128,038 Overdrafts .......................... 160 U. S., state, m unicipal and 4,941 other bonds ......................... B an king house ....................... 5,000 Furniture and fi x t u r e s ........ 1,500 Other real estate ow n e d ___ 7,800 Due from approved reserve banks .................................... 19,784 Checks on other banks and cash items ........................... 967 Gold coin ................................. 3,515 Silver coin ............................... 899 U. S. and national currency 6,942 N ickels and c e n t s ............. 151 Total ................... . 40 97 75 00 00 00 41 54 00 30 00 40 Capital stock paid in .......... Surplus fund ........................... Undivided profits, less c u r rent expenses and taxes paid ........................................ Individual deposits, su bject to check ................................. Demand certificates o f de posit ...................................... Savings deposits ................... B ills payable ......................... $25,000 00 5,000 00 3,578 34 63,498 38 72,OSS 14 535 91 10,000 00 Total ...............................$179,700 77 $179,700 77 Neillsville— Neillsville Bank. W. L. H E M P H IL L , President. THOM AS LOW E, Vice President. HERM AN N ORTH , Cashier. W . F. N O R TH , Asst. Cashier. D IR E C TO RS. W . L. Hem phill, Thornes Lowe, W . Ft Rowe, H om er C. Clark, LI. A. North, D. Dickinson, G ilbert 7ohnson. ¿itsJ E S T A B L IS H E D 7UNE 1, 1S79. Incorporated as a State Bank Septem ber 1, 1883. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. L ia b ilitie s . Loans and discounts ............ $404,030 17 Overdrafts ............................... 1,527 60 U. S., state, m unicipal and other bonds .................. 800 00 Banking house ....................... 10,675 50 F urniture and fix t u r e s ........ 1,600 00 Other real estate owned . . . . 2,600 00 Due from approved reserve 71,774 77 b a n k s ...................................... Due from other banks ........ 5,771 08 Checks on other banks and cash items ........................... 3,345 23 Gold coin .................................. 3,845 00 Silver coin ............................... 2,236 20 U. S. and national currency 25,764 00 Nickels and cents ............... 128 10 Capital stock paid in .......... $50,000 00 Surplus fund ........................... 12,500 00 Undivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid ..........'............................. 8,843 26 Due to banks— d e p o s it s ----30,504 62 Individual deposits, subject to check ................................. 89,232 64 Demand certificates o f d e p osit ...................................... 319,275 56 Savings deposits ................... 23,741 57 To m Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis $534,097 65 Total $534,097 65 224 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF RANKING, Nekoosa— Nekoosa State Bank. GUY O. BABCOCK, P resident. L. M. A L E X A N D E R , Vice President. H. H. H E L K E , Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. E. J. W ood, L. M. Alexander, ,T. E. Bra Kean, Guy O. B abcock, John P. Nash, F. -T. McGarigee, T. E. Fitch. E STA B L IS H E D DECEM BER 12, 1013. Statement October 31, 1914:. L ia b ilitie s . R e so u rc e ». L oans and d is c o u n t s ............ Overdrafts ............................... B anking house ................... F urniture and fixtures ........ Due from approved reserve banks ...............................— Gold coin ................................... Silver c o i n ................................. U. S. and national currency Nickels and cents ................. $74,967 176 6,203 2,852 60 25 14 02 2,626 19 10 00 567 45 1,825 00 51 87 Capital stock paid in ............ $20,000 00 Surplus fund ........................... 5,000 00 Undivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes 431 13 paid ............. ........... .......... . • Individual deposits, su bject to check .................. 17,052 41 Tim e certificates o f deposit 21,181 55 ................. 25,614 43 Savings deposits $89,279 52 T otal $89,279 52 Total Nelson— Farmers State Bank. G O T T L IE B NOLD, President. THOS. OTTESEN , V ice President. E. G IE B E L, Cashier. V- A. G IE B E L, Asst. Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. G ottlieb Nold, E. Giebel, Thos. Ottesen, L. K ennedy, T. S. Saby. E S T A B L IS H E D JA N U A R Y 6, 1911. Statement October 31, 1914. L ia b ilitie s . R e so u rc e s. Loans and d is c o u n t s ............ Overdrafts ............................... Banking house ....................... Furniture and fixtures ........ Due from approved reserve banks ......................... Checks on other banks and cash i t e m s ............................. G old c o i n ................................... Silver coin ............................... U. S. and national currency Nickels and c e n t s .................. T otal Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis $93,483 234 2,450 1,300 99 28 00 00 20,385 75 779 1,990 281 2,050 06 00 00 00 65 $122,954 73 Capital stock paid in ............ Surplus fund ........................... Undivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes p a i d . . . . ................................. Individual deposits, su bject to check ................................. Tim e certificates o f deposit Total $10,000 00 3,000 00 1,223 SO 24,982 18 83,768 75 $122,954 73 REPORTS OF STATE BANKS. 225 Nelsonville— State Bank of Nelsonville. HANS JOHNSON, President. THEO. H. JOHNSON, Vice President. L. II. JOHNSON, Cashier. D IR E C TO RS. Hans Johnson, Theo. H. Johnson, L. H. Johnson. E STA B L IS H E D S E P T E M B E R 16, 1902. Incorporated as a State Bank A ugust 19, 1903. Statement October 31. 11)14. R e so u rc e s. Loans and discounts ......... Overdrafts ............................... U. S , state, m unicipal and other bonds .................... B an king h o u s e ....................... Furniture and fixtures ........ Other real estate owned . . . . Due from approved reserve banks ..................................... Checks on other banks and cash items ........................... Hold coin ................................ Silver c o i n .................... TT. S. and national currency Nickels and cents ........... L ia b ilitie s . $82,028 34 484 81 14.855 00 2,500 00 2,300 00 875 00 12,684 68 78 40 225 1,746 79 60 00 05 00 87 Total ............................... $117.897 35 $10,000 00 Capital stock paid in ........... Surplus fund ...................... 500 00 Undivided profits, less c u r rent expenses and taxes paid ........................................ 387 41 Individual deposits, subject to check .......................... 13,359 48 Demand certificates o f de nosit ........................................ 3,898 80 Tim e certificates o f deposit 89,751 66 T o t a l .............................. $117,897 35 Neosho— Neosho State Bank. D. B. GREEN E, President. JOH N M ERTES, Vice President. .T. K. DOUGLASS, Cashier, M A R T IN T. M cCOLLOW , Asst. Cashier. D IR E C TO RS. D. B. Greene, John Mertes, J. K. Douglass, R. F. Schultz, J. M. M cCollow. E S T A B L IS H E D JU L Y 7, 1905. Statement October 31. 1914. R e so u rc e s. Loans and discounts ............ O verdrafts ............................... U. S., state, m unicipal and other bonds ......................... Furniture and fixtures ........ Due from approved reserve banks .................................... Checks on other banks and cash i t e m s ............................ Gold coin ......... Silver coin ............................... U. S. and national currency N ickels and cents ................. L ia b ilitie s . $75,405 25 19 84 4,500 00 2,000 00 12,959 12 2 1,330 852 3,256 183 75 00 50 00 67 T otal ............................... $100,509 13 15—B. S. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Capital stock paid in ............ $15.000 00 Surplus fund ...................... 1,250 00 Undivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid ........................................ 2,134 97 Individual deposits, subject to check ..._......................... 21,46156 Time certificates o f deposit 60,562 60 Other liabilities ............. ....... 100 00 T otal ............................... $100,509 13 22G REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF BANKING. Neshkoro— Farmers Exchange Bank of Neshkoro. I. W. JOHNSON, President. CIIAS. T. D A H L K E , Vice President. H. A. M ILL E R , Cashier. D IR E C TO RS. Chas. T. Dahlke, J. W . Johnson. John Bryne, ■T. C. M orrisey, Ju lius E. Reetz, E S T A B L IS H E D JU LY 7, 190S. Statement October 31, 1914. L ia b ilitie s . R e so u rc e s. Loans and discounts ............ O verdrafts ............................... IT. S., state, m unicipal and other bonds ......................... Banking’ house ....................... Furniture and fixtures ........ Due from approved reserve banks .................................... Checks on other banks and cash item s ........................... Cold coin .................................. Silver coin ............................... IT. S. and national currency N ickels and cents ................. T otal ............................. $58,384 15 237 86 34,845 00 2,000 00 1,000 00 21,032 75 338 650 913 5,772 280 21 00 70 00 90 Capital stock paid in .......... $10,000 00 Surplus fund ........................... 2,700 00 Undivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid ........................................ 1,901 63 Individual deposits, su bject to check ................................. 18,897 56 Tim e certificates o f deposit 91,367 63 Cashier’s checks outstanding 488 07 Accrued interest a c c o u n t... 99 68 T otal ............................. $125,454 57 $125,454 57 New Auburn— Bank of New Auburn. AUNT. ER IC K SO N , President. C. P. HANSEN, V ice President. L E R O Y ABRAHAM SON, Cashier. J. E D W IN ER IC K SO N , A sst. Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. Arnt. E rickson, C. P. Hansen, Win. Larson, G. W . E ngebretson, H. M cCorm ick. E S T A B L IS H E D AUGUST 28, 1907. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. Loans and d is c o u n t s ............ $104,801 06 Overdrafts ............................... 183 33 U. S., state, m unicipal and other bonds ......................... 9.000 00 2,680 00 B anking house ....................... Furniture and fixtures 2,008 00 Other real estate owned . . . . 1,350 00 Due from approved reserve banks .................................... 16,176 25 Checks on other banks and cash i t e m s ............................ 32 86 Gold coin ................................ 1,025 00 Silver coin ............................... 536 10 U. S. and national currency 1,364 00 N ickels and cents ................. 41 09 T otal ............................ .8139.197 69 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis L ia b ilitie s . Capital stock paid in .......... Surplus fund ........................... Undivided profits, less current expenses and taxes paid ........................................ Individual deposits, su bject to check ................................. Time certificates o f deposit $10,000 00 2,000 00 2,629 15 41.255 89 83,312 65 T otal ............................... 8139 197 69 REPORTS OF STATE BANKS. 227 Newburg— State Bank of Newburg. fipr r JOHN G. R E IC H L , President. BEN W. F IC K , Vice President. B. H. M ERTES, Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. B. H. Mertes, A. E. Brott. John G. R eichl, Ben W . P ick, ]\r. F. Geit, E S T A B L IS H E D DECEM BER 13, 1911. Statement October 31. 1914. L ia b ilitie s . R e so u rc e s. Loans and d iscou n ts............ Overdrafts ............................... IT. S., state, m unicipal and other bonds ......................... B anking house ..................... F urniture and fixtures . . . . Due from approved reserve banks .................................... Checks on other banks and cash items ........................... Gold coin .......................... Silver coin ............................. U. S. and national currency Nickels and cents ................. Total ............................. $75,823 66 633 10 2,500 00 , 2,823 71 1,542 52 11,2S3 18 14 355 350 4,579 78 60 00 50 00 44 $99,983 71 Capital stock paid in .......... $12,000 00 Surplus fund ......................... 300 00 Undivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes 1,140 98 paid ...................................... Dividends unpaid ................. 3 00 Individual deposits, su bject to check ............................... 22,413 Tim e certificates o f deposit 57,487 Savings deposits ................. 6,415 Cashier’ s checks outstand 223 33 in g ........................................ T otal ............................. $99,983 71 New Butler— State Bank of New Butler. T. S. TT. P IL G R IM , President. E. D IC KIN SON , Vice President. M. J. D A L Y , Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. Geo. L illy, Frank Arm itage, H enry F rey, W m. Simerlein. .T. IT. P ilgrim , Fred J. Schroeder, R ichard Schneider, S. E. D ickinson, C. S. Pierce, E S T A B L IS H E D JU LY 15, 1913. Statement October 31, 1914. L ia b ilitie s . R e so u rc e s. Loans and d isco u n ts............ Overdrafts ............................... U. S., state, m unicipal and other bonds ......................... Banking house ..................... F urniture and fixtures . . . . Due from approved reserve banks .................................... Checks on other banks and cash i t e m s ............................. Gold coin ................................. Silver coin ............................. TJ. S. and national currency Nickels and cents ................. E xpense ............. $24,938 13 9 73 .. $42,713 13 T otal ,,, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 7,860 52 2,557 92 1,322 85 Capital stock paid in .............. $10,000 00 Individual deposits, su bject to check ................. 10,359 50 Demand certificates o f d e p osit .................................... 40° 03 Savings deposits ................. '6.947 3,029 28 1,013 250 532 689 120 388 90 00 50 00 72 58 T otal $42,713 13 228 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF RANKING. New Franken— New Franken State Bank. CONSTANT DEQUAINE, Cashier. A. L. G R E IL IN G , President. J. H. T A Y L E R , Vice President. A. L, Greiling, .T. H. Tayler, Sol. P. H untington, Frank Blonde, D IR E ' 'TORS. Ju lius Speerschneider, Sr., Joshua Bodard, Sylvan Yandrisse. E S T A B L IS H E D JA N U A R Y 17, 1912. Statement October 31, 1914. L ia b ilitie s . R e so u rc e s. L oans and d iscou n ts............ $164,813 57 U. S., state, m unicipal and other bonds ......................... 1,376 56 B anking house ..................... 3,326 03 Furniture and fixtures . . . . 1,953 02 Due from approved reserve banks ..................................... 27,805 73 Checks on other banks and cash items ........................... 168 50 Gold coin ................................. 1,505 00 Silver coin .......................... 1,228 85 U. S. and national currency 6,105 00 Nickels and cents .................. 86 75. T otal ............................. $208,369 01 Capital stock paid i n ........ $12,000 00 1,500 00 Surplus fu nd ......................... Undivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid ............... 887 57 Individual deposits, su bject to check ................................. 18,155 04 Tim e certificates o f deposit 159,044 17 Savings deposits .................. 16,782 23 1 T otal ............................. $208,369 01 New Glarus— The Bank of New Glarus. THOM AS H E F T Y , President. JO SE PH H OESLY, Vice President. T. C. H E F T Y , Cashier. S. A. SC H IN D L E R , Asst. Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. R udolph K undert. T hom as H efty, Joseph H oesly, E S T A B L IS H E D OCTOBER 30, 1893. Incorporated as a State Bank June 20, 1903. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. L ia b ilitie s . Loans and d isco u n ts............$394,601 30 Overdrafts ............................... 442 58 U. S., state, m unicipal and other bon ds ......................... 19,000 00 Stocks and other securities 600 00 B anking house ..................... 10,000 00 F urniture and fix tu res.......... 2,000 00 Due from approved reserve banks ........................ 45,366 35 Due from other b a n k s.......... 11,656 01 Checks on other banks and cash i t e m s ............................. 2,079 59 Gold coin ................................. 4,915 00 Silver coin ............................. 1,108 65 U. S. and national currency 4,722 00 N ickels and ce n ts................... 71 15 Capital stock paid in ........ $40,000 00 Surplus fu nd ................... 10,000 00 Undivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid ........................................ 4,124 27 Due to banks— d e p o s it s .... 2,225 93 Individual deposits, su bject to check ................................. 148,535 57 Demand certificates o f de p osit ...................................... 210,995 10 Savings deposits ................... 80,336 01 Cashier’s checks outstand in g .......................................... 345 75 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis T otal ............................. $496,562 63 T otal ............................. $496,562 63 REPORTS OF STATE BANKS. 229 New Glarus— The Citizens Bank of New Glarus. O. G. STAMN, President. C A SPE R Z W IC K E Y , Vice President. J. J. F IG I, Cashier. J. S. U RBEN, A sst. Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. J. H enry Legler, Casper Zw ickey, O. G. Stainn, J. J. F igi, Geo. K. Bowers. E S T A B L IS H E D JUNE 17, 1910. Statement October 31, 1914. L ia b ilitie s . R e so u rc e s. Loans and discou nts .......... $167,165 98 Overdrafts ............................... 133 97 10,000 00 Banking house ...................... F urniture and fixtu res.......... 6,200 00 Due from approved reserve banks .................................... 37,551 47 Due from other banks ___ 1,060 28 Checks on other banks and cash items ......................... 57 00 E xchanges fo r clearing house .................................. 20 00 Gold coin ................................. 4,000 00 Silver coin .................... . 1,22125 U. S. and national currency 3,159 00 Nickels and cents ........... 190 59 Capital stock paid in .......... Surplus fund ......................... Undivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid ........................................ D ividends unpaid ................. Individual deposits, subject to check ............................... Demand certificates of de posit ...................................... Savings deposits .................. $40,000 00 1,400 00 2,176 56 30 00 73,550 14 95,951 87 17,705 97 T otal ............................... $230,814 54 Total ............................... $230,814 54 New Holstein— State Bank of' New Holstein. JAM ES G. GRIEM , President. F R E D E R IÒ K B U L L W IN K E L , Cashier. GEO. II. SC H R OE DE R , V ice President. D IR E C TO R S. James G. Griem, G eorge II. Schroeder, A dolph W eber, A. A. Laun, G eorge L. Leverenz, E. W . Timm , F red B ullwinkel. E S T A B L IS H E D JA N U A R Y 2, 1903. Statement October 31, 1 9 i4 . L ia b ilitie s . R e so u rc e s. L oans and d iscou n ts................ $199,195 Overdrafts ............................... 2,491 U. S., state, m unicipal and other bonds ......................... 3,000 B anking house ..................... 5,000 F urniture and fixtu res.......... 1,500 Due from approved reserve banks ................................... 20,438 Checks on other banks and cash i t e m s ............................. 282 Gold coin ........................ 6,080 Silver coin ............................... 1,362 U. S. and national currency 5,571 Nickels and cents ................. 101 T otal 76 02 00 00 00 56 92 00 00 00 54 ............................. $245,022 80 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Capital stock paid in .......... $25,000 00 Surplus fund ......................... 8,000 00 U ndivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid ...................................... 1,485 97 Individual deposits, su bject to check .......................... 77,834 48 T im e certificates of deposit. 101,698 45 Postal s a v in g s ......................... 1,000 61 Notes and bills rediscounted 30,000 00 Cash over ................................. 3 29 T otal ............................. $245,022 SO 230 REPORT OP THE COMMISSIONER OP BANKING. New Lisbon— Farmers & Merchants Bank. J. J. HUGHES, President. C. D. CU RTIS, V ice President. J. H. M ARSH, Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. W. R. Barnes, F. S. Haire. J. J. H ughes, C. D. Curtis, J. H. Marsh, E S T A B L IS H E D AUGUST 2, 18SG. Incorporated as a State Bank A ugu st 24, 1903. Statement October 31, 1914. L ia b ilitie s . R e so u rc e s. Loans and d iscou n ts.............. $177,143 04 Capital stock paid in .......... $15,000 00 3,000 00 O verdrafts ............................... 275 25 Surplus f u n d ........................... U. S., state, m unicipal and Undivided profits, less cu r other bon ds ....................... 15,572 50 rent expenses and taxes paid ........................................ 3,024 52 B anking house ..................... 4,000 00 Furniture and fixtures.......... 2,528 48 Individual deposits, subject to check ................................. 30,493 36 Other real estate o w n e d ___ 748 10 Demand certificates o f de Due from approved reserve posit ....................................... 900 35 banks ..................................... 32,632 65 Tim e certificates o f deposit 184,102 24 Checks on other banks and ................ 5,296 42 cash items ........................... 136 25 Savings deposits Gold coin ...................... 3,630 00 Postal savings ...................... 1,537 08 260 72 Silver c o i n ................................. 815 65 Other ............................... U. S. and national currency 6,100 00 32 77 N ickels and cents ................. T otal ............................. $243,614 69 T ota l ............................. $243,614 69 New Lisbon— New Lisbon State Bank. H. .T. M ORTENSEN, President. W. H. F A R L E Y , Vice President. H. J. GIBSON, Cashier.. D IR E C TO R S. A. S. Marshall, W . H. Farley. H. J. M ortensen, W . II. H. Cash, Otto Gebhart, E S T A B L IS H E D JULY 22, 1911. Statement October 31, 1914. L ia b ilitie s . R e so u rc e s. Loans and d iscou n ts..........$103,234 O verdrafts ............................... 3,865 U. S., state, m unicipal and other bonds ......................... 9,500 Prem ium on. bonds ............... 180 F urniture and fixtu res.......... 594 Due from approved reserve 6,517 banks .................. Checks on other banks and cash i t e m s ............................. 178 Gold coin ................................. 152 Silver coin ........... 402 U. S. and national currency 2,547 N ickels and ce n ts................. 101 T otal Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 90 89 00 00 39 04 81 50 05 00 30 .............................$127,273 88 Capital stock paid in .......... $15,000 00 Surplus fund ........................... 1,200 00 U ndivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid ........................................ 1,073 54 Due to banks— d ep o sits___ 307 90 Individual deposits, subject to check ................................ 31,391 95 Demand certificates o f de posit ...................................... 125 00 Tim e certificates o f deposit 69,490 64 Savings deposits ................. 1,393 15 P ostal saving's ..................... 1,125 90 Notes and bills rediscounted 4,900 00 Other ........................................ 1,285 80 T otal ............................. $127,273 88 REPORTS OF STATE BANKS. 231 New London— Bank of New London. A. H. P A PE , President. E. C. P A PE , Cashier. D IR E C TO RS. E. C. Pape, A. II. Pape. Helen Pape, Meta Trayser, E S T A B L IS H E D A P R IL 15, 1872. . Incorporated as a State Bank A ugust 17, 1903. Statement October 31, 1911. L ia b ilitie s . R e so u rc e s. L oans and d iscou n ts............ $37,412 65 Overdrafts ............................... 147 86 Stocks and other securities. 2,230 55 Banking house ..................... 7,500 00 F urniture and fixtures ----1,500 00 Due from approved reserve 7,843 06 banks .................................... E xchanges fo r clearing house .................................... 1,015 48 Gold coin ................................ 1,725 00 Silver coin ............................... 827 00 U. S. and national currency 2,146 00 Nickels and cen ts................. 153 72 $62,551 32 Total Capital stock paid in .......... Surplus fund ......................... U ndivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid .................................•••• Individual deposits, subject to check ............................... Tim e certificates o f deposit Reserved fo r taxes ............... $10,000 00 6,000 00 639 96 9,469 25 34,842 11 1,600 00 $62,551 32 Total New London— The Farmers State Bank of New London. S. E. W R IG H T , President. JACOB W E R N E R , Vice President. E. C. JOST, Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. A. F. Zillm er, S. E. W right, Jacob W erner. Thos. Flanagan, Win. Strelow, E. C. Jost, F ay R. Smith, E S T A B L IS H E D DECEM BER 29, 1911. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. L ia b ilitie s . Capital stock paid in .......... Loans and d isco u n ts............$159,546 82 O verdrafts ................... 485 16 Surplus fund ......................... U ndivided profits, less cu r U. S., state, m unicipal and rent expenses and taxes other bon ds ......................... 8,890 00 paid ........................................ Prem ium on bon ds .............. 40 00 6,300 00 Individual deposits, subject Banking house ..................... to check ................................. F urniture and fixtures ----3,560 58 Tim e certificates o f deposit Due from approved reserve banks ......... 17,496 06 Savings deposits ................... Notes and bills rediscounted Checks on other banks and cash item s ........................... 120 34 Reserved fo r taxes ................ Accrued interest ................... E xchanges fo r clearing house .................................... 326 19 Gold coin ................................. 1,545 00 Silver coin ............................... 896 40 U. S. and national currency 6,601 00 N ickels and cents .................. 196 54 T otal ............................... $206,004 09 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis $25,000 00 1,250 00 2,137 96 38,523 113,159 18,557 6,500 525 350 48 80 85 00 00 00 T otal ............................... $206,004 09 232 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF BANKING. New Richmond— Bank of New Richmond. F. S. W AD E, President. J. W. McCOY, Cashier. It. W. Mc-COY, Asst. Cashier. D IR E C TO RS. F. S. W ade, J. VV. McCoy, It. W . McCoy. E S T A B L IS H E D S E PTE M B E R 23, 1ST8. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. L ia b ilitie s . Loans and d iscou n ts............$328,518 Overdrafts ............................... 1,218 U. S., state, m unicipal and other bonds ........................ 8,000 Banking house ..................... 7,037 1 Other real estate ow n e d ........ Due from approved reserve banks .................................... 39,401 Checks on other banks and cash i t e m s ............................. 1,704 Gold coin ................................. 1,982 1,962 Silver coin ............................... IJ. S. and national currency 3,815 Nickels and cen ts................. 226 T otal 26 02 15 62 00 69 47 50 20 00 75 Capital stock paid in .......... Surplus fund ......................... Undivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid ......... Due to banks— deposits . . . . Individual deposits, subject to check ............................... Tim e certificates of deposit Savings deposits ...........-... Cashier’s checks outstand ing ........................................ ............................. $393,870 66 T otal $35,000 00 13,000 00 4,447 45 8,582 96 110,657 46 177.899 68 38,336 86 5,946 25 ............................. $393,870 66 New Richmond— The Manufacturers Bank. JOH N E. GLOV E R , President. W. F. M cN A LLY, Vice President. L. A. B A K E R , Cashier. H. E. ROUNSAVELL, Asst. Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. John E. Glover, L. A. Baker, W . F. M cNally, H. E. Rounsavell, M. P. M cNally. E S T A B L IS H E D OCTOBER 12, 1887. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. R isibilities. Loans and discounts .......... $297,691 39 O verdrafts ............................... 1,182 03 U. S., state, m unicipal and other bonds ........... 10,000 00 Stocks and other securities 500 00 F urniture and f i x t u r e s ..... 2,500 00 Other real estate o w n e d ----995 66 Due from approved reserve banks .................................... 66,002 23 Due from other b a n k s.......... 1,407 93 Checks on other banks and cash items ........................... 1,446 12 Gold coin ................................. 2,020 00 Silver coin ................. 2,463 05 U. S. and national currency 3,898 00 N ickels and ce n ts.................... 102 88 Capital stock paid in ....... $30,000 00 Surplus fund ........................... 10^000 00 Undivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid ...................................... 3,986 69 Individual deposits, subject to check ...................... 141,937 25 Tim e certificates of deposit 172,523 61 29,819 36 Savings deposits ................. Cashier’s checks outstand ing .......................................... 1,942 38 T otal ...............................$390,209 29 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Total $390,209 29 233 REPORTS OF STATE BANKS. North Fond du Lac— The First Wisconsin Bank. G. M. W Y A T T , Cashier. T. H. NORM ILE, Asst. Cashier. P. B. H A B E R , Asst. Cashier. S. D. W Y A T T , President. A. J. PU LLE N , Vice President. Y)IRE( H O R S. I ’ . B. Haber, ,T. E. Koepenick, H. E. Hoffman. S. D. W yatt, A. ,T. Pullen, G. A. Knapp, E STA B L IS H E D DECEM BER 27, 1904. r 31, 1 «14. Statement L ia b ilitie s . R e so u rc e s. Loans and discounts . . . . . . Overdrafts ............................... U. S., state, m unicipal and other bon ds ......................... Banking house ..................... Furniture and fixtures . . . . Due from approved reserve banks .................................... Gold coin ................................. Silver c o i n ........................ IT. S. and national currency Nickels and cents ................. T otal ............................. $50,484 04 128 94 11X000 00 5,500 00 3,859 89 7,502 67 37 50 338 50 1,008 00 81 57 Capital stock paid i n .......... $20,000 00 Surplus fu nd ......................... 4,000 00 Undivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid ........................................ 2,255 40 Individual deposits, subject to check ................................. 20,192 15 T im e certificates o f deposit 2,058 43 Savings deposits ................... 31,435 13 T otal $79,941 11 ............................. $79 .,941 11 North Freedom— Bank of North Freedom. R. B. D IC K IE , President. J. T. L A W T O N , V ice President. W . C. H AHN, Cashier. D IR E C TO RS. W m. Dickie, W . J. Egerèr, John Egerer. R. B. Dickie, .T. T. Lawton, Conrad Egerer, R. S. Lange, E S T A B L IS H E D JU LY 29, 1903. Statement October 31, 1914. L ia b ilitie s . R e s o u rc e s. Loans and discounts .......... Overdrafts ............................. U. S., state, m unicipal and other bonds ......................... B anking house ..................... Furniture and fixtures.......... Due from approved reserve banks ........................ Due from other b a n k s .......... Checks on other banks and cash items ........................... Gold coin ................................. Silver coin ............... IT. S. and national currency N ickels and cents ......... T otal $79,178 31 1,426 72 32,771 30 3,500 00 1,300 00 27,725 76 264 16 64 1,265 503 2,904 66 68 00 65 00 50 ................................ $150,970 08 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Capital stock paid in ............ $10,000 00 Surplus fund ......................... 3,000 00 Undivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid ........................................ 2,018 01 Individual deposits, subject to check .................................... 17,175 92 Demand certificates o f de posit ...................................... 2,069 83 Tim e certificates of deposit 116,703 56 P ostal savings ....................... 2 76 T otal ................................ $150,970 08 R E P O R T OF T H E C O M M IS S IO N E R OF B A N K IN G !. 234 North Lake— Bank of North Lake. BU RTON M. SM ITH , President. FR A N C IS J. DO N N E LLY , Vice Pres. H. R. N E ITZE L, Asst. Cashier. P H A R E S PE TE R SO N , Asst. Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. Burton M. Smith, F rancis J. Donnelly, Peter E. Sorenson, Frank Hall, Samuel S. Sleep, H enry Peterson, Daniel Sullivan. E S T A B L IS H E D SE PT E M B E R 6, 1911. Statement October 31, 1914. L ia b ilitie s . R e so u rc e s. L oans and d isco u n ts............$101,268 Overdrafts ..................... 161 U. S., state, m unicipal and 42,794 other to n d s ....................... B anking house ..................... 4,000 F urniture and fixtu res.......... 1,959 Due from approved reserve banks .................................... 23,423 Gold coin ................................. 785 Silver coin ............................... 533 IT. S. and national currency 9,148 102 N ickels and cen ts................. 68 53 50 00 00 89 00 30 00 69 Capital stock paid in .......... $20,000 00 Surplus fu n d ......................... 5,000 00 Undivided profits, less c u r rent expenses and taxes paid ....... 1,724 37 Individual deposits, subject to check ................................. 37,202 31 Demand certificates o f de p osit ....................................... 73,757 75 45,592 16 Savings deposits ................... Reserved fo r taxes ................ 900 00 T otal ...............................$184,176 59 T otal ............................... $184,176 59 North Milwaukee— Citizens Bank of North Milwaukee. H. A. W AG N E R , President. E. D. CODDINGTON, Vice President. CHAS. H. K R O H N , Cashier. A. P A LG LA SE , Asst. Cashier. D IR E C TO RS. H. A. W agner, T. II. Spence, Ed. Butler, Herm. F. K irsch, .T. II. R ohr, E. D. C oddington, Clias. H. Krohn. E S T A B L IS H E D S E PT E M B E R 19, 1905. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. L ia b ilitie s . Loans and d iscou n ts............ $176,733 22 Capital stock paid in .......... $25,000 00 O verdrafts.................................. 72 78 Surplus fund ......................... 4.400 00 II. S., state, m unicipal and U ndivided profits, less c u r other bonds ......................... 31,581 67 rent, expenses and taxes Prem ium on b o n d s ............... 88 00 paid ....................................... 2,736 29 B anking house ....................... 6,072 00 Individual deposits, subject Furniture and fi x t u r e s ........ 2,725 00 to check ............. 92,448 63 Due from approved reserve Demand certificates o f de banks .............................. 41,520 41 posit ...................................... 3.026 50 Gold coin ................................. 1,240 00 Tim e certificates o f deposit 12,985 42 Silver coin ............................... 949 00 Savings deposits ................. 125,689 42 U. S. and national currency 8,835 00 Certified checks ..................... 170 00 Nickels and c e n t s ................... 343 07 Cashier’ s checks outstand in g ......................................... 2,040 00 Other .......................................... 63 87 P ostal savings ....................... 1,327 76 Other ........................................ 400 00 T otal ............................. $270,224 02 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis T otal ............................. $270,224 02 REPORTS OF S T A T E BANKS. 235 Norwalk— Norwalk State Bank. M. GOETZ, President. H E N R Y SCH E LL, Vice President. C. E. HORNUNG, Cashier. D IR E C TO RS. M. Goetz, C. H. Dreier, H enry Schell, F. W. Luetke, John W eibel. E STA B L IS H E D MAY 4, 1903. Statement October 31. 1014. R e so u rc e s. L ia b ilitie s . Loans and d iscou n ts............ $159,729 06 Capital stock paid in ............. $15,000 O verdrafts ............................... 1,768 20 Surplus fund ......................... 8,000 B anking house ..................... 5,500 00 Undivided profits, less c u r Furniture and fixtu res........ 1,118 00 rent expenses and taxes Due from approved reserve paid ...................................... 927 banks .............................. 36.201 67 Individual deposits, su bject 2,667 71 Due from other b a n k s ........ to check .............................. 22,588 Gold coin ................................. 1,470 00 Tim e certificates o f deposit 166,419 Silver coin ............................... 1,197 95 IT. S. and national currency 3,148 00 Nickels and ce n ts................. 134 93 T otal ............................. $212,935 52 T otal 00 00 84 37 31 ............................. $212,935 52 Norwalk— The Farmers State Bank of Norwalk. F R A N K W A R T M A N , President. II. L. V IE T H , Vice President. M. O. H E F F E R M A N , Cashier. D IR E C TO RS. Frank W artm an, IT. L. Vieth, John H. M arburger, M. O. Hefferman, W . T. Aney, H enry Vieregge, A. C .'K oepck e. E S T A B L IS H E D SE PT E M B E R 17, 1907. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. L ia b ilitie s . Loans and d iscou n ts............$119.508 Overdrafts ............................... 2,292 IT. S.. state, m unicipal and other bonds ......................... 4,515 Banking house ....................... 5.000 Furniture and fixtu res........ 2,350 Due from approved reserve banks ................. •................ 23.941 Due from other banks ........ 2,668 Checks on other banks and cash items .......................... 398 Gold coin ................................. 807 Silver coin ............................... 495 U. S. and national currency 6,202 Nickels and cen ts................... 20 Total Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 50 99 00 00 50 53 32 Capital stock paid in .............. $15.000 Surplus fund ......................... 4,500 Undivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid ..................................... 1,244 Individual deposits, subject to check ................................ 30,960 Tim e certificates of deposit 116,496 00 00 52 36 13 58 50 90 00 19 $168,201 01 Total $168,201 01 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF BANKING. Oakfield— Bank of Oakfield. C. C. G. MORGAN, President. H EN N IN GSEN , V ice President. W . E. B R IS T O L . Cashier. GRACE E. TOW N , Asst. Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. A. J. W orth in g, C. Henningsen, C. G. M organ, W . E. B ristol. E S T A B L IS H E D F E B R U A R Y 22, 1898. In corporated as a State Bank Septemher 3, 1901. Statement October 31, 1914. L ia b ilitie s . R e so u r c e s. L oans and d isco u n ts........... $142,423 77 Capital stock paid in ............. $25,000 10,000 631 02 Surplus fu nd ......................... O verdrafts .......................... • Undivided profits, less cu r U. S.. state, m unicipal and rent expenses and taxes other bonds ....................... 8,364 56 10,993 paid ...................................... Stocks and other securities 167 50 B anking house ....................... 5,800 00 Individual deposits, subject to check ............................... 51,914 F urniture and fixtu res........ 2,840 12 Tim e certificates o f deposit 102,009 Due from approved reserve banks .................................. 33,224 93 Checks on other banks and cash items ........................ 44 23 Gold coin ................................. 505 00 Silver coin ....................... 908 20 TT. S. and national currency 3,913 00 N ickels and cents . ................ 57 51 A ccounts receivable . . . ----1,037 37 Total ............................. $199,917 21 T otal ..................... .. 00 00 20 33 68 $199,917 21 Oconomowoc— Bank o f Oconomowoc. B. G. E D G E R TO N , President. E. S. THOM PSON, V ice President. PAUL R. M cK EE, Cashier. J. F. FLAN AGAN , A sst. Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. ,T. A. P eacock, ' Ghas. H. Jackson, B. G. E dgerton, . Edw. S. T hom pson, J. F. F lanagan, H. A. Ernst. W . S. W in g , Paul R. McKee. E S T A B L IS H E D SE P T E M B E R 1, 1859. Incorporated as a State Bank Novem ber 14, 1889. Statement October 31, 1914. L ia b ilitie s . R e so u r c e s. Loans and d iscou n ts.............. $357,952 SO Capital stock paid i n ............ $50,000 00 10.000 00 Overdrafts ............................. 8,928 80 Surplus fu nd ......................... U ndivided profits, less cu r IT. S., state, m unicipal and rent expenses and taxes 87,928 12 other bonds ....................... 4,461 01 paid ...................................... Stocks and other securities 1.494 13 Banking house ..................... 10.000 00 Individual deposits, su bject 144,349 45 to check ............................... F urniture and fixtu res........ 6,590 00 Other real estate ow n e d . . . . 10000 Demand certificates o f de 452 71 posit ................................... Due from approved reserve banks .................................. 37,034 44 Tim e certificates o f deposit 183,880 09 Savings deposits ................. 151,115 05 Checks on other banks and 1 20 cash items ...................... 3,469 32 Certified checks ..................... E xchanges fo r clearing house ..................................... 2.173 61 Gold coin ................................. 5,302 50 Silver coin ............................. 7,030 15 TT. S. and national currency 15,678 00 N ickels and ce n ts................. 517 53 In transit ................... ,•........... 61 31 Total Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis $544,260 71 Total $544,260 71 REPORTS OF S T A T E BANKS. 237 Oconto— Farmers Bank of Oconto. R. C. W H IT N E Y , Cashier. A. M. M A RTIN E A U , President. ED. M IL L ID G E , V ice President. D IR E C TO R S. A. M. Martineau, R . H. English, George Beyer, P hil Lingelbach, A. C. F rost, A randas Pocquette. Ed. M illidge, E S T A B L IS H E D S E PT E M B E R 28, 1D11. Statement October 31. 1914. Ite so u rc e s. L ia b ilitie s . Loans and d iscou n ts............ $81,918 77 Capital stock paid in .......... $30,000 CO Overdrafts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,764 21 Surplus fund ......................... 11,000 00 Stocks and other securities 49,379 10 Undivided profits, less cu r Banking house ..................... 5,379 35 rent expenses and taxes F urniture and fixtures . . . . . 2,200 00 paid ....................................... 4,338 05 Due from approved reserve uvidual deposits, su bject 7,323 69 banks ..................................... 48,503 92 to check ............. Checks on other banks and Tim e certificates o f deposit 41,051 80 cash items ......................... 491 43 Savings deposits ............. 9,392 59 230 00 B ills payable ......................... Gold coin .. ........................... 12,000 00 Silver coin ............................... 