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DECEMBER 31, 1914.


Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis


Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis






F R E D L. PE R K IN S ,
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

JA S. B. G R E E N F IE L D ,


Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

[Under Act 205, 1887.]

Appointed January 7, 1889; resigned November 7, 1896.
Appointed November 11, 1896; resigned April 1, 1897.
Appointed April 1, 1897; died February 19, 1898.
Appointed February 26, 1898; term expired January 8, 1903.
Appointed January 8, 1903; term expired February 19, 1907.
Appointed February 19, 1907; resigned January 11, 1911.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

Appointed January 18, 1911.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

A bstracts, com parative, 1889 to 1914, inclusive, state b an k s..................................................
com parative, 1889 to 1914, inclusive, national b an k s............................................
c ii - c v ii
of state banks, 1914.........................................................................................................
cv m
of national banks, 1914...................................................................................................
to tal volume of business state and national banks, reports of 1914...................
state banks in D e tro it................................. ...................................................................
national banks in D e tro it...............................................................................................
state and national banks in D e tro it.................................................................
state and national banks in G rand R a p id s..............
state and national banks in Saginaw ..........................................................................
state and national banks in B attle C reek..................................................................
cx v i
state and national banks in K alam azoo.....................................................................
state and national banks in Bay C ity .......................................................
cx v m
sta te and national banks in Ja ck so n ...........................................................................
c x ix
state and national banks in Ann A rbor......................................................................
cx x
state and national banks in C alum et..........................................................................
state and national banks in L ansing...........................................................................
c x x ii
state and national banks in Port H u ro n ....................................................................
state and national banks in A d rian .............................................................................
cx x iv
state and national banks in M uskegon.......................................................................
state and national banks in M a rq u e tte ......................................................................
national banks in H oughton..........................................................................................
c x x v ir
state and national banks in Traverse C ity ................................................................
state and national banks in A lpena.................................................. . . . ....................
sta te and national banks in B enton H a rb o r....................... ......................................
state and national banks, by counties........................................................................ c x x x i-c x lv i
Banks, p riv a te .......................................................................................................................................
x x iii
Banks examined and fees p a id .........................................................
Branch b an k s.........................................................................................................................................
x x ii
C apital stock, increase o f....................................................................................................................
x ii
C apital to be paid in at organization..............................................................................................
Certificate of state treasurer as to fees...........................................................................................
x civ
Change of n a m e ....................................................................................................................................
x iii
Consolidation of national banks w ith state b a n k s.......................................................................
Conversion into national b a n k ..................................
E arnings and D ividends......................................................................................................................
x iv
E xam inations.........................................................................................................................................
x ix
Excessive loans by way of pseudo corporations............................................................................
x x iii
Extensions of corporate existence.....................................................................................................
x iii
Financial condition...............................................................................................................................
G row th of state b an k s.........................................................................................................................
Index to b a n k s.......................................................................................................................................
Investm ent, stock of federal reserve b a n k s.................................................
List of bank cashiers in M ichigan....................................................................................................
List of bonds approved by securities com m ission.........................................................................
Liquidations and consolidations........................................................................................................
x iii
x ii
New b an k s............................................................................................................................................ .
N um ber of depositors...........................................................................................................................
Num ber of exam inations...........................................................................................................................
N um ber of state banks and tru st com panies.................................................................................
Opinions of attorney general..............................................................................................................
x x v -lx x x
Powers, tru st com pany for state b an k s...........................................................................................
Receipts and disbursem ents.....................................................................................
x y -x v i
R eserves..................................................................................................................................................
x -x i
Reserve cities.....................................
x iv
x v x n -x ix
R eports of state banks and tru st companies (see index)............................................................
R eports of national banks (see index).............................................................................................
Safeguarding organization of new b an k s..................................................................... ^ ................
Segregation of deposits............................................................................................
x v iii
S tate funds to be deposited in sta te banks o n ly ............................................................................
Tim ber b o n d s...................................................................................
x x ii
Usurious interest ra te s .........................................................................................................................
x x iv
Verification of depositors’ balances..................................................................................................
x x ii
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis


B a n k in g D ep artm en t,
L an sin g , D ecem ber 31, 1914.
To th e H onorable W oodbridge N. F e rris, G overnor of M ichigan:
A greeable to th e p ro v isio n s of S ection 43 of th e G eneral B a n k in g L aw of M ichi­
gan, I have th e h o n o r to su b m it fo r y o u r c o n sid eratio n th e tw en ty -six th a n n u a l
re p o rt of th is D e p a rtm e n t fo r th e y ear en d in g D ecem ber 31, 1914.

T h ere are a t th e d ate of th is rep o rt, u n d er th e su p erv isio n of th is D ep artm en t,
462 s ta te ban k s an d six tr u s t com panies tra n s a c tin g b u sin ess in M ichigan.

R ep o rts show ing th e con d itio n of all sta te b an k s an d tr u s t com panies w ill be
found on pages 3 to 479 inclusive. R ep o rts of con d itio n w ere called for by th e
D e p artm en t and m ade by th e b an k s a t th e close of business, O ctober 21, 1913,
J a n u a r y 13, M arch 4, Ju n e 30, S eptem ber 12, and O ctober 31, 1914. T he la s t
nam ed re p o rt as to each sta te an d n a tio n a l b an k w ill ap p e a r in th e D e p a rtm e n t’s
a n n u a l re p o rt fo r th e y ear 1915. In o rd er th a t th e a n n u a l re p o rt m ay be in th e
h an d s of th e public in tim e to be of use as a book of referen ce, th is p lan of p u b ­
lish in g rep o rts h as been adopted.
S tatem en ts of co n d itio n of each n a tio n a l b an k in M ichigan w ill be found on
pages 481 to 588 inclusive.
Special a tte n tio n is called to th e tab les in th e te x t of th is re p o rt, as evidencing
th e in c reasin g w ealth and p ro sp e rity of th e people of M ichigan since th e o rg a n ­
izatio n of th e D e p a rtm e n t in 1889. T hese tab les co n ta in a b stra c ts of th e a n n u a l
re p o rts of sta te an d n a tio n a l b a n k s for th e p a st tw enty-six years. A gain in ­
cluded a re th e sta tis tic s of th e sta te an d n a tio n a l b an k s located in re serv e cities.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis




T he exam ining staff of th e D ep artm en t, d u rin g th e y ear 1914, m ade 1009 ex­
am in atio n s, as follow s:

F ir s t ex am in atio n s ...........
Second ex am in atio n s
T h ird ex am in atio n s ........
P re lim in a ry e x am in atio n s
Special ex am in a tio n s . . . .


T he above table w ill show th a t all of th e b a n k s have been exam ined tw ice
d u rin g th e y ear w ith th e exception of seven of th e new banks. P re lim in a ry ex­
ex am in atio n s consist of ex am in a tio n s of new b an k s u n d e r Section 7 of th e B an k ­
ing Law, w hich is in cu m b en t upon th e D ep a rtm e n t to m ak e p reced en t to th e is­
suance of certificate of a u th o rity to com m ence business.
E ach of th e six tr u s t com panies h as been exam ined once d u rin g th e year, in
accordance w ith th e p ro v isio n s of th e tru s t, deposit and se c u rity law.
R eports of ex am in ers as to con d itio n of th e sev eral sta te b an k s have been c are­
fully scru tin ized and le tte rs of critic ism w ritte n th e banks. Such le tte rs, as
Aveli as rep lies th ereto , are m ade a p a rt of th e d ire c to rs’ reco rd s in each bank.
All sta te banks, w ith th e exception of those o rganized d u rin g th e year, have
m ade five re p o rts of condition, tw o re p o rts of e a rn in g s an d dividends, tw o re ­
p o rts show ing re s u lt of d ire c to rs’ e x am in atio n s, and also special re p o rts w hen­
ever th e D ep artm en t h as deem ed it n ecessary to req u ire same.
O aths of d irecto rs, sig n a tu re s of officers, and list of stockholders, to g e th e r w ith
a re p o rt as to th e n u m b er of d ep o sito rs a re fu rn ish e d th e D e p a rtm e n t each y ear
by each sta te bank.

The req u ire m e n ts of S ections 24 and 27 of th e B an k in g Law as to cash and
legal reserves, have been fu lly m et, as is evidenced by th e follow ing tab le:
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis


Date of report.

January 13, 1914...
March 4, 1914.......
June 30, 1914........
September 12, 1914.
October 31, 1914. . .




Per cent Commercial Per cent
reserve. cash reserve. reserve.

$12,504,707 05
10,752,726 64
13,963,904 45
13,578,240 42
11,964,154 16


9.85 $218,068,076 53
8.66 222,203,457 66
10.36 225,488,182 72
9.66 222,479,333 06
8.93 223,862,333 73

legal reserve.



Per cent


cash reserve.


Per cent

» 5.99

T otal


Per cent

19 68

Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis


legal reserve.




As exhibited by th e above table, th e h ig h e st com bined re se rv e m a in ta in e d
d u rin g th e y ear w as on M arch 4, bein g 21.42 p er c e n t; w hile reserv es w ere low­
est October 31, dro p p in g to 18.75 per cent. T he com m ercial legal reserve th ro u g h ­
o u t th e y ear h as been w ell m ain ta in e d , th e h ig h e st p o in t o ccu rrin g M arch 4, w ith
26.87 per cent, w ith low p o in t on O ctober 31, of 22.88 p er cent. C om m ercial
cash reached th e h ig h e st p o in t Ju n e 30, 10.36 p er cent, w ith low p o in t o c cu rrin g
M arch 4, 8.66 per cent. The m ax im u m legal sav in g s re serv e o ccurred M arch 4,
18.38 per cent, w ith th e m in im u m on O ctober 31, 16.28 p er cen t; w hile sav in g s
cash reserv e w as h ig h e st on S eptem ber 12, w ith a percen tag e of 6.28, and low ­
est on M arch 4, a t 5.96 p er cent.
W here rep o rts of co n d itio n of sta te b an k s h av e show n low reserves, or o th e r
conditions not in h a rm o n y w ith th e law, b an k s have been im m ed iately in stru c te d
to place them selves w ith in th e la w ’s provisions.

D u rin g th e y ear 1914, th e re have been o rganized in M ichigan 14 sta te banks,
as' follow s:




C apital



F irst S tate Bank of Three O aks............
Farm ers S tate Savings B a n k ..................
Spring Lake S tate B a n k ..........................
Citizens S tate Savings B a n k ..................
Home S tate B a n k ......................................

Three O aks........
R ich lan d .............
Spring L ake. . . .
O tsego.................
L aw rence............



Jan. 3,1914
Feb. 2,1914
Feb. 24,1914
M ar. 26,1914
M ar. 31,1914



Bedford S tate Savings B a n k ...........
M erchants and M iners S tate B ank. . . .
Bellevue S tate B a n k .................................
Snover S tate B a n k ....................................
Union S tate B a n k ..........

R edford...............
Ironw ood............
B ellevue..............
S nover.................
M io ......................



M ay
M ay


T he

M orley S tate B a n k ...................................
First S tate Bank of Gobleville. .
S tate Bank of E w en . . .
S tate Bank of Six L ak es..........................

M orley................
G obleville...........
E w en ...................
Six L akes............



Oct. 3,1914
Nov. 28,1914
Dec. 1,1914
Dec. 14,1914



In accordance w ith th e re q u ire m e n ts of section 10 of th e G eneral B a n k in g Law,
th e follow ing b an k s have am ended th e ir o rig in a l a rtic le s of in co rp o ra tio n in th e
d irectio n of in c rea sin g th e ir cap ital stock.

N am e of bank.


Form er




T he

Lowell S tate B a n k .......................
F irst S tate and Savings B a n k ..
M anistee C ounty Savings Bank
Peoples S tate B a n k ... . 7 ...........
Com m ercial and Savings B ank.

H ow ell.............
M an istee........
D e tro it............
A lbion.............

1 ,500,000




T he

W ayne Savings B a n k .................
F ru it Growers S tate B a n k ........
Niles C ity B a n k ...........................
H ighland P ark S tate B a n k . . . .
S tate Savings B a n k .....................

W ay n e.............
S augatuck. . . .
N iles................
H ighland P ark
Ann A rb o r. . . .





The Culver S tate B a n k ......................
The M ichigan Savings B a n k .............
The W ayne C ounty and Hom e Savings B a n k ...........................................
The Commercial B a n k ........................
The Old S tate B a n k ............................

B rooklyn........
D e tro it............




D e tro it............
Bay C ity ........
F re m o n t.........







Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis


x iii

T he foregoing tab le show s an in crease in b ankifig cap ita l of $1,819,600. A dding
to th is th e $330,000 new cap ital stock by o rg an izatio n of new banks, c o n stitu tes
a to tal increase for th e y ear of $2,149,600.
T h ere has been a loss in b a n k in g cap ital of $720,000 caused by th e liq u id a­
tion, consolidatio n and conversion of c e rta in banks, w hich w ould leave a n e t in ­
crease in cap ital fo r th e y ear of $1,429,600.

On F e b ru a ry 28, 1914, “T he E lk R ap id s S avings B ank, E lk R ap id s,” am ended
a rtic le s ch an g in g n am e to “T he E lk R apids S ta te B ank, E lk R ap id s.”
On J a n u a ry 29, 1914, “T he M etro p o litan S ta te B an k of D e tro it,” am ended a r t i­
cles changing nam e to “T he F e d e ra l S ta te B an k of D e tro it.”
On S eptem ber 10, 1914, “T he C ulver S ta te B ank, B ro o k ly n ,” am ended a rtic le s
ch an g in g nam e to “T he B rooklyn S ta te B ank, B ro o k ly n .”
On October 9, 1914, “T he C om m ercial B ank, B ay C ity,” am ended a rtic le s ch an g ­
ing nam e to “T he P eople’s C om m ercial an d S avings B ank, B ay C ity.”
On O ctober 16, 1914, “ The W oodw ard A venue S ta te B ank, H ig h lan d P a rk ,”
am ended artic le s ch an g in g n am e to “T he A m erican S ta te B an k of H ig h la n d
P a rk .”

J u ly 1, 1914, “T he C itizens S ta te S avings B ank, O rion,” consolidated w ith
“T he O rion S ta te B ank, O rion.”
O ctober 1, 1914, “ The F a rm e rs S ta te B ank, B ro o k ly n ,” consolidated w ith “T he
C ulver S tate B ank, B rooklyn,” u n d er th e title “The B rooklyn S tate B an k .”
F o r th e purpose of co n so lid atin g w ith th e “C om m ercial B ank of B ay C ity,” th e
stockholders of “The P eople’s S avings B ank of B ay C ity ” and “T he Old Second
N atio n al B ank, B ay C ity,” voted to go in to liq u id atio n . T he conso lid atio n of th e
th re e banks w as consum m ated N ovem ber 19, 1914, u n d er th e title of “ The People’s
C om m ercial and Savings B ank of B ay C ity.”
O ctober 27, 1914, “The M ichigan S avings B ank, D e tro it,” co nsolidated w ith
“T he W ayne C ounty and H om e S avings B ank, D e tro it.”
“The P eople’s S ta te B an k of Ith a c a ,” a t a m eetin g of its sto ck h o ld ers held on
th e fifteenth day of D ecem ber, 1914, voted to place th e affairs of th e b an k in
liq u id atio n according to th e p ro v isio n s of Section 53 of th e G eneral B a n k in g Law.
T he proceedings of th e sto ck h o ld ers m eetin g being re g u la r in every p a rtic u la r,
and com plying w ith th e provisions of th e above section liq u id atio n w as consented
to th e sam e becom ing effective D ecem ber 15, 1914.
T he stockholders of “T he B ay C ounty S avings B ank of B ay C ity,” on th e seven­
te e n th day of A ugust, 1914, voted to consolidate w ith th e “L u m b e rm a n ’s S ta te
B an k of B ay C ity,” an d on th e tw e n ty -n in th day of J u ly th e “L u m b e rm a n ’s S ta te
B a n k ” voted to consolidate w ith “ The B ay C ounty S avings B an k ,” w hich con­
so lid atio n becam e effective D ecem ber 31, 1914.

On A pril 30, 1914, “The F a rm e rs an d M erch an ts B an k of B enton H a rb o r,” w as
converted into “T he F a rm e rs an d M erch an ts N atio n al B an k of B enton H a rb o r.”
On D ecem ber 31, 1914, “T he S ta te B an k of G ladw in,” w as converted in to “The
F ir s t N atio n al B an k of G ladw in.”

In accordance w ith th e p ro v isio n s of A ct 143 of th e P u b lic A cts
p o rate existence of th e follow ing h a n k s h a s been ex ten d ed :
“The D im e S avings B ank, D e tro it,” exten d ed th ir ty y e ars from
4, 1914.
“T he B ay C ounty S avings B ank, B ay C ity,” extended th ir ty
a fte r J a n u a r y 31, 1914.
“T he O xford S avings B ank, O xford,” extended five y e a rs from
12, 1914.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

of 1899, th e cor­
an d a fte r A p ril
y ea rs from and
an d a fte r Ju n e




As req u ired by S ections 24 an d 27 of th e b a n k in g law, I hereby d esig n a te for
th e year 1915 th e follow ing cities as re se rv e cities for M ichigan sta te b a n k s and
tr u s t com panies: D etro it, G rand R apids, B ay City, Saginaw , K alam azoo, Jackson, P o rt H uron, A d rian , B enton H arb o r, M uskegon, A nn A rbor, C alum et, H ough­
ton, M arquette, L ansing, B a ttle Creek, A lpena, T rav erse City, New York, Boston,
P h ilad elp h ia, P ittsb u rg , B altim ore, Buffalo, Cleveland, C in cin n ati, Toledo, St.
Louis, Chicago, M ilw aukee an d M inneapolis.

T he tw enty-sixth y ear of sta te b an k su p erv isio n u n d er th e p re se n t law te rm i­
n ated D ecem ber 31, 1914. A t th e close of th e first y ear of th e p re se n t b an k su p e r­
vision, th e re w ere e ig h ty sta te b an k s tra n s a c tin g an ag g reg ate b u sin ess of $38,900,770.88. On October 31, 1914, th e re w ere 461 sta te b an k s and 6 tr u s t com ­
p an ies in M ichigan w ith to ta l footings of $420,965,185.70. Since 1889 deposits
have increased $326,505,865.14. L oans for th is p eriod show a g ain of $307,741,280.78, w ith a g ain in b a n k in g c a p ita l of $27,115,575.00, an d in su rp lu s an d u n ­
divided profits of $25,344,130.04.
Y our a tte n tio n is called to th e follow ing co m parativ e tab le:

80 banks,
Jan. 7, 1889.

453 S tate banks,
6 trust
Oct. 21, 1913.

L oans...........................................................
Real estate, furniture and fixtures. . . .
C a sh .............................................................

$30,815,697 13
534,411 76
7,550,661 99

$320,730,991 57
9,316,240 05
65,257,302 19

$343,118,455 21
9,104,007 28
68,742,723 21

T o ta ls.................. ...........................

$38,900,770 88

$395,304,533 81

$420,965,185 70


461 S tate banks,
6 trust
Oct. 31, 1914.

C apital stock paid i n ...............................
Surplus fund and undivided profits-. ...
D eposits......................................................
N otes and bills rediscounted.................

T o ta ls..............................................

31 ,284,124


$38,900,770 88



$395,304,533 81



$420,965,185 70

C om pared w ith th e show ing m ade O ctober 21, 1913 th e above tab le show s th a t
up to and in clu d in g O ctober 31, 1914, loans .increased $22,387,463.64, w hile a g ain
in deposits is show n of $19,135,459.72. T he in crease in deposit for th is p eriod is
divided as follow s:
C om m ercial deposits ......................................................
Savings deposits ...............................................................



T he M ichigan b a n k in g law does n o t fix a u n ifo rm d ividend p eriod fo r sta te
banks. I t provides, how ever, th a t each b an k sh all re p o rt to th e D e p a rtm e n t w ith ­
in ten days a fte r d ecla rin g an y dividend, such re p o rts show ing a m o u n t of sam e,
am o u n t ca rrie d to su rp lu s, an d a n y e a rn in g s in excess th ereo f. T he custom of
th e D ep artm en t in th is re g a rd is to call for a re p o rt o f e a rn in g s and d ividends
on Ju n e 30 and D ecem ber 31 of each y ear. F o r th e y ear en d in g Ju n e 30, 1914,
th e gross earn in g s of s ta te b a n k s am o u n ted to $21,920,283.12. F ro m th is sum
w as charged off on acco u n t of losses, bad debts, prem ium s, etc., $1,558,749.76,
w hile expenses and in te re s t p aid an a g g reg ate of $14,978,597.73. N et profits
for th e period am o u n t to $5,382,935.63, o u t of w hich to ta l d ividends of $3,312,303.67
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



w ere declared. F o r th e tw elve m o n th s en d in g Ju n e 30, 1914, th e to ta l av erag e
cap ital of sta te b an k s w as $31,267,413.00, w ith to ta l av erag e su rp lu s a t $16,901,200.76, and av erag e to ta l deposits of $345,579,145.84. On to ta l dep o sits th e n e t
profits w ere eq u iv alen t to 1.55 p er cen t; on cap ital, 17.21 p er cen t; on cap ital and
su rp lu s, 11.17 p er cen t; w ith an av erag e d ividend on cap ital stock of 10.5 p er
cen t; and on cap ital stock and su rp lu s 6.87 per cent.

R ep o rts as to n u m b er of dep o sito rs w ere received from each of th e 462 sta te
banks and 102 n a tio n a l b an k s as of N ovem ber 15, 1914. An a b stra c t of th ese
re p o rts show to ta l depositors, 1,506,973, and divided in to th e follow ing classi­
S ta te banks, in d iv id u a l deposits, subject to check ........................................
S tate banks, com m ercial certificates of deposit ..............................................
S tate banks, sav in g s d ep o sito rs .........................................................................
S ta te banks, sav in g s certificates of deposit ....................................................
N atio n al banks, in d iv id u a l deposits, su b ject to check ......................... ..
N atio n al banks, certificates of deposit ........................................................ ....


An increase in th e n u m b er of com m ercial d ep o sito rs in sta te b an k s for th e
y ear is show n of 32,978, w hile th e g ain in th e n u m b er of sav in g s d ep o sito rs is
105,696, c o n stitu tin g an in crease in sta te b an k s for th e y ear 1914 of 138,674 d ep o sit­
ors. D u rin g th e y ear d ep o sito rs in M ichigan n a tio n a l b an k s have in creased 18,164.
I t w ill be seen, th erefo re, th a t th e to ta l g ain in n u m b er of d ep o sito rs in sta te
and n a tio n a l ban k s ag g reg ate 156,838 for th e y ear 1914.
T he follow ing tab le show s th e n u m b er of com m ercial and savings dep o sito rs
in th e 462 sta te ban k s and 102 n a tio n a l banks, th e ag g reg ate deposits, and per
cap ita of deposits:

Class of


462 S tate B a n k s......................
102 N ational B a n k s...............
T o ta ls..................................


Com m ercial........
S avings...............
Com m ercial........

N um ber of

Amount of

to each

291 ,272

$122,512,939 57
223,862,333 73
131,960,189 73

$425 09
241 36
453 05

1 ,506,973

$478,335,463 03

$317 41


In accordance w ith Section 40 of th e B an k in g Law and section 19 of the T ru st
C om pany Act th e d e p a rtm e n t has collected and tu rn e d over to th e sta te tre a su ry on
account of an n u al, p re lim in a ry and special ex am in a tio n s of b anks, $43,516.54‘and
collections from o th e r sources $849.26. T h ere h as also been tu rn e d over to th e
S ecretary of S tate for fra n c h ise fees, on acco u n t of new banks, in crease of cap ita l
stock, and exten sio n s of co rp o rate existence, $1,629.00, show ing to ta l receip ts
d u rin g th e y ear of $45,994.80. A tte n tio n is called to th e lis t of sta te b an k s and
tr u s t com panies in th e la tte r p a rt of th is tex t, w hich list show s th e d ates of
ex am in atio n s and th e am o u n t of each a n n u a l ex am in a tio n fee collected from
each sta te b ank an d tr u s t com pany. T he e x a m in e rs’ re p o rts (fro m w hich th e
ex am in atio n fees a re d e te rm in e d ) have been c arefu lly com pared, checked and
verified by th e S ta te T re a su re r w ith th e a m o u n t of fees collected from each
bank, and tu rn e d over to said official, an d y o u r a tte n tio n is resp e c tfu lly called
to h is le tte r appended to th e text.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



D u rin g th e y ear 1914 th e expenses of th e D e p a rtm e n t w ere as follow s:
S alary of E. H. Doyle, C om m issioner ............................................................
S alary of A. E. M anning, D eputy C om m issioner .......................................
S alary of J. M. Conway, C hief C lerk an d E x a m in e r .................................
S alary of Chas. H. A dam s, E x a m in e r ............................................................
S alary of E. K. M atlock, E x a m in e r .........................................................• ••
S alary of E. P. H opkins, E x a m in e r ...............................................................
S a la ry of J. C. VanCam p, E x a m in e r ...........................................
S alary of W. J. Schechter, E x a m in e r ............................................................
S alary of H. A. M orris, E x a m in e r ...................................................................
S alary of Chas. O.
B all, E x a m in e r ....................................................
S a la ry of F red L.
P e rk in s, E x a m in e r ............................................
S alary of R. L. N ixon, E x a m in e r ...................................................................
S alary of Jos. M. Dodge, E x a m in e r ................................................................
S alary of Geo. H. V anB uren, E x a m in e r ....................................
S alary of Geo. S. A nderson, E x a m in e r (resig n ed D ecem ber 15, 1914)
S alary of R. C. W ixson, E x a m in e r ..................................................................
S alary of A rth u r W alton, E x a m in e r .............................................................
S alary of H a rry O lm stead, E x a m in e r
S alary of C. R. M cL aughlin, (ap p o in ted A ssista n t E x am in er, J a n u a ry
1, 1914, appoin ted E x a m in e r May 1, 1 9 1 4 )............................................
S alary of F. E. Q uisenberry, A ssista n t E x a m in e r to May 31, 1914,
(appointed E x a m in e r Ju n e 1, 1914) .......................................................
S alary of Geo. F. E ckfeld, A ssista n t E x a m in e r to May 31, 1914, (ap ­
pointed E x am in e r Ju n e 1, 1914) .............................................................
S alary of Jas. B. G reenfield, A ssista n t E x a m in e r to October 25, 1914,
(appointed E x a m in e r O ctober 26, 1914) ..............................................
S alary of W. C. Plu m m er, A ssista n t E x a m in e r to O ctober 31, 1914, (a p ­
pointed exam in er N ovem ber 1, 1914) ....................................................
S alary of D. R. E ason, A ssista n t E x a m in e r to D ecem ber 15, 1914,
(appointed ex am in er D ecem ber 16, 1914) ............................................
C. F. Spaeth, A ssista n t E x a m in e r ...................................................................
S alary of J. H. U nderw ood, A ssista n t E x a m in e r, (resig n ed Ju n e 22,
S a laries of clerk s and e x tra clerk s ...............................................................
E xpenses in c u rre d in ex am in a tio n of b an k s .................................................
P rin tin g and b in d in g ..............................................................................................
P ostage ...........................................................................................
S tatio n ery , telephone, teleg rap h , express, office equipm ent, etc................
T o tal


$3,500 00
2,500 00
1,500 00
2,200 00
2,072 25
2,033 50
2,009 91
2,009 91
1,986 95
2,118 78
2,000 00
1,962 20
1,933 10
1,813 20
1,721 31
1,766 40
1,766 40
1,700 00
1,533 80
1,529 14
1,516 80
1,289 68
1,282 90
1,221 72
1,200 00


$83,350 92

B ank su p erv isio n cost th e sta te for th e y ear 1914, as show n from above,
$37,356.12. As sta te d h ereto fo re, 1,009 e x am in atio n s of b a n k s w ere m ade d u rin g
th e y ear w hich exceeds th e n u m b er m ade in 1913 by 68 n o tw ith sta n d in g th e
fa c t th a t th e asse ts an d lia b ilitie s of sta te b a n k s exam ined in creased a p p ro x i­
m ately $26,000,000.00.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

x v ii


T he follow ing tab le show s th e steam sh ip bonds w hich a re leg al in v e stm e n ts
for savings deposits of sta te b a n k s a t th e d ate of th is re p o rt:

N o.

D ate of

Nam e of company.

N am e of steam er.

Am ount
bond issue.



M ar.
M ar.


Hawgood T ransit C o ...
Toledo Steam ship C o . .
T onaw anda T ransit Co
D earborn T ransit C o . .
F ranklin Steamship Co

H arvey D. Goulder.
Eugene Zim m erm an
Charles W eston. . ..
E. L. W allace..........
E . J. E arlin g ............


M ar.


M inerva Steam ship Co.*
Chicago N avigation Co.
M idland N avigation Co.
Jenkins Steamship C o ...
P ostal Steam ship C o . . . .

H enry A. Hawgood**
Wm. E. F itzg erald ...
Jas. S. D u n h am ..........
M idland P rin c e...........
Charles O. Je n k in s__
Thom as B ariu m ..........



Jan .
Ja n .
Jan .
Jan .


Frem ont Steam ship C o ..
D etroit Steam ship C o ...
N eptune Steamship Co.*
A tlas Steam ship Co.*.
Holmes Steam ship C o . . .

B. F: B e rry ........ ...................
Chas. W. K o tch er...............
A rthur H. Hawgood***. . .
Wm. A. Hawgood****. . ..
Salt Lake C ity*****...........



Jan .
Jan .
Jan .
Jan .
Ja n .


F rontier Steam ship C o .. .
Y ork T ransit C o ...............
Shenango Steam ship C o ..
W ainwright Steamship Co
Alva Steam ship C o ...........

Josiah G. M unro
John J. B o la n d ..
W ilpen.................
W ainw right........
M . A. B radley. .



Jan .
Jan .
M ar.
M ar.
M ar.


Croxton .¡Steamship C o . . .
Em pire Steam ship C o . . . .
Valley Steam ship C o ........
T riton Steam ship C o ........
Hawgood Steam ship Co.*

C ald era........................
Wm. H. T ru esd ale...
Alexis W. Thompson.
R ufus P. Ranney-... .
N. F. Leopold******



M ar.
M ay
M ay
M ay
Ju n e


F arrar T ransportation C o . .
Pennsylvania Steam ship Co
American Steam ship C o . . . .
F rontier Steam ship C o ........
Stadacona Steam ship C o . . .

Jacob T. Ivopp........
Adam E . C ornelius.
Jam es C orrigan. . . .
D aniel B. Meachem
S tadacona.................



Ju n e
Ju n e
Ju n e
Ju n e
Ju n e


Douglas Steam ship C o . .
K inney Steamship C o . ..
Postal Steamship C o . . . .
Tecumseh Steamship Co
Shenango Steam ship Co.

G. A. Tom linson.........
J. S. A shley..................
John J. B a riu m ...........
Andrew S. U pson........
S henango.......................



Ju n e


American Steam ship C o ........
N orthern Lake Steamship Co
A shtabula Steam ship C o . . . .
N orthern Lake Steam ship Co
N orthern Lake Steam ship Co

Theodore H. Wickwire
Clifford F. M o ll...........
O n tario ..........................
N orm ania......................
C ham plain....................
St. C lair.........................




Wisconsin T ransportation C o .........
Raleigh Steam ship C o .......................
N orth American Steam ship Co. . . .
N orth American Steam ship C o . .. .
F ranklin Steam ship C o .....................

John P. R eiss..........................
Charles L. H u tch in so n .........
A. M . B eyers......................
P eter R e iss..............................
E . H. U tle y .............................



Nov. 30,1910
Ja n . 31,1912

Theodore I I . W ickwire, J r . .
H arry Y a te s............................



Feb. 16,1912
Ju n e 26,1912

Jas. M . S choonm aker...........
Willis L. K in g ........................



Jan . 23,1913

American Steam ship C o ...............|
Shenango Steam ship and T ranspor­
tation C o ..........................................
In terstate Steamship C o ..................
Shenango Steam ship and Transpor­
tation C o ..........................................
Yale T ransportation C o ...................

Wm. P . Snyder, J r ................
Louis R. D avidson................


C o n so lid ated w ith th e Com m onwealth Steamship Co.
**Name changed to C. Russell H ubbard.
***Name changed to Joseph Block.
****Name changed to R. L. Agassin.
*****Name changed to Chester A. Congdon.
******Formerly W. R. Woodford.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



2 0 0 .0 0 0
2 0 0 ,0 0 0


2 1 0 .0 0 0

1 0 0 .0 0 0






I su b m it th e follow ing tab le fo r th e p u rpose of show ing th a t th e abso lu te sepa­
ra tio n and seg reg atio n of sav in g s dep o sits an d in v e stm e n ts h as n o t re ta rd e d or
re s tric te d in an y w ay th e com m ercial or b u sin ess in te re sts of th e state.

Date of report.

Jan. 13, 1914...
March 4, 1914..
June 30, 1914..
Sept. 12, 1914..
Oct. 31, 1914...



Total savings

and bond

and bond

53 $226,318,480 84 $107,551,894 75 $145,432,678 04
66 228,821,351 04 108,806,058 57 147,361,783 78
72 232,304,380 73 110,996,778 04 152,263,298 27
06 231,180,444 76 117,049,427 95 154,120,696 81
73 232,524,447 75 112,446,730 43 155,216,748 22

savings deposits savings deposits
permitted to be
invested in
invested in

48 $42,070,884 19
76 40,599,540 55
05 39,547,529 82
67 39,662,794 81
98 40,856,583 19

An an aly sis of th e above show s conclusively th a t th e com m ercial needs of th e
sta te have n o t been re s tric te d on acco u n t of th e o p eratio n of th e law. T he re ­
p o rt of O ctober 31, 1914, show s th a t com m ercial or b u sin ess needs w ere am ply
supplied. S ta te b an k s on th a t d ate h ad d isco u n ts of th is c h a ra c te r in th e sav in g s
d e p a rtm e n t a g g re g a tin g $40,856,583.19, n o tw ith sta n d in g th e fa c t th a t th ey could,
if necessary, h a v e av ailed th em selv es to th e a m o u n t of $83,626,600.98.
T he seg reg atio n of sav in g s in v e stm e n ts h as not, in M ichigan, led to an y lack
of confidence on th e p a rt of e ith e r sav in g s or com m ercial depositors. T h is is
evidenced by th e fa c t th a t since th e law w en t in to o p eratio n sav in g s deposits
have in creased a p p ro x im ately $72,000,000.00, w hile th e com m ercial deposits show
a g ain of ap p ro x im a te ly $42,000,000.00.



E lm er R. W ebster, receiver, u n d e r d ate of D ecem ber 16, 1914, re p o rts as fol­
low s:
C laim s proved fo r lia b ilitie s show n by books ............................................
L ia b ilitie s n o t proved as show n by th e books ............................................
C laim s estab lish ed n o t on books .....................................................................
L ia b ilitie s cancelled by offset an d o th erw ise ..............................................



T o tal ......................................................................................................................

$229,748 30

T otal assets a t d ate of an d received since su sp en sio n .............................
A m ount collected by receiv er to d ate ............................................................

$164,323 54
93,245 68


L oans paid and o th e r d isb u rse m e n ts .............................................................
D ividends p aid .........................................................................................................
All o th e r expenses ...................................................................................................
B alance in h an d s of S ta te T re a su re r .............................................................
B alance in h an d s of receiv er ............................................................................
T otal

...............; ...................................................................................................



$93,245 68

A dividend of tw e n ty p er cen t h as a lre a d y been p aid to th e com m ercial and
sav in g s depositors, an d th e D e p a rtm e n t h as consented to th e d e c la ra tio n of a
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



fifteen per cen t dividend. T he h e a rin g for th e allow ance of th is d ividend and
th e acceptance of th e re c e iv e r’s re p o rt w ill occur J a n u a r y 29, 1915. U nder th e
law th e D ep artm e n t h as m ade an e x a m in a tio n of th e affairs of th e receiv ersh ip
an d finds th e above show ing su b s ta n tia lly correct.

T he follow ing tab le is a condensed a b stra c t of sev en teen closed an d one activ e
receiv ersh ip s since th e o rg an iz a tio n of th e d e p a rtm e n t in 1889:
T otal assets turned over to receivers. . . .
•19,910,593 32
Disposition of assets:
Offsets allowed and se ttled .........................
285,573 43
Losses on assets, com pounded or sold under order
of c o u rt....................................
3,516,174 89
Remaining assets..........................
847,851 75
Collected from assets................
5,260,993 25
T o ta l.......................................

$9,910,593 32

Collected from above assets.............................
Collected from assessments and stockholders........
T otal collections......................................
Disposition of collections:
Loans paid and other disbursem ents...........
D ividends p a id .....................
Legal expenses................................
Receiver’s salary and other expenses...............
Balance in hands of S tate T reasu rer...........
Balance in hands of receiver........................
T o ta l...............................................

C apital stock at date of failu re.............
A m ount of deposits a t date of failure..........



$164,323 54 $10,074,916 86
8,220 82

293,794 25

50 00
79,627 91
76,424 81

3,516,224 89
927,479 66
5,337,418 06

$164,323 54 $10,074,916 86

$5,260,993 25
281,392 45

$78,433 24
14,812 44

$5,339,426 49
296,204 89

$5,542,385 70

$93,245 68

$5,635,631 38



$8,670 79
41,739 39
1,007 55

.«5 542 385 70

$93,245 68

$5,635,631 38

$1 ,021,000 00
6,365,896 98

$20,000 00
215,810 64

$1,041,000 00
6,581,707 62

36,634 86
5,193 09



F rom th e foregoing tab le it w ill be seen th a t th e p er cen t collected on to ta l
a ssets of closed re c eiv ersh ip s w as 50.3 w hile th e re w as 55.91 p er cent of assets
collected in clu d in g th e am o u n t received from a ssessm en ts on stockholders,
28.54 per cent of th e to ta l a m o u n t of cap ita l stock w as collected by assessm en t
on stockholders. E xpenses in c u rre d by th e sev eral receiv ers am ounted to 5.99
p er cent of th e to ta l a ssets and equaled 10.72 p er cen t of to ta l collections, an
a v erag e of 67.15 p er cen t h as been p aid to depositors.

As sta te d in th e D e p a rtm e n t’s re p o rt for th e y ear 1913, it h as been m y aim
to stre n g th e n M ichigan’s b a n k in g system , and th e d e ta ils now m ak in g up ex­
a m in a tio n s are n e a rly one h u n d re d per cen t g re a te r th a n a t a n y o th e r tim e in
th e h is to ry of th e D ep artm en t. The im proved system h as re su lte d in n o t only
th e discovery and e lim in a tio n of d ish o n est officials an d em ployes, b u t in a m ore
com prehensive know ledge of c re d it co n d itio n s o b ta in in g in th e sev eral sections
of th e S tate.
In m y ju d g m en t one m an can n o t p ro p erly exam ine an d c o rrectly analyze and
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



re p o rt th e conditio n of th re e or fo u r h a n k s each w eek.
I t is tru e th a t a m a n
can step in to a hank, co u n t th e cash, lis t th e n o tes an d m ortg ag es, and o th e r a s­
sets, ta k e off th e balance of lia b ilitie s as show n by th e ledgers, and th u s m ak e
a p e rfu n cto ry re p o rt as to th e co n d itio n of th e bank, h u t if h is w o rk ends th e re
w ith o u t a p ro p er an a ly sis of th e la rg e r lo an s an d m ortg ag es, w ith o u t a th o ro u g h
reco n cilem en t of re se rv e accounts, an d w ith o u t checking back p aid certificates of
deposit an d paid d ra fts, an d m a k in g a th o ro u g h ex am in a tio n of th e profit an d
loss account, th e e x a m in a tio n is n o th in g m ore n o r less th a n a farce, an d th e
ex am in er leaves th e b an k w ith v e ry little know ledge of its exact condition.
T he D ep artm en t for th e p a st six teen m o n th s h as been sen d in g in to each s ta te
hank, no m a tte r how sm all, a t le a st tw o ex am in ers, w ho to g e th e r a re assig n ed
from 2 to 4 ban k s each w eek; th e la tte r n u m b er b eing assig n ed only w here th e size
of th e b an k s and th e p ro x im ity w ill p erm it. The D e p artm en t h as been criticised
on account of th e expense of such a sy stem ; if good re su lts are obtain ed com­
m e n su ra te w ith th e o utlay, th e q u estio n of a reaso n ab le expense should n o t be
raised. I firm ly believe th e tax p a y e rs an d depositors p re fe r an ex p en d itu re of
th ir ty to fo rty th o u sa n d d o llars each y ear if th e y can be assu red of efficient
supervision, ra th e r th a n to have in d ifferen t or farcical inspection of b an k s by
en d eav o rin g to keep th e e x p e n d itu re s som ew here n e a r th e re c e ip ts of th e De­
p a rtm en t.

W hile M ichigan h as a t th e p re se n t tim e a good stro n g w orkable b a n k in g act,
I w ould recom m end th e follow ing am en d m en ts in view of th e fo u r y e a rs e x p e ri­
ence in th e D ep artm en t, and by reaso n of th e changes th a t have re c e n tly occu rred
in th e n a tio n a l b a n k in g sy stem :

As sta te d in th e p reced in g A n n u al R e p o rt of th e D ep artm en t, in o rd er to
g u a ra n te e th e d epo sitin g p ublic th a t sto ck h o ld ers of sta te b a n k s have th e a c tu a l
cash in v ested a t th e tim e a b a n k is organized, I am in fav o r of a ch an g e in
th e p re s e n t law re q u irin g th e to ta l sub scrib ed c a p ita l sto ck to be p aid in in
cash, or its equivalen t, before c h a rte r is issued to com m ence business, r a th e r th a n
re q u irin g b u t h a lf to be p aid in, as a t th e p re se n t tim e.
N um erous no tes re p re se n tin g p ay m en t of th e balance of th e c a p ita l stock h av e
been found in bank s, a d m itte d by officers an d d ire c to rs to be given in p ay m en t
for cap ital stock.
I believe also th is w ill a ttr a c t as sto ck h o ld ers p erso n s of stro n g e r financial
resp o n sib ility , and th u s m ak e a d d itio n a l sto ck h o ld e rs’ lia b ility m ean som ething,
as in M ichigan th e re h as been realized b u t tw enty-five p er cen t as a re s u lt o f
assessm en t of n e a rly one h u n d re d p er cen t in d efu n ct sta te banks.

In m y opinion th e p re s e n t law should be so am ended as to provide th e m ean s
for conso lid atin g a n a tio n a l b an k w ith a sta te bank, re q u irin g th e n a tio n a l h an k
to pro cu re consent in w ritin g of th e tw o-tliirds of th e stockholders, w hich such
proceedings should be certified to th e D e p a rtm e n t; an d p ro v id in g fu r th e r fo r
th e ex am in atio n of th e n a tio n a l b a n k by th e D ep artm en t, before co n sen t is given
to th e consolidation.

A tte n tio n is ag ain called to th e fact th a t th e a tto rn e y g en e ra l h a s h eld th a t a
sta te b an k can n o t p u rc h a se stock in a F e d e ra l R eserve B an k u n d e r th e new
cu rren cy law.
I am h e a rtily in fav o r of h a v in g th e b a n k in g law am ended so th a t sta te b a n k s
and tr u s t com panies can become m em bers of th e F e d e ra l R eserv e S ystem in
th e event th e F ed e ra l R eserve B oard so in te rp re ts th e new law , or th e law is am en d ­
ed so as to m ake it possible an d feasib le for sta te b an k s to affiliate w ith th e new
system ;
In view of th e changes in re se rv e re q u ire m e n ts of n a tio n a l b an k s u n d e r th e
new F ed eral R eserve B an k System , I w ould resp e c tfu lly recom m end th a t th e
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



reserv e re q u ire m e n ts of th e p re se n t law be changed so as to conform to th e p ro ­
v isions of th e F ed e ra l R eserve Act.

In view of th e p ro v isio n s of th e F e d e ra l R eserve Act, th a t po stal sav in g s fu n d s
a re to be deposited only in m em ber or n a tio n a l b a n k s; an d fu rth e r, th a t th e re
a re m any com m u n ities in M ichigan h a v in g sta te b a n k s only, th e re b y d ep riv in g
such com m unities an d h a n k s from re ta in in g and u sin g , such funds, p e rm it me
a g a in to recom m end a n am en d m en t to th e law p ro v id in g th a t sta te fu n d s be de­
p osited in sta te b an k s only.
Of la te y ears th e b a n k in g d ep a rtm e n t, in th e eyes of th e public a t least, m u st
sh a re w ith th e s ta te tr e a s u re r th e re s p o n sib ility fo r s ta te fu n d s deposited in
banks, and is supposed to ap p rise th e sta te tr e a s u re r as to th e solvency of a n y
such depository.
I can see no reason, th ere fo re , w hy sta te fu n d s should n o t be deposited ex­
clusively in b an k s th a t a re su b ject to sta te superv isio n , as by so doing th e b a n k ­
in g com m issioner an d sta te tr e a s u re r w ill a t all tim es be fu lly advised as to
th e exact co nditio n of b an k s w h ere such fu n d s a re or w ill he deposited.

In view of th e p ro v isio n s of th e F e d e ra l R eserv e A ct giv in g n a tio n a l b an k s
th e rig h t to conduct a tr u s t com pany business, I am also in fav o r of a n am en d ­
m en t to th e M ichigan B an k in g A ct giv in g th e s ta te b an k s th e sam e pow ers and
privileges. H ow ever, I w ould lim it such pow ers an d p riv ileg es to s ta te b a n k s
w hich have a cap ital an d su rp lu s of $100,000.00, a n d a re located in cities of 5,000
population, and over. I am in favor of such a n am endm ent, p ro v id in g of course,
th e tr u s t b ran ch of th e b u sin ess in each sta te b a n k be k e p t ab so lu tely se p a ra te
a n d in ta c t from th e com m ercial an d sav in g s b an k b ran ch es of th e business.

I feel it m y d u ty to a g a in call y o u r a tte n tio n to th e reco m m en d atio n m ade
in th e D e p a rtm e n t’s A n n u al R e p o rt fo r th e y ear 1911, p e rta in in g to th e o rg a n ­
izatio n of new banks.
A s sta te d a t th a t tim e, th e p rin c ip a l w eakness of th e b a n k in g law s of th e
sev eral states, (a n d M ichigan is no e x cep tio n ), is th e absence of a u th o rity dele­
gated to su p erv iso rs or com m issioners of th e sev eral sta te d e p a rtm e n ts to p re ­
v e n t th e o rg an iza tio n of b an k s by u n d e sira b le p a rtie s, or th o se who a re unfit
alik e from th e sta n d p o in t of c h a ra c te r, financial resp o n sib ility , an d experience.
In M ichigan, a t th e p re se n t tim e, sta te b an k s m ay be o rganized by such p ersons
a n d th e law confers no ex p ress a u th o rity upon th e com m issioner to w ith h o ld a p ­
proval of ap p licatio n to organize or to refu se c h a rte r. I am of th e opinion th a t
it w ould be p refe ra b le to have th is a u th o rity d elegated to a board of com m is­
sioners, ra th e r th a n to an y one official, and w ould, th e re fo re recom m end th a t
A ct 262 of th e law s of 1905, w hich p rovides for th e se c u ritie s com m ission, he
am ended so as to m ak e it th e im p e ra tiv e d u ty of th e com m ission to d eterm in e
th e financial re s p o n sib ility an d sta n d in g of sto ck h o ld ers in a proposed bank, and
to in v e stig a te th e c h a ra c te r an d exp erien ce of th o se who a re to be in activ e
charge, and th e a u th o rity to re fu se to approve a p p licatio n to organize or to re ­
fuse to issu e c h a rte r w h ere in v e stig a tio n is n o t satisfacto ry .
I am also convinced th a t th e se c u ritie s com m ission should have a u th o rity to
exercise its d iscre tio n in th e m a tte r of p assin g upon th e n ecessity of new b an k s
in com m unities a lre a d y h av in g sta te or n a tio n a l b a n k in g facilities. T he p ro ­
m iscuous c h a rte rin g of b an k s in th is resp ect does n o t te n d to w ard co n serv ativ e
m ethods, e ith e r on th e p a rt of th e new b an k or th e older esta b lish e d in s titu ­
tions. A new b an k in a com m u n ity w hich is a lre a d y afforded am ple b a n k in g
facilities, ten d s to th e m a k in g of u n safe loans, as such b an k s m ay be co n tem ­
plated by irresp o n sib le p a rtie s, who, on acco u n t of th e ir sta n d in g h av e n o t been
able to pro cu re c re d it from e stab lish ed b an k s in such com m unities, an d a re in ­
te re ste d in th e new o rg an iz a tio n w ith a view only of co n tro llin g an d o b ta in ­
in g cre d it w hich th e ir financial re sp o n sib ility does n o t w a rra n t.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



U nder th e p resen t b a n k in g act, as co n stru ed by th e a tto rn e y general, sta te
ban k s m ay estab lish an d m a in ta in b ra n c h e s o r agencies in th e city or v illage
nam ed in th e o rig in a l a rtic le s of in co rp o ratio n . I am a p p reh en siv e th a t th is
p riv ileg e m ay be c a rrie d too far, an d I w ould recom m end leg islatio n in th e
d ire ctio n th a t a sta te b an k should first receive ap p ro v al of th e se c u ritie s com ­
m ission, provided for in th e b a n k in g law, before e sta b lish in g a b ran ch or an y
a d d itio n al branches.

I deem it m y d u ty to ag a in call y o u r a tte n tio n to th e necessity of som e leg is­
la tio n along th is line, esp ecially w h ere th e D e p a rtm e n t finds b a n k s co ntrolled
by one or tw o m en, an d b an k s w h ere th e em ployes do n o t ta k e vacatio n s, or in
th e larg e ban k s w h ere em ployes a re n o t ro ta te d , (esp ecially in b ra n c h b a n k s),
or relieved by b ran ch b an k m an ag ers.
T h ere is a grow in g se n tim e n t in fav o r of verificatio n of d ep o sito rs’ balances,
especially those of sav in g s depositors. T he su b ject is b eing discussed by de­
positors, b an k ers, an d su p e rv isin g d ep a rtm e n ts, especially in th e e a ste rn and
m iddle w estern state s. M aine, New H am p sh ire, an d V erm o n t ap p e a r to be th e
p ioneers in th is m ovem ent. Some b an k s a re v o lu n ta rily , a n n u a lly or b ien n ially ,
v e rify in g d ep o sito rs’ balan ces by m eans of c irc u la r le tte rs c o n ta in in g sta te m e n t
of balance, u sin g a re tu rn p o stal card on w hich th e d epositor certifies to th e
co rrectn ess of th is balance by referen ce to acco u n t n u m b er only. O thers use th e
new spapers, and som e em ploy c irc u la rs or booklets, w hich c o n tain acco u n t n u m ­
b ers and balances only, w ith p rin te d in s tru c tio n s to b rin g in pass books or
certificates of deposit w h ere th e re a re d iscrepancies. O thers call in all pass
books or certificates, em ploying a clerk, o th e r th a n th e re g u la r p ay in g and receiv ­
in g tellers, to v erify balances.
T he n ecessity for som e such pro ced u re in th is sta te becam e a p p a re n t in th e
w reck in g of th e E. Jo ssm a n S ta te B ank, by th e C ash ier who acted as p aying
an d receiv in g teller, an d who en te re d cu sto m e rs’ deposits on b a n k ’s books a t a
m uch less figure th a n in th e dep o sito rs' pass books, or certificates of deposit. In
fact, th e ac tu a l deposits of th is b an k w ere n e a rly $125,000.00 m ore th a n show ed
by th e b a n k ’s books.
To p re v e n t a re c u rre n c e of a c a ta stro p h e of th is k in d th e D e p a rtm e n t im m e­
d ia te ly in s tru c te d its ex am in ers to v erify a c e rta in n u m b er of b alances in all
b an k s w here th e re w as a n y possible o p p o rtu n ity of successfully c a rry in g on such
a schem e by one m an h a v in g ch arg e of receip ts an d d isb u rse m e n ts of deposits
and th e ledgers, or w h ere collusion m ig h t e x ist betw een tw o em ployes p e rfo rm ­
in g such duties.
P re d ictio n s of loss, an d all k in d s of d ire fu l foreboding w ere m ade a g a in s t th e
D e p a rtm e n t’s in n o v atio n in th is re g a rd ; b u t to d ate none of th e prophecies have
been fulfilled. If a b a n k e r is fe a rfu l of th e consequences th e D ep a rtm e n t w ill
send o u t w ith its b lan k s a n y le tte r w hich th e b a n k e r d esires to w rite, e x p lain in g
th e reaso n s for th e verification.
E x am in ers a re now in s tru c te d to v e rify b alances of each an d every depositor,
w here it is found th a t em ployes do n o t ta k e vacatio n s, an d w h ere em ployes are
n o t ro ta te d in b ran c h banks, or reliev ed by b ra n c h m an ag e rs.
I am h e a rtily in fav o r of a le g islativ e a m en d m en t along th is line, in c lin in g
to th e p lan of h av in g th e b an k ex a m in e r p re p a re a lis t of d ep o sito rs’ balances
and account nu m b ers a t tim e of re g u la r ex am in atio n , an d th e n h av in g b an k p u b ­
lish sam e, e ith e r in a new sp ap er or in c irc u la r or p am p h let form , and m ailed
each depositor. In o th e r w ords, th e nam e of th e d epositor ivould be om itted, th e
new spaper giving only n u m b er of account, pass book o r certificate of deposit,
and th e am o u n t on deposit. T he new sp ap er p u b licatio n is p referab le, as it is
th e only m ethod of c a tc h in g th e crooked official or em ploye who tak e s dep o sito rs’
a law is favored by ban k s w hich follow con serv ativ e m ethods an d who have th e
best in te re st of th e fra te rn ity a t h eart.

T he D ep artm en t lias a t v ario u s tim es in th e p a st sta te d its view s as to th e
sa lie n t p oints to be considered by b an k s before m a k in g tim b e r bond in v estm en ts.
I desire a t th is tim e to re ite ra te all fo rm er sta te m e n ts in th is respect.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



I t can n o t be denied th e re a re tim b e r issu es w hich afford all th e re q u isitie s of
a safe in v estm en t, b u t th e n u m b er of tim b e r com panies w hich h a v e defaulted,
both on in te re s t and p rin c ip a l p ay m en ts in th e p a st year, in d ic a te th a t th e day
of reck o n in g is n o t v ery d is ta n t for oth ers, w h ere th e com pany’s m an ag e m en t is
n o t in th e h an d s of experienced lum berm en, an d m en sufficiently stro n g finan cially
to w eath er adverse co n d itio n s in lum ber trad e.
I t is a p ecu liar c ircu m stan ce th a t in th e days w hen tim b e r w as a b u n d a n t
such issues w ere u n h e a rd of, y et n o th w ith sta n d in g th e fa c t th a t th e g re a te r p o r­
tion of th e tim b er of th e c o u n try h as been cut an d m a n u fa c tu re d in to lum ber,
tim b e r bond flotations a re now m ore n u m ero u s th a n a t a n y o th e r tim e.
The necessity exists to d ay fo r an am en d m en t to M ichigan’s b a n k in g law , w hich
w ill a t least m ake it im p e ra tiv e th a t th e bonds of all in d u s tria l c o rp o ratio n s be
passed upon and approved by th e secu rities com m ission provided fo r in A ct
262 of th e P ublic A cts of 1905. My experience in th e D e p a rtm e n t h as show n m e
th a t th e sm all b an k s have v ery few ch an n els th ro u g h w hich th e y can g et th e
n ecessary in fo rm atio n as to bonds, and re ly alm o st e n tire ly upon th e sta te m e n ts
in th e prospectus, th e sta te m e n ts of th e bond salesm an, or th e sta te m e n ts of som e
la rg e r banks. T he D e p a rtm e n t h a s received m an y re q u e sts for in fo rm a tio n con­
cern in g d ifferent bond issues, an d I am fra n k to say th a t in a larg e n u m b er of
cases wTe have been u n ab le to o b tain th e in fo rm a tio n w hich we th o u g h t neces­
sary, w hich in tu r n could be im p a rte d to th e b a n k m a k in g th e in q u iry . I be­
lieve such an am en d m en t w ould receive th e h e a rty su p p o rt of all of th e sm aller
sta te ban k s conducting sav in g s dep artm en ts.

The public confidence enjoyed by som e b an k s w ould be bad ly sh a tte re d if th e
e x te n t w ere know n to w hich in d iv id u als, often b an k officials an d d irecto rs, e n ­
d an g er th e b a n k s’ safety by excessive use of th e d e p o sito rs’ funds.
T he law in M ichigan, and o th e r sta te s, p e rm its loans of a c e rta in percen tag e
of cap ital and su rp lu s to an y one person, firm, or co rp o ratio n , w hich w ould seem
as m ost conservative. I t is possible, how ever, fo r a perso n engaged in sev eral
b ran ch es of tra d e to borrow for h im self p erso n ally th is lim it, an d also o b tain
th e sam e am o u n t of c re d it fo r each b ra n c h of h is b u sin ess if he o rganized each
div isio n in to a se p a ra te co rp o ratio n , w ith him self, w ife, sons, or d a u g h ters, an d
p erh ap s em ployes, as th e only stockholders. T he d an g er is in creased a h u n d re d ­
fold w here th e d o m in an t in d iv id u a l in such c o rp o ratio n is also th e co n tro llin g
s p irit in a bank.
As h ereto fo re recom m ended, I am u n qualifiedly in favor of a law w hich will
co rrect th is defect in th e M ichigan law, an d p rev en t, excessive b o rro w in g by
an y such com m unity of in te re sts. T h is could be done by in c lu d in g in th e lin e
of an y such person th e lo an s of h is pseudo co rp o ratio n s, or vice versa. Such
a law is favored by b an k s w hich follow co n serv ativ e m ethods and who have th e best
in te re s t of th e fra te rn ity a t h e a rt.

T he experience of th e D ep a rtm e n t d u rin g th is an d o th e r a d m in is tra tio n s
p ro m p ts me to recom m end th e passage of a law w hich w ould p ro h ib it th e ow n er­
ship of p riv ate banks by stockholders or d irecto rs of sta te b anks, u n less th e s ta te
h as som e a u th o rity to ex am in e and to su p erv ise such p riv a te banks. T he op­
p o rtu n itie s for m a n ip u la tio n a re m any, and th e ease w ith w hich th e a ssets are
sw itched, and have been sw itched in th e past, m ak es som e such re g u la tio n nec­
In th is connection am fra n k to sta te th a t I am u nqualifiedly in fav o r of ab o lish ­
in g p riv a te banks, except in th e sm aller villag es w here, by re a so n of lack of
sufficient business, a sta te b an k w ith th e m in im u m c a p ita l of $20,000.00 could
n o t possibly pay, th is to be d eterm in ed by th e p re s e n t se c u ritie s com m ission.
I have come to th e conclusion th a t in no case should p riv a te b a n k s e x ist in
M ichigan unless sub ject to sta te su p erv isio n . In o th e r w ords, I recom m end th e
passage of such a law as w ould e lim in a te p riv a te b an k s in c itie s or villag es
capable of su p p o rtin g a sta te b an k w ith a m in im u m c a p ita l of $20,000.00, th e
e lim in atio n to be by liq u id a tio n or conversion to sta te or n a tio n a l b anks, a suffi­
cien t len g th of tim e being allow ed in w hich to b rin g a b o u t such liq u id a tio n or
conversion w ith o u t w o rk in g an y un d u e h a rd sh ip .
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



E xcessive in te re s t is ch arg ed in som e sectio n s of th e sta te , n o tw ith sta n d in g
th e p rovisions of A ct 156 of th e P u b lic A cts of 1891, w hich voids a ll in te re s t
w here excess of th e legal ra te is e ith e r d ire c tly or in d ire c tly ch arg ed a n d col­
I f in stan ces of th is p ra c tic e w ere ra re , or obtain ed only w h ere e x te n u a tin g c ir­
cum stances prevailed, no c ritic ism could p ro p erly apply. C om plaints, how ever,
in d ic a te n o th in g m ore n o r less th a n ex to rtio n , an d I stro n g ly u rg e an am en d m en t
to said A ct 156 w hich w ill void b oth th e p rin c ip a l and in te re s t w h ere u su ry is
proven. T his, I am inform ed, is th e law in som e of th e o th e r states.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

C om m issioner of th e B an k in g D ep artm en t.

Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis


On account of th e im p o rtan ce of th e su b ject of excessive loans I deem it a d ­
visable to a g ain p u b lish th e c o n stru c tio n of section 52 of th e B a n k in g L aw in
th is re g a rd as su b m itte d to th is d e p a rtm e n t by th e A tto rn e y G eneral in th e
y ear 1903:
L ansing, Mich., May 23, 1903.
Hon. George W. Moore, C om m issioner of B anking, L an sin g , M ichigan:
D ear S ir— I am in receip t of y our com m unication of th e 19th inst., re fe rrin g
to th e G eneral B an k in g L aw of th is S tate, an d re q u e stin g m y opinion upon
th e follow ing q uestio n s:
“F irs t, How m uch m oney m ay th e d ire c to rs of a b an k loan to any person, or
com pany, or corpo ratio n , or firm, by a tw o -th ird s vote of its board of d ire c to rs?
Second, How m uch m oney m ay an y b an k loan on an y one lin e of com m ercial
T h ird , May a b an k in crease th e first nam ed lin e by th e bond or p erso n al e n ­
dorsem ent of th e officers or d ire c to rs of a firm, com pany or co rp o ratio n , or by
th e a ssig n m en t of v alue as c o lla te ra l? ”
In co n sid erin g th ese q u estio n s I d esire to call y our a tte n tio n to section G141
of th e C om piled Law s, b eing section 52 of th e G eneral B a n k in g L aw of th is
S tate, w hich provides in p a rt as follow s: “The to ta l lia b ilitie s to an y b ank
of an y person or of a n y com pany, co rp o ratio n or firm for m oneys advanced, in ­
cluding in th e lia b ilitie s of th e com pany or firm th e lia b ility of th e several m em ­
bers thereof, except special p a rtn e rs, sh all a t no tim e exceed one-tentli p a rt
of th e am o u n t of th e cap ital and su rp lu s of such b a n k ; b u t th e d isco u n t of
bills of exchange d raw n in good fa ith a g a in s t a c tu a lly e x istin g values an d th e
disco u n t of com m ercial or b u sin ess p ap er a c tu a lly ow ned by th e p erson n egotiating th e sam e sh all n o t be considered as m oney borrow ed: Provided, hoivever,
T h a t th e foregoing lim ita tio n s sh all n o t apply to loans on re a l e sta te or o th er
co llateral secu ritie s a u th o rized by th is a c t: P rovided, how ever, T h a t by a twoth ird s vote of th e d ire c to rs th e lia b ilitie s to an y b an k or a n y person, or com­
pany, or corporatio n , or firm m ay be in creased to a sum n o t exceeding one-fiftli
of th e cap ital and su rp lu s of th e b a n k .”
I t is ev id en t th a t th is lim ita tio n w as borrow ed from th e N atio n al B an k in g
Law, section 5200 of th e R evised S ta tu te s of th e U n ited S tates, p ro v id in g as
follow s: “The to ta l lia b ilitie s of an y association, or any person, or an v com pany,
corporation, or firm for m oney borrow ed, in clu d in g in th e lia b ilitie s of th e com­
p any or firm th e lia b ilitie s of th e several m em bers thereof, sh all a t no tim e exceed
one-tenth p a rt of th e am o u n t of th e cap ital stock of such asso ciatio n a c tu a lly
paid in ; b u t th e d isco u n t of bills of exchange d raw n in,good fa ith a g a in s t ac tu a lly
ex istin g values, and th e d isco u n t of com m ercial or b u sin ess p ap er ac tu a lly ow ned
by th e person n e g o tia tin g th e sam e, sh all n o t be considered as m oney borrow ed.”
T his provision, as found in o u r G eneral B an k in g L aw an d also in th e N atio n al
B a n k in g Law, has n ev er been co n stru ed by th e c o u rts in so fa r as it re la te s
to th e p a rtic u la r questio n su b m itted by you.
The Suprem e C ourt of P en n sy lv an ia, in th e case of O’H are v. Second N atio n al
B ank of T itu sv ille, 77 Pa. St., 102 re fe rrin g to th is p ro v isio n in its a p p licatio n
to n a tio n a l banks, m ak es use of th e follow ing lan g u ag e : “E v id e n tly th e lim ita ­
tio n of th e indebted n ess to th e one-tenth in th e 29th section, w as in ten d ed as
a g en eral ru le for condu ctin g th e b u sin ess of th e b a n k ; a ru le laid dow n from
experience to re g u la te its loans for its own b est in te re s t an d those of sto ck ­
ho ld ers and cred ito rs, n o t a ru le to re g u la te its custom ers. I t w as, as rem a rk e d
in F ow ler v. Sculy, a re g u la tio n to p re v e n t th e se asso ciatio n s from s p littin g
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



on th e rock w hich h a s ru in e d so m an y h anks, to w it, that of lending too much
of th eir capital to one person or firm. T he in te n tio n bein g to p ro te c t th e as­
sociation and its sto ck h o ld ers an d c re d ito rs from u n w ise h a n k in g , we c an n o t su p ­
pose it w as m e a n t to in ju re th e m by fo rb id d in g recovery of th e in ju d icio u s
lo an s.”
In Vol. 29 of th e A m er. & E ng. E ncy. of Law s, 2nd ed. p. 382, we find th e fol­
low ing w ith resp ect to th e lim ita tio n found in th e N atio n al B a n k in g L aw : “ T he
object of th is provision of th e s ta tu te w as to g u ard N atio n al ban k s from th e
h az a rd of speculativ e loans, b u t it contem p lated and p e rm itte d to a n u n lim ite d
am o u n t th e disco u n t of p ap er used an d re q u ire d in fa c ilita tin g th e tra n s fe r of
p ro p e rty and m oney in th e tra n sa c tio n of th e le g itim a te b u sin ess of th e c o u n try .”
C itin g Oswego Second N atio n al B an k v. B u rt, 93, N. Y. 244.
I t w as ev id en tly th e in te n t of th e le g isla tu re , in en a c tin g th e p ro v isio n above
re fe rre d to, as found in th e b a n k in g law of th is State-, to g u a rd th e b a n k s o rg a n ­
ized th e re u n d e r from th e h a zard of speculative loans, and to p rev en t such b an k s
from ad v an cin g or lo an in g too m uch of th e ir m oney to an y one person, firm
or corporation, and in c o n stru in g th e s ta tu te w ith re sp ect to th e exception, it is
n ecessary to keep c o n sta n tly in m ind th e p u rpose of th e lim ita tio n , an d n o t to
co n stru e th e p rovisio n re la tin g to th e exceptions th e re fro m in such a w ay as
to destroy th e force and effect of th e lim ita tio n itself. T he exceptions to w hich
I re fe r re la te to th e d isco u n t of b ills of exchange d ra w n in good fa ith a g a in s t
a c tu a lly e x istin g values, and th e d isco u n t of com m ercial or b u sin ess p ap er a c tu ­
ally ow ned by th e p erso n n e g o tia tin g th e sam e, and w hich, in m y opinion, should
be s tric tly co n stru ed an d should be held to apply to no tra n sa c tio n th a t did n o t
clea rly and fu lly come w ith in th e p ro v isio n s of th e s ta tu te in th is p a rtic u la r.
B lack on In te rp re ta tio n of Law s, 275.
I find th a t th e q uestions w hich you su b m it fo r m y co n sid eratio n are q u ite
fu lly considered in P r a t t’s D igest, pages 93-94-95, in th e ir a p p licatio n to n a tio n a l
banks, b u t I am un ab le to concur in som e of th e conclusions reached, w hich do
n o t seem to be based upon ju d ic ia l decisions, and w hich, in m y opinion, ten d
to defeat th e very purpose of th e lim ita tio n . I t is a n elem en tary p roposition
recognized by th e c o u rts w ith re sp e c t to s ta tu to ry or c o n stitu tio n a l in h ib itio n s,
th a t you cannot do in d ire c tly th a t w hich you a re p ro h ib ited from doing directly.
In th e ir ap p licatio n to com m ercial paper, th e te rm s “lo a n s” a n d “d isc o u n ts”
are synonym ous. A m er. & E ng. Ency. of Law , Vol. 21, 2nd ed. 381. T he ques­
tio n who is b orrow er is n o t alw ays to be d eterm in ed from th e p o sitio n of th e
p a rtie s as th e y ap p ear on th e paper. T he b o rro w er m ay be th e m a k e r or th e
endorser. P r a t t’s D igest, 94. O ur s ta tu te p rovides th a t in th e d isco u n t of com ­
m ercial or business p ap er a c tu a lly ow ned by th e perso n n e g o tia tin g th e sam e,
it sh all n o t be considered as m oney borrow ed. The applicatio n of th is provision,
in m y opinion, re la te s exclusively to th e p erso n n e g o tia tin g th e paper. T he
s ta tu te contem plates th a t he alo n e sh all be considered as n o t receiv in g a loan
from th e bank. W ith resp ect to th e m a k e r of such p ap er w ho is p rim a rily liable,
if such m ak er h a s received c re d it a t th e b a n k to th e fu ll lim it im posed by law,
th e b an k should n o t be p e rm itte d to d isco u n t such paper, as in th a t ev en t th e
lia b ility of th e m a k e r w ould exceed th e lia b ility p e rm itte d by th e G eneral B a n k ­
in g Law, and if such a tra n sa c tio n should be p erm itte d , it w ould in d ire c tly de­
fe a t th e very purpose for w hich th is lim ita tio n w as im posed.
In d ete rm in in g th e q u estio n s su b m itted by you, I realize th a t th e re m ay be
som e doubt as to th e p ro p er co n stru c tio n of th ese p ro v isio n s in th e absence
of an y ju d icial d e te rm in a tio n as to th e ir p ro p er m eaning. In view of th e fact
th a t th e sev eral ban k s of th is S ta te o rganized u n d e r th e G eneral B a n k in g Law,
a re subject to S ta te su p erv isio n , n o t only for th e p ro te c tio n of th e b a n k s th e m ­
selves, b u t for th e pro tectio n of th e persons doing bu sin ess w ith such banks,
th e law s re la tin g th e re to should be c o n stru cte d in such a m a n n e r as to afford
such p ro tectio n in ev ery possible way, u n til such tim e as th e c o u rts m ay d e te r­
m in e otherw ise.
In an sw er to y o u r first q uestion, I w ould th e re fo re say th a t, in m y opinion,
th e am o u n t w hich th e d ire c to rs of a b a n k w ould be au th o riz e d to loan to an y
person, or com pany, or co rp o ratio n , or firm, by a tw o -th ird s v o te of its b o ard of
d irecto rs, w ould n o t exceed one-fifth of th e c a p ita l an d su rp lu s of th e bank,
and it w ould be im m a te ria l w h e th e r su ch loan w as secu red or un secu red , ex­
cepting, of course, lo an s on re a l e sta te or o th e r co lla te ra l se c u ritie s a u th o rized
by th e G eneral B a n k in g Law.
In an sw er to y o u r second q uestion, I w ould say th a t th e sam e ru le w ould
apply to an y one lin e of com m ercial p ap er th a t w ould apply to an y one p e r­
son, com pany, firm or corp o ratio n .
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



In an sw er to y o u r th ird question, I w ould sa y th a t, in m y opinion, it is im ­
m a te ria l w h eth er such loan is secured by th e bond or p erso n al en d o rsem en t
of th e officers or d ire c to rs of th e firm, com pany or co rp o ratio n , or by th e a s­
sig n m en t of value as co llateral, except w h ere such loan is m ade upon re a l e sta te
or o th er co llateral se cu rities recognized by th e G eneral B a n k in g Law . In th is
connection I call yo u r a tte n tio n to th e ru le laid dow n in th e A m er. & E ng. E ncy.
of Law, Vol. 21, 2nd ed., page 382, to th e effect th a t “D ra fts m ay be bona fide
bills of exchange d raw n upon a c tu a l e x istin g values w ith in th e m ean in g of th e
sta tu te , tho u g h n o t accom panied by specific b ills of la d in g in each case. I t is
sufficient if th ey a re d raw n a g a in s t p ro p e rty p rev io u sly consigned an d e x ist­
in g e ith e r in its o rig in a l form o r in th e sh ap e of proceeds of sales in th e h a n d s
of th e consignees.” T h is ru le, of course, applies to th e fed eral sta tu te . The
s ta te and fed eral s ta tu te being id e n tic a l in th is p a rtic u la r, u n q u estio n ab ly th e
sam e ru le w ould ap p ly to a b an k organized u n d e r th e G eneral B an k in g L aw of
th is state.
R esp ectfu lly yours,
C h a s . A . B l a ir ,

A tto rn ey General.

T he follow ing opinions have been ren d e re d d u rin g th e y ea rs 1907, 1908, 1909,
1910, 1911, 1912, 1913 and 1914 by th e A tto rn ey G eneral’s D ep artm en t on q uestions
concerning th e co n stru c tio n of th e B an k in g Law.

L an sin g , M ichigan, M arch 21, 1907.
H on. H en ry M. Z im m erm ann, B a n k in g C om m issioner, L an sin g , M ich.:
D ear S ir—T his d e p a rtm e n t h a s given c arefu l c o n sid eratio n of y our in q u iry of
th e 13th in st. as to w h e th e r tr u s t com panies o rganized u n d e r A ct No. 108 of
th e Public A cts of 1889 have th e rig h t to in v e st in th e stocks of S avings B an k s;
an d p a rtic u la rly to th e q u estio n as to w h e th e r section 11 of th is ac t (C om piled
L aw s of 1897, Section 6166) p e rm its such in v estm en t.
It is th e opinion of th is d e p a rtm e n t th a t th e re is no g en eral rig h t u n d er th e law s
of th is S ta te on th e p a rt of tr u s t com panies to in v e st in th e stock of o th e r cor­
p o ratio n s; and, fu r th e r th a t th e clause in section 11 of th e above act, w hich
au th o rizes th e d irecto rs to in v est in “such re a l or perso n al secu rities as th e y
m ay deem p ro p e r” does n o t a u th o riz e in v e stm e n t in . th e stock of p riv a te cor­
p orations.
R esp ectfu lly yours,
J n o . E . B ir d ,

A tto rn ey General.


L ansing, M ichigan, A u g u st 7, 1907.
Hon. H en ry M. Z im m erm ann, C om m issioner S ta te B an k in g D ep artm en t, “C apitol,”
L an sin g :
D ear S ir— I t ap p ears th a t step s a re bein g ta k e n to o rg an ize a b a n k u n d e r th e
G eneral B an k in g Law s of th is State, w ith a cap ital stock of $100,000. F ro m th e
a rtic le s of asso ciatio n w hich have been p rep ared , it a p p ears th a t, ap p ro x im ately ,
sixty per cent, of such c a p ita l stock h a s been subscribed fo r by c e rta in p erso n s
designated as “tr u s te e s ” ; th a t such a rtic le s do n o t disclose th e n am es or re s i­
dences of th e cestu i que tr u s t in a n y in stan ce, or th e a u th o rity of th e p erso n
su b scrib in g as tru s te e to ac t in th a t capacity.
In th is connection, you a sk m y opinion as to w h e th e r or n o t it w ould be p ro p er
for you to issu e th e certificate of a u th o rity provided fo r by section 7 of th e
G eneral B an k in g Law.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



In rep ly th ereto w ould say th a t section 2 of th e B a n k in g L aw re q u ire s th e
persons asso ciatin g in th e o rg an iz a tio n of a b a n k to execute a rtic le s of in c o rp o ra ­
tion, w hich sh all specify, am ong o th e r th in g s, “th e nam es and places of re s i­
dence of th e stock h o ld ers an d th e n u m b er of sh a re s h eld by each of th e m .” The
la tte r p a rt of section 4 provides as follow s: “No b ank sh all tra n s a c t an y business
except such as is in c id e n ta l and n e cessarily p re lim in a ry to its o rg an izatio n u n til
it h as been au th o rized by th e C om m issioner of th e b a n k in g d e p a rtm e n t to com ­
m ence th e b u siness of b a n k in g .” T he a rtic le s of in c o rp o ra tio n a re re q u ire d to be
executed in trip lic a te , one to be recorded in th e office of th e county clerk of th e
co unty in w hich th e b an k is located ; one filed in th e office of th e C om m issioner
of th e B anking D ep artm e n t; and one filed in th e office of th e S ecretary of S tate.
W hen such artic le s of in c o rp o ra tio n a re p ro p erly executed an d filed and reco rd ­
ed, as required by law, an d th e C om m issioner of th e B an k in g D e p a rtm e n t is
notified th a t a t lea st fifty p er cent, of its c a p ita l h as been p aid in, an d th a t su ch
b a n k has com plied w ith all th e provisions of th e g en eral b a n k in g law ; before th e
b ank shall be au th o riz e d to com m ence business, th e C om m issioner is re q u ire d
to exam ine into th e co n d itio n of such bank, and if it is found th a t such o rg an iza­
tio n is in accordance w ith th e s ta tu te an d th a t th e v a rio u s p ro v isio n s of th e
law have been com plied w ith , a certificate of a u th o rity to engage in th e b u si­
ness of b an k in g is issued by such C om m issioner. W hen th e s ta tu te is h o t com ­
plied w ith in any essen tial p a rtic u la r, it is clearly my opinion th a t such c er­
tificate of a u th o rity should be w ith h eld . I t seem s to me th a t a rtic le s of in c o r­
p o ratio n w hich do no t fu lly disclose th e n am e an d resid en ce of th e cestu i que
tru s t, w here th e stock is su bscribed fo r by a tru ste e , a n d w hich also fa ils to
disclose th e a u th o rity to su b scrib e for such stock in th a t capacity, do n o t conform
to th e re q u ire m e n ts of th e g en e ra l b a n k in g law, and, u n d e r such co n d itio n s as
you have outlined; it w ould be y our d u ty to refu se to issue th e certificate of
a u th o rity provided fo r by law.
I do n o t deem it e sse n tia l to p o in t ou t th e n u m ero u s com plications th a t m ig h t
a rise if stock in a b a n k in g c o rp o ratio n should be subscribed for in th e m a n n e r
indicated. I t is sufficient to say th a t it does n o t conform to th e re q u ire m e n ts
of th e G eneral B an k in g Law.
R esp ectfu lly yours,
J n o . E . B ir d ,

A ttorn ey General.


L an sin g , M ichigan, October 23, 1907.
H on. H. M. Z im m erm ann, C om m issioner of th e B a n k in g D ep artm en t, “ C apitol,”
L ansing, M ichigan:
My D ear S ir—I am in re c e ip t of yo u r com m u n icatio n of th e 16th in st. in
w hich you ask w h eth er or n o t certificates of indebtedness issued in p ay m en t
for vo tin g m achin es u n d e r th e p ro v isio n s of section 13 of A ct 217 of th e P ublic
A cts of 1905 a re p ro p er in v e stm e n ts for sav in g s b an k s u n d e r su b d iv isio n (b ),
sectio n 27 of th e G eneral B an k in g Law, w hich provides th a t a c e rta in p o rtio n of
th e saving deposits of such b a n k s sh all be in v ested as follow s:
“ (b ). In th e public debt or bonds of an y city, county, tow n sh ip , village or
school d is tric t of an y sta te or te r rito ry in th e U nited S tates, w hich sh all have
been au th o rized by th e le g isla tu re of such sta te or te r rito ry : P rovided, th e to ta l
in debtedness of such m u n ic ip a lity does n o t exceed five p er cent, of its assessed
v alu atio n , except by a vote of tw o -th ird s of th e board of d irecto rs, such bonds
m ay be pu rch ased if th e to ta l lia b ilitie s do n o t exceed ten p er cent, of its as­
sessed v a lu a tio n .”
You also sta te th a t it h as alw ays been th e ru lin g of th e b a n k in g d e p a rtm e n t
th a t th e term “public d e b t” and “bo n d s” w ere synonym ous an d th a t an issue
of bonds, in order to be a p ro p er in v e stm e n t for sav in g s b an k s u n d e r th is su b ­
division, m u st prev io u sly h a v e received th e ap p ro v al of th e v o ters of th e m u n i­
c ip ality issu in g th e bonds.
F o r an sw er to y our in q u iry I w ould say it is m y opinion th a t th e ru lin g of
y our d e p a rtm e n t places too n a rro w a c o n stru c tio n upon th e sta tu te . T he te rm s
“public d eb t” and “b o n d s” a re n o t synonym ous. T he te rm “public d e b t” includes
n o t only a bonded debt, b u t also o th er form of public indebtedness.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



S ta te v. H ickm an, 11 Mont. 541, an d cases cited.
T he s ta tu te u n d e r w hich certificates of in d eb ted n ess a re issued in p ay m en t
for voting m ach in es re a d s as follow s:
“T he local a u th o ritie s, on th e adop tio n an d p u rch ase of a v o tin g m achine, m ay
provide for th e p a y m en t th e re fo r in such m a n n e r as th e y m ay deem fo r th e
b est in te re s t of th e lo cality an d m ay for th a t purpose issu e bonds, certificates of
indeb ted n ess or o th e r obligations, w hich sh all be a ch a rg e on th e city, tow n or
village. Such bonds, certificates or o th e r o b lig atio n s m ay be issu ed w ith or w ith ­
o u t in te re st, p ayable a t such tim e or tim es as th e a u th o ritie s m ay d eterm in e,
b u t sh all n o t be issu ed or sold a t less th a n p a r.”
T he le g isla tu re h a s th e undou b ted rig h t to a u th o riz e debts of th is c h a ra c te r to
be in c u rred w ith o u t th e vote of th e electors of th e m u n icip ality .
C allan v. T he C ity of Saginaw , 50 Mich. 7.
I am of th e opinion th a t th e certificates of in d eb ted n ess issued u n d e r a u th o rity
of th is section come w ith in th e te rm “p ublic d e b t” as used in su b d iv isio n (b ),
section 27 of th e G eneral B an k in g Law, an d th a t, consequently, sav in g s b an k s
m ay law fully in v est th e ir fu n d s in such certificates of indebtedness.
R esp ectfu lly yours,
J n o . E . B ir d ,

A ttorn ey General.


L an sin g , M ichigan, O ctober 28, 1907.
Plon. H. M. Z im m erm ann, C om m issioner of th e B a n k in g D ep artm en t, L ansing,
M ich:
D ear S ir— I am in re c e ip t of y o u r co m m u n icatio n of th e 16th in st. re q u e s t­
in g an opinion upon th e q u estio n of w h e th e r or n o t a b an k o rganized as a p u re ly
com m ercial b an k u n d e r th e G eneral B a n k in g L aw of th e S ta te is a u th o riz e d to
a d v e rtise for sav in g s deposits an d do a g en e ra l b a n k in g b u sin ess u n d e r th e ex­
ception co n tain ed in section 24 of th a t law , w hich pro v id es:
“C om m ercial b an k s m ay allow in te re s t on accounts or certificates of deposit,
b u t all deposits in such b a n k s sh all be p ayable on d em and w ith o u t notice, ex­
cept w hen th e co n tra c t of deposit otherw ise provides.”
F o r an sw er th ere to , I w ould say th a t th e G eneral B an k in g L aw in sectio n 1
provides th a t an y n u m b er of persons, n o t less th a n five, “m ay asso ciate to e sta b ­
lish offices of d isco u n t an d deposit, to be know n as com m ercial banks, an d also
to estab lish offices of loan and d eposit to be know n as sav in g s banks, or to e sta b ­
lish b an k s h av in g d e p a rtm e n ts for b oth classes of b u sin ess,” etc.
U nder section 2 of th e G eneral B an k in g Law, th e a rtic le s of in c o rp o ra tio n a re
req u ire d to specify th e n a tu re of th e b u sin ess to be c a rrie d on, w h e th e r th a t
of a com m ercial bank, sav in g s bank, or both. S ections 23, 24 an d 25 of th e
sam e law co n tain c e rta in p ro v isio n s re fe rrin g to “a n y b an k w hich, by its a rtic le s
of in co rp o ratio n , sh a ll d e sig n ate its b u sin ess as th a t of a com m ercial b a n k ;”
an d section 26 an d succeeding sections of th e sam e law c o n tain p ro v isio n s g o v ern ­
ing “an y b an k w hich by its a rtic le s of in c o rp o ra tio n sh a ll d esig n ate its bu sin ess
as th a t of a savings b a n k ;” an d S ection 29 c o n tain s p ro v isio n s g o v ern in g “a n y
b an k com bining th e b u sin ess of a com m ercial b an k an d a sav in g s b a n k ” an d
p rovides th a t “all receip ts, in v e stm e n ts an d tra n sa c tio n s re la tin g to each of
said classes of b u sin ess sh a ll be governed by th e p ro v isio n s an d re s tric tio n s
h e re in specifically provided for th e resp ectiv e k in d s of b a n k s.”
R ead in g all th ese provisions of th e G eneral B an k in g L aw to g eth er, it is clear
th a t it w as n o t in ten d ed to p e rm it a b a n k o rganized as a s tric tly com m ercial
b an k to engage in th e b u sin ess of a sav in g s bank, an d th a t th e exception con­
ta in e d in section 24, to w hich re feren ce h a s been m ade, w as n o t in ten d ed to have
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis


x x x ii

th a t effect. B efore a com m ercial bank, o rganized as such, can conduct a savings,
b a n k business, it m u st am end its a rtic le s of in c o rp o ra tio n so as to pro v id e fo r
co nducting both classes of business.
R esp ectfu lly yours,
J n o . E . B ir o ,

A tto rn ey General.


J u n e 10, 1908.
H on. H. M. Z im m erm ann, C om m issioner, B a n k in g D ep artm en t, “ C apitol,” L a n ­
sin g :
D ear S ir— I have y o u r co m m u n icatio n of J u n e fifth, enclosing c e rta in c o rres­
pondence w ith th e ..................... bank.
I t ap p ears from your co m m u n icatio n th a t th is bank, by a n a rra n g e m e n t w ith
c e rta in p riv a te banks, p e rm its th e la tte r to issu e d ra fts p ayable o u t of th e fu n d s
of th e fo rm er b an k on deposit w ith its c o rresp o n d en t b an k s a t New Y ork an d
Chicago. You sta te th a t you have ta k e n th e p osition th a t such p ractice is illegal,
an d req u est an opinion as to th e p ro p rie ty of th is holding.
R eplying th e re to w ould say, a n y a tte m p t upon th e p a rt of a n y b an k to p e rm it
anyone or an y in s titu tio n to issu e d ra fts p ayable o u t of its d ep o sit w ith c o rres­
po n d en t b an k s is an a tte m p t to p erfo rm a n a c t an d p e rm it a n a rra n g e m e n t n o t
au th o rized by law . T he b a n k possesses no a u th o rity to extend its c re d it to a n y
in d iv id u al or b an k in th e m a n n e r se t fo rth in y o u r co m m unication. Such a p ra c ­
tice m ay operate to th e d e trim e n t of d ep o sito rs a n d m ay im p a ir th e fa ith a n d
cre d it of th e bank.
The p ractice in q uestion is w ith o u t a u th o rity of law.
You possess g en eral pow er u n d e r th e s ta tu te to p ro h ib it such p ra c tic e an d it
is th e d u ty of th e officials of th e b an k to cancel th is a rra n g e m e n t.
R esp ectfu lly yours,
J n o . E . B ir d ,

A ttorn ey General.


J u n e 30, 1908.
H on. H e n ry M. Z im m erm ann, C om m issioner of B an k in g , L an sin g , M ichigan:
D ear S ir—I am in re c e ip t of y o u rs of th e 19th in s ta n t in w hich you sta te
th a t a c e rta in co rp o ratio n o rganized u n d e r A ct 232, P u b lic A cts of 1903, as th e
“ ............................ and T ru s t C om pany” is engaged in th e b u sin ess of sellin g v a ri­
ous k in d s of secu rities, an d re q u e st th e opinion of th is d e p a rtm e n t as to w h e th e r
i t is p erm issib le for such a concern to do b u sin ess u n d e r a n am e so closely allied
to th a t of in s titu tio n s o rganized u n d e r A ct 108, P u b lic A cts of 1889, u n d e r w hich
tr u s t com panies are organized.
Subdivision 1 of section 2 of A ct 232, P u b lic A cts of 1903, c o n tain s th is p ro ­
“No nam e shall be assum ed alre a d y in use by a n y o th e r e x istin g c o rp o ratio n
of th is S tate, or co rp o ratio n law fu lly c a rry in g on b u sin ess in th is S ta te , or so
n e a rly sim ila r as to lead to u n c e rta in ty or confusion.
U nder th e decisions of th e c o u rts of th is S ta te it seem s to be clea r th a t th e
q uestion of th e rig h t to use a co rp o rate n am e n o t id e n tic a l w ith th a t of a n o th e r
e x istin g co rp o ratio n depends upon w h e th e r th e n am es a re so sim ila r th a t p erso n s
w ould be likely to deal w ith one concern w hen th e y believed in good fa ith th ey
w ere dealin g w ith th e o ther.
SeeL am b K n it Goods Co. v. L am b Glove & M itten Co., 120 Mich. 159;
P en b e rth y In je c to r Co. v. L ee-P enberthy Mfg. Co., 120 Mich. 174;
Suprem e Lodge K n ig h ts of P y th ia s v. Im proved O rder K n ig h ts of P y th ia s,
113 Mich. 133.
G reat H ive L. O. T. M. v. S uprem e H ive, 135 Mich. 392, 415.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis


x x x iii

I t would seem also if th e sim ila rity of th e nam e of a c o rp o ratio n organized
u n d e r A ct 232, P u b lic A cts of 1903, to th e n am es of c o rp o ratio n s o rganized u n ­
der A ct 108, Public A cts of 1889, w hich is th e tr u s t com pany act, w as such th a t
people dealin g w ith it w ould be deceived in to believing th a t th e y w ere d ealin g
w ith a co rp o ratio n w hich w as u n d er th e su p erv isio n of th e b a n k in g d ep artm en t,
th a t th e use of such a n am e could p ro p erly be re s tra in e d in a p roceeding in s ti­
tu te d for th a t purpose.
V ery resp e c tfu lly yours,

J no. E. B ird,
A ttorn ey General.


Ju ly 29,' 1908.
Hon. H en ry M. Z im m erm ann, C om m issioner of B anking, “C apitol,” L an sin g :
D ear S ir—We have c arefu lly exam ined th e le tte r of ..................... ca sh ie r of th e
........................................ B ank, of d ate Ju ly 18, 1908, to g e th e r w ith th e en clo su res
accom panying same.
Section 42 of th e G eneral B a n k in g Law, bein g section 6131 of th e Com piled
L aw s of 1897, gives th e C om m issioner of B an k in g a u th o rity w hen he finds th e
cap ital of an y b an k is im p aired or reduced below th e a m o u n t re q u ire d by law,
to req u ire such b an k to m ake good th e deficiency w ith in n in e ty days a fte r a w rit­
ten req u isitio n is m ade, and in case th e im p a irm e n t is not m ade good it becomes
h is duty, w ith th e concurrence of th e A tto rn e y G eneral, to in s titu te p roceedings
to r th e ap p o in tm en t of a receiv er to w ind up th e affairs of th e bank. T he laiv
does n o t p rescrib e th e m ethod by w hich th is im p a irm e n t is to be m ade good.
I t m akes no provisio n for an assessm en t upon th e sto ck h o ld ers of th e b ank n o r
is th e re an y a u th o rity u n d e r th e s ta tu te s of th is S ta te for th e sto ck h o ld ers or
d irecto rs to m ake such an assessm ent. T h ere being no s ta tu to ry a u th o rity for
m ak in g th e assessm ent, it follow s th a t an a ssessm en t m ad e by th e sto ck h o ld ers
or d irecto rs could n o t be enforced a g a in s t d is se n tin g sh areh o ld ers. The only
m ethod of m ak in g a n assessm en t a g a in st th e sto ck h o ld ers of a b an k is u n d e r
section 46 of th e G eneral B a n k in g Law, section 6135 of th e C om piled L aw s of
tio n
ThiS assessm en t can only be m ade w hen th e b an k is in process of liquidaI t is our view of th is sta tu te th a t it contem plates a v o lu n ta ry co n trib u tio n
on th e p a rt of th e sh a re h o ld e rs in o rd er to p re v e n t th e affairs of th e b an k being
liq u id ated by ord er of th e C om m issioner, an d leaves it open to th e b an k to m ak e
good th e deficiency in an y m a n n e r th a t seem s to it feasible. T he only a lte rn a tiv e
in case of th e fa ilu re of th e b an k to m ak e good th e deficiency is fo r th e Com­
m issio n er to proceed as d irected by th e sta tu te .
We re tu rn the le tte r and enclosure herew ith.
V ery re sp e c tfu lly yours,

J no. E. B ird,
A tto rn ey General.


J u ly 29, 1908.
H on. H en ry M. Z im m erm ann, C om m issioner of B anking, “ C apitol,” L a n sin g :
D ear S ir—We are in re c e ip t of y o u rs of th e 3d in s ta n t in w hich you enclose
a le tte r from R egin ald F. F en n ell, u n d e r d ate of J u n e 20, 1908, in w hich he
su b m its th e follow ing in q u iry :
“ Is th e re any license necessary or o th e r legal form req u ired to be gone th ro u g h
w ith for ban k s doing b u sin ess o u tsid e of th e S ta te of M ichigan, to " e sta b lish an
agency or re p re se n ta tiv e in th is S ta te ? In th e ev en t of th e re being a n y re s tric ­
tion, k in d ly advise to w h a t e x te n t.”
In reply to th is in q u iry w ill say th a t th e le g isla tu re h as by s ta tu te prescrib ed
s tric t conditions to be com plied w ith by c o rp o ratio n s d e sirin g to engage in th e
business of banking , or in lo an in g an d in v e stin g m oney. T h ere is no s ta tu to ry
p rovision w hich p e rm its fo reig n c o rp o ratio n s to come in to th is S ta te fo r th e
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



purpose of en gagin g in th a t k in d of business. T he fact th a t th e le g isla tu re h a s
seen fit to lay dow n th ese co n d itio n s for dom estic c o rp o ratio n s d e sirin g to engage
in such b u siness an d to place th em u n d er th e su p erv isio n of th e S ta te b a n k in g
d e p a rtm e n t in d icate s clea rly a n in te n tio n on th e p a rt of th e le g isla tu re to p ro ­
h ib it fo reig n co rp o ratio n s from e n g ag in g in such business.
In th is connection we d esire to call y our a tte n tio n to th e case of—New Y ork M ortgage Co. v. Sec. of S tate, 50 Mich. .197, 202,
w hich w as a m an d am u s proceeding a g a in s t th e S e c re ta ry of S ta te to com pel
th e issu an ce of a license to do b u sin ess in th is S ta te to a c o rp o ratio n d e sirin g
to engage in th e b u sin ess of m a k in g “lo an s secured by m o rtg ag es on re a l esta te ,
to sell such m ortgag es an d bonds of th is com pany secured by m o rtg ag es on re a l
estate, b u t said bonds are n o t to be sold on th e in s ta llm e n t p la n .”
In response to th e c o n ten tio n of th e re la to r in th a t case th a t it should be ad ­
m itte d to do business u n d e r o u r fo reig n c o rp o ratio n law, th e c o u rt said :
“In o th er w ords such co n stru c tio n w ould o p e ra te as to such fo reig n c o rp o ra­
tio n s as a rep eal of all th e beneficial and p ro tectiv e p ro v isio n s of A ct No. 205,
P ublic A cts of 1877. To hold th a t such w as th e leg islativ e in te n t w ould be con­
tr a r y to every sug g estio n th a t a rise s to th e m ind, upon th e c o n sid eratio n of th e
proposition. O ur c o n stru c tio n of th e a ct is th a t b a n k in g c o rp o ratio n s an d those
co rp o ratio n s w hich a re w ith in th e co n tem p latio n of o u r b a n k in g law s a re n o t
w ith in th e p rovisio n s of th e a c t a u th o riz in g fo reig n c o rp o ratio n s to tr a n s a c t b u si­
ness in th is S ta te .”
In view of th e above, w e a re of th e opinion th a t fo reig n b a n k s have no rig h t
to engage in busin ess in th is S tate, or to esta b lish a n agency or re p re se n ta tiv e
in th is S ta te for th e tra n sa c tio n of business.
We re tu rn Mr. F e n n e ll’s le tte r h erew ith .
V ery resp e c tfu lly yours,

J no. E. B ird,
A tto rn ey General.


M ay 27, 1909.
H on. H en ry M. Z im m erm ann, C om m issioner of th e B a n k in g D ep artm en t, Capitol,
L ansing, M ichigan:
D ear S ir—I am in re c e ip t of y o u r le tte r of th e 29th u ltim o in w hich you
s ta te th a t a b an k o rganized w ith a c a p ita l of $20,000.00 in a v illag e ad ja c e n t
to a larg e city subseq u en tly becam e located w ith in th e co rp o rate lim its of th e
city by an ex ten sio n of th e b o u n d aries of th e city to in clu d e th e te r rito ry fo rm e r­
ly em braced w ith in th e lim its of th e v illa g e ; th e b a n k th u s com ing in to th e
city w ith a cap ita l less th a n is re q u ire d by s ta tu te of b an k s o rganized w ith in
th e city You also sta te th a t it is now suggested th a t th is b a n k m ay estab lish
b ran ch es w ith in th e city an d re q u e st a n opinion upon th e follow ing:
F irs t, W h eth e r or n o t you have a u th o rity to re q u ire a b a n k o rganized in a
village, w hen it becom es located in a city by th e ex ten sio n of th e co rp o rate lim its
of th e city, to in crease its c a p ita l in accordance w ith th e n u m b er of in h a b ita n ts
of th e city.
Second, W h eth e r or n o t a S ta te b an k h a s a u th o rity to e sta b lish b ra n ch es in
th e city or village in w hich it is a u th o rized by its a rtic le s of in co rp o ratio n to
tra n s a c t business.
In reply w ill say th a t Section 1 of th e G eneral B a n k in g L aw (S ectio n 6090
C. L.) provides for th e e sta b lish m e n t of com m ercial an d sav in g s b an k s in cities
an d villages in th e S ta te an d p rescrib es th e m in im u m c a p ita l th a t h a n k s m ay
have, based on th e p o p u latio n of th e c ity or v illage in w hich th e b a n k is to be
Section 2 of th e ac t p rovides th a t th e a rtic le s of in c o rp o ra tio n sh all specify
am ong o th e r th in g s:
“The county and city or v illage w h ere such b an k is to be located and to con­
d u ct its b u s in e s s ;”
S ection 7 provides th a t upon com pliance writh th e s ta tu te th e C om m issioner of
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



th e b a n k in g d e p a rtm e n t sh a ll give th e b an k a certificate u n d e r h is h a n d an d
official seal th a t th e b an k h a s com plied w ith th e s ta tu te an d is a u th o riz e d to com­
m ence business.
T he contingency a risin g in th e case of th e b an k to w hich you re fe r a p p a re n tly
w as n o t an tic ip a te d by th e fra m e rs of th e G eneral B an k in g L aw as th a t law
c o n tain s no p rovisio n re q u irin g a b a n k e stab lish ed w ith in a village w hich be­
comes located in a city by reaso n of th e ex ten sio n of th e co rp o ra te lim its of th e
city to in crease its cap ital in accordance w ith th e p o p u latio n of th a t city. N e ith e r
is th e re in th e B an k in g L aw a n y pro v isio n re q u irin g a b a n k a fte r its o rg a n iz a ­
tio n w ith in a c ity of c e rta in p o p u latio n to in crease its c a p ita l as th e p o pulation
of th e city increases.
T h e b a n k upon com plying w ith th e p ro v isio n s of th e s ta tu te w as given th e
rig h t by th e S tate to conduct its business w ith in th e village I t did n o t v o lu n ta rily
rem ove to th e city b u t becam e located th e re in by o p eratio n of law th ro u g h th e
ex ten sio n of th e co rp o rate lim its of th e city. T he pro v isio n of th e s ta tu te re ­
q u irin g b an k s to have a c e rta in c a p ita l according to th e p o p u latio n ev id en tly h as
referen ce to th e e sta b lish m e n t of b an k s in th e first in stan ce. As h e reto fo re
stated , a b an k once law fu lly estab lish ed w ith th e re q u ire d c a p ita l according to
th e p o p ulation of th e c ity is n o t re q u ire d to in crease its cap ital alth o u g h th e
p o p u latio n of th e city m ay in crease to such an e x te n t th a t a new b an k could
n o t be estab lish ed th e re in w ith o u t h a v in g a m uch la rg e r cap ital. A c arefu l con­
s id e ra tio n of th e p ro v isio n s of th e G eneral B an k in g L aw leads m e to th e con­
clu sio n th a t a b an k once law fu lly estab lish ed in a village w ith th e re q u ire d
cap ital in accordance w ith S ection 1 of th e G eneral B a n k in g L aw is n o t re q u ire d
u n d e r th e p rovision s of th a t law to in c re a se its c a p ita l w hen it becom es located
w ith in a city by reaso n of th e ex ten sio n of th e co rp o rate lim its of th e city to in ­
clude th e village.
F o r an sw er to y o u r second questio n I w ould say th a t no a u th o rity to e sta b ­
lish b ran ch es is co n ferred upon b an k s by an y p ro v isio n of th e law s of th is
S tate. In th e absence of s ta tu te a b an k h as no a u th o rity to esta b lish b ra n ch es
a t w hich a g en eral b a n k in g b u sin ess is conducted.
MaGee on B an k s an d B anking, page 41;
A tty. Gen. v. O akland Co. B ank, W alk, page 90.
W hile a b an k h as no a u th o rity to esta b lish b ran ch es u n less ex p ressly a u th o rized
by s ta tu te so to do, it seem s th a t it m ay have a n agency fo r th e tra n s a c tio n of
som e p a rt of its b u sin ess in th e city or v illag e d esig n ated in its c h a rte r as th e
place w here th e b an k is to be located an d to conduct its business.
In MaGee on B ank in g , page 41, a re com piled th e p ro v isio n s in force in th e differ­
e n t sta te s re la tin g to th is su b ject an d of th is S ta te it is said :
“T h ere is no law a u th o riz in g th e e sta b lish m e n t of b ran ch es. A gencies a re
p e rm itte d w hich are re s tric te d in th e ir o p eratio n s to receiv in g an d p ay in g o u t of
dep osits and issu in g exchange.”
an d several instances of ban k s located in th e cities of D e tro it an d L a n sin g h av ­
in g estab lish ed agencies of th is c h a ra c te r a re noted.
T he agencies estab lish ed by th e b an k s a t th e cities in d ic a te d have been con­
ducted by th e bank s for som etim e a n d th e rig h t of th e b an k s to estab lish such
agencies does n o t ap p ear to have been h ereto fo re questioned by th e b a n k in g de­
p a rtm e n t or any officer of th e S tate. In view of th e fo regoing I am of opinion
th a t a b ank m ay estab lish agencies of th e c h a ra c te r of th o se in d icated h e re in w ith ­
in th e lim its of th e city or v illage in w hich th e b a n k is located. In a sm u c h as a
b a n k o rig in a lly located in a village, an d w hich becomes located in a city by th e
ex ten sio n of th e co rp o rate lim its of th e city, h as a u th o rity to conduct its b u si­
ness w ith in th e city, it w ould have th e sam e rig h t to esta b lish agencies of th is
c h a ra c te r as a b an k o rig in a lly organized w ith in th e city.
R esp ectfu lly yours,
(S ig n ed ) J no. E. B ird,
A tto rn ey General.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis




M ay 27, 1909.
Hon. H en ry M. Z im m erm ann, C om m issioner of he B a n k in g D ep artm en t, C apitol,
L ansing, M ichigan:
D ear S ir—I am in receip t of y our le tte r of th e 29th ultim o in w hich you a sk
w h eth er or n o t notes an d se c u ritie s re p re se n tin g fra c tio n a l p a rts of la rg e lo an s
w here th e se c u rity is deposited w ith a tr u s t com pany a re legal in v e stm e n ts fo r
a S tate b ank u n d er Section 27 of th e G eneral B an k in g Law (S ection 6116 C.
L .) as am ended by A ct 322 of th e P u b lic A cts of 1907.
In rep ly w ould say th a t th is section pro v id es in S ubdivision (i) th a t a c er­
ta in p ro p o rtio n of th e sav in g s deposits of th e b an k sh a ll be inv ested by th e board
of d irecto rs as follow s:
“Upon notes or bonds secured by m o rtg ag e lien upon un en cu m b ered re a l e s ta te
w o rth a t le a st double th e a m o u n t loan ed ; th e re m a in d e r of such deposits m ay
be invested in notes, b ills or o th er evidences of debt th e p ay m en t of w hich is
secured by th e d eposit w ith th e bank, of c o llateral se c u rity c o n sistin g of p e r­
sonal p ro p erty or se c u ritie s of know n m a rk e ta b le value, w o rth te n p er cen t m o re
th a n th e am o u n t so loaned an d in te re s t for th e tim e of th e lo a n ; or m ay be in ­
vested in notes, bills or o th e r evidence of debt th e p ay m en t of w hich is secured
by such p ro p erty or se c u ritie s deposited in a co llateral deposit com pany o rg a n ­
ized u n d e r th e law s of th is S ta te .”
I t is ev id en t th a t th e no tes and se c u ritie s in q u estio n come w ith in th e class
la s t re fe rre d to in th is subdivision, to-w it: “notes, b ills or o th e r evidence of
debt, he p aym ent of w hich is secured by such p ro p e rty or se cu rities deposited
in a co llateral deposit com pany o rganized u n d e r th e law s of th is S ta te .”
T his provision w as in co rp o rated in th is subd iv isio n of Section 27 by A ct No.
322, P ublic A cts of 1907.
T he sam e le g isla tu re enacted a law p ro v id in g fo r
th e in co rp o ratio n of “safety an d co llateral deposit com panies,” th e sam e being
A ct No. 240 of th e P ublic A cts of 1907, h a v in g pow er u n d e r th e p ro v isio n s of
S ection 9:
“To receive on deposit, in tr u s t, an y p erso n al p ro p e rty deposited w ith it by
in d iv id u als, p a rtn e rsh ip s or co rp o ratio n s, as co llateral se c u rity for th e p ay m en t
of bonds, or o th e r obligations issued by such in d iv id u als, p a rtn e rsh ip s or co r­
p o ratio n s, and to e n te r in to and execute an y in s tru m e n ts in w ritin g n e cessary
and pro p er to c a rry such tr u s ts in to effect.”
Section 11 places every c o rp o ratio n o rganized u n d e r th e ac t and en g ag in g in
th is b ran ch of th e b u sin ess u n d e r th e su p erv isio n of th e C om m issioner of th e
B a n k in g D epartm en t.
T hse acts w ere passed by th e sam e le g isla tu re ; a re in p a ri m a te ria an d m u st
be co n stru ed togeth er. T h u s construed, th e c o llateral deposit com panies organized
u n d e r th e law s of th is S ta te re fe rre d to in th e am en d m en t to th e G eneral B an k ­
in g L aw m u st be held to re fe r to co llateral d eposit com panies organized u n d e r
th e provisions of A ct 240 of th e P u b lic A cts of 1907. I am in fo rm ed th a t a t th is
tim e th ere are no co llateral deposit com panies organized in th is S tate u n d er th a t
act. C onsequently, I am of opinion th a t savings banks have no a u th o rity to in ­
vest th e ir funds in notes and secu rities u n d er subdivision (i) of Section 27 of
th e G eneral B an k in g Law w here th e se cu rity for th e sam e is deposited w ith a tr u s t
com pany.
R esp ectfu lly yours,
(S ig n ed ) J n o . E. B ir d ,
A tto rn ey General.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

x x xvii


J u n e 10, 1909.
H on. H en ry M. Z im m erm ann, C om m issioner of th e B a n k in g D ep artm en t, Capitol,
L an sin g :
D ear S ir—I am in receip t of y our com m u n icatio n of th e 29th u ltim o re q u e st­
in g an opinion upon th e questio n of w h e th e r or n o t a S ta te b an k m ay leg ally be
organized in th is S ta te by th e sto ck h o ld ers of a N atio n al B an k u n d er a p lan
su b s ta n tia lly as follow s:
T he stockholders of th e n a tio n a l b an k e n te r in to an a g reem en t w ith th e officers
of th e n a tio n a l b ank by th e te rm s of w hich th e sto ck h o ld ers ag ree th a t th e offi­
c e rs m ay ta k e n ecessary steps to org an ize a S ta te b a n k w ith a p rescrib ed cap ital,
th e sh a re s of w hich m ay be prescrib ed fo r in th e first in sta n c e by such p ersons
a s m ay be selected by th e officers, b u t w hen paid for sh all be held in th e nam es
of such persons as from tim e to tim e sh all be th e officers of th e n a tio n a l bank,
as tru ste e s, w hich said tru ste e s m ay exercise d u rin g th e life of th e tr u s t all th e
rig h ts and pow ers of abso lu te ow ners of th e stock except to th e e x te n t th a t th e y
m ay be ordered oherw ise by express d irectio n s in w ritin g signed by a m a jo rity
of a t least tw o-third s in in te re s t of th e p erso n s beneficially in te re ste d in th e
stock. T he dividend s upon said stock a re to be received by th e tru ste e s and
p aid by th em to th e n a tio n a l b an k for d is trib u tio n am ong th e sto ck h o ld ers of
th e n a tio n a l b ank pro r a ta according to th e ir o w nership of reco rd of sh a re s of
stock in th e n a tio n a l bank, th e tr u s t to co n tin u e as long as th e n a tio n a l b an k
sh all co n tin u e to do b u sin ess u n less sooner te rm in a te d by a re q u e st in w ritin g
of a m a jo rity of a t le a st tw o -th ird s in in te re s t of th e c a p ita l stock of said bank.
T he necessary cap ital for th e S ta te b an k is to be fu rn ish e d , by a special or
e x tra dividend declared by th e n a tio n a l bank. I t is provided th a t th e stock in th e
S ta te b an k shall be h eld by th e tru ste e s and th a t no p ersons sh all h av e th e
rig h t to tra n s fe r h is in te re s t th e re in o th erw ise th a n by th e tra n s fe r of th e o w n er­
sh ip of stock in th e n a tio n a l b an k upon th e books of th e la tte r. The only evi­
dence of th e beneficial in te re st of any person in th e stock of th e S tate b ank
is th a t given by an in d o rse m e n t on th e back of th e certificates of stock of th e
n a tio n a l b ank to th e effect th a t th e ow ner of th e sh a re s re p re se n te d by th a t
certificate is beneficially in te re ste d in com m on w ith all o th e r sto ck h o ld ers of th e
n a tio n a l b ank in a pro r a ta a m o u n t of th e cap ita l stock of th e S ta te b an k and
th a t said beneficial in te re s t can n o t be sold or tra n s fe rre d o th erw ise th a n by th e
tr a n s fe r of th e sh are s of stock rep re se n te d by th e certificate upon th e books of
th e n a tio n a l bank, an d th a t th e beneficial in te re s t in th e sto ck of th e S ta te
b an k shall pass w ith th e tr a n s fe r of th e sh a re s of th e n a tio n a l b an k re p re se n te d
by th e certificate. I t is fu rth e r provided th a t no p erson sh all be eligible to th e
office of d irecto r of th e S ta te b an k who is n o t a d ire c to r of th e n a tio n a l bank.
F o r reply to your in q u iry I w ould say th a t th e G eneral B a n k in g L aw of th is
S ta te co n tain s no p ro v isio n th a t w ould p ro h ib it th e sto ck h o ld ers in a n a tio n a l
b an k from o rg an izin g a S ta te b an k upon com pliance w ith th e p ro v isio n s of
th e G eneral B an k in g Law. N e ith e r is th e re in th a t law a n y p ro v isio n expressly
p ro h ib itin g th e stock h o ld ers in a S ta te b an k from e n te rin g in to a n a g reem en t
in su b sta n tia lly th e form in d icated above. T he ag re e m e n t is n o t betw een th e
n a tio n a l b an k and th e S ta te bank, b u t is betw een th e sto ck h o ld ers in those
banks. As betw een th e S ta te b an k an d th e S tate, an y ag re e m e n t of th is c h a r­
a c te r betw een th e sto ck h o ld ers of th e b an k w ould be w holly ineffectual to p re v e n t
th e S tate from ex ercisin g a su p erv iso ry co n tro l over th e affairs of th e bank,
o r enforcing th e lia b ility of th e stockholders, in accordance w ith th e provisions
of th e G eneral B an k in g Law. I t is tru e th a t th e re a re cases h o ld in g th a t ag ree­
m en ts betw een stockh o ld ers in co rp o ratio n s im posing a p e rm a n e n t r e s tr a in t upon
th e a lie n a tio n of th e ir sh a re s of stock a re in v alid , b u t u n d e r th e te rm s of th is
ag reem en t a stockhold er m ay tra n s fe r h is sh a re s of stock in th e S ta te b an k p ro ­
vided he also tra n s fe rs h is sh a re s of stock in th e n a tio n a l bank. I t does n o t
seem th a t th e re is in th a t case such a r e s tr a in t upon th e a lie n a tio n of th e sh ares
as w ould re n d e r th e a g reem en t invalid.
Upon due co n sid eratio n of th e m a tte r I am of opinion th a t, so fa r as th e S ta te
is concerned, th e p lan o u tlin ed for th e o rg an iz a tio n of a S ta te b an k is, in its
g en eral featu res, valid u n d e r th e G eneral B an k in g L aw of th e S tate. I express
no opinion, how ever, upon th e v a lid ity of th e d e ta ils of an y p a rtic u la r p la n fo r
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



such o rganizatio n , leav in g those q u estio n s to he d eterm in ed w hen it is so u g h t to
organize a S tate b an k upon th is p lan and d e ta ils of th e proposed p lan of o rg a n ­
ization a re before me.
R esp ectfu lly yours,


J no. E. Bird,
A ttorn ey General.


