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Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis






Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

[Under Act 205; 1887.1

Appointed January 7, 1889; resigned November 7, 1896.
Appointed November 11, 1896; resigned April 1, 1897.
Appointed April 1, 1897; died February 19, 1898.
Appointed February 26, 1898; term expired January 8, 1903.
Appointed January 8, 1903; term expired February 19, 1907.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

Appointed February 19, 1907.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis


Abstracts, com parative, 1889 to 1909, inclusive, state banks...........................................................
com parative, 1889 to 1909, inclusive, national b an k s.....................................................
state and national banks in United S ta te s.........................................................................
of state banks, 1909..................................................................................................................
of national banks, 1909...........................................................................................................
to tal volume of business state and national banks, reports of 1909...........................
state banks in D etroit..............................................................................................................
national banks in D etroit.................................................................... . , ..............................
state and national banks in D etro it....................................................................................
state and national banks in Grand R a p id s.......................................................................
sta te and national banks in Saginaw ......................
state and national banks in B attle C reek.........................................................................
state and national banks in K alam azoo.............................................................................
state and national banks in Bay City.................................................................................
state and national banks in Jackson...................................................................................
state and national banks in C alum et..................................................................................
state and national banks in Ann A rbor.............................................................................
state and national banks in P ort H u ro n ...........................................................................
state and national banks in Lansing...................................................................................
state and national banks in M arquette..............................................................................
national banks of H o u g h to n .................................................................................................
state and national banks in A drian.....................................................................................
state and national banks in Muskegon...............................................................................
state and national banks in A lpena....................................................................................
state banks in B enton H arbor.............................................. ................................................
L egislation......................................................................................................................................................
Banks exam ined and fees p a id ...................................................................................................................
Capital stock, increase and decrease o f....................................................................................................
Certificate of state treasurer as to fees....................................................................................................
Conversions to national b a n k s...................................................................................................................
Escheated dep o sits...........................
E x am in atio n s.................................................................
E xtension of corporate existence...............................................................................................................
Financial condition. .................
Growth of state b a n k s..................................................................................................................................
Increase and decrease of capital stock.....................................................................................................
Index to ban k s................................................................................................................................................
Insolvent banks, restoration of...........................................................................................
List of bank cashiers in Michigan..............................................................................................................
List of bonds approved by securities com m ission.................................................................................
Liquidations and consolidations.................................................................................................................
New b an k s.......................................................................................................................................................
Num ber of depositors....................................................................................................................................\
Num ber of state banks and tru st com panies.........................................................................................
Opinions of atto rney general.......................................................................................................................
Other am endm ents to articles of incorporation.....................................................................................
Receipts and expenses..................................................................................................................................
Reserve c ities,.................................................................................................................................................
(VReports of state banks and tru st companies (see in d e x )....................................................................
Jtaports of national banks (see index).......................................
Securities commission...................................................................................................................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

lx x x ii
x ix
x vi
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis


Banking I)epartment,
Lansing, December 31, 1909.
To the Honorable Fred M. Warner, Governor of Michigan:
Complying with the provisions of Section 43 of the General Banking
Law of Michigan, I have the honor to submit for your consideration
the twenty-first annual report of this' department for the year ending
December 31, 1909.

There are under the supervision of this Department at the date of
this report 377 state banks and five trust companies transacting busi
ness in this state. Tn the statistics and tables the number is given as
376 state banks, one bank having commenced business since date of
last report, November 16th, 1909.

The financial condition of all State banks and trust companies is
exhibited on pages three to three hundred eighty-six. inclusive. Reports
of condition were called for by the department and made by the banks
at the close of business November 27, 1908, February 5, April 28, June
23 and September 1, 1909. On November 16, 1909, a call for report of
condition was made and received from each of the banks, and the report
so received will be published in the department’s annual report for the
year 1910. As explained in the department’s report for 1908, this plan
is followed in order that the report may be in the hands of the bankers,
so that it may be of value as a book of reference, and it also enables me
to publish in each annual report all statements of condition called for
each year. On pages 387 to 490 will be found statement of condition
of each of the national banks in Michigan.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis




I beg to refer you to the tables contained in this text which show the
increasing wealth of the people of our State since the department’s or­
ganization in 1889. These tables contain abstracts of the annual reports
of State and national banks for the past twenty-one years.
Attention is called to the tables in this text, giving abstract of re­
ports of all state banking institutions and national banks in the United
States as at the close of business April 28tli, 1909. These figures were
furnished me by the National Monetary Commission.
I again include in the annual report the statistics of the State and na­
tional banks in Michigan located in reserve cities.

The examining force of the department in the year 1909 has made
738 examinations. Each state bank has been examined twice, except
such as were organized toward the close of the year. Each trust com­
pany has been examined once during the year in accordance with re­
quirements of the trust, deposit and security law.
ft gives me pleasure to report that special examinations for the pur­
pose of determining whether or not a betterment of conditions had been
effected have been required in but few instances.
Taken as a whole, the affairs of the banks as revealed by the examin­
ers’ report are in very good condition. Each report has been carefully
examined, and letters of criticism written the banks.
Each bank has made to the department, with the exception of those
recently organized, five reports of condition, two reports of earnings
and dividends, two reports showing condition as a result of directors’
examination, and also special reports wherever the same have been
deemed necessary.
Oaths of directors, signatures of officers and list of stockholders, to­
gether with a report as to the number of depositors, are furnished the
department each year by each bank.
It also gives me pleasure to report that the reserve maintained by the
several state banks has exceeded that maintained during any other year
since the organization of the department. While the percentage of the
reserve may not be as great, yet it lias been distributed in such a manner
that but very few banks were below the requirements of Sections 24 and
27 of the banking law.
As noted above, it has been necessary to ask for but few special re­
ports. Irregularities called to the attention of the banks have gener­
ally been promptly corrected, and it has not been necessary during 1909
to enforce the provisions of the law on account of any disregard of the
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis







There have been organized during 1909 twenty-six state banks, and I
submit the following information in regard to the same:




Commenced busi­
F ebruary 4.
F ebruary 10.
F ebruary 11.
March 1.
March 1.



Berrien Springs State B a n k ..........
Lake City State B a n k ....................
Peoples S tate Savings B a n k .........
State Bank of A ugusta...................
Cass County State B a n k ...............

Berrien Springs. . .
Lake C ity...............
A u b u rn ...................
A ugusta...................




Farm ers State Bank of D ryden. .
M etamora State Savings Bank. . . .
Citizens State Bank of Clare........
Peoples S tate and Savings Bank
K alk ask a............................................
Galesburg State B ank.................

D ryden....................
M etam ora...............


March 1.
March 1.
March 10.

K alkaska.................
G alesburg...............


March 15.
April 1.


E. Hill & Sons State B a n k ...................
First Commercial and Savings Bank of
D u ra n d .....................................................
Bank of R iverdale....................................
The State Savings Bank of Sherwood,
M ichigan...................................................
The Industrial Savings B ank.................

Colon................... . .


April 1.

D u ra n d ...................
R iverdale................


April 10.
May 10.

F lin t.........................


May 29.
July 1.


Holton State B ank.................................... H olton.....................
The Columbiaville State B a n k .............. Colum biaville........
The H ighland P ark State B a n k ........... Highland Park . .
The H am tram ck State B a n k ................. H am tram ck .. . . . . .
The Farm ers S tate Bank of Breckenridge, M ichigan.................................... * Breckenridge..........


July 20.
July 27.
July 29.
August 2.


August 2.




Septem ber -9.
Septem ber 18.
Septem ber 27.
Septem ber 30.
October 25.
November 23.


Almont Savings B ank .....................
Crossman and Williams State Bank.
Negaunee State B a n k .....................
W ashington Savings B a n k .............
Hemlock State B ank .......................
State Bank of Colom a...................

Alm ont....................
W illiam ston............
W ashington............
H em lock.................


As provided for in section 10 of the General Banking Law the fol­
lowing banks have amended their articles of incorporation for the pur­
pose of changing the amount of their capital stock:

Name of bank.


Form er




Kalam azoo Savings B a n k ...
First State Savings B a n k . . .
First S tate Savings B a n k . . .
Adrian State Savings B ank..
B enton H arbor State B ank..

K alam azoo........
Three R iv ers. . .
E v a rt...................
A drian.................
Benton H a rb o r..





Jipson Carter State R a n k . . .
Ludington State B a n k ........
Presque Isle County Savings
B an k ......................................
Kalamazoo Savings Bank . .
State Bank of Deckerville.. .

Ludington . . . .




Rogers C ity . . . .
K alam azoo.........
D eckerville.........




Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis






The above table shows an increase of banking capital of $345,000. To
this should be added the $680,000 of new bank capital growing out of the
organization of new state banks. A further addition should be made
of $35,000 caused by the restoration to stockholders by receivers of the
Athens State and Savings Bank and the Springport State Savings Bank,
the aggregate capital of the two banks amounting to $35,000. The total
increase, therefore, for the year amounts to $1,060,000. From this
should be deducted the loss of banking capital growing out of the liquida­
tion, consolidation and conversion of banks mentioned in another chap­
ter of this report, which amounts to $550,000. The net increase in capi­
tal, therefore, for the year is $510,000.


The original Articles of Incorporation of the Metamora State Savings
Bank were amended by a vote of the stockholders March 1, 1909, chang­
ing the title of said bank from “The Metamora State Savings Bank”
to "Metamora State Saving Bank.”
Being desirous of conducting a savings bank business in connection
with a commercial bank business, the stockholders of the E. Hill and
Son’s State Bank of Colon, on September 14, 1909, voted to amend their
original Articles of Incorporation in this regard.
Complying with the provisions of section 10 of the General Banking
Law, the stockholders of the Kalamazoo Savings Bank on December
4, 1909, voted to amend its Articles of Incorporation, changing its name
from the “Kalamazoo Savings Bank” to “Kalamazoo City Savings

On the sixth day of February, 1909, the Citizens’ Savings Bank of
Detroit, Mich., by a vote of its stockholders voted to go into liquidation
under the provisions of sections 53 and 54 of the General Banking Law.
In course of its liquidation, the Dime Savings Bank of Detroit, assumed
all liability to the depositors of the Citizens’ Savings Bank, the latter
transferring certain of its assets to the former to offset the liability as­
sumed. As all of the assets of the Citizens’ Savings Bank were not
transferred to the Dime Savings Bank, further liquidation is now pro­
ceeding under section 53 of the Banking Law.
After having obtained the consent in writing of all of the stockholders,
and also procuring the unanimous vote of its board of directors on
March 11, 1909, the Commercial and Savings Bank of Coleman voted
to consolidate its affairs with those of the Midland County Savings Bank
of Midland.
The stockholders of the United States Savings Bank of Detroit, on
November 26, 1909, voted to place said bank in liquidation for the pur­
pose of consolidation with the People's State Bank of Detroit. Immedi­
ately upon the ratification of the consolidation by the directors of the
People's State Bank I caused an examination to be made of the United
States Savings Bank, and it appearing from such examination that the
rights of creditors were not jeopardized consent to the consolidation was
given by the department November 30, 1909.
The stockholders of the Kalamazoo Trust Company, December 8, 1908,
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis






voted to liquidate and close the affairs of said company according to seclion 27 of Act No. 143 of the Public Acts of 1889. Upon determining
that the provisions of said section had been complied with, and on re­
ceiving information that all obligations of said company had been fully
met and discharged, consent was given to such liquidation, and the
affairs of the company closed as of March 31, 1909.

By resolution of its directors and stockholders the Commercial State
Bank of Ttliaca, decided to reorganize as a national bank, and on
December 7, 1909, the Comptroller of Currency approved the bank's
application for conversion and authorized them to transact business
as “The Commercial National Bank of Ithaca,” Michigan, with a capital
of $30,000.



The Hillsdale Savings Bank of Hillsdale made application under the
provisions of Act No. 143 of the Public Acts of 1889 to extend its char­
tered existence for a period of thirty years. Consent of the stockholders
of said bank and original Articles of Incorporation were tiled July 15,
1909. By virtue of Section 3 of said Act, 1 caused to be made on July
19, 1909, an examination of its affairs, and being satisfied as to its con­
dition and that said bank had complied with all the provisions required
by law, a certificate was issued extending its corporate existence for a
period of thirty years from and after July 30, 1909.

Complying with the provisions of sections 24 and 27 of the BankingLaw, I do hereby designate for the year 1910 the following cities as
reserve cities for Michigan State banks and trust companies: Detroit,
Grand Rapids, Bay City, Saginaw, Kalamazoo, Jackson, Port Huron,
Adrian, Benton Harbor, Muskegon, Ann Arbor, Calumet, Houghton,
Marquette, Lansing, Battle Creek* Alpena, New York, Boston, Phila­
delphia, Pittsburg, Baltimore, Buffalo, Cleveland, Cincinnati, Toledo,
St. Louis, Chicago, Milwaukee and Minneapolis.

The total number of depositors in the 376 State banks and 99 national
banks on December 1, 1909, amounted to 1,024,450 and are separated
into the following classes:
State banks, individual deposits subject to check.....................
State banks, commercial certificates of deposits............... ..
State banks, savings depositors ..................................................
State banks, savings certificates of deposits...............................
National banks, individuals deposits subject to check...............
National banks, certificates of deposit........................................


The above classification shows that commercial depositors in State
banks have increased 30,247 and the gain in number of savings depositors
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis





is 29,887, making a total increase in the number of depositors in State
banks for 1909 of 60,134. The reports of Michigan national banks on
December 1, 1909, show that depositors have increased 71,189. The
total increase, therefore, in state and national banks amounts to 131,323
for 1909.
The following table shows the number of commercial and savings
depositors in the 376 State banks and the 99 national banks, the aggre­
gate amount of deposits and the per capita to each depositor:
Class of


376 State B anks.........................!
99 N ational b an k s...............

S avings...............

T o ta ls..............................

Num ber of

Amount of

to each


•175,542,163 96
151,290,590 74
103,669,284 41

$440 11
263 53
370 89


$330,502,039 11

$322 63

* I'liis includes certificates of deposit; several certificates issued to one person counted as one.

It will be noted from the foregoing table that the average to each
depositor in State banks has increased $10.59, notwithstanding the in­
crease in number of depositors.


The department took possession of this bank on the twenty-seventh day*
of August, 1908, and September 3, 1908, Frank Wolf of Battle Creek
was appointed its receiver. The bank remained in the possession of the
receiver until the fourth day of February, 1909, and Avas on the eighth
day of February, 1909, opened to the public by its directors and officers
for business in due course. The rehabilitation of this institution was
made possible by the action of certain stockholders in paying into the
bank $15,000 in cash and taking from its assets in lieu thereof such as
were considered of uncertain value. In addition to this, certain of the
stockholders of said bank caused to be executed and delivered to the
Circuit Court for the county of Calhoun, in chancery, a bond providing
that said bank would pay all its debts and obligations which might be
demanded at any time within one year from the date of such writing.
The statement of the condition of this bank since it was turned OA7er to
the stockholders by the receiver can be seen by reference to page 21
of this report.


As set forth in the text of the department’s report for the year 1908,
I took possession of the above named bank on December 11, 1908, and
the bank Avas in the possession of the department until the appointment
of Lester P. Hoag as receiver on January 16, 1909, and his qualification
on January 22. As evidenced by receiver's receipt of said date, the
receivership of this bank continued until May 29, 1909, Avhen the receiver
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis






bv an order of the Circuit Court for the county of Jackson was dis­
charged, and the affairs of said bank turned over to its stockholders.
The rehabilitation of this bank was made possible by the stockholders
satisfying their statutory liability, and by the good character of many
of the bank’s assets. The bank is now in good condition and since its
resumption of business has made a healthy growth, as evidenced by its
statement of condition on page 350 of this report.

The year 1009 marks the twenty-first year of state bank supervision in
Michigan under the present banking law. Beginning with eighty state
banks in January 1889, with aggregate footings of $38,900,770.88, the
number has steadily increased until there are now 376 state banks and 5
trust companies with a total business of $273,718,216.23. During this
period the increase in deposits has been enormous, showing a gain of
During the same time loans have increased
$186,999,462.50. There has been added to banking capital, in the way
of organization of new banks and increase of capital, $16,106,848.53*;
and by additions to surplus $14,002,434.23, or an aggregate increase of
Tn this connection the following statement is submitted:


Loans...............' ...............
Real estate, furniture and fixtures. . .

T otals........................................

80 banks,
Jan. 7, 1889.

351 S tate banks,
6 tru st
November 27,

$30,815,697 13
534,411 76
7,550,661 99

$196,309,342 19
6,388,982 10
41,589,388 08

$217,815,159 63
6,953,857 74
48,949,198 86

$38,900,770 88

$244,287,712 37

$273,718,216 23

376 S tate banks,
5 tru st
Novem ber 16.

Capital stock paid in ..............................
Surplus fund and undivided profits.. .
Notes and bills rediscounted...............
T o ta ls...............................................



$38,900,770 88



$244,287,712 37



$273,718,216 23

The report of November 16th, 1909, as compared with the report of
November 27th, 1908, shows an increase in loans of $21,505,817.44, while
total deposits increased $28,075,163.17, the greatest gain in deposits for
any one year since the organization of the department. In detail this in­
crease in deposits is divided as follows,—Commercial Deposits (indi­
vidual) $13,598,092.43, Savings Deposits $13,479,120.01 and deposits
of other banks $997,950.73.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis




People’s Savings Bank, Ml. Pleasant.
Charles T. Russell, receiver, under date of December 1st, 1909, re
ports as follows:
Liabilities to depositors at date of suspension.....................
Other liabilities .......................................................................

$65,491 80
16,896 90

Total ...........................................................................

$82,388 70

Total assets at date of, and received since suspension........
Amount collected by receiver to d a t e ...................................

236,876 78
123,520 43

Disposition of collections:
Loans paid and otherdisbursem ents....
Dividends paid ...........................................
Legal expenses ..........................................
All other expenses .....................................
Receiver’s salarv paid to d a t e ...................

$80,522 70
30,043 02
1,772 69
2,965 87
8,216 15
----------------- $123,520 43

This bank failed in 1897, and a total dividend of 66 per cent to credit­
ors and depositors has been paid, the last dividend of one per cent being
paid December 1st, 1902. Since the last mentioned date the receivership
lias been in practically the same condition. During the year I took the
matter up with the Circuit Court for the county of Isabella, and assur­
ances were given me that the matter would be disposed of during the
year 1909. The hearing on the final report and discharge of receiver
has not as yet been had, but it is expected the matter will be closed up
early in lfiio.
State Bank of Fenton, Fenton.
Clarence Tinker, receiver, under date of December 1st, 1909, reports
as follows:
Liability to depositors at date of suspension ...................
Other liabilities ................ ......................................................

$101,710 04
1,134 45

Total ........................................................................... $102,844 49
Total assets at date of, and received since suspension....
141.757 18
Amount collected by receiver to date .................................
72,775 19
Disposition of collections :
Loans paid and other disbursements..........
$16,960 65
Dividends paid ..............................................
42,293 62
Legal expenses ..............................................
1,619 42
All other expenses ........................................
5,401 50
Receiver’s salary paid to d a t e ....................... “
6,000 00
Balance in hands of receiv er.......................
500 00
$72,775 19
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis





The department took possession of this bank June 14th, 1897, and a
total dividend of 40 per cent has been paid to creditors and depositors.
The last dividend of 2 per cent was declared during the year 1903, since
which time the receivership has remained in an inactive condition. 1
called the matter to the attention of the Circuit Court for the county
of Genesee and have assurance the same will have attention. I expect
this receivership will be closed early in 1910.
The City Savings Bank, Detroit.
The Union Trust Company, Detroit, receiver, under date of Decem­
ber 1st, 1909, reports as follows:
Liability to depositor at date of suspension
Other liabilities .............................................
Total assets at date of, and received since suspension....
Amount collected by receiver to date

$3,378,121 20
662,937 50
$4,041,058 70
4,517,071 00
2,700,667 62

Disposition of collections:
Loans paid and other disbursements... $109,613 88
Dividends p a i d ........................................ 2,069,131 45
Legal expenses .........................................
81,151 73
All other expenses ..................................
92,671 62
Receiver’s salary paid to date .............
100,000 00
Deposits and collections returned ........
57,885 11
Balance in hands of State Treasurer. .
188,829 29
Balance in hands of receiver .............
1,384 54
On February 10th, 1902, the department took possession of this bank
and up to the present time total dividends of fifty-eight and sixty-five
per cent respectively have been paid to savings and commercial deposit­
The winding up of this receivership has been delayed on account of an
almost endless amount of litigation as to the legality of certain certified
checks issued by the Vice President of the bank. A further dividend of
six per cent to commercial depositors and three per cent to savings de­
positors has been ordered as of November 20th, 1909. The disbursement
of this dividend, however, had not been made at the date of the above
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis





State Bank of White Pigeon, White Pigeon.
J. Murray Benjamin, receiver, under date of December 1st, 1909, re­
ports as follows:
Liability to depositors at date of suspension.......................
Other liabilities .......................................................................

$126,366 89
1,178 45

Total ...........................................................................

$127,545 34

Total assets at date of, and received since suspension....
Amount collected by receiver to d a t e ...................................

180,664 81
126,737 57

Disposition of collections:
Loans paid and other disbursem ents....
$637 50
Dividends paid ..........................................
106,621 69
Legal expenses paid .................................
1,366 79
All other expenses ....................................
2,663 90
Receiver’s salary paid to date ...............
4,125 00
Balance in hands of State Treasurer . .
2,302 09
9,020 60
Balance in hands of receiver ...............
-----------------$126,737 57
This bank failed July 30tli, 1904, and up to the present time a divi­
dend of ninety per cent has been paid to the depositors. The receiver
reports that he expects to be able to make a final dividend and report
during the early part of 1910.
The Chelsea Savings Bank, Chelsea.
William W. Wedemeyer, receiver, under date of December 1st, 1909,
reports as follows:
Liability to depositors at date of suspension................... $1,028,852 84
Other liabilities .................................... ..................................
20,764 21
Total............................................................................ $1,049,617 05
Total assets at date of, and received since suspension... $1,370,928 75
Amount collected by receiver to d a t e ....................................
661,858 94
Disposition of collections:
Loans paid and other disbursements............ $12,337 54
Dividends paid ................................................ 536,382 27
Legal expenses .................................................
10,604 89
All other expenses ..........................................
14,341 50
Receiver’s salary paid to d a t e .......................
7,500 00
Balance in hands of State Treasurer..........
55,391 44
Balance in hands of receiver .......................
25,301 30
------------------- $661,858 94
The department closed this bank December 2nd, 1907. Up to the
date of this report a dividend of forty per cent has been paid to com­
mercial depositors and a dividend of sixty per cent to savings depositors.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis





F u r t h e r d i v i d e n d s w ill b e m a d e , b u t o w in g to m u c h l i t i g a t i o n c o n c e r n ­
in g t h e a f f a i r s o f t h i s b a n k , t o g e t h e r Avith t h e p e r s o n a l a f f a i r s o f i t s p r e s i ­
d e n t, c o n s i d e r a b l e t i m e ‘m a y e la p s e b e f o r e t h e fin a l r e p o r t c a n b e m a d e
a n d t h e r e c e iv e r d is c h a r g e d .

From the foregoing report it will appear that the loss to depositors
of this bank will not be as great as seems to have been quite generally
The Farmers and Merchants’ State Bank, Parma.
Seymour H. Godfrey, receiver, under date of December 1st, 1909, re­
p o r t s a s f o l lo w s :

Liability to depositors at date of suspension...................
Other liabilities ......................................................................

$86,207 99
5,737 22

Total ...........................................................................

$91,945 21

Total assets at date of, and received since suspension....

$120,720 03

Amount collected by receiver to date..................................
Amount cash on hand at date of suspension ...................

$63,786 86
4,736 18

T o ta l............................................................................
Disposition of collections:
Loans paid and other disbursements ........ $1,929 71
Dividends paid ............................................. 59,985 84
All other expenses ......................................
1,193 77
4,323 48
Balance in hands of State Treasurer..........
Balance in hands or receiv er.....................
1,090 24

$68,523 04

By reference to my annual report for the year 1908, this bank was
closed September 18, 1908, after an examination by the department
which showed an intermingling and confusion of the assets and liabili­
ties of this bank with those of a private bank, in which the cashier was
interested. Up to the date of the foregoing report a dividend of 60 per
cent has been paid to depositors.


Pursuant to the provisions of Act No. 238 of the Public Acts of 1897,
under date of June 30, 1909, a report from all banks, national, state and
private, trust companies and building and loan associations, was called
for with reference to deposits which had escheated to the State of Michi­
gan, and deposits which had been inactive since June 30, 1906, and
where there was good reason to believe that the person making such de­
posit was dead, and the same should escheat to the State of Michigan.
T succeeded in getting reports from all but twenty-four, and the names
and addresses of these have been turned over to the Attorney General
for his consideration and action. But five institutions reported deposits
which had escheated to the State of Michigan, the total of such deposits
being $410.63.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis




Twenty-three institutions reported inactive deposits since June 30,
1906, the amount of such inactive deposits being $3,701.51.
Report of all my actions with reference* to escheated and in­
active deposits has been made to the Attorney General, as required by

This Commission was created for the purpose of passing on the
validity of the securities mentioned in paragraphs (e), (f) and (g) of
section 27 of the General Banking Law, and consists of the Attorney
General, State Treasurer and Commissioner of Banking. I t was or­
ganized April, 11, 1906, by virtue of the provisions of Act 262 of the
Public Acts of 1905.
During the year the Commission has had three sessions, at which the
following bonds were approved as legal investments for savings deposits
of state banks :


Name of company.
Frem ont Steamship Co
D etroit Steam ship Co. .
American T ransit C o...
Neptune Steamship Co.
Atlas Steamship C o ...

B. F. B e rry .............
Chas. W. K o tc h e r..
John Dunn, J r ..........
A rthur H. Hawgood
Wm. A. Hawgood..

W ilkinson T ransportation Co
Holmes Steam ship Co.
F rontier Steam ship Co

J. F. D urston............
A. E. N ettleton........
Salt Lake C ity..........
Josiah G. Munro. . . .
Wm. M. Mills............
Legrand D. DeGraff.
William B. K err. . . .

W eston Transit C o... .


Amount bond

S I6 0 ,0 0 0






York Transit Co..............
Shenango Steam ship Co.
W ainright Steamship Co.
Alva Steamship C o.........
Croxton Steamship Co...

John J. Boland
W ilpen...............
W ain rig h t........
M. A. Bradley.

Em pire Steamship Co
Valley Steamship Co.
H anna Transit Co . . .
T riton Steam ship Co.

Wm. H. Truesdale
Alexis W. Thompson. .
Howard M. H anna, Jr.
Rufus P. R a n n e y ........


Hawgood Steamship Co . . . .
Pennsylvania Steamship Co
American Steamship Co. . . .
F rontier Steamship C o........

W. R. W oodford...
Jacob T. K o p p . . . .
Adam E. Cornelius.
Jam es C orrigan. . . .
Daniel B. Meachem









For file benefit of the state banks, and others interested in knowing
what bonds have been approved as legal investments for savings funds
of state banks by the Securities Commission from the time of its organi­
zation up to and including December, 31, 1909, the following is offered:
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis




D ate of





Name of steam er.

Name of company.


Hawgood Transit C o...............
Commonwealth Steamship Co
Toledo Steamship Co...............
Globe Steamship Co.................
Tonawanda Transit Co............

H arvey D. G oulder...
Abraham S te a rn ........
Eugene Zimmermann
F rank C. B a ll.............
Charles W eston..........


bond issue.




Mar. 29,
Mar. 26,
Mar. 26,
April 10,
Aug. 21,
Aug. 28,
Oct. 8,
Oct. 8,
Oct. 8,


Dearborn Transit C o .......................
Franklin Steamship C o.................
Minerva Steamship Co...................
Chicago N avigation C o ..............(
Mesaba Steamship C o...................
Cuyahoga Steamship C o ...............
Midland N avigation Co.................
Inter-O cean Steamship Co............
L. C. Smith Transit Co................

E. L. W allace.........
E. J. E arling..........
H enry A. Hawgood
Wm. E. F itg e ra ld ..
Jas. S. D unham .. . .
D. O. Mills........
Sheldon P a rk s ........
Midland P rin c e. . . .
Chas. H ubbard........





L. C. Sm ith T ransit C o..
Cornell Steamship Co. . .
Standard Steamship Co
Acme Steamship C o .. . .
Jenkins Steamship C o.

Smith T hom pson..
John Mitchell........
H. P. B ope............
W ard A m es...........
Charles O. Jenkins





Fowlerville Lighting Co
Postal Steamship C o. . .
Frem ont Steamship C o.
D etroit Steamship C o...
American Transit Co . . .

Thomas B ariu m .. .
B. F. B e rry ...........
Chas. W. Kotcher.
John Dunn, J r . . . .



Jan .



Neptune Steamship C o...................
Atlas Steamship C o.....................
W ilkinson T ransportation C o .. . {
Holmes Steam ship C o.....................
Frontier Steamship Co....................

A rthur H. Hawgood.
Wm. A. H aw good...
J. F. D urston............
A. E. N ettleton........
Salt Lake City..........
Josiali G. Munro. . . .



Jan. 13, 1909

W estern Transit C o..................... •!


Jan. 13, 1909
Jan. 13, 1909

York Transit Co.............
Shenango Steam ship Co





W ainwright Steamship Co
Alva Steamship Co............
Croxton Steamship C o .. . .
Empire Steamship C o.
Valley Steam ship C o.........
H anna Transit Co..............

W ainw right.....................
M. A. B radley...............
Wm. H. T ruesdale. . . .
Alexis W. Thompson. .
Howard M. H anna, Jr.






T riton Steamship C o ...........
Hawgood Steamship C o.. . .
F arrar T ransportation Co. .
Pennsylvania Steam ship Co
American Steamship C o ....
F rontier Steamship Co........

Rufus P. R a n n e y . .
W. R. W oodford.. .
Jacob T. K o p p . . . .
Adam E. Cornelius.
Jam es Corrigan. . . .
Daniel B. Meachem






Wm. M. Mills............
Legrand D. DeGraff.
William B. K err. . . .
John J. B oland ........
W ilpen.........................



2 0 0 .0 0 0











In accordance with section 40 of the Banking Law the department has
collected on account of fees for annual examination of banks $27,604.02.
There has been turned over to the Secretary of State for franchise fees,
on account of new banks and increase of capital stock, $552.50, making
the total receipts of the department for the year $28,216.52.
In the latter part of this text will be found a list of the state banks
and trust companies, showing the dates on which they were examined
and the amount of the examination fee collected in each instance.
The aggregate footings of examiners’ reports (from which the amount
of examination fee is determined, as provided in section 40) have been
compared and checked with the amount of fees collected from each
bank by the State Treasurer, and I would respectfully call your atten­
tion to his letter in this regard.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis


X X I1


The expenses of the department for the year were as follows:
Salary of H. M. Zimmermann, Commissioner........................ $2,500 00
Salary of W. Donovan, Deputy Commissioner......................
2,000 00
Salary of Chas. M. Turner, Examiner (resigned Sept. 15,
1909) ..........................................................................................
1,205 G9
Salary of H. E. Johnson, Examiner..........................................
1,700 00
Salary of Jas. I. Van Iveuren, Examiner (resigned December
31st 1909) ..................... , . . ............................. ........................
1,700 00
Salary of Chas. H. Ayers, Examiner (resigned Feb. 1st, 1909)
146 40
Salary of Grant J. Brown, Examiner (resigned July 1st,
1909) ............................................................... ................' . . . .
850 00
1,700 00
Salary of Chas. E. Toms, E x am in er.......................................
Salary of Chas. H. Adams, Examiner....................................
1,700 00
Salary of A. E. Manning, Chief Clerk and Examiner..........
1,700 00
Salary of Geo. S. Anderson, Examiner (resigned September
17th, 1909) ...................................................................
1,214 93
Salary of Carl E. McAlvay, Examiner..................................
1,700 00
Salary of Hira C. Moore, Examiner (appointed February 1st,
1909) ..........................
1,553 60
Salary of John A. May, Examiner (appointed July 1st,
850 00
1909) ................................................. : . . . . ....................'.........
Salary of John D. Morton, Examiner (appointed September
20th, 1909) ........................................ . ..................................
475 82
Salary of John C. Barron, Examiner (appointed December
6th, 1909) ......................
115 49
Salary of extra clerks ......................
2,743 69
Expense incurred in the examination of banks.......................
8,050 20
Printing and binding .................................................................
2,310 88
Postage ..........................................................................................
510 00
Miscellaneous, viz.: Stationery, express, telephone, etc..........
987 93
Total ............................................................................... $35,714 63
From the above it will be noted that the net cost of bank supervision
to the state for the year 1909 was $7,498.11, a decrease of $785.61 as
compared with 1908. In other words, while the total expenses of the
department increased but $515.62 the increase in the receipts amounted
to $1,301.23.
As before mentioned in this report 738 examinations were made dur­
ing the year, which in number is 44 more than in 1908, notwithstanding
the fact that there has been an aggregate increase in bank assets to be
examined of $29,500,000.00. In other words the nine examiners have
covered the State twice during the year, making 738 examinations and
inspecting $540,000,000.00 of bank assets, at a cost to the people of
the State of $7,498.11.

With one exception every recommendation contained in my annual
report for the year 1908 was enacted into law by the Legislature of 1909.
These recommendations were concurred in by the Michigan Bankers’
Association, which association through its executive committee actively
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis





assisted in securing the passage of the amendments. Aside from re­
pealing nine sections of the Banking Law which had become obsolete,
a synopsis of the amendments is as follows:
Requiring directors to meet monthly.
Examination and authorization of loans and investments made by
officers since preceding meeting and requiring a complete record of such
meetings entered upon bank record book and signed by president and
Giving Commissioner power to levy and collect assessment on stock­
holders in case of impairment of capital stock.
Increasing Commissioner’s and Deputy’s salary from $2,000 and $2,500
to $2,500 and $3,500, respectively; placing examiners on a graduated
scale, with a minimum and maximum salary of $1,700 and $2,000, re­
Providing for the rehabilitation of an insolvent bank by its stockhold­
er's and its restoration to them by the receiver.
An important amendment was that providing for the appointment of
the Commissioner of Banking, Deputy Commissioner, a State Bank Ex­
aminer, or some other suitable person, as receiver of insolvent institu­
tions, having for its purpose the prevention of protracted and long drawn
out receiverships of State banks. This amendment provides that when
anyone connected with the State Banking Department is appointed re­
ceiver, the salary shall not be in excess of that paid him by the State
while in the department. The benefits accruing from this amendment
will be obvious to those already familiar with the history of receiver­
Another important amendment was that prescribing a penalty for not
separating commercial and savings investments and reserves in banks
combining both classes of business. The law requiring the separation
had been on the statute books for over fifteen year, and under it our
supreme court has held in cases of insolvency that such investments
specified in the law as savings investments must be set aside for the
benefit of savings depositors, and in Peters v. Receiver of the City Sav­
ings Bank, Detroit, 131 Mich. 322, in holding that savings deposits con­
stituted a trust fund, the following significant language was used: “So
long as it is entirely possible to trace the fund which was invested in
these securities as a fund derived from the savings department, we think
there is no difficulty in saying that it should be impressed with a trust
in favor of the savings depositors.”
While state banks have in nearly every instance during the past
fifteen years invested the required amount of their savings deposits in
the securities set forth in the law, yet since the passage of the amend­
ment, a complete separation and segregation of savings investments and
reserves has been made. In construing the act, I have held that the
savings investments, together with the savings reserves, must equal the
amount of saving deposits. I have pleasure in reporting as an illustra­
tion of the unanimity and willingness with which the state banks have
conformed to the law as amended, that on November 16, 1909, the total
savings deposits amounted to $151,290,000, while the aggregate savings
investments exceeded this sum by nearly $4,000,000.
The law further provides that a legal reserve of at least 15 per cent
be maintained on savings deposits, and that three-fifths of the remainder
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis




of such deposits (or approximately $75,000,000, according to November
16 report) be invested in certain specified securities. At the time of that
report Michigan state banks had so invested $95,000,000, or an excess
over requirements of $20,000,000.
Under the Michigan Law, the separation and segregation of savings
investments and reserves is not a complex matter, a physical separation
of the cash not being required. The banks’ books, however, must show a
sufficient amount of cash to the credit of each department. All securities
must be stamped or labeled “savings” or “commercial,” and the total
must correspond with the entries on the general ledger or daily state­
ment book.
Michigan is but one of few states that requires this separation and
segregation. I am of the opinion that had all the states been operating
their savings banks or safeguarding their savings deposits in this man­
ner, the agitation for the guaranteeing of deposits or the establishment
of postal sayings banks would not have confronted us; but, on the other
hand, deposits would have been encouraged and greatly augmented on
account of a more widespread confidence on the part of the depositiimpublic.
With the amendments made to the Michigan Banking Act in 1909
the people of Michigan are to be congratulated on having on the statute
books a law which will compare favorably with that of any of the older
and more populous states of the Union. I am not unmindful of the fact,
however, that in this as in other lines Michigan cannot remain at a
standstill. New conditions must of necessity arise and must and will
be met at the proper time. With the character of the men controlling
the banking institutions of Michigan, and with the awakening of public
interest in all matters pertaining to banking and departmental super­
vision thereof, the future of state banking in Michigan is indeed most
The foregoing report is most respectfully submitted.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

Commissioner of the Banking Department.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



On account of the importance of the subject of excessive loans I deem
it advisable to again publish the construction of section 52 of the Rank­
ing Law in this regard as submitted to this department by the Attorney
General in the year, 1903 :
Lansing, Mich., May 23, 1903.
Hon. George W. Moore, Commissioner of Banking, Lansing, Michigan:
Dear Sir—I am in receipt of your communication of the 19th inst. re­
ferring to the General Banking Law of this State, and requesting my
opinion upon the following questions :
“First, How much money may the directors of a bank loan to any per­
son, or company, or corporation, or firm, by a two-tliirds vote of its
board of directors?
Second, How much money may any bank loan on any one line of com­
mercial paper?
Third, May a bank increase the first named line by the bond or per­
sonal endorsement of the officers or directors of a firm, company or
corporation, or by the assignment of value as collateral?”
In considering these questions I desire to call your attention to section
{>141 of the Compiled Laws, being section 52 of the General Banking
Law of this State, which provides in part as follows: “The total liabili­
ties to any bank of any person or of any company, corporation or firm
for moneys advanced, including in the liabilities of the company or firm
the liability of the several members thereof, except special partners, shall
at no time exceed one-tenth part of the amount of the capital and sur­
plus of such bank; but the discount of bills of exchange drawn in good
faith against actually existing values and the discount of commercial
or business paper actually owned by the person negotiating the same
shall not be considered as money borrowed: Provided, however, That
the foregoing limitations shall not apply to loans on real estate or other
collateral securities authorized by this act: Provided, however, That by
a two-thirds vote of the directors the liabilities of any bank of any per­
son, or company, or corporation, or firm may be increased to a sum not
exceeding one-fifth of the capital and surplus of the bank.”
It is evident that this limitation was borrowed from the National
Banking Law, section 5200 of the Revised Statutes of the United States,
providing as follows: “The total liabilities to any association, or any
person, or of any company, corporation, or firm for money borrowed, in­
cluding in the liabilities of the company or firm, the liabilities of the
several members thereof, shall at no time exceed one-tenth part of the
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



amount of tlie capital stock of such association actually paid in ; but
the discount of bills of exchange drawn in good faith against actually
existing values, and the discount of commercial or business paper
actually owned by the person negotiating the same, shall not be con­
sidered as money borrowed.”
This provision, as found in our General Banking Law and also in the
National Banking Law, has never been construed by the courts in so far
as it relates to the particular question submitted by you.
The Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, in the case of O'Hare v. Second
National Bank of Titusville, 77 Pa. St. 102, referring to this provision
in its application to National banks, makes use of the following lan­
guage : “Evidently the limitation of the indebtedness to the one-tentli
in the 20th section, was intended as a general rule for conducting the
business of the bank; a rule laid down from experience to regulate its
loans for its own best interest and those of stockholders and creditors,
not a rule to regulate its customers. I t was, as remarked in Fowler v.
Scully, a regulation to prevent these associations from splitting on the
rock which has ruined so many banks, to-wit, that of lending too much
of their capital to one person or firm. The intention being to protect
the association and its stockholders and creditors from unwise banking,
we cannot suppose it was meant to injure them by forbidding recovery
of the injudicious loans.”
In Vol. 29 of the Ainer. & Eng. Encv. of Laws, 2nd ed. p. 382, we find
the following with respect to the limitation found in the National Bank­
ing Law : “The object of this provision of the statute was to guard
National banks from the hazard of speculative loans, but it contemplated
and permitted to an unlimited amount the discount of paper used and
required in facilitating the transfer of property and money in the
transaction of the legitimate business of the country.” Citing Oswego
Second National Bank v. Burt, 93 N. Y. 244.
It was evidently the intent of the legislature, in enacting the provi­
sion above referred to, as found in the banking law of this State, to
guard the banks organized thereunder from the hazard of speculative
loans, and to prevent such banks from advancing or loaning too much
of their money to any one person, firm or corporation, and in construing
the statute with respect to the exception, it is necessary to keep con­
stantly in mind the purpose of the limitation, and not to construe the
provision relating to the exceptions therefrom in such a way as to de­
stroy the force and effect of the limitation itself. The exceptions to
which I refer relate to the discount of bills of exchange drawn in good
faith against actually existing values, and the discount of commercial
or business paper actually owned by the person negotiating the same,
and which, in my opinion, should be strictly construed and should be
held to apply to no transaction that did not clearly and fully come with­
in the provisions of the statute in this particular. Black on Interpreta­
tion of Laws, 275.
I find that the questions which you submit for my consideration are
quite fully considered in P ra tt’s Digest, pages 93-94-95, in their applica­
tion to national banks, but 1 am unable to concur in some of the con­
clusions reached which do not seem to be based upon judicial decisions,
and which, in my opinion, tend to defeat the very purpose of the limita­
tion. It is an elementary proposition recognized by the courts with re
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis





spect to statutory or constitutional inhibitions, that you cannot do in­
directly that which you are prohibited from doing directly. In their
application to commercial paper, the terms “loans” and “discounts” are
synonymous. Amer. & Eng. Ency. of Law, Yol. 21, 2nd ed. 381. The
question who is borrower is not always to be determined from the posi­
tion of the parties as they appear on the paper. The borrower may
be the maker or the endorser. P ratt's Digest, 94. Our statute provides
that in the discount of commercial or business paper actually owned
by the person negotiating the same, it shall not be considered as money
borrowed. The application of this provision, in my opinion, relates ex­
clusively to the person negotiating the paper. The statute contemplates
that he alone shall be considered as not receiving a loan from the bank.
With respect to the maker of such paper who is primarily liable, if such
maker has received credit at the bank to the full limit imposed by law,
the bank should not be permitted to discount such paper, as in that
event the liability of the maker would exceed the liability permitted by
the General Banking Law, and if such a transaction should be per­
mitted, it would indirectly defeat the very purpose for which this limita­
tion was imposed.
In determining the questions submitted by you, I realize that there
may be some doubt as to the proper construction of these provisions in
the absence of any judicial determination as to their proper meaning.
In view of the fact that the several banks of this State organized under
the General Banking Law, are subject to State supervision, not only for
the protection of the banks themselves, but for the protection of the
persons doing business with such banks, the laws relating thereto should
l*e constructed in such a manner as to afford such protection in every
possible way, until such time as the courts may determine otherwise.
In answer to your first question, I would therefore say that, in my
opinion, the amount which the directors of a bank would be authorized
to loan to any person, or company, or corporation, or firm, by a twothirds vote of its board of directors, would not exceed one-fiftli of the
capital and surplus of the bank, and it would be immaterial whether
such loan was secured or unsecured, excepting, of course, loans on real
estate or other collateral securities authorized by the General Banking
In answer to your second question, I would say that the same rule
would apply to any one line of commercial paper that would apply to
any one person, company, firm or corporation.
In answer to your third question 1 would say that, in my opinion, it
is immaterial whether such loan is secured by the bond or personal
endorsement of the officers or directors of the firm, company or cor­
poration, or by the assignment of value as collateral, except where such
loan is made upon real estate or other collateral securities recognized
by the General Banking Law. In this connection I call your attention to
the rule laid down in the Amer. & Eng. Ency. of Law, Yol. 21, 2nd ed.,
page 382, to the effect that “Drafts may be bona fide bills of exchange
drawn upon actual existing values within the meaning of the statute,
though not accompanied by specific bills of lading in each case. It is
sufficient if they are drawn against property previously consigned and
existing either in its original form or in the shape or proceeds of sales
in the hands of the consignees.” This rule, of course, applies to the
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis





federal statute. The State and federal statute being identical in this
particular, unquestionably the same rule would apply to a bank organ­
ized under the General Banking Law of this State.
Respectfully yours,
C h a s . A. B l a ir ,
Attorney General.
The following opinions have been rendered during the years 1907,
1908 and 1909 by the Attorney General’s department on questions con­
cerning the construction of the Banking Law :


Lansing, Michigan, March 21, 1907.
Hon. Henry M. Zimniermann, Banking Commissioner, Lansing, Mich.:
Dear Sir—This department has given careful consideration of your
inquiry of the 13th inst., as to whether trust companies organized under
Act ]Sio. 108 of the Public Acts of 1889 have the right to invest in the
stocks of Savings Banks; and particularly to the question as to whether
section 11 of this act (Compiled Laws of 1897, Section G166) permits
such investment.
It is the opinion of this department that there is no general right
under the laws of this State on the part of trust companies to invest
in the stock of other corporations; and, further that the clause in sec­
tion 11 of the above act, which authorizes the directors to invest in
“such real or personal securities as they may deem proper” does not
authorize investment in the stock of private corporations.
Respectfully yours,
J n o . E. B ir d ,
Attorney General.










Lansing, Michigan, August 7, 1907.
Hon. Henry M. Zimniermann, Commissioner State Banking Department,
“Capitol,” Lansing:
Dear Sir—I t appears that steps are being taken to organize a bank
under the General Banking Law of this State, with a capital stock of
$100,000. From the articles of association which have been prepared, it
appears that, approximately, sixty per cent, of such capital stock has
been subscribed for by certain persons designated as “trustees” ; that
such articles do not disclose the names or residences of the cestui que
trust in any instance, or the authority of the person subscribing as
trustee to act in that capacity.
In this connection, you ask my opinion as to whether or not it would
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis






be proper for you to issue tlie certificate of authority provided for by
section 7 of the General Banking Law.
In reply thereto would say that section 2 of the Banking Law re­
quires the persons associating in the organization of a bank to execute
articles of incorporation, which shall specify, among other things, “the
names and places of residence of the stockholders and the number of
shares held by each of them.” The latter part of section 4 provides as
follows: “No bank shall transact any business except such as is in­
cidental and necessarily preliminary to its organization until it has
been authorized by the Commissioner of the banking department to
commence the business of banking.” The articles of incorporation are
required to be executed in triplicate, one to be recorded in the office
of the county clerk of the county in which the bank is located; one
filed in the office of the Commissioner of the banking department; and
one filed in the office of the Secretary of State. When such articles of
incorporation are properly executed and filed and recorded, as required
by law, and the Commissioner of the banking department is notified
that at least fifty per cent, of its capital has been paid in, and that
such bank has complied with all the provisions of the general bankinglaw; before the bank shall be authorized to commence business, the
Commissioner is required to examine into the condition of such bank,
and if it is found that such organization is in accordance with the
statute and that the various provisions of the law have been complied
with, a certificate of authority to engage in the business of banking is
issued by such Commissioner. When the statute is not complied with
in any essential particular, it is clearly my opinion that such certificate
of authority should be withheld. It seems to me that articles of in­
corporation which do not fully disclose the name and residence of the
cestui que trust, where the stock is subscribed for by a trustee, and
which also fails to disclose the authority to subscribe for such stock
in that capacity, do not conform to the requirements of the general
banking law, and, under such conditions as you have outlined, it would
be your duty to refuse to issue the certificate of authority provided for
by law.
1 do not deem it essential to point out the numerous complications
that might arise if stock in a banking corporation should be subscribed
for in the manner indicated. I t is sufficient to say that it does not
conform to the requirements of the General Banking Law.
Kespectfully yours,
J n o . E. B ir d .
A t tor m y Genera l.

Lansing, Michigan, October 23, 1907.
Hon. H. M. Zimmermann, Commissioner of the Banking Department,
“Capitol,” Lansing, Michigan :
My Dear Sir—I am in receipt of your communication of the 16th
inst. in which you ask whether or not certificates of indebtedness is­
sued in payment for voting machines under the provisions of section 13
of Act 217 of the Public Acts of 1905 are proper investments for sav
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis


X X X I1



ings Banks under subdivision (b), section 27 of the General Banking
Law, which provides that a certain portion of the savings deposits of
such banks shall be invested as follows:
“ (b). In the public debt or bonds of any city, county, township, vil­
lage or school district of any state or territory in the United States,
which shall have been authorized by the legislature of such state or
territory: Provided, the total indebtedness of such municipality does
not exceed five per cent, of its assessed valuation, except by a vote of
two-thirds of the board of directors, such bonds may be purchased if
the total liabilities do not exceed ten per cent, of its assessed valuation.1”
You also state that it has always been the ruling of the banking
department that the term “public debt” and “bonds” were synonymous
and that an issue of bonds, in order to be a proper investment for sav­
ings banks under this subdivision, must previously have received the ap­
proval of the voters of the municipality issuing the bonds.
For answer to your inquiry I would say it is my opinion that the
ruling of your department places too narrow a construction upon the
statute. The terms “public debt” and “bonds” are not synonymous.
The term “public debt” includes not only a bonded debt, but also other
form of public indebtedness.
State v. Hickman, 11 Mont. 541, and cases cited.
The statute under which certificates of indebtedness are issued in pay­
ment for voting machines reads as follows:
“The local authorities, on the adoption and purchase of a voting ma­
chine, may provide for the payment therefor in such manner as they
may deem for the best interest of the locality and may for that purpose
issue bonds, certificates of indebtedness or other obligations, which shall
be a charge on the city, town or village. Such bonds, certificates or
other obligations may be issued with or without interest, payable at such
time or times as the authorities may determine, but shall not be issued
or sold at less than par.”
The legislature has the undoubted right to authorize debts of this
character to be incurred without the vote of the electors of the muni­
Callan v. The City of Saginaw, 50 Mich. 7.
I am of the opinion that the certificates of indebtedness issued under
authority of this section come within the term “public debt” as used
in subdivision (b), section 27 of the General Banking Law, and that,
consequently, saving banks may lawfully invest their funds in such cer­
tificates of indebtedness.
Respectfully yours,
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

J n o . E . B ird ,

Attorney General.

/ V|



b u s in e s s .

Lansing, Michigan, October 28, 1907.
lion. H. M. Zimmermann, Commissioner of the Banking Department,
Lansing, Mich. :
Dear Sir—I am in receipt of your communication of the 16th inst.
requesting an opinion upon the question of whether or not a hank
organized as a purely commercial bank under the General Banking Law
of the State is authorized to advertise for savings deposits and do a
general bank business under the exception contained in section 24 of
th at law, which provides:
“Commercial banks may allow interest on accounts or certificates
of deposit, but all deposits in such banks shall be payable on demand
without notice, except when the contract of deposit otherwise provides.”
For answer thereto, I would say that the General Banking Law in
section 1 provides that any number of persons, not less than five, “may
associate to establish offices of discount and deposit, to be known as
commercial banks, and also to establish offices of loan and deposit to be
known as savings banks, or to establish banks having departments for
both classes of business,” etc.
Under section 2 of the General Banking Law, the articles of in­
corporation are required to specify the nature of the business to the
carried on, whether that of a commercial bank, savings bank, or both.
Sections 23, 24 and 25 of the same law contain certain provisions re­
ferring to “any bank which, by its articles of incorporation, shall
designate its business as that of a commercial bank;” and section 26
and succeeding sections of the same law contain provisions governing
“any bank which by its articles of incorporation shall designate its busi­
ness as that of a savings bank;” and section 29 contains provisions gov­
erning “any bank combining the business of a commercial bank and a
savings bank” and provides that “all receipts, investments and trans­
actions relating to each of said classes of business shall be governed by
the provisions and restrictions herein specifically provided for the re­
spective kinds of banks.”
Reading all these provisions of the General Banking Law together, it
is clear that it was not intended to permit a bank organized as a
strictly commercial bank to engage in the business of a savings bank,
and that the exception contained in section 24, to which reference has
been made, was not intended to have that effect. Before a commercial
bank, organized as such, can conduct a savings bank business, it must
amend its articles of incorporation so as to provide for conducting both
classes of business.
Respectfully yours,
J no . E . B ird ,

Attorney General.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis





June 10, 1908.
Hon. H. M. Zimmermann, Commissioner, Banking Department, “Capi­
tol,” Lansing:
Dear Sir—I have your communication of June fifth, enclosing certain
correspondence with th e......................... bank.
I t appears from your communication that this hank, by an arrange­
ment with certain private banks, permits the latter to issue drafts
payable out of the funds of the former bank on deposit with its cor­
respondent banks at New York and Chicago. You state that you have
taken the position that such practice is illegal, and request an opinion
as to the propriety of this holding.
Replying thereto would say, any attempt upon the part of any bank
to permit anyone or any institution to issue drafts payable out of its
deposit with correspondent banks is an attempt to perform and act
and permit an arrangement not authorized by law. The bank pos­
sesses no authority to extend its credit to any individual or bank in
the manner set forth in your communication. Such a practice may
operate to the detriment of depositors and may impair the faith and
credit of the bank. The practice in question is without authority of
law. You possess general power under the statute to prohibit such
practice, and it is the duty of the officials of the bank to cancel this ar­
Respectfully yours,
J no . E. B ird,
Attorney General.



T IT L E S .

June 30, 1908.
Hon. Henry M. Zimmermann, Commissioner of Banking, Lansing, Mich­
igan :
Dear Sir—I am in receipf of yours of the 19th instant in which you
state that a certain corporation organized under Act 232, Public Acts
of 1903, as the “ ......................... and Trust Company” is engaged in
the business of selling various kinds of securities, and request the
opinion of this department as to whether it is permissible for such a
concern to do business under a name so closely allied to that of insti­
tutions organized under Act 108, Public Acts of 1889, under which trust
companies are organized.
Subdivision 1 of section 2 of Act 232, Public Acts of 1903, contains
this proviso :
“No name shall be assumed already in use by any other existing cor­
poration of this State, or corporation lawfully carrying on business in
this State, or so nearly similar as to lead to uncertainty or confusion.”
Under the decisions of the courts of this State it seems to be clear
that the question of the right to use a corporate name not identical with
that of another existing corporation depends upon whether the names
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



are so similar that persons would be likely to deal with one concern
when they believed in good faith they were dealing with the other.
Lamb Knit Goods Co. v. Lamb Glove & Mitten Co., 120 Mich.
Penbertha Injector Co. v. Lee-Penbartha Mfg. Co., 120 Mich.
Supreme Lodge Knights of Phythias v. Improved Order Knights
of Pythias, 113 Mich. 133;
Great Hive L. O. T. M. v. Supreme Hive, 135 Mich. 392, 415.
It would seem also if the similarity of the name of a corporation
organized under Act 232, Public Acts of 1903, to the names of corpora­
tions organized under Act 108, Public Acts of 1889, which is the trust
company act, was such that people dealing with it would be deceived
into believing that they were dealing with a corporation which was
under the supervision of the banking department, that the use of such a
name could properly be restrained in a proceeding instituted for that
Very respectfully yours,
J n o . E. B ir d ,
Attorney General.






July 29, 1908.
Hon. Henry M. Zimmermann, Commissioner of Banking, “Capitol,”
Dear Sir—We have carefully examined the letter o f ................. cashier
of t h e .................................... Bank, of date July 18, 1908, together with
the enclosures accompanying same.
Section 42 of the General Banking Law, being section 6131 of the
Compiled Laws of 1897, gives the Commissioner of Banking authority
when he finds the capital of any bank is impaired or reduced below the
amount required by law, to require such bank to make good the defici­
ency within ninety days after a written requisition is made, and in
case the impairment is not made good it becomes his duty, with the
concurrence of the Attorney General, to institute proceedings for the
appointment of a receiver to wind up the affairs of the bank. The law
does not prescribe the method by which this impairment is to be made
good. I t makes no provision for an assessment upon the stockholders
of the bank, nor is there any authority under the statutes of this State
for the stockholders or directors to make such an assessment. There
being no statutory authority for making the assessment, it follows that
an assessment made by the stockholders or directors could not be en­
forced against dissenting shareholders. The only method of making an
assessment against the stockholders of a bank is under section 46 of
the General Banking Law, section 6135 of the Compiled Laws of 1897.
This assessment can only be made when the bank is in process of liquida­
I t is o u r vieAv of t h i s s t a t u t e t h a t i t c o n te m p la t e s a v o l u n t a r y c o n tr i
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



bution, on tlie part of the shareholders in order to prevent the affairs
of the bank being liquidated by order of the Commissioner, and leaves
it open to the bank to make good the deficiency in any manner that
seems to it feasible. The only alternative in case of the failure of the
bank to make good the deficiency is for the Commissioner to proceed
as directed by the statute.
We return the letter and enclosure herewith.
Very respectfully yours,
J no . E. B ird ,
Attorney General.




July 29, 1908.
Hon. Henry M. Zimmermann, Commissioner of Banking, “Capitol/’
Hear Sir—We are in receipt of yours of the 3d instant in which you
enclose a letter from Reginald F. Fennell, under date of June 20, 1908,
in which he submits the following inquiry:
“Is there any license necessary or other legal form required to be
gone through with for banks doing business outside of the State of
Michigan, to establish an agency or representative in this State? In
the event of there being any restriction, kindly advise to what extent.”
In reply to this inquiry will say that the Legislature has by statute
prescribed strict conditions to be complied with by corporations desir­
ing to engage in the business of banking, or in loaning and investing
money. There is no statutory provision which permits foreign corpora­
tions'to come into this State for the purpose of engaging in that kind
of business. The fact that the Legislature has seen fit to lay down
these conditions for domestic corporations desiring to engage in such
business and to place them under the supervision of the State bankingdepartment indicates clearly an intention on the part of the Legislature
to prohibit foreign corporations from engaging in such business.
In this connection we desire to call your attention to the case of—
New York Mortgage Co. v. Sec. of State, 150 Mich. 197, 202.
which was a mandamus proceeding against the Secretary of State to
compel the issuance of a license to do business in this State to a cor­
poration desiring to engage in the business of making “loans secured
by mortgages on real estate, to sell such mortgages and bonds of this
company secured by mortgages on real estate, but said bonds are not
to be sold on the installment plan.”
In response to the contention of the relator in that case that it should
be admitted to do business under our foreign corporation law, the court
said :
“In other words such construction would operate as to such foreign
corporations as a repeal of all the beneficial and protective provisions
of Act No. 205, Public Acts of 1877. To hold that such was the Legis
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



lative intent would be contrary to every suggestion that, arises to the
mind, upon the consideration of the proposition. Our construction of
the act is that banking corporations and those corporations which are
within the contemplation of our banking laws are not within the pro­
visions of the act authorizing foreign corporations to transact business
in this State.”
In view of the above, we are of the opinion that foreign banks have
no right to engage in business in this State, or to establish an agency
or representative in this State for the transaction of business.
We return Mr. Fennell’s letter herewith.
Very respectfully yours,
J no . E . B ird,

Attorney General.




May 27, 1909.
Hon. Henry M. Zimmermann, Commissioner of the Banking Department,
Capitol, Lansing, Michigan.
Dear Sir—I am in receipt of your letter of the 29th ultimo in which
you state that a bank organized with a capital of $20,000.00 in a village
adjacent to a large city subsequently became located within the corpor­
ate limits of the city by an extension of the boundaries of the city to
include the territory formerly embraced within the limits of the village;
the bank thus coming into the city with a capital less than is required
by statute of banks organized within the city. You also state that it is
now suggested that this bank may establish branches within the city and
request an opinion upon the following:
First, Whether or not you have authority to require a bank organized
in a village, when it becomes located in a city by the extension of the
corporate limits of the city, to increase its capital in accordance with
the number of inhabitants of the city.
Second, Whether or not a State bank has authority to establish
branches in the city or village in which it is authorized by its articles
of incorporation to transact business.
In reply will say that Section 1 of the General Banking Law (Sec­
tion 6090 C. L.) provides for the establishment of commercial and sav­
ings banks in cities and villages in the state and prescribes the minimum
capital that banks may have, based on the population of the city or
village in which the bank is to be located.
Section 2 of the act provides that the articles of incorporation shall
specify among other things :
“The county and city or village where such bank is to be located and
to conduct its business;”
Section 7 provides that upon compliance with the statute the Commis­
sioner of the Banking Department shall give the bank a certificate under
his hand and official seal that the bank has complied with the statute
and is authorized to commence business.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



The contingency arising in the case of the bank to which your refer
apparently was not anticipated by the framers of the General Banking
Law as that law contains no provision requiring a bank established with­
in a village which becomes located in a city by reason of the extension
of the corporate limits of the city to increase its capital in accordance
with the population of that city. Neither is there in the Banking Law
any provision requiring a bank after its organization within a city of
a certain population to increase its capital as the population of the
city increases.
The bank upon complying with the provisions of the statute was given
the right by the state to conduct its business within the village. It did
not voluntarily remove to the city but became located therein by opera­
tion of law through the extension of the corporate limits of the city.
The provision of the statute requiring banks to have a certain capital
according to the population evidently has reference to the establishment
of banks in the first instance. As heretofore stated, a bank once law­
fully established with the required capital according to the population
of a city is not required to increase its capital although the population
of the city may increase to such an extent that a new bank could not
be established therein without having a much larger capital. A careful
consideration of the provisions of the General Banking Law leads me
to the conclusion that a bank once lawfully established in a village with
the required capital in accordance with Section 1 of the General Bank­
ing Law is not required under the provisions of that law to increase its
capital when it becomes located within a city by reason of the extension
of the corporate limits of the city to include the village.
For answer to your second question I would say that no authority to
establish branches is conferred upon banks by any provision of the laws
of this state. In the absence of statute a bank has no authority to es­
tablish branches at which a general banking business is conducted.
MaGee on Banks and Banking, page 41,
Atty. Gen. v. Oakland Co. Bank, Walk, page 90.
While a bank has no authority to establish branches unless expressly
authorized by statute so to do, it seems that it may have an agency for
the transaction of some part of its business in the city or village desig­
nated in its charter as the place where the bank is to be located and to
conduct its business.
In MaGee on Banking, page 41, are compiled the provisions in force
in the different states relating to this subject and of this state it is said:
“There is no law authorizing the establishment of branches. Agencies
are permitted which are restricted in their operations to receiving and
paying out of deposits and issuing exchange.”
and several instances of banks located in the cities, of Detroit and Lan­
sing having established agencies of this character are noted.
The agencies established by the banks at the cities indicated have been
conducted by the banks for some time and the right of the banks to
establish such agencies does not appear to have been heretofore ques­
tioned by the Banking Department or any officer of the State. In view
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis





of the foregoing I am of opinion that a bank may establish agencies of
the character of those indicated herein within the limits of the city or
village in which the bank is located. Inasmuch as a bank originally
located in a village, and which becomes located in a city by the extension
of the corporate limits of the city, has authority to conduct its business
within the city, it would have the same right to establish agencies of
this character as a bank originally organized within the city.
Respectfully yours,
(S ig n e d )

J n o . E . B ir d ,

Attorney General.



s e c u r it ie s

d e p o s it e d

w it h


c o m p a n ie s




May 27, 1909.
Hon. Henry M. Zimmermann, Commissioner of the Banking Department,
Capitol, Lansing, Michigan.
Dear Sir—I am in receipt of your letter of the 29tli ultimo in which
you ask whether or not notes and securities representing fractional parts
of large loans where the security is deposited with a trust company are
legal investments for a state bank under Section 27 of the General Bank­
ing Law (Section 6116 C. L.) as amended by Act 322 of the Public Acts
of 1907.
In reply would say that this section provides in Subdivision (i) that
a certain proportion of the savings deposits of the bank shall be invested
by the board of directors as follows:
“Upon notes or bonds secured by mortgage lien upon unencumbered
real estate worth at least double the amount loaned; the remainder of
such deposits may be invested in notes, bills or other evidences of debt,
the payment of which is secured by the deposit with the bank, of collat­
eral security consisting of personal property or securities of known
marketable value, worth ten per cent more than the amount so loaned
and interest for the time of the loan; or may be invested in notes, bills
or other evidence of debt, the payment of which is secured by such
property or securities deposited in a collateral deposit company organ­
ized under the laws of this state;”
I t is evident that the notes and securities in question come within the
class last referred to in this subdivision, to-wit: “notes, bills or other
evidence of debt, the payment of which is secured by such property or
securities deposited in a collateral deposit company organized under
the laws of this state.”
This provision was incorporated in this subdivision of Section 27 by
Act No. 322, Public Acts of 1907. The same legislature enacted a law
providing for the incorporation of “safety and collateral deposit com­
panies,” the same being Act No. 240 of the Public Acts of 1907, having
power under the provisions of Section 9:
“To receive on deposit, in trust, any personal property deposited with
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



it by individuals, partnerships or corporations, as collateral security
for the payment of bonds, or other obligations issued by such individuals,
partnerships or corporations, and to enter into and execute any in­
struments in writing necessary and proper to carry such trusts" into
Section 11 places every corporation organized under the act and en­
gaging in this branch of the business under the supervision of the Com­
missioner of the Banking Department.
These acts were passed by the same legislature; are in pari materia
and must be construed together. Thus construed, the collateral de­
posit companies organized under the laws of this state referred to in
the amendment to the General Banking Law must be held to refer to
collateral deposit companies organized under the provisions of Act
240 of the Public Acts of 1907. 1 am informed that at this time there
are no collateral deposit companies organized in this state under that
act. Consequently, I am of opinion that savings banks have no authority
to invest their funds in notes and securities under subdivision (i) of
Section 27 of the General Banking Law where the security for the same
is deposited with a trust company.
Kespectfully yours,
(S ig n e d )

J n o . E . B ir d ,

Attorney General.

June 10, 1909.
Hon. Henry M. Zimmermann, Commissioner of the Banking Department,
Capitol, Lansing:
Dear Sir—I am in receipt of your communications of the 29tli ultimo
requesting an opinion upon the question of whether or not a State bank
may legally be organized in this State by the stockholders of a National
Bank under a plan substantially as follows:
The stockholders of the national bank enter into an agreement with
the officers of the national bank by the terms of which the stockholders
agree that the officers may take the necessary steps to organize a State
bank with a prescribed capital, the shares of which may be subscribed
for in the first instance by such persons as may be selected by the officers,
but when paid for shall be held in the names of such persons as from
time to time shall be the officers of the national bank, as trustees, which
said trustees may exercise during the life of the trust all the rights and
powers of absolute owners of the stock except to the extent that they
may be ordered otherwise by express directions in writing signed by a
majority of at least two-thirds in interest of the persons beneficially
interested in the stock. The dividends upon said stock are to be re­
ceived by the trustees and paid by them to the national bank for dis­
tribution among the stockholders of the national bank pro rata ac­
cording to their ownership of record of shares of stock in the national
bank, the trust to continue as long as the national bank shall continue to
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



do business unless sooner terminated by a request in writing of a ma­
jority of at least two-thirds in interest of the capital stock of said bank.
The necessary capital for the state bank is to be furnished by a special
or extra dividend declared by the national bank. It is provided that
the stock in the State bank shall be held by the trustees and that no
person shall have the right to transfer his interest therein otherwise
than by the transfer of the ownership of stock in the national bank upon
the books of the latter. The only evidence of the beneficial interest of
any person in the stock of the State bank is that given by an endorse­
ment on the back of the certificates of stock of the national bank to the
effect that the owner of the shares represented by that certificate is
beneficially interested in common with all other stockholders of the na­
tional bank in a pro rata amount of the capital stock of the State bank
and that said beneficial interest cannot be sold or transferred otherwise
than by the transfer of the shares of stock represented by the certificate
upon the books of the national bank, and that the beneficial interest in
the stock of the State bank shall pass with the transfer of the shares of
the national bank represented by the certificate. It is further provided
that no person shall be eligible to the office of director of the State bank
who is not a director of the national bank.
For reply to your inquiry I would say that the General Banking Law
of this State contains no provision that would prohibit the stockholders
in a national bank from organizing a State bank upon compliance with
the provisions of the General Banking Law. Neither is there in that law
any provision expressingly prohibiting the stockholders in a State bank
from entering into an agreement in substantially the form indicated
above. The agreement is not between the national bank and the State
bank, but is between the stockholders in those banks. As between the
State bank and the State, any agreement of this character between the
stockholders of the bank would be wholly ineffectual to prevent the State
from exercising a supervisory control over the affairs of the bank, or
enforcing the liability of the stockholders, in accordance with the pro­
visions of the General Banking Law. I t is true that there are cases
holding that agreements between stockholders in corporations imposing
a permanent restraint upon the alienation of their shares of stock are
invalid, but under the terms of this agreement a stockholder may trans­
fer his shares of stock in the State bank provided he also transfers his
shares of stock in the national bank. I t does not seem that there is in
that case such a restraint upon the alienation of the shares as would ren­
der the agreement invalid.
Upon due consideration of the matter I am of opinion that, so far as
the State is concerned, the plan outlined for the organization of a State
bank is, in its general features, valid under the General Banking Law
of the State. I express no opinion, however, upon the validity of the
details of any particular plan for such organization, leaving those ques­
tions to be determined when it is sought to organize a State bank upon
this plan and the details of the proposed plan of organization are before
Respectfully yours,
(Signed) J no . E . B ird ,
Attorney General.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis




June 30, 1909.
Hon. Henry M. Zimmermann, Commissioner of Banking Department,
Capitol, Lansing:
Dear Sir—I am in receipt of your letter of June 17th in which you
submit the amendment to Section 38 of the Banking Law relative to the
salaries of examiners, and request the opinion of this department as to
whether the examiners who have already been employed by the Banking
Department for three years will be entitled to the increase in their sal­
aries when the amendment becomes operative.
In reply thereto will say that Section 3 of Article XVI of the revised
constitution provides, in part:
“Salaries of public officers, except circuit judges, shall not be in­
creased, nor shall the salary of any public officer be decreased, after
election or appointment.”
In determining the question submitted it is important to ascertain
first whether a bank examiner is a public officer within the meaning of
this section of the revised constitution. Mechem defines a public office
to be:
“The right, authority and duty, created and conferred by law, by
which for a given period, either fixed by law or enduring at the pleasure
of the creating power, an individual is invested with some portion of
the sovereign functions of the government, to be exercised by him for the
benefit of the public.” (Mechem on Public Officers, Sec. 1.)
And he points out two essentials: First, The delegation of sovereign
functions; Second, Powers created and conferred by law. (Sec. 4 & 5).
In Section 9 he states:
“Any man is a public officer who hath any duty concerning the public,
and he is not the less a public officer where his authority is confined to
narrow limits; for it is the duty of his office and the nature of that
duty which make him an officer, and not the extent of liis authority.”
Section 38 of the Banking Law provides for the appointment of bank
examiners, fixes their salaries and requires them to file a bond of ten
thousand dollars. Section 39 authorizes the examiners to examine banks
and to examine the officers, agents, clerks, customers or depositors upon
oath, and makes false swearing before such examiner perjury. Section
40 requires the examiner to take an oath to keep secret all facts and
information obtained in the course of his examinations. Section 41 au­
thorizes the commissioner to ask for the appointment of a receiver in
case of a refusal of a bank to submit to an examination by an examiner.
True, the statute, in Section 38, states that the commissioner shall
“employ from time to time such examiners,” but the fact that the ap­
pointment of a bank examiner is designated as an employment does
not change the nature of the duties prescribed by law. Clearly, the stat
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis





ute in question delegates sovereign functions to the examiner and the
powers are created and conferred by law, the two essentials to the crea­
tion of an office as pointed out by Prof. Mecliem. See also the language
of Justice Cooley in:
Throop v. Langdon, 40 Mich. 673, 682.
The amendment to Section 38 submitted by you reads as follows:
“Salaries of the examiners shall be the sum of seventeen hundred dol­
lars per annum during the first year of their employment as such, and
shall be increased one hundred dollars each year of such employment
until the full sum of two thousand dollars is reached, which sum shall
be their annual salary thereafter.”
A bank examiner being a public officer as we have heretofore shown,
the constitutional provision above quoted would apply. The language
of the constitution is plain that the salaries “shall not be increased,
nor shall the salary of any public officer be decreased, after election or
appointment.” There are cases holding, as in the case of bank examin­
ers, where the tenure of the office is at the pleasure of the appointing
power that a constitutional provision, that the compensation shall not be
increased or diminished during the term for which the officer is elected
or appointed, does not apply to officers who have no fixed term.
29 Cyc. 1429,
Gibbs v. Morgan, 39 N. J. Eq. 126,
Somers v. State, 5 S. D. 321,
58 N. W. 804,
5 S. D. 584,
59 N. W. 962.
“But an examination of these cases shows that the decisions turn upon
the proposition that the constitutional provision could not apply to an
officer who had no fixed term. The language of our constitutional pro­
vision makes no reference to the term, but prohibits the increase or the
decrease of the salary after election or appointment.
I am therefore of the opinion that the amendment to Section 38 of
the Banking Law, made by Senate Enrolled Act 42, is void in so far
as it provides for an increase of the salaries of bank examiners now in
the employ of the department, or who may be in its employ when the
amendment takes effect.
In this connection I call your attention to the fact that the provisions
of the statute cannot be evaded by an examiner resigning before the
taking effect of the amendment and accepting an appointment after the
amendment is in force.
29 Cyc. 1428,
Green v. Hudson Co., 44 N. J. L. 388.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

Very respectfully yours,
(S ig n e d )
J n o . E. B ir d ,
Attorney General.




Nov. 12, 1909.
Hon. Henry M. Zimmermarm, Commissioner of Banking, Capitol, Lan­
sing :
Dear Sir—Replying to your letter of the 19th Lilt., in which yon re­
quest our opinion as to whether th e..................... Bank which was lo­
cated in the village of................. recently annexed to the city of..........
may increase its capital stock from twenty thousand dollars to fifty
thousand dollars, will say that we held, in an opinion to you under date
of May 9, 1909, that this bank could not be deprived of its right to do
business under its original incorporation with a capital stock of twenty
thousand dollars, by the fact of annexation of the village of..............
to the city of............. We reached that conclusion by reason of the fact
that the bank was lawfully incorporated with a capital of twenty thou­
sand dollars to do business i n ..........; that the examination o f .........
placed the bank in the city o f ..............without its consent, and that it
could not be thus deprived of its right to do business under its original
Now, however, this bank proposes, by its own voluntary act, to in­
crease its capital stock, thus, in a measure, effecting a re-organization.
The whole aim and purpose of the statute, Section 1 of the General
Banking Law is to provide a minimum capital for hanks graded ac­
cording to the population of the city or village in which they are situ­
ated. In order to prevent a reduction of the capital below the minimum,
it is provided in Section 10 that “no reduction shall be made to a less
amount than is required in Section 1 for capital.’ To permit this hank
to substantially reorganize by increasing its capital, without increasing
its capital stock to at least the minimum amount required for the city
of............. , would, in my judgment, do violence to the intent of the legis­
lature, as expressed in Sections 1 and 10 of the Banking Law, to which
I have referred. The bank is now a corporation of the city of . ............
The law relating to the amount of capital stock in ............. is different
than in .................
While I do not think the bank could be deprived of its rights to con­
tinue during the period of its corporate existence, with a capital of
twenty thousand dollars, by the annexation, I am constrained to hold
that in taking advantage of the statute relative to the increase of capi­
tal stock, it must be governed by the provision of the statute applica­
ble to the city o f .........., and must, therefore, if it increases its capital at
all, increase it to at least the minimum amount required for cities hav­
ing a population of over one hundred and ten thousand inhabitants, as.
prescribed by Section 1 of the Banking Law.
Very truly yours,
(S ig n e d )
-Jn o . E. B ir d ,
Attorney General..
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

■fi '



T h e fo llo w in g i s a lis t o f b a n k s e x a m in e d a n d th e a m o u n t p a i d b y each , a s r e q u ir e d b y s e c tio n
JfO of the g e n e r a l b a n k in g la w .

Name of bank.


Addison State Savings bank.......................................


Feb. 16...

Aug. »2

S25 00


Adrian State Savings Bank...........................................


April 26 ..

Nov. 8 ..

147 61


The Commercial Savings Bank............................


Feb. 8

July 27


Lenawee County Savings bank...............


April 28




April 7


Albion State Bank........................................................


April 29

Nov. 1 .

33 45


Commercial and Savings Bank.....................................


May 17 .

Nov. 2 .

30 58


Allegan State Savings Bank.........................................



6 ...

June 2 9 ...

25 00


First State Bank..........................................................




June 28

40 44


First State Bank of Alma....................................




May 20

39 74


The Alma State Savings Bank.....................................


April 19

Sept. 2 0 ....

25 00


Almont Savings Bank...................................................


Dec. 2 .


Alpena County Savings Bank.......................................


May 24

Farmers’ State Bank....................................


Mar. .SO

Oct. 19

25 00

Ann Arbor Savings Bank..............................................

Ann Arbor..................

May 24

Oct. 25

283 49



Clay’s State Bank..............................


Date first Date second
examination examination


63 44
85 90
84 94

25 00
178 19


Farmers’ and Mechanics’ Bank.....................................

Ann Arbor....................


German-American Savings Bank.................................

Ann Arbor....................

Feb. 23

Oct. 28 ...


State Savings Bank.......................................................

Ann Arbor...................

Feb. 15

Aug. 24


Armada Savings Bank..................................................


Mar. 30

July 27

30 09


Athens State and Savings Bank...................................




25 00

Aug. 2 3 ...



98 68
31 81
116 36


Farmers’ State Bank..................................................... Athens..........................


People’s State Savings Bank.........................................

Auburn......................... Aug. 11

25 00
25 00

Feb. 15

Sept. 1 4 ....

25 00


State Bank of Augusta..................................................



State Bank of Frank W. Hubbard & Co......................

Bad Axe....................... Jan. 11

40 26


State Savings Bank of Bad Axe...................................

Bad Axe...................

•Tan. 12

29 30

Feb. 27


Nov. 8

State Exchange Bank..........................................



West Michigan Savings Bank.......................................

Bangor.......................... May 18


Barryton State Savings Bank.......................................



City Bank.....................................................................

Battle Creek................. May 24

Oct. 25

154 19


Merchants’ Savings Bank..............................................

Battle Creek.................

Oct 27

116 57

25 00
Oct. 12

April 10

32 03
25 00


Bay City Bank.............................................................

Bay City.........

Mar. 20


Bay County Savings Bank............................................

Bay City.....................

Mar. 22

Sept. 7

97 63


Commercial Bank......................................................

Bay City. . . .

May 17

Oct 18

Q5 49


Lumbermans State Bank.............................................

Bay City. . . .


Peoples Savings B ank.................................................. Bay City.........

Mar. 24

Oct, 1Q

84 31


Tone 1

98 89

July 28__

25 00

Mar. 9.3


Belding Savings Bank...................................................



People’s Savings Bank..................................................

Belding. . . .


Bellaire State Bank.......................................................

Bellaire.........................| Mar. 2 4 ....
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

99fi 13

57 94

39 50

L i s t o f b a n k s e x a m in e d . —Continued.

Date first

Benton Harbor State Bank...........

Benton Harbor.............

Feb. 1 7 ....

Farmers’ and Merchants’ B ank....

Benton Harbor.............

Feb. 1 5 ....


State Savings Bank.......................

Benton Harbor............. Feb. 2 4 ....


Name of bank.



Berrien Springs State Bank...........

Berrien Springs............

Feb. 8 . .. .


Big Rapids Savings Bank.............

Big Rapids...................

Jan. 2 7 ....


Citizens’ State Bank......................

Big Rapids...................

Jan. 2 5 ....


First State Savings Bank..............


Feb. 2 5 ....


Blissfield State Bank.....................


Feb. 2 3 ....


Jipson-Carter State Bank..............


Feb. 2 0 ....


Farmers’ State Bank.....................




First State Savings Bank..............


April 21__



First State Savings Bank..............


May 2 0 ....


Culver State Bank.........................


April 6 . .. .


Farmers’ State Bank.....................


April 5 ___


Brown City Savings Bank.............

Brown City................... May 1 8 ....


Citizens’ State Savings Bank........

Brown City................... May 19__


Burr Oak State Bank....................

Burr Oak......................

Jan. 2 7 ....

State Bank....-..............................


Jan. 3 0 ....

Cadillac State Bank.....................



People’s Savings Bank.................



1 ....


State Bank...................................





Calumet State Bank....................


Mar. 1 1 ....

Merchants’ and Miners’ Bank....


Mar. 9 . .. .


First State Bank..........................


Feb. 1 6 ....


Capac Savings Bank....................


Mar. 3 0 ....


State Savings Bank of Carleton..


April 2 3 ....


Commercial Savings Bank...........


Jan. 2 6 ....


State Savings Bank......................


Jan. 2 5 ....


State Bank of Carson City...........

Carson City................... April 2 6 ....


Exchange State Bank..................



4 ....


State Bank of Carsonville...........



5 __


Cass County State Bank.............


First State Bank..........................

. Central Lake................

Mar. 2 3 ....


Wolf Bros. State Bank................


Feb. 2 5 ....

Charlevoix State Savings Bank...





3 ....

Cassopolis................. .. Aug. 9 __


Eaton County Savings Bank.

. Charlotte....................

June 5 . .. .

Cheboygan County Savings Bank.

. Cheboygan..................

Jan. 1 1 ....

Cheboygan State Bank................

. Cheboygan..................

Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

9 . .. .


x lix

L i s t o f b a n k s e x a m in e d . —Continued.

Name of bank.


Date first Date second
examination. examination.



Fanners’ and Merchants’ Bank..................



April 3 ....

Nov. 4 ....

$25 00

The Kempf Commercial and Savings Bank

Chelsea.......................... April 2 6 ....

Nov. 8 . .. .

57 55

The Chesaning State Bank........................

Chesaning..................... Mar. 2 . .. .

Aug. 1 1 ....


Citizens State Bank....................................


30 72
25 00


Clare County Savings Bank........................


Jan. 1 1 ....

June 2 1 ....

26 43


E. Jossman State Bank..............................


Mar. 3 1 ....

Oct. 2 0 ....

25 00


Climax State Bank.....................................


May 1 7 ....

Oct. 1 1 ....

25 00


Branch County Savings Bank....................

Coldwater..................... Jan. 2 5 ....

July 1 9 . . .

63 77


*Commercial and Savings Bank.................

Coleman........................ Jan. 2 0 ....


State Bank.____ ' .......................................


Jan. 2 0 ... . July 1 9 ....

25 00


E. Hill

Sons State Bank........................


July 2 9 ... .

25 00


Columbiaville State Bank..........................



Farmers’ State Bank..................................


Jan. 2 0 ....

July 2 8 ....

30 37


Commercial State Bank..............................


April 2 0 ....

Sept. 1 5 ....

25 72


25 00


First State Bank.........................................


April 2 1 ....

Sept. 1 4 ....

33 49


Coopersville State Bank.............................


Feb. 9 . .. .

June 1 0 ....

27 66


State Bank of Montcalm County...............


April 2 8 ....

Nov. 4 ....

25 00


Old Corunna State Bank............................


Jan. 2 7 ....


6 . .. .

43 72


Sanilac County State Bank........................


April 7 __


6 . .. .

44 87


State Bank of Croswell...............................


April 1 2 ....

Nov. 1 ....

27 34


Davison State Bank....................................


Mar. 3 0 ....

Sept. 3 0 ....

25 00


Citizens’ State Bank...................................


Jan. 1 1 ....

June 2 2 ....

25 00
25 00


First State Bank.........................................


Jan. 1 1 ....



Farmers’ State Bank of Deckerville...........

Deckerville........... .

Feb. 2 4 ....

May 1 7 ....


State Bank of Deckerville..........................


April 1 5 . ..

Nov. 3 ....

25 00


Deerfield State Bank..................................




Nov. 10 . . . .

25 00


Delton State Bank.....................................


Jan. 2 3 ....

Aug. 4. ...

25 00


Central Savings Bank.................................


June 1 ....

Nov. 2 9 ....

250 69


Detroit Savings Bank.................................

Detroit.......................... Mar. 1 5 ....

Sept. 2 0 ....

960 81

Detroit Trust Company..............................



Detroit United Bank..................................

Detroit.......................... Mar.


Dime Savings Bank....................................


Mar. 22



1 ....

25 00

424 54
Aug. 1 6 ....

198 28

May 10... . Oct. 1 1 ....

822 24


Fairview Savings Bank..............................

Detroit.......................... Mar. 2 7 ....

Oct. 1 2 ....

25 00


German-American Bank.............................



July 1 2 ....

195 32

Feb. 15 .

1 ....


Home Savings Bank...................................

Detroit__ 7 .................


Michigan Savings Bank..............................

Detroit.......................... May 3 __

Dec. 1 3 . . .

310 37


Peninsular Savings Bank............................


June 14__

Dee. 2 7 ....

726 06


People’s State Bank...................................

Detroit.......................... April 1 2 ....

Nov. 1 5 ....

Security Trust Company............................


Liquidated; fee not paid.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis


fi57 92

2,804 91
■ 264 38


L is t o f b a n k s e x a m in e d . —Continued.



Name of bank.


Date first Date second
examination. examination.


8456 2 4

Union Trust Company


Aug. 1 6 ....

United States Savings Bank.........................................


June 2 1 ....

Nov. 2 2 ....

144 43


Wayne County Savings Bank.......................................


June 7 . .. .

Dec. 3 0 ....

1,370 93


Deleter Savings Bank....................................................


Feb. 1 7 ....

July 2 1 ....

25 00


State Savings Bank.......................................................


April 6 ... . June 2 2 ....

25 00


Drvden State Bank.......................................................


Mar. 24. ...


Farmers’ State Bank




June 1 0 ....





Sept. 8.. ..

25 00
25 00


Nov. 2 6 ....

25 00


Monroe County Bank


Fir*5! Commercial and Savings Bank


Shiawassee County Bank..............................................



4 ....

July 1 0 ....

28 71


State Bank of Fast Jordan . .

East Jordan.................

May 1 1 ....

Oct. 1 4 ....

25 00

Michigan State Bank....................................................

Eaton Rapids...............



Fdmore State Bank . .


Feb. 9 ....




1 ....

25 00

3 ....

35 93

Aug. 2 __

25 00


Peoples State Bank.......................................................


Feb. 1 0 ....

Aug. 3 ....

25 00


Flk Bapids Savings Bank . .

Elk Rapids................... April 5 . .. .

Oct, 2 5 ....

25 89
27 60


State Savings Bank

Elsie.............................. April 20__



State Savings Bank.


Mar. 1 6 ....

Aug. 1 9 ....

5 . .. .

38 39


Fvart Savings Bank ....................................................


Jan. 1 2 ....

June 2 2 ....

25 00


First State Savings Bank..............................................


Jan. 1 3 ....

June 23.. ..

35 47


Old State Bank.............................................................


April28.. ..


6 . .. .

25 00


Commereial Savings Bank of Fenton...........................


Jan. 1 1 ....

June 2 8 ....

.29 11


Fenton State Savings Bank.........................................


Jan. 1 2 ....

June 29.. . .


Citizens’ Commereiid and Savings Bank. .


Feb. 1 0 ....


125 49

Aug. 9 .. ..

191 60

207 25

Cenesee County Savings Bank . .

Flint.............................. Feb. 8 . .. .


Industrial Sa.vings Bank. . .


Nov. 3 ....


Union Trust and Savings Bank. . .


May 1 7 ....

Nov. 1 ....


25 00


25 00


First State and Savings Bank.......................................



4 ....

June 1 7 ....

33 68


Peoples’ State Bank......................................................



2 . .. .

June 1 5 ....

25 00


State Savings Bank of Fowler.. .


Jan. 2 6 ....


25 57

State Bank....................................................................


Jan. 25. .. . June 2 4 ....


Bennie Conn tv State Savings Bank..............................

Frankfort...................... Mar. 2 2 ....

Sept, 2 2 ....

25 00


Fremont State Bank .


Jan. 1 8 ....

July 2 1 ... .

27 51

Old State Bank.............................................................


Jan. 1 9 ....

July 1 9 ....

35 52


State Savings Bank.......................................................


Mar. 2 3 ....

Oct. 2 8 ....

25 00


Galesburg State Bank


Nov. 3 ....
June 2 4 ....

28 05




7 . .. .

25 00

25 00


Gavlnrd State Savings Bank. .


Jan. 1 3 . ..


State Bank.....................................................................


May 19... . Dec.


Grand Haven State Bank.............................................

Grand Haven...............

Mar. 24.. . . Sept. 3 0 ....

41 66


Grand Ledge State Bank............................................... Grand Ledge................

June 1 4 ....

25 00
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis


5 ....

1.. ..

25 00






L is t o f b a n k s e x a m in e d . —Continued.


Name of bank.


Date first Date second
examination. examination.



Loan and Deposit Bank................................................ Grand Ledge................


$45 89


Commercial Savings Bank............................................

Grand Rapids............... Mar. 2 1 ....

Sept. 2 7 ....

221 52


City Trust and Savings Bank.......................................

Grand Rapids...............



Grand Rapids Savings Bank.........................................


April 1 9 ....

April 20__


6 . .. .

56 16

Grand Rapids............... April 2 6 ....

Nov. 2 9 ....

246 01

Sept. 1 3 ....

620 30

3 __

Dec. 2 7 ....

208 58

Kent State Bank...........................................................

Grand Rapids...............

Mar. 1 ....

Michigan Trust Company..............................................

Grand Rapids...............

May 2 4 ....


People’s Savings Bank..................................................

Grand Rapids...............



Grandville State Bank.................... ' ............................


Jan. 1 3 ....

June 3 0 ....

25 00


Grant State Bank.........................................................



Oct. 30. ..

25 00

4 ....

146 84


Farmers’ Bank of Grass Lake.......................................

Grass Lake...................

Jan. 1 9 ....


8 . .. .

25 02


Commercial State Savings Bank...................................


Feb. 1 0 ....

July 2 6 ....

29 06


Greenville State Bank.................................................



9 . .. .

July 2 8 ....

49 12


Gwinn State Savings Bank...........................................

Gwinn........................... Mar. 1 2 ....

Aug. 23__

25 00


Hamtramck State Bank................................................


Nov. 1 1 ....

25 00

Superior Trust Company............................................... Hancock.......................

20 02


Emmet County State Bank..........................................


Huron County Savings Bank.......................................

Harbor Beach...............

Feb. 2 3 ....

Oct. 26___

26 45


State Bank of Harbor Beach........................................

Harbor Beach...............

Feb. 2 3 ....

Oct. 2 5 ....

25 00


State Savings Bank.......................................................


May 1 3 ....


6 . .. .

25 00


Alcona County Savings Bank.......................................


May 1 8 ....

Oct. 1 9 ....

25 00

June 1 6 ....

27 82

Oct 12


Oceana County Savings Bank.......................................

Hart.............................. Jan.


Hastings City Bank......................................................


5 . .. .

Feb. 2 __


Hemlock State Bank..................................................... Hemlock.......................


Highland Park State Bank...........................................

Highland Park.............

Nov. 1 0 ....


Montmorency County Savings Bank............................


May 1 7 ....


7 . .. .

54 38
25 00
25 00

Oct. 1 8 ....

25 00


First State Savings Bank..............................................


Jan. 2 5 ....

July 2 0 ....

35 28


Hillsdale Savings Bank.................................................


Jan. 2 6 ....

July 1 9 ....

65 85
121 25


First State Bank of Holland.........................................


June 7 ___ Dec. 6 . .. .


Holland City State Bank..............................................


June 21.......

Dec. 8 . .. .

92 91


People’s State Bank......................................................


April 2 6 ....


4 ....

26 78


Citizens’ Savings Bank..................................................


Mar. 3 0 ....

Oct. 2 0 ....

25 00


First State and Savings Bank.......................................


Mar. 2 2 ....

Sept. 2 0 ....


Holton State Bank........................................................


Dec. 2 8 ....


Calhoun State Bank......................................................


Jan. 2 7 ....

July 1 9 ....

28 38


Hopkins State Bank......................................................



4 ....

June 2 3 ....

25 00
25 00

47 02
25 on


First State and Savings Bank.......................................



3 ....

June 2 4 ....


Boies State Savings Bank.............................................


Jan. 2 5 ....

July 2 0 ....

52 19


Thompson Savings Bank..............................................

Hudson......................... Jan. 2 5 ___ July 2 1 ....

85 99


Lapeer County Bank....................................................

Imlay City....................

68 80
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

Mar. 2 9 ...

Sept. 2 8 ....


L i s t o f b a n k s e x a m in e d . —Continued.


Name of bank.



State Savings Bank...................................



Commercial Bank.....................

iron Mountain

Peninsula Bank.......................................

Ishpeming .

Commercial State Bank.....................

Ithaca ..........


Date first Date second
examination. examination.

Oct. 18

Aug. 25

60 42

Nov. 1

25 00


Ithaca Savings Bank...................


Central State Bank...................................

Jackson ...........

Julv 6 ...


Jackson City Bank......................

Jackson ......................

Dec. 13

Jackson State Savings Bank... .

Jackson ........................

Union Bank..........................



Grosvenor Savings Bank............................................... Jonesville......................


Home Savings Bank.............



8118 68
80 50

Mar. 15




42 01

May 2 9 ....

34 08
206 73

Dec. 6 . .. .

114 61


214 21

0 ...

July 2 0 ....

30 07

Feb. 1 7 ....

Aug. 2 . . . .

71 79

Kalamazoo Savings Bank...........


Feb. 2 3 ....

Sept. 1 3 ....

145 59


Kalkaska County State and Savings Bank..................


April 2 1 ....

Oct. 2 6 ....

25 00


Peoples State and Savings Bank. . .


Sept. 20....


Union State Bank...............




Lake City State Bank. . . .

Lake City....................

July 14...


Farmers’ and Merchants’ Bank of Lake Odessa..........

Lake Odessa.................

May 6 . .. .

Nov. 2 . . . .

Lake Odessa State Savings Bank

Lake Odessa.................

May 5 . .. .

Nov. 3 ........

25 00


Farmers’ and Merchants’ State Bank..........................


Feb. 8 . .. .

Aug. 4. .. .

25 00
125 27



25 00
July 3 1 ....

25 00
25 00
25 00


Lansing State Savings Bank.........................................




Dec. 2 0 ....


Lapeer Savings Bank.............


April 20.. ..

Nov. 24.. ..

29 57


State Savings Bank.......................................................


April 1 9 ....


50 02


State Savings Bank of Laurium.................................... Laurium.......................

Mar. 1 2 ....

Aug. 18... .

96 90

People’s Bank..........................


Jan. 1 8 ....

June 1 6 ....

25 00



4 ...


Lexington State Bank...............


April 1 2 ....

Nov. 1

25 00


Litchfield State Savings Bank....................................... Litchfield......................

Feb. 1 0 ....

July 2 4 ....

25 00


City State Bank..........................



Jan. 2 0 ....

July 2 2 ....

25 00


Lowell State Bank........................................................



1 ....

July 14. . . .

30 15


Ludington State Bank..................................................


April2 8 ....

Nov. 1 0 ....


Antrim County State Savings B an k ............................


April 1 9 ....

Sept. 2 1 ....


People’s Bank of Manchester........................................


Feb. 24. ...

Aug. 2 5 ....

30 29


Union Savings Bank....................



Feb. 25.. . . Aug. 4.. . .

51 89


Manistee County Savings Bank....................................


June 1 ....

Nov. 8 . .. .

Manistique Bank......................

Manistique.................... Mar. 1 3 ....

Aug. 2 1 ....

51 95

Mantón State Bank......................................................


April 2 9 ....

Oct. 2 8 ....

25 00


First State Savings Bank..............................................


Mar. 1 ....

Aug. 1 1 . ..

25 00


G. W. Jones Exchange Bank.......................................


Mar. 2 . .. .

Aug. 1 0 ....

40 03


Home Savings Bank......................................................

Marine City.................

Jan. 18...

July 2 0 ...

25 00


Marine Savings Bank....................................................

Marine City..................

Jan. 2 0 ...

July 21__

40 69

Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis


32 09

152 92






L is t o f b a n k s e x a m in e d . —Continued.


Name of bank.


Date first Date second
examination. examination.



Marion State Bank........... ...........




Sept. 2 1 ....


Commercial State Bank...............



1 ....

July 1 3 ....

35 51


State Savings Bank.......................


Feb. 2 . .. .

July 1 2 . . .

25 00


Marquette County Savings Bank.


Mar. 1 0 . ..

Aug. 26__

98 51


Commercial Savings Bank...........

Marshall........................ May 1 9 ....

Nov. 2 4 ....

89 82

July 20 . ..

25 22

$25 00


Farmer’s Bank.............................



3 ....


First State and Savings Bank.......



7 ___ July 19__

32 10


Memphis State Bank...................


Mar. 3 1 ....

Oct. 20. ..

25 00

Jan. 2 8 ....

Aug. 5 . .. .

25 0Ò

Aug. 1 4 ....

27 84


First State Bank..........................



Commercial Bank....................



State Bank...................................



Metamora State Savings Bank...

Metamora..................... Sept. 4 ....


Farmers’ State Bank...................


April 5 . .. .



Midland County Savings Bank...


Jan. 1 9 ....

July 2 0 ....

25 00


People’s Savings Bank.................


Jan. 18

July 19


25 OO
28 57




6 ....

25 00
25 00

7 . .. .

36 73


Farmers’ and Merchants’ Bank...


Feb. 9 . . .

Aug. 26__


Minden City State Bank.............

Minden City.................

Jan. 1 6 . . .

June 1 4 ....

25 00


State Savings Bank.......: ..............

Minden City.................

June 1 0 ....

Dec. 2 7 ....

25 00
25 00


Keweenaw Savings Bank.............


Mar. 13 .. .. Aug. 2 0 ....


B. Dansard

Son’s State Bank.


Jan. 1 1 ....

June 2 8 ....

54 99


Monroe State Savings Bank........


Jan. 1 2 ....

June 2 6 ....

25 00


Wakefield State Bank..................


Jan. 1 3 ....

June 3 0 ....

42 78


Citizens’ Savings Bank................

Mt. C le m e n s ■...........

April 2 8 ....

Dee. 2 2 ....

67 51



Mt. Clemens Savings Bank..........

Mt. Clemens.................

April 26__

Nov. 8 . .. .

132 69


Ullrich Savings Bank...................

Mt. Clemens.................

May 1 1 ....

Nov. 9 . .. .

82 56


Exchange Savings Bank..............

Mt. Pleasant.................


1 ....

July 1 3 ....

37 14


Isabella County State Bank........

Mt. Pleasant.................

Feb. 2 . .. .

July 1 2 ....

44 87


Muskegon Savings Bank.............





4 ....

77 49


Farmers' and Merchants’ Bank...


April 2 0 ....


5 . .. .

46 01


State Savings Bank.....................


Mar. 4 ....


4 ....

25 00


First State Bank..........................



Newberry State Bank....................

Newberry...................... Mar. 10. . . . Aug. 2 8 ....

25 00


New Haven Savings Bank............

New Haven..................

Jan. 1 6 ....


8 . .. .

25 00


Niles City Bank.............................


Feb. 9 ....


8 . .. .

25 00



Pioneer Bank.................................

North Branch...............

Mar. 2 2 ....

Oct. 25. ..

38 19


Lapham State Savings Bank.........


Jan. 2 5 ....

July 2 9 ....

25 00


28 25


Northville State Savings Bank....


Onaway State Banking Company.


Onaway State Savings Bank.........
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis


Feb. 8 . .. .

July 2 6 ....

Mar. 30 . . . .

Sept. 2 7 ....

25 00

Mar. 2 9 ....

Sept. 2 7 ....

25 00



L i s t o f b a n k s e x a m in e d . —Continued.
Name of bank.



Date first



Onsted State Bank........................................................


Feb. 1 5 ....

125 00


Citizens State Savings Bank.........................................


Mar. 2 3 ....

25 00


Orion State Bank..........................................................



25 00


Otisville State Bank...................................................... Otisville........................

Mar. 2 4 ....

25 00


First State Savings Bank............................................


Jan. 1 2 ....

25 00

5 . .. .


State Savings Bank.......................................................


Jan. 1 3 ....

25 00


Citizens’ Savings Bank..................................................



4 ....

68 37


Owosso Savings Bank.................................................... Owosso..........................

Feb. 2 . .. .

65 76


State Savings Bank.......................................................



5 . .. .

48 38


Farmers’ State Bank...................................................


April 1 9 ....

25 00


Oxford Savings Bank....................................................



G ....

57 90


Paw Paw Savings Bank................................................

Paw Paw....

Jan. 2 0 ....

25 44


State Savings Bank of Peck.........................................

Peck. .

April 6 __

25 00


State Bank of Perry............................ K j ....................

Perry. . . .


25 00


First State Bank............................................................ Petoskey...

Mar. 10 . ..

46 40


Pigeon State Bank........................................................


May 17. .

25 00
25 00

1 ....


Pinconning State Bank.................................................

Pinconning. ..

Mar. 31


Citizens’ State Savings Bank........................................

Plain well. . . .

April 2 2 ....

30 60


Plymouth United Savings Bank...................................


Feb. 3 ...

57 57


American Savings Bank................................................



First Commercial Bank................................................. Pontiac..........


40 78

May 24. ..

160 26

May 27


Oakland Count}' Savings Bank.....................................


May 26


79 21


Pontiac Savings Bank............................ .....................

Pontiac. . . .

May 24


109 92

Commercial Bank....................................................

Port Huron

May 17


179 65

German-American Savings Bank.................................. Port Huron.. .

25 00


Port Huron Savings Bank.............................................

Port Huron.

Mar. 8. .


St. Clair County Savings Bank.....................................

Port Huron..................

May 10


Maynard-Alien State Bank...........................................

Portland. . .

Feb. 24


Webber State Savings Bank.........................................


Feb. 23


Quincy State Bank........................................................



State Bank of Reading..................................................



Commercial Savings Bank.............................................

Reed City. . . .

April 2 1 ...

25 00


State Savings Bank.......................................................


April 20

25 00


Macomb County Savings Bank.....................................

Richmond (Lenox F.O.) Jan. 1 8 ....

44 71


Bank of Riverdale.........................................................

Riverdale ...

25 00

43 34


119 40


28 43

Jan. 27


25 00

May 10


25 00

32 17


River Rouge Savings Bank...........................................

River Rouge...

Feb. 24


Rochester Savings Bank................................................

Rochester. . .

Mar. 2

36 12


State Savings Bank.......................................................



25 00
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

1 ....

25 00





L is t s o f b a n k s e x a m in e d . —Continued.
Date first Date second
examination. examination.


Name of bank.



Rockford State Bank....................................................


April 2 4 ....

Nov. 2 2 ....

$25 00


Presque Isle County Savings Bank..............................

Rogers City..................

Mar. 3 1 ....

Sept. 2 9 ....

25 00


Romeo Savings Bank....................................................


Jan. 1 9 ....


6 __

64 51


Roscommon State Bank................................................


April 6 . .. .


5 . .. .

25 00


Royal Oak Savings Bank..............................................

Royal Oak....................

Feb. 1 7 .... Aug. 26 . . . .


Bank of Saginaw... P....................................................

Saginaw.................... ,.

May 2 9 ....


People's Savings Bank of East Saginaw......................


May 3 __

Dec. 2 2 ....

107 13


Saginaw County Savings Bank.....................................


Feb. 8 .......

Aug. 9 ...

111 94


Saint Charles State Bank..............................................

Saint Charles................

April 2 1 ....



Commercial and Savings Bank.....................................

Saint Clair....................

Jan. 1 9 ....

July 1 9 ....

44 12


Clinton County Savings Bank.......................................

Saint Johns................... April 1 7 ....


2 __

53 05


State Bank of St. Johns................................................

Saint Johns..................

Jan. 2 5 ....

July 2 6 ....

52 61


Union Banking Company..............................................

Saint Joseph.................

Feb. 24 ...

Aug. 24


49 02


Commercial Savings Bank............................................. Saint Louis...................

Feb. 24__

Oct. 19


35 25

Oct. 18 . ..

25 00


Dec. 2 0 ....


25 00
688 62

25 00


Gratiot County State Bank...........................................


The Citizens’ Bank........................................................ Saline............................

Jan. 2 7 ....

July 2 8 ....

38 34


Saline Savings Bank......................................................


May 6 . .. .

Nov. 9 ...

25 00


State Bank of Sandusky...............................................


May 18 . ..

Nov. 2 9 ...

26 55


Truman Moss State Bank.............................................


May 1 9 ....

Nov. 30 ...

25 00


Saranac State Bank......................................................


Mar. 2 9 ....

Sept. 7 ...

26 08


25 00

Saint Louis................... Feb. 2 0 ....


Fruit Growers’ State Bank.-.........................................


April 27


Central Savings Bank....................................................

Sault Ste. Marie...........

Mar. 9 __

Aug. 3 1 ....

38 71


Sault Savings Bank.......................................................

Sault Ste. Marie...........

Mar. 8 . .. .

Aug. 3 0 ....

73 65


Kalamazoo County State Bank....................................


Nov. 9

25 00


State Savings Bank of Scottville..................................


April 2 7 ....

Nov. 1 ...

25 00


Sebewaing State Bank..................................................


.Tune 29 ...

25 00


Central State Savings Bank..........................................


April 2 6 ....

Nov. 1. . ..

25 00

July 15....




Commercial State Bank................................................




State Savings Bank.......................................................


Sept. 1 3 ....


South Grand Rapids State Bank.................................

South Grand Rapids...

Mar. 2 4 ....

Oct. 1 8 ....


Citizens’ State Bank......................................................

South Haven................

Jan. 2 7 ....

June 2 8 ....

42 32


First State Bank...........................................................

South Haven................

Jan. 2 6 ....

June 3 0 ....

50 32
25 00

1 ....

25 00
25 00
25 00


State Savings Bank.......................................................

South Lyon..................

Feb. 1 0 ....

July 2 7 ....


South Range Bank........................................................

South Range................

Mar. 1 5 ....

Aug. 2 1 ....

50 38


Sparta State Bank........................................................



June 1 4 ....

25 93


Springport State Savings Bank.....................................


Sept. 8 . .. .


State Bank.....................................................................


Mar. 3 1 ....

Sept. 2 9 ....

25 00


State Savings Bank.......................................................


Feb. 8 . .. .

July 2 4 ....

25 00


Bank of Stephenson......................................................

Stephenson ................... Mar. 9 . .. .

Aug. 16 —

25 00
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

4 ....

25 00




L is ts of b a n k s e x a m in e d . —Continued.

Date first Date second
examination. examination.


Name of bank.



Stockbridge State Bank................................................


May 5 ....

Nov. 2 0 ....


Citizsns’ State Bank...........................................


Jan. 1 4 ....

June 2 4 ....

48 88


Leelanau Countv Savings Bank...................................

Sutton’s Bay................

Mar. 1 0 ....

Sept. 30 . ..

25 00
25 72

$25 00


Lilley State Bank.........................................................


Feb. 2 __

Aug. 3 ....


Tecumseh State Savings Bank.....................................



1 ....

Aug. 2 ----

35 72


First State Bank...........................................................


Mar. 3 1 ....

July 2 7 ....

25 00
55 34


First State Savings Bank........................... ..................

Three Rivers................

Jan. 1 8 ....



People’s Savings Bank..................................................

Traverse City...............

Mar. 8 . .. .

Sept. 2 7 ... .

37 96


Traverse City State Bank.............................................

Traverse City...............

Mar. 9 ....

Sept. 2 8 ....

199 71


State. Savings Bank.......................................................


May 1 9 ....

Oct. 2 0 ....

25 00


State Savings Bank.......................................................


Jan. 2 8 ....


1.. ..

25 00

Oct. 2 1 . . .

26 82

6 . .. .


Bank of Vassar..............................................................


May 5 ....


State Savings Bank.......................................................




Barber State Bank........................................................

VermontvHle................. April 2 0 ....


Farmers State Bank......................................................

Vicksburg..................... April 2 7 . . .

Nov. 1 0 ....

25 00


First State Bank...........................................................



3 ...

Nov. 2 3 ....

25 00


State Savings Bank.......................................................


Mar. 29 . . . .

July 2 8 ....

25 00


Washington Savings Bank............................................


Dec. 2.. ..


Wayland State Bank....................................



June 30...

25 00

1.. .. July 1 2 ....

4 ....


6 ....

32 36
25 00

25 00


Wayne Savings Bank....................................................


Jan. 1 6 ....


6 ___

50 21


Farmers State Bank......................................................


Feb. 2 3 ....

Aug. 9 ----

25 00
25 00


Westphalia State Bank................................................. AAYstphalia...................

April 1 9 ....

Aug. 26. ..


State Bank of Whitehall...............................................


Feb. 6 . .. .

Sept. 8.. ..

25 00


Farmers’ Savings Bank................................................. White Pigeon...............

Jan. 1 8 ....


25 00

June 15...

31 03
25 00


Crossman and Williams State Bank.............................



Williamston State Bank...............................................




Wolverine State Savings Bank.....................................

Wolverine. .. *.............

April 3 ....


6 __

25 00
4 ....

4 ... .


First Commercial and Savings Bank............................


Jan. 1 9 ....



30 64


Wyandotte Savings Bank.............................................


Jan. 2 0 ....


6 . .. .

94 99

4.. . .

25 93


Yale State Bank............................................................


April 5 . .. Oct.


Ypsilanti Savings Bank................................................


April 6 . .. .

Nov. 24.. ..

66 45


State Commercial and Savings Bank............................


April 5 ...


6 . .. .

25 00


Zeeland State Bank....................................................... Zeeland......................... Feb. 1 0 ....

Oct. 2 0 ....

77 84
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



December 31st, 1909.
Hon. H. M. Zimmermann, Commissioner of the Banking Department,
Lansing, Michigan :
Dear Sir—In accordance with your request we have examined the re­
ports of the several state banks and tru st companies on tile with your
department and find that the amounts of the fees turned over by you to
this department with your letters of October 6th, 1909, October 13th,
1909, October 14th, 1909, October 25th, 1909, December 8tli, 1909 and
December 31st, 1909, are correct in accordance with the provisions. of
Section 40 of the Banking Law.
Very truly yours,
Deputy State Treasurer.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis





S T A T E B A N K S A N D T R U S T C O M P A N IE S .

A b s tr a c ts o f r e p o r ts o f a ll sta te , m u tu a l s a v in g s a n d sto c k s a v in g s b a n k s a n d tr u s t c o m p a n ie s i n
the U n ite d S ta te s a s o b ta in e d fo r the N a tio n a l M o n e ta r y C o m m is s io n b y c o m m is s io n e r s
o f b a n k in g , a s o f A p r i l 2 8 th , 1 9 0 9 .


State Banks.

Loans and discounts...........................
$1,658,473,364 15
Loans and discounts secured by real es­
tate mortgages................................
334,955,204 05

Mutual Savings

Stock Savings

Trust Companies.

$227,063,574 83

$183,807,071 13

$1,083,431 988 55

301,022,328 96

220,596,818 22

179,034 348 40
198,283 ,931 79

Mortgages owned.................................

77,279,474 90

1,062,095,462 40

36,416,836 04


28,896,482 70

89,071 12

2,177,438 14

3,916, 235 40

U. S. bonds....................................v...

4,859,260 94

33,353,576 12

10,212,852 06

3,222, 380 20

State, county and municipal bonds..

65,514,641 21

685,099,502 18

25,060,041 68

155,647, 931 87

Railroad and other bonds...................

182,091,218 00

840,217,705 29

69,032,735 04

654,389, 510 75
164,660, 545 08


30,328,420 35

39,677,591 62

7,898,577 86

Foreign bonds and securities.............

5,799,339 68

1.183.996 73

1,534,335 89

12,268, 942 34

Banking house, furniture and fixtures

98,155,778 51

29,904,653 08

19,633,245 86

101,086, 612 69

Other real estate..................................
Due from National banks...................
Due from State and private banks and
trust companies................................

20,380,335 44

13,517,388 33

5,068,388 54

26,129, 836 12

326,431,225 20

67,023,809 74

53,548,204 31

393,742, 171 45
184,501, 334 69

160,078,328 95

76,316,356 97

21,589,461 85

Checks and other cash items.........

11,717,525 14

1.337.996 25

1,212,251 93

6,924, 650 43

Exchanges for clearing house .......

62,280,000 76

25,943 30

1,368,536 98

12,205, 258 04

Subsidiary and minor coin.............

9,123,823 92

169,268 08

610,045 95

3,100, 038 22

Gold coin..........................................

44,285,932 00

2,614,527 00

5,843,593 50

18,892, 128 50

Silver coin .......................................

7,553,531 00

30,020 00

782,742 00

1,564, 417 00

U. S. and National bank currency.

148,737,040 00

10,169,192 00

9,494,148 00

228,095, 211 00

Unclassified cash..............................

10,123,351 53


1,336,244 02

2,796, 115 44

All other items................................

6,282,233 75

2,366,800 00

560,530 95

34,641 394 69

$3,293,346,512 18 $3,394,926,005 39

$677,784,099 95

$4,068,534,982 65

$202,065,316 85

$59,506,420 00
22,359,395 08

$362,763,223 00
351,699,101 89

46,406,778 59
30,915 32

15,753,321 52
1,562,816 26

141,683,091 23
35,840,845 09


Capital stock paid in ................................ $410,717,857 00
Surplus fund..............................................
150,795,132 84
Undivided profits less expenses and taxes
90,361,973 19
Due to national banks and bankers..........
26,733,898 95
Due to state, savings, and private banks
and trust companies.............................
128,485,699 85
Dividends unpaid......................................
926,808 05
Individual deposits................................... 1,395,773,383 25
Savings deposits........................................
449,276,675 58
Demand certificates of deposit................
168,912,385 43
Time certificates of deposit.....................
410,091,181 67
Deposits not classified..............................
15,254,379 13
United States deposits..............................
Bonds borrowed........................................
Reserved for taxes....................................
1,025,590 14
Notes and bills rediscounted...................
8,744,291 96
Bills payable..............................................
29,324,401 57
All other liabilities.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

236,261 17


158,598 35





¡30,462 Ì5

218,168 75
308,541 01
2,313,351 99

2,800,103 13
2,269,264 17
18,893,731 00

1,312,798 30

444,021 55

74,851,988 95

3,293,346,512 18 $3,394,926,005 39

$677,784,099 95

$4,068,534,982 05

6,922,853 57






S T A T E A N D N A T IO N A L B A N K S .

S t a t i s t i c s sh o w in g re so u rc e s a n d lia b ilitie s o f the lJ+,07Jf sta te b a n k in g in s titu tio n s a n d 6 ,8 8 8
n a tio n a l b a n k s a s sh o w n a t clo se o f b u s in e s s A p r i l 2 8 th , 1 9 0 9 , fro m r e p o r ts o b ta in e d fo r
the N a tio n a l M o n e ta r y C o m m is s io n b y c o m m is s io n e r s o f b a n k in g a n d the C o m p tr o lle r of
the C u r re n c y .