777 60 U. S. and national currency5,620 00 Nickels and ce n ts................. 207 19 T otal ............................. $156,286 >6 T ital ............................. $156,286 36 Oconto Falls— State Bank of Oconto Falls. O. C. MADSEN, President. A L B E R T BOYCE, Vice President. T. F. R EYN OLDS, Cashier. M. L. THOM AS, Asst. Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. O. C. Madsen, A lbert Boyce, T. F. R eynolds, A ugust Birr, A. Lipshitz, C. F. Meyer. H. B. Bennett, E S T A B L IS H E D SE PT E M B E R 1, 1900. Incorporated as a State Bank Ju ly 13, 1903. Statement October 31. 1914. R e so u rc e s. L ia b ilitie s . Loans and d iscou n ts............ $169,066 21 Overdrafts ............................ . < 68 55 U. S., state, m unicipal and other bon ds ............. 5,000 00 B anking house ........... 7^150 00 F urniture and fixtu res........ 1,725 00 Other real estate o w n e d .... 1,000 00 Due from- approved reserve banks ....................... 24,968 57 Checks on other banks and cash item s ........................... 1,064 06 Gold coin ................................. 665 00 Silver coin ............................... 686 10 U. S. and national currency 9,682 00 72 04 Nickels and cen ts................. Capital stock paid in ............ $25,000 00 Surplus fund ......................... 4,750 00 Undivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid .................................. 1,077 97 Individual deposits, subject to check ................. ............. 37,857 11 Tim e certificates o f deposit 118.563 64 Savings deposits ................. 28.S73 01 Cashier’s checks outstand ing ........ 25 20 Notes and bills rediscounted 5,000 00 Total Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis $221,147 53 Toral $221,147 53 238 R E P O R T OF T H E C O M M IS S IO N E R OF B A N K IN G . Ogdensburg— The Farmers State Bank of Ogdensburg. HANS JOHNSON, President. A. D. SHAMP.EAU, V ice President. H. H. JOHNSON, Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. H. H. Johnson, H. H erbert, Hans Johnson, A. D. Shambeau, P. H. Peterson. E S T A B L IS H E D OCTOBER 4, 1906. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. L ia b ilitie s . Loans and d iscou n ts............ $74,232 00 O verdrafts ............................... 453 54 U. S., state, m unicipal and other bonds ....................... 4,950 00 Banking house ..................... 2,500 00 2,459 18 F urniture and fixtu res........ Other real estate o w n e d ___ 2,500 00 Due from approved reserve banks ...................... 10,682 05 Checks on other banks and cash items ........................... 1,181 33 Gold coin ................................. 445 00 Silvdf coin ................... „ ......... 474 35 U. S. and national currency 1,822 00 50 47 Nickels and cen ts................. Capital stock paid in ........... $10,000 00 Surplus fund ......................... 900 00 Undivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid ....... 1,329 93 Individual deposits, su bject to check ............................... 13,612 03 Demand certificates of de posit ....................................... 20,027 00 Tim e certificates o f deposit 54,978 IS Savings deposits .............. 902 24 T otal ............................. $101,749 98 T o t a l ............................... $101,749 98 Ogema— State Bank of Ogema. AUGUST H E D E N , President. L. A. SOLQUIST, Vice President. E. A. HEDEN , Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. A ugust L. A. N. L. C. V. Heden, Solquist, Smith, Loderstrom , C. G. Engstrand, E. L. Dahl, A. W . Nelson. E S T A B L IS H E D JA N U A R Y 16, 1914. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. L ia b ilitie s . L oans and d iscou n ts............ $29,843 57 Capital stock paid in ............ $10,000 00 Overdrafts ...................... 220 29 Surplus fund ......................... 2,500 00 Banking house ..................... 2,529 47 Individual deposits, subject F urniture and fixtu res___ _ 1,536 16 to check ....... 15,644 80 Due from approved reserve Demand certificates o f de banks .............................. 2,742 65 posit ....................................... 17,092 89 Due from other b a n k s . . . . . . 4,741 13 Cashier's checks outstand ( hecks on other banks and ing ........................................ 465 08 cash items ................. 762 11 Gold coin ............................. ... 10 00 Silver C l i n ............................... 412 70 U. S. and national currency 2,362 00 N ickels and c e n ts................. 69 51 Expense ................................... 473 IS Total Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis $45,702 77 Total $45,702 77 reports op state banks. 239 Omro— Farmers Bank of Omro. li. H. H A C K E T T . President. •JOHN D. T R E L E V A N , V ice President. R. II. H ackett, John D. Trelevan, A. ,T. Marble, E. Sargeant, A. J. M A RB LE , Cashier. D IR E C TO RS. G. H. Charlesworth, Jos. D. Trelevan, John Cliallouer. E STA B L IS H E D F E B R U A R Y 5, 1909. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. L ia b ilitie s . Loans and d iscou n ts........... $302,963 28 136 92 Overdrafts ................................ U. S., state, m unicipal and other bonds ....................... 22,204 71 B anking house .............. 4,000 00 Furniture and fixtures........ 1,000 ¿0 Due from approved reserve banks ................................. 51,145 12 Due from other ba n k s........ 2,7.84 82 Gold coin ................................. 2,475.00 Silver coin ............................... 716 70 IJ. S. and national currency 5,265 00 Nickels and ce n ts................... 199 80 Total ............................. $392,891 39 Capital stock paid in ........... $30,000 Surplus fund ......................... 7,500 Undivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid ...................................... 1.693 D ividends unpaid .............. 24 Individual deposits, subject to check ............................... SO,917 Tim e certificates o f deposit 248,114 Savings deposits ................. 24,128 Certified checks ................... 513 Total 00 00 12 00 30 96 91 10 ........... ................. $392,891 39 Onalaska— Onalaska State Bank. A. N. MOORE, President. G. A. K A E P P L E R , Vice President. JOHN C. A IK E N , Cashier. D IR E C TO RS. G. A. Kaeppler, R. I). Gordon. A. N. M oore, T. G. Aiken, A. E. Smith, E S T A B L IS H E D MAY 27, 1912. Statement October 31, 191 i. R e so u rc e s. Loans and d i s c o u n t s .... ... Overdrafts ............................... U. S., state, m unicial and other bonds ......................... B anking house ..................... r'urnitnre and fix tu res........ Due from approved reserve banks .................................... Due from other banks ........ Checks on other banks and cash items ........................... Gold coin .......................... Silver coin ............................... D. S. and national currency Nickels and cen ts................. T otal .......... Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ............... L ia b ilitie s . $85,287 36 33 50 2,000 00 2,600 00 1,900 00 8.323 59 1,738 05 197 140 510 1,003 134 Capital stock paid in .............. Surplus fund ............. Undivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid ...................................... Dividends unpaid _____ Individual deposits, subject to check ........... .......... ...... Time certificates o f deposit $10,000 00 2,500 00 1,619 42 7 00 23.513 81 46.22S 17 20 00 80 00 SS $83,868 44 Total ............................. $83,868 44 R E P O R T OF T H E C O M M IS S IO N E R OF B A N K IN G . 2-fO Ontario— Bank of Ontario. A. T. SAUNDERS, President. L. R. A B B O TT , Vice President. M. H. DONAHOE, Cashier. O R R A M. A B B O TT , Asst. Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. A. T. Morie C. M. L. R. Saunders, Timm erman, Sandon, A bbott, W. G. W illiam s, H ow ard Teasdale, L. R. W alker. E S T A B L IS H E D JENE 15, 1912. Statement October 31, 1914. L ia b ilitie s . R e so u rc e s. Loans and d iscou n ts............ O verdrafts ............................... B an king h o u s e ........... Furniture and fix tu res........ Due from approved reserve banks ..................................... Due from other b a n k s.......... ( necks on other banks and cash items ....... Gold coin ................................ Silver ccin ............................. IT. S. and national currency Nickels and c e n t s .,.............. T otal ............................. $10,658 259 1,368 1,223 8.719 1,565 87 150 182 4,626 50 98 Capital stock paid in .............. 51 Surplus fund ......................... 82 Undivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes 53 paid ...................................... 8L Individual deposits, subject to check ............................... 73 Tim e certificates o f deposit 03 00 55 00 59 Total $59.192 55 ............................. $10,000 00 810 00 5 3 1 07 29.401 42 18,447 06 $59,192 55 Oostburg— Oostburg State Bank. G. S. GRAVEN , President. E. H U IB R E G TSE, Vice President. JOH N B R E T H O U W E R , Cashier. B. B R E T H O U W E R , Asst. Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. Ed. Faas, Ed. Brasser, J. Lohuis, L. B. Grotenhuis, James W ykh uis, Garret Graven, S. E. H uibregtse, John Brethouwer, J. H. Dulmes. E S T A B L ISH E D F E B R U A R Y 28, 190S. Statement, October 31, 1914. L ia b ilitie s . R e so u rc e s. Loans and d iscou n ts............$148,765 29 Capital stock paid in ........ $25,000 00 5,000 00 Overdrafts ......... 145 53 Surplus fu nd ......................... B anking house ....................... 5,000 00 Undivided profits, less c u r rent expenses and taxes F urniture and fix t u r e s .... 3,000 00 paid ...................................... 5,417 47 Due from approved reserve banks .................................. 38,443 92 Individual deposits, su bject to check ............................... 79,042 91 Gold coin ................................. 562 50 Silver coin ............................... 290 40 Demand certificates of de posit ........... 9.098 41 1\ S. and national currency 4,862 00 65,573 76 N ickels and ce n ts......... 148 89 Tim e certificates of deposit Savings deposits .................. 12,085 95 T otal ............................... $201,218 53 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis T otal ............................. $201,218 53 241 REPORTS OF STATE BANKS. Oregon— Bank of Oregon. J. F. L IT E L , Jr., Cashier. O. E. R IC H A R D S, Asst. Cashier. J. E. L IT E L , President, E L L A L IT E L , V ice President. D IR E C TO R S. J. E. Lite], J. F. Litel, .Tr. E lla Litel. E S T A B L IS H E D AUGUST 4, 1809. Incorporated as a State Bank A ugust 29, 1903. Statement October 31, 1914. L ia b ilitie s . R e so u rc e s. Loans and d iscou n ts............ $167,331 15 Capital stock paid i n ........... $10,000 00 7,000 (X) O verdrafts ............................... 5,709 09 Surplus fund ........................... Undivided profits, less cu r U. S., state, m unicipal and rent expenses and taxes 9,091 25 other bonds ......................... paid ...................................... 212 36 F urniture and fixtures ........ 1,500 00 Individual deposits, su bject Due from approved reserve to check ............. 57,140 06 banks ........................ 13,819 40 Demand certificates o f d e Checks on other banks and posit ....................................... 122/657 52 cash items ........................... 2,042 66 10,000 00 Gold coin .......................... 1.302 50 B ills p a y a b le .......................... 1,229 80Silver coin ...................... . U. S. and national currency 4,879 00 Nickels and cen ts................. 105 03 T otal T ota l ............................... $207,009 94 li. .............................$207,009 94 ■ là Orfordville— Farmers and Merchants Bank of Orfordville. O. P. G A A R D E R , President. O. A. PE TE R SO N , Vice President. T. E. T O L L E F S R U D , Cashier. A L IC E R O S SITE R , Asst. Cashier. D IR E C T O R S. O. P. Gaarder, O. A. Peterson, T. E. T ollefsrud , G. Clemetson, ^1 E. H. Skinner, A. C. Gaarder, T. A. T ollefson. E S T A B L IS H E D F E B R U A R Y 25, 1901. i Statement October 31, 1914. L ia b ilitie s . R e so u r c e s. Loans and d iscou n ts............ $208,206 24 Capital stock paid in .............. $25,000 00 12,000 00 Overdrafts . . . .............. 266 61 Surplus fund ......................... U ndivided profits, less c u r U. S., state, m unicipal and rent expenses and taxes other bon ds , ............. 5,048 50 paid ........................................ 10,245 92 F urniture and fix t u r e s ....'. 2,229 15 Individual deposits, su bject Due from approved reserve to check ......... 83,781 10 banks .................................... 29,166 81 Dem and certificates o f de Checks on other banks and posit ...................................... 4,335 40 214 91 cash items .................... 91,095 26 Gold coin ................................. 2.535 00 Tim e certificates o f deposit ................. 20,403 95 Silver c o i n ................................ 335 60 Savings deposits U. S. and national currency 4,576 00 Nickels and cents ................ 282 SI Total ............................. $252,861 63 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Total ............................. $252.801 63 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF BANKING. 242 Osceola— Bank of Osceola. CH A R LE S H. OAIvEY, President. WM. F. KOCH, Vice President. H A R R Y C. H A R D IN G , Cashier. OSW ALD T. KOCH, Asst. Caslier. D IR E C TO R S. " Charles H. Oakey, H arry C. H arding, H. E. Combacker, M. J. O’ Reilly, Win. F. Koch. E S T A B L IS H E D AUGUST 1, 1894. Incorporated as a State Bank A ugu st 24, 1903. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. L ia b ilitie s . Loans and d iscou n ts........... $429,707 12 Capital stock paid in ............. $40,000 U. S., state, m unicipal and Surplus fund ........................... 15,000 other bonds ....................... 34,400 00 Undivided profits, less cu r Stocks and other securities 1,230 00 rent expenses and taxes Banking house ..................... 4,000 00 paid ...................................... 3,298 1,300 00 Individual deposits, subject F urniture and fix tu res........ Due irom approved reserve to c h e c k ................................. 125,149 banks .................................... 73,294 79 Demand certificates o f de Checks on other banks and posit ...................................... 5,536 cash items ......................... 565 74 Tune certificates o f deposit 363,560 Gold c o i n ................................... 3,215 00 239 00 Silver coin ............................... U. S. and national currency 4,276 00 57 00 Nickels and c e n t s . . . . .......... T ota l ............................. $552,544 65 T otal 00 00 54 00 25 86 $552,544 65 Oshkosh— State Bank of Oshkosh. H E N R Y KOSSEL, President. OTTO C. H ORN , Vice President. L. A. GUNZ, Cashier. B. J. K R IP P E N E R , Asst. Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. R obert Lutz, John Mulva, C. Roewekam p, F. W . Mueller. H en ry Kossel, O. C. Horn, J. J. Nigl, .T. Y. Hull, A. R oos, E S T A B L IS H E D JUNE 29. 1903. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. L ia b ilitie s . Loans and d iscou n ts............ $41S,434 96 Capital stock paid in .......... $75,000 00 Overdrafts ............................... 652 35 Surplus fund ......................... 15,000 00 U. S., state, m unicipal and Undivided profits, less cu r 73,308 64 other bonds ......................... rent expenses and taxes Prem ium on b o n d s................ 13 20 paid . . . . . . . . r ....................... 9,609 85 B anking house ..................... 22,430 55 D ividends unpaid ................ 162 00 Furniture and fix t u r e s ..... 6,000 0U Individual deposits, su bject Due from approved reserve to check ................................. 76,966 50 banks ..................................... 01,662 85 Tim e certificates o f deposit 225,366 68 Due from other b a n k s.......... 3,961 40 Savings deposits .................. 204,810 59 Checks on other banks and Reserved fo r ta x e s................ 4,000 00 cash items ........................... 397 20 E xchanges fo r clearing house ..........: ............. . 5,456 32 Gold coin ................................. 4,745 00 Silver coin ............................... 3.010 30 IT. S. and national currency 10,463 00 Nickels and ce n ts.. ............ 379 85 Total Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis $610,915 62 T o rn i $610,915 62 REPORTS OF STATE BANKS. 243 Oshkosh— The Exchange Bank. W. J. GLATZ, President. J. C. ZE N T N E R , Vice President. H. E IL B R S , Cashier. R. E. JONES, A sst. Cashier. - D IR E C TO R S. W . J. Glatz, J. C. Zentner, H. Eilers, M. C. Mertz, C. Kandy, O. C. Laabs, N. C. W erbke, F. S. Menzel, C. Pfeiffer. E S T A B L IS H E D MARCH 27, 1012. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. L iiubilities. Loans and d iscou n ts........... $390,108 55 Overdrafts ................... 297 04 U. S., state, m unicipal and other bonds ............... 149,636 37 F urniture and fixtu res........ 1,000 00 Other real estate o w n e d .... 445 12 Due from approved reserve banks ..................................... 54,528 49 Due from other b a n k s........ 65,890 65 Checks on other banks and cash items ......................... 1,325 86 E xchanges fo r clearing house ....................... - ........... 2,585 43 Gold coin ................................. 32,235 00 Silver coin ......... 1,170 05 TJ. S. and national currency 17,627 00 Nickels and cen ts................. 363 42 Capital stock paid in .......... $50,000 00 Surplus fund ......................... 1,000 00 Undivided profits, less c u r rent expenses and taxes paid .................................... 4,343 03 Individual deposits, subject to check ............................... 87,686 41 Demand certificates o f de posit ...................................... 1,504 64 Tim e certificates of deposit 405,224 49 Savings deposits ................. 163,954 61 Reserve fo r ta x es................... 3,500 00 T otal ............................. $717,213 18 T otal ............................... $717,213 18 Oshkosh— The New German American Bank of Oshkosh. C. W. R A D F O R D , President. GEORGE H IL T O N , V ice President. J. H. W A L L , 2nd Vice President. T. R. F R E N T Z , Cashier. C. C. K O N R A D , Asst. Cashier. D IR E C TO RS. C. Look, C. W . R adford, T. R. Frentz, W m . K onrad, R. A. Brauer, Geo. H ilton, W . F. Gruenewald, G. W . Neumann, E. Moerke, J. H. W all. Dan W itzel, E S T A B L IS H E D F E B R U A R Y 1, 1S90. Statement October 31. 1914. L ia b ilitie s . R e so u rc e s. Loans and d iscou n ts___ . . . $829,898 50 Overdrafts ............................... 2,875 19 U. S., state, m unicipal and other bonds ..................... .. 408,590 79 Prem ium on bonds .............. 5,131 55 B an king house ..................... 35,473 22 F urniture and f i x t u r e s ........ 3,005 00 Other real estate o w n e d .... 2,542 14 Due from approved reserve banks .................................... 92,041 56 Due from other b a n k s.......... 1,393 97 E xchanges fo r clearing house .................................... 6,919 20 Gold coin ................................. 84,787 50 Silver coin .................. 9,124 74 U. S. and national currency 66,693 00 Other ........................................... 573 35 T otal Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis $1,549,049 71 Capital stock paid in ..........$100,000 Surplus fund ......................... 25,000 Undivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid ........................................ 18,072 46,595 Due to banks— d ep osits........ Individual deposits, su bject to check ................. 142,293 Demand certificates o f de p osit ...................................... 1,773 Tim e certificates o f deposit 611,936 Savings deposits ................... 603,378 Total 00 00 70 71 04 30 54 42 $1,549,049 71 244 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF BANKING. Osseo— State Bank of Osseo. F. M. SM ITH , President. T . J. THOM PSON, Cashier. C. P U P IK O F E R , Asst. Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. A. E. B radford, C. O. Dahl. F. M. Smith, E. Hagen, T. J. T hom pson, E S T A B L IS H E D JA N U A R Y 12, 1000. Incorporated as a State Bank May 11, 1903. Statement October 31, 1914. L ia b ilitie s . R e so u rc e s. Loans and discounts .......... $303,124 17 Overdrafts ........... 1,796 58 U. S., state, m unicipal and other bonds ......................... 1,102 70 B anking house ......... 6,000 00 Due from approved reserve banks ............... . . . ............... 57,230 97 G old coin ................................. 1,740 00 Silver coin ............................... 245 50 U. S. and national currency 3,457 00 Nickels and cents ............ 66 81 T otal Capital stock paid in .......... $30,000 Undivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid ........................................ 6,852 Individual deposits, subject to check .......................... 75,351 Tim e certificates of deposit 239,576 Cashier’s checks outstand 2,9S4 ing .......................................... T ota l ............................. $354,763 73 00 00 65 00 08 ............................. $354,763 73 Owen— State Bank of Owen. JOH N G. OW EN, President. E D W A R D A. OW EN, V ice President. W . C. TU FTS, Cashier. V. F. SH IN DA, A sst. Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. E. A. Owen, W . C. T ufts. John G. Owén, W . G. R oyer, A. R. Owen, E S T A B L IS H E D SE PT E M B E R 27, 1907. Statement October 31, 1914. L ia b ilitie s . R esou rces. L oans and discounts ............ Overdrafts ............................... Banking house ...................... Furniture and fixtu res.......... Due from approved reserve banks ..................................... Due from other b a n k s .......... Checks on other banks and cash i t e m s ............................. Gold coin ................... Silver coin ......... U. S. and national currency Nickels and cents ................. Other ...................... Other ......................................... $85,366 254 3,375 4,200 71 76 00 00 12,170 92 1,228 94 104 95 378 4,409 20 7 4 95 00 55 00 88 93 45 T ota l ............................... $111,617 09 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Capital stock paid in ........... $12,000 Surplus fu nd ......................... 2,500 Undivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid ....................................... 2,104 Individual deposits, su bject to check ............................... 63,668 Demand certificates o f de posit ..................................... 2,179 Tim e certificates o f deposit 19,946 8,717 Savings deposits ................. Cashier’ s checks outstand ing .......................................... 500 00 00 80 22 76 89 42 00 T o ta l ...............................$111,617 09 REPORTS OF STATE BANKS. 245 Oxford— Oxford State Bank. A. A. MORGAN, President. H. A. D IE S T L E R , Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. Hans Sorenson, J. M. W arden. A. A. M organ, H. L. Mason, R ay R odger, E S T A B L IS H E D AUGUST 2, 1910. Statement October 31, 1914. L ia b ilitie s . R e so u rc e s. Loans and discounts .......... O verdrafts ............................... U. S., state, m unicipal and other bonds ......................... B anking house ....................... F urniture and fix tu res........, Due from approved reserve banks .................................... Due from other banks . . . . Checks on other banks and cash item s ........................... Gold coin ..................... Silver coin ............................... IT. S. and national currency Nickels and cen ts........ T otal ............................. $G3,248 78 771 07 8,000 00 2,400 00 1,892 50 11,041 13 77 95 2 25 184 1,492 56 35 00 50 00 22 Capital stock paid i n ............ $10,000 1,300 Surplus fu nd ......................... Undivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid ........................................ 175 Individual deposits, subject to check ............. 28,445 Tim e certificates o f deposit 39,887 Savings deposits .............. 1,302 Certified checks ..................... 150 Cashier’ s checks outstand ing ......................................... 450 Notes and bills rediscounted 2,000 Bills payable ......................... 5,000 Other ........................................ 480 T otal 889,191 50 ............................. 00 00 71 80 78 21 00 00 00 00 00 $89,191 50 Packwaukee— Farmers State Bank. F. S. H. SEAVY, President. R. N EALE, Vice President. R. B. W O O D W A R D , Cashier. DIR E C TO RS. F. TT. R. B. .T.W . E. C. Seavy, W oodw ard, Vine, Johnson, S. R. Neale, John Cadigan, T. G. Burnham. E S T A B L IS H E D F E B R U A R Y 1, 1911. Statement October 31, 1914. ' L ia b ilitie s . R e so u rc e s. Capital stock paid in ........... $10,000 Surplus fund ......................... 300 Undivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes 00 paid ................................... 247 00 49 Individual deposits, subject to check ............................... 11,125 20,689 60 Tim e certificates o f deposit .............. 576 56 Savings deposits Cashier’ s checks outstand in g ........................ 50 23 00 P ostal savings ....................... 35 00 97 L oans and d iscou n ts............. Overdrafts ............................... U. S., state, m unicipal and other bonds ......................... Banking house ..................... Furniture and fixtures . . . . Due from approved reserve banks .................................... Due from other b a n k s.......... Checks on other banks and cash items ........................... Gold coin ............... Silver coin ............................. U. S. and national currency Nickels and c e n ts................. $29,564 74 648 02 T otal ............................... $42,989 96 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 4,820 2,500 2,410 814 18 116 25 239 1,765 67 T otal ............................... 00 00 31 23 72 56 81 33 $42,989 96 246 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF BANKING. Palmyra— Bank of Palmyra. C H R IS T IE C A R LIN , President. CORA T IS C H A E F E R , Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. Christie Carlin, Cora Tischaefer, A. G. Carlin. E S T A B L IS H E D JU LY 26, 1S93. Statement October 31. 1914. L ia b ilitie s . R e so u r c e s. Loans and d iscou n ts............$266,662 Overdrafts ............................... 1,401 U. S., state, m unicipal and other bonds ......................... 68,672 Furniture and fixtu res........ 1,850 Other real estate ow n e d ----1,000 Due from approved reserve banks ..................................... 37,996 Due from other banks ........ 3,117 Checks on other banks and 320 cash items ........................... Gold coin ................. 4,395 Silver c o i n .......................... 713 U. S. and national currency 9,926 N ickels and cents ................. 81 T otal 31 83 99 00 00 49 45 Capital stock paid i n . . . . . . $25,000 00 Surplus fu n d ...................... 8,000 00 Undivided profits, less c u r rent expenses and taxes paid ........................................ 10,129 58 Individual deposits, subject to c h e c k ................................. 62,381 95 Demand certificates o f de posit ...................................... 78,304 35 Savings deposits ................... 212,321 32 93 00 00 00 20 T otal ............................. $396,137 20 ............................. $396,137 20 Palmyra— Farmers Saving's Bank of Palmyra. 11. C. STACEY, President. C. .T. K A IS E R , Vice President. S. B. W O O D R U FF , Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. W . H. M unger, Richard Jones, Z. C. W ilson, C. J. Kaiser, H. C. Stacey, R obert M cLerg, John H. Stacey. E S T A B L IS H E D OCTOBER 21, 1911. Statement October 31. 1914. R e so u rc e s. Loans and d iscou n ts............ O verdrafts ............................... U. S., state, m unicipal and other bon ds ....................... B anking house ..................... F urniture and fixtu res.......... Due from approved reserve banks .................................... Checks on other banks and cash i t e m s ............................. Gold coin ................................. Silver coin ............................. TJ. S. and national currency N ickels and cents ................ E xpense account ................... T otal Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ............................. L ia b ilitie s . $53,108 12 69 11 20,507 50 4,226 97 1,586 20 Capital stock paid in ............. Individual deposits, subject to check ............................... Dem and certificates o f de p osit ....................................... Savings deposits .................. $15,000 00 22,366 78 31,014 52 23,324 89 7,253 28 38 897 313 3,257 44 404 00 50 40 00 70 43 $91,706 19 T otal ............................. $91,706 19 REPORTS OF STATE BANKS. 247 Pardeeville— Pardeeville State Bank. TIIOS. K E A R N S, President. D. T. LYN CH, V ice President. S. H. DOOLEY, Cashier. R. E. GAR N E R , Asst. Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. J. S. Heath, Clinton Quinn, W . G. M cKay. T hos. Kearns, D. T. L ynch, M. W . R oberts, E. D. Miller, E STA B L IS H E D DECEM BER 23, 1901. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. L ia b ilitie s . Loans and discounts ............ $179,072 Overdrafts ............................... 19 U. S., state, m unicipal and other bonds ......................... 8,205 Banking house ..................... 4,000 F urniture and fixtu res........ 500 Due from approved reserve banks ..................................... . 33,937 Due from other ba n k s........ 2,958 Checks on other banks and cash i t e m s ............................. 1,173 Gold coin ................................. 1,500 Silver coin ................. 1,099 U. S. and national currency 5,773 Nickels and cents .................. 168 T otal 27 94 44 00 00 76 85 Capital stock paid in .............. $15,000 Surplus fund ........................... 9,000 Undivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid ........................................ 2,467 Individual deposits, subject to check .............................. 39,205 Time certificates of deposit 172,736 00 00 30 56 40 62 00 95 00 43 ............................. $238,409 26 T otal ............................. $238,409 26 Park Falls— Park Falls State Bank. w . B. CLUBINE, President. M. A. D R O T T , V ice President. IV. B. Clubine, M. A. D rott, W m. G. F ordyce, E. J. A S C H E N B R EN E Il, Cashier. L. J. A S C H E N B R EN E Il, Asst. Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. James LeVulley, Jas. Esterl, E. J. Aschenbrener. E S T A B L IS H E D AS A P R IV A T E BANK. Incorporated as a State Bank September 10, 1903. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. L ia b ilitie s . Loans and discounts ............ $215,313 58 Capital stock paid in ............ Overdrafts ............................... 4,514 98 Surplus fund ............. U. S., state, m unicipal and U ndivided profits, less cu r other bon ds ......................... 7,452 70 rent expenses and taxes Banking house ..................... 6,000 00 paid ........................................ Furniture and fixtures .... 1,000 00 Due to banks— d e p o s it s .... Other real estate o w n e d .... 841 45 Individual deposits, subject Due from approved reserve to check ............................... banks ................................... 23,207 39 Tim e certificates o f deposit Checks on other banks and Savings deposits ................. cash items ........................... 1,266 57 Postal savings ....................... Gold coin ................................. 2,247 50 Reserved fo r taxes ............... Silver coin ...................... 3,484 50 Reserved fo r interest............. U. S. and national currency 15,571 00 Nickels and cents ................. 99 60 T ax certificates ..................... 1,083 38 Total ............................. $282,082 65 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis T otal $25,000 00 5,000 00 6,141 16 8,635 47 53,403 135,081 42,668 2,952 1,200 2,000 00 76 85 41 00 00 ............................. $282,082 65 248 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF BANKING. Patch Grove— The State Bank. F. FT. BOOTH, President. F R A N K K O L B , Vice President. M. J. D U FFY , Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. F. IT. Booth, Frank K olb, W m . W ilkinson. Fred W etm ore, Geo. M onroe, E. L. Case, E. C. Amaun. E S T A B L IS H E D JU L Y 7, 1911. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. Loans and d iscou n ts............ Overdrafts ......... Banking house ....... F urniture and fixtu res........ Due from approved reserve banks ................................... Due from other b a n k s ... .. Gold coin ............................... Silver coin ............................... IT. S. and national currency N ickels and cents .............. Expense .................................... T ota l ............................. L ia b ilitie s . $52,805 2,616 2,650 1,090 12 74 00 00 986 109 80 200 1,201 2 248 97 71 00 45 00 90 13 Capital stock paid in ............ Surplus fund ......... Dividends unpaid ................ Individual deposits, su bject to check ............................... Tim e certificates o f deposit Notes and bills rediscounted $61,991 02 T otal ............................. $10,000 00 200 00 12 00 13,819 88 23.054 14 14,995 00 $61,991 02 Pepin— The State Bank of Pepin. E. T. LAN GERS. President. S. SABY, V ice President. A R T H U R SC H ILLIN G , Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. E. T. E. C. Dangers, S. Saby. S. La France, J. Thies, C. E. Peterson, .T. H. Thies, Ole Hem. E S T A B L IS H E D SE PT E M B E R 28, 1911. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. Loans and discounts ............ Overdrafts ................... Banking house ....................... F u rn ’ ture and fixtures ........ Due from approved reserve banks .................................... Checks on other banks and cash items ........................... Gold c o i n .................................. Silver coin ........... IT. S. and national currency Nickels and cents ................. L ia b ilitie s . $76,276 226 2,500 2,400 35 78 00 00 23,541 51 1,138 2,060 760 4,966 143 89 00 45 00 82 T otal ............................... $114,013 80 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Capital stock paid in .......... $10.000 00 Surplus fund ......................... 1,200 00 Undivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid ........................................ 1,241 02 Individual deposits, su bject to check .................................... 38,33000 Demand certificates o f de posit .......................................... 63,24278 T otal ............................... $114,013 80 REPORTS OF S T A T E BANKS, 249 Pewaukee— Pewaukee State Bank. •J. I. GATES, President. OTTO C. LAABS, Vice President. J. B. E L Y , Cashier. H E R M A N K U E N ZLI, Asst. Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. . J. I. Gates, Herman Kuenzli, Franklin E ly, E S T A B L IS H E D Otto Laabs, W . F. Evert, ,J. B. E ly. MAY 4, 1907. Statement October 31. 1914. R e so u rc e s. L ia b ilitie s . Loans and discounts .............. $138,747 O v e r d r a fts ................................ 308 U. S., state, m unicipal and other bonds ......................... 25,100 Prem ium on b o n d s ........... 161 Furniture and fixtures ........ 2,462 Due from approved reserve banks .................................... 17,209 Checks on other banks and cash items ............................. 55 Gold coin ................................... 730 Silver coin ............................... 610 U. S. and national currency 4,867 Nickels and cents .................. 124 40 53 00 00 22 66 Capital stock paid in ............ $10,000 00 Undivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes 1,943 93 paid ........................................ Individual deposits, su bject to c h e c k .................................... 54,42411 Tim e certificates o f deposit 105,370 43 Savings deposits ................ 18,63816 12 00 80 00 90 T otal ............................... $190,376 63 T otal ............................... $190,376 63 Phillips— The State Bank of Phillips. N. C. E. LAN E, President. C. K E L L E H E R , Vice President. G. M. C H A M B E RLA IN , Cashier. B. W. MALM, Asst. Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. N. E. Lane, G. M. Chamberlain, C. E. T obey, C. C. Kelleher, O, A. Johnson. E S T A B L IS H E D IN 18S8. In corporated as a State Bank May 20, 1890. Statement October 31. 1914. R e so u rc e s. L ia b ilitie s . Loans and d isco u n ts............. $183,376 85 Overdrafts ............................... 1,311 57 U. S., state, m unicipal and other bonds ......................... 8,500 00 Banking house ....................... 6,000 00 F urniture and fix t u r e s ........ 1,500 00 Other real estate owned . . . . 357 47 Due from approved reserve banks ..................................... 30,550 99 Due from other ba n k s.......... 5,774 25 Checks on other banks and cash i t e m s ............................. 1,076 16 Gold coin ................................. 100 00 Silver c o i n .............................. 764 45 U. S. and national currency 10,337 00 Nickels and cents ................. 34 92 T ax certificates ..................... 918 32 Capital stock paid ih .......... $30,000 00 Surplus f u n d ........................... 10,000 00 Undivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid ........................................ 5,224 93 Individual deposits, subject to check ................................. 67,747 84 Demand certificates of de posit ................... 9S,761 15 Savings deposits ................... 37,868 06 Reserved fo r taxes ............... 1,000 00 T otal ...............................$250,601 98 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis T otal ............................... $250,601 98 250 R E P O R T OF T H E C O M M IS S IO N E R OF B A N K IN G . Pittsville— Pittsville State Bank. ,T. F. SIMS, President. J. F. SE1DL, V ice President. T. J. C R O W L E Y , Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. R. Connor, G. H. Salter, Ed. Clack, J. F. Seidl, Isaac E rickson, T. J. C rowley, J. F. Sims. E S T A B L IS H E D JA N U A R Y 28, 1904. Statement October 31, 1914. L ia b ilitie s . R e so u rc e s. Capital stock paid in .......... $10,000 00 Surplus fu nd ........................... 600 00 Undivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes 00 paid .................................. 4S4 21 00 00 Individual deposits, su bject to check ................................. 41,533 45 00 Tim e certificates of deposit 27,787 81 1,366 75 63 Cashier’ s checks outstanding B ills payable .................... 3,000 00 18 00 20 00 47 Loans and discounts ............ Overdrafts ............................... U. S., state, m unicipal and other bonds .......................... Stocks and other securities Banking hpuse ....................... Furniture and fi x t u r e s ........ Due from approved reserve banks ..................................... Checks on other banks and cash i t e m s ............................. Gold c o i n .................................. Silver coin ............................... Li. S. and national currency Nickels and cents ................. $59,582 82 2,617 92 T otal ............................... $84,772 22 3,500 600 2,600 2,400 10,989 409 125 79 1,815 53 T otal ............................... $84,772 22 Plain— The Plain State Bank. J. B. W EISS, Cashier. WM. R E N SCH LE IN , Asst. Cashier. M. B. PAULUS, President. J. B. SIEGEL, Vice President. D IR E C TO R S. J. B. W eiss, Jos. H. W eiss. M. B. Paulus, J. B. Siegel, W m. Renschlein, E S T A B L IS H E D OCTOBER 31, 1911. Statement October 31, 1914. L ia b ilitie s . R e so u rc e s. 00 Loans and discounts ............ $122,540 01 Capital stock paid in .......... $10,000 300 00 22 47 Surplus fund ........................... Overdrafts ............................... 2,500 00 Undivided profits, less cu r B anking house ....................... rent expenses and taxes 1,535 00 Furniture and fixtures ........ 454 27 paid ........................................ Due from approved reserve Individual deposits, su bject 20,221 78 banks .................................... 27,139 23 to check .............................. Checks on other banks and 3,258 01 Time certificates o f deposit 112,733 00 cash i t e m s ............................. 1.030 00 705 00 Cashier’s checks outstanding Gold coin .............................. 651 00 Silver coin ............................... 65 00 IT. S. and national currency 158 23 N ickels and cents ................. T otal Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis $151,656 50 Total $151,656 50 REPORTS OF S T A T E BANKS. 251 Plainfield— Waushara County Bank. IT. E. P R A T T , President. W. B. ANGELO, Vice President. J. W. DUNEGAN, 2nd V ice President. G. D. SA RGEN T, Cashier. : ' " ■ ~ ' ' D IR E C TO RS. J. W . Dunegan, J. A. Blair. G. D. Sargent, W . B. A ngelo, II. E. Pratt, • , E S T A B L IS H E D JA N U A R Y 2, 1902. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. L ia b ilitie s . Loans and discounts .............. $109,500 Overdrafts ............................... 1,094 U. S., state, m unicipal and other bonds ......................... 48,000 Banking house ............... 7,500 Furniture and fixtures ........ 2,000 Due from approved reserve banks ..................................... 23,685 Checks on other banks and cash items ........................... 188 Gold coin ................................ 1,925 Silver c o i n ................................. 597 II. S. and national currency 6,998 171 Nickels and cents ................. Items in transit ..................... 469 75 01 Capital stock paid in .......... Surplus fund ........................... Undivided profits, less cu r 00 rent expenses and taxes 00 paid ........................................ 00 Individual deposits, su bject to check ................................ 34 Tim e certificates o f deposit Savings deposits ................... 87 Cashier’s checks outstanding 00 Postal s a v in g s ......................... 20 00 73 13 Total ............................... $202,130 03 $25,000 00 5,000 00 1,499 91 57,222 94,006 18,312 1,088 1 68 05 01 38 00 T otal ............................... $202,130 03 Platteville— State Bank of Platteville. J. R. SPEA R , President. JAM ES DOLAN , Vice President. W. H. DOYLE, Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. W ilson Cunningham, James Dolan, H. E. Stephens, R. A. Shepherd. .T. R. Spear, John Kettler, George Harms, D. .T. Gardner, F. V on Oehsen, E S T A B L IS H E D NOVEM BER 22, 1905. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. L ia b ilitie s . Loans and discounts ............ $532,885 76 Overdrafts ............................... 5,440 49 TJ. S., state, m unicipal and other bonds ......................... 51,858 75 B anking house ....................... 9,500 00 Furniture and fixtures ........ 1,400 00 Other real estate owned . . . . 450 00 Due from approved reserve banks .................................... 76,290 30 Checks on other banks and cash items .................... 