J u n e 30, 1909.
H on. H en ry M. Z im m erm ann, C om m issioner of B an k in g D ep artm en t, Capitol,
L an sin g :
D ear S ir—I am in re c e ip t of y our le tte r of Ju n e 17th in w hich you su b m it th e
am en d m en t to Section 38 of th e B a n k in g Law re la tiv e to th e sa la rie s of ex am in ­
ers, and req u est th e opinion of th is d e p a rtm e n t as to w h e th e r th e e x am in ers who
have alread y been em ployed by th e B a n k in g D e p a rtm e n t for th re e y e a rs w ill be
e n title d to th e in c ra se in th e ir sa la rie s w hen th e am en d m en t becomes operative.
In reply th ere to w ill say th a t Section 3 of A rticle XVI of th e revised con­
s titu tio n provides, in p a rt:
“S alaries of public officers, except c irc u it judges, sh all n o t be increased, n o r
sh all th e sa la ry of a n y public officer be decreased, a fte r election or a p p o in t­
m en t.”
In d e term in in g th e question su b m itted it is im p o rta n t to a sc e rta in first, w h eth er
a b an k exam iner is a public officer w ith in th e m ean in g of th is section of th e re ­
vised co n stitu tio n . M echem defines a public office to be:
“T he rig h t, a u th o rity and duty, c reated and conferred by law , by w hich fo r
a given period, e ith e r fixed by law or e n d u rin g a t th e p le a su re of th e c re a tin g
pow er, an in d iv id u a l is in v ested w ith som e p o rtio n of th e sov erig n fu n c tio n s of
th e governm ent, to be ex ercised by h im fo r th e benefit of th e pub lic.” (M echem
on P ublic Officers, Sec. 1.)
A nd he p o in ts o u t tw o e sse n tia ls: F irs t, T he delegation of sovereign fu n c ­
tio n s; Second, P ow ers created and co n ferred by law . (Sec. 4 an d 5.)
In section 9 he sta te s:
“A ny m an is a p ublic officer who h a th an y d u ty co n cern in g th e public, and
he is n o t th e less a p ublic officer w h ere h is a u th o rity is confined to n a rro w
lim its ; for it is th e d u ty of h is office and th e n a tu re of th a t d u ty w hich m ake
him an officer, an d n o t th e e x te n t of h is a u th o rity .”
Section 38 of th e B a n k in g L aw p rovides for th e a p p o in tm e n t of b an k ex am in ers,
fixes th e ir sa la rie s and re q u ire s th e m to file a bond of te n th o u sa n d dollars.
Section 39 auth o rizes th e ex am in ers to exam ine b an k s an d to exam ine th e offi­
cers, agents, clerks, cu sto m ers or d ep o sito rs upon oath, an d m ak es false sw e a r­
ing before such ex am in ers p e rju ry . S ection 40
re q u ire s th e ex a m in e r to tak e
an o ath to keep secret all facts and in fo rm a tio n obtain ed in th e course of h is
exam inations. S ection 41 a u th o riz e s th e com m issioner to a sk for th e a p p o in t­
m en t of a receiv er in case of a re fu sa l of a b an k to su b m it to an ex am in a tio n by
an exam iner.
T rue, th e sta tu te , in S ection 38, sta te s th a t th e com m issioner sh all “em ploy
from tim e to tim e such ex a m in e rs,” b u t th e fa c t th a t th e a p p o in tm e n t of a b an k
ex am in er is d esig n ated as an em p lo y m en t does n o t change th e n a tu re of th e
d u ties prescribed by law. C learly, th e s ta tu te in questio n delegates sovereign
fu n ctio n s to th e ex am in er an d th e pow ers a re created an d co n ferred by law,
th e tw o essen tia ls to th e cre a tio n of an office as poin ted ou t by P rof. Mechem.
See also th e lang u ag e of Ju s tic e Cooley in :
T hroop v. L angdon, 40 Mich. 673, 682.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis


T he am en d m en t to S ection 38 su b m itte d by you re ad s as follow s:

“S a laries of th e ex am in ers shall be th e sum of seventeen h u n d re d d o lla rs per
an n u m d u rin g th e first y ear of th e ir em ploym ent as such, and sh all be in creased
one hun d red dollars each y ear of such em ploym ent u n til th e fu ll su m of two
th o u san d do llars is reached, w hich sum sh all be th e ir a n n u a l sa la ry th e re a fte r.”
A b ank exam in er being a public officer as we have h e reto fo re show n, th e con­
s titu tio n a l provisio n above quoted w ould apply. T he lan g u ag e of th e c o n stitu ­
tio n is p lain th a t th e sa la rie s “sh a ll n o t be increased, n o r sh a ll th e sa la ry of
an y public officer be decreased, a fte r election or a p p o in tm e n t.” T h ere a re cases
holding, as in th e case of b an k ex am in ers, w h ere th e te n u re of th e office is a t
th e pleasu re of th e ap p o in tin g pow er, th a t a c o n stitu tio n a l provision, th a t th e
com pensation shall n o t be in creased or d im in ish ed during the term for which the
officer is elected or appointed, does n o t apply to officers who have no fixed term .
29 Cyc. 1429,
Gibbs v. M organ, 39, N. J. Eq. 126,
Som ers v. S tate, 5 S. D. 321,
58 N. W. 804,
5 S. D. 584,
59 N. W. 962.
B u t an ex am in a tio n of th ese cases show s th a t th e decisions tu r n upon th e
proposition th a t th e co n stitu tio n a l provision could n o t a p p ly to an officer who had
no fixed term . T he lan g u ag e of o u r c o n stitu tio n a l p ro v isio n m ak es no re fe r­
ence to th e term , b u t p ro h ib its th e in crease or th e d ecrease of th e s a la ry a fte r
election or appoin tm en t.
I am th e re fo re of th e opinion th a t th e am en d m en t to S ection 38 of th e B an k ­
in g Law, m ade by S en ate E n ro lled A ct 42, is void in so fa r as it provides for an
in crease of th e sa la rie s of b an k ex am in ers now in th e em ploy of th e departm ent,,
or who m ay be in its em ploy w hen th e a m en d m en t ta k e s effect.
In th is connection I call y o u r a tte n tio n to th e fa c t th a t th e p ro v isio n s of th e
s ta tu te can n o t be evaded by an ex am in er re sig n in g before th e ta k in g effect of
th e am en d m en t an d accep tin g an a p p o in tm e n t a fte r th e a m en d m en t is in force.
29 Cyc. 1428,
G reen v. H udson Co., 44 N. J. L. 388.
V ery resp e c tfu lly yours,


J no. E. B ird,
A tto rn e y General.


Nov. 12, 1909.
H on. H en ry M. Z im m erm ann, C om m issioner of B anking, C apitol, L a n sin g :
D ear S ir—R ep ly in g to y o u r le tte r of th e 19th ult., in w hich you re q u e st -our
opinion as to w h e th e r th e ....................... B an k w hich w as located in th e v illag e of
........................... recen tly annexed to th e city of ...................... m ay in crease its cap ita l
stock from tw en ty th o u sa n d d o llars to fifty th o u sa n d d o llars, w ill say th a t we
held, in an opinion to you u n d e r d ate of May 9, 1909, th a t th is b a n k could n o t
be deprived of its rig h t to do b u sin ess u n d e r its o rig in a l in c o rp o ra tio n w ith
a cap ital stock of tw e n ty th o u sa n d d o llars, by th e fa c t of a n n e x a tio n of th e
village of ..................... to th e city of .....................
W e reach ed th a t conclusion
by reaso n of th e fa c t th a t th e h a n k w as law fu lly in co rp o rated w ith a c a p ita l of
tw e n ty th o u san d d o lla rs to do b u sin ess in ................... ; th a t th e a n n e x a tio n of
................... placed th e b an k in th e city o f ......................w ith o u t its consent, an d th a t
it could n o t be th u s dep riv ed of its rig h t to do b u sin ess u n d e r its o rig in a l in ­
co rporation.
Now, how ever, th is h an k proposes, by its own v o lu n ta ry act, to in crease its
c a p ita l stock, th u s, in a m easure, effecting a re-o rg an izatio n . T he w hole aim
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



and purpose of th e sta tu te , Section 1 of th e G eneral B an k in g Law, is to provide
a m in im u m cap ital for b an k s g rad ed acco rd in g to th e p o p u latio n of th e city
or village in w hich th e y a re situ a te d . In o rd e r to p re v e n t a red u c tio n of th e
cap ital below th e m inim um , it is provided in Section 10 th a t “no re d u ctio n sh all
be m ade to a less a m o u n t th a n is req u ire d in Section 1 for c a p ita l.” To p e rm it
th is bank to su b sta n tia lly reo rg an ize by in c re a sin g its cap ital, w ith o u t in c re a s­
in g its cap ital stock to a t le a st th e m in im u m a m o u n t re q u ire d fo r th e city of
.........................w ould in m y ju d g m en t, do violence to th e in te n t of th e leg islatu re,
as expressed in Sections 1 an d 10 of th e B an k in g Law, to w hich I have refe rre d .
T he b ank is now a co rp o ratio n of th e city of ..................... T he law re la tin g to
th e am o u n t of cap ita l stock i n ................... is d ifferen t th a n in .......................
W hile I do n o t th in k th e b an k could be d eprived of its rig h ts to co n tin u e
d u rin g th e period of its co rp o rate existence, w ith a cap ita l of tw e n ty th o u sa n d
dollars, by th e ann ex atio n , I am co n stra in e d to hold th a t in ta k in g a d v an ta g e
of th e sta tu te re lativ e to th e in crease of cap ital stock, it m u st be governed by th e
provision of th e s ta tu te applicab le to th e city of ................... an d m ust, th erefo re,
if it increases its cap ita l a t all, in crease it to a t lea st th e m in im u m a m o u n t re ­
quired for cities h a v in g a p o p u latio n of over one h u n d re d an d te n th o u san d in ­
h a b ita n ts, as prescrib ed by Section 1 of th e B a n k in g Law.
V ery tr u ly yours,
(S ig n ed ) J no. E. B ird,
A ttorn ey General.


Ja n . 20, 1910.
Hon. H en ry M. Z im m erm ann, C om m issioner of B ank in g , C apitol, L an sin g :
D ear S ir—We are in re c e ip t of y o u r le tte rs of th e 14th in s ta n t in w hich you
a sk :
“In th is S tate, w here a c o rp o ratio n is in o p eratio n and co n tro l of o th e r co rp o ra­
tio n s by h av in g acqu ired a m a jo rity of th e stock of such co rp o ratio n s w h a t w ould
be th e lim ita tio n of c re d it lin es w hich m ig h t be exten d ed th ese co rp o ratio n s,
both p a re n t and su b sid iary , by o u r S ta te banks, u n d e r th e B a n k in g Law, ex­
clusive of real esta te or o th er c o llateral loans au th o rized by s ta tu te ? ”
Section 6141 C. L. 1897 as am ended, being Section 52 of th e B a n k in g Law,
provides as follow s:
“T he to ta l lia b ilitie s to a n y b an k of a n y person or of an y com pany, co rp o ra­
tio n or firm for m oneys advanced, in c lu d in g in th e lia b ilitie s of th e com pany or
firm , th e lia b ilitie s of th e several m em bers th ereo f, except special p a rtn e rs, sh a ll
a t no tim e exceed one-tenth p a rt of th e am o u n t of th e c a p ita l an d su rp lu s of such
bank, b u t th e disco u n t of b ills of exchange d ra w n in good fa ith a g a in s t ac tu a lly
e x istin g values and th e d isco u n t of com m ercial or b u sin ess p ap er a c tu a lly ow ned
by th e person n eg o tia tin g th e sam e sh all n o t be considered as m oney borrow ed:
* * * Provided, how ever, T h a t by a tw o -th ird s vote of d irecto rs, th e lia b ilitie s
to an y b an k of an y perso n or com pany or co rp o ra tio n or firm m ay be in creased
to a sum not exceeding one-fifth of th e cap ital an d su rp lu s of bank. * * *”
I t w ill be noted th a t in th e case of a com pany o r firm th e lin e of c re d it in ­
cludes th e lia b ilitie s of th e com pany or firm an d th e sev eral m em bers thereof,
except special p a rtn e rs, w h ile no such re stric tio n ap p ears in th e case of th e cor­
poration. C orporations are recognized by law as d is tin c t legal e n titie s re g a rd ­
less of th e ow nership of th e stock. W hile we ap p re c ia te th e fa c t th a t th e effect of
ex ten d in g a 20 per cen t lin e of c re d it to each co rp o ratio n m ig h t in som e cases
be eq u iv alen t in its effect to e x ten d in g a 40 p er c en t lin e of c re d it to one cor­
poration, yet we are satisfied th a t th e sta tu te does n o t au th o rize in te rfe re n c e by
th e b an k in g com m issioner w hen th e 20 per cent line to each corp o ratio n is n o t ex­
ceeded. T he s itu a tio n is one th a t m ig h t p ro p erly be b ro u g h t to th e a tte n tio n
of th e leg islatu re.
V ery resp e c tfu lly yours,
(S ig n ed ) J no. E. B ird,
A ttorn ey General.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis




M arch 16, 1910.
Hon. H en ry M. Z im m erm ann, C om m issioner of th e B an k in g D ep artm en t, L an sin g ,
M ichigan:
D ear S ir -I am in rec e ip t of yo u r com m u n icatio n of th e 14th ultim o, re q u e st­
in g m y opinion on th e follow ing p ro p o sitio n :
“If in case of th e im p a irm e n t of th e cap ital of one of o u r S ta te banks, in lieu
of an assessm ent, a p ro m isso ry n ote w ere given by th e d ire c to rs to th e hank,
p ledging th e ir perso n al re sp o n sib ility to its pay m en t, b u t w ith th e ex cep tatio n
th a t th e stockholders w ill au th o riz e its re tire m e n t from th e e a rn in g s of th e bank,
could th e m ak ers of th e n o te in case of th e e a rn in g s of th e b an k fa ilin g to sa tisfy
it avoid p ay m en t on th e g ro u n d of no co n sid e ratio n ? ”
R eplying th e re to w ould say th a t section 6135 of th e Com piled Laws, being
section 46 of th e act pro v id in g for th e in co rp o ratio n of ban k s in th is S tate, in
p a rt, read s as follow s:
“The stockholders of every b an k sh a ll be in d iv id u a lly liable, equally and r a t a ­
bly, and not one for a n o th er, for th e benefit of th e d epositors in said b an k to th e
am o u n t of th e ir stock a t th e p a r v alue th ereo f, in a d d itio n to th e said sto ck .”
As a g eneral p ro p o sitio n th e d ire c to rs of a b an k organized u n d e r th e G eneral
B an k in g Law of th is S ta te a re n o t liable w h ere th e cap ita l h as been im p aired
except as stockholders, and u n d e r th e p ro v isio n above quoted th is lia b ility of th e
stockholders is “equally and rata b ly , an d n o t one for a n o th e r.” F o r th e p u rpose
of. avoiding liq u id a tio n u n d e r c ircu m stan ces such as you have o utlined, th e com­
m issio n er of th e b a n k in g d e p a rtm e n t is clothed w ith c e rta in d isc re tio n a ry pow ers
to approve of such actio n on th e p a rt of th e d ire c to rs or sto ck h o ld ers as w ill
m ake good such im p a irm e n t and fully p ro tect th e depositors and cred ito rs of th e
bank, b u t such im p a irm e n t c a n n o t be m ade good u n d e r th e law by an y tr a n s ­
actio n in th e n a tu re of a loan, as such a tra n sa c tio n w ould in crease th e lia b ilitie s
of th e b ank to an a m o u n t equal to th e sum received. In o th e r w ords, a d ire c to r
or stockholder m ay m ake good th e im p a irm e n t of th e cap ital of a S ta te b an k in
lieu of an assessm en t or for th e purpose of avoid in g liq u id atio n , b u t th e re can
be no co n tin g en t lia b ility th e re fo r on th e p a rt of th e bank. No actio n should be
approved by th e com m issioner of th e b a n k in g d e p a rtm e n t w hich w ould leave u n ­
c e rta in th e cap ital of a b an k in th is p a rtic u la r.
I t is m y opinion th a t th e course suggested in your com m unication is n o t in
h arm o n y w ith th e s p irit an d in te n t of th e G eneral B an k in g L aw of th is S tate,
and p a rtic u la rly those provisions designed fo r th e p rotection of depositors an d
cre d ito rs thereof.
R esp ectfu lly yours,


J no. E. B ird,
A tto rn ey General.


O ctober 12, 1910.
H on. H en ry M. Z im m erm ann, C om m issioner of th e B a n k in g D ep artm en t, Capitol,
L an sin g :
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



a foreign tr u s t com pany or a dom estic co rp o ratio n , p a rtn e rsh ip or in d iv id u a l n o t
su b ject to su p erv isio n of th e b a n k in g d e p a rtm e n t be such d epository?
T he s ta tu to ry pro v isio n s involved in th e q u estio n s above su b m itted a re S ection
9 of A ct 240, P ublic A cts of 1907, w hich re a d s as follow s:
“A ny co rp o ratio n organized u n d e r th is ac t sh a ll have pow er to conduct a
safety deposit busin ess for th e safe k eeping of any perso n al p roperty, and p ro ­
vide proper v au lts and prem ises for th e sam e; an d sh a ll also have pow er to re ­
ceive or deposit, in tru s t, an y p erso n al p ro p e rty deposited w ith it by in d iv id u als,
p a rtn e rsh ip s or corp o ratio n s, as co lla te ra l se c u rity for th e p ay m en t of bonds, or
o th er o bligations issued by such in d iv id u als, p a rtn e rsh ip s or co rp o ratio n s, and to
e n te r in to and execute an y in s tru m e n ts in w ritin g n ecessary and pro p er to c a rry
such tr u s ts into effect.”
Also subdivision 1 of Section 27 of th e B an k in g Law w hich au th o riz e s S ta te
b an k s to loan and in v est sav in g s deposits as follow s:
“Upon notes or bonds secured by m o rtg ag e lie n upon u n in cu m b ered re a l e sta te
w o rth a t least double th e a m o u n t lo an ed ; th e re m a in d e r of such deposits m ay be
in vested in notes, hills or other evidences of debt th e p ay m en t of w hich is secured
by deposit w ith th e b an k of collateral security consisting of personal property
or securities of know n m a rk e ta b le valu e w o rth te n p er cen t m ore th a n th e a m o u n t
so loaned and in te re s t for th e tim e of th e lo a n ; pr m ay be inv ested in notes, Mils
or other evidences of debt th e p a y m en t of w hich is secured by such property or
securities deposited in a co llateral d eposit com pany o rganized u n d er th e law s of
th is S ta te .”
Also th e proviso of Section 52 of th e B a n k in g Law, w hich is as follow s:
“P rovided, how ever, T h a t th e foregoing lim ita tio n s sh all n o t ap p ly to loans
on real estate or other collateral securities authorized by th is act an d deposited
w ith th e hank or a safety and collateral deposit company o rganized u n d e r th e law s
of th is S ta te .”
I t is a p p a re n t th a t th e proviso to S ection 52 can fu rn ish no assista n c e in dete rm in g th e scope of th e p ro v isio n s of S ubdivision I of Section 27 by reaso n of th e
g en eral ru le of s ta tu to ry c o n stru c tio n th a t a proviso does n o t e n larg e th e scope
of th e en actin g section.
S u th e rla n d ’s S ta tu to ry C onstru ctio n , Sec. 352.
I t is also a p p a re n t th a t “no tes or bonds secured by m o rtg ag e lien, etc.,” a re n o t
included am ong th e se c u ritie s w hich a re au th o riz e d to be deposited in a col­
la te ra l deposit com pany u n d e r th e te rm s of said S ubdivision I of S ection 27 above
quoted unless it can be said th a t such “no tes or bonds secured m y m o rtg ag e
lie n ” are also included in “notes, bills or o th er evidences of debt th e p ay m en t of
w hich is secured by deposit w ith th e b an k of co lla te ra l se c u rity co n sistin g of
personal p ro p erty or se c u ritie s of know n m a rk e ta b le value, etc.” W e a re of th e
opinion th ey are n o t so included. I t is our view th a t th e second clause of Sub­
division I, being th a t la s t above quoted, re fe rs to notes, b ills or evidences of
debt w hich are secured by th e d eposit of p erso n al c h a tte ls or se c u ritie s such as
p rom issory notes, bonds or o th e r evidences of debt th e title of w hich passes by
th e m ere act of delivery. T his w ould, of course, exclude re a l e sta te m ortgages.
We th e refo re hold th a t re a l e sta te m o rtg ag es m ay n o t be deposited w ith col­
la te ra l deposit com panies organized u n d e r th e p ro v isio n s of A ct 240, P u b lic A cts
of 1907 and p a rtic ip a tio n s th e re in sold to sav in g s b an k s as in v estm en ts.
T he first clause of S ubd iv isio n I of section 27 of th e B an k in g L aw au th o riz e s
ban k s to loan sav in g s deposits “upon no tes or bonds secured by m o rtg ag e lien
upon unincum bered re a l e sta te w o rth a t le a st double th e a m o u n t lo an ed .” T h ere
is n o th in g in th e B a n k in g Law d ire c tly re q u irin g re a l e sta te m o rtg ag es to be
ta k e n in th e nam e of th e b an k w hen such lo an s a re m ade. W e a re co n strain e d ,
how ever, to hold th a t th e law co n tem p lates th a t th e b an k sh a ll hold th e title
to such securities. I t is essen tial th a t th e b a n k in g d e p a rtm e n t in m ak in g a n
ex am in atio n of th e affairs of th e b an k have a n o p p o rtu n ity to ex am in e th e m ortupon w hich such notes or bonds are p redicated in o rd er th a t th e depart-
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

x liii


m en t m ay know th e n a tu re of th e in s tru m e n t, th e d escrip tio n of th e p ro p e rty and
such o th er facts as w ill enable it to d ete rm in e w h e th e r th e loan is p ro p er u n d e r
th e provisions of th e sta tu te .
W here, how ever, such re a l e sta te m o rtg ag e is placed in a tr u s t com pany o rg a n ­
ized u n d e r th e M ichigan law s and over w hich th e b a n k in g com m issioner h a s
adeq u ate superv isio n , we th in k th e com m issioner w ould he a c tin g w ith in th e
s p irit of th e law if he p e rm itte d th e m o rtg ag e to be ta k e n in th e nam e of such
tr u s t com pany an d deposited w ith it allow ing th e b a n k s to loan upon p a rtic ip a t­
in g notes in such m ortgage. We do not, how ever, believe th a t a b an k w ould be
au th o rized to in v e st in p a rtic ip a tin g no tes secured by a m o rtg ag e h eld by a
fo reig n tr u s t com pany or by a dom estic c o rp o ratio n o th e r th a ii a tr u s t com­
pany, a p a rtn e rsh ip or in d iv id u a l for th e reaso n th a t th e b a n k in g com m issioner
w ould have no a u th o rity u n d e r th e law to ex am in e th e m o rtg ag e in such cases
and th u s d eterm in e th e p ropriety of the loan.
W e are fu r th e r of th e opinion th a t Section 9 of A ct 240, P u b lic A cts of 1907
does n o t a u th o riz e a c o llateral deposit com pany to be th e ow ner or tru s te e of
a real estate m ortgage, b u t lim its its a u th o rity to th a t of a c tin g as tru s te e of
personal p ro p erty and co llateral such as w ould pass by m an u al delivery.
V ery re sp e c tfu lly yours,
(S ig n ed ) F r a n z C. K u h n ,
A ttorn ey General.


D ecem ber 7, 1910.
H on. H en ry M. Z im m erm an, C om m issioner of B anking, Capitol, L an sin g :
D ear S ir—In response to y our re q u e st for a n opinion upon th e q u estio n of
w h eth er or n o t p riv a te banks, so-called, m ay be d esig n ated as d ep o sito ries of
county funds, u n d e r th e p ro v isio n s of A ct 99, P u b lic A cts of 1909, I d esire to
say th a t th e ac t in th is title an d p ro v isio n s re fe rs to th e d esig n atio n of “a b an k
or b a n k s” as dep o sito ries w ith o u t specifying w h e th e r p riv a te or in co rp o rated
ban k s w ere inten d ed .
I am of th e opinion th a t th e s ta tu te should n o t be co n stru ed to include p riv a te
banks. G enerally, w hen referen ce is m ade to a b an k th is m ean s an in co rp o rated
b an k and n o t a p riv a te bank. F o r exam ple, w hen a n ote is m ade payable a t an y
b an k in a city, th is is h eld to m ean an in s titu tio n in co rp o rated for b a n k in g
purposes and does n o t include a p riv a te bank.
W ay v. B u tte rw o rth , 106 Mass. 75;
W ay v. B u tte rw o rth , 108 Mass. 509.
T he le g isla tu re h a s passed a law p ro v id in g for th e in c o rp o ra tio n and o rg a n iz a ­
tio n of ban k s and m a k in g th em su b ject to th e S ta te su pervision. U nder th a t
law , as u n d er th e fed eral law p ro v id in g for th e o rg an iz a tio n of n a tio n a l banks,
th e stockholders are liab le in double th e a m o u n t of th e stock held by them . I t
bank, it m eans an
seem s to me th a t w hen referen ce is m ade in th e sta tu te
law s. A p riv a te
in co rp o rated b an k organized u n d e r th e S ta te or n a tio n a l '
L aw s
b anker, so-called, conducts h is b u sin ess u n d e r C h ap ter
of 1897, th e sam e b eing a n ac t re la tiv e to b ro k ers
law p ro h ib its th e p riv a te b a n k e r from a d v e rtisin g
ing to convey th e im p ressio n th a t th e place of
If he ad v ertise s, he m u st use h is in d iv id u a l nam
“b an k in g office” or “exchange office.”
I do n o t th in k th e place of b u sin ess of one cc
b an k w ith in th e m ean in g of A ct 99, P u b lic A cts o |
A som ew hat sim ila r questio n w as before th e cou
D uQ uoin v. K elly, 176 111. 218. An o rd in an ce w as
th e tr e a s u re r to keep th e city fu n d s in a re g u la rly o’
th a t th e ordin an ce contem plated a b an k organized \
b a n k in g law an d n o t a p riv a te b an k ow ned by a n in d i
“We a re of th e opinion th a t th e te rm ‘re g u la rly o rg a^
and V illage a c t m eans a b an k organized u n d e r e ith e r tli
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



of C ongress, and th a t it w as n o t in ten d ed by th e le g isla tu re th a t a city officer
who h as given bond for th e safek eep in g of th e fu n d s in h is h a n d s should be
re q u ired to deposit th em in a p riv a te bank. T h ere w ould seem to be no m ore
reaso n for th a t th a n th e re w ould be fo r tu rn in g th e fu n d s over to a p riv a te
in d ividual. I t is tru e, p rovision is m ade th a t such b a n k e r or b a n k e rs sh all give
bond; b u t we do n o t th in k th is a lte rs th e case.”
I believe as w as said by th e c o u rt in th is case, th a t th e re is no m ore a u th o rity
for d epositing th e public fu n d s in a p riv a te b an k th a n th e re is fo r lo an in g th em
o u t to an in d iv id u al, and th e fa c t th a t se c u rity is re q u ire d to be given m akes no
I am of th e opinion, th ere fo re , th a t th e B oard of S u p erv iso rs can n o t law fu lly
d esig n ate a p riv a te b a n k as a d e p o sito ry of co u n ty funds, u n d e r th e p ro v isio n s
of A ct 99, P ublic A cts of 1909.
V ery resp e c tfu lly yours,
(S ig n ed ) F r a n z C. K u h n ,
A tto rn ey General.

J a n u a r y 19, 1911.
Hon. W. D onovan, D eputy B a n k in g C om m issioner, C apitol, L an sin g :
D ear S ir—W e are in re c e ip t of y our le tte r of J a n u a ry 11th, callin g o u r a t­
te n tio n to Section 6127 of th e Com piled Laws, as am ended by A ct 103 of th e
P ublic A cts of 1909, re la tiv e to th e sa la rie s of b an k ex am in ers a n d re q u e stin g th e
opinion of th is d e p a rtm e n t as to th e sa la rie s th ese ex a m in e rs w ill he e n title d to
receive w hen th ey receive com m issions from th e new ly appointed com m issioner.
The language of th e s ta tu te in q u estio n is as follow s:
“S alaries of th e ex am in ers sh a ll be th e sum of $1,700 p er a n n u m d u rin g th e
first y ear of th e ir em ploym ent and sh all be in creased $100 each y ear of such
em ploym ent u n til th e full sum of $2,000 is reached, w hich sum sh all he th e ir
a n n u a l sa la ry th e re a fte r.”
T his am en d m en t took effect on S eptem ber 1, 1909. I t is th e g en eral ru le of
s ta tu to ry c o n stru ctio n th a t s ta tu te s a re p resu m ed to he p rospective only in th e ir
o p eratio n and w ill be re tro a c tiv e only w hen th e leg islativ e in te n t is clear. T h ere
is certa in ly n o th in g in th is am en d m en t w hich in d icates a leg islativ e in te n t to
m ake it retro activ e. I t is, th ere fo re , o u r view th a t no m a tte r w h at len g th of
tim e an ex am in er had served, he w as n o t e n title d to a n in crease in pay u n til a
service of one y ear a fte r S eptem ber 1, 1909. E x a m in e rs who have been in service
co n tin u o u sly since Septem ber 1, 1909, w ould be en title d , upon receiv in g th e ir
new com m ission, to receive a sa la ry of $1,800 u n til S eptem ber 1, 1911, w hen th ey
w ould be e n title d to receive a sa la ry of $1,900, an d so on. Those who have been
appointed ex am in ers since th a t tim e w ould, of course, be e n title d to a n in crease
based on th e tim e o f ^ r - v ic e , w hen th e y have com pleted a y e a r’s service in th e
d ep artm en t.
V ery resp e c tfu lly yours,
(S ig n ed ) F r a n z C. K u h n ,
A ttorn ey General.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis


10335-8, COMPILED
M arch 10, 1911.

m issio n er of th e B a n k in g D ep artm en t, Capitol, Lanof F e b ru a ry 25th, you sta te th a t th e ............... B ank of
e n tly so u g h t to enforce its rig h ts, u n d e r S ection 6090
f 1897, by a sale of sh a re s of its own b an k stock, w hich
held by Chicago p a rtie s as co lla te ra l to a loan m ade by



them . T his sale w as m ade by th e sheriff, by o rd er of th e c o u rt an d stock bid in
by th e ................... B ank. T he Chicago p a rtie s refu sed to su rre n d e r th e stock in

Question, and you inquire by what authority, under the statute, can the officers
of the bank cancel the old outstanding issue and a new issue of stock be made
which, when sold, will reimburse the bank for the amount which they have al­
ready applied on the stockholders’ obligation, as noted above.
Since receiving th is com m u n icatio n we have received a copy of th e proceedings
u n d er w hich th e sh eriff’s sale, above re fe rre d to w as m ade. I t ap p ears th a t th is
sale w as n o t m ade p u rs u a n t to th e a u th o rity co n ferred by th e G eneral B an k in g
Law, Section 6090, to w hich you re fe r in y our le tte r, b u t w as m ad e p u rs u a n t to an
ag reem en t confessing ju d g m en t, w hich seem s to be in com pliance w ith Section
10299 of th e Compiled L aw s of 1897. The sale of stock w as th e n m ade p u rs u a n t
to a u th o rity con ferred by S ections 10335 to 10338 of th e C om piled L aw s of 1897.
Section 10338 provides:
“And th e p u rc h a se r (a t such execution sale) shall th ereu p o n be en title d to a
certificate or certificates of th e sh a re s b o ught by him , upon p ay in g th e fees th e re ­
for, an d for reco rd in g th e tr a n s fe r .”
I t is clear from th e above s ta tu to ry p rovision th a t th e b an k h as a u th o rity to
issue to itse lf new certificates to ta k e th e place of those sold upon th e execution
an d p u rs u a n t to th e a u th o rity conferred upon it by th e G eneral B a n k in g L aw
w ould have a u th o rity to sell these sh a re s so issued w ith in th e s ta tu to ry period.
V ery resp e c tfu lly yours,
(S ig n ed ) F ranz C. Kuh n ,
A ttorn ey General.


May 24, 1911.
Hon. E d w ard H. Doyle, C om m issioner of th e B a n k in g D ep artm en t, C apitol, L a n ­
D ear S ir l o u sta te in y our le tte r of A p ril 20th th a t th e b a n k in g d e p a rtm e n t
h as ru led th a t th e sev eral sections of th e b a n k in g law re la tin g to sto ck h o ld ers
req u ire th e in d iv id u al ow nership of cap ital stock of sta te b an k s; th a t in re c e n t
rep o rts to th e d ep a rtm e n t i t appears th a t in n u m erous in stan ces cap ital stock of
s ta te ban k s is ow ned by firms, c o p a rtn ersh ip s, co rp o ratio n s an d tw o or m ore in ­
d iv id u als jo in tly . You in q u ire w h eth er such a h o ld in g is legal.
In rep ly th e re to w ill say th a t it is o u r view th a t tw o or m ore in d iv id u a ls have
th e a u th o rity to hold b an k stock jo in tly , also th a t c o p a rtn e rsh ip s have th e sam e
rig h t.
The q uestion of th e rig h t of a co rp o ratio n to ta k e an d hold sto ck in a b an k is
dependent upon th e s ta tu te p ro v id in g fo r th e o rg an iz a tio n of such c o rp o ratio n
and th e m an n er in w hich th e stock is acquired. The ru le is th u s sta te d in C lark
and M arshall on C orporations, page 523:
“A corporation h as no pow er to subscribe for or p u rch ase sh a re s of stock in
a n o th e r co rp o ratio n un less such pow er is expressly granted or u n less th e th e n a ­
tu r e of th e co rp o ratio n and th e c ircu m stan ces u n d e r w hich th e stock is acquired
a re such as to re n d e r th e tra n sa c tio n a n ecessary or reaso n ab le m ean s of c a rry in g
out th e object for w hich it w as created or of accom plishing som e p u rpose w hich
is au th o rized by its c h a rte r.”
W ith o u t m ak in g an ex ten siv e e x am in atio n in to th e ac ts p ro v id in g fo r th e c rea­
tio n of th e d ifferen t classes of c o rp o ratio n s doing b u sin ess in th is sta te , w ill say
th a t in th e g re a t m a jo rity of cases th e a ct p ro v id in g for th e o rg an izatio n of such
co rp o ratio n s does n o t a u th o riz e th e p u rc h a sin g an d h o ld in g of sh a re s in o th e r
co rporations, and u n d er th e g en eral ru le above sta te d such co rp o ratio n s w ould
have no a u th o rity to p u rch ase and hold sh a re s in b an k s u n less such sh a re s w ere
tak en in a m a n n e r th a t could be said to be reaso n ab ly n ecessary to th e c a rry ­
in g out of th e objects fo r w hich th e co rp o ratio n w as created. No in sta n c e occurs
to us w here it could be said to be n ecessary for a co rp o ratio n to p u rch ase and
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis


x lv i

hold sh a re s of stock in a sta te h a n k except as such stock m ig h t he ta k e n in
p ay m en t of debts in good fa ith ow ing to th e corporation.
S ection 50 of th e C om piled L aw s re la tiv e to th e c o n stru c tio n of s ta tu te s p ro ­
“T he w ord ‘p e rso n ’ m ay extend an d be applied to bodies p o litic an d co rp o rate
as w ell as to in d iv id u a ls.”
R eference m u st be h ad to th e p ro v isio n s of th e a ct of in c o rp o ra tio n of th e
co rp o ratio n hold in g th e b an k stock an d a d e te rm in a tio n m u s t be m ade of th e
purpose for w hich such stock w as p u rch ased in o rd er to se ttle th e q u estio n of th e
rig h t of th e co rp o ratio n to ta k e an d hold such stock.
V ery re sp e c tfu lly yours,
(S ig n ed ) F r a n z C. K u h n ,
A tto rn ey General.


M ay 24, 1911.
H on. E d w ard H. Doyle, C om m issioner of th e B an k in g D ep artm en t, C apitol, L a n ­
sing, M ich ig an :
D ear S ir—W e are in re c e ip t of yo u r le tte r of M ay 20tli, in w hich you sta te as
follow s: A sta te b an k re c e n tly p u rch ased th e a ssets of a n o th e r sta te bank,
am ong w hich w ere c e rta in bonds com ing w ith in th e p rovisions of subdivisions
(e ) , (f) and ( g ) , of Section 27 of th e B an k in g Law , w hich h ad n o t been ap­
proved by th e Securities Com m ission. T hese a ssets h ad been p e rm itte d to be
held by th e selling b an k by reason of th e fact th a t th ey w ere in v e stm e n ts p rio r
to th e ta k in g effect of th e a m en d m en ts to Section 27 m ade by A ct 262 of th e
P ublic A cts of 1905. The p u rc h a sin g b ank contends th a t because th e d e p a rt­
m en t p erm itted th em to be held by th e sellin g bank, it should also au th o rize
th e p u rch asin g b an k to hold th e sam e u n til m a tu rity . You su b m it th e in q u iry
as to w h eth er th e p u rc h a sin g b an k should be allow ed to c a rry such se cu rities as
legal savings investm en ts.
In reply th ereto w ould say th a t it is o u r opinion th a t th e p u rc h a sin g b an k
should be held to th e p lain req u ire m e n ts of Section 27, and th a t th e fa c t th a t
th e secu rities m entio n ed w ere p urchased fro m a n o th e r sav in g s b an k w ould n o t
ju s tify you in p e rm ittin g th e b an k p u rc h a sin g sam e to c a rry th em as legal sav ­
in g s investm ents. In th is connection it m ay be pro p er to say th a t Section 27
req u ires fifteen p er cen t of th e deposits to be k e p t on h a n d as a reserve, in
cash or reserve banks, three-fifths of th e re m a in d e r of th e deposits a re req u ired
to be invested in sec u ritie s m entioned in subdivisions (a ) to (i) inclu siv e of
Section 27. You w ill note th a t subdivison (i) provides th a t:
“A po rtio n of said re m a in d e r n o t exceeding th e cap ital and ad d itio n a l sto ck ­
h o ld e rs’ lia b ility m ay be in vested in negotiable p ap er approved by th e b o ard of
d irecto rs.”
T his w ould au th o rize a sav in g s b an k to c a rry an am o u n t of negotiable bonds
or o th er negotiable p ap er up to th e am o u n t nam ed in th e above quoted p ro ­
vision, even tho u g h such bonds or o th er negotiable paper had no t received th e
ap p ro v al of th e S ecu rities Com m ission.
V ery resp ectfu lly yours,
(S ig n e d )
F r a n z C. K u h n ,
A ttorn ey General.


Ju n e 29, 1911.
H on. E. H. Doyle, C om m issioner of B anking, C apitol, L an sin g :
D ear S ir—R eplyin g to y our le tte r of Ju n e 15th, re la tiv e to th e first m ortgage
six p er cent bonds of th e O regon-W ashington T im ber C om pany, for w hich th e
U nion T ru st Com pany of D etro it, an d th e M ississippi V alley T ru st Com pany of
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis


x lv ii

St. Louis, a re co-trustees, w ill say th a t we th in k th is m o rtg ag e comes w ith in our
ru lin g of October 15, 1910, to th e effect th a t if th e bonds possess th e o th er
req u isite qualifications for in v estm en t fo r sav in g s banks, you w ould be w a rra n te d
in p e rm ittin g savings banks to in v est th e re in .
V ery resp ectfu lly yours,
(S ig n ed ) F r a n z C. K u h n ,
A ttorney General.


A ugust 23, 1911.
H on. E. H. Doyle, C om m issioner of B a n k in g D ep artm en t, Capitol, L an sin g , M ichi­
D ear S ir— I am in receip t of y our com m unication of th e 28th ultim o, callin g
a tte n tio n to Section 9 of th e F ed eral Act p ro v id in g fo r th e e stab lish m en t of postal
savings banks in th e U nited S tates an d also to Section 32 of th e G eneral B an k ­
in g L aw of th is state.
Section 9 of th e F e d e ra l Act re fe rre d to provides fo r th e deposit of p ostal sa v ­
in g s funds in solvent b an k s w h eth er organized u n d er th e n a tio n a l or sta te law s
and contains th e follow ing prov isio n s:
“The board of tru ste e s sh all tak e fro m such b an k s such se c u rity in public bonds
o r o th er secu rities, su pported by th e ta x in g pow er, as th e board m ay p rescribe,
approve, an d deem sufficient an d necessary to in su re th e safety and p ro m p t p ay ­
m en t of such deposits on dem and.”
Section 32 of th e G eneral B an k in g L aw of th is sta te , in p a rt, read s as follow s:
“No b an k or b an k officer sh all give preference to a n y depositor or cred ito r by
pledging th e assets of th e b a n k as c o llateral secu rity .”
You w ish to know if M ichigan sta te banks a re p ro h ib ited from p ledging m u­
nicip al bonds to secure such postal savings b an k deposits.
If th e p lan to w hich you re fe r is c a rrie d ou t it w ould re s u lt in a sta te b an k
pledging its secu rities, w hich are a p o rtio n of its assets, as a co llateral se c u rity
fo r th e deposit of po stal savings funds. In th e ev en t of a fa ilu re of a sta te
b an k u n d e r such conditions, it w ould operate as giv in g such deposits a p referen ce
over th e g eneral deposits in th e bank, w hich, in m y opinion, is clearly p ro ­
h ib ited by th e language quoted from Section 32.
I th erefo re advise you th a t th e assets of a sta te b an k can n o t be law fu lly pledged
as se c u rity for such deposits.
R espectfully yours,
(S ig n ed ) F r a n z C. K u h n ,
A ttorn ey General.


O ctober 14, 1911.
Hon. E d w ard H. Doyle, C om m issioner of th e B an k in g D ep artm en t, Capitol, L a n ­
sing, M ich ig an :
D ear S ir— In your le tte r of Septem ber 30th you su b m it th e follow ing in q u iries:
“ In case of an im p a irm e n t of th e cap ital stock of a sta te b a n k to an am o u n t
in excess of its to ta l cap ital, h as th e board of d irecto rs th e a u th o rity to order,
upon th e req u isitio n of th e C om m issioner of th e B a n k in g D ep artm en t, to m ake
good such deficiency, an assessm en t upon th e cap ital stock of such b a n k for an
am o u n t exceeding 100 p er cent of such stock?
A fter h av in g paid an assessm en t of 100 p er cent in accordance w ith th e p re se n t
b an k in g law , in case of an im p a irm e n t ascerta in e d subsequently by th e depart-
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

x lv iii


m ent, could a fu rth e r assessm en t be levied by th e directors, upon re q u isitio n of
th e com m issioner, fo r th e purpose of m ak in g good such deficiency?
W ould the paym en t by stockholders of assessm en ts such as above indicated,
lessen th e ir liab ility in case of th e liq u id atio n or insolvency of th e b an k ?”
T he s ta tu to ry provisions involved in these in q u iries a re Section 46 of th e B an k ­
in g Law , w hich provides as follow s:
“The stockholders of every b ank sh all he in d iv id u ally liable, equally and ratab ly ,
an d n o t one for an o th er, fo r th e benefit of th e d epositories in said b ank to tlie
am o u n t of th e ir stock a t th e p a r valu e th ereo f, in a d d itio n to th e said stock:
b u t persons holding stock as executors, a d m in istra to rs, g u a rd ia n s or tru ste e s, and
persons holding stock as c o llateral secu rity , sh all n o t be p ersonally liable as
stockholders, b u t th e assets a n d fu n d s in th e ir h an d s c o n stitu tin g th e tr u s t shall
be liable to th e sam e e x te n t as th e te sta to r, in te sta te , w ard or persons in te re ste d
in such tr u s t funds w ould he, if liv in g or com petent to act, and th e person p ledg­
in g such stock shall he deemed th e stockholder and liable u n d er th is section.
Such lia b ility m ay be enforced in a su it a t law or in eq u ity by an y such b ank
in process of liquid atio n , or by a n y receiver, or o th e r officer succeeding to th e
legal rig h ts of said b an k .”
Also Section 42 of Act 1 of th e P u b lic A cts of 1911, w hich provides, in p a rt,
as follow s:
■ “W henever it shall ap p ear from th e re p o rt of a n y bank, or th e com m issioner
shall have reason to believe th a t th e cap ital of any b an k is im p aired or reduced
below the am o u n t req u ired by law , it sh all be th e d u ty of th e com m issioner and
he shall have th e pow er to ex am ine th e said b an k and a sc e rta in th e facts, and
in case he finds such im p a irm e n t or red u ctio n of capital, he sh all req u ire such
b ank to m ake good th e deficiency so a p p earin g w ith in six ty days a fte r th e date
of such requisition. The d irecto rs of every such b an k upon w hich such re q u isi­
tion shall h ave been m ade sh all levy an assessm en t upon th e stock th ereo f to
re p a ir such deficiency, and sh all cause notice of such req u isitio n to be given
to each stockholder of th e h an k an d of th e am o u n t of th e assessm en t w hich he
m u st pay for th e purpose of m ak in g good such deficiency, by a w ritte n or p rin te d
notice m ailed to such stockholder a t h is last know n place of residence or served
p erso n ally upon h im .”
These tw o sections a re p lain ly in ten d ed to subserve e n tire ly d ifferen t p u r­
poses. Section 46 re fe rs only to cases w here th e b an k is in process of liq u id a­
tio n and lim its th e a m o u n t of th e assessm en t w hich m ay he m ade upon th e
stockholders for th a t purpose to 100 p er cent. Section 42, above quoted, is for
th e purpose of p re v e n tin g th e b an k from going in to liq u id atio n and m a in ta in ­
ing it as a going concern. The lan g u ag e used is e q u iv alen t to say in g to the
stockholders, “The cap ital of your b an k is im p aired , you m u st m ake it good or
it w ill be obliged to go in to liq u id atio n a t th e h an d s of a receiv er.”
It is our view th a t th e tw o sections have no re la tio n to each o th er and th a t
u n d er Section 42 of A ct 1 of th e P ublic A cts of 1911, th e C om m issioner h as a
rig h t to o rd er th e h an k to m ake good an im p a irm e n t of an y am o u n t, w h e th e r
less th a n or in excess of 100 p er cent. I am also of th e opinion th a t in case an
assessm ent had been levied p u rs u a n t to Section 42 to m ake good an im p a ir­
m ent, a fu rth e r assessm en t or assessm en ts could be m ade to m eet fu tu re c o n tin ­
gencies. I am fu rth e r of th e opinion th a t p ay m en t by stockholders of assess­
m ents u nder Section 42 w ould in no w ay lessen th e ir lia b ility to an assessm ent
by th e receiver in case of th e liq u id atio n or insolvency of th e bank.
V ery resp ectfu lly yours,
(S ig n ed ) F e a n z C. K u iix ,
A ttorn ey General.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis




October 20, 1911.
H on. E d w ard H. Doyle, C om m issioner of th e B an k in g D ep artm en t, Lansing*
M ichigan:
D ear S ir—We a re in receip t of your le tte r of October 13th, enclosing le tte r
from th e ........................ B ank. You in q u ire w h eth er or not in d iv id u als m ay pledge
bonds w ith th e board of tru ste e s a t W ashington, D. C., for th e purpose of h av ­
in g a sta te b ank in w hich th ey are in te re ste d designated as a depository fo r
postal savings funds.
In reply th e re to w ill say th a t th e re is n o th in g in th e G eneral B an k in g L aw
w hich w ould p ro h ib it stockholders or officers of a sta te bank from pledging:
th e ir personal secu rities in ord er to obtain for th e b ank th e benefits w hich m ig h t
accrue from its being m ade a depository for postal savings funds. Such a pledge
of secu rities w ould in no m an n er affect th e assets of th e b an k or th e perso n al
liab ility of th e stockholders.
We are of th e opinion th a t it w ould not be a v iolation of th e B an k in g L aw fo r
th e stockholders, d irectors or o th er persons in te re ste d in a sta te b an k to pledgesecurities, n o t a p a rt of the assets of th e bank, as secu rity for deposits of p o sta l
savings funds.
The le tte r from th e ..................... B ank is h erew ith re tu rn e d .
Y ours respectfully,


F ranz

C. Kuh n ,

A tto rn ey General.


October 28, 1911.
H on. Edw ard. H. Doyle, C om m issioner of th e B a n k in g D ep artm en t, L ansing*
M ich ig an :
D ear S ir—We have h ad u n d e r co n sid eratio n y our le tte r of October 13th, iir
w hich you su b m it th e follow ing in q u irie s :
“Can a corporatio n organized u n d e r Act No. 108 of th e P ublic A cts of 1889*
as am ended, actin g as tru ste e u n d er an issue of bonds covering p ro p e rty lo­
cated in p a rt in M ichigan, and in p a rt in one or m ore o th e r states, deposits its
bonds or m ortgages w ith a sta te d e p a rtm e n t or official, in e ith e r one o r all o f
th e sta te s in w hich th e p ro p erty is located in o rd er th e re in to legally qu alify an d
act as such tru ste e ? W ould th e dep o sitin g of such assets be considered as giv­
in g preference to one cred ito r over an o th e r, as m entioned in Section 34 of said
You have also su b m itted a le tte r of L ouis H. W ith ey em bodying h is view s
relativ e to th e question involved. U nder date of October 17th a le tte r from M essrs.
B utterfield & K enney, atto rn ey s-at-law , G rand R apids, M ichigan, c o n ta in in g a
discussion of these q uestions w as received by th is D ep artm en t.
The s ta tu te of Illin o is re g a rd in g th is deposit is Sections 129 to 147 of th e R e­
vised S tatu tes of Illin o is fo r 1909. I t is clear u n d e r th e decision of th e U nited
S tates Suprem e C ourt in B lake vs. McClung, 172 U. S. 239, th a t th e d ep o sit o f
secu rities m ade w ith th e S tate A u d ito r of Illin o is could n o t be used for th e p u r­
pose of g iving preference to c red ito rs of a tr u s t com pany re sid in g in Illin o is.
On th e o th er hand, a M ichigan tr u s t com pany could n o t be a d m itte d to do a
tr u s t com pany business in Illin o is even to th e e x te n t of en fo rcin g an active tr u s t
p a rtia lly in Illin o is an d p a rtia lly in M ichigan w ith o u t m ak in g th is deposit.
F a rm e rs’ L oan Com pany v. E lev ated Ry. C om pany, 173 111. 439.
Section 6179 of th e Compiled L aw s of 1897 provides as follow s:
“All tra n s fe rs of notes, bonds, b ills of exchange, or o th e r evidences of d ebt
ow ing to an y such corp o ratio n , or of deposit to its cred it, all a ssig n m en ts o f
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



m ortgages or o th e r se c u rity on re a l estate, or ju d g m en ts, or decrees in its favor,
or deposits of m oney, b ills or o th er valu ab le th in g s fo r its use, or fo r th e use
of its stockholders or cred ito rs, all p ay m en ts of m oney, e ith e r a fte r th e com­
m ission of an ac t or insolvency, or in contem plation thereof, w ith a view to
p rev en t application of its a sse ts in th e m an n er p rescribed in th is act, or w ith a
view to th e preferen ce of one cre d ito r over a n o th er, sh a ll be held to be n u ll and
The in te re st upon deposits of se cu rities m ade p u rs u a n t to th e Illin o is sta tu te
is paid to th e depositing com pany as long as it re m ain s solvent. We a re unable
to see how th e m ak in g of th is deposit u n d e r the s ta tu te of Illin o is an d th e de­
cision of the Suprem e C o u rt of th e U nited S tates, h erein b efo re re fe rre d to, c o n sti­
tu te an y preference to Illin o is c red ito rs in v iolation of th e provisions of Sec­
tio n 6179 of th e Compiled Law s.
W e are of th e opinion th a t it w ould not be in v io latio n of th e provisions of
A ct 108 of th e P ublic A cts of 1889 for a M ichigan tr u s t com pany to m ake a de­
posit of secu rities w ith th e A u d ito r of th e S tate of Illin o is u n d e r th e provisions
of th e sta tu te s now in force in th a t sta te , in o rd er to p e rm it such tr u s t com­
pany to ca rry out th e provisions of an act of tr u s t in th a t state.
V ery respectfully,
(S ig n ed ) F r a n z C. K u h n ,
A ttorn ey General.


c o n tr a c ts n o t e v id e n c e s of in d e b t e d n e s s a s

co ntem plated by

b a n k in g l a w


D ecem ber 7, 1911.
H on. E d w ard H. Doyle, C om m issioner of th e B an k in g D ep artm en t, L an sin g ,
M ichigan:
D ear S ir— I am in receip t of y o u r co m m unication of N ovem ber 23rd in w hich
you ask w h eth er or not lan d c o n tracts evidencing th e sale of re a l e sta te a re
legal inv estm en ts for savings han k s u n d er subdivision (i) of Section 27 of th e
G eneral B an k in g Law , w hich re ad s as follow s:
“T he re m a in d e r of such deposits m ay be invested in notes, b ills o r o th e r evi­
dences of debt, th e p ay m en t of w hich is secured by th e d eposit w ith th e b a n k of
co llateral se cu rity co n sistin g of p ersonal p ro p erty or se cu rities of know n m a rk e t­
able value, w o rth te n p er cent m ore th a n th e a m o u n t so loaned an d in te re st fo r
th e tim e of th e loan.”
I t appears from y our sta te m e n t th a t c e rta in savings ban k s in th e sta te in v e st
sav in g s deposits in th ese co n tracts, ta k in g an assig n m e n t th ereo f from th e
vendor who also tra n s fe rs to th e b an k th e legal title to th e re a l e state conracted
to be conveyed. In som e in stan ces th e legal title to th e p ro p erty is tra n sfe rre d
and th e assig n m en t m ade as co llateral se c u rity for a loan to th e vendor and I
do not u n d e rsta n d th a t y o u r in q u iry re la te s to th e leg ality of th is p ractice, it
being conceded th a t th is m ay law fu lly he done, b u t th a t y our in q u iry re la te s to
th e rig h t of a sav in g s b a n k to so in v est its savings deposits in these c o n tracts
w hen no loan is madfe to th e vendor. T he sav in g s b an k s claim th a t th e se con­
tra c ts a re “evidences of d eb t” w ith in th e m ean in g of th e subdivision quoted and
th a t th e in v estm e n t of savings deposits th e re in in th e m a n n e r outlin ed is p e r­
m issible a n d legal.
F o r reply th ereto w ould say th a t w hen a c o n tra c t of th is c h a ra c te r fo r th e sale
of re a l e state is m ade, th e v en d o r holds th e legal title only as tru ste e fo r th e
vendee and equitable title v ests in th e vendee. The v endor re ta in s th e legal
title as se c u rity fo r th e p ro p er p erfo rm an ce of th e co n tra c t on th e p a rt of th e
H ooper v. V an H u san , 105 Mich. 592;
C ity of M arq u ette v. Iro n & L and C om pany, 132 Mich. 130, 132.
In th e case la s t cited th e c o u rt held th a t th e re w as no legal d istin ctio n be­
tw een th ese obligations a n d cred its secured by m ortgages.
W hile these co n tra c ts m ay u n d e r our decisions be “evidences of debt,” I do
n o t believe th a t th e y a re such w ith in th e m ean in g of th e s ta tu te u n d e r con-
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



sid eratio n . By th e te rm s of th a t s ta tu te it is only evidences of debt “th e p ay ­
m en t of w hich is secured by th e deposit w ith th e b an k of c o llateral se c u rity con­
sistin g of personal p ro p erty or secu rities of know n m ark etab le value, w o rth ten
p e r cent m ore th a n th e am o u n t so loaned an d in te re st fo r th e tim e of th e loan,”
in w hich savings deposits m ay law fu lly be invested.
T his sta tu te , as I read it, tr e a ts of “ lo an s” by th e b an k upon bills, notes and
o th e r evidences of debt, secured by th e deposit w ith th e b an k of collateral. As
I u n d e rsta n d it, th e b a n k in d ealin g in th ese co n tracts m akes no loan to th e
holder of th e legal title to th e land, b u t th e lan d co n tra c t and th e se c u rity of
th e legal title are p u rch ased o u trig h t by th e
bank. T he tra n sa c tio n is one of
dealing in cred its secured by th e legal title to th e re a l p ro p erty . I do no t believe
th a t tra n sa c tio n s of th is n a tu re a re w ith in th e co ntem plation of th e s ta tu te and
consequently am of opinion th a t savings b an k s m ay n o t law fu lly in v est th e ir
savings deposits in th ese contracts.
V ery re sp ectfu lly yours,
(S ig n ed ) F r a n z C. K u h n ,
A ttorn ey General.


F e b ru a ry 16, 1912.
H on. E d w ard H. Doyle, C om m issioner of th e B an k in g D ep artm en t, L an sin g ,
M ichigan:
D ear S ir—Y our le tte r of F e b ru a ry 2d, callin g a tte n tio n to p a rts of sections 9
and 10 of A ct 108 of th e P ublic A cts of 1889, as am ended, (C om piled L aw s of
1897, Sections 6164-6165) re la tiv e to th e pow er of a tr u s t com pany organized
u n d er said act to acq u ire and hold as perso n al e sta te a b stra c t books of title
used by it in its bu sin ess of g u a ra n te e in g or in s u rin g th e v a lid ity of title s to
re a l estate, and req u e stin g an opinion th ereo n , h a s been received.
In reply th ereto w ould say th a t u n d er th e provisions m entioned w hich give 'to
a tr u s t com pany organized u n d e r th e act pow er “to g u a ra n te e or in su re to
g ran tees th e v a lid ity of title s in re a l e sta te tra n sfe rs, a t a ra te of com pensation,
an d upon such te rm s and conditions as m ay be agreed upon,” (S ection 9,) and
w hich m akes it law fu l “for an y such co rp o ratio n to lease, p urchase, hold and
convey such perso n al e state as m ay be n ecessary to c a rry on its b u sin ess,”
(Section 10), a tr u s t com pany is law fully e n title d to acquire and hold a n y sy s­
tem of a b stra c t books necessary to enable it to engage in th e bu sin ess of g u a ra n ­
teein g or in s u rin g title s to re a l estate. The sections of th e law quoted have n o t
been am ended or modified in an y w ay an d t h e , ru lin g of y o u r D e p a rtm e n t in
accordance w ith th e above should th e re fo re be continued.
Y ours respectfully,
(S ig n ed ) F r a n z C. K u h n ,
A tto rn ey General.


M arhch 27, 1912.
H onorable F re d e ric k C. M artin d ale, S ec re ta ry of S tate, L an sin g , M ichigan:
D ear S ir—I am in receip t of y our co m m unication of M arch 19 in w hich you
sta te th a t recen tly a rtic le s of asso ciatio n o rg an izin g “The C itizens B an k in g
Com pany, L im ited ,” an d d ra fte d u n d er th e provisions of C h ap ter 160 of th e Com­
piled L aw s of 1897 (T h e P a rtn e rsh ip A ssociation L im ited A c t), w ere presen ted
fo r record; and th a t th e purposes of o rg an izatio n se t up in these artic le s of
association are as follow s:
“T his association is organized for th e follow ing purposes: To own an d operate
a b an k in W akefield, Gogebic C ounty, M ichigan, and to tra n s a c t a gen eral b a n k ­
ing business, th e location of said b an k and of th e tra n sa c tio n of said bu sin ess
being a t said W akefield.”
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



You w ish to he advised w h eth er or n o t you should accept for record a rticles
of association u n d er C h ap ter 160 of th e Compiled L aw s of 1897, in w hich th e
purposes of organ izatio n sta te d a re to own and operate a b an k and to tra n s a c t
a g eneral b an k in g business.
A ct No. 191 of th e P ublic Acts of 1877 (C h ap ter 160, Section 6079 et seq Com­
piled L aw s of 1897), is e n title d :
An A ct a u th o riz in g th e fo rm atio n of p a rtn e rsh ip associations in w hich th e
cap ital subscribed sh all alone be responsible fo r th e debts of th e association
except u n d er certa in circu m stan ces.”
Section 1 of th is Act provides th a t th ese asso ciatio n s m ay be form ed “fo r th e
purpose of conducting a n y law ful bu sin ess or occupation w ith in th e U nited
S tates or elsew here.” The m em bers of such associations are liable onlv to th e
ex ten t of th e ir su b scrip tio n and fo r lab o r debts. The leg isla tu re h as expressly
recognized associations organized u n d er th is Act as corporations, as is show n ov
Section 36 of Act 232 of th e P ublic A cts of 1903, th e gen eral co rp o ratio n law,
w hich excepts from its o peration “th e co rporations provided fo r in th e follow ing
sta tu te s: C hapters 160 to 164 both inclusive * * * *” C h ap ter 160 bein°' Act
191 of th e P ublic Acts of 1877, th e p a rtn e rsh ip association lim ited law.
nd th e Suprem e C o u rt of th is S tate h as held th a t p a rtn e rsh ip asso ciatio n s
lim ited, organized u n d er A ct 191, a re to be governed by th e general ru les g overn­
ing corporations.
R ouse H azzard & Co. v. D etro it Cycle Co., I l l Mich. 251.
S taver etc. Mfg. Co. v. Blake, 111 Mich. 283.
A ct 191 provides th a t p a rtn e rsh ip asso ciatio n s lim ited m ay be form ed fo r th e
purpose of conducting a n y law ful business or occupation. As th ese p a rtn e rsh ip
associations lim ited are governed by th e ru les re la tin g to co rporations it follows
th a t u nder th is g en eral b la n k e t clause a p a rtn e rsh ip association lim ited cannot
be organized to tra n s a c t a bu sin ess aro u n d w hich th e le g isla tu re h as th ro w n
special re stric tio n s and for w hich it h as provided special in co rp o ratio n laws. It
has been held th a t w here a sta tu te a u th o rizes inco rp o ratio n for an y law ful p u r­
pose, and an o th er s ta tu te provides fo r th e in co rp o ratio n of c e rta in k in d s of
corporations such as railw ay , teleg rap h , or telephone com panies—no com pany
can be incorporated u n d er th e m ore g en eral s ta tu te fo r th e purposes w hich are
covered by th e oth er sta tu te . The leg islatu re is ta k e n to have in ten d ed th a t,
n o tw ith sta n d in g th e g en eral lan g u ag e of th e one sta tu te , no corp o ratio n should
be formed^ for th e purposes m entioned in th e o th er w ith o u t su b jectin g itse lf to
th e provisions of th e o th er and m ore re stric tiv e sta tu te .
M achem ’s M odern L aw of C orporations, Vol. 1, Sec. 63.
The leg islatu re of th is S tate h a s provided by th e G eneral B a n k in g Law s fo r
th e incorporation of com panies proposing to do a b a n k in g business, has fixed
th e lia b ility of stockholders in such corp o ratio n s in excess of th e cap ital stock,
and has placed special re stric tio n s aro u n d such corporations. T he passage of these
G eneral B an k in g Law s, pro v id in g fo r th e o rg an izatio n of corp o ratio n s u n d e r condi­
tio n s qu ite in co n sisten t w ith those p rescribed by th e p a rtn e rsh ip association lim it­
ed law, seem s to be a stro n g leg islativ e d eclaratio n th a t b a n k in g com panies can n o t
be organized to acquire a co rp o rate existence u n d e r acts such as th e la tte r, and
show s a clear legislativ e in te n t to se p a ra te b a n k in g co rporations from o th e r corpor­
ations, or from p a rtn e rsh ip associations lim ited w hich m ig h t law fu lly be organized
and prom oted u n d er such broad and g en eral lan g u ag e as is co n tain ed in th e p a rtn e r­
ship ^association lim ited law. The G eneral B a n k in g L aw s have placed upon
b an k in g corporations special re stric tio n s and lim ita tio n s n o t applicable to o th e r
corporations or to p a rtn e rsh ip associations lim ited, and have im posed upon sto ck ­
holders of such corp o ratio n s a special and increased liab ility . T hese special re ­
stric tio n s an d lim ita tio n s can n o t be evaded by th e sim ple device of in co rp o ra­
tion u n d er th e p a rtn e rsh ip lim ited law or o th e r g en eral in co rp o ratio n law s.
In m y ju d g m en t th e le g isla tu re has clearly expressed its i-ntention th a t no
corporation or p a rtn e rsh ip asso ciatio n lim ited sh all acquire or exercise th e rig h t
to do a b a n k in g business w ith o u t su b jectin g itse lf to th e s a lu ta ry provisions
of th e G eneral B an k in g Law s by in c o rp o ra tin g u n d er such law s, an d it is, there-
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



fore, m y opinion th a t an association or p a rtn e rsh ip lim ited can n o t he organized
u n d e r C hapter 160 of th e Compiled L aw s of 1897, fo r th e purpose of ow ning and
o p eratin g a b ank or condu ctin g a g en eral b a n k in g business.
Y our com m unication calls a tte n tio n to a previous ru lin g of th is d e p a rtm e n t
to th e effect th a t “T h ere is no legal objection to a p a rtn e rsh ip association lim ited,
form ed u n d er and p u rs u a n t to C h ap ter 160 of th e Com piled L aw s of 1897, do­
i n g a p riv ate b an k in g business, b u t th a t such business w ould have to be con­
ducted p u rs u a n t to and in acco rd an ce. w ith th e re q u irem en ts of C h ap ter 133 of
th e Compiled L aw s of 1897.” T he opinion h erein given is c o n tra ry to and re ­
v erses th is ru lin g .
I have carefu lly exam ined C hapters 160 and 133 to d eterm in e th e ir possible
re la tio n to each other. C h apter 160, th e p a rtn e rsh ip asso ciatio n lim ited act, ap ­
pears to a tta c h no lia b ility to m em bers of such associations o th e r th a n fo r labor
debts and to th e e x te n t of th e ir stock su b scrip tio n s, w hile C h ap ter 133, w hich is
a n act re la tin g to th e bu sin ess of b an k ers, brokers, and exchange dealers, creates
no re s tric tio n s or lim ita tio n s upon th e comm on law lia b ility of m em bers of a
p a rtn e rsh ip ca rry in g on a bu sin ess p u rs u a n t to its req u irem en ts.
It is tru e th a t u n d e r C h ap ter 133 in d iv id u als or p a rtn e rsh ip asso ciatio n s m ay
engage in a p riv ate b a n k in g business, b u t it by no m eans follow s th a t p a rtn e r­
sh ip associations organized u n d e r C h ap ter 160, th e p a rtn e rsh ip association
lim ited law , m ay th erefo re also engage in th e sam e business. T he lia b ility in c u rre d
by m em bers of a p a rtn e rsh ip a ctin g u n d er th e fo rm er law is clearly in co n siste n t
and irreconcilable w ith th a t im posed upon and in c u rre d by m em bers or stock­
holders of a p a rtn e rsh ip inco rp o rated and ac tin g u n d er th e la tte r law', an d it
Avould th erefo re be im possible fo r a p a rtn e rsh ip association lim ited, organized
u n d e r C hapter 160 to come u n d er th e provisions of C h ap ter 133 an d to conduct,
a p riv ate b a n k in g business u n d e r th a t act.
Y ours v e ry tru ly ,
( S ig n e d ) F r a n z C. K u h n ,
A tto rn ey General.



Ju n e 6, 1912.
H on. E. H. Doyle, C om m issioner of th e B an k in g D ep artm en t, L an sin g , M ichigan:
D ear S ir— I am in receip t of your com m unication of May 21st, in w hich you
ask w h eth er or n o t th e D e p a rtm e n t should accept a rtic le s of in co rp o ratio n for
a sta te bank w hich discloses th a t one of th e proposed in c o rp o rato rs is an executor
of an e state and subscribes for sh ares in h is re p re se n ta tiv e cap acity as executor.
F o r reply th ereto w ould say th a t section 1 of th e G eneral B a n k in g L aw a u ­
thorizes th e org an izatio n of com m ercial b an k s by an y n u m b er of persons not
less th a n five who m ay associate to g eth er fo r th a t purpose. The persons so asso­
c iatin g are req u ired to execute a rticles of in co rp o ratio n w hich a re approved by
th e C om m issioner of th e B a n k in g D ep artm en t. T he ac t is sile n t upon th e su b ­
je c t of who m ay becom e th e o rig in al in co rp o rato rs. By o th er pro v isio n s of th e
act each stockholder is liable fo r th e benefit of th e depositors to th e am o u n t of
his stock a t th e p ar v alu e th e re o f in ad d itio n to th e stock, b u t i t is expressly
provided th a t persons ho ld in g stock as executors, a d m in istra to rs, g u a rd ia n s or
tru ste e s, and persons h o ld in g stock as c o llateral security,, sh all no t be perso n ally
liable as stockholders b u t th e assets and funds in th e ir h a n d s c o n stitu tin g th e
tr u s t shall be liable to th e sam e e x te n t as th e te s ta to r in te sta te w ard or person
in terested in such tr u s t fu n d s w ould be if liv in g and com petent to act.
T his provision, w hile recognizing th a t stock in sta te ban k s m ay come in to th e
h an d s of executors, a d m in istra to rs, g u a rd ia n s or tru ste e s, does n o t in m y ju d g ­
m ent, au th o rize an executor or a d m in is tra to r to tak e p a rt in th e o rg an izatio n
of a sta te b ank and subscribe fo r stock th e re in as one of th e o rig in a l in co rp o ra­
to rs. It seem s to me th a t in p rin cip le a n executor or a d m in is tra to r w ould n o t
have a u th o rity to bind th e e sta te in th is m a n n e r an d I am of opinion consequently
th a t u n d er th e provisions of th e G eneral B an k in g L aw you should n o t accept
articles of inco rp o ratio n for a sta te b ank w hich discloses th a t one of th e proposed
in co rp o rato rs is an executor of an e state and subscribes for sh a re s in h is re p re ­
sen ta tiv e capacity.
Y ours respectfully,
(S ig n ed ) F r a n z C. K u h n ,
A tto rn e y General.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



J u ly 31, 1912.
Mr. A lb ert E. M anning, D eputy C om m issioner of th e B an k in g D ep artm en t. C apitol,
L an sin g :
_D ear S ir— I am in receip t of y our le tte r of Ju ly 29th, w ith reference to th e
rig h t of th e C om m issioner of B a n k in g D ep a rtm e n t to dem and of th e N o rth e rn
M ichigan B u ild in g an d Loan A ssociation a re p o rt of deposits w ith th e associa­
tio n w hich m ay have escheated to th e S tate of M ichigan in accordance w ith th e
provisions of A ct 238 of th e P ublic Acts of 1897. I t ap p ears from a com m uni­
cation of Mr. C. D. H an ch ette, S ec re ta ry of th e association, w hich accom panies
y our letter, th a t th e N o rth e rn M ichigan B u ild in g an d Loan A ssociation does
n o t accept deposits and th e se c re ta ry for th a t reaso n claim s th a t th e associa­
tio n is n o t req u ired to m ake th is re p o rt to th e C om m issioner of B anking.
F o r rep ly to your com m unication I w ould say th a t section 6 of th e a ct re ­
ferred to, sam e being section 1218 of th e C om piled L aw s of 1897, provides in
p a rt th a t:
“On th e th irtie th day of Ju n e , eig h teen h u n d red ninety-seven and th e re a fte r
on th e th irtie th day of Ju n e in every th ird y ear as h e re in a fte r set fo rth , it shall
be the d u ty of each person, co p artn ersh ip , com pany or corporation who sh all be
engaged in th e tr u s t business or th e b u sin ess of b a n k in g w ith in th is S tate, and
as a p a rt of such business, receive in any m a n n e r w h atev er m oneys or secu rities
of persons upon deposit, to m ake a re p o rt as h e re in a fte r provided of all such
deposits w hich have escheated to th e S tate of M ichigan and also re p o rt all such
deposits w here th e person m a k in g th e sam e h a s n o t h ad any dealin g s w ith such
person, co p artn ersh ip , com pany or c o rp o ratio n in rela tio n to such deposits w ith in
th re e years before m ak in g such rep o rt, and th e person, co p artn ersh ip , com pany or
corporation receiv in g such deposits sh all have good reason to believe th a t the'
depositor is dead and th a t such deposit should escheat to th e S tate of M ichigan.”
The law provides th a t th e re p o rt sh all be m ade to th e C om m issioner of th e
B an k in g D ep artm en t an d sh all co n tain a sta te m e n t in detail of th e m a tte rs and
th in g s se t fo rth in th e sta tu te . You w ill n ote from th is provision an d o th e r p ro ­
visions of th e law re la tin g to escheated estates, th a t th e re p o rt of deposits is
req u ired only from persons, co p artn ersh ip s, com panies a n d co rp o ratio n s engaged
in th e tr u s t business or th e bu sin ess of b a n k in g an d as a p a rt of such business
receiving m oneys or sec u ritie s upon deposit. In view of th e foregoing I am of
th e opinion th a t b u ild in g and loan associations do not come w ith in these p ro ­
visions and can n o t be req u ired to m ake th is re p o rt to th e C om m issioner of th e
B an k in g D epartm en t.
Y ours respectfully,
(S ig n ed ) F r a n z C. K u h n ,
A ttorn ey General.


October 9th, 1912.
Hon. E d w ard H. Doyle, C om m issioner, S tate B an k in g D ep artm en t, C apitol, L a n ­
sing, M ichigan:
D ear S ir— I have y o u r com m unication of S eptem ber 10th in w hich you ask
th a t I indicate to y our d e p a rtm e n t m y opinion upon th e q uestion of w h eth er or
not n a tio n al bank s can be req u ired to m ake re p o rt of escheated deposits as re ­
quired by Section 6 of A ct 238, P u b lic A cts of 1897, (S ectio n 1218, Compiled
L aw s of 1897.)
F o r reply th ere to w ould say th a t th is section m akes it th e d u ty of every p er­
son or corporation who sh all be engaged in th e tr u s t business or th e bu sin ess of
b an k in g w ith in th is S ta te an d as p a rt of such b u sin ess receiv in g m oneys or
secu rities of persons upon deposit, to m ake a re p o rt of all such deposits w hich
have escheated to th e S tate of M ichigan, and also to re p o rt all such deposits
w here th e person m ak in g th e sam e h as n o t had any dealings w ith such person or
corporation w ith re la tio n to such deposits w ith in th re e y ears b efore m ak in g such
rep o rt, and th e b an k receiv in g such deposit sh all have good reason to believe
th a t th e depositor is dead and th a t such deposit w ould escheat to th e S tate of
M ichigan. The re p o rt is req u ired to be m ade to th e C om m issioner of B ank-
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



ing, and to contain a tr u th fu l sta te m e n t in d etail of th e m a tte rs re fe rre d to in
th e act. The succeeding section of th e act provides th a t if a n y person o r co rp o ra­
tio n sh all a fte r being req u ired so to do by th e C om m issioner of B ank in g , fail
to m ake, sign and sw ear to and file such re p o rt in th e m a n n e r an d tim e fixed by
th e act, h e or it sh a ll become liable to an d sh all fo rfe it to th e People of th e
S tate of M ichigan th e penal sum of th re e h u n d red dollars, an d an a d d itio n al
pen al sum of ten d o llars fo r each and every day w hile said re p o rt shall rem ain
unfiled, th e penalties to be recovered in an action of debt a t th e su it of th e
A tto rn ey G eneral.
Section 9 of th e act m akes it th e d u ty of th e A tto rn ey G eneral to see th a t
such rep o rts are pro p erly m ade a t th e p roper tim e and m an n er, and if th ey
are n o t so filed and m ade, to ta k e th e p ro p er step s to secure th e m ak in g and
filing of th e sam e, and provides th a t if he has good reaso n to believe th a t a
pro p er disclosure h as n o t been m ade by a n y person or corp o ratio n in any of
th e rep o rts provided for by th e act and th a t th e re a re m oneys and sec u ritie s
in th e ir custody w hich have escheated to th e S tate, to apply to th e C ircu it
C ourt of th e proper county by special m otion fo r leave to file a bill in c h a n ­
cery, and upon leave g ra n te d to file such a b ill in b eh alf of th e people a g a in st
such person or corporation, to compel a full, com plete an d tr u th fu l sta te m e n t
re g a rd in g th e m a tte rs req u ired to be contained in th e rep o rts.
It is claim ed th a t re p o rts of th is c h a ra c te r can n ot be re q u ired of n a tio n a l banks,
by reason of th e provisions of Section 5241, R evised S ta tu te s of th e U nited
States, w hich form s a p a rt of th e n a tio n a l b a n k in g act, and is as follow s:
“No association sh all be su b ject to an y v is ito ria l pow er o th e r th a n a re a u th ­
orized by th is title , or are vested in th e co u rts of ju stic e .”
The scope of th is provision of th e act of C ongress is discussed by the* S uprem e
C ourt of th e U nited S tates in th e case of G u th rie v. H ark n e ss, 199 U. S. 148,
w here Mr. Ju stice Day, a fte r re fe rrin g to th is provision of th e n a tio n a l b a n k in g
act, and th e definition of th e te rm “v isito ria l pow ers” said:
“The rig h t of v isita tio n bein g a public rig h t ex istin g in th e S tate for th e
purpose of exam inin g in to th e conduct of th e co rp o ratio n w ith a view to keep­
ing it w ith in its legal pow ers, C ongress had in m ind in p assin g th is section
th a t in o th er sections of th e law it h ad m ade fu ll and com plete p rovision fo r
in v estig atio n by th e C om ptroller of th e C u rren cy and ex am in ers appointed by
him , and au th o riz in g th e ap p o in tm e n t of a receiver, to ta k e possession of th e
business w ith a view of w in d in g up th e affairs of th e bank. I t w as th e in te n ­
tio n th a t th is s ta tu te should co n tain a fu ll code of provisions upon th e sub­
ject, and th a t no S tate law or en actm en t should u n d e rta k e to exercise th e rig h t
of v isita tio n over a n a tio n a l corporation. E x cep t in so fa r as such corpora­
tio n w as liable to co ntrol in th e co u rts of ju stice, th is ac t w as to be th e fu ll
m easu re of v is ito ria l pow er.”
In view of th is provision of th e n a tio n a l b a n k in g ac t as th u s co n stru ed by
th e Suprem e C ourt of th e U nited S tates, I am inclined to th e opinion th a t th e
M ichigan act re la tin g to re p o rts by b an k s of escheated deposits w ould if con­
stru e d to apply to n a tio n a l b an k s be h eld to be in v io latio n of th e n a tio n a l b a n k ­
in g act. I conclude, th erefo re, th a t th e M ichigan escheated estate, so fa r as it
re la te s to rep o rts of escheated deposits by banks, should be co n stru ed as n o t
applying to n a tio n a l banks.
R espectfully yours,


R oger I. W ykes,
A tto rn ey General.


D ecem ber 31, 1912.
Hon. E dw ard H. Doyle, C om m issioner of B ank in g , C apitol, L an sin g :
D ear S ir :— In yo u r com m unication to th is d e p artm e n t of N ovem ber 26th, 1912,
you p resen t for co n sid eratio n th e follow ing questio n s:
“R e fe rrin g to Act No. 108 of th e P u b lic A cts of 1889, as am ended, know n as
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



th e 1ru st, D eposit and S ecu rity Com pany Law, we w ould ap p reciate y our opinion
a s to w h eth er or n o t a tr u s t com pany h as th e rig h t to issue certificates of
d e p o sit; and w h eth er or no t such certificates of deposit m u st he re stric te d as
evidencing th e receip t of m oney in tru st.
Also advise w h eth er or n o t a tr u s t com pany can issue its certificates of
dep o sit for m oney received in an y o th er m a n n e r th a n in tr u s t.”
I he specific in q u iry is, w h eth er a tr u s t com pany in M ichigan can receive m oneys
o th e rw ise th a n in tr u s t and issue certificates of deposit as evidence thereof.
All a u th o rity w hich a tr u s t com pany possesses m u st be conferred upon it by
lav/. As in th e case of an y o th e r corporation, th e -act of inco rp o ratio n w hich
c o n stitu te s th e c h a rte r is th e m easu re of its pow ers. U nless th a t c h a rte r (w ith
o th e r sta tu te s of th e S tate, w hich m ay pro p erly be term ed a p a rt of th e c h a r­
te r ) confers th e au th o rity , th e tr u s t com pany does n o t possess it.
T he law for th e in co rp o ratio n of tr u s t com panies in M ichigan is Act No. 108
of th e P ublic Acts of 1889, bein g Sections 6156 to 6189 (C. L. 1897) inclusive.
U nder th e te rm s of th is act, a tr u s t com pany possesses th e specific a u th o rity :
(a ) To act in v ario u s capacities as a tru ste e .
(b) To act as and to conduct a depository for th e safe keep in g of c e rta in
p erso n al p ro p erty an d th e re n tin g of safety deposit receptacles, and
(c) To act as su re ty an d g u a ra n to r u n d er c e rta in circum stances.
In ad d itio n to th ese specific a u th o ritie s, Section 9 of said act confers upon
th e tr u s t com panies organized th e re u n d e r th e follow ing a u th o rity :
‘‘A ny corporation organized u n d er th is act sh all have pow er in and by its
co rp o rate nam e to tak e, receive, an d hold, an d repay, reconvey a n d dispose of
a n y effects and p ro p erty , both re a l an d p ersonal, w hich m ay be g ran ted , com ­
m itted , tra n s fe rre d or conveyed to it w ith its consent, upon an y te rm s.”
The language la s t above quoted, is sufficient to confer upon tr u s t com panies
th e a u th o rity to receive m oney on deposit an d as in c id e n t to th a t a u th o rity
th e r e w ould exist th e rig h t to issu e notes, certificates or o th e r evidences of th e
indebtedness or re la tio n th e re b y created.
T h is g eneral language, how ever, is lim ited by th e exception contained la te r
in th e sam e section (S ection 9) w hich is:
“B u t n o th in g h e re in co n tain ed sh all be co n stru ed as giv in g th e rig h t to issue
bills to circu late as m oney, or buy or sell b an k exchange, or do a general b a n k ­
in g b u siness.”
I t m ay be tak en for g ra n te d th a t th e issuance of certificates of deposit is n o t
th e issu in g of bills to circu late as m oney or bu y in g or se llin g of exchange; th e
q uestion th erefo re resolves itse lf into w h eth er th e issu in g of such certificates
i s doing a general b a n k in g business as to be w ith in th e lim ita tio n upon th e
p o w ers of tr u s t com panies an d th u s beyond th e ir au th o rity .
T he g en eral stru c tu re of th e ac t in q uestion in d icates th a t th e a u th o rity of
tr u s t com panies in receiv in g effects and p ro p e rty is n o t to be lim ited to th e
re c e ip t of those w hich it receives an d holds as tru ste e . I t is u n n ecessary to
p o in t out all of th e provisions of th e ac t w hich lead to th is conclusion: I t is
sufficient to refer to th e g en eral provision above quoted (S ection 9) w hich w as
u n n ecessary if th e a u th o rity of th e corp o ratio n w as to be lim ited to th e ta k in g
a n d receiving of effects and p ro p e rty (w h ich w ould include m oney) to be held
in tru s t, as, fu ll a u th o rity is, by o th e r provisions of th e act, conferred upon
¿the com pany to act as tru ste e . T h is conclusion is fu rth e r borne o u t by th e
-state of th e law and th e changes m ade th e re in th e passages of said A ct No.
108 of th e P ublic Acts of 1889. P rev io u s to th e passage of th a t act, th e act
fo r th e inco rp o ratio n of tr u s t com panies bein g section 3237 an d 3251 (H ow ell’s
S ta tu te s ) inclusive, conferred q u ite fu ll a u th o rity upon tr u s t com panies to act
as tru ste e s for an y law fu l purpose and th e extension of th e ir a u th o rity , by
th e use of languag e designed to include o th er th a n pow ers of tru ste e sh ip , in ­
d icates a purpose to so en larg e th e pow ers p e rm itte d to be exercised by tr u s t
com panies as to go beyond th e u su al fu n ctio n s of a tru ste e an d to p e rm it th em
to receive effects and p ro p erty upon o th er te rm s th a n as tru ste e , and in fact,
-as th e sta tu te as am ended provides, “upon a n y te rm s.”
W e come th e n to th e re a l q uestion p resen ted fo r solution, nam ely, w h e th e r
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis


lv ii

in th e receiving of deposits and issu in g certificates th erefo r, a tr u s t com pany
w ould be doing “a general b a n k in g busin ess.”
U nquestionably, th e receiv in g of deposits and th e issu in g of certificates th e re ­
for, is one of th e m any fu n ctio n s o rd in a rily and u su ally perform ed by a bank,
b u t it does n o t ap p ear th a t such fu n ctio n h as been exercised alone by banks,
or th a t it is such as to be in sep arab le from th e b a n k in g business, or th a t its
exercise w ould fix the d iv id in g lin e betw een being a b an k or not, or betw een
exercising^ or n o t ex ercisin g “gen eral b a n k in g busin ess.”
In th e inception an d g row th of th e b a n k in g business th e re have been th re e
types of ban k s—b an k s of issue, b an k s of deposit an d b an k s of discount. The
m odern b a n k in g in stitu tio n , how ever, u su ally com bines tw o or m ore of these
a u th o ritie s and h as m an y ram ifications in th e p lan and m ethod of c a rry in g out
its functions. The gen eral b a n k in g a u th o rity is exercised in M ic h ig a n ,‘by "state
b an k s a t least, w ill be best described in th e language of th e G eneral B a n k in g
L aw (S ection 4, 6093, C. L. 1897) w hich a u th o rizes:
“All such pow ers as sh a ll be n ecessary to c a rry on th e business of b a n k in g
by disco u n tin g and n e g o tia tin g pro m isso ry notes, d rafts, bills of exchange or
o th e r evidences of debts, by receiving deposits, by b u y in g and sellin g exchange,
coin and bullion, a n d by lo an in g m oney on perso n al an d re a l se c u rity as pro­
vided h e re in a fte r.”
If a tr u s t com pany sought to exercise all or a p rin c ip a l p a rt of th e a u th o ritie s
above conferred upon banks, or even a single one of th e im p o rta n t fu n ctio n s
u su ally exercised only by banks, it w ould be w ith in th e in h ib itio n of th e sta tu te .
The exercise, how ever, of a single a u th o rity w hich a b an k in th e course of its
business exercises b u t w hich is open to o th ers th a n bankers, nam ely, th e b o r­
row ing of m oney an d issu in g an evidence of th e debt, w ould n o t c o n stitu te th e
doing of a general b a n k in g business. To do a g en eral b a n k in g business, a tr u s t
com pany m u st exercise those fu n ctio n s w hich a re p rim a rily b a n k in g fu n ctio n s and
w hich fix th e ch a ra c te r of th e in s titu tio n doing th em as a bank. A tr u s t com ­
pany does n o t receive m oney in th e sam e m an n er and in th e sam e re la tio n th a t
a b ank receives it. A tr u s t com pany receives th e m oney w hich th e depositor
places w ith it as a tr u s t com pany and n o t otherw ise. T his is th e only pow er
th a t is given to such com pany to receive m oney. It is n o t in co rp o rated as a
bank, nor au th o rized as a bank, to receive m oney, b u t as a tr u s t com pany. And
h av in g received said m oney as a tr u s t com pany, th e only im plied a u th o rity th a t
such tr u s t com pany w ould h a re to re p ay it would be to rep ay it as a tr u s t com ­
pany and not as a bank. W hen a deposit is m ade in a bank, no u n d e rsta n d in g ,
no contract, no arra n g e m e n t, n o th in g is n ecessary to a u th o rize th e depositor to
d raw h is check on such b an k an d such b a n k is by o p eratio n of law alone com ­
pelled to honor such check. W ith o u t th is c h a ra c te ristic no in s titu tio n is u su a l­
ly a ban k ; w ith it, any in s titu tio n is doing a b a n k in g business.
In Corwin v. The Urhana and Champaign Mutual Insurance Company (14 Ohio
6) th e c h a rte r contained a provision p ro h ib itin g th e ex ercisin g of b a n k in g pow ers
and it w as held th a t th e receiv in g of deposits w as n o t w ith in th e p ro h ib itio n
a g a in s t banking. I t did, how ever, ap p ear th a t certificates of deposit w ere n o t
issued. T he C o u rt th e re said :
“ It does n o t ap p ear to us th is finding is w ith in th e p ro h ib itio n a g a in st b a n k ­
ing; and, if not, it is a law ful p u rsu it, in w hich a corporation, as w ell as an
individual, m ay engage; and it is w ell said by th e d efen d an t th a t, alth o u g h re ­
ceiving deposits is a p a rt of th e bu sin ess of banks, it is no exclusive privilege
of theirs, nor is th e d isco u n tin g of notes.”
In D ietrich v. R o th en b erg er, (75 S. E. (K en tu ck y ) 271) it w as held th a t th e
borrow ing of m oney by a title com pany and th e issuance of a certificate of de­
posit th e refo r did n o t c o n stitu te th e doing of a b a n k in g business, th e C ourt say ­
“T he d istin ctio n betw een such a tra n sa c tio n and th e business of b a n k in g is
plain, for any one m ay borrow m oney, and m ay p u t in such form as he pleases
th e evidence of h is indebtedness. An express com pany is n o t a bank, alth o u g h
it draw s and sells bills of exchange. W ells F arg o & Co. v. N o rth e rn Pacific
R ailro ad Co. (C. C.) 23 Fed 469. N or is a co rp o ratio n a bank, w hich borrow s fo r
its own use on bonds. B a rry v. M erch an ts’ E xchange Com pany, 1 Sandf. Ch.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



280. In 3 A m erican & E n g lish Ency. of L aw , 791, it is said : ‘The d istin ctio n
betw een a b ank and a tr u s t com pany is w ell defined. The pow ers of th e tr u s t
c6m pany depend upon th e te rm s of its c h a rte r, of course, b u t th e y a re n o t b a n k ­
in g powers. The tr u s t com pany, lik e th e sav in g s bank, pays in te re s t upon de­
posits, b u t its deposits are stric tly loans, n o t su b ject to check. I t m ay n o t issu e
its own notes for circu latio n , n o r does it buy or sell exchange in th e o rd in a ry
course of its dealings. In d irectio n s th a t a re n o t a k in to b an k in g , its pow ers
are m uch broader, and extend o utside th e m o n etary re a lm in to re a l e sta te tr a n s ­
actions, tru steesh ip s, an d th e conduct of p ro p e rty in te re sts of a ll k inds. The
exercise by a tr u s t com pany of som e of th e fu n ctio n s of a b a n k does no t m ake
th e com pany a b an k in g in stitu tio n , n o r lay its officers liable to p rosecutions fo r
v io latin g th e b an k in g law s.’ B an k s receive deposits su b ject to check. T hey
a re public, agencies created for th e public service, an d a re re q u ired to serve th e
public. T he m oney in th is case w as sim ply le n t fo r 12 m onths. I t w as n o t su b ­
ject to check. T h ere w as n o th in g in th e tra n sa c tio n th a t m ig h t have been done,
and is n o t in fa c t done, by m an y in d iv id u als th ro u g h o u t th e S tate. I t w as n o t
exercise by th e corp o ratio n of an y b a n k in g p rivilege, n o r beyond th e pow ers
of th e corporation u n d er its c h a rte r.”
See S tate ex inf. Crow, A tto rn ey G eneral v. L incoln T ru s t C om pany,
144 Mo. 562, 588.
The p ra ctical co n stru ctio n w hich h as been given to th e sta tu te in question
should be given some w eight. I t is claim ed th a t th e ac t in q uestion h as been
construed by those o p e ra tin g u n d e r it as p e rm ittin g th e receiv in g of m oneys fo r
safe keeping, and th e issu an ce of certificates of deposits th e re fo r, an d th a t th is
p ractice has been followed w ith o u t successful opposition or objection, fro m th e
passage of th e act in 1889, u n til th e p re se n t tim e. W here th e language of th e
act is doubtful, th e long continued p ractice u n d e r it is often p e rm itte d to tu rn
th e scale in fav o r of th e co n stru ctio n evidenced by th e p ractice u n d er it, and
th is, we th in k , is an influence to be considered in d e te rm in in g th a t tr u s t com ­
panies m ay receive deposits and issue evidence thereof.
In o th er states, it h as been quite comm on to confer upon tr u s t com panies th e
a u th o rity to receive deposits a n d to issue certificates th ereo n , and a t least tw entyth re e of th e sta te s have such provisions. T h ere is evidently, th ere fo re , n o th in g
in co n sisten t in th e idea of tr u s t com panies receiv in g m oney on deposit fo r safe
keeping, and th e question is n o t to be view ed in th e sam e lig h t as th o u g h a w ell
defined public policy p o in ted to th e exclusion of th is pow er from tr u s t com ­
In Bank of Saginaw v. Title & Trust Company, (105 Fed. 491, 492,) a P e n n sy l­
v a n ia tr u s t com pany issued six certificates of deposit, w hich w ere n eg o tiated a t
th e B ank of Saginaw , and th e b a n k b ro u g h t its action in th e U n ited S tates C ir­
cu it C ourt in P en n sy lv a n ia to recover upon th e certificates. The certificates
issued by th e T ru st Com pany w ere in form as follow s:
“ 500.00

$500.00 No. 2.
T itle & T ru s t C om pany of W estern P en n sy lv an ia.
C onnelsville, Pa., Feb. 5, 1900.

J. F. B arrow s has deposited w ith th is com pany five h u n d re d dollars, payable
to th e order of J. F. B arrow s on re tu rn of th is certificate pro p erly endorsed.

W M. R uth ,
T re a su re r.
C ertificate of Deposit. N ot su b ject to check.
Indorsed: J. F. B arro w s.”
T he question arose resp ectin g th e rig h t of th e T ru s t Com pany to issue cer­
tificates, and C ircu it Ju d g e Acheson said :
“T h a t th e defend an t com pany is a u th o rized to receive deposits of m oney is
conceded, b u t it is denied th a t it h ad law fu l a u th o rity to issue such certificates
as those in suit. T h ere is, how ever, no sta tu to ry or o th e r in h ib itio n of such
certificates. T hese certificates are in th e form com m only used everyw here in
th e com m ercial w orld by b a n k ers and com panies receiv in g m oney deposits and
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



th e d e fen d an t’s rig h t to issue th e m in th e course of its bu sin ess and as an in c i­
d ent th ereto is n o t to be doubted.”
In M ichigan, as well as in m an y o th e r sta te s, a certificate of deposit is con­
sidered to he a p ro m isso ry note su b ject to th e sam e ru les an d conditions. T h is
we believe to be th e law in all b u t th re e of th e s t a te s ,, nam ely, M assachusetts,
P en n sy lv an ia and Texas.
T he a u th o rity to receive m oney w ould c a rry w ith it th e a u th o rity to give an
evidence of its receip t in th e form of a note, an d th is w ould extend to and
p e rm it th e issuance of a certificate of deposit.
There, h as been some q uestion as to w h eth er a dem and certificate could be given,
an d w h eth er if th e rig h t to issue certificates exists it is n o t lim ited to tim e cer­
tificates. We th in k , how ever, th a t th e a u th o rity to issue a certificate c a rrie s w ith
it th e a u th o rity to issue it e ith e r payable a t a sta te d tim e, or upon dem and.
“ I t w ill be noted th a t tr u s t com panies are n o t expressly re q u ired to m a in ta in
a reserve as is req u ired to he m ain ta in e d by sta te b an k s in th a t th ey are expressly
req u ired to m a in ta in as reserve only 20% of th e ir m a tu re d obligations, w hile
sta te ban k s are req u ired to m a in ta in 15 to 20% of all obligations. W e doubt
som ew hat th e policy of p e rm ittin g a tr u s t com pany to do a deposit bu sin ess w ith ­
out m a in ta in in g a t lea st th e sam e reserv e th a t is m ain ta in e d by sta te banks. To
th is question, w e w ish to d irect th e a tte n tio n of th e leg isla tu re to th e n ecessity
of express legislatio n re q u irin g th e m a in ta in in g of sufficient reserv es by tr u s t
com panies in case th e a u th o rity w hich th e p re se n t law given th e m to receive
deposits is to he con tin u ed .”
We concur in th e above opinion.
(S ig n ed ) Grant F ellows,
R oger I. Wykeu.


L an sin g , J a n u a ry 8, 1913.
Hon. A lb ert E. M anning, D eputy C om m issioner of B an k in g D ep artm en t, L an sin g ,
M ich ig an :
D ear S ir— I am in receip t of y o u r com m unication of D ecem ber 30th enclosing
copy of le tte r received by your d ep a rtm e n t from Mr. W illiam V. Moore, of D etro it,
re la tiv e to am end in g th e artic le s of association of a c e rta in sta te b an k organized
in th e y ear 1871 u n d e r w h a t is k now n as th e old b a n k in g law , an d a sk ­
in g for an opinion from th is d e p a rtm e n t w ith reference to th e sam e.
Mr. M oore’s le tte r sta te s th a t in th e o rig in al a rtic le s filed by th e W ayne C oun­
ty Savings B ank in 1871, th e first d irecto rs w ere nam ed an d th e ir n u m b er w as
fixed by A rticle 7; th a t su bsequently by am ended artic le s filed F e b ru a ry 12,
1885, th e n u m b er of d irecto rs w as fixed a t 9; an d la te r, a fte r certificate had
been filed u n d er th e new b a n k in g law b rin g in g th e b an k w ith in its provisions,
th e nu m b er of d irecto rs w as fixed a t 11 by a reso lu tio n of th e stockholders
adopted J a n u a ry 11, 1900. I t is now proposed to am end th e artic le s of asso­
ciation by p ro v id in g th a t th e board of d irecto rs sh all be elected a t th e re g u la r
an n u a l m eetin g in Ja n u a ry of each y ear, th a t th e n u m b er of d irecto rs to be
elected sh all be reg u lated by a by-law p rescribed by th e board of d irecto rs, and
th a t such by-law m ay provide for th e filling of an y vacancy on said board a ris ­
in g th ro u g h a fa ilu re to elect a t th e re g u la r a n n u al m eetin g or th ro u g h th e
death, resig n atio n or incap acity of an y d irecto r duly elected. You w ish to know
w h eth er or n o t such a n am en d m en t w ill be legal.
Section 4 of th e old b a n k in g law (S ection 2185 of th e L aw s of 1871) u n d er
w hich th e W ayne C ounty S avings B an k w as organized, provides for a board
of d irectors of n o t m ore th a n n in e m em bers. T he p re se n t b a n k in g law u n d e r
w hich th a t b ank is now o p eratin g by v irtu e of h av in g filed th e certificate req u ired
by section 60 th ereo f (S ection 6149. Compiled L aw s of 1897) does n o t lim it th e
n um ber of directors. Section 4 of th e law (S ection 6093, Compiled L aw s 1897)
provides in p a rt th a t a bank, upon filing its articles, sh all be a body co rporate,
a n d as such shall have pow er:
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



“F ifth . To elect or ap p o in t d irecto rs * * * * * * *”
“ Sixth. To prescribe
by its board of d irecto rs,
by-laws not in co n siste n t w ith
law , re g u la tin g th e m a n n e r in w hich its stock sh all be tra n sfe rre d , its d irecto rs
and officers elected or appointed, its stockholders convened fo r special m eetings,
its p ro p erty tra n sfe rre d , its gen eral business conducted an d th e p rivileges g ra n t­
ed to it by law exercised and enjoyed.”
Section 12 of th e p resen t law (S ection 6101, Com piled L aw s of 1897 as am en d ­
ed) provides in p a rt th a t “th e affairs of each b an k sh all be m anaged by a board
of n o t less th a n five d irecto rs who sh all be elected by th e sto ck h o ld ers.”
As the certificate filed by th e W ayne C ounty S avings B ank u n d e r section 60
(since repealed) of th e p re se n t h a n k in g law b ro u g h t it w ith in its provisions, it
is now governed by th e provisions above se t fo rth w ith referen ce to th e n u m b er
and m an n er of election o f its d irectors. U nder these provisions th e re a re no
lim ita tio n s as to the n u m b er of d irecto rs, except th a t there' can n o t be less th a n
five. T he d irecto rs m ust, how ever, be elected a t th e a n n u a l m eetin g of th e stock­
holders in Ja n u a ry , and if “for an y cause an election is n o t had a t th a t m eetin g
it m ay be had as a sub seq u en t m eetin g called fo r th a t purpose.” V acancies in
th e hoard of directo rs sh all be filled by th e hoard, b u t I am of th e opinion th a t
th is does n o t m ean such vacancies as are created by fa ilu re of th e stockholders
to elect a t an an n u al m eeting.
The proposed am en d m en t to th e o rig in al artic le s of th e W ayne C ounty Savings
B ank, above referred to, provides fo r th e election of a hoard of d irecto rs a t th e
reg u lar an n u al m eetin g in Ja n u a ry , provides th a t the n u m b er of d irecto rs to
be elected shall be reg u lated by a by-law p rescribed by th e board of d irectors,
and provides fu r th e r th a t said by-law m ay provide for th e filling of an y vacancy
on th e B oard a risin g th ro u g h a fa ilu re to elect a t th e re g u la r a n n u a l m eeting,
or th ro u g h th e death, re s ig n a tio n or in cap acity of an y d irecto r duly elected.
None of these provisions, except th e one re la tin g to th e filling of a vacancy on
th e board caused by fa ilu re to elect a t an a n n u a l m eeting, is in co n siste n t w ith
th e provisions of th e p re se n t b a n k in g law, an d it w ould th e re fo re he e n tire ly
proper and legal to in co rp o rate th em in to th e o rig in al artic le s by th e proposed
am endm ent. I am of th e opinion, how ever, th a t th e provision re la tiv e to th e fill­
in g of a vacancy on th e hoard caused by fa ilu re to elect a t th e a n n u a l m eetin g
is in c o n sisten t w ith th e te rm s of section 21 of th e p re se n t b a n k in g law above
set fo rth , and such provisions w ould th e re fo re be illegal. As herein b efo re stated ,
a vacancy caused by th e fa ilu re to elect a t an a n n u a l m eetin g is n o t such a
vacancy as can he filled by th e hoard of d irecto rs itself.
I t m ay be suggested th a t th e provisions w hich can be in co rp o rated in to the
a rticles of association of th e W ayne C ounty Savings B ank by am endm ent, and
w hich are not alread y a p a rt of its c h a rte r because contained in th e b a n k in g law,
can be m ade ju s t as legal and efficacious by a by-law adopted by th e hoard of
d irecto rs u n d er subdivision 6 of section 4 of th e b a n k in g law, w hich gives th e
hoard of d irecto rs pow er to make' by-laws n o t in c o n siste n t w ith law, re g u la tin g
th e m an n er of election or a p p o in tm en t of its d irecto rs an d officers.
V ery respectfully,
G r a n t F ello w s,

A ttorn ey General.


M arch 15, 1913.
H on. E dw ard H. Doyle, B an k in g C om m issioner, C apitol, L an sin g :
D ear S ir—I have yours of th e 12th inst. in w hich you sta te :
“W e have had several in q u iries of la te from sta te b an k s a sk in g w h e th e r or
n o t a sta te b ank could keep open on all holidays fo r th e tra n sa c tio n of a g en eral
business except such bu sin ess w hich re la te s to th e p re se n ta tio n for p ay m en t or
acceptance or p ro testin g of pro m isso ry notes and o th e r obligations.
We have alw ays tak e n th e position th a t th e re w as n o th in g in th e law to p ro ­
h ib it a bank from keep in g open on an y of th e h olidays m entioned in Act 124 of
th e P ublic Acts of 1865 as am ended and tra n sa c tin g bu sin ess except t h a t re la tin g
to p resen tatio n , acceptance or p ro te stin g of notes, etc.”
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis


lx i

In reply th ereto w ould sta te th a t th e language of th e A ct in q uestion is som e­
w h a t confusing. T he title of th e A ct b eing as follow s: “An A ct d esig n a tin g th e
holidays to be observed in th e acceptance an d p ay m en t of hills of exchange and
prom issory notes, in h o ld in g of courts an d re la tiv e to th e con tin u an ce of su its.”
W hile Section 1, as am ended by A ct 246 of th e P u b lic A cts of 1909, provides, in
p a rt, as follow s: “ Provided, fu rth e r, T h a t n o th in g h erein contained shall be con­
stru ed to p rev en t or in v a lid a te th e en try , issuance, service or execution of an y
w rit, sum m ons or confession of ju d g m e n t or o th e r legal process w h atever, h o ld in g
courts or the tra n sa c tio n of any law ful bu sin ess except h a n k in g on an y of th e
S atu rd a y aftern o o n s h e re in d esignated as h a lf holidays, n o r to p rev en t an y b an k
from k eeping its doors open or tra n sa c tin g its bu sin ess on an y of th e said S a tu r­
day afternoons, if by a vote of its d irecto rs it elects to do so.”
F rom a re ad in g of th e la s t section it m ig h t be im plied th a t th e re w as a legal
re s tric tio n a g a in st keep in g a b an k open upon a legal holiday. I do n o t believe,
how ever, th a t th is w as th e leg islativ e in te n t, b u t th a t on th e c o n tra ry th e in te n t
was, as is set fo rth in th e title of th e act itself, nam ely : th e prev en tio n of th e
acceptance and p ay m en t of bills of exchange and pro m isso ry notes. C onsequently,
I am of th e opinion th a t to keep a b an k open fo r purposes o th e r th a n th e ones
stated would not be a violatio n of th e law , and th a t y o u r ru lin g in th e m a tte r
has been rig h t.
V ery respectfully,
A. B. D o u g h e r t y ,
D eputy A tto rn ey General.


M arch 24th, 1913.
H on. E dw ard H. Doyle, C om m issioner of B anking, C apitol, L an sin g :
D ear S ir—I have y our com m unication of M arch 17th callin g a tte n tio n to sec­
tions 21, 39 and 55 of th e G eneral B a n k in g L aw s re la tin g to re p o rts to be m ade
by sta te han k s and th e fu rn ish in g of in fo rm atio n to th e B an k in g C om m issioner.
You sta te :
“We w ould appreciate yo u r opinion as to w h eth er or n o t a sta te b an k h as th e
rig h t to w ithhold in fo rm a tio n of a n y c h a ra c te r fro m th e C om m issioner, h is dep­
uty, or one of th e b ank exam iners, upon bein g requested to fu rn ish sam e. To
w h a t e x te n t could th e D e p artm en t go in case of re fu sa l to fu rn ish an y in fo rm a ­
tio n affecting th e co ndition of th e b an k ?”
In reply th ereto w ould say section 21 of th e g en eral b a n k in g law req u ires
every b an k to m ake c e rta in re p o rts “according to th e form s w hich he (C om m is­
sio n er of B anking) sh all prescribe^ and fu rn ish . T his section also provides th a t
“ Such rep o rts sh all ex h ib it in detail, and u n d er a p p ro p riate heads, th e resources,
assets and liab ilities of th e b a n k a t th e close of b u sin ess of an y p a st day by him
specified.” etc. Also th a t “ Such com m issioner sh all also have th e pow er to call
for special rep o rts from an y b an k or b an k s w henever, in h is jud g m en t, th e sam e
are necessary to in fo rm him fu lly of th e condition of such h an k s.” Section 39
p ro v id es:
“ It sh all he th e d u tv of th e com m issioner of th e b a n k in g d e p a rtm e n t, a n d he
shall have pow er for h im self, h is deputy, or a n y ex am in er he m ay appo in t for
th a t purpose, to exam ine tw o or m ore tim es in each y ear, th e cash, bills, colat­
erals or securities, hooks of account, condition and affairs of each b an k u n d e r
th e law, and also w hen requested by th e hoard of d irecto rs of an y hank. F o r
th a t purpose he m ay exam ine on o ath an y of th e officers, agents, clerks, custom ers
or depositors of such hank, to u ch in g th e affairs a n d bu sin ess of such bank. A ny
w ilful false sw earin g in any e x am in atio n sh a ll be deemed p erju ry . H e sh a ll also
a scertain w h eth er each b an k tra n sa c ts its business a t th e place d esignated in
th e articles of inco rp o ratio n , and w h e th e r its bu sin ess is conducted in th e m an ­
n e r prescribed by law .”
Section 55 of th e g en eral b a n k in g law provides, am ong o th er th in g s, th a t if
th e com m issioner shall become satisfied th a t a b an k “is co nducting its business
in an unsafe or u n a u th o rized m an n er, or if any b an k sh all refu se to su b m it its
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



books and papers a n d concerns to th e inspection of th e com m issioner, h is deputy
or an y exam iner, or if an y officer of such b an k sh all refu se to be exam ined u n d e r
o ath to u ch in g th e concerns of th e bank, or if from an y ex am in atio n m ade or
re p o rt h ere provided for, th e com m issioner sh all conclude th a t such b an k is in
an unsound or u n safe condition to tra n s a c t the b a n k in g business, so th a t i t is
un safe and in exped ien t to continue sam e,” he sh all in th e m a n n e r th e re in p re ­
scribed m ake applicatio n for th e a p p o in tm e n t of a receiver fo r such bank.
T he foregoing sections a re th e only provisions of sta tu te to w hich m y a tte n ­
tio n has been called expressly b e a rin g upon y our question. T he lan g u ag e of
th e s ta tu te seem s clearly to confer upon th e b a n k in g com m issioner th e rig h t and
a u th o rity to dem and, receive and pro cu re an y and all such in fo rm a tio n as he
m ay req u ire or deem n ecessary in o rd er to fu lly u n d e rsta n d th e condition of a
bank, th e c h aracte r or am o u n t of its o bligations and th e affairs thereof. The
com m issioner is expressly ch arg ed w ith th e d u ty of d e te rm in in g w h eth er or n o t
a b an k is conducting its b an k in an u n safe or u n au th o rized m an n er. H e m u st
also d eterm in e w h e th e r th e b a n k is in a n unsound or u n sa fe condition to tr a n s ­
a c t th e b a n k in g b u sin ess so th a t it is u n safe and in ex p ed ien t to continue th e
sam e. H e has th e rig h t to secure in fo rm a tio n upon form s p rescribed by him ,
an d he m ay exam ine on o ath an y of th e officers, agen ts, clerks, custom ers or
depositors of th e b an k to u ch in g its affairs an d its business. The com m issioner
of banking, an d n o t th e bank, is th e ju d g e of th e in fo rm atio n necessary fo r
h im to have to place h im in a position w here he can p erfo rm h is s ta tu to ry duty.
I t w ill be assum ed th a t th e com m issioner of b an k in g , or h is deputy, or any
a s s is ta n t duly auth o rized , w ill n o t dem and or re q u ire an y in fo rm a tio n o th e r th a n
such as it is deem ed expedient to have in ord er to determ in e th e exact condition
of a b ank and its affairs. W hen in fo rm atio n is dem anded, it is th e d u ty of
th e b ank to fu rn ish it, and th e com m issioner’s dem ands are n o t open to question
by th e bank. I t w ould be indeed an anom alous condition if n o tw ith sta n d in g all
th e du ties devolving upon th e b a n k in g com m issioner, th e b an k could d eterm in e
fo r itse lf th e ch a ra c te r or am o u n t of in fo rm a tio n it should disclose.
I t is th erefo re m y opinion th a t th e b an k h as n o t th e rig h t to w ith h o ld a n y
in fo rm atio n w hich th e b a n k in g com m issioner sh all in th e exercise of h is d is­
cre tio n a ry a u th o rity d ete rm in e is n ecessary in o rd er to fu rn ish h im w ith th e
know ledge to p erfo rm h is duty.
Said section 55 is v ery clear and exp licit in its term s. W hen a n y such condi­
tio n as is th e re in re fe rre d to exists, it is clearly th e d u ty of th e b a n k in g com ­
m issio n er to m ake applicatio n fo r a receiver. The b a n k in g com m issioner has
no rig h t to assum e th a t because of th e fa ilu re or re fu sa l of th e b an k to fu rn ish
th e in fo rm atio n he desires, th e b a n k is in a safe or sound condition. The v ery
fa c t th a t in fo rm atio n w hich th e b a n k in g com m issioner m ay d eterm in e is neces­
sa ry is refused by a b a n k is in itself som e reaso n for suspicion. If, th erefo re,
th ro u g h th e refu sa l of a b an k to fu rn ish such in fo rm atio n as you m ay deem
n ecessary you are u n ab le to d eterm in e w h e th e r it is p roper for th e b a n k to
continue in th e b a n k in g business, it is m y ju d g m e n t th a t you w ould be clearly
authorized to proceed in th e m an n er outlin ed in said section 55 of th e g en eral
b a n k in g law.
V ery respectfully,
Gra n t F ello w s,

A ttorn ey General.


A pril 3, 1913.
H on. E. H. Doyle, B a n k in g C om m issioner, C apitol, L a n sin g :
D ear S ir— I have y our com m unication of M arch 27th, in w hich you sta te th a t,
“ The D ep artm en t h as alw ays held th a t th e board of d irecto rs could n o t in crease
or decrease th e n u m b er of stockholders co nstituting- th e board, th a t th e only
a u th o rity delegated to th e d irecto rs in th is re g a rd w as th a t th ey could in d icate
th e m an n er in w hich th e m em bers of th e board should be elected, an d in case
of a vacancy occu rrin g on th e board betw een th e a n n u a l m eetin g s of stockholders,
th e d irecto rs have th e rig h t to fill such v acancy.” You sta te , “W e w ould ap p re­
c iate y our opinion as to w h e th e r or n o t th e board of d irecto rs of a sta te b an k
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis


lx iii

has th e rig h t to increase or decrease th e n u m b er of m em bers c o n stitu tin g th e
In reply th e re to w ould say it is m y opinion th a t, a t le a st betw een sto ck h o ld ers’
m eetings, th e n um b er of d irecto rs can n o t be decreased or in creased by th e board
of directors. Section 12 of th e b a n k in g law provides in p a rt th a t, “a n y vacancy
in th e board of d irecto rs sh all be filled by the' B oard, an d th e d irecto r so a p ­
pointed shall hold office u n til th e n ex t election.” The above quoted language
clearly im plies a d u ty devolving upon th e board of d irecto rs to fill an y vacancy
th a t m ay occur. I t is n o t a d isc re tio n a ry d u ty w ith th e board of d irecto rs. I t is
a positive req u irem e n t th a t th e v acancy “sh all be filled by th e b oard.” T his is
a m an d ato ry provision, and th e law clearly contem plates a s tric t com pliance th e re ­
w ith.
V ery respectfully,
(S ig n ed ) G r a n t F e l l o w s ,
A tto rn ey General.


A p ril 3, 1913.
H on. E d w ard H. Doyle, C om m issioner of B ank in g , C apitol, L an sin g :
My D ear S ir— I have y our co m m unication of M arch 22nd in w hich you in ­
q u ire w h eth er as a condition p reced en t of th e rig h t of a person to be elected and
a c t as a d irecto r of a b an k he m u st a c tu a lly pay in fu ll fo r a t le a st te n sh a re s,
or if he subscribes for ten sh ares of stock and only pays for fifty p er cent if he
th ereb y becomes eligible as a director.
In reply th ereto w ould say section five of th e b a n k in g law re q u ires th a t a t
least 50% of th e cap ital stock of every b an k sh a ll be p aid in before i t sh a ll be
au th o rized to com m ence business. Section 12 of th e b a n k in g law, w hich re la te s
to directors, provides in p a rt th a t: “E v ery d irecto r m u st own and hold in h is
ow n nam e n o t less th a n ten sh a re s of th e cap ital stock of such b an k .”
The fa c t th a t a b an k m ay be au th o rized to com m ence bu sin ess w ith only 50%
of th e cap ital stock th ereo f paid in h as absolutely n o th in g to do w ith th e s ta ­
tu to ry provision re q u irin g every d ire c to r to ow n and hold in h is own nam e n o t
less th a n te n sh a re s of th e cap ital stock. The lan g u ag e above quoted m eans
exactly w h a t it says. I t m eans th a t every d irecto r m u st a c tu a lly own, th a t is,
th a t he m u st have fu lly paid for a t le a st te n sh ares of th e cap ital stock of th e
b an k and n o t th a t he m ay a c tu a lly p ay fo r 50% of th e te n sh a re s and subse­
q u en tly have th e rig h t of ow nership in th e balance th e re o f w hen he m akes p ay ­
m en t th erefo r.
V ery respectfully,
(S ig n ed ) G r a n t F e l l o w s ,
A tto rn ey General.


A p ril 26, 1913.
H on. E d w ard H. Doyle, B a n k in g C om m issioner, Capitol, L a n sin g :
D ear S ir—I have before m e y o u r co m m u n icatio n of A p ril 18tli, in w hich you
req u est an opinion upon th e follow ing pro p o sitio n s:
“F irs t. H as th e board of d irecto rs of an in co rp o rated bank, by pro p er p ro ­
cedure, th e pow er to a u th o rize th e to ta l stock of th e bank, to be assessed to th e
b an k by th e su p erv iso r w h ere th e b an k is located, and have th e tax es on stock
paid by th e bank, reg ard less of w here th e stockholders a re located?
Second. H as th e village assessor a legal rig h t to assess th e to ta l b an k stock
to th e b ank in th e village w here th e b an k is located, w here a p o rtion is located
on one side of th e county and a p o rtio n o u tside of th e v illag e?”
In renly th ereto w ould say th e an sw er to y our in q u iries seem s to be contained
in th e language of th e 3rd subdivision of section 14 of th e g en eral ta x law as
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



found on page 27 of th e pam p h let of gen eral ta x law s, rev isio n of 1907. T his sub­
division provides th a t, “All sh ares in ban k s sh all be assessed to th e ir ow ners
in th e tow nship, village or city w here th e b a n k is lo cated: P rovided, T h a t th e
sh ares owned by a person re sid in g in th e county w here th e b an k is located
sh all be assessed in th e tow nship or city w here he resid es.”
My a tte n tio n has n o t been challenged to any provision of th e law th a t w ould
au th o riz e eith e r th e board of d irecto rs or th e v illage assessor to change th e
m ethod prescribed in th e above sta tu te . A ccordingly, I am in clined to believe
th a t each of th e in q u iries w hich you su b m itted should be answ ered in th e nega­
V ery respectfully,
(S ig n ed ) G r a n t F e l l o w s ,
A ttorn ey General.