11292 State Banks.
642 Mutual Savings
1061 Stock Savings
1079 Trust Companies.

6888 National

Loans and discounts.......................................................

$3,752,775,998 66

$4,904,990,639 56

$8,657 ,766,638 22

Loans and discounts secured by real estate mortgages.

1,035,608,699 63

57,023,840 81

1,092 ,632,540 44

Mortgages owned............................................................

1,374,075,705 13


35,079,227 30

24,573,754 24

U. S. Bonds....................................................................

51,648,069 32

739,732,612 39

791 ,3S0.681 71

State, county and municipal bonds....... ......................

931,322,116 94

156,314,142 43

1,087 ,636,259 37

Railroad and other bonds.............................................

1,745,731,109 08

651,490,801 97

2,397 ,221,971 05

242,565,134 91

34,503,041 73

277 ,068,176 64

Foreign bonds and securities...........................................

20,786,614 64

21,974,951 51

42 ,761,566 15

Banking house furniture and fixtures............................

248,780,290 14

192,863,736 40

441 ,644,026 54



1,374 ,075,705 13
59 ,052,981 60

Other real estate...............................................................

65,095,948 43

23,090,836 08

88 ,186,785 11

Due from National banks...............................................

840,745,410 70

1,107,432,547 40

1,948 ,177,958 10
567 ,353,968 29

Due from State and private banks and trust companies

442,485,482 46

124,868,485 83

Checks and other cash items..........................................

21,592,423 75

34,729,027 82

55 ,921,451 57

Exchanges for clearing houses........................................

75,879,739 08

303,590,374 32

379 ,470,113 40

Subsidiary and minor coin...................... ........................

13,003,176 17

19,201,294 36

32 ,204,470 53

Gold coin...........................................................................

71,636,181 00

150,958,082 03

222 ,594,863 03

Silver coin.........................................................................

9,930,710 00

11,S35,513 00

21 ,766,223 00

U. S. and National bank currency .................................

396,495,591 00

744,294,582 00

1,140 ,790,173 00

Unclassified cash...............................................................
Five per cent redemption fund, and due from U. S. treas­
urer ............................................................................. .

15,902,952 38
38,466,708 61

38 ,466,708 61

All other items.
Capital stock paid in .......................................................
Surplus fund.....................................................................
Undivided profits less expenses and taxes paid...........
National bank notes outstanding.................: ................
Due to national banks....................................................
Due to state, savings and private banks and trust companies....................................
Dividends unpaid.....................
Individual deposits..................
Savings deposits.......................
Demand certificates of deposit
Time certificates of deposit. . .
Deposits not classified.............
United States deposits............
Bonds borrowed.......................
Reserved for taxes...................
Notes and bills rediscounted. .
Bills payable............................
All other liabilities..................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

15 ,902,952 38

43,850,959 39

24,092,317 75

67 .943,277 14

$11,434,591,600 17

$9,366,027,890 84

$20,800,619,491 01

$832,987,500 00
726,918,946 66
294,205,164 53
64,168,475 62




$11,434,591,600 17











$9,366,027,890 84

$20,800,619,491 01




C o m p a r a tiv e a b s tr a c ts , g iv in g the v o lu m e o f b u s in e s s a s sh o w n b y the la s t re p o r ts o f M i c h i ­
g a n S ta te b a n k s c a lle d fo r i n the y e a r s 1 8 8 9 , 1 8 9 0 , 1 8 9 1 , 1 8 9 2 , 1 8 9 3 , 1891,., 1 8 9 5 , 1 8 9 6 ,
1897, 1898, 1899, 1900, 1901, 1902, 1903, 1904, 1905, 190 6 , 1907, 1908 an d 1909, as
m a d e to the C o m m is s io n e r o f the B a n k in g D e p a r tm e n t.


11, 1889,
90 banks, 2

19, 1890,
106 banks, 2

2, 1891-,
121 banks, 3

9, 1892,
138 banks, 3

Loans and discounts.......................... 822,624,667 12 $27,628,145 16 $30,543,959 76 $38,883,892 66

19, 1893,
159 banks, 3

$32,402,874 53
24,804,367 45

Stocks, bonds and mortgages.............

15,645,031 54

18,846,687 08

21,308,913 14

26,843,183 47


165,315 19

183,645 30

195,618 49

222,549 92

206,537 17

Banking house, furniture and fixtures.

523,466 20

714,313 50

941,191 77

1,274,415 65

1,517,146 91

Other real estate..................................

253,782 59

311,476 52

350,381 69

692,412 41

647,824 26

Expenses and taxes paid.....................

276., 624 57

266,114 72

307,386 48

364,088 85

395,207 14

Interest paid.......................................

210,872 79

217,130 03

145,482 78

271,426 84

352,701 34

Due from banks in reserve cities........

5,182,241 12

5,712,028 27

7,481,885 31

9,435,452 69

7,536,024 09

Due from other banks and bankers...

298,942 90

371,808 62

468,162 59

526,816 22

450,100 31

Exchanges for clearing house.............

200,024 37

152,723 76

319,354 22

306,521 91

246,416 43

Checks and cash items........................

150,252 88

308,018 92

242,213 13

209,662 16

302,096 21

Nickels and cents...............................

11,720 48

11,047 14

15,630 82

18,382 56

24,102 73

Gold coin.............................................

396,827 00

483,564 49

849,656 57

1,039,932 42

1,698,747 47

Silver coin...........................................
United States and National bank

171,666 15

167,925 17

215,054 78

293,818 72

259,119 76

1,242,843 00

1,575,817 00'

1,807,081 00

2,266,977 00

2,312,851 00

$47,354,277 90 $56,950,395 68 $65,191,972 53

1,649,533 48

$73,156,116 80

$9,522,420 00 $11,109,827 59

$12,311,041 98

Premiums paid


Capital stock paid in ...........

$7,254,559 10

$8,460,835 00

Surplus fund.........................

1,132,329 90

1,502,849 44

1,704,248 31

2,124,487 81

2,443,906 07

Gross undivided earnings....

1,679,925 61

1,912,300 21

2,169,532 72

2,534,015 14

2,639,574 57

Dividends unpaid.................

2,571 63

6,234 60

2,158 87

5,739 37

18,0S1 02

Individual deposits..............

7,879,586 71

9,300,393 00

11,750,841 68

16,948,803 62

14,529,942 64

Certificates of deposit...........

4,452,081 74

6,054,724 25

6,746,187 18

9,632,918 47

6,686,895 92

Savings deposits...................

23,669,030 20

27,779,136 09

31,186,303 14

37,909,010 12

32,216,067 08

Certified checks....................

29,987 61

40,450 93

37,541 35

67,981 89

42,076 74

Cashier’s checks outstanding.

21,097 57

5,802 67

30,594 71

36,445 82

29,031 78

Due to banks and bankers...

809,678 07

1,325,103 37

1,599,224 96

1,869,563 31

1,437,360 49

Notes and bills-rediscounted

386,429 76

517,866 12

391,719 61

279,390 41

654,100 98

Bills payable.........................

37,000 00

44,700 00

51,200 00

131,349 93

148,037 53

$47,354,277 90 $56,950,395 68 $65,191,972 53 $82,649,533 48

$73,156,116 80

State monies on deposit.

Liabilities other than above stated.

Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis






C o m p a r a tiv e a b str a c ts ( S ta te B a n k s ) . —Continued.


19, 1894,
164 banks, 4

13, 1895,
169 banks, 4

17, 1896,
173 banks, 43

15, 1897,
177 banks, 3

1, 1898,
182 banks, 3

Loans and discounts............................ $34,320,138 74 $40,179,933 36 $36,982,440 70 $38,601,949 09

$41,384,075 83

28,451,447 71

31,926,938 07

37,453,689 93

224,066 95

199,468 95

227,624 36

298,762 48

1,694,992 89

1,758,139 62

1,814,724 74

1,820,639 66

1,906,096 96

719,150 15

882,473 08

1,237,183 41

1,593,803 10

2,054,891 06

Stocks, bonds and mortgages.............
Banking house, furniture and fixtures.
Other real estate.................................
j ,

26,516,601 07 , 27,852,301 82
192,415 39

403 575 7S

Premiums paid....................................

23,493 99

26,213 98

41,708 51

47,333 15

Due from banks in reserve cities........

9,653,012 05

9,527,910 70

10,689,631 08

14,460,853 39

15,656,008 52

Due from other banks and bankers...

361,668 44

392,582 07

481,787 89

837,584 03

893,192 24

352,725 79

360,473 16

429,334 91

396,454 61

418,372 26

Checks and cash items........................

213,076 23

377,047 46

285,151 36

295,907 52

341,835 45

Nickels and cents................................

26,840 53

20,384 28

22,407 73

22,543 68

24,283 58

Gold coin.............................................

1,683,739 65

2,028,483 58

2,286,076 60

2,273,685 90

2,448,122 25

Silver coin...........................................
United States and National bank

269,032 24

277,618 80

289,380 11

307,663 09

387,684 17

2,152,421 00

2,065,781 00

2,530,816 00

2,590,180 00

2,754,711 00

Exchanges for clearing house.............

Totals........................................... $78,872,148 57 $85,970,689 87 $85,686,065 17 $95,397,535 01 $106,069,058 88

Capital stock paid in........................... $12,600,820 00 $12,518,117 21 $12,458,275 00 $12,010,200 00

$12,003,600 00

Surplus fund........................................

2,589,052 49

2,735,755 49

2,876,322 12

2,986,650 27

2,981,382 73

Gross undivided earnings....................

2,698,387 31

*2,112,933 75

*2,042,341 06

*1,927,498 49

*1,958,531 34

Dividends unpaid................................

17,696 03

23,539 94

14,629 00

16,430 88

8,204 48

Individual deposits..............................

15,476,103 85

16,562,755 06

15,274,265 98

18,025,578 88

20,599,904 56

Certificates of deposit..........................

7,024,676 13

8,364,560 85

7,530,592 54

8,576,587 67

9,782,646 49

Savings deposits..................................

35,939,957 25

41,192,483 54

42,055,852 60

48,076,282 71

54,105,981 76
111,903 86

Certified checks....................................

65,583 23

85,970 78

140,220 18

67,246 32

Cashier’s checks outstanding...............

24,974 06

33,828 85

22,834 67

13.771 80

19,723 43

Due to banks and bankers..................

2,007,773 87

1,936,615 12

2,441,456 29

3,647,253 47

4,420,425 42

Notes and bills rediscounted...............

354,059 S8

359,129 28

273,075 73

36,886 14

51,754 81

Bills payable........................................

73,064 47

45,000 00

32,000 00

13,148 38

25,000 00

524,200 00

Totals........................................... $78,872,148 57 $85,970,689 87 $85,686,065 17 $95,397,535 01 $106,069,058 88
♦Undivided earnings, less current expenses, interest and taxes paid.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis


C o m p a r a tiv e a b s tr a c ts


Loans and discounts................................................

2, 1899,
187 banks, 3

13, 1900,
192 banks, 3

$50,272,930 26 '$53,161,024 07

10, 1901,
213 banks, 3

25, 1902,
228 banks
4 trust

$61,706,112 90

$71,029,727 87

Stocks, bonds and mortgages...................................

43,420,804 20

46,495,505 41

55,903,472 79

62,718,889 40


334,526 17

242,650 61

244,675 75

298,124 85

Banking house, furniture and fixtures.....................

2,075,425 01

2,245,982 87

2,331,104 32

2,428,779 83

Other real estate.......................................................

2,032,366 09

2,060,599 30

1,764,547 92

1,740,305 79

Expenses and taxes paid..........................................


Interest paid.............................................................
Premiums paid..........................................................

213,747 47

337,043 17

323,505 22

295,373 97

Due from banks in reserve cities..........................

14,395,138 44

16,304,200 53

19,334,239 13

19,566,876 95

Due from other banks and bankers......................

999,267 91

1,154,911 42

1,597,714 10

1,818,528 06

Exchanges for clearing house..................................

451,809 45

422,415 20

906,754 45

643,168 60

Checks and cash items............................................

385,617 28

320,197 45

343,580 67

531,318 02

Nickels and cents......................................................

26,844 79

30,507 54

33,336 21

45,262 35

Cold coin...................................................................

2,782,654 49

3,246,550 00

3,245,496 21

3,634,079 16

Silver coin.................................................................

383,374 38

422,770 86

452,093 97

512,225 31

United States and National bank notes...............

3,016,402 00

3,514,851 00

4,606,396 11

4,457,448 25

Totals................................................................. $120,790,914 00 $129,959,209 43 $152,193,029 75

$169,720,108 41

Capital stock paid in ..............................................

$12,262,100 00

$12,953,523 85

$14,035,880 00

Surplus fund.............................................................

2,987,971 24

3,065,924 18

3,762,660 91

4,955,893 71

Undivided earnings n e t...........................................

2,102,350 42

2,430,966 72

2,932,193 32

3,251,864 56

$14,842,470 00

Dividends unpaid.....................................................

11,914 42

10,178 36

4,929 72

2,876 72

Individual deposits...................................................

24,522,326 97

24,840,803 37

29,540,186 91

34,503,984 97

Certificates of deposit..............................................

12,250,239 67

12,341,536 00

14,664,986 47

16,952,741 46

Savings deposits....................................................... -

62,660,212 66

69,548,293 05

81,609,318 57

89,278,662 99

Certified checks........................................................

66,649 37

98,418 48

94,652 52

194,520 09

Cashier’s checks outstanding...................................

83,450 18

27,222 23

68,734 87

146,271 08

Due to banks and bankers.....................................

3,748,526 37

4,481,075 44

5,368,915 27

5,259,834 85

State monies on deposit..........................................
Notes and bills rediscounted...................................

14,000 00

35,799 00

6,071 19

75,479 88

Bills payable.............................................................

81,173 30

125,468 75

104,500 00

251,508 10

Totals................................................................. $120,790,914 60 $129,959,209 43 $152,193,029 75

$169,720,108 41

Liabilities other than above stated........................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis


S ta te B a n k s . —(Concluded.)
12, 1906,
301 state
banks, 6 trust
1 society
for savings.

3, 1907,
328 state
banks, 6 trust
1 society
for savings.

17, 1903,
242 state
banks, 4 trust
1 society
for savings.

6, 1904,
248 state
banks, 4 trust
1 society
for savings.

9, 1905,
277 state
banks, 5 trust
1 society
for savings.

$76,013,937 01

$78,746,336 05

$86,181,935 90 $101,287,736 39 $106,958,178 47 $98,397,163 38 $105,908,706 77

66,317,185 97

68,383,331 90

78,124,757 40

85,902,873 96

88,945,067 90

95,428,501 97

301,921 98

197,553 07

311,210 78

373,212 14

303,930 99

361,154 87

370,836 07

2,747,383 27

2,902,806 42

3,377,379 76

3,934,435 08

4,727,158 99

4,992,537 71

5,495,884 72

1,655,978 73

1,608,035 94

1,590,630 18

1,593,318 80

1,367,853 18

1,396,444 39

1,457,973 02

27, 1908,
350 state
banks, 6 trust

16, 1909,
376 state
banks, 5 trust

109,045,073 50

264,608 79

241,162 15

237,081 56

213,682 12

165,612 84

132,204 23

131,811 41

20,455,482 93

21,137,556 22

25,542,384 93

26,665,895 22

21,295,814 35

26,623,983 27

32,856,724 82

1,363,614 21

1,287,220 02

1,934,177 39

2,551,776 64

2,368,708 60

1,990,316 84

2,358,731 88

628,326 98

854,065 78

827,349 43

1,959,708 99

1,288,117 10

1,130,604 67

1,342,339 37

418,158 14

353,232 19

394,181 89

483,736 42

389,022 14

311,115 78

337,951 20

58,008 16

73,587 98

64,972 73

73,300 45

83,879 98

92,422 67

95,377 97

3,859,868 27

4,499,431 65

4,324,849 84

4,559,569 06

4,596,825 41

4,948,685 92

5,152,211 69

663,741 42

599,619 41

687,826 10

712,190 77

937,065 78

800,440 67

917,863 81

4,686,754 47

5,049,774 00

5,937,153 75

6,453,153 95

8,613,878 75

7,682,136 00

8,246,730 00

$179,434,970 33 $185,933,712 78 $209,535,891 64 $236,764,589 99 $242,041,114 48 $244,287,712 37 $273,718,216 23

$17,403,144 04 $19,119,930 00 $20,351,064 00 $21,626,273 53

$22,161,133 00

$15,919,551 21

$16,111,120 00

5,560,112 18

6,471,703 33

7,239,305 31

8,547,385 55

10,196,000 34

10,785,497 24

11,402,419 44

3,565,570 84

3,055,451 39

3,836,000 67

4,710,432 87

4,618,594 41

5,035,772 52

5,340,696 86

3,511 36

5,291 14

2,933 29

4,853 69

7,375 23

6,873 00

14,272 08

37,280,300 03

38,287,417 40

45,041,231 95

53,085,474 90

47,587,078 42

50,450,061 86

61,951,396 26

18,364,826 02

18,991,487 21

16,701,012 53

11,402,933 69

13,192,935 86

111,234,128 86 125,464,596 49 134,923,712 46 137,811,470 73

151,290,590 74

17,570,185 09

16,679,540 71

«3,473,139 78

99,782,932 96

110,395 49

191,493 34

90,768 06

204,330 21

136,542 84

151,935 26

162,907 25

77,541 33

136,795 00

105,934 17

172,294 39

212,989 96

131,766 74

234,924 59

5,365,378 83

4,902,817 34

5,969,398 11

6,205,626 80

5,753,481 15

6,392,573 47

7,277,997 59

97,711 15

76,405 96

90,221 16

93,672 88

211,263 14

170,854 33

80,189 01

411,573 04

232,744 21

158,000 00

164,505 00

972,000 00

321,700 00

311,000 00

185,226 94

*370,000 00

112,526 61

$179,434,970 33 $185,933,712 78 $209,535,891 64 $236,764,589 99 $242,041,114 48 $244,287,712 37 $273,718,216 23
^Clearing house certificates.

Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



C o m p a r a tiv e a b s tr a c ts , s h o w in g the v o lu m e o f b u s in e s s o f the n a tio n a l b a n k s o f the S ta te
fr o m the la s t r e p o r ts c a lle d fo r i n the y e a r s 1 8 8 9 , 1 8 9 0 , 1 8 9 1 , 1 8 9 2 , 1 8 9 8 , 1 8 9 4 , 1 8 9 5 ,
1 8 9 6 , 1 8 9 7 ,1 8 9 8 , 1 8 9 9 , 1 9 0 0 , 1 9 0 1 , 1 9 0 2 , 1 9 0 3 , 1 9 0 4 , 1 9 0 5 , 1 9 0 6 , 1 9 0 7 , 1 9 0 8 a n d 1 9 0 9 , a s
m a d e to a n d f u r n is h e d th is d e p a r tm e n t b y the c o m p tr o lle r o f the c u rr e n c y a t W a s h in g to n .


11, 1889,
113 national

19, 1890,
109 national

2, 1891,
106 national

9, 1892,
104 national

Loans and discounts.......................... $45,860,178 79 $47,527,375 32 $48,424,955 39 $52,752,163 51

19, 1893,
99 national

$40,783,209 13

Stocks, bonds and mortgages...........

4,716,830 60

4,289,671 45

4,231,798 69

5,623,070 40


214,415 50

219,314 54

222,506 90

292,210 95

187,479 07

Due from reserve agents.....................

5,273,805 17

6,000,383 99

6,942,032 64

8,304,177 63

6,191,185 16

Due from other banks and bankers...

1,417,240 70

1,531,500 83

2,055,712 68

2,457,593 23

1,508,833 10-

Banking house, furniture and fixtures.

1,161,347 88

1,175,007 50

1,140,593 47

1,092,330 52

1,058,013 55

Other real estate.................................

696 499 38

807 729 15

654 818 49

597 433 76

523,837 66

Current expenses and taxes paid........

314,041 78

316,798 82

308,899 32

330,626 32

6,945,499 58

Exchange for clearing house...............

351,040 73

291,486 06

531,466 31

420,011 79

414,646 27

Checks and cash items........................

206,917 13

252,540 59

222,864 76

269,288 40

208,277 54


5,156,435 60

5,363,033 64

5,337,462 12

5,479,123 70

5,352,544 48

Due from United States treasurer. . . .

175,937 44

166,537 96

155,501 41

201,723 10

269,208 62

Premiums on United States bonds....

506,812 27

416,961 40

326,649 58

415,932 79

448,743 01

Totals........................................... $66,051,502 97 $68,358,341 25 $70,555,261 76 $78,235,686 10

$63,891,477 17

Capital stock paid in..........

*15 674 600 00 $15 539 600 00 $15 244 finn nn $15 024 000 00

$14 524 000 00

Surplus fund........................................

3,173,932 03

3,332,775 18

3,715,238 33

3,858,283 29

3,769,273 95

Gross undivided earnings....................

2,589,639 53

2,715,207 61

2,359,221 32

2,375,539 99

*1,879,151 51

Dividends unpaid................................

25,279 32

9,632 59

36,373 86

18,212 61

17,180 18

Individual deposits..............................

35,217,989 08

36,792,399 46

38,500,510 19

42,409,084 23

31,789,116 14

566 999 05

483 927 31

330 558 68

401 760 31

Due to banks and bankers..................

5,857,859 32

6,052,260 90

7,140,938 64

9,946,624 23

6,100,036 83

National bank notes outstanding.......

2,853,300 00

2,660,200 00

2,587,020 00

3,281,300 00

4,557,055 00

Notes and bills rediscounted...............

658,903 69

689,166 46

462,157 73

466,083 07

100 00

23,000 00

United States deposits........................

Bills payable.......................................
Liabilities other than those above
stated ...............................................

426,228 15
367,442 03

516,000 00

233 06

Totals........................................... $66,051,502 97 $68,358,341 25 $70,555,261 76 $78,235,686 10

$63,891,477 17

*Undivided earnings, less expenses and taxes paid.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

2 274 38



C o m p a r a tiv e a b str a c ts (N a tio n a l B a n k s ) . —Continued.


19, 1894,
96 national

13, 1895,
94 national


17, 1896,
89 national

15, 1897,
82 national

Loans and discounts............................ 843,083,288 41 *44,736,533 88 *40,304,416 58 *41,143,927 46

1, 1898,
81 national

*42,919,871 77

Stocks, bonds and mortgages.............

6,808,219 06

6,795,879 01

6,061,223 33

6,572,265 92


191,899 31

184,138 47

174,561 83

169,842 80

220,627 59

Due from reserve agents.....................

7,158,187 74

5,697,542 13

8,051,478 98

11,777,125 43

10,816,560 04
3,757,850 18

9,766,446 01

Due from other banks and bankers...

2,138,681 61

1,754,960 91

2,145,066 98

3,492,498 90

Banking house, furniture and fixtures.

1,057,140 95

1,016,259 30

1,029,048 72

943,880 03

1,019,100 09

Other real estate.................................

556,397 40

690,205 85

. 796,229 53

880,219 77

1,061,231 36

392,218 02

Current expenses and taxes paid........
Exchanges for clearing house.............

300,541 92

243,688 09

333,694 76

358,309 99

Checks and cash items........................

226,913 43

160,616 79

199,702 79

136,857 46

179,112 92


5,089,305 10

5,039,661 46

5,333,487 61

5,505,338 94

5,982,621 40

Due from United States treasurer. . . .

240,670 62

236,528 07

231,775 11

209,475 82

234,094 42

Premiums on United States bonds....

430,463 13

414,815 00

375,089 75

365,223 50

465,448 84

Totals........................................... *67,281,708 68 *66,970,828 96 *65,435,775 97 $71,554,966 02

*76,815,182 64

Clearing house certificates...................

Capital stock paid in........................... *13 634 000 00 *13 434 000 00


Q5Q non no

Q45 non on


Surplus fund........................................

3,572,570 99

3,631,010 78

3,418,221 47

3,242,018 09

3,188,318 72

Undivided earnings, net......................

1,803,480 48

1,789,465 90

1,687,088 73

1,394,998 14

1,374,061 73

Dividends unpaid................................

8,348 50

11,509 58

9,156 46

17,563 29

20,387 30

Individual deposits..............................

34,718,215 02

35,612,374 38

34,391,087 75

39,217,006 25

43,486,965 94

United States deposits........................

383,962 29

357,750 18

409,961 73

401,136 29

1,255,821 32

Due to banks and bankers..................

8,641,246 57

7,406,212 51

8,260,695 23

11,772,976 46

11,760,185 28

National bank notes outstanding.......

4,141,997 50

4,202,742 50

4,071,495 00

3,551,767 50

3,958,300 00

Notes and bills rediscounted...............

316,887 33

386,898 33

140,289 20

2 500 00

Bills payable........................................
Liabilities other than those above

61,000 00

137,500 00

88,400 00

10,000 00

1,364 80

380 40

1,142 35

Reserved for taxes..............................
Bonds borrowed...................................
Clearing house certificates...................


Totals........................................... *67,281,708 68 166,970,828 96 $05,435,775 97 *71,554,966 02
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

*76,815,182 64



C o m p a r a tiv e a b str a c ts


2, 1899,
80 national
, banks.

13, 1900,
85 national

10, 1901,
85 national

25, 1902,
84 national

Loans and discounts.................................................

$47,581,061 50

$51,651,236 44

$54,938,142 28

$60,694,986 71

Stocks, bonds and mortgages...................................

11,652,043 11

12,318,672 86

14,141,822 34

15,106,385 98


194,788 80

246,158 27

286,561 65

349,047 07

Due from reserve agents...........................................

8,671,815 91

10,658,399 31

11,231,301 10

10,167,335 72

Due from other banks and bankers..........................

3,647,971 66

3,463,374 00

4,058,641 12

3,845,841 49

Banking house furniture and fixtures......................

1,003,999 44

1,142,970 99

1,150,952 69

1,300,681 27

Other real estate.......................................................

1,060,810 20

927,158 12

696,254 41

455,261 67

Current expenses and taxes paid..............................
Exchanges for clearing house...................................

597,274 04

415,477 92

930,166 52

578,212 52

Checks and cash items..............................................

240,308 50

182,689 83

204,714 74

239,577 39


6,151,557 96

7,105,053 78

7,358,362 08

6,554,095 31

Due from United States treasurer............................

242,948 86

308,427 88

336,238 00

326,770 50

Premiums on United States bonds..........................

453,937 69

203,917 94

228,358 81

356,315 39

$81,498,517 67

$88,623,537 34

$95,561,515 74

$99,974,511 02

Capital stock paid in ................................................

$11,440,000 00

$11,578,000 00

$11,548,750 00

$11,380,000 00

Surplus fund.............................................................

3,157,388 20

3,276,188 20

3,052,638 20

3,416,538 20

Undivided earnings net.............................................

1,563,841 93

1,850,274 85

2,007,685 64

2,157,217 18

Clearing house certificates.........................................



Dividends unpaid........................ .............................

17,340 81

13,983 81

18,542 81

13,357 81

Individual deposits....................................................

49,920,532 09

54,232,091 31

59,593,561 95

63,316,7.31 07

United States deposits..............................................

1,354,864 72

1,391,304 19

1,772,959 84

2,150,114 62

Due to banks and bankers.......................................

9,738,696 81

11,024,083 47

11,764,875 41

11,611,241 60

National bank notes outstanding.............................

4,250,300 00

5,160,102 50

5,580,200 00

5,639,200 00

Notes and bills rediscounted.....................................

23,644 61

11,989 72

5,500 00

21,500 00

Bills payable..............................................................

27,000 00

75,000 00

205,000 00

107,000 00

Liabilities other than those above stated.................

4,908 50

10,519 29

11,801 89

161,610 54

$81,498,517 67

$88,623,537 34

$95,561,515 74

$99,974,511 02

Reserved for taxes....................................................
Bonds borrowed........................................................
Clearing house certificates.........................................

Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



( N a tio n a l B a n k s ) .— Concluded.


17, 1903,
87 national

6, 1904,
88 national


#04,088,225 33

$65,803,150 16

16,331,297 13

16,876,755 37

16,943,886 45

19,294,724 24'

19,321,131 14

23,306,141 71

351,732 17

249,830 11

235,237 50

266,233 92

215,231 50

241,345 49

232,943 08

9,147,612 91

10,991,502 16

10,983,065 10

12,398,886 17

10,160,561 91

13,761,102 88

14,600,685 65

4,174,213 53

4,414,365 24-

5,462,829 33

6,396,474 02

5,127,590 55

6,292,135 23

7,797,672 74

1,363,481 00

1,488,498 28

1,577,703 17

1,641,589 76

1,940,629 37

2,477,820 19

2,651,928 17

393,115 75

380,373 53

358,357 49

300,029 77

345,190 33

291,505 80

285,810 50

499,453 75

715,114 06

736,445 31

1,126,918 66

753,547 93

789,398 40

868,545 43


182,558 75

270,131 43

213,672 23

297,726 82

341,954 39

311,082 74

255,876 57


6,834,835 11

7,553,259 40

8,093,277 55

8,673,007 28

9,317,138 52

11,253,727 70

11,305,003 35


378,175 67

399,420 00

436,085 50

453,002 50

428,725 50

530,765 50

593,170 00


311,370 92

255,738 73

190,849 25

158,401 28

188,259 66

214,339 93

176,160 63


#104,056,072 02 $109,398,138 47 $117,495,460 83 $132,515,439 07 $132,690,353 31 $143,530,641 03 $157,531,530 54


9, 1905,
88 national

12, 1906,
88 national

3, 1907,
93 national

27, 1908,
96 national

$72,264,051 95 $81,508,444 65 $83,949,198 51 $84,061,275 46

16, 1909,
99 national

$92,367,238 25
26,396,496 17

595,194 00

#12,530,000 00

$12,730,000 00

3,782,538 20

4,286,688 20

$13,030,000 00 $13,005,000 00 $14,465,000 00 $14,955,000 00
4,595,788 20

5,264,262 50

5,490,612 50

6,068,150 00

6,416,510 99


2,454,374 37

2,094,959 00

2,149,975 63

2,260,314 62

2,757,173 91

2,650,316 37

2,881,308 23


16,440 61

5,156 93

16,854 34

13,904 54

16,379 16

7,975 85

33,221 55


65,305,659 11

69,945,810 33

76,475,628 68

88,758,552 46

84,864,150 47

92,506,619 35

103,669,284 41


$15,189,500 00


2,404,832 56

1,712,739 74

1,128,820 61

2,325,780 85

3,526,031 73

2,442,065 88

959,365 22

10,418,980 57

11,323,976 44

12,473,253 68

12,642,438 95

12,053,642 00

15,265,250 30

18,011,053 82


6,774,840 00

7,218,930 00

7,469,030 00

7,939,985 00

7,863,265 00

9,010,475 00

9,894,100 50


182,202 70

41,595 90

91,495 96

85,948 00

358,538 03

124,265 83

142,064 93


178,000 00

35,000 00

13,000 00

125,000 00

445,000 00

130,000 00

74,000 00


8,203 90

23,281 93

51,613 73

32,360 07

26,691 01

13,300 00

29,610 00


61,892 08

65,881 50

51,222 45

31,510 89


563,000 00

306,000 00

200,000 00


#104,056,072 02 $109,398,138 47 $117,495,460 83 $132,515,439 07 $132,690,353 31 $143,530,641 03 $157,531,530 54


194,988 00
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



A b s tr a c ts o f r e p o r ts m a d e b y the S ta te b a n k s o f M ic h ig a n to the C o m m is s io n e r o f th e B a n k ­
in g D e p a r tm e n t, the r e p o r ts b e in g c a lle d fo r o n p a s t d a y s u n k n o w n to the b a n k officers,
v iz ., F e b r u a r y 5 , A p r i l 2 8 , J u n e 2 8 , S e p te m b e r 1 a n d N o v e m b e r 1 6 , 1 9 0 9 . F o r re p o r ts
o f in d i v i d u a l S ta te b a n k s a n d tr u s t c o m p a n ie s see su c c e e d in g p a g e s .
Report of.
Feb. 5,
352 state
banks, 6 trust


Report of
April 28,
362 state
banks, 5 trust

Report of
June 23,
365 state
banks, 5 trust

Report of
Sept. 1,
371 state
banks, 5 trust

Report of
Nov. 16,
376 state
banks, 5 trust

Loans and discounts............................ $97,622,716 69 $100,212,705 59 $99,649,422 12 $102,609,856 25 $105,908,706 77
Bonds, mortgages and securities.........

96,340,847 46

Premiums paid on bonds.....................

123,541 44

140,416 15

144,514 24

136,202 38

131,811 41


292,994 99

330,342 68

314,148 56

315,955 45

370,836 07


5,137,857 60

5,248,814 12

5,338,014 72

5,435,550 46

5,495,884 72

Other real estate.................................
Due from other banks and bankers
(not reserve cities)..........................

1,488,981 48

1,452,338 65

1,462,853 96

1,455,103 36

1,457,973 02

815,411 53

1,250,896 18

904,603 82

888,941 32

876,798 57

Items in transit...................................

1,168,869 99

1,197,745 55

1,134,289 98

1,090,263 89

1,481,933 31

99,679,495 19 103,510,338 62 105,404,082 60

108,496,703 50

Banking house................................. 1
Furniture and fixtures.....................J

United States bonds............................

601,020 00

710,420 00

610,020 00

614,020 00

548,370 00

Due from banks in reserve cities........

31,639,815 68

31,227,446 65

30,896,286 58

31,870,040 87

32,856,724 82

Exchange for clearing house...............

1,158,730 68

1,037,470 12

1,199,513 95

1,411,969 84

1,342,339 37

U. S. and national bank currency. . . .

7,676,997 93

7,822,241 55

7,828,373 88

7,919,750 76

8,246,730 00

Gold coin.............................................

5,258,709 54

5,051,801 61

5,379,133 17

5,291,610 17

5,152,211 69

Silver coin............................................

917,956 38

803,877 46

815,724 65

893,502 63

917,863 81

Nickels and cents................................

104,873 65

97,934 99

94,480 33

90,702 93

95,377 97

Checks, and other cash items...........

332,275 23

312,528 25

339,119 67

415,303 57

337,951 20

Totals........................................... $250,681,600 27 $256,576,474 74 $259,620,838 25 $265,842,856 48 $273,718,216 23
Capital stock paid in.........

$21 765 698 53 $21 677 980 00 $21 784 350 00 $21 974 733 67

Surplus fund........................................ 11,095,112 58
Undivided profits, less current expenses, interest and taxes paid.......
4,013,858 15

$22 161 133 00

11,084,988 66

11,082,688 66

11,385,062 73

11,402,419 44

4,778,702 30

5,027,969 35

4,477,599 36

5,340,696 86

42,852 75

13,561 92

7,463 36

19,812 00

14,272 08

Commercial deposits subject to check. 53,910,548 41

53,891,684 55

55,632,107 65

59,814,598 10

61,951,396 26

Commercial certificates of deposit. . . .

10,774,904 00

11,015,911 10

10,716,067 50

11,441,924 23

13,192,935 86

Due to banks and bankers..................

6,952,533 10

6,698,089 57

6,240,413 58

6,907,607 95

7,277,997 59

Dividends unpaid................................

Certified checks...................................
158,009 02
165,335 80
209,504 55
243,877 88
Cashier’s checks outstanding..............
147,326 53
209,878 31
154,760 31
134,768 06
Savings deposits.................................. 107,237,454 66 110,314,123 69 112,264,118 11 113,213,368 36
Savings certificates of deposit............. 33,797,922 27 34,964,875 90 35,443,917 83 35,382,617 97
State deposits......................................
420,660 68
1,174,037 57
488,500 77
433,863 87
Reserved for taxes..............................
103,947 55
54,417 84
104,483 38
52,166 68
Notes and bills rediscounted...............
64,293 54
82,460 67
55,410 37
82,314 51
309,500 00
Bills payable.......................................
176,200 00
333,500 00
372,500 00
Other liabilities...................................
45,332 03
72,059 37
23,228 40
2,209 50

* 162,907


Totals........................................... $250,681,600 27 $256,576,474 74 $259,620,838 25 $265,842,856 48 $273,718,216 23
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



A b s tr a c ts o f r e p o r ts m a d e b y the N a tio n a l b a n k s o f M ic h ig a n to th e C o m m is s io n e r o f the
B a n k in g D e p a r tm e n t, F e b r u a r y 5 , A p r i l 2 8 , J u n e 2 3 , S e p te m b e r 1 a n d N o v e m b e r 1 6 ,
1 9 0 9 . F o r r e p o r ts o f in d i v i d u a l N a tio n a l b a n k s see s u c c e e d in g p a g e s .


Report of
Feb. 5,
96 national

Report of
April 28,
97 national

Report of
June 23,
97 national

Report of
Sept. 1,
99 national

Loans and discounts............................ $82,857,158 07 $85,647,107 07 $86,166,053 48 $89,010,848 35

Report of
Nov. 16,
99 national

$92,367,238 25

Overdrafts, secured and unsecured__

217,074 47

199,256 67

230,214 00

272,787 67

232,943 08

U. S. bonds to secure circulation.......

9,146,800 00

9,444,300 00

9,526,800 00

9,708,800 00

10,006,800 00
944,000 00

U. S. bonds to secure U. S. deposits..

1,627,000 00

1,242,000 00

1,272,000 00

962,000 00

Other bonds to secure U. S. deposits..

818,503 17

489,000 00

395,000 00

98,000 00

98,000 00

U. S. bonds on hand............................

354,020 00

435,960 00

477,260 00

552,760 00

255,060 00

Premiums on U. S. bonds...................

208,922 62

202,112 47

203,158 48

189,606 96

176,160 63

Stocks, securities, etc..........................

13,139,043 06

14,603,391 84

15,090,502 98

15,908,911 40

15,092,636 17

Banking house, furniture and fixtures.

2,527,917 62

2,560,317 09

2,585,213 18

2,630,183 71

2,651,928 17

Other real estate and mortgages owned
Due from national banks (not reserve

280,814 05

279,954 95

308,722 17

298,384 39

285,810 50

3,573,839 51

3,806,622 16

3,931,565 96

4,661,059 15

4,771,616 74

Due from state banks and bankers. . .

2,721,035 46

2,644,735 79

2,560,385 41

2,579,418 91

3,026,056 00

Due from approved reserve agents....

15,742,818 27

16,180,039 71

15,342,248 30

16,024,453 91

14,600,685 65

Checks and other cash items...............

257,206 64

237,889 83

243,026 91

279,827 77

255,876 57

Exchanges for clearing house.............

651,837 89

770,984 71

664,949 08

1,230,299 31

868,545 43

Notes of other national banks............
Fractional paper currency, nickels and
Legal tender notes..............................
Redemption fund with U. S. treasurer
(5% of circulation)..........................
Due from U. S. treasurer, other than
5% redemption fund.......................

875,088 00

876,243 00

1,040,'863 00

1,184,601 00

690,687 00

67,416 73
7,145,829 45
3,870,325 00

52,406 27
6,756,810 47
3,579,377 00

49,720 42
6,551,211 40
3,998,566 00

53,092 95
7,142,512 78
4,175,317 00

59,629 04
6,922,089 31
3,632,598 00

438,070 00

456,837 50

462,742 50

458,512 50

483,312 50

184,022 50

183,422 50

109,857 50

186,902 50

157,102 50

Totals........................................... $146,707,622 51 $150,622,449 03 $151,284,225 77 $157,604,800 26 $157,531,530 54
Capital stock paid in........................... $14,965,000 00 $14,986,100 00 $14,990,000 00 $15,077,500 00
6,391,315 85
6,228,682 73
6,170,855 15
6,166,750 00
Surplus fund........................................
Undivided profits less expenses and
2,772,511 55
2,466,448 10
2,546,815 51
taxes paid......................................... 2,227,942 23
9,430,945 50
9,326,675 50
8,921,825 00
9,306,252 50
National bank notes outstanding.......
5,696,441 30
5,046,310 72
4,901,952 02
4,860,628 58
Due to other national banks...............
Due to state banks and bankers......... 12,477,494 62 13,623,180 97 13,579,955 32 12,695,173 75
10,308 95
11,823 03
13,748 68
12,014 88
Dividends unpaid...............................
Individual deposits subject to check.. 94,576,891 66 97,033,325 55 97,142,604 70 104,365,152 14
627,265 25
1,247,935 44
4,244,260 60
1,938,176 53
United States deposits........................
336,154 85
302,689 79
211,569 60
360,020 37
Deposits of U. S. disbursing officers...
200,000 00
200,000 00
306,000 00
215,000 00
Bonds borrowed...................................
203,881 62
303,430 22
14,003 72
7,000 00
Notes and bills rediscounted...............
32,500 00
60,000 00
135,000 00
27,262 95
57,206 77
58,233 96
17,329 41
Reserved for taxes..............................
Liabilities other than those above
44,450 00
14,400 00
13,700 00
19,000 00
stated ...............................................

$15,189,500 00
6,416,510 99


29,610 00

Totals........................................... $146,707,622 51 $150,622,449 03 $151,284,225 77 $157,604,800 26 $157,531,530 54
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



A b s tr a c ts s h o w in g the to ta l v o lu m e o f b u s in e s s tr a n s a c te d b y the S ta te a n d N a tio n a l b a n k s
a n d tr u s t c o m p a n ie s o f M ic h ig a n , a s m a d e to the C o m m is s io n e r o f the B a n k in g D e p a r t­
m e n t, F e b r u a r y 5 , A p r i l 2 8 , J u n e 2 3 , S e p te m b e r 1 a n d N o v e m b e r 1 6 , 1 9 0 9 .


Report of
Feb. 5, 352
state banks,
96 national
banks, 6 trust

Report of
April 28, 362
state banks,
97 national
banks, 5 trust

Report of
June 23, 365
state banks,
97 national
banks, 5 trust

Report of
Sept. 1, 371
state banks,
99 national
banks, 5 trust

Report of
Nov. 16, 376
state banks,
99 national
banks, 5 trust

Loans and discounts............................ 1180,479,874 76 $185,859,812 66 $185,815,475 60 $191,620,704 60 $198,275,945 02
Stocks, bonds and mortgages............. 109,479,890 52 114,282,887 03 118,600,841 60 121,312,994 00

123,589,339 67


510,069 46

529,599 35

544,362 56

588,743 12

603,779 15

U. S. bonds to secure circulation.......

9,146,800 00

9,444,300 00

9,526,800 00

9,708,800 00

10,006,800 00

-U. S. bonds to secure U. S. deposits..

1,627,000 00

1,242,000 00

1,272,000 00

962,000 00

944,000 00

Other bonds to secure U. S. deposits..

818,503 17

489,000 00

395,000 00

98,000 00

98,000 00

U. S. bonds on hand............................

955,040 00

1,146,380 00

1,087,280 00

1,166,780 00

803,430 00

Premiums paid.....................................

332,464 06

342,528 62

347,672 72

325,809 34

307,972 04

Banking house, furniture and fixtures.

7,665,775 22

7,809,131 21

7,923,227 90

8,065,734 17

8,147,812 89

Other real estate.................................

1,769,795 53

1,732,293 60

1,771,576 13

1,753,487 75

1,743,783 52

Due from other banks and bankers...

8,279,156 49

8,899,999 68

8,530,845 17

9,219,683 27

10,156,404 62

Due from banks in reserve cities........

47,382,633 95

47,407,486 36

46,238,534 88

47,894,494 78

47,457,410 47

Checks and other cash items...............

589,481 87

550,418 08

582,146 58

695,131 34

593,827 77

Exchanges for clearing house.............

1,810,568 57

1,808,454 83

1,864,463 03

2,642,269 15

2,210,884 80

Nickels and cents................................

* 172,290 38

150,341 26

144,200 75

143,795 88

155,007 01

Specie................................................... 13,322,495 37

12,612,489 54

12,746,069 22

13,327,625 58

12,992,164 81

U. S. and national bank notes............ 12,422,410 93
Redemption fund with U. S. treasurer
438,070 00
(5% of circulation)..........................
Due from U. S. treasurer, other than
186,902 50
5% redemption fund.......................

12,277,861 55

12,867,802 88

13,279,668 76

12,570,015 00

456,837 50

462,742 50

458,512 50

483,312 50

157,102 50

184,022 50

183,422 50

109 857 50

Totals........................................... $397,389,222 78 $407,198,923 77 $410,905,064 02 $423,447,656 74 $431,249,746 77
Capital stock paid in........................... $36,730,698 53 $36,664,080 00 $36,774,350 00 $37,052,233 67
Surplus fund....................................... 17,261,862 58
Undivided profits less expenses and
6,241,800 38
taxes paid.......................................

17,311,371 39

17,776,378 58

17,818,930 43

7,325,517 81

7,800,480 90

6,944,047 46

8,222,005 09

9,430,945 50
9,326,675 50
9,306,252 50
8,921,825 00
National bank notes outstanding.......
Due to banks and bankers.................. 24,290,656 30 25,223,222 56 24,866,679 62 25,299,223 00
30,120 95
27,310 60
19,286 39
54,867 63
Dividends unpaid................................
Commercial deposits............................ 159,567,679 62 162,360,304 06 163,889,418 04 175,921,778 33
Savings deposits.................................. 141,035,376 93 145,278,999 59 147,708,035 94 148,595,986 33
488,500 77
433,863 87
1,174,037 57
420,660 68
State moneys on deposit.....................
963,420 10
1,550,625 23
1,604,280 97
2,149,746 13
United States deposits........................
Bonds borrowed...................................
81,680 79
161,690 15
162,181 51
69,496 09
Reserved for taxes ."...........................
Notes and bills rediscounted.............
342,000 00
432,500 00
468,500 00
176,200 00
Bills payable.....................................
Liabilities other than those above
89,782 03
16,609 50
36,928 40
91,059 37
stated .............................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

$37,350,633 00

17,255,843 81



29,610 00

$397,389,222 78 $407,198,923 77 $410,905,064 02 $423,447,656 74 $431,249,746 77



A b s tr a c ts o f the p u b lis h e d r e p o r ts o f the S ta te b a n k s a n d tr u s t c o m p a n ie s i n the c ity of D e tr o it,
a s m a d e to the C o m m is s io n e r o f the B a n k in g D e p a r tm e n t, F e b r u a r y 5 , A p r i l 2 8 , J u n e 2 3 ,
S e p te m b e r 1 a n d N o v e m b e r 1 6 , 1 9 0 9 .


Report of
Report of
Report of
Report of
Report of
June 23, 12
Sept. 1, 12
Nov.U6, 12
April 28, 12
Feb. 5, 13
state banks, 3
state banks, 3
state banks, 3 state banks, 3 state banks, 3
trust companies. trust companies. trust companies. trust companies. trust companies.

Loans and discounts.......................... $31,102,188 08 $31,564,464 30 $30,700,613 35 $32,775,624 12

$34,158,675 30

Bonds, mortgages and securities.......

41,122,065 22

42,402,572 52

44,277,734 44

45,371,998 04

46,446,747 72

Premiums paid on bonds...................

56,689 23

64,884 42

64,614 59

61,217 08

63,814 63


10,541 15

14,142 86

13,563 60

10,682 47

8,504 40

Banking house....................................

1,425,060 76

1,430,981 14

1,491,806 40

1,532,445 45

1,541,385 77

Other real estate................................
Due from other banks and bankers
(not reserve cities).........................

843,421 41

788,784 38

776,922 05

782,371 04

776,265 52

273,888 36

304,705 10

308,977 74

325,082 13

250,820 85

Items in transit..................................

458,565 05

520,861 39

458,004 86

457,008 55

599,187 46

United States bonds..........................

425,000 00

425,000 00

425,000 00

425,000 00

425,000 00

Due from banks in reserve cities........

12,210,085 36

12,820,564 27

12,031,773 60

12,318,545 01

12,048,722 02

Exchanges for clearing house...........

741,299 73

635,748 75

829,216 87

978,307 28

907,629 98

U. S. and national bank currency. . . .

2,596,353 00

2,568,401 00

2,714,574 00

2,651,802 00

2,630,410 00

Gold coin.............................................

2,254,643 50

2,009,518 66

2,325,737 84

2,163,640 60

2,022,747 65

Silver coin...........................................

174,551 15

157,351 96

188,614 89

195,831 34

219,439 02

Nickels and cents...............................

18,966 45

15,098 40

15,603 25

13,223 05

18,662 03

Checks and other cash items...........

61,963 83

26,666 89

46,083 52

55,251 19

51,276 29

Totals........................................... $93,775,282 28 $95,749,746 04 $96,668,841 00 $100,118,029 35

$102,169,288 64

Capital stock paid in .........................

$6,420,000 00

$6,220,000 00

$6,220,000 00

$6,220,000 00

Surplus fund.......................................
Undivided profits, less current expenses, interest and taxes paid. . . .

5,310,000 00

5,260,000 00

5,265,000 00

5,290,000 00

5,290,000 00

1,787,168 96

1,920,651 92

2,045,537 05

2,002,347 18

2,173,428 86

Dividends unpaid...............................

569 50

1,273 25

231 00

4,072 50

4,322 00

21,602,430 94

23,041,800 97

25,436,306 05

25,998,238 50

1,574,152 36

1,538,419 19

1,238,289 61

1,112,967 92

826,386 83

5,546,984 42

5,231,187 30

4,883,549 38

5,423,808 26

5,361,568 23

Commercial deposits subject to check. 20,978,706 27
Commercial certificates of deposit..
Due to banks and bankers...............
Certified checks.................................
Cashier’s checks outstanding...........
Savings deposits................................
Savings certificates of deposit..........
State deposits...................................
Reserved for taxes...........................
Notes and bills rediscounted . .

Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

20 263








$6,220,000 00



69,095 98

$93,775,282 28 $95,749,746 04 $96,668,841 00 $100,118,029 35 $102,169,288 64



N A T IO N A L B A N K S .

A b s tr a c ts o f th e 'p u b lish e d r e p o r ts o f th e N a tio n a l b a n k s i n the c i t y o f D e tr o it, as* m a d e
to the C o m m is s io n e r o f the B a n k in g D e p a r tm e n t, F e b r u a r y 5 , A p r i l 2 8 , J u n e 2 3 , S e p ­
te m b e r 1 , a n d N o v e m b e r 1 6 , 1 9 0 9 .


Report of
Feb. 5, 4
national banks.

Report of
April 28, 4
national banks.

Report of
June 23, 4
national banks.

Report of
Sept. 1, 4
national banks.

Loans and discounts.......................... $23,350,195 08 $25,046,464 14 $25,466,576 54 $27,696,940 65

Report of
Nov. 16, 4
national banks.


Overdrafts, secured and unsecured...

4,372 10

2,841 79

4,871 61

10,384 35

4,675 35

U. S. bonds to secure circulation....

1,490,000 00

1,490,000 00

1,490,000 00

1,530,000 00

1,749,000 00

431,000 00

431,000 00

66,020 00

U. S. bonds to secure U. S. deposits

480.000 00

480,000 00

480,000 00

Other bonds to secure U. S. deposits .

301.000 00

200,000 00

200,000 00

U. S. bonds on hand.........................

254,320 00

212,520 00

257,520 00

285,020 00

Premiums on U. S. bonds................

40,175 00

39,925 00

40,150 00

39,675 00

34,250 00

Stocks, securities, etc.........................

4,073,133 90

4,517,467 97

4,705,497 23

5,100,275 25

4,423,886 50

Banking house, furniture and fixtures.

192,101 15

189,598 60

189,607 60

197,773 60

198,191 40

Other real estate and mortgages owned
Due from national banks (not reserve

10,064 99

10,064 99

10,064 99

10,064 99

10,064 99

2,410,357 30

2,450,202 76

2,830,083 01

3,336,452 48

3,358,230 08

Due from state banks and bankers. . .

1,420,315 29

1,294,692 22

1,383,022 34

1,244,858 87

1,632,267 93

Due from approved reserve agents .

4,914,265 16

5,156,671 71

5,077,096 68

5,906,200 30

4,652,864 56

Checks and other cash items............

68,939 61

92,883 09

80,920 57

67,454 75

48,766 78

Exchanges for clearing house...........

469,410 46

479,253 57

488,272 23

966,609 16

635,675 32

Notes of other national banks..........
Fractional paper currency, nickels and
Specie ................................................

262,378 00

287,729 00

460,428 00

670,246 00

208,518 00

13,485 18
2,729,208 00

12,989 04
2,533,524 50

10,128 08
2,478,501 50

9,554 03
2,892,800 50

15,384 54
2,799,316 50

2,009,618 00

1,801,941 00

2,184,143 00

2,507,097 00

1,884,010 00

69,900 00

72,150 00

74,480 00

69,000 00

84,450 00

142,600 00

132,500 00

156,500 00

152,520 00

90,200 00

$44,705,839 22 $46,503,419 38 $48,067,863 38 $53,123,926 93

$51,486,997 67

Legal tender notes.............................
Redemption fund with U. S. treas­
urer (5% of circulation)................
Due from U. S. treasurer, other than
5% redemption fund......................

Capital stock paid in ......................... $5,150,000 00
Surplus fund.......................................
1,750,000 00
Undivided profits, less expenses and
taxes paid.......................... 8 ..........
474,408 42
National bank notes outstanding....
1,429,190 00
Due to other national banks............
4,269,356 53
Due to state banks and bankers. . . .
9,252,154 51
Dividends unpaid...............................
455 40
Individual deposits subject to check.. 21,372,303 64
United States deposits.......................
544,644 50
Deposits of U. S. disbursing officers...
171,488 78
Bonds borrowed..................................
281,000 00
Notes and bills rediscounted.............
Bills payable.......................................
Reserved for taxes.............................
10,837 44
Liabilities other than those above
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

$5,150,000 00
1,750,000 00

$5,150,000 00
1,750,000 00

$5,150,000 00
1,750,000 00

$5,150,000 00
1,750,000 00









200,000 00

200,000 00

200,000 00

38,837 44

2,422 07

50,000 00
7,422 07

$44,705,839 22 $46,503,419 38 $48,007,863 38 $53,123,926 93

$51,486,997 67

36,752 41



S T A T E A N D N A T IO N A L B A N K S .

A b s tr a c ts o f the 'p u b lish e d r e p o r ts o f th e S ta te a n d N a tio n a l b a n k s a n d tr u s t c o m p a n ie s i n
the c i t y o f D e tr o it, a s m a d e to the C o m m is s io n e r o f the B a n k in g D e p a r tm e n t, F e b r u a r y 5 ,
A p r i l 2 8 , J u n e 2 3 , S e p te m b e r 1 a n d N o v e m b e r 1 6 , 1 9 0 9 .


Report of
Report of
Report of
Report of
Report of
Feb. 5 13
April 28, 12
June 23, 12
Sept. 1, 12
Nov. 16, 12
state banks, 4 state banks, 4
state banks, 4 state banks, 4 state banks, 4
national banks, S national banks, c national banks, S national banks, 3 national banks, 3
trust companies . trust companies. trust companies trust companies. trust companies.

Loans and discount........................... 154,452,383 16 $56,610,928 44 $56,167,189 89 $60,472,564 77

$63,318,901 02

Stocks, bonds and mortgages...........

45,195,199 12

46,920,040 49

48,983,231 67

50,472,273 29


14,913 25

16,984 65

18,435 21

21,066 82

13,179 75

U. S. bonds to secure circulation.......

1,490,000 00

1,490,000 00

1,490,000 00

1,430,000 00

1,749,000 00

431,000 00

431,000 00

491,020 00

50,870,634 22

U. S. bonds to secure U. S. deposits...

480,000 00

480,000 00

480,000 00

Other bonds to secure U. S. deposits...

301,000 00

200,000 00

200,000 00

U. S. bonds on hand.........................

679,320 00

637,520 00

682,520 00 x

710,020 00

Premiums paid...................................

96,864 23

104,809 42

104,764 59

100,892 08

98,064 63

1,617,161 91

1,620,579 74

1,681,414 00

1,730,219 05

1,739,577 17

Banking house, furniture and fixtures.
Other real estate................................

853,486 40

798,849 37

786,987 04

792,436 03

786,330 51

Due from other banks and bankers...

4,563,126 00

4,570,461 47

4,980,087 95

5,363,402 03

5,840,500 32
16,701,586 58

Due from banks in reserve cities....

17,124,350 52

17,977,235 98

17,108,870 28

18,224,745 31

Checks and other cash items............

130,903 44

119,549 98

127,004 09

122,705 94

100,043 07

Exchanges for clearing house...........

1,210,710 19

1,115,002 32

1,317,489 10

1,944,916 44

1,543,305 30

Nickels and cents...............................

32,451 63

28,087 44

25,731 33

22,777 08

34,046 57


5,158,402 65

4,700,395 12

4,992,854 23

5,252,272 44

5,041,503 17

U. S. and national bank notes............
Redemption fund with U. S. treasurer (5% of circulation)................
Due from U. S. treasurer, other than
5% redemption fund......................

4,868,349 00

4,658,071 00

5,359,145 00

5,829,145 00

4,722,938 00

69,900 00

72,150 00

74,480 00

69,000 00

84,450 00

142,600 00

132,500 00

156,500 00

152,520 00

90,200 00

Totals........................................... $138,481,12 1 50 $142,253,165 42 $144,736,704 38 $153,241,950 28 $153,656,286 31

Capital stock paid in ......................... $11,570,000 00 $11,370,000 00 $11,370,000 00 $11,370,000 00

$11,370,000 00

Surplus fund......................................
Undivided profits less expenses and
taxes paid........................................

7,060,000 00

7,010,000 00

7,015,000 00

7,040,000 00

7,040,000 00

2,261,577 38

2,410,403 64

2,628,117 53

2,562,413 52

2,797,842 68

National bank notes outstanding ...

1,429,190 00

1,453,020 00

1,426,580 00

1,373,620 00

Due to banks and bankers............... 19,068,495 46
Dividends unpaid...............................
1,024 90
Commercial deposits........................... 44,147,106 66
Savings deposits................................. 51,534,769 83
State moneys on deposit...................
330,364 63
United States deposits.......................
716,133 28
Bonds borrowed..................................
281,000 00
Reserved for taxes.............................
61,195 99
Bills payable.......................................
Notes and bills rediscounted.............
Liabilities other than those above
20,263 37



1,093 50



2,209 50



1,738,200 00


51 989 40

Totals........................................... $138,481,12 1 50 $142,253,165 42 $144,736,704 38 $153,241,956 28 $153,656,286 31
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis


S T A T E A N D N A T IO N A L B A N K S .

A b s tr a c ts o f the 'p u b lish ed r e p o r ts o f the five S ta te a n d fo u r N a tio n a l b a n k s a n d on e tr u s t
c o m p a n y i n the c ity o f G r a n d R a p id s , a s m a d e to the C o m m is s io n e r o f the B a n k in g D e ­
p a r tm e n t, N o v e m b e r 1 6 , 1 9 0 9 .
Report of
5 state
banks, 1 trust


Report of
4 national


Loans and discounts................................................................................

$5,887,826 80

$12,096,744 67

$17,984,571 47

Stocks, bonds and mortgages...................................................................

6,599,145 49

1,271,852 49

7,870,997 98

Overdrafts....................................................... ........................................

5,085 19

13,939 53

19,024 72


2,078,000 00

2,078,000 00

XJ R Ronds to secure XJ. R. deposits.......................................................

153,000 00

153,000 00

XJ R bonds t'D secure circulation.. .

6,500 00

6,500 00

Premiums paid.........................................................................................

5,230 80

49,700 00

54,930 80

Banking house, furniture and fixtures....................................................

199,696 99

447,604 74

647,301 73

Other real estate......................................................................................

21,467 15

8,944 45

30,411 60

Due from other banks and bankers........................................................

205,670 41

1,058,252 12

1,263,922 53

Due from banks in reserve cities...........................'.................................

1,821,439 39

1,465,673 06

3,287,112 45

XJ R bonds on hand


Checks and other cash items...................................................................

35,214 69

10,242 90

45,457 59

Exchanges for clearing house...................................................................

100,055 37

124,604 19

224,659 56

Nickels and cents.....................................................................................

5,036 95

6 495 25

11,532 20


278,762 95

596 389 15

875,152 10

U. S. and National bank notes................................................................

389,652 50

444,412 00

834,064 50

Redemption fund with U. S. treasurer (5% of circulation)...................

98,900 00

98,900 00

Due from II. S. treasurer, other than 5% redemption fund..................

8,500 00

8.500 00


$15,554,284 68

$19,939,754 55

135,494,039 23

Capital stock paid in................................................................................

$1,250,000 00

$2,200,000 00

$3,450,000 00

Surplus fund.............................................................................................

571,000 00

820,000 00

1,391,000 00

Undivided profits less expenses and taxes paid.....................................

290,119 15

468,896 18

759,015 33

2,056,437 50

2,056,437 50
3,152,505 27

National bank notes outstanding............................................................
Due to banks and bankers......................................................................

264,586 39

2,887,918 88

Dividends unpaid.....................................................................................

188 50

416 50

605 00

Commercial deposits................................................................................

3,407,469 19

11,362,511 26

14,769,980 45

Ravings deposits.......................................................................................

9,737,509 58

State moneys on deposit..........................................................................

15,000 00

15,000 00
143,574 23

XJnited States deposits.............................................................................
Ron dp borrowed
Reserved for taxes, interest, ete.............................................................
Notes and bills rediscounted
Rills payable
Inabilities other than those above stated . . .

15,911 87


$15,554,284 68
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

9,737,509 58

143,574 23
2,500 00

2,500 00

15,911 87
$19,939,754 55

$35,494,039 23


S T A T E A N D N A T IO N A L B A N K S .

A b s tr a c ts o f the p u b lis h e d r e p o r ts o f the th ree S ta te a n d tw o N a tio n a l b a n k s i n the c ity of
S a g in a w , a s m a d e to the C o m m is s io n e r o f the B a n k in g D e p a r tm e n t, N o v e m b e r 1 6 , 1 9 0 9 .


Report of
3 state

Report of
2 national


Loans and discounts................................................................................

$4,161,630 98

$3,992,357 13

$8,153,988 11

Stocks bonds and mortgages...................................................................

3,432,634 94

506,505 58

3,939,140 52


5,416 35

1,979 39

7,395 74

XJ S bonds to secure circulation.............................................................

600,000 00

600,000 00

TT. S- bonds to secure U. S. deposits.......................................................

51.000 00

51.000 00

Other bonds to secure TT. S. deposits......................................................

32.000 00

32.000 00

XT S bonds on hand

30.000 00

30.000 00


Premiums paid.........................................................................................

1,647 52

2,671 65

4,319 17

Banking house furniture and fixtures....................................................

112,303 00

59,709 20

172,012 20

Other real estate


24,684 87

24,684 87

Due from other banks and bankers.........................................................

92,663 74

113,577 30

206,241 04
1,606,929 28

Due from banks in reserve cities.............................................................

1,063,679 62

543,249 66

Checks and other cash items...................................................................

5,038 21

6,137 72

11,175 93

Exchanges for clearing house...................................................................
Nickels and cents.....................................................................................

17,648 10
2,392 40

11,193 99
971 66

28,842 09
3,364 06


198,150 60

241,343 10

439,493 70

XT S and National bank notes................................................................

249,406 00

69,680 00

319,086 00

30,000 00
1,000 00

30.000 00
1,000 00

Redemption fund with TTt S treasurer (5% of circulation) .. .
Due frnm XT S treasurer other than 5% redemption fund...................
Totals............................................................................ ....................

$9,367,296 33

$6,293,376 38

$15,660,672 71

Capital stock paid in................................................................................

$500,000 00

$600,000 00

$1,100,000 00

Surplus fund................................................................. ..........................

575,000 00

400,000 00

975,000 00

TTndivided profits less expenses and taxes paid.....................................

139,726 14

100,225 89

239,952 03

National bank notes outstanding............................................................
Due to banks and bankers.......................................................................

283,873 74

599,997 50

599,997 50

558,510 53

842,384 27

Dividends unpaid.....................................................................................

180 00

60 00

240 00

Commercial deposits................................................................................

2,427,466 68

3,958,582 46

6.386.049 14

Savings deposits ....................................................................................

5,441,049 77

5.441.049 77

State moneys on deposit.........................................................................
XTnited States deposits.............................................................................
Ponds borrowed
Reserved for taxes
Notes and bills rediscounted

76,000 00

76,000 00

$6,293,376 38

$15,660,672 71


Pills payable
T'labilities other than those above stated
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

$9,367,296 33


S T A T E A N D N A T IO N A L B A N K S .

A b s tr a c ts o f the p u b lis h e d r e p o r ts o f the tw o S ta te a n d N a tio n a l b a n k s i n the c ity o f B a ttle
C re e k , a s m a d e to the C o m m is s io n e r o f the B a n k in g D e p a r tm e n t, N o v e m b e r 1 6 , 1 9 0 9 .


Report of
2 state

Report of
2 national


Loans and discount..................................................................................

11,038,478 16

$4,191,463 30

$5,229,941 46

Stocks, bonds and mortgages...................................................................

1,255,224 20

802,372 89

2,057,597 09


4,892 35

8,480 09

13,372 44

350 000 00

350,000 00

2,000 00

2,000 00

30 000 00

30,000 00

U. S. bonds to secure circulation.............................................................
U. S. bonds to secure U. S. deposits.................................................... .
Other bonds to secure TJ. S. deposits......................................................
U. S. bonds on hand.................................................
Premiums paid.............................................................
Banking house, furniture and fixtures....................................................

43,038 00

Other real estate................................................................

5 710 00

5,710 00

24,496 50

67,534 50

29,096 65

6,050 71

35,147 36

Due from other banks and bankers........................................................

202 93

91,530 69

91,733 62

Due from banks in reserve cities.............................................................

219,805 83

513,298 02

733,103 85

Checks and other cash items...................................................................

38 25

11,684 68

11,722 93

Exchanges for clearing house...................................................................

8,444 10

Nickels and cents.....................................................................................

1,221 07

1,416 60

2,637 67


71,787 50

230,457 35

302,244 85

U. S. and National bank notes................................

109,026 00

59,865 00

168,891 00

Redemption fund with U. S. treasurer (5% of circulation)...................

17,500 00

17,500 00

Due from U. S. treasurer, other than 5% redemption fund...................

2,000 00

2,000 00

$2,781,255 04

$6,348,325 83

$9,129,580 87

Capital stock paid in................................................................................

8,444 10

$150,000 00

$350,000 00

$500,000 00

Surplus fund..................................................

45,000 00

105,000 00

150,000 00

Undivided profits less expenses and taxes paid......................................

23,010 19

37,979 99

60,990 18

347 300 00

347 300 00

22,613 95

32,171 01

54,784 96

457,529 12

5,473,874 83

National bank notes outstanding.........................................
Due to banks and bankers.......................................................................
Dividends unpaid.......................................
Commercial deposits...........................................
Savings deposits..................................................................................

2,083 101 78

5,931 403 95
2,083,101 78

State moneys on deposit...........................
United States deposits...................................................

2,000 00

2,000 00

Bonds borrowed.................................................................
Reserved taxes.......................................................................
Notes and bills rediscounted...................................................................


Bills payable..................................................................................
Liabilities other than those above stated..........................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

$2,781,255 04

$6,348,325 83

$9,129,580 87



S T A T E A .NX) N A T IO N A L B A N K S .

A b s tr a c ts o f the 'p u b lish ed r e p o r ts o f the tw o S ta te a n d fo u r N a tio n a l b a n k s i n the c i t y of
K a la m a z o o , a s m a d e to the C o m m is s io n e r o f the B a n k in g D e p a r tm e n t, N o v e m b e r 1 6 , 1 9 0 9 .


Report of
2 state

Report of
4 national


Loans and discounts.............................................................

,372,300 30

$3,891,453 10

$5,263,753 40

Stocks, bonds and mortgages................................................

626,123 75

333,991 81

960,115 56


18,231 61

33,020 65

51,252 26

II. S. bonds to secure circulation..........................................

345,000 00

345,000 00

U. S. bonds to secure U. S. deposits.....................................

25,000 00

25,000 00

Other bonds to secure U. S. deposits....................................
U. S. bonds on hand..............................................................

2,500 00

2,500 00

Premiums paid.......................................................................

14,161 00

14,161 00
319,497 00

Banking house, furniture and fixtures.................................

104,500 00

214,997 00

Other real estate....................................................................

18,000 00

57,806 69

75,806 69

Due from other banks and bankers......................................

8,024 04

215,289 10

223,313 14

Due from banks in reserve cities...........................................

393,093 91

814,030 45

1,207,124 36

Checks and other cash items................................................

6,342 84

8,611 31

'14,954 15

Exchanges for clearing house................................................

30,499 61

34,917 47

65,417 08

Nickels and cents...................................................................

985 27

1,325 40

2,310 67


38,627 65

130,233 95

168,861 60

U. S. and National bank notes........................................... .

85,860 00

227,436 00

313,296 00

Redemption fund with TJ. S. treasurer (5% of circulation).

17,250 00

17,250 00

Due from IT. S. treasurer, other than 5% redemption fund.

500 00

500 00

,702,588 98

1,367,523 93

$9,070,112 91

Capital stock paid in..........................................

$200,000 00

$500,000 00

$700,000 00

Surplus fund........................................................

120,000 00

375,000 00

495.000 00

Undivided profits less expenses and taxes paid.

24,227 29

132,804 97

157,032 26


National bank notes outstanding.......................
Due to banks and bankers..................................

486,167 47

340,600 00

340,600 00

136,926 40

623,093 87

Dividends unpaid................................................

120 00

8,000 00

8,120 00

Commercial deposits...........................................

608,878 83

4,830,984 77

5,439,863 60

Savings deposits..................................................

1,230,561 18

State Moneys on deposit.....................................

7,298 72

United States deposits........................................

1,230,561 18
7,298 27
25,000 00

25.000 00

Bonds borrowed..................................................
Reserved for taxes, interest, etc........................

12,736 98

Notes and bills rediscounted..............................

12,598 96

18,207 79

30,806 75

2,702,588 98

3,367,523 93

$9,070,112 91

12,736 98

Bills payable.......................................
Liabilities other than those above stated..........
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis




A N D N A T IO N A L B A N K S .

A b s tr a c ts o f the 'p u b lish ed r e p o r ts o f the five S ta te a n d tw o N a tio n a l b a n k s i n B a y C ity , a s
m a d e to the C o m m is s io n e r o f th e B a n k in g D e p a r tm e n t, N o v e m b e r 1 6 , 1 9 0 9 .
Report of
5 state

Report of
2 national


$2,437,309 54

$1,339,783 15

$3,777,092 69

Stocks bonds and mortgages...................................................................

2,067,313 47

374,465 66

3,441,779 13


Loans and discount



1,846 82

9,524 66


150,000 00

150,000 00

deposits ....................................................

56,000 00

56,000 00

22,500 00

79,500 00


bends to seenre eircula/tion

Other bends t-e secure



7,677 84

19,717 94


19,717 94

Ranking house furniture and fixtures......................................................

57,000 00

Other real estate.


26,507 72

One from other banks and bankers........................................................

10,302 24

39,054 41

49,356 65

One from banks in reserve cities.............................................................

951,577 00

178,153 69

1,129,730 69

Oheekg and other cash items...................................................................

2,230 98

2,579 07

4,810 05

Exchanges for clearing house...................................................................

14,550 65

8,295 45

22,846 10

Premiums paid

26,507 72

Nickels and cents.....................................................................................

1,997 50

817 64

2,815 14

Specie ................................i ...................................................................

96,679 42

69,887 00

166,566 42

and National bank notes................................................................

286,049 00

69,691 00

355,740 00

of circulation)...................

7,500 00

7,500 00

Due from TT R treasurer other than 5% redemption fund...................

600 00

600 00


Redemption fund with TT




$5,978,913 30

$2,321,173 89

$8,300,087 19

Capital stock paid in................................................................................

$400,000 00

$200,000 00

$600,000 00

Surplus fund.............................................................................................

280,000 00

165.000 00

445.000 00

TTndivided profits less expenses and taxes paid.....................................

57,045 72

30,370 38

87,416 10

149.000 00

149.000 00

81,819 41

52,563 78

134,383 19

Commercial deposits................................................................................

1,854,396 18

1,652,562 63

3,506,958 81

Savings depogits

3,305,651 99

National bank notes outstanding............................................................
Due to banks and bankers.......................................................................


TTnited States deposits.............................................................................

Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

$5,978,913 30

3,305,651 99

71,677 10

71,677 10

$2,321,173 89

$8,300,087 19



S T A T E A N D N A T IO N A L B A N K S .

A b s tr a c ts o f the p u b lis h e d r e p o r ts o f the four S ta te a n d on e N a tio n a l b a n k s i n th e c ity o f
J a c k s o n , a s m a d e to th e C o m m is s io n e r o f the B a n k in g D e p a r tm e n t, N o v e m b e r 1 6 , 1 9 0 9 .


Report of
4 state

Report of
1 national


Loans and discount...............................................................

$2,939,561 15

$924,180 55

$3,863,741 70

Stocks, bonds and mortgages................................................

1,485,355 42

125,442 16

1,610,797 58


14,839 29

6,983 90

21,823 19

50,000 00

50,000 00

U. S. bonds to secure circulation..........................................
U. S. bonds to secure U. S. deposits.....................................
Other bonds to secure U. S. deposits...................................
U. S. bonds on hand.............................................................

2,080 00

2,080 00

197,000 00

7,675 58

204,675 58

Premiums paid.......................................................................
Banking house, furniture and fixtures.................................
Other real estate............................................. .....................

50,015 05

20,919 78

70,934 83

Due from other banks and bankers.....................................

227,681 80

2,525 14

230,206 94
738,354 77

Due from banks in reserve cities..........................................

622,694 69

115,660 08

Checks and other cash items................................................

1,947 98

306 31

2,254 29

Exchanges for clearing house................................................

61,691 50

9,443 49

71,134 99

Nickels and cents...................................................................

1,132 14

1,579 41

2,711 55


120,978 05

62,792 10

183,770 15

U. S. and National bank notes.............................................

165,577 00

51,131 00

216,708 00

Redemption fund with U. S. treasurer (5% of circulation).

2,500 00

2,500 00

Due from U. S. treasurer, other than 5% redemption fund.

GOO 00

600 00

,888,474 07

$1,383,819 50

*7,272,293 57

Capital stock paid in..........................................

$600,000 00

1100,000 00

$700,000 00

Surplus fund........................................................

305,000 00

50.000 00

355,000 00

Undivided profits less expenses and taxes paid.

169,285 36

26,423 80

195,709 16

50.000 00

50,000 00


National bank notes outstanding......................
Due to banks and bankers.................................

41,644 41

Dividends unpaid................................................

20 00

Commercial deposits...........................................

1,920,939 66

Savings deposit...................................................

2,851 584 64

41,644 41
20 00

1,157,395 70

3,078,335 36
2,851,584 64

State moneys on deposit............ ........................
United States deposits.......................................
Bonds borrowed..................................................
Reserved for taxes..............................................
Notes and bills rediscounted..............................
Bills payable........................................................
Liabilities other than those above stated..........
$5,888,474 07

Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

$1,383,819 50

«7,272,293 57



S T A T E A N D N A T IO N A L B A N K S .

A b s tr a c ts o f the p u b lis h e d r e p o r ts o f the tw o S ta te a n d on e N a tio n a l b a n k s i n th e c ity .of
C a lu m e t, a s m a d e to the C o m m is s io n e r o f the B a n k in g D e p a r tm e n t, N o v e m b e r 1 6 , 1 9 0 9 .


Report of
2 state

Report of
1 national

T.nans and discounts................................................................................

«1,623,949 33

$2,340,910 80

$3,964,880 13

$tneks bonds nnd mortgages...................................................................

269,877 94

309,365 00

579,242 94


175 67

483 68

659 35

200,000 00

200,000 00

TT S bonds to secure circulation.............................................................
XJ S bonds

secure IT. p?. deposits

10,000 00

10,000 00


2,300 00

2,300 00


3,500 00

3,500 00

50,498 80

116,232 51

Other bonds to secure U. S. deposits......................................................
TT p> bonds on band
Premiums paid


Banking house furniture and fixtures....................................................

65,733 71

8,544 06


8,544 06

THie fr0Tn nth or banks and bankers........................................................

57,626 62

43,807 86

101,434 48

One from banks in reserve cities...........................................................

717,177 49

225,980 06

943,157 55

Checks and other cash items...................................................................

6,516 77

4,899 80

11,416 57

7,003 72

7,603 72

Qtfier real estate

Exchanges for clearing house,........... : ....................................................
030 98

394 57

1,025 53


95,171 60

243,407 45

338,579 05

TT ^ and National bank notes................................................................

136,509 00

134,860 00

271,369 00

10,000 00

10,000 00

T^inkels and cents ................................................................... .............

Redemption fund with TT S treasurer (5% of circulation')...................
Eoe from U S treasurer other than

redemption fund...

Totals......................................................... ......................................

«2,981,913 15

$3,588,011 74

$6,569,924 89

- . . , ............................................................

$250,000 00

$200,000 00

$450,000 00


150,000 00

250,000 00

400,000 00

Undivided profits less expenses and taxes paid.....................................

99,247 75

27,977 52

127,225 27

184,350 00

184,350 00

971 80

6,947 86

2,923,712 42

5,178,218 72

Capital stock pnid in
Surplus fund

National bank notes outstanding

. ., ,., f ..........................

Ihie to banks and bankers.......................................................................

5,976 06


70 00

Commercial deposits.................................................................................

2,254,506 30

Savings deposits........................................................................ ...........

222,113 04

Dividends unpaid


Unitpd State« deposit,«


70 00

222,113 04

1,000 00

1,000 00

$3,588,011 74

$6,569,924 89

Notes and bills rediscounted...................................................................

I labilities other than those above stated
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

$2,981,913 15



S T A T E A N D N A T IO N A L B A N K S .

A b s tr a c ts o f the p u b lis h e d r e p o rts o f the fo u r S ta te a n d one N a tio n a l B a n k s i n the c ity o f A n n
A r b o r , a s m a d e to the C o m m is s io n e r o f the B a n k in g D e p a r tm e n t, N o v e m b e r 1 6 , 1 9 0 9 .

Loans and discounts..............................
Stocks, bonds and mortgages.............................

Report of
4 state

Report of
1 national


$1,535,991 86

$381,414 10

$1,917,405 96

2,929,942 10

91,288 60

3,021,230 70

26,806 98

7,259 07

34,066 05

100,000 00

100,000 00

U. S. bonds to secure circulation.........................
U. S. bonds to secure TJ. S. deposits...........................
Other bonds to secure U. S. deposits..............................
U. S. bonds on hand..................................................
Premiums paid.........................................
Banking house, furniture and fixtures........................

32,000 00

32.000 00

2,424 26

1,500 00

3,924 26

109,688 25

24,000 00

133,688 25

Other real estate.................................................

12,997 84

Due from other banks and bankers.......................

28,093 29

4,829 28

32,922 57

475,077 27

50,980 08

526,057 35

1,456 39

15,078 91

Due from banks in reserve cities......................
Checks and other cash items........................

3,082 23

Exchanges for clearing house......................

13,622 52

Nickels and cents..............................................

12,997 84

3,082 23

3,243 88

90 14

3,334 02


149,519 81

22,780 90

172,300 71

U. S. and National bank notes......................

221,426 00

32,329 00

253,755 00

5,000 00

5.000 00

$5,543,916 29

$722,927 56

$6,266,843 85

Redemption fund with U. S. treasurer (5% of circulation)...................
Due from U. S. treasurer, other than 5% redemption fund..................
Capital stock paid in..............................

$200,000 00

$100,000 00

$300,000 00

Surplus fund.........................................

351,500 00

50,000 00

401,500 00

Undivided profits less expenses and taxes paid......................................

110,690 60

20,914 03

131,604 63

100,000 00

100,000 00

National bank notes outstanding...............
Due to banks and bankers.........................................
Dividends unpaid.....................................

59,036 83

59,036 83

400 00

400 00

Commercial deposits.......................................

1,210,358 77

Savings deposits..................................................

3,606,930 09

3,606,930 09

5,000 00

5,000 00

State moneys on deposit............................. ...........

452,013 53

1,662,372 30

United States deposits....................................
Bonds borrowed...........................................
Reserved for taxes..................................................
Notes and bills rediscounted..............................
Bills payable..........................................................................
Liabilities other'than those above stated................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

$5,543,916 29

$722,927 56

$0,266,843 85



S T A T E A N D N A T IO N A L B A N K S .

A b s tr a c ts o f the 'p u b lish ed r e p o r ts of the fo u r S ta te a n d on e N a tio n a l b a n k s i n the c ity of
P o r t H u r o n , a s m a d e to the C o m m is s io n e r of the B a n k in g D e p a r tm e n t, N o v e m b e r 1 6 ,1 9 0 9 .


Report of
4 state

Loans and discounts................................................................................

$2,215,782 45

$987,014 19

$3,202,796 64

Stocks, bonds and mortgages..................................................................

813,088 59

196,944 04

1,010,032 63


2,702 74

55 26

2,758 00

U. S. bonds to secure circulation............................................................

150,000 00

150,000 00

U. S. bonds to secure U. S. deposits.......................................................

40,000 00

40,000 00

60,000 00

174,747 87

Report of
1 national


Other bonds to secure U. S. deposits
IT. S- bonds on band
Premiums paid


Banking house, furniture and fixtures....................................................

114,747 87

29,730 00


29,730 00

Due from other banks and bankers........................................................

30,450 23

5,751 42

36,201 65

Due from other banks in reserve cities....................................................

458,468 22

226,236 40

684,704 62

8,974 49

30,047 67

Other real estate . . .

Checks and other cash items...................................................................

15,302 76

Exchanges for clearing house..................................................................

21,073 18

15,302 76

Nickels and cents.....................................................................................

2,432 59

677 90

3,110 49


65,295 85

38,032 00

103,327 85

U. S. and national bank notes.................................................................

114,665 00

68,168 00

182,833 00

7,500 00

7,500 00

Redemption fund with TJ. S. treasurer (5% of circulation'!. . . .
Due from II. S- treasurer other than

redemption fund

Totals................ ..............................................................................

$3,883,739 48

$1,789,353 70

$5,673,093 18

Capital stock paid in................................................................................

$400,000 00

$150,000 00

$550,000 00

Surplus fund.............................................................................................

220,000 00

65,000 00

285,000 00

Undivided profits less expenses and taxes paid.....................................

76,865 82

41,084 98

118,550 80

National bank notes outstanding............................................................
Due to banks and bankers.......................................................................

156,878 34

Dividends unpaid.....................................................................................

139 00

Commercial deposits................................................................................

1,300,435 98

Savings deposits.......................................................................................

1,710,225 25

149,995 00

91,416 09

248,294 43

1,243,967 88

2,544,403 86

139 00

1,710,225 25
19,195 09

19,195 09

State moneys on deposit.
United States deposits.............................................................................
Bonds borrowed .

40,000 00

40,000 00

7,289 75

7,289 75

$1,789,353 70

$5,673,093 18


Reserved for taxes...................................................................................
Notes and bills rediscounted . . . .
Bills payable...

149,995 00





Liabilities other than those above stated..
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

$3,883,739 48



S T A T E A N D N A T IO N A L B A N K S .

A b s tr a c ts o f the p u b lis h e d r e p o r ts o f th e one S ta te a n d tw o N a tio n a l b a n k s i n the c ity o f L a n ­
s in g , a s m a d e to the C o m m is s io n e r o f the B a n k in g D e p a r tm e n t, N o v e m b e r 1 6 , 1 9 0 9 .

Report of
1 state

Report of
2 national


Loans and discounts................................................................................

$644,909 27

$1,564,404 73

$2,209,314 00

Stocks, bonds and mortgages..................................................................

389,085 65

653,414 33

1,042,499 98

1,177 93

452 48

1,630 41

U. S. bonds to secure circulation.............................................................

200,000 00

200,000 00

U. S. bonds to secure U. S. deposits.......................................................

2,000 00

2,000 00

40.000 00

40,000 00


Other bonds to secure U. S. deposits......................................................
U. S. bonds on hand................................................................................
Premiums paid.........................................................................................

2,957 24

3,724 77

6,682 01

Banking house, furniture and fixtures....................................................

51,500 00

80.000 00

131,500 00

Other real estate......................................................................................

15,099 92
122,594 74

122,594 74

497,212 69

654,065 54

15,653 05

32,237 91

Due from other banks and bankers........................................................
Due from banks in reserve cities.............................................................

156,852 85

Checks and other cash items..................................................................

5,511 23

Exchanges for clearing house..................................................................

16,584 86

15,099 92

5,511 23

Nickels and cents....................................................................................

490 31

1,655 77

2,146 08

Specie..................................................... ..................................................

31,202 00

72,877 80

104,079 80

IT. S. and National bank notes................................................................

54,854 00

143,565 00

198,419 00

7,700 00

7,700 00

Redemption fund with IT. S. treasurer (5% of circulation)................. .
Due from U. S. treasurer, other than 5% redemption fund...

200 00

200 00


$1,370,225 26

$3,405,455 36

$4,775,680 62

Capital stock paid in............................... ................................................

$150,000 00

$200,000 00

$350,000 00

Surplus fund.....................................................................................

45,000 00

130,000 00

175,000 00

Undivided profits less expenses and taxes paid......................................

16,972 54

85,189 24

102,161 78

National bank notes outstanding............................................................

197,663 00

197,663 00

Due to banks and bankers.......................................................................

111,003 39

111,003 39

2,679,599 73

3,204,520 67

Dividends unpaid.............................
Commercial deposits......... .............................................................
Savings deposits................................................................................
State moneys on deposit.............................................................

524,920 94

624,582 79

624,582 79

8,748 9 9

8,748 99

United States deposits.............................................................................

2,000 00

2,000 00

$3,405,455 36

$4,775,680 62

Bonds borrowed.......................................................................................
Reserved for taxes....................................................................................
Notes and bills rediscounted...................................................................
Bills payable.............................................................................................
Liabilities other than those above stated................................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

$1,370,225 26


S T A T E A N D N A T IO N A L B A N K S .

A b s tr a c ts o f the -publish ed r e p o r ts o f the one S ta te a n d tw o N a tio n a l b a n k s i n the c i t y o f M a r ­
q u e tte , a s m a d e to the C o m m is s io n e r of the B a n k in g D e p a r tm e n t, N o v e m b e r 1 6 , 1 9 0 9 .


Report of
1 state

Report of
2 national


Loans and discounts................................................................................

$648,999 07

$1,829,604 07

$2,478,603 14

Stocks, bonds and mortgages...................................................................

196,617 68

388,681 74

585,299 42


7,499 66

511 78

8,011 44

U. S. bonds to secure circulation.............................................................

250,000 00

250,000 00

U. S. bonds to secure U. S. deposits.......................................................

26,000 00

26,000 00

U. S. bonds on hand................................................................................

37,500 00

37,500 00

Premiums paid.........................................................................................

1,500 00

1.500 00

79,000 00

136,692 60

Other bonds to secure U. S. deposits......................................................

Banking bouse, furniture and fixtures....................................................

57,692 60

Other real estate......................................................................................

1,489 30

4,000 00

5,489 30

Due from other banks and bankers........................................................

23,409 49

79,099 70

102,509 19

Due from banks in reserve cities.............................................................

138,513 88

451,830 90

590,344 78

Checks and other cash items..................................................

2,302 99

7,107 20

9,410 19

Exchanges for clearing house...................................................................

4,912 95

Nickels and cents................................................................. ...................

481 09

828 69

1,309 78


18,201 10

156,456 00

174,657 10

U. S. and National bank notes........................ ......................................

47,587 00

4,912 95

34,322 00

81,909 00

Redemption fund with U. S. treasurer (5% of circulation)...................

12,500 00

12.500 00

Due from U. S. treasurer, other than 5% redemption fund...................

2C0 00

200 00


$1,147,706 81

$3,359,142 08

$4,506,848 89

Capital Stock paid in...............................................................................

$100,000 00

$250,000 00

$350,000 00

25,000 00

75.000 00

100,000 00

3,429 14

79,682 19

83,111 33

243,400 00

243,400 00

43,080 40

106.133 61

Surplus fund...................................................................
Undivided profits less expenses and taxes paid.....................................
National bank notes outstanding............................................................
Due to banks and bankers.......................................................................

03,053 21

Dividends unpaid.....................................................................................

18.000 00

18,000 00

2,621,512 10

3,189,603 37

Commercial deposits.......................................................................

568,091 27

Savings deposits.......................................................................................

383,133 19

383.133 19

State moneys on deposit..........................................................................

5,000 00

5 non nn

United States deposits.............................................................................

25,999 00

25,999 00

2,468 39

2,468 39

$3,359,142 08

$4,506,848 89

Bonds borrowed................................................................................
Reserved for taxes...................................................................................
Notes and bills rediscounted...................................................................
Bills payable.............................................................................................
Liabilities other than those above stated...............................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

$1,147,706 81



N A T IO N A L B A N K S .

A b s tr a c ts o f the p u b lis h e d r e p o r ts o f the tw o N a tio n a l b a n k s i n the c ity o f H o u g h to n , a s m a d e
to the C o m m is s io n e r o f the B a n k in g D e p a r tm e n t, N o v e m b e r 1 6 , 1 9 0 9 .
Report of
2 national




Loans and discounts.............................................................................................................................................

*2,491,765 76

Stocks bonds and mortgages................................................................................................................................

276,300 00

Overdrafts ............................................................................................................................................................

13,875 30

U S bonds to secure circulation...........................................................................................................................

185.000 00

IT g bonds to secure XL S. deposits................................................

100.000 00

Other bonds to secure IT. S. deposits........
U S bonds on hand..............................................................................................................................................
Premiums paid.......................................................................................................................................................

1,120 00

Banking house, furniture and fixtures..................................................................................................................

59,700 00

Other real estate. .................................................................................................................................................
Due from other banks and bankers......................................................................................................................

174,540 73

Due from banks in reserve cities................................................ ..........................................................................

770,040 76

Checks and other cash items..................................................................................................................................

15,165 36

Exchanges for clearing house................................................................................................................................
Nickels and cents...................................................................................................................................................

1,540 19


288,563 00

U. S. and National bank notes.............................................................................................................................

115,465 00

Redemption fund with U. S. treasurer (5% of circulation).................................................................................

9,250 00

Due from IT. S. treasurer, other than 5% redemption fund................................................................................
Totals ............................................................................................................................................................

14,502,326 10

Capital stock paid in .............................................................................................................................................

*250,000 00

Surplus fund.................................................................................................................................. ........................

225,000 00

Undivided profits less expenses and taxes paid.............................

...................... .............................

211,488 33

National bank notes outstanding................................................................................................ .........................

183,200 00

Due to banks and bankers....................................................................................................................................

13,336 52

Dividends unpaid...................................................................................................................................................

78 00

Commercial deposits..............................................................................................................................................

3,594,223 25

Savings deposits.....................................................................................................................................................
State moneys on deposit......................


United States deposits............................................................................................................................................

25,000 00

Bonds borrowed.....................................................................................................................................................
Reserved for taxes


Notes and hills rediscounted



Bills payable...........................................................................................................................................................
Liabilities other than those above stated..............................................................................................................
Totals................................................................................................................................................... ...........
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

$4,502,326 10



S T A T E A N D N A T IO N A L B A N K S .

A b s tr a c ts o f the 'p u b lish ed r e p o r ts o f the fo u r S ta te a n d on e N a tio n a l b a n k s in the c ity o f
A d r ia n , a s m a d e to the C o m m is s io n e r o f the B a n k in g D e p a r tm e n t, N o v e m b e r 1 6 , 1 9 0 9 .


Report of
4 state

Report of
1 national


Loans and discounts................................................................................

$1,135,994 G9

$159,855 96

$1,295,850 65

Stocks, bonds and mortgages...................................................................

2,017,240 74

11,418 08

2,028,658 82


4,034 48

258 70

4,293 18

90,000 00

90,000 00

U. S. bonds to secure circulation.............................................................
TT S bnndp to secure I . R. deposits
Other bonds to secure U. S. deposits......................................................


U. S. bonds on hand................................................................................
Premiums paid.........................................................................................

37 66

1,242 87

1,280 53

Banking house, furniture and fixtures....................................................

100,000 00

21,282 41

121,282 41

Other real estate......................................................................................

4,426 85

Due from other banks and bankers........................................................

4,275 26

26,274 60

30,549 86

Due from banks in reserve cities.............................................................

484,274 94

12,508 14

496,783 08

Checks and other cash items...................................................................

2,020 79

1,867 25

3,888 04

Exchanges for clearing house...................................................................

5,474 69

Nickles and cents.........................., .........................................................

988 44

191 69

1,180 13


50,768 45

2,002 50

52,770 95

U. S. and National bank notes................................................................

132,994 00

5,270 00

138,264 00

4,.500 00

4,500 00

Redemption fund with U. S. treasurer (5% of circulation)...................

4,426 85

5,474 69

Due from U. S. treasurer, other than 5% redemption fund..................

$3,942,530 99

$336,672 20

$4,279,203 19

Capital stock paid in................................................................................

$405,000 00

$90,000 00

$495,000 00

Surplus fund.............................................................................................

97,000 00

3,260 00

100,260 00

LTndivided profits less expenses and taxes paid.....................................

59,196 73

965 75

60,162 48

89,400 00

89,400 00

866 55

29,735 18

30,601 73

116,191 27

National bank notes outstanding............................................................
Due to banks and bankers.......................................................................
Dividends unpaid.....................................................................................
Commercial deposits................................................................................

574,376 17

Savings deposits.......................................................................................

2,803,591 54

2,803,591 54

State moneys on deposit..........................................................................

2,500 00

2,500 00

090,567 44

United States deposits.............................................................................
Bonds borrowed.......................................................................................
Reserved for taxes....................................................................................
Notes and bills rediscounted...................................................................
Bills payable.............................................................................................
Liabilities other than those above stated...............................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis


7,120 00

7,120 00

$336,672 20

$4,279,203 19



S T A T E A N D N A T IO N A L B A N K S .

A b s tr a c ts of the p u b lis h e d r e p o rts o f the on e S ta te a n d th ree N a tio n a l b a n k s i n the c ity o f
M u s k e g o n , a s m a d e to the C o m m is s io n e r o f the B a n k in g D e p a r tm e n t, N o v e m b e r 1 6 , 1 9 0 9 .
Report of
1 state


Report of
3 national



$322,741 98

$2,041,451 99

.$2,364,193 97

Stocks bonds and mortgages..................................................................

320,271 53

447,319 01

767,590 54


487 24

11,624 11

12,111 35

234,000 00

234,000 00

1,000 00

1,000 00

Loans and discounts

TJ. S. bonds to secure circulation.............................................................

bonds t-o secure TT. S deposits

Other bonds to secure TJ. S. deposits..
}»nnds on hand



Premiums paid.........................................................................................

4,416 75

2,350 00

6,766 75

Ranking house furniture and fixtures....................................................

40,305 32

81,742 34

122,047 66

2,500 00

2,500 00

Due from other banks and bankers .......................................................

190 04

55,716 80

55,906 84

Due from banks in reserve cities.............................................................

62,386 11

256,824 67

319,210 78

Checks and other cash items...................................................................

530 50

39,740 53

40,271 03

Other real estate


, , , , ..........................

10,711 84

Nickels and cents.....................................................................................

286 36

1,871 05

2,157 41


12,468 20

111,591 60

124,059 80

and National bank notes...............................................................

31,889 00

157,456 00

189,345 00

11,700 00

11,700 00

Rxehanges for elea.ring house

Specie .



Redemption fund with TJ. S. treasurer (5^^ of circulation)...................
Due from TJ. S. treasurer, other than


10,711 84

redemption fund..................


$806,684 87

$3,456,888 10

$4,263,572 97

Capital stock pa id in................................................................................

$50,000 00

$300,000 00

$350,000 00

Surplus fund.............................................................................................

1 0 ,0 0 0 00

125,000 00

135,000 00

Undivided profits less expenses and taxes paid.....................................

17,707 95

125,757 41

143,465 36

233,397 50

233,397 50

6,256 67

6,256 67

Natjonaj bank notes outstanding
T )r p

to banks and hankers


Dividends unpaid.....................................................................................

4 00

54 00

58 00

Commercial deposits................................................................................

197,041 00

2,643,422 52

2,840,463 52

Savings deposits

531,931 92


State moneys on deposit
United States deposits
"Ronds borrowed
Reserved for ta.xes

531,931 92

1,000 00

1,000 00

2,000 00

2,000 00

................................................................. and bill<2 rediscounted
R jlls



labilities other than those above states.............
Totals............ ...................................................................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

$806,684 87

20,000 00

20,000 00

$3,456,888 10

$4,263,572 97



S T A T E A N D N A T IO N A L B A N K S .

A b s tr a c ts o f the p u b lis h e d r e p o r ts o f the o n e S ta te a n d one N a tio n a l b a n k i n the c ity o f
A lp e n a , a s m a d e to the C o m m is s io n e r o f the B a n k in g D e p a r tm e n t, N o v e m b e r 1 6 , 1 9 0 9 .
Report of
1 state

Report of
1 national

Loans and discounts................................................................................

$845,722 71

$649,583 96

$1,495,306 67

Stocks, bonds and mortgages...................................................................

637,620 01

143,466 78

781,086 79


1,513 19



. \

U. S. bonds to secure circulation.............................................................


3,050 09

4,563 88

50,000 00

50,000 00

U. S. bonds to secure U. S. deposits.......................................................
Other bopds to secure U. S. deposits......................................................
XJ. S. bonds on hand................................................................................
Premiums paid.........................................................................................
Banking house, furniture and fixtures....................................................

37.707 24

7,000 00

44,707 24

Other real estate......................................................................................

10,964 32

12,611 83

23,576 15

Due from other banks and bankers........................................................

24,958 68

590 73

25,549 41

Due from banks in reserve cities.............................................................

146,325 12

77,710 69

224,035 81

Checks and other cash items...................................................................

6 30

3,222 37

3,228 67

Exchanges for clearing house..................................................................

1,056 21

Nickels and cents.....................................................................................

1,001 56

271 57

1,273 13


37.707 00

39,085 00

77,392 00

U. S. and National bank notes...............................................................

55,333 00

17,440 00

72,773 00

2,500 00

2,500 00

Redemption fund with U. S. treasurer (5% of circulation)...................

1,056 21

Due from U. S. treasurer, other than 5% redemption fund..................

$1,799,915 34

$1,007,133 62

$2,807,048 96

Capital stock paid in................................................................................

$100,000 00

$50,000 00

$150,000 00

Surplus fund.............................................................................................

125,000 00

50.000 00

175,000 00

Undivided profits less expenses and taxes paid.....................................

3,873 02

22,285 18

26,158 20

50.000 00

50,000 00

National bank notes outstanding............................................................
Due to banks and bankers.......................................................................

35,600 27

Dividends unpaid.....................................................................................

10 00

Commercial deposits................................................................................

202,744 03

Savings deposits.......................................................................................

1,235,188 02

1,235,188 02

22,500 00

22,500 00

75,000 00

75,000 00

35,600 27
10 00
834,848 44

1,037,592 47

State moneys on deposit........................................................................
United States deposits.............................................................................
Bonds borrowed.......................................................................................
Reserved for taxes, interest, etc......... ...................................................
Notes and bills rediscounted...................................................................
Bills payable....................................................................................
Liabilities other than those above stated................................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

$1,799,915 34

$1,007,133 62

$2,807,048 96



A b s tr a c t o f the p u b lis h e d r e p o r ts o f the th ree S ta te b a n k s i n the c ity o f B e n to n H a rb o r , a s
m a d e to the C o m m is s io n e r o f the B a n k in g D e p a r tm e n t, N o v e m b e r 1 6 , 1 9 0 9 .
Report of
3 state


$1,093,512 82

Stocks bonds ppd mnrtgfigPR

............. , , , t ........................................................................



3 ,0 3 7


3,200 00
1,115 80
Banking house furTMt-HTp find fivtiirps


20,120 30
18,000 00
8,466 16

Buc from

in t’pspt'vp pities

Checks Pnd nf.hpr pnph itpTRR

. .. .........................................................................................

622,875 84
1,424 17
9,666 59
2,393 59
51,081 20

XT S and Nation! Kink notes


89,300 00

Xrom TJ S» treasurer other than 5*% redemption fund................................................................................
$2,219,969 39
Capital stock paid in ..............................................................................................................................................
Surplus fnnd


fYimmprpiftl deposits
Savings dpp^sits

Bill 8


Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

86,500 00


37,405 50

............. ...............................................................................

147,521 08

................................................................. ......................................................

784,187 30

..................., , , , , .......................................... . ...................................

914,295 51

Undivided prnfHs lp<?S PNppnppp nnd tiTPs piiid.........

Brp f.n hankc find hnnleprs

$250,000 00
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



No. 325.
Organized October 11, 1905.


B o w e n , P r e s id e n t ; F r e d B . K l i n e , V ic e P r e s id e n t ;
F . B . C l e v e l a n d , C a s h ie r .

D i r e c t o r s .— O. B. Bowen, F. B. Kline, Henry F. Davis, D. A. Curtis, L. S. Town.


R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Nov. 27, ’08. Feb. 5, ’09. April 28, ’09. June 23, ’09. Sept. 1, ’09.

Loans and discounts.........................

«43,500 72

$40,402 88

$39,070 49

$38,122 91

$38,222 86

Bonds, mortgages and securities. .

43,507 10

43,103 60

39,083 60

39,153 60

45,862 07

Prem ium s paid on b o n d s...............

26 40

O verdrafts........................................

454 12

348 28

1,289 39

447 02

161 20

Banking house....................................

5,274 12

5,274 12

5,274 12

5,274 12

5,274 12

F u rn itu re and fixtures.....................

2,732 44

2,732 44

2,732 44

2,732 44

2,732 44

7,470 40

13,443 95

8,298 96

19,352 88

18,216 91

U. S. and N ational bank cu rren cy .

2,761 00

2,774 00

4,564 00

3,343 00

2,227 00

Gold c o in .............................................

530 00

705 00

1,380 00

225 00

415 00

Silver coin.................................

812 40

646 20

612 95

896 05

1,349 05

Other real estate...............................
Due from other banks and bankers
(not reserve cities).......................
Item s in tra n sit.................................
U nited States bonds.........................
Due from banks in reserve cities. .
Exchanges for clearing h o u se.........

Nickels and c en ts..............................

118 24

120 69 ,

81 97

47 10

87 11

Checks and cash ite m s...................

73 00

100 00

393 01

270 42

228 46

T o tals............................................

$107,200 00

$109,711 16

$102,786 93

$109,864 54

$114,776 22

Capital stock paid in .......................

$20,000 00

$20,000 00

. $20,000 00

$20,000 00

$20,000 00

Surplus F u n d ......................................
Undivided profits, less current ex­
penses, interest and taxes p a id . .

500 00

750 00

750 00

750 00

750 00

2,159 26

532 98

949 35

901 89

1,553 07

Dividends u n p a id ..............................
Commercial deposits subject to
ch eck .................................................

16,271 50

27,823 31

14,154 45

24,481 17

20,583 13

Savings d ep o sits................................

34,562 16

29,139 65

27,714 85

28,781 51

28,280 69

Savings certificates of d eposit........

33,767 08

31,465 22

34,218 28

34,949 97

43,609 33

$107,260 00

$109,711 16

$102,786 93

$109,864 54

$114,776 22

Commercial certificates of dep o sit.
Due to banks and b an k ers...............
Certified checks..................................
Cashier’s checks outstan ding..........

Notes and bills rediscounted...........
Bills p a y a b le .......................................
T o ta ls...
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

5,000 00



No. 162.
Organized May 29, 1893.
R. A. W a t t s , P r e s id e n t ; G e o r g e A. W il c o x , V ic e P r e s id e n t ; B. E. T o b i a s ,
R. H. W a t t s , A s s i s t a n t C a s h i e r ; C h a r l e s S. W h i t n e y , A u d ito r .

C a sh ie r;

D ir e c t o r s .— R. A. W atts, Geo. A. Wilcox, W. E. Jew ett, R. A. Kaiser, C. G. Wesley, W. O. H unt,

B. E. Tobias, A. D. Ellis, C. S. W hitney, R. H. W atts.

R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Nov. 27, ’08. Feb. 5, ’09. April 28, ’09. June 23, ’C9. Sept. 1, ’09.


Loans and discounts.........................
Bonds, m ortgages and se c u ritie s...

$351,549 01
728,079 63

$420,305 41
746,548 24

$454,367 04

$428,736 91

$316,682 20

757,076 56

844,455 71

827,788 62

pa,j(i on bonds
32 62

362 31

42 64

109 83

178 96

Banking house....................................

30.000 00

30.000 00

30.000 00

30.000 00

30.000 00

Safety deposit v a u lt.........................

10.000 00

10.000 00

10.000 00

10.000 00

10.000 00

5,000 00

5,000 00

5,000 00

5,000 00

5,000 00

3,803 83

4,813 09

1,445 87

3,271 59

13,297 94

80,140 79

O verdrafts............................................

F urniture and fixtures.....................
O ther real estate
Due from other banks and bankers
fnnt, reserve cities)
Item s in tra n sit.................................

S ta .f .P f i

bonds .

Due from banks in reserve c itie s ..

127,416 75

111,260 74

136,298 56

113,940 02

Exchanges for clearing h o u se. . . .

1,810 21

5,989 35

1,381 08

3,985 99

2,999 69

U. S. and N ational bank cu rre n cy .

37,324 00

35,548 00

39,797 00

24,855 00

28,421 00

Gold co in .............................................

25,495 00

32,220 00

28,885 00

28,535 00

26,790 00

Silver co in ...........................................

2,995 60

8,146 75

4,547 75

4,214 25

3,903 60

Nickels and c e n ts..............................

131 41

436 59

367 65

207 16

129 76

Checks and cash ite m s ....................

467 80

233 92

35 44

7 36

189 30

T o tals............................................ $1,324,105 86 $1,410,862 40 $1,469,244 59 $1,497,318 82

$1,345,521 86

Capital stock paid in .......................

$120,000 00

$60,000 00

$120,000 00

$120,000 00

$120,000 00

75,000 00

15,000 00

15,000 00

15,000 00

30,000 00

30,838 51

25,930 72

36,279 38

23,338 30

20,219 31

214,323 06

312,615 71

299,949 06

331,390 51

193,534 75

Savings d ep o sits................................

911,068 43

900,966 13

937,405 27

950,711 37

927,181 90

Savings certificates of d ep o sit. . . .

32,875 86

36,349 84

60,610 88

56,878 64

54,585 90

T otals............................................ $1,324,105 86 $1,410,862 40 $1,469,244 59 $1,497,318 82

$1,345,521 86

Surplus fu n d ........................................
Undivided profits, less current ex­
penses, interest and taxes p a id . .
Dividends unpaid
Commercial deposits subject to
ch eck ................... .............................
Commercial certificates of d ep o sit.
Due to banks and bankers

. . . .

Certified checks. . .
Cashier’s checks outstanding

Notes and bills rediscounted. . . .
Bills p a y a b le .......................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



No. 89.
Organized May 10, 1888.
A l a n s o n B e n n e t t , P r e s id e n t ; C h a r i .e s G. H a r t , V ic e P r e s id e n t ;
E r n e s t N. S m i t h , C a s h ie r .
D ir e c t o r s .— Alanson B ennett, A. H. Wood, A. M. Stephenson, E. C. Sword, E. L. Baker, Chas. G.

H art, John E. Bird, N. B. Hayes, A. E. Palm er.


R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Nov. 27, ’08. Feb. 5, ’09. April 28, 09. June 23, ’09. Sept. 1, ’09.

Loans and discounts.........................

$281,410 55

$292,902 73

$316,360 05

$286,931 80

$301,776 50

Bonds, m ortgages and securities. .

231,864 04

226,319 04

243,730 99

270,955 28

266,332 05

Prem ium s paid on b o n d s...............
O verdrafts............................................

22 59

3,692 49

277 68

130 10

2,869 30

Banking house....................................

12,000 00

12,000 00

12,000 00

12,000 00

12,000 00

15,871 06

632 50

416 50

F urn itu re and fixtures.....................
O ther real estate................................
Due from other banks and bankers
(not reserve cities).......................
Item s in tra n sit.................................

4,538 81
6,928 66

U nited S tates bonds.........................
Due from banks in reserve cities..

47,546 35

54,015 10

96,083 70

Exchanges for clearing h o u se.........

594 05

1,067 30

90 39

U. S. and N ational bank cu rre n cy .

32,885 00

26,254 00

Gold co in .............................................

8,785 00

Silver coin............................................

105,611 75

44,355 58

27,032 00

19,449 00

24,561 00

5,205 00

6,260 00

11,095 00

5,505 00

1,747 15

921 25

1,464 20

991 65

1,023 00

Nickels and c e n ts..............................

103 90

144 54

160 49

216 55

391 01

Checks and cash ite m s ...................

1,766 66

368 57

1,745 48

361 55

T o tals............................................

$034,596 35

$G23,522 52

$705,621 48

$713,781 49

$667,101 16

Capital stock paid in .......................

$110,000 00

$110,000 00

$110,000 00

$110,000 00

$110,000 00

22,000 00

22,000 00

22,000 00

22,000 00

22,000 00

8,178 20

4,758 96

6,532 84

3,065 52

8,683 00

Dividends u n p a id ..............................
Commercial 'deposits subject to
ch eck .................................................

154,760 05

141,050 72

203,525 39

222,294 36

161,282 02

Commercial certificates of d ep o sit.

1,541 38

2,244 15

13,102 18

12,841 95

11,217 14

Due from U. S. T reasu rer...............

Surplus fu n d .......................................
Undivided profits, less current ex­
penses, interest and taxes paid. .

1,359 06
1,500 00

Due to banks and b an k ers...............
Certified checks..................................

113 07

Cashier’s checks outstanding..........

35 00

Savings d ep o sits................................

338,081 72

471 00

333,468 69

340,348 00

338,579 63

348,448 00

10,000 00

10,000 00

5,000 00

5,000 00

$623,522 52

$705,621 48

$713,781 49

$667,101 16

Savings certificates of deposit........
S tate deposits.....................................
Notes and bills rediscounted...........
Bills p a y ab le. . .
T o tals..........................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

$634,596 35



No. 66.
Organized December 16, 1869.
Corporate existence extended February 1, 1902.
H. V. C. H a r t ,

A. B. P a r k , V ic e P r e s id e n t ; C. D. H a r d y , C a s h ie r ;
F. E. A s h , A s s i s t a n t C a s h ie r .
D i r e c t o r s .— H erm an V. C. H art, W arren J. P arker, H. L. Larwill, D. B. Morgan, A. B. Park, C. D . H ardy.
P r e s id e n t ;


R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Nov. 27, ’08. Feb. 5, ’09. April 28, ’09. June 23, ’09. Sept. 1, ’09.

Loans and discounts.............. ..........

$247,259 84

$275,129 82

$245,955 10

$231,937 91

$203,935 42

Bonds, m ortgages and securities...

423,155 04

418,565 29

455,120 33

453,001 01

496,378 02

Prem ium s paid on b o nds.................

40 28

30 22

120 00

120 00

40 16

30 22

30 22

120 00

25,000 00

25,000 00

25,000 00

25,000 00

25,000 00

O verdrafts............................................
S uspense...............................................
Banking house....................................
F urn itu re and fixtures.....................
Other real estate.
Due from other banks and bankers
(not reserve cities).......................
Tf,em s i n t ran s i t . . .


12 00

45 00

25 00

United S tates b o n d s...
86,633 06

Due from banks in reserve cities..

101,490 43

81,360 24

94,089 81

96,383 78

Exchanges for clearing h o u s e .. ..

679 27

245 12

30 65

103 22

79 46

(J. S. and N ational bank currency.

28,072 00

25,605 00

31,380 00

33,935 00

28,942 00

Gold co in .............................................

4,460 00

3,500 00

4,425 00

4,220 00

3,980 00

Silver c o in ...........................................

2,635 10

2,245 85

1,756 75

1,104 50

1,480 90

Nickels and c e n ts..............................

42 60

122 97

186 89

29 73

75 51

Checks and cash ite m s....................

996 29

529 15

503 87

445 11

215 45

T o tals............................................

$833,876 45

$832,333 66

$858,610 62

$846,310 48

$846,910 98

Capital stock paid in .......................

$100,000 00

$100,000 00

$100,000 00

$1 0 0 ,0 0 0 oo-

$100,000 00

30,000 00

30,000 00

30,000 00

30,000 00

30,000 00

10,937 18

9,085 85

10,017 05

11,081 48

8,469 43

117 08

331 62

130 35

437 45

159 45

1,719 35

293 39

Surplus fu n d .......................................
Undivided profits, less current ex­
penses, interest and taxes p a id . .
Dividends u n p a id ..............................
Commercial deposits subject to
ch eck .................................................
Commercial certificates of d ep o sit.
Due to banks and b an k ers...............
Certified checks..................... ............
Cashier’s checks o u tstan d in g ..........

42 65
1,809 73

1,069 31

Savings dep o sits................................

2,930 69
4,591 47

School savings deposits...................
691,012 46

691,846 88

710,898 41

703,072 20

707,988 71

$833,876 45

$832,333 68

$858,610 62

$846,310 48

$846,910 98

Savings certificates of deposit. . . .
Notes and bills d iscounted.............
Bills p a y a b le .............................. '. . . .
T o tals................ : .........................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



No. 171.
Organized June 24, 1894.
F. W. C l a y ,

P r e s id e n t ;

R. S. M o r e l a n d , V ic e P r e s id e n t ; H. B. W a l d b y ,
J. C. M u r p h y , A s s i s t a n t C a s h ie r .

C a sh ie r;

D i r e c t o r s .— H. B. W aldby, F. W. Clay, R ial Clay, J. V. DeFoe, R . S. Moreland, A. W. Wood,

J. W. K irk, F. A. Stevenson, J. C. Murphy.


R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R ep o rt of
Nov. 27, ’08. Feb. 5, ’09. April 28, ’09. June 23, ’09. Sept. 1, ’09.

Loans and discounts.........................

$302,769 98

$288,379 87

$339,901 00

$320,595 62

$294,886 71

Bonds, m ortgages and se cu rities..

334,708 00

321,108 00

353,858 00

378,628 00

388,378 00

Prem ium s paid on b o n d s...............
O verdrafts............................................

130 41

39 47

3 66

3 01

28 91

Banking house....................................

18,000 00

18,000 00

18,000 00

18,000 00

18,000 00

F u rn itu re and fixtures.....................
O ther real e s ta te ................................
Due from other banks and bankers
(not reserve cities).......................

800 00
3,724 61

1,419 06

745 12

105 54

150 46

104,150 48

Item s in tra n sit.................................
U nited States bonds.........................
Due from banks in reserve cities. .

92,816 70

96,818 58

112,698 41

120,285 83

Exchanges for clearing h o u se .........

1,285 28

593 85

165 12

246 51

328 36

U. S. and N ational bank currency.

32,624 00

36,696 00

41,097 00

40,125 00

39,016 00

Gold c o in .............................................

1,157 50

1,225 00

1,217 50

1,837 50

1,772 50

Silver coin.....................................

3,041 50

2,392 10

2,904 35

2,495 85

2,641 80
252 00

Nickels and c e n ts..............................

232 60

173 06

217 55

140 34

Checks and cash ite m s ....................

266 18

252 61

250 62

460 08

T o tals............................................

$790,756 76

$767,097 60

$871,058 33

$882,923 88

$850,405 22

$75,000 00

$75,000 00

$75,000 00

$75,000 00

$75,000 00

13,590 00

14,000 00

14,000 00

14,000 00

14,000 00

10,069 85

3,605 46

10,079 78

5,009 21

9,377 50

Dividends u n p a id ..............................
Commercial deposits subject to
check ...............................................

