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100th Annual Report


100th Annual Report


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Letter of Transmittal

Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
Washington, D.C.
May 2014
The Speaker of the House of Representatives:
Pursuant to the requirements of section 10 of the Federal Reserve Act, I am pleased to submit the 100th annual
report of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System.
This report covers operations of the Board during calendar year 2013.

Janet L. Yellen




..................................................................................................................................... 1

About This Report ....................................................................................................................... 1
About the Federal Reserve System .............................................................................................. 2

Monetary Policy and Economic Developments

............................................................ 5

Monetary Policy Report of February 2014 .................................................................................... 5
Monetary Policy Report of July 2013 .......................................................................................... 23

Supervision and Regulation ................................................................................................ 39
2013 Developments .................................................................................................................. 39
Supervision .............................................................................................................................. 43
Regulation ................................................................................................................................ 65

Consumer and Community Affairs

................................................................................. 69
Supervision and Examinations ................................................................................................... 69
Consumer Research and Emerging-Issues and Policy Analysis ................................................... 81
Community Development .......................................................................................................... 83
Consumer Laws and Regulations ............................................................................................... 85

Federal Reserve Banks .......................................................................................................... 87
Federal Reserve Priced Services ................................................................................................ 87
Currency and Coin .................................................................................................................... 90
Fiscal Agency and Government Depository Services ................................................................... 91
Use of Federal Reserve Intraday Credit ...................................................................................... 94
FedLine Access to Reserve Bank Services ................................................................................. 95
Information Technology ............................................................................................................. 96
Examinations of the Federal Reserve Banks ............................................................................... 96
Income and Expenses ............................................................................................................... 97
SOMA Holdings and Loans ....................................................................................................... 97
Federal Reserve Bank Premises ............................................................................................... 100
Pro Forma Financial Statements for Federal Reserve Priced Services ...................................... 102

Other Federal Reserve Operations .................................................................................. 109
Regulatory Developments: Dodd-Frank Act Implementation ...................................................... 109
The Board of Governors and the Government Performance and Results Act .............................. 116

Record of Policy Actions of the Board of Governors ............................................. 117
Rules and Regulations ............................................................................................................. 117


Policy Statements and Other Actions ....................................................................................... 121
Discount Rates for Depository Institutions in 2013 .................................................................... 122

Minutes of Federal Open Market Committee Meetings ......................................... 123
Meeting Held on January 29–30, 2013 ...................................................................................... 124
Meeting Held on March 19–20, 2013 ........................................................................................ 142
Meeting Held on April 30–May 1, 2013 ..................................................................................... 167
Meeting Held on June 18–19, 2013 .......................................................................................... 177
Meeting Held on July 30–31, 2013 ........................................................................................... 202
Meeting Held on September 17–18, 2013 ................................................................................. 213
Meeting Held on October 29–30, 2013 ..................................................................................... 238
Meeting Held on December 17–18, 2013 .................................................................................. 249

Litigation ................................................................................................................................. 275
Statistical Tables .................................................................................................................... 277
Federal Reserve System Audits ........................................................................................ 307
Board of Governors Financial Statements ................................................................................. 308
Federal Reserve Banks Combined Financial Statements ........................................................... 330
Federal Reserve Banks ............................................................................................................ 332
Office of Inspector General Activities ........................................................................................ 391
Government Accountability Office Reviews ............................................................................... 392

Federal Reserve System Budgets

..................................................................................... 395

System Budgets Overview ....................................................................................................... 395
Board of Governors Budgets ................................................................................................... 397
Federal Reserve Banks Budgets .............................................................................................. 401
Currency Budget ..................................................................................................................... 406

Federal Reserve System Organization

........................................................................... 411
Board of Governors ................................................................................................................. 411
Federal Open Market Committee ............................................................................................. 416
Board of Governors Advisory Councils ..................................................................................... 417
Federal Reserve Banks and Branches ...................................................................................... 420

Index ......................................................................................................................................... 437




The Federal Reserve, the central bank of the United
States, is a federal system composed of a central governmental agency—the Board of Governors—and
12 regional Federal Reserve Banks.
The Board of Governors, located in Washington,
D.C., consists of seven members appointed by the
President of the United States and supported by a
2,648-person staff. Besides conducting research,
analysis, and policymaking related to domestic and
international financial and economic matters, the
Board plays a major role in the supervision and regulation of U.S. financial institutions and activities, has
broad oversight responsibility for the nation’s payments system and the operations and activities of the
Federal Reserve Banks, and plays an important role
in promoting consumer protection, fair lending, and
community development.

About This Report
This report covers Board and System operations and
activities during calendar-year 2013. The report
includes the following sections:
• Monetary policy and economic developments.
Section 2 provides adapted versions of the Board’s
semiannual monetary policy reports to Congress.
• Federal Reserve operations. Section 3 provides a
summary of Board and System activities in the
areas of supervision and regulation; section 4, in
consumer and community affairs; and section 5, in
Reserve Bank operations.
• Dodd-Frank Act implementation and other requirements. Section 6 summarizes the Board’s efforts in
2013 to implement provisions of the Dodd-Frank
Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act
as well as the Board’s compliance with the Government Performance and Results Act of 1993.

For More Background on Board
For more information about the Federal Reserve
Board and the Federal Reserve System, visit the
Board’s website at
aboutthefed/default.htm. An online version of this
Annual Report is available at www.federalreserve

• Policy actions and litigation. Section 7 and
section 8 provide accounts of policy actions taken
by the Board in 2013, including new or amended
rules and regulations and other actions as well as
the deliberations and decisions of the Federal Open
Market Committee (FOMC); section 9 summarizes
litigation involving the Board.1
• Statistical tables. Section 10 includes 14 statistical
tables that provide updated historical data concerning Board and System operations and activities.
• Federal Reserve System audits. Section 11 provides
detailed information on the several levels of audit
and review conducted in regards to System operations and activities, including those provided by
outside auditors and the Board’s Office of Inspector General.
• Federal Reserve System budgets. Section 12 presents
information on the 2013 budget performance of
the Board and Reserve Banks, as well as their 2014
budgets, budgeting processes, and trends in their
expenses and employment.
• Federal Reserve System organization. Section 13
provides listings of key officials at the Board and in
the Federal Reserve System, including the Board of

For more information on the FOMC, see the Board’s website at


100th Annual Report | 2013

Governors, its officers, FOMC members, several
System councils, and Federal Reserve Bank and
Branch officers and directors.

About the Federal Reserve System
The Federal Reserve System, which serves as the
nation’s central bank, was created by an act of Congress on December 23, 1913. The System consists of
a seven-member Board of Governors with headquarters in Washington, D.C., and the 12 Reserve Banks
located in major cities throughout the United States.

■ Federal Reserve Bank city
N Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, Washington, D.C.

The Federal Reserve Banks are the operating arms of
the central banking system, carrying out a variety of
System functions, including operating a nationwide
payment system; distributing the nation’s currency
and coin; under authority delegated by the Board of
Governors, supervising and regulating a variety of
financial institutions and activities; serving as fiscal
agents of the U.S. Treasury; and providing a variety
of financial services for the Treasury, other government agencies, and other fiscal principals.
The following maps identify Federal Reserve Districts by their official number, city, and letter


■ Federal Reserve Bank city
● Federal Reserve Branch city
N Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, Washington, D.C.
— Branch boundary




Monetary Policy and
Economic Developments

As required by section 2B of the Federal Reserve Act,
the Federal Reserve Board submits written reports to
Congress that contain discussions of “the conduct of
monetary policy and economic developments and
prospects for the future.” The Monetary Policy
Report, submitted semiannually to the Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs and
to the House Committee on Banking and Financial
Services, is delivered concurrently with testimony
from the Federal Reserve Board Chair.
The following discussion is a review of U.S. monetary
policy and economic developments in 2013, excerpted
from the Monetary Policy Reports published in February 2014 and July 2013. Those complete reports,
which include a copy of the Federal Open Market
Committee’s Statement on Longer-Run Goals and
Monetary Policy Strategy, are available on the
Board’s website at
(February 2014) and
(July 2013).
Other materials in this annual report related to the
conduct of monetary policy can be found in section 8, “Minutes of Federal Open Market Committee
Meetings,” and section 10, “Statistical Tables” (see
tables 1–4).

Monetary Policy Report
of February 2014
The labor market improved further during the second
half of 2013 and into early 2014 as the economic
recovery strengthened: Employment has increased at
an average monthly pace of about 175,000 since June,
and the unemployment rate fell from 7.5 percent in
June to 6.6 percent in January. With these gains, payrolls have risen a cumulative 3¼ million and the
unemployment rate has declined 1½ percentage

points since August 2012, the month before the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) began its current asset purchase program. Nevertheless, even with
these improvements, the unemployment rate remains
well above levels that FOMC participants judge to be
sustainable in the longer run.
Consumer price inflation remained low. The price
index for personal consumption expenditures rose at
an annual rate of only 1 percent in the second half of
last year, noticeably below the FOMC’s longer-run
objective of 2 percent. However, some of the recent
softness reflects factors that seem likely to prove transitory, and survey- and market-based measures of
longer-term inflation expectations have remained in
the ranges seen over the past several years.
Economic growth picked up in the second half of last
year. Real gross domestic product is estimated to
have increased at an annual rate of 3¾ percent, up
from a 1¾ percent gain in the first half. Fiscal
policy—which was unusually restrictive in 2013 as a
whole—likely began to impose somewhat less
restraint on the pace of expansion in the latter part
of the year. Moreover, financial markets remained
supportive of economic growth—as household net
worth rose further, credit became more readily available, and interest rates remained relatively low—and
economic conditions in the rest of the world
improved overall despite recent turbulence in some
emerging financial markets. As a result, growth in
consumer spending, business investment, and exports
all increased in the second half of last year.
On the whole, the U.S. financial system continued to
strengthen. Capital and liquidity profiles at large
bank holding companies improved further. In addition, the Federal Reserve and other agencies took
further steps to enhance the resilience of the financial
system, including strengthening capital regulations
for large financial institutions and issuing a final rule
implementing the Volcker rule, which restricts such
firms’ proprietary trading activities. Use of financial
leverage was relatively restrained, and valuations in


100th Annual Report | 2013

most asset markets were broadly in line with historical norms. Overall, the vulnerability of the system to
adverse shocks remained at a moderate level.
With the economic recovery continuing, most Committee members judged by the time of the December 2013 FOMC meeting that they had seen meaningful, sustainable improvement in economic and
labor market conditions since the beginning of the
current asset purchase program, even while recognizing that the unemployment rate remained elevated
and that inflation was running noticeably below the
Committee’s 2 percent longer-run objective. Accordingly, the FOMC concluded that a highly accommodative policy stance remained appropriate, but that in
light of the cumulative progress toward maximum
employment and the improvement in the outlook for
labor market conditions, the Committee could begin
to trim the pace of its asset purchases. Specifically,
the Committee decided that, beginning in January, it
would add to its holdings of longer-term securities at
a pace of $75 billion per month rather than $85 billion per month as it had done previously. At its January meeting, the Committee continued to see
improvements in economic conditions and the outlook and reduced the pace of its asset purchases by
an additional $10 billion per month, to $65 billion.
The FOMC indicated that if incoming information
continues to broadly support the Committee’s expectation of ongoing improvement in labor market conditions and inflation moving back toward its longerrun objective, the Committee will likely reduce the
pace of asset purchases in further measured steps at
future meetings. Nonetheless, the Committee reiterated that asset purchases are not on a preset course,
and that its decisions about their pace will remain
contingent on the Committee’s outlook for the labor
market and inflation as well as its assessment of the
likely efficacy and costs of such purchases. The
FOMC also noted that its sizable and still-increasing
holdings of longer-term securities should maintain
downward pressure on longer-term interest rates,
support mortgage markets, and help make broader
financial conditions more accommodative.
At the same time, to emphasize its commitment to
provide a high level of monetary accommodation for
as long as needed to support continued progress
toward maximum employment and price stability, the
Committee enhanced its forward guidance regarding
the federal funds rate. Over the year prior to December 2013, the FOMC had reaffirmed its view that a
highly accommodative stance of monetary policy
would remain appropriate for a considerable time

after the asset purchase program ends and the economic recovery strengthens. In particular, the Committee indicated its intention to maintain the current
low target range for the federal funds rate at least as
long as the unemployment rate remained above
6½ percent, inflation between one and two years
ahead was projected to be no more than a half percentage point above the Committee’s 2 percent
longer-run goal, and longer-term inflation expectations continued to be well anchored. At the December 2013 FOMC meeting, with the unemployment
rate moving down toward the 6½ percent threshold,
the Committee decided to provide additional information about how it expects its policies to evolve
after the threshold is crossed. Specifically, the Committee indicated its anticipation that it will likely
maintain the current federal funds rate target well
past the time that the unemployment rate declines
below 6½ percent, especially if projected inflation
continues to run below its 2 percent goal.
At the time of the most recent FOMC meeting in late
January, Committee participants saw the economic
outlook as little changed from the time of their
December meeting, when the most recent Summary
of Economic Projections (SEP) was compiled. (The
December SEP is included as Part 3 of the February 2014 Monetary Policy Report on pages 37–49; it is
also included in section 8 of this annual report.) Participants viewed labor market indicators as showing
further improvement on balance—notwithstanding
recent mixed readings—and overall economic activity
as consistent with growing underlying strength in the
broader economy. Even taking into account the
recent volatility in global financial markets, participants regarded the risks to the outlook for the
economy and the labor market as having become
more nearly balanced in recent months. FOMC participants expected that, with appropriate policy
accommodation, economic activity would expand at
a moderate pace, and that the unemployment rate
would gradually decline toward levels the Committee
judges consistent with its dual mandate. The Committee recognized that inflation persistently below its
2 percent objective could pose risks to economic performance, and it is monitoring inflation developments carefully for evidence that inflation will move
back toward its objective over the medium term.

Part 1: Recent Economic and
Financial Developments
The labor market continued to improve over the second half of last year. Job gains have averaged about

Monetary Policy and Economic Developments

175,000 per month since June, and the unemployment rate fell from 7.5 percent in June 2013 to
6.6 percent in January of this year. Even so, the
unemployment rate remains well above Federal Open
Market Committee (FOMC) participants’ estimates
of the long-run sustainable rate. Inflation remained
low, as the price index for personal consumption
expenditures (PCE) increased at an annual rate of
1 percent from June to December—noticeably below
the FOMC’s longer-run goal of 2 percent. However,
transitory influences appear to have been partly
responsible for the low readings on inflation last year,
and measures of inflation expectations remained
steady and near longer-run averages. Growth in economic activity picked up in the second half of 2013.
Real gross domestic product (GDP) is estimated to
have risen at an annual rate of 3¾ percent, up from a
1¾ percent rate of increase in the first half. Fiscal
policy—which was unusually restrictive in 2013 as a
whole—likely started to exert somewhat less restraint
on economic growth in the second half of the year.
In addition, household net worth rose further as key
asset prices continued to increase, credit became
more available while interest rates remained low, and
economic conditions in the rest of the world
improved overall in spite of recent turbulence in
emerging financial markets. Consumer spending,
business investment, and exports all increased more
rapidly in the latter part of last year. In contrast, the
recovery in the housing sector appeared to pause in
the second half of last year following increases in
mortgage interest rates in the spring and summer.
Domestic Developments
The labor market continued to improve, . . .

The labor market continued to improve over the second half of 2013. Payroll employment has increased
an average of about 175,000 per month since June,
roughly similar to the average gain over the first half
of last year (figure 1). In addition, the unemployment rate declined from 7.5 percent in June to
6.6 percent in January of this year (figure 2). A variety of alternative measures of labor force underutilization—which include, in addition to the unemployed, those classified as discouraged, other individuals who are out of work and classified as
marginally attached to the labor force, and individuals who have a job but would like to work more
hours—have also improved in the past several
months. Since August 2012—the month before the
Committee began its current asset purchase pro-


Figure 1. Net change in payroll employment
3-month moving averages

Thousands of jobs



Total nonfarm










Source: Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics.

gram—total payroll employment has increased a
cumulative 3¼ million, and the unemployment rate
has declined 1½ percentage points.
. . . although labor force participation remained
weak, . . .

While the unemployment rate and total payroll
employment have improved further, the labor force
participation rate has continued to move lower on
net. As a result, the employment-to-population ratio,
a measure that combines the unemployment rate and
the labor force participation rate, has changed little
during the past year. Although much of the decline
in participation likely reflects changing demographics—most notably the increasing share in the population of older people, who have lower-than-average
participation rates—and would have occurred even if
the labor market had been stronger, some of the
weakness in participation is also likely due to workers’ perceptions of relatively poor job opportunities.
. . . considerable slack in labor markets
remains, . . .

Despite its recent declines, the unemployment rate
remains well above FOMC participants’ estimates of
the long-run sustainable rate of unemployment and
well above rates that prevailed prior to the recent
recession. Moreover, beyond labor force participation, some other aspects of the labor market remain
of concern. For example, the share of the unemployed who have been out of work longer than six
months and the percentage of the workforce that is
working part time but would like to work full time
have declined only modestly over the recovery. In


100th Annual Report | 2013

Figure 2. Measures of labor underutilization








Unemployment rate









Note: U-4 measures total unemployed plus discouraged workers, as a percent of the labor force plus discouraged workers. Discouraged workers are a subset of marginally
attached workers who are not currently looking for work because they believe no jobs are available for them. U-5 measures total unemployed plus all marginally attached to the
labor force, as a percent of the labor force plus persons marginally attached to the labor force. Marginally attached workers are not in the labor force, want and are available for
work, and have looked for a job in the past 12 months. U-6 measures total unemployed plus all marginally attached workers plus total employed part time for economic reasons, as a percent of the labor force plus all marginally attached workers. The shaded bar indicates a period of business recession as defined by the National Bureau of Economic Research.
Source: Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics.

addition, the quit rate—an indicator of workers’ confidence in the availability of other jobs—remains low.
. . . and gains in compensation have been slow

The relatively weak labor market has also been evident in the behavior of wages, as the modest gains in
labor compensation seen earlier in the recovery continued last year. The 12-month change in the employment cost index for private industry workers, which
measures both wages and the cost to employers of
providing benefits, has remained close to 2 percent
throughout most of the recovery. Similarly, average
hourly earnings for all employees—the timeliest
measure of wage developments—increased close to
2 percent over the 12 months ending in January,
about the same pace as over the preceding year.
Compensation per hour in the nonfarm business sector—a measure derived from the labor compensation
data in the national income and product accounts
(NIPA)—can be quite volatile even at annual frequencies, but, over the past three years, this measure
has increased at an annual average pace of 2¼ percent, well below the average pace prior to the
recent recession.

Productivity growth has also been relatively weak
over the recovery. From the end of 2009 to the end of
2013, annual growth in output per hour in the nonfarm business sector averaged only 1¼ percent, considerably slower than the average rate before the
recent recession. However, with the recent strengthening in the pace of economic activity, productivity
growth rose to an annual rate of nearly 3½ percent
over the second half of last year.
Inflation was low . . .

Inflation remained low in the second half of 2013,
with the PCE price index increasing at an annual rate
of only 1 percent from June to December, similar to
the increase in the first half and noticeably below the
FOMC’s long-run objective of 2 percent (figure 3).
Core PCE prices—or prices of PCE goods and services excluding food and energy—also increased at an
annual rate of about 1 percent over the second half
of 2013. Other measures of core consumer price
inflation, such as the core consumer price index, were
also low last year relative to norms prevailing in the
years prior to the recent recession, though not as low
as core PCE inflation.

Monetary Policy and Economic Developments

Figure 3. Change in the chain-type price index for personal
consumption expenditures

Figure 4. Prices of oil and nonfuel commodities
Dollars per barrel

January 2, 2008 = 100









Excluding food
and energy



























Note: The data are weekly averages of daily data through February 6, 2014. The
price of oil is the spot price of Brent crude oil, and the price of nonfuel commodities is an index of 23 primary-commodity prices.


Note: The data extend through December 2013; changes are from one year

Source: Commodity Research Bureau.

Source: Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis.

Some of the recent softness in core PCE price inflation reflects factors that appear to have been transitory. In particular, after increasing at an average
annual rate of 1¾ percent from the end of 2009 to
the end of 2012, non-oil import prices fell 1¼ percent
in 2013, pushed down by the effects of dollar appreciation and declining commodity prices during the
first half of last year. These factors have abated since
last summer, as the broad nominal value of the dollar
has moved up only a little, on net, and the fall in
overall nonfuel commodity prices has eased. In addition, during the final part of 2013, prices for a few
industrial metals reversed part of their earlier
declines, supported by a positive turnaround in
Chinese demand.
Moreover, despite the relatively meager gains in
wages, recent increases in the cost of labor needed to
produce a unit of output (unit labor costs)—which
reflects movements in both labor compensation and
productivity and is a useful gauge of the influence of
labor-related production costs on inflation—do not
suggest an unusual amount of downward pressure on
inflation. Unit labor costs increased at an annual rate
of 1½ percent over the past two years, just a little
below their average prior to the recent recession.
Consumer energy and food prices changed relatively
little over the second half of 2013. The spot price of
Brent crude oil, after peaking in late August at nearly
$120 per barrel, has been relatively stable in recent
months, trading at about $110 per barrel since midSeptember, as a continued increase in North Ameri-

can crude oil production has helped buffer the effects
of some supply disruptions elsewhere (figure 4).
Meanwhile, strong harvests have put downward pressure on food commodity prices, and, as a result, consumer food prices—which reflect both commodity
prices and processing costs—were little changed in
the second half of last year.
. . . but inflation expectations changed little

The Federal Reserve monitors the public’s expectations of inflation, in part because these expectations
may influence wage- and price-setting behavior and
thus actual inflation. Despite the weakness in recent
inflation data, survey- and market-based measures of
longer-term inflation expectations changed little, on
net, over the second half of last year and have
remained fairly stable in recent years. Median
expected inflation over the next 5 to 10 years, as
reported in the Thomson Reuters/University of
Michigan Surveys of Consumers, was 2.9 percent in
January, within the narrow range of the past decade
(figure 5).1 In the Survey of Professional Forecasters,
conducted by the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia, the median expectation for the annual rate of
increase in the PCE price index over the next 10 years
was 2 percent in the fourth quarter of 2013, similar
to its level in recent years. Meanwhile, measures of
medium- and longer-term inflation compensation
derived from differences between yields on nominal
and inflation-protected Treasury securities have
remained within their respective ranges observed over
the past several years.

The question in the Michigan survey asks about inflation generally but does not refer to any specific price index.


100th Annual Report | 2013

Figure 5. Median inflation expectations

Figure 6. Change in real gross domestic product
Percent, annual rate



Michigan survey expectations
for next 5 to 10 years













SPF expectations
for next 10 years






Note: The Michigan survey data are monthly. The SPF data for inflation expectations for personal consumption expenditures are quarterly and extend from
2007:Q1 through 2013:Q4.
Source: Thomson Reuters/University of Michigan Surveys of Consumers; Survey of
Professional Forecasters (SPF).







Source: Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis.

more than offsetting a slowing in the pace of residential investment.

Growth in economic activity picked up

Fiscal policy was a notable headwind in 2013, . . .

Real GDP is estimated to have increased at an annual
rate of 3¾ percent over the second half of last year,
up from a reported 1¾ percent pace in the first half
(figure 6). Gross domestic income, or GDI, an alternative measure of economic output, increased a little
more than 3 percent over the four quarters ending in
the third quarter of last year (the most recent data
available), 1 percentage point faster than the increase
in GDP over this period.2

Relative to prior recoveries, fiscal policy in recent
years has been unusually restrictive, and the drag on
GDP growth in 2013 was particularly large. The expiration of the temporary payroll tax cut and tax
increases for high-income households at the beginning of 2013 restrained consumer spending. Moreover, federal purchases were pushed down by the
sequestration, budget caps on discretionary spending,
and the drawdown in foreign military operations. As
a result, real federal purchases, as measured in the
NIPA, fell at an annual rate of more than 7 percent
over the second half of the year (figure 7). Due to the
government shutdown in October, which temporarily
held down purchases in the fourth quarter, this
decline was somewhat steeper than in the first half.3

Some of the strength in GDP growth in the second
half of 2013 reflected a pickup in the pace of inventory investment, a factor that cannot continue indefinitely. But other likely more persistent factors influencing demand shifted in a more favorable direction
as well. In particular, restraint from fiscal policy
likely started to diminish in the latter part of last
year. In addition, further increases in the prices of
corporate equities and housing boosted household
net worth, while credit became more broadly available to households and businesses and interest rates
remained low. Moreover, the boom in oil and gas
production continued. Finally, economic conditions
in the rest of the world improved overall, notwithstanding recent market turmoil in some emerging
market economies (EMEs). As a result, consumer
spending, business investment, and exports all
increased more rapidly in the latter part of the year,

Conceptually, GDI and GDP should be equal, but because they
are measured with different source data, they can send different
signals about growth in U.S. economic output.

The federal budget deficit declined as a share of
GDP for the fourth consecutive year in fiscal year
2013, reaching about 4 percent of GDP. Although
down from nearly 10 percent in fiscal 2009, the fiscal
2013 deficit is still 1½ percentage points higher than
its 50-year average. Federal receipts rose in fiscal 2013
but still were only 16¾ percent of GDP; federal outlays, while falling, remained elevated at 20¾ percent
of GDP in the past fiscal year. With the deficit still
elevated, the debt-to-GDP ratio increased from

Through a reduction in hours worked by federal employees, the
shutdown is estimated to have directly reduced real GDP growth
about ¼ percentage point at an annual rate in the fourth quarter. This influence is likely to be reversed in the first quarter
of 2014.

Monetary Policy and Economic Developments

Figure 7. Change in real government expenditures on
consumption and investment

Figure 8. Change in real personal consumption

Percent, annual rate

State and local


Percent, annual rate





H1 H2














Source: Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis.

69 percent at the end of fiscal 2012 to 71 percent at
the end of fiscal 2013.
. . . but fiscal drag appears to be easing

Although the expiration of emergency unemployment compensation at the beginning of this year will
impose some fiscal restraint, fiscal policy is in the
process of becoming less restrictive for GDP growth.
Most importantly, the drag on growth in consumer
spending from the tax increases at the beginning of
2013 has likely begun to wane. In addition, the Bipartisan Budget Act of 2013 will ease the limits on
spending associated with the sequestration, and an
increase in transfers from the Affordable Care Act
should provide a boost to demand beginning this
year. Also, fiscal conditions at the state and local levels of government have improved, and real purchases
by such governments are estimated to have edged up
in 2013 after several years of declines.








Source: Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis.

. . . as well as increases in household net worth
and low interest rates

Consumer spending was also likely supported by a
significant increase in household net worth in the second half of last year, as prices of corporate equities
and housing continued to rise. (For further information, see the box “Recent Changes in Household
Wealth” on pages 12–13 of the February 2014 Monetary Policy Report.) In addition, consumer credit for
auto purchases (including loans to borrowers with
subprime credit scores) and for education has
remained broadly available. Moreover, interest rates
for auto loans have stayed low. And spending on consumer durables—which is quite sensitive to interest
rates—rose at an annual rate of nearly 7 percent in
the second half of the year. Nevertheless, standards
and terms for credit card debt have remained tight,
and, partly as a result, credit card balances changed
relatively little over the second half.
Business investment picked up . . .

Consumer spending rose faster, supported by
improvements in labor markets, . . .

After increasing at an annual rate of 2 percent in the
first half of 2013, real PCE rose at a 2¾ percent rate
over the second half (figure 8). Real disposable personal income—which had been pushed lower by the
tax increases in the first quarter of 2013—moved up
in the final three quarters of the year. Continued job
gains helped improve the economic prospects of
many households last year and boosted aggregate
income growth. And the net rise in consumer sentiment in recent months suggests that greater optimism
about the economy on the part of households should
support consumer spending in early 2014.

Business fixed investment (BFI) rose at an annual
rate of 4¼ percent in the second half of 2013 after
changing little in the first half. Investment in equipment and intangible capital rose at an annual rate of
nearly 4 percent, while investment in nonresidential
structures increased close to 6 percent (figure 9). On
balance, national and regional surveys of purchasing
managers suggest that orders for new equipment continued to increase at the turn of the year. However,
still-high vacancy rates and relatively tight financing
conditions likely continued to limit building investment; despite the recent increases, investment in
buildings remains well below the peaks reached prior
to the most recent recession.


100th Annual Report | 2013

Figure 9. Change in real business fixed investment

Figure 10. Change in real imports and exports of goods
and services

Percent, annual rate
Percent, annual rate

Equipment and intangible capital

















Source: Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis.








Source: Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis.

The relatively modest rate of increase in the demand
for business output has likely restrained BFI in recent
quarters. In 2012 and the first half of 2013, business
output increased at an annual rate of only 2½ percent. However, the acceleration in overall economic
activity in the second half of 2013 may provide more
impetus for business investment in the period ahead.
. . . as financing conditions for businesses were
generally quite favorable

Moreover, the financial condition of nonfinancial
firms remained strong in the second half of 2013,
with profitability high and the default rate on nonfinancial corporate bonds close to zero. Interest rates
on corporate bonds, while up since the spring, have
stayed low relative to historical norms. And net issuance of nonfinancial corporate debt appears to have
remained strong in the second half of the year. In
addition, in recent quarters an increasing portion of
the aggregate proceeds from the issuance of
speculative-grade debt was reportedly intended for
uses beyond the refinancing of existing debt.
Conditions in business loan markets also continued
to improve. According to the Federal Reserve
Board’s January 2014 Senior Loan Officer Opinion
Survey on Bank Lending Practices (SLOOS), a modest net fraction of respondents indicated they had
eased standards on commercial and industrial (C&I)
loans over the second half of 2013.4 In addition,
according to the Federal Reserve Board’s November 2013 Survey of Terms of Business Lending, loan
rate spreads over banks’ cost of funds have continued

The SLOOS is available on the Board’s website at www

to decline. Financing conditions for small businesses
also improved: Reductions in loan spreads have been
most notable for the types of loans likely made to
small businesses—that is, loans of $1 million or less
or those originated by small domestic banks. Standards on commercial real estate (CRE) loans
extended by banks also eased over the second half of
last year, moving back toward longer-run norms,
according to the SLOOS. Still, standards for construction and land development loans, a subset of
CRE loans, likely remained relatively tight.
Exports strengthened

Export demand also provided significant support to
domestic economic activity in the second half of
2013 (figure 10). Real exports of goods and services
rose at an annual rate of 7½ percent, consistent with
improving foreign GDP growth in the latter part of
the year and buoyed by soaring sales both of petroleum products—associated with the boom in U.S. oil
production—and of agricultural goods. Across the
major destinations, the robust increase in exports was
supported by higher shipments to Canada, China,
and other Asian emerging economies.
The growth of real imports of goods and services
stepped down to an annual rate of 1½ percent in the
second half of last year. Among the major categories,
imports of non-oil goods and services rose more
moderately, while oil imports continued to decline.
Altogether, real net trade added an estimated ¾ percentage point to GDP growth over the second half of
2013, whereas in the first half it made a small negative contribution. Owing in part to the improvement

Monetary Policy and Economic Developments

Figure 11. Private housing starts and permits

Figure 12. Prices of existing single-family houses



Millions of units, annual rate

Peak = 100



Single-family starts
Single-family permits


price index


20-city index


Multifamily starts
















Note: The data extend through December 2013.
Source: Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis.

in net petroleum trade, the nominal trade deficit
shrank, on balance, over the second half of 2013.
That decrease contributed to the narrowing of the
current account deficit to 2¼ percent of GDP in the
third quarter, a level generally not seen since the
late 1990s.
The current account deficit continued to be financed
by strong financial inflows in the third quarter of
2013, mostly in the form of purchases of Treasury
and corporate securities by both foreign official and
foreign private investors. Partial monthly data suggest that these trends likely continued in the fourth
quarter. U.S. investors continued to finance direct
investment projects abroad at a rapid pace in the
third quarter. Although U.S. purchases of foreign
securities edged down in the summer, consistent with
stresses observed in emerging markets, they appear to
have rebounded in the final part of the year.
The recovery in housing investment paused with
the backup in interest rates . . .

After increasing at close to a 15 percent annual rate
in 2012 and the first part of 2013, residential investment was little changed in the second half of last
year. Mortgage interest rates increased about 1 percentage point, to around 4¼ percent, over May and
June of last year and have remained near this level
since then. Soon after the increase, mortgage refinancing dropped sharply, while home sales declined
somewhat and the issuance of new single-family
housing permits leveled off (figure 11). However,
relative to historical norms, mortgage rates remain
low, and housing is still quite affordable. Moreover,
steady growth in jobs is likely continuing to support

Note: The data for the FHFA index and the S&P/Case-Shiller index extend through
November 2013, and the data for the CoreLogic index extend through December 2013. Each index has been normalized so that its peak is 100. Both the CoreLogic price index and the FHFA index include purchase transactions only. The S&P/
Case-Shiller index reflects all arm’s-length sales transactions in selected metropolitan areas.
Source: Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA); Case-Shiller data via S&P Capital
IQ Solutions’ Capital IQ Platform; staff calculations based on data provided by

growth in housing demand, and, because new home
construction is still well below levels consistent with
population growth, the potential for further growth
in the housing sector is considerable.
. . . and mortgage credit continued to be tight, . . .

Lending policies for home purchase remained quite
tight overall, but there are some indications that
mortgage credit is starting to become more widely
available. A modest net fraction of SLOOS respondents reported having eased standards on prime residential loans during the second half of last year.
And, in a sign that lending conditions for home refinance are becoming less restrictive, the credit scores
of individuals refinancing mortgages at the end of
last year were lower, on average, than scores for individuals refinancing earlier in the year. However,
credit scores of individuals receiving mortgages for
home purchases have yet to drop.
. . . but house prices continued to rise

Home prices continued to rise in the second half of
the year, although somewhat less quickly than in the
first half (figure 12). Over the 12 months ending in
December, home prices increased 11 percent. Much
of the recent gain in home prices has been concentrated in areas that saw the largest declines in prices
during the recession and early recovery, as prices in
these areas likely dropped below levels consistent


100th Annual Report | 2013

with the rents these homes could bring, spurring purchases by large and small investors who have converted some homes into rental properties.

Figure 13. Yields on nominal Treasury securities


Financial Developments


The expected path for the federal funds rate
through mid-2017 moved lower . . .

Market-based measures of the expected (or mean)
future path of the federal funds rate through mid2017 moved lower, on balance, over the second half
of 2013 and early 2014, mostly reflecting FOMC
communications that were broadly seen as indicating
that a highly accommodative stance of monetary
policy would be maintained for longer than had been
expected. Measures of the expected policy path rose
in the summer in conjunction with longer-term interest rates, as investors increasingly expected the Committee to start reducing the pace of asset purchases at
the September FOMC meeting. However, those
increases were more than retraced over the weeks surrounding the September meeting, in part because the
decision to keep the pace of asset purchases
unchanged and the accompanying communications
by the Federal Reserve were viewed as more accommodative than investors had anticipated. Expectations for the path of the federal funds rate through
mid-2016 have changed little, on net, since midOctober. Federal Reserve communications since last
September, including the enhanced forward guidance
included in the December and January FOMC statements, reportedly helped keep federal funds rate
expectations near their earlier levels despite generally
stronger-than-expected economic data and the modest reductions in the pace of Federal Reserve asset
purchases announced at the December and January
FOMC meetings.
The modal path of the federal funds rate—that is, the
values for future federal funds rates that market participants see as most likely—derived from interest
rate options also shifted down for horizons through
2017, suggesting that investors may now expect the
target federal funds rate to lift off from its current
range substantially later than they had expected at
the end of June 2013. Similarly, the most recent Survey of Primary Dealers conducted by the Open Market Desk at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York
just prior to the January FOMC meeting showed that
dealers’ expectations of the date of liftoff have














Note: The Treasury ceased publication of the 30-year constant maturity series on
February 18, 2002, and resumed that series on February 9, 2006.
Source: Department of the Treasury.

moved out about two quarters since the middle of
last year, to the fourth quarter of 2015.5
. . . while yields on longer-term securities
increased but remained low by historical

Despite the lower expected path of the federal funds
rate, yields on longer-term Treasury securities and
agency mortgage-backed securities (MBS) rose moderately over the second half of 2013 (figure 13).
These increases likely reflected economic data that
were generally better than investors expected, as well
as market adjustments to rising expectations that the
Committee would start reducing the pace of its asset
purchases, a step that was taken at the December
FOMC meeting. Subsequently, yields declined amid
flight-to-safety flows in response to recent emerging
market turbulence (see the box “Financial Stress and
Vulnerabilities in the Emerging Market Economies”
on pages 28–29 of the February 2014 Monetary
Policy Report). On net, yields on 5-, 10-, and 30-year
nominal Treasury securities have increased between
about 10 and 20 basis points from their levels at the
end of June 2013. Yields on 30-year agency MBS
edged up, on balance, over the same period.


The results of the Survey of Primary Dealers are available on
the Federal Reserve Bank of New York’s website at www

Monetary Policy and Economic Developments

Nonetheless, yields on longer-term securities continue to be low by historical standards. Those low
levels reflect several factors, including subdued inflation expectations as well as market perceptions of a
still-modest global economic outlook. In addition,
term premiums—the extra return investors expect to
obtain from holding longer-term securities as
opposed to holding and rolling over a sequence of
short-term securities for the same period—while
above the historically low levels observed prior to the
bond market selloff in the summer, remained within
the low range they have occupied since the onset of
the financial crisis, reflecting both the FOMC’s largescale asset purchases and strong demand for longerterm securities from global investors.
Indicators of Treasury market functioning were
solid, on balance, over the second half of 2013 and
early in 2014. For example, available data suggest
that bid–asked spreads in the Treasury market stayed
in line with recent averages. Moreover, Treasury auctions generally continued to be well received by investors. Liquidity conditions in the agency MBS market
deteriorated somewhat for a time over the summer,
amid heightened volatility, and a bit again toward
year-end but have largely returned to normal levels
since the turn of the year. Over the past seven
months, the number of trades in the MBS market
that failed to settle remained low, and implied financing rates in the “dollar roll” market—an indicator of
the scarcity of agency MBS for settlement—have
been stable.6
Short-term funding markets continued to
function well, on balance, despite some strains
during the debt ceiling standoff

In the fall of 2013, many short-term funding markets
were adversely affected for a time by concerns about
the possibility of a delay in raising the federal debt
limit. The Treasury bill market experienced the largest effect as yields on bills maturing between midOctober and early November rose sharply, some bill
auctions saw reduced demand, and liquidity in this
market deteriorated, especially for certain securities
that were seen as being at risk of delayed payment.
Conditions in other short-term funding markets,
such as the market for repurchase agreements
(repos), were also strained for a time. However, these

A dollar roll transaction consists of a purchase or sale of agency
MBS with a simultaneous agreement to sell or purchase substantially similar securities on a specified future date. The Committee directs the Desk to engage in these transactions as necessary to facilitate settlement of the Federal Reserve’s agency
MBS purchases.


effects eased quickly after an agreement to raise the
debt limit was reached in mid-October, and, overall,
the debt ceiling standoff left no permanent imprint
on short-term funding markets.
On balance, since the end of June 2013, conditions in
both secured and unsecured short-term funding markets have changed little, with many money market
rates remaining near the bottom of the ranges they
have occupied since the federal funds rate first
reached its zero lower bound. Unsecured offshore
dollar funding markets generally did not exhibit any
signs of stress. Rates on asset-backed commercial
paper and unsecured financial commercial paper for
the most part also stayed low. In the repo market,
rates for general collateral Treasury repos also were
low, consistent with reduced financing activities of
dealers. These rates declined noticeably at year-end,
leading to increased participation in the Federal
Reserve’s overnight reverse repurchase agreement
operations (see Part 2 of this report). Overall, yearend pressures in short-term funding markets were
modest and roughly in line with experiences during
other years since the financial crisis.
Broad equity price indexes increased further
and risk spreads on corporate debt declined . . .

Boosted by improved market sentiment regarding the
economic outlook and the FOMC’s sustained highly
accommodative monetary policy, broad measures of
equity prices continued posting substantial gains
through the end of 2013. Around the turn of the
year, however, investor sentiment deteriorated amid
resurfacing concerns about emerging financial markets, and equity prices retraced some of their earlier
increases. As of early February, broad measures of
equity prices were more than 10 percent higher, on
net, than their levels in the middle of 2013 (figure 14). Consistent with the developments in equity
markets, the spreads of yields on corporate bonds to
yields on Treasury securities of comparable maturities have narrowed, on net, since the middle of 2013.
Spreads on syndicated loans have also narrowed
some, and issuance of leveraged loans, boosted by
strong demand from collateralized loan obligations,
was generally strong in the second half of 2013.
While some broad equity price indexes touched alltime highs in nominal terms since the middle of 2013
and valuation metrics in some sectors appear
stretched, valuation measures for the overall market
are now generally at levels not far above their historical average levels, suggesting that, in aggregate, investors are not excessively optimistic in their attitudes


100th Annual Report | 2013

Figure 14. Equity prices

Figure 15. Delinquency and charge-off rates for
commercial banks
December 31, 2007 = 100




Dow Jones
bank index








S&P 500 index


Delinquencies, all loans


Net charge-offs, all loans




1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014
Source: Dow Jones bank index and Standard & Poor’s 500 index via Bloomberg.

toward equities. Implied volatility for the S&P 500
index, as calculated from option prices, generally
remained low over the period; it has risen since early
January but remains below the recent high reached
during the debt ceiling standoff in the fall.
. . . and market sentiment toward financial
institutions continued to strengthen as their
capital and liquidity profiles improved

Market sentiment toward the financial sector continued to strengthen in the second half of 2013, reportedly driven in large part by improvements in banks’
capital and liquidity profiles, as well as further
improvements in asset quality. On average, equity
prices of large domestic banks and insurance companies performed roughly in line with broader equity
indexes. The spreads on the credit default swap
(CDS) contracts written on the debt of these firms
generally narrowed. Among nonbank financial institutions, many hedge funds significantly underperformed benchmark indexes in the second half of
2013 and, according to responses to the Federal
Reserve Board’s December Senior Credit Officer
Opinion Survey on Dealer Financing Terms, have
reduced their use of leverage on net.7 The industry as
a whole continued to see strong inflows, however,
bringing its assets under management to an all-time
high by the end of 2013.
Standard measures of profitability of bank holding
companies (BHCs) were little changed in the third
quarter of 2013, as large reductions in income from

The Senior Credit Officer Opinion Survey on Dealer Financing
Terms is available on the Board’s website at www.federalreserve









Note: The data extend through 2013:Q3. The delinquency rates are the percent of
loans 30 days or more past due or not accruing interest. The net charge-off rates
are the percent of loans charged off net of recoveries. The shaded bars indicate a
period of business recession as defined by the National Bureau of Economic
Source: Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council, FFIEC 031/041, “Consolidation Reports of Condition and Income for Commerical Banks” (Call Reports).

mortgage originations and revenue from fixedincome trading, as well as a sharp increase in litigation expenses, were offset primarily by decreases in
provisions for loan losses and in employee compensation. Asset quality continued to improve for BHCs,
with delinquency rates declining across a range of
asset classes and the industry’s net charge-off rate
now close to pre-crisis levels (figure 15). Net interest
margins remained about unchanged over the same
period. (For further discussion of the financial condition of BHCs, see the box “Developments Related to
Financial Stability” on pages 24–25 of the February 2014 Monetary Policy Report.) Meanwhile, aggregate credit provided by commercial banks inched up
in the second half of 2013 following the rise in
longer-term interest rates. Strong growth in loan categories that are more likely to have floating interest
rates or shorter maturities—including C&I, CRE,
and auto loans—was partly offset by runoffs in assets
that have longer duration and so are more sensitive
to increases in interest rates—including residential
mortgages and some securities.
Financial conditions in the municipal bond
market generally remained stable

Yields on 20-year general obligation municipal bonds
rose since June 2013. However, the spreads of
municipal bond yields over those of comparablematurity Treasury securities generally fell over the
same period, and CDS spreads on debt obligations of

Monetary Policy and Economic Developments

individual states were generally little changed and
remained at moderate levels.
Nevertheless, significant financial strains have been
evident for some issuers. For example, the City of
Detroit filed for bankruptcy in July 2013, making it
the largest municipal bankruptcy filing in U.S. history. In addition, the prices of bonds issued by
Puerto Rico continued to reflect the substantial
financial pressures facing the territory and the
spreads for five-year CDS contracts written on the
debt issued by the territory soared. In early February,
some of the territory’s bonds were downgraded to
below the investment grade.
M2 rose briskly

M2 has increased at an annual rate of about 7½ percent since June, faster than the pace registered in the
first half of 2013. Flows into M2 picked up amid the
selloff in fixed-income markets in the summer, which
prompted large outflows from bond funds, as well as
the uncertainty about the passage of debt limit legislation in the fall, which appeared to have led some
institutional investors to shift from money fund
shares to bank deposits. Following the resolution of
the fiscal standoff, M2 growth slowed significantly as
investors reallocated out of cash positions.
International Developments
Bond yields rose sharply in some emerging
market economies, but were flat to down in
most advanced foreign economies

Foreign long-term bond yields rose significantly from
May of last year through most of the summer, as
expectations of an imminent reduction in the pace of
large-scale asset purchases by the Federal Reserve
intensified. In many EMEs, yields stabilized after the
September FOMC meeting. However, in a handful of
vulnerable EMEs, sovereign yields continued to
exhibit outsized increases—particularly in Brazil and
Turkey—and, more recently, EME yields generally
moved up as several EMEs experienced heightened
financial stresses (see the box “Financial Stress and
Vulnerabilities in the Emerging Market Economies”
on pages 28–29 of the February 2014 Monetary
Policy Report). Rates in the advanced foreign economies (AFEs) rose slightly on balance during the second half of 2013, with improved economic conditions generally supporting yields. In particular, bond
yields increased in the United Kingdom as unemployment fell more quickly than anticipated. In the
euro area, yields were little changed, as below-target
inflation led the European Central Bank (ECB) to


Figure 16. U.S. dollar exchange rate against broad index
and selected major currencies
January 4, 2012 = 100








Note: The data are in foreign currency units per dollar.
Source: Federal Reserve Board, Statistical Release H.10, “Foreign Exchange

cut its main refinancing rate a further 25 basis points
in November. In contrast, Japanese government bond
yields were down modestly, on net, since mid-July, in
part as market participants anticipated that the Bank
of Japan (BOJ) would expand the size of its asset
purchase program. Over the past two weeks, however,
AFE sovereign yields in general declined somewhat,
as market participants pulled back from risky assets.
The dollar has appreciated a little on net

The broad nominal value of the dollar is up a little,
on net, since last summer (figure 16). The dollar
depreciated against both the euro and the British
pound in the second half of the year, as macroeconomic conditions improved in Europe and as financial stresses and the associated flight to safety continued to abate. However, the dollar has appreciated
sharply against the Japanese yen since October, in
part reflecting anticipations of an expansion in the
BOJ’s asset purchase program, although it retraced
somewhat in recent weeks amid the recent turbulence
in emerging financial markets. The U.S. dollar also
appreciated against the currencies of some vulnerable
EMEs amid higher long-term yields in the United
States, and, more recently, as market participants
expressed concerns about developments in several
economies (figure 17). EME-dedicated bond and
equity funds experienced outflows over the second
half of last year and into 2014, suggesting a reduced
willingness by investors to maintain exposures to
EMEs. In an attempt to curb the depreciation of
their currencies, central banks in some EMEs, such as
Brazil and Turkey, intervened in currency markets.


100th Annual Report | 2013

Figure 17. Exchange rates of selected emerging market
currencies against the U.S. dollar

January 2, 2013 = 100




















Note: Upward movement indicates appreciation of the local currency against the
U.S. dollar.
Source: Bloomberg.

During the second half of 2013, equity indexes in the
AFEs added considerably to earlier gains, likely
reflecting the improved economic outlook. Over the
year as a whole, equity markets in Japan outperformed other foreign indexes, increasing more than
50 percent. Since the end of last year, however, AFE
equity indexes have reversed part of their earlier
gains, with the decrease coinciding with heightened
financial volatility in the EMEs. Equity markets in
the EMEs, after underperforming those in the AFEs
during the second half of last year, have also fallen
more recently.
Activity in the advanced foreign economies
continued to recover . . .

Indicators suggest that economic growth in the AFEs
edged higher in the second half of 2013, supported
by diminished fiscal drag and further easing of European financial stresses. The euro area continued to
pull slowly out of recession in the third quarter, with
some of the most vulnerable economies returning to
positive growth, but unemployment remained at
record levels. Real GDP growth in the United Kingdom picked up to a robust 3 percent pace in the second half of last year, driven in part by improving
household and business sentiment, and Canadian
growth rebounded in the third quarter after being
restrained by floods that impeded economic activity
in the second quarter. Japanese GDP growth stepped
down in the third quarter from the rapid 4 percent
pace registered in the first half, as exports dipped and
household spending moderated, but data on manufacturing and exports suggest that growth rebounded
toward year-end.

Amid stronger growth and rising import prices, Japanese inflation moved above 1 percent for the first
time since 2008. In contrast, 12-month rates of inflation fell below 1 percent in some other AFEs, with
much of this decline reflecting falling retail energy
and food prices as well as continued economic slack.
With inflation low and economic activity still sluggish, monetary policy in the AFEs remains very
accommodative. In addition to the ECB’s cut of its
main refinancing rate in November, the Bank of
England issued forward guidance in August that it
intends to maintain a highly stimulative policy stance
until economic slack has been substantially reduced,
while the BOJ continued its aggressive program of
asset purchases.
. . . while growth in the emerging market
economies moved back up from its softness
earlier last year

After slowing earlier last year, economic growth in
the EMEs moved back up in the third quarter,
reflecting a rebound of Mexican activity from its
second-quarter contraction and a pickup in emerging
Asia. Recent data suggest that activity in EMEs continued to strengthen in the fourth quarter.
In China, economic growth picked up in the second
half of 2013, supported in part by relatively accommodative policies and rapid credit growth earlier in
the year. Since the middle of last year, the pace of
credit creation has slowed, interbank interest rates
have trended up, and the interbank market has experienced bouts of volatility during which interest rates
spiked. In mid-November, Chinese leaders unveiled
an ambitious reform agenda that aims to enhance the
role of markets in the economy, address worrisome
imbalances, and improve the prospects for sustainable economic growth.
The step-up in Chinese growth, along with firmer
activity in the advanced economies, generally helped
support economic activity in other parts of Asia. In
Mexico, growth appears to have rebounded in the
second half of the year, supported by higher government spending and a pickup in U.S. manufacturing
activity. In recent months, Mexico continued to make
progress on the government’s reform agenda, with its
Congress approving fiscal, energy, and financial sector reforms. By contrast, in some EMEs, such as Brazil, India, and Indonesia, shifts in market expectations about the path of U.S. monetary policy appear
to have resulted in tightened financial conditions,
which weighed on growth over the second half of
last year.

Monetary Policy and Economic Developments

Inflation remained subdued in most EMEs, and their
central banks generally kept policy rates on hold or,
as in Chile, Mexico, and Thailand, cut them to further support growth. In contrast, inflation remained
elevated in a few EMEs, such as Brazil, India, Indonesia, and Turkey, due to currency depreciation as
well as country-specific factors, including supply
bottlenecks and tight labor market conditions in
some sectors. In response to higher inflation, central
banks in these countries raised rates and, in some
cases, intervened in foreign exchange markets to support their currencies.

Part 2: Monetary Policy
In light of the cumulative progress toward maximum
employment and the improvement in the outlook for
labor market conditions, the Federal Open Market
Committee (FOMC) decided to modestly reduce the
pace of its asset purchases at its December 2013 and
January 2014 meetings. Nonetheless, with unemployment still well above its longer-run normal level and
inflation below the Committee’s 2 percent objective,
the stance of monetary policy remains highly accommodative, with the Federal Reserve continuing to
increase the size of its balance sheet, albeit at a
reduced pace, and having enhanced its forward guidance with regard to the future path of the federal
funds rate.
Through most of last year, the FOMC maintained
the current pace of large-scale asset purchases
while awaiting more evidence that progress
toward its economic objectives would be
sustained . . .

Since the onset of the financial crisis and ensuing
deep recession, the unemployment rate has remained
well above its normal levels and the inflation rate has
tended to run at or below the FOMC’s 2 percent
objective despite the target range for the federal
funds rate remaining at its effective lower bound.
Accordingly, the strategy of the FOMC during the
past several years has been to employ alternative
methods of providing additional monetary accommodation and promoting the more rapid achievement of its mandated objectives of maximum
employment and price stability. In particular, the
FOMC has used large-scale asset purchases and forward guidance regarding the future path of the federal funds rate to put downward pressure on longerterm interest rates.

inflation remaining noticeably below the Committee’s 2 percent longer-run objective, the FOMC left in
place the key parameters of its monetary policy
stance while awaiting further evidence that progress
toward its economic objectives would be sustained.
Nonetheless, the Committee recognized the cumulative improvement in labor market conditions and
therefore believed it important to begin the process of
outlining the considerations that would ultimately
govern the winding-down of the program of largescale asset purchases. In his press conference following the June 2013 FOMC meeting, Chairman Bernanke indicated that, if the economy were to evolve
broadly in line with the expectations that the Committee held at that time, the FOMC would moderate
the pace of purchases later in 2013 and, if economic
developments remained broadly consistent with the
Committee’s expectations, subsequently reduce them
in further measured steps. However, the Chairman
emphasized that the Committee’s purchases were in
no way predetermined, and that a decision about
reducing the pace of purchases would depend on
how economic conditions evolved.8
At each of its subsequent meetings prior to December 2013, the Committee judged that the outlook for
the economy and the labor market had improved, on
net, since the inception of the current asset purchase
program, but that it was appropriate to await more
evidence that the progress would be sustained before
the Committee began adjusting the pace of its purchases. In addition, at the July meeting, the Committee recognized that inflation persistently below its
2 percent objective could pose risks to economic performance.9 At the September FOMC meeting, Committee members also expressed concern about nearterm fiscal uncertainties and the rapid tightening of
financial conditions observed over the summer,
which, if sustained, could have slowed improvements
in the economy and the labor market.10 The Committee therefore decided to await more evidence that
progress toward its goals would be maintained before
adjusting the pace of asset purchases and, in the



During most of the second half of 2013, with unemployment still elevated (though declining), and with


See Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (2013),
“Transcript of Chairman Bernanke’s Press Conference,”
June 19,
See Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (2013),
“Federal Reserve Issues FOMC Statement,” press release,
July 31,
See Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (2013),
“Transcript of Chairman Bernanke’s Press Conference,” September 18,


100th Annual Report | 2013

meantime, continued adding to its holdings of
agency mortgage-backed securities (MBS) and
longer-term Treasury securities at a pace of $40 billion and $45 billion per month, respectively.
. . . before modestly reducing the pace of asset
purchases in light of the cumulative progress
toward maximum employment and the
improvement in the outlook for labor market

By the time of the December 2013 meeting, most
Committee members viewed the cumulative improvement in labor market conditions as meaningful and
likely to be sustained. Participants also anticipated
that inflation would move back toward 2 percent
over time as the economic recovery strengthened and
longer-run inflation expectations remained steady.
Therefore, most members agreed that the Committee
could appropriately begin to slow the pace of its asset
purchases. Nonetheless, some members expressed
concern about the potential for an unintended tightening of financial conditions if a reduction in the
pace of asset purchases was misinterpreted as signaling that the Committee was likely to withdraw policy
accommodation more quickly than had been anticipated. Many members therefore judged that the
Committee should proceed cautiously in taking its
first action to reduce the pace of asset purchases and
should indicate that further reductions would be
undertaken in measured steps. Members also stressed
the need to underscore that the pace of asset purchases was not on a preset course and would remain
contingent on the Committee’s outlook for the labor
market and inflation as well as its assessment of the
efficacy and costs of purchases.
Consistent with this approach, the Committee
announced at the December meeting that it would
reduce the pace of its purchases of agency MBS from
$40 billion to $35 billion per month and reduce the
pace of its purchases of longer-term Treasury securities from $45 billion to $40 billion per month. The
Committee continued to see improvements in economic conditions and the labor market outlook at
the January meeting and further reduced the pace of
its asset purchases to $30 billion per month for
agency MBS and $35 billion per month for longerterm Treasury securities.
While deciding to modestly reduce its pace of purchases, the Committee emphasized that its holdings
of longer-term securities were sizable and would still
be increasing, which would promote a stronger economic recovery by maintaining downward pressure

on longer-term interest rates, supporting mortgage
markets, and helping to make broader financial conditions more accommodative. The Committee reiterated that it will continue its asset purchases and
employ its other policy tools as appropriate until the
outlook for the labor market has improved substantially in a context of price stability. The FOMC also
maintained its practices of reinvesting principal payments it receives on agency debt and agencyguaranteed MBS in new agency MBS and of rolling
over maturing Treasury securities at auction.
The Committee first kept in place and then
reinforced its forward guidance on the path of
the federal funds rate

With regard to the federal funds rate, the Committee
continued to indicate through the second half of
2013 its expectation that a highly accommodative
stance of monetary policy will remain appropriate
for a considerable time after the asset purchase program ends and the economic recovery strengthens. In
particular, the Committee stated that the current
exceptionally low target range for the federal funds
rate of 0 to ¼ percent will be appropriate at least as
long as the unemployment rate remains above
6½ percent, inflation between one and two years
ahead is projected to be no more than a half percentage point above the Committee’s 2 percent longerrun goal, and longer-term inflation expectations continue to be well anchored. The Committee emphasized that these criteria are thresholds, not triggers,
meaning that crossing a threshold will not lead automatically to an increase in the federal funds rate but
will indicate only that it is appropriate for the Committee to consider whether the broader economic
outlook justifies such an increase.
In December, with the unemployment rate having
moved closer to the 6½ percent threshold, the
FOMC decided to provide qualitative guidance to
clarify its likely actions during the time after the
unemployment threshold is crossed and, in particular, to emphasize its commitment to providing a high
level of monetary accommodation for as long as
needed to foster its objectives. Specifically, the Committee indicated that in determining how long to
maintain a highly accommodative stance of monetary policy, it will consider not only the unemployment rate but also other indicators, including additional measures of labor market conditions, indicators of inflation pressures and inflation expectations,
and readings on financial developments. Further, the
Committee stated that, based on these factors, it continues to anticipate that it will likely be appropriate to

Monetary Policy and Economic Developments


Figure 18. Federal Reserve assets and liabilities

Trillions of dollars



Other assets
Agency debt and mortgage-backed securities holdings
Credit and liquidity
Treasury securities held outright
Federal Reserve notes in circulation
Deposits of depository institutions

Capital and other liabilities

Liabilities and capital


1/30 4/30
8/5 10/29 1/28 4/29
8/12 11/4 1/27 4/28
8/10 11/3 1/26 4/27
8/9 11/2 1/25 4/25
8/1 10/24 1/30
7/31 10/30 1/29
6/25 9/16 12/16 3/18 6/24 9/23 12/16 3/16
6/23 9/21 12/14 3/15
6/22 9/21 12/13 3/13
6/20 9/13 12/12 3/20 6/19 9/18 12/18








Note: The data extend through February 7, 2014. Credit and liquidity facilities consists of primary, secondary, and seasonal credit; term auction credit; central bank liquidity
swaps; support for Maiden Lane, Bear Stearns, and AIG; and other credit facilities, including the Primary Dealer Credit Facility, the Asset-Backed Commercial Paper Money Market Mutual Fund Liquidity Facility, the Commercial Paper Funding Facility, and the Term Asset-Backed Securities Loan Facility. Other assets includes unamortized premiums and
discounts on securities held outright. Other liabilities includes reverse repurchase agreements, the U.S. Treasury General Account, and the U.S. Treasury Supplementary Financing Account. The dates on the horizontal axis are those of regularly scheduled Federal Open Market Committee meetings.
Source: Federal Reserve Board, Statistical Release H.4.1, “Factors Affecting Reserve Balances,”

maintain the current federal funds rate target well
past the time that the unemployment rate declines to
below 6½ percent, especially if projected inflation
continues to run below the Committee’s 2 percent
longer-run goal. The Committee continued to indicate that when it decides to begin to remove policy
accommodation, it will take a balanced approach
consistent with its longer-run goals of maximum
employment and inflation of 2 percent.
The Committee’s large-scale asset purchases
led to a significant increase in the size of the
Federal Reserve’s balance sheet

As a result of the Committee’s large-scale asset purchase program, Federal Reserve assets have increased
significantly since the middle of last year (figure 18).
The par value of the holdings of U.S. Treasury securities in the System Open Market Account (SOMA)
increased $315 billion to $2.2 trillion, and the par
value of its holdings of agency debt and MBS
increased $308 billion, on net, to $1.5 trillion.11 As of
the end of January 2014, the SOMA’s holdings of
Treasury and agency securities constituted 55 percent
and 39 percent, respectively, of the $4 trillion in total
Federal Reserve assets. As a result of these purchases,
the size of the overall Federal Reserve balance sheet
increased briskly over the second half of the year; on

the liability side of the balance sheet, the rise resulted
in a further increase in reserve balances.
Reflecting the continued improvement in offshore
U.S. dollar funding markets, the outstanding amount
of dollars provided through the temporary U.S. dollar liquidity swap arrangements with foreign central
banks decreased $1 billion, bringing the level close to
zero. To reduce uncertainties among market participants as to whether and when these arrangements
would be renewed, at the October FOMC meeting
the Committee agreed to convert the existing temporary central bank liquidity swap arrangements to
standing arrangements with no preset expiration
dates, with the intention to review participation in
these arrangements annually. These modifications to
the liquidity swap arrangements were introduced to
help support financial stability and confidence in
global funding markets.
Interest income on the SOMA portfolio continued to
support a substantial volume of remittances to the
U.S. Treasury Department. Preliminary estimates
suggest that in 2013 the Federal Reserve provided
more than $77 billion of such distributions to the


The difference between changes in the par value of SOMA holdings and the amount of purchases of securities since the middle
of 2013 reflects, in part, lags in settlements.

See Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (2014),
“Reserve Bank Income and Expense Data and Transfers to the
Treasury for 2013,” press release, January 10, www


100th Annual Report | 2013

The Federal Reserve continued to test tools that
could potentially be used to manage reserves

As part of its ongoing program to ensure the readiness of tools to manage reserves, the Federal Reserve
conducted a series of small-scale transactions with
eligible counterparties. Since the end of June 2013,
the Federal Reserve has conducted four operations
for 28-day term deposits under the Term Deposit
Facility. The offerings had a fixed-rate format, with
individual operations totaling between about $12 billion and $13.5 billion in deposits. In addition, in
August 2013, the Federal Reserve conducted six overnight reverse repurchase operations with auction
sizes between $1 billion and $5 billion, using Treasury securities and agency MBS as collateral.
Moreover, in support of the Committee’s longer-run
plan for improvements in the implementation of
monetary policy, at the July 2013 FOMC meeting,
the Committee discussed the potential for establishing a fixed-rate, full-allotment overnight reverse
repurchase agreement (ON RRP) facility as an additional tool for managing money market interest rates.
At the September 2013 meeting, the Committee
authorized the Open Market Desk to conduct a
series of fixed-rate ON RRP operations involving
U.S. government securities and securities that are
direct obligations of, or fully guaranteed as to principal and interest by, any agency of the United States,
for the purpose of assessing operational readiness. A
number of meeting participants emphasized that
their interest in these operations reflected an ongoing
effort to improve the technical execution of policy
and did not signal any change in the Committee’s
views about policy going forward.

From the operations’ inception through early February, the fixed rate on the operations has been
adjusted gradually within the authorized limits of
0 to 5 basis points set by the FOMC, and the daily
counterparty allotment limit has been gradually
raised from $500 million to $5 billion. All operations
to date have proceeded smoothly. Participation in
and usage of ON RRP operations has varied from
day to day, in part reflecting changes in the spread
between market rates on repurchase agreement transactions and the rate offered in the Federal Reserve’s
ON RRP operations, as well as quarter-end dynamics. In particular, take-up at these operations surged
at year-end and only partly retraced over recent
weeks, as rates in markets for Treasury repurchase
agreements remained generally low against the backdrop of reduced supply of U.S. Treasury securities in
collateral markets. The operations were reauthorized
at the January FOMC meeting through January 30,
2015, to allow the Committee to obtain additional
information about the potential usefulness of ON
RRP operations to affect market interest rates when
doing so becomes appropriate.
In addition, the Desk has been developing the capability to conduct agency MBS transactions over
FedTrade, its proprietary trading platform. To test
this capability, the Desk conducted an exercise consisting of a series of small-value purchase and sale
operations of agency MBS via FedTrade, running
from November 21, 2013, through January 14, 2014.
The operations conducted as part of this exercise did
not exceed $500 million in total and were not counted
toward the monthly agency MBS purchases that the
Desk was conducting at the direction of the FOMC.

Monetary Policy and Economic Developments

Monetary Policy Report
of July 2013
Thus far this year, labor market conditions have
improved further, while consumer price inflation has
run below the Federal Open Market Committee’s
(FOMC) longer-run objective of 2 percent. Gains in
payroll employment since the start of the year have
averaged about 200,000 jobs per month, and various
measures of underutilization in labor markets have
continued to trend down. Even so, the unemployment rate, at 7½ percent in June, was still well above
levels prevailing prior to the recent recession and well
above the levels that FOMC participants think can
be sustained in the longer term consistent with
price stability.
Consumer price inflation has slowed this year. Over
the first five months of the year, the price index for
personal consumption expenditures increased at an
annual rate of only ½ percent, while the index
excluding food and energy prices rose at a rate of
1 percent, both down from increases of about
1½ percent over 2012. This slowing appears to owe
partly to transitory factors. Survey measures of
longer-term inflation expectations have remained in
the narrow ranges seen over the past several years,
while market-based measures have declined so far
this year, reversing their rise over the second half
of 2012.
Meanwhile, real gross domestic product (GDP) continued to increase at a moderate pace in the first
quarter of this year. Available indicators suggest that
the growth of real GDP proceeded at a somewhat
slower pace in the second quarter. Although federal
fiscal policy is imposing a substantial drag on growth
this year and export demand is still damped by subdued growth in foreign economies, some of the other
headwinds that have weighed on the economic recovery have begun to dissipate. Against this backdrop, a
sustained housing market recovery now appears to be
under way, and consumption growth is estimated to
have held up reasonably well despite the increase in
taxes earlier this year.
Credit conditions generally have eased further,
though they remain relatively tight for households
with lower credit scores—and especially for such
households seeking mortgage loans. However, beginning in May, longer-term interest rates rose signifi-


cantly and asset price volatility increased as investors
responded to somewhat better-than-expected economic data as well as Federal Reserve communications about monetary policy. Despite their recent
moves, interest rates have generally remained low by
historical standards, importantly due to the Federal
Reserve’s highly accommodative monetary policy
With unemployment still well above normal levels
and inflation quite low, and with the economic recovery anticipated to pick up only gradually, the FOMC
has continued its highly accommodative monetary
policy this year in order to support progress toward
maximum employment and price stability.
The FOMC kept its target range for the federal funds
rate at 0 to ¼ percent and anticipated that this exceptionally low range would be appropriate at least as
long as the unemployment rate remains above
6½ percent, inflation between one and two years
ahead is projected to be no more than a half percentage point above the Committee’s 2 percent longerrun goal, and longer-term inflation expectations continue to be well anchored. The Committee also stated
that when it decides to begin to remove policy
accommodation, it would take a balanced approach
consistent with its longer-run goals of maximum
employment and inflation of 2 percent.
The FOMC also has continued its asset purchase
program, purchasing additional agency mortgagebacked securities at a pace of $40 billion per month
and longer-term Treasury securities at a pace of
$45 billion per month. The Committee has reiterated
that the purchase program will continue until the
outlook for the labor market has improved substantially in a context of price stability. In addition, the
FOMC has indicated that the size, pace, and composition of purchases will be adjusted in light of the
Committee’s assessment of the likely efficacy and
costs of such purchases as well as the extent of progress toward its economic objectives. The Committee
has noted that it is prepared to increase or reduce the
pace of purchases to maintain appropriate policy
accommodation as the outlook for the labor market
or inflation changes.
At the June FOMC meeting, Committee participants
generally thought it would be helpful to provide
greater clarity about the Committee’s approach to
decisions about its asset purchase program and
thereby reduce investors’ uncertainty about how the
Committee might react to future economic develop-


100th Annual Report | 2013

ments. In choosing to provide this clarification, the
Committee made no changes to its approach to monetary policy. Against this backdrop, Chairman Bernanke, at his postmeeting press conference, described
a possible path for asset purchases that the Committee would anticipate implementing if economic conditions evolved in a manner broadly consistent with
the outcomes the Committee saw as most likely. The
Chairman noted that such economic outcomes
involved continued gains in labor markets, supported
by moderate growth that picks up over the next several quarters, and inflation moving back toward its
2 percent objective over time. If the economy were to
evolve broadly in line with the Committee’s expectations, the FOMC would moderate the pace of purchases later this year and continue to reduce the pace
of purchases in measured steps until purchases ended
around the middle of next year, at which time the
unemployment rate would likely be in the vicinity of
7 percent, with solid economic growth supporting
further job gains and inflation moving back toward
the FOMC’s 2 percent target. In emphasizing that
the Committee’s policy was in no way predetermined, the Chairman noted that the pace of asset
purchases could increase or decrease depending on
the evolution of the outlook and its implications for
further progress in the labor market. The Chairman
also drew a strong distinction between the asset purchase program and the forward guidance regarding
the target for the federal funds rate, noting that the
Committee anticipates that there will be a considerable period between the end of asset purchases and
the time when it becomes appropriate to increase the
target for the federal funds rate.
In conjunction with the most recent FOMC meeting
in June, Committee participants submitted individual
economic projections under each participant’s judgment of appropriate monetary policy. According to
the Summary of Economic Projections (SEP), Committee participants saw the downside risks to the outlook for the economy and the labor market as having
diminished since the fall. (The June SEP is included
as Part 3 of the July 2013 Monetary Policy Report on
pages 39–52; it is also included in section 8 of this
annual report. Committee participants also projected
that, with appropriate monetary policy accommodation, economic growth would pick up, the unemployment rate would gradually decline, and inflation
would move up over the medium term from recent
very low readings and subsequently move back
toward the FOMC’s 2 percent longer-run objective.
Committee participants saw increases in the target
for the federal funds rate as being quite far in the

future, with most expecting the first increase to occur
in 2015 or 2016.

Part 1: Recent Economic and
Financial Developments
Real economic activity continued to increase at a
moderate pace in the first quarter of 2013, though
available indicators suggest that the pace of economic growth was somewhat slower in the second
quarter. Federal fiscal policy is imposing a substantial drag on economic growth this year, and subdued
growth in foreign economies continues to weigh on
export demand. However, some other headwinds
have diminished, and interest rates, despite recent
increases, have generally remained low by historical
standards, importantly due to the ongoing monetary
accommodation provided by the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC). A sustained housing market recovery appears to be under way, and, despite
the increase in taxes earlier this year, consumption
growth is estimated to have held up reasonably well,
supported by higher equity and home prices, moreupbeat consumer sentiment, and the improving jobs
situation. Payroll employment has continued to rise
at a moderate pace, and various measures of underutilization in labor markets have improved further.
But, at 7½ percent in June, the unemployment rate
was still well above levels prevailing prior to the
recent recession. Meanwhile, consumer price inflation has slowed further this year, in part because of
falling energy and import prices and other factors
that are expected to prove transitory, and it remains
below the FOMC’s longer-run objective of 2 percent.
Survey measures of longer-term inflation expectations have remained in the fairly narrow ranges seen
over the past several years.
Domestic Developments
Economic growth continued at a moderate pace
early this year

Output appears to have risen further in the first half
of 2013 despite the substantial drag on economic
growth from federal fiscal policy this year and the
restraint on export demand from subdued foreign
growth. Real gross domestic product (GDP)
increased at an estimated annual rate of 1¾ percent
in the first quarter of the year, the same as the average pace in 2012, though available indicators point at
present to a somewhat smaller gain in the second
quarter. Economic activity so far this year has been
supported by the continued expansion in demand by
U.S. households and businesses, including what

Monetary Policy and Economic Developments

appears to be a sustained recovery in the housing
market. Private demand has been bolstered by the
historically low interest rates and rising prices of
houses and other assets, partly associated with the
FOMC’s continued policy accommodation.
In addition, some of the other headwinds that have
held back the economy in recent years have dissipated further. Risks of heightened financial stresses
in Europe appear to have diminished somewhat, consumer confidence has improved noticeably, and credit
conditions in the United States generally have eased.
Nonetheless, tight credit conditions for some households are still likely restraining residential investment
and consumer spending, and uncertainty about the
foreign outlook continues to represent a downside
risk for U.S. financial markets and for sales abroad.
Conditions in the labor market have continued to
improve . . .

The labor market has continued to improve gradually. Gains in payroll employment averaged about
200,000 jobs per month over the first half of 2013,
slightly above the average increase in each of the previous two years. The combination of this year’s output and employment increases imply that gains in
labor productivity have remained slow. According to
the latest published data, output per hour in the nonfarm business sector rose at an annual rate of only
½ percent in the first quarter of 2013, similar to its
average pace in both 2011 and 2012.
Meanwhile, the unemployment rate declined to
7½ percent in the second quarter of this year from
around 8¼ percent a year earlier. A variety of alternative, broader measures of labor force underutilization have also improved over the past year, roughly in
line with the official unemployment rate.
While the unemployment rate and total payroll
employment have improved further, the labor force
participation rate has continued to decline, on balance. As a result, the employment–population ratio, a
measure that combines the unemployment rate and
labor force participation rate, has changed little so
far this year. To an important extent, the decline in
the participation rate likely reflects changing demographics—most notably the increasing share in the
population of older persons, who have lower-thanaverage participation rates—that would have
occurred regardless of the strength of the labor market. However, it is also likely that some of the decline
in the participation rate reflects an increase in the


number of workers who have stopped looking for
work because of poor job prospects.1
. . . but considerable slack in labor markets
remains . . .

Although labor market conditions have improved
moderately so far this year, the job market remains
weak overall. The unemployment rate and other
measures of labor underutilization are still well above
their pre-recession levels, despite payroll employment
having now expanded by nearly 7 million jobs since
its recent trough and the unemployment rate having
fallen 2½ percentage points since its peak. Moreover,
unemployment has been unusually concentrated
among the long-term unemployed; in June, the fraction of the unemployed who had been out of work
for more than six months remained greater than onethird, although this share has continued to edge
down. In addition, last month, 8 million people, or
5 percent of the workforce, were working part time
because they were unable to find full-time work due
to economic conditions.
. . . and gains in compensation have been slow

Increases in hourly compensation continue to be
restrained by the weak condition of the labor market.
The 12-month change in the employment cost index
for private industry workers, which measures both
wages and the cost to employers of providing benefits, has remained close to 2 percent throughout
most of the recovery. Compensation per hour in the
nonfarm business sector—a measure derived from
the labor compensation data in the national income
and product accounts—rose 2 percent over the year
ending in the first quarter of 2013. Similarly, average
hourly earnings for all employees—the timeliest
measure of wage developments—increased 2¼ percent in nominal terms over the 12 months ending in
June. Even with relatively slow productivity gains, the
change in unit labor costs faced by firms—an estimate of the extent to which nominal hourly compensation rises in excess of labor productivity—has
remained subdued.

As was discussed in the box “Assessing Conditions in the Labor
Market” in the February 2013 Monetary Policy Report, the
unemployment rate typically provides a very good summary of
labor market conditions; however, other indicators also provide
important perspectives on the health of the labor market, with
the most accurate assessment of labor market conditions
obtained by combining the signals from many such indicators.
For the box, see Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve
System (2013), Monetary Policy Report (Washington: Board of
Governors, February),


100th Annual Report | 2013

Consumer price inflation has been especially
low . . .

. . . and as oil and other commodity prices
declined . . .

The price index for personal consumption expenditures (PCE) increased at an annual rate of just ½ percent over the first five months of the year, down from
a rise of 1½ percent over 2012 and below the
FOMC’s long-run objective of 2 percent. The very
low rate of inflation so far this year partly reflects
declines in consumer energy prices, but price inflation
for other consumer goods and services has also been
subdued. Consumer food prices have remained
largely unchanged so far this year, and consumer
prices excluding food and energy increased at an
annual rate of 1 percent in the first five months of
this year after rising 1½ percent over 2012. With
wages growing slowly and materials prices flat or
moving downward, firms have generally not faced
cost pressures that they might otherwise try to
pass on.

Global oil prices have come down, on net, from their
February peak of nearly $120 per barrel, though in
recent weeks they have increased somewhat from
their spring lows to almost $110 per barrel. Tensions
in the Middle East have likely continued to put
upward pressures on crude oil prices, but those pressures have been mitigated by concerns about the
strength of oil demand in China and the rest of
emerging Asia and by rising oil production in North
America. Nonfuel commodity prices have eased since
the beginning of the year, also reflecting slowing economic growth in emerging Asia. Notably, the price of
iron ore, widely viewed as an indicator of Chinese
demand for commodities, has fallen roughly 20 percent since early January. Along with falling commodity prices, prices of non-oil imported goods declined
in the first half of 2013, also likely holding down
domestic price increases this year.

. . . as some transitory factors weighed on
prices . . .

In addition to the decline in energy prices, this year’s
especially low inflation reflects, in part, other special
factors that are expected to be transitory. Notably,
increases in both medical services prices and the nonmarket component of PCE prices have been unusually low. While the average rate of medical-price inflation as measured by the PCE index has been considerably lower during the past few years than it was
earlier, the increase over the first five months of
2013—at below ½ percent—has been extraordinarily
muted, largely reflecting the effects on medical services prices of cuts in Medicare reimbursements associated with federal budget sequestration. (In contrast,
medical services prices in the consumer price index
(CPI), which exclude most Medicare payments, have
risen at an annual rate of nearly 2 percent so far this
year.) Because medical services have a relatively large
weight in PCE expenditures (as the PCE price index
reflects payments by all payers, not just out-of-pocket
expenses as in the CPI), price changes in this component of spending can have a sizable effect on top-line
PCE inflation.
The nonmarket PCE price index covers spending
components for which market prices are not
observed, such as financial services rendered without
explicit charge; as a result, the Bureau of Economic
Analysis imputes prices for those items. Overall, this
nonmarket index declined early this year before moving up again in recent months; however, these prices
tend to be volatile and appear to contain little signal
for future inflation.

. . . but longer-term inflation expectations
remained in their historical range

The Federal Reserve monitors the public’s expectations of inflation, in part because these expectations
may influence wage- and price-setting behavior and
thus actual inflation. Survey-based measures of
longer-term inflation expectations have changed
little, on net, so far this year. Median expected inflation over the next 5 to 10 years, as reported in the
Thomson Reuters/University of Michigan Surveys of
Consumers (Michigan survey), was 2.9 percent in
early July, within the narrow range of the past
decade.2 In the Survey of Professional Forecasters,
conducted by the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia, the median expectation for the increase in the
PCE price index over the next 10 years was 2 percent
in the second quarter of this year, similar to its level
in recent years.
Measures of medium- and longer-term inflation
compensation derived from the differences between
yields on nominal and inflation-protected Treasury
securities have declined between ¼ and ½ percentage
point so far this year. Nonetheless, these measures of
inflation compensation also remain within their
respective ranges observed over the past several years,
as the recent declines reversed the rise over the second half of last year. In general, movements in inflation compensation can reflect not only market participants’ expectations of future inflation but also

The question in the Michigan survey asks about inflation generally but does not refer to any specific price index.

Monetary Policy and Economic Developments

changes in investor risk aversion and fluctuations in
the relative liquidity of nominal versus inflationprotected securities; the recent declines in inflation
compensation may have been amplified by a reduction in demand for Treasury inflation-protected securities amid increased volatility in fixed-income
Fiscal consolidation has quickened, leading to
stronger headwinds but smaller deficits

Fiscal policy at the federal level has tightened significantly this year. As discussed in the box “Economic
Effects of Federal Fiscal Policy” (see pages 10–11 of
the July 2013 Monetary Policy Report), fiscal policy
changes—including the expiration of the payroll tax
cut, the enactment of other tax increases, the effects
of the budget caps on discretionary spending, the
onset of the sequestration, and the declines in
defense spending for overseas military operations—
are estimated, collectively, to be exerting a substantial
drag on economic activity this year. Even prior to the
bulk of the spending cuts associated with the sequestration that started in March, total real federal purchases contracted at an annual rate of nearly 9 percent in the first quarter, reflecting primarily a significant decline in defense spending. The sequestration
will induce further reductions in real federal expenditures over the next few quarters. For example, many
federal agencies have announced plans to furlough
workers, especially in the third quarter. However,
considerable uncertainty continues to surround the
timing of these effects.
These fiscal policy changes—along with the ongoing
economic recovery and positive net payments to the
Treasury by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac—have
resulted in a narrower federal deficit this year. Nominal outlays have declined substantially as a share of
GDP since their peak during the previous recession,
and tax receipts have moved up to about 17 percent
of GDP, their highest level since the recession. As a
result, the deficit in the federal unified budget fell to
about $500 billion over the first nine months of the
current fiscal year, almost $400 billion less than over
the same period a year earlier. Accordingly, the Congressional Budget Office projects that the budget
deficit for fiscal year 2013 as a whole will be 4 percent of GDP, markedly narrower than the deficit of
7 percent of GDP in fiscal 2012. In addition, the
deficit is projected to narrow further over the next
couple of years in light of ongoing policy actions
and continued improvement in the economy. Despite
the substantial decline in the deficit, federal debt held
by the public has continued to rise and stood at


75 percent of nominal GDP in the first quarter
of 2013.
At the state and local level as well, the strengthening
economy has helped foster a gradual improvement in
the budget situations of most jurisdictions. In the
first quarter of 2013, state tax receipts came in 9 percent higher than a year earlier. (Some of the recent
strength in receipts, though, likely reflects tax payments on income that was shifted into 2012 in anticipation of higher federal tax rates this year.) Consistent with improving sector finances, states and
municipalities are no longer reducing their workforces; employment in the nonfederal government
sector edged up over the first half of the year after
contracting only slightly in 2012. However, construction expenditures by these governments have declined
significantly further this year. In all, real government
purchases at the state and local level decreased in the
first quarter and have imposed a drag on the pace of
economic growth so far this year.
The housing market recovery continued
to gain traction . . .