May 10, 1913.
H on A lbert E M anning, D eputy C om m issioner of B anking, C apitol, L an sin g :
D ear S ir— I have y our co m m unication of May 1st in w hich you sta te th a t you
a re in receip t of an ap p licatio n to organize a sta te b an k w ith its office and place
of business to be located in “th e tow nship of S pringw ells,” C ounty of W ayne and
S tate of M ichigan, w ith a cap ital of $25,000.00. You ask :
F irs t. Can th e D e p artm en t legally accept th e a rtic le s of in co rp o ratio n w ith
th e location designated, a n d bu sin ess to be c arried on, as in a tow n sh ip ra th e r
th a n in a city or v illage?
Second. If so, w h a t co n stru ctio n on th e law can be placed w ith reference to
th e cap ital stock re q u irem en ts?
T hird. In o th er w ords, w ould th e cap ita l stock be based upon th e p o pulation
of th e tow nship as a whole (in clu siv e, of course, of in co rp o rated -cities and v il­
la g es), or w ould th e cap ital stock be based upon th e p o pulation of th e settlem en t,
or com m unity, in w hich th e b an k ac tu a lly tra n sa c ts b u sin ess?”
In answ er to your first in q u iry , w ould say th a t section 1 of th e G eneral B an k ­
in g L aw seem s to recognize only cities and villages as th e place w here a b a n k in g
b u siness m ay be conducted. W e have, how ever, held th a t a b an k m ay be estab ­
lished in an u n in co rp o rated village. (See A tto rn ey G en eral’s R ep o rt for 1905,
page 98.)
. . . . .
Section 2 of th e G eneral B an k in g Act req u ires th e persons asso ciatin g to exe­
cute articles of inco rp o ratio n w hich sh all specify: “2nd. T he county and city
or village w here such b an k is to be located and to conduct its business.
I t is
m y opinion th a t it w as clearly th e in te n t of th e le g isla tu re to lim it th e place
w h ere a b an k in g business m ay be conducted to e ith e r a city or v illag e (in c lu d ­
ing u n in co rp o rated v illag es) and th a t y our d e p a rtm e n t would have no a u th o rity
to accept a n applicatio n w hich show s upon its face th a t th e place of b u sin ess
is a designated “to w n sh ip ” ra th e r th a n a city or village.
In answ er to your second and th ird in q u iries, w ould say if a b a n k is e stab ­
lished in an inco rp o rated village th e am o u n t fo r w hich it m ay be capitalized
depends upon th e p o p u latio n of th e village. T he sam e ru le is applicable in th e case
of an unin co rp o rated village. I have h ereto fo re held th a t w here a sta te b an x
is authorized to do business w ith in an u n in co rp o rated village, th a t it cannot
legally establish a b ran ch agency outside of such u n in co rp o rated village and
in an o th e r se ttle m e n t or u n in co rp o rated village.
(See opinion to H on. E. H.
Doyle, B an k in g C om m issioner, u n d er d ate of F e b ru a ry 17, 1913.)
I t is th e re fo re m y opinion th a t th e cap ital stock in th e case you su g g est w ould
be based upon th e populatio n of th e settlem en t, com m unity or village, inco rp o r­
ated or otherw ise, in w hich th e b an k is actu a lly a u th o rized to tra n s a c t business.
V ery respectfully,
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis


Grant F ellows.
A tto rn ey General.




Ju n e 30th, 1913.
E d w ard H. Doyle, C om m issioner of B anking, Capitol, L a n sin g :
D ear S ir— I have your com m unication of Ju n e 25th, w hich re ad s in p a rt as
follow s:
“We desire to call your a tte n tio n to Section 15 of th e law. W e have recen tly
been asked by a sta te b an k w h eth er th ey w ould be com plying w ith th e p rovisions
of th is section of th e law if th e y p e rm itted th e re p o rt of d ire c to rs’ ex am in atio n
to be read a t board m eeting, an d have th e m in u tes of such m eetin g show as
follow s: ‘T he com m ittee appointed on th e 8th day of October to m ake th e sec­
ond exam ination of th e y ear su b m itted re p o rt of such ex am in atio n . On m otion
of Mr. C. re p o rt w as accepted and ordered placed on file, and re p o rt m ade a p a rt
of these records.’ ”
In reply th e re to w ould say section 15 of th e B an k in g law to w hich you refer
req u ires th e hoard of d irecto rs to ap p o in t an e x am in in g com m ittee. The sec­
tion provides th a t:
“T he ex am in in g com m ittee sh all re p o rt to th e hoard, give in d etail all item s
included in th e assets of th e h an k w hich th ey have reason to believe a re n o t of
th e value a t w hich th e y ap p ear on th e hooks and records of th e h an k , and give
th e valu e of each of such item s as in th e ir ju d g m e n t th e y m ay have d e te r­
m ined. The board sh all m ake a p roper record of said re p o rt in th e m in u te books
of th e bank, etc.”
The m a te ria l req u ire m e n t is th a t th e re p o rt of th e e x am in in g com m ittee sh all
he m ade to th e board, an d th a t th e board sh all m ak e a pro p er record thereof.
T he sta te m e n ts set fo rth in th e m in u tes as in d icated by your le tte r, show th a t
th e re p o rt w as subm itted , accepted, placed on file and m ade a p a rt of th e record.
The sta tu te req u ires th e re p o rt to be recorded in th e m inute' hooks of th e bank.
It is believed, how ever, th a t th e actio n in questio n is a su b s ta n tia l com pliance
w ith th e law.
R espectfully yours,
(S ig n ed ) G r a n t F e l l o w s ,
A tto rn e y General.





o f f ic e r s


em plo yes

m u st


co m m ensurate

w it h

s iz e


A ugust 21, 1913.
H on. E d w ard H. Doyle, C om m issioner of B anking, C apitol:
D ear S ir— I have y our com m unication of th e 20th in w hich you su b m it an
in q u iry u nder th e F ifth subdivision of Section 4 of Act 205 of th e P ublic Acts
of 1887, as am ended. Y our in q u iry is as follow s:
“W here th e d irecto rs of a b an k accept bonds from officers and em ployes a t
a nom inal am o u n t only w hen com pared to th e cash and secu rities in th e ir con­
tro l, w ould th e D ep a rtm e n t have th e rig h t to re q u ire bonds of a g re a te r a m o u n t
w hich w ould be m ore co m m en su rate w ith th e size of the hank, a n d th e oppor­
tu n ity for d e fa u ltin g or m a n ip u la tin g ?
W ill you also advise w h e th e r or n o t u n d er said am en d m en t th e D ep artm en t
has th e rig h t to reject p ersonal bonds of b an k officers and em ployes w here officers
and banks d irecto rs become su re tie s th e re o n ? ”
T he am endm ent to th e Act in q uestion is found in Act No. 11 of th e P u b lic
A cts of 1913. T he F ifth subd iv isio n th e re o f read s as follow s:
“To elect or appo in t d irecto rs, who sh all choose from th e ir m em bers a p re si­
d en t and one or m ore vice-presidents, an d sh all h av e pow er to ap p o in t and em ­
ploy a cash ier or tre a su re r, and o th e r officers, define th e ir duties, dism iss such
officers so elected or appointed, or an y of them , a t p leasu re and elect or ap p o in t
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



o th ers to fill th e ir places, a n d th e board of d irecto rs sh all req u ire every officer
and every clerk concerned in th e h a n d lin g of m oneys, accounts an d se cu rities
of th e b an k to he bonded e ith e r by a su re ty com pany a u th o rized to do b u sin ess
in th e S tate of M ichigan or by a p erso n al bond in such an a m o u n t as sh all be
d eterm ined by th e board of d ire c to rs: Provided, T h a t th e b an k sh a ll p ay fo r
an y su re ty bonds re q u ired of its em ployes.”
I t w ill be observed from th e fo reg o in g q u o tatio n th a t it is a m a n d ato ry d u ty
devolving upon th e board of d irecto rs to re q u ire every officer an d clerk con­
cerned in th e h an d lin g of m oneys, accounts and sec u ritie s to give a bond. The
law clearly contem plates th a t th e am o u n t of th e bond sh all be fo r a reasonable
am o u n t and fo r an a m o u n t reaso n ab ly p ro p o rtio n ate to th e size of th e bank,
th e ch a ra c te r of em ploym ent and th e o p p o rtu n ities afforded for w rong- doing. A
board of directo rs w ould n o t be p erfo rm in g its s ta tu to ry d u ty if it approves a
bond for an am o u n t w hich clearly show s th e action to he a m ere su b terfu g e. It
is probably tru e th a t a board of d irecto rs would be liable fo r fa ilu re to re q u ire a
bond in a proper an d reaso n ab le am ount. I am in clined to believe th a t th e
B an k in g C om m issioner h as a u th o rity to re q u ire a board of d irecto rs to p erfo rm
its s ta tu to ry d u ty in ap p ro v in g and accepting a bond for a reasonable am ount.
R elativ e to th e second p o rtio n of y o u r in q u iry , th e above quoted language
au th o rizes an y such officer or clerk to be bonded e ith e r by a su re ty company
au th o rized to do business in th e S tate of M ichigan or by a perso n al bond. I t
needs no arg u m e n t to su p p o rt th e p roposition th a t th e le g isla tu re never in ten d ed
th a t th e personal bonds re fe rre d to in th e above quoted law should have as su re -'
tie s th ereo n th e officers an d d irecto rs of th e bank.
I t is m y opinion th a t th e b o ard of d irecto rs w ould h av e no a u th o rity to accept
or approve a n y such bond, and th a t you w ould be a c tin g w ell w ith in yo u r rig h ts
if you reject perso n al bonds of b an k officers and b an k em ployes w here th e s u re ­
ties th ereo n are officers an d d irecto rs of th e b ank
R espectfully yours
(S ig n ed ) G r a n t F e l l o w s ,
A tto rn ey General.


Septem ber 12, 1913.

Hon. 0. B. F u ller, A u d ito r G eneral, C apitol:
D ear S ir—You have re cen tly requested th is D e p artm en t fo r an opinion as to
th e co nstruction to he placed upon Section 38 of th e B a n k in g Law , as am ended
by A ct 43 of th e P u b lic A cts of 1913, such am ended section re la tin g to th e sa l­
arie s of b an k in g ex am in ers. T he question is p resen ted as to w h eth er or n o t an
ex am in er holding such position a t th e tim e of th e am en d m en t of 1913 becam e
operative is e n title d to receive th e in crease of $200.00 provided fo r by th e am en d ­
ed section.
In o th e r w ords, w h eth er services ren d ered in such em ploym ent
previous to th e tim e th a t th e am en d m en t took effect can he considered in de­
te rm in in g the rig h t to increased com pensation.
The clause th a t is in question read s as follow s:
“S alaries of th e ex am in ers sh all be in th e sum of $1,700.00 p er an u m d u rin g
th e first y ear of th e ir em ploym ent as such, and sh all be in creased n o t to exceed
$200.00 each year of such em ploym ent u n til th e fu ll sum of $2,200.00 is reached,
"which sum sh all be th e ir a n n u a l s a la ry th e re a fte r.”
I t w as undoubtedly th e belief of th e le g isla tu re th a t experience and service in
th e em ploym ent in q uestion w ould o p erate to re n d e r a b a n k ex am in er m ore p ro ­
ficient in th e discharge of h is duties, and th a t he should ip consequence of such
increased proficiency receive a sa la ry co m m en su rate th ere w ith . In view of th e
u n d erly in g reasons p ro m p tin g th e passage of th is am en d m en t as suggested above,
it does n o t occur to me th a t it is m a te ria l w h eth er th e em ploym ent upon w hich
th e increased com pensation is based sh all have been ren d ered p rio r to th e ta k in g
effect of th e am en d m en t of 1913, or su bsequent th ereto . In o th e r w ords, it is my
opinion th a t such in crease m ay be based upon services ren d ered p rio r to A ugust
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis


lx v ii

14th, 1913. I do n o t th in k th a t th is c o n stru ctio n gives to th e A ct in question
retro a c tiv e effect, th e purpose th e re o f being, n o t to re w ard th e incu m b en ts of
th e positions affected fo r p ast services, b u t ra th e r to com pensate th e m for fu tu re
em ploym ent in accordance w ith th e ir proficiency a tta in e d th ro u g h a c tu a l e x p eri­
ence in th e line of w ork involved.
I t follow s in consequence th a t a n y ex am in er who u n d er th e provisions of Sec­
tion 38 of th e B an k in g Law s, as am ended a t th e session of 1909, would a t th e
p resen t tim e be en title d to an in crease of $100.00 p er a n n u m w ere such am en d ­
m en t still in force m ay receive th e increase of $200.00 as in d icated in said section,
as am ended by A ct 43 of th e P u b lic A cts of 1913.
R espectfully yours,
(S ig n ed ) G r a n t F e l l o w s ,
A tto rn e y General.



October 2, 1913.
Hon. E. H. Doyle, C om m issioner of B anking, C apitol, L an sin g :
D ear S ir— I have y our com m unication of S eptem ber 11th, w hich reads as fo l­
low s:
“We resp ectfu lly req u est your opinion as to w h e th e r o r not, in case of an
im p airm en t of cap ital stock, th e D ep artm en t could p e rm it a sta te b ank to accept,
in lieu of case, stock h o ld ers’ notes pro ra ta to m ake good th e deficiency of cap ital
stock in said b ank on account of bad or d o ubtful assets, req u ired by th e De­
p a rtm e n t to be elim in a te d ? ”
In reply th ereto ,
of th e im p airm en t
42 of th e B an k in g
la tin g to banking,

w ould say th e m a tte r of m ak in g good a deficiency as a re s u lt
of cap ita l stock in a b an k seem s to be governed by section
Law, being com piler’s section 52 of th e p am p h let of law s re ­
rev isio n of 1911. T h is section provides in p a rt th a t:

“W henever it shall ap p ear from th e re p o rt of a n y bank, or th e C om m issioner
sh a ll have reason to believe th a t th e cap ital stock of any b an k is im p aired or
reduced below th e am o u n t req u ired by law , it sh all be th e d u ty of th e Com m is­
sioner, and he sh all have th e pow er to exam ine th e said b an k and a sc e rta in th e
facts, and in case he finds such im p a irm e n t or red u ctio n of cap ital, he sh all re ­
q u ire such b an k to m ake good th e deficiency so a p p e a rin g w ith in six ty days a fte r
th e d ate of such req u isitio n .”
The sam e section m akes it th e d u ty of th e d irecto rs of th e b an k upon such
req u isitio n to levy th e necessary assessm en t and p rescrib e th e m ethod fo r th e
sale of the stock in case th e assessm en t is n o t paid.
I t w ill be observed from th e foregoing qu o tation th a t th e re is a m an d a to ry
re q u irem en t th a t th e C om m issioner of B an k in g sh all re q u ire th e b an k to m ake
good th e deficiency. I am unable to find a n y provision w hich is co n tro llin g in
th e p a rtic u la r m an n e r in w hich the deficiency sh all be m ade good. In th e absence
of a s ta tu to ry re q u ire m e n t p re sc rib in g w h e th e r th e im p a irm e n t m ay be rem edied
e ith e r by th e p ay m en t of cash, note or c o llateral secu rity , it is som ew hat diffi­
c u lt to outline a h ard an d fa s t ru le, to be g en erally and u n iv e rsa lly applicable,
unless th e p a rtic u la r bank, th e c h a ra c te r of th e im p a irm e n t and th e a b ility of
th e stockholders th e re o f to pay, is tak e n in to consideration. The s ta tu to ry p ro ­
vision w hich m akes it th e d u ty of th e C om m issioner of B a n k in g to req u ire th e
b ank to m ake good th e deficiency so ap p e a rin g vests in him a larg e d iscretio n ary
au th o rity . I t is his d u ty to see th a t th e deficiency is m ade good. H e m u st be
satisfied, an y action or approval of th e board of d irecto rs to th e c o n tra ry n o t­
w ith stan d in g . C ash or its eq u iv alen t should be required. A sto ck h o ld er’s note
w ould n o t n ecessarily in every in sta n c e be a com pliance w ith th e law, w hile in
a p a rtic u la r case you m ig h t be w a rra n te d in ap p ro v in g a note, w ith or w ith o u t
collateral se c u rity in d e te rm in in g w h e th e r th e re h a s been a com pliance w ith th e
law and y o u r requisitio n .
I t is th erefo re m y opinion th a t it is fo r th e C om m issioner of B a n k in g to
d eterm in e w h eth er h is req u isitio n re q u irin g a b an k to m ak e good th e deficiency
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



so ap p earin g is obeyed; th a t th e re m ay be a com pliance w ith th e law w ith o u t th e
p aym ent of cash; th a t cash or its eq u iv alen t should be req u ired and th a t in
d eterm in in g w h eth e r th e re h as been a com pliance w ith th e law a note, or a note
accom panied by c o llateral se c u rity m ay in th e d isc re tio n a ry a u th o rity of th e
B an k in g C om m ission be approved in d e te rm in in g w h eth er th e re h as been a com­
pliance w ith your req u isitio n .
V ery respectfully,
(S ig n ed ) G r a n t F e l l o w s .
A tto rn ey General.

N ovem ber 24, 1913.
Hon. E. H. Doyle, C om m issioner of B anking, C apitol, L an sin g :
D ear S ir— I have your com m unication of N ovem ber 19th, d ire c tin g a tte n tio n
to Sections 27 and 52 of th e B an k in g Law. Y our le tte r reads, in p a rt, as fol­
“The la tte r provides th a t a loan to an y person, firm or corporation, shall not
exceed tw en ty per cent, of cap ital and su rp lu s; and th e n only upon th e twoth ird s au th o rizatio n of th e board of d irectors. U nder said section wre desire to
be inform ed w h eth er or n o t a m u n icip al corp o ratio n can borrow on its note,
signed by proper officials, an a m o u n t in excess of tw en ty per cent, of capital
and surplus. It is m a in ta in e d upon th e p a rt of som e ban k s th a t th e lim ita tio n
in said section does n o t apply to loans to m unicip al co rp o ratio n s; th a t such loans
are in th e n a tu re of a public debt, as m entioned in subdivision (b ), section 27
of th e law , and th ereb y are subject to such lim ita tio n s.”
In reply th ereto w ould say it is believed th a t th e ban k s re fe rre d to in your
le tte r a re placing an erroneous c o n stru ctio n upon th e sta tu te . Section 52 p ro ­
vides in p a rt:
“The to ta l liab ilitie s to an y b an k of any person or of an y com pany, co rp o ra­
tio n or firm for m oneys advanced, in clu d in g th e lia b ilitie s of th e com pany or
firm, th e lia b ilitie s of th e several m em bers th e re o f except special p a rtn e rs, sh all
a t no tim e exceed one-tenth p a rt of th e a m o u n t of th e cap ital an d su rp lu s of
such bank, etc.”
The sam e section a u th o rizes a loan of n o t to exceed tw en ty per cent, cap ital
and su rp lu s upon th e a u th o riz a tio n of tw o -th ird s of th e board of directors.
Section 37 refers to e n tire ly d ifferent m atter. T his section prescribes a d irec­
tion concerning deposits or in v estm en ts, w hile Section 52 p rescrib es a lim ita tio n
on loans w hich m ay be made.
W edem eyer v. H in d elan g , 161 Mich. 600 (603).
In th e absence of express a u th o rity a u th o riz in g a g re a te r loan to a m u nicipal
corporation th a n to an y o th e r person, firm or corporation, no good reason suggests
itse lf to m e re q u irin g th e applicatio n of a d ifferen t rule. In stan ces m ig h t a rise
w hen it m ig h t lie h azard o u s to a b an k to overstep th is lim it in m ak in g loans to
a m unicipal corpo ratio n as to an y o th er corporation.
I t is m y opinion th a t a m un icip al corp o ratio n is bound by th e s tric t te rm s of
section 52, and th a t th e b an k h as no a u th o rity to loan m oney to a m unicip al
corporation on a note signed by th e p roper officials in an am o u n t in excess of
tw en ty per cent, of th e cap ital and su rp lu s.
R espectfully yours,
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

Gr a n t F ello w s,

A tto rn ey General.




J a n u a ry 6, 1914.
H onorable E d w ard H. Doyle, B an k in g C om m issioner, L an sin g , M ichigan:
D ear S ir— I have y our com m unication of th e 29th u lt., as follow s:
“We resp ectfu lly req u est yo u r opinion as to w h e th e r or n o t a sta te b an k in
M ichigan can invest in th e cap ital stock of reg io n al banks as provided for in w h at
is know n as the new cu rren cy law. We w ould re fe r you resp ectfu lly to C om piler’s
Sections 6113, 6115 an d 6116.”
In reply thereto, I w ish to advise as follow s:
The title to th e F e d e ra l R eserve Act, recen tly passed by C ongress, in d icates
its gen eral scope and purpose, and read s as follow s:
“A n A ct to provide for th e e stab lish m en t of F ed e ra l R eserve B anks, to fu rn ish
an elastic currency, to afford m eans of re-d isco u n tin g com m ercial paper, to estab ­
lish a m ore effective superv isio n of b a n k in g in th e U nited S tates, and for o th e r
The A ct has undoubtedly been passed by C ongress w ith a view to co rrectin g
c e rta in conditions in cu rren cy d istrib u tio n and in th e n a tio n a l b a n k in g business
w ith in th e U nited States. I t has for its m ain fe a tu re s th e follow ing: (F ir s t) The
creatio n of F ed eral R eserve D istric ts;
(Second) The creatio n of F ed eral R e­
serve B anks;
(T h ird ) T he creatio n of a F ed eral R eserve B oard;
(F o u rth )
The creatio n of a F ed eral A dvisory C ounsel; (F ifth ) The a u th o riz a tio n of a d d i­
tio n al cu rren cy ; (S ix th ) C ertain am en d m en ts and changes in th e N atio n al B an k
L aw ; (S ev en th ) In d ire c tly b rin g in g sta te banks u n d er th e control of th e Comp­
tro lle r of th e T re a su ry an d o th e r F ed eral powers.
In c a rry in g out th e gen eral schem e of th e Act w h a t are know n as “F ed eral
R eserve B an k s” are auth o rized . These b an k s a re to be located in F e d e ra l R e­
serve d is tric ts and w ill n u m b er not less th a n eig h t and no m ore th a n tw elve, or one
fo r each d is tric t created. The F e d e ra l R eserve B anks w ill no t be o rd in a ry banks
of deposit, b u t w ill be w h a t m ig h t be term ed “B a n k e rs’ b an k s.” T hese banks
w ill be corporations h av in g a g en eral schem e of o rg an izatio n sim ila r to o th e r
b an k in g corporations and h av in g all th e o rd in a ry pow ers of corporations, w ith
such lim ita tio n s and re stric tio n s on th e ir pow ers and purposes as w ill b rin g th em
w ith in th e in te n t of th e law. T he cap ital stock fo r in stan ce m ay only be held
by (F ir s t) N ational B an k s; (Second) S tate B an k s; (T h ird ) T ru s t C om panies;
(F o u rth ) In d iv id u als;
(F ifth ) The U nited S tates. T he la s t tw o can only hold
stock on th e fa ilu re of th e first th re e classes of stock h o ld ers to ta k e up th e
n ecessary stock subscrip tio n of th e fo u r m illion d ollars as a m inim um .
The featu re of th is law w hich we have u n d er co n sid eratio n is th a t applying
to S tate B anks. The question involved is w h eth er S tate B anks of th e S tate of
M ichigan m ay become “m em ber b a n k s” in a F ed eral R eserve B ank. The Act
p erm its S tate B anks to become m em bers, giv in g th em all th e rig h ts and pow ers
of stockholders to th e sam e ex ten t as is given to N atio n al Banks.
T he p a rtic u la r featu res of th is Act w hich m u st be considered in d e te rm in in g
th e in q u iry are as follow s:
1st. Section 2 of th e Act provides in p a rt as follow s: “The share-h o ld ers of
every R eserve B ank sh all be held in d iv id u ally responsible, equally and ratab ly ,
and not one for ano th er, for all con tracts, debts and engagem ents of such bank
to the ex ten t of th e am o u n t of th e ir su b scrip tio n to such stock a t th e p a r value
th ereo f in ad d itio n to th e a m o u n t subscribed, w h eth er such su b scrip tio n s have
been paid up in whole or in p a rt, u n d er th e provisions of th is A ct.”
2nd. Section 5 provides in p a rt as follow s: “A b ank app ly in g for stock in
a F ed eral R eserve B ank a t an y tim e a fte r th e o rg an izatio n th ereo f m u st sub­
scribe for an am oun t of th e cap ital stock of th e F ed e ra l R eserve B ank equal to
six per centum of th e paid up cap ital stock and su rp lu s of. said a p p lican t bank,
pay in g th e re fo r its p a r value, plus one-half of one per centum a m o n th from th e
perio d of th e la s t divid en d .”
3rd. U nder th e provisions of Sections 9 and 21 S tate b an k s w hich become
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



m em ber banks w ill be p ractically u n d e r th e ju risd ic tio n of th e C om ptroller of th e
T reasu ry , th e sam e as N atio n al Banks.
4th. Section 19 re q u ires m em ber b an k s to m a in ta in a po rtio n of th e ir reserve
w ith th e F ed eral R eserve B ank.
T he th re e m ain q uestions a re p resen ted : (F ir s t) W h eth e r u n d e r th e b a n k in g
law of M ichigan a S ta te B ank m ay subscribe to th e cap ita l of, and become sto ck ­
holders in a F ed eral R eserve B ank. (Second) W h eth e r u n d e r th e provisions of
th e M ichigan b an k in g law a S tate B ank m ay loan its c re d it to or assum e th e
obligations, in w hole or in p a rt, of a F ed eral R eserve B an k ;
(T h ird ) W h eth e r
th e perm ission given by th e F e d e ra l R eserve Act fo r S ta te B anks to become
stockholders in a F ed eral R eserve B ank, an d to ta k e ad v an tag e of o th e r p ro v i­
sions of th is Act w hich a re in c o n siste n t w ith th e provisions of th e sta te b a n k in g
law , is a ll th a t is necessary, an d w h e th e r it w ould be hence u n n ecessary for th e
sta te to pass an en ab lin g sta tu te .
1st. W h eth er u n d e r th e b a n k in g law of M ichigan, a S tate B ank m ay su b ­
scrib e to th e cap ital of, and become stockholders in a n o th e r b a n k in g c o rp o ra­
T he pow ers of S tate B anks organized u n d e r th e b a n k in g law of th e S tate of
M ichigan are lim ited.
In general, it m ay be said th a t th ey have only such
pow ers as are expressly g ra n te d by th e S tate B an k in g Act, and such o th er pow ers
as are given th em ex necessita te re i in o rd e r th a t th e ir express pow ers m ay
be fully carried o u t a n d enjoyed. T his h as been th e policy in M ichigan as ex­
pressed by th e co u rts an d th e B an k in g D ep a rtm e n t on advice of th e v ario u s
A tto rn ey G enerals. To illu s tra te , we call a tte n tio n to th e follow ing opinions h e re ­
tofore given by th is D ep artm en t:
A tto rn ey
A tto rn ey
A tto rn ey
A tto rn ey

G eneral’s R ep o rt
G en eral’s R e p o rt
G en eral’s R e p o rt
G en eral’s R ep o rt

fo r
fo r




See also th e follow ing Suprem e C ourt decisions of th is S tate:
L afferty v s Peoples Savings B ank, 76 Mich. 65.
S tate Savings B an k vs. F o ster, 118 Mich. 271.
T his is also th e g en eral ru le in o th e r ju risd ic tio n s:
Bolles M odern L aw of B anking, Sec. 19 et seq. p. 17, 18-27.
McGee on B anks an d B ank in g , Chap. X III.
See note p. 777, U. S. S uprem e C ourt R eport, 94 to 97.
T h ere is no express p ro h ib itio n contained in th e M ichigan b a n k in g law a g a in st
one S tate B ank ho ld in g stock in a n o th e r b an k or in a n o th e r corporation. B u t on
th e o th er hand, th e use of th e b a n k ’s co rp o rate fu n d s an d of its deposits, both
savings and com m ercial, is se t fo rth by express e n u m eratio n , an d th is e n u m era­
tio n does not con tain an y reference to in v e stm e n t of cap ital o r o th e r fu n d s in
oth er corporations, w h eth er b a n k in g or o therw ise. In th is resp ect the b a n k in g
law s of M ichigan a re sim ila r to th e N atio n al B a n k in g A ct before th e e n actm en t
of th e F ed eral R eserve Act.
By the g re a t w eig h t of a u th o rity th e p roposition is su sta in e d th a t a b a n k co r­
poration, in th e absence of express p erm issio n by sta tu te , can n o t in v est its
funds in th e stock of a n o th e r b an k or o th er corporations.
Bolles M odern L aw of B an k in g , page 205.
M ichie, “B anks and B a n k in g ,” page 660.
M etropolitan T ru s t Co. v. M cK innon, 172 Fed. 846.
F ir s t N atio n al B ank v. Converse, 200 U. S. 425.
M cKim v. Glenn, 66 Md. 479.
Concord v. H aw k in s, 174 U. S. 364.
C alifo rn ia B an k v. K ennedy, 167 U. S. 362.
T illin g ast v. C arr, 82 Fed. 288.
T he reaso n in g upon w hich th is ho ld in g is founded is wTell set fo rth in th e
case of F ir s t N atio n al B ank v. C onverse, su p ra, page 438 of th e opinion, w hich
w as delivered by Mr. Ju stic e W h ite:
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



“Now, the lim ita tio n s upon th e pow ers of N atio n al B anks w ere clearly pointed
o u t in C alifornia N at. B ank v. K ennedy, 167 U. S. 362, 42 L. ed. 198, 17 Sup.
Ct. Rep. 831, w here it w as said, (p. 366, L. ed. P. 200, Sup. Ct. Rep. P. 833) :
‘I t is settled th a t th e U nited S tates sta tu te s re la tiv e to n a tio n a l b an k s co n sti­
tu te th e m easure of th e a u th o rity of such corporations, and th a t th ey c an n o t
rig h tfu lly exercise an y pow ers except those expressly g ra n te d or w hich are in ci­
d en tal to c a rry in g on th e bu sin ess for w hich th ey a re established.
L ogan
C ounty N at. B ank v. T ow nsend, 139 U. S. 67, 73, 35 L. ed. 107, 110, 11 Sup. Ct.
Rep. 496. No express pow er to acquire th e stock of a n o th e r corp o ratio n is con­
fe rre d upon a n a tio n a l bank, b u t it h as been held th a t, as in cid en tal to the pow er
to loan m oney on p erso n al secu rity , a b an k m ay, in th e u su al course of doing
such business, accept stock of a n o th e r co rporation as collateral, and by th e en ­
forcem ents of its rig h ts as pledgee it m ay become th e ow ner of th e co llateral,
an d be subject to lia b ility as o th er stockholders. G erm ania N at. B ank v. Case, 99
U S. 628, 25 L. ed. 448. So, also, a n a tio n a l b a n k m ay be conceded to possess
th e incid en tal pow er of accepting in good fa ith , stock of a n o th e r corporation as
se c u rity for a previous indebtedness. It is clear, how ever, th a t a n a tio n a l b ank
does not possess th e power to deal in stocks. The p ro h ib itio n is im plied from th e
fa ilu re to g ra n t th e power. F ir s t N atio n al B ank v. N atio n al E xch. B ank, 92 U. S.
128, 23 L. ed. 681.”
T his reaso n in g applies as w ell to S tate B anks as to N atio n al B anks, as will
be seen by a review of th e a u th o ritie s in th e cases above cited.
I t m ay be argued, how ever, th a t th e F ed eral R eserve B anks do n o t come w ith in
th a t class of corporations in w hich N atio n al an d S tate B anks are p ro h ib ited from
holding stock, and th a t th e F ed eral R eserve B anks are n o t p riv a te co rp o ratio n s;
b u t on th e oth er hand, a re public corporations. F ro m m y re a d in g of th e F ed eral
R eserve Act, and th e provisions re la tin g to F e d e ra l R eserve B anks, I am of th e
opinion th a t th e b an k s so created an d au th o rized u n d er th is A ct differ only from
o rd in a ry N atio n al and S tate B anks in th e lim ita tio n s upon th e pow ers and scope
of th e ir business. It is tru e th e y have, as d istin g u ish ed from th e N atio n al B anks,
probably a closer re la tio n to th e gov ern m en t th a n N atio n al B an k s; b u t ou tsid e
of th e h ig h er degree of F ed eral control and resp o n sib ility to th e g o vernm ent and
o th er re s tric tio n s in th e ir pow ers, th ese b an k s have all th e in cid en ts of th e
o rd in a ry bank as to p rim a ry org an izatio n , control an d use of corporate funds,
d istrib u tio n of profits a n d lia b ility of stockholders. In th ese respects th e F ed ­
eral R eserve B anks a re v ery sim ila r to N a tio n a l B anks, and N atio n al B anks a re
held to be p riv ate corporations, alth o u g h g o v ern m en tal agencies.
Bolles M odern L aw of B anking, p. 3.
B ranch v. U nited S tates, 12 U. S. C ourt of Claim s, 281 to 286.
2nd. W h eth er u n d er th e provisions of th e M ichigan B an k in g L aw a S tate
B ank m ay loan its cred it, or assum e th e obligations in w hole or in p a r t of
an o th e r b a n k in g corporation.
T his question is involved in th e first question, in asm u ch as u n d e r th e F e d ­
e ra l R eserve Act, S tate B anks w ould have no re la tio n s w ith F e d e ra l R eserve
B anks, unless th ey should be stockholders. T he F e d e ra l R eserve A ct expressly
defines the liab ility of stockholders in F ed e ra l R eserv e B anks. I t is m y opinion
th a t S tate B anks u n d er th e M ichigan B an k in g L aw cannot be p erm itte d to th u s
assum e th e lia b ilitie s of a n o th e r bank, n o r can th e y th e re fo re assum e th e lia b il­
ities of a F ed eral R eserve B ank by becom ing stockholders, n o r loan th e ir cred it
in th is m an n er to one of these.
M ichie, “B anks & B a n k in g ,” Sec. 99, p. 681, an d m an y cases th e re cited.
Bolles, “M odern L aw of B a n k in g ,” p. 205.
3rd. The la s t proposition is as to w h eth er th e p erm ission given by th e F ed eral
R eserve Act fo r S tate B anks to become stockholders in a F e d e ra l R eserve B ank
and to ta k e ad vanta g e of o th er provisions of th is Act w hich are in c o n siste n t w ith
th e provisions of th e S tate B a n k in g Law, is all th a t is n ecessary and w h eth er
it w ould hence be u n n ecessary fo r th e S tate to pass an en ab lin g sta tu te .
T he general proposition th a t th e sta te s are su b ject to th e su p rem e law of th e
land, nam ely, th e C o n stitu tio n of th e U nited States, tre a tie s an d acts of Con­
gress m ade p u rs u a n t to th e C o n stitu tio n , I believe h as no p ro p er applicatio n to
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



th e question u n d er consideration.
th e police pow ers of states.

The reg u latio n of b a n k in g is an exercise of

McGee on B anks and B anking, pages 1 an d 2.
A ssaria S tate B ank v. Dolley, 219 U. S. 127.
Noble S tate B ank v. H askell, 219 U. S. p. 113 of U. S. R eports.
E ngel vs. O’M alley, 219 U. S and page 128 of R eports.
The police pow er of th e states, being expressly reserved to th e sta te s by th e
F ed eral C o nstitution , is n o t su b o rd in ate to th e F ed e ra l C o nstitution, and hence
is n o t su b o rd in ate to Acts of Congress.
L icense T ax Cases, 5 W all. 462.
S lau g h ter H ouse Cases, 16 W all. U. S. 36.
B artem ey er v. Iowa, 18 W all. 129.
Cooley’s Const. Lim . 5 ed., page 708.
See also cases cited in A ssaria S tate B an k v. Dolley, in th e note on page 127
of U nited S tates Suprem e C ourt R eports.
I w ould have had no doubt on th is proposition w ere it not for th e ru lin g of
th e U nited S tates Suprem e C ourt in Casey v. Galli, 94 U. S., page 673. T h at case
arose u n d er Section 23 of th e N atio n al B an k in g L aw w hich p erm its a S tate B ank
to be converted in to a N atio n al B ank. I t w as th e re held th a t th e consent of
th e sta te w as not necessary in such conversion. In th e opinion it w as said:
“ The second plea is clearly bad. No a u th o rity from th e sta te w as necessary
to enable th e b ank so to change its organ izatio n . The option to do th a t was
given by th e 44th Section of th e B ank A ct of C ongress (13 S tat. L. 112). The
pow er th ere conferred w as am ple, and its v a lid ity c an n o t be doubted. The Act
is sile n t as to any a sse n t or perm issio n by th e state. It w as as com petent for
Congress to au th o rize th e tra n sm u ta tio n as to c re a te such in s titu tio n s o rig in ally .”
T he tw o propositions, how ever, it seem s to me a re clearly d istin g u ish ab le.
The rig h t of th e sta te to create and re g u la te co rporations does n o t extend to the
rig h t to p ro h ib it such corp o ratio n s fro m v o lu n ta ry dissolution. A sta te b a n k ­
in g corporation m ay dissolve itself and cease to exist, and beyond th e rig h t of
th e sta te to compel a b ank to p ro p erly liq u id ate, it can n o t concern itse lf in th e
d eterm in atio n of th e in co rp o rato rs and stock h o ld ers of th e b an k to cease to exist.
Hence, a sta te bank, w ith o u t th e consent of th e sta te , m ay cease to e x ist and
th e in co rp o rato rs an d stockholders m ay by p roper action con v ert th e b an k in to
a N atio n al B ank. B u t it is necessary th a t a S tate B ank in o rd er to be converted
in to a N atio n al B ank should have th e consent an d perm issio n of th e U nited
States. T his, it seem s to me is all th a t is m ean t by th e opinion in Casey v.
H ow ever, the rig h t of a sta te to control its co rp o ratio n s (a n d th is includes
b an k in g c o rp o ratio n s), and to say w h a t th ey m ay do and m ay n o t do, is abso­
lutely conceded by th e decisions of th e U nited S ta te s S uprem e C ourt, su p ra. The
S tate of M ichigan has seen fit to lim it its banks in th e use of th e ir corporate
funds and th is lim ita tio n can n o t be e n larg ed by th e law s of th e U nited States.
The F ederal R eserve Act, as to S tate B anks, is p u rely perm issive. It has le ft th e
w ay open for S tate B anks to e n te r in to th e system , b u t no a tte m p t is th e re in
m ade to supersede th e law s of an y sta te as to th e b a n k in g business.
In conclusion, I am
of th e opinion th a t b an k s organized u n d e r th e law s of
th is sta te have no a u th o rity to accept th e provisions of th e F e d e ra l R eserve Act.
R espectfully yours,
(S ig n ed ) G r a n t F e l l o w s ,
A tto rn ey General.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis


lx x iii


M arch F o u rte e n th ,
N ineteen F o u rteen ,
H on. E. H. Doyle, C om m issioner of B anking, C apitol, L an sin g :
D ear S ir—You have recen tly fo rw ard ed to th is D e p artm en t a le tte r from C harles
D. Thom pson, of Bad Axe, M ichigan, a sk in g m y opinion upon th e in q u iry th e re in
m ade. T his le tte r read s in p a rt as follow s:
“To avoid th e objectionable practice of c o u n try ban k s in e x ten d in g th e ir paper
from tim e to tim e because of th e in a b ility to get all sig n ers to join in new notes,
it has been suggested to me th a t a note for th e o rig in al loan w ith th e g u a ra n to rs
sig n in g u n d er a g u a ra n ty clause of “for value received, I hereby g u a ra n te e the
paym ent of th e w ith in note a t m a tu rity , or a t an y tim e th e re a fte r, in clu d in g an y
renew al of sam e, w aiv in g a dem and, notice of non-paym ent and p ro te st” could
safely and properly be han d led by p e rm ittin g th e m ak er to execute a new note
and re ta in in g the old note w ith th e en d o rsem en t u n d er th e above g u a ra n ty .
T his w ould give th e b a n k e r new p aper an d avoid th e question of extension,
y et w ould n o t inconvenience h is custom er.”
You desire to know w h eth er th e re are an y objections to th e m ethod outlin ed
in th e above com m unication.
In reply th ereto would say th a t th e p rin c ip a l idea co n tain ed in th e suggestion
seem s to be th a t such a c o n tra c t would lessen th e w ork of th e b an k in pro­
cu rin g renew als of u n p aid notes by h a v in g th e renew als signed only by th e p a rtie s
p rim a rily liable. It is e n tire ly possible th a t such a co n tra c t would be b in d in g
upon th e m akers w ere th e m a tte r tested in court, b u t it occurs to me th a t it
would establish a bad p ractice for banks. As a m a tte r of p ractice I do n o t th in k
custom ers of banks should be encouraged in th e id ea th a t th e s ta tu s of th e ir
pap er is m ore a m a tte r fo r th e ban k s to look o u t for th a n th e b orrow ers th e m ­
selves. I t is u n q uestio n ab ly th e d u ty of bo rro w ers to see th a t th e ir paper is re ­
new ed as often as necessary. R egardless of th e ex act legal question involved I
am im pressed th a t you should n o t co untenance th e suggestion m ade by Mr.
Thom pson.
I re tu rn h erew ith Mr T hom pson’s lette r.
R esp ectfu lly yours,

A. B. Dougherty,
D epu ty A tto rn ey General.


L an sin g , M arch 17, 1914.
Hon. E. H. Doyle, B an k in g C om m issioner, Capitol, L an sin g :
D ear S ir—Y our com m unication of recen t date, re la tiv e to long te rm leases by
ban ks for b an k in g houses, received and co n ten ts noted. In yo u r first com m unica­
tio n you sta te the follow ing:
“As you are probably w ell aw are, in th e larg e cities in M ichigan sta te banks
are estab lish in g a nu m b er of branches or agencies, and in som e in stan ces procure
b an k in g office and re a l e sta te u n d er a long tim e lease, in som e in stan ces fo r 99
years, ca rry in g purch ase price of th e lease in b a n k in g house account.
In view of th e fact th a t we are advised th a t ce rta in b an k s m ay erect expensive
buildings on leased grounds w ith th e expectation of c a rry in g sam e in th e ir b an k ­
in g house account, we resp ectfu lly ask y o u r opinion as to w h eth er or not th e
D ep artm en t has th e rig h t, u n d er th e law and all th e circum stances, to p e rm it
b a n k in g house and land so held w here th e fee of th e p ro p erty is not in the b an k .”
The p a rtic u la r question is p resen ted as to w h eth er a c e rta in lease en tered into
by th e ................... B ank, a copy of w hich you have procured an d fo rw ard ed to me,
is valid so fa r as th e b an k is concerned; and also w h eth er bu ild in g s erected upon
the ground so leased by th e b ank should be c arried as “b a n k in g house.”
I have exam ined th is lease, w hich w as o rig in ally m ade betw een th e .................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



Com pany and th e .......... . . . Com pany, p a rtie s of th e first p a rt, an d .........................,
p a rty of the second p a rt. I assum e th a t th e lessee’s rig h ts have been assigned
to th e bank. U nder th e te rm s of th is lease, w hich ru n s fo r 99 years, th e lessee
is required to pay $20,000.00 a y ear g round re n t fo r th e first te n years, and
$25,000.00 a y ear th e re a fte r. The lessee also agrees to c o n stru ct on p a rt of th e
ground a b u ild in g of n o t less value th a n $50,000.00. P erm issio n is also given
in th e lease by w hich th e lessee m ay co n stru c t a b u ild in g of n o t less th a n
$100,000.00, to ta k e th e place of an y b u ild in g s now o r h e re a fte r constructed. T he
lease contains th e u su a l provisions for fo rfe itu re and se c u rity for perform ance
and provides in case of fo rfe itu re before th e end of th e te rm and also upon the
te rm in a tio n of th e lease by ex p ira tio n of tim e, all th e b u ild in g s erected by th e
lessee sh all become th e p ro p e rty of th e lessor. D u rin g th e term , how ever, th e
lessee is given th e rig h t to sublet, m ake im provem ents, assig n or sell his in te re st
in th e lease, or use it as se c u rity fo r loans, etc. The in te n t of th e in s tru m e n t
a p p aren tly is th a t th e lessee sh all exercise all th e rig h ts of ow nership in th e
b u ild in g or b u ildin g s in cid en t to o rd in a ry ow nership w ith th e exception th a t th e
lessor h as th e rig h t of e n try fo r inspection or ex hibition, and w ith th e fu rth e r
reserv atio n th a t th e lessee m ay n o t incum ber th e p ro p erty in such a m a n n e r as
to im p air th e lesso r’s in te re st th e re in .
T he first question p resen ted by your in q u iry is as to w h eth er u n d e r th e M ichi­
gan B an k in g Law s it is w ith in th e pow er of a S tate B ank to .e n te r in to such a
On th is proposition I th in k we are agreed th a t S ta te B anks m ay u n d er Section
6100 of th e Compiled L aw s of 1897 e n te r in to a lease of th e n a tu r e indicated.
T his section provides, in p a rt, as follow s:
“A b ank m ay purchase, hold and convey re a l e state for the follow ing purposes,
b u t no o th er: F irs t, such as sh all be necessary for th e convenient tra n sa c tio n
of its business, in clu d in g w ith its b a n k in g offices o th er a p a rtm e n ts to re n t as a
source of incom e, h u t w hich sh all n o t exceed 50% of its paid in cap ital * * * * ’’
The N atio n al B an k in g A ct (R evised S tatu tes, Section 5137) con tain s a v e ry sim i­
la r provision, nam ely :
“A N atio n al B an k in g A ssociation m ay p urchase, hold and convey real e sta te
for th e follow ing purposes and for no o th e rs: F irs t, such as sh all be necessary
fo r its im m ediate accom m odation in th e tra n sa c tio n of its business. * * * *”
U nder th is provision of th e N atio n al B an k in g Law , th e Suprem e C o u rt of th e
U nited S tates held in several in stan ces th a t N atio n al B anks possessed th e power
to purchase and hold long te rm leases, provided such leases are bona fide. See
B row n vs. Schleier, 194 U. S. 18, affirm ing th e decision of th e C ircu it C ourt of
A ppeals in th e sam e case, rep o rted 118 Fed. 981. I th in k th is decision is con­
clusive upon th e proposition, and th a t th e re fo re it is in tr a v ires of our S tate
ban k s to e n te r in to such a lease in preferen ce to o b tain in g th e fee.
Y our second in q u iry is as to w h eth er u n d er such a lease th e in v estm en t of the
lessee b an k should be c arried u n d er th e head “B an k in g H ouse.”
Upon th is propo sitio n so fa r as I have been able to find th e a u th o ritie s do
not th ro w any ligh t. If th e b an k had obtained th e fee in th e lan d upon w hich
th e b u ild in g is erected it would be c a rrie d in its accounts as “ B an k in g H ouse.”
H av in g less th a n a fee. and an in te re st w hich m ig h t be fo rfeited th ro u g h non­
perform ance on th e p a rt of th e bank, and th e te rm s of th e lease itself im posing
a continuous lia b ility upon th e lessee bank, th e re is some question as to w h eth er
th is lease is an a ss e t or a liab ility . It is a lia b ility to th e e x te n t th a t th e bank
m u st pay its re n t w h eth er it o b tain s any incom e fro m th e b u ild in g or not, and
it has th e fu rth e r lia b ility th a t it m u st erect a b u ild in g w o rth n o t less th a n
$50,000 upon th e land, and it m u st a t all tim es a fte r th e erection of such b u ild in g
m a in ta in th e new b u ild in g and older b u ild in g s at a v alue no t less th a n $100,000.
U ndoubtedly if the plan s of th e b an k do not m isc a rry th e lease will be a valu ab le
Independent of such co n sid eratio n s, how ever, and w hich a re larg ely speculative,
th e fact rem ain s th a t th e h an k h as invested, or w ill invest, a specified am o u n t
of money in th e erection of a b u ild in g or b u ild in g s for its own use as a bank. _
I do not see how such an in v e stm e n t can be tre a te d differen tly fro m th e in v e s t-'
m en t in a fee, both bein g for th e sam e purpose. The only difference w ould be
as to actu al value. I u n d e rsta n d th a t N atio n al B anks ow ning th e ir b a n k in g
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



houses u n d er sim ila r leases are p erm itte d to c a rry th e sam e in ‘•B anking H ouse”
account. I am th e re fo re of th e opinion th a t th e sam e ru le should apply to S tate
B anks. T he am o u n t w hich should he ca rrie d as “B an k in g H ouse” account should
not exceed th e ac tu a l valu e of th e build in g s erected by th e b an k u n d er th e lease,
and should not include th e a n n u a l re n ta l p aid for th e gro u n d or b u ild in g s erected
by th e landlord.
R espectfully yours,
Gr a n t

F ello w s,

A tto rn e y General.

L an sin g , Ju n e 5, 1914.
H onorable E. H . Doyle, S tate B an k in g C om m issioner, C apitol:
D ear S ir—Y our com m unication of th e 1st in st. received, in w hich you req u est
m y opinion on a p roposition su b m itted to you by th e .................................. B ank.
T his proposition is as follow s:
“The .................................................. B ank h as outgrow n its p re se n t q u a rte rs and
it is absolutely n ecessary th a t we o btain a la rg e r site or go to p ra c tic a lly th e
sam e expense of reb u ild in g on th e p re se n t site, and th e n n o t have a desirable
b u ild in g on account of th e n arro w lo t w hich we now occupy, it being only 21 feet.
“T here is a b u ild in g a d jac en t to our p re se n t location of 28 feet, th e title of
w hich stan d s as follow s: The p ro p erty w as w illed by a M r......................... to h is
tw o d au g h ters, a M rs...................... an d a M i s s ................. , who have th e use th ereo f
for th e ir n a tu r a l lives. A t th e d eath of e ith e r one, th e title is to go to h e r h eirs.
Miss ..................... is a m aiden lady, 60 y e ars old. M rs.................. , th e o th e r te n a n t,
is m a rrie d and is now of th e age of 56 years. She h as th re e ch ild ren , who w ill
be th e rem ain d erm en of h e r in te re st in th e pro p erty , and u n d oubtedly th e re ­
m ain d erm en of th e m aiden lady, unless M rs....................... sh o u ld ' su rv iv e her.
“T hese life te n a n ts a re w illin g to sell to th e bank, b u t th e rem a in d e rm e n do
n o t w ish to sell, claim in g th e m oney is w ell invested a n d th a t th ey w ould ra th e r
th e in v estm en t w ould sta n d u n til th e d eath of th e life ten a n ts.
“The question a rises as to w hether, th e b an k w ould have th e rig h t to ta k e
over th e p a rtie s in te re sts by all of th em jo in in g in a lease, coupled w ith an option
to purch ase on th e death of th e life te n a n ts, so th a t th e y could go on and erect
a b an k building, a n d pay th e life te n a n ts a re n ta l d u rin g th e ir lives, an d a t
th e end of th e lease period, or a t th e d eath of th e life te n a n ts, have th e option
to p u rch ase become operative an d th e y convey th e ir in te re sts in fee to th e p resen t
b an k or its successor.”
In reply th ereto w ould say th a t th is p roposition is sim ila r to th a t involved in
m y opinion given you M arch 17th, 1914, relativ e to b an k s b u ild in g on leased p rop­
erty. In th is p a rtic u la r case th e lease and option w ould n ecessarily have to in ­
clude both the life te n a n ts and all th e possible rem ain d erm en .
Gr a n t F ello w s,

A tto rn e y General.



m u n ic ip a l it y




d e p o s it




w here



sto c k ­


A p ril 29th,
N in etee n F o u rteen .
Hon. E dw ard H. Doyle, C om m issioner of B anking, C apitol:
D ear S ir—Y our oral co m m unication on th e follow ing proposition h as been con­
sidered. You h an d in a com m unication fro m Mr. Leo J. N a v a rre of E ssexville,
M ichigan, as follow s:
“The w riter,
E ssexville. has
“An opinion
m oney w hich I

who is a stockholder and d irecto r in th e S ta te Savings B ank of
been elected tre a s u re r of th e village of E ssexville.
has been h anded me th is m o rn in g w hich concerns th e deposit of
m ay h an d le as such tre a su re r. T he opinion is from th e law firm
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis


lx x v i

of C oum ans & Gaffney of B ay City, and is enclosed h ere w ith for your inspec­
“T he w rite r talk ed over phone th is m o rn in g to Mr. M anning, who sta te d th a t
if th e village d esign ated th is b an k as a d ep o sito ry e v e ry th in g w ould be all rig h t.
“I do n o t w ish to do a n y th in g c o n tra ry to th e ru le s of th e D ep a rtm e n t and
w ish you would w rite me in th is reg ard , so th a t y our decision m ay he su b m itted
at the d ire c to rs’ m eetin g an d settle an y q uestion w ith re g a rd to yo u r office.”
A ccom panying th is w as also an opinion given by M essrs. C oum ans & Gaffney
of B ay C ity b earin g upon th e proposition, th e conclusion of w hich is as follow s:
“T herefore, we
th e tre a s u re r of
in w hich he is a
T he references

conclude th a t by th e provisions of Sections 892, 893 and 895,
any m u n ic ip a lity is forbidden to deposit m oneys in any bank
stockholder or o th erw ise.”
are to H ow ell’s M ichigan S ta tu te s (n e w ).

In reply th ereto w ould say th a t it h as hereto fo re been th e position of th is
d e p artm en t th a t th e tre a su re rs of th e v ario u s m u n icip alities can n o t deposit th e
funds w hich th ey hold as such tre a s u re rs in ban k s in w hich th ey a re in te re ste d
as stockholders, d irecto rs or officers. T his, how ever, is modified by th e pro v i­
sions of A cts 99, and 305, P ublic A cts of 1909. Act 99 applies to counties, and
305 applies to tow nships. B oth of these Acts provide fo r th e deposit of public
funds in banks to be d esignated by B oards of S upervisors, C ounty A uditors, and
T ow nship B oards, as th e case m ay be. U nder e ith e r Act th e tre a s u re r is relieved
from his resp o n sib ility in case of th e fa ilu re of th e ban k s in w hich th e deposits
a re m ade w here th e depositories a re desig n ated in accordance w ith th e te rm s of
th e Acts. I th in k it would also follow th a t w here th e B oard of S upervisors or
th e T ow nship B oard, as th e case m ay be, h a s u n d e rta k e n to d esig n ate
a depository for th e funds, th e tr e a s u re r w ould n o t be v io la tin g a n y law
follow ing th e directio n s of those h av in g th e rig h t to designate such depositories.
This, how ever, is by v irtu e of express sta tu te s. As to such officials as do n o t
come w ith in th e term s of th e above Acts, I th in k th e old ru le w ould fu lly apply.
The g en eral school law also co n tain s a provision by w hich th e electors of a
p rim a ry school d is tric t m ay d esignate th e depository of th e school d is tric t funds.
W here th is is done, I am of th e opinion th a t i t w ould relieve th e tre a s u re r
of an y lia b ility fo r d epositing fu n d s in a b an k in w hich he m ig h t be in te re ste d
in th e sam e w ay as in th e case of C ounties or T ow nships. In th e absence of
express s ta tu te I th in k th e opinion given by C oum ans & Gaffney is correct.
R espectfully yours,

F ello w s,

A tto rn e y General.


A p ril T w en ty -n in th
N in eteen F o u rteen .
H on. E. H. Doyle, S tate B an k in g C om m issioner, C apitol:
D ear S ir—R eplying to your o ral req u est fo r an opinion as to th e lia b ility of
th e sig n ers of a pro m isso ry n ote for th e follow ing fo rm :
................................ M ichigan Jan y . 1, 1914.
Sixty days a fte r date I prom ise to pay to th e ord er of T h e F ir s t S t a t e B a n k
o f .................................. M i c h i g a n , One H u n d red D ollars a t its office, value received, w ith
in te r e s t a t 7 p er c e n t p er a n n u m
a n d p r o te st.

D u e ................................................

a f t e r d u e , w a i v i n g n o t i c e o f d e m a n d , d is h o n o r
J o h n S m it h ,
W i l l i a m . J o n e s .”

I w ish to advise you as follow s:
It w ill be noted th a t th e in s tru m e n t is signed by
n e ith e r p a rty h av in g been req u ired to sign on the back.
in p a rtic u la r is as to th e lia b ility of W illiam Jones, th e
to have signed th e note as a n accom m odation p a rty an d
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

tw o p a rtie s on its face,
W h at you desire to know
second sig n er, who claim s
n o t as a beneficiary.


lx x v ii

In rep ly th ereto , I call y o u r a tte n tio n to th e follow ing p ro v isio n s of A ct 265
of th e P ublic A cts of 1905:
“Section 2. The person p rim a rily liable on an in s tru m e n t is th e person who
by th e te rm s of th e in s tru m e n t is ab so lu tely re q u ire d to pay th e sam e. All o th e r
p arties a re secondarily liable.”
“ Section 26. E v ery negotiable in s tru m e n t is deemed pr'im a facie to have been
issued for a valuable co n sid eratio n ; and every person whose sig n a tu re ap p ears
thereo n to have become a p a rty th e re to for valu e.”
“Section 31. ACCOMMODATION P A R T Y , L ia b ility of—An accom m odation
p a rty is one who has signed th e in s tru m e n t as m aker, d raw er, acceptor, or en­
dorser, w ith o u t receiv in g value th ere fo r, and for th e purpose of len d in g h is nam e
to som e o th er person. Such a person is liable on th e in s tru m e n t to a ho ld er
for value, n o tw ith sta n d in g such holder a t th e tim e of ta k in g th e in stru m e n t
knew him to be only an accom m odation p a rty .”
“ Section 65. W hen Person cleemecl endorser— A person placing h is sig n a tu re
upon an in s tru m e n t oth erw ise th a n as m ak er d raw er or acceptor, is deemed to
be an endorser unless he clearly in d icates .by a p p ro p ria te w ords h is in te n tio n to
be bound in some o th er capacity.”
In view of th e above provisions and th e nu m ero u s a u th o ritie s, th e re can be
no doubt th a t in an in s tru m e n t executed in th e above form W illiam Jones would
be p rim a facie deemed to be a m ak er of th e note, th e re being n o th in g on th e
face of th e in s tru m e n t to show th a t he signed th e sam e in any o th er capacity.
R espectfully yours,
G r a n t F e ix o w s ,

A tto rn e y General.


A pril T w enty-ninth,
N ineteen F ourteen.
H on. A lbert E. M anning, D eputy B an k in g C om m issioner, C a p ito l:
D ear S ir— I have y our com m u n icatio n of th e 28th in st. re q u e stin g m y opinion as
to w h eth er or not a S ta te b an k can pledge its bonds w ith th e C ounty T re a su re r
in o rd er to secure or g u a ra n te e co unty deposits. You have also fo rw ard ed to me
th e com m unication from th e ........................................ B ank in w hich th e question
is raised.
In reply th ereto would say th a t th e only d irect a u th o rity for th e deposit of coun­
ty bonds w ith ban k s is found in Act 99 of th e P ublic Acts of 1909. B efore th e
passage of th is Act, and even now in th e absence of affirm ative action by th e
B oard of Supervisors or B oard of C ounty A uditors, th e C ounty T re a su re r w as
held absolutely responsible for all county funds. T here w as no d irect a u th o rity
fo r his depositing th e county m oneys w ith ban k s or o th e r depositories unless
as in som e cases by local legislation. U nder th e p rovisions of Act 99 of th e
Public A cts of 1909, ab o v e -re fe rre d to, th e B oard of S upervisors m ay designate
a depository for county fu n d s u n d er c e rta in conditions. Y our a tte n tio n is called
p a rtic u la rly to Section 3 of th is Act, w hich provides as follow s:
“B efore any deposit sh all be m ade w ith any b an k or banks as aforesaid, such
b ank or ban k s sh all execute and deliver to th e B oard of Supervisors or th e
B oard of C ounty A u d ito rs, as th e case m ay be, a good and sufficient bond in an
am o u n t a t least equal to th e m ax im u m a m o u n t to be deposited in such bank, and
w ith such su re tie s as sh all be approved by such board an d th e P ro se c u tin g A tto r­
ney of th e county. Said bonds sh all be m ade to th e county an d sh all be condi­
tioned for th e safe keep in g and rep a y m e n t of such m oneys or a n y p a rt th e re o f
on dem and and th e p ay m en t of said in te re st, and sh all c o n tain such o th e r condi­
tio n s as m ay be re q u ire d by th e B oard of S u p erv iso rs or th e B oard of C ounty
A uditors, not in c o n siste n t w ith th e p ro v isio n s of th is A ct.”
The condition p rescribed in Section 3 is, in my opinion, an ab so lu te one and
for w hich th e re would be no a u th o rity to m ake a su b stitu tio n . The dep o sitin g
of co llateral se c u ritie s w ould not, in m y opinion, fulfill th e conditions p rescrib ed
in th e Act.
I am assu m in g for th e purpose of th is opinion th a t th e B oard of S upervisors
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

lx x v iii


or th e B oard of C ounty A u d ito rs of W ayne h a s u n d e rta k e n to d esig n ate th e
d epositories for th e ir co u n ty fu n d s e ith e r u n d e r th e p ro v isio n s of th e above A ct
or som e o th er sim ila r law.
R espectfully yours,
Gr a n t

F ello w s,

A tto rn ey General.



October 26,
N in eteen F o u rteen .

Hon. E. H. Doyle, S tate B a n k in g C om m issioner, C apitol:
D ear S ir—You have re fe rre d to me a co m m unication fro m a public com m ittee
in th e C ity of Y psilanti, req u e stin g an opinion as to w h e th e r a proposed issue of
u tility bonds w ould come w ith in th e class of in v estm en ts p e rm itted to he m ade
by savings banks o rganized u n d er th e M ichigan B an k in g Law . T he C ity of
Y psilanti has recen tly au th o rized th e p u rch ase th e Y p silan ti gas p la n t and h a s
au th o rized an issue of one h u n d re d th ir ty th o u san d d o llars of m o rtg ag e bonds
to pay for th is p lan t, th e bonds n o t being a lia b ility upon th e g en eral c re d it of
th e city b u t being secured solely by a tr u s t m o rtg ag e covering th e p ro p e rty and
revenues of th e gas p la n t, in clu d in g a tw enty-year fra n c h ise in case of fo re­
Section 27 of the S ta te B a n k in g L aw prescrib es th e class of in v estm en ts w hich
m ay be m ade by savings b an k s of th e sav in g s m oney on deposit. T h ere are sev­
eral classes w hich a re described in sub-sections (a ) to (i) of th is section. T here
are tw o classes of public bonds: (a ) B onds of th e U nited S tates, of a n y S tate
or te rrito ry of th e U n ited S tates;
(b ) T he public debt or bonds of a n y city,
county, tow nship, v illag e or school d is tric t of a n y S ta te or te r r ito r y in th e
U n ited S tates, w hich sh a ll h av e been au th o riz e d by th e le g isla tu re of such S ta te
or te rrito ry .
T he action of th e C ity of Y p silan ti in p u rc h a sin g th e gas p la n t from a p riv a te
corporation w as evid en tly based upon th e p erm issio n given in Section 4 of A ct 279
of the P ublic Acts of 1909, as am ended by A ct 5 of th e P ublic A cts of 1913. T h is
section provides in p a rt as follow s:
“E ach city m ay in its c h a rte r provide:
(b) F o r b o rrow in g m oney on th e c re d it of th e city in a sum n o t to exceed
eig h t per centum of th e assessed v alue of all re a l and perso n al p ro p e rty in th e
city * * * * w hen a city is au th o riz e d to acq u ire or o p erate an y public u tility ,
i t m ay for th e purpose of a cq u irin g th e sam e borrow m oney on th e c re d it of
th e c ity in a sum n o t to exceed tw o p er cen tu m of th e assessed valu e of all th e
re a l and p erso n al p ro p e rty of th e city, a n d th e city m ay also, for th e p u rpose of
acq u irin g such public u tility , issue m ortgage bonds th e re fo r beyond th e g en eral
lim it of bonded indebtedness p rescribed by law : P rovided, th a t such m ortgage
bonds issued beyond th e g en eral lim its of bonded indebtedness p rescribed by law
sh all n o t im pose an y lia b ility upon such city, b u t sh a ll be secured only upon
th e p ro p erty and revenues of such p ublic u tility , in clu d in g a fra n c h ise s ta tin g th e
te rm s upon w hich, in case of foreclosure, th e p u rc h a se r m ay operate th e sam e
* * * And provided fu rth e r, T h a t th e c h a rte r sh all provide fo r th e cre a tio n of
a sin k in g fund by se ttin g aside such percentage of th e gross or n e t e a rn in g s of
th e public u tilty as m ay be deem ed sufficient fo r th e p ay m en t of th e m ortgage
bonds at m a tu rity .”
T he question a risin g from y o u r in q u iry is, w h e th e r bonds of th e class described
and issued by the C ity of Y p silan ti come w ith in th e provisions of sub-section B
of Section 27 of th e B an k in g L aw above quoted.
Section 27 of th e b a n k in g law w as la s t am ended by A ct 44 of th e P ublic A cts
of 1913 and w as th e re fo re re-enacted in its p re se n t form su bsequent to th e p a s­
sage of section 4 of th e C ity H om e R u le L aw and u n d er th e o rd in a ry ru les of
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



s ta tu to ry co n stru ctio n m u st th erefo re be deemed to have been enacted in view
of th e provisions of th e C ity H om e R ule Law. T he precise question u n d e r con­
sid e ra tio n involves th e definition of th e te rm “ in th e public debt or bonds of a n y
city .” The b an k in g law does n o t a tte m p t to define th is te rm an y m ore th a n is
im plied in th e lang u ag e used and so fa r as I have been able to discover, th e S u ­
prem e C ourt of th is S tate h as nev er been called upon to pass upon th e question.
I t is also one of first im p ressio n so fa r as th is d e p a rtm e n t is concerned.
T he purpose of th e provisions of Section 27 is to th ro w pro p er safeg u ard s
aro u n d th e in v estm e n t of savings deposits an d like o th e r sim ila r p rovisions of
our b an k in g law, an d th e b a n k in g law s of o th e r S tates an d of th e U nited S tates,
m u st be stric tly construed to give it its in ten d ed effect.
In o rd er th a t sav in g s ban k s m ay in v est in such debts or bonds, th e y m u st
correspond to all of th e req u ire m e n ts of th e sta tu te , th a t is, th ey m u st be public
debts dr bonds and m u st p e rta in to th e city, county, tow nship, v illag e o r school
d is tric t as the case m ay be an d m u st have been au th o rized by th e L eg islatu re.
So fa r as th e p a rtic u la r bonds u n d e r co n sid eratio n are concerned I have no
h e sita tio n in say in g th a t th ey are, stric tly speaking, public bonds, and m ay be
assum ed to have been a u th o rized by th e L eg islatu re of th is S tate, a t le a st for
th e purposes of th is opinion. W h eth e r or n o t th ey a re th e bonds of th e C ity of
Y psilanti, is, how ever, a n o th e r question. It is tru e th e se -b o n d s are au th o rized
by th e C ity of Y psilan ti and th e y are to be paid an d redeem ed by fu n d s belong­
in g to th e C ity of Y psilan ti. T hey are not, how ever, secured by th e fa ith and
c re d it of th e city as a whole.
It is a g en eral ru le of law th a t w here special fu n d s a re created for th e pay­
m en t of a p a rtic u la r class of claim s, those fu n d s can n o t be used for an y o th e r
purpose. Peoples vs. B ay City, 36 Mich. 186; C laim s payable o u t of a special
fu n d are u su ally n o t payable out of a n y o th e r fund, an d hence th e m u n icip ality
is n o t liable outsid e of such fund. B rooke vs. S an L u is Obispo, 109 Cal. 50;
D irectors Chicago P ublic L ib ra ry vs. A rnold, 60 111. App. 328; W iek vs. W ausan,
143 W is. 645; R hode Islan d M. & T. Com pany vs. Spokane, 19 W ash. 616; Loudenslag er vs. A tlan tic City, 80 N. J. L. 658. T his being th e law in d ep en d e n t of
sta tu te , we m ay consider o u r own sta tu te as n o t only lay in g down a ru le a lread y
adopted b u t as absolutely co n tro llin g of th e proposition. T hese bonds a re not,
th erefo re, chargeable a g a in st th e C ity of Y p silan ti as a whole.
A gain, it w ill be noted th a t Section 4 of th e C ity H ome R ule A ct m akes a d is­
tin c tio n betw een bonds issued on th e fa ith and cred it of a city, and bonds se­
cured by a publicly ow ned u tility and th is d istin ctio n is not, as I u n d e rsta n d it,
d istu rb ed by th e decision ren d ered by our Suprem e C ourt in A tto rn ey G eneral
vs. L indsay, 20 D. L. N. 1167, w here th is pro v isio n w as u n d e r d iscussion and
in te rp re te d . I t th e re fo re follow s th e p ublic d ebt an d bonds of a city a re su b ject
to a very pronounced classification to th e e x ten t th a t one class is desig n ated as
th e debt of a city an d th e o th e r class is recognized as of an opposite, d escrip ­
tion, alth o u g h still a public debt.
I have been unable to find an y decision w hich is exactly in point. In th is con­
nection, how ever, th e case of S m ith vs. S m ith. 30 Ky. 238, is of in te re st. In
th a t case a s u it w as b ro u g h t in ch an cery for se ttle m e n t betw een a g u a rd ia n and
h is w ards, th e question p resen ted bein g w h e th e r th e g u a rd ia n should be held
responsible for a sum of m oney received by him fo r th e w ard s and by h im in ­
vested in th e purchase of sh ares in th e B ank of K entucky, w hich stock had become
g re a tly depreciated. U nder a ru le th a t such m oneys could only be in vested in
public funds, and h o lding th e g u a rd ia n liable in case of loss w here o th er in v e st­
m en ts w ere m ade, it w as held by th e C o u rt as follow s:
“We are of th e opinion th a t th e d efen d an t (g u a rd ia n ) should be charged w ith
th e full am o u n t of th e fund invested by him in b an k stock, w h e th e r h is lia b ility
be tested by comm on or s ta tu to ry law . W e can n o t consider stock in th e b an k
of K entucky as “public fu n d s,” or in o th er w ords gov ern m en t stock, depending
fo r its c red it and se c u rity on th e fa ith , solvency an d sta b ility of th e G overnm ent.”
T he b ank of K en tu ck y w as, how ever, a G overnm ent B ank (B riscoe vs. The
B ank of The C om m onw ealth of K entucky, 11 Bet. 257), b u t in asm u ch th e fa ith
and c red it of th e S tate of K en tu ck y w as n o t pledged as se c u rity fo r th e b an k
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



stock, th e stock w as n o t considered “public fu n d s.”
So in th e presen t case I am im pressed th a t w hile th e proposed bond issue is
to m eet a public ex p en d itu re, an d is a u th o rized by th e C ity of Y psilanti, th e
bonds are n o t “bonds of th e C ity of Y p sila n ti” w ith in th e m ean in g of th e b a n k ­
in g law. The object of Section 27 of th e b a n k in g law is to p rovide th e h ig h e st
k in d of secu rity , b u t th e City of Y p silan ti h as n o t provided th e h ig h e st k in d of
secu rity . On th e c o n tra ry it h as expressly refused to pledge its fa ith and c re d it
as a city to m eet th e bond issue and has pledged only a p a rtic u la r p ro p e rty be­
lon ging to th e city. I am th e re fo re of th e o p inion th a t th ese bonds do n o t m eet
th e re q u irem en ts of th e section of th e b a n k in g law above quoted.
R esp ectfu lly yours,
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

Gr a x t F ello w s,

A tto rn e y General.

Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



The following is a list of banks examined and the amount paid by each, as required by section
40 of the general banking law.

Name of bank.


Date first Date second Amount
examination. examination.


Addison State Savings Bank................

Addison...................... April 8 ....

Nov. 3 ....

$25 00


Adrian State Savings Bank..................

Adrian........................ Feb. 2 .... Aug. 31__

170 93


The Commercial Savings Bank............


Aug. 31....

79 89


Lenawee County Savings Bank............

Adrian........................ Jan. 31.... Aug. 31__

102 11


Waldby & Clay's State Bank...............

Adrian........................ Jan. 31.... Aug. 31__

105 83


Albion State Bank...............................


Feb. 4 .... Sept. 2 ....


Commercial and Savings Bank.............


Feb. 4 .... Sept. 2 ....

52 81


Algonac Savings Bank..........................


June 1 .... Dec. 12....

25 00

Feb. 2__

51 42


Allegan State Savings Bank.................

Allegan....................... April 8 .... Sept. 28__

38 28


First State Bank..................................

Allegan....................... April 8 .... Sept. 28....

64 54


Allen State Savings Bank.....................


25 00


The Alma State Savings Bank.............

Alma.......................... April 13__

Sept. 2 3....

34 61


First State Bank of Alma.....................

Alma.......................... April 13..

Sept. 23

.58 22

Feb. 25.... May 20__


Almont Savings Bank..........................

Almont....................... Mar. 31.... Sept. 30...,


Alpena County Savings Bank...............

Alpena........................ April 20 .


Farmers’ State Bank............................


Feb. 28.... May 14....

25 00


Ann Arbor Savings Bank.....................

Ann Arbor.................. May 4 .... Nov. 23....

299 78
118 38

Sept. 5

25 13
247 87


Farmers’ and Mechanics’ Bank............

Ann Arbor.................. May 4 .... Nov. 23__


German-American Savings Bank..........

Ann Arbor.................. May 4 .... Nov. 23....

84 20


State Savings Bank..............................

Ann Arbor.................. May 4 .... Nov. 23__

155 38


State Bank of Applegate......................

Applegate................... Mar. 18.... June 24....

25 00


Armada State Bank.............................


Mar. 30.... Sept. 28....

34 93


Farmers’ State Bank............................


Mar. 30.... Sept. 28....

25 00


Athens State Bank...............................


Feb. 21.... May 18....

25 00


People’s State Savings Bank................


Mar. 25.... June 18....

25 00


Au Gres State Bank.............................

Au Gres...................... Mar. 30.... Oct, 26....

25 00


State Bank of Augusta.........................

Augusta...................... Jan. 31__

June 10....

25 00


State Bank of Frank W. Hubbard & Co

Bad Axe.....................

Mar. 16.... June 22....

50 88


State Savings Bank of Bad Axe............

Bad Axe.....................

Mar. 16.... June 22....


State Exchange Bank...........................

Bancroft..................... Feb. 9 ....

May 11....

51 44
25 80


West Michigan Savings Bank...............


Mar. 10.... Oct. 21....

40 20


Baraga County State Bank..................


April 18.... Nov. 14....

25 00
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



List of banks examined.—Continued.

Name of bank.


Date first


Bark River State Bank............................................. Bark River................. April 22....


Barryton State Savings Bank...................................



Mar. 21....

City Bank................................................................ Battle Creek............... Mar. 2 ....
Merchants’ Savings Bank......................................... Battle Creek............... Mar. 4 ....


Bay City Bank........................................................

Bay City....................

April 27....


Bay County Savings Bank. .

Bay City........ ..

April 27...


Commercial Bank....................................................

Bay City....................

April 27....


Lumbermans State Bank.......................................... Bay City....................

April 29....


Peoples Savings Bank............................................... Bay City....................

April 27....


State Bank of Beaverton.......................................... «Beaverton................... Mar. 25....


Belding Savings Bank..............................................


April 14....


People’s Savings Bank.............................................


April 14 ...


Bellaire State Bank.................................................. Bellaire......................

Feb. 17....


Peoples State Bank..................................................

June 2 ....


Bellevue State Bank................................................. Bellevue.....................



Benton Harbor State Bank....................................... Benton Harbor...........

April 4. .. .


1 ....

April 4..


Farmers’ and Merchants’ Bank................................

Benton Harbor...........


Berlin State Bank....................................................

Berlin......................... Mar. 7 ....


Berrien Springs State Bank......................................

Berrien Springs........... Feb. 28....


Peoples State Bank..................................................



Central State Bank of Benzonia......... ...................... Beulah.......................

Feb. 17....


Big Rapids Savings Bank......................................... Big Rapids.................

April 13....


Citizens’ State Bank................................................

Big Rapids.................

April 13....


Birch Run State Bank.............................................. Birch Run..................

Feb. 10....


First State Savings Bank.......................................... Birmingham...............

Feb. 19.'...


Blanchard State Bank.............................................. Blanchard................... Mar. 21....

April 18....


Blissfield State Bank................................................ Blissfield..................... Feb. 23....


Jipson-Carter State Bank......................................... Blissfield....................


Peoples State Bank..................................................


Farmers’ State Bank................................................ Breckenridge..............

Mar. 26....


First State Savings Bank......................................... Breckenridge..............

Mar. 26....


Brighton State Bank................................................ Brighton..................... Feb. 11....


Brimley State Bank.................................................


First State Savings Bank.......................................... Bronson...................... Feb. 24....

Feb. 23....

Bloomingdale.............. Mar. 31. ...


April 20....


Culver State Bank...................................................


Mar. 4 ....


Farmers’ State Bank................................................ Brooklyn....................

Mar. 2 ....


Brown City Savings Bank.. .


Citizens’ State Savings Bank.................................... Brown City................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

Brown City....

Mar. 18
Mar. 18....



List of banks examined.— Continued.

Date first Date second Amount
examination. examination.


Name of bank.


Burr Oak State Bank...............................................

Burr Oak.................... Feb. 25__


State Bank of Byron................................................

Byron......................... Feb. 9 .... May 20....

25 00


Cadillac State Bank.................................................


May 4 .... Sept. 14. ...

124 77

May 19....

$25 00


People’s Savings Bank..............................................


May 4 .... Sept. 14....

78 52


State Bank of Caledonia..........................................


Mar. 10.... June 8... .

34 46


Calumet State Bank.................................................


April 20.... Nov. 14....

80 99


Merchants’ and Miners’ Bank..................................


April 20.... Nov. 17....

256 30


First State Bank......................................................

Camden...................... Feb. 26.... May 19... .

25 00


Capac Savings Bank................................................

Capac......................... April 11.... Dec. 1... .

25 00


State Savings Bank of Carleton................................

Carleton..................... April 9 .... Oct. 28... .

28 44


Commercial Savings Bank........................................

Caro........................... Mar. 2__

Nov. 30....

28 16


State Savings Bank..................................................

Caro........................... Mar. 2 ....

Nov. 30....

62 51

Peoples State Bank...............................................

Caro........................... Mar. 2..

Nov. 30...

State Bank of Carson City.......................................

Carson City................ April 30.... Oct. 19..


Exchange State Bank..........................................


Mar. 17..

June 23...


State Bank of Carsonville.....................................


Mar. 19

June 23...


Cass County State Bank..........................................

Cassopolis................... April 1 .... Oct.


State Bank of Cedar................................................

Cedar......................... Feb. 16.... Sept. 22....


First State Bank......................................................

Central Lake..............

Feb. 18...

Aug. 11... .


Wolf Bros. State Bank............................................

Centreville.................. Feb. 21 .

May 18....

25 00
43 96
33 61

1. ,.

25 00
25 00
25 00

39 85


Charlevoix State Savings Bank...............................

Charlevoix.................. Feb. 18

Aug. 8 ....


Eaton County Savings Bank....................................

Charlotte.................... Mar.

June 6 .


Chassell State Bank.................................................


April 21.... Nov. 16

25 00


Cheboygan County Savings Bank.............................


April 14.... Sept. 14....

25 00


Cheboygan State Bank'............................................


April 13.... Sept. 12. ...


Farmers’ and Merchants’ Bank................................


Feb. 28.


The Kempf Commercial and Savings Bank...............


Feb. 28

Nov. 4

61 85


The Chesaning State Bank.....................................

Chesaning ..

Feb. 7

May 20__

47 21

June 13

7 ....

Nov. 2

25 00
84 02

34 15
33 01


Citizens State Bank................................................


Mar. 23


Clare County Savings Bank.....................................


Mar. 23


Clarkston State Bank...............................................


April 14.... Nov. 11


Edwin Nash State Bank...........................................


Mar. 11.

June 9...

25 00


Climax State Bank...................................................


Feb. 26.

May 21....

25 00

Feb. 9

June 9

25 00
40 33
25 00


Clio State Bank.......................................................



Branch County Savings Bank...................................

Coldwater................... April 8 .... Sept. 2 ....

74 99
25 00

26 05


State Bank of Coleman............................................

Coleman..................... Mar. 25.....

Sept. 22....


State Bank of Coloma..............................................

Coloma ....................

Mar. 2__

June 8 ....

25 00


E. Hill & Sons State Bank.......................................


Feb. 25...

May 19....

25 39


Columbiaville State Bank.........................................


Mar. 4 ....

May 11....

25 00
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis


List of banks examined.— C ontinued.

Name of bank.


Date first Date second Amount
examination. examination. paid.

$31 36


Farmfirs’ "Rank................................................

Concord...................... Feb. 21.... May 14__


Conklin State Bank..................................................


Oct. 8__

25 00


Commfircial State Bank............................................

Constantine................ Feb. 24.... May 19__

29 34


First State Bank

Constantine................ Feb. 24.... May 19__

47 36


Coopersville State Bank...........................................

Coopersville................ Mar. 10.... June 8__

38 94


Peoples Savings Bank......... .....................................

Coopersville................ Mar. 9 .... June 10__

25 00


State Bank of Montcalm County..............................

Coral.......................... Mar. 26.... June 17__

25 00


OLi Corunna State Bank..........................................

Corunna..................... Sept. 8 ....

Dec. 21__

44 39


State Bank of Croswell.........


Mar. 17__

June 23__

68 02


Daggett State Bank.................................................

Daggett...................... April 21.... Nov. 11__

25 00

Mar. 4 ....


Davison State Bank.................................................

Davison...................... Feb. 10.... May 12....

33 28


Dearborn State Bank...............................................

Dearborn.................... Feb. 19.... May 12__

27 59


Citizens’ State Bank.................................................

Decatur...................... Mar. 30__

Sept. 21__

25 00


First State Bank......................................................

Decatur...................... Mar. 30__

Sept. 21__

34 68


Farmers’ State Bank of Deckerville..........................


Mar. 14.... June 24....

25 19


State Bank of Deckerville.........................................


Mar. 14.... June 24....

31 19


Deprfielrl State Bank................................................


Feb. 25.... June 2__


Del ton State Bank...................................................

Delton........................ Mar. 31__

Oct. 21....

American State Bank..

25 00
25 00


Detroit....................... Jan. 21__

June 30__

183 78


Central Savings Bank.............................................

Detroit....................... Jan 16__

July 6 .......

665 02


Detroit. Savings Bank . , .


Jan. 19__

June 29....

1,376 82

Detroit, Trust, Company

Detroit....................... Jan. 19__

Dime Savings Bank. . T, .........................................

Detroit....................... Feb. 16.... Aug. 10__

1,603 34



766 87


Federal State B ank.................................................

Detroit....................... Jan. 19__

Aug. 18__

107 08


Cerman-American Bank...........................................

Detroit....................... Jan. 5__

June 29....

434 45


Michigan Savings Bank


Detroit....................... Jan. 12__

Oct. 12__

661 27


Peninsular State B an k ............................................

Detroit....................... May 25__

Aug. 17....

1,590 92


People’s State Bank , , ............................................

Detroit....................... Jan. 12.... Aug. 3----

4,293 16

Security Trust Company

Detroit....................... Jan. 19__

426 87

Union Trust. Company


Jan. 26....

508 06

United Savings Bank................................................

Detroit....................... Feb. 9 .... July 6 ....

530 64

6 Wayne County Ar FTome Savings B ank....................

Detroit....................... Jan. 26.... Oct. 12....

3,109 34


Dexter S&vings Bank

Dexter........................ April 8 ....

Nov. 9__

29 40


State Savings Bank ................................................


Feb. 4 ....

Sept. 2 2....

25 00


Dryden State Bank ................................................


Mar. 17.... Oct. 28....

25 00


Feb. 24.... May 29__

25 00


Feb. 24.... May 29__

26 43


Feb. 7 .... Sept. 17....

25 00


Feb. 7 .... Sept. 16__

47 76



Dundpe State Savings Bank
Monroe County Bank


First Commercial and Savings Bank
Shiawassee County Bank..........................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis


List of banks examined.— Continued.


Name of bank.


Date first Date second Amount
examination. examination. paid.


Peoples’ State Savings Bank.....................................

East Jordan................ Feb. 16.... Aug. 15


State Bank of East Jordan.......................................

East Jordan................ Feb. 16...

Aug. 15


Michigan State Bank...............................................

Eaton Rapids.......

Mar. 10 ..

June 9

33 70

Eau Claire State Bank...................................... .

Eau Claire..................

Mar. 4...

June 10

25 00


$25 00
40 96


Edmore State Bank.................................................


Mar. 24

June 15

25 00


Peoples State Bank..................................................


Mar. 24 .

June 15

25 00


Elk Rapids State Bank............................................

Elk Rapids.................

Feb. 18.... Sept. 26

26 34


State Savings Bank..................................................


Mar. 25

28 78


Empire State Bank..................................................


Feb. 17.-... Sept. 22 .


State Savings Bank..................................................

Escanaba.................... April 21.... Nov. 14


State Savings Bank..................................................


April 29 ..

Sept. 22

25 00


Evart Savings Bank.................................................

Evart .

Mar. 23

June 15

25 00

June 16

25 00
65 55


First State Savings Bank..........................................


Mar. 23...

June 15

50 48


Farmington Exchange Bank.....................................


Feb. 10...

May 25

25 00


Old State B a n k ......................................................


Mar. 7...

June 6

25 00


Commercial Savings Bank of Fenton.........


Mar. 25

June 17

39 59


Fenton State Savings Bank......................................

F enton........

Mar. 25

June 17

30 03


State Savings Bank........................................

Flat Rock....

April 7


25 00



Citizens’ Commercial and Savings Bank...................


Jan. 31.... Sept. 8

193 43


Genesee County Savings Bank.................. ...............

Flint ..

Jan. 31

351 20

Sept. 5


Industrial Savings Bank...........................................

Flint........................... Jan. 31...

Sept. 5

99 83


Union Trust and Savings Bank.................................


Sept. 5

228 09
48 13

Jan. 31


First State and Savings Bank...................................


April 29

Oct. 5


People’s State Bank.................................................


April 29 ..

Oct. 5

25 00


Bank of Fountain.....................................................


Mar. 3

June 2

25 00


State Savings Bank of Fowler..................................


April 13...

Sept. 30

31 99


State Bank of Fowlerville.........................................

Fowlerville. . .

Feb. 10

June 6

29 63

Aug. 26

32 23


Frankenmuth State Bank.........................................


April 29


State Savings Bank of Frankfort..............................


Feb. 18.... Sept. 21....


State Bank of Fraser................................................


Feb. 9...

Sept. 14...

25 00


State Bank of Freeport............................................


Mar. 10

June 8

25 00


Fremont State Bank................................................

Fremont. . .

Mar. 2



36 53


Old State Bank........................................................


Mar. 2

June 24

47 31


State Savings Bank..................................................

Gagetown................... Mar. 16.... June 22....

25 00


Galesburg State Bank..............................................

Galesburg. ..

25 00

Feb. 2

June 9

27 32


Garden State Savings Bank......................................

Garden....................... April 2 2.... Nov. 7 ....

25 00


Gaylord State Savings Bank.....................................

Gaylord...................... April 23.... Sept. 1 ....

47 11


Gladstone State Savings Bank..................................


39 75
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

April 20.... Nov. 17....


lx x x v ii

List of banks examined.— Continued.
Date first Date second Amount
examination. examination.


Name of bank.



Home State Bank....................................................



State Bank of Gladwin.............................................

Gladwin...................... Mar. 24__


Grand Haven State Bank.........................................

Mar. 24.... June 17....

$25 00

June 17__

26 86

Grand Haven.............

Mar. 10.... Aug. 31__

142 51


Peoples Saving Bank................................................

Grand Haven.............

Mar. 11.... June 22....

58 79


Grand Ledge State Bank..........................................

Grand Ledge............... Mar. 30.... Sept. 26....

25 00


Loan and Deposit Bank...........................................

Grand Ledge..............

Mar. 28.... Sept. 26....

53 05


City Trust and Savings Bank...................................

Grand Rapids.............


5 .... July 6__

163 76


Commercial Savings Bank........................................

Grand Rapids............. Jan.

5 .... July 6__

256 33


Grand Rapids Savings Bank.....................................

Grand Rapids............. Jan.

5 .... June 29....

423 80

Grand Rapids Trust Company.................................

Grand Rapids............. April 9 ....

Kent State Bank......................................................

Grand Rapids............. Jan.


50 99

5 .... July 6 ....

797 42
256 32

Michigan Trust Company........................................

Grand Rapids.............


5 ....


People’s Savings Bank.............................................

Grand Rapids.............



July 6 ....

235 08


Grandville State Bank..............................................


Mar. 7 .... June 6 ....

25 00


Grant State Bank....................................................


Mar. 4 .... Mav 26....

25 50-


Farmers Bank of Grass Lake...................................

Grass I.ake.................

Feb. 12.... May 13....

30 02


Miners’ and Merchants’ State Bank..........................

Greenland................... April 18.... Nov. 17....

25 00-


Commercial State Savings Bank...............................

Greenville................... April 15.... Oct.

6 ....

52 65


Greenville State Bank..............................................

Greenville................... April 15.,.. Oct.

6 ....


Gwinn State Savings Bank.......................................



Hamtramck State Bank...........................................

Hamtramck................ Feb. 11.... May 27....

Superior Trust Company..........................................

Hancock..................... April 20....

35 13


Huron County Savings Bank....................................

Harbor Beach.............

27 51


State Bank of Harbor Beach....................................

Harbor Beach.............

Mar. 16.... June 22....

29 70


Emmet County State Bank......................................

Harbor Springs...........

Feb. 19.... Aug. 3 ....

36 79

April 21.... Nov. 17....

Mar. 16.... June 22....


State Savings Bank..................................................

Harrison..................... Mar. 25.... June 17....


Alcona County Savings Bank...................................


April 18__

Sept. 15....


Oceana County Savings Bank..................................

Hart........................... Mar. 2__

May 18....


Hastings City Bank.................................................

Hastings..................... May 11.... Oct.

6 ....

56 34
25 001
29 88

25 00
25 OO
25 04
73 77


Hemlock State Bank................................................

Hemlock..................... Mar. 21.... Oct, 20....

25 00


State Bank of Hesperia............................................

Hesperia..................... Mar. 2 .... June 3 ....

25 00


Highland Park State Bank.......................................

Highland Park............ May 25.... Aug. 31__

576 61


American State Bank of Highland Park....................

Highland Park............ June 8 ....

Oct. 26....

25 00


Montmorency County Savings Bank........................

Hillman...................... April 17.... Sept. 16....

25 00


First State Savings Bank..........................................

Hillsdale..................... Jan. 28.... June 8 ....

41 19


Hillsdale Savings Bank.............................................

Hillsdale..................... Jan. 26.... June 8 ....


First State Bank of Holland.....................................


Mar. 9__


Holland City State Bank..........................................



People’s State Bank.................................................

Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

73 57

Oct. 19....

156 36

Mar. 9 ....

Oct. 19....

120 67

Mar. 9__

Oct. 19....

53 61

List of banks examined.—Continued.
Date first Date second
examination. examination.

Name of bank.



Citizens’ Savings Bank.............................................


April 13__




First State and Savings Bank...................................


April 13.... Oct.

7 ....


Holton State Bank...................................................

Holton........................ Mar. 2 .... June 3 ....


Calhoun State Bank.................................................

Homer........................ Feb. 24-,... May 13....


Hopkins State Bank.................................................


Mar. 12.... June 10__

109. First State and Savings Bank...................................


Feb. 11.... May 18....



Boies State Savings Bank



April 6 .... Nov. 3 ....


Thompson Savings Bank .......................................


April 6 .... Nov. 3 ....


Hudsonville State Bank............................................


Mar. 9 .... Nov. 24....


Lapeer County Bank................................................

Imlay City.................

Mar. 16.... Dec. 1 ....


Peoples State Bank

Imlay City.................. Mar. 16.... Dec. 2__


State Savings Bank ................................................



Iron Mountain............ April 20.... Nov. 30....


Iron River.................. April 20.... Dec. 2 ....


Feb. 9 ....

Dec. 7 ....


Commercial Bank


Miners State Bank


Merchants’ and Miners’ State Bank

Ironwood.................... Nov. 25....

Peninsula Bank



April 22.... Nov. 17....



April 11.... Dec. 2 ....
April 11.... Dec. 2 ....


150 Tthana Savings Bank

Peoples State Bank




Central State Bank



Mar. 18.... Sept. 14__
May 4 ....

Dec. 7 ....


Jackson City Bank




Jackson State Savings B ank....................................


Mar. 16.... Sept. 14....

Union Bank


April 13.... Sept. 14....



Jonesville.................... Feb. 21.... Nov. 11....


Crosvenor Savings Bald'


Home Savings Bank ..............................................


Mar. 30.... Sept. 28....

Kalamazoo City Savings Bank


Mar. 30.... Sept. 28....



Kalkaska State Bank


Farmer’s State Bank


Kent City State Bank. .


Kinde State Bank



Kalkaska.................... Feb. 19.... Sept, 2 ....


Kawkawlin................. Mar. 25.... June 17....


Kent City................... Mar. 5 .... May 27....


Kinde......................... April 8 .... June 23....

The First State Bank...............................................

Kingsley..................... Feb. 17.... Sept. 30__


Kingston State Bank................................................


Mar. 16.... June 22....


Union State Bank


Feb. 10.... May 12....



Farmers’ and Merchants’ Bank of Lake Odessa........

Lake Odessa...............

Mar. 31. .. Oct, 3 ....


Lake Odessa State Savings Bank ...........................

Lake Odessa...............

Mar. 30.....


Farmers’ and Merchants’ State Bank........................

Lakeview.................... ; Mar. 23.... June 15....


American Savings Bank............................................


May 11...

Nov. 9__


Lansing State Savings Bank


May 11...

Nov. 23....

Lapeer........................ Mar. 17...

Nov. 9__



Lake City................... May 6 .... Sept. 15....

Lake City State Bank

, ..........................

Lapeer Savings Bank................................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis


3 ....



L ist of banks examind.— Continued.

Name of bank.


Date first Date second
examination examination



State Savings Bank.......................

Lapeer........................ Mar. 17.... Dec. 28....

852 00


State Savings Bank of Laurium

Laurium..................... April 21.... Nov. 16__

115 77


Home State Bank.........................

Lawrence.................... May 4__

1 ....

25 00


People’s Bank...............................

Leslie.......................... April 7 .... Sept. 23....

37 99


Lexington State Bank...................

Lexington................... Mar. 18.... June 24....

25 00


State Bank of Linwood.................


Mar. 20.... June 15....

25 00


Litchfield State Savings Bank.......

Litchfield.................... Feb. 24.... May 20__

25 00


City State Bank.


Lowell........................ April 1 .... Oct.

5 ....

31 36


Lowell State Bank........................

Lowell........................ April 1 .... Oct.

5. ...

40 79


Ludington State Bank.......... .......


Jan. 9 .... Oct. 26....

86 47


McBain State Bank......................


May 5 .... Sept. 14....

25 00



Antrim County State Savings Bank


Feb. 17.... Aug. 18—

37 99


People’s Bank of Manchester........


May 5__

32 86

Nov. 5 ....


Union Savings Bank......................


May 6 .... Nov. 4 ....

61 41


Manistee County Savings Bank...,


Feb. 9 .... Sept. 5 ....

192 60


Manistique Bank..........................

Manistique................. April 21.... Nov. 9 ....

63 74


Manton State Bank......................

Manton...................... May 4__

Sept. 17....

25 00


First State Savings Bank...............


Feb. 26.... May 20__

25 00


G. W. Jones Exchange Bank.........


Feb. 26.... May 21__

41 43


Marine Savings Bank....................

Marine City...............

June 3 .... Dee. 1 ....


Marion State Bank.......................

Marion....................... May 4__

Sept. 14__

25 00
37 70

62 22


Commercial State Bank................

Marlette..................... Mar. 17.... June 23__


State Savings Bank.......................

Marlette..................... Mar. 17__

June 23__

30 81


Marquette County Savings Bank. . .

Marquette.................. April 21.... Nov. 14__

103 81


Commercial Savings Bank..............

Marshall..................... Feb. 4 .... June 10__

88 93


Farmers’ Bank...............................

Mason........................ April 4 ....


3 ....

43 97



First State and Savings Bank.........

Mason........................ April 4 ....

3 ....

60 46


Memphis State Bank......................

Memphis................... April 1 .... Sept. 29__

25 00
28 70


First State Bank.............................

Mendon...................... Feb. 21.... May 16....


Commercial Bank...........................

Menominee................. April 18.... Dec. 7__

43 08


State Bank of Merrill.....................

Merrill........................ Mar. 21__

25 96

Oct. 21....


Metamora State Savings Bank........


Mar. 18.... Nov. 10__

25 00


Farmers’ State Bank......................


Nov. 11.... June 9 ....

45 11


Midland County Savings Bank.......


Mar. 23__

Sept. 21__

35 16


People’s Savings Bank....................


Mar. 23.... Sept. 21....

40 33


Farmers’ and Merchants’ Bank.......

Milan......................... April 7 .... Nov. 10....

40 04


Milan State Savings Bank..............

Milan......................... April


First State Bank.............................


State Savings Bank........................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

7 ....

Nov. 10....

25 00


Mar. 12__

June 22__

36 16

Minden City............. ’.

Mar. 18.... | June 23....

38 90



List of banks examined.—Continued.
Date first Date second
examination. examination.

■No. |

Name of bank.


Union State Bank....................................................

Mio. . .


Keweenaw Savings Bank..........................................

Mohawk..................... April 22... . Nov. 21....


B. Dansard & Son’s State Bank................................


June 3 .... Oct. 21....


Monroe State Savings Bank.....................................


June 3 .... Oct. 21....


Farmers’ State Bank................................................

Montague................... Feb. 28.... May 16....


Montgomery State Bank..........................................

Montgomery............... Feb. 25.... May 20__


Montrose State Bank...............................................

Montrose.................... April 29__


Wakefield State Bank...............................................

Morenci...................... Feb. 25.... June 3 ....


Morley State Bank...................................................


Oct. 24....


Citizens’ Savings Bank.............................................

Mt. Clemens ...

June 1 ....

Oct. 19....


Mt. Clemens Savings Bank......................................

Mt. Clemens

June 1...

Oct. 19....


Ullrich Savings Bank................................................

Mt. Clemens ...

June 1. .. . Oct. 19....


Exchange Savings Bank...........................................

Mt. Pleasant........

Mar. 23.... June 15....


Isabella County State Bank.....................................

Mt. Pleasant ...

Mar. 23.... June 15....


People’s State Bank.................................................


April 20__


Muskegon Savings Bank...........................................

Muskegon .

April 4 . .. . Oct. 26... .


Farmers’ and Merchants’ Bank................................


May 9 .... Oct.

5 ....


State Savings Bank..................................................

Nashville................... May 12.... Oct.

5 ....


Negaunee State Bank...............................................



First State Bank......................................................


Mar. 3 .... May 23....


Newberry State Bank..............................................


April 18...

Nov. 16....


New Haven Savings Bank........................................

New Haven................

Mar. 31 .

Sept. 30....


Newport State Bank................................................


June 3...

Oct. 27__


Niles Citv Bank.......................................................


Mar. 7 ....



Pioneer Bank...........................................................

North Branch............. April 13.... June 23....


Lapham State Savings Bank....................................

Northville .

May 13.... Sept. 28....


Northville State Savings Bank.................................


May 13 ..


Arenac Countv State Bank.......................................

Omer.......................... Mar. 30.... Oct. 24....


Onawav State Savings Bank.....................................

Onaway...................... April 15. ... July 7__


Onsted State Bank...................................................


April 9 .

Nov. 4 ...


The Citizens State Bank...........................................

Ontonagon. . .

April 18

Nov. 18...


Citizens State Savings Bank.....................................

Orion. .

April 11

June 27...


Orion State Bank.....................................................

Orion.......................... April 11.... June 29....


Otisville State Bank.................................................

Otisville...................... Mar. 4 .... May 11....


Citizens State Savings Bank.....................................



First State Savings Bank..........................................

Otsego........................ April 8 .... Sept. 29....


State Savings Bank..................................................

Ovid........................... May 9 ....


Citizens’ Savings Bank.............................................


Sept. 5 ....

Dec. 21....


Owosso Savings Bank...............................................


Sept. 5 ....

Dec. 21....
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis


Oct. 28....

Nov. 11....

Nov. 17..-..

April 22.... Nov. 16....

7 ....

Aug. 31....

May 5 .... Sept. 30....

Dec. 2 ....



List of banks examined.— Continued.
Name of bank.


Date first



State Savings Bank..................................................


Sept. 5 ....

$71 31


Farmers’ State Bank................................................

Oxford........................ April 14....

25 00


Oxford Savings Bank...............................................

Oxford........................ May 25__

83 58


Paw Paw Savings Bank............................................

Paw Paw....................

Mar. 11....

36 19


State Savings Bank of Peck......................................

Peck........................... Mar. 16....

25 00


Peoples State Savings Bank......................................

Pellston...................... Feb. 20....

25 00


Pentwater State Bank............................................


Mar. 3

25 00


State Bank of Perry.................................................


Feb. 11....

25 00


H. C. McLachlin & Co., State Bank.........................

Petersburg.................. April 8 ....

26 33


First State Bank......................................................


Feb. 16__

59 94


Pigeon State Bank...................................................

Pigeon........................ Mar. 14__

25 00


The Citizens State Savings Bank.............................


Mar. 23__

25 00


Pinconning State Bank...........................................


Mar. 23

25 96


Pittsford State Savings Bank....................................

Pittsford..................... April 9 ....

25 00


Citizens’ State Savings Bank....................................


May 5 ....

29 66


Plymouth United Savings Bank................................


Mar. 10

80 06


Pompeii State Bank.................................................

Pompeii...................... Mar. 24__


American Savings Bank............................................


Feb. 3 ....

82 79


First Commercial Bank............................................


Feb. 3 ....

208 46


25 00


Oakland County Savings Bank.................................


Feb. 4...

130 98


Pontiac Savings Bank..............................................


Feb. 3 ....

148 95


Port Austin State Bank............................................

Port Austin................

April 6 ....

25 00


State Bank of Port Hope..........................................

Port Hope..................

Mar. 17....

25 00
245 54


Commercial Bank............................................ ! ....

Port Huron................. June 1 ....


German-American Savings Bank...............................

Port Huron................

May 25__

62 11


St. Clair County Savings Bank.................................

Port Huron................

July 13....

111 82


Maynard-Alien State Bank.......................................

Portland..................... April 13... .

40 31


Webber State Savings Bank.....................................

Portland..................... April 11... .

36 01


First State Bank.........................'............................


April 18....

25 00


Quincy State Bank...................................................


Feb. 4 ....

25 00


State Bank of Reading.............................................

Reading...................... Feb. 23....

27 10


Redford State Savings Bank.....................................

Redford...................... June 8. ...

25 00


Commercial Savings Bank........................................

Reed City................... Mar. 24....

25 10


State Savings Bank..................................................

Remus........................ Mar. 23....

25 00


Republic State Bank................................................

Republic..................... April 21... .

25 00


Farmers State Savings Bank.....................................

Richland..................... May 6 ....

25 00


Macomb County Savings Bank................................

Richmond (Lenox P. O.) Feb. 9 ....

55 54


Bank of Riverdale....................................................

Riverdale.................... Mar. 23....

25 00


River Rouge Savings Bank.......................................

River Rouge...............

May 6__

33 14
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

List of banks examined.—Continued.

Name of bank.


Date first Date second
examination examination.


Rockford State Bank...................



The Rockwood State Bank..........

Rockwood................... April


Presque Isle County Savings Bank

Rogers City................ April 16__


Rochester Savings Bank..............




May 14__

Mar. 11....
8 ____


$46 44
25 00

Sept. 17....

25 00


8 ____

46 13


Romeo Savings Bank..................

Romeo........................ May 11.... Sept. 29....

86 37


Romulus State Bank...................

Romulus..................... April 15... .* Sept. 16....

25 00


Roscommon State Bank..............

Roscommon................ Mar. 25__


Rose City State Bank.................

Rose City...................


First Commercial State Bank........

Royal Oak.................. June 9 ....


Royal Oak Savings Bank..............

Royal Oak..................

June 16.... Oct. 26....

44 26


Bank of Saginaw.........................

Saginaw...................... April 2 7.... Aug. 24__

942 54


German-American State Bank.......

Saginaw...................... April 27.... Aug. 24__

103 72


People’s Savings Bank..................

Saginaw...................... April 27.... Aug. 24

129 00


Saint Charles State Bank..............

Saint Charles.............. Feb. 10.... May 19__

25 47


Commercial and Savings Bank......

Saint Clair.................

61 79


Clinton County Savings Bank.......

Saint Johns................. Mar. 19__

Nov. 23....

61 51


State Bank of St. Johns................

Saint Johns................. Mar. 9 .... Nov. 2 ....

66 80
89 43

Aug. 29__

25 00

Mar. 31.... Sept. 30....

25 00

Oct. 26....

April 1 .... Nov. 30...

25 00


Union Banking Company..............

Saint Joseph...............


Commercial Savings Bank.............

Saint Louis................. April 14.... Sept. 22....

37 67


Gratiot County State Bank...........

Saint Louis................. April 14.... Sept. 22....

25 00
50 96

April 7 .... Sept. 16....


The Citizens’ Bank.......................



Saline Savings Bank......................

Saline......................... Mar. 3__

Nov. 12....

25 00


State Bank of Sandusky................

Sandusky.................... Mar. 16.... June 22__

31 76


Truman Moss State Bank.............

Sandusky.................... Mar. 16.... June 22....

25 00


Saranac State Bank......................


26 67

Mar. 3 .... Nov. 12.,..

Mar. 26.... June 17__


Fruit Growers’ State Bank............


Mar. 9__

June 8 ....

34 08


Central Savings Bank...................

Sault Ste. Marie.........

April 2 0.... Nov. 16....

52 35


Sault Savings Bank.......................

Sault Ste. Marie.........

April 20__

Nov. 16....

93 45


Kalamazoo County State Bank


Feb. 21.... May 16....

33 92


Peoples State Bank......................


Mar. 4 .... June 1 ....

25 00


State Savings Bank of Scottville...


Mar. 4__

June 1 ....

25 00


Sebewaing State Bank...................


Mar. 14__

June 3__

30 65


Central State Savings Bank..........


Mar. 23__

June 16__

25 00


Commercial State Bank................


Mar. 24.... June 16__

25 00


State Savings Bank.......................

Sherwood.................... Feb. 24.... May 20__

25 00


Snover State Bank........................

Snover........................ Dec. 3__

25 00


South Grand Rapids State Bank...

South Grand Rapids... May 11__


Citizens’ State Bank.....................

South Haven..............

April 1 .... Oct.

5 ....

56 43


First State Bank...........................

South Haven..............

April 1__

6 ....

63 86
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

Nov. 2 ....


63 73

L ist of banks examined.—Continued.

Name of bank.


Date first Date second
examination. examination.

Feb. 10.... May 19....


State Savings Bank......................................... ■.......

South Lyon................


South Range Bank...................................................

South Range............... April 21.... Nov. 23....


Peoples State Bank..................................................


Mar. 9__


Sparta State Bank...................................................


Mar. 9 .... June 9__

June 8__


Spring Lake State Bank...........................................

Spring Lake................ May 13.... Oct. 24....


Springport State Savings Bank.................................

Springport................ . May 4 .... Nov. 30....


Springwells State Bank................................ ............ Springwells................. April 6 .... Oct.


Commercial Bank of Stambaugh...........................

7 ....

Stambaugh................. April 20.... Dec. 3__


State Bank of Standish............................................

Standish..................... June 1 .... Sept. 23....


State Savings Bank..................................................



Bank of Stephenson.................................................

Stephenson................. April 20__

Nov. 18....


Stockbridge State Bank............................................


April 7__

Dec. 1 ....


Citizens’ State Bank................................................

Sturgis........................ Feb. 23.... May 18....


Sunfield State Savings Bank.....................................



Leelanau County Savings Bank.............................. .

Sutton’s Bay............... Feb. 16.... Sept. 2 3....

Mar. 24.... June 16....

Mar. 7 .... June 10....


Lilley State Bank.....................................................

Tecumseh................... April 6 .... Nov. 9__


Tecumseh State Savings Bank..................................

Tecumseh................... April 6__


First State Bank......................................................

Tekonsha.................... Feb. 25.... May 18....

Nov. 9__


First State Bank......................................................

Three Oaks................. May 9 .... Sept. 23....


First State Savings Bank..........................................

Three Rivers............... Feb. 25.... May 19....


People’s Savings Bank..............................................

Traverse City.............

May 6__

Sept. 16....


Traverse City State Bank.........................................

Traverse City.............

May 6__

Sept. 16....


Trenton State Bank.................................................

Trenton...................... April 6 .... Oct, 3 ....


State Savings Bank..................................................



State Savings Bank..................................................

Unionville................... Mar. 3 .... June 2 ....


Bank of Vassar........................................................

Vassar........................ Feb. 28.... Sept. 21....


Michigan Savings Bank............................................

Yassar........................ Feb. 28.... Sept. 19....


State Savings Bank................ .................................



Barber State Bank...................................................

Vermontville............... April 8 .... Oct,


State Bank of Vestaburg..........................................

Vestaburg................... Mar. 21.... June 15....

April 1 .... Sept. 28....

Feb. 28.... Sept. 21....


Farmers State Bank.................................................


Feb. 24... . May 18....


First State Bank......................................................


Feb. 24.... May 19....


State Savings Bank....... ..........................................

Warren....................... Feb. 7 .... May 26....


Washington Savings Bank........................................


Feb. 7 .... June 15....


Watervliet State Bank..............................................


Mar. 3 .... June 6 ....


Wayland State Bank................................................


Mar. 10.... June 9 ....


Wayne Savings Bank...............................................

Wayne........................ Mar. 9 .... June 8 ....


Farmers State Bank................................................


Feb. 7__

May 14....


WestDhalia State Bank............................................


April 15__

Sept. 30....
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



List of banks examined.—Concluded.


Name of bank.


Date first Date second Amount
examination. examination.


First State Bank......................................................

White Cloud............... Feb. 14.... June 3 ....


State Bank of Whitehall...........................................


May 14....

25 00


Farmers’ Savings Bank............................................

White Pigeon.............. Feb. 21.... May 18....

25 00


Crossman and Williams State Bank..........................

Williamston................ Feb. 7 .... June 20....

25 00


Williamston State Bank..........................................

Williamston................ Feb. 7 .... June 24....

33 53


Wolverine State Savings Bank..................................

Wolverine................... April 23.... July 6 ....

25 00

Wyandotte....... 7........ May 11__

Sept. 2 ....

42 49

16G First Commercial and Savings Bank.........................

Mar. 3__

$25 00

Wyandotte Savings Bank.........................................


May 11__

Oct. 27....

160 70

Yale State Bank.....................................


Mar. 18.... June 24__

34 74


Ypsilanti Savings Bank............................................


May 11.... Nov. 11....

92 08


State Commercial and Savings Bank........................

Zeeland............... .

Mar. 10.,.. Oct. 14....

40 07


Zeeland State Bank..................................................


Mar. 10.... Oct. 12....

121 39


D ecem ber 31, 1914.
H on. E. H. Doyle, C om m issioner of th e B a n k in g D ep artm en t, L an sin g , M ichigan:
D ear S ir—In accordance w ith y our req u est we have exam ined th e re p o rts of
th e several sta te ban k s and tr u s t com panies on file w ith y our d e p a rtm e n t and
find th a t th e am ou n ts of th e fees tu rn e d over by you to th is D ep artm en t d u rin g
th e y ear 1914 are co rrect in accordance w ith th e provisions of Section 40 of the
B an k in g Law.
V ery tru ly yours,
(S ig n ed ) F r a n k E. G o r m a n ,
D epu ty S ta te Treasurer.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis


(S T A T E B A N K S).

Comparative abstracts, giving the volume of business as shown by the last reports of Michigan
State banks called for in the years 1889, 1890, 1891, 1892, 1893, 1894, 1895, 1896, 1897,
1898, 1899, 1900, 1901, 1902, 1903, 1904,1905, 1906, 1907, 1908,1909, 1910, 1911,1912,
1913 and 1914 as made to the Commissioner of the Banking Department.


11, 1889,
90 banks, 2

19, 1890,
106 banks, 2

2, 1891,
121 banks, 3

9, 1892,
138 banks, 3

19, 1893,
159 banks, 3

Loans and discounts.........................

624,667 12 $27,628,145 16 $30,543,959 76 $38,883,892 66

$32,402,874 53

Stocks, bonds and mortgages............

645,031 54

18,846,637 08

21,308,913 14

26,843,183 47

24,804,367 45


165,315 19

183,645 30

195,618 49

222,549 92

206,537 17

Banking house, furniture and fixtures

523,466 20

714,313 50

941,19Ì 77

1,274,415 65

1,517,146 91
647,824 26

Other real estate..............................

253,782 59

311,476 52

350,381 69

692,412 41

Expenses and taxes paid...................

276,624 57

266,114 72

307,386 48

364,088 85

395,207 14

Interest paid....................................

210,872 79

217,130 03

145,482 78

271,426 84

352,701 34

Due from banks in reserve cities. , . . .

182,241 12

5,712,028 27

7,481,885 31

9,435,452 69

7,536,024 09

Due from other banks and bankers...

298,942 90

371,808 62

468,162 59

526,816 22

450,100 31

Exchanges for clearing house............

200,024 37

152,723 76

319,354 22

306,521 91

246,416 43

Checks and cash items......................

150,252 88

308,018 92

242,213 13

209,662 16

302,096 21

Nickels and cents.. . : ......................

11,720 48

11,047 14

15,630 82

18,382 56

24,102 73

Gold coin..............................., ........

396,827 00

483,564 49

849,656 57

1,039,932 42

1,698,747 47

Premiums paid...................

Silver coin......... .................. ...........

171,666 15

167,925 17

215,054 78

293,818 72

259,119 76

United States and National bank notes

242,843 00

1,575,817 00

1,807,081 00

2,266,977 00

2,312,851 00

$47,354,277 90 $56,950,395 68

5,191,972 53 $82,649,533 48

3,156,116 80

$9,522,420 00 $11,109,827 59

$12,311,041 98

Capital stock paid in.....................

254,559 10

$8,460,835 00

Surplus fund.................................

132,329 90

1,502,849 44

1,704,248 31

2,124,487 81

2,443,906 07

Gross undivided earnings..............

679,925 61

1,912,300 21

2,169,532 72

2,534,015 14

2,639,574 57

Dividends unpaid................. _ .....

2,571 63

6,234 60

2,158 87

5,739 37

18,081 02

Individual deposits.......................

879,586 71

9,300,393 00

11,750,841 68

16,948,803 62

14,529,942 64

Certificates of deposit....................

452,081 74

6,054,724 25

6,746,187 18

9,632,918 47

6,686,895 92

Savings deposits................... ........

669,030 20

27,779,136 09

31,186,303 14

37,909,010 12

32,216,067 08

Certified checks.............................

29,987 61

40,450 93

37,541 35

67,981 89

42,076 74

Cashier’s checks outstanding.........

21,097 57

5,802 67

30,594 71

36,445 82

29,031 78

Due to banks and bankers............

809,678 07

1,325,103 37

1,599,224 96

1,869,563 31

1,437,360 49

Notes and bills rediscounted..........

386,429 76

517,866 12

391,719 61

279,390 41

654,100 98

Bills payable.................................

37,000 00

44,700 00

. 51,200 00

131,349 93

148,037 53

$47,354,277 90 $56,950,395 68 $65,191,972 53

2,649,533 48

$73,156,116 80

State monies on deposit.................