141,435 06

79,691 58

107,569 76

108,407 27

79,901 89

Commercial certificates of d ep o sit.

4,934 19

5,971 60

17,777 95

15,152 82

14,231 43

Due to banks and b an k ers...............

420 14

1,776 65

1,285 65

2,015 93

Capital stock paid in .....................
Surplus fu n d ........................................
U ndivided profits, less current ex­
penses, interest and taxes paid. .

Certified checks..................................
Cashier’s checks outstanding..........
Savings d eposits................................

545,397 52

588,828 96

644,854 19

664,068 93

655,878 47

$790,756 76

$767,097 60

$871,058 33

8889 098 88

«8*n ¿n s 99

Savings certificates of deposit........
Notes and bills rediscounted...........
Bills p a y a b le .......................................
T otals......................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



No. 179.
Organized March 29, 1895.
E u g e n e P. R o b e r t s o n , P r e s id e n t ; W . S. K e s s l e r , V ic e P r e s id e n t ;
S. H y n e y , C a s h ie r .
D i r e c t o r s .— Eugene P. Robertson. W . S. Kessler, S. Y. Hill, D . A. Garfield, Wm. H. Rodenbach,

O. A. Leonard, G. W. Schneider, Geo. T. Bullen, D. M. McAuliffe.


R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Nov. 27, ’08. Feb. 5, ’09. April 28, ’09. June 23, ’09. Sept. 1, ’09.

Loans and discounts.........................

$150,355 21

$131,558 08

$134,665 64

$141,934 56

$149,537 61

Bonds, mortgages and securities...

116,069 78

117,937 99

126,872 24

135,932 99

131,882 99

2,004 81

1,442 47

2,372 85

1,662 93

2,844 05

1,846 44

1,846 44

1,846 44

6,462 42

2,301 61

2,209 36

6,355 11

2,124 91
27,210 24

Prem ium s paid on b o n d s.................
O verdrafts............................................
Banking house....................................
F u rn itu re and fixtures.....................

1,846 44

1,846 44

Other real e state...............................
Due from other banks and bankers
(not reserve cities).......................
Item s in tra n sit.................................
U nited States bonds.........................
Due from banks in reserve c itie s ..

27,388 64

43,870 58

55,592 73

37,455 22

Exchanges for clearing h ouse. . . .

4,524 41

767 98

727 94

1,454 80

101 26

U. S. and N ational b ank cu rren cy .

9,420 00

8,118 00

8,523 00

13,775 00

11,483 00

Gold c o in .............................................

2,757 50

3,467 50

4,502 50

4,350 00

6,937 50

Silver c o in ...........................................

1,714 85

1,910 05

1,970 30

2,406 90

2,247 95

Nickels and c e n ts..............................

75 04

67 67

136 92

88 60

98 56

Checks and cash ite m s .................

51 89

432 29

180 00

453 75

92 50

T o tals............................................

$328,670 99

$313,720 66

$339,599 92

$347,716 30

$336,405 01

Capital stock paid in .......................

$50,000 00

$50,000 00

$50,000 00

$50,000 00

$50,000 00

10,000 00

10,000 00

10,000 00

10,000 00

10,000 00

8,745 01

2,403 44

4,291 97

3,884 17

3,202 95

Dividends u n p a id ..............................
Commercial deposits subject to
ch eck .................................................

68,387 95

62,569 75

88,973 80

80,960 52

68,845 64

Commercial certificates of d ep o sit.

18,929 75

16,962 24

14,808 52

18,190 14

17,743 5S

167,608 28

171,785 23

171,525 63

184,681 47

186,557 84

$313,720 66

$339,599 92

$347,716 30

$336,405 01

Surplus fu n d ........................................
Undivided profits, less current ex­
penses, interest and taxes p a id ..

45 00

Due to banks and b an k ers...............
Certified checks..................................
Cashier’s checks o u tstan d in g ...........
Savings d ep o sits................................
Savings certificates of d ep o sit. . . .
N otes and bills disco u n ted.............
Bills p a v a b le .......................................

5,000 00

T o tals............................................

$328,670 99
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



No. 167.
Organized September 30, 1893.
J o h n G. B r o w n , P r e s id e n t ; F. E. P a l m e r , V ic e P r e s id e n t ; C. G. B ig e l o w , C a s h ie r ;
C. S. L o u d , A s s i s t a n t C a s h ie r .
D i r e c t o r s .— John G. Brown, L. J. W olcott, Samuel Dickie, F. E. Palm er, W ashington G ardner,

C. G. Bigelow, E. R. Loud, H. C. Blair, B. D. Brown.


R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Nov. 27, ’08. Feb. 5, ’09. April 28, ’09- June 23, ’09. Sept. 1, ’09.

Loans an d discounts.........................

$138,274 23

$142,103 15

$152,420 22

$160,025 95

$164,859 15

Bonds, m ortgages and se cu rities...

100,581 30

94,011 30

97,726 30

90,207 30

91,703 30

Prem ium s paid on b o n d s.................

1,127 50

1,000 00

1,000 00

1,000 00

975 00

O verdrafts............................................

5,981 51

4,141 95

3,530 62

747 03

1,305 44

B anking house....................................

5,400 00

5,400 00

5,400 00

5,400 00

5,400 00

F u rn itu re an d fixtures.....................

2,150 00

2,150 00

2,150 00

2,150 00

2,150 00

Other real e sta te ................................
Due from other banks and bankers
(not reserve cities).......................

894 00

894 00

894 00

894 00

894 00

5,368 31

3,204 43

14,780 83

23,022 48

Item s in tra n sit.................................

6,114 21

U nited S tates bonds.........................
Due from banks in reserve c itie s ..

23,050 58

36,877 69

27,304 32

33,708 24

Exchanges for clearing house. . . .

1,820 28

2,982 46

2,081 78

1,344 83

1,270 36

U. S. and N ational bank cu rren cy .

8,100 00

6,465 00

5,774 00

6,274 00

7,993 00

Gold co in .............................................

5,425 00

5,140 00

6,277 50

4,795 00

4,085 00

Silver c o in ...........................................

1,257 20

2,813 25

1,488 40

2,419 95

2,435 70

Nickels and c e n ts..............................

113 33

142 75

122 15

292 56

202 00

Checks and cash ite m s ....................

115 60

230 25

176 51

137 63

332 55

T o tals............................................

$300,404 74

$304,351 80

$311,714 11

$312,600 92

$321,468 81

Capital stock paid in .......................

$35,000 00

$35,000 00

$35,000 00

$35,000 00

$35,000 00

10,000 00

10,000 00

10,000 00

10,000 00

11,000 00

2,704 38

982 78

3,029 39

3,058 70

2,090 03

Dividends u n p a id ..............................
Commercial deposits subject to
ch eck .................................................

60,061 18

72,893 70

70,204 27

72,305 28

71,716 41

Commercial certificates of d ep o sit.

22,090 87

15,622 15

20,446 71

17,803 37

17,261 34

170,548 31

169,853 17

173,033 74

174,433 57

184,401 03

$300,404 74

$304,351 80

$311,714 11

$312,600 92

$321,468 81

Surplus fu n d ........................................
U ndivided profits, less current ex­
penses, interest and taxes p a id . .

Due to banks and b an k ers...............
Certified checks..................................
Cashier’s checks o u tstan d in g ...........
Savings d ep o sits................................
Savings pertifirates of deposit. . . .
Notes and bills disco u nted .............
Bills p a y a b le .......................................
T o tals............................................

Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



No. 314.
Organized May 24, 1905.
J. W. C h a d d o c k ,

P r e s id e n t ;

H. A . D e L a n o ,

V ic e P r e s id e n t ;

W. H. C h a d d o c k ,

C a s h ie r .

D i r e c t o r s .— J. W. Chaddock, H. A. DeLano. W. H. Chaddock, V. E. DeLano, F. A. Chaddock.


R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Nov. 27, ’08. Feb. 5, ’09. April 28, ’09. June 23, ’09. Sept. 1, ’09.

Loans and discounts.........................

$114,782 33

$124,993 28

$134,370 53

$139,335 97

$127,006 29

Bonds, m ortgages and securities. .

62,690 35

64,015 35

65,344 35

65,994 35

65,515 35

Prem ium s paid on b o n d s...............
O verdrafts............................................

828 82

3,058 27

2,784 75

1,283 58

841 24

Banking house....................................

10,000 00

10,000 00

10,000 00

10,000 00

10,000 00

F urn itu re and fixtures.....................

1,900 00

2,042 50

2,042 50

2,042 50

2,042 50

Other real estate................................
Due from other banks and bankers
(not reserve cities).......................

1,741 99

1,741 99

1,741 99

1,741 99

2,316 96

18,443 78

Item s in tra n sit.................................
U nited States bonds.........................
Due from banks in reserve cities. .

21,971 55

12,403 82

28,417 96

15,253 72

Exchanges for clearing h o u se .........

88 56

25 00

100 89

127 23

321 83

U. S. and N ational bank currency.

4,956 00

5,449 00

9,713 00

8,228 00

9,129 00

Gold c o in ..................................

4,345 00

4,015 00

4,025 00

4,065 00

4,080 00

Silver coin.....................................

2,596 05

1,844 95

1,639 40

2,302 85

2,487 70
207 17

Nickels and c e n ts..............................

240 45

147 55

190 25

200 50

Checks and cash ite m s ...................

465 18

292 24

296 14

471 46

181 60

$226,606 28

$230,628 95

$260,666 76

$251,047 15

$242,573 42

$30,000 00

$30,000 00

$30,000 00

$30,000 00

$30,000 00

1,300 00

1,300 00

1,300 00

1,300 00

1,600 00

1,430 28

1,134 21

2,533 33

2,658 62

1,358 20

T otals......................................
Capital stock paid in .....................
Surplus fu n d.................................
Undivided profits, less current ex­
penses, interest and taxes p a id ..
Dividends u n p a id ..............................
Commercial deposits subject to
ch eck ......................................

27,222 65

39,004 68

35,720 98

28,611 87

27,366 31

Commercial certificates of d ep o sit.

20,150 00

20,150 00

20,080 00

20,080 00

20,080 00

Due to banks and b an k ers...............
Certified checks..................................
Cashier’s checks outstanding..........
Savings dep o sits......................
Savings certificates of deposit........

26,191 48

25,423 42

33,541 51

34,212 05

34,607 52

120,311 87

113,616 64

132,490 94

131,684 61

125,001 39

5,000 00

2,500 00

2,500 00

$269,666 76

$251,047 15

$242,573 42

S tate monies on d eposit...................
Notes and bills rediscounted...........
Bills p a y ab le.......................................
T o tals..........................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

$226,606 28

$230,628 95



No. 323.
Organized May 15, 1905.
F. H. W il l i a m s , P r e s id e n t ; M. V. B. M c A l p i n e , B. B. S u t p h i n , V ic e P r e s id e n t s ;
H. D. P r i t c h a r d , C a s h ie r ; H e r m a n V a u p e l l , A s s i s t a n t C a s h ie r .
D i r e c t o r s .— Charles R. Wilkes, M. C. Sherwood, W. J. Oliver, M. V. B. McAlpine, B. B. Sutphin,

F. H. W illiams, B. P. Wilkes, H. D. Pritchard.


R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Nov. 27, ’08. Feb. 5, ’09. April 28, ’09. June 23, ’09. Sept. 1, ’09.

«85,775 69

$188,404 51

$190,572 32

$196,937 71

$178,285 71

Bonds, m ortgages and securities...

130,859 24

137,803 £9

164,460 27

171,912 77

170,424 97

O verdrafts............................................

1,120 64

823 62

258 78

479 74

510 29

Banking house....................................

6,091 24

6,091 24

6,091 24

6,091 24

6,091 24

F u rn itu re and fixtures.....................

3,998 07

3,998 07

3,998 07

3,998 07

3,998 07

Loans find discounts.........................

Other real estate................................
Due from other banks and bankers
(not- reserve cities).......................
Item s in tra n sit.................................

30 00

324 96

1,918 75

United S tates bonds.........................
59,392 0 4

20,028 69

22,087 14

12,778 00

13,684 00

11,417 00

13,220 00

13,630 00

12,712 50

11,632 50

11,705 00

4,640 00

5,151 00

5,313 60

5,027 30

4,380 40

229 19

384 90

390 94

423 05

594 24

Checks and cash ite m s ....................

3,105 45

700 42

540 83

1,321 58

1,005 92

T o tals............................................

$376,032 65

$390,579 96

$424,081 24

$431,328 10

$451,526 63

C apital stock paid in .......................

$50,000 00

$50,000 00

$50,000 00

$50,000 00

$50,000 00

1,750 00

2,050 00

2,050 00

2,050 00

2,500 00

2,918 22

1,292 53

4,508 14

2,760 41

1,360 91

19,605 17

20,814 81

U. S. and N ational bank cu rren cy .

9,808 00

Gold c o in .............................................

10,475 00

Silver c o in ...........................................
Nickels an d c e n ts..............................

Due from banks in reserve cities..
Exchanges for clearing house. . . .

Surplus fu n d ........................................
Undivided profits, less current ex­
penses, interest and taxes p a id . .
Dividends u n p a id ..............................
Commercial deposits subject to
ch eck .................................................

107 50

60 00

30 00

30 00

15 00

43,001 93

55,221 79

37,422 58

40,059 45

71,986 96

Commercial certificates of d ep o sit.

34,462 90

15,095 72

6,291 62

5,258 22

4,778 00

Savings d ep o sits................................

109,319 89

112,808 38

140,275 62

150,345 26

139,751 70

Savings certificates of dep o sit. . . .

134,472 21

154,051 54

178,503 28

178,324 76

178,654 06

5,000 00

2,500 00

2,500 00

$424,081 24

$431,328 10

$451,526 63

Due to banks and bankers . .
Certified checks
Cashier’s checks outstanding

S tate monies on d ep o sit...................

T o tals............................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

$376,032 05

$390,579 96



No. 232.
Organized May 1, 1901.
W il l ia m A. B a h l k e , P r e s id e n t ; J a m e s W . R o b i n s o n , V ic e P r e s id e n t ; G e o r g e W . M o o r e , C a s h ie r .
D ir e c t o r s .— William A. Bahlke, Daniel L. Sharrar, George C. Parsons, George W. Moore, Jas. W.

Robinson, E dgar A. Bagley, Jam es E. Mitchell.


R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Nov. 27, ’08. Feb. 5, ’09. April 28, ’09. June 23, ’09. Sept. 1, ’09.

Loans and discounts.........................

$98,342 32

$95,304 56

$93,173 29

$101,101 68

$98,808 45

Bonds, m ortgages and securities. .

77,009 85

78,819 13

80,076 63

87,050 78

88,780 65

183 76

1,019 42

1,118 45

463 35

2,117 23

1,675 00

1,675 00

1,675 00

1,700 00

1,700 00

1,262 50

20 00

2,267 70

1,611 98

50,968 13

23,771 78

33,880 53

11,027 41

11,285 50

U. S. and N ational b ank currency.

10,859 00

11,709 00

8,936 00

9,326 00

9,319 00

Gold c o in .............................................

752 50

1,002 50

1,537 50

1,527 50

2,027 50

Silver coin............................................

624 65

805 20

825 85

1,269 80

1,043 75

Nickels and c e n ts..............................

31 89

50 31

33 96

41 79

48 40

Checks and cash ite m s ....................

212 94

1,311 97

115 22

245 95

644 92

T o ta ls............................................

$241,922 54

$215,488 87

$223,640 13

$215,366 25

$215,775 40

Capital stock paid in .......................

$25,000 00

$25,000 00

$25,000 00

$25,000 00

$25,000 00

18,500 00

19,000 00

19,000 00

19,000 00

19,500 00

1,452 38

961 29

1,476 63

1,854 27

357 81

67,660 32

54,396 24

57,095 47

49,203 32

38,545 74

Savings d ep o sits................................

21,296 06

21,552 71

22,791 02

23,712 60

27,435 76

Savings certificates of d ep o sit........

97,863 78

94,578 63

98,277 01

96,598 06

86,930 09

Notes and bills rediscounted...........

5,150 00

$215,488 87

$223,640 13

$215,366 25

$215,775 40

Prem ium s paid on b o n d s...............
O verdrafts............ ‘...............................
B anking house....................................
F u rn itu re and fixtures.....................
O ther real estate................................
Due from other banks and bankers
(not reserve c ities).......................
Item s in tra n sit.................................
U nited States bonds.........................
Due from banks in reserve cities. .
Exchanges for clearing h o u se .........

Surplus fu n d .......................................
Undivided profits, less current ex­
penses, interest and taxes p a id . .
Dividends u n p a id ..............................
Commercial deposits subject to
ch eck .................................................
Commercial certificates of d ep o sit.
Due to banks and b an k ers...............
Certified checks..................................
Cashier’s check soutstanding..........

Bills p a v ab le.......................................

5,000 00

T o tals............................................

$241,922 54
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

18,000 00



No. 233.
Organized June 15, 1901.
A m m i W . W r i g h t , P r e s id e n t ; W i l l ia m S. T u r c k , V ic e P r e s id e n t ; E l y B r e w b a k e r , C a s h ie r .
D i r e c t o r s .— Ammi W. W right, William S. T urck, Gerrit S. W ard, Lester A . Sharp, Francis King,

E ly Brewbaker.

R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Nov. 27, ’08. Feb. 5, ’09. April 28, ’09. June 23, ’09. Sept. 1, ’09.


T,na,ns and discounts.........................

$166,737 07

$154,552 04

$171,588 25

$166,028 98

$164,727 11

Bonds, m ortgages and se c u ritie s...

121,021 80

115,618 16

127,610 30

134,470 80

134,058 54

192 50

192 50

Prem ium s pa,id on b o n d s.................
O verdrafts.............................................

2,494 98

2,596 09

198 24

2,853 22

142 46

Ranking house....................................

7,500 00

7,500 00

7,500 00

7,500 00

7,500 00

F urn itu re and fixtures.....................

500 00

500 00

500 00

500 00

500 00

4,060 81

1,630 65

5,772 39

3,532 03

66 50

60,544 87

75,229 13

63,705 05

33,267 03

46,112 86

O ther real est,a,t,e
Due from other banks and bankers
(not reserve cities)
Tt.ems in tra n s it..................................
United S tates b o n d s.. . .
Due from banks in reserve c itie s ..

121 13

Exchanges for clearing house. . . .
U. S. and N ational b ank currency.

10,305 00

6,338 00

8,997 00

5,371 00

9,754 00

Oold c o in .............................................

9,657 50

10,097 50

10,077 50

9,027 50

9,187 50

Silver c o in ...........................................

1,184 65

1,456 45

1,474 55

1,067 25

1,199 70

Nickels and c e n ts..............................

120 56

229 22

305 99

312 45

141 55

Checks and cash ite m s ...................

2,826 87

716 97

2,879 40

1,271 36

893 25

T o ta ls............................................

$386,954 11

$376,464 21

$400,801 17

$366,115 25

$374,283 47

Capital stock paid in .......................

$30,000 00

$30,000 00

$30,000 00

$30,000 00

$30,000 00

25,000 00

28,000 00

28,000 00

28,000 00

30,000 00

6,602 17

1,785 79

3,217 93

4,169 11

1,163 96

Commercial deposits subject to
ch eck .................................................

74,686 02

71,008 66

86,547 27

75,558 49

t 74,510 64

Commercial certificates of d ep o sit.

41,250 95

37,826 22

49,419 77

38,526 85

51,984 74

Surplus fu n d ........................................
Undivided profits, less current ex­
penses, interest and taxes p a i d ..
D iv id en d s

u n p aid

Due to banks and bankers
Certified checks



Cashier’s checks o u tstan d in g ...........
Savings d ep o sits.................................

22,877 69

24,374 04

24,797 61

23,068 60

23,510 38

Savings certificates of deposit. . . .

186,537 28

183,469 50

178,818 59

166,792 20

163,113 75

$386,954 11

$376,464 21

$400,801 17

$366,115 25

$374,283 47

Not os and bills rediscounted . .
Rills payable .


T o ta ls............................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



No. 169.
Organized April 12, 1894.
P. C u l l i g a n ,

P r e s id e n t ; F r a n k C. H o l m e s , V ic e P r e s id e n t ;

W. A, P r i n c e ,

C a s h ie r .

D ir e c t o r s .— P. Culligan, F. W. Gilchrist, F rank C. Holmes, Michael O’Brien, S. A. Davison, D. D.

Hanover, R obert Montrose, Wm. H. Davison, W. A. Prince, H erm an Besser, Fred L. R ichard­
son, P. H. Hoeft, Donald McRae, W. H. Sanborn. Geo. B. Holmes, Wm. A. Comstock.

R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Nov. 27, ’08. Feb. 5, ’09. April 28, ’09. June 23, ’08. Sept. 1, ’09.

Loans and discounts.........................

$932,608 27

$926,670 76

$926,567 54

$891,230 35

$906,309 22

Bonds, m ortgages and securities. .

573,908 36

537,265 62

571,039 15

580,862 35

595,252 72

Prem ium s paid on bonds . .
O verdrafts............................................

352 23

2,260 69

2,900 21

7,554 63


Banking house....................................

34,707 24

34,707 24

34,707 24

34,707 24

34,707 24

F u rn itu re and fixtures.....................

3,000 00

3,000 00

3,000 00

3,000 00

3,000 00

O ther real e sta te ................................
Due from other banks and bankers
(not, reserve cities)

10,964 32

10,904 32

10,964 32

10,964 32

10,964 32

Item s in tra n sit.................................

8,370 83

10,710 25

8,921 32

16,805 63

13,100 48

130,229 53

United States b onds.. . .
Due from banks in reserve cities. .

123,180 32

112,729 07

125,054 48

136,087 96

Exchanges for clearing h o u se .........

7,232 21

284 59

2,495 63

1,325 00

1,526 07

U. S. and N ational b an k cu rre n cy .

63,572 00

45,814 00

44,145 00

47,197 00

53,274 00

Gold c o in .............................................

25,070 00

25,090 00

25,147 50

25,142 50

25,157 50

Silver coin............................................

9,075 00

15,415 00

12,368 80

12,308 50

9,732 50

Nickels and c e n ts..............................

1,420 71

1,251 42

1,156 51

1,011 24

968 60

Checks and cash ite m s ....................

403 50

88 65

12 00

28 21

112 17

T o ta ls............................................ $1,793,864 99 $1,726,251 61 $1,768,479 70 $1,768,224 93

$1,780,414 09

Capital stock paid in .......................

$100,000 00

$100,000 00

$100,000 00

$100,000 00

$100,000 00

Surplus fu n d .......................................
U ndivided profits, less current ex­
penses, interest and taxes p a id ..

119,200 00

125,000 00

125,000 00

125,000 00

125,000 00

21,211 69

3,583 82

2,550 49

11,098 07

8,532 52

Dividends u n p a id . . .
Commercial ‘deposits subject to
ch eck .................................................

15 00

85 00

305,561 17

207,166 60

230,227 35

198,771 07

188,337 50

10 00

Commercial certificates of d ep o sit.

27 08

32 42

* 339 43

79 93

39 93

Due to banks and b an k ers...............

15,331 74

31,995 32

19,734 50

32,957 88

63,824 43

1,031,105 49

1,050,895 00

1,042,718 17

1,051,776 12

1,063,483 31

151,412 22

157,493 45

155,909 76

173,541 86

162,186 40

Certified checks.
Cashier’s checks o u tsta n d in g ..
Savings d ep o sits................................
Savings certificates of d ep o sit........

17,000 00

Reserved for ta x e s ............................
Notes and bills redisoonnted

75,000 00

75,000 00

T o ta ls ........................................... $1,793,864 99 $1,726,251 61 $1,768,479 70 $1,768,224 93

$1,786,414 09

Bills p a y a b le .......................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

50,000 00

50,000 00

75,000 00



No. 302.
Organized October 18, 1904.
G e o r g e E. B a r t l e t t , P r e s id e n t ; E d s o n O ’H a r r o w , J o h n Q. W a t t s , V ic e P r e s i d e n t s ;
F r a n k E. C a m p a u , C a s h ie r ; C. M. C a m p a u , A s s i s t a n t C a s h ie r .
D i r e c t o r s .— Edson O ’Harrow , George E. B a rtlett, John Q. W atts, Volney C. W alton, F rank

Campau, Fred C. Tillyer, Charles Bancroft.



R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Nov. 27, ’08. Feb. 5, ’09. April 28, ’09. June 23, ’09. Sept. 1, ’09.

Loans and discounts.........................

$67,151 56

$63,817 08

$71,579 33

$73,518 09

$72,734 29

Bonds, m ortgages and se cu rities..

44,747 93

44,622 93

49,002 93

46,402 93

47,582 93

Banking house....................................

2,500 00

2,500 00

2,500 00

2,500 00

2,500 00

F u rn itu re and fixtures.....................

800 00

800 00

800 00

800 00

800 00

Prem ium s paid on b o n d s...............
O verdrafts............................................

28 10


O ther real estate................................
Due from other banks and bankers
(not reserve cities).......................
Item s in tra n sit.................................

567 66

1,098 54

U nited States bonds.........................
Due from banks in reserve c itie s ..

10,007 44

20,188 25

U. S. and N ational bank currency.

2,508 00

Gold c o in ...........................................

3,525 00

Silver coin............................................
Nickels and c e n ts..............................

20,239 83

18,234 64

10,168 17

2,619 00

3,853 00

2,972 00

2,481 00

3,855 00

3,835 00

4,055 00

4,250 00

229 55

194 90

223 15

125 10

339 65

25 41

47 95

31 13

28 71

20 69

Exchanges for clearing h o u se.........

Checks and cash ite m s ....................

46 56

T o tals............................................

$132,062 55

$138,719 77

$152,064 37

$148,636 47

$141,975 59

Capital stock paid in .......................

$20,000 00

$20,000 00

$20,000 00

$20,000 00

$20,000 00

2,100 00

4,000 00

4,000 00

4,000 00

4,800 00

2,238 47

560 47

1,819 01

1,452 93

513 88

16,629 59

17,550 39

25,209 33

22,583 45

15,304 59

Savings d ep o sits................................

57,587 83

58,369 22

62,101 40

61,722 23

61,584 36

Savings certificates of d eposit........

33,506 66

38,239 69

38,934 63

38,877 86

39,772 76

$132,062 55

$138,719 77

$152,064 37

$148,636 47

$141,975 59

Surplus fu n d .................................
Undivided profits, less current ex­
penses, interest.g.nd taxes paid. .
Dividends u n p a id ..............................
Commercial deposits subject to
ch eck .............................................
Commercial certificates of d ep o sit.
Due to banks and b an k ers...............
Certified checks..................................
Cashier’s checks outstan d ing..........

Notes and bills rediscounted...........
Bills p a y a b le .......................................
T o tals............................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



No. 48.
Organized February 4, 1869.
Reorganized December 9, 1889.
C h a r l e s E. H is c o c k , P r e s i d e n t ; W m . D. H a r r im a n , V ic e P r e s id e n t ; M i c h a e l J. F r i t z , C a s h ie r ;
C a r l F . B r a u n , W il l i a m L . W a l z , A s s i s t a n t C a s h ie r s .
D i r e c t o r s .— Charles E. Hiscock, David Rinsey, Wm. D. H arrim an, Michael J. Fritz, W alter C. Mack.


R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Nov. 27, ’08. Feb. 5, ’09. April 28, ’09. June 23, ’09. Sept. 1, ’09.
$594,027 23

$555,108 26

$050,624 76

$679,421 51

$671,598 40

Bonds, m ortgages and se cu rities... 1,542,333 76

1,543,493 99

1,588,891 08

1,597,534 30

1,607,704 53

Loans and discounts.........................

250 00
O verdrafts............................................

4,577 38

3,946 42

8,433 89

4,741 42

2,352 63

Banking house....................................

30,000 00

30,000 00

30,000 00

30,000 00

30,000 00

F u rn itu re and fix tu re s.....................

6,417 32

5,900 00

5,900 00

5,900 00

5,900 00

Other real estate...............................
Due from other banks and bankers

27,468 50

22,134 20

22,134 20

17,200 85

13,600 85

14,475 25

22,667 60

56,905 52

10,230 40

U nited S tates bonds.........................

12,000 00

12,000 00

12,000 00

12,000 00

12,000 00
225,253 77

Item s in tra n sit.................................
Due from banks in reserve cities..

111,175 40

205,860 30

137,391 88

139,836 35

Exchanges for clearing house. . . .

2,992 08

4,571 71

1,809 49

899 90

4,598 18

U. S. and N ational bank c u rre n cy .

125,714 00

138,926 00

111,932 00

117,111 00

120,960 00

Gold c o in .............................................

75,250 00

80,587 00

75,187 50

75,000 00

70,222 50

Silver co in ...........................................

14,000 00

19,000 00

22,000 00

21,000 00

22,000 00

Nickels and c e n ts..............................

1,789 64

1,153 49

1,607 27

1,783 77

1,322 50

Checks and cash ite m s....................

94 19

1,755 21

2,144 48

435 73

1,410 64

T o tals............................................ $2,548,089 50 $2,638,912 33 $2,692,724 15 $2,759,770 35

$2,799,154 40

Capital stock paid in .......................

$50,000 00

$50,000 00

$50,000 00

$50,000 00

$50,000 00

Surplus fu n d .......................................
Undivided profits, less current expenses, interest and taxes p a id ..

250,000 00

250,000 00

250,000 00

250,000 00

250,000 00

21,924 70

20,479 70

25,321 26

31,420 68

39,357 71

Dividends u n p a id ..............................
Commercial deposits subject to
check .................................................

452 00

512 00

572 00

552 00

533 67

326,429 54

362,841 96

360,616 51

395,108 34

479,973 35

Due to banks and b an k ers...............

42,830 34

53,725 57

68,250 78

75,515 40

52,391 12

Certified checks..................................

16,012 93

625 00

8,327 75

1,311 43

825 62

Cashier’s checks o u tstan d in g ...........

1 20

488 82

1 20

1 20

38 46

Savings d ep o sits................................

1,713,813 03

1,746,853 57

1,794,067 43

1,810,416 21

1,784,009 71

Savings certificates of d ep o sit. . . .

126,625 76

153,385 71

135,571 22

145,445 09

142,024 76

T o ta ls ........................................... $2,548,089 50 $2,638,912 33 $2,692,724 15 $2,759,770 35

$2,799,154 40

Notes and hills discounted .
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



No. 26.
Organized October 13, 1882.
R e u b e n K e m p f , P r e s id e n t ; H. G. P r e t t y m a n , V ic e P r e s id e n t ; H. A. W i l l i a m s , C a s h ie r ;
F. T. S t o w e , A s s i s t a n t C a s h ie r .
D ir e c t o r s .— R euben Kempf, Wm. F. Breakey, D. F. Schairer, J. E. Beal, O. M. Martin, H. G.

P rettym an, R. A. Jenney, G. S. Vandawarker.


R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Nov. 27, ’08. Feb. 5, ’09. April 28, ’09. June 23, ’09. Sept. 1, ’09.

Loans and discounts.........................

1363,664 36

$344,258 97

$364,740 74

$345,874 18

$323,273 09

Bonds, m ortgages and securities...

411,031 74

420,637 05

467,334 05

489,056 72

488,948 41

438 50

2,643 36

2,603 36

2 464 26

Prem ium s paid on b o nds.................
O verdrafts............................................

1,548 50

506 41

1,078 34

748 38


Banking house....................................

25,000 00

25,000 00

25,000 00

25,000 00

25,000 00

F urniture and fixtures.....................

4,500 00

4,500 00

4,500 00

4,500 00

4,500 00

O ther real estate...............................
Due from other banks and bankers
(not reserve cities).......................

5,000 00

5,000 00

2,100 00

2,250 00

2,250 00

Item s in tra n sit.................................

20,354 05

327 50

412 50

846 05

1,963 21

United S tates bonds.........................

10,000 00

10,000 00

10,000 00

10,000 00

10,000 00
60,746 29

Due from banks in reserve c itie s ..

42,930 47

99,611 55

72,540 24

74,976 70

E xchanges for clearing house. . ..

2,507 73

1,852 35

3,154 25

4,630 05

5,467 98

U. S. and National bank c u rre n cy .

27,585 00

30,909 00

36,147 00

25,624 00

29,984 00

Gold co in .............................................

20,597 50

20,597 50

20,707 50

23,625 00

21,472 50

Silver co in ...........................................

5,154 80

5,698 31

2,458 00

4,834 15

4,636 45

Nickels and c e n ts..............................

336 28

386 38

763 18

1,141 99

1,029 09

187 89

95 85

2,526 28

381 48

$969,911 41 $1,013,675 01 $1,018,238 86

$982,612 71

Checks and cash ite m s ....................

357 64

T o tals............................................

$940,568 07

Capital stock paid in .......................

$50,000 00

$50,000 00

$50,000 00

$50,000 00

$50,000 00

50,000 00

50,000 00

50,000 00

50,000 00

50 000 00

40,851 73

40,329 72

42,908 07

43,135 49

46,226 89

Dividends u n p a id ..............................
Commercial 'deposits subject to
ch eck .................................................

177,250 16

194,502 41

208,085 08

208,536 97

189,874 76

Commercial certificates of dep o sit.

96,024 54

79,676 31

60,517 54

30,188 13

21,406 83

Due to banks and b an k ers...............

16,063 67

30,770 14

29,023 56

33,955 94

36,898 76

Certified checks..................................

737 50

27 57

Cashier’s checks o u tstan d in g ..........

742 37

323 38

Savings d ep o sits................................

508,898 10

Surplus fu n d ........................................
U ndivided profits, less current expenses, interest and taxes p a i d ..

65 00

Savings certificates of dep o sit. . . .

8 16

258 16

386 65

6,689 65

1,542 00

515,087 00

517,301 88

523,891 06

519,397 07

9,194 88

55,452 23

71,831 46

66,943 24

$969,911 41 $1,013,675 01 $1,018,236 S6

$982,612 71

Notes and bills rediscounted..........
Bills p a y a b le .......................................
T o tals............................................

Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

$940,568 07



No. 333.
Organized June 28, 1905.
C l e m e n t W. G i l l , P r e s id e n t ; G e o . J. M a n n , P a u l S n a u b l e , V ic e P r e s id e n t s ;
E d w a r d L. S e t l e r , C a s h ie r .
D ir e c t o r s .— Clement W. Gill, Geo. J. Mann, Paul Snauble, John M. Feiner, George W alker, John

L indenschm itt, Fred Jedele, Chas. W. W agner, E dw ard L. Seyler.


R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Nov. 27, ’08. Feb. 5, ’09. April 28, ’09. June 23, ’09. Sept. 1, ’09.

Loans and discounts.........................

$124,001 64

$119,891 42

$123,226 84

$129,644 58

$120,951 45

Bonds, m ortgages and securities. .

123,327 68

122,841 45

138,389 75

148,135 56

183,738 15

Prem ium s paid on b o n d s...............
O verdrafts............................................

1,520 34

535 09

409 29

311 68

621 34

B anking house....................................

5,000 00

5,000 00

5,000 00

5,000 00

5,000 00

F urniture and fixtures.....................

7,288 25

7,288 25

7,288 25

7,288 25

7,288 25

550 54

1,198 64

325 00

139 03


Due from banks in reserve cities. .

34,418 54

41,574 62

34,980 75

30,813 10

45,013 88

Exchanges for clearing h o u se .........

1,822 52

1,569 03

2,486 20

1,239 71

976 66

U. S. and N ational b ank currency.

12,912 00

10,098 00

16,228 00

11,952 00

16,457 00

Other real estate................................
Due from other banks and bankers
(not reserve cities).......................
Item s in tra n sit.................................
U nited States bonds.........................

Gold co in .............................................

1,130 73

1,168 23

2,341 05

1,946 05

1,341 05

Silver coin............................................

980 50

2,099 25

1,381 50


3,070 20

Nickels and c e n ts..............................

93 49

50 56

61 85

69 30

71 43

T o tals............................................

$313,046 23

$313,314 54

$332,118 54

$338,423 96

$384,529 66

Capital stock paid in .......................

$50,000 00

$50,000 00

$50,000 00

$50,000 00

$50,000 00

500 00

500 00

500 00

1,500 00

1,346 16

1,644 85

3,740 35

1,461 26

12 00

9 00

3 00

3 00

Checks and cash ite m s....................

Surplus fu n d ........................................
U ndivided profits, less current ex­
penses, interest and taxes p a id . .

2,660 82

Dividends u n p a id ..............................
Commercial deposits subject to
ch eck .................................................

86,766 26

67,869 31

68,786 63

61,575 87

105,221 18

Commercial certificates of d ep o sit.

10,048 40

11,304 33

19,869 60

21,875 05

22,778 19

Due to banks and b an k ers...............
Certified checks..................................

24 00

Cashier’s checks outstanding...........

400 00

Savings d ep o sits................................

163,170 75

182,282 74

191,308 46

200,705 69

203,566 03

$313,046 23

$313,314 54

$332,118 54

$338,423 96

$384,529 66

Savings certificates of deposit........
Notes and bills rediscounted...........
Bills p a y a b le .......................................
T o tals............................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



No. 144.
Organized November 18, 1892.
W m . J. B o o t h , P r e s id e n t ; W m . A r n o l d , V ic e P r e s id e n t ; C. J. W a l :, C a s h ie r ;
D ir e c t o r s '.— William J. Booth, John V. Sheehan, Wm. Arnold, Jam es H. Wade, John Koch, Christian

M artin, H enry S. Carhart, Victor C. Vaughan, Eugene F. Mills, Dan. F. Zimmerman, Henry
W. Douglass, A. It. Peterson.

R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Nov. 27, ’08. Feb. 5, ’09. April 28, ’09. June 23, ’09. Sept. 1, ’09.

Loans and discounts.........................

$118,333 15

$390,082 74

$399,254 63

$393,096 96

$346,498 80

Bonds, m ortgages and securities...

511,340 16

506,470 16

565,090 16

589,225 16

573,650 96

Prem ium s paid on b o n d s.................
O verdrafts............................................

916 36

497 65

347 45

175 41

269 27

B anking house....................................

25,000 00

25,000 00

25,000 00

25,000 00

25,000 00

F u rn itu re and fixtures.....................

7,000 00

7,000 00

7,000 00

7,000 00

7,000 00

10,396 67

Other real estate................................
Due from other banks and bankers
(not reserve cities).......................
Item s in t r a n s i t ... .

20,000 00
980 33

4,333 50

United States bonds.........................
Due from banks in reserve cities. .

109,553 23

139,235 68

5,932 24

7,355 71

10,000 00

10,000 00

10,000 00

105,197 43

124,188 04

87,220 98

957 99

1,614 08

645 84

883 13

2,045 99

U. S. and N ational bank cu rre n cy .

34,927 00

39,637 00

34,093 00

31,532 00

32,670 00

Gold c o in .......................................... .

21,331 50

21,745 00

22,865 00

22,730 00

24,070 00

Silver c o in ...........................................

2,599 00

1,775 80

2,724 10

2,722 55

1,551 50

Nickels and c e n ts..............................

351 99

272 83

218 61

234 03

Checks and cash ite m s ....................

350 37

148 94

166 58

• 34
527 06

$1,133,041 08 $1,157,813 38 $1,178,535 04 $1,214,654 36

$1,120,659 04

E xchanges for clearing h o u se. . . .

T o tals..................................
Capital stock paid in .......................

51 44

$50,000 000

$50,000 00

$50,000 00

$50,000 00

$50,000 00

40,000 00

50,000 00

50,000 00

50,000 00

50,000 00

26,035 56

14,559 29

18,566 45

17,158 53

19,956 64

60 00

118 33

85 00

85 00

140 00

249,693 13

221,221 18

199,235 22

227,590 47

133,779 04

10,182 82

10,101 90

13,695 73

15,646 63

11,871 80

Savings d ep o sits................................

066,485 51

715,898 18

744,545 71

752,979 35

742,159 84

Savings certificates of dep o sit. . . .

91,184 06

85,914 50

92,406 93

90,194 38

102,752 32

10,000 00

10,000 00

5,000 00

10,000 00

T o tals............................................ $1,133,641 08 $1,157,813 38 $1,178,535 04 $1,214,654 36

$1,120,059 64

Surplus fu n d ........................................
Undivided profits, less current ex­
penses, interest and taxes paid. .
Dividends u n p a id ..............................
Commercial deposits subject to
ch eck .................................................
Commercial certificates of d e p o sit.
Due to banks an d b an k ers...............
Certified checks..................................
Cashier’s checks o u tstan d in g ...........

S tate deposits.....................................
Notes and bills rediscounted,.
Bills p a y a b le .......................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



No. 228.

Organized February 13, 1901.
B e r t C. P r e s t o n , P r e s id e n t ; G e o r g e H . H e b b l e w h i t e , V ic e P r e s id e n t ; J . E. M a c a u l a y , C a s h ie r ;
C h a r l e s F . L a t h r o p , A s s i s t a n t C a s h ie r .
D i r e c t o r s .— Bert C. P reston, George H. Hebblewhite, John L. Preston, F rank E. Lathrop, Jam es

H. McDonald.


R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Nov. 27, ’08. Feb. 5, '09. April 28, ’09. June 23, ’09. Sept. 1, ’09.

Loans and discounts.........................

$115,009 18

$119,540 99

$125,852 03

$131,167 79

$130,973 36

Bonds, m ortgages and securities...

114,094 04

117,794 04

116,844 04

117,225 00

120,925 00

Prem ium s paid on b o n d s.................
O verdrafts............................................

19 28

424 88

1,091 74

74 52

Banking house....................................

3,700 00

3,700 00

3,700 00

3,700 00

3,700 00

F u rn itu re and fixtures.....................

2,000 00

2,000 00

2,000 00

2,000 00

2,000 00

1,974 19

1,371 90

717 38

25,680 55

29,651 38

31,208 50

33,345 27

25,012 32

Other real estate.
Due from other banks and bankers
(not reserve eities)
Tterns in tra n sit.................................

6,409 90

United S tates bonds.. . .
Due from banks in reserve cities. .
ex changes for clearing house. . . .
U. S. and N ational b ank currency.

20,876 00

10,889 00

12,370 00

12,867 00

12,747 00

Gold co in .............................. ..............

2,965 00

2,390 00

800 00

995 00

1,155 00

Silver c o in ...........................................

408 70

1,007 05

389 25

709 75

579 00

Nickels and c en ts..............................

59 40

114 13

82 90

123 47

45 75

T o tals.......................................... ..

$287,506 40

$28S,883 37

$293,970 16

$303,225 02

$309,081 85

Capital stock paid in .......................

$25,000 00

$25,000 00

$25,900 00

$25,000 00

$25,000 00

5,000 00

5,000 00

5,000 00

5,000 00

5,000 00

4,880 00

527 10

3,990 39

3,921 15

3,158 45

22,540 57

27,870 10

26,511 67

27,480 87

25,083 33

195,014 96

199,953 61

194,718 77

204,924 20

214,877 35

34,404 27

30,532 44

38,749 33

30,892 SO

30,502 72

$287,506 40

$288,883 37

$293,970 16

$303,225 02

$309,681 85

Checks and cash Ttems...................

Surplus fu n d ........................................
Undivided profits, less current ex­
penses, interest and taxes p a i d ..
Dividends u n p a id ..............................
Commercial deposits subject to
ch eck .................................................
Commercial certificates of d ep o sit.
Due to banks and b an kers...............
Certified checks. . .
Cashier’s checks outstanding’
Savings d ep o sits................................
Savings certificates of deposit. . . .
Notes and bills discounted
Pills pavable
T o tals............................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



No. 213.
Organized April 15, 1899.
G e o r g e W. B r o k a w , P r e s id e n t ; A a r o n H . H a r r i s o n , V ic e P r e s id e n t ; E. E. O v e r h o l t , C a s h ie r ;
W. B. F u n k , A s s i s t a n t C a s h ie r .
D i r e c t o r s .— Geo. W. Brokaw, S. W. Holmes, J. F. Culp, A. H. Harrison, R. H. Lewis, Fred A. Bower,

Chas. A. Standiford.


R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Nov. 27, ’08. Feb. 5, ’09. April 28, ’09. June 23, ’09. Sept. 1, ’09.

Loans and discounts.........................

$29,574 87

$28,353 78

$20,270 53

Bonds m ortgages and securities. .

20,745 44

20,095 44

30,888 34

Prem ium s paid on b o n d s...............
O verdrafts............................................

316 53

18 76

Banking house....................................

5,000 00

5,000 00

5,000 00

F u rn itu re and fixtures.....................

1,975 00

1,975 00

1,975 00

O ther real e sta te ................................
Due from other banks and bankers
(not reserve cities).......................

3,345 78

4,212 76

Item s in tra n sit.................................

176 1

United States bonds.........................
17,990 54

14,377 42

17,780 00

U. S. and N ational bank currency.

4,039 00

4,587 00

3,906 00

Gold c o in ..............................................

480 00

635 00

935 00

Silver coin............................................

595 55

607 00

822 20

Nickels and c e n ts..............................

140 41

108 34

151 16

Checks and cash ite m s ...................

32 84

1 50

2,318 00

Cash in receiver’s h a n d s...................

3,000 00

3,000 00

3,000 00

Due from banks in reserve c itie s ..
E xchanges for clearing h o u se.........

Expenses interest and taxes p a id .

125 79

396 61

T o tals............................................

$87,841 90

$83,817 79

$87,619 00

Capital stock paid i n .......................

$15,000 00

$15,000 00

$15,000 00

5,000 00

5,000 00

5,000 00

Surplus fu n d ........................................
U ndivided profits, less current ex­
penses interest and taxes paid. .

478 43

Dividends u n p a id ..............................
Commercial deposits subject to
ch e c k .................................................

13,909 90

13,400 13

14,093 81

Commercial certificates of d ep o sit.

34,941 97

31,708 19

32,955 64

18,511 60

18,649 47

20,569 55

Due to banks and b an k ers...............
Certified checks..................................
Cashier’s checks o utstanding..........
Savings d ep o sits................................
Savings certificates of dep o sit........

Notes and bills rediscounted...........
Bills p a y a b le ................. .....................
T o tals............................................
*Bank rehabilitated F ebruary 4, 1909.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

$87,841 90

$83,817 79

$87,619 00



No. 414.
Organized November 28, 1908.
F r a n k G. W o o d r u f f , P r e s id e n t ; S im o n B. H a r t m a n , A. T. S l a g h t , V ic e P r e s id e n t s ;
F r a n k E . E s t e s , C a s h ie r ; D a v id M i l l e r , A u d i t o r .
D ir e c t o r s .— L. T. Morris, E. D. Albertson, A. L. Wood, F rank Wolf, H. R. Pearce, F rank G. Wood­

ruff, D. W. Cook, S. B. H artm an, J. A. S tanton, A. T. Slaght, F. E. Estes.

R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Nov. 27, ’08. Feb. 5, ’09. April 28, ’09. June 23, ’09. Sept. 1, ’09.
$47,029 22

$55,958 22

$57,139 38

2,700 00

6,440 00

7,440 00

000 00

1,060 00

1,090 00

1,286 00

14,931 65

15,335 24

6,797 32

8,062 71

U S. and N ational b ank currency.

3,473 00

2,582 00

2,212 00

3,727 00

Gold c o in .............................................

590 00

775 00

800 00

725 00

Silver c o in ...........................................

770 25

343 45

735 25

646 25

49 36

Loans and discounts.........................

118,953 40

Bonds, m ortgages and securities...
Prem ium s paid on b o n d s...........
O verdrafts............................................
"Expenses interest and taxes paid .

142 05

Banking house.
E u rn itu re and fixtures.....................
O ther real estate.
Due from other banks and bankers
(not, reserve cities').....................
Item s in tra n sit.................................
United S tates b o n d s...
D ue from banks in reserve cities. .
Exchanges for clearing house. . .

Nickels and c e n ts..............................

80 38

Checks and cash ite m s ...................

49 29

T o tals............................................

839,596 08

Capital stock paid in .......................

$19,100 00

Surplus fu n d ........................................
Undivided profits, less current ex­
penses in terest and taxes paid.
Dividends u n p a id ..............................
Commercial deposits subject to
ch eck .................................................

13,148 94

19 91

82 73

72 36

140 07

$69,874 27

$74,125 06

$79,249 14

$20,450 00

$30,000 00

$30,000 00

74 13

160 16

387 76

17,849 87

19,998 70

19,507 42

Commercial certificates of d e p o sit.
Due to banks and hankers. . .
Certified checks..................................
Cashier’s checks o u tstan d in g ...........
Savings d ep o sits.................................

1,270 79

4,354 07

4,393 58

5,364 35

Savings certificates of dep o sit. . . .

6,076 35

21,146 20

19,572 62

23,989 61

$39,596 08

$69,874 27

$74,125 06

$79,249 14

Notes and bills d isco u nted.............
Bills p a y a b le .......................................
T o tals............................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



No. 418.
Organized January 6, 1909.
Cu r t is

W . M c P h a i l , P r e s id e n t ; C l a r e n c e H . M a c o m b e r , V ic e P r e s id e n t ;
E d w a r d M. H o l l i s t e r , C a s h ie r .

D i r e c t o r s .— C. W. McPhail, C. H. Macomber, E. M. Hollister, E. A. W ittw er, Jos. Bierd.


R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Nov. 27, ’08. Feb. 5, ’09. April 28, ’09. June 23, ’09. Sept. 1, ’09.

I_,oans and discounts.........................

.¥11,549 63

$15,929 89

$18,014 35

Ponds m ortgages and securities.. .

24,362 42

27,143 10

34,708 96


58 34

103 85

35 91

Fanking house....................................

2,200 00

2,200 00

2,200 00

Fur n it11re and fixtures

1,642 81

1,642 81

1,642 81

1,879 01

3,424 62

8,185 87

2,483 00

O verdrafts

Due from other banks and bankers
Item s in transit

fro m

hanks in reserve cities. .

Exchanges for clearing house
S. and N ational bank c u rre n cy .

1,727 00

1,661 00

•Gold coin ...........................................

685 00

575 00

765 00

Silver co in ...........................................

217 20

229 40

258 30


Nickels and cents

and cash ite m s.........

T o tals............................................
Capital stock pa,id in. .

36 27

25 11

9 97

415 76

451 65

99 91

$44,773 44

$53,386 43

$68,404 08

$20,000 00

$20,000 00

$20,000 00

558 73

871 63

379 47

5,974 84

8,738 03

8,673 08

100 00

Surplus fund
U ndivided profits, less current ex­
penses, interest and taxes p a id ..

6 00

Dividends unpaid
Commercial deposits subject to

43 65

Commercial certificates of d ep o sit.

600 00

Certified checks
18,239 87

Savings deposits

23,733 12

36,145 53
2,500 00

S tate monies on deposit
Notes and bills discounted


Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

$44,773 44

$53,386 43

$68,404 08



No. 420.
Organized February 8, 1909.
C h a r l e s C. W o o d , P r e s id e n t ; A l b e r t U . K i n g , V ic e P r e s id e n t ; C l a u d M. F a u d e , C a s h ie r .
D i r e c t o r s ,— Charles C. Wood, Albert IT. King, Claud M. Faude, Joseph Hudson, Hal. H. Sm ith,

William J. Hagelshan, Edw in A. Wildey.


R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Nov. 27, ’08. Feb. 5, ’09. April 28, ’09. June 23, '08. Sept. 1, ’09.

Loans and discounts.........................

$26,581 34

$41,207 41

$41,803 94

Bonds, m ortgages and securities..

1,550 00

3,450 00

3,725 00

Prem ium s paid on b o n d s...............
O verdrafts............................................

120 54

203 68

1,391 81

Banking house....................................

2,500 00

2,500 00

2,500 00

F u rn itu re and fixtures.....................

1,666 78

1,702 28

1,712 28

Other real estate................................
Due from other banks and bankers
(not reserve cities).......................

14,015 36

577 14

2,109 17

2,112 00

2,134 54

2,238 00

Item s in tra n sit.................................
United States bonds.........................
Due from banks in reserve cities. .
E xchanges for clearing h o u se .........
U. S. and N ational b ank cu rre n cy .

3,438 00

1,979 00

Gold c o in ...........................................

305 00

820 00

865 00

Silver coin............................................

965 05

055 45

1,612 90

Nickels and c e n ts..............................

36 29

44 32

115 85

Checks and cash ite m s....................

583 51

218 76

704 38

T o ta ls............................................

$53,931 04

$55,530 04

$58,803 70

Capital stock paid in .......................

$20,000 00

«20,000 00

$20,000 00

500 00

500 00

Surplus fu n d ......................................
Undivided profits, less current ex­
penses, interest and taxes p a id . .

172 74

318 50

88 20

Dividends u n p a id ..............................
Commercial deposits subject to
ch eck ...........i ....................................

16,497 66

13,231 43

12,088 86

Commercial certificates of d ep o sit.

3,074 97

4,300 47

5,029 75

Due to banks and b an k ers...............

225 15

Certified checks..................................
Cashier’s checks outstanding..........
Savings d ep o sits................................

9,185 67

12,179 64

15,271 74

5,000 00

5,000 00

5,000 00

$53,931 04

$55,530 04

$58,803 70

Savings certificates of dep o sit........
S tate monies on d ep o sit...................
Notes and bills rediscounted...........
Bills p a y a b le .......................................
T otals............................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



No. 236.
Organized July 10, 1901.
F r a n k W. H u b b a r d , P r e s id e n t ; J o h n R y a n , V ic e P r e s i d e n t a n d C a s h ie r ;
J. L. B u r g e s s , A s s i s t a n t C a s h ie r ; Jos. N. R a n k i n , A u d i t o r .
D i r e c t o r s .— F rank W. H ubbard, E lizabeth L. H ubbard, John R yan, Maggie Ryan, Joseph N. R ankin.


R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Nov. 27, ’08. Feb. 5, ’09. April 28, ’09. June 23, ’09. Sept. 1, ’09.

Loans and discounts.........................

$232,432 00

$238,504 15

$245,427 15

$257,023 37

$256,348 28

Bonds, m ortgages and se cu rities...

57,463 77

77,580 15

74,909 06

69,984 16

74,997 74

Prem ium s paid on bo n d s.................
O verdrafts.............................................
Banking house..................................
F urniture and fixtures...........
O ther real estate................................
Due from other banks and bankers
(not reserve c itie s).......................

2,546 94

974 02

663 32

1,686 29

1,415 37

11,000 00

11,000 00

11,000 00

11,000 00

11,000 00

1,022 02

1,022 02

1,022 02

1,022 02

1,022 02

12,076 48

12,076 48

12,340 48

12,340 48

12,340 48

10,057 46

7,279 17

1,109 08

1,105 22

1,101 25

26,900 00

Item s in tra n sit.................................
U nited States bonds.........................
Due from banks in reserve c itie s ..

80,280 09

36,616 80

28,211 00

25,474 81

Exchanges for clearing house. . . .

4,547 28

4,280 05

11,720 04

5,088 33

4,758 13

U. S. and N ational bank currency.

10,160 00

11,759 00

7,012 00

6,216 00

12,415 00
5,340 00

Gold c o in .............................................

5,940 00

6,455 00

7,115 00

0,730 00

Silver c o in ...........................................

847 25

1,603 85

1,284 35

458 50

979 40

Nickels and c e n ts..............................

159 58

202 43

249 70

198 63

254 37

Checks and cash ite m s ....................
T o tals..........................................
Capital stock paid in .......................

2,852 74

3,382 44

2,486 22

788 61

615 14

$431,385 61

$4]2,735 56

$404,549 42

$399,116 42

$409,487 18

$30,000 00

$30,000 00

$30,000 00

$30,000 00

$30,000 00

Surplus fu n d ........................................
U ndivided profits, less current ex­
penses, interest and taxes p a id . .

10,000 00

10,000 00

10,000 00

10,000 00

10,000 00

21,570 59

20,898 05

21,983 37

23,904 33

24,613 60

D ividends u n p a id ..............................
Commercial deposits subject to
ch eck .................................................

189,793 93

198,263 03

185,171 43

183,027 53

180,784 83

2,461 64

2,002 97

Commercial certificates of d ep o sit.
Due to banks and b an k ers...............

216 00

Certified checks..................................
Cashier’s checks o u tstan d in g ...........
Savings d ep o sits................................
Savings certificates of dep o sit. . . .

179,805 09

153,574 48

154,932 98

150,181 59

164,088 75

$431,385 61

$412,735 56

$404,549 42

$399,116 42

$409,487 18

Notes and bills discounted.............
Bills p a y a b le ......................................
T o tals............................................

Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



No. 237.
Organized June 22, 1901.
A l b e r t E . S l e e p e r , P r e s id e n t ; A l l is o n L . W r i g h t , V ic e P r e s id e n t ; J a m e s B a l d w in , C a s h ie r ;
J a p h e t h H i n d , A s s i s t a n t C a s h ie r .
D ir e c t o r s .— A lbert E. Sleeper, Allison L. W right, Jam es Baldwin, Clara Baldwin,

Charles D. Thompson.


R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Nov. 27, ’08. Feb. 5, ’09. April 28, ’09. June 23, ’09. Sept. 1, ’09.

Loans and discounts.........................

$125,308 GO

$136,902 78

$152,611 32

$149,085 08

$164,002 29

Bonds, m ortgages and securities...

65,600 31

63,867 62

58,914 64

59,228 15

62,858 15

O verdrafts............................................

260 30

48 83

85 86

25 56

306 82
8,750 00

Banking house....................................

8,750 00

8,750 00

8,750 00

8,750 00

F u rn itu re and fixtures.....................

2,500 00

2,500 00

2,500 00

2,500 00

2,500 00

5,207 63

5,073 38

5,072 08

1,350 50

35 75

1,502 00

41,136 04

23,905 91

25,889 21

29,863 48

2,083 81

637 89

995 96

3,129 34

3,067 64

9,273 00

10,552 00

9,058 00

9,255 00

4,810 00

Gold c o in .............................................

4,805 00

4,945 00

5,135 00

5,125 00

5,005 00

Silver c o in ...........................................

1,059 40

1,047 90

841 95

1,206 35

859 10

Nickels and c e n ts..............................

306 32

344 94

351 92

296 75

195 30

Checks and cash ite m s ....................

2,549 97

240 36

30 70

5 65

681 28

T o tals............................................

$255,056 78

$276,199 34

$269,739 39

$269,605 22

$289,473 14

Capital stock paid in .......................

$25,000 00

$25,000 00

$25,000 00

$25,000 00

$25,000 00

10,000 00

10,000 00

10,000 00

10,000 00

10,000 00

6,672 27

5,640 18

6,179 03

7,417 97

8,466 69

O ther real estate.
Due from other banks and bankers

0,875 49

5,225 98

Tfern s in f.ran si t,

Due from banks in reserve cities..
E xchanges for clearing h ouse. . . .
U. S. and N ational bank currency.

Surplus fu n d ........................................
Undivided profits, less current ex­
penses, interest and taxes p a id ..

25,684 58

Commercial deposits subject to
ch e c k .................................................

53,295 97

73,684 52

64,331 97

56,632 84

58,847 71

Commercial certificates of d ep o sit.

157,088 54

161,874 04

164,228 39

170,554 41

187,158 74

T o tals............................................

$255,056 78

$276,199 34

$269,739 39

$269,605 22

$289,473 14

Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

. ..




No. 337.
Organized April 24, 1906.
T. M. E u l e r ,

P r e s id e n t ;

C. L. P a r s o n s , V ic e P r e s id e n t ; E . P . S h e r m a n ,
E. G. K ay , A s s i s t a n t C a s h ie r .

C a s h ie r ;

D i r e c t o r s .—T. M. Euler, W. H. Payne, J. E. Symes, C. L. Parsons, H. W. P arker, A. Elesser.


R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
•Nov. 27, ’08. Feb. 5, ’09. April 28, ’09. June 23, ’09. Sept. 1, ’09.

Loans and discounts.........................

$04,171 65

$88,121 52

$100,075 48

$94,306 81

$104,695 16

Bonds, m ortgages and securities..

46,296 00

50,821 00

48,211 00

51,898 00

60,048 00

185 70

185 70

865 91

782 44

600 53

Prem ium s paid on b o n d s...............
O verdrafts.............................................

792 57

2,925 70

Expenses, interest and taxes p a id .

437 43

102 41

B anking house....................................

7,500 00

7,500 00

7,500 00

7,500 00

7,500 00

F u rn itu re and fixtures.....................

3,797 14

3,797 14

3,797 14

3,797 14

3,797 14

O ther real e sta te ................................
Due from other banks and bankers
(not reserve cities).......................

9,688 63
2,575 32

1,649 44

715 07

2,520 90

Item s in tra n sit.................................
U nited States bonds.........................
Due from banks in reserve cities. .

16,147 41

15,476 53

40,174 38

38,148 85

5,336 25

Exchanges for clearing h o u se .........
U. S. and N ational bank cu rre n cy .

9,617 00

7,790 00

7,981 00

8,824 00

10,039 00

Gold c o in .............................................

5,482 50

6,012 50

6,295 00

6,280 00

6,485 00

Silver coin............................................

841 70

363 20

547 75

716 95

479 95

Nickels and c e n ts..............................

117 74

88 10

102 92

174 64

169 24

Checks and cash ite m s ........... ..

173 15

177 94

354 82

1,701 41

309 14

T o tals............................................

$167,190 05

$183,563 81

$215,905 40

$216,951 26

$202,009 62

Capital stock paid in .......................

$20,000 00

$20,000 00

$20,000 00

$20,000 00

$20,000 00

1,000 00

1,250 00

1,250 00

1,250 00

1,250 00

308 79

119 34

Surplus fu n d ........................................
Undivided profits, less current ex­
penses, interest and taxes paid. .
Dividends u n p a id ..............................
Commercial deposits subject to
check .....................

11,097 22


23,482 95

18,001 96

Commercial certificates of d ep o sit.

17,777 57

9,983 98

35,674 11

57,799 75

Due to banks and b an k ers...............
Certified checks..................................
Cashier’s checks outstanding...........
Savings d ep o sits................................

5,976 31

6,251 19

5,200 65

5,453 15

5,721 28

Savings certificates of dep o sit........

129,122 52

132,576 67

171,144 00

138,677 09

107,254 61

$215,905 40

$216,951 26

$202,009 62

3 00

Collections p a id .......................
Notes and bills rediscounted .
Bills p a y a b le .......................................
T o tals............................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

$167,196 05

$183,563 81



No. 62.
Organized April 8, 1880.
J . E. S e b r i n g , P r e s id e n t a n d C a s h ie r ; W il l ia m B k o a d w e l l , V ic e P r e s id e n t.
D ir e c t o r s .-"-Wm. Broadwell, J. E. Sebring, E m m a M cNett, William Charles, Wm. Chapman, Olia

De Haven. Rebecca Fausnaugh.


R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Nov. 27, ’08. Feb. 5, ’09. April 28, ’09. June 23, ’09. Sept. 1, ’09.

Loans and discounts.........................

$96,305 86

$109,490 16

$96,995 25

$103,253 98

$98,418 07

Bonds, m ortgages and se cu rities...

122,154 76

130,269 10

132,413 97

132,118 97

128,443 97

Prem ium s paid on b o n d s.................

276 88

O verdrafts............................................

1,196 05

195 51

358 24

860 29

703 92

Banking house..................... ..............

14,761 27

14,761 27

14,761 27

14,761 27

14,761 27

F u rn itu re and fixtures.....................

1,332 77

1,582 52

1,584 02

1,584 02

1,584 02

Other real estate................................
Due from other banks and bankers
(not reserve cities).......... ............

3,564 36

3,504 36

3,564 36

3,504 36

3,104 36

Due from banks in reserve c itie s ..

71,859 19

53,254 83

51,474 70

49,921 49

70,708 32

Exchanges for clearing house. . . .

600 00

1,391 37

866 66

379 78

1,103 84

U. S. and N ational bank cu rre n cy .

11,910 00

14,968 00

15,375 00

14,893 00

14,569 00

Item s in tra n sit..................................
United S tates bonds.........................

Hold co in .................


2,900 00

4,600 00

4,500 00

3,000 00

3,000 00

Silver co in ...........................................

2,300 00

2,300 00

1,550 00

1,450 00

1,475 00

Nickels and c e n ts..............................

344 05

271 87

369 74

548 80

710 80

T o tals............................................

.$329,505 19

$336,648 99

$323,813 21

$326,275 96

$338,582 57

Capital stock paid in .......................

$25,000 00

$25,000 00

$25,000 00

$25,000 00

$25,000 00

14,000 00

14,500 00

14,500 00

14,500 00

15,000 00

2,608 11

566 51

1,506 97

2,086 58

871 85

81,304 77

72,033 51

72,087 81

83,900 37

Checks and cash ite m s....................

Surplus fu n d ........................................
Undivided profits, less current ex­
penses, interest and taxes p a id . .
Dividends u n p a id ..............................
Commercial deposits subject to
ch eck .................................................

66,475 27

Commercial certificates of d ep o sit.

190 00


160 00

5,430 72

D ue to hanks and bankers. . .

Certified checks. . .
Cashier’s checks o u tstan d in g ...........
Savings d ep o sits................................

38,717 51

39,420 17

39,515 13

37,979 38

38,934 08

Savings certificates of dep o sit. . . .

182,514 30

175,631 54

171,257 60

174,022 19

169,439 55

$329,505 19

$336,648 99

$323,813 21 ' $326,275 96

$338,582 57

Notes and bills d isco unted .............
Dills p a y a b le .......................................
T o tals............................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



No. 394.
Organized March 9, 1908.
W . J. S h a n k s , P r e s id e n t ; H e n r y W a l r a t h , V ic e P r e s id e n t ; O . S. W o o d , C a s h ie r ;
A d e l b e r t M y e r s , A s s i s t a n t C a s h ie r .
D ir e c t o r s .— W. J. Shanks, H enry W alrath, O. S. Wood. W. T. Laflin, Lee A. Lewis.


R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Nov. 27, ’08. Feb. 5, ’09. April 28, ’09. June 23, ’09. Sept. 1, ’09.

$48,101 24

$53,335 50

71 89

17 49

2 04

Loans and discounts.........................

$43,042 18

$49,506 57

Bonds, m ortgages and se c u ritie s..

400 00

400 00

8 28

$51,803 43

Prem ium s paid on bonds. .
O verdrafts.
Banking house
F u rn itu re and fixtures.....................

700 00

700 00

700 00

700 00

700 00

O ther real estate.
Due from other banks and bankers
(not reserve cities).......................

2,585 07

855 08

2,404 19

2,441 42

2,605 16

C38 38

Tterns in tran sit . .

50 00

United States bonds .
Due from banks in reserve cities. .

2,770 03

5,488 02

5,839 01

3,932 32

4,044 00

Exchanges for clearing house.
U. S. and N ational bank currency .

2,006 00

1,505 00

2,492 00

2,170 00

930 00

Gold c o in .............................................

1,080 00

1,220 00

1,440 00

1,595 00

1,350 00

Silver coin............................................

050 90

545 05

295 85

259 45

527 50

Nickels and c e n ts..............................

54 71

72 15

*4 59

09 73

42 27

Checks and cash ite m s....................

57 58

84 31

125 00

93 33

3 00

T o tals............................................

$55,862 17

$60,508 67

$01,810 94

$02,802 35

$62,455 05

C apital stock paid in .......................

$20,000 00

$20,000 00

$20,000 00

$20,000 00

$20,000 00

1,000 00

1,000 00

1,000 00

2,000 00

Surplus fu n d ......................................
'Undivided profits, less current ex­
penses, interest and taxes p a id . .

1,007 42

310 35

1,455 93

1,728 96

171 41

Dividends unpaid
Commercial deposits subject to
ch eck .................................................

21,539 49

25,001 90

22,855 73

23,792 49

23,«62 44

Commercial certificates of d e p o sit.

13,255 20

13,530 30

10,499 28

10,280 90

10,421 20

$02,802 35

$62,455 05

Oerf.ified checks
Oashier’s checks outstanding
* and bills rediscounted

T o tals............................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

$55,802 17

$00,508 07

$61,810 94


No. 93.
Organized June 14, 1871.
Corporate existence extended June 4, 1901.
W il l a r d H. E l d r e d , P r e s id e n t ; C h a s . C. G r e e n , F. A . A l l w a r d t , V ic e P r e s id e n t s ;
E R. M o r t o n , C a s h i e r ; N. Y. G r e e n , A s s i s t a n t C a s h ie r .

D i r e c t o r s — W. H. Eldred, L. A. Dudley, M. Maas, Chas. C. Green, F. J. Kellogg, Geo. W. Mechera,

H. F. Bechman, N. E. H ubbard, F. A. Allwardt, S. B. Cole, E. R. Morton.

Loans and discounts..........

R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Nov. 27, ’08. Feb. 5, ’09. April 28, ’09. June 23, ’09. Sept. 1, ’09:
$671,103 46

$079,455 90

$663,636 69

$659,210 02

$661,770 45

603,763 81

599,560 79

599,128 83

615,708 24

617,992 84

4,328 29

6,108 24

490 59

1,292 57

564 99

F u rn itu re and fix tu re s.. . .

17,577 50

16,698 63

16,698 63

16,698 63

15,713 00

Other real e sta te ................................
Due from other banks and bankers
(not reserve cities).......................

13,302 22

13,302 22

15,381 95

14,581 95

14,081 95

Bonds, m ortgages and securities...
Prem ium s paid on b o n ds.................
O verdrafts............................................
Banking house....................................

Item s in tra n sit.................................

226 47
37 84

739 18

87 44

53 85

87 81
222,985 53

United States bonds.........................
Due from banks in reserve cities. .

102,164 26

131,0S1 57

103,248 30

91,286 12

Exchanges for clearing house. . . .

1,707 47

3,060 39

18,495 20

12,627 01

15,022 81

U. S. and N ational bank cu rre n cy .

52,341 00

52,822 00

51,135 00

57,089 00

50,159 00

Gold co in ...................................

31,548 50

35,378 50

42,282 50

44,847 00

34,453 00

6,831 45

6,106 80

6,376 20

4,789 35

3,812 20

493 58

689 13

590 32

657 95

535 28

99 94

409 56

123 25

86 38

523 22

T o tals............................................ $1,505,299 32 $1,545,699 38 $1,517,674 90 $1,518,928 07

$1,637,702 08

Silver c o in ..............................
Nickels and c e n ts..............................
Checks and cash ite m s ............. ..

Capital stock paid in .......................

$100,000 00

$100,000 00

$100,000 00

$100,000 00

$100,000 00

25,000 00

25,000 00

25,000 00

25,000 00

25,000 00

5,521 89

12,520 22

7,958 71

13,606 01

6,529 61

Dividends u n p a id ..............................
Commercial deposits subject to
ch eck .................................................

173,422 50

216,181 67

207,681 02

207,949 05

297,256 95

Commercial certificates of d ep o sit.

24,579 67

35,561 36

21,239 58

20,963 94

18,058 84

Due to banks and bankers. . . . . . . :

17,634 59

7,250 40

10,011 16

8,974 95

35,534 62

Certified checks..................................

100 00

5,100 00

100 00

100 00

1,000 00

Savings d ep o sits................................

1,146,972 90

1,135,689 25

1,129,573 13

1,127,425 14

1,145,288 83

Savings certificates of deposit. . . .

12,067 77

8,398 48

16,111 30

14,908 98

9,033 23

$1,505,299 32 $1,545,699 38 $1,517,674 90 $1,518,928 07

$1,637,702 08

Surplus fu n d .......................................
U ndivided profits, less current ex­
penses, interest and taxes p a id . .

Cashier’s checks o u tstan d in g ...........

Notes and bills disco unted.............
Bills p a y a b le .......................................
T o ta ls........................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis




No. 178.'

Organized March 28, 1895.
A. M. M i n t y ,

P r e s i d e n t ; S c o t t F i e l d , V ic e P r e s i d e n t ;

H. A. R o w l e s ,

C a s h ie r .

D i r e c t o r s .— Ambrose M. M inty, F rank T urner, Isaac Amberg, Rill F. Hoffmaster, F rank H. Boos,

Scott Field.


R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Nov. 27, ’08. Feb. 5, ’09. April 28, ’09. June 23, ’09. Sept. 1, ’09.

Loans and discounts.........................

$366,038 31

$368,374 71

$357,221 53

$367,444 67

$353,794 97

Bonds, m ortgages and securities. .

511,486 68

551,290 40

551,342 38

568,663 03

579,822 64

Prem ium s paid on b o n d s...............
O verdrafts............................................

2,132 73

1,149 27

504 42

447 83

1,067 72

Banking house....................................

25,000 00

25,000 00

25,000 00

25,000 00

25,000 00

F u rn itu re and fixtures.....................

2,325 00

2,325 00

2,325 00

2,325 00

2,325 00

Other real e sta te ................................
Due from other banks and bankers
(not reserve c ities).......................

15,421 89

15,435 09

15,435 09

13,383 79

17,442 45

Item s in tra n sit.........................

101 16
1,764 73

78 30

U nited S tates bonds.........................
Due from banks in reserve cities. .

122,914 55

79,313 58

124,380 42

93,894 31

Exchanges for clearing h o u se .........

2,201 34

1,395 41

1,153 36

1,932 25

1,850 94

U. S. and National bank cu rre n cy .

34,089 00

23,013 00

28,306 00

16,439 00

24,801 00

Gold c o in .............................................

16,935 03

24,517 50

25,612 50

32,037 50

25,445 00

Silver coin..........................................

3,766 45

0,826 90

2,091 25

2,913 95

2,126 25

311 03

310 91

324 67

455 28

461 14

$1,102,700 28 $1,098,951 77 $1,135,461 35 $1,125,067 77

$1,134,374 44

Nickels and c e n ts..............................

100,237 33

Checks and cash ite m s....................
T o ta ls..........................................
Capital stock paid in .......................
Surplus fu n d ......................................
Undivided profits, less current ex­
penses, interest and taxes paid. .

$50,000 00

$50,000 00

$50,000 00

$50,000 00

$50,000 00

20,000 00

20,000 00

20,000 00

20,000 00

20,000 00

19,273 97

13,760 37

18,325 04

24,815 75

18,694 18

Dividends u n p a id ..............................
Commercial deposits subject to
check ...............................................

108,004 63

118,510 84

122,786 60

100,701 15

132,096 59

Commercial certificates of d e p o sit.

78,264 58

77,536 02

84,741 20

85,919 20

79,824 48

90 00

Due to banks and b an k ers...............

19 36

Certified checks..................................
Cashier’s checks o u tstanding...........
Savings d ep o sits................................

827,157 10

819,024 54

843,631 67

833,739 83

T o tals............................................ $1,102,700 28 $1,098,951 77 $1,135,461 35 $1,125,067 77

$1,134,374 44

839,608 51

Savings certificates of dep o sit........
Notes and bills rediscounted..........
Bills p a y a b le ...................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



No. 63.
Organized September 4, 1871.
Corporate existence extended September 4, 1901.
G e o . H. Y o u n g , P r e s id e n t ; J u s t i n W e n t w o r t h , V ic e P r e s id e n t ; H. C. M o u l t h r o p , C a s h ie r .
D ir e c t o r s .— George H. Young, Ju stin W entw orth, Frem ont B. Chesbrough, George K. W entw orth,

F rank E. Tyler, Wm. A. Young, W alter D. Young.


Loans and discounts.........................

R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Nov. 27, ’08. Feb. 5, ’09. April 28, ’09. June 23, ’09. Sept. 1, ’09.
$994,778 30 $1,019,333 82

$1,003,601 38

709,082 49

768,713 99

724,651 49

9,000 00

9,000 00

9,000 00

9,000 00

2,435 91

3,456 92

1,085 02

6,015 63

.$970,980 45 $1,004,694 20

Bonds, m ortgages and securities. .

751,784 89

762,796 49

Prem ium s paid on b o n d s...............

9,000 00

O verdrafts.........................

4,184 87

B anking house..............................
F u rn itu re and fixtures.....................

7,000 00

7,000 00

7,000 00

7,000 00

7,000 00

O ther real e s ta te .. ............................
Due from other banks and bankers
(not reserve cities).......................

12,420 00

12,420 00

12,420 00

12,420 00

12,420 00

7,440 21

4,579 64

3,844 42

3,704 48

4,552 80

Due from banks in reserve cities. .

328,159 91

296,482 53

301,835 05

266,983 29

406,877 59

Exchanges for clearing h o u se.........

9,402 72

2,383 55

4,491 10

3,898 57

3,534 08

U. S. and N ational bank currency.

80,828 00

77,580 00

102,789 00

110,803 00

123,674 00


Item s in tra n sit..............
U nited States bonds.........................

Gold co in .............................................

27,062 50

27,512 50

29,317 50

30,172 50

31,065 00

Silver coin............................................

0,308 00

7,677 10

6,257 30

6,436 05

6,820 05

Nickels and c en ts..............................

625 14

801 08

621 38

595 40

519 55

Checks and cash ite m s ...................

455 11

3,622 45

323 02

044 70

4 00

$2,221,711 80 $2,218,985 45 $2,245,216 48 $2,240,793 08

$2,339,736 17

T o tals......................................
Capital stock paid in .......................
Surplus fu n d ......................................
Undivided profits, less current ex­
penses, interest and taxes p a id . .

$150,000 00

$150,000 00

$150,000 00

$150,000 00

$150,000 00

100,000 00

100,000 00

100,000 00

100,000 00

150,000 00

60,402 79

67,410 07

04,227 92

76,557 01

31,175 44

Dividends u n p a id ..............................
Commercial deposits subject to
ch eck .................................................

347,951 83

345,237 33

367,343 81

350,405 68

381,897 37

Commercial certificates of d ep o sit.

231,757 05

224,108 68

201,007 88

186,132 65

181,429 51

Due to banks and b an k ers...............

57,234 26

59,878 78

59,289 26

44,654 13

74,146 72

Certified checks..................................

797 17

624 00

852 02

408 25

947 59

1,273,568 70

1,280,726 59

1,301,895 59

1,332,635 36

1,370,139 54

T o tals............................. .............. $2,221,711 80 $2,218,985 45 $2,245,216 48 $2,240,793 08

$2,339,736 17

Cashier’s checks outstanding..........
Savings dep o sits. . . .
Savings certificates of dep o sit........
Notes and bills rediscounted...........
Bills p a y a b le .......................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



No. 43.
Organized February 1, 1884.
T h o m a s C r a n a g e , P r e s id e n t ; N e w e l l A. E d d y , V ic e P r e s id e n t ; J. M u l h o l l a n d , T r e a s u r e r ;
W a r r e n E . Ca r t e r , A s s i s t a n t T r e a s u re r.
D i r e c t o r s .— Thomas Cranage, Newell A. Eddy, H. M. Gillett, G. Hine, F. T. Norris, George D. Jackson,

J. Mulholland.


R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Nov. 27, ’08. Feb. 5, ’09. April 28, ’09. June 23, ’09. Sept. 1, ’09.

Loans and discounts.........................

$501,392 02

$441,051 41

$417,989 25

$425,369 83

$445,345 93

Bonds, m ortgages and securities...

313,030 69

304,720 69

330,920 69

322,461 51

316,161 51

Prem ium s paid on b o n d s.................

2,163 60

2,163 60

2,355 60

2,996 40

2,000 00

O verdrafts............................................

123 02

36 81

53 57

242 64

141 72

F urniture and fixtures.....................

4,500 00

5,000 00

5,000 00

5,000 00

5,000 00

Other real e state...............................
Due from other banks and bankers
(not reserve cities).......................

4,356 61

4,356 61

3,906 61

3,606 61

3,606 61

Item s in tra n sit.................................

2,000 00

B anking house....................................

30 00

U n ited S tates bonds....................... .
Due from banks in reserve c itie s ..

108,588 77

177,937 65

153,018 23

144,350 50

Exchanges for clearing house. . . .

870 15

1,320 97

700 28

394 68

7,164 68

D. S. and N ational bank currency.

38,113 00

37,348 00

34,837 00

33,368 00

36,026 00

119,691 34

Gold c o in .............................................

10,530 00

11,365 00

10,891 00

10,448 50

11,273 00

Silver c o in ...........................................

2,242 00

1,930 00

2,131 00

2,245 65

2,093 90

Nickels and c en ts..............................

222 68

321 31

196 65

235 21

246 51

Checks and cash ite m s ...................

234 67

T o tals............................................

$988,132 54

$987,582 05

$987,999 88

$950,954 20

$948,781 20

Capital stock paid in .......................

$50,000 00

$50,000 00

$50,000 00

$50,000 00

$50,000 00

25,000 00

25,000 00

25,000 00

25,000 00

25,000 00

23,676 92

13,373 39

18,610 84

24,542 62

17,629 89

65 00

50 00

126,922 82

100,449 65

97,305 51

103,778 13

110,847 20

Savings d ep o sits................................

693,530 94

722,856 61

719,778 83

697,488 00

692,509 57

Savings certificates of deposit. . . .

69,001 86

69,837 40

57,254 70

50,145 45

52,744 54

$988,132 54

$987,582 05

$987,999 88

$950,954 20

$948,781 20

Surplus fu n d .......................................
U ndivided profits, less current ex­
penses, interest and taxes p a id ..
Dividends u n p a id ..............................
Commercial deposits subject to
ch eck .................................................

50 00

Commercial certificates of d ep o sit.
Due to banks and b an k ers...............
Certified checks..................................
Cashier’s checks o u tstan d in g ...........

Notes and bills discounted.............
Bills p a y a b le .......................................
T o tals............................................

Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



No. 30.
Organized August 15, 1888.
C. R. H a w l e y ,

P r e s id e n t ;

C. C. W h i t n e y ,

V ic e P r e s id e n t ;

J. R. W a t r o u s ,

C a s h ie r .

D ir e c t o r s .— C. R. Hawley, C. C. W hitney, B. Boutell, R. G. Bialy, J. C. Weadock, J. R. W atrous,



H. Moulthrop, W. H. Sharp.

R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Nov. 27, ’08. Feb. 5, ’09. April 28, ’09. June 23, ’C9. Sept. 1, ’09.

Loans and discounts.........................

$523,507 00

$578,301 47

$577,356 88

$634,983 46

$593,153 77

Bonds, m ortgages and securities. .

208,186 33

206,926 33

191,451 33

189,781 33

195,131 33

1,447 92

306 77

712 23

2,415 97

2,941 40

5,000 00

4,000 00

4,000 00

4,000 00

4,000 00

7,536 52

12,019 32

9,930 61

3,781 64

3,578 55

70,769 95

Prem ium s paid on b o n d s...............
O verdrafts..............................
Banking house....................................
F u rn itu re and fixtures.....................
O ther real e sta te ................................
Due from other banks and bankers
(not reserve c ities).......................
Item s in tra n sit..................................
U nited S tates bonds.........................
Due from banks in reserve cities. .

54,812 09

33,758 77

57,266 28

80,198 53

E xchanges for clearing h o u se .........

3,579 50

1,127 27

1,360 77

1,194 53

2,182 51

U. S. and N ational bank cu rren cy .

33,360 00

80,380 00

39,144 00

33,732 00

38,187 00

Gold c o in .......................................

8,067 50

15,060 00

8,367 50

4,957 50

9,070 00

Silver coin.............................

5,265 84

9,834 95

3,670 15

3,054 60

7,099 10

Nickels and cen ts.'............................

159 60

306 26

300 72

326 05

589 20

Checks and cash ite m s ...................

1,094 51

2,040 10

242 90

1,247 72

785 10

$852,016 81

$944,061 24

$893,803 37

$959,673 33

$927,487 91

$100,000 00

$100,000 00

$100,000 00

$100,000 00

$100,000 00

60,000 00

60,000 00

60,000 00

60,000 00

80,000 00

10,953 76

12,612 88

18,569 70

23,255 70

4,009 33

Dividends u n p a id ...........
Commercial deposits subject to
ch eck .................................................

284,566 22

396,993 24

311,882 92

' 378,476 49

323,22 4 86

Commercial certificates of d ep o sit.

29,030 18

31,689 49

54,511 41

51,472 31

57,193 28

438 02

38 02

3,638 02

838 52

1,438 02

327,022 63

342,727 61

345,201 32

345,630 31

361,622 42

$944,061 24

$893,803 37

$959,673 33

$927,487 91

T o tals.....................
Capital stock paid in .....................
Surplus fu n d ...........................
U ndivided profits, less current ex­
penses, interest and taxes p a id ..

Due to banks and b an k ers...............
Certified checks..................................
Cashier’s checks outstanding...........
Savings dep o sits....................' ...........
Savings certificates of deposit........
Notes and bills rediscounted...........
Bills p a y a b le .......................................

40,000 00

T o tals............................................

$852,016 81
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



No. 96.
Organized January 1, 1875.
Corporate existence extended December 28, 1904.
J o h n M. K e l t o n , P r e s id e n t ; H e n r y H. N o r r in g t o n , V ic e P r e s id e n t ; D. M. S h a v e r , A c t i n g C a s h ie r .
D i r e c t o r s .— John M. Kelton, S. O. Fisher, H. H. Norrington, Andrew Weiss, Edw in M. Eddy.


R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Nov. 27, ’08. Feb. 5, ’09. April 28, ’09. June 23, ’09. Sept. 1, ’09.

Loans and discounts.........................

$354,607 30

$328,936 97

$385,723 71

$361,080 29

$317,202 75

Bonds, m ortgages and securities. .

120,717 00

125,970 00

100,470 00

120,300 00

124,760 00

Prem ium s paid on b o n d s.............

400 00

930 00

907 00

900 00

350 00

O verdrafts............................................

326 20
10,000 00

Banking house....................................

10,000 00

10,000 00

10,000 00

10,000 00

F u rn itu re and fixtures.....................

3,000 00

3,000 00

3,000 00

3,000 00

3,000 00

Other real estate.............................
Due from other banks and bankers
(not reserve cities).......................

4,708 85

4,768 85

4,768 85

4,528 85

4,486 27

114,779 27

12,249 49

21,079 75

28,866 99

51,155 02

84,567 00

57,124 00

56,703 00

28,075 00

16,586 00

Gold co in ...........................................

2,250 00

2,355 00

1,995 00

13,135 00

8,540 00

Silver coin..........................................

1,501 35

1,228 40

1.562 00

659 00

2,431 50
342 42

Item s in tra n sit.................................
U nited States bonds.........................
Due from banks in reserve cities. .
E xchanges for clearing h o u se.........
U. S. and N ational b an k currency.

Nickels and c e n ts..............................

1,054 24

397 74

558 80

300 59

76 52

2,589 07

581 87

376 00

184 50

$705,963 78

$547,703 38

$586,885 90

$570,866 15

$539,908 20

$50,000 00

$50,000 00

$50,000 00

$50,000 00

$50,000 00

10,000 00

10,000 00

10,000 00

10,000 00

10,000 00

3,115 96

541 74

501 03

1,723 35

1,975 49

Dividends u n p a id ..............................
Commercial 'deposits subject to
ch eck ..........................................

343,972 89

182,907 06

199,580 72

190,825 25

154,627 05

Commercial certificates of d ep o sit.

142,888 94

146,437 28

166,561 28

166,256 41

172,230 52

155,985 99

157,817 30

160,242 87

152,061 14

151,075 14

$705,963 78

«547,703 38

$586,885 90

$570,866 15

$539,908 20

Checks and cash ite m s .................
T o tals......................................
Capital stock paid in ...................
Surplus fu n d .........................
U ndivided profits, less current ex­
penses, interest and taxes p a id . .

Due to banks and b an k ers...............
Certified checks..................................
Cashier’s checks o utstanding..........
Savings d ep o sits................................
Savings certificates of d eposit........
Notes and bills rediscounted...........
Bills p a y a b le .........: ...........................
T o ta ls.....................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



No. 17.
Organized December 27, 1888.
F r e d M o h r , P r e s i d e n t ; E. T. C a r r i n g t o n , V ic e P r e s id e n t ; T. R. S h a v e r , C a s h ie r .
D i r e c t o r s .— Fred Mohr, E. T. Carrington, Curtis E. Pierce, Thomas Walsh, T. R. Shaver.


R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Nov. 27, ’08. Feb. 5, ’09. April 28, ’09. June 23, ’C9. Sept. 1, ’09.
$248,177 48

$257,691 94

$236,306 00

$253,175 82

$230,422 93

Bonds, m ortgages and securities...

376,749 67

406,923 54

414,170 09

398,463 47

411,400 60

Prem ium s paid on b o n d s.................

6,668 42

9,073 33

8,520 29

8,732 04

8,881 04

O verdrafts............................................

207 97

221 83

23 58

51 89

18 99

Banking house....................................

25,000 00

25,000 00

25,000 00

25,000 00

25,000 00

F u rn itu re and fixtures.....................

3,000 00

3,000 00

3,000 00

3,000 00

3,000 00

O ther real e state...............................
Due from other banks and bankers

3,584 66

3,584 66

3,584 66

3,584 66

3,584 66

108 94

250 14

157 61

864 90

40 00
59,525 26

Loans and discounts.........................

Item s in tra n sit.................................
United Rtaf^s bonds
Due from banks in reserve cities..

83,136 59

43,549 50

44,985 25

79,884 94

E xchanges for clearing house. . . .

3,769 11

2,016 97

2,457 46

1,724 99

2,321 71

tl. S. and N ational bank c u rre n cy .

38,546 00

44,959 00

37,624 00

40,869 00

43,702 00

Gold c o in .............................................

38,820 00

37,120 00

31,180 00

23,585 00

27,310 00

Silver c o in ...........................................

2,020 65

• 2,328 15

2,095 45

1,345 70

2,782 60

Nickels and c e n ts..............................

497 70

736 17

619 92

851 80

915 69

T o tals.......................................... .

$830,287 19

$836,455 23

$809,724 31

$841,134 21

'$818.905 48

Capital stock paid in .......................

$50,000 00

$50,000 00

$50,000 00

$50,000 00

$50,000 00

15,000 00

15,000 00

15,000 00

15,000 00

15,000 00

4,700 78

1,388 20

3,697 19

7,067 95

3,268 47

177,243 58

177,146 55

135,065 15

165,948 68

147,425 30

6,185 50

1,205 00

Savings d ep o sits................................

510,583 50

512,545 04

514,439 18

509,906 69

511,836 36

Savings certificates of deposit. . ..

72,759 33

74,189 34

80,317 79

88,210 89

86,375 35

10,000 00

5,000 00

5,000 00

$809,724 31

$841,134 21

$818,905 48

Checks and cash item s

Surplus fu n d .......................................
U ndivided profits, less current ex­
penses, interest and taxes paid. .
Dividends unpaid
Commercial deposits subject to
ch e c k ................................*................
Commercial certificates of d ep o sit.
Due to banks and bankers
Certified checks


Cashier’s checks outstanding

S tate monies on deposit. . .
Notes and bills discounted.............
Dills payable
T o tals............................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

$830,287 19

$836,455 23



No. 2.
Organized January 15, 1889.
H. J. L e o n a r d ,

P r e s id e n t ;

A. N. B e d d in g ,
W . H. A n g e l l ,

V ic e P r e s id e n t ; W.
A s s i s t a n t C a s h ie r .

S. L a m b e r t s o n ,

C a s h ie r ;

D i r e c t o r s .— H. J. Leonard, A. N. Belding, W. P. H etherington, M. M. Belding, Jr., E. E. Chappie,

R. M. Wilson, Geo. W. Ellis, N. C. Spicer, E. C. Loyd.


Report of
Report of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Nov. 27, ’08. Feb. 5, ’09. April 28, ’09. June 23, ’09. Sept. 1, ’09.

Loans and discounts.........................

$129,714 59

$140,778 35

$136,958 82

$128,206 63

$138,823 29

Bonds, m ortgages and securities. .

90,080 75

93,158 75

97,604 09

110,354 77

112,704 77

Prem ium s paid on b o n d s...............
O verdrafts.............................................

851 00

357 92

527 02

101 74

2,220 32

B anking house....................................

8,575 00

8,575 00

8,575 00

8,575 00

8^ 575 00

F urniture and fixtures.....................

2,000 00

2,000 00

2,000 00

2,0C0 00

2,000 00

801 30

1,169 75

2,608 18

40,458 98

54,969 96

44,356 70

Other real estate................................
Due from other banks and bankers
(not reserve cities).......................
Item s in tra n sit..................................
U nited States bonds.........................
Due from banks in reserve cities. .

48,868 35

32,467 58

Exchanges for clearing h o u se .........
U. S. and N ational bank cu rre n cy .

5,273 00

7,519 00

5,054 00

8,796 00

5,842 00

Gold co in .............................................

9,656 00

10,681 00

10,641 00

10,681 00

11,086 00
1,076 85

Silver coin............................................

1,118 80

2,007 45

1,288 10

2,189 25

Nickels and c e n ts..............................

78 03

28 60

76 61

158 56

272 53

Checks and cash ite m s....................

739 68

561 85

490 70

1,241 80

1,141 21

T o tals............................................

$296,955 80

$298,135 50

$304,475 62

$328,444 46

$330,766 85

Capital stock paid in .......................

$25,000 00

$25,000 00

$25,000 00

$25,000 00

$25,000 00

15,000 00

15,000 00

15,000 00

15,000 00

29,000 00

6,445 41

6,068 64

7,589 03

7,961 76

2,989 25

54,395 19

55,261 14

51,988 29

67,520 72

76,806 80

37 55

49 20

76 64

76 64

50 88

Surplus fu n d ......................................
Undivided profits, less current ex­
penses, interest and taxes p a id . .
Dividends u n p a id ..............................
Commercial deposits subject to
check .................................................
Commercial certificates of d ep o sit.
Due to banks and b an k ers...............
Certified checks..................................
Cashier’s checks outstanding..........
Savings d ep o sits................................

45,824 48

50,211 85

53,312 12

55,834 54

55,369 09

Savings certificates of dep o sit........

150,253 17

146,544 67

151,509 54

157,050 80

150,550 83

$293,955 80

$298,135 50

$304,475 62

$328,444 46

$330,766 85

Notes and bills rediscounted...........
Bills p a v a b le .......................................
T o tals............................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



No. 159.
Organized May 12, 1893.
E. R. S p e n c e r ,

P r e s id e n t; F r a n k

R. C h a s e ,

V ic e P r e s id e n t ;

W. L. C u s s e r ,

C a s h ie r .

D ir e c t o r s .— E. R. Spencer, B. F. Hall, F rank R. Chase, Charles Eddy, W. H. Locke, George H oppough,


L. Page, F. L. Moon, W. L. Cusser, John Greenop, Jno. G. Hessler, Jno. D. Campbell.

Report of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Nov. 27, '08. Feb. 5, ’09. April 28, ’09. June 23, ’09. Sept. 1, '09.

Loans and discounts.........................

$ 1 5 1 ,6 3 9 03

$ 1 4 0 ,7 7 6 58

$ 1 4 0 ,0 2 9 37

$ 1 4 0 ,3 2 9 42

$ 1 5 2 ,2 5 6 50

Bonds, m ortgages and se c u ritie s...

8 1 ,4 9 4 95

8 0 ,4 3 4 83

7 3 ,9 6 9 84

7 3 ,0 6 2 8 4

7 5 ,5 4 3 84

O verdrafts............................................

989 80

2 ,0 6 4 09

1 ,8 2 3 77

1 ,5 4 8 10

1 ,3 5 0 34

B anking house....................................

8 ,0 0 0 00

8 ,0 0 0 00

8 ,0 0 0 00

8 ,0 0 0 00

8 ,0 0 0 00

F u rn itu re and fixtures.....................

3 ,2 4 2 00

3 ,2 4 2 00

3 ,2 4 2 00

3 ,2 4 2 00

3 ,5 5 1 40

1 ,2 0 0 00

5 ,7 1 2 50

5 ,7 1 2 50

5 ,7 1 2 50

1 ,3 8 2 57

4,111 03

2 5 3 53

O ther real e sta te ...............................
Due from other banks and bankers

U nited States bond.«?
Due from banks in reserve citie s. .

1 0 ,5 9 1 01

2 1 ,4 4 3 78

2 1 ,6 5 5 46

4 8 ,9 7 6 52

5 0 ,9 7 4 65

Exchanges for clearing h o u se. . . .

3 ,9 0 2 93

1 ,1 8 7 92

1 ,1 5 9 12

1 ,4 6 3 52

1 ,6 3 2 28

U. S. and N ational bank cu rre n cy .

9 ,0 3 3 00

4 ,2 9 7 00

6 ,6 0 1 00

4 ,2 9 4 00

4 ,6 8 2 00

Gold c o in .............................................

1 0 ,5 5 7 00

1 1 ,2 2 7 00

1 0 ,8 2 2 00

1 0 ,6 2 2 00

1 0 ,9 5 2 00

Silver c o in ...........................................

1 ,3 8 9 25

1 ,4 8 8 15

751 85

1 ,0 4 2 35

1 ,3 8 1 90

Nickels and c e n ts..............................

202 21

342 80

2 5 2 80

189 6 4

182 09

Checks and cash ite m s ...................

107 22

88 69

272 37

60 2 5

8 57

T o tals............................................

$ 2 8 1 ,1 4 9 00

$ 2 7 7 ,1 7 5 41

$ 2 7 8 ,4 0 3 11

$ 2 9 8 ,7 9 6 73

$ 3 1 6 ,2 2 8 07

Capital stock paid in .......................

$ 3 5 ,0 0 0 00

$ 3 5 ,0 0 0 00

$ 3 5 ,0 0 0 00

$ 3 5 ,0 0 0 00

$ 3 5 ,0 0 0 00

1 0 ,0 0 0 00

1 0 ,0 0 0 00

1 0 ,0 0 0 00

1 0 ,0 0 0 00

1 0 ,0 0 0 00

3 ,6 3 7 70

1 ,3 2 2 29

2 ,4 4 4 02

2 ,6 3 4 36

820 51

3 6 ,0 4 6 2 4

3 7 ,2 4 2 92

3 5 ,1 0 3 6 4

4 2 ,2 0 8 98

5 9 ,5 7 4 16

Surplus fu n d .................... ...................
U ndivided profits, less current ex­
penses, interest and taxes p a id . .
D iv id e n d s u n p a id .

Commercial deposits subject to
check .................................................
Commercial certificates of d ep o sit.
D ue

to banks and bankers. . .

Certified checks. . .
Cashier’s checks outstanding
Savings deposits................................

3 5 ,3 5 6 92

3 3 ,9 2 1 72

3 4 ,3 9 8 12

3 9 ,1 1 5 58

3 7 ,9 5 6 32

Savings certificates of deposit. . . .

1 4 6 ,1 0 8 14

1 4 4 ,6 8 8 48

1 6 1 ,4 5 8 73

1 0 9 ,8 3 7 81

1 7 2 ,8 7 1 08

$ 2 9 8 ,7 9 6 73

$ 3 1 6 ,2 2 8 07 a,nd bills discounted
Dills payable
T otals............................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

1 5 ,0 0 0 00

1 5 ,0 0 0 00

$ 2 8 1 ,1 4 9 00

$ 2 7 7 ,1 7 5 41

$ 2 7 8 ,4 0 3 11




No. 347.
Organized August 14, 1906.
F. W. B e c h t o l d ,

P r e s id e n t ;

W m . A. E v a n s ,


V ic e P r e s id e n t ;

W. H. R ic h a r d s ,

C a s h ie r .

D ir e c t o r s .— F. W. Bechtold, Wm. A. Evans, H. L. Richards, W. H. R ichards, A. T. Slaght.


R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of '
Nov. 27, ’08. Feb. 5, ’09. April 28, ’09. June 23, ’09. Sept. 1, ’09.

Loans and discounts.........................

$47,073 31

$48,790 60

$51,948 01

$62,470 22

$62,414 93

Bonds, m ortgages and s e c u ritie s ..

27,020 29

27,684 86

27,683 93

27,946 23

28,604 33

Prem ium s paid on b o n d s...............

105 00

105 00

105 00

105 00

105 00

O verdrafts........ ....................................

157 47

74 32

163 99

15 45

B anking house....................................

5,000 00

5,243 79

5,243 79

5,243 79

5,243 79

F u rn itu re and fixtures.....................

2,672 97

3,235 87

3,235 87

3,235 87

3,535 87

340 39

340 39

340 39

340 39

O ther real e sta te ................................
Due from other banks and bankers
(not reserve c ities).......................
Item s in tra n s it..................................
U nited S tates bonds.........................

3,000 00

3,000 00

3,000 00

3,000 00

3,000 00

Due from banks in reserve c itie s ..

9,804 53

11,817 22

20,527 01

10,914 69

11,357 20

Exchanges for clearing h o u se.........
U. S. and N ational bank currency.

6,902 00

3,517 00

4,294 00

2,053 00

3,903 00

Gold c o in .............................................

2,630 00

2,840 00

2,810 00

2,620 00

2,905 00

Silver coin............................................

579 69

677 94

796 49

779 55

1,313 30

Checks and cash ite m s ....................

331 26

224 15

283 88

720 84

400 55

Insurance acco u n t.............................

432 26

298 06

T o tals............................................

$105,708 78

$107,774 88

$120,342 69

$119,593 57

$123,138 81

Capital stock paid in .......................

$20,000 00

$20,000 00

$20,000 00

$20,000 00

$20,000 00

1,000 00

2,000 00

2,000 00

2,000 00

2,000 00

3,509 60

1,520 56

2,605 24

2,767 79

2,894 71

29,003 37

31,654 35

37,263 78

Nickels and c e n ts..............................

Surplus fu n d ......................................
Undivided profits, less current ex­
penses, interest and taxes p a id . .
D ividends u n p a id ..............................
Commercial deposits subject to
ch e c k .................................................
Commercial certificates of d ep o sit.
Due to banks and b an k ers...............

1,031 30

364 70

Savings d ep o sits................................

19,248 81

20,643 54

28,362 29

Savings certificates of deposit........

31,915 70

31,591 73

30,111 38

$105,708 78

$107,774 88

$120,342 69

36,459 02

40,179 06

29,648 86

27,570 62

784 45

884 17

Certified checks..................................
Cashier’s checks o utstanding ..........

•86 77
27,846 68

29,610 25

$119,593 57

$123,138 81

Notes and bills rediscounted...........
Bills p a y a b le .......................................
T o tals............................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



No. 219.
Organized December 20, 1899.
H. D . P o o l e ,

P r e s id e n t ;

G. M . V a l e n t i n e , V ic e P r e s id e n t ; M. P . R e s c h ,
B. F. W e l l s , A s s i s t a n t C a s h ie r .

C a s h ie r ;

D ir e c t o r s .— I. W. Conkey, H. D. Poole, G. M. Valentine, S. L. VanCamp, M. B. Wells, C. A. Conkey,

M. P. Resch, D. B. Sutherland, Wm. Wallace.


R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Nov. 27, ’08. Feb. 5, ’09. April 28, ’09. June 2.3, ’09. Sept. 1, ’09.

Loans and discounts.........................

1289,551 50

$295,421 27

$313,520 75

$332,069 40

$312,612 79

Bonds, m ortgages and se c u ritie s...

90,520 25

99,751 65

105,306 65

104,301 65

101,301 65

. 2,995 90

301 19

1,749 93

1,204 64

884 64

6,000 00

6,000 00

6,000 00

6,000 00

6,000 00

755 99

254 57

Prem ium s paid on b o n d s.................
O verdrafts............................................
Banking house....................................
F u rn itu re and fixtures.....................
O ther real e state...............................
Due from other banks and bankers
(not reserve cities).......................

298 61

Item s in tra n sit.................................

12 00

United States bonds.........................
Due from banks in reserve c itie s ..

93,082 54

67,412 32

63,375 80

37,853 01

Exchanges for clearing house. . . .

1,394 76

4,235 33

6,006 90

2,267 32

3,360 47

U. S. and N ational bank currency.

20,858 00

18,347 00

21,939 00

19,240 00

23,089 00

Gold c o in ..................................

9,725 00

13,612 50

6,840 00

7,775 00

9,620 00

Silver c o in ............................

5,228 00

2,662 60

3,359 30

1,990 90

3,136 35

Nickels and c e n ts..............................

609 86

477 85

1,044 96

217 03

363 32

Checks and cash ite m s ...................

388 42

2,327 48

2,048 98

176 30

916 28

T o tals............................................

1520,058 84

$510,549 19

$531,192 27

$513,851 24

$544,989 80

Capital stock paid i n . ., ; ...............

$50,000 00

$50,000 00

$50,000 00

$50,000 00

$50,000 00

12,000 00

15,000 00

15,000 00

15,000 00

16,000 00

18,457 08

12,797 68

15,533 76

17,846 37

1,402 95

175,701 17

Surplus fu n d ........................................
Undivided profits, less current ex­
penses, interest and taxes paid. .
Dividends u n p a id ..............................
Commercial deposits subject to
check ..................................

187,086 08

173,835 81

187,868 60

167,625 23

Commercial certificates of d ep o sit.

773 59

473 59

473 59

473 59

2,256 76

421 52

83,438 73

100 00

Due to banks and b an k ers...............

473 59
664 74

Certified checks..................................
Cashier’s checks o u tstan d in g ...........
Savings d ep o sits................................

83,869 28

79,221 75

83,105 87

86,301 85

92,416 77

Savings certificates of dep o sit. . . .

168,472 81

176,863 60

178,788 93

176,604 20

174,810 58

Increase of c a p ita l....................... ...

33,460 00

Notes and bills d isco u nted.............
Bills p a y ab le.......................................
T o tals............................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

$520,658 84

$510,549 19

$531,192 27

$513,851 24

$544,989 80




No. 76.
Organized February 20, 1888.
J o h n R o b i n s o n , P r e s id e n t ; R. M. J o n e s , V ic e P r e s id e n t ; C h a s . F o s t e r , C a s h ie r ;
J a m e s M. R o s e , A s s i s t a n t C a s h ie r .
D i r e c t o r s — John Robinson, R. M. Jones, W. P. Robbins, 0. B. FFipp, E dw ard B rant, R. 11. Sherwood,

William Stewart, A. J. Kidd, Charles Foster, T. L. Wilkinson, G. B. Gehlert.

Loans and discounts.........................
Bonds, m ortgages and securities..

Report of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Report of
Nov. 27, ’08. Feb. 5, ’09. April 28, ’09. June 23, ’09. Sept. 1, ’09.
$549,380 11
172,553 85
600 00

Prem ium s paid on b o n d s...............

795 25

O verdrafts....................... .....................

$531,214 80

$552,694 66

$521,795 82

172,018 85

167,696 85

169,608 85

170,608 S5

600 00

600 00

600 00

600 00

278 33

575 98

540 67

382 77

7,000 00

7,000 00

$522,572 66

Banking house....................................

7,000 00

7,000 00

7,000 00

Furniture and fixtures.....................

7,000 00

7,000 00

7,000 00

7,000 00

7,000 00

Due from other banks and bankers
(not reserve cities).......................

4,969 04

471 81

1,723 78

3,306 07

3,443 08

U nited States bonds.........................

3,200 00

3,200 00

3,200 00

3,200 00

3,200 00

247,335 28

224,917 34

196,451 09

421,245 14

Due from banks in reserve c itie s ..

313,671 96

Exchanges for clearing h o u se .........

1,039 59

1,313 21

14,206 55

1,267 74

2,736 06

U. S. and N ational bank currency .

60,512 00

44,411 00

53,911 00

53,090 00

47,765 00

Gold c o in .............................................

30,400 00

30,795 00

25,170 00

29,790 00

29,605 00

Silver coin............................................

11,337 80

11,620 05

11,484 05

7,881 45

10,898 55

Nickels and c e n ts..............................

1,369 75

1,393 85

1,539 75

1,050 80

1,079 91

Checks and cash ite m s ....................

1,658 59

1,876 10

1,400 39

129 79

5,026 10

T o tals............................................ $1,165,487 94 $1,051,886 14 $1,051,640 49 $1,033,611 12

$1,232,386 28

Capital stock paid in .......................

$125,000 00

$125,000 00

$125,000 00

$125,000 00

$125,000 00

62,500 00

62,500 00

62,500 00

62,500 00

62,500 00

26,289 27

17,089 63

22,038 30

13,573 90

15,467 74

Commercial deposits subject to
ch eck .................................................

344,499 54

275,680 67

284,685 45

290,953 39

418,614 18

Commercial certificates of d ep o sit.

29,349 66

28,013 68

25,766 51

28,250 28

33,579 73

Due to banks and b an k ers...............

123,467 29

97,255 57

103,776 53

101,533 84

131,506 12

Cashier’s checks o u tstanding...........

995 18

510 10

21 00

837 63

27 00

Savings d ep o sits................................

198,053 54

187,534 18

195,850 02

197,295 26

201,320 50

Savings certificates of deposit........

255,333 46

258,302 31

221,996 08

207,516 82

239,371 01

10,000 00

5,000 00

5,000 00

T o tals............................................ $1,165,487 94 $1,051,886 14 $1,051,640 49 $1,033,611 12

$1,232,386 28

Surplus fu n d ......................................
U ndivided profits, less current expenses, interest and taxes p a id . .

1,150 00

Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



No. 388.
Organized October 15, 1907.
J o h n E. B a r n e s , P r e s i d e n t ; H u m p h r e y S. G r a y , V ic e P r e s id e n t ; W i l l i a m E. M a r s h , C a s h ie r .
D i r e c t o r s .— John E. Barnes, H um phrey S. Gray, Josiah S. Caldwell, Geo. R. D ater, John J. Kinney,

J. N. Klock, W. A. P reston, P eter Tonnelier, L. L. Filstrup, Dudley E. W aters, William E.
Marsh, Jam es J. Jahw ay, Wm. E. Sheffield.

R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Nov. 27, ’08. Feb. 5, ’09. April 28, ’09. June 23, ’09. Sept. 1, ’09.


Loans and discounts.........................

$104,795 29

$127,451 07

$146,873 41

$148,488 74

$153,275 23

Bonds, m ortgages and se c u ritie s...

8,790 00

12,600 52

15,111 77

19,701 77

19,084 27

212 30

212 30

Prem ium s paid on b o n d s.................
O verdrafts............................................
" R a n k in g h o u s e .

1 97

26 79

68 42

549 19

117 38

6,576 53

6,576 53

6,748 12

6,748 12

0,748 12

1,612 28

914 96

2,179 65

778 36

1,283 65

45 00

45 00


F u rn itu re and fixtures.....................
O th e r real e s ta te .

Due frpm o th er banks and bankers
(not reserve c ities).......................

5 00

T te rn s i n t r a n s i t ............................................

Tini f e d

S ta te s b o n d s . .


Due from banks in reserve cities..

19,736 38

17,765 39

21,659 21

18,123 12

11,548 12

E xchanges for clearing h ouse. . . .

1,147 18

951 28

2,427 52

489 20

2,171 64

U. S. and N ational bank currency.

5,872 00

5,878 00

10,846 00

8,640 00

9,419 00

Gold c o in .............................................

1,150 00

1,445 00

1,342 50

1,845 00

1,320 00

Silver co in ...........................................

1,375 20

1,639 45

1,923 00

1,455 20

1,382 25

Nickels and c e n ts..............................

195 47

374 03

394 43

390 56

375 47

Checks and cash ite m s ....................

372 20

471 62

312 72

432 71

656 35

T o tals............................................

$151,624 50

$176,099 64

$209,889 75

$207,899 27

$210,638 78

Capital stock paid in .......................

$50,000 00

$50,000 00

$50,000 00

$50,000 00

$50,000 00

U ndivided profits, less current ex­
penses, interest and taxes paid. .

1,195 61

528 76

1,480 86

817 06

1,617 36

Commercial deposits subject to
ch eck .................................................

73,261 53

74,001 16

89,321 95

66,033 95

81,473 90

19,905 19

22,518 10

29,522 96

22,401 94

S u r p lu s f u n d . .

D iv id e n d s u n p a id

Commercial certificates of d ep o sit.
Due to banks and b an k ers...............
C e r ti f ie d

rhee.ks. . .

100 00

O a .s h ie r ’s r h e e .k s o u t s t a n d i n g

Savings dep o sits................................

13,387 34

17,369 98

18,527 65

21,312 31

22,622 50

Savings certificates of deposit. . . .

13,780 08

14,294 55

28,041 19

40,112 99

32,523 08

$151,624 56

$176,099 64

$209,889 75

$207,899 27

$210',638 78

Notes and

h ills

rediscounted. . .

R ills p a y a b l e . .

T o tals............................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



No. 416.
Organized October 21, 1908.
W m . H. S y l v e s t e r ,

P r e s id e n t ; I r a

R. S t e m m , E. F. G a r l a n d ,

V ic e P r e s id e n t s ;

C. M. N i l e s ,

C a s h ie r .

D ir e c t o r s — Wm. H. Sylvester, Ira R. Stemm, Jam es D. Boone, George R. D ater, Wm. E. Marsh.

E . F. Garland, H. S. Gray, Jno. E. Barnes, J. N. Klock, J. F. Carter, C.*M. Niles.

R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Nov. 27, ’08. Feb. 5, ’09. April 28, ’09. June 23, ’09. Sept. 1, 09.


J (nnns and discounts.........................

$34,484 07

$43,496 95

$40,728 88

$52,654 24

Bnnds m ortgages and securities...

34,956 50

37,610 50

40,125 50

42,545 50

O verdrafts............................................

2,091 60

995 15

990 24

2,157 35

Expenses, interest and taxes paid.

322 45

B anking house....................................

4.500 00

4.500 00

4.500 00

4.500 00

F u rn itu re and fixtures.....................

1.500 00

1.500 00

1.500 00

1.500 00

28,503 04

28,986 22

35,888 80

32,509 99

IT. S. and N ational bank currency.

4,686 00

3,626 00

4,980 00

5,995 00

Gold c o in .............................................

1,527 50

1,510 50

1,152 50

1,410 00

Silver c o in ...........................................

316 00

471 40

650 90

424 55

Nickels and c e n ts..............................

136 05

58 28

89 59

65 16

Checks and cash ite m s....................

258 42

571 46

509 49

467 36

T o tals............................................

$113,282 23

$123,326 46

$131,121 90

$144,229 15

$10,500 00

$15,000 00

$19,000 00

$20,000 00

95 44

448 19

695 96

32,215 74

36,866 11

46,328 75

198 59

598 94

17 03

P rem ium s pa,id on bonds

Ofher real estate
Due from other banks and bankers
(not reserve cities)
J fern s in tran sit
Tlnited States bonds
Due from banks in reserve cities. .
Exchanges foi* clearing house

Capital stock paid in. . .
Surplus fund
U ndivided profits, less current ex­
penses interest, and taxes paid. .
D ividends unpaid
Commercial deposits subject to
ch eck .................................................

33,529 78

Commercial certificates of d ep o sit.
Due to banks and bankers . .
Certified checks.
Cashier’s checks outstanding
Savings d ep o sits.................................
S a v in g s



deposit. . . .

375 93

5,703 41

5,963 39

7,017 90

68,876 52

70,113 28

68,245 27

70,169 51

$113,282 23

$123,326 46

$131,121 90

$144,229 15

Notes and bills rediscounted
P ills p a y a b le

T o tals............................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



No. 259.
Organized May 1, 1902.
W. N. F e r r i s ,

P r e s id e n t ;

C. D. C a r p e n t e r ,

V ic e P r e s id e n t ; L e R o y W i l l , C a s h ie r .

D i r e c t o r s .— W.oN. Ferris, C. D. Carpenter, T. H. Coughlin, E. C. Newcombe, S. J. Throp, J. J. Hender-

's o n , A. K. H anchett, A. Broomfield, J. K. Brower, A. B. K napp.