2,371 92 Gold coin .................................. 795 00 Silver coin ............................... 2,080 10 U. S. and national currency 18,125 00 Nickels and cents ................. 98 11 Capital stock paid in .......... $50,000 00 Surplus fund ...................... 10,000 00 Undivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid ........................................ 57,174 75 Individual deposits, su bject to check ................................. 259,467 65 Demand certificates o f de posit ...................................... 33,696 89 Tim e certificates of deposit 183,150 88 Savings deposits ................... 29,190 86 Cashier’s checks outstanding 7,605 65 Notes and bills rediscounted 46,008 75 B ills payable ......................... 25,000 00 T o t a l ............................... $701,295 43 T otal ............................... $701,295 43 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 252 R E P O R T OF T H E C O M M IS S IO N E R OF B A N K IN G . Plum City— Plum City State Bank. THEO. SUTER, President. A L B E R T IN G L I, Vice President. ROY IIA R ME It, Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. R o y Harmer, Theo. Suter, M. Cotter, A lbert Ingli, W . C. Condit, Ju lius J. Lewis, W . Hophan. E S T A B L IS H E D JA N U A R Y 7, 1910. Statement October 31, 1914. L ia b ilitie s . R e so u rc e s. Loans and discounts ............ Overdrafts ........................ . B anking house ....................... F urniture and fixtures ........ 1)ue from approved reserve banks .................................... Checks on other banks and cash items ........................... Gold c o i n ................................... Silver coin ............................... U. S. and national currency Nickels and cents ............... T otal ............................... $84,280 2,542 1,754 2,116 14 23 28 47 4,173 14 423 755 185 2,394 60 70 00 75 00 49 Capital stock paid in . . . . . . Surplus fund ........................... Undivided profits, less current expenses and taxes paid ........................................ Individual deposits, su bject to check ................................. Tim e certificates o f deposit Cashier’ s checks outstanding Bills payable ........................... $10,000 00 1,250 00 T otal ............................... $98,685 20 $98,6S5 20 226 17 18,245 62,562 1,401 5,000 SI 19 03 00 Plymouth— Plymouth Exchange Bank. CHAS. I). EASTM AN, President. O. A. SCH EIBE, Vice President. R. II. K O E H L E R , Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. It. It. It. H. Chas. LI. J. W ilson, K oehler, D. Eastman, Goelzer, E S T A B L IS H E D M. LI. Hand, O. A. Scheibe, E dw ard E. Felter. MAY 5, 1S9G. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. L iabilities. Loans and d iscou n ts......... $580,587 80 Capital stock paid i n .......... $100,000 00 30,000 00 Overdrafts ............................. 915' 18 Surplus fund ......................... Undivided profits, less c u r II. S., state, m unicipal and rent expenses and taxes other bonds ....................... 10,962 10 paid ...................................... 23,195 44 Stocks and other securities 1,000 00 Banking house ..................... 20,000 00 Individual deposits, su bject to check ............................... 101,957 17 Furniture and fix tu res........ 4,000 00 Demand certificates o f d e Due from approved reserve posit ........................ 46,220 90 banks .................................... 47,113 67 Tim e certificates of deposit 214,371 27 Checks on other banks and 58,430 48 cash items ......................... 2.944 75 Savings deposits ................... 37,553 00 Gold coin ................................. 3.320 00 Notes and b ills re-discounted Silver co in ............................... 3,381 95 Bills payable ................. 10,000 00 IJ. S. and national currency 7,145 00 Nickels and cen ts................. 357 81 T otal .............................. $6S1,728 20 ! Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis T otal ............................... $681,728 26 REPORTS OF S T A T E BANKS. Plymouth— State Bank of Plymouth. E. P. A. D O W , President. K. W H E E L E R , Vice President. H. W . HOSTM AN, Cashier. R. W . DOW , Asst. Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. Carl K rum rey, R. W . Dow. E. A. Dow, II. W . Ilostm an, 1’ . K. W heeler, E S T A B L IS H E D DECEM BER 2, 1873. Incorporated as a State Bank September 20, 1890. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. L ia b ilitie s . Loans and d isco u n ts..........$531,760 08 Capital stock paid in ............ $60,000 Overdrafts ............................... 151 98 Surplus fu nd ......................... 60,000 U. S., state, m unicipal and Undivided profits, less cu r other bonds ................. 238,705 00 rent expenses and taxes Stocks and other securities 21,000 00 paid ....................... .............. 22,069 Banking house ...................... 13,000 00 Dividends unpaid ................. 150 Furniture and fix tu res........ 4,600 00 Individual deposits, su bject Other real estate o w n e d ... 8,000 00 to check ............................. 256,476 Due from approved reserve Demand certificates o f de -b a n k s ................................... 89,185 13 posit .................................... 42,312 Checks on other banks and Tim e certificates o f deposit 435 090 cash item s ........................... 290 01 Savings deposits ................... 55,440 C old coin ................................. 6,570 00 B ills payable ......................... 10,000 Silver coin ............................... 4,356 45 Reserved fo r taxes . . . . . . . 1,200 IT. S. and national currency 18,151 00 Nickels and cents ............... 966 07 T otal ................. ........... $942,738 72 00 00 39 00 27 00 32 74 00 00 Total .............................. $942,738 72 Portage— City Bank of Portage. C. L. ALVERSO N , President. R. E. YO R K , Vice President. .TOHN A. RAUP, Cashier. • W . ,T. RAUP, Asst. Cashier. D IR E C TO RS. R. E. York, John A. Raup. C. F. Mohr, M. T. Alverson, C. L. Alverson, E S TA B L ISH E D MAY 4, 1S74. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. 1/iabH itieg. Loans and discou n ts............ $434,184 19 Capital stock paid in ............ $50,000 Overdrafts .............................. 644 59 Surplus fund ......................... 10,000 U. S., state, m unicipal and Undivided profits, less cu r other bonds ............. 48,900 00 rent expenses and taxes B anking house ..................... 15,000 00 paid ...................................... 9,555 F urniture and f i x t u r e s ..... 5,750 00 Due to banks— d e p o s it s .... 1,625 Due from approved reserve 80 Dividends unpaid ............... hanks .................................. 16.622 15 Individual deposits, su bject Due from other h a n ks........ 14,298 18 to check ...................................148.176 Checks on other banks and Tim e certificates o f deposit 243,236 cash items ..................... 4.094 63 Savings deposits ..........: . . . 99,779 Gold coin ............................... 4,628 50 Cashier’ s checks outstand Silver coin . . . : ....................... 2,241 80 in g ......................................... 869 U. S. and national currency 23,315 00 B ills payable ........................ 10,000 Nickels and cen ts................. 644 00 Total Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ............................. $570.323 04 Total 00 00 97 91 00 15 14 54 33 00 ............................. $570,323 04 254 R E P O R T OF T H E C O M M IS S IO N E R OF B A N K IN G . Port Washington— The Port Washington State Bank. CLAR E N C E H IL L . President. H. C. B O E R N E R, Vice President. H E N R Y J. ADAM, Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. Clarence H ill, H. C. Boerncr, H enry ,T. Adam. E S T A B L IS H E D SE PT E M B E R 11, 1SS9. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. L ia b ilitie s . Loans and d iscou n ts.......... $312,002 OS Overdrafts ............................... 974 55 Banking house ..................... 7,000 00 F urniture and fix t u r e s .... 5,269 00 Due from approved reserve banks .................................... 58,422 01 Checks on other hanks and cash items ......... 1,081 64 990 00 Gold coin ............................... Silver coin .................... 492 30 TJ. S. and national currency 10,595 00 N ickels and ce n ts................. 60 79 T otal Capital stock paid in ........... $50,000 00 10,000 00 Surplus fund ....................... U ndivided profits, less c u r rent expenses and taxes paid ...................................... 25;359 03 Dividends unpaid .............. 72 00 Individual deposits, su bject to check ............................... 105,201 S3 Tim e certificates of deposit 103,458 81 .............. 101,242 77 Savings deposits Cashier’ s checks outstand in g ......................................... 1,552 93 ............................. $396,887 37 T o tr ’ ............................. $396,887 37 Port W ing— First State Bank of Port Wing. S. SW ANSON OGREN, President. OSCAR W . LUNDGREN, Vice Pres. .T. A. NELSON, Cashier. S. S. OGREN, Asst. Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. S. Swanson Ogren, .T. A. Nelson, W . T. Gruver, Oscar W . L undgren, H. M. Bentson. E S T A B L IS H E D JUNE 2, 1911. Statement October 31. 1914. n r"" R e so u rc e s. Loans and d isco u n ts........... O verdrafts ............................... F urniture and fixtures ........ Due from approved reserve banks .................................... Checks on other banks and cash item s ........................... Gold coin ................................. Silver c o i n ................................. U. S. and national currency Nickels and ce n ts................. T otal ........ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ................ L ia b ilitie s . $38,2,58 03 28 25 1,815 00 2,820 90 1,661 947 333 1,000 48 26 50 20 00 66 $46,892 86 Capital stock paid in .......... $10,000 00 Surplus fund ......................... 500 00 Undivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid .................... 207 71 Due to banks— d ep osits___ 5,000 00 Individual deposits, su bject to check ............................... 12,509 04 Tim e certificates of deposit 12,188 96 Savings deposits ................... 2,848 21 Cashier’ s checks outstand ing ......................................... 1,638 94 B ills payable .......................... 2,000 00 T otal ............................. $46,892 86 REPORTS OF STATE BANKS. 255 Potosí— Potosí State Bank. ADAM SCHUMACHER, President. T. H. R U N K E L, Vice President. C. J. R A G A TZ, Cashier. D IR E C TO RS. T. H. Runkel, A. Schum acher, John R ingland, H. E. Coons, C. J. Ragatz. E S T A B L IS H E D A P R IL 25, IDOL Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. L ia b ilitie s . Loans and d i s c o u n t s ...... $182,988 32 O verdrafts ............................. I l l 01 U. S., state, m unicipal and other bonds ....................... 1,500 00 B anking house ..................... 2,500 00 F urniture and fix tu res........ 2,000 00 Due from other b a n k s........ 27,229 52 E xchanges fo r clearing 701 25 house .................................... Gold coin ............... 4,315 00 Silver coin ............................. 738 70 IT; S. and national currency 3,802 00 Nickels and cents ......... 35 39 E xpense .................................... 35 37 Total Capital stock paid in ........... Surplus fund ........................ Due to banks— o v erd ra ft.. Individual deposits, subject to check .............................. Demand certificates o f de posit .................................... Tim e certificates o f deposit Savings deposits ................. T otal .............................. $225,056 56 $10.000 00 10,000 00 1,635 14 44,340 31 10, <838 10 115,214 08 33,928 93 .............................. $225,956 56 Poynette— Bank of Poynette. A. J. JAM IESON, President. J. C. JAM IESON, V ice President. T* f .TJMTFSON. Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. A. .T. Jamieson, J. C. Jamieson, H. P. Jamieson. E S T A B L IS H E D MARCH 7, 1894. Incorporated as a State Bank July 29, 1903. • Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. L ia b ilitie s . Loans and d iscou n ts............ $266.925 43 Overdrafts .............................. 3,218 40 U. S., state, m unicipal and other bonds ....................... 39.041 25 B anking house ....................... 6.000 00 F urniture and fix tu re s........ 1,726 56 Due from approved reserve banks .................................... 32.937 85 Due from other b a n k s........ 1,770 30 Checks on other banks and cash items ........................... 66 39 Gold coin ................................ 1,925 00 Silver coin ............................... 80 U. S. and national currency 1,705 00 N ickels and cen ts.................. 77 08 $10.000 00 Capital stock paid in ......... Surplus fund ...................... 4,000 00 Undivided profits, less c u r rent expenses and taxes paid ........... 2,265 70 Individual deposits, subject to check ............................... 73.469 27 Tim e certificates o f deposit 265,659 09 Total Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis . . . . $355,394 06 Total $355,394 06 256 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF BANKING. Prairie du Chien— Bank of Prairie du Chien. ( ’ HAS. G R E L L E , President. W . R. GRAVES, Vice President. H E N R Y OTTO, Cashier. A. G. K IE S E R , Asst. Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. W . R. Graves, W A. Garvey, ,T. S. Earil.. Charles G relie, H enry Otto, I». F. H orsfall, O. G. Munson, E S T A B L IS H E D MAY 21, 1889. Statement October 31, 1914. L ia b ilitie s . R e so u rc e s. Loans and d iscou n ts............ $512,094 98 Capital stock paid i n .......... $30,000 00 30,000 00 Overdrafts .............................. 5,525 31 Surplus fund .......................... Undivided profits, less cu r U. S., state, m unicipal and rent expenses and taxes other bonds ....................... 209,684 90 paid ........................ 3,637 73 Other real estate o w n e d ... 19,377 29 Due to banks— d e p o s it s .... 16,050 89 Due from approved reserve Individual deposits, subject banks .................................... 58,271 24 to check ............................ 129.319 17 Checks on other hanks and cash items .......................... 334 37 Tim e certificates o f deposit 586.3TO 40 6,068 63 Gold coin ................................ 1,240 00 Savings deposits ................... Silver coin .............................. 890 05 Cashier’ s checks outstand in g ................................... 220 67 U. S. and national currency 775 00 2,577 31 51 66 P ostal savings ......................... N ickels and ce n ts................. Notes and bills rediscounted 21,000 00 Total T otal ............................. $825,244 SO .............................$825,244 80 Prairie du Chien— Crawford County Bank. E. C. AMANN, Cashier. F. S. CLINTON, Asst. Cashier. M. MENGES, President. L. CORN ELIU S, V ice President. D IR E C TO R S. .T. H. Peacock, Edw. M cCloskey, F. H. Poehler. M. Menges, L. Cornelius, .T. W . Paris, W . R. Graves, E S T A B L IS H E D JA N U A R Y 10, 1903. Statement October 31, 1914. L ia b ilitie s . R e so u rc e s. Loans and d iscou n ts........... $243.215 73 Overdrafts ............................... 2,158 85 U. S., state, m unicipal and other bon ds ....................... 171,536 14 Due from approved reserve banks ..............- .................... 43,998 65 Checks on other banks' and cash items ........................... 1,451 79 Gold coin ................................. 332 oO Silver coin ............................... 180 00 IT. S. and national currency 1,630 00 Nickels and cents ................. 7 11 T otal Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis $464,510 77 Capital stock paid in .......... Surplus fund ............. ........... Undivided profits, less c u r rent expenses and taxes paid ........................................ Due to banks— d e p o s it s .... Individual deposits, subject to check ................................ Tim e certificates o f deposit Savings deposits ................... Cashier’ s checks outstand in g . . . . ................. ............... P ostal savings ....................... T otal $30,000 00 30.000 00 5,271 61 25,086 59 115,985 59 244.288 62 9,757 03 2.000 09 2.121 33 $464,510 77 REPORTS OF S T A T E BANKS. 257 Prairie du Sac— The Sauk Bank. J. S. T R IP P , President. C. I. K IN D S C H I, Vice President. O. E. STONE, Cashier. M. A. REYN OLDS, Asst. Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. o . E. Stone. ■T. S. T ripp, C. I. K iudselii, E S T A B L IS H E D IN 1S68. Incorporated as a State Bank January 12, 1898. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. i L ia b ilitie s . Loans and d isco u n ts............ $325,228 52 Capital stock paid in ......... $25,000 O verdrafts ............................... 505 48 Surplus fund ...................... 5,000 U. S., state, m unicipal and Undivided profits, less cu r other bonds ................... 71,910 00 rent expenses and taxes F urniture and fixtures ........ 1,925 25 paid........................................... 6,772 Other real estate o w n e d .... 2,242 44 Individual deposits, subject Due fr o m 'a p p ro v e d reserve to check ................................ $6,695 banks .......................... 40,983 51 Demand certificates of de Due from other ba n ks........ 99 33 1,159 posit ...................................... Checks oil other banks and Tim e certificates o f deposit 325,316 408 31cash items ................ Gold coin ................................. 1,465 00 Silver coin' .............................. 790 20 TJ. S. and national currency 4,316 00 Nickels and ce n ts................. 70 28 Total .............................. $449,944 35 Total 00 00 29 72 60 74 .............................. $449,944 35 Prairie Farm— First State Bank of Prairie Farm. G. E. SCOTT. President. T. W. B O R IA I, Vice President. ■T. DE W IL D E , Cashier. J. H. COE, Asst. Cashier. D IR E C TO RS. j . p . McLean, j . De W ilde. G. E. Scott, J- ^ • Boruru, G. R. Rorum, E S T A B L IS H E D MARCH IS, 1908. Statement October 31. 1914. R e so u rc e s. L ia b ilitie s . Loans and d isco u n ts............$127,243 95 Capital stock paid in ..... $10,000 00 O verdrafts ............................... 373 88 Surplus fund ................................. 5,000 00 U. S., state, m unicipal and Undivided profits, less cu r other bonds ...................... 6,849 34 rent expenses and taxes Stocks and other securities. 3500 paid ........................ 2,64S 18 Banking- house ...................... 2,500 00 Individual deposits, subject Furniture and fixtu res........ 1,657 74 to check ................... 51,506 60 Due from approved reserve Demand certificates o f de banks .................................... 17,341 05 p osit ...................................... 6,237 04 Due from other b a n k s ... .. 4,879 99 Time certificates o f deposit 81.010 10 Checks on other banks and Savings deposits . . . . . . . . . . . 12,18648 cash items ......................... 1,431 36 Cashier’s checks outstand Gold coin ................................. 1.020 00 in g .......................................... 295 00 Silver coin ............................... 778 05 U. S. and national currency 4,766 00 Nickels and c e n ts................. 7 04 T otal ............................ $168.883 40 17— B. S. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis T otal .................... ....... $168,883 40 258 R E P O R T OF T H E C O M M IS S IO N E R OF B A N K IN G . Prentice— Bank of Prentice. P. G. K. U BEDAL, President. P>. R E E D A L , Vice President. F. E. MOP. NEK, Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. W . K. P arkinson, C. T. Bader, G. B. Reedal, F. E. Morner. P. E. Reedal, E S T A B L IS H E D SE PT E M B E R 18, 1900. In corporated as a State Bank A ugust 31, 1903. Statement October 31, 1914. L ia b ilitie s . R e so u rc e s. Loang and d iscou n ts............ Overdrafts ............................... Banking house ...................... F urniture and fix tu res........ Other real estate o w n e d ... Due from approved reserve banks .................................... Checks on other banks and cash items ........................... Gold coin ................................ Silver coin ............................... IT. S. and national currency N ickels and ce n ts................. T otal $89,089 49 Capital stock paid in ........ $10,000 00 1,300 00 1,481 55 Surplus fund ........................... 2,000 00 Undivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes 1, TOO 00 paid .......................... 917 08 1,9S6 05 Due to banks— d e p o s it s .... 4,080 32 270 00 748 19 D ividends unpaid .................. Individual deposits, subject to check ........................ 32,930 53 594 35 1,625 00 Demand certificates o f de p osit ...................................... 36,587 95 942 95 17,167 00 2,936 00 Savings deposits ................... 148 76 T otal ............................. $103,252 88 ................. ........... $103,252 88 Princeton— Princeton State Bank. E. D. MORSE, President. G. A. K R U E G E R , Vice President. H. J. M A X W E L L , Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. E. D. Morse, S. E. M ackowski, W. J. Mesick, Frank Mueller, G. A. K rueger, H. J. M axwell, Chas. Nickodem . E S T A B L IS H E D IN 1874. Incorporated as a Sta te Bank May 5, 1893. Statement October 31, 1914. L ia b ilitie s . R e so u rc e s. Loans and discounts ............ $311,448 54 Capital stock paid in .......... O verdrafts .......................... 1,633 05 Surplus f u n d ........................... U ndivided profits, less .cur I'. S., state, m unicipal and rent expenses and taxes other bonds ......................... 79,387 50 paid ........................................ Stocks and other securities 100 00 B anking house .................... 6,543 05 D ividends unpaid ................. F urniture and fixtures ........ 1,930 81 Individual deposits, su bject to check ............................. Due from approved reserve 34,243 95 Tim e certificates of deposit banks .................................... Due from other banks ........ 11,169 16 Savings deposits ................... Checks on other banks and cash i t e m s ......................... >. 927 98 ' Gold coin ................... ............. 1,187 50 Silver coin ............................... 1,939 25 U. S. and national currency 12,450 00 Nickels and cents ................. 207 12 Total Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis $463,167 91 Total $30,000 00 16,000 00 6,590 30 84 00 39,S5S 39 327.572 IS 43,063 04 $463,167 91 259 REPORTS OF STATE BANKS. Pulaski— Pulaski State Bank. ,T. Ä. P E P L IN S K I, President. L. .SZYMANSKI, Vice President. F. K. R A N IS ZE W S K I, Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. J. A. P eplinski, Lorenz Szymanski,. F. K. Raniszewski, Charles Brace, Jos. B orow ski, Vincent Krueger. H. T. Peplinski, E STA B L IS H E D MAY 10, 1910. Statement October 31, 1914. L ia b ilitie s ; R e so u rc e s. L oans and discounts ............ $143,885 12 B anking h o u s e ....................... 3,614 32 Furniture and fi x t u r e s ........ 2,175 47 Due from approved reserve banks ..................................... 25,420 31 Checks on other banks and cash items ........................... 134 70 G old c o i n ..........................., . . . 352 50 Silver coin ............................... 1,328 40 U. S. and national currency 2,435 00 N ickels and cents ............... 117 25 $16,000 00’ 2,000 OO Capital stock paid in ...... .. Surplus f u n d .......................... Undivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid ............... ........................ Individual deposits, su bject to check ..................... ........... Time certificates o f deposit Savings deposits ................. Cashier’ s checks outstanding 28 64 80 35 $179,463 07 Total T ota l ................................. $179,463 07 2,666 00' 29,958 125,879 1,052 1,906 Racine— Commercial and Savings Bank of Racine. C. R. C A R P E N T E R , Cashier. B. R. JONES,, Asst.. Cashier. B. H IN R IC H S , President. M. HIGGINS, Vice President. D IR E C TO RS. H. F. Mueller,. II. ,T. Smith, C. R. Carpenter,. A. H. Hulett, Stuart W ebster, John D ixon, F. M. K n opp. B. H inrichs, II. F. Johnson, Leo A. Peil, C. M. Dietrich, J. H ocking, P. B. Nelson, L. J. E lliott, M. H iggins, E S T A B L IS H E D DECEM BER 5, 1S92. Statement October 31, 1914. In liquidation. R e so u rc e s. Loans and discounts ........ $2,701,047 O v e r d r a fts ........................ 86,651 U. S., state, m unicipal and other bonds ............; . . . . . 5.925 B anking house ..................... 58,000 Due from approved reserve 279.009 b a n k s ............. ....................... Due from other banks . . . . 34,776 E xch an ges fo r clearing house ................................... 7,531 Gold coin ............................... 1,652 Silver coin ............................. 9,696 F. S. and national currency 9,221 Nickels and cents ................ 2,200 L ia b ilitie s . 12 88 00 00 33 38 50 50 15 00 97 T otal .............................$3.195.711 S3 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Capital stock paid in ........ $400,000 00 1 0 0 ,0 0 0 00 Surplus fund ......................... Undivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes 146,572 68 paid .................................... 27,618 48 Due to banks— deposits __ 140 00 D ividends unpaid ................ Individual deposits, su bject to check ........................... 955,063 09 Demand certificates o f d e posit ..................................... 368,626 54 Savings deposits ................. 1,109.875 80 132 19 Certified checks ................... Cashier’ s checks outstandm g ............. 4,175 54 N des and bills re-discounted . . . 75,026 01 Bills payable S .4SI 50 T otal .............................$3,195,711 83 260 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF BANKING. Racine— The Racine City Bank. W . G. G ITTIN G S, President. F. W . G U N TH ER, Vice President. H. N. BACON, Cashier. C. OLSON, Asst. Cashier. D IR E C TO RS. C. A. W ustum , W . T. Harvey, A. J. Piper, W . J. H iggin s, T hos. Hay, Geo. W . Blythe, W . G. Gittings, Chris Slot, P. W . Gunther, H. N. Bacon, E. C. T ecktonius. E S T A B L IS H E D JA N U A R Y 25. 190S. Statement October 31. 1914. L ia b ilitie s . R e so u r c e s. Loans and discounts ............ $309,780 06 Capital stock paid in .......... O verdrafts ............................... 167 98 Surplus f u n d ........................... U ndivided profits,' less c u r U. S., state, m unicipal and rent expenses and taxes other bonds ......................... 22,955 00 paid ........................................ Stocks and other securities 500 00 2,000 00 Due to banks— deposits ----B anking house ....................... D ividends unpaid ................. Due from approved reserve banks .................................... 37,890 47 Individual deposits, su bject Due from other b a n k s ........ 2,742 54 to check ................................. Tim e certificates o f deposit E xchanges fo r clearing house ..................................... 6,475 50 Savings deposits ................... G old coin ................................... 17,177 50 Certified checks ......... Silver coin ...................... 2,869 25 Cashier’ s checks outstanding U. S. and national currency 12,530 00 Notes and bills re-discounted N ickels and cents ................. 574 53 $50,000 00 5,500 00 8,287 94 242 93 15 00 129,240 27,035 179,489 413 ‘ 439 15,000 67 08 10 00 11 00 T otal ............................... $415,662 83 T otal ............................... $415,662 S3 Randolph— Randolph State Bank. E. W . BR A N D E D , President. J. W. H U TCHIN SON , Vice President. W. G. JONES, Asst. Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. E dw ard Pugh, R oy al P. Clark, A. A. Siedschlag. J. C. B lochw itz, E. W . Brande!. J. W . H utchinson, M organ Jones, E S T A B L IS H E D OCTOBER 22, 3892. Statement October 31, 1914. L ia b ilitie s . R e so u rc e s. L oans and discounts . . . . . . . $286,000 Overdrafts ............................... 1,736 U. S., state, m unicipal and other bonds ......................... 7,500 B anking house ....................... 13,170 Furniture and fixtures ........ 4,641 Due from approved reserve banks ..................................... 35,005 Gold coin ................................. 4,645 Silver co in .............................. 775 XT. S. and national currency 6,700 N ickels and cents ................. 106 29 11 00 46 51 52 00 00 00 80 T o t a l ............................... $360,2S0 69 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Capital stock paid in ............ $50,000 Surplus fu nd ........................... 10,000 Undivided profits, less c u r rent expenses and taxes paid ........................................ 6,632 Due to banks ......................... 1,468 Individual deposits, su bject to check ................................. 90,825 Tim e certificates o f deposit 201,353 00 00 33 93 50 93 T o t a l ............................... $360,280 69 REPORTS OF STATE BANKS. 261 Random Lake— State Bank of Random Lake. JAM ES L E AH Y, President. W . F. W IL K , V ice President. C. P. SCHOMMER, Cashier. E. W . W IE S E , A sst. Cashier. D IR E C TO RS. James Leahy, M. N. Altenhofen, C. P. Schommer. E S TA B L IS H E D JU LY 13, 1905. Statement October 31, 1914. lie,sou rces. L ia b ilitie s . L oans and discounts .............. $168,417 Overdrafts ................. i ........... 882 U. S., state, m unicipal and other bon ds ......................... 18,000 B an king h o u s e ....................... 1,800 F urniture and fix t u r e s ........ 1,000 Due from approved reserve banks . . ................................. 35,685 1,705 Gold coin .................................. Silver coin ............................... 1,119 U. S. and national currency 3,038 N ickels and cents ................. 138 47 39 00 00 00 75 00 00 00 19 Capital stock paid in ............ Surplus fund ........................... Undivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid ........................................ Individual deposits, su bject to check ............................... Demand certificates o f de posit ...................................... Tim e certificates o f deposit Savings deposits .............. P ostal savings ....................... T otal ............................... $231,785 80 $25,000 00 5,000 00 3,702 75 65,060 48 5,207 99,009 28,065 740 60 35 17 45 T otal ............................... $231,785 80 Readstown— Readstown Bank. M. M. W A R D , President. A. H. W A R D , Cashier. MAY Y T T R I, Asst. Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. A. H. W ard, May Yttri, M. M. W ard. E S T A B L IS H E D AUGUST, 1S99. Incorporated as a State Bank A ugust 15, 1903. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. L oans and discounts ? .......... Overdrafts ................... Stocks and other securities B anking house ....................... F urniture and fixtures ........ Due from approved reserve banks ...................... Due from other banks ........ Checks on other banks and cash items ............................. Gold coin ................................. Silver coin ....................... U. S. and national currency N ickels and c e n t s ................. T otal ............................... Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis L ia b ilitie s . $73,878 628 100 1,000 1,127 65 74 00 00 50 5,727 41 2,763 18 316 15 562 3,123 16 70 00 25 00 32 $S9,25S 75 \ Capital stock paid in .......... Surplus fu nd ........................... Undivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid ........................................ Individual deposits, su bject to check ................................. Demand certificates o f d e posit ...................................... Certified checks ..................... B ills p ayable ................. Reserved fo r taxes ............. Total ............................... $10,000 00 200 00 752 74 23,087 51 41,726 192 13,000 300 06 44 00 00 $S9,258 75 262 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF BANKING. Redgranite— Redgranite State Bank. WM. BAN N ERM AN , President. F R A N K T IC E, Vice President. JAS. B. MULVA, Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. Frank Tice, A. It. Chipman, W m. W iske, F. W. Carley. W m . Bannerman, J. P. Piechow ski, .T. M. Koeser, E. R. Barnard, Aug. M. Anderson, E S T A B L IS H E D MAY 21, 1906. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. L ia b ilitie s . L oans and discounts ............ $112,250 90 Overdrafts ............................... 32 63 U. S., state, m unicipal and 8,000 00 other bon ds .......................... B an king house ....................... 1,525 00 Due from approved reserve banks ..................................... 16,937 95 Due from other banks ........ 1,130 91 Checks on other banks and cash items ............................. 707 45 Gold coin ................................... 710 00 Silver coin ............................... 1,731 05 IT. S. and national currency 14,498 00 N ickels and cents .................. 182 71 Capital stock paid in ........... $10,1)00 00 Surplus fund ........................... 5,000 00 Undivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid ............... 3,682 26 Individual deposits, su bject to check ......... 48,729 10 Tim e certificates of deposit 48,023 98 Saving's deposits .............. 42,271 26 T ota l ............................... $157,706 60 T otal ............. ................ $157,706 60 Reedsburg— The Citizens Bank. GEO. T. MORSE, President. AUG. S IE F E R T , Vice President. WM. R IG G E R T . Cashier. H. W . R IG G E R T , Asst. Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. Geo. T. Morse, A ug. Siefert, H. F. Schewe. E S T A B L IS H E D JA N U A R Y 21, 1887. In corporated as a State Bank January 30, 1892. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. Loans and discounts .............. $277,435 O verdrafts ............................... 1,512 U. S., state, m unicipal and other bonds ......................... 10,055 B an king house ....................... 2,582 Due from approved reserve banks ..................................... 46,477 Checks on other banks and cash item s ........................... 585 Gold coin ........................ 3,095 Silver coin ............................... 266 U. S. and national currency 3,050 N ickels and cents ................. 19 L ia b ilitie s . 44 48 00 25 55 65 00 55 00 17 T otal ............................... $345.079 09 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Capital stock paid in ............ $25,000 00 13,000 00 Surplus f u n d ........ ................ Undivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid ................................... ¿jf. 3,077 84 Due to banks— deposits . . . . 50 11 Individual deposits, su bject to check ................................. 88,090 44 Demand certificates o f de posit .............. 4,638 49 T im e certificates o f deposit 210,535 08 P ostal savings ....................... 687 13 T ota l ..................... ........ $345,079 09 REPORTS OF STATE BANKS. 263 Reedsburg-— The Reedsburg Bank. It. P. P E R R Y , President. W . F. W IN C H E S T E R , Vice President. OTTO KRAUSE, Cashier. E. S. PR O U TY , Asst. Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. Otto Krause, R. P. Perry, W . F. W inchester. E STA B L IS H E D N OVEM BER 10, 1ST7. Incorporated as a State Bank F ebruary 20, 1895. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. L ia b ilitie s . Loans and d i s c o u n t s ............ $470,594 97 Capital stock paid in .......... $50,000 00 Overdrafts ............................... 1,055 50 Surplus fund ........................... 25,000 00 IT. S., state, m unicipal and Undivided profits, less cu r other bonds ....... 60,880 20 rent expenses and taxes Banking house ....................... 3,000 00 paid ......................................... 4,302 24 Due from approved reserve Due to banks— deposits . . . . 6,979 98 banks .................................... 52,206 34 Individual deposits, su bject Due from other banks ........ 97 78 to check ............................... 102,586 82 Checks on other banks and Demand certificates o f de cash i t e m s ............................. 6,760 79 posit ....................................... 14,505 60 Gold coin ................................. 3,638 50 Time certificates o f deposit 383,381 29 Silver coin ................................. 292 00 Savings deposits ............... 27,884 56 U. S. and national currency 16,162 00 Certified checks ..................... 50 00 Nickels and cents ............... 2 41 Total .............................. $614,690 49 Total ............................... $614,690 49 Reedsburg— The State Bank of Reedsburg. JO H N P. STONE, President. CHAS. A. ROOD, V ice President. N. T. G IL L, Cashier. W. H. HAHN, Asst. Cashier. D IR E C TO RS. Joh n P. Stone, H. A. D arrow, M artin H ickey, Chas. A. R ood, A. S. W inckler. E S T A B L IS H E D MARCH 10, 1S98. Statement October 31. 1914. L ia b ilitie s . R e so u rc e s. Loans and d iscounts ..............$580,354 Overdrafts ............................... 997 U. S., state, m unicipal and other bonds ........................ 35,220 B anking house ....................... 3,095 Due from approved reserve banks .......................... 79,619 Due from other banks ........ 1,205 Checks on other banks and cash items ............................. 2,601 Gold coin ................................... 4,945 Silver coin ............................... 2,023 U. S. and national currency 16,610 Nickels and cents ................. 420 Capital stock paid in ............ $50,000 Surplus fund ........................... 25,000 Undivided profits, less cu r rent expenses' and taxes 00 paid ........................................ 2,910 35 Individual deposits, su bject to check ................................. 53,117 06 62 Demand certificates o f de 13,010 posit ...................................... 19 Tim e certificates o f deposit 460,635 ................. 122,219 00 Savings deposits 197 00 Postal savings ....................... 00 03 35 69 T otal .............................. $727,091 29 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 00 00 95 77 00 91 22 44 T otal .............................. $727,091 29 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF BANKING. 264 Reedsville— Reedsville State Bank. G. N. A. ZTJEHLKE, President. A. O’R O U R K E , V ice President. E. C. O’ R O U R K E , Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. G. A. Zuehlke, N. A. O’ Rourke, E. C. O’Rourke. E S T A B L IS H E D D ECEM BER 1, 1906. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. Loans and d is c o u n t s ............ O verdrafts ............................... B anking house ....................... F urniture and f i x t u r e s ........ Due from approved reserve banks ..................................... Silver coin .............................. U. S. and national currency Nickels and cents ................. L ia b ilitie s . $81,335 723 2,500 1,500 10 57 00 00 3,884 501 10,325 72 15 00 00 67 Capital stock paid in ............ $10,000 00 Surplus fund ........................... 2,500 00 Undivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid ........................................ 1,257 19 Individual deposits, su bject 39,433 16 to check .............................. Tim e certificates o f deposit 39,925 14 Savings deposits ................. 10,726 00 Total ............................... $103,841 49 T otal ............................... $103,841 49 Reeseville— State Bank of Reeseville. E. T. KLUG, President. W . F. YOUNG, Vice President. H. J. YAUMAN, Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. W . F. Y oung, H. J, Yauman, E. T. K ing, Edw. L iebing, j . ,j. Sullivan. E S T A B L IS H E D OCTOBER 1, 1S95. Incorporated as a State Bank Septem ber 26, 1902. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. Loans and d is c o u n t s .......... O verdrafts ............................... Banking house ...................... F urniture and fix tu re ?........ Due from approved reserve banks .................................... Checks on other banks and cash items ........................... Gold coin ................................ Silver coin ............................... U. S. and national currency Nickels and cents ___ . . . . . . T otal Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ............................. L ia b ilitie s . $59,985 198 4,500 3,350 71 69 00 00 Capital stock paid i n ........... Surplus fu nd ......................... U ndivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid ........................................ 15,010 46 Individual deposits, su bject to check .............................. 34 76 Tim e certificates o f deposit 1,642 50 Savings deposits .................. 293 50 Cashier’s checks outstand 4,172 00 ing ........................................ 165 45 Notes and bills rediscounted $89,353 07 T otal ......................... .'. $16,000 00 1,700 00 2,032 16 25,822 70 32,654 96 4,959 85 1,183 40 5,000 .00 $89,353 07 REPORTS OF STATE BANKS. 265 Reeseville— The People’s State Bank. F. A. E IC K E L B E R G , President. F. P. R U N K E L, V ice President. JOS. O. M EYERS, Cashier. L IL L IA N GRAM ZOW , Asst. Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. F. A. E ickelberg, Jos. O. Meyers, O. A. Sell, F. P. Runkel, Geo. P. Bickel, Chr. Indermuehle, F. H. Dauffenbach. E S T A B L IS H E D JULY 26, 1911. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. L ia b ilitie s . L oans and d iscou n ts............ $143,546 01 Capital stock paid in .......... $20,000 00 Overdrafts ............................... 993 51 Surplus fund ......................... 1,300 00 Banking- house ............... 5,000 00 Undivided profits, less cu r F urniture and f i x t u r e s ..... 2,897 51 rent expenses and taxes Due from approved reserve paid .................... 3,660 29 banks .................................... 32,826 81 Individual deposits, subject Checks on other banks and to check ............................... 58,841 36 41 14 Time certificates o f deposit cash item s ................ 96,328 28 Gold coin ................................. 1,772 50 Savings deposits ................ 11,471 10 Silver coin .............................. 628 30 Cashier’s checks ou tstan d U. S. and national currency 7,514 00 ing ............. 3,863 S8 ■Nickels and cents ............... 115 13 Other ....................................... 130 00 Total ................. T otal ............................... $195,464 91 $195,464 91 Rewey— The Rewey State Bank. O. G. R E W E Y , President. JE F F . W . R E W E Y , Cashier. D IR E C TO RS. O. G. Rewey, Martha J. Rewey, . Jeff. W . Rewey. E S T A B L IS H E D F E B R U A R Y 20, 1891. Incorporated as a State Bank A ugust 26, 1903. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. Loans and d i s c o u n t s .... ... O verdrafts ........................ B anking house ...................... Furniture and fix t u r e s .... Due_ from approved reserve banks ..................................... Checks on other banks and cash items .................. Gold coin ................................. Silver coin ............. U. S. and national currency Nickels and c e n ts................. T otal ............................. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis L ia b ilitie s . $66,604 4,132 2,650 540 59 55 00 00 3,740 01 1,372 1,245 150 2,608 12 07 00 00 00 34 $83,054 56 Capital stock paid i n .......... $10,000 1,000 Surplus fund ....... ............; . . Undivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid ...................................... 248 Individual deposits, subject to check ......................... 33,128 Demand certificates o f de posit .................................... 8,522 Time certificates of deposit 20,624 Savings deposits ................. 526 B ills payable ......................... 9,000 Other ........................................ 4 T otal ............................. 00 00 48 29 00 46 56 00 77 $83,054 56 266 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF BANKING. Rhinelander— Merchants State Bank. E. B. O. B R O W N , President. R. L E W IS , Vice President. M. H. RAYM OND, Cashier. L. A. L E A D B E T T E R , Asst. Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. B. R. Lewis, Paul Browne, C. F. Barnes. A. Seivwright, W . E. Brown, E. O. Brown, S. H. Alban, E S T A B L IS H E D M ARCH S, 1886. Incorporated as a State B ank May 5, 1890. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. L ia b ilitie s , L oans and d iscou n ts.......... $475,295 42 Capital stock paid in ........ Overdrafts ............................... 570 88 Surplus fund ......................... U. R„ state, m unicipal and Undivided profits, less cu r other bonds ....................... 33,657 50 rent expenses and taxes Stocks and other securities 6,750 00 paid ....................................... ■'king house ..................... 18,750 00 Due to banks— d ep osits___ 14,146 01 Individual deposits, subject F urniture and fix tu res........ Due from approved reserve to check ............................... banks .................................... 50,251 35 Demand certificates o f de Due from other b a n k s........ 8,610 78 posit ....................................... Checks on other banks and Time certificates o f deposit cash items ........................... 1,589 35 Savings deposits ................. E xchanges fo r clearing Certified checks ..................... house .................... 2,356 60 Notes and bills rediscounted 12,820 00 Gold coin ................................. Silver coin ................... 1.781 30 U. S. and national currency 15,742 00 Nickels and ce n ts................. 321 56 T otal ........, ................... $642,642 75 Total $50,000 00 25,000 00 44,047 09 35 33 224,709 98 35 189, S02 81,268 70 27,673 00 79 52 44 60 $612,642 75 Rice Lake— Barron County Bank. N. D. W . B A IL E Y , President. F. C L A R K , Vice President. WM. D. B R A D Y , Cashier. E. G. SH E R V E Y , Asst. Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. N. W . Bailey, D „ F. Clark, W m. D. Brady, E. G. Shervey. E S T A B L IS H E D SE PT E M B E R 11, 1882. Incorporated as a State Bank A ugust 1, 1903. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. L ia b ilitie s . Loans and d i s c o u n t s .... ... $195,250 62 Overdrafts ............................. 2.611 28 Banking house ..................... 6,000 00 F urniture and fixtures . . . . 2,000 00 Due from approved reserve banks ................................... 11.161 01 Checks on other banks and 3,270 94 cash items ........................... Gold coin ................................. 5,065 00 1.352 60 Silver coin .............................. U. S. and national currency 9,254 00 144 37 Nickels and c e n t s . . . . . . . . . . Capital stock paid in .......... $25,000 00 U ndivided profits, less c u r rent expenses and taxes paid ...................................... 172 23 Individual deposits, su bject to check .......... 89.579 69 Tim e certificates o f deposit 73,755 57 Savings deposits ................... 36,728 61 Cashier’ s checks outstandill£’ ....................................... 3.373 72 B ills payable ......................... 7,500 00 T otal Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ......................... ... $236,109 82 T otal ............................. $236,109 82 REPORTS OF STATE BANKS. 267 Rice Lake— Citizens State Bank. BEN KNUDSON, President. RAYM ON D V. P E TE R S O N , Vice Pres. S E W E L L A. P E TE R SO N , Cashier. J. H. W lL Z , A sst. Cashier. D IR E C TO RS. Sewell A. Peterson, Ben K nudson, R aym ond V. Peterson. E S T A B L IS H E D JA N U A R Y 3, 1900. Incorporated as a State Bank A ugu st 27, 1903. Statement October 31, 1914. R esou rces. L ia b ilitie s . L oans and d iscou n ts............$163,656 50 Capital stock paid in .......... Overdrafts ............................... 1,386 93 Surplus fund ........... Banking house ..............: . . . 2,045 00 Undivided profits, less cu r Due from approved reserve rent expenses and taxes banks .................................... 428 15 paid ...................................... Checks on other banks and Due to banks— d ep osits----cash items ........................... 1,464 50 Individual deposits, su bject to check .............................. G old coin ..................................... 42 50 Silver coin ................................. 363 15 Tim e certificates o f deposits U. S. and national currency 643 00 Savings deposits .................. Nickels and cen ts............... 47 16 Certified checks ..................... Bills payable .......................... T otal Total .............................. $170,076 89 $10,000 00 2,000 00 504 03 459 96 41,885 83,338 9,747 141 22,000 88 91 11 00 00 .............................. $170,076 89 Richfield— Richfield State Bank. P E T E R R E IC H E R T , President. THOS. H AYES, V ice President. R IC H A R D H A C K B A R T H , Cashier. R O B ’ T K L IP P E L , A sst. Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. Peter John Thos. John Adam Ebling, Christ Stuesser, Chas. Pickhard. R eichert, C. Miller, Hayes, Stuesser, E S T A B L IS H E D JA N U A R Y 3, 1911. Statement October 31. 1914. L ia b ilitie s . R e so u r c e s. Loans and d iscou n ts.......... Overdrafts ............................... U. S., state, m unicipal and other bonds ....................... B an king house ....................... F urniture and fix tu res........ Other real estate o w n e d .... Due from approved reserve banks .................................... Checks on other banks and cash items ........................... Gold coin ................................. Silver coin .............................. U. S. and national currency Nickels and cents.................. Other ........................................ Total $75,738 09 48 82 4.995 3,500 1,205 4,525 00 00 70 00 18,030 87 86 497 396 2,491 43 276 25 50 55 00 71 86 ............................ $111,835 35 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Capital stock paid in .......... $15,000 00 Surplus fund ......................... 1,600 00 U ndivided profits, less cu r rent exnenses and taxes paid ...................... 1,126 67 Individual deposits, su bject to check .._........................... 2.3,S67 23 Demand certificates o f de p osit ....................................... 61,967 54 Savings deposits .............. 8,273 91 Total ............................ $111,S35 35 R E P O R T OF T H E C O M M IS S IO N E R OF B A N K IN G . 268 Richland Center— Farmers and Merchants Bank. F R E D H. P R A T T , President. JOSHUA L. JOHNS, V ice President. MARCUS C. BER G H , Cashier. F R A N K E. F IS K E , Asst. Cashier. D IR E C TO RS. F. H. Pratt, Joshua L. Johns, M. C. Bergli, G. L. Miner, Chas. S. Craig, F. E. Fiske. E S T A B L IS H E D MAY 10, 1913. Statement October 31, 1°1 4 . R e so u rc e s. L ia b ilitie s . Loans and discounts ............ $181,195 78 Capital stock paid i n . ........ O verdrafts ............................. 479 25 U ndivided profits, less cu r U. S., state, m unicipal and rent expenses and taxes 2,600 00 other bonds ......................... paid ..................................... B an king house ....................... 12,500 00 Individual deposits, su bject 4,452 00 F urniture and fix tu re s..---to check ............................... Due from approved reserve Tim e certificates o f deposit banks .................................... 22,312 90 Savings deposits ................. Checks on other banks and Cashier’s checks outstanding cash items ................. 39 95 B ills p ayable ......................... E xchanges fo r clearing house ..................................... 1,471 73 Gold coin ................................. 2,180 00 Silver coin .............................. 1,726 10 U. S. and national currency 7,390 00 N ickels and cents ............. 154 47 Total $236,502 18 Total $50,000 00 3,525 63 62,600 83,413 11,056 5,906 20,000 36 23 44 52 00 $236,502 18 Richland Center— Richland County Bank. JVM. H. P IE R , President. A. V. P IE R , Vice President. .J. H. YEAM AN, Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. Wm. ,T. H. A. V. •T. W . H. Pier, Yeaman, Pier. Martin, .T. E. Coffland, ,T. W . Burnham, R. C. Lybrand. E S T A B L IS H E D MAY, 1SS2. Incorporated as a State Bank A ugu st 25, 1903. Statement October 3J, 1914. R e so u r c e s. L ia b ilitie s . Loans and d iscou n ts............ $713,386 38 Capital stock paid in .............. $100,000 00 Overdrafts ............................... 3,297 72 Surplus fund ........................... 5,000 00 Banking house ...................... 10.000 00 Undivided profits, less c u r F urniture and fixtu res........ 2,340 00 rent expenses and taxes Due from approved reserve paid ...................................... 6,113 83 banks .................................... 79.922 14 Individual deposits, subject Checks on other banks and to check ............... 187,086 39 cash items ........................... 2,310 00 Tim e certificates o f deposit 476,167 52 Gold coin ................................. 11,627 50 Savings d e p o s it s ..................... 25,200 36 Silver coin ............................... 613 35 Cashier’ s checks outstand U. S. and national currency 8.723 00 in g .......................................... 2,994 15 N ickels and cents ..............\. 342 16 B ills payable ......................... 30,000 00 T otal Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ............................. $832,562 25 T otal ............................. $832,562 25 REPORTS OF STATE BANKS. 269 Ridg-eland— Farmers State Bank. D. A. RU SSELL, President. M. L. R A N D A L L , Vice President. LLO YD B. THOM PSON, Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. Ole Jorstad, M. L. Randall, Chas. Bilse, D. A. Russell, E. Engh. E S T A B L IS H E D N OVEM BER IS, 1913. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. Loans and d is c o u n t s ............ O verdrafts ............................... B anking house ....... ............. Furniture and fixtures ........ Due from approved reserve banks ..................................... Gold coin ................................. Silver coin ............................... U. S. and national currency Nickels and c e n t s ................... T otal ............................... L ia b ilitie s . $45,453 61 2,352 1,372 42 50 85 45 3,990 180 625 3,617 64 69 00 95 00 07 Capital stock paid in .......... Undivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid ........................................ Individual deposits, su bject to c h e c k ................................. Demand certificates o f de posit ...................................... Tim e certificates o f deposit $10,000 00 T otal ............................... $57,717 93 $57,717 93 842 76 21,608 78 1,085 39 24,181 00 Ridgeway— Ridgrway State Bank. JAM ES LA U G H LIN , President. THOM AS PA U LL , V ice President. .T. T. PA U LL, Cashier EVA PA U LL, Asst. Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. .T. H. Pauli, Thom as Pauli, .Tames Laughlin, J. T. Pauli. E S T A B L IS H E D J VNUARY 9, 1908. Statement October 31. 1914. R e so u rc e s. Loans and discounts ............ Overdrafts ............................... B anking house ..................... Furniture and fixtures . . . . . Due from approved reserve banks .................................... Checks on other banks and cash i t e m s ............................. Gold coin ................................. Silver coin ............................ U. S. and national currency N ickels and cents ................. Total ............................... Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis L ia b ilitie s . $73,351 02 Capital stock paid in .......... 1,560 77 Surplus fund ........................... 2,500 00 Undivided profits, less cu r 92439 rent expenses and taxes paid ................... 7,221 79 Individual deposits, su bject to check ................................. 151 53 Time certificates o f deposit 60 00 Cashier’s checks outstanding 505 80 3.087 00 29 52 $10,000 00 800 00 $89,391 82 $89,391 82 T otal ............................... 1,097 39 33,577 65 43,365 54 551 24 270 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF BANKING. Rio— The Rio State Bank. C. D. GATES, President. W IN F IE L D H A L L , Vice President. H. S. H E N D R IC K SO N , C ashier« H. R. TONGEN, Asst. Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. H. A. Hanson, H ans Otterness, M athias T ollefson, C. D. Gates, W infield Hall, James Hasey. E S T A B L IS H E D SE PT E M B E R IT, 1900. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u r c e s. L ia b ilitie s . L oans and d is c o u n t s .............. $232,287 Overdrafts ............................... 3,414 B anking house ....................... 5,600 F urniture and fixtures ........ 2,519 Due from approved reserve banks ..................................... 6,215 Due from other banks ........ 10,412 Checks on other banks and cash items ........................... 4,709 Gold coin ............................... *. 160 Silver coin ............................... 586 U. S. and national currency 4,223 N ickels and cents ................. 310 99 82 00 95 96 06 Capital stock paid in ............ $20,000 00 Surplus fund ......... 3,500 00 Undivided profits, less c u r rent expenses and taxes paid ........................................ 1,037 93 Individual deposits, su bject to check ......... 20,605 92 Tim e certificates o f deposit 225,296 85 21 00 85 00 86 T otal ........................... ... $270,440 70 $270,440 70> Total Ripon— Ripon State Bank. F R E D SOPER, President. N. J. DU RHAM , Vice President. R. C. STU AR T, Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. J. M. FY ,T. C. H. C. ft. O. C. Turner, Fred B abcock. Geo. S. Currier. Koeser, Yohr, K rippene, W aters, E S T A B L IS H E D DEC E M B E R 8, 1913. Statement October 31, 1914. L ia b ilitie s . R e so u rc e s. L oans and d isco u n ts............ O verdrafts ...................... U. S., state, m unicipal and other bon ds ......................... B anking house ..................... Due from approved reserve banks .................... Due from other b a n k s........ E xchanges fo r clearing house ..................................... G old coin ................................. Silver coin ........................ V . S. and national currency N ickels and cents ................. $79,084 40 21 98 6,000 00 8,000 00 9,376 63 3,630 38 405 552 869 5,940 349 13 50 65 00 31 T otal ............................... $114,229 9S Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Capital stock paid in .......... U ndivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid ........................................ Due to banks— d e p o s it s .... Individual deposits, subject to check ...................... Tim e certificates o f deposit Savings deposits ................... Cashier’ s checks outstand ing ...........................■............ $50,000 00 3,142 34 4,648 08 21,178 85 28,740 12 6,077 23 443 36 T otal ............................... $114,229 98 REPORTS OF STATE BANKS. 271 River Falls— Farmers and Merchants State Bank. G. R. W . CH IN N OCK, President. N. JENSON, Vice President. C. N. W IG E R , Cashier. F. X. KNO B E L, Asst. Cashier. D IR E C TO RS. G. W . Chinnock, Allen P. W eld, W. P. Knowles, F. X. K nobel, F. M. W hite, It. G. C. .1. N. J. N. II. Jenson, Dodge, W iger, Grimm. E S T A B L IS H E D JUNE 1, 1S92. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. L ia b ilitie s . Loans and d iscou n ts........... $440,506 79 O verdrafts ............................. 3,880 93 Due from approved reserve banks .................... 43,543 33 Due from other ba n k s.......... 16,702 13 Checks on other banks and cash items ........................... 2,939 98 Gold coin ................................. 5,030 00 Silver coin ............................. 1,500 00 U. S. and national currency 5,843 00 Nickels and cents .................. 141 88 T otal ............................. $520,088 04 Capital stock paid in .......... Surplus fund ......................... Undivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid ................. Due to banks— d ep osits___ Individual deposits, subject to check ....... Time certificates o f deposit Notes and bills rediscounted B ills payable ......................... T otal $25,000 00 15,000 00 3,211 54 25 58 181,947 266,833 6,000 22,070 44 48 00 00 ............................. $520,088 04 Roberts— State Bank of Roberts. G. W. CHIN N OCK, President. W. H. ASH, Cashier. B E R T ASH, Asst. Cashier. D IR E C TO RS. G. W. Chinnock, W. H. Ash. E STA B L IS H E D AUGUST, 1902. Incorporated as a State Bank A ugu st 27, 1903. Statement October 31. 1914. R e so u rc e s. L oans and d iscou n ts............ Overdrafts ............................... Banking house ..................... Furniture and fixtu res........ Due from approved reserve banks ...................... Due from other b a n k s.......... Gold coin ............. Silver coin ............................... IT. S. and national currency Nickels and cen ts................. Other ........................................ L ia b ilitie s . $88.097 1,715 2,166 1,782 80 40 58 71 12,846 535 220 336 2,675 79 76 13 43 00 65 00 60 38 Total ............................... $110,531 68 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Capital stock paid in .......... $10,000 00 Surplus fund ......................... 300 00 Undivided profits, less c u r rent expenses and taxes paid ................. 514 60 Due to banks— d ep osits........ 107 64 Individual deposits, subject ' to check ................................. 40,960 12 Demand certificates o f de p osit ...................................... 58,649 32 T otal ............................... $110,531 68 272 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF BANKING. Rockland— Rockland State Bank. GOMET R O B E R TS , President. N. C. BE R G, Vice President. C. G. H IM LE Y, Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. W . II. Miller, John Emerson, Thom as Jarvis. Gomet R oberts, N. C. Berg, Peter Larson, P. W . Parson, E STA B L IS H E D OCTOBER 1, 1914. Statement October 31, 1914. L ia b ilitie s . R e so u rc e s. L oans and d isco u n ts............ F urniture and fix tu res.......... Due from approved reserve banks ..................................... Gold coin ................................. Silver coin ............................... IT. S. and national currency N ickels and cen ts.................. Expense ................... $6,849 50 62 33 T ota l ............................... $15,375 16 5,904 15 262 2,121 69 91 20 00 85 00 22 06 Capital stock paid in ............ Contingent f u n d ..................... Individual deposits, su bject to check .................... Tim e certificates o f deposit Other ............................ $10,000 00 500 00 T otal ............................... $15,375 16 2,643 01 2,212 00 20 15 Rome— Rome State Bank. D A V ID BOGIE, President. F R A N K PEN N O W , V ice President. L. F. SN YDER, Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. Martin Roethel, Alb. J. Bieck, Frank Pennow, J. J. Friede!. David Bogie, Alvin P ollock, L. F. Snyder, H. L. Quick, E S T A B L IS H E D .TUNE 10, 1912. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. L ia b ilitie s . L oans and d iscou n ts.............. Overdrafts ............................... V. S.; state, m unicipal and other bonds ......................... B anking house ................. F urniture and fix tu res.......... Due from approved reserve banks .................................... Gold coin .............................. Silver coin ............................... IT. S. and national currency N ickels and cents ................. $33,763 67 102 37 T otal ............................... $58,197 61 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 11,880 00 2,312 89 1,782 07 3.782 480 565 3,415 1 46 00 75 00 10 Capital stock paid i n ........... $10,000 Surplus fund ......... 500 Individual deposits, subject to check ................................. 5,286 Tim e certificates o f deposit 17,471 Savings deposits ................. 24,008 Cashier’ s checks outstand in g ............. 930 T otal .............................. 00 00 84 82 63 32 $58.197 61 REPORTS OF STATE BANKS. 273 Rosendale— Rosendale State Bank. W. J. G IL L E T T , President. L. A. MeKNIGH.T, Vice President. JAM ES R. H ATC H , Cashier., D IR E C TO RS. Frank Law son, W . J. Giilett, Le R o y Duel, C. E. McCumber, Aug. H. Bluemke. E S T A B L IS H E D SE PT E M B E R 30, 1903. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. L ia b ilitie s . Loans and discounts .......... $168,511 79 Overdrafts ............................... 8 83 3,500 00 B anking house ..................... Furniture and fixtures . . . . 1,000 00 Due from approved reserve banks ................................. 18,485 56 Checks on other banks and cash items ........................... 37 50 Gold coin ................................. 250 00 Silver c o i n ................................. 481 75 IT. S. and national currency 4,299 00 Nickels and cen ts.................. 70 34 Capital stock paid in .............. 15,000 00 Surplus fu nd ......................... 5,000 00 Undivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid ............... 6,946 73 Individual deposits, su bject to check ............................... 47,180 65 Tim e certificates o f deposit 94,869 81 Savings deposits ................. 27,647 58 T ota l ............................. $196,644 77 T otal ............................. $196,644 77 Rosholt— The State Bank of Rosholt. JOH N G. R OSH OLT, President. A. JENS ROSH OLT. Vice President. C A R L R O SH O LT, Cashier. D IR E C TO RS. John G. R osholt, Carl Rosholt, A. Jens R osholt. E S T A B L IS H E D F E B R U A R Y 8, 1904. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. Loans and d iscou n ts............$181,862 O verdrafts ............. ’___ . . . . . 44 B anking house ....................... 1,200 F urniture and fix tu res........ 1,300 Due from approved reserve banks .............................. 18,955 Due from other b a n k s.......... 90 Checks on other banks and cash item s ........................... 56 Gold coin ......... 1,012 Silver coin ............................... 481 U. S. and national currency 4,698 N ickels and cen ts................. 46 L ia b ilitie s . 90 09 00 00 77 61 13 50 40 00 29 Total ............................... $209,747 69 18— B. S. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Capital stock paid in ........... $25,000 Surplus fund ......................... 1,000 Undivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid ........................................ 1,064 D ividends unpaid .................. 2,000 Individual deposits, su bject to check ............................... 26,606 Demand certificates of de posit ...................................... 38,246 Tim e certificates o f deposit 105,830 B ills payable ......................... 10,000 00 00 5” 00 52 34 26' 00 Total ............................... $209,747 69 274 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF BANKING. St. Cloud— State Bank of St. Cloud. A N D R E W D A R N IE D E R , President. A. C. K IN GSTON , Vice President. A ndrew Darnieder, Anton Dreifuerst, Jos. Guelig, A. C. K ingston, OR LA N D O J. K O L L , Cashier. H. ,T. D A R N IE D E R , Asst. Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. Prank Kohlm ann, Orlando .T. K oll, Thom as Ott. E S T A B L IS H E D SE P T E M B E R 11, 1907. Statement October 31, 1914. L ia b ilitie s . R e so u rc e s. L oans and d iscou n ts............ $112,418 O verdrafts ............................... 787 U. S., state, m unicipal and other bon ds ......................... 12,010 Banking house ................. t. .. 3,970 Furniture and fixtures . '... 1,987 Due from approved reserve banks ...........................................19,409 Checks on other banks and cash items ........................... 20 Gold coin ................................. 290 362 Silver coin ............................... IT. S. and national currency 4,448 N ickels and cents .................. 17 32 87 84 50 74 53 99 00 35 00 30 Capital stock paid in ....... Surplus fund ........................ U ndivided profits, less c u r rent expenses and taxes paid ........................................ Dividends unpaid ................. Individual deposits, subject to check ................................. Time certificates o f deposit Savings deposits ............. T otal ............................... $155,723 44 $20,000 00 3,500 00 1,916 11 22 00 47,453 88 63,074 47 19,756 98 T otal ............................... $155.723 44 St. Croix Falls— Bank of St. Croix Falls. F R E D OLCOTT, President. GEO. H. THOM PSON, Vice President. Geo. H. T hom pson, Fred Olcott, W. T. T hom pson, W . T. THOM PSON, Cashier. ,T. C. HOG LAND, Asst. Cashier. D IR E C TO RS. E. .T. Olsen, F. W. W alker, W . C. Thom pson. E S T A B L IS H E D .TUNE 11, 188S. Statement October 31. 1914. T otal ............................... $496.596 09 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis L ia b ilitie s . $50,000 00 10,000 00 302, 5, So '6,319 22 107, OSO® Capital stock paid in ........ Surplus fu nd ........................ Undivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid ........................................ Individual deposits, su bject to check ............ ................... Demand certificates o f d e posit ....................................... Tim e certificates o f deposit Savings deposits ................. Cashier’s checks outstand ing .......................................... Postal savings ....................... Notes and bills rediscounted OO L oans and discounts .......... $407.812 54 O verdrafts ............................... 155 80 U. S., state, m unicipal and other bonds ......................... 2,000 00 Banking h o u s e ....................... 9.086 17 Furniture and fixtures ...... 3,279 52 Due from approved reserve banks ..................................... 56,969 96 Checks on other banks and cash items ............... 911 63 Gold coin ................................. 6,285 00 Silver coin ........... 2,477 40 U. S. and national currency 7,087 00 Nickels and cents .................. 249 18 Other ........................................ 281 89 13, T otal ............................... $496, § I R e so u rc e s. REPORTS OF STATE BANKS. 275 St. Nazianz— St. Nazianz State Bank. NIC F IL Z , President. T. O’B R IE N , Vice President. WM. C. GROH, Cashier. D IR E C TO RS. f f m . C. Groh, T. O’Brien, Joseph Mailman, ' H. P. K norr, John Miller, Nie Filz. E S T A B L IS H E D DECEM BER 2, 1909. Statement October 31, 1914. L ia b ilitie s . R e so u rc e s. L oans and discounts .......... Overdrafts ............................... Banking house ....................... F urniture and fixtures ----Due from approved reserve banks ..................................... Checks on other banks and cash items ......................... G old coin ................................. Silver coin ............................. U. S. and national currency Nickels and cen ts................... Other ........................................ $80,499 613 2,500 700 12,121 295 180 387 2,494 16 ( 1,197 \ 104 Capital stock paid in ........... $10,000 00 Surplus fund ......................... 2,500 00 Individual deposits, su bject to check ................................. 36,155 35 00 Demand certificates o f de p osit ....................................... 1,270 00 23 Tim e certificates o f deposit 45,808 10 376 08 84 Savings deposits .................... 5,000 00 00 B ills payable ......................... 50 41 84 00 00 04 30 37 $101,109 53 T otal $101,109 53 Total Salem— Salem State Bank. E D W IN J. ZAUN. Cashier. C L A R A AND ROSA ZAUN, Asst. Cashiers. F. F. SM ITH , President. M. W . A C K E R , Vice President.^ D IR E C TO R S. John Evans, Edwin J. Zaun. F. F. Smith, W in. Peterson, M. W . Acker, E S T A B L IS H E D N OVEM BER 29, 1913. Statement October 31, 1914. L ia b ilitie s , R e so u rc e s. Loans and discounts .......... Overdrafts ............................... U. S., state, m unicipal and other bonds ......................... Banking house ........................ Due from approved reserve banks ..................................... Due from other b a n k s.......... Gold coin ............... Silver coin ............................. U. S. and national currency Nickels and cen ts................. Total ....................... . Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis $19,515 92 36’ 99 1,000 00 1,308 75 5,471 231 40 299 2,206 23 07 80 00 30 00 86 $30.133 69 Capital stock paid in ............. $12,000 00 294 68 Surplus fund ........................... Undivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid ........................................ 971 42 Individu al deposits, su bject to check .................... 6,693 86 Demand certificates o f de posit ...................................... 7,944 02 Savings deposits ................... 2,229 71 Total ............................... $30,133 69 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF B A N K IN G . 276 Sauk City— Farmers and Citizens Bank. R O B E R T H O M B E R G E R , President. O TTO W . H AH N , Vice President. I AUGUST E. M A RQ U ARDT, Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. H. S. Bowm an, John Schneider, R obert Hornberger, Otto W. Hahn, A ugust E. M arquardt. E S T A B L IS H E D SE PT E M B E R 10, 1913. Statement October 31, 1014. R e so u rc e s. L ia b ilitie s . Loans and d iscou n ts............ $106,286 86 O verdrafts ............................... 1,010 15 U. S., state, m unicipal and other bonds .......................... 15,500 00 Prem ium on bonds .............. 43 19 B anking house ....................... 5,499 10 Furniture and fix tu r e s .. . . . . 3,328 48 Due from approved reserve banks .............................. 23,294 32 Checks on other banks and cash item s ........................... 2,211 33 Gold coin ................................. 5,180 00 Silver c o i n ................................. 868 60 U. S. and national currency 5,902 00 Nickels and cents ................. 209 18 Capital stock paid in ........ $22,000 U ndivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid ........................................ 1,772 Individual deposits, su bject to check ................................. 33,829 Time certificates of deposit 108,504 3,226 Savings deposits ......... T otal ............................... ' $169,333 21 Total 00 93 60 06 62 1,333 21 Sauk City— The State Bank. E. L. CASE, President. C. SCHLUNGBAUM, V ice President. J. E. B U E R K I, Cashier. O. R. B U E R K I, Asst. Cashier. D IR E C TO RS. E. L. Case, C. Schlungbaum , C. F. H. Meyer, Edw in Lachm und, Robt. Buerki, J. E. Buerki, .1. J. Büro. E S T A B L IS H E D D E CEM BER 1, 1906. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. L ia b ilitie s . L oans and d i s c o u n t s .... ... «$289,742 84 Capital stock paid i n ............ Overdrafts ........... 5,205 33 Surplus fund ........................... U. S., state, m unicipal and Undivided profits, less c u r other bonds ................... 9.300 00 rent expenses and taxes B an king house ......... 6,910 00 paid ................................... Furniture and fix tu res____ 3,400 00 Individual deposits, su bject Due from approved reserve to check ................................. banks ................................... 15,937 59 Tim e certificates of deposit Checks on other banks and Savings deposits ........... cash items ......................... •, l °. oa Gold coin ................................. 8,405 00 Silver coin ............................... 1,080 00 U. S. and national currency 20.841 on N ickels and cents ................. 77 72 Total ............................... ,$361,143 43 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Total $20, 000 00 7, 000 00 4,657 18 87 .361 08 240 ,290 95 1 .834 22 $361.143 43 REPORTS OF STATE BANKS. 277 Saukville— Saukville State Bank. H. .T. CARY, President. O T T O D A L L E R T , V ice President. H E R B E R T A. W IE S L E R , Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. H erbert A. W iesler, H. J. Cary, E. L. Eastman, . E STA B L IS H E D otto Dallert, A ugust Reese, p . w . Schueler. D E C E M B E R 31, 1912. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. L oa n s and d iscou n ts............ O verdrafts ............................... U. S., state, m unicipal and other bonds ......................... B anking house ..................... F urniture and fixtu res........ D ue from approved reserve banks ..................................... Checks on other banks and cash items ........................... Gold coin ................................. Silver coin ............................... U. S. and national currency N ickels and cents ................. .Expense ..................................... T otal ............................. L ia b ilitie s . $27,943 00 2,076 20 2,000 00 2,500 00 2,013 12 Capital stock paid in ............ Individual deposits, subject to check ................................. Tim e certificates o f deposit Savings deposits ................. $10,000 00 9,930 53 15,623 44 10,574 57 2,050 04 341 73 665 00 720 20 4,706 00 32 15 1,08110 $46,128 54 Total $46,128 54 Scandinavia— Bank of Scandinavia. R. E. M. HANSON, President. A. HOTZ, Vice President. R. J. BESTUL, Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. A. M. Peterson, R. M. Hanson, R. .T. Bestul, O. L. Bestul, E. A. Hotz, T. M. Colrue, O. G. Olson, E S T A B L IS H E D OCTOBER 27, 1900. Incorporated as a State Bank A ugust 20, 1903. Statement October 31. 1914. R e so u rc e s. L ia b ilitie s . L oans and d iscou n ts...............^19,964 Overdrafts ............................... 329 II. S., state, m unicipal and other bonds ................... ’ .. 39,596 Banking house ....................... 3,545 F urniture and fixtu res........ 2,055 Due from approved reserve banks ..................................... 29,956 Checks on other banks and cash items ........................... 778 Gold coin ..................... 1,305 Silver coin ................. 370 U. S. and national currency 3.107 N ickels and ce n ts................... 69 Total Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 80 78 48 00 00 74 Capital stock paid i n .............. $25,000 Surplus fund ......................... 4,600 Undivided profits, less c u r rent expenses and taxes paid ...................................... 1,765 Individual deposits, subject to check ...................... 43,164 Tim e certificates of deposit 229,947 00 00 66 86 63 97 00 10 00 28 $301,478 15 Total $304.47S 15 278 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF BANKING. Schleisingerville— Farmers State Bank. JOH N R O SE N H E IM ER , Sr., President. P E T E R N. BIES, V ice President. M A T T H E W W E ISS, Cashier. JOH N R O SE N H E IM ER , Asst. Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. H enry Hemhel, Matthew W eiss. John Rosenheimer. Jos. Rosenheim er, A drian K rebs, Peter Mueller, P eter N. Hies, E S T A B L IS H E D F E B R U A R Y IS, 1913. Statement October 31, 1914. L ia b ilitie s . R e so u rc e s. L oans and d iscou n ts............ $41,320 69 Capital stock paid in .......... $15,000 00 O verdrafts ............................. 241 33 Undivided profits, less c u r rent expenses and taxes 3.750 00 Banking- house ................... paid ...................................... 249 82 Furniture and fi x t u r e s ............... 1,800 00 Individual deposits, subject Due from approved reserve to check ............................... 10,582 26banks .................................... 4,011 61 Tim e certificates o f deposit 26,191 55 Checks on other banks and 4,482 58 cash items ......................... 20 10 Savings deposits ..-............... Gold coin ................................. H I 50 299 60 Silver coin ........................ U. S. and national currency 1,874 00 Nickels and cen ts................. 65 38 T otal ............................. T otal $56,500 21 ............................. $50,506 21 Schleisingerville— State Bank of Schleisingerville. CHAS. D. ST O R CK , President. CHAS. R O T H , Vice President. J. S. GIUDICE, Cashier. CHAS. J. R O TH , Asst. Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. Peter Schuck, W m . Kratz, J. S. Giudice. Chas. D. Storck, Chas. R oth. John F. Mayer, J. R othenbach, Jr., E S T A B L IS H E D SE PT E M B E R 13, 1904. Statement October 31, 1914. L ia b ilitie s . R e so u rc e s. Loans and d is c o u n t s .......... $138,123 99 Capital stock paid in ............ $15,000 00 2,800 00’ Overdrafts ............................... 6,059 58 Surplus fund ......................... Undivided profits, less cu r U. S., state, m unicipal and rent expenses and taxes other bonds ............... . . . . ^ 24,050 00 paid .................................. 1,876 60 B anking house . . . . : ............ 4,000 00 18 00 Furniture and fixtures ........ 2,130 00 Dividends unpaid ................. Individual deposits, su bject Other real estate o w n e d .... 2,500 00 to check ................................. 36,953 46 Due from approved reserve banks ......... 29,2S6 92 Tim e certificates o f deposit 128,993 50 Savings d ep osits..................... 31,113 70 Checks on other banks and 10 cash items ....................... 532 70 Postal savings . . . .............. Gold coin ............................ 445 00 Silver coin ........................... ... 1.599 75 U. S. and national currency 7,956 00 N ickels and cents ................. 71 42 Total Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis $216.755 36 Total $216,755 36 REPORTS OP STATE BANKS. 279 Seneca— Farmers & Merchants State Bank. JAS. F IS H E R , President. M IK E SN E LL, V ice President. THOS. T A Y L O R , Cashier. S. V. T A Y L O R , Asst. Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. Jas. E is her, Mike Snell, Geo. C. Ertel, John F itzgibbon , J. H. Finley, F. J. W all, W. R. Graves. E STA B L ISH E D AUGUST 7, 1007. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rces. L ia b ilitie s . Loans and d iscou n ts............$212,964 75 Capital stock paid i n .............. $15,000 00 Overdrafts ............................... 746 33 Surplus fund ......... 7,500 00 U. S., state, m unicipal and Undivided profits, less cu r 24,000 00 other bonds ......................... rent expenses and taxes B anking house ........... 1,900 00 paid ........................................ 1,446 66 F urniture and fixtu res........ 700 00 Individual deposits, subject Due from approved reserve to check ................................. 48,540 59 banks .................................... 34,322 86 Time certificates o f deposit 210,027 72 Due from other ba n k s.......... 320 64 Checks on other banks and cash items .................. 151 00 Gold coin ................................. 1,230 00 1,039 50 Silver coin ............................... U. S. and national currency 5,071 00 Nickels and cen ts................... 68 S3 Total ............................. $282,514 97 Total $282,514 97 Seymour— Seymour State Bank. CHAS- PLO E G E R , President. JAMES H IT T N E R , Vice President. CHAS. R. PRO SSE R , Cashier. A. R. M IC H E L S T E T T E R , Asst. Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. W m . M ichelstetter, Chas. R. Prosser, Frank Falck, James Hittner. Chas. F. Ploeger, E S T A B L IS H E D OCTOBER 1, 1887. Incorporated as a State Bank December 26, 1902. Statement October 31. 1914. R e so u rc e s. L ia b ilitie s . L oans and d iscou n ts............ $318,141 99 Capital stock paid in ........... $60,000 Overdrafts ............................... 750 89 Surplus fund ..................... 9,000 U. S., state, m unicipal and Undivided profits, less cu r other bonds ....... 7,100 00 rent expenses and taxes Stocks and other securities 1,379 11 paid ....................... 14,297 Banking house ....................... 4,000 00 Individual deposits, subject F urniture and fixtu res........ 2,457 00 to check ............................. 46, ,628 6,119 92 Tim e certificates of deposit 281,406 Other real estate ow n e d ___ Due from approved reserve 2,699 Savings deposits ................... banks .............................. 70,706 66 Reserved fo r taxes ............. 893 E xchanges fo r clearing Other liabilities ..................... 11,364 he use .............................. 1,115 83 Gold coin ................................. 6,385 00 Silver coin ............................... 1,377 15 U. S. and national currency 3,667 00 Nickels and c e n ts................... 130 53 Other resources ........... 2,959 95 Total Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis $426,291 03 Total 00 00 24 75 96 83 73 52 . . . . $426,291 03 280 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF BANKING. Sharon— Sharon State Bank. DARIU S B. MASON, Vice President. GEORGE C. M A N SFIE LD , Cashier. C H A R L E S W . SE A R L, Asst. Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. G eorge C. M ansfield, Darius B. Mason, Charles W . Sear'l. E S T A B L IS H E D DEC E M B E R 14, 1874. Incorporated as a State Bank July 20, 1903. Statement October 31, 1914. L ia b ilitie s . R e so u rc e s. Loans and d isco u n ts............ $?32,739 Overdrafts ............................... 2,560 U. S., state, m unicipal and other bon ds ......................... 59,980 P rem ium on b o n d s ................ 75 Banking house ..................... 6,000 F urniture and fixtu res........ 4,000 Due from approved reserve banks .......................... 40,347 Checks on other banks and cash items ........................... 167 Gold coin ................................. 5,725 Silver coir. ....................... 90120 U. S. and national currency 4,642 N ickels and cents ................. 123 Capital stock paid in ............. $25,000 00 Surplus fund ......................... 9,000 00 U ndivided profits, less c u r rent expenses and taxes 00 paid ...................................... 9,392 97 00 00 Individual deposits, subject to check ................................. 78,146 60 00 Tim e certificates of deposit 234,811 27 911 91 75 P ostal savings ................. 99 28 93 00 00 60 T otal ............................... $357,262 75 T otal ............................... $357,262 75 Shawano— Citizens State Bank. C. A. RATSLER, President. JO H N B. GORDON, Vice President. C. A. John Fred P. J. Chas. Raisler, B. Gordon, G. Brener, W inter, C. Moede, F R E D G. B R E N E R , Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. E. J. Êurttner, Aug. B eversdorf, W illiam R egling, Fred Ivuhn, G eorge K lebesadel. E S T A B L IS H E D M ARCH 24, 1910. Statement October 31, 1914. L ia b ilitie s R e so u rc e s. Loans and d iscou n ts............