Liabilities other than above stated.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis


X C V ll

Comparative abstracts (State Banks.)—Continued.


19, 1894,
164 banks, 4

13, 1895,
169 banks, 4

17, 1896,
173 banks, 3

15, 1897,
177 banks, 3

Loans and discounts......................... $34,320,138 74 $40,179,933 36 ;$36,942,440 70 $38,601,949 09
Stocks, bonds and mortgages............

26,516,601 07


192,415 39

Banking house, furniture and fixtures.

1, 1898,
182 banks, 3

$41,384,075 83

27,852,301 82 ; 28,451,447 71

31,926,938 07

224,066 95

199,468 95

227,624 36

298,762 48

1,694,992 89

1,758,139 62

1,814,724 74

1,820,639 66

1,906,096 96

882,473 08

1,237,183 41

1,593,803 10

2,054,891 06

Other real estate..............................

719,150 15

Expenses and taxes paid...................

403,575 78

Interest paid....................................

312,758 62

Premiums paid.................................

37,453,689 93

23,493 99

26,213 98

41,708 51

47,333 15

Due from banks in reserve cities.......

9,653,012 05

9,527,910 70

10,689,631 08

14,460,853 39

15,656,008 52

Due from other banks and bankers...

361,668 44

392,582 07

481,787 89

837,584 03

893,192 24

Exchanges for clearing house............

352,725 79

360,473 16

429,334 91

396,454 61

418,372 26

Checks and cash items......................

213,076 23

377,047 46

285,151 36

295,907 52

341,835 45

Nickels and cents.............................

26,840 53

20,384 28

22,407 73

22,543 68

24,283 58

Gold coin.........................................

1,683,739 65

2,028,483 58

2,286,076 60

2,273,685 90

2,448,122 25

Silver coin........................................

269,032 24

277,618 80

289,380 11

307,663 09

387,684 17

United States and National bank notes

2,152,421 00

2,065,781 00

2,530,816 00

2,590,180 00

2,754,711 00


$78,872,148 57 $85,970,689 87

686,065 17 $95,397,535 01 $106,069,058 88

Capital stock paid in...................

$12,003,600 00

$12,600,820 00 $12,518,117 21 $12,458,275 00

$ 12, 010,200 00

2,735,755 49

2,876,322 12

2,986,650 27

2,981,382 73

*2,112,933 75

*2,042,341 06

*1,927,498 49

*1,958,531 34

Surplus fund.................................

2,589,052 49

Gross undivided earnings.............

2,698,387 31

Dividends unpaid........................

17,696 03

23,539 94

14,629 00

16,430 88

8,204 48

Individual deposits.......................

15,476,103 85

16,562,755 06

15,274,265 98

18,025,578 88

20,599,904 56

Certificates of deposit......... ..........

7,024,676 13

8,364,560 85

7,530,592 54

8,576,587 67

9,782,646 49

Savings deposits...........................

35,939,957 25

41,192,483 54

42,055,852 60

48,076,282 71

54,105,981 76

Certified checks............................

65,583 23

85,970 78

140,220 18

67,246 32

111,903 86

Cashier’s checks outstanding.........

24,974 06

33,828 85

22,834 67

13,771 80

19,723 43

Due to banks and bankers............

2,007,773 87

1,936,615 12

2,441,456 29

3,647,253 47

4,420,425 42

Notes and bills rediscounted..........

354,059 88

359,129 28

273,075 73

Bills payable................................

73,064 47

State monies on deposit................
45,000 00



36,886 14

51,754 81

13,148 38

25,000 00

524,200 00

Liabilities other than above stated.

$78,872,148 57 $85,970,689 87 $85,686,065 17 $95,397,535 01 $106,069,058


‘Undivided earnings, less current expenses, interest and taxes paid.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis


Comparative abstracts (State Banks).—Continued.


2, 1899,
187 banks, 3

13, 1900,
192 banks, 3

10, 1901,
213 banks, 3

25, 1902,
228 banks, 4

Loans and discounts......................... $50,272,936 26 $53,161,024 07 $61,706,112 90 $71,029,727 87
Stocks, bonds and mortgages.........

17, 1903,
242 state
banks, 4 trust
1 society
for savings.

$76,013,937 01

43,420,804 26

46,495,505 41

55,903,472 79

62,718,889 40

334,526 17

242,650 61

244,675 75

298,124 85

301,921 98

Banking house, furniture and fixtures.

2,075,425 01

2,245,982 87

2,331,104 32

2,428,779 83

2,747,383 27

Other real estate.......................

2,032,366 69

2,060,599 30

1,764,547 92

1,740,305 79

1,655,978 73


66,317,185 97

Expenses and taxes paid.................
Interest paid........................
Premiums paid.....................

213,747 47

337,043 17

323,505 22

295,373 97

264,608 79

Due from banks in reserve cities.......

14,395,138 44

16,304,200 53

19,334,239 13

19,566,876 95

20,455,482 93
1,363,614 21

Due from other banks and bankers...

999,267 91

1,154,911 42

1,597,714 10

1,818,528 06

Exchanges for clearing house...........

451,809 45

422,415 20

906,754 45

643,168 60

628,326 98

Checks and cash items....................

385,617 28

320,197 45

343,580 67

531,318 02

418,158 14

Nickels and cents..............
Gold coin......................
Silver coin...............................
United States and National bank notes

26,844 79

30,507 54

33,336 21

45,262 35

58,008 16

2,782,654 49

3,246,550 00

3,245,496 21

3,634,079 16

3,859,868 27

383,374 38

422,770 86

452,093 97

512,225 31

663,741 42

3,016,402 00

3,514,851 00

4,006,396 11

4,457,448 25

4,686,754 47

$120,790,914 60 $129,959,209 43 $152,193,029 75 $169,720,108 41 $179,434,970 33

Capital stock paid in ..........

$12,262,100 00 $12,953,523 85 $14,035,880 00 $14,842,470 00

$15,919,551 21

Surplus fund.........

2,987,971 24

3,065,924 18

3,762,660 91

4,959,893 71

5,560,112 18

Undivided earnings net. . .

2,102,350 42

2,430,966 72

2,932,193 32

3,251,864 56

3,565,570 84

Dividends unpaid............
Individual deposits.......

11,914 42

10,178 36

4,929 72

2,876 72

3,511 36

24,522,326 97

24,840,803 37

29,540,186 91

34,503,984 97

37,280,300 03

Certificates of deposit........

12,250,239 67

12,341,536 00

14,664,986 47

16,952,741 46

17,570,185 09

Savings deposits..............

62,660,212 66

69,548,293 05

81,609,318 57

89,278,662 99

93,473,139 78

Certified checks........

66,649 37

98,418 48

94,652 52

194,520 09

110,395 49

Cashier’s checks outstanding.........

83,450 18

27,222 23

68,734 87

146,271 08

77,541 33

3,748,526 37

4,481,075 44

5,368,915 27

5,259,834 85

5,365,378 83

Due to banks and bankers. . . .
State monies on deposit__
Notes and bills rediscounted .

14,000 00

35,799 00

6,071 19

75,479 88

97,711 15

Bills payable................

81,173 30

125,468 75

104,500 00

251,508 10

411,573 04

Liabilities other than above stated.

Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

$120.790,914 60 $129,959,209 43 $152,193,029 75 $169,720,108 41 $179,434,970 33


C om parative a bstracts (S ta te B a n k s).— C ontinued.
12, 1906,
301 state
banks, 6 trust
1 society
for savings.

3, 1907,
328 state
banks, 6 trust
1 society
for savings.


6, 1904,
248 state
banks, 4 trust
1 society
for savings.

9, 1905,
277 state
banks, 5 trust
1 society
for savings.

Loans and discounts............................................

$78,746,336 05

$86,181,935 90 $101,287,736 39

$106,958,178 47

Stocks, bonds and mortgages................................

68,383,331 90

78,124,757 40

85,902,873 96

88,945,067 90

Overdrafts......................................................... .

197,553 07

311,210 78

373,212 14

303,930 99

Banking house, furniture and fixtures...................

2,902,806 42

3,377,379 76

3,934,435 08

4,727,158 99

Other real estate..................................................

1,608,035 94

1,590,630 18

1,593,318 80

1,367,853 18

Premiums paid....................................................

241,162 15

237,081 56

213,682 12

165,612 84

Due from banks in reserve cities..........................

21,137,556 22

25,542,384 93

26,665,895 22

21,295,814 35

Due from other banks and bankers......................

1,287,220 02

1,934,177 39

2,551,776 64

2,368,708 60

Exchanges for clearing house................................

854,065 78

827,349 43

1,959,708 99

1,288,117 10

Checks and cash items.........................................

353,232 19

394,181 89

483,736 42

389,022 14

Nickels and cents.................................................

73,587 98

64,972 73

73,300 45

83,879 98

4,499,431 65

4,324,849 84

4,559,569 06

4,596,825 41

Gold coin............................................................
Silver coin...........................................................

599,619 41

687,826 10

712,190 77

937,065 78

United States and National Bank notes................

5,049,774 00

5,937,153 75

6,453,153 95

8,613,878 75

Totals............................... ....................... $185,933,712 78 $209,535,891 64 $236,764,589 99

$242,041,114 48

Capital stock paid in............................................ $16,111,120 00

$17,403,144 04

$19,119,930 00

$20,351,064 00

Surplus fund........................................................

6,471,703 33

7,239,305 31

8,547,385 55

10,196,000 34

Undivided earnings, net.......................................

3,055,451 39

3,836,000 67

4,710,432 87

4,618,594 41

Dividends unpaid............................... ...... ..........

5,291 14

2,933 29

4,853 69

7,375 23

Individual deposits..............................................

38,287,417 40

45,041,231 95

53,085,474 90

47,587,078 42

Certificates of deposit..........................................

16,679,540 71

18,364,826 02

18,991,487 21

16,701,012 53

Savings deposits............................................... ..

99,782,932 96

111,234,128 86

125,464,596 49

134,923,712 46

Certified checks...................................................

191,493 34

90,768' 06

204,330 21

136,542 84

Cashier's checks outstanding................................

136,795 00

105,934 17

172,294 39

212,989 96

Due to banks and bankers...................................

4,902,817 34

5,969,398 11

6,205,626 80

5,753,481 15
211,263 14

Notes and bills rediscounted...............................

76,405 96

90,221 16

93,672 88

Bills payable......................................................

232,744 21

158,000 00

164,505 00

972,000 00
*370,000 00

'Clearing house certificates.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

$185,933,712 78 $209,535,891 64 $236,764,589 99

$242,041,114 48


C om parative abstracts ( S ta te B a n k s).— C ontinued.


Loans and discounts.......
Stocks, bonds and mortgages.............

27, 1908,
350 state
banks, 6 trust

16, 1909,
376 state
banks, 5 trust

10, 1910,
397 state
banks, 5 trust

$98,397,163 38 $105,908,706 77 $122,547,420 16

5, 1911,
416 state
banks, 5 trust

$130,399,352 60

95,428,501 97

109,045,073 50

120,056,915 38

361,154 87

370,836 07

430,698 51

346,852 48

Banking house, furniture and fixtures. .

4,992,537 71

5,495,884 72

5,927,665 67

6,758,591 05

Other real estate.........

1,396,444 39

1,457,973 02

1,229,227 35

1,385,780 84


138,025,807 91

Expenses and taxes paid........
Interest paid....................
Premiums paid.............

132,204 23

131,811 41

114,442 54

141,465 38

26,623,983 27

32,856,724 82

32,820,872 78

42,287,250 47

Due from other banks and bankers. .

1,990,316 84

2,358,731 88

3,098,714 79

3,403,593 63

Exchanges for clearing house........

1,130,604 67

1,342,339 37

1,507,375 56

2,088,218 41

311,115 78

337,951 20

398,029 49

513,060 69

92,422 67

95,377 97

106,173 88

118,079 49

4,948,685 92

5,152,211 69

5,189,697 32

6,130,272 10

Due from banks in reserve cities

Checks and cash items.......
Nickels and cents.........
Gold coin...............
Silver coin.............
United States and National bank notes


800,440 67

917,863 81

1,055,454 91

1,029,836 46

7,682,136 00

8,246,730 00

9,513,427 95

10,641,263 00

$244,287,712 37 $273,718,216 23 $303,996,116 29

$343,269,424 51

Capital stock paid in...
Surplus fund............
Undivided earnings net......
Dividends unpaid...........
Individual deposits..............
Certificates of deposit..........
Savings deposits.....................

$21,626,273 53

$22,161,133 00

$23,862,810 00

$26,736,595 00

10,785,497 24

11,402,419 44

12,015,146 57

13,941,895 37

5,035,772 52

5,340,696 86

5,867,508 17

6,150,191 02

6,873 00

14,272 08

13,024 41

17,001 50

50,450,061 86

61,951,396 26

67,238,188 48

76,650,505 67

11,402,933 69

13,192,935 86

15,937,272 92

18,101,332 81

137,811,470 73

151,290,590 74

169,072,348 91

190,590,212 51

Certified checks...............

151,935 26

162,907 25

196,470 57

310,496 22

Cashier’s checks outstanding...

131,766 74

234,924 59

279,179 90

280,506 24

6,392,573 47

7,277,997 59

8,222,465 26

9,344,879 94

Due to banks and bankers...
State monies on deposit... .


9,> fi


Notes and bills rediscounted. . . .

170,854 33

80,189 01

221,152 22

156,862 21

Bills payable...........................

321,700 00

311,000 00

441,500 00

496,435 50

112,526 61

238,402 71

292,077 32

5244,287,712 37 5273,718,216 23 $303,996,116 29

$343,269,424 51

Liabilities other than above stated .
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



C om parative abstracts ( S ta te B a n k s).— Concluded.


26, 1912,
439 state
banks, 5 trust

21, 1913,
453 state
banks, 6 trust

31, 1914,
461 state
banks, 6 trust

$146,633,532 23 $151,721,428 07

$158,313,544 62

155,032,559 70

164,700,742 59

180,733,973 29


379,555 76

317,622 32

294,035 71

Banking house, furniture and fixtures

7,407,177 57

8,302,071 05

9,104,007 28

Other real estate.............................

1,069,248 80

1,014,169 00

1,233,333 10

Loans and discounts........................
Stocks, bonds and mortgages............

Expenses and taxes paid.
Interest paid.
Premiums paid...................................

137,507 81

70,801 98

90,293 43

Due from banks in reserve cities.........

36,645,421 87

41,220,130 38

40,815,540 26

Due from other banks and bankers. . . .

3,851,610 25

4,404,736 61

4,095,668 82

Exchanges for clearing house...............

1,885,174 70

2,337,018 49

2,507,132 65

Checks and cash items........................

415,824 24

464,045 14

490,438 94

Nickels and cents................................

135,815 27

175,348 34

151,064 07

Gold coin...........................................

6,459,757 35

6,557,443 63

8,684,250 96

Silver coin..........................................

1,051,216 86

1,127,442 31

1,181,114 67

United States and National bank notes.

11,535,838 11

12,891,533 90

13,270,787 90

$372,640,240 52 $395,304,533 81

$420,965,185 70

Capital stock paid in...........

$28,643,710 00

$30,633,030 00

$32,635,000 00

Surplus fund.......................

14,792,683 93

16,149,951 12

18,422,805 61

Undivided earnings net........

7,695,640 95

7,779,234 64

8,740,159 96

Dividends unpaid................

14,953 40

13,289 77

24,378 60

91,921,232 44

102,960,433 97

Individual deposits..............

81,532,326 62

Certificates of deposit..........

20,158,588 55

19,176,582 68

18,699,133 42

Savings deposits..................

207,132,407 05

217,187,258 99

223,862,333 73

Certified checks...................

355,228 63

385,707 77

309,306 62

Cashier’s checks outstanding.

480,946 46

624,295 26

544,065 56

Due to banks and bankers...

8,644,358 71

8,679,835 48

9,051,112 21

State monies on deposit.......

778,631 50

679,617 19

1,697,374 43

441,386 82

558,698 00

734,533 82

Bills payable................................

1,740,150 15

1,252,400 00

1,746,605 25

Liabilities other than above stated

229,227 75

263,400 47

871,712 93

$372,640,240 52 $395,304,533 81

$420,965,185 70

666,229 59

Postal savings deposits.
Notes and bills rediscounted.........

Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



Comparative abstracts, showing the volume of business of the national banks of the State from
the last reports called for in the years 1889, 1890,1891, 1892, 1893, 1894,1895,1896, 1897,
1898, 1899, 1900, 1901, 1902, 1903, 1904, 1905, 1906, 1907,1908, 1909, 1910, 1911,1912,
1913 and 1914, as made to and furnished this department by the comptroller of the currency
at Washington.


11, 1889,
113 national

19, 1890,
109 national

2, 1891,
106 national

9, 1892,
104 national

Loans and discounts......................... $45,860,178 79 $47,527,375 32 $48,424,955 39 $52,752,163 51

19, 1893,
99 national
$40,783,209 13

Stocks, bonds and mortgages............

4,716,830 60

4,289,671 45

4,231,798 69

5,623,070 40


214,415 50

219,314 54

222,506 90

292,210 95

187,479 07

Due from reserve agents..................

5,273,805 17

6,000,383 99

6,942,032 64

8,304,177 63

6,191,185 16

6,945,499 58

Due from other banks and bankers...

1,417,240 70

1,531,500 83

2,055,712 68

2,457,593 23

1,508,833 10

Banking house, furniture and fixtures.

1,161,347 88

1,175,007 50

1,140,593 47

1,092,330 52

1,058,013 55

Other real estate...............................

696,499 38

807,729 15

654,818 49

597,433 76

523,837 66

Current expenses and taxes paid.......

314,041 78

316,798 82

308,899 32

330,626 32

Exchanges for clearing house............

351,040 73

291,486 06

531,466 31

420,011 79

414,646 27

Checks and cash items......................

206,917 13

252,540 59

222,864 76

269,288 40

208,277 54


5,156,435 60

5,363,033 64

5,337,462 12

5,479,123 70

5,352,544 48

Due from United States treasurer....

175,937 44

166,537 96

155,501 41

201,723 10

269,208 62

Premiums on United States bonds__

506,812 27

416,961 40

326,649 58

415,932 79

448,743 01

Totals.................................... $66,051,502 97 $68,358,341 25 $70,555,261 76 $78,235,686 10

$63,891,477 17

Capital stock paid in........................ $15,674,600 00 $15,539,600 00 $15,244,600 00 $15,034,000 00

$14,584,000 00

Surplus fund....................................

3,173,932 03

3,332,775 18

3,715,238 33

3,858,283 29

3,769,273 96

Gross undivided earnings..................

2,589,639 53

2,715,207 61

2,359,221 32

2,375,539 99

*1,879,151 51

Dividends unpaid.............................

25,279 32

9,632 59

36,373 86

18,212 61

17,180 18

Individual deposits...........................

35,217,989 08

36,792,399 46

38,500,510 19

42,409,084 23

31,789,116 14

566,999 05

483,927 31

330,558 68

401,760 31

Due to banks and bankers................

5,857,859 32

6,052,260 90

7,140,938 64

9,946,624 23

6,100,036 83

National bank notes outstanding......

2,853,300 00

2,660,200 00

2,587,020 00

3,281,300 00

4,557,055 00

Notes and bills rediscounted.............

658,903 69

689,166 46

462,157 73

466,083 07

426,228 15

100 00

23,000 00

United States deposits......................

Bills payable....................................
Liabilities other than those above

367,442 03
516,000 00

233 06

Totals.................................... $66,051,502 97 $68,358,341 25 $70,555,261 76 $78,235,686 10

$63,891,477 17

"■Undivided earnings, less expenses and taxes paid.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

2,274 38



C om parative abstracts (N ational B a n k s).— C ontinued.


19, 1894,
96 national

13, 1895,
94 national

17, 1896,
89 national

15, 1897,
82 national

Loans and discounts......................... $43,083,288 41 $44,736,533 88 $40,304,416 58 $41,143,927 46

1, 1898,
81 national

$42,919,871 77

Stocks, bonds and mortgages............

6,808,219 06

6,795,879 01

6,461,223 33

6,572,265 92


191,899 31

184,138 47

174,561 83

169,842 80

220,627 59

Due from reserve agents...................

7,158,187 74

5,697,542 13

8,051,478 98

11,777,125 43

10,816,560 04

Due from other banks and bankers...

2,138,681 61

1,754,960 91

2,145,066 98

3,492,498 90

3,757,850 18

Banking house, furniture and fixtures.

1,057,140 95

1,016,259 30

1,029,048 72

943,880 03

1,019,100 09

556,397 40

690,205 85

796,229 53

880,219 77

1,061,231 36

392,218 02

Other real estate..............................

9,766,446 01

Current expenses and taxes paid.......
Exchanges for clearing house............

300,541 92

243,688 09

333,694 76

358,309 99

Checks and cash items......................

226,913 43

160,616 79

199,702 79

136,857 46

179,112 92


5,089,305 10

5,039,661 46

5,333,487 61

5,505,338 94

5,982,621 40

Due from United States treasurer....

240,670 62

236,528 07

231,775 11

209,475 82

234,094 42

Premiums on United States bonds__

430,463 13

414,815 00

375,089 75

365,223 50

465,448 84

Totals.................................... $67,281,708 68 $66,970,828 96 $65,435,775 97 $71,554,966 02

$76,815,182 64

Clearing house certificates.................

Capital stock paid in........................ $13,634,000 00 $13,434,000 00 $12,959,000 00 $11,945,000 00

$11,770,000 00

Surplus fund.....................................

3,572,570 99

3,631,010 78

3,418,221 47

3,242,018 09

3,188,318 72

Undivided earnings, net.'..................

1,803,480 48

1,789,465 90

1,687,088 73

1,394,998 14

1,374,061 73

Dividends unpaid.............................

8,348 50

11,509 58

9,156 46

17,563 29

20,387 30

Individual deposits...........................

34,718,215 02

35,612,374 38

34,391,087 75

39,217,006 25

43,486,965 94

United States deposits......................

383,962 29

357,750 18

409,961 73

401,136 29

1,255,821 32

Due to banks and bankers................

8,641,246 57

7,406,212 51

8,260,695 23

11,772,976 46

11,760,185 28
3,958,300 00

National bank notes outstanding......

4,141,997 50

4,202,742 50

4,071,495 00

3,551,767 50

Notes and bills rediscounted.............

316,887 33

386,898 33

140,289 20

2,500 00

Bills payable....................................
Liabilities other than those above

61,000 00

137,500 00

88,400 00

10,000 00

1,364 80

380 40

1,142 35

Reserved for taxes............................
Bonds borrowed...............................
Clearing house certificates.................

Totals.................................... $67,281,708 68 $66,970,828 96 $65,435,775 97 $71,554,966 02
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

$76,815,182 64


C om parative abstracts (N ational B anks) —C ontinued.
2, 1899,
80 national


Loans and discounts..........

13, 1900,
85 national


10, 1901,
85 national

25, 1902,
84 national

$47,581,061 50 $51,651,236 44 $54,938,142 28 $60,694,986 71

Stocks, bonds and mortgages... .

11,652,043 11

Overdrafts. ................

12,318,672 86

194,788 80

14,141,822 34

17, 1903,
87 national

$64,088,225 33

15,106,385 98

16,331,297 13

286,561 65

351,732 17

Due from reserve agents. ..

8,671,815 91

10,658,399 31

11,231,301 10

10,167,335 72

9,147,612 91

Due from other banks and bankers...

3,647,971 66

3,463,374 00

4,058,641 12

3,845,841 49

4,174,213 53

Banking house, furniture and fixtures.

1,003,999 44

1,142,970 99

1,150,952 69

1,300,681 27

1,363,481 00

Other real estate....

1,060,810 20

927,158 12

696,254 41

455,261 67

393,115 75

Exchanges for clearing house

597,274 04

415,477 92

930,166 52

578,212 52

499,453 75

Checks and cash items..

240,308 50

182,689 83

204,714 74

239,577 39

182,558 75

6,554,095 31

6,834,835 11

Current expenses and taxes paid. ..


6,151,557 96

Due from United States treasurer. ...

242,948 86

308,427 88

336,238 00

326,770 50

378,175 67

Premiums on United States bonds....

453,937 69

203,917 94

228,358 81

356,315 39

311,370 92

Clearing house certificates

$81,498,517 67 $88,623,537 34 $95,561,515 74 $99,974,511 02 $104,056,072 02

Capital stock paid in. .. ,

$11,440,000 00 $11,578,000 00 $11,548,750 00 $11,380,000 00

Surplus fund...........
Undivided earnings, net...


Dividends unpaid. .. .
Individual deposits.......

$12,530,000 00

3,157,388 20

3,276,188 20

3,052,638 20

3,416,538 20

3,782,538 20

1,563,841 93

1,850,274 85

2,007,685 64

2,157*217 18

2,454,374 37

17,340 81

13,983 81

18,542 81

13,357 81

16,440 61

49,920,532 09

54,232,091 31

59,593,561 95

63,316,731 07

65,305,659 11

United States deposits..........

1,354,864 72

1,391,304 19

1,772,959 84

2,150,114 62

2,404,832 56

Due to banks and bankers. . .

9,738,696 81

11,024,083 47

11,764,875 41

11,611,241 60

10,418,980 57

National bank notes outstanding...

6,774,840 00

4,250,300 00

5,160,102 50

5,580,200 00

5,639,200 00

Notes and bills rediscounted

23,644 61

11,989 72

5,500 00

21,500 00

182,202 70

Bills payable................
Liabilities other than those above
stated ...................

27,000 00

- 75,000 00

205,000 00

107,000 00

178,000 00

11,801 89

161,610 54

8,203 90

4,908 50

Reserved for taxes.......
Bonds borrowed.........
Clearing house certificates..

Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

j 181,498,517 67 $88,623,537 34 $95,561,515 74 $99,974,511 02 $104,056,072 02



C om parative a bstracts (N ational B a n k s).—C ontinued.
6, 1904,
88 national

9, 1905,
88 national

12, 1906,
88 national

$65,803,150 16

$72,264,051 95

$81,508,444 65

$83,949,198 51

16,876,755 37

16,943,886 45

19,294,724 24

19,321,131 14

249,830 11

235,237 50

266,233 92

215,231 50

10,991,502 16

10,983,065 10

12,398,886 17

10,160,561 91

Due from other banks and bankers. . . .

4,414,365 24

5,462,829 33

6,396,474 02

5,127,590 55

Banking house, furniture and fixtures....

1,488,498 28

1,577,703 17

1,641,589 76

1,946,629 37

380,373 53

358,357 49

300,029 77

345,190 33


Loans and discounts...............
Stocks, bonds and mortgages...........
Due from reserve agents...........

Other real estate................

3, 1907,
93 national

Current expenses and taxes paid.........
Exchanges for clearing house......

715,114 06

736,445 31

1,126,918 66

753,547 93

Checks and cash items.......

270,131 43

213,672 23

297,726 82

341,954 39


7,553,259 40

8,093,277 55

8,673,007 28

9,317,138 52

Due from United States treasurer...........

399,420 00

436,085 50

453,002 50

428,725 50

Premiums on United States bonds .......

255,738 73

190,849 25

158,401 28

Clearing house certificates.........


188,259 66
595,194 00

$109,398,138 47 $117,495,460 83 $132,515,439 07

$132,690,353 31

Capital stock paid in............................

$12,730,000 00

$13,030,000 00

$13,005 ,000 00

$14,465, 000 fO

Surplus fund.........................................

4,266,688 20

4,595,788 20

5,264 262 50

5,490, 612 50

Undivided earnings, net........................

2,094,959 00

2,149,975 63

2,260 314 62

2,757, 173 91

Dividends unpaid.................................

5,156 93

16,854 34

13 904 54

16, 379 16

Individual deposits...............................

69,945,810 33

76,475,628 68

88,758 552 46

84,864, 150 47

United States deposits..........................

1,712,739 74

1,128,820 61

2,325 780 85

3,526, 031 73

Due to banks and bankers......................

11,323,976 44

12,473,253 68

12,642 438 95

12,053, 642 00
7,863, 265 00

National bank notes outstanding..........

7,218,930 00

7,469,030 00

7,939, 985 00

Notes and bills rediscounted............... ,

41,595 00

91,495 96

85, 948 00

358, 538 03

Bills payable..........................................

35,000 00

13,000 00

125, 000 00

445, 000 00

Liabilities other than those above stated.

23,281 93

51,613 73

32 360 07

26, 691 01

Reserved for taxes..................................

61 892 08

65, 881 50

Bonds borrowed...........................

563, 000 00

Clearing house certificates......................

194, 988 00

Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

1,398,138 47 $117,495,460 83 $132,515,439 07

$132,690,353 31



C om parative abstracts (N ation al B a n k s).— C ontinued.
27, 1908,
96 national

16, 1909,
99 national

10, 1910, *
102 national

Loans and discounts..........................

$84,061,275 46

$92,367,238 25

$94,399,247 59

$98,141,056 79

Stocks, bonds and mortgages.............

23,306,141 71

26,396,496 17

26,197,397 50

31,110,470 79


241,345 49

232,943 08

224.793 19

174,947 27

Due from reserve agents....................

13,761,102 88

14,600,685 65

12,508,396 52

15,506,585 55


5, 1911,
100 national

Due from other banks and bankers...

6,292,135 23

7,797,672 74

7,354,941 25

8,636,916 03

Banking house, furniture and fixtures'.

2,477,820 19

2,651,928 17

2,760,094 59

2,972,559 94

Other real estate...............................

291,505 80

285,810 50

233.793 96

315,097 32

Current expenses and taxes paid,
Exchanges for clearing house......

789,398 40

868,545 43

885,419 43

1,233,099 06

Checks and cash items.................

311,082 74

255,876 57

282,805 75

289,791 44

Cash...... .....................................

11,253,727 70

11,305,003 35

11,646,267 67

12,114,396 54

Due from United States treasurer.

530,765 50

593,170 00

660,793 29

653,488 50

Premiums on United States bonds

214,339 93

176,160 63

107,956 02

58,082 91

$143,530,641 03 $157,531,530 54 $157,261,906 76

$171,206,492 14

Clearing house certificates.


Capital stock paid in............................

$14,955,000 00

$15,189,500 00

$14,641,300 00

Surplus fund.........................................

6,068,150 00

6,416,510 99

6,680,603 00

6,819,063 09

Undivided earnings, net........................

2,650,316 37

2,881,308 23

3,073,386 99

3,474,433 28

$14,707,050 00

Dividends unpaid.................................

7,975 85

33,221 55

16,909 31

11,675 51

Individual deposits...............................

92,506,619 35

103,669,284 41

103,479,596 56

113,588,635 73

United States deposits..........................

2,442,065 88

959,365 22

990,301 63

1,155,747 64

Due to banks and bankers....................

15,265,250 30

18,011,053 82

17,220,806 46

21,055,762 92

National bank notes outstanding..........

9,010,475 00

9,894,100 50

10,161,987 50

9,999,000 00

Notes and bills rediscounted.................

124,265 83

142,064 93

270,879 75

86,255 70

Bills payable........................................

130,000 00

74,000 00

456,000 00

40,000 00

Liabilities other than those above stated

13,300 00

29,610 00

18,940 00

5,000 00

Reserved for taxes................................

51,222 45

31,510 89

41,995 56

51,668 27

Bonds borrowed...................................

306,000 00

200,000 00

209,200 00

212,200 00

$143,530,641 03 $157,531,530 54 $157,261,906 76

$171,206,492 14

Clearing house certificates.

Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis


C om parative abstracts (N ational B a n k s).— Concluded.


26, 1912,
99 national

21, 1913,
99 national

31, 1914,102
national banks.

Loans and .discounts......................................................................... $106,614,756 53 $112,235,907 80

$114,670,732 34
38,318,028 17

Stocks, bonds and mortgages.............................................................

33,862,408 93

35,180,003 48


135,167 84

137,720 24

128,342 33

Due from reserve agents...................................................................

14,392,298 12

16,462,031 53

14,575,842 12

Due from other banks and bankers............................................ ....

10,104,057 24

10,605,854 58

9,434,690 14

Banking house, furniture and fixtures................................................

3,275,802 44

3,375,274 52

3,604,609 08

Other real estate...............................................................................

369,412 01

374,727 08

699,838 29

Exchanges for clearing house.............................................................

1,243,697 45

1,240,377 21

1,044,114 18

Checks and cash items......................................................................

293,533 69

291,603 26

420,198 09


12,284,986 40

14,118,514 96

13,452,227 24

Due from United States treasurer.....................................................

655,542 50

711,255 00

781,727 50

Premiums on United States bonds.....................................................

18,962 78

7,097 20

4,090 17

Totals.................................................................................... $183,250,625 93 $194,740,366 86

$197,134,439 65

Capital stock paid in......................................................................... $15,010,000 00

$15,260,000 00

$17,084,860 00

Surplus fund.....................................................................................

7,127,300 00

7,732,610 00

9,060,600 00

Undivided earnings, net........ ...........................................................

4,072,440 70

4,228,289 58

3,077,790 75

Dividends unpaid.............................................................................

9,354 15

17,555 75

15,065 42

Individual deposits...........................................................................

123,966,021 77

131,680 554 31

131,960,189 73

United States deposits......................................................................

1,035,471 93

1,961,871 49

2,163,531 14

Due to banks and bankers................................................................

20,259,286 71

21,755,235 59

20,057,828 89

National bank notes outstanding.......................................................

10,637,935 00

10,680,605 00

11,898,915 00

Notes and bills rediscounted.............................................................

406,702 45

570,757 71

745,822 96

Bills payable.....................................................................................

450,000 00

540,000 00

512,140 00
224,533 90

Liabilities other than those above stated...........................................

19,896 85

12,500 00

Reserved for taxes, interest, etc.........................................................

42,816 37

52,287 43

87,061 86

Bonds borrowed............................................. , ................................

213,400 00

248,100 00

246,100 00

$183,250,625 93 §194,740,366 86

$197,134,439 65

Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



A bstracts of reports made by the S ta te banks of M ichigan to th e C om m issioner of
the B anking D epartm ent, the reports being called for on past days unknown
to the bank officers, viz., January 13, March 4, June 30, S eptem ber 12, and Octo­
ber 31, 191Jf. For reports of in dividu al S ta te banks and Trust Companies see
succeeding pages.


Loans and discounts:
Commercial department................
Savings department......................
Bonds, mortgages and securities:
Commercial department................
Savings department......................
Premium account.............................
Expenses, interest and taxes paid, exceeding earnings............................
Banking house.............................. \
Furniture and fixtures................... j
Other real estate...............................
Due from other banks and bankers,
not reserve cities...........................
Items in transit................................
United States bonds:
Savings department......................
Due from banks in reserve cities:
Commercial department................
Savings department......................
Exchanges for clearing house:
Commercial department................
Savings department......................
U. S. and National bank currency:
Commercial department................
Savings department......................
Gold coin:
Commercial department................
Savings department......................
Silver coin:
Commercial department................
Savings department......................
Nickels and cents:
Commercial department................
Savings department......................
Checks and other cash items.............

Report of
Jan. 13,
455 state
banks, 6 trust

Report of
March 4,
457 state
banks, 6 trust

Report of
June 30,
462 state
banks, 6 trust

Report of
Sept. 12,
462 state
banks, 6 trust

Report of
Oct. 31,
461 state
banks, 6 trust

$108,011,833 57 $106,012,635 36 $113,059,015 07 $118,125,402 25 $117,456,961 43
40,856,583 19
42,070,884 19 40,599,540 55 39,547,529 82 39,662,794 81

61 20,182,485 25 24,322,516 18 25,682,389 38
04 147,361,783 78 152,263,298 27 154,120,696 81
54,930 93
72,949 21
64,230 90
336,844 91
221,603 23
258,336 82



8,440,308 17
951,254 20

8,602,920 89
964,133 89

8,882,937 92
918,592 96

8,957,073 38
949,671 55

9,104,007 28
1,233,333 10

1,596,972 12
3,014,138 74

1,648,241 36
3,127,762 98

1,548,357 25
2,695,364 83

1,496,310 56
2,803,806 92

1,151,853 76
2,943,815 06

485,740 00

489,740 00

504,740 00

489,740 00

490,540 00

20,019,180 39
24,823,992 05

22,597,167 39
27,123,857 05

22,187,257 73
26,467,250 72

20,488,730 61
22,928,938 47

18,685,160 01
22,130,380 25

2,118,895 24
196,886 97

1,841,495 03
244,208 39

3,135,710 26
237,073 54

2,936,712 58
289,655 19

2,261,944 39
245,188 26

7,807,842 20
7,012,705 75

6,609,173 25
6,621,974 25

7,545,330 61
6,540,671 89

8,165,019 20
7,154,595 25

6,236,110 15
7,034,677 75

1,386,034 99
5,954,005 29

1,205,285 26
6,045,680 23

2,260,617 83
6,431,065 52

1,478,166 91
6,223,930 13

2,441,515 91
6,242,735 05

1,042,905 97
306,661 45

947,564 28
296,642 33

888,144 57
281,589 03

878,820 70
278,693 07

903,790 95
277,323 72

149,028 65
34,927 10
560,678 97

149,208 82
37,924 46
509,631 07

134,101 18
31,161 94
624,508 89

119,521 03
31,401 03
559,927 59

120,792 76
30,271 31
490,438 94

Totals.................................... $401,601,401 79 $403,620,131 68 $420,783,370 17 $424,151,283 45 $420,965,185 70
Capital stock paid in........................
Surplus fund....................................
Undivided profits, less losses, current
expenses, interest and taxes paid...
Dividends unpaid.............................
Commercial deposits subject to check..
Commercial certificates of deposit....
Certified checks................................
Cashier’s checks outstanding............
State monies on deposit....................
Due to banks and bankers................
Postal savings deposits.....................
Savings deposits...............................
Savings certificates of deposit...........
Reserve for taxes, interest, etc..........
Clearing house certificates.................
Notes and bills rediscounted.............
Bills payable....................................

$31,348,020 00 $31,466,605 00 $32,422,950 00 $32,514,500 00
17,111,651 83 17,273,786 56 17,826,466 38 18,080,174 31

$32,635,000 00
18,422,805 61



18 7,177,686 96 7,801,147 23 8,354,552 24
24,503 83
503,648 39
18,994 14
64 90,592,402 57 97,747,643 47 107,806,503 94
19 19,071,402 68 19,259,773 79 18,930,111 88
1,013,344 70
447,299 33
445,691 23
940,561 29
1,085,597 08
764,500 54
1,581,479 02
4,770,441 92
1,779,093 35
53 11,120,850 48 10,447,147 45 10,235,399 67
339,075 34
430,276 14
536,954 85
04 178,885,886 81 181,640,582 62 179,346,358 45
49 43,317,570 85 43,847,600 10 43,132,974 61
611,858 77
679,987 85
621,373 62
250,000 00
180,206 96
211,162 19
573,211 80
676Ì279 12
863,395 39
558,000 00
733,551 25
657,821 50


Totals.................................... $401,601,401 79 $403,620,131 68 $420,783,370 17 $424,151,283 45 $420,965,185 70
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



A bstracts of reports m ade by the N ational Banks of Michigan to the Com m is­
sioner of the B anking D epartm ent, January 13, March 4, June 30, Septem ber 12
and October 31, 1914. For reports of in dividu al N ational Banks see succeeding


Loans and discounts.........................
Overdrafts, secured and unsecured....
U. S. bonds to secure circulation.......
Miscellaneous securities to secure cir­
U. S. bonds to secure U. S. deposits. .
Other bonds to secure U. S. deposits..
U. S. bonds on hand.........................
Premiums on U. S. bonds.................
Stocks, securities, etc........................
Banking house, furniture and fixtures.
Other real estate and mortgages owned
Due from other National banks........
Due from state and private banks and
Subscription to gold fund.................
Due from approved reserve agents__
Checks and other cash items.............
Exchanges for clearing house............
Bills of other National banks............
Fractional paper currency, nickels and
Legal tender notes............................
Redemption fund with U. S. treasurer
(5% of circulation)........................
Due from U. S. treasurer, other than
5% redemption fund.....................
Clearing house certificates.................


Report of
Jan. 13,
99 national

Report of
March 4,
98 national

Report of
June 30,
99 national

Report of
Sept. 12,
100 national

Report of
Oct. 31,
102 national

$106,929,061 98 $106,012,063 33 $110,458,522 63 $114,304,546 00 $111,558,647 89
125,465 57
126,350 13
128,342 33
158,850 32
143,566 05
10,824,750 00 10,799,750 00 10,849,750 00 9,504,850 00
10,799,750 00


4,306,513 34




5,030,992 88




6,014,122 37






5,211,252 52





84,668 99
8,167,471 56
5,787,146 00

87,475 28
7,672,768 05
4,802,137 00

59,187 10
8,611,475 76
5,121,199 00

50,324 03
9,036,350 90
4,504,886 00

59,523 48
9,023,382 76
3,543,082 00

485,430 00

536,380 00

534,837 50

539,224 50

635,925 00

194,970 00

152,997 50

132,502 50

276,939 50
500,000 00

145,802 50

$194,315,679 04 $193,576,451 71 $203,321,532 28 $201,616,421

$197,134,439 65

Capital stock paid in........................
Surplus fund....................................
Undivided profits less expenses and
taxes paid.....................................
National bank notes outstanding......
Due to other National banks............
Due to state and private banks and
bankers, trust companies and sav­
ings banks....................................
Dividends unpaid.............................
Individual deposits subject to check..
Demand certificates of deposit..........
Time certificates of deposit...............
Certified checks................................
Cashier’s checks outstanding............
United States deposits......................
Deposits of U. S. disbursing officers ..
Postal savings deposits.....................
Notes and bills rediscounted.............
Bills payable....................................
Liabilities other than those above
Bonds borrowed.......................
Reserved for taxes, interest, etc.
Clearing house certificates........

Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

$15,260,000 00 $15,235,000 00 $16,437,000 00 $17,069,730 00
8,891,950 00 9,052,192 50
7,840,850 00
7,839,850 00
3,726,175 50
10,622,350 00
6,127,226 42


39,500 00
236,500 00
28,256 76

4,014,371 39
10,630,747 50
6,670,447 08

2,916,354 24
10,569,055 00
6,072,441 73

3.069.266 13
9.749.267 50
5,066,949 43

66 16,036,555 68 14,717,117 16
6,905 00
324,146 38
09 107,447,535 47 106,733,272 08
99 22,884,233 20 20,747,268 63
7,471,472 92 10,199,212 85
261,071 34
489,927 16
875,417 79
334,126 16
1,579,472 64
1,113,590 40
996,813 85
911,841 33
261,522 87
116,165 36
909,000 00
400,000 00

14,915 95
235,300 00
48,006 55

15,696 38
238,450 00
109,699 24



$17,084,860 00
9,060,600 00
3,077,790 75
11,898,915 00
5,250,115 04


1,079,420 90
745,822 96
512,140 00
224,533 90
246,100 00
87,061 86

$194,315,679 04 $193,576,451 71 $203,321,532 28 $201,616,421 89 $197,134,439 65



A bstracts show ing the total volum e of business transacted by the S ta te and
N ational banks and T rust Companies of Michigan, as reported to the Com m is­
sioner of the B anking D epartm ent, January 13, March J/, June 30, Septem ber 12
and October 31, 1911/.


Report of
Jan. 13, 455
state banks,
99 national
banks, 6 trust

Report of
March 4, 457
state banks,
98 national
banks, 6 trust

Report of
June 30, 462
state banks,
99 national
banks, 6 trust

Report of
Sept. 12, 462
state banks,
100 national
banks, 6 trust

Report of
Oct. 31, 481
state banks,
102 national
banks, 6 trust

Loans and discounts......................... $257,011,779 74 $252,624,239 24 $263,065,067 52 $272,092,743 06 $269,872,192 51
Stocks, bonds and mortgages............ 187,218,846 48 190,203,095 50 203,002,554 43 205,050,417 73

204,723,320 10


438,702 03

480,410 96

347,068 80

384,686 95

422,378 04

U. S. bonds to secure circulation.......

10,824,750 00

10,799,750 00

10,849,750 00

9,504,850 00

10,799,750 00

1,554,646 50

3,112,084 45

U. S. bonds to secure U. S. deposits. .

1,215,820 00

1,239,670 00

1,282,320 00

992,020 00

1,007,020 00

Other bonds to secure U. S. deposits..

1,451,107 61

1,481,217 61

1,445,731 36

1,901,591 36

1,960,991 36

123,440 00

115,280 00

135,280 00

447,380 00

560,920 00

Miscellaneous securities to secure circulation........................................

Subscription to gold fund.................
U. S. bonds on hand.........................

74,600 00

Premiums paid.................................

72,664 67

70,560 15

59,386 10

77,289 38

94,383 60

Banking house, furniture and fixtures

11,835,745 56

11,955,255 99

12,388,414 03

12,599,691 14

12,708,616 36

Other real estate..............................

1,379,370 08

1,455,313 64

1,590,658 05

1,554,038 09

1,933,171 39

Due from other banks and bankers...

15,188,049 36

16,230,236 10

16,516,540 06

15,117,297 26

13,455,758 96

Due from banks in reserve cities....... 64,609,047 22

69,947,692 01

67,361,687 46

58,524,109 19

55,391,382 38

Checks and other cash items............. 1,084,249 16
Exchanges for clearing house............
3,897,237 97
Nickels and cents.............................
268,624 74
Specie.............................................. 16,857,079 26
U. S. and National bank notes........ 21,760 166 95
Redemption fund with U. S. treasurer
(5% of circulation).................■....
485,430 00
Due from U. S. treasurer, other than
5% redemption fund.....................
194,970 00
Clearing house certificates................









536,380 00

534,837 50

539,224 50

635,925 00

152,997 50

132,502 50

276.939 50
500,000 00

145,802 50

Totals.................................... $595,917,080 83 $597,196,583 39 $624,104,902 45 $625,767,705 34 $618,099,625 35
Capital stock paid in........................ $46,308,020
Surplus fund.................................... 24,951,501
Undivided profits less expenses and
taxes paid..................................... 10,546,709
National bank notes outstanding...... 10,622,350
Due to banks and bankers................ 33,836,021
Dividends unpaid.............................
Commercial deposits......................... 246,247,919
Savings deposits............................... 218,068,076
State moneys on deposit...................
United States deposits...................... 2,247,697
Bonds borrowed.......................
Reserved for taxes, interest, etc........
Notes and bills rediscounted.............
Bills payable....................................
Liabilities other than those above
stated ...........................................
Clearing house certificates.................

00 $46,701,605 00 $48,859,950 00 $49,584,230 00
83 25,114,636 56 26,718,416 38 27,132,366 81

$49,719,860 00
27,483,405 61

68 11,192,058 35 10,717,501 47 11,423,818 37
00 10,630,747 50 10,569,055 00
9,749,267 50
09 36,701,393 22 32,556,144 86 30,019,466 26
32,931 60
827,794 77
25,899 14
98 238,610,167 53 258,274,945 58 266,221,758 65
53 222,203,457 66 225,488,182 72 222,479,333 06
1,581,479 02
4,770,441 92
1,779,093 35
2,370,547 40 2,455,707 87
3,113,241 34
235,300 00
238,450 00
241,250 00
659,865 32
789,687 09
684,731 50
291,978 28
937.801 99
689,377 16
855,500 00
1,133,551 25
1,566,821 50



14,915 95

15,696 38

58,625 87
750,000 00


224,533 90
200,000 00

Totals.................................... $595,917,080 83 $597,196,583 39 $624,104,902 45 $625,767,705 34 $618,099,625 35
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis




A bstracts of the published reports of the S ta te banks and Trust Companies in the
c ity of D etroit, as made to the C om m issioner of the B anking D epartm ent,
January 13, March 4, June 30, Septem ber 12 and October 31, 1914.


Loans and discounts:
Commercial department................
Savings department......................
Bonds, mortgages and securities:
Commercial department................
Savings department......................
Subscription to gold fund.................
Premium account.............................
Expenses, interest and taxes paid, ex­
ceeding earnings............................
Banking house.............
Furniture and fixtures......................
Other real estate......................
Due from other banks and bankers,
1'* not reserve cities...........................
Items in transit....................
United States bonds:
Savings department......................
Due from banks in reserve cities:
Commercial department................
Savings department......................
Exchanges for clearing house:
Commercial department................
Savings department......................
U. S. and National bank currency:
Commercial department................
Savings department......................
Gold coin:
Commercial department................
Savings department......................
Silver coin:
Commercial department................
Savings department......................
Nickels and cents:
Commercial department................
■ Savings department......................
Checks and other cash items.............

Report of
Report of
Report of
Report of
Report of
Jan. 13, 11
March 4, 11
Sept. 12, 11
June 30, 11
Oct. 31, 10
state banks, 3 state banks, 3 state banks, 3 state banks, 3 state banks, 3
trust companies. trust companies. trust companies. trust companies. trust companies.

$38,475,435 84 $36,256,190 70 $42,148,753 88 $45,403,903 40
14,644,011 61 13,950,373 30 12,162,252 54 12,137,045 07

$44,008,148 97
12,373,393 42

11,790,473 55
61,986,144 76

11,137,483 52
63,349,599 80

12,984,940 62
67,203,028 40

15,433,386 96
67,584,424 52

2,926 66
12,561 86

2,926 66
13,161 53

2,926 66
16,640 26

8,626 66
35,897 29

2,490,372 95
417,872 08
427,810 63

2,557,689 77
432,008 14
437,800 42

2,689,363 82
475,868 57
361,816 93

2,737,272 80
465,414 52
366,029 68

2,804,316 62
468,932 96
614,758 88

790.064 23
1,582,719 23

803,511 82
1,558,854 74

871,221 34
1,568,049 46

736,604 93
1,412,347 36

446,775 78
1,394,152 30



300,000 00

300,000 00

300,000 00

300,000 00

300,000 00

7,442,570 63
9,695,438 90

10,124,539 63
11,269,189 33

12,262,624 64
11,173,751 60

10,069,184 88
8,273,778 64

7,512,384 36
7,971,634 03

1,571,511 22
131.065 21

1,286,506 09
179,745 96

2,449,520 50
166,801 40

2,271,077 19
209,397 58

1,588,131 23
188,253 86

2,919,996 00
2,624,145 00

2,717,470 00
2,566,228 00

3,244,342 00
2,201,247 00

4,089,718 00
2,815,460 00

2,341,852 00
2,797,114 00

288,793 65
2,882,517 62

223,315 73
2,837,360 37

1,208,986 95
3,253,846 98

526,166 70
2,986,505 71

1,475,775 89
3,015,919 62

311,300 77
45,408 95

279,079 38
43,298 40

262,890 62
42,513 20

260,849 48
31,337 40

250,704 20
26,622 88

45,870 04
9,399 77
122,565 84

44,178 69
10,650 71
141,153 44

41,719 17
7,938 97
191,219 44

34,671 78
6,953 91
126,906 81

30,969 70
6,346 30
111,003 40

Totals.................................... $161,010,977 00 $162,522,316 13 $177,292,264 95 $178,322,961 27 $172,600,748 32
Capital stock paid in........................ $10,900,000 00 $10,900,000 00 $11,400,000 00 $11,400,000 00
Surplus fund....................................
7,791,000 00
7,791,000 00
8,298,000 00 8,298,000 00
Undivided profits, less losses, current
expenses, interest and taxes paid... 3,546,650 81
3,604,033 56
4,080,266 91
4,298,673 01
Dividends unpaid.............................
5,404 00
5,675 00
145,109 00
1,715 50
Commercial deposits subject to check. 41,483,262 41 39,447,876 61 48,194,931 38 55,191,018 05
Commercial certificates of deposit___
842,008 12
1,020,194 90
1,106,417 66
1,137,687 85
Certified checks................................
443,016 00
350,757 39
752,262 39
334,673 44
Cashier’s checks outstanding............
412,916 22
787,203 75
903,672 35
585,144 54
State monies on deposit....................
65,366 45
470,702 39
2,297,189 63
357,023 09
Due to banks and bankers................ 7,183,288 16 7,806,566 62 8,064,941 48
7,445,212 55
Postal savings deposits.....................
71,189 44
109,763 91
155,560 66
219,889 81
Savings deposits............................... 83,717,303 69 85,667,399 28 87,067,778 96 83,943,029 22
Savings certificates of deposit............ 4,442,209 40 4,393,749 66
4,601,040 15. 4,735,563 69
107,362 30
Reserved for taxes, interest, etc........
225,094 38
167,393 06
125,330 52
Clearing house certificates.................
250,000 00
Notes and bills rediscounted.............
Bills payable....................................

$11,500,000 00
8,655,000 00
4,100,974 91
10,410 50
49,801,432 99
889,081 18
215,062 48
380,508 46
698,571 43
6,333,112 13
299,933 65
83,843,459 16
4,714,863 59
158,337 84
200,000 00
800,000 00

Totals.................................... $161,010,977 00 $162,522,316 13 $177,292,264 95 $178,322,961 27 $172,600,748 32
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis




A bstracts of the published reports of the N ational banks in the c ity of D etroit,
as made to the C om m issioner of the B anking D epartm ent, January 13, March
June 30, Septem ber 12 and October 31, 1914.

Report of
Report of
Report of
Report of
Report of
Oct. 31, 3
Sept. 12, 3
March 4, 3 j June 30, 2
Jan. 13, 3
national banks. national banks. national banks. national banks. national banks.

Loans and discounts......................... $34,352,429 55 $33,836,671 62 $35,946,330 88 $39,321,226 90
2,215 88
16,142 86
3,025 22
3,783 01
Overdrafts, secured and unsecured....
810,100 00
2,155,000 00 2,155,000 00
U. S. bonds to secure circulation....... 2,155,000 00
Miscellaneous securities to secure cir1,156,646 50

$37,126,869 25
6,494 96
2,155,000 00

U. S. bonds to secure U. S. deposits. .
Other bonds to secure U. S. deposits..
U. S. bonds on hand.........................
Premiums on l). S. bonds
Stocks, securities, etc........................

2,491,777 40

695,000 00
192,800 00
86,900 00

695,000 00
217,800 00
88,400 00

695,000 00
207,800 00
88,400 00

399,700 00
648,720 00
398,400 00

399,700 00
752,470 00
24,400 00

4,421,697 68

4,271,703 89

7,595,926 93

6,954,827 52

6,830,110 93

Banking house, furniture and fixtures.
Other real estate and mortgages owned
Due from other National banks........
Due from state and private banks and

170,000 00
70,000 00
4,774,969 92

110,000 00
130,000 00
4,952,009 38

170,000 00
300,000 00
5,047,430 60

181,568 29
. 300,000 00
4,354,462 02

121,917 72
360,000 00
4,126,884 19

2,496,772 47

3,193,932 88

4,448,763 67

3,445,237 07

2,479,179 47
74,000 00

Due from approved reserve agents....
Checks and other cash items.............
Exchanges for clearing house............
Bills of other National banks............
Fractional paper currencv, nickels and






28,724 37

35,526 95

13,183 43

6,005 79

8,010 87

Specie....................................... r . ..
Legal tender notes............................
Redemption fund with U. S. treasurer
(5% of circulation).......................
Due from U. S. treasurer, other than
5% redemption fund.....................

2,981,170 90
3,496,686 00

2,781,605 80
2,845,534 00

3,459,005 00
3,131,281 00

3,670,520 00
2,798,032 00

3,824,940 00
1,822,626 00

90,995 00

107,745 00

107,715 00

111,039 50

193,545 00

159,000 00

117,000 00

116,000 00

248,800 00
500,000 00

122,000 00

Totals.................................... $64,979,047 74 $65,337,041 67 $73,966,027 12 $71,824,645 76

$69,054,828 57






Capital stock paid in. ....................... $5,000,000 00
Surplus fund.................................... 2,000,000 00
Undivided profits less expenses and
1,461,496 00
taxes paid.....................................
2,118,595 00
National bank notes outstanding......
Due to other National banks............ 5,351,420 86
Due to state and private banks and
bankers, trust companies and savings banks.................................... 12,229,925 08
5,960 34
Dividends unpaid.............................
Individual deposits subject to check. . 30,431,678 62
Demand certificates of deposit.......... 4,804,259 92

$5,000,000 00
2,000,000 00

$6,000,000 00
3,000,000 00

$6,629,730 00
3,157,432 50

$6,700,000 00
3,175,000 00

1,547,349 55
2,127,595 00
5,930,744 24

441,779 11
2,012,105 00
5,378,591 39

501,125 51
1,007,295 00
4,378,863 53

317,984 50
3,002,995 00
4,584,259 82




414,72Ì 21
825,996 26
466,697 93

50,462 62
260,255 79
1,014,562 01

61,429 03
159,341 95
438,761 37

352,638 71

394,559 06

465,682 95

414 30
220,000 00
18,056 42

481 76
220,000 00
24,000 00



193,587 50
220,000 00
4.770 72

Totals.................................... $64,979,047 74 $65,337,041 67 $73,966,027 12 .$71,824,645 76

$69,054,828 57

Postal savings deposits.....................
Notes and bills rediscounted
Liabilities other than those above
stated ...........................................
Bonds borrowed...............................
Reserved for taxes, interest, etc........
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

142 969


220,000 00
5,462 8!




Certified checks................................
Cashier’s checks outstanding............
United States deposits......................







A bstracts of the published reports of the S ta te and N ation al banks and T ru st
Companies in the city of D etroit, as made to the C om m issioner of th e B an k­
ing D epartm ent, January 13, March Jf, June 30, Septem ber 12 and October 3 1 ,1911f.


Report of
Report of
Report of
Report of
Report of
Jan. 13, 11
March 4, 11
June 30, 11
Sept. 12, 11
Oct. 31, 10
state banks, 3 state banks, 3 state banks, 2 state banks, 3 state banks, 3
national banks, 3 national banks, 3 national banks, 3 national banks, 3 national banks, 3
trust companies. trust companies. trust companies. trust companies. trust companies.

Loans and discounts......................... 587,471,877 00 $84,043,235 62 $90,257,337 30 $96,862,175 37

$93,508,411 64

Stocks, bonds and mortgages............

78,498,315 99

79,058,787 21

88,083,895 95

90,272,639 00


16,344 87

16,186 75

32,783 12

38,113 17

30,3S5 80

U. S. bonds to secure circulation.......

2,155,000 00

2,155,000 00

2,155,000 00

810,100 00

2,155,000 00

1,156,646 50

2,491,777 40

695,000 00
192,800 00
86.900 00

695,000 00
217,800 00
88,400 00

695,000 00
207,800 00
88,400 00

Miscellaneous securities to secure circulation........................................
U. S. bonds to secure U. S. deposits..
Other bonds to secure U. S. deposits..
U. S. bonds on hand.........................
Subscription to gold fund.................
Premiums paid.................................

2,926 66

Banking house, furniture and fixtures. 3,078,245 03
Other real estate...............................
497,810 63
Due from other banks and bankers... 9,644,525 85
Due from banks in reserve cities....... 24,189,672 63
Checks and other cash items.............
191,507 56
Exchanges for clearing house............
Nickels and cents.............................
U. S. and National bank notes..........
Redemption fund with U. S. treasurer
(5% of circulation)........................
Due from U. S. treasurer, other than
5% redemption fund.....................
Clearing house certificates.................



2,926 66

2,926 66

399,700 00
648,720 00
398,400 00
8,626 66

89,667,251 35

8 |526


















90,995 00

107,745 00

107,715 00

111,039 50

193,545 00

159,000 00

117,000 00

116,000 00

248,800 00
500,000 00

122,000 00

Totals.................................... $225,990,024 74 $227,859,357 80 $251,258.292 07 $250,147,607 03 $241,655,576 89
Capital stock paid in........................
Surplus fund....................................
Undivided profits less expenses and
taxes paid.....................................
National bank notes outstanding.......
Due to banks and bankers................
Dividends unpaid.............................
Commercial deposits.........................
Savings deposits...............................
State moneys on deposit...................
United States deposits......................
Bonds borrowed...............................
Reserved for taxes, interest, etc........
Notes and bills rediscounted........
Bills payable....................................
Liabilities other than those above
Clearing house certificates.................

$15,900,000 00 $15,900,000 00 $17,400,000 00 $18,029,730 00
9,791,000 00 9,791,000 00 11,298,000 00 11,455,432 50




414 30


4,799,798 52
1,007,295 00
24 22,067,029 00
2,039 50
63 100,539,554 39
11 88,678,592 91
357,023 09
1,629,010 88
220,000 00
127,101 24

481 76

$18,200,000 00
11,830,000 00


485,000 00

800,000 00

750,000 00

193,587 50
200,000 00

Totals.................................... $225,990,024 74 $227,859,357 80 $251,258,292 07 $250,147,607 03 $241,655,576 89

Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis




A bstracts of the published reports of the five S ta te banks, tw o T ru st Companies
and three N ational banks in th e c ity of Grand R apids, as m ade to the Comm is­
sioner of the B anking D epartm ent, October 31, 1911f.


Report of
5 state banks,
2 trust companies.

Report of
3 national

Loans and discounts.........................................................................

$8,385,129 73

$14,164,475 86

$22,549,605 59

Stocks, bonds and mortgages.............................................................

9,304,126 79

1,788,686 02

11,092,812 81


22,008 19

12,651 13

34,659 32

U. S. bonds to secure circulation.......................................................

2,000,000 00

2,000,000 00

U. S. bonds to secure U. S. deposits..................................................

102,000 00

102,000 00

Other bonds to secure U. S. deposits.................................................

144,430 00

144,430 00

Other bonds to secure postal savings.................................................

25,000 00

25,000 00

U. S. bonds on hand.........................................................................

8,520 00

8,520 00
1,029,961 40


Premiums paid..................................................................................
Banking house, furniture and fixtures. , ............................................

246,934 77

783,026 63

Other real estate...............................................................................

10,705 91

37,475 01

48,180 92

Due from other banks and bankers...................................................

538,079 91

1,072,489 64

1,610,569 55
4,006,998 40

Due from banks in reserve cities.......................................................

2,327,625 81

1,679,372 59

Checks and other cash items.............................................................

56,857 63

16,082 39

72,940 02

Exchanges for clearing house.............................................................

203,501 35

151,255 56

354,756 91

Nickels and cents..............................................................................

9,201 46

4,467 15

13,668 61


304,996 78

659,517 90

964,514 68

U. S. and National bank notes..........................................................

684,996 75

342,429 00

1,027,425 75

Redemption fund with U. S. treasurer (5% of circulation).................

100,000 00

100,000 00

Due from U. S. treasurer, other than 5% redemption fund................

7,000 00

7,000 00

$22,094,165 08

$23,098,878 88

$45,193,043 96

Capital stock paid in.....................................

$1,750,000 00

$2 , 100,000 00

$3,850,000 00

Surplus fund.................................................

1,520,200 00

1,050,000 00

2,570,200 00

Undivided profits less expenses and taxes paid

349,197 00

602,488 51

951,685 51

2 , 000,000 00

2,900,000 00


National bank notes outstanding
Due to banks and bankers....................
Dividends unpaid.................................
Commercial deposits.............................
Savings deposits....................... ............
State monies on deposit........................
United States deposits..........................
Postal savings deposits.........................
Deferred payment on bank building. . . .
Reserved for taxes, interest, etc............
Premium account.................................
Notes and bills rediscounted.................
Bills payable........................................
Liabilities other than those above stated
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



3,185,348 37
3,714 31
13,217,033 15

14,703 74

174,070 31
47,304 00

120,000 00

200,000 00

235,620 37
93,169 91
56,038 25

$22,094,165 08

18,920 23

500,000 00




120,000 00

174,070 31
62,007 74
200,000 00

254,540 60
93,169 91
556,038 25

$23,098,878 88 | $45,193,043 96




A bstracts of the published reports of th e th ree S ta te banks and two N ational
banks in the c ity of Saginaw, as m ade to the C om m issioner of the B anking
D epartm ent, October 31, 1914.
Report of
3 state

Report of
2 national

$5,155,073 82

$4,958,072 15

$10,113,145 97

4,249,441 92

622,450 41

4,871,892 33

3,712 70

1,780 82

5,493 52

17. S. bonds to secure circulation.......................................................

600 000 00

600 000 00
300 000 00


Loans and discounts...............................................................
Stocks, bonds and mortgages.............................................................


Other securities to secure circulation.................................................

300,000 00

U. S. bonds to secure U. S. deposits.................................................

76 000 00

76 000 00

Other bonds to secure postal savings....................................

35,000 00

35 000 00

6,900 00

0 000 00

83,000 00

293,400 00

160,075 91

93,775 90

253,851 81
1,386,192 17

U. S. bonds on hand...........................................
Premiums paid................................................................
Banking house, furniture and fixtures....................................
Other real estate.........................................
Due from other banks and bankers...................................................
Due from banks in reserve cities..............................

1 058 13

1,058 13
210,400 00

27 000 70

27,069 70
1,071,669 22

314,522 95

Checks and other cash items.............................................................

11,623 30

4,021 36

15,644 66

Exchanges for clearing house.....................................

23,803 24

33,440 57

57,243 81

Nickels and cents..................................................

2,457 17

545 73

3,002 90


222,636 63

433,902 60

656,539 23

U. S. and National bank notes..........................................................

347,016 00

80,365 00

427,381 00

Redemption fund with U. S. treasurer (5% of circulation).................

38,950 00

38 950 00

Due from U. S. treasurer, other than 5% redemption fund................

1,000 00

1,000 00

$11,486,037 74

$7,683,727 49

$19,169,765 23

Capital stock paid in.....................................................................

$650,000 00

$600,000 00

$1,250,000 00

Surplus fund.................................................................................

650,000 00

600,000 00

1,250,000 00

Undivided profits less expenses and taxes paid...................................

378,375 78

117,006 89

495,382 67

821 400 00

821 400 00

635,273 99

1,065,662 30


National bank notes outstanding.......................................................
Due to banks and bankers...................................................•............
Dividends unpaid............................................................................
Commercial deposits.........................................................................
Savings deposits...............................................................................
State moneys on deposit..................................................................
United States deposits..........................................................
Postal savings deposits......................................................................
Bonds borrowed................................................................................
Reserved for taxes, interest, etc.............................
Notes and bills rediscounted.............................................................
Bills payable..................................................................
Liabilities other than those above stated........................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

430,388 31


78 00
4,803,769 42

6 706 888
A 859


1,672 42

76 000 00
15,187 02

45,000 00

15,000 00
12 17

12 17

$11,486,037 74

$7,683,727 49

$19,169,765 23

60,000 00




A bstracts of th e published reports of the tw o S ta te banks and tw o NatiQnal banks
in the city of B a ttle Greek, as made to the C om m issioner of th e Banking
D epartm ent, October 31, 1914.

Report of
2 state

Report of
2 national

Loans and discounts.........................................................................

$1,233,113 71

$5,079,417 12

$6,312,530 83

Stocks, bonds and mortgages.............................................................

1,775,100 31

2,747,276 95

4,522,377 26


2,375 73

2,946 25

5,321 98

500,000 00

500,000 00

U. S. bonds to secure circulation.......................................................


U. S. bonds to secure U. S. deposits..................................................

15,000 00

15,000 00

Other bonds to secure U. S. deposits.................................................

28,000 00

28,000 00

Other bonds to secure postal savings.................................................

19,000 00

19,000 00

U. S. bonds on hand.........................................................................
Premiums paid..................................................................................
Banking house, furniture and fixtures................................................

122,657 67

1,600 00

1,600 00

35,700 00

158,357 67

Other real estate...............................................................................

7,114 31

7,551 47

14,665 78

Due from other banks and bankers...................................................

4,094 88

72,614 07

76,708 95
1,275,173 21

Due from banks in reserve cities........................................................

388,103 50

887,069 71

Checks and other cash items.............................................................

153 61

5,221 18

5,374 79

Exchanges for clearing house.............................................................

8,121 05

' 7,986 74

16,107 79

Nickels and cents..............................................................................

1,268 84

1,847 35

3,116 19


62,335 90

518,615 60

580,951 50

U. S. and National bank notes..........................................................

114,887 25

66,375 00

181,262 25

Redemption fund with U. S. treasurer (5% of circulation).................

25,000 00

25,000 00

Due from U. S. treasurer, other than 5% redemption fund................

2,000 00

2,000 00

$3,719,326 76

$10,023,221 44

$13,742,548 20

Capital stock paid in.........................................................................

$375,000 00

$500,000 00

$875,000 00

Surplus fund.....................................................................................

90,000 00

325,000 00

415,000 00

Undivided profits less expenses and taxes paid...................................

29,871 21

20,862 37

50,733 58

495,147 50

495,147 50

130,000 20

140,736 18


National bank notes outstanding.......................................................
Due to banks and bankers................................................................
Dividends unpaid.............................................................................
Commercial deposits.........................................................................
Savings deposits................................................................................
State moneys on deposit....................................................................
Postal savings deposits......................................................................
United States deposits......................................................................
Bonds borrowed................................................................................
Reserved for taxes............................................................................
Notes and bills rediscounted.............................................................
Bills payable.....................................................................................
Liabilities other than those above stated...........................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

10,735 98
631,949 25
2,561,770 32
' 20;000 00

$3,719,326 76

690 00
8,508,594 37
11,414 19
31,512 81

$10,023,221 44

31j 512


$13,742,548 20




A bstracts of the published reports of the tw o S ta te banks and tw o N ational banks
in the c ity of Kalam azoo, as m ade to the C om m issioner of th e B anking D e­
partm ent, October 31, 1914.

Loans and discounts..........................

Report of
2 state

Report of
2 national


$3,082,856 03

$4,471,810 96

?7 554 666 99

Stocks, bonds and mortgages..................

1,016,418 30

332,270 62


3,367 42

11,435 18

1,348,688 92
11 ano #in

U. S. bonds to secure circulation...........

230,000 00

230,000 00

U. S. bonds to secure U. S. deposits......

44.000 00

44.000 00

Other bonds to secure postal savings.........................

35.000 00

35.000 00

200 00

9nn nn

179,900 00

273,585 00

808 10

16,113 86

453,485 00
1fi 091 Qfi

U. S. bonds on hand................................
Premiums paid.....................................
Banking house, furniture and fixtures.....................
Other real estate........................................
Due from other banks and bankers............

23,983 30

66,064 98

90,048 28

416,968 89

640,877 89

1,057,846 78

Checks and other cash items...............

10,207 00

11,495 98

21,702 98

Exchanges for clearing house.................

40,027 33

19,317 06

59,344 39

Nickels and cents...........................

1,996 94

1,347 22

3 344 16


63,952 95
253,951 00

450,430 00

11,500 00

11,500 00

Due from banks in reserve cities......

U. S. and National bank notes........................

196,479 00

Redemption fund with U. S. treasurer (5% of circulation).................
Due from U. S. treasurer, other than 5 % redemption fund........

$5,036,965 26

$6,500,896 72


Öfi1 OQ

$500,000 00

$500,000 00


nnn nnn nn

150,000 00

200,000 00

Capital stock paid in.......................
Surplus fund..............................
Undivided profits less expenses and taxes paid..................

45,697 40

National bank notes outstanding........
Due to banks and bankers....................
Dividends unpaid............................

442,088 31 '

76,830 96

122,528 36

229,997 50

229,997 50

132,743 39

1,210 50

614 75

574,831 70
1 SOS 9“

5,277,241 39

7 17fi 7SQ 1Q

Commercial deposits................................

1,899,547 79

Savings deposits.....................................
State moneys on deposit............................
United States deposits.................
Postal savings deposits........................
Bonds borrowed..........................................
Reserved for taxes, interest, etc...........
Notes and bills rediscounted..........
Bills payable.....................................
Liabilities other than those above stated. . . .

1,743,504 72
20,000 00


$5,036,965 26
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

3*in nnn nn

18,206 77
40,261 96
77,675 66
157,240 88

40 ?<il


77,675 66
157,240 88
25,000 00
$6,500,896 72

25,000 00
111 K37





A bstracts of the 'published rep o rts of the five S ta te banks and tw o N ational banks
in the city of B ay City, as made to th e C om m issioner of the B anking D e­
partm ent, October 31, 1911/.

Report of
5 state

Report of
2 national


$3,262,186 68

$1,369,467 24

$4,631,653 92

Stocks, bonds and mortgages —

3,007,737 09

550,110 17

3,557,847 26


1,807 50

1,868 77

3,676 27

U. S. bonds to secure circulation

150,000 00

150,000 00

Bonds to secure U. S. deposits..

65,000 00

65,000 00

Other bonds to secure postal savings.

22,850 00

22,850 00

Loans and discounts

U. S. bonds on hand.
Suspense account.............................................................

11,808 80

11,808 80

24,650 50

Premiums paid................................................................

24,650 50

Banking house, furniture and fixtures..............................

185,596 42

46,242 50

231,838 92

Other real estate.............................................................

19,368 43

32,501 00

51,869 43

Due from other banks and bankers.................................

13,291 58

38,551 30

51,842 88

Due from banks in reserve cities.....................................

873,335 12

114,480 61

987,815 73

Checks and other cash items..........................................

26,241 24

463 98

26,705 22

Exchanges for clearing house..........................................

20,718 98

5,690 47

26,409 45

Nickels and cents...........................................................

2,499 77

916 14

3,415 91


132,248 85

66,298 70

198,547 55

U. S. and National bank notes.......................................

362,502 25

65,128 00

427,630 25

7,500 00

7,500 00

7,943,993 21

$2,537,068 88

$10,481,062 09

Capital stock paid in.......................... ..........

$450,000 00

$200,000 00

$650,000 00

Surplus fund.................................................

410,000 00

220,000 00

630,000 00

Undivided profits less expenses and taxes paid

198,688 30

52,970 71

251,659 07

Redemption fund with U. S. treasurer (5% of circulation)
Due from U. S. treasurer, other than 5% redemption fund.

National bank notes outstanding...................
Due to banks and bankers.............................
Dividends unpaid..........................................
Commercial deposits.....................................
Savings deposits...........................................
State moneys on deposit...... ........................
United States deposits..................................
Postal savings deposits..................................
Bonds borrowed.............................„.............
Reserved for taxes, interest, etc.....................
Notes and bills rediscounted..........................
Bills payable.................................................
liabilities other than those above stated.......
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

206,569 83
1,856,880 72
4,818,245 29.
2,500 00

148,150 00

148,150 00

121,228 04

327,797 87

196 53
1,698,346 66
10,000 00

47,074 39
27,467 66


1,109 01

1,109 01
10,000 00

10,000 00

$2,537,068 88

$10,481,062 09

1,634 89

$7,943,993 21


1,634 89




A bstracts of the published reports of the four S ta te banks and one N ational
bank in the c ity of Jackson, as m ade to the C om m issioner of th e B anking
D epartm ent, October 31, 1914.
Report of
4 state

Report of
1 national

Loans and discounts........................

$3,698,563 23

$1,284,218 81

$4,982,782 04

Stocks, bonds and mortgages...........

2,008,130 58

191,741 20

2,199,871 78


6,804 56

8,922 97

15,727 53

U. S. bonds to secure circulation.. . .

100,000 00

100,000 00

Other securities to secure circulation.

100,356 80

100,356 80

U. S. bonds to secure U. S. deposits..

15.000 00

15.000 00

Other bonds to secure postal savings.

15.000 00

15.000 00
213,717 75



Premiums paid.............................. .

175 00

Banking house, furniture and fixtures

204,958 25

8,759 50

Other real estate.............................

15,077 51

63,992 59

79,070 10

Due from other banks and bankers..

133,086 01

63,959 69

197,045 70
698,647 51

175 00

Due from banks in reserve cities......

554,525 42

144,122 09

Checks and other cash items............

1,527 20

3,527 37

Exchanges for clearing house........... .

63,541 94

4,500 66

5,054 57

68,042 60

Nickels and cents..............................

2,047 50

846 48

2,893 98


131,987 81

61,271 75

193,259 56

U. S. and National bank notes..........

211,606 00

74,817 00

286,423 00

9,000 00

9,000 00

$7,032,031 01

$2,150,036 91

$9,182,067 92

Capital stock paid in.... ...............................

$800,000 00

$100,000 00

$900,000 00

Surplus fund.................................................

426,000 00

140,000 00

566,000 00

Undivided profits less expenses and taxes paid

182,507 65

21,947 53

204,455 18

125,100 00

125,100 00

1,481 35

66,255 82

4,066,018 35

Redemption fund with U. S. treasurer (5% of circulation)
Due from U. S. treasurer, other than 5% redemption fund.

National bank notes outstanding...................
Due to banks and bankers.............................

64,774 47

Dividends unpaid.........................................

893 00

Commercial deposits.....................................

2,393,683 79

1,672,334 56

Savings deposits............................................
State moneys on deposit................................
United States deposits...................................
Postal savings deposits..................................
Bonds borrowed.........................................
Reserved for taxes........................................
Notes and bills rediscounted..........................
Bills payable.................................................
Liabilities other than those above stated.......

3,118,022 59
15,000 00


Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

ÌÒ,8Ò3 5Ì


893 00

15,000 00
4,173 47



2,000 00

18,346 00


48,346 00

$7,032,031 01

$2,150,036 91

$9,182,067 92




A bstracts of the published rep o rts of the four S ta te banks and one N ational bank
in the c ity of A nn Arbor, as m ade to the C om m issioner of the Banking D e­
p a rtm en t, October SI, 1914■

Report of
4 state

Report of
1 national


Loans and discounts.........................................................................

$1,923,776 61

$589,769 83

$2,513,546 44

Stocks, bonds and mortgages........... ; ....................... .......................

3,514,491 29

197,775 00

3,712,266 29


4,326 27

7,067 01

11,393 28

100,000 00

100,000 00

12,000 00

123,376 25
32,795 91

lj pj bnnds f,n secure circulation


TI R bonHs to QW’.nrp TT R deposits
Other bonds t-A

TT R deposits

280 00

280 00
Banking house, furniture and fixtures................................................

111,376 25

Other real estate...............................................................................

16,795 91

16,000 00

26,980 19

31,393 10

58,373 29

345,625 00

144,511 19

490,136 19

1,776 09

32,362 66

Due from other banks and bankers...................................................
Due from banks in reserve cities........................................................
OV)ppVf5 and nth nr cash items


Exchanges for clearing house......................-......................................

875 09

875 09
30,586 57

Nickels and cents................ ............................................................

2,889 69

231 36

3,121 05


184,409 20

34,066 05

218,475 25

U. S. and National bank notes..........................................................

230,149 00

67,329 00

297,478 00

5,000 00

5,000 00

$6,392,561 07

$1,206,918 63

$7,599,479 70

Capital stock paid in........................................................................

$550,000 00

$100,000 00

$650,000 00

Surplus fund.....................................................................................

275,000 00

25,000 00

300,000 00

Undivided profits less expenses and taxes paid...................................

113,595 27

46,705 24

160,300 51

100,000 00

100,000 00

Ppreemption bind with TTt S. treasurer (5% of circulation).................
Due fmm TT ^ treasurer other th^n

redemption fund ...............


National bank notes outstanding


85,084 66


85,084 66

Dividends unpaid.............................................................................

658 25

33 33

691 58

Commercial deposits.........................................................................

1,145,052 90

935,180 06

2,080,232 96

Ravinys deposits
State moneys on deposit,
Postal Ravings dpposits
Unit°d States deposits
Ponds bnrrnWed
P psprypd for ta/ves
Tîntes and bills rpdisconnted
Pills payable
T,labilities other than those above stated

4,196,579 66
20,000 00
6;590 33


$6,392,561 07

D\1P to bflnks and bankers
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

4,196,579 66
20,000 00
6,590 33

$1,206,918 63

$7,599,479 70




A bstracts of the 'published reports of th e tw o S ta te banks and one N ation al bank
in the city of Calumet, as m ade to the C om m issioner of the B anking D epart­
ment, October 31, 1914Resources.

Report of
2 state

Report of
1 national


Loans and discounts.........................................................................

$1,784,654 32

$2,557,932 93

$4,342,587 25

Stocks, bonds and mortgages............................................................

346,960 07

255,060 40

602,020 47

Overdrafts............................................................. 1 .........................

10 54

52 12

62 66

U. S. bonds to secure circulation.......................................................

200,000 00

200,000 00

U. S. bonds to secure II. S. deposits..................................................

1,000 00

1,000 00

Other bonds to secure postal savings.................................................

10,000 00

10,000 00

U. S. bonds on hand.........................................................................

4,440 00

4,440 00

111,233 71

Other bonds to secure U. S. deposits.................................................

Premiums paid.................................................................................
Banking house, furniture and fixtures................................................

62,733 71

48,500 00

Other real estate...............................................................................

2,000 00

17.000 00

19.000 00

Due from other banks and bankers...................................................

34,382 29

30,015 19

64,397 48

Due from banks in reserve cities.......................................................

773,661 06

148,730 66

922,391 72

Checks and other cash items.............................................................

13,709 60

3,273 80

16,983 40

6,949 30

6,949 30

Exchanges for clearing house.............................................................
Nickels and cents......................................................................."....

806 02

706 22

1,512 24


71,882 75

301,503 75

373,386 50

U. S. and National bank notes..........................................................

166,379 00

5,145 00

171,524 00

10.000 00

10.000 00

$3,257,179 36

$3,600,309 37

$6,857,488 73

Capital stock paid in........................................................................

$250,000 00

$200,000 00

$450,000 00

Surplus fund.....................................................................................

250,000 00

300,000 00

550,000 00

Undivided profits less expenses and taxes paid...................................

88,819 81

8,815 84

97,635 65

187,900 00

187,900 00

Redemption fund with IT. S. treasurer (5% of circulation).................
Due from U. S. treasurer, other than 5% redemption fund................

National bank notes outstanding.......................................................
Due to banks and bankers................................................................

8,447 43

1,508 77

9,956 20

Dividends unpaid.............................................................................
Commercial deposits.........................................................................
Savings deposits...............................................................................
State moneys on deposit...................................................................
United States deposits......................................................................
Postal savings deposits............................................ .........................
Bonds borrowed................................................................................
Reserved for taxes, interest, etc........................................................
Notes and bills rediscounted.............................................................
Bills payable
Liabilities other than those above stated .........................................

160 00
2,428,243 77
229,008 35

2,895,703 50

160 00
5,323,947 27
229,008 35

1,000 00
5,381 26

1,000 00
5,381 26


$3,257,179 36
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

2,500 00

2,500 00

$3,600,309 37

$6,857,488 73




A bstracts of the published reports of the tw o S tate banks and tw o N ational banks
in the city of Lansing, as m ade to the C om m issioner of th e B anking D ep a rt­
ment, October 31, 1914.

Report of
2 state

Report of
2 national


Loans and discounts.........................................................................

$1,227,271 25

$1,857,087 61

$3,084,358 86

Stocks, bonds and mortgages.............................................................

847,902 35

811,013 28

1,658,915 63


597 45

1,422 10

2,019 55

U. S. bonds to secure circulation.......................................................

200,000 00

200,000 00

Bonds to secure U. S. deposits..........................................................

64,031 80

64,031 80

Other bonds to secure postal savings.................................................
U. S. bonds on hand.........................................................................
Premiums paid.................................................................................

79 00

1,415 00

1,494 00

Banking house, furniture and fixtures................................................

51,280 00

203,452 00

254,732 00

4,400 00

4,400 00

Due from other banks and bankers...................................................

1,533 20

140,344 71

141,877 91

Due from banks in reserve cities.......................................................

351,068 70

386,940 15

738,008 85

230 70

2,527 48

2,758 18

33,951 23

62,560 27

96,511 50

Other real estate...............................................................................

Checks and other cash items....
Exchanges for clearing house.............................................................
Nickels and cents.............................................................................

3,365 51

2,813 04

6,178 55

Specie............................................................................................ ..

63,835 00

73,507 05

137,342 05

U. S. and National bank notes..........................................................

75,395 00

156,033 00

231,428 00

Redemption fund with U. S. treasurer (5% of circulation).................

14,250 00

14,250 00

Due from U. S. treasurer, other than 5% redemption fund................

10,500 00

10,500 00

$2,656,509 39

$3,992,297 49

$6,648,806 88

Capital stock paid in........................................................................

$250,000 00

$200,000 00

$450,000 00

Surplus fund.....................................................................................

125,000 00

200,000 00

325,000 00

Undivided profits less expenses and taxes paid...................................

68,451 30

108,262 65

176,713 95


National bank notes outstanding.......................................................

199,100 00

199,100 00

12,060 51

207,470 68

219,531 19

40 00

40 00

Commercial deposits.........................................................................

960,754 84

3,034,912 78

3,995,667 62

Savings deposits...............................................................................
State moneys on deposit...................................................................
United States deposits......................................................................
Postal savings deposits......................................................................
Bonds borrowed................................................................................
Reserved for taxes...........................................................................
Notes and bills rediscounted.............................................................
Bills payable.....................................................................................
Liabilities other than those above stated...........................................

1,161,425 30
65,803 00
13,014 44

20,513 12
21,998 26


$2,656,509 39

$3,992,297 49

Due to banks and bankers................................................................
Dividends unpaid.............................................................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



$6,648,806 88




A bstracts of the published reports of the three S ta te banks and one N ational bank
in th e c ity of P o rt Huron, as m ade to the C om m issioner of th e B anking D epart­
m ent, October 31, 1911f.

Report of
3 state

Report of
1 national


Loans and discounts.........................................................................

$2,237,235 97

$1,322,551 65

$3,559,787 62

Stocks, b^,nds and mortgages.............................................................

1,230,436 42

287,412 44

1,517,848 86


2,240 13

1,076 63

3,316 76

U. S. bonds to secure circulation.......................................................

150,000 00

150,000 00

U. S. bonds to secure U. S. deposits..................................................

40.000 00

40.000 00

Other bonds to secure postal savings.................................................

28.000 00

28.000 00

60,000 00

171,549 67

U. S. bonds on hand.........................................................................
Premiums paid.................................................................................

5,400 44

Banking house, furniture and fixtures................................................

111,549 67

Other real estate...............................................................................

20,726 53

Due from other banks and bankers...................................................

58,812 53

62,584 29

121,396 82
438,361 32

5,400 44

20,726 53

Due from banks in reserve cities.......................................................

246,067 66

192,293 66

Checks and other cash items.............................................................

5,493 00

4,367 76

9,860 76

Exchanges for clearing house.............................................................

59,254 24

4,763 48

64,017 72

Nickels and cents..............................................................................

1,688 33

502 87

2,191 20


27,684 55

28,223 00

55,907 55

U. S. and National bank notes..........................................................

88,962 00

114,044 00

203,006 00

7,500 00

7,500 00

$4,095,551 47

$2,303,319 78

$6,398,871 25

Capital stock paid in........................................................................

$300,000 00

$150,000 00

$450,000 00

Surplus fund.....................................................................................

152,250 00

75,000 00

227,250 00

Undivided profits less expenses and taxes paid...................................

9,095 54

35,814 87

44,910 41

149,995 00

149,995 00

139,012 05

329,011 76

1,692,126 14

2,937,355 59

46,635 56

1,921,522 39
65,000 00
46,635 56

8,667 36
6,068 80

14,848 23
6,068 00

Redemption fund with U. S. treasurer (5% of circulation).................
Due from U. S. treasurer, other than


redemption fund................


National bank notes outstanding.......................................................
Due to banks and bankers................................................................

189,999 71

Dividends unpaid.............................................................................

273 51

Commercial deposits.........................................................................

1,245,229 45

Savings deposits...............................................................................
State moneys on deposit...................................................................
United States deposits......................................................................
Bonds borrowed................................................................................
Postal savings deposits.....................................................................
Reserved for interest........................................................................
Notes and bills rediscounted.............................................................
Bills payable....................................................................................
Bonds sold under repurchale agreement.............................................

1,921,522 39
65,000 00


$4,095,551 47
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

6,180 87

273 51

65,000 00
141,000 00

65,000 00
141,000 00
$2,303,319 78

$6,398,871 25




A bstracts of the published reports of the four S ta te banks and one 'National bank
in th e c ity of A drian, as m ade to th e C om m issioner of the B anking D ep a rt­
m ent, October 31, 1914.

Report of
4 state

Loans and discounts.........................................................................

$1,205,480 93

$565,434 68

$1,770,915 61

Stocks, bonds and mortgages.............................................................

2,565,648 43

57,843 20

2,623,491 63


141 56

314 44

456 00

U. S. bonds to secure circulation.......................................................

100,000 00

100,000 00

Other bonds to secure circulation......................................................

40.000 00

40.000 00

U. S. bonds to secure U. S. deposits..................................................

7,000 00

7,000 00

13.000 00

13.000 00

Other bonds to secure U. S. deposits..........................................

Report of
1 national


U. S. bonds on hand.........................................................................
Suspense account..............................................................................

414 85

Premiums paid..................................................................................

194 16

404 83

598 99

Banking house, furniture and fixtures................................................

99,000 00

67,304 00

166,304 00

414 85

Other real estate...............................................................................
Due from other banks and bankers...................................................

46,181 03

14,840 89

61,021 92

Due from banks in reserve cities.......................................................

359,280 26

40,062 49

399,342 75

Checks and other cash items.............................................................

2,739 75

453 48

3,193 23

Exchanges for clearing house.............................................................

7,656 78

1,311 39

8,968 17

Nickels and cents..............................................................................

1,292 27

1,044 08

2,336 35


49,270 45

28,039 60

77,310 05

IT. S. and National bank notes..........................................................

172,420 00

8,470 00

180,890 00

5,000 00

5,000 00

$4,509,720 47

$950,523 08

$5,460,243 55

Capital stock paid in.........................................................................

$405,000 00

$100,000 00

$505,000 00

Surplus fund.....................................................................................

125,000 00

20,000 00

145.000 00

Undivided profits, less expenses and taxes paid..................................

103,445 82

9,428 99

112,874 81

Redemption fund with IT. S. treasurer (5% of circulation).................
Due from IT. S. treasurer, other than 5% redemption fund.................

National bank notes outstanding.......................................................
Due to banks and bankers................................................................
Dividends unpaid.............................................................................
Commercial deposits.........................................................................
Savings deposits................................................................................
State moneys on deposit....................................................................
United States deposits......................................................................
Postal savings deposits......................................................................
Bonds borrowed................................................................................
Reserved for taxes......................................................................•....
Notes and bills rediscounted..............................................................
Bills payable.....................................................................................
Liabilities other than those above stated...........................................
T otals....................................................................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

2,003 93
505,380 34
3,361,045 40
7,500 00
344 98

$4,509,720 47







16,494 25
63,958 16

16,494 25
63,958 16

$950,523 08

$5,460,243 55




A bstracts of the published reports of the one S ta te bank and th ree N ational banks
in the c ity of Muskegon, as m ade to the C om m issioner of th e B anking D epart­
m ent, October SI, 1914.

Report of
1 state

Report of
3 national


Loans and discounts........................................................................

$437,157 02

$1,644,470 79

$2,081,627 81

Stocks, bonds and mortgages.............................................................

509,256 31

1,163,466 58

1,672,722 89


215 15

2,332 18

2,547 33

234,000 00

234,000 00

U. S. bonds to secure circulation.......................................................
U. S. bonds to secure U. S. deposits..................................................

1,000 00

1,000 00

Other bonds to secure postal savings.................................................

39,000 00

39,000 00

88,485 44

136,985 44

2,872 91

2,872 91

U. S. bonds on hand.........................................................................
Premiums paid.................................................................................

1,600 00

Banking house, furniture and fixtures................................................

48,500 00

Other real estate...............................................................................

1,600 00

Due from other banks and bankers...................................................

99 25

25,487 51

25,586 76

Due from banks in reserve cities.......................................................

118,256 28

299,136 79

417,393 07

Checks and other cash items.............................................................

287 82

44,743 30

45,031 12

Exchanges for clearing house.............................................................

7,017 76

6,755 02

13,772 78

Nickels and cents..............................................................................

292 81

1,508 73

1,801 54


13,922 85

167,816 75

181,739 60

U. S. and National bank notes..........................................................

83,332 00

172,549 00

255,881 00

Redemption fund with U. S. treasurer (5% of circulation).................

11,700 00

11,700 00

Due from U. S. treasurer, other than 5% redemption fund.................

1,000 00

1,000 00

$1,219,937 25

$3,906,325 00

$5,126,262 25

Capital stock paid in........................................................................

$100,000 00

$300,000 00

$400,000 00

Surplus fund.....................................................................................

25,000 00

125,000 00

150,000 00

Undivided profits less expenses and taxes paid...................................

21,414 97

130,968 73

152,383 70

National bank notes outstanding.......................................................

233,297 50

233,297 50

Due to banks and bankers................................................................

3,334 69

3,334 69


Dividends unpaid.............................................................................

86 00

111 00

197 00

Commercial deposits.................................. .......................................

299,233 81

3,064,010 49

3,363,244 30

Savings deposits................................................................................
State moneys on deposit....................................................................
United States deposits......................................................................
Bonds borrowed................................................................................
Postal savings deposits......................................................................
Reserved for taxes, interest, etc.........................................................
Notes and bills rediscounted.............................................................
Bills payable.....................................................................................
Liabilities other than those above stated...........................................

768,019 97
5 ;000 00

1,000 00

768,019 97
5,000 00
1,000 00

31,102 59
3,000 00

32,285 09
3,000 00

Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

1,182 50

$1,219,937 25-

14,500 00

14,500 00

$3,906,325 00

$5,126,262 55




A bstracts of the published reports of the one S ta te bank and tw o N ational banks
in the c ity of M arquette, as m ade to the C om m issioner of the B anking D epart­
m ent, October 31, 1914.
Report of
1 state


Report of

2 national


Loans and discounts.........................................................................

$473,647 78

$2,075,967 83

$2,549,615 61

Stocks, bonds and mortgages.............................................................

261,506 03

648,154 65

909,660 68


235 37

2,399 62

2,634 99

U. S. bonds to secure circulation.......................................................

250,000 00

250,000 00

U. S. bonds to secure U. S. deposits..................................................

26,000 00

26,000 00

Other bonds to secure postal savings.................................................

5,000 00

5,000 00

159,192 60

TT- S. bonds on hand


Premiums paid


Banking house, furniture and fixtures................................................

57,692 60

101,500 00

Other real estate...............................................................................

12,186 37

4,000 00

16,186 37

Due from other banks and bankers...................................................

2,101 60

100,679 04

102,780 64

Due from banks in reserve cities........................................................

109,658 15

374,917 10

484,575 25

Checks and other cash items.............................................................

851 72

9,189 83

10,041 55

Exchanges for clearing house...........................................................

795 38

Nickels and cents..............................................................................

325 03

956 97

1,282 00


30,043 00

126,749 10

156,792 10

U. S. and National bank notes..........................................................

28,737 00

34,750 00

63,487 00

12,500 00

12,500 00

$977,780 03

$3,772,764 14

$4,750,544 17

Capital stock paid in........................................................................

$100,000 00

$250,000 00

$350,000 00

Surplus fund.....................................................................................

25,000 00

100,000 00

125,000 00

Undivided profits less expenses and taxes paid...................................

2,608 51

98,666 71

101,275 22

245,100 00

245,100 00

43,184 33

77,800 27

Redemption fund with U. S. treasurer (5% of circulation).................

795 38

Due from U. S. treasurer, other than 5% redemption fund................

National bank notes outstanding.......................................................
Due to banks and bankers................................................................

34,615 94

Dividends unpaid.............................................................................
Commercial deposits.........................................................................

428,380 34

Savings deposits................................................................................
State moneys on deposit...................................................................
United States deposits......................................................................
Postal savings deposits......................................................................
Bonds borrowed................................................................................
Reserved for taxes............................................................................
Notes and bills rediscounted.............................................................
Bills payable....................................................................................
Liabilities other than those above stated...........

361,484 35
25;000 00


$977,780 03
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

690 89

42 00

42 00

2,992,030 43

3,420,410 77

23,762 96
1,441 74



3,535 97
15,000 00

3,535 97
15,000 00

$3,772,764 14

$4,750,544 17




B A N K S.

A bstracts of the published reports of the tw o N ational banks in the d t p of Hough­
ton, as m ade to the C om m issioner of the B anking D epartm ent, October 31, 1911h

Report of

2 national

Loans and discounts..............................................................
Stocks, bonds and mortgages..............................................
U. S. bonds to secure circulation......................................................
U. S. bonds to secure U. S. deposits................................
Other bonds to secure postal savings................................................
IT. S. bonds on hand....................................................

$2,626,231 22
343,357 22
3,402 78
300,000 00
25.000 00
7,000 00
25.000 00

Premiums paid......................................
Banking house, furniture and fixtures...................................
Other real estate............................................

59,400 00
30,900 00

Due from other banks and bankers............................

112,529 27

Due from banks in reserve cities.......................................

555,793 10

Checks and other cash items.............................

63,219 13

Exchanges for clearing house...........................................
Nickels and cents.................................................

2,522 68


293,574 25

IT. S. and National bank notes...........................................

116,825 00

Redemption fund with U. S. treasurer (5% of circulation)....................................

15,000 00

Due from IT. S. treasurer, other than 5% redemption fund...............................

$4,579,754 65

Capital stock paid in....................

$300,000 00

Surplus fund.......................................................

250,000 00

Undivided profits less expenses and taxes paid.......................................

285,086 38 notes outstanding...............................................

293,300 00

Due to banks and bankers...................................................
Dividends unpaid.................................................................
Commercial deposits.............................................
Savings deposits......................................................................
State moneys on deposit......................................................................
United States deposits................................................................
Bonds borrowed.......................................................
Postal savings deposits...............................................................................
Reserved for taxes. ..................................................................
Notes and bills rediscounted...............................................
Bills payable........................................................
Liabilities other than those above stated............................................................... : ........
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

74,235 37
312 00
3,344,065 29
2,500 00
24,863 69
5,391 92

$4,579,754 65




A bstracts of the published rep o rts of th e tw o S ta te hanks and one N ational hank
in the c ity of T raverse City, as m ade to th e C om m issioner of the Banking
D epartm ent, October 31, 1911f.
Report of


Report of
2 state

Loans and discounts........................................................ *..............

$1,515,570 85

$641,569 17

$2,157,140 02

Stocks, bonds and mortgages.............................................................

681,609 13

220,370 85

901,979 98


709 88

1,800 28

2,510 16

TT. S. bonds to secure circulation.......................................................

100,000 00

100,000 00

"Ronds to secure TT. S. deposits .........................................................

20,000 00

20,000 00

66,000 00

218,105 95

TT R bonds on hand

1 national



Premiums paid


Banking house, furniture and fixtures................................................

152,105 95

8,427 56


8,427 56

Due from other banks and bankers....................................................

4,560 92

30,463 61

35,024 53

Due from banks in reserve cities........................................................

239,930 13

37,641 98

277,572 11

Checks and other cash items.............................................................

3,565 03

12,658 48

16,223 51

Exchanges for clearing house

................................ ...........

6,793 19

Nickels and cents..............................................................................

1,097 74

712 48

1,810 22


66,319 66

59,947 65

126,267 31

U. S. and National bank notes..........................................................

90,892 00

22,022 00

112,914 00

5,000 00

5,000 00

$2,771,582 04

$1,218,186 50

$3,989,768 54

Capital stock paid in.................................................... ’...................

$260,000 00

$100,000 00

$360,000 00

Surplus fund.....................................................................................

111,000 00

25,000 00

136,000 00

TTndivided profits less expenses and taxes paid...................................

24,179 60

15,661 06

39,840 66

Other real estate

Redemption fund with TT. S. treasurer (5% of circulation).................
Due from TT R treasurer other than

6,793 19

redemption fund....


99,300 00

99,300 00

66,808 33

40,835 96

107,644 29

171 00

171 00

924,479 20

2,343,301 12

National bank notes outstanding.......................................................
Due to banks and bankers...............................................................
Dividends unpaid.............................................................................
Commercial deposits.........................................................................

1,418,821 92

Savings deposits................................................................................

851,777 34

851,777 34

State moneys on deposit .................................................................

27,500 00

27,500 00

10,000 00

United States deposits......................................................................
Ronds borrowed
Postal savings deposits....................................................................
Reserved for taxes
Notes and bills rediscounted
Bills payable ..
Liabilities other than those above stated...........................................

10,000 00

1,494 85

2,739 28


$2,771,582 04

$1,218,186 50
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

10,000 00
4,234 13

10,000 00

$3,989,768 54




A bstracts of the published reports of the one S ta te bank, and one N ational bank
in the c ity of Alpena, as made to the C om m issioner of the B anking D epart­
m ent, October 31, 1914.
Report of
1 state

Report of
1 national

Loans and discounts......................

$922,571 87

$747,375 38

$1,669,947 25

Stocks, bonds and mortgages.........

1,102,061 67

321,808 10

1,423,869 77

1,004 51

2,690 67

3,695 18

50.000 00

50.000 00


U. S. bonds to secure circulation


Other bonds to secure TJ. S. deposits.

10,855 00

10,855 00

Other bonds to secure postal savings

10.000 00

10.000 00

U. S. bonds on hand................. ....

220 00

220 00

6,975 00

44,582 24

Premiums paid
Banking house, furniture and fixtures.............................

37,607 24

Other real estate............................................................

886 55

Due from other banks and bankers...................... .........

4,898 04

1,143 29

6,041 33

886 55

Due from banks in reserve cities....................................

198,008 43

73,995 49

272,003 92

Checks and other cash items..........................................

8 05

3,948 37

3,956 42

Exchanges for clearing house..........................................

1,050 22

Nickels and cents...........................................................

146 60

364 09

510 69

Specie....................... ........................................ ...........

36,460 00

35,525 00

71,985 00

U. S. and National bank notes......................... .............

128,985 00

67,955 00

196,940 00

2,500 00

2,500 00

1,050 22

Redemption fund with U. S. treasurer (5% of circulation)
Due from U. S. treasurer, other than 5% redemption fund.
$2,433,688 18


$1,335,355 39 |

$3,769,043 57

Capital stock paid in.....................................

$ 100,000 00

$50,000 00

$150,000 00

Surplus fund.................................................

125,000 00

50.000 00

175,000 00

Undivided profits less expenses and taxes paid

25,901 84

21,939 51

47,841 35

50.000 00

National bank notes outstanding...................
Due to banks and bankers

39 00

39 00

Dividends unpaid
Commercial deposits
Savings deposits...................................
State moneys on deposit.......................
United States deposits..........................
Postal savings deposits.........................
Bonds borrowed...................................
Reserved for taxes...............................
Notes and bills rediscounted.................
Bills payable........................................
Liabilities other than those above stated

266,932 04
1,789,089 21
10,000 00

6,087 48

$2,433,688 18

Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

50.000 00
110,638 61

110,638 61
1,144,326 26

1,411,258 30

5,000 00

1,789,089 21
15.000 00

10,000 00

10.000 00

4,089 62

$1,335,355 39 |

10,177 10

$3,769,043 57




A bstracts of the published reports of the one S ta te bank and tivo N ational banks
in the c ity of Benton Harbor, as m ade to the C om m issioner of the B anking De­
partm ent, October 31, 1914.

Loans and discounts. ..
Stocks, bonds and mortgages................................

Report of
1 state

Report of
2 national


$417,325 26

$1,207,874 10

$1,627,199 36

182,921 40

300,114 58

483,035 98

257 75

2,512 02


' 100,000 00

100,000 00

3,000 00

3,000 00

51,500 00

78,899 20

130,399 20

325 00

800 92

1,125 92

23,690 31

46,255 61

69,945 92
246,012 81

U. S. bonds to secure circulation..............
U. S. bonds to secure U. S. deposits..........................
Other bonds to secure postal savings.................
U. S. bonds on hand...............................
Premiums paid...........................
Banking house, furniture and fixtures.....................................
Other real estate......................................
Due from other banks and bankers.................
Due from banks in reserve cities......................................

145,172 39

100,840 42

Checks and other cash items...........................

424 55

5,591 11

6,015 66

Exchanges for clearing house...........................

7,595 50

8,074 07

15,669 57

Nickels and cents..........................

266 30

1,682 53

1,948 83


15,198 35

101,246 15

116,444 50

U. S. and National bank notes........................

62,016 00

50,658 00

112,674 00

4,300 00

4,300 00

$908,692 81

$2,011,848 71

........ v .............
$2,920,541 52

Redemption fund with U. S. treasurer (5% of circulation)... .
Due from U. S. treasurer, other than 5% redemption fund........
Capital stock paid in.......................

$75,000 00

$225,000 00

$300,000 00

Surplus fund.........................

38,500 00

73,500 00

112,000 00

Undivided profits less expenses and taxes paid...........

19,710 09

22,854 43

42,564 52

National bank notes outstanding...................

99,300 00

99,300 00

112,837 63

112,837 63

1,469,936 23

1,801,464 58

5,000 00

439,742 29
5,000 00

4,212 08

3,420 42

7,632 50

$908,692 81

$2,011,848 71

$2,920,541 52

Due to banks and bankers......................
Dividends unpaid..........................
Commercial deposits..................

331,528 35

Savings deposits.........................
State moneys on deposit...........
United States deposits...........
Postal savings deposits...............
Bonds borrowed..........
Reserved for taxes..........
Notes and bills rediscounted.
Bills payable..........
Liabilities other than those above stated. . . .

439,742 29

R_____ _____________________________
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



Abstract of the published reports of the State and National banks in the counties as made to
Commissioner of the Banking Department October 31, 1914.





1 state bank.

1 state and 1 9 state and 1 1 state and 1
national bank. national banks. national bank. 4 state banks.

Loans and discounts.................................

$63,592 87

Stocks, bonds and mortgages....................

91,922 84

168,956 00

1,197,720 94

1,423,869 77

331,449 93


406 97

1,280 23

13,632 02

3,695 18

339 59

60,000 00

50,000 00

50,000 00

U. S. bonds to secure circulation...............

$462,203 94 $1,895,660 49 $1,669,947 25

II. S. bonds to secure U. S. deposits..........

$432,022 67

1,000 00

Other bonds to secure U. S. deposits..........

2,000 00

10 855 00

Other bonds to secure postal savings deposits

10 000 00

U. S. bonds on hand.................................

220 00

Premiums paid.........................................

276 87

Banking house, furniture and fixtures........

3,810 13

Other real estate.......................................

4,910 06

Due from other banks and bankers............

1,549 84

4,164 62

12,805 57

6,041 33

5,864 83

Due from banks in reserve cities...............

8,038 70

45,818 13

306,846 08

272,003 92

98,857 33

Checks and other cash items.....................

1,843 37

3,084 97

7,545 86

3,956 42

478 26

130 20

3 459 15

1 050 22

1 097 02

Exchanges for clearing house.....................

38,228 15

119,210 63

44,582 24

22,638 06

31 920 93

886 55

5 526 86

Nickels and cents.....................................

280 25

397 93

2,456 34

510 69

877 33


3,521 65

17,970 90

120,506 90

71,985 00

26,978 85

U. S. and National bank notes..................
Redemption fund with U. S. treasurer (5%
of circulation).......................................
Due from U. S. treasurer, other than 5%
redemption fund....................................

4,873 00

11,094 00

58,789 00

196,940 00

30,743 00

3,000 00

2,500 00

2,500 00


$184,749 68

$818,329 07 $3,824,330 78 $3,769,043 57

$956,873 73

Capital stock paid in................................
Surplus fund.............................................
Undivided profits less expenses and taxes
National bank notes outstanding...............
Due to banks and bankers........................
Dividends unpaid.....................................
Commercial deposits.................................
Savings deposits.......................................
State moneys on deposit...........................
United States deposits..............................
Postal savings deposits..............................
Bonds borrowed........................................
Reserved for taxes, interest, etc.................
Notes and bills rediscounted......................
Bills payable............................................
Liabilities other than those above stated...
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

$25,000 00
17,000 00
1,423 17
25 00
33,594 94
84,206 57

$85,000 00
23,000 00


1,459 88
23,500 00
$184,749 68

5,068 62
31,500 00

$314,000 00
70,300 00
38,921 86
49,200 00
6,715 74
138 00
1,536,667 86
1,723,304 33
10,000 00
ljooo 00
2^713 17

$150,000 00
175,000 00
lio ’638


21,370 00
50,000 00

$818,329 07 $3,824,330 78 $3,769,043 57

$95,000 00
42,000 00
15,048 55
192 39
321,633 88
462,196 58
1 000 00
7,802 33

12,000 00
$956,873 73


A bstract of S ta te and N ational banks by counties.— C ontinued.





1 state and 1 6 state and 1 12 state and 2 2 state banks.
4 state banks. national
bank. national banks, national banks.
$95,165 12 $1,485,107 83 54,992,421 85

$93,930 39

3,828,116 83

182,609 06

11,594 29

5,391 55

245 49

50,000 00

150,000 00

4,000 00

79,850 00

Loans and discounts..................................

$321,313 35

Stocks, bonds and mortgages.....................

177,250 42

41,899 24

959,131 04


918 16

90 17
6,250 00

U. S. bonds to secure circulation...............
U. S. bonds to secure TJ. S. deposits..........

8,000 00

Other bonds to secure TJ. S. deposits..........
1,019 31

Other bonds to secure postal savings deposits
U. S. bonds on hand.................................

24,797 20

Premiums paid.........................................

267,905 66

17,835 00
3,894 60

23,736 00

14,563 00


2,965 70

688 05


58,062 33

3,629 92

6,273 31


54,406 77

3,185 32

Duo from banks in reserve cities...............

71,689 10

15,605 89


1,070,580 50

84,941 14

Checks and other cash items.....................

220 82


27,108 24

2,202 15

Banking house, furniture and fixtures........
Other real estate.......................................
Due from other banks and bankers............

26,734 49

Exchanges for clearing house.....................
Nickels and cents.....................................

141 51

70 51


3,770 22

305 91


8,680 50

9,753 60


215,303 55

13,242 75

U. S. and National bank notes.............
Redemption fund with U. S. treasurer (5%
of circulation)..................................
Due from U. S. treasurer, other than 5%
redemption fund...............................

23,872 00


445,595 25

7,453 00


7,500 00

312 50

$634,417 48


$191,690 70 $3,078,092 59 $11,265,544 44

$409,844 81

$775,000 00
644,800 00

$40,000 00
7,500 00

Capital stock paid in...........................
Surplus fund........................................
Undivided profits less expenses and taxes
National bank notes outstanding..........
Due to banks and bankers...................
Dividends unpaid.................................
Commercial deposits............................
Savings deposits....... ..........................
State moneys on deposit......................
United States deposits.........................
Postal savings deposits.........................
Bonds borrowed..................................
Reserved for taxes,interest, etc............
Notes and bills rediscounted.................
Bills payable.......................................
Liabilities other than those above stated

$90,000 00
25,270 00

$45,000 00
9,200 00

$262,000 00
114,000 00

14,891 32

2,185 72
6,250 00
431 87

75,758 11
50,000 00

247,198 91
232,060 21

112,107 98
16,368 69

2,000 00

11,000 00

1,809 95

$634,417 48


1,769 00

139,748 18
220,827 63

2,743 90
3,497 04
10,500 00

38,000 00

8,000 00

18,000 00

$191,690 70 $3,078,092 59 $11,265,544 44

*Two state and one national merged as one state bank November 19, 1914.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

173 00
993,875 58
1,540,475 95


$409,844 81



A b stra ct of S ta te and N ational banks by counties.—C ontinued.





8 state and 5 4 state and 5 8 state and 3 4 state and 2 3 state and 1
national banks. national banks. national banks. national banks. national banks.
Loans and discounts.................................. $3,143,629 70 $2,151,899 44 $7,647,855 94
Stocks, bonds and mortgages..................... 1,283,517 99

$999,980 08

$695,848 53

660,916 89

6,067,165 80

365,737 66

255,310 42


13,618 94

4,120 67

10,880 23

7,725 23

2,945 39

U. S. bonds to secure circulation...............

175,000 00

287,500 00

600,000 00

60,000 00

50,000 00

U. S. bonds to secure U. S. deposits..........

1,000 00

Other bonds to secure U. S. deposits..........

1,000 00

Other bonds to secure postal savings deposits

33,320 00

U. S. bonds on hand.................................

16,000 00

22,000 00

500 00

38,000 00

5,300 00

19,000 00

17,000 00

2,465 30

160 00

160 00

Premiums paid.........................................

2,487 85

500 00

Banking house, furniture and fixtures........

281,566 27

50,209 42

219,562 85

64,846 80

66,163 11

Other real estate.......................................

4,152 92

5,163 00

19,887 78

501 30

14,047 27

Due from other banks and bankers............

142,234 78

7,708 63

102,437 01

4,744 94

3,317 64

Due from banks in reserve cities................

840,173 99

337,355 68

1,542,583 38

80,368 06

97,719 87

Checks and other cash items.....................

15,452 10

6,766 75

13,234 25

6,869 21

817 52

Exchanges for clearing house.....................

28,820 35

2,534 19

20,515 83

355 56

746 26

Nickels and cents......................................

4,844 90

1,353 71

4,816 72

1,918 70

671 47


209,891 40

87,029 85

678,825 55

47,101 51

22,805 15

U. S. and National bank notes..................
Redemption fund with U. S. treasurer (5%
of circulation).......................................
Due from U. S. treasurer, other than 5%
redemption fund....................................

225,242 00

73,995 00

262,969 75

40,849 00

50,333 00

7,250 00

13,575 00

29,200 00

2,500 00

2,500 00

Totals............................................ $6,412,203 19 $3,707,288 23 $17,303,400 39 $1,700,658 05

$1,269,525 63

2,000 00

Capital stock paid in................................
$715,000 00
Surplus fund......... ...................................
218,549 38
Undivided profits less expenses and taxes
81,254 15
National bank notes outstanding...............
173,500 00
Due to banks and bankers........................
127,992 78
Dividends unpaid.....................................
75 00
Commercial deposits................................. 3,845,634 80
Savings deposits....... .».............................. 1,195,512 65
State moneys on deposit...........................
13,000 00
United States deposits..............................
Postal savings deposits..............................
41,682 21
Bonds borrowed........................................
Reserved for taxes, interest, etc.................
Notes and bills rediscounted......................
Bills pavable............................................
Liabilities other than those above stated...
2 22

$535,000 00 $1,215,000 00
289,910 00
513,000 00
127,084 46
286,095 00
190 97




$245,000 00
57,325 00
26,385 12
59,597 50
2,265 73
864,825 19
397,299 35
7,500 00

$150,000 00
23,850 00


9,460 16

3,769 63

15,000 00
16^000 00

21,958 86

Totals............................................ $6,412,203 19 $3,707,288 23 $17,303,400 39 $1,700,658 05

$1,269,525 63
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

23,584 52

loiooo 00

64i 66
8,000 00



A bstract of S ta te and N ational banks by counties.—C ontinued.





6 state and 1 4 state and 2
3 state and 1 3 state and 1
national banks. national banks. 3 state banks. national banks. national banks.

Loans and discounts.................................

$915,548 78 $1,355,094 40

Stocks, bonds and mortgages.....................

246,304 29

431,255 04


1,807 08

1,025 38

XT. S. bonds to secure circulation...............

50,000 00

70,000 00

$295,151 61 $1,066,423 44

$2,668,980 92

207,879 23

1,080,822 73

532,295 46

5,911 61

1,302 33

1,877 87

15,000 00

199,000 00

U. S. bonds to secure U. S. deposits..........

30,000 00

1,000 00

Other bonds to secure U. S. deposits..........

10,000 00

7,000 00

Other bonds to secure postal savings deposits

1,000 00

2,000 00

U. S. bonds on hand.................................

Banking house, furniture and fixtures........

527 50

500 00

Premiums paid.........................................
43,173 75

97,766 80

20,575 00

72,588 00

62,401 53

Other real estate.......................................

7,601 11

21,321 55

1,175 76

Due from other banks and bankers............

14,817 17

28,299 19

5,485 74

25,801 85

28,326 80

11,300 00

Due from banks in reserve cities...............

108,478 74

308,933 06

106,277 40

168,927 12

349,433 20

Checks and other cash items.....................

2,000 21

1,068 20

6,757 67

2,744 27

13,723 58

Exchanges for clearing house.....................

549 21

12,476 07

1,486 40

272 94

6,272 69

Nickels and cents......................................