R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Nov. 27, ’08. Feb. 5, ’09. April 28, ’09. June 23, ’09. Sept 1, ’09.

Loans and discounts.........................

.$128,943 21

$142,205 80

$149,711 85

Bonds, m ortgages and securities..

78,212 18

79,237 18

92,302 53

103,251 53

114,513 80

488 00

488 00

830 90

Prem ium s paid on b o n d s...............
O verdrafts......................... ...................

$142,243 29 ' $145,940 15

2 46

6 91

100 99


101 54

2,080 94

2,080 94

2,080 94

2,080 94

2,080 94

1,248 60

2,952 70

2,444 40

1,242 57

40,626 00

63,399 02

51,526 51

51,724 40

23,028 20

U. S. and N ational bank c u rre n cy .

14,859 00

12,761 00

14,385 00

17,075 00

14,317 00

Gold c o in .............................................

2,850 00

3,242 50

5,547 50

3,890 00

2,045 00

Silver coin............................................

1,554 10

1,383 00

2,432 85

1,672 40

1,225 70-

Nickels and c e n ts................. .. .........

85 86

140 69

111 05

111 68

104 74

Checks and cash ite m s....................

1,010 50

549 19

2,950 60

2,436 45

1,073 28

T o tals............................................

$271,478 91

$307,958 93

$324,082 22

$326,216 64

$306,461 31

Capital stock paid in .......................

$25,000 00

$25,000 00

$25,000 00

$25,000 00

$25,000 00

4,500 00

5,000 00

5,000 00

5,000 00

5,500 00^

4,725 40

5,454 55

5,167 85

0,237 09

5,587 93:

45,830 25

68,920 44

70,198 45

09,749 22

50,539 40

Banking house....................................
F u rn itu re and fixtures.....................
Other real e state................................
Due from other banks and bankers
(not reserve cities).......................
Item s in tra n sit.................................
U nited States bonds.........................
Due from banks in reserve cities. .
Exchanges for clearing h o u se .........

Surplus fu n d ......................................
Undivided profits, less current ex­
penses, interest and taxes p a id . .
Dividends u n p a id ..............................
Commercial deposits subject to
ch eck .................................................
Commercial certificates of d ep o sit.

3,758 92:

Due to banks and b an k ers...............
Certified checks..................................

25 00

Cashier’s checks outstan ding..........

3 12

Savings d ep o sits................................

150,742 61

Savings certificates of d eposit........

34,671 47

27 82

7 57

4 97

163,989 71

108,902 53

169,048 68

161,338 69

39,594 23

49,785 57

51,149 08

45,731 40

Notes and bills rediscounted...........

9,000 00

Bills p a y a b le .......................................
T o tals................................. ..........
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

$271,478 91

$307,958 93

$324,082 22

$326,216 64

$306,461 31



No. 248.
Organized September 28, 1901.
E . W . H u d n u t t , P r e s id e n t ; G e o . A . W r i g h t , V ic e P r e s id e n t ; D . C. M o r r i l l , C a sh ie r',
F. A . A s h l e y , A s s i s t a n t C a s h ie r .
D i r e c t o r s .— E. W. H udnutt, Wm. Hugh, Sr., G. F. Fairm an, Jos. Barton, G. A. W right, W. T. Dodge,


C. Morrill, W. E. Bailie, F. E. Hood, C. W. Doe, L. F. Bertran.


R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Nov. 27, ’08. Feb. 5, ’09. April 28, ’09. June 23, '09. Sept. 1, ’09.

Loans and discounts.........................

$248,530 52

$241,999 52

$268,589 05

$280,712 10

$282,957 98

Bonds, m ortgages and securities...

107,438 07

123,557 32

143,527 32

149,942 16

148,567 16

Prem ium s paid on b o n d s.................
O verdrafts............................................

441 50

500 85

88 21

51 03

76 51

Banking house....................................

10,000 00

10,000 00

10,000 00

10,000 00

10,000 00

F u rn itu re and fixtures.....................

0,231 61

6,000 00

6,000 00

6,000 00

6,000 00

O ther real e sta te ................................
Due from other banks and bankers
(not reserve cities).......................

865 18

427 29

73 82

44 70

Item s in tra n sit..................................

2,000 99

1,472 73

815 32

1,979 90

888 41

82,446 61

73,649 97

69,515 07

44,245 14

51,210 81

U. S. and N ational bank currency.

19,992 00

20,506 00

12,005 00

16,396 00

10,041 50

Gold c o in .............................................

5,730 00

8,737 50

6,370 00

5,830 00

7,715 00

Silver co in ...........................................

4,150 20

6,914 25

7,096 10

7,537 45

4,597 35

Nickels and c e n ts..............................

225 92

410 91

170 83

88 14

242 37

Checks and cash ite m s....................

1,717 89

1,342 40

1,408 00

1,913 55

1,730 71

T o tals............................................

$489,770 49

$495,518 74

$525,059 32

$530,740 17

$524,027 80

Capital stock paid in .......................

$50,000 00

$50,000 00

U nited States bonds.........................
Due from banks in reserve cities..
Exchanges for clearing h o u s e ....

$50,000 00

$50,000 00

$50,000 00

Surplus fu n d ........................................
U ndivided profits, less current ex­
penses, interest and taxes p a i d ..

7,000 00

7,500 00

7,500 00

7,500 00

8,000 00

13,828 88

11,521 69

13,527 20

14,174 76

12,043 68

Dividends u n p a id ..............................
Commercial deposits subject to
ch eck ................................

143,084 37

142,208 00

149,618 66

141,901 31

137,986 89

Commercial certificates of d ep o sit.

2,717 06

1,524 88

19,768 12

28,393 17

53,709 67

Due to banks and b an k ers...............

228 79

183 25

2,564 09

1,423 48

1,637 36

Certified checks................................

16 00

16 00

16 00

352 61

16 00

Cashier’s checks o u tstan d in g ...........

8 99

9 37

27 54

22 14

2 44

Savings d ep o sits................................

97,556 58

106,692 74

116,245 04

125,148 81

122,828 62

Savings certificates of dep o sit. . . .

175,301 82

175,802 81

166,392 61

161,823 89

137,631 14

$489,770 49

$495,518 74

$525,659 32

$530,740 17

$524,027 80

28 00

172 00

Notes and bills d iscounted.............
Bills p a y a b le .......................................
T o tals....................... • ..................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



No. 411.
Organized September 15, 1908.
F r a n k F o r d , P r e s id e n t ; F r a n k H a g e r m a n , V ic e P r e s id e n t ; T h o m a s H . C o b b , C a s h ie r .
D ir e c t o r s .— F rank Ford, F rank Hagerm an, Thomas H. Cobb, F rank Schlaack, Will W. Masters,

T heron B. Sm ith, W. B. Harris.


R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Nov. 27, ’08. Feb. 5, ’09. April 28, ’09. June 23, ’(8. Sept. 1, ’09.

Loans and discounts.........................

115,551 06

$31,572 78

$51,736 31

$63,220 16

$76,708 63

Bonds, m ortgages an d securities..

5,400 00

17,575 62

23,750 62

25,090 62

27,715 62

53 59

256 60

374 21

2,728 26

3,475 56

3,500 56

3,500 56

3,500 56

10,751 49

5,097 77

12,146 33

11,030 92

9,719 81

U. S. and N ational bank currency.

3,063 00

3,296 00

3,710 00

4,420 00

8,076 00

Gold co in .............................................

590 00

72 50

880 00

400 00

517 50

Silver coin............................................

120 25

598 02

446 00

490 70

589 00

Prem ium s paid on b o n d s...............
O verdrafts............................................
Expenses, interest and taxes p a id .

166 42

B anking house....................................
F u rn itu re and fixtures.....................
Other real e state...............................
Due from other banks and bankers
(not reserve cities).......................
Item s in tra n sit.................................

22 41

U nited States bonds.........................
Due from banks in reserve cities. .
E xchanges for clearing h o u se .........

Nickels an d c e n ts..............................

14 71

14 50

11 59

175 00

84 24

Checks and cash ite m s ....................

3,040 33

689 95

397 22

• 198 83

583 18

T o tals............................................

$41,335 10

$62,649 85

$96,952 84

$109,120 79

$127,660 96

Capital stock paid in .......................

$14,623 53

$16,198 53

$20,000 00

$20,000 00

$20,000 00

Surplus fu n d ........................................
Undivided profits, less current ex­
penses, interest and taxes paid. .

95 38

Dividends u n p a id ..............................
Commercial ‘deposits subject to
ch eck .................................................

6,788 07

11,164 71

10,366 88

11,245 81

14,102 31

Commercial certificates of d ep o sit.

9,687 47

21,695 46

38,252 47

42,927 54

48,421 85

10,236 03

13,591 15

28,333 49

34,858 06

45,136 80

$41,335 10

$62,649 85

$96,952 84

$109,126 79

$127,660 96

Due to banks and b an k ers...............
Certified checks..................................
Cashier’s checks o u tstan d in g ..........
Savings d ep o sits................................
Savings certificates of d eposit........
Notes and bills redisco u nted...........
■Rills p a y a b l e ..................................................

T o tals............................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



No. 163.
Organized May 31, 1893.
A. D. E l l i s ,

P r e s id e n t ; W i l l i a m I I o t h p u s s , V ic e P r e s id e n t ;

L. H. R o t h f u s s ,

C a s h ie r .

D ir e c t o r s .— A. D. Ellis, A. D. Gilmore, Geo. F. Ford, H. B. H athaw ay, Wm. R othfuss, Geo. W.

D avenport.


R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Nov. 27, ’08. Feb. 5, ’09. April 28, ’09. June 23, ’09. Sept. 1, ’09.

Loans an d discounts.........................

$114,026 48

$109,139 55

$103,228 13

$88,391 18

$107,974 46

Bonds, m ortgages and securities...

98,286 78

97,985 00

112,050 00

111,060 00

113,585 00

Prem ium s paid on b o nds.................
O verdrafts............................................

52 61

8 61

391 50

140 19

1,246 66

B anking house....................................

5,432 65

5,432 65

5,432 65

5,432 65

5,432 65

F u rn itu re and fixtures.....................

2,317 35

2,317 35

2,317 35

2,317 35

2,317 35

Other real e state ...............................
Due from other banks and bankers
(not reserve cities).......................

2,575 00

2,575 00

2,575 00

2,575 00

2,575 00

51,566 01

27,786 99

24,545 96

51,354 38

27,730 29

Tterns in tra n s it.................................
United States bonds.........................
Due from banks in reserve cities. .
"Rychanges for clearing house.
LT. S. and N ational bank cu rre n cy .

6,025 00

6,733 00

5,931 00

6,974 00

7,252 00

Gold c o in .............................................

5,125 00

5,250 00

5,825 00

5,050 00

5,000 00

Silver co in ...........................................

482 25

645 00

690 00

705 50

814 95

Nickels and c en ts..............................

24 58

49 66

44 47

28 80

42 21

Checks and cash ite m s ....................

248 89

31 44

17 14

261 75

136 92

T o tals............................................

$286,762 60

$257,934 25

$263,048 20

$274,290 80

$274,107 49

Capital stock paid in .......................

$20,000 00

$20,000 00

$20,000 00

$20,000 00

$20,000 00

5,978 02

1,496 63

4,979 54

4,206 39

5,013 06

Surplus fu n d .. .
U ndivided profits, less current ex­
penses, interest and taxes p a id ..
Dividends unpaid
Commercial deposits subject to
ch eck .................................................

46,092 16

40,055 73

33,968 51

36,728 74

36,895 50

Savings d ep o sits................................

159,914 50

152,119 51

156,955 03

167,371 58

167,224 85

Savings certificates of deposit. . . .

49,777 92

44,262 38

47,145 12

45,984 09

44,974 08

$257,934 25

$263,048 20

$274,290 80

$274,107 49

Commercial certificates of deposit.
Due to banks and bankers. . .
Pert,i fied ch ec.ks
flash ier\s eh ec.ks outstanding

G uarantee fund
l V o f .e s

5,000 00

and bills discounted .

Bills payable .
T o ta ls............................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

$286,762 60



No. 221.
Organized March 1, 1900.
W. C. J i p s o n ,

P r e s id e n t ;

C. E. H o w l a n d , J. J. W a l p e r , V ic e P r e s id e n t s ; C h a s . L. K i n g ,
J. G. B a u e r , A s s i s t a n t C a s h ie r .

C a s h ie r ;

D i r e c t o r s .— W. C. Jipson, C. E. Howland, J. C. H olt, H. E. Morrow, J. J. W alper, R. M. Eccles,


L. King, J. G. Bauer, W. H. Burns.

R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Nov. 27, ’08. Feb. 5, ’09. April 28, ’09. June 23, ’09. Sept. 1, ’09.


Loans and discounts.........................

5136,764 97'

$131,024 84

$126,180 15

$98,400 77

$120,518 96

Bonds, m ortgages and securities. .

263,519 67

289,051 17

318,949 85

355,806 42

356,009 29

Prem ium s paid on b o n d s...............

248 63

1,063 32

514 81

419 42

286 17

O verdrafts............................................

484 79

135 72

838 38

294 46

104 09

Banking house....................................

5,716 31

5,716 31

5,716 31

5,716 31

5,716 31

F urn itu re and fixtures.....................

4,151 39

4,188 14

4,213 14

4,213 14

4,213 14

500 00

1,060 00

1,661 50

O t h e r r e a l est,a,t,e

Due from other banks and bankers
(n o t, r e s e r v e p i ti e s )

Item s in tra n sit..................................
T T nifed S t a t e s b o n d s . .

101,080 16

100,121 85

67,390 99

84,826 70

64,522 89

U. S. and N ational b ank currency.

12,129 00

11,574 00

11,460 00

16,045 00

16,350 00

Gold c o in .............................................

12,500 00

12,565 00

14,130 00

8,980 00

9,535 00

Silver coin............................................

1,460 00

1,081 00

1,648 00

1,630 00

881 00

Nickels and c e n ts..............................

115 54

190 09

92 72

95 35

67 3S

Checks and cash ite m s ...................

397 63

75 01

238 60

279 39

786 80

T o tals............................................

$538,568 09

$556,786 45

$551,872 95

$577,766 96

$580,652 53

Capital stock paid in .......................

$25,000 00

$25,000 00

$25,000 00

$25,000 00

$50,000 00

10,000 00

10,000 00

15,000 00

15,000 00

14,718 83

12,226 50

2,653 42

2,262 13

2,490 24

Due from banks in reserve c itie s ..
B x p h a n g e s f o r p io a rin g h o u s e

S u r p lu s f u n d ..

U ndivided profits, less current ex­
penses, interest and taxes p a id ..

150 00

D iv id e n d s u n p a id

Commercial deposits subject to
check .................................................

69,935 52

92,705 86

64,499 09

58,575 70

52,053 50

Savings d ep o sits................................

273,384 90

267,935 15

280,891 23

299,641 31

301,196 54

Savings certificates of deposit........

145,528 84

148,918 94

161,679 21

175,287 82

174,912 25

2,000 00

2,000 00

$551,872 95

$577,766 96

Commercial certificates of d ep o sit.
Due to banks and b a n k e rs ..............
C e r ti f ie d



C a s h i e r ’s e h e e k s o u t s t a n d i n g .


■ R e se rv e d f o r t a x e s a n d i n t e r e s t .


N o t e s a n d b i ll s r e d i s e o u n t e d

Bills p a y a b le . . .
T otals............................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

$538,568 09

$556,786 45

$580,652 53


No. 436.
Organized April



A l e x . C h i s h o l m , P r e s id e n t ; W. H. Z im m e r m a n , B. L. H o d g e , V ic e P r e s id e n t s ; W. L. W e b s t e r , C a s h ie r .
D ir e c t o r s .— Alex. Chisholm, W. H. Zimmerman, B. L. Hodge, A. L. Giles, J. L. Sm ith, E. Arnold.

R obert Donnan.


R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Nov. 27, ’08. Feb. 5, ’09. April 28, ’09. June 23, ’09. Sept. 1, ’09.

Loans and discounts.........................

$8,931 70

Bonds m ortgages and securities. .

8,489 67

Prem ium s paid on b o n d s...............
O verdrafts............................................
Banking house....................................

3,656 07

F urniture and fixtures.....................

2,505 99

Expenses, interest and taxes p a id .

422 26

O ther real estate................................
Due from other banks and bankers
(not reserve cities).......................

66 60

Item s in tra n sit.................................
U nited S tates bonds.........................
Due from banks in reserve cities. .

2,486 86

Exchanges for clearing h o u se .........
U. S. and N ational bank currency.

1,551 00

Gold c o in .............................................

1,000 00

Silver coin............................................

564 40

Nickels and c e n ts..............................

56 32

Checks and cash ite m s....................

96 35

T o tals............................................

$29,827 22

Capital stock paid in .......................

$17,558 67

Surplus fu n d .......................................
Undivided profits, less current ex­
penses, interest and taxes paid. .
Dividends u n p a id ..............................
Commercial ‘d eposits subject to
ch eck .................................................

3,614 48

Commercial certificate's of d ep o sit.
Due to banks and b an k ers...............
Certified eheeks..................................
Cashier’s checks o u tstanding..........
Savings d ep o sits................................

1,489 23

Savings certificates of deposit.........

7,164 84

Notes and bills rediscounted...........
Bills p a y a b le .......................................
T o tals............................................

Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

«29,827 22



No. 187.
Organized April 7, 1896.
J a m e s B . C r a w f o r d , P r e s i d e n t ; W . O. W a t s o n , A d a m J o h n s t o n e , V ic e P r e s id e n t s ; A l f . F . C r a w f o r d ;
C a s h ie r ; A l v a B o n e s t e l l , A s s i s t a n t C a s h ie r .
D ir e c t o r s .— Jam es B. Crawford, W. O. W atson, L. W aggoner, Adam Johnstone, John Mitchell, Jr.,

Jam es P. Gibbs, Alf. F. Crawford, Thos. Crawford, Mrs. C. Peterm an.


R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Nov. 27, ’08. Feb. 5, ’09. April 28, ’09. June 23, ’09. Sept. 1, ’09.

Loans and discounts.........................

$61,968 67

$68,572 46

$68,584 98

$75,219 99

$85,157 80

Bonds, m ortgages and securities...

42,109 43

40,809 43

45,053 43

45,003 43

34,703 43

O verdrafts............................................

1,806 52

1,271 87

438 12

383 62

611 47

Banking house....................................

1,219 40

1,219 40

1,219 40

1,219 40

1,219 40

Prem ium s paid on b o n ds.................

F u rn itu re and fixtures.....................

1,500 00

1,500 00

1,500 00

1,500 00

1,500 00

Other real e state...............................
Due from other banks and bankers
(not reserve cities).......................

1,200 00

1,200 00

1,200 00

1,200 00

1,200 00

10,693 50

11,171 52

15,273 75

14,468 16

5,116 46

973 44

128 44

466 50

885 53

128 33

20,575 70

9,827 39

5,575 31

10,270 13

8,032 11

U. S. and N ational b ank currency.

7,711 00

3,675 00

5,670 00

5,310 00

3,381 00

Gold co in .............................................

4,180 00

4,380 00

4,575 00

4,685 00

4,795 00

Silver c o in ...........................................

1,707 15

912 15

2,071 00

1,925 75

782 35

Nickels and c en ts..............................

1Î7 32

182 19

214 33

127 46

151 93

Checks and cash ite m s....................

8 07

413 50

153 33

157 89

269 57

T o ta ls............................................

$155,800 20

$145,263 35

$151,995 15

$162,358 36

$147,048 85

Capital stock paid in ................. . ..

$16,000 00

$16,000 00

$16,000 00

$16,000 00

$16,000 00

16,000 00

16,000 00

16,000 00

16,000 00

16,000 00

1,767 91

674 70

1,344 76

1,167 67

606 38

Dividends u n p a id ..............................
Commercial deposits subject to
ch eck .................................................

34,448 98

33,265 02

32,592 30

32,501 56

17,370 01

Commercial certificates of d e p o sit.

51 58

51 58

36 58

30 58

36 58

1,333 50

4,390 98

82,531 73

79,272 05

86,021 51

95,257 05

87,044 90

$145,263 35

$151,995 15

$162,356 36

$147,048 85

Item s in tra n sit.................................
U nited States bonds.........................
Due from banks in reserve cities. .
Exchanges for clearing house. . . .

Surplus fu n d ........................................
Undivided profits, less current ex­
penses, interest and taxes p a id . .

Due to banks and b an k ers...............
Certified checks..................................
Cashier’s checks o u tstan d in g ...........
Savings dep o sits................................
Savings certificates of deposit. . . .
Notes and bills d iscounted.............
Bills p a y a b le .......................................

5,000 00

T o tals............................................

$155,800 20
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

5,000 00



No. 409.
Organized May 1, 1908.
R ic h a r d C o w a r d , P r e s id e n t ; J. E. W a t s o n , V ic e P r e s id e n t ; B. P. T a g g a r t , C a s h ie r .
D i r e c t o r s .— C. J. Holmes, R ichard Coward, Joseph E. W atson, Wells K napp, J. F. W erner, C. G.

Babcock, Wm. B. Bushnell, E rnest W. W erner, P. H. Gunsaullus.


R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Nov. 27, ’08. Feb. 5, ’09. April 28, ’09. June 23, ’09. Sept. 1, ’C9

Loans and discounts.......................

$53,170 40

$68,212 74

.$71,911 18

$72,200 61

$91,415 56

Bonds, m ortgages and securities.

35,293 33

61,832 99

66,697 11

75,623 00

81,298 00

Prem ium s paid on b o n d s.............
O verdrafts..........................................

034 79

274 28

529 24

113 39

94 94

Banking house..................................

7,008 86

7,400 36

7,400 36

7,400 36

7,400 36

F u rn itu re and fixtures...................

1,575 23

1,663 48

1.743 98

1,743 98

1,743 98

O ther real estate................................
Due from other banks and bankers
(not reserve cities)................. ..

15,000 00

Item s in tra n sit.................................
U nited S tates bonds.........................
Due from banks in reserve cities. .

40,222 12

44,375 23

43,208 16

38,044 40

20,207 97

Exchanges for clearing h o u se ........
U. S. and N ational bank currency

3,495 00

5,079 00

2,177 00

7,559 00

4,422 00

Gold c o in .............................................

2,910 00

3,405 00

2,817 50

2,930 00

3,120 00

Silver coin............................................

721 15

424 85

279 95

269 15

384 80

Nickels and c e n ts..............................

18 48

49 54

34 90

93 03

44 64

Checks and cash ite m s...................

379 00

479 70

36 62

757 82

843 54

Bills receivable................................. .

189 91

381 03

536 36

Expenses, interest and taxes paid

6 95

T o tals..........................................

$145,685 22

$193,578 20

$197,372 36

1,734 74

$225,975 79

$49,930 00

$50,000 00

$50,000 00

$50,000 00

$50,000 00

Capital stock paid i n . .

300 00

Surplus fu n d ......................................
Undivided profits, less current ex­
penses, interest and taxes paid. .

1,215 48

1,418 15

2,030 76

1,041 04

31,262 31

33,970 77

Dividends u n p a id ..........................
Commercial deposits subject to
ch eck .............................................

25,371 07

47,482 83

37,244 51

Commercial certificates of deposit

32,859 65

17,780 48

3,826 10

Savings d ep o sits..............................

1,721 12

5,282 87

7,938 37

10,283 52

11,442 02

Savings certificates of dep o sit. . . .

35,833 38

71,816 54

91,945 23

110,658 15

126,652 96

5,000 00

2,500 00

2,500 00

$197,372 3«

$90fi,734 74

$225,975 79

Due to banks and b an k ers.............
Certified checks..................................
69 00

Cashier’s checks outstanding..........

S tate monies on d ep o sit.................
Notes and bills rediscounted........
Bills p a y a b le .....................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

$145.685 22

$193,578 20



No. 312.
Organized May 16, 1905.
W. S. C u l v e r ,

P r e s id e n t ;

W. F. P a r k e r ,

V ic e P r e s i d e n t ;

A. E. S h e k e l l ,

C a s h ie r .

D ir e c t o r s .— W. S. Culver, W. F. P arker, Jam es H. Loomis, Je rry W. Pierce, J. G. Palm er, Allen

W. Dunn, Francis M. Richardson, F rank H. Brown, W. J. Neely.
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of 1
R eport of
Nov. 27, ’08. Feb. 5, ’09. April 28, ’09. June 23, ’09. Sept. 1, ’09.

Loans and discounts.........................

$80,007 91

$76,461 80

$78,431 90

$78,312 81

$77,901 00

Bonds, mortgages and securities...

64,101 77

69,091 77

73,376 77

74,016 77

73,435 00

Prem ium s paid on b o n d s.................
O verdrafts.............................................

2,235 15

744 47

438 89

616 67

73 96

Banking house....................................

7,000 00

7,000 00

7,000 00

7,000 00

7,000 00

F u rn itu re and fixtures.....................

1,482 00

1,482 00

1,482 00

1,482 00

1,482 00

12,573 71

Other real e s ta te .. .
Due from other banks and bankers
(not reserve cities).......................
Item s in tra n sit..................................
U nited States bonds.........................
Due from banks in reserve cities..

16,875 08

13,619 44

15,591 25

13,697 93

E xchanges for clearing h o u s e .. . .

271 27

624 88

902 79

87 47

150 10

U. S. and N ational b ank cu rre n cy .

3,478 00

3,283 00

3,224 00

3,363 00

1,893 00

Gold c o in ......................................... ....

6,610 00

7,467 50

7,047 50

7,160 00

7,619 20

Silver c o in ...........................................

51 00

211 80

79 50

94 55

155 45

Nickels and c e n ts..............................

37 15

68 76

59 45

20 63

36 35

Checks and cash ite m s ....................

875 27

109 30

597 52

78 50

882 99

T o ta ls............................................

$183,024 60

$180,164 72

$188,231 57

$185,930 33

$183,202 76

Capital stock paid in .......................

$25,000 00

$25,000 00

$25,000 00

$25,000 00

$25,000 00

6,000 00

6,000 00

6,000 00

6,000 00

10,000 00

3,377 95

3,739 91

4,815 13

4,876 28

1,043 00

29,113 96

Surplus fu n d ........................................
Undivided profits, less current ex­
penses, interest and taxes paid. .
Dividends u n p a id ............................
Commercial deposits subject to
ch eck .................................................

40 00

60 00

28,314 96

28,170 26

34,768 58

32,770 63

Savings d ep o sits.................................

21,474 80

24,221 41

29,593 60

28,653 61

30,779 09

Savings certificates of dep o sit. . . .

98,850 89

92,993 14

88,054 26

88,626 91

87,206 71

$183,024 00

$180,104 72

$188,231 57

$185,930 33

$183,202 76

Commercial certificates of d e p o sit.
Due to banks and b a n k e rs.............
Certified checks................................
Cashier’s checks o u tstan d in g ...........

Notes and bills d iscounted .............
Bills p a y a b le .....................................
T o tals............................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



No. 310.
Organized April 22, 1905.

J. E n n i s ,

P r e s id e n t ;

H. A. L a d d ,

V ic e P r e s id e n t ;

E. F. H o r n i n g ,

C a s h ie r .

D i r e c t o r s .— E. J. E nnis, H. A. Ladd, T. B. H alladay, Jam es Loomis, C. L. Vaughan, Chas. A tkinson,

J. M. Horning, E. N. Palm er, D. J. Boyce.


R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Nov. 27, ’08. Feb. 5, ’09. April 28, ’09. June 23, ’09. Sept. 1, ’09.

Loans an d discounts.........................

$69,217 53

$65,666 54

$67,255 57

$05,719 61

$65,217 07

Bonds, m ortgages and securities..

53,270 00

61,040 00

65,806 00

65,406 00

65,831 00

91 00

70 64

259 60

178 97

420 85

1,913 00

1,913 00

1,913 00

1,913 00

1,913 00

Prem ium s paid on b o n d s...............
O verdrafts.............................................
■Ranking house....................................
F u rn itu re and fixtures.....................
O ther real e sta te ................................
Due from other banks and bankers
(not reserve cities).......................
Item s in tra n sit..................................

U nited S tates bonds.........................
Due from banks in reserve citie s..

14,450 83

14,727 85

18,934 45

20,321 92

Exchanges for clearing h o u se.........

362 05

346 40

65 89

915 92

36 18

U. S. and N ational bank c u rre n cy .

2,773 00

3,624 00

3,485 00

4,628 00

3,218 00

Gold c o in .............................................

2,475 00

1,895 00

2,680 00

2,960 00

3,130 00

Silver coin............................................

543 35

1,273 75

718 60

598 70

1,512 75

Nickels an d c e n ts..............................

54 44

103 19

67 50

130 22

115 95

T o tals............................................

*145,150 80

$150,660 37

$161,245 61

$162,772 34

$161,782 58

Capital stock paid in .......................

$25,000 00

$25,000 00

$25,000 00

$25,000 00

1,000 00

2,000 00

2,000 00

2,000 00

3,033 68

1,044 84

1,902 24

1,608 13

$25,000 00
2,000 00

20,387 78

Checks and cash ite m s ....................

Surplus fu n d ........................................
Undivided profits, less current ex­
penses, interest and taxes p a id . .
Dividends u n p a id ..............................
Commercial deposits subject to
ch eck .................................................

30 00
13,772 39

13,173 60

13,687 43

12,238 49

11,299 47

Savings d ep o sits.................................

59,876 58

67,652 98

71,230 25

72,814 36

72,47 4 7«

Savings certificates of dep o sit........

42,468 15

41,758 95

47,425 69

49,111 36

48,491 20

$145,150 80

$150,660 37

$161,245 61 ' $162,772 34


Comm ercial certificates of d ep o sit.
Due to banks and b an k ers...............
Certified checks..................................
Cashier’s checks outstanding...........

N otes and bills red iscounted...........
Bills p a y a b le .......................................
T o tals............................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



No. 216.
Organized June 9, 1899.
J a m e s L. B e n e d i c t , P r e s id e n t ; J o h n E. C a m p b e l l , V ic e P r e s id e n t ; C h a r l e s N o b l e , C a s h ie r .
D i r e c t o r s .— A. E. Sleeper, J. L. Benedict, Charles Noble, H ugh McNair, D an C. Merrill, J. P. Nigge-

m an, Jr., J. E. Campbell.


Loans and discounts.........................
Bonds, m ortgages and securities. .

R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Nov. 27, ’08. Feb. 5, ’09. April 28, ’09. June 23, ’C9. Sept. 1, '09.
$116,061 14

$121,359 29

$125,917 17

$130,007 92

$135,790 98

17,680 50

17,130 50

18,745 50

19,345 50

20,954 50

Prem ium s paid on bonds
O verdrafts............................................

549 83

400 64

113 20

179 00

255 53

B anking house....................................

2,200 00

2,200 00

2,200 00

2,200 00

2,200 00

F u rn itu re and fixtures.....................

2,000 00

2,000 00

2,000 00

2,000 00

2,000 00

O ther real e sta te ................................
Due from other banks and bankers

3,700 00

3,700 00

3,700 00

3,700 00

3,700 00

item s in tra n sit.................................

1,375 00

390 00

401 15

710 00

1,003 35
13,962 64

United States bonds
Due from banks in reserve cities. .

16,855 31

11,566 81

16,879 56

19,702 65

Exchanges for clearing h o u se .........

213 00

114 98

427 85

633 05

672 61

TJ. S. and N ational bank currency,

10,038 00

7,360 00

5,731 00

7,700 00

8,341 00

rjold c o in .............................................

3,525 00

3,865 00

2,075 00

2,055 00

2,285 00

Si 1ver c.oi n ............................................

1,006 25

898 70

769 60

741 90

307 95

Mirkcls and c e n ts..............................

261 70

312 38

361 30

349 61

296 83

54 14

25 72

T o ta ls...........................................

$175,484 95

$171,298 30

$179,375 47

$189,350 35

$191,770 39

Capital stock paid in .......................

$25,000 00

Checks and cash items

19 23

$25,000 00

$25,000 00

$25,000 00

$25,000 00

Surplus fu n d .......................................
Undivided profits, less current ex­
penses, interest and taxes paid. .

5,000 00

5,000 00

5,000 00

5,000 00

5,000 00

6,193 27

2,860 93

3,436 25

3,361 06

3,740 54

Dividend^ unpaid
Commercial deposits subject to
ch eck .................................................

20,566 00

17,568 82

. 20,648 65

29,180 45

Commercial certificates of d ep o sit.

76,047 34

77,649 92

82,225 67

83,132 67

26,680 22

86,645 51

Diip to banks and ha.nkers
Cashier’s checks o u tstanding..........

866 04

513 78

2,198 49

743 25

432 94

Savings d ep o sits................................

41,812 31

37,704 85

35,896 41

37,932 92

39,271 18

5,000 00

5,000 00

5,000 00

5,000 00

$175,484 93

$171,298 30

$179,375 47

$189,350 35

$191*770 39

Notes and bills rediscounted
Pills p a y a b le .......................................
T o ta ls ......................... ................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



No. 253.
Organized January 8, 1902.
J o h n J. K

e a r n s , P r e s id e n t ;

L. H . H o w .s e , V ic e P r e s id e n t ; D t jn c a n A . M c K
H u g h M c L e o d , A s s i s t a n t C a s h ie r .

e it h , C a s h ie r ;

D ir e c t o r s .—John J. Kearns, H ugh McPhee, L. H. Howse, J. W. Weed, Daniel W ebster, H arvey

T appan, D. A. M cKeith, H ugh McLeod.


R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Nov. 27, ’08. Feb. 5, ’09. April 28, ’09. June 23, ’09. Sept. 1, ’09.

Loans and discounts.........................

$132,737 26

$145,530 68

$142,938 11

$148,444 34

$150,209 30

Bonds, m ortgages and se c u ritie s..

61,025 05

64,300 05

58,111 20

57,461 20

58,904 20

Prem ium s paid on b o n d s...............
O verdrafts............................................

296 59

330 49

245 83

59 72

B anking house....................................

5,000 00

5,000 00

5,000 00

5,000 00

5,000 00

F u rn itu re and fixtures.....................

1,850 00

1,850 00

1,850 00

1,850 00

1,850 00

680 26

621 27

339 90

636 84

680 58

21,655 71

33,717 15

33,909 66

15,310 38

17,704 71

287 52

140 09

875 20

O ther real e sta te ................................
Due from other banks and bankers
(not reserve cities).......................
Item s in tra n sit.................................
U nited States bonds.........................
Due from banks in reserve cities. .
Exchanges for clearing house.........
U. S. and N ational bank cu rren cy .

14,778 00

8,630 00

11,550 00

15,162 00

9,726 00

Gold co in .............................................

2,015 00

1,955 00

2,515 00

3,945 00

4,030 00

Silver coin............................................

295 50

948 75-

425 70

233 65

685 80

Nickels and c e n ts..............................

107 50

242 63

263 97

218 42

101 46

Checks and cash ite m s....................

. 17 76

776 39

T o tals.................................

$240,458 63

$263,571 92

$257,521 55

$248,647 75

$249,826 97

C apital stock paid in .......................

$25,000 00

. $25,000 00

$25,000 00

$25,300 00

$25,000 00

5,000 00

5,000 00

5,000 00

5,000 00

5,000 00

4,991 94

3,953 35

5,011 23

3,738 39

3,753 08

Surplus fu n d .......................................
Undivided profits, less current ex­
penses, interest and taxes p a id . .
Dividends u n p a id ..............................
Commercial deposits subject to
ch eck ...........................................

16,324 42

36,615 76

37,027 68

29,771 38

25,207 35

Commercial certificates of dep o sit.

67,997 24

75,806 47

77,119 90

73,500 00

79,895 00

Due to banks and b an k ers...............
Certified checks..................................
Cashier’s checks outstanding..........

658 71

75 04

391 64

386 65

171 84

Savings deposits . ............................

85,212 21

85,435 22

75,036 77

81,972 37

85.899 51

Savings certificates of deposit........

35,274 11

31,686 08

32,934 33

29,278 96

24.900 19

$240,458 63

$263,571 92

$257,521 55

$248,647 75

$249,826 97

Notes an d bills rediscounted...........
Bills p a y a b le .......................................
T o tals.................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



No. 212.
Organized December 21, 1898.
H. P. M o w r y ,

P r e s id e n t ;

J. E. W a t s o n , V ic e P r e s id e n t ; S. H. H o g l e ,
A. R. F e r r i s , T e lle r;

C a s h ie r .

D ir e c t o r s — H . P . Mowry, J. S. Shennem an, C. J. Holmes, M. F . Sm ith, Wm. Mallow, J. E. W atson,

S. H. Hogle.


R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Nov. 27, ’08. Feb. 5, ’09. April 28, ’09. June 23, ’09. Sept. 1, ’09

Loans and d iscounts.. •..................

$37,151 86

$43,185 39

$46,857 57

$46,506 53

$45,093 88

Bonds, m ortgages and securities. .

49,531 50

43,324 00

45,079 00

47,174 00

48,949 00

142 55

4 00

44 88

388 83

Banking house....................................

3,300 00

3,300 00

3,300 00

3,300 00

3,300 00

F u rn itu re and fixtures.....................

1,900 00

1,900 00

1,900 00

1,900 00

1,900 00

Other real estate................................
Due from other banks and bankers
(not reserve cities).......................

3,200 00

3,200 00

3,200 00

3,200 00

5,000 00

5,000 00

5,000 00

5,€00 00

O v e r d r a f t s ..........................................................

5,000 00

U nited States bonds.........................

500 00

500 00

500 00

500 00

500 00

Due from banks in reserve cities. .

26,777 63

13,028 87

11,490 14

16,705 75

14,439 21

3,615 00

6,964 00

5,528 00

4,414 00

5,766 00

1,560 00

1,630 00

1,725 00

656 35

579 15

565 45

126 22

120 62

Exchanges for clearing b o u se.........
U. S. and N ational bank currency.
Gold co in .............................................
Silver coin............................................

2 600 00
783 55

1,655 00
475 75

93 51

90 25

109 77

52 60

292 41

249 75

T o tals............................................

$134,505 65

$123,058 22

$125,434 58

$131,080 53

$127,848 54

Capital stock paid in .......................

$15,000 00

.$15,000 00

$15,000 00

$15,000 00

$15,000 00

2,000 00

2,200 00

2,200 00

2,200 00

3,000 00

3,324 66

2,188 99

2,612 89

3,041 45

2,373 93

15,605 40

12,066 33

13,407 22

11,285 35

12,110 33

98,575 59

91,602 90

92,214 47

99,553 73

95,364 28

$134,505 65

$123,058 22

$125,434 58

$131,080 53

$127,848 54

Nickels and c e n ts..............................
Checks and cash ite m s ...................

Surplus fu n d .......................................
Undivided profits, less current ex­
penses, interest and taxes p aid . .
Commercial ‘d eposits subject to
check .................................................

100 55

Commercial certificates of d ep o sit.

Savings certificates of d eposit........

T o tals..........................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



No. 313.
Organized June 7, 1905.
L. C. K a n o t js e ,

P r e s id e n t;

Wm . H a r p e r ,

V ic e P r e s id e n t ;

J. L. V a n A l s t y n e ,

C a s h ie r .

D i r e c t o r s .— L. C. Kanouse, C. A. Fritz, John Graham , F. J. Northw ay, Wm. H arper, Seward Chaffee,

Orlando Lee, F. S. Ruggles, L. Loucks.


R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Nov. 27, ’08. Feb. 5, ’09. April 28, ’09. June 23, ’09. Sept. 1, ’09.

Loans and discounts.........................

«57,058 03

«58,724 96

«50,807 43

«50,845 40

«53,491 54

Bonds, m ortgages and securities...

49,946 60

50,890 60

54,788 65

61,303 65

77,467 00

136 66

55 44

O verdrafts............................................

502 92

145 56

751 64

612 86

62 88

Banking house....................................

2,000 00

2,000 00

2,000 00

2,000 00

2,000 00

F u rn itu re and fixtures.....................

1,525 00

1,525 00

1,525 00

1,525 00

1 525 00

10,000 00

10,000 00

5,168 86

Due from other banks and bankers
(not reserve cities).......................

706 15

8,000 00

2,601 01

1,686 65

Due from banks in reserve cities..

23,200 29

29,776 33

39,843 10

32,447 66

16,602 85

TJ. S. and N ational bank currency.

5,282 00

4,958 00

7,000 00

5,652 00

4,948 00

Gold co in .............................................

3,045 00

3,030 00

3,780 00

3,965 00

4,050 00

Silver co in ...........................................

1,225 00

1,100 00

600 00

950 00

900 00

31 30

15 97

14 32

5 06

Nickels and c e n ts..............................

982 40

Checks and cash ite m s....................

119 67

31 42

14 00

15 00

3,318 10

T o tals............................................

«147,211 67

«161,905 82

«171,125 79

$170,449 95

«169,594 73

Capital stock paid in .......................

«20,000 00

«20,000 00

«20,000 00

«20,000 00

«20,000 00

2,500 00

3,000 00

3,000 00

3,000 00

3,150 00

1,215 79

252 08

1,120 31

1,172 50

227 02

Surplus fu n d ........................................
Undivided profits, less current ex­
penses, interest and taxes paid. .
Commercial deposits subject to
ch eck .................................................

9,423 25

18,246 80

16,587 80

12,488 57

20,627 12

Commercial certificates of d ep o sit.

52,555 37

55,729 34

63,831 38

54,494 47

39,226 20

64,677 60

66,586 30

79,294 41

80,364 39

«161,905 82

«171,125 79

«170,449 95

«169,594 73


Savings certificates of deposit. . . .

T otals............................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

61,517 26

«147,211 67 j



No. 181.
Organized October 30, 1895.
A. W. N e w a r k ,

P r e s id e n t ;

S. W. K r a m e r ,

V ic e P r e s id e n t ; H e n r y K n o w l t o n , C a s h ie r .

D ir e c t o r s .— F. J. Cobbs, S. W. K ram er, W. W. Mitchell, Fred A. Diggins, Joseph Murphy, Fred L.

Reed, Geo. F. Williams, A. W. Newark, D. B. Kelley, C. T. Mitchell, H enry Knowlton.

R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Nov. 27, ’08. Feb. 5, ’09. April 28, ’09. June 23, ’09 Sept. 1, ’09.

Loans and discounts.........................

$475,552 47

$475,078 63

$498,872 18

$541,778 06

$541,775 51

Bonds, m ortgages and se cu rities...

331,440 25

297,368 61

281,332 17

287,566 17

277,009 79

P re m iu m s

paid on b o n d s.................

O verdrafts............................................

3,587 24

2,447 59

649 13

1,454 53

1,690 36

Banking house....................................

18,000 00

17,500 00

17,500 00

17,500 00

17,500 00

F urniture and fixtures.....................

2,000 00

2,000 00

2,000 00

2,000 00

2,000 00

O ther real e state...............................
Due from other banks and bankers
(not reserve cities).......................
Item s in tra n sit.................................

12 47

116 71

68 90

10 00

U nited States bonds.........................

20,000 00

20,000 00

20,000 00

20,000 00

20,000 00

Due from banks in reserve cities..

102,137 34

79,504 80

136,258 08

102,718 58

131,360 83

Exchanges for clearing h o u s e ....
U. S. and N ational b ank currency.

10,394 00

11,158 00

10,434 00

11,730 00

9,971 00

Gold c o in .............................................

43,805 00

43,150 00

41,290 00

49,760 00

49,065 00

Silver c o in ...........................................

1,515 50

2,041 00

2,112 60

828 00

1,628 60

Nickels and c e n ts...............%............

248 96

482 69

459 38

436 10

621 34

Checks and cash ite m s...................

1,320 51

1,299 54

478 41

627 52

822 64

$952,147 57 $1,011,385 95 $1,036,467 86

$1,053,455 07

T o tals............................................ $1,010,013 74
Capital stock paid in .......................

$100,000 00

$100,000 00

$100,000 00

$100,000 00

$100,000 00

Surplus fu n d .......................................
Undivided profits, less current ex­
penses, interest and taxes p a id ..

25,000 00

25,000 00

25,000 00

25,000 00

25,000 00

4,628 47

1,288 54

3,882 41

1,508 86

6,504 71

Dividends u n p a id ..............................
Commercial deposits subject to
ch eck .................................................

30 00

19,800 00

1,716 00

60 00

3,090 00

346,621 32

283,772 23

342,782 57

367,612 57

385,221 30

Commercial certificates of d ep o sit.

8 71

8 71

8 71

8 71

8 71

Due to banks and b an k ers...............

3,437 31

18,251 22

5,526 68

6,369 42

4,733 03

Savings d ep o sits................................

216,738 93

213,183 62

218,086 65

219,242 46

203,974 17

Savings certificates of deposit. . . .

313,549 00

290,843 25

314,382 93

316,665 84

324,923 15

$952,147 57 $1,011,385 95 J$1,036,467 86

$1,053,455 07

Certified checks..................................
Cashier’s checks o u tstan d in g ...........

Notes and bills rediscounted........
Bills p a y a b le .......................................
T o tals............................................ $1,010,013 74
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



No. 261.
Organized June 17, 1902.
E . J. H a y n e s , P r e s id e n t ; H


B a l l o u , V ic e P r e s i d e n t : G e o i w e C h a p m a n , C a s h ie r .

D i r e c t o r ' — E J. Haynes, H enry Ballou, Samuel H. M erritt, Orange W ebster, Jam es English, Chas.

H. Drury, John P. Wilcox, Jam es M ather, George Chapman.


R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Nov. 27, ’08. Feb. 5, ’09. April 28, ’09. June 23, ’09. Sept. 1, ’09.

L ords a,nd discounts*.......................

$201,530 37

$223,423 89

$233,652 65

$235,731 24

$217,235 09

Bonds, mortgages and se cu rities...

175,260 08

175,849 18

178,895 23

189,500 73

196,260 70

O verdrafts............................................

268 00

613 03

1,062 01

293 57

95 13

Banking house....................................

37,200 00

37,000 00

37,000 00

37,000 00

37,000 00

F urniture and fixtures.....................

2,000 00

2,000 00

2,000 00

2,000 00

2,000 00

5,119 40

2,936 41

535 00

58,507 62

51,001 63

81,173 31

78,399 56

71,897 50

O th^r rea.l estate
Due from other banks and bankers
(not reserve cities).......................
Item s in tra n sit.................................
U nited States b o n d s...
Due from banks in reserve cities..

570 97

Exchanges for clearing house . .

734 17

864 79

U. S. and N ational bank currency .

6,904 00

7,881 00

18,013 00

11,192 00

16,625 00

Gold c o in .............................................

12,220 00

12,077 50

18,230 00

20,230 00

21,070 00

Silver c o in ...........................................

1,923 45

1,802 55

4,088 80

3,250 15

3,426 85

Nickels and c e n ts..............................

253 03

216 87

231 44

264 10

184 76

Checks and cash ite m s ....................

1,472 42

791 78

578 17

582 79

513 99

T o tals............................................

$502,658 37

$516,194 81

$575,459 61

$579,178 31

$567,173 81

Capital stock paid in .......................

$75,000 00

$75,000 00

$75,000 00

$75,000 00

$75,000 00

15,000 00

15,000 00

15,000 00

15,000 00

20,000 00

1,992 98

3,849 27

4,118 84

3,960 41

2,563 16

171 00

90 00

144,843 22

164,454 93

156,266 08

138,622 05

128,040 59

Savings d ep o sits................................

126,628 83

133,032 42

153,901 81

166,*465 72

163,613 29

Savings certificates of deposit

129,193 34

124,687 19

171,082 88

180,130 13

177,704 77

$516,194 81 j $575,459 61

$579,178 31

$567,173 81

Surplus fu n d .................... : ................
Undivided profits, less current ex­
penses, interest and taxes p a id ..
Dividends unpaid
Commercial deposits subject to
ch eck .................................................

252 00

Commercial certificates of d ep o sit.
Due to banks and b an k ers...............
Certified checks..................................
Cashier’s checks o u tstan d in g ...........

Notes an d bills discounted.............

10,000 00

Bills p a v a b le .......................................
T o tals............................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

$502,658 37



No. 291.
Organized June 11, 1904.
C h a r l e s R i c e , P r e s id e n t ; J o h n T. S m i t h , J o h n R . P r o c t o r . V ic e P r e s id e n t s ; J o h n T. S m i t h , C a s h i e r ;
J . C l i f f o r d P r o c t o r , A s s i s t a n t C a s h ie r .
D i r e c t o r s .— Charles Rice, Isaac G. Wenger, John T. Sm ith, John R . Proctor, Seth Gray, A. T. Slaght.


R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Nov. 27, ’08. Feb. 5, ’09. April 28, ’09 June 23, ’09. Sept. 1, ’09.

Loans and discounts.........................

$72,687 63

$80,022 72

$83,990 93

$91,241 92

$92,405 68

Bonds, m ortgages and securities...

79,386 85

79,251 85

78,201 85

79,851 85

78,711 85

1,127 09

839 04

1,444 34

336 55

725 23

700 00

700 00

700 00

700 00

700 00

16,171 64

21,608 74

16,577 41

22,881 96

17,973 62

Prem ium s paid on b o n d s.................
O verdrafts............................................
Banking house....................................
F u rn itu re and fixtures.....................
Other real e state...............................
Due from other banks and bankers
(not reserve cities).......................
Item s in tra n sit.................................
U nited States bonds.........................
Due from banks in reserve cities. .
Exchanges for clearing house. . . .
U. S. and National bank currency.

6,634 00

4,232 00

5,450 00

6,968 00

5,648 00

Gold c o in .............................................

2,135 00

2,660 00

1,775 00

1,920 00

2,010 00

Silver c o in .........................................

722 15

986 75

1,274 75

1,176 35

1,662 79

Nickels and c e n ts..............................

41 78

26 24

57 17

43 50

122 65

Checks and cash ite m s....................

4 00

5 00

3 50

T o tals............................................

$179,610 14

$190,332 34

$189,474 95

$205,120 13

$199,969 73

Capital stock paid in .......................

$20,000 00

$20,000 00

$20,000 00

1,750 00

2,000 00

10 00

$20,000 00

$20,000 00

Surplus fu n d ........................................
Undivided profits, less current ex­
penses, interest and taxes p a id . .

1,550 00

1,750 00

1,750 00

2,013 55

734 10

2,523 40

2,884 44

1,059 67

Dividends u n p a id ..............................
Commercial deposits subject to
ch eck .................................................

17,614 10

17,728 20

18,023 37

21,202 09

23,123 48


Commercial certificates of d ep o sit.

187 00

Due to banks and b an k ers...............
Certified checks..................................
Cashier’s checks o u tstan d in g ...........
Savings dep o sits. . .*..........................

49,844 97

56,647 28

56,154 18

59,533 10

59,644 54

Savings certificates of d eposit. . . .

88,587 52

93,472 76

91,024 00

99,750 50

93,955 04

$179,610 14

$190,332 34

$189,474 95

$205,120 13

$199,969 73

Notes and bills rediscounted........
Bills p a y a b le .......................................
T o tals............................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



No. 336.
Organized April 23, 1906.
T h o m a s H o a t s o n , P r e s id e n t ; E d w a r d U l s e t h , J o s . W. S e l d e n , V ic e P r e s id e n t s ;
F r a n k J. K o h i .h a a s , C a s h ie r ; W a l t e r E d w a r d s , A s s i s t a n t C a s h ie r .
D i r e c t o r s — Thomas Hoatson, Charles A. Anderson, W. C. Kinsm an. J. W. Selden, W. J. Uren,

E dw ard TJlseth, Joseph Vertin, Thomas H. Collins. Joseph Bosch, A. G. MacLeod, C. J. Morrison.

R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Nov. 27, ’08. Feb. 5, ’09. April 28, ’09. June 23, ’09. Sept. 1, ’09.

Loans an d discounts.........................

$315,064 28

$312,491 44

$340,093 23

$357,571 52

$351,505 10

Bonds, m ortgages and se c u ritie s..

45,616 78

49,655 03

51,323 91

65,912 91

66,530 17

Prem ium s paid on b o n d s...............
O verdrafts............................................

540 88

83 69

123 02

273 46

140 25

Banking h o u se ...................................

51,044 81

51,044 81

51,044 81

51,044 81

51,044 81

8,733 71

8,733 71

8,733 71

7,284 37

2,211 08

F u rn itu re and fixtures.....................

8,734 71

8,734 71

Other real estate
Due from other banks and bankers
(not reserve cities).......................

1,416 75

988 64

1,824 86

Item s in tra n sit.................................

1,596 43

182 87

3,614 87

104,857 16

141,391 37

93,598 50

82,358 23

717 49

U nited S tates bonds.........................
Due from banks in reserve cities. .

42,799 44

Exchanges for clearing h o u se .........

2,262 63

U. S. and N ational bank c u rre n cy .

35,698 00

37,438 00

62,186 00

53,134 00

55,461 00

Gold c o in .......................................

1,787 50

4,175 00

7,595 00

9,397 50

10,032 50

Silver coin............................................

2,249 26

2,053 62

2,987 50

2,489 00

2,545 49

Nickels and c e n ts..............................

245 00

165 00

455 09

105 01

285 00

1,624 88

8,597 34

3,334 15

2,035 68

Checks and cash ite m s....................
T o tals............................................

$509,056 47

$573,494 85

$679,970 71

$652,878 94

$633,600 51

Capital stock paid in .......................

$100,000 00

$100,000 00

$100,000 00

$100,000 00

$100,000 00

17,548 66

21,133 29

24,812 30

25,113 57

28,129 96

Commercial deposits subject to
ch eck .................................................

266,643 11

300,231 06

396,290 91

373,736 35

333,049 28

Commercial certificates of d ep o sit.

7,492 65

2 65

Due to banks and b an k ers...............

117 32

Surplus fund.. .
Undivided profits, less current ex­
penses, interest and taxes p a i d ..
D iv id e n d s u n p a id

15 00

Certified checks..................................
Cashier’s checks o utstanding...........

250 25

1,006 29

1,172 08

170 33

1,588 72

Savings d ep o sits................................

113,504 48

102,102 29

106,263 83

103,377 10

111,223 48

Savings certificates of d ep o sit........

3,500 00

49,019 27

51,431 59

50,481 59

59,594 07

$509,056 47

$573,494 85

$679,970 71

$652,878 94

$633,600 51

Notes and bills rediseounted
Rills payable
T o tals............................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



No. 87.
Organized August 7, 1873,
Corporate existence extended December 4, 1902.
C h a r l e s B r i g g s , P r e s id e n t ; P e t e r R u p p e , F i r s t V ic e P r e s id e n t ; W m . B . A n d e r s o n , S e c o n d V ic e
P r e s id e n t a n d M a n a g e r ; S t e p h e n P a u l l , C a s h ie r ; J . D. J a m e s , A s s i s t a n t C a s h ie r .
D i r e c t o r s .— Charles Briggs, Will A. Childs, P eter Ruppe, Paul P. Roehm, E. M. Lieblein, Jam es

Hoatson, Jam es Chynoweth, John Danieli, Fred Sm ith, W. B. Anderson, Gordon R. Campbell,
Charles O. Jackola.

R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Nov. 27, ’08. Feb. 5, ’09. April 28, ’09. June 23, ’09. Sept. 1, ’09.

Loans and discounts......................... 11,223,425 73 $1,221,810 05 $1,274,956 44 $1,297,242 18
Bonds, m ortgages and securities..

$1,292,600 03

149,298 13

158,316 33

155,473 63

124,277 00

131,114 43

987 83

135 33

109 39

393 13

386 29
7,000 00

Prem ium s paid on b o n d s...............
O verdrafts............................................
B anking house....................................
F urn itu re and fixtures.....................

7,500 00

7,000 00

7,000 00

7,000 00

Other real estate...............................
Due from other banks and bankers
(not reserve cities).......................

12,557 78

10,969 06

8,544 06

8,544 06

8,544 06

221 03

4,001 13

40,810 52

29,810 81

46,286 83

Item s in tra n sit.................................

4,110 50

227 00

4,047 46

676 63

1,021 69

568,458 01

1,115,264 08

601,678 44

783,657 21

893,262 32

U. S. and N ational b ank currency .

147,635 00

161,407 00

140,466 00

112,427 00

129,410 00

Gold co in ............... .............................

72,235 00

71,510 00

71,515 00

71,880 00

73,430 00

Silver coin............................................

7,995 25

11,585 30

5,271 20

3,689 20

7,771 85

Nickels and c e n ts..............................

799 97

849 08

1,039 04

783 92

492 90

Checks and cash ite m s ....................

24,206 71

6,888 74

1,984 26

6,730 79

12,870 98

T o tals............................................ 12,219,430 94 $2,769,963 10 $2,312,895 44 $2,447,111 93

$2,604,191 38

U nited States bonds.........................
Due from banks in reserve c itie s ..
Exchanges for clearing h o u se .........

Capital stock paid in .......................

$150,000 00

$150,000 00

$150,000 00

$150,000 00

$150,000 00

Surplus fu n d .......................................
Undivided profits, less current expenses, interest and taxes p a id . .

150,000 00

150,000 00

150,000 00

150,000 00

150,000 00

41,821 05

39,427 38

53,266 86

57,358 66

53,849 77

Dividends u n p a id ..............................
Commercial deposits subject to
c h e c k .................................................

70 00

434 00

98 00

98 00

120 00

702,675 37

1,231,193 74

748,792 53

910,549 25

2,045,621 65

Commercial certificates of d ep o sit.

2,886 13

2,685 13

5,522 63

2,685 13

191,810 16

Due to banks and b an k ers...............

7,374 43

7,390 67

6,613 67

6,126 56

6,273 95
6,350 85

165 00

19 10

Certified checks..................................
Cashier’s checks outstan ding...........

3,136 78

7,904 09

7,485 55

13,049 56

Savings dep o sits................................

1 130 239 59

1,055,585 63

1,046,891 02

1,004,350 16

Savings certificates of d eposit........

31,227 59

125,323 36

144,225 18

152,894 61

Notes and bills rediscounted..........
Bills p a y a b le .......................................
T o tals............................................ $2,219,430 94 $2,769,963 10 $2,312,895 44 $2,447,111 93
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

$2,604,191 38



No. 320.
Organized August 24, 1905.
C. B . A l w a e d ,

P r e s id e n t : W . S .

B l a i r , V ic e P r e s id e n t ; B . R . A l w a e d , C a s h ie r ;
A . K . S i m p s o n , A s s i s t a n t C a s h ie r .

D i r e c t o r s .— C. B. Alward, W. S. Blair, Jam es A. Bates, Jam es McCallum, B. R. Alward.


R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Nov. 27, ’08. Feb. 5, ’09. April 28, 09. June 23, ’09. Sept. 1, ’09.

Loans and discounts.........................

$50,219 80

$51,825 72

$43,876 05

$50,905 21

$51,521 09

Bonds, m ortgages and se cu rities...

46,356 59

46,725 28

49,402 37

49,942 61

50,490 29

232 68

38 50

373 41

564 40

526 48

1,000 00

1,000 00

1,000 00

1,000 00

1,000 00

1,002 61

180 99

598 38

89 51

50 70

12,747 99

8,658 47

12,058 30

Prem ium s paid on b o n d s.................
O verdrafts............................................
B anking house....................................
F u rn itu re and fixtures.....................
Other real e sta te ...............................
Due from o th er banks and bankers
(not reserve cities).......................


Item s in tra n sit.................................
United S tates bonds.........................
Due from banks in reserve c itie s ..

12,287 80

6,665 04

Exchanges for clearing house. . . .

74 80


U. S. and N ational bank cu rren cy .

2,929 00

5,123 00

3,058 00

5,377 00

7,558 OO

Gold c o in .............................................

1,005 00

1,050 00

1,257 50

1,577 50

700 OO

Silver co in ...........................................

425 55

516 30

303 10

646 10

784 60

Nickels and c e n ts..............................

37 59

50 80

103 46

90 79

167 71

164 96

388 50

651 70

Checks and cash ite m s....................
T o tals............................................

$115,571 42

$113,175 63

$112,885 22

$119,240 09

$125,508 87

Capital stock paid in .......................

$20,000 00

$20,000 00

$20,000 00

$20,000 00

$20,000 00

5,000 00

5,000 00

5,000 00

5,000 00

5,000 00

1,678 73

599 13

1,091 21

899 13

1,262 61

9,923 12

10,271 18

9,313 85

9,793 42

11,291 74

78,969 57

77,305 32

77,480 16

83,547 54

87,954 52

$113,175 63 J $112,885 22

$119,240 09


Surplus fu n d ........................................
Undivided profits, less current ex­
penses, interest and taxes p a id ..
Dividends u n p a id ..............................
Commercial deposits subject to
ch eck .................................................
Commercial certificates of d e p o sit.
Due to banks and b an k ers...............
Certified checks..................................
Cashier’s checks o u tstan d in g ..........
Savings d ep o sits................................
Savings certificates of d ep o sit. . . .
Notes and bills rediscounted..........
Bills p a y a b le .......................................

T o ta ls .......................................... 1 $115,57142
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



No. 208.
Organized September 8, 1898.
F. T. M o o r e ,

P r e s id e n t ; W a l t e r S h e a r s m i t h , V ic e P r e s id e n t ; F r a n k B u r t , A s s i s t a n t C a s h ie r .

D i r e c t o r s .— F. T. Moore, W alter Shearsm ith, H. B. Hitchings, S. H. Moore, F rank B urt.


R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Nov. 27, ’08. Feb. 5, ’09. April 28, ’09. June 23, ’C9. Sept. 1, ’09.

Loans an d discounts.........................

$79,469 87

$78,393 42

$82,711 81

$85,240 00

$98,919 16

Bonds, m ortgages an d securities...

44,317 33

43,820 83

46,596 13

46,265 88

42,945 88

218 76

45 82

353 96

823 13

248 64

1,000 00

1,000 00

1,000 00

1,000 00

1,000 00

2,231 89

1,550 72

1,066 33

4,401 52

2,339 01

14,959 26

10,798 52

13,839 23

13,840 06

18,288 40

Prem ium s paid on b o n d s.................
O verdrafts............................................
■Ranking house
F u rn itu re and fix tu re s.. . ...............
Other real e sta te ...............................
Due from other banks and bankers
(not reserve cities).......................
Item s in tra n sit.................................
U nited S tates bonds.........................
Due from banks in reserve cities. .
Exchanges for clearing house. . ..
U. S. and N ational bank cu rren cy .

2,624 00

4,285 00

4,993 00

5,683 00

4,274 00

Gold c o in .............................................

1,560 00

2,255 00

1,097 50

350 00

1,052 50

Silver c o in ...........................................

476 70

326 50

231 15

385 10

412 70

Nickels and c e n ts...........

101 31

93 03

92 19

16 86

26 51

Checks and cash ite m s ...................

524 73

265 06

407 50

383 54

94 28

T o tals............................................

$147,483 85

$142,833 90

$152,388 80

$158,389 09

$169,601 08

C apital stock paid in .......................

$20,000 00

$20,000 00

$20,000 00

$20,000 00

$20,000 00

1,800 00

1,800 00

1,800 00

1,800 00

1,800 00

3,356 85

877 45

2,890 68

3,716 90

2,202 72

11,958 20

7,818 49

10,933 50

12,450 83

12,109 09

87,182 58

88,131 48

91,978 05

93,314 18

98,303 79

24,786 57

27,107 18

2 7 ,6 8 5 48

Surplus fu n d ........................................
Undivided profits, less current ex­
penses, interest and taxes p a id . .
D i v i d e n d s u n p a i d .......................................

Commercial deposits subject to
ch eck .................................................
Commercial certificates of d ep o sit.
Rue to hanks and hankers. . .
Oerti tied oheeks.
‘C ashier’s checks outstanding
Savings dep o sits................................
Savings certificates of dep o sit. . . .

23,186 22

24,206 48

7,500 00

S tate monies on d ep o sit.
Notes and hills rediscounted
R ills p a y a b le

T o tals............................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

$147,483 85

$142,833 90

$152,388 80

$158,389 09

$169,601 08



No. 303.
Organized December 1, 1904.
J a c o b J. L u c k e , P r e s id e n t ; J u l u s E . K a h lb a x jm , V ic e P r e s id e n t ; H a r r y S. G e r m a n , C a s h ie r .
D i r e c t o r s .— Jacob J. Lucke, C. L. Edwards, J. E. K ahlbaum , E. C. Maxwell, J. E. Ready,

H. S. German.


R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Nov. 27, ’08. Feb. 5, ’09. April 28, ’09. June 23, ’09. Sept. 1, ’09.

Loans and discounts.........................

168,117 61

$61,118 44

$62,263 67

$62,156 31

$70,506 30

Bonds, m ortgages and se cu rities...

53,062 00

53,505 00

57,705 00

61,955 00

63,505 00

Banking house....................................

5.000 00

5.000 00

5.000 00

5.000 00

5.000 00

F u rn itu re and fixtures.....................

1.000 00

1.000 00

1.000 00

1.000 00

1.000 00

O ther real e state...............................
Due from other banks and bankers
(not reserve cities).......................

5,000 00

2,864 40

5,165 60

5,417 20

Item s in tra n sit.................................

51 73


Prem ium s paid on b o nds.................
O verdrafts............................................

399 75

U nited S tates bonds.........................
Due from banks in reserve cities. . * 14,387 35

14,388 35

12,130 30

17,328 08

12,660 58

Exchanges for clearing h o u s e .. . .
U. S. and N ational bank cu rren cy .

4,644 00

3,589 00

4,457 00

8,447 00

5,381 00

Gold c o in .............................................

2,880 00

2,675 00

2,415 00

2,080 00

2,965 00

Silver c o in ...........................................

* 380 00

830 00

765 00

840 00

305 00

Nickels and c e n ts.............................

12 07

20 38

23 71

64 02

49 98

Checks and cash ite m s ....................

1,054 58

902 40

234 85

878 73

1,079 46

T otals............................................

$150,537 61

$148,080 30

$148,858 93

$164,914 74

$168,269 27

Capital stock paid in .......................

$20,000 00

$20,000 00

$20,000 00

$20,000 00

$20,000 00

Surplus fu n d ........................................
Undivided profits, less current ex­
penses, interest and taxes p a id ..

1,500 00

1,400 00

1,700 00

1,700 00

2,000 00

2,526 35

2,698 70

2,849 40

3,689 01

3,147 71

Dividends u n p a id ..............................
Commercial deposits subject to
check .................................................

19,528 63

24,383 79

25,619 06

31,884 13

31,186 39

Savings d ep o sits................................

93,393 96

88,712 78

89,797 32

98,736 77

104,489 52

Savings certificates of deposit

13,588 67

10,885 03

8,893 15

8,904 83

7,445 65

$150,537 61

$148,080 30

$148,858 93

$164,914 74

$168,269 27

Commercial certificates of d ep o sit.
Due to banks and b an k ers...............
Certified checks..................................
Cashier’s checks o u tstan d in g ...........

Notes and bills rediscounted..........
Bills p a y ab le.......................................
T o tals............................................

Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



No. 287.
Organized May 14, 1904.
J o h n F S e e l e y , P r e s id e n t ; S h e r m a n F. C h a s e , V ic e P r e s id e n t ; L e w i s G. S e e l e y , C a s h ie r ;
J o h n M. G r e e n e , A s s i s t a n t C a s h ie r .
D i r e c t o r s .— John F. Seeley, Sherm an F. Chase, Lewis G. Seeley, G rant H. Slocum, William A. Forbes.


T,na/ns and discounts.........................
Bonds, m ortgages and securities..

R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Nov. 27, ’08. Feb. 5, ’09. April 28, ’09. June 23, ’09. Sept. 1, ’09.
$107,090 25
76,228 50

$106,742 08

$111,835 24

$116,961 86

$127,485 11

74,633 50

78,388 50

71,818 50

68,836 00

Prem ium s paid on b o n d s...............
O verdrafts............................................

175 86

194 89

286 59

1,221 37

655 SO

Banking house....................................

10,000 00

10,000 00

10,000 00

10,000 00

10,000 00

F urniture a,nd fixtures.....................

2,300 00

2,300 00

2,300 00

2,300 00

2,300 00

18,403 91

Other real estate
Due from other banks and bankers
(not reserve pities')
Tfern s i n tra n sit.................................
U nited States b o n d s ... ...............
Due from banks in reserve cities..

27,111 90

45,095 95

20,702 44

20,703 65

Exchanges for clearing h o u se ........

1,071 12

296 89

435 94

302 64

441 48

U. S. and N ational bank currency

10,213 00

6,357 00

6,461 00

9,455 00

7,912 00

Gold c o in ...........................................

2,480 00

3,010 00

2,642 50

2,532 50

2,552 50

Silver coin..........................................

778 50

862 00

1,025 00

1,086 25

938 75

Nickels and c e n ts............................

320 12

368 35

383 13

316 59

103 58

Checks and cash ite m s .................

560 19


493 34

452 13

267 83

8238,329 44

$250,061 89

$234,953 68

$237,150 49

$239,996 96

$35,000 00

$35,000 00

$35,000 00

$35,000 00

$35,000 00

5,000 00

5,500 00

5,500 00

5,500 00

6,000 00

3,673 52

3,270 33

5,310 04

5,682 13

3,180 51

Dividends u n p a id .........................
Commercial deposits subject to
ch eck ............................................

44,916 09

53,774 33

39,657 80

39,348 41

30,954 66

Commercial certificates of deposit

9,937 50

9,799 70

6,473 25

3,077 20

5,755 50

Capital stock paid in.
■plui fund
Undivided profits, less current ex­
penses, interest and taxes paid

Due to banks and b an k ers.............
Certified checks................................
Cashier’s checks o u tstanding........
Savings d ep o sits..............................

32,552 20

33,225 72

35,674 94

35,842 68

38,900 77

Savings certificates of d ep o sit. . . .

107,250 13

109,491 81

107,337 65

112,700 07

120,205 52

$238,329 44

$250,061 89

$234,953 68

$237,150 49

$239,996 96

Notes and bills rediscounted.........
Bills p a y a b le ............. i ....................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



No. 286.
Organized April 27, 1904.
T. W. A t w o o d ,

P r e s id e n t ; G. H. S l o c u m , R. B . M c N a i r , H e n r y P a r k e r , V ic e P r e s id e n t s ;
C a s h ie r ; L ouis W e a n , A s s i s t a n t C a s h ie r ; T. C. Q u i n n , A u d ito r .

J. M. E a l y ,

D i r e c t o r s .— T. W. Atwood, G. H. Slocum, R. B. McNair, J. M. E aly, H enry Parker, T. C. Quinn,

J. McNair Ealy.


R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Nov. 27, ’08. Feb. 5, ’09. April 28, ’09. June 23, ’09. Sept. 1, ’09.

Loans and discounts.........................

•1153,840 88

$154,890 20

$183,306 62

$181,966 53

$187,553 59

Bonds, m ortgages and securities. .

190,193 01

184,756 51

193,670 01

197,659 51

198,535 51

Prem ium s paid on b o n d s...............
O verdrafts............................................

854 39

505 60

1,305 74

873 18

1,203 28

Banking house....................................

10,000 00

10,000 00

10,000 00

10,000 00

10,000 00

F u rn itu re and fixtures.....................

2,700 00

2,700 00

2,700 00

2,700 00

2,700 00

Other real estate................................
Due from other banks and bankers
(not reserve cities).......................


Item s in tra n sit.................................
U nited S tates bonds.........................
50,559 31

82,780 75

32,857 01

24,471 48

35,468 84

U. S. and N ational bank cu rren cy .

17,921 00

19,039 00

16,302 00

17,674 00

17,010 00

Gold co in .............................................

5,190 00

5,320 00

6,525 00

6,105 00

6,020 00

Silver coin............................................

505 75

963 80

1,303 70

1,512 05

916 50

Nickels and c e n ts..............................

255 22

275 72

242 91

240 90

242 04

Due from banks in reserve cities..
Exchanges for clearing h o u se .........

2,223 75

Checks and cash ite m s...................

1,903 91

2,209 29

223 76

2,358 36

455 50

T o tals............................................

$433,929 47

$463,440 87

$448,436 75

$445,561 01

$462,329 01

Capital stock paid in .......................

$50,000 00

$50,000 00

$50,000 00

$50,000 00

$50,000 00

10,000 00

10,000 00

10,000 00

10,000 00

10,000 00

11,720 51

8,522 20

13,531 19

13,992 40

9,440 46

Surplus fu n d .......................................
Undivided profits, less current ex­
penses, interest and taxes p a id ..

50 00

Dividends u n p a id ..............................
Commercial deposits subject to
ch eck .................................................

155,087 92

158,099 51

126,611 83

120,772 69

126,820 46

Commercial certificates of d e p o sit.

7,458 73

6,126 89

7,956 06

4,532 72

23,037 49

Due to banks and b an k ers...............
Certified checks..................................
Cashier’s checks o utstanding..........
Savings d eposits................................

22,349 73

28,637 77

35,475 89

36,011 26

38,331 67

Savings certificates of deposit........

177,312 58

202,004 50

204,861 78

194,251 94

194,698 93

10,000 00

10,000 00

$445,561 01

$462,329 01

S tate monies on d ep o sit.................
Notes and bills rediscounted...........
Bills p a y a b le .......................................
T o tals............................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

$433,929 47

$463,440 87

$448,430 75



No. 72.
Organized February 14, 1887.
E dw ard

C. C u m m in g s , ^ P r e s id e n t; J o h n W. H a l l e t t , V ic e P r e s id e n t ; I r a C u m m in g s , C a s h ie r .

D i r e c t o r s .-—E . C. Cummings, Irv in McCall, J. W . H allett, John Boyer, Ira Cummings, G. H. P atterson,

L. H. Cummings.


R eport òf
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Nov. 27, ’08. Feb. 5, ’09. April 28, ’09. Tune 23, ’09. Sept. 1, ’09.

a.nd discounts.........................

$102,035 61

$100,088 87

$112,418 28

$109,429 46

$105,015 50

Bonds, m ortgages and securities. .

209,852 24

235,225 15

223,023 90

237,698 90

240,048 90

R o a n s

Prem ium * paid on hoods. .
4 73

18 84

"Ranking house....................................

4.000 00

4.000 00

4.000 00

4.000 00

4.000 00

F u rn itu re and fixtures.....................

1.000 00

1.000 00

1.000 00

1.000 00

1.000 00

31,995 70

36,449 60

40,722 89

28,534 36

38,122 17

312 92

1,375 00

351 55

82 20

O ther real estate
Due from other banks and bankers
(not- reserve cities')
Iferns in transit
’United States bonds.........................
Due from banks in reserve cities..
Exohane'es for clearing h o u se.........
U. S. and N ational b ank currency .

15,197 00

8,661 00

9,995 00

11,953 00

10,403 00

Gold co in .............................................

6,050 00

6,075 00

6,060 00

0,055 00

6,150 00

1,305 80

755 75

1,122 80

692 70

120 08

117 55

87 30

54 40

136 25

22 50

Silver coin............................................
Nickels and c e n ts..............................

583 00
13 96
293 95

46 25

1,565 40

T o tals........-..................................

$371,103 66

$392,977 75

$399,976 42

$401,410 91

$405,800 78

Capital stock paid in .......................

$25,000 00

$25,000 00

$25,000 00

$25,000 00

$25,000 00

10,000 00

10,000 00

10,000 00

10,000 00

8,398 92

7,001 14

11,263 18

11,155 82

8,061 00

43,933 35

52,717 82

45,221 73

45,071 59

45,418 43

Checks and cash ite m s.................

Surplus F u n d ....................... ..............
Undivided profits, less current ex­
penses, interest and taxes p a id ..
Dividends unpaid
Commercial deposits subject to
ch eck .................................................

10,000 00

4,838 60

Commercial certificates of d ep o sit.
Due to banks and hankers

Cashier’s checks outstanding.

Savings certificates of deposit........

283,771 39

29S,258 79

308,491 51

310,183 50

311,942 75

$371,103 66

$392,977 75

$399,976 42

$401,410 91

$405,860 78

Notes and bills rediscounted

T o tals............................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



No. 234.
Organized June 20, 1901.
D a v id C r o r e y , P r e s id e n t ; C. A. C r o r e y , V ic e P r e s id e n t ; W. J. M c Ca r e n , C a s h ie r ;
F r a n k C r o r e y , A s s i s t a n t C a s h ie r .
D i r e c t o r s .— David Crorey, W. J. McCaren, Ellen McCaren, Mary McNinch, Frank|Crorey, C. A. Crorey.


R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Nov. 27, ’08. Feb. 5, ’09. April 28, ’09. June 23, ’09. Sept. 1, ’09.

Loans and discounts.........................

1106,720 88

$100,881 44

$107,508 25

$104,885 26

$107,952 58

Bonds, m ortgages and securities...

55,737 85

58,200 35

57,796 85

60,476 85

59,886 85

Prem ium s paid on b o n d s.................
O verdrafts........................... ................

365 80

77 00

256 79

350 60

1,194 04

Banking house....................................

1,500 00

1,500 00

1,500 00

1,500 00

1,500 00

F u rn itu re and fixtures.....................

1,295 55

1,295 55

1,295 55

1,295 55

1,295 55

O ther real e sta te ................................
Due from other banks and bankers
(not reserve cities).......................

657 78

1,369 03

2,043 01

Item s in tra n sit.................................
United S tates bonds.........................
Due from banks in reserve cities..

54,496 03

65,196 00

53,789 76

50,050 45

56,516 95

U. S. and N ational bank currency.

7,189 00

6,195 00

6,941 00

8,175 00

8,851 00

Gold c o in .............................................

4,590 00

4,660 00

4,540 00

4,520 00

4,580 00

Silver c o in ...........................................

151 75

310 65

377 95

227 65

98 30

Nickels and c e n ts..............................

81 74

102 89

77 39

113 49

65 59

Checks and cash ite m s ...................

284 99

172 25

143 97

53 59

51 56

T o tals............................................

$233,071 37

$238,591 13

$235,596 54

$234,291 45

$241,992 42

Capital stock paid in .......................

$20,000 00

$20,000 00

Exchanges for clearing house. . . .

$20,000 00

$20,000 00

$20,000 00

Surplus fu n d ........................................
Undivided profits, less current ex­
penses, interest and taxes p a id ..

3,700 00

4,000 00

4,000 00

4,000 00

4,000 00

2,697 11

1,946 73

2,414 10

3,014 84

1,297 69

Dividends u n p a id ..............................
Commercial deposits subject to
ch eck .................................................

55,429 12

53,273 20

50,756 01

44,043 94

48,511 47

1,333 93

34,237 06

Commercial certificates of d ep o sit.
Due to banks and b an k ers...............

1,851 67

1,712 49

Certified checks..................................
Cashier’s checks o u tstan d in g ...........
Savings d ep o sits................................
Savings certificates of deposit. . . .

151,245 14

157,519 53

158,426 43

161,898 74

132,233 71

$233,071 37

$238,591 13

$235,596 54

$234,291 45

$241,992 42

Notes and bills rediscounted..........
Bills p a y a b le .......................................
T o tals............................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



No. 180.
Organized October 17, 1895.
W m . H . A i t ic in , P r e s id e n t ; H . W . S m i t h , V ic e P r e s id e n t ; A . R . N i l e s , C a s h ie r ;
W . S. D i c k e n , A s s i s t a n t C a s h ie r .
D i r e c t o r s . — Wm. H . A itkin, M. C. Richardson, H . W. Smith, A. R, Niles, M. H. Aitkin.


R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Nov. 27, ’08. Feb. 5, ’09. April 28, ’09. June 23, ’09. Sept. 1, ’09.

Loans and discounts.........................

$120,471 SO

$145,272 71

$144,354 04

$155,085 90

$166,603 87

Bonds, m ortgages and se c u ritie s...

69,725 71

70,305 19

66,854 92

00,233 44

58,059 08

Prem ium s paid on b o n d s.................
O verdrafts............................................

322 09

700 21

1,446 48

1,711 84

736 94

Banking house....................................

2,998 00

2,998 00

2,998 00

2,998 00

3,321 51

F u rn itu re and fixtures.....................

1,712 23

1,712 23

1,712 23

1,719 63

2,000 00

Other real e sta te ................................
Due from other banks and bankers
(not reserve cities)..................... ..

1,839 13

1,360 00

1,390 00

1,080 22

1,080 22

17,255 69

10,157 53

10,172 69

9,082 40

7,185 94

34,447 75

21,644 33

23,964 78

24,217 60

17,370 36

U. S. and N ational bank cu rre n cy .

8,750 00

6,204 00

5,751 00

7,288 00

7,028 00

Gold c o in .............................................

5,912 50

6,117 50

6,432 50

6,542 50

6,742 50

Silver c o in ...........................................

1,115 00

1,163 00

1,100 60

1,228 00

704 95

Nickels and c e n ts..............................

151 08

299 25

328 11

283 26

283 79

Item s in tra n sit.................................
United S tates bonds.........................
Due from banks in reserve cities. .
Exchanges for clearing h ouse. . . .

Checks and cash ite m s ...................

460 90

308 05

695 86

1,216 70

1,522 95

T o tals............................................

$265,167 88

$268,242 60

$267,261 21

$272,687 49

$272,640 71

Capital stock paid in .......................

$30,000 00

$30,000 00

$20,000 00

$20,000 00

$20,000 00

4,220 00

4,220 00

4,220 00

4,220 00

4,220 00

1,020 80

1,131 00

1,273 72

1,523 46

596 95

60,590 37

51,699 42

50,943 84

10,673 47

46 778 14

848 26

2,403 95

173,722 88

137,697 83

10 000 00

10 000 00

$272,687 49

$272,640 71

Surplus fu n d ........................................
Undivided profits, less current expenses, interest and taxes p a id ..
Dividends u n p a id ..............................
Commercial deposits subject to
ch eck .................................................

1,800 00
56,339 97

55,526 60

Commercial certificates of d ep o sit.
Due to banks and b an k ers...............

437 77

2 432 07

173,143 34

173,132 93

Certified checks..................................
Cashier’s checks o u tstan d in g ...........
Savings dep o sits................................
Savings certificates of deposit. . . .

181,171 12

S tate monies on d ep o sit...................
Notes and bills rediscounted..........
Bills p a y a b le .......................................
T o tals............................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

$265,167 88

$268,242 60

$267,261 21



No. 421.
Organized August 27, 1908.
F a i r f i e l d G o o d w i n , P r e s id e n t ; E d g a r A . P l a n k , S t e p h e n I. R u d d , V ic e P r e s id e n t s ;
F r a n k J. P h i l l i p s , C a s h ie r ; H e n r y C. G r a n t , A s s i s t a n t C a s h ie r .
D i r e c t o r s .—John R. Carr, Fairfield Goodwin, E dgar A . Plank, Stephen I. R udd, Jam es L. Robinson

John H. Phillips, William Jones.


R eport of
Nov. 27, ’08

R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Feb. 5, ’09. April 28, ’09 June 23, '09 Sept. 1, ’09.

Loans and discounts.........................

$16,172 07

$24,827 94

$34,302 70

Bonds, m ortgages and securities...

6,032 72

7,082 72

11,182 72

Prem ium s paid on b o nds.................

93 60

O verdrafts............................................

3 44

3 00

Banking house....................................
F u rn itu re and fixtures.....................

3,581 92

3,995 92

3,995 92

O ther real e state................................
Due from other banks and bankers
(not reserve cities).......................

1,505 19

3,907 95

3,280 03

14,264 90

10,766 12

11,163 79

Item s in tra n sit.................................
U nited States bonds.........................
Due from banks in reserve c itie s ..
Exchanges for clearing h o u se. . .
U. S. and N ational bank c u rre n cy .

3,470 00

275 69

969 63

7,579 00

5,063 00

Gold co in .............................................

50 00

35 00

390 00

Silver co in ...........................................

399 70

761 80

92 10

Nickels and c en ts..............................

61 35

53 00

Checks and cash ite m s ....................
Expenses, interest and taxes p a id .

49 37
050 00

8 65

238 00

153 44

T o tals............................................

$45,546 50

$59,526 58

$71,389 30

Capital stock paid in .......................

$25,330 00

$34,400 00

$40,000 00

Dividends u n p a id ..............................
Commercial deposits subject to
check .................................................

10,996 99

14,829 73

18,452 73

Commercial certificates of d ep o sit.

8,944 35

9,513 89

11,238 27

275 16

782 96

1,698 30

$45,546 50

$59,526 58

$71 389 30

Surplus fu n d ........................................
Undivided profits, less current ex­
penses, interest and taxes p a id . .

Due to banks and b an k ers...............
Certified checks..................................
Cashier’s checks o u tstan d in g ..........
Savings dep o sits................................
Savings certificates of deposit. . . .
Notes and bills rediscounted.........
Bills p a y a b le .......................................
T o tals..........................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



No. 343.
Organized June 30, 1906.
C. W. M c P h a i l ,

P r e s id e n t ; J o h n S in a l l e g a n , V ic e P r e s id e n t ; W.
H. O l m s t e a d , A s s i s t a n t C a s h ie r .

S. R ic h a r d s o n ,

C a s h ie r ;

D ir e c t o r s .— C. W. McPhail, John Sinallegan, W. S. Richardson, A. F. W allbrecht, E. L. C'ole.


R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Nov. 27, ’08. Feb. 5, ’09. April 28, ’09. June 23, ’09. Sept. 1, ’09

Loans and discounts.......................

$62,407 77

$60,729 68

$61,364 30

$63,226 24

$70,725 86

Bonds, m ortgages and securities.

17,403 52

14,461 12

12,279 30

11,144 38

9,852 96

Prem ium s paid on b o n d s.............
O verdrafts..........................................

5 39

31 10

295 83

80 75

531 26

Banking house..................................

3,200 00

3,200 00

3,200 00

3,200 00

3,200 00

F urniture and fixtures...................

1,800 00

1,800 00

1,800 00

1,800 00

1,800 00

400 00

400 00

400 00

Other real estate...............................
Due from other banks and bankers
(not reserve cities).......................

224 32

1,178 92

1,912 30

4,587 11

1,620 75

5,155 28

Item s in tra n sit.................................
U nited States bonds.........................
1,105 02

4,261 87

3,821 33

5,937 32

Exchanges for clearing h o u se ........

1,879 43

1,496 57

1,051 51

44 28

696 S3

U. S. and N ational b ank currency

3,918 00

3,908 00

6,286 00

4,926 00

5,409 00

Gold c o in .............................................

1,500 00

1,605 00

1,265 00

1,290 00

1,375 00

Silver coin............................................

785 85

866 25

357 20

491 15

477 35

Nickels and c e n ts............................

74 05

76 56

40 72

61 01

38 09

$94,303 35

$93,675 07

$94,073 49

$97,188 24

$ 20,000

Due from banks in reserve cities. .

Checks and cash ite m s..................
Capital stock paid i n . .



$20,000 00

$20,000 00

$20,000 00

$20,000 00

1,000 00

2,000 00

2,000 00

2,000 00

2,000 00

4,822 36

431 07

2,091 59

2,983 90

3,231 60

Dividends u n p a id ..............................
Commercial deposits subject to
check .................................................

16,566 98

22,680 26

23,128 03

22,672 04

22,132 51

Commercial certificates of deposit

35,723 98

35,945 36

34,911 58

38,624 82

41,897 03

Due to banks and b an k ers.............

491 89

62 85

320 81

202 62

502 92

11,698 14

12,555 53

10,704 86

11,518 42

$97,188 24

$101,282 48

Surplus fu n d .......................................
Undivided profits, less current ex­
penses, interest and taxes p a id . .

Certified checks................................
Cashier’s checks outstan ding........
Savings d ep o sits................................


Savings certificates of d eposit........
Notes and bills rediscounted........
Bills p a y a b le ......................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

4,000 00
$94,303 35

$93,675 07

$94,073 49



No. 391.
Organized March 26, 1908.
Frank W

o l f , P r e s id e n t ;

H . P . S t e w a r t , E. I. W o l f , V ic e P r e s id e n t s ; C. D. M o s h e r , C a s h ie r ;
D a v id M i l l e r , A u d i t o r .

D i r e c t o r s .— F rank Wolf, E. I. Wolf, H. P. Stew art, C. D. Mosher, C. A. D ockstader, B ryant Weed.


R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Nov. 27, ’08. Feb. 5, ’09. April 28, ’09. June 23, ’09. Sept. 1, ’09.

Loans and discounts.........................

$128,815 04

$174,137 48

$162,280 15

$152,795 57

$146,233 31

Bonds, m ortgages and securities..

54,890 54

54,290 54

59,190 54

62,790 54

64,005 54

Prem ium s paid on b o n d s...............
O verdrafts............................................

6 48

Expenses, interest and taxes p a id .

76 26

63 81

519 86

Banking house....................................
F urniture and fixtures.....................

2,500 00

2,500 00

2,500 00

2,500 00

O ther real e sta te ................................
Due from other banks and bankers
(not reserve citie s).......................

6,300 44

6,491 34

6,491 34

6,491 34

36,531 03

25,482 29

19,109 73

20,821 89

2,500 00

2,000 00

Item s in tra n s it.................................
U nited S tates bonds.........................
Due from banks in reserve cities. .

56,258 46

Exchanges for clearing h o u se .........
U. S. and N ational b ank cu rre n cy .

7,158 00

9,080 00

10,491 00

8,197 00

3,955 00

Gold co in .............................................

2,565 00

2,835 00

3,610 00

3,150 00

3,390 00

Silver coin............................................

1,634 00

1,113 75

.1,022 75

1,046 .50

751 00

Nickels and c e n ts..............................

399 63

362 88

364 80

412 06

309 12

Checks and cash ite m s....................

21 54

87 27

13 20


T o tals............................................

$260,549 16

$290,025 41

$271,446 07

$250,493 24

$242,089 67

Capital stock paid in .......................

$30,000 00

$30,000 00

$30,000 00

$30,000 00

$30,000 00

3,000 00

3,000 00

3,000 00

3,000 00

1,202 96

1,759 31

3,378 41

70,397 12

42,299 02

29,079 73

Surplus fu n d ........................................
Undivided profits, less current ex­
penses, interest and taxes p a id . .

2,778 90

Dividends u n p a id ..............................
Commercial deposits subject to
ch eck .................................................

59,551 72

83,444 35

Commercial certificates of d ep o sit.
Dne to hanks and h an k ers...............
120 96

517 60

O r t i fifid eh eek s ..................................
Cashier’s elieeks outstanding..........
Savings d ep o sits................................

19,038 64

20,801 54

23,315 29

23,322 06

24,703 75

Savings certificates of dep o sit........

149,179 90

152,261 92

143,530 70

155,991 89

151,927 78

T o tals............................................

$260,549 16

$290,025 41

$271,446 07

$256,493 24

$242,089 67

Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



No. 315.
Organized June 8, 1905.
R e u b e n P. F o l e y , P r e s id e n t ; G. C. G e i k e n , H. S. H

a b s h a , V ic e P r e s id e n t s ;

W. J. R a c h o w ,

C a s h ie r .

D i r e c t o r s .— R. P. Foley, John Burns, H. L. Iddings, G. C. Geiken, H. S. H arsha, Guy S. Brown,

W. J. Rachow.

R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Nov. 27, ’08. Feb. 5, ’09. April 28, ’09. June 23, ’09. Sept. 1, ’09.


Loans and discounts.........................

$42,508 26

$48,943 13

$48,984 02

$53,576 48

$64,406 25

Bonds, m ortgages and securities...

12,365 00

17,340 00

23,595 00

22,595 00

23,595 00

125 47

201 17

9S0 99

186 05

194 82

F u rn itu re and fixtures.....................

3.500 00

3.500 00

3.500 00

3.500 00

3.500 00

O ther real estate................................
Due from other banks and bankers
(not reserve cities).......................

1.500 00

1.500 00

1.500 00

1.500 00

1.500 00

1,000 00

6 29

1,000 00

811 67

2,847 25

7,350 17

5,652 91

3,854 33

5,259 29

20,451 77

Prem ium s paid on b o n d s.................
O verdrafts............................................
Banking house....................................

Item s in tra n sit..................................
United S tates bonds.....................*..
Due from banks in reserve cities. .
Exchanges for clearing h o u s e .. . .
U. S. and Natiortal bank currency.

5,300 00

6,033 00

4,357 00

4,091 00

4,968 00

Gold co in .............................................

675 00

345 00

1,362 50

1,825 00

1,000 00

Silver c o in .................. .....................

498 55

573 80

480 00

868 80

1,191 25

Nickels and cen ts..............................

68 45

63 39

114 11

115 50

249 36

132 65

57 00

705 95

494 13

71 28

$75,023 55

$84,215 09

$90,433 90

$94,822 92

$123,974 98

$25,000 00

Checks and cash ite m s . . . .


T o tals..........................................
Capital stock paid in .......................

$25,000 00

$25,000 00

$25,000 00

$25,000 00

Surplus fu n d ........................................
Undivided profits, less current ex­
penses, interest and taxes paid. .

500 00

1,000 00

1,000 00

1,000 00

1,100 00

1,669 22

935 77

1,567 65

2,102 71

1,967 87

Dividends u n p a id ..............................
Commercial deposits subject to
ch eck .................................................

23,239 91

20,707 06

27,279 55

25,642 84

47,340 66

Commercial certificates of d ep o sit.

17,168 77

18,373 88

12,715 65

9,985 31

8,632 20

Due to banks and b an k ers...............
Certified checks..................................
Cashier’s checks o u tstan d in g ...........
Savings d ep o sits................................

7,445 65

Savings certificates of d e p o s it....

9,806 77

9,515 98

10,468 44

12,700 26

8,392 21

13,355 07

20,623 62

27,233 99

$84,215 69

$90,433 90

$94,822 92

$123,974 98

Notes and bills rediscounted .........
Bills p a v a b le .......................................
T o tals............................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

$75,023 55



No. 218.
Organized August 14, 1899.
A. D. B a u g h m a n ,
D i r e c t o r s . —A. D

H. S p e n c e r , V ic e
N. B. A l s o v e r , A s s i s t a n t

P r e s id e n t ; G e o .

P r e s id e n t ;
C a s h ie r .

H. K. J e n n i n g s ,

C a s h ie r ;

Baughman, W. B. O tto, A lbert M urray, H . K. Jennings, G. H . Spencer, E. D.
Barber, Chas. B. Lamb.


R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Nov. 27, ’08. Feb. 5, ’09. April 28, ’09. June 23, ’09. Sept. 1, ’09.

Loans and discounts.........................

$106,333 57

$150,537 96

$153,705 55

$132,210 05

$118,034 63

Bonds, m ortgages and securities. .

158,930 12

174,553 12

169,913 12

197,333 12

207,253 12

6,000 00

6,000 00

4,450 00

3,543 04

509 14

3,568 17

4,673 07

22,017 18

24,047 79

24,082 62

24,109 32

24,140 53

U. S. and National bank cu rren cy .

8,941 00

12,492 00

14,337 00

15,018 00

12,252 00

O o ld c o in

5,000 00
28 00

77 00

57 00

39 00

117 00

4 20

5 00

2 91

2 32

5 92

Prem ium s paid on b o n d s...............
O verdrafts............................................
Banking house....................................
F u rn itu re and fixtures. . .
O ther real e s ta te .. .
Due from other banks and bankers
(not reserve cities).......................
Item s in tra n sit.................................
U nited S tates bonds................
Due from banks in reserve cities..
Exchanges for clearing h o u se .........

Silver coin............................................
Nickels and c en ts..............................



rash ite m s .........

T o tals............................................

$364,797 11

$362,222 01

$308,098 20

$378,280 85

$370,926 27

Capital stock paid in .......................

$100,000 00

$100,000 00

$100,000 00

$100,000 00

$100,000 00

Surplus fu n d ......................................
Undivided profits, less current ex­
penses, interest and taxes paid. .

20,000 00

20,000 00

20,000 00

20,000 00

20,000 00

16,044 66

14,665 57

8,448 42

10,925 91

7,662 69

Dividends u n p a id ..............................
Commercial deposits subject to
cheek . .

18 00

142 00

48 00

8 00

20 00

Commercial certificates of d ep o sit.
One to hanks and bankers«

988 50

Certified checks
Cashier’s checks outstanding’. . .
Savings dep o sits................................

214,534 45

210,914 44

230,113 28

238,S46 94

234,093 58

Savings certificates of dep o sit........

11,800 00

10,500 00

8,500 00

8,500 00

9,150 00

Reserved for interest on deposits. .

2,400 00

$362,222 01

$368,098 20

$378,280 85

$370,926 27


fin d b i l l s r e d i s c o u n t e d

Trills payable. .
T o tals............................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

$364,797 11



No. 305.
Organized January 24, 1905.
J a m e s F. M o i . o n e y , P r e s id e n t ; W m . L. M a r t i n , J. H. C l u n e , V ic e P r e s id e n t s ;
P e r c y T D u d i . e y , C a s h ie r .
D i r e c t o r s .— Jam es F. Moloney, Wm. L. M artin, John H. Clune, W. L. H agadorn, George A nnand,

S. A. St. Amour, Vet S. Moloney, Geo. E. Frost, Henry Barber.


R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Nov. 27, ’08. Feb. 5, ’09. April 28, ’09. June 23, ’C9. Sept. 1, '09.

Loans and discounts.........................

$101,211 49

$106,585 00

$104,700 31

$111,769 37

$107,496 36

Bonds, m ortgages and securities...

60,759 65

01,084 65

59,254 65

58,190 15

61,665 15-

909 23

346 20

773 71

554 50

166 91

3,997 91

3,997 91

3,997 91

3,997 91

3,997 91

Prem ium s paid on b o n ds.................
O verdrafts............................................
Banking house....................................
F u rn itu re and fixtures.....................
Other real estate................................
Due from other banks and bankers
(not reserve cities).......................

81 57

Item s in tra n sit.................................

544 58

399 97

1,160 73

1,938 92

1,363 81

17,405 62

20,130 85

12,743 39

6,754 61

24,181 95
7,843 00

United States bonds.........................
Due from banks in reserve cities. .
Exchanges for clearing house. . . .
U. S. and N ational bank cu rre n cy .

8,811 00

4,771 00

8,488 00

6,646 00

Gold c o in ................. , ........................

2,195 00

2,070 00

1,230 00

3,560 00

3,605 00

Silver c o in ...........................................

1,589 90

1,333 40

1,389 90

1,801 10

2,768 65

Nickels and c e n ts..............................

405 97

409 48

308 07

249 12

211 34

Checks and cash ite m s....................

550 93

404 13

278 83

698 97

1,725 45

T o tals............................................

$198,462 85

$201,532 59

$194,325 50

$196,160 65

$215,025 53

Capital stock paid in .......................

$50,000 00

$50,000 00

$50,000 00

$50,000 00

$50,000 00

Surplus fu n d ........................................
Undivided profits, less current ex­
penses, interest and taxes p a id ..

1,000 00

1,500 00

1,500 00

1,500 00

1,500 00

3,628 71

1,219 73

1,651 84

2,426 70

3,145 77

Dividends u n p a id ..............................
Commercial deposits subject to
check .................................................

12 00

18 00

6 00

6 00

52,147 11

54,737 21

41,671 99

44,012 85

58,407 16

4,238 51

3,611 23

6,089 38

7,400 53

20,534 99

Savings d ep o sits................................

34,918 24

39,918 71

38,640 43

35,073 01

35,298 29

Savings certificates of deposit. . . .

45,793 28

45,527 71

44,765 86

43,659 76

45,129 66

Notes and bills rediscounted.........

6,725 00

5,000 00

10,000 00

12,081 80

1,009 66

$198,462 85

$201,532 59

$194,325 50

$196,160 65

$215,025 53

Commercial certificates of d e p o sit.
Due to banks and b an k ers...............
Certified checks..................................
Cashier’s checks o u tstan d in g ..........

Bills p a y ab le.......................................
T o tals............................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



No. 304.
Organized February 11, 1905.
F r a n k S h e p h e r d , P r e s id e n t ; D u d l e y E . W a t e r s , V ic e P r e s id e n t ; G e o . G . B r o w n , C a s h ie r ;
G e o . D . N im m o , A s s i s t a n t C a s h ie r .
D i r e c t o r s .— F. Shepherd, W. P. DeKlyne, M. E. Riggs, G. A. Thompson, George G. Brown, Dudley


E. W aters, O. H. G ebhardt, B. A. Cueny, H. A. Blake, G. W. Rittenhouse.

R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Nov. 27, ’08. Feb. 5, ’09. April 28, ’09. June 23, ’09. Sept. 1, ’09.

Loans and discounts.........................

$152,129 82

$157,876 63

$155,484 77

$155,804 24

$159 819 93

Bonds, m ortgages and securities..

36,936 02

39,116 62

41,874 23

43,013 23

44,317 71

Prem ium s paid on b o n d s...............
O verdrafts..........................................

2,285 9S

990 21

774 95

1,496 11

715 41

Banking house....................................

11,100 00

11,100 00

11,100 00

11,100 00

11,000 00

F urniture and fixtures.....................

3,100 00

3,000 00

3,000 00

3,000 00

3,000 00

O ther real e state................................
Due from other banks and bankers
(not reserve cities).......................

2,423 98

903 44

6,025 51

3,649 61

3,527 40

298 67

941 50

277 20

1,189 23

2,099 74

9,502 70

Item s in tra n sit.................................
U nited S tates bonds.........................
Due from banks in reserve c itie s ..

15,903 54

27,844 61

17,137 02

13,885 72

Exchanges for clearing h o u se.........

415 64

1,228 22

409 13

128 69

819 30

U. S. and N ational bank c u rre n cy .

5,764 00

6,794 00

9,436 00

8,652 00

9,871 00

Gold co in ..............................

2,132 50

2,792 50

3,840 00

2,900 00

3,640 00

Silver coin..........................................

1,909 00

2,439 55

1,539 80

1,480 10

1,192 80

Nickels and c e n ts..............................

143 53

131 66

164 90

105 68

73 06

Checks and cash ite m s ....................

267 03

371 79

141 09

384 86

170 18

T o tals............................................

$234,809 71

$255,530 73

$251,204 60

$247,389 47

$249,749 29

Capital stock paid in .......................

$50,000 00

$50,000 00

$50,000 00

$50,000 00

$50,000 00

2,500 00

3,000 00

3,000 00

3,000 00

3,500 00

3,006 82

1,273 39

2,666 23

3,256 20

2,207 58

60 00

45 00

9 00

9 00

50,252 04

80,216 11

64,246 54

5S,003 28

53,266 30

170 64

3,109 11

2,593 67

1,212 22

Surplus fu n d ......................................
Undivided profits, less current ex­
penses, interest and taxes p a id . .
Dividends u n p a id ...............
Commercial deposits subject to
ch eck ...............................................
Commercial certificates of d ep o sit.
Due to banks and b an k ers...............
Certified checks........................... , . .

24 24

33 71

Cashier’s checks outstanding..........
Savings d ep o sits................................

32,258 20

32,451 84

34,958 42

36,861 68

37,891 10

Savings certificates of dep o sit........

95,599 65

88,373 75

83,074 39

79,505 14

85 115 05

5,000 00

2,500 00

2,500 00

5,116 67

11,657 50

14,023 33

$251,204 60

$247,389 47

$249,749 29

S tate monies on d eposit...................
Notes and bills rediscounted...........

1,133 00

Bills p a y a b le .......................................
T o tals..........................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

$234,809 71

$255,530 73



No. 397.
Organized April 22, 1908.
J . F. W a i ,TROUS, P r e s id e n t ; P e t e r M e r k e l , C h r i s t i a n G r a u , V ic e P r e s id e n t s ;
P a u l G. S c i i a i b l e , C a s h ie r .
D i r e c t o r s . —John F. W altrous, P eter Merkel, Christian Grau, Lewis Geyer, Jas. G uthrie C H Kalm-

bach, John Kalm bach, O. C. B urkhart, John Farrell, H. L. Wood.
R eport of
Nov. 27, ’08



R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Feb. 5, ’09. April 28, ’09 June 23, ’09 Sept. 1, ’09.

Loans and discounts.........................

$24,422 53

$2S,503 46

$49,397 11

$52,703 93

$52,971 80

Bonds, m ortgages and se cu rities...

44,347 78

57,285 78

57,175 78

75,525 78

81,400 78

Prem ium s paid on b o n d s.................
O verdrafts..........

17 39

9 50

472 05

435 14

119 35

2,800 00

2,800 00

2,800 00

2,800 00

2,800 00

931 17

933 67

933 67

1,003 67

1,003 67

Due from banks in reserve cities..

13,351 99

21,604 63

23,281 10

12,622 49

12,802 26

Exchanges for clearing h o u s e ....

71 70

99 23

986 07

127 13

91 48

U. S. and N ational bank cu rren cy .

4,302 00

2,S95 00

7,438 00

5,948 00

4,767 00

Gold co in ........................

2,205 00

2,185 00

1,825 00

2,435 00

2,067 50

770 10

555 00

1,001 60

1,512 55

1,109 30

Nickels and c e n ts...............

88 58

118 16

181 02

230 13

287 10

Checks and cash ite m s.........

85 59

1,542 50

20 25

21 95

1 25

Banking house..................................
F urniture and fixtures.................
Other real estate.................
Due from other banks and bankers
(not reserve cities).....................
Item s in tra n sit...................
United S tates bonds.......................

Silver c o in ....................

Expenses p a id .................

320 06

T o tals.........................

$93,713 89

$118,531 93

$145,511 65

$155,365 77

$159,421 49

$25,000 00

$25,000 00

$25,000 00

$25,000 00

$25,000 00

ISO 50

394 10

330 16

781 92

20,449 24

26,877 34

32,390 84

27,067 83

31,327 78

Savings certificates of deposit. . . .

34,251 65

47,999 73

57,660 27

70,299 07

72,997 65

Savings dep o sits.........

14,013 00

18,474 36

29,952 68

32,668 11

28,814 14

$145,511 65

SI55,365 77

$159,421 49

Capital stock paid in .................
Surplus fu n d ..................
Undivided profits, -less current ex­
penses, interest and taxes p a id .
Dividends u n p a id ...................
Commercial deposits subject
check ...........................

500 00


Commercial certificates of d ep o sit.
Due to banks and b an k ers...........
Certified checks...............
Cashier’s checks o u tstan ding...........

113 76

Notes and bills rediscounted........
Bills p a y ab le................................
T otals...................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

£ 0 2 7 1 2 8Q






No. 203.
Organized January 14, 1898.
H. S. H o l m e s ,

C. H. K e m p f , V ic e P r e s id e n t ; G e o . A. B e G o l e , C a s h ie r ;
J o h n L . F l e t c h e r , A s s i s t a n t C a s h ie r .

P r e s id e n t ;

D i r e c t o r s .— Reuben Kempf, C. H. Kempf, H. S. Holmes, C. Klein, O tto D . Luick, E dw ard Vogel



C. McLaren.

R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Nov. 27, ’08. Feb. 5, ’09. April 28, ’09. June 23, ’09. Sept. 1, ’09.

Loans and discounts..........

$94,988 93

$86,107 75

$66,740 65

$72,523 91

$78,507 64

Bonds, m ortgages and securities. .

354,951 42

365,779 67

384,427 51

387,398 39

381,748 37

Prem ium s paid on b o n d s. . . .

1,007 69

1,173 83

2,510 45

2,423 25

1,787 50

O verdrafts............................................

7,228 85

634 10

5,441 08

2,483 77

2,577 94

Banking house....................................

15,000 00

15,000 00

15,000 00

15,000 00

15,000 00

F urniture, and fixtures.....................

5,150 00

5,100 00

5,100 00

5,100 00

5,050 00

O ther real e state...............................
Due from other banks and bankers
(not reserve cities).......................

400 00

400 00

400 00

400 00

400 00

’ 375 00

375 00

Item s in tra n sit.................................

2,554 00

2,346 60

146 00
660 00

U nited S tates bonds.........................

2,500 00

2,500 00

2,500 00

2,500 00

2,500 00

Due from banks in reserve cities..

62,614 45

63,812 11

58,867 78

61,595 03

50,612 87

89 04

35 56

U. S. and National b ank c u rre n cy .

8,592 00

11,609 00

13,750 00

10,237 00

12,078 00

Gold co in .............................................

15,372 50

10,497 50

16,335 00 .

15,577 50

16,310 00

Silver coin............................................

1,479 10

1,378 60

1,173 90

1,413 15

1,719 20

Nickels and c e n ts..............................

177 89

149 27

135 63

250 86

180 73

Checks and cash ite m s ....................

• 232 26

123 34

223 43

168 17

421 52

$572,249 09

$572,611 77

$572,980 46

$577,535 07

$569,735 33

$40,000 00

$40,000 00

$40,000 00

$40,000 00

$40,000 00

15,000 00

20,000 00

20,000 00

20,000 00

20,000 00

13,845 99

7,313 11

11,454 37

9,456 25

10,818 96

Exchanges for clearing h o u se .........

T o ta ls... .
Capital stock paid in .......................
Surplus fu n d ......................................
Undivided profits, less current ex>penses, interest and taxes p a id . .
Dividends u n p a id ..............................
Commercial deposits subject to
ch eck .................................................

79,543 50

78,691 32

64,878 37

70,291 32

69,150 93

Commercial certificates of d ep o sit.

22,613 85

25,036 76

28,491 27

26,336 45-

28,715 76

116 00

Due to banks and b an k ers...............
Certified checks. ................................
Cashier’s checks o u tstanding..........
Savings d ep o sits.........
Savings certificates of d eposit........

250 00
50 00

786 00

350,228 77

349,760 94

357,378 34

357,396 58

348,436 21

50,966 98

51,693 64

50,528 11

54,054 47

51,827 47

$572,249 09

$572,611 77

$572,980 46

$577,535 07

$569,735 33

Notes and bills rediscounted...........
Bills p a y a b le .......................................
T otals..........................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



No. 235.

Organized June 22, 1901.
O. D. C h a p m a n , P r e s id e n t ; M. L. P a r s h a l l , V ic e P r e s id e n t ; F . A. G r e e n f e l d e r , C a s h ie r ;
H a r r y N. S l a c k , F l o r e n c e A. C h a p m a n , A s s i s t a n t C a s h ie r s .

D irectors .— 0 . D. Chapman, F. A. Greenfelder, R alph Agnew, G. M. Peet, M. L. Parshall, 0. C. Sperry.

R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Nov. 27, ’08. Feb. 5, ’09. April 28, ’09. June 23, ’09. Sept. 1, ’09.

Loans and discounts.........................

$148,536 73

$161,175 03

$155,450 29

$155,819 47

$166,272 17

Bonds, m ortgages and securities...

75,251 00

79,921 50

96,608 50

101,258 50

108,538 50

Prem ium s paid on b o nds.................
O verdrafts............................................

835 GO

460 90

586 00

135 35

43 47

Banking house....................................

7,500 00

8.500 00

8.500 00

8.500 00

8.500 00

F u rn itu re and fixtures.....................

1,475 00

1.500 00

1.500 00

1.500 00

1.500 00

1,525 62

1,978 20

1,340 00

947 90

48,672 67

36,800 94

21,839 87

36,474 54

O ther real e sta te ................................
Due from other banks and bankers
(not reserve cities).......................
Item s in tra n sit.................................
U nited S tates bonds.........................'
Due from banks in reserve c itie s ..

10,616 96

Exchanges for clearing house. . . .
U. S. and N ational bank c u rre n cy .

12,431 00

7,489 00

12,669 00

7,291 00

9,048 00

Gold c o in .............................................

10,830 00

12,127 50

12,757 50

13,002 50

13,312 50

Silver c o i n ...........................................

1,441 60

G17 90

1,113 95

1,691 25

2,186 15

Nickels and c e n ts..............................

84 67

83 56

121 19

148 74

132 76

Checks and cash ite m s ...................

405 11

151 03

448 16

390 80

385 00

T o tals............................................

$308,989 00

$310,805 56

$312,940 46

$327,226 05

$320,535 51

Capital stock paid in .......................

$25,000 00

$25,000 00

$25,000 00

$25,000 00

$25,000 00

2,600 00

2,815 00

2,815 00

2,815 00

3,000 00

3,828 43

2,093 25

4,936 34

5,302 82

1,226 35

Surplus fu n d .......................................
Undivided profits, less current ex­
penses, interest and taxes p a id . .
Dividends u n p a id ..............................
Commercial deposits subject to
ch eck .................................................

50,089 54

66,001 64

51,314 36

50,202 51

46,696 91

Commercial certificates of d ep o sit.

154,872 78

143,446 26

131,004 77

104,040 35

111,015 88

65,998 25

70,803 91

68,294 48

75,850 27

76,596 92

29,575 51

64,015 10

50,967 95

$312,940 46

$327,226 05

$320,535 51

45 50

31 50

Due to banks and b an k ers...............
Certified checks..................................
Cashier’s checks o u tstan d in g ...........
Savings d ep o sits................................
Savings certificates of deposit. . . .
Notes and bills discounted .............
Bills p a y a b le .......................................
T o tals............................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

$308,989 00

$310,805 56



No. 424.
Organized December 22, 1908.
W il l ia m H a l e y , P r e s i d e n t ; A l l e n E. M u l d e r , V ic e P r e s id e n t ; G e o . E. B e n n e r , C a s h ie r .
D i r e c t o r s .— William Haley, Jam es Duncan, Allen E. Mulder, John W. Calkins, Nelson A Bloom

Geo. E. Benner.

, Resources.

R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Nov. 27, ’08. Feb. 5, ’09. April 28, ’09. June 23, ’09. Sept. 1, ’09.

Loans and discounts.........................

$39,764 65

$44,275 14

$43,349 16

Bonds, m ortgages and se c u ritie s...

9,529 57

9,150 39

9,665 39

Prem ium s paid on b o n d s.................
O verdrafts............................................

434 84

169 84

80 53

Banking house....................................

5.000 00

5.000 00

5.000 00

F urniture and fixtures.....................

2.000 00

2.000 00

2.000 00

3,374 63

1,564 28

10,169 75

12,127 90

4,729 15
2,696 00

O ther real estate................................
Due from other banks and bankers
(not reserve cities).......................
Item s in tra n sit.................................
U nited States bo n d s.........................
Due from banks in reserve cities..
Exchanges for clearing house. . . .
U. S. and N ational bank cu rren cy .

3,938 00

1,821 00

Gold c o in .............................................

952 50

1,147 50

1,387 50

Silver c o in ...........................................

916 20

498 35

1,158 65

Nickels and c e n ts..............................

145 69

277 14

226 90

Checks and cash ite m s ....................

1,499 36

1,396 68

3,025 30

T o tals............................................

$77,725 19

$79,428 22

$73,318 58

Capital stock paid in .......................

$20,000 00

$20,000 00

$20,000 00

Surplus fu n d ........................................
Undivided profits, less current ex­
penses, interest and taxes paid. .

577 79

800 61

818 83

Dividends u n p a id ..............................
Commercial deposits subject to
ch eck .................................................

29,587 57

29,048 35

24,040 43

80 00

Commercial certificates of d ep o sit.
Due to banks and b an k ers...............
Certified ch eck s..................................
Cashier’s checks o u tstan d in g ...........

................... ......................

Savings d ep o sits................................

11,627 43

12,285 51

13,345 71

Savings certificates of dep o sit. . . .

15,932 40

17,293 75

15,033 61

$77,725 19

$79,428 22

$73,318 58

Notes and bills rediscounted..........
Bills p a y a b le .......................................
T o tals............................................

Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



No. 118.
Organized June 23, 1891.
C. W. P e r r y ,

P r e s i d e n t ; W m . W o l s e y , V ic e P r e s id e n t .