$207,336 O verdrafts ........... 1,977 B anking house ..................... 6,200 F urniture and fix tu res........ 2,800 Due from approved reserve banks ................................... 12,001 Due from other b a n k s.......... 32,71$ Checks on other banks and 5 's b items ........................... 1,660 Gold coin .......................... 835 Silver coin ................... 1,339 U. S. and national currency 4,705 N ickels and cen ts................. 321 81 37 00 00 04 03 10 00 70 00 52 T otal ............................... $251,894 57 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Capital stock paid in ............. $25,000 00 Surplus fund ......................... 5,000 00 U ndivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid ...................... 4,440 78 Individual deposits, subject to check ............................... 71,176 58 Time- certificates o f deposit 133,683 08 ................ 11,662 93 Savings deposits Cashier’ s checks ou tstan d ing .......................................... 931 20 T otal ............................. $251,894 57 REPORTS OP STATE BANKS. 281 Sheboygan— Bank of Sheboygan. JULIUS KROOS, President. •d K JL P H P F IS T E R , V ice President. JOS. L. P F E IL E R , Cashier. NILS KJE LSO N , Asst. Cashier. D IR E C TO RS. Julius K roos, H. A. Barrett, O. .T. Outsell, F. W . Nause, H. F. Roenitz, A dolph Pfister, W. H. Gunther, Jos. L. Pfeiler. E S T A B L IS H E D JA N U A R Y 1, 1857. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. / Loans and d iscou n ts............$2,155,440 Overdrafts ............................... 19,507 U. S., state, m unicipal and other bonds ......................... 389,903 Banking house ................. 65,000 33,000 F urniture and fix tu res........ Due from approved reserve banks ..................................... 345,741 Dup from other b a n k s........ 60,733 E xchanges fo r clearing house ..................................... 4,012 Gold coin ................................. 19,870 Silver coin ............................. 6,164 U. S. and national currency 56,044 I ll Nickels and ce n ts................... T otal L ia b ilitie s . 59 73 Capital stock paid in ............ $100,000 00 Surplus fund ......................... 200,000 00 Undivided profits, less cu r '52 rent expenses and taxes 00 Paid ...................................... 91,095 40 00 Due to banks— d ep osits___ 41,500 03 Individual deposits, subject 57 to check ................................. 658,123 13 90 Demand certificates o f de posit ...................................... 39,64293 78 Tim e certificates o f deposit 1,081,204 29 00 Savings deposits ................. 917,110 21 00 Certified checks ................... 1,070 00 00 P ostal savings ..................... 25,783 36 26 ......................... ..$3,155,529 35 T otal .............................$3,155,529 35 Sheboygan— Citizens State Bank of Sheboygan. H E N R Y JUNG, President. k . L. W H IT E H IL L , V ice President. .T. W . HANSEN, Cashier. D. W . H U E N IN K , Asst. Cashier. D IR E C TO RS. H enry Jung, O. H. Clark, Va-1. Herman, R. L. W hitehill, J. W . Hansen. E STA B L IS H E D JU L Y 7, 1896. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u r c e s. L ia b ilitie s . Loans and d iscou n ts............ $878,766 27 Capital stock paid in ............ $100,000 00 Overdrafts ............................... 3,330 04 Surplus fund ......................... 50,000 00 U. S., state, m unicipal and Undivided profits, less cu r other bonds ....................... 61,500 00 rent expenses and taxes B anking house ..................... 35,000 00 naid ...................................... 15,390 42 F urniture and fix tu res........ 15,000 00 Due to banks— d ep osits___ 20,063 12 Due from approved reserve Dividends unpaid ............... 24 50 banks ..................................... 97,486 63 Individu al deposits, subject Due from other b a n k s........ 212 62 to check ........................ 326,068 70 E xchanges fo r clearing Demand certificates o f d e house .................................... 3,327 67 posit ......... 14,727 55 Gold coin . ............................... 6,195 00 Time certificates o f deposit 233,719 83 Silver coin ............................... 3,247 50 Savings deposits ................... 351,418 23 IT. S. and national currency 24,636 00 Certified checks ..................... 6.400 00 Nickels and cen ts................. 343 54 Postal savings ....................... 11,232 92 T otal .............................$1.129.045 27 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis T ota l ......... ..................$1,129,045 27 282 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF BANKING. Sheboygan— Farmers & Merchants Bank. N. J. SCH AFER, President. O. C. N EU M EISTER, V ice President. CHAS. H. E B E N R E IT E R , Cashier. IP. A. K O H L, Asst. Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. N. J. Schafer, John Fahres, Sr. Chas. H ouf, W . J. K ohl, O. C. Neumeister, W m . Maurer, Sr. Casper J. W olf, E S T A B L IS H E D DECEM BER 19, 1905. Statement October 31, 1911. L ia b ilitie s . R e so u r c e s. Loans and d iscou n ts............ $250,640 13 Overdrafts ............................... 555 83 IT. S., state, m unicipal and other bonds ......................... 41,071 82 B anking house ....................... 12,500 00 F urniture and fix tu res........ 3,900 00 Due from approved reserve banks ........................ •.......... 35,788 18 Due from other b a n k s.......... 280 49 ^Exchanges fo r clearing house ..................................... 2,701 79 Gold coin ................................. 485 00 Silver coin ............................... 1,508 85 U. S. and national currency 5,331 00 249 75 N ickels and ce n ts................. T ota l ............................. $355,012 84 Capital stock paid i n . . . . . . . Surplus fund ......................... U ndivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid ...................................... Due to banks— d e p o s it s .... D ividends unpaid ............. Individual deposits, subject to check ................. Demand certificates o f de posit ...................................... Tim e certificates o f deposit Savings deposits ............. Certified checks ................... Other ........................................ T otal $50,00000 25,000 00 10,947 06 3,22S 34 33 00 127,375 29 9,173 75,087 53,525 480 162 63 57 03 00 92 ............................. $355,012 84 Sheboygan— German Bank. W . .T. R IE T O W , President. HERM AN S C H R E IE R , V ice President. OTTO FOESTE, Cashier. OTTO KAUFM ANN, Asst. Cashier. ,T. M. S C H IL D E R , Asst. Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. Otto Kaufm ann, W alter J. K ohler, II. C. Prange, Geo. P. Myers. W. J. Rietow, Herman Schreier, Otto Foeste, Peter Reiss, Geo. Heller, E S T A B L IS H E D JU LY 1. 1856. Statement October 31, 1914. L ia b ilitie s . R e so u r c e s. . L oans and d is c o u n t s $ 2,470,124 32 O verdrafts ............................... 8,162 U. S., state, m unicipal and other bon ds .......................... 110,000 Stocks and other securities 100,000 B an kng h o u s e ................ 25,000 F urniture and fi x t u r e s ....... 5,000 Other real estate o w n ed ___ 19,368 Due from approved reserve banks ..................................... 241,024 Due from other b a n k s......... 30,512 Checks on other banks and cash items ............. 9,228 Gold coin ................................. 47,060 Silver coin ............................... 5,980 U. S. and national currency 34,361 'Nickels and ce n ts....... 1,306 Total Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Capital stock paid in ........... $250,000 00 99 Surplus fund .......................... 100.000 00 U ndivided profits, less c u r rent expenses and taxes 00 paid .................................. 50,444 98 00 18,233 16 00 Due to banks— deposits . . . . H o 00 00 D ividends unpaid ................. 19 Individual deposits, subject to check ................. 958,434 11 43 Demand certificates o f d e p osit ...................................... 31,235 78 32 Tim e certificates o f deposit 972,729 62 54 Savings deposits ................... 725,131 89 803 75 00 Certified checks ................... 00 00 50 $3,107,128 29 Total $3,107,128 29 REPORTS OF STATE BANKS. 283 Sheboygan Falls— German Bank. A B N E R O. H EA R D , President. W. C. B R IC K N E R , V ice President, O. D. B A LLSC H M ID E R , Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. W . C. B rickner, Chas. H . W eisse, John Blnst, A bner O. Heald, o . I). Ballschm ider. E S T A B L IS H E D DECEM BER 16, 1871. Incorporated as a State Bank July 3, 1902. Statement October 31. 1914. R e so u r c e s. L ia b ilitie s . Loans and d iscou n ts............ $298,657 Overdrafts ................... 1,038 Banking house ....................... 1,000 .Furniture and fix tu r e s .___ 3,000 Due from approved reserve banks ..................................... 24,903 3,543 Due from other ba n k s.......... Checks on other banks and. cash items ................. 1,598 Gold coin ............................ 5,375 ¡Silver coin ............................... 1,558 U. S. and national currency 7*151 Nickels and ce n ts................... 311 51 93 00 00 Capital stock paid in .............. $25,000 25,000 Surplus fund .......................... Undivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid ...................................... 5.547 30 Individual deposits, su bject 58 to check 139,519 Demand certificates o f de 75 posit ...................................... 112,585 00 Time certificates o f deposit 126,518 75 Savings deposits ................. 17,026 00 11 Total ............................... $351,197 99 T otal ............. 00 00 43 29 84 44 99 $351.197 99 Sheboygan Falls— State Bank of Sheboygan Falls. H E N R Y H ILLE M A N N , President. R. P. DASSOW , V ice President. M. T. H IL L E M A N N , Cashier. .U J D IR E C TO RS. H en ry Hillem ann, R. P. Dassow, John Bauernfeind, ' E S T A B L IS H E D H enry H abighorst, W m . H abighorst. MAY 18, 1910. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so ii roes. L ia b ilitie s . Loans and d iscou n ts............ $124,643 26 Overdrafts .......................... 375 33 U. S., state, m unicipal and other bonds ......................... 26,000 00 B anking house ....................... 5,700 00 F urniture and fixtu res........ 3,000 00 Due from approved reserve banks ..................................... IS ,068 17 Checks on other banks and cash items ........................... 28 50 Gold coin ................................. 315 00 Silver coin ............................... 380 40 U. S. and national currency 3,270 00 32 00 Nickels and cents ................. Capital stock paid i n . . .......... $20,000 00 Surplus fund ..................... ... 2,000 00 Undivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid ...................................... 3.171 12 Individual deposits, subject. to check ............................... 74,433 62 Demand certificates o f de posit ...................................... 7,087 64 Time certificates o f deposit 61,871 56 Savings deposits ..... 13,24S 72 Total ............................. $181.812 06 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis T otal ............................. $181.812 66 284 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF BANKING. Shell Lake— Bank of Shell Lake. H. M. LAU RSEN , President. GEORGE L. C'OTT, Vice President. LOUIS SALESS, Vice President. CHAS. A. SH AVER, Cashier. D IR E C T O R S Chas. A. Shaver, Louis Saless. H. M. Laursen, S. G. Swanson, George L. Cott, E S T A B L IS H E D F E B R U A R Y 27, 1911. Statement October 31, 1914. L ia b ilitie s . R e so u rc e s. L oans and d iscou n ts........... Overdrafts ............................... B anking house ................... F urniture and fix tu res........ Due from approved reserve banks .................................... Checks on other banks and cash items ............................. Gold coin ................................. Silver coin ............................. TJ. S. and national currency N ickels and cents .................. T otal Capital stock paid i n ............. $15,000 00 Surplus fund ........................... 600 00 Undivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes 1,158 17 paid ........................................ 10,507 79 Individual deposits, su bject to check ................................. 47,251 12: 10,746 52 83 24 Tim e certificates o f deposit 2,035 00 Savings deposits ................. 48,223 19 808 90 Cashier’s checks outstand 127 05 in g ............. 2,995 00 125 77 $99,544 556 3,750 2,700 31 04 00 00 ............................. $123,106 05 T ota l ............................. $123,106 05 Shell Lake— Lumbermen’s Bank of Shell Lake. S. .T. BOURNE, President. J. M. SM ITH , Vice President. J. M. SM ITH , Cashier. J. E. ENQUIST, Asst. Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. S. J. Bourne, Jessie M. S m ith ,. J. M. Smith. E S T A B L IS H E D MAY 15, 1896. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. L oans and d iscou n ts............$253,331 Overdrafts ............................... 368 B anking house ..................... 6,000 F urniture and fix tu res........ 500 Due from approved reserve banks ..................................... 18,400 Checks on other banks and cash items ......................... 87 Gold coin ............. 5,017 Silver coin ....... 383 TJ. S. and nationalcurrency 2,087 N ickels and cents ............. 52 T otal Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis L ia b ilitie s . 46 25 00 00 24 67 50 70 00 41 ............................. $286.228 23 Capital stock paid in ............ $25,000 Surplus fund ......................... 5.000 Undivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid ....................................... 2,615 Individual deposits, su bject to check ............................... 66,703 Demand certificates o f d e posit ...................................... 353 Tim e certificates o f deposit 31,375 Savings deposits ................... 154,425 Cashier’ s checks outstand ing ............................ 256 Postal savings ....................... 498 T ota l Oft 00 55 16 32 98 32 52 38 ............................. $286,228 23 REPORTS OF STATE BANKS. 285 Shiocton— Bank of Shiocton. G. A. ZU E H LK E , President. P. N. T O R R E Y , Vice President. J. N. W AG N E R , A ctin g Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. G. A, Zuehlke, F. N. Torrey, A ugust Zuehlke. E S T A B L IS H E D DECEM BER 22, 1902. Incorporated as a State Bank June 9, 1903. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. L oans and d isco u n ts............ O verdrafts ............................... B anking house ..................... F urniture and fixtu res........ Due from approved reserve banks ..................................... Gold coin ................................. Silver coin ........... U. S. and national currency Nickels and c e n ts................. T otal L ia b ilitie s . $85,860 1,430 2,650 1,328 02 01 00 75 11,982 600 298 1,650 106 46 00 00 00 81 Capital stock paid i n .............. Surplus fund ......................... Undivided profits, less c u r rent expenses and taxes . Paid ...................................... individual deposits, subject to check ............................... Tim e certificates o f deposit Savings deposits ................ ......................... ..$ 1 0 5 ,9 2 6 05 T otal $10,000 00 1,850 00 564 38 33,010 08 59,435 71 1,065 88 ........................... $105,926 05 Shullsburg— Farmers and Merchants Bank. JOHN P. W IL L IA M S . President. JOH N W . H A R K E R , V ice President. -T. M. L E H R . Cashier. W IL L IA M M ETC A LF, Asst. Cashier. D IR E C TO RS. John W . Harker, John P. W illiam s, A ndrew Heben streit. John Flem ing. E S T A B L IS H E D MAY S, 1909. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. L ia b ilitie s . L oans and d i s c o u n t s .... ... $215,130 58 Capital stock paid in .......... $25,000 00 7,500 00 O verdrafts .............................. 1,168 33 Surplus fund ......................... Undivided profits, less c u r U. S., state, m unicipal and rent expenses and taxes other bonds ......................... 36,742 50 paid ....................................... 2.395 31 F urniture and fixtures ....... 2,400 00 Individual deposits, subject Due from approved reserve to check ............................... 46,276 87 banks .................................... 38,113 15 Demand certificates o f de Checks on other banks and posit ...................................... 224,729 77 cash items ........................... 111 36 G old coin .................................. 4,050 00 Silver coin ............................. 435 55 U. S. and national currency 7,657 00 Nickels and ce n ts................. 83 12 Other ........................................ 10 36 T otal ............................. $305.901 95 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis T otal ............................. $305,901 95 286 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF BANKING. Silver Lake— Silver Lake State Bank. R. B. M. D IX O N . President. H. STO C K E R , V ice President. WM. G. SCH LECH T, Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. F. H. Schenning, W m. G. Schlecht, P». H. Stocker, R. M. D ixon. Chas. Bernhoft, Geo. Breul, Albe'rt Schenning, John Dixon, D. J. Vincent, E S T A B L IS H E D S E PT E M B E R 19, 1908. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so n rees. L ia b ilitie s . Loans and discounts .............. $104,890 O verdrafts .................... 3,852 E. S., state, m unicipal and other bonds ......................... 8,533 B anking house ................. . . . 4,550 F urniture and fi x t u r e s ........ 5,250 Due from approved reserve 9,348 banks .................................... Due from other banks ........ 2,252 Checks on other banks and cash i t e m s ................................ 252 Silver coin ................................. 859 17. S. and national currency 4,804 259 N ickels and cents ................. 08 48 75 00 00 52 93 Capital stock paid in ............ $15,000 00 Surplus fund ........................... 3,600 00 Undivided profits, less c u r rent expenses and taxes paid ........................................ 275 IS Individual deposits, su bject to check ............. 36,236 6S T im e certificates o f deposit 79,770 77 Savings deposits ................. 9,970 94 66 75 00 40 $144,853 57- T otal Total .............................. $144,853 57 Siren— Bank of Siren. H A R R Y D. B A K E R , President. D A N IE L .JOHNSON, Vice P resident. J. E. SPANG BERG, Cashier. W A L T E R R. JOHNSON, Asst. Cashier.. D IR E C TO R S. H arry D. Baker, Frank Fahland, Daniel Johnson, C. A. N eyberg, J. E. Spangberg. E S T A B L IS H E D OCTOBER 9, 1912. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so n roes. Loans and discounts ............ TJ. S., state, m unicipal and other bon ds ......................... B anking house ................. Furniture and fixtures ........ Due from approved reserve banks .................................... Due from other b a n k s ........ Checks on other banks and cash items ........................ Gold coin ................................. Silver c o i n ................................. T'. S. and national currency Nickels and cents ................. Total Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis L ia b ilitie s . $67,987 38 2,000 00 2,250 00 1,569 00 4,389 05 96 00 68 220 120 1,900 67 77 00 75 00 53 $80.668 48 Capital stock paid in . . . . . . Surplus fund ......................... Undivided profits, less c u r rent expenses and taxes paid ................................ Individual deposits, subject' to check ................................. Tim e certificates of deposit Savings deposits ............... Cashier’s checks outstanding B ills p a y a b le ........................ T o t a l ___ $10,000 00 105 00 981 43 30.5S7 12,653 17,798 543 8,000 26 60 08 11 00 $80.668 48 REPORTS OF S T A T E BANKS. 287 Soldiers Grove— Bank of Soldiers Grove. M. H. MALONE, President. F O STE R HOOVERSON , Vice President. C. A. P E TE R SO N , Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. W m. Barney, M. H. Malone, N. Barlow, .Tames Ryan, O. .T. Davidson, A. B. Peterson, Sam Aspen. E S T A B L IS H E D F E B R U A R Y 10, 1S93. Incorporated as a State Bank July 16, 1903. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. L ia b ilitie s . Loans and discounts .............. $173,979 O verdrafts .............................. 1,764 U. S., state, m unicipal and 1,400 other bon ds ......................... B anking house ....................... 4,500 Furniture and fix t u r e s ........ 1,500 Due from approved reserve banks ....................... i ........... 10,042 Due from other b a n k s ........ 24 Checks on other banks and cash i t e m s ............................. 788 Gold coin ................................... 65 Silver c o i n ................................. 186 U. S. and national currency 3,625 16 N ickels and cents ................. 54 68 Capital stock paid in ............ $20,000 00 Surplus fund ........................ 1,000 00 U ndivided profits, less cu r 00 rent expenses and taxes 00 paid ................................ 271 72 00 Individual deposits, su bject to check ................................ 42,722 49 73 Demand certificates o f de 16 posit ................. 128,868 27 P ostal savings ....................... 30 06 22 B ills payable ........................ 5,000 00 00 50 00 71 T otal ............................... $197,892 54 T otal ............................... $197,892 54 Somerset— Bank of Somerset. L A W R E N C E P A R N E L L , President. II. A. LA G R AN D EU R , Cashier F R E D E R IC K P A R N E L L , Vice H. J. LA G R AN D EU R , Asst. Cashier, President. D IR E C TO R S. E. H. Callanan, Lawrence Parnell, Fred Parnell, II. A. Lagrandeur, LI. J. Lagrandeur. E S T A B L IS H E D MAY 9, 1911. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. L ia b ilitie s . Loans and discounts ............ $80,066 51 Capital stock paid in .......... Overdrafts ............................... 820 10 Surplus fund .......................... 2,000 00 U ndivided profits, less cu r Banking house .................. F urniture and fixtures . . . . . 2,335 67 rent expenses and taxes Due from approved reserve paid ........................................ banks .................................... 23,825 92 Individual deposits, su bject Checks on other banks and to check ................................. cash items ........¿ . ............... 13 52 Tim e certificates o f deposits Gold coin .................................. 355 00 Savings deposits ................... Silver coin ............................... 598 25 C ashier’s checks outstanding U. S. and national currency 2,796 00 N ickels and c e n t s ........ 196 61 Total ............................... $113,007 5S Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis $10,000 00 1,600 00 1,56S 48 26.456 90 61,967 47 7,820 69 3,594 04 Total ............................... $113,007 58 288 R E P O R T OF T H E C O M M IS S IO N E R OF B A N K IN G . South Germantown— The Germantown State Bank. U L R IC H H U BER, President. JACOB D IE F E N T H A E L E R , V ice President. PH. G. D U E R R W A E C H T E R , Cashier. BEN. C. D U E R R W A E C H T E R , > Asst. Cashier. D IR E C TO RS. Ulrich H uber, Jacob Diefenthaeler, W illiam W eller, Ben. C. Duerrwaechter, Ph. G. Duerrwaechter. E S T A B L IS H E D F E B R U A R Y 28, 1910. Statement October 31. 1914. R e so u rc e s. L ia b ilitie s . Loans and d is c o u n t s ............ $120,250 91 U. S., state, m unicipal and other bonds ........................ 2,000 00 F urniture and fixtures ........ 650 00 Other real estate o w n e d ........ 202 18 Due from approved reserve banks ..................................... 9,130 97 G old coin ................................. 70 00 12 20 Silver c o i n ........................ U. S. and national currency 2,267 00 N ickels and cents .................. 7 77 T otal ............................... $134,591 03 Capital stock paid in ............ Surplus fu nd ......................... U ndivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid ........................................ Individual deposits, su bject to check ................................ Tim e certificates o f deposit Savings deposits ................. $10,000 00 3,000 00 246 69 11,524 51 68,515 62 41,304 21 T otal ............................... $134,591 03 South Milwaukee— South Milwaukee Bank. F R E D W . ROGERS, President. S. M. SM ITH, Vice President. O. F. T H IE M E, Cashier. GEO. H. IvRUECK, Asst. Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. O. F. Thieme, S. M. Smith, f f m . K rueck, P. H. L oftus, Nathan H irshberg, Geo. H. H ook, Fred W . R ogers. E S T A B L IS H E D M ARCH 27, 1893. Incorporated as a State Bank June 19, 1897. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s, L oans and d is c o u n t s ............ $274,292 54 Overdrafts ................................ 28 56 U. S., state, m unicipal and other bonds ......................... 155,207 02 Banking house ....................... 13,500 00 F urniture and fixtures ........ 2,500 00 Other real estate o w n e d ----1,500 00 Due from approved reserve b a n k s ................................. 39,487 12 Due from other banks ........ 1,319 10 Checks on other banks and cash i t e m s ............................. 170 71 Gold c o i n ..................... 2,432 50 Silver coin ................................. 1,252 10 IT. S. and national currency 29,398 00 N ickels and cents ................. 186 50 T otal ............................... $521,274 15 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis L ia b ilitie s . Capital stock paid in ............ Surplus fund ........................... U ndivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid ........................................ Individual deposits, su bject to check ................................. Demand certificates o f de posit ........................................ Tim e certificates o f deposit Savings deposits ................. Certified checks ............. Cashier’ s checks outstanding P ostal savings ....................... $40,000 00 10,000 00 7,674 00 163,534 20 26 30 40,846 87 254,719 28 842 50 30 00 3,601 00 T otal ............................... $521,274 15 REPORTS OF STATE BANKS, 289 South Wayne— Bank of South Wayne. F. E. T R E E , President. A N D R E SS T R E E , Vice President. OSCAR J. OLSON, Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. Andress Tree, F. E. Tree, Oscar J. Olson. E S T A B L IS H E D DECEM BER 4, 1903. Statement October 31, 1014. R e so u rc e s. Lin bill ties. Loans and discounts . . . ....... $113,573 34 Capital stock paid in .......... O verdrafts ............................... 100 60 Surplus fund ........................... F. S., state, m unicipal and Undivided profits, less cu r other bonds ......................... 11,500 00 rent expenses and taxes B anking house ..................... 2,500 00 P;'id ........................................ Furniture and fixtures ........ 1,750 00 Individual deposits, su bject D ue from approved reserve to check ................................. banks .................................... 9,086 9 3 Demand certificates o f de Due from other banks ........ 4,474 53 posit ...................................... O id coin ................................. 850 00 Silver coin ............................... 437 90 F. S. and national currency 3,460 00 Nickels and cents ................. 38 71 T otal ............................... $147,772 07 $10,000 00 2,000 00 194 78 52,236 86 S3,340 43 T otal ............................... $147,772 07 Sparta— Bank of Sparta. LOUIS '1'. H IL L , President. S. W. B A R N E Y , Vice President. E. H. C A N FIE L D , 2nd. V ice President. W. W. H IN TO N , Cashier. A. M. RYAN , Asst, Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. E. H. Canfield, H ow ard Teasdale, L ouis T. Hill, M. Brackett, John J. Youngm an, A. W. Barney, Fred Gross, John E. L loyd, II. B. McCoy. 1 E STA B L Ii 3IIED JU LY 12, 1S5S. Statement October 3.1, 1914. R e so u rc e s. L ia b ilitie s . Loans and discounts ............ $474,675 24 Capital stock paid in .......... $50,000 00 Overdrafts ............................... 8,004 S6 Surplus fu n d ........................... 25,000 00 U. S., state, m unicipal and U ndivided profits, less c u r other bon ds ..................... 153,465 00 rent expenses and taxes B anking house ....................... 10,000 00 paid ........................................ 6,974 45 Due from approved reserve Due to banks— deposits . . . . 19,495 43 banks .......................... 85,446 75 Individual deposits, su bject Checks on other banks and to check ................................. 125,174 85 cash items ........................... 201 50 Demand certificates o f d e E xchanges fo r clearing posit ........... 499,189 07 house .................... 1,994 42 Savings deposits ................... 21,384 56 Gold coin ................................. 5 ,'400 00 Certified checks . ................... 500 00 Sliver coin ........... 2,293 75 Postal savings ....................... 1,968 71 F. S. and national currency 7,920 00 Nickels and c e n t s ................... 236 79 Other resources ..................... 48 76 T otal ............................... $749,687 07 19—B. S. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis T otal ............................... $749,687 07 290 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF BANKING. Sparta— Citizens State Bank. W . A. .TONES, President. H. M. N EW TON , Vice President. T. C. L O N G W E L L , Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. W . A. Tones, H. M. Newton, T. C. L ongw ell, A. T. Carnahan, W . N. W ells, IT. .T. Masters, C. M. Beebe. E S T A B L IS H E D MAY 25, 1907. Statement October 31, .1814. R e so u rc e s. L ia b ilitie s . L oans and d is c o u n t s .............. $239,252 35 Overdrafts ................................. 3,251 65 TJ., S., state, m unicipal and 6,000 00 other bonds ......................... B anking house ....................... 7,000 00 F urniture and fixtures ........ 2,200 €0 Due' from approved reserve 46,090 91 banks .................................... E xchanges fo r clearing h o u s e ...................................... 3,640 91 Gold coin .................................> 1,210 00 Silver coin ............................... 1,029 10 TT. S. and national currency 3,396 00 N ickels and cents ................. 172 66 Capital stock paid in .......... $25,000 Surplus fu nd ......................... 5,000 Undivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid ............. '27 D ividends unpaid ................. 100 Individual deposits, su bject to check ................................. 103,913 Tim e certificates of deposit 179,202 00 00 20 00 39 99 T otal ........, ..*................ $313,243 58 T otal ............................... $313,243 58 Sparta— Monroe County Bank. GEO. D. DUNN, President. W. G. W IL L IA M S , V ice President. WM. R. CROSBY, Cashier. D. L. TONES, Asst. Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. Geo. D. Dunn, W . C. IToffman, W . G. W illiam s, W . McBride, T. W . Leverich, T. P. Rice. E S T A B L IS H E D OCTOBER 29, 1S94. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. Loans and discounts . . . . . . . $284,154 56 Overdrafts ............................... 1,230 32 B anking house ....................... 9,000 00 F urniture and fixtures ........ 3,000 00 Due from approved reserve banks ............................. .-... 16,898 28 Checks on other banks and cash items ........................... 2,714 96 Gold c o i n .................................. 5,680 00 Silver coin ............................... 1,218 25 IT. S. and national currency 8,807 00 Nickels and c e n t s ............. 166 31 T otal ............................... $332,S69 68 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis L ia b ilitie s . Capital stock paid in ......... Surplus fund ................. Undivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid ........................................ Due to banks— deposits . . . . Individual deposits, su bject to check ............. Demand 'certificates o f de p osit .................... $50,000 00 10,000 00 1,891 72 11,589 64 113,072 80 146,315 52 T otal ............................... $332,869 68 REPORTS OF STATE BANKS. 291 Spencer— Spencer State Bank. J. D. GRAVES, President. GEO. F A R R IN G T O N , Vice President. OSCAR M. BOOCK, Cashier. A. J. M cIL H A T T A N , A sst. Cashier. D IR E C TO RS. •T. D. Graves, Geo. F arrington, F rank Neumann, W m . Reinheimer, Herman Manthe, W esley Vanderhoof, A. L. B oock. E S T A B L IS H E D JU LY 29, 1908. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. L ia b ilitie s . L oans and discounts ............ $116,066 85 Capital stock paid in .......... Overdrafts ............................... 92 05 Surplus fund ........................... U. S., state, m unicipal and Undivided profits, iess cu r other bonds . . . ....... 4,600 00 rent expenses and taxes 2,375 00 Banking- house ....................... Paid ........................................ F urniture and fi x t u r e s ........ 1,492 36 Individual deposits, su bject Due from approved reserve to check ............................... banks .................................... 17,517 86 Time certificates o f deposit Cheeks on other banks and Savings deposits ................... cash item s ........................... 218 41 Cashier’s checks outstanding Gold coin ............. ................ . . 235 00 Silver c o i n ................................. 339 25 TJ. S. and national currency 3,900 00 Nickels and cents ................. 63 32 T otal ............................... $146,900 10 Total $10,000 00 4,000 00 5,801 51 40,610 72 46,166 79 38,403 75 1,917 33 $146,900 10 Spooner— Bank of Spooner. J. H. G A R D N E R , President. L. C. S T A D L E R , Vice President. R. W. K E L T IN G , Cashier. A. E. W IT T E R , Asst. Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. J. H. Gardner, L. C. Stadler, R. W. K elting, A. E. W ittek. E S T A B L IS H E D F E B R U A R Y 4, 1901. Incorporated as a State Bank July 3, 1903. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. L ia b ilitie s . Loans and discounts ............ $78,275 90 Overdrafts ............................... 127 69 1,888 90 F urniture and fixtures ........ Other real estate owned . . . 838 38 Due from approved reserve •banks ................................... 6,91189 Due from other banks ........ 1,231 23 Gold coin ................................... 85 00 Silver c o i n ....................... 500 00 TJ. S. and national currency 5,201 00 130 46 N ickels and c e n t s ................... T otal ............................. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis $95,190 45 Capital stock paid in ........... $10,000 Surplus fund ........................... 2,500 U ndivided profits, less c u r rent expenses and taxes paid ........................................ 416 Ind ividu al deposits, su bject to check ................................. 34,614 T im e certificates o f deposit 45,372 2,286 Savings deposits .................... T ota l ............................. 00 00 59 15 91 80 $95,190 45 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF BANKING. 292 Spooner— Spooner State Bank. J. D. THOM AS, President. E. P. B A K E R , Vice President E. M. E L L IO T T , Cashier. E. F. LAUGHNEY, Asst. Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. J. D. Thom as, E. P. Baker, E. M. E lliott, J. M. Thom as. E S T A B L IS H E D JUNE 15, 1901. Statement October 31, 1914. L ia b ilitie s . R e so u rc e s. Loans and discounts ............ Overdrafts ............................... Stocks and other securities F urniture and f i x t u r e s ........ Other real estate o w n e d ----Due from approved reserve banks ............. ........... .......... Checks on other banks and cash items ............... ............ Gold coin ................................... Silver coin ............................... U. S. and national currency N ickels and cents ........... . . . $90,096 1,190 18,405 2,925 3,184 06 06 45 00 00 9,898 14 488 100 3,081 3,685 31 66 00 45 00 27 $133,685 09 Total Capital stock paid in ............ $15,000 00 Surplus fund ........................... 3,000 00 U ndivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid ........................................ 2,133 24 Individual deposits, su bject to check ......... 44,560 85 Time certificates of deposit 63,703 69 4,610 31 Savings deposits ................. P ostal savings ....................... 677 00 $133,685 09 Total Spring Green— Farmers State Bank. E. S. S H E R W O O D , President. JOH N C. EVAN S, V ice President. IE L. GRAY, Cashier. C A R R Y E. JOST, Asst. Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. E. D. John L. B. Ii. L. Sherwood, C. Evans, Ruka, Gray, S. T. Pick, A. D. R ichardson, Jas. M. Nachreimer. E S T A B L IS H E D JA N U A R Y 28, 1914. Statement October 31, 1914. L ia b ilitie s . R e so u rc e s. Loans and discounts ............ Overdrafts ............................... U. S., state, m unicipal and other bon ds ......................... Stocks and other securities F urniture and fixtures . . . . . . Due from approved reserve banks .................................... Checks on other banks and cash item s ........................... Gold coin ................................... Silver coin ...................... . IT. S. and national currency Nickels and cents ................. Total Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis $47,475 90 28 31 500 00 176 25 1,266 38 4,752 41 419 405 367 3,067 35 38 00 10 00 69 $58,493 42 Capital stock paid in .......... Undivided profits, less c u r rent expenses and taxes paid ........................................ Individu al deposits, subject to check ................................ Tim e certificates o f deposit Savings deposits ................... Cashier’s checks outstanding Notes and bills rediscounted Total $15,000 00 666 96 13,383 20,940 1,232 2,769 4,500 65 97 74 10 00 $58,493 42 REPORTS OF STATE BANKS. 293 Spring Green— State Bank of Spring Green. F. B. H Y L A N D , President. JO SE P H LIN S, Vice President. THOS. W. K IN G, Cashier. Ii. H. LINS, Asst. Cashier D IR E C TO R S. Thos. W . K in g, Mary Sales, Martha H yland. F. B. H yland, Thos. M cNulty, Joseph Lins, John Schoenmann, E S T A B L IS H E D JA N U A R Y 11, 1901. . 1 Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. L ia b ilitie s . Loans and discounts ........... $298,841 50 Overdrafts ...................... 1,182 26 Other real estate o w n e d ----3,000 00 Due from approved reserve banks ................................ 60,603 10 Checks on other banks and cash i t e m s ............................. 562 77 Gold coin ............ 5,362 50 Silver coin ........................ 2,339 05 I". S. and national currency 13,978 00 N ickels and c e n t s .................. 118 14 Capital stock paid in .......... $25,000 00 Surplus f u n d ............. 5,000 00 Undivided profits, less c u r rent expenses and taxes paid ........................................ 2,979 25 Individu al deposits, subject to check ............................... 81,555 34 Time certificates o f deposit 249,689 30 17,291 52 Savings deposits ................... Certified checks ..................... 100 40 Cashier’s checks outstanding 4,371 71 T otal ............................... $385,987 32 T otal ............................... $385,987 32 Spring Valley— Farmers State Bank. P. F. L. L IL L IE , President. K A M K E , Vice President. E. C. W IN G EN , Cashier. H. M. W A L L E R , Asst. Cashier. D IR E ' "TORS. H arris Hoode, Theo. H. Naterman, E. C. W ingen, P. L. Lillie, H. P. Conway. F. Kamke, Frank W ild , E S T A B L IS H E D M ARCH 30, 1911. 31 , 1914 . Statement L ia b ilitie s . R e so u rc e s. L oans and discounts .............. $120,492 Overdrafts ............................... 60 Banking house ....................... 6,290 Furniture and fi x t u r e s ........ 2,916 D "e from approved reserve banks .................................... 26,968 Gold coin ................................. 2,020 Silver coin ............................... 360 IT. S. and national currency 2,257 Nickels and cents ................. 126 49 11 00 49 20 00 00 00 49 Total ............................... $162,432 14 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Capital stock paid in .......... Surplus fund ........................... Individu al deposits, subject to check ................................. Tim e certificates o f deposit Savings deposits ................... Cashier’ s checks outstanding $25,000 00 1,500 00 46,396 70.154 15,666 3,714 28 77 13 90 Total ............................... $162,432 14 294 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF BANKING. Spring- Valley— The Bank of Spring Valley. C. E. .FO X, President. J. H. G R A S LIE , Vice President. J. H. G R A S L IE , Cashier. R. G. CONDIT, A sst. Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. C. E. F ox , Thos. M. Casey, Otto Sieberns, H. P. Conway, H. P. Tanberg, J. IP. Graslie, W . C. Condit. E S T A B L IS H E D JA N U A R Y 2, 1893. Incorporated as a State Bank Decem ber 24, 1902. Statement October 31, 1914. L ia b ilitie s . R e so u r c e s. Loans and discounts .............. $230,530 O v e r d r a fts .................. 1,453 U. S., state, m unicipal and other bonds ......... 20,880 Stocks and other securities 1,222 B anking house ....................... 7,500 F urniture and fixtures ........ 2,400 Due from approved reserve banks ...................... 43,499 Due from other banks ........ 45 Checks on other banks and cash i t e m s ............................. 475 540 Gold coin ................................. Silver coin ................. 3,119 U. S. and national currency 6,979 Nickels and cents ................. 113 82 26 00 50 00 00 98 46 39 00 25 00 78 T otal ............................... $318,759 44 Capital stock paid in .......... Surplus fund .................. U ndivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid ..................... Due to banks— deposits . . . . Ind ividu al deposits, su bject to c h e c k ................................ Time certificates o f deposit Savings deposits ................... C asK er’s checks outstanding P ostal savings ....................... $25,000 00 5,000 00 520 86 7,648 99 54,860 162,564 59,073 3,604 486 58 50 95 28 28 T otal ............... ............... $318,759 44 Stanley— Citizens State Bank. P. J. COSGROVE, P resident. IV. H. B R ID G M A N , Vice President. W . H. B ridgm an, L. I. Roe, Theo. A. H oidahl, Im bert Roe, P. J. Cosgrove, 1M BERT ROE, Cashier. S. F. GOSPODAR, Asst. Cashier. D IR E C TO R S . F. S. Grubb, Peter Eslinger, Geo. D. B artlett, S. F. Anderson. E S T A B L IS H E D JUNE 1, 1S99. In corporated as a State Bank June 1, 1900. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. L ia b ilitie s . L oans and discounts ......... $232,462 56 Overdrafts ............................... 4,308 77 U. S., state, m unicipal and other bonds .................... 2,000 00 B anking h o u s e ....................... 