1,679 02

1,586 85

485 33

867 47

3,179 81


48,049 60

55,360 40

14,714 35

79,298 50

157,918 89

U. S. and National bank notes..................
Redemption fund with U. S. treasurer (5%
of circulation).......................................
Due from U. S. treasurer, other than 5%
redemption fund....................................

37,804 00

99,143 00

20,710 00

84,234 00

68,678 00

2,500 00

3,500 00

450 00

8,950 00

$686,610 10 $2,599,732 65

$4,120,866 25

$60,000 00
26,500 00

$213,000 00
125,000 00

$390,000 00
187,500 00

10,717 97

47,117 48
14,700 00
79 70

253,765 77
329,183 95
6,000 00

690,057 66
1,486,185 39

442 41

592 42

2,300 00

Totals............................................ $1,482,312 96 $2,529,629 94
Capital stock paid in.................................
Surplus fund.............................................
Undivided profits less expenses and taxes
National bank notes outstanding...............
Due to banks and bankers........................
Dividends unpaid.....................................
Commercial deposits.................................
Savings deposits........................................
State moneys on deposit............................
United states deposits...............................
Postal savings deposits..............................
Bonds borrowed.....................
Reserved for taxes, interest, etc.................
Notes and bills rediscounted......................
Bills payable.............................................
Liabilities other than those above stated...

$170,000 00
25,355 00


1,059 06
23,200 00
5 ; 000 00

$320,000 00
80,500 00


9,609 34
15,000 00

Totals............................................ $1,482,312 96 $2,529,629 94
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

3,000 00
20,000 00
$686,610 10 $2,599,732 65



53,364 81
16,005 09

$4,120,866 25



A bstract of S ta te and N ational banks by counties.—C ontinued.





1 state and 2 7 state and 2 3 state and 1 12 state and 1
national banks. national banks. national banks. national banks. 3 state banks.
Loans and discounts.................................. $1,474,697 13 $1,681,948 41 $1,202,910 47 $4,767,626 10

$421,550 06

Stocks, bonds and mortgages.....................

607,350 53

1,072,903 37

503,298 12

6,490,495 50

31,588 77


234 26

6,758 37

703 97

9,695 02

1,264 41

U. S. bonds to secure circulation...............

100,000 00

87,500 00

100,000 00

100,000 00

TJ. S. bonds to secure U. S. deposits..........

1,000 00

Other bonds to secure U. S. deposits..........
Other bonds to secure postal savings deposits

7,000 00

1,000 00

17,500 00

20,000 00

20,000 00

84,812 50

U. S. bonds on hand....................,•...........
Premiums paid.........................................

1 790 00

5 186 13

Banking house, furniture and fixtures........

45,000 00

81,000 00

7Q.953 64

168,262 25

Other real estate.......................................

1,000 00

20,623 59

2,071 50

21,925 00

481 32

Due from other banks and bankers............

23,437 74

40,547 83

36 845 94

148 405 18

2 480 44

Due from banks in reserve cities................

189,047 07

329,687 67

202,837 71

1,027,986 95

68,479 66

Checks and other cash items.....................

13,962 59

8,226 65

783 85

13,668 20

622 37

2 028 97

2 621 78

23 586 24

Exchanges for clearing house.....................

25,392 07

Nickels and cents......................................

796 20

2,116 04

3,400 54

3,928 39

513 94


101,187 55

117,081 95

64,542 30

416,472 60

12,456 80

U. S. and National bank notes..................
Redemption fund with U. S. treasurer (5%
of circulation).......................................
Due from U. S. treasurer, other than 5%
redemption fund....................................

36,544 00

80,342 00

56,424 00

323,313 00

16,646 00

4,300 00

4,375 00

5 000 00

5,000 00

Totals............................................ $2,683,369 57 $3,559,639 85 $2,275,193 82 $13,545,550 66

$581,882 56

Capital stock paid in................................
$250,000 00
Surplus fund.............................................
127,000 00
Undivided profits less expenses and taxes
52,745 45
National bank notes outstanding...............
96,497 50
Due to bankg and bankers........................
3,369 72
Dividends unpaid......................... *..........
4,393 00
Commercial deposits................................. 1,646,726 19
Savings deposits.......................................
398,890 82
2,500 00
State moneys on deposit...........................
United States deposits..............................
1,000 00
Bonds borrowed........................................
Postal savings deposits..............................
66,309 11
Reserved for taxes, interest, etc.................
33,937 78
Notes and bills rediscounted......................
Bills payable............................................
Liabilities other than those above stated...

$442,500 00
104,800 00




$195,000 00
40,000 00
48,401 35
98,600 00
19j922 66


11 503


$80,000 00
13,200 00
18,151 60

407,981 59
34,705 08
17,500 00

26,124 83
6,608 19

344 29

20,000 00

10,000 00

Totals............... ............................ $2,683,369 57 $3,559,639 85 $2,275,193 82 $13,545,550 66

$581,882 56
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

7,691 04

$742,500 00
733,400 00



A bstract of S ta te and N ational banks by counties.—C ontinued.

Loans and discounts.........................

Grand Traverse




5 state and 8
2 state and 2 3 state and 1 10 state and 2 9 state and 1 national banks,
1 trust
national banks. national banks. national banks. national banks.

$953,879 82 $2,226,672 32

,365,286 48 $1,847,849 85 $10,967,701 19

Stocks, bonds and mortgages............

340,209 02

933,919 35

961,057 44

670,540 97


1,671 23

2,524 91

4,526 73

7,766 91

7,458 72

U. S. bonds to secure circulation.......

37,500 00

100,000 00

60,000 00

13,750 00

825,000 00

U. S. bonds to secure U. S. deposits..

8,000 00

Other bonds to secure U. S. deposits..

12,000 00

Other bonds to secure postal savings..

1,993,995 87

26,000 00
7,000 00

239,000 00

22,000 00

29,440 00

U. S. bonds on hand.........................
Premiums paid.............. ..................

406 80

Banking house, furniture and fixtures.

64,936 73

1,565 55

800 50
223,370 95

98,262 90

68,262 29

471,602 00

Other real estate...............................

1,335 40

8,427 56

365 00

287 73

60,721 15

Due from other banks and bankers...

20,589 72

35,024 53

72,913 42

48,053 71

239,783 14

Due from banks in reserve cities.......

94,624 61

280,110 72

210,268 92

352,846 23

2,018,030 79

Checks and other cash items.............

9,088 09

16,464 01

4,018 63

18,038 15

96,558 36

Exchanges for clearing house............

1,301 86

6,793 19

1,751 97

Nickels and cents.............................

2,594 58

1,871 18

2,602 65

2,044 93

8,110 43


96,538 55

127,378 06

70,428 88

120,926 22

634,698 30

IT. S. and National bank notes..................
Redemption fund with U. S. treasurer (5%
of circulation)................................... r ..
Due from U. S. treasurer, other than 5%
redemption fund....................................

57,107 00

115,179 00

71,836 00

90,811 00

748,561 75

1,875 00

5,000 00

3,000 00

687 50

41,250 00

$1,922,658 41


,102,735 78 $2,927,119 52

18,109 24

1,248,865 49 $18,210,586 49

$225,000 00
Capital stock paid in.................................
87.500 00
Surplus fund.............................................
Undivided profits less expenses and taxes
40,977 64
National bank notes outstanding...............
37.500 00
1,023 78
Due to banks and bankers........................
Dividends unpaid......................................
Commercial deposits................................. 1,229,367 48
68,237 58
Savings deposits........................................
3,500 00
State moneys on deposit...........................
United States deposits..............................
Bonds borrowed........................................
183,077 27
Postal savings deposits..............................
Reserved for taxes, interest, etc.................
13,974 66
Notes and bills rediscounted......................
42,500 00
Bills payable.............................................
Liabilities other than those above stated...

$380,000 00
141,000 00


$301,000 00
139,400 00

$340,000 00
116,400 00

19,076 84
60,000 00

59,838 99
13,750 00
1,956 12

62 50
707,255 81
1,624,708 31
2,000 00

2,004,499 75
675,165 17
2,000 00

10,000 00
10,000 00

4,234 13

557 05
8,559 01

9,000 00

64,500 00

4,255 46
4,000 00
27,000 00

$1,475,000 00
1,248,116 22


10,000 00

25,863 69
15,362 18
2,500 00

Totals............................................ $1,922,658 41 $4,102,735 78 $2,927,119 52 $3,248,865 49 $18,210,586 49
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



A bstract of S ta te and N ational banks by counties.—C ontinued.





9 state and 2 9 state and 1 2 state and 3 5 state banks.
9 state banks. national
banks. national banks. national banks.

Loans and discounts.................................. $1,245,671 51 $3,970,480 20 $2,114,159 46

$743,758 16

$727,016 54

Stocks, bonds and mortgages.....................

694,896 93

2,515,256 08

1,324,379 88

451,231 50

656,181 59


2,243 25

10,395 27

18,545 59

•3,764 60

5,889 58

200,000 00

50,000 00

60,000 00

TT S bonds to secure circulation. ..
Other securities to secure circulation.......

28,000 00

XT S boTirls to speure TT. S. deposits . .

36,031 80

7,757 40
48,000 00

Other bonds to secure postal savings deposits

5,000 00

bonds on hand

1,494 00

25 50

615 92

Banking house, furniture and fixtures........

92,432 08

284,558 63

122,042 08

98,840 85

Ofher real estate

36,013 40

6,045 43

2,337 50

2,500 00

Premiums paid



48,260 87

Due from other banks and bankers............

28,649 50

160,286 44

61,674 75

26,047 57

61,646 42

Due from banks in reserve cities...............

198,096 37

907,886 42

339,065 16

125,017 29

182,898 37

9,660 85

Checks and other cash items.. .................
P/Xchanges for clearing house. . .

9,414 60

6,963 63

4,466 48

22,215 68

99,809 72

12,901 39

449 09
5,602 34

Nickels and cents......................................

1,287 29

7,614 54

3,022 22

2,301 79

981 54


51,171 25

215,815 55

111,735 85

67,379 25

48,287 30

U. S. and National bank notes..................
Redemption fund with U. S. treasurer (5%
of circulation)
Due from U. S. treasurer, other than 5%
redemption fund

61,221 00

272,512 00

148,551 00

21,852 00

46,836 00

14,250 00

2,500 00

3,000 00

10,500 00

Totals............................................ $2,443,312 86 $8,752,899 71 $4,323,164 26 $1,663,969 78
--- --- - '

$1,784,049 64

$215,000 00
Capital stock paid in................................
50,500 00
Surplus fund.............................................
Undivided profits less expenses and taxes
91,581 79
National bank notes outstanding
3,204 83
Xhie to banks and bankers........................
Oiyidends unpaid
Commercial deposits................................. 1,073,519 50
945,207 33
Savings deposits.......................................
37,500 00
moneys on deposit
Postal savings deposits..............................
Reserved for taxes, interest, etc.................
Notes and bills rediscounted
Pills payable
Liabilities other than those above stated

8,172 25
4,627 16
14;000 00

$680,000 00
427,000 00


7,500 00

$415,000 00
173,900 00

$190,000 00
52,750 00

45,611 01
50,000 00

59,555 89
57,800 00
906 16


9,517 41



1,110,543 27
107,794 55

13,227 66

46,333 19

3,486 09

120 00
31,321 65
20,000 00

104 88

6,000 00
5,000 00
18,000 00

35,000 00
3,181 84

Totals............................................ $2,443,312 86 $8,752,899 71 $4,323,164 26 $1,663,969 78
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

$140,000 00
76,300 00

$1,784,049 64


A bstract of S tate and N ational banks by counties.—C ontinued.





8 state and 1 9 state and 2
national banks. national banks. 1 state bank.

Loans and discounts................................. 55,352,742 41 $8,081,330 87

15 state, 3
national banks, 1 state bank.
2 trust

$145,396 15 $24,027,253 30

$102,017 86

64,217 10 12,156,967 50

69,466 95

Stocks, bonds and mortgages....................

2,777,871 25

1,857,269 66


18,606 01

16,897 97

LI. S. bonds to secure circulation...............

100,000 00

230,000 00

2,000,000 00

Other securities to secure circulation..........

100,356 80

U. S. bonds to secure U. S. deposits..........

15,000 00

44,000 00

271,430 00

15,000 00

35,000 00

178 04

38,270 13

72 45

Other bonds to secure IJ. S. deposits..........
Other bonds to secure postal savings deposits
U. S. bonds on hand..................................

200 00

29,020 00

Premiums paid.........................................

175 00

Banking house, furniture and fixtures........

233,734 37

500,240 53

13,985 06

1,101,147 79

4,824 00

Other real estate.......................................

79,070 10

29,870 26

5,682 22

43,953 96

3,761 28

Due from other banks and bankers............

199,857 62

98,276 28

3,713 93

1,239,348 51

65 00

Due from banks in reserve cities...............

862,628 52

1,184,068 16

5,671 82

4,360,033 09

13,033 08

151 49

75,489 89

51 40

Checks and other cash items.....................

5,459 04

22,501 26

Exchanges for clearing house.....................

68,240 21

59,356 79

Nickels and cents......................................

3,448 43

3,919 56


225,443 16

IT. S. and National bank notes..................
Redemption fund with U. IS. treasurer (5%
of circulation)........................................
Due from U. S. treasurer, other than 5%
redemption fund....................................

317,504 00
9,000 00

11,500 00

100,000 00

Totals............................................ $10,384,136 92 $12,827,234 31

$257,414 18 $47,991,185 48

$205,388 ,61

Capital stock paid in................................. $1,020,000 00 $1,155,000 00
623,500 00
Surplus fund.............................................
368,768 25
Undivided profits less expenses and taxes
223,752 81
133,204 29
125,100 00
National bank notes outstanding...............
229,997 50
66,255 82
Due to banks and bankers........................
598,085 89
Dividends unpaid.....................................
'999 00
1Ì868 25
Commercial deposits................................. 3,150,570 46 7,418,737 62
Savings deposits........................................ 5,034,533 98 2,567,827 98
56,000 00
State monevs on deposit...........................
21,000 00
15,000 00
United States deposits..............................
18,206 77
Postal savings deposits..............................
15i878 85
41i 621 22
Bonds borrowed........................................
Reserved for taxes, interest, etc.................
77,675 66
Notes and bills rediscounted......................
48,546 00
157,240 88
Bills payable.............................................
2,000 00
13,000 00
Liabilities other than those above stated. . .
25,000 00

$40,000 00 $4,073,000 00
4,300 00 2,640,800 00

$25,000 00
11,000 00

Totals............................................ $10,384,136 92 $12,827,234 31

$257,414 18 $47,991,185 48

356,613 33

60 00

124 62

15,306 40

280 49

165,752 97

5,915 75

1,059,005 83

2,415 10

487,050 00

12,378 00

1,110,345 75

9,341 00

7,000 00

Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

2,600 98

3 996 331
113,327 52 12,910;417
87,685 68 19,908,943
9,500 00


2,708 45
1,040 32
56,017 62
109,622 22

154,723 20
570;913 25
200,000 00
$205,388 61



A bstract of S ta te and N ational banks by counties.— C ontinued.





9 state and 1
14 state and 2
national banks 3 state banks. national banks 3 state banks.
Loans and discounts...............
Stocks, bonds and mortgages.........
U. S. bonds to secure circulation..............

$1,624,728 00

$155,493 92 $3,557,627 62

1,878,565 64

250,020 97

6,022 79

538 05

$202,176 09

$111,422 89

428,204 91

97,829 62
215 53

25,500 00

125,000 00

2,000 00

40.000 00

U. S. bonds to secure U. S. deposits..........
Other bonds to secure U. S. deposits..........

5,164,732 08

1 state bank.

7,000 00

Other bonds to secure postal savings deposits

13.000 00

U. S. bonds on hand.............
Premiums paid..................
Banking house, furniture and fixtures........
Other real estate............
Due from other banks and bankers .
Due from banks in reserve cities. .
Checks and other cash items......
Exchanges for clearing house.........
Nickels and cents.........

96,638 10

90 00

2,953 27

12,604 86

255,473 06

349 77
15,927 40

15,454 19

9,825 21

40 00

18,402 12

30,471 85

2,800 00

73,199 01

2,694 79

872 95

439,436 32

32,267 76

898,490 01

102,238 63

25,713 73

15,303 91

271 05

8,278 96

651 79

471 40

300 17

10,354 96

1,193 01

258 96

1,391 73

157 30


90,467 67

8,979 85

19,988 45

13,116 60

U. S. and National bank notes....
Redemption fund with U. S. treasurer (5%
of circulation)................
Due from U. S. treasurer, other than 5%
redemption fund........

83,247 00

10,590 00

20,612 00

9,215 00

$794,059 70

$274,818 98

$95,000 00
13,745 00

$25,000 00
5,000 00

9,699 89

1,790 14

159,502 87
508,083 47

120,989 24
118,389 02

4,248 20

2,984 08

3,780 27

666 50

$794,059 70

$274,818 98


335,291 00

1,275 00

6,250 00

$4,304,974 67

$473,955 42 $10,723,013 78

1,000 00

Capital stock paid in.................
$405,000 00
Surplus fund..........................
171,050 00
Undivided profits less expenses and taxes
90,245 11
National bank notes outstanding..
25,100 00
Due to banks and bankers............
9,683 67
Dividends unpaid....................
Commercial deposits.............
896,649 09
Savings deposits........................
2,598,693 62
State moneys on deposit.......
5,000 00
United States deposits...................
Postal savings deposits.....................
674 47
Bonds borrowed..................
Reserved for taxes, interest, etc. .
6,500 00
Notes and bills rediscounted...
58;928 71
Bills payable........................
37,450 00
Liabilities other than those above stated.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

$4,304,974 67

$60,000 00
7,800 00

$951,000 00
325,900 00

1,331 60


10,000 00



$473,955 42 !$10,723,013 78



A bstract of S ta te and N ational banks by counties.—C ontinued.





1 national

Loans and discounts..................................

12 state and 1 1 state and 1 5 state and 5 4 state and 1
national banks. national bank. national banks. national banks.

$472,906 00 $3,070,681 90 SI,208,808 96 $5,475,104 46

$1,169,667 33

Stocks, bonds and mortgages.....................

137,093 10

3,232,494 85

781,503 07

1,610,526 47


1,170 57

11,959 07

1,089 05

5,286 26

988 65

U. S. bonds to secure circulation...............

12,500 00

50,000 00

25,000 00

549,000 00

25,000 00

U. S. bonds to secure U. S. deposits...........

565,086 13

95,000 00

Other bonds to secure XJ. S. deposits..........
Other bonds to secure postal savings deposits

1,000 00

U. S. bonds on hand.................................

5,000 00

35,400 00

25,000 00

Premiums paid.........................................

250 00

Banking house, furniture and fixtures........

16,053 70

132,382 89

82,002 08

319,479 52

Other real estate.......................................

739 46

43,068 18

654 00

27,436 37

740 05

Due from other banks and bankers............

1,170 73

25,126 02

41,880 10

194,678 59

5,156 26

Due from banks in reserve cities................

38,128 58

475,521 74

490,589 02

804,674 70

166,387 54

Checks and other cash items.....................

40 00

12.182 46

9,807 34

22,903 44

3,214 47

795 38

6 003 43

Exchanges for clearing house.....................

5,571 30

167,173 10

Nickels and cents......................................

1,022 85

3,290 31

980 83

3,914 79

910 48


77,770 05

163,484 75

94,713 80

371,788 95

.47,423 29

LT. S. and National bank notes................ .
Redemption fund with U. S. treasurer (5%
of circulation)........................................
Due from U. S. treasurer, other than 5%
redemption fund....................................

11,195 00

200,456 00

108,593 00

135,549 00

65,952 00

625 00

2,500 00

1,250 00

25,997 50

1,250 00

$771,415 04 $7,453,719 47 $2,851,871 25 $9,677,785 43

$2,225,042 78

Capital stock paid in................................
Surplus fund.............................................
Undivided profits less expenses and taxes
National bank notes outstanding...............
Due to banks and bankers........................
Dividends unpaid.....................................
Commercial deposits.................................
Savings deposits.......................................
State moneys on deposit...........................
United States deposits..............................
Postal savings deposits..............................
Bonds borrowed....... ................................
Reserved for taxes, interest, etc.................
Notes and bills rediscounted......................
Bills payable............................................
Liabilities other than those above stated,..
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

$50,000 00
25,000 00


172 97

$500,000 00
255,750 00


3,809 65

2,500 00

$200,000 00
125,000 00


1,327 70
11,412 73

31,500 00

$800,000 00
419,250 00
2 410 559
46 000


34 229 49
15^000 00

$771,415 04 $7,453,719 47 $2,851,871 25 $9,677,785 4.3

$285,000 00
66,000 00
35,161 97
25,000 00
5,724 34
1,129,230 71
640 104 37

20!000 00

13,535 84
936 80
4,258 75
$2,225,042 78



A bstract of S ta te and N ational banks by counties.—C ontinued.





4 state and 2 3 state banks.
5 state banks. national
Loans and discounts..................................
Stocks, bonds and mortgages............

$937,166 51 $1,802,027 76

7 state and 1
2 state banks. national

$320,153 11

$154,859 06

$1,327,114 84

530,143 21

425,337 45

306,645 37

32,147 82

1,348,547 44

1,716 63

1,267 04

1,894 46

468 58

U. S. bonds to secure circulation.......

300,000 00

U. S. bonds to secure U. S. deposits..........

2,239 16
117,786 00

15,000 00

Other bonds to secure U. S. deposits........
Other bonds to secure postal savings deposits

4,000 00

U. S. bonds on hand...........................
Premiums paid..............................
Banking house, furniture and fixtures......

214 37

373 96

31,859 56

92,313 97

32,250 00

5,944 77
879 17

12,750 00

24,306 71

48,014 86

13,071 05

3,039 59

27,317 26
252,958 89

4,127 12

Other real estate.................
Due from other banks and bankers..........
Due from banks in reserve cities...

151,720 40

213,058 39

112,209 48

17,738 72

Checks and other cash items.............

2,160 95

21,068 88

2,172 55

193 77

Exchanges for clearing house.....................

1,932 91

13,343 81

Nickels and cents...................

106,379 17

5,927 95
8,034 71

1,466 35

1,609 30

141 65

256 23

1,489 79


35,890 57

103,232 75

15,333 00

4,867 20

86,625 10

U. S. and National bank notes..................
Redemption fund with U. S. treasurer (5%
of circulation).......................
Due from_U. S. treasurer, other than 5%
redemption fund.................

73,630 55

47,735 00

28,393 00

9,451 00

75,565 00


15,000 00

2,500 00

2 50
$1,792,208 72 S3,103,385 67

$832,263 67

$229,845 91

$70,000 00
35,000 00

$40,000 00
6,200 00

35,386 81

7,465 44

282,210 82
407,166 04
2,500 00

150,016 43
18,164 04
5,000 00

Capital stock paid in..............
Surplus fund.......................
Undivided profits less expenses and taxes
National bank notes outstanding...
Due to banks and bankers.......
Dividends unpaid...............
Commercial deposits...........
Savings deposits............................
State moneys on deposit............
United States deposits..........
Postal savings deposits..............................
Bonds borrowed...................
Reserved for taxes, interest, etc....
Notes and bills rediscounted........
Bills payable..........................
Liabilities other than those above stated...
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

$3,379,362 43


$140,000 00
53,806 30
40,639 11
7,928 73
804,140 61
714,486 60
20,000 00
8,207 37
3,000 00

$425,000 00
146.000 00




$1,792,208 72 $3,103,385 67

$345,000 00
68,300 00


2,573 94

$832,263 67

3,000 00

4,150 76
45.000 00
52.000 00

$229,845 91

$3,379,362 43



A b stra ct of S ta te and N ational banks by counties.—C ontinued.





*10 state banks. 1 state bank.

17 state and 2
4 state and 3
national banks. 5 state banks. national banks.

Loans and discounts.................................. $1,004,050 38

$58,724 16 $2,258,974 49

$557,600 35

$3,759,256 79

Stocks, bonds and mortgages.....................

924,669 78

1,880,047 94

671,641 97

5,261,868 79

Overdrafts ..............................................

6,526 83

2,721 76

2,449 14

39,340 75

XT P bnnds t.n secure TT S deposits

1,000 00

Other bonds to secure TT. S. deposits

19,000 00

Other band's to secure postal savings deposits

20,000 00

6,201 74
57,000 00

234,000 00

XT S bonds t,n secure circulation

6,500 00

95,412 94

1,600 00

375 00

1,999 52

161,762 24

42,350 00

184,174 23

2,872 91

4,457 00

14,815 87

TT. S. bonds on hand
Premiums paid.........................................

2,000 00

Banking house, furniture and fixtures........

51,560 03

Other real estate............................. ..........

21,321 76

Due from other banks and bankers............

85,350 17

697 54

26,425 70

1,823 61

104,161 24

Due from banks in reserve cities...............

256,760 55

8,377 93

451,964 47

212,338 46

931,858 59

Checks and other cash items.....................

1,898 66

20 00

45,581 71

1,921 87

Uxcha/nges for clearing house. . .

5,340 65

2,000 00

10,640 33
15,584 15

13,772 78

Nickels and cents............................. ........

1,022 49

43 87

2,299 09

826 37

4,118 25


47,453 75

2,230 00

192,757 45

46,880 30

245,261 13

U. S. and National bank notes..................
Redemption fund with U. S. treasurer (5%
of circulation)
Due from U. S. treasurer, other than 5%
redemption fund

81,308 00

3,300 00

275,232 00

39,202 00

304,278 00

Totals............................................ $2,489,263 05

2,850 00

11,700 00
1,000 00

$114,734 25 $5,602,712 54 $1,588,366 07 $10,999,481 77

Capital stock paid in................................. $220,000 00
76,295 46
Surplus fund.............................................
Undivided profits less exoenses and taxes
48,563 50
National bank notes outstanding...............
Due to hanks and bankers . .
1,934 57
Dividends unpaid
30 00
839,063 04
Commercial deposits.................................
Savings deposits....................................... 1,259,564 99
State monevs on deposit. . .
16,000 00
United States deposits
Postal savings deposits....
8,116 20
Ponds borrowed . .
P.eserved for taxes, interest, etc
14,695 29
Notes and bills rediscounted...
5 ;000 00
Bills payable...........................................
Liabilities other than those above stated.
Totals............................................ $2,489,263 05

$20,'000 00
11,500 00
2,840 16
39 00
25,476 87
54,878 22

$120,000 00
49,000 00



27,436 86

308,551 83
1,073,177 38



10,200 00

$710,000 00
280,350 00


9,772 49
7,014 89
10,000 00
13,500 00

$114,734 25 1$5,602,712 54 $1,588,366 07 $10,999,481 77

*1 state bank not reporting commenced business December 14, 1914.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

$460,000 00
161,000 00




A bstract of S ta te and N ational banks by counties.—C ontinued.





3 state and 1
national banks. 1 state bank.
Loans and discounts......................

$323,232 67

$97,183 51

Stocks, bonds and mortgages...........

255,546 50

11,890 74

U. S. bonds to secure circulation...............

3 state and 2 4 state and 1
national banks national banks
$343,225 51 $1,037,947 83
89,114 75

300,139 92

948 20

19 83

5,948 49

10,000 00

50,000 00

50,000 00

10,000 00

6,000 00

1 state bank.

$31,516 65
1,898 99

U. S. bonds to secure U. S. deposits.........
Other bonds to secure U. S. deposits..........
Other bonds to secure postal savings deposits

1,000 00

U. S. bonds on hand.......................
Premiums paid...............................

129 20

Banking house, furniture and fixtures........

244 16
17,713 12

8,045 84

22,093 36

58,655 00

8,725 31

45,374 73

405 00

Other real estate.........................

5,225 00

3,264 40

Due from other banks and bankers............

25,171 45

Due from banks in reserve cities...............

94,640 44

11,472 24

74,448 22

113,217 71

11,696 55

3,252 59

117 00

4,875 77

2,034 04

774 23

Checks and other cash items.............
Exchanges for clearing house...................
Nickels and cents....................................

2,806 91
1,115 87

91 28

568 63

1,372 97


16,191 55

1,539 80

30,233 55

38,896 10

707 50

U. S. and National bank notes..................
Redemption fund with U. S. treasurer (5%
of circulation....................................
Due from^U. S. treasurer, other than 5%
redemption fund...........................

28,725 00

3,225 00

6,677 00

46,019 00

2,412 00

2,500 00

2,500 00


500 00

$787,166 59

$133,565 41

$115,000 00
36,300 00

$20,000 00
5,000 00

25,812 81
10,000 00
3,476 76

4,870 78

382,731 04
208,075 27
3,500 00

93,694 63

239 43

$638,481 93 $1,729,177 10

$55,119 51

$175,000 00
36,500 00

$20,000 00

Capital stock paid in.................................
Surplus fund.............................................
Undivided profits less expenses and taxes
paid............. ........................................
National bank notes outstanding...............
Due to banks and bankers........................
Dividends unpaid...............................
Commercial deposits.................................
Savings deposits.......................................
State moneys on deposit........................
United States deposits..............................
Postal savings deposits..............................
Bonds borrowed........................................
Reserved for taxes, interest, etc.................
Notes and bills rediscounted.....................
Bills payable.............................................
Liabilities other than those above stated...

2,270 71

$133,565 41

*1 state bank not reporting commenced business December 1, 1914.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



2,427 34
10,000 00

$787,166 59

$95,000 00
18,500 00

15,000 00

12,946 56
50,000 00


35,119 51

1,079 43

3,000 00

$638,481 93 $1,729,177 10

$55,119 51



A b stra ct of S ta te and N ational banks by counties.—C ontinued.

Presque Isle




1 state bank.

9 state and 2
national banks.

1 state bank.

Loans and discounts..................................
Stocks, bonds and mortgages.....................

13 state banks. 2 state banks.

$61,356 93 $10,834,631 78

$248,217 12 $3,458,664 23

$225,898 98

118,167 50

2,973,865 48

389,942 22

26,953 42

41 62

6,083 20

81 56

331 82

5,556,720 35
6,614 21
900,000 00

TT. R. bonds to secure circulation. .

76,000 00

TT. R bonds to spcure TT. R. deposits . .
Other bonds to secure TT. R deposits

15,000 00

Other bonds to secure postal savings deposits

20,000 00

TT. R. bonds on hand

6,900 00

10,020 00


Premiums paid . . .

921 64

950 00

1,058 13
334,231 10

Banking house, furniture and fixtures........

14,900 00

214,234 56

29,600 00

9,779 98

Other real estate.......................................

225 00

18,241 78

7,380 28

790 00

27,069 70

Due from other banks and bankers............

1,599 51

13,703 66

17 55

499 45

274,275 70

Due from banks in reserve cities................

23,121 24

720,898 60

83,838 13

4,417 17

1,591,477 47

926 27

3,968 56

335 34
4,513 44

57,243 81

Checks and other cash items

20,708 30

Exchanges for clearing house.. .
Nickels and cents......................................

331 15

3,943 64

17,517 11

10 68

137 44

3,607 04
689,359 33
484,736 00


16,104 40

240,237 80

12,569 20

1,527 50

U. S. and National bank notes..................
Redemption fund with U. S. treasurer (5%
of circulation) . .
Due from U. S. treasurer, other than 5%
redemption fund..

12,419 00

210,583 00

29,887 00

4,876 00


38,950 00
1,000 00
$436,052 81 $7,896,074 45

$780,510 94

$115,183 15 $20,936,391 73

Capital stock paid in.................................
Surplus fund.............................................
Undivided profits less expenses and taxes
National bank notes outstanding....
Due to banks and bankers............
Dividends unpaid.....................................
Commercial deposits.................................
Savings deposits.......................................
State moneys on deposit...........................
United States deposits..............
Postal savings deposits...........
Bonds borrowed
Reserved for taxes, interest, etc...
Notes and bills rediscounted
Bills payable ..
Liabilities other than those above stated...
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

$25,000 00
5,000 00

$470,000 00
182,050 00

$65,000 00
17,000 00

$20,000 00
2,000 00

16,230 63

132,459 63

11,729 81

952 83

138,281 11
547,500 02
1,000 00

30,905 48
46,250 81
5,000 00

164,714 36
210,461 32



3,127 21

14,646 50

8,379 44
17,000 00
5 ;000 00

$436,052 81 $7,896,074 45-

10,074 03

$1,410,000 00
1,303,600 00


60,000 00
4,663 11

$780,510 94

$115,183 15 $20,936,391 73



A b stra ct of S ta te ancl N ational banks by counties.—C ontinued.
*St. Clair

St. Joseph




8 state and 3 9 state and 3 16 state and 1 1 state and 1
national banks. national banks. national banks. national bank. 10 state banks.
Loans and discounts................................. 84,603,293 95 $2,380,009 89 $2,936,874 57

$541,156 28

$1,673,567 55

1,218,792 38

1,038,437 35

185,716 36

2,065,908 55

7,756 54

7,530 44

. 11,788 52

1,684 90

3,977 01

190,000 00

91,500 00

25,000 00

45,000 00

Stocks, bonds and mortgages..................... 2,490,283 87
U. S. bonds to secure circulation...............
U. S. bonds to secure U. S. deposits..........

40,000 00

5,000 00

3,000 00

Other bonds to secure postal savings deposits

29,000 00

7,500 00

14,998 95

U. S. bonds on hand.................................

500 00

Premiums paid.............; ...........................

5,400 44

Banking house, furniture and fixtures........

194,206 17

113,130 16

Other real estate.......................................

49,716 36

22,933 04

8 203 06

Due from other banks and bankers............

159,089 25

11,296 99

601 25

1 974 86

29,350 11

130,726 11

70,198 59

20,305 42

58,896 01
363,343 38

123,269 82

4 592 92

Due from banks in reserve cities...............

597,543 71

464,300 34

505,810 85

94,917 78

Checks and other cash items.....................

13,080 29

4,831 39

8,744 70

1,956 51

Exchanges for clearing house.....................

64,017 72

1,498 44

495 75

6,033 57
4 964 99

Nickels and cents......................................

3,630 77

3,695 09

2,403 48

319 90

2,001 15


95,398 05

114,177 80

138,663 20

35,394 65

107,393 33

U. S. and National bank notes..................
Redemption fund with U. S. treasurer (5%
of circulation).......................................
Due from U. S. treasurer, other than 5%
redemption fund....................................

267,314 00

100,551 00

123,981 00

14,923 00

110,905 00

9,500 00

4,575 00

1,250 00

2,250 00

Totals............................................ 88,819,231 12 $4,551,821 96 $4,995,120 89

$991,575 11

$4,534,284 94

Capital stock paid in................................. $660,000 00
Surplus fund.............................................
265,250 00
Undivided profits less expenses and taxes
127,637 18
National bank notes outstanding...............
189,995 00
Due to banks and bankers.........................
329,011 76
Dividends unpaid.....................................
'821 51
Commercial deposits................................. 3,469,307 33 2,087,085
Savings deposits........................................ 3,360,538 23 1,676,144
State moneys on deposit...........................
75,000 00
United States deposits...............................
46,635 56
Postal savings deposits.............................
17’155 75
Bonds borrowed........................................
Reserved for taxes, interest, etc.................
7,168 80
Notes and bills rediscounted......................
145,710 00
- 5,000
Bills payable............................................
125,000 00
Liabilities other than those above stated, ..
Totals............................................ $8,819,231 12 $4,551,821


$450,000 00
92,100 00

$100,000 00
30,000 00

$306,000 00
79,500 00


128,477 48
25,000 00
7| 248 84

24,826 63
44,500 00

30,215 89


9 892


14,530 98


9 504 00
30,500 00

60,000 00

96 $4,995,120 89

*One national bank not reporting commenced business November 1, 1914.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

2,362,621 83
1,780,172 74
89,500 00

$991,575 11

$4,534,284 94


A bstract of S ta te and N ation al banks by counties.—Concluded.

Van Buren




28 state, 4 na­
9 state and 1 *9 state and 2 14 state and 2 tional banks and 3 state banks.
3 trust
national banks. national banks. national banks.

Loans and discounts.................................. $1,066,143 89 $1,761,271 60 $4,757,118 52 $100,971,889 07

$834,457 20

Stocks, bonds and mortgages.....................

811,292 60

1,347,564 71

6,167,761 42

96,909,071 49

880,080 79


2,684 91

6,223 93

31,983 68

33,687 74

1,755 27

XJ. S. bonds to secure circulation...............

6,250 00

37,500 00

100,000 00

3,491,830 90

Other bonds to secure postal savings deposits

3,000 00

2,000 00

10,000 00

752,470 00

U. S. bonds on hand.................................

3,500 00

40 00

34,500 00

327,420 00

399,700 00

U. S. bonds to secure U. S. deposits..........

Premiums paid..........................................

3,775 68

9,546 95

Banking house, furniture and fixtures........

94,315 62

85,186 32

278,484 21

3,937,717 06

66,250 00

Other real estate.......................................

7,469 30

21,459 65-

80,595 85

423,995 23

20,000 00

Due from other banks and bankers............

9,595 36

20,507 68

80,944 11

8,486,282 27

15,765 90

Due from banks in reserve cities................

225,534 58

473,831 17

893,108 12

23,966,868 69

207,888 97

Checks and other cash items.....................

3,453 97

14,966 10

8,154 94

195,117 15

6,454 75

Exchanges for clearing house.....................

2,235 87

501 09

37,176 95

2,288,530 48

3,327 08

Nickels and cents......................................

1,355 14

2,703 48

5,834 90

47,998 19

1,255 15


55,729 65

92,971 72

455,657 30

8,745,265 49

57,003 05

U. S. and National bank notes..................
Redemption fund with U. S. treasurer (5%
of circulation)........................................
Due from U. S. treasurer, other than 5%
redemption fund....................................

64,563 00

96,005 00

408,830 00

8,154,887 00

65,281 00

312 50

1,875 00

10,000 00

193,545 00
122,000 00

Totals............................................ $2,357,436 39 $3,964,607 45 $13,363,925 68 $259,457,522 71 $2,159,519 16
Capital stock paid in................................. S300,000 00
Surplus fund.............................................
74,300 00
Undivided profits less expenses and taxes
55,101 91
National bank notes outstanding...............
6,250 00
Due to banks and bankers........................
Dividends unpaid.....................................
597,335 25
Commercial deposits.................................
Savings deposits........................................ 1,263,722 51
16,500 00
State moneys on deposit...........................
United States deposits..............................
4,226 72
Postal savings deposits..............................
Bonds borrowed. . .....................................
Reserved for taxes, interest, etc.................
Notes and bills rediscounted......................
40,000 00
Bills payable............................................
Liabilities other than those above stated...

S385,000 00 $1,035,000 00 $19,296,360 00
608,000 00 12,405,677 50
162,075 00


6,712 53



12,276 49

4,601, 492
3,002, 995
21,348, 029
13, 289
98,019, 304
96,890, 836
1,452, 364
438, 762
779, 269


$220,000 00

65,000 00
18,742 55



14,134 41

20 , 000 00

27,500 00

9,685 62
25,000 00

183, 860 14
805,000 00
200,281 25

95,000 00

Totals............................................ |$2,357,436 39 $3,964,607 45 $13,363,925 68 $259,457,522 71 $2,159,519 16
*One state bank not reporting commenced business November 28, 1914.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



No. 325.





O rganized October 11, 1905.
* 0 . B. B o w e n , P r e s id e n t; F. B. K l i n e , V ic e P r e s i d e n t ; F. B. C l e v e l a n d , C a s h ie r .

i r e c t o r s .— F.

B. Kline, D. A. C urtis, L. S. Towne, F. B. Cleveland, W ade Millis.


Loans and discounts:
Commercial d e p a rtm e n t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Bonds, mortgages and securities:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Prem ium acco u n t...............................
O v erd rafts............................................
Expenses, interest and taxes paid,
exceeding earnings.........................
Banking h o u se....................................
F u rn itu re and fix tu res.. ..

R eport of
Report of
Report of
Report of
Report of
Oct. 21, T3. Jan. 13, T4. M ar. 4, T4. June 30, T4. Sept. 12, T4.

$35,461 90
36,859 31

$33,091 32
39,235 77

$33,341 95
38,931 26

$36,203 15
30,232 88

$37,0-46 98
28,943 97

71,369 26

71,750 99

70,785 99

73,693 20

71,877 00

5,289 62
3,282 84

9Q 'll
5,289 62
3,282 84

5,478 60
3,282 84

5,478 60
3,282 84

5,478 60
3,282 84

6,418 62
10,2S9 01

12,695 06
10,000 00

4,577 00
10,000 00

4,865 47
15,000 00

6,924 93
10,000 00

190 00
7,000 00

1,455 00
9,000 00

517 00
10,000 00

2,105 00
8,000 00

3,598 00

1,390 00

1,080 00
500 00

1,645 00

1,590 00

1,269 80

1,230 10

1,237 25

671 30

196 66

206 52

216 11

150 63

414 75

779 31

12 00

581 82

305 76
2,542 86

$179,431 77

$189,643 32

$180,025 00

$181,854 89

$173,874 68

$20,000 00
2,050 00

$20,000 00
2,400 00

$20,000 00
2,400 00

$20,000 00
2,400 00

$20,000 00
2,400 00

1,051 93

943 62

1,882 51

7 28

4 44

O ther real e s ta te ................................
Due from other banks and bankers,
not reserve citie s............................
Item s in tr a n s it..................................
U nited S tates bonds:
Savings d ep artm en t......................
D ue from banks in reserve cities:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d e p a rtm e n t......................
Exchanges for clearing house:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
U. S. and N ational b ank currency:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Gold coin:
Commercial d e p a rtm e n t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Silver coin:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Nickels and cents:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Checks and other cash item s..........
T o ta ls ...........................................
C apital stock paid i n ........................
Surplus fu n d ........................................
U ndivided profits, less losses, cur­
rent expenses, interest and taxes
p a id ...................................................
Dividends u n p a id ..............................
Comm ercial "deposits subject to
ch eck .
Commercial certificates of d ep o sit. .
Certified checks..................................
Cashier’s checks o u tstan d in g ..........
S tate monies on d ep o sit...................
D ue to banks and b an k ers..............
Savings deposits.................................
Savings certificates of d ep o sit.........
Reserve for taxes, interest, etc. . . .
Notes and bills rediscounted...........
Bills p ay ab le........................................
T o ta ls...........................................
* Deceased.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

3,012 56

450 00

1,690 00

2,179 30

26,823 87

40,002 75

31,328 92

35,580 53

29,511 22

68,628 98
58,916 36

68,704 34
58,086 23

71,581 58
53,662 57

68,939 00
49,609 74

66,738 15
48,342 80

4,382 00

5,000 00

$179,431 77

$189,643 32

$180,025 00

$181,854 89

$173,874 68



No. 162.
O rganized M ay 29, 1893.

G e o r g e A. W i l c o x , V ic e P r e s id e n t; B. E. T o b i a s , C a s h ie r ;
R. H . W a t t s , C . S. W h i t n e y , A s s i s t a n t C a s h ie r s .
D i r e c t o r s .— R . A. W atts, Geo. A. Wilcox, W. E . Jew ett, R . A K aiser, C. G . Wesley W. O. H unt,
B. E. Tobias, A. D. Ellis, C. S. W hitney, R . H . W atts, W. W . Cooke, C. E . Baldwin.
vt ts, P r e s id e n t;


Loans and discounts:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Bonds, mortgages and securities:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................

R eport of
Report of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Oct. 21, ’13. Jan. 13, T4. M ar. 4, T4. rune 30, ’ 14. Sept. 12, ’14.

$237,970 68
130,054 84

$303,172 93
113,438 17

$342,759 86
112,871 00

$291,449 36
126,702 88

$296,246 37
125,878 50

47,000 00
879,145 60

96,500 00
876,533 08

112,900 00
880,927 58

121,900 00
913,660 20

126,900 00
905,637 65

O v erd rafts .............................................. .. •
Expenses, interest and taxes paid,

20 70

835 84

5,046 56

271 00

404 54

Banking house ^ .......................................

30,000 00

30,000 00

30,000 00

30,000 00

30,000 00

10,000 00

10,000 00

10,000 00

10,000 00

10,000 00

9,511 34

1,000 00
7,932 51

1,000 00
6,341 00

8,855 79

22,334 70

22,111 44
107,809 80

31,351 72
118,659 49

76,191 45
125,297 08

42,322 31
130,686 95

23,891 77
91,600 61

4,216 41

2,826 08

14,751 45

3,473 96

3,692 52

6,871 00
30.000 00

28,332 00
30.000 00

17,155 00
30.000 00

18,734 00
30.000 00

5,659 00
30.000 00

2,475 00
25.000 00

2,010 00
25.000 00

3,192 50
25.000 00

2,685 00
25.000 00

1,435 00
25.000 00

Silver coin:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............

6,024 10

6,979 30

5,027 35

3,657 45

3,914 75

Nickels and cents:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............

439 62

665 17

603 47

433 50

577 78

Checks and other cash ite m s..........

274 90

422 88

150 61

563 45

389 34

T o ta ls........................................... $1,548,925 43 $1,685,659 17 $1,799,211 91 $1,760,395 85

$1,703,562 53

Safety deposit v a u lts........................
Due from other banks and bankers,
D ue from U. S. T reasu rer...............
Item s in tr a n s it..................................
U nited S tates bonds:
D ue from banks in reserve cities:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Exchanges for clearing house:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
TJ. S. and N ational bank currency:

Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Gold coin:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................

C apital stock paid i n ........................
Surplus fu n d ........................................
Undivided profits, less losses, cur­
rent expenses, interest and taxes
p a id ...................................................

$120,000 00
50,000 00

$120,000 00
50i000 00

$120,000 00
50,000 00

$120,000 00
50,000 00

$120,000 00
50,000 00

43,073 90

19,081 07

19,694 81

21,258 64

39,583 09

253,601 62

399,240 57

482,944 70

370,455 51

338,027 20

50 00

10 00
5,000 00

10 00
10,000 00

10 00
5,000 00

310 03
1,139,534 93
48,826 74

313 87
1,105,914 60
44,713 77

T o ta ls........................................... $1,548,925 43 $1,685,659 17 $1,799,214 91 $1,760,395 85

$1,703,562 53

Commercial deposits subject to
ch eck .......................................... .. • •
Cashier’s checks o u tstan d in g ..........
S tate monies on d ep o sit...................
Postal savings d eposits.....................
Savings d eposits.................... ............
Savings certificates of dep o sit........
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

306 18
1,045,342 06
36,601 67


306 18
1,064,868 87
32,112 48







No. 89.
O rganized May 10, 1888.
A. B e n n e t t , P r e s id e n t; C h a r l e s G. H a r t , A. H . W o o d , V ic e P r e s id e n ts ;
E. N. S m i t h , C a s h ie r ; P . J. D u n n , A s s i s t a n t C a s h ie r .
D i r e c t o r s .— A. B ennett, A. H. Wood, E. C. Sword, Charles G. H art, John E. Bird, N. B. Hayes,
A. E. Palm er, E. N. Sm ith, P. J. Dunn.

Loans and discounts:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t. ..
Bonds, m ortgages and securities:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Prem ium acco u n t...............................
O verdrafts............................................
Expenses, interest and taxes paid,
exceeding earnings.........................
Banking h o u se....................................
F u rn itu re and fixtures......................
O ther real e s ta te ................................
D ue from other banks and bankers,
not reserve citie s............................
Item s in tr a n s it.....................
U nited States bonds:
Savings d e p a rtm e n t......................
D ue from banks in reserve cities:
Commercial d e p a rtm e n t..
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Exchanges for clearing house:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
U. S. N ational bank currency:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Gold coin:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Silver coin:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Nickels and cents:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Checks and other cash item s..........
T o ta ls.........
C apital stock paid i n ........................
Surplus fu n d ........................................
Undivided profits, less losses, cur­
rent expenses, interest and taxes
p a id ...................................................
Dividends u n p a id ..............................
Commercial deposits subject to
ch eck.............
Commercial certificates of d ep o sit. .
Certified ch eck s..................................
Cashier’s checks o u tstanding..........
S tate monies on d ep o sit...................
Due to banks and b an k ers..............
Postal savings dep o sits.....................
Savings d e p o sits.. .
Savings certificates of d ep o sit........
Reserve for taxes, interest, etc. . . .
N otes and bills rediscounted...........
Bills p av ab le........................................
T o ta ls...........................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

Report of
Report of
Report of
R eport of
Report of
Oct. 21, T3. Jan. 13, T4. M ar. 4, T4. June 30, T4. Sept. 12, T4.

$186,112 68
139,363 13

$172,535 90
137,064 61

$194.958 35
134,680 81

$217,194 50
144,306 54

$211,934 68
183,517 04

10,316 35
307,932 10

9,900 00
313,596 83

8,150 00
310,016 41

20,600 00
311,249 08

27,493 50
299,954 30

1,620 52

986 32

578 12

1,048 02

676 95

12,000 00

12,000 00

16,000 00

16,000 00

16,000 00

30,788 18

1,244 91

1,526 67

12,289 78

20,399 78

10,200 00
69,176 08

10,500 00
78,468 26

10,400 00
102,233 27

12,500 00
110,103 05

11,400 00
57,513 08

1,599 43

370 31

600 20

854 85

10,200 00
20,538 00

10,500 00
32,829 00

10,400 00
26,837 00

12,500 00
18,901 00

11,400 00
30,663 00

3,112 50

4,730 00

4,960 00

4,647 50

2,875 00

4,264 20

5,261 50

7,268 65

3,239 80

3,398 15

347 55
578 41

301 90
2,185 36

203 66
827 81

231 57
1,093 86

294 60
291 23

$808 149 13

$792,384 90

$829,640 95

$886,759 55

$878,216 68

$110,000 00
30,000 00

$110,000 00
30,000 00

$110,000 00
30,000 00

$110,000 00
30,000 00

$110,000 00
30,000 00

10,630 11

2,482 18

6,254 26

3,062 43

11,299 11

128,521 53
8,207 94





336 52
520,453 03

509,757 43

340 76
544,348 42

$808,149 13

$792,384 90

$829,640 95


405 37


133,477 07
7,293 96
750 00

340 76
576,357 19

344 98
575,051 56

$886,759 55

$878,216 68

10,000 00



No. 66.
O rganized D ecem ber 16, 1869.
C orporate existence extended February 1, 1902.
D. B. M o r g a n , V ic e P r e s i d e n t ; C. D. H a r d y , C a s h ie r ;
F. E . A s h , A s s i s t a n t C a s h ie r .
D i r e c t o r s .— D. B. M organ, H. L. Larwil-1, W arren J. P arker, H. V. C. H art, C. D. H ardy,
H. B. Knowles, C. A. Stew art.
H . V. C. H

a r t , P r e s id e n t;


Loans and discounts:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Bonds, m ortgages and securities:
Commercial d ep artm en t..
Savings d ep artm en t......................

R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Oct. 21, T3. Jan. 13, ’14. M ar. 4, T4. June 30, ’14. Sept. 12, T4.

$154,780 25

$169,730 15

$164,499 68

$154,239 48

$131,241 32

658,325 74

664,580 82

677,600 04

677,793 65

672,911 81

90 11

90 11

51 11

230 61

78 33

480 72

514 52

411 87

603 00

391 78

25,000 00

25,000 00

25,000 00

25,000 00

25,000 00

O ther real estate
D ue from other banks and bankers,
not reserve cities............................
Item s in tr a n s it. .
United States bonds:
Savings departm ent

8,404 54

8,744 06

8,744 06

8,744 06
17 60

8,744 06
60 00

Due from Danks in reserve cities:
Commercial d ep artm en t. .
Savings d e p a rtm e n t.....................
Exchanges for clearing house:
Commercial departm ent
Savings d ep artm en t......................

122,732 13

101,110 91

95,758 51

100,006 48

116,228 95

328 34

1,383 88

393 98

335 20

1,013 75

44,449 00

40,257 00

33,437 00

36,716 00

37,974 00

4,378 50

3,959 00

4,126 50

3,909 00

4,399 00

1,846 55

2,003 35

1,858 40

1,800 20

1,936 75

74 44
641 73

111 27
536 23

44 77
160 45

85 75
432 86

93 73
1,53.0 21

T o ta ls ........................................... $1,021,530 05 $1,018,021 30 $1,012,086 37 $1,009,913 89

$1,001,603 69

Prem ium acco u n t...............................
O verdrafts .
Suspense acco u n t...............................
Expenses, interest and taxes paid,
exceeding earnings
Banking h o u se....................................
F urn itu re and fixtures. . .

X T . S. and N ational bank currency:

Commercial departm ent
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Gold coin:
Commercial departm ent
Savings d ep artm en t......................

Silver coin:
Commercial departm ent
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Nickels and cents:
Commercial departm ent
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Checks and other cash ite m s..........

C apital stock paid i n .........................
Surplus fu n d ........................................
U ndivided profits, less losses, cur­
rent expenses, interest and taxes
p a id ...................................................
Dividends unpaid . .
Commercial deposits subject to
Commereia.l certificates of denosit
Certified checks
Cashier’s checks o u tstan d in g ..........
S tate monies on d ep o sit.
D ue to banks and b an k ers..............
Savings deposits.................................
Savings certificates of d ep o sit........
for taxes, interest, etc. .
N ot f tp and hills rediscounted .
Hills payable

$100,000 00
30,000 00

$100,000 00
30,000 00

$100,000 00
30,000 00

$100,000 00
30,000 00

$100,000 00
30,000 00

21,780 05

24,239 55
240 00

23,514 55

27,480 88

24,187 73

550 71

677 34

996 58

353 34

356 34

50 00
862,873 50
6,275 79

527 55
856,054 11
6,282 75

79 46
851,235 80
6,259 98

383 79
845,395 78
6,300 10

838,247 27
8,812 35

T o ta ls........................................... $1,021,530 05 $1,018,021 30 $1,012,086 37 $1,009,913 89

$1,001,603 69
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



No. 171.
O rganized Ju n e 24, 1894.
H. B . W a l d b y ,

P r e s i d e n t ; R . S. M o r e l a n d , V ic e P r e s id e n t; J . C. M u r p h y , C a s h ie r ;
E . A. N e w t o n , A s s i s t a n t C a s h ie r

H. B. W aldby, ,T. V. DeFoe, R. S. M oreland, A. W. Wood, Rial Clay, J. W. K irk,
F. A. Stevenson, J. C. M urphy, Chas. E vans, Vernon Hoxie, F. W. Prentice, A. J. Walper.

i r e c t o r s .—


Report of
Report of
R eport of
R eport of
Report of
Oct. 21, T3. Jan. 13, T4. M ar. 4, T4. June 30, T4. Sept. 12, T4.

Loans and discounts:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Bonds, mortgages and securities:

$164,799 74
179,008 10

$169,084 87
137,500 00

$159,160 72
159,688 19

$168,295 71
96,237 30

$155,899 77
107,733 75

Savings d ep artm en t.......................

557,570 50

545,420 50

568,220 50

567,820 50

555,808 00

O v erd rafts............................................
Expenses, interest and taxes paid,

51 56

59 01

7 47

527 94

43 00

Banking h o u se ....................................

18,000 00

18,000 00

18,000 00

18,000 00

18,000 00

820 00

573 45

1,691 79

D ue from other banks and hankers,
not- reserve p ities. .
U nited States bonds:
D ue from banks in reserve cities:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Exchanges for clearing house:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
U. S. and N ational hank currency:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Gold coin:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Silver coin:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............

16,086 21
109,438 31

10,745 99
125,035 81

10,965 30
166,973 98

11,053 18
158,876 46

10,490 31
175,532 47

859 70

330 42

788 75

456 38

724 68

11,138 00
44,000 00

20,617 00
42,000 00

18,239 00
44,000 00

12,108 00
43,000 00

17,230 00
42,000 00

4,005 00

342 50

172 50

120 00

1,512 50

2,441 30

2,170 65

2,329 75

2,020 60

2,254 40

Nickels and cents:
Commercial d e p a rtm e n t........ ..

399 24

419 67

283 07

307 06

203 55

Checks ahd other cash item s..........

353 35

29 42

T o ta ls........................................... $1,108,151 01 $1,071,755 84 ¡$1,149,649 23 $1,079,396 58

$1,089,224 22

C apital stock paid i n .........................
Surplus fu n d ........................................
U ndivided profits, less losses, cur­
rent expenses, interest and taxes
p a id ...................................................
Dividends unpaid
Commercial deposits subject to
ch eck ............................................. . .
Comm ercial certificates of dep o sit. .

100 00

$75,000 00
15,000 00

$75,000 00
15,000 00

$75,000 00
15,000 00

$75,000 00
15,000 00

$75,000 00
15,000 00

12,741 39

8,503 36

13,235 64

8,107 54

16,915 94

122,383 06
3,226 06

145,341 99
5,055 71

165,196 95
8,628 95

138,999 25
7,186 57

159,112 66
6,965 59

681 36
879,119 14

1,916 94
820,937 84

2 01
872,585 68

91 46
835,011 76

1,382 21
814,847 82

T o ta ls ........................................... 81,108,151 01 $1,071,755 84 $1.149,649 23 $1,079,396 58

$1,089,224 22

Cashier’s cheeks outstanding
Due to banks and b an k ers...............
Savings dep o sits.................................
jsjotes and bids redispnnnted .
Bill* payable
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis


No. 179.
O rganized M arch 29, 1895.

P. R o b e r t s o n , P r e s id e n t; W. S. K e s s l e r , D. A. G a r f i e l d , V ic e P r e s id e n ts ;
R . E. S c h u m a c h e r , R o b e r t C. B a k e r , A s s i s t a n t C a s h ie r s .
D i r e c t o r s .— Eugene P. Robertson, W. S. Kessler, D. A. Garfield, W. H. Rodenbach, Geo. T. Bullen,
D. M. McAuliffe, O. A. Leonard, G. W. Schneider, G. W. Perkins.


Report of
R eport of
Report of
Report of
Report of
Oct. 21, ’13. Jan. 13, ’14. M ar. 4, ’14. June 30, ’14 Sept. 12, ’14.


Loans and discounts:
Commercial d ep artm en t............
Savings d ep artm en t....................
Bonds, mortgages and securities:
Commercial d ep artm en t...............
Savings d ep artm en t.......................
Prem ium acco u n t...............................
O v erd rafts..........................................
Expenses, interest and taxes paid
exceeding earnings.........................
Banking ho u se....................................
F u rn itu re and fixtures......................
O ther real e s ta te ................................
D ue from other banks and bankers
not reserve cities............................
Item s in tr a n s it..................................
U nited S tates bonds:
Savings d ep artm en t......................
D ue from banks in reserve cities:
Commercial d ep artm en t...............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Exchanges for clearing house:
Commercial d e p artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
II. S. and N ational bank currency:
Commercial d ep artm en t.......... .. .
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Gold coin:
Commercial d ep artm en t...............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Silver coin:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Nickels and cents:
Commercial d e p artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Checks and other cash ite m s..........
T o ta ls...........................................
C apital stock paid in.........................
Surplus fu n d ........................................
Undivided profits, less losses, cur­
rent expenses, interest and taxes
p a id ...............................................
Dividends u n p a id ..............................
Commercial deposits subject to
check ....................................
Commercial certificates of d ep o sit. .
Certified checks..........................
Cashier’s checks o u tstan ding ..........
S tate monies on d ep o sit.................
Due to banks and b an k ers...............
Postal savings deposits.....................
Savings deposits.................................
Savings certificates of d ep o sit.........
Reserve for taxes, interest, etc. . . .
Notes and bills rediscounted...........
Bills p ay ab le.....................................
T o ta ls...................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis


$177,754 11
33,900 00

$211,333 48
34,900 00

$213,605 78
30,800 00

$219,992 36
20,876 00

$238,689 41
20,948 85

20,000 00
148,715 12

20,000 00
151,172 00

30,000 00
146,997 00

10,000 00
165,358 14

15,500 00
158,957 89

277 50
3,704 07

277 50
539 94

277 50
1,328 60

277 80
253 85

735 30
979 74

4,367 37

3,790 51

4,082 23

4,082 23

4,090 23

9,687 59

770 61

6,543 97

1,309 18

4,329 52

10,695 33
12,860 05

11,339 64
32,891 03

30,339 58
33,088 17

17,934 35
34,220 46

17,537 97
23,217 26

1,522 12

1,818 21

3,284 63

7,130 49

3,886 00
9.000 00

16,174 00
12,000 00

3,253 00
15,000 00

4,397 00
15,000 00

4,496 00
12,000 00

502 50
8.000 00

9,495 00

7,695 00

4,617 50

1,147 50

2,589 00

4,410 30

4,216 50

2,169 60

1,201 00

337 02

268 87

228 01

136 86

123 28

354 77

122 34

13 00

154 75

1,703 32

$448,152 55

$511,303 43

$530,752 97

$507,910 57

$505,657 27

$50,000 00
15,000 00

$50,000 00
20,000 00

$50,000 00
20,000 00

$50,000 00
20,000 00

$50,000 00
20,000 00

18,059 99

9,759 21
80 00

11,259 44
25 00

10,000 00
2,500 00

12,658 08
25 00

107,007 98
44,090 04

153,070 67
58,385 75

140,793 47
83,125 07

124,202 60
69,358 79
15 06

208,994 54

359 55
219,648 25

364 08
225,185 91

1,095 78
230,738 34

1,132 84
234,125 59

$511,303 43

$530,752 97

$507,910 57

$505,657 27

120,569 08
66,257 18
889 50

5.000 00
$448,152 55



No. 167.
O rganized Septem ber 39, 1893.


C. B l a i r ,

W. C. M a r s h , V ic e P r e s id e n t; C. G. B i g e l o w , C a s h ie r ;
C. S. L o u d , A s s i s t a n t C a s h ie r s .
Hom er C. Blair, L. J. W olcott, Samuel Dickie, W ashington G ardner, C. G. Bigelow,
E. R. Loud, B. D. Brown, W. C. M arsh.
P r e s id e n t;


D irecto rs.




Loans and discounts:
Commercial d ep artm en t..........
Savings d ep artm en t..................
Bonds, mortgages and securities:
Commercial d ep artm en t..........
Savings d ep artm en t..................
Prem ium acco u n t........................
O v erd rafts............................................
Expenses, interest and taxes paid
exceeding earnings...................
Banking h o u se..............................
F u rn itu re and fixtures................
O ther real e s ta te ................................
D ue from other banks and bankers
not reserve c ities.....................
Item s in tr a n s it............................
U nited States bonds:
Savings d ep artm en t................
D ue from banks in reserve cities:
Commercial d ep artm en t............
Savings d ep artm en t.................. .'
Exchanges for clearing house:
Commercial d ep artm en t............
Savings d ep artm en t....................
U. S. and N ational bank currency
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Gold coin:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Silver coin:
Commercial d ep artm en t. . .
Savings d ep artm en t............
Nickels and cents:
Commercial d e p a rtm e n t. . .
Savings d e p a rtm e n t............
Checks and other cash item s.
T o ta ls.
C apital stock paid i n ..............
Surplus fu n d ........................................
Undivided profits, less losses, cur­
rent expenses, interest and taxes
p a id ...................................................
Dividends u n p a id ..............................
Commercial deposits subject to
ch eck.................................... ..
Commercial certificates of d eposit.
Certified checks................................
Cashier's checks o u tstan ding........
S tate monies on d ep o sit.................
Due to banks and b an k ers............
Postal savings deposits...................
Savings d eposits...............................
Savings certificates of d ep o sit. . . .
Reserve for taxes, interest, e tc . . .
N otes and bills rediscounted.........
Bills p ay ab le.....................................
T o ta ls.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis


R eport of
Report of
Oct. 21, ’13. Jan. 13, ’14

R eport of
R eport of
Report of
M ar. 4, ’14. June 30, ’14. Sept. 12, ’14.

$170,116 25
27,800 00

$131,275 18
63,050 00

$153,747 59
59,150 00

$169,396 83
31,550 00

$189,244 45

14,000 00
181,053 77

41,700 00
147,142 22

41,700 00
160,656 22

33,000 00
206,205 60

36,000 00
208,190 73

1,076 41

702 39

412 77

729 85

1,553 90

5,400 00
1,935 00

5,400 00
1,720 00

5,400 00
1,720 00

5,400 00
1,720 00

5,400 00
1,720 00

1,593 57

845 48

629 20

5,263 85

2,923 07

25,573 55
26,059 81

62,532 63
22,999 30

52,218 48
14,698 52

65,326 41
5,080 30

43,748 76
24,599 14

1,825 41

72 16

4,629 45

1,517 35

6,218 58

9,259 00

19,226 00
12,000 00

15,695 00
13,000 00

4,277 00
13,000 00

3,518 00
13,000 00

4,562 50

5,395 00

5,235 00

7,170 00

3,840 85
29 90

3,436 95
999 60

3,746 60
349 00

2,403 40
40 10

1,196 00

197 05
136 27

337 05
381 22

290 54

325 05
123 96

392 7Ì

$483,281 84

$518,382 73

$533,438 63

$550,594 75

$545,183 58

$35,000 00
17,500 00

$35,000 00
17,500 00

$50,000 00
25,000 00

$50,000 00
25,000 00

$50,000 00
25,000 00

7,538 30

4,260 52

5,737 92

5,135 78
3,000 00

7,981 79
24 00

126,785 84
48,514 22

161,533 15
53,897 89

135,024 32
69,822 39

145,093 37
61,489 55

158,859 35
55,028 57

5,000 00

2,500 00

247,943 48

246,191 17

20,626 89
227,227 11

20,226 21
235,649 84

22,497 72
223,292 15

$483,281 84

$518,382 73

$533,438 63

3,594 75

$545,183 58

12,000 00

. 385 00
1,000 00

308 24



No. 498.
O rganized A pril 13, 1912.
C u r t i s R. C h a m p i o n , P r e s id e n t; J

i r e c t o r s .— C urtis


E a s t , V ic e P r e s id e n t; W. E. F o i .s o m , C a s h ie r .

R. Cham pion, John E ast, Geo. W. C arm an, Fred W. P arker, Alex Vancomberg.


Loans and discounts:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Bonds, m ortgages and securities:
Commercial d e p a rtm e n t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Prem ium account,. .
O v erd rafts............................................
Expenses, interest and taxes paid,
exceeding earnings.........................
Ba.nking house.
F urn itu re and fixtures.......................
O ther real’estate. . .
D ue from other banks and bankers,
not reserve c ities............................
Item s in tr a n s it..................................
U nited S tates bonds:
Savings departm ent . .
D ue from banks in reserve cities:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d e p artm en t......................
Exchanges for clearing house:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
U. S. and N ational b ank currency:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Gold coin:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Silver coin:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Nickels and cents:
Commercial d e p a rtm e n t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Checks and other cash item s..........
T o ta ls. . . .
C apital stock paid i n .........................
Surplus fu n d ........................................
Undivided profits, less losses, cur­
rent expenses, interest and taxes
p a id ...................................................
Dividends u n p a id ...............................
Commercial "deposits subject to
ch eck .................................................
Commercial certificates of d ep o sit. .
Certified checks..................................
C ashier's checks o u tstan d in g ..........
S tate monies on d ep o sit...................
D ue to banks and b an k ers..............
Savings d eposits.................................
Savings certificates of d ep o sit.........
Reserve for taxes, interest, etc. . . .
N otes and bills rediscounted...........
Bills p ay ab le........................................
T o ta ls...........................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

R eport of
Report of
R eport of
R eport of
Report of
Oct. 21, T3. Jan. 13, T4. M ar. 4, T4. Ju n e 30, T4. Sept. 12, ’14.

$16,110 96

$17,551 19

$18,162 95

$21,442 45

$14,338 81

34,735 34
62,669 75

37,585 34
58,459 88

37,050 00
54,309 64

37,025 00
54,588 06

29,000 00
60,493 06

178 31

278 09

89 19

187 28


2,500 00

2,500 00

2,500 00

2,500 00

2,590 00

1,430 06

252 18

1,230 39

5,304 17
472 50

4,962 88
150 00

3,988 09
6,609 00

1,703 79
6,134 00

3,384 28
3,259 00

5,002 86
6,111 00

22,135 13
7,372 00

2,341 00
4,000 00

3,036 00
2,900 00

2,500 00
4,259 00

4,745 00
3,194 00

7,764 00
3,071 00

555 00

740 00

120 00

825 00 •

1,280 00

388 10
698 00

286 80
727 00

266 75
258 65

413 05

1,353 61
500 84

700 70
526 27

522 01
301 65

389 84
500 31

245 96
414 80

361 48

$136,996 47

$136,063 20

$129,440 00

$142,201 78

$155,464 01

$20,000 00
400 00

$20,000 00
800 00

$20,000 00
800 00

$20,000 00
800 00

$20,000 00
1,000 00

1,258 96

168 87
30 00

819 35

1,813 59

1,212 19

40,569 56
790 00

40,355 07
663 81

33,639 49
425 00

41,007 10
4,688 02

57,562 18
4,252 66

73,977 95

69,045 45

63,756 16

63,893 07

71,436 98

5,000 00

10,000 00

10,000 00

$136,996 47

$136,063 20

$129,440 00

$142,201 78

723 11

$155,464 01



No. 314.
O rganized May 24, 1905.
H. A. D e L a n o ,

i r e c t o r s .— H.

P r e s id e n t;

W. H. C h a d d o c k ,

V i c e P r e s id e n t;

E. W. D e L a n o ,

C a s h ie r .

A. DeLano, W. H. Chaddock, V. E. DeLano, E. W. DeLano, A. Brand.


Loans and discounts:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Bonds, m ortgages and securities:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Prem ium acco u n t...............................
O v erd rafts.................................
Expenses, interest and taxes paid,
exceeding earnings.........................
B anking h o u se.......................
F u rn itu re and fixtures......................

R eport of
Report of
Report of
Report of
Report of
Oct. 21, T3. Jan. 13, T4. M ar. 4, T4. June 30, T4 Sept. 12, T4.

$55,155 94
73,052 79

$53,645 77
70,167 37

$47,314 04
81,721 73

$49,258 93
75,522 98

$47,054 88
94,998 15

158,428 20

160,153 20

6,000 00
153,216 71

6,000 00
156,409 61

157,559 61

140 00
1,384 47

130 00
584 88

130 00
1,098 54

120 00
988 86

15,000 00
12,275 58

128 60
15,000 00
12,100 00

15,000 00
12,100 00

119 39
15,000 00
12,100 00

15,000 00
12,100 00

245 70

• 782 57

844 96

O ther real e s ta te ................................
D ue from other banks and bankers,
not reserve cities............................
Item s in tr a n s it................................
U nited S tates bonds:
Savings d ep artm en t......................
D ue from banks in reserve cities:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t..................
Exchanges for clearing house:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
U. S. and N ational bank currency:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t.......................
Gold coin:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Silver coin:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Nickels and cents:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Checks and other cash item s..........
T o ta ls ..........................
C apital stock paid i n ........................
Surplus fu n d . ?....................................
U ndivided profits, less losses, current expenses, interest and taxes
p a id ...................................................
D ividends u n p a id ..............................
Commercial deposits subject to
ch eck ............................
Commercial certificates of d eposit. .
Certified checks..................................
Cashier’s checks o u tstan d in g ..........
S tate monies on d ep o sit...................
D ue to banks and b an k ers..............
Postal savings deposits.....................
Savings d eposits...............................
Savings certificates of d eposit.........
Reserve for taxes, interest, etc. . . .
Notes and bills rediscounted...........
Bills p ay ab le.......................................
T o ta ls................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

4,000 00
18,770 84

3,000 00
24,643 02

4,000 00
25,499 62

5,000 00
23,814 24

5,000 00
28,634 71

967 05

651 78

567 80

725 23

485 13

3,873 00
6,550 00

4,150 00
3,400 00

3,237 00
4,690 00

2,790 00
8,830 00

2,322 00
3,946 00

205 00
9,000 00

117 50
8,800 00

45 00
8,900 00

140 00
9,000 00

110 00
8,200 00

113 35
2,195 00

82 70
3,179 00

76 75
1,785 00

107 40
2,545 00

86 80
1,795 00

28 20
217 26
313 40

8 99
194 58
489 03

10 45
165 61
263 00

11 95
294 85
725 42

9 24
260 56
1,386 83

$361,670 08

$360,626 42

$366,066 95

$370,286 23

$386,314 25

$30,000 00
2,200 00

$30,000 00
2,400 00

$30,000 00
2,400 00

$30,000 00
2,400 00

$30,000 00
2,400 00

1,260 63
45,367 40
18,000 00

1,085 26
38,004 37
18,000 00

36,455 86
18,000 00

840 60
38,168 47
17,000 00

14,000 00

5,000 00

2,500 00

153,443 87
111,398 18

163,971 92
108,250 13

170,047 90
108,077 93

172,328 40
105,389 36

460 02
175,793 08
120,022 73

$361,670 08

$360,626 42

$366,066 95

$370,286 23

$386,314 25



No. 323.
O rganized May 15, 1905.
F. H . ‘W i l l i a m s ,

i r e c t o r s — F.

P r e s i d e n t ; B. B. S u t p h i n , V ic e P r e s id e n t; H. D. P r i t c h a r d , C a s h ie r ;
H e r m a n V a u p e l l , A s s i s t a n t C a s h ie r .
H. W illiams, C. R. Wilkes, M. C. Sherwood, W. J. Oliver, E . W. Stone, B. B. Sutphin,
H. F. M arsh, H. D. P ritchard, W. H. Bills.


Loans and discounts:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Bonds, mortgages and securities:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d e p a rtm e n t......................
Prem ium acco u n t...............................
O v erd rafts............................................
Expenses, interest and taxes paid,
exceeding earnings.........................
Banking house. . . .“ ...........................
F u rn itu re and fix tu res......................
O ther real e s ta te ......... •.....................
Due from other banks and bankers,
not reserve citie s............................
Item s in tr a n s it..................................
U nited S tates bonds:
Savings d e p a rtm e n t......................
D ue from banks in reserve cities:
Commercial d ep artm en t...............
Savings d e p artm en t......................
Exchanges for clearing house:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t.......................
U. S. and N ational b ank currency:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Gold coin:
Commercial d e p a rtm e n t..............
Savings d e p a rtm e n t......................
Silver coin:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d e p artm en t......................
Nickels and cents:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............

R eport of
R eport of
Report of
Report of
Report of
Oct. 21, ’13. Jan. 13, T4. M ar. 4, T4. June 30, T4. Sept. 12, ’14.

$184,724 00
109,368 83

$238,780 25
36,214 86

$239,299 46
32,016 79

$292,564 68

$257,118 66
23,700 00

256,558 29

260,696 71

268,600 55

257,223 29

4,000 00
260,016 37

1,526 03

610 80

1,026 55

405 89

472 37

6,091 24
3,998 07

3,998 07
6,091 24

6,091 24
3’998 07

6,091 24
3,998 07

6,091 24
3,998 07

639 73

649 01

649 01

649 01

631 01

222 06

30 00

135 00

9,456 65
30,305 51

16,043 22
74,966 62

23,622 92
35,260 93

22,871 42
27,882 01

20,350 29
37,548 75

2,000 00

2,050 00

9,125 00
15,000 00

20,327 00
10,000 00

16,471 00
10,000 00

12,618 00
10,000 00

6,505 00
10,000 00

3,800 00
5,000 00

2,527 50
6,000 00

2,902 50
6,000 00

3,965 00
5,000 00

2,655 00
7,000 00

1,196 70

1,650 20

1,480 00

1,162 00

1,408 50

262 52

411 87

334 54

261 88

392 75

Checks and other cash ite m s..........

1,135 38

2,047 85

1,345 07

448 48

446 53

T o ta ls...........................................

$638,410 01

$681,045 20

$649,233 63

$647,140 97

$644,384 54

$50,000 00
7,000 00

$50,000 00
7,500 00

$50,000 00
7,500 00

$50,000 00
8,000 00

$50,000 00
8,000 00

9,533 50

6,509 73

7,883 25

6,974 82
2,025 00

9,355 68

66,446 17
104,050 22

129,763 10
169,272 02

81,387 48
199,775 18

58,408 67
198,594 36

75,225 36
151,410 11

10,000 00

5,000 00

226,948 33
91,052 02


1,875 46
236,970 69
44,936 10

1,838 40
229,668 57
89,030 55

29,355 87

24,855 87

$647,140 97

$644,384 54

C apital stock paid i n .........................
Surplus fu n d ........................................
Undivided profits, less losses, cur­
rent expenses, interest and taxes
p a id ...................................................
Dividends u n p a id ..............................
Commercial deposits subject to
check .................................................
Commercial certificates of deposit. .
Certified checks..................................
Cashier’s checks o u tstan d in g ..........
S tate monies on d ep o sit...................
D ue to banks and b an k ers..............
Postal savings dep o sits.....................
Savings deposits.*..............................
Savings certificates of dep o sit.........
Reserve for taxes, interest, etc. . . .
Notes and bills rediscounted...........
Bills p ay ab le........................................
T o ta ls.......................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

228,658 90
163,871 22


8,850 00
$638,410 01

$681,045 20

$649,233 63



No. 487.
O rganized M arch 7, 1911.
A. L. N o r t o n ,

P r e s id e n t;

B. W. B r o c k w a y ,

H. P. T il l o t s o n ,

V ic e P r e s id e n t;

C a s h ie r .

D i r e c t o r s .— B. W.. Brockway, A. M. W inchester, A. L. N orton, R. J. W atson, J. E . M cConnell,

Chas. H. Shepard, E dson J. Benge.



Loans and discounts:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Bonds, mortgages and securities:
Commercial d e p a rtm e n t..
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Prem ium acco u n t...............................
O v erd rafts............................................
Expenses, interest and taxes paid,
exceeding earnings.........................
Banking h o u se....................................
F u rn itu re and fixtures......................
O ther real e s ta te ................................
D ue from other banks and bankers,
not reserve citie s............................
Item s in tr a n s it..................................
U nited States bonds:
Savings d ep artm en t......................
D ue from banks in reserve cities:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Exchanges for clearing house:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
U. S. and N ational bank currency:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t.......................
G old coin:
Commercial d e p a rtm e n t..............
Savings d e p artm en t......................

R eport of
Report of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Oct. 21, T3. Jan. 13, T4. M ar. 4, T4. June 30, T4 Sept. 12, ’14.

$49,421 63

$50,758 72
822 00

$48,659 25

$48,757 59
735 68

$47,432 66
624 00

7,936 16
2,695 00

4,707 00
1,695 00

4,707 00
1,695 00

4,107 00
1,345 00

3,607 00
1,295 00

153 09

184 29

104 26

23 12

200 85

5,000 00
1,824 82

5,000 00
1,824 82

5,000 00
1,830 32

5,000 00
1,830 32

5,000 00
1,830 32

764 29

2,069 26

14,042 27

11 68

516 44

3,589 36
400 00

9,372 72
200 00

4,566 22
200 00

3,306 54
200 00

2,797 07
200 00

3,506 00
250 00

3,736 00
250 00

3,350 00
357 00

3,262 00
290 00

2,024 00
100 00

860 00

885 00

930 00

960 00

1,005 00

Silver coin:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Nickels and cents:
Commercial d e p a rtm e n t...
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Checks and other cash item s. .

140 55
2 00

349 25
2 00

447 30
2 20

345 55
7 00

350 32
54 63

36 85
193 50

35 71
514 26

37 89
150 37

60 00
66 75

302 61

T o ta ls...........................................

$76,773 52

$82,406 30

$86,079 24

$70,308 62

$67,399 76

$20,000 00
500 00

$20,000 00
900 00

$20,000 00
900 00

$20,000 00
900 00

$20,000 00
900 00

1,561 04

9 06
45 00

291 37
45 00

691 84

781 28

11,217 39
40,036 30

24,031 96
34,333 17

24,245 28
38,342 86

8,747 33
37,391 38

9,581 21
33,863 64

3,458 42

3,086 74

2,254 36

2,578 07

2,273 63

$76,773 52

$82,406 30

$86,079 24

$70,308 62

$67,399 76

C ap ital stock paid i n .........................
Surplus fu n d . ? ....................................
Undivided profits, less losses, cur­
rent expenses, interest and taxes
p a id ...................................................
Dividends u n p a id ..............................
Comm ercial deposits subject to
ch eck .................................................
Comm ercial certificates of deposit. .
Certified checks..................................
C ashier’s checks o u tstan d in g ..........
S tate monies on d ep o sit...................
D ue to banks and h an k ers..............
Postal savings deposits.....................
Savings d eposits.................................
Savings certificates of d ep o sit........
Reserve for taxes, interest, etc. . . .
N otes and Dills redisco u nted ...........
Bills p ay ab le........................................
T o ta ls . . . .

Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

59 86


No. 232.
O rganized May 1, 1901.
W il l ia m A. B a h l k f ., P r e s id e n t; J o t h a m A l l e n , V ic e P r e s id e n t; H
K a r l R. A d a m s , A s s i s t a n t C a s h ie r .

ir e c t o r s .—

C. M

o o r e , C a s h ie r ;

W illiam A. Bahlke, D aniel L. Sharrar, Geo. C. Parsons, H ira C. Moore,
E. A. Bagley, Jam es E. M itchell, Jotham Allen.


Loans and discounts:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Bonds, mortgages and securities:
Commercial d ep artm en t...............
Savings d e p a rtm e n t......................
Prem ium acco u n t................
O verdrafts.......................
Expenses, interest and taxes paid,
exceeding earn in g s.........................
Banking ho u se............................
F urniture and fixtures......................
O ther real e s ta te ................................
Due from other banks and bankers,
not reserve cities............................
Item s in tr a n s it........................
U nited States bonds:
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Due from banks in reserve cities:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Exchanges for clearing house:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
U. S. and N ational bank currency:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Gold coin:
Commercial d ep artm en t...............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Silver coin:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Nickels and cents:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Checks and other cash item s..........
T o ta ls.........................................
C apital stock paid i n ......................
Surplus fu n d ...........................
Undivided profits, less losses, cur­
rent expenses, interest and taxes
p a id .................................................
Dividends u n p a id ..............................
Commercial deposits subject to
ch eck ............................
Commercial certificates of d eposit. .
Certified checks..................................
Cashier’s checks o u tstan d in g ..........
S tate monies on d ep o sit...................
D ue to banks and b an k ers...............
Savings deposits...............................
Savings certificates of dep o sit.........
Reserve for taxes, interest, etc. . . .
N otes and bills red isco unted ...........
Bills p ay ab le.....................................
T o ta ls.........................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

ir a

Report of
Report of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Oct. 21, T3. Jan. 13, ’14. M ar. 4, T4. June 30, T4. Sept. 12, ’14.

$88,441 50
34,232 03

$72,076 43
41,284 56

$73,657 85
40,813 96

$90,558 68
33,191 70

$92,165 32
36,138 19

104,994 48

103,601 36

1,000 00
100,873 66

1,000 00
105,894 91

1,000 00
106,224 91

274 66

615 09

395 22

718 20

613 34

12,500 00
5,012 14

272 97
12,500 00
5,012 14

12,500 00
5,012 14

12,500 00
5,000 00

5,000 00

1,741 71

1,462 28

14,086 74

8,192 73

7,395 57

10,334 23
20,597 52

38,747 12
19,734 24

47,910 38
29,180 01

13,241 20
20,175 81

15,795 28
22,884 64

717 07

235 17

1,017 28

1,173 38

1,216 69

2,721 00
4,768 00

7,648 00
4,650 00

3,845 00
5,100 00

6,375 00
4,520 00

3,153 00
5,095 00

3,731 36

3,950 00

3,900 00

3,980 00

3,705 00

1,087 90

1,107 20

1,178 05

1,450 60

841 70

215 86
427 54

182 67

154 51

286 01

320 67

207 43

701 48

413 89

198 63

$291,797 64

$313,286 66

$341,326 28

$308,672 11

$314,247 94

$25,000 00
20,000 00

$25,000 00
20,000 00

$25,000 00
20,000 00

20,000 00

$25,000 00
20,000 00

1,085 49

4,197 63

2,708 45

656 51
186 00
54,817 10
13,000 00

94,880 50

110,871 38
4,416 81
84 97

77,339 74
14,372 32

74,940 24
17,541 99
9 52

73,950 26
94,373 77

76,469 32
96,750 84

74,807 89
105,059 74

70.985 64
96,776 78

71,714 75
102,332 99

$313,286 66

$341,326 28

$308,672 11

$314,247 94

10,000 00
$291,797 64


No. 233.
O rganized J u n e 15, 1901.
G. S. W a r d ,

P r e s id e n t;

ir e c t o r s .—G.

L. A. S h a r p , F r a n c is K i n o , V ic e
J. S. K n o e r t z f .R, C h a s . O . W a r d ,

P r e s id e n ts ; C a r l H. W a s h b u r n , C a s h ie r ;
A s s i s t a n t C a s h ie r s .

S. W ard, L. A. Sharp, Francis King, P. M. Sm ith, C arl FT. W ashburn, Chas. O. W ard ,
C. G. Rhodes.


Loans and discount:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Bonds, mortgages and securities:
Commercial d e p artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Prem ium acco u n t...............................
O v erd rafts............................................
Expenses, interest and taxes paid,
exceeding earnings.........................
Banking house. . . ..............................
F u rn itu re and fixtures......................
O ther real e s ta te ................................
D ue from other banks and bankers,
not reserve cities............................
Item s in tr a n s it..................................
United S tates bonds:
Savings d ep artm en t....................
D ue from banks in reserve cities:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Exchanges for clearing house:
Commercial d e p a rtm e n t..............
Savings d e p a rtm e n t......................
U. S. and N ational b ank currency:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d e p artm en t......................
Gold coin:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Silver coin:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d e p a rtm e n t......................
Nickels and cents:
Commercial d e p artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Checks and other cash ite m s..........
T o ta ls...........................................
C apital stock paid i n ........................
Surplus fu n d ........................................
Undivided profits, less losses, cur­
rent expenses, interest and taxes
p a id ...................................................
Dividends u n p a id .........
Commercial 'deposits subject to
ch eck .................................................
Commercial certificates of d ep o sit. .
Certified checks..................................
Cashier’s checks o u tsta n d in g ..
S tate monies on d ep o sit. .
D ue to hanks and hankers. .
Savings d eposits.................................
Savings certificates of deposit.........
Reserve for taxes, interest, etc. . . .
N otes and hills rediscounted .
Bills payable ..
T o ta ls...........................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

Report of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Oct. 21, T3. Jan. 13, T4. M ar. 4, C4. June 30, C4. Sept. 12, C4.

$178,224 53
29,114 60

$143,050 60
28,864 60

$146,521 80
28,114 60

$148,327 44
39,788 00

$143,637 72
43,788 00

265,178 53

262,707 78

261,605 13

254,955 27

236,712 59

1,832 16

1,209 41

493 60

686 65

1 165 61

7,500 00
500 00

7,500 00
1,000 00

7,500 00
1,000 00

7,500 00
1,000 00

7,500 00
1,000 00

3,025 60

7,536 25

5,048 62

1,763 39

1,115 64
29,252 29

40,571 72
38,896 27

14,803 20
60,967 55

19,005 64
22,188 28

38,235 57

130 20

356 74

295 57

1,316 34

10,044 00
7,000 00

13,151 00
7,000 00

12,156 00
7,000 00

7,534 00
7,000 00

9,131 00
7,000 00

205 00
10,000 00

387 50
10,000 00

602 50
10,000 00

230 00
10,500 00

250 00
10,500 00

1,462 25

1,934 15

2,800 05

2,307 50

2,639 65

54 16

46 26

62 74

82 13

82 63

29 90

4 05

47 41

6 92

10 34

$544,538 66

$563,989 79

$559,079 94

$523,170 79

$502,969 45

$30,000 00
30,000 00

$30,000 00
30,000 00

$30,000 00
30,000 00

$30,000 00
30,000 00

$30,000 00
30,000 00

4,630 26

1,736 23

5,392 96

8,392 23

2,677 94

109,496 14
28,963 09
903 75

128,945 59
24,964 82
874 50

102,575 55
23,424 15

109,016 07
11,329 44
1 50

95,834 02
7,434 98

59,137 98
281,407 44

62,535 75
284,932 90

61,469 32
306,217 96

64,357 79
270,073 76

65,448 22
271,574 29

$544,538 66

$563,989 79

•$559,079 94 j $523,17079

$502,969 45



No. 437.
O rganized May 5, 1909.
T. C. T a y l o r ,

P r e s id e n t;

P. P. A n d r u s , W. W. P a t o n , V ic e P r e s id e n ts ; G e o . D. H a r t ,
L. C. S a n b o r n , A s s i s t a n t C a s h ie r .

C a s h ie r ;

D ir e c t o r s .— T. C. T aylor, F. C. Ballard, F. P. Andrus, D. Cochrane, W. W. P aton, J. E . Leete,

A. E. Leete, Geo. D. H art, John Sullivan.


Loans and discounts:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Bonds, mortgages and securities:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t....................
Prem ium acco u n t...............................
O verdrafts.......................
Expenses, interest and taxes paid,
exceeding earnings.........................
Banking h o u se. . . .
F urniture and fixtures......................
O ther real e s ta te ............................
D ue from other banks and bankers,
not reserve cities............................
1terns in tr a n s it........................
U nited States bonds:
Savings d ep artm en t......................
D ue from banks in reserve cities:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Exchanges for clearing house:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
U. S. and N ational bank currency:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Gold coin:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Silver coin:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Nickels and cents:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Checks and other cash ite m s..........
T o ta ls.........................................
C apital stock paid i n .........................
Surplus fu n d ....................................
Undivided profits, less losses, cur­
rent expenses, interest and taxes
p a id .........................................
Dividends u n p a id ...............................
Commercial deposits subject to
ch eck ...............................................
Commercial certificates of d eposit..
Certified checks..................................
Cashier’s checks o u tstan d in g ..........
S tate monies on d ep o sit.................
D ue to banks and b an k ers...............
Savings deposits.........................
Savings certificates of d ep o sit.........
Reserve for taxes, interest, etc. . . .
N otes and bills rediscounted...........
Bills p ay ab le........................................
T o ta ls..........................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Oct. 21, ’13. Jan. 13, ’14. M ar. 4, ’14. June 30, ’14. Sept. 12, ’14.

$55,115 21
10,793 97

$44,211 88
15,686 15

$50,211 72
9,430 06

$45,571 78
13,254 63

$40,246 75
12,081 56

17,450 00
135,560 89

17,350 00
136,385 89

17,350 00
135.235 89

16,250 00
133,286 57

16,250 00
132,771 57

495 39

559 86

994 86

267 71

885 68

3,511 47
1,749 09

3,511 47
1,745 59

3,511 47
1,745 59

3,511 47
1,739 59

1,736 59
3,511 47

140 80

381 41
14,174 08

7,586 40
18,527 82

3,101 07
21,721 34

1,875 07
16,220 79

3,604 47
20,371 45

2,285 34

353 80

425 53

337 99

323 87

46 40
1,000 00

3,906 00
6,000 00

3,023 00
6,000 00

658 00
5.000 00

515 00
4,000 00

2,000 00

265 00
2,000 00

405 00
2,000 00

2 50
3.000 00

3.000 00

519 00
4,000 00

1,099 85

1,112 20

1,102 05

130 50
1.000 00

162 56

236 41

255 58

232 73

246 98

76 60

14 78

27 13

123 78

130 19

$250,462 21

$259,440 90

$256,550 44

$242,434 66

$240,806 08

$25,000 00
3,000 00

$25,000 00
3,000 00

$25,000 00
4,000 00

$25,000 00
4,000 00

$25,000 00
4,000 00

3,288 79

4,392 87

2,591 41

3,328 88

2,715 81

12,739 88
6,653 88

27,518 28
4,013 07

22,131 09
3,072 29

20,355 32
17,573 03

22,066 27
15,795 26

500 00

142 42

1,460 00

1,717 13

139,420 45
26,759 21

136,083 42
32,290 84

140,360 92
35,394 73

143,924 99
18,792 44

141,411 35
20,100 26

33,100 00

27,000 00

24,000 00

8,000 00

8,000 00

$250,462 21

$259,440 90

$256,550 44

$242,434 66

$240,806 08




No. 169.
O rganized A p ril 12, 1894.
P a t r ic k C u l l ig a n , P r e s i d e n t ; P r a n k C . H o l m e s , V ic e P r e s id e n t; W . A . P r i n c e , C a s h ie r ;
B y r o n H . O l d s , A s s i s t a n t C a s h ie r .
D i r e c t o r s — Fred L. Richardson, P atrick Culligan, F rank C. Holmes, W. A. Prince, M ichael O’Brien,

D - rrIa/,10\ ftr’ R obert M ontrose, W. H. Davison, H erm an Besser, P. H. Hoeft,
Donald M cRae, Y m . H. Sanborn, Geo. B. Holmes, ffm . A. Comstock, R . E. Gilchrist.

Loans and discounts:
Commercial d ep artm en t..
Savings d ep artm en t___
Bonds, m ortgages and securities:
Commercial d e p a rtm e n t..
Savings d ep artm en t___
Prem ium acco u nt___
O v erd rafts. . . .
Expenses, interest and taxes paid,
exceeding earnings. . .
Banking h o u se. ..
F urn itu re and fix tu res...
O ther real e s ta te . . . .
Due from other banks and bankers,
not reserve cities. .
Item s in tr a n s it. .
U nited States bonds:
Savings d ep artm en t..........
D ue from banks in reserve cities:
Commercial d e p a rtm e n t..
Savings d e p a rtm e n t...
Exchanges for clearing house:
Commercial d ep artm en t..
Savings d ep artm en t..........
U. S. and N ational bank currency:
Commercial d ep artm en t. . .
Savings d e p artm en t. . . .
Gold coin:
Commercial d ep artm en t. . .
Savings d ep artm en t___
Silver coin:
Commercial d e p a rtm e n t..
Savings d ep artm en t___
Nickels and cents:
Commercial d e p a rtm e n t..
Savings d ep artm en t___
Checks and other cash item s
T o ta ls..................

R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Oct. 21, ’13. Jan. 13, ’14. M ar. 4, ’14. June 30, ’14 Sept. 12, ’14.

$546,568 82
471,729 45

$538,400 08
452,485 04

974,732 15

914,361 98

Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

Q1£ H55

1,940 09
34,607 24
3,000 00

3,000 00

3,000 00

$590,042 32
478,262 24

$502,517 85
472,960 63

953,139 59

972,848 28

1,775 51

1,159 65

34,607 24
3,000 00

34,607 24
3,000 00

5,389 53

4,120 28

1,801 76

33,713 47
170,539 74

76,714 18
275,807 99

27,279 24
182,629 20

43,020 41
270,489 00

56,003 05
260,953 02

1,490 39

1,390 01
630 80

556 69

503 96

3,265 07

41,425 00
63,339 00

35,427 00
70,320 00

23,922 00
59,530 00

33,403 00
63,401 00

28,090 00
96,502 00

257 50
25,000 00

5,052 50
20,300 00

8,797 50
16,430 00

4,300 00
22,507 50

8,310 00
19,460 00

3,035 00
3,531 00

3,801 00
8,020 00

4,047 80
3,820 00

1,209 40

5,869 70
2,960 00

374 43
148 30
20 00

690 40
141 44
55 30

530 19
160 70

406 09
3 77

36 00

$2,380,841 11 $2,449,712 87 $2,473,235 67 $2,514,567 92

$2,471,773 35

C apital stock paid i n . ..
$100,000 00
Surplus fu n d ............
125,000 00
Undivided profits, less losses, cur­
rent expenses, interest and taxes
p a id ........................
Dividends u n p a id . . . .
’ 78 00
Commercial deposits subject to
ch eck .......................
275,871 25
Commercial certificates of deposit
3,576 78
Certified checks. . . .
Cashier’s checks o u tsta n d in g ..
S tate monies on deposit. .
D ue to banks and b an k ers..
137,548 78
Savings deposits..........
1,501,083 69
Savings certificates of dep o sit.
214,858 34
Reserve for taxes, interest, etc. . .
21,000 00
N otes and bills rediscounted.
Bills p ay ab le..........
T o ta ls................

$597,286 59

$100,000 00

$100,000 00

198 00

21 00

529 57
51 18

290 839 68
67 68



1 KK1 QQfi


<$9 A7Q 9Q5 A7 1

$100,000 00
125,000 00
3,000 00
970 097 OÖ
27 68
50 non
1 647 956


18,285 35
27 68
136,568 60
193,586 69



No. 302.
O rganized O ctober 18, 1904.


Q. W

a t t s, P r e s id e n t;



O ’H

aerow ,

V . C . AALa l t o n , V ic e P r e s id e n ts ', C . M . C a m pa tj , C a s h ie r ;

E . B. C a m pa tj ,

A s s i s t a n t C a s h ie r .

D i r e c t o r s .— E dson O’Harrow , J. Q. AVatts, V. C. W alton, C. M. Cam pau, Fred C. Tillyer,

Charles Bancroft.


R eport of
Report of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
O ct.2 1 .T 3 . Jan. 13, T4. M ar. 4, T4. June 30, T4. Sept. 12, T4.

Loans and discount:
Commercial d e p a rtm e n t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Bonds, mortgages and securities:

$44,699 65
50,883 91

$49,120 73
49,947 95

$44,895 99
50,309 02

$46,710 11
45,277 85

$45,424 26
41,652 50

Savings d ep artm en t.......................

76,499 00

77,149 00

78,099 00

82,399 00

84,114 00

4 03

9 31

2,500 00
800 00

2,500 00
800 00

O verdrafts
Expenses, interest and taxes paid,
Banking h o u se. .. ..............................
F u rn itu re and fixtures......................

2,500 00
800 00

24 36
2,500 00
800 00

2,500 00
800 00

D ue from other banks and bankers,
3,123 16

28 68

266 67
U nited States bonds:
D ue from banks in reserve cities:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Exchanges for clearing house:

U. S. and N ational b ank currency:
Commercial d ep artm en t...............
Savings d ep artm en t.......................
Gold coin:
Commercial d ep artm en t.......... .. .
Savings d e p a rtm e n t......................
Silver coin:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Nickels and cents:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Cheeks and other rash item s.
T o ta ls...........................................
C apital stock paid i n ........................
Surplus fu n d ........................................
Undivided profits, less losses, cur­
ren t expenses, inxerest and taxes
p a id ...................................................
Commercial deposits subject to
ch eck .................................................

4,000 00
7,866 80

4,000 00
22,135 95

4,000 00
20,252 01

4,000 00
12,872 86

4,000 00
10,597 44

2,000 00
2,223 00

3,704 00

2,701 00
1,020 00

3,007 00
1,000 00

3,115 00
1,600 00

1,725 00
3,600 00

3,587 50
1,860 00

82 50
5,400 00

5,557 50

22 50
5,600 00

90 00
583 95

295 70
400 00

443 05
582 50

949 60

813 60

8 17
53 05

4 23
30 23

6 16
21 76

46 74

46 13

$197,799 20

$215,657 22

$210,821 13

$205,196 61

$203,56S 95

$20,000 00
5,000 00

$20,000 00
5,000 00

$20,000 00
5,000 00

$20,000 00
6,000 00

$20,000 00
6,000 00

918 38

432 08
987 00

1,177 44
112 00

1 13

332 79

42,712 59

51,544 87

47,696 53

46,562 09

55,044 80

12 80

(Cashier’s checks outstanding1. .
O ne to hanks and hankers .
Savings dep o sits.................................
Savings certificates of deposit.........
Reserve for taxes, interest, etc. . . .

48,024 56
81,143 67

51,422 88
86,257 59

49,919 78
86,915 38

52,802 83
79,829 96

46,334 69
75,856 67

$197,799 20

$215,657 22

$210,821 13

$205,196 61

$203,568 95

Rills payable
T o ta ls...........................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



No. 48.
O rganized F e b ru a ry 4, 1869.
R eorganized D ecem ber 9, 1889.
C h a s . E. H

W m . T). H a b e im a n , V i c e P r e s i d e n t ; M i c h a e l J. F r it z , C a s h ie r ;
B r a u n , W m . L. W a l z , A s s i s t a n t C a s h ie r s .
E . Hiscock, W m . D . H arrim an, W alter C. M ack, M ichael J. F ritz,

is c o c k , P r e s id e n t;
C a r l F.

i r e c t o r s .— Chas.


Loans and discounts:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Bonds, mortgages and securities:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d e p a rtm e n t......................
Prem ium acco unt...............................
O v erd rafts............................................
Expenses, interest and taxes paid,
exceeding earnings.........................
B anking h o u se....................................
F u rn itu re and fixtures.......................
O ther real e s ta te ................................
Due from other banks and bankers,
not reserve cities............................
Item s in tr a n s it................... ..............
U nited States bonds:
Savings d ep artm en t.......................
D ue from banks in reserve cities:
Commercial d ep artm en t..........
Savings d ep artm en t..................
Exchanges for clearing house:
Commercial d ep artm en t..........
Savings d ep artm en t..................
U. S. and N ational bank currency:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Gold coin:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t.......................
Silver coin:
Commercial departm ent
Savings d ep artm en t.......
Nickels and cents:
Commercial d e p artm en t...
Savings d ep artm en t............
Checks and other cash item s
T o ta ls.

E m ory E. Leland.

R eport of
Report of
Report of
Report of
R eport of
Oct. 21, ’13. Jan. 1 3 ,’14. M ar. 4, ’14. Ju n e 30, ’14. Sept. 12, ’14.

$696,681 50
185,000 00

$692,888 05
140,000 00

$728,142 44
75,000 00

$751,784 16
95,000 00

$737,038 97
115,000 00

65,718 58
1,544,466 34

61,976 34
1,605,966 88

61,433 87
1,641,475 47

59,192 02
1,629,879 20

58,293 74
1,571,073 85

247 81

502 65

409 37

245 63

488 74

30,000 00
11,088 00

30,000 00
11,088 00

30,000 00
11,088 00

30,000 00
11,088 00

30,000 00
11,088 00

3,355 91

1,945 91

1,945 91

1,945 91

1,795 91

Ì5,8ÌÌ Ì9

25,028 8Ó

23Ì2Ì7 86

ÌÒj 049 29

è ’793 li

12,000 00

12,000 00

12,000 00

12,000 00

12,000 00

33,196 96
103,316 40

56,729 44
63,487 91

40,776 30
75,685 74

28,372 02
91,751 96

57,529 63
132,200 35

6,094 39

8,679 78

5,605 45

4,477 09
45,560 00
133,000 00

9,379 00
140,000 00

25,094 00
131,000 00

20,852 00
115,000 00

18,398 00
115,000 00

5,785 00
50,000 00

2,940 00
53,500 00

10,370 00
45,000 00

5,777 50
51,000 00

8,117 20
51,000 00

6,000 00

3,500 00
35,500 00

33,000 00

4,100 00

3,000 00
33,000 00

3,000 00
33,000 00

749 43

674 22
1,000 00

1, 000 00

,954,526 87 $2,958,424 09 $2,970,154 83

$2,971,642 33

26,000 00
477 13
1,000 00

652 46

$2,973,834 37

C apital stock paid i n ......................... $300,000 00
Surplus fu n d ........................................
100,000 00
Undivided profits, less losses, cur­
rent expenses, interest and taxes
p a id ...................................................
31,447 47
Dividends u n p a id ..............................
554 00
Commercial deposits subject to
ch eck .............................................
437,593 46
Commercial certificates of deposit
6,074 35
Certified checks..............................
75 20
C ashier’s checks o u tsta n d in g ... .
S tate monies on d ep o sit...............
Due to banks and b a n k e rs.. . .
42,778 47
1,949,281 70
Savings dep o sits.........................
Savings certificates of deposit.
106,029 72
Reserve for taxes, interest, etc
Notes and bills rediscounted. .
Bills payable.
T o ta ls .
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

4,925 29

884 91
1,074 71
1,208 98

$300,000 00
100,000 00

1,000 00

841 31

$300,000 00
100,000 00

863 14

$300,000 00

433 89

785 49

$300,000 00

100,000 00

100,000 00

31,278 08
242 00

43,946 04
242 00

41,128 90
5,584 00

52,506 42
72 00

431,177 77

428,724 33

430,931 17

437,260 27

123 40
362 50

204 90
96 20

571 62
1,975 02

130 00
1,168 20

34,888 33
1,941,358 78
115,096 01

71,049 41
1,903,379 69
110,781 52

61,332 96
1,941,300 57
87,330 59

50,231 24
1,931,581 27
98,692 93

$2,973,834 37 $2,954,526 87 $2,958,42409 $2,970,15483

$2,971,642 33


No. 26.
O rganized October 13, 1882.
C orporate E x isten ce extended Ju ly 20, 1912.


E. B e a l , V ic e P r e s i d e n t ; F r e d e r i c k T. S t o w e , C a s h ie r ;
W. A. B e G o l e , A s s i s t a n t C a s h ie r .
D ir e c t o r s .— William F. Breakey, D. F. Schairer, Junius E. Beal, Oliver M. M artin,
B u rt F. Schumacher, H erbert A. Williams, George S. Vandaw arker, G. W. Millen, W. W. W adham s.


A. W i l l i a m s ,

P r e s i d e n t ; J u n iu s

Report of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Oct. 21, ’13. Jan. 13, ’14. M ar. 4, ’14. June 30, T4. Sept. 12, ’14.
Loans and discounts:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Bonds, m ortgages and securities:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Prem ium acco u n t...............................
O verdrafts............................................
Expenses, interest and taxes paid,
exceeding earnings.........................
Banking h o u se....................................
F urniture and fixtures......................
Other real e s ta te ................................
Due from other banks and bankers,
not reserve cities............................
Item s in tr a n s it............................
U nited S tates bonds:
Savings d ep artm en t......................

8225,000 19
109,435 30

$233,069 26
102,523 02

$239,306 93
102,198 02

$262,289 32
115,374 86

$278,262 86
106,129 06

115,022 73
461,156 90

88,874 85
483,603 75

96,889 16
465,398 75

69,094 84
493,788 75

53,094 84
503,742 61

604 75
6,758 77

519 75
510 79

519 75
866 27

374 75
742 27

374 75
509 46

25,000 00
4,000 00

25,000 00
4,000 00

25,000 00
4,000 00

25,000 00
4,000 00

25,000 00
4,000 00

700 00

200 00

200 00

200 00

200 00

414 00

754 80

854 56

10,518 76

98 50

10,000 00

10,000 00

10,000 00

10,000 00

10,000 00

15,370 49
54,421 98

64,029 81
62,134 65

72,125 01
71,816 93

36,775 27
64,379 42

32,384 45
49,037 88

2,615 40
537 20

8,278 81
279 88

3,588 19
1,497 91

9,065 58
298 12

4,655 34
' 93 35

11,629 00
22,993 00

22,255 00
15.541 00

13,256 00
22,988 00

10,323 00
25,688 00

13,142 00
25,820 00

1,110 00
18,142 50

3,287 50
20,502 50

2,580 00
20,635 00

6,682 50
20,390 00

365 00
24,887 50

5,113 90
81 70

4,766 65
161 30

5,514 40
73 90

3,776 10
184 20

5,184 35
' 97 90

264 16
37 40
41 46

468 02
13 10
63 04

476 65
30 11
153 12

215 52
23 65
287 73

206 04
12 70
49 47

T o ta ls........................................... 81,090,450 83 $1,150,837 48 $1,159,968 66 $1,169,472 64

$1,137,348 06

D ue from banks in reserve cities:
Commercial d e p a rtm e n t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Exchanges for clearing house:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
U. S. and N ational bank currency:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Gold coin:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Silver coin:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Nickels and cents:
Commercial d e p a rtm e n t..............
Savings d ep artm en t.......................
Checks and other cash item s..........

C apital stock paid i n ........................
Surplus f u n d ........................................
Undivided profits, less losses, current expenses, interest and taxes
p a id ...................................................
Dividends u n p a id ..............................
Commercial deposits subject to
ch eck .................................................
Commercial certificates of d ep o sit. .
Certified checks..................................
Cashier’s checks o u tstan ding ..........
S tate monies on d ep o sit...................
D ue to banks and b an k ers..............
Savings deposits...............................
Savings certificates of d ep o sit. . .
Reserve for taxes, interest, etc . . . .
Notes and bills rediscounted.........
Bills p ay ab le.................................
T o ta ls.........................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

$100,000 00
50,000 00

$100,000 00
50,000 00

$100,000 00
50,000 00

$100,000 00
50,000 00

$100,000 00
50,000 00

23,269 43
160 00

22,848 00
648 00

23,246 40
160 00

24,556 02
4,024 00

25,623 99
160 00




65 00
509 00
3,695 07


42,605 27
604,850 40
89,899 80

48,313 71
615,070 08
79.567 94

28,217 03
646,577 02
83,549 38

32,709 60
625,907 26
93,913 14

$1,090,450 83 $1,150,837 48 $1,159,968 66 $1,169,472 64

$1,137,348 06

28,472 16
595.995 61
80,810 37







No. 333.
O rganized Ju n e 28, 1905.
C. W. G i l l ,

P r e s id e n t; G e o r g e J. M a n n , C h a s . W. W a g n e r , V ic e P r e s id e n ts ;
E d w a r d L. S e y l e r , C a s h ie r ; R u d o l p h E . R e i c h e r t , A s s i s t a n t C a s h ie r .


i r e c t o r s .—

C. W. Gill, George J. M ann, John M. Feiner, George W alker, Rudolph E. Reichert,
John Lindenschm itt, Fred Jedele, Chas. W. W agner, E. L. Seyler.


Loans and discount:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Ravings d ep artm en t......................
Bonds, mortgages and securities:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Prem ium acco u n t...............................
O verdrafts.......................................
D ue from city of Ann A rb o r...........
Expenses, interest and taxes paid,
exceeding earnings.........................
Banking h o u se.......................
F u rn itu re and fixtures......................
O ther real e s ta te ................................
Due from other banks and bankers,
not reserve cities............................
Item s in tr a n s it..................................
U nited States bonds:
Savings d ep artm en t......................
D ue from banks in reserve cities:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Exchanges for clearing house:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t.......................
U. S. and N ational bank currency:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Gold coin:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Silver coin:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Nickels and cents:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d e p artm en t......................
Checks and other cash item s..........
T o ta ls ...........................................
C apital stock paid i n .........................
Surplus fu n d ........................................
Undivided profits, less losses, cur­
rent expenses, interest and taxes
p a id ...................................................
Dividends u n p a id ..............................
Commercial deposits subject to
ch eck .................................................
Commercial certificates of deposit..
Certified checks..................................
Cashier7s checks o u tstanding..........
S tate monies on dep o sit. .................
D ue to banks and b ankers...............
Savings deposits.................................
Savings certificates of dep o sit.........
Reserve for taxes, interest, etc. . . .
Notes and bills rediscounted...........
Bills p ay ab le.......................................
T o ta ls........... ........................... .. .
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Oct. 21, T3. Jan. 13, T4. M ar. 4, T4. June 30, T4. Sept. 12, T4.

$206,313 14

$277,126 51

$205,521 33

$148,964 18

$136,214 40

6,650 00
360,324 80

6,650 00
382,934 80

45,922 66
385,057 80

64,053 75
415,071 30

36,650 00
417,366 30

467 34

258 90

22 92

1,209 20
8,490 61

294 75

5,000 00
7,288 25

5,000 00
7,288 25

5,000 00
7,288 25

5,000 00
7,288 25

5,000 00
7,288 25

3,715 04

1,149 02

1,481 89

6,577 88

120 00

- 8,476 62
36,282 96

16,471 53
44,339 50

80,446 16
40,557 60

43,465 92
47,321 41

6,507 81
29,439 54

1,984 23

7,844 36

1,895 07

3,348 08

1,528 32

8,619 50
15,000 00

11,099 55
20,000 00

12,989 00
15,000 00

7,112 00
13.000 00

5,877 50
10,000 00

4,060 00
6,000 00

10,270 00

5,117 50
5,000 00

6,017 50
10.000 00

4,655 00
15,000 00

1,279 40

1,405 15

2,566 60

2,357 50

1,328 35

147 28

338 27

314 12

281 82

1,176 05

$671,608 56

$792,175 84

$814,180 90

$789,559 40

$678,446 27

$50,000 00
20,500 00

$50,000 00
23,000 00

$50,000 00
23,000 00

$50,000 00
25,000 00

$50,000 00
25,000 00

3,329 88
70 50

1,692 93
131 25

2,915 36
47 25

352 57
1,518 00

801 64
62 25

189,020 08

311,736 78

324,975 03

242,583 34

166,102 82

13 35
2,797 62

50 00
1,406 40

i , 2Ò6 91
1,572 64

699 00
886 00

53 50
806 12

5,894 47
371,062 72
28,919 94

8,314 21
372,748 31
23,095 96

7,427 79
383,442 80
19,593 12

6,517 30
435,445 55
26,557 64

6,976 73
404,668 88
23,974 33

$871,608 56

$792,175 84

$814,180 90

$789,559 40

$678,446 27



No. 144.
O rganized N ovem ber 18, 1892.


J. B o o t h ,

W m . A r n o l d , V ic e P r e s id e n t; C. J. W a l z , C a s h ie r ;
R . A. B e a l , A s s i s t a n t C a s h ie r .

P r e s id e n t;

ir e c t o r s .— William

J. Booth, John V. Sheehan, Wm. Arnold, Jam es H. W ade, John Koch, C hristian
M artin, Victor C. Vaughan, E . F. Mills, D aniel F. Zimmerman, H. W. Douglas, A. R. Peterson,
A rth u r Brown.

Loans and discounts:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Bonds, mortgages and securities:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d e p a rtm e n t......................

R eport of
Report of
Report of
R eport of
Report of
Oct. 21, T3. Jan. 13, T4. M ar. 4, T4. June 30, C4. Sept. 12, T4.

$341,567 08
162,566 08

$333,400 20
142,235 58

$332,002 97
159,400 58

$381,348 70
130,591 54

$379,737 44
147,899 55

22,300 00
679,927 30

22,150 00
669,366 76

22,150 00
728,891 72

22,975 00
777,727 37

22,475 00
808,138 82

129 18

234 39

135 21

373 56

129 76

25,000 00
4,000 00

25,000 00
4,000 00

25,000 00
4,000 00

25,000 00
4,000 00

25,000 00
4,000 00

11,087 43

8,560 55

11,673 37

6,330 82

11,345 83

10,000 00

10,000 00

10,000 00

10,000 00

10,000 00

33,404 58
97,163 61

24,225 39
106,783 00

23,951 74
119,474 37

24,725 84
138,016 24

33,780 18
101,386 45

2,868 21

2,102 84

3,629 41

6,354 64

6,111 91

20,497 00
15,000 00

22,461 00
15,000 00

15,317 00
15,000 00

17,589 00
18,000 00

13,044 00
18,000 00

36,805 00

36,777 50

37,862 50

36,480 00

35,902 40

4,922 75

6,110 50

7,438 40

3,476 50

4,321 25

308 94

223 50

433 14

258 51

183 71

29 53

377 08

13 00

658 02

11 20

T o ta ls........................................... $1,467,576 69 $1,429,008 29 $1,516,373 41 $1,603,905 74

$1,621,467 50

Prem ium acco u n t...............................
O v erd rafts............................................
Expenses, interest and taxes paid,
exceeding earnings.........................
Banking h o u se. .. .“ ...........................
F u rn itu re and fixtures......................
O ther real e s ta te ................................
D ue from other banks and bankers,
not reserve cities............................
Item s in tr a n s it..................................
U nited States bonds:
Savings d ep artm en t......................
D ue from banks in reserve cities:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Exchanges for clearing house:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
U. S. and N ational bank currency:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Gold coin:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d e p a rtm e n t......................
Silver coin:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Nickels and cents:
Commercial d e p a rtm e n t..............
Savings d e p artm en t......................
Checks and other cash item s..........

C apital stock paid i n ........................
Surplus f u n d ........................................
U ndivided profits, less losses, cur­
rent expenses, interest and taxes
p a id ...................................................
Dividends u n p a id ..............................
Commercial deposits subject to
ch eck .................................................
Commercial certificates of d eposit. .
Certified ch eck s. . .
Cashier7s checks o u tstan d in g ..........
S tate monies on d ep o sit...................
D ue to banks and ban k ers..............
Postal savings d eposits.....................
Savings deposits.*..............................
Savings certificates of d ep o sit.........
Reserve for taxes, interest, etc. . . .
Notes and bills rediscounted...........
Bills p ay ab le .......................................