C. H. S u t h e r l a n d ,

C a s h ie r .

D i r e c t o r s .— C. W. P erry, Wm. Wolsey, L. W iesman, Joseph Hudson, C. H. Sutherland.


R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Nov. 27, ’08. Feb. 5, ’09. April 28, ’09. June 23, ’09. Sept. 1, ’09.
$104,498 78

$99,262 80

$113,790 86

$117,059 75

$122,744 35

Bonds, m ortgages and se c u ritie s..

52,984 47

56,517 47

83,239 47

87,949 47

92,439 47

O verdrafts............................................

1,470 77

359 57

336 64

2,593 11

812 28

Banking house....................................

5,500 00

5,500 00

5,500 00

5,500 00

5,500 00

F u rn itu re and fixtures.....................

1,200 00

1,200 00

1,200 00

1,200 00

1,200 00

Due from other banks and bankers
(not reserve cities).......................

24,000 00

24,000 00

29,000 00

24,000 00

20,000 00

1,534 00

1,482 50

38,092 19

60,467 57

49,189 79

37,303 05

28,975 46

U. S. and N ational bank currency.

16,862 00

15,875 00

10,754 00

11,566 00

8,410 00

Gold c o in .............................................

1,440 00

2,660 00

3,105 00

3,755 00

4,015 00

Silver coin............................................

1,755 75

3,156 30

1,520 65

1,223 50

1,356 20

Nickels and c en ts..............................

152 56

167 04

137 02

157 29

193 88

Checks and cash ite m s....................

2,327 47

2,766 %

2,689 11

1,821 98

1,890 82

T o tals............................................

$250,283 99

$273,466 77

$301,945 04

$294,129 15

$290,466 64

Capital stock paid in .......................

Loans and discounts.........................

Item s in tr a n s it,................................

2,929 18

United S taffs bonds
Due from banks in reserve c itie s ..
Exch anges for clearing bon so

$20,000 00

$20,000 00

$20,000 00

$20,000 00

$20,000 00

Surplus fu n d ......................................
Undivided profits, less current ex­
penses, interest and taxes p a i d ..

7,000 00

7,000 00

7,000 00

7,000 00

7,000 00

4,933 64

2,242 55

5,624 33

1,955 00

2,388 43

Dividends unpaid
Commercial deposits subject to
ch eck .................................................

75 00

175 00

175 00

150 00

45,395 01

54,705 49

48,095 66

43,941 57

44,468 32

600 00

35,633 98

58,226 90

Commercial certificates of d ep o sit.
Due to banks and hankers
Certified checks

100 00

Cashier’s checks outstanding'
Savings dep o sits................................

86,978 12

105,180 43

113,266 69

110,864 25

110,355 72

Savings certificates of deposit........

85,902 22

84,163 30

107,083 36

74,584 35

48,027 27

$250,283 99

$273.466 77

$301.945 04

$294,129 15

$290,466 64

Notes and bills rediscounted

T o tals............................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



No. 267.
Organized November 25, 1902.
A n d r e w K. E d g a r , P r e s id e n t ; C. J. S u t h e r l a n d , V ic e P r e s i d e n t ; R. E. J o s s m a n , C a s h ie r .
D i r e c t o r s .— A. K. Edgar, Manley Bower, E dm und Foster, George F. Gross, R. E. Jossm an



J. Sutherland, L ant Sherwood.

R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Nov. 27, ’08. Feb. 5, ’09. April 28, ’09. June 23, ’09. Sept. 1, ’09

Loans and discounts.........................

$71,534 14

$74,034 66

$67,361 98

$66,494 80

$69,199 72

Bonds, m ortgages and securities..

46,770 80

45,016 25

44,151 25

43,879 35

42,729 35

Prem ium s paid on b o n d s...............
O verdrafts............................................

423 60

Expenses, interest and taxes p a id .

3 77

B anking house..................................
F u rn itu re and fixtures...................

950 00

850 00

850 00

850 00

775 00

O ther real estate..............................
Due from other banks and bankers
(not reserve cities).......................

242 67

242 67

242 67

242 67

242 67

66 33

241 85

144 88

177 74

55 32

Item s in tra n sit.................................

575 00

924 00

4,001 25

407 87

9,256 19

14,453 02

8,906 71

8,330 62

5,729 06

United States bonds.........................
Due from banks in reserve cities. .
Exchanges for clearing h o u se.........
U. S. and N ational bank c u rre n cy .

5,543 00

8,731 00

9,831 00

6,859 00

4,127 00

Gold c o in ...........................................

945 00

1,035 00

1,220 00

1,515 00

1,550 00

Silver coin..........................................

430 90

449 80


385 80

756 55

Nickels and c e n ts............................

80 43

55 78

61 54

67 13

70 04

Checks and cash ite m s..................

22 00

57 86

56 38

24 86

9 00

$136,840 06

$146,095 66

$137,033 21

$129,234 84

$125,243 71

$20,000 00

$20,000 00

$20,000 00

$20,000 00

$20,000 00

9,000 00

9,500 00

9,500 00

9,500 00

10,000 00

967 25 ......................

667 22

905 67

49 03

13,830 30

9,501 34

T o tals......................................
Capital stock paid in .......................
Surplus fu n d ....................................
Undivided profits, less current ex­
penses, interest and taxes p a id ..
Dividends u n p a id ..............................
Commercial deposits subject to
ch eck ...............................................

12,592 53

25,125 02

16,507 00

Savings dep o sits.................................

24,103 08

22,581 11

28,302 50

30,841 19

28,261 93

Savings certificates of deposit........

53,765 05

56,739 53

56,056 43

54,157 68

57,431 41

Notes and bills rediscounted...........

16,412 15

12,150 00

6,000 00

$136,840 06

$146,095 66

$137,033 21

$129,234 84

$125,243 71

Commercial certificates of d ep o sit.
Due to banks and b an k ers...............
Certified checks..................................
Cashier’s checks o utstanding...........

Bills p a y a b le .......................................
T otals............................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



No. 376.
Organized August 25, 1907.
A. A. A l d r i c h ,

P r e s id e n t ;

M. S c r a m l in ,

V ic e P r e s id e n t ;

T. E. S i n c l a i r ,

C a s h ie r .

D i r e c t o r s .— A. A. Aldrich, A. T. Slaght, M. Scramlin, J. E. Kimble, L. T. Becker, T. T. Hallock,

George Carpp, J. W. Pierce, A. D. Leiter.


R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Nov. 27, ’08. Feb. 5, ’09. April 28, ’09 Junè 23, ’09. Sept. 1, ’09.

Loans and discounts.........................

$39,404 89

$38,900 39

$37,811 74

$37,615 60

$37,019 32

Bonds, m ortgages and securities...

19,824 43

22,444 43

28,069 43

28,119 43

30,149 43

Prem ium s paid on b o n d s.................

547 38

300 00

300 00

300 00

O verdrafts............................................

251 43

132 93

54 81

F urn itu re and fixtures.....................

1,250 00

1,250 00

1,250 00

1,250 00

O ther real e s ta te ...............................
Due from other banks and bankers
(not reserve cities).......................

2,317 94

1,380 59

670 38

1,820 27

155 42

Banking house....................................

Item s in tra n sit.................................

1,250 00

294 48

417 66

7,658 11

9,893 72

12,858 38

United States bonds.........................
Due from banks in reserve cities. .

15,809 09

15,358 59

Exchanges for clearing h o u s e ....
U. S. and N ational bank cu rre n cy .

2,110 00

2,175 00

1,260 00

3,068 00

2,470 00

Gold c o in ................................ ............

1,380 00

1,495 00

2,130 00

1,305 00

1,630 00

Silver c o in ...........................................

140 60

104 40

318 15

150 35

220 40

Nickels and c e n ts................... ; . . . .

33 72

34 OS

28 75

9 25

13 14

Checks and cash ite m s ...................

13 03

105 77

26 00

98 42

111 30

T o tals............................................

$83,082 51

$83,721 18

$79,577 37

$83,924 52

$86,295 05

Capital stock paid in .......................

$20,000 00

$20,000 00

$20,000 00

$20,000 00

$20,000 00

200 00

200 00

200 00

200 00

Surplus fu n d ........................................
Undivided profits, less current ex­
penses, interest and taxes p a id . .

1,282 18

441 00

506 12

825 58

735 56

Dividends u n p a id ..............................
Commercial deposits subject to
ch eck .................................................

16,212 28

12,996 28

11,319 03

15,746 27

17,507 58

Savings d ep o sits................................

39,707 29

48,052 03

44,928 98

46,177 33

44,445 87

Savings certificates of d ep o sit. . . .

5,880 78

2,031 27

2,623 24

975 34

3,406 04

$S3,082 51

$83,721 18

$79,577 37

$83,924 52

$88,295 05

Commercial certificates of d ep o sit.
Due to banks and b an k ers...............
Certified checks..................................
Cashier’s checks o u tstan d in g ...........

Notes and bills red isco unted........
Bills p a y a b le .......................................
T o tals............................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



No. 104.
Organized October 14, 1890.
B. S. S p o f f o r d ,

P r e s id e n t ;

F. L. B u r d i c k , G.

W . V a n A k e n , V ic e P r e s id e n t s ;

M. W. W i m e r ,

C a s h ie r .

D i r e c t o r s .— B. S. Spofford, G. W. VanAken, N. A. Reynolds, F. L. Burdick, Alfred Milnes, N. Baldwin,

H. P. Woodward.


R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Nov. 27, ’08. Feb. 5, ’09. April 28, ’09. June 23, ’09. Sept. 1, ’09.

Loans and discounts.........................

$192,661 75

$206,032 24

$195,513 86

$221,638 42

$201,818 71

Bonds, m ortgages and securities. .

230,019 33

224,501 33

221,340 65

217,667 65

215,545 40

1,727 93

1,807 78

2,112 76

1,075 45

810 79

Due from banks in reserve cities..

110,991 59

139,006 36

94,262 32

79,015 21

87,927 76

E xchanges for clearing h o u se.........

1,013 22

653 93

1,064 66

1,016 81

653 23
25,744 00

P r e m i u m s p a ir! o n lio n (is

O verdrafts............................................
R a n k in g

boil so

F u r n itu r e , a n d

f ix tu re s

O th e r re a l e s ta te

Due from other banks and bankers
(not r e s e r v e c it i e s )
Tf e rn s i n f.ra.n si t,
fT n ife d S t a t e s b o n d s

U. S. and N ational bank currency.

28.039 00

28,490 00

26,838 00

24,627 00

Gold co in .............................................

15.040 00

15,630 00

12,575 00

14,100 00

13,805 00

Silver coin............................................

3,594 70

3,929 25

3,248 20

4,076 70

3,871 00

Nickels and c e n ts..............................

192 99

209 55

183 64

173 06

195 13

T o tals............................................

$583,280 51

$620,320 44

$557,139 09

$563,390 30

$550,371 02

Capital stock paid in .......................

$50,000 00

$50,000 00

$50,000 00

$50,000 00

$50,000 00

20,000 00

27,000 00

27,000 00

27,000 00

28,000 00

6,793 35

3,151 11

4,819 91

6,176 04

3,655 91

C hecks and

c a sh ite m s

Surplus fu n d .......................................
Undivided profits, less current ex­
penses, interest and taxes p a i d ..

30 00


Dividends unpaid
Commercial "deposits subject to
ch e c k .................................................

139,883 90

169,395 18

108,532 74

107,940 08

98,683 09

Commercial certificates of d ep o sit.

106,661 70

111,231 77

113,931 09

106,336 14

108,022 93

Savings d ep o sits................................

253,941 56

259,542 38

252,855 35

265,938 04

261,979 09

T o tals............................................

$583,280 51

$620,320 44

$557,139 09

$563,390 30

$550,371 02

Due to banks anil bankers
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



No. 358.
Organized December 26, 1906.
W m . D . G o r d o n , P r e s id e n t ; T h o s . E . M c C a n n , E d w i n T . H . S c o t t , V ic e P r e s id e n t s ;
W i l l E. R e a r d o n , Cashier.
D i r e c t o r s .— Joseph W. O’Brien, Ira T. Sayre, John H. Bodfish, Wm. D . Gordon, Thom as E. McCann,

Edw in T. H. Scott, Will E. Reardon.


R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Nov. 27, ’08. Feb. 5, ’09. April 28, ’09. June 23, ’09. Sept. 1, ’09.

Loans and discounts.........................

$10,591 57

$16,792 30

Bonds, m ortgages and securities...

952 00

885 00

B anking house....................................

6,500 00

6,500 00

F u rn itu re and fixtures.....................

300 00

250 00

Due from banks in reserve c itie s ..

4,384 91

3,514 34

Exchanges for clearing h o u s e .. . .

401 90

Prem ium s paid on b o n d s.................
O verdrafts............................................
Expenses, interest and taxes p a id .

344 29

O ther real estate................................
Due from other banks and bankers
(not reserve cities).......................
Item s in tra n sit..................................
United S tates bonds.........................

J . S. and N ational b ank currency.

757 00

Gold c o in .............................................

540 00

Silver co in ...........................................

124 10

184 65

Nickels and c en ts..............................

6 17

8 02

T o tals............................................

$30,617 65

$29,309 60

Capital stock paid in .......................

$20,000 00

$20,000 00

200 00

300 00

831 00

Checks and cash ite m s ....................

Surplus fu n d ........................................
Undivided profits, less current ex­
penses, interest and taxes p a i d ..

301 58

Dividends u n p a id ..............................
Commercial deposits subject to
ch e c k .................................................

5,031 87

4,181 44

Commercial certificates of d e p o sit.

5,084 20

4,828 16

$30,617 65

$29,309 60

Due to banks and b an k ers...............
Certified checks..................................
Cashier’s checks o u tstan d in g ...........
Savings d ep o sits................................
Savings certificates of d ep o sit. . . .
Notes and bills redisco unted.........
Bills p a y a b le .......................................
T o tals............................................

*Consolidated w ith Midland County Savings Bank, Midland, March 31, 1909.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



No. 292.
Organized June 1, 1904.
C. H. N i g g e m a n ,

i r e c t o r s .— J.

P r e s id e n t ;

J. E. C u r t i c e ,

V ic e P r e s id e n t ;

P. T. H e r w i g ,

C a s h ie r .

E. Curtice, E. B. K napp, Francis B. Niggeman, C. D. Williams, C. H. Niggeman,
J. M. Allen.


R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Nov. 27, ’08. Feb. 5, ’09. April 28, ’09. June 23, ’09. Sept. 1, ’09.

Loans and discounts.........................

$62,622 11

$60,580 12

$64,024 90

$66,402 44

$64,294 30

Bonds, m ortgages and securities...

11,220 75

8,656 75

8,141 75

7,596 75

6,584 75

Prem ium s paid on b o nds.................
O v erd rafts............................................

720 84

18 21

33 39

57 37

264 61

B anking house....................................

8,603 95

8,603 95

8,603 95

8,603 95

8,601 25

F u rn itu re and fixtures.....................

2,214 96

2,214 96

2,214 96

2,214 96

2,214 96

O ther real estate................................
Due from other banks and bankers
(not reserve c ities).......................

1,893 95

1,893 95

1,893 95

1,893 95

1,893 95

15,360 14

9,760 04

21,884 99

19,383 14

26,006 36

Item s in tra n sit.................................
U nited States bonds.........................
Due from banks in reserve cities..
Exchanges for clearing h o u s e .. . .
U. S. and N ational bank cu rre n cy .

3,775 00

4,130 00

4,055 00

4,130 00

3,384 00

Gold c o in .............................................

3,015 00

2,950 00

3,117 50

2,947 50

2,340 00

Silver c o in ...........................................

482 30

359 45

264 50

462 55

562 90

Nickels and c e n ts..............................

57 83

81 91

116 39

103 14

80 09

Checks and cash ite m s ....................

585 87

143 70

459 09

310 89

T o tals............................................

$110,552 70

$99,393 04

$114,810 37

$114,106 64

$116,227 17

C apital stock paid in .......................

$20,000 00

$20,000 00

$20,000 00

$20,000 00

$20,000 00

1,800 00

2,000 00

2,000 00

2,000 00

2,000 00

4,529 46

2,678 39

3,650 81

4,059 34

2,854 85

Dividends u n p a id ..............................
Commercial deposits subject to
c h e c k .................................................

36,356 03

30,371 10

35,104 35

32,178 94

34,228 73

Commercial certificates of d ep o sit.

41,613 69

37,556 22

41,699 73

43,666 58

44,858 44

Surplus fu n d ........................................
U ndivided profits, less current ex­
penses, interest and taxes p a id ..

70 00

300 00

87 94

Due to banks and b an k ers.............
Certified e.hee.ks.
Cashier’s checks o u tstan d in g ...........
Savings d ep o sits................................

6,253 52

6,487 33

7,355 48

7,201 78

7,127 21

5,000 00

5,000 00

5,000 00

$114,810 37

$114,106 64

$116,227 17

Savings of deposit,
S ta te monies on d ep o sit.................
Notes and bills rediseonnt.ed

T o tals............................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

$110,552 70

$99,393 04



No. 442.
Organized November, 28, 1909.

il l ia m

'H. B a l l ,

P r e s id e n t ; L e w i s U m p h r e y , V ic e P r e s id e n t ; C h a r l e s O. B a l l , C a s h ie r ;]
M. B a l l , A s s i s t a n t C a s h ie r .

D i r e c t o r s .—W illiam H. Ball, Ohas. O. Ball, A rvine S. Miller, L ym an Ingraham , Lewis U m phrey.


R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Nov. 27, ’08. Feb. 5, ’09. April 28, ’09. June 23, ’C9. Sept. 1, ’09.

Loans and discounts.........................
Bonds, m ortgages and securities..
Prem ium s paid on b o n d s...............
O verdrafts............................................
B anking house....................................
F u rn itu re and fixtures.....................
O ther real e state...............................
Due from other banks and bankers
(not reserve cities).....................
Item s in tra n sit.................................
U nited S tates bonds.........................
Due from banks in reserve c itie s ..
Exchanges for clearing h o u se.........
U. S. and N ational bank cu rren cy .
Gold co in .............................................
Silver coin............................................
Nickels and c e n ts.. .
Checks and cash ite m s...................
T otals............................................
Capital stock paid in .......................
Surplus fu n d .......................................
Undivided profits, less current ex­
penses, interest and taxes p a id ..
Dividends u n p a id ..............................
Commercial 'deposits subject to
ch eck .................................................
Commercial certificates of d ep o sit.
Due to banks and b an k ers...............
Certified checks..................................
Cashier’s checks o u tstanding...........
Savings d ep o sits................................
Savings certificates of dep o sit........
Notes and bills rediscounted...........
Bills p a v a b le .......................................
T o tals..........................................
*Commenced business N ovem ber 23, 1909.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis


No. 427.
Organized March 11, 1909.
T h o m a s J . H i l l , P r e s id e n t ; G r a n t E. F a r r a n d , V ic e P r e s id e n t ; F r a n k E. H i l l . C a s h ie r ;
J o h n A . K a r c h n e r , A s s i s t a n t C a s h ie r .
D i r e c t o r s .—Thos. J. Hill, G rant E. F arrand, F rank E. Hill, S. V. Hill, Joseph Farrand.

R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Nov. 27, ’08. Feb. 5, ’09. April 28, ’09. June 23, ’09. Sept. 1, ’09.


Loans and discounts.........................

$10,447 96

$21,185 05

$29,809 43

Ronds m ortgages find securities..

64,104 11

78,069 11

78,299 11

411 64

1 00

10,000 00

10,000 00

10,000 00

37,473 84

35,995 79

38,042 77

Prem ium s paid on Ponds


Ran king1 house


F urn itu re a.nd fixtures
O ther real estate
Due from other banks and bankers
(not reserye cities)
Item s in t.ra.nsit,
United States bonds .
Rue from banks in reserve cities
Exchanges for clearing h o u se. .
U R and N ational hank currency

4,748 00

6,240 00

3,778 00

Oopl coin

1,000 00

2,255 00

2,700 00
1,252 60

435 00

577 60

Nickels and cents

64 45

79 24

135 99

Checks and item s

55 93

116 38

562 61

$128,329 29

$154,929 81

$164,581 51

$40,000 00

$40,000 00

$40,000 00

147 46

427 67

660 49

71,950 23

75,268 06

55,429 91

16,231 60

39,234 08

68,491 11

$128,329 29

$154,929 81

$164,581 51

Silver coin

T ot a Is
Capital stock pa,id in .
Surplus fund
Undivided profits, less current expenses interest, and faxes paid
Dividends unpaid
Commercial deposits



Commercial certificates of d ep o sit.
Due to banks ami bankers
Certified checks
Cashier’s checks outstanding
Ravings certificates of deposit,



Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



No. 433.
Organized May 29, 1909.
Ch a r l e s P

a t t e n , P r e s id e n t;

G e o r g e D . C l a r k e , V ic e P r e s id e n t ; R o s c o e C. W ix s o n , C a s h ie r .

D i r e c t o r s .— Charles P atten . S. C. Hallenbeck, H. N . Blue, 8. P. Seiden, C. D . Chapin, Wm. J . Hoxsie,
Wm. Thom , W. H. Wilson, Geo. D . Clarke, R. C. Wixson.


Loans and discounts.........................

R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Nov. 27, ’08. Feb. 5, ’09. April 28, ’09. June 23, ’09. Sept. 1, ’09.
$4,000 49

Bonds, m ortgages and securities..'.
Prem ium s paid on b o n d s.................
O verdrafts............................................
Banking house....................................
F u rn itu re and fixtures.....................

1,458 59

Expenses p a id ....................................

166 24

O ther real estate................................
Due from other banks and bankers
(not reserve cities).......................
Item s in tra n sit..................................
U nited States bonds.........................
Due from banks in reserve cities..

15,346 41

Exchanges for clearing h ouse. . . .
U. S. and N ational bank c u rre n cy .

1,686 00

Gold co in .............................................

230 00

Silver c o in ...........................................

166 00

Nickels and c e n ts..............................

25 37

Checks and cash ite m s ....................
T o tals............................................

$23,079 10

Capital stock paid in .......................

$18,365 00

Surplus fu n d ........................................
Undivided profits, less current ex­
penses, interest and taxes p a id . .
Dividends u n p a id ..............................
Commercial deposits subject to
ch eck .................................................

2,709 10

Commercial certificates of d ep o sit.

774 00

Due to banks and b an k ers...............
Certified checks..................................
Cashier’s checks o u tstan d in g ...........
Savings d ep o sits................................

145 00

Savings certificates of d ep o sit. . . .

1,086 00

Notes and bills red iscounted.........
Bills p a y a b le .......................................
T o tals............................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

$23,079 10



No. 32.
Organized November 20, 1886.
P e r c y E. C h a p p l e , P r e s id e n t ; J . H e n r y D a r t , V ic e P r e s id e n t ; C. V. C u t t i n g , C a s h ie r ;
V io l a K e e l e r , A s s i s t a n t C a s h ie r .
D ir e c t o r s .— Percy E. Chappie, H. E. Dewey, F. P. Dann, A. S. W olcott, W. H. Mage!, J. H enry

D art, C. V. Cutting.


R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Nov. 27, ’08. Feb. 5, ’09. April 28, ’09. June 23, ’C9. Sept. 1, ’09.

Loans and discounts.........................

$100,193 57

$111,276 69

$106,085 53

$96,265 80

$110,765 16

Bonds, m ortgages and securities...

94,169 60

101,776 60

120,372 60

143,772 60

129,222 60

Prem ium s paid on b o n d s.................
O verdrafts............................................

24 12

204 68

28 91

Banking house....................................

7,200 00

7,200 00

7,200 00

7,200 00

7,200 00

800 00

800 00

800 00

800 00

800 00

77,643 11

65,535 61

64,988 60

63,438 56

56,773 84

99 35

F urniture and fixtures.....................
O ther real e state...............................
Due from other hanks and bankers
(not reserve cities).......................
Item s in tra n sit.................................
U nited S tates bonds.........................
Due from banks in reserve cities..
Exchanges for clearing house. . . .
CJ. S. and National bank cu rre n cy .

9,589 00

7,030 00

8,295 00

7,805 00

9,355 00

Gold c o in .............................................

7,015 00

7,005 00

7,300 00

7,370 00

7,565 00

Silver c o in ...........................................

550 00

800 00

490 00

270 00

510 00

Nickels and c e n ts..............................

24 30

97 29

43 88

51 84

54 28

452 36

175 79

Checks and cash ite m s ...................
T o tals............................................

$297,208 70

$301,725 87

$316,056 88

$327,149 59

$322,345 23

Capital stock paid in .......................

$25,000 00

$25,000 00

$25,000 00

$25,000 00

$25,000 00

5,000 00

7,500 00

7,500 00

7,500 00

7,500 00

7,718 15

5,324 92

6,055 96

5,991 58

6,267 43

53,507 05

55,901 64

57,736 27

Surplus fu n d .................... ...................
Undivided profits, less current ex­
penses, interest and taxes p a id . .
Dividends u n p a id ..............................
Commercial deposits subject, to
ch eck .................................................

35 00

38 50

42,394 19

51,818 29

87 50

Commercial certificates of d ep o sit.
Due to banks and b an k ers...............
Certified checks..................................
Cashier’s checks o u tstan d in g ...........
Savings d ep o sits................................

42,934 82

49,856 82

60,298 11

76,565 44

83,935 22

Savings certificates of deposit. . . .

174,126 54

162,187 34

163,695 76

156,190 93

141,818 81

$297,208 70

$301,725 87

$316,056 88

$327,149 59

$322,345 23

Notes and bills rediscounted.........
Bills p a y a b le .......................................
T o tals............................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



No. 174.
Organized August 1, 1894.
S a m u e l G i b s o n , P r e s id e n t ; J o h n B . G e o r g e , V ic e P r e s id e n t ; J a m e s A . M a r s h , C a s h ie r .

D i r e c t o r s .— Samuel Gibson, John B. George, W. H. Burger, Charles M. Burger, John Blue,

Charles B. Hagenbuch, Jam es A. Marsh, R. T. Weir, K. W. H artm an.


R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Nov. 27, ’08. Feb. 5, ’09. April 28, ’09. June 23, ’09. Sept. 1, ’09.

T,oans a,nd discounts.........................

$124,993 87

$130,789 33

$131,190 47

$126,481 99

$132,222 20

Bonds, m ortgages and securities..

70,067 47

69,252 35

69,022 35

68,572 35

68,200 95

O verdrafts............................................

913 73

2,356 00

4,025 13

1,764 34

1,003 05

Banking house....................................

7,839 00

7,839 00

7,839 00

7,839 00

7,839 00

F u rn itu re and fixtures.....................

2,270 00

2,270 00

2,270 00

2,270 00

2,270 00

2,635 00

1,801 25

3,489 94

1,124 06

2,446 81

37,875 83

38,795 40

25,007 86

34,470 58

23,489 32

U. S. and N ational bank cu rren cy .

9,615 00

6,025 00

8,105 00

6,403 00

7,966 00

Gold c o in .............................................

7,865 00

8,475 00

8,310 00

8,195 00

8,050 00

Silver coin............................................

938 25

1,564 00

547 90

658 45

744 65

Nickels and c e n ts..............................

79 18

85 05

32 07

140 27

119 60

Checks and cash ite m s....................

782 81

976 75

293 89

241 09

1,046 37

T o tals............................................

$265,875 14

$270,229 13

$260,133 61

$258,160 13

$255,397 95

Capital stock paid in .......................

$25,000 00

$25,000 00

$25,000 00

$25,000 00

$25,000 OO

25,000 00

25,000 00

25,000 00

25,000 00

25,000 00

6,253 21

4,075 90

6,746 72

5,947 21

4,989 15

Dividends unpaid . .
Commercial deposits subject to
ch eck .................................................

40,850 35

48,313 18

45,783 23

38,528 29

39,852 81

Commercial certificates of d ep o sit.

22,614 50

14,011 31

7,413 29

6,458 29

prem ium s paid on b o n d s...............

O ther real estate...............................
Due from other banks and bankers
Item s in tra n sit.................................
United Sta tes b o n d s.. .
Due from banks in reserve cities..
Exchanges for clearing h o u se .........

Surplus fu n d .......................................
U ndivided profits, less current ex­
penses, interest and taxes p a id . .


Due to banks a,nd bankers . .
Perfified checks
Pashier’s checks outstanding
Savings d ep o sits................................

90,348 55

91,511 79

80,354 11

87,952 78

87,819 70

Savings certificates of deposit........

55,808 53

62,316 95

69,836 26

69,273 56

72,736 29

$265,875 14

$270,229 13

$260,133 61

$258,160 13

$255,397 95

Notes and bills rediscounted
T o tals............................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis


No. 173.
Organized June 28, 1894.
S. B. H a g e n b u c h , P r e s id e n t ; E. W. K e i g h t l e y , V ic e P r e s id e n t ;
G e o r g e C r o s s e t t H a r v e y , C a s h ie r .

D i r e c t o r s .— S. B. Hagenbuch. J. Mark H arvey, D. S. Crossett, E. W. Keightley, George Crossett

Harvey, L. A. Strohm , L. A. H arvey.


R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Nov. 27, ’08. Feb. 5, ’09. April 28, ’09. June 23, ’09. Sept. 1, ’09.

Ena,ns and discounts.........................

$ 1 8 3 ,7 7 7 38

$ 1 9 1 ,3 0 5 50

$ 1 8 9 ,7 1 1 89

$ 1 7 7 ,0 3 4 00

$ 1 7 6 ,3 2 1 44

Bonds, m ortgages and securities..

8 1 ,5 4 8 72

9 2 ,7 9 1 81

8 5 ,4 7 1 06

9 9 ,2 0 1 29

9 9 ,2 2 8 44

Prem ium s paid on b o n d s...............

549 71

399 68

131 31

122 61

122 61

O verdrafts............................................

1 ,7 1 8 07

270 37

841 33

3 ,7 9 9 66

2 ,0 6 6 70

B anking house....................................

7 ,2 3 7 34

7 ,0 0 0 00

7 ,0 0 7 00

7 ,4 2 5 05

7 ,6 8 7 6 4

F u rn itu re and fixtures.....................

1 ,2 4 0 00

1 ,2 0 0 00

1 ,2 5 0 00

1 ,3 4 7 66

1 ,2 0 1 00

5 ,0 2 3 59

1 ,9 3 8 79

1 ,0 4 5 94

4 ,6 8 0 2 4

3 ,4 3 5 28

2 8 ,5 1 0 61

2 5 ,9 8 9 26

2 5 ,5 2 0 23

2 4 ,7 7 3 54

3 0 ,7 6 7 84

O th e r re a l e s ta te

Due from other banks and bankers
(nof. r e s e r v e p i ti e s )
Item s in tra n sit.................................
U n ite d

R ta t.e s

bonds . .

Due from banks in reserve cities..

fo r

clearing bouse. .

U. S. and N ational b ank c u rre n cy .

6 ,8 1 0 00

7 ,3 2 2 00

8 ,8 5 7 00

7 ,7 0 9 00

8 ,0 5 1 00

Gold c o in .............................................

1 0 ,0 0 0 00

1 0 ,0 0 0 00

1 0 ,0 0 0 00

1 0 ,0 0 0 00

1 0 ,0 0 0 00

Silver coin............................................

1 ,4 9 4 75

1 ,2 1 5 75

445 50

1 ,2 9 5 25

839 00

Nickels and c e n ts..............................

146 2 3

187 34

72 99

8 5 78

100 65

Checks and cash ite m s ....................

1 ,5 8 8 35

1 ,3 5 5 90

3 ,8 1 6 90

270 85

2 ,8 4 5 76

T o tals............................................

$ 3 2 9 ,6 4 4 75

$ 3 4 0 ,9 7 6 40

$ 3 3 4 ,1 7 1 21

$ 3 3 7 ,8 0 4 93

$ 3 4 2 ,6 7 3 36

Capital stock paid in .......................

$ 3 0 ,0 0 0 00

$ 3 0 ,0 0 0 00

$ 3 0 ,0 0 0 00

$ 3 0 ,0 0 0 00

$ 3 0 ,0 0 0 00

1 0 ,0 0 0 00

1 0 ,0 0 0 00

1 0 ,0 0 0 00

1 0 ,0 0 0 00

1 0 ,0 0 0 00

1 ,4 1 4 49

1 ,7 8 4 05

2 ,3 6 4 13

3 ,1 5 9 46

2 ,2 3 9 05

5 4 ,0 1 7 51

6 7 ,6 9 9 40

5 9 ,9 1 3 24

6 0 ,7 9 1 48

6 3 ,4 5 9 18

100 00

150 00

1 6 ,7 2 7 66

Surplus fu n d ......................................
U ndivided profits, less current ex­
penses, interest and taxes p a id . .
Dividends unpaid
Commercial deposits subject to
ch e c k .................................................
Commercial certificates of deposit.

Certified c h e c k s .................................

18 00

38 05

15 00

18 10

Oasbier’s checks outstanding...........

91 05

552 80

2 1 3 99

335 30

111 80

Savings d ep o sits................................

8 ,7 1 0 50

8 ,9 0 5 37

9 ,9 9 0 32

1 1 ,0 3 9 62

1 1 ,8 0 2 51

Savings certificates of dep o sit........

2 2 5 ,3 9 3 20

2 2 1 ,9 9 6 73

2 2 1 ,5 6 8 53

2 2 2 ,3 1 0 97

2 0 8 ,3 3 3 16

T o tals............................................

$ 3 2 9 ,6 4 4 75

$ 3 4 0 ,9 7 6 40

$ 3 3 4 ,1 7 1 21

$ 3 3 7 ,8 0 4 93

$ 3 4 2 ,6 7 3 36
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis




No. 281.
Organized October 27, 1903.
C o l o n C. L i l l i e , P r e s id e n t ; J o h n W e a t h e r w a x , V ic e P r e s id e n t ; M. D u r h a m , C a s h ie r ;
G e r t i e C o m s t o c k , A s s i s t a n t C a s h ie r .
D i r e c t o r s .— Colon C. Lillie, M. Durham , Henry Ferguson, John W eatherwax, Frederick D. Sm ith,

W alter I. Lillie, Mrs. Julia A. Lillie.


R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Nov. 27, ’08. Feb. 5, ’09. April 28, 09. June 23, ’09. Sept. 1, ’09.

Loans and discounts.........................

$82,541 62

$81,827 97

$88,242 87

$87,381 11

$84,765 12

Bonds, m ortgages and securities...

141,331 19

144,130 22

160,464 87

160,784 87

161,008 77

O verdrafts............................................

2,745 26

2,190 73

3,453 31

1,125 77

442 96

B anking house....................................

2,713 84

2.500 00

2.500 00

2.500 00

2.500 00

F u rn itu re and fixtures.....................

1,736 10

1.500 00

1.500 00

1.500 00

1.500 00

613 50

603 50

613 62

613 62

613 62

Prem ium s paid on b o n d s.................

Other real e state................................
Due from other banks and bankers
(not reserve cities).......................

347 00
1,404 75

Item s in tra n sit..................................
U nited States bonds.........................
Due from banks in reserve c itie s ..

21,588 44

28,625 24

21,921 81

33,964 05

44,024 14

E xchanges for clearing h o u se .. . .
U. S. and N ational bank cu rren cy .

1,765 00

1,428 00

3,340 00

1,350 00

4,094 00

Gold co in .............................................

9,275 00

9,325 00

9,725 00

9,825 00

10,145 00

Silver co in ...........................................

306 30

361 95

397 20

459 05

228 55

Nickels and c e n ts..............................

190 20

134 58

112 93

216 80

110 47

Checks and cash ite m s....................

147 00

705 51

3 86

433 30

285 91

T o tals............................................

$264,953 45

$273,332 70

$292,622 47

$300,153 57

$311,123 29

Capital stock paid in .......................

$20,000 00

$20,000 00

$20,000 00

$20,000 00

$20,000 00

4,000 00

5,000 00

5,000 00

5,000 00

5,500 00

2,623 31

1,532 95

2,339 92

3,009 69

1,466 35

36,956 50

41,776 59

46,922 55

10,800 00

10,800 00

10,800 00

Surplus fu n d ........................................
Undivided profits, less current ex­
penses, interest and taxes p a id ..
Dividends u n p a id ..............................
Commercial deposits subject to
ch eck .................................................

10 00
34,509 55

34,669 58

Commercial certificates of d ep o sit.
Due to banks and b an k ers...............
Certified checks..................................
Cashier’s checks o u tstan d in g ...........
Savings d ep o sits................................

25,627 31

26,431 26

26,289 91

27,626 39

29,332 01

Savings certificates of deposit. . . .

178,193 28

185,688 91

191,196 57

191,823 56

196,872 15

39 57

117 34

230 23

$292,622 47

$300,153 57

$311,123 29

S uspense...............................................
Notes and bills rediscounted........
Bills p a y a b le .....................................
T o tals............................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

$264,953 45

$273,332 70



No. 406.
Organized July 21, 1908.
J. S t e w a r t N e w e l l ,

P r e s id e n t ; T h o m a s H i l l , V ic e P r e s id e n t ; S.
H . S. N e w e l l , A s s i s t a n t C a s h ie r .

M. D in s m o r e ,

C a s h ie r ;

D i r e c t o r s .— J. Stew art Newell, Thomas Hill, W. D. Day, S. M. Dinsmore, E. A. B artlett, Lincoln

Avery, Michael C. Arbagast.


R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Nov. 27, ’08. Feb. 5, ’09. April 28, ’09. June 23, ’C9. Sept. 1, ’09.

Loans and discounts.........................

$34,615 89

$32,488 14

$28,943 85

$35,010 98

$36,992 30

Bonds, m ortgages and securities..

2,975 58

3,944 33

17,214 65

20,302 90

21,001 30

1,000 00

Prem ium s paid on b o n d s...............
O verdrafts............................................

B anking house....................................

225 OO

F u rn itu re and fixtures.....................

1,000 00

1,000 00

1,000 00

1,000 00

O ther real e sta te ................................
Due from other banks and bankers
(not reserve cities).......................

125 00

125 00

5,565 17

4,130 83

4,160 82

1,070 00

Item s in tra n sit..................................
U nited States bonds.........................
Due from banks in reserve cities..

9,142 60

14,002 42

9,851 92

3,651 34

6,829 78

U. S. and N ational b ank cu rren cy .

1,744 00

2,731 00

2,251 00

2,676 00

2,009 00

Gold c o in .............................................

55 00

150 00

285 00

330 00

390 00

Silver coin............................................

398 20

418 90

120 75

257 50

357 50

Nickels and c e n ts..............................

12 13

2 19

29 62

37 22

2 34

Checks and cash ite m s ..................

133 74

142 35

55 51

49 04

37 95

T o tals............................................

$55,642 31

$59,010 16

$64,038 12

$64,509 98

$68,845 17

Capital stock paid in .......................

$20,000 00

$20,000 00

$20,000 00

$20,000 00

$20,000 00

200 00

200 00

200 00

800 00

92 36

920 23

1,472 52

207 65

7,631 97

8,449 45

Exchanges for clearing h o u se.........

Surplus fu n d ......................................
Undivided profits, less current ex­
penses, interest and taxes p a i d ..

1,155 66

D ividends u n p a id ..............................
Commercial deposits subject to
ch eck ................................

10,387 90

9,514 91

Commercial certificates of d ep o sit.

13,584 05

18,494 13

10,514 70

10,708 76

9,208 10
14,355 63

Due to banks and b an k ers...............
Certified ch eck s..................................
Cashier’s checks o u tstanding...........
Savings d ep o sits................................
Savings certificates of dep o sit........

20,527 45

20,310 15

14,758 47

14,077 86

S tate monies on d ep osit...................

19,273 79
5,000 00


Notes and bills rediscounted...........
Bills p a y a b le .......................................
T o tals............................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

$55,642 31

$59,010 16

$64,038 12

$64,509 98

$68,845 17



No. 339.
Organized May 9, 1906.
W. F. G a l l a g h e r , P r e s id e n t ; J o h n D r is c o l l , T. M. E u l e r , V ic e P r e s id e n t s ;
W. A. R o s e n k r a n s , C a s h i e r ; E . T. S i d n e y , A s s i s t a n t C a s h ie r .
D i r e c t o r s .— W. F. Gallagher, John Driscoll, T. M. E uler, W. A. Rosenkrans, E. T. Sidney,



A. H arper.

R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Nov. 27, ’08. Feb. 5, ’09. April 28, ’09. June 23, ’09. Sept. 1, ’09.

Loans and discounts.........................

1231,764 43

$229,957 88

$234,197 17

$257,051 55

$236,866 05

Bonds, m ortgages and securities...

118,200 50

122,475 50

147,455 50

154,862 50

156,460 50

Prem ium s paid on b o n d s.................

500 00

675 00

815 00

993 50

993 50

O verdrafts............................................

801 98

88 18

178 99

573 80

343 69

Ranking house....................................

14,000 00

14,000 00

14,000 00

14,000 00

14,000 00

4,000 00

4,000 00

4,000 00

4,000 00

F urn itu re and fixtures.....................

4,000 00

O ther real e state................................
Due from other banks and bankers
(not reserve cities).......................

4,609 38

Item s in tra n s it.................................

1,031 05

68? 15

3,799 37

2,625 39

2,594 29

27,863 99

38,481 15

61,272 35

36,769 82

40,107 40

2,100 00

1,604 00

995 61

"United States bonds.........................
Due from banks in reserve cities. .
exchanges for clearing house. . . .

1,100 00

U. S. and N ational b ank cu rre n cy .

14,740 00

14,807 00

10,529 00

10,529 00

12,023 00

Gold c o in .............................................

10,000 00

10,000 00

10,000 00

11,500 00

11,160 00

Silver co in ...........................................

1,500 00

2,000 00

1,900 00

900 00

1,000 00

Nickels and c e n ts..............................

74 66

102 38

164 10

133 72

197 09

Checks and cash ite m s ...................

1,625 33

798 54

780 03

891 18

271 45

T o tals............................................

$430,711 32

$440,167 78

$490,958 88

$494,830 46

$482,112 58

Capital stock paid in .......................

$30,000 00

$30,000 00

$30,000 00

$30,000 00

$30,000 00

8,000 00

9,000 00

9,000 00

9,000 00

9,000 00

1,423 87

286 70

2,741 67

775 14

Interest, p a id .......................................

Surplus fu n d ........................................
Undivided profits, less current ex­
penses, interest and taxes p a i d ..

263 37

Dividends u n p a id ..............................
Commercial deposits subject to
ch eck .................................................

52,741 63

52,700 36

59,432 60

43,789 91

39,355 39

Commercial certificates of d ep o sit.

69,627 79

71,724 94

72,819 66

77,492 29

77,370 94

996 66

6,456 86

5,614 91

3,448 77

Due to ha.nks and b an k ers...............
Certified checks


Cashier’s checks o u tstan d in g ..........
Savings d ep o sits................................

14,568 22

16,122 54

17,091 72

17,888 52

17,707 50

Savings certificates of dep o sit. . . .

254,349 81

259,336 58

296,158 04

308,303 16

304,454 84

$430,711 32

$440,167 78

$490,958 88

$494,830 46

Notes end bills red iscounted .........
Rills payable


T o tals............................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

$482,112 58



No. 183.
Organized December 26, 1895.


P . N ig g e m a n , J r ., P r e s id e n t ; R o b e r t G r a y , D. M c N a i r , V ic e P r e s id e n t s ; A. R . S c h e l l , C a s h i e r ;
F . L . F e n t o n , A s s i s t a n t C a s h ie r ; A . E . S l e e p e r , D. M c N a i r , A u d i t o r s .

D i r e c t o r s .— A. E. Sleeper, John P. Niggeman, Jr., D. McNair, R obert Gray, Jam es McColl.


R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Nov. 27, ’08. Feb. 5, ’09. April 28, ’09. June 23, '09. Sept. 1, ’09.

Loans and discounts.........................

$229,468 27

$246,488 68

$249,954 49

$244,439 66

$241,861 34

Bonds, m ortgages and se c u ritie s..

78,957 50

88,987 28

93,498 10

91,203 40

99,733 27

Prem ium s paid on b o n d s...............
O v erd rafts............................................

1,711 16

709 02

328 81

1,070 24

1,024 87

B anking house....................................

2,500 00

2,500 00

2,500 00

2,500 00

2,500 00

F u rn itu re and fixtures.....................

2,741 46

2,778 46

2,843 46

2,873 46

2,873 46

O ther real e sta te ................................
Due from other banks and bankers
(not reserve c ities).......................

1,417 70

1,417 70

1,417 70

1,417 70

1,417 70

20 89

3,257 27

3,119 58

Item s in tra n sit.................................

915 61

1,262 54

2,300 84

12,816 51

4,982 00

78,504 44

71,565 32

61,080 88

69,592 80

76,616 01

U nited States bonds.........................
Due from banks in reserve c itie s ..

1,100 21

E xchanges for clearing h o u se .........

1,343 53

U. S. and N ational bank c u rre n cy .

18,750 00

18,746 00

19,455 00

17,359 00

22,463 00

Gold c o in .............................................

5,795 00

5,560 00

5,877 50

6,305 00

6,337 50

■Silver coin............................................

906 98

871 40

843 60

820 70

1,057 30

Nickels and c e n ts..............................

58 21

156 48

75 30

28 13

Checks and cash ite m s ...................

4 94

T o tals............................................

$421,731 27

$442,143 09

$440,258 63

$455,027 40

$464,962 06

Capital stock paid in .......................

$35,000 00

$35,000 00

$35,000 00

$35,000 00

$35,000 00

10,000 00

10,000 00

10,000 00

10,000 00

10,000 00

12,867 71

8,180 38

11,306 58

12,354 08

12,149 43

Surplus fu n d ......................................
U ndivided profits, less current ex­
penses, interest and taxes p a id . .

62 06

167 77
808 26

Dividends u n p a id ..............................
Commercial deposits subject to
ch eck .................................................

92,073 64

109,993 73

87,120 81

80,863 59

69,908 97

Commercial certificates of d ep o sit.

240,671 29

248,006 61

265,771 46

259,597 35

191,486 42

Due to banks and b an k ers...............

1,358 24

403 21

1,301 32

29,760 39

30,559 16

29,758 46

Certified checks..................................
Cashier’s checks outstanding . . . .
Savings dep o sits................................
S a v in g s

rertifinales of deposit........

42,604 58

54,469 19

14,607 80

.91,948 05

$455,027 40

$464,962 06

Notes and bills rediscounted...........
Rills p a y a b le .......................................
T o tals............................................

Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

$421,731 27

$442,143 09

$440,258 63



No. 182.
Organized December 4, 1895.
W j i . H. A i t k i n ,

A. H. M e d b u e y , V ic e P r e s id e n t ; F. J. B a t t e r s b e e ,
R. A. W e s t , A s s i s t a n t C a s h ie r .

P r e s id e n t ;

C a s h ie r ;

D i r e c t o r s .— Wm. H. Aitkin, M. C. Richardson, F. J. B attersbee, Melvin H. Aitkin. A. H. Medburv,

H. W. W ixon, F. P. Southworth.


R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Nov. 27, ’08. Feb. 5, ’09. April 28, ’09. June 23, ’09. Sept. 1, ’09.

Loans and discounts.........................

$116,695 35

$121,723 11

$131,282 59

$141,417 84

$140,116 21

Bonds, m ortgages and se c u ritie s...

89,803 47

85,003 47

85,963 47

84,646 62

87,365 62

Prem ium s paid on b o n d s .. . : ........
O verdrafts.............................................

294 51

178 16

116 26

128 46

41 05-

Banking house....................................

2,750 00

2,750 00

2,750 00

2,750 00

2,750 00

F u rn itu re and fixtures.....................

1,800 00

1,800 00

1,800 00

1,800 00

1,800 00

O ther real e sta te ................................
Due from other banks and bankers
(not reserve cities).......................

3,000 00

3,000 00

2,500 00

2,500 00

2,500 00

3,005 16

846 42

343 58

3,364 56

3,111 16-

47,926 35

25,534 28

28,989 78

36,513 57

43,809 60-

Item s in tra n s it.................................
U nited States bonds....................... .
Due from banks in reserve cities. .
Exchanges for clearing house. . . .
U. S. and N ational b ank currency.

9,186 00

4,082 00

8,812 00

9,120 00

10,371 00

Gold c o in .............................................

5,500 00

6,010 00

6,010 00

6,010 00

6,000 00

Silver c o in ...........................................

145 20

282 95

128 00

319 50

704 10

Nickels and c e n ts..............................

186 46

221 65

251 28

304 88

344 11

Checks and cash ite m s....................

375 08

185 60

317 44

587 44

190 23

T o tals............................................

$280,667 58

$251,617 64

$269,264 40

$289,462 87

$299,163 08

Capital stock paid in .......................

$22,000 00

$22,000 00

$22,000 00

$22,000 00

$22,000 00

5,000 00

5,000 00

5,000 00

5,000 00

5,000 00

419 47

999 89

2,375 91

4,530 69

219 0586,805 11

Surplus fu n d ........................................
U ndivided profits, less current ex­
penses, interest and taxes p a id . .
Dividends u n p a id ..............................
Commercial deposits subject to
check .................................................

96,637 57

75,597 22

77,229 95

84,264 58

Commercial certificates of d ep o sit.

54,138 68

26,397 56

8,115 76

3,870 25


465 92

25 92

1,221 33

2,081 39

121,157 05

154,516 86

161,076 02

171,928 28

7,500 00

7,500 00

$289,462 87

$299,163 08-

Due to banks and b an kers...............


Certified checks..................................
Cashier’s checks o u tstan d in g ...........
Savings d ep o sits................................
Savings certificates of dep o sit. . . .

102,471 86

S tate monies on d ep o sit...................
N otes and bills red iscounted........
Bills "payable.......................................
T o ta ls............................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

$280,667 58

$251,617 64

$269,264 40



No. 176.
Organized December 28, 1894.
A. B . C u l l e n ,
D ir e c t o r s .

P r e s id e n t ; I s r a e l H i l l , V ic e P r e s i d e n t ; W, G . B il l i n g s
M . A. M c B r a t n e y , A s s i s t a n t C a s h ie r .

C a s h ie r •


A . B . Cullen, Israel Hill, J. H. B axter, George Leach, F. H. Jaques S. T. Hall

W. G. Billings.


R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Nov. 27, ’08. Feb. 5, ’09. April 28, ’09. June 23, ’09. Sept. 1, ’09.

Loans and d iscounts.......................

$77,162 63

$85,023 63

$85,156 67

$92,633 57

$80,431 93

Bonds, m ortgages and securities..

103,755 51

107,311 51

115,888 51

113,498 51

114,106 51

Prem ium s paid on b o n d s...............
O verdrafts..........................................

92 18

162 90

1,108 92

3,711 01

2,439 01

B anking house....................................

4,000 00

4,000 00

4,000 00

4,000 00

4,000 00

F urn itu re and fixtures.....................

1,000 00

1,000 00

1,000 00

1,000 00

1,000 00

Other real estate.............................
Due from other banks and bankers
(not reserve cities).......................

8,950 61

5,160 27

4,807 41

2,304 23

3,998 26

138 92

116 69

25,491 55

15,091 27

8,851 88

18,411 61

Item s in tr a n s it........................
U nited States bonds.........................
Due from banks in reserve c itie s ..

32,904 05

Exchanges for clearing h o u se .........
U. S. and N ational bank currency.

7,711 00

4,223 00

8,102 00

8,717 00

3,635 00

Gold c o in .......................................

2,640 00

3,102 50

3,072 50

3,420 00

4,350 00

Silver coin........................................

803 85

809 00

586 95

940 30

649 45

Nickels an d c e n ts............................

182 44

197 70

72 74

130 73

133 95

15 01

250 00

9 78

3 80

$239,202 27

$236,635 99

$239,253 66

$239,217 01

$233,159 52

$20,000 00

Checks and cash ite m s....................
T o tals..........................................
Capital stock paid in .......................

$20,000 00

$20,000 00

$20,000 00

$20,000 00

Surplus fu n d .....................................
Undivided profits, less current expenses, interest and taxes paid. .

3,100 00

3,300 00

3,300 00

3,300 00

3,500 00

6,867 22

5,739 63

. 6,809 00

5,758 67

4,338 96

Dividends u n p a id ..............................
Commercial deposits subject to
ch eck ...............................................

31,629 10

33,418 11

31,728 35

35,127 58

31,458 91

177,605 95

174,178 25

165,416 31

170,030 76

173,781 65

12,000 00

5,000 00

$239,202 27

$236,635 99

$239,253 66

$239,217 01

80 00

Commercial certificates of d ep o sit.
Due to banks and b an k ers...............
Certified checks..................................
Cashier’s checks outstanding...........
Savings d ep o sits..............................
Savings certificates of deposit........
Notes and bills rediscounted...........
Bills p a y a b le .......................................
T o tals............................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

$233,159 52


No. 319.
Organized A ugust 15, 1905.
F. W. T h o m a s ,
Ge o . T. P

P r e s id e n t ;

I). E. B r ig h a m , J. C. D t t n n in g t o n ,

o m e r o y , C a s h ie r ;

V ic e P r e s id e n t s ;

G e o . B . R o g e r s , A s s i s t a n t C a s h ie r .

D ir e c t o r s .— F rank W. Thomas, S. B. Monroe, D. E. Brigham, J. C. D unnington, Geo. T. Pomeroy,

Geo. B. Rogers, J. E. Maxwell, S. J. Sherrod, E. J. Rawson, A. J. Goble.


R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Nov. 27, ’08. Feb. 5, ’09. April 28, ’09. June 23, ’09. Sept. 1, ’09.

Loans and discounts.........................

SO1,358 99

870,402 72

873,409 17

881,868 70

$77,139 73

Bonds, m ortgages and securities...

38,283 43

37,177 43

39,578 43

39,317 43

38,572 43

O verdrafts............................................

323 73

1,389 00

. 1,863 33

1,426 03

975 72

Banking house....................................

8,720 00

8,720 00

8,720 00

8,720 00

•8,700 00

F urn itu re and fixtures.....................

1,350 00

1,350 00

1,350 00

1,350 00

1,300 00

18,046 88

17,389 10

17,867 72

10,007 58

13,689 92

U. S. and N ational bank c u rre n cy .

8,050 00

6,972 00

5,021 00

4,210 00

Gold c o in .............................................

1,150 00

1,195 00

1,375 00

1,095 00

610 00

Silver c o in ...........................................

852 00

810 50

904 20

022 70

1,658 00

Prem ium s paid on b o n d s.................

O ther real e state................................
Due from other banks and bankers
(not reserve cities).......................
Item s in tra n sit.................................
U nited States bonds.........................
Due from banks in reserve c itie s ..
Exchanges for clearing h ouse. . . .

6,987 00

Nickels and c e n ts..............................

85 40

155 17

104 17

95 41

110 39

Checks and cash ite m s....................

30 33

67 60

183 18

407 38

963 31

T o tals............................................

8138,250 76

8145,634 58

$150,436 20

8149,120 23

$150,706 50

Capital stock paid in .......................

820,000 00

820,000 00

$20,000 00

$20,000 00

$20,000 00

500 00

500 00

500 00

1,000 00

Surplus fu n d ........................................
U ndivided profits, less current ex­
penses, interest and taxes p a id . .

3,350 90

2,928 69

4,077 73

4,240 70

2,999 72

Dividends u n p a id ..............................
Commercial deposits subject to
ch eck .................................................

38,209 85

30,732 04

26,191 65

20,591 25

27,295 43

Savings d ep o sits................................

20,829 69

26,348 98

73,106 17

28,551 58

31,143 55

Savings certificates of dep o sit. . . .

55,800 32

65,124 87

26,500 05

69,236 70

68,267 80

8138,250 76

8145,634 58

$150,436 20

$149,120 23

.8150,700 50

Commercial certificates of d ep o sit.
Due to banks and b an k ers...............
Certified checks. : ..............................
Cashier’s checks o u tstan d in g ...........

Notes and bills re d isco u n ted ........
Bills p a y a b le .......................................
T o ta ls............................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



No. 102
Organized September 19, 1890.

B. C o p e e y ,

P r e s id e n t ;

A. W. H a y d o n ,

V ic e P r e s id e n t ;

L. D. H ilt .,

C a s h ie r .

D i r e c t o r s .— E. B. Copley, A. E. Lawrence, A. W. H aydon, Belle A. Baker, A. W. Copley.


R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Nov. 27, ’08. Feb. 5, ’09. April 28, ’09. June 23, ’09. Sept. 1, ’09.

Loans and discounts.........................

.$02,638 79

$87,253 99

$89,520 58

$82,820 51

$78,351 19

Bonds, m ortgages and securities..

70,082 21

81,622 45

91,527 45

106,604 45

113,779 45

O verdrafts....................... : ...................

1,334 53

685 19

3,090 89

797 60

1,625 71

B anking house....................................

9,000 00

9,000 00

9,000 00

9,000 00

9,000 00

F u rn itu re and fixtures.....................

2,040 39

2,104 14

2,104 14

2,000 00

2,000 00

O ther real e state ...................
Due from other banks and bankers

0,394 09

2,158 45

2,175 07

2,216 38

( n o t r e s e r v e c itie s )

700 00

50 00

795 71

53,721 23

40,040 63

25,217 45

18,652 02

19,122 76

TJ. S. an d N ational bank currency .

7,350 00

7,876 00

10,361 00

11,280 00

12,047 00

Gold co in ........................................... ..

2,069 00

3,189 00

3,416 00

3,816 00

5,261 00

Silver coin............................................

580 25

738 25

986 20

421 05

762 80

Nickels and c e n ts..............................

10 34

38 40

35 09

76 15

66 20

T o tals............................................

$221,832 83

$233,198 05

$238,212 96

$237,642 85

$244,932 49

Capital stock paid in .......................

$30,000 00

$30,000 00

$30,000 00

$30,000 00

$30,000 00

0,000 00

6,000 00

6,000 00

6,000 00

10,000 00

9,208 46

5,869 18

6,665 59

8,009 34

2,736 79
42,749 25

Item s in tra n sit.................................
U nited S tates bonds........
Due from banks in reserve cities..
Exchanges for clearing h o u se .........

Checks and cash ite m s....................

Surplus fu n d ......................................
Undivided profits, less current expenses, interest and taxes p a id . .
Dividends u n p a id ..............................
Commercial deposits subject to
ch e c k .................................................

49,031 70

41,575 58

44,005 89

38,413 21

Commercial certificates of d ep o sit.

102,887 70

121,935 68

123,207 06

126,955 16

24,104 91

27,817 61

28,334 42

28,265 14

Due to banks and b ah k ers...............
Certified checks..................................
Cashier’s checks outstanding..........
Savings d ep o sits................................
Savings certificates of deposit........

27,440 77
132,005 68

Notes and bills rediscounted...........
Bills p a y a b le .......................................
T o tals............................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

$221,832 83

$233,198 05

$238,212 96

$237,642 85

$244,932 49


No. 196.
Organized June 25, 1897.
I r a A r n o t , P r e s i d e n t ; E. M. M a r k , V ic e P r e s id e n t a n d C a s h ie r ;
R . W i l l i s , A s s i s t a n t C a s h ie r .

D i r e c t o r s .— Ira A rnot, M yra A. Mark, E. M. Mark, Vernie A. Wooley, Mark Davidson, John Blower.


R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Nov. 27, ’08. Feb. 5, ’09. April 28, ’09. June 23, ’09. Sept. 1, ’09.

Loans and discounts.........................

$108,458 06

$125,165 11

$134,430 74

$138,734 17

$141,839 08

Bonds, m ortgages and securities. .

38,942 87

35,436 37

34,680 04

33,270 54

33,947 02

884 58

224 18

345 33

504 09

1,335 99

B anking house..................................

1,971 74

1,971 74

1,971 74

1,997 74

1,971 74

F u rn itu re and fixtures.....................

3,134 GO

3,134 GO

3,161 95

3,101 95

3,187 95

O ther real estate................................
Due from other banks and bankers
(not reserve cities).......................

2,290 44

9,263 28

1,080 22

15,094 70

7,458 34

10,793 99

21,837 22

13,010 38

Prem ium s paid on b o n d s...............
O verdrafts........................................


3,410 10

Item s in tra n sit.................................
U nited States bonds.........................
Due from banks in reserve cities..
Exchanges for clearing h o u se .........

890 56

U. S. and N ational bank c u rre n cy .

12,951 00

14,589 00

10,836 00

9,552 00

6,913 00

Gold c o in .............................................

1,970 00

2,400 00

4,000 00

4,185 00

3,710 00

Silver coin............................................

336 05

114 65

90 90

57 55

40 75

Nickels and c e n ts..............................

2 72

1 56

12 14

14 99

10 83

Checks and cash ite m s....................

1,640 83

999 89

970 05

145 24

T o tals............................................

$187,684 19

$200,649 39

$202,402 94

$214,285 30

$210,122 08

Capital stock paid in .......................

$15,000 00

$15,000 00

$15,000 00

$15,000 00

$15,000 00

3,000 00

3,000 00

9,000 00

9,000 00

10,000 00

1,039 70

706 42

1,214 04

521 21

186 45

Surplus fu n d ........................................
U ndivided profits, less current expenses, interest and taxes p a id ..
Dividends u n p a id ..............................
Commercial deposits subject to
ch eck .................................................

28,522 17

29,897 70

24,780 27

27,968 90

32,646 43

Commercial certificates of d ep o sit.

134,155 73

139,104 46

131,770 28

129,275 53

125,368 32

Due to banks and b an k ers...............

5,966 59

12,940 81

8,635 58

17,519 60

11,920 88

5,002 77

5,000 00

5 000 00

Certified checks..................................
Cashier’s checks outstan ding...........
Savings d ep o sits................................
Savings certificates of d ep o sit........
S tate monies on d ep o sit...............
Notes and bills rediscounted...........
Bills p a y a b le .......................................
T o tals............................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

$187,684 19

$200,649 39

7,000 00

10,000 00

10,000 00

$202,402 94

$214,285 30

$210,122 08



No. 195.
Organized June 1, 1897.
W m . H. A i t k i n , P r e s id e n t ; G e o . B . F o r r e s t e r , V ic e P r e s id e n t ; C. E . M oC l u s k e y , C a s h ie r ;
C. A. D a f o e , A s s i s t a n t C a s h ie r .
D i r e c t o r s .— Wm. H. A itkin, H. C. Aitkin, Melvin H. A itkin, Geo. B. Forrester, M. C. Richardson.


R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Nov. 27, ’08. Feb. 5, ’09. April 28, ’09. June 23, ’09. Sept. 1, ’09.

Loans an d discounts.........................

S157.304 79

$146,044 87

$156,207 42

$152,919 16

$150,253 18

Bonds, m ortgages and securities...

18,931 55

23,939 57

24,122 29

22,523 62

25,285 22

Prem ium s paid on b o n d s.................
O verdrafts............................................

871 98

974 33

1,040 67

1,135 42

838 38

Banking house....................................

1,900 00

1,900 00

1,900 00

1,900 00

1,900 00

F u rn itu re an d fixtures.....................

1,560 00

1,590 00

1,580 00

1,580 00

1,510 00

Expenses and interest p aid ............

60 85

O ther real e sta te ................................
Due from other banks and bankers
(not reserve cities).......................

416 27

594 23

Item s in tra n sit..................................
U nited S tates bonds.........................
DueMrom banks in reserve cities. .

12,061 48

16,131 46

13,739 20

Exchanges for clearing h o u s e ....

13,047 63

14,054 02

501 61

568 74

U. S. and N ational bank cu rren cy .

8,193 00

6,859 00

4,909 00

6,132 00

6,793 00

Gold c o in .............................................

6,235 00

6,630 00

7,545 00

7,020 00

7,255 00

Silver c o in ...........................................

367 75

732 00

558 20

474 85

499 05

Nickels and c e n ts..............................

177 99

208 65

142 54

150 46

133 10

Checks and cash ite m s ....................

528 21

381 51

252 51

361 31

257 27

T o tals............................................

8208,131 75

$205,807 66

$211,996 83

$207,746 06

$210,002 04

Capital stock paid in .......................

815,000 00

$15,000 00

$15,000 00

$15,000 00

$15,000 00

3,000 00

3,000 00

3,000 00

3,000 00

3,000 00

1,844 09

3,741 26

4,653 91

4,501 56

49,074 55

50,370 25

50,196 15

46,589 73

5,954 23

52 65

2,631 83

223 08

133,258 88

133,643 50

136,514 94

133,431 69

129,887 56

5,000 00

5,000 00

$207,746 06

$210,002 04

Surplus fu n d ........................................
Undivided profits, less current ex­
penses, interest and taxes p a i d ..
Dividends u n p a id ..............................
Commercial deposits subject to
ch eck .................................................
Commercial certificates of d ep o sit.
Due to banks and b an k ers...............

45,485 52
11,628 96

Certified checks..................................
Cashier’s checks o u tstan d in g ...........
Savings d ep o sits................................
Savings certificates of deposit. . . .
St&te monies on d ep o sit.................
Notes and bills rediscounted..........
Bills p a y a b le .......................................
T o tals............................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

8208,131 75

$205,807 66

8211,996 83


No. 335.
Organized March 27, 1906.
W. F. W e i s i n g e r ,

P r e s id e n t ; D a l e M u n s o n , V ic e P r e s id e n t ;

V. B. C a n n o n ,

C a s h ie r .

D i r e c t o r s .— W. F. Weisinger, Daniel Diver, N athan Bragg, George Cannon, Dale Munson.


R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Nov. 27, '08. Feb. 5, ’09. April 28, ’09. June 23, ’09. Sept. 1, ’09.

Loans and discounts.........................

147,744 20

$53,059 42

$52,200 43

$53,394 03

$55,559 08

Bonds, m ortgages and se c u ritie s..

10,575 00

16,575 00

18,050 00

21,498 75

22,998 75

813 01

226 71

172 06

15 57

295 37

2,000 00

2,000 00

2,000 00

2,000 00

2,000 00

Prem ium s paid on b o n d s...............
O verdrafts............................................
Banking house....................................
F u rn itu re and fixtures.....................
Other real e sta te ...............................
Due from other banks and bankers
(not reserve cities).......................
Item s in tra n sit.................................


U nited S tates bonds.........................
Due from banks in reserve cities..

10,595 99

13,270 43

15,854 65

12,919 27

8,487 07

Exchanges for clearing h o u se .........
S. and N ational bank cu rre n cy .

7,076 00

4,246 00

3,680 00

5,686 00

2,619 00

Gold c o in .............................................

370 00

795 00

1,330 00

1,855 00

1,965 00

Silver coin............................................

378 75

1,135 95

948 00

694 45

957 00

Nickels and c e n ts..............................

74 31

96 16

147 22

146 00

173 05

Checks and cash ite m s ...................

134 43

40 40

382 51

. 648 12

34 58

T o tals............................................

$85,701 09

$91,445 07

$94,764 87

$98,857 19

$95,088 90

Capital stock paid in .......................

$20,000 00

$20,000 00

$20,000 00

$20,000 00

$20,000 00

2,000 00

2,184 00

2,184 00

2,184 00

2,294 00

1,450 02

313 48

832 96

1,061 33

710 00


Surplus fu n d .......................................
Undivided profits, less current ex­
penses, interest and taxes p a id ..

472 50

Dividends u n p a id ..............................
Commercial deposits subject to
ch eck .................................................

14,071 18

18,848 13

19,846 77

22,263 80

19,243 82

Commercial certificates of d ep o sit.

5,746 08

6,863 77

5,101 74

4,104 94

2,127 94

42,494 41

42,763 19

46,799 40

49,243 12

50,713 14

$85,761 69

$91,445 07

$94,764 87

$98,857 19

$95,088 90

Due to banks and b an k ers...............
Certified checks..................................
Cashier’s checks o u tstanding..........
Savings d ep o sits................................
Savings certificates of deposit........
Notes and bills rediscounted...........
Rills p a y ab le.......................................
T o tals............................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



No. 301.
Organized November 3, 1904.
A. A. A l d r i c h ,

P r e s id e n t;

J. G. H u g h e s ,

V ic e P r e s id e n t ;

C. F. M o r e a u ,

C a s h ie r .

D i r e c t o r s .— A. A. Aldrich, J. G. Hughes. Donald McLeay, William E lliott, L. P. Teerpening,

Geo. J. Doster, T. A. Aldrich.


R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Nov. 27, ’08. Feb. 5, ’09. April 28, ’09. June 23, ’09. Sept. 1, ’09.

Loans and discounts.........................

142,598 29

$49,839 72

$42,869 61

$43,577 08

$39,496 46

Bonds, m ortgages and securities...

44,059 33

49,012 29

49,847 89

53,997 18

64,280 68

1,800 00

Prem ium s paid on b o n d s.................
O verdrafts............................................

254 99

229 87

205 51

Banking house....................................

1,800 00

1,800 00

1,800 00

1,800 00

903 97

1,826 58

1,784 76

5,806 90

938 71

1,151 32

605 00

1,000 00

2,607 50

21,217 29

27,067 72

24,356 12

20,159 26

207 61

F urniture and fixtures.....................
Other real e state...............................
Due from other banks and bankers
(not reserve cities).......................
Item s in tra n sit.................................
U nited S tates bonds.........................
Due from banks in reserve cities..

31,086 84

Exchanges for clearing house. . . .
U. S. and National bank cu rre n cy .

3,856 00

3,993 00

4,338 00.

4,196 00

3,679 00

Gold c o in .............................................

2,650 00

2,700 00

2,590 00

2,085 00

2,780 00

Silver c o in ...........................................

221 35

268 25

127 75

218 50

485 95

Nickels and c e n ts..............................

121 97

143 46

120 44

72 37

137 47

Checks and cash ite m s ....................

1,492 60

153 49

35 86

101 92

173 89

T o tals............................................

*129,042 34

$132,335 27

$131,392 54

$137,871 07

$136,746 53

Capital stock paid in .......................

$20,000 00

$20,000 00

$20,000 00

$20,000 00

$20,000 00

Surplus fu n d ........................................
Undivided profits, less current ex­
penses, interest and taxes p a id . .

425 00

1,000 00

1,000 00

1,000 00

1,000 00

2,927 38

1,357 09

3,213 45

2,489 56

2,655 11

Dividends u n p a id ..............................
Commercial deposits subject to
ch eck .................................................

20,930 32

22,342 91

21,315 34

27,250 18

22,494 47

12,880 10

Commercial certificates of d ep o sit.
Due to banks and b an k ers...............
Certified c h e c k s .................................
500 00

Cashier’s checks outstanding
Savings d ep o sits................................

0,804 41

8,894 81

10,275 16

11,237 60

Savings certificates of deposit. . . .

77,955 23

78,740 46

76,588 59

75,893 73

77,216 85

$129,042 34

$132,335 27

$131,392 54

$137,871 07

$136,746 53

Notes and bills rediscounted. . .
Bills p a y a b le .....................................
T o tals............................................

Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



No. 73.
Organized April 19, 1888.
W. P. H o l l id a y ,

C. P. C o l l i n s , V ic e P r e s id e n t ; H
M e y e r B i n g , A s s i s t a n t C a s h ie r .

P r e s id e n t ;


J. F o x ,

C a s h ie r ;

D i r e c t o r s .— W. P. Holliday, Wm, T. Gage, H arry J. Fox, C. P. Collins, Alex. I. McLeod,

E dgar Rexford, Samuel T. Douglas.

R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of .
Nov. 27, ’08. Feb. 5, ’09. April 28, ’09. June 23, ’09. Sept. 1, ’09.


$514,406 53

$560,215 31

$612,785 59

$586,775 22

$638,892 05

Bonds, m ortgages and se cu rities... 1,093,557 65

1,086,515 44

1,097,858 78

1,269,350 21

1,378,680 44

Loans and discounts.........................
Prem ium s paid on b o n d s.................
O verdrafts............................................

357 03

1,592 23

512 29

989 54

769 65

Banking house....................................

28,026 07

28,026 07

29,726 07

29,726 07

29,726 07

F urn itu re and fixtures.....................

20,943 22

20,000 00

20,000 00

20,000 00

20,000 00

O ther real estate...............................
Due from other banks and bankers
(not reserve cities).......................

2,527 82

51,916 47

51,670 24

44,465 73

44,214 81

8,646 52

694 00

41 60

190,931 41

Item s in tra n sit.................................

128 30

U nited States bonds.........................
Due from banks in reserve c itie s ..

178,173 59

175,741 77

355,485 27

237,990 21

Exchanges for clearing house. . . .

28,146 85

38,028 74

31,692 75

24,735 16

54,368 70

U. S. and N ational bank currency.

82,954 00

98,297 00

82,745 00

88,082 00

82,949 00

Gold c o in .............................................

11,477 50

13,940 00

20,498 50

24,287 50

20,907 50


8,658 00

16,373 00

9,230 00

10,949 00

11,833 00

Nickels and c e n ts..............................

350 64

538 79

307 68

458 35

320 58

Checks and cash ite m s....................

466 53

170 22

91 39

204 46

396 94

T o tals............................................ $1,970,173 73 •$2,091,355 04 $2,321,250 08 $2,338,707 45

$2,474,031 75

Silver co in ............................

Capital stock paid in .......................
Surplus fu n d .......................................
Undivided profits, less current ex­
penses, interest and taxes paid*..
Dividends u n p a id ..............................
Commercial deposits subject to
check .................................................

$100,000 00

$100,000 00

$100,000 00

$100,000 00

$100,000 00

50,000 00

60,000 00

60,000 00

60,000 00

60,000 00

38,684 40

7,407 24

9,968 46

15,747 82

16,404 02

350,428 87

395,268 09

518,102 59

500,483 64

526,105 95

Commercial certificates of d ep o sit.
Due to banks and b an k ers...............
Certified checks................................

2,510 27

753 85

1,756 74

685 62

872 55

Cashier’s checks o u tstan ding...........

8,676 66

2,100 63

1,528 54

7,323 62

2,157 00

Savings dep o sits................................

1,335,401 37

1,420,653 09

1,541,093 58

1,565,940 11

1,686,648 34

84,472 16

99,172 14

88,800 17

88,526 64


T o tals............................................ $1,970,173 73 $2,091,355 04 $2,321,250 08 $2,338,707 45

$2,474,031 75

Savings certificates of d e p o s it.. . .
Notes and bills rediscounted........
Bills p a y a b le .......................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



No. 82.
Organized March 2, 1885.
R. H . F y f e ,

P r e s id e n t ; H u g h W a l l a c e , V ic e P r e s id e n t ; F r a n k F . T i l l o t s o n , C a s h ie r ;
F r e d e r i c k J. K i r t s , A s s i s t a n t C a s h i e r ; C h a r l e s E . B r y a n t , A u d ito r .

D i r e c t o r s .—Thomas Berry, Charles A. K ent, F rank F. Tillotson, R. H . Fyfe, W. F. Jewell, George

Osius, D avid S. Carter, Gaylord W. Gillis, F rank Filer, H ugh Wallace, Levi L. Barbour.

R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Nov. 27, ’08. Feb. 5, ’09. April 28, ’09. June 23, ’09. Sept. 1, '09.


Loans and discounts.........................

$953,521 92

$862,877 46

Bonds, m ortgages and securities...

568,541 70

569,608 34

Prem ium s paid on b o n d s.................

3,505 99

3,505 99

O verdrafts............................................

20 06

76 05

F u rn itu re and fixtures.....................

8,500 00

8,500 00

Other real e sta te ...............................
Due from other banks and bankers
(not reserve cities).......................

87,135 88

87,135 88

11,621 94

20,838 26

Banking house....................................

Item s in tra n sit.................................
U nited S tates bonds.........................
Due from banks in reserve cities..

172,630 28

126,255 43

Exchanges for clearing h o u s e .. . .

24,771 02

26,907 70

U. S. and National bank currency.

85,163 00

95,718 00

Gold c o in .............................................

41,489 50

59,670 00

4,394 00

3,413 50

201 93

245 85

S ilv e r

c o in ..................

Nickels and c e n ts..............................
Checks and cash ite m s...................
T o tals..........

$1,961,497 22 $1,864,752 46

in .............

C a p ita l s to c k p a id
S u r p lu s f u n d .

U ndivided profits, less current ex­
penses, interest and taxes p a i d ..

$200,000 00

$200,000 00

50,000 00

50,000 00

13,467 41

10,157 56

689,620 42

002,022 95

112 50

D iv id e n d s u n p a id . .





3,297 00

162 00

136,473 13

157,730 22

C e r ti f ie d c h e c k s

2,295 60

9,721 12

C a s h i e r ’s c h e c k s o u t s t a n d i n p ’

1,336 89

4,438 16

716,040 59

705,569 74

148,966 18

124,838 21

Commercial certificates of d ep o sit.
Thie f.n b a n k s

an d b a n k e rs

S a v in g s d e p o s its


Savings certificates of deposit. . . .
Tsfotes a n d b i ll s

re d is c o u n te d

B ills p a .y a h l e
T o ta ls

*In Liquidation.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

$1,961>497 22 $1,864,752 46




No. 47.
Organized 1849. Reorganized July 18, 1871.
Corporate existence extended June 7, 1901.
D. C. D e l a m a t e r , P r e s id e n t ; C h a r l e s A. D e a n ,

V ic e P r e s id e n t ; E. C. B o w m a n . A s s i s t a n t to th e P r e s id e n t ,
C y r u s B o s s , C a s h ie r ; T . F . H a n c o c k , A s s i s t a n t C a s h ie r .

D i r e c t o r s .— George Hendrie, D. C. D elam ater, Charles A. Dean, E. A. Cliapoton Philip H McMillan

Sidney T. Miller, S trath earn Hendrie, A rthur M. P arker, John M. Dwyer.

R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Nov. 27, ’08. Feb. 5, ’09. April 28, ’09 June 23, ’09. Sept. 1, ’09.


Loans and discounts.......................

$1 687 103 53 $1,555,141 2S •$1,545,623 48 $1,486,432 10

Bonds, m ortgages and securities. . 5,832,315 05

5,909,023 64

Prem ium s paid on b o n d s...............
O verdrafts..................................

6,049,353 60

6,235,579 56

2,657 01

2,007 91

$1,362,665 19
6,357,926 10

190 93

606 97

147 07

302 90

B anking house..................................

51,117 56

67,145 69

78,866 21

77,890 91

F urniture and fixtures...................

5,425 13

5,298 38

5,441 38

6,298 88

6,236 03

174,163 39

145,753 23

139,757 28

130,672 94

O ther real e state............
Due from other banks and bankers
(not reserve cities).....................
Item s in tra n sit.......................

87,028 58

1,700 00

3,940 00

5,348 25

53 98

1,096 48

U nited States bonds.........................

200,000 00

200,000 00

200,000 00

200,000 00

200,000 00

Due from banks in reserve cities..

599,230 59

694,059 2.1

846,109 36


808,943 68

40,113 26

87,314 76

37,694 18

48,622 71

37,442 C6

U. S. and N ational bank c u rre n cy .

377,038 00

452,039 00

419,663 00

442,184 00

465,359 00

Gold c o in .......................................

249,185 00

279,782 50

253,037 50

303,755 00

Silver coin.....................................

19,459 95

7,069 10

8,737 05

10,624 65

10,726 65

Nickels and c e n ts..........................

2,153 73

2,111 94

2,363 42

2,590 08

1,404 43

Checks and cash ite m s .............

2,661 77

0,493 84

1,781 11

2,123 91

3,476 96

$9,241,857 89 $9,415,779 54 $9,023,205 49 $9,613,691 17

$9,778,061 40

Exchanges for clearing h o u se. . . .

T o ta ls.. x.......................
Capital stock paid in .....................
Surplus fu n d ...........................
U ndivided profits, less current ex­
penses, interest and taxes p a id . .
Dividends u n p a id ...................
Commercial deposits subject
ch eck ......................................

$400,000 00

$400,000 00

$400,000 00

$400,000 00

400,000 00

400,000 00

400,000 00

400,000 00

400,000 00

254,140 65

270,567 93

277,789 25

283,985 61

270,269 70
700,721 04

$400,000 00

748,395 56

714,799 16

711,909 53

691,407 78

Commercial certificates of d ep o sit.

45,492 79

65,172 09

42,937 49

S5.868 85

48,937 18

Due to banks and b an k ers.............

86,804 96

93,886 57

109,033 03

57,584 69

116,835 07

Certified checks................................

2,924 62

5,923 65

262 88

24,791 41

1,242 76

Cashier’s checks outstanding...........

2,436 47

5,015 24

3,355 08

4,440 08

3,279 13

7,199,157 33

7,365,403 93

7,553,257 00

7,548,399 57

7,729,463 18

102,505 51

95,010 97

124,600 63

117,213 18

107,313 34

$9,241,857 89 $9,415,779 54 $9,623,205 49 $9,613,691 17

$9,778,061 40

Savings d ep o sits..............................
Savings certificates of dep o sit........
Notes and bills rediscounted...........
Bills p a y a b le .......................................
T o tals.............................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



Organized November 15, 1900.
A l e x a n d e r M c P h e r s o n , P r e s id e n t ; E d w a r d H. B u t l e r , S i d n e y T. M i l l e r , V ic e P r e s id e n t s ; H o w ­
a r d J. L e s h e r , T r e a s u r e r ; R a l p h S t o n e , S e c r e t a r y ; L a w r e n c e K. B u t l e r , A s s i s t a n t T r e a s u r e r ;
C h a s . P . S p i c e r , J o s e p h A . B o w e r , A s s i s t a n t S e c r e ta r ie s ; M c P h e r s o n B r o w n i n g , M g r . B o n d
D e p a r tm e n t ; F r e d W i x s o n , M g r . A u d i t D e p a r tm e n t.
D i r e c t o r s .— Ammi W. W right, Jam es E. Davidson, Frederick E. Driggs, Charles A. Dean, Jam es

N. W right, Elisha H. Flinn, H enry P. Baldwin, Chester G. W hite, Edwin C. Nichols, George
Peck, E dw ard H. Butler, John H. Avery, Daniel L. Quirk, Jr., Alexander McPherson, Sidney
T. Miller, F rank W. Gilchrist, F rank W. E ddy, Rasm us Hanson, Lucius Lilley, E dw ard D. Stair,
Benton H anchett, Jam es E. Danaher, Samuel T. Douglas, A rthur H. Buhl, Benjam in F. B erry,
W alter Scotten.

Collateral loans.

R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Nov. 27, ’08. Feb. .5, '09. April 28, '09. June 23, ’09. Sept 1, ’09.

T im e..................... $2,137,084 30 $1,894,502 17 $2,110,946 83 $1,954,416 32

$1,764,924 02

D em and...............
Loans on real estate m ortgages:
In office........................................

209,950 63

221,055 49

242,372 36

295,534 86

209,986 64

58,393 30

159,667 13

162,086 44

151,482 31

188,482 53

W ith S tate T reasurer..............

147,700 00

146,200 00

157,300 00

143,300 00

148,050 00

In office................................

G25,572 29

604,476 42

496,473 05

753,8S8 40

708,267 95

W ith S tate T re a s u re r.. . .

54,000 00

57,000 00

47,000 00

57,000 00

62,000 00

Advances to t r u s t s .. . . . A .............

6,226 00

6,254 68

6,808 28

6,223 4S

25,990 74

P rem ium s p a id ...................................

1,817 00

1,817 00

1,758 00

1,758 00

1,758 00

467,807 33

817,806 18

1,114,327 15

1,267,394 79

1,347,147 08

50,053 49

50,078 27

51,262 94
12,235 14

O ther loans..........................................

S to ck s....................................................
Real estate ow n ed ............................
O ther investm ents.............................

S afety deposit v a u lts .......................
F u rn itu re and fixtures.....................
Due from approved reserve a g e n ts.
Due from other banks and b a n k e rs.
Cash ite m s ...........................................

899 22

4,493 92

1,268 22

1,505 44

Nickels and c e n ts..............................

2 68

2 75

2 09


1 16

Silver coin............................................

39 25

39 00

17 50

‘25 05

24 85
5,605 00

Gold c o in .............................................

350 00

420 00

5,455 00

5,540 00

U. S. and N ational bank notes. . . .

2,880 00

3,242 00

7,043 00

8,196 00

9,880 00

T o ta ls............................................ $3,713,322 00 $3,917,037 34 $4,402,971 41 $4,696,343 S9

$4,535,616 05

C apital stock paid in .......................

$500,000 00

$500,000 00

$500,000 00

$500,000 00

$500,000 00

500,000 00

500,000 00

500,000 00

500,000 00

500,000 00

575,334 05

551,036 19

613,012 93

613,642 10

628,385 55

2,120,774 55

2,338,567 02

2,768,099 78

3,047,992 16

2,876,970 20

Accrued in terest and tax es............

12,213 40

22,434 13

21,858 70

24,709 63

20,260 30

Reserved for d iv id ends...................

5,000 00

5,000 00

10,000 00

10,000 00

T o tals............................................ $3,713,322 00 $3,917,037 34 $4,402,971 41 $4,696,343 89

$4,535,616 05

Surplus f u n d .......................................
Undivided profits (less expenses,
interest and takes p a i d ) ..............
Dividends u n p a id ..............................
T ru st d ep o sits....................................
D eb en tu res...........................................

O ther liab ilities..................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



No. 386.
F r a n k B. L e l a n d , P r e s id e n t ; F r e d M. W a r n e r , V ic e P r e s id e n t ; C h a r l e s B. C r a m e r , C a s h ie r .
D i r e c t o r s .— Waldo A. Avery, Fred M. W arner, H enry Stephens, F rank B. Leland, Albert F. Peck

H enry W. S tandart.


R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Nov. 27, ’08. Feb. 5, ’09. April 28, ’09 June 23, ’09 Sept. 1, ’09.

Loans and discounts.........................
Bonds, m ortgages and securities. . §1,415,188 66 $1,464,464 14 $1,542,901 57 $1,562,269 93

$1,730,086 65

Prem ium s paid on b o n d s...............
O verdrafts............................................
Banking house................................
F urniture and fixtures...................
Other real estate...........................
Due from other banks and bankers
(not reserve cities).....................

87,342 37

116,762 02

114,972 46

156,004 73

125,794 62

307,317 16

Item s in tra n sit...............................
U nited S tates bonds.........................
Due from banks in reserve cities. .

250,788 41

276,555 02

414,529 67

428,543 22

Exchanges for clearing house.........

6,124 63

3,300 93

93 71

249 88

567 83

U. S. and N ational bank cu rre n cy .

26,536 00

23,427 00

31,789 00

20,131 00

28,882 00

Gold c o in .......................................

55,857 50

60,455 00

64,990 00

71,437 50

74,990 00

157 SO

106 60

152 15

117 55

85 50

63 03

110 28

88 52

110 85

32 74

$1 «42 0.5« 40 $1,945,180 99 $2,169,517 08 $2,238,864 66

$2,268,356 50

Silver coin.........................
Nickels and c e n ts.......................
Checks and cash ite m s....................
T o tals............
Capital stock paid in .....................
Surplus fu n d .............................
Undivided profits, less current ex­
penses, interest and taxes paid. .

§250,000 00

$250,000 00

$250,000 00

$250,000 00

$250,000 00

10,000 00

20,000 00

20,000 00

25,000 00

25,000 00

24,480 27

4,625 56

17,892 70

19,552 63

6,486 57

1,350,939 70

1,468,757 34

1,646,193 03

1,681,270 58

1,736,676 99

200,638 43

201,798 09

235,431 35

263,041 45

250,192 94

§1,842,058 40 $1,945,180 99 $2,169,517 08 $2,238,864 66

$2,268,356 50

Dividends u n p a id ............................
Commercial deposits subject to
ch eck ..................................
Commercial certificates of d ep o sit.
Due to banks and b an k ers.............
Certified checks................................
Cashier’s checks outstanding..........
Savings d ep o sits..............................
Savings certificates of deposit........
Notes and bills rediscounted...........
Bills p a y a b le ............................
T otals.............................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis


No. 9.
Organized April



W i l l ia m L i v i n g s t o n e , P r e s id e n t ; G e o r g e H . B a r b o u r , J . L . H u d s o n , V ic e P r e s id e n t s : C h a s . A .
W a r r e n , C a s h ie r ; F . F . T i l l o t s o n , L. C. S h e r w o o d , D . S. C a r n e g i e , C. E . P a r t r i d g e , A s s i s t a n t
C a s h ie r s ; G e o r g e T . B r e e n , A u d i t o r .
D i r e c t o r s .— William Livingstone, George H. Barbour, J. L. Hudson, Chas. A. W arren, Jas. B. McKay,

B ethune Duffield, Marshall H. Godfrey, A. C. Stellwagen, H. N. Hovey, John Pridgeon, Jr., Jas.
E. Danaher, H ugh Wallace, R. H. P'yfe, H enry Ford.

R eport of
Nov. 27', ’08

R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Feb. 5, ’09. April 28, ’09. June 23, ’C9. Sept. 1, ’09.

Loans and discounts......................... $2,424,343 60 $2,144,581 78 $3,139,501 18 $3,198,317 19
Bonds, m ortgages and securities... 2,452,839 52

2,495,147 75

Prem ium s paid on b o n d s.................
O verdrafts..........................................
Banking house.............................. : .
F urniture and fixtures...................
Other real estate...............................
Due from other banks and bankers
(not reserve, cities).......................
Item s in tra n sit.................................

$3,239,219 84

3,112,074 11

3,089,575 63

3,436,635 75

3,761 12

3,067 36

5,475 26

71 71

905 44

335 86

701 47

548 30

51,991 29

94,491 29

94,491 29

144,491 29

173,991 29

5,000 00

5,000 00

5,000 00

5,000 00

5,000 00

120,593 23

120,593 23

195,393 23

187,628 23

191,106 19

2,401 32

2,622 98

12,543 59

14,464 38

12,475 82

1,075,066 96

United States bonds.......................
Due from banks in reserve cities. .

501,247 13

849,480 56

882,435 77

1,060,739 52

Exchanges for clearing h o u s e .. ..

97,876 31

149,666 91

161,802 42

189,418 12

145,058 54

(J. S. and N ational bank currency.

224,178 00

197,073 00

247,067 00

251,876 00

187,833 00

Gold c o in .............................................

167,775 00

155,524 50

1S9.545 50

206,026 00

167,737 00

Silver c o in ...........................................

14,308 67

13,873 50

12,629 05

15,563 42

10,820 75

Nickels and c en ts..............................

678 63

1,459 49

1,833 69

1,026 12

1,360 31

Checks and cash ite m s....................

360 51

9,720 45

2,118 98

1,250 91

597 00

$6,123,664 92 $6,240,140 88 $8,060,532 79 $8,369,145 64

$8,652,926 01

T o tals......................................
Capital stock paid in .......................

$500,000 00

$500,000 00

$500,000 00

$500,000 00

$500,000 00

250,000 00

250,000 00

250,000 00

250,000 00

250,000 00

35,749 17

28,285 13

40,717 47

49,396 65

46,919 62

Dividends u n p a id ..............................
400 00
Commercial deposits subject to
ch eck ................................................. 1,574,558 53

240 00

348 00

106 00

166 00

1,699,445 70

2,347,054 26

2,646,068 82

2,939,789 39

Surplus fu n d .......................................
Undivided profits, less current ex­
penses, interest and taxes p a i d ..

Commercial certificates of d ep o sit.
Due to banks and b an k ers...............

50,364 57

39,379 17

223,977 90

228,096 27

209,386 45

Certified checks..................................

9,824 15

13,465 27

14,552 06

12,203 69

12,060 15

Cashier’s checks o u tstan d in g ...........

17,249 79

11,592 22

7,307 85

20,621 37

3,647 89

Savings dep o sits................................

3,456,452 46

3,481,154 62

4,285,630 68

4,295,097 89

4,339,369 64

Savings certificates of deposit. . . .

220,257 59

205,886 11

377,495 39

351,119 83

349,086 87

Reserved for ta x e s ...........................

8,808 66

10,692 66

13,449 18

16,435 12

2,500 00

T o tals............................................ $6,123,664 92 $6,240,140 88 $8,060,532 79 $8,369,145 64

$8,652,920 01

Notes and bills rediscounted........
Bills p a y a b le .......................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



No. 357.
Organized December 20, 1906.
W m . E . M o s s , P r e s id e n t ; P a u l H . D e m i n g , V ic e P r e s i d e n t ; W . J . H a y e s , C a s h ie r .
D ir e c t o r s .— Wm. E. Moss, H enry E. Bodman, F rank A. Kelly, W. J. Hayes, P aul H. Deming,


D. Chapin, J. W. Thompson, Joseph A. Belanger, Jam es J-. Brady.


R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Nov. 27, ’08. Feb. 5, ’09. April 28, ’09. June 23, ’09. Sept. 1, 09.

Loans and discounts.........................

$34,041 21

$32,259 71

$35,600 96

$43,165 13

$43,703 74

Bonds, m ortgages and se c u ritie s...

75,453 99

79,588 22

93,025 23

135,095 18

159,077 31

Prem ium s paid on b o n d s.................

152 50

386 30

527 20

1,403 85

1,403 85

O verdrafts............................................

54 43

116 41

2,012 45

2,252 33

1,231 98

7,852 62

Expenses, interest and taxes p a id .

292 34

102 68

1,501 71

1,771 75

2,476 64

2,159 97

2,939 56

3,581 37

3,828 92

17,665 18

14,422 82

42,570 52

21,445 54

80 00

229 25

850 76

34 25

7,356 00

10,794 00

13,941 00

20,292 00

Banking house....................................
F u rn itu re and fixtures.....................
O ther real estate................................
Due from other banks and bankers
(not reserve cities).......................
Item s in tra n sit.................................
U nited S tates bonds.........................
Due from banks in reserve cities..
Exchanges for clearing h o u s e ....
U. S. and N ational b ank cu rre n cy .

3,712 00

Gold c o in .............................................

625 00

85 00

567 50

1,300 00

855 00

Silver co in ...........................................

471 50

841 00

753 50

1,895 55

1,318 50

Nickels and c e n ts..............................

32 77

99 59

60 51

163 95

289 10

8 87

Checks and cash ite m s....................

149 73

429 31

T o tals............................................

$125,640 45

$142,898 58

$160,422 24

$246,181 13

$255,256 84

C apital stock paid in .......................

$20,000 00

$20,000 00

$20,000 00

$20,000 00

$20,000 00

53,108 90

65,518 98

84,495 70

117,171 54

112,528 60

40 00

300 00

Cashier’s checks o u tstan d in g ...........

442 50

2,028 80

1,539 21

2,043 95

580 00

Savings d ep o sits................................

47,714 05

53,975 80

52,972 33

103,300 64

Savings certificates of deposit. . . .

4,375 00

1,375 00

1,415 00

3,625 00

5,590 00

$125,640 45

$142,898 58

$160,422 24

$246,181 13

$255,256 84

Surplus fu n d ..........
U ndivided profits, less current ex­
penses interest and taxes p a id ..
Dividends unpaid . . .
Commercial deposits subject to
ch eck .................................................
Commercial certificates of d ep o sit.
Due to banks and bankers
Certified checks. . .

116,258 2

Notes and hills rediseonnted..
Bills p a y a b le . .
T o tals............................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



No. 5.
Organized February 3, 1883.
C h a r i.e s E . K

a n t e r , P r e s id e n t ; P h i l i p
G e o r g e H . K ir c h n e r ,

B r e i t m e y e r , E d w in A. B u r c h , P a u l R . G r a y , V ic e P r e s i d e n t s C a s h ie r ; E d w a r d Y e n t s c h , A s s i s t a n t C a s h ie r .

D i r e c t o r s .— Charles E. K anter, Philip Breitm eyer, Edwin A. Burch, P aul R. Gray, George H Kirchner

Max C. Koch, Chas. D. Aaron, G ustave D arm staetter, Charles W. Kotcher.

R eport of
Nov. 27, ’08

R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Feb. 5, ’09. April 28, ’09 June 23, ’09 Sept. 1, '09.

Loans and discounts.........................

$853,473 50

$851,139 66

$839,818 08

$858,319 30

$938,837 78

Bonds, m ortgages and se cu rities..

584,239 14

585,533 99

653,656 11

682,174 47

711,926 13

Prem ium s paid on b o n d s...............
O v erd rafts......................................

454 08

454 08

587 04

799 60

3,068 51

741 84

2,411 25

8,986 45

9,600 00

9,600 00

9,600 00

9,600 00

528 90

396 68

2,565 18

2,164 46

264 46

Banking house..................................
F u rn itu re and fixtures...................
O th er real estate.........................
Due from other banks and bankers
(not reserve cities).....................
Item s in tra n sit...............................

675 27

U nited States bonds.........................
Due from banks in reserve cities. .

227,482 43

314,088 51

335,045 94

381,070 99

E xchanges for clearing h o u se.........

20,825 09

12,166 36

17,793 42

32,253 76

13,522 14

U. S. and N ational b ank currency.

75,197 00

128,559 00

75,642 00

83,920 00

83,777 00

Gold c o in ...........................................

323,020 84

56,145 00

62,555 00

75,217 50

61,427 50

55,310 00

Silver coin.................................

6,245 84

8,003 15

10,312 30

7,723 90

15,007 95

Nickels an d c e n ts..........................

1,586 82

1,480 48

1,303 26

1,841 67

1,433 48

Checks and cash ite m s.............

4,752 40

2,179 77

3,386 74

2,467 76

782 13

$1,840,049 61 $1,976,502 20 $2,027,409 04 $2,124,159 73

$2,157,082 51

T o ta ls.................................
C apital stock paid in .......................

$250,000 00

$250,000 00

$250,000 00

$250,000 00

$250,000 00

S urplus fu n d ...............................
U ndivided profits, less current ex­
penses, interest and taxes paid. .

50,000 00

50,000 00

50,000 00

50,000 00

50,000 00

12,417 32

11,365 61

14,412 29

15,501 79

11,257 05

D ividends u n p a id ........................
Commercial deposits subject to
ch e c k .............................................

10 50

27 00

22 50

7 50

3,766 50

411,260 35

416,543 78

499,237 91

491,427 40

552,811 72

Commercial certificates of d ep o sit.

17,597 04

6,550 00

700 00

150 00

Due to banks and b an k ers...............

30,462 07

117,523 22

22,010 35

41,555 66

785 86

867 63

11,057 32

16,067 56

3,347 81

C ashier’s checks o u tstanding...........

15,245 21

370 79

4,369 27

540 85

8,970 02

S avings d ep o sits................................

1,023,214 60

1,084,079 39

1,118,614 42

1,217,313 15

1,151,880 82

Savings certificates of dep o sit........

29,056 66

39,174 78

56,984 98

41,595 82

49,150 79

$1,840,049 61 $1,970,502 20 $2,027,409 04 $2,124,159 73

$2,157,082 51

Certified checks................................

75,897 80

Notes an d bills rediscounted...........
Bills p a y a b le .......................................
T o ta ls ................................

Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



No. 90.
Organized December 11, 1888.
J u l i u s H . H a a s s , P r e s id e n t ; C h a r l e s I. F a r r e l l , V ic e P r e s id e n t ; E d w in J . E
A r t h u r E . L o c h , A s s i s t a n t C a s h ie r s .


D i r e c t o r s .— Jam es C. McGregor, Charles I. Farrell, L eartus Connor, Fred

G uenther, R alph Phelps,
Jr., Julius H. Haass, Geo. H. Clippert, Orla B. Taylor, Em ory W. Clark.


R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Nov. 27, ’08. Feb. 5, ’09. April 28, ’09. June 23, ’09. Sept. 1, ’09.

Loans and discounts......................... $2,326,880 53 $2,302,653 24 $2,396,277 22 $2,593,751 34
2,948,869 55 3,095,264 16 3,160,392 70

Bonds, m ortgages and se cu rities... 2,888,522 88

$2,817,409 77
3,285,656 71

O verdrafts............................................

518 26

582 01

221 08

320 37

956 84

Banking house....................................

48,000 00

48,000 00

48,000 00

48,000 00

48,000 00

Other real estate................................
Due from other banks and bankers
('not, reserve cities).......................

50,757 67

50,000 00

50,000 00

50,000 00

35,775 00

8,623 95

22,742 34

17,051 56

10,237 62

694,611 85


12,635 62

Due from banks in reserve cities. .

719,335 11

809,051 87

959,135 76

869,961 02

Exchanges for clearing house. . . .

29,917 86

35,122 69

39,351 45

40,698 63

37,835 95

U. S. and N ational b ank currency.

204,521 00

175,884 00

171,093 00

240,014 00

245,710 00

Gold c o in .............................................

147,035 00

153,797 50

149,245 00

157,510 00

154,985 00

6,681 00

7,121 50

6,868 00

708 70

229 24

691 96

2,058 91

2,102 69

326 02

T o tals............................................ $6,436,824 55 $6,538,694 86 $6,940,778 62 $7,187,153 05

$7,339,064 72

Silver co in ...........................................
Nickels and c e n ts..............................
Cheeks and rash ite m s....................

Capital stock paid in .......................
Surplus fu n d ........................................
Undivided profits, less current ex­
penses, interest and taxes p a id ..

7,173 00
919 84
607 78

$400,000 00
300,000 00

5,587 00
386 55
136 50

$400,000 00
325,000 00

$400,000 00

$400,000 00

$400,000 00

325,000 00

325,000 00

350,000 00
46,928 72
-1,249,407 38

53,252 02

30,981 34

40 786 64

57,154 44

Commercial deposits subject to
......................................... 1,209,250 74

1,106,447 61

1,229,877 87

1,223,820 74

11,542 63

22,747 72

36,178 59

13,501 59

91,831 88

89,351 70

Commercial certificates of d ep o sit.

16,465 19

IDpe. to hanks and b an k ers...............

98,912 38

82,725 88

103,000 32

Certified ch eek s..................................

16,117 17

12,715 59

7,933 70

18,559 77

6,707 57

Pavings d ep o sits.................................

4,229,31S 74

4,401,461 78

4,622,442 01

4,812,190 76

4,964,924 IT

113,508 31

167,820 03

178,990 36

212,416 87

218,243 59

10,000 00

10,000 00

Savings certificates of deposit. . . .

T o tals............................................ $6,436,824 55 $6,538,694 86 $6,940,778 62 $7,187,153 05
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

$7,339,064 72



No. 81.
Organized February 19, 1877.
Corporate existence extended February 19, 1907.
G e o r g e P e c k , P r e s id e n t ; C h a s . C. J e n k s , J a s . D. S t a n d is h , J a s . S. H o d d e n , V ic e P r e s id e n t s ;
G e o r g e W i l e t , C a s h ie r ; H u g h R . B u r n s , A s s i s t a n t C a s h ie r .
T r u s t e e s .— C. M. B urton Geo. Peck, D exter M. Ferry, Jr., Chas. S. Jenks, H oyt Post, Jas. D. Standish,

Geo. Wiley, J. S. Holden, Lem W. Bowen, J. B. Ford, W. J. Gray, Jas. Inglis, M. J. M urphy.
Thos. Neal, Jo h n T . Shaw, M. L. Williams, C. G. Edgar, Jas. H. Flinn, J. A. Mercier, A. A. Albrecht,

R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Nov. 27, ’08. Feb. 5, ’09. April 28, ’09. June 23, ’C9. Sept. 1, ’09.

Loans and discounts......................... $1,126,870 34 $1,156,768 69 $1,114,208 05 $1,085,764 23
Bonds, m ortgages and se c u ritie s... 1,252,011 23
Prem ium s paid on b o n d s.................

1,276,306 54

1,330,781 04

1', 351,479 43

$1,226,176 88
1,423,065 OS

4,500 00

O verdrafts............................................

1,883 61

1,202 70

660 88

745 25

1,449 44

Banking house....................................

14,000 00

14,000 00

14,344 55

24,533 80

28,945 30

F u rn itu re and fixtures.....................

8,157 32

8,075 00

7,775 00

7,475 00

7,025 00

O ther real estate........................... .. .
Due from other banks and bankers
(not reserve cities).......................

6,520 70

11,719 95

8,709 95

7,070 70

7,070 70

407,758 99

Item s in tra n sit.................................
United S tates bonds.........................
Due from banks in reserve cities. .

215,214 91

311,851 83

352,850 21

427,462 47

Exchanges for clearing h o u s e .. ..

20,618 13

18,272 66

28,460 08

20,037 09

42,189 18

U. S. and N ational bank cu rren cy .

100,724 00

107,023 00

98,910 00

66,660 00

131,324 00

Gold co in .............................................

49,782 50

49,477 50

49,707 50

48,812 50

51,287 50

Silver co in ...........................................

5,413 75

5,885 30

4,864 70

3,093 15

4,310 74

Nickels and c e n ts..............................

759 27

767 48

654 18

321 08

942 13

Checks and cash ite m s....................

9,996 47

3,779 69

2,169 12

2,633 85

4,673 86

T o tals............................................ $2,816,452 23 $2,965,130 34 $3,014,095 26 $3,046,088 55

$3,336,218 80

Capital stock paid in .......................
Surplus fu n d .......................................
Undivided profits, less current expenses, interest and taxes p a id ..

$250,000 00

$250,000 00

$250,000 00

$250,000 00

$250,000 00

125,000 00

125,000 00

125,000 00

125,000 00

125,000 00

44,481 09

46,959 53

47,274 42

53,580 99

52,511 74
1,135,237 78

Dividends u n p a id ..............................
Commercial deposits subject to
ch eck .................................................

815,312 20

887,278 86

895,980 00

925,120 43

Commercial certificates of d ep o sit.

7,112 09

2,243 36

3,S07 32

3,287 47

4,442 06

Due to banks and b an k ers...............

6,502 98

12,972 62

15,238 41

11,267 67

20,772 90

6 75

Certified checks..................................

2,677 60

3,224 82

9,285 66

2,186 98

3,277 11

Cashier’s checks o u tstan d in g ...........

2,838 52

637 29

7,083 50

6,505 69

5,574 81

Savings d ep o sits................................

1,435,209 32

1,492,816 09

1,519,016 12

1,551,102 64

1,623,047 13

Savings certificates of dep o sit. . . .

127,318 43

143,997 77

141,403 08

118,036 68

116,355 27

T o ta ls .......................................... $2,816,452 23 $2,965,130 34 $3,014,095 26 $3,046,088 55

$3,336,218 80

Notes and bills rediscounted..........


Bills p a y ab le.......................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



No. 15.
Organized August 27, 1887.
J . H. J o h n s o n , P r e s id e n t ; H a m il t o n C a r h a r t t , F. P. B y r n e , V ic e P r e s id e n t s ;
H. H. E l l e r t o n , H. M o x o n , A s s i s t a n t C a s h ie r s ; W. G. T o e p e l , A u d ito r .
D i r e c t o r s .— F rank P. Bvrne, H am ilton C arhartt, E. O. Grosvenor, F rank Howard, S. W. Clarkson,

J. H. Johnson, George H. Lesher, D. A. McLachlan, John C. Donnelly, David S tott, H enry A. Haigh,
E. O. K rentler, Jam es T. W hitehead, Frederick W. Whiting, F rank W. H ubbard.

Loans and discounts..............

R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Nov. 27, ’08. Feb. 5, ’09. April 28, ’09. June 23, ’09. Sept. 1, ’09.
$2 652 960 38 $2 657 307 28 $2 897 654 97

Bonds, m ortgages and securities. . 2,565,506 59

2,494,923 54

2,506,850 32

$2 718 193 44

3)52 Q13 92fì 8Q

2,624,726 01

2,758,053 46

Prem ium s paid on b o n d s...............
O verdrafts............................................

7,907 19

2,713 32

887 37

3,563 74

1,840 39

Banking house....................................

175,000 00

175,000 00

175,000 00

175,000 00

175,000 00

F u rn itu re and fixtures.....................

10,000 00

10,000 00

10,000 00

10,000 00

10,000 00

O ther real estate...............................
Due from other banks and bankers
(not reserve cities).......................

24,561 01

49,559 12

49,331 62

46,473 81

43,766 24

19,470 84

36,780 88

44,603 09

35,104 04

21,572 98

Item s in tra n s it.................................

90,946 91

83,516 75

111,128 72

83,813 47

103,424 97

1,109,388 80

United S tates bonds.........................
Due from banks in reserve c itie s ..

578,504 30

821,435 92

696,353 80

868,357 92

Exchanges for clearing h o u se.........

175,931 65

. 62,961 10

107,317 40

94,105 45

151,663 04

U. S. and National b ank cu rre n cy .

356,859 00

385,572 00

388,494 00

380,699 00

433,567 00

Gold c o in .............................................

97,165 00

57,232 50

56,847 50

90,107 50

68,290 00

Silver coin............................................

20,610 75

28,723 00

22,563 00

17,138 35

17,553 35

Nickels and c e n ts..............................

2,380 67

3,073 41

2,263 03

2,586 94

2,340 79

Checks and cash ite m s ....................

8,537 53

5,335 31

8,552 01

13,234 37

21,009 48

T otals............................................ $6,786,341 82 $6,874,134 13 $7,077,846 83 $7,163,104 04

$7,831,397 39

Capital stock paid in .......................

$500,000 00

$500,000 00

$500,000 00

$500,000 00

$500,000 00

200,000 00

200,000 00

200,000 00

200,000 00

200,000 00

16,329 76

31,808 49

32,700 43

29,172 87

24,459 20

Dividends u n p a id ..............................
304 00
Commercial deposits subject to
ch eck ................................................. 1,939,907 31

60 00

326 00

1,842,646 93

1,951,851 75

2,039,234 92

2,743,847 26

Surplus fu n d.......................................
Undivided profits, less current expenses, interest and taxes p a id . .

10 00

Commercial certificates of d ep o sit.

53,311 63

29,803 72

59,754 08

84,628 12

78,861 29

Due to banks and b an k ers...............

1,117,213 40

1,139,616 39

1,067,599 80

1,058,475 01

1,041,042 80

Certified checks..................................

11,229 55

37,583 06

24,651 04

10,695 42

17,090 72

Savings dep o sits................................

2,827,106 73

2,930,373 29

3,048,517 88

3,059,613 86

3,054,347 57

Savings certificates of d eposit........

120,939 44

162,242 25

192,445 85

181,283 84

171,738 55

T o tals............................................ $6,786,341 82 $6,874,134 13 $7,077,848 83 $7,163,104 04

$7,831,397 39

Cashier’s checks outstan ding..........

Notes and bills rediscounted...........
Bills p a y a b le .......................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



No. 356.
Organized January 4, 1907.
G e o r g e H R u s s e l , P r e s id e n t ; M. W . O ’B r i e n , V ic e P r e s id e n t a n d C h a ir m a n o f B o a r d ; G e o r g e E
L a w s o n , R. S. M a s o n , F. A. S c h u l t e , V ic e P r e s id e n t s ; A u s t i n E . W i n g , C a s h ie r ; H. P. B o r g m a n '
C a s h ie r S a v in g s D e p a r tm e n t ; R. W . S m y l i e , M a n a g e r C r e d its a n d A u d i t s ; C h a r l e s H. A y e r s J R ’
B o d d e , R. T. C u d m o r e , A s s i s t a n t C a s h ie r s ; G e o r g e T. C o u r t n e y , A u d ito r .
D i r e c t o r s .— Russell. A. Alger, George H. Barbour, W. T. Barbour, H. M. Campbell. C. A DuCharme

Jerem iah Dwyer, F. J. Flecker, Geo, E. Lawson, H. B. Ledyard, P. H. McMillan R S Mason Fred
T. Moran, M. J. Murphy, M. W. O ’Brien, Louis Rothschild, Geo. H. Russel, H enry Russel
Hugo Scherer, F. A. Schulte, B. S. Colburn.

R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Nov. 27, ’08. Feb. 5, ’C9. April 28, ’09. June 23, ’09. Sept. 1, ’09.

Loans and discounts......................... $11,180,465 21 $10,809,009 27 $10,788,143 78 $10,194,877 46 $12,108,271 59
Bonds, m ortgages and securities.. 10,1.94,492 67

9,923,588 63 10,618,839 50 10,998,230 90

10,405,863 53

Prem ium s paid on b o n d s...............
O verdrafts............................................

1,648 98

1,059 20

1,776 86

2,680 34

2,235 42

B anking house....................................

712,000 00

714,017 15

714,017 15

714,017 15

714,017 15

F u rn itu re and fixtures.....................

30,000 00

30,516 00

30,806 00

30,806 00

30,806 00

Other real estate...............................
Due from other banks and bankers
(not reserve cities).......................

249,507 02

257,070 52

236,039 93

243,305 42

246 016 77

42,090 90

55,748 71

67,565 88

41,771 60

13,660 45

366,743 07

357,827 96

382,729 31

348,833 11

336,524 22
2,914,698 71

Item s in tra n sit.................................
United S tates bonds.........................

Due from banks in reserve cities. . 2,510,210 68

3,948,990 13

3,580,686 17

2,740,125 91

Exchanges for clearing h o u se.........

283,043 11

268,050 77

188,743 18

344,456 92

466,989 77

U. S. and National bank c u rre n cy .

856,161 00

629,495 00

722,528 00

815,563 00

661,069 00

Gold c o in .............................................

649,446 42

926,014 00

686,077 16

970,016 84

822,158 60

Silver coin............................................

50,128 31

79,826 35

76,684 51

108,322 02

112,132 95

Nickels and c e n ts..............................

7,569 42

8,111 64

4,952 36

5,153 77

2,956 84

Checks and cash ite m s...................

1,768 40

26,099 39

4,075 91

6,323 72.

6,734 61
T o tals............................................ $27,135,275 19 $28,035,424 72 $28,103,665 70 $27,562,484 16 $28,844,135 61

Capital stock paid in ....................... $1,500 000 00 $1,500,000 00 $1,500,000 00 $1,500,000 00
Surplus fu n d ...................................... 1,500,000 00 1,500,000 00 1,500,000 00 1,500,000 00
Undivided profits, less current expenses, interest and taxes paid. .
252,729 78
238,783 70
233,149 13
300,591 50
Dividends u n p a id ..............................
125 00
25 00
540 00
117 50
Commercial deposits subject to
ch eck ................................................. 6,759,046 26 7,074,946 69 6,926,304 77 7,220,063 12

$1,500,000 00
1 500 000 00
256,365 33
100 00
8,011,919 51

Commercial certificates of d ep o sit.

7,895 89

11,513 96

9,072 58

2,776 58

2,825 80

Due to banks and b an k ers...............

3,428,600 99

3,903,150 35

3,690,326 89

3,394,738 20

3,870,521 54

Certified checks..................................

24,274 14

29,619 63

41,267 25

72,885 10

36,996 79

Cashier’s checks outstanding..........

41,623 82

78,066 77

96,469 68

66,112 26

71,651 77

Savings d ep o sits................................ 12,566,362 95 12,265,622 01 12,378,999 56 12,333,027 40

12,461,745 28

Savings certificates of dep o sit........
S tate monies on d eposit...................

1,054,616 36

1,103,331 98

1,026,592 15

1,099,972 45

1,109,578 42

330,364 63

700,943 69

72,200 05

22,431 17

Notes and bills rediscounted..........
Bills n a v a b le .......................................
T o tals............................................ $27,135,275 19 $28,035,424 72 $28,103,669 70 j$27,562,484 16 $28,844,135 61
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



Organized May 1, 1906.
M. J. M u r p h y ,

P r e s id e n t ; E m o r y W. C l a r k , L e m W. B o w e n , C h a r l e s O. P a t c h , V ic e P r e s i d e n t s ;
C h a r l e s M o o r e , S e c r e ta r y a n d T r e a s u r e r ; J. H a r o l d M u r p h y , A s s i s t a n t S e c r e ta r y .