5,000 00 Other real estate o w n e d ___ 1,069 00 Due from approved reserve banks .............................. 18,886 96 Checks on other banks and cash items ........................... 2,743 46 Gold c o i n ................................... 2,642 50 Silver coin ...................... 1,418 60 U. S. and national currency 2,555 00 Nickels and cents .................. 130 41 Capital stock paid in .......... $35,000 00 Surplus fu nd ........................... 7,000 00 U ndivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid ............. 1,753 66 Individu al deposits, subject to check ............................... 79,740 24 Tim e certificates o f deposit 60,309 76 Savings deposits .................. 88,766 80 Cashier’s checks outstanding 646 80 T ota l ................. ............. $273,217 26 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis T otal ......................... , . $273,217 26 REPORTS OF S T A T E BANKSÎ'. 295 Stanley— Farmers & Merchants State Bank. JOE W A L S D O R F , President. A. F. EM BR E TSO N , Vice President. J. B. H A LV E R SO N, Cashier. H A R O L D GREGERSON, Asst. Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. Jos. W alsd orf, A. F. Em bretson, PI. Gregerson, J. N. Cunningham, J. B. Halverson. E S T A B L IS H E D D ECEM BER 1, 1908. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. L ia b ilitie s . Loans and discounts ............ $216,121 90 Overdrafts ............................... 2,308 44 7,000 00 B an king house ....................... Furniture and fixtures ........ 2,980 00 Due from approved reserve 24,410 71 banks ................................. ;• Checks on other banks and cash items ........................... 3,266 39 Gold coin ................................. 1,020 00 Silver coin ............................... 1,028 45 U. S. and national currency 2,315 00 25 26 Nickels and c e n t s ................ Capital stock paid i n ------- $25,000 00 Surplus fund ......................... 4,S50 00 Undivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid ........................................ 5,075 80 Individu al deposits, subject to c h e c k ......... . . . ................... 76,264 23 Demand certificates o f de p osit ........... 3,817 98 Tim e certificates o f deposit 62,884 00 Savings deposits ................... 60,324 94 Cashier’s checks outstanding 2,259 20 T otal ............................... $260,476 15 T o t a l ............................... $260,476 15 Stetsonville— Farmers State Bank. J. F. K A D O R S K Y , President. W A L T E R OBY, Vice President. A. H. V O N D E R H A A R , Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. A. H. Vonderhaar, W enzel P faff, W alter Oby. F red Bartz, J. F. K adorsky, L. R. Bucholz, H enry Amacher, E S T A B L IS H E D N OVEM BER 6, 1913. Statement October 31, 1914. L ia b ilitie s . R e so u rc e s. Loans and discounts ............ Overdrafts ...................... B anking house ....................... F urniture and fi x t u r e s ........ Due from approved reserve banks ..................................... Checks on other banks and cash i t e m s ............................. Gold coin ................. Silver coin ........................ U. S. and national currency Nickels and cents ................. T ota l ............................... Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Capital stock paid in .......... U ndivided prolits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid ........................................ Individu al deposits, subject to check ................................. 9H 65 Tim e certificates o f deposit 250 66 Cashier’ s checks outstanding 45 00 Notes and bills re-discounted 61 50 B ills payable . . . , ......... 990 00 44 06 $31,664 226 1,950 1,100 60 74 00 50 $37,244 71 T otal $10,000 00 569 92 8,515 9,246 2,913 4,000 2,000 37 30 12 00 00 $37,244 71 296 R E P O R T OF T H E C O M M IS S IO N E R OF B A N K IN G . Stevens Point— Wisconsin State Bank of Stevens Point. E. B. ROB E R TSO N , President. L. R. AN DERSON , Vice President. H. II. HEN DERSON , Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. H enry Haertel, E. R. R obertson, L, R. Anderson, IT. O. Halverson, E. IT. Quinn. E S T A B L IS H E D MAY 5, 1902. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. L ia b ilitie s . Loans and discounts .............. $179,723 Overdrafts ............................... 388 U. S., state, m unicipal and other bonds ......................... 8,600 Stocks and other securities 319 Banking house ....................... 7,000 F urniture and fi x t u r e s ........ 3,736 Due from approved reserve 3,644 banks ........... E xchanges fo r clearing h o u s e ...................................... 1,333 Gold coin ................................. 1,017 Silver c o i n ................................. 3,123 U. S. and national currency 5,783 Nickels and c e n t s ................... I ll 39 47 00 09 00 08 29 61 50 40 00 17 Capital stock paid in .......... Surplus f u n d ............... /.......... U ndivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid ........................................ Dividends unpaid ................. Individual deposits, subject to check ............................... Demand certificates of de p osit ....................................... Savings deposits ................... T otal ............................. . $214,780 OO $30,000 00 2,000 00 1,296 98 45 00 S3,923 61 82,211 45 15,302 96 T o t a l ....................... ....... $214,780 00 Stockbridge— State Bank of Stockbridge. T. E. CONNELL, President. TITOS. F L A T L E Y , Vice President. A. H. F L A T L E Y , Cashier. L. G. P H IL L IP S , A sst. Cashier. D IR E C TO RS. A ugust Dorn, L. G. P hillips, T. E. Connell, John B. Flatley, Thom as F latley, Nick Franzen. E S T A B L IS H E D AU G U ST 19, 1905. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. Loans and d is c o u n t s .......... Overdrafts ............................... Banking house ....................... Furniture and fixtures ........ Due from approved reserve banks ................................... Due from other banks ___ Checks on other banks and cash i t e m s ............................. Gold c o i n ................................... Silver coin ....... U. S. and national currency N ickels and cents ................. L ia b ilitie s . $93,415 406 3,000 1,867 9 ,7 318 8 1,164 28 184 735 530 3,636 12 T otal .«•............. ......... $114,683 77 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 09 76 00 00 09 00 90 00 77 Capital stock paid in ............ $12,000 Surplus fund ........................... 1,500 U ndivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid ........................................ 1,239 Individu al deposits, subject to check ................................. 26,058 Tim e certificates o f deposit 65,681 Savings deposits ...... 8,204 00 00 37 23 51 66 T otal ............................... $114,683 77 REPORTS OF STATE BANKS. 297 Stoddard— Farmers & Merchants State Bank. H E N R Y B LA ZC K , President. GUST W R O B E L , Vice President. J. A. W A L L , Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. H enry Blazck, E. C. Amann, E. L. Case, Gust W robel, R. .T. Beitlich, .T. H. Hanesworth, C. .1. McClellan. E S T A B L IS H E D OCTOBER 5, 1911. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. Loans and d is c o u n t s ............ Overdrafts .......................... . . U. S., state, m unicipal and other bon ds ......................... Banking- house ............... F urniture and fixtures ........ Due from approved reserve banks ........................ Due from other banks ........ Checks on other banks and cash i t e m s ............................. Gold coin ................................. Silver coin ............................... U. S. and national currency Nickels and cents ................. L ia b ilitie s . $52,681 65 41 09 28,797 50 2,200 00 1,000 00 10,745 75 6,144 77 383 670 676 2,315 100 Capital stock paid in ............ Surplus fund ........................... U ndivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid ........................................ Individu al deposits, subject to check ................................ Savings deposits ................... $10,000 00 „ 250 00 541 45 11,990 12 82,974 43 28 00 60 00 36 T otal ............................... $f05,756 00 T otal ............................... $105,756 00 Stoughton— Stoughton State Bank. ROBE DOW , President. ROBE DOW , Cashier. GTLES DOW , Asst. Cashier. ROBE DOW , Jr., Asst. Cashier. D IR E C TO RS. R obe Dow, R obe Dow, Jr., Giles Dow. E S T A B L IS H E D S E P T E M B E R 25, 1S77. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. L ia b ilitie s . Loans and discounts . . . . . . . $2S3,376 60 Overdrafts ...................... 2,659 87 IT S., state, m unicipal and other bonds ......................... 17,000 00 B anking house ....................... 12,000 00 Other real estate o w n e d ___ 25,467 34 Due from approved reserve b a n k s ...................................... 654 12 Due from other banks ........ 27 59 Gold c o i n ................................... 5,735 00 Silver coin ............................... 2,065 05 TT. S. and national currency S,956 00 Nickels and cents ................. 179 62 Capital stock paid in .............. $25,000 00 Surplus fu nd ........................... 12,500 00 U ndivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid .................................... 37,163 84 Individual deposits, subject to check ................................... 131,39479 Tim e certificates o f deposit 152,062 56 T otal ........................... . Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis $358,121 19 T otal ............... . $358,121 19 298 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF BANKING. Stratford— Stratford State Bank. R. CONNOR, President. C H R IS T PR A N ZE N , Vice President. H A L T E R OBY, Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. H. S. W ahl, R. Connor, Christ Franzen, W . F. Goetz, H. L. Klemme. E S T A B L IS H E D D E CEM BER 11, 190S. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. L ia b ilitie s . L oans and discounts .............. $119,400 S3 Overdrafts ................. w . . . . 892 41 U. S:, state, m unicipal and other bon ds ......................... 28,642 50 B anking house ....................... 3,500 00 F urniture and fi x t u r e s ........ 2,100 00 Due from approved reserve 21,57162 banks .............................. Checks on other banks and cash items ................... 78 44 G old coin ............... 240 00 Silver coin ............................... 604 85 U. S. and national currency 2,963 00 Nickels and cents ................. 71 55 Capital stock paid in .......... $25,000 00 Surplus fund ........................... 1,250 00 U ndivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid ........................................ 2,404 69 D ividends unpaid ................. 33 00 Individual deposits, su bject to check ................................. 39,358 13 Tim e certificates o f deposit 70,824 88 Savings deposits ................... 27,686 91 Cashier’ s checks outstanding. 827 59 Notes and bills rediscounted 12,680 00 T otal ............................... $180,065 20 T otal ................. ............. $180,065 20 . Strum— First State Bank of Strum. H. N. ROBBE, President. ' S. R E K S T A D , V ice President. • IT. N. R obbe, Sivert Rekstad, •T. A. Call, M. P. Skogstad, M. P. SKOGSTAD, Cashier. E. E. RONGLEN, Asst. Cashier. D IR E C TO R S . T. C. Johnson, T. M. Olson, E. E. Ronglen. - E S T A B L IS H E D JA N U A R Y 24, 1905. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u r c e s. Loans and discounts .............. $147,247 383 Overdrafts ............................... U. S., state, m unicipal and other bonds ..................... 1,000 B anking house ....................... 2,000 Furniture and fixtures . . . . 1,600 Due from approved reserve banks ............... 24,387 Due from other ba n k s.......... 3,000 Checks on other banks and cash i t e m s ............................. 258 Gold coin ................................. 1,040 Silver coin ................... 863 U. S. and national currency 1,941 N ickels and cents ................ 80 T otql Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis L ia b ilitie s . 44 93 00 00 00 02 00 Capital stock paid in ....... $20,000 00 Undivided profits, less c u r rent expenses and taxes paid ...................................... 2,942 13 Individual deposits, su bject to check ................... 27,726 11 Tim e certificates o f deposit 111,866 61 Savings deposits ................. 26,624 43 Cashier’s checks ou tstan d ing ........................................... 3,642 82 39 00 55 00 77 ............................. $192,802 10 T otal ............................. $192,802 10 REPORTS' OF STATE BANKS. 299 Sturgeon Bay— Bank of Sturgeon Bay. H E N R Y F E T Z E R , President. JOS. W O L T E R , Vice President. A. B. M INOR, Cashier. J. H . S T E W A R T , A sst. Cashier. D IR E C TO RS. Ed. R eynolds, Jos. W olter. H enry Fetzer, A. B. M inor, R oger Eatough, E S T A B L IS H E D JA N U A R Y 28, 1889. Incorporated as a State Bank Decem ber 10, 1891. Statement October 31, 1914. L ia b ilitie s . R e so u r c e s. L oans and d iscou n ts............$515,415 98 O verdrafts ............................. 2,536 15 IT. S., state, m unicipal and other bon ds ....................... 27,500 00 B anking house ..................... 15,791 13 Furniture and fixtures . . . . 4,208 87 Other real estate o w n e d ----4,877 47 Due from approved reserve banks ..................................... 84,970 03 Checks on other banks and cash items .......................... 2,837 43 E xchanges fo r clearing house ..................................... 5,148 10 Gold coin ................................. 2,355 00 Silver coin .................... 2,787 75 U. S. and national currency 31,435 00 Nickels and cents ................. 604 04 T otal ............................. $700,466 95 Capital stock paid i n ............. $30,000 Surplus fund ......................... 11,000 Undivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid ........................................ 6,232 Individual deposits, subject to check ................................. 158,146 Tim e certificates o f deposit 361,411 Savings deposits ................. 133,676 T otal 00 00 51 56 20 68 ............................. $700,466 95 Sturgeon Bay— Door County State Bank. H E R B E R T L. P E TE R SO N , President. JOH N B. DAVIS, V ice President. H erbert L. Peterson, Jno. B. Davis, A. J. K reutzer, Gust Farland, E ugene Simon, E R N E ST BAUDHUM, Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. E. C. John C. S. C. J. Thorp, A. Pahl, Smith, Hoeppner. E S T A B L IS H E D M ARCH 17, 1902. Statement October 31, 1914, L ia b ilitie s . R e so u rc e s. Loans and discou nts ............ $176,491 67 Capital stock paid in ............. Overdrafts ............. 510 95 U ndivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes Banking house ..................... 5,000 00 paid ............... F urniture and fixtures ----3,708 68 Other real estate o w n e d ----254 00 Individual deposits, su bject to check ................................. Due from approved reserve banks ........................ 10,862 67 Tim e certificates o f deposit ................. Due from other b a n k s .. . . . . 38 13 Savings deposits Checks on other banks and cash items ......................... 3,120 39 E xchanges fo r clearing house ..................................... 690 62 Gold coin ................................. 1,180 00 Silver coin ............................. 1,770 25 U. S. and national currency 7,693 00 Nickels and c e n t s .................. 201 57 Other resources ..................... 939 22 T otal Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis $212,461 15 Total $50,000 00 183 19 58,674 61 93,028 57 10,574 78 $212,461 15 00 REPORT OP THE COMMISSIONER OF BANKING. Sturgeon Bay— Merchants Exchange Bank. C. L. NELSON, President. WM. A. L A W R E N C E , V ice President. C. M. STEPH EN SON , Cashier. J. E. C L A R K , Asst. Cashier. D IR E C TO R S . C. L. Nelson, C. R eynolds, L. M. W ashburn, W . E. Gaede, W . A. Lawrence. E S T A B L IS H E D IN 1SS0. In corporated as a State Bank July 1, 1902. Statement October 31, 1914. L ia b ilitie s . R e so u rc e s. Loans and discounts .......... $314,520 00 O verdrafts ............................... 1,484 33 B anking house ..................... 15,000 00 Furniture and fixtures ___ 2,704 00 Other real estate ow n e d ----975 00 Due from approved reserve banks ..................................... 49,450 11 Due from other banks ........ 10,000 00 Gold coin ................................. 4,745 00 2,039 30 Silver coin ............................... U. S. and national currency 10,550 00 Nickels and cents ................. 313 03 Other ......................................... 1,521 45 Capital stock paid in .......... $50,000 Surplus fund ......................... 12,500 U ndivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid ....................................... 1,700 Individual deposits, su bject to check ..................................... 101,197 Demand certificates o f de p osit ....................................... 39 Tim e certificates of deposit 179,215 Savings deposits ................. 67,224 Reserved fo r taxes .......... 1,424 00 00 84 62 66 32 32 46 T otal ............................... $413,302 22 T otal ...............................$413,302 22 Sullivan— The Farmers State Bank. PA U L R. M cK EE, President. GEORGE J. K E R N , Vice President. F R E D W . B A R T E L T , Cashier. K A T H O N IE G A R E TZ, Asst. Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. Owen R unyard, .T. C. Kachel, Paul R. McKee, E dw ard L. Vinz, E lm ore L ongley, Fred W . Bartelt, John Maul. G eorge J. Kern, John Yarmark, Gustav Eisner. E S T A B L IS H E D JA N U A R Y 8, 1906. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. L oans and d isco u n ts............ $126,267 81 Overdrafts ............................... 546 81 U. S., state, m unicipal and other bon ds ............... 56,910 96 B an king house ..................... 4,080 06 Furniture and fixtures . . . . 1,943 50 Due from approved reserve banks ..................................... 24,0S6 85 Checks on other banks and 4 60 cash items ............. Gold coin ................................. 3,325 00 Silver coin ............................... 756 50 IT. S. and national currency 4,526 00 N ickels and c e n t s ............................ 232 93 Other ................ 55 00 T otal ............................... $222,736 02 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis L ia b ilitie s . Capital stock paid i n . . . . . . Surplus fund ......................... Undivided profits, less c u r rent expenses and taxes paid ......................................... Dividends unpaid .................. Individual deposits, su bject to check ................................. Tim e certificates o f deposit Savings deposits ................... Other resources ...................... $15,000 00 5,000 00 1,311 07 20 00 22,814 138,448 39,616 525 99 37 59 00 T otal ............................... $222,736 02 REPORTS OF STATE BANKS. 301 Sun Prairie— Bank of Sun Prairie. H E N R Y SCHEY, President. J. W . CHASE, Vice President. F. W. CHASE, Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. J. W . Chase, H enry Schey, Jas. T. Mitchell, F. W . Chase, J. M. Laeser. E S T A B L IS H E D DECEM BER 1, 1S97. Incorporated as a State Bank A ugu st 10, 1903. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. L ia b ilitie s . Loans and d isco u n ts............$236,504 28 Overdrafts ............................... 2,615 36 U. S., state, m unicipal and other bonds ......................... 5,100 00 Prem ium on b o n d s ................ 2 00 4,000 00 Bariking house ....................... 1,800 00 F urniture and fixtures ___ Due from approved reserve banks .............................. . . . 33,599 08 Due from other ba n k s.......... 401 00 Checks on other banks and 541 40 cash item s ........................... Gold coin ............................... ’ 2,525 00 Silver coin ........................... -.. 776 25 U. S. and national currency 6,269 00 Nickels and cents .................. 33 57 T otal ............................. $294,166 94 Capital stock paid in ............ Surplus fund ......................... Undivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid ........................................ Individu al deposits, su bject to check ................................. Demand certificates o f de p osit ....................................... Savings deposits ................... Notes and bills re-d is counted ........... T otal $25,000 00 5,000 00 452 86 38,727 83 206,102 17 234 08 18,650 00 ............................. $294,166 94 Sun Prairie— Farmers and Merchants Bank of Sun Prairie. G. ADAM BA TZ, President. WM. R E N K , V ice President. E R H A R D BA TZ, Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. W m . Renk. G. Adam Batz, E rhard Batz, E S T A B L IS H E D O C T O B E R 1, 1890. Incorporated as a State Bank March 23, 1903. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. L ia b ilitie s . L oans and d iscou n ts................ $382,960 17 Overdrafts .............................. 3,527 43 U. S., state, m unicipal and other bonds ................... 27,300 00 Stocks and other securities 980 00 B anking house ................. 9,000 00 Furniture and fixtures . . . . 3,858 03 13,509 00 Other real estate ow n ed ___ Due from approved reserve banks ..................................... 33,625 69 Checks on other banks and cash items ........................... 462 60 Gold coin ................................. 2,140 00 Silver coin ............................... 976 75 U. S. and national currency 6,265 00 Nickels and ce n ts................. 242 69 T ota l ....................... . Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis $484,847 36 Capital stock paid i n ............. $40,000 00 Surplus fund ........................... 7,000 00 Undivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes 3,957 92 Paid ........................................ Individual deposits, su bject to c h e c k ........................... 38,23112 Demand certificates o f de p osit ...................................... 353,79823 Savings deposits ................. 7,590 09 Notes and bills re-d iscounted .................................... 34,27000 T otal ............................ $484,847 36 302 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF BANKING. " —’I'»', n r JV.-Hiiir'"1'*v >r 'P ' ' > V|if •" 1 ' 1 1; K ?,!; J> S ' J P' ** '«S p " « ' ' V i r ";1 Superior— American Exchange Bank of Superior. C. GRACE, Cashier. W . J. B E W R IC K , A sst. Cashier. H. H. GRACE, President. W . R. H OO VER, Vice President. D IR E C TO R S . C. Grace, T. E. Camion, J. J. Flinn. H. H. Grace, J. H. Culver, B. C. Cooke, E S T A B L IS H E D JU LY 21, 1890. Statement October 31, 1914. L ia b ilitie s . R esou rces. Loans and d iscou n ts............ $357,802 25 Capital stock paid in .......... $50,000 00 15,000 00 1,553 93 Surplus fu nd ......................... O verdrafts ............................... U ndivided profits, less cu r U. S., state, m unicipal and rent expenses and taxes 10,800 00 other bon ds ......................... 16,175 78 1,000 00 paid ........................................ Stocks and other securities 15,426 53 7,104 53 Due to banks— deposits . . . . F urniture and fix tu res.......... Individual deposits, su bject 3.619 70 Other real estate o w n e d .... 278,675 13 to check ............................... Due from approved reserve banks ..................................... 110,548 29 Demand certificates o f de 37,500 30 posit ............. ......................... E xchanges fo r clearing 3,230 52 Savings deposits .................. 110,697 91 house ..................................... 383 84 8,407 50 Certified checks ..................... Gold coin ................................. 3,501 00 Cashier’s checks outstand Silver c o i n ................................. 830 04 in g ...................................... . 17.619 00 U. S. and national currency 1,005 88 508 69 P ostal s a v in g s ......................... Nickels and cents . ................ $525,695 41 T otal $525,695 41 T otal Superior— Bank of Commerce. C. A. CHASE, President. ,A. P. LO VE JOY, V ice President. E. L. CASS, Cashier. J. M. C R A W F O R D , Asst. Cashier. D IR E C TO R S . W . J. J. S. H adley, D. J. A. M. Peckham , E. L. Geo. B. H udnall, C. A. E. F . M cCausland, L. A. A. P. L o v ejoy , E S T A B L IS H E D S E P T E M B E R Stack, A rris, Cass, Chase, Erhart. 1, 1888. Statement October 31, 1914. L ia b ilitie s . R esou rces. Loans and d is co u n ts ............. $689,927 92 163 68 Overdrafts ............................... U. S., state, m unicipal and 230,843 71 other b on d s ......................... 48,345 54 Banking house ....................... 8,500 00 F urniture and fix tu res.......... 8,593 00 Other real estate ow n e d ----Due from approved reserve 208,267 05 banks ............................... . 1,877 54 Due from other b a n k s .......... Checks on other banks and 987 59 cash items ........................... E xchanges fo r clearing 6,026 54 house ...............................— 2,890 00 Gold coin ................................. 4,527 04 Silver coin ............................... 34,912 00 U. S. and national currency 71 52 N ickels and cents .................. T otal Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis $1,245,933 13 Capital stock paid i n . .......... $150,000 00 60,000 00 Surplus fu nd ......................... U ndivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes 22,048 29 paid ......................................... 30,227 22 Due to banks— d ep osits----Individual deposits, su bject to check ................................. 430,577 99 Demand certificates o f d e p osit ....................................... 167,293 84 Savings deposits ................... 372,780 89 881 96 Certified checks ..................... Cashier’ s checks outstand 1,236 SS in g ........................................ 7,401 29 P ostal savings ..................... 3,484 77 Reserved fo r taxes .............. T otal .$1,245,933 13 REPORTS OF STATE BANKS. 303 Superior— Superior State Bank. C. S. K N O X , President. RU SSELL B A X T E R , Vice President. J. R. COLBECK, Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. R ussell Baxter, C. S. K nox. J. R oper, E S T A B L IS H E D SE PT E M B E R 1, 1003. Statement October 31. 1914. R e so u rc e s. L ia b ilitie s . Loans and discounts ............ $185,299 Overdrafts ............................... 159 (J. S., state, m unicipal and other bonds ......................... 5,000 Prem ium on bonds .............. 100 F urniture and fixtures ........ 1,402 Due from approved reserve banks .................................... 25,816 E xch an ges fo r clearing 427 house ...................................... Gold coin ................................. 355 Silver coin ............................... 810 U. S. and national currency 6,392 Nickels and cents ................ 45 T otal 30 Capital stock paid in .......... SO Surplus fund ......................... U ndivided profits, less cu r 00 rent expenses and taxes 00 paid .................... 00 Due to banks— d ep osits___ Individual deposits, subject 13 to check ................................. Demand certificates o f de 08 posit ....................................... 00 Savings deposits ................... 00 Certified checks .................... 00 Cashier’s checks outstand 75 ing .......................................... Reserved fo r taxes .............. ............................ $225,807 06 T otal $10,000 00 7,500 00 1,619 07 411 20 79,291 59 37,321 45 87,729 13 1,320 62 9 00 605 00 ............................. $225,807 06 Superior— Wisconsin State Bank. L. A. P O T T E R , President. R O B E R T S T E W A R T , Vice President. H. L. H AGERM AN, Cashier. F. S. CAM PB E LL, Asst. Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. L. A. Potter, R obert Stewart, H. L. Hagerm an. E S T A B L IS H E D SE P T E M B E R 27, 1911. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. L oans and d iscou n ts............$107,857 Overdrafts ............................... 237 F urniture and fixtures . . . . 2,957 Due from approved reserve banks .................................... 10,409 Due from other b a n k s .......... 6,051 Checks on other banks and cash item s ......................... 917 Gold coin ................................. 60 Silver coin ............................... 500 U. S. and national currency 4,000 Nickels and cents ................. 1 L ia b ilitie s . 21 62 34 08 67 68 00 00 00 22 T otal ............................... $132,991 82 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Capital stock paid in ............ $20,000 Surplus fu nd ......................... 3,000 U ndivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid ........................................ 884 Individual deposits, su bject to check ............................... 52,928 Tim e certificates o f deposit 24,666 Savings deposits ........... 31,206 Cashier’s checks outstand in g .......................................... 306 00 00 57 20 47 07 51 T otal ............................... $132,991 82 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF BANKING. 304 Suring— The Suring State Bank. H A R R Y S E R IE R , President. E M IL E. BUSS, Vice President. W . J. T H IE L K E , Cashier. M IN NIE T H IE L K E , Asst. Cashier. D IR E C TO RS. H arry Serier, W . J. Thielke, E. F. Buss, Paul Genkie, R. F. Zuehlke, Ira J. W eeks, John Dieck. E S T A B L IS H E D F E B R U A R Y S, 1909. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. L ia b ilitie s . Loans and discounts .......... $123,243 54 Overdrafts ............................... 529 74 Banking house ..................... 2,840 02 F urniture and fixtures ----1,798 80 Due from approved reserve banks .................................... 5,048 42 Due from other b a n k s......... 6,583 62 Checks on other banks and cash items ..................... 883 59 Gold coin ................................. 180 00 Silver coin ............................... 509 80 IT. S. and national currency 1,614 00 N ickels and cents .................. 42 40 Capital stock paid i n .......... $15,000 00 Surplus fu nd ......................... 4,000 00 Undivided profits, less c u r rent expenses and taxes paid ........................................ 3,244 95 Individual deposits, subject to check ................................. 44,096 71 T im e certificates o f deposit 53,309 04 Savings deposits ................. 19,918 23 Notes and bills re -d is 3,705 00 counted ........... T otal ................................. $143,273 93 T otal ................................. $143,273 93 Sussex— Sussex State Bank. W. D. M cG ILL, President. CHAS. MALSCH, Vice President. CHAS. A. LEES, Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. W. D. McGill, Chas. Malsch, Chas. A. Lees, Theo. Landm ann, Geo. Neumuellër. E S T A B L IS H E D OCTOBER 2, 1911. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. Loans and d iscounts .......... O verdrafts ............................... U. S., state, m unicipal and other bonds ................. B an king house ..................... F urniture and fix tu res.......... Due from approved reserve banks ..................................... Checks on other banks and cash item s ........................... Gold coin ................................. Silver coin ........................ U. S. and national currency N ickels and cents ................. T otal Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ___ ....................... L ia b ilitie s . $70,013 89 798 18 7,000 00 612 47 987 02 13,616 19 78 4S2 279 1,854 40 80 50 50 00 29 $95,762 84 Capital stock paid in ............ $10,000 00 Surplus fund ......................... 600 00 Undivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid ................... .................... 913 14 Individual deposits, su bject to check ................................. 31,144 79 Tim e certificates o f deposit 48,914 66 Savings deposits ................ 4,190 25 Total $95,762 84 REPORTS OF STATE BANKS. 305 Taylor— Trempealeau Valley State Bank. O. B. B. BORSH EIM , President. L. VAN GORDEN , Vice President. C. M. H J E R L E ID , Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. O. B. S. B. Borslieim, L. Van Gorden, K. Bergseth, N. N. Nelson, C. M. H jerleid. E STA B L IS H E D OCTOBER 27, 1905. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. L ia b ilitie s . Loans and discounts ............ $145,927 Overdrafts ............................... 3,140 Banking house ..................... 2,500 F urniture and fixtures ___ 1,000 Due from approved reserve banks ..................................... 18,283 Due from other ba n k s.......... 359 Checks on other banks and cash item s ........................ 731 Gold coin ................................. 2,055 Silver coin ............................... 176 U. S. and national currency 5,129 Nickels and cents ................. 147 T otal 13 38 00 00 71 25 25 00 55 00 27 ................. ........... $179,452 54 Capital stock paid i n ............ $10,000 00 Surplus fu nd .................... 3,500 00 U ndivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid ........................................ 1,118 01 Individual deposits, su bject to check ............................... 30,078 74 Tim e certificates o f deposit 102,547 18 Savings deposits .............. 26,208 61 B ills payable ......................... 6,000 00 T otal ............... ............. $179,452 54 Theresa— Theresa State Bank. GUSTAV R U E C K E R, P resident. J. P. STOYE, Vice President. Gustav Ruecker, .T. P. Stoye, W m . F. Briemann, F. W. B andlow , WM. F. B R IE M A N N , Cashier A R T H U R G R E IN E R , Asst. Cashier. D IR E C T O R S : M oritz Lehner, Fred Greiner, Chas. Thorn, Chas. Gutenschwager. E S T A B L IS H E D A P R IL 14, 1905. Statement October 31, 1914. R e s o u rc e s. L ia b ilitie s . Loans and discounts .......... $201,444 08 Overdrafts ............................... 15 70 IJ. S., state, m unicipal and other bonds ......................... 27,144 25 B anking house ....................... 3,000 00 F urniture and fix tu res.......... 1,600 00 Due from approved reserve banks ..................................... 21,817 92 Due from other banks . . . . 2,270 62 Checks on other banks and cash items ........................... 99 00 Gold coin ................................. 560 00 Silver c o i n ................................. 137 30 U. S. and national currency 5,925 00 N ickels and cents ................. 5 61 Capital stock paid in ............. $10,000 00 Surplus fund ......................... 4,500 00 Undivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid ........................................ 167 02 Individual deposits, su bject to check ............................... 36,852 54 Tim e certificates o f deposit 199,964 41 Savings deposits ................. 6,535 51 B ills payable ......... 6,000 00 Total ...............................$264,019 48 20— B. S. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Total $264,019 48 30G REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF BANKING. Thiensville— Thiensville State Bank. JOH N F. NIEMAN, President. LOUIS G. K IE K E R , V ice President. CONRAD G. W IE S L E R , Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. Conrad G. W iesler, Chas. A. Maas. John F. Nieman, L ouis G. Kieker, Otto B ublitz, E S T A B L IS H E D DE CEM BER 28, 1910. Statement October 31, 1914. L ia b ilitie s . R e so u r c e s. Loans and d isco u n ts.................$119,873 Overdrafts ............................... 7,119 U. S., state, m unicipal and other bonds ..................... 15,985 Prem ium on bon ds .............. 102 B anking house ..................... 4,295 Furniture and fix tu res.......... 3,109 Due from approved reserve banks ...................... 10,677 Checks on other banks and cash item s ................... 77 Gold coin ................................. 3,802 Silver coin ............................... 1,496 U. S. and national currency 9,040 240 N ickels and cents ................. 70 43 00 70 87 56 29 81 50 25 00 26 Capital stock paid in ........... $16,000 00 1,200 00 Surplus fu nd ......................... Undivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid ........................................ 1,106 14 Individual deposits, su bject to c h e c k ................................. 52,152 55 T im e certificates o f deposit ' 23,986 76 Savings deposits .................. 81,198 67 Cashier’s checks outstand ing .......................................... 176 25 T ota l ................... .......... $175,820 37 T ota l ...............................$175,820 37 Thorp— Farmers Exchange Bank. JO H N E. G E IG E R , Cashier. JOH N SLOTA, A sst. Cashier. T. O. MOSHER, President. W . K RAU SE, V ice President. D IR E C TO R S. W . Krause, T . O. Mosher, Geo. A. Ure, N. P. Hansen, Jos. S. B ogum ill. John Verkuilen, Val. P ry b ylsk i, John E. Geiger, Herm an Friess, John Boie, A. O. Rhea, E S T A B L IS H E D S E PT E M B E R 16, 1913. Statement October 31, 1914. L ia b ilitie s . R esou rces. Loans and discounts .......... $85,801 06 O verdrafts ............................... 72 78 6,425 00 B anking h o u s e ...... «.... F urniture and fixtures . . . . 4,298 01 Other real estate o w n e d .... 1,500 00 Due from approved reserve banks ..................................... 14,156 00 Due from other b a n k s........ 983 44 Checks on other banks and cash item s ............. 104 87 G old coin .............. 1,347 50 Silver c o i n ................................. 1,116 35 U. S. and national currency 6,972 00 Nickels and c e n t s ....... 165 54 T o t a l ................. .. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis $122,942 55 Capital stock paid in -----. . . Surplus fund ......................... U ndivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid ........................................ Individu al deposits, su bject to check ................................. Tim e certificates o f deposit Savings deposits ................... Suspense account ......... $30,000 00 6,000 00 432 99 28,016 51,748 6,672 71 64 3S 55 99 T otal ...............................$122,942 55 REPORTS OF STATE BANKS. 307 Thorp— Peoples State Bank. M E LV IN NYE, President.. W . R. McCUTCHEON, V ice President. R. G. L A W R E N C E , Cashier. < D IR E C TO R S . W . R. M cCutcheon, M. W iltgen, Geo. Zillm ann, W . F. Hudson, Melvin Nye, C. F. Lusk. E S T A B L IS H E D JA N U A R Y 1, 1885. Incorporated as a State Bank June 10, 1903. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u r c e s. L ia b ilitie s . Loans and discounts .......... $159,951 96 O verdrafts ............................... 1,390 38 U. S., state, m unicipal and other bonds ......................... 11,861 50 B an king house .............. 5,000 00 F urniture and fixtures ----1,500 00 Due from approved reserve banks ..................................... 28,499 60 Checks on other banks and cash items ........................... 105 65 Gold coin ................................. 2,302 50 Silver coin ............................... 448 25 U. S. and national currency 3,628 00 Nickels and cents .................. 182 81 Capital stock paid in ............ $25,000 00 Surplus fu n d ......................... 6,500 00 Undivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid ........................................ 2,184 12 Individual deposits, su bject to check ............................... 58,842 07 Tim e certificates o f deposit 111,666 92 Savings deposits ............... 9,292 14 Cashier’ s checks outstand in g .......................................... 1,385 40 T otal $214,S70 65 Total ............................. $214,870 65 Three Lakes— State Bank of Three Lakes. C L A R K G. KU N EY, President. E. P A R R E T T , V ice President. J. P. P A R R E T T , Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. Clark G. K uney, E. Parrett, J- P. Parrett. E S T A B L IS H E D N OVEM BER 6, 1912. Statement October 31, 1914. L ia b ilitie s . R e so u rc e s. L oans and discounts ............ O verdrafts ........................... B anking house ....................... F urniture and fixtures ----Due from approved reserve banks ..................................... Due from other banks ........ Checks on other banks and cash items ........................... Gold coin ................................ Silver coin ................................. U. S. and national currency N ickels and cents ................. T ota l ............................. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis $19,568 174 2,500 1,663 58 71 00 10 1,962 35 34 75 950 5 84 1,963 44 44 00 75 00 31 $28,950 99 Capital stock paid in ............. $10,000 00 Surplus fund ......................... 1,000 00 Undivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid ........... 106 07 Individu al deposits, su bject to check ..................... 8,697 77 Tim e certificates o f deposit 4,380 00 B ills payable ....... 4,762 20 Cash over ................................. 4 95 T otal ............................. $28,950 99 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF BANKING. 308 Tomah— Farmers & Merchants Bank. T. E. A N DERSON , President. li. A N D R E S, V ice P resident. WM. J. B R E N N AN , Cashier. D A N IE L C R O W L E Y , A sst. Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. E. E. W yatt, A. B. Larson, D. T. Sullivan, W . E. B olton. T. E. A nderson, R. Andres, Daniel C row ley, A. H. Noth, A. H. Schultz, E S T A B L IS H E D JUNE 28, 1911. Statement October 31. 1914. R e so u r c e s. L ia b ilitie s . Loans and discounts .............. $332,446 04 Overdrafts ............... 4,209 78 U. S., state, m unicipal and other bonds ......................... 14,050 00 Banking house ................. 8,000 00 Furniture and f i x t u r e s ........ 1,416 20 Due from approved reserve banks .................................... 40,738 20 Due from other b a n k s.......... 933 75 E xchanges fo r clearing house ..................................... 3,261 68 Gold coin ................................. 892 50 Silver coin ............................... 1,003 15 U. S. and national currency 9,305 00 N ickels and cents . . . . . . . . . . 36 43 6 05 Canadian coins ..................... T ota l ............................. $416,298 78 Capital stock paid in .............. $25,000 10,000 Surplus fu nd ......................... U ndivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid ........................................ 3,713 Individual deposits, su bject to check ................................. 61,180 Tim e certificates o f deposit 311,562 Savings deposits ................... 4,842 T ota l 00 00 10 25 57 86 ................. ........... $416,298 78 Tomah— The Bank of Tomah. F R A N K D R E W , President. F R A N K K N IC K , Vice President. F R A N K H. D R E W , Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. Frank Knick. Frank Drew, F rank H. Drew, E S T A B L IS H E D JA N U A R Y 1G, 1894. In corporated as a State Bank M arch 1, 1894. Statement October 31. 1914. L ia b ilitie s . R e s o u ic e s . L oans and discoutns ............ $126,359 Overdrafts ............................... 