Activity in the housing market has continued to
strengthen, supported by low mortgage rates, sustained job gains, and improved sentiment on the part
of potential buyers. In the Michigan survey, many
households report that low interest rates and house
prices make it a good time to buy a home; a growing percentage of respondents also expect that house
price gains will continue. Reflecting the improving
demand conditions, sales of both new and existing
homes have continued to move up, on net, this year.
Construction of new housing units has also trended
up over the past year, contributing to solid rates of
increase in real residential investment in the first half
of 2013. Even so, the level of construction activity
remains low by historical standards. The steep rise in
mortgage interest rates since May could temper the
pace of home sales and construction going forward,
though the pace of purchase mortgage applications
so far has shown no material signs of slowing, even
as the pace of refinancing applications has tailed
off sharply.
The strengthening in housing demand has occurred
despite the fact that mortgage credit remains limited
for borrowers without excellent credit scores or the
ability to make sizable down payments. Responses to
special questions in the Federal Reserve’s April
Senior Loan Officer Opinion Survey on Bank Lending Practices (SLOOS) suggested that some banks
had actually tightened standards over the past year


100th Annual Report | 2013

on some loans that are eligible for purchase by the
government-sponsored enterprises and loans guaranteed by the Federal Housing Administration, specifically those to borrowers with credit scores below 620
and with low down payments. Indeed, only about
10 percent of new prime mortgage originations made
this spring were reported to be associated with FICO
scores below 690, compared with a quarter of originations in 2005.
. . . as house prices rose further

House prices, as measured by several national
indexes, have increased significantly further since the
end of last year. In particular, the CoreLogic repeatsales index rose about 7 percent (not at an annual
rate) over the first five months of 2013 to reach its
highest level since the third quarter of 2008. Some of
the largest recent gains have occurred where the
housing market has been most severely depressed.
Recent increases notwithstanding, house prices
remain far below the peaks reached before the recession, and the national price-to-rent ratio continues to
be near its long-run average. Still, the increase in
house prices has helped to materially reduce the number of “underwater” mortgages and made households somewhat less likely to default on their
Mortgage interest rates increased but remained
low by historical standards

Mortgage interest rates have increased significantly in
the past couple of months from record lows reached
earlier this year. However, rates are still low by historical standards, reflecting in part the Federal
Reserve’s ongoing purchases of mortgage-backed
securities (MBS) and highly accommodative overall
stance of monetary policy. The spread between rates
on conforming mortgages and yields on agencyguaranteed MBS has decreased slightly since the end
of 2012.
Low mortgage rates, along with rising house prices,
continued to facilitate a significant pace of refinancing for most of the first half of 2013, which has
helped households reduce monthly debt service payments. However, refinancing remained difficult for
households without solid credit ratings and those
with limited home equity. Moreover, as mortgage
rates moved higher, refinancing activity began to
decrease sharply in May.

Consumer spending has held up despite the drag
from tax increases early this year

Real consumption expenditures rose at an annual rate
of about 2 percent over the first five months of this
year, about the same as in the previous two years.
These increases have occurred despite higher taxes
and have been supported by several factors. The
gains this year in house prices and equity values have
helped households recover some of the wealth lost
during the recession; indeed, the ratio of household
net wealth to income is estimated to have moved up
sharply in the first quarter. In recent months, indicators of consumer sentiment have become more
upbeat as well. Furthermore, in contrast to mortgage
rates, interest rates on auto loans and credit cards
have changed little, on balance, since the end of 2012.
With interest rates low, the household debt service
ratio—the ratio of required principal and interest
payments on outstanding household debt to disposable personal income—remained near historical lows.
In addition, real disposable personal income has
increased slightly, on balance, over the past year, as
moderate gains in employment and wages have more
than offset the implications for income of changes in
tax policy.3 And household purchasing power has
been supported so far this year by low consumer
price inflation. On balance, moderate increases in
spending have outpaced disposable income growth,
pushing the personal saving rate down to around
3 percent in recent months, close to the level that prevailed before the recession.
The financial conditions of households continued
to improve slowly

Although mortgage debt continued to contract amid
still-tight credit conditions for some borrowers, consumer credit expanded at an annual rate of about
6 percent in the first quarter of 2013. Student loans,
the vast majority of which are guaranteed or originated by the federal government and subject to minimal underwriting criteria, are estimated to have

The income data have been quite volatile in recent months,
reflecting both direct and indirect effects of the changes in tax
policy this year. Personal income is reported to have surged late
last year and then fallen back sharply early this year, as many
firms apparently shifted dividend and employee bonus payments
into 2012 in anticipation of higher marginal tax rates for highincome households this year. In addition, the rise in the payroll
tax rate and a surge in personal income taxes at the beginning of
the year pushed down disposable personal income in the first

Monetary Policy and Economic Developments

increased rapidly and now total nearly $1 trillion,
making them the largest category of consumer
indebtedness outside of mortgages. Auto loans are
also estimated to have increased at a robust pace.
Stable collateral values and favorable conditions in
the asset-backed securities market may have contributed to easier standards for such loans. In contrast,
revolving consumer credit (primarily credit card lending) was little changed in the first quarter, and standards and terms on credit card loans appeared to
remain tight, especially for consumers with less-thanpristine credit histories. For instance, spreads of
interest rates on credit card loans over reference
interest rates remained historically wide. Consequently, credit card debt extended to consumers with
prime credit scores remained well below its pre-crisis
levels, while debt extended to those with subprime
credit scores—that is, Equifax Risk Scores below
660—continued to trend down.
According to the most recent available data, indicators of distress for most types of household debt
have declined since the end of 2012. For home mortgages, for example, the fraction of current mortgages
becoming 30 or more days delinquent has now
reached relatively low levels as a result of strict
underwriting conditions for new mortgages as well as
improved conditions in housing and labor markets.
Measures of late-stage mortgage delinquency, such as
the inventory of properties in foreclosure, also
improved but remained elevated. Delinquency rates
on student loans also remained high, likely reflecting
in part the lack of underwriting on the federally
backed loans that make up the bulk of the student
loans outstanding.
The financial conditions of nonfinancial firms
continued to be strong . . .

In the first quarter, the aggregate ratio of liquid to
total assets for nonfinancial firms ticked up and
remained near its highest level in 20 years, while the
aggregate ratio of debt to assets was still well below
its average over the same period. Strong balance
sheets, in turn, have contributed to solid credit quality: Bond default rates, as of June, stayed low by historical standards, and the delinquency rate on commercial and industrial (C&I) loans continued to fall
in the first quarter from already low levels. However,
over the first half of the year, the volume of nonfinancial corporate bonds that were upgraded by
Moody’s Investors Service was less than the volume


. . . and corporate bond and loan issuance
remained robust

With corporate credit quality strong and interest
rates near historically low levels through much of the
first half of 2013, nonfinancial firms continued to
raise funds, especially using longer-duration instruments. The pace of bond issuance by both
investment- and speculative-grade nonfinancial firms
remained extraordinarily brisk until interest rates
rose significantly in May, while nonfinancial commercial paper (CP) outstanding was little changed.
C&I loans outstanding at commercial banks in the
United States continued to expand during the first
half of 2013 but at a slower pace than in the second
half of 2012, when firms reportedly ramped up their
C&I borrowing in part to make larger-than-usual
dividend and bonus payments in advance of anticipated year-end tax hikes. A relatively large fraction of
respondents to the April SLOOS indicated that, over
the preceding three months, they had eased standards
and pricing terms for C&I loans to firms of all sizes.
Meanwhile, issuance of leveraged loans extended by
nonbank institutions in the syndicated loan market
was very elevated, boosted by strong investor
demand for these floating-rate instruments manifested through inflows to loan mutual funds and
rapid growth of newly established collateralized loan
obligations. More than two-thirds of the proceeds
from such syndicated loan issuance, however, were
reportedly used to repay existing debt.
Borrowing conditions for small businesses
improved, though demand for credit remained

Some indicators of borrowing conditions for small
businesses have improved since the end of 2012.
According to the surveys conducted by the National
Federation of Independent Business (NFIB) during
the first half of 2013, the fraction of small businesses
that found credit more difficult to obtain than three
months prior declined on net. Recent readings from
the Federal Reserve’s Survey of Terms of Business
Lending indicate that the spreads charged by commercial banks on newly originated C&I loans with
original amounts less than $1 million—a large share
of which likely consist of loans to small businesses—
continued to edge down, though they remained
elevated.4 However, demand for credit from small
firms apparently remained subdued compared with

Data releases for the Survey of Terms of Business Lending are
available on the Federal Reserve Board’s website at


100th Annual Report | 2013

demand from large and middle-market firms. Relatively large fractions of respondents in recent NFIB
surveys indicated that they did not have any borrowing needs, and the total dollar volume of business
loans with original amounts of $1 million or less outstanding at U.S. commercial banks was little changed
in the first quarter.
However, business spending on capital
investment has been rising at only a modest pace

Despite the large amount of business borrowing,
businesses’ capital investment has been rising only
modestly. Real spending on equipment and software
(E&S) increased at an annual rate of 4 percent in the
first quarter after having risen at a similar, belowaverage pace in 2012; these increases likely reflect the
tepid growth in business output over the past year.
Shipments and orders of nondefense capital goods
and other forward-looking indicators of business
spending are consistent with further moderate gains
in E&S spending in the spring and summer of
this year.
Business investment in structures has also been relatively low so far this year, even apart from a sharp
drop-off in expenditures on wind-power facilities following a tax-related burst of construction late last
year. The level of investment in drilling and mining
structures has stayed elevated, supported by high oil
prices and the continued exploitation of new drilling
technologies. However, investment in nonresidential
buildings continues to be restrained by high vacancy
rates for existing properties, low commercial real
estate (CRE) prices, and tight financing conditions
for new construction. Indeed, banks’ holdings of
construction and land development loans have contracted every quarter since the first half of 2008.
Despite weak fundamentals, conditions in markets
for CRE financing appeared to loosen somewhat. A
moderate fraction of banks in the April SLOOS
again reported having eased their lending standards
on CRE loans, while a somewhat larger fraction continued to report some increase in demand for these
loans. In addition, the pace of issuance of commercial mortgage-backed securities has stepped up, on
balance, this year, but it remained well below its peak
reached in 2007.
Foreign trade has been relatively weak

Export demand, which provided substantial support
to domestic activity earlier in the recovery, has weakened since the middle of 2012, partly reflecting subdued foreign economic activity. Real exports of

goods and services declined at an annual rate of
1 percent in the first quarter of 2013, though data for
the first two months of the second quarter suggest
that they rebounded. Exports to Japan have been
particularly weak, but those to Canada continue
to rise.
Real imports of goods and services edged down in
the first quarter after falling substantially in the
fourth quarter of 2012. Data for April and May suggest that imports recovered at a moderate pace in the
second quarter. Although imports of non-oil goods
and services rose, imports of oil declined further as
U.S. oil production continued its climb of recent
Altogether, net exports were a neutral influence on
the growth of real GDP in the first quarter of 2013,
and partial data suggest that the same was the case in
the second quarter.
The current account deficit remained at about
2½ percent of GDP in the first quarter of 2013, a
level little changed since 2009. The current account
deficit had narrowed substantially in late 2008 and
early 2009 when U.S. imports dropped sharply, in
part reflecting the steep decline in oil prices.
In the first quarter of 2013, the current account deficit continued to be financed by strong financial
inflows, mostly from purchases of Treasury securities
by both foreign official and foreign private investors.
Consistent with continued improvement in market
sentiment, U.S. investors made further strong purchases of foreign securities, especially equities.
National saving is very low

Net national saving—that is, the saving of U.S.
households, businesses, and governments, net of
depreciation charges—remains extremely low by historical standards. In the first quarter of 2013, net
national saving was 1 percent of nominal GDP, up
from figures that averaged around zero over the past
few years. As discussed earlier, the near-term federal
deficit has narrowed because of fiscal policy changes
and the economic recovery, and further declines in
the federal budget deficit over the next few years
should boost national saving somewhat. With the
economy still weak and demand for investable funds
limited, the low level of national saving is not constraining growth or leading to higher interest rates.
However, if low levels of national saving persist over
the longer run, they will likely be associated with
both low rates of capital formation and heavy bor-

Monetary Policy and Economic Developments

rowing from abroad, limiting the rise in the standard
of living for U.S. residents over time.
Financial Developments
The expected path for the federal funds rate in
2014 and 2015 steepened . . .

Market-based measures of the expected future path
of the federal funds rate moved higher over the first
half of the year, as investors responded to somewhat
better-than-expected incoming economic data and to
communications from Federal Reserve officials that
were seen as suggesting a tighter stance of monetary
policy than had been anticipated. The modal path of
the federal funds rate—that is, the values for future
federal funds rates that market participants see as
most likely—derived from interest rate options
shifted up considerably, especially around the June
FOMC meeting, suggesting that investors may now
expect the target funds rate to lift off from its current
range significantly earlier than they expected at the
end of 2012. However, a part of this increase may
have reflected a rise in term premiums associated
with increased uncertainty about the monetary policy
outlook. According to a survey of primary dealers
conducted shortly after the June FOMC meeting by
the Open Market Desk at the Federal Reserve Bank
of New York, dealers’ expectations of the date of
liftoff have moved up one quarter since the end of
last year, to the second quarter of 2015.5
. . . while yields on longer-term securities
increased significantly but remained low by
historical standards

Reflecting the same factors, yields on longer-term
Treasury securities and agency MBS are also substantially higher now than they were at the end of last
year. The rise in longer-term yields appears to have
been amplified by a pullback from duration risk as
well as technical factors, including rapid changes in
trading strategies and positions that had been predicated on the continuation of very low rates and volatility. On balance, yields on 5-, 10-, and 30-year nominal Treasury securities have increased between 65 and
85 basis points, on net, to 1½ percent, 2½ percent,
and 3¾ percent, respectively, since the end of
last year.
Yields on 30-year agency MBS increased more than
those on Treasury securities, rising about 1¼ percentage points, on net, since the end of 2012, to about

The results of the survey of primary dealers are available on the
Federal Reserve Bank of New York’s website at www


3½ percent. Agency MBS yields also rose significantly more than the yields on comparable nominal
Treasury securities after adjusting for the effects of
higher interest rates on the likelihood that borrowers
will prepay their mortgages (the option-adjusted
spread), likely reflecting investors’ reassessment of
the outlook for the Federal Reserve’s MBS purchases
as well as subsequent market dynamics.
Nonetheless, yields on longer-term securities continue to be low by historical standards. Those low
levels reflect several factors, including subdued inflation expectations as well as still-modest economic
growth prospects in the United States and other
major developed economies. In addition, despite
their recent rise, term premiums—the extra return
investors expect to obtain from holding longer-term
securities as opposed to holding and rolling over a
sequence of short-term securities for the same
period—remain small, reflecting both the FOMC’s
ongoing large-scale asset purchase program and
strong demand for longer-term securities from
global investors.
Indicators of market functioning in both the Treasury and agency MBS markets were generally solid
over the first half of the year. In particular, the
Desk’s outright purchases of Treasury securities and
agency MBS did not appear to have a material
adverse effect on liquidity in those markets. For
example, available data suggest bid–asked spreads in
Treasury and agency MBS markets continued to be
in line with recent averages, though some widening
has been observed of late amid increased market
volatility. In the Treasury market, auctions generally
continued to be well received by investors. In the
agency MBS market, settlement fails remained low,
and implied financing rates in the “dollar roll” market—an indicator of the scarcity of agency MBS for
settlement—have drifted up over the past six months,
indicating reduced settlement pressures.6
Short-term funding markets continued to
function well

Conditions in short-term funding markets remained
good, with many money market rates having edged
down from already low levels since the end of 2012 to
near the bottom of the ranges they have occupied

Dollar roll transactions consist of a purchase or sale of agency
MBS with the simultaneous agreement to sell or purchase substantially similar securities on a specified future date. The Committee directs the Desk to engage in these transactions as necessary to facilitate settlement of the Federal Reserve’s agency
MBS purchases.


100th Annual Report | 2013

since the zero-lower-bound period began. In the market for repurchase agreements, bid–asked spreads
and haircuts for most collateral types were reportedly
little changed, while rates moved down slightly, on
net, for general collateral finance repurchase agreements. Despite the high level of reserve balances and
the substantially reduced volume of trading in the
federal funds market since 2008, the effective federal
funds rate has continued to be strongly correlated
with these money market rates. Rates on assetbacked commercial paper (ABCP) also fell, and
spreads on ABCP with European bank sponsors
have generally converged back to those on ABCP
with U.S. bank sponsors. Rates on unsecured financial CP for both U.S. and European issuers have
remained low, even during the temporary flare-up of
concerns about European financial stability surrounding the banking problems in Cyprus, while forward measures of funding spreads have continued to
be narrow by historical standards.
Broad equity price indexes increased further . . .

Broad equity price indexes notched substantial gains
and reached record levels in nominal terms, boosted
by improved market sentiment regarding the economic outlook, the FOMC’s sustained highly accommodative monetary policy, and stable expectations
about medium-term earnings growth. Despite the
increased volatility around the time of the June
FOMC meeting, as of mid-July, broad measures of
equity prices were 18 percent higher, on net, than
their levels at the end of 2012. Nonetheless, the
spread between the 12-month expected forward
earnings–price ratio for the S&P 500 and a long-run
real Treasury yield—a rough gauge of the equity risk
premium—stayed very elevated by historical standards, suggesting that investors remain somewhat
cautious in their attitudes toward equities. Outside of
the period surrounding the June FOMC meeting,
implied volatility for the S&P 500 index, as calculated
from option prices, generally remained near the bottom end of the range it has occupied since the onset
of the financial crisis.
. . . and market sentiment toward financial
institutions continued to strengthen as credit
quality improved

On average, the equity prices of domestic financial
institutions have outperformed broader equity
indexes since the end of last year. Improved investor
sentiment toward the financial sector reportedly was
driven by perceptions of reduced downside risk in the
housing market as well as expectations of continued
improvements in credit quality and of increased net

interest margins as the yield curve steepened over the
past few months. However, prices of real estate
investment trust (REIT) shares underperformed,
especially after interest rates started rising in May,
partially reflecting a broader shift on the part of
investors from income-oriented shares toward more
cyclically sensitive issues. Shares of mortgage REITs
were particularly affected by the sharp rise in Treasury and agency MBS yields.
Equity prices for large domestic banks have increased
24 percent since the end of 2012. However, they have
yet to fully recover from the very depressed levels
reached during the financial crisis. Standard measures of the profitability of bank holding companies
(BHCs) edged down in the first quarter but remained
in the upper end of their subdued post-crisis range.
BHC profits were held down by modest noninterest
income and a further narrowing of net interest margins. By contrast, profits were supported by additional reductions in noninterest expenses and
decreases in provisioning for loan losses, as indicators
of credit quality improved further in every major
asset class. Banks’ allowances for loan and lease
losses continued to trend down as charge-offs of bad
loans once again exceeded provisions in the first
Risk-based capital ratios (based on current Basel I
definitions) of the 25 largest BHCs decreased in the
first quarter because of the adoption of the new market risk capital rule, while risk-based capital ratios at
smaller BHCs edged up.7 Nonetheless, BHCs of all
sizes remained well capitalized by historical standards
as they prepare for the transition to stricter Basel III
requirements (see the box “Developments Related to
Financial Stability” on pages 26–27 of the July 2013
Monetary Policy Report). Aggregate credit provided
by commercial banks continued to increase in the
first half of 2013.
M2 rose at a more moderate rate, but balances
remain elevated

M2 has increased at an annual rate of about 4¾ percent since the end of 2012, notably slower than the
pace registered last year. However, holdings of M2
assets—including their largest component, liquid

The new market risk capital rule requires banking organizations
with significant trading activities to adjust their capital requirements to better account for the market risks of those activities.
For more information on this change, see Board of Governors
of the Federal Reserve System (2012), “Federal Reserve Board
Approves Final Rule to Implement Changes to Market Risk
Capital Rule,” press release, June 7,

Monetary Policy and Economic Developments

deposits—remained elevated relative to what would
have been expected based on historical relationships
with nominal income and interest rates, likely due to
investors’ continued preference to hold safe and liquid assets. The monetary base—which is equal to the
sum of currency and reserve balances—increased
briskly over the first half of the year, driven mainly
by the significant rise in reserve balances due to the
Federal Reserve’s asset purchases.
International Developments
Foreign bond yields have risen and asset prices
have declined, on net, especially in
emerging market economies

Foreign benchmark sovereign yields have moved
somewhat higher, on net, since the beginning of the
year. Rates moved lower in March and April, in part
reflecting weak incoming data on activity; anticipation of the Bank of Japan’s (BOJ) asset purchase
program may have also contributed to declining
Japanese government bond (JGB) yields early in the
year. Since early May, however, as with U.S. Treasury
securities, sovereign yields have risen worldwide, as
investors responded to better-than-expected U.S. economic data and to Federal Reserve communications
about monetary policy. Sovereign yields are up, on
net, in Europe, Japan, and Canada and have
increased substantially in Korea, Mexico, and other
emerging market economies (EMEs).
Equity indexes in the major advanced foreign economies (AFEs) rose earlier in the year, especially in
Japan, where stock prices continued to soar as Prime
Minister Abe’s ambitious stimulus program began to
take shape. However, since mid-May, equity prices
have declined on net. Corporate bond issuance eased
somewhat in June as rates climbed higher, but yearto-date issuance totals are still strong relative to
recent years. Since the start of the year, sovereign and
corporate credit spreads have narrowed slightly.
Financial stresses in Europe have remained well
below their highs last year despite banking problems
in Cyprus and political tensions in several other
European countries.
The significantly higher interest rates in EMEs have
been accompanied by sharp moves in other EME
financial markets. Since mid-May, stock prices have
declined and credit spreads have widened markedly.
EME bond and equity funds have also experienced
sizable outflows, as investors reassessed the economic
outlook in these economies as well as the returns on
EME assets relative to those in advanced economies.


The improved sentiment toward the U.S. economic
outlook and anticipation of less-accommodative
monetary policy have pushed the U.S. dollar higher
against a broad set of currencies since the end of
2012. In particular, the dollar has appreciated sharply
against the Japanese yen, on net, as the BOJ adopted
a more accommodative monetary policy stance.
Activity in the advanced foreign economies
remained subdued despite a pickup . . .

Activity in the AFEs improved to a still-muted pace
in the first half of 2013, supported in part by
stronger exports and the easing in financial stresses in
Europe. The euro-area economy shrank further in the
first quarter, but the pace of contraction moderated
as consumption stabilized. In the United Kingdom,
real GDP resumed growing, at a 1¼ percent pace, in
the first quarter; retail sales and the purchasing managers index (PMI) suggest that growth firmed in the
second quarter. First-quarter activity accelerated in
Japan, reflecting a strong rebound of exports and a
pickup in consumption. Canadian growth also
firmed in the first quarter, and the labor market
notched solid employment gains through the second
With activity weak and inflationary pressures low,
several foreign central banks took additional steps to
support their economies. (See the box “The Expansion of Central Bank Balance Sheets” on pages 30–31
of the July 2013 Monetary Policy Report for a
broader overview of central bank actions.) The European Central Bank (ECB) and the Reserve Bank of
Australia lowered their main policy rates, and the
ECB stated after its July meeting that it will keep key
policy rates low “for an extended period.” The Bank
of England extended its Funding for Lending
Scheme until January 2015 and increased banks’
incentives to lend to small and medium-sized businesses. In April, the BOJ announced a sharp rise in
its purchases of JGBs and other assets, as well as an
extension of the maturity of the JGBs that it
Authorities in some AFEs also eased fiscal policy in
response to still-subdued activity. The Japanese parliament approved a fiscal stimulus package worth
about 2 percent of GDP, with the bulk of the spending directed to infrastructure projects. European
authorities postponed deadlines for several euro-area
countries, including France and Spain, to reduce fiscal deficits below 3 percent of GDP.


100th Annual Report | 2013

. . . while growth slowed in the emerging market

Aggregate real GDP growth in the EMEs picked up
in the fourth quarter of 2012 despite the weakness in
Europe and the United States, led by a strong performance of the Chinese economy. However, EME
growth slowed considerably in the first quarter, in
part as a step-down in Chinese growth weighed on
activity in the rest of emerging Asia and on the
commodity-dependent economies of South America.
Recent indicators of exports, industrial production,
and PMIs suggest that EME activity remained subdued in the second quarter. Amid concerns about
economic growth and lack of inflationary pressures,
the central banks of several countries in Asia and
Latin America further eased monetary policy over
the first half of the year. However, more recently,
concerns about reversal of capital inflows and currency depreciation pressures are giving EME central
banks pause about further rate cuts, and a few have
begun to raise rates.
In China, macroeconomic data for the second quarter indicate that growth continued to be modest by
the standards of recent years. Although retail sales
rose slightly faster in April and May than in the subdued first quarter, fixed investment increased at
roughly its first-quarter pace.
Activity also cooled across Latin America. In
Mexico, growth had already slowed in the second half
of last year, weighed down by weaker U.S. manufacturing activity. Growth slowed further in the first
quarter, as exports declined and domestic demand
weakened. In response, the Bank of Mexico reduced
its policy rate for the first time since mid-2009. Mexican activity appears to have remained subdued in the
second quarter. Brazilian real GDP growth stepped
down a little in the first quarter, extending the lackluster performance of the past two years. Indicators
of economic activity for the second quarter, including industrial production and exports, have been
mixed. Unlike many of its EME counterparts, Brazil’s central bank raised its policy rate to combat
rising inflation.

Part 2: Monetary Policy
With unemployment still well above normal levels
and inflation below its longer-run objective, the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) has continued its highly accommodative monetary policy this
year by maintaining its forward guidance with regard

to the target for the federal funds rate and continuing
its program of large-scale asset purchases.
To foster the attainment of maximum
employment and price stability, the FOMC kept in
place its forward guidance on the path of the
federal funds rate . . .

With unemployment still elevated and declining only
gradually, and inflation having moved further below
the Committee’s 2 percent longer-run objective, the
FOMC has maintained its highly accommodative
monetary policy stance this year. Because the target
range for the federal funds rate remains at its effective
lower bound, the Committee has been relying mainly
on its forward guidance about the future path of the
federal funds rate and on its program of large-scale
asset purchases to make progress toward its mandated objectives.
With regard to the federal funds rate, the Committee
has continued to indicate its expectation that the current exceptionally low target range of 0 to ¼ percent
will be appropriate at least as long as the unemployment rate remains above 6½ percent, inflation
between one and two years ahead is projected to be
no more than a half percentage point above the
Committee’s 2 percent longer-run goal, and longerterm inflation expectations continue to be well
anchored. In determining how long to maintain its
target range for the federal funds rate, the Committee
has stated that it would also consider other information, including additional measures of labor market
conditions, indicators of inflation pressures and
inflation expectations, and readings on financial
developments. The FOMC also has reiterated that a
highly accommodative stance of monetary policy
would remain appropriate for a considerable time
after the asset purchase program ends and the economic recovery strengthens. Moreover, the Committee has indicated that when it decides to begin to
remove policy accommodation, it would take a balanced approach consistent with its longer-run goals
of maximum employment and inflation of 2 percent.
. . . and maintained its policy of large-scale asset
purchases . . .

To sustain downward pressure on longer-term interest rates, support mortgage markets, and help make
broader financial conditions more accommodative,
the FOMC has continued its large-scale asset purchases; the Committee also has maintained its practices of reinvesting principal payments it receives on
agency debt and agency-guaranteed mortgagebacked securities (MBS) in new agency MBS and of

Monetary Policy and Economic Developments

rolling over maturing Treasury securities at auction.
Over the first half of this year, purchases of longerterm securities totaled $510 billion, with the Committee purchasing additional agency MBS at a pace of
$40 billion per month and longer-term Treasury
securities at a pace of $45 billion per month. The
Committee reconfirmed at each meeting during the
first half of 2013 that it would continue purchasing
Treasury and agency MBS until the outlook for the
labor market has improved substantially in a context
of price stability.
In determining the size, pace, and composition of its
asset purchases, the Committee has taken account of
the likely efficacy and costs of such purchases. As
noted in the minutes of the March FOMC meeting,
most participants saw asset purchases as having a
meaningful effect in easing financial conditions—for
example, keeping longer-term interest rates, including
mortgage rates, lower than they would be otherwise—and so supporting economic growth.8 FOMC
participants generally judged that these benefits outweighed the likely costs and risks of additional purchases. However, the Committee has continued to
monitor those costs and risks, including possible
effects on financial stability, security market functioning, the smooth withdrawal of monetary accommodation when it eventually becomes appropriate,
and the Federal Reserve’s net income.9
. . . while providing additional information about
potential adjustments to its asset purchases

During the first half of 2013, the FOMC took various steps to provide greater clarity regarding its
thinking about possible adjustments in the pace of
asset purchases and the eventual cessation of those
purchases. In its statement after the March meeting,
the Committee added that the size, pace, and composition of its asset purchases would reflect the extent
of progress toward its economic objectives, in addition to the likely efficacy and costs of such purchases.10 And in May, to highlight its willingness to
adjust the flow of purchases in light of incoming



See Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (2013),
“Minutes of the Federal Open Market Committee, March 19–
20, 2013,” press release, April 10,
For further discussion of these issues, see the box “Efficacy and
Costs of Large-Scale Asset Purchases” in Board of Governors
of the Federal Reserve System (2013), Monetary Policy Report
(Washington: Board of Governors, February), www
See Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (2013),
“Federal Reserve Issues FOMC Statement,” press release,
March 20,


information, the Committee noted that it was prepared to increase or reduce the pace of its purchases
to maintain appropriate policy accommodation as
the outlook for the labor market or inflation
At the June FOMC meeting, Committee participants
generally thought it would be helpful to provide
greater clarity about the Committee’s approach to
decisions about its asset purchase program and
thereby reduce investors’ uncertainty about how it
might react to future economic developments. In
choosing to provide this clarification, the Committee
made no changes to its approach to monetary policy.
Against this backdrop, Chairman Bernanke, at his
postmeeting press conference, described a possible
path for asset purchases that the Committee would
anticipate implementing if economic conditions
evolved in a manner broadly consistent with the outcomes the Committee saw as most likely.12 The
Chairman noted that such economic outcomes
involved continued gains in labor markets, supported
by moderate growth that picks up over the next several quarters, and inflation moving back toward its
2 percent objective over time. If the economy were to
evolve broadly in line with the Committee’s expectations, the FOMC would moderate the pace of purchases later this year and continue to reduce the pace
of purchases in measured steps until purchases ended
around the middle of next year, at which time the
unemployment rate would likely be in the vicinity of
7 percent, with solid economic growth supporting
further job gains and inflation moving back toward
the FOMC’s 2 percent target.
In emphasizing that the Committee’s policy was in
no way predetermined, the Chairman noted that if
economic conditions improved faster than expected,
the pace of asset purchases could be reduced somewhat more quickly. Conversely, if the outlook for the
economy or the labor market became less favorable,
inflation did not move over time toward the Committee’s 2 percent longer-term objective, or financial
conditions were judged to be inconsistent with further progress in the labor markets, reductions in the
pace of purchases could be delayed or the pace
increased for a time. The Chairman also drew a


See Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (2013),
“Federal Reserve Issues FOMC Statement,” press release,
May 1,
See Ben S. Bernanke (2013), “Transcript of Chairman Bernanke’s Press Conference,” June 19,


100th Annual Report | 2013

strong distinction between the asset purchase program and the forward guidance regarding the target
for the federal funds rate, noting that the Committee
anticipates that there will be a considerable period
between the end of asset purchases and the time
when it becomes appropriate to increase the target
for the federal funds rate.
The Committee’s large-scale asset purchases
led to a significant increase in the size of the
Federal Reserve’s balance sheet

As a result of the Committee’s large-scale asset purchase program, Federal Reserve assets have increased
significantly since the end of last year. The par value
of the System Open Market Account’s (SOMA)
holdings of U.S. Treasury securities increased about
$300 billion to $2 trillion, and the par value of its
holdings of agency debt and MBS increased about
$270 billion, on net, to $1.3 trillion.13 These asset
purchases accounted for nearly all of the increase in
total assets of the Federal Reserve and were accompanied by a significant rise in reserve balances over
the period. As of July 10, the SOMA’s holdings of
Treasury and agency securities constituted 56 percent
and 36 percent, respectively, of the $3.5 trillion in
total Federal Reserve assets. By contrast, balances of
facilities established during the financial crisis
declined further from already low levels.14
Interest income on the SOMA portfolio continued to
support a substantial sum of remittances to the
Treasury Department. In the first quarter, the Federal Reserve provided more than $15 billion of such
distributions to the Treasury.15 The Federal Reserve
has also released detailed transactions data on open



The difference between changes in the par value of SOMA holdings and the amount of purchases of securities since the end of
2012 reflects, in part, lags in settlements.
The outstanding amount of dollars provided through the temporary U.S. dollar liquidity swap arrangements with foreign central banks decreased $7 billion to about $1 billion because of the
improvement in offshore U.S. dollar funding markets. During
the financial crisis, the Federal Reserve created several special
lending facilities to support financial institutions and markets
and strengthen economic activity. These facilities were closed by
2010; however, some loans made under the Term Asset-Backed
Securities Loan Facility, which is closed to new lending, remain
outstanding and will mature over the next two years. Other programs supported certain specific institutions in order to avert
disorderly failures that could have resulted in severe dislocations
and strains for the financial system as a whole and harmed the
U.S. economy. While the loans made by the Federal Reserve
under these programs have been repaid, the Federal Reserve will
continue to receive cash flows generated from assets remaining
in the portfolios established in connection with such support,
principally the portfolio of Maiden Lane LLC.
The Quarterly Report on Federal Reserve Balance Sheet Developments for the first quarter is available on the Federal Reserve

market operations and discount window operations
with a two-year lag in compliance with the Dodd–
Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection
Act of 2010.
The Committee also reviewed the principles for
policy normalization

During its May and June meetings, the FOMC
reviewed the Federal Reserve’s principles for the
eventual normalization of the stance of monetary
policy, which initially were published in the minutes
of the Committee’s June 2011 meeting.16 The Committee’s discussion included various aspects of those
principles—the size and composition of the SOMA
portfolio in the longer run, the use of a range of
reserve-draining tools, the approach to sales of securities, the eventual framework for policy implementation, and the relationship between the principles and
the economic thresholds in the Committee’s forward
guidance on the federal funds rate. Meeting participants, in general, continued to view the broad principles set out in 2011 as still applicable. Nonetheless,
they agreed that many of the details of the eventual
normalization process would likely differ from those
specified two years ago, that the appropriate details
would depend in part on economic and financial
developments between now and the time when it
becomes appropriate to begin normalizing monetary
policy, and that the Committee would need to provide additional information about its intentions as
that time approaches. Participants continued to think
that the Federal Reserve should, in the long run, hold
predominantly Treasury securities. Most, however,
now anticipated that the Committee would not sell
agency MBS as part of the normalization process,
although some indicated that limited sales might be
warranted in the longer run to reduce or eliminate
residual holdings.
The Federal Reserve continued to test tools that
could potentially be used to manage reserves

As part of the Federal Reserve’s ongoing program to
ensure the readiness of tools to manage reserves, the
Federal Reserve conducted a series of small-scale
transactions with eligible counterparties. During the
first half of 2013, the Federal Reserve conducted four
repurchase agreement (repo) operations and three
reverse repurchase agreement (reverse repo) opera-


Board’s website at
See Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (2011),
“Minutes of the Federal Open Market Committee, June 21–22,
2011,” press release, July 12,

Monetary Policy and Economic Developments

tions. Operation sizes ranged between $0.2 and
$2.8 billion using all eligible collateral types. While
the repo transactions were conducted only with primary dealers, two of the reverse repo operations were
open to the expanded set of eligible counterparties,
which include not only primary dealers, but also
banks, government-sponsored enterprises, and
money market funds.17 In addition, the Federal

To prepare for the potential need to conduct large-scale reverse
repo transactions, the Federal Reserve Bank of New York is
developing arrangements with an expanded set of counterparties with which it can conduct these transactions. These counter-


Reserve Board conducted three operations for 28-day
term deposits under the Term Deposit Facility
(TDF). These operations included two competitive
single-price TDF auctions totaling $3 billion in
deposits and an offering with a fixed-rate, fullallotment format, which totaled $10 billion in
parties are in addition to the existing set of primary dealer counterparties with whom the Federal Reserve can already conduct
reverse repos. The list of the expanded set of counterparties is
available on the Federal Reserve Bank of New York’s website at



Supervision and

The Federal Reserve has supervisory and regulatory
authority over a variety of financial institutions and
activities with the goal of promoting a safe, sound,
and stable financial system that supports the growth
and stability of the U.S. economy. As described in
this report, the Federal Reserve carries out its supervisory and regulatory responsibilities and supporting
functions primarily by
• promoting the safety and soundness of individual
financial institutions supervised by the Federal
• developing supervisory policy (rulemakings, supervision and regulation letters (SR letters), policy
statements, and guidance);
• identifying requirements and setting priorities for
supervisory information technology initiatives;
• ensuring ongoing staff development to meet evolving supervisory responsibilities;
• regulating the U.S. banking and financial structure
by acting on a variety of proposals; and
• enforcing other laws and regulations.

2013 Developments
During 2013, the U.S. banking system and financial
markets continued to improve following their recovery from the financial crisis that started in mid-2007.
Performance of bank holding companies. An improvement in bank holding companies’ (BHCs) performance was evident during 2013. U.S. BHCs, in aggregate, reported earnings approaching an all-time
high—$139 billion for 2013, up from $117 billion for
the year ending December 31, 2012. The proportion
of unprofitable BHCs continues to decline, reaching
6 percent, down from 11 percent in 2012, but remains
elevated compared to historical rates; unprofitable BHCs encompass roughly 1 percent of banking
industry assets, in line with historical norms. Nonperforming assets continue to be a challenge to industry

recovery, with the nonperforming asset ratio remaining elevated at 2.5 percent of loans and foreclosed
assets, an improvement from 3.4 percent at year-end
2012. (Also see “Bank Holding Companies” later in
this section.)
Performance of state member banks. The performance at state member banks in 2013 improved modestly compared to 2012. As a group, state member
banks reported a profit of $18.2 billion for 2013, up
from $17.8 billion for 2012 and near pre-crisis levels.
However, profitability from a return on average assets
(ROA) and return on equity (ROE) perspective still
lags pre-crisis levels by nearly a quarter and onethird, respectively. Provisions (as a percent of revenue) have continued to decrease and are now
3.1 percent, down from a crisis high of 32.4 percent
at year-end 2009. Further, 4.1 percent of all state
member banks continued to report losses, down from
6.5 percent for year-end 2012. The nonperforming
assets ratio remained elevated at 1.4 percent of loans
and foreclosed assets, reflecting ongoing weaknesses
in asset quality. Growth in problem loans continued
to slow during 2013; however, loan types with the
largest dollar weakness included nonresidential lending and residential mortgages. The risk-based capital
ratios for state member banks were basically
unchanged compared to the prior year in the aggregate, and the percent of state member banks deemed
well capitalized under prompt corrective action standards remained high at 99 percent. In 2013, one state
member bank with $45 million in assets failed. (Also
see “State Member Banks” later in this section.)
Revised regulatory capital framework. In July 2013,
the federal banking agencies issued rules that restructure the agencies’ current regulatory capital rules.
The capital requirements in the revised framework
serve as the foundation for other key initiatives
designed to strengthen financial stability, including
the Board’s capital plan rule, Dodd-Frank Act stress
testing, and capital surcharges for systemically important financial institutions (SIFIs). (See box 1 for


100th Annual Report | 2013

Box 1. Revised Regulatory Capital Framework
In July 2013, the federal banking agencies issued
rules that restructure the agencies’ current regulatory capital rules into a harmonized, comprehensive
framework that addresses shortcomings in regulatory capital requirements that became apparent during the recent financial crisis. The capital requirements in the revised framework serve as the foundation for other key initiatives designed to
strengthen financial stability, including the Board’s
capital plan rule, Dodd-Frank Act stress testing, and
capital surcharges for systemically important financial institutions.
The revised framework applies to all banks, savings
associations, bank holding companies that are not
subject to the Board’s small bank holding company
policy statement, and certain savings and loan holding companies. The framework implements in the
United States the Basel III regulatory capital reforms
from the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision
and certain changes required by the Dodd-Frank
Act. More specifically, the new capital framework:
1. Increases the quantity and quality of capital
banking organizations must hold. To help
ensure that banking organizations maintain
strong capital positions, the revised framework
incorporates the Basel III definition of capital,
new minimum ratios, and a capital conservation
buffer. The framework emphasizes common
equity tier 1 capital as the highest quality, most
loss-absorbing form of capital. High amounts of
loss-absorbing capital allow banking organizations to remain viable and continue lending to
creditworthy borrowers in times of financial
stress. The capital conservation buffer limits a
banking organization’s capital distributions and
certain discretionary bonus payments if the organization does not hold a specified amount of
common equity tier 1 capital in addition to the
amount necessary to meet the minimum riskbased capital requirements. This buffer is
designed to provide incentives for banking organizations to conserve capital during benign economic periods, so that they are prepared to withstand severe stress events and still remain
above the minimum capital levels.

tivity. The rule includes revisions to the methodologies for determining risk-weighted assets,
such as for securitization exposures, past-due
loans, and counterparty credit risk. In addition,
the rule modifies the recognition of credit risk
mitigation to include greater recognition of financial collateral and a wider range of eligible guarantors. The rule also eliminates references to
and reliance on credit ratings in the calculation
of risk-weighted assets, consistent with the
requirements of the Dodd-Frank Act.
3. Applies additional requirements to large,
internationally active banking organizations
to address the systemic risk these organizations may pose. To address certain shortcomings identified during the financial crisis, the rule
requires that large, internationally active banking
organizations maintain higher levels of capital for
exposures to large and unregulated financial
institutions. The rule also includes higher counterparty credit risk capital requirements for overthe-counter derivatives and introduces a countercyclical capital buffer that allows regulators to
expand the capital conservation buffer of these
firms during periods of excessive credit growth.
In addition, these firms are subject to a new
minimum supplementary leverage ratio that
takes into account off-balance sheet exposures.
Transition Arrangements
Banking organizations have a significant transition
period to meet the new requirements. The phase-in
period for smaller, less complex banking organizations will not begin until January 2015 while the
phase-in period for larger institutions subject to the
advanced approaches rule begins in January 2014.
In addition, savings and loan holding companies
with significant commercial or insurance underwriting
activities will not be subject to the rule at this time.
The Federal Reserve will take additional time to
evaluate the appropriate regulatory capital framework for these entities.
The revised regulatory capital framework is available

2. Improves the methodology for calculating
risk-weighted assets to enhance risk sensi-

Proposed liquidity coverage ratio. In October 2013,
the federal banking agencies jointly published a
notice of proposed rulemaking (NPR) to implement,
for the first time, quantitative liquidity requirements
for internationally active U.S. banking organizations.
(See box 2 for details.)

Capital planning and stress testing. Since the financial
crisis, the Board has led a series of initiatives to
strengthen the capital positions of the largest banking organizations. Two related initiatives are the
Comprehensive Capital Analysis and Review
(CCAR) and the Dodd-Frank Act stress tests. (Also

Supervision and Regulation

Box 2. Proposed Liquidity Coverage Ratio
In October 2013, the federal banking agencies
jointly published an NPR to implement, for the first
time, quantitative liquidity requirements for internationally active U.S. banking organizations. At the
same time, the Federal Reserve also proposed a
modified version of these requirements applicable to
certain large, non-internationally active holding companies. The NPR would establish a liquidity coverage ratio based on the Basel Committee on Banking
Supervision (BCBS)’s standard for internationally
active firms. The proposed introduction of a quantitative minimum threshold for liquidity complements
the more qualitative prudential liquidity standards
that the Federal Reserve proposed in January and
December 2012 under section 165 of the DoddFrank Act.

High Quality Liquid Assets

International Coordination

The NPR sets forth various categories of cash outflows and eligible inflows that would be used in calculating the ratio denominator. Each category pertaining to a firm’s balance sheet and off-balance
sheet exposures would be prescribed an outflow
rate, designed to reflect the 30-day stress scenario.
These rates would be multiplied by the outstanding
exposure for each category to arrive at the outflow
amount. The outflow rates are reflective of the
liquidity characteristics of the category. For example,
stable, fully insured retail deposits would receive a
relatively low outflow rate of 3 percent. By contrast,
balances of certain unsecured wholesale deposits
that are uninsured and provided by a financial entity
would receive a 100 percent outflow rate. The proposal recognizes that certain types of wholesale
deposits are placed at firms for operational purposes, and the outflow rates for operational deposits
reflect their implied stability.

The recent financial crisis demonstrated significant
weaknesses in both the liquidity positions and the
liquidity risk-management practices of banking organizations. In response, the Federal Reserve worked
with regulators around the globe to establish international liquidity standards. These standards include
both principles for sound liquidity risk management
and also quantitative standards for liquidity. The
BCBS published two liquidity measures in December 2010 applicable to internationally active banking
organizations: a liquidity coverage ratio (LCR) and a
net stable funding ratio (NSFR). In January 2013,
the BCBS updated key components of the LCR and
has continued work on the development of the
NSFR standard.
The U.S. LCR and Modified LCR
Under the proposed U.S. LCR framework, internationally active banking organizations would be
required to hold an amount of unencumbered highquality liquid assets (HQLA) to meet their obligations
and other liquidity needs during a standardized
30-day stress scenario. Expressed as a coverage
Unencumbered HQLA
Net Cash Outflows over 30-Day Stress Scenario

≥ 100%

For large, non-internationally active firms, the Federal Reserve proposed a modified version of the
LCR that incorporates a shorter, 21-day stress scenario. These firms are generally smaller in size, less
complex in structure, and less reliant on riskier
forms of market funding when compared to internationally active firms. They are also less likely to have
as great a systemic impact in a stress event.

To ensure that the HQLA can generate the required
liquidity in a period of stress, only assets that are
highly liquid are eligible for the LCR numerator. Furthermore, the mix of the eligible assets is constrained by composition limits to ensure that the
majority of the HQLA is of the very highest quality.
For example, some eligible assets, such as U.S.
Treasuries, may be included without any haircut
being applied to their market value and can comprise any amount of the total HQLA. In contrast, the
value of other eligible assets are subject to a haircut
and they may only constitute a limited proportion of
the total HQLA.
Net Cash Outflow Categories

Highest Cumulative Net Cash Outflow
Total stressed net cash outflows would be calculated for each of the 30-days following the LCR calculation date. The LCR denominator for internationally active banking organizations would be the
amount on the day within the 30-day stress period
that has the highest cumulative net outflow.
Transition Arrangements
The NPR would require covered companies to comply with a minimum LCR of 80 percent beginning on
January 1, 2015, increasing to 90 percent beginning
on January 1, 2016, and then to 100 percent beginning on January 1, 2017. For more information see
the Board’s press release at www.federalreserve



100th Annual Report | 2013

Box 3. Recovery and Resolution Planning
The Federal Reserve, in collaboration with other
U.S. agencies, has continued to work with large
financial institutions to develop a range of recovery
and resolution strategies in the event of their distress or failure.
Recovery Planning
The Federal Reserve has required that the largest
and most globally active U.S. financial institutions
develop recovery plans that describe a number of
options and actions to be taken by management to
maintain the financial institution as a going concern
during instances of extreme stress. Eight domestic
bank holding companies and two non-bank financial
institutions that may pose elevated risk to U.S.
financial stability currently submit recovery plans to
the Federal Reserve.
Resolution Planning
Covered financial institutions are required by the
Dodd-Frank Act to submit annual resolution plans
for their orderly resolution under the Bankruptcy
Code in the event of their material financial distress
or failure. In 2011, the Federal Reserve and FDIC
jointly issued rules implementing the resolution plan
requirement for financial institutions that are subject
to higher prudential standards. The final resolution
plan rule is available at
In a phased approach based on nonbank asset size,
the first group of 11 financial institutions, including
four foreign banking organizations with operations in
the United States, submitted resolution plans on
July 1, 2012, and again on October 1, 2013. The
second group of four financial institutions submitted
their first plans on July 1, 2013; the third group of
116 financial institutions submitted their first plans
on December 31, 2013; and three non-bank financial firms will submit their first plans on July 1, 2014.
The initial plan submissions identified and described
the firms’ critical operations, core business lines,
material legal entities, interconnections and interdependencies, corporate governance structure and

see “Capital Adequacy Standards” later in this
Recovery and resolution planning. The Federal
Reserve continues to work with other regulatory
agencies to reduce the probability of failure of the
largest, most complex financial firms and to minimize the losses to the financial system and the
economy if such a firm should fail. (See box 3 for

processes related to resolution, and impediments to
resolution and the actions the financial institution will
take to facilitate its orderly resolution. The second
iteration plans submitted by the first group of firms
addressed supplemental guidance from the Federal
Reserve and FDIC.
• Guidance for 2013 §165(d) Annual Resolution
Plan Submissions by Domestic and ForeignBased Covered Companies: To further assist the
Federal Reserve and FDIC in their review of
annual resolution plans, the agencies provided
additional guidance, clarification, and direction for
the institutions required to submit their second
iteration resolution plan on October 1, 2013. The
guidance included additional clarity around certain
assumptions and requested more-detailed information on, and analysis of, the firm’s ability to
overcome certain obstacles to rapid and orderly
resolution under the Bankruptcy Code identified by
the Federal Reserve and FDIC, including
obstacles related to operational and global interconnectedness, access to financial market utilities,
derivatives close-out, collateral management practices, and funding and liquidity. The guidance is
available at
Resolution plan submissions must include both a
confidential and public portion. The public portion of
each resolution plan is available on the Federal
Reserve’s website (
bankinforeg/resolution-plans.htm). The Federal
Reserve and the FDIC may determine that a resolution plan is not credible or would not facilitate an
orderly resolution of the institution under the Bankruptcy Code. The agencies continue to review and
work with firms to develop their resolution plans.
In accordance with principles promulgated by the
Financial Stability Board, the Federal Reserve participates with other U.S. and international supervisors in crisis management group meetings to
enhance preparedness for the cross-border management and resolution of a failed global systemically important financial institution.

Easing regulatory burden on community banking organizations. The Subcommittee on Smaller Regional
and Community Banking was established to ensure
that the development of supervisory guidance is
informed by an understanding of the unique characteristics of community and regional banks and consideration of the potential for excessive burden and
adverse effects on lending. Since its establishment,
the subcommittee has led a number of initiatives
focused on reducing regulatory burden on

Supervision and Regulation

community-banking organizations and gaining additional perspective on community bank concerns. (See
box 4 for details.)

The Federal Reserve is the federal supervisor and
regulator of all U.S. BHCs, including financial holding companies, and state-chartered commercial banks
that are members of the Federal Reserve System. The
Federal Reserve also has responsibility for supervising the operations of all Edge Act and agreement
corporations, the international operations of state
member banks and U.S. BHCs, and the U.S. operations of foreign banking organizations. Furthermore,
through the Dodd-Frank Act, the Federal Reserve
has been assigned responsibilities for nonbank financial firms and financial market utilities (FMUs) designated by the Financial Stability Oversight Council
(FSOC) as systemically important. In addition, the
Dodd-Frank Act transferred authority for consolidated supervision of more than 400 savings and loan
holding companies (SLHCs) and their nondepository subsidiaries from the Office of Thrift
Supervision (OTS) to the Federal Reserve.
In overseeing the institutions under its authority, the
Federal Reserve seeks primarily to promote safety
and soundness, including compliance with laws and

Safety and Soundness
The Federal Reserve uses a range of supervisory
activities to promote the safety and soundness of
financial institutions and maintain a comprehensive
understanding and assessment of each firm. These
activities include horizontal reviews, firm-specific
examinations and inspections, continuous monitoring and surveillance activities, and implementation of
enforcement or other supervisory actions as necessary. The Federal Reserve also provides training and
technical assistance to foreign supervisors and
minority-owned and de novo depository institutions.
Examinations and Inspections
The Federal Reserve conducts examinations of state
member banks, FMUs, the U.S. branches and agencies of foreign banks, and Edge Act and agreement
corporations. In a process distinct from examinations, it conducts inspections of holding companies
and their nonbank subsidiaries. Whether an exami-


nation or an inspection is being conducted, the
review of operations entails
• an evaluation of the adequacy of governance provided by the board and senior management,
including an assessment of internal policies, procedures, controls, and operations;
• an assessment of the quality of the riskmanagement and internal control processes in
place to identify, measure, monitor, and control
• an assessment of the key financial factors of capital, asset quality, earnings, and liquidity; and
• a review for compliance with applicable laws and
Table 1 provides information on examinations and
inspections conducted by the Federal Reserve during
the past five years.
Consolidated Supervision
Consolidated supervision, a method of supervision
that encompasses the parent company and its subsidiaries, allows the Federal Reserve to understand the
organization’s structure, activities, resources, risks,
and financial and operational resilience. Working
with other relevant supervisors and regulators, the
Federal Reserve seeks to ensure that financial, operational, or other deficiencies are addressed before they
pose a danger to the consolidated organization, its
banking offices, or the broader economy.1
Large financial institutions increasingly operate and
manage their integrated businesses across corporate
boundaries. Financial trouble in one part of a financial institution can spread rapidly to other parts of
the institution. Risks that cross legal entities or that
are managed on a consolidated basis cannot be
monitored properly through supervision that is
directed at any one of the legal entity subsidiaries
within the overall organization.
To strengthen its supervision of the largest, most
complex financial institutions, the Federal Reserve
created a centralized multidisciplinary body called
the Large Institution Supervision Coordinating
Committee (LISCC) to oversee the supervision and
evaluate conditions of supervised firms. The committee also develops cross-firm perspectives and moni1

“Banking offices” are defined as U.S. depository institution subsidiaries, as well as the U.S. branches and agencies of foreign
banking organizations.


100th Annual Report | 2013

Box 4. Easing Regulatory Burden on Community Banking Organizations
A subcommittee of Board members was established
in 2011 with a primary goal to ensure that the development of supervisory guidance is informed by an
understanding of the unique characteristics of community and regional banks and consideration of the
potential for excessive burden and adverse effects
on lending. Since its establishment, the subcommittee has led a number of initiatives focused on reducing regulatory burden on community banking organizations and gaining additional perspective on community bank concerns. Key aspects of these
initiatives include the following:
1. Considering the impact of new and existing
regulations on community banking organizations. The subcommittee convenes regularly to
review regulatory proposals, supervisory guidance, and examination practices to evaluate the
effects of these components on community
banks. The primary goal of these reviews is to
ensure that regulatory directives relevant to community banking organizations remain commensurate with the size and complexity of these
2. Enhancing communication with the community bank industry. The Federal Reserve
remains committed to fostering enhanced communication between banking supervisors and
community bankers. Primary efforts to support
this objective include the following:
• Establishing the Community Depository
Institutions Advisory Council. Established in
2010, this Council, comprised of individuals
representing community banks, thrifts, and

tors interconnectedness and common practices that
could lead to systemic risk.
A new framework for the consolidated supervision of
LISCC firms and other large financial institutions
was issued in December 2012.2 This framework
strengthened traditional microprudential supervision
and regulation to enhance the safety and soundness
of individual firms and incorporates macroprudential
considerations to reduce potential threats to the stability of the financial system. The framework has two
primary objectives:

For more information about the supervisory framework, see the
Board’s press release and SR letter 12-17/CA 12-14 at www



credit unions from each of the 12 Federal
Reserve Districts, provides the Board of Governors with industry input on the economy,
lending conditions, and other topics of interest
to community banking organizations. The
Council continues to meet with Board officials
twice a year to communicate their views on
both the banking industry and pertinent regulatory matters.
• Clarifying new regulations or proposals to
help community banking organizations
understand and identify items applicable to
their organizations. To support this objective,
the subcommittee set forth a requirement that
all new supervisory proposals and rules
include a clear statement of applicability to
community banking institutions. This requirement is intended to help community banks
more readily identify aspects of supervisory
directives applicable to their organizations. As
an example, in July 2013, after the final Basel
III capital rules were adopted, the Federal
Reserve, in collaboration with the Federal
Deposit Insurance Corporation and the Office
of the Comptroller of the Currency, issued a
comprehensive guide to help community banking organizations understand the sections of
the rule that were relevant to their operations
(continued on next page)

1. Enhancing resiliency of a firm to lower the probability of its failure or inability to serve as a financial intermediary. Each firm is expected to ensure
that the consolidated organization (or the combined U.S. operations in the case of foreign banking organizations) and its core business lines can
survive under a broad range of internal or external stresses. This requires financial resilience by
maintaining sufficient capital and liquidity, and
operational resilience by maintaining effective
corporate governance, risk management, and
recovery planning.
2. Reducing the impact on the financial system and
the broader economy in the event of a firm’s failure
or material weakness. Each firm is expected to

Supervision and Regulation


Box 4. Easing Regulatory Burden on Community Banking
2. continued
• Disseminating supervisory publications
with a focus on community banking organizations. The Federal Reserve uses the following System publications to communicate with
community banking organizations on emerging
risks and important supervisory matters:
—Community Banking Connections®—
Throughout 2013, the publication continued
to offer a number of articles focused on
timely regulatory topics, including interest
rate risk management, cyber security, and
capital planning (http://
—FedLinks™—Articles published throughout
2013 covered topics outlining supervisory
expectations for a number of banking functions, including the internal control function,
the allowance for loan and lease losses, and
appraisal and evaluation programs (http://

3. Focusing on community bank research. To
support well-informed supervisory decisions relative to community banking organizations, the
subcommittee established an informal working
group of economists from the research and
supervision functions in the Federal Reserve
System. Findings from research produced by
this group continue to help guide community
bank policy development and implementation.
As an example of research efforts encouraged
by the subcommittee and undertaken by this
group, in 2013, the Federal Reserve Bank of St.
Louis, in collaboration with the Conference of
State Bank Supervisors, hosted a Community
Banking Research and Policy Conference
focused on the role of community banks in the
financial system. During the conference, participants discussed and identified issues most
important to community bank vitality. Participants
also explored a number of research topics relevant to the community-bank business model,
including the effects of the Dodd-Frank Act on
community banks, the relationship between community bank capital ratios and the likelihood of
failure, and the characteristics of community
banks that recovered from significant financial

ensure the sustainability of its critical operations
and banking offices under a broad range of internal or external stresses. This requires, among
other things, effective resolution planning that
addresses the complexity and the interconnectivity of the firm’s operations.

reviews through the dedication of experienced staff
with multidisciplinary skills. Examples include
analysis of capital adequacy and planning through
the Comprehensive Capital Analysis and Review
(CCAR), as well as horizontal evaluations of resolution plans and incentive compensation practices.

The framework is designed to support a tailored
supervisory approach that accounts for the unique
risk characteristics of each firm, including the nature
and degree of potential systemic risk inherent in a
firm’s activities and operations, and is being implemented in a multi-stage approach.
The Federal Reserve uses a range of supervisory
activities to maintain a comprehensive understanding
and assessment of each large financial institution:

• Firm-specific examinations and/or inspections and
continuous monitoring activities. These activities are
designed to maintain an understanding and assessment across the core areas of supervisory focus.
These activities include review and assessment of
changes in strategy, inherent risks, control processes, and key personnel, and follow-up on previously identified concerns (for example, areas subject to enforcement actions), or emerging

• Coordinated horizontal reviews. These reviews
involve examining several institutions simultaneously and encompass firm-specific supervision and
the development of cross-firm perspectives. The
Federal Reserve recognizes the priority of these

• Interagency information sharing and coordination.
In developing and executing a detailed supervisory
plan for each firm, the Federal Reserve generally
relies to the fullest extent possible on the information and assessments provided by other relevant


100th Annual Report | 2013

Table 1. State member banks and bank holding companies, 2009–13
State member banks
Total number
Total assets (billions of dollars)
Number of examinations
By Federal Reserve System
By state banking agency
Top-tier bank holding companies
Large (assets of more than $1 billion)
Total number
Total assets (billions of dollars)
Number of inspections
By Federal Reserve System1
On site
Off site
By state banking agency
Small (assets of $1 billion or less)
Total number
Total assets (billions of dollars)
Number of inspections
By Federal Reserve System
On site
Off site
By state banking agency
Financial holding companies


























For large bank holding companies subject to continuous, risk-focused supervision, includes multiple targeted reviews.

supervisors and functional regulators. The Federal
Reserve actively participates in interagency information sharing and coordination, consistent with
applicable laws, to promote comprehensive and
effective supervision and limit unnecessary duplication of information requests. Supervisory agencies
continue to enhance formal and informal discussions to jointly identify and address key vulnerabilities, and to coordinate supervisory strategies
for large financial institutions.
• Internal audit and control functions. In certain
instances, supervisors may be able to rely on a
firm’s internal audit or internal control functions in
developing a comprehensive understanding and
The Federal Reserve uses a risk-focused approach to
supervision, with activities directed toward identifying the areas of greatest risk to financial institutions
and assessing the ability of institutions’ management
processes to identify, measure, monitor, and control
those risks. For medium and small-sized financial

institutions, the risk-focused consolidated supervision program provides that examination and inspection procedures are tailored to each organization’s
size, complexity, risk profile, and condition. The
supervisory program for an institution, regardless of
its asset size, entails both off-site and on-site work,
including development of supervisory plans, preexamination visits, detailed documentation, and
preparation of examination reports tailored to the
scope and findings of the examination.
State Member Banks

At the end of 2013, 2,003 banks (excluding nondepository trust companies and private banks) were
members of the Federal Reserve System, of which
850 were state chartered. Federal Reserve System
member banks operated 58,074 branches, and
accounted for 34 percent of all commercial banks in
the United States and for 71 percent of all commercial banking offices. State-chartered commercial
banks that are members of the Federal Reserve, commonly referred to as state member banks, represented

Supervision and Regulation

approximately 14 percent of all insured U.S. commercial banks and held approximately 15 percent of all
insured commercial bank assets in the United States.
Under section 10 of the Federal Deposit Insurance
Act, as amended by section 111 of the Federal
Deposit Insurance Corporation Improvement Act of
1991 and by the Riegle Community Development
and Regulatory Improvement Act of 1994, the Federal Reserve must conduct a full-scope, on-site examination of state member banks at least once a year,3
although certain well-capitalized, well-managed organizations with total assets of less than $500 million
may be examined once every 18 months.4 The Federal Reserve conducted 459 exams of state member
banks in 2013.
Bank Holding Companies

At year-end 2013, a total of 5,095 U.S. BHCs were in
operation, of which 4,541 were top-tier BHCs. These
organizations controlled 4,930 insured commercial
banks and held approximately 99 percent of all
insured commercial bank assets in the United States.
Federal Reserve guidelines call for annual inspections
of large BHCs and complex smaller companies. In
judging the financial condition of the subsidiary
banks owned by holding companies, Federal Reserve
examiners consult examination reports prepared by
the federal and state banking authorities that have
primary responsibility for the supervision of those
banks, thereby minimizing duplication of effort and
reducing the supervisory burden on banking
Inspections of BHCs, including financial holding
companies, are built around a rating system introduced in early January of 2005. The system reflects
the shift in supervisory practices away from a historical analysis of financial condition toward a more
dynamic, forward-looking assessment of riskmanagement practices and financial factors. Under
the system, known as RFI but more fully termed
RFI/C(D), holding companies are assigned a composite rating (C) that is based on assessments of
three components: Risk Management (R), Financial


The Office of the Comptroller of the Currency examines nationally chartered banks, and the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation examines state-chartered banks that are not members of
the Federal Reserve.
The Financial Services Regulatory Relief Act of 2006, which
became effective in October 2006, authorized the federal banking agencies to raise the threshold from $250 million to
$500 million, and final rules incorporating the change into existing regulations were issued on September 21, 2007.


Condition (F), and the potential Impact (I) of the
parent company and its nondepository subsidiaries
on the subsidiary depository institution. The fourth
component, Depository Institution (D), is intended
to mirror the primary supervisor’s rating of the subsidiary depository institution.5 Noncomplex BHCs
with consolidated assets of $1 billion or less are subject to a special supervisory program that permits a
more flexible approach.6 In 2013, the Federal Reserve
conducted 695 inspections of large BHCs and 2,962
inspections of small, noncomplex BHCs.
Financial Holding Companies

Under the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act, BHCs that
meet certain capital, managerial, and other requirements may elect to become financial holding companies and thereby engage in a wider range of financial
activities, including full-scope securities underwriting, merchant banking, and insurance underwriting
and sales. As of year-end 2013, 420 domestic BHCs
and 39 foreign banking organizations had financial
holding company status. Of the domestic financial
holding companies, 23 had consolidated assets of
$50 billion or more; 29, between $10 billion and
$50 billion; 113, between $1 billion and $10 billion;
and 255, less than $1 billion.
Savings and Loan Holding Companies

On July 21, 2011, responsibility for supervision and
regulation of SLHCs transferred from the OTS to
the Federal Reserve, pursuant to the Dodd-Frank
Act. At year-end 2013, a total of 607 SLHCs were in
operation, of which 331 were top tier SLHCs. These
SLHCs control 344 thrift institutions and include 30
companies engaged primarily in nonbanking activities, such as insurance underwriting (15 SLHCs),
securities brokerage (8 SLHCs), and commercial
activities (7 SLHCs). Excluding SIFI SLHCs, the 25
largest SLHCs accounted for more than $1.3 trillion
of total combined assets. Ten institutions in the top
25 and approximately 90 percent of all SLHCs
engage primarily in depository activities. These firms
hold approximately 13 percent ($364 billion) of the
total combined assets of all SLHCs. The Office of


Each of the first two components has four subcomponents:
Risk Management—(1) Board and Senior Management Oversight; (2) Policies, Procedures, and Limits; (3) Risk Monitoring
and Management Information Systems; and (4) Internal Controls. Financial Condition—(1) Capital, (2) Asset Quality,
(3) Earnings, and (4) Liquidity.
The special supervisory program was implemented in 1997, most
recently modified in 2013. See SR letter 13-21 for a discussion of
the factors considered in determining whether a BHC is complex or noncomplex. (


100th Annual Report | 2013

the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC) is the primary regulator for most of the subsidiary savings
associations of the firms engaged primarily in
depository activities.
Board staff continues to work on operational, technical, and supervisory transition issues while engaging
the industry, Reserve Banks, and other financial
regulatory agencies. Approximately 95 percent of the
SLHCs are now filing all required Federal Reserve
regulatory reports. Other significant milestones have
been achieved; however, several complex policy issues
continue to be addressed by the Board, including
those related to consolidated capital requirements,
intermediate holding companies, adoption and application of a formal rating system, and the applicability of OTS policies and procedures to SLHCs.
Financial Market Utilities

FMUs manage or operate multilateral systems for
the purpose of transferring, clearing, or settling payments, securities, or other financial transactions
among financial institutions or between financial
institutions and the FMU. Under the Federal
Reserve Act, the Federal Reserve supervises FMUs
that are chartered as member banks or Edge Act corporations and cooperates with other federal banking
supervisors to supervise FMUs considered bank service providers under the Bank Service Company Act.
In July 2012, the FSOC voted to designate eight
FMUs as systemically important under title VIII of
the Dodd-Frank Act. As a result of these designations, the Federal Reserve assumed an expanded set
of responsibilities related to these designated FMUs
that include promoting uniform risk-management
standards, playing an enhanced role in the supervision of designated FMUs, reducing systemic risk,
and supporting the stability of the broader financial
system. For designated FMUs subject to the Federal
Reserve’s supervision, the Board established riskmanagement standards and expectations that are
articulated in Board Regulation HH (effective September 2012). Proposed revisions to these standards
to take into account new international standards have
been issued by the Board for public comment
through March 2014. In addition to setting minimum
risk-management standards, Regulation HH also
establishes requirements for the advance notice of
proposed material changes to the rules, procedures,
or operations of a designated FMU for which the
Federal Reserve is the supervisory agency under title
VIII of the Dodd-Frank Act. Section 234.6 of Regulation HH (effective February 2014) establishes terms

and conditions under which the Board may authorize
a designated FMU access to Reserve Bank accounts
and services.
The Federal Reserve’s risk-based supervision program for FMUs is administered by the FMU Supervision Committee (FMU-SC). The FMU-SC is a
multidisciplinary committee of senior supervision,
payment policy, and legal staff at the Board of Governors and Reserve Banks who are responsible for,
and knowledgeable about, supervisory issues for
FMUs. The FMU-SC’s primary objective is to provide senior level oversight, consistency, and direction
to the Federal Reserve’s supervisory process for
FMUs. The FMU-SC coordinates with the LISCC
on issues related to large financial institutions’ roles
in FMUs; the payment, clearing, and settlement
activities of large financial institutions; and the FMU
activities and implications for large financial
In an effort to promote greater financial market stability and mitigate systemic risk, the Board works
closely with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and the U.S. Commodity Futures
Trading Commission, both of which also have supervisory authority for certain FMUs. The Federal
Reserve’s work with these agencies under title VIII,
including the sharing of appropriate information and
participation in designated FMU examinations, aims
to improve consistency in FMU supervision, promote robust FMU risk management, and improve
the regulators’ ability to monitor and mitigate systemic risk.
Designated Nonfinancial Companies

In 2013, the FSOC designated three nonbank financial companies for supervision by the Board: American International Group, Inc. (AIG); General Electric Capital Corporation, Inc. (GECC); and Prudential Financial, Inc. (Prudential). The Federal
Reserve’s supervisory approach for these firms as
designated companies is consistent with the approach
used for the largest financial holding companies but
tailored to account for different material characteristics of each firm. The Dodd-Frank Act requires the
Board to apply enhanced prudential standards and
early remediation requirements to BHCs with at least
$50 billion in consolidated assets and to the nonbank
financial companies designated by the FSOC for
supervision by the Board. The act authorizes the
Board to tailor the application of these standards
and requirements to different companies on an individual basis or by category.

Supervision and Regulation

International Activities

The Federal Reserve supervises the foreign branches
and overseas investments of member banks, Edge
Act and agreement corporations, and BHCs (including the investments by BHCs in export trading companies). In addition, it supervises the activities that
foreign banking organizations conduct through entities in the United States, including branches, agencies, representative offices, and subsidiaries.
Foreign operations of U.S. banking organizations. In
supervising the international operations of state
member banks, Edge Act and agreement corporations, and BHCs, the Federal Reserve generally conducts its examinations or inspections at the U.S. head
offices of these organizations, where the ultimate
responsibility for the foreign offices resides. Examiners also visit the overseas offices of U.S. banking
organizations to obtain financial and operating information and, in some instances, to test their adherence
to safe and sound banking practices and compliance
with rules and regulations. Examinations abroad are
conducted with the cooperation of the supervisory
authorities of the countries in which they take place;
for national banks, the examinations are coordinated
with the OCC.
At the end of 2013, 41 member banks were operating
488 branches in foreign countries and overseas areas
of the United States; 24 national banks were operating 414 of these branches, and 17 state member
banks were operating the remaining 54. In addition,
13 nonmember banks were operating 20 branches in
foreign countries and overseas areas of the United
Edge Act and agreement corporations. Edge Act corporations are international banking organizations
chartered by the Board to provide all segments of the
U.S. economy with a means of financing international business, especially exports. Agreement corporations are similar organizations, state or federally
chartered, that enter into agreements with the Board
to refrain from exercising any power that is not permissible for an Edge Act corporation. Sections 25
and 25A of the Federal Reserve Act grant Edge Act
and agreement corporations permission to engage in
international banking and foreign financial transactions. These corporations, most of which are subsidiaries of member banks, may (1) conduct a deposit
and loan business in states other than that of the parent, provided that the business is strictly related to
international transactions and (2) make foreign


investments that are broader than those permissible
for member banks.
At year-end 2013, out of 48 banking organizations
chartered as Edge Act or agreement corporations, 3
operated 7 Edge Act and agreement branches. These
corporations are examined annually.
U.S. activities of foreign banks. Foreign banks continue to be significant participants in the U.S. banking system. As of fourth quarter 2013, 166 foreign
banks from 50 countries operated 188 state-licensed
branches and agencies, of which 6 were insured by
the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC),
and 48 OCC-licensed branches and agencies, of
which 4 were insured by the FDIC. These foreign
banks also owned 10 Edge Act and agreement corporations and 1 commercial lending company. In addition, they held a controlling interest in 50 U.S. commercial banks. Altogether, the U.S. offices of these
foreign banks controlled approximately 20 percent of
U.S. commercial banking assets. These 166 foreign
banks also operated 87 representative offices; an
additional 40 foreign banks operated in the United
States through a representative office. The Federal
Reserve—in coordination with appropriate state
regulatory authorities—examines state-licensed, nonFDIC insured branches and agencies of foreign
banks on-site at least once every 18 months.7 In most
cases, on-site examinations are conducted at least
once every 12 months, but the period may be
extended to 18 months if the branch or agency meets
certain criteria. As part of the supervisory process, a
review of the financial and operational profile of
each organization is conducted to assess the organization’s ability to support its U.S. operations and to
determine what risks, if any, the organization poses
to the banking system through its U.S. operations.
The Federal Reserve conducted or participated with
state and federal regulatory authorities in 411 examinations in 2013.
Compliance with Regulatory Requirements
The Federal Reserve examines institutions for compliance with a broad range of legal requirements,
including anti-money-laundering (AML) and consumer protection laws and regulations, and other
laws pertaining to certain banking and financial
activities. Most compliance supervision is conducted
under the oversight of the Board’s Division of Bank7

The OCC examines federally licensed branches and agencies,
and the FDIC examines state-licensed FDIC-insured branches
in coordination with the appropriate state regulatory authority.


100th Annual Report | 2013

ing Supervision and Regulation, but consumer compliance supervision is conducted under the oversight
of the Division of Consumer and Community
Affairs. The two divisions coordinate their efforts
with each other and also with the Board’s Legal Division to ensure consistent and comprehensive Federal
Reserve supervision for compliance with legal

these organizations. All safety-and-soundness examinations include a risk-focused review of information
technology risk-management activities. During 2013,
the Federal Reserve continued as the lead supervisory
agency for eight of the 15 large, multiregional data
processing servicers recognized on an interagency
basis and assumed leadership of two more of the
large servicers.

Anti-Money-Laundering Examinations

Fiduciary Activities

The Treasury regulations implementing the Bank
Secrecy Act (BSA) generally require banks and other
types of financial institutions to file certain reports
and maintain certain records that are useful in criminal, tax, or regulatory proceedings. The BSA and
separate Board regulations require banking organizations supervised by the Board to file reports on suspicious activity related to possible violations of federal
law, including money laundering, terrorism financing, and other financial crimes. In addition, BSA and
Board regulations require that banks develop written
BSA compliance programs and that the programs be
formally approved by bank boards of directors. The
Federal Reserve is responsible for examining institutions for compliance with applicable AML laws and
regulations and conducts such examinations in accordance with the Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council’s (FFIEC) Bank Secrecy Act/AntiMoney Laundering Examination Manual.8

The Federal Reserve has supervisory responsibility
for state member banks and state member nondepository trust companies, which hold assets in various fiduciary and custodial capacities. On-site examinations of fiduciary and custodial activities are riskfocused and entail the review of an organization’s
compliance with laws, regulations, and general fiduciary principles, including effective management of
conflicts of interest; management of legal, operational, and reputational risk exposures; and audit
and control procedures. In 2013, Federal Reserve
examiners conducted 107 fiduciary examinations,
excluding transfer agent examinations, of state member banks.

Specialized Examinations
The Federal Reserve conducts specialized examinations of supervised financial institutions in the areas
of information technology, fiduciary activities, transfer agent activities, and government and municipal
securities dealing and brokering. The Federal Reserve
also conducts specialized examinations of certain
nonbank entities that extend credit subject to the
Board’s margin regulations.
Information Technology Activities

In recognition of the importance of information
technology to safe and sound operations in the financial industry, the Federal Reserve reviews the information technology activities of supervised financial
institutions, as well as certain independent data centers that provide information technology services to

The FFIEC is an interagency body of financial regulatory agencies established to prescribe uniform principles, standards, and
report forms and to promote uniformity in the supervision of
financial institutions. The Council has six voting members: the
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, the FDIC,
the National Credit Union Administration, the OCC, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, and the chair of the State
Liaison Committee.

Transfer Agents

As directed by the Securities Exchange Act of 1934,
the Federal Reserve conducts specialized examinations of those state member banks and BHCs that
are registered with the Board as transfer agents.
Among other things, transfer agents countersign and
monitor the issuance of securities, register the transfer of securities, and exchange or convert securities.
On-site examinations focus on the effectiveness of an
organization’s operations and its compliance with
relevant securities regulations. During 2013, the Federal Reserve conducted on-site transfer agent examinations at 14 of the 30 state member banks and
BHCs that were registered as transfer agents.
Government and Municipal Securities
Dealers and Brokers

The Federal Reserve is responsible for examining
state member banks and foreign banks for compliance with the Government Securities Act of 1986
and with the Treasury regulations governing dealing
and brokering in government securities. Fourteen
state member banks and six state branches of foreign
banks have notified the Board that they are government securities dealers or brokers not exempt from
the Treasury’s regulations. During 2013, the Federal
Reserve conducted six examinations of broker–dealer
activities in government securities at these organizations. These examinations are generally conducted

Supervision and Regulation

concurrently with the Federal Reserve’s examination
of the state member bank or branch.
The Federal Reserve is also responsible for ensuring
that state member banks and BHCs that act as
municipal securities dealers comply with the Securities Act Amendments of 1975. Municipal securities
dealers are examined, pursuant to the Municipal
Securities Rulemaking Board’s rule G-16, at least
once every two calendar years. Four of the 12 entities
supervised by the Federal Reserve that dealt in
municipal securities were examined during 2013.
Securities Credit Lenders

Under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the
Board is responsible for regulating credit in certain
transactions involving the purchasing or carrying of
securities. As part of its general examination program, the Federal Reserve examines the banks under
its jurisdiction for compliance with Board Regulation U (Credit by Banks and Persons other than Brokers or Dealers for the Purpose of Purchasing or
Carrying Margin Stock). The Federal Reserve may
conduct specialized examinations of these lenders if
they are not already subject to supervision by the
Farm Credit Administration or the National Credit
Union Administration (NCUA).
Enforcement Actions
The Federal Reserve has enforcement authority over
the financial institutions it supervises and their affiliated parties. Enforcement actions may be taken to
address unsafe and unsound practices or violations
of any law or regulation. Formal enforcement actions
include cease-and-desist orders, written agreements,
prompt corrective action directives, removal and prohibition orders, and civil money penalties. In 2013,
the Federal Reserve completed 50 formal enforcement actions. Civil money penalties totaling
$250,030,130 were assessed. As directed by statute, all
civil money penalties are remitted to either the Treasury or the Federal Emergency Management Agency.
Enforcement orders and prompt corrective action
directives, which are issued by the Board, and written
agreements, which are executed by the Reserve
Banks, are made public and are posted on the
Board’s website (
In 2013, the Reserve Banks completed 161 informal
enforcement actions. Informal enforcement actions
include memoranda of understanding (MOU), commitment letters, and board of directors’ resolutions.