D i r e c t o r s .— M. J. Murphy, Em ory W. Clark, Lem W. Bowen, George E. Lawson John T. Shaw, M.

L. Williams, John N. Bagley, J. D. Standish, J. H. Johnson, W. J. Gray, D. M. Ferry, Jr., Russell
A. Alger, J. B. Ford, William Livingstone, John M. Dwyer, Jam es S. Holden, Charles C. Jenks,
Henry M. Butzel, Charles Moore, Charles O. Patch.

R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Nov. 27, ’08. Feb. 5, ’09. April 28, ’09. June 23, ’C9. Sept. 1, ’09.
$972,226 95

$818,793 75

$873,078 79

$1,007,168 46

D em and..............
Loans on real estate mortgages:
In office........................................

119,380 00

96,435 01

92,960 00

84,260 00

108,300 00

41,780 00

40,605 00

39,105 00

63,930 00

95,930 00

W ith S tate T reasurer..............

122,000 00

122,000 00

122,000 00

119,000 00

119,000 00

In office................................

561,760 39

631,862 70

728,354 00

970,352 75

1,035,129 90

W ith S tate T re a su re r... .

81,943 70

82,000 00

82,000 00

82,000 00

82,000 00

101 00

101 00

101 00

104 00

104 00

1,005 33

9,464 67

1,852 64
28,563 69

Collateral loans. T im e..................... $1,030,692 20

O ther loans..........................................

S to ck s................. .................................
Real estate ow ned............................
O ther in vestm ents.............................
Item s in tra n sit.................................
Advances to tr u s ts ...........................

22,835 37

27,343 50

27,473 46

25,911 87

Prem ium s p a id ...................................

2,556 50

5,979 94

11,181 09

10,923 39

11,125 89

Safety deposit v a u lts.......................
34,172 08

33,047 08

32,790 80

32,937 80

30,979 98

Due from approved reserve agents .

149,263 61

439,360 08

416,758 84

309,838 54

89,540 19

Due from other banks and bankers .
Cash item s and checks for clearing
h o u se .................................................

10,022 79
455 89

50 00

2,034 00

Nickels and c e n ts.............................

7 63

1 80

4 05

2 27

2 81

Silver coin............................................

43 25

44 25

38 10

74 45

42 30

Gold c o in .............................................

5,100 00

5,145 00

5,105 00

5,230 00

5,285 00

U. S. and N ational b ank notes. . ..

4,992 00

4,635 00

4,928 00

3,903 00

5,759 00

T o tals............................................ $2,186,679 12 $2,461,792 64 $2,382,048 98 $2,591,061 53

$2,622,817 86

Vaults, furniture and fix tu res. . . .

Capital stock paid in .......................
Surplus f u n d .......................................
Undivided profits (less expenses,
interest and taxes p a id )...............

28 60

$500,000 00

$500,000 00

$500,000 00

$500,000 00

$500,000 00

500,000 00

500,000 00

500,000 00

500,000 00

500,000 00

130,150 94

149,140 11

147,446 49

161,531 91

170,279 42

1,452,538 44

37 50
T rust d ep o sits....................................

1,053,647 63

1,308,078 40

1,225,028 36

1,419,955 49

Reserve for ta x e s ..............................

2,843 05

4,574 13

9,574 13

9,574 13

T o ta ls............................................ $2,186,679 12 $2,461,792 64 $2,382,048 98 $2,591,061 53
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

$2,622,817 86



Organized November 24, 1890.
H e n r y B . L e d y a r d , C h a ir m a n ; F r a n k W . B l a i r , P r e s id e n t ; G e o r g e H e n d r i e , F i r s t V ic e P r e s i d e n t ;
A. E. F . W h i t e , S e c o n d V ic e P r e s id e n t ; G e r a l d J . M c M e c h a n , S e c r e t a r y ; A l e x a n d e r C. L o n g , A s s i s t ­
a n t S e c r e ta r y , Ch a r l e s R . D u n n , T r e a s u r e r .
D i r e c t o r s .— H enry B. Ledyard, D. C. W hitney, A. E. F. White, Charles Stinchfield, Charles A. Du-

Charme, Henry Russel, E lliott T. Slocum, F. J. Hecker, H arry A. Conant, H erbert E. Boynton,
Philip H. McMillan, Charles L. Palm s, George Hendrie, Albert L. Stephens, P aul F. Bagley, B urnham
S. Colburn, George B. Remick, F rank W. Blair, George M. Black, Allen F. Edw ards, George H.
Russel, Gerald J. McMechan,

R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Nov. 27, ’08. Feb. 5, ’09. April 28, ’09. June 23, ’09. Sept. 1, ’09.

Collateral loans:
W ith Collateral Deposit Co.,
L td ............................................ $1,126,000 00 11,065,000 00 $1,015,000 00

$791,780 32

$730,000 00

Time, in office...........................

810,641 77

752,583 62

808,645 60

829,375 70

777,252 47

Demand, in office.....................
Loans on real estate mortgages:
In office.......................................
W ith Collateral Deposit Co.,
L td ............................................

279,804 44

150,361 97

99,951 18

226,329 75

95,679 90

131,638 77

121,406 24

118,816 96

151,200 99

373,657 49

W ith S tate T reasurer..............

630,998 34

484,449 55

464,012 13

397,210 76

205,221 91

212,087 84

207,247 84

175,147 84

211,768 74

207,781 19

456,423 10

259,649 45

227,491 10

283,517 45

466,108 26

149,880 00

134,880 00

134,880 00

84,880 00

84,880 00
711,559 70

O ther loans..........................................
Bonds: In office................................
W ith Collateral Deposit Co.,
L td............................................
W ith S tate T re a su re r.. . .

30 742 70

S to ck s...................................................

692,121 80

797,371 80

783,871 80

778,872 80

Real estate ow n ed............................

8,998 01

8,198 01

6,998 01

10,607 65

20,019 59

O ther in v estm en ts.............................

213,278 23

211,073 67

203,451 28

204,065 54

335,880 37

Accounts receiv ab le..........................

2,194 86

3,006 99

3,721 68

2,940 67

1,566 16

Advances to tr u s ts ...........................

81,831 19

66,097 16

71,623 65

72,142 82

112,933 84

Prem ium s p aid ...................................
Safety deposit v a u lts .......................
F u rn itu re and fixtures.....................

8,003 29

7,620 00

7,620 00

7,885 00

7,700 00

Due from approved reserve a g e n ts.

228,213 63

331,015 29

340,342 37

295,999 47

608,068 04

Due from other banks and bankers .

2,415 00

34,317 54

1,467 60

6,367 50

Cash ite m s ...........................................

1,001 29

319 63

368 88

488 73

Nickels and c e n ts..............................

7 93

6 96

5 98

5 40

8 61

Silver coin............................................

281 10

272 90

175 10

128 00

112 80

4,107 35

Gold c o in ........................................... .

297 50

87 50

440 00

315 00

280 00

S. and National bank notes. . . .

4,714 00

8,711 00

10,773 00

9,236 00

8,319 00

T o tals............................................ $5,051,332 09 $4,643,677 12 $4,505,546 86 $4,365,118 29

$4,751,136 68


Capital stock paid in .......................


$500,000 00

$500,000 00

$500,000 00

$500,000 00

$500,000 00

300,000 00
Surplus f u n d .......................................
U ndivided profits (less expenses,
interest and tax es p a id )...............
89,225 95
Dividends u n p a id ..............................
T ru st d ep o sits.................................... 2,377,539 56
D eb en tu res.......................................... 1,582,864 60
F irst m ortgage T rust Gold B onds..
185,800 00
15,901 98
O ther liabilities..................................

300,000 00

300,000 00

300,000 00

300,000 00

76,564 26

80,364 61

69,599 59







T o tals............................................ $5,051,332 09 $4,643,677 12 $4,505,546 86 $4,365,118 29
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

87,733 92


$4,751,136 68


No. 161.
Organized May 18, 1893.
G e o . A n d e r s o n , P r e s id e n t ; H e n r y C o w i e , V ic e P r e s id e n t ; E n o c h S m i t h , C a s h ie r W m . A . S a n d s , A s s i s t a n t C a s h ie r .

D i r e c t o r s — Geo. Anderson, Jam es B. Book, Jam es H . McDonald, H enry Cowie Frederick W H o d e-es

Francis E. Brossy, Enoch Sm ith, E dw ard M. M ancourt. ’


Loans and discounts.............. ..
Bonds, m ortgages and securities. .

6 '’

R eport of [ R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Nov. 27, ’08 Feb. 5, ’09. April 28, ’09 June 23, ’09 Sept. 1, ’09.
$441,262 42

$430,233 75

$470,156 71

$468,852 49

$479,103 45

578,716 37

608,889 68

654,678 95

657,697 27

666,803 92

87 77

887 22

2,811 26

285 14

40 89

9,913 00

9,913 00

9,913 00

9,913 00

9,913 00

9,652 13

9.651 13

9,650 13

9,650 13

9,648 13

19,659 98

20,904 71

5,370 34

5,266 68

20,613 31

Prem ium s paid on b o n d s...............
O verdrafts........................................
Banking house.....................
F urniture 5nd fixtures...................
Other real e state.....................
Due from other banks and bankers
(not reserve cities).....................
Item s in tra n sit.........................

253 56

420 32

735 06

435 58

389 06

5,484 75

9.652 03

450 00

681 25

400 09
128,026 82

United States bonds.....................
Due from banks in reserve cities. .

151,688 24

146,779 63

109,807 20

175,143 72

Exchanges for clearing h o u se. . . .

11,086 43

9,194 42

8,627 87

10,537 85

12,580 52

U. S. and N ational bank currency.

46,972 00

51,837 00

53,071 00

55,413 00

54,629 00

Gold c o in ................................

11,401 00

13,565 00

14,282 50

14,442 50

14,775 00

2,103 10

2,277 10

2,303 55

3,529 35

2,466 40

Nickels and c e n ts..........................\

440 23

308 53

362 69

858 00

1,184 02

Checks and cash ite m s.................

346 41

71 75

330 62

522 95

423 39

$1,289,067 39 $1,314,585 27 $1,342,550 88 $1,413,228 91

$1,400,996 82

Silver coin...........................

T o tals..................................
Capital stock paid in .............
Surplus fu n d ......................
Undivided profits, less current ex­
penses, interest and taxes p a id . .
Dividends u n p a id ..........................
Commercial deposits subject to
ch eck ................................

$150,000 00

$150,000 00

$150,000 00

$150,000 00

30,000 00

30,000 00

30,000 00

30,000 00

30,000 00

22,826 16

23,578 16

28,377 79

33,231 51

25,985 75

105 00

30 00

244,484 59

237,457 21

236,933 54

268,259 09

251,321 06

$150,000 00

30 00

Commercial certificates of d ep o sit.
Due to banks and b an k ers.............
Certified checks...............
Cashier’s cheeks outstan ding..........
Savings d ep o sits.................
Savings certificates of d eposit........

7,244 17

2,283 39

1,215 16

1,701 84

1,965 13

12,361 29

1,536 48

4,862 59

2,333 69

5,206 62

764,324 35

805,504 87

824,214 91

852,671 75

864,721 86

57,826 83

64,120 16

66,916 89

75,031 03

74,766 40

1,342,550 88 11,413,228 91

$1,400,996 82

Notes and bills rediscounted..........
Bills p a y a b le ............................
T o tals...............................

1,289,067 39 51,314,585 27

♦Consolidated w ith Peoples S tate Bank, D etroit, Novem ber 30, 1909.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



No. 6.
Organized Septem ber 18, 1871.
Corporate existence extended June 27, 1901.
C h a s . F. C o l l i n s , P r e s id e n t ; W m . S. G r e e n , F. H. C r o u l , V ic e P r e s id e n t s ;
A l fr e d K . K i e f e u , T rea su re r; E dw ard H . C o l l in s , A s s is ta n t T rea su re r.
D i r e c t o r s .— D. M. Ferry, Jr., Wm. V. Moore, Wm. S. Green, E. H. Flinn. H. Kirke White, J. B Book

A. L. Stephens, F. H. Croul, F. W. Eddy, S. Y. Seyburn, C. F. Collins.


R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Nov. 27, ’08. Feb. 5, ’09. April 28, ’09. June 23, ’09. Sept. 1, ’09.

Loans and discounts......................... $2,485,216 73 $2,488,080 10 $2,430,059 17 $2,307,111 48
Bonds, m ortgages and securities. . 7,493,725 10

$2,114,951 02

7,619,614 96

7,674,455 79

8,060,589 41

8,365,569 66

45,000 00

45,000 00

45,000 00

45,000 00

40,000 00

125,000 00

125,000 00

125,000 00

125,000 00

125,000 00

40,132 13

40,570 29

40,798 25

42,346 55

43,115 49

225,000 00

225,000 00

225,000 00

225,000 00

225,000 00

Due from banks in reserve cities. . 1,881,631 18

2,292,578 94

Prem ium s paid on b o n d s...............
O verdrafts............................................
Banking house....................................
F u rn itu re and fixtures.....................
O ther real estate...............................
Due from other banks and bankers
(not reserve cities).......................
Item s in t r a n s i t ................................
U nited S tates bonds.........................

15 00

517 55

2,129,948 75

2,402,273 94

2,220,390 56

Exchanges for clearing h o u se .........

19,353 57

30,232 69

13,487 15

23,250 54

14,049 70

U. S. and N ational bank c u rre n cy .

199,374 00

227,485 00

243,861 00

234,756 00

232,453 00

Gold co in .............................................

418,257 50

416,892 50

416,592 50

416,247 50

417,420 00

Silver coin............................................

2,395 70

2,215 80

2,210 45

2,308 95

2,467 60

Nickels and c e n ts..............................

218 60

260 91

188 24

254 56

254 09

Checks and cash ite m s..................

345 00

147 50

465 00

13,025 00

30 00

T o ta ls... .
Capital stock paid in .......................

$12,935,649 51 $13,350,448 50 $13,619,406 49 $13,715,280 55 $13,873,407 05
$400,000 00

$400,000 00

$400,000 00

$400,000 00

$400,000 00

Surplus fu n d .....................................
1,000,000 00
U ndivided profits, less current ex­
314,029 84
penses, interest and taxes p a id . .

1,000,000 00

1,000,000 00

1,000,000 00

1,000,000 00

308,160 48

338,261 02

344,619 39

360,837 23

Dividends u n p a id ..............................
Commercial deposits subject to
ch eck .................................................


Commercial certificates of d ep o sit.
Due to banks and b an k ers...............
Certified checks..................................
Cashier’s checks o u tstanding..........
Savings dep o sits..............................

10,489,069 19 10,913,006 19 11,127,868 79 11,223,642 61

11,382,226 47

Savings certificates of dep o sit. .. ,.

726,158 97

721,624 20

741,636 26

731,378 13

726,637 79

Reserved for ta x e s.............................

6,391 51

7,657 63

11,640 42

15,640 42

3,665 56

Notes and bills rediscounted...........
Bills p a y a b le .......................................
T o tals............................................ $12,935,649 51 $13,350,448 50 $13,619,406 49 $13,715,280 55 $13,873,407 05
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



No. 157.
Organized April 22, 1893.
T h o m a s B i r k e t t , P r e s id e n t ; H. W i r t N e w k i r k , V ic e P r e s id e n t ; G. S. F r a n c is c o , C a s h ie r ;
J a m e s J . P a g e , A s s i s t a n t C a s h ie r .
D i r e c t o r s .—Thomas B irkett, G. S. Francisco, O. W. Cushing, H. W irt Newkirk, E . Jedele, H enry

Dieterle, Fred Walker.


R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Nov. 27, ’08. Feb. 5, ’09. April 28, ’09. June 23, ’09. Sept. 1, ’09.

Loans and discounts.........................

$51,813 71

$50,309 31

$39,919 28

$40,906 18

$42,890 93

Bonds, m ortgages and se c u ritie s...

126,309 02

121,995 77

142,393 92

149,888 81

153,198 72

Prem ium s paid on b o n d s.................
O verdrafts............................................

1,025 16

57 00

326 11

31 57

36 26

Ranking house....................................

3,200 00

3,200 00

3,200 00

3,200 00

3,200 00

F urn itu re and fixtures.....................

1,500 00

1,500 00

1,500 00

1,500 00

1,500 00

Otb or real estate
Due from other banks and bankers
(not reserve pities).......................

241 37

244 52

38,891 85

35,436 87

29,867 58

27,643 72

in transit,

644 81

TTnif.ed States bonds.........................
Due from banks in reserve cities. .

27,811 36

Uxphanves for plearing house. . . .
U. S. and National bank cu rren cy .

5,331 00

4,743 00

8,684 00

9,396 00

7,489 00

Gold co in .............................................

6,030 00

5,380 00

5,450 00

5,530 00

6,085 00

Silver c o in ...........................................

383 70

447 95

591 30

582 80

716 95

Nickels and p en ts..............................

42 28

20 45

52 25

51 39

44 48

Checks and pash ite m s ...................

84 07

2 98

166 91

11 45

4,415 00

T o tals............................................

$223,771 67

$227,437 64

$237,720 64

$240,965 78

$247,220 06

Capital stock paid in .......................

$20,000 00

$2 0 ,0 0 0 oq

$20,000 00

$20,000 00

$20,000 00

500 00

500 00

500 00

1,000 00

1,501 53

2,191 69

899 93

56,058 53

54,009 03

57,925 08

Surplus fu n d ........................................
Undivided profits, less current ex­
penses, interest and taxes p a id . .

2,875 38

Dividends unpaid
Commercial deposits subject to
check .................................................

42,889 73

Commercial certificates of deposit

1,052 25’
51,318 69
6,553 20

Due to banks and bankers
Certified checks
4,790 43

4,330 92

5,473 93

Savings d ep o sits................................

127; 429 48°

124,391 72

127,020 07

132,867 56

132,236 81

Savings certificates of dep o sit. . . .

25,116 74

23,621 78

27,850 08

27,066 58

29,684 31

$223,771 67

$227,437 64

$237,720 64

$240,965 78

$247,220 06

Cashier’s checks outstanding

5,460 34

Notes and bills rediscounted .
R ills p a ,y a b l e

T o tals............................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis


No. 396.
Organized April 9, 1908.
E. B u r t J e n n e y ,

H. W i i .e y , V ic e P r e s id e n t ; C. A. C r a w f o r d , C a s h ie r ;
C l a r e F. P u g s l e y , A s s i s t a n t C a s h ie r .

P r e s id e n t ; R o b e r t

D i r e c t o r s .— E. B urt Jenney, R obert H. Wiley, H arry B. T uthill, Aaron Zelner, Henry B. Wells.

R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Nov. 27, ’08. Feb. 5, ’09. April 28, ’09. June 23, ’09. Sept. 1, ’09.


7.nans and discounts.........................

$31,414 15

$42,801 78

$42,758 20

$43,883 31

$51,908 17

Bonds, m ortgages and se cu rities...

3,865 00

6,521 00

8,311 00

8,255 00

8,090 00

Prem ium s pa,id on b o n d s.................

1,062 00

1,062 00

1,371 00

1,371 00

1,371 00

Expenses, interest and taxes p a id .

117 89

2,415 97

2,790 97

2,850 97

2,850 97

2,850 97

16,350 65

10,569 67

8,739 03

23,753 62

27,414 93

Banking house



F urniture and fixtures.....................
O ther rea] esta.fe
Due from other banks and bankers
(nnf. reserve cities)
jn tran sit
United States bonds
Due from banks in reserve cities. .
Exchanges for clearing house. . . .

40 00

246 39
5,252 00

3,759 00

5,036 00

7,742 00

5,730 00

Gold co in .............................................

400 00

1,120 00

1,975 00

3,135 00

895 00

Silver c o in ...........................................

1,248 70

974 80

954 20

1,213 25

1,676 50

90 09

160 03

115 07


S. and N ational bank cu rre n cy .

55 03

110 00

216 28

7 50

T o tals............................................

$60,904 67

$70,993 72

$74,791 49

$90,392 18

$99,820 03

C apital stock paid in .......................

$25,000 00

$25,000 00

$25,000 00

$25,000 00

$25,000 00

271 66

437 53

162 55

481 43

12,560 62

13,159 31

12,376 63

16,010 21

30,529 56

31,156 00

44,817 80

46,466 62

5,038 65

8,035 20

11,764 27

$74,791 49

$90,392 18

$99,820 03

Nickels and c e n ts..............................
Checks and cash items

U ndivided profits, less current ex­
penses interest and taxes p a i d ..
Commercial "deposits subject to
check .................................................
Commercial certificates of d ep o sit.

7,580 60
25,499 50
54 84

97 50

Cashier’s checks o utstanding
Savings d ep o sits.................................

2,769 73

2,631 88

T o tals.............................................

$60.904 67

$70.993 72
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis


No. 422.
Organized Jan u ary 27, 1909.
M a r t i n J. H

e e n a n , P r e s id e n t ;

I r a E. P a r k e r , V ic e P r e s id e n t ; G e o . R . L a m b , C a s h ie r .

D i r e c t o r s .— M artin J. Heenan, W. F. Laughlin, E arl I. Heenan, Horace Lam b, I. E. P ark er

R obert Booth, Geo. R. Lam b.


R eport of
Nov. 27, ’08

R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Feb. 5, ’09. April 28, ’09 June 23, ’09 Sept. 1, ’09.

Loans and discounts.........................

$22,701 99

$31,561 85

$30,553 67

Bonds, m ortgages and securities. .

10,550 98

17,675 98

18,568 69

1,405 33

1,382 01

1,679 99

1,500 00

1,500 00

1,500 00

8,325 59

6,407 89

4,154 99

U. S. and N ational b ank currency.

2,296 00

2,038 00

1,632 00

Gold c o in .............................................

520 00

340 00

245 00

Silver coin............................................

226 55

144 25

180 15

Nickels and c en ts..............................

30 87

37 69

58 36

190 92

426 18

Prem ium s paid on b o n d s...............
O verdrafts............................................
Banking house....................................
F u rn itu re and fixtures.....................
O ther real e state........................... ; .
Due irom other banks and bankers
(not reserve cities).......................
Item s in tra n sit.................................
United S tates bonds.........................
Due from banks in reserve cities. .
E xchanges for clearing h o d se.........

Checks and cash ite m s ...................
T o tals............................................

$47,557 31

$61,278 59

$58,999 03

Capital stock paid in .......................

$20,000 00

$20,000 00

$20,000 00

5,000 00

5,000 00

5,000 00

101 96

264 48

325 84

10,490 36

15,333 93

9,302 27

Surplus F u n d ......................................
Undivided profits, less current ex­
penses, interest and taxes p a i d ..
Dividends u n p a id ............................
Commercial deposits subject to
ch eck ........................................
Commercial certificates of d ep o sit.
Due to banks and b an k ers...............
Certified checks..................................
Cashier’s checks outstanding..........
Savings d ep o sits................................

2,654 92

3,131 76

4,729 36

Savings certificates of deposit........

9,310 07

12,548 42

14,641 56

5,000 00

5,000 00

$47,557 31

$61,278 59

$58,999 03

Notes and bills rediscounted...........
Bills p a y a b le .......................................
T otals............................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



No. 351.
Organized October 20, 1906.
L e e B e r r i d g e , P r e s id e n t ; P. H. F o o t e , V ic e P r e s id e n t : W. H. S h o u p , C a s h ie r ;
F l o y d S l a t e , A s s i s t a n t C a s h ie r .
D i r e c t o r s .— Lee Berridge, W. H. Shoup, F. W. Kendrick, A. J. Schanck, P. H. Foot, Byron Folsom,

H. Q. Parker.


R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Nov. 27, ’08. Feb. 5, ’09. April 28, '09. June 23, ’09. Sept. 1, ’09.

Loans and discounts.........................

$40,549 16

$46,785 56

$50,918 55

$54,826 42

$50,822 44

Bonds, mortgages and se c u ritie s..

42,462 00

55,374 25

50,523 75

54,641 75

56,119 75

641 97

755 92

538 76

485 17

150 18

1,959 50

Prem ium s paid on b o n d s...............
O verdrafts..........................................
Banking house....................................
F urniture and fixtures.....................

1,684 50

1,684 50

1,959 50

1,959 50

Other real estate................................
Due from other banks and bankers
(not reserve cities).......................

8,596 56

6,430 68

1,879 70

906 31

Item s in tra n sit.................................

3,730 34

233 18

16,257 02

9,052 79

664 79
2,029 11

United S tates bonds.........................
Due from banks in reserve c itie s ..

16,711 42

7,153 97

6,629 13

Exchanges for clearing h o u se.........
U. S. and National bank cu rren cy .

2,471 00

2,907 00

4,495 00

5,761 00

4,757 00

Gold co in .......................................

2,267 50

2,122 50

2,362 50

2,522 50

2,637 50
153 10

Silver coin...................................

350 50

269 05

244 09

99 74

Nickels and c en ts..............................

19 80

25 00

7 00

18 00

8 00

Checks and cash ite m s..................

786 45

80 69

90 32

53 43

112 00

$119,816 80

$125,721 12

$129,730 59


$126,042 50

$20,000 00

$20,000 00

$20,000 00

$20,000 00

$20,000 00

1,000 00

1,000 00

1,000 00

1,000 00

1,250 00

209 99

516 75

968 57

877 34

271 07

14,415 18

20,279 71

17,720 50

15,828 86

11,830 98

Savings d ep o sits................................

38,363 12

41,094 78

39,882 15

41,401 64

42,258 47

Savings certificates of deposit........

45,828 51

42,829 88

45,159 37

44,819 95

47,916 98

5,000 00

2,500 00

2,500 00

$129,730 59

$128,427 79

T o tals................
Capital stock paid in .......................
Surplus fu n d . .
Undivided profits, less current ex­
penses, interest and taxes p a id . .
Dividends u n p a id ..............................
Commercial deposits subject to
check ....................................

15 00

Commercial certificates of d ep o sit.
Due to banks and b an k ers...............
.Certified checks..................................
Cashier’s checks outstanding..........

S tate monies on d ep o sit...................
Notes and bills rediscounted...........
Bills p a y ab le.......................................
T o tals.....................■......................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

2,000 00
$119,816 80

$125,721 12

$126,042 50



No. 142.
Organized Septem ber 26, 1892.
G e o r g e J. S h a eb ’e r , P r e s id e n t ; M o s e s J. H o w e , V ic e P r e s id e n t ; W m . C l u t e , C a s h ie r .
D i r e c t o r s .— George J. Shaefer, B. J. Corbin, Wm. Clute, M. J. Howe, Wm. C. Palm er, Geo. W. Hurd,,


W. Barnes.

R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Nov. 27, ’08. Feb. 5, '09. April 28, ’09. June 23, ’09. Sept. 1, ’09.


Loans and discounts.........................

$40,532 14

$40,102 91

$41,926 17

$42,951 55

$43,995 96

Bonds, m ortgages and se cu rities...

75,548 50

74,398 09

72,006 42

71,112 42

73,593 42

Prem ium s paid

b o nds.................


O verdrafts............................................

1,456 13

209 15

371 12

553 19

835 20

Banking house....................................

2,500 00

2,500 00

2,500 00

2,500 00

2,500 00

16,676 29

44,607 36

41,257 93

50,718 16

47,512 31

F urn itu re and fixtures.....................
Other real e s ta te ..
Due from other banks and bankers
(not, reserve cities) . . .................
Item s in tra n sit.................................
U nited States bonds.........................
Due from banks in reserve cities. .
Exchanges for clearing h ouse. . ..
U. S. and National bank c u rre n cy .

2,587 00

254 00

2,783 00

2,476 00

3,496 00

Gold c o in .............................................

8,030 00

6,780 00

5,460 00

5,155 00

5,695 00

Silver co in ...........................................

527 50

956 45

137 70

119 20

240 95

20 45

26 21

37 07

48 62

28 02

99 93

1,122 26

47 13

225 65

85 50

T o tals.............. .............................

$147,977 94

$170,956 43

$166,526 54

$175,859 79

$177,982 36

Capital stock paid in .......................

Nickels and c e n ts..............................
C h ecks and

ca sh

i t e m s .............

$15,000 00

$15,000 00

$15,000 00

$15,000 00

$15,000 00

Surplus fu n d ............•..........................
Undivided profits, less current ex­
penses, interest and taxes p a id . .

3,000 00

3,000 00

3,000 00

3,000 00

7,764 86

8,338 05

8,977 13

3,000 00
9,066 69

Dividends u n p a id ..............................
Commercial deposits subject to
ch eck .................................................

2,740 00

2,660 00

3,140 00

3,140 00

3,520 00

35,392 10

52,572 02

40,958 84

42,202 85

43,655 20

Commercial certificates of d ep o sit.

65,663 40

72,066 53

77,994 82

86,122 62

90,175 20

17,817 58

17,319 83

17,455 75

17,327 63

17,020 22

$147,977 94

$170,956 43

$166,526 54

$175,859 79

$177,982 36

D u e to b a n k s an d b a n k er s
C e r tifie d

5,611 74



C a s h i e r ’s c h e c k s o u t s t a n d i n g
S a v in g s d e p o s its


Savings certificates of deposit. . . .
N o f .e s a n d

b ills r e d is c o u n te d

B ills p a y a b le

T o tals............................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



No. 428.
Organized April 8, 1909.
L u t h e r L o u c k s , P r e s id e n t ; G e o r g e B r o o k s , V ic e P r e s id e n t ; H a r r y H . S im p s o n , C a s h ie r ;
F. W. R a y e n , A s s i s t a n t C a s h ie r .
D i r e c t o r s .— L uther

Loucks, George Brooks, Cassius S. Reed, H arry H. Simpson, F. J . Northw ay,
A. N. Brock, C. E. Van Slyke.


R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Nov. 27, ’08. Feb. 5, ’09. April 28, ’09. June 23, ’09. Sept. 1, ’09.

Loans and discounts.........................

$16,517 72

$51,243 59

$84,562 78

Bonds m ortgages and securities...

8,168 80

11,511 14

17,446 79

prem ium s paid on bonds. . .
O verdrafts............................................

16 36

7 16

Ra n kin g h on so....................................

6,500 00

6,500 00

F urn itu re and fixtures.....................

1,700 00

1,700 00

370 61

3,926 29

295 65

One from banks in reserve cities. .

7,056 40

7,506 18

9,731 29

Exchanges for clearing h o u s e ....


786 92

2,625 05

8,166 00

3,360 00

6,683 00

2,680 00

2,335 00

1,200 00

495 60

512 20

570 80

TSfickels and c e n ts..............................

96 33

107 64

52 86

Checks and cash ite m s ...................

2,541 95

1,050 91

2,809 51

T otals............................................

$64,374 26

$90,556 23

$134,184 89

Capital stock paid in .......................

Other real estate.
Due from other banks and bankers
(not reserve cities)

14,159 49

Tterns in transit,.................................
U nited States bonds

IT. S. and N ational bank currency .
Gold c o in .

. . . j.

Silver co in .........


$12,500 00

$17,500 00

$22,500 00

Surplus fund
U ndivided profits, less current exppnsp.s interest and taxes paid. .

196 85

251 85

1,104 29

Dividends unpaid
Commercial deposits subject to

22,085 52

48,105 36

60,340 10

17,942 62

Commercial certificates of d ep o sit.
Due to banks a.nd ba.nkers

278 15

Saving's deposits

5,558 49

20,224 78

6,756 40

T otals
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis


$64,374 26

17,265 53
27,416 48

9,088 96

$90,556 23

$134,184 89



No. 124.
Organized October 5, 1891.


C. F a i r , P r e s id e n t ; A. S. T h o m a s , V ic e P r e s id e n t ; F. N. C o n n , C a s h ie r .

D i r e c t o r s .— R. C. Fair, F. N. Conn, Geo. N. Siefert, Thos. Cooling, A. S. Thomas.


R eport of
Nov. 27, ’08

Loans and discounts.........................

S1QS.445 05

$111,807 84

$104,562 15

$107,435 04

$92,488 59

Bonds, m ortgages and securities..

94,918 27

101,836 27

108,731 30

132,097 65

146,456 15

1,240 00

1,100 00

1,100 00

1,300 00

1,300 00

371 01

521 57

56 47

42 51

268 63

Prem ium s paid on b o n d s.............
O verdrafts............................................

R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Feb. 5, ’09. April 28, ’09. June 23, ’09. Sept. 1, ’09.

Banking house....................................
F urn itu re and fixtures.....................

2,300 00

2,100 00

2,100 00

2,100 00

2,100 00

Other real e state...............................
Due from other banks and bankers
(not reserve cities).......................

3,190 00

1,500 00

1,500 00

1,500 00

1,500 00

Item s in tra n sit.................................

14,124 13

5,831 94

1,027 81

3,529 51

3,680 12

26,642 73

38,379 81

50,444 63

32,387 91

35,792 36

United States bonds.......... ..............
Due from banks in reserve c itie s ..
Exchanges for clearing h o u se.........
U. S. and National bank cu rren cy .

5,839 00

12,990 00

9,219 00

12,903 00

7,002 00

Gold co in .............................................

9,830 00

10,400 00

8,635 00

8,980 00

9,217 50

Silver coin..........................................

278 55

315 50

1,601 85

1,457 25

1,134 85

Nickels and c e n ts..............................

95 17

273 23

261 34

293 58

181 87

Checks and cash ite m s ...................

102 59

691 33

305 73

264 03

295 56

8267,376 50

8287,747 49

$289,545 28

$304,290 48

$301,417 63

825,000 00

$25,000 00

$25,000 00

$25,000 00

$25,000 00

3,500 00

4,000 00

4,000 00

4,000 00

4,000 00

3,941 68

809 97

2,352 44

575 35

1,721 60

T otals..........................................
Capital stock paid in .......................
Surplus fu n d .......................................
Undivided profits, less current ex­
penses, interest and taxes p a id ..
Dividends u n p a id ..............................
Commercial deposits subject to
check .................................................

29,350 73

34,785 31

30,774 91

38,460 61

32,042 13

Commercial certificates of d ep o sit.

103,725 97

111,820 18

116,265 36

118,958 30

111,825 48

101,858 12

111,332 03

111,152 57

115,487 22

119,217 61

1,809 00

7,610 81

$304,290 48

$301,417 63

Due to banks and b an k ers...............
Certified checks..................................
Cashier’s checks o utstanding..........
Savings dep o sits................................
Savings certificates of d eposit........
Notes and bills rediscounted...........
Bills p a y a b le .......................................
T otals............................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

8267,376 50

$287,747 49

$289,545 28



No. 238.
Organized Ju ly 12, 1901.
W . P . P o r t e r , P r e s id e n t ; W . L . F r e n c h , V ic e P r e s id e n t ; G e o . G . G l e n n , C a s h ie r ;
B e r t A . D o l e , A s s i s t a n t C a s h ie r .
D i r e c t o r s .— W. P. P orter, W. L. French, M. H. Robertson, Geo. G. Glenn, Carl Stroebel, Clark Haire,

Fred Smith, Chas. H. Schaffer, F. M. Severance.


R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Nov. 27, ’08. Feb. 5, ’09. April 28, '09. June 23, ’09. Sept. 1, ’09.

Loans and discounts.........................

$122,115 22

$140 010 78

$152,161 72

$149,524 36

$143,194 35

Bonds, m ortgages and securities...

41,785 89

34,607 96

37,589 60

37,969 89

40,110 94

Prem ium s paid on b o n d s.................
O v erd rafts............................................

2,634 37

1,232 14

1,061 13

3,199 82

1,390 64

B anking house....................................

6,311 56

6,123 99

6,123 99

6,123 99

6,123 99

F u rn itu re and fixtures.....................

2,458 92

2,453 92

2,453 92

2,453 92

2,453 92

Other real e state...............................
Due from other banks and bankers
(not reserve cities).......................

212 43

29,777 96

Item s in tra n sit.................................

United States bonds.........................
Due from banks in reserve cities. .

25,363 28

39,896 09

13,259 85

15,889 64

Exchanges for clearing h ouse. . . .

183 15

306 47

135 00

103 26

33 40

U. S. and N ational bank c u rre n cy .

10,059 00

7,723 00

8,459 00

6,656 00

7,017 00

Gold c o in .............................................

2,020 00

2,190 00

3,150 00

1,740 00

2,190 00

Silver co in ...........................................

2,590 90

2,522 65

1,651 40

1,869 15

1,231 80

Nickels and c e n ts..............................

215 14

122 03

129 07

188 03

175 47

Checks and cash ite m s ...................

11 68

1 95

107 71

T o tals............................................

$215,961 54

$237,189 03

$226,176 63

$225,825 77

$233,699 47

C apital stock paid in .......................

$50,000 00

$50,000 00

$50,000 00

$50,000 00

$50,000 00

1,000 00

1,500 00

1,500 00

• 1,500 00

2,000 00

2,865 29

324 65

3,113 78

3,897 49

823 76

105 00

105 00

105 00

Surplus fu n d ........................................
U ndivided profits, less current ex­
penses, interest and taxes p a i d ..
Dividends u n p a id ..............................
Commercial deposits subject to
ch eck .................................................

71,813 83

87,785 97

65,502 62

56,766 94

66,479 59

Commercial certificates of d ep o sit.

7,572 80

6,447 65

7,744 21

7,104 54

6,650 83

10 00

771 20

110 00

1,110 00

Due to banks and b an k ers...............
Certified checks..................................
Cashier’s checks o u tstan d in g ...........
Savings dep o sits................................

26,320 91

26,890 83

27,745 89

32,039 99

32,095 73

Savings certificates of deposit. . . .

56,388 71

64,124 93

69,693 93

72,301 81

74,539 56

Notes and bills rediscounted........

2,000 00

Bills p a y a b le .......................................
T o tals............................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

$215,961 54

$237,189 03

$226,176 63

$225,825 77

$233,699 47


No. 53.
Organized Ju ly 2 2 , 1884.
J o s e p h C a r r , P r e s id e n t ; H. P. W e b s t e r , V ic e P r e s id e n t ; H. H. H a m i l t o n , C a s h ie r ;
E. S. H a r r i s , A s s i s t a n t C a s h ie r .

D i r e c t o r s .—Joseph Carr, H. P. W ebster, E. S. Harris, H. H. Ham ilton, E dgar F. K napp, H. C. Minnie,

I. N. Reynolds, F rank Leighton.


R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Nov. 27, ’08. Feb. 5, ’09. April 28, ’09. June 23, ’09. Sept. 1, ’09.

Loans and discounts.........................

$225,314 77

$204,312 11

$204,174 99

$199,985 35

$197,418 51

Bonds, m ortgages and securities. .

92,063 31

87,793 31

82,681 31

79,333 31

81,299 61

Prem ium s paid on b o n d s...............
O verdrafts............................................

1,519 85

1,560 54

2,322 99

2,275 77

1,707 03

Banking house....................................

5,500 00

5,500 00

5,500 00

5,500 00

5,500 00

F u rn itu re and fixtures.....................

2,000 00

2,000 00

2,000 00

2,000 00

2,000 00

Other real e state...............................
Due from other banks and bankers
(not reserve cities).......................

2,054 00

2,081 96

2,602 25

2,608 64

2,625 89

Item s in tra n sit.................................

1,428 75

3,323 04

1,636 15

1,625 87

1,464 50

12,971 10

25,858 64

21,937 75

18,588 52

14,250 63

U. S. and N ational b ank currency .

7,247 00

8,979 00

5,256 00

6,746 00

6,095 00

Gold co in .............................................

7,115 00

6,620 00

6,807 50

7,597 50

7,547 50

Silver coin............................................

1,356 60

1,910 00

900 00

889 00

300 00

Nickels and c e n ts..............................

315 25

315 64

299 03

256 48

377 13

Checks and cash ite m s ...................

3,866 73

2,159 39

1,948 10

2,261 25

821 52

T o tals............................................

$362,752 36

$352,413 63

$338,066 07

$329,667 69

$321,907 32

Capital stock paid in .......................


U nited S tates bonds.........................
Due from banks in reserve cities. .
Exchanges for clearing h o u se .........

500 00

$75,000 00

$75,000 00

$75,000 00

$75,000 00

$75,000 00

Surplus fu n d ......................................
Undivided profits, less current expenses, interest and taxes paid. .

15,000 00

15,000 00

15,000 00

15,000 00

15,000 00

8,672 68

4,723 94

6,889 07

7,188 97

4,635 98

Dividends u n p a id ..............................
Commercial deposits subject to
ch eck .................................................

40 00

69 03

9 67

47,915 47

52,916 19

56,358 36

62,596 46

53,444 90

Commercial certificates of d ep o sit.
Due to banks and b an k ers...............

308 34

21 27

Certified checks..................................
Cashier’s checks o u tstanding..........
Savings d ep o sits................................
Savings certificates of deposit........

184,124 21

174,396 13

167,808 97

164,882 26

163,805 17

Notes and bills rediscounted...........
Bills p a y ab le.......................................

32,000 00

30,000 00

17,000 00

5,000 00

10,000 00

T o tals............................................

$362,752 36

$352,413 63

$338,066 07

$329,667 69

$321,907 32
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



No. 193.

Organized April 5 , 1897.
F r e d e r i c k N e f f , P r e s id e n t ; S h e r m a n N e f f , V ic e P r e s id e n t ; J o h n W . P f e i f l e r , C a s h i e r ;
S e r e n u s D . K e t c h u m , A s s i s t a n t C a s h ie r .
D i r e c t o r s .— Frederick Neff, John W. Pfeifler, Sherm an Neff, H enry J. Burch, Edwin K. Horton.


R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Nov. 27, ’08. Feb. 5, ’09. April 28, ’09. June 23, ’09. Sept. 1, ’09.

Loans and discounts.........................

$43,695 25

$47,926 25

$52,841 27

$52,262 11

$51,539 02

Bonds, m ortgages and securities..

38,902 67

37,117 32

31,686 70

31,362 70

35,837 99

O verdrafts............................................

3,210 68

2,797 21

615 17

722 40

Banking house....................................

1,908 86

1,908 86

1,908 86

1,908 86

1,908 86

F u rn itu re and fixtures.....................

1,764 71

1,762 71

1,760 71

1,758 46

1,755 71

Other real estate.............................
Due from other banks and bankers
(not reserve cities).......................

1,700 00

1,700 00

1,700 00

1,700 00

1,700 00

Item s in tra n sit...............................

2,297 50

710 57

75 63

459 85

652 50

7,871 49

9,863 36

8,661 62

16,064 06

5,525 92

U. S. and National bank cu rren cy .

1,451 00

1,493 00

1,752 00

2,754 00

1,774 00

Gold c o in .........................................

2,050 00

1,970 00

2,015 00

2,080 00

2,010 00
952 25

Prem ium s paid on b o n d s...............

U nited States bonds.........................
Due from banks in reserve c itie s ..
Exchanges for clearing h o u se.........

Silver coin..........................................

970 00

1,053 25

982 50

1,267 25

Nickels and c e n ts..............................

156 67

200 34

204 04

174 76

80 52

Checks and cash ite m s....................

197 75

102 47

83 16

102 26

94 63

$106,176 58

$108,605 34

$104,286 66

$112,616 71

$104,529 74

$15,000 00

$15,000 00

$15,000 00

$15,000 00

$15,000 00

4,000 00

4,500 00

4,500 00

4,500 00

5,000 00

2,228 04

1,084 70

2,137 53

2,345 94

1,051 35

21,693 78

23,952 22

T o tals......................................
Liabilities. Capital stock paid in .......................
Surplus fu n d .............................
Undivided profits, less current ex­
penses, interest and taxes p a id ..
Dividends u n p a id ..............................
Commercial ‘d eposits subject to
ch eck ...............................................

20,587 09

Commercial certificates of d ep o sit.
Due to banks and b an k ers...............

79 71

Certified checks..................................
Cashier’s checks o u tsta n d in g .. . . . .

350 06

134 55

144 32

360 95

267 60

Savings dep o sits................................

6,997 64

6,785 77

7,227 26

7,337 86

7,052 33

Savings certificates of deposit........

55,827 35

57,148 10

53,757 82

52,858 75

50,571 37

5,000 00

5,000 00

5,000 00

$106,176 58

$108,605 34

$104,286 66

$112,616 71

$104,529 74

Notes and bills rediscounted...........
Bills p a y a b le .......................................
T o tals............................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



No. 403.
Organized June 6, 1908.
E. S. W a g a r ,

P r e s id e n t ; W i l l i a m

A. W o o d ,

V ic e P r e s id e n t ; H a r r y

E. W a g a r ,

C a s h ie r .

D i r e c t o r s — F. L. Holmes, Jam es P urdon, E . S. W agar, H arry E . Wagar, William A. Wood.


R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Nov. 27, ’08. Feb. 5, ’09. April 28, ’09. June 23, ’09. Sept. 1, ’09.

Eoans and discounts.........................

$37,710 03

$41,593 14

$47,253 53

$49,205 80

$55,861 78

Bonds, m ortgages and securities...

32,116 70

36,043 70

40,477 00

42,179 00

41,904 00

O verdrafts............................................

107 68

205 12

89 79

93 79

21 23

b anking house....................................

3,945 00

3,945 00

3,945 00

3,945 00

3,945 00

F urniture and fixtures.....................

1,957 00

1,969 00

1,969 00

1,969 00

1,969 00

11 00

5 00

10,683 45

11,780 29

9,299 41

9,045 38

10,465 94

Due from other banks and bankers

United States hoods
Due from banks in reserve cities..
Exchanges for clearing house
U. S. and N ational b ank currency.
("jQld poin

4,240 00

5,214 00

5,279 00

85 00

30 00

30 00

57 85

142 87

3,970 00

6,099 00
763 70

85 00

Silver co in ...........................................

1,034 10

735 75

658 75

525 90

Nickels and c e n ts..............................

67 36

235 07

271 10

77 64

109 22

18 08

166 52

T o tals............................................

$91,957 32

$101,774 15

$109,439 10

$111,069 36

$121,366 74

Capital stock paid in .......................

$20,000 00

$20,000 00

$20,000 00

$20,000 00

$20,000 00

1,754 92

130 15

Checks and item s

200 00

Pur pins fund
Undivided profits, less current ex­
penses, interest and taxes paid. .

281 30

644 95

1,577 46

Commercial deposits subject to
check .................................................

32,244 80

31,529 27

28,964 42

28,241 92

30,100 52

17,850 32

11,798 61

7,197 14

3,356 42

100 00

Commercial certificates of d ep o sit.

Savings dep o sits................................

3,834 35

6,453 89

5,941 25

6,689 96

5,529 05

Savings certificates of deposit. . . .

17,746 55

31,347 43

45,758 83

51,026 14

65,307 02

T o tals............................................

$91,957 32

$101,774 15

$109,439 10

$111,069 36

$121,366 74
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



No. 129.
Organized January 20, 1892.
M. B. L a n g ,

P r e s id e n t ;

C. A. W h y l a n d , H a r r y H i r s h b e r g ,
C h a r l e s B. C a r v e r , C a s h ie r .

V ic e P r e s id e n t s ;

D i r e c t o r s .—M. B. Lang, H arry Hirshberg. A. B. Fairbanks, Charles B. Carver, C. D . Towne,

C. A. W hyland, F. R. Williams.


R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Nov. 27, ’08. Feb. 5, ’09. April 28, ’09. June 23, ’09. Sept. 1, ’09.
«125,884 09

«126,994 78

«133,471 10

«139,380 66

«133,620 70

94,517 03

87,277 06

88,470 14

88,933 92

80,933 98

33 16

48 19

20 18

49 46

Banking house....................................

4,000 00

4,000 00

4,000 00

4,000 00

4,000 00

F urn itu re and fixtures.....................

2,749 84

2,000 00

2,000 00

2,121 50

2,121 50

Other real estate...............................
Due from other banks and bankers
(not reserve cities).....................

1,500 00

4,661 28

20,824 80

Loans and discounts........................
Bonds, m ortgages and se cu rities..
Prem ium s paid on b o n d s. . .
O verdrafts............................................

1,336 00

765 00

Item s in tra n sit.................................
U nited S tates bonds................
Due from banks in reserve cities..

19,956 07

26,182 21

15,463 30

Exchanges for clearing h o u se. ..
U. S. and National bank currency.

5,487 00

2,082 00

8,761 00

6,619 00

4,544 00

Gold co in .............................................

7,725 00

7,870 00

7,965 00

8,185 00

7,825 00

Silver coin............................................

945 45

799 70

834 70

1,319 55

908 35

Nickels and c e n ts..............................

223 12

271 96

250 10

224 57

139 07

Checks and cash ite m s....................

1,201 92

2,344 84

202 15

281 21

2,083 56

T o tals............................................

«265,525 52

$259,855 71

«262,230 68

«255,746 87

«257,050 42

Capital stock paid in .......................

«35,000 00

«35,000 00

«35,000 00

«35,000 00

«35,000 00

7,500 00

8,500 00

8,500 00

8,500 00

8,500 00

9,427 58

3,865 42

6,923 88

7,002 75

6,918 50

Dividends u n p a id ..............................
Commercial cleposits subject to
ch eck .................................................

47,084 47

53,577 03

47,845 00

41,301 00

45,058 07

Commercial certificates of d ep o sit.

23,421 00

17,585 03

15,223 33

8,081 72

1,668 96

Surplus fu n d ......................................
Undivided profits, less current expenses, interest and taxes paid. .

Due to banks and b an k ers........

794 38

Certified checks..................................
Cashier’s checks outstanding..........

27 15

8 90

528 42

5 50

9 28

Savings d ep o sits................................

118,222 39

114,200 26

111,265 64

114,288 07

117,746 61

Savings certificates of deposit........

24,048 55

27,119 07

31,627 83

36,567 83

42,149 00

5,316 58

5,000 00

«265,525 52

$259,855 71

«262,230 68

«255,746 87

Notes and bills rediscounted..........
Rill«? p a y a b l e . .

T o tals............................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

«257,050 42



No. 342.
Organized June 20, 1906.
O l i v e r B. C a m p b e l l , P r e s id e n t ; L a M o t t G. B a t e s , V ic e P r e s id e n t ;
T h o m a s P. S t e a d m a n , C a s h ie r .
D i r e c t o r s .— Oliver B. Campbell, LaM ott G. Bates, Meyer B. Netzorg, Clyde D . Bates,

Thom as P. Steadm an.


R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Nov. 27, ’08. Feb. 5, ’09. April 28, ’09. June 23, ’C9. Sept. 1, ’09.

Loans and discounts.........................

$144,047 83

$148,316 16

$158,880 28

$157,711 51

$170,004 75

Bonds, m ortgages and securities...

75,726 85

74,264 34

69,941 79

68,169 30

67,144 30

Prem ium s paid on b o n d s.................

189 30

O verdrafts............................................
Current expenses, interest and
taxes p a id .......................................

962 45

1,200 32

2,554 82

1,268 30

1,181 92

389 24

23 82

333 87

259 42

Banking house....................................

' 2,000 00

2,000 00

2,000 00

2,000 00

F u rn itu re and fixtures.....................

1,600 00

1,600 00

1,600 00

1,600 00

1,600 00

581 50

118 75

1,000 75

1,407 12

112 93

28,719 20

27,988 85

21,061 14

16,730 65

27,911 18

U. S. and N ational bank cu rre n cy .

16,289 00

10,286 00

11,143 00

10,992 00

12,687 00

Gold co in .............................................

4,937 50

4,972 50

4,835 00

5,285 00

5,012 50

Silver c o in .................. .....................

533 55

562 60

272 55

459 80

400 30

Nickels and c e n ts..............................

32 00

126 70

126 54

151 52

152 11

Checks and cash ite m s ....................

601 44

226 66

69 58

390 13

209 07

T o tals............................................

$276,609 86

$271,686 70

$273,819 32

$266,424 75

$288,501 83

liab ilities.
Capital stock paid in .......................

$25,000 00

$25,000 00

$25,000 00

$25,000 00

$25,000 00

1,000 00

1,200 00

1,200 00

1,200 00

1,400 00

Dividends u n p a id ..............................
Commercial deposits subject to
ch eck .................................................

49,975 28

46,111 74

41,576 26

46,395 81

62,429 74

Commercial certificatesvof d ep o sit.

48,708 07

22,233 88

15,363 67

12,518 02

11,901 67

151,926 51

177,141 08

175,679 39

181,310 92

187,770 42

$276,609 86

$271,686 70

$273,819 32

$266,424 75

$288,501 83


85 77
2,000 00

O ther real e state................................
Due from other banks and bankers
(not reserve cities).......................
Item s in tra n sit..................................
United States bonds.........................
Due from banks in reserve cities. .
Exchanges for clearing houSfe. . . .

Surplus fu n d ........................................
U ndivided profits, less current ex­
penses, interest and taxes p a id . .

Due to banks and b an k ers...............
Certified checks..................................
Cashier’s checks o u tstan d in g ...........
Savings d ep o sits................................
Savings certificates of d eposit. . . .
Notes and bills rediscounted.........
15,000 00

Bills p a v a b le .......................................
T o tals............................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



No. 299.
Organized November 2, 1904.
*O l e E r i c k s o n , P r e s id e n t : H. B. R e y n o l d s , V ic e P r e s id e n t ; H. H. A l l y n , C a s h ie r ;
E . O. P e r r o n , A s s i s t a n t C a s h ie r .
D i r e c t o r s .— 0 . B. Fuller, E. M. St. Jacques, F. A. Banks, *01e Erickson,W . W . Caven, H. B. Reynolds,

J. A. McGuire, O. N. H ughitt, A. R. Moore.


R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Nov. 27, ’08. Feb. 5, ’09. April 28, ’09. June 23, ’09. Sept. 1, ’09.

Loans and discounts.........................

$154,650 50

$136,946 05

$171,574 51

$201,345 68

$207,157 28

Bonds, m ortgages and se cu rities...

71,833 48

67,888 48

89,695 64

85,102 67

94,817 34

118 75

118 75

118 75

Prem ium s paid on bo n d s.................
O verdrafts............................................

524 64

307 12

321 64

517 79

105 31

B anking house....................................

8,370 19

8,370 19

8,370 19

8,370 19

8,370 19

F u rn itu re and fixtures.....................

1,062 88

1,062 88

1,062 88

1,062 88

1,062 88

457 93

777 30

173 83

1,098 41

135 41

39,914 05

149,495 23

67,121 99

34,020 35

22,717 84

1,254 46

3,106 78

1,950 45
20,194 00

O ther real estate................................
Due from other banks and bankers
(not reserve cities).......................
Item s in tra n sit.................................
U nited S tates bonds.......... ..............
Due from banks in reserve cities..
Exchanges for clearing house. . .
U. S. and N ational bank currency.

12,324 00

14,791 00

15,758 00

19,821 00

Gold c o in .............................................

3,500 00

4,945 00

3,365 00

3,815 00

2,362 50

Silver co in ...........................................

1,800 00

1,580 00

2,905 25

2,200 00

3,373 90

115 21

130 31

257 85

Nickels and c e n ts..............................

316 16

229 34

Checks and cash ite m s ...................

1,600 65

1,202 35

T o tals............................................

$296,354 48

$387,594 94

$361,837 35

$360,709 81

$362,623 70

Capital stock paid in .......................

$50,000 00

$50,000 00

$50,000 00

$50,000 00

$50,000 00

3,000 00

3,500 00

3,500 00

3,500 00

3,500 00

9,526 66

5,219 14

4,362 68

8,902 90

8,115 19

726 00

42 00

146,693 36

92,566 26

87,327 73

81,940 40

49,871 78

53,041 18

52,710 58
7 62

Surplus fu n d ........................................
U ndivided profits, less current ex­
penses, interest and taxes p a id . .
Dividends u n p a id ..............................
Commercial deposits subject to
check .................................................

66,238 41

Commercial certificates of d ep o sit.
Due to banks and b an k ers...............
Certified checks..................................

7 00

7 00

Cashier’s checks o u tstan d in g ...........

7 00

7 00

7 62

7 62

7 00

Savings d ep o sits................................

122,674 70

139,568 85

151,480 01

147,923 38

156,342 91

Savings certificates of deposit. . . .

44,407 71

41,880 59
10,000 00

10,000 00

10,000 00

$361,837 35

$360,709 81

$362,623 70

S tate monies on d eposit...................
Reserve for ta x e s ..............................

500 00

Notes and bills rediscounted.........
Bills p a y a b le .......................................
T o tals............................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

$296,354 48

$387,594 94


No. 295.
Organized August 2, 1904.
F r a n k S. P

o s t a l , P r e s id e n t ;


E. C. C a n n o n ,
W. P r o c t o r ,

V ic e P r e s id e n t ; J a m e s
A s s i s t a n t C a s h ie r .

R. P o s t a l ,

C a s h ie r ;

D i r e c t o r s .— F rank S. Postal, William L atta, Geo. F. Andrus, E. C. Cannon, William E. Davis, H ugh

Alexander, David Wolf, f William Munroe, Fred Postal.

R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Nov. 27, ’08. Feb. 5, ’09. April 28, ’09. June 23, ’09. Sept. 1, ’09


Loans and discounts.........................

$79,326 29

$78,125 02

$86,452 60

$84,952 39

$91,597 54

Bonds, m ortgages and se c u ritie s...

68,430 00

68,680 00

66,485 00

66,165 00

70,265 00

Prem ium s paid on b o nds.................
O verdrafts............................................

94 98

689 59

842 36

408 79

321 07

Banking house....................................

8,943 00

8,800 00

8,800 00

8,800 00

8,800 00

F urniture and fixtures.....................

1,600 00

1,550 00

1,550 00

2,450 00

2,405 00

18,593 46

O ther real estate................................
Due from other hanks and bankers
(not reserve cities).......................
Item s in tra n sit.................................

400 00

United S tates bon d s.........................
Due from banks in reserve cities. .

10,828 16

18,208 07

20,280 45

22,811 36

Exchanges for clearing house. . . .
U. S. and National bank cu rren cy .

9,434 00

7,010 00

5,795 00

9,527 00

7,270 00

Gold c o in ...........................................

4,195 00

4,030 00

4,085 00

4,190 00

5,245 00

Silver c o in .........................................

1,523 75

1,702 80

848 95

1,483 55

1,428 50

Nickels and c e n ts..............................

286 16

420 05

508 63

267 41

342 42

Checks and cash ite m s ....................

266 96

632 20

273 92

126 23

680 29

T o tals............................................

$184,928 30

$189,847 73

$196,321 91

$201,181 73

$206,948 28

Capital stock paid in .......................

$30,000 00

$30,000 00

$30,000 00

$30,000 00

$30,000 00

Surplus fu n d ......................................
Undivided profits, less current ex­
penses, interest and taxes paid. .

1,500 00

2,000 00

2,000 00

2,000 00

3,000 00

3,898 65

1,669 59

2,897 32

2,913 64

2,328 22

Dividends u n p a id ..............................
Commercial deposits subject to
ch eck ...............................................

23,137 84

24,306 12

24,153 71

27,257 81

29,825 89

Commercial certificates of d ep o sit.

7,780 00

12,680 00

11,475 00

10,475 00

15,540 58

Due to banks and b an k ers...............
Certified checks..................................
Cashier’s checks o u tstan d in g ...........

233 49

152 90

38 99

18 81

23 00

Savings d ep o sits................................

58,644 23

62,037 16

71,471 03

72,958 59

73,266 78

Savings certificates of deposit. . . .

59,734 09

57,001 96

54,285 86

55,557 88

52,963 81

$184,928 30

$189,847 73

$196,321 91

$201,181 73

$206,948 28

Notes and bills rediscounted..........
Bills p a y a b le .......................................
T o tals........................................ t
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis




No. 152.
Organized February 17, 1893.
V. R . D a v y , P r e s id e n t ; V. E . L a c y , V ic e P r e s id e n t ; G e o . A . G l e r u m , C a s h ie r ;
H a r r y D a y , A s s i s t a n t C a s h ie r .
D i r e c t o r s .— V. R. Davy, V. E. Lacy, Wm. Rogers, J. W. Matthews, G . E. Brandeberry, O. L. Millard,

J. S. Edwards, Geo. A. Glerum.


R eport of I R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Nov. 27, ’08. Feb. 5, ’09. April 28, 09. June 23, ’09. Sept. 1, ’09.

Lna.ns and discounts.........................

$187,708 88

$189,996 61

$196,432 16

$201,674 96

$214,312 57

Bonds, m ortgages and securities. .

103,280 51

91,141 51

98,270 57

97,965 54

98,465 79

Prem ium s paid on b o n d s. .
O verdrafts............................................

916 49

839 53

1,039 23

1,397 72

1,091 73

Banking house....................................

6,700 00

7,700 00

9,700 00

10,000 00

11,200 00

F u rn itu re and fixtures.....................

2,495 00

2,495 00

2,495 00

3,655 52

3,655 52

Other real e sta te ................................
Due from other banks and bankers
(not reserve cities) . .

5,336 27

5,336 27

5,336 27

5,336 27

4,136 27

33,957 60

31,727 56

35,823 74

37,281 26

40,032 27

540 13

2,068 52

300 00

1,500 00

Tt fims i n

t v ansit,.................................

United S tates bonds.........................
Due from banks in reserve cities. .
Fxohanges for clearing h o u se.........
U. S. and N ational bank currency.

6,275 00

13,704 00

11,478 00

9,801 00

4,826 00

Oold c o in .............................................

7,675 00

7,710 00

8,040 00

7,902 50

7,082 50

Silver coin............................................

1,701 10

1,309 20

1,634 80

2,586 60

1,944 80

Nickels and c e n ts..............................

454 90

444 16

434 46

408 84

466 96

Ohpcks and cash ite m s ...................

987 23

360 48

268 94

549 78

277 36

T o tals............................................

$357,487 98

$353,304 45

$373,021 69

$378,859 99

$388,991 77

Capital stock paid in .......................

$35,000 00

$35,000 00

$50,000 00

$50,000 00

$50,000 00

9,000 00

9,000 00

10,000 00

10,000 00

10,000 00

2,533 51

896 11

2,092 55

1,072 15

2,288 74

69,644 56

70,164 80

78,359 82

84,778 15

70,630 37

Savings d ep o sits................................

137,977 01

138,346 90

144,342 59

144,054 08

145,799 17

Savings certificates of deposit........

103,332 90

99,896 64

88,226 73

88,955 61

110,273 49

T o tals............................... ............

$357,487 98

$353.304 45

$373.021 69

$378,859 99

$388,991 77

Surplus f u n d ......................................
Undivided profits, less current ex­
penses, interest and taxes p a id . .
Commercial deposits subject to
ch e c k .................................................
Commercial certificates of d ep o sit.
Due to banks and bankers
Cashier’s checks outstanding
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



No. 215.
Organized June 1, 1899.
L. S. D i c k i n s o n ,

C. E. H u t c h i n s o n , V ic e P r e s id e n t ; J. E. H u t c h i n s q n ,
W. J. H u t c h i n s o n , A s s i s t a n t C a s h ie r .

P r e s id e n t ;

C a s h ie r ;

D i r e c t o r s .— L. 8. Dickinson, J. E. Hutchinson. W. J. Hutchinson, C. E. H utchinson, Maye H utchinson


R eport of
Nov. 27, ’08

R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Feb. 5, ’09. April 28, ’09 June 23, ’C9 Sept. 1, ’09.

Loans and discounts.......................

$37,405 45

$34,850 96

$40,504 52

$43,415 71

$50,573 23

Bonds, m ortgages and securities..

20,036 59

26,141 59

26,031 59

19,326 96

21,068 79

Prem ium s paid on b o n d s...............
O verdrafts............................................

506 24

560 57

244 88

518 23

828 86

Banking house....................................

6,000 00

6,000 00

6,000 00

6,000 00

6,000 00

F u rn itu re and fixtures.....................

1,561 91

1,758 40

1,758 40

1,758 40

1,758 40

O ther real e state...............................
Due from other banks and bankers
(not reserve cities).......................

3,000 00

3,000 00

21,624 79

4,418 25

5,510 89

1,671 13

21,775 50

U. S. and N ational bank cu rren cy .

'2,748 00

4,970 00

4,500 00

3,700 00

2,241 00

Gold c o in ...........................................

1,170 00

1,585 00

625 00

1,075 00

1,210 00

Silver coin........................................

232 65

303 45

249 75

418 45

441 20

Nickels and c e n ts............................

196 17

193 64

207 97

206 90

125 30

Checks and cash ite m s....................

3,075 07

1,598 32

1,969 28

402 70

T o tals............................................

$97,556 87

$85,380 18

$87,602 28

,$78,493 48

$108,164 16

Capital stock paid in........................

$15,000 00

$15,000 00

$15,000 00

$15,000 00

$15,000 00

3,000 00

3,000 00

3,000 00

3,000 00

3,000 00

862 79

797 82

985 37

1,330 39

98 03

34,121 84

20,362 75

21,067 39

20,315 93

40,978 05

Item s in tra n sit..................................
United States bonds.........................
Due from banks in reserve cities. .
Exchanges for clearing h o u se .........

Surplus fu n d ...........................
U ndivided profits, less current ex­
penses, interest and taxes paid. .
Dividends u n p a id ............................
Commercial ‘d eposits subject to
ch ech ..................................

2,141 88

Commercial certificates of d e p o sit.
Due to banks and b an k ers.............
Certified checks................................

Cashier’s checks outstanding...........
Savings dep o sits................................
Savings certificates of deposit........

44,572 24

46,219 61

47,549 52

32,847 16
6,000 00

6,000 00

$97,556 87

$85,380 18

$87,602 28

$78,493 48

$108,164 16

43,088 08

Notes and bills rediscounted...........
Bills p a y a b le .....................................
T o tals................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



No. 209.
Organized October 1, 1898.
E. C. F o r t e ,

P r e s id e n t ;

L. E. B e c k e r ,

V ic e P r e s id e n t ;

E. M. N e w e l l ,

C a s h ie r .

D i r e c t o r s .— E. C. Forte, E. M. Newell, Z. P atterson, L. E. Becker, E. N. Stiles.


R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Nov. 27, ’08. Feb. 5, ’09. April 28, ’09. June 23, ’09. Sept. 1, ’09.

Loans and discounts.........................

$142,356 02

$123,941 86

$126,203 23

$114,693 98

$115,579 37

Bonds, m ortgages and securities. .

86,402 32

99,125 13

99,570 48

110,404 98

112,273 39

Prem ium s pa.’d on bonds
111 02

104 56
Ranking house...............*..................

4.000 00

4.000 00

4.000 00

4.000 00

4.000 00

F urniture a,nd fixtures.....................

1.000 00

1.000 00

1.000 00

1.000 00

1.000 00

1,751 11

4,922 24

3,860 21

O ther real estate
Due from other hanks and bankers
(not reserve cities)
Item s in transit,

1,621 85

United States honds
Due from banks in reserve cities. .

35,062 17

46,305 21

47,980 10

40,644 61

41,583 52

Exchanges for clearing house
U. S. and N ational bank currency.

12,567 00

10,719 00

9,995 00

11,074 00

10,085 00

Gold c o in .............................................

3,737 50

3,907 20

4,117 50

3,902 50

3,925 00

Silver coin............................................

1,588 50

1,451 85

1,163 85

1,146 35

1,409 75

Nickels and c en ts..............................

85 70

131 53

159 20

179 54

188 26

Checks and cash ite m s ....................

285 26

449 23

78 25

66 73

147 82

T o tals............................................

$288,810 88

$291,031 01

$296,129 74

$292,034 93

$294,052 32

Capital stock paid in .......................

$25,000 00

$25,000 00

$25,000 00

$25,000 00

$25,000 00

Surplus fu n d ........................................
Undivided profits, less current ex­
penses, interest and taxes p a id ..

4,000 00

4,170 00

4,170 00

4,170 00

5,000 00

3,530 91

773 19

3,790 15

2,057 44

1,477 38

Dividends unpaid
Commercial deposits subject to
ch eck .................................................

30,374 32

27,910 59

32,761 47

36,780 24

36,006 02

Commercial certificates of d ep o sit.

25,737 48

27,916 96

25,813 26

19,264 86

39,676 76

Due to banks and bankers
Certified checks

Cashier’s checks outstanding
Savings d ep o sits................................

188,027 67

190,763 20

186,127 74

184,882 61

Savings certificates of deposit........

12,140 50

14,497 07

18,467 12

19,879 78

$288,810 88

$291,031 01

$296,129 74

186,892 16

N otps and bib15 rediscounted
RilR pa.vahle
T o tals............................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis


$292,034 93

$294,052 32



No. 384.
Organized September 26, 1907.
L e o n a r d F r e e m a n , P r e s id e n t ; F r e d W e l c h , V ic e P r e s id e n t ; F . H . H i t c h c o c k , C a s h ie r .
D i r e c t o r s .— Chas. J. Campbell, Lester M. Cook, Leonard Freem an, Lewis L. H oltforth, F. H. H itch­

cock, H arry J. Phillips, Fred Welch.


R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Nov. 27, ’08. Feb. 5, ’09. April 28, ’09. June 23, ’09. Sept. 1, ’09.

Boa,ns and discounts.........................

$63,915 30

$65,456 62

$57,735 28

$59,805 24

$71,388 82

Bonds, m ortgages and securities. .

58,978 29

51,287 58

73,783 43

90,980 43

97,726 20

Prem ium s paid on b o n d s...............
O verdrafts............................................

125 59

57 61

6 60

73 14

29 59

Banking house....................................

4,500 00

4,500 00

4,500 00

4,500 00

4,500 00

F u rn itu re and fixtures.....................

1,491 85

1,495 35

1,495 35

1,495 35

1,495 35

2,281 67

1,546 88

20,592 87

23,754 37

Other real e state ...............................
Due from other banks and bankers
(not reserve cities).......................
Item s in tra n sit..................................


U nited S tates bonds.........................
19,146 92

19,431 81

27,692 65

U. S. and N ational bank currency.

8,200 00

9,073 00

7,825 00

6,561 00

9,899 00

Gold c o in .............................................

995 00

1,330 00

1,765 00

2,277 50

2,200 00

Silver coin............................................

1,465 00

1,510 00

1,345 00

1,040 00

1,265 00

Nickels and cen ts..............................

223 12

298 52

235 00

260 04

278 85

Checks and cash ite m s....................

32 05

97 05

152 41

96 20

197 15

T o tals............................................

$161,354 79

$156,084 42

$176,535 72

$187,681 77

$212,734 33

Capital stock paid in .......................

Due from banks in reserve cities. .
Exchanges for clearing h o u se .........

$25,000 00

$25,000 00

$25,000 00

$25,000 00

$25,000 00

Surplus fu n d ......................................
Undivided profits, less current ex­
penses, interest and taxes p a id ..

156 11

602 14

1,120 72

910 88

814 96

Dividends u n p a id ..............................
Commercial deposits subject to
check .................................................

35,347 65

31,513 87

35,209 98

39,059 49

30,176 90

Commercial certificates of d ep o sit.

1,231 08

1,000 37

590 37

405 37

365 37

Savings dep o sits...........

81,297 46

81,797 55

88,896 35

94,181 99

112,012 28

Savings certificates of deposit........

18,322 49

16,170 49

25,718 30

28,124 04

44,364 82

$161,354 79

$156,084 42

$176,535 72

$187,681 77

$212,734 33


Due to banks and b an k ers...............
Certified checks..................................
Cashier’s checks o u tstanding...........

Notes and bills rediscounted...........
Bills p a y a b le .......................................
T o tals............................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

~ B s .\ .




No. 101.
Organized August 4, 1890.
R . J. W h a l e y , P r e s id e n t ; G e o . W . H u b b a r d , V ic e P r e s id e n t ; W . E. M a r t i n , C a s h ie r .
D i r e c t o r s .- -R . J. W haley, Alex. McFarlan, J. H. W hiting, D. D. Aitken, G. W. H ubbard, M. E phraim ,

E. S. Lee, C. L. B artlett, F. D. Buckingham, Thos. Doyle, H. W. W atson.


R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Nov. 27, ’08. Feb. 5, ’09. April 28, ’09. June 23, ’09. Sept. 1, ’09.

L ob n s a,nri disc om its.........................

$353,492 92

$394,887 78

$363,942 37

$417,522 10

$426,360 19

Bonds, m ortgages and securities...

533,817 13

572,242 87

628,429 09

687,128 74

751,825 49

Prem ium s paid on b o n d s.................

2,888 75

2,702 51

5,637 01

5,637 01

5,937 01

O verdrafts............................................

2,190 85

1,553 78

2,556 39

1,776 18

4,435 36

F urn itu re and fixtures................... ..

14,000 00

14,000 00

26,000 00

26,000 00

26,000 00

Other real e s ta te ...............................
Due from other banks and bankers

6,600 90

6,728 80

6,728 80

6,728 80

6,728 80

Item s in tra n sit.................................

37,312 36

26,161 66

12,904 39

4,518 28

8,919 56

Due from banks in reserve c ities..

112,401 45

256,483 12

336,214 15

222,280 92

110,626 21

Exchanges for clearing h o u s e .. . .

1,388 74

2,931 00

1,176 06

968 90

10,336 58

U. S. and N ational bank currency.

42,956 00

101,111 00

62,384 00

71,527 00

80,716 25

Gold c o in .............................................

21,345 00

27,910 00

23,062 50

20,487 50

18,220 00

Silver co in ...........................................

7,865 20

3,535 40

6,947 90

4,243 45

8,651 40

Nickels and c e n ts..............................

252 73

146 69

479 72

433 41

431 04

Checks and items-.........

634 56

754 29

683 37

467 45

47 38

T o tals............................................ 81,137,146 59 $1,411,148 90 $1,477,145 75 $1,469,719 74

$1,459,235 27

Capital stock paid ill.......................
Surplus fu n d .......................................
Undivided profits, less current ex­
penses, interest and taxes p a id ..

$150,000 00

$150,000 00

$150,000 00

$150,000 00

$150,000 00

65,000 00

65,000 00

65,000 00

65,000 00

75,000 00

31,417 20

27,639 02

36,688 59

43,315 44

26,600 15

Dividends u n p a id ..............................
Commercial deposits subject to
ch eck .................................................

100 00

200 00

100 00

100 00

200 00

319,399 89

552,546 64

566,233 58

511,673 07

457,786 32

Commercial certificates of d ep o sit.

2,027 23

3,792 28

5,952 23

4,760 72

10,394 83

Due f.n hanks and b an k ers...............

939 72

939 72

939 72

939 72

939 72

Pavings d ep o sits................................

315,234 90

334,140 35

369,882 75

400,332 67

412,661 71

293,598 12

325,652 54

T o tals............................................ $1,137,146 59 $1,411,148 90 $1,477,145 75 $1,469,719 74

$1,459,235 27

Savings certificates of deposit. . . .
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

253,027 65

276,890 89

282,348 88



No. 23.
Organized May 1, 1872.
Corporate existence extended April 25, 1902.
J a m e s C. W i l l s o n , P r e s id e n t ; H. C. S p e n c e r ., V ic e P r e s id e n t ; A r t h u r G. B i s h o p , Cashier;
J a m e s M a r t i n , A s s i s t a n t C a s h ie r .
D i r e c t o r s .— W. W. Crapo, Jam es C. Willson, A. G. Bishop,W. C. Orrell, J. Dallas Dort, H. C. Spencer

J. H. Crawford, George C. Willson, C. S. M ott,


R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Nov. 27, ’08. Feb. 5, ’09. April 28, ’09. June 23, ’09. Sept. 1, ’09.

Loans and discounts.........................

$687,591 60

$659,724 73

$688,174 31

$865,759 59

$1,024,462 76

Bonds, m ortgages and securities. .

927,080 40

951,605 31

1,074,443 73

1,148,346 87

1,127,205 59

9,910 66

2,103 34

3,009 22

12,943 70

9,197 05

1,460 75

3,982 48

5,244 41

7,258 91

2,649 48

9,543 51

5,967 12

6,225 44

5,215 11
60,925 61

Prem ium s paid on b o n d s...............
O verdrafts............................................
B anking house....................................
F u rn itu re and fixtures.....................
Building acco u n t...............................
Other real estate................................
Due from other banks and bankers
(not reserve cities).......................
Item s in tra n sit..................................
U nited States bonds.........................
Due from banks in reserve citie s. .

81,794 54

176,273 14

277,077 66

218,473 51

Exchanges for clearing h o u se .........

1,313 36

1,029 34

1,243 19

3,278 28

1,577 66

U. S. and N ational b ank cu rre n cy .

56,397 00

53,268 00

45,564 00

48,661 00

63,359 76

Gold c o in ................................

37,350 00

38,780 00

35,485 00

30,115 00

34,735 00

Silver coin................................... ..

13,200 00

9,100 00

12,000 00

11,500 00

11,500 00

Nickels and c e n ts.....................

148 32

262 24

105 30

511 96

477 58

Checks and cash ite m s..................

462 92

1,685 22

1,452 95

7,475 64

10,738 95

$1,817,898 28 $1,904,835 58 $2,148,504 96 $2,358,535 40

$2,356,653 98

T o tals..........................................
Capital stock paid in .....................
Surplus fu n d ..................................
U ndivided profits, less current ex­
penses, interest and taxes p a id ..

$100,000 00

$100,000 00

$100,000 00

$100,000 00

$100,000 00

150,000 00

150,000 00

150,000 00

150,000 00

200,000 00

35,827 62

37,642 94

47,287 78

48,413 20

1,775 16

Dividends u n p a id ..............................
Commercial deposits subject to
ch eck .............................................

285,896 98

336,170 85

404,257 58

527,896 20

525,601 49

Commercial certificates of deposit.

17,151 98

8,084 27

21,850 37

18,199 76

17,084 23

100 00

100 00

424 94

150 00

1,502 82

Savings d ep o sits..............................

932,340 44

978,999 32

1,097,019 24

1,175,347 58

1,136,574 00

Savings certificates of dep o sit........

296,581 26

293,738 20

327,665 05

338,528 66

366,526 87

$1,817,898 28 $1,904,835 58 $2,148,504 96 $2,358,535 40

$2,356,653 98

100 00

180 00

Due to banks and b an k ers...............
Certified checks................................

7,409 41

Cashier’s checks o u tstanding...........

Notes and bills rediscounted...........
Bills p a y a b le .......................................
T o tals.............................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis




No. 431.
Organized May 8, 1909.
C. S. M o t t ,

P r e s id e n t ;

C. W. N a s h ,

V ic e P r e s id e n t ; G r a n t

J. B r o w n ,

C a s h ie r .

D i r e c t o r s .— C. S. M ott, C. W. Nash, G rant J. Brown, C. T. Bridgm an, D. D. Aitken, Geo. C. Willson,

Fred Weiss, S. S. Stew art, A. H. Goss.


R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Nov. 27, ’08. Feb. 5, ’09. April 28, ’09 June 23, ’09. Sept. 1, ’09.

Loans and discounts..........1............

$34,667 47

Bonds m ortgages and securities...

11,700 00

Prem ium s paid on b o n d s.................
40 69

O verdrafts............................................
Banking house....................................

748 72

F u rn itu re and fixtures.....................
O ther real estate................................
Due from other banks and bankers
(not reserve cities).......................
Item s in tra n sit.................................

6,556 63

............... ...............

U nited States bonds.........................
17,997 37

Due from banks in reserve c itie s ..
Exchanges for clearing h o u s e .. . .

240 00

[J. S. and N ational bank currency.

5,242 00

Gold co in .............................................

2,350 00

Silver c o in ...........................................

5,084 80

Nickels and c en ts..............................

217 51

Checks and cash ite m s....................

8 50

E x p en se................................................

499 31

T o tals............................................

$85,353 00

Capital stock paid in .......................


$35,160 00
6,955 00

Surplus fu n d ........................................
U ndivided profits, less current ex­
penses interest and taxes p a id . .
Dividends unpaid . . . .
Commercial deposits subject to
check .................................................

16,301 06

Commercial certificates of d ep o sit.

1,711 97

Due to banks and bankers . .
Certified cheeks. . .
Cashier’s checks outstanding . .
Savings d ep o sits................................

13,192 68

Savings certificates of deposit. . . .

12,032 29

Notes and bills rediscounted . . .
Bills p a y a b le .........
T o ta ls...
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis


............... ...............

$85,353 00



No. 165.
Organized July 11, 1893.

T. B r id g m a n ,

P r e s id e n t ;

W. A. P a t e r s o n , V ic e P r e s id e n t ; M. D a v i s o n ,
H. B r id g m a n , A s s i s t a n t C a s h ie r .

C a s h ie r ;

D i r e c t o r s .— C. T. Bridgm an, W. A. Paterson, M. Davison, W. E. Bram an, W. F. Stew art,


H. Rankin, Geo. W. Cook, W. H. Edwards.


R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Nov. 27, ’08. Feb. 5, ’09. April 28, ’09. June 23, ’09. Sept. 1, ’09.

Loans and discounts.........................

$463,091 12

$457,681 54

$513,141 31

$514,884 70

$535,322 70

Bonds, m ortgages and securities...

1,120,180 27

1,127,429 89

1,134,216 28

1,158,812 47

1,196,774 76

Prem ium s paid on b o n d s.................
O verdrafts............................................

1,962 68

726 02

775 51

3,849 57

3,656 79

B anking house....................................

22,000 00

22,000 00

22,000 00

22,000 00

22,000 00

F u rn itu re and fixtures.....................

7,500 00

7,590 00

7,500 00

7,500 00

7,000 00

Other real estate................................
Due from other banks and bankers
(not reserve c itie s)..-...................

11,200 00

16,200 00

16,200 00

13,900 00

13,300 00

75 00

132 10

98 00

5,790 96

1,593 00

178,855 18

Item s in tra n sit.................................

25,000 00

U nited States bonds.........................
123,262 97

188,688 49

194,931 05

268,340 48

Exchanges for clearing house. . . .

1,127 61

867 78

2,087 15

51 99

3,553 47

U. S. and N ational bank currency.

69,511 00

40,329 00

52,934 00

53,077 00

52,257 00

Gold co in .............................................

32,057 50

22,323 50

20,835 00

16,522 50

16,947 50

Silver c o in ...........................................

14,230 00

16,312 95

17,869 95

15,284 60

13,580 45

Nickels and c e n ts..............................

375 51

261 73

616 06

510 40

Checks and cash ite m s....................

462 27

1,865 44

3,191 48

Due from banks in reserve cities. .

T o tals............................................ $1,867,035 93 $1,902,318 44 $1,986,395 79 $2,080,524 67
Capital stock paid in .......................

215 58
3,089 25
$2,073,145 68

$100,000 00

$100,000 00

$100,000 00

$100,000 00

$100,000 00

60,000 00

65,000 00

65,000 00

65,000 00

70,000 00

29,247 53

16,468 44

28,006 67

26,043 92

10,205 23

Dividends u n p a id ..............................
Commercial deposits subject to
ch eck .................................................

184,424 15

217,327 32

237,173 37

276,757 28

302,235 27

Commercial certificates of d ep o sit.

7,026 22

5,935 75

7,431 81

7,193 07

5,021 80

Due to banks and b an k ers...............

8,584 64

Certified checks..................................

200 00

200 00

620 00

100 00

Savings d ep o sits................................

989,872 45

1,004,932 78

1,042,949 40

1,094,556 92

1,085,538 52

Savings certificates of deposit. . . .

487,689 94

492,454 15

505,214 54

509,146 54

499,984 86

T o tals............................................ $1,867,035 93 $1,902,318 44 $1,986,395 79 $2,080,524 67

$2,073,145 68

Surplus fu n d ........................................
Undivided profits, less current ex­
penses, interest and taxes paid. .

160 00

1,726 94

Cashier’s checks o u tstan d in g ...........

Notes and bills red iscounted.........
Bills p a v a b le .....................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



No. 126.
Organized November 28, 1891.
F r a n k l i n A. N i l e s , P r e s id e n t ; J a c o b K i m m e l l , V ic e P r e s id e n t ; F r e d D. S a y r e , C a s h ie r .
D i r e c t o r s .— F. A. Niles, Id a P ackard, Jacob Kimmell, Jam es M. Greenfield, Fred D. Sayre.


R eport of
Nov. 27, ’08

R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Feb. 5, ’09. April 28, ’09 June 23, '09. Sept. 1, ’09.

Loans and discounts.........................

«61,888 67

$58,333 47

$57,298 86

$55,117 97

$57,410 09

Bonds, m ortgages and se c u ritie s..

200,468 49

199,907 25

211,183 78

219, 703 78

221,038 78

Prem ium s paid on b o n d s...............

900 00

Expenses, and interest p a id ............

161 49

O verdrafts............................................
Banking house....................................

2,700 00

2,700 00

2,700 00

2,700 00

2,700 00

F u rn itu re and fixtures.....................

1,860 00

1,860 00

1,860 00

1,860 00

1,860 00

O ther real estate................................
Due from other banks and bankers
(not reserve cities).......................
Item s in tra n sit.................................

54 66

492 95

62 89

35 42

45 21

1,242 44

2,302 69

2,671 68

1,286 30

1,793 16

38,500 99

52,057 79

29,030 21

21,716 58

25,422 83

United S tates bonds.........................
Due from banks in reserve c itie s ..
Exchanges for clearing h o u se.........
U. S. and N ational bank cu rre n cy .

7,210 00

4,867 00

4,699 00

5,781 00

5,851 00

Gold c o in .............................................

5,900 00

6,080 00

6,510 00

7,160 00

7,500 00

Silver coin..........................................

1,410 65

1,941 00

1,900 30

1,357 35

1,837 85

Nickels and c en ts..............................

662 88

242 54

172 98

41 20

313 24

Checks and cash ite m s....................

360 76

2,519 75

302 79

879 91

510 06

T o tals............................................

$323,159 54

$333,304 44

$318,392 49

$317,801 00

$326,282 22

Capital stock paid in .......................

$27,500 00

$27,500 00

$27,500 00

$27,500 00

$27,500 00

17,000 00

18,000 00

18,000 00

19,000 00

19,000 00

3,943 62

280 94

2,348 95

Surplus fu n d ....................................
Undivided profits, less current ex­
penses, interest and taxes p a id . .

499 38

Dividends u n p a id ..............................
Commercial deposits subject to
ch eck .................................................

29,670 74

38,073 96

34,003 76

9,378 41

12,498 63

Commercial certificates of d ep o sit.

2,546 62

1,266 00

2,632 76

4,518 74

1,011 12

40 00

Due to banks and b an k ers...............
Certified checks..................................
Cashier’s checks o u tstanding...........
Savings d ep o sits................................

54,186 60

56,441 92

55,134 24

58,384 29

61,896 18

Savings certificates of dep o sit........

188,311 96

191,741 62

178,772 78

178,979 56

183,876 91

20,000 00

20,000 00

$323,159 54

$333,304 44

$318,392 49

$317,801 00

$326,282 22

Notes and bills rediscounted...........
Bills p a y ab le.......................................
T otals............................................

Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



No. 223.
Organized March 10, 1900.
I r a T. S a y r e , P r e s id e n t ; J o h n H. R o w e , V ic e P r e s id e n t ; L e v a n t A. V i c k e r y , C a s h ie r ;
H a r r y L . M a n n , A s s i s t a n t C a s h ie r .
D i r e c t o r s .— Ira T. Sayre, Levant A. Vickery, John H. Rowe, Jam es B. French, Orrin H art,

A lbert E. Ransom , E lbert L. Beecher, William Brophy, F rank P. Sayre.


R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Nov. 27, ’08. Feb. 5, ’09. April 28, ’09. June 23, ’09. Sept. 1, ’09.

Loans and discounts.........................

$93,641 31

$96,739 31

$102,873 41

$104,320 13

$98,098 48

Bonds, m ortgages and securities...

62,402 00

59,152 00

61,191 00

60,871 00

67,876 00

Prem ium s paid on b o n d s.................
O verdrafts............................................

3,607 87

529 86

424 31

359 87

196 72

Banking house....................................

4,393 60

4,393 60

4,393 60

4,393 60

4,393 60

F urniture and fixtures.....................

2,675 57

2,675 57

2,675 57

2,675 57

2,675 57

478 62

624 78

561 01

676 19

799 74

O ther real estate................................
Due from other banks and bankers
(not reserve cities).......................

307 66

Bills of exchange...............................

860 63

Item s in tra n sit.................................
United Sta tes b o n d s.. .
Due from banks in reserve cities..

18,143 32

"exchanges for clearing house. . . .

26,189 07

13,054 35

20,392 82

10,809 55

307 66

U. S. and N ational bank c u rre n cy .

7,475 00

6,809 00

7,037 00

5,046 00

4,537 00

Gold c o in .............................................

2,255 00

2,930 00

3,235 00

3,320 00

3,735 00

Silver c o in ...........................................

1,487 75

1,797 55

1,624 25

1,612 15

2,053 00

Nickels and c e n ts..............................

140 24

169 17

293 88

92 86

411 47

Checks and cash ite m s ............. ..

672 55

98 34

2,362 53

130 53

90 79

T o tals............................................

$197,372 83

$202,415 91

$200,033 57

$203,890 72

$196,537 55

Capital stock paid in .......................

$25,000 00

$25,000 00

$25,000 00

$25,000 00

$25,000 00

10,000 00

10,000 00

10,000 00

10,000 00

10,000 00

606 75

1,251 89

737 22

691 58

1,157 62

Surplus fu n d ........................................
Undivided profits, less current ex­
penses, interest and taxes p a id . .

130 50

Dividends u n p a id ..............................
Commercial deposits subject to
check .................................................

20,463 69

24,109 99

17,864 41

19,523 35

19,640 87

Commercial certificates of d ep o sit.

5,362 46

2,418 63

1,739 87

1,305 38

1,686 19

157 50

Duo fo banks and hankers

Cashier’s checks outstanding
Savings d ep o sits............................ ‘ .

11,763 06

20,583 64

19,975 65

16,167 07

11,207 91

Savings certificates of dep o sit. . . .

120,176 87

114,894 26

119,716 42

126,203 34

122,714 46

5,000 00

5,000 00

5,000 00

$200,033 57

$203,890 72

$196,537 55

S tate monies on d ep o sit.................

T o tals............................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

4,000 00

4,000 00

$197,372 83

$202,415 91



No. 141.
Organized September 19, 1892.
F r e d e r i c k S c h e m e r , P r e s id e n t ; M ic h a e l S p i t z l e y , V ic e P r e s id e n t ;
W. H. S n e l l i n g , C a s h ie r .
D i r e c t o r s .— Frederick Schemer, W. H. Snelling, Michael Spitzley, T. W. Snelling, E rnest Schem er.


R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Nov. 27, ’08. Feb. 5, ’09. April 28, ’09. June 23, ’C9. Sept. 1, ’09.

Loans and discounts.........................

$59,661 27

$43,480 70

$51,148 76

$56,597 52

$57,570 66

Bonds, m ortgages and securities..

145,013 20

151,092 56

136,624 52

140,749 52

135,802 87

l,0 li 76

521 85

570 61

12 52

1,197 62

F urn itu re and fixtures.....................

2,500 00

2,500 00

2,500 00

2,500 00

2,500 00

Other real estate...............................
Due from other banks and bankers
(not reserve cities).......................

5§5 33

Prem ium s paid on b o n d s...............
O verdrafts............................................
Banking house....................................

19 59

3,150 00

Item s in tra n sit.................................

2,120 00

2,760 00

35,388 11

21,453 17

U nited S tates bonds.........................
Due from banks in reserve cities. .

30,834 75

21,580 28

13,932 20

Exchanges for clearing h o u se.........
U. S. and N ational bank currency.

8,922 00

7,886 00

6,863 00

7,786 00

7,558 00

Gold c o in .............................................

5,237 50

5,162 50

5,187 50

5,262 50

5,330 00

Silver coin............................................

592 00

786 00

612 00

815 00

643 00

Nickels and c en ts..............................

69 79

141 37

140 59

132 32

98 74

Checks and cash ite m s ...................

100 96

74 43

109 50

2,780 43

373 63

T otals............................................

$254,508 56

$252,303 52

$227,969 65

$238,235 68

$225,006 72

Capital stock paid in .......................

$15,000 00

$15,000 00

$15,000 00

$15,000 00

$15,000 00

9,500 00

10,000 00

10,000 00

10,000 00

10,000 00

2,906 44

310 46

2,360 50

2,464 94

734 13

14,611 22

23,126 01

12,030 35

18,332 97

15,040 57

Surplus fu n d ........................................
Undivided profits, less current ex­
penses, interest and taxes p a id ..
Dividends u n p a id ..............................
Commercial deposits subject to
check .................................................
Commercial certificates of d ep o sit.
Due. tn hanks and b an k ers...............
Certified cheeks
Cashier’s eheeks o utstanding...........
Savings d ep o sits................................

37,263 61

31,344 89

28,254 39

27,949 31

29,703 89

Savings certificates of deposit........

175,227 29

172,522 16

160,324 41

164,488 46

154,528 13

$254,508 56

$252,303 52

$227,969 65

Notes and hills rediscounted...........

Bills payable ....................................
T o tals..........................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

$238,235 68

$225,006 72



No. 293.
Organized June 1, 1904.


C. E l l s w o r t h ,

P r e s id e n t ;

S. L. B i g n a l l ,

V ic e P r e s id e n t ;

E. S c h n e i d e r ,

C a s h ie r .

D i r e c t o r s .— John C. Ellsworth, J. L. Cooper, S. L. Bignall, Alex. McPherson, R. C. Smith.


R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Nov. 27, ’08. Feb. 5, ’09. April 28, ’09. June 23, ’09. Sept. 1, ’09.

Loans and discounts.........................

$86,072 42

$87,624 36

$79,127 70

$90,891 25

$98,236 41

Bonds, m ortgages and securities...

70,438 95

73,908 95

92,458 95

100,108 95

98,308 95

440 82

200 22

224 42

142 31

374 95

998 11'

360 43

Prem ium s paid on b o n d s.................
O verdrafts............................................
Banking house....................................
F u rn itu re and fixtures.....................
Other real e state................................
Due from other banks and bankers
(not reserve cities).......................

871 45

279 55

1,349 76

Item s in tra n sit..................................

368 93

1,674 14

365 59

23,933 60

26,777 63

42,133 91

29,772 51

19,216 17

U. S. and N ational b ank currency.

5,956 00

5,376 00

7,981 00

5,982 00

6,602 00

Gold c o in .............................................

4,320 00

3,285 00

5,880 00

6,055 00

6,530 00

Silver co in ...........................................

2,548 55

2,379 20

1,438 90

1,558 20

856 20

Nickels and c e n ts..............................

135 46

131 89

120 01

169 63

139 52

Checks and cash ite m s....................

825 83

637 96

270 46

88 67

1,869 11

T o tals............................................

$195,912 01

$202,274 90

$231,350 70

$235,766 63

$232,493 74

Capital stock paid in .......................

$25,000 00


U nited States bonds.........................
Due from banks in reserve cities. .
Exchanges for clearing house. . . .

$25,000 00

$25,000 00

$25,000 00

$25,000 00

Surplus fu n d ........................................
U ndivided profits, less current ex­
penses, interest and taxes p a id ..

1,600 00

1,733 41

1,733 41

1,733 41

1,843 41

2,676 56

1,377 68

2,652 38

3,046 96

1,582 53

Dividends u n p a id ..............................
Commercial deposits subject to
ch eck .................................................

27,287 62

31,938 20

26,492 72

31,143 94

28,304 27

Commercial certificates of d ep o sit.

83,181 55

52,797 00

30,659 63

18,562 96

9,664 91

56,166 28

89,428 61

144,812 56

156,279 36

166,098 62

$195,912 01

$202,274 90

$231,350 70

$235,766 63

$232,493 74

Due to banks and b an k ers...............
Certified checks..................................
Cashier’s checks o u tstan d in g ...........
Savings d ep o sits................................
Savings certificates of dep o sit. . . .
Notes and bills rediscounted........
Bills p a y ab le.......................................
T o tals............................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



No. 229.
Organized April 15, 1901.
L. P. C l a s s e n s ,

P r e s id e n t ;

H. F. R o b e r t s o n , L. E. V o r c e , V ic e P r e s id e n t s ; J . F. H o f s t e t t e r ,
G e o r g e M. M o o r e , A s s i s t a n t C a s h ie r .

C a s h ie r ;

D i r e c t o r s .— L. P. Classens, H. F. Robertson, L. E. Vorce, Geo. W aters, Jr., J. F. H ofstetter.


R eport of
Nov. 27, ’08

R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Feb. 5, ’09. April 28, ’09 June 23, ’09 Sept. 1, ’09.

Loans and discounts.........................

$34,749 57

$35,064 88

$40,679 54

$43,855 05

$39,571 99

Bonds, m ortgages and securities..

144,355 42

141,642 56

135,894 41

137,749 32

138,085 45

Prem ium s paid on b o n d s...............
O verdrafts..........................................

323 76

918 35

487 19

1,293 74

111 87

B anking house....................................

5,800 00

5,800 00

5,800 00

5,800 00

5,800 00

F u rn itu re and fixtures.....................

2,035 00

2,035 00

2,035 00

2,035 00

2,035 00

O ther real e sta te .........................
Due from other banks and bankers
(not reserve cities).......................

1,725 00

1,666 00

1,666 00

1,210 26

1,842 00

7 59

155 26

22,344 75

22,891 47

Item s in tra n sit................................

153 50

United States bonds.........................
Due from banks in reserve cities..

23,484 31

22,823 20

72,998 21

Exchanges for clearing h o u se .........
U. S. and N ational bank currency.

5,984 00

9,381 00

8,247 00

9,904 00

9,071 00

Gold c o in .....................................

6,500 00

5,935 00

6,210 00

5,205 00

6,175 00

Silver coin.............................

700 00

1,900 00

1,250 00

1,200 00

Nickels and c e n ts..............................

99 47

164 51

Checks and cash ite m s ..................

657 39

T o tals................................
Capital stock paid in .................

109 89

121 36

49 25

230 06

186 05

1,969 64

$226,963 92

$226,239 52

$225,205 82

$230,952 74

$279,762 91

$20,000 00

$20,000 00

$20,000 00

$20,000 00

$20,000 00

Surplus fu n d ..................................
Undivided profits, less current ex­
penses, interest and taxes paid. .

5,000 00

5,000 00

5,000 00

5,000 00

5,000 00

2,171 75

165 93

1,474 42

2,687 67

669 83

Dividends u n p a id ........................
Commercial deposits subject to
ch eck ..........................

65,892 37

71,223 95

70,993 81

76,173 43

112,364 27

Commercial certificates of d ep o sit.
Due to banks and b an k ers...............
Certified checks................................
Cashier’s checks outstanding..........
Savings d ep o sits........................

83,238 79

80,507 47

84,457 63

86,855 22

95,264 74

Savings certificates of deposit........

50,661 01

49,342 17

43,279 96

40,236 42

46,464 07

$226,963 92

$226,239 52

$225,205 82

$230,952 74

$279,762 91

N otes and bills rediscounted...........
Bills p a y a b le .......................................
T o tals............................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



No. 297.
Organized May 24, 1904.
A m o s O. W h i t e , P r e s id e n t ; J o h n R . J a c k l i n , V ic e P r e s id e n t ; E m i e l K e m p f , C a s h ie r .
D i r e c t o r s .— Amos O. W hite, Emiel Kem pf, L. D. Puff, John R. Jacklin, Jno. H. Lewis,

Cornelius Gerber, Wm. F. Hillyard.


R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Nov. 27, ’08. Feb. 5, ’09. April 28, ’09. June 23, ’09. Sept. 1, ’09.

Loans and discounts.........................

$91,774 78

$101,875 30

$97,427 25

$102,638 65

$111,737 34

Bonds, m ortgages and securities..

113,817 08

105,890 33

115,168 15

123,027 65

139,461 36

O verdrafts............................................

136 55

196 77

184 14

86 57

294 49

Ranking house....................................

5,500 00

5,300 00

5,510 00

5,510 00

5,510 00

F urniture and fixtures.....................

4,694 66

4,394 66

4,394 66

4,394 66

4,394 66

1,265 05

128 02

340 55

49,342 03

43,000 19

51,663 48

64,164 56

29,348 75

Other real estate
Due from other banks and bankers

United sta te s honds
Due from banks in reserve c itie s ..
Exchanges for clearing h o u se. . . .
U. S. and N ational bank cu rren cy .

10,779 00

10,373 00

8,928 00

14,459 00

12,466 00

Gold co in .............................................

4,527 50

4,235 00

4,050 00

4,600 00

4,910 00

Silver coin............................................

1,411 65

1,254 25

791 25

1,142 30

1,240 95

Nickels and c e n ts..............................

229 04

176 54

187 46

244 61

187 46

P,hecks and cash ite m s....................

430 62

754 74

174 64

1,541 57

548 40

T o tals............................................

$283,907 96

$277,578 80

$288,819 58

$321,809 57

$310,099 41

Capital stock paid in .......................

$25,000 00

$25,000 00

$25,000 00

$25,000 00

$25,000 00

2,500 00

4,000 00

4,000 00

4,000 00

4,000 00
6,811 23
39,996 74

Surplus fu n d ......................................
Undivided profits, less current ex­
penses, interest and taxes p a id . .
Dividends unpaid
Commercial deposits subject to
ch eck .................................................

8,884 30

3,047 91

5,530 65

6,933 59

36,006 56

34,896 25

44,200 60

56,016 13

G o m m e r n in l c e r t i f i c a t e s o f d e p o s i t

Due to banks and hankers

Cashier’s checks outstaudinir
Savings d ep o sits................................
Savings certificates of deposit........

78,868 03

75,512 33

73,571 91

75,720 87

79,382 25

132,649 07

135,122 31

136,516 42

154,138 98

154,909 19


$277,578 80

$288,819 58

$321,809 57

$310,099 41

Notes and bills rediscounted

T o tals............................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



No. 345.
Organized July 16, 1906.
J . A n d r e w G e r b e r , P r e s id e n t ; J o s e p h G e r b e r , C h a r l e s B . B u c k , V ic e P r e s id e n t s ; T. I. F r y , C a s h ie r .
D i r e c t o r s .— J. A. Gerber, Joseph Gerber, C. B. Buck, S. P. Odell, T. I. Fry, F rank Gerber,

John P ikaart, H. G. Willson, J. B. Scott.


R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Nov. 27, ’08. Feb. 5, ’09. April 28, ’09. June 23, ’09. Sept. 1, ’09.

Loans and discounts.........................

$194,738 74

$183,162 17

$179,968 36

$170,287 91

$182,956 34

Bonds, m ortgages and securities..

92,899 57

102,944 57

112,755 00

111,516 25

121,505 00

Prem ium s paid on b o n d s...............
O verdrafts............................................

949 59

757 09

301 09

364 89

1,850 29

Banking house....................................

6,300 00

6,300 00

6,300 00

6,300 00

6,300 00

F u rn itu re and fixtures.....................

3,000 00

3,000 00

3,000 00

3,000 00

3,800 00

1,133 00

1,133 00

1,133 00

286 98

210 24

23,938 58

45,782 64

30,212 94

Other real e s ta te ...............................
Due from other banks and bankers
(not reserve cities).......................
Tterns in tra n sit..................................
U nited S tates bonds.........................
Due from banks in reserve c itie s ..

31,380 83

36,143 91

”Rychanges for clearing h o u se .........
U. S. and N ational bank cu rre n cy .

8,085 00

8,106 00

8,323 00

14,355 00

13,248 00

Gold c o in .............................................

10,315 00

11,335 00

11,140 00

10,465 00

10,795 00

Silver coin............................................

1,133 00

1,018 00

643 00

1,067 00

2,335 00

Nickels and c e n ts..............................

200 91

75 07

19 47

329 69

110 26

Checks and cash ite m s ....................

1,541 46

1,452 56

1,451 55

87 14

1,228 68

T o tals............................................

$350,544 10

$354,294 37

$348,973 05

$364,975 50

$375,684 75

Capital stock paid in .......................

$35,000 00

$35,000 00

$35,000 00

$35,000 00

$35,000 00

8,750 00

8,750 00

8,750 00

8,750 00

8,750 00

5,394 98

1,263 80

3,753 36

3,737 66

4,186 62

Surplus fu n d ........................................
Undivided profits, less current ex­
penses, interest and taxes p a id . .

170 00
Commercial deposits subject to
ch eck .................................................
Commercial certificates of d ep o sit.
Due to banks and b an k ers...............

71,769 26

75,657 38

73,820 56

83,023 64

81,691 36

6,461 69

6,461 69

6,461 69

6,461 69

6,461 69

226 94

1,107 54

216 87

Cashier’s checks outstanding...........
Savings d ep o sits.................................

35,201 06

40,778 12

41,438 96

41,968 46

49,266 91

Savings certificates of d ep o sit........

187,740 17

185,105 84

179,531 61

186,034 05

190,328 17

T o tals............................................

$350,544 10

$354,294 37

$348,973 05

$364,975 50

$375,684 75
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



No. 362.
Organized February 6, 1907.
J . L . P u r d y , P r e s id e n t ; J . L . W i n c h e s t e r , V ic e P r e s id e n t ; E d i t h E . M i l l e r , C a s h ie r .
D i r e c t o r s .— J. L. P urdy, L. C. P urdy, R ichard Burdon, R ichard Case, J. L. W inchester.


R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Nov. 27, ’08. Feb. 5, ’09. April 28, ’09. June 23, ’09. Sept. 1, ’09.

Loans and discounts.........................

$35,713 87

$35,864 20

$42,888 37

$47,066 22

$46,346 04

Bonds, m ortgages and securities...

26,715 60

29,276 99

30,645 11

30,914 81

28,334 61

Prem ium s paid on b o n d s.................
O verdrafts...........................................
Banking house....................................

406 58

158 08

120 46

193 59

449 90

8,000 00

8,000 00

8,000 00

8,000 00

8,000 00

2,000 00

2,000 00

2,000 00

2,000 00

25,288 12

8,044 10

5,172 78

6,421 34

F u rn itu re and fixtures.....................
O ther real estate................................
Due from other banks and bankers
(not reserve cities).......................
Item s in tra n sit..................................
U nited States bonds.........................
Due from banks in reserve cities..

21,703 25

Exchanges for clearing house. . . .
U. S. and N ational bank currency .

1,506 00
4,979 00

4,689 00

2,532 00

3,039 00

5,166 00

Gold c o in ...........................................

456 00

401 00

241 00

456 00

511 00

Silver c o in .........................................

318 30

305 05

301 95

235 75

233 75

Nickels and c e n ts..............................

46 39

42 99

98 45

93 54

91 80

Checks and cash ite m s ....................

593 92

6 50

172 22

395 24

17 20

$100,932 91

$106,031 93

$95,043 66

$99,072 93

$97,571 64

$25,000 00

T o tals..........................................
C apital stock paid in .......................

$25,000 00

$25,000 00

$25,000 00

$25,000 00

Surplus fu n d ........................................
U ndivided profits, less current ex­
penses, interest and taxes paid. .

258 27

383 83

383 83

383 83

517 24

1,127 58

450 19

1,378 95

1,552 34

152 97

Dividends u n p a id ..............................
Commercial deposits subject to
ch eck ...........................................

17,858 53

24,404 31

13,461 13

18,043 59

15,700 91

Commercial certificates of d ep o sit.

5,111 92

1,882 62

1,930 62

3,346 22

12,870 37

51,576 61

53,910 98

52,889 13

50,746 95

38,830 15

$106,031 93 J

$95,043 66

$99,072 93

$97,571 64

Due to banks and b an k ers...............
Certified checks..................................
Cashier’s checks o u tstan d in g ...........
Savings d ep o sits................................
Savings certificates of deposit. . . .
Notes and bills redisco unted........
Bills p a y a b le .......................................
T o tals............................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

4,500 00
$100,932 91



No. 426.
Organized February 13, 1909.
S. D u n n ,

P r e s id e n t ;

T. S. C l a p p ,

V ic e P r e s id e n t ; C. C. C l a p p , C a s h ie r .

D i r e c t o r s .— H. A. Steward, Chas. G. Curtis, I. N. Carson, Roy H. Spier, S. Dunn, T. S. Clapp

C. C. Clapp.


R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Nov. 27, ’08. Feb. 5, ’09. April 28, ’09. June 23, ’09. Sept. 1, ’09.

Loans an d discounts.........................

$22,009 25

$33,666 95

$39,988 12

Bonds, m ortgages and se cu rities..

20,810 00

25,555 43

23,865 37

46 04

37 12

465 36

1,500 00

1,500 00

1,500 00

21,430 64

16,174 27

10,951 11

U. S. and N ational bank cu rren cy .

2,700 00

1,421 00

1,925 00

Gold c o in .............................................

395 00

480 00

400 00

Silver coin............................................

113 35

53 45

106 90

Nickels and c e n ts..............................

10 03

113 93

182 98

Checks and cash ite m s ....................

4,073 37

1,994 78

1,975 98

Prem ium s paid on b o n d s...............
O verdrafts............................................
B anking house....................................
F u rn itu re and fixtures.....................
O ther real e state................................
Due from other banks and bankers
(not reserve cities).......................
Item s in tra n sit.................................
U nited States bonds.........................
Due from banks in reserve cities. .
Exchanges for clearing h o u se .........

In terest paid on liquidating account

134 06

T o ta ls......................................* .

$73,221 74

$80,996 93

$81,360 82

Capital stock paid in .......................

$20,000 00

$20,000 00

$20,000 00

Surplus fu n d .......................................
Undivided profits, less current ex­
penses, interest and taxes paid. .

112 81

165 37


Dividends u n p a id ..............................
Commercial deposits subject to
ch eck .................................................

22,696 04

27,465 88

18,760 42

30,412 89

33,238 95

42,095 92

126 73

92 43

$80,996 93

$81,360 82

Commercial certificates of d ep o sit.
Due to banks and b an k ers...............
Certified checks..................................
Cashier’s checks outstanding..........
Savings d ep o sits................................
Savings certificates of dep o sit........

231 12

L iquidating interest account...........
Notes and bills rediscounted...........
Bills p a y a b le .......................................
T o tals............................................

Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

$73,221 74


No. 153.
Organized March 4, 1893.
F r a n k A. K r a m e r , P r e s id e n t ; E a r l B. B o l t o n , V ic e P r e s id e n t ; S. W. B u c k , C a s h ie r ;
H. E. B l o d g e t t , A s s i s t a n t C a s h ie r .
D i r e c t o r s .— F rank A. K ram er, Sanford W. Buck, E arl B. Bolton, John G. Berry, L. Jenson.


R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Nov. 27, ’08. Feb. 5, ’09. April 28, ’09. June 23, ’C9. Sept. 1, ’09.

Loans and discounts.........................

$152,164 59

$143,798 36

$134,540 13

$141,509 48

$136,970 03

Bonds, m ortgages and securities...

68,191 58

58,204 58

64,250 33

65,329 00

67,734 00

Prem ium s paid on b o n d s.................
O verdrafts............................................

103 61

90 83

55 21

372 30

168 64

B anking house....................................

12,000 00

12,000 00

12,000 00

12,000 00

12,000 00

F u rn itu re and fixtures.....................

2,400 00

2,400 00

2,400 00

2,400 00

2,400 00

Other real e sta te .............................
Due from other banks and bankers
(not reserve cities).....................

3,850 00

3,850 00

3,850 00

3,850 00

3,850 00

67 00

1,178 04

1,183 90

921 26

781 72

12,450 85

21,234 65

23,127 83-

15,411 13

17,722 42

Item s in tra n sit...............................
United S tates bonds.........................
Due from banks in reserve cities. .
Exchanges for clearing house. . . .
J . S. and N ational bank cu rre n cy .

13,461 00

2,912 00

7,300 00

8,860 00

4,148 00

9,755 00

10,315 00

10,052 50

10,245 00

11,725 00

Silver c o in ............................

957 15

865 95

788 85

1,773 85

825 65

Nickels and c e n ts.......................

441 48

601 70

651 32

740 35

577' 60

Gold co in ...........................................

Checks and cash ite m s.............
T o tals...............................
Capital stock paid in ...............

1,117 87

2,172 48

671 20

1,194 91

889 58

$276,960 13

$259,623 59

$260,871 27

$264,607 28

$259,792 64

$25,000 00

$25,000 00

$25,000 00

$25,000 00

$25,000 00

Surplus fu n d ....................
U ndivided profits, less current ex­
penses, interest and taxes p a id . .

5,000 00

5,000 00

5,000 00

5,000 00

5,000 00

10,560 25

8,249 99

10,330 51

10,948 32

9,442 10

Dividends u n p a id ........................
Commercial deposits subject to
ch eck .......................

34,118 95

41,590 59

47,976 43

48,995 68

43,454 91

Commercial certificates of d ep o sit.
Due to banks and b an k ers.........
Certified checks.................
Casnier’s checks o u tstan d in g ...........
Savings d ep o sits....................

147,389 26

126,465 18

126,641 45

127,585 97

132,321 39

Savings certificates of dep o sit. . . .

45,891 67

43,517 83

45,922 88

47,077 31

44,574 24

Notes and bills rediscounted........

9,000 00

9,800 00

$276,960 13

$259,623 59

$260,871 27

$264,607 28

$259,792 64

Bills p a y a b le .............
T o tals................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis


No. 298.


Organized July 27, 1904.
W il l i a m H . A i t k i n , P r e s id e n t ; A . H . M e d b u r y , V ic e P r e s id e n t ; M e l v i n F . A i t k i n , C a s h ie r ;
C. G . G o o d r u m , A s s i s t a n t C a s h ie r .
D i r e c t o r s .— William H. Aitken, A. H. Medbury, Melvin H. Aitkin, R obert Croskery, F rank Leonard,

Guy E. Sm ith, Eugene Foster, A. E. Sleeper.


R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Nov. 27, '08. Feb. 5, ’09. April 28, ’09. June 23, ’09. Sept 1, ’09.

Ijoans a,nrl discounts.........................

$94,190 37

$97,456 06

$99,496 52

$104,769 12

$107,651 12

Bonds, m ortgages and securities...

6,442 78

5,392 78

7,480 78

8,255 78

11,398 00

O verdrafts............................................

271 71

43 88

148 90

536 44

722 28

R ankins house....................................

6,000 00

6,000 00

6,000 00

6,000 00

6,000 00

F urniture and fixtures.....................

1,450 00

1,450 00

1,450 00

1,450 00

1,450 00

Other real e state...............................
Due from other banks and bankers
(not reserve cities) ...................

3,516 00

3,516 00

3,516 00

3,516 00

3,516 00

34 00

132 18

633 43

Due from banks in reserve cities..

9,233 86

19,365 78

15,261 33

12,490 04

16,936 41

U. S. and National bank currency.

6,111 00

7,986 00

9,275 00

6,736 00

6,784 00

Oold c o in .............................................

4,525 00

1,220 00

2,235 00

2,435 00

2,925 00
627 35

Silver c o in ...........................................

398 75

509 75

493 00

664 15

"Nfinkels and c e n ts..............................

35 49

97 14

91 98

51 48

92 77

Checks and ca,sh ite m s ...................

580 28

747 50

295 55

1,411 24

798 46

T o tals............................................

$132,755 24

$143,784 89

$145,778 06

$148,447 43

$159,534 82

paid in .......................

$25,000 00

$25,000 00

$25,000 00

$25,000 00

$25,000 00

1,700 00

1,700 00

2,450 00

2,450 00

2,450 00
2,942 00
82,001 91


s fo c k

fu n d ........................................
Undivided profits, less current ex­
penses, interest and taxes p a i d ..

5,249 79

6,024 29

548 56

1,701 94

Commercial deposits subject to
check .................................................

58,885 10

74,123 86

72,370 53

74,239 67

S u r p lu s

47,090 91

Commercial certificates of d ep o sit.
126 00

50 00

99 00

Savings certificates of deposit. . . .