$50,000 00
75,000 00

$50,000 00
75,000 00

$50,000 00
75,000 00

$50,000 00
75.000 00

$100,000 00
100,000 00

31,019 56

26,699 49
144 00

31,071 36
6 00

25.000 00
10.000 00

29,114 03
200 00

314,091 75

243,244 43

308,156 03

349,427 34

299,093 19




13,282 81

20,776 13

912,999 88
71,182 69

945,908 7Ó
67,235 54



T o ta ls........................................... $1,467,576 69 $1,429,008 29 $1,516,373 41 $1,603,905 74
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis


$1,621,467 50



No. 512.
O rganized Septem ber 5, 1912.
A l b e r t E . S l e e p e r , P r e s id e n t; J o h n P. N ig g e m a n , J r ., V ic e P r e s i d e n t ; W
R o l a n d E i l b e r , A s s i s t a n t C a s h ie r .

ir e c t o r s .—


C a l x i n s , C a s h ie r ;

Albert E. Sleeper, John Schoettle, John P. Niggeman, Jr., W alter Calkins,
John S. Sherman.


Loans and discounts:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Bonds, mortgages and securities:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Prem ium acco u n t...............................
O v erd rafts............................................
Expenses, interest and taxes paid,
exceeding earnings.........................
B anking house. . .
F u rn itu re and fixtures......................
O ther real e s ta te ................................
D ue from other banks and bankers,
not reserve cities............................
Item s in tra n s it..................................
U nited S tates bonds:
Savings d ep artm en t......................
D ue from banks in reserve cities:
Commercial d e p a rtm e n t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Exchanges for clearing house:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
IT. S. and N ational bank currency:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Gold com:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d e p a rtm e n t......................

Report of
R eport of
R eport of
Report of
R eport of
Oct. 21, ’13. Jan. 13, T4. M ar. 4, T4. June 30, ’14. Sept. 12, T4.

$69,109 44

$67,620 74

$67,972 84

$71,507 14

$70,885 20

9,801 35
2,400 00

7,648 35
3,668 56

7,548 35
3,668 56

7,772 35
3;668 56

7,790 91
3,600 00

484 96

168 68

199 94

198 33

45 62

133 28
3 800 00
1,133 60

3,800 00
1,133 60

3,800 00
1,133 60

3,800 00
1,133 60

3,800 00
1,167 90

529 05

1,785 04

8,909 55

7,498 09
360 00

7,255 55
360 00

3,665 96
360 00

9,793 79
360 00

4,566 00
800 00

4,212 00
240 00

4,246 00
240 00

3,386 00
240 00

2,723 00
240 00

1,310 00

1,527 50

1,572 50

1,662 50

1,707 50

160 95

305 50

324 90

306 60

425 05

Silver coin:
Commercial d ep artm en t...............
Savings d ep artm en t.......................
Nickels and cents:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Checks and other cash item s..........

44 95

54 43

80 03

64 74

78 06

2,204 38

950 74

320 82

204 13

304 57

T o ta ls ...........................................

$105,387 51

$100,973 23

$98,723 09

$97,969 91

$102,921 60

$20,000 00
500 00

$20,000 00
1,000 00

$20,000 00
1,000 00

$20,000 00
1,000 00

$20,000 00
1,000 00

112 66

362 74

1,415 55

975 97

17,735 14
56,792 71

15,969 55
52,990 97

14,273 62
53,136 68

13,354 37
53,059 94

16,203 53
53,718 45

5,000 00

5,000 00

5,000 00

5,000 00

5,000 00

2,359 66

3,900 05

3,950 05

4,140 05

4,023 65

$97,969 91

$102,921 60

C apital stock paid i n .........................
Surplus fu n d ........................................
U ndivided profits, less losses, cur­
rent expenses, interest and taxes
p a id ...................................................
D ividends u n p a id ..............................
Comm ercial deposits subject to
ch eck .................................................
Commercial certificates of d eposit..
Certified checks..................................
Cashier’s checks o u tstanding..........
S tate monies on d ep o sit...................
D ue to banks and b an k ers..............
Savings d eposits. . .
Savings certificates of d ep o sit.........
Reserve for taxes, interest, etc. . . .
Notes and bills rediscounted...........
Bills p ay ab le........................................
T o ta ls...........................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

3,000 00

2,000 00

1,000 00

$105,387 51

$100,973 23

$98,723 09

2,000 00


No. 468.
O rganized N ovem ber 10, 1910.

S a b in I. S t u m p , P r e s i d e n t ; W il l ia m C. B o t i o m l e y , V ic e P r e s id e n t; W
G e o . H. H e b b l e w h t t e , A s s i s t a n t C a s h ie r .

i r e c t o r s .— Sabin

il l ia m

W . L y o n s , C a s h ie r ;

I. Stum p, J. E . Lawson, G. H. Hebblewhite, W illiam C. Bottom ley,
J. H. Spencer, E. P. C udw orth, Wm. W. Lyons.


Loans and discount:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Bonds, m ortgages and securities:
Commercial d e p a rtm e n t.. .
Savings d ep artm en t......................

Report of
Report of
R eport of
Report of
R eport of
Oct. 21, G3. Jan. 13, '14. M ar. 4, C4. June 30, C4. Sept. 12, C4.

$75,112 00
71,972 48

$77,500 00
72,950 17

$76,170 00
76,193 96

$64,750 00
98,554 39

$52,750 00
103,531 36

137,390 00

132,500 00

132,450 00

120,575 00

125,525 00

O v erd rafts............................................
Expenses, interest and taxes paid,

1,112 99

239 97

4,438 86

832 74

2,062 05

Banking h o u se....................................
F urn itu re and fixtures......................

4.000 00
2.000 00

4.000 00
2.000 00

4.000 00
2.000 00

4.000 00
2.000 00

4.000 00
2.000 00

177 93

9,903 59

8,349 08

5,317 47

8,715 17

4,000 00
19,812 01

4,000 00
15,665 83

4,000 00
23,282 30

4,000 00
16,814 96

4,000 00
24,020 97

5,000 00
7,681 00

251 00
10,000 00

4,464 00
10,000 00

3,660 00
9.000 00

2,306 00
11,000 00

2,390 00

295 00
2,000 00

555 00
2,000 00

410 00
3.000 00

190 00
1,000 00

50 00
1,098 05

1,051 15

1,070 35

1,592 30

94 80
500 00

20 91
154 34
676 61

213 04

252 11

269 64

59 61

Checks and other cash item s..........

746 84

1,629 09

1,570 86

384 09

T o ta ls ...........................................

$332,648 32

$333,316 59

$350,854 75

$336,347 36

$342,139 05

$25,000 00
2,500 00

$25,000 00
3,000 00

$25,000 00
3,000 00

$25,000 00
4,000 00

$25,000 00
4,000 00

2,794 11

1,047 10

1,965 99

1,994 90

2,722 88

26,277 32
20,454 74

27,184 63
15,927 29

38,612 40
11,820 26

27,495 56
14,493 88

39,194 08
15,909 06

D ue from other banks and bankers,
Item s in tr a n s it..................................
U nited States bonds:
D ue from banks in reserve cities:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Exchanges for clearing house:
IT. S. and N ational bank currency:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Gold coin:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Silver coin:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t. . . .
Nickels and cents:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............

C apital stock paid i n ........................
Surplus fu n d ........................................
Undivided profits, less losses, cur­
rent expenses, interest and taxes
p a id ...................................................
Commercial deposits suoject to
ch eck .................................................
Commercial certificates of deposit..
S tate monies on d ep o sit...................

5,000 00

5,000 00

2,500 00

240,363 02

242,813 03

Savings deposits.................................

232,622 15

235,157 57

237,456 10

Bills p ay ab le.......................................

23,000 00

26,000 00

28,000 00

18,000 00

10,000 00

$350,854 75

$336,347 36

$342,139 05

T o ta ls...........................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

$332,648 32

$333,316 59



No. 473.
O rganized D ecem ber 4, 1910.

P r e s id e n t; C h e s t e r S. P r i e s t , V i c e P r e s i d e n t ; C h a r l e s J. K e s n e r , C a s h ie r ;
C h a s . F. L a t h r o p , A s s i s t a n t C a s h ie r .
A. D udley, Chester S. Priest, D avid H. Barrows, S. B. Anderson, Chas. F.
Brockm an, G. W. Bearss, Jesse D. Simmons, Geo. I. W arner, U rial H ulett, Fred H. W olcott, Chas.
J. Kesner. esley

A. D u d l e y ,

ir e c t o r s .— Wesley


Loans and discounts:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Bonds, m ortgages and securities:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Prem ium acco u n t...............................
O verdrafts............................................
Expenses, interest and taxes paid,
exceeding earnings.........................
Banking h o u se....................................
F u rn itu re and fixtures......................

Report of
R eport of
R eport of
Report of
Report of
Oct. 21, ’13. Jan. 13, ’14. M ar. 4, ’14. June 30, ’14. Sept. 12, T4.

$59,296 65
47,465 52

$57,429 67
48,792 89

$53,382 76
51,402 77

$48,037 38
54,140 77

$43,158 41
58,977 69

66,847 20

65,963 57

64,101 07

74,421 07

74,505 00

25 50
62 81

124 12

170 43

190 25

485 50

3,967 51
1,495 59

3,967 51
1,495 59

3,967 51
1,495 59

3,967 51
1,595 59

3,967 51
1,595 59

O ther real e s ta te ................................
D ue from other banks and bankers,
not reserve cities............................
Item s in tr a n s it..................................
U nited S tates bonds:
Savings d ep artm en t......................
D ue from banks in reserve cities:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Exchanges for clearing house:
Commercial d ep artm en t...............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
U. S. and N ational bank currency:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Gold coin:
Commercial d e p a rtm e n t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Silver coin:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Nickels and cents:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Checks and other cash item s...........
T o ta ls...........................................
C apital stock paid i n .........................
Surplus fu n d . ?....................................
Undivided profits, less losses, cur­
rent expenses, interest and taxes
p a id ...................................................
D ividends u n p a id ...........
Commercial ‘deposits subject to
ch eck .................................................
Commercial certificates of deposit..
Certified checks..................................
Cashier’s checks o u tstanding..........
S tate monies on d ep o sit. .. 7 ...........
Due to banks and b an k ers..............
Savings deposits.................................
Savings certificates of deposit.........
Reserve for taxes, interest, etc. . . .
N otes and bills rediscounted...........
Bills p ay ab le........................................
T o tals. . . .
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

50 00
845 12
13,092 31

6,607 82
15,484 04

14,169 80
16,428 85

2,628 37
18,448 53

1,610 17
14,465 81

4,011 00
3,900 00

2,538 00
3.850 00

3,009 00
3,840 00

3,235 00
4,376 00

800 00
7,000 00

435 00
2,700 00

515 00
2.850 00

612 50
2,960 00

982 50
3,150 00

1,047 50
3,550 00

160 05
100 50

69 85
127 20

149 50
123 50

245 05
197 20

50 10
435 55

62 50
5 02
183 87

58 07
27 56
1,146 34

84 42
20 43
625 21

92 05
14 18
258 15

92 83
14 45
1,544 55

$204,656 15

$211,097 23

$216,543 34

$215,979 60

$213,300 66

$25,000 00
1,250 00

$25,000 00
1,500 00

$25,000 00
1,500 00

$25,000 00
1,500 00

$25,000 00
1,750 00

1,636 96
6 00

1,026 03
111 00

2,207 42
12 00

1,931 54
9 00

1,438 50
3 00

12,740 27
21,137 37

18,525 67
21,832 12

26,851 61
21,535 22

12,320 89
20,462 17

12,761 54
13,392 52

775 00

7 15

558 47

8 25

6 60

134,110 55

137,095 26

138,878 62

154,747 75

158,948 50

$216,543 34

$215,979 60

$213,300 66

8,000 00

6,000 00

$204,656 15

$211,097 23



No. 414.
O rganized N ovem ber 28, 1908.
G. W o o d r u f f , P r e s i d e n t ; G e o . W . B r o k a w , F r a n k W o l f , V ic e P r e s id e n ts ;
E s t e s , C a s h ie r ; H o w a r d O . W e l l s , A s s i s t a n t C a s h ie r ; D a v id M i l l e r , A u d i t o r .
D i r e c t o r s .— E . D . A lbertson, A. L. Wood, F ran k Wolf, Geo. W. Brokaw, F rank G. Woodruff,

F rank
rank E .

F red A. Bower, John S tanton, F. E . E stes, S. W. Lehr.


Loans and discounts:
Commercial d ep artm en t........ .
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Bonds, m ortgages and securities:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Prem ium acco u n t...............................
O v erd rafts.......................................... .
Expenses, interest and taxes paid,
exceeding earn in g s.........................
Banking h o u se....................................
F u rn itu re and fixtures......................

Report of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Report of
Oct. 21, ’13. Jan. 13, ’14. Alar. 4, ’14. June 30, T4. Sept. 12, T4.

$60,137 96
21,541 00

$80,062 68
24,787 28

$71,804 13
33,137 28

$73,816 72
28,461 28

$79,472 20
17,291 28

58,814 90

58,414 90

48,584 65

1,000 00
49,517 00

2,000 00
50,492 00

5,000 00
2,719 09

5,000 00
2,719 09

5,000 00
2,719 09

5,000 00
2,719 09

5,000 00
2,719 09

10,750 66
10,863 64

10,056 87
11,026 05

3,610 20
11,765 88

4,344 81
8,983 67

4,065 36
11,115 80

4,500 00
3,000 00

5,106 00
4.000 00

2,400 00
3,000 00

4,626 00
5.000 00

3,479 00
4,296 00

1,527 50

172 50
1.000 00

1,192 50

452 50
1.000 00

1,310 00

345 75
479 75

1,002 25

450 00
400 00

847 50
400 00

521 00

154 25

146 59

150 00
1 08

74 00
59 35

122 25

O ther real e s ta te ................................
D ue from other Danks and hankers,
not reserve citie s............................
Item s in tr a n s it..................................
U nited States bonds:
Savings d e p artm en t......................
D ue from banks in reserve cities:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d e p a rtm e n t......................
Exchanges for clearing house:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
U. S. and N ational bank currency:
Commercial d e p a rtm e n t..............
Savings d ep artm en t..............
Gold coin:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d e p artm en t......................
Silver coin:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Nickels and cents:
Commercial d e p a rtm e n t..............
Savings d e p a rtm e n t......................
Checks and other cash item s..........
T o ta ls ......... .................................
C apital stock paid in .........................
Surplus f u n d . ? ....................................
Undivided profits, less losses, cur­
ren t expenses, interest and taxes
p a id ...................................................
D ividends u n p a id ..............................
Commercial deposits subject to
ch eck .................................................
Commercial certificates of d eposit. .
Certified ch eck s..................................
Cashier’s checks o u tstan d in g ..........
S tate monies on d ep o sit...................
D ue to banks and b an k ers..............
P ostal savings d eposits.....................
Savings denosits .*...............................
Savings certificates of d ep o sit.........
Reserve for taxes, interest, e tc . . . .
N otes and bills rediscounted...........
Bills p av ab le.........................
T o ta ls........................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

47 02
$179,834 50

$203,541 23

$184,214 81

$186,301 92

$181,883 98

$30,000 00
7,000 00

$30,000 00
8,000 00

$30,000 00
8,000 00

$30,000 00
8,000 00

$30,000 00
8,000 00

2,545 55

314 54

966 42

3,068 63

2,737 31

33,761 52
18,843 94

53,444 85
17,742 95
11 00

34,681 49
11,676 91
39 22

31,444 07
15,172 55

31,488 98
14,509 15

5,000 00

2,500 00

68 90
52,174 64
35,439 95

52,235 33
41,792 56

74 79
52,327 71
46,448 27

50,350 22
43,266 45

51,900 98
40,747 56

$179,834 50

$203,541 23

$184,214 81

$186,301 92

$181,883 98



No. 418.
O rganized J a n u a ry 6 , 1909.
C. W. M c P h a i l ,

P r e s id e n t;

i r e c t o r s .—

C. H. M a c o m b e s , W. J. B i e r d ,


Loans and discounts:
Commercial d ep artm en t............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Bonds, mortgages and securities:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t....................
Prem ium acco u n t...............................
O v erd rafts................
Expenses, interest and taxes paid,
exceeding earnings.........................
B anking h o u se...................
F u rn itu re and fixtures..........
O ther real e s ta te ...............
D ue from other banks and bankers,
not reserve cities...............
Item s in tr a n s it............................
U nited States bonds:
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Due from banks in reserve cities:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Exchanges for clearing house:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
U. S. and N ational bank currency:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t..................
Gold coin:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t....................
Silver coin:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Nickels and cents:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Checks and other cash item s..........
T o ta ls................
C apital stock paid i n ..............
Surplus fu n d .............................
Undivided profits, less losses, current expenses, interest and taxes
p a id ......................................
D ividends u n p a id ........................
Commercial deposits subject to
ch eck .............
Commercial certificates of dep o sit..
Certified checks...........................
Cashier’s checks o u tstanding..........
S tate monies on d ep o sit.................
D ue to banks and b ankers..............
Savings d eposits..........
Savings certificates of dep o sit.........
Reserve for taxes, interest, etc. . . .
N otes and bills rediscounted...........
Bills p a y a b le .....................................
T o ta ls ......................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

V ic e P r e s id e n ts ;

B. W. G il l m a n ,

C a s h ie r .

C. W. M cPhail, C. H. M acom ber, W. J. Bierd, Jos. Bierd, B. W. Gillman.
R eoort of
R eport of
R eport'of
R eport of
Report of
Oct. 21, ’13. Jan. 13, T4. M ar. 4, T4. June 30, T4. Sept. 12, ’14.

$29,279 34
5,300 00

$35,583 08
7,000 00

$34,962 38
5,040 00

$36,142 45
10,111 16

$40,819 39
7,922 91

463 62
95,419 57

406 07
97,872 73

242 00
96,258 82

95,435 82

95,790 82

58 62

16 76

79 85

2,200 00
2,000 00

2,200 00
2,000 00

2,200 00
2,000 00

2,200 00
2,000 00

2,200 00
2,000 00

608 23

608 23

608 23

2,978 81

2,978 81

83 58

125 28

3,376 78

698 99

831 02
13,258 67

11,242 08
18,259 46

10,111 29
21,837 86

3,884 74
13,831 49

2,331 07
11,252 20

660 00
3,200 00

3,972 00
5,005 00

1,863 00
4,000 00

1,039 00
2,700 00

236 00
2,700 00

140 00
3,000 00

1,695 00

145 00
2,700 00

3,600 00

45 00
3,600 00

95 00
140 00

390 65

366 30

607 35

218 80

25 08
260 00
102 73

161 61

139 54

123 26

80 00

7 00

153 52

51 35

977 76

$160,360 05

$187,101 90

$182,686 56

$175,011 77

$173,358 39

$20,000 00
3,000 00

$20,000 00
4,000 00

$20,000 00
4,000 00

$20,000 00
5,000 00

$20,000 00
5,000 00

1,403 18

624 54
10 00

1,757 72

7 56
1,000 00

910 42

15,232 60
200 00
108 68

32,136 57
475 00
186 25

26,309 81
945 00

14,070 42
3,540 00
715 32

19,035 04
4,589 98
65 02

5,000 00

2,500 00

120,415 59

129,669 54

129,674 03

125,678 47

121,257 93

$160,360 05

$187,101 90

$182,686 56

$175,011 77

$173,358 39



No. 522.
O rganized D ecem ber 4, 1912.

l is h a

G. C o l e ,

i r e c t o r s — E.

P r e s id e n t; H a r v ey

A. C h a m b e r l a in ,

D . L. P

V ic e P r e s id e n t;

J. R. P e t t y ,

C a s h ie r ;

e t t y , A s s i s t a n t C a s h ie r .

G. Cole, H. A. Cham berlain, J. R. P etty , C . A. Francis, J. W. D unn, C . A. Traphagen.


Loans and discounts:
Commercial d e p artm en t...............
Savings d e p artm en t.......................
Bonds, m ortgages and securities:
Commercial d e p artm en t...............
Savings d ep artm en t.......................
Prem ium acco u n t...............................
O v erd rafts............................................
Expenses, interest and taxes paid,
exceeding earnings.........................
B anking h o u se....................................
F u rn itu re and fixtures.......................

R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Oct. 21, ’13. Jan. 13, T4. M ar. 4, ’14. June 30, ’14. Sept. 12, T4.

$20,384 91

$24,414 00

$23,677 58

$28,020 06

$28,366 27

9,376 33
26,902 00

9,630 97
27,132 00

9,630 97
30,538 00

9,885 03
32,216 95

9,835 03
31,216 95

215 20

44 33

21 51

4,700 00
1,150 00

4,700 00

4,700 00
1,150 00

O ther real e s ta te .................................
D ue from other banks and bankers,
not reserve citie s. . . .
Item s in tr a n s it..................................
U nited States bonds:
Savings d ep artm en t.......................
D ue from banks in reserve cities:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Exchanges for clearing house:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d e p a rtm e n t......................
U. S. and N ational b ank currency:
Commercial d ep artm en t...............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Gold coin:
Commercial d e p artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Silver coin:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t.......................
Nickels and cents:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d e p a rtm e n t......................

353 36
4,700 00
1,150 00

4,700 00
1,150 00

1,130 00

1,775 00

4,050 71
4,007 27

12,732 96
3,000 00

13,091 65
3,100 00

8,253 93
3,260 00

5,090 66
3,530 00

738 00
1,000 00

4,141 00
1,265 00

3,011 00
1,405 00

1,501 00
1,345 00

317 00
1,395 00

360 00

135 00

30 00
190 00

285 00

370 00

185 95

316 50

105 20
5 00

239 35

73 55

27 29

36 60

53 23

71 79

38 40

Checks and other cash items.........

129 54

261 61

115 09

6 00

149 11

T o ta ls...........................................

$73,227 20

$88,959 97

$90,824 23

$92,064 11

$88,360 33

$20,000 00

$20,000 00
270 00

$20,000 00
270 00

$20,000 00
270 00

$20,000 00
270 00

1,086 72

717 79

126 01

1,126 62

1,584 28

18,471 29

40,019 71

38,824 13

24,468 80

20,770 18

C apital stock paid in .........................
Surplus f u n d ...................................... .
U ndivided profits, less losses, cur­
rent expenses, interest and taxes
p a id .................................................
Dividends u n p a id ...............................
Commercial deposits subject to
ch eck ...........
Commercial certificates of deposit .
Certified checks..................... ....
Cashier’s checks o u tstan d in g ..........
S tate monies on d ep o sit...............
D ue to banks and b an k ers..............
Savings deposits.................................
Savings certificates of dep o sit.........
Reserve for taxes, interest, etc. . . .
N otes and bills rediscounted...........
Bills p ay ab le........................................
T o tals. . ..............
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

8 73
220 00
1,329 08
28,340 11

2,360 29
25,592 18

2,961 91
28,642 18

4,000 00
$73,227 20

$83,959 97

$90,824 23

6,003 37
26,626 31

9,031 54
26,043 84

2,840 28
10,500 00

2,660 49
8,000 00

$52,064 11

$88,360 33



No. 420.
O rganized F e b ru a ry 8 , 1909.
A. U . K i n g ,

ir e c t o r s .—A.

P r e s id e n t;

C. B. S c u d d e b , V ic e P r e s id e n t; E . A. W
L y n n T . H u l e t t , A s s i s t a n t C a s h ie r .

U. King, Joseph Hudson, C. B. Scudder, F rank J. Wing, E . A. Wildey.


Loans and discounts:
Comm ercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d e p artm en t......................
Bonds, m ortgages and securities:
Commercial d ep artm en t...............
Savings d e p a rtm e n t......................
Premium account,
Expenses, interest and taxes paid,
eYceeding earnings
B anking h o u se....................................
F u rn itu re and fixtures......................

Reporr of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Oct. 21, ’13. Jan. 13, ’14. M ar. 4, ’14. June 30, ’14. Sept. 12, T4.

$43,473 19
6,615 00

$42,005 72
8,415 00

$46,408 56
7,365 00

$44,492 70
6,595 00

$36,580 47
5,545 00

12,195 00

12,370 00

12,370 00

2,500 00
10,863 16

2,500 00
11,258 16

78 67

91 51

53 06

59 42

53 95
3,000 00
1,712 28

86 03
3,000 00
1,712 28

3,000 00
1,712 28

3,000 00
1,712 28

O ther real e s ta te . .
D ue from other banks and bankers,
not reserve cities
Tterns in tra n sit. .
U nited S tates bonds:
Ra.vings departm ent
Due from banks in reserve cities:
Commercial d e p a rtm e n t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Exchanges for clearing house:
Commercial depaxtment,
Ravings departm ent
U. S. and N ational b ank currency:
Commercial d ep artm en t...............
Savings d e p a rtm e n t......................
Gold coin:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings departm ent
Silver coin:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings department,
Nickels and cents:
Commercial d e p a rtm e n t..............
Savinps depaxtment,
Checks and other item s
T o ta ls...........................................
C apital stock paid i n ........................
Surplus f u n d ........................................
Undivided profits, less losses, cur­
rent expenses, interest and taxes
p a id ...................................................
D ividends unpaid
Commercial deposits subject to
ch eck .................................................
Commercial certificates of d ep o sit..
Certified ehecks
Cashier’s check.s outstanding
Dne to banks and bankers
Savings deposits.................................

T o ta ls ...........................................

3,000 00
1,712 28

96 00

2,786 08
2,000 00

10,849 09
1,500 00

5,289 57
1,500 00

2,109 97
1,500 00

3,240 79
1,000 00

2,461 00
1,210 00

2,391 00
1,605 00

1,495 00
2,000 00

2,796 00
430 00

2,127 00
1,500 00

790 00

20 00
395 00

640 00

738 00

211 45

106 50

310 80

534 50

279 26

298 26

254 49

170 48

122 66

7 70

120 00

$77,400 13

$85,070 34

$82,194 46

$78,005 81

$69,510 86

$20,000 00
85 04

$20,000 00
15 44

$20,000 00
15 44

$20,000 00
15 44

$20,000 00
668 25

416 95

652 81

88 19

390 00
1,370 00

23,336 61
9,571 74

32,598 34
9,077 61

27,261 32
12,195 52

18,527 78
11,446 99

21,084 90
6,319 89

24,406 74

23,378 95

22,305 23

22,362 79

21,349 63

$77,400 13

$85,070 34

$82,194 46

$78,005 81

5,000 00

Dills payable
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

il d e y , C a s h ie r ;


$69,510 86


No. 236.
O rganized J u ly 10, 1901.
F rank W . H


ir e c t o r s ,

u b b a r d , P r e s i d e n t ; J o h n R y a n , J a m e s L . B u r g e s s , V ic e P r e s id e n ts ;
Jo s. N. R a n k i n , C a s h ie r ; J. R . H a r r i s , A u d i t o r .

F ran k W. H ubbard, E lizabeth L. H ubbard, Jo h n R yan, J. N . Rankin, Jam es L. Burgess.

Loans and discounts:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t................
Bonds, mortgages and securities:
Commercial d ep artm en t...............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Prem ium acco u n t..................
O verdrafts.......................
Expenses, interest and taxes paid,
exceeding earnings.........................
Banking h o u se...................
F urniture and fixtures......................
O ther real e s ta te ............................
D ue from other banks and bankers,
not reserve cities............................
Item s in tr a n s it.....................
U nited S tates bonds:
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Due from banks in reserve cities:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Exchanges for clearing house:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
U. S. and N ational b ank currency:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Gold coin:
• Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Silver coin:
Commercial d ep artm en t...............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Nickels and cents:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Checks and other cash item s...........
T o ta ls.........................................
C apital stock paid i n .........................
Surplus fu n d ........................................
Undivided profits, less losses, current expenses, interest and taxes
p a id ...............................................
Dividends u n p a id ..............................
Commercial deposits subject to
check ............................
Commercial certificates of dep o sit. .
Certified checks..................................
Cashier’s checks o u tstanding ..........
S tate monies on d ep o sit...................
D ue to banks and b an k ers..............
Postal savings deposits.....................
Savings deposits.................................
Savings certificates of dep o sit.........
Reserve for taxes, interest, e t c . . . .
Notes and bills rediscounted...........
Bills p ay ab le.......................................
T o ta ls.........................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Oct. 21, ’13. Jan. 13, ’14. M ar. 4, ’14. June 30, ’14. Sept. 12, ’14.

$216,667 19
55,189 59

$207,750 06
37,277 28

$226,150 83
32,003 87

$218,661 65
42,512 58

$215,814 42
40,447 58

2,384 77
95,300 55

4,384 77
113,095 07

6,384 77
118,456 15

8,741 61
131,542 55

8,461 84
119,782 57

294 91

2,286 79

2,499 88

328 85

1,006 80

15,000 00
8,000 00

15,000 00
8,000 00

15,000 00
8,000 00

15,000 00
8,000 00

15,000 00
8,000 00

11,737 69

11,737 69

11,737 69

11,737 69

11,737 69

1,556 82

5,351 63

2,184 63

3,542 04

1,742 40

21,174 53
19,341 33

44,963 91
19,301 82

15,902 67
19,209 16

10,362 54
14,248 13

28,666 23
14,277 97

3,369 88

12,801 19

9,700 99

10,934 69

3,294 05

4,266 00
3,988 00

10,595 00
3,988 00

10,399 00
3,988 00

23,975 00
7,038 00

2,036 00
5,550 00

1,005 00
5,950 00

1,400 00
5,950 00

1,625 00
5,950 00

220 00
7,900 00

152 50
8,400 00

605 90

906 60

694 75

685 60

634 25
900 00

220 55
823 32

168 29
2,465 17

287 16
1,701 07

202 23
587 92

146 27
88 85
1,160 30

$466,876 88

$507,424 12

$491,876 47

$30,000 00
10,000 00

$30,000 00
10,000 00

$30,000 00
10,000 00

$30,000 00
10,000 00

$30,000 00
10,000 00

43,683 01

47,119 22

41,688 36

178,375 66
8,194 74

229,443 71
10,820 42

207,004 23
7,910 31

227,491 43
4,938 75

194,926 71
11,871 12

3 024


8,109 55
171,339 34




$466,876 88

$507,424 12

591 88


$491,876 47

46,972 44


$516,221 93


$487,299 72



No. 237.
O rganized Ju n e 22, 1901.
A. E . S l e e p e r ,

P r e s id e n t;


ir e c t o r s .—


V i c e P r e s id e n t; J a m e s B a l d w in , C a s h ie r ;

i n d , A s s i s t a n t C a s h ie r .

A. E . Sleeper, A. L. W right, Jam es Baldwin, C lara Baldwin, C. D. Thompson,
Japheth Hind.


Loans and discounts:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Bonds, mortgages and securities:
Commercial d ep artm en t...............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Prem ium acco u n t...............................
O verdrafts............................................
Expenses, interest and taxes paid,
exceeding earnings.........................
Banking h o u se....................................
F u rn itu re and fixtures......................
O ther real e s ta te ..........................
D ue from other banks and bankers,
not reserve cities............................
Item s in tr a n s it.........
U nited States bonds:
Savings d ep artm en t......................
D ue from banks in reserve cities:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t..................
Exchanges for clearing house:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
U. S. and N ational bank currency:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Gold coin:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Silver coin:
Commercial d ep artm en t...............
Savings d ep artm en t.......................
Nickels and cents:
Commercial d ep artm en t...............
Savings d ep artm en t.......................
Checks and other cash ite m s..........
T o ta ls...........................................
C apital stock paid i n ........................
Surplus fu n d ........................................
Undivided profits, less losses, cur­
rent expenses, interest and taxes
p a id ...................................................
DiVidends u n p a id ..............................
Commercial deposits subject to
ch eck .................................................
Commercial certificates of d eposit..
Certified checks..................................
Cashier’s checks o u tstanding..........
S tate monies on d ep o sit...................
D ue to banks and b an k ers..............
Savings deposits.................................
Savings certificates of dep o sit.........
Reserve for taxes, interest, e tc . . . .
N otes and bills rediscounted...........
Bills p ay ab le...................................
T o ta ls...........................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

A. L . W r i g h t ,

R eport of
Report of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Oct. 21, T3. Jan. 13, T4. M ar. 4, ’14. June 30, ’14. Sept. 12, ’14.

$285,261 31

$278,733 73
3,024 09

$268,907 25
14,000 00

$288,766 92
14,000 00

$287,933 52
6,000 00

13,200 31
74,860 50

12,465 41
68,035 50

11,600 41
62,582 58

11,430 16
61,516 02

13,492 39
56,200 27

75 73

292 44

240 16

42 32

23 30

8,750 00
2,500 00

8,750 00
2,500 00

8,750 00
2,500 00

8,750 00
2,500 00

8,750 00
2,500 00

2,944 68

3,282 44

4,049 15

5,714 24

6,604 33

545 90

326 90

1,271 88

86 00

86 00

32,558 73
8,164 50

50,012 45
11,190 08

73,158 45
11,220 44

24,252 90
8,248 61

26,331 43
8,269 70

1,049 81

3,980 23

1,062 98

10,030 55

3,956 46

13,861 00

14,495 00
800 00

16,375 00

11,858 00
700 00

14,133 00

6,325 00
3,800 00

6,200 00
4,000 00

3,000 00
7,330 00

5,005 00
5,000 00

5,670 00
4,300 00

743 95
95 00

1,638 55
70 00

2,182 35

1,986 20

1,771 65

119 89
9 01

206 59
4 74
32 55

237 25
6 67
95 52

119 72
22 28
29 00

96 72
8 64
61 00

$454,865 92

$470,040 70

$488,570 09

$460,057 92

$446,188 41

$25,000 00
10,000 00

$25,000 00
10,000 00

$25,000 00
10,000 00

$25,4)00 00
10,000 00

$25,000 00
10,000 00

20,509 68

23,406 59

25,273 65

21,281 10

21,621 40

107,535 18
194,900 46

124,359 84
190,149 86

134,778 64
188,378 11

114,472 38
189,817 53

120,872 51
183,915 89

10,000 00

10,000 00

10,000 00

10,000 00

10,000 00

18,644 41
68,276 19

62,395 39
24,729 02

28,539 83
66,599 86

28,719 50
60,767 41

26,618 87
48,159 74

$454,865 92

$470,040 70

$488,570 09

$460,057 92

$446,188 41



No. 337.
O rganized A pril 24, 1906.
T. M. E u l e k ,

P r e s id e n t;

C. L. P a r s o n s , E . E. H a r r i s , V ic e
E . E. K a y , A s s i s t a n t C a s h ie r .

P r e s id e n ts ;

E . G. K a y ,

C a s h ie r ;

D ir e c t o r s .— T. M. Euler, C. L. Parsons, H. W. P arker, E . E . H arris, Aaron Herrick.


Loans and discounts:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Bonds, m ortgages and securities:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Prem ium acco u n t...............................
O verdrafts............................................
Expenses, interest and taxes paid,
exceeding earnings.........................
Banking h o u se. .. T...........................
F u rn itu re and fixtures......................
O ther real e s ta te ................................
D ue from other banks and bankers,
not reserve citie s............................
Item s in tr a n s it..................................
U nited S tates bonds:
Savings d ep artm en t......................
D ue from banks in reserve cities:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Exchanges for clearing house:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
U. S. and N ational b ank currency:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Gold coin:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Silver coin:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Nickels and cents:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Checks and other cash item s..........
T o ta ls...........................................
C apital stock paid i n .........................
Surplus fu n d . ?....................................
Undivided profits, less losses, cur­
rent expenses, interest and taxes
p a id ...................................................
Dividends u n p a id ..............................
Commercial deposits subject to
ch eck .................................................
Commercial certificates of d eposit. .
Certified ch eck s..................................
Cashier’s checks o u tstanding..........
S tate monies on d ep o sit...................
D ue to banks and b an k ers..............
Savings d eposits. . . .
Savings certificates of dep o sit.........
Reserve for taxes, interest, etc. . . .
N otes and bills rediscounted...........
Bills p ay ab le.......................................
T o ta ls...........................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Oct. 21, ’13. Jan. 13, T4. M ar. 4, ’14. June 30, ’14. Sept. 12, T4.

$119,045 95

$118,816 04
15,330 00

$124,162 05
11,330 00

$106,133 65
16,693 66

$112,447 52
3,000 00

1,550 00
99,701 53

1,550 00
73,361 53

1,550 00
75,391 53

76,761 53

76,746 53

161 54
336 85

161 54
50 18

161 54

161 54

161 54
220 94

1,154 03
7,500 00
3,736 00

37 60
7,500 00
3,733 00

107 86
7,500 00
3,730 00

986 23
7,500 00
3,726 00

2,401 58
7,500 00
3,724 00

924 72

506 58

331 00

2,401 30
2,168 18

4,996 18
7,095 87

10,986 15
5,843 29

6,774 37
7,441 26

11,312 91
8,588 39

8,036 00

9,499 00

7,918 00

8,661 00

9,560 00

702 50
8,000 00

745 00
8,000 00

902 50
8,000 00

820 00
8,000 00

935 00
8,000 00

810 75

671 55

872 45

450 85

773 20

150 73

133 97

133 54

154 89

222 57

44 10

359 66

68 47

177 72

$255,830 46

$252,241 12

$258,657 38

$245,367 42

$246,100 76

$20,000 00
2,700 00

$20,000 00
3,000 00

$20,000 00
3,000 00

$20,000 00
3,000 00

$20,000 00
3,000 00

17,082 89
108,898 66

30,339 02
87,197 15

37,339 80
94,874 62

22,275 99
95,624 41

22,543 03
104,726 32

21,748 86
85,400 05

18,901 68
92,803 27

19,567 64
83,875 32

24,242 10
80,224 92

24,737 97
71,093 44

$255,830 46

$252,241 12

$258,657 38

$245,367 42

$246,100 76



No. 62.
O rganized A p ril 8 , 1880.
C orporate existence extended Jan u ary 1 2 , 1911.
J. E. S e b k i n g , P r e s i d e n t ; W il l ia m B r o a d w e l l , V ic e P r e s i d e n t ; C h a s . E . C r o s s , C a s h ie r .
D i r e c t o r s .— Wm. Broadwell, J. E. Sebring, E m m a M cN itt, William S. Charles, W illiam H. Chapm an,
Olia Goss D e Haven, Rebecca Fausnaugh, J. P. R yan, Chas. E . Cross.


Loans and discounts:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Bonds, mortgages and securities:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Prem ium acco u n t...............................
O verdrafts............................................
Expenses, interest and taxes paid,
exceeding earnings.........................
Banking h o u se....................................
F u rn itu re and fixtures......................
O ther real e s ta te ................................
D ue from other banks and bankers,
not reserve cities. . .
Item s in tr a n s it..................................
U nited States bonds:
Savings d ep artm en t......................
D ue from banks in reserve cities:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Exchanges for clearing house:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
U. S. and N ational bank currency:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Gold coin:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Silver coin:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Nickels and cents:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Checks and other cash item s..........
T o ta ls...........
C apital stock paid i n .........................
Surplus fu n d . ”....................................
Undivided profits, less losses, cur­
rent expenses, interest and taxes
p a id .......................................
Dividends u n p a id .................. ............
Commercial deposits subject to
ch eck .................................................
Commercial certificates of d eposit..
Certified checks..................................
Cashier’s checks o u tstanding..........
S tate monies on d ep o sit...................
D ue to banks and hankers..............
P ostal savings deposits.....................
Savings d ep o sits...
Savings certificates of dep o sit.........
Reserve for taxes, interest, etc. . . .
N otes and bills rediscounted...........
Bills p ay ab le.......................................
T o ta ls...........................................

Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

Report of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
B eport of
Oct. 21, T3. Jan. 13, T4. M ar. 4, T4. June 30, T4 Sept. 12, T4.

$111,726 79
16,000 00

$103,690 18
28,000 00

$101,951 77
6,500 00

$110,041 55
7.000 00

$114,287 64
17,000 00

155,246 17

153,780 12

159,234 05

3.000 00
155,554 30

4,000 00
154,702 05

377 65

845 69

453 92

832 29

355 04

12,500 00
2,564 69

12,500 00
2,564 69

12,500 00
2,564 69

12,500 00
2,564 69

12,500 00
2,786 32

912 65

882 65

1,439 65

1,334 43

1,293 43

10,000 00

5,000 00

5,000 00

5,000 00

5,000 00

46,706 84
50,063 59

39,992 83
50,185 10

41,705 76
50,270 30

29,086 01
43,589 15

66,871 32
46,032 32

2,203 00
12,000 00

9,180 00
12,000 00

5,678 00
12,000 00

8,826 00
11,000 00

7,114 00
11,000 00

3,317 50

3,429 85

3,272 35

3,884 85

4,130 00

769 70

788 90

1,032 20

1,018 70

1,113 00

91 31

109 33

236 09

214 11

129 10

68 06

509 46

559 92

334 80

737 02

$424,547 95

$423,458 80

$404,398 70

$395,780 88

$449,051 24

$25,000 00
9,500 00

$25,000 00
9,500 00

$25,000 00
11,500 00

$25,000 00
11,500 00

$25,000 00
13,500 00

1,595 27

5,046 92

2,752 45

4,037 65

1,370 66

118,281 79
37,872 53

119,846 53
37,364 52

102,010 21
35,877 89

95,618 18
42,031 03

133,395 18
47,976 55

5,000 00

2,500 00
1,979 72
67,013 33
156,315 80

$449,051 24

55,952 00
176,346 36

61.186 05
165;514 78

59,937 93
167,320 22

1,592 89
59,934 96
151,066 17

$424,547 95

$423,458 80

$404,398 70

$395,780 88



No. 444.
O rganized Ju n e 2, 1909.


W. S c h w a l m ,

i r e c t o r s — F red

P r e s i d e n t ; A l p h o n s e G a u t h i e r , V ic e P r e s i d e n t ;
F. B. K n i s e l y , A s s i s t a n t C a s h ie r .

Loans and discounts:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Bonds, mortgages and securities:
Commercial d e p artm en t..............
M unicipal orders............................
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Prem ium acco u n t...............................
O v erd rafts............................................
Expenses, interest and taxes paid,
exceeding earnings.........................
B anking h o u se....................................
F u rn itu re and fixtures......................
O ther real e s ta te ................................
D ue from other banks and bankers,
not reserve citie s............................
Suspense acco u n t...............................
Item s in tr a n s it..................................
U nited States bonds:
Savings d e p artm en t......................
D ue from banks in reserve cities:
Commercial d e p artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Exchanges for clearing house:
Commercial d e p artm en t..............
Savings d e p artm en t......................
U. S. and N ational bank currency:
Commercial d e p a rtm e n t..............
Savings d e p a rtm e n t..........' ...........
Gold coin:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Silver coin:
Commercial d e p a rtm e n t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Nickels and cents:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Checks and other cash ite m s..........
T o ta ls ...........................................
C apital stock paid i n .........................
Surplus fu n d . ? ....................................
Undivided profits, less losses, cur­
rent expenses, interest and taxes
p a id ...........
D ividends u n p a id ..............................
Commercial deposits subject to
ch eck .................................................
Commercial certificates of deposit. .
Certified ch eck s..................................
C ashier’s checks o u tstan d in g ..........
S tate monies on d ep o sit...................
D ue to banks and b an k ers..............
Savings d eposits.................................
Savings certificates of dep o sit.........
Reserve for taxes, interest, e tc . . . .
N otes and bills rediscounted...........
Bills p ay ab le........................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

n i s e l y , C a s h ie r ;

W. Schwalm, Nikolas G erard, Alphonse G authier, S. H. Knisely, M. L. H agerm an.


T o ta ls .........

8. H. K

R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Report of
R eport of
Oct. 21, T3. Jan. 13, T4. M ar. 4, T4. June 30, T4. Sept. 12, T4.

$22,651 38
3,561 25

$22,853 99
3,561 25

$16,460 90
3,561 25

$21,717 40

$24,607 70

8,503 75
2,959 38
8,922 00

9,762 00
3,113 61
6, 512 00

9,077 00
895 24
8,912 00

9,572 25
9,172 00

9,414 52
1,318 23
11,672 00

24 91

54 85

19 23

2,565 00

2,565 00

2,565 00

2,565 00

2,570 00

1,097 72

1,097 72

1,150 57

1,150 57

1,150 57

4,269 75
1,465 74

33,825 10
842 67

28,028 00
1,387 43

16,195 47
66 67

22,189 18
1,110 81

4.000 00
2.000 00

4.000 00
2.000 00

2,600 00
2,000 00

4.000 00
1.000 00

3,129 88
1,000 00

106 00
175 00

99 00

58 00

316 00

2 83




$62,435 21

$90,232 62

$76,720 58

$65,810 94

$78,182 12

$20,000 00
1,500 00

$20,000 00
1,500 00

$20,000 00
1,660 00

$20,000 00
1,660 00

$20,000 00
1,700 00

1,467 52

1,545 75

944 21

1,243 78

1,070 28

22,329 40
391 52

52,287 56
332 17

614 95

707 15

13,443 49
2,688 33

11,171 66
2,688 33

$62,435 21

$90,232 62

150 25

5 00


37,892 35
410 12

11,031 36
3,607 63

11,909 85
3,607 63

13,207 14
2,715 51

$76,720 58

$65,810 94

$78,182 12




1,186 72



No. 458.
O rganized A u g u st 17, 1910.
J. B. F b e c h e t t e ,

i b e c t o b s .— Theophile


Loans and discounts:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Bonds, m ortgages and securities:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Prem ium acco u n t...............................
O v erd rafts............................................
Expenses, interest and taxes paid,
exceeding earnings.........................
B anking h o u se....................................
F u rn itu re and fixtures......................
O ther real e s ta te ................................
D ue from other banks and bankers,
not reserve cities............................
Item s in tr a n s it..................................
U nited S tates bonds:
Savings d ep artm en t......................
D ue from banks in reserve cities:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Exchanges for clearing house:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
U. S. and N ational b ank currency:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Gold coin:
Commercial d ep artm en t...............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Silver coin:
Commercial d ep artm en t...............
Savings d ep artm en t.......................
Nickels and cents:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Checks and other cash item s..........
T o ta ls ...........................................
C apital stock paid i n ........................
Surplus fu n d ........................................
Undivided profits, less losses, cur­
rent expenses, interest and taxes
p a id ...................................................
Dividends u n p a id ..............................
Commercial deposits subject to
ch eck .................................................
Commercial certificates of d eposit..
Certified checks..................................
Cashier’s checks o u tstan d in g ..........
S tate monies on d ep o sit...................
D ue to banks and b an k ers..............
Postal savings d eposits.....................
Savings deposits.................................
Savings certificates of d ep o sit........
Reserve for taxes, interest, e tc . . . .
N otes and bills rediscounted...........
Bills p ay ab le........................................
T o ta ls...........................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

M . B. H a e b i s , V ic e P r e s id e n t; E. J . B e b g m a n , C a s h ie r ;
A n n a L a b b e , A s s i s t a n t C a s h ie r .

P r e s id e n t;

Labre, Phil. Labre, M. B. H arris, J. B. Frechette, J. H. Boyle, Ole H arstad,
E . J. Bergm an, John Gasm an, ffm . B. Stahl.
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Oct. 21, T3. Jan. 13, ’14. M ar. 4, ’14. June 30, ’14. Sept. 12, ’14.

$60,836 13

$66,146 34

$70,205 86

$65,828 81

$70,294 10

15,439 50

16,009 50

13,564 50
1,650 00

12,819 35
6,375 00

14,869 35
7,520 00

46 46

101 33

621 16

52 73

2,093 02
2,119 75

2,093 02
2,121 90

2,093 02
2,201 90

2,093 02
2,261 90

2,093 02
2,261 90

1,368 03

2,970 12

1,708 05

2,778 17

2,840 68

11,617 60

24,347 15

12,615 90

11,550 02

9,947 51

3,183 00

8,119 00

4,942 00

4,484 00

6,822 00

2,340 00

2,455 00

1,325 00
1,200 00

2,735 00

155 00
2,500 00

548 45

797 00

808 00
4 00

848 85

529 55
140 83

84 64

60 18
78 91

70 17
87 12

130 55

160 44

66 95

65 55

$99,837 02

$125,299 45

$112,475 55

$112,592 78

$120,092 22

$20,000 00
2,233 51

$20,000 00
4,000 00

$20,000 00
4,000 00

$20,000 00
4,000 00

$20,000 00
4,000 00

2,472 74

192 57
1,200 00

757 58

1,593 03

2,467 50

38,570 43
58,270 45

25,334 56
57,693 98

26,625 24
52,897 29

26,167 88
57,325 86

2,924 94

1,627 60

544 75

428 58

111 74
2,854 03

162 94
6,713 47

334 66
9,334 13



59 26

141 06

96 06

56 06

33 61

$99,837 02

$125,299 45

$112,475 55

$112,592 78

$120,092 22


No. 394.
O rganized M arch 9, 1908.
W . J. S h a n k s , P r e s i d e n t ; W . T . L a f l i n , V ic e P r e s i d e n t ; O. S . W o o d , C a s h ie r ;
A d e l b e r t M y e r s , H a z e d F a r -w e l l , A s s i s t a n t C a s h ie r s .

i r e c t o r s .— W.

J. Shanks, Adelbert M yers, O. S. Wood, W. T . Laflin, F rank M alm stone.


Loans and discounts:
Commercial d e p a rtm e n t..............
Savings d ep artm en t.......................
Bonds, m ortgages and securities:
Commercial d ep artm en t...............
Savings d ep artm en t.......................
Prem ium acco u n t...............................
O v erd rafts............................................
Expenses, interest and taxes paid,
exceeding earn in g s.........................
Banking h o u se ....................................
F u rn itu re and fixtures.......................
O ther real e s ta te ................................
Due from other banks and bankers,
not reserve cities............................
Item s in tr a n s it..................................
U nited S tates bonds:
Savings d ep artm en t......................
D ue from banks in reserve cities:
Commercial d ep artm en t...............
Savings d ep artm en t.......................
Exchanges for clearing house:
Commercial d ep artm en t...............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
U. S. and N ational bank currency:
Commercial d ep artm en t...............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Gold coin:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d en artm en t......................
Silver coin:
' Commercial d ep artm en t...............
1 Savings d ep artm en t.......................
Nickels and cents:
Commercial d ep artm en t...............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Checks and other cash ite m s..........
T o ta ls ...........................................
C apital stock paid i n .........................
Surplus fu n d ........................................
Undivided profits, less losses, cur­
rent expenses, interest and taxes
p a id ...................................................
Dividends u n p a id ..............................
Commercial deposits subject to
check .................................................
Commercial certificates of deposit. .
Certified checks..................................
Cashier’s checks outstanding-..........
S tate monies on d ep o sit. . . 7...........
D ue to banks and b an k ers...............
Savings d eposits.................................
Savings certificates of deposit.........
Reserve for taxes, interest, etc. . . .
N otes and bills rediscounted...........
Bills p ay ab le........................................
T o ta ls...........................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Oct. 21, ’13. Jan. 13, T4. M ar. 4, ’14. June 30, ’14. Sept. 12, ’14.

$75,652 68

$73,172 60

$80,520 84

$94,359 24

$95,654 91

1,700 00

1,700 00

1,700 00

1,700 00

1,700 00

5,995 69
2,322 09

3,467 24
2,895 67

4,215 18
2,487 05

938 64

2,219 57
3,664 17

11,383 93

31,462 67

32,772 18

4,589 25

5,444 80

4,518 00

6,634 00

3,096 00

2,828 00

5,951 00

2,695 00

2,870 00

2,930 00

2,997 50

3,022 50

1,043 55

851 60

634 20

407 35

738 45
86 72

103 47

95 16

106 16

100 29

122 23

66Ò ÌÌ

286 68

128 02

$105,536 64

$123,809 05

$128,748 29

$108,048 29

$118,482 51

$20,000 00
10,000 00

$20,000 00
10,000 00

$20,000 00
10,000 00

$20,000 00
10,000 00

$20,000 00
10,000 00

1,930 95

763 04
16 00

205 63

655 04

645 72

43,647 67
29,696 44

56,547 52
36,482 49

57,049 27
41,138 34

39,319 77
38,073 48

49,246 95
37,589 84

261 58

$105,536 64

355 05

$123,809 05

$12S,748 29

1,000 00

$108,048 29

$118,482 51



No. 93.
O rganized Ju n e 14, 1871.
C orp o rate existence extended J u n e 4, 1901.
C h a s . C. G r e e n , P r e s id e n t; F. A. A l l w a s d i , N. E. H u b b a r d , V ic e P r e s id e n ts ;
E . R. M o r t o n , V ic e P r e s i d e n t a n d C a s h ie r ; N. Y. G r e e n , A s s i s t a n t C a s h ie r .
D ir e c t o r s .— H. F. Bechm an, S. B. Cole, L. A. Dudley, Chas. C. Green, N. E. H ubbard, F rank J,

Kellogg, M. M aas, Geo. W. M echem, E . R. M orton, F. A. A llwardt, F. K. Berry, Chas. Binder,
Jacob W eickgenant.

Loans and discounts:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Bonds, m ortgages and securities:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Prem ium acco u n t...............................
O v erd rafts............................................
Expenses, interest and taxes paid,
exceeding earnings.........................
B anking h o u se....................................
F u rn itu re and fixtures......................
O ther real e s ta te ................................
D ue from other banks and bankers,
not reserve cities............................
Item s in tr a n s it..................................
U nited States bonds:
Savings d ep artm en t......................
D ue from banks in reserve cities:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Exchanges for clearing house:
Commercial d ep artm en t...............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
U. S. and N ational bank currency:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Gold coin:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Silver coin:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Nickels and cents:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Checks and other cash item s..........

R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Oct. 21, T3. Jan. 13, T4. M ar. 4, T4. Ju n e 30, T4. Sept. 12, ’14.

$421,502 10
448,842 94

$440,177 17
403,783 94

$504,854 98
359,807 27

$505,440 50
379,236 83

$530,355 88
303,017 44

40.632 85
725,793 21

51,366 08
725,877 13

50,453 71
726,695 78

49,269 92
707,460 90

47,142 02
747,877 96

896 75

596 16

933 32

306 15

828 55

12,500 00

12,000 00

12,000 00

91,666 67
3,000 00

91,666 67
3,000 00

12,750 00

6,769 00

335 64

255 19
25 00

28 97

14,762 27

8,070 23
568 17

37,583 26
115,290 08

43,384 16
122,733 04

115,777 21
114,674 34

14,979 80
101,639 61

30,148 62
134,422 87

7,495 97

5,520 84

3,365 94

7,803 24

3,908 74

18,503 00
37.000 00

14,629 00
40.000 00

11,934 25
36.000 00

12,338 00
35.000 00

15,597 00
40.000 00

1.173 00
36.000 00

8,972 50
30.000 00

3,752 50
30.000 00

11,427 50
50.000 00

9,020 00
25.000 00

2.174 05
2,000 00

6,520 60

1,690 75
3.000 00

978 15
5,000 00

4,770 85
5,000 00

570 74

1,038 94

1,174 51
1.000 00
198 40

576 30

499 56

380 21

171 27

287 35

T o ta ls........................................... $1,921,423 80 $1,906,879 75 $1,977,341 93 $1,991,057 11

$2,007,950 91

$150,000 00
C apital stock paid i n ........................
Surplus fu n d ........................................
50,000 00
Undivided profits, less losses, cur­
rent expenses, interest and taxes
11,867 93
p a id ...................................................
D ividends u n p a id ..............................
Commercial ‘deposits subject to
268,036 65
ch eck .................................................
Commercial certificates of deposit..
64,736 98
Certified checks..................................
Cashier’s checks o u tstan d in g ..........
S tate monies on d ep o sit...................
11,856 01
D ue to banks and b an k ers..............
Savings d eposits.................................. 1,357,926 23
7,000 00
Savings certificates of d ep o sit........
Reserve for taxes, interest, etc. . . .
Notes and bills rediscounted...........
Bills p av ab le........................................

$150,000 00
50,000 00

$150,000 00
50,000 00

$250,000 00
50,000 00

$25ij, 000 00
50,000 00

8,043 09
25 00

18,026 81

589 11
6,072 84

11,223 36

302,616 03
56,449 29
1,025 00

354,271 05
108,147 48
6,450 00

255,232 52
87,244 23
1,313 12

322,150 38
84,662 71
1,075 00

50,000 00
12,267 95
1,278,337 34

25,000 00
8,521 19
1,255,318 27

T o ta ls ........................................... $1,921,42? 80 $1,906,879 75 $1,977,341 93 $1,991,057 11

$2,007,950 91
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

16,327 23
1,315,394 11
7,000 00





No. 178.
O rganized M arch 28, 1895.
A. M . M i n t y ,

P r e s id e n t;

i r e c t o r s .— A.

A. O . J

on es,


Loans and discounts:
Commercial d e p artm en t............
Savings d e p a rtm e n t....................
Bonds, m ortgages and securities:
Commercial d e p artm en t............
Savings d e p a rtm e n t....................
Prem ium acco u n t...............................
O v erd rafts............................................
Expenses, interest and taxes paid
exceeding earnings.........................
Banking h o u se....................................
F u rn itu re and fixtures......................
O ther real e s ta te ................................
D ue from other hanks and bankers
not reserve citie s............................
Item s in tr a n s it..................................
U nited States bonds:
Savings d ep artm en t.................. ...
D ue from banks in reserve cities:
Commercial d ep artm en t..........
Savings d e p artm en t..................
Exchanges for clearing house:
Commercial d ep artm en t..........
Savings d ep artm en t..................
U. S. and N ational b ank currency
Commercial d ep artm en t...............
Savings d ep artm en t.......................
Gold coin:
Commercial d ep artm en t...............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Silver coin:
Com m ercial d ep artm en t. . .
Savings d e p a rtm e n t............
Nickels and cents:
Commercial d e p artm en t. . .
Savings d e p artm en t............
Checks and other cash item s.
T o ta ls.

R. F. H
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

H . A. R

o w l e s , C a s h ie r ,

R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Oct. 21, ’13. Jan. 13, ’14. M ar. 4, ’14. June 30, ’14. Sept. 12, ’14.

$255,531 45
147,056 99
6,000 00

$256,195 98
129,794 36
6,000 00

$277,925 18
123,720 66
22,100 00

$301,268 53
126,041 88

$290,007 82
122,875 87

5,000 00
983,670 27

5,000 00
965,182 02

973,284 10

98,217 19

970,988 14

372 06

1,374 48

403 28

998 47

545 07

25,000 00
2,991 00

25,000 00
2,991 00

25,000 00
2,991 00

25,000 00
2,991 00

25,000 00
2,991 00

504 31

439 31

439 31

392 31

345 31

114 19

' 59 28

45,195 98
133,473 12

19,353 79
122,053 30

2,852 66

4,468 20

10,000 00

10,000 00

41,344 00

29,070 00

8,000 00

5,000 00

1,110 04

45,575 90
126,968 34

24,233 51
106,928 62

89,097 58
165,182 51

6,454 06

5,578 06

10,000 00

10,705 00

4,800 00
14,840 00

20,000 00

10,000 00

12,200 00

37,393 00

11,455 00

12,220 00

37,319 00

40,848 00

5,000 00
20,347 50

2,500 00
6,107 10

12,684 00

2,000 00

600 00
10,426 50

4,100 00
4,445 70

3,000 00
4,119 30

249 00
507 94

35 00
520 08

454 00
142 15

69 00
478 91

$1,672,598 07 $1,637,677 83 $1,681,549 38 $1,665,102 32

$1,763,322 99

221 00

595 11

C apital stock paid i n ....................
Surplus fu n d ........................................
U ndivided profits, less losses, cur­
ren t expenses, interest and taxes
p a id ...................................................
Dividends u n p a id ..............................
Commercial deposits subject to
ch eck .................................................
Commercial certificates of dep o sit..
Certified ch eck s..................................
Cashier’s checks o u tstan d in g ..........
S ta te monies on d ep o sit...................
D ue to banks and b an k ers...............
Savings deposits........................... ..
Savings certificates of d ep o sit.........
Reserve for taxes, interest, e tc. . . .
Notes and bills rediscounted...........
Bills p ay ab le.......................................
T o tals. .

o f f m a s t e r , V ic e P r e s id e n ts ;

M . M inty, L. M . T urner, A. O. Jones, R. F. Hoffm aster, F ran k H. Boos,
H. A. Rowles, M . Lafever.


$125,000 00
40,000 00

$125,000 00
40,000 00

$125,000 00
40,000 00

$125,000 00
40,000 00


9,560 52
384 00

14,526 80

24,942 73

21,909 29
60 00


164,628 72
64,976 33

195,730 78
69,410 99

199,351 74
68,045 59

291,604 85
71,996 73
660 00

10,000 00

20,000 00

10,000 00


1,233,128 26

1,226,880 8Ì

i, Ì87j7Ò2 26

1,202,092 Ì2

,637,677 83 $1,681,549 38 $1,665,10232


'SI.672,598 07


No. 63.
O rganized S eptem ber 4, 1871.
C orporate existence extended S eptem ber 4, 1901.
G e o . H. Y

o u n g , P r e s i d e n t ; W. D. Y o u n g , V i c e P r e s id e n t;
J. I. P. S h e a r e r , J. D. K i n n e y , A s s i s t a n t C a s h ie r s .
D i r e c t o r s — Geo. H. Young, F rank E. Tyler, Wm. A. Young, W alter D. Young, Jam es E . Duffy,
H. G. W endland.


Loans and discounts:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Bonds, mortgages and securities:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................

Report of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Oct. 21, T3. Jan. 13, T4. M ar. 4, T4. June 30, T4. Sept. 12, ’14.

$807,468 50
463,863 07

$892,509 24
431,162 51

$837,550 25
425,671 95

$817,405 77
443,841 11

$878,564 23
494,185 10

17,000 00
833,382 60

17,000 00
903,269 61

17,000 00
909,633 61

17,000 00
844,676 61

26,000 00
787,207 80

Prem ium acco u n t...............................
O v erd rafts............................................
Expenses, interest and taxes paid,

2,000 00
825 40

2 000 00
1,598 25

2,000 00
737 53

2,050 00
585 92

2,050 00
453 45

F u rn itu re and fixtures......................

30,000 00

30,000 00

30,000 00

30,000 00

30,000 00

Due from other banks and bankers,
not reserve cities............................

8,837 67

9,041 41

7,195 30

6,786 65

3,849 12

U nited States bonds:
Savings d ep artm en t......................

5,000 00

5,000 00

5,000 00

5,000 00

5,000 00

D ue from banks in reserve cities:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Exchanges for clearing house:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............

173,594 23
189,798 77

172,091 50
184,488 17

112,884 69
220,321 89

164,017 80
245,098 41

72,315 69
233,568 23

8,577 09

9,984 78

7,858 58

7,665 73

12,619 46

11,871 00
93,543 00

75,284 00
78,182 00

61,744 00
76,054 00

83,782 00
72,890 00

19,040 00
66,421 00

9,630 00
25,540 00

8,035 00
25,297 50

3,935 00
25,135 00

27,852 50
25,220 00

1,287 50
25,147 50

12,043 30
2,475 05

10,758 20
2,675 05

11,099 10
2,360 50

8,394 20
2,457 45

8,772 80
2,695 85

770 86
190 42
616 71

460 62
216 89
292 21

908 57
267 77
809 98

551 91
278 93
1,237 97

594 41
251 93
607 65

T o ta ls ........................................... $2,697,027 67 $2,859,346 94 $2,758,167 72 $2,806,792 96

$2,670,631 72

U. S. and N ational b ank currency:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Gold coin:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Silver coin:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Nickels and cents:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Checks and other cash item s..........

C apital stock paid i n .........................
Surplus fu n d ........................................
Undivided profits, less losses, cur­
rent expenses, interest and taxes
p a id ...................................................

$200,000 00
200,000 00

$200,000 00
200,000 00

$200,000 00
200,000 00

$200,000 00
200,000 00

$200,000 00
200,000 00

37,482 12

43,289 61
125 00

52,768 00

57,360 03

56,975 27
25 00

Commercial deposits subject to
ch eck .................................................
Commercial certificates of d eposit. .
Certified checks..................................

412,493 79
137,421 83
2,468 75

480,427 45
145,504 29
7,067 83

362,467 00
137,714 87
1,105 26

D ue to banks and b an k ers..............
Savings d eposits.................................

93,368 27
1,613,792 91

152,641 03
1,630,291 73

139,667 87
1,664,444 72


368,477 77
116,562 07
8,524 57

116,956 54
1,639,462 51

104,589 63
1,615,477 41

T o ta ls........................................... $2,697,027 67 $2,859,346 94 $2,758,167 72 $2,806,792 96

$2,670,631 72
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



No. 43.
O rganized F e b ru a ry 1 , 1884.
C orporate existence extended J a n u a ry 31, 1914.
A. E . B o u s f ie l d , P r e s i d e n t ; N . A . E ddy , V ic e P r e s i d e n t ; W . E . C a r t e r , T r e a s u r e r ;
I ra B r i c k e r , A s s i s t a n t T r e a s u r e r .

D ir e c t o r s .— A. E . Bousfield, N . A. E d d y , H. M . G illett, G. Hine, F . T . N orris, Geo. D . Jackson,
Wm. L. Clements, S. P . Cranage, W . E . C arter.


Loans and discounts:
Commercial d ep artm en t............
Savings d ep artm en t....................
Bonds, mortgages and securities:
Commercial d ep artm en t............
Savings d ep artm en t.................. .
Prem ium acco u n t...............................
O verdrafts............................................
Expenses, interest and taxes paid,
exceeding earnings.........................
Banking h o u se....................................
F u rn itu re and fixtures......................
O ther real e s ta te ................................
D ue from other banks and bankers
not reserve cities............................
Item s in tr a n s it..................................
U nited S tates bonds:
Savings d ep artm en t......................
D ue from banks in reserve cities:
Commercial d ep artm en t............
Savings d ep artm en t....................
Exchanges for clearing house:
Commercial d ep artm en t............
Savings d ep artm en t....................
U. S. and N ational b ank currency
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Gold coin:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Silver coin:
Commercial d ep artm en t. . .
Savings d ep artm en t............
Nickels and cents:
Commercial d ep artm en t. . .
Savings d ep artm en t............
Checks and other cash ite m s.
T o ta ls.
C apital stock paid i n ....................
Surplus fu n d ............ .......................
Undivided profits, less losses, cur­
rent expenses, interest and taxes
p a id ...............................................
Dividends u n p a id . . ......................
Commercial deposits subject to
ch eck .............................................
Commercial certificates of deposit
Certified checks..............................
Cashier’s checks o u tsta n d in g ... .
S tate monies on d ep o sit...............
D ue to banks and b an k ers..........
Savings deposits.............................
Savings certificates of dep o sit. . .
Reserve for taxes, interest, etc. .
N otes and bills rediscounted. . . .
Bills p ay ab le...................................

Report of
R eport of
Report of
R eport of
R eport of
Oct. 2 1 ,’13. Ja n . 13, ’14. M ar. 4, ’14 June 30, ’14. Sept. 12, ’14.

$178,520 18
237,969 81

$233,525 11
180,805 29

$225,958 58
154,861 12

$191,543 60
172,863 15

$167,849 08
164,151 41

76,000 00
573,498 70

603,728 70

88,000 00

103,000 00
647,178 70

641,058 70

102,000 00

92.000 00
654,883 70

72 62

105 47

122 68

4,718 27

4,718 27

4,987 77

4,000 00

4,500 00

64 43

150 85

2,328 62

655 38

1,688 55

67,108 12
67,364 55

83,233 84
127,215 16

89,609 37

95,021 84

28,887 47
113,716 48

9,511 91

4,199 63

6,601 19

10,379 45

26,050 00
38,191 00

35,122 00
38,789 00

13,800 00
51,953 00

18,000 00
68,014 00

43,000 00
32,205 75

5,500 00
6,185 00

5,700 00
7,239 50

5,300 00
5,733 25

7,000 00
7,119 50

13,645 30

2,500 00
1,747 15

1,650 00
1,811 45

1,460 00
2,375 50

1,240 00
2,621 80

2,887 75
3,000 00

179 61
131 22

327 80
178 75
6 25

182 43
365 98

194 63
290 62

183 19
241 10
1,570 42

,315,818 19 $1,322,184 19

$1,340,158 23

$1,295,312 57 $1,416,507 07
$50,000 00
50,000 00

$50,000 00
50,000 00

$50,000 00
50,000 00

$50,000 00
50,000 00

$50,000 00
50,000 00

19,353 66

12,302 16
115 00

20,371 77
50 00

15,517 71
2,500 00

22,069 08

245,331 96

327,841 15

229,836 28

198,296 24

204,857 65

31 25
6,944 23

4,149 02
980 18

671 77
291 00

25 00
305 00

9,537 33
895,446 48
64,289 47

8,354 02
906,408 07
45,668 85

5,539 52
859,209 43
65,878 00

T o ta ls ........................................... $1,295,312 57 $1,416,507 07
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

15.000 00
748 03



$1,315,818 19 $1,322,184 19



,340,158 23



No. 30.
O rganized A u g u st 15, 1888.
O. R. H a w l e y , P r e s id e n t; G tjy H . M o u l t h r o p , V ic e P r e s i d e n t ; J. R. W a t r o u s , C a s h ie r .
D ir e c t o r s .— C. R. Hawley, J. C. W eadock, J. R. W atrous, Guy H. M oulthrop, W. H. Sharpe
L. J. Weadock, F. C. F inkenstaedt, W. H. Boutell, R. C. Bialy.


Loans and discounts:
Commercial d e p a rtm e n t...
Savings d ep artm en t........
Bonds, mortgages and securities:
Commercial d ep artm en t. . . .
Savings d ep artm en t..........

Report of
Oct. 21, ’13

Report of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Jan. 13, ’14. M ar. 4, ’14. June 30, ’14 Sept. 12, ’14.

,$568,079 34
182,720 49

$509,695 60
220,858 21

$480,219 18

$408,592 77
183,868 25

$437,020 89
191,896 27

30,500 00
328,597 06

29,500 00
327,149 70

41,500 00
348 ?16 37

63,900 00
330,408 45

66,700 00
304,914 36

1,096 68

712 39

i)oZ Ou

85 99

54,561 65
15,861 25

50,000 00
15,861 25

15,921 25

50,000 00
15,921 25

15,750 00

15,750 00

15,750 00

15,750 00

2,373 22

12,971 77

3,091 72

1.726 30

57,941 77
71,655 07

40,302 46
50,975 38

81,348 59
77,714 80

62,504 94

46,053 49
62,505 67

4,637 69

8,695 55

4,210 26

4,283 09

5,156 36

26,431 00
26,700 00

33,523 00
23,000 00

41,322 00
25,000 00

40,547 00
25,000 00

54,120 00

4,130 00
2,300 00

6,152 50
5,000 00

7,265 00
5,000 00

5,630 00
5,000 00

13,085 00
10,177 50

3,000 55
1,490 00

2,956 55
3,500 00

6,380 95
1,850 00

5,387 00
1,300 00

9,644 90

943 48
192 76
3,207 54

910 45
25 43
759 67

1,166 83
53 23
2,216 68

896 62
12 02
419 80

Oo u/
1,231 89

T o ta ls........................................... $1,402,169 55 $1,358,299 91 $1,'389,329 58 $1,303,816 28

$1,306,902 26

Prem ium acco u n t. . . .
O v erd rafts............
Expenses, interest and taxes paid
exceeding earnings........
Banking h o u se. .
F urn itu re and fixtures___
O ther real e s ta te .........
D ue from other banks and bankers,
not reserve cities. .
Item s in tr a n s it. . .
United States bonds:
Savings d ep artm en t..........
D ue from banks in reserve cities:
Commercial d ep artm en t..
Savings d e p artm en t.............
Exchanges for clearing house:
Commercial d ep artm en t. . .
Savings d ep artm en t___
U. S. and N ational bank currency:
Commercial d ep artm en t..
Savings d ep artm en t. . . .
Gold coin:
Commercial d ep artm en t. . . .
Savings d ep artm en t..........
Silver coin:
Commercial d ep artm en t..........
Savings d ep artm en t..........
Nickels and cents:
Commercial d e p a rtm e n t... .
Savings d ep artm en t............
Checks and other cash ite m s ...

C apital stock paid i n . . . .
Surplus fu n d ...................
Undivided profits, less losses, cur­
rent expenses, interest and taxes
p a id .............
D ividends u n p a id ..............
Commercial deposits subject to
ch eck ...........
Commercial certificates of deposit
Certified checks..................................
Cashier’s checks o utstanding..........
S tate monies on d ep o sit...........
Due to banks and b an k ers............
Savings deposits........
Savings certificates of dep o sit. .
Reserve for taxes, interest, etc. . . .
Notes and bills rediscounted...........
Bills p a y a b l e ................
T o ta ls..........................

15,921 25

$100,000 00
100,000 00

$100,000 00
100,000 00

$100,000 00
100 000 00

31,089 73

22,013 12

9A 971 A4

462,298 66
66,618 91
613 32

57,’786 70
710 83

27,893 55
613,655 38

61,079 32
630,508 72

11,402,169 55 51,358,299 91

$100,000 00

$100,000 00

4.11 **4 QA
75,218 53
228 00

55,227 76
5,517 99

57,787 05
10,025 00

37,991 77
638,064 78

41,616 00
626,239 43

14,940 92
617,611 49

1,389,329 58 51,303,81« 28

$1.300,902 26

m i Nam e changed to People’s Com m ercial and Savings Bank, by vote of stockholders October 9,
1914, for th e Purpose of merging w ith People’s Sayings Bank, and old Second N ational Bank, effect­
ive Novem ber 19, 1914.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



No. 96.
Organized Jan u ary 1, 1875.
C orporate existence extended D ecem ber 28, 1904.
W m. L. C l e m e n t s ,

ir e c t o r s .— F.

P r e s id e n t;

W. E. C a r t e r ,

C a s h ie r ;

W. H. D

r e s s e r , A u d ito r .

J. P. Kelton, Wm. L. Clem ents, H. B. Sm ith, S. O. Fisher, C. A. E ddy.


Loans and discount:
Commercial d ep artm en t...............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Bonds, m ortgages and securities:
Commercial d e p artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t.......................
Prem ium acco u n t...............................
Suspense acco u n t...............................
O v erdrafts............................................
Expenses, interest and taxes paid
exceeding earnings.........................
B anking h o u se....................................
F u rn itu re and fixtures......................
O ther real e s ta te .................................
D ue from other hanks and hankers,
not reserve cities............................
Item s in tr a n s it..................................
U nited S tates bonds:
Savings d ep artm en t......................
D ue from banks in reserve cities:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d e p artm en t......................
Exchanges for clearing house:
Commercial d e p a rtm e n t..............
Savings d e p a rtm e n t......................
U. S. and N ational b ank currency:
Comm ercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d e p a rtm e n t......................
Gold coin:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Silver coin:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d e p artm en t......................
Nickels and cents:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d e p a rtm e n t......................
Checks and other cash ite m s..........
T o ta ls...........................................
C apital stock paid i n .........................
Surplus fu n d ........................................
U ndivided profits, less losses, cur­
rent expenses, interest and taxes
p a id ...................................................
Dividends u n p a id ...............................
Commercial deposits subject to
ch eck .................................................
Commercial certificates of dep o sit..
Certified checks..................................
Cashier’s checks o u tstan d in g ..........
S tate monies on d ep o sit...................
D ue to banks and b an k ers..............
Savings deposits.................................
Savings certificates of d ep o sit.........
Reserve for taxes, interest, e t c . . . .
N otes and bills rediscounted...........
Bills p ay ab le........................................
T o ta ls ...............................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Oct. 21, T3. Jan. 13, ’14. M ar. 4, ’14. June 30, T4 Sept. 12, T4.

$367,773 45
88,200 00

$339,810 33
134,100 00

$326,260 83
164,783 01

$390,252 64
147,781 18

$331,659 33
138,550 00

294,953 88

288,998 11

284,338 11

299,655 02

308,235 24

617 00
871 87

96 81

87 46

4 12

7,048 30

133 28
10,300 00
7,752 85

1,617 72
10,300 00
7,760 90

2,019 10
10,300 00
7,600 90

10,300 00
7,610 90

17,320 35

7,106 98

3,553 49

3,153 49

3,153 49

75 91

27,345 18

777 63
12,775 75

6,936 61

1,421 37

57,873 30
27,000 00

19,346 80
31,500 00

45,918 23
9,500 00

18,447 38
20,500 00

40,709 00
7,000 00

6,922 81

955 58

3,206 59

4,934 05

3,194 93

7,120 00
45,000 00

55,425 00
75,000 00

7,927 00
70,000 00

17,888 00
65,000 00

18,802 00
80,000 00

7,855 00

10,685 00

9,340 00

7,945 00

8,242 50

4,787 90

8,174 25

5,976 60

6,202 80

6,993 80

9,663 54

278 31

452 74

406 96

582 62

1,226 26

4,835 87

8,158 59

8,634 06

4,149 33

3,783 56

$973,164 34 $1,013,352 24

$980,545 92

$938,533 95 $1,025,341 50

$50,000 00
10,000 00

$50,000 00
10,000 00

$50,000 00
10,000 00

3,867 85
209,173 69
156,744 11

275,891 33
160,666 77

236,960 78
147,147 64

16 50

1,435 40

606 50

493,731 80

527,348 00

528,449 42

$50,000 00
10,000 00

$50,000 00
10,000 00

295 58

1,373 47





544,672 01

536,802 83

$973,164 34 51,013,352 24

$980,545 92

$938,533 95

1,025,341 50



No. 17.
O rganized D ecem ber 27, 1888.

a s.

i r e c t o r s .—

E . D a v id s o n , P r e s i d e n t ; F r e d M o i i r , V ic e P r e s id e n t; C . H . C o o k , C a s h ie r ;
E . J. P h i l l i p s , A s s i s t a n t C a s h ie r .

F red M ohr, E . T. C arrington, C urtis E . Pierce, Jam es R. T anner, Louis W Hine
C. H. Cook, Jas. E . Davidson.


Loans and discounts:
Commercial d e p artm en t..............
Savings d e p a rtm e n t......................
Bonds, m ortgages and securities:
Commercial d ep artm en t...............
Savings d ep artm en t.......................
Prem ium acco u n t...............................
O v erd rafts..........................................
Expenses, interest and taxes paid,
exceeding earnings.........................
B anking h o u se....................................
F u rn itu re and fixtures......................
O ther real e s ta te .................................
D ue from other banks and bankers,
not reserve citie s............................
Item s in tr a n s it..................................
U nited States bonds:
Savings d ep artm en t.......................
D ue from banks in reserve cities:
Commercial d e p artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Exchanges for clearing house:
Commercial d ep artm en t...............
Savings d e p artm en t.......................
U. S. and N ational bank currency:
Commercial d ep artm en t...............
Savings d e p a rtm e n t......................
Gold coin:
Commercial d e p a rtm e n t..............
Savings d ep artm en t.......................
Silver coin:
Commercial d ep artm en t...............
Savings d ep artm en t.......................
Nickels and cents:
Commercial d ep artm en t...............
Savings d ep artm en t.......................
Checks and other cash item s..........
T o ta ls.........................................
C apital stock paid i n .........................
Surplus f u n d ..'....................................
Undivided profits, less losses, current expenses, interest and taxes
p a id ...................................................
D ividends u n p a id ...............................
Commercial deposits subject to
ch eck........................................
Commercial certificates of d ep o sit..
Certified checks..................................
Cashier’s checks o u tstan d in g ..........
S tate monies on d ep o sit. . . 7...........
Due to banks and b an k ers...............
Savings d eposits.................................
Savings certificates of d ep o sit.........
Reserve for taxes, interest, e t c . . . .
N otes and bills rediscounted...........
Bills p ay ab le........................................
T o ta ls.....................................

1 R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Oct. 21, T3. Jan. 13, ’14. M ar. 4, T4. June 30, ’14 Sept. 12, T4.

$198,363 60
185,608 83

$179,248 27
168,985 09

$201,973 25
130,803 56

$227,662 83
130,857 47

$235,737 74
125,307 14

17 611 86
648,291 59

13,470 77
683,051 99

13,404 47
719,266 18

12,975 17
683,076 85

11,908 43
722,013 37

8,647 68
104 66

8,659 93
37 51

8,666 73
234 17

7,882 64

7,831 76
53 84

25,000 00
3,000 00

25,000 00
3,000 00

25,000 00
3,000 00

25,000 00
3,000 00

25,000 00
3,000 00

2,494 06

2,558 14

2,505 64

2,429 21

464 94

2,560 28

8,698 64

4,179 72

5,810 32

679 58

12,769 43
79,237 38

29,292 73
72,067 04

14,324 97
113,916 81

8,765 77
67,573 66

13,215 33
81,436 17

4,199 98

2,141 83

5,846 19

3,839 92

1,688 22

18,000 00
40,518 00

13,000 00
65,598 00

20,000 00
40,631 00

13,000 00
138,389 00

4,000 00
63,569 00

42,840 00

6,000 00
35,320 00

35,920 00

9,365 00
9,200 00

1,500 00
25,277 50

400 00
802 50

600 00
561 70

500 00
1,129 55

1,100 00
341 25

400 00
533 30

55 56
795 93

385 22
400 66

77 61
348 19

177 44
157 88
8,555 83

$1,292,947 55 $1,320,135 67 $1,338,023 68 $1,350,6S0 69
$50,000 00
50,000 00

$50,000 00
50,000 00

$50,000 00
50,000 00

8,570 32

4,584 81
10 00

7,020 58

171,759 13

175,811 09

174,021 63

30 00

11 00
74 36

261 00
1,038 45

800,356 82
212,231 28

819,933 75
214,710 66
5,000 00

827,378 45
223,303 57
5,000 00

$50,000 00
50,000 00

$1,332,480 90
$50,000 00
50,000 00
11,573 51

177,352 44

176,000 43

121 03
10,000 00

14 30

828,620 82
212,697 85
5,000 00

795,190 86
239,507 20
5'000 00

$1,292,947 55 $1,320,135 67 $1,338,023 68 $1,350,680 69

$1,332,480 90

*M erged w ith Commercial Bank, under title of People’s Commercial and Savings Bank, N ovem ber
19, 1914.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



No. 513.
O rganized S eptem ber 25, 1912.
C. H. N ig g e m a n , P r e s id e n t; J o h n P. N i g g e m a n , J k ., A. E. S l e e p e r , V i c e P r e s id e n ts ;
F r a n k . A. N ig g e m a n , C a s h ie r ; J o h n C. W i l e r , A s s i s t a n t C a s h ie r .
D i r e c t o r s —John P . Niggeman, Jr., A. E. Sleeper, F ran k A. Niggeman, Charles H. Niggeman,
H enry Croll, Jr., M ark E. Thom pson, John C. Wiler.

Loans and discounts:
Comm ercial d ep artm en t...............
Savings departm ent ...................
Bonds, m ortgages and securities:
Comm ercial d ep artm en t...............
Savings d ep artm en t..............
Prem ium acco u n t...............................
O v erd rafts............................................
Expenses, interest and taxes paid,
exceeding earnings........
Banking h o u se. .. .“ ...........................
F u rn itu re and fixtures..............

R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Oct. 21, ’13. Jan. 13, ’14. M ar. 4, ’14. June 30, ’14. Sept. 12, ’14.

567,531 80

$69,943 03

$75,158 71

$89,462 91

$98,322 87

9,702 14

9,683 57

9,633 57

8,912 46

8,412 46

542 85

326 30

141 85

94 88

287 78

4,530 00
1,666 07

4,530 00
1,666 07

4,530 00
1,666 07

4,530 00
1,666 07

4,530 00
1,666 07

9,874 38

7,075 54

12,284 04

7,524 50

3,686 64

3,065 00

5,841 00

2,326 00

3,158 00

5,099 00

895 00

1,690 00

1,692 50

1,817 50

1,937 50

191 50

188 20

280 75

301 95

274 40

118 70

78 14

92 55

113 63

135 04

19 35

105 78

26 44

158 14

1 00

$98,136 79

$101,127 63

$107,832 48

$117,740 04

$124,352 76

$20,000 00
500 00

$20,000 00
700 00

$20,000 00
700 00

$20,000 00
700 00

$20,000 00
1,200 00

493 70

313 32

1,241 59

3,593 50

1,406 21

36,735 70
27,907 39

41,329 08
31,189 14

46,147 88
29,743 01

44,676 14
28,561 84

60,626 45
25,737 66

2,500 00

2,500 00

5,000 00

114 32
5,000 00
94 24

382 44
5,000 00

O ther real e s ta te ...........
D ue from other banks and hankers,
not reserve cities. . . .
Item s in tr a n s it. . .
U nited States bonds:
Ravings d e p a rtm e n t. . . .
D ue from banks in reserve cities:
Com m ercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t..................
Exchanges for clearing house:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t. . . .
U. S. and N ational bank currency:
Commercial d e p artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t........
Gold coin:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t.......................
Silver coin:
Commercial d e p a rtm e n t...............
Savings d ep artm en t.......................
Nickels and cents:
Commercial d ep artm en t...............
Savings d ep artm en t..........
Checks and other cash ite m s..........
T o ta ls ...........................................
C apital stock paid i n .........................
Surplus fu n d ........................................
Undivided profits, less losses, cur­
rent expenses, interest and taxes
p a id ...................................................
D ividends u n p a i d . . . .
Com m ercial ^deposits subject to
ch eck .................................................
Commercial certificates of deposit. .
Certified checks. . .
Cashier’s checks o u tstan d in g ..........
S tate monies on d ep o sit. . . 7...........
D ue to banks and b an k ers..............
Savings d e p o sits...
Savings certificates of deposit.
Liquidating a c co u n t..........................
Reserve for taxes, interest, etc. . .
N otes and bills rediscounted.
Bills p ay ab le........................................
T o ta ls...........................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

96 09
10,000 00
$98,136 79

5,ÓÒÒ ÓÓ 1
$101,127 63


15,000 00

10,000 00

$107,832 48

$117,740 04

$124,352 76



No. 2.

Organized January 15, 1889.
H. J. L e o n a b d , President; A. N. B e l d i n g , Vice President; W. S. L a m b e b t s o n , Cashier;
W. H. A n g e l l , Assistant Cashier.
D i b e c t o e s .— H. J. Leonard, A. N. Belding, W. P. Hetherington, M. M. Belding, Jr., E. E. Chappie,
W. C. Spicer, E. C. Lloyd, W. S. Lambertson.

Loans and discounts:
Commercial department...............
Savings department.......................
Bonds, mortgages and securities:
Commercial department..............
Savings department......................
Premium account....................
Expenses, interest and taxes paid
exceeding earnings.........................
Banking house..................................
Furniture and fixtures......................
Other real estate................................
Due from other banks and bankers,
not reserve cities............................
Items in transit........................
United States bonds:
Savings department......................
Due from banks in reserve cities:
Commercial department............
Savings department......................
Exchanges for clearing house:
Commercial department..............
Savings department......................
U. S. National bank currency:
Commercial department..............
Savings department......................
Gold coin:
Commercial department..............
Savings department.......................
Silver coin:
Commercial department.......... .
Savings department......................
Nickels and cents:
Commercial department..............
Savings department.......................
Checks and other cash item s..
T otals.........................................
Capital stock paid in .........................
Surplus fund........................................
Undivided profits, less losses, cur­
rent expenses, interest and taxes
p aid ....................................
Dividends unpaid...............................
Commercial deposits subject to
Commercial certificates of deposit. .
Certified checks..................................
Cashier’s checks outstanding..........
State monies on deposit...................
Due to banks and bankers..............
Postal savings deposits.....................
Savings deposits.................................
Savings certificates of deposit.........
Reserve for taxes, interest, etc. . . .
Notes and bills rediscounted...........
Bills payable........................................
T otals........................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

Report of
Report of
Report of
Report of
Report of
Oct. 21, T3. Jan. 13, ’14. Mar. 4, ’14. June 30, '14 Sept. 12, ’14.

$105,602 78
50,570 53

$104,774 87
71,451 39

$89,206 17
76,564 97

$106,130 42
40,611 01

$94,160 88
37,623 21

8,455 14
159,599 89

12,455 14
160,098 00

12,455 14
164,771 00

12,455 14
161,925 41

12,455 14
161,059 00

380 48

618 39

305 18

80 15

264 61

8,000 00
500 00

8,000 00
500 00

8,000 00
500 00

8,000 00
500 00

8,000 00
500 00

2,258 19

25 00

1,415 00

2,412 02

17,871 92
25,409 28

33,471 25
10,474 80

20,875 44
30,989 46

23,896 31
27,105 21

24,850 52
34,469 48

5,901 00
3,000 00

3,383 00
4,200 00

6,805 00
3,000 00

7,470 00
2,000 00

7,955 00
2,000 00

966 00
12,000 00

181 00
12,800 00

98 50
13,000 00

368 50
13,000 00

518 50
13,000 00

2,590 50

2,110 55

2,017 30

1,562 65

1,532 30

142 39

228 83

193 95

173 81

155 01

426 55

1,226 54

630 31

1,483 81

542 05

$403,674 65

$425,998 76

$429,412 42

$408,177 42

$401,497 72

$50,000 00
10,000 00

$50,000 00
15,000 00

$50,000 00
15,000 00

$50,000 00
15,000 00

$50,000 00
15,000 00

10,632 93

4,783 83

5,546 74

4,944 99
2,250 00

6,433 27

74,397 85

95,663 98

95,872 27

89,735 47

89,640 64

1,000 00

137 91

12 18
5,000 00

2,500 00

17 06

89,567 25
168,076 62

96,052 26
164,360 78

2,047 35
102,468 51
158,465 37

1,921 53
101,056 68
138,268 75

2,040 56
107,980 12
127,886 07

$403,674 65

$425,998 76

$429,412 42

$408,177 42

$401,497 72



No. 159.
O rganized M ay 12, 1893.
B h in t o n F. H a l l , President; F r a n k R. C h a s e , Vice President; W. L. C u s s e r , Cashier;
A m b r o s e S p e n c e r , Assistant Cashier.
D i r e c t o r s .— Brinton F. Hall, Frank R. Chase, Charles Eddy, George Hoppough, H. L. Page,
Frank L. Moon, W. L. Cusser, Jno. G. Hessler, F. E. Underwood, Geo. W. Moulton.
Report of
Report of
Report of
Report of
Report of
Oct. 21, ’13. Jan. 13, ’14. Mar. 4, ’14. June 30, ’14. Sept. 12, ’14.


Loans and discounts:
Commercial department .........................
Savings department......................
Bonds -i mortgages and securities:
Commercial department...............
Savings department......................

$160,763 62
11,660 00

$155,542 86
11,540 00

$135,732 04
28,737 49

$122,415 91
60,285 58

$124,464 96
52,912 03

72,149 43

79,248 21

74,923 50

2,000 00
78,156 42

2,000 00
78,851 67

Expenses, interest and taxes paid,

199 56

451 62

549 47

507 73

1,226 24

Banking house....................................
Furniture and fixtures......................

8,000 00
3,600 40

8,000 00
3,600 40

8,000 00
3,600 40

8,000 00
3,600 40

8,000 00
3,600 40

Other real estate................................
Due from other banks and bankers,

4,387 50

4,387 50

4,387 50

637 50

637 50

Items in transit..................................
United States bonds:
S a v in g s department......................

21,287 85

9,108 89

7,283 94

25,302 36

10,273 57

36,885 07
10,170 58

15,665 99
11,209 24

39,971 73
11,235 31

3,464 87
11,286 88

20,530 02
14,313 34

757 48

1,180 26

6,424 23

75 82

614 48

11,022 00

10,782 00

14,000 00

2,543 00
6,000 00

6,616 00
7,000 00

6,937 00
4,500 00

5,534 50
6,000 00

1,734 50
10,000 00

932 00
11,000 00

1,562 00
10,000 00

Silver coin:
Commercial department..............

1,234 40

1,202 60

2,101 35

1,016 40

636 10

Nickels and cents:
Commercial department...............

574 25

P rem iu m account,
ex c eed in g earn in gs

not, reserve c itie s

Due from banks in reserve cities:
Commercial department..............
Savings department ........................................
Exchanges for clearing house:
Commercial department ..........................
S a v in g s d epartm ent,

U . S. National bank currency:

Commercial department..............
Savings department .......................
Gold coin:
Commercial department..............
Savings department.......................

S a v in g s d e p a r tm e n t . . . .

405 24

483 30

643 32

562 36

Checks and other cash item s..........

78 61

224 87

775 52

522 07

778 96

T otals...........................................

$354,038 74

$324,162 24

$350,100 30

$338,309 30

$344,591 52

$40,000 00
4,000 00

$40,000 00
5,000 00

$40,000 00
5,000 00

$40,000 00
5,000 00

$40,000 00
5,000 00

1,942 00
30 00

1,238 59
756 00

1,839 70
12 00

3,676 23

3,319 96
45 00

76,078 90
148,188 66

59,396 06
99,621 54

66,512 53
77,510 03

56,421 64
37,858 84

52,146 85
34,573 49

Postal savings deposits.....................
Savings deposits.................................
Savings certificates of deposit.........

64,666 76
19,132 42

63,787 53
54,362 52

862 33
72,878 13
85,485 58

839 23
73,001 92
121,511 44

850 13
69,557 19
129,098 9fi

T otals...........................................

$354,038 74

$324,162 24

$350,100 30

$338,309 30

$344,591 52

R avin gs d ep a rtm en t

. .

Capital stock paid in .........................
Surplus fund........................................
Undivided profits, less losses, cur­
rent expenses, interest and taxes
p a id ...................................................
"Dividends unpaid...........
Commercial deposits subject to
Commercial certificates of deposit..
Certified e h e e k s .
C a sh ie r’s eh e e k s o u tsta n d in g . . .
S ta te m o n ies on d e p o s i t .
D n e to h a n k s and b a n k ers

for ta x e s in te r e s t, e te .
TsTotes and h ills re d iseo n n ted .
Trills p a v a h le
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

10,000 00



No. 347.
O rganized A u gust 14, 1906.
F . W. B e c h t o l d , President; C . C. P

ir e c t o r s .— F.

o t t e r , Vice President; W. H . R ic h a r d s , Cashier.
W. Bechtold, H. L. Richards, W. H. Richards, C. W. Putt, C. C. Potter.


Loans and discounts:
Commercial department.......... .
Savings department....................
Bonds, mortgages and securities:
Commercial department............
Savings department....................
Premium account...............................
Expenses, interest and taxes paid,
exceeding earnings.........................
Banking house....................................
Furniture and fixtures......................
Other real estate................................
Due from other banks and bankers
not reserve cities............................
United States bonds.........................
Items in transit..................................
United States bonds:
Savings department.......................
Due from banks in reserve cities:
Commercial department............
Savings department....................
Exchanges for clearing house:
Commercial department............
Savings department....................
U. S. and National bank currency
Commercial department..............
Savings department......................
Gold coin:
Commercial department...............
Savings department......................
Silver coin:
Commercial department. . .
Savings department............
Nickels and cents:
Commercial department. ..
Savings department............
Checks and other cash item s.
T otals.
Capital stock paid in .........................
Surplus fund........................................
Undivided profits, less losses, cur­
rent expenses, interest and taxes
Dividends unpaid..............................
Commercial deposits subject to
Commercial certificates of deposit. .
Certified checks..................................
Cashier’s checks outstanding..........
State monies on deposit...................
Due to banks and bankers..............
Postal savings deposits.....................
Savings deposits.................................
Savings certificates of deposit.........
Reserve for taxes, interest, etc. . . .
Notes and bills rediscounted...........
Bills payable........................................
T o ta ls...........................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

Report of
Report of
Report of
Report of
Report of
Oct. 21, T3. Jan. 13, T4. Mar. 4, ’14 June 30, ’14. Sept. 12, ’14.

$64,654 55
12,660 00

$64,078 64
11,160 00

$68,318 05
11,760 00

7,489 45
8,430 33

$59,304 62
7,700 00

2,154 75
28,069 43

2,663 75
29,083 15

2,563 75
.28,083 15

3,863 75
29,738 15

2,846 75
29,346 15

1,948 43

245 98

38 60

5,243 79
3,000 00

5,243 79
3,000 00

105 00
299 77
5,243 79
3,300 00

5,243 79
3,000 00

5,243 79
3,000 00

273 00

273 00

412 02

412 02

1 ,000 00

1,000 00

1,000 00

1,000 00

2,000 00

2,000 00

2,000 00

2,000 00

2,000 00

3,858 27
2,000 00

14,819 84
3,000 00

11,934 62
4,000 00

1,492 70
2,000 00

8,190 30
1,500 00

5,168 00
700 00

6,257 00
1,000 00

5,708 00
500 00

6,402 00
500 00

1,000 00

215 00
2,800 00

135 00
2,700 00

185 00
2,700 00

3,000 00

3,000 00

769 85
9 00

739 65

546 40

768 50

1,004 45

305 06
30 48

112 93
42 69

147 86
24 95
353 18

197 12
368 80

207 00

$135,616 94

$147,511 91

$150,529 20

$135,331 22

$132,467 75

$20,000 00

$20,000 00

$20,000 00

$20,000 00

$20,000 00

2,118 82

3,123 11

3,664 82


37,832 41
34,109 44

37,931 46
21,447 79

37,515 30
20,029 22
35 77

48,239 42

299 45
49,085 84

300 43
49,168 10

45,737 11

133 69
44,088 95

$135,616 94

$147,511 91

$150,529 20

$135,331 22

$132,467 75

100 00

6,000 00

7,000 00

5,002 99

1,355 78

30,217 04
26,157 49


100 00

7,000 00

110 00

6,376 00
200 00

68 00

7,000 00

98 07

7,000 00



No. 527.

Organized January 24, 1913.
J a m e s R. C l a r k , President; F r a n k l in L. R o b b e , Vice President; F r a n k H. C l a r k , Cashier.
D i r e c t o r s .—James R. Clark, Franklin L. Robbe, John C. Stellwagen, George T. Clark,

Irving H. Riggs.


Loans and discounts:
Commercial department..............
Savings department......................
Bonds, mortgages and securities:
Commercial department..............
Savings department.......................
Premium account...............................
Expenses, interest and taxes paid,
exceeding earnings........
Banking house....................................
Furniture and fixtures......................
Other real esta te. . .
Due from other banks and bankers,
not reserve cities............................
Items in transit. .
United States bonds:
Savings department......................
Due from banks in reserve cities:
Commercial department...............
Savings department......................
Exchanges for clearing house:
Commercial department..
Savings department..........
IT. S. and National bank currency:
Commercial department..............
Savings department......................
Gold corn:
Commercial department...............
Savings department.......................
Silver coin:
Commercial department..............
Savings department. . . .
Nickels and cents:
Commercial department..............
Savings department
Checks and other cash item s..........

Report of
Report of
Report of
Report of
Report of
Oct. 21, ’13. Jan. 13, ’14. Mar. 4, ’14. June 30, T4. Sept. 12, ’14.

$32,357 61
9,545 70

$34,893 24
13,345 70

$32,557 45
16,821 70

$29,495 11
22,931 70

$32,511 17
23,711 70

7,739 88
85,849 00

7,739 88
96,359 00

8,739 88
94,259 00

9,139 88
96,584 00

9,050 00
91,934 00

171 34

707 46

54 27

158 52

23 08

3.500 00
1.500 00

3.500 00
1.500 00

3.500 00
1.500 00

3.500 00
1.500 00

3.500 00
1.500 00

264 71
992 54

1,999 26

2,648 52

466 46

774 60

6,331 48
26,176 55

5,992 86
18,171 47

7,874 82
22,151 64

3,590 24
23,087 10

4,415 94
20,004 51

4,787 00
4,000 00

7,780 00
3.500 00

2,275 00
3,500 00

2,766 00
3,000 00

2,186 00
3,000 00

125 00
2,500 00

115 00
3.500 00

280 00
3,700 00

110 00
4,700 00

237 50
4,700 00

1,062 30

1,167 25

1,206 65

1,379 20

1,366 30

51 25

58 89

55 13

50 95

31 84

491 67

381 87

201 47

57 56

18 27

$187,155 83

$200,387 57

$201,142 33

$202,950 83

$199,328 51

$20,000 00

$20,000 00
200 00

$20,000 00
200 00

$20,000 00
200 00

$20,000 00
2,000 00

1,239 18

549 29
84 00

1,710 50
15 00

2,515 31
3 00

1,103 66
9 00

37,845 40

44,678 11

38,784 49

29,929 72

32,865 64

Cashier’s checks outstanding... .
State monies on deposit. . . .
Due to hanks and bankers............
Postal savings dep osits.. .
Savings deposits ..............................
Savings certificates of deposit.........
Peserve for taxes, interest, etc. . . .
Notes a.nrl hills rediscounted .
Bills p ayab le...

83,465 52
44,605 73

88,933 66
45,942 51

93,499 94
46,932 40

93,631 69
56,671 11

52 73
94,753 83
48,543 65

T otals................... .......................

$187,155 83

$200,387 57

$201,142 33

$202,950 83

$199,328 51

T otals...........................................
Capital stock paid in ........................
Surplus fund..
Undivided profits, less losses, cur­
rent expenses, interest and taxes
p aid ...................................................
Dividends unpaid..............................
Commercial "deposits subject to
Commercial certificates of deposit
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



No. 548.

O rganized A p ril 16, 1914.
H . M . A l l e n , President; F. A . B r o w n , Vice President; C . D . K im b e r l y , Cashier;
M. H. K im b e r l y , Auditor.
D i r e c t o r s .— H . M. Allen, C. D. Kimberly, F. A. Brown, W. C. Dyer, Cbas. H. Legge, G. R. Burt,

N. H. Johnson, J. H. Gork, A. J. Hager.


Report of
Report of
Report of
Report of
Report of
Oct. 21, T3. Jan. 13, ’14. Mar. 4, T4. June 30, T4. Sept. 12, '14.

Loans and discounts:
Commercial department..............
Sayings department......................
Bonds, mortgages and securities:
Commercial department..............
Savings department......................
Premium account...............................
Expenses, interest and taxes paid,
exceeding earnings.........................
Banking house....................................
Furniture and fixtures................
Other real esta te................................
Due from other banks and bankers,
not reserve cities............................
Items in transit..................................
United States bonds:
Savings department......................
Due from banks in reserve cities:
Commercial department..............
Savings department......................
Exchanges for clearing house:
Commercial department...............
Savings department......................
U. S. and National bank currency:
Commercial department..............
Savings department......................
Gold coin:
Commercial department..............
Savings department......................
Silver coin:
Commercial department..............
Savings department......................
Nickels and cents:
Commercial department..............
Savings department......................
Checks and other cash item s..........
T otals...........................................
Capital stock paid in .........................
Surplus fund........................................
Undivided profits, less losses, cur­
rent expenses, interest and taxes
Dividends unpaid..............................
Commercial deposits subject to
Commercial certificates of deposit..
Certified checks..................................
Cashier’s checks outstanding..........
State monies on deposit...................
Due to banks and bankers..............
Savings deposits.................................
Savings certificates of deposit.........
Reserve for taxes, interest, etc. . . .
Notes and bills rediscounted...........
Bills payable.......................................
T otals...........................................
*Commenced business M ay 22, 1914.

Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

$56,068 99
24,714 11

$72,483 40
20,382 31

2,000 00
74,564 94

2,000 00
78,217 37

91 81

370 24

1,956 95

1,614 41

3,000 00

3,000 00

80 00

616 00

13,085 08
19,055 59

13,230 47
23,592 41

2,005 10

722 16

11,627 00
7,000 00

8,718 00
7,000 00

785 00

980 00

1,445 10

1,159 25

115 43

70 45

334 78

144 59

$217,929 88

$234,301 06

$20,000 00

$20,000 00

49,256 87
23,338 37

59,497 94
25,611 03

125,334 64

129,192 09

$217,929 88

$234,301 06



No. 219.
O rganized D ecem ber 20, 1899.

H. D. P o o l e , President; G. M. V a l e n t i n e , Vice President; M. P. R e s c i i , Cashier;
B. F. W e l l s , Assistant Cashier.
W\ Conkey, H. D. Poole, G. M. Valentine, S. L. VanCamp, VI. B. Wells, G. A. Conkey,
M. *P. Reach, D. B. Sutherland, Wm. Wallace, G. Handy.

ir e c t o r s .—I.


Loans and discounts:
Commercial department..............
Savings department......................
Bonds, mortgages and securities:
Commercial department..............
Savings department......................

Report of
Report of
Report of
Report of
Report of
Oct. 21, T3. Jan. 13, T4. Mar. 4, ’14. June 30, ’14. Sept. 12, T4.

$259,551 67
147,690 00

$241,354 20
169,125 00

$246,937 14
168,125 00

$256,034 60
183,987 04

$228,377 26
194,875 04

5,225 00
•197,511 40

11,725 00
186,216 40

11,725 00
172,751 40

11,625 00
169,201 40

12,625 00
167,051 40

Expenses, interest and taxes paid,

1,068 43

2,016 75

1,046 73

747 99

830 89

Banking house. . . .“...........................
Furniture and fixtures......................

37,500 00
16,000 00

37,5ÓÓ ÓÓ
15,000 00

37,500 00
15,000 00

37,5ÓÓ ÓÓ
14,000 00

37,500 00
14,000 00

22,388 98
4,163 28

21,162 39
1,098 53

862 76

2,366 94

6,169 23
21,237 64

51,302 12
53,182 72

17,314 36
49,870 63

9,817 88
40,000 00

21,649 19
42,673 68

116,444 18
37,500 00

2,662 18

3,581 46

2,348 11

7,076 69

22,930 91

20,673 00
15,000 00

17,887 00
14,000 00

12,367 00
10,000 00

12,405 00
12,700 00

30,037 00
30,000 00

3,520 00
5.000 00

4,455 00
5,500 00

1,020 00
8,000 00

3,437 50
5.000 00

6,277 50
5,000 00

1,193 60
2.000 00

2,033 10
500 00

950 55
2,000 00

1,232 85
3.000 00

1,863 15

Due from other nanks and bankers,
not reserve cities............................
United States bonds:
Due from banks in reserve cities:
Commercial department..............
Savings department......................
Exchanges for clearing house:
Commercial department..............
U. S. and National bank currency:
Commercial department..............
Savings department......................
Gold coin:
Commercial department..............
Savings department......................
Silver coin:
Commercial department..............
Savings department......................
Nickels and cents:
Commercial department..............

740 28

531 9S

570 70

405 22

142 51

Checks and other cash item s..........

164 51

223 32

308 50

138 03

2,173 20

T otals...........................................

$846,537 17

$801,095 12

$741,330 77

$785,181 13

$935,034 91

$75,000 00
31,000 00

$75,000 00
37,500 00

$75,000 00
37,500 00

$75,000 00
38,500 00

$75,000 00
38,500 00

17,598 21
100 00

9,987 31
310 00

12,108 91
25 00

9.749 67
3.750 00

12,174 48

285,756 43
11,693 30

234,839 82
20,739 96

199,627 69
17,859 98

217,727 01
23,054 79

350,265 87
26,587 56

Savings deposits .*..............................
Savings certificates of deposit.........
for ta.YP.s, intfvreflt, ptr,. . .
"NfpfPS fvnri frills rpriispmmtpd .
Trills pa.ya.blp

258,400 76
166,988 47

270,298 26
152,378 18



3,925 34
252,923 91
160,550 41

270,864 76
161,642 24

T otals...........................................

$846,537 17

$801,095 12

$741,330 77

$785,181 13

$935,034 91

Capital stock paid in .........................
Surplus fund........................................
Undivided profits, less losses, cur­
rent expenses, interest and taxes
p aid ...................................................
Dividends unpaid..............................
Commercial deposits subject to
Commercial certificates of deposit. .
CJprtifipri pfrpnks.

41 59
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



No. 76.

Organized February 20, 1888.
O b in B . H

ip p ,

President; R . M . J

on es, G .
w ig h t M .

B . G e h l e b t , Vice Presidents; W
R u t h , Assistant Cashier.


E. M



D «nnC^ Rn_
w eS;I)VBP -i lobbin^ 0 >,B ' HiPP’ Edward Brant, R. H. Sherwood, T. L. Wilkin
Arm G ’ it - Gehlert W W Buchanan, W. C. Bastar, I. W. Riford, F. S. Hopkins, Geo. B. Thayer
Milton Ilinkley, John R. Price, Wm. E. Marsh.

Loans and discounts:
Commercial department........ ...
Savings department.................. .
Bonds, mortgages and securities:
Commercial department............
Savings department....................
Premium account...............................
Expenses, interest and taxes paid
exceeding earnings.....................
Banking house....................................
Furniture and fixtures......................
Other real estate................................
Due from other banks and bankers
not reserve cities............................
Items in transit..................................
United States bonds:
Savings department.......................
Due from banks in reserve cities:
Commercial department. . . . . . .
Savings department....................
Exchanges for clearing house:
Commercial department............
Savings department....................
U. S. and National bank currency:
Commercial department..............
Savings department.......................
Gold coin:
Commercial department..........
Savings department..................
Silver coin:
Commercial department. . .
Savings department............
Nickels and cents:
Commercial department. . .
Savings department............
Checks and other cash item s.
T otals.
Capital stock paid in ........................
Surplus fund........................................
Undivided profits, less losses, cur­
rent expenses, interest and taxes
paid............................................... .
Dividends unpaid..........................
Commercial deposits subject to
Commercial certificates of deposit
Certified checks..............................
Cashier’s checks outstanding. . . .
State monies on deposit...............
Due to banks and bankers..........
Postal savings deposits.................
Savings deposits.............................
Savings certificates of deposit. ..
Reserve for taxes, interest, etc. .
Notes and bills rediscounted. . . .
Bills p ayab le..................................

Report of
Report of
Report of
Report of
Report of
Oct. 2 1 ,’13. Jan. 13, ’14. Mar. 4, ’14. June 30, ’14 Sept. 12, ’14.

$435,288 18
145,987 37

$351,776 40
165,293 03

$347,428 65
170,487 64

8,120 16
246,213 89

8,337 84
221,645 93

7,700 00
177,905 93

7,008 03
1,250 32

7,008 03
1,679 46

6,779 03
1,583 89

57,797 65
13,877 80

57,797 65
13,877 80

58,053 52
13,877 80

1,508 12

1,508 12

1,508 12

2,496 89

4,536 31

36,377 49
58,264 29

14,987 52
22,872 49

11,698 36
39,539 64

2,237 66

2,322 82


3,434 30
14,143 00
14,345 00

9,200 00
20,800 00

10,000 00

16,085 00
15,000 00

5,675 00
14,000 00

3,550 00
18,270 00

6,660 00
6,000 95

6.002 55
11,085 00

6,450 00
5,539 35

94 71
1,892 94
54' 10

310 58
1.003 78
8,312 30

221 51
445 20
80 15

$1,108,098 65

$947,993 19

$903,038 40

$125,000 00
62,500 00

$125,000 00
62,500 00

$125,000 00
62,500 00

13,263 54

5,008 58

5,788 60



41,992 08
224,722 37
262,982 07

259,747 53
3,184 47
754 92


T o ta ls ........................................... $1,108,098 65 j $947,993 19

13,949 00



10,000 00



$903,038 40

♦Converted into The Farmers and Merchants National Bank of Benton Harbor, April 30, 1914.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



No. 448.
O rganized J a n u a ry 21, 1910.

M. R a y m o n d , President; F r a n k J. G o o d e n o w , Vice President; C h a s . P. G o o d e n o w , Cashier.
D i r e c t o r s .—Fred M. Raymond, William Walsh, Charles P. Goodenow, A. C. Butterfield,
John R. Coffee, Frank J. Goodenow, Wm. Riemersma.



Loans and discounts:
Commercial department...............
Savings department.......................
Bonds, mortgages and securities:
Commercial department..............
Savings department......................
Premium accou n t,.............................
Expenses, interest and taxes paid,
exceeding earnings. . .
Banking house....................................
Furniture and fixtures......................
Other real estate. . .
Due from other banks and hankers,
not reserve cities. .
Ttems in transit. .
United States bonds:
Savings department,
Due from banks in reserve cities:
Commercial department...............
Savings department......................
Exchanges for clearing house:
Commercial department..............
Savings department.......................
U. S. and National bank currency:
Commercial department...............
Savings department......................
Gold coin:
Commercial department..............
Savings department......................
Silver coin:
Commercial department...............
Ravings department. ..
Nickels and cents:
Commercial department..............
Savings department..........
Checks and other cash item s..........
T o ta ls...........................................
Capital stock paid in .........................
Surplus fund........................................
Undivided profits, less losses, cur­
rent expenses, interest and taxes
Dividends unpaid . . . .
Commercial deposits subject to
check.........: ......................................
Commercial certificates of deposit..
Certified checks.
Cashier’s checks outstanding..
State monies on deposit. . .
Due to banks and bankers... .
Savings deposits.................................
Savings certificates of deposit.........
Collection account, . .
"Reserve for taxes, interest, etc. .
Notes and bills rediscounted .
Bills payable .
T otals...........................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

Report of
Report of
Report of
Report of
Report of
Oct. 21, T3. Jan. 13, T4. Mar. 4, T4. June 30, T4. Sept. 12, T4.

$17,114 58
26,380 08

$17,337 46
26,960 79

$16,637 87
25,468 05

$14,876 75
28,096 25

$17,111 15
31,589 00

7,200 00
36,384 42

6,000 00
41,834 42

6,000 00
41,334 42

6,000 00
47,734 42

6,000 00
48,434 42

193 49

423 40

139 20

141 04

646 54

3,840 48
2,191 18

3,840 48
2,191 18

3,840 48
2,191 18

3,840 48
2,200 98

3,840 48
2,248 53

390 43

153 37

470 83

3,118 02
7,219 82

19,150 82
7,534 89

7,123 17
7,745 06

4,577 57
9,065 12

2,936 57
8,175 45

89 00
2,000 00

1,589 00
2,000 00

435 00
1,900 00

384 00
3.000 00

656 00
3.000 00

910 00
1,000 00

110 00
2,000 00

212 00
2,000 00

947 50
1.000 00

677 50
1.000 00

327 35
383 00

709 90

622 50

136 50
100 00

958 35
100 00

69 67

34 00

51 26

746 16

51 01
267 00

1 00

206 73
$109,059 86

$132,112 11

$116,153 76

$122,151 87

$128,121 15

$20,000 00
350 00

$20,000 00
500 00

$20,000 00
500 00

$20,000 00
500 00

$20,000 00
800 00

946 50

119 84
43 40

93 86

915 42

544 76

12,332 69

35,169 80

17,578 11

19,325 21

21,821 46

26,786 88
46,643 79

25,935 98
50,343 09

25,357 87
52,623 92

27,540 07
53,861 17
10 00

27,885 75
54,569 18

$132,112 11

$116,153 76

$122,151 87

$128,121 15

2,500 00

2,000 00
$109,059 86



No. 416.
O rganized O ctober 21, 1908.
W m . H. S y l v e s t e r , President; I r a R. S t e m m , E. F. G a r l a n d , Vice Presidents; C. M. N i l e s , Cashier.
D i r e c t o r s — Wm H Sylvester, Ira R. Stemm, James D. Boone, E. F. Garland, Wm. E. Sheffield,
d i r e c t o r s . g Grayi Jn£ E BarneSi j N Klock> j F carter, C. M. Niles, Geo. R. Dater.


Loans and discounts:
Commercial department..............
Savings department......................
Bonds, mortgages and securities:
Commercial department..............
Savings department......................

Report of
Report of
Report of
Report of
Report of
Oct. 21, T3. Jan. 13, ’14. Mar. 4, ’14. June 30, ’14. Sept. 12, ’14.