Surveillance and Off-Site Monitoring
The Federal Reserve uses automated screening systems to monitor the financial condition and performance of state member banks and BHCs in the
period between on-site examinations. Such monitoring and analysis helps direct examination resources to
institutions that have higher risk profiles. Screening
systems also assist in the planning of examinations
by identifying companies that are engaging in new or
complex activities.
The primary off-site monitoring tool used by the
Federal Reserve is the Supervision and Regulation Statistical Assessment of Bank Risk model (SRSABR). Drawing mainly on the financial data that
banks report on their Reports of Condition and
Income (Call Reports), SR-SABR uses econometric
techniques to identify banks that report financial
characteristics weaker than those of other banks
assigned similar supervisory ratings. To supplement
the SR-SABR screening, the Federal Reserve also
monitors various market data, including equity
prices, debt spreads, agency ratings, and measures of
expected default frequency, to gauge market perceptions of the risk in banking organizations. In addition, the Federal Reserve prepares quarterly Bank
Holding Company Performance Reports (BHCPRs)
for use in monitoring and inspecting supervised
banking organizations. The BHCPRs, which are
compiled from data provided by large BHCs in quarterly regulatory reports (FR Y-9C and FR Y-9LP),
contain, for individual companies, financial statistics
and comparisons with peer companies. BHCPRs are
made available to the public on the National Information Center (NIC) website, which can be accessed
Federal Reserve analysts use Performance Report
Information and Surveillance Monitoring (PRISM),
a querying tool, to access and display financial, surveillance, and examination data. In the analytical
module, users can customize the presentation of
institutional financial information drawn from Call
Reports, Uniform Bank Performance Reports, FR
Y-9 statements, BHCPRs, and other regulatory
reports. In the surveillance module, users can generate reports summarizing the results of surveillance
screening for banks and BHCs. During 2013, two
major and two minor upgrades to the web-based
PRISM application were completed.
The Federal Reserve works through the FFIEC Task
Force on Surveillance Systems to coordinate surveil-


100th Annual Report | 2013

lance activities with the other federal banking
Training and Technical Assistance
The Federal Reserve provides training and technical
assistance to foreign supervisors and minority-owned
depository institutions.
International Training and Technical Assistance

In 2013, the Federal Reserve continued to provide
technical assistance on bank supervisory matters to
foreign central banks and supervisory authorities.
Technical assistance involves visits by Federal
Reserve staff members to foreign authorities as well
as consultations with foreign supervisors who visit
the Board or the Reserve Banks. The Federal
Reserve, along with the OCC, the FDIC, and the
Treasury, was an active participant in the Middle
East and North Africa Financial Regulators’ Training Initiative, which is part of the U.S. government’s
Middle East Partnership Initiative. The Federal
Reserve also contributes to the regional training provision under the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation
Financial Regulators’ Training Initiative.
In 2013, the Federal Reserve offered a number of
training courses exclusively for foreign supervisory
authorities, both in the United States and in a number of foreign jurisdictions. Federal Reserve staff also
took part in technical assistance and training missions led by the International Monetary Fund, the
World Bank, the Asian Development Bank, the Basel
Committee on Banking Supervision, and the Financial Stability Institute.
The Federal Reserve is also an associate member of
the Association of Supervisors of Banks of the
Americas (ASBA), an umbrella group of bank supervisors from countries in the Western Hemisphere.
The group, headquartered in Mexico,
• promotes communication and cooperation among
bank supervisors in the region;
• coordinates training programs throughout the
region with the help of national banking supervisors and international agencies; and
• aims to help members develop banking laws, regulations, and supervisory practices that conform to
international best practices.
The Federal Reserve contributes significantly to
ASBA’s organizational management and to its training and technical assistance activities.

Efforts to Support Minority-Owned
Depository Institutions

The Federal Reserve System implements its responsibilities under section 367 of the Dodd-Frank Act primarily through its Partnership for Progress (PFP)
program. Established in 2008, this program promotes
the viability of minority-owned institutions (MOIs)
by facilitating activities designed to strengthen their
business strategies, maximize their resources, and
increase their awareness and understanding of regulatory topics. In addition, the Federal Reserve continues to maintain the PFP website, which supports
MOIs by providing them with technical information
and links to useful resources (www.fedpartnership
.gov). Representatives from each of the 12 Reserve
Bank districts, along with staff from the Board of
Governors, continue to offer technical assistance tailored to MOIs by providing targeted supervisory
guidance, identifying additional resources, and fostering mutually beneficial partnerships between MOIs
and community organizations. As of year-end 2013,
the Federal Reserve’s MOI portfolio included 17
state member banks.
Throughout 2013, the Federal Reserve System continued to support MOIs through the following activities:
• issuing SR letter 13-15 “Federal Reserve Resources
for Minority Depository Institutions” to reaffirm
the Federal Reserve System’s commitment to support minority depositories
• in collaboration with the FDIC and the Comptroller of the Currency, participating in a biannual
interagency conference to help promote and preserve MOIs
• participating in the 86th National Bankers Association (NBA) Convention, with senior Board officials
attending this event to explain the impact of Basel
III capital rules on community banking
• providing technical assistance to MOIs on a wide
variety of topics, including topics focused on
improving regulatory ratings, navigating the regulatory applications process, and refining capitalplanning practices
• continuing to offer prescreening of MOI applications, to support early identification and resolution
of factors that may cause processing delays
• partnering with the NBA, the National Urban
League, and the Minority Council of the Indepen-

Supervision and Regulation

dent Community Bankers Association in outreach
• in conjunction with the Division of Consumer and
Community Affairs, conducting several joint outreach efforts to educate MOIs on supervisory
• participating in an interagency taskforce to consider and address supervisory challenges facing MOIs
Throughout 2013, PFP representatives hosted and
participated in numerous banking workshops and
seminars aimed at promoting and preserving MOIs,
including the NBA’s Legislative and Regulatory Conference and the National Urban League Convention.
Further, program representatives continued to collaborate with community leaders, trade groups, the
Small Business Administration, and other organizations to seek support for MOIs.
Business Continuity
In 2013, the Federal Reserve continued its efforts to
strengthen the resilience of the U.S. financial system
in the event of unexpected disruptions, including
focused supervisory efforts to evaluate the resiliency
of the banking institutions under its jurisdiction and
their technology services providers. As a result of
several events that presented major challenges to the
financial system, including the continuing distributed
denial of service (DDoS) attacks against U.S. financial institutions, in 2013 the Federal Reserve, in conjunction with the other FFIEC agencies, took steps
to promote the continued resilience of the financial
system. First, the FFIEC agencies reviewed supervisory lessons learned from Superstorm Sandy and
developed specific action steps for addressing these
supervisory concerns. Second, the FFIEC agencies
created the Cybersecurity and Critical Infrastructure
Working Group to assess the risks to banks and
credit unions from the evolving cyber threat landscape. In addition, as a result of the lessons learned
from Superstorm Sandy, the DDoS attacks, and
other cyber security threats, the Federal Reserve led
an FFIEC agency review of business resiliency for
technology service providers. Finally, the Federal
Reserve, together with other federal and state financial regulators, continued to participate in the Financial and Banking Information Infrastructure Committee, which supports improved coordination and
communication among financial regulators, promotes the resiliency of the financial sector, and promotes public/private partnership.


Supervisory Policy
The Federal Reserve’s supervisory policy function,
carried out by the Board, is responsible for developing regulations and guidance for financial institutions
under the Federal Reserve’s supervision, as well as
guidance for examiners. The Board (often in concert
with the other federal banking agencies) issues rulemakings, public SR letters, and other policy statements and guidance in order to carry out its supervisory policies. Federal Reserve staff also take part in
supervisory and regulatory forums, provide support
for the work of the FFIEC, and participate in international policymaking forums, including the Basel
Committee on Banking Supervision, the Financial
Stability Board, and the Joint Forum.
Capital Adequacy Standards
In 2013, the Board issued several rulemakings and
guidance documents related to capital adequacy standards, including joint rulemakings with the other federal banking agencies that would implement certain
revisions to the Basel capital framework and that
address certain provisions of the Dodd-Frank Act.
• In March, the Federal Reserve issued guidance to
explain the availability on the Board’s public website of examination guidance relating to implementation of the advanced approaches risk-based capital rule. A series of bulletins will be used to address
technical and other matters on the implementation
of the advanced approaches rule. This guidance
only applies to a few large, internationally active
banking organizations. Seven bulletins were published in 2013 and are available, with the associated
guidance, at
• In July, the Federal Reserve and the OCC published a final rule to amend the regulatory capital
rules. The FDIC published an interim final rule
that is consistent with the final rule adopted by the
Board and the OCC. The final rule establishes an
integrated regulatory capital framework that
addresses shortcomings in regulatory capital
requirements that became apparent during the
recent financial crisis. For internationally active
banking organizations, the final rule implements in
the United States the Basel III regulatory capital
reforms adopted by the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision. The final rule also makes changes
required by the Dodd-Frank Act, including
removal of references to and reliance on credit rat-


100th Annual Report | 2013

ings. The final rule is available at
• In July, the federal banking agencies issued a proposed rule to strengthen the leverage ratio standards for the largest, most systemically significant
U.S. banking organizations. Under the proposed
rule, U.S. top tier BHCs with more than $700 billion in consolidated total assets or $10 trillion in
assets under custody (covered BHCs) would be
required to maintain a tier 1 capital leverage buffer
of more than 2 percent above the minimum supplementary leverage ratio requirement of 3 percent to
avoid limitations on distributions and discretionary
bonus payments. The subsidiary insured depository
institutions of covered BHCs would be required to
meet a 6 percent supplementary leverage ratio to be
considered “well capitalized” for prompt corrective
action purposes. The proposed rule would apply to
the eight largest, most systemically significant U.S.
banking organizations and would strengthen the
leverage requirements for these firms in proportion
to the stronger risk-based capital requirements in
effect under the revised capital framework in order
to maintain an effective complementary relationship between the two types of requirements. The
proposed rule is available at
• In August, the Federal Reserve issued a paper,
Capital Planning at Large Bank Holding Companies: Supervisory Expectations and Range of Current Practice. The paper is intended to promote
better capital planning at BHCs generally, and to
provide greater clarity on the standards against
which those practices are evaluated as part of the
CCAR exercise. In particular, the Federal Reserve
emphasized that BHCs, when considering their
capital needs, should focus on the specific risks
they could face under potentially stressful conditions. The paper is available at www.federalreserve
• In September, the Federal Reserve issued two
interim final rules that clarify how companies
should incorporate the revised regulatory capital
framework, implementing the Basel III regulatory
capital reforms, into their capital and business projections during the cycle of capital plan submissions and stress tests that began October 1, 2013
(current cycle). The interim final rule applicable to
BHCs with $50 billion or more in total consolidated assets clarifies that these companies must
incorporate the revised capital framework into their
capital planning projections and into the required

stress tests. The other interim final rule provides a
one-year transition period for most banking organizations with between $10 billion and $50 billion
in total consolidated assets. These companies will
be required to calculate their stress test projections
using the Board’s current regulatory capital rules
during the current cycle in order to allow time to
adjust their internal systems to the revised capital
framework. The interim final rules are available at
2013-23618.pdf and
• In November, the federal banking agencies
announced the availability of a revised regulatory
capital estimation tool to help community banks
and other interested parties evaluate the revised
regulatory capital framework issued in July. The
tool was developed to assist these banks in estimating the potential effects on their capital ratios of
the agencies’ recently revised regulatory capital
framework. The announcement and the capital
estimation tool are available at www.federalreserve
• In December, the Federal Reserve published a final
rule that makes technical changes to the market
risk capital rule to align it with the Basel III revised
capital framework adopted by the agencies earlier
this year. The market risk capital rule is used by
banking organizations with significant trading
activities to calculate regulatory capital requirements for market risk. The rule is available at www
• In December, the Federal Reserve issued guidance
to large financial institutions that provides clarification on supervisory expectations when assessing
a firm’s capital adequacy in certain circumstances
when the risk-based capital framework may not
fully capture the residual risks of a transaction. For
such transactions, a financial institution should be
able to demonstrate that it reflects the residual risk
in its internal assessment of capital adequacy and
maintains sufficient capital to address such risk.
The letter is available at
In 2013, Board and Reserve Bank staff conducted
in-depth supervisory analyses of a number of complex capital issuances and private capital investments
to evaluate their qualification for inclusion in regulatory capital. For certain transactions, banking organizations were required to make changes necessary

Supervision and Regulation

for instruments to satisfy regulatory capital criteria,
whereas other instruments were disallowed from
inclusion in a banking organization’s regulatory
International Coordination on
Supervisory Policies
As a member of the Basel Committee on Banking
Supervision, the Federal Reserve actively participates
in efforts to advance sound supervisory policies for
internationally active banking organizations and
enhance the strength and stability of the international banking system.
Basel Committee

During 2013, the Federal Reserve participated in
ongoing international initiatives to track the progress
of implementation of the Basel framework in member countries.
The Federal Reserve contributed to supervisory
policy recommendations, reports, and papers issued
for consultative purposes or finalized by the Basel
Committee that were designed to improve the supervision of banking organizations’ practices and to
address specific issues that emerged during the financial crisis. The listing below includes key final and
consultative papers from 2013.
Final papers:
• Basel III: The Liquidity Coverage Ratio and liquidity risk monitoring tools (issued in January and
available at
• Monitoring tools for intraday liquidity management
(issued in April and available at
• Global systemically important banks: updated
assessment methodology and the higher loss absorbency requirement (issued in July and available at
• Margin requirements for non-centrally cleared
derivatives (issued in September and available at


• Revised Basel III leverage ratio framework and disclosure requirements (issued in June and available at
• Capital treatment of bank exposures to central counterparties (issued in June and available at www.bis
• The non-internal model method for capitalising
counterparty credit risk exposures (issued in June
and available at
• Capital requirements for banks' equity investments in
funds (issued in July and available at
• Liquidity coverage ratio disclosure standards (issued
in July and available at
• Fundamental review of the trading book: A revised
market risk framework (issued in October and available at
• Revisions to the securitisation framework (issued in
December and available at
Joint Forum

In 2013, the Federal Reserve continued its participation in the Joint Forum—an international group of
supervisors of the banking, securities, and insurance
industries established to address various cross-sector
issues, including the regulation of financial conglomerates. The Joint Forum operates under the aegis of
the Basel Committee, the International Organization
of Securities Commissions, and the International
Association of Insurance Supervisors. The Federal
Reserve is also currently participating in a new initiative that will analyze how increased requirements for
collateral have impacted firm behavior in the banking, securities, and insurance sectors. Final and consultative papers issued by the Joint Forum in 2013
• Mortgage insurance: market structure, underwriting
cycle and policy implications (issued in February
and available at

• Capital requirements for banks’ equity investments
in funds (issued in December and available at www

• Longevity risk transfer markets: market structure,
growth drivers and impediments, and potential risks
(issued in December and available at

Consultative papers:

Financial Stability Board

• Supervisory framework for measuring and controlling large exposures (issued in March and available

In 2013, the Federal Reserve continued its active participation in the Financial Stability Board (FSB)—an
international group that helps coordinate the work of


100th Annual Report | 2013

national financial authorities and international standard setting bodies, and develops and promotes the
implementation of financial sector policies in the
interest of financial stability. Through the FSB
Standing Committee on Supervisory and Regulatory
Cooperation, the FSB is engaged in several issues,
including shadow banking, supervision of globally
systemically important financial institutions, and the
development of effective resolution regimes for large
financial institutions. Guidance and consultative
papers issued by the FSB in 2013 include:
• Principles for an Effective Risk Appetite Framework
(issued in July and available at www
• Information sharing for resolution purposes (issued
in August and available at www
• Application of the Key Attributes of Effective Resolution Regimes to Non-Bank Financial Institutions
(issued in August and available at www
• Assessment Methodology for the Key Attributes of
Effective Resolution Regimes for Financial Institutions (issued in August and available at www
• Strengthening Oversight and Regulation of Shadow
Banking – An Overview of Policy Recommendations
(issued in August and available at www
• Strengthening Oversight and Regulation of Shadow
Banking – Policy Framework for Addressing Shadow
Banking Risks in Securities Lending and Repos
(issued in August and available at www
• Strengthening Oversight and Regulation of Shadow
Banking – Policy Framework for Strengthening
Oversight and Regulation of Shadow Banking Entities (issued in August and available at www
Accounting Policy
The Federal Reserve strongly endorses sound corporate governance and effective accounting and audit-

ing practices for all regulated financial institutions.
Accordingly, the Federal Reserve’s accounting policy
function is responsible for providing expertise in
policy development and implementation efforts, both
within and outside the Federal Reserve System, on
issues affecting the banking industry in the areas of
accounting, auditing, internal controls over financial
reporting, financial disclosure, and supervisory financial reporting.
Federal Reserve staff regularly consult with key constituents in the accounting and auditing professions,
including domestic and international standardsetters, accounting firms, accounting and financial
sector trade groups, and other financial sector regulators to facilitate the Board’s understanding of
domestic and international practices; proposed
accounting, auditing, and regulatory standards; and
the interactions between accounting standards and
regulatory reform efforts. The Federal Reserve also
participates in various accounting, auditing, and
regulatory forums in order to both formulate and
communicate its views.
During 2013, Federal Reserve staff addressed numerous issues including loan accounting, troubled debt
restructurings, other real estate accounting, accounting for credit losses, financial instrument accounting
and reporting, securities financing transactions,
deferred taxes, insurance contracts accounting, and
external and internal audit processes.
The Federal Reserve shared its views with accounting
and auditing standard-setters through informal discussions and public comment letters. Comment letters on Financial Accounting Standards Board proposals related to accounting for credit losses, recognition and measurement of financial assets and
financial liabilities, accounting for leases, and
accounting for insurance contracts were issued during the past year.
The Federal Reserve staff also participated in meetings of the Basel Committee’s Accounting Experts
Group (formerly known as the Accounting Task
Force), which represents the Basel Committee at
international meetings on accounting, auditing, and
disclosure issues affecting global banking organizations. Working with international bank supervisors,
Federal Reserve staff contributed to the development
of numerous other comment letters that were submitted to standard setters through the Basel Committee.
The issues addressed in the comment letters during
2013 included accounting for credit losses, classifica-

Supervision and Regulation

tion and measurement of financial instruments, and
auditor’s reporting model.
In 2013, the Federal Reserve issued supervisory guidance to financial institutions and supervisory staff on
accounting matters, as appropriate, and participated
in a number of supervisory-related activities. For
example, Federal Reserve staff
• issued guidance on the internal audit function,
troubled debt restructurings, and secured consumer
debt discharged in Chapter 7 bankruptcy;9
• developed and participated in a number of domestic and international supervisory training programs
and education sessions to educate supervisors and
bankers about new and emerging accounting and
reporting topics affecting financial institutions; and
• supported the efforts of the Reserve Banks in
financial institution supervisory activities, through
participation in examinations and provision of
expert guidance on specific queries related to financial accounting, auditing, reporting, and
The Federal Reserve System staff also provided their
accounting and business expertise through participation in other supervisory activities during the past
year. These activities included supporting DoddFrank Act initiatives related to stress testing of banks
and resolution planning by banks, as well as, various
Basel III issues.
Credit-Risk Management
The Federal Reserve works with the other federal
banking agencies to develop guidance on the management of credit risk; to coordinate the assessment
of regulated institutions’ credit risk; and to ensure
that institutions properly identify, measure, and manage credit risk.
Shared National Credit Program

In September, the Federal Reserve and the other
banking agencies released summary results of the
2013 annual review of the Shared National Credit
(SNC) Program. The agencies established the program in 1977 to promote an efficient and consistent
review and classification of shared national credits. A
SNC is any loan or formal loan commitment—and
any asset, such as other real estate, stocks, notes,

Final guidance documents are available at www.federalreserve
bankinforeg/srletters/sr1317.pdf; and


bonds, and debentures taken as debts previously contracted—extended to borrowers by a supervised institution, its subsidiaries, and affiliates. A SNC must
have an original loan amount that aggregates to
$20 million or more and either (1) is shared by three
or more unaffiliated supervised institutions under a
formal lending agreement or (2) a portion of which is
sold to two or more unaffiliated supervised institutions, with the purchasing institutions assuming their
pro rata share of the credit risk.
The 2013 SNC review was based on analyses prepared in the second quarter of 2013 using creditrelated data provided by federally supervised institutions as of December 31, 2012, and March 31, 2013.
The 2013 SNC portfolio totaled $3.01 trillion, with
roughly 9,300 credit facilities to approximately 5,800
borrowers. From the previous period, the dollar volume of the portfolio commitment amount rose by
$219 billion or 7.8 percent, and the number of credits
increased by 590, or 6.8 percent.
The quality of 2012 originations slightly improved
from 2011 originations as more transactions were
reported as investment grade. However, the SNC
examination noted weak underwriting standards in
24 percent of the loan transactions sampled.
This percentage compares unfavorably to 2011, 2010,
and 2009 percentages of 19 percent, 16 percent and
13 percent, respectively. Leveraged lending transactions are the primary driver of this deterioration. The
most frequently cited underwriting deficiencies identified during the 2013 SNC Review were minimal or
no loan covenants, liberal repayment terms, repayment dependent on refinancing, and inadequate collateral valuations. The weak underwriting structures
are in part attributable to aggressive competition and
market liquidity.
In conjunction with the March 21, 2013, issuance of
the Interagency Guidance on Leveraged Lending, the
2013 SNC review included a review of 496 leveraged
obligors, with $429 billion in commitments (approximately 53.6 percent of reviewed SNC commitments).
The review identified a high level of risk associated
with this subset of the portfolio. The leveraged loan
criticized rate, at 42 percent, was substantially higher
than that of non-leveraged loans, which carried a
criticized rate of 3.1 percent.
Refinancing risk has declined in the SNC portfolio as
only 15 percent of SNCs will mature over the next
two years compared with 23 percent for the same
time frame in the 2012 SNC Review. Poorly under-


100th Annual Report | 2013

written credits originated in 2006 and 2007 continued
to adversely affect the SNC portfolio. During 2012
and into 2013, syndications continued to modify loan
agreements to extend maturities. These transactions
had the effect of relieving near-term refinancing risk,
but may not improve borrowers’ ability to repay their
debts in the longer term.
For more information on the 2013 SNC review, visit
the Board’s website at
Compliance Risk Management
The Federal Reserve works with international and
domestic supervisors to develop guidance that promotes compliance with Bank Secrecy Act and AntiMoney-Laundering Compliance (BSA/AML) and
counter terrorism laws.
Bank Secrecy Act and
Anti-Money-Laundering Compliance

In 2013, the Federal Reserve continued to actively
promote the development and maintenance of effective BSA/AML compliance risk-management programs, including developing supervisory strategies
and providing guidance to the industry on trends in
BSA/AML compliance. For example, the Federal
Reserve supervisory staff participated in a number of
industry conferences to continue to communicate
regulatory expectations and policy interpretations for
financial institutions.
The Federal Reserve is a member of the Treasury-led
BSA Advisory Group, which includes representatives
of regulatory agencies, law enforcement, and the
financial services industry and covers all aspects of
the BSA. The Federal Reserve also participated in
several Treasury-led private/public sector dialogues
with Latin American and Mexican financial institutions, regulators, and supervisors. The objective of
these dialogues is to optimize correspondent relations
between U.S. and country-specific financial sectors.
In addition, the Federal Reserve participated in meetings during the year to discuss BSA/AML issues with
delegations from Japan, Columbia, and Hong Kong
regarding managing and reporting on AML risk,
customer due diligence, and emerging payments. The
Federal Reserve also participates in the FFIEC BSA/
AML working group, a monthly forum for the discussion of pending BSA policy and regulatory matters. In addition to the FFIEC agencies, the BSA/
AML working group includes the Financial Crimes
Enforcement Network (FinCEN) and, on a quarterly
basis, the SEC, the Commodity Futures Trading

Commission, the Internal Revenue Service, and the
Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC).
The FFIEC BSA/AML working group is responsible
for updating the FFIEC Bank Secrecy Act/AntiMoney Laundering Examination Manual). The
FFIEC developed this manual as part of its ongoing
commitment to provide current and consistent interagency guidance on risk-based policies, procedures,
and processes for financial institutions to comply
with the BSA and safeguard their operations from
money laundering and terrorist financing.
Throughout 2013, the Federal Reserve and other federal banking agencies continued to regularly share
examination findings and enforcement proceedings
with FinCEN as well as with OFAC under the interagency MOUs finalized in 2004 and 2006. The Federal Reserve also provided a speaker for and participated in OFAC’s day-long Financial Institution
In 2013, the Federal Reserve continued to participate
in the U.S. Treasury’s Interagency Task Force on
Strengthening and Clarifying the BSA/AML Framework (Task Force), created in 2012, which includes
representatives from the Department of Justice,
OFAC, FinCEN, the federal banking agencies, the
SEC, and the Commodity Futures Trading Commission. The primary focus of the Task Force is to
review the BSA, its implementation, and its enforcement with respect to U.S. financial institutions that
are subject to these requirements, and to develop recommendations for ensuring the continued effectiveness of the BSA and efficiency in agency efforts to
monitor compliance.
International Coordination on
Sanctions, Anti-Money-Laundering, and
Counter-Terrorism Financing

The Federal Reserve participates in a number of
international coordination initiatives related to sanctions, money laundering, and terrorism financing.
For example, the Federal Reserve has a long-standing
role in the U.S. delegation to the intergovernmental
Financial Action Task Force (FATF) and its working
groups, contributing a banking supervisory perspective to formulation of international standards. The
Federal Reserve participated in developing the FATF
guidance for the banking sector on identifying,
assessing, and monitoring money laundering and the
financing of terrorism on a risk-assessed basis. The
Federal Reserve also participated in efforts by FATF
to more fully understand effective AML supervision

Supervision and Regulation

and enforcement. In addition, the Federal Reserve
has provided input and review of ongoing work to
revise the FATF Recommendations to ensure that
they continue to provide a comprehensive and current framework for combating money laundering and
terrorist financing. Finally, the Federal Reserve continues to participate in a subcommittee of the Basel
Committee that focuses on AML/counter-terrorism
financing issues. With respect to that subcommittee,
the Federal Reserve actively contributed to the development of a consultative paper on the sound management of risks related to money laundering and the
financing of terrorism.
Incentive Compensation
To foster improved incentive compensation practices
in the financial industry, the Federal Reserve along
with the other federal banking agencies adopted
interagency guidance oriented to the risk-taking
incentives created by incentive compensation
arrangements.10 The guidance is principles-based,
recognizing that the methods used to achieve appropriately risk-sensitive compensation arrangements
likely will differ significantly across and within firms.
The three principles at the core of the guidance are:
• Incentive compensation arrangements should balance risk and financial results in a manner that
does not encourage employees to expose their organizations to imprudent risks.
• A banking organization’s risk-management processes and internal controls should reinforce and
support the development and maintenance of balanced incentive compensation arrangements, and
incentive compensation should not hinder risk
management and controls.
• Banking organizations should have strong and
effective corporate governance of incentive
These principles and the guidance more generally are
consistent with the Principles for Sound Compensation Practices issued in April 2009 by the Financial
Stability Board and associated implementation


See “Guidance on Sound Incentive Compensation Policies,” vol.
75 Federal Register, pp. 36395–36414, June 25, 2010.
In July 2011, the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision published its Pillar 3 Disclosure Requirements for Remuneration.
These disclosure requirements are designed to support effective
market discipline with the goal of providing access to the quality
of the compensation practices and the quality of support for a
firm’s strategy and risk posture. The Board plans to issue a


Through two Board-led horizontal reviews and with
ongoing engagement with the largest firms and our
supervisory teams, we have improved practice and
design of incentive compensation arrangements at
firms with greater than $50 billion in U.S. assets. This
horizontal review was designed to assess the potential
for incentive compensation arrangements to encourage imprudent risk-taking; the actions the large
banking organizations have taken to correct deficiencies in incentive compensation design; and the
adequacy of the firms’ compensation-related risk
management, controls, and corporate governance.12
The Dodd-Frank Act requires the reporting to regulators of incentive compensation arrangements and
prohibits incentive compensation arrangements that
provide excessive compensation or that could expose
the firm to inappropriate risks. Banking organizations, broker–dealers, investment advisers, and certain other firms are covered under the act if they
have $1 billion or more in total consolidated assets.
To implement the act, seven financial regulatory
agencies (Federal Reserve, OCC, FDIC, OTS,
NCUA, SEC, FHFA) issued a joint proposed rule in
April 2011. At the heart of the proposed rule are the
three principles in the banking agencies’ guidance. A
very large number of comments were received from
the public and these comments are being carefully
considered in the drafting of the final rule.
Other Policymaking Initiatives
• In March, the Federal Reserve and the other federal banking agencies issued updated guidance on
leveraged lending. The guidance outlines high-level
principles related to safe-and-sound leveraged lending activities. It addresses pertinent riskmanagement issues surrounding leveraged loans
that came to the forefront prior to and during the
recent financial crisis and encourages companies to
develop and maintain a definition of leveraged
lending that can be applied across business lines.
The guidance highlights the importance of developing and maintaining a sound leveraged lending
policy and extending prudent risk-management
practices equally to loans originated to hold and to
those originated to distribute. The guidance is
available at


notice of proposed rulemaking to implement the key elements of
the Basel Committee’s issuance.
See “Incentive Compensation Practices: A Report on the Horizontal Review of Practices at Large Banking Organizations,”
published in October 2011 by the Board of Governors of the
Federal Reserve System.


100th Annual Report | 2013

• In August, the Board issued a final rule (Regulation TT, 12 CFR 246 et seq.) establishing an annual
assessment for its supervision and regulation of
large financial companies pursuant to section 318
of the Dodd-Frank Act, which directs the Board to
collect assessments equal to the expenses it estimates are necessary or appropriate to supervise
and regulate BHCs and SLHCs with $50 billion or
more in total consolidated assets and nonbank
financial companies designated by the FSOC for
supervision by the Federal Reserve. The final rule
became effective on October 25, 2013, and is available at
2013-20306.pdf. The final rule provides that each
calendar year is an assessment period and outlines
how the Board determines which companies are
charged, estimates the applicable expenses, determines each company’s assessment, and bills for and
collects the assessment. In 2013, the Board billed
72 companies for the 2012 assessment period. In
accordance with Regulation TT and as required by
law, the Board collected and transferred a total of
$433,483,299 to the U.S. Treasury. As such, the
Board does not recognize the assessments as revenue nor does the Board use the collections to fund
Board expenses.
• In August, six federal agencies (the Federal
Reserve, Department of Housing and Urban
Development, the FDIC, the Federal Housing
Finance Agency, the OCC, and the SEC) issued a
revised proposed rule requiring sponsors of securitization transactions to retain risk in those transactions. The new proposal revises a proposed rule the
agencies issued in 2011 to implement the risk retention requirement in the Dodd-Frank Act. The rule
would provide asset-backed securities sponsors
with several options to satisfy the risk retention
requirements. The proposed rule is available at
• In October, the federal banking agencies issued
securities classification guidance. The guidance
outlines principles related to the proper classification of securities without relying on ratings issued
by nationally recognized statistical rating organizations (external credit ratings). Section 939A of the
Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer
Protection Act of 2010 requires each federal agency
to remove references to, and requirements of reliance on, external credit ratings in any regulation
issued by the agency that requires the assessment of
the creditworthiness of a security or money market
instrument. This guidance clarifies the classifica-

tion standards for securities held by an institution
and provides examples that demonstrate when a
security is investment grade and when it is not
investment grade. The guidance is available at www
• In December, the Federal Reserve issued guidance
on managing outsourcing risk. The guidance
expands upon the existing interagency guidance on
outsourcing of information technology services
that was issued by the FFIEC in 2004. Specifically,
it applies to service provider relationships where
business functions or activities are outsourced. The
guidance highlights potential risks arising from the
use of service providers and describes elements of
an appropriate service provider risk-management
program. The guidance is available at www
• In December, the Federal Reserve and the other
federal financial institutions regulatory agencies
issued a statement to clarify safety-and-soundness
expectations and Community Reinvestment Act
considerations for regulated mortgage lenders in
light of the Consumer Financial Protection
Bureau’s Ability-to-Repay and Qualified Mortgage
Standards Rule. The statement was intended to
guide institutions as they assessed the implementation of the Bureau’s Ability-to-Repay Rule. From a
safety-and-soundness perspective, the Federal
Reserve and the other agencies emphasized that an
institution may originate both qualified and nonqualified residential mortgage loans (QM and nonQM, respectively) based on its business strategy
and risk appetite. The agencies will not subject a
residential mortgage loan to safety-and-soundness
criticism solely because of the loan’s status as a
QM or non-QM loan. The statement also emphasized that, from a consumer protection perspective,
the agencies do not anticipate that an institution’s
decision to originate only QMs, absent other factors, would adversely affect its CRA evaluations.
The letter and guidance are available at www
• In December, the Federal Reserve issued guidance
to clarify that financial institutions with significant
foreign exchange operations in the United States
should apply the principles of the Supervisory
Guidance for Managing Risks Associated with the
Settlement of Foreign Exchange Transactions,
which was published in February by the Basel

Supervision and Regulation

Committee on Banking Supervision. The Basel
Committee’s guidance discusses the importance of
strong governance over foreign exchange settlement
risks and calls for the use of payment versus payment settlement systems and bilateral netting when
possible, along with the exchange of variation margin on transactions with financial institutions. The
letter and guidance are available at www
• In December, the Federal Reserve, the other federal
banking agencies, and the SEC issued a statement
regarding the treatment of certain collateralized
debt obligations backed by trust preferred securities under the investment prohibitions of section 619 of the Dodd-Frank Act, otherwise known
as the “Volcker rule.” The letter and guidance are
available at
Regulatory Reports
The Federal Reserve’s supervisory policy function is
also responsible for developing, coordinating, and
implementing regulatory reporting requirements for
various financial reporting forms filed by domestic
and foreign financial institutions subject to Federal
Reserve supervision. Federal Reserve staff members
interact with other federal agencies and relevant state
supervisors, including foreign bank supervisors as
needed, to recommend and implement appropriate
and timely revisions to the reporting forms and the
attendant instructions.
Bank Holding Company Regulatory Reports

The Federal Reserve requires that U.S. holding companies (HCs) periodically submit reports that provide
information about their financial condition and
structure.13 This information is essential to formulating and conducting bank regulation and supervision.
It is also used in responding to requests by Congress
and the public for information about HCs and their
nonbank subsidiaries. Foreign banking organizations
also are required to periodically submit reports to the
Federal Reserve.
• FR Y-9 series reports—the FR Y-9C, FR Y-9LP,
FR Y-9SP and FR Y-9ES—provide standardized
financial statements for HCs on both a consolidated and a parent-only basis. The reports are used
to detect emerging financial problems, to review
performance and conduct pre-inspection analysis,

HCs are defined as bank holding companies, savings and loan
holding companies, and securities holding companies.


to monitor and evaluate risk profiles and capital
adequacy, to evaluate proposals for HC mergers
and acquisitions, and to analyze a holding company’s overall financial condition.
• Nonbank subsidiary reports—the FR Y-11, FR
2314, FR Y-7N, and FR 2886b—help the Federal
Reserve determine the condition of HCs that are
engaged in nonbank activities and also aid in monitoring the number, nature, and condition of the
companies’ nonbank subsidiaries.
• The FR Y-8 report provides information on transactions between an insured depository institution
and its affiliates that are subject to section 23A of
the Federal Reserve Act; it is used to monitor bank
exposures to affiliates and to ensure banks’ compliance with section 23A of the Federal Reserve Act.
• The FR Y-10 report provides data on changes in
organization structure at domestic and foreign
banking organizations.
• The FR Y-6 and FR Y-7 reports gather additional
information on organization structure and shareholders from domestic banking organizations and
foreign banking organizations, respectively; the
information is used to monitor structure so as to
determine compliance with provisions of the Bank
Holding Company Act (BHC Act) and Regulation Y, and the Home Owners Loan Act (HOLA)
and Regulation LL and to assess the ability of a
foreign banking organization to continue as a
source of strength to its U.S. operations.
• The FFIEC 101 report collects information about
the components of reporting entities’ regulatory
capital, risk-weighted assets by type of credit-risk
exposure under the Advanced Internal RatingsBased Approach, and risk-weighted assets and
operational losses under the Advanced Measurement Approach. The report is used to assess and
monitor the levels and components of each reporting entity’s risk-based capital requirements and the
adequacy of the entity's capital under the
Advanced Capital Adequacy Framework.
• The FFIEC 009 report collects detailed information on the distribution, by country, of claims on
foreigners held by the reporting institution. The
report is used to determine the degree of risk in the
reporting institution’s portfolios and the effect
adverse developments in particular countries may
have on the U.S. banking system.
During 2013, the Federal Reserve proposed to revise
the FR Y-9C, FR Y-9SP and the FFIEC 101 reports


100th Annual Report | 2013

to implement the revised regulatory capital framework. The Federal Reserve would modify the FR
Y-9C to split the current Schedule HC-R, Regulatory
Capital, into two parts: Part I, which would collect
information on regulatory capital components and
ratios, and Part II, which would collect information
on risk-weighted assets. The Federal Reserve would
modify the FR Y-9SP to add a new Schedule SC-R,
Regulatory Capital, to begin collecting information
on regulatory capital components and ratios and
risk-weighted assets from small covered SLHCs. The
Federal Reserve (with the other FFIEC member
banking agencies) would modify FFIEC 101 Schedule A, Advanced Risk-Based Capital, and nine other
schedules to implement the revised advanced
approaches capital rules.

mary source of data for the supervision and regulation of banks and the ongoing assessment of the
overall soundness of the nation’s banking system.
Call Report data provide the most current statistical
data available for evaluating institutions’ corporate
applications, for identifying areas of focus for both
on-site and off-site examinations, and for considering
monetary and other public policy issues. Call Report
data, which also serve as benchmarks for the financial information required by many other Federal
Reserve regulatory financial reports, are widely used
by state and local governments, state banking supervisors, the banking industry, securities analysts, and
the academic community.

The majority of SLHCs became compliant with Federal Reserve regulatory reporting by the end of 2013.
At this time, approximately 20 commercial and insurance SLHCs remain exempt from filing consolidated
regulatory reports.

During 2013, the FFIEC proposed to revise the Call
Report to implement the banking agencies’ revised
regulatory capital framework. The FFIEC would
modify the Call Report to split the current Schedule RC-R, Regulatory Capital, into two parts: Part I,
which would collect information on regulatory capital components and ratios, and Part II, which would
collect information on risk-weighted assets. Also during 2013, the FFIEC proposed revisions to the following types of information on the Call Report:
effective March 2014 (1) information about international remittance transfers; (2) information on trade
names (other than an institution’s legal title) used to
identify physical offices and the addresses of any
public-facing Internet websites (other than the institution’s primary Internet website address) at which
the institution accepts or solicits deposits from the
public; (3) responses to a yes-no question asking
whether the reporting institution offers any deposit
account products (other than time deposits) primarily intended for consumers; (4) for institutions with
$1 billion or more in total assets that offer one or
more deposit account products (other than time
deposits) primarily intended for consumers, information on the total balances of these consumer deposit
account products; and effective March 2015 (5) for
institutions with $1 billion or more in total assets that
offer one or more deposit account products (other
than time deposits) primarily intended for consumers, information on the amount of income earned
from each of three categories of service charges on
their consumer deposit account products.

Commercial Bank Regulatory Reports

Supervisory Information Technology

As the federal supervisor of state member banks, the
Federal Reserve, along with the other banking agencies (through the FFIEC), requires banks to submit
quarterly the Consolidated Reports of Condition
and Income (Call Reports). Call Reports are the pri-

The Federal Reserve’s supervisory information technology function, carried out by the Board’s Division
of Banking Supervision and Regulation and the
Reserve Banks under the guidance of the Subcom-

Effective in December 2013, the FFIEC 009 report
was revised to (1) increase the number of counterparty categories; (2) add additional information on
the type of claim being reported; (3) provide details
on a limited number of risk mitigants to help provide
perspective to currently reported gross exposure
numbers; (4) add more detailed reporting of credit
derivatives; (5) add the United States as a country
row to facilitate the analysis of domestic and foreign
exposures and comply with enhancements to International Banking Statistics proposed by the Bank for
International Settlements; and (6) effective
March 2014, expand the entities that must report to
include SLHCs.
Also effective in December 2013, the Federal Reserve
reduced reporting burden by increasing the asset size
thresholds for filing the annual FR Y-11/S, FR
2314/S, and FR Y-7N/S. In addition, the Federal
Reserve eliminated the FR Y-11S and FR 2314S
threshold requirement based on the percentage of
consolidated assets of the top-tier organization.
Savings and Loan Holding Company
Regulatory Reports

Supervision and Regulation

mittee on Supervisory Administration and Technology, works to identify and set priorities for information technology initiatives within the supervision and
regulation business line.
In 2013, the supervisory information technology
function focused on
• Large bank supervision. Improved the supervision
of large and regional financial institutions with
new processes and linked workflows to enable continuous updates of information provided through
examinations and ongoing monitoring activities.
• Community and regional bank supervision. Worked
with community and regional bank examiners and
other regulators to implement enhanced tools to
support community and regional bank
• Data management and analysis. Implemented a
Data Management Office to strengthen capabilities
in the areas of data collection and data stewardship. Implemented new tools for the analysis of
large volumes of data, especially in support of
stress testing and risk analysis.
• Collaboration. (1) Enhanced information sharing
among staff at the Board and Reserve Banks
through new and enhanced collaboration tools;
(2) implemented an electronic solution to support
exam teams’ ability to share documents, and
(3) leveraged an Interagency Steering Group to
improve methods for sharing work among state
and federal regulators.
• Modernization. Implemented products to modernize business capabilities in the areas of loan review,
examiner credentialing, and scheduling.
• Information security. Commenced several initiatives
to improve overall information security and the
efficiency of our information security practices.
National Information Center
The National Information Center (NIC) is the Federal Reserve’s comprehensive repository for supervisory, financial, and banking structure data. It is also
the main repository for many supervisory documents.
The NIC includes (1) data on banking structure
throughout the United States as well as foreign banking concerns; (2) the National Examination Data
(NED), an application that enables supervisory personnel as well as federal and state banking authorities
to access NIC data; (3) the Banking Organization
National Desktop, an application that facilitates
secure, real-time electronic information sharing and


collaboration among federal and state banking regulators for the supervision of banking organizations;
and (4) the Central Document and Text Repository
(CDTR), an application that contains documents
supporting the supervisory processes.
Within the NIC, the supporting systems continue to
be modified over time to extend their usefulness and
improve business workflow efficiency, especially for
the sourcing transactional data systems. Throughout
2013, the NIC supervisory and structure databases
continued to be modified to support Dodd-Frank
Act changes and to facilitate the supervision of
SLHCs. The capture and integration of the former
OTS data and documents into several NIC databases
were completed this year, which resulted in substantially more SLHC examination and enforcement
action data being available. Additionally, SLHCs
were added to the reporting panel for the Report of
Changes in Organizational Structure (FR Y-10).
NIC staff are engaged with the Board’s new Office of
the Chief Data Officer established in 2013 to continue improving data management and data governance practices for the Board and FRS enterprise
information. During 2013, a number of FRS management groups were modified to align with the
Board’s strategic planning initiatives.
Changes to the NIC public website continued to be
implemented in response to the Dodd-Frank Act,
including implementation of changes to allow access
to the Banking Organization Systemic Risk Report
(FR Y-15). Similarly the website was enhanced to
provide access to the Risk-Based Capital Reporting
for Institutions Subject to the Advanced Capital
Adequacy Framework (FFIEC 101). The data for
these two series will be available in 2014.
Also in 2013, enhancements were made to the
CDTR, which included the expansion of the application to accommodate additional text associated with
new supervisory data collections and modifications
to facilitate the sharing of information between the
Federal Reserve System and the Consumer Financial
Protection Bureau.
The NIC staff participated in a number of interagency technology-related initiatives as part of
FFIEC task forces and interagency committees.
These efforts support standardized data collections
and cross-agency information sharing. Work in this
area will continue to be important as the agencies
work through the implementation of the remaining


100th Annual Report | 2013

Table 2. Training for banking supervision and regulation, 2013
Number of enrollments
Course sponsor or type

Federal Reserve

State and federal
banking agency



Federal Reserve System
The Options Institute2
Rapid ResponseTM

Instructional time
(approximate training

Number of course



Training days are approximate. System courses were calculated using five days as an average, with FFIEC courses calculated using four days as an average.
The Options Institute, an educational arm of the Chicago Board Options Exchange, provides a three-day seminar on the use of options in risk management.

Dodd-Frank Act initiatives. One such technologyrelated initiative required Board staff to collaborate
with the FDIC and OCC to review proposals on and
award a contract for the enhancements to and the
operations and maintenance of the FFIEC Central
Data Repository (CDR), the data collection and validation system for the FFIEC commercial bank Consolidated Reports of Condition and Income (Call
Reports: FFIEC 031 and FFIEC 041) and the Uniform Bank Performance Report.
The NIC also supports the interagency Shared
National Credit (SNC) Program, the annual review
of large syndicated loans. During 2013, the agencies
continued to review and implement remaining business requirements to complete the SNC automation
build out. This automation is focused on improving
the efficiency of the annual SNC examination process and enhancing the supervisory insight derived
from these exams.
Additionally, throughout 2013, NIC staff provided
project management support for the maturation of
data management practices associated with the
CCAR, Capital Plan Review, and DFAST program
initiatives and for the automation of the Capital
Assessment and Stress Testing (FR Y-14) information collection.

Staff Development
The Federal Reserve’s staff development program
supports the ongoing development of about 3,200
professional supervisory staff, ensuring that they have
the skills necessary to meet their evolving supervisory
responsibilities. The Federal Reserve also provides
course offerings to staff at state banking agencies.
Training activities in 2013 are summarized in table 2.

Examiner Commissioning Program
The Federal Reserve System’s commissioning program for assistant examiners is set forth in the Examiner Commissioning Program (SR letter 98-02).14
Examiners choose from one of three specialty
tracks—(1) safety and soundness, (2) consumer compliance, or (3) information technology. On average,
individuals move through a combination of classroom offerings, self-paced learning, and on-the-job
training over a period of three years. Achievement is
measured by completing the required course content,
demonstrating adequate on-the-job knowledge, and
passing a professionally validated proficiency
In 2013, 157 examiners passed the first proficiency
exam and 142 passed the second proficiency exam
(103 in safety and soundness and 39 in consumer
Currently, the Federal Reserve is undertaking a major
initiative to modernize its Examiner Commissioning
Program. As a result, the curriculum for examiners
involved in community banking supervision and consumer compliance has been revised or is currently
being revised.
Continuing Professional Development
Other formal and informal learning opportunities are
available to examiners in the form of self-study materials, online learning, and classroom instruction.
Schools, conferences, and programs covering a variety of regulatory topics are offered within the
System, Board, and FFIEC. System programs are
also available to state and federal banking agency

SR letter 98-02 is available at

Supervision and Regulation

The Federal Reserve exercises important regulatory
influence over entry into the U.S. banking system
and the system structure through its administration
of several federal statutes. The Federal Reserve is also
responsible for imposing margin requirements on
securities transactions. In carrying out its responsibilities, the Federal Reserve coordinates supervisory
activities with the other federal banking agencies,
state agencies, functional regulators (that is, regulators for insurance, securities, and commodities
firms), and foreign bank regulatory agencies.

Regulation of the U.S. Banking Structure
The Federal Reserve administers six federal statutes
that apply to BHCs, financial holding companies,
member banks, SLHCs, and foreign banking organizations: the BHC Act, the Bank Merger Act, the
Change in Bank Control Act, the Federal Reserve
Act, section 10 of the Home Owners’ Loan Act
(HOLA (applies to SLHCs)), and the International
Banking Act.
In administering these statutes, the Federal Reserve
acts on a variety of applications that directly or indirectly affect the structure of the U.S. banking system
at the local, regional, and national levels; the international operations of domestic banking organizations;
or the U.S. banking operations of foreign banks. The
applications concern BHC and SLHC formations
and acquisitions, bank mergers, and other transactions involving banks and savings associations or
nonbank firms. In 2013, the Federal Reserve acted on
994 applications filed under the six statutes. Many of
these applications involved target banking organizations in less than satisfactory financial condition.
Bank Holding Company Act Applications
Under the BHC Act, a corporation or similar legal
entity must obtain the Federal Reserve’s approval
before forming a BHC through the acquisition of
one or more banks in the United States. Once
formed, a BHC must receive Federal Reserve
approval before acquiring or establishing additional
banks. Also, BHCs generally may engage in only
those nonbanking activities that the Board has previously determined to be closely related to banking
under section 4(c)(8) of the BHC Act.15 Depending

Since 1996, the act has provided an expedited prior notice procedure for certain permissible nonbank activities and for acquisitions of small banks and nonbank entities. Since that time, the


on the circumstances, these activities may or may not
require Federal Reserve approval in advance of their
When reviewing a BHC application or notice that
requires prior approval, the Federal Reserve may consider the financial and managerial resources of the
applicant, the future prospects of both the applicant
and the firm to be acquired, financial stability factors, the convenience and needs of the community to
be served, the potential public benefits, the competitive effects of the application, and the applicant’s
ability to make available to the Federal Reserve information deemed necessary to ensure compliance with
applicable law. In the case of a foreign banking organization seeking to acquire control of a U.S. bank,
the Federal Reserve also considers whether the foreign bank is subject to comprehensive supervision or
regulation on a consolidated basis by its homecountry supervisor. In 2013, the Federal Reserve
acted on 242 applications and notices filed by BHCs
to acquire a bank or a nonbank firm, or to otherwise
expand their activities, including applications involving private equity firms.
A BHC may repurchase its own shares from its
shareholders. When the company borrows money to
buy the shares, the transaction increases the company’s debt and decreases its equity. The Federal
Reserve may object to stock repurchases by holding
companies that fail to meet certain standards, including the Board’s capital adequacy guidelines. In 2013,
the Federal Reserve acted on 13 stock repurchase
applications by BHCs.
The Federal Reserve also reviews elections submitted
by BHCs seeking financial holding company status
under the authority granted by the Gramm-LeachBliley Act. BHCs seeking financial holding company
status must file a written declaration with the Federal
Reserve. In 2013, 26 domestic financial holding company declarations were approved.
Bank Merger Act Applications
The Bank Merger Act requires that all applications
involving the merger of insured depository institutions be acted on by the relevant federal banking
agency. The Federal Reserve has primary jurisdiction
if the institution surviving the merger is a state member bank. Before acting on a merger application, the
Federal Reserve considers the financial and manageact has also permitted well-run BHCs that satisfy certain criteria
to commence certain other nonbank activities on a de novo
basis without first obtaining Federal Reserve approval.


100th Annual Report | 2013

rial resources of the applicant, the future prospects of
the existing and combined organizations, the convenience and needs of the communities to be served,
and the competitive effects of the proposed merger.
The Federal Reserve also must consider the views of
the U.S. Department of Justice regarding the competitive aspects of any proposed bank merger involving unaffiliated insured depository institutions. In
2013, the Federal Reserve approved 41 merger applications under the act.
Change in Bank Control Act Applications
The Change in Bank Control Act requires individuals
and certain other parties that seek control of a U.S.
bank, BHC, or SLHC to obtain approval from the
relevant federal banking agency before completing
the transaction. The Federal Reserve is responsible
for reviewing changes in the control of state member
banks, BHCs, and SLHCs. In its review, the Federal
Reserve considers the financial position, competence,
experience, and integrity of the acquiring person; the
effect of the proposed change on the financial condition of the bank, BHC, or SLHC being acquired; the
future prospects of the institution to be acquired; the
effect of the proposed change on competition in any
relevant market; the completeness of the information
submitted by the acquiring person; and whether the
proposed change would have an adverse effect on the
Deposit Insurance Fund. A proposed transaction
should not jeopardize the stability of the institution
or the interests of depositors. During its review of a
proposed transaction, the Federal Reserve may contact other regulatory or law enforcement agencies for
information about relevant individuals. In 2013, the
Federal Reserve approved 153 change in control
notices and denied one notice.
Federal Reserve Act Applications
Under the Federal Reserve Act, a bank must seek
Federal Reserve approval to become a member bank.
A member bank may be required to seek Federal
Reserve approval before expanding its operations
domestically or internationally. State member banks
must obtain Federal Reserve approval to establish
domestic branches, and all member banks (including
national banks) must obtain Federal Reserve
approval to establish foreign branches. When reviewing applications for membership, the Federal Reserve
considers, among other things, the bank’s financial
condition and its record of compliance with banking
laws and regulations. When reviewing applications to
establish domestic branches, the Federal Reserve considers, among other things, the scope and nature of
the banking activities to be conducted. When review-

ing applications for foreign branches, the Federal
Reserve considers, among other things, the condition
of the bank and the bank’s experience in international banking. In 2013, the Federal Reserve acted on
membership applications for 39 banks, and new and
merger-related branch applications for 420 domestic
branches and three foreign branches.
State member banks must also obtain Federal
Reserve approval to establish financial subsidiaries.
These subsidiaries may engage in activities that are
financial in nature or incidental to financial activities,
including securities-related and insurance agencyrelated activities. In 2013, no financial subsidiary
applications were submitted.
Home Owners’ Loan Act Applications
Under HOLA, a corporation or similar legal entity
must obtain the Federal Reserve’s approval before
forming an SLHC through the acquisition of one or
more savings associations in the United States. Once
formed, an SLHC must receive Federal Reserve
approval before acquiring or establishing additional
savings associations. Also, SLHCs generally may
engage in only those nonbanking activities that are
specifically enumerated in HOLA or which the Board
has previously determined to be closely related to
banking under section 4(c)(8) of the BHC Act.
Depending on the circumstances, these activities may
or may not require Federal Reserve approval in
advance of their commencement. In 2013, the Federal Reserve acted on 15 applications and notices
filed by SLHCs to acquire a bank or a nonbank firm,
or to otherwise expand their activities.
Under HOLA, a savings association reorganizing to
a mutual holding company (MHC) structure must
receive Federal Reserve approval prior to its reorganization. In addition, an MHC must receive Federal
Reserve approval before converting to stock form,
and MHCs must receive Federal Reserve approval
before waiving dividends declared by the MHC’s
subsidiary. In 2013, the Federal Reserve acted on no
applications for MHC reorganizations. In 2013, the
Federal Reserve acted on six applications filed by
MHCs to convert to stock form, and six applications
to waive dividends.
When reviewing an SLHC application or notice that
requires prior approval, the Federal Reserve may consider the financial and managerial resources of the
applicant, the future prospects of both the applicant
and the firm to be acquired, the convenience and
needs of the community to be served, the potential

Supervision and Regulation

public benefits, the competitive effects of the application, and the applicant’s ability to make available to
the Federal Reserve information deemed necessary to
ensure compliance with applicable law.
The Federal Reserve also reviews elections submitted
by SLHCs seeking status as financial holding companies under the authority granted by the Dodd-Frank
Act. SLHCs seeking financial holding company status must file a written declaration with the Federal
Reserve. In 2013, no SLHC financial holding company declarations were approved.
Overseas Investment Applications by
U.S. Banking Organizations
U.S. banking organizations may engage in a broad
range of activities overseas. Many of the activities are
conducted indirectly through Edge Act and agreement corporation subsidiaries. Although most foreign investments are made under general consent procedures that involve only after-the-fact notification to
the Federal Reserve, large and other significant
investments require prior approval. In 2013, the Federal Reserve approved 23 applications and notices for
overseas investments by U.S. banking organizations,
many of which represented investments through an
Edge Act or agreement corporation.
International Banking Act Applications
The International Banking Act, as amended by the
Foreign Bank Supervision Enhancement Act of
1991, requires foreign banks to obtain Federal
Reserve approval before establishing branches, agencies, commercial lending company subsidiaries, or
representative offices in the United States.
In reviewing applications, the Federal Reserve generally considers whether the foreign bank is subject to
comprehensive supervision or regulation on a consolidated basis by its home-country supervisor. It
also considers whether the home-country supervisor
has consented to the establishment of the U.S. office;
the financial condition and resources of the foreign
bank and its existing U.S. operations; the managerial
resources of the foreign bank; whether the homecountry supervisor shares information regarding the
operations of the foreign bank with other supervisory authorities; whether the foreign bank has provided adequate assurances that information concerning its operations and activities will be made available
to the Federal Reserve, if deemed necessary to determine and enforce compliance with applicable law;
whether the foreign bank has adopted and implemented procedures to combat money laundering and


whether the home country of the foreign bank is
developing a legal regime to address money laundering or is participating in multilateral efforts to combat money laundering; and the record of the foreign
bank with respect to compliance with U.S. law. In
2013, the Federal Reserve approved seven applications by foreign banks to establish branches, agencies,
or representative offices in the United States.
Public Notice of Federal Reserve Decisions
Certain decisions by the Federal Reserve that involve
an acquisition by a BHC, a bank merger, a change in
control, or the establishment of a new U.S. banking
presence by a foreign bank are made known to the
public by an order or an announcement. Orders state
the decision, the essential facts of the application or
notice, and the basis for the decision; announcements
state only the decision. All orders and announcements are made public immediately; they are subsequently reported in the Board’s weekly H.2 statistical
release. The H.2 release also contains announcements
of applications and notices received by the Federal
Reserve upon which action has not yet been taken.
For each pending application and notice, the related
H.2A release gives the deadline for comments. The
Board’s website provides information on orders and
announcements (
press/orders/2013orders.htm) as well as a guide for
U.S. and foreign banking organizations that wish to
submit applications (

Enforcement of Other Laws and
The Federal Reserve’s enforcement responsibilities
also extend to the disclosure of financial information
by state member banks and the use of credit to purchase and carry securities.
Financial Disclosures by State Member Banks
Under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and Federal Reserve’s Regulation H, certain state member
banks are required to make financial disclosures to
the Federal Reserve using the same reporting forms
(such as Form 10K- annual report and Schedule 14A
-proxy statement) that are normally used by publicly
held entities to submit information to the Securities
Exchange Commission.16 As most of the publicly

Under Section 12(g) of the Securities Exchange Act, certain
companies that have issued securities are subject to SEC registration and filing requirements that are similar to those imposed
on public companies. Per Section 12(i) of the Securities
Exchange Act, the powers of the SEC over banking entities that


100th Annual Report | 2013

held banking organizations are BHCs and the reporting threshold was recently raised, only three state
member banks were required to submit data to the
Federal Reserve in 2013. The information submitted
by these three small state member banks is available
to the public upon request and is primarily used for
disclosure to the bank’s shareholders and public
Securities Credit
Under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the
Board is responsible for regulating credit in certain
transactions involving the purchasing or carrying of
securities. The Board’s Regulation T limits the
amount of credit that may be provided by securities
brokers and dealers when the credit is used to purfall under Section 12(g) are vested with the appropriate banking
regulator. Specifically, state member banks with 2,000 or more
shareholders and more than $10 million in total assets are
required to register with, and submit data to, the Federal
Reserve. These thresholds reflect the recent amendments by the
Jumpstart Our Business Startups Act (JOBS Act).

chase debt and equity securities. The Board’s Regulation U limits the amount of credit that may be provided by lenders other than brokers and dealers when
the credit is used to purchase or carry publicly held
equity securities if the loan is secured by those or
other publicly held equity securities. The Board’s
Regulation X applies these credit limitations, or margin requirements, to certain borrowers and to certain
credit extensions, such as credit obtained from foreign lenders by U.S. citizens.
Several regulatory agencies enforce the Board’s securities credit regulations. The SEC, the Financial
Industry Regulatory Authority, and the Chicago
Board Options Exchange examine brokers and dealers for compliance with Regulation T. With respect to
compliance with Regulation U, the federal banking
agencies examine banks under their respective jurisdictions; the Farm Credit Administration and the
NCUA examine lenders under their respective jurisdictions; and the Federal Reserve examines other
Regulation U lenders.



Consumer and
Community Affairs

The mission of the Division of Consumer and Community Affairs (DCCA) is to ensure that the voices
and concerns of consumers and communities are represented at the central bank of the United States.
DCCA has primary responsibility for carrying out
the Board of Governor’s consumer financial protection and community development programs. It also
conducts consumer-focused supervision, research,
and policy analysis, as well as implements statutory
requirements and facilitates community development.
These activities promote a fair and transparent consumer financial services market, including for traditionally underserved households and neighborhoods.
Throughout 2013, the division engaged in numerous
consumer and community-related functions and
policy activities in the following areas:
• Consumer-focused supervision and examinations.
The division provided leadership for the Reserve
Bank consumer compliance supervision and examination programs in state member banks and bank
holding companies through policy development,
examiner training, supervision oversight, fair lending, Unfair or Deceptive Acts or Practices (UDAP)
and flood enforcement, analysis of bank and bank
holding company applications in regard to consumer protection, and processing consumer
• Consumer research and emerging-issues and policy
analysis. The division analyzed emerging issues in
consumer financial services policies and practices
in order to understand their implications for the
economic and supervisory policies that are core to
the central bank’s functions, as well as to gain
insight into consumer decisionmaking around
financial services.
• Community development activities. The division
continued to promote fair and informed access to
financial markets for all consumers, particularly the
needs of underserved populations, by engaging
lenders, government officials, and community lead-

ers. Throughout the year, DCCA convened programs to share information and research on effective community development policies and
• Consumer laws and regulations. The division continued to administer the Board’s regulatory responsibilities with respect to certain entities and specific
statutory provisions of the consumer financial services and fair lending laws. DCCA drafted and
consulted with other agencies on regulations and
official interpretations, as well as issued regulatory
interpretations and compliance guidance for the
industry, the Reserve Banks, other federal agencies,
and congressional staff.

Supervision and Examinations
DCCA develops and supports supervisory policy and
examination procedures for consumer protection
laws and regulations, as well as the Community Reinvestment Act (CRA), as part of its supervision of the
organizations for which it has authority, including
holding companies, state member banks, and foreign
banking organizations. The division also administers
the Federal Reserve System’s risk-focused program
for assessing consumer compliance risk at the largest
bank and financial holding companies in the System,
with division staff ensuring that consumer compliance risk is effectively integrated into the consolidated supervision oversight of the holding company.
The division oversees the efforts of the 12 Reserve
Banks to ensure that compliance with consumer protection laws and regulations is fully evaluated and
fairly enforced. Division staff provides guidance and
expertise to the Reserve Banks on consumer protection laws and regulations, bank and bank holding
company application analysis and processing, examination and enforcement techniques and policy matters, examiner training, and emerging issues. Staff
review Reserve Bank supervisory reports, examination work products, and consumer complaint analyses and responses. Finally, staff members participate


100th Annual Report | 2013

in interagency activities that promote consistency in
examination principles, standards, and processes.
Examinations are one of the Federal Reserve’s methods of enforcing compliance with consumer protection laws and assessing the adequacy of consumer
compliance risk-management systems within regulated entities. During 2013, the Reserve Banks completed 296 consumer compliance examinations of
state member banks and 1 examination of a foreign
banking organization.1

Bank Holding Company Consolidated
Supervision Program
During 2013, staff in the Bank Holding Company
(BHC) Consolidated Supervision Program had
responsibility for reviewing more than 120 bank and
financial holding companies to ensure consumer
compliance risk was appropriately incorporated into
the consolidated risk assessment for the organization.
BHC Consolidated Supervision Program staff participated jointly with staff from the Board’s Division
of Banking Supervision and Regulation on numerous
projects related to implementation of the DoddFrank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection
Act of 2010 (Dodd-Frank Act), including supervisory assessment fees, consolidated supervision, and
thrift holding company integration. Also, as part of
the consolidated supervision of BHCs, staff continued to monitor compliance with the provisions of the
consent orders that were implemented in 2011 and
2012 at the 6 mortgage servicers and 10 BHCs for
which the Federal Reserve has supervisory authority.
Staff’s oversight is designed to determine if the servicers and BHCs have corrected the noted deficiencies; that future abuses in the loan modification and
foreclosure process are prevented; and that borrowers
are compensated for financial injury they suffered
because of errors, misrepresentations, or other deficiencies in the foreclosure process.
In January, the Federal Reserve issued guidance
entitled “Supplemental Policy Statement on the

Internal Audit Function and its Outsourcing,”2
which addresses the characteristics, governance, and
operational effectiveness of a financial institution’s
internal audit function. The guidance reflects
changes over the past several years in banking regulations related to auditor independence and limitations
placed on the external auditor. The Federal Reserve
encourages financial institutions to enhance their
internal audit practices and to adopt professional
audit standards.
In April, the Federal Reserve issued guidance entitled
“Extension of the Use of Indicative Ratings for Savings and Loan Holding Companies.”3 When the Federal Reserve assumed responsibility for supervision of
savings and loan holding companies (SLHC) in
July 2011, the Federal Reserve set forth the SLHC
supervisory approach for the first supervisory cycle
in SR letter 11-11/CA letter 11-5, “Supervision of
Savings and Loan Holding Companies (SLHCs).”
Under that approach, the Federal Reserve issues an
indicative rating to each SLHC to indicate how the
SLHC would be rated under the RFI rating system.4
The current guidance clarifies that until finalization
of a proposed rating system for SLHCs, the Federal
Reserve will continue to assign indicative ratings to
In December, the Federal Reserve issued guidance
entitled “Guidance on Managing Outsourcing Risk,”
which addresses the characteristics, governance, and
operational effectiveness of a financial institution’s
service provider risk-management program for outsourced activities.5 The guidance highlights the
potential risks arising from the use of service providers and describes the elements of an appropriate service provider risk-management program.

Mortgage Servicing and Foreclosure:
Remediating Borrowers through the
Payment Agreement
In January 2013, the Payment Agreement replaced
the Independent Foreclosure Review requirement of



Beginning with 2013, reporting of the number of examinations
completed will reflect the period from January 1 to December 31. The Federal Reserve’s 2012 Annual Report to Congress
captured consumer compliance and CRA examinations from
July 1, 2011, to June 30, 2012. For the period from July 1 to
December 31, 2012, the Federal Reserve completed 136 consumer compliance examinations of state member banks and of
1 foreign banking organization, as well as 121 CRA examinations of state member banks.



For more information, see
For more information, see
The main components of the RFI rating system represent Risk
Management (R), Financial Condition (F), and potential
Impact (I) of the parent company and nondepository subsidiaries (collectively, nondepository entities) on the subsidiary
depository institution(s).
For more information, see

Consumer and Community Affairs

the enforcement actions issued by federal banking
regulators that included case-by-case file reviews and
instead provides for cash payments to borrowers.6 It
resulted from an agreement reached among 13 separate mortgage servicers and the Federal Reserve
Board and the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC). The participating servicers agreed to
pay an estimated $3.6 billion to 4.2 million borrowers
whose primary residence was in a foreclosure process
in 2009 or 2010. The Payment Agreement also
included an additional $5.7 billion dollars in other
foreclosure prevention assistance, such as loan modifications and forgiveness of deficiency judgments. In
late February, the Board and the OCC released
amendments that memorialized the agreements in
principle announced in January. For the participating
servicers, fulfillment of the agreement will satisfy the
foreclosure review requirements of the enforcement
actions issued by the Board, the OCC, and the Office
of Thrift Supervision in April and September 2011
and April 2012.
A paying agent, Rust Consulting, Inc. (Rust Consulting), was retained to administer payments to borrowers on behalf of the participating servicers. Beginning
in April 2013, a letter with an enclosed check was
sent to borrowers who had a foreclosure action initiated, pending, or completed in 2009 or 2010 with any
of the participating servicers.7 For checks that were
returned undeliverable, Rust Consulting, at the direction of the regulators, is attempting to locate more
current address information for the borrowers and
will send a new check to the updated address. As of
December 31, 2013, more than $3 billion has been
distributed through 3.4 million checks. Receiving a
payment under the agreement will not prevent borrowers from taking any action they may wish to pursue related to their foreclosure. Servicers are not permitted to ask borrowers to sign a waiver of any legal
claims they may have against their servicer in connection with receiving payment.
In summer 2013, two additional mortgage servicers,
GMAC Mortgage and EverBank, also reached agreements with the Board and the OCC that ended the
Independent Foreclosure Review for those servicers.
The amended consent orders that memorialized the


For more information, see
For more information, see


agreements for GMAC Mortgage and EverBank
were released in July and October 2013, respectively.
In December, Rust Consulting mailed postcards to
more than 232,000 borrowers whose mortgage loans
were serviced by GMAC Mortgage, notifying them
that they should expect to receive a payment, or a letter describing additional information needed to process their payment, by the end of January 2014.8
The Payment Agreement also required servicers to
undertake well-structured loss-mitigation efforts
focused on foreclosure prevention, with preference
given to activities designed to keep borrowers in their
homes through affordable, sustainable, and meaningful home-preservation actions within two years from
the date the agreement in principle was reached.
Under the Payment Agreement, servicers must not
disfavor a specific geography within or among states,
nor disfavor low- and/or moderate-income borrowers, and should not discriminate against any protected class. Servicers may fulfill their obligations
through three specific consumer-relief activities set
forth in the National Mortgage Settlement, including
first-lien loan modifications, second-lien loan modifications, and short sales or deeds-in-lieu of foreclosure. Servicers were given the option, subject to nonobjection from their regulator, to meet their foreclosure prevention assistance requirements by paying
additional cash into the qualified settlement funds to
be used for direct payments to consumers or by providing cash or other resource commitments to borrower counseling or education.
In addition to the foreclosure review requirements,
the enforcement actions required servicers to submit
acceptable written plans to address various mortgage
loan servicing and foreclosure processing deficiencies.
The Payment Agreement did not eliminate the other
existing provisions of the April 2011 enforcement
actions, which remain in full force and effect. Since
the enforcement actions were issued, the banking
organizations have been implementing the action
plans that include enhanced controls, and improving
systems and processes. Federal Reserve supervisory
teams continue to monitor and evaluate the servicers’
progress on implementing the action plans to address
unsafe and unsound mortgage servicing and foreclosure practices as required by the enforcement actions.

For more information, see


100th Annual Report | 2013

Supervisory Matters
Risk-Focused Supervision
In November 2013, the Board revised its Community
Bank Risk-Focused Consumer Compliance Supervision Program for state member banks with consolidated assets of $10 billion or less and their subsidiaries.9 The new program became effective on January 1,
2014, and is designed to promote strong compliance
risk-management practices and consumer protection
at state member community banks. Under the
updated program, consumer compliance examiners
will base the examination intensity more explicitly on
the individual financial institution’s risk profile,
including its consumer compliance culture and how
effectively it identifies and manages consumer compliance risk. The new program is intended to enhance
the efficacy of the Board’s supervision program and
reduce regulatory burden on many community banking organizations.
The program provides an enhanced risk-assessment
process based on current information about a financial institution’s products and services, as well as
related legal and regulatory factors, the environment
in which the institution operates, and its compliance
risk-management practices. Based on the level of
residual risk identified in the risk-assessment process,
a customized work program will be developed that
includes examination activities consistent with the
size, complexity, and risk profile of the institution’s
products, services, and business lines.
The program also incorporates ongoing supervision,
typically a supervisory contact close to the mid-cycle
between consumer compliance examinations. However, in some cases when the institution’s risk profile
is high or it changes materially as a result of the addition of more complex or higher-risk strategies, more
frequent contacts may be appropriate. Ongoing
supervision is intended to identify and, if necessary,
address significant changes in the institution’s compliance risk-management program or in the level of
consumer compliance risk present and ensure that
supervisory information is up to date.

size threshold for the frequency category for smaller
financial institutions was raised from $250 million to
$350 million, and a new tier was added to the examination frequency schedule for banks with assets
between $350 million and $1 billion. The examination frequency for these institutions is longer because
these institutions tend to be less complex and pose
more-limited compliance risk than larger institutions.
The examination frequency schedule for financial
institutions with assets over $1 billion and institutions with less than satisfactory compliance or CRA
ratings remains the same. The Board expects that the
new examination frequency policy will reduce burden
on many community banks.
Flood Insurance
The National Flood Insurance Act imposes certain
requirements on loans secured by buildings or mobile
homes located in, or to be located in, areas determined to have special flood hazards. Under the Federal Reserve’s Regulation H, which implements the
act, state member banks are generally prohibited
from making, extending, increasing, or renewing any
such loan unless the building or mobile home, as well
as any personal property securing the loan, are covered by flood insurance for the term of the loan. The
law requires the Board and other federal financial
institution regulatory agencies to impose civil money
penalties when they find a pattern or practice of violations of the regulation. The civil money penalties
are payable to the Federal Emergency Management
Agency (FEMA) for deposit into the National Flood
Mitigation Fund.
In 2012, the Biggert-Waters Flood Insurance Reform
Act (Biggert-Waters Act) was signed into law, with
certain provisions impacting regulations and guidance that the federal financial institution supervisory
agencies have provided to lenders to assist them in
complying with federal flood insurance statutes.

The program is complemented by a revised examination frequency policy, which will promote effective
supervision through deployment of examiner
resources commensurate with an institution’s size,
compliance rating, and CRA rating. The upper asset

In March 2013, the Board and four other federal
agencies responsible for implementing the BiggertWaters Act issued guidance to inform financial institutions about these provisions.10 The guidance identified and described several provisions of the BiggertWaters Act that will become effective when the
agencies publish implementing regulations. The guidance further discussed two lender-related provisions
of the Biggert-Waters Act addressing force placement
and civil money penalties, which became effective



For more information, see

For more information, see

Consumer and Community Affairs

immediately upon enactment. Among other things,
the act raised the civil money penalty cap when a pattern or practice of flood violations exists. Specifically,
the cap was raised from $385 per violation to $2,000
per violation. In addition, the overall calendar year
cap on penalties was removed.
In 2013, the Federal Reserve issued eight formal consent orders and assessed $26,720 in civil money penalties against state member banks to address violations of the flood regulations. These statutorily mandated penalties were forwarded to the National Flood
Mitigation Fund held by the Department of the
Treasury for the benefit of FEMA.
Community Reinvestment Act
The Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) requires
that the Federal Reserve and other federal banking
and thrift agencies encourage financial institutions to
help meet the credit needs of the local communities
in which they do business, consistent with safe and
sound operations. To carry out this mandate, the
Federal Reserve
• examines state member banks to assess their compliance with the CRA;
• analyzes applications for mergers and acquisitions
by state member banks’ and bank holding companies’ CRA performance in context with other
supervisory information; and
• disseminates information about community development techniques to bankers and the public
through Community Development offices at the
Reserve Banks.
The Federal Reserve assesses and rates the CRA performance of state member banks in the course of
examinations conducted by staff at the 12 Reserve
Banks. During the 2013 reporting period, the Reserve
Banks completed 248 CRA examinations of state
member banks. Of those banks examined, 31 were
rated “Outstanding,” 212 were rated “Satisfactory,” 4
were rated “Needs to Improve,” and 1 was rated
“Substantial Non-Compliance.”
In November, the Board, OCC, and FDIC issued
final revisions to their Interagency Questions and
Answers Regarding Community Reinvestment.11 The
document provides additional guidance to financial
institutions and the public on the agencies’ CRA

For more information, see


The revisions focus primarily on community development. Community development activities are considered as part of the CRA performance tests for large
institutions, intermediate small institutions, and
wholesale and limited purpose institutions. Small
institutions may use community development activity
to receive consideration toward an outstanding CRA
rating. Among other things, the revisions
• clarify how the agencies consider community development activities that benefit a broader statewide
or regional area that includes an institution’s
assessment area;
• provide guidance related to CRA consideration of,
and documentation associated with, investments in
nationwide funds;
• clarify the consideration of certain community
development services, such as service on a community development organization’s board of directors;
• address the treatment of loans or investments to
organizations that, in turn, invest those funds and
use only a portion of the income from their investment to support a community development purpose; and
• clarify that community development lending performance is always a factor considered in a large
institution’s lending test rating.
Mergers and Acquisitions
During 2013, the Board considered and approved
seven banking merger applications that were protested on CRA or fair lending grounds or that raised
issues involving consumer compliance or the CRA.12
• An application by Trustmark Corporation, Jackson, Mississippi, to merge with BancTrust Financial Group, Inc. and acquire BancTrust’s subsidiary
bank, BankTrust (both in Mobile, Alabama) was
approved in January.
• An application by FirstMerit Corporation, Akron,
Ohio, to acquire Citizens Republic Bancorp, Inc.,
and thereby indirectly acquire Citizens Bank, both
of Flint, Michigan, was approved in March.
• An application by Live Oak Bancshares, Inc.,
Wilmington, North Carolina, to engage in certain
nonbanking activities through the acquisition of
Government Loan Solutions, Inc., Cleveland,
Ohio, was approved in August.

Another protested application was withdrawn by the applicant.
For more information on Orders on Banking Applications in
2013, go to


100th Annual Report | 2013

• An application by Investors Bancorp, MHC, and
Investors Bancorp, Inc., both of Short Hills, New
Jersey, to acquire Roma Financial Corporation,
MHC, Roma Financial Corporation, and Roma
Bank, all of Robbinsville, New Jersey, and RomAsia Bank, South Brunswick Township, New Jersey¸
was approved in December.
• An application by Ameris Bancorp, Moultrie,
Georgia, to acquire The Prosperity Banking Company, St. Augustine, Florida, was approved in
• An application by United Bankshares, Inc.,
Charleston, West Virginia, and its subsidiary,
George Mason Bankshares, Inc., Fairfax, Virginia
(collectively, “United”), to acquire Virginia Commerce Bancorp, Inc., Arlington, Virginia; and for
United’s subsidiary bank, United Bank, Fairfax,
Virginia, to (1) merge with Virginia Commerce
Bank, Arlington, Virginia, and (2) retain and operate branches at the locations of Virginia Commerce
Bank’s main office and branches was approved in
• An application by Investors Bancorp, MHC, and
Investors Bancorp, Inc., both of Short Hills, New
Jersey, to acquire Gateway Community Financial,
MHC, Gateway Community Financial Corporation, and GCF Bank, all of Sewell, New Jersey, was
approved in December.
Members of the public submitted comments on each
of the above applications. Public comments raised
various issues for staff to consider in their analyses of
the supervisory and lending records of the applicants. Several commenters alleged that various institutions failed to make credit available to certain
minority groups and to low- and moderate-income
(LMI) individuals. Other commenters raised concerns over the greater incidence of higher-cost loans
to minority and LMI borrowers at a higher cost than
to other borrowers. Commenters also alleged that
institutions failed to meet the needs of small businesses in LMI geographies. Several commenters
raised CRA-related concerns about inadequate plans
to meet communities’ credit needs.
In evaluating the merits of these comments, the
Board considered information provided by applicants
and analyzed relevant lending data in markets of
interest to the commenters. The Board also incorporated other information, including examination
reports with on-site evaluations of compliance with

fair lending and other consumer protection laws and
regulations and conferred with other regulators for
their supervisory views. The Board conducted analyses to understand the lending activities and practices
of the applicant and target institutions. On several
applications, the Board placed conditions on its
approval that were related to consumer compliance.
The Board also considered 98 applications, with a
range of topics from change in control notices,
branching requests, and mergers and acquisitions,
with outstanding issues involving compliance with
consumer protection statutes and regulations, including fair lending laws and the CRA. Eighty-six of
those applications were approved and 12 were withdrawn or suspended.
In April 2013, the Board issued guidance to the public on the process for state member banks in lessthan-satisfactory condition to establish a de novo
branch. The guidance aims to increase transparency
in the applications process related to branching
requirements. The policy indicates that institutions
with 3-ratings (or worse) generally should not pursue
expansionary proposals and should focus on remediating identified supervisory issues; however, the
policy describes certain circumstances under which a
state member bank may be permitted to branch on a
de novo basis.
Fair Lending Enforcement
The Federal Reserve supervises 850 state member
banks. Pursuant to provisions of the Dodd-Frank
Act, effective on July 21, 2011, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) supervises state member banks with assets of more than $10 billion for
compliance with the Equal Credit Opportunity Act
(ECOA), and the Board has supervisory authority
for compliance with the Fair Housing Act. For the
829 state member banks with assets of $10 billion or
less, the Board retains the authority to enforce both
the ECOA and the Fair Housing Act.
Fair lending reviews are conducted regularly within
the supervisory cycle. Additionally, examiners may
conduct fair lending reviews outside of the usual
supervisory cycle, if warranted by fair lending risk.
When examiners find evidence of potential discrimination, they work closely with DCCA’s Fair Lending
Enforcement Section, which provides additional legal
and statistical expertise and ensures that fair lending
laws are enforced consistently and rigorously
throughout the Federal Reserve System.

Consumer and Community Affairs

Pursuant to the ECOA, if the Board has reason to
believe that a creditor has engaged in a pattern or
practice of discrimination in violation of the ECOA,
the matter will be referred to the U.S. Department of
Justice (DOJ). The DOJ reviews the referral and
determines whether further investigation is warranted. A DOJ investigation may result in a public
civil enforcement action or settlement. Alternatively,
the DOJ may decide to return the matter to the
Board for administrative enforcement. When a matter is returned to the Board, staff ensures that the
institution takes all appropriate corrective action.
During 2013, the Board referred the following six
matters to the DOJ:
• One referral involved discrimination on the basis of
national origin in violation of the ECOA and the
FHA. For secondary market loans, the lender
charged Hispanic borrowers higher prices than
similarly situated non-Hispanic white borrowers.
Legitimate pricing factors failed to explain the
pricing disparities.
• One referral involved discrimination on the basis of
national origin, in violation of the ECOA. The
lender charged Hispanic borrowers higher interest
rates than non-Hispanic borrowers for unsecured
consumer loans. Legitimate pricing factors failed to
explain the pricing disparities.
• One referral involved discrimination against potential borrowers based on the racial and ethnic composition of their neighborhood in violation of the
ECOA and the FHA. Based on an analysis of the
bank’s delineated assessment area under the CRA,
the location of its branches, its lending practices,
and its marketing, the Board determined that the
bank avoided lending in the minority neighborhoods of a major metropolitan area.
• One referral involved discrimination on the basis of
receipt of public assistance in violation of the
ECOA and discrimination on the basis of handicap
status in violation of the FHA. Although the applicant provided the information necessary to verify
disability income pursuant to all relevant requirements, the lender requested additional information,
including a doctor’s letter stating that income
received from disability would last for at least three
• Two referrals involved discrimination on the basis
of marital status, in violation of the ECOA. The
banks improperly required spousal guarantees on


commercial and agricultural loans, in violation of
Regulation B.
If a fair lending violation does not constitute a pattern or practice, the Federal Reserve acts on its own
to ensure that the violation is remedied by the bank.
Most lenders readily agree to correct fair lending violations. In fact, lenders often take corrective action as
soon as they become aware of a problem. Thus, the
Federal Reserve generally uses informal supervisory
tools (such as memoranda of understanding between
banks’ boards of directors and the Reserve Banks, or
board resolutions) to ensure that violations are corrected. If necessary to protect consumers, however,
the Board can bring public enforcement actions.
Guidance on Minimum Standards for
Prioritization and Handling Borrower Files with
Imminent Scheduled Foreclosure Sale
In April, the Board issued guidance on sound business practices for residential mortgage servicing that
Federal Reserve-supervised financial institutions are
expected to address in their collections, loss mitigation, and foreclosure processing functions.13 The
guidance confirms the minimum standards for the
handling and prioritization of borrowers’ files that
are subject to an imminent (within 60 days) scheduled foreclosure sale. These minimum review criteria
are intended to ensure a level of consistency across
servicers, and are intended to be used to determine
whether a scheduled foreclosure sale should be postponed, suspended, or cancelled because of critical
defects in the borrower’s file. The purpose of the
guidance is to ensure that borrowers will not lose
their homes without their files first receiving a preforeclosure sale review that, at a minimum, meets the
standards listed in the Board’s guidance.
Statement on Deposit Advance Products
In April 2013, the Board issued a statement to
emphasize to state member banks the significant consumer risks associated with deposit advance products. State member banks are expected to consider
the risks associated with deposit advance products,
including potential consumer harm and the potential
for elevated compliance risk, when designing and
offering such products.14



For more information, see
For more information, see


100th Annual Report | 2013

The statement notes that in designing and offering
deposit advance products, state member banks must
comply with all applicable federal laws and regulations, including but not limited to requirements
under the Truth in Lending Act (TILA), the Electronic Fund Transfer Act (EFTA), the Truth in Savings Act, and ECOA. In addition to these laws, institutions must act in accordance with section 5 of the
Federal Trade Commission (FTC) Act, which prohibits UDAP, and section 1036 of the Dodd-Frank Act,
which prohibits unfair, deceptive, or abusive acts or
practices. Depository institutions must also comply
with state laws and regulations. The statement further
sets forth the Board’s expectation that Federal
Reserve examiners will thoroughly review any deposit
advance products offered by supervised institutions
for compliance with section 5 of the FTC Act, as well
as other applicable laws.