41,821 35

36,810 74

45,408 97

45,055 82

T o tals............................................

$132', 755 24

$143,784 89

$145,778 06

$148,447 43
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

$159,534 82



No. 249.

Organized September 23, 1901.
J o s e p h W. O ’B r i e n , P r e s id e n t ; E l b e r t L y n n , V ic e P r e s id e n t ; B . P . S h e r w o o d , C a s h ie r .
D i r e c t o r s . —Joseph W. O ’Brien, G errit J. Diekema, C. Ver Schure, E lbert Lynn, K. T. Van den

Bosch, John Veneklassen, W. H. Beach, M. C. Sherwood, B. P. Sherwood.

R eport of
Nov. 27, ’08

R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Feb. 5, ’09. April 28, ’09. June 23, ’09 Sept. 1, ’09.

Loans and discounts.........................

$164,988 77

$171,808 53

$163,330 50

$164,511 43

$175,519 74

Bonds, m ortgages and securities...

164,324 50

171,591 50

172,346 40

172,553 65

179,848 65

Prem ium s paid on b o n d s.................
O verdrafts............................................

388 46

490 16

249 15

189 10

584 51

B anking house....................................

6,703 00

6,703 00

6,703 00

6,703 00

6,703 00

F u rn itu re and fixtures.....................

2,815 62

2,815 62

2,815 62

2,815 62

2,815 62

19 71

72 04

41,958 56

52,016 51

O ther real e sta te ................................
Due from other banks and bankers
(not reserve cities).......................
Item s in tra n sit.................................

125 08

U nited States bonds.........................
Due from banks in reserve cities. .

32,584 05

43,073 82

39,224 87

Exchanges for clearing h o u s e ....
U. S. and N ational b ank currency.

14,559 00

9,456 00

14,598 00

13,016 00

14,460 00

Gold c o in ...........................................

11,339 75

12,597 25

11,252 25

11,832 25

11,224 75

Silver c o in .......................................

1,217 00

1,726 35

1,135 95

1,937 25

1,271 95

166 67

298 30

.219 93

191 56

85 09

1,665 90

520 41

336 06

916 37

917 09

$400,877 80

$421,080 94

$412,211 73

$416,644 50

$445,518 95

$30,000 00

$30,000 00

$30,000 00

$30,000 00

$30,000 00

10,000 00

12,000 00

12,000 00

12,000 00

14,000 00

7,192 47

3,560 08

6,711 76

8,174 72

5,266 52

78,265 97

100,602 10

91,012 20

92,562 95

100,576 68

Nickels and c e n ts..............................
Checks and cash ite m s..................
T o tals...........................
Capital stock paid in .......................
Surplus fu n d ......................................
Undivided profits, less current ex­
penses, interest and taxes p a id . .
Dividends u n p a id ..............................
Commercial deposits subject to
ch eck .................................................

35 00

Commercial certificates of d ep o sit.
Due to banks and b an k ers...............
Certified checks..................................
Cashier’s checks o u tstan d in g ...........
Savings d ep o sits..............................

128,369 06

126,277 56

128,669 02

129,265 37

140,288 84

Savings certificates of d ep o sit. . . .

147,050 30

148,641 20

143,818 75

144,641 46

155,351 91

$400,877 80

$421,080 94

$412,211 73

$416,644 50

$445,518 95

Notes and bills re d isco u n ted .........
Bills p a y a b le .......................................
T o ta ls............................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



No. 308.
Organized May 2, 1905.
W. R. C l a r k e , P r e s id e n t ; A. B. S c h u m a k e r , A. R. G i l l i e s , V ic e P r e s id e n t s ;
J e s s e H. S m i t h , C a s h ie r ; A. T. S l a g h t , A. R. G i l l i e s , A u d i t o r s .
D i r e c t o r s .— W. R. Clarke, A. B. Schum aker, A rthur T. Slaght, Dudley E. W aters,JDanford Shadduck,

A. R. Gillies, Adelbert Keefer, F. A. Taber, W. R. Granger.


R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Nov. 27, ’08. Feb. 5, ’09. April 28, ’09. June 23, ’09. Sept 1, ’09.

Loans and discounts.........................

$73,702 87

$68,364 67

$81,470 86

$76,320 85

$79,067 80

Bonds, m ortgages and securities...

63,398 97

62,657 77

64,029 49

74,334 24

79,143 37

3,676 81

2,531 09

760 58

1,191 88

984 21

1,432 84

1,463 79

1,463 79

Prem ium s paid on b o n d s.................
O verdrafts..................... .......................
Expenses, interest and taxes p a id .

57 53

Banking house....................................
F urniture and fixtures.....................

1,432 84

1,432 84

Other real e state................................
Due from other banks and bankers
(not reserve citie s).......................
Item s in tra n sit..................................

1,795 11

123 79

U nited States bonds.........................
Due from banks in reserve cities..

14,810 57

13,065 38

18,079 81

17,175 22

44,312 72

Exchanges for clearing h o u se. . . .

509 39

284 26

1,688 61

1,747 01

2,465 37

U. S. and N ational bank currency.

1,450 00

5,690 00

8,063 00

5,539 00

8,270 00

Gold c o in ..................: .........................

605 00

4,157 50

3,260 00

3,502 50

2,226 00

Silver c o in ...........................................

300 10

710 15

669 00

1,892 10

1,562 00

Nickels and c e n ts..............................

205' 97

194 27

126 73

113 29

149 57

T o tals............................................

$160,092 52

$160,940 57

$179,580 92

$183,279 88

$219,768 62

Capital stock paid in .......................

$25,000 00

$25,000 00

$25,000 00

$25,000 00

$25,000 00

3,500 00

3,750 00

3,750 00

3,750 00

3,750 00

331 19

782 82

178 69

51,933 37

48,291 81

80,610 29

Checks and cash ite m s....................

Surplus fu n d ........................................
Undivided profits, less current ex­
penses, interest and taxes p a id . .
Dividends u n p a id ..............................
Commercial ‘deposits subject to
ch eck .................................................

2,036 81
165 00
38,885 05

38,029 48

Commercial certificates of d ep o sit.
Due to banks and b an k ers...............
Certified checks..................................
Cashier’s ehee.ks outstanding . .
Savings d ep o sits................................

12,196 65

12,416 34

13,322 69

15,143 21

15,155 70

Savings certificates of deposit. . . .

78,474 01

81,579 75

85,243 67

90,312 04

95,073 94

$160,092 52

$160,940 57

$179,580 92

$183,279 88

$219,768 62

Notes and bills rediscounted..........
Bills p a y a b le .......................................
T o tals............................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



No. 389.
Organized February 29, 1908.
G e o . N. B e r r y , P r e s id e n t ; E. A. T u r n b u l l , V ic e P r e s id e n t ; E. M. B r i g g s , C a s h ie r ;
F . L . B e r r y , A s s i s t a n t C a s h ie r .
D i r e c t o r s .— Geo. N. Berry, E. A. Turnbull, E. M. Briggs, F. L. Berry, Geo. H. Sheets, T. B. Robinson,

Cassius Alexander.


R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Nov. 27, ’08. Feb. 5, ’09. April 28, ’09. June 23, ’09. Sept. 1, 09.

Loans and discounts.........................

$116,981 71

$115,246 80

$118,351 05

$124,063 81

$103,060 98

Bonds, m ortgages and securities..

233,482 00

235,217 00

244,994 50

244,984 50

271,924 50

533 76

1,119 03

2,277 77

472 53

1,116 28

600 00

500 00

500 00

500 00

500 00

1,042 70

Prem ium s paid on b o n d s...............
O verdrafts............................................
Banking house....................................
F urniture and fixtures.....................
O ther real e sta te ................................
Due from other banks and bankers
(not reserve cities).......................
Item s in tra n sit..................................

1,238 81

1,502 94

35 65

1,022 33

United States bonds.........................

100 00

100 00

100 00

100 00

100 00

Due from banks in reserve cities. .

67,455 30

63,633 48

75,286 09

78,150 39

53,638 75

Exchanges for clearing h o u se .........
U. S. and N ational bank currency.

17,942 00

16,871 00

9,200 00

12,105 00

16,961 00

Gold co in .............................................

11,135 00

8,730 00

10,065 00

9,700 00

6,720 00

Silver coin............................................

1,274 00

3,334 00

1,290 00

1,745 00

1,000 00

Nickels and c en ts..............................

300 05

350 26

200 50

237 29

172 97

Checks and cash ite m s....................

105 67

238 25

2,306 45

147 92

2,037 16

T o tals............................................

$451,148 30

$446,842 76

$464,607 01

$473,228 77

$458,274 34

Capital stock paid in .......................

$50,000 00

$50,000 00

$50,000 00

$50,000 00

$50,000 00

10,000 00

11,000 00

11,000 00

11,000 00

11,000 00

3,981 89

744 23

2,674 46

3,171 17

5,021 99

Surplus fu n d ......................................
U ndivided profits, less current ex­
penses, interest and taxes paid. .

32 00

Dividends u n p a id ..............................
Commercial deposits subject to
ch eck .................................................

80,970 25

81,859 98

81,554 72

91,141 44

74,042 99

Commercial certificates of d ep o sit.

137,363 02

90,074 28

59,954 11

45,968 74

18,861 12

Due to banks and b an k ers...............


Certified checks..................................
Cashier’s checks outstanding...........
Savings! d ep o sits................................

3,913 33

5,618 62

11,209 91

11,463 03

11,877 29

Savings certificates of deposit........

164,919 81

206,988 42

248,213 81

260,484 39

287,470 95

$464,607 01

$473,228 77

$458,274 34

525 23

Reserve for ta x e s................................
Notes and bills rediscounted...........
Rills p a y a b le .......................................
T o tals............................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

$451,148 30

$446,842 76



No. 316.
Organized January 9, 1905.
J a m e s R . W y l i e , P r e s id e n t ; W . C. W i n c h e s t e r , L . J . R i n d g e , V ic e P r e s id e n t s ; M a h l o n A . S m i t h ,
A s s i s t a n t to th e P r e s id e n t ; E. C. J o h n s o n , A s s i s t a n t C a s h ie r .
D i r e c t o r s .—T. Stew art W hite, Constantine Morton, Francis Letellier, Lester J. Rindge, Philo C.

Fuller, W alter C. W inchester, David M. Amberg, Gaius W. Perkins, S. A. Morman, Jam es R. Wylie,
Joseph J. Tucker, Jam es D. Lacey, Charles Trankla, R. W. Irwin.

R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Nov. 27, ’08. Feb. 5, ’09. April 28, ’09. June 23, ’09. Sept. 1, ’09.

Loans and discounts.........................

$261,295 45

$292,717 32

$261,492 16

$252,344 44

$290,782 46

Bonds, m ortgages and securities. .

179,531 58

207,339 58

221,050 40

227,848 40

238,601 30

315 83

607 24

1,252 18

617 45

855 76

1,500 00

1,500 00

1,500 00

1,500 00

1,000 00

1,724 24


371 54

424 85

1,618 41
70,216 02

prom in ms pa,id on b o n d s...............
O verdrafts............................................
Ranking’ bouse....................................
F u rn itu re and fixtures.....................
O ther real e state................................
Due from other banks and bankers
(not, reserve cities').......................
Item s in tra n sit.................................
U nited S tates bonds.........................
Due from banks in reserve cities. .

71,846 27

56,989 72

40,490 99

46,588 25

E xchanges for clearing h o u se .........

3,323 72

3,639 83

3,765 93

988 75

8,588 14

U. S. and N ational bank cu rren cy .

14,005 00

18,033 00

12,789 00

16,672 00

19,769 00

Onl d coi n .............................................

3,650 00

3,602 50

5,237 50

3,305 00

3,735 00

Silver coin............................................

1,781 45

2,819 80

3,001 65

2,214 35

1,302 00

Nickels and c e n ts..............................

230 05

487 33

153 89

492 59

544 92

T o tals............................................

8539,203 59

$587,736 82

$551,105 24

$552,996 08

$637,013 01

Capital stock paid in .......................

$100,000 00

$100,000 00

$100,000 00

$100,000 00 * $100,000 00

20,000 00

20,000 00

20,000 00

20,000 00

20,000 00

20,408 50

23,658 12

25,797 05

25,668 39

27,103 85

82,567 10

88,883 37

75,526 97

80,844 62

167,708 95

128 75

15 00

1,075 00

235 00

15 00

Checks and cash item s . .

Surplus fu n d .......................................
Undivided profits, less current ex­
penses, interest and taxes p a i d ..
Dividends unpaid
Commercial deposits subject to
ch eck .................................................
Commercial certificates of dep o sit.
Due to banks and bankers
Certified checks..................................
Cashier’s checks outstanding
Savings d ep o sits................................

75,567 83

86,303 77

79,063 17

81,618 59

79,588 94

Savings certificates of deposit........

240,531 41

268,876 56

249,643 05

244,629 48

242,596 27

$539,203 59

$587,736 82


$552,996 08

$637,013 01

Notes and bids rediscounted
Bills payable
T o tals............................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis


No. 276.
Organized April 28, 1903.
R o b e r t D. G r a h a m , P r e s id e n t ; C h a r l e s B . K e l s e y , V ic e P r e s id e n t ;
C . L. R oss, H. N. M o r r i l l , A s s i s t a n t C a s h ie r s .


D i r e c t o r s .— S. M. Lemon, R. D. Graham, C. B. Kelsey, H untley Russell, Moses Taggart, Charles F.

Young, Fred M. Deane, W. H. Gay, W. M. W urzburg, W. H. Anderson, H ubert Weide, Daniel
Lynch, Thomas W. Strahan, Thos. F. Carroll, Christian Bertsch, Christian Gallmeyer, John W.
Goodspeed, F. A. Baldwin, G. J. Vinkem ulder, Louis C. Braudy, Amos Mussellman.

R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Nov. 27, ’08. Feb. 5, ’09. April 28, ’09. June 23, ’09. Sept. 1, ’09.

Loans and discounts......................... 11,109,115 67 $1,023,025 68 $1,039,841 91 $1,023,073 29
Bonds, m ortgages and securities..

533,467 30

624,172 15

690,560 00

Prem ium s paid on b o n d s...............

2,000 00

2,000 00

2,000 00

723,015 00

$1,035,123 32
708,788 37

O verdrafts............................................

1,686 02

886 06

1,703 46

3,088 80

1,475 03

Banking house....................................

25,000 00

60,000 00

60,000 00

60,000 00

60,000 00

F u rn itu re and fixtures.....................

7,000 00

7,000 00

7,000 00

7,000 00

7,000 00

Other real estate ...............................
Due from other banks and bankers
(not reserve cities).......................

14,600 00

21,498 70

21,098 70

21,098 70

20,881 20

5,541 08

5,541 08

4,063 46

4,063 46

2,216 44

Item s in tra n sit.................................

12,196 29

46,833 99

16,285 78

10,180 79

14,311 99

100 000 00

500 00

Due from banks in reserve cities..

157,647 11

220,799 68

122,307 58

180,625 92

Exchanges for clearing h o u s e .. . . .

23,801 63

20,591 58

24,997 02

24,606 37

19,339 09

U. S. and N ational bank cu rre n cy .

70,694 00

87,598 00

98,064 00

91,172 00

103,175 00

U nited States bonds.........................

103,766 70

Gold c o in .............................................

14,848 00

15,135 00

23,231 00

7,680 00

17,777 80

Silver coin............................................

10,567 00

12,932 00

8,559 00

15,736 05

11,312 15

Nickels and c e n ts..............................

1,241 67

1,596 61

1,032 75

1,417 95

1,697 09

Checks and cash ite m s...................

2,501 25

1,451 09

1,959 06

1,913 04

11,683 20

$1,991,907 02 $2,151,061 62 $2,222,703 72 $2,175,171 37

$2,118,547 38

T o tals..........................................
Capital stock paid in .......................

$200,000 00

$200,000 00

$200,000 00

$200,000 00

$200,000 00

20,000 00

22,000 00

22,000 00

22,000 00

24,000 00

19,775 09

11,682 22

15,739 72

7,803 66

11,304 86

38 00

204 00

42 00

66 00

435,835 16

560,019 47

618,847 13

585,794 79

460,751 67

Due to banks and b an k ers...............

35,804 69

38,795 94

34,656 73

50,573 60

50,418 92

Certified checks................................

6,453 60

3,003 60

15,544 60

9,386 30

2,548 70

Savings d ep o sits................................

523,764 01

528,639 01

539,685 38

558,538 84

554,964 20

Savings certificates of dep o sit........

750,274 47

786,883 38

756,026 16

731,032 18

804,493 03

20,000 00

10,000 00

10,000 00

T o tals............................................ $1,991,907 02 $2,151,061 62 $2,222,703 72 $2,175,171 37

$2,118,547 38

Surplus fu n d .......................................
Undivided profits, less current expenses, interest and taxes p a i d ..
Dividends u n p a id ..............................
Commercial 'deposits subject to
ch eck .............................................
Commercial certificates of d ep o sit.

Cashier’s checks o u tstanding...........

S tate m onies on d ep o sit...................
Notes and bills rediscounted...........
Bills p a y a b le .......................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



No 61.
Organized May 1, 1872.
Corporate existence extended April 29, 1902.
C h a r l e s W . G a r f i e l d , P r e s id e n t ; O r s o n A . B a l l , V ic e P r e s id e n t ; F r a n k S. C o l e m a n , C a s h i e r ;
D a n a B. S h e d d , A s s i s t a n t to P r e s id e n t ; A r t h u r M. G o o d w i n , A s s i s t a n t C a s h ie r .
D i r e c t o r s .— Charles W. Garfield, George M. Edison, Aaron Brewer, N. Fred Avery, Orson A. Ball,

Roger W. Butterfield, F rank E. Leonard, F rank Jewell, William H. Gilbert, L ester j ‘. Ringde, William
Alden Sm ith, Geo. G. W hitworth.

R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Nov. 27, ’08. Feb. 5, ’09. April 28, ’09. June 23, ’09. Sept. 1, ’09.

Loans and discounts.........................

$937,045 19

$951,679 29

$960,233 96

$967,000 08

$971,758 30

Bonds, m ortgages and securities...

1,032,304 65

1,069,690 15

1,104,940 15

1,131,919 73

1,171,222 25

1,093 62

1,385 19

2,708 98

2,452 11

7,951 50

9,120 99

9,620 99

9,695 99

500 00

500 00

500 00

Prem ium s paid on b o n d s.................

212 50

O verdrafts............................................

1,931 52

Banking house....................................
F u rn itu re and fixtures.....................
O ther real estate...............................
Due from other banks and bankers
(not reserve cities).......................

10 00

Item s in tra n sit.................................

200 00

United S tates bonds.........................
Due from banks in reserve cities. .

282,861 62

219,110 52

215,850 25

205,998 04

Exchanges for clearing «house. . . .

10,563 27

13,019 44

26,919 81

9,131 15

10,335 49

U. S. and N ational bank currency.

64,773 00

62,106 00

61,292 00

48,724 00

59,940 25

205,776 99

Gold c o in .............................................

39,187 50

41,427 50

42,877 50

48,422 50

41,212 90

Silver co in ...........................................

3,669 10

6,075 45

7,890 10

5,771 75

6,099 00

Nickels and c e n ts..............................

717 92

969 95

1,062 47

876 53

739 47

Checks and cash ite m s....................

1,420 63

456 52

417 81

372 72

243 75

T o tals............................................ #2,374,686 90 $2,373,589 94 $2,432,490 23 $2,431,046 47

$2,480,176 50

C apital stock paid in .......................

$150,000 00

$150,000 00

$150,000 00

$150,000 00

Surplus fu n d ........................................
Undivided profits, less current ex­
penses, interest and taxes p a id . .

30,000 00

75,000 00

75,000 00

75,000 00

75,000 00

82,255 34

31,854 02

41,419 82

48,089 11

44,779 43

Bond Prem ium s C redit...................

2,145 60

1,610 35

1,599 10

2,036 60

281,679 77

244,045 91

299,489 24

Dividends u n p a id ..............................
Commercial deposits subject to
ch eck .................................................

$150,000 00

4 00
306,457 86

278,762 09

9,247 20

13,259 15


793 89

743 89

1,473 30

1,174 09

1,023 88

Savings d ep o sits................................

1,068,475 23

1,089,745 14

1,110,764 29

1,127,173 79

1,147,349 62

Savings certificates of dep o sit. . . .

734,558 98

745,870 45

761,306 75

755,267 82

742,008 66

15,000 00

15,000 00

T o tals............................................ $2,374,686 90 $2,373,589 94 $2,432,490 23 $2,431,046 47

$2,480,176 50

Commercial certificates of d ep o sit.
Due to banks and b an k ers...............
Certified c h e c k s .................................
Cashier’s checks o u tstan d in g ...........

S tate monies on d eposit...................
Notes and bills rediscounted........
Bills p a y a b le .......................................

Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis


No. 402.
Organized May 14, 1908.

H f n r y I d e m a , P r e s id e n t ; J o h n A. C o v o d e , V ic e P r e s i d e n t : J. A. S. V e r d i e r , C a s h ie r ; A. H. B r a n d t ,
G e r a l d M c C o y , A s s i s t a n t C a s h ie r s ; C. B a a r m a n , A u d ito r .
D i r e c t o r s .— L. H. W ithey, Edw ard Lowe, T. Stew art W hite, H enry Idem a, A. W. Hompe, E, H.

Foote, John A. Covode, B. S. H anchett, William H. Jones, M. S. Keeler, J. A. S. Verdier.

R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Nov. 27, ’08. Feb. 5, ’09. April 28, ’09. June 23, ’09. Sept. 1, ’09.

Loans and discounts......................... «2,744,575 05 $2,767,790 38 $2,796,447 66 $2,783,466 87
Bonds, m ortgages and se c u ritie s... 2,142,591 05

$2,763,047 27

2,242,527 21

2,279,627 96

2,358,730 76

2,441,092 21
2,290 80

Prem ium s paid on b o n d s.................

1,000 00

1,000 00

1,000 00

2,290 80

O verdrafts.............................................

1,510 99

1,811 78

3,173 72

2,884 41

1,642 51

Banking house....................................

49,000 00

49,000 00

49,000 00

49,000 00

60,000 00

F u rn itu re and fixtures.....................

29,500 00

29,500 00

29,500 00

29,500 00

18,500 00

Item s in tra n sit.................................

14,759 40

8,489 63

10,532 48

12,559 73

10,475 82

U nited S tates bonds.........................

600 00

600 00
639,590 27

Other real estate................................
Due from other banks and bankers
(not reserve cities).......................

Due from banks in reserve c itie s ..

583,579 22

496,914 13

710,876 12

513,901 32

Exchanges for clearing h o u se. . . .

62,759 12

54,565 17

41,221 65

43,099 88

69,291 07

U. S. and N ational bank currency.

186,962 00

177,082 00

158,015 00

143,385 00

163,794 00

Gold c o in .............................................

142,525 00

135,695 00

130,252 50

135,515 00

134,675 00

Silver co in ...........................................

14,860 20

16,285 82

19,061 15

16,554 30

14,359 00

Nickels and c e n ts..............................

1,407 58

2,864 18

2,294 47

1,646 47

2,522 28

Checks and cash ite m s....................

4,174 33

2,977 75

31,474 91

23,548 77

33,444 99

T o tals............................................ «5,979,803 94 «5,987,103 05 $6,262,477 62 $6,116,083 31

$6,354,725 22

Capital stock paid in .......................

$500,000 00

«500,000 00

$500,000 00

«500,000 00

$500,000 00

Surplus fu n d ........................................
U ndivided profits, less current expenses, interest and taxes p a id . .

100,000 00

100,000 00

100,000 00

100,000 00

100,000 00

81,532 92

56,435 57

81,964 74

74,354 47

79,541 03

Dividends u n p a id ..............................
Commercial deposits subject to
check .................................................

54 00

266 00

652 00

38 00

56 00

833,273 87

790,045 57

911,654 81

790,875 16

841,346 40

Commercial certificates of d ep o sit.

11,372 27

15,074 27

28,435 35

48,057 43

141,072 30

Due to banks and b an k ers...............

91,166 16

94,801 50

118,239 25

108,864 02

183,343 75

Certified checks..................................

804 80

951 38

14,421 17

3,527 17

75 00

63 50

Cashier’s checks o u tstan d in g ...........

519 88
1 000 00

Savings d ep o sits.................................

2,498,663 76

2,513,696 03

2,542,979 66

2,543,570 91

2,565,497 79

Savings certificates of d ep o sit. . . .

1,862,936 16

1,915,757 73

1,924,067 14

1,926,796 15

1,922,348 07

40,000 00

20,000 00

20,000 00

T o tals............................................ $5,979,803 94 «5,987,103 05 $6,262,477 62 $6,116,083 31

«6,354,735 22

S tate monies on d ep o sit...................
Notes and bills red isco unted........
Bills p a y a b le .......................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



No. 108.


Organized December 23, 1890.

® !>

T h o m a s H e f f e r a n , P r e s id e n t ; W m . A l d e n S m i t h , S a m u e l M. L e m o n , V ic e P r e s id e n t s ;
E u g e n e D . C o n g e r , C a s h ie r ; T . W m . H e f f e r a n , A s s i s t a n t C a s h ie r .
D i r e c t o r s .— Thomas Hefferan, Wm. Alden Smith, John M urray, Wm. H

Anderson Wm H Gay
Reuben Bloomer, Sam uelM . Lemon, John W. Blodgett, Alfred D. Rathbone, Eugene D Conger’
J. Boyd P antlind, Christian Bertsch, Amos S. Musselman, John T. Byrne, Wm. Logie

R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Nov. 27, '08. Feb. 5, ’09. April 28, ’09. June 23, ’09. Sept. 1, ’09.

Loans and discounts.........................

$466,870 88

$435,077 65

$501,904 49

$460,660 70

$460,558 78

Bonds, m ortgages and securities...

1,201,874 92

1,207,260 92

1,212,091 56

1,252,289 56

1,275,239 56

Prem ium s paid on b o n d s.................

494 50

40 00

O verdrafts............................................

314 37

366 66

1,143 02

473 72

554 80

Banking house....................................

35,000 00

35,000 00

35,000 00

35,000 00

35,000 00

1,163 01

1,542 12

F urniture and fixtures.....................
Other real e sta te ................................
Due from other banks and bankers
(not reserve cities).......................
Item s in tra n sit.................................

16,862 22

13,478 02

3,213 90

2,074 70

3,590 55

211,175 41

United States bonds.........................
Due from banks in reserve cities. .

199,391 62

220,623 60

177,912 28

176,163 42

Exchanges for clearing house. . . .

4,795 32

4,981 53

21,325 01

6,945 50

7,886 78

U. S. and N ational bank cu rren cy .

49,947 00

50,689 25

51,570 00

42,952 00

54,316 00

Gold c o in ..................................

41,870 50

41,605 50

46,163 00

44,503 00

43,950 00

Silver c o in ...........................................

1,088 90

1,255 70

1,284 70

1,888 30

863 95

Nickels and c e n ts..............................

158 02

166 21

164 04

250 36

280 10

Checks and cash ite m s ...................

308 77

929 15

140 01

514 16

3,166 16

T o tals............................................ $2,018,977 02 $2,011,474 19 $2,053,075 02 «2,025,257 54

$2,096,582 09

Capital stock paid in .......................
Surplus fu n d ........................................
Undivided profits, less current ex­
penses, interest and taxes paid. .

$100,000 00

$100,000 00

$100,000 00

$100,000 09

$100,000 00

50,000 00

50,000 00

50.000 00

50.000 00

50.000 00

31,753 50

27,674 56

34,513 20

28,648 85

33,597 28

2,619 00

2,619 00

2,781 00

Prem ium acco u n t...............................
Dividends u n p a id ..............................
Commercial deposits subject to
ch eck .................................................

15 00

27 50

75 00

50 00

25 00

264,722 73

270,949 88

257,970 71

226,677 11

225,788 44

Commercial certificates of dep o sit.

1,000 00

1,000 00

1,000 00

1,000 00

32.000 00

Due to banks and b an k ers...............

8,202 81

5,641 47

4,626 32

7,909 90

8,106 16

Certified checks..................................

22 50

22 50

522 50

1,553 50

115 75

Cashier’s checks o u tstan d in g ...........

749 15

1,708 24

1,910 00

2,475 40

2,147 85

Savings d ep o sits................................

653,834 64

670,599 43

681,459 56

670,212 73

675,760 38

Savings certificates of dep o sit. . . .

908,676 69

882,850 61

893,378 73

919,111 05

951,260 23

25.000 00

15.000 00

15.000 00

T o tals............................................ $2,018,977 02 $2,011,474 19 $2,053,075 02 $2,025,257 54

$2,096,582 09

S tate monies on d ep o sit.................
Notes and bills rediscounted..........
Bills p a y a b le .......................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis


Organized June 1, 1889.

L e w i s H . W i t h e y , P r e s id e n t ; W i l l a r d B a r n h a r t , F i r s t V ic e P r e s id e n t ; H e n r y I d e m a , S e c o n d V ic e
P r e s id e n t ; F r e d e r i c k A . G o r h a m , T h ir d V ic e P r e s id e n t ; G e o r g e H e f f e r a n , S e c r e t a r y ; C l a u d e
H a m i l t o n , A s s i s t a n t S e c r e ta r y .
D i r e c t o r s .— T. Stew art W hite, Lewis H. W ithey, H arvey J. Hollister, W illard B arnhart, Samuel

B. Jenks, H enry Idem a, Darwin D. Cody, F. A. Gorham, Thomas Hefferan, Dudley E W aters
E. Golden Filer, W. W. Cummer, Wm. Judson, Wm. Alden Smith, J. Boyd P antlind, E dw ard Lowe,
Thomas Hum e, W. W. Mitchell, William H. Gay, Jam es D. Lacey.

R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Nov. 27, ’08. Feb. 5, ’09. April 28, ’09. June 23, ’09. Sept. 1, ’09.

Collateral loans. T im e.....................

838,450 00

$38,075 00

$73,418 33

$73,406 63

D em and..............
Loans on real estate m ortgages:
In office........................................

106,743 83

103,258 83

101,699 43

90,500 53

96,418 60

136,644 68

141,464 80

147,324 48

145,260 48

165,373 48

W ith S tate T reasurer..............

113,500 00

113,375 00

113,375 00

113,375 00

105,375 00

241,150 00

289,450 00

219,000 00

366,175 00

443,580 00

27,551 61

21,301 61

21,301 61

21,301 61

22,066 61

$56,799 75

O ther loans..........................................

In office................................
W ith S tate T re a su re r... .

S to ck s....................................................
Real estate o w n ed............................
O ther investm ents.............................
Certificates of Deposits of other
B a n k s ................................................

77,590 00

71,000 00

121,525 00

145,525 00

145,525 00

Advances to tr u s ts ...........................

56,922 77

52,101 10

40,184 90

52,380 83

51,399 91

Safety deposit v a u lts.......................

9,500 00

8,500 00

8,500 00

8,500 00

8,500 00

F u rn itu re and fixtures.....................

1 00

1 00

1 00

1 00

1 00

Due from approved reserve a g e n ts.

348,786 66

400,110 39

588,935 60

379,934 52

393,505 63

Prem ium s p aid ...................................

Due from other banks and b a n k e rs.

43,530 47

85,423 99

408,284 24

30,030 49

38,714 90

Cash ite m s ...........................................

1,451 95

1,194 95

19,030 98

4,842 54

41,999 38

Nickels and c e n ts..............................

2 93

6 36

8 83

5 84

5 23

Silver coin............................................

63 15

238 55

139 20

207 50

66 50

Gold c o in .............................................

235 00

70 00

155 00

80 00

332 50

U. S. and N ational bank notes. . . .

6,813 00

5,810 00

5,352 00

6,036 00

5,543 00

T o tals............................................ $1,207,937 05 $1,331,381 58 $1,868,235 60 $1,437,562 97

$1,575,206 49

Capital stock paid in .......................

$200,000 00

$200,000 00

$200,000 00

$200,000 00

$200,000 00

200,000 00

300,000 00

300,000 00

300,000 00

300,000 00

113,337 85

22,416 30

33,474 41

34,703 04

33,392 13

679,717 20

787,169 28

1,312,606 29

887;504 38

1,030,231 98

14,882 00

21,796 00

22,154 90

15,355 55

11,582 38

T o tals............................................ $1,207,937 05 $1,331,381 58 $1,868,235 60 $1,437,562 97

$1,575,206 49

Surplus f u n d .......................................
U ndivided profits (less expenses,
interest and takes p a id )...............
Dividends u n p a id ..............................
T ru st d ep o sits....................................
D eb en tu res...........................................
P rem iu m s.............................................
O ther liab ilities..................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



No. 359.
Organized January 18, 1907.
D . M. J e n i s o n , P r e s id e n t ; R . A . C a l d w e l l , V ic e P r e s id e n t ; F. J . M c E l w e e , C a s h ie r .
D i r e c t o r s .— D . M. Jenison, A. T. Slaglit,

F. J. McElwee, R. A. Caldwell, H. C. W eatherwax,
Albert Altoft, Hiram M inderhout.


R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Nov. 27, ’08. Feb. 5, ’09. April 28, ’09. June 23, ’09. Sept. 1, ’09.

Loans and discounts.........................

$22,868 65

$20,394 14

$26,851 08

$25,248 10

$29,688 12

Bonds, m ortgages and securities...

14,773 53

15,234 53

13,916 42

16,252 42

16,297 69

72 93

41 75

79 46

755 76

lianking house....................................

1,200 00

1,200 00

1,200 00

1,200 00

2,566 66

F u rn itu re and fixtures.....................

600 00

600 00

626 00

626 00

626 00

1,916 85

2,632 45

1,929 47

3,871 39

Prem ium s paid on b o n d s.................
O verdrafts............................................

Other real e state...............................
Due from other banks and bankers
(not reserve cities).......................
Item s in tra n sit.................................
U nited States bonds.........................
Due from banks in reserve c itie s ..

318 05

Exchanges for clearing house. . . .

292 10

U. S. and N ational bank currency.

1,609 00

905 00

Gold co in .............................................

610 00

Silver co in ...........................................

18 00

Nickels and c e n ts..............................

26 48

1 70

421 71

1,143 00

1,216 00

814 00

410 00

635 00

425 00

815 00

112 85

101 00

54 20

40 05

17 84

24 96

24 87

32 07

Checks and cash ite m s....................

477 30

1 20

23 41

159 78

T o tals............................................

$42,793 11

$40,864 14

$47,172 86

$47,080 63

$56,079 23

Capital stock paid in .......................

$20,000 00

$20,000 00

$20,000 00

$20,000 00

$20,000 00

Surplus fu n d .......................................
Undivided profits, less current ex­
penses, interest and taxes p a id . .

500 00

500 00

500 00

500 00

700 00

201 23

178 35

432 94

735 96

609 60

Dividends u n p a id ..............................
Commercial deposits subject to
check .................................................

7,109 75

7,855 94

12,674 90

9,620 81

11,487 81

Savings d ep o sits..............................

5,815 88

3,255 90

3,174 31

4,286 21

7,763 54

Savings certificates of deposit. . . .

9,163 25

9,073 95

10,390 71

11,937 65

15,518 28

$42,793 11

$40,864 14

$47,172 86

$47,080 63

$56,079 23

Commercial certificates of dep o sit.
Due to banks and b an k ers...............
Certified checks................................
Cashier’s checks o u tstan d in g ..........

Notes and bills rediscounted........
Bills p a y a b le ......................................
T otals............................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



No. 340.
Organized February 28, 1906.
F r a n k W. S q u i e r , P r e s id e n t ; P. D r u m m o n d , V ic e P r e s id e n t ; H. M c K i n l e y , C a s h ie r ;
E m i e l K e m p f , A s s i s t a n t C a s h ie r .
D i r e c t o r s .— F rank W. Squier, P. Drum m ond, H. McKinley, A. O. W hite, C. Gerber,

A. McKinley, Emiel Kempf.


R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Nov. 27, ’08. Feb. 5, ’09. April 28, ’09. June 23, ’09. Sept. 1, ’09.

Loans and discounts.........................

$54,277 72

$53,944 62

$49,735 93

$51,791 30


Bonds, m ortgages and securities...

42,962 50

44,737 50

45,042 50

45,382 50

45,587 50

Prem ium s paid on b o n d s.................
O verdrafts..........................................

132 03

28 31

136 66

293 88

322 §3

Banking house...........................

3,598 87

3,598 87

3,598 87

3,598 87

3,598 87

F urniture and fixtures.....................

2,486 81

2,486 81

2,486 81

2,486 81

2,486 81

Other real estate................................
Due from other banks and bankers
(not reserve cities).......................
Item s in tra n sit.................................

1,000 00

2,500 00

U nited States bonds............. ...........
Due from banks in reserve cities. .

20,863 48

14,540 29

27,178 94

46,386 69

41,536 23

U. S. and National bank currency.

2,475 00

Gold c o in ...........................................

3,185 00

3,198 00

4,256 00

4,487 00

2,612 00

3,415 00

3,305 00

3,745 00

4,080 00

879 10

832 90

899 35

556 70

1,115 60

Nickels and c en ts............................

93 54

97 67

174 25

107 67

130 65

Checks and cash ite m s ...................

553 27

113 79

28 50

109 48

517 43

T o tals....................................

$131,512 32

$126,993 76

$137,842 81

$158,945 90

$167,258 04

Capital stock paid in .......................

$20,000 00

$20,000 00

Exchanges for clearing house. . . .

Silver co in .....................................

$20,000 00

$20,000 00

$20,000 00

Surplus fu n d .....................................
U ndivided profits, less current ex­
penses, interest and taxes p a id . .

500 00

1,000 00

1,000 00

1,000 00

1,000 00

3,713 85

1,132 59

2,458 44

2,501 34

2,731 14

Dividends u n p a id ..............................
Commercial deposits subject to
ch eck ........................................

25,947 21

24,177 05

31,015 70

40,530 16

47,010 31

Commercial certificates of d ep o sit.

884 75

884 75

884 75

695 00

675 00

Savings d ep o sits................................

11,551 06

22,219 52

23,798 76

28,128 89

28,220 15

Savings certificates of deposit. . . .

68,915 45

57,579 85

58,685 16

66,090 51

67,621 44

$158,945 90

.......... S .........
$167,258 04

Due to banks and b an k ers...............
Certified checks..................................
Cashier’s checks o u tstan d in g ...........

Notes and bills rediscounted........

Bills p a y a b le .......................................
T o tals............................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

$131,512 32

$126,993 76

$137,842 81


No. 27.
Organized April 24, 1883.
E . J. F o s t e r , P r e s id e n t ; M. W. D w e l l e , V ic e P r e s id e n t ; F . G. M e l l e n c a m p , C a s h ie r ;
H. J. K n i g h t , A s s i s t a n t C a s h ie r .

D i r e c t o r s .— E. J. Foster, M. W. Dwelle, E . W. Crafts, E. W. H obart, E . A. Croman, Orville Gorton,

H. J. K night, A. W. Dwelle, F. G. Mellencamp.


R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Nov. 27, ’08. Feb. 5, ’09. April 28, ’09. June 23, ’09. Sept. 1, ’09.

Lean«? and discounts.........................

$65,356 28

$61,928 75

$65,399 55

$63,901 89

$67,811 61

Bonds, m ortgages and securities. .

144,539 00

143,109 00

138,344 00

136,322 00

134,957 00

P ro m in m s paid on b o n d s...............

O verdrafts............................................

1,074 56

756 80

2,041 74

2,130 63

1,430 61

Ranking house....................................

3,300 00

3,300 00

3,300 00

3,300 00

3,300 00

600 00

600 00

600 00

600 00

600 00

29,311 04

29,820 29

31,598 27

35,974 20

27,563 81

F urniture and fixtures.....................
Other real e state...............................
Due from other banks and bankers
(not reserve pities).......................
Item s in t r a n s i t ................................
United S tates bonds.........................
Due from banks in reserve cities. .
Exchanges for plearing h o u se .........
U. S. and N ational bank currency.

13,778 00

12,755 00

10,781 00

8,251 00

14,391 00

Gold p o in .............................................

1,395 00

2,320 00

3,820 00

4,665 00

1,957 50

Silver poin............................................

650 50

972 60

1,027 45

960 55

1,507 35

Nickels and p en ts..............................

236 08

225 59

453 59

364 46

219 67

Checks and ite m s....................

18 10

622 20

2 00

360 00

800 00

T o tals............................................

$260,258 56

$256,410 23

$257,367 60

$256,829 73

$254,538 55

Capital stock paid in .......................

$25,000 00

$25,000 00

$25,000 00

$25,000 00

$25,000 00

13,000 00

14,000 00

14,000 00

14,000 00

15,000 00

3,610 76

2,545 91

3,281 30

4,179 22

2,550 42

180 00

15 00

15 00

45,597 05

47,514 81

43,239 86

43,562 47

18,833 07

20,557 10

19,417 59

- 21,107 64

21,048 51

141,612 41

152,413 85

148,965 40

144,028 42

$257,367 60

$256,829 73

$254,538 55

Surplus fu n d .......................................
U ndivided profits, less current ex­
penses, interest and taxes p a id ..
Dividends unpaid
Commercial deposits subject to
check .................................................

46,911 20

Commercial certificates of deposit,
Due to banks and bankers
Cashier’s checks outstanding
Ravings d ep o sits................................
Savings certificates of deposit........

149,217 68

Notes and bills rediscounted

T otals............................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

5,000 00

5,000 00

$260,258 56

$256,410 23


No. 263.
Organized August 27, 1902.
F. E. R a n n e y ,

P r e s id e n t ;

D. K. B l a c k , C. M. M i l l e r ,
C. V. C o a t s , C a s h ie r .

V ic e P r e s id e n t s ;

D i r e c t o r s — F. E. R anney, D. K. Black, E. A. Kem p, C. M. Miller, R. F. Sprague, C. H. Wells

C. A. Miller.


R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Nov. 27, ’08. Feb. 5, ’09. April 28, ’09. June 23, ’09. Sept. 1, ’09

Loans and discounts........................

$106,421 61

$107,717 28

$123,431 98

$125,246 86

' $152,416 26

Bonds, m ortgages and se c u ritie s...

118,570 80

116,315 42

114,744 95

115,912 00

108,885 00

1,036 30

948 33

1,378 07

749 59

720 99

3,331 05

3,250 00

3,262 70

3,262 70

3,262 70

8,812 40

11,180 81

13,240 82

10,957 85

1,231 14

27,684 74

28,982 90

38,195 67

73,077 25

47,117 66

U. S. and N ational b ank currency.

8,397 00

10,075 00

13,099 00

12,749 00

13,661 00

Gold co in .......................................

5,785 00

6,065 00

7,095 00

7,395 00

7,980 00

Silver c o in ..............................

2,000 00

2,400 00

1,700 00

1,400 00

3,248 00

Prem ium s paid on b o n ds.................
O verdrafts..........................................
Banking house....................................
F u rn itu re and fixtures.....................
O ther real estate................................
Due from other banks and bankers
(not reserve cities).......................
Item s in tra n sit..................................
U nited States bonds.........................
Due from banks in reserve cities. .
Exchanges for clearing house. . . .

Nickels and c e n ts.........................
Checks and cash ite m s..................
T o tals...........................
Capital stock paid in .......................
Surplus fu n d ...................................
Undivided profits, less current ex­
penses, interest and taxes p a id . .
Dividends u n p a id ............................
Commercial ‘deposits subject to
ch eck ...........................................

152 64

166 24

127 84

186 68

170 87

1,104 04

2,119 55

465 76

161 01

631 93

$283,295 58

$289,220 53

$316,741 79

$351,097 94

$339,325 55

$25,000 00

$25,000 00

$25,000 00

$25,000 00

$25,000 00

4,000 00

5,000 00

5,000 00

5,000 00

5,000 00

4,603 10

1,681 76

3,734 55

4,003 11

4,044 79

80,581 23

80,357 10

94,021 70

104,439 60

98,916 99

168,212 91

177,053 41

188,607 28

212,124 41

205,843 95

898 34

128 26

378 26

530 82

519 82

$283,295 58

$289,220 53

$316,741 79

$351,097 94

$339,325 55

Commercial certificates of d ep o sit.
Due to banks and b an k ers...............
Certified checks..................................
Cashier’s checks o u tstan d in g ...........
Savings d ep o sits............. : ................
Savings certificates of deposit. . . .
T ax reserve accounts.....................
Notes and bills rediscounted..........
Bills p a y a b le ............................
T o tals,» ..................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



No. 188.
Organized April 21, 1896.
W. D. J o h n s o n ,

P r e s id e n t;

F. S. G i b s o n ,

V ic e P r e s id e n t ;

W. H. B r o w n e ,

C a s h ie r .

D i r e c t o r s .— W. D. Johnson, F. S. Gibson, C. W. Johnson, E. R utan, W. H. Browne.


R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Nov. 27, ’08. Feb. 5, ’09. April 28, ’09. June 23, ’09. Sept. 1, ’09.

Loans and discounts.........................

«240,454 50

«236,361 67

«236,402 91

«220,930 15

«237,179 86

Bonds, mortgages and securities...

143,871 50

144,258 35

136,284 35_

141,485 18

145,532 18

2,291 15

1,367 58

2,968 23

196 00

356 57

14,835 32

19,964 65

24,747 45

7,851 42

2,351 00

66,605 76

61,312 04

54,858 46

99,931 08

73,719 86

Prem ium s paid on b o n d s.................
O verdrafts............................................
Banking house....................................
F urn itu re and fixtures.....................
Other real estate................................
Due from other banks and bankers
(not reserve cities).......................
Item s in tra n sit.................................
U nited States bonds.........................
Due from banks in reserve cities..
Exchanges for clearing house. . . .
U. S. and National bank cu rren cy .

15,235 00

14,635 00

17,205 00

12,190 00

12,777 00

Gold c o in .............................................

12,665 00

12,565 00

12,595 00

12,410 00

12,522 50

Silver c o in ...........................................

1,054 75

1,235 25

1,504 75

1,042 75

1,230 82

Nickels and c e n ts..............................

314 55

426 76

342 70

365 17

342 35

Checks and cash ite m s...................

435 88

384 57

350 17

327 93

397 15

T otals............................................

$497,763 41

«492,510 87

«487,259 02

«496,729 68

$486,409 29

Capital stock paid in .......................

«25,000 00

«25,000 00

«25,000 00

«25,000 00

«25,000 00

25,000 00

25,000 00

25,000 00

25,000 00

25,000 00

17,526 84

13,029 57

15,375 51

15,238 75

16,860 96

Surplus fu n d ........................................
Undivided profits, less current ex­
penses, interest and taxes p a id ..
Dividends u n p a id ..............................
Commercial deposits subject to
ch eck .................................................

200 00
95,212 34

107,114 51

110,829 33

106,073 97

97,598 82

335,024 23

322,166 79

311,054 18

320,416 96

316,949 51

5,000 00

5,000 00

«496,729 68

«486,409 29

Commercial certificates of d ep o sit.
Due to banks and b an k ers...............
Certified checks..................................
Cashier’s checks o u tstan d in g ...........
Savings d ep o sits................................
Savings certificates of deposit. . . .
S tate monies on d eposit...................
Notes and bills rediscounted..........
Bills p a y a b le ......................................
T o tals............................................

Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

«497,763 41

«492,510 87

$487,259 02



No. 410.
Organized September 29, 1908.
W m . G. M a t h e r , P r e s id e n t ; W. F. H o p k i n s , V ic e P r e s id e n t ; H. H. M c M i l l a n , C a s h ie r .
D i r e c t o r s .— Wm. G. Mather, W. F. Hopkins, M. M. Duncan, C. V. R. Townsend, G. R. Jackson.


Loans and discounts.......................

R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Nov. 27, ’08. Feb. 5, ’09. April 28, ’09 June 23, ’C9 Sept. 1, ’09.
825,732 00

$43,143 72

$39,145 83

$43,234 69

17,543 94

22,794 47

21,579 01

24,434 06

25 05

163 46

1,249 84

1,323 18

1,586 74

1,444 99

1,359 42

2,264 33

3,407 33

3,407 33

3,407 33

3,407 33

696 76

3,622 49

2,842 75

1,124 62

906 83

24,358 95

8,853 37

5,392 23

13,116 85

6,013 58

3,830 01

Bonds, m ortgages and securities..
Prem ium s paid on bonds...............
Overdrafts. . .....................................
Expenses, interest and taxes paid
Banking house..................................
F urniture and fixtures...................
Other real estate .........................
Due from other banks and bankers
(not reserve cities).................
Item s in tra n sit...............................

309 57
1,052 21

United S tates bonds.......................
Due from banks in reserve cities.
Exchanges for clearing house. . .
U. S. and N ational bank currency

17,045 00

2,367 00

5,002 00

8,979 00

5,113 00

Gold c o in ...........................................

1,125 00

1,077 50

782 50

1,082 50

1,292 50

Silver co in .........................................

1,392 60

1,038 10

319 10

192 35

925 00

Nickels and c e n ts............................

248 23

215 39

168 56

150 03

253 48

Checks and cash ite m s..................

168 19

81 72

2,101 93

69 23

96 89

1,524 90

2,764 15

,302 17

2,814 66

7,655 19

$25,000 00

$25,000 00

$25,000 00

$25,000 00

$25,000 00

2,500 00

2,500 00

2,500 00

- 2,500 00

2,500 00

22,825 28

21,461 51

36,262 14

35,792 39

28,173 04

Due to banks and b an k ers...............

233 53

56 67

44 70

68 43

Certified checks..................................

300 00

Capital stock paid in.
fu n d ................
Undivided profits, less current ex­
penses, interest and taxes paid
Dividends u n p a id ..........................
Commercial deposits subject to
ch eck .............................................
Commercial certificates of deposit

1 00

Cashier’s checks o u tstan d in g ..........
Savings d ep o sits................................
Savings certificates of deposit

3,834 62

11,829 21

20,335 36

25,242 60

365 00

1,334 90

1,833 00

1,333 00

1,855 00

105 00

315 00

400 97

2,500 00

2,500 00

725 97

$92,814 66

$87,655 19

Reserved for interest and taxes. . . .
State monies on d ep o sit.................

26,832 75

Notes and bills rediscounted..........
Bills p a y a b le .......................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

154,524 90

2,764 15

3,302 17


No. 435.
Organized February 4, 1909.
D a v id W . S i m o n s , P r e s id e n t ; G e o . H . K i r c h n e r , V ic e P r e s id e n t ; W o l e K

a p l a n , C a s h ie r .

D i r e c t o r s .— David W. Simons, Edwin A. Burch, P aul R . Gray, Wolf K aplan, William Blanck,

George H. K irchner, Harlow P. Davock.


R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Nov. 27, ’08. Feb. 5, ’09. April 28, ’09. June 23, ’09. Sept. 1, ’09.

Imans and discounts.........................
Bonds, m ortgages and se cu rities...
Prem ium s paid on b o n d s.................
O verdrafts............................................
Banking house....................................

$3,847 67

F urniture and fixtures...................
Expenses, interest and taxes paid

1,100 00

11 66

Other real estate.............................
Due from other banks and bankers
(not reserve cities)...................
Item s in tra n sit...............................
United S tates bonds.......................
Due from banks in reserve cities.

19,340 67

Exchanges for clearing house. . .
U. S. and National bank currency
Gold c o in ...........................................
Silver co in .........................................
Nickels and c e n ts............................
Checks and cash ite m s ............... ..
Capital stock paid i n . .
Surplus fu n d ........................................
Undivided profits, less current ex­
penses, interest and taxes p a id . .

4,300 00

20,250 00
4,050 00

Dividends u n p a id ........................
Commercial deposits subject to
ch eck ...........................................
Commercial certificates of deposit
Due to banks and b an k ers.............
Certified checks................................
Cashier’s checks o u tstan d in g ........
Savings d ep o sits..............................
Savings certificates of deposit. . .
Notes and bills rediscounted.......
Bills p a y a b le .....................................
*Certificate of A uthority to commence business dated August 2, 1909.
4, 1909.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

$24,300 00
Opened for business October


Organized July 21, 1902.
C. A. W r i g h t , P r e s id e n t ; J a c o b B a e r , V ic e P r e s id e n t ;
M. C. G e t c h e l l , S e c r e t a r y a n d T r e a s u r e r .

D i r e c t o r s .— Chas. A. W right, George R uppe, Jam es Chynoweth, Jacob Baer, Charles Briggs Alien

F. Rees, Lessing K arger, John D. Cuddihy, Ferdinand W ieber, Jam es Mercer, Thomas W hittle
Henry L. Baer, Swaby L. Lawton, Louis H. Richardson. Joseph Bosch, Norm an W. H aire Charles L ’
Lawton, Gordon R. Campbell.

Collateral loans. T im e................ .

R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Nov. 27, ’08. Feb. 5, ’09. April 28, ’09 June 23, ’09 Sept. 1, ’09.
$91,643 06

$80,693 83

$73,748 90

$72,205 74

64,552 80

83,427 80

124,407 51

131,811 51

163,970 12

76,343 64

75,543 64

77,593 64

77,283 64

" 75,703 64

342 73

342 73

342 73

342 73

342 73

1,776 22

21,436 25

9,622 60

7,591 54

415 04

T o tals............................................

$234,658 45

$261,444 25

$285,715 38

$289,235 16

$311,938 77

liab ilities.
Capital stock paid in .......................

$150,000 00

$150,000 00

$150,000 00

$150,000 00

$150,000 00

50,000 00

50.000 00

50.000 00

50.000 00

50.000 00

33,100 45

29,466 25

32,596 55

35,271 45

33,604 23

D em and..............
Loans on real estate m ortgages:
In office........................................
W ith S tate T reasurer..............

$71,507 24

O ther loans..........................................

In office................................
W ith S tate T re a su re r.. . .

S to ck s....................................................
Real estate ow ned............................
Other in vestm ents........................... ..
Advances to tr u s ts ...........................
Prem ium s p aid ...................................
Safety deposit v a u lts.......................
F u rn itu re and fixtures.....................
Due from approved reserve agents .
Due from other banks and bankers .
Cash ite m s ...........................................
Nickels and c e n ts..............................
Silver coin............................................
Gold c o in .............................................
TJ. S. and N ational b ank notes. . . .

Surplus f u n d .......................................
U ndivided profits (less expenses,
interest and taxes p a id )...............
Dividends u n p a id ..............................

258 00

578 00

294 00

270 00

390 00

T rust d ep o sits....................................

1,300 00

1,300 00

4,924 83

4,993 71

3,444 54
29,500 00

D eb en tu res...........................................

100 00

2,900 00

3,700 00

O ther liab ilities..................................

30.000 00

45.000 00

45.000 00

45.000 00

$261,444 25

$285,715 38

$289,235 16

$311,938 77

T o ta ls............................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

$234,658 45



No. 254.
Organized January 15, 1902.
M. D. W a g n e r ,

P r e s id e n t ; J. L. B r e n n a n , V ic e P r e s id e n t ; W. B a b c o c k , C a s h ie r ;
A s s i s t a n t C a s h ie r ; J o h n R y a n , A . E . S l e e p e r , A u d ito r s .

W. J. E n g l e ,

D i r e c t o r s .— M. D. Wagner, A lbert E. Sleeper, J. A. Templeton. J. L. Brennan, B. F. Browne, H. D .

Ferris, W. Babcock.


Loans and discounts..................
Bonds, m ortgages and se cu rities...

R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Nov. 27, ’08. Feb. 5, ’09. April 28, ’09 June 23, ’09. Sept. 1, ’09.
$101,486 57

$100,428 41

$89,225 04

$99,037 02

$87,285 51

112,038 00

111,981 00

118,765 00

122,756 00

121,721 00

Prem ium s paid on b o n d s...........
O verdrafts......................................

744 82

991 41

360 37

1,698 66

1,595 68

Banking house..............................

4,500 00

4,500 00

4,500 00

4,500 00

4,500 00

F urniture and fixtures...............

2,000 00

2,000 00

2,000 00

2,000 00

2,000 00

2,970 00

1,897 05

2,160 00

1,475 00

557 62

31,881 62

28,525 24

17,794 27

23,198 88

O ther real estate.......................
Due from other banks and bankers
(not reserve cities)...................
Item s in tra n sit.................................
United S tates bonds.........................
Due from banks in reserve c itie s ..

31,869 60

Exchanges for clearing h o u s e .. ..

1,605 31

U. S. and N ational b ank c u rre n cy .

13,541 00

9,624 00

8,726 00

8,436 00

7,185 00
2,000 00

75 58

256 97

Gold co in .............................................

2,000 00

2,065 00

2,080 00

2,000 00

Silver co in ...........................................

489 55

604 90

798 15

726 45

408 55

Nickels and c e n ts..............................

66 11

111 92

20 39

98 68

• 53 55

$273,310 96

3,352 60

$257,235 77

1,716 71

$250,762 76

Checks and cash ite m s...................
C apital stock paid in.
tu n a ......................................
Surplus fund
Undivided profits, less current ex
penses, interest and taxes p a id .
Dividends u n p a id ..........................
Commercial deposits subject to
ch eck .............................................

194 63

267 29

000 00

$30,000 00

$30,000 00

$30,000 00

$30,000 00

000 00

6,000 00

6,000 00

6,000 00

6,000 00

173 80

732 02

5,459 50

6,462 22

4,770 42

43 375 04

42,380 94

37,210 37

42,680 99

32,577 89

Commercial certificates of deposit
Due to banks and b an k ers...............
Certified checks................................ .
Cashier’s checks o u tstan d in g ..........
Savings d ep o sits............................
Savings certificates of deposit

73 771 85

77,944 46

72,735 83

71,450 93

77,356 15

114 990 27

109,295 18

105,830 07

104,122 57

100,058 30

$273,310 96

$266,352 60

$257,235 77

1,716 71

$250,762 76

Notes and bills rediscounted..........
Bills p a y a b le .......................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



No. 412.
Organized October 8, 1908.
J a m e s L i v i n g s t o n , P r e s id e n t ; Jos. J. L e s z c z y n s k i , V ic e P r e s id e n t ; H e n b y B i n k l e , C a s h ie r .
D ir e c t o k s .— Jam es Livingston, Henry Binkle, Jam es McColl, Joseph J. Leszczynski, Philip Binkle,

Robinson Wellock, Philip L. Graham.


R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Nov. 27, ’08. Feb. 5, '09. April 28, ’09. June 23, ’09. Sept. 1, ’09.

Loans and discounts.........................

$20,683 75

$41,552 25

$53,937 05

$62,854 96

$71,254 84

Bonds, m ortgages and se c u ritie s...

775 00

5,000 00

3,475 00

6,195 00

4,225 00

34 38

321 67

97 91

365 07

3,348 20

4,266 58

4,305 08

4,364 28

4,364 28

Prem ium s paid on b o n d s.................
O verdrafts............................................
Banking house....................................
F urniture and fixtures.....................

975 50

1,641 21

1,641 21

1,711 21

1,711 21

Other real estate................................
Due from other banks and bankers
(not reserve cities).......................

3,100 00

3,100 00

3,100 00

3,100 00

3,100 00

2,339 76

3,903 39

6,993 45

5,420 49

• 3,014 00

3,335 00

2,241 00

3,817 00

Item s in tra n sit.................................
United S tates bonds.........................
Due from banks in reserve cities..

2', 659 64

Exchanges for clearing house. . . .

154 76

U. S. and N ational bank currency.

3,827 00

600 00

Gold c o in .............................................
Silver c o in ...........................................

182 20

Nickels and c e n ts..............................

22 82

Checks and cash ite m s....................

154 75

58 25

675 00

625 00

503 15

390 85
131 37

22 73

26 91

97 20

108 22

984 74

397 86

474 28

T o ta ls............................................

$35,728 87

$61,833 88

$75,088 30

$89,231 02

$95,879 39

Capital stock paid in .......................

$25,000 00

$25,000 00

$25,000 00

$25,000 00

$25,000 00

Surplus fu n d ........................................
Undivided profits, less current ex­
penses, interest and taxes p a id ..

741 47

1,733 07

2,157 91

2,432 31

2,440 63

Dividends u n p a id ..............................
Commercial deposits subject to
ch eck .................................................

2,176 90

5,499 12

6,153 49

6,795 73

13,347 38

Savings d ep o sits................................

2,153 50

10,393 55

17,694 51

23,640 98

25,117 45

Savings certificates of d ep o sit. . . .

5,657 00

19,208 14

20,082 39

27,362 00

29,973 93

4,000 00

4,000 00

$35,728 87

$61,833 88

$75.088 30

$89.231 02

Commercial certificates of d e p o sit.
Due to banks and b an k ers...............
Certified checks..................................
Cashier’s checks outstanding’...........

Notes and bills rediscounted.........
Rills p a y a b le . . .


T o tals............................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

$95,879 39



No. 326.
Organized November 1, 1905.
W. J. C l a r k e -

P r e s id e n t ;

E. G. C a r e y , M. J. E r w i n ,

V ic e P r e s id e n t s ;

J. T. C l a r k e ,

C a s h ie r .

D i r e c t o r s .— W. J. Clarke, R. F. Lemon, M. J. Erwin, E. G. Carey, J. T. Clarke.


R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Nov. 27, ’08. Feb. 5, ’09. April 28, ’09. June 23, ’09. Sept. 1, ’09.

Loans and discounts.........................

$104,045 14

$91,733 74

$82,978 21

$78,410 23

$114,162 53

Bonds, m ortgages and securities..

37,946 49

42,206 49

54,748 12

61,762 01

66,145 42

213 15

35 63

18 58

102 93

137 68

3,296 69

3,296 69

3,296 69

3,296 69

3,296 69

70,380 55

70,895 04

54,290 04

47,742 80

79,517 64

U. S. and N ational bank c u rre n cy .

8,371 00

10,615 00

8,034 00

9,695 00

10,726 00

Gold c o in .............................................

2,980 00

3,340 00

3,505 00

1,820 00

2,190 00

Silver coin............................................

2,290 15

1,364 70

1,434 95

1,546 00

1,721 40

Nickels and c e n ts..............................

481 03

464 29

548 12

507 22

140 34

Checks and cash ite m s ....................

433 37

1 50

T o tals............................................

$230,437 57

$223,953 08

$208,853 71

$204,923 35

$278,037 70

Capital stock paid in .......................

$25,000 00

$25,000 00

$25,000 00

$25,000 00

$25,000 00

5,000 00

5,000 00

5,000 00

5,000 00

5,000 00

7,404 00

4,028 05

6,244 47

7,038 45

7,885 82

1,736 00

1,736 00

94,477 91

95,554 44

82,502 39

88,992 58

142,606 55

808 57

1,271 58

966 03

2,403 61

Savings d ep o sits................................

14,640 32

14,493 54

15,021 34

14,701 86

19,362 36

Savings certificates of dep o sit........

83,915 34

77,332 48

72,077 93

63,224 43

75,779 36

$230,437 57

$223,953 08

$208,853 71

$204,923 35

$278,037 70

Prem ium s paid on b o n d s...............
O verdrafts............................................
Banking house....................................
F urniture and fixtures.....................
O ther real estate................................
Due from other banks and bankers
(not reserve cities).......................
Item s in tra n sit.................................
United States b o n d s . . . . .................
Due from banks in reserve cities. .
Exchanges for clearing h o u se .........

Surplus fu n d ........................................
U ndivided profits, less current ex­
penses, interest and taxes paid. .
Dividends u n p a id ..............................
Commercial deposits subject to
ch eck .................................................

40 47

Commercial certificates of d ep o sit.
Due to banks and b an k ers...............
Certified checks..................................
Cashier’s checks outstanding...........

Notes and bills rediscounted...........
Bills p a y a b le .......................................
T o tals............................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



No. 355.
Organized December 8, 1906.
L e m u e l S a v i e r s , P r e s id e n t : W . H e n r y W il s o n , F . W e a t h e r h e a d , V ic e P r e s i d e n t s ;
C h a s . C a v e . C a s h ie r .
D i r e c t o r s .— Lemuel Saviers, W. H enry Wilson, F . W eatherhead, K . S. M cIntyre, Elm er J. Hughes,

Ellis G. Hughes, John B. Joos, Oliver N. King, ISathaniel White.


R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Nov. 27, ’08. Feb. 5, ’09. April 28, ’09. June 23, T9. Sept. 1, ’09.

Loans and discounts.........................

122,147 80

819,981 96

823,099 34

$25,678 34

$25,595 72

Bonds, m ortgages and securities..

23,887 48

24,770 48

24,043 48

24,523 09

24,311 48

Prem ium s paid on b o n d s...............
O verdrafts............................................

423 52

270 54

279 80

112 02

787 48

Banking house....................................

4,250 00

4,250 00

4,250 00

4,250 00

4,000 00

F urniture and fixtures.....................

1,650 00

1,700 00

1,750 00

1,800 00

1,875 00

O ther real estate................................
Due from other banks and bankers
(not reserve cities).......................

250 00

Item s in tra n sit.................................

93 00

41 30

U nited S tates bonds.........................
Due from banks in reserve c itie s ..

2,193 02

3,001 53

7,570 62

4,107 35

6,066 50

Exchanges for clearing h o u se .........
U. S. and N ational bank c u rre n cy .

1,504 00

1,611 00

1,881 00

2,389 00

2,046 00

Gold c o in .............................................

635 00

605 00

745 00

805 00

880 00

Silver coin............................................

633 15

384 75

610 20

402 05

721 75

Nickels and c e n ts..............................

17 20

41 54

69 65

32 35

65 70

Checks and cash ite m s...................

204 38

1,143 01

166 49

147 17

1,407 96

T o tals............................................

157,545 55

857,852 81

864,465 58

$64,287 67

$68,007 59

Capital stock paid in .......................

820,000 00

$20,000 00

820,000 00

$20,000 00

$20,000 00

Surplus fu n d ......................................
Undivided profits, less current ex­
penses, interest and taxes p a id . .

200 00

400 00

400 00

400 00

400 00

1,934 89

149 17

839 35

1,650 30

1,830 49

Dividends u n p a id ..............................
Commercial deposits subject to
ch eck .................................................

14,836 40

15,720 77

18,034 15

14,302 94

15,178 99

Commercial certificates of d ep o sit.
Due to banks and b an k ers...............

678 77

Certified checks..................................
Cashier’s checks outstanding..........
Savings d ep o sits................................

12,687 54

13,679 53

17,559 36

19,008 71

22,280 02

Savings certificates of deposit........

7,886 72

7,224 57

7,632 72

8,925 72

8,318 09

857,545 55

857,852 81

$64,465 58

$64,287 67

$68,007 59

Notes and bills rediscounted...........
Bills payable . . . * ..............................
T o tals............................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



No. 369.
Organized March 31, 1907.
J o h n M a c g r e g o r , P r e s id e n t ; D. W. M i t c h e l l , V ic e P r e s id e n t ; L. R. R oss, A s s i s t a n t C a s h ie r .
D i r e c t o r s .— John Macgregor, D. W. Mitchell, C. M. Lund, W. L. Chapelle, S. B. K ahn, W. A. Prince



D. Hanover.

R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Nov. 27, ’08. Feb. 5, ’09. April 28, ’09. June 23, ’09. Sept. 1, '09.

Loans and discounts.........................

146,572 32

$41,404 78

$37,449 95

$44,690 21

$43,363 19

Bonds, m ortgages and securities..

56,213 10

56,660 81

59,030 81

56,903 19

56,275 99

Prem ium s paid on b o n d s...............
O verdrafts............................................

612 17

624 80

174 49

445 63

760 00

Banking house....................................

1,500 00

1,500 00

1,500 00

1,500 00

1,500 00

F urniture and fixtures.....................

1,200 00

1,200 00

1,122 38

1,258 94

1,558 94

3,805 16

211 65

1,134 75

717 52

1,473 74

4,231 40

5,071 80

14,455 78

10,478 05

10,981 40

U. S. and N ational b ank currency.

2,570 00

2,182 00

1,766 00

4,800 00

2,303 00

Gold c o in .............................................

2,180 00

2,405 00

22 50

82 50

225 00

Silver coin............................................

554 75

1,034 40

503 80

474 65

422 50

Nickels and c e n ts..............................

87 69

93 52

118 14

136 16

158 23

Checks and cash ite m s....................

726 65

335 05

113 15

158 93

267 92

T o tals............................................

1120,253 24

$112,723 81

$117,391 75

$121,645 78

$119,289 91

Capital stock paid in ................... .. .

$25,000 00

$25,000 00

$25,000 00

$25,000 00

$25,000 00

3,000 00

3,000 00

3,000 00

6,000 00

6,000 00

2,335 60

2,120 51

3,975 40

832 62

606 53

Dividends u n p a id ..............................
Commercial deposits subject to
ch eck .................................................

35,622 04

30,964 73

36,714 92

38,369 91

34,270 48

Commercial certificates of d ep o sit.

8,269 40

8,512 74

7,091 44

7,403 38

5,874 56

40,026 20

37,125 83

35,609 99

33,039 87

36,538 34

O ther real estate................................
Due irom other banks and bankers
(not reserve cities).......................
Item s in tra n sit.................................
United S tates bonds.........................
Due from banks in reserve cities..
Exchanges for clearing h o u se.........

Surplus fu n d ......................................
Undivided profits, less current ex­
penses, interest and taxes p a id . .

Due to banks and b an k ers...............
Certified checks..................................
Cashier’s checks o u tstanding..........
Savings d ep o sits................................
Savings certificates of deposit........
Notes and bills rediscounted...........
Bills p a y a b le .....................................
T o tals....................................

Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

6,000 00

6,000 00

6,000 00

11,000 00

11,000 00

$120,253 24

$112,723 81

$117,391 75

$121,645 78

$119,289 91


No. 50.
Organized October 31, 1887.
G e o . R. B a t e s , P r e s id e n t : G. T. S a n d s , V ic e P r e s id e n t ; D. J. M a t h e w s , C a s h ie r ;
W . E. R o l i .i n s , A s s i s t a n t C a s h ie r .

D i r e c t o r s — Geo. R. Bates, L. N. K eating, G. T. Sands, W. E. Snyder, J. N. Cotton, J. B. Conger

H. S. Newton.


R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Nov. 27, ’08. Feb. 5, ’09. April 28, ’09. June 23, ’09. Sept. 1, ’09.

Loans and discounts.........................

$106,023 40

$109,625 51

$87,062 75

$94,715 45

$81,013 47

Bonds, m ortgages and securities. .

113,454 70

126,979 70

145,129 70

148,593 45

145,313 45

Prem ium s paid on b o n d s...............
O verdrafts............................................

107 26

79 94

392 51

494 49

744 19

B anking house....................................

4,587 00

4,000 00

4,000 00

4,000 00

4,000 00

F u rn itu re and fixtures.....................

842 23

842 23

842 23

262 82

262 82

O ther real e sta te ................................
Due from other banks and bankers
(not reserve cities).......................

10 50

Item s in tra n sit.................................
U nited S tates bonds.........................
Due from banks in reserve cities..

40,921 21

19,746 78

31,479 72

U. S. and N ational bank cu rre n cy .

6,582 00

6,872 00

7,985 00

4,866 00

5,948 00

Gold c o in .............................................

6,125 00

6,225 00

6,295 00

6,420 00

6,535 00

Silver coin............................................

2,810 15

2,361 50

1,871 15

1,092 85

1,173 35

Nickels and c e n ts..............................

274 27

307 11

297 59

288 42

295 48

Checks and cash ite m s....................

143 22

50 58

183 19

60 69

1,252 97

T o tals............................................

$281,870 44

$277,090 35

$285,538 84

$275,366 61

$273,351 09

Capital stock paid in .......................

$40,000 00

$40,000 00

$40,000 00

$40,000 00

$40,000 00

10,000 00

10,000 00

10,000 00

11,000 00

11,000 00

4,607 94

929 81

3,500 20

3,560 71

2,372 31

36,965 10

34,904 55

31,547 02

30,029 52

28,395 38

911 55

267 51

178 88

Exchanges for clearing h o u se .........

Surplus fu n d .............................
Undivided profits, less current ex­
penses, interest and taxes p a id ..
Dividends u n p a id ..............................
Commercial deposits subject to
check .................................................

14,572 44

26,801 86


Commercial certificates of d ep o sit.
Due to banks and b an k ers...............
Certified checks..................................

46 63
500 00

Cashier’s checks outstanding..........
Savings d ep o sits................................

134,764 65

127,577 81

146,467 03

141,067 90

141,921 51

Savings certificates of dep o sit........

54,621 20

63,410 67

53,845 71

49,161 85

49,661 89

$281,870 44

$277,090 35

$285,538 84

$275,366 61

$273,351 09

Notes and bills rediscounted...........
Bills p a y a b le .......................................
T o tals............................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



No. 11.
Organized October 26, 1886.
C h e s t e r M e s s e r , P r e s id e n t ; R . B. M e s s e r , V ic e P r e s id e n t ; A . A . A n d e r s o n , C a s h ie r .
D i r e c t o r s — Chester Messer, D. S. Goodyear, Luke W aters, R. B. Messer, M. L. Cook, R. T. French

A. A. Anderson.


Report of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Nov. 27, ’08. Feb. 5, ’09. April 28, ’09. June 23, ’09. Sept. 1, ’09.

Loans and discounts.........................

$285,048 70

$287,249 62

$321,887 26

$303,240 45

$314,902 38

Bonds, m ortgages and se cu rities..

129,025 09

126,284 09

121,434 09

125,309 09

125,249 09

Prem ium s paid on b o n d s...............
O verdrafts............................................

1,981 43

3,386 52

3,352 93

2,521 06

6,920 91

Banking house....................................

13,000 00

13,000 00

13,000 00

13,000 00

13,000 00

F urn itu re and fixtures.....................

2,000 00

2,000 00

2,000 00

2,000 00

2,000 00

496 12

1,133 33

303 31

232 28

55,744 18

82,201 12

33,365 02

49,577 41

Other real estate................................
Due from other banks and bankers
(not reserve cities).......................
Item s in tra n sit.................................
U nited States bonds.........................
Due from banks in reserve c itie s ..

30,436 87

Exchanges for clearing h o u se.........
U. S. and N ational bank cu rren cy .

10,144 00

11,385 00

9,576 00

8,470 00

6,068 00

Gold co in .............................................

13,565 00

13,037 50

13,055 00

13,062 50

14,822 50

Silver coin............................................

1,200 00

700 00

1,350 00

1,209 75

1,100 00

Nickels and c e n ts..............................

142 07

213 52

104 28

150 35

196 26

Checks and cash ite m s ....................

3,332 28

2,428 80

2,527 12

722 99

2,619 01

$515,678 87

$543,019 50

$521,955 01

$519,495 88

$517,315 02

$75,000 00

$75,000 00

$75,000 00

$75,000 00

$75,000 00

25,000 00

25,000 00

25,000 00

25,000 00

25,000 00

15,295 95

15,710 97

16,032 39

17,117 43

17,233 73

122,439 10 '

148,217 46

120,968 07

91,465 35

96,832 67

T o tals..........................................
Capital stock paid in .......................
Surplus fu n d ........................................
Undivided profits, less current ex­
penses, interest and taxes paid. .
Dividends u n p a id ..............................
Commercial deposits subject to
check .................................................

160 00

Commercial certificates of d ep o sit.
Due to banks and b an k ers...............
Certified checks..................................


Cashier’s checks o u tstanding...........
Savings dep o sits................................

224,367 31

225,743 27

230,300 62

241,542 04

233,489 85

Savings certificates of dep o sit........

53,576 51

53,347 80

54,653 93

54,371 06

54,598 77

15,000 00

15,000 00

$515,678 87

$543,019 50

$521,955 01

$519,495 88

$517,315 02

Notes and bills rediscounted...........
Bills p a y a b le .......................................
T o ta ls ..........................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis


S T A T E B A N K IN G D E P A R T M E N T .
N o . 434.
T H E H IG H L A N D P A R K S T A T E B A N K , H IG H L A N D P A R K .
O rg a n iz e d J a n u a r y 30, 1909.
J ames Couzens ,

P r e s id e n t ;

J ames T. W h iteh ea d ,

V ic e P r e s id e n t ;

E. G. L iebold ,

C a s h ie r .

D irectors .—J ames Couzens, H enry Ford, J. H. Johnson, Lawrence W. Snell, Jam es T. W hitehead.

R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Nov. 27, ’08. Feb. 5, ’09. April 28, ’09. June 23, ’09. Sept. 1, ’09.

Loans and discounts.........................

$55,612 53

"Ronds m ortgages and securities..

37,500 00

Prem ium s paid on b o n d s...............

286 50



Pan king house....................................

18,166 37

F urniture and fixtures.....................
O ther real e state...............................
Due from other banks and bankers
(not reserve cities). . .
Tterns in transit
United S tates bonds.........................
Due from banks in reserve cities. .

59,009 74

Exchanges for clearing h o u se .........
IT. S. and N ational bank cu rren cy .

6,726 00

Hold c o in .............................................

372 50

Silver coin............................................

1,128 00

Nickels and c e n ts..............................

197 19

Checks and cash ite m s....................

1 50

T o tals............................................

$179,000 33

Capital stock paid in .......................

$40,000 00

Surplus fu n d .......................................
Undivided profits, less current ex­
penses interest and taxes p a id . .

982 66

Dividends u n p a id ..............................
Commercial deposits subject to
ch eck .................................................

72,244 69

Commercial certificates of d ep o sit.

441 07

Due to banks and b an k ers...............
Certified checks. . .
Cashier’s checks o u ts ta n d in g ........
Ravings dep o sits................................

52,271 91

Ravings certificates of deposit........

13,060 00

Notes and bills rediscounted ........
Pills payable
T o tals............................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

$179,000 33


No. 361.
Organized December 16, 1906.

R e a , P r e s id e n t ; W i I l ia m N. H u n t , V ic e P r e s id e n t ; L o u is D a v id s o n , T r e a s u r e r ;
J a s . W. F a r r i e r , A s s i s t a n t T r e a s u r e r , W. A. P r i n c e , G e o . B. H o l m e s , A u d i t o r s .


D i r e c t o r s .— R obert Rea, Louis Davidson, Geo. B. Holmes, C. H. Godfrey, Wm. N. H unt,

Will A. Prince, A. B. Green.


R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Nov. 27, ’08. Feb. 5, ’09. April 28, ’09. June 23, ’09. Sept. 1, ’09.

Loans and discounts.........................

$23,424 24

$30,579 47

$44,304 42

$43,147 41

$37,902 74

Bonds, m ortgages and se c u ritie s..

16,029 84

16,436 59

16,663 09

17,908 09

19,138 09

Prem ium s

p a , id

on b o n d s. .

O verdrafts............................................

262 28

151 82

22 82

2 48

3 72

Banking house....................................

1,347 97

1,347 97

1,347 97

1,347 97

1,347 97

F u rn itu re and fixtures.....................

1,284 75

1,284 85

1,357 22

1,396 42

1,426 42

257 89

1,158 23

906 21

448 58

824 80,

2,324 02

6,395 89.

3,639 38

10,710 35

4,753 83

Due from other banks and bankers
Item s in tra n sit.................................
Unit,p.d States b o n d s ....
Due from banks in reserve cities..
Exchanges for clearing h o u se .........
U. S. and N ational bank currency.

1,411 00

1,948 00

2,585 00

2,505 00

3,034 00

Gold c o in ............. ...............................

240 00

265 00

275 00

305 00

355 00

Silver coin............................................

406 60

233 20

272 35

958 50

775 25

Nickels and c e n ts..............................

1 05

3 04

1 17

11 28

1 69

16 50

88 23

3 34

Checks and cash ite m s.........
o rd ers......................................

250 69

T o tals............................................

$47,256 83

$59,892 29

$71,377 97

$78,741 08

$69,563 51

Capital stock paid in .......................

$20,000 00

$20,000 00

$20,000 00

$20,000 00

$20,000 00

1,245 67

1,919 35

1,919 35

1,919 35

2,700 00

1,235 77

157 87

1,227 66

1,536 41

736 46

V illa .e e

Surplus fu n d ......................................
Undivided profits, less current ex­
penses, interest and taxes p a id . .
Dividends u n p a id ..............................
Commercial deposits subject to
ch eck .................................................

9 00

9 00

9 00

9 00

9 00

17,330 97

29,246 93

37,250 70

44,112 86

26,563 46

Commercial certificates of d ep o sit.

189 26

111 74

188 60

199 74

179 24

Savings d ep o sits................................

6,304 11

7,605 35

9,950 61

10,121 67

18,393 30

Savings certificates of deposit........

942 05

842 05

842 05

842 05

982 05

$47,256 83

$59,892 29

$71,377 97

$78,741 08

$69,563 51

Due to banks and b an k ers...............
CJert.ified oheeks..................................
Cashier’s checks outstanding. . .

Notes and bills rediscounted

p a v a b le

T o tals............................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis


No. 260.
Organized February 18, 1902.
F. A. R o e t h l i s b e r g e r ,

C. M. B a r r e , V ic e P r e s id e n t ; C h a s . C. T y l e r ,
H. C. B l a c k m a n , A s s i s t a n t C a s h ie r .

P r e s id e n t ;

C a s h ie r ;

D i r e c t o r s .— F. A. Roethlisberger, C. M. Barre, Edw ard Frensdorf, Wm, N. Benge, Guy M. Chester

F. H. Stone, M. S. Segur.


Loans and discounts.......................
Bonds, m ortgages and securities. .

R eport of
Nov. 27, ’08

R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Feb. 5, ’09. April 28, ’09 June 23, ’09 Sept. 1, ’09.

$194,864 57

$207,676 18

$217,255 45

$187,915 60

$191,553 73

65,563 25

64,965 28

68,098 65

65,898 65

70,091 58

67 98

Prem ium s paid on b o n d s...............
O verdrafts..........................................

1,697 47

96 67

5 50

1,281 95

Banking house....................................

5,356 00

5,356 00

5,356 00

5,356 00

5,356 00

F u rn itu re and fixtures...................

2,995 00

2,995 00

3,175 00

3,175 00

3,175 00

38,000 95

43,717 35

26,848 38

46,630 36

24,943 33

Other real estate................................
Due from other banks and bankers
(not reserve cities).......................
Item s in tra n sit.................................
U nited States bonds.........................
Due from banks in reserve cities. .
Exchanges for clearing h o u se.........
U. S. and National bank currency.

10,470 00

9,608 00

13,745 00

10,438 00

9,695 00

Gold c o in ...........................................

8,075 00

8,100 00

8,140 00

8,020 00

8,040 00

Silver coin.....................................

3,477 20

4,952 65

2,962 90

3,195 25

4,221 40

289 88

406 50

445 75

267 81

330 92

1,184 35

819 66

1,240 90

2,951 74

988 99

$331,973 67

$348,693 29

$347,273 53

$335,130 36

$318,463 93

$50,000 00

$50,000 00

$50,000 00

$50,000 00

$50,000 00

18,000 00

20,000 00

20,000 00

20,000 00

20,000 00

9,351 60

5,298 74

7,243 42

7,044 60

9,042 27

. 62,818 41

62,562 59

Nickels and cen ts............................
Checks and cash ite m s...............
T o ta ls......................................
Capital stock paid in .....................
Surplus fu n d ..................................
U ndivided profits, less current ex­
penses, interest and taxes p a id . .
Dividends u n p a id ..............................
Commercial 'deposits subject to
ch eck ...............................................

28 00
74,639 96

89,982 82

Commercial certificates of d ep o sit.

51,701 35
152,613 55

Due to banks and b an k ers...............
Certified checks..................................

10 00

10 00

10 00

10 00
35,096 76

Cashier’s checks outstan d ing..........
Savings dep o sits................................

26,593 75

25,326 89

34,863 03

35,945 71

Savings certificates of d ep o sit........

153,388 36

158,046 84

172,338 67

159,567 46

$331,973 67

$348,693 29

$347,273 53

$335,130 36

Notes and bills rediscounted...........
Bills p a y a b le .......................................
T o tals..........................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

$318,463 93



No. 78.
Organized July 30, 1884.
C h a u n c e y F. C o o k , P r e s id e n t ; H e n r y S. W a l w o r t h , V ic e P r e s id e n t ; L . D . W a l w o r t h , C a s h ie r ;
C l i f f o r d H . R a n n e y , A s s i s t a n t C a s h ie r .
D i r e c t o r s .— C. F. Cook, John T. Crume, H . S. WTalworth, L . D . W alworth, Rufas Campbell.


R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Nov. 27, ’08, Feb. 5, ’09. April 28, ’09. June 23, ’09. Sept. 1, ’09.

Loans and discounts.........................

$393,481 72

$415,380 95

$396,027 40

$369,418 36

$394,628 06

Bonds, m ortgages and securities. .

132,724 77

128,766 90

145,776 90

145,288 96

145,538 96

Prem ium s paid on b o n d s...............
895 65

890 74

1,774 32

O verdrafts............................................

2,157 42

1,783 35

Banking house....................................











F u rn itu re and fixtures.....................











O ther real estate................................
Due from other banks and bankers
(not reserve cities).......................
Item s in tra n sit.................................
U nited States bonds.........................
66,420 93

45,201 88

97,632 02

114,705 21

92,150 61

U. S. and N ational bank currency

25,939 00

26,084 00

28,630 00

27,972 00

29,816 00

Gold c o in ...........................................

14,‘340 00

15,190 00

15,530 00

14,005 00

14,690 00

Silver coin..........................................

1,065 00

1,243 80

1,571 35

1,579 40

2,077 25

Nickels and c en ts............................

305 59

549 73

498 40

355 89

443 56

Checks and cash ite m s..................

2,814 33

1,369 15

1,840 68

2,072 95

1,854 74

3,748 76

.069 76

$695,902 40

,788 51

690.473 50

$60,000 00

$60,000 00

$60,000 00

$60,000 00

$60,000 00

20,000 00

20,000 00

20,000 00

20,000 00

20,000 00

18,322 81

10,816 53

15,095 96

17,393 30

11,271 66

66,703 31

78,967 32

92,940 37

75,578 76

Due from banks in reserve cities.
Exchanges for clearing house

Capital stock p a id lin ..
Surplus 'fu n d ................................ •
Undivided profits, less current ex­
penses, interest and taxes paid
Dividends u n p a id ................... .... •
Commercial deposits subject to
. ch eck .............................................

84,273 92
360,068 30

Commercial certificates of deposit
Due to banks and b an k ers...........■
Certified checks..............................•
Cashier’s checks o u tsta n d in g .. . . •
Savings dep o sits............................ •

124,802 28

128,485 17

149,045 66

149,925 46

Savings certificates of deposit

356,920 36

344,800 74

358,820 41

360,890 99

3,748 76

$643,069 76

$695,902 40

1,788 51

154,859 62

Notes and bills rediscounted.
Bills p a y a b le .................................. •
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

$690,473 50


No. 56.
Organized December 16, 1889.

e r r it

J. D

ie k e m a


P r e s id e n t ; J .



ir e c t o r s

.— J.




, V ic e P r e s id e n t ; G .
A s s i s t a n t C a s h ie r .

e a r d s i .e e

u id e n s




o k m a


C a s h ie r -

W. Beardslee, G. J. Kollen, G. W. Mokma, G. J. Diekema, I. MarsiJie H. K rem ers
J. W. Bosman, J. W. Garvelink, W. J. Garrod.
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Nov. 27, ’08. Feb. 5, ’09. April 28, ’09. June 23, ’C9. Sept. 1, ’09.

• Resources.

Loans and discounts................
Bonds, m ortgages and securities. .

$560,729 00

$528,429 54

$536,973 48

$534,118 04

$524,231 84

409,212 14

432,593 14

429,101 87

425,902 07

442,236 55


510 89

25,000 00

25,000 00

25,000 00

Prem ium s paid on b o n d s. . . .
O verdrafts..................................
Banking house.....................

30 83

319 70

25,000 00

25,000 00

F urn itu re and fixtures...................

4,930 00

4,930 00

4,930 00

4,930 00

4,930 00

O ther real estate.................
Due from other banks and bankers
(not reserve cities).............

3,898 38

3,898 38

3,898 38

3,898 38

3,898 38

6,556 28

11,019 98

5,308 48

3,904 76

6,323 57

94,637 54

143,520 14

113,090 22

138,359 59

158,864 56

3,129 00

11,253 73

15,995 25

5,376 89

Item s in tra n sit.........................
United States bonds...................
Due from banks in reserve c itie s ..
Exchanges for clearing h o u se .........
U. S. and N ational b ank cu rre n cy .

34,621 00

34,478 00

35,328 00

31,030 00

39,470 00

Gold co in ....................

41,335 00

43,850 00

46,367 50

45,602 50

47,502 50

4,117 30

5,790 75

2,692 30

2,393 75

4,078 10

Nickels and c e n ts...............

560 05

881 69

553 37

634 79

613 99

Checks and cash ite m s. . . .

145 24

902 10

1,799 28

2,861 70

415 27

$1,185,772 76 $1,238,742 42 $1,216,296 61 $1,234,631 81

$1,263,452 54

Silver coin.........................

T o tals...........................
Capital stock paid in .....................
Surplus f u n d .......................
Undivided profits, less current ex­
penses, interest and taxes p a id ..
Dividends u n p a id ...................
Commercial deposits subject
ch eck ..................................

$50,000 00

$50,000 00

$50,000 00

$50,000 00

$50,000 00

35,000 00

35,000 00

35,000 00

35,000 00

40,000 00

13,212 74

7,485 07

11,782 19

15,879 85

3,639 25

160,672 99

209,048 95

205,910 33

178,586 26

186,222 19


Commercial certificates of d e p o sit.
Due to banks and b an k ers.............
Certified checks.......................

1,375 56

2,600 00

Cashier’s checks o u tstanding...........
Savings dep o sits................................

627,129 69

633,363 36

619,213 72

648,806 57

665,329 66

Savings certificates of deposit........

298,381 78

303,845 04

294,390 37

301,359 13

310,661 44

5,000 00

5,000 00

T o tals............................................ $1,185,772 76 $1,238,742 42 $1,216,296 61 $1,234,631 81

$1,263,452 54

S tate monies on d ep o sit...................
Notes and bills rediscounted..........
Bills p a y a b le ...................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



No. 91.
Organized January 30, 1890.
D. B. K. V a n R a a l t e ,

W. H. B e a c h , V ic e P r e s id e n t ; C. V e r S c h t jr e , C a s h ie r ;
O t t o P. K r a m e r , A s s i s t a n t C a s h ie r .

P r e s id e n t ;

D i r e c t o r s .— C. Ver Shure, M. Van P u tte n , W. H. Beach, P. H. McBride, D. B. K. Van R aalte,

O tto P. K ram er, M. Van P u tten , John Veneklasen, John Kollen.


R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Nov. 27, ’08. Feb. 5, ’09. April 28, ’09. June 23, ’09. Sept. 1, ’09.

Loans and discounts.........................

$406,293 65

$430,476 99

$444,126 09

$460,796 47

$454,277 06

Bonds, m ortgages and securities...

288,017 00

296,737 00

290,277 00

291,233 50

298,518 50

Prem ium s paid on b o n d s.................
O verdrafts............................................

220 77

105 93

319 43

182 45

384 31

Banking house....................................

22,000 00

22,000 00

22,000 00

22,000 00

22,000 00

F urn itu re and fixtures.....................

5,188 00

5,000 00

5,000 00

5,000 00

5,000 00

Other real estate................................
Due from other banks and bankers
(not reserve cities).......................

1,476 79

Item s in tra n sit.................................

400 00

41 20

U nited States bonds.........................
Due from banks in reserve c itie s ..

62,488 04

60,577 70

73,555 42

76,841 99

Exchanges for clearing h o u s e .. . .

6,675 42

1,472 27

3,413 11

1,417 72

1,416 82

U. S. and National bank cu rren cy .

28,280 00

26,273 00

20,732 00

24,773 00

31,385 00

Gold c o in .............................................

29,375 00

30,687 50

24,122 50

26,635 00

30,575 00

Silver c o in ...........................................

4,012 85

2,202 95

1,698 05

1,859 80

6,257 30

Nickels and c e n ts..............................

824 69

1,116 89

1,398 53

1,081 89

450 34

Checks and cash ite m s....................

14 77

27 17

334 65

57 11

70 02

$853,390 19

$877,077 40

$886,967 78

$911,878 93

$990,998 66

$50,000 00

$50,000 00

$50,000 00

$50,000 00

$50,000 00

35,000 00

35,000 00

35,000 00

35,000 00

40,000 00

13,900 51

5,460 11

11,415 10

15,458 68

6,972 53

T o tals..................
Capital stock paid in .......................
Surplus fu n d ........................................
Undivided profits, less current ex­
penses, interest and taxes p a i d ..

139,146 32

Dividends u n p a id ..............................
Commercial deposits subject to
ch eck .................................................

106,091 48

141,168 90

102,750 05

137,087 70

193,460 88

Commercial certificates of d ep o sit.

239,451 39

242,026 24

241,401 86

200,231 32

149,023 32

4 70

300 00

411,262 40

434,932 51

52,834 13

106,309 42

10,000 00

10,000 00

$911,878 93

$990,998 66

Due to banks and b an k ers...............
Certified checks..................................
Cashier’s checks o u tstan d in g ...........
Savings d ep o sits................................

388,335 02

403,422 15

426,400 77

Savings certificates of dep o sit. . . .
S tate monies on d eposit...................
Notes and bills rediscounted..........

10,000 00
10,611 79

Bills p a y a b le .......................................

10,000 00

T o tals............................................

$853,390 19

Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

10,000 00
$877,077 40

$886,967 78



No. 322.
Organized January 24, 1905.
A r e n d V i s s c h e r , P r e s id e n t ; B . D . K e p p i .e , V ic e P r e s id e n t ; J o h n G. R u t g e r s , C a s h ie r ; H e n r y W i n t e r ,
A s s i s t a n t C a s h ie r ; J o h n H . K l e i n h e k s e l , W m . O. V a n E y c k , A u d ito r s .
D i r e c t o r s .— Arend Visscher, B. D. Keppel, John H. Kleinheksel. D. B. Y utem a, Geo. P. Hum m er,


J. Lokker, Wm. O. Van E yck, Daniel Ten Cate, John G. Rutgers.


R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Nov. 27, ’08. Feb. 5, ’09. April 28, ’09. June 23, ’C9. Sept. 6, ’09.

Loans and discounts.......................

$159,927 94

$170,073 25

$176,316 55

$176,763 76

$176,505 12

Bonds, m ortgages and securities.

27,226 65

27,226 65

26,299 65

26,992 65

26,135 65

Prem ium s paid on b o n d s.............
O verdrafts..........................................

553 29

305 23

82 69

336 12

330 44

Banking house..................................

19,400 00

19,400 00

19,400 00

19,400 00

19,400 00

F u rn itu re and fixtures...................

948 14

948 14

948 14

948 14

971 89

O ther real e state................................
Due from other banks and bankers
(not reserve cities).................

2,000 00

10 00

Item s in tr a n s it.................................
U nited S tates bonds.........................
Due from banks in reserve cities. .

17,942 11

28,690 93

23,383 56

37,590 23

Exchanges for clearing h o u se.........

102 23

29 35

1,068 41

854 00

U. S. and N ational bank currency.

10,975 00

6,536 00

9,328 00

6,331 00

13,346 00

Gold c o in .............................................

1,906 90

2,385 00

3,680 00

4,690 00

3,955 00

Silver coin............................................

1,978 05

2,025 55

1,402 80

1,949 90

2,790 85

Nickels and c en ts..............................

37 37

69 48

121 11

69 53

102 00

Checks and cash ite m s....................

65 71

37 00

5 50

27 92

6 28

$241,063 39

$257,726 58

1,036 41

$275,953 25

$267,476 51

$50,000 00

$50,000 00

Capital stock paid i n . .

22,700 90
1,222 38

$50,000 00

$50,000 00

$50,000 00

Surplus fu n d...................................
Undivided profits, less current ex­
penses, interest and taxes paid

500 00

700 00

700 00

700 00

800 00

2,694 98

279 24

1,776 15

2,275 32

1,080 92

Dividends u n p a id ..........................
Commercial deposits subject to
ch eck .............................................

15 00

30 00

15 00

36,510 03

43,047 93

49,329 94

54,631 74

45,780 07

366 84

300 00

6 00

Commercial certificates of deposit
Due to banks and b an k ers.............
Certified checks................................

22 84

Cashier’s checks o u tstanding..........
Savings d ep o sits................................

103,658 80

115,436 59

114,697 30

116,178 53

117,850 19

Savings certificates of deposit........

47,661 74

48,232 82

47,518 02

51,800 82

51,659 33

$241,063 39

$257,726 '58

,036 41

$275,953 25

$267,476 51

Notes and bills rediscounted...........
Bills p a y a b le .......................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



No. 262.
Organized July 17, 1902.
H. L e e W e i g h t ,

P r e s id e n t ; J o h n

W. P a t t e r s o n ,

V ic e P r e s id e n t ;

C. J. C u m m in g s ,

C a s h ie r .

D i r e c t o r s .— John Lane, John W. P atterson, Jam es S. Mitchell, H. Lee W right, C. J. Cummings


R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Nov. 27, ’08. Feb. 5, ’09. April 28, ’09. June 23, ’09. Sept. 1, ’09.

Loans and discounts.........................

$68,169 92

$65,592 70

$64,389 82

$70,655 79

$73,-922 96

Bonds, m ortgages and se c u ritie s..

37,880 32

37,892 76

36,198 12

38,769 58

44,460 58

Prem ium s paid on b o n d s...............
O verdrafts............................................

282 01

800 46

16 31

394 08

141 43

B anking house..................................

2,600 00

2,600 00

2,600 00

2,600 00

2,600 00

F u rn itu re and fixtures.....................

3,000 00

3,000 00

3,000 00

3,000 00

3,000 00

Other real e sta te ................................
Due from other banks and bankers
(not reserve cities).......................

1,353 87

3,072 42

4,679 99

3,161 64

1,917 85

Item s in tra n sit..................................

2,154 00

1,849 40

2,312 41

1,984 55

2,543 50

11,904 34

13,775 98

22,121 21

19,847 03

13,661 30

United States bonds.........................
Due from banks in reserve cities. .
Exchanges for clearing h o u se .........
U. S. and N ational bank cu rren cy .

5,712 00

5,408 00

6,290 00

6,863 00

4,881 00

Gold co in .............................................

920 00

745 00

975 00

1,007 50

1,020 00

Silver coin............................................

344 10

644 65

185 70

224 00

258 25

Nickels and c en ts.......................

112 88

81 22

56 68

70 76

Checks and cash ite m s ....................
T o tals..........................................
Capital stock paid in .......................

22 99
106 00

$134,433 44

$135,462 59

$142,825 24

$148,577 93

$148,535 86

$20,000 00

$20,000 00

$20,000 00

$20,000 00

$20,000 00

Surplus fu n d ......................................
U ndivided profits, less current ex­
penses, interest and taxes paid. .

600 00

1,000 00

1,000 00

1,000 00

1,250 00

1,819 08

2,121 30

1,965 17

2,312 67

1,509 41

Dividends u n p a id ..............................
Commercial deposits subject to
ch eck .................................................

16,775 09

19,756 06

19,518 44

19,571 70

17,852 39

Commercial certificates of deposit.
Due to banks and b an k ers...............
Certified checks..................................
Cashier’s checks outstanding...........
Savings d ep o sits................................

66,427 55

64,429 75

68,006 62

69,584 85

71,886 89

Savings certificates of dep o sit........

28,811 72

28,155 48

32,335 01

36,108 71

36,037 17

$134,433 44

$135,462 59

$142,825 24

$148,577 93

$148,535 86

Notes and bills rediscounted...........
Bills p a v a b le .......................................
T o tals............................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



No. 106.
Organized October 27, 1890.
E l i B i r d , P r e s id e n t ; D a r w i n D. H a d l e y , V ic e P r e s id e n t ; C h a r l e s A. W i l s o n , C a s h ie r ;
E m m a S a r g e n t , A s s i s t a n t C a s h ie r .
D i r e c t o r s .— Eli Bird, Charles A. Wilson, D. D. Hadley, H. W. Downing, John W. McKinney,

F. J. B arrett, J. D. Haddon.


R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Nov. 27, ’08. Feb. 5, ’09. April 28, ’09. June 23, ’09. Sept. 1, ’09.

Loans and discounts.........................

$134,588 25

$138,262 61

$161,967 38

$168,879 18

$179,825 57

Bonds, m ortgages and se c u ritie s...

228,624 75

241,614 10

237,299 10

241,379 10

248,329 10

3,254 98

Prem ium s paid on b o nds.................
O verdrafts............................................

2,439 89

687 20

1,794 79

1,305 65

Banking house....................................

7,500 00

7,500 00

7,500 00

7,500 00

7,500 00

F u rn itu re and fixtures.....................

1,000 00

1,000 00

1,000 00

1,000 00

1,000 00

O ther real estate................................
Due from other banks and bankers
(not reserve cities).......................

5,532 36

1,095 65

814 74

1,644 04

Item s in tra n sit..................................

519 87

1,194 54

825 00

U nited States bonds.........................
Due from banks in reserve cities..

58,948 60

48,927 04

62,297 99

63,310 05

47,371 81

Exchanges for clearing house. . . .
U. S. and N ational bank currency.

13,802 00

15,593 00

16,499 00

17,091 00

19,706 00

Gold co in .............................................

3,119 50

3,693 00

4,560 50

2,858 00

3,100 50

Silver co in ...........................................

777 00

1,065 00

1,275 00

1,555 30

1,791 00

Nickels and c e n ts..............................

250 70

250 92

245 33

118 10

280 00

Checks and cash ite m s ....................

49 81

41 07

J6 35

141 14

64 41

T o tals............................................

$457,152 73

$459,729 59

$495,350 18

$507,976 10

$513,048 37

Capital stock paid in .......................

$30,000 00

$30,000 00

$30,000 00

$30,000 00

$30,000 00

30,000 00

30,000 00

30,000 00

30,000 00

30,000 00

9,509 90

9,432 90

12,004 10

14,995 00

12,839 22

255 00

15 00
47,116 43

51,539 85

50,641 15

42,867 86

44,848 43

Surplus fu n d ........................................
U ndivided profits, less current expenses, interest and taxes p a i d ..
Dividends u n p a id ..............................
Commercial 'deposits subject to
ch eck .................................................

54,665 03

41,269 27

Commercial certificates of -deposit.

264 41

251 31

15 00

Due to banks and b an k ers...............

70 68

Certified checks..................................
Cashier’s checks o u tstan d in g ...........
Savings d ep o sits................................

300,211 22

313,358 61

334,995 09

Savings certificates of deposit. . . .

32,502 17

35,162 50

41,219 56

$457,152 73

$459,729 59

$495,350 18

338,573 39

344,633 89

$507,976 10

$513,048 37

Notes and bills rediscounted.........
Bills p a y a b le .......................................
T o tals............................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



No. 432.
Organized June 10, 1909.
B . F. B l a c k , P r e s id e n t ; J o h n Q . R o s s , V ic e P r e s id e n t ; J o h n E . N a s h , C a s h ie r ; H e r m a n O ’C o n n o r ,
A s s i s t a n t C a s h ie r ; R . F. S k e e l s , C. L . H o u s e m a n , H e r m a n O ’C o n n o r , A u d i t o r s .
D i r e c t o r s .— B. F. Black, H erm an O’Connor, S. P. M urphy, John Weiler, John Q. Ross, C. L. House­

m an, R. F. Skeels.


R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Nov. 27, ’08. Feb. 5, ’09. April 28, ’09 June 23, ’09. Sept. 1, ’09.

T,oa,ns and d isc o u n ts... . ...............

$7,844 08

Bonds m ortgages and se c u ritie s..

2,542 71

Prem ium s paid on b o n d s...............
8 23

O verdrafts............................................
Pa/nking house....................................

4,971 27

F urniture and fixtures.....................
Other real estate...............................
Due from other banks and bankers
(not reserve cities). . .
Tferns in tra n sit.................................
U nited States bonds.........................

6,569 4f

Due from banks in reserve c itie s ..
Exchanges for clearing h o u se .........
U. S. and N ational b ank currency.

7,452 06

Gold co in .............................................

160 00

Silver coin............................................

179 35

Nickels and c e n ts..............................

53 28

Checks and cash ite m s ....................

1,166 00
410 68

Expenses, interest and taxes p a id .
T otals............................................

$31,357 03

Capital stock paid in .......................

$18,450 00

Surplus fund
Undivided profits, less current ex­
panses interest and taxes paid. .
Dividends u n p a id ..............................
Commercial deposits subject to
ch eck .
Commercial certificates of d ep o sit.


8,907 92
3,779 11

Due f,o banks and bankers. . .
Certified checks
Cashier’s checks outstanding1. .
Ra,vings d ep o sits.........

220 00

Ravings certificates of deposit. . .
Notes and bills rediscounted
Pills payable
T otals .

Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

$31,357 03


No. 255.
Organized January 27, 1902.
J. C. S n y d e r ,

P r e s i d e n t ; J o h n H o f f m a n , V ic e P r e s i d e n t ; R. D. G a r d n e r
E l b e r t L . A n d r e w s , A s s i s t a n t C a s h ie r .

C a s h ie r '

D i r e c t o r s .— E. J. Fellows, M. C. Fellows, R. E. Goodrich, A. E. H unter, R. D. Gardner John Hoffman

J. C. Snyder.

R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Nov. 27, ’08. Feb. 5, ’09. April 28, ’09. June 23, ’09. Sept. 1, ’09.


Loans and discounts....................
Bonds, m ortgages and se c u ritie s...

$114,433 09

$133,870 32

$122,142 11

$122,476 98

$134,421 83

85,770 47

87,039 87

78,415 24

75,715 24

76,601 75

Prem ium s paid on b o n d s.................
O verdrafts................................

2,593 94

1,537 45

2,861 55

2,694 34

4,645 34

Banking house...................

3,500 00

3,500 00

3,500 00

3,500 00

7,100 16

F u rn itu re and fixtures.....................

1,000 00

1,000 00

2,150 00

2,186 00

2,228 72

Other real e sta te .................
Due from other banks and bankers
(not reserve cities).....................

4,831 28

6,584 14

6,559 51

6,864 74

3,500 00

45,923 36

32,798 87

24,588 55

19,327 08

16,730 94

U. S. and N ational bank currency.

8,532 00

10,583 00

9,991 00

9,784 00

8,315 00

Gold co in ...........................................

6,130 00

6,325 00

6,410 00

6,895 00

6,855 00

Silver c o in ............................

735 70

895 80

411 85

1,134 10

1,082 85

Nickels and c e n ts..........................

244 17

321 46

236 43

298 90

312 52

Checks and cash ite m s ..................

372 22

143 24

697 83

753 22

508 19

$274,066 23

$284,599 15

$257,964 07

$251,629 60

$262,302 30

$20,000 00

$20,000 00

$20,000 00

$20,000 00

$20,000 00

4,000 00

4,000 00

4,000 00

4,000 00

4,000 00

4,358 19

4,388 07

4,438 51

4,324 97

4,859 92

Item s in tra n sit................................
United States bonds.........................
Due from banks in reserve cities. .
Exchanges for clearing house. . . .

T o tals.....................
Capital stock paid in .......................
Surplus fu n d .......................
U ndivided profits, less current ex­
penses, interest and taxes p a id . .
Dividends u n p a id .................
Commercial deposits subject
ch eck .....................................


Commercial certificates of d ep o sit.

64,369 33

74,874 02

61,614 62

44,610 61

50,023 31

121,299 07

118,609 31

103,778 27

110,076 42

114,913 03

59,989 64

62,727 75

64,132 67

68,617 60

68,506 04

$274,066 23

$284,599 15

$257,964 07

$251,629 60

$262,302 30

Due to banks and b an k ers...............
Certified checks..................................

50 00

Cashier’s checks o u tstan d in g ...........
Savings d ep o sits....................
Savings certificates of dep o sit. . . .
Notes and bills red isco u n ted .. . ..
Bills p a y a b le ........................
T o tals..................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



No. 353.
Organized September 20, 1906.
D . B. K

i d d e r , P r e s id e n t ;

C. H. F u r b e r ,

V ic e P r e s id e n t ;

R. C. F u r b e r ,

C a s h ie r .

D i r e c t o r s .— D . B. Kidder, C. H. Furber, R. C. Furber, Mary A. Furber, Alice E. Kidder.


R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Nov. 27, ’08. Feb. 5, ’09. April 28, ’09. June 23, ’09. Sept. 1, '09.

Loans and discounts.........................

$61,976 28

$59,025 49

$73,375 36

$68,097 85

$70,814 05

Bonds, m ortgages and se cu rities...

53,304 33

53,304 33

60,269 33

59,244 33

58,869 33

26 18

191 43

B anking house....................................

2,200 00


2,200 00

2,200 00

2,200 00

F u rn itu re and fixtures.....................

1,900 00

1,900 00

1,900 00

1,900 00

1,900 00

18,148 57

20,572 88

16,609 95

24,782 30

16,200 58

Prem ium s paid on b o n d s.................
O verdrafts............................................

Other real e sta te ................................
Due from other banks and bankers
(not reserve cities).......................
Item s in tra n sit.................................
United States bonds.........................
Due from banks in reserve c itie s ..
Exchanges for clearing h o u s e .. . .
U. S. and N ational bank cu rre n cy .

3,744 00

2,954 00

3,965 00

5,256 00

5,340 00

Gold c o in .............................................

2,875 00

2,980 00

2,530 00

2,715 00

2,355 00

Silver c o in ...........................................

425 35

534 60

732 15

701 80

377 70

Nickels and c e n ts..............................

131 53

125 27

187 45

158 68

95 23

T o tals....................................

$144,705 06

$143,596 57

$161,769 24

$165,082 14

$158,343 32

Capital stock paid in .......................

$20,000 00

$20,000 00

Checks and cash ite m s ....................

$20,000 00

$20,000 00

$20,000 00

Surplus fu n d ....................
Undivided profits, less current ex­
penses, interest and taxes paid. .

300 00

600 00

600 00

600 00

600 00

3,258 61

563 31

1,431 15

1,903 15

2,374 45

Dividends u n p a id ..............................
Commercial deposits subject to
ch eck ............................

21,332 47

21,599 32

18,691 52

24,174 67

19,844 28

Commercial certificates of d ep o sit.

12,817 00

6,247 10

11,046 05

7,744 76

7,550 76

86,996 98

94,586 84

110,000 52

110,659 56

107,973 83

$144,705 06

$143,596 57

$161,769 24

$165,082 14

$158,343 32

Due to banks and b an k ers...............
Certified checks..................................
Cashier’s checks o u tstan d in g ...........
Savings d ep o sits................................
Savings certificates of dep o sit. . . .
Notes and bills red iscounted........
Bills p a y a b le .......................................
T o tals.................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis


No. 109.
Organized January 12, 1891.
W. P. V a n W i n k l e ,

P r e s i d e n t ; A s a V a n K l e e c k , V ic e P r e s id e n t ;
L. Pi. M a n n i n g , A s s i s t a n t C a s h ie r .

A. L. S m i t h ,

C a s h ie r ;

D i r e c t o r s .— W. P. Van Winkle, Asa Van Kleeck, John R yan, Charles A. Goodnow, George Barnes

F rank O. B urt, A rthur Garland.


R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Nov. 27, ’08. Feb. 5, ’09. April 28, ’09. June 23, ’09. Sept. 1, ’09.

Loans and discounts.........................

$73,139 77

$70,498 15

$59,678 55

$63,554 93

$65,588 57

Bonds, m ortgages and se cu rities...

88,479 34

94,813 40

105,220 18

110,184 41

110,910 18

Prem ium s paid on b o n d s.................
O verdrafts.............................................

1,294 62

655 80

1,232 30

405 79

877 17

Banking house....................................

4,439 32

4,439 32

4,439 32

4,439 32

4,439 32

F u rn itu re and fixtures.....................

2,368 41

2,368 41

2,368 41

2,368 41

2,368 41

O ther real e state................................
Due from other banks and bankers
(not reserve cities).......................

1,500 00

1,000 00

1,000 00

1,000 00

1,000 00

Item s in tra n sit..................................

414 00

2,257 15

8 00

5,750 00

U nited States bonds.........................

3,000 00

3,000 00

3,000 00

3,000 00

3,000 00

Due from banks in reserve cities..

35,625 33

44,310 80

36,504 81

30,987 27

15,225 52

U. S. and N ational b ank currency .

13,1,01 00

8,139 00

11,886 00

12,338 00

12,147 00

Gold c o in .............................................

3,060 00

4,190 00

2,635 00

3,390 00

4,040 00

Silver c o in ...........................................

2,128 35

2,533 10

2,523 75

2,453 00

1,363 15

Nickels and c en ts..............................

275 69

439 99

486 63

585 13

635 24

Checks and cash ite m s...........

511 52

473 98

340 79

1,674 06

505 44

T o tals............................................

$229,337 35

$239,119 10

$231,315 74

$236,388 32

$227,850 00

Capital stock paid in .......................

$40,400 00

$40,400 00

$40,400 00

$40,400 00

$40,400 00

2,650 00

3,150 00

3,150 00

3,150 00

3,150 00

4,316 21

2,522 05

3,433 53

2,743 20

3,813 36

59,900 23

65,336 30

46,754 10

46,370 40

35,132 31

Savings d ep o sits................................

35,629 46

36,307 66

36,889 11

38,392 98

40,646 39

Savings certificates of dep o sit. . . .

86,441 45

91,131 09

100,689 00

105,331 74

104,707 94

$229,337 35

$239,119 10

$231,315 74

$236,388 32

$227,850 00

Exchanges for clearing house. . . .

Surplus fu n d ........*...............
Undivided profits, less current ex­
penses, interest and taxes p a i d ..
Dividends u n p a id ..............................
Commercial deposits subject to
ch eck .................................................
Commercial certificates of d ep o sit.
Due to banks and b an k ers...............
Certified checks..................................
Cashier’s checks o u tstan d in g ...........

272 00

Notes and bills rediscounted.........
Bills p a y a b le .......................................
T o tals............................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



No. 140.
Organized August 27, 1892.
S t e p h e n A . E a t o n , P r e s id e n t ; D a v id J. B e a c h b o a r d , V ic e P r e s id e n t ; B y r o n J. F o s t e r , C a s h i e r .
D i r e c t o r s .— Stephen A. E aton, Jam es B. Thorn, David J

Beachboard, H. V. C. H art, E dw in J.
Southworth, Byron J. Foster, Edw ard Frensdorf.


R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Nov. 27, ’08. Feb. 5, ’09. April 28, ’09. June 23, ’09. Sept. 1, ’09.

Loans and discounts.........................

$186,591 97

$199,671 18

$201,973 52

$193,768 55

$206,480 49

Bonds, m ortgages and securities..

245,453 15

249,617 82

252,071 82

259,788 82

267,388 82

Prem ium s paid on b o n d s...............

215 00

475 82

475 82

475 82

475 82

O verdrafts............................................

1,280 91

2,260 07

13 44

242 37

2,286 64

Banking house....................................

8,000 00

8,000 00

8,000 00

8,000 00

8,000 00

F u rn itu re and fixtures.....................

209 04

O ther real e state................................
Due from other banks and bankers
(not reserve cities).......................

186 86

198 06

198 06

198 06

198 06

80 00

1,157 68

1,230 01

41,367 29

39,602 32

48,005 47

48,099 67

Item s in tra n sit..................................
U nited S tates bonds.........................
Due from banks in reserve c itie s ..

60,291 64

Exchanges for clearing h o u se .........