350 U. S., state, m unicipal and 42,800 other bonds ......................... Prem ium on bonds ................ 156 B anking house ..................... 5,479 Other real estate o w n e d ___ 2,146 Due from approved reserve banks ..................................... 63,299 Checks on other banks and cash i t e m s ............................. 228 E xch an ges fo r clearing house .................... 1,185 Gold coin ................................. 830 Silver coin ............................... 1,145 U. S. and national currency 9,332 Total Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 60 86 00 50 00 79 Capital stock paid in .............. $15,200 Surplus fu nd ......................... 3,000 U ndivided profits, less c u r rent expenses and taxes paid ....................................... 1,722 Individu al deposits, su bject to c h e c k ................................. 73,689 Tim e certificates o f deposit 159,701 00 00 S7 00 52 03 42 52 00 67 00 $253,313 39 Total $253,313 39 REPORTS OF STATE BANKS. 309 Tomah— The State Bank. •T. P. ItICE, President. C. C. PIN G E L, Vice President. C. B. D R O W A T Z K Y , Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. J. P. Rice, Ct . C. P ingel, c . B. D row atzky, i l B. Vaudell, F. O. Drowatzky, A rthur O’ Leary, L. J. P ingel. E S T A B L IS H E D MAY 10, 1911. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. L ia b ilitie s . Loans and discounts ............ $112,606 14 O verdrafts ............. 54 09 F urniture and f i x t u r e s ,..,. 2,400 00 Due from approved reserve banks ..................................... 18,731 91 E xchanges fo r clearing house ......... 644 79 Gold coin ................................. 692 50 Silver coin ............................... 427 75 U. S. and national currency . 7,801 00 29 39 Nickels and cents ................. Expense account ................... 3 03 Coin a c c o u n t ......................... 5 60 T otal Capital stock paid i n .............. Surplus fund ...................... Individual deposits, subject to check ................................. Demand certificates o f d e posit ...................................... Savings deposits ................... Cashier’ s checks outstand ing .......................................... ............................. $143,396 20 T otal $25,000 00 3,500 00 33,036 7S 80,982 00 869 07 S 35 ............................. $143,396 20 Tomah— Warren’s Bank. VV. W. W A R R E N , President. J. P. R E IN H A IID , Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. W. W . W arren, G. F. W arren, H. M. W arren. E S T A B L IS H E D D E CEM BER 1, 18SS. Incorporated as a State Bank' A ugu st 18, 1903. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. Loans and discounts .......... $356,071 66 Overdrafts ............................... 3,025 37 U. S., state, m unicipal and 32,076 00 other b o n d s ......................... Prem ium on b o n d s ............... 698 20 Banking house, furniture and fixtures ......................... 7,500 88 Other real estate o w n e d .... 4,000 00 Due from approved reserve banks ................. 100,487 73 E xchanges fo r clearing house .................. 2,393 90 Gold coin ................................. 1,000 00 Silver coin ................................. 960 25 TT. S. and national currency 9,104 00 Nickels and cents .................. 521 73 Other resources ..................... 120 93 T otal ............................. $517,960 65 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis L ia b ilitie s . Capital stock paid i n . ............ Surplus fu nd .................... Undivided profits, less c u r rent expenses and taxes paid ........................................ Individual deposits, subject to check ................................. Demand and time certifi cates o f d e p osit................. T otal $25,000 00 5,000 00 83S S9 74,503 07 412,618 69 . , ......................... $517,960 65 310 REPORT OP THE COMMISSIONER OF BANKING. Tomahawk— Bank of Tomahawk. C. E. MACOMBER, President. J. A. F IT Z G E R A L D , Vice President. E. W . SM ITH , Cashier. P. M. SM ITH , Asst. Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. D. C. Jones, M. L. F itzgerald, Joseph Poutre. C. E. M acom ber, .T. A. F itzgerald, E dw ard Evenson, G. O. N ew borg, E S T A B L IS H E D JA N U A R Y 12, 1904. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. L oans and discounts .......... O verdrafts .............................. U. S., state, m unicipal and other bonds ......................... Stocks and other securities Banking house ............... F urniture and fix t u r e s ........ Other real estate owned . . . Due from approved reserve banks ........... Due from other banks ........ Checks on other banks and cash item s ........... G old coin ................................... Silver coin ............................... U. S. and national currency N ickels and cents ........: ____ L ia b ilitie s . $77,680 88 255 14 18,023 3,900 5,000 2,700 1,601 35 41 00 00 58 16,405 32 352 39 943 650 • 304 1,198 20 Capital stock paid in ............ $20,000 Surplus fund ........................... 2,160 U ndivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes 669 paid ...................................... Individu al deposits, su bject to check ................................. 51,169 Tim e certificates o f deposit 37,501 Savings deposits ................. 9,048 Postal savings ....................... 3,486 60 00 30 15 16 90 71 17 00 00 00 98 T otal ............................... $124,035 22 T o t a l ............................... $124,035 22 Tomahawk— Bradley Bank. J. W. F R O E H L IC H , President. C. H. GRU N DY, V ice President. F. P. W E R N E R , Cashier. K. V E ITC H , Asst. Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. F. P. W erner, W . E. B rooks, A. M. Pride. J. W . Froehlich, John Oelhafen, Spencer Ilsley, C. H. Grundy, E S T A B L IS H E D D ECEM BER 10, 1888. In corporated as a State Bank May 6, 1903. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u r c e s. L ia b ilitie s . L oans and discounts ............ $380,393 91 Capital stock paid in ............ $50,000 00 O v e r d r a fts ................................. 1,057 08 Surplus fund ........................... 14,000 00 U. S., state, m unicipal and U ndivided profits, less c u r other bonds ......................... 47,465 75 rent expenses and taxes Stocks and other securities 2,310 00 paid ...................................... ' 9,189 89 B anking house ....................... 16,000 00 Individu al deposits, su bject F urniture and fixtures ........ 1,512 00 to check ............................ 213,933 61 Due from approved reserve T im e certificates o f deposit 188,768 25 banks ..................................... 85,410 64 Savings deposits ................. 75,704 50 Due from other banks ........ 2,333 56 P ostal s a v in g s ..........'.............. 2,666 72 Checks on other banks and Other liabilities ..................... 19 02 cash items ........................... 499 47 Gold coin ................................. 4,680 00 Silver coin ............................... 1,108 55 IT. S. and national currency 11,449 00 Nickels and cents ................. 62 03 T otal ............................... $554,281 99 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis T otal ............................... $554,281 99 REPORTS OF STATE BANKS. 311 Trego— State Bank of Trego. •T. IT. THOM PSON, President. A. W. SER G E A N T, Vice President. C H A R LE S P. .TENKS, Cashier. G E R T R U D E JE N K S, A sst. Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. .T. H. T hom pson, A. W . Sergeant, S. II. W illiam s, Chas. P. Jenks, M. O’Rourke. ' E S T A B L IS H E D JU L Y 29, 1910. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u r c e s. L ia b ilitie s . L oans and discounts ............ $36,611 79 Capital stock paid in ............ Overdrafts ............................... 644 48 Surplus fund ........................... Stocks and other securities 3,982 96 Individual deposits, su bject B anking house ....................... 2,178 37 to check ................................. F urniture and fix t u r e s ....... 1,700 00 Tim e certificates o f deposit Other real estate owned . . . . 43000 B ills payable ......................... Due from approved reserve banks .................................... 3,386 79 Checks on other banks and cash items ........................... 153 02 Gold coin ................................. 92 50 Silver c o i n ....................... 701 55 U. S. and national currency 1,230 00 1 49 Nickels and cents ................. Expense .................................... 23 82 T otal ............................... $51,136 77 T o t a l ............................... $10,000 00 600 00 22,309 20 13,227 57 5,000 00 $51,136 77 Trempealeau— Citizens State Bank. W. N IC H O LLS, P resid en t F. W. G RAVES, Vice President. M. F. U T T E R , Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. IV. N icholls, F . AV. G ra v e s, M. F. Utter, W . A. B right, N. H. Carhart. E S T A B L IS H E D DECEM BER 6, 1912. Statement October 31. 1914. R e so u rc e s. L ia b ilitie s . L oans and discounts ............ U. S., state, m unicipal and other bon ds ......................... B an kin g h o u s e ....................... Furniture and fi x t u r e s ........ Due from appro\red reserve banks ..................................... Gold coin ................................. Silver coin ............................... TJ. S. and national currency Nickels and cents ................. $49,656 50 T otal ............................... $71,362 61 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 7,500 00 2,500 00 1,714 41 6,743 592 363 2,238 54 10 50 40 00 70 Capital stock paid in ............ Undivided profits, less c u r rent expenses and taxes paid ...................... Individual deposits, su bject to check ................................ Demand certificates o f de posit ....................................... Savings deposits ................... T otal ...... ....................... $10,000 00 911 07 15,574 87 30,229 94 14,646 73 $71,362 61 312 THE COMMISSIONER OF BANKING. REPORT 01 Turtle Lake— Bank of Turtle Lake. L. M. R IC H A R D SO N , President. J. H. B U N K E R , Vice President. F. G. M cK EN ZIE , Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. L. M. R ichardson, .T. II. Bunker, K atie Bunker. E S T A B L IS H E D JU L Y 2, 1900. Statement October 31, 1914. L ia b ilitie s . R e so u rc e s. Loans and discounts .............. $11S,019 O verdrafts ............................... 1,124 Banking house ....................... 1,294 F urniture and f i x t u r e s ........ 904 Due from approved reserve banks ..................... 24,011 Cheeks on other banks and cash item s ........................... 649 Gold c o i n ................................... 240 Silver coin ............... 1,159 IT. S. and national currency 2,692 Nickels and cents ................. 39 98 98 20 73 46 86 00 45 00 40 T otal ............. ................. $150,136 06 Capital stock paid in .......... $10,000 00 Surplus fund ........................... 2,000 00 U ndivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid ........... 69 16 Individual deposits, su bject to check ................................. 46,355 69 Demand certificates o f de posit ...................................... 7,716 40 Tim e certificates of deposit 82,892 84 Notes and bills re-discounted 1,100 00 Cash over ................................. 1 97 T otal ......................... .. $150,136 06 Two Rivers— Bank of Two Rivers. .t. E. H A M ILTO N , President. C. E. M U E LLE R , V ice President. H. C. W IL K E , Cashier. H. R. SC H W A K E , Asst. Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. .T. E. H am ilton, C. E. Mueller, IL C. W ilke, Geo. S.' H am ilton, H. H am ilton. E S T A B L IS H E D F E B R U A R Y 10, 1891. Incorporated as a State Bank A p ril 19, 1895. Statement October 31, 1914. L ia b ilitie s . R e so u rc e s. L oans and discounts ............ $394,232 71 1,461 24 Overdrafts ............................... II. S., state, m unicipal and 27.108 43 other bon ds ......................... r> . iipoio- house ............... . 19,000 00 F urniture and fixtures ........ 8,223 07 Other real estate o w n e d ........ 1,968 40 Due from approved reserve 69.778 24 banks ..................................... Due from other b a n k s .......... 1,807 3S Checks on other banks and 1,568 98 cash i t e m s ..................... .. 1,2 10 00 Gold coin ................................. 2,451 00 Silver coin ............................... 17,440 00 U. S. and national currency 79 84 N ickels and cents ............. 1,407 25 Insurance prem ium ............. Total Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis $547,736 54 Capital stock paid in ............ $35,000 Surplus fund ......................... 15,000 U ndivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid .....................................,. 5,167 Due to banks— d e p o s it s ........ 862 Individual deposits, su bject to check ................... 141,796 Time certificates o f deposit 243,166 Savings deposits ................. 104,897 1,845 P ostal savings ........................ Total 00 00 44 90 27 36 78 79 $547,736 54 REPORTS OF STATE RANKS. 313 Two Rivers— Twc Rivers Savings Bank. I*. J. SC H R O E D E R , President. JAS. S. SC H R O E D E R , Vice President. P E T E R SCH R O E D E R , Cashier. F R A N K SC H R O E D E R , Asst. Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. P. .T. Schroeder, i'eter Schroeder, Jas. S. Schroeder, John J. Schroeder. E S T A B L IS H E D A P R IL 28, 1902. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. L ia b ilitie s . Loans and discounts ......... $300,082 35 Capital stock paid in .......... $25,000 00 O v e r d r a fts .................... 2,059 77 Surplus f u n d ........................... 25,000 00 U- S., state, m unicipal and Undivided profits, less cu r other bonds ......................... 25,500 00 rent expenses and taxes Banking house ................... 23,000 00 T Paid ............ 2,003 83 Furniture and fixtures ........ 1,400 00 in d ividu al deposits, su bject , Due from approved reserve to check ................................. 4S.751 59 T banks .................................... 21,344 55 Tune certificates o f deposit 250,841 93 Due from other banks ........ 1,221 98 Savings d e p o s it s ..................... 41,686 97 Checks on other banks and cash i t e m s ............................ 70 67 Gold coin ................................... 7,490 00 Silver coin ............................... 1,800 00 I;. S. and national currency 9,250 00 Nickels and cents ................. 65 00 T otal ............................... $393,284 32 T otal ............................... $393,284 32 Union Grove— State Bank of Union Grove. .T. S. B L A K E Y , President. O. P. GRAHAM , Cashier. IR V IN G W IL K E , Asst. Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. J. S. Blakey, J. T. Gittings, O. P. Graham. E S T A B L IS H E D JU L Y .18, 1S98. In corporated as a State Bank A ugust 31, 1903. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. Loans and discounts ............ $179,812 76 Overdrafts ............................... 1,717 94 U. S., state, m unicipal and other bonds ......................... 4,150 00 B anking house ....................... 3,600 00 F urniture and fixtures ........ 2,300 00 Due from approved reserve T banks ..................................... 68,754 03 Due from other banks ........ 819 84 Gold coin ................................. 2,395 00 STver coin ............................... 847 75 U. S. and national currency 15,936 00 Nickels and cents ................. 123 32 Total ; ............................. $280,456 64 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis L ia b ilitie s . Capital stock paid in .......... Surplus fund ........................... U ndivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes $25,000 00 750 00 Paid ............................................ 951 46 Individual deposits, subject to check ................................. Demand certificates o f de posit ...................................;. 96,455 84 157,299 34 Total ............................... $280,456 6i 314 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER ON BANKING. Unity— The Unity State Bank. C. E. B L O D G E T T , President. O. C. HAM AN, Vice President. S. J. F A L C K , Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. J. H. Clark, O. C. Haman, S. J. Falclc, C. E. B lodgett, L. H. W eyers. E S T A B L IS H E D MAY 20, 1909. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. L ia b ilitie s . Loans and discounts ............ Overdrafts ............................... B anking house ....................... F urniture and fixtures ........ Due from approved reserve hanks ..................................... Checks on other banks and cash i t e m s ............................. Silver coin ............. U. S. and national currency Nickels and cents .................. Insurance premium .............. T otal ............................... $61,366 553 2,500 2,158 70 05 00 37 2,721 84 410 410 1,901 113 49 92 05 00 05 45 $72,184 43 Capital stock paid in .......... Surplus fu nd ........................... Undivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid ........................................ Individu al deposits, su bject to check ............... ; ............... Demand certificates o f d e p osit ....................................... Savings deposits ................... Notes and bills re-discounted $10,'000 00 2,000 00 T otal ............................... $72,184 43 290 17 20,687 79 7,012 85 28,543 62 3,650 00 Valders— Valders State Bank. OTTO G. BE R G E , President. JOS'. F. R A P P E L , Vice President.D IR E C TO R S. Otto G. Berge, Jos. F. Rappel, Sever Thom pson, L ouis Herstmann. E S T A B L IS H E D A P R IL 5, 1911. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. L oans and discounts ............ O verdrafts ......... Banking house ....................... F urniture and fi x t u r e s ........ Due from approved reserve banks ..................................... Gold coin ................................. Silver coin ............................... U. S. and national currency N ickels and cents .................. T otal ................... .......... Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis L ia b ilitie s . $50,917 650 2,500 1,025 26 68 00 06 3,944 25 442 3,574 49 86 00 10 00 10 $63,128 06 Capital stock paid in .......... Surplus fund ........................... U ndivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid ........................................ Individu al deposits, su bject to check ................................. Tim e certificates o f deposit Savings deposits ................... Notes and bills re-discounted T otal ............................... $10,000 00 1,500 00 410 13 21,185 19,471 2,260 8,300 44 55 94 00 $63,128 06 REPORTS OF STATE BANKS. 315 Verona— Bank of Verona. A. G. M IL L E R , President. J. B. D O N K L E , V ice President. M YRON M. M YERS, Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. .T. B. Donkle, R. .1. Meyers, A. G. Miller, A. E. G. Shuman, Sam Meier. E S T A B L IS H E D F E B R U A R Y 1, 1904. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u r c e s. L ia b ilitie s . Loans and d i s c o u n t s ___ . . . $155,120 05 Capital stock paid in .......... Overdrafts ............................... 2,206 28 Surplus fund ........................... U. S., state, m unicipal and Undivided profits, less cu r other bonds ......................... 2,800 00 rent expenses and taxes B anking house ....................... 3,750 00 Paid ........................................ F urniture and fixtures ........ 1,471 30 Individu al deposits, subject 'O th er real estate o w n e d ___ 10,694 70 to check ................................. Due from approved reserve Time certificates o f deposit hanks .................................... 37,079 80 B ancroft endowm ent fu nd .. Checks on other banks and cash item s ........... 8,172 62 Gold c o i n ................................... 2,092 60 Silver coin ............................... 450 90 D. S. and national currency 5,724 00 67 81 Nickels and cents ................. T otal ............................... $229,690 06 $15,000 00 1,880 00 3,851 97 36,207 78 172,725 31 25 00 T otal ...............................$229,690 06 Vesper— State Bank of Vesper. D. G. « F. w . E L L S W O R T H , Cashier G. L. E L L S W O R T H , Asst. Cashier. M cVICAR, President. H. H ORN , Vice President. P. E. M urgotroyd, A. P. Bean, E rik Berg, A lfred Alms, D. McVicar, D IR E C TO RS. W. Turner, G. H. H orn, F. W . E llsw orth, W. H. Ludw ig. E S T A B L IS H E D F E B R U A R Y 27, 1911. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. L ia b ilitie s . L oans and discounts ............ $34,815 29 O v e r d r a fts ............<.................. 54 87 IT. S., state, m unicipal and other bonds ........................ 20 00 B anking house ............. 3,498 44 F urniture and fi x t u r e s ........ 1,955 35 Due from approved reserve b a n k s ............. ........................ • 4,346 69 Checks on other banks and cash items .......................... 18 43 Gold c o i n ............................ 195 00 Silver coin ............................... 151 85 IT. S. and national currency 1,476 00 Nickels and cents ................. 35 30 T ota l ............................. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis $46,567 22 Capital stock paid in .......... Surplus fund ........................... Undivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid ........................................ Individual deposits, su bject to c h e c k ..................... Time certificates o f deposit Savings deposits ................... Cashier’s checks outstanding Notes and bills re-discounted $10,000 00 1,000 00 T otal ............. ................ $46,567 22 587 00 18,063 7,592 2,857 359 6,106 82 68 14 65 93 316 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF BANKING. Viola— The State Bank of Viola. C. It. THOM PSON, President. E. B. B E N D E R , V ice President. W. J. G R IF F IN , Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. C. R. Thom pson, H, J. Clark, W es. J. Fishel, E. B. Bender, A. A. T hom pson, W . I. Griffin. E S T A B L IS H E D OCTOBER 13, 1905. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. L ia b ilitie s . Loans and discounts ............ $150,868 61 Overdrafts ................................. 4,644 46 Furniture and fixtures ........ 2,107 77 Other real estate ow ned . . . . 3,500 00 Due from approved reserve banks ..................... 1,432 55 Checks on other banks and cash i t e m s ................... 237 20 Gold coin ........................ 1,280 00 Silver coin ......... 1,673 21 U. S. and national currency 9,180 00 Capital stock paid in .......... Surplus fund ........................... Undivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid ........................................ Individu al deposits, subject to check .............................. Tim e certificates of deposit Savings deposits ............ Cashier’s checks outstanding B ills payable ........................... T otal ............................... $174,923 80 $25,000 00 1,000 00 1.2S9 54 56,467 60,616 5,628 4,891 20,000 34 89 72 31 00 T otal ............................... $174,923 80 Viroqua— Bank of Viroqua. H. LIN DEM AN N , President. WM. F. LIN DEM AN N , Jr., Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. H. Lindemann, W m. F. Lindemann, Jr., S. A. Farr, Fred Eckhart, R. l . T row brid g e. E S T A B L IS H E D IN 1881. Incorporated as a State Bank Decem ber 31, 1S90. Statement October 31. 1914 R e so u rc e s. L ia b ilitie s . L oans and discounts ............ $761,328 42 Capital stock paid in .......... $50,000 00 O v e r d r a fts ............................... 9,129 17 Surplus fu nd ........................ 50,000 00 U. S., state, m unicipal and Undivided profits, less c u r other bon ds ......................... 203,857 01 rent expenses and taxes Banking house ....................... 28,736 61 paid ........................................ 6,095 89 Furniture and fixtures ........ 3,772 15 D ividends unpaid ................. 600 00 Other real estate owned . . . . 6,140 95 Individu al deposits, su bject Due from approved reserve to check ................................. 104,190 95 banks ..................................... 98,245 02 Demand certificates o f de Due from other banks ........ 10 82 posit ......... 856.584 61 Checks on other banxs and B ills p a y a b le ........................... 60,000 00 cash items ............................. 1,270 3i Prem ium a c c o u n t ................... 49 17 Gold coin ................................. 2,000 00 Silver coin ............................... 1,800 00 U. S. and national currency 11,158 00 Nickels and cents .................. 72 16 T o t a l ............................. $1,127,520 62 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis T otal .............................$1,127,520 62 REPORTS OP STATE BANKS. 317 Wabeno— State Bank of Wabeno. F. M. O. IIUSCH, President. J. DICKEN SON , Vice President. A. E. LA W R E N C E , Cashier. D IR E C TO R S . F. O. Rusch, M. J. Dickenson, A. E. Lawrence, .T. B. Mallow, T. A. R ichardson. E S T A B L IS H E D NO VEM BER 21, 1907. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. L ia b ilitie s . Loans and d i s c o u n t s ............ Overdrafts ............................... Furniture and fixtures ........ Due from approved reserve banks .................... Due from other banks ........ Checks on other banks and cash i t e m s ............................. Hold coin . ................................. Silver coin ............................... F. S. and national currency Nickels and cents ................. $64,465 51 83 73 1,688 76 T otal ............................... $85,219 70 Capital stock paid in .......... Surplus fund ........................... Undivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes 7,738 84 paid ................. i ..................... 4,588 68 Individual deposits, su bject to check ................................. 90 94 Demand certificates o f de 775 00 posit ...................................... 1,041 40 Savings deposits ................... 4,700 00 Cashier’s checks outstanding 46 84 T otal ............................... $10,000 On 2,000 00 2,020 09 26,443 04 38,211 56 4,970 01 1,575 00 $85,219 70 W aldo— W aldo State Bank. E. M cIN T Y R E , President. W. A. B A R B E R , Vice President. IT. W . TIM M ER. Cashier. AVM. A. P E TE R SO N , Asst. Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. E. M cIntyre, W . A. Barber, II. W . Tim m er, Carl Manneck, W m. H. Peterson, L. A. Moll, B. S. W ierman. E S T A B L IS H E D DECEMBER 10, 1913. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. Loans and discounts ............ O v e r d r a fts .......................... B anking house ....................... Furniture and fixtures , . . . . Due from approved reserve banks .................................... Duo from other banks ........ Oold coin ................................. Silver coin ............................... IT. S. and national currency Nickels and cents ................. Total ............................... Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis L ia b ilitie s . $49,956 183 2,459 1,790 68 68 63 78 6,567 8,940 20 301 1,391 46 24 23 00 50 00 64 $71,657 38 Capital stock paid in ............ Undivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid ........................................ Individual deposits, su bject to check ................. Demand certificates o f de posit ...................................... Tim e certificates o f deposit Savings deposits ........ Total ............................... $10,000 00 78 71 40,408 51 6,117 00 13,084 50 1,968 66 $71,657 38 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF RANKING. 318 Wales— State Bank of Wales. W . H. E L IA S , President. MOSES W IL L IA M S , Vice President. W . B. OW ENS, Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. B. J. E dw ards, David Evans, T. J. Hughes, W m . Hughes. W . H. Elias, Moses W illiam s, P. H. Jones, T. J. Jones, D. J. R oberts, E S T A B L IS H E D D ECEM BER 16, 1912. Statement October 31, 1914. L ia b ilitie s . R e so u rc e s. L oans and discounts .......... O verdrafts ............................... U. S., state, m unicipal and other bonds ......................... B an king house ..................... F urniture and fixtures . . . . . Due from approved reserve banks .................................... Checks on other banks and cash i t e m s ............................. Gold coin ............... Silver c o i n ............... U. S. and national currency N ickels and cents ................. T o t a l ............................. $41,397 86 810 90 3,915 00 4,500 00 2,500 00 2,609 09 32 100 749 1,794 52 $58,460 00 00 60 00 24 Capital stock paid in .......... $15,000 00 Surplus fund .................. 3,000 00 Undivided profits, less c u r rent expenses and taxes paid ........................................ 945 39 Individual deposits, su bject to check ................................. 12,166 37 Tim e certificates o f deposit 20,454 25 Savings deposits .................. 3,743 85 Cashier’s checks outstanding 203 33 Notes and bills re-discou nted 2,947 50 T o t a l ............................. 69 $58,460 6!^ Walworth— W alworth State Bank. O. S. DOUGLASS, P resident. E. A. P E TE R SO N , Vice President. F. E. LA W SO N , Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. C. S. D ouglass, E. A. Peterson, P. E. Lawson, L. Colburn, John Lawson. E S T A B L IS H E D JA N U A R Y 21, 1901. Incorporated as a State Bank A ugu st 21, 1903. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. L oans and discounts .......... .$203,904 72 1,087 64 Overdrafts . . . . ....................... U. S.. state, m unicipal and other bonds ......................... 16,000 00 F urniture and fi x t u r e s ........ 1,882 67 Due from approved reserve banks .................................... 22,738 66 Checks on other banks and cash items ............................. 10 00 G old coin ................................. 1,320 00 Silver coin ............................... 1,961 90 U. S. and national currency 5,992 00 N ickels and c e n t s .................. 140 17 T ota l ............................... $255,037 76 / Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis L ia b ilitie s . Capital stock paid in .......... Surplus fu nd ..................... Undivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid ........................ Due to banks— d ep osits........ Individual deposits, su bject to c h e c k ................................. Demand certificates o f de posit ...................... Savings deposits ................... Certified checks ..................... P ostal s a v in g s ....................... $15,000 00 10,000 00 679 34 392 16 79,919 64 98,555 50,398 4 87 61 75 50 76 T otal ............................... $255,037 76 REPORTS OF STATE BANKS. 319 Warrens— The Geo. Warren Co. Bank. F. F. G. W A R R E N , President. R. B A R B E R , V ice President. H. B EN TZEN . Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. F. F. G. W arren, R. Barber, II. Bentzen. ■ # E S T A B L IS H E D AUGUST 1, 1902. In corporated as a State Bank A ugu st 12, 1903. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. Loans and discounts ............ Overdrafts ............................... Stocks and other securities B anking house ....................... F urniture and fixtures ........ Other real estate o w n e d ___ Due from approved reserve banks .................................... Due from other banks ........ Gold coin ................................. Silver coin ............................... U. S. and national currency Nickels and cents ................. T otal ............................... L ia b ilitie s . $38,436 90 241 900 1,618 3,395 69 27 15 00 04 49 4,356 899 20 71 3 ,0il8 135 92 00 00 25 00 82 $6,000 00 Capital stock paid in ............ Surplus fund ............................... 1,037 62 Individual deposits, su bject to check ................................. 13,688 61 Tim e certificates o f deposit 26,437 24 Savings deposits ..................... 6,069 16 $53,232 63 T otal ................. ............ $53,232 63 Washburn— Bayfield County Bank. W. G. M AXCY, President. D. M. M AXCY, V ice President. C. H. LIN D G R E N , Asst. Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. W. G. M axcy, D. M. M axcy, T. R. Spears. E S T A B L IS H E D AUGUST 27, 1SS9. Statement October 31, 1914. R e sou rce s. L oans and d is c o u n t s ...$117,601 45 2,4 710 8 O verdrafts ....................... j . . . B anking house ...................... 3,000 00 Furniture and fixtures . . . . . . 400 00 Other real estate o w n e d .... 3,130 00 Due from approved reserve banks ....... 12,620 22 Due from other banks . 1,964 70 Checks on other banks and cash i t e m s ........................... . 2,370 47 E xchanges fo r clearing h o u s e ............................ 178 41 Gold coin ................................... 2,942 50 Silver coin ................... 639 70 U. S. and national currency 5,439 00 Nickels and cents ......... 100 70 T otal .............................. $152,858 23 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis L ia b ilitie s . Capital stock paid in ............ Surplus fu nd ........................... Undivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes P a id ........................................ Individual deposits, su bject to check ......... Time certificates o f deposit Savings deposits ................. Total $20,000 00 4,000 00 2,978 8S 43,683 49 21,021 10 61,174 76 $152,S58 23 32!0 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF HANKING. Washburn— Northern State Bank. \f. A. SPRAGUE, President. O. A. LA M O R E A U X, Vice President. AUG. F. HOFFM ANN, Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. M. A. Sprague, M. IT. Sprague, Q. W. F rost. L. N. Clausen, P>. Ungrodt, O. A. Lam oreaux, E S T A B L IS H E D S E P T E M B E R 10, 1S95. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s, L ia b ilitie s . L oan s'an d discounts ............ $116,240 71 Overdrafts ................................ 4,199 93 U. S.. state, m unicipal and 1,000 00 other bonds ......................... Stocks and other securities 7,927 43 Banking house ....................... 8,000 00 F urniture and fixtures ........ 1,646 46 Due from approved reserve banks .................................... 2,731 26 1,494 69 Due from other banks ........ Checks on other banks and cash i t e m s ............................. 2,010 46 Gold coin ................................. 240 00 Silver coin ............................... 218 35 IT. S. and national currency 6,843 00 N ickels and cents ............... 27 62 Total ............................... $152,579 91 Capital stock paid in .......... Surplus fund ........................... Undivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid ........................................ Ind iv'd ual deposits, subject to check ................................. Tim e certificates o f deposit Savings deposits ................... Certified checks ..................... Cashier’ s checks outstanding P ostal savings ....................... Notes and bills re-discounted $25,000 00 5,000 00 12,795 61 50.465 56 10.419 54 37,458 83 30 64 100 00 750 06 10,559 67 T otal ............................... $152,579 91 Waterford— Noll’s Bank. CHAS. II. NOLL, President. LOUIS L. NOLL, Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. Julia Noll, Elizabeth Noll, Oswald Noll, Chas. IT. Noll, Louis L. Noll. E S T A B L IS H E D JU LY 2, 1907. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. L ia b ilitie s . Loans and discounts ........... $426,083 43 Capital stock paid in ............ $25.000 Overdrafts ............................... 204 47 Surplus fund ................... 30,000 F urniture and fixtures . . . . . 2,52579 Undivided profits, less c u r Due from approved reserve rent expenses and taxes banks .................................... 66,143 07 paid ........................................ 7,683 Checks on other banks and Individual deposits, su bject cash item s ............. 4,251 70 to check ................................. 63,903 Gold coin ....................... . 7,155 00 Tim e certificates o f deposit 390,606 Silver c o i n .............................. .. 660 50 U. S. and national currency 10,004 00 N ickels and cents .................. 165 66 Total ............................... $517,193 62 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 00 00 06 73 83 T otal ............................... $517,193 6? REPORTS OF STATE BANKS. 321 Waterford— State Bank of Waterford. JOH N T. RICE, President. E D W A R D MALONE, Vice President. W IL L IA M SANDERS, Cashier. JO SE P H IN E SANDERS, Asst. Cashier. D IR E C TO RS. W m. Sanders, John T. Rice, Edw. Malone, George W . Rowntree, Josephine Sanders. E S T A B L IS H E D SE PT E M B E R 14, 1903. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. L ia b ilitie s . L oans and discounts ............ $130,973 75 Overdrafts ............................... 597 55 U. S., state, m unicipal and other bonds ......................... 5,000 00 F urniture and fixtures . . . . . 2,000 00 Due from approved reserve banks ..................................... 21,636 78 Due from other b a n k s ___ _ _ 2,451 75 Checks on other banks and cash items ................... 284 11 G old coin ................................. 1,470 00 Silver coin ...................... 238 95 U. S. and national currency 6,783 00 N ickels and cents ................. 49 98 Capital stock paid in ............ $10,000 Surplus fund ............... 5,000 Undivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid ........................................ 1,587 Individual deposits, su bject 28,832 to check ..................... Tim e certificates o f deposit 126,065 T otal ............................... $171,485 87 00 00 35 93 59 T o t a l .............................. $171,485 87 Waterloo— Farmers & Merchants State Bank. F. A. SEEBER. President. D. J. I I O I T , V ice President. GEO. Q. AMES, Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. F. A. Seeber, D. J. H oyt, D. A. Lackey, Gust F ox, G. K. Seeber, R ichard Heidemaun, Lew is Lewellin. E S T A B L IS H E D NOVEM BER. 3, 1897. Incorporated as a State Bank Ju ly 13, 1903. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. L oans and discou nts ............ $246,773 Overdrafts ............................... 4,128 U. S., state, m unicipal and other bonds ......................... 18,300 Banking house ................. . . . 5,797 Furniture and fix tu res.......... 3,661 Due from approved reserve banks ............... 54,064 E xchanges fo r clearing house .................................... 5,481 Gold coin ..................... 807 Silver coin ............................. 917 U. S. and national currency 12,403 N ickels and cents ................. 209 T otal L ia b ilitie s . 27 00 00 55 14 64 51 50 45 00 06 ............................. $352,543 12 21— B. S. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Capital stock paid i n .......... Surplus fu n d ......................... U ndivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes P a id ...................................... D ividends unpaid ................. Individual deposits, su bject to check ............................... Demand certificates o f de posit .............................. Savings deposits ................... T otal $50,000 00 6,000 00 5,608 60 3 00 47,383 93 237,113 82 6,433 77 ............. ............... $352,543 12 322 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF BANKING. Waterloo— Waterloo State Bank. J. D. JOHNSON, President. L. G. S H E P A R D , V ice President. E. J. M cCRACKEN, Cashier. WM, H. M cCRACKEN , A sst. Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. E. J. J. L. G. J. D. Johnson, G. A. W hite, F. C. Stokes, E. M. Strasburg, C. E. Hassleau, W m . A bendroth, J. McCracken, D. K n ow lton , W . Harger, G. Shepard, J. F iebiger, S. A. W . J. H. L. L. A. A lex. Brown, B olton, Latsoch, Towne, Archie. E S T A B L IS H E D F E B R U A R Y 19, 1913. Statement October 31, 1914. L ia b ilitie s . R e so u rc e s. L oans and discounts ............ O verdrafts ............................... U. S., state, m unicipal and other bonds ......................... B anking house ..................... F urniture and fixtu res.......... Due from approved reserve banks ..................................... Checks on other banks and cash i t e m s ............................. G old coin ................................. Silver coin ............................. U. S. and national currency Nickels and cen ts................... $85,091 65 289 19 14,697 20 7,500 00 3,176 50 Capital stock paid in ............ $30,000 00 Individu al deposits, su bject to check ................................. 35,486 66 T im e certificates o f deposit 74,816 64 Savings deposits ............. 6,843 16 C ontingent fu n d ................... 947 33 30,012 77 364 485 1,151 5,239 83 50 00 20 00 78 T otal ............................... $148,093 79 T otal ............................... $148,093 79 Watertown— Bank of Watertown, F. B. W O O D A R D , President. H. M U LB E R G E R , V ice President. W m . H. W oodard , H. M ulberger, W . C. Stone, F. W . Gamm, F. W . GAMM, Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. A lex Bucheit, J. F. Prentiss, F. E. W oodard, J. W . W iggenhorn. E S T A B L IS H E D AUGUST 1, 1S54. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. L ia b ilitie s . L oans and discounts .......... $781,040 86 Capital stock paid i n ............$150,000 668 59 Surplus fu nd ......................... 30,000 Overdrafts ............................... U. S., state, m unicipal and U ndivided profits, less cu r other bon ds ......................... 168,228 00 rent expenses and taxes Stocks and other securities 888 17 paid .................................... 52,974 B an king house ............. 8,800 00 Due to banks— d e p o s it s ___ 7,274 F urniture and fixtures . . . . 2,000 00 Individual deposits, su bject to check ................................. 215,885 Due from approved reserve banks ..................................... 112,802 81 Tim e certificates o f deposit 608,405 Checks on other banks and Savings deposits ................... 25,031 cash item s ........................... 1,261 48 Certified checks ..................... 500 E xchanges fo r clearing Cashier’ s checks outstand house ..................................... 3,960 47 ing ......................................... 30,689 Gold coin ................................. 19,982 50 Silver coin ............................... 2,288 50 U. S. and national currency 18,507 00 N ickels and c e n t s .................. 333 12 T otal .............................$1,120,761 50 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 00 00 42 95 71 35 69 00 38 T otal ............................. $1,120,761 50 REPORTS OF STATE BANKS. 323 Watertown— Farmers and Citizens Bank. II. W E R T H E IM E R , President. M. G. KU SEL, Vice President. A. D. P L A T Z, Cashier. F R . SIE G L E R , Asst. Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. H. R. Moldenhauer, H. W ertheim er, A. D. Platz, Max G. Kusel, F. J. Sabin, Fred Smith, H. Tetzlaff. E S T A B L IS H E D AUGUST 31, 1912. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. L ia b ilitie s . L oans and d is c o u n t s ............$183,148 O verdrafts ............................... 3,776 U. S., state, m unicipal and 20,358 other bonds ......................... F urniture and fixtures ___ 6,257 Due from approved reserve hanks ..................................... 30,806 Checks on other banks and cash items ........................... 4,011 E xch an ges fo r clearing house ..................................... 2,135 G old coin ................................. 3,022 Silver coin ............................... 820 U. S. and national currency 10,337 Nickels and cents ................. 135 T otal 96 17 10 06 57 80 14 50 05 00 45 Capital stock paid in ........ $50,000 00 Surplus fund ......................... 5,000 00 U ndivided profits, less cur- . rent expenses and taxes paid ........... 3,295 67 Individual deposits, su bject to check ............................... 58,272 47 Tim e certificates o f deposit 89,087 84 Savings deposits .................. 43,474 95 Cashier’s checks outstand ing ....... 15,286 26 Reserved fo r taxes ......... 391 61 .............................$264,808 SO T otal ............................. $264,808 80 Waukesha— Farmers State Bank of Waukesha. JO H N A. RODGERS, President. R O B E R T L. H O L T , Vice President. OW EN L. JONES, Cashier. VE R N E E. DE REM ER, Asst. Cashier. D IR E C TO RS. John A. R odgers, Milo M uckleston, John A. Becker, W. A. McFarlane, W . A. Foster, R obert L. Holt, H enry L. Gittner, John L. Morris, D. W . Roberts, George A. Jones, Peter Swartz. E S T A B L IS H E D JUNE 29, 1912. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. Loans and discounts ............ $103,392 Overdrafts ............................... 302 U. S., state, m unicipal and other bonds ......................... 27,999 B anking house ..................... 7,351 Furniture and fixtures ___ 3,635 Due from approved reserve banks .................................... 8,042 Checks on other banks and cash items ........................... 2,235 G old coin ................................. 1,080 Silver coin ............................... 378 U. S. and national currency 3,608 N ickels and c e n t s .................. 48 L ia b ilitie s . 17 32 73 11 29 47 38 00 80 00 66 T otal ............................... $158,073 93 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Capital stock paid in .............. Surplus fund ........................... Undivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes Paid ......................................... Individual deposits, su bject to check ............................... Tim e certificates o f deposit ................ Savings deposits $30,000 00 3,000 00 653 35 41,960 97 67.057 50 15,402 11 T otal ............................... $158,073 93 I REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF BANKING. 324 Waumandee— Waumandee State Bank. F R A N K R E U TE R , President. LOU IS ZE L L E R , Vice President. I. E. HUEBSCH, Cashier. , D IR E C TO R S. G eorge K indschy, F. ,T. B ohri, M. L. Fugina. Frank Reuter, L ouis Zeller, C. W . Senty, T hom as Henry, E S T A B L IS H E D S E PT E M B E R 12, 1914. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. L oans and d isco u n ts............ O verdrafts ................... B anking house ..................... F urniture and fixtu res.......... Due from other b a n k s........ G old coin ................................. Silver coin ....... U. S. and national currency Nickels and cents .................. E xpense ..................................... T ota l ............................... L ia b ilitie s . 17 59 93 56 80 00 10 00 50 17 Capital stock paid i n .......... Surplus fund ......................... Individu al deposits, su bject to c h e c k ..............'.................. Tim e certificates o f deposit $15,000 00 2,250 00 $37,248 82 T otal ................. ............ $37,248 82 $5,254 24 3,365 1,561 21,279 20 780 4,480 149 333 7,948 48 12,050 34 Waunakee— Farmers State Bank. G. SCHUNK, P resid en t A. SCHUNK, Vice P resident. F R E D G. SCHUNK, Cashier. H. B E R N A R D S , Asst. Cashier. D IR E C TO R S . G. Schunk, Jos. R ipp, A. Schunk, J. J. McManamy, IT. Helt, E. Simonson, H. Bernards. E STA B L IS H E D A P R IL 12, 1912. Statement 31, 1914. L ia b ilitie s . R e so u r c e s. L oans and d is c o u n t s ............ Overdrafts ............................... B an king house ..................... F urniture and fixtures ----Due from approved reserve banks ..................... *............. Gheckg o n other banks and cash item s ........................... G old coin ................................. Silver coin ............................. U. S. and national currency N ickels and cents ................. T otal Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ............................. $69,151 100 2,236 1,661 43 97 00 00 3,549 04 23 500 280 2,323 92 72 00 90 00 93 $79,918 99 Capital stock paid i n .......... $15,000 00 U ndivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid ................. .................... • 978 99 Individual deposits, su bject to check ................................. 8,406 98 T im e certificates o f deposit 50,533 02 B ills payable ........................ 5,000 00 T otal ............................. $79,918 99 REPORTS OF STATE BANKS. 325 Waunakee— Waunakee State Bank. M. J. O’ M A LLE Y, President. J. H. K O L T E S, Vice President. A. P. K E N N E Y, Cashier. GRACE K O L T E S, A sst. Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. T. P. O’ Malley, M ary F. Connor, J. H. Koltes, M. J. O’Malley, A. M. Blake. E S T A B L IS H E D S E PTE M B E R 2, 1902. Statement October 31, 1914. L ia b ilitie s . R e so u rc e s. L oans and discounts ............ $200,069 O verdrafts ........................... ... 2,184 U. S., state, m unicipal and other bonds ......................... 500 B anking house ..................... 6,300 F urniture and fixtures . . . . 2,000 Due from approved reserve banks ..................................... 7,245 Checks on other banks and 9 cash i t e m s ............................. Gold coin ................................. 2,205 Silver c o i n ................................ 893 U. S. and national currency 1,344 N ickels and cents ................. 374 T otal 35 25 00 00 00 00 Capital stock paid in ............. $25,000 00 Surplus fund ......................... 5,000 00 U ndivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid .................................... .. • 2,284 26 Individual deposits, su bject to check ................................. 27,794 08 Tim e certificates o f deposit 143,046 90 B ills payable ......................... 20,000 00 68 00 10 00 86 ............................. $223,125 24 T otal ............................. $223,125 24 Waupaca— The Farmers State Bank of Waupaca. K IM R O SH O LT, President. O. C. H A R R IN G T O N , V ice President. K im R osholt, N. Cohen, O. C. H arrington, A lbert Breit, GEORGE H. S K IN N E R , Cashier. .J. E. C A M PB E LL, A sst. Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. E. W . Smith, C. R. Hoffmann, A. B. Axtell. E S T A B L IS H E D JA N U A R Y 13, 1911. Statement October 31, 1914. L ia b ilitie s . R e so u rc e s. L oan s and discounts ............ $257,149 Overdrafts ............................... 558 F urniture and fixtu res........ 4,000 Due from approved reserve banks ..................................... 25,595 D ue from other b a n k s.......... 2,500 Checks on other banks and cash i t e m s ............................. 1,849 Gold coin ................................. 1,410 Silver coin ............................. 784 U. S. and national currency 16,133 Nickels and cents ................. 193 91 53 00 73 00 47 00 35 00 74 T otal ............................... $310,174 73 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Capital stock paid in .......... Surplus fund ......................... Undivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes p a i d ....................................... Individual deposits, su bject to c h e c k ................................. Demand certificates o f de posit ...................................... Savings deposits .................. Certified checks ................... $30,000 00 1,750 00 787 10 72,565 11 164,412 40 40,640 12 20 00 T otal ............................... $310,174 73 326 REPORT OF THE'COMMISSIONER OF BANKING. Waupun— The State Bank of Waupun. JOH N J. R O B E R TS, President. H. .T. I-IA R TG E R IN K , Vice President. John J. R oberts, H. J. H artgerink, Fred W . Luck, Oscar Hanisch, F R E D W . LUCK. Cashier. OSCAR H ANISCH, Asst. Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. .T. S. M orris, A. Lemmenes, W . E. Rank. E S T A B L IS H E D OCTOBER 1, 1903. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. L ia b ilitie s . L oans and discounts ............ $345,499 54 O verdrafts ............................... 3,907 42 U. S., state, m unicipal and other bonds ....................... 45,850 00 7,300 00 B an king house ..................... F urniture and fixtu res.......... 3,369 00 Due from approved reserve banks ..................................... 37,739 65 Due from other b a n k s .......... 420 92 Checks on other banks and 1,308 04 cash items ........................... G old coin ................................. 3,345 00 Silver c o i n .................... 1,699 50 U. S. and national currency 15,520 00 N ickels and cents .................. 137 12 119 95 Cash short ......................... , . . T ow n orders ........................... 49 00 Capital stock paid in .......... $25,000 00 Surplus fu nd ......................... 14,000 00 U ndivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid ........................................ 6,788 07 D ividends unpaid ............. 25 00 Individu al deposits, su bject to check ............................... 98,494 02 Tim e certificates o f deposit 138,153 52 Savings deposits ......... 170,088 45 Cashier’s checks outstand in g ........................ 720 50 P ostal savings ....................... 245 58 B ills payable ......................... 12,500 00 250 00 Reserved fo r taxes ............. T otal ............................... $466,265 14 T otal ............................... $466,265 14 Wausau— Citizens State Bank. S. M. QUAW, President. C. A. B A R W IG , V ice President. W . E. H U D T L O F F, Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. Fred A ug. A. H. O. C. S. M. Quaw, C. A. Barw ig, A nton Mehl, H enry Ruder, G. A. Osswald, Genrich, M arquardt, Clark, Lemke. E S T A B L IS H E D OCTOBER 26, 1907. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u r c e s. L oans and discounts .............. $374,532 1,459 O verdrafts ............................... B an king house ..................... 11,514 F urniture and fixtures . . . . 5,850 D ue from approved reserve banks ..................................... 29,538 D ue from other b a n k s .......... 6,489 Checks on other banks and cash item s ........................... 6,425 G old coin ................................. 9,422 Silver coin ............................... 1,567 U. S. and national currren cy 11,177 N ickels and cents .................. 148 T otal Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis L ia b ilitie s . 06 22 88 30 55 67 94 50 24 00 93 ! ............................. $458,126 29 Capital stock paid i n ........... $50,000 Surplus fund ........................... 10,000 Undivided profits, less c u r rent expenses and taxes paid ......................................... 6,257 3,138 Due to banks— d e p osits........ D ividends unpaid ................. 78 Individual deposits, su bject to check ....... ....................... 95,228 Tim e certificates o f deposit 161,850 Savings deposits ................. 123,032 Cashier’ s checks outstand ing .......................................... 6,555 Money orders ......................... 60 Reserved fo r taxes ................ 1,925 T otal 00 00 07 77 00 87 45 52 07 13 41 ............................. $458,126 29 REPORTS OF STATE BANKS. 327 Wausau— Marathon County Bank. W A L T E R A L E X A N D E R , President. CHAS. W . H A R G E R , V ice President. H. C. B E R G E R , Asst. Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. W alter Alexander, Chas. W . H arger, r . p W ilson, W m. B. Scholfield. E STA B L IS H E D JA N U A R Y 1, 1875. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. L ia b ilitie s . L oans and d iscou n ts............$519,458 2,499 O verdrafts ...................... U. S., state, m unicipal and other bonds ........... 48,200 Stocks and other securities 7,450 B anking house ..................... 30,000 Due from approved reserve banks ..................................... 71,617 Due from other b a n k s.......... 1,148 Checks on other banks and 2,179 cash items ......................... G old coin ................................. 22,897 Silver coin ............... 1,464 U. S. and national currency 23,089 N ickels and cents ................. 108 T otal 20 20 00 00 00 50 39 07 50 40 00 94 ............................. $730,112 20 Capital stock paid in ............ $100,000 00 Surplus fund ......................... 50,000 00 Undivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid ......................................... 9,798 51 D ividends unpaid ................. 105 00 Individual deposits, su bject to check ................................. 211,374 64 T im e certificates o f deposit 199,370 02 Savings deposits ................... 95,823 98 Certified checks ..................... 100 00 Cashier’ s checks outstand in g ......................................... 40 05 B ills payable ......................... 60,000 00 Reserved fo r taxes ............. 3,500 00 Total ............................. $730,112 20 Wausaukee— Wausaukee State Bank. GEO. F. BOGRAN D, President. H. P. C H R IS T , Vice President. A. L. SEVERANCE, Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. Geo. E. B ogrand, J. C. M organ, D. E. Thom as, A. L. Severance, Alex. Martin, H. G. Laun, II. P. Christ. E S T A B L IS H E D JA N U A R Y 1, 1903. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. L ia b ilitie s . L oans and discounts ............ $152,978 30 Capital stock paid in ............ $25,000 O v e r d r a fts ....................... 175 88 Surplus fu nd ......................... 4,140 Due from approved reserve Undivided profits, less cu r banks ........... 12,298 46 rent expenses and taxes Due from other banks .... 1,607 31 paid ...................................... 7,525 Checks on other banks and D ividends unpaid ................. 80 cash item s ........................... 1,765 35 Individual deposits, su bject Gold coin ................................. 1,255 00 to check ............................... 62,284 Silver c o i n ....................... 665 20 Tim e certificates o f deposit 71,431 U. S. and national currency 1,594 00 Cashier’s ■checks outstand N ickels and cents .................. 114 52 ing ...................... 1,242 Reserved fo r taxes ................ 750 T otal ............................. $172,454 02 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis T otal 00 00 08 00 25 82 87 00 ............................. $172,454 02 328 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF BANKING. Wautoma— Farmers Home Bank. GUY MUMBRUE, President. R. C. S T U A R T , V ice President. C. H. OLESTON, Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. J. B. Johnson, F red Schley, John Eagan. Chas. T. T aylor, Guy Mumbrue, R. C. Stuart, L ester Curreir, E S T A B L IS H E D SE PT E M B E R 15, 1913. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. L ia b ilitie s . Loans and discounts ............ $109,381 O verdrafts ............................... 5 U. S., state, m unicipal and other bonds .......................... 2,000 4,000 B an king house ...................... F urniture and fixtures ........ 1,800 Due from approved reserve banks ....... 8,646 Due from other banks ........ 4,461 Checks on other banks and cash item s ........................... 2 E xch an ges fo r clearing house ......... 210 1,707 G old coin ................................ Silver coin ............................... 478 U. S. and national currency 2,099 N ickels and cents ................ 146 T otal 06 99 00 00 00 98 54 85 Capital stock paid i n ............ $15,000 00 1,500 00 Surplus fund ......................... U ndivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes 1,224 10 paid ...................................... Individual deposits, su bject 25,482 45 to check ................................. 78,680 78 Tim e certificates o f deposit 12,569 30 Savings deposits .................... Cashier’ s checks outstand 483 58 in g ........................................ .. 87 50 13 00 29 ............................. $134,940 21 $134,940 21 T otal Wautoma— Wautoma State Bank. R. H. H A C K E T T , President. GEO. P. W A L K E R , Vice President. L. H. L A R SE N , Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. E. F. Kileen, Geo. P. W alker, R. H. Hackett. R. A. Christie, W . H. Berray, L. H. Larsen, J. P. F itch, E S T A B L IS H E D S E PT E M B E R 24, 1900. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. L ia b ilitie s . Loans and d isco u n ts............ $183,582 42 O verdrafts ............................... 124 98 U. S., state, m unicipal and other bon ds ......................... 14,600 00 Prem ium on bon ds .............. 282 67 B anking house ..................... 6,000 00 2,983 35 F urniture and fixtures ........ Other real estate o w n e d .... 5,400 00 Due from approved reserve banks ..................................... 18,776 47 Due from other ba n k s.......... 905 86 Checks on other banks and cash i t e m s ............................. 511 77 Gold coin ................................. 1,725 00 Silver coin ............................... 1,235 10 U. S. and national currency 4,696 00 N ickels and cents .................. 252 11 Capital stock paid in .......... $25,000 00 Surplus fu nd ......................... 5,000 00 U ndivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid ........................................ 6,642 74 Individual deposits, su bject to c h e c k ................................ 74,895 47 T im e certificates o f deposit 100,423 07 18,467 41 Savings deposits ................... Certified checks ..................... 20 00 Cashier’s checks outstand ing .......................................... 3,560 80 7,066 24 P ostal savings ....................... T otal ............................. $241,075 73 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Total $241,075 73 329 REPORTS OF STATE BANKS. Wauzeka— Bank of Wauzeka. JOH N KOCH, Cashier. H. A. VAUGHAN, A sst. Cashier. W . A. VAUGHAN, President. O. P. VAUGHAN, V ice President. D IR E C TO R S. A. J. Feldman, W. M. Sillge. W . A. Vaughan, O. P. Vaughan, W . E. H azelwood, E S T A B L IS H E D F E B R U A R Y 13, 1901. Incorporated as a State Bank Ju ly 11, 1903. Statement October 31, 1914. L ia b ilitie s . R e so u rc e s. L oans and discounts .......... O verdrafts ............................... U. S., state, m unicipal and other bonds ....................... B anking house ..................... Furniture and fixtures . . . . Due from approved reserve banks .................................... Checks on other banks and cash i t e m s ........................ Gold coin ................................. Silver coin ............................. U. S. and national currency Nickels and cents .................. T otal $94,761 61 2,175 29 8,000 00 1,000 00 1,190 00 15,199 05 3,361 230 526 3,376 68 Capital stock paid in ............ $10,000 00 Surplus fund ......................... 1,000 00 Undivided profits, less c u r rent expenses and taxes paid ........................................ 476 88 Individual deposits, su bject to check ............... 22,858 54 Tim e certificates of deposit 95,551 11 61 00 40 00 57 T otal ............................. $129,886 53 ............................. $129,886 53 Wayside— Wayside State Bank. F. C. T E SK E , Cashier. THOM AS B U R K E , President. F. W . PIN G E L, V ice President. D IR E C TO RS. H enry Fischer, H enry Hauser, Gust Natzke. Thom as Burke, F. W . Pingel, Geo. Frosch, H enry Zellner, E S T A B L IS H E D S E P T E M B E R 26, 1911. Statement October 31, 1914. L ia b ilitie s . R e so u rc e s. L oans and d is c o u n t s ............ O v e r d r a fts ................................ U. S., state, m unicipal and other bonds ......................... Prem ium on b o n d s ................ B anking houSe ....................... Furniture and fixtures ........ Due from approved reserve banks ............. Due from other banks ........ Checks on other banks and cash i t e m s ............... G old coin ................................. Silver c o i n ................................ U. S. and national currency Nickels and c e n t s ................... T otal Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis $74,867 21 120 43 5,000 85 2,300 1,352 00 00 80 17 13,293 30 1,156 98 95 777 185 4,055 109 Capital stock paid in ............ $10,000 00 Surplus fund ........................... 500 00 U ndivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid ........................................ 1,084 07 Individual deposits, su bject to c h e c k ............................... 22,443 22 Tim e certificates o f deposit 51,861 89 Savings deposits ................. 17,508 57 00 50 25 00 11 $103,397 75 T otal $103,397 75 33=0 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF BANKING. Webster— Burnett County State Bank. A. P. NELSON, President. OLE A N DERSON , Vice President. L. R. R O B E R TS , Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. A. P. Nelson, Ole A nderson, L. R. R oberts, N. C. Unseth. J. A. Morew. E S T A B L IS H E D JA N U A R Y 31, 1912. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u r c e s. L oans and d i s c o u n t s ............ O verdrafts ................................. B anking house ....................... F urniture and fixtures . . . . . Due from approved reserve banks ..................................... D ue from other b a n k s .......... Checks on other banks and cash i t e m s ............................. Gold coin ................................... Silver coin ............................... U. S. and national currency N ickels and cents ................. T otal ............................... L ia b ilitie s . $85,153 154 1,700 1,900 98 11 00 00 2,119 88 475 19 344 76 20 00 490 80 817 00 155 19 $93,330 91 Capital stock paid in .......... $10,000 00 Surplus fu nd ........................... 2,000 00 U ndivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid ........................................ 239 69 Individual deposits, su bject to check ................................. 32,790 01 Tim e certificates o f deposit 11,581 64 16,145 82 Savings deposits ................... Cashier’s checks outstanding 458 31 B ills p a y a b l e ........................... 20,000 00 Other liabilities ..................... 115 44 T otal ............................... $93,330 91 Welcome— Citizens State Bank. M. C. T R A Y S E R , President. L E V I C. LA RSO N , V ice President. F. W . R A IS L E R , Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. M. C. T rayser, Levi C. Larson, F. W . R aisler. E S T A B L IS H E D SE P T E M B E R 3, 1904. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. L ia b ilitie s . L oans and d i s c o u n t s . $68,954 Overdrafts ............................... B anking house ....................... F urniture and f i x t u r e s ...... Other real estate owned . . . Due from approved reserve banks ..................................... Due from other banks ... Checks on other banks and cash item s ........................... Gold coin -...................... 1,137 Silver coin ............................... U. S. and national currency N ickels and cents ................ T otal ................... .......... Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 01 281 16 2,500 00 1,400 00 7,181 69 6,133 53 708 51 22 50 50 105 55 3,143 00 144 50 $91,711 95 Capital stock paid in .......... Surplus fu nd ......................... U ndivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid ......................................... Individual deposits, su bject to check ................................. Time certificates o f deposit Bills p ayable . . . . ................... Total $10,000 00 2,000 00 1,489 63 29,032 84 46,189 48 3,000 00 $91,711 95 REPORTS OF STATE BANKS. 331 West Allis— W est Allis State Bank. JO H N T. JOH NSTON, Cashier. GEO. C. H IN K L E Y , President. J. E. R A D C L IF F E , Vice President. D IR E C TO R S. Ju lius Peter, W . R. M cKowen, W m . Corbett, T. J. Jones. J. E. Radcliffe, Geo. C. H inkley, P. J. Biwer, J. T. Johnston, E S T A B L IS H E D MAY 13, 1911. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. L ia b ilitie s . L oans and discounts . . . . . . . $101,864 06 O verdrafts ............................... 1,560 92 U. S., state, m unicipal and other bon ds ......................... 96,396 39 Prem ium on b o n d s ................ 239 25 B an king house ....................... 8,500 00 F urniture and fixtures ........ 5,500 00 424 90 Other real estate o w n e d ___ D ue from approved reserve 14,243 09 banks .................................... Checks on other banks and cash i t e m s ............................. 475 56 Gold c o i n ................................... 340 00 Silver c o i n ................................. 605 15 IT. S. and national currency 5,604 00 Nickels and cents ................. 164 22 A ccrued interest ..................... 243 48 T otal $236,161 02 Capital stock paid in .......... Surplus f u n d ........................... U ndivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid ........................................ Individual deposits, su bject to check ................................. Demand certificates o f de p osit ...................................... Savings deposits ................... Certified checks ..................... P ostal savings ....................... $30,000 00 3,500 00 4,749 82 96,228 75 29,955 65,355 1,466 4,906 22 01 20 02 $236,161 02 T otal West Bend— Bank of West Bend. E. S. FR A N C K E N B E R G , President. F. M AYER, V ice President. E. F ranckenberg, A rthur F ranckenberg, B. C. Ziegler, A R T H U R F R A N C K E N B E R G , Cashier. H E N R Y A. OTTEN , Asst. Cashier. D IR E C TO RS. S. F. Mayer, H enry A. Often. E S T A B L IS H E D IN 1867. Incorporated as a State Bank A p ril 18, 1902. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. L oans and discounts .............. $373,098 Overdrafts ............................... 6,566 U. S., state, m unicipal and other bon ds ......................... 60,210 F urniture and fixtures ........ 2,867 Due from approved reserve banks .................................... 77,501 Checks on other banks and cash item s ........................... 6,549 Gold coin ................................... 1,122 Silver c o i n ................................. 1,137 U. S. and national currency 5,329 Nickels and cents ................. 96 L ia b ilitie s . 37 50 40 39 21 87 50 10 00 88 T ota l ............................... $534,479 22 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Capital stock paid in ............ $40,000 00 Surplus fund ........................... 8,000 00 Undivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid ........................ 5,220 93 Individual deposits, su bject to check ......... 119,548 69 Demand certificates o f de p osit ...................................... 2,758 99 Time certificates o f deposit 279,710 59 Savings deposits ................. 77,635 79 P ostal savings ....................... 1,604 23 T otal ............................... $534,479 22 332 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF BANKING. West Bend— The First State Bank. C. C. H E N R Y , President. THOS. B R U H Y , Vice President. E. W . E B E R H A R D T , Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. C. C. H enry, Thos. B ruby, E. W . Eberhardt. E S T A B L IS H E D S E P T E M B E R 9, 1901. Statement October 31. 1914. R e so u rc e s. L ia b ilitie s . Loans and discounts ............ $237,680 46 B anking house ....................... 8,500 00 F urniture and f i x t u r e s ........ 4,189 00 Due from approved reserve b a n k s ...................................... 40,219 66 Checks on other banks and cash items ........................... 3,473 52 Gold coin ................................. 855 00 Silver coin ............................... 1,173 00 U. S. and national currency 10,697 00 N ickels and cents ................. 263 47 Capital stock paid in ............ $25,000 Surplus fu n d ................ 5,000 Undivided profits, less, cu r rent expenses and taxes 9,583 paid ......................... .............. Individual deposits, su bject to check ................................. 76,901 Tim e certificates o f deposit 136,060 ................. 54,405 Savings deposits Certified checks ..................... 100 T otal ............................... $307,051 11 00 00 20 83 34 74 00 T otal ............................... $307,051 11 Westboro— Westboro State Bank. J . W . K A Y E , President. ' C. C. L O R D , Vice President. C. W . H A M ILTO N , Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. J. W . Kaye, C. C. L ord, C. W . Ham ilton, J. W . Lundeen, B. G. E ngstrom . E S T A B L IS H E D DEC E M B E R 16, 1914. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. L oans and discounts ............ O verdrafts ............... B anking h o u s e ....................... F urniture and fixtures ........ Due from approved reserve banks .................................... Due from other b a n k s ........ Checks on other banks and cash items ....................... Gold coin ................................. Silver coin ............................... U. S. and national currency N ickels and cents ................. E xpense ..................................... T ota l ............................... Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis L ia b ilitie s . $47,658 1,525 1,380 1,168 46 83 73 35 690 22 72 44 Capital stock paid in .......... $10,000 00 Due to banks— deposits ___ 1,905 56 Individu al deposits, su bject to check ................................. 21,541 44 Time certificates o f deposit 10,665 45 ............... 194 42 Savings deposits Cashier’s checks outstanding 331 64 47 77 65 00 204 85 209 00 71 60 544 26 $53,638 51 T otal ............................... $53,638 51 REPORTS OF STATE BANKS. 333 Westby— Bank of Westby. JEN S DAVIDSON , President. M. B R O D Y , Vice President. C. W . JA E G E R , Cashier. H. N. R E N TZ, Asst. Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. Jens Davidson, M. B rody, C. W. Jaeger, T. J. Thorson, H. O. Stevlingson, P. T. Paulsen, Fred Von Rüden, O. J. Lium, H enry Rentz. E S T A B L IS H E D F E B R U A R Y 20, 1911. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. L ia b ilitie s . Loans and discounts ............ $179,743 12 Capital stock paid in ............ O v e r d r a fts ................................ 2,232 63 Surplus fund ...................... F urniture and f i x t u r e s ........ 1,460 10 Undivided profits, less cu r Due from approved reserve rent expenses and taxes banks ................................ 17,46111 paid ........................................ Checks on other banks and Individu al deposits, su bject 31 00 cash i t e m s ............................. to check ................................. G old c o i n ................................... 1,005 00 Demand certificates o f de Silver coin ............................... 1,018 10 p osit ...................................... U. S. and national currency 4,008 00 Savings deposits ................... N ickels and cents ................. 78 89 T otal ............................... $207,037 95 $10,000 00 1,500 00 735 51 23,569 47 162,295 12 8,937 85 T o t a l ............................... $207,037 95 W estby— Westby State Bank. M. H. B E K K E D A L , President. E M IL O. SVEEN, Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. M. H. Bekkedal, G. B. Bekkedal, Em il O. Sveen. E S T A B L IS H E D F E B R U A R Y 2, 1903. Incorporated as a State Bank A ugu st 29, 1903. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. Loans and discounts ............ $377,798 64 O verdrafts ............................... 4,907 18 U. S., state, m unicipal and other bon ds ......................... 2,500 00 Prem ium on bonds ............... 114 74 Furniture and fix t u r e s ........ 2,174 16 Other real estate o w n e d ___ 5.671 50 Due from approved reserve banks ............................ 37,452 59 Checks on other banks and cash items ............................. 532 27 Gold coin ................................... 1,505 00 Silver coin ............................... 527 95 U. S. and national currency 8,027 00 Nickels and cents ............... \ 166 62 Total ............................... $441,377 65 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis L ia b ilitie s . Capital stock paid in . . . . . . Surplus f u n d ........................... Undivided profits, less c u r rent expenses and taxes paid ........................................ Individual deposits, su bject to check ................................. Demand certificates o f de p osit ...................................... Savings deposits ___ . . . . . . . Postal savings ....................... Total $25,000 00 10,000 00 9,529 27 72,714 08 309,154 76 14,688 22 291 32 $441,377 65 334 REPORT OB’ THE COMMISSIONER OF BANKING. Westfield— Westfield State Bank. W . H. MOSS, President. C. E. P E IR C E , V ice President. JULIUS W A R N K E , Cashier. G. J. S C H W A R K , Asst. Cashier.. D IR E C TO R S. W . H. Moss, C. E. Peirce, John H am ilton, Jn lius W arnke. E S T A B L IS H E D F E B R U A R Y C, Incorporated as a State Bank M arch 1900. 7, 1901. Statement October 31, 1914. L ia b ilitie s . R esources« Loans and discounts .............. $182,469 O verdrafts ................. 1,167 U. S., state, m unicipal and other bon ds ......................... 127,650 Prem ium on b o n d s ............... 500 Stocks and other securities 1,650 B an k in g house ....................... 12,740 F urniture and fi x t u r e s ........ 1,505 4,000 Other real estate o w n e d ----Due from approved reserve banks ..................................... 77,431 Due from other b a n k s ........ 1,093 Checks on other banks and cash i t e m s ............................. 1,208 Gold coin ................................. 5,455 Silver coin ............................... 1,376 U. S. and national currency 4,944 N ickels and cents ............... 359 84 99 00 00 00 00 00 00 Capital stock paid in .......... ..................... Surplus fu nd Undivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid ........................................ Individual deposits, su bject to check ................................. Tim e certificates o f deposit Cashier’s checks outstanding $25,000 00 5,000 00 2,936 50 38,640 20 351,803 69 170 48 45 69 90 00 00 00 00 T otal ................................. 423,550 87 T otal ................................. 423,550 87 West Salem— La Crosse County Bank. W . I. DU DLE Y, President. L . C. SA N DE R , Vice President. G. W . DU DLEY, Cashier. B. A. MAN, Asst. Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. A. C. Cullmann, C. P. K nudson, H. F. He id er. W . I. Dudley, L. C. Sander, F. P. Coburn, D. F. Miller, E S T A B L IS H E D IN 1S89. In corporated as a State Bank A ugu st 17, 1903. Statement October 31, 1914. L ia b ilitie s . R e so u rc e s. L oans and discounts .............. $267,201 Overdrafts ............................... 4,212 U. S., state, m unicipal and other bonds ........... 26,000 B anking house ....................... 8,000 F urniture and fixtures ........ 3,000 D ue from approved reserve b a n k s ...................................... 39,049 Checks on other banks and cash items ........................... 1,360 Gold coin ................................ 300 Silver coin ................................ . 675 U. S. and national currency 6,367 N ickels and cents ................. 52 T ota l ......................... . Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 48 80 00 00 00 97 96 00 40 00 12 $356,219 73 Capital stock paid in ............ $30,000 Surplus fu nd ........................... 7,500 U ndivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid ........................ 2,906 Individual deposits, su bject to check ................................. 99,776 Demand certificates o f de p osit .................................... 82,354 Tim e certificates o f deposit 98,386 Savings deposits ...... 35,295 00 00 74 09 60 46 84 T otal ............................... $356,219 73 REPORTS OF STATE BANKS. 335 West Salem— West Salem State Bank. GEO. D. SP R A IN , President. H. C. H E ID E R , Vice President. S. W . B R O W N , Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. Geo. D. Sprain. H. C. Heider, S. W . Brown, S. M. Jones, John Meyer. E STA B L IS H E D in 1S93. In corporated as a State Bank Ju ly 30, 1903. Statement October 31. 1914. R e so u rc e s. L ia b ilitie s . Loans and discounts .............. $177,149 52 Overdrafts ............................... 3,727 36 U. S., state, m unicipal and other bon ds ....... 11,000 00 S tocks and other securities 500 00 F urniture and f i x t u r e s ........ 2,225 00 Other real estate ow n ed ........ 9,368 40 Due from approved reserve banks ..................................... 15,014 48 1,688 94 Due from other banks ........ G old coin .............................. 1,480 00 Silver coin ............................. 202 50 U. S. and national currency 3,537 00 N ickels and cents ................. 29 94 Capital stock paid in ........... $25,000 700 Surplus fu nd ........................... Undivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes Paid ........................................ 410 Individual deposits, su bject to check ............................... 52,258 Demand certificates o f de p osit ...................................... 82,895 Tim e certificates o f deposit 53,309 Savings deposits ................... 11,348 T otal ............................... $225,923 14 T otal ............................. 00 00 87 97 65 58 07 $225,923 14 Weyauwega— Farmers and Merchants Bank. E. H. .TONES, President. BEN. W IE N E R , Vice President. T. F. W ILSO N , Cashier. R. S. B A R B E R , Asst. Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. E. H. Jones, L. D. Post, Ben. W iener, B. W inters, W m . Kneip, Jos. V ogt, J. C. Ritchie. E S T A B L IS H E D A P R IL 7, 1910. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. L oans and discounts ............ $139,453 80 U. S., state, m unicipal and other bonds ......................... 54,997 63 B anking house ..................... 7,500 00 F urniture and fi x t u r e s ........ 2,814 05 Due from approved reserve banks ..................................... 22,837 66 Checks on other banks and cash i t e m s ............................. 705 90 Gold c o i n ................................... 965 00 Silver coin ............................... 1,653 00 U. S. and national currency 5,382 00 Nickels and cents ................. 209 84 T ota l ............................... $236,51S 88 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis L ia b ilitie s . Capital stock paid in ............ $30,000 Surplus f u n d ............. ............. 2,100 Undivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes Paid ........................................ 2,955 Individual deposits, su bject to check ............................... 42,828 Tim e certificates o f deposit 144,619 Savings deposits ................. 14,015 00 00 06 77 40 65 T otal ............................... $236,518 SS 336 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF BANKING. Weyerhaeuser— Weyerhaeuser State Bank. F R A N K F. L IN EB U R G , President. D. J. H IN E S, V ice President. O. W. M ALM GREN, CasMer. D IR E C TO R S. Frank F. L inebu rg, D. J. Hines, N. M. Blain, M. A. Anderson, O. W. Malmgren. E S T A B L IS H E D OCTOBER 16, 1912. Statement October 31, 1914. L ia b ilitie s . R esou rces. Capital stock paid in .......... $10,000 00 U ndivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid ........................................ 599 09 225 95 Individual deposits, su bject to check .......................... 18,748 93 2,855 00 514 50 Tim e certificates o f deposit 16,087 17 4,589 00 Savings deposits ................... 5,954 66 63 52 Cashier’s checks outstanding 4,688 03 Notes and bills re-discounted 6,766 84 L oans and d i s c o u n t s ............ O v e r d r a fts ................................. F urniture and f i x t u r e s ........ Due from approved reserve banks ..................................... G old coin ........... Silver coin ................. U. S. and national currency N ickels and cents ................. $53,466 67 61 46 1,068 62 T otal ............................... $62,844 72 T otal ............................... $62,844 72 Wheeler— Wheeler State Bank. D. C. COOLIDGE, President. A. H. B R E ITE N G R O SS, V ice President. A. PE D E R SE N , Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. D. C. Coolidge, A. H. B reitengross, A. Pedersen, Martin Lefstad, O. O. Tw eng, P. A. Beebe, Svven A nderson. E S T A B L IS H E D FE B R U A R Y 28, 1912. Statement October 31, 1914. R e so u rc e s. L oans and discounts ............ Overdrafts ............................... B anking house ....................... F urniture and f i x t u r e s ........ Due from approved reserve banks ..................................... Due from other banks . . . ; . Checks on other banks and cash ite m s.......................... Silver c o i n ................................. U. S. and national currency N ickels and cents ................. T otal ............................... Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis L ia b ilitie s . $53,815 287 2,500 2,256 34 63 00 42 Capital stock paid in .......... Surplus fu nd ........................... U ndivided profits, less cu r rent expenses and taxes paid ........................................ 9,246 22 Individual deposits, su bject 124 56 to check ................................. Tim e certificates o f deposit 110 75 Cashier’s checks outstanding 321 60 5,075 00 51 14 $73,788 66 T otal ......................... . $10,000 00 200 00 965 31 32,721 09 27,574 98 2,327 28 $73,788 66 REPORTS OF STATE BANKS. 337 Whitehall— John 0. Melby & Co. Bank. AN TON O. M ELBY, President. P. H. JOHNSON, V ice President. CHAS. B. M ELBY, Cashier. D IR E C TO R S. B. M. Sletteland, II. A. A nderson. Anton O. M elby, P. H. Johnson, David W ood, E S T A B L IS H E D NOVEM BER 7, 1888. Incorporated as a State Bank September 14, 1894. Statement October 31, 1914. L ia b ilitie s . R esou rces. L oans and discounts .............. $392,938 O verdrafts ............................... 1,844 U. S., state, m unicipal and other bon ds ......................... 18,650 B an king house ....................... 2,300 F urniture and f i x t u r e s ........ 3,200 Due from approved reserve banks .................................... 89,685 Due from other banks ........ 23,426 Checks on other banks and 484 cash items ........................... G old c o i n ................................... 3,690 Silver coin ............................... 2,000 U. S. and national currency 9,471 Nickels and cents ................. 228 51 34 00 00 00 60 25 25 00 00 0