Financial Fraud Enforcement Task
Force and Other Outreach
As an active member of the Financial Fraud
Enforcement Task Force (FFETF), the Board coordinates with other agencies to facilitate consistent
and effective enforcement of the fair lending laws.15
The director of the Board’s DCCA co-chairs the
FFETF’s Non-Discrimination Working Group with
the assistant attorney general for DOJ’s Civil Rights
Division, the deputy general counsel of the U.S.
Department of Housing and Urban Development,
the assistant director of the CFPB’s Office of Fair
Lending and Equal Opportunity, and the Conference
of State Bank Supervisors. In 2013, the Board and
the Non-Discrimination Working Group sponsored a
free interagency webinar that had more than 4,000
registrants, most of which were community banks.
In addition, the Federal Reserve participates in
numerous meetings, conferences, and trainings sponsored by consumer advocates, industry representatives, and interagency groups. Fair Lending Enforcement staff meets regularly with consumer advocates,
supervised institutions, and industry representatives
to discuss fair lending matters and receive feedback.
Through this outreach, the Board is able to address

emerging fair lending issues and promote sound fair
lending compliance.

Coordination with Other Federal
Banking Agencies
The member agencies of the Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council (FFIEC) develop consistent examination principles, standards, procedures,
and report formats.16 In 2013, the FFIEC member
organizations issued examination procedures for consumer protection regulations, as discussed below.17
Interagency Examination Procedures
for Regulation X and Z
Procedures were revised to reflect a series of amendments to Regulations X (Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act) and Z (Truth in Lending Act) that were
issued in 2013 by the CFPB.18 The CFPB’s rulemakings implement provisions of the Dodd-Frank Act
that pertain to ability-to-repay and qualified mortgage (ATR/QM) standards, loan originator compensation and qualification, mortgage servicing, loans
subject to the Home Ownership and Equity Protection Act, and escrows. The new requirements generally became effective on January 10, 2014. The Regulation Z procedures were also revised to incorporate
interagency amendments regarding appraisals finalized in January 2013 and generally effective on January 18, 2014.
Interagency Examination Procedures
for Regulation E
Procedures were revised to incorporate the CFPB’s
addition of remittance transfer provisions in a new
Subpart B to Regulation E (Electronic Fund Transfer
Act), and to reflect elimination of the requirement




For more information about the FFETF, go to www.stopfraud

FFIEC member agencies include the Board of Governors, the
FDIC, the NCUA, the OCC, the State Liaison Committee
(SLC), and the CFPB.
In prior years, the Board included in this section the findings
and rate of compliance with the consumer protection rules for
which it had rulemaking authority as reported by the various
federal agencies with supervisory authority for those regulations.
This reporting responsibility transferred to the CFPB in
July 2011. For more information see
For more information, see
caletters/caltr1326.htm and

Consumer and Community Affairs

that a fee notice be posted on or at automated teller
Interagency Examination Procedures for
the Garnishment of Accounts Containing
Federal Benefit Payments Rule
Procedures were revised to reflect a final rule issued
by the Department of the Treasury, the Social Security Administration, the Department of Veteran
Affairs, the Railroad Retirement Board, and the
Office of Personnel Management to implement statutory restrictions on garnishment of certain exempt
federal benefit payments.20 The rule establishes procedures that a financial institution must follow when
it receives a garnishment order against an account
holder who receives certain Federal benefit payments
by direct deposit.
Interagency Guidance Regarding Social Media:
Consumer Compliance Risk Management
In December, the FFIEC member agencies jointly
issued guidance addressing the applicability of federal consumer protection and compliance laws, regulations, and policies to activities conducted via social
media by financial institutions.21 The use of social
media to attract and interact with customers can
impact a financial institution’s risk profile, including
risk of harm to consumers, compliance and legal
risks, operational risks, and reputation risks. The
guidance is intended to assist financial institutions in
understanding potential risks associated with the use
of social media, along with expectations for managing those risks. The guidance does not impose additional obligations on financial institutions, but
instead highlights existing legal requirements that
apply to social media forums.
Interagency Guidance on Privacy Laws and
Reporting Financial Abuse of Older Adults
In September, the FFIEC member agencies, Commodity Futures Trading Commission, Federal Trade
Commission, and Securities and Exchange Commission issued guidance to clarify the applicability of
privacy provisions of the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act
(GLBA) to reporting suspected financial exploitation
of older adults.22 The guidance clarifies for financial




For more information, see
For more information, see
For more information, see
For more information, see


institutions that reporting suspected elder financial
abuse to law enforcement, social service and other
appropriate agencies does not, in general, violate the
privacy provisions of the GLBA. The guidance does
not impose additional requirements on financial
institutions but, rather, informs individuals who may
observe signs of possible financial exploitation of an
older adult about GLBA exceptions that may permit
sharing of nonpublic personal information with
local, state, or federal agencies for the purpose of
reporting suspected financial abuse of older adults.
Interagency Guidance on the Relationship
between Ability to Repay (ATR)/Qualified
Mortgage (QM) and Other Requirements
The CFPB’s ATR/QM rule requires lenders to make
reasonable, good faith determinations that consumers have the ability to repay mortgage loans before
extending such loans. The rule provides lenders with
a presumption of compliance with the ability-torepay requirements for loans that meet the regulatory
definition of a “qualified mortgage.” At the same
time, the rule permits lenders to make loans that do
not qualify as QMs, referred to as “non-QM loans.”
The Board and other federal banking regulators
received inquiries regarding the relationship between
the ATR/QM rule and other regulatory requirements, including those that pertain to fair lending
and the Community Reinvestment Act. In particular,
institutions raised concerns regarding whether a decision to offer only qualified mortgages would
adversely impact their compliance with those other
requirements. In October 2013, the FFIEC member
agencies issued a statement clarifying that the agencies do not anticipate that a creditor’s decision to
offer only qualified mortgages would, absent other
factors, elevate a supervised institution’s fair lending
risk. In December 2013, the Board, FDIC, NCUA,
and OCC issued a statement clarifying that residential mortgage loans will not be subject to safety-andsoundness criticism based solely on their status as
QMs or non-QMs. The agencies that conduct CRA
evaluations (the Board, FDIC, and OCC) further
clarified that they do not anticipate that institutions’
decisions to originate only QMs, absent other factors,
would adversely affect their CRA evaluations.23


For more information, see


100th Annual Report | 2013

Coordination with the Consumer Financial
Protection Bureau
During 2013, staff continued to work through the
implementation of the Interagency Memorandum of
Understanding on Supervision Coordination with
the CFPB. The agreement is intended to establish
arrangements for coordination and cooperation
between the CFPB and the OCC, Federal Deposit
Insurance Corporation (FDIC), National Credit
Union Association (NCUA), and the Board of Governors. The agreement strives to minimize unnecessary regulatory burden, and avoid unnecessary duplication of effort and conflicting supervisory directives
amongst the prudential regulators. The regulators
work cooperatively to share exam schedules for covered institutions and covered activities to plan simultaneous exams, provide final drafts of examination
reports for comment, and share supervisory

Examiner Training
Ensuring that financial institutions comply with laws
that protect consumers and encourage community
reinvestment is an important part of the bank examination and supervision process. As the complexity of
both consumer financial transactions and the regulatory landscape has increased, training for consumer
compliance examiners has become more important
than ever before. The examiner staff development
function is responsible for the ongoing development
of the professional consumer compliance supervisory
staff, and ensuring that these staff members have the
skills necessary to meet their supervisory responsibilities now and in the future.
Consumer Compliance Examiner
Training Curriculum
The consumer compliance examiner training curriculum consists of five courses focused on consumer
protection laws, regulations, and examining concepts.
In 2013, these courses were offered in 13 sessions,
and training was delivered to a total of 242 System
consumer compliance examiners and staff members
and 8 state banking agency examiners.
When appropriate, courses are delivered via alternative methods, such as the Internet or other distancelearning technologies. For instance, several courses
use a combination of instructional methods, including both classroom instruction focused on case studies and specially developed computer-based instruction that includes interactive self-check exercises.

Board and Reserve Bank staff regularly review the
core curriculum for examiner training, updating subject matter and adding new elements as appropriate.
During 2013, staff began migrating fundamentals
content from a classroom-based training model to
more online delivery, dedicating classroom time for
examiners to apply their learning using case studies
and reviewing loan files.
Outreach and Training: Dodd-Frank Act
In 2013, the CFPB promulgated new rules pursuant
to the Dodd-Frank Act. Board and CFPB staff collaborated on examiner training and outreach to
bankers. Specifically, training was provided to examiners using the Federal Reserve’s Rapid Response
webinar platform on the following topics: the Home
Ownership and Equity Protection Act, qualified
mortgage/ability-to-repay, appraisals, escrow, and servicing rules under Regulation Z.
The Board collaborated with the CFPB to provide
outreach to bankers, using the Federal Reserve’s Outlook Live platform to broadcast a free webinar on
small creditor qualified mortgages (see box 1).
Ongoing Training Opportunities
In addition to providing core examiner training, the
examiner staff development function emphasizes the
importance of continuing life-long learning. Opportunities for continuing learning include special projects and assignments, self-study programs, rotational
assignments, the opportunity to instruct at System
schools, mentoring programs, and an annual consumer compliance examiner forum, where senior consumer compliance examiners receive information on
emerging compliance issues and are able to share best
practices from across the System.
In 2013, the System continued to offer Rapid
Response sessions. Debuted in 2008, Rapid Response
sessions offer examiners one-hour teleconference
webinars on emerging issues or urgent training needs
that result from the implementation of new laws,
regulations or supervisory guidance as well as case
studies. A total of 18 consumer compliance Rapid
Response sessions were designed, developed, and presented to System staff during 2013.

Responding to Consumer
Complaints and Inquiries
The Federal Reserve investigates complaints against
state member banks and selected nonbank subsidiaries of bank holding companies (Federal Reserve

Consumer and Community Affairs


Box 1. Promoting Outreach, Communication, and Education to Support
Financial Institutions and Advance Consumer Compliance
The Federal Reserve has worked to increase transparency and outreach in recent years in order to
provide the public and the financial industry with a
better understanding of its policies and decisions.
Examples of fulfillment of this commitment include
the Board’s press conferences to communicate
monetary policy decisions and various efforts to
increase outreach to the financial industry.1
The Division of Consumer and Community Affairs
(DCCA) contributes to increased transparency in the
consumer compliance arena by providing guidance
and clarification to bankers as they navigate an
expanded supervisory environment and an array of
new regulations. In recent years, new communication channels have been developed to increase outreach by and access to consumer compliance
experts to provide insight on supervisory issues and
policies. DCCA works with its banking supervision
colleagues throughout the Federal Reserve System
and at other agencies to support a variety of communication platforms, some of which leverage technology and foster two-way communication between
regulators and banks on consumer compliance topics and emerging issues. Topics range from complying with the prohibition on unfair or deceptive acts or
practices to understanding mortgage appraisal rules.
Consumer Compliance Outlook, a quarterly online
publication sponsored by the Federal Reserve Bank
of Philadelphia, features in-depth articles on emerging compliance issues and on important developments within the consumer compliance arena.2 For
example, recent articles have addressed topics such
as new garnishment rules and the role of internal
audit, and have also provided insights from (former)
Governor Elizabeth Duke in commemoration of the
newsletter’s five-year anniversary. The publication
reaches more than 15,000 subscribers. In addition,
the Federal Reserve has launched Community
Banking Connections, a website that serves as a
“one-stop shop” for information on issues that affect
community banks, as well as providing links to tools
and resources that can help them.3



For more information, see
For more information, see
For more information, see www.communitybankingconnections

regulated entities), and forwards complaints against
other creditors and businesses to the appropriate
enforcement agency. Each Reserve Bank investigates
complaints against state member banks and selected



To address consumer compliance issues with officials of state member banks and other supervised
institutions, the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco hosts a national webinar series called Outlook
Live, which complements the Consumer Compliance
Outlook publication.4 Outlook Live webinars frequently feature staff from each of the federal banking regulators, so that institutions have the opportunity to hear perspectives of the Federal Reserve as
well as the other agencies. For example, in 2013,
Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) staff
presented an Outlook Live session that discussed
provisions of the CFPB’s new qualified mortgage
rule applicable to small creditors. In another webinar, Board staff and representatives from six other
agencies discussed emerging fair lending issues
and hot topics from their agencies’ vantage point.
Each of these webinars regularly attracts thousands
of registrants.
Further, the Board fosters improved communication
and outreach with community bankers through its
Community Depository Institutions Advisory Council.5 The council’s membership is drawn from
smaller banks, credit unions, and savings associations, with representatives from each of the 12
Reserve Bank districts, providing the Board with a
direct line of communication from community bankers about supervisory and regulatory issues that
affect their institutions as well as about local economic trends. During recent meetings, council members have discussed with the Board potential
impacts of new mortgage rules on community banks’
product offerings and compliance functions.
These communication, outreach, and education
mechanisms help provide valuable transparency in
the implementation of consumer compliance supervision policies, advancing the goal of enabling strong
consumer protection programs at financial institutions and providing consumers with the protections
intended by such policies.



For more information, see
For more information, see

nonbank subsidiaries in its District. The Federal
Reserve also responds to consumer inquiries on a
broad range of banking topics, including consumer
protection questions.


100th Annual Report | 2013

In late 2007, the Federal Reserve established Federal
Reserve Consumer Help (FRCH) to centralize the
processing of consumer complaints and inquiries. In
2013, FRCH processed 41,220 cases—approximately
5 percent of cases were referred to the Federal
Reserve from other agencies. Of these cases, more
than half (27,720) were inquiries and the remainder
(13,500) were complaints, with most cases received
directly from consumers. Of the 13,500 complaints
received, 2,529 were complaints against Federal
Reserve regulated entities, and the remaining complaints were referred to the appropriate regulatory
agencies and government offices for investigation. To
minimize the time required to re-route complaints to
these agencies, referrals were transmitted
Consumers can contact FRCH by telephone, fax,
mail, e-mail, or online, but most FRCH consumer
contacts in 2013 occurred by telephone (58 percent).
Thirty-nine percent (15,875) of complaint and
inquiry submissions were made electronically (via
e-mail, online submissions, and fax), and the online
form page received approximately 66,147 visits during the year.
Consumer Complaints
Complaints received against Federal Reserve regulated entities totaled 2,529 in 2013. Approximately
35 percent (892) of these complaints were closed
without investigation pending the receipt of additional information from consumers. Nearly 9 percent
of the total complaints remained open and under
investigation at December 31, 2013. Of the remaining
complaints (1,412), 69 percent (968) involved unregulated practices, and 31 percent (444) involved regulated practices. (Table 1 shows the breakdown of
complaints about regulated practices by regulation or
act; table 2 shows complaints by product type.)
Complaints about Regulated Practices

The majority of regulated practices complaints concerned checking accounts (30 percent), real estate24
(19.4 percent), and credit cards (27.4 percent). The
most common checking account complaints related
to funds availability not as expected (31 percent);
insufficient funds or overdraft charges and procedures (19 percent); disputed withdrawal of funds

Real estate loans include adjustable-rate mortgages, residential
construction loans, open-end home equity lines of credit, home
improvement loans, home purchase loans, home refinance/
closed-end loans, and reverse mortgages.

Table 1. Complaints against state member banks and
selected nonbank subsidiaries of bank holding companies
about regulated practices, by regulation/act, 2013
Regulation AA (Unfair or Deceptive Acts or Practices)
Regulation B (Equal Credit Opportunity)
Regulation BB (Community Reinvestment)
Regulation C (Home Mortgage Disclosure)
Regulation CC (Expedited Funds Availability)
Regulation D (Reserve Requirements)
Regulation DD (Truth in Savings)
Regulation E (Electronic Funds Transfers)
Regulation H (National Flood Insurance Act / Insurance Sales)
Regulation P (Privacy of Consumer Financial Information)
Regulation V (Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions)
Regulation Z (Truth in Lending)
Check 21 Act
Fair Credit Reporting Act
Fair Debt Collection Practices Act
Fair Housing Act
HOPA (Homeowners Protection Act)
Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act
Protecting Tenants at Foreclosure Act
Servicemembers Civil Relief Act (SCRA)
Regulation AA (Unfair or Deceptive Acts or Practices)
Regulation B (Equal Credit Opportunity)
Regulation BB (Community Reinvestment)
Regulation C (Home Mortgage Disclosure)
Regulation CC (Expedited Funds Availability)
Regulation D (Reserve Requirements)
Regulation DD (Truth in Savings)
Regulation E (Electronic Funds Transfers)
Regulation G (Disclosure/Reporting of CRA-Related
Regulation H (National Flood Insurance Act/Insurance Sales)
Regulation M (Consumer Lending)
Regulation P (Privacy of Consumer Financial Information)
Regulation Q (Payment of Interest)
Regulation V (Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions)
Regulation Z (Truth in Lending)
Fair Credit Reporting Act
Fair Debt Collection Practices Act
Fair Housing Act
Home Ownership Counseling
HOPA (Homeowners Protection Act)
Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act
Right to Financial Privacy Act
Protecting Tenants at Foreclosure Act
Servicemembers Civil Relief Act


(9 percent); and disputed rates, terms, or fees (7 percent). The most common real estate complaints by
problem code related to debt collection/foreclosure
concerns (24 percent); flood insurance (14 percent);
disputed rates, terms, and fees (14 percent); and payment errors or delays (9 percent). The most common

Consumer and Community Affairs


Table 2. Complaints against state member banks and selected nonbank subsidiaries of bank holding companies about
regulated practices, by product type, 2013
All complaints

Complaints involving violations

Subject of complaint/product type
Discrimination alleged
Real estate loans
Credit cards
Other loans
Nondiscrimination complaints
Checking accounts
Real estate loans
Credit cards














credit card complaints related to inaccurate credit
reporting (37 percent), bank debt-collection tactics
(13 percent), and billing error resolutions (7 percent).

cent), credit cards (16 percent), checking account
activity (14 percent), and commercial loans/leases
(8 percent).

Nineteen regulated practices complaints alleging discrimination were received. Of these, six complaints
(1 percent of total regulated complaints) alleged discrimination based on prohibited borrower traits or
rights.25 Two discrimination complaints were related
to the race, color, national origin or ethnicity of the
applicant or borrower. One discrimination complaint
was related to either the age or handicap of the applicant or borrower. Of the complaints alleging discrimination based on a prohibited basis, there were
no violations.

Complaint Referrals

In 80 percent of investigated complaints against Federal Reserve regulated entities, evidence revealed that
institutions correctly handled the situation. Of the
remaining 20 percent of investigated complaints,
7 percent were deemed violations of law; 5 percent
were identified errors which were corrected by the
bank; and the remainder included matters involving
litigation or factual disputes, withdrawn complaints,
internally referred complaints, or information was
provided to the consumer.
Complaints about Unregulated Practices

The Board continued to monitor complaints about
banking practices not subject to existing regulations.
In 2013, the Board received 968 complaints against
Federal Reserve regulated entities that involved these
unregulated practices. The majority of the complaints were related to real estate concerns (39 per-

The Federal Reserve forwarded 22 complaints to the
Department of Housing and Urban Development
(HUD) that alleged violations of the Fair Housing
Act.26 The Federal Reserve’s investigation of these
complaints revealed one instance of illegal credit discrimination.27
Consumer Inquiries
The Federal Reserve received 27,720 consumer inquiries in 2013, covering a wide range of topics. Consumers were typically directed to other resources,
including other federal agencies or written materials,
to address their inquiries.

Consumer Research and
Emerging-Issues and Policy Analysis
Throughout 2013, DCCA analyzed emerging issues
in consumer financial services policies and practices
in order to understand their implications for the economic and supervisory policies that are core to the
Federal Reserve’s functions, as well as to gain insight
into consumer financial decisionmaking.


This includes alleged discrimination based on race, color, religion, national origin, sex, marital status, age, applicant income
derived from public assistance programs, or applicant reliance
on provisions of the Consumer Credit Protection Act.


A memorandum of understanding between HUD and the federal bank regulatory agencies requires that complaints alleging a
violation of the Fair Housing Act be forwarded to HUD.
The complaint referred to HUD was received in 2012, and the
violation determination and referral were completed in 2013.


100th Annual Report | 2013

Consumer Financial Services Research
In recent years, two notable forces have been converging in today’s financial services landscape: 1) the
increasing array of financial services—including
banking services, shopping tools, and payment
options—that has become available to consumers
using cell phones and other mobile devices, and
2) the aging of the population. Collectively, these
developments may ultimately have significant effects
on the ways in which consumers conduct their financial lives. In 2013, DCCA explored the issues associated with each of these topics and conducted consumer surveys to gain insights and improve understanding of the dynamics in each area.
With respect to the use of mobile financial services,
DCCA conducted its annual survey to revisit consumers’ use of, and opinions about, mobile financial
services. Since 2011, the survey has polled more than
2,200 individuals each year to learn whether and how
they use mobile devices for banking and payments,
and it was among the first to integrate questions
about using mobile devices for shopping and comparing products along with questions about using
mobile devices for banking and payments.
The findings of the surveys, conducted in the winter,
are released each spring in the report Consumers and
Mobile Financial Services. Results from the survey
conducted in November 2012 were published in
March 2013.28 For the third annual survey, conducted in December 2013, results will be published in
early 2014. Given the rapid pace of developments in
the mobile financial services market, DCCA plans to
continue conducting this annual survey of consumers’ use of mobile financial services and producing a
corresponding report summarizing the survey results.
Recognizing that in the aging U.S. population, about
one in five individuals will be over the age of 65 by
2060 (up from one in seven today), DCCA conducted
the Older Adults Survey to gather data around the
financial experience of 1,800 adults over the age of
40. The combination of a major demographic shift
with the aging of the baby boomers, who have longer
life expectancies, and an increasingly complex financial marketplace raise questions about the financial
stability of older adults in the years ahead. The sur28

See Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (2013),
Consumers and Mobile Financial Services 2013, (Washington:
Board of Governors, March),

vey found that many older adults carry debt late in
life, potentially undermining their financial security.
One-half of credit card users carry balances. Also,
one in eight carries student loan debt for themselves
or their children. Furthermore, owning a home outright by late middle-age is no longer the norm.
Though not necessarily a sign of financial stress, substantial numbers of older adults carry debt secured
by their homes, including six in ten of those in their
60s and nearly four in ten of those age 70 and older.
Mortgage debt is of particular significance because
homes are the largest component of net worth of
many older adult households, and this debt may signal a lack of resources to help fund retirement or
other expenses.
To explore these issues further, Policy Analysis staff
convened a one-day event in July, held in conjunction
with the release of a Board briefing paper, Insights
into the Financial Experiences of Older Adults.29 The
forum aimed to identify future research areas for the
field at large. Discussions focused on the financial
circumstances of subgroups of older adults, housing
needs and affordability, employment and retirement
transitions, and the role of cognition in financial
decisionmaking. Forum participants shared examples
of policies, products, and services that may be promising ways to meet the financial needs and choices of
aging consumers.

Emerging-Issues Analysis
The Policy Analysis function of DCCA provides key
insights, information, and analysis on emerging
financial services issues that affect the well-being of
consumers and communities. To this end, staff follow
and analyze trends, lead division-wide working
groups, and organize expert roundtables to identify
emerging risks and inform policy recommendations.
In 2013, the team was actively engaged in issues and
activities to promote household financial security
and sustainable recovery from the financial crisis.
Staff contributed analyses on a broad range of policy
issues from recovery trends in local housing markets,
to the implications of mobile banking, existing and
emerging credit products, and challenges facing certain segments of consumers.


For more information, the briefing paper, video clips, and other
materials from the forum, see

Consumer and Community Affairs

Investors in Single-Family Housing:
Changing the Profile of Communities
While many signs point to continued recovery in the
housing sector nationally, the impact of the housing
crisis and the extent of recovery vary greatly by market. Some communities are experiencing a surge in
demand for foreclosed properties by private investors,
including large institutional investors and hedge
funds. Because of their ability to transact purchases
quickly, buy large numbers of homes and then renovate them as rentals, investors have been able to help
absorb excess inventory and stabilize communities.
However, the prevalence of investor activity in some
areas raises concerns about crowding out owneroccupants and the ability of firms to manage and
maintain the properties they acquire. Meanwhile,
other communities contend with large numbers of
vacant and abandoned homes that have imposed significant costs on the surrounding neighborhoods—
including decreased property values and, in some
places, a rise in crime. They continue to struggle with
a lack of investors or prospective owner-occupants to
purchase excess vacant properties.
In late February, DCCA staff from both the Community Development and Policy Analysis teams,
together with staff from the Federal Reserve Banks
of Cleveland and Philadelphia, convened Renters,
Homeowners, and Investors: The Changing Profile of
Communities, a one-day event focused on current
patterns of housing investment in neighborhoods
and the various ways this activity is changing communities. More than 100 researchers, practitioners,
investors and state and local officials attended to discuss effective approaches for stabilizing neighborhoods post-crisis.30
Throughout the year DCCA staff, together with colleagues from the Federal Reserve Banks, continued to
closely monitor housing markets across the nation to
better understand the direct and indirect effects of
the crises on neighborhoods and their residents. Staff
also contributed to the stabilization of neighborhoods by conducting applied research, convening key
stakeholders, and highlighting community
approaches that are working.
Race and Wealth: Examining the Trends
Without wealth, it is difficult for families to maintain
their standard of living when there are setbacks—the

For more information, presentations, video clips, and summaries
of the discussions, see


unexpected house repair, lost job, or sudden illness of
a family breadwinner—much less to invest for the
future. During a financial crisis, the lack of sufficient
wealth to overcome financial shocks can delay considerably a family’s ability to recover. Minority families face particular challenges. Disparities in wealth
between white and minority families have persisted
for decades, in both strong and weak economies, and
the most recent crisis was no exception. National survey data, including the Board’s Survey of Consumer
Finances, show minority families experienced larger
declines in their net worth than white families, and in
turn, have fewer assets to draw upon to rebuild
In November 2013, the DCCA policy analysis staff
convened an external group of researchers and public
policy experts to discuss race and wealth trends and
to consider the implications of continued disparities
in wealth, particularly in the recent economic crisis.
Discussion focused on constraints on saving and
rebuilding wealth due to higher unemployment rates
and on fallout from the housing crisis—which erased
homeownership gains and reduced home equity to a
greater extent for black and Hispanic households.
Staff will continue to monitor these trends and the
effectiveness of alternative recovery strategies to
assist minority families hard hit by the recession.

Community Development
The Federal Reserve System’s Community Development function promotes economic growth and financial stability for low- and moderate-income (LMI)
communities and individuals through a range of
activities: convening stakeholders, conducting and
sharing research, and identifying emerging issues (see
box 2 for an example). As a decentralized function,
the Community Affairs Officers (CAOs) at each of
the 12 Reserve Banks design activities to respond to
the specific needs of the communities they serve, with
oversight from Board staff. The Board’s Community
Development staff promote and coordinate Systemwide priorities, including the following five System
Community Development strategic goals:
1. support programs and promote policies that
improve the financial stability of LMI households
2. strengthen LMI communities by advancing comprehensive neighborhood revitalization and stabilization strategies


100th Annual Report | 2013

Box 2. Resilience and Rebuilding for Low-Income Communities:
Research to Inform Policy and Practice
“Resilient communities require more than decent housing, important as that is; they require an array of amenities that support the social fabric of the community and build the capabilities of community residents. The
holistic approach has the power to transform neighborhoods and, as a result, the lives of their lower-income
—Federal Reserve Chairman Ben S. Bernanke, April 12, 2013
Every two years, the Federal Reserve System hosts
its signature community development research conference, convening a cross-discipline audience to
generate and explore the latest research in community economic policy and to share models of success. The event is a unique forum that gathers a
diverse group of community developers and practitioners, policymakers, philanthropists, researchers,
financial services providers, government officials,
and students.
In April, the System held its eighth conference, with
the theme of improving resiliency and rebuilding in
low-income households and neighborhoods.1 Led by
the Community Development Offices of the Board
and the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta, the event
attracted nearly 350 participants and was a catalyst
for new ideas, approaches, and strategies for the
community development industry and academic
field. During the two-day program, featured panel
discussions delved into the core issues critical to
advance effective and sustainable development:
• People: Why did young households lose so much
wealth during the housing crisis?
• Places: What are the linkages between the
national poverty rate and the number of people living in concentrated poverty?

• Housing: What is the impact of initiatives aimed
at addressing distressed housing markets in lowincome communities, such as housing vouchers
on rental prices, the effect of pre-purchase homeownership counseling on mortgage delinquency,
and the neighborhood social impacts of home
• Small business: What factors lead to small business resilience?
• Rural: What are the critical community and economic development issues in rural areas?
• Using data to test and tell: What data and
research approaches help overcome the challenge
of analyzing the complex development issues of
low-income communities?
• Collaborating for the future: How can the interrelated sectors of education, public health, financial stability, and employment collaborate more
Additional highlights of the event were thoughtprovoking keynotes addresses by Ben Bernanke,
Chairman of the Federal Reserve Board, and Sudhir
Venkatesh, a professor of Sociology Columbia University and nationally recognized expert in the economics of underserved communities.2

• Human capital and jobs: What insights can bring
better understanding of the dynamics of labor
market in low-income communities?

For more information, papers, and videos from the conference,

3. foster innovative strategies that assist LMI communities and individuals in launching, growing,
and sustaining small businesses
4. advance innovation and efficiency in community
development programs, funding, and infrastructure to promote scale, sustainability, and impact
5. strategically communicate key findings of the
Community Development function and share



For transcripts of the keynote addresses, see www

emerging community development issues and
trends that have national implications

Labor Markets and Human Capital
In 2013, DCCA community development staff, in
conjunction with staff from a number of Reserve
Banks, convened internal and external experts to
explore changing aspects of the U.S. labor market

Consumer and Community Affairs

and the impact on workers. This initiative demonstrated that the increased use of “contingent” workers31 was ripe for research, as the impact of this shift
on workers is not clear-cut. In particular, DCCA
staff sought to determine the experience and expectations of young workers entering the workforce in this
new environment of workers increasingly acting as
their own agents of employment, rather than primarily as employees of a particular firm. As a result, the
Board surveyed more than 2,000 individuals between
18 and 30 about their education and training, experience as a paid employee, and self-employment activities. In 2014, the Board will use the data collected to
develop a report for policymakers, researchers, and
practitioners to further their work.
This body of work is a continuation of work, begun
in fall 2011, that arose from concerns of the attenuating effects of long-term unemployment on the
broader economic recovery and the particular issues
facing low-income communities. A collection of
regional perspectives on this issue was gathered during a series of forums held throughout the country
with primarily intermediary organizations involved in
the delivery of workforce development services and
local employers. Insights into the complex factors
creating long-term unemployment conditions, particularly in low-income communities, and promising
workforce development strategies were published in
December 2012, in “A Perspective from Main Street:
Long-Term Unemployment and Workforce Development,” which provides a summary of the key topics
that emerged from the forums and examples of how
those issues were reflected in different parts of the
country and for different populations.32


The Reserve Banks administer web-based polls and
surveys of key stakeholders within their districts. The
Board surveys affiliates and grantees of NeighborWorks® America, providing a menu of national
benchmark findings for Reserve Bank comparisons.
All information collected through the CDI is
Community stakeholders often play a central role in
the community and economic development of lowincome locales. These stakeholders include such organizations as community development financial institutions, credit unions, community banks, non-profit
service providers and faith-based organizations, public sector agencies, small business owners, and community colleges. Recognizing that information from
such organizations can help explain local changes
and can complement the results of other surveys,
Federal Reserve System staff has engaged in several
modes of systematically collecting such information
at the community level. While the initiative is too new
to yield definitive results, the Federal Reserve is
exploring the most effective and efficient means to
gather and interpret information from these community stakeholders.
This work parallels exploratory work happening outside the United States. Board staff presented an overview of the CDI project at the World Statistics Congress in 2013, prompting conversations with other
central banks and external researchers about their
own interests in better understanding emerging issues
in their own communities.

Community Data Initiative

Consumer Laws and Regulations

The Community Data Initiative (CDI) is a pilot
effort to better understand current and emerging
community economic conditions around the country,
with a special focus on capturing issues impacting
low-to-moderate income communities, using targeted
polling. The Board and each of the 12 Reserve Banks
participate in this collaborative research project to
provide systematic and relevant community conditions and trend information on a consistent basis.

Throughout 2013, DCCA continued to administer
the Board’s regulatory responsibilities with respect to
certain entities and specific statutory provisions of
the consumer financial services and fair lending laws.
DCCA also drafts regulations and issues regulatory
interpretations and compliance guidance for the
industry, the Reserve Banks, and other federal



See Department of Labor, “Contingent Workers,” www.dol
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (2012), A
Perspective from Main Street: Long-Term Unemployment and
Workforce Development (Board of Governors: Washington,
D.C., December),

Appraisal Requirements for
“Higher-Risk Mortgage Loans”
In January 2013, the Board and five federal financial
regulatory agencies issued a final rule to establish
appraisal requirements for “higher-risk mortgage


100th Annual Report | 2013

loans.”33 The rule implements amendments to the
TILA made by the Dodd-Frank Act.34 Mortgage
loans are covered by the rule if they are higher-priced
secured by a consumer’s home and have interest rates
above certain thresholds.
For higher-priced mortgage loans, the rule requires
creditors to use a licensed or certified appraiser who
prepares a written appraisal report based on a physical visit of the interior of the property. The rule also
requires creditors to disclose to applicants information about the purpose of the appraisal and provide
consumers with a free copy of any appraisal report.

home loans will not become effective for 18 months.
Starting on July 18, 2015, loans secured by an existing manufactured home and land will be subject to
the Dodd-Frank Act’s appraisal requirements. Loans
secured by a new manufactured home and land will
be exempt from the requirement that the appraiser
visit the home’s interior. For loans secured by manufactured homes without land, creditors will be
allowed to use other valuation methods without an
appraisal, such as using third-party valuation services
or “book values.”

Proposed Flood Insurance Rule

If the seller acquired the property for a lower price
during the prior six months and the price difference
exceeds certain thresholds, creditors will have to
obtain a second appraisal at no cost to the consumer.
This requirement for higher-priced home-purchase
loans is intended to address fraudulent property flipping by seeking to ensure that the value of the property legitimately increased.

In October, the Board and four other federal agencies
issued a joint notice of proposed rulemaking to
amend regulations pertaining to loans secured by
property located in special flood hazard areas.36 The
proposed rule would implement certain provisions of
the Biggert-Waters Act with respect to private flood
insurance, the escrow of flood insurance payments,
and the forced-placement of flood insurance.

In response to public comments, the agencies published a supplemental proposal to request comment
on possible exemptions for “streamlined” refinance
programs and small-dollar loans, and to solicit views
on the rule’s applicability to loans secured by manufactured homes. A final rule was issued in December
to exempt a subset of higher-priced mortgage loans
from these appraisal requirements, with the intention
of saving borrowers time and money while still ensuring that the loans are financially sound.35 Under the
supplemental rule, loans of $25,000 or less and certain “streamlined” refinancings are exempt from the
Dodd-Frank Act’s appraisal requirements for higherrisk loans, which took effect January 18, 2014.

The proposed rule would require that regulated lending institutions accept private flood insurance as
defined in the Biggert-Waters Act to satisfy the mandatory purchase requirements. It also solicits comment on whether the agencies should adopt additional regulations on the acceptance of flood insurance policies issued by private insurers. In addition,
the proposal would require regulated lending institutions to escrow payments and fees for flood insurance
for any new or outstanding loans secured by residential improved real estate or a mobile home—not
including business, agricultural, and commercial
loans—unless the institutions qualify for the statutory exception. Finally, the proposal would clarify
that regulated lending institutions have the authority
to charge a borrower for the cost of force-placed
flood insurance coverage beginning on the date on
which the borrower’s coverage lapsed or became
insufficient and would stipulate the circumstances
under which a lender must terminate force-placed
flood insurance coverage and refund payments to a

The rule also contains special provisions for manufactured homes, which can present unique issues in
determining the appropriate valuation method. To
ensure that access to affordable housing options is
not hindered while creditors make the necessary
adjustments, the requirements for manufactured



The five agencies issuing the rule are the CFPB, the FDIC, the
Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA), NCUA, and OCC.
See Board of Governors, CFPB, FDIC, FHFA, NCUA, and
OCC (2013), “Agencies Issue Final Rule on Appraisals for
Higher-Priced Mortgage Loans,” joint press release, January 18,
See Board of Governors, CFPB, FDIC, FHFA, NCUA, and
OCC (2013), “Agencies Issue Final Rule to Exempt Subset of
Higher-Priced Mortgage Loans from Appraisal Requirements,”
joint press release, December 12,

The public comment period for the rule closed on
December 10, 2013, other than for comments related
to the Paperwork Reduction Act analysis, which were
due by December 30, 2013.

See Board of Governors, CFPB, FDIC, FHA, NCUA, and
OCC (2013), “Agencies Request Comment on Proposed Flood
Insurance Rule,” joint release, October 11, www.federalreserve



Federal Reserve Banks

The Federal Reserve Banks provide payment services
to depository and certain other institutions, distribute
the nation’s currency and coin to depository institutions, and serve as fiscal agents and depositories for
the U.S. government and other entities. The Reserve
Banks also contribute to setting national monetary
policy and supervision of banks and other financial
entities operating in the United States (discussed in
sections 2 through 4 of this annual report).

Federal Reserve Priced Services
Federal Reserve Banks provide a range of payment
and related services to depository and certain other
institutions; these “priced services” include collecting
checks, operating an automated clearinghouse
(ACH) service, transferring funds and securities, and
providing a multilateral settlement service.
The Federal Reserve Banks, working with the financial services industry, have made substantial progress
in their effort to migrate to a more efficient electronic
payment system by expanding the use of ACH payments and by converting from a paper-based checkclearing process to an electronic one. Over the past
several years, the Reserve Banks have capitalized on
efficiencies gained from increased electronic processing; the Reserve Banks bundle all-electronic payment
services and offer information and risk-management
services, which help depository institutions manage
effectively both their payment operations and associated operational and credit risk.
The Reserve Banks have also been engaged in a number of multiyear technology initiatives that will modernize their priced-services processing platforms. In
2013, the Banks continued efforts to migrate the
FedACH, Fedwire Funds, and Fedwire Securities services off a mainframe system and to a distributed
computing environment.
In December 2013, the Federal Register published a
notice of proposed changes to the Federal Reserve

Policy on Payment System Risk (PSR) and conforming amendments to Regulation J (Collection of
Checks and Other Items by Federal Reserve Banks
and Funds Transfers through Fedwire).1 The proposed changes relate to the Board’s procedures for
posting debit and credit entries to institutions’ Federal Reserve accounts for ACH debit and commercial
check transactions.
Under the current posting rules for commercial and
government ACH transactions established in 1994,
ACH debit transactions post at 11:00 a.m. eastern
time (ET), and ACH credit transactions post at 8:30
a.m. ET.2 The Board elected to delay the posting of
ACH debit transactions to allow receiving institutions time to obtain funds after the opening of the
Reserve Banks’ Fedwire Funds Service, which at that
time opened at 8:30 a.m. Since then, the Fedwire
Funds Service opening has been moved earlier, and
the service now opens at 9:00 p.m. the previous evening. Therefore, the Board deemed that continuing
the practice of delaying the settlement of ACH debit
transactions until 11:00 a.m. was no longer necessary
and may retard efforts by institutions to expedite
funds settlements.3
In addition, the Board’s current posting rules for
commercial check transactions reflect a presumption
that banks generally handle checks in paper form and
do not reflect banks’ widespread use of electronic
check-processing methods. As a consequence, the
Board’s posting rules align with the processing of less
than one-tenth of 1 percent of checks that the
Reserve Banks handle.4 The Board believes that



The comment period for the changes to the PSR policy and
Regulation J ended on February 10, 2014.
All times are eastern time unless otherwise specified.
The Board initially requested comment in 2008 on moving the
posting time of ACH debit transactions from 11:00 a.m. to 8:30
a.m. to coincide with the posting of ACH credit transactions
but decided not to pursue the change because of economic conditions at the time and the additional costs and liquidity pressures that could be placed on some institutions.
Under the current posting rules, commercial check credits post
according to one of two options: (1) all credits post at a single,


100th Annual Report | 2013

Call to Improve the Speed and Efficiency of the Payment System
The Federal Reserve Banks released a public consultation paper in 2013 that requested comments on
gaps and opportunities in the payment system and
potential desired outcomes, strategies, and tactics to
shape the future of U.S. payments from end to end.1
The paper also sought input on the Federal
Reserve’s role in implementing the strategies and
Themes explored in the consultation paper included
the need for a near-real-time payment system, the
need for contemporary features and process
improvements in legacy payment systems, the cost
and convenience of international payments, and the
mitigation of threats to payment system security.
Responses were due in December 2013, and the
Reserve Banks received feedback from a range of
interested parties, including individual financial institutions, businesses, payment networks and processors, software vendors, payment innovators, consultants, and consumers, as well as from trade


See Payment System Improvement—Public Consultation Paper,
Federal Reserve Financial Services (http://
For an overview of the initiative, see In Pursuit of a Better Payment System (

settlement practices should reflect the speed of clearing as well as the timing of deposits and presentments, and that its posting rules should be updated to
align with today’s electronic check-processing environment. In order to reflect today’s electronic checkprocessing environment, the Board proposed to post
commercial check transactions—both credits and
debits—at 8:30 a.m., 1:00 p.m., and 5:30 p.m., with
the specific posting time depending on when the
check was deposited with the Reserve Banks (for
credits) or presented by the Reserve Banks (for

groups.2 The Reserve Banks are analyzing the
responses and seeking clarifications as needed.
In concert with this analysis of responses, the
Reserve Banks have engaged in a number of additional information-gathering efforts that are designed
to inform the Reserve Banks’ future plans. These
efforts include
• researching end-user demand for specific payment attributes, including payment speed,
• conducting an assessment of alternatives for
speeding U.S. retail payments, and
• identifying gaps and opportunities related to payment system security.3
The consultation paper responses and these additional information-gathering efforts will serve as
important inputs to the Reserve Banks’ collective
thinking in regard to future improvement initiatives,
which will be communicated in a paper expected to
be published in 2014.


costs actually incurred as well as the imputed costs
that would have been incurred—including financing
costs, taxes, and certain other expenses—and the
return on equity (profit) that would have been earned
if a private business firm had provided the services.5
The imputed costs and imputed profit are collectively
referred to as the private-sector adjustment factor
(PSAF). Over the past 10 years, Reserve Banks have
recovered 102.0 percent of their priced services costs,
including the PSAF (see table 1).6

Recovery of Direct and Indirect Costs
The Monetary Control Act of 1980 requires that the
Federal Reserve establish fees for priced services so as
to recover, over the long run, all direct and indirect
float-weighted posting time, or (2) fractional credits post
between 11:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m., depending on the institution’s
preference. Both crediting options are based on surveys of check
presentment times and vary across time zones. Commercial
check debits are posted on the next clock hour at least one hour
after presentment beginning at 11:00 a.m. for paper checks and
1:00 p.m. local time for electronic checks, and ending at 3:00
p.m. local time.



See Consultation Paper Response Summary, Federal Reserve
Financial Services (
See End-User Payment Research Summary, Federal Reserve
Financial Services (


Financial data reported throughout this section—including revenue, other income, costs, income before taxes, and net
income—will reference the “Pro Forma Financial Statements for
Federal Reserve Priced Services” at the end of this section.
Effective December 31, 2006, the Reserve Banks implemented
the Financial Accounting Standards Board’s Statement of
Financial Accounting Standards (SFAS) No. 158, Employers’
Accounting for Defined Benefit Pension and Other Postretirement
Plans [Accounting Standards Codification (ASC) Topic 715
(ASC 715), Compensation–Retirement Benefits], which has
resulted in the recognition of a $466.2 million reduction in
equity related to the priced services’ benefit plans through 2013.
Including this reduction in equity, which represents a decline in
economic value, results in cost recovery of 95.9 percent for the
10-year period. For details on how implementing ASC 715
affected the pro forma financial statements, refer to note 4 to the
pro forma financial statements at the end of this section.

Federal Reserve Banks


Table 1. Priced services cost recovery, 2004–13
Millions of dollars, except as noted

Revenue from services1

Operating expenses and
imputed costs2

Targeted return on equity3

Total costs

Cost recovery (percent)4,5






Note: Here and elsewhere in this section, components may not sum to totals or yield percentages shown because of rounding.
For the 10-year period, includes revenue from services of $6,924.4 million and other income and expense (net) of $519.5 million.
For the 10-year period, includes operating expenses of $6,480.9 million, imputed costs of $34.8 million, and imputed income taxes of $286.5 million.
From 2009 to 2012, the PSAF was adjusted to reflect the actual clearing balance levels maintained; previously, the PSAF had been calculated based on a projection of
clearing balance levels.
Revenue from services divided by total costs.
Revenue from services divided by total costs. For the 10-year period, cost recovery is 95.9 percent, including the effect of accumulated other comprehensive income (AOCI)
reported by the priced services under ASC 715. For details on changes to the estimation of priced services accumulated other comprehensive income and their effect on the
pro forma financial statements, refer to note 4 to the “Pro Forma Financial Statements for Federal Reserve Priced Services” at the end of this section.

In 2013, Reserve Banks recovered 106.7 percent of
total priced services costs, including the PSAF.7 The
Banks’ operating costs and imputed expenses totaled
$409.3 million. Revenue from operations totaled
$441.3 million and other income was $0.1 million,
resulting in net income from priced services of
$32.0 million.

Commercial Check-Collection Service
In 2013, Reserve Banks recovered 115.4 percent of
the total costs of their commercial check-collection
service, including the related PSAF. The Banks’ operating expenses and imputed costs totaled $170.7 million. Revenue from operations totaled $198.8 million
and other income totaled $0.1 million, resulting in
net income of $28.2 million. In 2013, check-service
revenue from operations decreased $21.2 million
from 2012.8 Reserve Banks handled 6.0 billion checks
in 2013, a decrease of 9.6 percent from 2012 (see


Total cost is the sum of operating expenses, imputed costs
(income taxes, interest on debt, interest on float, and sales
taxes), and the targeted return on equity.
Section 17 of the Check Clearing for the 21st Century Act
requires the Federal Reserve Board’s Annual Report to include
costs of and revenue from inter-District commercial check transportation. In 2008, the Reserve Banks discontinued the transportation of commercial checks between their check-processing
offices. As a result, in 2013, there were no costs or imputed revenues associated with the transportation of commercial checks
between Reserve Bank check-processing offices.

table 2). The decline in Reserve Bank check volume
continues to be influenced by nationwide trends away
from the use of checks.
By year-end 2013, 99.9 percent of check deposits
processed by the Reserve Banks and 99.9 percent of
checks presented by the Reserve Banks to paying
banks were processed electronically. In addition,
98.7 percent of unpaid checks were returned electronically to a Reserve Bank and 96.8 percent were
delivered electronically by the Reserve Bank to the
bank of first deposit.

Commercial Automated
Clearinghouse Service
The Automated Clearinghouse Service enables
depository institutions and their customers to process large volumes of payments effectively through
electronic, batch processes. In 2013, the Reserve
Banks recovered 101.2 percent of the total costs of
their commercial ACH services, including the related
PSAF. Reserve Bank operating expenses and imputed
costs totaled $116.3 million.
Revenue from ACH operations totaled $118.8 million, resulting in net income of $2.6 million. The
Reserve Banks processed 11.1 billion commercial
ACH transactions, an increase of 4.5 percent from


100th Annual Report | 2013

Table 2. Activity in Federal Reserve priced services, 2011–13
Thousands of items
Percent change

Commercial check
Commercial ACH
Fedwire funds transfer
National settlement
Fedwire securities







2012 to 2013

2011 to 2012



Note: Activity in commercial check is the total number of commercial checks collected, including processed and fine-sort items; in commercial ACH, the total number of
commercial items processed; in Fedwire funds transfer and securities transfer, the number of transactions originated online and offline; and in national settlement, the number
of settlement entries processed.

Fedwire Funds and National
Settlement Services
In 2013, Reserve Banks recovered 98.6 percent of the
costs of their Fedwire Funds and National Settlement Services, including the related PSAF. Reserve
Bank operating expenses and imputed costs for these
operations totaled $97.1 million in 2013. Revenue
from these services totaled $96.7 million, resulting in
a net loss of $0.3 million.
Fedwire Funds Service
The Fedwire Funds Service allows its participants to
use their balances at Reserve Banks to transfer funds
to other participants in the service. In 2013, the number of Fedwire funds transfers originated by depository institutions increased 2.2 percent from 2012, to
approximately 137.2 million. The average daily value
of Fedwire funds transfers in 2013 was $2.8 trillion,
an increase of 19 percent from the previous year.
National Settlement Service
The National Settlement Service is a multilateral
settlement system that allows participants in privatesector clearing arrangements to settle transactions
using Federal Reserve balances. In 2013, the service
processed settlement files for 17 local and national
private-sector arrangements, one more than in 2012.
The Reserve Banks processed slightly fewer than
10,200 files that contained around 725,000 settlement
entries for these arrangements in 2013. Activity in
2013 represents an increase from the 663,000 settlement entries processed in 2012.

PSAF. The Banks’ operating expenses and imputed
costs for providing this service totaled $25.3 million
in 2013. Revenue from the service totaled $26.8 million and there was no other income, resulting in a net
income of $1.5 million.
The Fedwire Securities Service allows its participants
to transfer electronically to other service participants
certain securities issued by the U.S. Treasury, federal
government agencies, government-sponsored enterprises, and certain international organizations.9 In
2013, the number of non-Treasury securities transfers
processed via the service increased 1.3 percent from
2012, to approximately 6.5 million.

In 2013, the Reserve Banks had daily average credit
float of $630.2 million, compared with daily average
credit float of $767.1 million in 2012.10

Currency and Coin
The Federal Reserve Board is the issuing authority
for the nation’s currency (in the form of Federal
Reserve notes). In 2013, the Board paid the U.S.
Treasury Department’s Bureau of Engraving and
Printing (BEP) approximately $664.0 million for

Fedwire Securities Service

In 2013, the Reserve Banks recovered 105.0 percent
of the total costs of the priced-service component of
their Fedwire Securities Service, including the related

The expenses, revenues, volumes, and fees reported here are for
transfers of securities issued by federal government agencies,
government-sponsored enterprises, and certain international
organizations. Reserve Banks provide Treasury securities services in their role as the U.S. Treasury’s fiscal agent. These services are not considered priced services. For details, see “Treasury Securities Services” later in this section.
Credit float occurs when the Reserve Banks present checks and
other items to the paying bank prior to providing credit to the
depositing bank (debit float occurs when the Reserve Banks
credit the depositing bank before presenting checks and other
items to the paying bank).

Federal Reserve Banks

costs associated with the production of 6.4 billion
Federal Reserve notes. The Federal Reserve Banks
distribute and receive currency and coin through
depository institutions in response to public demand.
Together, the Federal Reserve Board and Reserve
Banks work to maintain the integrity of and confidence in Federal Reserve notes.
In 2013, the Reserve Banks distributed 37.4 billion
Federal Reserve notes into circulation, the same as in
2012, and received 35.8 billion Federal Reserve notes
from circulation, a 0.6 percent increase from 2012.
The value of Federal Reserve notes in circulation
increased nearly 6.4 percent in 2013, to $1,197.9 billion at year-end, largely because of international
demand for $100 notes. In 2013, the Reserve Banks
also distributed 68.3 billion coins into circulation, a
1.2 percent decrease from 2012, and received 56.8 billion coins from circulation, a 3.2 percent decrease
from 2012.

Redesigned $100 Note
The Federal Reserve began supplying financial institutions with a redesigned $100 note on October 8,
2013. The redesigned $100 note incorporates new
security features to deter counterfeiters and help
businesses and consumers tell whether a note is genuine. The Federal Reserve, U.S. Department of the
Treasury, the BEP, and the U.S. Secret Service partner to redesign Federal Reserve notes to stay ahead
of counterfeiting threats. The redesigned $100 note
includes two new security features: a blue 3-D security ribbon with images of bells and 100s, and a
color-changing bell in an inkwell. The new features,
and additional features retained from the previous
design, such as a watermark, offer the public a simple
way to visually authenticate the new $100 note.

Improvements to Efficiency and
Risk Management
Advances in currency-processing equipment and sensor technology have increased productivity and
improved note authentication and fitness measurement, thereby reducing the premature destruction of
fit currency while maintaining the quality and integrity of currency in circulation. In 2013, Reserve
Banks began implementing a new authentication sensor and fitness sensor, which will be fully deployed in
2014. The Reserve Banks also began working with
equipment manufacturers to explore the next generation of equipment to process the high volume of


notes received annually for authentication and fitness
Since 2009, policy changes and improvements to the
Reserve Banks’ high-speed, currency-processing
equipment have increased productivity almost 20 percent and Reserve Banks have reduced staffing levels
in cash services by approximately 8 percent. The
Reserve Banks, in consultation with Board staff, are
investigating additional opportunities to improve
processing technology to further increase productivity and enhance risk management. In 2013, Reserve
Banks began several field tests to evaluate the feasibility and effectiveness of new processes.

Other Improvements and Efforts
Reserve Banks continue to develop a new cashautomation platform that will replace legacy software
applications, automate business concepts and processes, and employ technologies to meet the cash
business’s current and future needs more cost effectively. The new platform will also facilitate business
continuity and contingency planning and enhance
the support provided to Reserve Bank customers. In
2013, the Reserve Banks successfully implemented
another major component of the new automation
platform that will allow communication between
various interfaces. The final automation platform is
scheduled to be deployed to all cash offices in 2017.
During 2013, the Board, its quality consultants, and
the BEP continued implementing components of a
new quality system for the BEP. Specifically, the consultants turned over to BEP staff several key components of the new quality system, and completed work
on a process-change procedure that allows staff to
identify, submit, and evaluate opportunities for
improvement in all areas of production. One suggestion has already resulted—in less than a year—in savings of about $2 million in ink costs. This program
will continue to enable the BEP to more efficiently
and effectively meet the Federal Reserve Board’s
print-order requirements and the future production
of bank notes that are more technologically complex

Fiscal Agency and Government
Depository Services
As fiscal agents and depositories for the federal government, the Federal Reserve Banks auction Treasury
securities, process electronic and check payments for
Treasury, collect funds owed to the federal govern-


100th Annual Report | 2013

ment, maintain Treasury’s bank account, and
develop, operate, and maintain a number of automated systems to support Treasury’s mission. The
Reserve Banks also provide certain fiscal agency and
depository services to other entities; these services are
primarily related to book-entry securities. Treasury
and other entities fully reimbursed the Reserve Banks
for the costs of providing fiscal agency and depository services.
In 2013, fiscal agency expenses amounted to
$530 million, a 4.7 percent increase from 2012 (see
table 3). These costs increased as a result of requests
from Treasury’s Bureau of the Fiscal Service (Fiscal
Service). Support for Treasury programs accounted
for 93.6 percent of the cost, and support for other
entities accounted for 6.4 percent.

Treasury Securities Services
The Reserve Banks work closely with Treasury’s Fiscal Service in support of the borrowing needs of the
federal government. The Banks auction, issue, maintain, and redeem securities; provide customer service;
and operate the automated systems supporting U.S.
savings bonds and marketable Treasury securities
(bills, notes, and bonds). Treasury securities services
consist of retail securities programs (which primarily
serve individual investors) and wholesale securities
programs (which serve institutional customers).

Retail Securities Programs
Reserve Bank operating expenses for the retail securities programs were $55.3 million in 2013, an 8 percent decrease from $60.2 million in 2012. This cost
decrease is largely explained by increased operational
efficiencies that resulted in lower staffing levels, as
well as by continued savings from a 2012 Reserve
Bank initiative that uses image processing to handle
savings bond redemptions. In 2013, the Reserve
Banks further enhanced their customer service and
support environment by centralizing core functions
of Treasury’s Retail E-Services initiative. Reserve
Banks also continued their work on decommissioning
the Legacy Treasury Direct (LTD) system—established in 1986 as an application for investors to hold
Treasury marketable securities (bills, notes, bonds,
and Treasury Inflation-Protected Securities, or
TIPS)—in order to eliminate aging technology

Wholesale Securities Programs
The Reserve Banks support wholesale securities programs through the sale, issuance, safekeeping, and
transfer of marketable Treasury securities for institutional investors. In 2013, Reserve Bank operating
expenses in support of Treasury securities auctions
were $26.7 million, compared with $30.6 million in
2012. The cost decrease is attributable to lower oper-

Table 3. Expenses of the Federal Reserve Banks for fiscal agency and depository services, 2011–13
Thousands of dollars
Agency and service
Department of the Treasury
Treasury securities services
Treasury retail securities
Treasury securities safekeeping and transfer
Treasury auction
Computer infrastructure development and support
Other services
Payment, collection, and cash-management services
Payment services
Collection services
Cash-management services
Computer infrastructure development and support
Other services
Other Treasury
Total, Treasury
Other federal agencies
Total, other agencies
Total reimbursable expenses
















Federal Reserve Banks

ating costs after program assets were fully amortized.
The Banks conducted 267 Treasury securities auctions, compared with 264 in 2012. Reserve Banks also
completed work on the Floating Rate Note (FRN), a
new type of marketable Treasury security with a
floating rate interest payment. Treasury held its inaugural FRN auction in January 2014—the first new
Treasury security issued since the introduction of
TIPS almost two decades ago.
Operating expenses associated with Treasury securities safekeeping and transfer activities were $14.4 million in 2013, compared with $14.1 million in 2012.

Payment Services
The Reserve Banks work closely with Treasury’s Fiscal Service and other government agencies to process
payments to individuals and companies. For example,
the Banks process federal payroll payments, Social
Security and veterans’ benefits, income tax refunds,
vendor payments, and other types of payments.
Reserve Bank operating expenses for paymentsrelated activity totaled $151.7 million in 2012, compared with $141.5 million in 2012. The increase in
expenses is largely due to costs associated with the
new Post Payment System (PPS) initiative, expanded
Treasury requirements for the Do Not Pay (DNP)
and Invoice Processing Platform (IPP) programs,
which were partly offset by lower costs for the Go
Direct initiative. Reserve Banks began a multiyear
effort to modernize several of Treasury’s postpayment processing systems into a single application
under the PPS initiative. The resulting application
will provide a centralized and standardized set of
payment data, greatly enhancing operations while
reducing costs and providing better data analytics
capabilities. In 2013, program expenses for PPS were
$3.8 million.
In support of Treasury’s DNP initiative, the Reserve
Banks continued to enhance the DNP Portal, which
is a single point of access through which federal
agencies can query multiple data sources before making federal payments. The Reserve Banks implemented a number of software releases, established
advanced data analytics functionality for fraud analysis, and added a number of new agency participants.
In 2013, expenses for DNP increased to $13.9 million, from $8.0 million in 2012, largely because of the
need for additional staffing to support application
development, maintenance, and new data source


The IPP is part of Treasury’s all-electronic initiative—an electronic invoicing and payment information system that allows vendors to enter invoice data
electronically, either through a web-based portal or
electronic submission. The IPP accepts, processes,
and presents data from agencies and supplier systems
related to all stages of payment transactions (including purchase orders, invoices, and other payment
information). In 2013, the Reserve Banks’ IPP
expenses increased 45.6 percent, to $17.3 million.
This increase is primarily driven by the higher staffing levels required to support 11 new federal agencies
and bureaus that began using the IPP platform.
The cost decreases associated with the Go Direct initiative partly offset Treasury’s other payments-related
expenses. In 2013, expenses for Go Direct decreased
18.7 percent, to $23.8 million, because the public outreach campaign ended and because of lower callcenter support costs. These cost reductions resulted
because Go Direct achieved Treasury’s March 2013
goal of making 95 percent of federal benefit check
payments via electronic disbursement methods. As of
December 2013, 97.5 percent of all federal benefit
recipients received their payments electronically.
Treasury’s payments-related expenses also were offset
by lower spending for the Stored Value Card (SVC)
program. This program provides stored value cards
that military personnel can use to purchase goods
and services on military bases. In 2013, the SVC program’s expenses decreased 6.6 percent from 2012, to
$13.5 million, because of a decline in new card and
kiosk orders.

Collection Services
The Reserve Banks also work closely with Treasury’s
Fiscal Service to collect funds owed the federal government, including various taxes, fees for goods and
services, and delinquent debts. In 2013, Reserve Bank
operating expenses related to collections services
increased 8.0 percent to $44.8 million, largely as a
result of the expanded functionality of the
The Reserve Banks operate, an application
that allows the public to use the Internet to authorize
and initiate payments to federal agencies. During the
year, the program expanded to include 109
new agency programs, and it processed more than
116 million online payments totaling $110 billion, a
23 percent and a 17 percent increase, respectively,
from 2012. Increases in operational support and


100th Annual Report | 2013

enhanced functionality resulted in expenses increasing 33 percent, to $15.5 million.

provide fiscal agency and depository services to other
domestic and international entities.

The Reserve Banks also began supporting Treasury’s
new electronic commerce (eCommerce) initiative to
expand ways for agencies and the public to do business with Treasury—through online banking solutions, mobile technologies, and other payment methods. In 2013, initial program expenses for eCommerce were $156,000 and were included under’s budget.

Reserve Bank operating expenses for services provided to other entities were $34.1 million in 2013,
compared with $34.6 million in 2012. Book-entry
securities issuance and maintenance activities
account for a significant amount of the work performed for other entities, with the majority performed for the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Association, the Federal National Mortgage Association,
and the Government National Mortgage

The Reserve Banks also continued to support the
government’s centralized delinquent debt-collection
program. Specifically, the Banks developed and
maintained software that facilitates the collection of
delinquent debts owed to federal agencies and states
by matching federal payments against delinquent
debts, including past-due child support payments
owed to custodial parents.

Treasury Cash-Management Services
The Reserve Banks maintain Treasury’s operating
cash account and provide collateral-management and
collateral-monitoring services for those Treasury programs that have collateral requirements. The Reserve
Banks also support Treasury’s efforts to modernize
its financial management processes by developing
software, operating help desks, and managing projects on behalf of the Fiscal Service.
In 2013, Reserve Bank operating expenses related to
Treasury cash-management services totaled
$66.5 million, compared with $59.0 million in 2012.
During 2013, the Reserve Banks continued to support Treasury’s efforts to improve centralized government accounting and reporting functions. In particular, the Reserve Banks collaborated with the Fiscal
Service on several ongoing software development
efforts, such as the Central Accounting Reporting
System (CARS), which is intended to provide Treasury with a modernized system for the collection and
dissemination of financial management and accounting information transmitted from and to federal program agencies. In 2013, expenses for CARS were
$26.6 million, compared with $22.1 million in 2012.

Services Provided to Other Entities
When permitted by federal statute or when required
by the Secretary of the Treasury, the Reserve Banks

The Reserve Banks continue to process postal money
orders primarily in image form, resulting in operational improvements, lower staffing levels, and lower
costs to the U.S. Postal Service. In 2013, expenses for
postal money orders were $3.4 million, compared
with $4.0 million in 2012.

Use of Federal Reserve
Intraday Credit
The Board’s Payment System Risk (PSR) policy governs the use of Federal Reserve Bank intraday credit,
also known as daylight overdrafts. A daylight overdraft occurs when an institution’s account activity
creates a negative balance in the institution’s Federal
Reserve account at any time in the operating day.
Daylight overdrafts enable an institution to send payments more freely throughout the day than if it were
limited strictly by its available intraday funds balance.
The PSR policy recognizes explicitly the role of the
central bank in providing intraday balances and
credit to healthy institutions; under the policy, the
Reserve Banks provide collateralized intraday credit
at no cost.
Before the 2007–09 financial crisis, overnight balances were much lower and daylight overdrafts significantly higher than levels observed since late 2008.
In 2007, for example, institutions held, on average,
less than $20 billion in overnight balances, and total
average daylight overdrafts were around $60 billion.
In contrast, institutions held historically high levels
of overnight balances—on average more than $2 trillion—at the Reserve Banks in 2013, while daylight
overdrafts remained historically low. Average daylight overdrafts across the System declined to
$1.9 billion in 2013 from $2.1 billion in 2012, a
decrease of about 10 percent (see figure 1). The aver-

Federal Reserve Banks


Figure 1. Aggregate daylight overdrafts, 2007–13

Billions of dollars

Peak daylight overdrafts

Average daylight overdrafts





age level of peak daylight overdrafts fell from almost
$20 billion in 2012 to $12 billion in 2013; the average
level of peak daylight overdrafts in 2013 was just a
fraction of its level in 2008 (about 7 percent).
Daylight overdraft fees are also at historically low
levels. In 2013, institutions paid about $40,000 in
daylight overdraft fees; in contrast, fees totaled more
than $50 million in 2008. The decrease in fees is
largely attributable to the elevated level of reserve
balances that began to accumulate in late 2008 and to
the March 2011 policy revision that eliminated fees
for collateralized daylight overdrafts.

FedLine Access
to Reserve Bank Services
The Reserve Banks’ FedLine access solutions provide
depository institutions with a variety of alternatives
for electronically accessing the Banks’ payment and
information services. These FedLine channels are
designed to meet the individual connectivity, security,
and contingency requirements of depository institution customers.
For the past few years, as a result of the declining
number of depository institutions, Reserve Bank
FedLine connections have decreased. At the same




time, the number of employees within depository
institutions who have credentials that establish them
as trusted users increased, reflecting in part the
expansion of electronic value-added services provided. Between 2007 and 2013, the total number of
depository institutions in the U.S. declined 19.2 percent. The number of depository institutions with
FedLine connections declined 8.8 percent, while the
number of trusted users increased 10.5 percent over
the same period.
The Reserve Banks continue to maintain their focus
on security and resiliency by upgrading critical elements of the FedLine solutions. The next-generation
VPN solution is a key component of the security
model for the FedLine Advantage and FedLine Command access solutions, used by approximately
6,000 financial institutions. The solution was certified
for general availability in July 2013, and the overall
migration is scheduled for completion by September 2015.
The Bank’s credential management strategy, known
as FedLine User Authentication Enhancements,
focused on eliminating the use of user IDs and passwords for authentication to any FedLine environment. The project was completed in November 2013,
with more than 30,000 credentials migrated.


100th Annual Report | 2013

Information Technology
The Federal Reserve Banks continued to improve the
efficiency, effectiveness, and security of information
technology (IT) services and operations in 2013.
The Federal Reserve System’s National IT reorganized to align functional responsibilities and improve
service and support. Additional efforts were initiated
to help System leaders articulate business needs
through IT roadmaps and to identify additional
opportunities to employ common technology services
and solutions.
Major multiyear programs to consolidate the Federal
Reserve’s IT operations and networking services are
nearing completion and are expected to improve the
overall efficiency and quality of business operations.
Two projects within the programs are finished, and
the centralization of the remaining enterprise IT
functions will be complete by the end of 2014.
Additionally, National IT continued to improve the
Reserve Banks’ information security posture, and the
chief information security officer (CISO) continued
efforts to ensure System preparedness for potential
information security (IS) risk are coordinated to mitigate advanced persistent threats among the Federal
Reserve Banks.11 Under the direction of the CISO,
management of the Federal Reserve’s IS risk continues to mature, with priority given to IS strategy, performance objectives, and measures of success for
National IT’s IS operations. The Federal Reserve
System continued its implementation of a new IS
framework, known as System Assurance for the Federal Reserve, which is based on guidance from the
National Institute of Standards and Technology and
adapted to the Federal Reserve’s environment.

Examinations of the
Federal Reserve Banks
The Reserve Banks and several consolidated variable
interest entities (VIEs) operated by the Federal
Reserve System in response to the 2007–09 financial
crisis are subject to several levels of audit and


National IT supplies national infrastructure and business line
technology services to the Federal Reserve Banks and provides
guidance on the System’s information technology architecture
and business use of technology.

review.12 The combined financial statements of the
Reserve Banks —as well as the financial statements
of each of the 12 Banks and those of the consolidated VIEs—are audited annually by an independent
public accountant retained by the Board of Governors.13 In addition, the Reserve Banks, including the
consolidated VIEs, are subject to oversight by the
Board of Governors, which performs its own reviews.
The Reserve Banks use the 1992 framework established by the Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission (COSO) to assess
their internal controls over financial reporting,
including the safeguarding of assets. Within this
framework, the management of each Reserve Bank
annually provides an assertion letter to its board of
directors that confirms adherence to COSO standards. Similarly, each consolidated VIE annually provides an assertion letter to the board of directors of
the New York Reserve Bank.
The Federal Reserve Board engaged Deloitte & Touche LLP (D&T) to audit the 2013 combined and
individual financial statements of the Reserve Banks
and those of the consolidated VIEs.14
In 2013, D&T also conducted audits of the internal
controls associated with financial reporting for each
of the Reserve Banks. Fees for D&T’s services
totaled $7 million, of which $1 million was for the
audits of the consolidated VIEs. To ensure auditor
independence, the Board requires that D&T be independent in all matters relating to the audits. Specifically, D&T may not perform services for the Reserve
Banks or others that would place it in a position of
auditing its own work, making management decisions on behalf of the Reserve Banks, or in any other
way impairing its audit independence. In 2013, the
Banks did not engage D&T for any non-audit




The New York Reserve Bank is considered to be the controlling
financial interest holder of each of the consolidated VIEs.
See “Federal Reserve Banks Combined Financial Statements” in
section 11 of this report. Each VIE reimburses the Board of
Governors—from the entity’s available net assets—for the fees
related to the audit of its financial statements.
In addition, D&T audited the Office of Employee Benefits of
the Federal Reserve System (OEB), the Retirement Plan for
Employees of the Federal Reserve System (System Plan), and
the Thrift Plan for Employees of the Federal Reserve System
(Thrift Plan). The System Plan and the Thrift Plan provide
retirement benefits to employees of the Board, the Federal
Reserve Banks, the OEB, and the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.
One Bank leases office space to D&T.

Federal Reserve Banks

The Board’s reviews of the Reserve Banks include a
wide range of off-site and on-site oversight activities,
conducted primarily by its Division of Reserve Bank
Operations and Payment Systems. Division personnel
monitor on an ongoing basis the activities of each
Reserve Bank and consolidated VIE, FRIT, and the
Office of Employee Benefits of the Federal Reserve
System (OEB), and they conduct a comprehensive
on-site review of each Reserve Bank, FRIT, and
OEB at least once every three years.
The comprehensive on-site reviews include an assessment of the internal audit function’s effectiveness
and its conformance to the Institute of Internal
Auditors’ (IIA) International Standards for the Professional Practice of Internal Auditing, applicable
policies and guidance, and the IIA’s code of ethics.
The Board also reviews the System Open Market
Account (SOMA) and foreign currency holdings to
(1) determine whether the New York Reserve Bank,
while conducting the related transactions, complies
with the policies established by the Federal Open
Market Committee (FOMC) and (2) assess SOMArelated IT project management and application development, vendor management, and system resiliency
and contingency plans. In addition, D&T audits the
year-end schedule of participated asset and liability
accounts and the related schedule of participated
income accounts. The FOMC is provided with the
external audit reports and a report on the Board

alized losses on foreign currency denominated assets
revalued to reflect current market exchange rates;
$181 million in net income associated with consolidated VIEs; and $51 million in realized gains on federal agency and government-sponsored enterprise
mortgage-backed securities (GSE MBS). Dividends
paid to member banks, set at 6 percent of paid-in
capital by section 7(1) of the Federal Reserve Act,
totaled $1,650 million.
Comprehensive net income before interest on Federal
Reserve notes expense remitted to Treasury totaled
$81,430 million in 2013 (net income of $79,141 million, increased by other comprehensive gain of
$2,289 million). Earnings remittances to Treasury
totaled $79,633 million in 2013. The remittances
equal comprehensive income after the deduction of
dividends paid and the amount necessary to equate
the Reserve Banks’ surplus to paid-in capital.
Section 10 of this report (Statistical Tables) provides
more detailed information on the Reserve Banks and
the VIEs. Table 9 is a statement of condition for each
Reserve Bank; table 10 details the income and
expenses of each Reserve Bank for 2013; table 11
shows a condensed statement for each Reserve Bank
for the years 1914 through 2013; and table 13 gives
the number and annual salaries of officers and
employees for each Reserve Bank. A detailed account
of the assessments and expenditures of the Board of
Governors appears in the Board of Governors
Financial Statements (see section 11, “Federal
Reserve System Audits”).

Income and Expenses
Table 4 summarizes the income, expenses, and distributions of net earnings of the Reserve Banks for
2013 and 2012. Income in 2013 was $91,150 million,
compared with $81,586 million in 2012.
Expenses totaled $10,980 million: $5,223 million in
interest paid to depository institutions on reserve balances and term deposits; $3,765 million in operating
expenses; $617 million in net periodic pension
expense, $60 million in interest expense on securities
sold under agreements to repurchase; $580 million in
assessments for Board of Governors expenditure;
$702 million for new currency costs; $563 million for
Consumer Financial Protection Bureau costs; the
expenses were reduced by $530 million in reimbursements for services provided to government agencies.
Net deductions from current net income totaled
$1,029 million, which includes $1,257 million in unre-


SOMA Holdings and Loans
The Reserve Banks’ average net daily holdings of
securities and loans during 2013 amounted to
$3,341,859 million, an increase of $625,883 million
from 2012 (see table 5).

SOMA Securities Holdings
The average daily holdings of Treasury securities
increased by $318,726 million, to an average daily
amount of $2,092,769 million. The average daily
holdings of GSE debt securities decreased by
$24,376 million, to an average daily amount of
$69,872 million. The average daily holdings of federal agency and GSE MBS increased by
$376,991 million, to an average daily amount of
$1,249,810 million.


100th Annual Report | 2013

Table 4. Income, expenses, and distribution of net earnings of the Federal Reserve Banks, 2013 and 2012
Millions of dollars


Current income
Loan interest income
SOMA interest income
Other current income2
Net expenses
Operating expenses
Net periodic pension expense
Interest paid on depository institutions deposits and term deposits
Interest expense on securities sold under agreements to repurchase
Current net income
Net additions to (deductions from) current net income
Treasury securities gains, net
Federal agency and government-sponsored enterprise mortgage-backed securities
Foreign currency translation losses
Net income (loss) from consolidated VIEs
Other deductions3
Assessments by the Board of Governors
For Board expenditures
For currency costs
For Consumer Financial Protection Bureau costs4
For Office of Financial Research costs4
Net income before providing for remittances to Treasury
Earnings remittances to Treasury
Net income (loss)
Other comprehensive gain (loss)
Comprehensive income



Total distribution of net income
Dividends on capital stock
Transfer to surplus and change in accumulated other comprehensive income
Earnings remittances to Treasury





Certain amounts relating to 2012 have been reclassified to conform to the current-year presentation.
Includes income from priced services, compensation received for services provided, and securities lending fees.
Includes unrealized loss on Term Asset-Backed Securities Loan Facility loans.
The Board of Governors assesses the Reserve Banks to fund the operations of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau and, for a two-year period beginning July 21, 2010,
the Office of Financial Research.

The increases in average daily holdings of Treasury
securities and federal agency and GSE MBS are due
to the purchases through a large-scale asset purchase
program and reinvestment of principal payments
from other SOMA holdings in federal agency and
GSE MBS. The average daily holdings of GSE debt
securities decreased as a result of maturities.
There were no significant holdings of securities purchased under agreements to resell in 2013 or 2012.
Average daily holdings of foreign currency denominated assets in 2013 were $23,941 million, compared
with $25,488 million in 2012. The average daily balance of central bank liquidity swap drawings was

$3,361 million in 2013 and $38,737 million in 2012.
The average daily balance of securities sold under
agreements to repurchase was $95,519 million, an
increase of $3,734 million from 2012.
The average rates of interest earned on the Reserve
Banks’ holdings of Treasury securities decreased to
2.47 percent and the average rates on GSE debt securities increased to 3.10 percent in 2013. The average
rate of interest earned on federal agency and GSE
MBS decreased to 2.93 percent in 2013. The average
interest rates for securities sold under agreements to
repurchase decreased to 0.06 percent in 2013. The
average rate of interest earned on foreign currency

Federal Reserve Banks


Table 5. System Open Market Account (SOMA) holdings and loans of the Federal Reserve Banks, 2013 and 2012
Millions of dollars, except as noted
Average daily assets (+)/liabilities (–)

Current income (+)/expense (–)

Average interest rate (percent)


U.S. Treasury securities1
Government-sponsored enterprise debt securities1
Federal agency and government-sponsored enterprise
mortgage-backed securities2
Foreign currency denominated assets3
Central bank liquidity swaps4
Other SOMA investments5
Total SOMA assets
Securities sold under agreements to repurchase
Other SOMA liabilities6
Total SOMA liabilities
Total SOMA holdings
Primary, secondary, and seasonal credit
Total loans to depository institutions
Term Asset-Backed Securities Loan Facility (TALF)7
Total loans to others
Total loans
Total SOMA holding and loans




















Face value, net of unamortized premiums and discounts.
Face value, which is the remaining principal balance of the securities, net of unamortized premiums and discounts. Does not include unsettled transactions.
Includes accrued interest. Foreign currency denominated assets are revalued daily at market exchange rates.
Dollar value of foreign currency held under these agreements valued at the exchange rate to be used when the foreign currency is returned to the foreign central bank. This
exchange rate equals the market exchange rate used when the foreign currency was acquired from the foreign central bank.
Cash and short-term investments related to the federal agency and government-sponsored enterprise mortgage-backed securities portfolio.
Represents the obligation to return cash margin posted by counterparties as collateral under commitments to purchase and sell federal agency and GSE MBS, as well as
obligations that arise from the failure of a seller to deliver securities on the settlement date.
Represents the remaining principal balance.
* Less than $500 thousand.
… Not applicable.

denominated assets decreased to 0.40 percent while
the average rate of interest earned on central bank
liquidity swaps increased to 0.65 percent in 2013.

In 2013, the average daily primary, secondary, and
seasonal credit extended by the Reserve Banks to
depository institutions increased by $7 million, to
$79 million. The average rate of interest earned on
primary, secondary, and seasonal credit decreased to
0.25 percent in 2013, from 0.38 percent in 2012. The
average daily balance of Term Asset-Backed Securities Loan Facility (TALF) loans in 2013 was
$264 million, a decrease of $4,233 million from 2012.
The average rate of interest earned on TALF loans in
2013 was 2.27 percent.

Investments of the Consolidated VIEs
Certain lending facilities established during 2008 and
2009, under authority of section 13(3) of the Federal

Reserve Act, involved creating and lending to the
consolidated VIEs (see table 6). Consistent with generally accepted accounting principles, the assets and
liabilities of these VIEs have been consolidated with
the assets and liabilities of the New York Reserve
Bank in the preparation of the statements of condition included in this report. The proceeds at the
maturity or the liquidation of the consolidated VIEs’
assets are used to repay the loans extended by the
New York Reserve Bank.
Net portfolio assets of the consolidated VIEs
decreased from $2,750 million in 2012 to
$1,926 million in 2013. The sale of portfolio assets
held by Maiden Lane LLC, Maiden Lane II LLC,
and Maiden Lane III LLC during 2012 enabled the
repayment in full, including accrued interest,
of loans extended to those VIEs by the Federal
Reserve Bank of New York. Funds advanced to
those VIEs by other beneficial interests were also
repaid in full.