24 00

U. S. and N ational bank currency.

11,391 00

8,707 00

15,249 00

12,140 00

11,020 00

15,088 00
i11,060 00

13,864 00

Gold co in .............................................

11,140 00

11,045 00

Silver coin............................................

1,646 30


851 00

1,365 50

2,122 80

Nickels and c e n ts..............................

93 99

136 28

109 98

66 88

86 84

Checks and cash ite m s....................

9 52

14 58

60 96

47 26

83 02

T o tals............................................

$527,533 38

$522,420 95

$529,584 92

$538,120 41

$562,746 17

Capital stock paid in .......................

$75,000 00

$75,000 00

$75,000 00

$75,000 00

$75,000 00

25,000 00

25,000 00

25,000 00

25,000 00

25,000 00

30,592 08

27,589 43

33,336 76

30,029 55

32,394 17

Dividends u n p a id ..............................
Commercial ‘deposits subject to
ch eck .................................................

50,008 82

52,601 15

56,631 99

61,754 82

59,726 50

Commercial certificates of d ep o sit.

6,776 65

5,808 86

1,776 67

2,118 78

3,686 69

339,555 83

336,421 51

337,839 50

344,217 26

366,938 81

$527,533 38

$522,420 95

$529,584 92

$538,120 41

$562,746 17

Surplus fu n d ........................................
Undivided profits, less current ex­
penses, interest and taxes paid. .

Due to banks and b an k ers...............
Certified checks..................................
Cashier’s checks outstanding...........
Savings d ep o sits................................
Savings certificates of deposit.........
Notes and bills rediscounted...........
Bills p a y a b le .......................................
T o tals............................................

Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis


No. 143.
Organized October 22, 1892.
W. B. T h o m p s o n ,

P r e s id e n t ;

G. I. T h o m p s o n ,

V ic e P r e s id e n t ;

C. C. W h i t n e y ,

C a s h ie r :

D i r e c t o r s .— W. B. Thompson, Fred S. Vedder, R. W. Thompson, G. I. Thompson, C. C. W hitney.


R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Nov. 27, ’08. Feb. 5, ’09. April 28, '09. June 23, ’C9. Sept. 1, ’09.

Loans and discounts.........................

$302,655 31

$313,170 46

$313,297 09

$327,394 26

$331,544 41

Bonds, m ortgages and securities. .

374,930 03

383,311 31

387,075 36

379,851 36

383,187 36

Prem ium s paid on b o n d s...............
O verdrafts............................................

3,591 15

1,606 60

1,738 82

335 59

3,144 43

Banking house....................................

7,500 00

7,500 00

7,500 00

7,500 00

7.500 00

F u rnitu re and fixtures.....................

5,550 00

5,550 00

5,550 00

5,550 00

5.500 00

Other real e sta te ................................
Due from other banks and bankers
(not reserve cities)........................


Item s in tra n sit.................................

295 00

445 00

5,238 71

2,329 68

2,282 07

U nited States bonds.........................

49,900 00

49,900 00

49,900 00

49,900 00

49,900 00

Due from banks in reserve c itie s ..

79,958 45

55,198 75

75,849 81

83,026 88

78,934 21

U. S. and N ational bank currency.

28,082 00

25,825 00

30,604 00

22,299 00

30,048 00

Gold c o in .............................................

10,250 00

10,150 00

10,220 00

10,595 00

10,030 00

Silver coin.......................................... ,

1,912 35

2,042 05

622 35

2,183 30

2,972 00

Nickels and c e n ts..............................

81 50

131 72

94 48

80 45

34 50

Checks and cash ite m s ....................

362 17

679 69

316 14

225 66

205 72

T o tals............................................

$865,067 96

$855,510 58

$888,006 76

$891,271 18

$905,282 70

Capital stock paid in .......................

$100,000 00

$100,000 00

$100,000 00

$100,000 00

$100,000 00

20,000 00

20,000 00

20,000 00

20,000 00

20,000 00

12,860 08

4,769 39

14,725 54

10,262 84

6,432 26

Dividends u n p a id ..............................
Commercial deposits subject to
ch eck .................................................

85,332 26

85,230 40

87,386 38

91,294 75

83,983 84

Commercial certificates of deposit.

3,616 10

2,281 48

2,591 94

1,818 15

3,326 39

114 79

473 99

643,259 52

643,114 52

662,828 90

667,895 44

691,540 21

$865,067 96

$855,510 58

$888,006 76

$891,271 18

$905,282 70

Exchanges for clearing h o u se .........

Surplus fu n d .......................................
Undivided profits, less current ex­
penses, interest and taxes p a id ..

Due to banks and b an k ers...............
Certified checks..................................
Cashier’s checks outstan ding...........
Savings d ep o sits................................
Savings certificates of d ep o sit........
N otes and bills rediscounted...........
Bills p a v a b le .......................................
T o tals............................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



No. 24.
Organized January 26, 1886.
J o h n B o r l a n d , P r e s id e n t ; W a l t e r W a l k e r , V ic e P r e s id e n t ; J o h n B o r l a n d , J r ., C a s h ie r ;
W i l l B o r l a n d , A s s i s t a n t C a s h ie r .
D i r e c t o r s .— John Borland, W alter W alker, John Borland, Jr., E. E. Palm er, Will Borland.


R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Nov. 27, ’08. Feb. 5, ’09. April 28, ’09. June 23, ’09. Sept. 1, ’09.

Loans and discounts.........................

1135,371 39

$137,022 47

$143,166 51

$150,952 89

$147,527 91

Bonds, m ortgages and securities...

415,164 78

423,931 43

427,202 47

432,097 72

436,556 54

Prem ium s paid on b o n d s.................
O verdrafts..........................................

2,628 52

713 38

780 32

3,500 10

3,911 31

Banking house....................................

4.900 00

4.900 00

4.900 00

4.900 00

4.900 00

F u rn itu re and fixtures.....................

1.900 00

1.900 00

1.900 00

1.900 00

1.900 00

O ther real e sta te ................................
Due from, other banks and bankers
(not reserve cities).......................

253 77

Item s in tra n sit.................................
United S tates bonds.........................
Due from banks in reserve c itie s ..

61,917 23

61,272 75

76,607 57

52,273 31

69,514 06

Exchanges for clearing house. . . .
U. S. and N ational bank c u rre n cy .

23,295 00

23,264 00

26,313 00

27,590 00

19,920 00

Gold co in .............................................

2,630 00

3,265 00

2,760 00

2,945 00

2,507 50

Silver c o in ...........................................

1,850 00

1,752 00

859 00

812 00

921 00

Nickels and c e n ts..............................

67 36

185 71

145 76

110 70

120 03

Checks and cash ite m s....................

2,881 33

7,329 81

1,075 32

5,109 29

3,990 23

T o tals............................................

$652,605 61

$665,536 55

$685,709 95

$682,191 01

$692,022 35

Capital stock paid in .......................

$50,000 00

$50,000 00

$50,000 00

$50,000 00

$50,000 00

10,000 00

10,000 00

10,000 00

10,000 00

10,000 00

11,331 08

4,116 38

12,913 15

8,732 22

3,663 34

Dividends u n p a id ..............................
Commercial deposits subject to
ch eck .................................................

29,584 06

41,086 16

39,968 48

25,646 09

37,117 02

Commercial certificates of d ep o sit.

2,182 32

2,155 30

1,202 12

590 00

2,103 83

Savings d ep o sits..................'.............

446,556 84

457,566 46

466,553 94

480,356 68

486,080 49

Savings certificates of deposit. . . .

102,951 31

100,612 25

105,072 26

106,866 02

103,057 07

$652,605 61

$665,536 55

$685,709 95

$682,191 01

$692,022 35

Surplus fu n d ........................................
U ndivided profits, less current ex­
penses, interest and taxes p a id . .

Due to banks and b an k ers...............
Certified checks..................................
Cashier’s checks o u tstanding...........

Notes and bills rediscounted........
Bills p a y a b le .......................................
T o tals............................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



No. 191.
Organized December 8. 1896.
O. S. T o w e r ,

P r e s id e n t; T .

A. J. H

B. P r e s t o n ,

e m in g w a y ,

V ic e P r e s id e n t ; W. B. H e a t h , C a s h ie r ;
A l e x . R o b e r t s o n , A s s i s t a n t C a s h ie r s .

D i r e c t o r s .— O. S. Tower, J. E. Morrison, T. B. Preston, Geo. Gundrum , K. R. Sm ith, A. M. Welch:

W. B. Heath.


R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Nov. 27, ’08. Feb. 5, ’09. April 28, ’09. June 23, ’09. Sept. 1, ’09.

Loans and discounts.........................

«581,048 89

«589,525 55

«584,864 78

«566,257 85

«575,347 51

Bonds, m ortgages and securities...

358,898 57

365,255 57

365,270 42

368,630 82

374,045 93

O verdrafts............................................

5,900 66

3,882 89

3,014 21

8,312 29

6,965 54

Banking house....................................

7,000 00

7,000 00

7,000 00

7,000 00

28,000 00

F u rn itu re and fixtures.....................

2,500 00

2.500 00

2,500 00

2,500 00

2,500 00

O ther real e sta te ................................
Due from other banks and bankers
(not reserve pities).......................

1,669 70

1,669 70

1,669 70

1,669 70

285 00

3.501 16

Prem ium s paid on bonds. . .

2,205 85

2,418 79

88,992 59

Item s in tra n sit.................................
rTnifed S tates bonds.........................
Due from banks in reserve cities..

106,666 64

109,675 09

139,538 59

128,620 43

E xchanges for clearing h o u s e .. . .

4,565 87

987 59

3,574 12

4,171 63

3,723 64

U. S. and N ational bank currency.

34,425 00

28,953 00

32,322 00

35,757 00

29,238 00

Gold co in .............................................

22,360 00

23,980 00

24,120 00

24,820 00

24,870 00

Silver c o in ...........................................

3,306 50

4,552 20

3,106 00

2,567 75

2,853 30

Nickels and c e n ts..............................

241 91

414 37

235 53

336 40

260 23

T o ta ls............................................ $1,128,868 74 $1,141,897 12 $1,167,215 35 $1,152,849 72

$1,139,215 53

Checks and pash ite m s.........

Capital stoek paid in .......................

«100,000 00

$100,000 00

«100,000 00

$100,000 00

$100,000 00

Surplus fu n d ........................................
Undivided profits, less current ex­
penses, interest and taxes paid. .

30,000 00

35,000 00

35,000 00

35,000 00

40,000 00

9,821 77

2,644 44

8,686 93

11,573 71

4,333 17

Dividends u n p a id ..............................
Commercial deposits subject to
ch eck .................................................

37 50

159 50

55 50

31 50

25 50

245,305 44

294,006 49

286,090 46

252,798 73

227,177 81
1,206 40

Commercial certificates of d e p o sit.
P i ip

fo hanks and bankers . .

200 00
5,000 00

5,000 00

241,592 01

245,841 63

244,490 92

495,590 45

502,604 15

516,981 73

T o tals............................................ $1,128,868 74 «1,141,897 12 «1,167,215 35 «1,152,849 72

«1,139,215 53

Certified phepks..................................

10,000 00

Savings d ep o sits................................

249,932 57

240,117 94

Savings certificates of dep o sit. . . .

483,771 46

469,968 75

Notes and bills redisponnted . .
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



No. 135. .
Organized March 7, 1892.
O . C. D a v id s o n , P r e s id e n t ; J. F. H a n c o c k , V ic e P r e s id e n t ; O l i v e r E v a n s , C a s h ie r ;
W. W. T h o m p s o n , A s s i s t a n t C a s h ie r .
D i r e c t o r s . — O . C. Davidson, H. M. Pelham , A . F. W right, J. F. Hancock, M. Corry, William Kelly,

P atrick Flanagan, Oliver Evans, John Marsh.


R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Nov. 27, '08. Feb. 5, ’09. April 28, ’09. June 23, ’09. Sept. 1, ’09.

Loans and discounts.......................

$379,102 39

$426,404 14

$470,413 73

$492,839 92

$463,777 11

Bonds, m ortgages and securities.

184,501 80

180,635 80

194,952 07

224,258 17

225,611 17

605 80

1,042 41

225 37

812 22

159 24

O ther real estate...........................
Due from other banks and bankers
(not reserve cities)...................

3,267 27

1,150 33

1,549 88

2,187 91

1,879 45

Item s in tra n sit.................................

1,821 70

1,430 35

1,486 12

1,786 46

586 91

113,666 77

109,457 33

104,594 32

82,974 58

,401 25

U. S. and N ational bank currency

16,500 00

29,300 00

38,522 00

28,000 00

28,520 00

Gold c o in ......................................... ..

19,000 00

19,700 00

13,650 00

9,000 00

13,700 00

Silver coin...........................: ............

2,700 00

2,700 00

1,126 70

1,700 00

1,850 00

Nickels and c e n ts............................

384 29

354 81

153 67

167 90

156 85

Checks and cash ite m s..................

1,036 30

645 66

1,073 17

584 88

579 68

$722,586 32

$772,820 83

,747 03

$844,312 04

$776,221 66

$100,000 00

$100,000 00

$ 100,000 00

$100,000 00

$100,000 00

30,000 00

30,000 00

30,000 00

30,000 00

30,000 00

28,042 64

21,595 58

28,380 05

27,538 47

25,112 73

85 00

50 00

50 00

25 00
263,868 80
66,718 41

Prem ium s paid on b o n d s.............
O verdrafts..........................................
Banking house..................................
F u rn itu re and fixtures...................

United S tates bonds.......................
Due from banks in reserve cities.
Exchanges for clearing h o u se . . . .

T otals.
Capital stock paid in.
Surplus fu n d .................................
Undivided profits, less current ex­
penses, interest and taxes p a id . .
Dividends u n p a id ..............................
Commercial deposits subject to
ch eck .................................................

258,222 71

303,687 54

331,591 52

332,152 15

Commercial certificates of deposit

56,513 99

56,094 08

56,472 67

66,007 48

Due to banks and b ankers.............

624 05

991 98

249,182 93

260,366 65

2,080 11

Certified checks................................
Cashier’s checks o u tstanding........
Savings d ep o sits..............................

271,252 79

283,563 94

283,416 61

10,000 00

5,000 00

5,000 00

,747 03

$844,312 04

$776,221 66

Savings certificates of deposit. . . .
S tate monies on d e p o sit...............
Notes and bills rediscounted.........
Bills p a y a b le .....................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

$722,586 32

$772,820 83



No. 12.
Organized October 27, 1887.
T h o s . W a l t e r s , P r e s id e n t ; G e o . F . T h o n e y , V ic e P r e s i d e n t ; J. G . W e l s h , C a s h i e r •
P e t e r H a n d b e r g , A s s i s t a n t C a s h ie r ; T. H. B a r g h , A u d i t o r .
D ir e c t o r s .

Thos. W alters, O tto Eger, Joseph Mitchell, Geo. F. Thoney, H erm an Jaedecke, Thom as
W. Hughes, Thomas H. Bargh, H. F. Heyn, Lars Hoyseth, J. G. Welsh.

R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Nov. 27, ’08. Feb. 5, ’09. April 28, ’09. June 23, ’09. Sept. 1, ’09.

Loans and discounts.........................

$384,678 85

$370,296 89

$372,844 01

$387,509 41

$377,635 45

Bonds, m ortgages and securities..

98,389 83

97,275 64

113,902 24

118,498 81

121,224 93

Prem ium s paid on b o n d s...............
O verdrafts............................................

2,538 23

3,048 12

315 59

1,362 81

347 55

Banking house....................................

15,000 00

15,000 00

15,000 00

15,000 00

15,000 00

F u rn itu re and fixtures.....................

1,400 00

1,400 00

1,400 00

1,400 00

1,400 00

O ther real estate................................
Due from other banks and bankers
(not reserve cities).......................

1,688 36

3,105 20

668 84

198 51

200 82

Item s in tra n sit..................................

3,136 66

17,108 52

4,793 54

11,853 83

2,708 59

37,932 20

23,930 08

37,543 68

55,456 35

47,827 00

U. S. and N ational b ank currency.

16,871 00

15,801 00

$2,066 00

31,540 00

28,897 00

Gold c o in .............................................

10,105 00

9,627 50

12,005 00

8,590 00

8,525 00

Silver coin............................................

1,575 00

3,290 00

3,677 45

2,315 00

4,000 00

Nickels and c e n ts..............................

545 75

553 90

521 93

441 98

232 51

18,397 59

13,736 21

1,809 02

12,212 47

12,366 27

T o tals............................................

$592,258 47

$574,173 06

$586,547 30

$646,379 17

$620,365 12

Capital stock paid in .......................

$50,000 00

$50,000 00

U nited States bonds.........................
Due from banks in reserve cities..
Exchanges for clearing h o u se .........

Checks and cash ite m s ..................


$50,000 00

$50,000 00

$50,000 00

Surplus fu n d .......................................
U ndivided profits, less current ex­
penses, interest and taxes p a id ..

40,000 00

40,000 00

40,000 00

40,000 00

40,000 00

20,664 54

18,690 39

19,959 81

18,240 02

21,883 64

Dividends u n p a id ..............................
Commercial deposits subject to
ch e c k .................................................

160,689 96

144,349 87

151,359 74

203,608 67

174,348 30

555 00

219 30

475 00

450 00

1,553 58

6,187 20

635 48

3,287 74

853 88

319,350 39

314,390 60

324,372 97

330,767 74

332,829 30

$592,258 47

$574,173 06

$586,547 30

$646,379 17

$620,365 12

Commercial certificates of d e p o sit.
Due to banks and b an k ers...............
Certified checks..................................
Cashier’s checks outstanding...........
Savings d ep o sits................................
Savings certificates of dep o sit........
Notes and bills rediscounted...........
Bills p a y a b le .......................................
T o tals............................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



No. 264.
Organized July 26, 1902.
J a m e s B. C r a w f o r d , P r e s id e n t ; H e n r y E. L e w i s , V ic e P r e s id e n t ; H. J. C r a w f o r d , C a s h ie r ;
L y n n T . M i l l e r , A s s i s t a n t C a s h ie r .
D i r e c t o r s .— Jam es B. Crawford, F rank W. Brown, W illard M. Weller, Charles E. W ebster, H enry


Lewis, F rank H. Horr, I. N. Monfort, Chas. P. Yost, J. N. McCall, M arvin R. Salter, Jas. P. Gibbs.

R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Nov. 27, ’08. Feb. 5, '09. April 28, ’09. June 23, ’09. Sept. 1, ’09.
161,502 83

$58,977 52

$65,313 87

$65,450 30

$67,460 83

43,849 00

46,242 75

38,182 75

41,872 45

28,241 20


30 62

62 14

648 84

220 43

F u rn itu re and fixtures.....................

2,500 00

2,000 00

2,000 00

2 ,0 0 0 00

2,000 00

O ther real e state...........................
Due from other banks and bankers
(not reserve cities).......................

1,900 00

750 00

750 00

750 00

2,250 00

5,125 99

4,824 60

1,818 21

3,024 37

2,709 96

25,237 78

23,025 30

27,153 86

8,600 22


414 79

3,469 13

656 41
3,050 00

Loans and discounts.........................
Bonds, m ortgages and secu rities..
Prem ium s paid on bonds.................
O verdrafts............................. ..............
Banking house....................................

Item s in tra n sit.................................
United States bonds
Due from banks in reserve cities. .
Exchanges for clearing house........
[). S. and N ational bank currency .

8,281 00

3,393 00

4,411 00

3,409 00

Gold coin..............................................

705 00

2,650 00

1,015 00

1,585 00

1,650 00

Silver coin............................................

1,200 90

1,990 90

1,109 40

1,764 50

2,115 75

Nickels and c e n ts..............................

21 21

43 90

21 64

Checks and cash ite m s.....................
Capital stock paid in.
Undivided profits, less current ex­
penses, interest and taxes paid
Dividends u n p a id ..............................
Commercial deposits subject to
ch eck .................................................

21 97

48 10

1,008 84

1,099 46

$151,496 83

$147,397 72

$143,154 28

J,135 49

$117,746 21

$30,000 00

30,000 00

30,000 00

$30,000 00

30,000 00

6,000 00

6,000 00

6,000 00

6 ,000 00

6,000 00

1,744 28

736 50

1,527 08

1,940 60

382 52

47,209 98

45,709 26

41,887 83

32,773 78

26,740 20

Commercial certificates of deposit
87 38

Due to banks and b ankers...........
Certified checks................................
Cashier’s checks outstanding........
Savings dep o sits..............................

12,235 99

12,527 92

12,959 51

13,724 46

14,489 56

Savings certificates of deposit. . . .

54,306 58

52,424 04

50,779 86

45,609 27

40,133 93

$151,496 83

$147,397 72

$143,154 28

3,135 49

$117,746 21

Notes and bills rediscounted........
Bills p a y ab le.............................. i ..
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



No. 150.
Organized January 16, 1893.
W m . F. T h o m p s o n , P r e s i d e n t ; J. L e e P o t t s , V ic e P r e s id e n t ; C. A . P r i c e , C a s h ie r ;
R. A . B a r b e r , A s s i s t a n t C a s h ie r .
D i r e c t o r s .— W. F. Thompson, J. B. Crawford. W. M. Weller, J. Lee P otts, John C. Hicks,


H. Horr, F. H. McKay, F. Kellogg, C, A. Price.


R eport of
R eport of 1 R e p o rt of
R eport of
R eport of
Nov. 27, ’08. Feb. 5, ’09. April 28, ’09. June 23, ’09. Sept. 1, ’09.

Loans and discounts.........................

$125,726 57

$113,797 85

$113,786 42

$95,857 32

$110,124 62

Bonds, m ortgages and se cu rities.. .

173,279 25

177,838 00

187,724 00

211,388 91

219,365 91

Prem ium s paid on b o n d s...............
O verdrafts............................................

76 89

1,065 51

263 22

423 95


B anking house....................................

6,000 00

6,000 00

6,000 00

6,000 00

6,000 00

F u rn itu re and fixtures.....................

4,000 00

4,000 00

4,000 00

4,000 00

4,000 00

3,478 51

2,891 12

61 06

1,833 10

23 08

44,449 29

68,058 98

79,196 75

69,750 60

28,460 41

U. S. and National bank c u rre n cy .

13,716 00

22,779 00

20,594 00

20,601 00

19,142 00

Gold co in .............................................

3,602 50

2,267 50

4,475 00

4,877 50

4,740 00

Silver coin............................................

1,877 30

1,599 00

1,466 60

1,138 00

2,791 00
167 21

Other real estate................................
Due from other banks and bankers
(not reserve cities).........................
Item s in tr a n s it..................................
United S tates b o n d s..........................
Due from banks in reserve c itie s ..
Exchanges for clearing house..........

Nickels and c e n ts..............................

265 06

325 86

326 89

206 74

Checks and cash item s.....................

528 59

1,091 69

474 48

585 54

479 06

T o ta ls............................................

$376,999 96

$401,714 51

$418,368 42

$416,662 66

$395,381 99

Capital stock paid in .........................

$35,000 00

$35,000 00

$35,000 00

$35,000 00

$35,000 00

17,500 00

17,500 00

17,500 00

17,500 00

17,500 00

1,553 81

1,425 20

4,218 17

3,087 18

61 95

38,024 34

60,000 83

58,469 01

50,573 89

44,768 86

Surplus fu n d ........................................
Undivided profits, less current ex­
penses, interest and taxes paid. .
Dividends u n p aid...............................
Commercial deposits subject to
ch eck .................................................
Commercial certificates of d e p o sit.
Due to banks and b an k ers...............
Certified checks...................................
Cashier’s checks o u tstanding...........
Savings deposits..................................

77,262 77

76,388 70

69,756 68

70,032 93

66,966 19

Savings certificates of deposit........

197,659 04

211,399 78

233,424 56

240,468 66

216,084 99

$401,714 51

$418,368 42

$416,662 66

$395,381 99

Notes and bills rediscounted..........
Bills p a y a b le .......................................

10,000 00

T o tals............................................

$376,999 96
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

15,000 00



No. 387.
Organized July 15, 1907.

R. P a g e ,

V ic e P r e s id e n t ; H. C. L o e s e r , S e c o n d V ic e P r e s id e n t ;
C h a r l e s J. H i g g i n s , C a s h ie r ; L . A. W o r c h . A s s i s t a n t C a s h ie r .
P r e s id e n t ;

F. E. P a l m e r ,

D i r e c t o r s — H. R. Page, R ichard Price, Wm. H. Joyce, H. C. Loeser, F. E. Palm er, W. W. W right,

L. R. Welcome, T. B. Taylor, Wesley Sears.


R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Nov. 27, ’08. Feb. 5, ’09. April 28, ’09. June 23, ’09. Sept. 1, ’09.

¿nn.ns and discounts.........................

$195,328 49

$170,424 74

$188,314 13

$219,027 58

$169,594 96

Bonds, m ortgages and securities..

78,420 67

102,708 51

106,397 27

109,489 36

120,597 48

259 70

116 72

2,739 69

Prem ium s paid on hnnds
5,000 00

5,000 00

5,000 00

5,000 00

5,000 00

Tfems in tra n sit.................................

4,542 06

542 00

3,912 10

549 30

142 65

Due from banks in reserve cities. .

29,999 94

33,681 76

19,312 00

12,634 72

37,722 66

Exchanges for clearing house........

1,428 39

4,883 91

2,487 33

2,210 28

3.024 46

U. S. and N ational bank currency.

10,057 00

12,615 00

12,743 00

11,377 00

6.025 00

F urniture and fixtures.....................
Due from other banks and bankers

Gold co in .............................................

165 00

1,417 50

1,927 50

1,415 00

2,405 00

Silver c o i n ..........................................

836 25

1,839 05

1,643 85

1,661 10

1,614 15

Nickels and cents...............................

30 74

267 46

178 97

135 82

115 29

Checks and cash item s.......................

194 92

592 91

T o tals............................................

$326,003 46

$333,972 84

$342,175 85

$363,616 88

$348,981 34

Capital stock paid in .........................

$100,000 00

$100,000 00

$100,000 00

$100,000 00

$100,000 00

25,000 00

25,000 00

25,000 00

25,000 00

25,000 00

448 65

1,354 37

1,820 76

2,425 36

1,155 18

65,908 98

64,166 32

71,775 70

81,599 23

72,574 15

8,033 10

4,481 61

5,237 19

13,048 41

5,503 52

709 33

500 00

8 00

fu n d .......................................
Undivided profits, less current ex­
penses, interest and taxes p a i d ..

S u r p lu s

21 75

deposits subject to

Commercial certificates of d ep o sit.
Due to h^nks and h an k ers...............

190 08

23 76

263 23


504 33

Savin p's dep o sits................................

87,823 87

92,177 57

95,283 77

99,110 47

100,949 52

Savings certificates of deposit........

38,598 78

46,769 21

42,085 87

41,932 51

43,264 89

T o tals............................................

$326,003 46

$333,972 84

$342,175 85

$363,616 88

$348,981 34

Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



No. 177.
Organized January 1, 1865. Reorganized January 1, 1895.
W il l ia m M. T h o m p s o n , P r e s id e n t ; N a t h a n S. P o t t e r , V ic e P r e s id e n t a n d C a s h ie r .
D ir e c t o r s .— Wm. M. Thomason. N. S. P otter, P eter B. Loomis, G. A. M atthews, W. A. Foote,

W alter B. Webb, Richard Waldron, W edworth W. Clarke, Louise T. Danner.

R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Nov. 27, ’08. Feb. 5, ’09. April 28, ’09. June 23, ’09. Sept. 1, ’09

and discounts.........................

$941,170 39

$827,348 95

$883,690 23

$900,695 20

$934,176 60

Bonds, m ortgages and securities..

640,552 57

629,213 41

610,712 57

594,250 45

537,712 95

O verdrafts............................................

11,696 79

30,736 79

62,582 03

10,584 58

9,976 49

Banking house....................................

33.000 00

33.000 00

33.000 00

33.000 00

33.000 00

T ,n a n s

Prem ium s paid on b o nds.................

and fix tu res.....................

15.000 00

15.000 00

15.000 00

15.000 00

15.000 00

O ther real e sta te ...............................
Due from other banks and bankers
(not reserve cities).......................

16,649 85

16,649 85

16,649 85

16,649 85

16,649 85

Item s in tra n s it.................................

35,268 72

27,150 42

30,803 49

20,316 29

38,859 07

470,447 41

F u r n itu r e

United S tates bonds.........................
Due from banks in reserve c itie s ..

101,238 64

130,246 79

139,786 06

392,741 17

Exchanges for clearing house.........

8,049 60

8,340 54

5,692 06

6,982 63

5,743 92

U. S. and N ational b ank currency.

62,750 00

61,548 00

67,639 00

60,888 00

81,575 00

Gold c o in .............................................

45,065 00

48,290 00

47,260 00

51,805 00

46,440 00

Silver coin............................................

8,961 30

6,606 60

10,239 75

8,514 30

9,328 50

Nickels and c e n ts..............................

741 90

619 61

308 53

215 38

367 87

Php.cks and cash ite m s.....................

1,607 37

1,279 15

1,186 52

1,300 94

2,603 57

T o tals............................................ $1,921,752 13 $1,836,030 11 $1,924,550 09 $2,112,943 79

$2,201,881 23

Capital stock paid in .......................
Surplus fu n d .......................................
U ndivided profits, less current ex­
penses, interest and taxes paid. .

$200,000 00

$200,000 00

$200,000 00

$200,000 00

$200,000 00

125,000 00

125,000 00

125,000 00

125,000 00

125,000 00

87,849 11

77,015 55

81,473 49

81,723 37

84,675 64

Dividends u n p a id ..............................
Commercial deposits subject to
check .................................................

532,889 84

443,217 85

496,721 51

661,087 04

773,670 19

Commercial certificates of d ep o sit.

322,587 08

331,222 44

364,951 31

326,971 15

312,899 85

Due to banks and b an k ers.............

1,323 24

1,853 78

1,353 78

1,505 55

1,655 55

Certified checks..................................

10,000 00

10,220 00

1,335 77

6,553 52

3,075 00

642,102 86

647,500 49

653,604 23

710,103 16

700,905 00

T o ta ls............................................ $1,921,752 13 $1,836,030 11 $1,924,550 09 $2,112,943 79

$2,201,881 23

110 00

Cashier’s checks outstanding..........
Savings d ep o sits................................
Savings certificates of dep o sit........
Notes and bills rediscounted..........
Bills p a y a b le ......................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



No. 186.
Organized April 1, 1896.
N a t h a n H. W i l l i a m s , P r e s i d e n t ; C h a s . M. S p i n n i n g , C h a s . E. T o w n s e n d , V ic e P r e s id e n t s ;
F. H. N e w k i r k , C a s h ie r .
D i r e c t o r s .— N ath an H. Williams, Chas. E . Townsend, H. H. Neesley, H. J. Davis, Chas. M. Spinning;

W. M. Palm er, H. C. Collins, P. W. Haefner, A. J Peek.


R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Report, of
R eport of
Nov. 27, ’08. Feb. 5, ’09. April 28, ’09. June 23, ’09. Sept. 1, ’09.

Loans and discounts.........................

$441,100 92

$426,853 42

$501,500 84

$527,671 88

$523,710 93

Bonds, m ortgages and securities. . .

333,555 90

320,346 58

310,605 04

315,921 40

324,135 59

O verdrafts............................................

7,515 90

5,173 90

5,190 77

3,279 82

5,974 75

Banking house....................................

50,000 00

50.000 00

50.000 00

50.000 00

50.000 00

F urniture and fixtures.....................

14,500 00

14.000 00

14.000 00

14.000 00

14.000 00

50,600 49

53,318 81

40,876 78

48,271 17

* 51,992 96

113,283 34

Other real estate.
Due from other banks and bankers
Item s in tr a n s it..................................
United States bonds .
Due from banks in reserve cities..

71,918 21

147,272 53

141,712 02

120,549 03

Exchanges for clearing house..........

6,303 57

3,741 31

9,695 87

5,613 96

6,510 77

U. S. and N ational bank currency.

63,636 00

64,827 00

47,231 00

70,624 00

55,703 00

Gold c o in .............................................

8,520 00

115 00

772 50

2,350 00

4,502 50

Silver coin............................................

5,006 30

5,132 80

7,292 70

3,998 80

8,916 50

Nickels and c e n ts..............................

785 23

1,234 20

930 77

334 53

688 43

Checks and cash ite m s.....................

319 13

360 79

356 70

362 39

403 34

T o tals............................................ $1,053,761 65 $1,092,376 34 $1,130,164 99 $1,162,976 98

$1,159,822 11

Capital stock paid in .........................
Surplus fu n d ........................................
U ndivided profits, less current ex­
penses, interest and taxes p a id . .

$100,000 00

$100,000 00

$100,000 00

$100,000 00

$100,000 00

50,000 00

50,000 00

50,000 00

50,000 00

55,000 00

9,123 22

9,425 86

11,567 39

13,553 22

8,908 47
210 00

250 00

Dividends un p aid ..
Commercial deposits subject to
ch eck .................................................

186,427 33

195,936 49

227,834 35

237,986 15

200,916 51

Commercial certificates of d ep o sit.

7,062 97

7,566 06

9,963 42

5,856 13

26,288 07

100 00

2,100 00

160 75

2,100 00

763 33

Savings deposits..................................

535,738 48

563,366 52

559,244 07

580,302 03

600,577 60

Savings certificates of dep o sit........

165,309 65

163,731 41

171,395 01

173,179 45»

167,158 13

Due to hanks and bankers .............
Certified checks...................................
Cashier’s checks o u tstan d in g ........... and bills rediscefnnted . .
Dills p a y a b le . .
T o ta ls............................................ $1,053,761 65 $1,092,376 34 $1,130,164 99 $1,162,976 98
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

$1,159,822 11



No. 14.
Organized November 1, 1883.
C. C. B l o o m f i e l d , P r e s id e n t ; A. B. R o b i n s o n , F. D. B e n n e t t , V ic e P r e s id e n t s ;
A. C. B l o o m f i e l d , C a s h ie r ; H. A R e e c e , A s s i s t a n t C a s h ie r .
D i r e c t o r s .— A. B. Robinson, L. H. Field, Thom as A. Wilson, C. C. Bloomfield, Jam es O’Donnell,

F. D. B ennett, W inthrop W ithington, Charles Lewis, Z. C. Eldred.


Loans and discounts.........................
Bonds, m ortgages and securities..

R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Nov. 27, ’08. Feb. 5, ’09. April 28, ’09. June 23, ’09. Sept. 1, ’09.
$994,860 32 $1,106,213 89 $1,180,516 97 $1,103,903 20

$1,130,599 74

461,119 48

448,547 62

442,176 31

443,364 48

455,570 27

O verdrafts............................................

4,153 21

1,782 57

2,451 48

4,387 14

4,830 62

Banking house....................................

65,000 00

65,000 00

65,000 00

65,000 00

65,000 00

F urniture and fixtures.....................

15,000 00

15,250 00

15,000 00

15,000 00

15,000 00

Other real estate................................
Due from other banks and bankers

33,365 20

33,365 20

33,365 20

33,365 20

33,365 20

Item s in tra n sit.................................

78,404 77

57,902 95

38,154 90

71,242 89

32,636 91

Due from banks in reserve c itie s ..

192,209 41

151,754 55

199,819 57

326,588 18

277,037 31

Exchanges for clearing house........

13,744 74

15,080 65

13,427 86

33,004 39

11,734 09

U. S. and N ational bank currency.

47,152 00

50,910 00

57,493 50

4i,037 50

47,798 00

2,050 00

Gold co in .............................................

37,782 50

28,607 50

31,410 00

26,590 00

39,442 50

Silver coin............................................

5,499 50

5,063 95

5,068 65

3,975 55

5,112 55

Nickels and cen ts...............................

375 44

458 22

541 28

289 39

340 00

Checks and cash item s......................

759 91

752 44

1,304 21

603 07

395 53

T o tals............................................ $1,930,483 31 $1,975,506 40 $2,101,173 89 $2,186,105 99

$2,111,840 07

C apital stock paid in .........................
Surplus fu n d .......................................
Undivided profits, less current expenses, interest and taxes p a id . .

$200,000 00

$200,000 00

$200,000 00

$200,000 00

$200,000 00

100,000 00

100,000 00

100,000 00

100,000 00

100,000 00

48,398 61

37,605 14

49,653 96

44,218 88

53,519 29

110 00

591 00
354,046 05

Dividends unpaid . .
Commercial deposits subject to
ch eck ........ ........................................

294,525 16

304,844 73

380,827 44

422,507 40

Commercial certificates of d ep o sit.

8,591 25

4,779 37

3,585 31

14,288 88

13,456 78

Due to banks and b an k ers...............

37,263 12

48,484 53

46,901 61

52,541 59

43,403 41

Certified checks..................................

692 87

236 87

105 37

1,632 37

144 37

Cashier’s checks o u tstan d in g ...........

166 92

163 55

163 55

163 55

163 55

Savings d ep o sits................................

1,050,880 18

1,073,688 79

1,098,949 17

1,119,837 87

1,116,018 06

Savings certificates of d eposit........

189,965 20

205,593 42

210,396 48

225,915 45

226,088 56

10,000 00

5,000 00

5,000 00

T o tals............................................ $1,930,483 31 $1,975,506 40 $2,101,173 89 $2,186,105 99

$2,111,840 07

S tate monies on d ep o sit.................
Notes and bills rediscounted...........
Bills p a y a b le .......................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



No. 115.
Organized March 28, 1891.

O G rosa -enj OR, P r e s id e n t ; C h a s . G. W h i t e , V ic e P r e s id e n t ; W m . M . W e t m o r e , C a s h ie r ;
O l i v e r S. W h i t e , A s s i s t a n t C a s h ie r .

D i r e c t o r s .— Ebenezer O. Grosvenor, John S. Lewis, E dgar A. Wisner, Charles F

Wade, Charles
G. W hite, William M. W etmore, A. Eugene Wisner, Oliver S. White.


R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Nov. 27, ’08. Feb. 5, ’09. April 28, ’09. June 23, ’09. Sept. 1, ’09.

Loans and discounts.........................

$138,430 39

$154,061 13

$114,373 62

$148,583 66

$155,894 50

Bonds, m ortgages and securities. .

93,620 48

88,620 48

89,220 48

95,907 98

98,707 98

O verdrafts.............................................

3,582 48

5,018 55

2,487 88

660 51

5,981 88

Due from other banks and bankers
(not reserve cities).......................

5,139 96

1,248 45

Due from banks in reserve c ities..

75,308 50

30,258 84

129,881 32

86,707 99

97,514 62

U. S. and N ational bank c u rre n cy .

13,380 00

13,657 00

13,186 00

13,865 00

12,154 00

Gold co in .............................................

6,445 00

7,430 00

7,770 00

8,210 00

8,502 50

Silver coin...........................................

952 45

670 65

707 90

1,125 65

1,258 10

Nickels and c e n ts ..............................

77 38

143 86

114 53

104 75

72 28

358 16

Checks and cash ite m s.....................

16 57

310 25

71 62

1,111 62

T o tals............................................

$336,953 21

$301,419 21

$357,741 73

$355,595 32

$381,197 48

Capital stock paid in .......................

$50,000 00

$50,000 00

$50,000 00

$50,000 00

$50,000 00

25,000 00

25,000 00

25,000 00

6,083 63

8,126 21

4,061 18

Surplus fu n d ........................................
Undivided profits, less current ex­
penses, interest and taxes p a id ..
Commercial deposits subject to
ch eck .................................................
Commercial certificates of d e p o sit.

25,000 00

25,000 00

4,888 57

3,716 49

73,772 98

57,131 43

95,715 88

82,461 60

89,279 14

165,369 80

178,706 59-

188,936 58

211,763 12

1,070 93

862 09

183,291 66

201 49

Due to banks and b a n k e rs.............

2,235 63

231 95

T o tals . . . ? ....................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

$336,953 21

$301,419 21

$357,741 73

$355,595 32

$381,197 48



No. 147.
Organized December 27, 1892.
V e r n o n T. B a r k e r , P r e s id e n t ; F r a n k H. M i l h a m , V ic e P r e s id e n t ; J a s . J. O ’M e a r a , C a s h ie r ;
N. S. P o n d , A s s i s t a n t C a s h ie r .
D i r e c t o r s .— Vernon T. Barker, F. B. O rcutt, H. P. Kauffer, F. H. Milham, H. B . Colman, A . M.

Todd, W. S. Hodges, J. H. Hatfield, W. N. Pom eroy, O. K. Buckhout, Jos. E. Brown, Louis Rosen­
baum , H. C. Howard, Morris K ent, W. E. Kidder.

R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Nov. 27, ’08. Feb. 5, ’09. April 28, ’09. June 23, ’09. Sept. 1, ’09.

Loans and discounts.........................

$440,945 05

$501,192 72

$526,964 84

$510,750 38

$506,607 87

Bonds, m ortgages and securities. ..

70,242 31

69,626 06

71,636 88

71,383 77

70,193 77

P r p .m in m s

paid on b o n d s. .

O verdrafts............................................

8,049 82

1,473 03

466 48

1,058 36

1,615 82

Banking house....................................

27,500 00

27,500 00

27,500 00

27,500 00

27,500 00

9,000 00

9,000 00

9,000 00

9,000 00

9,000 00

F urn itu re and fixtures...................
O ther real e sta te .....................
Due from other banks and bankers
(not reserve cities)..............

353 55
10,580 49

6,299 96

Item s in tr a n s it..................................
TTnited States bonds . . .

48,448 15

Due from banks in reserve cities. .

88,788 63

41,738 34

57,912 23

50,644 07

Exchanges for clearing house..........

24,599 63

12,186 68

1,895 22

1,460 59

1,988 23

U. S. and N ational bank currency.

18,621 00

23,366 00

23,393 00

27,636 00

21,493 00

Gold co in .............................................

10,380 00

10,680 00

10,565 00

10,500 00

10,312 50

Silver coin..........................................

1,999 40

2,220 30

2,020 70

1,165 00

1,527 70

Nickels and c e n ts............................

206 26

173 21

343 84

136 05

241 79

$700,332 10

$699,509 89

$737,998 15

$711,234 22

$709,509 32

$100,000 00

$100,000 00

$100,000 00

$100,000 00

$100,000 00

70,000 00

70,000 00

70,000 00

70,000 00

70,000 00

8,514 78

4,104 06

7,514 02

8,962 73

5,270 12

240 00

60 00

Checks and cash ite m s.....................
T o tals............................................
Capital stock paid in .......................
Surplus fu n d ........................................
Undivided profits, less current ex­
penses, interest and taxes p a id ..

120 00

Dividends u n p aid ...............................
Commercial deposits subject to
ch eck .................................................

130,383 22

155,940 28

154,399 21

144,640 99

140,733 53

Commercial certificates of d ep o sit.

122,085 53

114,785 22

128,977 11

122,598 36

131,867 54

95,765 30

87,968 89

77,186 23

67,249 11

57,134 22

173,583 27

166,471 44

177,585 68

178,087 93

187,103 05

22,275 90

12,279 59

12,290 86

7,415 51.

4,990 00

$711,234 22

$709,509 32

Due to banks and b an k ers........
Certified checks...................................
Cashier’s checks o u tstan d in g ...........
Savings deposits..................................
Savings certificates of d eposit........
S tate monies on d ep o sit.................
Notes and bills rediscounted............
Bills p a y a b le .......................................
T o tals............................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

$700,332 10

$699,509 89

$737,998 15



No. 1.
Organized January 12, 1889.
S. B. M o n r o e , P r e s id e n t ; R . J. W i l l ia m s o n , A. C. W o r t l e y , V ic e P r e s id e n t s ; F. G. D e w e y , C a s h ie r .
D i r e c t o r s .— C. J. Monroe, L. H. Kirby, John Mackey, A. C. W ortley, R. J. Williamson, S. B. Monroe,

V. L. Palm er, E. G. Read, C. A. Peck, A. L. Blumenberg, C. A. Dewing, R alph Em ery, W. O. Jones,
J. W. R yder, A. J. Todd.

R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Nov. 27, ’08. Feb. 5, ’09. April 28, ’09. June 23, ’09. Sept. 1, ’09.

Loans and discounts.........................

$781,695 24

$683,386 45

$737,190 10

$676,084 61

$1,090,355 29

Bonds, m ortgages and se c u ritie s..

330,168 20

446,941 20

516,270 25

542,081 72

167,593 10

O verdrafts............................................

1,193 22

951 29

2,242 18

1,750 38

3,761 19

Now building account-.....................

26,250 00

Banking house....................................

50,000 00

50,000 00

50,000 00

50,000 00

F u rn itu re and fixtures.................

20,000 00

18,500 00

18,500 00

18,500 00

19,015 00

19,015 00

19,015 00

19,015 00

18,415 00

18,483 45

7,479 31

7,628 87

4,844 12

Prem ium s paid on bonds. . .

Other real estate................................
Due from other banks and bankers
(not, reserve cities)
Item s in tra n sit...................
U nited S tates b o n d s.. . .

189,739 79

Due from banks in reserve c itie s ..

197,764 09

141,566 38

186,688 62

75,041 71

Exchanges for clearing h o u se........

15,646 88

26,090 68

16,002 88

20,935 15

24,721 90

U. S. and N ational bank currency.

36,811 00

24,864 00

36,804 00

32,897 00

38,960 00

Gold c o in .............................................

16,950 00

18,105 00

17,972 50

17,530 00

16,935 00

Silver coin............................................

8,956 00

15,105 00

10,630 00

11,173 00

10,349 00

Nickels and cents................................

1,261 13

1,570 35

1,712 00

1,456 72

1,181 90

Checks and cash ite m s.. : .................

2,829 10

8,876 21

13,260 34

10,467 82

4,124 94

T o ta ls............................................ $1,457,023 31 $1,463,950 87 $1,633,916 74 $1,481,777 23

$1,634,637 11

Capital stock paid in ..........................
Surplus fu n d ........................................
U ndivided profits, less current expenses, interest and taxes paid. .

$50,000 00

$100,000 00

$100,000 00

$100,000 00

$100,000 00

50,000 00

50,000 00

50,000 00

50,000 00

50,000 00

40,096 10

8,588 19

16,155 80

19,237 20

19,690 68

Unearned d isco u n t............................
Dividends u n p a id . .
Commercial deposits subject to
ch eck .................................................

3,603 96
168,362 42

227,321 68

254,094 43

206,711 05

344,563 98

312,399 15

195,119 66

113,196 36

82,034 59

118,503 39

Commercial certificates of deposit
Due to banks and b a n k e rs...............
Certified checks
Cashier’s checks outstanding
Savings d ep o sits.................................

633,229 56

658,853 10

759,824 19

712,772 32

740,253 10

Savings certificates of dep o sit........

202,936 08

224,068 24

314,725 46

272,418 11

260,438 09

Notes and bills rediscounted

1,187 87

25,920 50
35,000 00

T o tals............................................. $1,457,023 31 $1,463,950 87 $1,633,916 74 $1,481,777 23
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

$1,634,637 11



Organized January 11, 1905.
C. J. M o n r o e ,

P r e s id e n t ;

S. B M o n r o e , A. B. C o n n a b l e , V ic e P r e s id e n t s ; F r e d G. D e w e y ,
R. J. W i l l i a m s o n , T r e a s u r e r .

S e c r e ta ry ;

D ir e c t o r s .—-G. L. Gilkey, Jas. H. Hatfield, R alph Em ery, Samuel Folz, Chas. J. Monroe, A. B. Con­

nable, O. K. Buckhout, A. C. W ortley, A. M. Stearns, J. D. Burns, Jas. F. Gilmore, V L. Palm er,
L. S. Monroe, O tto Ihling, Lewis H. Kirby, S. B. Monroe, Chas. A. Peck, Dallas Boudeman,
M. H. Lane, A. L. Blumenberg, C. A. Dewing, Benjam in Van Bochove, F. E. Rowe.

Collateral loans:

Tim e.

D em and.........
Loans on real estate m ortgages:
In office......................................
W ith S tate T reasurer..............

$5,000 00

$5,000 00

63,133 00

74,923 00

22,213 90

19,413 10

62,850 00

61,812 50

14,729 78

13,584 19

In office..............................

2,600 00

15.000 00

W ith S tate T re a su re r...

13,500 00

19.000 00

O ther loans........................................

R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Nov. 27, ’08. Feb. 5. ’09. April 28, ’09. June 23, ’09 Sept. 1, ’09.

S to ck s..................................................
Real estate ow n ed......................

17,500 00

O ther in v estm en ts...........................
New build in g ......................................
Advances to tr u s ts .........................

26,250 00
586 25

1,093 43

2,690 40

16,912 52

P rem ium s p aid .................................
Safety deposit v a u lts .....................
F u rn itu re and fixtures...................
Due from approved reserve agents
Due from other banks and bankers
Cash ite m s .......................................
Nickels and c e n ts............................
Silver coin..........................................
Gold c o in ...........................................
3,000 00

3,000 00

$234,053 33

$229,738 74

$150,000 00

$150,000 00

4,000 00

5,000 00

12,036 26

7.242 93

T ru st d ep o sits.............

24,255 30

28,608 51

Reserved for ta x e s .. . .

990 50

990 50

U. S. and N ational bank n o te s ...
T otals.
Capital stock paid i n . .
Surplus f u n d .......................................
Undivided profits (less expenses
interest and tax es p a id )...............
Dividends unpaid

D eb en tu res...................
1,700 00

F irst m ortgage bonds.
Voucher checks..........

315 00

769 66

O ther liab ilities...........

42,456 27

35,427 14

$234,053 33

1,738 74

Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



No. 257.
Organized February 7, 1902.
A m b r o s e E . P a l m e r , P r e s id e n t ; W m . 0 . F r e e m a n , E d g a r B . B a b c o c k , V ic e P r e s id e n t s ;
H a r o l d B . W h a l l e y , C a s h ie r .
D i r e c t o r s .— Ambrose E. Palm er, William C. Freem an, Ed car B. Babcock, George F. Bow, William

Lewis, H arold B. Whalley, Isaac Simpson.


R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Nov 27, ’08. Feb. 5, ’09. April 28, ’09. June 23, ’09. Sept. 1, ’09.

$66,971 13

$74,521 60

$68,095 16

$66,438 15

$61,613 30

47,373 73

47,532 73

45,623 71

41,591 07

29,485 08

O verdrafts............................................

722 62

932 46

1,052 79

507 46

624 03

Banking house....................................

10,000 00

10,000 00

10,000 00

10,000 00

10,000 00

F u rn itu re and fix tu res.....................

2,000 00

2,000 00

2,000 00

2,000 00

2,000 00

O ther real e sta te ................................
Due from other banks and bankers
(not reserve c ities).......................

3,098 83

3,098 83

3,098 83

3,098 83

3,098 83

Item s in tr a n s it. ....... .........................

98 14

313 41

1,461 63

472 08

1,091 50

10,716 95

11,333 55

5,693 10

3,334 92

7,803 70

U. S. and N ational bank currency.

7,849 00

4,235 00

2,878 00

4,197 00

5,070 00

Gold c o in .............................................

6,285 00

6,695 00

6,815 00

6,900 00

7,150 00

Silver coin............................................

3,569 10

3,486 30

2,558 44

2,318 40

1,144 45

Nickels and c e n ts..............................

552 53

150 03

211 06

163 86

211 02

Checks and cash ite m s.....................

53 62

1,230 50

1,143 00

1,040 45

702 38

T o tals............................................

$159,290 65

$165,529 41

$150,630 73

$142,062 22

$129,994 29

Capital stock paid in .......................

$20,000 00

$20,000 00

$20,000 00

$20,000 00

$20,000 00

4,000 00

4,000 00

4,000 00

4,000 00

4,000 00

3,006 31

1,699 42

2,704 47

2,629 09

2,404 70

Dividends u n p a id ..........................
Commercial ‘deposits subject to
check .................................................

37,739 31

55,069 12

43,170 06

39,069 82

33,639 05

Commercial certificates of d e p o sit.

49,951 00

40,854 70

’ 42,202 63

38,260 42

36,569 15

44,594 03

41,496 17

38,053 57

38,102 89

33,381 39

2,500 00

500 00

$165,529 41

$150,630 73

$142,062 22

$129,994 29

Loans and discounts.........................
Bonds, m ortgages and securities..
Prem ium s paid on b o n d s.................

U nited S tates bonds.........................
Due from banks in reserve c itie s ..
Exchanges for clearing h o u se........

Surplus fu n d ........................................
U ndivided profits, less current ex­
penses, interest and taxes paid. .

Due to banks and b an k ers.............
Certified checks............. .................
Cashier’s checks outstan d in g ..........
Savings d ep o sits................................
Savings certificates of dep o sit........
Notes and bills rediscounted..........
Bills p a y a b le .......................................
T o tals............................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis


$159,290 65



No. 425.
Organized January 4, 1909.
A l b e r t E. B o w e r m a n , P r e s id e n t ; S o l o m o n L o e s e r , V ic e P r e s id e n t ; W i l l ia m C h i l d s , C a s h ie r .
D i r e c t o r s .— A lbert E. Bowerman, Soloman Loeser, F rank E. Joy, E dw ard M. Colson, Wm.

Phinney, John Sieting, Geo. H. Sieting, Philip H. Gosling, A lbert O. Peters, Clyde Cole, Claude
Cole, William Childs, Clayton W. Sherwood, Albert A. M cDermott.

R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Nov. 27, ’08. Feb. 5, ’09. April 28, ’09. June 23, ’09. Sept. 1, ’09.

Loans and discounts.........................

$43,684 13

$44,839 29

$49,355 17

Bonds, m ortgages and securities.. .

6,764 65

7,861 22

8,116 22

Prem ium s paid on b o n d s...............
782 47

608 14

878 94

Banking house....................................

O verdrafts...........................................

5.200 00

5.200 00

5.200 09

F u rn itu re and fixtures.....................

2,400 00

2,400 00

2,490 00

O ther real estate................................
Due from other banks and bankers
(not reserve cities).........................

1.200 00

1.200 00

1.200 00

Item s in tr a n s it..................................

1,154 74

205 89

1,014 44

6,398 60

5,572 60

2,736 31

U. S. and N ational b ank currency.

6,515 00

4,090 00

2,479 00

Gold c o in .............................................

1,165 00

1,270 00

700 00

Silver coin............................................

297 20

571 05

225 00

U nited S tates b o n d s ..........................
Due from banks in reserve cities. .
Exchanges for clearing house..........

Nickels and c e n ts...............

14 42

42 19

16 35

Checks and cash item s. . .

634 89

1,184 64

778 77

T o tals............................................

$76,211 10

$75,045 02

$75,100 20

Capital stock paid in .........................

$18,800 00

$18,800 00

$20,000 00

Surplus fu n d ........................................
Undivided profits, less current ex­
penses, interest and taxes p a id . .

149 71

377 73

372 51

Dividends u n p aid ...............................
Commercial deposits subject to
check .................................................

34,941 43

30,364 04

14,751 19

Commercial certificates of d ep o sit.

15,406 87

15,114 04

19,824 45

Due to banks and b an k ers...............

359 75

1,515 08

460 41

3,303 34

5,124 13

8,270 05

3,250 00

3,750 00

11,421 59

$76,211 10

$75,045 02

$75,100 20

Certified checks...................................
Cashier’s checks o u tstan d in g ...........
Savings deposits..................................
Savings certificates of d ep o sit........
Notes and bills re d isc o u n te d ..........
Bills p a y a b le .......................................
T o tals............................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



No. 383.
Organized November 12, 1907.
A. R o h r a b a c h e r ,

P r e s id e n t ;

F. B. S m i t h ,

V ic e P r e s id e n t ;

W. H . H u n t ,

C a s h ie r .

D i r e c t o r s .— A . R ohrabacher, I. Rohrabacher, F . B . Smith, R. H . Scott, J . D . Houghton, W . H .

Lacy, H. H. Pulver, W. H. H unt, S. P iatt.


R eport of
Nov. 27, ’08

R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Feb. 5, ’09. April 28, ’09 June 23, ’09. Sept. 1, ’09,

Loans and discounts.......................

$48,280 72

$42,758 04

$51,333 71

$43,696 78

$45,961 73

Bonds, m ortgages and securities.

37,139 52

37,741 35

38,120 35

38,220 35

35,677 35

Prem ium s paid on b o n d s...........
O verdrafts..........................................

343 86

22 81

110 83

175 02

124 09

Banking house..................................

2,500 00

2,500 00

2,500 00

2,500 00

2,500 00

F urniture and fixtures...................

1,719 56

1,800 52

1,800 52

1,890 52

1,800 52

800 00

800 00

800 00

800 00

800 00

Other real e sta te ...........................
Due from other banks and bankers
(not reserve cities)...................
Item s in tra n sit...............................

1,192 38

3,056 91

3,676 35

U nited S tates bonds.......................
Due from banks in reserve cities.

13,841 78

13,516 87

13,919 62

12,947 09


Exchanges for clearing h ouse........
U. S. and N ational bank currency

4,717 00

2,475 00

4,240 00

4,963 00

6,176 00

Gold c o in .............................................

810 00

1,195 00

1,440 00

1,155 00

1,215 00

Silver coin............................................

100 00

129 00

525 00

800 00

200 00

Nickels and cents.......................

27 89

73 34

130 43

116 44

174 28

Checks and cash item s.......................

45 16

162 94

54 88

387 53

578 39

$111,517 87

$103,174 87

$118,032 25

$107,561 73

$114,147 57

$20,000 00

$20,000 00

$20,000 00

Capital stock paid i n . . .


$20,000 00

Surplus fu n d ........................................
Undivided profits, less current ex­
penses, interest and taxes p a id . .

76 00

208 00


208 00

208 00

353 00

726 55

898 29

1,344 41

1,787 18

1,172 00

Dividends u n p a id ..............................
Commercial deposits subject to
ch eck .................................................

30.232 54

26,698 63

31.925 40

25,178 16

30,540 52

57,482 78

55,369 95

64.554 44

60,388 39

62,082 05

$103,174 87

$118,032 25

Commercial certificates of d ep o sit.
Due to banks and b an k ers...............
Certified checks..................................
Cashier’s checks o u tstan d in g ...........
Savings d ep o sits................................
Savings certificates of d ep o sit........
Notes and bills rediscounted..........
Bills p a y a b le . . . ................................
T o ta ls ...
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

3,000 00
$111,517 87

$107,561 73 . 1114,147 57



No. 417.
T H E L A K E C I T Y S T A T E B A N K , L A K E C IT Y .
Organized December 21, 1908.
R. M.


ie l b y


ir e c t o r s



P r e s id e n t ; S

r a n k


o f f e y

in n e m o n



A s sista n t

, V ic e P r e s id e n t ;
C a s h ie r ; F. W. M e

r d is

F. D.
r r ic k




r e g o r


C a s h ie r ;

A u d ito r .

F. W. Merrick, R. M. Bielby, Sinnemon Ardis, Orville Dennis, F. D. McGregor.


R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Nov. 27, ’08. Feb. 5, ’09. April 28, ’09. June 23, ’09. Sept. 1, ’09.

Loans and discounts.........................

$45,502 69

$46,979 57

$46,558 84

Bonds, m ortgages and securities. . .

2,764 01

4,792 96

4,793 50

Prem ium s paid on b o n d s. .
57 87

22 23

84 40

Banking house....................................

1,855 00

1,855 00

1,675 00

F urniture and fixtures.....................

956 36

956 36

1,150 04

Other real e sta te ...............................
Due from other banks and bankers
(not reserve cities).........................

4,011 76

4,042 65

4,055 97

13,015 39

14,294 69

12,918 97

O verdrafts......................................

.Items in tr a n s it..................................
U nited S tates b o n d s..........................
Due from banks in reserve c itie s ..
Exchanges for clearing house..........
1,270 00

1,349 00

1,932 00

Gold c o in .............................................

215 00

305 00

285 00

Silver coin............................................

601 85

560 85

474 10

Nickels and c e n ts..............................

49 91

40 38

33 93

Checks and cash item s.....................

4,808 87

2,813 28

489 71

$75,108 71

$78,011 97

$74,451 46

$20,000 00

$20,000 00

$20,000 00

300 00

300 00

300 00

1,008 76

1,444 48

1,582 02

U. S. and N ational bank cu rre n cy .

T o tals.......................
Capital stock paid in .......................
Surplus fu n d ...........................
Undivided profits, less current ex­
penses, interest and taxes paid
Dividends u n p aid ................
Commercial deposits subject to
ch eck .................................................

17,180 61

18,444 09

15,210 15

Commercial certificates of d ep o sit.

36,619 34

37,823 40

37,359 29

$75,108 71

$78,011 97

$74,451 46

Due to banks and b an k ers...............
Certified checks.................................
Cashier’s checks o u tstan d in g ...........
Savings deposits..................................


Savings certificates of d ep o sit........
Notes and bills re d isc o u n te d ..........
Bills p a y a b le .......................................
T o tals......................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



No. 283.
Organized October 10, 1903.
J. J. E c k a r d t ,

P r e s id e n t; G e o .

A, W e e d ,

V ic e P r e s id e n t ; S a m u e l V e l t e , C a s h ie r .

D i r e c t o r s .— J. J. E ckardt, Wilson E lliott, I. N. Raym ond, John Wagner, Geo. A. Weed, Jacob F.

Velte, P erry Allarding, E. W. Durkee, W. S. Augst.


R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Nov. 27, ’08. Feb. 5, ’09. April 28, ’09. June 23, ’09. Sept. 1, ’09.

Loans and discounts.........................

899,811 32

$96,157 45

$103,454 99

$104,112 55

$106,675 93

Bonds, m ortgages and se c u ritie s..

42,829 70

44,844 70

52,794 70

55,414 50

58,749 50

Prem ium s jjaid on b o n d s.................
O verdrafts............................................

74 21

440 93

254 23

191 97

19 08

Banking house....................................

4,700 00

4,700 00

4,700 00

4,700 00

4,700 00

F u rn itu re and fixtures.....................

2,500 00

2,500 00

2,500 00

2,500 00

2,500 00

561 00

605 00

1,564 31

5,338 00

7,463 38

22,532 49

22,213 11

23,263 55

5,594 94

O ther real estate................................
Due from other banks and bankers
(not reserve cities).......................
Item s in tra n sit.................................
U nited States b o n d s....................
Due from banks in reserve c itie s ..
E xchanges for clearing house........
U. S. and N ational bank currency.

9,421 00

3,194 00

4,995 00

4,189 00

7,990 00

Gold c o in .............................................

5,005 00

5,160 00

5,180 00

5,180 00

5,230 00
1,770 90

Silver coin............................................

1,462 95

2,025 35

1,245 70

1,787 15

Nickels and cen ts...............................

110 73

97 34

78 47

122 01

114 41

Checks and cash item s.......................

162 58

308 87

4,538 00

478 97

1,730 29

T o tals............................................

$173,540 87

$182,522 13

$202,559 20

$203,504 01

$200,413 05

Capital stock paid in ............'............

$25,000 00

$25,000 00

$25,000 00

$25,000 00

$25,000 00

Surplus fu n d ........................................
Undivided profits, less current ex­
penses, interest and taxes paid. .

3,000 00

4,000 00

4,000 00

4,000 00

5,000 00

2,496 71

1,214 25

2,027 77

2,830 55

1,666 16

D ividends u n p a id ..............................
Commercial deposits subject to
ch eck.................................................

6 50

101 00

3 00

3 00

24 50

16,355 61

19,449 75

16,911 22

19,597 08

22,043 77

Commercial certificates of d ep o sit.

1,969 90

6,969 90

5,969 90

4,769 90

6,617 40

Savings d ep o sits................................

43,508 76

46,307 80

45,376 59

50,524 11

53,769 49

Savings certificates of deposit........

81,203 39

79,479 43

98,270 72

91,779 37

81,291 73

5,000 00

5,000 00

5,000 00

$202,559 20

$203,504 01

$200,413 05

Due to banks and b an k ers...............
Certified checks..................................
Cashier’s checks o u tstan d in g ...........

S tate monies on d ep o sit...................
Notes and bills rediscounted...........
Bills p a y a b le .......................................
T o tals............................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

$173,540 87

$182,522 13


No. 41.
Organized May 22, 1888.
G e o . L i v e r t o n , P r e s i d e n t ; P e h r y F. H i n e s , V ic e P r e s id e n t ; W. J. P e r c i v a e , C a s h ie r S h e r m a n I. S t r o n g , A s s i s t a n t C a s h ie r .

D i r e c t o r s .— Geo. Liverton, P erry F. Hines, Louis Krieger, R. A. Colwell, John K lahn, Wm. McCartney.


Loans and discounts.......................
Bonds, m ortgages an d se c u ritie s ..

R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Nov. 27, '08. Feb. 5, ’09. April 28, ’09 June 23, ’09 Sept. 1, ’09.
109,671 96

$72,690 52

$62,014 55

$58,470 54

$64,269 45

48,415 33

49,271 00

56,277 25

58,445 25

55,146 25

Prem inm s paid on b o n ds.................
O verdrafts...........................

2,407 58

296 27

755 62

913 52

1,635 99

Banking house..................................

2,000 00

2,000 00

2,000 00

2,000 00

2,000 00

F u rn itu re and fix tu res.....................

1,905 50

1,905 50

1,905 50

1,905 50

O ther real e sta te ................................
Due from other banks and bankers
(not reserve cities).......................

2,049 87
3,450 00

Item s in tra n s it..................................
United States bonds.........................
Due from banks in reserve cities. .

20,561 34

13,318 34

25,986 51

23,799 74

18,165 44

Exchanges for clearing house........
U. S. and N ational b an k currency.

4,083 00

6,799 00

4,361 00

5,411 00

7,373 00

Gold c o in .......................................

4,330 00

4,640 00

5,050 00

5,090 00

5,565 00

Silver coin......................................

1,205 55

1,872 05

1,690 10

621 75

861 60

Nickels and c e n ts..............................

148 97

147 68

92 82

81 05

81 18

Checks and cash ite m s.....................

1,206 26

744 40

1,116 66

1,568 64

1,751 02

T o tals............................................

$156,601 99

$153,502 81

$160,181 66

$158,546 84

$162,692 75

C apital stock paid in .......................

$25,000 00

$25,000 00

$25,000 00

$25,000 00

$25,000 00

Surplus fu n d ...............................
Undivided profits, less current ex­
penses, interest and taxes p a id . .

5,000 00

5,000 00

5,000 00

5,000 00

5,000 00

3,548 82

2,526 74

3,951 84

4,217 32

3,071 77

Dividends u n p a id ..............................
Commercial deposits subject to
check ...........................................

48 00

27 00

20,709 60

17,554 03

22,331 01

20,943 52

19,894 58

Commercial certificates of d ep o sit.
Due to banks and b an k ers.............
Certified checks..................................
Cashier’s checks outstan ding..........
Savings d ep o sits................................

16,318 51

15,135 67

15,755 43

15,837 30

15,562 96

Savings certificates of d ep o sit........

85,977 06

88,259 37

88,143 38

87,548 70

94,163 44

$156,601 99

$153,502 81

$160,181 66

$158,546 84

$162,692 75

Notes and bills red isco u nted..........
Bills p a y a b le .......................................
T o tals.........................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis


No. 300.
Organized October 27, 1904.
J o h n H. J e n s e n , P r e s id e n t ; G e o . E. H u m is t o n , V ic e P r e s id e n t ; L. P. S o r e n s o n , C a s h ie r .
D i r e c t o r s .— John H. Jensen, Geo. E. Hum iston, August Keppe, Lars P. Sorenson,


F. Kennedy, F rank Moore, Chester Stebbins.


J. J. Bale,

R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Nov. 27, ’08. Feb. 5, ’09. April 28, ’09. June 23, ’09. Sept. 1, ’09.

Loans and discounts.........................

$69,629 25

$64,831 66

$61,268 94

$63,277 55

$69,911 11

Bonds, m ortgages anfi securities. . .

42,804 52

42,935 52

42,245 27

42,280 27

45,890 88

Prom in ms paid on b o n d s. .
O verdrafts............................................

783 94

941 00

594 03

124 44

1,043 64

Banking house.....................................

4.500 00

4.500 00

4.500 00

4.500 00

4.500 00

F urniture and fixtures................... '.

1,375 00

1,375 00

1,375 00

1,375 00

1,375 00

Other real e sta te ................................
Due from other banks and bankers
(not- reserve cities). .

9.500 00

9.500 00

9.500 00

9.500 00

9.500 00

13,575 42

16,936 92

28,850 16

32,902 35

16,814 11

Tf.fvms in transit,
United S tates b o n d s. . . .
Due from banks in reserve cities. .
FNchances for Hearing house.. . .
U. S. and N ational bank currency.

6,813 00

3,887 00

5,123 00

4,096 00

3,473 00

Gold co in .............................................

2,840 00

3,090 00

3,110 00

3,260 00

3,405 00

Silver coin............................................

860 30

1,206 00

347 50

375 00

955 00

Nickels and c e n ts..............................

137 50

212 60

68 29

103 02

86 03

Checks and cash ite m s.....................

781 83

1,286 72

486 10

369 98

109 90

T o tals............................................

$153,600 76

$150,702 42

$157,468 29

$162,163 61

$157,063 67

Capital stock paid in ..........................

$25,000 00

$25,000 00

$25,000 00

$25,000 00

$25,000 00

Surplus fu n d ........................................
Undivided profits, less current ex­
penses, interest and taxes paid. .

1,482 00

1,860 25

1,860 25

1,860 25

1,860 25

6,869 74

3,976 27

4,457 63

5,127 15

5,231 25

Dividends unpaid .
Commercial deposits subject to
ch eck .................................................

105 00

30 00

21,792 18

24,582 81

25,389 34

26,033 69

21,097 50

Commercial certificates of d ep o sit.

20,741 80

15,211 36

24,505 84

28,578 17

40,262 12

D u e to

banks and bankers. . .

Certified checks...................................
Cashier’s checks o u tstan d in g ..........
Savings deposits..................................

15,106 38

14,114 11

16,539 21

16,835 60

17,365 52

Savings certificates of dep o sit........

62,608 66

60,852 62

59,686 02

58,728 75

46,247 03

$157,468 29

$162,163 61

$157,063 67

5.000 00

Notes and bills rediscounted........
Pills p a y a b le .......................................
T o tals............................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

$153,600 76

$150,702 42


No. 133.
Organized February 25, 1892.


o r a t io

H. L a r n e d ,

P r e s id e n t ; F r e d e r i c k T h o m a n , V ic e P r e s id e n t ;

J. E d w a r d R

o e , C a s h ie r .

D i r e c t o r s .— H oratio H. Larned, J. H enry Moores, Frederick Tlioman, Charles F. Ham m ond, R obert

M. M ontgomery, Louis Beck, H arry A. Haze, Louis L. S attler, Gottlieb H. Ziegler, J. E dw ard Roe.

R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Nov. 27, ’08. Feb. 5, ’09. April 28, ’09. June 23, ’09. Sept. 1, ’09.

Loans and discounts.........................

$602,818 33

$613,994 47

$618,178 13

$598,650 30

$592,069 14

Bonds, m ortgages and securities..

277,075 24

248,619 12

298,172 98

341,060 42

363,961 18

Prem ium s paid on b o n d s.................

1,171 77

1,171 77

1,193 47

2,780 13

2,780 13

O verdrafts.............................................

1,045 69

1,802 50

390 50

945 93

1,329 27

Banking house....................................

44,500 00

44,500 00

44,500 00

44,500 00

44,500 00

F u rn itu re and fixtures.....................

7,689 14

7,000 00

7,150 00

7,000 00

7,000 00

O ther real e s ta te ................................
Due from other banks and bankers
(not reserve cities)........................

11,899 92

11,899 92

18,299 92

16,099 92

15,099 92

Item s in tra n s it..................................

1,606 15

907 42

435 39

506 79

61 38

189,356 09

U nited States bonds.........................
Due from banks in reserve c itie s ..

55,069 62

92,589 72

165,910 33

160,104 99

E xchanges for clearing h o u se ........

12,679 86

7,812 50

12,291 96

11,860 57

10,484 20

U. S. and N ational b ank currency.

49,206 00

47,962 00

46,154 00

60,383 00

49,571 00

Gold co in .............................................

24,410 00

24,460 00

24,030 00

24,895 00

24,100 00

Silver coin............................................

4,596 00

4,700 00

4,150 00

4,800 00

4,100 00

Nickels and cen ts................................

510 44

477 15

636 42

550 00

533 60

Checks and cash item s.......................

6,737 90

8,149 84

6,282 03

6,088 87

8,081 71

T otals............................................ $1,101,016 06 $1,116,046 41 $1,247,775 13 $1,280,225 92

$1,313,027 62

Capital stock paid in ..........................
Surplus fu n d ........................................
Undivided profits, less current expenses, interest and taxes paid. .
Dividends u n p a id ..............................
Commercial deposits subject to
ch eck .................................................

$150,000 00

$150,000 00

$150,000 00

$150,000 00

$150,000 00

40,000 00

42,000 00

42,000 00

42,000 00

45,000 00

11,487 27

7,414 60

11,380 51

14,193 60

10,457 78

115 94

138 00

390,263 56

353,713 72

450,288 09

439,131 89

442,477 56

9,464 39

8,902 24

19,907 82

9,633 33

31,908 85

Savings d ep o sits................................

255,769 59

273,028 76

278,812 32

290,212 74

293,691 52

Savings certificates of d ep o sit........

244,031 25

272,352 50

295,386 39

320,320 61

323,712 07

14,733 75

15,641 84

T otals............................................ $1,101,016 06 $1,116,046 41 $1,280,775 13 $1,280,225 92

$1,313,027 62

Commercial certificates of d ep o sit.
Due to banks and b an k ers...............
Certified checks..................................
Cashier’s checks o u tstan d in g ...........

S tate deposit........................................

8,518 65

Notes and bills rediscounted...........
Bills p a 3^able.......................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis




No. 271.
Organized September 19, 1902.
B . F. L o d e r , P r e s id e n t ; E

S. H o u g h , V ic e P r e s id e n t ; G e o r g e R . B u c k ,
L. B a l d w i n , A s s i s t a n t C a s h ie r .



C a s h ie r ;

D i r e c t o r s .— B. F. Loder, L. S. Higley, E. S. Hough, John McLennan, M atthias Caley, G. R. Buck.


R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Nov. 27, ’08. Feb. 5, ’09. April 28, ’09. June 23, ’09. Sept. 1, ’09.

Loans and discounts.........................

$105,373 66

$109,747 15

$115,129 14

$126,588 30

$121,166 88

Bonds, m ortgages and securities..

108,953 50

109,814 50

131,213 02

136,368 02

» 138,468 02

O verdrafts.............................................

216 00

716 99

379 52

1,353 71

1,427 53

Banking house....................................
F urniture and fix tu res.....................

2,400 00

2,200 00

2,200 00

2,200 00

2,100 00

29,708 82

33,873 92

26,094 10

20,605 71

23,613 93

U. S. and N ational bank c u rre n c y .

3,668 00

6,838 00

7,793 00

2,802 00

4,295 00

Gold co in .............................................

7,880 00

7,840 00

8,197 50

8,402 50

8,290 00

Silver coin............................................

282 95

659 65

743 60

1,385 25

1,782 35

Nickels and c e n ts..............................

58 74

133 59

150 71

127 71

229 87

Checks and cash items......................

110 00

654 58

80 00

266 84

251 59

T o tals............................................

$258,651 67

$272,478 38

$291,980 59

$300,100 04

$301,625 17

Capital stock paid in ........................

$25,000 00

$25,000 00

$25,000 00

$25,000 00

$25,000 00

2,750 00

3,000 00

3,000 00

3,000 00

3,259 00

2,845 90

1,170 81

1,835 29

1,534 22

620 26

22,932 40

27,772 90

27,095 95

27,347 78

Prem ium s paid on bonds.................

O ther real e sta te .............................
Due from other banks and bankers
(not reserve cities).......................
Item s in tra n s it...................
United S tates bonds............ ............
Due from banks in reserve c itie s ..
Exchanges for clearing house.........

Surplus fu n d ........................................
Undivided profits, less current ex­
penses, interest and taxes p a id . .
Dividends u n p a id ............................
Commercial deposits subject to
ch eck .................................................

24,274 02

Commercial certificates of d e p o sit.
Due to banks and bankers
Certified eheeks. . .
Cashier’s checks o u tsta n d in g .. ..
Savings d ep o sits.................................

44,686 72

46,341 40

51,827 98

51,941 68

52,611 61

Savings certificates of dep o sit........

159,095 03

174,033 77

182,544 42

191,528 19

192,795 52

$258,651 67

$272,478 38

$291,980 59

$300,100 04

$301,625 17

Notes and bills red isco unted...........
Bills p a y a b le . . .


T o tals............................................

Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



No. 117.
Organized May 9, 1891.
C h e s t e r G. W h i t e , P r e s id e n t ; E d m u n d B r o w n e l l , V ic e P r e s id e n t ; J . K. J o h n s o n , C a s h ie r ;
K i r k W h i t e , A s s i s t a n t C a s h ie r .
D i r e c t o r s .— Chester G. W hite, Geo. W. Rood, E dm und Brownell, K irk W hite, Ripley W hite, Wm. B.

Williams, Chas. H. Rood.


R eport of
Nov. 27, ’08

R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Feb. 5, ’09. April 28, ’09 June 23, ’09. Sept. 1, ’09.

Loans and discounts......................

$67,346 83

$69,996 83

$76,829 73

$86,129 73

$74,129 73

Bonds, m ortgages and securities.

356,452 60

358,309 99

355,644 68

346,519 68

345,791 68

Prem ium s paid on b o n d s.............
O verdrafts........................................ .

46 04

B anking house..................................
F u rn itu re and fixtures...................
O ther real estate...........................
Due from other banks and bankers
(not reserve cities).....................

8,966 90

5,611 43

Item s in tr a n s it................................
United S tates b o n d s........................
Due from banks in reserve cities.

41,158 25

41,775 59

41,775 59

42,402 21

42,402 21

19,000 00

19,000 00

20,000 00

20,000 00

19,700 00

$492,970 62

,082 41

$494,250 00

$500,663 05

$482,023 62

$45,000 00

$45,000 00

$45,000 00

$45,000 00

$45,000 00

20,000 00

20,000 00

20,000 00

20,000 00

20,000 00

32,705 01

27,874 38

35,014 66

32,161 19

27,206 47

9,964 45

645 42

395,265 61

386,243 58

393,589 92

403,498 86

388,184 58

$492,970 62

.082 41

,250 00

,663 05

$482,023 62

Exchanges for clearing house..........
U. S. and N ational b ank currency
Gold c o in .............................................
Silver coin...........................................
Nickels and c e n ts..............................
Checks and cash ite m s.....................
Capital stock paid i n . ..
Surplus fu n d ....................................
Undivided profits, less current ex­
penses, interest and taxes paid
Dividends u n p aid ...........................
Commercial deposits subject to
ch eck .............................................
Commercial certificates of deposit
Due to banks and b an k ers...............

1,632 57

Certified checks...................................
Cashier’s checks o u tstan d in g ..........
Savings deposits..................................
Savings certificates of d ep o sit........
Notes and bills re d isco u n ted ...........
Bills p a y a b le .......................................
T o tals............................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



No. 201.
Organized November 6, 1897.
J o h n s o n V i v i a n , P r e s id e n t ; W il l ia m H. T h i e l m a n , V ic e P r e s id e n t ; J a m e s T . F i s h e r , C a s h ie r ;
E d w a r d P . B a s t , A s s i s t a n t C a s h ie r .
D i r e c t o r s .— Johnson Vivian. Jam es M acNaughton, W illiam H. Thielm an, F rank 8. Carlton, J. P.

Peterm an, Jam es A. Torreano, Jam es T. Fisher.


R eport of
R enort of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Nov. 27, ’08. Feb'. 5, ’09. April 28, ’09. June 23, ’09. Sept. 1, ’09.

T.on.ns and discounts.........................

$603,256 27

$581,263 71

$559,544 94

$619,456 47

$611,042 34

Bonds, m ortgages and se c u ritie s..

163,374 34

171,914 83

180,819 83

180,675 21

181,114 33

Prem ium s paid on b o n d s.................
O verdrafts.............................................

1,990 32

282 71

2,913 75

218 66

1,214 09

B anking house....................................

37,500 00

37,500 00

37,500 00

37,500 00

37,500 00

O ther real e sta te ...............................
Due from other banks and bankers
(not reserve cities).......................

15,446 89

31,567 88

30,175 84

11,323 78

11,615 90

Item s in tra n s it.................................

8,830 73

9,241 05

6,765 46

9,201 75

’ 3,397 15

Due from banks in reserve c itie s ..

78,077 49

99,066 91

79,609 89

99,020 56

122,461 75

Exchanges for clearing h o u se........

4,608 00

8,040 08

14,622 53

U. S. and N ational bank currency.

35,958 00

60,146 00

70,287 00

41,559 00

21,932 00

F u rn itu re and fixtures...................

United States bo n d s.........................

5,049 82

Gold c o in ...........................................

6,017 50

4,815 00

1,785 00

2,072 50

3,262 50

Silver coin............................................

5,770 00

5,940 00

6,205 00

1,854 00

5,031 00

Nickels and c en ts................................

650 44

767 16

496 43

581 96

259 94

Checks and cash item s.......................

1,141 69

4,866 69

5,699 17

4,680 49

1,501 30

$996,424 84 $1,008,144 38

$1,005,382 12

T o ta ls............................................
Capital stock paid in ..........................

$962,621 67 $1,015,412 02
$75,000 00

$75,000 00

$75,000 00

$75,000 00

$75,000 00

100,000 00

100,000 00

100,000 00

100,000 00

100,000 00

26,226 57

28,428 66

29,610 46

29,296 27

36,672 09

Dividends u n p a id ..............................
Commercial deposits subject to
ch eck .................................................

294,669 91

354,510 68

307,466 51

293,020 17

309,006 39

Commercial certificates of deposit .

2,881 22

5,140 94

9,972 96

7,876 51

2,223 85

Due to banks and b an k ers...............

1,348 62

783 09

745 88

25,784 83

213 82

Surplus fu n d ........................................
U ndivided profits, less current ex­
penses, interest an d taxes p a id . .

Certified checks..................................

500 00

500 00

Cashier’s checks o u tsta n d in g ...........
Savings d ep o sits.................................

413,139 43

382,959 38

399,890 85

386,782 95

386,918 72

Savings certificates of d ep o sit........

49,355 92

68,089 27

68,738 18

87,383 65

92,847 25

5,000 00

2,500 00

2,500 00

S tate monies on d e p o sit.................
Notes and bills rediscounted...........
Bills p a y a b le .......................................
T o tals............................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

$962,621 67 $1,015,412 02

$996,424 84 $1,008,144 38 ’ $1,005,382 12



No. 8.
Organized December 24, 1886.
Corporate existence extended December 24, 1906.
A r t h u r J . T u t t l e , P r e s i d e n t ; M. L . C a m p b e l l , V ic e P r e s id e n t ; A . L . D o w i .i n g , C a s h ie r .
D i r e c t o r s .— M. I. Covert, O. V. T uttle, A rthur J. T uttle, F. E. Haynes, M. L. Campbell,

F anny R. H aynes, A. L. Dowling.


R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Report of
R eport of
Nov. 27, ’08. Feb. 5, ’09. April 28, ’09. June 23, ’09. Sept. 1, ’09.

Loans and discounts.........................

$130,841 02

$130,517 68

$126,606 58

$129,135 36

$134,586 65

Bonds, m ortgages and securities..

39,949 80

41,135 80

47,385 80

48,235 80

49,185 80

p re m iu m s

paid on bonds. . .

O verdrafts.............................................

447 70

1,610 07

980 56

866 34

559 11

B anking house....................................

2,500 00

2,500 00

2,500 00

2,500 00

2,500 00

2,356 62

2,356 62

2,947 74

957 61

181 04

1,095 60

1,709 33

9,951 04

21,934 77

21,067 63

31,358 37

31,820 87

U. S. and N ational bank cu rre n cy .

7,735 00

3,611 00

4,395 00

5,985 00

2,198 00

Gold c o in .............................................

5,947 50

7,142 50

8,217 50

8,952 50

8,942 50

Silver coin............................................

872 50

675 50

714 20

1,691 10

843 00

Nickels and c e n ts..............................

120 13

120 19

150 01

120 13

75 08

Checks and cash ite m s.....................

1,185 59

206 41

543 09

161 61

709 36

T o ta ls............................................

$204,854 64

$212,768 15

$212,741 41

$230,101 81

$233,129 70

Capital stock paid in .......................

$25,000 00

$25,000 00

$25,000 00

$25,000 00

$25,000 00

25,000 00

25,000 00

25,000 00

25,000 00

25,000 00

4,346 20

1,672 82

3,718 48

4,369 35

2,932 72

Commercial deposits subject to
ch eck .................................................

52,109 97

59,612 00

57,407 70

61,121 08

58,396 82

Commercial certificates of d ep o sit.

93,398 47

96,483 33

91,615 23

104,611 38

111,800 16

10,000 00

10,000 00

10,000 00

$212,741 41

$230,101 81

$233,129 70

F u r n itu r e


f i x t u r e s .........................

O th e r re a l e s ta te

Due from other banks and bankers
(not r e s e r v e p itie s ') . .
Item s in tra n s it.................................
IT n ite d

States bonds.....................

Due from banks in reserve citie s. .
F.xpbanges for plearing house

Surnlus fu n d .....................................
Undivided profits, less current ex­
penses, interest and taxes p a i d ..
D iv id e n d s u n p a id

Due to banks and b an k ers.............
O ort,i fie d oh eek s .............

Cashier’s checks o u tstan ding........
Savings d ep o sits................................
Savings certificates of d ep o sit........
S tate monies on d ep o sit...................
Notes an d bills rediscounted........
Bills p a y a b le .......................................

5,000 00

5,000 00

T o tals............................................

$204,854 64

$212,768 15
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis


No. 184.
Organized January 29, 1896.

J o h n B e l l , P r e s id e n t ; A l e x . C r t j ic k s h a n k , V ic e P r e s id e n t ; T h e o d o r e W ix s o n , A s s i s t a n t C a s h ie r .
D i r e c t o r s .— A. E . Sleeper, John Bell, John P . Niggeman, Alex. Cruickshank, F rank Mathews,

Jam es Colback.


Loans and discounts.........................
Bonds, m ortgages and se c u ritie s...

R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Nov. 27, ’08. Feb. 5, ’09. April 28, ’09. June 23, ’09. Sept. 1, ’09.

$75,048 41

$66,306 95

$68,982 61

$69,982 80

$67,885 12

7,683 00

6,183 00

8,637 75

9,059 00

11,153 79

311 92

59 38

14 14
2,500 00

2,500 00

Prem ium s pfiid on bunds
O verdrafts

177 31

Banking house....................................

2,500 00

2,500 00

2,500 00

F u rn itu re and fixtures.....................

2,000 00

2,000 00

2,000 00

2,100 00

2,200 00

Other real e sta te ................................
Due from Other banks and bankers
(not reserve pities)

4,435 00

4,435 00

4,435 00

4,435 00

1,900 00

507 15

76 13

1,471 30

22,185 18

25,779 71

19,398 50

16,432 16

28,427 81

U. S. and N ational bank currency.

5,259 00

3,964 00

4,439 00

4,342 00

6,832 00

Gold c o in .............................................

2,295 00

2,550 00

2,660 00

1,200 00

1,230 00

Silver coin............................................

934 30

1,287 95

1,236 65

1,589 80

412 25

Nickels and c e n ts..............................

63 54

117 14

85 80

111 35

94 15

Checks and cash ite m s.....................

229 90

189 32

129 05

26 32

101 86

T o tals............................................

$123,452 40

$115,448 58

$115,989 80

$111,778 43

$123,172 30

Capital stock paid in ..........................

$20,000 00

258 01

Ttems in tran sit
United S tates bonds
Due from banks in reserve c itie s ..
E x c h a n g e s f o r p le a r i n g b o u s e

$20,000 00

$20,000 00

$20,000 00

$20,000 00

Surplus fu n d ........................................
Undivided profits, less current ex­
penses, interest and taxes p a i d ..

1,800 00

2,000 00

2,000 00

2,000 00

2,000 00

2,504 61

1,118 44

1,693 55

1,852 73

2,086 82

Dividends u n p aid ..
Commercial deposits subject to
ch eck .................................................

24,563 90

16,810 45

19,157 27

16,897 06

25,581 49

Commercial certificates of d e p o sit.

74,583 89

75,519 69

73,138 98

70,035 15

73,503 99

993 49

Due to banks and bankers. . .
Certified phepks ..
Cashier’s phepks outstanding
Sayings d ep o sits.. .
Savings perf.ifipates of deposit
Notes and bills rediscounted ..
Bills pava.ble
T o tals............................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

$123,452 40

$115,448 58

$115,989 80

$111,778 43

$123,172 30



No. 408.
Organized August 3, 1908.
C h a s . G. S h e r k , P r e s id e n t ; G e o . P. B e n e d i c t , V ic e P r e s id e n t ; H


S. S a c k e t t ,

C a s h ie r .

D i r e c t o r s .— Chas. G. Sherk, E dw ard Baily, Geo. P. Benedict, L. C. Feighner; J. H. R andall,

W. R. Freem an, F. S. Sa kett.


Loans and discounts.........................

R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Nov. 27, ’08. Feb. 5, ’09. April 28, ’09. June 23, ’09. Sept. 1, ’09.
$12,527 72

Bonds m ortgages and securities. .

$15,200 03

$19,915 88

$19,071 51

$19,331 47

2,900 00

12,200 00

10,200 00

12,400 00

317 00

312 39

312 39

31 77

8 05

Prem ium s paid on b o n d s.................
O verdrafts............................................

51 02

448 63

Expenses, interest and taxes p a id .

107 94

315 46

89 82

Banking house....................................

3,785 00

3,785 00

3,785 00

3,785 00

3,785 00

F urn itu re and fixtures.....................

1,177 39

1,286 53

1,506 92

1,506 92

1,506 92

Books and supplies............................

182 15

O ther real estate................................
Due from other banks and bankers
(not reserve c itie s).......................

1,586 03

707 97

7,862 21

11,316 35

10,372 92

10,052 48

5,648 27

Item s in tra n sit..................................
United States bonds.........................
Due from banks in reserve cities. .
Exchanges for clearing h o u se........
2,429 00

3,015 00

2,929 00

3,354 00

2,949 00

Gold c o in .............................................

95 00

250 00

335 00

445 00

550 00

Silver coin............................................

461 80

516 55

363 85

357 95

69 55

Nickels and cents................................

39 00

37 83

44 09

85 49

52 68

TT. S. and N ational b ank c u rre n c y .

Checks and cash item s.......................

1,071 93

52 58

11 08

153 07

T o ta ls............................................

$31,376 19

$39,779 35

$51,912 06

$49,213 59

$46,766 40

Capital stock paid in ..........................

$20,000 00

$20,000 00

$20,000 00

$20,000 00

$20,000 00

136 22

262 42

9,241 32

6,425 41

Surplus fu n d ........................................
Undivided profits, less current ex­
penses, interest and taxes p a id . .
Dividends u n p a id ..............................
Commercial deposits subject to
ch eck .................................................

4,330 57

10,829 46

9,599 37

52 47

47 50

Commercial certificates of dep'osit.
Due to banks and b an k ers...............
Certified checks..................................
Cashier’s checks o u tstan d in g ...........
Savings d ep o sits.................................

788 42

1,058 95

3,369 96

2,388 46

2,630 23

Savings certificates of d ep o sit........

6,257 20

7,838 47

18,895 23

17,447 59

17,448 29

$31,376 19

$39,779 35

$51,912 06

$49,213 59

$46,766 40

Notes and bills red isco unted..........
Bills p a v a b le .......................................
T o tals.............. .............................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis


No. 360.
Organized January 29, 1907.
A. W. W e e k e s ,

P r e s id e n t ;

H. A. P e c k h a m ,

V ic e P r e s id e n t ;

T. A. M u r p h y ,

C a s h ie r .

D i r e c t o r s . —J. S. Bergin, F. W. H inyan, T. A. M urphy, R. J. Flanagan, H. A. Peckham , R. Van Dyke,

W. A. W atts, A. W. Weekes, Wm. T. Condon, D. G. Look.


R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Nov. 27, ’08. Feb. 5, ’09. April 28, ’C9. June 23, ’09. Sept. 1, ’09.

Loans an d discounts.........................

$73,505 03

$72,611 46

$82,581 38

$78,087 58

$82,444 72

Bonds, m ortgages and securities. . .

57,072 82

55,656 45

52,085 40

54,870 95

54,820 95

506 74

175 67

206 57

3,500 00

3,500 00

3,500 00

14 00

81 00

27,525 51

Prem ium s paid on b o n d s...............
O v erd rafts:...........................................
Banking house....................................
F urn itu re and fixtures.....................

3,500 00

3,500 00

O ther real e state...............................
Due from other banks and bankers
(not reserve cities).........................
Item s in tr a n s it..................................

3,823 55

U nited S tates b o n d s..........................
Due from banks in reserve cities..

15,074 51

20,917 47

15,055 16

29,252 40

Exchanges for clearing house..........

33 23

20 83

153 66

171 20

457 81

U. S. and N ational bank currency.

6,628 00

5,248 00

7,326 00

6,043 00

6,969 00

Gold c o in .............................................

3,135 00

2,482 50

3,062 50

3,508 00

3,938 00

Silver coin............................................

863 20

893 90

475 05

1,028 70

797 35

Nickels and c e n ts..............................

117 78

86 11

44 13

55 93

89 97

Checks and cash ite m s.....................

533 99

172 02

307 60

327 01

102 66

T o tals............................................

$164,287 11

$161,588 74

$165,097 62

$177,034 44

$180,933 54

Capital stock paid in .........................

$25,000 00

$25,000 00

$25,000 00

$25,000 00

$25,000 00

500 00

500 00

500 00

750 00

Surplus fu n d ........................................
Undivided profits, less current ex­
penses, interest and taxes paid. .

1,702 91

243 48

1,187 39

761 89

645 35

Dividends u n p aid ...............................
Commercial ‘deposits subject to
ch eck .................................................

54,114 36

48,033 93

41,075 06

55,726 46

51,166 47

Savings deposits..................................

51,030 68

56,106 46

56,459 85

57,574 51

65,121 34

Savings certificates of dep o sit........

32,439 16

31,704 87

40,875 32

37,471 58

38,250 38

$164,287 11

$161,588 74

$165,097 62

$177,034 44

$180,933 54

Commercial certificates of d ep o sit.
Due to banks and b an k ers...............
Certified checks...................................
Cashier’s checks o u tstan d in g ...........

Notes and bills rediscounted ..........
Bills p a y a b le .......................................
T o tals............................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



No. 111.
Organized January 22, 1891.
C h a r l e s M c C a r t y , P r e s id e n t : E. L. B e n n e t t , V ic e P r e s id e n t ; D. G. M a n g e , C a s h ie r ;
J e s s e I v . F i s h e r , A s s i s t a n t C a s h ie r .
D i r e c t o r s .— Charles McCarty, E. L. B ennett,



Loans and discounts.........................
Bonds, m ortgages and securities..

Dudley E. W aters, C. A. Lee, Tom F. Doyle,
G. Mange.

R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Nov. 27, ’08. Feb. 5, ’09. April 28, ’09. June 23, '09. Sept. 1, ’09.
$102,607 24

$121,141 54

$137,028 41

$121,938 69

$119,184 82
138,120 13

119,280 88

123,880 13

135,875 13

139,315 13

436 97

425 47

202 68

400 80

1,694 79

Prom in ms pa,id on bonds
O verdrafts............................................
Banking house....................................

4,500 00

4,500 00

4,500 00

4,500 00

4,500 00

F urn itu re and fixtures.....................

2,000 00

2,000 00

2,000 00

2,000 00

2,000 00
770 00

O ther real e sta te ...............................
D ue from other banks and bankers
(not- reserve pities)
858 00

1,501 33

1,531 75

697 12

3,068 17

47,278 96

33,834 96

33,196 12

32,762 47

31,487 16

LT. S. and N ational bank currency.

7,853 00

10,122 00

6,278 00

16,539 00

8,181 00

Gold c o in .............................................

6,350 00

5,842 50

6,297 50

4,512 50

4,842 50

Silver coin............................................

1,309 20

864 80

994 00

1,516 85

2,037 65

Nickels and cen ts................................

142 83

265 50

245 41

234 29

235 27

Cheeks and rash item s......................

235 76

80 20

401 95

56 55

262 09

T o ta ls............................................

$292,852 84

$304,458 43

$328,550 95

$324,473 40

$320,383 58

Capital stock paid in .........................

$25,000 00

$25,000 00

$25,000 00

$25,000 00

$25,000 00

5,000 00

5,000 00

5,000 00

5,000 00

5,000 00

2,825 24

1,775 14

4,435 82

3,527 44

2,770 96

38,998 68

46,581 05

Item s in tra n sit.................................

4,000 00

U nited States bonds.........................
Due from banks in reserve cities. .
F^changes for elearing house........

Surplus fu n d ........................................
U ndivided profits, less current ex­
penses, interest and taxes p a i d ..
Dividend« u n p a id ............................
Commercial deposits subject to
ch eck .................................................

235 00
39,375 78

43,415 30

48,693 75


Commercial certificates of d ep o sit.
Due to banks and b an k ers...............
822 50

OJerti fied oh eck s..................................
Cashier’s checks o u tstan d in g ...........
Savings d ep o sits.................................
Savings certificates of dep o sit........

139,865 08
80,786 74

146,157 03

148,110 26

152,499 46

143,812 82

82,875 96

91,488 62

96,947 82

94,718 75

5,000 00

2,500 00

2,500 00

$328,550 95

$324,473 40

$320,383 58

S ta te monies on d ep o sit...................
Notes and bills rediscounted...........
Bills p a y a b le .......................................
T o tals............................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

$292,852 84

$304,458 43



No. 239.
Organized May 22, 1901.
C h a s . G. W i n g , P r e s id e n t ; W a r r e n A . C a r t i e r , V ic e P r e s id e n t ; C l y d e H a g e r m a n , C a s h ie r .
D i r e c t o r s .— Chas. G. Wing, W arren A. Cartier, Wm. R ath, Roswell P. Bishop, Michael B. Danaher,

Antoine E. Cartier.


R eport of
Nov. 27, ’08

R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Feb. 5, ’09. April 28, ’09 June 23, ’09 Sept. 1, ’09.

Loans and discounts.........................

$207,086 36

$199,136 13

$202,931 17

$205,328 07

$203,684 99

Bonds, m ortgages and securities..

290,456 55

293,960 71

293,630 58

282,051 23

273,191 54

Prem ium s paid on bo n ds.................
O verdrafts............................................

2,971 03

577 08

316 69

605 85

583 19

B anking house....................................

10,689 83

10,689 83

10,773 17

10,780 17

10,762 17

F u rn itu re and fixtures.....................

5,050 04

5,050 04

5,050 04

5,050 04

5,050 04

182 36

120 61

219 38

O ther real e state................................
Due from other banks and bankers
(not reserve cities).......................
Item s in tra n sit.................................

2,233 04

U nited S tates bonds.........................
Due from banks in reserve cities. .

43,467 87

45,364 94

18,797 56

39,881 56

54,259 93

U. S. and N ational bank currency.

17,133 00

8,638 00

12,175 00

22,219 00

10,526 00

Gold co in .............................................

8,530 86

6,786 43

4,350 00

3,392 50

8,335 00

5,002 05

947 63

6,904 55

2,213 60

2,192 45

2,981 60

Exchanges for clearing house........

Gold bars, U. S. assa y .....................
Silver coin............................................

5,346 10

4,897 10

Nickels and cents...............................

325 84

409 65

335 76

286 82

358 46

Checks and cash item s.......................

609 02

1,673 06

1,310 00

3,607 30

827 73

T o tals............................................

$593,899 54

$577,182 97

$557,067 98

$576,463 23

$580,684 58

Capital stock paid in ..........................

$50,000 00

$50,000 00

$50,000 00

$50,000 00

$50,000 00

25,000 00

25,000 00

25,000 00

25,000 00

25,000 00

9,813 20

2,291 87

6,523 91

9,943 67

3,555 22

136,125 14

131,686 78

118,351 06

J 127,390 63

127,731 65

3,821 04

3,571 57

5,332 33

2,656 63

2,764 72

106 40

100 00

Surplus fu n d ........................................
Undivided profits, less current ex­
penses, interest and taxes p a id ..
Dividends u n p a id ..............................
Commercial deposits subject to
ch eck .................................................
Commercial certificates of d ep o sit.
Due to banks and b an k ers...............
Certified checks..................................

100 00

Cashier’s checks o u tstan d in g ...........
Savings d ep o sits................................

229,472 06

231,806 63

225,190 40

234,505 65

232,867 19

Savings certificates of d ep o sit........

124,668 10

117,726 12

111,670 28

116,860 22

128,665 80

Notes and bills rediscounted...........
Bills p a v a b le .......................................

15,000 00

15,000 00

15,000 00

10,000 00

10,000 00

T o tals............................................

$593,899 54

$577,182 97

$557,067 98

$576,463 23

$580,684 58

Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



No. 130.
Organized January 20, 1892.
H. G. W h i t e , P r e s id e n t ; I. N. R o d e n b a u g h , V ic e P r e s id e n t ; E. L. J. M i l l s ,
R. I. M a c D o n a l d , A s s i s t a n t C a s h ie r ; N. C. W e t e r , A u d ito r .

C a s h ie r ;

D i r e c t o r s — H. G. W hite, I. N. Rodenbaugh, N. C. W eter, F rank Harding, J. W. McCauley,

E. C. B urnett, N. M. Langdon.

R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Nov. 27, ’08. Feb. 5, ’09. April 28, ’09. June 23, ’09. Sept. 1, ’09.


Loans and discounts.........................

$155,137 79

$162,125 42

$184,466 85

$181,261 89

$151,801 55

Bonds, m ortgages and securities. .

72,699 38

76,668 38

83,342 38

85,417 70

85,696 20

O verdrafts............................................

120 98

187 76

379 33

225 12

709 14

Banking house....................................

3,444 27

3,444 27

3,444 27

3,444 27

3,444 27

2,416 21

2,416 21

2,416 21

2,416 21

3,000 08

177 87

175 00

263 31

76 01

239 33

47,043 04

68,048 09

23,315 70

55,140 98

33,163 56

F lirn itn re a n d

f ix tu re s

O ther real estate...................
Due from other banks and bankers
Item s in tra n sit.................................
U n ite d S ta te s b o n d s

Due from banks in reserve cities..
E x c h a n g e s fo r p le a rin g h o n s o

LT. S. and N ational bank currency.

10,738 00

7,722 00

14,265 00

8,626 00

8,263 00

Gold c o in .............................................

5,575 00

6,010 00

3,375 00

4,535 00

5,740 00

Silver coin............................................

1,482 25

2,011 80

2,150 35

2,135 35

2,900 15

Nickels and c e n ts..............................

179 90

171 10

131 30

107 07

210 05

Checks and cash ite m s.....................

353 30

103 05

14 50

216 53

42 40

T otals............................................

$299,367 99

$329,083 08

$317,564 20

$343,602 13

$295,209 73

Capital stock paid i n . ......................

$20,000 00

$20,000 00

$20,000 00

$20,000 00

$20,000 00

5,000 00

5,000 00

5,000 00

5,000 00

5,000 00

17,836 88

15,090 08

17,652 50

19,409 27

16,534 68

Commercial deposits subject to
ch eck .................................................

46,993 89

75,941 19

63,551 63

92,768 11

54,439 22

Commercial certificates of d ep o sit.

101,429 27

97,670 07

94,440 39

88,892 22

84,034 90

108,107 95

115,233 74

116,919 68

117,532 53

115,200 93

$299,367 99

$329,083 08

$317,564 20

$343,602 13

$295,209 73

Surplus fund........................................
U ndivided profits, less current ex­
penses, interest and taxes p a i d ..

148 00

" D iv id e n d s u n p a i d

P\ip to

b r in k s


and bankers.


Cashier’s checks

o u ts ta n d in g


Savings d ep o sits................................
R a v in g s c e r tif ic a te s o f d e p o s it
N o t e s a n d b i ll s r e d i s c o u n t e d
"Rills p a .y a b l e


T o tals............................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



No. 242.
Organized August 31, 1901.
F r e d e r i c k S t e i n k o h l , P r e s id e n t ; E. M. C o n k l i n , V ic e P r e s id e n t ; C. W . C a s e , C a s h ie r ;
F . A . L e h m a n , A s s i s t a n t C a s h ie r .
D i r e c t o r s .— Fred Kensler, B. G. Lovejoy, Frederick Steinkohl, E. M. Conklin, J. A . Lowery,


D. Torrey, F. W. Sm ith, C. W. Case, J. H. Kingsley.


R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Nov. 27, ’08. Feb. 5, ’09. April 28, ’09 June 23, ’09. Sept. 1, '09.

Loans and discounts.........................

$107,077 93

$104,902 25

$110,148 85

$115,448 08

$98,388 35

Bonds, m ortgages and securities. . .

110,032 50

111,990 00

130,630 00

143,753 72

143,943 72

Prem ium s paid on b o n d s...............
O verdrafts..........................................

3,765 47

926 35

331 13

762 92

408 98

B anking house....................................

5,000 00

5,000 00

5,000 00

5,000 00

5,000 00

F u rn itu re and fixtures.....................

1,600 00

1,600 00

1,600 00

1,600 00

1,600 00

25,964 78

O ther real estate.............................
Due from other banks and bankers
(not reserve cities).........................
Item s in tr a n s it..................................

100 00

U nited States b o n d s..........................
Due from banks in reserve c itie s ..

26,614 81

37,640 17

40,662 22

32,927 70

E xchanges for clearing house..........

761 01

180 78

129 17

260 18

864 47

U. S. and N ational bank cu rren cy .

3,286 00

5,253 00

5,981 00

5,431 00

4,635 00

Gold c o in .............................................

10,485 00

10,310 00

10,277 50

10,247 50

10,255 00

Silver coin............................................

855 00

1,390 00

1,225 00

1,335 00

1,045 00

Nickels and c en ts..............................

61 95

50 80

37 64

56 55

126 89

Checks and cash item s.....................

107 81

50 25

185 25

61 33

125 00

T o tals............................................

$269,747 48

$279,293 60

$306,207 76

$316,883 98

$292,357 19

Capital stock paid in ..........................

125,000 00

$25,000 00

$25,000 00

$25,000 00

$25,000 00

Surplus f u n d .. . . ’. ..............................
U ndivided profits, less current ex­
penses, interest and taxes p a i d ..

8,000 00

8,000 00

8,000 00

8,000 00

8,000 00

3,470 52

2,238 35

3,307 33

2,969 10

2,224 29

Dividends u n p aid ..............
Commercial ‘deposits subject to
ch eck .................................................

59,355 91

70,913 97

78,507 14

73,490 53

62,544 19

Commercial certificates of d ep o sit.
Due to banks and bankers ..
Certified r.heeks.......
Cashier’s rheeks outstanding
Savings deposits..................................

38,472 05

40,234 90

48,973 38

55,928 30

58,057 24

Savings certificates of deposit........

135,449 00

132,906 38

142,419 91

151,496 05

136,531 47

$269,747 48

$279,293 60

$306,207 76

$316,883 98

$292,357 19

Notes and bills rediscounted.
Bills p a y ab le. .
T o ta ls............................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis


No. 172.
Organized June 28, 1894.
J o h n M. H o r n i n g , P r e s i d e n t ; A r n o l d H . K u h l , V ic e P r e s id e n t ; E d . E . R
B e n n e t t R o o t , A s s i s t a n t C a s h ie r .

o o t . C a s h ie r ;

D ir e c t o r s — John M. Horning, Geo. Heimendinger, Arnold H. Kuhl, C. F . K app, John W uerthner,

John Schlicht, A. J. W aters, A. D. English.

R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Nov. 27, ’08. Feb. 5, ’09. April 28, ’09. June 23, ’09. Sept. 1, ’09,


Loans and discounts....................

$89,502 75

$93,410 45

$100,960 36

$91,729 18

$98,569 31

Bonds, m ortgages and securities..

324,829 80

309,624 15

346,097 43

366,344 42

357,447 76

11,000 00

11,000 00

11,000 00

11,000 00

11,000 00

1,700 00

1,700 00

1,700 00

1,700 00

1,700 00

Prem ium s paid on b o n d s...............
O verdrafts...........................
Banking house.............
F u rn itu re and fixtures.....................
O ther real estate............
Due from other banks and bankers
(not reserve cities).......................
Item s in tra n sit.................................

1,417 36

830 18

800 00

U nited States bonds.......................
Due from banks in reserve cities..

46,381 17

57,204 45

62,772 53

70,677 61

Exchanges for clearing h ouse........

512 56

310 58

5,082 06

1,372 10

528 58

U. S. and N ational bank cu rren cy .

13,022 00

12,790 00

16,338 00

14,588 00

12,951 00

Gold c o in ............................

10,345 00

10,320 00

10,620 00

10,340 00

10,345 00

776 85

1,103 00

1,969 00

1,398 70

2,059 75

42 79

59 65

62 26

54 71

24 74

$499,533 28

$497,522 28

$557,431 82

$569,204 72

$555,729 00

$25,000 00

$25,000 00

$25,000 00

$25,000 00

$25,000 00

16,000 00

20,000 00

20,000 00

20,000 00

20,000 00

10,128 75

2,488 74

7,689 97

4,022 25

7,786 48

20,340 07

22,575 29

29,499 08

25,030 56

26,655 65

3,340 00

3,420 00

4,370 00

5,267 00

4,720 00

Savings d ep o sits..................

303,788 74

307,134 79

332,422 65

351,512 80

340,208 41

Savings certificates of d eposit........

120,932 72

116,903 46

138,450 12

138,372 11

131,358 46

$499,530 28

$497,522 28

$557,431 82

$569,204 72

$555,729 00

Silver coin.............................
Nickels and cents.............................

60,302 86

Checks and cash item s....................
T otals.................................
Capital stock paid in ...................
Surplus fu n d ...........................
Undivided profits, less current ex­
penses, interest and taxes paid. .
Dividends u n p a id ...................
Commercial deposits subject
ch eck ..................................


Commercial certificates of d ep o sit.
Due to banks and b an k ers.............
Certified checks.......................
Cashier’s checks o u tstan d in g ...........

Notes and bills rediscounted...........
Bills p a v a b le ......................
T o tals...........................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



No. 116.
Organized May 4, 1891.



il e r

ir e c t o r s



P r e s id e n t; J


o s e p h


ir s t e r


V ic e P r e s id e n t ;

W. J.


r e g o r y


C a s h ie r .

G. Filer, Thomas Kenny, Joseph K irster, Jno. H. G rant, John Smith.
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Nov. 27, ’08. Feb. 5, ’09. April 28, ’09. June 23, ’09. Sept. 1, ’09.


Loans and discounts..................
Bonds, m ortgages and securities..

$604,657 04

$659,912 36

$575,792 63

$551,257 05


468,124 59

502,364 39

511,422 15

509,011 98

499,165 93

Prem ium s paid on b o n d s ... .
O verdrafts...........................

8,219 55

1,204 43

1,314 56

1,278 91

879 33

25,000 00

25,000 00

25,000 00

25,000 00

25,000 00

8,773 29

12,301 21

12,872 36

2,531 27

10,421 62

286,358 83

452,007 26

218,463 94

284,589 16

203,439 12

U. S. and N ational bank currency.

16,143 00

27,548 00

26,625 00

25,604 00

15,325 00

Gold c o in ..................................

43,045 00

47,975 00

52,280 00

55,760 00

49,682 50

Silver coin...............................

23,205 00

20,841 75

12,941 15

12,018 10

13,656 75

Nickels and c en ts...............

960 61

1,331 83

613 27

542 34

530 85

Checks and cash ite m s. . . .

1,410 31

1,396 55

7,103 45

960 36

849 21

$1,485,897 22 $1,751 882 78 $1,444,428 51 $1,468,553 17

$1,373,986 08

Banking house.........................
F u rn itu re and fix tures........
O ther real e sta te ............
Due from other banks and bankers
(not reserve cities)........
Item s in tra n sit...................
U nited States bonds...................
Due from banks in reserve cities. .
E xchanges for clearing h o u se........

T o ta ls.........................
Capital stock paid in ........
Surplus fu n d ..................
U ndivided profits, less current ex­
penses, interest and taxes p a id . .
D ividends u n p a id .........
Commercial deposits subject
ch eck ..........................

$50,000 00

$50,000 00

$50,000 00

$50,000 00

$50,000 00

25,000 00

25,000 00

25,000 00

25,000 00

30,000 00

7,157 70

3,875 14

13,177 13

17,422 18

8,425 94

553,072 88

819,696 21

506,753 97

525,064 73

408,690 42

169,113 22

166,164 54

161,810 43

155,643 75

158,871 34

1,354 27

7,556 01

4,577 70

12,617 85

10,853 45

600 00

1,700 00

850 00

682,509 28

681,104 66

706,294 91

$1,485,897 22 $1,751,882 78 $1,444,428 51 $1,468,553 17

$1,373,986 06


Commercial certificates of deposit.
Due to banks and b an k ers..
Certified checks.............

113 34

Cashier’s checks o u tsta n d in g ..
Savings d ep o sits..................

680,085 81

679,590 88

Savings certificates of deposit........
Notes and bills rediscounted.........
Bills p a y a b le ...............
T o tals.......................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



No. 29.
Organized May 16, 1889.


e o r g e


r r


P r e s id e n t ; , M


ir e c t o r s

.— George

a r t in

d w a r d




V ic e P r e s id e n t ; M
A s s i s t a n t C a s h ie r .


u ic k

e w e l l


e l v in

W .


r r


C a s h ie r ;

H. Orr, M artin H. Quick, R obert B. W addell, Albert Orr, E dw ard H. Jewell.


R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
R eport of
Nov. 27, ’08. Feb. 5, ’09. April 28, ’09. June 23, ’09. Sept. 1, ’09.
$250,845 04

$255,653 32

$289,098 52

$275,865 51

$284,049 65

71,578 78

66,610 11

66,967 05

69,793 06

72,210 72

3 38

9 00

3,231 98

2,555 98

2,515 98

2,580 98

2,235 98

O ther real estate................................
Due from other banks and bankers
(not, reserve eities).........................

3,706 79

3,779 33

3,779 33

1,929 33

1,929 33

6,859 90

7,944 66

1,630 97

item s in tr a n s it..................................

1,962 46

1,383 99

2,665 97

1,498 80

1,259 44

63,169 55

150,473 37

57,161 19

96,539 09

85,250 90

■Loans and discounts............
Bonds, m ortgages and se cu rities.. .
Prem ium s paid on b o n d s. . .
O v erd ra fts.. .
B anking house....................................

109 68

F u rn itu re and fixtures.....................

United S tates b o n d s. .
Due from banks in reserve cities..
Exchanges for elearing house.. .
U. S. and N ational b ank cu rre n cy .

9,883 00

14,880 00

17,528 00

9,316 00

9,010 00

Gold c o in .............................................

13,085 00

13,695 00

14,215 00

14,340 00

13,910 00

Silver coin............................................

1,902 00

1,680 00

1,640 00

2,250 00

1,600 95

Nickels and c e n ts..............................

190 96

131 80

50 22

58 82

56 74

Checks and cash ite m s.....................

553 42

299 85

94 64

660 78

536 66

T o tals............................................

$420,218 66

$511,142 75

$462,575 80