$71,591 51
30,829 60

$71,433 30
30,829 60

$73,265 74
25,829 60

$86,118 25
30,829 60

$81,155 44
39,829 60

48,595 89

47,548 04

48,026 85

1,000 00
49,101 03

1,000 00
49,648 83

Premium account...............................
Overdrafts ..........................................
Expenses, interest and taxes paid,

100 00
2,053 55

100 00
854 94

100 00
1,378 93

200 90
764 39

200 90
319 68

"Ranking house....................................
Furniture and fixtures......................

4,500 00
2,035 00

3.750 00
1.750 00

3.750 00
1.750 00

3,750 00
1,500 00

3,750 00
1,500 00

14,095 91
13,000 00

29,363 90
14,000 00

22,721 24
19,000 00

8,320 09
15,000 00

5,440 87
10,000 00

5.000 00
4.000 00

5.000 00
5.000 00

3.500 00
3.500 00

4.000 00
2,500 00

5,084 00
5,400 00

1,380 00
2,500 00

2.000 00
2,500 00

3.500 00
1.500 00

1,200 00
3.000 00

2,077 50
3,500 00

102 30
300 00

300 00
100 00

200 00
300 00

300 00
200 00

334 00
200 00

121 56
286 51
117 70

43 17
239 50
285 94

128 68
190 13
360 35

224 19
263 88
15 16

87 78
337 47
257 26

$200,609 53

$215,098 39

$209,001 52

$208,287 49

$210,123 33

$20,000 00
1,700 00

$20,000 00
2,000 00

$20,000 00
2,000 00

$20,000 00
2,200 00

$20,000 00
2,200 00

Other real estate
Due from other banks and bankers,
not- reserve cities . .
Items in transit
United States bonds:
Due from banks in reserve cities:
Commercial department..............
Savings department......................
Exchanges for clearing house:
Commercial department
U. S. and National bank currency:
Commercial department..............
Savings department......................
Gold coin:
Commercial department..............
Savings department......................
Silver coin:
Commercial department..............
Savings department......................
Nickels and cents:
Commercial department..............
Savings department......................
Ghprks and other cash item s..........
T otals...........................................
Capital stock paid in ........................
Surplus fund ......................................
Undivided profits, less losses, cur­
rent expenses, interest and taxes
p aid...................................................

1,153 82

137 63

649 25

129 32

915 82

Commercial deposits subject to

78,243 71

92,743 62

87,725 17

69,007 26

75,470 38

State monies on deposit,
Dim to banks and bankers
Postal savings deposits.....................
Savings deposits.................................
Savings certificates of deposit.........

5,000 00

2,500 00

205 05
16,191 61
83,115 34

183 52
16,966 62
83,067 00

280 52
17,579 49
80,767 09

56 40
17,674 56
84,219 95

121 23
18,892 83
90,023 07

$209,001 52

$208,287 49

10,000 00
T otals...........................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

$200,609 53

$215,098 39

$210,123 33


No. 500.
O rganized M arch 22, 1912.
J a c o b G o l d m a n , President; E


ib e c t o b s .—Jacob

d w in

R. B a y l is s , Vice President; M. A. H a g e b m a n , Cashier.

Goldman, Edwin R. Bayliss, Joseph Ochis, J. S. Rummage, M . A . Hagerman,
James Devoy, Solomon Sax, G. S. Barber.
Report of
Report of
Report of
Report of
Report of
Oct. 21, A3. Jan. 13, ’14. Mar. 4, ’14. June 30, ’14. Sept. 12, ’14.


Loans and discounts:
Commercial department..............
Savings department......................
Bonds, mortgages and securities:
Commercial department..............
Savings department.......................
Premium account...............................
Expenses, interest and taxes paid,
exceeding earnings.........................
Banking house....................................
Furniture and fixtures......................
Other real estate................................
Due from other banks and bankers,
not reserve cities............................
Items in transit..................................
United States bonds:
Savings department.......................
Due from banks in reserve cities:
Commercial department..............
Savings department......................
Exchanges for clearing house:
Commercial department..............
Savings department......................
U. S. and National bank currency:
Commercial department..............
Savings department......................
Gold coin:
Commercial department..............
Savings department......................

$25,572 26
11,395 96

$26,299 10
13,902 79

$30,896 60
8,890 46

$35,444 50
17,730 96

$30,632 95
16,623 46

11,000 00
12,769 49

18,000 00
14,347 99

18,000 00
19,061 19

18,000 00
21,100 69

18,000 00
26,844 49

380 00

380 00
83 41

380 00
92 95

406 80
16 96

406 80
206 37

2,391 68

2,431 87

2,436 79

2,328 30

2,315 66

2,344 55

2,344 55

2,344 55

2,344 55

2,344 55

125 96

465 48

214 57

276 68

262 46

16,203 21
2,622 88

40,325 19
3,502 26

43,532 71
2,502 26

2,924 70
508 76

16,227 05
5,868 08

2,016 81

1,152 00

6,036 00
3,385 00

5,582 00
. 2,601 00

6,101 00
2,000 00

3,738 00
4.000 00

3,655 00
2,800 00

475 00

35 00
725 00

1,500 00

195 00
1.000 00

205 00
1,800 00

729 50

1,305 00
1,651 15

1,711 75

883 30

914 25
400 00

33 07

92 01

Silver coin:
Commercial department..............
Savings department......................
Nickels and cents:
Commercial department..............
Savings department......................
Checks and other cash item s..........

158 07
2 42
2,970 69

106 44

294 67

T otals...........................................

$95,760 05

$137,112 97

$141,788 08

$112,143 21

$132,104 39

$25,000 00
2,500 00

$25,000 00
2,500 00

$25,000 00
2,500 00

$25,000 00
2,500 00

$25,000 00
2,500 00

29,061 22

60,734 10

68,806 60

23,895 33

43,395 99

200 00

225 38

43 60

74 59
5,000 00

77 84
2,500 00


12,183 23
22,791 21
10,463 44

Ì2.Ì26 24
32,007 39
11,539 66

13,651 59
33,257 00
11,721 97

$137,112 97

$141,788 08

$112,143 21

$132,104 39

Capital stock paid in .........................
Surplus fund........................................
Undivided profits, less losses, cur­
rent expenses, interest and taxes
p a id .................................................
Dividends unpaid..............................
Commercial deposits subject to
Commercial certificates of deDosit. .
Certified checks................................
Cashier’s checks outstanding..........
State monies on deposit...................
Due to banks and bankers..............
Postal savings deposits.....................
Savings deposits.................................
Savings certificates of deposit.........
Reserve for taxes, interest, etc. . . .
Notes and bills rediscounted...........
Bills payable........................................
T otals............................ ..
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis




$95,760 05


134 57
2,463 70



No. 536.
O rganized A u g u st 18, 1913.



B. W

oodw ard,

ir e c t o r s .— Herbert

President; F r a n k L. O r c u t t , Vice President; I r v in g P. J o n e s , Cashier.
B. Woodward, J. C. Underwood, Frank L. Orcutt, Charles E. Case,
William Reimer, G. M. Sprout, Irving P. Jones.


Loans and discounts:
Commercial department..............
Savings department......................
Bonds, mortgages and securities:
Commercial department..............
Savings department......................
Premium account...............................
Expenses, interest and taxes paid,
exceeding earnings.........................
Banking house....................................
Furniture and fixtures......................
Other real esta te................................
Due from other banks and bankers,
not reserve cities............................
Items in transit..................................
United States bonds:
Savings department......................
Due from banks in reserve cities:
Commercial department..
Savings department......................
Exchanges for clearing house:
Commercial department..............
Savings department......................
U. S. and National bank currency:
Commercial department..............
Savings department......................
Gold coin:
Commercial department..............
Savings department......................

Report of
Report of
Report of
Report of
Report of
Oct. 21, T3. Jan. 13, T4. Mar. 4, ’14. June 30, ’14 Sept. 12, ’14.

$29,267 37

$28,247 89
2,250 00

$29,951 03
1,200 00

$27,314 73
8,733 00

$30,949 83
7,783 00

41,936 04

2,160 61
40,414 28

38,866 55

900 00
39,909 04

213 00
39,291 04

24 73

27 76

99 54

14 53

25 77

52 19
7,150 00
2,800 00

7,200 00
2,800 00

7,200 00
2,800 00

7,2ÒÒ Ó0
2,800 00

7,200 00
2,800 00

2,467 99

4,167 21
450 00

3,578 11
450 00

1,119 76
80 00

3,780 55
7 00

8,398 44
12,166 27

6,015 60
7,189 36

5,912 09
7,191 02

500 40
7,626 97

3,357 52
7,626 97

1,929 00
2,000 00

3,095 00
2,000 00

2,643 00
2,000 00

2,230 00
1,900 00

939 00
1,900 00

89 00
1,000 00

345 00
1,000 00

315 00
1,000 00

375 00
1,000 00

202 50
1,000 00

390 65

519 40

437 98

569 36

238 22

Silver coin:
Commercial department...............
Savings department.......................
Nickels and cents:
Commercial department..............
Savings department......................
Checks and other cash item s..........

115 67

159 06

199 46

64 29

26 58

1,025 81

22 26

100 40

303 55

648 40

T otals...........................................

$110,813 16

$108,063 43

$103,944 18

$102,640 63

$107,989 38

$19,260 00
650 00

$19,800 00
670 00

$19,900 00
770 00

$20,000 00
2,000 00

$20,000 00
2,500 00

123 42

324 51

1,061 75

671 97

28,459 94

27,941 92

22,470 30

35,803 29

1,052 56

346 32

858 89

236 39

323 02

18.713 35
2,388 98
17,259 50

19,255 08
2,355 79
21,794 73

18,935 68
2.355 79
23,346 21

20,083 80

18,230 58

31,640 33

30,025 46

18,912 52

11,908 15
350 00

9,511 18

1,148 06

435 06

$103,944 18

$102,640 63

Capital stock paid in .........................
Surplus fund. ?........ ...........................
Undivided profits, less losses, cur­
rent expenses, interest and taxes
p aid ...................................................
Dividends unpaid..............................
Commercial deposits subject to
check .................................................
Commercial deposits subject to
check, liquidating account..........
Commercial certificates of deposit. .
Certified checks..................................
Cashier’s checks outstanding..........
State monies on deposit...................
Due to banks and bankers..............
Savings deposits. . . .
Savings deposits liquidating...........
Savings certificates of deposit........
Savings certificates of deposit, liqui­
Reserve“for taxes, interest, etc. . . .
Notes and bills rediscounted...........
Bills payable........................................

31,854 13
722 12

T otals........................................... i $110,813 16 |
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

3,000 00
$108,063 43

4,000 00
$107.989 38



No. 259.
O rganized M ay 1, 1902.

o o d b b id g e

N. F e r r i s , President; C. D . C a r p e n t e r , Vice President; R e a m e r W . W i g l e , Cashier.

ir e c t o r s .—Woodbridge

N. Ferris, C. D . Carpenter, E. C. Newcombe, S. J. Throp, J. J. Henderson,
A. K. Hanchett, A. Broomfield, A. B. Knapp, J. K. Brower, T. H. Coughlin.

Loans and discounts:
Commercial department..............
Savings department,
Bonds, mortgages and securities:
Commercial department..............
Savings department.......................

Report of
Report of
Report of
Report of
Report of
Oct. 2 1 ,’13. Jan. 13, ’14. Mar. 4, ’14. June 30, ’14. Sept. 12, ’14.

$191,010 77

$209,423 12

$205,803 18

$229,869 52

$230,158 03

22,400 00
213,372 10

22,300 00
215,247 10

40,450 00
213,864 10

33,450 00
233,680 42

15,450 00
247,658 97

Premium account...............................
Expenses, interest and taxes paid,

553 91
1,346 53

553 91
131 24

263 71
1,002 35

245 14
73 08

229 64
98 04

Furniture and fixtures......................

2,422 97

2,422 97

2,422 97

2,597 97

2,632 97

Other real estate .
Due from other banks and bankers,
not reserve cities............................
Items in transit..................................
United States bonds:

8,000 00
6,753 59

6,000 00
5,178 01

7,630 00
4,447 44

3,000 00
1,196 77

4,507 50
5,351 44

Due from banks in reserve cities:
Commercial department..............
Savings department......................
Exchanges for clearing house:
Commercial department..............

38,762 90
19,932 92

47,841 65
42,478 43

33,458 04
39,550 51

8,906 35
34,574 07

16,562 53
27,670 77

800 00

2,312 24

1,000 00

132 83
1,000 00

1,300 00

14,300 00
12,442 00

20,000 00
10,429 00

13,957 00
11,300 00

21,000 00
10,000 00

12,865 00
12,465 00

5,035 00

5,472 50

3,677 50

3,345 00

3,640 00

1,321 00
867 00

1,417 00
1,650 00

782 00
790 00

1,967 00
400 00

247 00
1,250 00

400 59
70 90
332 27

185 46
45 35
1,000 00

192 96
197 39
177 99

129 20
285 29
600 00

315 40
192 19
469 45

$540,124 45

$594,087 98

$580,967 14

$586,452 64

$583,063 93

$25,000 00
9,500 00

$25,000 00
10,000 00

$25,000 00
10,000 00

$25,000 00
10,000 00

$25,000 00
10,500 00

21,815 78

22,140 54
520 00

22,819 38

26,041 76

24,588 95

U. S. and National bank currency:
Commercial department..............
Savings department......................
Gold coin:
Commnrnia.l dppartmpnt
Savings department......................
Silver coin:
Commercial department..............
Savings department......................
Nickels and cents:
Commercial department..............
Savings department......................
Checks and other cash item s..........
T otals...........................................
Capital stock paid in ........................
Surplus fund........................................
Undivided profits, less losses, cur­
rent expenses, interest and taxes
p a id ...................................................
D iv id e n d s u n p a id

. . .

Commercial deposits subject to
Commercial certificates of deposit. .
Certified checks..................................
Cashier’s checks outstanding..........
State monies on deposit...................

70,742 57
137,847 32
186 01
6,071 03
10,000 00


Postal savings deposits.....................
Savings deposits.................................
Savings certificates of deposit.........

7,241 82
242,019 92
9,700 00

257,022 38
18,300 00

8,258 30
256,209 50
20,800 00

7,899 00
265,184 78
21,100 00

8,227 56
275,684 43
21,700 00

T otals...........................................

$540,124 45

$594,087 98

$580,967 14

$586,452 64

$583,063 93
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis










No. 248.

O rganized S eptem ber 28, 1901.
A. W r ig h t , President; F r e d E. H o o d , Vice President; D . C. M o r r il l , Cashier;
F r e d A. A s h l e y , Assistant Cashier.
D ir e c t o r s .— George A. Wright, A. W. Bennett, Geo. F. Fairman, Jos. Barton, W. T. Dodge,
D. C. Morrill, Wm. E. Bailie, F. E. Hood, L. F. Bertran, Wm. T. Jones, C. W. Doe.



Loans and discounts:
Commercial department...............
Savings department......................
Bonds, mortgages and securities:
Commercial department..............
Savings department......................
Premium account...............................
Expenses, interest and taxes paid,
exceeding earnings.........................
Banking house. .. .“...........................
Furniture and fixtures......................
Other real estate................................
Due from other banks and bankers,
not reserve cities..........................
Items in transit..................................
United States bonds:
Savings department......................
Due from banks in reserve cities:
Commercial department..............
Savings department......................
Exchanges for clearing house:
Commercial department..............
Savings department......................
U. S. and National bank currency:
Commercial department..............
Savings department......................
Gold coin:
Commercial department..............
Savings department......................
Silver coin:
Commercial department..............
Savings department.......................
Nickels and cents:
Commercial department..............
Savings department.......................
Checks and other cash item s..........
T otals...........................................
Capital stock paid in .........................
Surplus fund........................................
Undivided profits, less losses, cur­
rent expenses, interest and taxes
p aid ...................................................
Dividends unpaid.............
Commercial 'deposits subject to
Commercial certificates of deposit. .
Certified checks..................................
Cashier’s checks outstanding..........
State monies on deposit.
Due to banks and bankers..............
Savings deposits.................................
Savings certificates of deposit.........
Reserve for taxes, interest, ete. . . .
Notes and hills rediseoiinted .
Rills p ayab le.. .
T otals...........................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

Report of
Report of
Report of
Report of
Report of
Oct. 21, ’13. Jan. 13, T4. Mar. 4, ’14. June 30, ’14. Sept. 12, ’14.

$359,216 62
43,109 72

$348,978 79
30,299 72

$364,391 55
27,258 72

$364,538 25
86,029 93

$388,982 92
85,705 29

228,497 17

225,422 77

234,738 77

239,552 40

239,398 24

1,538 64

1,281 88

1,678 56

169 17

1,241 04

10,000 00
5,000 00

10,000 00
4,000 00

10,000 00
4,000 00

10,000 00
4,000 00

10,000 00
4,000 00

4,788 04

1,028 73
3,064 94

369 20
1,609 05

473 19
2,934 72

2,701 23

49,402 37
55,784 17

71,157 59
96,575 56

42,119 23
98,601 73

19,697 75
48,840 70

30,766 89
24,041 37

21,131 00
10,000 00

23,480 00
10,000 00

22,135 00
8,000 00

21,456 00
11,000 00

15,000 00
20,779 00

9,730 00
6,000 00

10,297 50
7.000 00

8,867 50
4.000 00

6,410 00
6,500 00

5,000 00
8,640 00

4,031 65
2,900 00

7,070 45
2.000 00

6,114 40
4.000 00

7,828 25
2,000 00

4,500 00
3,336 95

688 34
90 70
689 95

885 96
54 59
3,889 20

345 41
704 95
626 83

832 29
328 22
3,024 22

499 41
312 71
1,932 88

$812,598 37

$856,487 68

$839,560 90

$835,615 09

$846,837 93

$50,000 00
20,000 00

$50,000 00
25,000 00

$50,000 00
25,000 00

$50,000 00
25,000 00

$50,000 00
25,000 00

13,022 94

5,868 61
148 00

5,645 21

5,733 45
2,000 00

6,098 95
148 00

173,421 60
204,318 33

184,466 04
194,208 83

438 61

203,350 26
197,251 07
38 95
1 49

5,015 13
308,256 76
38,125 00

3,476 66
332,827 64
38,525 00

2,918 76
338,479 17
38,825 00

17 89


172,825 40
194,407 93
22 95

355,351 25
38,900 00

3,120 15
343,713 56
38,500 00


13,000 00
$812,598 37

$856,487 68

$839,560 90

$835,615 09

$846,837 93



No. 505.
O rganized J u n e 13, 1912.
C h a s . H. M


ir e c t o r s .— Chas.

President; E r n e s t R. M a y , Vice President; R a y m o n d G. F r o s t , Cashier.

H. May, Ernest R. May, Raymond G. Frost, Chas. Wolohan, Miles L. Iladsall.


Loans and discount:
Commercial department..............
Savings department......................
Bonds, mortgages and securities:
Commercial department..............
Savings department......................
Premium account...............................
Expenses, interest and taxes paid,
exceeding earnings.........................
Banking house....................................
Furniture and fixtures......................
Other real estate................................
Due from other banks and bankers,
not reserve cities............................
Items in transit..................................
United States bonds:
Savings department.......................
Due from banks in reserve cities:
Commercial department..............
Savings department......................
Exchanges for clearing house:
Commercial department..............
Savings department......................
XT. S. and National bank currency:
Commercial department..............
Savings department......................
Gold coin:
Commercial department..............
Savings department......................
Silver coin:
Commercial department..............
Savings department......................
Nickels and cents:
Commercial department..............
Savings department......................
Checks and other cash item s..........
T otals...........................................
Capital stock paid in ........................
Surplus fund........................................
Undivided profits, less losses, cur­
rent expenses, interest and taxes
p aid ...................................................
Dividends unpaid...............................
Commercial deposits subject to
Commercial certificates of deposit..
Certified checks..................................
Cashier’s checks outstanding..........
State monies on deposit...................
Due to banks and bankers..............
Savings deposits.................................
Savings certificates of deposit.........
Reserve for taxes, interest, etc. . . .
Notes and bills rediscounted...........
Bills payable........................................
T otals...........................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

Report of
Report of
Report of
Report of
Report of
Oct. 21, ’13. Jan. 13, ’14. Mar. 4, C4. June 30, A4. Sept. 12, ’14.

$34,679 90
16,079 76

$26,259 40
30,478 37

$26,908 94
31,393 57

$31,164 79
33,931 65

$34,684 47
30,433 89

19,153 85

24,838 70

25,106 14

32,316 49

43,527 30

16 05

123 44

218 60

62 31

232 79

1,896 37
2,274 08

1,939 80
2,345 08

1,939 80
2,345 08

1,939 80
2,491 83

1,939 80
2,491 83

20,435 54

14,071 99

12,290 82

7,586 46

6,168 64

20,498 33
4,000 00

29,142 56
6,000 00

14,777 25
6,000 00

22,700 33
8,000 00

17,518 84
8,000 00

2,743 00
3,000 00

3,657 00
3,000 00

2,379 00
3,000 00

1,395 00
4,000 00

2,133 00
4,000 00

975 00

1,420 00

1,670 00

735 00

1,135 00

340 25

259 30

142 00

2,398 90

1,084 20
217 20

105 22

38 10

11 96

257 14

57 79

380 96

350 79

1,344 78

1,328 38

$126,255 14

$143,954 70

$128,533 95

$150,324 48

$154,895 34

$20,000 00
200 00

$20,000 00
400 00

$20,000 00
400 00

$20,000 00
400 00

$20,000 00
600 00

1,144 97

97 91
50 00

982 01

1,290 77

615 74

33,411 27
20,287 45

45,494 49
22,339 95

33,158 66
18,343 75

42,747 93
19,383 46

33,373 23
21,339 12

221 57

202 70

653 31

994 60

213 90

50,989 88

55,369 65

54,996 22

65,507 72

78,753 35

$126,255 14

$143,954 70

$128,533 95

$150,324 48

$154,895 34



No. 411.
O rganized S eptem ber 15, 1908.
F rank F

i r e c t o r s .—


President; F r a n k H a g e r m a n , Vice President; T h o s . H . C o b b , Cashier.

Frank Ford, Frank Hagerman, Thomas H. Cobb, Frank Schlaack, W. W Masters
T. B. Smith, W. B. Harris.


Loans and discounts:
Commercial departm ent.. . . . . . .
Savings department..............
Bonds, mortgages and securities:
Commercial department...............
Savings department......................
Premium account.............................
Expenses, interest and taxes paid
exceeding earnings.......................
Furniture and fixtures . .

Report of
Report of
Report of
Report of
Report of
Oct. 21, ’13. Jan. 13, T4. Mar. 4, ’14. June 30, ’14 Sept. 12, ’14.

$110,812 15
66,418 08

$120,967 37
64,043 73

$122,771 26
58,644 64

$145,032 83
57,537 81

$144,695 12
51,034 26

153,270 03

156,959 36

136,309 36

133,620 29

2,300 00
132,140 92

221 65

159 34

375 19

1,094 89

334 14

3,570 00

2,500 00

2,500 00

2,500 00

2,000 0Ó

5,308 81
23,586 77

20,920 43
24,614 77

18,126 16
24,632 87

12,624 04
22,137 71

9,191 54
22,568 29

4,544 00
2,000 00

9,271 00
2,000 00

4,998 00
2,000 00

9,993 00

6,585 00
12,000 00

822 50
11,000 00

332 50
10,000 00

1,625 00
10,000 00

1,672 50
11,000 00

722 50
9,000 00

992 60

1,262 60

1,146 00

1,246 00

1,336 00

Other real estate......................
Due from other banks and bankers,
not reserve cities.............
United States bonds:
Savings department.......................
D ue from banks in reserve cities:
Commercial department............
Savings department....................
Exchanges for clearing house:
Commercial department............
U. S. and National bank currency:
Commercial department...............
Savings department......................
Gold coin:
Commercial department..............
Savings department.......................
Silver coin:
Commercial department............
Savings department......................
Nickels and cents:
Commercial department...............
Savings department....................
Checks and other cash item s..........
T otals..............................
Capital stock paid in ......................
Surplus fund...................
Undivided profits, less losses, cur­
rent expenses, interest and taxes
p a id ...................................
Dividends unpaid..................
Commercial deposits subject to
Commercial certificates of deposit..
Certified checks.....................
Cashier’s checks outstanding........
State monies on deposit.................
Due to banks and bankers...............
Savings deposits.......................
Savings certificates of deposit.........
Reserve for taxes, interest, e tc . . .
Notes and bills rediscounted...........
Bills payable.............................
T otals.....................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

359 65

527 68

557 87

128 93

127 41

2,315 25

624 98

2,077 50

675 ¿3

618 79

$385,221 49

$414,183 76

$385,763 85

$399,263 63

$394,653 97

$20,000 00
5,000 00

$20,000 00
5,000 00

$20,000 00
5,000 00

$20,000 00
5,000 00

$20,000 00
5,000 00

2,308 94

1,124 06
12 00

1.530 14
12 00

2,689 24

1,496 39

54,509 08
51,144 16
11 10

85,787 05
70,038 06

49,485 49
75,451 74

55,240 13
83,879 40
41 44

55,729 01
55,822 16
35 00

5,000 00

5,000 00

2,500 00

190,772 42
61,475 79

186,675 13
44,543 21
1,004 25

189,307 54
39,976 94

193.983 93
33i429 49

198,186 41
55,885 00

$385,221 49

$414,183 76

$385,763 85

$399,263 63

$394,653 97


No. 481.
O rganized A p ril 4, 1911.


il l ia m

J . O r r , President; A a r o n A m o n , Vice President; A n d r e w W . O r r , Cashier;
C h e s t e r C . M c D o n a l d , Assistant Cashier.

ir e c t o r s .—Wm,

H. Wallace, Wm. J. Orr, George Bilbrough, Aaron Amon, Andrew W. Orr.


Loans and discounts:
Commercial department...............
Savings department......................
Bonds, mortgages and securities:
Commercial department..............
Savings department.......................
Premium account...............................
Expenses, interest and taxes paid,
exceeding earnings.........................
Banking house....................................
Furniture and fixtures.......................
Other real estate.................................
Due from other banks and bankers,
not reserve cities............................
Items in transit................................
United States bonds:
Savings department......................
Due from banks in reserve cities:
Commercial department..............
Savings department......................
Exchanges for clearing house:
Commercial department..............
Savings department......................
U. S. and National bank currency:
Commercial department..............
Savings department.......................
Gold coin:
Commercial department...............
Savings department.......................
Silver coin:
Commercial department..............
Savings department.......................
Nickels and cents:
Commercial department..............
Savings department......................
Checks and other cash item s..........
T otals...........................................
Capital stock paid in .........................
Surplus fund.................................
Undivided profits, less losses, cur­
rent expenses, interest and taxes
p aid .........................................
Dividends unpaid............................
Commercial deposits subject to
Commercial certificates of deposit..
Certified checks................................
Cashier’s checks outstanding..........
State monies on deposit.................
Due to banks and bankers..............
Savings deposits...........................
Savings certificates of deposit.........
Reserve for taxes, interest, etc. . .
Notes and Dills rediscounted.........
Bills payable.....................................
T otals...............................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

Report of
Report of
Report of
Report of
Report of
Oct. 21, T3. Jan. 13, ’14. Mar. 4, T4. June 30, ’14 Sept. 12, ’14.

$45,563 60
15,026 73

$55,513 02
13,641 00

$65,675 93
14,856 43

$78,028 23
6,000 00

$75,642 78
2,000 00

12,797 16

15,122 16

18,487 16

2,084 66
32,735 00

2,084 66
36,835 00

485 47


11 32

155 40

27 71

5,283 35
1,319 00

5,283 35
1,319 00

5,283 35
1,319 00

5,283 35
1,374 80

5,283 35
1,374 80

4,088 94

398 71

2,967 74

10,169 17
3,000 00

19,185 60
4,000 00

11,860 99
6,000 00

7,158 35
5,000 00

9,705 08
5,000 00

585 28

214 41

157 35

190 04

5 57

5,491 00
500 00

4,677 00
2,000 00

3,226 00
2,000 00

4,861 00
1,000 00

6,263 00
1,500 00

572 50
500 00

482 50
500 00

497 50
500 00

85 00
900 00

80 00
900 00

921 60
320 00

1,109 35
65 00

817 45
300 00

727 55
300 00

764 30
375 00

106 81
5 04

103 99
10 97

113 99
8 29

176 08

69 89
3 38

$106,735 65

$123,626 44

$134,082 50

$146,059 73

$153,216 59

$20,000 00
3,000 00

$20,000 00
3,000 00

$20,000 00
3,300 00

$20,000 00
3,300 00

$20,000 00
3,300 00

645 20

1,968 79

156 25

1,189 81

1,879 44


33,341 57
24,971 55

35,526 61
25,239 62

5 40
5,000 00

208 14
7,500 00

17,661 70
14,487 23

19,748 34
15,590 79

21,164 64
20,987 24

$106,735 65

$123,626 44

$134,082 50


5,302 07



55,387 72
20,111 65

26,087 21
16,448 06

25,961 50
18,751 88

$146,059 73 I

324 40
7,500 00

$153,216 59



No. 163.
O rganized M ay 31, 1893.
A. D. E l l i s , President; W il l ia m R o t h f u s s , Vice President; L. H. R o t h f u s s , Cashier;
K. B. G l a s e r , Assistant Cashier.

i r e c t o r s .— A.

D. Ellis, Geo. F. Ford, William Rothfuss, Geo. W. Davenport, L. H. Rothfuss,
G. A. Hathaway, James G. Hill, E. A. Beamer.


Loans and discounts:
Commercial department...............
Savings department.......................
Bonds, mortgages and securities:
Commercial department...............
Savings department......................
Premium account...............................
Expenses, interest and taxes paid,
exceeding earnings.........................
Banking house..................................
Furniture and fixtures....................
Other real estate................................
Due from other banks and bankers,
not reserve cities............................
Items in transit..................................
United States bonds:
Savings department.......................
Due from banks in reserve cities:
Commercial department..............
Savings department......................
Exchanges for clearing house:
Commercial department..............
Savings department.......................
U. S. and National bank currency:
Commercial department.......... !.
Savings department......................
Gold coin:
Commercial department.......... ....
Savings department......................
Silver coin:
Commercial department..............
Savings department.......................
Nickels and cents:
Commercial department...............
Savings department......................
Checks and other cash item s..........
T otals...........................................
Capital stock paid in ........................
Surplus fund .7 ....................................
Undivided profits, less losses, cur­
rent expenses, interest and taxes
p aid .................................................
Dividends unpaid..............................
Commercial deposits subject to
Commercial certificates of deposit..
Certified checks..................................
Cashier’s checks outstanding..........
State monies on deposit. .. 7...........
Due to banks and bankers..............
Savings deposits.................................
Savings certificates of deposit.........
Reserve for taxes, interest, etc. . . .
Notes and bills rediscounted...........
Bills payable......................................
T otals...........................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

Report of
Report of
Report of
Report of
Report of
Oct. 2 1 ,’13. Jan. 13, ’14. Mar. 4, ’14. June 30, ’14. Sept. 12, ’14.

$157,660 77
52,883 50

$157,713 92
42,699 50

$175,704 58
36,133 50

$119,922 73
38,088 16

$134,658 32
45,945 31

167,130 00

165,005 00

163,630 00

171,306 00

166,380 00

25 46

415 71

127 05

278 17

526 54

5.000 00
2.000 00

5.000 00
2.000 00

5.000 00
2.000 00

5.000 00
2.000 00

5.000 00
2.000 00

550 00

550 00

550 00

550 00

12,848 61
24,681 64

42,884 94
23,757 18

34,744 24
35,705 22

11,464 74
50,185 14

17,470 67
38,946 88

9 00

51 00

67 50

5 84

66 88

8,522 00
8,000 00

5,384 00
7,200 00

12,309 00
7.500 00

6,701 00
8,400 00

7,375 00
8,000 00

2,050 00
4,000 00

2,850 00
4,500 00

3,000 00
4.500 00

2,900 00
5,000 00

3.000 00
5.000 00

685 45
339 00

533 70
136 00

514 65
391 00

738 65
260 00

354 20
215 00

97 06

96 84

76 53

193 13

.52 10

42 74
$446,482 49

$460,777 79

$481,953 27

$423,036 30

$434,990 90

$20,000 00
10,000 00

$20,000 00
10,000 00

$20,000 00
10,000 00

$20,000 00
10,000 00

$20,000 00
12,000 00

3,187 06

1,069 92

3,003 92

7,094 24

4,330 28

51,009 79
85,493 05

77,559 84
80,412 15

74,652 39
101,468 32

36,481 67
76,246 66

48,079 20
86,281 20

246,792 59

236,735 88

247,828 64

273,213 73

264,300 22

$423,036 30

*434,990 90

30,000 00

35,000 00

25,000 00

$446,482 49

$460,777 79

$481,953 27



No. 221.
O rganized M arch 1, 1900.
W. C . J i p s o n , President; C h a s . L. K i n g , Vice President; J . G. B a u e r , Cashier;
O t t o II. J o h n s o n , Assistant Cashier.

ir e c t o r s .— W.

C. Jipson, C. E. Howland, J. C. Holt, J. J. Walper, R. M. Eccles, Chas. L. King,
J. G. Bauer, T. G. Glaser, H. E. Morrow.


Loans and discounts:
Commercial department..............
Bonds, mortgages and securities:
Commercial department..............
Savings department......................
Premium account...............................
Expenses, interest and taxes paid,
exceeding earnings.........................
Banking house....................................
Furniture and fixtures......................
Other real estate................................
Due from other banks and bankers,
not reserve cities............................
Items in transit..................................
United States bonds:
Savings department......................
Due from banks in reserve cities:
Commercial department..............
Savings department......................
Exchanges for clearing house:
Commercial department..............
Savings department......................
U. S. and National bank currency:
Commercial department..............
Savings department......................
Gold coin:
Commercial department...............
Savings department......................

Report of
Report of
Report of
Report of
Report of
Oct. 21, ’13. Jan. 13, ’14. Mar. 4, ’14. June 30, ’14. Sept. 12, ’14.

$95,807 35
103,601 93

$127,038 22
86,281 18

$98,236 47
95,916 98

$72,177 79
37,908 23

$101,912 58
28,795 20

2,000 00
415,260 75

2,000 00
376,235 75

2,000 00
373,220 75

2,000 00
408,760 75

2,000 00
408,535 75

2,469 49
553 98

1,994 98
240 29

1,983 14
394 63

2,213 71
30 31

2,162 66
560 31

8,301 90
4,391 14

8,301 90
4,395 64

8,301 90
4,395 64

8,301 90
4,694 58

8,301 90
4,694 58

2,327 32

2,556 93

4,485 00

130 10

1,840 00

8,737 48
54,610 68

10,769 47
66,622 25

12,003 97
96,270 27

14,592 53
147,249 47

17,413 18
116,565 98

3.000 00
8,413 00

3.000 00
9,196 00

4.000 00
7,267 00

3.000 00
6,376 00

3.000 00
7,916 00

3.000 00
15,280 00

3.000 00
16,260 00

3.000 00
16,835 00

4.000 00
16,195 00

4.000 00
16,060 00

Silver coin:
Commercial department...............
Savings department......................
Nickels and cents:
Commercial department..............
Savings department......................
Checks and other cash item s..........

1,237 50

1,499 85

1,279 55

2,225 25

2,444 85

132 48
8,608 92

151 92
201 87

136 87
7,721 30

130 28
1,187 66

170 71
3,129 00

T otals...........................................

$737,733 92

$719,746 25

$737,448 47

$731,173 56

$729,502 70

$50,000 00
12,000 00

$50,000 00
13,000 00

$50,000 00
13,000 00

$50,000 00
13,000 00

$50,000 00
14,000 00

9,754 55

4,213 54
100 00

7,160 27

10,776 40

8,569 34

66,187 92

91,291 44

90,803 15

81,205 45

85,157 20

331,042 37
228,709 08

314,175 27
226,966 00

321,564 07
244,920 98

333,476 31
242,715 40

334,138 30
237,637 86

$731,173 56

$729,502 70

Capital stock paid in ........................
Surplus fund........................................
Undivided profits, less losses, cur­
rent expenses, interest and taxes
p aid ...................................................
Dividends unpaid..............................
Commercial deposits subject to
Commercial certificates of deposit. .
Certified checks..................................
Cashier’s checks outstanding..........
State monies on deposit...................
Due to banks and bankers..............
Savings deposits.................................
Savings certificates of deposit.........
Reserve for taxes, interest, etc. . . .
Notes and bills rediscounted...........
Bills payable........................................
T otals...........................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

40,000 00

20,000 00

10,000 00

$737,693 92

$719,746 25

$737,448 47



No. 516.
O rganized J u ly 9, 1912.


E . A l l e n , President; A r t h u r B. W

ig g in s ,

Vice President; E l l is S im o n , Cashier.

D i r e c t o r s — Daniel M. Allen, Lowell A. Newcomb, Ellis Simon, Ruben E. Allen, Edwin J. Dayton,

Arthur B. Wiggins.


Loans and discounts:
Commercial department...............
Savings department.......................
Bonds, mortgages and securities:
Commercial department..............
Savings department......................
Premium account...............................
Expenses, interest and taxes paid,
exceeding earnings.........................
Banking house....................................
Furniture and fixtures..........
Other real estate................................
Due from other banks and bankers,
not reserve cities............................
Items in transit..................................
United States bonds:
Savings department......................
Due from banks in reserve cities:
Commercial department..............
Savings department.......................
Exchanges for clearing house:
Commercial department..............
Savings department......................
U. S. and National bank currency:
Commercial department...............
Savings department......................
Gold coin:
Commercial department..............
Savings department......................
Silver coin:
Commercial department..............
Savings department.......................
Nickels and cents:
Commercial department..............
Savings department.......................
Checks and other cash item s..........
T otals...........................................
Capital stock paid in .........................
Surplus fund........................................
Undivided profits, less losses, cur­
rent expenses, interest and taxes
Dividends unpaid...............................
Commercial 'deposits subject to
Commercial certificates of deposit. .
Certified checks..................... *..........
Cashier’s checks outstanding..........
State monies on deposit. . . 7 ...........
Due to banks and Hankers..............
Savings deposits.................................
Savings certificates of deposit.........
Reserve for taxes, interest, etc. . . .
Notes and bills rediscounted...........
Bills payable........................................
T otals...........................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

Report of
Report of
Report of
Report of
Report of
Oct. 21, T3. Jan. 13, T4. Mar. 4, T4. June 30, T4. Sept. 12, T4.

$72,917 87
47,125 00

$68,046 71
50,065 00

$74,469 47
47,120 00

$72,869 29
50,976 50

$78,291 30
52,155 00

68,816 15

66,224 90

66,542 95

64,195 95

64,620 95

1,336 81

358 96

375 28

557 38

1,262 85

1,000 00

1,000 00

1,000 00

1,000 00

1,000 00

830 00

830 00

445 99
125 23

923 90
37 07

713 68

515 43

237 73

16,368 08
14,500 00

10,467 19
13,500 00

3,722 11
14,500 00

4,384 84
16,000 00

2,627 30
12,800 00

3,021 00
5,300 00

4,731 00
5,300 00

588 00
3,900 00

2,668 00
5,000 00

3,428 00
5,400 00

240 00
1,217 42

135 00
1,507 42

70 00
1,607 42

170 00
1,807 42

90 00
2,007 42

361 35

278 55

176 20

204 35

361 40

89 47

118 66

103 84

108 16

66 55

25 00

264 38

95 10

48 33
$232,912 70

$222,694 36

$214,913 95

$221,551 70

$225,273 60

$20,000 00
20,000 00

$20,000 00
22,000 00

$20,000 00
22,000 00

$20,000 00
22,000 00

$20,000 00
22,000 00

4,594 70

599 82
120 00

1,263 83
40 00

1,299 40

909 30
30 00

47,599 08

46,620 00

40,784 22

43,226 85

45,552 87

2,500 00

16,143 96
117,203 05

33 99
16,990 44
113,801 47

5,000 00

15,784 30
119,934 62

16,775 25
113,250 20

17,467 81
116,813 62

$222,694 36

$214,913 95

$221,551 70

¡5225.273 60

5,000 00
$232,912 70



No. 436.
O rganized A p ril 21, 1909.
A l e x . C h is h o l m , President; A. L. G i l e s , Vice President; R. L. B a l d w in , Cashier.

i r e c t o e s .—Alex.

Chisholm, B. L. Hodge, A. L. Giles, J. L. Smith, E. Arnold, Robert Donnan,
Robert Boswell, C. K. Fox.


Loans and discounts:
Commercial department............
Savings department....................
Bonds, mortgages and securities:
Commercial department.......... .
Savings department.................. .
Premium account..............................
Expenses, interest and taxes paid,
exceeding earnings........................
Banking house....................................
Furniture and fixtures......................
Other real estate................................
Due from other banks and bankers,
not reserve cities........................
Items in transit..................................
United States bonds:
Savings department.......................
Due from banks in reserve cities:
Commercial department............
Savings department....................
Exchanges for clearing house:
Commercial department............
Savings department....................
U. S. and National bank currency:
Commercial department..............
Savings department......................
Gold coin:
Commercial department..............
Savings department......................
Silver coin:
Commercial department. . .
Savings department............
Nickels and cents:
Commercial department...
Savings department............
Checks and other cash item s.
T otals.
Capital stock paid in ....................
Surplus fund........................................
Undivided profits, less losses, cur­
rent expenses, interest and taxes
p aid ...............................................
Dividends unpaid........................ .
Commercial deposits subject to
Commercial certificates of deposit..
Certified checks..................................
Cashier’s checks outstanding..........
State monies on deposit...................
Due to banks and bankers..............
Savings deposits.................................
Savings certificates of deposit.........
Reserve for taxes, interest, etc. . . .
Notes and bills rediscounted...........
Bills payable.......................................
T otals.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

Report of
Report of
Report of
Report of
Report of
Oct. 21, T3. Jan. 13, ’14.; Mar. 4, ’14. June 30, ’14. Sept. 12, ’14.

$45,747 11
31,841 52

$50,382 24
17,471 86

$52,745 20
17,416 14

$60,688 73
19,340 00

$60,894 17
21,343 39

35,263 00

36,657 00

34,157 00

33,752 25

33,735 50

366 99

410 27

67 91

64 03

885 27

141 63
5,300 00
2,500 00

102 46
5,300 00
2,500 00

182 79
5,300 00
2,500 00

5,300 00
2,500 00

5,300 00
2,500 00

272 25

13 00


1,101 09
5,749 17

9,912 10
5,526 28

13,833 59
7,954 99

6,159 24
7,039 30

6,993 51
7,282 69

544 00
2,500 00

3,765 00

3,135 00
2,300 00

3,935 00

2,000 00

2,000 00

2,126 00
2,450 00

1,130 00

1,140 00

167 50

2,090 00

902 50

1,000 00

1,000 00

514 60
4 70

62 45
166 00

131 00
69 00

372 70
35 00

452 15
13 00

42 46
1,438 70

11 14
132 86

11 93
8 79
22 98

64 94
38 93

81 93
554 40

$135,417 22

$135,543 42

$140,977 22

$142,457 80

$147,039 76

$20,000 00

$20,000 00

$20,000 00

$20,000 00

$20,000 00

39 62

190 32

2,500 00

3,400 00

3,400 00

525 06

3,400 00

3,400 00

13,568 11
9,900 72

29,332 11
19,859 41

22,242 42
32,288 88

18,327 03
37,525 42

20,511 27
32,113 40

45,319 64
32,128 75

35,692 12
27,259 78

35,616 98
27,428 94

43,193 67
19,972 06

43,086 31
22,738 46

$135,543 42

$140,977 22

$142,457 80

$147,039 76

5,000 00

12,000 00

$135,417 22


No. 187.
O rganized A p ril 7, 1896.
J a m e s B . C r a w f o e d , President; W . O . W a t s o n , A . J o h n s t o n e , Vice Presidents;
A l f . F. C r a w f o r d , Cashier; O. G. C o l t h o r p , Assistant Cashier.
D ir e c t o r s .—James B. Crawford, W. O. Watson, L. Waggoner, A. Johnstone, John Mitchell,

James P. Gibbs, Alf. F. Crawford, Thos. Crawford, C. Peterman.


Loans and discounts:
Commercial department..............
Ravings department......................
Bonds, mortgages and securities:
Commercial department..
Savings department......................
Premium account. . .
Expenses, interest and taxes paid,
exceeding earnings.. .
Banking house. .. T...........................
Furniture and fixtures......................
Other real esta te.........
Due from other oanks and bankers,
not reserve cities............................
Items in transit..................................
United States bonds:
Sayings department. . .
Due from banks in reserve cities:
Commercial department..............
Savings department......................
Exchanges for clearing house:
Commercial department..............
Sayings department.......
U. S. and National bank currency:
Commercial department...............
Savings department......................
Gold coin:
Commercial department..............
Savings department......................
Silver coin:
Commercial department..............
Savings department......................
Nickels and cents:
Commercial department..............
Savings department.......................
Checks and other cash item s..........
T otals...........................................
Capital stock paid in .........................
Surplus fund........................................
Undivided profits, less losses, cur­
rent expenses, interest and taxes
p aid ...................................................
Commercial deposits subject to
Commercial certificates of deposit. .
Cashier’s checks outstanding...
Savings deposits.................................
Savings certificates of deposit.........
Reserve for taxes, interest, etc. . . .
Notes and hills rediscounted...........
Bills payable........................................
T otals...........................................

Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

Report of
Report of
Report of
Report of
Report of
Oct. 21, T3. Jan. 13, T4. Mar. 4, T4. June 30, T4. Sept. 12, T4.

$141,860 29
7,993 82

$145,053 80

$142,270 35
5,000 00

$133,788 45

$114,083 23
3,000 00

48,810 16

41,324 16

46,124 16

5,000 00
45,210 07

42,185 07

1,107 23

566 87

526 49

1,186 28

471 63

1-219 40
1,500 00

1,219 40
1,500 00

1,219 40
1,500 00

1,219 40
1,500 00

1,219 40
1,500 00

660 66

6,368 09

3,624 56

2,922 70

3,116 24

10,089 58
6,530 76

16,079 57
3,995 65

21,231 85
4,279 54

6.647 31
2,818 55

9,104 52
1,530 94

3,053 00
3,000 00

2,330 00
5,000 00

2,955 00
4,383 00

895 00
2,080 00

2,342 00
3,000 00

1,170 00

1,205 00

1,060 00
1,022 50

1,027 50

85 00
475 80
500 00

1,894 30
20 00

613 50
746 45

471 00
1,052 45

221 90
680 00

68 53
12 39
708 17

100 29
5 34
476 19

42 07
94 27
945 36

25 31
36 6!
254 62

63 51
4 01
1,339 67

$228,874 79

$227,103 66

$236,761 09

$207,190 25

$184,895 62

$16,000 00
16,000 00

$16,000 00
16,000 00

$16,000 00
16,000 00

$16,000 00
16,000 00

$16,000 00
16,000 00

1,279 71

961 23

1,093 97

1,247 17

582 17

43,382 16
53,700 79
80 00

50,134 07
66,993 21

49,447 57
66,887 04

37,081 39
58,641 51

39,973 31
38,434 12

33,563 36
33,368 77
5,500 00

35,317 85
16 197 30
5,500 00

35,025 69
26,806 73
5,500 00

33,055 76
19,164 42
6,000 00


1,200 00

26,000 00

20,000 00

20,000 00

20,000 00

$228,874 79

$227.103 66

$236,761 00

$207,190 25


$184,895 62



No. 452.
O rganized A pril 11, 1910.
W. P. V a n W i n k l e , President; W. T. F r y , Vice President; F r a n k M. L a n s in g , Cashier.
D i r e c t o r s .—J. A. Nelson, C. E. Placeway, W. T. Fry, F. M. Bergin, A. L. Smith,
W. P. Van Winkle, F. T. Hyne.

Loans and discounts:
Commercial department..............
Savings department......................
Bonds, mortgages and securities:
Commercial department..............
Savings department......................
Premium account...............................
Expenses, interest and taxes paid,
exceeding earnings.........................
Banking house....................................
Furniture and fixtures......................
Other real esta te................................
Due from other banks and bankers,
not reserve cities............................
Items in transit..................................
United States bonds:
Savings department......................
Due from banks in reserve cities:
Commercial department..............
Savings department......................
Exchanges for clearing house:
Commercial department..............
Savings department......................
U. S. and National bank currency:
Commercial department..............
Savings department......................
Gold coin:
Commercial department..'...........
Savings department......................
Silver coin:
Commercial department..............
Savings department......................
Nickels and cents:
Commercial department..............
Savings department......................
Checks and other cash item s..........
T otals...........................................
Capital stock paid in .........................
Surplus fund........................................
Undivided profits, less losses, cur­
rent expenses, interest and taxes
p a id ...................................................
Dividends unpaid..............................
Commercial deposits subject to
Commercial certificates of deposit. .
Certified checks..................................
Cashier’s checks outstanding..........
State monies on deposit...................
Due to banks and bankers..............
Postal savings deposits.....................
Savings deposits.................................
Savings certificates of deposit.........
Reserve for taxes, interest, etc. . . .
Notes and bills rediscounted...........
Bills payable........................................
T otals....................................... ....
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

Report of
Report of
Report of
Report of
Report of
Oct. 21, T3. Jan. 13, 14. Mar. 4, T4. June 30, T4. Sept. 12, T4.

$32,045 58

$28,621 76

$24,844 40

$26,883 62

$29,921 18

4,500 00
46,088 29

8,500 00
44,839 18

13,800 00
45,605 43

10,000 00
50,464 25

13,300 00
45,064 25

7 75

150 21

5 24

15 00

7,936 65
1,184 95

7,936 65
1,184 95

7,936 65
1,454 45

7,936 65
1,590 75

7,936 65
1,590 75

679 07

234 16

752 75

648 65

225 84

4,340 86
5,691 98

6,008 80
5,767 82

6,369 34
8,117 36

11,066 73
6,856 47

9,481 35
8,425 54

4,059 00
3,000 00

6,978 00
1,750 00

4,225 00
1,500 00

2,000 00
2,904 00

4,475 00
2,000 00

640 00
300 00

137 50
1,000 00

332 50
1,000 00

300 00
1,155 00

550 00

507 60

636 40
18 00

282 00
100 00

70 00
373 20

104 40
447 00

160 25
1 93
38 55

130 16
228 62

158 24
4 60
10 15

119 05
23 50

142 25
33 60

$111,174 71

$113,979 92

$116,643 08

$122,397 85

$123,713 03

$20,000 00

$20,000 00

$20,000 00

$20,000 00

$20,000 00

916 92

1,502 44

1,741 78

1,589 82

2,011 63

35,175 59

39,037 71

37,900 05

36,781 73

43,183 64

64 60

73 75

26,024 74
29,057 46

26,763 93
26,611 24

2,600 11
24,366 87
29,960 52

2,130 83
25,702 01
36,193 46

1,984 91
23,170 29
33,316 72

$111,174 71

$113,979 92

$116,643 08

$122,397 85

$123,713 03

45 84


No. 519.

O rganized A u gust 26, 1912.

e i n h a r d , Vice President; F r a n k K . W a l l a c e , Cashier.
D irectors.—Wm. H. Wallace, Frank K. Wallace, C. B. Chatfield, A. W. Reinhard,
Mrs. Minnie Reinhard.

H . W a l l a c e , President; A. W . R


Loans and discounts:
Commercial department............
Savings department....................
Bonds, mortgages and securities:
Commercial department............
Savings department....................
Premium account...............................
Expenses, interest and taxes paid,
exceeding earnings.........................
Banking house....................................
Furniture and fixtures......................
Other real esta te................................
Due from other banks and bankers
not reserve cities............................
Item s in transit..................................
United States bonds:
Savings department......................
Due from banks in reserve cities:
Commercial department............
Savings department....................
Exchanges for clearing house:
Commercial department............
Savings department....................
IJ. S. and National bank currency
Commercial department..............
Savings department......................
Gold coin:
Commercial department..............
Savings department......................
Silver coin:
Commercial department...
Savings department............
Nickels and cents:
Commercial department. . .
Savings department............
Checks and other cash item s.
T o ta ls.
Capital stock paid in
Surplus fund..............
Undivided profits, less losses, cur­
rent expenses, interest and taxes
p a id ...................
Dividends unpaid
Commercial deposits subject to
Commercial certificates of deposit.
Certified checks................................
Cashier’s checks outstanding........
State monies on deposit.............
Due to banks and bankers............
Savings deposits...............................
Savings certificates of deposit
Reserve for taxes, interest, etc. . .
Notes and bills rediscounted.........
Bills payable.....................................
T otals.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

Report of
Report of
Report of
Report of
Report of
Oct. 21, ’13. Jan. 13, T4. Mar. 4, T4. June 30, T4. Sept. 12, T4.

$18,342 69

$16,699 73

$15,663 07

$19,592 52

$19,508 26

10,260 95

9,260 00

14,136 67

14,696 54

14,819 87

60 62

586 07
119 20
545 00
780 00

2,836 73
780 00

3,887 73
1,240 69

3,940 17
1,315 43

3,948 62
1,316 06

4,142 70

11,131 00

6,882 26

1,896 82
51 31

6,142 33

2,655 31

5,738 62

3,657 56

2,632 18

1,967 43

2,000 00

2,000 00

1,000 00

82 09

1,057 00
1,000 00

1,735 00
1,538 00

2,618 00
500 00

1,757 00

1,558 00
300 00

615 00

625 00

181 70
300 00

279 80
56 60

288 85
137 00

245 10
300 00

242 00
27 00

141 94
17 30
229 81

33 01

1,445 94

100 01

123 01
141 92

77 21

60 41
281 03

1,159 67

$54,124 44

$51,858 28

3,202 07

$50,796 66

$20,000 00

$20,000 00

$20,000 00

$20,000 00

$20,000 00

276 95

465 50

21,945 83

16,939 55

20,185 71

250 87
15,781 42

25,802 21
.......26 75

2,809 70
2,568 55

4,731 86
3,312 75

7,514 55
2,153 35

10,395 16
590 41

9,356 70
788 75

$41,159 67

$54,124 44

$51,858 28

$48,202 07

$50,796 66


No. 409.
O rganized May 1, 1908.
J. E . W a t s o n , President; C. G. B a b c o c k , Vice President; B. P. T a g g a r t , Cashier;
F . T . S h a f f m a s t e r , Assistant Cashier.
D ir e c t o r s .—C. J. Holmes, J. E. Watson, J. F. Werner, C. G. Babcock, Wm. B. Bushnell,
E. W. Werner, Frank Coward, Jesse Monroe, C. C. Fenner.

Loans and discounts:
Commercial department..............
Savings department......................
Bonds, mortgages and securities:
Commercial department..............
Savings department.......................
Premium account.........................
Expenses, interest and taxes paid
exceeding earnings.........................
Banking h ou se..................................
Furniture and fixtures..................
Other real estate............................
Due from other banks and bankers,
not reserve cities..........................
Items in transit..........................
United States bonds:
Savings department......................
Due from banks in reserve cities:
Commercial department..............
Savings department......................
Exchanges for clearing house:
Commercial department..............
Savings department......................
U. S. and National bank currency:
Commercial department..............
Savings department......................
Gold coin:
Commercial department............
Savings department......................
Silver coin:
Commercial department..........
Savings department......................
Nickels and cents:
Commercial department............
Savings department....................
Checks and other cash item s...........
T otals............................
Capital stock paid in ................
Surplus fund.........................
Undivided profits, less losses, current expenses, interest and taxes
p aid ................................
Dividends unpaid....................
Commercial deposits subject to
Commercial certificates of deposit..
Certified checks.........
Cashier’s checks outstanding..........
State monies on deposit. . . 7.
Due to banks and bankers............
Savings deposits. . . .
Savings certificates of deposit........
Reserve for taxes, interest, etc. . .
Notes and bills rediscounted. ..
Bills payable..............
T otals....................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

Report of
Report of
Report of
Report of
Report of
Oct. 21, T3. Jan. 13, T4. Mar. 4, T4. June 30, T4 Sept. 12, T4.

$53,616 22
42,221 08

$65,238 94
34,501 04

$51,449 99
29,639 41

$50,913 29
51,193 61

$51,268 64
42,354 61

114,790 73

110,577 73

110,552 73

9,000 00
108,520 00

9,000 00
109,020 00

2,308 38

1,920 44

656 48

7,400 00
2,477 89

7,400 00
2,477 89

7,400 00
2,475 00

381 53

65 68

170 88

1,568 26
16,918 17

28,650 13
15,734 35

44,131 48
16,178 60

1,579 77
2,475 00

2,710 42

8,264 76
24,241 17

9 9Q1 Qn
17,517 47

197 70

985 16

261 00
3,000 00

3,313 00
3,000 00

1,983 00
2,500 00

3,056 00
3,800 00

467 00
2,500 00

170 00
4,750 00

1,325 00
4,000 00

417 50
5,000 00

1,245 00
5,000 00

105 00
6,000 00

493 30
700 00

291 10
800 00

586 15
500 00

370 25
175 00

780 70

104 84
9 08
1,618 78

69 60
67 17
304 96

54 43
89 30
1,017 01

47 80
25 00

$252,789 26

$279,737 03

$274,801 96

$50,000 00
3,200 00

$50,000 00
3,400 00

$50,000 00

1,979 15

2,479 91

o,ovo oo

28,272 33

66,399 59

28,147 18

156 00

114 00

5,000 00

1,024 00
5,000 00

12 00

32,282 59
136,899 19

124,374 60

130,526 28

143,877 23

32,502 42
134,336 10

$252,789 26

$279,737 03

$277,443 86

$254,596 05

36 00
$254,596 05

3,700 00

$50,000 00
3,700 00



No. 312.
O rganized M ay 16, 1905.
E d w in J. E n n i s , President; F r a n k H. B r o w n , W m. V. R o b e r s o n , Vice Presidents;
E b e n F. H o r n in g , Cashier; A. E . S h e k e l l , Assistant Cashier.
D i r e c t o r s . —E. J. Ennis, John M. Horning, David J. Boyce, Wm. Y. Roberson, Chas. T. Greene,

Frank H. Brown, J. W. Pierce, W. J. Neely, W. T. Parker.


Report of
Report of
Report of
Report of
Report of
Oct. 21, Y3. Jan. 13, ’14. Mar. 4, ’14. June 30, ’14. Sept. 12, ’14.

Loans and discounts:
Commercial department..............
Savings department.......................
Bonds, mortgages and securities:
Commercial department..............
Savings department......................
Premium account..............................
Expenses, interest and taxes paid,
exceeding earnings.........................
Banking house. . . ...........................
Furniture and fixtures......................
Other real estate................................
Due from other banks and bankers,
not reserve cities......................
Items in transit..................................
United States bonds:
Savings department......................
Due from banks in reserve cities:
Commercial department..............
Savings department......................
Exchanges for clearing house:
Commercial department.
Savings department......................
U. S. and National bank currency:
Commercial department..............
Savings department......................
Gold coin:
Commercial department...............
Savings department.......................
Silver coin:
Commercial departm ent.. . . . . . .
Savings department......................
Nickels and cents:
Commercial department...............
Savings department......................
Checks and other cash item s..........
T otals......................
Capital stock paid in .........................
Surplus fund. ?....................................
Undivided profits, less losses, cur­
rent expenses, interest and taxes
Dividends unpa.d..............................
Commercial "deposits subject to
Commercial certificates of deposit. .
Certified checks..................................
Cashier’s checks outstanding..........
State monies on deposit...................
Due to banks and bankers...............
Savings deposits.................................
Savings certificates of deposit.........
Reserve for taxes, interest, etc. . . .
Notes and bills rediscounted...........
Bills payable..........
T otals...........................................
♦Formerly Culver State Bank, Brooklyn.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



...................... 1



No. 312.
O rganized M ay 16, 1905.
W. T. P a b k e r , President; F. H. B r o w n , W. Y. R o b e r s o n , Vice Presidents; A. E. S h e k e l l , Cashier
D ir e c t o r s .— W. T. Parker, B . E. Loomis, J. W. Pierce, W. V . Roberson, Willis J. Crego,
Frank H. Brown, W. J. Neely, J. D. Reed, A. E. Shekell.

Loans and discounts:
Commercial department...............
Savings department......................
Bonds, mortgages and securities:
Commercial department...............
Savings department.......................
Premium account...............................
Expenses, interest and taxes paid,
exceeding earnings.........................
Banking house....................................
Furniture and fixtures......................
Other real esta te................................
Due from other banks and bankers,
not reserve cities............................
Items in transit..................................
United States bonds:
Savings department......................
Due from banks in reserve cities:
Commercial department..............
Savings department......................
Exchanges for clearing house:
Commercial department..............
Savings department.......................
U. S. and National bank currency:
Commercial department...............
Savings department......................
Gold coin:
Commercial department..............
Savings department.......................
Silver coin:
Commercial department..............
Savings department......................
Nickels "and cents:
Commercial department..............
Savings departm ent......................
Checks and other cash item s...........
T otals..............
Capital stock paid in .........................
Surplus fund........................................
Undivided profits, less losses, current expenses, interest and taxes
p a id ...................................................
Dividends unpaid...............................
Commercial deposits subject to
Commercial certificates of deposit. .
Certified checks..................... *...........
Cashier’s checks outstanding..........
State monies on deposit. . . 7...........
Due to banks and bankers...............
Christmas savings deposits..............
Savings d ep osits.. . . .*.......................
Savings certificates of deposit.........
Reserve for taxes, interest, etc. . . .
Notes and bills rediscounted...........
Bills pavable........................................
T otals...........................................

Report of
Report of
Report of
Report of
Report of
Oct. 21, T3. Jan. 13, ’14. Mar. 4, ’14. June 30, T4. Sept. 12, Y4.

$65,179 51
25,827 33

$60,950 73
27,265 33

$62,603 10
28,126 33

$65,449 64
22;557 82

$63,739 04
24,652 82

510 00
63,037 52

110 00
63,290 80

110 00
62,140 80

110 00
60,427 92

110 00
59,577 92

577 56

160 94

467 75

446 53

154 25

7,500 00
1,600 00

7,500 00
1,600 00

7,200 00
1,440 00

2,300 00
440 00

5,900 00
440 00

500 00

900 00

900 00

2,347 08

2,383 08

2,136 43
10,986 70

6,865 32
13,841 28

4-473 81
14;269 03

4,528 95
20,940 41

5,338 26
11,527 92

719 68

94 94

83 65

66 75

267 59

2,500 00
2,396 00

3,000 00
3,064 00

1,224 00
2,000 00

837 00
• 1,000 00

2,199 00
2,800 00

3,100 00
7,311 30

5.200 00
5 |566 30

4,836 30
6,000 00

6,003 80
5,000 00

1,501 30
10,000 00

100 00
84 35

44 05
100 00

100 00
29 70

100 00
92 15

50 60
50 00

48 70
36 94
36 00

33 78
34 20
4 78

41 02
54 51
13 18

53 04
51 19
64 75

25 28
21 59
74 90

$194,188 02

$199,626 45

$196,113 18

$192,817 03

$190,813 55

$25,000 00
12,000 00

$25,000 00
12,000 00

$25,000 00
12,000 00

$25,000 00
12,000 00

$25,000 00
12,000 Oí)

6,065 98

5,020 47
216 00

5,186 31
40 00

2,316 90
1,000 00

3,384 94

37,972 37

43,150 10

40,232 31

41,182 79

40,598 36

55,923 20
53,789 74

58,503 13
54,736 75

50 60
58,627 63
53,976 33

155 65
56,579 21
53;382 48

221 45
56,122 73
52,286 07

3,400 00

1,000 00

1,000 00

1,200 00

1,200 00

$194,188 02

$199,626 45

$196,113 18

$192,817 03

$190,813 55

36 73

♦Changed title to “ The Brooklyn State Bank,” and absorbed the Farmer State Bank of Brooklyn,
October 1, 1914. See preceding page.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



No. 310.
O rganized A p ril 22, 1905.
E. J. E n n i s , President; C h a s . A t k i n s o n , D. J. B o y c e , Vice Presidents; E. F. H o b n in g , Cashier.
D ib e c t o r s .— E. J. Ennis, P. A. Cady, Chas. T. Greene, C. L. Vaughan, Chas. Atkinson,
J. M. Horning, E. N. Palmer, D. J. Boyce, L. A. Watts.

Report of
Report of
Report of
Report of
Report of
Oct. 21, ’13. Jan. 13, ’14. Mar. 4, ’14. June 30, T4. Sept. 12, ’14.

Loans and discounts:
Commercial department..............
Savings department .....................
Bonds, mortgages and securities:

$42,406 16
43,640 49

$50,422 49
38,493 09

$44,965 22
34,126 41

$43,837 70
40,434 03

$42,944 25
39,604 61

Savings department......................

77,576 87

76,043 96

79,080 96

76,470 96

80,240 96

Expenses, interest and taxes paid,

485 19

504 99

706 48

379 88

820 08

Furniture and fixtures.......................

1,913 00

1,913 00

1,913 00

1,913 00

1,913 00

237 50

185 00

Due from other banks and bankers,

1,775 00

Tfern s i n t,ransi fc..................................
United States bonds:
Savings department......................
Due from banks in reserve cities:
Commercial department..............
Savings department......................
Exchanges for clearing house:
Commercial department..............
Savings department......................
U. S. National bank currency:
Commercial department...............
Savings department.......................
Gold coin:
Commercial department...............
Savings department......................
Silver coin:
Commercial department..............
Savings department..............
Nickels and cents:
Commercial department..............
Savings department.......................
Checks and other cash item s..........
T otals...........................................
Capital stock paid in .........................
Surplus fund........................................
Undivided profits, less losses, cur­
rent expenses, interest and taxes
p aid............. ......................................
Commercial deposits subject to
check. ........................................ ......

2,771 78
14,168 30

1,725 21
10,618 74

2,734 31
18,174 79

2,687 07
15,928 96

2,640 10
14,764 63

200 00
1,006 45

75 00
2,500 13

210 00
306 54

27 56

38 00
18 00

1,000 00
4,864 00

1,200 00
4,270 00

1,500 00
4,671 00

1,500 00
5,240 00

1,100 00
2,718 00

500 00
1,562 50

200 00
2,000 00

400 00
1,900 00

500 00
2,012 50

400 00
2,147 50

450 00
1,334 20

300 00
558 25

200 00
839 60

400 00
703 90

300 00
1,118 50

50 00
84 47
1,440 00

25 00
132 41
570 00

90 00
102 23
2,117 58

72 44
113 81

62 00
122 26

$195,353 41

$191,552 27

$195,813 12

$192,459 31

$191,136 89

$25,000 00
6,000 00

$25,000 00
7,000 00

$25,000 00
7,000 00

$25,000 00
7,000 00

$25,000 00
7,000 00

3,001 63

1,298 37

1,429 75

2,306 36

3,111 45

27,020 05

23,383 85

28,823 01

25,143 56

23,128 01

5,000 00

2,500 00

11 76
87,003 21
40,994 42

13 01
88,063 37
42,321 05

$192,459 31

$191,136 89

Postal savings deposits.....................
Savings deposits.*........................ ......
Savings certificates of deposit.........

90,463 77
43,867 96

89,892 46
44,977 59

175 76
88,709 89
44,674 71

T otals...........................................

$195,353 41

$191,552 27

$195,813 12

C onsolidated with The Brooklyn State Bank, October 1, 1914.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis


No. 216.
Organized June 9, 1899.
J a m e s L. B e n e d i c t , President; J o h n E. C a m p b e l l , Vice President; C h a r l e s N o b l e , CashierJ u l iu s L . B e n e d i c t , Assistant Cashier.
D i r e c t o r s — James L . Benedict, A. E. Sleeper, Charles Noble, H . McNair, D . C . Merrill

J. E. Campbell, W. A. Martin.


Loans and discounts:
Commercial department..............
Savings department......................
Bonds, mortgages and securities:
Commercial department..............
Savings department......................
Premium account..................
Expenses, interest and taxes paid,
exceeding earnings.......................
Banking house.....................
Furniture and fixtures..............

Report of
Report of
Report of
Report of
Report of
Oct. 21, T3. Jan. 13, T4. Mar. 4, T4. June 30, T4 Sept. 12, T4.

$163,067 77
15,172 86

$157,393 80
9,185 19

$156,273 02
11,153 00

$159,054 09
11,153 00

$160,530 22
11,153 00

22,977 83

24,577 83

25,027 83

22,667 83

22,667 83

1,660 36

1,191 02

718 49

696 50

398 80

12,000 00
3,000 00

12,000 00
3,000 00

12,000 00
3,000 00

12,000 00
3,000 00

12,000 00
3,000 00

11,995 05
3,925 16

14,974 97
3,425 16

20,965 99
3,425 16

11,877 80
5,425 16

20,768 53
4,425 16

5,486 00

7,352 00

6,610 00

6,933 00
2,764 00

5,836 00
3,162 00

1,417 50
2,620 00

1,762 50
2,350 00

1,322 50
3,020 00

2,412 50

2,395 00

544 40
3 00

774 00

1,143 25
4 80

740 70

778 55

453 46

489 64
3 48
760 52

564 97
279 59

460 30

454 35
251 41

$244,619 57

$239,240 11

$245,506 67

$239,184 92

$247,821 72

$25,000 00
5,000 00

$25,000 00
5.000 00

$25,090 00
5,000 00

$25,000 00
5,000 00

$25,000 00
5,000 00

9,147 87

7,054 24
3.000 00

9,948 52

9,817 25

10,312 16

27,810 53
103,454 73

39,187 43
92,111 06

40,260 96
105,393 19

30,435 49
101,922 15

36,912 90
104,187 80

401 40
5,000 00

4,239 55
5,000 00

1,166 97
5,000 00

5,000 00

5,000 00

44,698 87

39,541 66

42,630 86

42.010 03

41,408 86

6,106 17
18,000 00

6,106 17
13,000 00.

6,106 17
5,000 00

20,000 00

20,000 00

$245,506 67

$239,184 92

$247,821 72

Other real estate............................
Due from other banks and bankers,
not reserve cities.................
United States bonds:
Savings department.......................
Due from banks in reserve cities:
Commercial department..............
Savings department......................
Exchanges for clearing house:
Commercial department..............
Savings department......................
U. S. and National bank currency:
Commercial department..............
Savings department......................
Gold coin:
Commercial department...............
Savings department......................
Silver coin:
Commercial department..............
Savings department.......................
Nickels and cents:
Commercial department..............
Savings department......................
Checks and other cash item s..........
T otals...................................
Capital stock paid in ........................
Surplus fund........................................
Undivided profits, less losses, cur­
rent expenses, interest and taxes
Dividends unpaid..............................
Commercial deposits subject to
Commercial certificates of deposit..
Certified checks..................................
Cashier’s checks outstanding..........
State monies on deposit. .. 7...........
Due to banks and bankers...............
Savings deposits.................................
Savings certificates of deposit.........
Reserve for taxes, interest, etc. . . .
Notes and bills rediscounted...........
Bills payable.....................................
T otals........................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

296 16

$244,619 57

$239,240 11



No. 253.
O rganized J a n u a ry 8 , 1902.



ea rn s,

President; D a n i e l W


ir e c t o r s .— John

D . A. M

cK e it h

, Cashier-

J. Kearns, Hugh McPhee, L. H. Hbwse, Daniel Webster, Harvey Tappan
D . A. McKeith, Hugh McLeod, William T. Campbell.


Loans and discounts:
Commercial department..............
Savings department....................
Bonds, mortgages and securities:
Commercial department...............
Savings department....................
Premium account...........................
Expenses, interest and taxes paid,
exceeding earnings.....................
Banking house.................
Furniture and fixtures..............
Other real esta te.................
Due from other banks and bankers,
not reserve cities...........
Items in transit...............
United States bonds:
Savings department....................
Due from banks in reserve cities:
Commercial department. ..
Savings department......................
Exchanges for clearing house:
Commercial department..............
Savings department....................
U. S. and National bank currency:
Commercial department..............
Savings department......................
Gold coin:
Commercial department...............
Savings department......................
Silver coin:
Commercial department...
Savings department..................
Nickels and cents:
Commercial department..............
Savings department.......................
Checks and other cash item s..........
T otals.....................................
Capital stock paid in ..................
Surplus fund.............................
Undivided profits, less losses, cur­
rent expenses, interest and taxes
Dividends unpaid....................
Commercial deposits subject to
Commercial certificates of deposit..
Certified checks............................
Cashier’s checks outstanding..........
State monies on deposit...................
Due to banks and bankers..............
Savings deposits...............................
Savings certificates of deposit.........
Reserve for taxes, interest, etc. . . .
Notes and bills rediscounted........
Bills payable.....................................
T otals..........................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

e b s t e r , L . H . H o w s e , Vice Presidents;
u g h M c L e o d , Assistant Cashier.

Report of
Report of
Report of
Report of
Report of
Oct. 21, ’13. Jan. 13, ’14. Mar. 4, ’14. June 30, T4 Sept. 12, T4.

$177,790 60
24,500 00

$166,614 42
13,000 00

1167,069 52
1^ non nn

$161,229 28
21,000 00

$163,830 43
19,000 00

73,680 00

1,000 00
73,495 00

1,000 00
74,995 00

74,930 00

1,000 00
75,030 00

524 64

1,273 68

1,064 28

5,000 00
1,820 00

5,000 00
1,820 00

363 82
10,000 00
1,820 00

10,000 00
1,820 00

1,500 00

1,820 00
1 «fifi fifi

7,754 61

9,976 44

9 Q 3A 3 9

7,354 58

8,467 75

15,515 89
12,042 33

15,374 53
10,229 78

16,821 17
12,936 96

11.263 95
11,394 36

14,008 09
10,077 06

650 82

939 45

580 93

525 37

312 36

10,285 00

13,108 00

9,698 00

8,590 00

8,569 00

2,005 00
6,000 00

2,140 00
6,000 00

2,005 00
6,000 00

3,730 00
6,000 00

3,800 00
6,000 00

417 25

350 05

961 65

642 25

134 9 0

293 12

309 33

283 01

371 81

447 37

««Q «S

$321,351 60

$324,360 78

$25,000 00
« finn nn

$25,000 00

$25,000 00
5,090 00

11,736 56

12,299 96

126,661 63

39,856 36
130,457 29

1,500 00

899 70
$338,279 26

$322,130 58

$25,000 00
5,000 00

$25,000 00
5,000 00

9,853 83

10,151 92
250 00

45,332 88
136,870 02

49,928 26
131,128 39

20 A2A 9Q
135,532 60

116 170 28
52 25

100,619 86
52 25

109,313 89
52 25

$338,279 26

$322,130 68

$326,569 55


19 9 2« A3

5,000 00
52 25

109,194 92
52 25


No. 212.
O rganized D ecem ber 21, 1898.

H. P . M o w b y , President; M . F . S m it h , Vice President; S. H. H o g l e , Cashier;
M a b y A. H o g l e , Assistant Cashier.
D ir e c t o r s .— H. P. Mowry, B. P. Taggart, C. J. Holmes, Sr., M. F. Smith, Wm. Mallow, S. H. Hogle,
S. L. Hagenbaugh.
Resources. •

Loans and discounts:
Commercial department...............
Savings department.......................
Bonds, mortgages and securities:
Commercial department...............
Savings department.......................
Premium account...............................
Expenses, interest and taxes paid,
exceeding earnings.........................
Banking house....................................
Furniture and fixtures.......................
Other real esta te................................
Due from other banks and bankers,
not reserve cities............................
Items in transit..................................
United States bonds:
Savings department.......................
Due from banks in reserve cities:
Commercial department...............
Savings department......................
Exchanges for clearing house:
Commercial department..............
Savings department......................
U. S. and National bank currency:
Commercial department..............
Savings department......................
Gold coin:
Commercial department..............
Savings department......................
Silver coin:
Commercial department...............
Savings department......................
Nickels and cents:
Commercial department...............
Savings department......................
Checks and other cash item s..........
T otals............................
Capital stock paid in ......................
Surplus fund.................................
Undivided profits, less losses, cur­
rent expenses, interest and taxes
Dividends unpaid............................
Commercial deposits subject to
Commercial certificates of deposit. .
Certified checks.......................
Cashier’s checks outstanding..........
State monies on deposit...................
Due to banks and bankers...............
Postal savings deposits..........
Savings deposits........
Savings certificates of deposit.........
Reserve for taxes, interest, etc. .. .
Notes and bills rediscounted. ..
Bills payable...................................
T o ta ls...................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

Report of
Report of
Report of
Report of
Report of
Oct. 2 1 ,’13. Jan. 13, ’14. Mar. 4, T4. June 30, ’14. Sept. 12, ’14.

$25,667 57
28,634 74

$12,419 93
34,028 46

$21,609 93
28,508 31

$11,581 00
37,743 76

$11,081 00
35,125 19

50,280 75

54,045 75

55,545 75

1,000 00
53,120 75

1,000 00
52,671 75

350 38

427 80

11 92

2Ì 21

3 49

3,300 00
1,900 00

3,300 00
1,900 00

3,300 00
1,900 00

3,300 00
1,900 00

3,300 00
1,900 00

4,470 29

4,470 29

4,470 29

4,021 62

4,021 62

500 00

500 00

500 00

500 00

500 00

9,191 92

18,087 77

1,000 00
9,570 67

12,434 49

19,729 24

1,848 00

1,351 00

2,735 00

2,978 00

2,665 00

25 00
5,200 00

125 00
5,200 00

170 00
5,200 00

5,500 00

10 00
5,500 00

183 90

336 60

203 00

117 90

120 70

38 39

27 62

35 71

53 47

69 33

1,098 38

268 96

1 24

25 00

307 75

$132,689 32

$136,489 18

$134,761 82

$134,297 20

$138,005 07

$15,000 00
3,000 00

$15,000 00
2,500 00

$15,000 00
2,500 00

$15,000 00
2,500 00

$15,000 00
3,000 00

1,706 98

428 06

596 50

570 73

62 46

12,286 16

16,025 36

12,134 07

14,054 96

23,269 30

359 30
100,336 88

1,379 68
101,156 08

579 61
1,819 46
102,132 18

556 76
2,666 28
98,948 47

563 49
2,760 30
93,349 52

$132,689 32

$136,489 18

$134,761 82

$134,297 20

$138,005 07

No. 313.
O rganized Ju n e 7, 1905.
L. C. K a n o u s e , President; C . A . F r i t z , S e w a r d C h a f f e e , Vice Presidents; J. L. V a n A l s t i n e , Cashier.

ir e c t o r s .— L.

C. Kanouse, C. A. Fritz, Seward Chaffee, Orlando Lee, F. S. Ruggles, E. D. Wiltse,
Geo. H. Eddy.


Loans and discounts:
Commercial department..............
Savings department......................
Bonds, mortgages and securities:
Commercial department..............
Savings department......................
Premium account......................
Expenses, interest and taxes paid,
exceeding earnings.........................
Banking house...................
Furniture and fixtures....................
Other real esta te..............................
Due from other banks and bankers,
not reserve cities............................
Items in transit.................
United States bonds:
Savings denartment......................
Due from banks in reserve cities:
Commercial department........
Savings department......................
Exchanges for clearing house:
Commercial department..............
Savings department......................
U. S. and National bank currency:
Commercial department.......... 1 .
Savings department......................
Gold coin:
Commercial department...............
Savings department......................
Silver coin:
Commercial department..............
Savings department......................
Nickels and cents:
Commercial department..............
Savings department......................
Checks and other cash item s..........
T otals.................................
Capital stock paid in ....................
Surplus fund...............................
Undivided profits, less losses, cur­
rent expenses, interest and taxes
Dividends unpaid............................
Commercial deposits subject to
Commercial certificates of deposit..
Certified checks................................
Cashier’s checks outstanding..........
State monies on deposit. .. 7...........
Due to banks and bankers..............
Savings deposits................
Savings certificates of deposit.........
Reserve for taxes, interest, etc. . .
Notes and bills rediscounted.
Bills payable........
T otals...................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

Report of
Report of
Report of
Report of
Report of
Oct. 21, ’13. Jan. 13, ’14. Mar. 4, T4. June 30, T4. Sept. 12, T4.

$59,130 44

$61,258 72

$64,883 63

$57,845 27

$56,774 39

14,350 00
102,611 25

21,275 00
94,492 70

18 025 00
100,137 45

21,975 00
114,998 45

13,675 00
124,755 45

8 75

181 08

96 10

52 02

307 33

1,000 00
1,000 00

1,000 00
1,000 00

1,000 00
1,000 00

1,000 00
1,000 00

1,000 00
1,000 00

1,527 43

87 71

1,339 83

20 00

5,492 31
14,135 57

7,591 09
12,751 59

6,673 70
18,046 57

8,425 39
13,329 41

5,951 92
15;291 72

4 968 00
4,228 00

3 043 00
3,500 00

2,892 00
3,100 00

3,025 00
3,500 00

3,344 00
3,150 00

2,775 00

2,845 00

2,905 00

3,100 00

3,165 00

975 00

1,155 00
590 00

1,604 00
40 50

1,100 00
312 00

1,255 00
48 00

80 46
39 39

57 50
13 69
205 07

50 33
189 87

116 03
10 20

73 85
1 41
359 30

$212,322 37

$211,047 15

$220,644 26

$231,128 88

$230,172 37

$20,000 00
4,000 00

$20,000 00
4,000 00

$20,000 00
4,000 00

$20,000 00
4 000 00

$20,000 00
4,000 00

836 72

1,242 02

143 29

2,214 16

501 47

29,250 33
34,484 73

36,967 38
34,644 77

41,528 27
30,743 07

35,049 75
34,624 83

36,302 09
22,957 23

123,750 59

114,192 98

124,229 63

135,240 14

146,411 58

$212,322 37

$211,047 15

$220,644 26

$231,128 88

$230,172 37



No. 181.
O rganized O ctober 30, 1895.
A. W. N e w a r k , President; F r e d L. R e e d , H e n r y K n o w l t o n , Vice Presidents;
G e o . G. B r o w n , Cashier.
F. J. Cobbs, Wm. L. Saunders, W. W. Mitchell, Joseph Murphy, Fred L. Reed,
Geo. F. Williams, A. W. Newark, D. B. Kelly, C. T. Mitchell, Henry Knowlton, W. A. Kysor.

i r e c t o r s .—


Loans and discounts:
Commercial department..............
Savings department......................
Bonds, mortgages and securities:
Commercial department..............
Savings department......................
Premium account...............................
Expenses, interest and taxes paid,
exceeding earnings.........................
Banking house....................................
Furniture and fixtures......................
Other real estate................................
Due from other banks and bankers,
not reserve cities............................
Items in transit..................................
United States bonds:
Savings department......................

Report of
Report of
Report of
Report of
Report of
Oct. 21, ’13. Jan. 13, ’14. Mar. 4, ’14. June 30, ’14. Sept. 12, ’14.

$312,453 35
213,993 12

$375,144 07
146,590 64

$329,739 95
195,770 76

$422,215 52
34,923 76

$441,967 47
64,741 28

10,000 00
344,455 07

10,000 00
378,769 78

10,000 00
372,522 20

6,500 00
454,160 61

11,500 00
458,447 43

471 93

95 81

3,920 54

546 76

579 84

16,500 00
2,000 00

16,500 00
2,000 00

16,500 00
2,000 00

16,500 00
2,000 00

16,500 00
2,000 00

7,500 00

7,500 00

7,500 00

7,500 00

7,500 00

13,706 08

4,052 54

4,702 07

5,203 69

1,718 67

10,000 00

10,000 00

10,000 00

20,000 00

20,000 00

157,648 85
54,789 65

118,540 85
56,483 78

105,925 30
56,636 51

151,927 88
62,084 11

105,894 25
62,321 41

1,449 84

586 33

1,469 72

946 49

29,778 00

29,569 00

20,769 00

31,136 00
4,000 00

30,454 00
2,300 00

6,385 00
33,000 00

8,315 00
31,000 00

2,130 00
33,000 00

25,605 00

510 00
25,000 00

2,807 80

3,917 40

2,581 75
800 00

1,788 95
100 00

1,721 10

484 78
433 23
4,706 84

971 89
136 82
1,077 27

1,154 29
71 64
2,894 98

1,458 84
3 28
1,829 37

363 46
99 38
577 01

T otals........................................... $1,221,113 70 $1,202,114 69 $1,179,205 32 $1,250,953 49

$1,255,141 79

Due from banks in reserve cities:
Commercial department..............
Savings department......................
Exchanges for clearing house:
Commercial department..............
Savings department......................
U. S. and National bank currency:
Commercial department..............
Savings department......................
Gold coin:
Commercial department..............
Savings department......................
Silver coin:
Commercial department..............
Savings department......................
Nickels and cents:
Commercial department..............
Savings department......................
Checks and other cash item s..........

Capital stock paid in ........................
Surplus fund........................................
Undivided profits, less losses, current expenses, interest and taxes
p a i d ...................... ...........................
Dividends unpaid..............................
Commercial deposits subject to
Commercial certificates of deposit. .
Certified checks..................................
Cashier’s checks outstanding..........
State monies on deposit. . A ...........
Due to banks and bankers..............
Postal savings deposits.....................
Savings deposits.................................
Savings certificates of deposit.........
Reserve for taxes, interest, etc. . . .
Notes and bills rediscounted...........
Bills payable........................................

$100,000 00
28,000 00

$100,000 00
30,000 00

$100,000 00
30,000 00

$100,000 00
30,000 00

$100,000 00
40,000 00

8,438 19
84 00

3,959 42
1,563 00

6,640 54

15,300 27

6,599 51

360,895 94
43,508 71

387,054 75
25,008 71

329,201 46
17,008 71

415,674 10
82,008 71

411,780 53
50,008 71
100 00










T otals........................................... $1,221,113 70 $1,202,114 69 $1,179,205 32 $1,250,953 49
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis


$1,255,141 79



No. 261.

O rganized Ju n e 17, 1902.
E. J. H a y n e s ,

P r e s i d e n t ; H e n r y B a l l o u , V ic e P r e s id e n t; G e o r g e C h a p m a n , C a s h ie r ;
A . G . C h a p m a n , A s s i s t a n t C a s h ie r .

D ir e c t o r s .— E. J. Haynes, H enry Ballou, Jam es English, Charles H. D rury, John P. Wilcox,

Jam es M ather, George Chapm an, Charles A. B arton, P erry F. Powers.


Loans and discounts:
Commercial d ep artm en t..........
Savings d ep artm en t....................
Bonds, mortgages and securities:
Commercial d ep artm en t............
Savings d ep artm en t.................. .
Prem ium acco u n t.............................
O verdrafts............................. ..
Expenses, interest and taxes paid
exceeding earnings.........................
Banking h o u se..................................
F u rn itu re and fixtures................
O ther real e s ta te ..............................
D ue from other banks and bankers
not reserve cities............................
Item s in tr a n s it........................! .'!.!
United S tates bonds:
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Due from banks in reserve cities:
Commercial d ep artm en t............
Savings d e p artm en t...............
Exchanges for clearing house:
Commercial d ep artm en t............
Savings d ep artm en t....................
U. S. and N ational bank currency
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t................
Gold coin:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Silver coin:
Commercial d ep artm en t. . .
Savings d ep artm en t............
Nickels and cents:
Commercial d e p a rtm e n t...
Savings d ep artm en t............
Checks and other cash item s.
T o ta ls.
C apital stock paid i n ..............
Surplus fu n d ................................. ' .
U ndivided profits, less losses, cur­
rent expenses, interest and taxes
p a id .............................................
D ividends u n p a id ................
Commercial deposits subject ’ to
ch eck........................................
Commercial certificates of deposit! j
Certified checks..................................
Cashier’s checks o u tstan d in g ..........
S tate monies on d ep o sit...................j
D ue to banks and b an k ers........
Savings d eposits.................................’
Savings certificates of dep o sit. . . ! !
Reserve for taxes, interest, etc. . . .
N otes and bills rediscounted...........
Bills p ay ab le.....................................
T o ta ls.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Oct. 21, ’13. Jan. 13, ’14. M ar. 4, ’14. Ju n e 30, ’14. Sept. 12, ’14.

$121,257 11
109,534 52

$128,084 40
109,997 62

$173,834 35
100,809 35

$106,532 75
117,001 99

$153,551 28
83,598 87

49,913 81
291,110 81

49,913 81
284,667 81

49,813 81
286,542 81

50,138 81
291,579 85

49,938 81
305,335 85

420 50

110 12

883 69

588 13

99 86

37,000 00

37,000 00

37,000 00

37,000 00

37,000 00

2,000 00

2,000 00

2,000 00

2,000 00

2,000 00

12,500 00

12,500 00

12,500 00

12,500 00

12,500 00

32,264 29
45,000 00

41,238 38
45,000 00

82,679 29
55,000 00

24,857 69
50,000 00

7,098 07
40,000 00

1,167 67

1,806 66

468 39

665 03

612 80

9,952 00
7,000 00

21,093 00
7,000 00

6,498 00
7,000 00

13,355 00

9,007 00

135 00

1,530 00

1,165 00

21,000 00

6,000 00

6,000 00

35 00

20,000 00

20,000 00

20,000 00

210 00
21,000 00

2,772 05

4,152 75

3,635 70

4,053 20

5,375 30
423 59

361 60

199 59

338 42

386 07


3, Ì26 27

i ,90S 83

74.1 4S

683 84

$842,077 64

$733,612 00

$734,260 27

$747,690 19

$ 100,000 00

20,000 00

$100,000 00
20,000 00

$100,000 00
20,000 00

$100,000 00
20,000 00

$100,000 00
20,000 00

4,717 48

13,027 00

5,894 12
230 00

8,006 19
130 00

9,145 21
300 00

137,329 48

166,369 98

248,837 16


128,461 45

250,502 10
220,141 13

248,502 62
206,520 81

262,999 06
204,117 30

270,336 67
215,425 15

260,524 48
195,829 13

$842,077 64

$738,612 00

15,000 00

15,000 00

$747,690 19

$769,420 41

20,000 00

$734,260 27



No. 291.
O rganized Ju n e 11, 1904.
C h a s . R ic e , P r e s id e n t; J o h n T. S m it h , I sa a c G. W e n g f .r , V ic e P r e s i d e n t s ; J o h n T. S m it h , C a s h ie r ;
C. J. P r o c t o r , A s s i s t a n t C a s h ie r .
D ir e c t o r s .— Chas. Rice, Isaac G. W enger, John T. Sm ith, Seth Gray, A. T. Slaght, F. W. Ruehs.


Loans and discounts:
Commercial d ep artm en t..........
Savings d ep artm en t..................
Bonds, m ortgages and securities:
Commercial d ep artm en t..........
Savings d ep artm en t..................
Prem ium acco u n t...........................
O v erd ra fts........................................
Expenses, interest and taxes paid,
exceeding earnings.....................
Banking h o u se................................
F u rn itu re and fixtures..................

R eport of
R eport of
Report of
R eport of
R eport of
Oct. 2 1 ,’13. Jan. 13, ’14. M ar. 4, ’14. June 30, ’14. Sept. 12, ’14.

$124,053 13
36,859 50

$132,228 55
38,382 00

$130,619 08
35,832 00

$127,948 40
36,495 00

$109,232 84
35,480 00

125,066 85

126,291 85

125,191 85

123,881 85

123,729 06

907 18

419 37

253 59

1,379 29

716 05

2,635 00

2,635 00

2,635 00

2,627 00

2,627 00

O ther real e s ta te ................................
D ue from other hanks and bankers,
not reserve c ities............................
Item s in tr a n s it..................................
U nited S tates bonds:
Savings d ep artm en t.......................
D ue from banks in reserve cities:
Commercial d e p a rtm e n t...
Savings d ep artm en t............
Exchanges for clearing house:
Commercial d ep artm en t. . .
Savings d ep artm en t............
U. S. and N ational bank currency:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
G old coin:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................

35 00

8,141 88
28,541 07

8,882 67
23,324 78

8,648 09
15,811 05

4,554 15
16,696 17

8,569 49
25,521 52

3,500 00
7,291 00

4.000 00
14,234 00

4.000 00
7,647 00

4.000 00
7,253 00

4.000 00
6,728 00

5,000 00
115 00

5.000 00
340 00

5.000 00
265 00

5.000 00
375 00

5.000 00
500 00

2,569 55

2,896 55

1,856 15

1,823 60

167 55

170 80
4 74

107 63
105 00

96 81

$345,568 77

$358,475 32

$338,974 75

$332,313 64

$324,024 37

$20,000 00

$20,000 00

$20,000 00

Silver coin:
Commercial d ep artm en t...........................
Savings d ep artm en t......................
3, 340 45
Nickels and cents:
Commercial d ep artm en t............................
117 71
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Checks and other cash item s........................
T o ta ls.
C ap ital stock paid i n .........................
Surplus fu n d ........................................
Undivided profits, less losses, cur­
rent expenses, interest and taxes
p a id ...................................................
Dividends u n p a id ...............................
Commercial deposits subject to
ch eck .................................................
Commercial certificates of deposit. .
Certified checks..................................
Cashier’s checks o u tstan d in g ..........
S tate monies on d ep o sit...................
D ue to banks and b an k ers..............
Savings deposits.................................
Savings certificates of dep o sit.........
Reserve for taxes, interest, etc. . . .
Notes and bills rediscounted...........
Bills p ay ab le........................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

$20,000 00
12|000 00

$20,000 00

11,000 00

2,848 85
50 00

4,396 54

1,723 07
1,000 00

3,277 54
50 00

38,043 07
87,976 67

51,082 31
82,502 99

39,982 66
91,802 21

32,337 17
71,124 07

36,893 50
78,512 90

115,725 87
68,501 79

116,134 42
74,856 75

110,886 65
60,906 69

110,124 59
84,004 74

111,296 20
61,994 23

$345,568 77

$358,475 32

$338,974 75

$332,313 64

$324,024 37

10,000 00

11,000 00

5,321 37

12,000 00



No. 336.
O rganized A prii 23, 1906.
T h o m a s H o a t so n , P r e s i d e n t ; E d w a r d U l s e t h , J o s e p h W . S e l d e n , Vice. P r e s i d e n t s r r a n k J. K o h l h a a s , C a s h ie r ; W a l t e r E d w a r d s , A s s i s t a n t C a s h ie r .

T^ £ ^ ? E5rT0?.s- ~ T h ° m as H oaison, Wm. C. Kinsm an, Joseph W. Selden, W. J. Uren, Edw ard U lseth
Joseph Vertm , Thom as H. Collins, Joseph Bosch, F rank J. Kohlhaas, G. M artini, Chas. J. M orrison.

Loans and discounts:
Commercial d e p a rtm e n t..........
Savings d ep artm en t....................
Bonds, mortgages and securities:
Commercial d ep artm en t............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Prem ium acco u n t.........................
O v erd rafts..........
Expenses, interest and taxes paid
exceeding earning's.................
Banking h o u se.............
F u rn itu re and fixtures..........
O ther real e s ta te ...............
D ue from other banks and bankers,
not reserve citie s. . . .
Item s in tr a n s it.........
U nited S tates bonds:
Savings d e p a rtm e n t......................
D ue from banks in reserve cities:
Commercial d ep artm en t............
Savings d ep artm en t....................
Exchanges for clearing house:
Commercial d ep artm en t............
U. S. and N ational bank currency:
Commercial d ep artm en t...............
Savings d ep artm en t....................
Gold coin:
Commercial d ep artm en t............
Savings d ep artm en t................
Silver coin:
Commercial d ep artm en t..........
Savings d e p artm en t....................
Nickels and cents:
Commercial d e p artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t....................
Checks and other cash item s........
T o ta ls ....................
C apital stock paid i n ..............
Surplus fu n d ............
Undivided profits, less losses, cur­
rent expenses, interest and taxes
p a id ................................
Dividends u n p a id ......................
Commercial deposits subject to
ch eck .......................
Commercial certificates of dep o sit. .
Certified ch eck s...................
Cashier’s checks o u tstan d in g ..
S tate monies on d ep o sit.............
D ue to banks and banker^..............
Savings deposits.....................
Savings certificates of dep o sit.........
Reserve for taxes, interest, etc. . . .

R eport of
Report of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Oct. 21, T3. Jan. 13, ’14. M ar. 4, T4. June 30, T4 Sept. 12, ’14.

$380,935 26
71,517 82

$340,769 86
71,150 50

$343,597 04
64,396 16

$375,817 30
63,749 42

$354,744 96
63,749 42

2,800 00
105,801 29

2,800 00
102,929 42

2,800 00
102,473 51

2,800 00
100;120 13

2,800 00
105,053 98

49 91

15 20

21 16

4 86

13 77

50,000 00
8,733 71

50,000 00
8,733 71

50,000 00
8,733 71

50,000 00
8,733 71

50,000 00
8,733 71

1,581 58

1,734 15

1,087 34

3,201 07

1,416 44

53,372 74
27,358 39

83,563 20
21,834 86

119,102 14
24,493 37

133,222 66
30,074 35

51,531 91
24,432 54

37,282 00
25.000 00

39,879 00
39,000 00

48,087 00
28,000 00

50,677 00
24.000 00

39,828 00
26,005 00

9,957 50
10.000 00

20,015 00

357 50
20,000 00

907 50
20.000 00

20,995 00

2,620 35

6,463 80

3,692 95

3,071 75

3,757 75

278 21

236 54

364 73

181 54

178 96

987 01

4,221 52

982 90

2,902 80

4,270 97

$788,275 77

$793,346 76

$818,189 51

$869,464 09

$757,512 41

$100,000 00
50,000 00

$100,000 00
50,000 00

$100,000 00
50,000 00

$100,000 00
50,000 00

$100,000 00
50,000 00

18,299 73
103 50

19,583 38
249 00

16,233 30
94 50

23,354 14
117 00

20,103 80
34 50

301,826 01
70,725 50

316,736 18
46,125 50

329,977 65
78,300 92

5,558 63

4,136 52

3,303 44

87,107 72

799 01
154,986 27
100,730 90

280 55
158,728 93
81,270 22

170,912 42
65,198 47

4,118 91
175,215 30
65,075 61

$788,275 77

$793,346 76

$818,189 51

$869,464 09

$757,512 41



247,812 60
91,912 92
3,238 77

Bills p ay ab le.......................
T o ta ls........................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



No. 87.
O rganized A ugust 7, 1873.
C orporate existence extended D ecem ber 4, 1902.
C h a b l e s B b ig g s , P r e s i d e n t ; P e t e b R u p p e , W m , B . A n d e b s o n , V ic e P r e s id e n ts ;
S t e p h e n P a u l l , C a s h ie r ; J. E dw . S h e p a b d , A s s i s t a n t C a s h ie r .
D ib e c t o b s .— Charles Briggs, Will A. Chiids, P eter R uppe, Paul P. Roehm, E. M Lieblein, Wm B.

Anderson, Fred Sm ith, Charles O. Jackola, G ordon R. Campbell, Jam es H oatson, Jam es Chynoweth,
N orm an M acdonald.

R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Oct. 21, ’13. Jan. 13, T4. M ar. 4, ’14. fune 30, T4. 3ept. 12, T4.

Loans and discounts:
Commercial d ep artm en t.............. 51,265,051 43 51,273,938 99 51,287,321 43 51,378,443 59
Bonds, mortgages and securities:
Commercial d ep artm en t...............

$1,366,880 29

197,057 90

194,582 58

224,542 77

230,130 82

237,678 82

O verdrafts............................................
Expenses, interest and taxes paid,

14 00

205 90

4 91

193 13

6 92

F u rn itu re and fixtures......................

4,000 00

4,000 00

4,000 00

4,000 00

4.000 00

Other real e s ta te ................................
D ue from other banks and bankers,
not reserve citie s............................
Item s in tr a n s it..................................
U nited States bonds:

13,793 90

13,793 90

10,000 00

10,000 00

2.000 00
46,628 55
211 95

1,451 08
6,304 68

17,067 10
1,230 01

6,393 47
345 01

15,812 17
1,357 29

750,196 35

1,221,236 14

935,642 90

911,000 12

696,816 23

U. S. and N ational b ank currency:
Commercial d ep artm en t...............

214,850 00

128,006 00

100,597 00

95,014 00

89,802 00

Gold coin:
Commercial d ep artm en t...............

40,170 00

40,435 00

41,405 00

42,307 50

43,132 50

Silver coin:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............

7,968 40

2,901 60

2,820 95

4,107 05

4,924 75

D ue from banks in reserve cities:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Exchanges for clearing house:

Nickels and cents:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............

715 09

906 41

340 51

353 72

334 61

Checks and other cash item s..........

12,873 15

4,650 36

4,726 26

4,932 19

9,382 14

T o ta ls ........................................... $2,514,446 04 $2,902,953 99 $2,618,140 21 $2,697,651 58

$2,501;798 76

$150,000 00
C apital stock paid i n ........................
200,000 00
Surplus fu n d ........................................
Undivided profits, less losses, cur­
rent expenses, interest and taxes
61,869 76
p a id ...................................................
95 00
Dividends u n p a id ..............................
Commercial deposits subject to
ch eck ................................................. 1,622,438 84
463,759 75
Commercial certificates of d eposit. .
800 00
Certified checks................... ..............
2,568 03
Cashier’s checks o u tstan d in g ..........

$150,000 00
200,000 00

$150,000 00
200,000 00

53,729 01
770 00

51,507 14
140 00

57,690 51
7,545 00

60,207 03
80 00









6,724 16

2,500 00

2,500 00

$2,514,446 04 $2,902,953 99 $2,618,140 21 *2,697,651 58

$2,501,798 76

9,914 66

Reserve for taxes, interest, etc. . '.

3,000 00
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

$150,000 00
200,000 00

8,178 19

D ue to banks and b an k ers..............

T o ta ls.........................................

$150,000 00
200,000 00

8,330 03

4,856 66



No. 320.
O rganized A u gust 24, 1905.
C. B. A i w a b d , P r e s id e n t; W . S. B l a ik , V ic e P r e s id e n t; B. R . A l w a b d , C a s h ie r ;

B. W . S t o b e r , A s s i s t a n t C a s h ie r .
D ir e c t o r s .-—C. B. Alward, W. S. Blair, J. A. B ates, Jas. M cCallum , B. R. Alward, B. S. Alward.

Loans and discounts:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings deD artm ent......................
Bonds, m ortgages and securities:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Prem ium acco u n t...............................
O verdrafts............................................
Expenses, interest and taxes paid,
exceeding earnings.........................
B anking h o u se....................................
F u rn itu re and fixtures......................
O ther real e s ta te ................................
Due from other banks and bankers,
not reserve cities............................
Item s in tr a n s it..................................
U nited S tates bonds:
Savings d ep artm en t......................
D ue from banks in reserve cities:
Commercial d ep artm en t...............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Exchanges for clearing house:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t.................... :
II. S. and N ational bank currency:
Commercial d ep artm en t.......... ....
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Gold com:
Commercial d ep artm en t...............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Silver coin:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Nickels and cents:
Commercial d ep artm en t...............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Checks and other cash item s..........
T o ta ls...........
C apital stock paid i n ........................
Surplus fu n d . ! ....................................
Undivided profits, less losses, cur­
rent expenses, interest and taxes
p a id ...................................................
Dividends u n p a id ..............................
Commercial deposits subject to
ch eck .................................................
Commercial certificates of d eposit. .
Certified checks..................................
Cashier’s checks o u tstanding..........
S tate monies on d ep o sit...................
D ue to banks and ban k ers..............
Postal savings deposits.....................
Savings d eposits.................................
Savings certificates of d ep o sit.........
Reserve for taxes, interest, etc. . . .
Notes and bills rediscounted...........
Bills p ay ab le. .1 ..................................
T o ta ls.........
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Report of
R eport of
Oct. 21, ’13. Jan. 13, ’14. M ar. 4, ’14. June 30, ’14 Sept. 12, ’14.

$46,317 05
41,369 89

$42,703 28
39,540 90

$36,268 33
41,164 02

$45,472 14
42,592 01

$38,281 47
37,160 04

57,911 23

61,846 30

1,000 00
59,491 83

1,000 00

1,000 00
62,296 83

27 36

211 93

236 66

38 59

30 93

1,000 00

1,000 00

1,000 00

1,000 00

1,000 00

806 58

1,000 00

1,000 00

500 00

100 00

1,120 34
10,082 74

650 23
8,370 70

3,589 85
15,994 73

2,857 70
9,113 82

2,499 86
18,029 23

'641 00
8,035 00

2,007 00
8,910 00

1,764 00
8,920 00

472 00
4,840 00

1,586 00
5,810 00

1,965 00

2,090 00

2,080 00

2,160 00

2,190 00

992 15

813 25

886 85

1,371 35

742 90
230 94

170 36

238 54

267 79

260 09

137 68

72 42

150 38

90 08

661 65

$170,576 38

$169,454 55

$173,814 44

$174,914 61

$171,619 85

$20,000 00
5,000 00

$20,000 00
5,000 00

$20,000 00
5,000 00

$20,000 00
5,000 00

$20,000 00
5,000 00

4,716 20

970 06

1,668 16

2,875 07

3,269 SI.

20,427 SO

23,849 20

19,556 37

21,647 15

27,133 88

263 73

320 17

416 82

672 71
5,000 00

365 34
2,500 00

19 27

9 27

9 47

120,168 65

119,315 12

127,153 82

119,710 41

113,341 35

$170,576 38

$109,454 55

$173,814 44

$174,914 61

$171,619 85



No. 208.
O rganized S eptem ber 8 , 1898.
A. E. S l e e p e r ,

ir e c t o r s .—A.

P r e s i d e n t ; H. C. S i e g e l , V ic e P r e s id e n t; F r a n k B u r t , C a s h ie r ;
F . J. B u r t , A s s i s t a n t C a s h ie r .
E. Sleeper, Lincoln Avery, Gus Hill, Charles Lang, Alva Leach, O. A. Prey,
A lbert Tosch, H. C. Siegel, Geo. C. W atson.


Loans and discounts:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Bonds, m ortgages and securities:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t.......................
Prem ium acco u n t...............................
O v erd rafts...........................................
Expenses, interest and taxes paid,
exceeding earnings.........................
B anking h o u se....................................
F u rn itu re and fixtures......................
O ther real e s ta te ................................
D ue from other banks and bankers,
not reserve cities............................
Item s in tr a n s it..................................
U nited S tates bonds:
Savings d ep artm en t.......................
D ue from banks in reserve cities:
Comm ercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Exchanges for clearing house:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
U. S. and N ational b ank currency:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Gold corn:
Commercial d ep artm en t...............
Savings d ep artm en t.......................
Silver coin:
Commercial d e p artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Nickels and cents:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Checks and other cash ite m s..........
T o ta ls.........
C apital stock paid i n .........................
Surplus fu n d ........................................
Undivided profits, less losses, cur­
rent expenses, interest and taxes
p a id ........................
D ividends u n p a id ..............................
Com m ercial deposits subject to
ch eck .................................................
Commercial certificates of deposit. .
Certified checks..................................
Cashier’s checks o u tstan d in g ..........
S tate monies on d ep o sit...................
D ue to banks and b an k ers..............
C h ristm as savings d e p o sits.............
Savings depositsT...............................
Savings certificates of dep o sit.........
Reserve for taxes, interest, etc. . . .
C ash over a c c o u n t...........................
N otes and bills rediscounted...........
Bills p ay ab le........................................
T o ta ls...........................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Oct. 21, ’13. Jan. 13, ’14. M ar. 4, C4. June 30, T4. Sept. 12, ’14.

$78,945 49
6,993 04

$80,632 76
6,222 58

$76,794 87
7,550 87

$72,114 32
14,427 03

$72,041 28
22,261 88

15,163 00
60,894 56

12,163 00
63,394 56

12,163 00
61,194 56

5,463 00
55,169 56

5,163 00
51,469 56

755 80

41 61

23 55
202 04

22 28

50 77

1,000 00

1,000 00

1,000 00

1,000 00

1,000 00

1,100 00

13,253 12

13,254 62

1,090 81

3,588 58

3,729 73

5,225 00

4,126 95

5,109 59
7,098 57

4,512 30
4,780 05

12,823 04
13,593 32

6,424 60
13,711 20

12,529 19
18,284 47

1,817 00
1,848 00

3,721 00
4,400 00

5,300 00
2,177 00

8,000 00
1,889 00

3,000 00
2,438 00

1,150 00

1,405 00

1,170 00

922 50

1,212 50

1,153 30

617 95

1,323 80

1,649 30

71 19
182 09

105 14
77 67
808 06

220 66
297 97

98 90
328 50

104 74
1,121 55

$183,173 30

$187,813 11

$199,938 56

$199,855 31

$209,665 31

$20,000 00
2,121 94

$20,000 00
200 00

$20,000 00
200 00

$20,000 00
1,000 00

$20,000 00
1,000 00

1,045 78

2,137 79
234 00

2,844 15
30 00

2,084 61
830 00

3,277 41
124 00

32,269 34
27,849 41

44,491 81
26,942 20

46,750 42
29,551 00

42,400 22
31,771 04

39,605 72
41,969 84

5,000 00

5,000 00

5,000 00
1,624 67
96,938 59

1,280 75

2,500 00
88,206 05
141 10

86,605 84

89,318 48

897 98
92,808 19

9,039 68

1 47
7,200 00

44 51
6,200 00

63 27
3,000 00

125 08

$183,173 30

$187,813 11

$199,938 56

$199,855 31

$209,665 31



No. 303.
O rganized D ecem ber 1, 1904.
J ac ob J. L u c k e , P r e s i d e n t ; J. E . K ahlbatjm , V ic e P r e s id e n t; H a e e y S. G e e m a n , C a s h ie r ;
R . J. M cC o b m ic k , A s s i s t a n t C a s h ie r ; J. E . R e a d y , A u d i t o r .
D ik e c t o b s .— Jacob J. Lucke, C. L. Edw ards, J. E . K ahlbaum , E . C. Maxwell, J. E . Ready,

H arry S. Germ an.


Loans and discounts:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Bonds, m ortgages and securities:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Prem ium acco u n t...............................
O v erd rafts.......................
Expenses, interest and taxes paid,
exceeding earnings.........................
Banking h o u se..................................
F u rn itu re and fixtures......................
O ther real e s ta te ................................
D ue from other banks and bankers,
n ot reserve cities............................
Item s in tr a n s it................................
U nited S tates bonds:
Savings d ep artm en t.......................
D ue from banks in reserve cities:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Exchanges for clearing house:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
U. S. and N ational b ank currency:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Gold coin:
Commercial d ep artm en t...............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Silver coin:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Nickels and cents:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Checks and other cash item s..........
T o ta ls.........................................
C apital stock paid i n .........................
Surplus fu n d ........................................
Undivided profits, less losses, cur­
rent expenses, Interest and taxes
p a id .......................................
Dividends u n p a id ..............................
Commercial deposits subject to
ch eck ...............................................
Commercial certificates of d eposit..
Certified checks..................................
Cashier’s checks o u tstan d in g ..........
S tate monies on d ep o sit...................
D ue to banks and b ankers..............
Postal savings deposits.....................
Savings deposits .............................
Savings certificates of deposit.........
Reserve for taxes, interest, e tc . . . .
N otes and bills rediscounted...........
Bills p ay ab le........................................
T o ta ls...........................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Oct. 21, ’13. Jan. 13, ’14. M ar. 4, ’14. June 30, ’14 Sept. 12, ’14.

$55,732 31
30,199 36

$60,751 20
25,180 13

$62,127 08
24,230 13

$68,308 64
16,602 63

$67,114 51
15,357 36

2,000 00
136,762 87

2,000 00
135,487 87

2,000 00
131,927 87

2,000 00
142,152 87

2,000 00
138,802 87

5.000 00
1.000 00

5.000 00
1.000 00

5.000 00
1.000 00

5,000 00
1,500 00

5,000 00
1,500 00

4,460 13

2,495 05

5,000 00

3,644 80

3,675 20

8,730 13
23,468 66

5,466 43
22,057 64

10,413 33
24,132 10

12,708 22
21,465 02

7,859 60
18,864 82

3,339 00
2,000 00

4,200 00
3,006 00

3,007 00
2,000 00

3,442 00
2,000 00

2,000 00
1,803 00

1,045 00
7.000 00

500 00
6,870 00

1,520 00
7,000 00

2,937 50
7,000 00

2,662 50
7,800 00

160 00
1.000 00

850 00
250 00

1,059 70
200 00

520 00
700 00

230 00
300 00

97 23
339 69
45 00

357 21
80 17
27 60

347 67
49 41
140 45

299 09
2 83
70 50

138 60
184 94
213 72

$282,379 38

$275,579 30

$281,154 74

$290,354 10

$275,507 12

$20,000 00
5,000 00

$20,000 00
5,000 00

$20,000 00
5,000 00

$20,000 00
5,000 00

$20.000 00
5,000 00

4,630 44

6,260 07
270 00

9,113 37
30 00

6,930 00
1,200 00

8.848 55

32,632 66
19,323 70

25,984 50
25,069 07

29,143 00
27,534 22

32,498 54
34,436 39

28,334 91
29,878 54

22 00

36 25

200,460 58
310 00

192,649 41
310 00

794 64
189,329 51
210 00

265 82
189,813 35
210 00

304 63
182,902 99
210 00

$282,379 38

$275,579 30

$281,154 74

$290,354 10

$275,507 12

27 50


No. 287.
O rganized May 14, 1904.

J o h n F. S e e l e y , P r e s id e n t; &. F. C h a s e , V ic e P r e s i d e n t ; L e w is G. S e e l e y , C a s h ie r ;
S. R. P a r k , A s s i s t a n t C a s h ie r .
D ir e c t o r s .—Jo h n F. Seeley, S. F. Chase, Lewis G. Seeley, W. A. Forties, Jo n a th an K night.


Loans and discounts:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Bonds, mortgages and securities:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Prem ium acco u n t...............................
O verdrafts............................................
Expenses, interest and taxes paid,
exceeding earnings.........................
Banking house. .. ............................
F u rn itu re and fix tu res.. ! .................
O ther real e s ta te ................................
D ue from other banks and bankers,
not reserve cities............................
Item s in tr a n s it..................................
U nited States bonds:
Savings d ep artm en t.......................
D ue from banks in reserve cities:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Exchanges for clearing house:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
U. S. and N ational bank currency:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Gold coin:
Commercial d e p artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Silver coin:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Nickels and cents:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Checks and other cash item s..........
T o ta ls ...........................................
C apital stock paid i n ........................
Surplus fu n d ........................................
Undivided profits, less losses, cur­
rent expenses, interest and taxes
p a id ...................................................
Dividends u n p a id ..............................
Commercial deposits subject to
ch eck .................................................
Commercial certificates of d ep o sit. .
Certified checks..................................
Cashier’s checks o u tstanding ..........
S tate monies on d ep o sit...................
D ue to banks and b an k ers..............
Savings deposits.................................
Savings certificates of deposit.........
Reserve for taxes, interest, etc. . . .
Notes and bills rediscounted...........
Bills p ay ab le........................................
T o ta ls...........................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Oct. 21, ’13. Jan. 13, ’14. M ar. 4, T4. June 30, T4. Sept. 12, ’14.