100th Annual Report | 2013

Table 6. Key financial data for consolidated variable interest entities (VIEs), 2013 and 2012
Millions of dollars

Maiden Lane LLC

Maiden Lane II LLC

Maiden Lane III LLC



Total VIEs







Net portfolio assets of the consolidated VIEs and the net position of the New York Reserve Bank (FRBNY) and subordinated interest holders
Net portfolio assets1
Liabilities of consolidated VIEs
Net portfolio assets available2
Loans extended to the consolidated
VIEs by the FRBNY3
Other beneficial interests3, 4
Total loans and other beneficial
Cumulative change in net assets since the inception of the program5
Allocated to FRBNY
Allocated to other beneficial interests
Cumulative change in net assets
Summary of consolidated VIE net income, including a reconciliation of total consolidated VIE net income to the consolidated VIE net income
Portfolio interest income6
Interest expense on loans extended by
Interest expense–other
Portfolio holdings gains (losses)
Professional fees
Net income (loss) of consolidated VIEs
Less: Net income (loss) allocated to
other beneficial interests
Net income (loss) allocated to FRBNY
Add: Interest expense on loans
extended by FRBNY, eliminated in
Net income (loss) recorded by FRBNY8
Balances of loans extended to the consolidated VIEs by the FRBNY
Balance at beginning of the year
Accrued and capitalized interest
Balance at end of the year






















TALF, Maiden Lane, Maiden Lane II, and Maiden Lane III holdings are recorded at fair value. Fair value reflects an estimate of the price that would be received upon selling an
asset if the transaction were to be conducted in an orderly market on the measurement date.
Represents the net assets available for distribution to FRBNY and “other beneficiaries” of the consolidated VIEs.
Book value. Includes accrued interest.
The other beneficial interest holders are the U.S. Treasury for TALF LLC, JPMorgan Chase for Maiden Lane LLC, and AIG for Maiden Lane II LLC and Maiden Lane III LLC.
Represents the allocation of the change in net assets and liabilities of the consolidated VIEs that are available for distribution to FRBNY and the other beneficiaries of the
consolidated VIEs. The differences between the fair value of the net assets available and the book value of the loans (including accrued interest) are indicative of gains or
losses that would be incurred by the beneficiaries if the assets had been fully liquidated at prices equal to the fair value.
Interest income is recorded when earned and includes amortization of premiums, accretion of discounts, and paydown gains and losses.
Interest expense recorded by each consolidated VIE on the loans extended by FRBNY is eliminated when the VIEs are consolidated in FRBNY's financial statements and, as a
result, the consolidated VIEs’ net income (loss) recorded by FRBNY is increased by this amount.
In addition to the net income attributable to TALF LLC, FRBNY earned $3 million on TALF loans during the year ended December 31, 2013 (interest income of $6 million and a
loss on the valuation of loans of $3 million). FRBNY earned $46 million on TALF loans during the year ended December 31, 2012 (interest income of $80 million and loss on
the valuation of loans of $34 million).
* Less than $500 thousand.

Federal Reserve Bank Premises
Several Reserve Banks took action in 2013 to maintain and renovate their facilities. The multiyear reno-

vation programs at the Boston, New York, Richmond, St. Louis, and San Francisco Reserve Banks’
headquarters buildings continued. The New York
Reserve Bank began anticipated renovations to the

Federal Reserve Banks

33 Maiden Lane building, and the Chicago Federal
Reserve Bank began construction of security
enhancements to its building. The Cleveland and
Atlanta Reserve Banks disposed of the buildings formerly used to house their Pittsburgh and Nashville
Branches, respectively. The Dallas Reserve Bank
secured leased office space for its San Antonio


Branch and in 2014 will pursue the sale of the building that previously housed the Branch’s operations.
For more information on the acquisition costs and
net book value of the Federal Reserve Banks and
Branches, see table 14 in the “Statistical Tables” section of this report.


100th Annual Report | 2013

Pro Forma Financial Statements for Federal Reserve Priced Services
Table 7: Pro forma balance sheet for Federal Reserve priced services, December 31, 2013 and 2012
Millions of dollars
Short-term assets (Note 2)
Imputed reserve requirements on clearing balances
Materials and supplies
Prepaid expenses
Items in process of collection
Total short-term assets
Long-term assets (Note 3)
Furniture and equipment
Leases, leasehold improvements, and long-term prepayments
Prepaid pension costs
Prepaid FDIC asset
Deferred tax asset
Total long-term assets
Total assets
Short-term liabilities
Deferred-availability items
Short-term debt
Short-term payables
Total short-term liabilities
Long-term liabilities
Long-term debt
Accrued benefit costs
Total long-term liabilities
Total liabilities
Equity (including accumulated other comprehensive loss of $466.2 million
and $643.0 million at December 31, 2013 and 2012, respectively)
Total liabilities and equity (Note 4)















Note: Components may not sum to totals because of rounding. The accompanying notes are an integral part of these pro forma priced services financial statements.

Federal Reserve Banks


Table 8: Pro forma income statement for Federal Reserve priced services, 2013 and 2012
Millions of dollars


Revenue from services provided to depository institutions (Note 5)
Operating expenses (Note 6)
Income from operations
Imputed costs (Note 7)
Interest on float
Interest on debt
Sales taxes
FDIC Insurance
Income from operations after imputed costs
Other income and expenses (Note 8)
Investment income
Earnings credits
Income before income taxes
Imputed income taxes (Note 7)
Net income
Memo: Targeted return on equity (Note 7)












Note: Components may not sum to totals because of rounding. The accompanying notes are an integral part of these pro forma priced services financial statements.

Table 9: Pro forma income statement for Federal Reserve priced services, by service, 2013
Millions of dollars
Revenue from services (Note 5)
Operating expenses (Note 6)1
Income from operations
Imputed costs (Note 7)
Income from operations after imputed costs
Other income and expenses, net (Note 8)
Income before income taxes
Imputed income taxes (Note 7)
Net income
Memo: Targeted return on equity (Note 7)
Cost recovery (percent) (Note 9)


Commercial check

Commercial ACH

Fedwire funds

Fedwire securities






Note: Components may not sum to totals because of rounding. The accompanying notes are an integral part of these pro forma priced services financial statements.
Operating expenses include pension costs, Board expenses, and reimbursements for certain nonpriced services.



100th Annual Report | 2013

Notes to Pro Forma Financial Statements for Priced Services
(1) Discontinuation of Clearing Balance Program
Effective July 11, 2012, the Board discontinued the contractual clearing balance
program in connection with its simplification of reserve requirements. Clearing
balances were a primary component of the pro forma balance sheet used to compute the imputed costs in the PSAF. As a result of the Board discontinuing the
clearing balance program, Reserve Bank priced services no longer impute related
expenses or investment income.
(2) Short-Term Assets
Before the discontinuation of the clearing balance program in 2012, a portion of
the clearing balances was used to finance short- and long-term assets. The remainder of these clearing balances and the deposit balances arising from float were
assumed to be invested in a portfolio of investments, shown as imputed investments. In addition, priced services imputed a reserve requirement on clearing balances, which are comparable to compensating balances held at correspondent
banks by respondent institutions, held at Reserve Banks by depository institutions.
The Board’s reserve requirement imposed on respondent balances could be held as
vault cash or as balances maintained; thus, a portion of priced services clearing
balances was shown as required reserves on the asset side of the balance sheet.
There were no clearing balances or related reserve requirement balances on
December 31, 2012 (see note 1).
Receivables are composed of fees due the Reserve Banks for providing priced services and the share of suspense- and difference-account balances related to priced
Items in process of collection are gross Federal Reserve cash items in process of
collection (CIPC), stated on a basis comparable to that of a commercial bank.
They reflect adjustments for intra-Reserve Bank items that would otherwise be
double-counted on the combined Federal Reserve balance sheet and adjustments
for items associated with nonpriced items (such as those collected for government
agencies). Among the costs to be recovered under the Monetary Control Act is the
cost of float, or net CIPC during the period (the difference between gross CIPC
and deferred-availability items, which is the portion of gross CIPC that involves a
financing cost), valued at the federal funds rate.
(3) Long-Term Assets
Long-term assets consist of long-term assets used solely in priced services and the
priced-service portion of long-term assets shared with nonpriced services, including the net pension asset and deferred tax asset related to the priced services pension and postretirement benefits obligation. The tax rate associated with the
deferred tax asset was 38.5 percent and 30.9 percent for 2013 and 2012,
Long-term assets also consist of an estimate of the assets of the Board of Governors used in the development of priced services.
(4) Liabilities and Equity
Under the matched-book capital structure for assets, short-term assets are
financed with short-term payables and imputed short-term debt, if needed. Longterm assets are financed with long-term liabilities, imputed long-term debt, and

Federal Reserve Banks

imputed equity, if needed. Equity is imputed at 5 percent of total assets and
10 percent of risk-weighted assets for 2013 and 2012, respectively, to satisfy the
FDIC requirements for a well-capitalized institution.
Effective December 31, 2006, the Reserve Banks implemented the Financial
Accounting Standard Board’s (FASB) Statement of Financial Accounting Standards (SFAS) No. 158, Employers’ Accounting for Defined Benefit Pension and
Other Postretirement Plans (codified in FASB Accounting Standards Codification
(ASC) Topic 715 (ASC 715), Compensation–Retirement Benefits), which requires
an employer to record the funded status of its pension and other benefit plans on
its balance sheet. To reflect the funded status of its benefit plans, the Reserve
Banks recognized the deferred items related to these plans, which include prior service costs and actuarial gains or losses, on the balance sheet. This resulted in an
adjustment to the pension and other benefit plans related to priced services and
the recognition of an associated deferred tax asset with an offsetting adjustment,
net of tax, to accumulated other comprehensive income (AOCI), which is included
in equity.
The Reserve Bank priced services recognized a pension asset of $59.2 million and
a pension liability, which is a component of accrued benefit costs, of $103.6 million in 2013 and 2012, respectively. The change in the funded status of the pension
and other benefit plans resulted in a corresponding increase in accumulated other
comprehensive loss of $176.8 million in 2013.
The method for estimating the priced services portion of the SFAS 158/ASC715
adjustments to the pension and other benefit liabilities, AOCI, and deferred tax
asset was refined in 2012 and incorporates AOCI component changes from yearto-year since the adoption of SFAS 158 in 2006. This estimation change does not
directly affect the income statement or cost recovery.
(5) Revenue
Revenue represents fees charged to depository institutions for priced services and
is realized from each institution through direct charges to an institution’s account
or, until the elimination of the clearing balance program, charges against its accumulated earnings credits (see note 7).
After all accumulated earnings credits expired in 2013, institutions could no longer
use earnings credits to pay for priced services.
(6) Operating Expenses
Operating expenses consist of the direct, indirect, and other general administrative
expenses of the Reserve Banks for priced services and the expenses of the Board of
Governors related to the development of priced services. Board expenses were
$4.0 million in 2013 and $4.1 million in 2012.
In accordance with SFAS No. 87, Employers’ Accounting for Pensions (codified in
ASC 715), the Reserve Bank priced services recognized qualified pension-plan
operating expenses of $45.4 million in 2013 and $49.1 million in 2012. Operating
expenses also include the nonqualified pension credit and expense of $(0.7) million
in 2013 and $0.3 million in 2012. The implementation of SFAS No. 158 (ASC 715)
does not change the systematic approach required by generally accepted accounting principles to recognize the expenses associated with the Reserve Banks’ benefit
plans in the income statement. As a result, these expenses do not include amounts



100th Annual Report | 2013

related to changes in the funded status of the Reserve Banks’ benefit plans, which
are reflected in AOCI (see note 4).
The income statement by service reflects revenue, operating expenses, imputed
costs, other income and expenses, and cost recovery.
(7) Imputed Costs
Imputed costs consist of income taxes, return on equity, interest on debt, sales
taxes, interest on float, and, in 2012, an FDIC assessment. Many imputed costs are
derived from the PSAF model. The 2013 cost of short-term debt imputed in the
PSAF model is based on nonfinancial commercial paper rates; the cost of imputed
long-term debt is based on Aaa and Baa Moody’s bond yields; and the effective
tax rate is derived from U.S. publicly traded firm data, which serve as the proxy for
the financial data of a representative private-sector firm. The after-tax rate of
return on equity is based on the returns of the equity market as a whole.16
Interest is imputed on the debt assumed necessary to finance priced-service assets.
These imputed costs are allocated among priced services according to the ratio of
operating expenses, less shipping expenses, for each service to the total expenses,
less the total shipping expenses, for all services.
Interest on float is derived from the value of float to be recovered for the check
and ACH services, Fedwire Funds Service, and Fedwire Securities Services through
per-item fees during the period.
Float income or cost is based on the actual float incurred for each priced service.
The following shows the daily average recovery of actual float by the Reserve
Banks for 2013, in millions of dollars:
Total float
Unrecovered float
Float subject to recovery through per item fees


Unrecovered float includes float generated by services to government agencies and
by other central bank services. Float that is created by account adjustments due to
transaction errors and the observance of nonstandard holidays by some depository institutions was recovered from the depository institutions through charging
institutions directly. Float subject to recovery is valued at the federal funds rate.
Certain ACH funding requirements and check products generate credit float; this
float has been subtracted from the cost base subject to recovery in 2013 and 2012.
(8) Other Income and Expenses
Before the contractual clearing balance program was discontinued, other income
and expenses consisted of income on the imputed investment of the required portion of the clearing balances, earning at the average coupon-equivalent yield on
three-month Treasury bills, and income from expired earnings credits. Earnings
credits were granted to depository institutions on their clearing balances based on
a discounted average coupon-equivalent yield on three-month Treasury bills, and
the credits expired 52 weeks after they were granted. For 2013, other income and


Details regarding the PSAF methodology change can be found at

Federal Reserve Banks

expenses consists exclusively of income from expired earnings credits. Expired
earnings credits in 2013 were immaterial.
(9) Cost Recovery
Annual cost recovery is the ratio of revenue, including other income, to the sum of
operating expenses, imputed costs, imputed income taxes, and after-tax targeted
return on equity.




Other Federal Reserve

Regulatory Developments:
Dodd-Frank Act Implementation
Throughout 2013, the Federal Reserve continued to
work diligently to implement the Dodd-Frank Wall
Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act of 2010
(Dodd-Frank Act) (Pub. L. No. 111-203), which gives
the Federal Reserve important responsibilities to
issue rules and supervise financial companies to
enhance financial stability and preserve the safety
and soundness of the banking system. The Board
also continued to implement various international
frameworks developed under the auspices of the
Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (BCBS).
The Board has issued a variety of final rules to implement the provisions of the Dodd-Frank Act and
BCBS international frameworks that are designed to
promote the safety and soundness of the banking
system and enhance consumer financial protection.
The following is a summary of the key regulatory initiatives that were completed during 2013.

The Volcker Rule: Prohibitions against
Proprietary Trading and Other Activities
Section 619 of the Dodd-Frank Act generally prohibits insured depository institutions (IDIs) and their
affiliates (collectively, banking entities) from engaging in proprietary trading or from investing in, sponsoring, or having certain relationships with a hedge
fund or private equity fund. These prohibitions and
other provisions of section 619 are commonly known
as the “Volcker rule.”
On December 10, 2013, the Board—jointly with the
Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC),
the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC),
the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency
(OCC), and the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)—issued final rules to implement section 619. The final rules prohibit banking entities
from engaging in short-term proprietary trading of

certain securities, derivatives, commodity futures, and
options on these instruments for their own account.
This prohibition is subject to exemptions for underwriting, market making-related activities, riskmitigating hedging, activities of foreign banking entities solely outside the United States, and certain
other activities.
The final rules also prohibit banking entities from
acquiring or retaining an ownership interest in, or
having certain relationships with, a hedge fund or
private equity fund (covered fund), subject to exemptions for investments made in connection with organizing and offering a covered fund, including making
and retaining de minimis investments in a covered
fund, certain investments made on behalf of customers, activities of foreign banking entities solely outside the United States, and certain other activities.
The final rules require a banking entity to establish a
compliance program designed to help ensure and
monitor compliance with the prohibitions and
restrictions of section 619 and the final rules. The
compliance requirements vary based on the size of
the banking entity and the size, scope, and complexity of activities conducted. The final rule requires
banking entities with total assets greater than $10 billion and less than $50 billion to have a compliance
program that includes six pillars (including written
policies and procedures, internal controls, management framework and accountability, independent
testing and audits, training, and recordkeeping).
Banking entities with significant trading operations
and banking entities with total assets of $50 billion
or more will be required to establish a detailed compliance program, and their chief executive officers
will be required to attest that the program is reasonably designed to achieve compliance with the final
The final rules reduce the burden on smaller, lesscomplex institutions by limiting their compliance
requirements. For a banking entity that has total
assets of $10 billion or less that engages in some


100th Annual Report | 2013

activity regulated under the final rule, the compliance
program may be limited to appropriate references in
existing compliance policies, appropriate to the
activities, size, scope and complexity of the banking
entity. A banking entity that does not engage in covered activities or investments (other than trading in
certain government obligations) will not need to
establish a compliance program.
The Dodd-Frank Act directs the Board to adopt
rules governing the conformance period for section 619 and requires banking entities to conform
their activities and investments by July 21, 2014,
unless extended by the Board. On December 10,
2013, the Board extended the conformance period
until July 21, 2015, to ensure effective compliance
with the rules.

In addition, for advanced approaches banking organizations (generally, the largest, most complex banking organizations), the final rule includes a new 3 percent minimum supplementary leverage ratio based on
the BCBS international leverage standard that takes
into account off-balance-sheet exposures. The rule
also introduces a countercyclical capital buffer applicable to advanced approaches banking organizations
to augment the capital conservation buffer during
periods of excessive credit growth.

Integrated Regulatory Capital Framework

The final rule enhances the quality of banking organizations’ regulatory capital through the establishment of standards based on common equity tier 1
capital—the most loss-absorbing form of capital—
and the implementation of strict eligibility criteria
for regulatory capital instruments. The final rule also
improves the methodology for calculating riskweighted assets to enhance risk sensitivity.

On July 2, 2013, the Board adopted a final rule
(Regulation Q) that revises its risk-based and leverage capital requirements to implement the Basel III
regulatory capital reforms and integrate the Board’s
capital rules into a comprehensive regulatory framework. The final rule was published jointly with the
OCC, and the FDIC published a substantively identical interim final rule.

The final rule also establishes transition periods
designed to provide sufficient time for banking organizations to meet the new capital standards while
supporting lending. Under the final rule, the phase-in
period for smaller, less complex banking organizations and all covered SLHCs begins in January 2015.
The phase-in period for larger banking organizations
that are not SLHCs began in January 2014.

Under the final rule, minimum requirements increase
for both the quantity and quality of capital held by
all depository institutions, bank holding companies
(BHCs) with total consolidated assets of $500 million
or more, and savings and loan holding companies
(SLHCs) that are not substantially engaged in commercial or insurance underwriting activities (collectively, banking organizations). Consistent with the
BCBS international standard, the rule includes a new
minimum ratio of common equity tier 1 capital to
risk-weighted assets of 4.5 percent, raises the minimum ratio of tier 1 capital to risk-weighted assets
from 4 percent to 6 percent, and includes a minimum
leverage ratio of 4 percent for all banking organizations. In addition, the rule requires a banking organization to hold a capital conservation buffer of common equity tier 1 capital in an amount greater than
2.5 percent of total risk-weighted assets to avoid limitations on capital distributions and discretionary
bonus payments to executive officers. The final rule
also incorporates the new and revised minimum
requirements into the agencies’ prompt corrective
action framework.

Consistent with section 939A of the Dodd-Frank
Act, the final rule removes references to, and reliance
on, credit ratings from the Board’s capital rules.
On December 6, 2013, the Board issued a final rule
that makes technical changes to the market risk capital rule to align it with the Basel III revised capital
framework. Technical changes to the rule reflect
modifications by the Organisation for Economic
Co-operation and Development regarding country
risk classifications. The final rule also clarifies criteria
for determining whether underlying assets are delinquent for certain traded securitization positions. It
clarifies disclosure deadlines and modifies the definition of a covered position.

Stress Testing Requirements: Basel III
Application and Transition Period
On September 24, 2013, the Board issued two interim
final rules to clarify how companies should incorporate the Basel III regulatory capital reforms into their
capital and business projections for capital plan sub-

Other Federal Reserve Operations

missions and their stress tests required under the
Dodd-Frank Act.
The first interim final rule applies to BHCs with
$50 billion or more in total consolidated assets. The
rule clarifies that for the 2013–14 capital planning
and stress-testing cycle, these companies must incorporate the revised capital framework into their capital
planning projections and into the stress tests required
under the Dodd-Frank Act using the transition paths
established in the Basel III final rule. This rule also
clarifies that for the 2013–14 cycle, capital adequacy
at large banking organizations would continue to be
assessed against a minimum 5 percent tier 1 common
ratio calculated in the same manner as under previous stress tests and capital plan submissions, ensuring consistency with those previous exercises.
The second interim final rule provides a one-year
transition period for most banking organizations
with between $10 billion and $50 billion in total consolidated assets to incorporate the Basel III capital
reforms into their stress tests. These companies conducted their first company-run stress test under the
Board’s rules implementing the Dodd-Frank Act
during the fall of 2013. The interim final rule requires
these companies to calculate their stress test projections in their 2013–14 stress tests using the Board’s
then-current regulatory capital rules to allow the
firms time to adjust their internal systems to the
revised capital framework.

Swaps Push-Out Provision Applicability to
Uninsured U.S. Branches and Agencies of
Foreign Banking Organizations
Section 716 of the Dodd-Frank Act, commonly
referred to as the swaps push-out provision, prohibits
the provision of certain kinds of federal assistance to
IDIs and other institutions that engage in swaps
activities, subject to certain exceptions. Under section 716, which became effective on July 16, 2013, the
appropriate federal banking agency for an IDI is
required to provide a transition period of up to
24 months for conformance with the requirements of
section 716 if requested by an IDI.
The Board issued an interim final rule on June 5,
2013, and a final rule on December 24, 2013, clarifying the treatment of uninsured U.S. branches and
agencies of foreign banks under section 716. The
final rule provides that, for purposes of section 716,
uninsured U.S. branches and agencies of foreign
banks are treated as IDIs. The final rule also estab-


lishes the process for state member banks and uninsured state branches or agencies of foreign banks to
apply to the Board for a transition period of up to
24 months.

Supervisory Assessment Fees
Section 318 of the Dodd-Frank Act directs the
Board to collect assessments from BHCs and SLHCs
with $50 billion or more in total consolidated assets
and from nonbank financial companies designated
by the Financial Stability Oversight Council (Council) equal to the expenses the Board estimates are necessary or appropriate to carry out its supervision and
regulation of those companies.
The Board issued a proposed rule on April 15, 2013,
and a final rule on August 16, 2013, establishing how
the Board will determine which companies are
charged, estimate the applicable expenses, determine
each company’s assessment fee, and bill for and collect assessments. Under the final rule, each calendar
year is an assessment period. Payments for the 2012
assessment period, the first assessment period under
the final rule, were due by December 15, 2013. Beginning with the 2013 assessment period, the Federal
Reserve will notify each company of the amount of
its assessment no later than June 30 of the year following the assessment period, with payment due by
September 15. The Federal Reserve will transfer the
assessments it collects to the U.S. Department of the

Bank Secrecy Act Regulations
On December 3, 2013, the Board and the Financial
Crimes Enforcement Network, a bureau of the Treasury, issued a final rule to amend the definitions of
“funds transfer” and “transmittal of funds” under
regulations implementing the Bank Secrecy Act
(BSA). The final rule addresses an ambiguity regarding the amendments to the Electronic Funds Transfer
Act made by the Dodd-Frank Act by affirming the
scope of funds transfers and transmittals subject to
the BSA prior to the enactment of the DoddFrank Act.

Requirements for Determining
When a Nonbank Financial Company
Is Predominantly Engaged in
Financial Activities
The Dodd-Frank Act established the Council, which,
among other authorities and duties, may subject a


100th Annual Report | 2013

nonbank financial company to supervision by the
Board and consolidated prudential standards. The
act defines a nonbank financial company to include a
company (other than a BHC and certain other specified types of entities) that is predominantly engaged
in financial activities. A company is considered to be
predominantly engaged in financial activities if
85 percent or more of its revenues or assets are
related to activities that are defined as financial in
nature under the Bank Holding Company Act. The
Dodd-Frank Act directs the Board to establish the
requirements for determining if a company is predominantly engaged in financial activities.
On April 3, 2013, the Board issued a final rule that
establishes the requirements for determining when a
company is predominantly engaged in financial
activities. Under the final rule, the computation of
assets and revenues for purposes of determining if a
company meets the statutory threshold would be
based on the relevant company’s annual financial revenues in, or financial assets at the end of, either of its
two most recent fiscal years. The final rule lists in an
appendix the activities that will be defined as financial for the purposes of determining whether a company is predominantly engaged in financial activities.
The Dodd-Frank Act requires the Board to define
“significant nonbank financial company” and “significant bank holding company,” and the final rule
also defines these terms. Among the factors the
Council must consider when determining whether to
designate a nonbank financial company for consolidated supervision by the Board is the extent and
nature of the company’s transactions and relationships with other significant nonbank financial companies and significant BHCs. If designated, those
nonbank financial companies would be required to
disclose to the Federal Reserve, the Council, and the
FDIC the nature and extent of the company’s credit
exposure to other significant nonbank financial companies and significant BHCs as well as the credit
exposure of such significant entities to the company.
Under the final rule, a firm will be considered significant if it has $50 billion or more in total consolidated
assets or has been designated by the Council as systemically important.

Federal Reserve Accounts and Services
for Financial Market Utilities
Title VIII of the Dodd-Frank Act establishes a
supervisory framework for financial market utilities
(FMUs) that are designated as systemically impor-

tant by the Council. FMUs are multilateral systems
that provide the essential infrastructure for transferring, clearing, and settling payments, securities, and
other financial transactions among financial institutions or between financial institutions and the
system. Among other things, the act permits the
Board to authorize a Federal Reserve Bank to establish and maintain an account for a designated FMU
and provide certain services, including wire transfers,
settlement, and securities safekeeping, to the designated FMU. Title VIII also permits a Federal
Reserve Bank to pay earnings on balances maintained by or on behalf of a designated FMU in the
same manner and to the same extent as the Federal
Reserve Bank may pay earnings to a depository institution under the Federal Reserve Act, subject to any
applicable rules, orders, standards, or guidelines provided by the Board.
On December 5, 2013, the Board issued a final rule
to amend Regulation HH that sets out standards,
restrictions, and guidelines for the establishment and
maintenance of an account at, and provision of
financial services from, a Reserve Bank for a designated FMU. The terms and conditions for access to
Reserve Bank accounts and services are intended to
facilitate the use of Reserve Bank accounts and services by a designated FMU in order to reduce settlement risk and strengthen settlement processes while
limiting the risk presented by the designated FMU to
the Reserve Banks.
In addition, the final rule would authorize a Reserve
Bank to pay interest on the balances maintained by a
designated FMU in accordance with the statute and
other terms and conditions as the Board may prescribe. The final rule provides that interest on balances paid to designated FMUs will be the rate paid
on balances of depository institutions or another rate
determined by the Board from time to time, not to
exceed the general level of short-term interest rates.

Retail Foreign Exchange Futures
and Options
On April 4, 2013, the Board issued a final rule that
sets standards for institutions regulated by the Federal Reserve that engage in certain types of foreign
exchange transactions with retail customers. The rule
outlines requirements for disclosure, recordkeeping,
business conduct, and documentation for retail foreign exchange transactions. Under the final rule,
institutions engaging in such transactions are
required to notify the Federal Reserve and to be well

Other Federal Reserve Operations


capitalized. Such institutions are also required to collect margin for retail foreign exchange transactions.

Key Regulatory Initiatives Proposed
in 2013

Appraisals for Higher-Risk Mortgage

A number of important regulatory developments are
in the proposal stage. The following is a summary of
additional regulatory initiatives that the Board proposed in 2013.

On January 18, 2013, the Board—jointly with the
Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, the FDIC,
the Federal Housing Finance Agency, the National
Credit Union Administration, and the OCC—issued
a final rule to implement section 129H of the Truth
in Lending Act, added by the Dodd-Frank Act,
which requires a creditor to obtain an appraisal
before issuing a “higher-risk mortgage.” Under the
act, mortgage loans are higher-risk if they are
secured by a consumer’s home and have interest rates
above a certain threshold.
For higher-risk mortgage loans, the final rule requires
creditors to use a licensed or certified appraiser who
prepares a written appraisal report based on a physical inspection of the interior of the property. The
final rule also requires creditors to disclose to applicants information about the purpose of the appraisal
and provide consumers with a free copy of any
appraisal report. Creditors are required to obtain an
additional appraisal at no cost to the consumer for a
home-purchase higher-risk mortgage loan if the
seller acquired the property for a lower price during
the past six months and the price difference exceeds
certain thresholds. This requirement addresses
fraudulent property flipping by seeking to ensure that
the value of the property being used as collateral for
the loan legitimately increased.
The rule exempts several types of loans, such as
qualified mortgages, temporary bridge loans and
construction loans, and loans for mobile homes, trailers, and boats that are dwellings. The rule also has
exemptions from the second appraisal requirement to
facilitate loans in rural areas and other transactions.
On December 12, 2013, the Board, together with the
other agencies, issued a supplemental final rule that
provides additional exemptions from the appraisal
requirements for higher-risk mortgage loans. The rule
provides that loans of $25,000 or less and certain
“streamlined” refinancings are exempt from the
appraisal requirements. In addition, the final rule
contains special provisions for manufactured homes.
These provisions are intended to save borrowers time
and money while still ensuring that the loans are
financially sound.

Liquidity Requirements for
Large Financial Institutions
On October 24, 2013, the Board issued a proposed
rule for comment that would strengthen the liquidity
positions of large financial institutions. The proposal
is based on an international standard agreed to by
the BCBS and was published for comment jointly
with the FDIC and OCC.
The proposal would require institutions subject to the
rule to meet a minimum quantitative liquidity
requirement in the form of a liquidity coverage ratio
(LCR). Under the LCR, each institution would hold
an amount of high-quality, liquid assets such as central bank reserves and government and corporate
debt that is equal to or greater than its projected cash
outflows less up to 75 percent of its projected cash
inflows during a short-term stress period. The proposal defines various categories of liquid assets and
also specifies how a firm’s projected net cash outflows over the stress period would be calculated using
common, standardized assumptions about the outflows and inflows associated with specific liabilities,
assets, and off-balance-sheet obligations.
The LCR would apply to all internationally active
BHCs and SLHCs—generally, those with $250 billion or more in total consolidated assets or $10 billion or more in on-balance-sheet foreign exposure—
and to nonbank financial companies designated by
the Council. It would also apply to depository institutions with $10 billion or more in consolidated
assets that are subsidiaries of BHCs or SLHCs subject to the rule. The proposal also would apply a less
stringent, modified LCR to BHCs and SLHCs that
are not internationally active but have more than
$50 billion in total assets. BHCs and SLHCs with
substantial insurance subsidiaries and nonbank
financial companies supervised designated by the
Council with substantial insurance operations are not
covered by the proposal.
Supplementary Leverage Ratio for
Large Financial Institutions
On July 9, 2013, the Board, together with the FDIC
and the OCC, issued a proposed rule to strengthen


100th Annual Report | 2013

the leverage ratio standards for the largest, most systemically significant financial institutions. The Board
proposed to establish a new leverage buffer for BHCs
with more than $700 billion in consolidated total
assets or $10 trillion in assets under custody (covered
BHCs) above the minimum supplementary leverage
ratio requirement in Regulation Q of 3 percent tier 1
capital to total leverage exposure. Under the proposal, a covered BHC that maintained a leverage buffer of tier 1 capital in an amount greater than 2 percent of its total leverage exposure would not be subject to limitations on discretionary bonus payments
and capital distributions. In addition to the leverage
buffer for covered BHCs, the proposed rule would
establish under the prompt corrective action rules a
“well capitalized” threshold of 6 percent for the
supplementary leverage ratio for IDI subsidiaries of
covered BHCs. The proposed rule would currently
apply to the eight largest, most systemically significant U.S. BHCs and their IDI subsidiaries.
Credit-Risk Retention
Under section 941 of the Dodd-Frank Act, the
Board—along with the OCC, the FDIC, and the
SEC, and with respect to residential mortgages, the
Federal Housing Finance Administration and the
Secretary of Housing and Urban Development—
must establish regulations to require securitizers
(sponsors of securitization transactions) to hold at
least 5 percent of the credit risk of the assets they
securitize. On August 28, 2013, the Board and the
other agencies issued a revised proposal to implement
the requirements of section 941 (new proposal). The
original proposal was released on March 29, 2011
(original proposal). The agencies issued the new proposal after considering the many comments received
on the original proposal.
As required by the statute, the new proposal includes
a variety of exemptions, including an exemption for
mortgage-backed securities that are collateralized
exclusively by residential mortgages that qualify as
qualified residential mortgages (QRMs). The new
proposal would define QRMs to have the same
meaning as “qualified mortgages” as defined by the
Consumer Financial Protection Bureau under the
Truth in Lending Act, as amended by the DoddFrank Act. The new proposal also requests comment
on an alternative definition of QRM that would
include certain underwriting standards in addition to
the qualified mortgage criteria.
As under the original proposal, the new proposal
includes various options to allow securitizers to meet

their risk-retention requirement, including standard
risk retention based on holding a “vertical” interest
in each tranche of the transaction, a “horizontal”
interest in the residual tranche of the transaction, or
a combination of the two. However, the new proposal
would allow greater flexibility in combining vertical
and horizontal risk retention and includes modifications to measuring risk retention. The original proposal generally measured compliance with the standard risk-retention requirement based on the par
value of securities issued in a securitization transaction and included a provision intended to ensure the
securitizer retained an economically meaningful risk
retention interest. Under the new proposal, risk
retention generally would be based on fair-value measurements, which the agencies believe should generally ensure meaningful risk retention.
Like the original proposal, the new proposal contains
risk-retention options explicitly designed for specific
asset classes, including commercial real estate transactions, securitizations through revolving master
trusts, and asset-backed commercial paper securitizations. The provisions in the new proposal were modified in certain cases for these options in response to
comments received on the original proposal. In addition, the new proposal includes an option that would
allow lead arrangers in syndicated loans to satisfy
risk retention by retaining risk with respect to that
loan, with no further risk retention required with
respect to the loan if it was securitized through a collateralized loan obligation transaction.
Similar to the original proposal, under the new proposal, securitizations of commercial loans, commercial mortgages, or automobile loans that meet underwriting standards that reflect low credit risk would
not be subject to risk retention. Also similar to the
original proposal, the rule would recognize the full
guarantee on payments of principal and interest provided by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac for their residential mortgage-backed securities as meeting the
risk-retention requirements while Fannie Mae and
Freddie Mac are in conservatorship or receivership
and have capital support from the U.S. government.
Federal Reserve Emergency Lending Authority
Section 1101 of the Dodd-Frank Act made extensive
amendments to the emergency lending provisions of
section 13(3) of the Federal Reserve Act. The amendments generally prohibit the Federal Reserve from
extending emergency credit to any single or specific
company and instead require emergency credit to be
extended only to participants in a program or facility

Other Federal Reserve Operations


with broadbased eligibility. The amendments also
require the Board to establish, by regulation, policies
and procedures that impose additional limitations on
extensions of emergency credit.

would further implement additional requirements
imposed by section 1101 of the DoddFrank Act,
such as requirements relating to reporting and termination of emergency credit programs or facilities.

On December 23, 2013, the Board issued proposed
amendments to Regulation A to implement the
changes to section 13(3) made by the Dodd-Frank
Act. As required by the act, the proposed amendments are designed to ensure that any emergency
lending program or facility is for the purpose of providing liquidity to the financial system and not to aid
a failing financial company. The proposed amendments would establish procedures to prohibit extensions of emergency credit to insolvent borrowers. In
addition, they would establish that a program or
facility that is structured to remove assets from the
balance sheet of a single and specific company, or
that is established for the purpose of assisting a single
and specific company to avoid insolvency proceedings, would not be a program or facility with broadbased eligibility.

Flood Insurance
On October 11, 2012, the Board and four other federal regulatory agencies issued a proposed rule to
implement certain provisions of the Biggert-Waters
Flood Insurance Reform Act of 2012, which significantly revised federal flood insurance statutes. The
proposed rule would require that regulated lending
institutions accept private flood insurance to satisfy
mandatory purchase requirements. In addition, the
proposal would require regulated lending institutions
to escrow payments and fees for flood insurance for
any new or outstanding loans secured by residential
improved real estate or a mobile home, not including
business, agricultural, and commercial loans, unless
the institutions qualify for a statutory exception.

The proposed amendments also would require the
security for emergency loans to be sufficient to protect taxpayers from losses and would require the
lending Reserve Bank to assign, at the time the credit
is initially extended, a lendable value to all collateral
for the program or facility, consistent with sound
risk-management practices, in determining whether
the extension of credit is secured to the Reserve
Bank’s satisfaction. The proposed amendments

The proposal includes new and revised sample notice
forms and clauses concerning the availability of private flood insurance coverage and the escrow requirement. The proposal also would clarify that regulated
lending institutions have the authority to charge a
borrower for the cost of force-placed flood insurance
coverage beginning on the date on which the borrower’s coverage lapsed or became insufficient and would
stipulate the circumstances under which a lender
must terminate force-placed flood insurance coverage
and refund payments to a borrower.


100th Annual Report | 2013

The Board of Governors and the
Government Performance and
Results Act
The Government Performance and Results Act
(GPRA) of 1993 requires federal agencies, in consultation with Congress and outside stakeholders, to
prepare a strategic plan covering a multiyear period.
GPRA also requires each agency to submit an annual
performance plan and an annual performance report.
The GPRA Modernization Act of 2010 further
refines those requirements to include quarterly performance reporting. Although the Board is not covered by GPRA, the Board follows the spirit of the act
and, like other federal agencies, prepares an annual
performance plan and an annual performance report.

Strategic Framework, Performance Plan,
and Performance Report
The Board’s 2012–15 Strategic Framework (framework) articulates the Board’s mission within the con-

text of resources required to meet Dodd-Frank Act
mandates, close cross-disciplinary knowledge gaps,
develop appropriate policy, and continue addressing
the recovery of a fragile global economy. The framework sets forth major goals, outlines strategies for
achieving those goals, and identifies key measures of
performance toward achieving the strategic
The annual performance plan outlines the planned
projects, initiatives, and activities that support the
framework’s long-term objectives and resources necessary to achieve those objectives. The annual performance report summarizes the Board’s accomplishments that contributed toward achieving the strategic
goals and objectives identified in the framework.
The framework, performance plan, and performance
report are available on the Board’s websites at www,
.pdf, and



Record of Policy Actions
of the Board of Governors

Policy actions of the Board of Governors are presented pursuant to section 10 of the Federal Reserve
Act. That section provides that the Board shall keep
a record of all questions of policy determined by the
Board and shall include in its annual report to Congress a full account of such actions. This section provides a summary of policy actions in 2013, as implemented through (1) rules and regulations, (2) policy
statements and other actions, and (3) discount rates
for depository institutions. Policy actions were
approved by all Board members in office, unless indicated otherwise.1 Information on the actions is also
available from the “Reading Rooms” on the Board’s
Freedom of Information (FOI) Act web page or on
request from the Board’s FOI Office.

requirements for both the quality and quantity of
banking organizations’ capital by establishing a new
minimum common equity tier 1 capital ratio and
implementing a capital conservation buffer. The rule
also includes (1) a number of macroprudential features that apply only to large, internationally active
banking organizations and (2) other features to
reduce the complexity and regulatory burden for
smaller and community banks. The final rule is effective January 1, 2014, with later compliance dates for
certain provisions. The phase-in period for smaller,
less complex banking organizations begins in January 2015, and savings and loan holding companies
that have significant commercial or insurance underwriting activities are not subject to the final rule.

For information on Federal Open Market Committee
policy actions relating to open market operations, see
section 8, “Minutes of Federal Open Market Committee Meetings.”

Voting for this action: Chairman Bernanke, Vice
Chair Yellen, and Governors Duke, Tarullo,
Raskin, Stein, and Powell.

Rules and Regulations
Regulation H (Membership of State
Banking Institutions in the FRS),
Regulation Q (Capital Adequacy of Bank
Holding Companies, Savings and Loan
Holding Companies, and State Member
Banks), and Regulation Y (Bank Holding
Companies and Change in Bank Control)

On December 3, 2013, the Board approved a final
rule (Docket No. R-1459) making conforming
changes to its market risk capital rule in order to
align that rule with the Basel III revised capital
framework adopted in July 2013.3 The Board also
approved a final rule (Docket No. R-1442) making
minor modifications to the Basel III revised capital
framework in order to clarify the criteria for subordinated debt instruments that may be counted as tier 2
capital.4 The technical changes to the market risk rule
are effective April 1, 2014, and the Basel III modifications are effective January 1, 2014.

On July 2, 2013, the Board approved a final rule
(Docket No. R-1442), issued jointly with the Office
of the Comptroller of the Currency, to implement in
the United States the capital reforms popularly
known as Basel III and certain changes required by
the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer
Protection Act (the Dodd-Frank Act).2 Among other
provisions, the final rule increases the minimum

Voting for this action: Chairman Bernanke, Vice
Chair Yellen, and Governors Tarullo, Raskin,
Stein, and Powell.


Governor Duke resigned from the Board on August 31, 2013.
See Federal Register notice at


See Federal Register notice at
See Federal Register notice at


100th Annual Report | 2013

Regulation M (Consumer Leasing) and
Regulation Z (Truth in Lending)
On November 12, 2013, the Board approved final
rules (Docket Nos. R-1469 and R-1470) to increase
the dollar threshold for exempt consumer credit and
lease transactions from $53,000 to $53,500, in accordance with the Dodd-Frank Act.5 The final rules
were published jointly with the Consumer Financial
Protection Bureau (CFPB). The dollar threshold is
adjusted to reflect the annual percentage increase in
the consumer price index. Transactions at or below
the threshold are subject to the protections of the
regulations. Although the Dodd-Frank Act generally
transferred rulemaking authority under the Consumer Leasing Act and the Truth in Lending Act to
the CFPB, the Board retains authority to issue rules
for certain motor vehicle dealers. The final rules are
effective January 1, 2014.
Voting for this action: Chairman Bernanke, Vice
Chair Yellen, and Governors Tarullo, Raskin,
Stein, and Powell.

Regulation Y (Bank Holding Companies
and Change in Bank Control) and
Regulation YY (Enhanced Prudential
On September 24, 2013, the Board approved two
interim final rules (Docket Nos. R-1463 and R-1464)
to clarify how financial institutions should incorporate the recent Basel III regulatory capital reforms
into their capital and business projections during the
cycle of capital plan submissions and stress tests that
begin October 1, 2013.6 The planning horizon for
this capital plan and stress test cycle runs from the
October 1 start date through the fourth quarter of
2015 and thus overlaps with the implementation of
the Basel III capital reforms. The first interim final
rule, which applies to bank holding companies with
$50 billion or more in total consolidated assets, clarifies that in this capital planning and stress test cycle,
these companies must incorporate the revised capital
framework into their capital planning projections
and into the stress tests required under the DoddFrank Act using the transition paths established in
the Basel III final rule. The second interim final rule


See Federal Register notices at and
See Federal Register notices at and

provides a one-year transition period for most banking organizations with between $10 billion and
$50 billion in total consolidated assets. These companies are conducting their first Dodd-Frank Act
company-run stress tests and will be required to calculate their stress test projections using the Board’s
current regulatory capital rules so that the companies
have time to adjust their internal systems to the
revised Basel III capital framework. The interim final
rules also include other clarifying provisions—such
as when, for a given capital planning and stress test
cycle, a company is required to use the Board’s
advanced approaches capital rules. The interim final
rules are effective September 30, 2013.
Voting for this action: Chairman Bernanke, Vice
Chair Yellen, and Governors Tarullo, Raskin,
Stein, and Powell.
Note: On February 20, 2014, the Board approved a
final rule (Docket Nos. R-1463 and 1464) to further
clarify the Board’s stress testing and capital planning
requirements, including requirements for bank holding companies using the advanced approaches capital

Regulation Z (Truth in Lending)
On January 11, 2013, the Board approved a final rule
(Docket No. R-1443) to establish appraisal requirements for “higher-priced mortgage loans,” in accordance with the Dodd-Frank Act.8 The Board issued
the final rule jointly with the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), Office of the Comptroller
of the Currency (OCC), National Credit Union
Administration (NCUA), Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB), and Federal Housing
Finance Agency (FHFA). Under the act, a “higherpriced mortgage loan” is secured by a consumer’s
home and has an annual percentage rate that exceeds
certain thresholds. The final rule requires creditors to
obtain an appraisal by a licensed or certified
appraiser, disclose to applicants information about
the purpose of the appraisal, and provide a free copy
of any appraisal report. Second appraisals are
required in some circumstances to address fraudulent
property flipping. The final rule also provides exemptions for certain types of loans, including qualified
mortgages and loans for new manufactured homes,


See Federal Register notice at
See Federal Register notice at

Record of Policy Actions of the Board of Governors

and exemptions to facilitate loans in rural areas. The
final rule is effective January 18, 2014.
Voting for this action: Chairman Bernanke, Vice
Chair Yellen, and Governors Duke, Tarullo,
Raskin, Stein, and Powell.
On December 5, 2013, the Board approved a final
rule (Docket No. R-1443) to establish additional
exemptions from certain appraisal requirements for a
subset of higher-priced mortgage loans.9 The final
rule, issued jointly with the FDIC, OCC, NCUA,
CFPB, and FHFA, provides that loans of $25,000 or
less and certain “streamlined” refinancings are
exempt from specified appraisal requirements for
higher-priced mortgages. Loans secured by an existing manufactured home and land will not be subject
to the appraisal requirements for 18 months, and the
rule includes other special provisions relating to loans
for manufactured homes. The final rule is effective
January 18, 2014, and the provisions on manufactured home loans are effective July 18, 2015.
Voting for this action: Chairman Bernanke, Vice
Chair Yellen, and Governors Tarullo, Raskin,
Stein, and Powell.

Regulation KK (Margin and Capital
Requirements for Covered Swap Entities)
On June 4, 2013, the Board approved an interim final
rule (Docket No. R-1458) clarifying the treatment of
uninsured U.S. branches and agencies of foreign
banks under section 716 of the Dodd-Frank Act,
commonly referred to as the swaps push-out provision.11 Section 716 generally prohibits the provision
of certain kinds of federal assistance, such as discount window lending and deposit insurance, to
insured depository institutions and other institutions
that engage in swaps activities, subject to specified
exceptions. Insured depository institutions that are
swaps entities are eligible for certain statutory exceptions and a transition period of up to 24 months to
comply with the requirements of section 716. For
purposes of section 716, the interim final rule provides that uninsured U.S. branches and agencies of
foreign banks are treated as insured depository institutions. The interim final rule also establishes the
process for state member banks and uninsured state
branches or agencies of foreign banks to apply to the
Board for a transition period of up to 24 months.
The Board also requested comment on the interim
final rule, which is effective June 10, 2013.

Regulation HH (Designated Financial
Market Utilities)
On December 2, 2013, the Board approved a final
rule (Docket No. R-1455) to set out the standards,
restrictions, and guidelines for the establishment and
maintenance of an account at, and for the provision
of financial services from, a Reserve Bank for financial market utilities that are designated as systemically important by the Financial Stability Oversight
Council.10 In addition, the final rule would authorize
a Reserve Bank to pay interest on these account balances, in accordance with the Dodd-Frank Act and
other terms and conditions as the Board may prescribe. The final rule is effective February 18, 2014.
Voting for this action: Chairman Bernanke, Vice
Chair Yellen, and Governors Tarullo, Raskin,
Stein, and Powell.

Voting for this action: Chairman Bernanke and
Governors Duke, Tarullo, Raskin, Stein, and
Powell. Absent and not voting: Vice Chair Yellen.
On December 20, 2013, the Board approved a final
rule (Docket No. R-1458) adopting without change
the interim final rule approved in June 2013.12 The
final rule is effective January 31, 2014.
Voting for this action: Chairman Bernanke, Vice
Chair Yellen, and Governors Tarullo, Stein, and
Powell. Abstaining: Governor Raskin.

Regulation NN (Retail Foreign
Exchange Transactions)
On April 1, 2013, the Board approved a final rule
(Docket No. R-1428) to establish standards for banking organizations regulated by the Federal Reserve
that engage in certain types of foreign exchange
transactions with retail customers.13 Foreign



See Federal Register notice at
See Federal Register notice at




See Federal Register notice at
See Federal Register notice at
See Federal Register notice at


100th Annual Report | 2013

exchange transactions covered by the rule include
futures or options on futures, over-the-counter
options on foreign currency, and so-called rolling
spot transactions. The rule establishes requirements
for risk disclosures to customers and business conduct, recordkeeping, and documentation requirements. Banking organizations that engage in covered
transactions are also expected to notify the Federal
Reserve and to be well capitalized. The final rule is
issued in accordance with the Dodd-Frank Act and is
effective May 13, 2013.
Voting for this action: Chairman Bernanke, Vice
Chair Yellen, and Governors Duke, Tarullo,
Raskin, Stein, and Powell.

Regulation PP (Definitions Relating to
Title I of the Dodd-Frank Act)
On March 28, 2013, the Board approved a final rule
(Docket No. R-1405) to establish the requirements
for determining whether a company is “predominantly engaged in financial activities.”14 Under the
Dodd-Frank Act, the Financial Stability Oversight
Council may subject a nonbank financial company to
supervision by the Board and to consolidated prudential standards. The act defines a nonbank financial company to include a company (other than a
bank holding company and certain other specified
types of entities) that is predominantly engaged in
financial activities. Under the final rule, the computation of assets and revenues for purposes of determining if a company meets the statutory threshold would
be based on the relevant company’s annual financial
revenues in, or financial assets at the end of, either of
its two most recent fiscal years. The final rule lists in
an appendix the activities that will be defined as
financial for the purposes of determining whether a
company is predominantly engaged in financial
activities. As required by the Dodd-Frank Act, the
final rule defines the terms “significant nonbank
financial company” and “significant bank holding
company.” The rule specifies that such a company
will be considered “significant” if it has $50 billion or
more in total consolidated assets or has been designated by the Council as systemically important. The
final rule is effective May 6, 2013.
Voting for this action: Chairman Bernanke, Vice
Chair Yellen, and Governors Duke, Tarullo,
Raskin, Stein, and Powell.

See Federal Register notice at

Regulation TT (Supervision and
Regulation Assessments of Fees)
On August 14, 2013, the Board approved a final rule
(Docket No. R-1457) to establish annual assessment
fees to implement section 318 of the Dodd-Frank
Act.15 Under section 318, the Board is directed to
collect assessments equal to the expenses it estimates
are necessary or appropriate to supervise and regulate bank holding companies and savings and loan
holding companies with $50 billion or more in total
consolidated assets and nonbank financial companies
designated by the Financial Stability Oversight
Council for supervision by the Federal Reserve. The
final rule describes how the Board estimates applicable expenses and determines each company’s
assessment fee, as well as the process for billing and
collecting the fees. The final rule is effective October 25, 2013.
Voting for this action: Chairman Bernanke, Vice
Chair Yellen, and Governors Duke, Tarullo,
Raskin, Stein, and Powell.

Regulation VV (Prohibitions and
Restrictions on Proprietary Trading and
Certain Interests in, and Relationships
with, Hedge Funds and Private
Equity Funds)
On December 10, 2013, the Board approved a final
rule (Docket No. R-1432), developed jointly with the
FDIC, OCC, CFTC, and SEC, to implement section 619 of the Dodd-Frank Act, the so-called Volcker rule.16 Under the final rule, insured depository
institutions and their affiliates (banking entities) are
(1) prohibited from short-term proprietary trading in
certain instruments for their own account, (2) limited
in their investments in and relationships with hedge
funds and private equity funds (covered funds), and
(3) subject to certain compliance requirements that
include establishing a detailed compliance program if
the entities engage in significant covered activities or
investments. In addition, the final rule implements
the statute and provides exemptions for certain
activities, such as market making, underwriting,
hedging, and acquiring or retaining an ownership
interest as part of organizing and offering a covered
fund. The final rule also limits compliance and other


See Federal Register notice at
See Federal Register notice at

Record of Policy Actions of the Board of Governors

requirements for smaller, less-complex banking entities. The final rule is effective April 1, 2014. The
Board also approved an order extending the conformance period for banking entities subject to the final
rule for an additional year until July 21, 2015.17
Voting for these actions: Chairman Bernanke,
Vice Chair Yellen, and Governors Tarullo,
Raskin, Stein, and Powell.
Note: On January 14, 2014, the Board approved an
interim final rule (Docket No. R-1480) that is a companion rule to the December 2013 final rule.18 The
interim final rule would permit banking entities to
retain investments in certain pooled investment
vehicles that invested their offering proceeds primarily in certain securities issued by community banking
organizations of the type grandfathered under section 171 of the Dodd-Frank Act. The interim final
rule was developed jointly and also approved by the

Bank Secrecy Act Regulations
On July 18, 2013, the Board approved a final rule
(RIN 1506-AB20), issued jointly with the Department of the Treasury’s Financial Crimes Enforcement Network, amending the definitions of “funds
transfer” and “transmittal of funds” in the regulations implementing the Bank Secrecy Act.19 The final
rule maintains the current scope of funds transfers
and transmittals of funds subject to the act in light of
Dodd-Frank Act amendments to the Electronic
Fund Transfer Act. The rule is effective January 3,
Voting for this action: Chairman Bernanke, Vice
Chair Yellen, and Governors Duke, Tarullo,
Raskin, Stein, and Powell.


ing obligation to cover potential losses from the Term
Asset-Backed Securities Loan Facility (TALF) using
funds from the Troubled Asset Relief Program.20 The
Board and Treasury agreed that the credit protection
was no longer necessary because the accumulated
fees collected through the TALF program exceeded
the amount of TALF loans outstanding. The TALF
program closed in June 2010, and most loans have
been repaid or matured. The Treasury’s original
$20 billion in credit protection for the TALF was
reduced to $4.3 billion in June 2010 and to $1.4 billion in June 2012.
Voting for this action: Chairman Bernanke, Vice
Chair Yellen, and Governors Duke, Tarullo,
Raskin, Stein, and Powell.

Leveraged Lending
On March 7, 2013, the Board approved final guidance (Docket No. OP-1438), issued jointly with the
FDIC and OCC, on leveraged lending.21 The guidance, which applies to all financial institutions supervised by these agencies that engage in leveraged lending activities, covers transactions with borrowers
whose degree of financial leverage significantly
exceeds industry norms. The guidance outlines highlevel principles for safe and sound leveraged lending,
including underwriting, monitoring, and reporting
practices for these loans, and replaces existing guidance issued in April 2001. The guidance is effective
on March 22, 2013 (the compliance date is May 21,
Voting for this action: Chairman Bernanke, Vice
Chair Yellen, and Governors Duke, Tarullo,
Raskin, Stein, and Powell.

Community Reinvestment Act

On January 15, 2013, the Board approved eliminating
the Department of the Treasury’s (Treasury) remain-

On September 30, 2013, the Board approved final
new and revised Interagency Questions and Answers
Regarding Community Reinvestment (Docket No.
OP-1456), issued jointly with the FDIC and OCC, to
provide additional guidance to financial institutions
and the public regarding the agencies’ Community
Reinvestment Act regulations.22 The questions and
answers clarify several community development mat-



Policy Statements and Other Actions
Term Asset-Backed Securities
Loan Facility



See press release at
See Federal Register notice at
See Federal Register notice at



See press release at
See Federal Register notice at
See Federal Register notice at


100th Annual Report | 2013

ters, including how the agencies consider community
development activities that benefit a broader statewide or regional area that includes an institution’s
assessment area and how they consider certain community development services. The questions and
answers are effective November 20, 2013.
Voting for this action: Chairman Bernanke, Vice
Chair Yellen, and Governors Tarullo, Raskin,
Stein, and Powell.

Stress Testing Scenarios
On November 5, 2013, the Board approved a final
policy statement (Docket No. OP-1452) describing its
processes for developing the scenarios to be used in
the annual supervisory and company-run stress tests
required under the Board’s Dodd-Frank Act stress
test rules and capital plan rule.23 The policy statement is effective January 1, 2014.
Voting for this action: Chairman Bernanke, Vice
Chair Yellen, and Governors Tarullo, Raskin,
Stein, and Powell.

Social Media and Financial Institutions
On November 12, 2013, the Board approved final
guidance (Docket No. FFIEC-2013-0002) to help
financial institutions understand and manage potential consumer compliance, legal, reputational, and
operational risks associated with their use of social
media.24 The guidance also provides considerations
that financial institutions may find useful when conducting risk assessments and developing and evaluating policies and procedures related to social media.
The Federal Financial Institutions Examination
Council, on behalf of its member agencies, issued the
guidance on December 11, 2013. The guidance is
effective immediately.
Voting for this action: Chairman Bernanke, Vice
Chair Yellen, and Governors Tarullo, Raskin,
Stein, and Powell.


See Federal Register notice at
See Federal Register notice at

Discount Rates for Depository
Institutions in 2013
Under the Federal Reserve Act, the boards of directors of the Federal Reserve Banks must establish
rates on discount window loans to depository institutions at least every 14 days, subject to review and
determination by the Board of Governors.

Primary, Secondary, and Seasonal Credit
Primary credit, the Federal Reserve’s main lending
program for depository institutions, is extended at
the primary credit rate, which is set above the usual
level of short-term market interest rates. It is made
available, with minimal administration and for very
short terms, as a backup source of liquidity to
depository institutions that, in the judgment of the
lending Federal Reserve Bank, are in generally sound
financial condition. Throughout 2013, the primary
credit rate was ¾ percent.
Secondary credit is available in appropriate circumstances to depository institutions that do not qualify
for primary credit. The secondary credit rate is set at
a spread above the primary credit rate. Throughout
2013, the spread was set at 50 basis points resulting
in a secondary credit rate of 1¼ percent. Seasonal
credit is available to smaller depository institutions to
meet liquidity needs that arise from regular swings in
their loans and deposits. The rate on seasonal credit
is calculated every two weeks as an average of
selected money-market yields, typically resulting in a
rate close to the federal funds rate target. At yearend, the seasonal credit rate was 0.15 percent.25

Votes on Changes to Discount Rates for
Depository Institutions
About every two weeks during 2013, the Board
approved proposals by the 12 Reserve Banks to
maintain the formulas for computing the secondary
and seasonal credit rates. In 2013, the Board did not
approve any changes in the primary credit rate.

For current and historical discount rates, see www



Minutes of
Federal Open Market
Committee Meetings

The policy actions of the Federal Open Market Committee, contained in the minutes of its meetings, are
presented in the Annual Report of the Board of Governors pursuant to the requirements of section 10 of
the Federal Reserve Act. That section provides that
the Board shall keep a complete record of the actions
taken by the Board and by the Federal Open Market
Committee on all questions of policy relating to open
market operations, that it shall record therein the
votes taken in connection with the determination of
open market policies and the reasons underlying each
policy action, and that it shall include in its annual
report to Congress a full account of such actions.
The minutes of the meetings contain the votes on the
policy decisions made at those meetings, as well as a
summary of the information and discussions that led
to the decisions. In addition, four times a year, starting with the October 2007 Committee meeting, a
Summary of Economic Projections is published as an
addendum to the minutes. The descriptions of economic and financial conditions in the minutes and the
Summary of Economic Projections are based solely
on the information that was available to the Committee at the time of the meetings.
Members of the Committee voting for a particular
action may differ among themselves as to the reasons
for their votes; in such cases, the range of their views
is noted in the minutes. When members dissent from

a decision, they are identified in the minutes and a
summary of the reasons for their dissent is provided.
Policy directives of the Federal Open Market Committee are issued to the Federal Reserve Bank of New
York as the Bank selected by the Committee to
execute transactions for the System Open Market
Account. In the area of domestic open market operations, the Federal Reserve Bank of New York operates under instructions from the Federal Open Market Committee that take the form of an Authorization for Domestic Open Market Operations and a
Domestic Policy Directive. (A new Domestic Policy
Directive is adopted at each regularly scheduled
meeting.) In the foreign currency area, the Federal
Reserve Bank of New York operates under an Authorization for Foreign Currency Operations, a Foreign
Currency Directive, and Procedural Instructions with
Respect to Foreign Currency Operations. Changes in
the instruments during the year are reported in the
minutes for the individual meetings.1

As of January 1, 2013, the Federal Reserve Bank of New York
was operating under the Domestic Policy Directive approved at
the December 11–12, 2012, Committee meeting. The other
policy instruments (the Authorization for Domestic Open Market Operations, the Authorization for Foreign Currency Operations, the Foreign Currency Directive, and Procedural Instructions with Respect to Foreign Currency Operations) in effect as
of January 1, 2013, were approved at the January 24–25, 2012,


100th Annual Report | 2013

Meeting Held on January 29–30, 2013

Thomas C. Baxter
Deputy General Counsel

A meeting of the Federal Open Market Committee
was held in the offices of the Board of Governors of
the Federal Reserve System in Washington, D.C., on
Tuesday, January 29, 2013, at 2:00 p.m., and continued on Wednesday, January 30, 2013, at 9:00 a.m.

Steven B. Kamin

Ben Bernanke
William C. Dudley
Vice Chairman
James Bullard
Elizabeth Duke
Charles L. Evans
Esther L. George
Jerome H. Powell
Sarah Bloom Raskin
Eric Rosengren
Jeremy C. Stein
Daniel K. Tarullo
Janet L. Yellen
Christine Cumming, Richard W. Fisher,
Narayana Kocherlakota, Sandra Pianalto,
and Charles I. Plosser
Alternate Members of the Federal Open Market
Jeffrey M. Lacker, Dennis P. Lockhart,
and John C. Williams
Presidents of the Federal Reserve Banks of
Richmond, Atlanta, and San Francisco, respectively
William B. English
Secretary and Economist
Deborah J. Danker
Deputy Secretary
Matthew M. Luecke
Assistant Secretary
David W. Skidmore
Assistant Secretary
Michelle A. Smith
Assistant Secretary
Scott G. Alvarez
General Counsel

David W. Wilcox
Thomas A. Connors, Troy Davig,
Michael P. Leahy, James J. McAndrews,
Stephen A. Meyer, David Reifschneider,
Daniel G. Sullivan, Christopher J. Waller,
and William Wascher
Associate Economists
Simon Potter
Manager, System Open Market Account
Nellie Liang1
Director, Office of Financial Stability Policy and
Research, Board of Governors
Jon W. Faust
Special Advisor to the Board, Office of Board
Members, Board of Governors
James A. Clouse and William Nelson
Deputy Directors, Division of Monetary Affairs,
Board of Governors
Mark E. Van Der Weide
Deputy Director, Division of Banking Supervision
and Regulation, Board of Governors
Linda Robertson
Assistant to the Board, Office of Board Members,
Board of Governors
Joyce K. Zickler
Senior Adviser, Division of Monetary Affairs,
Board of Governors
Eric M. Engen, Thomas Laubach,
and David E. Lebow
Associate Directors, Division of Research and
Statistics, Board of Governors
Beth Anne Wilson
Deputy Associate Director, Division of International
Finance, Board of Governors
Karen M. Pence and Stacey Tevlin
Assistant Directors, Division of Research and
Statistics, Board of Governors
Jeremy B. Rudd
Adviser, Division of Research and Statistics,
Board of Governors

Attended Tuesday’s session only.

Minutes of Federal Open Market Committee Meetings | January


David H. Small
Project Manager, Division of Monetary Affairs,
Board of Governors

William C. Dudley
President of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York,

Andrew Figura
Group Manager, Division of Research and Statistics,
Board of Governors

Christine Cumming
First Vice President of the Federal Reserve Bank of
New York, as alternate.

John C. Driscoll and Jennifer E. Roush
Senior Economists, Division of Monetary Affairs,
Board of Governors

Eric Rosengren
President of the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston,

Ruth Judson
Senior Economist, Division of International Finance,
Board of Governors

Charles I. Plosser
President of the Federal Reserve Bank of
Philadelphia, as alternate.

Jonathan D. Rose
Economist, Division of Monetary Affairs,
Board of Governors

Charles L. Evans
President of the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago,

Sarah G. Green
First Vice President, Federal Reserve Bank of

Sandra Pianalto
President of the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland,
as alternate.

David Altig, Jeff Fuhrer, Loretta J. Mester,
Glenn D. Rudebusch, and Mark S. Sniderman
Executive Vice Presidents, Federal Reserve Banks of
Atlanta, Boston, Philadelphia, San Francisco, and
Cleveland, respectively

James Bullard
President of the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis,

Ron Feldman and Lorie K. Logan
Senior Vice Presidents, Federal Reserve Banks of
Minneapolis and New York, respectively
Evan F. Koenig and Steven M. Friedman
Vice Presidents, Federal Reserve Banks of Dallas and
New York, respectively
Matthew D. Raskin
Markets Officer, Federal Reserve Bank of New York
Robert L. Hetzel
Senior Economist, Federal Reserve Bank of

Richard W. Fisher
President of the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas,
as alternate.
Esther L. George
President of the Federal Reserve Bank of
Kansas City, with
Narayana Kocherlakota
President of the Federal Reserve Bank of
Minneapolis, as alternate.
By unanimous vote, the following officers of the Federal Open Market Committee were selected to serve
until the selection of their successors at the first regularly scheduled meeting of the Committee in 2014:

Annual Organizational Matters2

Ben Bernanke

In the agenda for this meeting, it was reported that
advices of the election of the following members and
alternate members of the Federal Open Market Committee for a term beginning January 29, 2013, had
been received and that these individuals had executed
their oaths of office.

William C. Dudley
Vice Chairman

The elected members and alternate members were as

Versions of the current Committee documents are available at

William B. English
Secretary and Economist
Deborah J. Danker
Deputy Secretary
Matthew M. Luecke
Assistant Secretary
David W. Skidmore
Assistant Secretary


100th Annual Report | 2013

Michelle A. Smith
Assistant Secretary
Scott G. Alvarez
General Counsel
Thomas C. Baxter
Deputy General Counsel
Richard M. Ashton
Assistant General Counsel
Steven B. Kamin
David W. Wilcox
Thomas A. Connors
Troy Davig

natural disaster, the risk of a broader, more systemic
disruption to the functioning of asset markets could
result. In this case, the prospect that repurchase
operations could potentially alleviate some of the
market strains might warrant immediate action. Consistent with Committee practice, the Chairman, if
feasible, would consult with the Committee before
making any such instruction. The second amendment
harmonized the language referring to the Committee’s longer-run objectives with that in the Committee’s Statement on Longer-Run Goals and Monetary
Policy Strategy. The Guidelines for the Conduct of
System Open Market Operations in Federal-Agency
Issues remained suspended.
Authorization for Domestic Open Market
Operations (Amended Effective on
January 29, 2013)

Michael P. Leahy
James J. McAndrews
Stephen A. Meyer
David Reifschneider
Daniel G. Sullivan
Geoffrey Tootell
Christopher J. Waller
William Wascher
Associate Economists
By unanimous vote, the Federal Reserve Bank of
New York was selected to execute transactions for
the System Open Market Account.
By unanimous vote, Simon Potter was selected to
serve at the pleasure of the Committee as Manager,
System Open Market Account, on the understanding
that his selection was subject to being satisfactory to
the Federal Reserve Bank of New York.
Secretary’s note: Advice subsequently was
received that the selection of Mr. Potter as Manager was satisfactory to the Federal Reserve Bank
of New York.
By unanimous vote, the Authorization for Domestic
Open Market Operations was approved with two
amendments. The first broadened the actions that the
Open Market Desk may take, at the Chairman’s
instruction during an intermeeting period, to include
transactions to address temporary disruptions of an
operational or highly unusual nature in U.S. dollar
funding markets. For example, if secured funding
rates were to increase to high levels in the wake of a

1. The Federal Open Market Committee authorizes
and directs the Federal Reserve Bank of New
York, to the extent necessary to carry out the
most recent domestic policy directive adopted at
a meeting of the Committee:
A. To buy or sell U.S. government securities,
including securities of the Federal Financing
Bank, and securities that are direct obligations of, or fully guaranteed as to principal
and interest by, any agency of the United
States in the open market, from or to securities dealers and foreign and international
accounts maintained at the Federal Reserve
Bank of New York, on a cash, regular, or
deferred delivery basis, for the System Open
Market Account at market prices, and, for
such Account, to exchange maturing U.S.
government and federal agency securities
with the Treasury or the individual agencies
or to allow them to mature without replacement; and
B. To buy or sell in the open market U.S. government securities, and securities that are
direct obligations of, or fully guaranteed as to
principal and interest by, any agency of the
United States, for the System Open Market
Account under agreements to resell or repurchase such securities or obligations (including
such transactions as are commonly referred
to as repo and reverse repo transactions) in
65 business days or less, at rates that, unless
otherwise expressly authorized by the Committee, shall be determined by competitive

Minutes of Federal Open Market Committee Meetings | January

bidding, after applying reasonable limitations
on the volume of agreements with individual
2. The Federal Open Market Committee authorizes
the Federal Reserve Bank of New York to undertake transactions of the type described in paragraphs 1.A and 1.B from time to time for the purpose of testing operational readiness. The aggregate par value of such transactions of the type
described in paragraph 1.A shall not exceed
$5 billion per calendar year. The outstanding
amount of such transactions of the type
described in paragraph 1.B shall not exceed
$5 billion at any given time. These transactions
shall be conducted with prior notice to the
3. In order to ensure the effective conduct of open
market operations, the Federal Open Market
Committee authorizes the Federal Reserve Bank
of New York to use agents in agency MBS-related
4. In order to ensure the effective conduct of open
market operations, the Federal Open Market
Committee authorizes the Federal Reserve Bank
of New York to lend on an overnight basis U.S.
government securities and securities that are
direct obligations of any agency of the United
States, held in the System Open Market Account,
to dealers at rates that shall be determined by
competitive bidding. The Federal Reserve Bank
of New York shall set a minimum lending fee
consistent with the objectives of the program and
apply reasonable limitations on the total amount
of a specific issue that may be auctioned and on
the amount of securities that each dealer may
borrow. The Federal Reserve Bank of New York
may reject bids that could facilitate a dealer’s ability to control a single issue as determined solely
by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. The
Federal Reserve Bank of New York may lend
securities on longer than an overnight basis to
accommodate weekend, holiday, and similar trading conventions.
5. In order to ensure the effective conduct of open
market operations, while assisting in the provision
of short-term investments or other authorized
services for foreign and international accounts
maintained at the Federal Reserve Bank of New
York and accounts maintained at the Federal
Reserve Bank of New York as fiscal agent of the


United States pursuant to section 15 of the Federal Reserve Act, the Federal Open Market Committee authorizes and directs the Federal Reserve
Bank of New York:
A. For the System Open Market Account, to sell
U.S. government securities and securities that
are direct obligations of, or fully guaranteed
as to principal and interest by, any agency of
the United States to such accounts on the
bases set forth in paragraph 1.A under agreements providing for the resale by such
accounts of those securities in 65 business
days or less on terms comparable to those
available on such transactions in the market;
B. For the New York Bank account, when
appropriate, to undertake with dealers, subject to the conditions imposed on purchases
and sales of securities in paragraph l.B,
repurchase agreements in U.S. government
securities and securities that are direct obligations of, or fully guaranteed as to principal
and interest by, any agency of the United
States, and to arrange corresponding sale and
repurchase agreements between its own
account and such foreign, international, and
fiscal agency accounts maintained at the
Bank; and
C. For the New York Bank account, when
appropriate, to buy U.S. government securities and obligations that are direct obligations
of, or fully guaranteed as to principal and
interest by, any agency of the United States
from such foreign and international accounts
maintained at the Bank under agreements
providing for the repurchase by such
accounts of those securities on the same business day.
Transactions undertaken with such accounts
under the provisions of this paragraph may provide for a service fee when appropriate.
6. In the execution of the Committee’s decision
regarding policy during any intermeeting period,
the Committee authorizes and directs the Federal
Reserve Bank of New York, upon the instruction
of the Chairman of the Committee, to (i) adjust
somewhat in exceptional circumstances the degree
of pressure on reserve positions and hence the
intended federal funds rate and to take actions
that result in material changes in the composition


100th Annual Report | 2013

and size of the assets in the System Open Market
Account other than those anticipated by the
Committee at its most recent meeting or
(ii) undertake transactions of the type described
in paragraphs 1.A and 1.B in order to appropriately address temporary disruptions of an operational or highly unusual nature in U.S. dollar
funding markets. Any such adjustment as
described in clause (i) shall be made in the context
of the Committee’s discussion and decision at its
most recent meeting and the Committee’s longrun objectives to foster maximum employment
and price stability, and shall be based on economic, financial, and monetary developments
during the intermeeting period. Consistent with
Committee practice, the Chairman, if feasible,
will consult with the Committee before making
any instruction under this paragraph.
The Committee voted unanimously to amend the
Authorization for Foreign Currency Operations and
the Procedural Instructions with Respect to Foreign
Currency Operations, and to reaffirm the Foreign
Currency Directive in the form shown below. The
approval of these documents included approval of
the System’s warehousing agreement with the U.S.
Treasury. The Authorization for Foreign Currency
Operations and the Procedural Instructions with
Respect to Foreign Currency Operations were
amended to include the authority to conduct smallvalue operations against the full range of foreign
transactions that the Desk is authorized to conduct.
This change was made to allow for prudent testing of
operational readiness, and is similar in purpose to the
amendment that the Committee approved in
June 2012 to the Authorization for Domestic Open
Market Operations.
Authorization for Foreign Currency Operations
(Amended Effective on January 29, 2013)
1. The Federal Open Market Committee authorizes
and directs the Federal Reserve Bank of New
York, for the System Open Market Account, to
the extent necessary to carry out the Committee’s
foreign currency directive and express authorizations by the Committee pursuant thereto, and in
conformity with such procedural instructions as
the Committee may issue from time to time:
A. To purchase and sell the following foreign
currencies in the form of cable transfers

through spot or forward transactions on the
open market at home and abroad, including
transactions with the U.S. Treasury, with the
U.S. Exchange Stabilization Fund established
by section 10 of the Gold Reserve Act of
1934, with foreign monetary authorities, with
the Bank for International Settlements, and
with other international financial institutions:
Australian dollars
Brazilian reais
Canadian dollars
Danish kroner
Japanese yen
Korean won
Mexican pesos
New Zealand dollars
Norwegian kroner
Pounds sterling
Singapore dollars
Swedish kronor
Swiss francs
B. To hold balances of, and to have outstanding
forward contracts to receive or to deliver, the
foreign currencies listed in paragraph A
C. To draw foreign currencies and to permit foreign banks to draw dollars under the reciprocal currency arrangements listed in paragraph
2 below, provided that drawings by either
party to any such arrangement shall be fully
liquidated within 12 months after any
amount outstanding at that time was first
drawn, unless the Committee, because of
exceptional circumstances, specifically authorizes a delay.
D. To maintain an overall open position in all
foreign currencies not exceeding $25.0 billion.
For this purpose, the overall open position in
all foreign currencies is defined as the sum
(disregarding signs) of net positions in individual currencies, excluding changes in dollar
value due to foreign exchange rate movements and interest accruals. The net position
in a single foreign currency is defined as
holdings of balances in that currency, plus
outstanding contracts for future receipt,

Minutes of Federal Open Market Committee Meetings | January

minus outstanding contracts for future delivery of that currency, i.e., as the sum of these
elements with due regard to sign.
2. The Federal Open Market Committee directs the
Federal Reserve Bank of New York to maintain
reciprocal currency arrangements (“swap”
arrangements) for the System Open Market
Account for periods up to a maximum of
12 months with the following foreign banks,
which are among those designated by the Board
of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
under section 214.5 of Regulation N, Relations
with Foreign Banks and Bankers, and with the
approval of the Committee to renew such
arrangements on maturity:
Foreign bank
Bank of Canada
Bank of Mexico

Amount of arrangement
(millions of dollars equivalent)

Any changes in the terms of existing swap
arrangements, and the proposed terms of any
new arrangements that may be authorized, shall
be referred for review and approval to the
3. All transactions in foreign currencies undertaken
under paragraph 1.A above shall, unless otherwise expressly authorized by the Committee, be at
prevailing market rates. For the purpose of providing an investment return on System holdings
of foreign currencies or for the purpose of adjusting interest rates paid or received in connection
with swap drawings, transactions with foreign
central banks may be undertaken at non-market
exchange rates.
4. It shall be the normal practice to arrange with
foreign central banks for the coordination of foreign currency transactions. In making operating
arrangements with foreign central banks on
System holdings of foreign currencies, the Federal
Reserve Bank of New York shall not commit
itself to maintain any specific balance, unless
authorized by the Federal Open Market Committee. Any agreements or understandings concerning the administration of the accounts maintained by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York
with the foreign banks designated by the Board of
Governors under section 214.5 of Regulation N


shall be referred for review and approval to the
5. Foreign currency holdings shall be invested to
ensure that adequate liquidity is maintained to
meet anticipated needs and so that each currency
portfolio shall generally have an average duration
of no more than 18 months (calculated as
Macaulay duration). Such investments may
include buying or selling outright obligations of,
or fully guaranteed as to principal and interest by,
a foreign government or agency thereof; buying
such securities under agreements for repurchase
of such securities; selling such securities under
agreements for the resale of such securities; and
holding various time and other deposit accounts
at foreign institutions. In addition, when appropriate in connection with arrangements to provide investment facilities for foreign currency
holdings, U.S. government securities may be purchased from foreign central banks under agreements for repurchase of such securities within 30
calendar days.
6. All operations undertaken pursuant to the preceding paragraphs shall be reported promptly to
the Foreign Currency Subcommittee and the
Committee. The Foreign Currency Subcommittee
consists of the Chairman and Vice Chairman of
the Committee, the Vice Chairman of the Board
of Governors, and such other member of the
Board as the Chairman may designate (or in the
absence of members of the Board serving on the
Subcommittee, other Board members designated
by the Chairman as alternates, and in the absence
of the Vice Chairman of the Committee, the Vice
Chairman’s alternate). Meetings of the Subcommittee shall be called at the request of any member, or at the request of the Manager, System
Open Market Account (“Manager”), for the purposes of reviewing recent or contemplated operations and of consulting with the Manager on
other matters relating to the Manager’s responsibilities. At the request of any member of the Subcommittee, questions arising from such reviews
and consultations shall be referred for determination to the Federal Open Market Committee.
7. The Chairman is authorized:
A. With the approval of the Committee, to enter
into any needed agreement or understanding
with the Secretary of the Treasury about the


100th Annual Report | 2013

division of responsibility for foreign currency
operations between the System and the
B. To keep the Secretary of the Treasury fully
advised concerning System foreign currency
operations, and to consult with the Secretary
on policy matters relating to foreign currency
C. From time to time, to transmit appropriate
reports and information to the National
Advisory Council on International Monetary
and Financial Policies.
8. Staff officers of the Committee are authorized to
transmit pertinent information on System foreign
currency operations to appropriate officials of the
Treasury Department.
9. All Federal Reserve Banks shall participate in the
foreign currency operations for System Account
in accordance with paragraph 3G(1) of the Board
of Governors’ Statement of Procedure with
Respect to Foreign Relationships of Federal
Reserve Banks dated January 1, 1944.
10. The Federal Open Market Committee authorizes
the Federal Reserve Bank of New York to undertake transactions of the type described in paragraphs 1, 2, and 5, and foreign exchange and
investment transactions that it may be otherwise
authorized to undertake from time to time for the
purpose of testing operational readiness. The
aggregate amount of such transactions shall not
exceed $2.5 billion per calendar year. These transactions shall be conducted with prior notice to
the Committee.
Procedural Instructions with Respect to
Foreign Currency Operations (Amended
Effective on January 29, 2013)
In conducting operations pursuant to the authorization and direction of the Federal Open Market Committee as set forth in the Authorization for Foreign
Currency Operations and the Foreign Currency
Directive, the Federal Reserve Bank of New York,
through the Manager, System Open Market Account
(“Manager”), shall be guided by the following procedural understandings with respect to consultations
and clearances with the Committee, the Foreign Currency Subcommittee, and the Chairman of the Committee, unless otherwise directed by the Committee.

All operations undertaken pursuant to such clearances shall be reported promptly to the Committee.
1. The Manager shall clear with the Subcommittee
(or with the Chairman, if the Chairman believes
that consultation with the Subcommittee is not
feasible in the time available):
A. Any operation that would result in a change
in the System’s overall open position in foreign currencies exceeding $300 million on any
day or $600 million since the most recent
regular meeting of the Committee.
B. Any operation that would result in a change
on any day in the System’s net position in a
single foreign currency exceeding $150 million, or $300 million when the operation is
associated with re-payment of swap drawings.
C. Any operation that might generate a substantial volume of trading in a particular currency by the System, even though the change
in the System’s net position in that currency
might be less than the limits specified in 1.B.
D. Any swap drawing proposed by a foreign
bank not exceeding the larger of (i) $200 million or (ii) 15 percent of the size of the swap
2. The Manager shall clear with the Committee (or
with the Subcommittee, if the Subcommittee
believes that consultation with the full Committee
is not feasible in the time available, or with the
Chairman, if the Chairman believes that consultation with the Subcommittee is not feasible in
the time available):
A. Any operation that would result in a change
in the System’s overall open position in foreign currencies exceeding $1.5 billion since
the most recent regular meeting of the
B. Any swap drawing proposed by a foreign
bank exceeding the larger of (i) $200 million
or (ii) 15 percent of the size of the swap
3. The Manager shall also consult with the Subcommittee or the Chairman about proposed swap
drawings by the System and about any operations
that are not of a routine character.

Minutes of Federal Open Market Committee Meetings | January

4. The Federal Open Market Committee authorizes
the Federal Reserve Bank of New York to undertake transactions of the type described in paragraphs 1, 2, and 5 of the Foreign Authorization
and foreign exchange and investment transactions
that it may be otherwise authorized to undertake
from time to time for the purpose of testing
operational readiness. The aggregate amount of
such transactions shall not exceed $2.5 billion per
calendar year. These transactions shall be conducted with prior notice to the Committee.
Foreign Currency Directive (Reaffirmed
January 29, 2013)
1. System operations in foreign currencies shall generally be directed at countering disorderly market
conditions, provided that market exchange rates
for the U.S. dollar reflect actions and behavior
consistent with IMF Article IV, Section 1.
2. To achieve this end the System shall:
A. Undertake spot and forward purchases and
sales of foreign exchange.
B. Maintain reciprocal currency (“swap”)
arrangements with selected foreign central
C. Cooperate in other respects with central
banks of other countries and with international monetary institutions.
3. Transactions may also be undertaken:
A. To adjust System balances in light of probable future needs for currencies.
B. To provide means for meeting System and
Treasury commitments in particular currencies, and to facilitate operations of the
Exchange Stabilization Fund.
C. For such other purposes as may be expressly
authorized by the Committee.
4. System foreign currency operations shall be
A. In close and continuous consultation and
cooperation with the United States Treasury;


B. In cooperation, as appropriate, with foreign
monetary authorities; and
C. In a manner consistent with the obligations
of the United States in the International
Monetary Fund regarding exchange arrangements under IMF Article IV.
All participants but one supported making only
minor wording changes to the Statement on LongerRun Goals and Monetary Policy Strategy. Mr.
Tarullo abstained because he did not think the statement had advanced the cause of achieving or communicating greater consensus in the policy views of
the Committee.
Statement on Longer-Run Goals and Monetary
Policy Strategy (Amended Effective on
January 29, 2013)
“The Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC)
is firmly committed to fulfilling its statutory
mandate from the Congress of promoting maximum employment, stable prices, and moderate
long-term interest rates. The Committee seeks to
explain its monetary policy decisions to the public as clearly as possible. Such clarity facilitates
well-informed decisionmaking by households
and businesses, reduces economic and financial
uncertainty, increases the effectiveness of monetary policy, and enhances transparency and
accountability, which are essential in a democratic society.
Inflation, employment, and long-term interest
rates fluctuate over time in response to economic
and financial disturbances. Moreover, monetary
policy actions tend to influence economic activity and prices with a lag. Therefore, the Committee’s policy decisions reflect its longer-run goals,
its medium-term outlook, and its assessments of
the balance of risks, including risks to the financial system that could impede the attainment of
the Committee’s goals.
The inflation rate over the longer run is primarily determined by monetary policy, and hence
the Committee has the ability to specify a
longer-run goal for inflation. The Committee
judges that inflation at the rate of 2 percent, as
measured by the annual change in the price
index for personal consumption expenditures, is
most consistent over the longer run with the


100th Annual Report | 2013

Federal Reserve’s statutory mandate. Communicating this inflation goal clearly to the public
helps keep longer-term inflation expectations
firmly anchored, thereby fostering price stability
and moderate long-term interest rates and
enhancing the Committee’s ability to promote
maximum employment in the face of significant
economic disturbances.
The maximum level of employment is largely
determined by nonmonetary factors that affect
the structure and dynamics of the labor market.
These factors may change over time and may
not be directly measurable. Consequently, it
would not be appropriate to specify a fixed goal
for employment; rather, the Committee’s policy
decisions must be informed by assessments of
the maximum level of employment, recognizing
that such assessments are necessarily uncertain
and subject to revision. The Committee considers a wide range of indicators in making these
assessments. Information about Committee participants’ estimates of the longer-run normal
rates of output growth and unemployment is
published four times per year in the FOMC’s
Summary of Economic Projections. For
example, in the most recent projections, FOMC
participants’ estimates of the longer-run normal
rate of unemployment had a central tendency of
5.2 percent to 6.0 percent, unchanged from one
year ago but substantially higher than the corresponding interval several years earlier.
In setting monetary policy, the Committee seeks
to mitigate deviations of inflation from its
longer-run goal and deviations of employment
from the Committee’s assessments of its maximum level. These objectives are generally
complementary. However, under circumstances
in which the Committee judges that the objectives are not complementary, it follows a balanced approach in promoting them, taking into
account the magnitude of the deviations and the
potentially different time horizons over which
employment and inflation are projected to
return to levels judged consistent with its
The Committee intends to reaffirm these principles and to make adjustments as appropriate at
its annual organizational meeting each January.”
By unanimous vote, the Policy on External Communications of Committee Participants and the Policy

on External Communications of Federal Reserve
System Staff were amended to clarify the precise
beginning and end of the communication blackout
period surrounding regular meetings of the Federal
Open Market Committee (FOMC).
By unanimous vote, the Rules of Procedure were
amended to change the quorum requirements to state
that a meeting of the FOMC could not be convened
without a representative of a Reserve Bank.
By unanimous vote, the Committee reaffirmed its
Program for Security of FOMC Information.

Developments in Financial Markets and
the Federal Reserve’s Balance Sheet
The Manager of the System Open Market Account
(SOMA) reported on developments in domestic and
foreign financial markets as well as the System open
market operations during the period since the
FOMC met on December 11–12, 2012. By unanimous vote, the Committee ratified the Open Market
Desk’s domestic transactions over the intermeeting
period. There were no intervention operations in foreign currencies for the System’s account over the
intermeeting period.

Staff Review of the Economic Situation
The information reviewed at the January 29–30 meeting indicated that the expansion in overall economic
activity slowed in the fourth quarter of last year,
reflecting weather-related disruptions and other transitory factors, but private domestic final demand
grew at a solid rate. Employment continued to
increase at a moderate pace, and the unemployment
rate, though still high, was lower at the end of the
fourth quarter than in the preceding quarter. Consumer price inflation was subdued, and measures of
longer-run inflation expectations remained stable.
Private nonfarm employment expanded in December
at about the same rate as in the fourth quarter as a
whole, while government employment decreased. The
unemployment rate was 7.8 percent in December,
below its average in the third quarter, while the labor
force participation rate was the same as its thirdquarter average. The rate of long-duration unemployment and the share of workers employed part
time for economic reasons edged down in December,
but both measures were still elevated. The rate of
private-sector hiring, along with indicators of job
openings and firms’ hiring plans, was generally

Minutes of Federal Open Market Committee Meetings | January

muted but remained consistent with continued moderate increases in employment in the coming months.
Manufacturing production increased briskly in
November and December after declining in October
when activity was disrupted by Hurricane Sandy. As
a result, factory output expanded only slightly in the
fourth quarter as a whole, and the rate of manufacturing capacity utilization was only a little higher in
December than in the third quarter. The production
of motor vehicles and parts increased considerably in
the fourth quarter, but factory output outside of the
motor vehicle sector declined somewhat. Automakers’ schedules indicated that the pace of motor
vehicle assemblies in the first quarter would be
roughly the same as in the fourth quarter. Broader
indicators of manufacturing production, such as the
diffusion indexes of new orders from the national
and regional manufacturing surveys, were at levels
consistent with only modest increases in factory output in the near term.
Increases in real personal consumption expenditures
picked up somewhat in the fourth quarter, boosted
importantly by higher spending on motor vehicles.
After being roughly flat in the third quarter, households’ real disposable income rose considerably, in
part reflecting an acceleration of income payments in
anticipation of increases in individual income tax
rates after the turn of the year. In December and
January, consumer sentiment was more downbeat
than in the previous several months.
Conditions in the housing sector continued to
improve, but construction activity remained at a relatively low level, restrained by tight underwriting standards for mortgage loans and the substantial inventory of foreclosed and distressed properties. Starts of
both new single-family homes and multifamily units
advanced in the fourth quarter, and permits also rose,
which pointed to additional gains in construction in
the coming months. Home prices increased further in
November. In the fourth quarter, sales of both new
and existing homes were higher than in the previous
Real business expenditures on equipment and software rose briskly in the fourth quarter after declining
moderately in the preceding quarter. Although nominal new orders for nondefense capital goods excluding aircraft also increased markedly last quarter, the
level of orders remained below shipments. Moreover,
other recent forward-looking indicators, such as surveys of business conditions and capital spending


plans, suggested that outlays for business equipment
would rise only modestly in the coming months. Real
business spending for nonresidential construction
declined somewhat in the fourth quarter and
remained at a relatively low level. A reduction in the
accumulation of nonfarm business inventories subtracted a considerable amount from the change in
real gross domestic product (GDP) in the fourth
Real federal government purchases decreased substantially in the fourth quarter, primarily because of
a sharp decline in defense spending that followed a
marked increase in the previous quarter. Real state
and local government purchases decreased slightly in
the fourth quarter.
The U.S. international trade deficit widened substantially in November, as imports rose more quickly
than exports. The rise in imports was fairly broadbased, led by strong increases in consumer goods,
while the increase in exports mainly reflected higher
sales of capital goods and automotive products.
Exports to Europe posted another significant decline
in November. Based on data for October and
November and an estimate of the trade data for
December, the advance release of the national
income and product accounts showed that real net
exports of goods and services made a small negative
arithmetic contribution to the change in U.S. real
GDP in the fourth quarter, with exports declining
more than imports.
Overall U.S. consumer prices increased more slowly
in the fourth quarter than in the previous quarter.
Consumer energy prices declined in November and
December, and survey data indicated that retail gasoline prices fell further in the first few weeks of January. Consumer food prices continued to rise at a
faster pace in November and December than in the
third quarter, likely reflecting the ongoing effects of
last summer’s drought. In the fourth quarter, the rise
in consumer prices excluding food and energy
slowed. Near-term inflation expectations from the
Thomson Reuters/University of Michigan Surveys of
Consumers rose a little in December and early January; longer-term inflation expectations were
Available measures of labor compensation indicated
that recent gains in nominal wages remained relatively slow. Increases in average hourly earnings for
all employees picked up a little in the fourth quarter
but continued to be fairly subdued.


100th Annual Report | 2013

Economic growth in the advanced foreign economies
appeared to remain weak in the fourth quarter. In the
euro area, industrial production and retail sales were
below their third-quarter levels through November,
and real GDP contracted in the United Kingdom. In
Japan, indicators of production and exports
remained weak; however, household consumption
showed some improvement, and the new government
introduced a large fiscal stimulus program and called
for aggressive monetary easing to end deflation. In
emerging market economies, real GDP growth is estimated to have picked up in China in the fourth quarter, consistent with other Chinese indicators that
pointed to an improvement in activity. Production
and exports rebounded at year-end in a number of
other emerging Asian economies as well. Inflation
generally remained well contained in both advanced
foreign economies and emerging market economies.

Staff Review of the Financial Situation
U.S. financial market conditions improved on net
between the December and January FOMC meetings, largely in response to the partial resolution of
the issues associated with the so-called fiscal cliff, a
positive start to the corporate earnings reporting season, and some favorable policy developments in
The expected path of the federal funds rate based on
market quotes moved up on balance over the intermeeting period, likely reflecting a somewhat more
positive assessment of the economic outlook. Results
from the Desk’s survey of primary dealers conducted
prior to the January meeting showed that dealers
continued to view the third quarter of 2015 as the
most likely time of the first increase in the target federal funds rate. In addition, the median dealer continued to see the first quarter of 2014 as the most likely
time for the Committee’s asset purchases to conclude, although fewer dealers than in December
expected those purchases to continue beyond 2014.
Treasury coupon yields increased over the intermeeting period, including a notable rise just after year-end
when passage of the American Taxpayer Relief Act
of 2012 apparently lessened concerns about the risk
of substantially higher fiscal drag on growth in the
near term. More-positive investor sentiment regarding the outlook for global economic growth, along
with some optimism about a federal debt ceiling deal,
may also have contributed to the increase in yields.
Measures of inflation compensation derived from

nominal and inflation-protected Treasury securities
rose slightly over the intermeeting period.
Conditions in short-term dollar funding markets
were generally little changed on balance; year-end
funding pressures were modest overall and roughly in
line with market expectations. The outstanding
amount of unsecured commercial paper issued by
European financial institutions increased noticeably.
Indicators of the condition of domestic financial
institutions generally improved over the intermeeting
period. A broad index of bank stock prices rose, and
the median spread on credit default swaps of the
largest banking organizations moved lower.
Broad U.S. equity price indexes increased on net over
the intermeeting period, buoyed by many of the same
factors that contributed to the rise in Treasury yields.
In addition, the fourth-quarter earnings reporting
season started off well, as earnings and revenue
results were above analysts’ expectations for a higherthan-average number of firms. Option-implied volatility for the S&P 500 index over the near term
dipped to its lowest level since early 2007. The
option-implied price of insurance against downside
risk on the index at longer horizons remained
Yields on speculative-grade corporate bonds
decreased over the intermeeting period, and yields on
investment-grade corporate bonds were up a bit.
Risk spreads on speculative-grade bonds narrowed
substantially, and spreads on investment-grade bonds
decreased as well.
Net debt financing by nonfinancial firms increased in
the fourth quarter. Outstanding volumes of corporate bonds, commercial and industrial loans, and
nonfinancial commercial paper all expanded. The
pace of gross public issuance of equity by nonfinancial firms remained solid in the fourth quarter, but it
was subdued in January, likely because of seasonal
Conditions in the commercial real estate sector continued to be strained amid elevated vacancy and
delinquency rates. However, issuance of commercial
mortgage-backed securities strengthened during the
fourth quarter, and spreads on those securities narrowed over the intermeeting period.
Conforming home mortgage rates edged up, on net,
after touching new lows during the intermeeting

Minutes of Federal Open Market Committee Meetings | January

period. Yields on residential mortgage-backed securities (MBS) rose by more, leaving the spread between
the primary mortgage rate and MBS yields narrower.
Mortgage refinancing originations in December and
January stayed near their highest levels since the
housing market began to recover. The share of existing mortgages that were seriously delinquent edged
down in October and November but remained high.
Consumer credit expanded briskly again in October
and November. Nonrevolving credit continued to
increase at a robust pace because of growth in student and auto loans, while revolving credit moved
roughly sideways. Issuance of consumer asset-backed
securities remained strong in the fourth quarter.
Growth of bank credit in the fourth quarter slowed
to about half its pace compared with earlier in the
year, as loan growth declined. According to the January Senior Loan Officer Opinion Survey on Bank
Lending Practices, domestic banks continued to ease
somewhat their lending standards and some loan
terms, on balance; they also experienced an increase
in demand, on net, in most major loan categories in
the fourth quarter.
M2 and its largest component, liquid deposits,
expanded robustly in December. Initial data suggested that the expiration of unlimited deposit insurance on noninterest-bearing transaction accounts at
year-end had only a limited effect on bank deposits
through early January. The monetary base expanded
at a strong rate in December, reflecting growth in
both currency and reserve balances.
Foreign financial conditions improved over the intermeeting period as markets responded favorably to the
passage of fiscal policy legislation in the United
States and to further progress in addressing euro-area
strains. On net, global equity prices rose and euroarea peripheral spreads narrowed. As global risk sentiment improved, the dollar depreciated against the
euro and most emerging market currencies. Against
the yen, however, the dollar appreciated substantially.
The yen’s depreciation appeared to occur in part in
response to statements from Japan’s new prime minister, who urged the Bank of Japan to ease policy
more aggressively. At its January meeting, the Bank
of Japan restated its monetary policy framework,
replacing its inflation goal of 1 percent with an inflation target of 2 percent, and announced it would
commence a program of asset purchases in January 2014 with no predetermined limit on the maximum amount ultimately purchased. Yields on long-


term Japanese sovereign bonds rose a few basis
points on net over the intermeeting period, but yields
on other foreign benchmark sovereign bonds
increased more, reflecting both the improvement in
global sentiment and reduced expectations for additional monetary accommodation, as the European
Central Bank and the Bank of England kept their
policy rates on hold and appeared to signal less likelihood of further easing.

Staff Economic Outlook
In the economic forecast prepared by the staff for the
January meeting of the FOMC, the near-term projection for real GDP growth was revised up, in large
part because the fiscal policy legislation enacted in
early January was slightly less restrictive than the
staff had assumed. The staff’s medium-term forecast
for real GDP growth was essentially unchanged. With
fiscal policy still anticipated to be tighter this year
than last year, the staff expected that increases in real
GDP would only moderately exceed the growth rate
of potential output. In 2014 and 2015, real GDP was
projected to accelerate gradually, supported by an
eventual lessening of fiscal policy restraint, increases
in consumer and business sentiment, further
improvements in credit availability and financial conditions, and accommodative monetary policy. The
expansion in economic activity was expected to
slowly reduce the slack in labor and product markets
over the projection period, and progress in reducing
the unemployment rate was anticipated to be
The staff’s forecast for inflation was little changed
from that prepared for the December FOMC meeting. The staff continued to project that inflation
would be subdued through 2015. That forecast is
based on the expectation that crude oil prices will
trend down slowly from their current levels, the boost
to retail food prices from last summer’s drought will
be temporary and relatively small, longer-run inflation expectations will remain stable, and significant
resource slack will persist over the forecast period.

Participants’ Views on Current Conditions
and the Economic Outlook
In their discussion of the economic situation, meeting participants indicated that they viewed the information received during the intermeeting period as
suggesting that, apart from some temporary factors
that had led to a pause in overall output growth in
recent months, the economy remained on a moderate


100th Annual Report | 2013

growth path. In particular, participants saw the economic outlook as little changed or modestly
improved relative to the December meeting. Most
participants judged that there had been some reduction in downside risks facing the economy: Strains in
global financial markets had eased somewhat, and
U.S. fiscal policymakers had come to a partial resolution of the so-called fiscal cliff. Supported by a highly
accommodative stance of monetary policy, the housing sector was strengthening, and the unemployment
rate appeared likely to continue its gradual decline.
Nearly all participants anticipated that inflation over
the medium-term would run at or below the Committee’s 2 percent objective.
In their discussion of the household sector, participants noted various factors influencing consumer
spending. Some participants stated that low interest
rates appeared to be contributing to strong sales of
autos or, more generally, of consumer durables. It
was also noted that continued deleveraging by households was improving their financial positions, which
would likely support increased spending. Holiday
shopping reportedly was relatively solid, and, reflecting the improvement in the housing market, demand
for home furnishings and construction materials was
up. However, some participants were concerned that
the recent increase in the payroll tax could have a significant negative effect on spending, particularly on
the part of lower-income consumers.
Participants remarked on the ongoing recovery in the
housing market, pointing variously to rising house
prices, growth in residential construction and sales,
and the lower inventory of homes for sale. A number
of participants thought it likely that higher home values and low mortgage rates were helping support
other sectors of the economy as well, and a couple
saw the housing market as having the potential to
cause overall growth to be stronger than expected this
year. Nonetheless, it was noted that mortgage credit
remained tight and the fraction of homeowners with
mortgage balances exceeding the value of their
homes remained high.
In general, participants indicated that, relative to the
recent past, more business contacts reported an
improvement in confidence and some cautious optimism about the economic outlook. Anecdotal
reports suggested that uncertainty about the evolution of the economy and government policy continued to restrain firms’ hiring and capital spending
decisions, but the passage of fiscal legislation in early
January helped resolve some of the uncertainty about

federal tax policy. Moreover, it was noted that businesses were in a good position to expand once they
came to view the economic environment as more
favorable. Survey data from one District indicated
that more than half of the respondents expected to
increase employment this year, with many citing
expected sales growth as the reason. Reports from a
number of industries across the country also suggested a more positive assessment of future prospects, particularly in the automotive, energy, and
technology sectors. However, reports from the nonautomotive manufacturing sector were less positive.
In agriculture, record payouts from crop insurance
following last year’s drought supported farm
incomes, and land prices continued to rise. Reports
on business conditions in the commercial real estate
sector were more mixed but, on the whole, somewhat
improved. The strength of exports reportedly varied,
with indications of higher demand from Mexico but
some relatively pessimistic readings from firms about
business conditions in Europe. Participants generally
welcomed an apparent pickup in economic growth in
parts of Asia and saw reduced risk that the Chinese
economy would slow abruptly, but it was noted that
no economy was currently in a position to lead global
growth higher.
The passage of legislation in early January resolved
some of the uncertainties surrounding the federal fiscal outlook, but near-term uncertainties remained,
including the prospect of automatic budget cuts. Participants generally agreed that fiscal negotiations
could develop in a way that would result in significantly greater drag on economic growth than in their
baseline outlook. One participant noted positive
news about the fiscal position of the states; in some
cases, revenues had risen sufficiently to enable
increases in state government spending and
In their comments on labor market developments,
participants viewed the decline in the unemployment
rate from the third quarter to the fourth and the continued moderate gains in payroll employment as consistent with a gradually improving job market. However, the unemployment rate remained well above
estimates of its longer-run normal level, and other
indicators, such as the share of long-term unemployed and the number of people working part time
for economic reasons, suggested that the recovery in
the labor market was far from complete. One participant reported that firms in his District continued to
have difficulty finding workers with suitable skills,
suggesting that labor market mismatch was a factor

Minutes of Federal Open Market Committee Meetings | January

deterring job growth. A few others, however, pointed
to evidence that weak aggregate demand was the primary factor restraining job growth, citing data and
analyses in support of the view that there was still a
substantial margin of slack in the labor market. For
example, a couple of participants noted evidence suggesting that a shift in the relationship between the
unemployment rate and the level of job vacancies in
recent years was unlikely to persist as the economy
recovered and unemployment benefits returned to
customary levels. Similarly, one participant cited
empirical analysis showing that employment growth
was lower in the states where a greater share of small
businesses identified lack of demand as their most
important business problem. Several participants
expressed concern that continuation of only slow job
growth and persistently high long-duration unemployment could lead to permanent damage to the
labor market.
Participants generally saw recent price developments
as consistent with their projections that inflation
would remain at or below the Committee’s 2 percent
objective over the medium run. There was little evidence of wage or cost pressures outside of isolated
sectors, and measures of inflation expectations
remained stable. However, a few participants
expressed concerns that the current highly accommodative stance of monetary policy posed upside risks
to inflation in the medium or longer term.
Participants also touched on the implications for
monetary policy of changes in estimates of the
economy’s potential output. A number of participants thought that the growth of potential output
had been reduced in recent years, possibly in part
because restrictive financial conditions and weak economic activity in the aftermath of the financial crisis
had reduced investment, business formation, and the
pace of adoption of new technologies. Many of these
participants worried that, should the economy continue to operate below potential for too long, reduced
investment and underutilization of labor could further undermine the growth of potential output over
time. A couple of participants noted that uncertainties concerning both the level of, and the source of
shifts in, potential output made it difficult to base
decisions about monetary policy on real-time measures of the output gap.
Participants noted that financial conditions appeared
to have been supported by the recent fiscal agreement, a perceived reduction in the risk that the debt
ceiling would not be raised in a timely manner,


accommodative monetary policy, and actions taken
by European authorities. With regard to Europe, participants continued to see downside risks to growth
emanating from that region, given its unresolved
imbalances and weak economic outlook. Several participants mentioned that domestic credit conditions
appeared to have improved: Automobile loans were
expanding rapidly and it was reported that competition to make commercial and industrial loans was
robust. Although mortgage availability was still limited, a couple of participants indicated that they
expected increased competition to bring about some
lessening of the restraints on mortgage credit. In general, after having been depressed for some time, investor appetite for risk had increased. A few participants
commented that the Committee’s accommodative
policies were intended in part to promote a more balanced approach to risk-taking, but several others
expressed concern about the potential for excessive
risk-taking and adverse consequences for financial
stability. Some participants mentioned the potential
for a sharp increase in longer-term interest rates to
adversely affect financial stability and indicated their
interest in further work on this topic.
The Committee again discussed the possible benefits
and costs of additional asset purchases. Most participants commented that the Committee’s asset purchases had been effective in easing financial conditions and helping stimulate economic activity, and
many pointed, in particular, to the support that low
longer-term interest rates had provided to housing or
consumer durable purchases. In addition, the Committee’s highly accommodative policy was seen as
helping keep inflation over the medium term closer to
its longer-run goal of 2 percent than would otherwise
have been the case. Policy was also aimed at improving the labor market outlook. In this regard, several
participants stressed the economic and social costs of
high unemployment, as well as the potential for negative effects on the economy’s longer-term path of a
prolonged period of underutilization of resources.
However, many participants also expressed some
concerns about potential costs and risks arising from
further asset purchases. Several participants discussed the possible complications that additional
purchases could cause for the eventual withdrawal of
policy accommodation, a few mentioned the prospect
of inflationary risks, and some noted that further
asset purchases could foster market behavior that
could undermine financial stability. Several participants noted that a very large portfolio of longduration assets would, under certain circumstances,
expose the Federal Reserve to significant capital


100th Annual Report | 2013

losses when these holdings were unwound, but others
pointed to offsetting factors and one noted that
losses would not impede the effective operation of
monetary policy. A few also raised concerns about
the potential effects of further asset purchases on the
functioning of particular financial markets, although
a couple of other participants noted that there had
been little evidence to date of such effects. In light of
this discussion, the staff was asked for additional
analysis ahead of future meetings to support the
Committee’s ongoing assessment of the asset purchase program.
Several participants emphasized that the Committee
should be prepared to vary the pace of asset purchases, either in response to changes in the economic
outlook or as its evaluation of the efficacy and costs
of such purchases evolved. For example, one participant argued that purchases should vary incrementally
from meeting to meeting in response to incoming
information about the economy. A number of participants stated that an ongoing evaluation of the
efficacy, costs, and risks of asset purchases might
well lead the Committee to taper or end its purchases
before it judged that a substantial improvement in the
outlook for the labor market had occurred. Several
others argued that the potential costs of reducing or
ending asset purchases too soon were also significant,
or that asset purchases should continue until a substantial improvement in the labor market outlook
had occurred. A few participants noted examples of
past instances in which policymakers had prematurely removed accommodation, with adverse effects
on economic growth, employment, and price stability; they also stressed the importance of communicating the Committee’s commitment to maintaining
a highly accommodative stance of policy as long as
warranted by economic conditions. In this regard, a
number of participants discussed the possibility of
providing monetary accommodation by holding
securities for a longer period than envisioned in the
Committee’s exit principles, either as a supplement
to, or a replacement for, asset purchases.
Participants also discussed the economic thresholds
in the Committee’s forward guidance on the path of
the federal funds rate. On the whole, participants
judged that financial markets had adapted to the
shift from date-based communication to guidance
based on economic thresholds without difficulty,
although a few participants stated that communications challenges remained. For example, one participant commented that some market participants
appeared to have incorrectly interpreted the thresh-

olds as triggers that, when reached, would necessarily
lead to an immediate rise in the federal funds rate. A
couple of participants noted that this policy tool
would be more effective if the Committee were able
to communicate a consensus expectation for the path
of the federal funds rate after a threshold was
crossed. One participant also indicated a preference
for lowering the threshold for the unemployment rate
as a means of providing additional accommodation.

Committee Policy Action
Committee members saw the information received
over the intermeeting period as suggesting that
growth in economic activity had paused in recent
months, in large part because of weather-related disruptions and other transitory factors. Employment
had continued to expand at a moderate pace, but the
unemployment rate remained elevated. However,
members generally expected that, with appropriately
accommodative monetary policy, economic growth
would proceed at a moderate pace and the unemployment rate would gradually decline toward levels they
judged to be consistent with the Committee’s dual
mandate. Although members saw strains in global
financial markets as having eased somewhat, they
continued to see an increase in such strains as well as
slower global growth and a greater-than-expected fiscal tightening in the United States as downside risks
to the economy. Members generally continued to
anticipate that, with longer-term inflation expectations stable and slack in resource utilization remaining, inflation over the medium term would run at or
below the Committee’s longer-run objective of
2 percent.
In their discussion of monetary policy for the period
ahead, members saw the economic outlook as relatively little changed since the previous meeting.
Accordingly, all but one member judged that maintaining the highly accommodative stance of monetary policy was warranted in order to foster a
stronger economic recovery in a context of price stability. The Committee agreed that it would be appropriate to continue purchases of MBS at a pace of
$40 billion per month and purchases of longer-term
Treasury securities at a pace of $45 billion per
month, as well as to maintain the Committee’s reinvestment policies. The Committee also retained its
forward guidance about the federal funds rate,
including the thresholds on the unemployment and
inflation rates. Some members remarked favorably on
the move away from providing calendar dates in the
forward guidance and toward highlighting the eco-

Minutes of Federal Open Market Committee Meetings | January

nomic conditionality of future monetary policy. One
member dissented from the Committee’s policy decision, expressing concern that the continued high level
of monetary accommodation increased the risks of
future economic and financial imbalances and, over
time, could cause an increase in long-term inflation
In the statement to be released following the meeting,
the Committee made relatively small modifications to
the language of its December statement, including to
acknowledge both the pause in economic growth during the fourth quarter and some easing of the strains
in global financial markets. In light of the importance of ongoing U.S. fiscal concerns, members discussed whether to include a reference to unresolved
fiscal issues, but decided to refrain. Similarly, one
member raised a question about whether the statement language adequately captured the importance
of the Committee’s assessment of the likely efficacy
and costs in its asset purchase decisions, but the
Committee decided to maintain the current language
pending a review, planned for the March meeting, of
its asset purchases.
At the conclusion of the discussion, the Committee
voted to authorize and direct the Federal Reserve
Bank of New York, until it was instructed otherwise,
to execute transactions in the System Account in
accordance with the following domestic policy
“Consistent with its statutory mandate, the Federal Open Market Committee seeks monetary
and financial conditions that will foster maximum employment and price stability. In particular, the Committee seeks conditions in reserve
markets consistent with federal funds trading in
a range from 0 to ¼ percent. The Committee
directs the Desk to undertake open market
operations as necessary to maintain such conditions. The Desk is directed to continue purchasing longer-term Treasury securities at a pace of
about $45 billion per month and to continue
purchasing agency mortgage-backed securities at
a pace of about $40 billion per month. The
Committee also directs the Desk to engage in
dollar roll and coupon swap transactions as necessary to facilitate settlement of the Federal
Reserve’s agency MBS transactions. The Committee directs the Desk to maintain its policy of
rolling over maturing Treasury securities into
new issues and its policy of reinvesting principal
payments on all agency debt and agency


mortgage-backed securities in agency mortgagebacked securities. The System Open Market
Account Manager and the Secretary will keep
the Committee informed of ongoing developments regarding the System’s balance sheet that
could affect the attainment over time of the
Committee’s objectives of maximum employment and price stability.”
The vote encompassed approval of the statement
below to be released at 2:15 p.m.:
“Information received since the Federal Open
Market Committee met in December suggests
that growth in economic activity paused in
recent months, in large part because of weatherrelated disruptions and other transitory factors.
Employment has continued to expand at a moderate pace but the unemployment rate remains
elevated. Household spending and business fixed
investment advanced, and the housing sector has
shown further improvement. Inflation has been
running somewhat below the Committee’s
longer-run objective, apart from temporary
variations that largely reflect fluctuations in
energy prices. Longer-term inflation expectations have remained stable.
Consistent with its statutory mandate, the Committee seeks to foster maximum employment
and price stability. The Committee expects that,
with appropriate policy accommodation, economic growth will proceed at a moderate pace
and the unemployment rate will gradually
decline toward levels the Committee judges consistent with its dual mandate. Although strains
in global financial markets have eased somewhat, the Committee continues to see downside
risks to the economic outlook. The Committee
also anticipates that inflation over the medium
term likely will run at or below its 2 percent
To support a stronger economic recovery and to
help ensure that inflation, over time, is at the
rate most consistent with its dual mandate, the
Committee will continue purchasing additional
agency mortgage-backed securities at a pace of
$40 billion per month and longer-term Treasury
securities at a pace of $45 billion per month.
The Committee is maintaining its existing policy
of reinvesting principal payments from its holdings of agency debt and agency mortgagebacked securities in agency mortgage-backed


100th Annual Report | 2013

securities and of rolling over maturing Treasury
securities at auction. Taken together, these
actions should maintain downward pressure on
longer-term interest rates, support mortgage
markets, and help to make broader financial
conditions more accommodative.
The Committee will closely monitor incoming
information on economic and financial developments in coming months. If the outlook for the
labor market does not improve substantially, the
Committee will continue its purchases of Treasury and agency mortgage-backed securities, and
employ its other policy tools as appropriate,
until such improvement is achieved in a context
of price stability. In determining the size, pace,
and composition of its asset purchases, the
Committee will, as always, take appropriate
account of the likely efficacy and costs of such
To support continued progress toward maximum employment and price stability, the Committee expects that a highly accommodative
stance of monetary policy will remain appropriate for a considerable time after the asset purchase program ends and the economic recovery
strengthens. In particular, the Committee
decided to keep the target range for the federal
funds rate at 0 to ¼ percent and currently anticipates that this exceptionally low range for the
federal funds rate will be appropriate at least as
long as the unemployment rate remains above
6½ percent, inflation between one and two years
ahead is projected to be no more than a half percentage point above the Committee’s 2 percent
longer-run goal, and longer-term inflation
expectations continue to be well anchored. In
determining how long to maintain a highly
accommodative stance of monetary policy, the
Committee will also consider other information,
including additional measures of labor market
conditions, indicators of inflation pressures and
inflation expectations, and readings on financial
developments. When the Committee decides to
begin to remove policy accommodation, it will
take a balanced approach consistent with its
longer-run goals of maximum employment and
inflation of 2 percent.”
Voting for this action: Ben Bernanke, William C.
Dudley, James Bullard, Elizabeth Duke, Charles L.
Evans, Jerome H. Powell, Sarah Bloom Raskin, Eric

Rosengren, Jeremy C. Stein, Daniel K. Tarullo, and
Janet L. Yellen.
Voting against this action: Esther L. George.
Ms. George dissented out of concern that the continued high level of monetary accommodation
increased the risks of future economic and financial
imbalances and, over time, could cause an increase in
inflation expectations. In her view, the potential costs
and risks posed by the Committee’s asset purchases
outweighed their uncertain benefits. Although she
noted that monetary policy needed to remain supportive of the economy, Ms. George believed that
policy had become too accommodative and that possible unintended side effects of ongoing asset purchases, posing risks to financial stability and complicating future monetary policy, argued against continuing on the Committee’s current path.

Discussion of Communications Regarding
Economic Projections
As a follow-up to the FOMC’s discussion in October
about providing more information on the Committee’s collective judgment regarding the economic outlook and appropriate monetary policy, the staff presented several options for enhancing the Summary of
Economic Projections (SEP). Most of the options
involved displaying the information currently collected from participants in new ways by using different summary statistics or aggregations. In the ensuing
discussion, participants expressed a range of views
on the advantages and disadvantages of implementing changes to the SEP. For example, they generally
judged that the addition of the median of participants’ projections could be useful to better illustrate
the central outlook of the Committee. Many participants also expressed interest in exploring the potential for using the SEP to convey information about
issues related to the Committee’s future asset purchases and the Federal Reserve’s balance sheet. However, the discussion highlighted the complexity
involved in providing this information, in part
because participants’ quantitative assessments of the
likely evolution of the Federal Reserve’s asset holdings under appropriate policy may not adequately
convey the nature of the conditionality and the
broader cost–benefit considerations guiding the
Committee’s actions in this area. At the end of the
discussion, the Chairman asked the subcommittee on
communications to explore potential approaches to
providing more information about participants’ indi-

Minutes of Federal Open Market Committee Meetings | January

vidual views of appropriate balance sheet policy and
its conditionality.
It was agreed that the next meeting of the Committee
would be held on Tuesday–Wednesday, March 19–20,
2013. The meeting adjourned at 1:45 p.m. on January 30, 2013.


Notation Vote
By notation vote completed on January 2, 2013, the
Committee unanimously approved the minutes of the
FOMC meeting held on December 11–12, 2012.
William B. English


100th Annual Report | 2013

Meeting Held on March 19–20, 2013

Thomas C. Baxter
Deputy General Counsel

A meeting of the Federal Open Market Committee
was held in the offices of the Board of Governors of
the Federal Reserve System in Washington, D.C., on
Tuesday, March 19, 2013, at 10:00 a.m., and continued on Wednesday, March 20, 2013, at 9:00 a.m.

Steven B. Kamin

Ben Bernanke
William C. Dudley
Vice Chairman
James Bullard
Elizabeth Duke
Charles L. Evans
Esther L. George
Jerome H. Powell
Sarah Bloom Raskin
Eric Rosengren
Jeremy C. Stein
Daniel K. Tarullo
Janet L. Yellen
Christine Cumming, Richard W. Fisher,
Narayana Kocherlakota, Sandra Pianalto,
and Charles I. Plosser
Alternate Members of the Federal Open Market
Jeffrey M. Lacker, Dennis P. Lockhart,
and John C. Williams
Presidents of the Federal Reserve Banks of
Richmond, Atlanta, and San Francisco, respectively
William B. English
Secretary and Economist
Deborah J. Danker
Deputy Secretary
Matthew M. Luecke
Assistant Secretary
David W. Skidmore
Assistant Secretary
Michelle A. Smith
Assistant Secretary
Scott G. Alvarez
General Counsel

David W. Wilcox
Thomas A. Connors, Troy Davig,
Michael P. Leahy, Stephen A. Meyer,
David Reifschneider, Christopher J. Waller,
and William Wascher
Associate Economists
Simon Potter
Manager, System Open Market Account
Michael S. Gibson
Director, Division of Banking Supervision and
Regulation, Board of Governors
Nellie Liang
Director, Office of Financial Stability Policy and
Research, Board of Governors
James A. Clouse and William Nelson
Deputy Directors, Division of Monetary Affairs,
Board of Governors
Jon W. Faust
Special Adviser to the Board, Office of Board
Members, Board of Governors
Linda Robertson
Assistant to the Board, Office of Board Members,
Board of Governors
Seth B. Carpenter
Senior Associate Director, Division of Monetary
Affairs, Board of Governors
Ellen M. Meade
Senior Adviser, Division of Monetary Affairs,
Board of Governors
Eric M. Engen, Thomas Laubach,
David E. Lebow, and Michael G. Palumbo
Associate Directors, Division of Research and
Statistics, Board of Governors
William F. Bassett
Deputy Associate Director, Division of Monetary
Affairs, Board of Governors
Stacey Tevlin
Assistant Director, Division of Research and
Statistics, Board of Governors
Min Wei
Assistant Director, Division of Monetary Affairs,
Board of Governors

Minutes of Federal Open Market Committee Meetings | March

Jeremy B. Rudd
Adviser, Division of Research and Statistics,
Board of Governors
David H. Small
Project Manager, Division of Monetary Affairs,
Board of Governors
Gregory L. Stefani
First Vice President, Federal Reserve Bank of
David Altig, Loretta J. Mester,
Glenn D. Rudebusch, and Mark S. Sniderman
Executive Vice Presidents, Federal Reserve Banks of
Atlanta, Philadelphia, San Francisco, and Cleveland,
Spencer Krane, Lorie K. Logan,
Kevin Stiroh, and Kei-Mu Yi
Senior Vice Presidents, Federal Reserve Banks of
Chicago, New York, New York, and Minneapolis,
Evan F. Koenig, Jonathan P. McCarthy,
Giovanni Olivei, and Julie Ann Remache1
Vice Presidents, Federal Reserve Banks of Dallas,
New York, Boston, and New York, respectively
Robert L. Hetzel
Senior Economist, Federal Reserve Bank of

Developments in Financial Markets and
the Federal Reserve’s Balance Sheet
The Manager of the System Open Market Account
reported on developments in domestic and foreign
financial markets as well as the System open market
operations during the period since the Federal Open
Market Committee (FOMC) met on January 29–30,
2013. The Manager also reported on developments in
foreign money markets and implications for the
assets that the Federal Reserve holds in its foreign
currency portfolio. By unanimous vote, the Committee ratified the Open Market Desk’s domestic transactions over the intermeeting period. There were no
intervention operations in foreign currencies for the
System’s account over the intermeeting period.

Staff Review of the Economic Situation
The information reviewed at the March 19–20 meeting suggested that economic activity was expanding
at a moderate rate in the first quarter of this year

Attended Tuesday’s session only.


after the slowdown late last year. Private-sector
employment increased at a fairly solid pace, on balance, and the unemployment rate, though still
elevated, was slightly lower in February than in the
fourth quarter of last year. Consumer price inflation,
excluding some temporary fluctuations in energy
prices, was subdued, while measures of longer-run
inflation expectations remained stable.
Private nonfarm employment increased at a modest
rate in January but expanded more briskly in February, while government employment continued to
decrease. The unemployment rate was 7.7 percent in
February, slightly less than its fourth-quarter average;
the labor force participation rate was also a bit below
its fourth-quarter average. The rate of long-duration
unemployment and the share of workers employed
part time for economic reasons were little changed,
on net, and both measures remained high. Initial
claims for unemployment insurance trended down
somewhat over the intermeeting period. The rate of
private-sector hiring, along with indicators of job
openings and firms’ hiring plans, were generally subdued and were consistent with continued moderate
increases in employment in the coming months.
Manufacturing production increased strongly in February after declining in January, and the rate of
manufacturing capacity utilization in February was a
little higher than in the fourth quarter. The production of motor vehicles and parts rose considerably in
February, and there were also widespread increases in
factory output in other sectors. Automakers’ schedules, however, indicated that the pace of motor
vehicle assemblies in the coming months would be a
bit below that in February. Broader indicators of
manufacturing production, such as the diffusion
indexes of new orders from the national and regional
manufacturing surveys, were at levels that pointed to
moderate increases in factory production in the near
Real personal consumption expenditures rose modestly in January. In February, nominal retail sales,
excluding those at motor vehicle and parts outlets,
increased at a strong rate, while light motor vehicle
sales edged up. Some key factors that tend to influence household spending were mixed: Households’
real disposable incomes declined in January, reflecting in part the increases in both payroll and income
taxes that went into effect at the beginning of the
year and the previous pulling forward of taxable
income from 2013 into 2012; in contrast, household
net worth likely rose in recent months as a result of


100th Annual Report | 2013

higher equity values and home prices. Consumer sentiment in the Thomson Reuters/University of Michigan Surveys of Consumers rose somewhat in February, but it declined in early March and remained relatively downbeat.
Conditions in the housing sector improved further,
but construction activity was still at a relatively low
level and continued to be restrained by tight credit
standards for mortgages. Both starts and permits of
new single-family homes increased, on net, over
January and February. Starts of multifamily units
declined, on balance, but permits rose, consistent
with additional gains in construction in coming
months. Sales of both new and existing homes
advanced in January, and home prices increased
Real business expenditures on equipment and software appeared to slow somewhat early this year after
rising at a brisk rate in the fourth quarter. Nominal
shipments for nondefense capital goods excluding
aircraft decreased in January, but nominal orders
increased to a level above that of shipments, pointing
to higher shipments in the near term. Other forwardlooking indicators, such as surveys of business conditions and capital spending plans, also suggested that
outlays for business equipment would rise in the
coming months. Nominal business spending for nonresidential construction declined in January. Business
inventories in most industries appeared to be generally aligned with sales in recent months.
Real federal government purchases appeared to
decrease further in January and February, as defense
spending continued to contract on balance. Real state
and local government purchases looked to have
declined as nonfederal government payrolls
decreased in January and February and nominal construction expenditures fell in January.
The U.S. international trade deficit narrowed in
December but widened in January. Imports rose in
January, largely reflecting a rebound in the value of
oil imports, and exports decreased, driven by a
decline in the value of exports of petroleum products.
Exports of capital goods increased; the other major
categories of exports remained about unchanged.
Indexes of overall U.S. consumer prices were little
changed in January but the consumer price index
moved up briskly in February, largely reflecting a
sharp rise in gasoline prices. Consumer food prices
were flat in January and only edged up in February.

Consumer prices excluding food and energy
increased moderately in January and February. Nearterm inflation expectations from the Michigan survey
were unchanged in February and early March;
longer-term inflation expectations in the survey were
also little changed and remained within the narrow
range that they have occupied for some time.
Measures of labor compensation indicated that gains
in nominal wages remained relatively slow, only
slightly above the rate of price inflation. Compensation per hour in the nonfarm business sector rose
modestly over 2012, and, with small increases in productivity, unit labor costs also advanced only modestly. Gains in the employment cost index were even
slower than for the measure of compensation per
hour last year. In January and February, increases in
average hourly earnings for all employees continued
to be subdued.
Economic growth weakened in a number of the
advanced foreign economies in the fourth quarter of
2012. In the euro area, real gross domestic product
(GDP) contracted for a fifth consecutive quarter.
Recent data for European economies, including retail
sales and purchasing managers indexes, suggest that
the rate of economic contraction may have diminished since the beginning of the year. In emerging
market economies (EMEs), an increase in exports
contributed to a pickup in the pace of economic
growth in the fourth quarter, including for China.
More-recent indicators suggest that economic activity in China has slowed some. Inflation remained
generally contained in both advanced foreign economies and EMEs.

Staff Review of the Financial Situation
Generally favorable U.S. economic data releases,
along with communications from Federal Reserve
policymakers regarding the outlook for the economy
and monetary policy, appeared to contribute to
improved sentiment in domestic financial markets
over the intermeeting period despite some renewed
concerns about economic and financial conditions in
The expected path for the federal funds rate implied
by market quotes moved down over the intermeeting
period, likely reflecting policymakers’ communications that reinforced market expectations of continued monetary policy accommodation. Results from
the Desk’s survey of primary dealers conducted prior
to the March meeting showed that dealers continued

Minutes of Federal Open Market Committee Meetings | March

to view the third quarter of 2015 as the most likely
time of the first increase in the target federal funds
rate. In addition, the median dealer continued to see
the first quarter of 2014 as the most probable time
for the Federal Reserve’s asset purchases to end, and
most dealers anticipated that the pace of purchases
would be adjusted down before ending.


and nonfinancial CP also continued to expand. After
picking up in January, gross public issuance of equity
by nonfinancial firms remained strong in February,
and issuance of collateralized loan obligations
reached a post-financial-crisis high.

Yields on nominal Treasury securities were modestly
lower, on net, over the intermeeting period. In late
February, these yields declined notably following the
inconclusive election outcomes in Italy but mostly
retraced this decline as economic data releases in subsequent weeks exceeded expectations. Measures of
inflation compensation derived from nominal and
inflation-protected Treasury securities edged down
over the period.

Conditions in the commercial real estate (CRE) sector improved somewhat. Commercial mortgage debt
increased in the fourth quarter after having decreased
in each quarter since the beginning of 2009, and
commercial mortgage-backed security (CMBS) issuance continued to be robust over the intermeeting
period. Nonetheless, delinquency rates on loans
underlying existing CMBS remained near historically
high levels in February, and CRE prices flattened out
in the fourth quarter after several quarters of

Conditions in domestic and offshore dollar funding
markets were generally little changed, on balance,
during the intermeeting period. The outstanding
amount of unsecured commercial paper (CP) issued
by financial institutions with European parents
increased slightly on net, and CP issued by institutions with U.S. parents remained stable.

Both conforming home mortgage rates and yields on
agency mortgage-backed securities (MBS) rose, on
net, during the intermeeting period, and the spread
between the primary mortgage rate and MBS yields
narrowed a bit. Despite the increase in mortgage
rates since the start of the year, mortgage refinancing
originations declined only slightly.

In the March Senior Credit Officer Opinion Survey
on Dealer Financing Terms, respondents reported
that leveraged investors seemed to have become
somewhat more willing to take positions in risky
assets since December.

Consumer credit sustained its moderate expansion in
December and January. Nonrevolving credit continued to increase at a solid pace because of growth in
student and auto loans, while revolving credit was
roughly flat. Issuance of consumer asset-backed
securities remained strong.

Market reaction to the results of the Dodd-Frank
Act annual stress tests and of the Comprehensive
Capital Analysis and Review was limited. Overall, a
broad index of U.S. bank equity prices rose, on net,
over the intermeeting period, and credit default swap
spreads for most large domestic banks edged down
on balance.
Broad equity price indexes increased over the intermeeting period, bolstered by favorable incoming economic data. Option-implied volatility for the S&P
500 index over the near term rose slightly but
remained low, at levels last seen in early 2007.
Fourth-quarter earnings per share for S&P 500 firms
were estimated to have increased modestly from the
previous quarter.
Yields on investment- and speculative-grade corporate bonds rose a bit over the intermeeting period,
leaving risk spreads a little wider. Corporate bond
issuance by nonfinancial firms remained fairly robust
in February; commercial and industrial (C&I) loans

Driven largely by continued growth in C&I loans,
total bank credit expanded in January and February
at roughly its fourth-quarter pace. The February Survey of Terms of Business Lending indicated some
easing in loan pricing.
The level of M2 was about unchanged, on net, over
January and February. In contrast, the monetary
base expanded briskly from January through midMarch, driven mainly by the increase in reserve balances resulting from the Federal Reserve’s purchases
of Treasury securities and agency MBS.
Financial market concerns regarding the euro area
rose over the intermeeting period amid weaker-thanexpected economic data releases and political uncertainties generated by the inconclusive election results
in Italy. Adding to the concerns was the proposal in
Cyprus to tax insured, along with uninsured, deposits
as part of the country’s effort to secure an aid package from the euro area and the International Mon-


100th Annual Report | 2013

etary Fund. Ten-year sovereign yields in most peripheral euro-area countries rose relative to German bond
yields, with spreads for Italian sovereign debt increasing noticeably; euro-area banking-sector share prices
fell sharply. With economic data for the euro area,
the United Kingdom, and Canada coming in weaker
than anticipated, yields on bunds, gilts, and longterm Canadian government securities fell. In addition, market-based measures of expected overnight
interest rates also declined in those countries, and the
dollar appreciated against the euro, sterling, and the
Canadian dollar. Expectations intensified that the
Bank of Japan would pursue aggressive monetary
easing after the new governor of the Bank of Japan
was installed; over the intermeeting period, the yen
depreciated further, 10-year Japanese government
bond yields declined to near record lows, and the
Nikkei stock price index rose substantially. Movements in the currencies of EMEs against the dollar
were generally small. Although inflows into emerging
market mutual funds continued, they slowed notably
in recent weeks, and EME equity indexes were, on
average, slightly lower. Some EME central banks cut
interest rates, citing concerns about economic
The staff also reported on potential risks to financial
stability, including those associated with the current
low interest rate environment. Some observers have
suggested that a lengthy period of low long-term
rates could encourage excessive risk-taking that could
have adverse consequences for financial stability at
some point in the future. The staff surveyed a wide
range of asset markets and financial institutions for
signs of excess valuations, leverage, or risk-taking
that could pose systemic risks. Low interest rates
likely have supported gains in asset prices and
encouraged the flow of credit to households and
businesses, but these changes to date do not appear
to have been accompanied by significant financial
imbalances. However, trends in a few specific markets
bore watching, and the staff will continue to monitor
for signs of developments that could pose risks to
financial stability.

Staff Economic Outlook
In the economic forecast prepared by the staff for the
March FOMC meeting, real GDP growth was
revised down somewhat in the near term, largely
reflecting the federal spending sequestration that
went into effect on March 1 and the resulting drag
from reduced government purchases. The staff’s
medium-term forecast for real GDP growth was little

changed, on balance, as the effects of somewhat more
fiscal policy restraint and a higher assumed path for
the foreign exchange value of the dollar were essentially offset by a brighter outlook for domestic energy
production and a higher projection for household
wealth, which reflected upward revisions to the projected paths for both equity prices and home prices.
On balance, with fiscal policy expected to be tighter
in 2013 than in 2012, the staff expected that increases
in real GDP this year would only modestly exceed the
growth rate of potential output. Fiscal policy
restraint on economic growth was assumed to ease
over time, and real GDP was projected to accelerate
gradually in 2014 and 2015, supported by increases in
consumer and business sentiment, further improvements in credit availability and financial conditions,
and accommodative monetary policy. The expansion
in economic activity was anticipated to slowly reduce
the slack in labor and product markets over the projection period, and progress in reducing the unemployment rate was expected to be gradual.
The staff’s forecast for inflation was little changed
from the projection prepared for the January FOMC
meeting. With crude oil prices anticipated to trend
down slowly from their current levels, long-run inflation expectations assumed to remain stable, and significant resource slack persisting over the forecast
period, the staff continued to project that inflation
would be subdued through 2015.
The staff viewed the uncertainty around its forecast
for economic activity as similar to the average level
over the past 20 years. However, the risks were
viewed as skewed to the downside, reflecting in part
the concerns about the situation in Europe and the
possibility of a more severe tightening in U.S. fiscal
policy than currently anticipated. The staff saw the
uncertainty around its projection for inflation as
about average, and it viewed the risks to the inflation
outlook as roughly balanced.

Participants’ Views on Current Conditions
and Economic Outlook
In conjunction with this FOMC meeting, meeting
participants—the 7 members of the Board of Governors and the presidents of the 12 Federal Reserve
Banks, all of whom participate in the deliberations of
the FOMC—submitted their assessments of real output growth, the unemployment rate, inflation, and
the target federal funds rate for each year from 2013
through 2015 and over the longer run, under each
participant’s judgment of appropriate monetary

Minutes of Federal Open Market Committee Meetings | March

policy. The longer-run projections represent each
participant’s assessment of the rate to which each
variable would be expected to converge, over time,
under appropriate monetary policy and in the
absence of further shocks to the economy. These economic projections and policy assessments are
described in the Summary of Economic Projections,
which is attached as an addendum to these minutes.
Meeting participants generally indicated that they
viewed the economic data received during the intermeeting period as somewhat more positive than had
been expected, but that fiscal policy appeared to have
become more restrictive, leaving the outlook for the
economy little changed on balance since the January
meeting. Participants judged that the economy had
returned to moderate growth following a pause late
last year, and a few noted that the downside risks
may have diminished. Conditions in labor markets
had shown signs of improvement, although the
unemployment rate remained elevated. Spending by
households and businesses was continuing to expand,
perhaps reflecting some increased optimism. Participants noted that the housing market, in particular,
had firmed somewhat further. Accommodative monetary policy was likely providing important support
to these developments.
In contrast, participants thought that fiscal policy
was exerting significant near-term restraint on the
economy. Participants generally anticipated that
growth would proceed at a moderate pace and that
the unemployment rate would decline gradually
toward levels consistent with the Committee’s mandate. Inflation had been running below the Committee’s 2 percent objective for some time, and nearly all
of the participants anticipated that it would run at or
below 2 percent over the medium term.
In their discussion of the household sector, most participants noted that the data on spending were somewhat encouraging, particularly with regard to spending on automobiles, other consumer durables, and
housing. Several participants stated that the moderate acceleration in spending might in part reflect
pent-up demand following years of deleveraging and
was importantly supported by the stance of monetary policy, which has reduced the cost of financing
purchases and improved credit availability to some
degree. A couple of participants noted that the
increase in the payroll tax appeared to have not yet
had a material effect on household spending; however, another suggested that the payroll tax increase,
along with higher gasoline prices, may be one reason


why spending by lower-income households appeared
to be depressed, as those changes disproportionately
cut into the disposable income of those households.
A couple of other participants thought that overall
consumer spending was likely still held back, at least
in part, by ongoing concerns about future income
and employment prospects. Both fiscal restraint and
the high level of student debt were mentioned as risks
to aggregate household spending over the forecast
Participants generally saw conditions in the housing
market as having improved further over the intermeeting period. Rising house prices were strengthening household balance sheets by raising wealth and
by increasing the ability of some homeowners to refinance their mortgages at lower rates. Such a dynamic
was seen as potentially leading to a virtuous cycle
that could help support household spending and
financial market conditions over time. Reports from
homebuilders in many parts of the country were
encouraging. One participant pointed to ongoing
changes in a range of factors—including demographics, credit conditions, business models, and consumer
preferences—that were likely shifting both supply
and demand in the housing sector and concluded
that the outlook for the sector was quite uncertain
and potentially subject to rapid changes.
Many participants reported that their business contacts were seeing some further improvement in the
economic outlook. Firms reported increased planning for capital expenditures, supported by low interest rates and substantial cash holdings. Investment
spending on productivity-enhancing technology was
strong, as was pipeline construction in the energy sector. A few participants indicated that their contacts
saw the level of uncertainty about the economic outlook as having declined recently, a development that
could lead to increased investment expenditures.
Most participants remarked on the federal spending
sequester and its potential effects on the economy;
they judged that recent tax and spending changes
were already restraining aggregate demand or would
do so over the course of the year. A couple of participants, however, suggested that they had cut their
estimates of the effect of recent federal austerity
measures or had never considered the effects to be
Recent readings on private employment and the
unemployment rate indicated some improvement in
labor market conditions. Nonetheless, participants


100th Annual Report | 2013

generally saw the unemployment rate as still elevated
and were not yet confident that the recent progress
toward the Committee’s employment objective would
be sustained. The need to use a range of indicators to
gauge labor market conditions was noted. One participant highlighted that hiring rates and quit rates
remained somewhat low. Another participant discussed evidence that the labor market may have
become less dynamic over time, with the result that
recent payroll gains might be more meaningful than
would first appear. Inference about the labor force
participation rate was complicated by its long-run
downward trend. One participant cited research indicating that long-term unemployment, which is currently especially high, could lead to persistently lower
income and wealth for those affected, even after they
found jobs. More broadly, firms reportedly remained
cautious about hiring, which some participants
attributed in part to restrictive fiscal policy combined
with growing regulatory burden. This caution
appeared to have resulted in jobs remaining vacant
for substantially longer than would normally be the
case, given the unemployment rate.
Recent price developments were consistent with subdued inflation pressures and inflation remaining at or
below the Committee’s 2 percent objective over the
medium run. Participants saw little near-term inflationary pressure, with a few noting that the appreciation of the dollar was holding down import costs or
that the recent increases in gasoline prices did not
appear to have passed through more broadly to
prices of other goods. Pointing to inflation that had
been running below their objective for some time,
some participants saw downside risks to inflation,
especially if economic activity did not pick up as projected. But a few participants noted that the risk
remained that inflationary pressures could rise as the
expansion continued, especially if monetary policy
remained highly accommodative for too long.
Participants discussed their assessments of risks to
financial stability, particularly in light of the Committee’s highly accommodative stance of monetary
policy. Many participants noted that in the current
low-interest rate environment, investors in some
financial markets were taking on additional risk—either credit risk or interest rate risk—in an effort to
boost returns. As a result, vigilance on the part of
policymakers and regulators was warranted, especially in light of episodic strains in European markets. A couple of participants noted that U.S. banks
had expanded their capital positions and were generally in sound financial condition. Meeting partici-

pants generally agreed that there was an ongoing
need to evaluate the possible interactions between
monetary policy decisions and financial stability,
with some noting that adverse shocks to financial stability can affect progress toward the Committee’s
dual mandate.

Review of Efficacy and Costs of Asset
The staff provided presentations covering the efficacy
of the Federal Reserve’s asset purchases, the effects
of the purchases on security market functioning, the
ways in which asset purchases might amplify or
reduce risks to financial stability, and the fiscal implications of purchases. In their discussion of this topic,
meeting participants generally judged the macroeconomic benefits of the current purchase program to
outweigh the likely costs and risks, but they agreed
that an ongoing assessment of the benefits and costs
was necessary. Pointing to academic and Federal
Reserve staff research, most participants saw asset
purchases as having a meaningful effect in easing
financial conditions and so supporting economic
growth. Some expressed the view that these effects
had likely been stronger during the Federal Reserve’s
initial large-scale asset purchases because that program also helped support market functioning during
the financial crisis. Other participants, however, saw
little evidence that the efficacy of asset purchases had
declined over time, and a couple of these suggested
that the effectiveness of purchases might even have
increased more recently, as the easing of credit constraints allowed more borrowers to take advantage of
lower interest rates. One participant emphasized the
role of recent asset purchases in keeping inflation
from declining further below the Committee’s longerrun goal. A few participants felt that MBS purchases
provided more support to the economy than purchases of longer-term Treasury securities because
they stimulated the housing sector directly; however,
a few preferred to focus any purchases in the Treasury market to avoid allocating credit to a specific sector of the economy. It was noted that, in addition to
the standard channels through which monetary
policy affects the economy, asset purchases could
help signal the Committee’s commitment to accommodative monetary policy, thereby making the forward guidance about the federal funds rate more
effective. However, a few participants were not convinced of the benefits of asset purchases, stating that
the effects on financial markets appeared to be short
lived or that they saw little evidence of a significant
macroeconomic effect. One participant suggested

Minutes of Federal Open Market Committee Meetings | March

that the signaling effect of asset purchases may have
been reduced by the adoption of threshold-based forward guidance. In general, reflecting the limited experience with large-scale asset purchases, participants
recognized that estimates of the economic effects
were necessarily imprecise and covered a wide range.
Participants generally agreed that asset purchases
also have potential costs and risks. In particular, participants pointed to possible risks to the stability of
the financial system, the functioning of particular
financial markets, the smooth withdrawal of monetary accommodation when it eventually becomes
appropriate, and the Federal Reserve’s net income.
Their views on the practical importance of these risks
varied, as did their prescriptions for mitigating them.
Asset purchases were seen by some as having a
potential to contribute to imbalances in financial
markets and asset prices, which could undermine
financial stability over time. Moreover, to the extent
that asset purchases push down longer-term interest
rates, they potentially expose financial markets to a
rapid rise in those rates in the future, which could
impose significant losses on some investors and intermediaries. Several participants suggested that
enhanced supervision could serve to limit, at least to
some extent, the increased risk-taking associated with
a lengthy period of low long-term interest rates, and
that effective policy communication or balance sheet
management by the Committee could reduce the
probability of excessively rapid increases in longerterm rates. It was also noted that the accommodative
stance of policy could be supporting financial stability by returning the economy to a stable footing
sooner than would otherwise be the case and perhaps
by allowing borrowers to secure longer-term financing and thereby reduce funding risks; by contrast,
curtailing asset purchases could slow the recovery
and so extend the period of very low interest rates.
Nevertheless, a number of participants remained
concerned about the potential for financial stability
risks to build. One consequence of asset purchases
has been the increase in the Federal Reserve’s net
income and its remittances to the Treasury, but those
values were projected to decline, perhaps even to zero
for a time, as the Committee eventually withdraws
policy accommodation. Some participants were concerned that a substantial decline in remittances might
lead to an adverse public reaction or potentially
undermine Federal Reserve credibility or effectiveness. The possibility of such outcomes was seen as
necessitating clear communications about the outlook for Federal Reserve net income. Several participants stated that such risks should not inhibit the


Committee from pursuing its mandated objectives for
inflation and employment. In any case, it was indicated that the fiscal benefits of a stronger economy
would be much greater than any short-term fluctuations in remittances, and moreover, a couple of participants noted that cumulative remittances to the
Treasury would likely be higher than would have
been the case without any asset purchases. Some participants also were concerned that additional asset
purchases could complicate the eventual firming of
policy—for example, by impairing the Committee’s
control over the federal funds rate. A few participants
raised the possibility of an undesirable rise in inflation. However, others expressed confidence in the
Committee’s exit tools and its resolve to keep inflation near its longer-run goal. Another exit-related
concern was a possible adverse effect on market functioning from MBS sales during the normalization of
the Federal Reserve’s balance sheet. Although the
Committee’s asset purchases have had little apparent
effect on securities market functioning to date, some
participants felt that future asset sales could prove
more challenging. In this regard, several participants
noted that a decision by the Committee to hold its
MBS to maturity instead of selling them would
essentially eliminate this risk. A decision not to sell
MBS, or to sell MBS only very slowly, would also
mitigate some of the financial stability risks that
could be associated with such sales as well as damp
the decline in remittances to the Treasury at that
time. Such a decision was also seen by some as a
potential source of additional near-term policy
accommodation. Overall, most meeting participants
thought the risks and costs of additional asset purchases remained manageable, but also that continued
close attention to these issues was warranted. A few
participants noted that curtailing the purchase program was the most direct way to mitigate the costs
and risks.
In light of their discussion of the benefits and costs
of asset purchases, participants discussed their views
on the appropriate course for the current asset purchase program. A few participants noted that they
already viewed the costs as likely outweighing the
benefits and so would like to bring the program to a
close relatively soon. A few others saw the risks as
increasing fairly quickly with the size of the Federal
Reserve’s balance sheet and judged that the pace of
purchases would likely need to be reduced before
long. Many participants, including some of those
who were focused on the increasing risks, expressed
the view that continued solid improvement in the
outlook for the labor market could prompt the Com-


100th Annual Report | 2013

mittee to slow the pace of purchases beginning at
some point over the next several meetings, while a
few participants suggested that economic conditions
would likely justify continuing the program at its current pace at least until late in the year. A range of
views was expressed regarding the economic and
labor market conditions that would call for an adjustment in the pace of purchases. Many participants
emphasized that any decision to reduce the pace of
purchases should reflect both an improvement in
their overall outlook for labor market conditions, as
implied by a wide range of available indicators, and
their confidence in the sustainability of that improvement. A couple of these participants noted that if
progress toward the Committee’s economic goals
were not maintained, the pace of purchases might
appropriately be increased. A number of participants
suggested that the Committee could change the mix
of its policy tools if necessary to increase or maintain
overall accommodation, including potentially adjusting its forward guidance or its balance sheet policies.

Committee Policy Action
Committee members saw the information received
over the intermeeting period as suggesting that moderate economic growth had resumed following a
pause late last year. Labor market conditions had
shown signs of improvement, but the unemployment
rate remained elevated. Household spending and
business fixed investment had advanced, and the
housing sector had strengthened further, but fiscal
policy had become somewhat more restrictive. The
Committee expected that, with appropriate monetary
policy accommodation, economic growth would proceed at a moderate pace and result in a gradual
decline in the unemployment rate toward levels that
the Committee judges consistent with its dual mandate. Members generally continued to anticipate that,
with longer-term inflation expectations stable and
slack in resource utilization remaining, inflation over
the medium term would likely run at or below the
Committee’s 2 percent objective.
In their discussion of monetary policy for the period
ahead, members saw the economic outlook as little
changed since the previous meeting, and, consequently, all but one member judged that a highly
accommodative stance of monetary policy was warranted in order to foster a stronger economic recovery in a context of price stability. The Committee
agreed that it would be appropriate to continue purchases of MBS at a pace of $40 billion per month
and purchases of longer-term Treasury securities at a

pace of $45 billion per month, as well as to maintain
the Committee’s reinvestment policies. The Committee also retained its forward guidance about the federal funds rate, including the thresholds on the unemployment and inflation rates. One member dissented
from the Committee’s policy decision, expressing
concern that the continued high level of monetary
accommodation increased the risks of future economic and financial imbalances and, over time, could
cause an increase in inflation expectations.
Members stressed that any changes to the purchase
program should be conditional on continuing assessments both of labor market and inflation developments and of the efficacy and costs of asset purchases. In light of the current review of benefits and
costs, one member judged that the pace of purchases
should ideally be slowed immediately. A few members
felt that the risks and costs of purchases, along with
the improved outlook since last fall, would likely
make a reduction in the pace of purchases appropriate around midyear, with purchases ending later this
year. Several others thought that if the outlook for
labor market conditions improved as anticipated, it
would probably be appropriate to slow purchases
later in the year and to stop them by year-end. Two
members indicated that purchases might well continue at the current pace at least through the end of
the year. It was also noted that were the outlook to
deteriorate, the pace of purchases could be increased.
In light of this discussion, the Committee included
language in the statement to be released following the
meeting in part to make explicit that the size, pace,
and composition of its asset purchases were conditional not only on the likely efficacy and costs of
those purchases, but also on the extent of progress
toward the Committee’s economic objectives.
At the conclusion of the discussion, the Committee
voted to authorize and direct the Federal Reserve
Bank of New York, until it was instructed otherwise,
to execute transactions in the System Account in
accordance with the following domestic policy
“Consistent with its statutory mandate, the Federal Open Market Committee seeks monetary
and financial conditions that will foster maximum employment and price stability. In particular, the Committee seeks conditions in reserve
markets consistent with federal funds trading in
a range from 0 to ¼ percent. The Committee
directs the Desk to undertake open market
operations as necessary to maintain such condi-

Minutes of Federal Open Market Committee Meetings | March

tions. The Desk is directed to continue purchasing longer-term Treasury securities at a pace of
about $45 billion per month and to continue
purchasing agency mortgage-backed securities at
a pace of about $40 billion per month. The
Committee also directs the Desk to engage in
dollar roll and coupon swap transactions as necessary to facilitate settlement of the Federal
Reserve’s agency mortgage-backed securities
transactions. The Committee directs the Desk to
maintain its policy of rolling over maturing
Treasury securities into new issues and its policy
of reinvesting principal payments on all agency
debt and agency mortgage-backed securities in
agency mortgage-backed securities. The System
Open Market Account Manager and the Secretary will keep the Committee informed of ongoing developments regarding the System’s balance sheet that could affect the attainment over
time of the Committee’s objectives of maximum
employment and price stability.”
The vote encompassed approval of the statement
below to be released at 2:00 p.m.:
“Information received since the Federal Open
Market Committee met in January suggests a
return to moderate economic growth following a
pause late last year. Labor market conditions
have shown signs of improvement in recent
months but the unemployment rate remains
elevated. Household spending and business fixed
investment advanced, and the housing sector has
strengthened further, but fiscal policy has
become somewhat more restrictive. Inflation has
been running somewhat below the Committee’s
longer-run objective, apart from temporary
variations that largely reflect fluctuations in
energy prices. Longer-term inflation expectations have remained stable.
Consistent with its statutory mandate, the Committee seeks to foster maximum employment
and price stability. The Committee expects that,
with appropriate policy accommodation, economic growth will proceed at a moderate pace
and the unemployment rate will gradually
decline toward levels the Committee judges consistent with its dual mandate. The Committee
continues to see downside risks to the economic
outlook. The Committee also anticipates that
inflation over the medium term likely will run at
or below its 2 percent objective.


To support a stronger economic recovery and to
help ensure that inflation, over time, is at the
rate most consistent with its dual mandate, the
Committee decided to continue purchasing
additional agency mortgage-backed securities at
a pace of $40 billion per month and longer-term
Treasury securities at a pace of $45 billion per
month. The Committee is maintaining its existing policy of reinvesting principal payments
from its holdings of agency debt and agency
mortgage-backed securities in agency mortgagebacked securities and of rolling over maturing
Treasury securities at auction. Taken together,
these actions should maintain downward pressure on longer-term interest rates, support mortgage markets, and help to make broader financial conditions more accommodative.
The Committee will closely monitor incoming
information on economic and financial developments in coming months. The Committee will
continue its purchases of Treasury and agency
mortgage-backed securities, and employ its
other policy tools as appropriate, until the outlook for the labor market has improved substantially in a context of price stability. In determining the size, pace, and composition of its asset
purchases, the Committee will continue to take
appropriate account of the likely efficacy and
costs of such purchases as well as the extent of
progress toward its economic objectives.
To support continued progress toward maximum employment and price stability, the Committee expects that a highly accommodative
stance of monetary policy will remain appropriate for a considerable time after the asset purchase program ends and the economic recovery
strengthens. In particular, the Committee
decided to keep the target range for the federal
funds rate at 0 to ¼ percent and currently anticipates that this exceptionally low range for the
federal funds rate will be appropriate at least as
long as the unemployment rate remains above
6½ percent, inflation between one and two years
ahead is projected to be no more than a half percentage point above the Committee’s 2 percent
longer-run goal, and longer-term inflation
expectations continue to be well anchored. In
determining how long to maintain a highly
accommodative stance of monetary policy, the
Committee will also consider other information,
including additional measures of labor market


100th Annual Report | 2013

conditions, indicators of inflation pressures and
inflation expectations, and readings on financial
developments. When the Committee decides to
begin to remove policy accommodation, it will
take a balanced approach consistent with its
longer-run goals of maximum employment and
inflation of 2 percent.”
Voting for this action: Ben Bernanke, William C.
Dudley, James Bullard, Elizabeth Duke, Charles L.
Evans, Jerome H. Powell, Sarah Bloom Raskin, Eric
Rosengren, Jeremy C. Stein, Daniel K. Tarullo, and
Janet L. Yellen.
Voting against this action: Esther L. George.
Ms. George dissented because she continued to view
monetary policy as too accommodative and therefore
as posing risks to the achievement of the Committee’s economic objectives in the long run. In particular, the current stance of policy could lead to financial imbalances, a mispricing of risk, and, over time,

higher long-term inflation expectations. In her view,
the Committee’s asset purchases were providing relatively small benefits, and, given the risks that they
posed as well as the improvement in the outlook for
the labor market, she thought they should be wound
It was agreed that the next meeting of the Committee
would be held on Tuesday–Wednesday, April 30–
May 1, 2013. The meeting adjourned at 11:30 a.m.
on March 20, 2013.

Notation Vote
By notation vote completed on February 19, 2013,
the Committee unanimously approved the minutes of
the FOMC meeting held on January 29–30, 2013.
William B. English

Minutes of Federal Open Market Committee Meetings | March

Summary of Economic Projections


recovery would gradually pick up over the 2013–15
period and inflation would remain subdued (table 1
and figure 1). Participants anticipated that the
growth rate of real gross domestic product (GDP)
would increase somewhat over the forecast period to
a pace that generally exceeded their estimates of the
longer-run sustainable rate of growth. Participants
expected the unemployment rate to decline gradually
through 2015. Nearly all participants projected that
inflation, as measured by the annual change in the
price index for personal consumption expenditures
(PCE), would remain somewhat below the longer-run
goal in 2013 and then rise toward 2 percent over the
forecast period.

In conjunction with the March 19–20, 2013, Federal
Open Market Committee (FOMC) meeting, meeting
participants—the 7 members of the Board of Governors and the 12 presidents of the Federal Reserve
Banks, all of whom participate in the deliberations of
the FOMC—submitted their assessments of real output growth, the unemployment rate, inflation, and
the target federal funds rate for each year from 2013
through 2015 and over the longer run. Each participant’s assessment was based on information available
at the time of the meeting plus his or her judgment of
appropriate monetary policy and assumptions about
the factors likely to affect economic outcomes. The
longer-run projections represent each participant’s
judgment of the value to which each variable would
be expected to converge, over time, under appropriate
monetary policy and in the absence of further shocks
to the economy. “Appropriate monetary policy” is
defined as the future path of policy that each participant deems most likely to foster outcomes for economic activity and inflation that best satisfy his or
her individual interpretation of the Federal Reserve’s
objectives of maximum employment and stable

As shown in figure 2, most participants judged that
highly accommodative monetary policy was likely to
be warranted over the next few years to support
stable prices and continued progress toward maximum employment. In particular, 14 participants
thought that it would be appropriate for the first
increase in the target federal funds rate to occur during 2015 or later. Most participants also judged that
it would be appropriate to continue purchasing
agency mortgage-backed securities (MBS) and
longer-term Treasury securities into the second half
of 2013.
Many participants continued to judge the uncertainty associated with the outlook for real activity
and the unemployment rate to be unusually high
compared with the norm of the past 20 years. In con-

Overall, the assessments submitted in March indicated that FOMC participants projected that, under
appropriate monetary policy, the pace of economic

Table 1. Economic projections of Federal Reserve Board members and Federal Reserve Bank presidents, March 2013
Central tendency1



Change in real GDP
December projection
Unemployment rate
December projection
PCE inflation
December projection
Core PCE inflation3
December projection




Longer run




Longer run

2.3 to 2.8
2.3 to 3.0
7.3 to 7.5
7.4 to 7.7
1.3 to 1.7
1.3 to 2.0
1.5 to 1.6
1.6 to 1.9

2.9 to 3.4
3.0 to 3.5
6.7 to 7.0
6.8 to 7.3
1.5 to 2.0
1.5 to 2.0
1.7 to 2.0
1.6 to 2.0

2.9 to 3.7
3.0 to 3.7
6.0 to 6.5
6.0 to 6.6
1.7 to 2.0
1.7 to 2.0
1.8 to 2.1
1.8 to 2.0

2.3 to 2.5
2.3 to 2.5
5.2 to 6.0
5.2 to 6.0

2.0 to 3.0
2.0 to 3.2
6.9 to 7.6
6.9 to 7.8
1.3 to 2.0
1.3 to 2.0
1.5 to 2.0
1.5 to 2.0

2.6 to 3.8
2.8 to 4.0
6.1 to 7.1
6.1 to 7.4
1.4 to 2.1
1.4 to 2.2
1.5 to 2.1
1.5 to 2.0

2.5 to 3.8
2.5 to 4.2
5.7 to 6.5
5.7 to 6.8
1.6 to 2.6
1.5 to 2.2
1.7 to 2.6
1.7 to 2.2

2.0 to 3.0
2.2 to 3.0
5.0 to 6.0
5.0 to 6.0

Note: Projections of change in real gross domestic product (GDP) and projections for both measures of inflation are from the fourth quarter of the previous year to the fourth
quarter of the year indicated. PCE inflation and core PCE inflation are the percentage rates of change in, respectively, the price index for personal consumption expenditures
(PCE) and the price index for PCE excluding food and energy. Projections for the unemployment rate are for the average civilian unemployment rate in the fourth quarter of the
year indicated. Each participant’s projections are based on his or her assessment of appropriate monetary policy. Longer-run projections represent each participant’s
assessment of the rate to which each variable would be expected to converge under appropriate monetary policy and in the absence of further shocks to the economy. The
December projections were made in conjunction with the meeting of the Federal Open Market Committee on December 11–12, 2012.
The central tendency excludes the three highest and three lowest projections for each variable in each year.
The range for a variable in a given year includes all participants’ projections, from lowest to highest, for that variable in that year.
Longer-run projections for core PCE inflation are not collected.


100th Annual Report | 2013

Figure 1. Central tendencies and ranges of economic projections, 2013–15 and over the longer run

Change in real GDP


Central tendency of projections
Range of projections













Unemployment rate











PCE inflation












Core PCE inflation










Note: Definitions of variables are in the general note to table 1. The data for the actual values of the variables are annual.



Minutes of Federal Open Market Committee Meetings | March


Figure 2. Overview of FOMC participants’ assessments of appropriate monetary policy
Number of participants

Appropriate timing of policy firming












Appropriate pace of policy firming


Target federal funds rate at year-end










Longer run

Note: In the upper panel, the height of each bar denotes the number of FOMC participants who judge that, under appropriate monetary policy, the first increase in the target federal funds rate from its current range of 0 to ¼ percent will occur in the specified calendar year. In December 2012, the numbers of FOMC participants who judged that the first
increase in the target federal funds rate would occur in 2013, 2014, 2015, and 2016 were, respectively, 2, 3, 13, and 1. In the lower panel, each shaded circle indicates the
value (rounded to the nearest ¼ percentage point) of an individual participant’s judgment of the appropriate level of the target federal funds rate at the end of the specified calendar year or over the longer run.


100th Annual Report | 2013

trast to December, however, more participants
viewed the risks to those outlooks as broadly balanced than saw the risks as skewed toward adverse
outcomes. A majority of participants indicated that
the uncertainty surrounding their projections for
PCE inflation was broadly similar to historical
norms, and nearly all considered the risks to inflation
to be either broadly balanced or weighted to the

The Outlook for Economic Activity
Participants projected that, conditional on their individual assumptions about appropriate monetary
policy, the economy would grow at a somewhat faster
pace in 2013 than it had in 2012. They also generally
judged that growth would strengthen further in 2014
and 2015, in most cases to a rate above what participants saw as the longer-run rate of output growth.
Most participants noted that the high degree of
monetary policy accommodation assumed in their
projections would help promote the economic recovery over the forecast period and expected that continued improvement in the housing sector would add
more broadly to private demand; however, they also
judged that increased fiscal restraint in the United
States would hold back the pace of economic expansion, especially in 2013, and pointed to the situation
in Europe as an ongoing downside risk.
The central tendency of participants’ projections for
the change in real GDP was 2.3 to 2.8 percent for
2013, 2.9 to 3.4 percent for 2014, and 2.9 to 3.7 percent for 2015; these projections were little changed, to
slightly below, the ones in December. When participants compared their own March forecast with the
one they made in December, many mentioned that
stronger-than-anticipated incoming data on private
economic activity had nearly offset the effects of
greater-than-expected fiscal restraint likely to be put
in place this year. The central tendency for the
longer-run rate of increase of real GDP was 2.3 to
2.5 percent, unchanged from December.
Participants anticipated a gradual decline in the
unemployment rate over the forecast period; even so,
they generally thought that the unemployment rate at
the end of 2015 would remain well above their individual estimates of its longer-run normal level. The
central tendencies of participants’ forecasts for the
unemployment rate were 7.3 to 7.5 percent at the end
of 2013 and 6.7 to 7.0 percent at the end of 2014.
These projections are slightly lower than in December, with a few participants attributing their revisions

to the more favorable data from the labor market or
small changes in their estimated rate of potential output growth. However, the central tendency of the
forecasts for the end of 2015, at 6.0 to 6.5 percent,
changed little. The central tendency of participants’
estimates of the longer-run normal rate of unemployment that would prevail under appropriate monetary policy and in the absence of further shocks to
the economy was 5.2 to 6.0 percent, the same as in
December. Most participants projected that the
unemployment rate would converge to their estimates
of its longer-run normal rate in five or six years,
while some judged that less time would be needed.
As shown in figures 3.A and 3.B, participants’ views
regarding the likely outcomes for real GDP growth
and the unemployment rate over the next three years
and over the longer run remained diverse, reflecting
their individual assessments of appropriate monetary
policy and its economic effects, the likely rate of
improvement in the housing sector and domestic
spending more generally, the domestic implications of
foreign economic developments, the extent of structural dislocations to the labor market and the economy’s productive potential, and a number of other
factors. The dispersion of participants’ projections of
real GDP growth was little changed relative to
December, with a small reduction in the upper end of
the distribution in all three years of the forecast
period and a slight overall downward shift in 2014.
The distributions of the unemployment rate projections in each year narrowed a few tenths, reflecting
decreases in the high ends of the ranges. The dispersion of estimates for the longer-run rate of output
growth stayed fairly narrow, with all but four within
the central tendency of 2.3 to 2.5 percent; two participants, however, dropped their estimates to below
2.2 percent. The range of participants’ estimates of
the longer-run rate of unemployment, at 5.0 to
6.0 percent, was unchanged relative to December.