$56,479 84
66,980 13

$64,588 04
47,980 13

$51,972 55
56,980 13

$52,117 69
56,980 13

$51,234 48
56,980 13

2,095 00
107,660 50

2,065 00
107,660 50

1,255 00
106,075 50

1,215 00
111,357 50

1,095 00
111,354 50

312 21

149 37

241 30

730 21

376 31

10,000 00
3,000 00

10,000 00
3,300 00

10,000 00
3,300 00

10,000 00
3,300 00

10,000 00
3,300 00

4,938 80

5,187 56

6,010 76

6,051 74

6,087 09

502 16

1,557 67

866 16

3,133 74
22,666 23

3,585 95
28,615 28

1,568 00

34 03
294 99

3,059 11
12,000 00

3,124 82
17,100 00

2,807 35
15,476 85

540 92

271 75

197 66

1,515 00
4,250 00

2,066 00
4,705 00

2,000 00
4,034 00

2,390 00
4,379 00

2,656 00
3,633 00

252 50
6,000 00

155 00
5,000 00

95 00
5,000 00

95 00
4,500 00

72 50
4,490 00

241 50
1,000 00

200 00
832 00

49 25
900 00

400 00
72 25

800 00
111 75

801 55
306 98

3 46
875 55
309 27

465 44
233 12
294 14

248 74
60 87
292 67

23 42
365 84
233 63

$281,434 04

$275,573 45

$267,890 21

$283,116 44

$286,210 06

$35,000 00
10,000 00

$35,000 00
10,000 00

$35,000 00
10,000 00

$35,000 00
10,000 00

$35,000 00
10,000 00

5,216 66

4,836 17
120 00

6,140 65

6,953 70

4,664 45

37,016 46
586 84

40,429 72
725 11

36,480 58
1,192 07

32,265 96
247 41

40,692 00
2,496 99

69,270 01
124,344 07

72,973 61
111,488 84

66,436 07
112,640 84

68,431 34
120,218 03

$281,434 04

$275,573 45

$267.890 21

$283,116 44

10,000 00


5,000 00
66,469 18
121,887 44


8286,210 06



No. 525.
O rganized N ovem ber 11, 1912.
H e n k y R . M a r t i n i , P r e s id e n t; F r e d e r ic k P . B e n d e r , C l a r k E . D a u g h e r t y , V ic e P r e s i d e n t s '
J o s e p h H . B e c k t o n , C a s h ie r ; C h a s e C r i s s e y , . A s s i s t a n t C a s h ie r .
ir e c t o r s .— H enry R. M artini, Frederick P. Bender, Joseph H. Beckton, C lark E . D augherty


Albert O. Purdy, John W. Quinn, R obert P ark, Jr.


Loans and discounts:
Commercial d ep artm en t............
Savings d ep artm en t....................
Bonds, m ortgages and securities:
Commercial d ep artm en t............
Savings d ep artm en t....................
Prem ium acco u n t...............................
O verdrafts............................. ..............
Expenses, interest and taxes paid,
exceeding earnings.....................
Banking h o u se....................................
F urn itu re and fixtures......................

R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Oct. 21, ’13. Jan. 13, ’14. M ar. 4, ’14. June 30, T4. Sept. 12, ’14.

$35,959 62
13,538 61

$21,164 00
14,752 92

$28,101 69
16,863 60

$31,167 30
23,623 76

$32,433 78
34,421 59

18,185 00

26,660 00

29,760 00

33,890 00

34,490 00

4,402 84

599 23

850 67

1,431 35
11,500 00
1,926 00

16,125 41
2,371 00

16,322 89
4,465 00

19,244 50
5,728 42

19,310 61
5,728 42

1,775 92
4,000 00

20,856 08
4,500 00

10,265 07
10,700 00

5,334 90
13,500 00

2,645 33
9,800 00

2,997 00

2,941 00

3,885 00

4 96

O ther real e s ta te ................................
D ue from other banks and bankers
not reserve citie s......................
Item s in tr a n s it............................
U nited States bonds:
Savings d ep artm en t................
D ue from banks in reserve cities:
Commercial d ep artm en t.......... v
Savings d ep artm en t....................
Exchanges for clearing house:
Commercial d ep artm en t............
Savings d ep artm en t....................
IJ. S. and N ational b ank currency
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Gold coin:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Silver coin:
Commercial d ep artm en t...
Savings d ep artm en t............
Nickels and cents:
Commercial d ep artm en t. . .
Savings d ep artm en t............
Checks and other cash item s.
T o ta ls .
C apital stock paid i n ........................
Surplus fu n d ........................................
Undivided profits, less losses, cur
rent expenses, interest and taxes
p a id .............................................
Dividends u n p a id ........................
Commercial deposits subject to
Commercial certificates of d eposit.
Certified checks.........•......................
Cashier’s checks o u tstan d in g ........
S tate monies on d ep o sit.................
D ue to banks and b an k ers............
Savings d eposits...............................
Savings certificates of deposit. . . .
Reserve for taxes, interest, etc. . .
N otes and bills rediscounted.........
Bills p ay ab le .....................................
T o ta ls.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

2,000 00

150 00
50 00
471 45
25 00

2,000 00

2,000 00

2,589 00
2,500 00

1,496 00
3,000 00

700 00

10 00

2 50
900 00

10 00
1,000 00

1,000 00

197 25

479 75

100 00

100 00

100 00

119 40

388 65
400 00

109 84
25 00
260 63

91 07

117 21

116 80

208 53

306 77

Ì38 62

540 03

494 83

,808 26

$113,474 73

$124,952 00

$139,564 11

$145,922 70

$40,000 00

$40,000 00

$40,000 00

$40,000 00

$40,000 00

10 12

112 21

149 84

418 47

24,278 74
355 76

19,380 15
172 01

7 80

32 22
5,000 00

19,598 56
124 00
23 15
5,000 00

19,420 68
450 96
1 50

16,560 56
1,816 55
5 00

100 00

100 00

100 00

1 00

2,500 00

16,658 79
23,767 36

19,331 71
29,490 60

31,444 31
28,811 10

26,634 34
48,033 45

36,113 72
47,016 37

$98,808 26

$113,474 73

$124,952 00

$139,564 11

$145,922 70



No. 286.
O rganized A p ril 27, 1904.
T. W. A t w o o d ,

ib e c t o e s .— T.

G. H. S lo c u m , H e n b y P a e k e k , V ic e P r e s id e n ts ; J. M . E a l y , C a s h ie r ;
L o u is W e a n , H e n b y B u s h , A s s i s t a n t C a s h ie r s .
W. Atwood, G. H. Slocum, J. M . E aly, H enry P arker, T . C . Quinn, J . M . Ealy.

P r e s id e n t;


Loans and discounts:
Commercial d ep artm en t...............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Bonds, m ortgages and securities:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t.................... ,
Prem ium acco u n t...............................
O verdrafts............................................
Expenses, interest and taxes paid,
exceeding earnings............
Banking h o u se. . . . ”.............................
F u rn itu re and fixtures......................

R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Oct. 21, ’13. Jan. 13, ’14. M ar. 4, ’14. Ju n e 30, ’14 Sept. 12, ’14.

$236,851 16
63,007 00

$223,769 62
71,035 00

$209,601 39
66,959 00

$198,007 85
50,859 00

$235,602 09
49,814 00

14,000 00
231,695 70

20,000 00
210,335 07

20,000 00
215,835 07

21,000 00
202,602 57

21,000 00
206,392 07

814 60

1,448 93

1,191 92

2,270 18

1,507 18

10,000 00
3,000 00

10,000 00
3,000 00

10,000 00
3,000 00

10,000 00
3,000 00

10,000 00
3,000 00
1,382 21

Other real e s ta te ................................
D ue from other banks and bankers,
not reserve cities. . .
Item s in tr a n s it..........................
U nited States bonds:
Savings d ep artm en t......................
D ue from banks in reserve cities:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Exchanges for clearing house:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d e p artm en t......................
U. S. and N ational b ank currency:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Gold coin:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Silver coin:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t....................
Nickels and cents:
Commercial d ep artm en t...............
Savings d ep artm en t....................
Checks and other cash item s..........
T o ta ls ...........................................
C apital stock paid i n ...................... ..
Surplus fu n d ........................................
Undivided profits, less losses, cur­
rent expenses, interest and taxes
p a id ...................................................
Dividends u n p a id . . . .
Commercial deposits subject to
ch eck .................................................
Commercial certificates of d eposit. .
Certified ch eck s.
Cashier’s checks o u tstan d in g ..........
S tate monies on d ep o sit. . . 7 ...........
Due to banks and b a n k e rs..
P ostal savings deposits.....................
Savings d eposits.................................
Savings certificates of dep o sit.........
Reserve for taxes, interest, etc . .
N otes and bills rediscounted. .
Bills payable
T o ta ls........................................... j
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

28,609 66
39,775 16

40,523 17
46,084 91

42,802 79
33,345 77

27,615 69
63,870 91

15,548 89
33,636 84

134 60

47 36

3 00

228 76

308 34

17,333 00
4,000 00

10,761 00
3,000 00

16,132 00
3,000 00

14,840 00
1,000 00

12,418 00

185 00
12,000 00

180 00
13,000 00

285 00
13,000 00

237 50
15,000 00

640 00
15,500 00

3,123 90

3,172 80

3,645 90

2,861 05

4,553 45

231 26

161 71

137 86

172 89

143 41

173 15


161 00

743 35

652 24

$664,934 19

$656,520 32

$639,100 70

$614,309 75

$612,098 72

$50,000 00
20,000 00

$50,000 00
20,000 00

$50,000 00
20,000 00

$50,000 00
20,000 00

$50,000 00
25,000 00

5,789 24

4,783 98

7,541 06

11,482 71

2,691 88

194,788 26
11,136 83

257,171 22
1,810 61

230,295 36
2,882 86

204,082 84
2,385 06

214,938 79
2,277 85

5,000 00

5,000 00

2,001 44
92,957 49
223,260 93

98,524 24
219,230 27



10,000 00

10,000 00

3,349 16
91,436 85
221,573 13

3,582 61
93,695 75
209,911 84

$639,100 70

$614,309 75

$612,098 72

60,00Q 00
$664,934 19

$656,520 32


No. 72.
O rganized F e b ru a ry 14, 1887.
E. C . C u m m in g s ,

ir e c t o r s .—E .

J. W . H a l l e t t , V ic e P r e s id e n t; I ra C u m m in g s , C a s h ie r ;
B e s s E. S o m e r s , A s s i s t a n t C a s h ie r .

P r e s id e n t;

C. Cummings, J. W. H allett, Ira Cummings, G. H. P atterson, W. A. Crabb,
H. G. Sessions, Isaac K rohn, E . D. Lyon, J. P. Taylor.


Loans and discounts:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Bonds, mortgages and securities:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Prem ium acco u n t..........
O verdrafts..........
Expenses, interest and taxes paid,
exceeding earnings..........
Banking h o u se....................................
F u rn itu re and fixtures......................
O ther real e s ta te ................................
D ue from other banks and bankers,
not reserve cities. .
Item s in tr a n s it. . .
U nited States bonds:
Savings d ep artm en t......................
D ue from banks in reserve cities:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Exchanges for clearing house:
Commercial d ep artm en t. . .
Savings d e p a rtm e n t......................
U. S. and N ational bank currency:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Gold coin:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................

R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Oct. 21, T3. Jan. 13, T4. M ar. 4, T4. Ju n e 30, T4. Sept. 12, ’14.

$80,639 71

$93,654 14

$100,270 41
5,000 00

$104,219 75
10,000 00

$107,813 11
10,000 00

57,847 22
213,500 25

57,847 22
212,661 25

57,847 22
208,861 25

54,847 22
200,016 25

54,847 22
194,916 25

95 57

1 90

26 15

6 79

4,000 00
1,441 00

4,000 00
1,441 00

4,000 00
1,441 00

4,000 00
1,441 00

4,000 00
1,441 00

550 00

550 00

550 00

550 00

550 00

27,327 76
31,497 78

35,342 27
31,550 93

19,233 07
21,770 92

9.405 55
22;898 17

16,619 23
33,708 04

9,540 00
7.500 00

16,988 00
8,000 00

5,292 00
8,000 00

11,649 00
8,000 00

10,598 OO
8,000 00

152 50
6.500 00

760 00
6,000 00

602 50
6,000 00

850 00
6,000 00

690 00
6,000 00

1,292 15

1,116 80

981 25

810 95

1,213 85

Silver coin:
Commercial d e p artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Nickels and cents:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Checks and other cash item s..........

53 14

82 20

79 33

17 14

27 50

2,626 54

541 22

462 46

500 24

547 81

T o ta ls...........................................

$444,563 62

$470,536 93

$440,417 56

$435,212 06

$450,972 01

$50,000 00
10,000 00

$50,000 00
10,000 00

$50,000 00
10,000 00

$50,000 00
10,000 00

$50,000 00
10,000 00

6,026 57

3,760 69
562 25

6,243 74
109 93

1,861 90
3,030 00

5,133 96
8 78

61,006 12
65,532 90

87,697 21
67,304 60

54,118 75
70,312 97

54,158 03
71,247 71

66,173 84
67,031 14

251,998 03

1 50
251,210 68

41 87
249,590 30

151 97
244,762 45

551 53
252,072 76

$444,563 62

$470,536 93

$440,417 56

$435,212 06

$450,972 01

C apital stock paid i n .........................
Surplus fu n d ........................................
Undivided profits, less losses, cur­
rent expenses, interest and taxes
p a id ............................................. . . .
Dividends u n p a id ..............................
Commercial deposits subject to
ch eck .................................................
Commercial certificates of d ep o sit..
Certified eheeks.
Cashier’s ehee.ks outstanding. . . .
State, monies on deposit.
D ue t,o hanks and bankers .
Savings d eposits.................................
Savings certificates of dep o sit.........
■pppp/pyp. for taxes interest, ete . .
Notes and hills redisoounted . .
"Rills payable
T o ta ls ...........................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis


No. 234.
O rganized Ju n e 20, 1901.
D a v id C e o k e t , P r e s i d e n t ; W. C. V i v i a n , V ic e P r e s i d e n t ; W. J. M cC a b e n , C a s h ie r ;
F r a n k C. C r o r e y , F. D. M cC a b e n , A s s i s t a n t C a s h ie r s .


ir e c t o r s .— D avid

Crorey, W. J. M cCaren, F rank C. Crorey, E dw ard M eyer, W ’ C. Vivian,
Jam es Trigger, H. A. R uttle.


Loans and discounts:
Commercial d e p a rtm e n t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Bonds, m ortgages and securities:
Commercial d e p artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t.................. .. .
Prem ium acco u n t...............................
O verdrafts............................................
Expenses, interest and taxes paid,
exceeding earnings.........................
Banking h o u se..................................
F u rn itu re and fixtures......................
Other real e s ta te ................................
D ue from other hanks and bankers,
not reserve cities............................
Item s in tr a n s it......................
U nited States bonds:
Savings d ep artm en t......................
D ue from banks in reserve cities:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Exchanges for clearing house:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t. . . '.................
U. S. and N ational b ank currency:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t.......................
Gold coin:
Commercial d en artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Silver coin:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Nickels and cents:
Commercial d ep artm en t..........
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Checks and other cash ite m s..........
T o ta ls ..............................
C apital stock paid i n ........................
Surplus fund A .......................
Undivided profits, less losses, cur­
rent expenses, interest and taxes
p a id ...............................................
D ividends u n p a id ..............................
Commercial deposits subject to
ch eck ...............................................
Commercial certificates of d ep o sit. .
Certified checks..................................
Cashier’s checks o u tstan d in g ..........
S tate monies on d ep o sit...................
Due to banks and b an k ers..............
Savings d eposits.................................
Savings certificates of d ep o sit.........
Reserve for taxes, interest, etc. . . .
N otes and Dills rediscounted...........
Bills pay ab le.......................................
T o ta ls....................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

R eport of
R eport of
Report of
Report of
R eport of
Oct. 21, ’13. Jan. 13, ’l l . M ar. 4, ’14. June 30, ’14 Sept. 12, ’14.

$121,403 26
27,995 06

$111,129 62
27,398 11

$112,530 35
27,942 19

$119,868 13
30,319 09

$120,690 40
30,809 62

122,297 70

121,366 48

120,193 63

120,622 49

121,646 93

810 59

2,045 51

1,062 54

1,022 39

536. 98

2,750 00
2,209 05

2,750 00
2,209 05

2,750 00
2,209 05

2,750 00
2,209 05

2,750 00
2,209 05

500 00

500 00

500 00

500 00

500 00

240 00

75 79
1,315 00

3,760 00

543 24

1,124 11
812 37

20,953 00
13,375 34

23,804 21
25,236 28

21,175 50
26,010 25

21,632 23
21,313 87

19,668 54
18,823 16

8,065 00
4,280 00

12,500 00
4,100 00

10,947 00
4,025 00

8,262 00
3,835 00

4,414 00
3,845 00

6,720 00

6,900 00

6,975 00

7,165 00

7,155 00

311 75

363 95

411 75

489 00

427 00

53 36

47 22

89 75

120 56

110 97

735 46

485 9Ó

477 49

$332,735 96

$342,300 46

$341,080 72

$340,975 24

1’Q08 Dd.
$337,367 92

$25,000 00
6,000 00

$25,000 00
6,000 00-

$25,000 00
6,000 00

$25,000 00
6,000 00

$25,000 00
6,000 00

3,755 01

4,891 19

6,020 35

6,748 62

4,778 90

65,944 59
52,S75 09

77,984 00
56,870 88

75,478 23
52,481 01

61,706 41
42,496 50

64,138 98
38,921 86

in non no •
L358 79


2,500 00
349 67


176,661 27

171,554 39

175,751 46

187,664 92

$332,735 96

$342,300 46

$341,080 72

$340,975 24 |

ooo oo

188,528 18
$337,367 92



No. 180.
O rganized October 17, 1895.
W m . H. A i t k i n , P r e s id e n t; H. W. S m it h , M. H. A i t k i n , V ic e P r e s id e n ts ; A l l e n R. N i l e s , C a s h ie r ;
W. W . G r e e n , M . H a r t s h o r n , A s s i s t a n t C a s h ie r s .
D ir e c t o r s .— Wm. H. A itkin, H. W. Sm ith, A. R. Niles, M . H. A itkin, A. W. G raham , W. R. Harvey.


Loans and discounts:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Ronds, mortgages and securities:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t.......................
Prem ium acco u n t...............................
O verdrafts............................................
Expenses, interest and taxes paid,
exceeding earnings.........................
Banking h o u se....................................
F u rn itu re and fixtures......................
O ther real e s ta te ................................
D ue from other banks and bankers,
not reserve cities............................
Item s in tr a n s it..................................
U nited S tates bonds:
Savings d ep artm en t......................
D ue from banks in reserve cities:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Exchange? for clearing house:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
U. S. and N ational bank currency:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t........
Gold coin:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Silver coin:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Nickels and cents:
Commercial d e p artm en t..............
S a v in g s departm ent . . .
Checks and other cash item s..........
T o ta ls...........................................
C apital stock paid i n ........................
Surplus f u n d ........................................
U ndivided profits, less losses, cur­
rent expenses, interest and taxes
p a id ...................................................

Report of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Oct. 21, ’13. Jan. 13, ’14. M ar. 4, ’14. June 30, ’14. Sept. 12, ’14.

$145,723 18
34,171 59

$144,287 83
43,703 34

$141,344 99
47,545 31

$124,615 20
52,907 61

$143,810 09
55,238 53

110,665 82

107,759 33

100,709 71

107,893 60

106,546 69

2,349 24

1,154 60

973 63
3,300 00
1,700 00

932 84
3,326 76
1,9S8 62

3,300 00
1,700 00

3,300 00
1,700 00

3,300 00
1.700 00
501 96

501 96

9,529 94
3,176 87

7,188 55
. 150 00

8,616 21
2,315 12

9.700 77
2;305 38

9,724 08
3,000 48

4,865 01
18,451 86

4,549 90
19,788 16

12,428 58
22,835 28

2,474 95
22,782 55

9,974 72
21,749 36

10,256 00
„2,985 00

15,916 00

8,573 00

12,069 00

7,433 00
1,787 00

10,015 00

55 00
10,000 00

55 00
10,000 00

232 50
10,000 00

10,212 50

284 50

389 50

234 00

559 90

396 35

158 62

133 25

151 23

136 25

94 93

291 84

952 88

2,430 70

535 98

2,531 03

$356,821 45

$359,873 74

$364,588 37

$352,870 25

$378,974 85

$25,000 00
5,000 00

$25,000 00
5,000 00

$25,000 00
5,000 00

$25,000 00
5,000 00

$25,000 00
5,000 00

4,686 85

638 67

1,706 61

3,792 92

2,977 08

Commercial deposits subject to
ch eck .................................................
Commercial certificates of d ep o sit. .

64,484 75
82,340 33

77,363 93
89,461 25

76,301 20
84,272 70

63,407 32
50,785 43

83,733 09
56,762 78

1,657 00
2,500 00
2,365 28

9Ó6 Ì5

S tate monies on d ep o sit...................
T"Hie to h a n k s and b an k ers

10,000 00

10,000 00
204 62

10,000 00
2,455 00

Savings certificates of dep o sit.........

168,787 24

161,503 74

162,307 86

194,679 96

193,046 90

T o ta ls...........................................

$356,821 45

$359,873 74

$364,588 37

$352,870 25

$378,974 85

■Dividends u n p aid . .

C ertified ch eck s
O ftshier’q ch ec k s o u tsta n d in g
R avin gs d e p o sits

p f o r
ta v e s in te r e st, e t c .
■NTotes and h ills re d isc o u n ted . . .
"Rills p a y a b le
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis


No. 421.
O rganized A u gust 27, 1908.
F a ir f ie l d G o o d w in , P r e s i d e n t ; E d g a r A. P l a n c k , S t e p h e n I. R u d d , V ic e P r e s id e n ts ;
F r a n k J. P h il l ip s , C a s h ie r ; W il s o n B. D e c k e r , A s s i s t a n t C a s h ie r .


ir e c t o r s .— Fairfield

Goodwin, John R. C arr, E dgar A. Planek, Stephen I. R udd, Fred E . Smith,
W illiam Jones, Isaac R . Shurte.


Loans and discounts:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Bonds, m ortgages and securities:
Commercial d ep artm en t. . . . . . . .
Savings d ep artm en t.......................
Prem ium acco u n t...............................
O verdrafts............................................
Expenses, interest and taxes paid,
exceeding earnings.........................
B anking h o u se....................................
F u rn itu re and fixtures......................
O ther real e s ta te .................................
D ue from other banks and bankers,
not reserve cities...............
Item s in tra n s it..................................
U nited States bonds:
Savings d ep artm en t......................
D ue from banks in reserve cities:
Commercial d e p a rtm e n t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Exchanges for clearing house:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d e p artm en t......................
FT. S. and N ational bank currency:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d e p a rtm e n t.......................
Gold coin:
Commercial d e p a rtm e n t..............
Savings d e p a rtm e n t......................
Silver coin:
Commercial d ep artm en t...............
Savings d ep artm en t.......................
Nickels and cents:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Checks and other cash item s..........
T o ta ls.........................................
C apital stock paid i n .........................
Surplus f u n d . ? ....................................
Undivided profits, less losses, cur­
ren t expenses, interest and taxes
p a id .................................................
Dividends u n p a id ..............................
Commercial deposits subject to
ch eck......................................
Commercial certificates of d eposit. .
Certified ch eck s..................................
Cashier’s checks o u tstan d in g ..........
S tate monies on d ep o sit. . . 7...........
D ue to banks and b an k ers..............
Savings d eposits.................................
Savings certificates of d ep o sit.........
Reserve for taxes, interest, e tc . . . .
Notes and hills rediscounted...........
Bills p ay ab le........................................
T o ta ls.........................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Oct. 2 1 ,’13. Jan. 13, T4. M ar. 4, ’14. June 30, T4 Sept. 12, ’14.

887,834 32

$85,583 44

$83,060 81

$76,494 68
6,512 79

$77,350 22
4,252 41

16,600 00
29,046 62

13,975 00
30,516 62

15,575 00
29,516 62

45,175 00
32,001 62

40,175 00
39,575 84

19 73
85 20

19 73
3 78

19 73
5 64

160 00
33 40

160 00
10 12

7.500 00
4.500 00

7.500 00
4.500 00

7.500 00
4.500 00

7.500 00
4.500 00

7.500 00
4.500 00

501 30

501 30

501 30

501 30

' 2,883 56

2,784 82

3,203 99

2,204 29

1,210 29

6,744 99
4,337 17

56,505 91
4,511 64

47,015 55
4,511 64

18,956 95
13,511 64

14,404 45
8,011 64

3,661 00
2,000 00

4,313 00
2,200 00

5,306 00
2,000 00

7,096 00
3,000 00

5,449 00
2,600 00

2,245 00

1,160 00

595 00
600 00

1,290 00

1,385 00

1,772 15
305 00

2,398 80
58 00

2,597 65
87 00

998 SO
184 00

1,194 40
87 00

202 28
436 52

252 47
1,789 82

233 80
145 65

97 23
283 75

250 98
626 78

$170,173 74

$218,575 19

$206,976 21

$220,501 93

$209,245 12

$40,000 00
950 00

$40,000 00
1,050 00

$40,000 00
1,050 00

$40,000 00
1,050 00

$40,000 00
1,125 00

88 71

762 84

998 73

, 1,535 09

1,875 11

23,584 63
69,861 41

66,598 50
72,876 73

48,728 59
79,482 80

50,818 70
71,887 61

46,070 10
65,647 33

27,684 73
8,004 26

30,615 94
6,671 18

29,879 48
6,836 61

36,608 50
18,602 03

36,371 49
18,156 09

$170,173 74

$218,575 19-

$206,976 21

$220,501 93

$209,245 12



No. 537.
O rganized M ay 10, 1913.

D . H. P o w e r , P r e s i d e n t ; S. A. K e y e s , V i c e P r e s i d e n t ; E lm e r B il i . m a n , C a s h ie r .
D . H. Power, S. A. Keyes, E lm er Billm an, Adam E . Bellinger, Joseph H ahnenber.

ir e c t o r s .—


Loans and discounts:
Commercial d ep artm en t...............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Bonds, m ortgages and securities:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t.......................
Prem ium acco u n t...............................
O verdrafts............................................
Expenses, interest and taxes paid,
exceeding earnings.........................
Banking h o u se. . . ..............................
F u rn itu re and fixtures......................
O ther real e s ta te ................................
D ue from other banks and bankers,
not reserve cities............................
Item s in tr a n s it..................................
U nited States bonds:
Savings d ep artm en t.......................
D ue from banks in reserve cities:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t.......................
Exchanges for clearing house:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
U. S. and N ational bank currency:
Commercial d e p artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t.......................
Gold coin:
Commercial d e p artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Silver coin:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Nickels and cents:
Commercial d e p a rtm e n t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Checks and other cash ite m s..........
T o ta ls...........................................
C apital stock paid i n .........................
Surplus fund. ?....................................
Undivided profits, less losses, cur­
rent expenses, interest and taxes
p a id ...................................................
Dividends u n p a id ...............................
Commercial ‘deposits subject to
ch eck .................................................
Commercial certificates of d eposit..
Certified checks..................................
Cashier’s checks o u tstan d in g ..........
S tate monies on d eposit...................
Due to banks and b an k ers..............
Savings deposits.................................
Savings certificates of deposit.........
Liquidating acco u n t.........................
Reserve foFtaxes, interest, e tc . . . .
N otes and bills rediscounted...........
Bills p ay ab le........................................
T o ta ls...........................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Oct. 21, ’13. Jan. 13, '14. M ar. 4, ’14. June 30, ’14. Sept. 12, ’14.

$32,011 05

$36,649 94

$35,752 57

$42,839 84
3,900 00

$39,378 93
8,925 37

25,410 82
20,000 00

3,335 82
45,400 00

55,141 32

66,665 32

63,272 82

25 24

153 28

48 42

47 92

109 52

1,270 00
1,049 86

1,270 00
1,649 86

167 59
1,270 00
1,649 86

1,270 00
1,689 86

1,270 00
1,689 86

5,006 89
300 00

25 22

23 72

9,886 18
2,400 00

16,957 78
5,500 00

12,856 79
12,000 00

422 45
9,460 00

2,306 33
9,300 00

1,871 00
200 00

3,048 00
1,800 00

880 00
2,000 00

85 00
3,700 00

412 00
2,700 00

205 00
1,000 00

360 00
1,000 00

320 00
1,000 00

425 00
1,000 00

295 00
2,000 00

568 00

508 00

271 00
300 00

548 00

135 30
300 00

117 06

117 32

147 30

153 56

113 07

160 30

84 81

120 00

295 84

196 58

$102,081 40

$117,860 03

$123,948 57

$132,502 79

$132,404 78

$13,370 00

$17,620 00
400 00

$20,000 00
400 00

$20,000 00
800 00

$20,000 00
800 00

196 86

80 89

65 78
885 00

23 57

10,622 41

19,163 17

17,693 02

10,041 74
1,596 27

13,689 14

516 92

2,630 78

382 92

330 27
2,500 00

318 40
1,500 00

20,935 97
3,731 06
52,708 18

44,240 09
11,366 25
22,358 85

54,188 58
15,143 89
16.140 16

64,493 11
29,238 77
551 85

61,682 78
34,390 89

$102,081 40

$117,860 03

$123,948 57

$132,502 79

2,000 00
$132,404 78



No. 343.
O rganized Ju n e 30, 1906.
C. W. M cP h ail ,,

ir e c t o r s .— C.

P r e s i d e n t ; J o h n S m a l l e g a n , V ic e P r e s id e n t; W. S. R ic h a r d s o n , C a s h ie r ;
G u y E. W h it e , F. J. K i r s t e r , A s s i s t a n t C a s h ie r s .

W. M cPhail, John Smallegan, W. S. Richardson, A. F. W allbrecht, N. A. Richardson.


Loans and discounts:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Bonds, mortgages and securities:.
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t................ ;. .
Prem ium acco u n t...............................
O v erd rafts............................................
Expenses, interest and taxes paid,
exceeding earnings.........................
B anking h o u se....................................
F u rn itu re and fixtures....................
O ther real e s ta te ................................
D ue from other hanks and bankers,
not reserve cities. . ........................
Item s in tr a n s it..................................
U nited S tates bonds:
Savings d ep artm en t......................
D ue from banks in reserve cities:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Exchanges for clearing house: Commercial dexiartmenc..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
IT. S. and N ational b ank currency:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Gold coin:
Commercial d e p a rtm e n t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Silver coin:
Commercial d e p a rtm e n t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Nickels and cents:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Checks and other cash item s..........
T o ta ls ...........................................

R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Oct. 21, ’13. Jan. 13, ’14. M ar. 4, ’14. June 30, T4. Sept. 12, ’14.

$79,867 38
21,942 04

$80,504 02
19,026 25

$74,186 72
16,708 75

$79,115 13
18,147 26

$84,486 68
H i970 59

33,003 56

33,902 56

34,152 56

34,290 37

39,284 37

83 27

49 91

447 29

377 56

72 28

3,200 00
1 950 00

3,200 00
1,950 00

3,200 00
1,950 00

3,200 00
1,950 00

3,200 00
1,950 00

631 40

657 79

657 79

657 79

657 79

1,314 23

3,500 98

6,208 17

1,790 75

2,052 67

5,053 39
6,639 38

13,991 19
12,670 05

12,719 62
6,698 58

4,554 99
6,729 02

4,351 24
6,760 78

200 49

146 07

357 20

173 10

6,154 00
1,400 00

4,271 00
2,500 00

2,017 00
5 ;000 00

5,391 00
2,000 00

5.132 00
2,000 00

1,555 00

72 50
1,500 00

1,060 00
500 00

255 00
1,500 00

872 50
1,000 00

417 75
140 00

277 55
200 00

356 35
200 00

336 65
190 00

160 40
100 00

165 95
9 40

191 14
24 74

226 26
14 30
441 40

209 53
3 02
32 00

88 91
86 13

$162,827 24

$178,635 75

$166,744 79

$161,087 27

$164,399 42

$20,000 00
5,000 00

$20,000 00
5,000 00

$20,000 00
5,000 00

$20,000 00
5,000 00

331 11

1,223 65

2,926 41

3,992 09

38,890 25
42,130 68

34,405 21
43,912 15

27,160 11
43,612 66

32,035 81
42,624 12

98 02
43,440 02
28,745 67

159 50
39,510 36
22,533 92

169 20
40,311 09
21,907 80

221 31
38,369 62
21,456 47

$178,635 75

$166,744 79

§161,087 27

$164,399 42

C apital stock paid in .........................
$20,000 00
Surplus fu n d . ? ....................................
5,000 00
Undivided profits, less losses, cur­
rent expenses, interest and taxes
p a id ...................................................
4,056 17
Dividends u n p a id ...............................
Commercial ‘deposits suojec.t to
ch eck .............................................
. 27,910 42
Commercial certificates of d eposit. .
41,379 42
Certified checks..................................
Cashier’s checks o u tstan d in g ..........
117 25
S tate monies on d ep o sit...................
D ue to banks and b an k ers..............
535 42
Savings deposits.................................
39,953 71
Savings certificates of d ep o sit.........
23,874 85
Reserve for taxes, interest, etc. . . .
Notes and bills rediscounted.........
Bills p ay ab le........................................
T o ta ls ..........................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

$162,827 24

700 00



No. 391.
O rganized M arch 26, 1908.
F rank W

o l f , P r e s id e n t;

E. I. W o l f ,
D a v id M


ir e c t o r s .—

V i c e P r e s id e n t; C . D . M o s h e r , C a s h ie r ;

il l e r , A u d i t o r .

F rank Wolf, E. I. Wolf, C. D. M osher, C. A. D ockstader, B ryant Weed.


Loans and discounts:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Bonds, m ortgages and securities:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Prem ium acco u nt...............................
O v erd rafts..........................................
Expenses, interest and taxes paid,
exceeding earn ings.........................
B anking h o u s e ...............1
F u rn itu re and fix tu re s.. / ...............

R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Report of
Report of
Oct. 21, T3. Jan. 13, T4. M ar. 4, T4. Ju n e 30, T4 Sept. 12, ’14.

$84,652 14
85,433 95

$92,623 29
77,262 15

$114,749 76
82,151 25

$87,709 34
126,418 75

$83,126 93
110,575 00

1,000 00
124,329 60

1,000 00
127,747 00

1,000 00
135,754 80

1,000 00
136,815 92

1,000 00
134,650 92

169 01

92 31

65 42

140 97

178 58

2,500 00

882 59
2,500 00

2,500 00

2,500 00

2,500 00

17,559 01
50,902 79

5,225 26
48,783 47

19,668 89
46,918 79

3,720 83
35,489 47

6,115 12
38,249 29

2,696 00
2,500 00

583 00
3,750 00

3,474 00
6,000 00

1,763 00
5.500 00

1,483 00
2.500 90

2,210 00
1,000 00

155 00
3,250 00

1,405 00
2,250 00

140 00
2.500 00

360 00
2.500 00

366 25
500 00

276 25
750 00

617 50
500 00

484 25
1,000 00

224 25
750 00

297 51

138 91
250 00
1,136 49

148 76
250 00
362 10

404 59

13 23

27 89

143 12
250 00
83 75

$376,129 49

$366,405 72

$417,816 27

$405,615 01

$384,689 96

$30,000 00
7,000 00

$30,000 00
8,000 00

$30,000 00
8,000 00

$30,000 00
8,000 00

$30,000 00
8,000 00

7,710 24

58 21

480 14

829 53

2,304 26

70,874 98

69,577 41

113,531 51

53,853 93

42,011 39

52 50

31 29

73,755 23
186,789 04

450 97
77,298 58
180Ì 968 05

80,575 29
185,198 04

431 14
86,637 25
225,863 16

434 64
89.751 39
212,188 28

$376,129 49

$366,405 72

$417,816 27

$405,615 01

$384,689 96

O ther real e s ta te ................................
Due from other banks and bankers,
not reserve c ities...........................
Item s in tr a n s it..................................
U nited States bonds:
Savings d ep artm en t......................
D ue from banks in reserve cities:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Exchanges for clearing house:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
U. S. and N ational bank currency:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Gold coin:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Silver coin:
Commercial d e p a rtm e n t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Nickels and cents:
Commercial d ep artm en t...............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Checks and other cash item s..........
T o ta ls...........................................
C apital stock paid i n ........................
Surplus fu n d ........................................
Undivided profits, less losses, cur­
rent expenses, interest and taxes
p a id ...................................................
Dividends u n p a id ...............................
Commercial deposits subject to
ch eck .................................................
Commercial certificates of deposit..
Certified checks..................................
Cashier’s checks o u tstan d in g ..........
S tate monies on dep o sit...................
D ue to banks and b ankers..............
P ostal savings deposits.....................
Savings deposits .............................
Savings certificates of dep o sit........
Reserve for taxes, interest, etc. . . .
Notes and bills rediscounted...........
Bills p ay ab le........................................
T o ta ls...........................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



No. 315.
O rganized Ju n e 8 , 1905.
J. L. C r a n e ,

ir e c t o r s .—

S. H a b b h a , V ic e P r e s id e n t; W . J. R a c h o w , C a s h ie r ;
A r c h ie L i v in g s t o n , A s s i s t a n t C a s h ie r .

P r e s id e n t; H .

Jo h n B urns, H . S. H arsha, J . L. Crane, W . J. Rachow, P . D. Campbell.


Loans and discounts:
Commercial d ep artm en t...............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Bonds, m ortgages and securities:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Prem ium acco u n t...............................
O verdrafts............................................
Expenses, interest and taxes paid,
exceeding earnings.........................
Banking h o u se....................................
F u rn itu re and fixtures......................
O ther real e s ta te ................................
D ue from other banks and bankers,
not reserve cities............................
Item s in tr a n s it..................................
U nited States bonds:
Savings d ep artm en t.......................
D ue from banks in reserve cities:
Commercial d ep artm en t...............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Exchanges for clearing house:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
U. S. and N ational b ank currency:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Gold coin:
Commercial d ep artm en t...............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Silver coin:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t.......................
Nickels and cents:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Checks and other cash ite m s..........
T o ta ls...........................................
C apital stock paid i n ........................
Surplus fu n d ........................................
Undivided profits, less losses, cur­
rent expenses, interest and taxes
p a id ...................................................
Dividends u n p a id ..............................
Commercial deposits subject to
Commercial certificates of deposit..
Certified checks..................................
Cashier’s checks o u tstan ding ..........
S tate monies on d ep o sit...................
D ue to banks and b an k ers..............
Savings dep o sits.................................
Savings certificates of d ep o sit.........
Reserve for taxes, interest, e tc. . . .
N otes and bills rediscounted.........
Bills p ay ab le.......................................
T o ta ls...........................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Oct. 21, T3. Ja n . 13, T4. M ar. 4, T4. June 30, T4. Sept. 12, T4.

$74,658 91
32,198 00

$73,486 40
33,198 00

$61,311 07
38,248 00

$77,368 16
44,247 00

$80,779 12
42,548 00

85,912 00

80,052 00

75,342 00

77,042 00

79,667 00

1,249 44

784 34

458 78

320 90

157 14

11,600 00
3,000 00

11,600 00
3,000 00

ii.èóò óó
3,000 00

11,600 00
3,000 00

11,600 00
3,000 00

1,800 00

1,800 00

1,800 00

1,800 00

1,800 00

332 50

1,014 58

2,103 27
13,000 00

1,237 74
12,510 27

12,945 39
13,500 00

7,876 83
13,515 38

19,030 63
17,026 64

1,404 38

690 72

321 72

938 32

1,270 16

3,429 00
6,000 00

4,398 00
4,000 00

5,985 00
5,500 00

3,000 00
4,203 00

16,540 00
5,200 00

1,175 00

1,157 50

1,157 50

1,867 50

2,150 00

2,161 90
305 00

1,316 65
1,800 00

1,889 60
312 50

800 00
897 50

726 00
600 00

140 26
20 00
50 91

138 13
42 50
111 05

144 00
30 00
29 90

75 45
32 00
101 50

81 39
50 00
90 09

$240,208 07

$232,337 88

$233,575 46

$249,018 04

$282,316 17

$25,000 00
2,600 00

$25,000 00
2,800 00

$25,000 00
2,800 00

$25,000 00
2,800 00

$25,000 00
3,000 00

4,563 61

3,502 30
161 00

4,032 49
14 00

4,372 41

5,255 18

71,817 81
41 50

63,160 96
41 50

59,291 95
41 50

53,947 42
41 50

97,607 61
41 50

5,000 00

5,000 00

2,500 00

58,267 23
77,917 92

61,102 79
70,869 33

62,327 68
75,067 84

57,254 52
78,102 19

63,080 74
85,831 14

2,500 00
20,000 00

5,700 00
$240,208 07

$232,337 88

$233,575 46

$249,018 04

$282,316 17



No. 218.
O rganized A u gust 14, 1899.
G e o . H. S p e n c e r , P r e s i d e n t ; A l b e r t M u r r a y , V ic e P r e s id e n t; N e d B. A l s o v e r , C a s h ie r ;
C. E . F i s h e r , A s s i s t a n t C a s h ie r .
D ir e c t o r s .— W. B. O tto, A lbert M urray, Geo. H. Spencer, E . D . B arber, C. B. Lamb,

Ned B. Alsover, M . Yomberg.


Loans and discounts:
Commercial d ep artm en t...............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Bonds, m ortgages and securities:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Prem ium acco u n t...............................
O v erd rafts............................................
Expenses, interest and taxes paid,
exceeding earnings.........................
B anking h o u se....................................
F u rn itu re and fixtures......................
O ther real e s ta te ................................
D ue from other banks and bankers,
not reserve c ities............................
Item s in tr a n s it..................................
U nited States bonds:
Savings d ep artm en t.......................
D ue from banks in reserve cities:
Commercial d ep artm en t. . .
Savings d ep artm en t............
Exchanges for clearing house:
Commercial d ep artm en t. . .
Savings d ep artm en t............
TJ. S. and N ational bank currency:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t.......................
Gold coin:
Commercial d ep artm en t...............
Savings d ep artm en t.......................
Silver coin:
Commercial d e p a rtm e n t..
Savings d ep artm en t...........
Nickels and cents:
Commercial d e p a rtm e n t..,
Savings d ep artm en t...........
Checks and other cash item s
T o ta ls.
C apital stock paid i n .........................
Surplus fu n d ........................................
Undivided profits, less losses, cur­
rent expenses, interest and taxes
p a id ...................................................
Dividends u n p a id ...............................
Commercial deposits subject to
ch eck .................................................
Commercial certificates of dep o sit. .
Certified checks..................................
Cashier’s checks outstanding
S tate monies on d ep o sit.........
D ue to banks and b a n k e rs.. . .
P ostal savings deposits............
Savings deposits.........................
Savings certificates of dep o sit.
Reserve for taxes, interest, etc
N otes and bills rediscounted. .
Bills payable
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Oct. 2 1 ,’13. Jan. 13, T4. M ar. 4, ’14. June 30, T4. Sept. 12, ’14.

$338,670 29
88,650 00
5,000 00
234,278 25

$302,421 92
118,095 00
5,000 00
230,568 25

$280,353 02
104,795 00.
21,000 00

221,953 25

$272,407 04
96,795 00
27,000 00
216,966 55

$268,406 56
100,795 00
21,500 00
217,028 55

524 70

1,037 33

455 61


254 57

20,000 00

20,000 00

20,000 00

5,000 00

20,000 00

20,000 00

5,000 00

5,000 00

5,000 00

5,000 00

23,037 45

13,146 93

5,090 54

7,425 73

8,024 45

21,601 87
39,980 76

32,062 44
35,500 00

84,600 83
39,500 00

24,936 53
39,500 00

48,480 89
35,405 03

17,614 00
3,571 00

18,398 00
3,223 00

19,788 00
3,591 00

12,851 00
2,930 00

29,836 00
2,660 00

6,505 00
16,000 00

2,017 50
17,510 00

2,500 00
17,500 00

8,377 50
15,000 00

5,132 50
15,000 00

3,984 00
50 75

4,165 00
84 70

4,490 00
83 50

3,064 00
71 30

3,737 00
70 85

556 99
3 29
19 04

870 73
5 48
923 67

1,150 14
6 65
448 55

992 39
1 62
278 92

809 35

$825,047 39

$810,029 95

$832,306 09

$754,658 99

$782,725 02

$100,000 00
20,000 00

$100.000 00

$ 100,000 00

20,000 00

$100,000 00
20,000 00

$ 100,000 00

20,000 00

4,298 63
44 00

4,368 35
348 00

5,361 90
76 00

3,791 59
4,438 00

6,614 56
49 00

134,052 97
161,730 12

154,088 96
158,462 86

194,066 20
154,871 24
50 00

136,388 23
141,587 03

145,168 15
145,080 46
365 00

220 00

1 88

582 39

20,000 00

10,000 00

367,437 09
15,100 00

357,661 78
15,100 00

332,880 75
12,500 00
2,500 00

$810,029 95

$832,306 09

22,384 58
$825,047 39

696 92
324,937 22
12,600 00

704 90
322,142 95
12.600 00

$754,658 99

$782,725 02

25,000 00


No. 509.
O rganized Ju n e 27, 1912.

C h a s . H. W o r c e s t e r , P r e s i d e n t ; E d w a h d A. H a m a r , V ic e P r e s i d e n t ; M a r c e i l A. N

ir e c t o r s .—


a d e a u , C a s h ie r .

Chas. H. W orcester, M arcell A. N adeau, E dw ard A. H am ar, Percy H. Willson,
W. H. Funk.


Loans and discounts:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t..................
Bonds, m ortgages and securities:
Commercial d ep artm en t...............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Prem ium acco u n t................
O verdrafts.....................
Expenses, interest and taxes paid,
exceeding earnings.........................
B anking h o u se..........................
F u rn itu re and fixtures......................
O ther real e s ta te ....................
Due from other hanks and bankers,
not reserve cities...............
Item s in tr a n s it.................
U nited States bonds:
Savings d ep artm en t.......................
D ue from banks in reserve cities:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d eo artm en t......................
Exchanges for clearing house:
Commercial d ep artm en t...............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
U. S. and N ational b ank currency:
Commercial d ep artm en t............
Savings d e p a rtm e n t......................
Gold coin:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t.......................
Silver coin:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Nickels and cents:
Commercial d ep artm en t............
Savings d e p artm en t......................
Checks and other cash item s..........
T o ta ls...................................
C apital stock paid i n ........................
Surplus fu n d . ? .........................
Undivided profits, less losses, cur­
ren t expenses, interest and taxes
p a id ....................................
Dividends u n p a id ..............................
Commercial deposits subject to
ch eck.................
Commercial certificates of deposit. .
Certified checks...............
Cashier’s checks o u tstan d in g ..........
S tate monies on d ep o sit...................
D ue to banks and b an kers..............
Savings dep o sits...........................
Savings certificates of d ep o sit.........
Reserve for taxes, interest, etc. . . .
N otes and bills rediscounted...........
Bills p ay ab le.................................
T o ta ls.........................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

R eport of
Report of
R eport of
R eport of
Report of
Oct. 21, T3. Jan. 13, T4. M ar. 4, ’14. June 30, T4. Sept. 12, T4.

$29,846 42
5,250 00

$38,690 01
4,500 00

$30,925 02
5,700 00

$43,180 39
1,200 00

$36,868 03
3,950 00

1,700 00
10,745 90

3,700 00
10,690 90

2,300 00
9,886 81

5,875 00
12,803 82

5,725 00
13,718 82

9 57

1,266 83

3 60

35 65

471 17

792 68
3,362 52
1,713 04

1,220 45
3,362 52
1,713 04

1,053 52
3,362 52
1,713 04

3,362 52
1,713 04

3,362 52
1,713 04

297 42

550 69

11,079 58

1,126 34

472 58

2,024 00
1,150 91

14,566 59
1,218 66

9,407 19
1,472 04

20,913 60
3,801 09

6,957 32
2;570 52

2,671 00
400 00

3,889 00
745 00

2,249 00
843 00

3,918 00

1,432 00
85 00

917 50

1,020 00

1,127 50

1,390 00

1,487 50

529 15
31 00

533 60

561 55

588 00
27 25

312 40

105 34
113 76

131 72
175 55

191 21
64 24

169 82
388 11

298 02
100 62

$61,660 41

$87,975 04

$81,940 43

$100,492 87

$79,525 21

$20,000 00
4,000 00

$20,000 00
4,000 00

$20,000 00
4,000 00

$20,000 00
3,501 10

$20,000 00
3,116 22
188 70

18,774 47
380 43

41,302 75
4,484 25

34.590 72
4;314 25

53,935 55
3,815 82

10 00

13 00

5 50

18 00

18,495 51

18,175 04

19,029 96

19,222 40

$61,660 41

$87,975 04

$81,940 43

$100,492 87

31,296 96
3,110 82

21,812 51

$79,525 21



No. 305.

O rganized J a n u a ry 24, 1905.
W m . L. M a r t in , S. A . S t . A m o u e , V ic e P r e s id e n ts ;
A . G a l l a g h e r C a s h ie r .
Jam es F . Moloney, Wm. L. M artin, W. L. H agadorn, George A nnand, S. A . St. Amour,

J am es F . M

ir e c t o r s .

o l o n e y , P r e s id e n t;

Yet. S. Moloney, Y. D. Sprague, H enry B arber, J. H. M yers.


Loans and discounts:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Bonds, m ortgages and securities:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Prem ium acco u n t......................
O verdrafts...........................
Expenses, interest and taxes paid,
exceeding earnings.........................
B anking h o u se....................................
F u rn itu re and fixtures......................
O ther real e s ta te ................................
D ue from other banks and bankers,
not reserve cities............................
Item s in tr a n s it........................
U nited S tates Ponds:
Savings d ep artm en t......................
D ue from banks in reserve cities:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Exchanges for clearing house:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
U. S. and N ational bank currency:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Gold coin:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t....................
Silver coin:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Nickels and cents:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Checks and other cash item s..........
T o ta ls.......................................
C apital stock paid i n ........................
Surplus fu n d . ? ....................................
Undivided profits, less losses, current expenses, interest and taxes
p a id ...................................................
Dividends u n p a id ..............................
Commercial deposits subject to
ch eck .................................................
Commercial certificates of d eposit. .
Certified checks..................................
Cashier’s checks o u tstan d in g ..........
S tate monies on d ep osit...................
D ue to banks and b an k ers..............
P ostal savings deposits.....................
Savings deposits .*..............................
Savings certificates of dep o sit.........
Reserve for taxes, interest, e tc . . . .
N otes and bills rediscounted...........
Bills p ay ab le........................................
T o ta ls. . . .

Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Oct. 21, T3. Jan. 13, T4. M ar. 4, ’14. June 30, ’14. Sept. 12, ’14.

$111,709 43
24,479 70

$94,710 86
42,009 70

$99,489 16
33,878 03

$103,129 26
33,858 03

$97,554 15

1,650 00
61,707 44

1,600 00
63,237 98

1,600 00
62,587 48

1,745 00
59,385 80

1,745 00
58,838 03

396 59

222 83

420 57

393 82

332 82

4,198 75

4,198 75

4,198 75

4,198 75

4,198 75

5,259 11

5,259 11

4,686 11

4,686 11

4,310 54

2,204 13

2,833 09

909 37

380 10

20,737 84
11,678 04

7,553 49
11,636 15

13,612 57
11,656 79

12,867 11
11,699 10

5,848 57
11,743 49

4,731 00
4,500 00

8,868 00
4,500 00

3,200 00
4,500 00

4,741 00
3,500 00

3,566 00
3,500 00

3,920 00
1,500 00

125 00
1,500 00

3,845 00
1,500 00

2,795 00
1,500 00

1,622 50
1,500 00

2,514 20
1,100 00

4,212 50
L100 00

2,026 15
1,100 00

1,839 60
1,100 00

2,754 75
1,100 00

615 09
60 00
1,203 26

902 39
60 00
1,144 72

859 68
60 00
1,050 59

830 86
60 00
979 38

689 33
60 00
1,152 84

$261,011 88

$255,045 61

$253,676 97

$250,218 19

$237,472 44

$50,000 00
3,500 00

$50,000 00
3,855 00

$50,000 00
3,855 00

$50,000 00
3,855 00

$50,000 00
3,855 00

3,412 26
258 00

1,951 62
942 00

2,276 46
6 00

2,927 74

3,044 63

72,449 35
l ’625 05

87,288 20
625 05

79,302 73
625 05

55,686 71
418 35

66,826 51
73 65
472 00





7,446 55
60,851 19
61,469 48

$261,011 88


$255,045 61




6,000 00

14,000 00

7,500 00

$253,676 97

$250,218 19

$237,472 44



No. 304.
O rganized F e b ru a ry 11, 1905.
F r a n k S h e p h e r d , P r e s id e n t; H. A. B l a k e , M il e s E . R ig g s , V i c e P r e s i d e n t s ; H. T. G l e z e n , C a s h ie r ;
G e o . D. N im m o , A s s i s t a n t C a s h ie r .
D ir e c t o r s .— F rank Shepherd, M . E . Riggs, G. A. Thom pson, B. A. Cueny, H. A. Blake, G. W. R it-

tenhouse, Fred A. H out, J. F. Shepherd, W. E . Chapm an, H . T . Glezen, Geo. D. Nimmo.

Loans and discounts:
Commercial d ep artm en t............
Savings departm ent ..................
Bonds, m ortgages and securities:
Commercial d e p artm en t............
Savings d ep artm en t..........
Prem ium a c c o u n t........................
O v erd rafts...........................................
Expenses, interest and taxes paid,
exceeding earnings.........................
Banking h o u se....................................
F u rn itu re and fixtures.......................
O ther real e s ta te ..........................
D ue from other banks and bankers,
not reserve citie s............................
Item s in tr a n s it..................................
U nited States bonds:
Savings d e p a rtm e n t......................
D ue from banks in reserve cities:
Commercial d ep artm en t............
Sayings d ep artm en t....................
Exchanges for clearing house:
Commercial d ep artm en t............
Savings d ep artm en t....................
U. S. and N ational b ank currency
Commercial d ep artm en t...............
Savings d ep artm en t.......................
Gold coin:
Commercial d e p artm en t............ ..
Savings d e p a rtm e n t......................
Silver coin:
Commercial d ep artm en t. . .
Savings d ep artm en t............
Nickels and cents:
Commercial d ep artm en t. . .
Savings d ep artm en t............
Checks and other cash ite m s.
T o ta ls.
C apital stock paid i n ........................
Surplus fu n d ........................................
Undivided profits, less losses, cur­
rent expenses, interest and taxes
p a id ...................................................
Dividends u n p a id ..............................
Commercial deposits subject to
ch eck .................................................
Commercial certificates of deposit..
Certified checks......................... ..
C ashier’s checks o u tstanding ..........
S tate monies on d ep o sit...................
D ue to banks and h a n k e rs...............
P ostal savings deposits.....................
Savings d eposits.................................
Savings certificates of deposit.........
Reserve for taxes, interest, etc. . . .
N otes and bills rediscounted...........
Bills p ay ab le........................................
T o tals. .
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Oct. 21, T3. Jan. 13, T4. M ar. 4, T4. June 30, '14. Sept. 12, T4.

$106,920 89
68,324 97

$119,128 43
70,124 72

$137,551 23
52,060 47

$164,119 61
38,147 38

$139,181 34
45,438 52

2,400 00
65,222 19

2,400 00
58,633 95

2,400 00
65,408 95

1,800 00
67,340 08

1,800 00
69,427 25

1,632 12

13 58

11,000 00

11,000 00

3,000 00

3,000 00

800 00

335 44
11,000 00

11,000 00

11,000 00

3,000 00

3,000 00

3,000 00

800 00

800 00

800 00

10,000 00

371 63

" l9 73

13,209 51
7,983 16

8,937 46
14,633 24

14,645 68
13,920 52

1,268 21
1,792 67

600 00
985 74

190 69

2,315 71

3,610 00
3,000 00

5,856 00
4.000 00

564 00
5,020 00

3,271 00

5,043 00

6,000 00

6,000 00

75 00

2,285 00
3.000 00

40 00

335 00
3,000 00

975 00
4,000 00

35 00
1,937 70

1,922 65

2,978 25

25 81
56 56

256 34

181 73

616 77

23è 5Ì

$305,515 04 I $336,966 11

$321,298 68

$50,000 00

1,179 85

'405 86

4,830 57
10,594 11

29,293 34
6,243 07

291 71
1,500 00

2,000 00

2,000 00

387 20
1,070 00

1,074 90

332 57
16 38
481 94

170 00
7 33
462 62

$287,601 17

$322,933 67

$50,000 00

$50,000 00
10,000 00

$50,000 00

$50,000 00

10,000 00

10,000 00

10,000 00

3,087 27

2,467 89
111 00

3,918 10
51 00

952 37
1,771 00

1,513 59
56 00

64,608 21
2,550 30

99,827 20
531 60
75 00

67,016 23
25,043 45
50 00

108.662 25
24,985 93

95,463 65
17,530 94

565 24

2,966 60

71,870 67
79,856 98

65,365 10
79,636 64

5,062 50

11,949 64

$287,601 17

$322,933 67

10,000 00

1,200 00

1,000 00

10,000 00



473 86
68,379 19
61,741 51

$305,515 04

$336,966 11



$321,298 68



No. 397.

O rganized A pril 22, 1908.
J o h n F. W a l t r o u s , P r e s i d e n t ; P e t e k M e k k e l , V ic e P r e s id e n t; P a u l G. S c h a ib l e , C a s h ie r ;
A l b e h t F a h k n e e , A s s i s t a n t C a s h ie r .
D ir e c t o r s .— J. F. W altrous, P eter M erkel, C. H. G rau, Lewis Geyer, J. H. G uthrie, C . H. Kalm bach,

John K alm bach, O. C. B urkhart, John Farrell, H. L. Wood.


Loans and discounts:
Commercial d ep artm en t........
Savings d ep artm en t..................
Bonds, mortgages and securities:
Commercial d e p a rtm e n t...............
Savings d ep artm en t................
Prem ium acco u n t............
O v erd rafts..................
Expenses, interest and taxes paid
exceeding earnings...................
B anking h o u se.....................
F u rn itu re and fixtures..................
O ther real e s ta te ....................
D ue from other banks and bankers,
n o t reserve cities...............
Item s in tr a n s it...........
U nited States bonds:
Savings d ep artm en t......................
D ue from banks in reserve cities:
Commercial d ep artm en t........
Savings d ep artm en t..................
Exchanges for clearing house:
Commercial d ep artm en t...............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
U. S. and N ational bank currency:
Commercial d e p a rtm e n t..........
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Gold coin:
Commercial d ep artm en t............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Silver coin:
Commercial d ep artm en t...............
Savings d e p a rtm e n t......................
Nickels and cents:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d e p artm en t......................
Checks and other cash item s..........
T o ta ls............................ ..
C apital stock paid i n ......................
Surplus fu n d .................................
U ndivided profits, less losses, current expenses, interest and taxes
p a id ........................................
Dividends u n p a id ..............................
Commercial deposits subject to
ch eck....................................
Commercial certificates of deposit. .
Certified checks..........................
Cashier’s checks o u tstan d in g ..........
S tate monies on d ep o sit.................
D ue to banks and bankers...............
Savings deposits.................................
Savings certificates of dep o sit.........
Reserve for taxes, interest, e tc . . . .
Notes and bills rediscounted.........
Bills p ay ab le.....................................
T o ta ls.....................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Oct. 21, T3. Jan. 13, T4. M ar. 4, T4. June 30, T4 Sept. 12, T4.

$66,847 59
20,350 00

$68,848 94
26,350 00

$45,903 99

500 00
175,598 61

171,580 11

173,455 11

225 00
60 35

200 00
377 26

200 00

2,800 00
1,544 67

1,544 67

1,544 67

800 00

$64,517 94
24,325 00

$54,513 41
26,175 00

3,500 00
185,702 43

6,500 00
184,857 93

12o GS

125 00
393 28

2,800 00
1,544 67

2,800 00
1,544 67

800 00

16 56

6,716 08
24,627 12

4,027 45
33,627 12

25,183 95
26,127 12

7,232 87
36,127 12

11,964 70
26,627 12

74 82

83 90

249 60

201 88

27 00

1,365 00
6,000 00

2,114 00
4,600 00

2,358 00
4,500 00

2,118 00
6,000 00

2,000 00
6,002 00

540 00
4,400 00

327 50
6,500 00

430 00
7,200 00

6,500 00

75 00
7,000 00

756 10
1,450 00

440 35
1,950 00

1,052 10
1,000 00

994 10
1,025 00

865 35
150 00

325 78
266 17
2 12

127 73
340 90

141 23
123 50

338 39

231 41
29 95

$315,249 41

$325,839 93

$25,000 00
11,000 00

$25,000 00
12,500 00

$25,000 00

6,129 25

4,392 20
265 00

4 QOS 24
’ 20 00

38,148 26

38,734 60


2,280 00

$343,490 85

$331,898 38

$25,000 00
14,000 00

$25,000 00
14,000 00

38,291 39

36,441 74

1,000 00

183,044 95
49,646 95

194,218 76
50,729 37

200,222 22
51,533 51

53,011 58

199,278 91
51,563 09

$315,249 41

$325,839 93

$332,880 91

$343,490 85

$331,898 38


10 0

No. 203.
O rganized Ja n u a ry 14, 1898.
H. S. H o l m e s ,

C. H. K e m p f , V ic e P r e s i d e n t ; G e o . , A. B e G o l e , C a s h ie r ;
J. L. F l e t c h e b , A s s i s t a n t C a s h ie r .
D ir e c t o r s .— C. H. Kem pf, H. S . Holmes, C. Klein, O tto D . Luick, E dw ard Vogel, D . C. M cLaren,
John R. Kem pf, D. E . Beach.
P r e s id e n t;


Loans and discounts:
Commercial d ep artm en t..........
Savings d ep artm en t..................
Bonds, m ortgages and securities:
Commercial d ep artm en t..........
Savings d ep artm en t..................

R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Oct. 21, ’13. Jan. 13, ’14. M ar. 4, ’14. Ju n e 30, ’14. Sept. 12, ’14.

$131,527 22

$139,224 43

$140,505 44

$142,197 51

$145,569 63

30,037 84
342,753 85

29,906 72
339,220 37

35,672 60
328,881 36

19,741 70
333,216 92

19,374 76
321,450 58

1,071 75
Prem ium account
1,905 10
O verdrafts............
Expenses, interest and taxes paid,
exceeding earnings..................................................
B anking h o u se....................................
15,000 00
F u rn itu re and fixtures.......................
5,000 00

1,071 75
2,284 10

1,071 75
6,198 54

1,071 75
4,379 65

1,071 75
2,348 14

15,000 00
5,000 00

15,000 00
5,400 00

15,000 00
5,400 00

15,000 00
5,400 00

1,574 39

1,765 03

1,799 62

' Ì7 87

Ì93 87

955 00

4,000 00
28 25

2,500 00

2,500 00

2,500 00

2,500 00

2,500 00

11,580 34
35,882 37

17,493 15
33,904 28

8,683 50
40,064 81

4,064 71
26,986 58

5,061 97
33,902 76

52 11
50 98

1,263 03
15 00

477 60
86 18

82 40

182 22
4 00

5,023 00
7,328 00

5,915 00
6,519 00

7,286 00
3,477 00

3,238 00
8,636 00

3,699 00
5,856 00

2,725 00
16,125 00

3,405 00
16,305 00

4,050 00
16,492 50

4,112 50
15,910 00

5,235 00
15,710 00

3,409 05
38 30

3,053 70
49 00

2,746 10
25 85

2,631 95
50 30

2,712 15
35 05

21 62
59 50
422 24

112 53
62 07
180 22

287 16
63 84
163 47

60 01
22 27
531 67

90 65
34 61
252 32

$615,005 53

$624,443 25

$620,933 32

$590,788 92

$589,518 81

$40,000 00
30,000 00

$40,000 00
40,000 00

$40,000 00
40,000 00

$40,000 00
40,000 00

$40,000 00
40,000 00

22,968 01
54 00

10,745 46
150 00

12,312 03
"96 00

12,004 29
2,400 00

15,109 85
54 00






O ther real e s ta te . ..............................
D ue from other hanks and bankers,
not reserve cities............................
Item s in tr a n s it..................................
U nited States bonds:
Savings d ep artm en t.......................
D ue from banks in reserve cities:
Commercial d ep artm en t..........
Savings d ep artm en t..................
Exchanges for clearing house:
Commercial d ep artm en t..........
Savings d ep artm en t..................
U. S. and N ational b ank currency:
Commercial d ep artm en t...............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Gold coin:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t.......................
Silver coin:
Commercial d ep artm en t. ..
Savings d e p artm en t............
Nickels and cents:
Commercial d ep artm en t. ..
Savings d e p a rtm e n t. . . . . . .
Checks and other cash item s
C apital stock paid i n .........................
Surplus fu n d ........................................
Undivided profits, less losses, cur­
rent expenses, interest and taxes
p a id ...................................................
D ividends u n p a id ...............................
Commercial deposits subject to
ch eck................................
Commercial certificates of d eposit..
Certified checks..................................
Cashier’s checks o u tstan d in g ..........
S tate monies on d ep o sit...................
D ue to banks and b an k ers..............
Savings d eposits.................................
Savings certificates of dep o sit.........
Reserve for taxes, interest, etc. . . .
N otes and bills rediscounted...........
Bills p ay ab le..................................... ..
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis






350,627 11
54,166 83

347,431 11
51,303 89

337,537 85
54,161 58

........ 95 Ü
336,951 07
51,096 90

495 30
336,439 19
47,130 20

$615,005 53

$624,443 25

$620,933 32

$590,788 92

$589,518 81



No. 235.
O rganized Ju n e 22, 1901.
M il l is L. P a r s h a l l , P r e s id e n t; O t is C. S p e r r y , G e o r g e M . P e e t , V ic e P r e s id e n ts F r a n k A. G r e e n f e l d e r , C a s h ie r ; H a r r y N. S l a c k , F r a n k ,T. S t e v e n s , A s s i s t a n t C a s h ie r s .

ir e c t o r s .—

F ran k A. Greenfelder, Ralph Agnew, George M . Peet, M illis L. Parshall, Otis C Snerrv
G. M . N ason.


Loans and discounts:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Bonds, m ortgages and securities:
Commercial d e p a rtm e n t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Prem ium acco u n t...........................
O v erd rafts.....................................
Expenses, interest and taxes paid,
exceeding earnings.........................
Banking h o u se.................
F u rn itu re and fixtures.......................
O ther real e s ta te ..............................
D ue from other banks and bankers,
not reserve cities............................
Item s in tr a n s it......................
U nited States bonds:
Savings d ep artm en t......................
D ue from banks in reserve cities:
Commercial d e p artm en t..............
Savings d e p a rtm e n t... .
Exchanges for clearing house:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d e p a rtm e n t......................
T.T. S. and N ational bank currency:
Commercial d e p a rtm e n t..............
Savings d e p artm en t......................
Gold coin:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Silver coin:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d e p artm en t......................
Nickels and cents:
Commercial d e p a rtm e n t..............
Savings d e p a rtm e n t......................
Checks and other cash ite m s..........
T o ta ls ..........................
C apital stock paid i n ........................
Surplus fund . ? ..............................
U ndivided profits, less losses, cur­
rent expenses, interest and taxes
p a id .........................................
D ividends u n p a id ..............................
Commercial deposits subject to
ch eck ...............................................
Commercial certificates of deposit..
Certified checks..................................
Cashier s checks o u tstan d in g ..........
S tate monies on d eposit...................
D ue to banks and b a n k e rs..............
Savings d ep o sits...
Savings certificates of dep o sit.........
Reserve for taxes, interest, etc. . ..
N otes and bills rediscounted...........
Bills p ay ab le........................................
T o ta ls............................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Oct. 21, ’13. Jan. 13, ’14. M ar, 4, ’14. June 30, ’14 Sept. 12, ’14.

$147,862 41
45,490 13

$156,435 96
41,875 58

$166,372 91
46,227 11

$186,615 70
41,491 19

$189,660 87
47,077 09

161,017 82

10,000 00
165,418 10

15,000 00
162,837 74

15,000 00
188,287 67

15,000 00
188,287 67

73 14

212 83

451 11

270 12

407 92

6,000 00
1,000 00

6,000 00
1,000 00

6,000 00
1,000 00

6,000 00
1,000 00

6,000 00
1,000 00

10,641 95

2,673 69

5,145 09

4,689 95

4,194 04

19,243 98
33,000 00

22,822 52
40,000 00

13,279 31
38,000 00

13,959 19
30,000 00

11,982 33
43,000 00

11,397 00
4,800 00

11,014 00
7,400 00

18,522 00
5,200 00

19,325 00
7.000 00

16,936 00
6,500 00

130 00
8,000 00

8,635 00

8,865 00

590 00
9.000 00

502 50
9,000 00

1,417 90
1,000 00

3,412 95
20 00

3,173 35
100 50

1,254 30
700 00

1,396 10
400 00

83 69
89 42
182 89

224 74
7 77
116 43

197 16
5 21
106 29

67 91
14 98
366 99

72 12
33 61

$451,430 33

$477,269 57

$490,482 78

$525,633 00

$541,450 25

$25,000 00
14,000 00

$25,000 00
14,000 00

$25,000 00
14,000 00

$25,000 00
14,000 00

$25,000 00
25,000 00

3,566 46

4,484 17
60 00

8,075 33

13,382 20

2,230 12

58,380 17
97,086 33

71,553 00
. 98,815 95

74,309 34
107,862 55

101,281 35
95,475 61

112,538 95
82,382 81

178,832 93
74,564 44

185,159 43
78,197 02

185,643 60
75,591 96

202,322 31
74,171 53

206,407 62
87,890 75

$451,430 33

$477,269 57

$490,482 78

$525,633 00

$541,450 25



No. 424.
O rganized D ecem ber 22, 1908.
A. E . S l e e p e r , P r e s i d e n t ; A. E . M u l d e r , V ic e P r e s i d e n t ; J a m e s S . B ic k n e l l , C a s h ie r ;
A . T . S t e v e n s , A s s i s t a n t C a s h ie r ; W. H . B ic k n e l l , A u d i t o r .
D ir e c t o r s .—A. E . Sleeper, Jam es S. Bicknell, A. E . M ulder, W. H . Bicknell, A. J. D oherty,
A. E. Mussell, Jam es D uncan.

R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Oct. 21, ’13. Jan. 13, ’14. M ar. 4, T4. June 30, T4. Sept. 12, T4.

Loans and discounts:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t.......................
Bonds, m ortgages and securities:

$75,313 91
3,900 00

$77,746 46
5,900 00

$78,823 57
2,600 00

$81,349 10
7,000 00

$75,045 87
9,500 00

Savings d ep artm en t.......................

16,635 00

16,635 00

17,985 00

18,860 00

18,660 00

O v erd rafts............................................
Expenses, interest and taxes paid,

445 02

440 60

347 95

207 32

476 44

Banking h o u se. .. .“ ...........................
F urniture and fixtures......................

6,000 00
2,000 00

6,000 00
2,000 00

6,000 00
2,000 00

6,000 00
2,000 00

6,000 00
2,000 00

310 00

224 67

9,227 83
2,000 00

20,056 38
2,000 00

18,220 14
2,000 00

6,429 91
2,000 00

11,776 57
2,000 00

814 33

1,371 11

371 73

877 61

861 79

3,085 00
200 00

7,350 00

2,525 00
1,500 00

4,285 00

3,593 00

1,005 00
1,000 00

600 00
1,500 00

2,115 00

345 00
2,000 00

485 00
2,000 00

770 40
30 00

1,474 65.
35 00

763 90
335 00

1,087 05
253 00

476 25
250 00

56 04
2 48
526 04

58 80
1,058 87

56 62
7 44
131 98

49 43
211 09

88 42
236 85

$123,321 05

$144,452 52

$135,783 33

$132,955 22

$133,450 64

$20,000 00
2,500 00

$20,000 00
2,500 00

$20,000 00
4,000 00

$20,000 00
4,000 00

$20,000 00
4,000 00

D ue from other hanks and bankers,
U nited States bonds:
D ue from banks in reserve cities:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Exchanges for clearing house:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
U. S. and N ational b ank currency:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Gold coin:
Commercial d ep artm en t...............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Silver coin:
Commercial d e p a rtm e n t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Nickels and cents:
Commercial d e p a rtm e n t...............
Savings d e p artm en t......................
Checks and other cash item s..........
T o ta ls ...........................................
C apital stock paid i n .........................
Surplus fu n d ........................................
U ndivided profits, less losses, cur­
ren t expenses, interest and taxes
p a id ...................................................

2,088 77

3,673 68

508 51

2,077 16

2,153 52

Commercial deposits subject to
ch eck .................................................
Commercial certificates of d eposit..

42,276 60
27,688 20

60,022 86
■ 27,185 00

52,761 24
26,518 50

41,659 67
30,104 68

38,570 62
31,316 05

Cashier’s checks o u tstan d in g ..........
S tate monies on d ep o sit...................

5,000 00

5,000 00

5,000 00

5,000 00

5,000 00

26,070 98

26,542 44

30,113 71

32,410 45

$132,955 22

$133,450 64

Savings d eposits.................................

23,767 48

452 64
N otes and bills rediscounted...........
T o ta ls...........................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

$123,321 05

$144,452 52

$135,783 33



No. 118.
C. \V. P e r r y ,

O rganized J u n e 23, 1891.

P r e s i d e n t ; J o se p h H u d s o n , V ic e P r e s id e n t; C.
G e o . V. C o l l in s , A s s i s t a n t C a s h ie r .

H. S u t h e r l a n d ,

C a s h ie r ;

D ir e c t o r s .— C. W. Perry, Joseph Hudson, C. H. Sutherland, Geo. V. Collins, Jas. A. M cK ay.


Loans and discounts:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Bonds, m ortgages and securities:
Commercial d ep artm en t...............
Savings d ep artm en t......................

R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Report of
R eport of
Oct. 21, T3. Ja n . 13, ’14. M ar. 4, ’14. June 30, ’14 Sept. 12, ’14.

$105,565 80
41,568 43

$116,371 02
30,181 62

$106,163 36
33,028 32

$121,196 27
37,714 56

$127,415 23
37,732 25

126,798 50

140,408 50

7,000 00
134,535 50

7,000 00
136,680 50

7,000 00
141,180 50

383 87

112 32

941 31

521 63

927 45

5,500 00
1,200 00

5,500 00
1,200 00

5,500 00
1,200 00

5,500 00
1,200 00

1,200 00

1,724 18

35 07

3,272 39

3,433 99

4,873 95

59,457 55
28,339 73

60,677 41
32,697 60

49,800 59
28,959 37

31,819 52
31,541 31

45,163 18
29,764 14

10,401 00
9,581 00

12,130 00
5,175 00

10,448 00
7,018 00

7,436 00
9,956 00

3,767 00
7,136 00

20 00
4,665 00

20 00
'4,862 50

20 00
4,912 50

20 00
5,227 50'

20 00
5,455 00

2,041 65
281 25

2,809 50
288 35

2,498 15
310 85

2,352 75
330 05

2,519 45
247 75

374 18
39 11
3,162 56

327 91
35 43
1,662 34

292 10
26 91
1,993 71

371 47
30 27
4,427 62

208 02
22 52
2,659 90

$401,103 81

*414,494 57

$397,921 06

$406,759 44

$422,792 34

$20,000 00
16,000 00

$20,000 00
16,000 00

$20,000 00
20,000 00

$20,000 00
20,000 00

$20,000 00

6,677 01

5,470 56

2,622 17

1,710 60
450 00

2,491 99

62,468 77
84,671 01

81,361 33
78,013 68

66,567 77
74,932 67

61,703 61
76,344 04

86,977 41

5,000 00

5,000 00

2,500 00

595 21
164,163 30
56,792 68

414 41
163,776 65
57,403 94

$406,759 44

$422,792 34

Prem ium acco u n t...............................
O v erd rafts............................................
Expenses, interest and taxes paid,
exceeding earnings.........................
B anking h o u se................................
F u rn itu re and fixtures......................
O ther real e s ta te ................................
D ue from other banks and hankers,
not reserve cities............................
Item s in tr a n s it..................................
U nited States bonds:
Savings d e p a rtm e n t......................
Due from banks in reserve cities:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t.......................
Exchanges for clearing house:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t.......................
U. S. and N ational bank currency:
Commercial d ep artm en t...............
Savings depEtrtinent......................
Gold coin:
Commercial d e p a rtm e n t..............
Savings d ep artm en t.......................
Silver coin:
Commercial d e p a rtm e n t..............
Savings d ep artm en t.......................
Nickels and cents:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t.......................
Checks and other cash ite m s..........
T o ta ls...............................
liab ilities.
C apital stock paid i n .........................
Surplus fu n d ........................................
Undivided profits, less losses, current expenses, interest and taxes
p a id .........................................
Dividends u n p a id ............................
Commercial deposits subject to
ch eck ......................................
Commercial certificates of d eposit. .
Certified checks..................................
C ashier’s checks o u tstan d in g ..........
S tate monies on d ep osit...................
D ue to banks and b an k ers..............
P ostal savings deposits...................
Savings d eposits...............................
Savings certificates of dep o sit.........
Reserve for taxes, interest, etc. . . .
N otes and bills rediscounted...........
Bills p ay ab le.............................
T o ta ls.....................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis


151,453 40
59,833 62

151,583 27
62,065 73

494 59
151,526 81
56,777 05

$401,103 81

$414,494 57

$397,921 06



No. 540.
O rganized October 31, 1913.
G uy 4. W a lter, P r e s id e n t; D

ir e c t o r s .— G uy

a v id R .
G eorge

T e g g e r d in e , V i c e P r e s i d e n t ; R ay' M . A c k e r s o n , C a s h i e r ;
D . K in g , A s s i s t a n t C a s h ie r .

A. W aiter, D avid R. Teggerdme, Wm. J. Perry, R ay M . Ackerson,
John F. Deacon, Joseph H. Alger, F rank O. Wille.
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Oct. 21, T3. Jan. 13, C4. M ar. 4, T4. Ju n e 30, T4. Sept. 12, C4.


Loans and discounts:
Commercial d ep artm en t .......................
Savings d ep artm en t........
Bonds, mortgages and securities:
Cnmmercia.l d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t.......................

S20.674 31
3,012 93

$23,917 16
5,200 00

$34,618 70

$31,182 12

6,000 00

8,000 00
9,950 00

47,485 00

57,185 00

609 29
4,500 00
1,375 00

695 06
4,500 00
1,375 00

4,500 00
1,375 00

4,500 00
1,375 00

7,656 30
3,918 50

5,533 53
3,000 00

6,740 87
5,014 52

4.139 26
e;ooo 00

6,658 00
700 00

1,241 00
7,948 00

3,003 00
3,000 00

945 00
4,000 00

287 50

35 00

35 00

386 85
100 00

190 50
45 00

150 75

196 70

41 52
5 52
90 00

21 28

C h e ck s and o th e r it e m s ............

T o ta ls ...........................................

$58,471 75

$20,000 00

Prem ium a m o u n t...............................
O v erd rafts............................................
Expenses, interest and taxes paid,
p y p p p f l P i g earnings . .
Banking h o u se ....................................
F u rn itu re and fixtures.......................
O ther real estate. . . .
D ue from other banks and bankers,
not reserve cities. .
Item s in tram sit
U nited S tates bonds:
P a v in g s d ep artm en t,

D ue from banks in reserve cities:
Commercial d e p artm en t..............
Savings d e p a rtm e n t......................
Exchanges for clearing house:
Commercial department,
Payings departm ent
U. S. and N ational bank currency:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Gold coin:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings department,
Silver coin:
Commercial d e p a rtm e n t..............
Ravings d e p a rtm e n t. . . .
Nickels and cents:
Commercial d e p a rtm e n t...
Savings d e p a rtm e n t. .

C apital stock paid i n .........................
Surplus f u n d ..
Undivided profits, less losses, cur­
rent expenses, interest and taxes
p a id ...................................................
Dividends unpaid . . . .
Commercial deposits subject to
ch eck ..........................: .....................
Commercial certificates of deposit
Certified checks.
Cashier’s checks out, standi no-. .
S tate monies on d ep o sit. .
D ue to hanks and b a n k e rs. .
Savings dep o sits.................................
Savings certificates of d ep o sit........
"Reserve for taxes, interest,, etc. . . .
X and bills rediscounted .
Rills payable
T o ta ls...........
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

813 53

. .

2,030 00

50 75

19 58

416 56

1,169 78

$71,904 03

$106,390 15

$110,747 44

$20,000 00

$20,000 00

$20,000 00



22,704 80

25,739 75

30,948 20

25,704 80

14,207 33
1,559 62

ÌÒ,478 93
6,685 35

35,642 12
19,799 33

42,320 99
22,721 61

$58,471 75

$71,904 03

$106,390 15

$110,747 44



No. 486.
O rganized Ju n e 5, 1911.


F r e d R o b b i n s , P r e s id e n t; L. A. S c o v il l e , V ic e P r e s i d e n t ; E r n e s t N a s h , C a s h ie r ;
R oy B l o d g h , A s s i s t a n t C a s h ie r .
Fred Robbins, L. A. Scoville, D . F. W aiter, Geo. E. M arvin, E rnest Nash, Elm er Winey.

ir e c t o r s .—


Loans and discounts:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Bonds, m ortgages and securities:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Prem ium acco u n t............
O verdrafts...........................
Expenses, interest and taxes paid,
exceeding earnings.......................
B anking h o u se...................
F u rn itu re and fix tu res.. . . . .
O ther real e s ta te ...............
D ue from other banks and bankers,
not reserve cities.............
Item s in tr a n s it. . .
United S tates bonds:
Savings d ep artm en t.......................
D ue from banks in reserve cities:
Commercial d ep artm en t..........
Savings d e p a rtm e n t.....................
Exchanges for clearing house:
Commercial d ep artm en t............
Savings d ep artm en t....................
IT. S. and N ational bank currency:
C omm erci al dep a rt m e n t............
Savings d ep artm en t....................
Gold coin:
Commercial d ep artm en t............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Silver coin:
Commercial d ep artm en t..........
Savings d ep artm en t....................
Nickels and cents:
Commercial d ep artm en t...............
Savings d ep artm en t....................
Checks and other cash ite m s........
T o ta ls ......................
C apital stock paid i n ..................
Surplus fu n d ...............................
U ndivided profits, less losses, cur­
rent expenses, interest and taxes
p a id ....................................
Dividends u n p a id ..............................
Commercial deposits subject to
ch eck....................................
Commercial certificates of deposit..
Certified checks..................... *...........
Cashier’s checks outstanding..........
S tate monies on d ep o sit...................
D ue to banks and b an k ers..............
Savings deposits.................................
Savings certificates of deposit.........
Reserve for taxes, interest, etc. . . .
Notes and bills rediscounted...........
Bills p ay ab le.......................................
T o ta ls..........................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

R eport of
R eport of
Report of
R eport of
R eport of
Oct. 21, ’13. Jan. 13, C4. M ar. 4, ’14. Ju n e 30, ’14. Sept. 12, ’14.

$25,736 89
30,055 61

$24,796 36
29,206 09

$26,600 83
28,102 50

$30,894 66
23,513 07

$30,099 00
26,905 96

57,330 00

57,320 00

55,165 00

61,710 00

62,230 00

40 33
41 76

42 00
18 25

13 10

39 71
83 81

25 50
5 64

2,400 00
1,535 00

2,400 00
1,535 00

2,400 00
1,535 00

920 00

2,400 00
1,535 00

1,934 00

2,920 00

500 00

500 00

500 00

500 00

2,375 07
15,454 97

6,410 08
19,150 54

12,830 81
21,215 24

4,156 70
16,370 39

9,546 47
19,260 11

1,629 00
4,000 00

1,440 00
4,000 00

395 00
3,700 00

1,718 00
3,800 00

2,345 00
5,000 00

1,340 00

1,470 00

1,505 00

1,550 00

1,575 00

443 00
160 00

1,375 00
130 00

596 00
295 00

952 00
50 00

309 25
500 00

69 38

154 26

158 38

133 60

151 66

410 80

270 06

285 40

123 29

156 11

$144,441 81

$150,217 64

$157,231 26

$149,530 23

$20,000 00
200 00

$20,000 00
400 00

$20,000 00
400 00

$20,000 00
400 00

908 58

28 44
126 00

406 43

362 48

14,992 65

17,993 34
393 23

20,975 25
5,406 84

17,285 41
4,488 88

4,331 28

1,180 23
107,160 35

1,206 43
110,070 20

1,378 44
108,664 30

2,028 82
104,964 64

2,562 05
111,634 02

$144,441 81

$150,217 64

$157,231 26

$149,530 23

$165,464 70

$20,000 00
400 00



No. 376.
O rganized A u g u st 25, 1907.
M . S c r a m l in , P r e s i d e n t ;

ir e c t o r s .—

J. W. P ie r c e ,

V ic e P r e s id e n t;

T. E. S in c l a i r ,

C a s h ie r .

A. A. Aldrich, A. T . Slaght, M . Scramlin, Ira Barkley, J. W. Pierce, A. D. Leiter,
T. E. Sinclair.


R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Report of
R eport of
Oct. 21, T3. Jan. 13, ’14. M ar. 4, ’14. Ju n e 30, ’14. Sept. 12, ’14.

Loans and discounts:
Commercial d e p a rtm e n t..............
Savings d ep artm en t.......................
Bonds, m ortgages and securities:

$32,800 47
14,113 44

$32,512 62
13,814 28

$33,335 65
15,202 28

$32,822 70
19,728 74

$33,615 82
19,102 58

Savings d ep artm en t.......................

43,919 50

42,381 50

45,721 50

42,821 50

44,802 50

O v erd rafts............................................
Expenses, interest and taxes paid,

6 01

126 64

1 81

64 80

1,005 83

F u rn itu re and fixtures......................

1,250 00

1,250 00

1,250 00

1,250 00

1,250 00

1,810 00

942 50

1,829 81
10,660 08

2,410 49
19,761 00

3,302 17
14,587 26

824 07
11,646 38

1,249 12
6,649 47

952 00
1,700 00

932 00
2.500 00

1,000 00
1,647 00

1,000 00
2,379 00

911 00
2.500 00

632 50
1,800 00

980 00
1.500 00

700 00
1,452 50

1,000 00
1,387 50

127 50
1.500 00

170 75

423 00

30 00
166 15

430 85

618 60

6 86
67 35
6 11

51 35

D ue from other banks and bankers,
U nited States bonds:
D ue from banks in reserve cities:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Exchanges for clearing house:

U. S. and N ational b ank currency:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Gold coin:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Silver coin:
CJommrrr.ial department,
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Nickels and cents:
Oommerrial d e p a rtm e n t..
Savings departm ent
(Cheeks and other rash item s

36 47

58 96

171 01

61 35

$110,042 04

$120,521 84

$119,806 22

*20,000 00
1,800 00

$20,000 00
2,100 00

$20,000 00
2,100 00

$20,000 00
2,100 00

$20,000 00
2,100 00

2,224 69

334 33
210 00

687 82
10 00

1,195 06
10 00

1,763 61
10 00

20,231 24

30,406 48

22,608 55

17,362 60

15,734 85

D ue to banks and b an k ers...............
Savings deposits.................................
Savings certificates of d ep o sit.........

63,426 71
2,359 40

65,243 25
2,227 78

67,262 91
7,136 94

70,033 18
4,500 32

67,338 50
6,326 02

T o ta ls ...........................................

$110,042 04

$120,521 84

$119,806 22

$115,201 16

$113,272 98

T o ta ls ...........................................
C apital stock paid i n .........................
Surplus f u n d . ? ....................................
Undivided profits, less losses, cur­
rent expenses, interest and taxes
p a id ...................................................
Dividends u n p a id ..............................
Commercial "deposits subject to
ch eck .................................................
Commercial certificates of d ep o sit..
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

44 95

76 96

$115,201 16 • $113,272 98



No. 483.
Organized M ay 1 , 1911.
C h a s . G. M

ir e c t o r s .—

a t z e n , P r e s id e n t;

T h o s . O l if f , V ic e P r e s id e n t; C h a s . E . T a y l o r , C a s h ie r .

Chas. Noble, Chas. G. M atzen, Thos. Oliff, B. S. Jennings, D. C. M errill, C. E . Taylor.


Loans and discounts:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t.......................
Bonds, m ortgages and securities:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Prem ium acco u n t...............................
O v erd rafts...............................
Expenses, interest and taxes paid,
exceeding earnings.........................
B anking h o u se....................................
F u rn itu re and fixtures......................
O ther real e s ta te ................................
D ue from other banks and bankers,
n ot reserve cities............................
Item s in tr a n s it..................................
U nited S tates bonds:
Savings d ep artm en t......................
D ue from banks in reserve cities:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t....................
Exchanges for clearing house:
Commercial d ep artm en t.......... ....
Savings d ep artm en t......................
U. S. and N ational bank currency:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Gold coin:
Commercial d ep artm en t...............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Silver coin:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t.......................
Nickels and cents:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t.......................
Checks and other cash ite m s..........
T o ta ls ......................
C apital stock paid i n .........................
Surplus fund. ? ....................................
U ndivided profits, less losses, cur­
ren t expenses, interest and taxes
p a id .................................................
D ividends u n p a id ..............................
Commercial deposits subject to
ch eck .................................................
Commercial certificates of deposit. .
Certified checks..................................
Cashier’s checks o utstan d in g ..........
S tate monies on d ep o sit. . . 7...........
Due to banks and b an k ers..............
Savings deposits.................................
Savings certificates of d ep o sit........
Reserve for taxes, interest, e tc. . . .
N otes and bills rediscounted...........
Bills p ay ab le........................................
T o ta ls.....................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

Report of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Oct. 21, T3. Jan. 13, T4. M ar. 4, T4. Ju n e 30, T4 Sept. 12, ’14.

§65,020 69
51,981 01

$58,806 13
56,571 42

$57,687 31
49,415 40

$63,721 35
40,790 11

§59,627 58
43,388 47

96,997 51

93,099 03

87,094 81

86,537 28

90,772 37

809 27

234 85

384 77

319 52

353 72

5,500 00
2,600 00

5,500 00
2,600 00

5,500 00
2,600 00

5,500 00
2,600 00

5,500 00
2,600 00

4,250 00

4,250 00

4,250 00

4,250 00

760 25

4,472 58

3,674 75

800 01

3,297 06

3,462 57
13,160 00

4,592 95
17,549 77

5,597 71
19,871 92

6,183 08
21,523 85

14,691 39
36,887 78

1,614 00
3,500 00

5,833 00
500 00

4,232 00
500 00

5,533 00
2,000 00

3,296 00
700 00

1,900 00
5,000 00

542 50
8,000 00

870 00
8,000 00

950 00
7,000 00

187 50
8,300 00

267 45

992 10

376 15

1,212 15

997 25
271 85

99 71

191 52

243 08

357 48

880 71

937 11

1,160 68

342 71

22 65

§253,553 17

$264,672 96

$251,458 58

$249,620 54

$275,143 62

$25,000 00
1,250 00

$25,000 00
1,250 00

§25,000 00
1,600 00

§25,000 00
1,600 00

$25,000 00
1,600 00

304 65

2,824 07

1,824 61

2,894 18

3,268 99

49,350 20

71,046 48

61,651 21

59,853 07

71,041 50

71 00

117 93

126 03

908 99

80,680 43
78,800 98

83,743 40
77,521 43

86,816 36
73,330 90

100.452 34
72;871 80

$251,458 58

$249,620 54

$275,143 62

83,660 21
83,988 11
10,000 00

5,000 00

$253,553 17

$264,672 96



No. 104.


O rganized October 14, 1890.

B . S. S p o f f o k d , P r e s id e n t; F. L . B u r d ic k , V ic e P r e s i d e n t ; M . W . W i m e e , C a s h ie r ;
R. B. G r ip m a k , A s s i s t a n t C a s h ie r .
D ir e c t o r s .— B. S. Spoflord, N. A. Reynolds, F . L. Burdick, A. M imes, N. Baldwin, H. P. W oodward,

M . W. W imer.

R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Oct. 21, C3. Jan. 13, C4. M ar. 4, ’14. June 30, ’14. Sept. 12, ’14.


Loans and discounts:
Oommereial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Bonds, mortgages and securities:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Prem ium acco u n t...............................
O v erd rafts............................................
Expenses, interest and taxes paid,
exceeding earnings.........................
Banking h o u se....................................
F u rn itu re and fixtures......................

$265,530 13
60,000 00

$282,045 12
70,000 00

$273,209 37
70,000 00

$312,114 14
85,000 00

$279,921 35
80,000 00

225,633 00

223,623 00

220,993 00

215,323 00

214,064 00

411 89

665 78

107 90

563 20

30 27

52,805 31
45,000 00

43,794 54
45,000 00

78,204 75
45,000 00

37,037 92
45,000 00

91,360 56
45,000 00

2,565 95

2,042 69

2,593 30

1,124 45

2,346 47

25,514 00
10,000 00

18,518 00
15.000 00

17,529 00
15.000 00

13,709 00
15,000 00

23,594 00
10,000 00

4,005 00
15,000 00

4,585 00
15.000 00

6,612 50
15.000 00

8,360 00
9,000 00

8,620 00
9,000 00

2,536 60

2,940 45
1,090 00

2,281 75
1,114 00

3,634 75
218 00

2,968 35
968 00

56 22
1 64

101 78
3 30

134 45

67 42

59 25

$710,219 77

$725,009 66

$747,780 71

$746,152 65

$767,933 02

$50,000 00
41,000 00

$50,000 00
42,000 00

$50,000 00
42,000 00

$50,000 00
42,000 00

$50,000 00
42,000 00

7,599 45

2,552 59

5,309 51

1,979 44
3,000 00

4,784 88

113,315 37
141,510 31

117,295 81
143,444 96

122,437 22
160,926 29

129,276 86
150,354 58

161,728 81
150,386 56

356,794 64

369,716 30

367,107 69

369,541 77

359,032 77

$710,219 77

$725,009 66

$747,780 71

$746.152 65

$767.933 02

O ther real e s ta te ................................
D ue from other hanks and bankers,
not reserve cities............................
Item s in tr a n s it..................................
U nited States bonds:
Savings d ep artm en t.......................
D ue from banks in reserve cities:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Exchanges for clearing house:
Commercial d e p a rtm e n t..............
Savings d ep artm en t.......................
U. S. and N ational b ank currency:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Gold coin:
Commercial d ep artm en t...............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Silver coin:
Commercial d ep artm en t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Nickels and cents:
Commercial d e p a rtm e n t..............
Savings d ep artm en t......................
Checks and other cash item s.
T o ta ls...........................................
C apital stock paid i n ........................
Surplus fu n d ........................................
U ndivided profits, less losses, cur­
rent expenses, interest and taxes
p a id ...................................................
D ividends u n p a id ..............................
Commercial deposits subject to
ch eck .................................................
Commercial certificates of d eposit..
Certified checks..................................
Cashier’s checks o u tstan d in g ..........
S tate monies on d ep o sit...................
D ue to hanks and b an k ers...............
Savings deposits.................................
Savings eerfifinales of d en o sit.........
■ppjqpuve for taxes, interest, etc, . .
N otes and bills rediscounted...........
Bills payable . .
T o ta ls. . . .
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis




No. 292.
O rganized Ju n e 1, 1904.

C. W. M cP h a il , P r e s i d e n t ; C. H. N ig g e m a n , J. E. C u r t ic e , V i c e P r e s i d e n t s ; C. H. M a c o m b e r , C a s h i e r ;
P. T. H e r w ig , A s s i s t a n t C a s h i e r .
D ir e c t o r s .— C. W. McPhail, J. E. Curtice, C. H. Macomber, C. D. Williams, C. H. Niggeman,
J. M. Allen.

Report of Report of Report of Report of Report of
Oct. 21, ’13. Jan. 13, ’14. Mar. 4, ’14. June 30, ’14 Sept.
12, ’14.

Loans and discounts:
. Commercial department........... «46,817 27 $50,180 92 $44,480 52 $54,975 24
$53,655 35
Savings department.............
16,660 67
5,932 82
14,104 97
15,914 07
Bonds, mortgages and securities:
Commercial department...
1,843 20
1,818 57
1,818 57
2,601 42
3,161 57
Savings department.................
45,473 33
57,372 33
55,405 33
45,703 33
Premium account............
64 02
14 21
45 29
15 01 ................
Expenses, interest and taxes paid,
exceeding earnings..................
Banking house.............
8,000 00
8,000 00
8,000 00
8,000 00
Furniture and fixtures.........
2,000 00
2,000 00
2,000 00
2,000 00
Other real estate.............
Due from other oanks and bankers,
not reserve cities..........
Items in transit..................
635 08
1,663 49
1,525 89
United States bonds:
Savings department.................
Due from banks in reserve cities:
Commercial department...........
15,486 47
7,704 74
13,559 52
1,040 06
2,339 90
Savings department...............
8,121 02
16,326 62
7,528 25
7,704 05
Exchanges for clearing house:
Commercial department...........
Savings department.................
U. S. and National bank currency:
Commercial department...........
3,889 00
2,876 00
3,036 00
3,874 00
3,643 00
Savings department.................
1,400 00
4,200 00
1,500 00
1,200 00
185 00
Gold coin:
Commercial department...........
105 00
2,732 50
307 50
10 00
Savings department.................
2,300 00
2,600 00
3,100 00
3,315 00
Silver coin:
Commercial department...........
404 00
644 35
630 55
271 95
449 25
Savings department...............
Nickels and cents:
Commercial department...........
54 65
250 73
198 26
88 15
85 78
Savings department.................
Checks and other cash items........
180 02
70 82
8 60
106 94
$153,433 73 $161,788 10 $157,076 05
Capital stock paid in.................. $20,000 00 $20,000 00 $20,000 00 $20,000 00
$20,000 00
Surplus fund..............................
5,000 00
5,000 00
5,000 00
5,000 00
5,000 00
Undivided profits, less losses, current expenses, interest and taxes
1,032 59
748 96
1,405 04
1,165 28
1,222 75
Dividends unpaid..................
100 00
2,000 00
Commercial deposits subject to
53,004 61
51,885 08
49,220 17
40,065 26
43,488 38
Commercial certificates of deposit. .
327 29
322 29
322 29
289 38
267 35
Certified checks...... ................
14 22
17 00
Cashier’s checks outstanding.......
State monies on deposit..............
5,000 00
5,000 00
Due to banks and bankers...........
Savings deposits..............
13,770 99
18,588 17
17,416 17
18,889 33
18,183 95
Savings certificates of deposit......
60,184 03
65,243 60
63,712 38
54,721 92
48,898 29
Reserve for taxes, interest, etc. . . .
Notes and bills rediscounted........
Bills payable.................
$153,433 73 $161,788 10 $157,076 05 $147,148 17 $142,060 72
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis


No. 442.
O rganized N ovem ber 28, 1909.

H. B a l l , P r e s i d e n t a n d C a s h i e r ; L e w is U m p h r e y , V i c e P r e s i d e n t ;
C. M. B a l l , A s s i s t a n t C a s h i e r .
D ir e c t o r s .— Wm. H. Ball, C. M. Ball, Arvine S. Miller, Lyman Ingraham, Lewis Umpbrey.
W il l ia m


Report of Report of Report of Report of Report of
Oct.21,’13. Jan. 13, T4. Mar. 4, ’14. June 30, T4. Sept. 12, T4.

Loans and discounts:
Commercial department........... $72,139 28
Savings department.................
23,422 44
Bonds, mortgages and securities:
Commercial department...........
Savings department................. 101,873 38
700 00
Premium account.......................
718 45
Expenses, interest and taxes paid,
exceeding earnings...................
2,200 00
Banking house...........................
900 00
Furniture and fixtures.................
8,315 70
Other real estate........................
Due from other hanks and bankers,
not reserve cities.....................
Items in transit.........................
United States bonds:
Savings department.................
Due from banks in reserve cities: .
19,583 34
Commercial department...........
20,351 94
Savings department.................
Exchanges for clearing house:
Commercial department...........
Savings department.................
U. S. and National bank currency:
2,441 00
Commercial department...........
6,700 00
Savings department.................
Gold com:
Commercial department...........
335 00
Savings department.................
Silver coin:
158 25
Commercial department...........
200 00
Savings department.................
Nickels and cents:
423 33
Commercial department...........
165 00
Savings department.................
87 52
Checks and other cash items........
Totals................................ $260,714 63
Capital stock paid in.................. $25,000 00
3,000 00
Surplus fund. ?...........................
Undivided profits, less losses, cur­
rent expenses, interest and taxes
2,572 11
Dividends unpaid.......................
Commercial "deposits subject to
83,191 62
116 00
Commercial certificates of deposit..
Certified checks.........................
Cashier’s checks outstanding.......
State monies on deposit..............
Due to banks and bankers...........
71,951 48
Savings deposits.........................
74,883 42
Savings certificates of deposit......
Reserve for taxes, interest, etc. . . .
Notes and bills rediscounted........
Bills payable.............................
Totals................................ $260,714 63
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

$57,292 56
22,107 44

$47,033 30
32,537 49

$65,752 37
19,992 49

$64,195 92
28,227 49

96,773 38
700 00
457 95

92,673 38
600 00
132 75

83,733 38
755 00
171 75

102,533 38
470 00
496 02

2,200 00
900 00
11,410 45

2,200 00

12,500 00
3,912 11

12,500 00
3,912 11

12,029 67
2,700 00

450 85
15,174 46
14,408 74

10,077 21
14,419 64

6,394 85
11,873 62

30,651 53
17,608 56

3,197 00
5.000 00
120 00
2.000 00

4,002 00
5.000 00
150 00
2.000 00

3,035 00
3.500 00
212 50
2.500 00

5,644 00
8,000 00
1,012 50
2,000 00

1,628 45
1,131 00
1,074 50
100 00
100 00
100 00
249 54
724 38
1,014 61
100 00
228 57
554 09
231 44
$234,936 03 $225,139 39 $216,542 50

1,239 75
515 20
259 09
$281,965 55

$25,000 00
3,500 00

$25,000 00
3,500 00

$25,000 00
3,500 00

$25,000 00
3,500 00

1,671 36

1,157 55

41 68

620 08

63,004 30
306 00

44,035 44
4,760 00

44,401 71
14,695 45

92,766 68
8,665 45

78,719 99
62,734 38

7,500 00
78,581 05
60,605 35

7,500 00
71,826 29
49,577 37

2,500 00
86,395 62
62,517 72

$234,936 03 $225,139 39 $216,542 50

$281,965 55


I ll

No. 427.
O rganized M arch 11, 1909.
* T h o m a s J. H ilt., P r e s i d e n t ; G r a n t E. F a r r a n d , V i c e P r e s i d e n t ; F r a n k E. H il l , C a s h i e r ;
J o h n A. K a r c h n e r , A s s i s t a n t C a s h i e r .
D ir e c t o r s .— Grant E. Farrand, Frank E. Hill, S . V. Hill, John A. Karchner, B. A. Hill.


Report of Report of Report of Report of Report of
Oct. 21, ’13. Jan. 13, T4. Mar. 4, ’14. June 30, ’14 Sept.
12, ’14.

Loans and discounts:
Commercial department.......
$71,260 73 $68,538 94
Savings department.................
7,000 00
5,000 00
Bonds, mortgages and securities:
Commercial department.........
4,846 75
5,846 75
Savings department................. 124,510 57 121,288 57
Premium account.......
322 63
672 36
Expenses, interest and taxes paid
exceeding earnings..................
Banking house...................
10,000 00
10,000 00
Furniture and fixtures..........
Other real estate................
Due from other banks and bankers,
not reserve cities................
United States bonds:
Savings department.................
Due from banks in reserve cities:
Commercial department...........
5,693 52
22,125 00
Savings department.................
15,450 30
14,571 48
Exchanges for clearing house:
Commercial department...........
Savings department.................
U. S. and National bank currency:
Commercial department...........
4.000 00
3.000 00
Savings department.......... .
4,318 00
4,035 00
Gold coin:
Commercial department...........
1.000 00
1.000 00
Savings department.................
2,210 00
2,105 00
Silver coin:
Commercial department...........
600 00
800 00
Savings department.................
1,245 75
1,476 20
Nickels and cents:
Commercial department...........
97 38
83 11
Savings department.................
72 14
150 90
Checks and other cash items........
9 43
$252,627 77 $260,702 74
Capital stock paid in..........
$30,000 00 $30,000 00
Surplus fund.........................
6,000 00
6,000 00
Undivided profits, less losses, cur­
rent expenses, interest and taxes
1,689 00
1,930 41
Dividends unpaid...............
Commercial deposits subject to
60,132 01
73,994 86
Commercial certificates of deposit
Certified checks.............
Cashier’s checks outstanding.......
State monies on deposit......
Due to banks and bankers...........
Postal savings deposits............
140 89
Savings deposits.......................
16,622 15
17,415 42
Savings certificates of deposit...... 138,184 61 131,221 16
Reserve for taxes, interest, etc. . . .
Notes and bills rediscounted........
Bills payable............................
Totals............................... $252,627 77 $260,702 74
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

$65,753 74
5.000 00
3.000 00
117,335 32

$56,805 01
5,200 00
5,750 00
124,885 32

$58,151 36
7,580 00
5,750 00
123,135 32

59 07

16 99

104 64

10,000 00

10,000 00

10,000 00

12,135 08
26,817 73

8,464 49
20,723 31

12,063 62
16,434 53

2,400 00
2,070 00

3,000 00
3,645 00

2,000 00
3,077 00

3,130 00

3,500 00

3,500 00

900 00
816 50
33 89
254 48
168 75
627 32
59 71
$250,489 74 $243,968 97

800 00
820 15
19 33
228 33
16 61
$243,680 89

523 40
1,383 60

$30,000 00
6,000 00

$30,000 00
6,000 00

$30,000 00
6,000 00

2,512 88

356 93

65 76

55,217 52

43,476 88

50,323 19

5,000 00
136 57
21,399 17
137,599 42

2,500 00

140 89
18,606 23
138,012 22

20,180 45
134,611 49

$250,489 74 $243,968 97

$243,680 89



No. 433.
O rganized May 29, 1909.
G eo.

D. C l a r k e ,

C. D. C h a p i n ,

P r e s id e n t;
E d it h

V ic e P r e s id e n t;

C . R o ss , A s s i s t a n t C a s h i e r .

D. H. B u t l e r ,

C a s h ie r ;

—S. P. Selden, C. D. Chapin, Win. J. Hoxie, Wm. Thom, W. H. Wilson, Geo. D. Clarke,
H. E. Bohnsack, J. W. Bohnsack, D. H. Butler.

ir e c t o r s .

Loans and discounts:
Commercial department...........
Savings department.................
Bonds, mortgages and securities:
Commercial department...........
Savings department.................
Premium account.......................
Expenses, interest and taxes paid,
exceeding earnings...................
Banking house...........................
Furniture and fixtures.................
Other real estate...........
Due from other banks and bankers,
not reserve cities.....................
Items in transit.........................
United States bonds:
Savings department.................
Due from hanks in reserve cities:
Commercial department...........
Savings department.................
Exchanges for clearing house:
Commercial department...........
Savings department.................
U. S. and National hank currency:
Commercial department...........
Savings department.................
Gold coin:
Commercial department...........
Savings department.................
Silver coin:
Commercial department...........
Savings department.................
Nickels and cents:
Commercial department...........
Savings department.................
Checks and other cash items........
Capital stock paid in.......... '.....
Surplus fund..............................
Undivided profits, less losses, cur­
rent expenses, interest and taxes
paid . .
Dividends unpaid.......................
Commercial deposits subject to
Commercial certificates of deposit..
Certified checks.
Cashier’s cheeks outstanding... .
State monies on deposit..............
Due to banks and hankers. .
Savings deposits.........................
Savings certificates of deposit......
Reserve for taxes, interest, etc. . . .
"Motes and bills rediscounted ....
Bills payable...
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

Report of Report of Report of Report of Report of
Oct. 21, C3. Jan. 13, C4. Mar. 4, C4. June 30, G4. Sept. 12, ’14.
$42,242 64

$41,353 93

$43,442 94

$44,608 07

$44,131 02

8,190 00
20,437 15

8,340 00
20,213 15

8,240 00
21,702 25

7,440 00
21,837 42

7,440 00
21,793 79

436 59
224 39
1,600 00

36 68

820 00

211 67

1,600 00

1,500 00

1,500 00

138 15
277 21
1,400 00

366 00

331 08

696 85

- 1,321 33
2,964 13
966 57

9,900 88
8,030 00

2,853 79
3,623 32

1,862 61
2,541 11

3,724 98
2,343 85

2,292 00
30 00
700 00

1,085 00
1,150 00
700 00
25 00

1,259 00
1,200 00
530 00

2,115 00
1,100 00
605 00

976 00
1,000 00
620 00

178 35

380 30

406 75

198 95

472 30

27 94
380 81
881,991 90

35 75
69 27
$92,919 96

71 22
1,615 28
$87,630 55

81 74
311 45
$84,744 10

68 79
188 04
$85,270 98

$20,000 00
700 00

$20,000 00
700 00

$20,000 00
850 00

$20,000 00
850 00

$20,000 00
1,050 00

8 14
7 00
18,757 46
21,403 66

1,092 65
7 00
24,206 06
23,934 07

864 01
40 00
21,416 18
24,593 64

1,173 78
11,120 21
29,019 67

4 00
13,647 60
29,929 84

6,392 71
14,722 93

7,255 77
15,724 41

4,706 26
15,160 46

6,016 99
15,563 45

6,370 06
14,269 48

$81,991 90

$92,919 96

$87,630 55

1,000 00
$84,744 10

$85,270 98



No. 32.
O rganized N ovem ber 20, 1886.
P erc y

ir e c t o r s .—


C h a p p l e , P r e s i d e n t ; J. H e n r y D a r t , V i c e P r e s i d e n t ; C . V . C u t t i n g , C a s h i e r ;
V io l a K e e l e r , A s s i s t a n t C a s h i e r .

Percy E. Chappie, F. P. Dann, A. S. Wolcott, W. H. Magel, J. Henry Dart, C. V. Cutting,
A. C. Bloomfield.


Report of Report of Report of Report of Report of
Oct. 21,’13. Jan. 13, ’14. Mar. 4, ’14. June 30, T4. Sept. 12, T4.

Loans and discounts:
Commercial department........... $42,381 68 $33,582 81 $28,899 33 $42,575 76
Savings department.................
34,952 45
49,611 12
49,711 44
60,674 47
Bonds, mortgages and securities:
Commercial department...........
21,500 00
21,500 00
21,500 00
21,500 00
Savings department................. 124,522 32 121,397 32 120,597 32 118,296 32
Premium account.......................
110 94
52 58
438 64
* 20 55
Expenses, interest and taxes paid,
exceeding earnings..................
701 24
Banking house...........................
7,200 00
7,200 00
7,200 00
7,200 00
Furniture and fixtures.................
Other real estate........................
Due from other banks and bankers,
not reserve cities.....................
Items in transit.........................
United States bonds:
Savings department.................
Due from banks in reserve cities:
Commercial department...........
19,583 17
39,130 22
32,913 98
15,745 36
Savings department.................
27,681 07
20,469 20
22,116 45
30,169 92
Exchanges for clearing house:
Commercial department...........
Savings department.................
U. S. and National bank currency:
6,798 00
5,329 00
Commercial department...........
2,420 00
5,817 00
Savings department.................
2,300 00
3,300 00
5,200 00
4,250 00
Gold com:
Commercial department...........
9,000 00
1,340 00
2,480 00
1,365 00
215 00
Savings department.................
8,000 00
6,000 00
7,000 00
Silver coin:
Commercial department...........
200 00
400 00
200 00
760 00
150 00
Savings department.................
200 00
300 00
250 00
Nickels and cents:
Commercial department...........
89 45
56 49
67 29
62 97
Savings department.................
Checks and other cash items........
Totals................................ $296,657 60 $312,302 94 $300,033 65 $315,691 67
Capital stock paid in.................. $25,000 00 $25,000 00 $25,000 00 $25,000 00
Surplus fund. ?...........................
25,000 00
25,000 00
25,000 00
25,000 00
Undivided profits, less losses, cur­
rent expenses, interest and taxes
2,031 60
491 75
1,149 77
407 80
95 00
115 00
1,250 00
Dividends unpaid......................
Commercial ^deposits subject to
63,542 17
47,737 84
41,057 42
46,633 62
Commercial certificates of deposit. .
Certified checks.........................
Cashier’s checks outstanding.......
State monies on deposit..............
Due to banks and bankers...........
98,350 93 104,172 40 105,992 30 117,134 94
Savings deposits.........................
98,422 23
94,085 57
96,915 98 105,099 54
Savings certificates of deposit......
Reserve for taxes, interest, etc. . . .
Nntp.« a.nd hills rediscounted........
Bills pavable.............................
Totals................................ $296,657 60 $312,302 94 $300,033 65 $315,691 67
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

$36,637 65
59,373 51
21,500 00
112,746 32
131 95
7,200 00

18,311 04
28,300 80

2,600 00
6,030 00
105 00
8,400 00
200 00
470 00
61 55
$302,067 82
$25,000 00
25,000 00
1,276 65
135 00
42,279 57

109,361 57
99,015 03
$302,067 82


No. 496.
O rganized D ecem ber 27, 1911.
C h as.

L. B e a n , P r e s i d e n t ; E a r l B. T h u r s t o n , V i c e P r e s i d e n t ; T h o m a s H i n e s , C a s h i e r .
Charles L. Bean, Peter Brown, Earl B. Thurston, Fred W. Bean, Chas. V. Haas,
Henry Ferguson.

ir e c t o r s .—

Loans and discounts:
Commercial department.........
Savings department.......
Bonds, mortgages and securities:
Commercial department...........
Savings department..........
Premium account..........
Expenses, interest and taxes paid,
exceeding earnings.........
Banking house......
Furniture and fixtures..........
Other real estate........
Due from other banks and bankers,
not reserve cities. .
Items in transit. .
United States bonds:
Savings department.................
Due from banks in reserve cities:
Commercial department.........
Savings department..........
Exchanges for clearing house:
Commercial department...........
Savings department.................
U. S. and National bank currency:
Commercial department...........
Savings department.................
Gold coin:
Commercial department.......
Savings department................
Silver coin:
Commercial department...........
Savings department.................
Nickels and cents:
Commercial department......
Savings department.................
Checks and other cash items........

Report of Report of Report of Report of Report of
Oct. 21, ’13. Jan. 13, ’14. Mar. 4, ’14. June 30, ’14. Sept. 12, ’14.
$27,509 22
10,204 00
4,745 00
15,314 00

$27,999 25
10,795 00
6,845 00
16,793 40

$24,823 78
13,895 00
4,145 00
20,978 40

$28,241 07
15,445 00
8,445 00
21,807 40

$28,488 21
15,445 00
7,695 00
22,527 40

294 29

15 81


3 96

2 87

2,000 00
1,500 00

2,000 00
1,500 00

2,000 00
1,500 00

2,000 00
1,500 00

2,000 00
1,500 00
1,320 00

3,077 87
3,094 28

12,411 92
3,236 15

1,851 00
1,500 00
477 50

362 00
1,600 00
220 00

932 35
136 92
58 21
$72,694 64

2,962 75
4,340 36

9,905 86
4,731 81

531 00
2,100 00
315 00

937 00
2,200 00
110 00

380 00
2,200 00
35 00

1,270 00

1,213 05

1,210 30

789 80

234 90
152 03
$85,435 46

234 20
85 26
$91,733 62

276 85 *
228 54
116 52
76 80
$89,596 21
$97,326 29

$20,000 00

$20,000 00
100 00

$20,000 00
100 00

$20,000 00
100 00

945 95

263 63

575 45

624 98

15,081 54
16,924 00
55 82

14,975 09
15,260 78

13,231 19
11,893 21

17,746 40
13,947 10

16,559 03
15,865 52
3 60

18,256 10
22,874 42
3 60

20,809 26
22,983 50
3 60

20,668 09
24,236 12
3 60

$85,435 46

$91,733 62

$89,596 21

$97,326 29


Capital stock paid in.........
$20,000 00
Surplus fund....................
Undivided profits, less losses, cur­
rent expenses, interest and taxes
163 40
Dividends unpaid..................
Commercial deposits subject to
check ................
10,359 45
Commercial certificates of deposit. . 12,055 91
Certified checks.................
Cashier’s checks outstanding.......
State monies on deposit...........
Due to banks and bankers...........
Savings deposits....................
Ì3,744 98
Savings certificates of deposit......
16,367 30
Liquidation account.................
3 60
Reserved for taxes, interest, etc. . .
Notes and bills rediscounted........
Bills payable.........................
$72,694 64
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

15,754 97
4,157 12



No. 174.