The Outlook for Inflation
Participants’ broad outlook for inflation under
appropriate monetary policy suggested that both
headline and core inflation would remain subdued
over the 2013–15 period, with nearly all participants
judging that inflation would be equal to or below the
FOMC’s longer-run objective of 2 percent in each
year. Specifically, the central tendency of participants’ projections for overall inflation in 2013, as
measured by the growth in the PCE price index, narrowed to 1.3 to 1.7 percent, while the central tendencies for 2014 and 2015 were unchanged at 1.5 to

Minutes of Federal Open Market Committee Meetings | March


Figure 3.A. Distribution of participants’ projections for the change in real GDP, 2013–15 and over the longer run
Number of participants



March projections
December projections

2.0 2.1

2.2 2.3

2.4 2.5

2.6 2.7

2.8 2.9

3.0 3.1

3.2 3.3

3.4 3.5

3.6 3.7

3.8 3.9

4.0 4.1

4.2 4.3

Percent range
Number of participants


2.0 2.1

2.2 2.3

2.4 2.5

2.6 2.7

2.8 2.9

3.0 3.1

3.2 3.3

3.4 3.5

3.6 3.7

3.8 3.9

4.0 4.1

4.2 4.3

Percent range
Number of participants


2.0 2.1

2.2 2.3

2.4 2.5

2.6 2.7

2.8 2.9

3.0 3.1

3.2 3.3

3.4 3.5

3.6 3.7

3.8 3.9

4.0 4.1

4.2 4.3

Percent range
Number of participants

Longer run

2.0 2.1

2.2 2.3

2.4 2.5

2.6 2.7

2.8 2.9

3.0 3.1

3.2 3.3

Percent range
Note: Definitions of variables are in the general note to table 1.

3.4 3.5

3.6 3.7

3.8 3.9

4.0 4.1

4.2 4.3


100th Annual Report | 2013

Figure 3.B. Distribution of participants’ projections for the unemployment rate, 2013–15 and over the longer run
Number of participants



March projections
December projections

5.0 5.1

5.2 5.3

5.4 5.5

5.6 5.7

5.8 5.9

6.0 6.1

6.2 6.3

6.4 6.5

6.6 6.7

6.8 6.9

7.0 7.1

7.2 7.3

7.4 7.5

7.6 7.7

7.8 7.9

Percent range
Number of participants


5.0 5.1

5.2 5.3

5.4 5.5

5.6 5.7

5.8 5.9

6.0 6.1

6.2 6.3

6.4 6.5

6.6 6.7

6.8 6.9

7.0 7.1

7.2 7.3

7.4 7.5

7.6 7.7

7.8 7.9

Percent range
Number of participants


5.0 5.1

5.2 5.3

5.4 5.5

5.6 5.7

5.8 5.9

6.0 6.1

6.2 6.3

6.4 6.5

6.6 6.7

6.8 6.9

7.0 7.1

7.2 7.3

7.4 7.5

7.6 7.7

7.8 7.9

Percent range
Number of participants

Longer run

5.0 5.1

5.2 5.3

5.4 5.5

5.6 5.7

5.8 5.9

6.0 6.1

6.2 6.3

6.4 6.5

Percent range
Note: Definitions of variables are in the general note to table 1.

6.6 6.7

6.8 6.9

7.0 7.1

7.2 7.3

7.4 7.5

7.6 7.7

7.8 7.9

Minutes of Federal Open Market Committee Meetings | March

2.0 percent and 1.7 to 2.0 percent, respectively. The
central tendency of the forecasts for core inflation in
2013 also narrowed, to 1.5 to 1.6 percent, but, unlike
overall inflation, edged up slightly in 2014 and 2015;
nevertheless, the central tendencies remained near or
below 2 percent in both years. In discussing factors
likely to keep inflation near the Committee’s inflation
objective of 2 percent, several participants cited the
role of stable inflation expectations and existing
resource slack that was expected to diminish only
Figures 3.C and 3.D provide information on the
diversity of participants’ views about the outlook for
inflation. The ranges of participants’ projections for
overall inflation in 2013 and 2014 were almost
unchanged compared with the corresponding distributions for December. The ranges for core inflation
were also little changed, but, in 2013, many of the
projections shifted toward the lower end of the range.
The distributions for core and overall inflation in
2015 remained concentrated near the Committee’s
longer-run objective, and all participants continued
to project that overall inflation would converge to the
2 percent goal over the longer run.

Appropriate Monetary Policy
As indicated in figure 2, most participants judged
that exceptionally low levels of the federal funds rate
would remain appropriate for a couple more years. In
particular, 13 participants thought that the first
increase in the target federal funds rate would not be
warranted until sometime in 2015, and one judged
that policy firming would likely not be appropriate
until 2016 (upper panel). Five participants judged
that an earlier increase in the federal funds rate, in
2013 or 2014, would be most consistent with the
Committee’s statutory mandate.
All of the participants who judged that raising the
federal funds rate target would first be appropriate in
2015 also projected that the unemployment rate
would first decline below 6½ percent during that year
and that inflation would remain near or below 2 percent. In addition, those participants, as well as the
participant who saw liftoff in 2016 as appropriate,
also projected that a sizable gap between the unemployment rate and the longer-run normal level of the
unemployment rate would persist until 2015 or later.
The majority of the five participants who judged that
policy firming should begin in 2013 or 2014 indicated
that the Committee would need to act relatively soon
in order to keep inflation near the FOMC’s longer-


run objective of 2 percent and to prevent a rise in
inflation expectations.
Figure 3.E provides the distribution of participants’
judgments regarding the appropriate level of the target federal funds rate at the end of each calendar year
from 2013 to 2015 and over the longer run. As previously noted, most participants judged that economic
conditions would warrant maintaining the current
low level of the federal funds rate until 2015. Among
the five participants who saw the federal funds rate
leaving the effective lower bound earlier, their projections for the federal funds rate at the end of 2014
range from ½ to 2¾ percent. Views on the appropriate level of the federal funds rate at the end of 2015
varied, with 15 participants seeing the appropriate
level of the federal funds rate as 1¼ percent or lower
and the others seeing the appropriate level as 2 percent or higher. On balance, participants’ projections
for the appropriate federal funds rate at the end of
2015 shifted down a bit from those in their December
Nearly all participants saw the appropriate target for
the federal funds rate at the end of 2015 as still well
below their assessment of its expected longer-run
value. Estimates of the longer-run target federal
funds rate ranged from 3¼ to 4½ percent, reflecting
the Committee’s inflation objective of 2 percent and
participants’ individual judgments about the longerrun level of the real federal funds rate.
Participants also described their views regarding the
appropriate path of the Federal Reserve’s balance
sheet. All but a few participants thought that, given
the current economic outlook, it would be appropriate for the Committee to continue purchasing MBS
and longer-term Treasury securities at about the current pace at least through midyear. A number of
these participants anticipated that the pace would be
tapered down around midyear. A few others thought
that it would be appropriate for the Committee to
purchase securities at the current pace through the
third quarter of 2013 before beginning to adjust the
pace and a few saw the current rate of purchases continuing at least through the end of 2013, with two
participants specifying that some purchases would
likely extend into 2014. Several participants emphasized that the asset purchase program was effective in
supporting the economic expansion, that the benefits
continued to exceed the costs, and that additional
purchases would be necessary to achieve a substantial
improvement in the outlook for the labor market. In
contrast, a couple of participants indicated that the


100th Annual Report | 2013

Figure 3.C. Distribution of participants’ projections for PCE inflation, 2013–15 and over the longer run
Number of participants



March projections
December projections

1.3 1.4

1.5 1.6

1.7 1.8

1.9 2.0

2.1 2.2

2.3 2.4

2.5 2.6

Percent range
Number of participants


1.3 1.4

1.5 1.6

1.7 1.8

1.9 2.0

2.1 2.2

2.3 2.4

2.5 2.6

Percent range
Number of participants


1.3 1.4

1.5 1.6

1.7 1.8

1.9 2.0

2.1 2.2

2.3 2.4

2.5 2.6

Percent range
Number of participants

Longer run

1.3 1.4

1.5 1.6

1.7 1.8

1.9 2.0

Percent range
Note: Definitions of variables are in the general note to table 1.

2.1 2.2

2.3 2.4

2.5 2.6

Minutes of Federal Open Market Committee Meetings | March


Figure 3.D. Distribution of participants’ projections for core PCE inflation, 2013–15
Number of participants


March projections
December projections


1.5 1.6

1.7 1.8

1.9 2.0

2.1 2.2

2.3 2.4

2.5 2.6

Percent range
Number of participants


1.5 1.6

1.7 1.8

1.9 2.0

2.1 2.2

2.3 2.4

2.5 2.6

Percent range
Number of participants


1.5 1.6

1.7 1.8

1.9 2.0

2.1 2.2

Percent range
Note: Definitions of variables are in the general note to table 1.

2.3 2.4

2.5 2.6


100th Annual Report | 2013

Figure 3.E. Distribution of participants’ projections for the target federal funds rate, 2013–15 and over the longer run
Number of participants

March projections
December projections


0.00 0.37

0.38 0.62

0.63 0.87

0.88 1.12

1.13 1.37

1.38 1.62

1.63 1.87

1.88 2.12

2.13 2.37

2.38 2.62

2.63 2.87

2.88 3.12

3.13 3.37

3.38 3.62

3.63 3.87

3.88 4.12

4.13 4.37

4.38 4.62

Percent range
Number of participants


0.00 0.37

0.38 0.62

0.63 0.87

0.88 1.12

1.13 1.37

1.38 1.62

1.63 1.87

1.88 2.12

2.13 2.37

2.38 2.62

2.63 2.87

2.88 3.12

3.13 3.37

3.38 3.62

3.63 3.87

3.88 4.12

4.13 4.37

4.38 4.62

Percent range
Number of participants


0.00 0.37

0.38 0.62

0.63 0.87

0.88 1.12

1.13 1.37

1.38 1.62

1.63 1.87

1.88 2.12

2.13 2.37

2.38 2.62

2.63 2.87

2.88 3.12

3.13 3.37

3.38 3.62

3.63 3.87

3.88 4.12

4.13 4.37

4.38 4.62

Percent range
Number of participants

Longer run

0.00 0.37

0.38 0.62

0.63 0.87

0.88 1.12

1.13 1.37

1.38 1.62

1.63 1.87

1.88 2.12

2.13 2.37

2.38 2.62

2.63 2.87

2.88 3.12

3.13 3.37

3.38 3.62

Percent range
Note: The target federal funds rate is measured as the level of the target rate at the end of the calendar year or in the longer run.

3.63 3.87

3.88 4.12

4.13 4.37

4.38 4.62

Minutes of Federal Open Market Committee Meetings | March

Committee could best foster its dual objectives and
limit the potential costs of the program by beginning
to taper its purchases before midyear or by ending
purchases altogether.
Key factors informing participants’ views of the economic outlook and the appropriate setting for monetary policy included their judgments regarding labor
market conditions that would be consistent with
maximum employment, the extent to which employment currently deviated from maximum employment,
the extent to which projected inflation over the
medium term deviated from the Committee’s longerterm objective of 2 percent, and participants’ projections of the likely time horizon necessary to return
employment and inflation to mandate-consistent levels. Participants generally discussed their forecasts for
the time of the first increase in the federal funds rate
in the context of the thresholds adopted by the Committee in December 2012. A couple of participants
noted that their assessments of the appropriate path
for the federal funds rate took into account the likelihood that the neutral level of the federal funds rate
was currently somewhat below its historical norm. It
was also noted that, because the appropriate stance
of monetary policy is conditional on the path of real
activity and inflation over time, assessments of the
appropriate future path of the federal funds rate and
the balance sheet could change if economic conditions were to evolve in an unexpected manner.

Uncertainty and Risks
A majority of the participants continued to judge
that the levels of uncertainty about their projections
for real GDP growth and unemployment remained
higher than was the norm during the previous
20 years; however, the number of participants with
this view was noticeably smaller than in December
(figure 4).2 The main factor cited as contributing to
the elevated uncertainty about economic outcomes
was the challenge associated with forecasting the path
of the U.S. economic recovery following a financial
crisis and recession that differed markedly from
recent historical experience. Several participants also
noted the difficulties involved in predicting fiscal
policy in the United States and the potential for
European developments to threaten U.S. financial

Table 2 provides estimates of the forecast uncertainty for the
change in real GDP, the unemployment rate, and total consumer price inflation over the period from 1993 through 2012.
At the end of this summary, the box “Forecast Uncertainty”
discusses the sources and interpretation of uncertainty in the
economic forecasts and explains the approach used to assess the
uncertainty and risks attending the participants’ projections.


Table 2. Average historical projection error ranges
Percentage points
Change in real GDP1
Unemployment rate1
Total consumer prices2







Note: Error ranges shown are measured as plus or minus the root mean squared
error of projections for 1993 through 2012 that were released in the spring by
various private and government forecasters. As described in the box “Forecast
Uncertainty,” under certain assumptions, there is about a 70 percent probability
that actual outcomes for real GDP, unemployment, and consumer prices will be in
ranges implied by the average size of projection errors made in the past. Further
information is in David Reifschneider and Peter Tulip (2007), “Gauging the
Uncertainty of the Economic Outlook from Historical Forecasting Errors,” Finance
and Economics Discussion Series 2007-60 (Washington: Board of Governors of
the Federal Reserve System, November).
Definitions of variables are in the general note to table 1.
Measure is the overall consumer price index, the price measure that has been
most widely used in government and private economic forecasts. Projection
is percent change, fourth quarter of the previous year to the fourth quarter of
the year indicated.

stability, though a few participants noted a decline in
the likely severity of those risks as a reason for
changing their assessments of uncertainty from
“higher” to “broadly similar” to the norm.
A majority of participants, somewhat more than in
December, reported that they saw the risks to their
forecasts of real GDP growth and unemployment as
broadly balanced, with the remainder generally indicating that they saw the risks to their forecasts for
real GDP growth as weighted to the downside and
for unemployment as weighted to the upside. Some
participants who changed their assessment to
“broadly balanced” indicated that, while U.S. fiscal
policy had become more restrictive this year, the
future path of that policy had become less uncertain
than it was in December.
Participants reported little change in their assessments of the level of uncertainty and the balance of
risks around their forecasts for overall PCE inflation
and core inflation. Thirteen participants judged the
levels of uncertainty associated with their forecasts
for those inflation measures to be broadly similar to,
or lower than, historical norms; the same number
assessed the risks to those projections to be broadly
balanced. Several participants highlighted the likely
role played by the Committee’s adoption of a 2 percent inflation goal or its commitment to maintaining
accommodative monetary policy as contributing to
the recent stability of longer-term inflation expectations. Four participants saw the risks to their inflation forecast as tilted to the downside, reflecting, for
example, risks of disinflation that could arise from


100th Annual Report | 2013

adverse shocks to the economy that policy would
have limited scope to offset in the current environment. Conversely, a couple of the participants saw
the risks to inflation as weighted to the upside in

light of the current highly accommodative stance of
monetary policy and their concerns about the Committee’s ability to shift to a less accommodative
policy stance when it becomes appropriate to do so.

Minutes of Federal Open Market Committee Meetings | March

Figure 4. Uncertainty and risks in economic projections
Number of participants

Uncertainty about GDP growth


March projections
December projections



Number of participants


Risks to GDP growth


March projections
December projections

Weighted to


Number of participants

Uncertainty about the unemployment rate



Number of participants


Risks to the unemployment rate

Weighted to



Number of participants

Uncertainty about PCE inflation




Weighted to




Weighted to
Number of participants



Weighted to

Risks to PCE inflation

Number of participants



Number of participants


Uncertainty about core PCE inflation

Weighted to

Risks to core PCE inflation

Weighted to



Weighted to

Note: For definitions of uncertainty and risks in economic projections, see the box “Forecast Uncertainty.” Definitions of variables are in the general note to table 1.



100th Annual Report | 2013

Forecast Uncertainty
The economic projections provided by the members
of the Board of Governors and the presidents of the
Federal Reserve Banks inform discussions of monetary policy among policymakers and can aid public
understanding of the basis for policy actions. Considerable uncertainty attends these projections, however. The economic and statistical models and relationships used to help produce economic forecasts
are necessarily imperfect descriptions of the real
world, and the future path of the economy can be
affected by myriad unforeseen developments and
events. Thus, in setting the stance of monetary
policy, participants consider not only what appears to
be the most likely economic outcome as embodied in
their projections, but also the range of alternative
possibilities, the likelihood of their occurring, and the
potential costs to the economy should they occur.
Table 2 summarizes the average historical accuracy
of a range of forecasts, including those reported in
past Monetary Policy Reports and those prepared by
the Federal Reserve Board’s staff in advance of
meetings of the Federal Open Market Committee.
The projection error ranges shown in the table illustrate the considerable uncertainty associated with
economic forecasts. For example, suppose a participant projects that real gross domestic product (GDP)
and total consumer prices will rise steadily at annual
rates of, respectively, 3 percent and 2 percent. If the
uncertainty attending those projections is similar to
that experienced in the past and the risks around the
projections are broadly balanced, the numbers
reported in table 2 would imply a probability of about
70 percent that actual GDP would expand within a
range of 1.7 to 4.3 percent in the current year, 1.3 to
4.7 percent in the second year, and 1.2 to 4.8 percent

in the third year. The corresponding 70 percent confidence intervals for overall inflation would be 1.1 to
2.9 percent in the current year, 1.0 to 3.0 percent in
the second year, and 0.9 to 3.1 percent in the third
Because current conditions may differ from those
that prevailed, on average, over history, participants
provide judgments as to whether the uncertainty
attached to their projections of each variable is
greater than, smaller than, or broadly similar to typical levels of forecast uncertainty in the past, as
shown in table 2. Participants also provide judgments
as to whether the risks to their projections are
weighted to the upside, are weighted to the downside, or are broadly balanced. That is, participants
judge whether each variable is more likely to be
above or below their projections of the most likely
outcome. These judgments about the uncertainty
and the risks attending each participant’s projections
are distinct from the diversity of participants’ views
about the most likely outcomes. Forecast uncertainty
is concerned with the risks associated with a particular projection rather than with divergences across a
number of different projections.
As with real activity and inflation, the outlook for the
future path of the federal funds rate is subject to considerable uncertainty. This uncertainty arises primarily
because each participant’s assessment of the appropriate stance of monetary policy depends importantly
on the evolution of real activity and inflation over
time. If economic conditions evolve in an unexpected
manner, then assessments of the appropriate setting
of the federal funds rate would change from that
point forward.

Minutes of Federal Open Market Committee Meetings | April–May

Meeting Held
on April 30–May 1, 2013
A meeting of the Federal Open Market Committee
was held in the offices of the Board of Governors of
the Federal Reserve System in Washington, D.C., on
Tuesday, April 30, 2013, at 2:00 p.m. and continued
on Wednesday, May 1, 2013, at 9:00 a.m.

Ben Bernanke
William C. Dudley
Vice Chairman
James Bullard
Elizabeth Duke
Charles L. Evans
Esther L. George
Jerome H. Powell
Sarah Bloom Raskin
Eric Rosengren
Jeremy C. Stein
Daniel K. Tarullo
Janet L. Yellen
Christine Cumming, Richard W. Fisher,
Narayana Kocherlakota, Sandra Pianalto,
and Charles I. Plosser
Alternate Members of the Federal Open Market
Jeffrey M. Lacker, Dennis P. Lockhart,
and John C. Williams
Presidents of the Federal Reserve Banks of
Richmond, Atlanta, and San Francisco, respectively
Deborah J. Danker
Deputy Secretary
Matthew M. Luecke
Assistant Secretary
David W. Skidmore
Assistant Secretary
Michelle A. Smith
Assistant Secretary
Scott G. Alvarez
General Counsel


Steven B. Kamin
David W. Wilcox
Thomas A. Connors, Troy Davig,
Michael P. Leahy, Stephen A. Meyer,
David Reifschneider, Daniel G. Sullivan,
and William Wascher
Associate Economists
Simon Potter
Manager, System Open Market Account
Michael S. Gibson
Director, Division of Banking Supervision and
Regulation, Board of Governors
James A. Clouse and William Nelson
Deputy Directors, Division of Monetary Affairs,
Board of Governors
Andreas Lehnert
Deputy Director, Office of Financial Stability Policy
and Research, Board of Governors
Jon W. Faust
Special Adviser to the Board, Office of Board
Members, Board of Governors
Linda Robertson
Assistant to the Board, Office of Board Members,
Board of Governors
Seth B. Carpenter
Senior Associate Director, Division of Monetary
Affairs, Board of Governors
Joyce K. Zickler
Senior Adviser, Division of Monetary Affairs,
Board of Governors
Michael T. Kiley and Thomas Laubach
Associate Directors, Division of Research and
Statistics, Board of Governors
David Bowman
Deputy Associate Director, Division of International
Finance, Board of Governors
Steven A. Sharpe and John J. Stevens
Assistant Directors, Division of Research and
Statistics, Board of Governors
Min Wei
Assistant Director, Division of Monetary Affairs,
Board of Governors
Stefania D’Amico
Senior Economist, Division of Monetary Affairs,
Board of Governors


100th Annual Report | 2013

Randall A. Williams
Records Project Manager, Division of Monetary
Affairs, Board of Governors

a provision in the Framework Agreement requires
each party to provide six months’ prior notice of an
intention to terminate its participation.

Kenneth C. Montgomery
First Vice President, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston

Staff Review of the Economic Situation

David Altig, Jeff Fuhrer, and Loretta J. Mester
Executive Vice Presidents, Federal Reserve Banks of
Atlanta, Boston, and Philadelphia, respectively

The information reviewed at the April 30–May 1
meeting indicated that economic activity expanded at
a moderate pace in the first quarter. In March, the
unemployment rate edged down further, although it
continued to be elevated, and employment growth
slowed. Consumer price inflation was relatively low,
while measures of longer-run inflation expectations
remained stable.

Lorie K. Logan and Mark E. Schweitzer
Senior Vice Presidents, Federal Reserve Banks of
New York and Cleveland, respectively
Fred Furlong
Group Vice President, Federal Reserve Bank of
San Francisco
Evan F. Koenig and David C. Wheelock
Vice Presidents, Federal Reserve Banks of Dallas and
St. Louis, respectively
Robert L. Hetzel and Andrea Tambalotti
Senior Economists, Federal Reserve Banks of
Richmond and New York, respectively
Jonathan Heathcote
Senior Research Economist, Federal Reserve Bank of

Developments in Financial Markets and
the Federal Reserve’s Balance Sheet
The Manager of the System Open Market Account
(SOMA) reported on developments in domestic and
foreign financial markets as well as the System open
market operations during the period since the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) met on
March 19–20, 2013. By unanimous vote, the Committee ratified the Open Market Desk’s domestic
transactions over the intermeeting period. There were
no intervention operations in foreign currencies for
the System’s account over the intermeeting period.
By unanimous vote, the Committee agreed to extend
the reciprocal currency (swap) arrangements with the
Bank of Canada and the Banco de México for an
additional year beginning in mid-December 2013;
these arrangements are associated with the Federal
Reserve’s participation in the North American
Framework Agreement of 1994. The arrangement
with the Bank of Canada allows for cumulative
drawings of up to $2 billion equivalent, and the
arrangement with the Banco de México allows for
cumulative drawings of up to $3 billion equivalent.
The vote to renew the System’s participation in these
swap arrangements was taken at this meeting because

After faster gains in January and February, private
nonfarm employment increased at a subdued rate in
March, and government employment declined
slightly. The unemployment rate was 7.6 percent in
March, a little below its average in the fourth quarter
of last year. The labor force participation rate also
edged down to below its fourth-quarter average. The
rate of long-duration unemployment and the share of
workers employed part time for economic reasons
declined somewhat in March, but these measures
remained well above their pre-recession levels. Indicators of near-term labor market conditions were consistent with projections of moderate increases in
employment in the coming months: Measures of job
openings generally moved up, but the rate of gross
private-sector hiring and indicators of firms’ hiring
plans were subdued, on balance, and initial claims for
unemployment insurance trended up a little over the
intermeeting period.
Manufacturing production decreased slightly in
March but expanded at a brisk rate in the first quarter as a whole, supported in part by a recovery in output following Hurricane Sandy, and the rate of
manufacturing capacity utilization in March was
somewhat higher than in the fourth quarter. The production of motor vehicles and parts rose solidly in
March, but factory output outside of the motor
vehicle sector declined. Automakers’ schedules indicated that the pace of motor vehicle assemblies in the
coming months would be a bit below that in March.
Broad indicators of manufacturing production, such
as the diffusion indexes of new orders from the
national and regional manufacturing surveys, were at
levels that pointed to small increases in factory output in the near term.
Real personal consumption expenditures (PCE)
expanded at a solid pace in March and in the first

Minutes of Federal Open Market Committee Meetings | April–May

quarter as a whole. Some factors that tend to influence household spending were generally positive in
recent months. For example, real disposable income
increased in February and March, supported in part
by recent declines in retail gasoline prices that raised
household purchasing power and offset to some
extent the effects of this year’s higher payroll and
income taxes. In addition, household net worth likely
rose in recent months as a result of higher equity values and home prices. In contrast, consumer sentiment in the Thomson Reuters/University of Michigan Surveys of Consumers was roughly flat, on balance, in March and April and remained relatively
Conditions in the housing sector continued to
improve, as real expenditures for residential investment expanded briskly in the first quarter, although
from a low level. Total combined starts of new singlefamily homes and multifamily units increased in
March to a level well above that at the beginning of
the year. Home prices continued to rise through February, and sales of new homes rose in March, but
sales of existing homes decreased a little.
Growth in real business expenditures on equipment
and software slowed in the first quarter. Nominal
shipments of nondefense capital goods excluding aircraft continued to rise gradually in February and
March, but new orders were slightly below the level
of shipments, pointing to modest gains in shipments
in the near term. Other forward-looking indicators,
such as surveys of business conditions and capital
spending plans, also suggested that outlays for business equipment would rise at a subdued pace in the
coming months. Real business spending for nonresidential construction declined a little in the first quarter. Real inventory investment increased in the first
quarter, and business inventories in most industries
appeared to be broadly aligned with sales in recent
Real federal government purchases declined markedly in the first quarter, led by a significant decrease
in defense spending, which may have partially
reflected the anticipated effects of the federal spending sequestration. Real state and local government
purchases also decreased somewhat in the first quarter, as state and local construction expenditures continued to decline.
The advance release of first-quarter data for the
national income and product accounts showed that
real net exports of goods and services also subtracted


moderately from real gross domestic product (GDP)
growth, as real imports outpaced real exports.
Overall consumer prices, as measured by the price
index for PCE, edged down in March and rose just
1 percent from a year earlier. Consumer energy prices
declined in March, and retail gasoline prices fell further in the first few weeks of April. Consumer food
prices only edged up in March. Consumer prices
excluding food and energy were flat in March, and
their increase from 12 months earlier was similar to
that for total consumer prices. Near-term inflation
expectations from the Thomson Reuters/University
of Michigan Surveys of Consumers were slightly
lower in April, and longer-term inflation expectations
in the survey were little changed and remained within
the narrow range that they have occupied for several
Measures of labor compensation indicated that gains
in nominal wages remained subdued. Increases in the
employment cost index were modest over the year
ending in the first quarter. Average hourly earnings
for all employees were unchanged in March, and
hourly earnings gains in the first quarter as a whole
were muted.
Economic growth in foreign economies overall in the
first quarter of 2013 showed only a small improvement from that registered in the second half of 2012.
Real GDP growth picked up in the United Kingdom,
and recent indicators suggested that the pace of contraction moderated in the euro area. In contrast, economic growth in China slowed abruptly after surging
late last year. Foreign inflation appeared to increase a
little in the first quarter, partly as a result of higher
food prices in several emerging market economies,
but remained quite moderate.

Staff Review of the Financial Situation
Financial conditions improved a little, on balance,
over the intermeeting period. Yields of longer-term
Treasury securities and foreign benchmark sovereign
bonds declined appreciably, reflecting the somewhat
negative tone of U.S. and foreign economic data
releases as well as policy actions by the Bank of
Japan that were more accommodative than the markets had expected. Equity prices rose modestly, on
net, supported in part by solid quarterly earnings
The expected path of the federal funds rate implied
by market quotes shifted down moderately over the


100th Annual Report | 2013

intermeeting period. However, the Desk’s survey of
primary dealers, conducted prior to the April 30–
May 1 meeting, indicated that the dealers continued
to view the third quarter of 2015 as the most likely
time for the initial increase in the target federal funds
rate. The median dealer anticipated that the FOMC
would maintain its current pace of asset purchases
through December 2013 and saw the second quarter
of 2014 as the most probable time for the end of
asset purchases, implying a slight upward revision to
the projected total size of the Federal Reserve’s asset
purchase program.
Over the intermeeting period, near-term measures of
inflation compensation derived from yields on nominal and inflation-protected Treasury securities moved
lower amid somewhat disappointing economic data
and declines in energy and other commodity prices;
forward measures of inflation compensation changed
little at longer horizons. Yields on agency mortgagebacked securities (MBS) decreased about in line with
those on nominal Treasury securities of comparable
Conditions in domestic dollar funding markets were
generally little changed, and offshore dollar funding
markets reacted only modestly to the elevated uncertainty surrounding the negotiations, early in the
intermeeting period, to resolve the banking crisis in
Some indicators of the condition of domestic financial institutions weakened slightly. Share prices for
the largest domestic banking organizations declined
somewhat, on balance, and bank credit default swap
spreads edged a bit higher, on average, across the
larger firms in the sector.

amounts. Syndicated leveraged loans were issued at a
record pace in the first quarter, supported by strong
demand for this type of asset, particularly from nonbank institutions. Gross public issuance of equity by
nonfinancial firms was solid over the same period.
Conditions in some segments of the commercial real
estate (CRE) sector continued to improve in recent
months. Outstanding CRE loans held by commercial
banks edged up in the past two quarters following a
prolonged period of decline, and commercial
mortgage-backed security issuance was strong in the
first quarter. According to the Senior Loan Officer
Opinion Survey on Bank Lending Practices (SLOOS)
conducted in April, the fraction of banks that eased
standards on CRE loans over the past three months
increased to a relatively high level, while demand for
these loans strengthened further. CRE prices continued to move up slowly, and price indexes for various
market segments reached levels last seen in late 2008.
Rates on conforming home mortgage loans declined
over the intermeeting period, and the spread between
the primary mortgage rate and MBS yields remained
well below its peak during the second half of 2012.
The estimated pace of mortgage refinancing originations continued to be high, supported by historically
low mortgage rates. However, purchase mortgage
applications stayed at low levels. Overall delinquencies trended lower for both prime and subprime
mortgages, primarily reflecting the very tight underwriting standards imposed over the past several years.

Broad equity price indexes increased, on net, over the
intermeeting period, likely reflecting solid quarterly
earnings reports, stable medium-term earnings expectations, and lower interest rates. Option-implied volatility for the S&P 500 index over the near term
remained in a range that was low by historical

Consumer credit continued to expand in January and
February, mostly driven by sizable increases in nonrevolving credit. Growth was particularly strong in
auto loans as well as in student loans extended
through the Department of Education’s Direct Loan
Program. In contrast, total revolving credit was
about flat amid continued tight underwriting standards and terms on credit card loans. Issuance of
consumer asset-backed securities—in particular,
those backed by subprime auto loans—remained
robust in recent months.

Yields on corporate bonds fell roughly in line with
those on Treasury securities of comparable maturity,
generally leaving their spreads little changed. The rate
of corporate bond issuance by nonfinancial firms
remained robust in March and April. Consistent with
recent trends, some companies reportedly retired a
notable portion of their outstanding commercial
paper and issued longer-term bonds in comparable

Total bank credit expanded moderately during the
first quarter of 2013. Gains continued to be concentrated in commercial and industrial (C&I) loans,
which increased especially strongly at domestic
banks. In the April SLOOS, relatively large net fractions of these banks reported having eased standards
and reduced spreads on C&I loans to firms of all

Minutes of Federal Open Market Committee Meetings | April–May

M2 grew at a faster pace in March and April than
earlier in the year, possibly boosted by the higher
level of annual tax payments and refunds relative to
recent years. Meanwhile, the monetary base
expanded briskly over those two months, driven
mainly by the increase in reserve balances resulting
from the Federal Reserve’s asset purchases.
Early in the intermeeting period, prices of a range of
risky assets abroad fell in reaction to reports of the
“bail-in” of depositors at banks in Cyprus and the
imposition of an extended bank holiday in that country, but outside of Cyprus those movements generally
proved temporary. Euro-area equity indexes, which
fell as stresses in Cyprus intensified, ended the period
up slightly. By contrast, stock prices in Japan rose
sharply, as the Bank of Japan surprised investors
with the scale of its new monetary policy program
aimed at raising inflation to 2 percent. Yields on
longer-term Japanese government bonds displayed
considerable volatility in the days following the
announcement, although they were little changed, on
net, over the intermeeting period. Outside of Japan,
foreign benchmark sovereign yields fell over the intermeeting period, with market commentary citing weak
U.S. and foreign macroeconomic data releases,
increased expectations for further monetary accommodation by some foreign central banks, and the
announcement by the Bank of Japan.
After appreciating, on balance, since early this year,
the dollar depreciated against most currencies,
although it continued to appreciate against the yen.
Emerging market stock prices changed little, on net,
and emerging market equity mutual funds experienced modest outflows.

Staff Economic Outlook
In the economic forecast prepared by the staff for the
April 30–May 1 FOMC meeting, the projection for
real GDP growth was little revised from that prepared for the March meeting. With fiscal policy
expected to be tighter this year than last year, the
staff still anticipated that the pace of expansion in
real GDP would only somewhat exceed the growth
rate of potential output in 2013. The staff also continued to project that real GDP would accelerate
gradually in 2014 and 2015, supported by an eventual
easing in the effects of fiscal policy restraint on economic growth, increases in consumer and business
sentiment, further improvements in credit availability
and financial conditions, and accommodative monetary policy. The expansion in economic activity was


anticipated to slowly reduce the slack in labor and
product markets over the projection period, and the
unemployment rate was expected to decline
The staff’s forecast for inflation was also little revised
from the projection prepared for the March FOMC
meeting. With longer-run inflation expectations
assumed to remain stable, energy prices expected to
continue to trend down, and significant resource
slack persisting over the forecast period, the staff
continued to project that inflation would remain subdued through 2015.
The staff viewed the uncertainty around its forecast
for economic activity as similar to the average level
over the past 20 years. However, the risks to this outlook were viewed as skewed to the downside, reflecting in part concerns about the situation in Europe.
Although the staff saw the outlook for inflation as
uncertain, the risks were viewed as balanced and not
unusually high.

Participants’ Views on Current Conditions
and the Economic Outlook
In their discussion of the economic situation, meeting participants generally indicated that they viewed
the information received during the intermeeting
period as suggesting that the economy was expanding
at a moderate pace despite some softness in recent
economic data. Conditions in the labor market
showed some continued improvement, although the
unemployment rate remained elevated. Spending by
consumers continued to expand, supported by better
credit conditions, rising equity and housing prices,
and lower energy prices; and the housing sector
improved further. However, growth in business
investment spending slowed somewhat, and fiscal
policy appeared to be exerting significant near-term
restraint on the economy. Perhaps reflecting more
subdued growth abroad, especially in Europe and
China, net exports weakened in the first quarter.
Participants generally saw the economic outlook as
little changed since they met in March. However, economic data releases over the intermeeting period
were mixed, raising some concern that the recovery
might be slowing after a solid start earlier this year,
thereby repeating the pattern observed in recent
years. Various views on this prospect were offered,
from those participants who put more emphasis on
the underlying momentum of the economy, noting
the strengthening in private domestic final demand,


100th Annual Report | 2013

to those who stressed the growing fiscal restraint or
the other headwinds still facing the economy. Participants continued to anticipate that, with appropriate
monetary policy, growth would proceed at a moderate pace over the medium run and that the unemployment rate would decline gradually toward levels
consistent with the Committee’s mandate. A number
of participants noted that the balance of risks to
growth remained to the downside, although a couple
suggested that such risks had diminished appreciably
since last fall. A few participants warned that, in light
of ongoing fiscal restraint and a weak global outlook, economic data could remain soft for the next
few months, regardless of the underlying strength of
the economy.
Consumer spending was reported to be strong in a
number of areas of the country and, more broadly,
appeared to be supported by rising equity and house
prices, improved household balance sheets, and easier
credit conditions. However, concerns were expressed
that this rate of growth in consumer expenditures
might not be sustainable without the support of a
notable pickup in business investment and hiring.
Other factors that might affect spending also were
mentioned. For example, the losses in income and
wealth experienced during the crisis might lead
households to be more cautious in their spending and
to save at a higher rate; wealth gains in recent years
appeared concentrated among higher-net-worth individuals, who may have a lower propensity to spend
out of additional wealth; and retailers reported weakness in spending by lower-income households, who
had been more affected by the increase in payroll
Participants saw the housing market as having
strengthened further during the intermeeting period
and pointed variously to rising house prices, growth
in home sales, a lower inventory of houses for sale, a
reduction in the average time houses stayed on the
market, and encouraging reports from homebuilders.
More all-cash or investor purchases were being
reported, and the pace of home purchases overall
appeared to be constrained less by a lack of demand
than by a lack of homes for sale, in part reflecting
fewer newly foreclosed houses coming onto the market. The rate of new delinquencies on mortgages
declined nearly to pre-crisis levels, and the pipeline of
properties in the foreclosure process was being slowly
worked down, in part through modifications and
short sales. Over time, the supply of homes for sale
was expected to increase as new construction picked
up and sellers saw more attractive opportunities to

put their houses on the market. The improvement in
the housing sector was also seen as contributing to a
pickup in activity in related industries.
With some exceptions, business contacts were reporting continued caution about expanding investment or
payrolls. Reports included some weakening in manufacturing activity, due in part to reduced demand
from abroad, and farm exports in one District were
projected to be flat following strong growth in previous years. However, the CRE sector showed some
signs of recovery, and survey results indicated that
the terms of CRE lending were easing and loan
demand increasing.
The federal spending sequestration and recent tax
increases were viewed as restraining aggregate
demand. Participants differed somewhat in their
assessments of the magnitude of these effects on the
economy, with views ranging from an estimate of
substantial fiscal drag to one of less restraint than
previously expected. A few participants mentioned
the sequestration’s impact on hiring and spending by
the defense industry or government contractors, but
one participant noted that a decline in expected
future tax liabilities of the private sector associated
with lower federal spending might provide a partial
offset to the economic effects of the budget cuts.
Participants generally saw signs of improvement in
labor market conditions despite the weaker-thanexpected March payroll employment figure. Employment growth in earlier months had been solid, and
more-recent improvements included the further
decline in the unemployment rate in March and the
gradual progress being made in some other labor
market indicators. However, several participants cautioned that the drop in the unemployment rate in the
latest month was also accompanied by another
reduction in the labor force participation rate; the
decline in labor force participation over recent quarters could indicate that the reduction in overall labor
market slack had been substantially smaller than suggested by the change in the unemployment rate over
that period. One participant commented that assessing the shortfall of employment from its maximum
level required taking account of not only the gap
between the unemployment rate and its corresponding natural rate, but also the gap between the labor
force participation rate and its longer-term trend—a
trend which was admittedly subject to considerable
uncertainty. A few participants mentioned that job
growth may have been restrained to an extent by
businesses postponing hiring because of uncertainties

Minutes of Federal Open Market Committee Meetings | April–May

over the implementation of health-care legislation or
because they were unable to find certain types of
skilled workers.
Both headline and core PCE inflation in the first
quarter came in below the Committee’s longer-run
goal of 2 percent, but these recent lower readings
appeared to be due, in part, to temporary factors;
other measures of inflation as well as inflation expectations had remained more stable. Accordingly, participants generally continued to expect that inflation
would move closer to the 2 percent objective over the
medium run. Nonetheless, a number of participants
expressed concern that inflation was below the Committee’s target and stressed that future price developments bore careful watching. Most of the recent
reports from business contacts revealed little upward
pressure on prices or wages. A couple of participants
expressed the view that an additional monetary
policy response might be warranted should inflation
fall further. It was also pointed out that, even absent
further disinflation, continued low inflation might
pose a threat to the economic recovery by, for
example, raising debt burdens. One participant
focused instead on the upside risks to inflation over
the longer term resulting from highly accommodative
monetary policy.
Financial conditions appeared to have eased further
over the intermeeting period: Longer-term interest
rates declined significantly, banks loosened their C&I
lending terms and standards on balance, and competition to make commercial and auto loans was strong.
Businesses were reportedly still borrowing to refinance, but they had begun to take out more new
loans as well. While the Committee’s accommodative
policy continued to provide support to financial conditions, events abroad also influenced U.S. markets
over the intermeeting period. In particular, the Bank
of Japan announced a new monetary policy program
that was considerably more expansionary than markets had expected. Financial conditions in Europe
improved somewhat over the period, but some participants still saw the situation in Europe as posing
downside risks to U.S. growth. At this meeting, a few
participants expressed concern that conditions in certain U.S. financial markets were becoming too buoyant, pointing to the elevated issuance of bonds by
lower-credit-quality firms or of bonds with fewer
restrictions on collateral and payment terms (socalled covenant-lite bonds). One participant cautioned that the emergence of financial imbalances


could prove difficult for regulators to identify and
address, and that it would be appropriate to adjust
monetary policy to help guard against risks to financial stability.
In discussing the effects of the Committee’s asset
purchases, several participants pointed to the
improvement in interest-sensitive sectors, such as
consumer durables and housing, over the recent
period as evidence that the purchases were having
positive results for the economy. The effects on a
range of asset prices of the Bank of Japan’s recent
announcement were cited as added evidence that
large-scale asset purchases were effective in easing
financial conditions and thereby helping stimulate
economic activity. In evaluating the prospects for
benefits from asset purchases, however, one participant viewed uncertainty about U.S. fiscal and regulatory policies as interfering with the transmission of
monetary policy and as preventing asset purchases
from having a meaningful effect on the real economy.
Participants also touched on the conditions under
which it might be appropriate to change the pace of
asset purchases. Most observed that the outlook for
the labor market had shown progress since the program was started in September, but many of these
participants indicated that continued progress, more
confidence in the outlook, or diminished downside
risks would be required before slowing the pace of
purchases would become appropriate. A number of
participants expressed willingness to adjust the flow
of purchases downward as early as the June meeting
if the economic information received by that time
showed evidence of sufficiently strong and sustained
growth; however, views differed about what evidence
would be necessary and the likelihood of that outcome. One participant preferred to begin decreasing
the rate of purchases immediately, while another participant preferred to add more monetary accommodation at the current meeting and mentioned that the
Committee had several other tools it could potentially use to do so. Most participants emphasized that
it was important for the Committee to be prepared to
adjust the pace of its purchases up or down as
needed to align the degree of policy accommodation
with changes in the outlook for the labor market and
inflation as well as the extent of progress toward the
Committee’s economic objectives. Regarding the
composition of purchases, one participant expressed
the view that, in light of the substantial improvement
in the housing market and to avoid further credit


100th Annual Report | 2013

allocation across sectors of the economy, the Committee should start to shift any asset purchases away
from MBS and toward Treasury securities.

Committee Policy Action
Committee members saw the information received
over the intermeeting period as suggesting that economic activity had been expanding at a moderate
pace. Labor market conditions had shown some
improvement in recent months, on balance, but the
unemployment rate remained elevated. Household
spending and business fixed investment advanced,
and the housing sector had strengthened further, but
fiscal policy was restraining economic growth. The
Committee expected that, with appropriate monetary
policy accommodation, economic growth would proceed at a moderate pace and result in a gradual
decline in the unemployment rate toward levels that
the Committee judged consistent with its dual mandate. Members generally continued to anticipate that,
with longer-term inflation expectations stable and
persisting slack in resource utilization, inflation over
the medium term would likely run at or below the
Committee’s 2 percent objective.
In their discussion of monetary policy for the period
ahead, all but one member judged that a highly
accommodative stance of monetary policy was warranted in order to foster a stronger economic recovery in a context of price stability. The Committee
agreed to continue purchases of MBS at a pace of
$40 billion per month and purchases of longer-term
Treasury securities at a pace of $45 billion per
month, as well as to maintain the Committee’s reinvestment policies. The Committee also retained its
forward guidance about the federal funds rate,
including the thresholds on the unemployment and
inflation rates. One member dissented from the Committee’s policy decision, expressing concern that the
continued high level of monetary accommodation
increased the risks of future economic and financial
imbalances and, over time, could cause an increase in
inflation expectations.
A few members expressed concerns that investor
expectations of the cumulative size of the asset purchase program appeared to have increased somewhat
since it was launched last September despite a
notable decline in the unemployment rate and other
improvements in the labor market since then. In contrast, a few other members focused on evidence that
market expectations about the total size of the program had changed little, on net, since the program

was launched or had responded appropriately to
incoming information. Members generally agreed on
the need for the Committee to communicate clearly
that the pace and ultimate size of its asset purchases
would depend on the Committee’s continued assessment of the outlook for the labor market and inflation in addition to its judgments regarding the efficacy and costs of additional purchases and the extent
of progress toward its economic objectives. To highlight its willingness to adjust the flow of purchases in
light of incoming information, the Committee
included language in the statement to be released following the meeting that said the Committee was prepared to increase or reduce the pace of its purchases
to maintain appropriate policy accommodation as
the outlook for the labor market or inflation changes.
At the conclusion of the discussion, the Committee
voted to authorize and direct the Federal Reserve
Bank of New York, until it was instructed otherwise,
to execute transactions in the System Account in
accordance with the following domestic policy
“Consistent with its statutory mandate, the Federal Open Market Committee seeks monetary
and financial conditions that will foster maximum employment and price stability. In particular, the Committee seeks conditions in reserve
markets consistent with federal funds trading in
a range from 0 to ¼ percent. The Committee
directs the Desk to undertake open market
operations as necessary to maintain such conditions. The Desk is directed to continue purchasing longer-term Treasury securities at a pace of
about $45 billion per month and to continue
purchasing agency mortgage-backed securities at
a pace of about $40 billion per month. The
Committee also directs the Desk to engage in
dollar roll and coupon swap transactions as necessary to facilitate settlement of the Federal
Reserve’s agency mortgage-backed securities
transactions. The Committee directs the Desk to
maintain its policy of rolling over maturing
Treasury securities into new issues and its policy
of reinvesting principal payments on all agency
debt and agency mortgage-backed securities in
agency mortgage-backed securities. The System
Open Market Account Manager and the Secretary will keep the Committee informed of ongoing developments regarding the System’s balance sheet that could affect the attainment over
time of the Committee’s objectives of maximum
employment and price stability.”

Minutes of Federal Open Market Committee Meetings | April–May

The vote encompassed approval of the statement
below to be released at 2:00 p.m.:
“Information received since the Federal Open
Market Committee met in March suggests that
economic activity has been expanding at a moderate pace. Labor market conditions have shown
some improvement in recent months, on balance,
but the unemployment rate remains elevated.
Household spending and business fixed investment advanced, and the housing sector has
strengthened further, but fiscal policy is restraining economic growth. Inflation has been running somewhat below the Committee’s longerrun objective, apart from temporary variations
that largely reflect fluctuations in energy prices.
Longer-term inflation expectations have
remained stable.
Consistent with its statutory mandate, the Committee seeks to foster maximum employment
and price stability. The Committee expects that,
with appropriate policy accommodation, economic growth will proceed at a moderate pace
and the unemployment rate will gradually
decline toward levels the Committee judges consistent with its dual mandate. The Committee
continues to see downside risks to the economic
outlook. The Committee also anticipates that
inflation over the medium term likely will run at
or below its 2 percent objective.
To support a stronger economic recovery and to
help ensure that inflation, over time, is at the
rate most consistent with its dual mandate, the
Committee decided to continue purchasing
additional agency mortgage-backed securities at
a pace of $40 billion per month and longer-term
Treasury securities at a pace of $45 billion per
month. The Committee is maintaining its existing policy of reinvesting principal payments
from its holdings of agency debt and agency
mortgage-backed securities in agency mortgagebacked securities and of rolling over maturing
Treasury securities at auction. Taken together,
these actions should maintain downward pressure on longer-term interest rates, support mortgage markets, and help to make broader financial conditions more accommodative.


mortgage-backed securities, and employ its
other policy tools as appropriate, until the outlook for the labor market has improved substantially in a context of price stability. The Committee is prepared to increase or reduce the pace of
its purchases to maintain appropriate policy
accommodation as the outlook for the labor
market or inflation changes. In determining the
size, pace, and composition of its asset purchases, the Committee will continue to take
appropriate account of the likely efficacy and
costs of such purchases as well as the extent of
progress toward its economic objectives.
To support continued progress toward maximum employment and price stability, the Committee expects that a highly accommodative
stance of monetary policy will remain appropriate for a considerable time after the asset purchase program ends and the economic recovery
strengthens. In particular, the Committee
decided to keep the target range for the federal
funds rate at 0 to ¼ percent and currently anticipates that this exceptionally low range for the
federal funds rate will be appropriate at least as
long as the unemployment rate remains above
6½ percent, inflation between one and two years
ahead is projected to be no more than a half percentage point above the Committee’s 2 percent
longer-run goal, and longer-term inflation
expectations continue to be well anchored. In
determining how long to maintain a highly
accommodative stance of monetary policy, the
Committee will also consider other information,
including additional measures of labor market
conditions, indicators of inflation pressures and
inflation expectations, and readings on financial
developments. When the Committee decides to
begin to remove policy accommodation, it will
take a balanced approach consistent with its
longer-run goals of maximum employment and
inflation of 2 percent.”
Voting for this action: Ben Bernanke, William C.
Dudley, James Bullard, Elizabeth Duke, Charles L.
Evans, Jerome H. Powell, Sarah Bloom Raskin, Eric
Rosengren, Jeremy C. Stein, Daniel K. Tarullo, and
Janet L. Yellen.
Voting against this action: Esther L. George.

The Committee will closely monitor incoming
information on economic and financial developments in coming months. The Committee will
continue its purchases of Treasury and agency

Ms. George dissented because she continued to view
monetary policy as overly accommodative and therefore as posing risks to the long-term sustainable


100th Annual Report | 2013

growth of the economy. She expressed concern that
the stance of policy might be fostering imbalances
and excessive risk-taking in some financial markets
and institutions, and she cited the potential for the
Committee’s ongoing asset purchases to complicate
the future conduct of policy, raise uncertainty, and
affect future inflation expectations. Accordingly, Ms.
George preferred to signal a near-term tapering of
asset purchases, which would begin to move policy
toward a more appropriate stance.

Review of Exit Strategy Principles
After the policy vote, participants began a review of
the exit strategy principles that were published in the
minutes of the Committee’s June 2011 meeting.
Those principles, which the Committee issued to
clarify how it intended to normalize the stance and
conduct of monetary policy when doing so eventually became appropriate, included broad principles
along with some details about the timing and
sequence of specific steps the Committee expected to
take. The participants’ discussion touched on various
aspects of the exit strategy principles and policy normalization more generally, including the size and
composition of the SOMA portfolio in the longer
run, the use of a range of reserve-draining tools, the
approach to sales of securities, the eventual framework for policy implementation, and the relationship
between the principles and the economic thresholds
in the Committee’s forward guidance on the federal
funds rate. The broad principles adopted almost two
years ago appeared generally still valid, but developments since then—including the change in the size
and composition of SOMA asset holdings—suggested a need for greater flexibility regarding the
details of implementing policy normalization, particularly because those details would appropriately
depend at least in part upon future economic and
financial developments. Also, because normalization
still appeared to be well in the future, the Committee
might wish to wait and acquire additional experience
to inform its plans. In particular, the process of normalizing policy could yield information about the
most effective framework for implementing monetary
policy in the longer run, and thus about the appropriate size of the SOMA portfolio and level of
reserve balances. In addition, several participants
raised the possibility that the federal funds rate might
not, in the future, be the best indicator of the general
level of short-term interest rates, and supported fur-

ther staff study of potential alternative approaches to
implementing monetary policy in the longer term
and of possible new tools to improve control over
short-term interest rates.
Views differed regarding whether the best course at
this point would be to simply acknowledge that certain components of the June 2011 principles had
been overtaken by events or rather to formally revise
the principles. Acknowledging that the principles
need to be updated would help avoid possible confusion regarding the Committee’s intentions; waiting to
update the principles would allow the Committee to
obtain additional information before revising them.
It was also mentioned that the public’s understanding
of the likely exit process might not be improved if the
Committee issued only a set of broad principles without providing detailed information on the steps
anticipated for normalization. However, issuing
revised principles relatively soon could give the public
additional confidence that the Committee had the
tools and a plan for eventually normalizing the conduct of policy. Moreover, one participant stressed
that the Committee’s ability to provide forward guidance about the normalization process was a key monetary policy tool, and revised principles would permit
use of that tool to help adjust the stance of policy.
Participants emphasized that their review of the
June 2011 exit strategy principles did not suggest any
change in their views about the economic conditions
that would eventually warrant beginning the process
of normalizing the stance of monetary policy. At the
conclusion of the discussion, the Chairman directed
the staff to undertake additional preparatory work
on this issue for Committee consideration in the
It was agreed that the next meeting of the Committee
would be held on Tuesday–Wednesday, June 18–19,
2013. The meeting adjourned at 1:05 p.m. on May 1,

Notation Vote
By notation vote completed on April 9, 2013, the
Committee unanimously approved the minutes of the
FOMC meeting held on March 19–20, 2013.
William B. English

Minutes of Federal Open Market Committee Meetings | June

Meeting Held on June 18–19, 2013

Thomas C. Baxter
Deputy General Counsel

A meeting of the Federal Open Market Committee
was held in the offices of the Board of Governors of
the Federal Reserve System in Washington, D.C., on
Tuesday, June 18, 2013, at 1:30 p.m. and continued
on Wednesday, June 19, 2013, at 9:00 a.m.

Steven B. Kamin

Ben Bernanke
William C. Dudley
Vice Chairman
James Bullard
Elizabeth Duke
Charles L. Evans
Esther L. George
Jerome H. Powell
Sarah Bloom Raskin
Eric Rosengren
Jeremy C. Stein
Daniel K. Tarullo
Janet L. Yellen
Christine Cumming, Richard W. Fisher,
Narayana Kocherlakota, and Charles I. Plosser
Alternate Members of the Federal Open Market
Jeffrey M. Lacker, Dennis P. Lockhart,
and John C. Williams
Presidents of the Federal Reserve Banks of
Richmond, Atlanta, and San Francisco, respectively
Gregory L. Stefani
First Vice President, Federal Reserve Bank of
William B. English
Secretary and Economist
Matthew M. Luecke
Assistant Secretary
David W. Skidmore
Assistant Secretary
Michelle A. Smith
Assistant Secretary
Scott G. Alvarez
General Counsel


David W. Wilcox
Thomas A. Connors, Troy Davig, Michael P. Leahy,
James J. McAndrews, Stephen A. Meyer,
David Reifschneider, Geoffrey Tootell,
Christopher J. Waller, and William Wascher
Associate Economists
Simon Potter
Manager, System Open Market Account
Nellie Liang
Director, Office of Financial Stability Policy and
Research, Board of Governors
James A. Clouse and William Nelson
Deputy Directors, Division of Monetary Affairs,
Board of Governors
Matthew J. Eichner
Deputy Director, Division of Research and Statistics,
Board of Governors
Maryann F. Hunter
Deputy Director, Division of Banking Supervision
and Regulation, Board of Governors
Jon W. Faust
Special Adviser to the Board, Office of Board
Members, Board of Governors
Linda Robertson
Assistant to the Board, Office of Board Members,
Board of Governors
Ellen E. Meade and Joyce K. Zickler
Senior Advisers, Division of Monetary Affairs,
Board of Governors
Daniel M. Covitz, Eric M. Engen,
and Thomas Laubach
Associate Directors, Division of Research and
Statistics, Board of Governors
Sean D. Campbell and Joshua Gallin
Deputy Associate Directors, Division of Research and
Statistics, Board of Governors
Jane E. Ihrig and David López-Salido
Deputy Associate Directors, Division of Monetary
Affairs, Board of Governors
Joseph W. Gruber
Assistant Director, Division of International Finance,
Board of Governors


100th Annual Report | 2013

Jeremy B. Rudd
Adviser, Division of Research and Statistics,
Board of Governors
David H. Small
Project Manager, Division of Monetary Affairs,
Board of Governors
Deborah J. Lindner
Group Manager, Division of Research and Statistics,
Board of Governors
Patrice Robitaille
Senior Economist, Division of International Finance,
Board of Governors
Seung J. Lee
Economist, Division of Monetary Affairs,
Board of Governors
Peter M. Garavuso
Records Management Analyst, Division of Monetary
Affairs, Board of Governors
James M. Lyon
First Vice President, Federal Reserve Bank of
David Altig and Loretta J. Mester
Executive Vice Presidents, Federal Reserve Banks of
Atlanta and Philadelphia, respectively
Lorie K. Logan, David Marshall,
Mark E. Schweitzer, and Kei-Mu Yi
Senior Vice Presidents, Federal Reserve Banks of
New York, Chicago, Cleveland, and Minneapolis,
Evan F. Koenig
Vice President, Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas
Andreas L. Hornstein
Senior Advisor, Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond
John Fernald
Senior Research Adviser, Federal Reserve Bank of
San Francisco

Discussion of Guidelines for Policy
In light of the changes in the System Open Market
Account (SOMA) portfolio over the past two years,
the Committee again discussed its strategy for the
eventual normalization of the stance of monetary
policy and the size and composition of the Federal
Reserve’s balance sheet that was released in the minutes of the Committee’s June 2011 meeting.
Although most participants saw this review as prudent longer-range planning, some felt that the discus-

sion was premature. Meeting participants, in general,
continued to view the broad principles set out in 2011
as still applicable. Nonetheless, they agreed that many
of the details of the eventual normalization process
would likely differ from those specified two years
ago, that the appropriate details would depend in
part on economic and financial developments
between now and the time when it becomes appropriate to begin normalizing monetary policy, and that
the Committee would need to provide additional
information about its intentions as that time
approaches. Participants continued to think that the
Federal Reserve should, in the long run, hold predominantly Treasury securities. Most, however, now
anticipated that the Committee would not sell agency
mortgage-backed securities (MBS) as part of the normalization process, although some indicated that limited sales might be warranted in the longer run to
reduce or eliminate residual holdings. A couple of
participants stated that they preferred that the Committee make no decision about sales of MBS until
closer to the start of the normalization process. Participants agreed that the Committee’s focus continued to be on providing appropriate monetary accommodation to promote a stronger recovery in the context of price stability and so judged that additional
discussion regarding policy normalization should be

Developments in Financial Markets and
the Federal Reserve’s Balance Sheet
The Manager of the SOMA reported on developments in domestic and foreign financial markets as
well as the System open market operations during the
period since the Federal Open Market Committee
(FOMC) met on April 30–May 1, 2013. The review
included a report that the System’s purchases of
longer-term assets did not appear to have had an
adverse effect on the functioning of the markets for
Treasury securities or agency MBS, and that the
Open Market Desk’s operations in both sectors had
proceeded smoothly. By unanimous vote, the Committee ratified the Desk’s domestic transactions over
the intermeeting period. There were no intervention
operations in foreign currencies for the System’s
account over the intermeeting period.

Staff Review of the Economic Situation
The information reviewed for the June 18–19 meeting
suggested that economic activity continued to
increase at a moderate rate in the second quarter.
Private-sector employment expanded further in

Minutes of Federal Open Market Committee Meetings | June


recent months, and the unemployment rate in April
and May was below its first-quarter average,
although it continued to be elevated. Consumer price
inflation was subdued, partly reflecting transitory
influences. However, measures of longer-run inflation
expectations remained stable.

increased in recent months, as equity values and
home prices rose further. Moreover, consumer sentiment in the Thomson Reuters/University of Michigan Surveys of Consumers improved notably, on balance, in May and early June and was at its most
upbeat level since the onset of the recession.

Private nonfarm employment rose moderately in
April and May, while total government employment
continued to decline somewhat. The unemployment
rate was 7.6 percent in May, little changed from its
level in April. The labor force participation rate
edged up in May, but was still slightly below its firstquarter average, and the employment-to-population
ratio increased a bit in recent months. The rate of
long-duration unemployment declined slightly, while
the share of workers employed part time for economic reasons was little changed; both of these
measures remained well above their pre-recession levels. Forward-looking indicators of near-term labor
market activity were mixed but generally pointed to
some further improvement in labor market conditions in the coming months: Household expectations
of the labor market situation improved; initial claims
for unemployment insurance were little changed, on
net, over the intermeeting period; and firms’ hiring
plans edged up. However, measures of job openings
and the rate of gross private-sector hiring were about
flat, on balance, in recent months and remained near
their levels of a year ago.

Conditions in the housing sector generally improved
further, but construction activity was still at a relatively low level, and demand continued to be
restrained by tight credit standards for mortgage
loans. Starts of new single-family homes declined, on
net, in April and May, but permits rose, suggesting
gains in construction in the coming months. Starts of
new multifamily units decreased in April but
increased in May. Home prices continued to rise rapidly through April, while sales of both new and existing homes advanced.

Manufacturing production increased slightly in May
after declining in the previous two months, and the
rate of manufacturing capacity utilization in May
was lower than in the first quarter. Automakers’
schedules indicated that the pace of motor vehicle
assemblies would hold roughly steady in the coming
months, and broader indicators of manufacturing
production, such as the readings on new orders from
national and regional manufacturing surveys, were
generally at subdued levels that pointed to only modest increases in factory output in the near term.
Real personal consumption expenditures (PCE) rose
in April. In May, nominal retail sales, excluding those
at motor vehicle and parts outlets, increased briskly,
while light motor vehicle sales moved up solidly.
Some key factors that tend to support growth in
household spending were positive in recent months.
After decreasing in the first quarter when payroll and
income taxes increased, households’ real disposable
income rose in April, in part reflecting a small decline
in consumer prices. Households’ net worth likely

Real business expenditures on equipment and software appeared to slow somewhat going into the second quarter after expanding modestly earlier in the
year. Nominal shipments of nondefense capital
goods excluding aircraft decreased in April, but
nominal new orders for these capital goods increased
and were slightly above the level of shipments, pointing to modest gains in shipments in the near term.
Other forward-looking indicators, such as surveys of
business conditions and capital spending plans, also
suggested that outlays for business equipment would
continue to rise at only a modest pace in the coming
months. Nominal business spending for nonresidential construction increased in April after it had
declined in the first quarter. Business inventories in
most industries appeared to be broadly aligned with
sales in recent months.
Real federal government purchases appeared to be
declining less rapidly going into the second quarter
than they had during the first quarter, as decreases in
defense spending slowed, on balance, in April and
May. The ongoing declines in real state and local government purchases appeared to moderate over recent
months; the payrolls of these governments expanded
in April and May, but state and local construction
expenditures continued to decline noticeably.
The U.S. international trade deficit narrowed in
March but widened in April, leaving the level of the
trade deficit in April similar to its average in the first
quarter. Both imports and exports fell in March but
largely recovered in April, although oil imports
remained below their first-quarter average. Exports


100th Annual Report | 2013

of consumer goods and automotive products reached
new highs in April, but exports of agricultural products declined.
Overall U.S. consumer prices, as measured by the
PCE price index, edged down in April, while the consumer price index (CPI) rose somewhat in May. Both
the CPI and the PCE price index increased at a subdued rate over the most recent 12-month period for
each series. After declining in the previous two
months, consumer energy prices rose a little in May,
and retail gasoline prices, measured on a seasonally
adjusted basis, were up further in the first couple of
weeks in June. Consumer food prices edged down in
May after rising modestly in April. Partly reflecting
some transitory factors, such as a one-time reduction
in Medicare prices associated with the federal government spending sequestration, consumer prices
excluding food and energy only edged up in April but
rose slightly more in May. Near-term inflation expectations from the Michigan survey were little changed
in May and early June; longer-term inflation expectations in the survey also were essentially flat and
remained within the narrow range that they have
occupied for a number of years.
Measures of labor compensation indicated that gains
in nominal wages remained modest. Compensation
per hour in the nonfarm business sector increased
moderately over the year ending in the first quarter,
and, with a small rise in productivity, unit labor costs
advanced only a little. Gains in average hourly earnings for all employees were muted, on balance, in
April and May.
Foreign economic growth remained sluggish so far
this year. A slower pace of expansion in many emerging market economies (EMEs), including China,
since the beginning of the year offset an increase in
the average rate of economic growth in the advanced
foreign economies. In Japan, where recent policy
measures appeared to have boosted household confidence, economic growth picked up noticeably early in
the year. Recent indicators of Canadian economic
activity also strengthened. However, indicators for
the euro-area economies remained weak. A decline in
commodity prices and continued lackluster economic
growth contributed to a decline in foreign inflation.

Staff Review of the Financial Situation
Financial markets were volatile during the intermeeting period as investors reacted to incoming economic
data and Federal Reserve communications. Informa-

tion about the U.S. economy was somewhat better,
on balance, than investors had anticipated, apparently giving them greater confidence in the economic
outlook. Federal Reserve communications over the
period reportedly were interpreted by market participants as pointing to a less accommodative stance of
future monetary policy than they previously had
Market-based indicators suggested that investors
revised up their expectations about the path of the
federal funds rate in coming years. Forward rates two
to three years ahead derived from overnight index
swaps shifted up 25 to 40 basis points over the intermeeting period, likely reflecting both an increase in
the expected path for the federal funds rate and an
increase in term premiums. In contrast to the readings from financial market quotes, which suggested
that investors had come to expect the FOMC to
increase its target for the federal funds rate sooner
than they previously had anticipated, the results from
the Desk’s survey of primary dealers conducted prior
to the June meeting showed little material change, on
balance, in the dealers’ expectations of the most likely
timing of the first increase in the federal funds rate
Nominal yields on Treasury securities rose sharply
over the intermeeting period amid some better-thanexpected U.S. economic data and Federal Reserve
communications that were interpreted by market participants as signaling a possible earlier-than-expected
reduction in the pace of purchases under the
FOMC’s flow-based asset purchase program. Nominal yields on 5- to 30-year Treasury securities
increased about 35 to 55 basis points. Yields on
agency MBS rose more than those on comparablematurity Treasury securities, leaving option-adjusted
spreads to Treasury securities notably wider. The rise
in longer-term Treasury yields appeared to reflect
both an increase in term premiums and a rise in
expected future short-term rates. The rise in term
premiums, in turn, likely reflected in part a reassessment of the pace and ultimate size of the Federal
Reserve’s asset purchase program, as well as
increased uncertainty about the future path of monetary policy.
Measures of inflation compensation derived from
yields on nominal and inflation-protected Treasury
securities fell notably but ended the intermeeting
period within their ranges over the past few years.
Investor perceptions of a somewhat less accommodative tone of Federal Reserve communications, as well

Minutes of Federal Open Market Committee Meetings | June

as the softer-than-expected reading for the April CPI,
likely contributed to the decline in inflation
Conditions in domestic and offshore dollar funding
markets were generally little changed, on balance,
over the intermeeting period. In secured funding
markets, rates on Treasury general collateral repurchase agreements decreased, on net, in large part
because of the seasonal decline in the supply of
Treasury securities.
Market sentiment toward large domestic banking
organizations appeared to improve somewhat over
the intermeeting period, likely related in part to further reductions in nonperforming loans and growing
confidence in the economic outlook. Equity prices
for large domestic banks outperformed broad equity
indexes over the intermeeting period, as did the
equity prices for most other types of financial institutions. In contrast, equity prices for agency mortgage
real estate investment trusts declined, reflecting the
rise in longer-term interest rates, the underperformance of agency MBS, and weaker-than-expected
earnings reports.
Responses to the June Senior Credit Officer Opinion
Survey on Dealer Financing Terms generally suggested little change over the past three months in the
credit terms applicable to important classes of counterparties and in the use of financial leverage by most
classes of counterparties covered by the survey. However, about one-fourth of dealers reported an increase
in the use of leverage by hedge funds.
Corporate bond yields rose significantly over the
intermeeting period, and their spreads relative to
comparable-maturity Treasury yields edged higher on
net. Credit flows to nonfinancial businesses remained
strong in May, especially through bond issuance.
Gross issuance of speculative-grade corporate bonds
was particularly elevated early in the intermeeting
period, but such issuance slowed after mid-May in
response to the rise in interest rates and in market
volatility. Meanwhile, the issuance of syndicated leveraged loans remained robust in April and May, supported by strong investor demand for floating-rate
corporate debt instruments.
House prices continued to rise in recent months, with
national home price indexes up between 5 and 12 percent over the 12-month period ending in April. As a
result, the number of mortgages with negative equity


was estimated to have decreased substantially. Primary mortgage rates increased with yields on MBS
over the intermeeting period, and the spread between
primary mortgage rates and MBS yields remained
near the low end of its range over recent years. Consumer credit continued to expand at a solid pace
because of the ongoing expansion in auto and student loans; credit card debt remained about flat. Issuance of consumer asset-backed securities increased
strongly again in May.
Growth in total bank credit moderated in April and
May compared with the first quarter, as core loans
slowed and securities declined slightly. Growth in
commercial and industrial loans at large banks
decreased noticeably in recent months, reportedly
reflecting both increased paydowns and reduced
originations. In contrast, increases in commercial real
estate loans picked up, especially at large banks.
The M2 monetary aggregate expanded at an annual
rate of about 5 percent from April through mid-June.
The monetary base grew at an annual rate exceeding
40 percent over the same period, driven mainly by the
increase in reserve balances that resulted from the
Federal Reserve’s asset purchases.
Over the intermeeting period, yields on 10-year sovereign debt of the advanced foreign economies followed the yields on comparable-maturity U.S. Treasury securities higher, and volatility in sovereign bond
markets rose, particularly in Japan. Japanese equity
markets also displayed substantial volatility; equity
prices fell sharply late in the period and erased the
gains that had been registered since early April, when
the Bank of Japan announced that it would expand
its asset purchases in order to nearly double the size
of its balance sheet. European equity indexes were
little changed, on net, over the period, and euro-area
financial conditions remained relatively stable.
Spreads of yields on Italian and Spanish government
debt over yields on German bunds increased only a
few basis points, while comparable spreads for Greek
sovereign debt declined notably. The foreign
exchange value of the dollar was little changed, on
average, relative to the currencies of the advanced
foreign economies, but appreciated against EME currencies amid weak incoming data on economic activity and monetary policy easing in some EMEs, along
with rising U.S. Treasury yields. Emerging market
mutual funds experienced sharp outflows in recent
weeks, while EME stock prices declined and EME
credit spreads widened on net.


100th Annual Report | 2013

The staff reported on potential risks to financial stability, including the stability of banking firms, nonbank financial intermediaries, and asset markets.
Most market-based measures of the health of the
banking sector—such as banks’ stock prices, credit
default swap spreads, and equity correlations—
pointed to an improvement in the stability of the
banking sector, in part because of rising levels of
liquidity and capital as well as diminished concerns
about downside risks. However, a number of indicators pointed to a modest increase in risk-taking and
leverage that was largely being intermediated through
the shadow banking system. Signs of upward pressures on the valuations of some risky assets were also
noted. Overall, the risks to financial stability were
viewed as roughly unchanged since March.

Staff Economic Outlook
In the economic forecast prepared by the staff for the
June FOMC meeting, the projection for near-term
growth of real gross domestic product (GDP) was
little changed from the one prepared for the previous
meeting. However, the staff’s medium-term projection for real GDP was revised up somewhat. The staff
raised its projected paths for equity and home prices,
which pushed up expected consumer spending over
the medium term, and boosted its outlook for
domestic oil production, which reduced oil imports
in the forecast. These positive factors were partly offset in the staff’s medium-term GDP projection by
higher projected paths for both longer-term interest
rates and the foreign exchange value of the dollar.
Nevertheless, with fiscal policy expected to restrain
economic growth this year, the staff still anticipated
that the pace of expansion in real GDP would only
moderately exceed the growth rate of potential output. The staff also continued to forecast that real
GDP would accelerate gradually in 2014 and 2015,
supported by accommodative monetary policy, an
eventual easing in the effects of fiscal policy restraint
on economic growth, increases in consumer and business sentiment, and further improvements in credit
availability and financial conditions. The expansion
in economic activity was anticipated to slowly reduce
the slack in labor and product markets over the projection period, and the unemployment rate was
expected to decline gradually. In addition, although
the staff did not change its view of the longer-run
level of the natural rate of unemployment, it judged
that the natural rate was on a more pronounced
downward trajectory back toward its longer-run level
than previously assumed; as a result, the staff’s projection for the unemployment rate over the next two

years was revised down a little, relative to its previous
The staff’s forecast for inflation in the near term was
also revised down a little from the projection prepared for the previous FOMC meeting, reflecting in
part some of the recent softer-than-expected readings
on consumer prices. Nonetheless, the staff expected
that much of the recent softness in inflation would be
transitory, and thus did not materially change its
medium-term projection. The staff projected that
inflation would pick up in the second half of this
year, but given the assumption of stable longer-run
inflation expectations and only modest changes in
commodity and import prices as well as forecasts of
gradually diminishing resource slack over the projection period, inflation was projected to still be relatively subdued through 2015.
The staff viewed the uncertainty around the forecast
for economic activity as normal relative to the experience of the past 20 years. However, the risks were still
viewed as skewed to the downside, in part because of
concerns about the situation in Europe and the ability of the U.S. economy to weather potential adverse
shocks. Although the staff saw the outlook for inflation as uncertain, the risks were viewed as balanced
and not unusually high.

Participants’ Views on Current Conditions
and the Economic Outlook
In conjunction with this FOMC meeting, meeting
participants—the 7 members of the Board of Governors and the presidents of the 12 Federal Reserve
Banks, all of whom participate in the deliberations of
the FOMC—submitted their assessments of real output growth, the unemployment rate, inflation, and
the target federal funds rate for each year from 2013
through 2015 and over the longer run, under each
participant’s judgment of appropriate monetary
policy.1 The longer-run projections represent each
participant’s assessment of the rate to which each
variable would be expected to converge, over time,
under appropriate monetary policy and in the
absence of further shocks to the economy. These economic projections and policy assessments are
described in the Summary of Economic Projections,
which is attached as an addendum to these minutes.

Although President Pianalto was unable to attend the June 18–
19, 2013, FOMC meeting, she submitted economic projections.
First Vice President Gregory L. Stefani represented the Federal
Reserve Bank of Cleveland at the meeting.

Minutes of Federal Open Market Committee Meetings | June

In their discussion of the economic situation, meeting participants generally indicated that the information received during the intermeeting period continued to suggest that the economy was expanding at a
moderate pace. A number of participants mentioned
that they were encouraged by the apparent resilience
of private spending so far this year despite considerable downward pressure from lower government
spending and higher taxes. In particular, consumer
spending rose at a moderate rate, and the housing
sector continued to strengthen. Business investment
advanced, although only modestly, and slower economic activity abroad restrained domestic production. Overall conditions in the labor market improved
further in recent months, although the unemployment rate remained elevated. Inflation continued to
run below the Committee’s longer-run objective, but
longer-term inflation expectations remained stable.
Most participants anticipated that growth of real
GDP would pick up somewhat in the second half of
2013. Growth of economic activity was projected to
strengthen further during 2014 and 2015, supported
by accommodative monetary policy; waning fiscal
restraint; and ongoing improvements in household
and business balance sheets, credit availability, and
labor market conditions. Accordingly, the unemployment rate was projected to gradually decline toward
levels consistent with the Committee’s dual mandate.
Many participants saw the downside risks to the
medium-run outlook for the economy and the labor
market as having diminished somewhat in recent
months, or expressed greater confidence that stronger
economic activity was in train. However, some participants noted that they remained uncertain about
the projected pickup in growth of economic activity
in coming quarters, and thus about the prospects for
further improvement in labor market conditions,
given that, in recent years, forecasts of a sustained
pickup in growth had not been realized.
Participants noted that consumer spending continued
to increase at a moderate rate in recent months
despite tax increases and only modest gains in wages.
Among the factors viewed as supporting consumption were improvements in household balance sheets
and in the job market, as well as low interest rates. In
addition, consumer sentiment improved over the
intermeeting period, which some participants attributed to rising house prices and gains in the stock
market. It was noted that the mutually reinforcing
dynamic of rising confidence, declining risk premiums, improving credit availability, increasing spend-


ing, and greater hiring was an important factor in the
projected pickup in economic activity but also that
this favorable dynamic could be vulnerable to an
adverse shock. A few participants expressed some
concern about the outlook for consumer spending,
citing the weakness in labor income and households’
cautious attitudes toward using debt.
Housing markets continued to strengthen, with participants variously reporting increases in house
prices, sales, and building permits; low inventories of
homes on the market; and rising demand for construction supplies. The improvement in the housing
sector was seen as supporting the broader economy
through related spending and employment, with rising real estate values boosting household wealth, confidence, and access to credit. Participants generally
were optimistic that the recovery in housing activity
would be sustained, although a couple of participants were concerned that the run-up in mortgage
rates in recent weeks might begin to crimp demand.
However, the recent increase in mortgage purchase
applications was seen as suggesting that the demand
for housing was being driven by factors beyond low
mortgage rates.
Reports on business spending were mixed. A number
of participants continued to hear that businesses
were limiting their capital spending to projects
intended to enhance productivity and that they
remained reluctant to invest to expand capacity, or to
step up hiring. Uncertainties about regulatory issues
and fiscal policies as well as weak economic activity
abroad were cited as factors weighing on business
decisionmaking. Some businesses, particularly
smaller firms, were again reported to be concerned
about the implications of new health-care regulations
for their labor costs. Nonetheless, a few participants
reported that their business contacts expressed somewhat greater confidence in the economic outlook or
reported plans to expand capacity. A pickup in bank
lending to small businesses was also reported.
Although the manufacturing sector slowed considerably during the spring, contacts in several Districts
reported that activity turned up more recently.
Reports on activity in the airline, trucking, and warehousing industries were uneven. Agriculture
remained robust, supported in part by strong
demand from emerging market economies. However,
prospects for farm income were less positive as a
result of the wet weather in the Midwest and expectations of lower prices for corn. The outlook for the
energy sector remained positive.


100th Annual Report | 2013

While the federal sequestration and the tax increases
that became effective earlier in the year were expected
to be a substantial drag on economic activity this
year, the magnitude and timing of the effects
remained unclear. Several participants commented
that the direct effects of the cutbacks in federal
spending, to date, did not appear as great as had
been expected, but that they anticipated that fiscal
policy would continue to restrain economic growth in
coming quarters. In particular, one pointed out that
the furloughs scheduled for the second half of the
year were likely to reduce household income and
spending. A report on the favorable fiscal condition
of one state was indicative of the improvement in the
budget situation at state and local governments.
Participants generally agreed that labor market conditions had continued to improve, on balance, in
recent months; many saw the cumulative decline in
the unemployment rate and gains in nonfarm payrolls over the past nine months as considerable.
Reflecting these developments, participants’ forecasts
for the unemployment rate at this meeting were lower
than those prepared for the September 2012 meeting.
Among the encouraging aspects of labor market
developments since then were the step-up in average
monthly gains in private employment, the breadth of
job gains across industries, the decline in layoffs, and
a rise in voluntary quits in some industries. However,
some participants discussed a number of indicators
that suggested that the improvement in broad labor
market conditions was less than might be implied by
the decline in the unemployment rate alone. Some
pointed out that the rate of hiring still fell short of
the pace that they saw as consistent with morenoticeable progress in labor market conditions, that a
portion of the improvement in payroll employment
since the September meeting was due to data revisions, or that there were no signs of an increase in
wage pressures. Others expressed concern about the
still-elevated level of long-duration joblessness and
the weakness in labor force participation. Most participants still saw slack remaining in the labor market, although they differed on the extent to which the
progress to date had reduced that slack and how confident they were about future labor market
Inflation was low in the months prior to the meeting,
with the trends in all broad measures remaining
below the Committee’s 2 percent longer-run objective. Several transitory factors, including a one-time
reduction in Medicare costs, contributed to the
recent very low inflation readings. In addition, energy

prices declined, and nonfuel commodity prices were
soft. Over the past year, both core and overall consumer price inflation trended lower; participants
cited various alternative measures of consumer price
inflation, including the trimmed mean PCE and CPI
as well as the sticky price CPI, that suggested that the
slowing was broad based. Market-based measures of
inflation expectations decreased over the intermeeting period but remained within their ranges over the
past few years. Most participants expected inflation
to begin to move up over the coming year as economic activity strengthened, but many anticipated
that it would remain below the Committee’s 2 percent objective for some time. One participant
expressed concern about the risk of a more rapid rise
in inflation over the medium term, given the highly
accommodative stance of monetary policy. In contrast, many others worried about the low level of
inflation, and a number indicated that they would be
watching closely for signs that the shift down in inflation might persist or that inflation expectations were
persistently moving lower.
In their discussion of financial market developments
over the intermeeting period, participants weighed
the extent to which the rise in market interest rates
and increase in volatility reflected a reassessment of
market participants’ expectations for monetary
policy and the extent to which it reflected growing
confidence about the economic outlook. It was noted
that corporate credit spreads had not widened substantially and that the stock market had posted further gains, suggesting that the higher rates reflected,
at least in part, increasing confidence that moderate
economic growth would be sustained. Several participants worried that higher mortgage rates and bond
yields could slow the recovery in the housing market
and restrain business expansion. However, some others commented that any adverse effects of the
increase in rates on financial conditions more broadly
appeared to be limited.
A number of participants offered views on risks to
financial stability. A couple of participants expressed
concerns that some financial institutions might not
be well positioned to weather a rapid run-up in interest rates. Two others emphasized the importance of
bolstering the resilience of money market funds
against disorderly outflows. And a few stated their
view that a prolonged period of low interest rates
would encourage investors to take on excessive credit
or interest rate risk and would distort some asset
prices. However, others suggested that the recent rise
in rates might have reduced such incentives. While

Minutes of Federal Open Market Committee Meetings | June

market volatility had increased of late, it was noted
that the rise in measured volatility, while noticeable,
occurred from a low level, and that a broad index of
financial stress remained below average. One participant felt that the Committee should explore ways to
calibrate the magnitude of the risks to financial stability so that those considerations could be more
fully incorporated into deliberations on monetary
Participants discussed how best to communicate the
Committee’s approach to decisions about its asset
purchase program and how to reduce uncertainty
about how the Committee might adjust its purchases
in response to economic developments. Importantly,
participants wanted to emphasize that the pace, composition, and extent of asset purchases would continue to be dependent on the Committee’s assessment
of the implications of incoming information for the
economic outlook, as well as the cumulative progress
toward the Committee’s economic objectives since
the institution of the program last September. The
discussion centered on the possibility of providing a
rough description of the path for asset purchases that
the Committee would anticipate implementing if
economic conditions evolved in a manner broadly
consistent with the outcomes the Committee saw as
most likely. Several participants pointed to the challenge of making it clear that policymakers necessarily
weigh a broad range of economic variables and
longer-run economic trends in assessing the outlook.
As an alternative, some suggested providing forward
guidance about asset purchases based on numerical
values for one or more economic variables, broadly
akin to the Committee’s guidance regarding its target
for the federal funds rate, arguing that such guidance
would be more effective in reducing uncertainty and
communicating the conditionality of policy. However, participants also noted possible disadvantages
of such an approach, including that such forward
guidance might inappropriately constrain the Committee’s decisionmaking, or that it might prove difficult to communicate to investors and the general
Since the September meeting, some participants had
become more confident of sustained improvement in
the outlook for the labor market and so thought that
a downward adjustment in asset purchases had or
would likely soon become appropriate; they saw a
need to clearly communicate an intention to lower
the pace of purchases before long. However, to some
other participants, this approach appeared likely to
limit the Committee’s flexibility in adjusting asset


purchases in response to changes in economic conditions, which they viewed as a key element in the
design of the purchase program. Others were concerned that stating an intention to slow the pace of
asset purchases, even if the intention were conditional on the economy developing about in line with
the Committee’s expectations, might be misinterpreted as signaling an end to the addition of policy
accommodation or even be seen as the initial step
toward exit from the Committee’s highly accommodative policy stance. It was suggested that any statement about asset purchases make clear that decisions
concerning the pace of purchases are distinct from
decisions concerning the federal funds rate.
Participants generally agreed that the Committee
should provide additional clarity about its asset purchase program relatively soon. A number thought
that the postmeeting statement might be the appropriate vehicle for providing additional information on
the Committee’s thinking. However, some saw potential difficulties in being able to convey succinctly the
desired information in the postmeeting statement.
Others noted the need to ensure that any new statement language intended to provide more information
about the asset purchase program be clearly integrated with communication about the Committee’s
other policy tools. At the conclusion of the discussion, most participants thought that the Chairman,
during his postmeeting press conference, should
describe a likely path for asset purchases in coming
quarters that was conditional on economic outcomes
broadly in line with the Committee’s expectations. In
addition, he would make clear that decisions about
asset purchases and other policy tools would continue to be dependent on the Committee’s ongoing
assessment of the economic outlook. He would also
draw the distinction between the asset purchase program and the forward guidance regarding the target
for the federal funds rate, noting that the Committee
anticipates that there will be a considerable time
between the end of asset purchases and the time
when it becomes appropriate to increase the target
for the federal funds rate.

Committee Policy Action
Committee members viewed the information received
over the intermeeting period as suggesting that economic activity had expanded at a moderate pace.
Labor market conditions showed further improvement in recent months, on balance, but the unemployment rate remained elevated. Household spending and business fixed investment advanced, and the


100th Annual Report | 2013

housing sector strengthened further, but fiscal policy
was restraining economic growth. The Committee
expected that, with appropriate policy accommodation, economic growth would proceed at a moderate
pace and result in a gradual decline in the unemployment rate toward levels consistent with its dual mandate. With economic activity and employment continuing to grow at a moderate pace despite tighter fiscal policy, and with global financial conditions less
strained, members generally saw the downside risks
to the outlook for the economy and the labor market
as having diminished since the fall. Inflation was running below the Committee’s longer-run objective,
partly reflecting transitory influences, but longer-run
inflation expectations were stable, and the Committee
anticipated that inflation over the medium term
would move closer to its 2 percent objective.
In their discussion of monetary policy for the period
ahead, all members but one judged that the outlook
for economic activity and inflation warranted the
continuation of the Committee’s current highly
accommodative stance of monetary policy in order
to foster a stronger economic recovery and sustained
improvement in labor market conditions in a context
of price stability. In the view of one member, the
improvement in the outlook for the labor market
warranted a more deliberate statement from the
Committee that asset purchases would be reduced in
the very near future. At the conclusion of its discussion, the Committee decided to continue adding
policy accommodation by purchasing additional
MBS at a pace of $40 billion per month and longerterm Treasury securities at a pace of $45 billion per
month and to maintain its existing reinvestment policies. In addition, the Committee reaffirmed its intention to keep the target federal funds rate at 0 to
¼ percent and retained its forward guidance that it
anticipates that this exceptionally low range for the
federal funds rate will be appropriate at least as long
as the unemployment rate remains above 6½ percent,
inflation between one and two years ahead is projected to be no more than a half percentage point
above the Committee’s 2 percent longer-run goal,
and longer-term inflation expectations continue to be
well anchored.
Regarding the outlook for policy, members agreed
that monetary policy in coming quarters would
depend on the evolution of the economic outlook
and progress toward the Committee’s longer-run
objectives of maximum employment and inflation of
2 percent. While recognizing the improvement in a
number of indicators of economic activity and labor

market conditions since the fall, many members indicated that further improvement in the outlook for the
labor market would be required before it would be
appropriate to slow the pace of asset purchases.
Some added that they would, as well, need to see
more evidence that the projected acceleration in economic activity would occur, before reducing the pace
of asset purchases. For one member, such a decision
would also depend importantly on evidence that
inflation was moving back toward the Committee’s
2 percent objective; that member urged the Committee to modify its postmeeting statement to say explicitly that the Committee will act to move inflation
back toward its goal. A couple of other members also
worried that the downside risks to inflation had
increased, with one of them suggesting that the statement more explicitly reflect this increased risk. However, several members judged that a reduction in asset
purchases would likely soon be warranted, in light of
the cumulative decline in unemployment since the
September meeting and ongoing increases in private
payrolls, which had increased their confidence in the
outlook for sustained improvement in labor market
conditions. Two of these members also indicated that
the Committee should begin curtailing its purchases
relatively soon in order to prevent the potential negative consequences of the program from exceeding its
anticipated benefits. Another member pointed out
that if the program were ended because of concerns
about such consequences, the Committee would need
to explore other options for providing appropriate
monetary accommodation. Many members indicated
that decisions about the pace and composition of
asset purchases were distinct from decisions about
the appropriate level of the federal funds rate, which
would continue to be guided by the thresholds in the
Committee’s statement. In general, members continued to anticipate that maintaining the current exceptionally low level of the federal funds rate was likely
to remain appropriate for a considerable period after
asset purchases are concluded.
At the conclusion of the discussion, the Committee
voted to authorize and direct the Federal Reserve
Bank of New York, until it was instructed otherwise,
to execute transactions in the System Account in
accordance with the following domestic policy
“Consistent with its statutory mandate, the Federal Open Market Committee seeks monetary
and financial conditions that will foster maximum employment and price stability. In particular, the Committee seeks conditions in reserve

Minutes of Federal Open Market Committee Meetings | June

markets consistent with federal funds trading in
a range from 0 to ¼ percent. The Committee
directs the Desk to undertake open market
operations as necessary to maintain such conditions. The Desk is directed to continue purchasing longer-term Treasury securities at a pace of
about $45 billion per month and to continue
purchasing agency mortgage-backed securities at
a pace of about $40 billion per month. The
Committee also directs the Desk to engage in
dollar roll and coupon swap transactions as necessary to facilitate settlement of the Federal
Reserve’s agency mortgage-backed securities
transactions. The Committee directs the Desk to
maintain its policy of rolling over maturing
Treasury securities into new issues and its policy
of reinvesting principal payments on all agency
debt and agency mortgage-backed securities in
agency mortgage-backed securities. The System
Open Market Account Manager and the Secretary will keep the Committee informed of ongoing developments regarding the System’s balance sheet that could affect the attainment over
time of the Committee’s objectives of maximum
employment and price stability.”
The vote encompassed approval of the statement
below to be released at 2:00 p.m.:
“Information received since the Federal Open
Market Committee met in May suggests that
economic activity has been expanding at a moderate pace. Labor market conditions have shown
further improvement in recent months, on balance, but the unemployment rate remains
elevated. Household spending and business fixed
investment advanced, and the housing sector has
strengthened further, but fiscal policy is restraining economic growth. Partly reflecting transitory
influences, inflation has been running below the
Committee’s longer-run objective, but longerterm inflation expectations have remained stable.
Consistent with its statutory mandate, the Committee seeks to foster maximum employment
and price stability. The Committee expects that,
with appropriate policy accommodation, economic growth will proceed at a moderate pace
and the unemployment rate will gradually
decline toward levels the Committee judges consistent with its dual mandate. The Committee
sees the downside risks to the outlook for the
economy and the labor market as having diminished since the fall. The Committee also antici-


pates that inflation over the medium term likely
will run at or below its 2 percent objective.
To support a stronger economic recovery and to
help ensure that inflation, over time, is at the
rate most consistent with its dual mandate, the
Committee decided to continue purchasing
additional agency mortgage-backed securities at
a pace of $40 billion per month and longer-term
Treasury securities at a pace of $45 billion per
month. The Committee is maintaining its existing policy of reinvesting principal payments
from its holdings of agency debt and agency
mortgage-backed securities in agency mortgagebacked securities and of rolling over maturing
Treasury securities at auction. Taken together,
these actions should maintain downward pressure on longer-term interest rates, support mortgage markets, and help to make broader financial conditions more accommodative.
The Committee will closely monitor incoming
information on economic and financial developments in coming months. The Committee will
continue its purchases of Treasury and agency
mortgage-backed securities, and employ its
other policy tools as appropriate, until the outlook for the labor market has improved substantially in a context of price stability. The Committee is prepared to increase or reduce the pace of
its purchases to maintain appropriate policy
accommodation as the outlook for the labor
market or inflation changes. In determining the
size, pace, and composition of its asset purchases, the Committee will continue to take
appropriate account of the likely efficacy and
costs of such purchases as well as the extent of
progress toward its economic objectives.
To support continued progress toward maximum employment and price stability, the Committee expects that a highly accommodative
stance of monetary policy will remain appropriate for a considerable time after the asset purchase program ends and the economic recovery
strengthens. In particular, the Committee
decided to keep the target range for the federal
funds rate at 0 to ¼ percent and currently anticipates that this exceptionally low range for the
federal funds rate will be appropriate at least as
long as the unemployment rate remains above
6½ percent, inflation between one and two years
ahead is projected to be no more than a half percentage point above the Committee’s 2 percent


100th Annual Report | 2013

longer-run goal, and longer-term inflation
expectations continue to be well anchored. In
determining how long to maintain a highly
accommodative stance of monetary policy, the
Committee will also consider other information,
including additional measures of labor market
conditions, indicators of inflation pressures and
inflation expectations, and readings on financial
developments. When the Committee decides to
begin to remove policy accommodation, it will
take a balanced approach consistent with its
longer-run goals of maximum employment and
inflation of 2 percent.”
Voting for this action: Ben Bernanke, William C.
Dudley, Elizabeth Duke, Charles L. Evans, Jerome
H. Powell, Sarah Bloom Raskin, Eric Rosengren, Jeremy C. Stein, Daniel K. Tarullo, and Janet L. Yellen.
Voting against this action: James Bullard and Esther
L. George.
Mr. Bullard dissented because he believed that, in
light of recent low readings on inflation, the Committee should signal more strongly its willingness to
defend its goal of 2 percent inflation. He pointed out
that inflation had trended down since the beginning
of 2012 and was now well below target. Going for-

ward, he viewed it as particularly important for the
Committee to monitor price developments closely
and to adapt its policy in response to incoming economic information.
Ms. George dissented because she viewed the ongoing improvement in labor market conditions and in
the outlook as warranting a deliberate statement
from the Committee at this meeting that the pace of
its asset purchases would be reduced in the very near
future. She continued to have concerns about maintaining aggressive monetary stimulus in the face of a
growing economy and pointed to the potential for
financial imbalances to emerge as a result of the high
level of monetary accommodation.
It was agreed that the next meeting of the Committee
would be held on Tuesday–Wednesday, July 30–31,
2013. The meeting adjourned at 11:25 a.m. on
June 19, 2013.

Notation Vote
By notation vote completed on May 21, 2013, the
Committee unanimously approved the minutes of the
FOMC meeting held on April 30–May 1, 2013.
William B. English

Minutes of Federal Open Market Committee Meetings | June

Summary of Economic Projections

objectives of maximum employment and stable
Overall, FOMC participants projected that, under
appropriate monetary policy, the pace of economic
recovery would gradually pick up over the 2013–15
period, and inflation would move up from recent
very low readings but remain subdued (table 1 and
figure 1). Almost all of the participants projected
that inflation, as measured by the annual change in
the price index for personal consumption expenditures (PCE), would be running at or a little below the
Committee’s 2 percent objective in 2015.

In conjunction with the June 18–19, 2013, Federal
Open Market Committee (FOMC) meeting, meeting
participants—the 7 members of the Board of Governors and the 12 presidents of the Federal Reserve
Banks, all of whom participate in the deliberations of
the FOMC—submitted their assessments of real output growth, the unemployment rate, inflation, and
the target federal funds rate for each year from 2013
through 2015 and over the longer run.2 Each participant’s assessment was based on information available
at the time of the meeting plus his or her judgment of
appropriate monetary policy and assumptions about
the factors likely to affect economic outcomes. The
longer-run projections represent each participant’s
judgment of the value to which each variable would
be expected to converge, over time, under appropriate
monetary policy and in the absence of further shocks
to the economy. “Appropriate monetary policy” is
defined as the future path of policy that each participant deems most likely to foster outcomes for economic activity and inflation that best satisfy his or
her individual interpretation of the Federal Reserve’s


As shown in figure 2, most participants judged that
highly accommodative monetary policy was likely to
be warranted over the next few years to support continued progress toward maximum employment and a
gradual return toward 2 percent inflation. Moreover,
all participants but one judged that it would be
appropriate to continue purchasing both agency
mortgage-backed securities (MBS) and longer-term
Treasury securities at least until later this year.
A majority of participants saw the uncertainty associated with their outlook for economic growth and
the unemployment rate as similar to that of the past
20 years. An equal number of participants also indicated that the risks to the outlook for real gross

Although President Pianalto was unable to attend the June 18–
19, 2013, FOMC meeting, she submitted economic projections.

Table 1. Economic projections of Federal Reserve Board members and Federal Reserve Bank presidents, June 2013
Central tendency1



Change in real GDP
March projection
Unemployment rate
March projection
PCE inflation
March projection
Core PCE inflation3
March projection




Longer run




Longer run

2.3 to 2.6
2.3 to 2.8
7.2 to 7.3
7.3 to 7.5
0.8 to 1.2
1.3 to 1.7
1.2 to 1.3
1.5 to 1.6

3.0 to 3.5
2.9 to 3.4
6.5 to 6.8
6.7 to 7.0
1.4 to 2.0
1.5 to 2.0
1.5 to 1.8
1.7 to 2.0

2.9 to 3.6
2.9 to 3.7
5.8 to 6.2
6.0 to 6.5
1.6 to 2.0
1.7 to 2.0
1.7 to 2.0
1.8 to 2.1

2.3 to 2.5
2.3 to 2.5
5.2 to 6.0
5.2 to 6.0

2.0 to 2.6
2.0 to 3.0
6.9 to 7.5
6.9 to 7.6
0.8 to 1.5
1.3 to 2.0
1.1 to 1.5
1.5 to 2.0

2.2 to 3.6
2.6 to 3.8
6.2 to 6.9
6.1 to 7.1
1.4 to 2.0
1.4 to 2.1
1.5 to 2.0
1.5 to 2.1

2.3 to 3.8
2.5 to 3.8
5.7 to 6.4
5.7 to 6.5
1.6 to 2.3
1.6 to 2.6
1.7 to 2.3
1.7 to 2.6

2.0 to 3.0
2.0 to 3.0
5.0 to 6.0
5.0 to 6.0

Note: Projections of change in real gross domestic product (GDP) and projections for both measures of inflation are from the fourth quarter of the previous year to the fourth
quarter of the year indicated. PCE inflation and core PCE inflation are the percentage rates of change in, respectively, the price index for personal consumption expenditures
(PCE) and the price index for PCE excluding food and energy. Projections for the unemployment rate are for the average civilian unemployment rate in the fourth quarter of the
year indicated. Each participant’s projections are based on his or her assessment of appropriate monetary policy. Longer-run projections represent each participant’s
assessment of the rate to which each variable would be expected to converge under appropriate monetary policy and in the absence of further shocks to the economy. The
March projections were made in conjunction with the meeting of the Federal Open Market Committee on March 19–20, 2013.
The central tendency excludes the three highest and three lowest projections for each variable in each year.
The range for a variable in a given year includes all participants’ projections, from lowest to highest, for that variable in that year.
Longer-run projections for core PCE inflation are not collected.


100th Annual Report | 2013

Figure 1. Central tendencies and ranges of economic projections, 2013–15 and over the longer run

Change in real GDP


Central tendency of projections
Range of projections













Unemployment rate











PCE inflation












Core PCE inflation










Note: Definitions of variables are in the general note to table 1. The data for the actual values of the variables are annual.



Minutes of Federal Open Market Committee Meetings | June


Figure 2. Overview of FOMC participants’ assessments of appropriate monetary policy
Number of participants

Appropriate timing of policy firming












Appropriate pace of policy firming


Target federal funds rate at year-end










Longer run

Note: In the upper panel, the height of each bar denotes the number of FOMC participants who judge that, under appropriate monetary policy, the first increase in the target federal funds rate from its current range of 0 to ¼ percent will occur in the specified calendar year. In March 2013, the numbers of FOMC participants who judged that the first
increase in the target federal funds rate would occur in 2013, 2014, 2015, and 2016 were, respectively, 1, 4, 13, and 1. In the lower panel, each shaded circle indicates the
value (rounded to the nearest ¼ percentage point) of an individual participant’s judgment of the appropriate level of the target federal funds rate at the end of the specified calendar year or over the longer run.


100th Annual Report | 2013

domestic product (GDP) growth and the unemployment rate were broadly balanced. Some participants,
however, continued to see downside risks to growth
and upside risks to unemployment. A majority of
participants indicated that the uncertainty surrounding their projections for PCE inflation was similar to
historical norms, and nearly all considered the risks
to inflation to be either broadly balanced or weighted
to the downside.

The Outlook for Economic Activity
Participants projected that, conditional on their individual assumptions about appropriate monetary
policy, the economy would grow at a faster pace in
2013 than it had in 2012. They also generally judged
that growth would strengthen further in 2014 and
2015, in most cases to a rate above their estimates of
the longer-run rate of output growth. Most participants noted that the high degree of monetary policy
accommodation assumed in their projections, continued improvement in the housing sector and the
accompanying rise in household net worth, and the
absence of further fiscal tightening should result in a
pickup in growth; however, they pointed to the foreign economic outlook as an ongoing downside risk.
The central tendency of participants’ projections for
real GDP growth was 2.3 to 2.6 percent for 2013,
3.0 to 3.5 percent for 2014, and 2.9 to 3.6 percent for
2015. Most participants noted that their projections
were little changed since March, with the downward
revisions to growth in 2013 reflecting the somewhat
slower-than-anticipated growth in the first half. The
central tendency for the longer-run rate of growth of
real GDP was 2.3 to 2.5 percent, unchanged from
Participants anticipated a gradual decline in the
unemployment rate over the forecast period; a large
majority projected that the unemployment rate
would not reach their estimates of its longer-run level
before 2016. The central tendencies of participants’
forecasts for the unemployment rate were 7.2 to
7.3 percent at the end of 2013, 6.5 to 6.8 percent at
the end of 2014, and 5.8 to 6.2 percent at the end of
2015. These projections were slightly lower than in
March, with participants reacting to recent data indicating that the unemployment rate had declined by a
little more than they had previously expected. The
central tendency of participants’ estimates of the
longer-run normal rate of unemployment that would
prevail under appropriate monetary policy and in the
absence of further shocks to the economy was 5.2 to

6.0 percent, the same as in March. Most participants
projected that the unemployment rate would converge to their estimates of its longer-run normal rate
in five or six years, while some judged that less time
would be needed.
As shown in figures 3.A and 3.B, the distributions of
participants’ views regarding the likely outcomes for
real GDP growth and the unemployment rate were
relatively narrow for 2013. Their projections for economic activity were more diverse for 2014 and 2015,
reflecting their individual assessments of appropriate
monetary policy and its economic effects, the likely
rate of improvement in the housing sector and households’ balance sheets, the domestic implications of
foreign economic developments, the prospective path
for U.S. fiscal policy, the extent of structural dislocations to the labor market, and a number of other factors. The dispersion of participants’ projections for
2015 and for the longer run was little changed relative to March; there was some reduction in the upper
ends of the distributions in 2013 and 2014 for both
real GDP growth and the unemployment rate.

The Outlook for Inflation
All participants marked down their projections for
both PCE and core PCE inflation in 2013, reflecting
the low readings on inflation so far this year. Participants generally judged that the recent slowing in
inflation partly reflected transitory factors, and their
projections for inflation under appropriate monetary
policy over the period 2014–15 were only a little
lower than in March. Participants projected that
both headline and core inflation would move up but
remain subdued, with nearly all projecting that inflation would be equal to, or somewhat below, the
FOMC’s longer-run objective of 2 percent in each
year. Specifically, the central tendency of participants’ projections for overall inflation, as measured
by the growth in the PCE price index, moved down
to 0.8 to 1.2 percent in 2013 and was 1.4 to 2.0 percent in 2014 and 1.6 to 2.0 percent in 2015. The central tendency of the forecasts for core inflation
shifted down slightly in 2013 and 2014, to 1.2 to
1.3 percent and 1.5 to 1.8 percent, respectively; the
central tendency in 2015 was little changed and
broadly similar to that of headline inflation. In discussing factors likely to return inflation to near the
Committee’s inflation objective of 2 percent, several
participants noted that the reversal of transitory factors currently holding down inflation would cause
inflation to move up a little in the near term. In addition, many participants viewed the combination of

Minutes of Federal Open Market Committee Meetings | June


Figure 3.A. Distribution of participants’ projections for the change in real GDP, 2013–15 and over the longer run
Number of participants



June projections
March projections

2.0 2.1

2.2 2.3

2.4 2.5

2.6 2.7

2.8 2.9

3.0 3.1

3.2 3.3

3.4 3.5

3.6 3.7

3.8 3.9

Percent range
Number of participants


2.0 2.1

2.2 2.3

2.4 2.5

2.6 2.7

2.8 2.9

3.0 3.1

3.2 3.3

3.4 3.5

3.6 3.7

3.8 3.9

Percent range
Number of participants


2.0 2.1

2.2 2.3

2.4 2.5

2.6 2.7

2.8 2.9

3.0 3.1

3.2 3.3

3.4 3.5

3.6 3.7

3.8 3.9

Percent range
Number of participants

Longer run

2.0 2.1

2.2 2.3

2.4 2.5

2.6 2.7

2.8 2.9

3.0 3.1

Percent range
Note: Definitions of variables are in the general note to table 1.

3.2 3.3

3.4 3.5

3.6 3.7

3.8 3.9


100th Annual Report | 2013

Figure 3.B. Distribution of participants’ projections for the unemployment rate, 2013–15 and over the longer run
Number of participants



June projections
March projections

5.0 5.1

5.2 5.3

5.4 5.5

5.6 5.7

5.8 5.9

6.0 6.1

6.2 6.3

6.4 6.5

6.6 6.7

6.8 6.9

7.0 7.1

7.2 7.3

7.4 7.5

7.6 7.7

Percent range
Number of participants


5.0 5.1

5.2 5.3

5.4 5.5

5.6 5.7

5.8 5.9

6.0 6.1

6.2 6.3

6.4 6.5

6.6 6.7

6.8 6.9

7.0 7.1

7.2 7.3

7.4 7.5

7.6 7.7

Percent range
Number of participants


5.0 5.1

5.2 5.3

5.4 5.5

5.6 5.7

5.8 5.9

6.0 6.1

6.2 6.3

6.4 6.5

6.6 6.7

6.8 6.9

7.0 7.1

7.2 7.3

7.4 7.5

7.6 7.7

Percent range
Number of participants

Longer run

5.0 5.1

5.2 5.3

5.4 5.5

5.6 5.7

5.8 5.9

6.0 6.1

6.2 6.3

6.4 6.5

Percent range
Note: Definitions of variables are in the general note to table 1.

6.6 6.7

6.8 6.9

7.0 7.1

7.2 7.3

7.4 7.5

7.6 7.7

Minutes of Federal Open Market Committee Meetings | June

stable inflation expectations and diminishing
resource slack as likely to lead to a gradual pickup in
inflation toward the Committee’s longer-run
Figures 3.C and 3.D provide information on the
diversity of participants’ views about the outlook for
inflation. The range of participants’ projections for
overall and core inflation in 2013 shifted down, while
those ranges narrowed in 2014–15. The distributions
for core and overall inflation in 2015 remained concentrated near the Committee’s longer-run objective,
and all participants continued to project that overall
inflation would converge to the FOMC’s 2 percent
goal over the longer run.

Appropriate Monetary Policy
As indicated in figure 2, most participants judged
that exceptionally low levels of the federal funds rate
would remain appropriate for a couple of years. In
particular, 14 participants thought that the first
increase in the target federal funds rate would not be
warranted until sometime in 2015, and one judged
that policy firming would likely not be appropriate
until 2016. Four participants judged that an increase
in the federal funds rate in 2013 or 2014 would be
All of the participants who judged that raising the
federal funds rate target would become appropriate
in 2015 also projected that the unemployment rate
would decline below 6½ percent during that year and
that inflation would remain near or below 2 percent.
In addition, most of those participants also projected
that a sizable gap between the unemployment rate
and the longer-run normal level of the unemployment rate would persist until 2015 or later. Three of
the four participants who judged that policy firming
should begin in 2013 or 2014 indicated that, in their
judgment, the Committee would need to act relatively
soon in order to keep inflation near the FOMC’s
longer-run objective of 2 percent and to keep longerrun inflation expectations well anchored.
Figure 3.E provides the distribution of participants’
judgments regarding the appropriate level of the target federal funds rate at the end of each calendar year
from 2013 to 2015 and over the longer run. As previously noted, most participants judged that economic
conditions would warrant maintaining the current
low level of the federal funds rate at least until 2015.
Among the four participants who saw the federal
funds rate leaving the effective lower bound earlier,


their projections for the federal funds rate at the end
of 2014 ranged from 1 to 1½ percent; however, the
median for all participants remained at the effective
lower bound. Views on the appropriate level of the
federal funds rate at the end of 2015 varied, with the
range of participants’ projections a bit narrower than
in the March Summary of Economic Projections and
the median value unchanged at 1 percent.
All participants saw the appropriate target for the
federal funds rate at the end of 2015 as still well
below their assessments of its expected longer-run
value. Estimates of the longer-run target federal
funds rate ranged from 3¼ to 4½ percent, reflecting
the Committee’s inflation objective of 2 percent and
participants’ individual judgments about the appropriate longer-run level of the real federal funds rate in
the absence of further shocks to the economy.
Participants also described their views regarding the
appropriate path of the Federal Reserve’s balance
sheet. Given their respective economic outlooks, all
participants but one judged that it would be appropriate to continue purchasing both agency MBS and
longer-term Treasury securities. About half of these
participants indicated that it likely would be appropriate to end asset purchases late this year. Many
other participants anticipated that it likely would be
appropriate to continue purchases into 2014. Several
participants emphasized that the asset purchase program was effective in supporting the economic
expansion, that the benefits continued to exceed the
costs, or that continuing purchases would be necessary to achieve a substantial improvement in the outlook for the labor market. A few participants, however, indicated that the Committee could best foster
its dual objectives and limit the potential costs of the
program by slowing, or stopping, its purchases at the
June meeting.
Key factors informing participants’ views of the
appropriate path for monetary policy included their
judgments regarding the values of the unemployment
rate and other labor market indicators that would be
consistent with maximum employment; the extent to
which the economy fell short of maximum employment and the extent to which inflation was running
below the Committee’s longer-term objective of
2 percent; and the implications of alternative policy
paths for the likely extent of progress, over the
medium-term, in returning employment and inflation
to mandate-consistent levels. A couple of participants noted that persistent headwinds and somewhat
slower productivity growth since the end of the reces-


100th Annual Report | 2013

Figure 3.C. Distribution of participants’ projections for PCE inflation, 2013–15 and over the longer run
Number of participants



June projections
March projections

0.7 0.8

0.9 1.0

1.1 1.2

1.3 1.4

1.5 1.6

1.7 1.8

1.9 2.0

2.1 2.2

2.3 2.4

2.5 2.6

Percent range
Number of participants


0.7 0.8

0.9 1.0

1.1 1.2

1.3 1.4

1.5 1.6

1.7 1.8

1.9 2.0

2.1 2.2

2.3 2.4

2.5 2.6

Percent range
Number of participants


0.7 0.8

0.9 1.0

1.1 1.2

1.3 1.4

1.5 1.6

1.7 1.8

1.9 2.0

2.1 2.2

2.3 2.4

2.5 2.6

Percent range
Number of participants

Longer run

0.7 0.8

0.9 1.0

1.1 1.2

1.3 1.4

1.5 1.6

1.7 1.8

Percent range
Note: Definitions of variables are in the general note to table 1.

1.9 2.0

2.1 2.2

2.3 2.4

2.5 2.6

Minutes of Federal Open Market Committee Meetings | June


Figure 3.D. Distribution of participants’ projections for core PCE inflation, 2013–15
Number of participants


June projections
March projections


1.1 1.2

1.3 1.4

1.5 1.6

1.7 1.8

1.9 2.0

2.1 2.2

2.3 2.4

2.5 2.6

Percent range
Number of participants


1.1 1.2

1.3 1.4

1.5 1.6

1.7 1.8

1.9 2.0

2.1 2.2

2.3 2.4

2.5 2.6

Percent range
Number of participants


1.1 1.2

1.3 1.4

1.5 1.6

1.7 1.8

1.9 2.0

Percent range
Note: Definitions of variables are in the general note to table 1.

2.1 2.2

2.3 2.4

2.5 2.6


100th Annual Report | 2013

Figure 3.E. Distribution of participants’ projections for the target federal funds rate, 2013–15 and over the longer run
Number of participants

June projections
March projections


0.00 0.37

0.38 0.62

0.63 0.87

0.88 1.12

1.13 1.37

1.38 1.62

1.63 1.87

1.88 2.12

2.13 2.37

2.38 2.62

2.63 2.87

2.88 3.12

3.13 3.37

3.38 3.62

3.63 3.87

3.88 4.12

4.13 4.37

4.38 4.62

Percent range
Number of participants


0.00 0.37

0.38 0.62

0.63 0.87

0.88 1.12

1.13 1.37

1.38 1.62

1.63 1.87

1.88 2.12

2.13 2.37

2.38 2.62

2.63 2.87

2.88 3.12

3.13 3.37

3.38 3.62

3.63 3.87

3.88 4.12

4.13 4.37

4.38 4.62

Percent range
Number of participants


0.00 0.37

0.38 0.62

0.63 0.87

0.88 1.12

1.13 1.37

1.38 1.62

1.63 1.87

1.88 2.12

2.13 2.37

2.38 2.62

2.63 2.87

2.88 3.12

3.13 3.37

3.38 3.62

3.63 3.87

3.88 4.12

4.13 4.37

4.38 4.62

Percent range
Number of participants

Longer run

0.00 0.37

0.38 0.62

0.63 0.87

0.88 1.12

1.13 1.37

1.38 1.62

1.63 1.87

1.88 2.12

2.13 2.37

2.38 2.62

2.63 2.87

2.88 3.12

3.13 3.37

3.38 3.62

Percent range
Note: The target federal funds rate is measured as the level of the target rate at the end of the calendar year or in the longer run.

3.63 3.87

3.88 4.12

4.13 4.37

4.38 4.62

Minutes of Federal Open Market Committee Meetings | June

sion made their assessments of the longer-run normal level of the federal funds rate, and thus of the
appropriate path for the federal funds rate, lower
than would otherwise be the case.

Uncertainty and Risks
A majority of participants reported that they saw the
levels of uncertainty about their projections for real
GDP growth and unemployment as broadly similar
to the norm during the previous 20 years, with the
remainder generally indicating that they saw higher
uncertainty about these economic outcomes (figure 4).3 In March, a similar number of participants
had seen the level of uncertainty about real GDP
growth and the unemployment rate as above average.
A majority of participants continued to judge that
the risks to their forecasts of real GDP growth and
unemployment were broadly balanced, with the
remainder generally indicating that they saw the risks
to their forecasts for real GDP growth as weighted to
the downside and for unemployment as weighted to
the upside. The main factors cited as contributing to
the uncertainty and balance of risks about economic
outcomes were the limits on the ability of monetary
policy to offset the effects of adverse shocks when
short-term interest rates are near their effective lower
bound, as well as challenges with forecasting the path
of fiscal policy and economic and financial developments abroad.
Participants reported little change in their assessments of the level of uncertainty and the balance of
risks around their forecasts for overall PCE inflation
and core inflation. Fourteen participants judged the

Table 2 provides estimates of the forecast uncertainty for the
change in real GDP, the unemployment rate, and total consumer price inflation over the period from 1993 through 2012.
At the end of this summary, the box “Forecast Uncertainty”
discusses the sources and interpretation of uncertainty in the
economic forecasts and explains the approach used to assess the
uncertainty and risks attending the participants’ projections.


Table 2. Average historical projection error ranges
Percentage points
Change in real GDP1
Unemployment rate1
Total consumer prices2







Note: Error ranges shown are measured as plus or minus the root mean squared
error of projections for 1993 through 2012 that were released in the summer by
various private and government forecasters. As described in the box “Forecast
Uncertainty,” under certain assumptions, there is about a 70 percent probability
that actual outcomes for real GDP, unemployment, and consumer prices will be in
ranges implied by the average size of projection errors made in the past. Further
information is in David Reifschneider and Peter Tulip (2007), “Gauging the
Uncertainty of the Economic Outlook from Historical Forecasting Errors,” Finance
and Economics Discussion Series 2007-60 (Washington: Board of Governors of
the Federal Reserve System, November).
Definitions of variables are in the general note to table 1.
Measure is the overall consumer price index, the price measure that has been
most widely used in government and private economic forecasts. Projection
is percent change, fourth quarter of the previous year to the fourth quarter of
the year indicated.

levels of uncertainty associated with their forecasts
for those inflation measures to be broadly similar to,
or lower than, historical norms; the same number saw
the risks to those projections as broadly balanced. A
few participants highlighted the likely role played by
the Committee’s adoption of a 2 percent inflation
goal or its commitment to maintaining accommodative monetary policy as contributing to the recent
stability of longer-term inflation expectations and,
hence, the relatively low level of uncertainty. Four
participants saw the risks to their inflation forecasts
as tilted to the downside, reflecting, for example,
risks of disinflation that could arise from adverse
shocks to the economy that policy would have limited
scope to offset in the current environment. Conversely, one participant saw the risks to inflation as
weighted to the upside, citing the present highly
accommodative stance of monetary policy and concerns about the Committee’s ability to shift to a less
accommodative policy stance when it becomes
appropriate to do so.


100th Annual Report | 2013

Figure 4. Uncertainty and risks in economic projections
Number of participants

Uncertainty about GDP growth


June projections
March projections




Number of participants

Risks to GDP growth


June projections
March projections

Weighted to


Number of participants

Uncertainty about the unemployment rate





Number of participants

Risks to the unemployment rate

Weighted to


Number of participants

Uncertainty about PCE inflation








Weighted to

Risks to PCE inflation

Weighted to



Number of participants



Number of participants

Uncertainty about core PCE inflation

Weighted to

Weighted to
Number of participants

Risks to core PCE inflation

Weighted to



Weighted to

Note: For definitions of uncertainty and risks in economic projections, see the box “Forecast Uncertainty.” Definitions of variables are in the general note to table 1.

Minutes of Federal Open Market Committee Meetings | June


Forecast Uncertainty
The economic projections provided by the members
of the Board of Governors and the presidents of the
Federal Reserve Banks inform discussions of monetary policy among policymakers and can aid public
understanding of the basis for policy actions. Considerable uncertainty attends these projections, however. The economic and statistical models and relationships used to help produce economic forecasts
are necessarily imperfect descriptions of the real
world, and the future path of the economy can be
affected by myriad unforeseen developments and
events. Thus, in setting the stance of monetary
policy, participants consider not only what appears to
be the most likely economic outcome as embodied in
their projections, but also the range of alternative
possibilities, the likelihood of their occurring, and the
potential costs to the economy should they occur.
Table 2 summarizes the average historical accuracy
of a range of forecasts, including those reported in
past Monetary Policy Reports and those prepared by
the Federal Reserve Board’s staff in advance of
meetings of the Federal Open Market Committee.
The projection error ranges shown in the table illustrate the considerable uncertainty associated with
economic forecasts. For example, suppose a participant projects that real gross domestic product (GDP)
and total consumer prices will rise steadily at annual
rates of, respectively, 3 percent and 2 percent. If the
uncertainty attending those projections is similar to
that experienced in the past and the risks around the
projections are broadly balanced, the numbers
reported in table 2 would imply a probability of about
70 percent that actual GDP would expand within a
range of 2.0 to 4.0 percent in the current year, 1.4 to
4.6 percent in the second year, and 1.2 to 4.8 percent

in the third year. The corresponding 70 percent confidence intervals for overall inflation would be 1.2 to
2.8 percent in the current year and 1.0 to 3.0 percent
in the second and third years.
Because current conditions may differ from those
that prevailed, on average, over history, participants
provide judgments as to whether the uncertainty
attached to their projections of each variable is
greater than, smaller than, or broadly similar to typical levels of forecast uncertainty in the past, as
shown in table 2. Participants also provide judgments
as to whether the risks to their projections are
weighted to the upside, are weighted to the downside, or are broadly balanced. That is, participants
judge whether each variable is more likely to be
above or below their projections of the most likely
outcome. These judgments about the uncertainty
and the risks attending each participant’s projections
are distinct from the diversity of participants’ views
about the most likely outcomes. Forecast uncertainty
is concerned with the risks associated with a particular projection rather than with divergences across a
number of different projections.
As with real activity and inflation, the outlook for the
future path of the federal funds rate is subject to considerable uncertainty. This uncertainty arises primarily
because each participant’s assessment of the appropriate stance of monetary policy depends importantly
on the evolution of real activity and inflation over
time. If economic conditions evolve in an unexpected
manner, then assessments of the appropriate setting
of the federal funds rate would change from that
point forward.


100th Annual Report | 2013

Meeting Held on July 30–31, 2013

Thomas C. Baxter
Deputy General Counsel

A meeting of the Federal Open Market Committee
was held in the offices of the Board of Governors of
the Federal Reserve System in Washington, D.C., on
Tuesday, July 30, 2013, at 2:00 p.m. and continued on
Wednesday, July 31, 2013, at 9:00 a.m.

Steven B. Kamin
David W. Wilcox

Ben Bernanke

Thomas A. Connors, Troy Davig, Michael P. Leahy,
Stephen A. Meyer, Daniel G. Sullivan,
and William Wascher
Associate Economists

William C. Dudley
Vice Chairman

Simon Potter
Manager, System Open Market Account

James Bullard

Nellie Liang
Director, Office of Financial Stability Policy and
Research, Board of Governors


Elizabeth Duke
Charles L. Evans
Esther L. George
Jerome H. Powell
Sarah Bloom Raskin
Eric Rosengren
Jeremy C. Stein
Daniel K. Tarullo
Janet L. Yellen
Christine Cumming, Richard W. Fisher,
Narayana Kocherlakota, Sandra Pianalto,
and Charles I. Plosser
Alternate Members of the Federal Open Market
Jeffrey M. Lacker, Dennis P. Lockhart,
and John C. Williams
Presidents of the Federal Reserve Banks of
Richmond, Atlanta, and San Francisco, respectively
William B. English
Secretary and Economist
Deborah J. Danker
Deputy Secretary
Matthew M. Luecke
Assistant Secretary
David W. Skidmore
Assistant Secretary
Michelle A. Smith
Assistant Secretary
Scott G. Alvarez
General Counsel

James A. Clouse and William Nelson
Deputy Directors, Division of Monetary Affairs,
Board of Governors
Maryann F. Hunter
Deputy Director, Division of Banking Supervision
and Regulation, Board of Governors
Jon W. Faust
Special Adviser to the Board, Office of Board
Members, Board of Governors
Linda Robertson
Assistant to the Board, Office of Board Members,
Board of Governors
Joyce K. Zickler
Senior Adviser, Division of Monetary Affairs,
Board of Governors
Michael T. Kiley, Thomas Laubach,
and David E. Lebow
Associate Directors, Division of Research and
Statistics, Board of Governors
Joshua Gallin
Deputy Associate Director, Division of Research and
Statistics, Board of Governors
Edward Nelson
Assistant Director, Division of Monetary Affairs,
Board of Governors
Stacey Tevlin
Assistant Director, Division of Research and
Statistics, Board of Governors
Laura Lipscomb
Section Chief, Division of Monetary Affairs,
Board of Governors

Minutes of Federal Open Market Committee Meetings | July

David H. Small
Project Manager, Division of Monetary Affairs,
Board of Governors
Marie Gooding
First Vice President, Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta
David Altig, Jeff Fuhrer, and Loretta J. Mester
Executive Vice Presidents, Federal Reserve Banks of
Atlanta, Boston, and Philadelphia, respectively
Lorie K. Logan
Senior Vice President, Federal Reserve Bank of
New York
Todd E. Clark, William Gavin, Evan F. Koenig,
Paolo A. Pesenti, Julie Ann Remache,1
and Mark Spiegel
Vice Presidents, Federal Reserve Banks of Cleveland,
St. Louis, Dallas, New York, New York,
and San Francisco, respectively
Robert L. Hetzel and Samuel Schulhofer-Wohl
Senior Economists, Federal Reserve Banks of
Richmond and Minneapolis, respectively

Developments in Financial Markets and
the Federal Reserve’s Balance Sheet
The Manager of the System Open Market Account
reported on developments in domestic and foreign
financial markets as well as the System open market
operations during the period since the Federal Open
Market Committee (FOMC) met on June 18–19,
2013. By unanimous vote, the Committee ratified the
Open Market Desk’s domestic transactions over the
intermeeting period. There were no intervention
operations in foreign currencies for the System’s
account over the intermeeting period.
In support of the Committee’s longer-run planning
for improvements in the implementation of monetary
policy, the Desk report also included a briefing on
the potential for establishing a fixed-rate, fullallotment overnight reverse repurchase agreement
facility as an additional tool for managing money
market interest rates. The presentation suggested that
such a facility would allow the Committee to offer an
overnight, risk-free instrument directly to a relatively
wide range of market participants, perhaps complementing the payment of interest on excess reserves
held by banks and thereby improving the Committee’s ability to keep short-term market rates at levels
that it deems appropriate to achieve its macroeconomic objectives. The staff also identified several key

Attended Tuesday’s session only.


issues that would require consideration in the design
of such a facility, including the choice of the appropriate facility interest rate and possible additions to
the range of eligible counterparties. In general, meeting participants indicated that they thought such a
facility could prove helpful; they asked the staff to
undertake further work to examine how it might
operate and how it might affect short-term funding
markets. A number of them emphasized that their
interest in having the staff conduct additional
research reflected an ongoing effort to improve the
technical execution of policy and did not signal any
change in the Committee’s views about policy going

Staff Review of the Economic Situation
The information reviewed for the July 30–31 meeting
indicated that economic activity expanded at a modest pace in the first half of the year. Private-sector
employment increased further in June, but the unemployment rate was still elevated. Consumer price
inflation slowed markedly in the second quarter,
likely restrained in part by some transitory factors,
but measures of longer-term inflation expectations
remained stable. The Bureau of Economic Analysis
(BEA) released its advance estimate for secondquarter real gross domestic product (GDP), along
with revised data for earlier periods, during the second day of the FOMC meeting. The staff’s assessment of economic activity and inflation in the first
half of 2013, based on information available before
the meeting began, was broadly consistent with the
new information from the BEA.
Private nonfarm employment rose at a solid pace in
June, as in recent months, while total government
employment decreased further. The unemployment
rate was 7.6 percent in June, little changed from its
level in the prior few months. The labor force participation rate rose slightly, as did the employment-topopulation ratio. The rate of long-duration unemployment decreased somewhat, but the share of
workers employed part time for economic reasons
moved up; both of these measures remained relatively high. Forward-looking indicators of labor market activity in the near term were mixed: Although
household expectations for the labor market situation
generally improved and firms’ hiring plans moved up,
initial claims for unemployment insurance were
essentially flat over the intermeeting period, and
measures of job openings and the rate of gross
private-sector hiring were little changed.


100th Annual Report | 2013

Manufacturing production expanded in June, and the
rate of manufacturing capacity utilization edged up.
Auto production and sales were near pre-recession
levels, and automakers’ schedules indicated that the
rate of motor vehicle assemblies would continue at a
similar pace in the coming months. Broader indicators of manufacturing production, such as the readings on new orders from the national and regional
manufacturing surveys, were generally consistent
with further modest gains in factory output in the
near term.
Real personal consumption expenditures (PCE)
increased more slowly in the second quarter than in
the first. However, some key factors that tend to support household spending were more positive in recent
months; in particular, gains in equity values and
home prices boosted household net worth, and consumer sentiment in the Thomson Reuters/University
of Michigan Surveys of Consumers rose in July to its
highest level since the onset of the recession.
Conditions in the housing sector generally improved
further, as real expenditures for residential investment
continued to expand briskly in the second quarter.
However, construction activity was still at a low level,
with demand restrained in part by tight credit standards for mortgage loans. Starts of new single-family
homes were essentially flat in June, but the level of
permit issuance was consistent with gains in construction in subsequent months. In the multifamily
sector, where activity is more variable, starts and permits both decreased. Home prices continued to rise
strongly through May, and sales of both new and
existing homes increased, on balance, in May and
June. The recent rise in mortgage rates did not yet
appear to have had an adverse effect on housing
Growth in real private investment in equipment and
intellectual property products was greater in the second quarter than in the first quarter.2 Nominal new
orders for nondefense capital goods excluding aircraft continued to trend up in May and June and
were running above the level of shipments. Other
recent forward-looking indicators, such as surveys of
business conditions and capital spending plans, were
mixed and pointed to modest gains in business equipment spending in the near term. Real business expen2

With the most recent revision to the national accounts, the BEA
introduced intellectual property products as a new category of
investment that included software; research and development;
and entertainment, literary, and artistic originals.

ditures for nonresidential construction increased in
the second quarter after falling in the first quarter.
Business inventories in most industries appeared to
be broadly aligned with sales in recent months.
Real federal government purchases contracted less in
the second quarter than in the first quarter as reductions in defense spending slowed. Real state and local
government purchases were little changed in the second quarter; the payrolls of these governments
expanded somewhat, but state and local construction
expenditures continued to decrease.
The U.S. international trade deficit widened in May
as exports fell slightly and imports rose. The decline
in exports was led by a sizable drop in consumer
goods, while most other categories of exports showed
modest gains. Imports increased in a wide range of
categories, with particular strength in oil, consumer
goods, and automotive products.
Overall U.S. consumer prices, as measured by the
PCE price index, were unchanged from the first quarter to the second and were about 1 percent higher
than a year earlier. Consumer energy prices declined
significantly in the second quarter, although retail
gasoline prices, measured on a seasonally adjusted
basis, moved up in June and July. The PCE price
index for items excluding food and energy rose at a
subdued rate in the second quarter and was around
1¼ percent higher than a year earlier. Near-term
inflation expectations from the Michigan survey were
little changed in June and July, as were longer-term
inflation expectations, which remained within the
narrow range seen in recent years. Measures of labor
compensation indicated that gains in nominal wages
and employee benefits remained modest.
Foreign economic growth appeared to remain subdued in comparison with longer-run trends. Nonetheless, there were some signs of improvement in the
advanced foreign economies. Production and business confidence turned up in Japan, real GDP growth
picked up to a moderate pace in the second quarter
in the United Kingdom, and recent indicators suggested that the euro-area recession might be nearing
an end. In contrast, Chinese real GDP growth moderated in the first half of this year compared with
2012, and indicators for other emerging market
economies (EMEs) also pointed to less-robust
growth. Foreign inflation generally remained well
contained. Monetary policy stayed highly accommodative in the advanced foreign economies, but some

Minutes of Federal Open Market Committee Meetings | July

EME central banks tightened policy in reaction to
capital outflows and to concerns about inflationary
pressures from currency depreciation.

Staff Review of the Financial Situation
Financial markets were volatile at times during the
intermeeting period as investors reacted to Federal
Reserve communications and to incoming economic
data and as market dynamics appeared to amplify
some asset price moves. Broad equity price indexes
ended the period higher, and longer-term interest
rates rose significantly. Sizable increases in rates
occurred following the June FOMC meeting, as
investors reportedly saw Committee communications
as suggesting a less accommodative stance of monetary policy than had been expected going forward;
however, a portion of the increases was reversed as
subsequent policy communications lowered these
concerns. U.S. economic data, particularly the June
employment report, also contributed to the rise in
yields over the period.
On balance, yields on intermediate- and longer-term
Treasury securities rose about 30 to 45 basis points
since the June FOMC meeting, with staff models
attributing most of the increase to a rise in term premiums and the remainder to an upward revision in
the expected path of short-term rates. The federal
funds rate path implied by financial market quotes
steepened slightly, on net, but the results from the
Desk’s July survey of primary dealers showed little
change in dealers’ views of the most likely timing of
the first increase in the federal funds rate target.
Market-based measures of inflation compensation
were about unchanged.
Over the period, rates on primary mortgages and
yields on agency mortgage-backed securities (MBS)
rose about in line with the 10-year Treasury yield.
The option-adjusted spread for production-coupon
MBS widened somewhat, possibly reflecting a downward revision in investors’ expectations for Federal
Reserve MBS purchases, an increase in uncertainty
about longer-term interest rates, and convexityrelated MBS selling.
Spreads between yields on 10-year nonfinancial corporate bonds and yields on Treasury securities narrowed somewhat on net. Early in the period, yields
on corporate bonds increased, and bond mutual
funds and bond exchange-traded funds experienced
large net redemptions in June; the rate of redemptions then slowed in July.


Market sentiment toward large domestic banking
organizations appeared to improve somewhat over
the intermeeting period, as the largest banks reported
second-quarter earnings that were above analysts’
expectations. Stock prices of large domestic banks
outperformed broader equity indexes, and credit
default swap spreads for the largest bank holding
companies moved about in line with trends in broad
credit indexes.
Municipal bond yields rose sharply over the intermeeting period, increasing somewhat more than
yields on Treasury securities. In June, gross issuance
of long-term municipal bonds remained solid and
was split roughly evenly between refunding and newcapital issuance. The City of Detroit’s bankruptcy filing reportedly had only a limited effect on the market
for municipal securities as it had been widely anticipated by market participants.
Credit flows to nonfinancial businesses showed
mixed changes. Reflecting the reduced incentive to
refinance as longer-term interest rates rose, the pace
of gross issuance of investment- and speculativegrade corporate bonds dropped in June and July,
compared with the elevated pace earlier this year. In
contrast, gross issuance of equity by nonfinancial
firms maintained its recent strength in June. Leveraged loan issuance also continued to be strong amid
demand for floating-rate instruments by investors.
Financing conditions for commercial real estate continued to recover slowly. In response to the July
Senior Loan Officer Opinion Survey on Bank Lending Practices (SLOOS), banks generally indicated
that they had eased standards on both commercial
and industrial (C&I) and commercial real estate loans
over the past three months. For C&I loans, standards
were currently reported to be somewhat easy compared with longer-term norms, while for commercial
real estate loans, standards remained somewhat
tighter than longer-term norms. Banks reported
somewhat stronger demand for most types of loans.
Financing conditions in the household sector
improved further in recent months. Mortgage purchase applications declined modestly through July
even as refinancing applications fell off sharply with
the rise in mortgage rates. The outstanding amounts
of student and auto loans continued to expand at a
robust pace in May. Credit card debt remained about
flat on a year-over-year basis. In the July SLOOS,
banks reported that they had eased standards on
most categories of loans to households in the second
quarter, but that standards on all types of mortgages,


100th Annual Report | 2013

and especially on subprime mortgage loans and
home equity lines of credit, remained tight when
judged against longer-run norms.
Increases in total bank credit slowed in the second
quarter, as the book value of securities holdings fell
slightly and C&I loan balances at large banks
increased only modestly in April and May. M2 grew
at an annual rate of about 7 percent in June and July,
supported by flows into liquid deposits and retail
money market funds. Both of these components of
M2 may have been boosted recently by the sizable
redemptions from bond mutual funds. The monetary
base continued to expand rapidly in June and July,
driven mainly by the increase in reserve balances
resulting from the Federal Reserve’s asset purchases.
Ten-year sovereign yields in the United Kingdom and
Germany rose with U.S. yields early in the intermeeting period but fell back somewhat after statements by
the European Central Bank and the Bank of England were both interpreted by market participants as
signaling that their policy rates would be kept low for
a considerable time. On net, the U.K. 10-year sovereign yield increased, though by less than the comparable yield in the United States, while the yield on
German bunds was little changed. Peripheral euroarea sovereign spreads over German bunds were also
little changed on net. Japanese government bond
yields were relatively stable over the period, after
experiencing substantial volatility in May. The staff’s
broad nominal dollar index moved up as the dollar
appreciated against the currencies of the advanced
foreign economies, consistent with the larger increase
in U.S. interest rates. The dollar was mixed against
the EME currencies. Foreign equity prices generally
increased, although equity prices in China declined
amid investor concerns regarding further signs that
the economy was slowing and over volatility in Chinese interbank funding markets. Outflows from EME
equity and bond funds, which had been particularly
rapid in June, moderated in July.

Staff Economic Outlook
The data received since the forecast was prepared for
the previous FOMC meeting suggested that real
GDP growth was weaker, on net, in the first half of
the year than had been anticipated.3 Nevertheless,
the staff still expected that real GDP would accelerate in the second half of the year. Part of this pro3

The staff’s forecast for the July FOMC meeting was prepared
before the BEA released its estimate for real GDP in the second
quarter and the revisions for earlier periods.

jected increase in the rate of real GDP growth
reflected the staff’s expectation that the drag on economic growth from fiscal policy would be smaller in
the second half as the pace of reductions in federal
government purchases slowed and as the restraint on
growth in consumer spending stemming from the
higher taxes put in place at the beginning of the year
diminished. For the year as a whole, the staff anticipated that the rate of growth of real GDP would
only slightly exceed that of potential output. The
staff’s projection for real GDP growth over the
medium term was essentially unrevised, as higher
equity prices were seen as offsetting the restrictive
effects of the increase in longer-term interest rates.
The staff continued to forecast that the rate of real
GDP growth would strengthen in 2014 and 2015,
supported by a further easing in the effects of fiscal
policy restraint on economic growth, increases in
consumer and business confidence, additional
improvements in credit availability, and accommodative monetary policy. The expansion in economic
activity was anticipated to lead to a slow reduction in
the slack in labor and product markets over the projection period, and the unemployment rate was
expected to decline gradually.
The staff’s forecast for inflation was little changed
from the projection prepared for the previous FOMC
meeting. The staff continued to judge that much of
the recent softness in consumer price inflation would
be transitory and that inflation would pick up somewhat in the second half of this year. With longer-run
inflation expectations assumed to remain stable,
changes in commodity and import prices expected to
be modest, and significant resource slack persisting
over the forecast period, inflation was forecast to be
subdued through 2015.
The staff continued to see numerous risks around the
forecast. Among the downside risks for economic
activity were the uncertain effects and future course
of fiscal policy, the possibility of adverse developments in foreign economies, and concerns about the
ability of the U.S. economy to weather potential
future adverse shocks. The most salient risk for the
inflation outlook was that the recent softness in inflation would not abate as anticipated.

Participants’ Views on Current Conditions
and the Economic Outlook
In their discussion of the economic situation, meeting participants noted that incoming information on
economic activity was mixed. Household spending

Minutes of Federal Open Market Committee Meetings | July

and business fixed investment continued to advance,
and the housing sector was strengthening. Private
domestic final demand continued to increase in the
face of tighter federal fiscal policy this year, but several participants pointed to evidence suggesting that
fiscal policy had restrained spending in the first half
of the year more than they previously thought. Perhaps partly for that reason, a number of participants
indicated that growth in economic activity during the
first half of this year was somewhat below their earlier expectations. In addition, subpar economic activity abroad was a negative factor for export growth.
Conditions in the labor market improved further as
private payrolls rose at a solid pace in June, but the
unemployment rate remained elevated. Inflation continued to run below the Committee’s longer-run
Participants generally continued to anticipate that the
growth of real GDP would pick up somewhat in the
second half of 2013 and strengthen further thereafter. Factors cited as likely to support a pickup in economic activity included highly accommodative monetary policy, improving credit availability, receding
effects of fiscal restraint, continued strength in housing and auto sales, and improvements in household
and business balance sheets. A number of participants indicated, however, that they were somewhat
less confident about a near-term pickup in economic
growth than they had been in June; factors cited in
this regard included recent increases in mortgage
rates, higher oil prices, slow growth in key U.S. export
markets, and the possibility that fiscal restraint might
not lessen.
Consumer spending continued to advance, but
spending on items other than motor vehicles was
relatively soft. Recent high readings on consumer
confidence and boosts to household wealth from
increased equity and real estate prices suggested that
consumer spending would gather momentum in the
second half of the year. However, a few participants
expressed concern that higher household wealth
might not translate into greater consumer spending,
cautioning that household income growth remained
slow, that households might not treat the additions to
wealth arising from recent equity price increases as
lasting, or that households’ scope to extract housing
equity for the purpose of increasing their expenditures was less than in the past.
The housing sector continued to pick up, as indicated
by increases in house prices, low inventories of
homes for sale, and strong demand for construction.


While recent mortgage rate increases might serve to
restrain housing activity, several participants
expressed confidence that the housing recovery
would be resilient in the face of the higher rates, variously citing pent-up housing demand, banks’ increasing willingness to make mortgage loans, strong consumer confidence, still-low real interest rates, and
expectations of continuing rises in house prices.
Nonetheless, refinancing activity was down sharply,
and the incoming data would need to be watched
carefully for signs of a greater-than-anticipated effect
of higher mortgage rates on housing activity more
In the business sector, the outlook still appeared to
be mixed. Manufacturing activity was reported to
have picked up in a number of Districts, and activity
in the energy sector remained at a high level.
Although a step-up in business investment was likely
to be a necessary element of the projected pickup in
economic growth, reports from businesses ranged
from those contacts who expressed heightened optimism to those who suggested that little acceleration
was likely in the second half of the year.
Participants reported further signs that the tightening
in federal fiscal policy restrained economic activity in
the first half of the year: Cuts in government purchases and grants reportedly had been a factor contributing to slower growth in sales and equipment
orders in some parts of the country, and consumer
spending seemed to have been held back by tax
increases. Moreover, uncertainty about the effects of
the federal spending sequestration and related furloughs clouded the outlook. It was noted, however,
that fiscal restriction by state and local governments
seemed to be easing.
The June employment report showed continued solid
gains in payrolls. Nonetheless, the unemployment
rate remained elevated, and the continuing low readings on the participation rate and the employmentto-population ratio, together with a high incidence of
workers being employed part time for economic reasons, were generally seen as indicating that overall
labor market conditions remained weak. It was noted
that employment growth had been stronger than
would have been expected given the recent pace of
output growth, reflecting weak gains in productivity.
Some participants pointed out that once productivity
growth picked up, faster economic growth would be
required to support further increases in employment
along the lines seen of late. However, one participant
thought that sluggish productivity performance was


100th Annual Report | 2013

likely to persist, implying that the recent pace of output growth would be sufficient to maintain employment gains near current rates.
Recent readings on inflation were below the Committee’s longer-run objective of 2 percent, in part reflecting transitory factors, and participants expressed a
range of views about how soon inflation would
return to 2 percent. A few participants, who felt that
the recent low inflation rates were unlikely to persist
or that the low PCE inflation readings might be
marked up in future data revisions, suggested that, as
transitory factors receded and the pace of recovery
improved, inflation could be expected to return to
2 percent reasonably quickly. A number of others,
however, viewed the low inflation readings as largely
reflecting persistently deficient aggregate demand,
implying that inflation could remain below 2 percent
for a protracted period and further supporting the
case for highly accommodative monetary policy.
Both domestic and foreign asset markets were volatile at times during the intermeeting period, reacting
to policy communications and data releases. In discussing the increases in U.S. longer-term interest
rates that occurred in the wake of the June FOMC
meeting and the associated press conference, meeting
participants pointed to heightened financial market
uncertainty about the path of monetary policy and a
shift of market expectations toward less policy
accommodation. A few participants suggested that
this shift occurred in part because Committee participants’ economic projections, released following the
June meeting, generally showed a somewhat more
favorable outlook than those of private forecasters,
or because the June policy statement and press conference were seen as indicating relatively little concern about inflation readings, which had been low
and declining. Moreover, investors may have perceived that Committee communications about the
possibility of slowing the pace of asset purchases also
implied a higher probability of an earlier firming of
the federal funds rate. Subsequent Federal Reserve
communications, which emphasized that decisions
about the two policy tools were distinct and underscored that a highly accommodative stance of monetary policy would remain appropriate for a considerable period after purchases are completed, were seen
as having helped clarify the Committee’s policy strategy. A number of participants mentioned that, by the
end of the intermeeting period, market expectations
of the future course of monetary policy, both with
regard to asset purchases and with regard to the path
of the federal funds rate, appeared well aligned with

their own expectations. Nonetheless, some participants felt that, as a result of recent financial market
developments, overall financial market conditions
had tightened significantly, importantly reflecting
larger term premiums, and they expressed concern
that the higher level of longer-term interest rates
could be a significant factor holding back spending
and economic growth. Several others, however,
judged that the rise in rates was likely to exert relatively little restraint, or that the increase in equity
prices and easing in bank lending standards would
largely offset the effects of the rise in longer-term
interest rates. Some participants also stated that
financial developments during the intermeeting
period might have helped put the financial system on
a more sustainable footing, insofar as those developments were associated with an unwinding of unsustainable speculative positions or an increase in term
premiums from extraordinarily low levels.
In looking ahead, meeting participants commented
on several considerations pertaining to the course of
monetary policy. First, almost all participants confirmed that they were broadly comfortable with the
characterization of the contingent outlook for asset
purchases that was presented in the June postmeeting
press conference and in the July monetary policy testimony. Under that outlook, if economic conditions
improved broadly as expected, the Committee would
moderate the pace of its securities purchases later
this year. And if economic conditions continued to
develop broadly as anticipated, the Committee would
reduce the pace of purchases in measured steps and
conclude the purchase program around the middle of
2014. At that point, if the economy evolved along the
lines anticipated, the recovery would have gained further momentum, unemployment would be in the
vicinity of 7 percent, and inflation would be moving
toward the Committee’s 2 percent objective. While
participants viewed the future path of purchases as
contingent on economic and financial developments,
one participant indicated discomfort with the contingent plan on the grounds that the references to specific dates could be misinterpreted by the public as
suggesting that the purchase program would be
wound down on a more-or-less preset schedule rather
than in a manner dependent on the state of the
economy. Generally, however, participants were satisfied that investors had come to understand the datadependent nature of the Committee’s thinking about
asset purchases. A few participants, while comfortable with the plan, stressed the need to avoid putting
too much emphasis on the 7 percent value for the
unemployment rate, which they saw only as illustra-

Minutes of Federal Open Market Committee Meetings | July

tive of conditions that could obtain at the time when
the asset purchases are completed.
Second, participants considered whether it would be
desirable to include in the Committee’s policy statement additional information regarding the Committee’s contingent outlook for asset purchases. Most
participants saw the provision of such information,
which would reaffirm the contingent outlook presented following the June meeting, as potentially useful; however, many also saw possible difficulties, such
as the challenge of conveying the desired information
succinctly and with adequate nuance, and the associated risk of again raising uncertainty about the Committee’s policy intentions. A few participants saw
other forms of communication as better suited for
this purpose. Several participants favored including
such additional information in the policy statement
to be released following the current meeting; several
others indicated that providing such information
would be most useful when the time came for the
Committee to begin reducing the pace of its securities purchases, reasoning that earlier inclusion might
trigger an unintended tightening of financial
Finally, the potential for clarifying or strengthening
the Committee’s forward guidance for the federal
funds rate was discussed. In general, there was support for maintaining the current numerical thresholds
in the forward guidance. A few participants expressed
concern that a decision to lower the unemployment
threshold could potentially lead the public to view
the unemployment threshold as a policy variable that
could not only be moved down but also up, thereby
calling into question the credibility of the thresholds
and undermining their effectiveness. Nonetheless,
several participants were willing to contemplate lowering the unemployment threshold if additional
accommodation were to become necessary or if the
Committee wanted to adjust the mix of policy tools
used to provide the appropriate level of accommodation. A number of participants also remarked on the
possible usefulness of providing additional information on the Committee’s intentions regarding adjustments to the federal funds rate after the 6½ percent
unemployment rate threshold was reached, in order
to strengthen or clarify the Committee’s forward
guidance. One participant suggested that the Committee could announce an additional, lower set of
thresholds for inflation and unemployment; another
indicated that the Committee could provide guidance
stating that it would not raise its target for the federal
funds rate if the inflation rate was expected to run


below a given level at a specific horizon. The latter
enhancement to the forward guidance might be seen
as reinforcing the message that the Committee was
willing to defend its longer-term inflation goal from
below as well as from above.

Committee Policy Action
Committee members viewed the information received
over the intermeeting period as suggesting that economic activity expanded at a modest pace during the
first half of the year. Labor market conditions
showed further improvement in recent months, on
balance, but the unemployment rate remained
elevated. Household spending and business fixed
investment advanced, and the housing sector was
strengthening, but mortgage rates had risen somewhat and fiscal policy was restraining economic
growth. The Committee expected that, with appropriate policy accommodation, economic growth
would pick up from its recent pace, resulting in a
gradual decline in the unemployment rate toward levels consistent with the Committee’s dual mandate.
With economic activity and employment continuing
to grow despite tighter fiscal policy, and with global
financial conditions less strained overall, members
generally continued to see the downside risks to the
outlook for the economy and the labor market as
having diminished since last fall. Inflation was running below the Committee’s longer-run objective,
partly reflecting transitory influences, but longer-run
inflation expectations were stable, and the Committee
anticipated that inflation would move back toward
its 2 percent objective over the medium term. Members recognized, however, that inflation persistently
below the Committee’s 2 percent objective could pose
risks to economic performance.
In their discussion of monetary policy for the period
ahead, members judged that a highly accommodative
stance of monetary policy was warranted in order to
foster a stronger economic recovery and sustained
improvement in labor market conditions in a context
of price stability. In considering the likely path for
the Committee’s asset purchases, members discussed
the degree of improvement in the labor market outlook since the purchase program began last fall. The
unemployment rate had declined considerably since
then, and recent gains in payroll employment had
been solid. However, other measures of labor utilization—including the labor force participation rate and
the numbers of discouraged workers and those working part time for economic reasons—suggested more
modest improvement, and other indicators of labor


100th Annual Report | 2013

demand, such as rates of hiring and quits, remained
low. While a range of views were expressed regarding
the cumulative improvement in the labor market
since last fall, almost all Committee members agreed
that a change in the purchase program was not yet
appropriate. However, in the view of the one member
who dissented from the policy statement, the
improvement in the labor market was an important
reason for calling for a more explicit statement from
the Committee that asset purchases would be
reduced in the near future. A few members emphasized the importance of being patient and evaluating
additional information on the economy before deciding on any changes to the pace of asset purchases. At
the same time, a few others pointed to the contingent
plan that had been articulated on behalf of the Committee the previous month, and suggested that it
might soon be time to slow somewhat the pace of
purchases as outlined in that plan. At the conclusion
of its discussion, the Committee decided to continue
adding policy accommodation by purchasing additional MBS at a pace of $40 billion per month and
longer-term Treasury securities at a pace of $45 billion per month and to maintain its existing reinvestment policies. In addition, the Committee reaffirmed
its intention to keep the target federal funds rate at
0 to ¼ percent and retained its forward guidance that
it anticipates that this exceptionally low range for the
federal funds rate will be appropriate at least as long
as the unemployment rate remains above 6½ percent,
inflation between one and two years ahead is projected to be no more than a half percentage point
above the Committee’s 2 percent longer-run goal,
and longer-term inflation expectations continue to be
well anchored.
Members also discussed the wording of the policy
statement to be issued following the meeting. In addition to updating its description of the state of the
economy, the Committee decided to underline its
concern about recent shortfalls of inflation from its
longer-run goal by including in the statement an indication that it recognizes that inflation persistently
below its 2 percent objective could pose risks to economic performance, while also noting that it continues to anticipate that inflation will move back toward
its objective over the medium term. The Committee
also considered whether to add more information
concerning the contingent outlook for asset purchases to the policy statement, but judged that doing
so might prompt an unwarranted shift in market
expectations regarding asset purchases. The Committee decided to indicate in the statement that it “reaffirmed its view”—rather than simply “expects”—that

a highly accommodative stance of monetary policy
will remain appropriate for a considerable time after
the asset purchase program ends and the economic
recovery strengthens.
At the conclusion of the discussion, the Committee
voted to authorize and direct the Federal Reserve
Bank of New York, until it was instructed otherwise,
to execute transactions in the System Account in
accordance with the following domestic policy
“Consistent with its statutory mandate, the Federal Open Market Committee seeks monetary
and financial conditions that will foster maximum employment and price stability. In particular, the Committee seeks conditions in reserve
markets consistent with federal funds trading in
a range from 0 to ¼ percent. The Committee
directs the Desk to undertake open market
operations as necessary to maintain such conditions. The Desk is directed to continue purchasing longer-term Treasury securities at a pace of
about $45 billion per month and to continue
purchasing agency mortgage-backed securities at
a pace of about $40 billion per month. The
Committee also directs the Desk to engage in
dollar roll and coupon swap transactions as necessary to facilitate settlement of the Federal
Reserve’s agency mortgage-backed securities
transactions. The Committee directs the Desk to
maintain its policy of rolling over maturing
Treasury securities into new issues and its policy
of reinvesting principal payments on all agency
debt and agency mortgage-backed securities in
agency mortgage-backed securities. The System
Open Market Account Manager and the Secretary will keep the Committee informed of ongoing developments regarding the System’s balance sheet that could affect the attainment over
time of the Committee’s objectives of maximum
employment and price stability.”
The vote encompassed approval of the statement
below to be released at 2:00 p.m.:
“Information received since the Federal Open
Market Committee met in June suggests that
economic activity expanded at a modest pace
during the first half of the year. Labor market
conditions have shown further improvement in
recent months, on balance, but the unemployment rate remains elevated. Household spending
and business fixed investment advanced, and the

Minutes of Federal Open Market Committee Meetings | July

housing sector has been strengthening, but
mortgage rates have risen somewhat and fiscal
policy is restraining economic growth. Partly
reflecting transitory influences, inflation has
been running below the Committee’s longer-run
objective, but longer-term inflation expectations
have remained stable.
Consistent with its statutory mandate, the Committee seeks to foster maximum employment
and price stability. The Committee expects that,
with appropriate policy accommodation, economic growth will pick up from its recent pace
and the unemployment rate will gradually
decline toward levels the Committee judges consistent with its dual mandate. The Committee
sees the downside risks to the outlook for the
economy and the labor market as having diminished since the fall. The Committee recognizes
that inflation persistently below its 2 percent
objective could pose risks to economic performance, but it anticipates that inflation will move
back toward its objective over the medium term.
To support a stronger economic recovery and to
help ensure that inflation, over time, is at the
rate most consistent with its dual mandate, the
Committee decided to continue purchasing
additional agency mortgage-backed securities at
a pace of $40 billion per month and longer-term
Treasury securities at a pace of $45 billion per
month. The Committee is maintaining its existing policy of reinvesting principal payments
from its holdings of agency debt and agency
mortgage-backed securities in agency mortgagebacked securities and of rolling over maturing
Treasury securities at auction. Taken together,
these actions should maintain downward pressure on longer-term interest rates, support mortgage markets, and help to make broader financial conditions more accommodative.
The Committee will closely monitor incoming
information on economic and financial developments in coming months. The Committee will
continue its purchases of Treasury and agency
mortgage-backed securities, and employ its
other policy tools as appropriate, until the outlook for the labor market has improved substantially in a context of price stability. The Committee is prepared to increase or reduce the pace of
its purchases to maintain appropriate policy
accommodation as the outlook for the labor


market or inflation changes. In determining the
size, pace, and composition of its asset purchases, the Committee will continue to take
appropriate account of the likely efficacy and
costs of such purchases as well as the extent of
progress toward its economic objectives.
To support continued progress toward maximum employment and price stability, the Committee today reaffirmed its view that a highly
accommodative stance of monetary policy will
remain appropriate for a considerable time after
the asset purchase program ends and the economic recovery strengthens. In particular, the
Committee decided to keep the target range for
the federal funds rate at 0 to ¼ percent and currently anticipates that this exceptionally low
range for the federal funds rate will be appropriate at least as long as the unemployment rate
remains above 6½ percent, inflation between one
and two years ahead is projected to be no more
than a half percentage point above the Committee’s 2 percent longer-run goal, and longer-term
inflation expectations continue to be well
anchored. In determining how long to maintain
a highly accommodative stance of monetary
policy, the Committee will also consider other
information, including additional measures of
labor market conditions, indicators of inflation
pressures and inflation expectations, and readings on financial developments. When the Committee decides to begin to remove policy accommodation, it will take a balanced approach consistent with its longer-run goals of maximum
employment and inflation of 2 percent.”
Voting for this action: Ben Bernanke, William C.
Dudley, James Bullard, Elizabeth Duke, Charles L.
Evans, Jerome H. Powell, Sarah Bloom Raskin, Eric
Rosengren, Jeremy C. Stein, Daniel K. Tarullo, and
Janet L. Yellen.
Voting against this action: Esther L. George.
Ms. George dissented because she favored including
in the policy statement a more explicit signal that the
pace of the Committee’s asset purchases would be
reduced in the near term. She expressed concerns
about the open-ended approach to asset purchases
and viewed providing such a signal as important at
this time, in light of the ongoing improvement in
labor market conditions as well as the potential costs
and uncertain benefits of large-scale asset purchases.


100th Annual Report | 2013

It was agreed that the next meeting of the Committee
would be held on Tuesday–Wednesday, September 17–18, 2013. The meeting adjourned at 12:30
p.m. on July 31, 2013.

Notation Vote
By notation vote completed on July 9, 2013, the
Committee unanimously approved the minutes of the
FOMC meeting held on June 18–19, 2013.
William B. English

Minutes of Federal Open Market Committee Meetings | September

Meeting Held
on September 17–18, 2013
A meeting of the Federal Open Market Committee
was held in the offices of the Board of Governors of
the Federal Reserve System in Washington, D.C., on
Tuesday, September 17, 2013, at 1:00 p.m. and continued on Wednesday, September 18, 2013, at
8:30 a.m.

Ben Bernanke
William C. Dudley
Vice Chairman
James Bullard
Charles L. Evans
Esther L. George
Jerome H. Powell
Eric Rosengren
Jeremy C. Stein
Daniel K. Tarullo
Janet L. Yellen
Christine Cumming, Richard W. Fisher,
Narayana Kocherlakota, Sandra Pianalto,
and Charles I. Plosser
Alternate Members of the Federal Open Market
Jeffrey M. Lacker, Dennis P. Lockhart,
and John C. Williams
Presidents of the Federal Reserve Banks of
Richmond, Atlanta, and San Francisco, respectively
Deborah J. Danker
Deputy Secretary
Matthew M. Luecke
Assistant Secretary
David W. Skidmore
Assistant Secretary
Michelle A. Smith
Assistant Secretary
Scott G. Alvarez
General Counsel
Steven B. Kamin


David W. Wilcox
Thomas A. Connors, Troy Davig, Michael P. Leahy,
Stephen A. Meyer, Geoffrey Tootell, Christopher J.
Waller, and William Wascher
Associate Economists
Simon Potter
Manager, System Open Market Account
Michael S. Gibson
Director, Division of Banking Supervision and
Regulation, Board of Governors
Nellie Liang
Director, Office of Financial Stability Policy and
Research, Board of Governors
James A. Clouse and William Nelson
Deputy Directors, Division of Monetary Affairs,
Board of Governors
Jon W. Faust
Special Adviser to the Board, Office of Board
Members, Board of Governors
Linda Robertson
Assistant to the Board, Office of Board Members,
Board of Governors
Ellen E. Meade and Joyce K. Zickler
Senior Advisers, Division of Monetary Affairs,
Board of Governors
Eric M. Engen, Michael T. Kiley, Thomas Laubach,
David E. Lebow, and Michael G. Palumbo
Associate Directors, Division of Research and
Statistics, Board of Governors
Fabio M. Natalucci
Associate Director, Division of Monetary Affairs,
Board of Governors
Joshua Gallin
Deputy Associate Director, Division of Research and
Statistics, Board of Governors
Jeremy B. Rudd
Adviser, Division of Research and Statistics,
Board of Governors
Christopher J. Gust and Elizabeth Klee
Section Chiefs, Division of Monetary Affairs,
Board of Governors
Gordon Werkema
First Vice President, Federal Reserve Bank of


100th Annual Report | 2013

David Altig, Loretta J. Mester,
and Harvey Rosenblum1
Executive Vice Presidents, Federal Reserve Banks of
Atlanta, Philadelphia, and Dallas, respectively
Joyce Hansen, Evan F. Koenig, Spencer Krane,
Lorie K. Logan, Mark E. Schweitzer, John A.
Weinberg, and Kei-Mu Yi
Senior Vice Presidents, Federal Reserve Banks of
New York, Dallas, Chicago, New York, Cleveland,
Richmond, and Minneapolis, respectively
Chris Burke and Jonathan P. McCarthy
Vice Presidents, Federal Reserve Bank of New York
Eric T. Swanson
Senior Research Advisor, Federal Reserve Bank of
San Francisco

Developments in Financial Markets and
the Federal Reserve’s Balance Sheet
The Manager of the System Open Market Account
reported on developments in domestic and foreign
financial markets as well as the System open market
operations during the period since the Federal Open
Market Committee (FOMC) met on July 30–31,
2013. The review included a report that the System’s
purchases of longer-term assets did not appear to
have had an adverse effect on the functioning of the
markets for Treasury securities or agency mortgagebacked securities (MBS), and that the Open Market
Desk’s operations in both sectors had proceeded
smoothly. By unanimous vote, the Committee ratified
the Desk’s domestic transactions over the intermeeting period. There were no intervention operations in
foreign currencies for the System’s account over the
intermeeting period.
In support of the Committee’s longer-run planning
for improvements in the implementation of monetary
policy, the staff presented an update on the potential
for establishing a fixed-rate, full-allotment overnight
reverse repurchase agreement (RRP) facility. The presentation summarized initial discussions with financial market firms about how such a facility might
affect money market interest rates and intermediation flows, what the relationship might be between
the facility rate and other money market rates, and
how the different types of firms might view the facility. Overall, the inquiries suggested that the facility
could be an effective additional tool for managing
money market interest rates and helping to support a
floor on those rates. Meeting participants discussed

Attended introductory remarks at Tuesday’s session only.

the potential role for an overnight RRP facility, the
possible effects on the functioning of the federal
funds market or the structure of money markets, and
the usefulness of expanding the Desk’s test operations in RRPs. Meeting participants generally supported a proposal to authorize the Desk to conduct a
limited exercise in order to provide some insight into
the potential usage of an overnight RRP facility as
well as additional experience with operational aspects
of such a facility. One participant, however, preferred
that further analysis be undertaken before proceeding
with the exercise. A number of meeting participants
emphasized that their interest in these operations
reflected an ongoing effort to improve the technical
execution of policy and did not signal any change in
the Committee’s views about policy going forward.
Following the discussion, the Committee unanimously approved the following resolution:
“The Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC)
authorizes the Federal Reserve Bank of New
York to conduct a series of fixed-rate, overnight
reverse repurchase operations involving U.S.
Government securities, and securities that are
direct obligations of, or fully guaranteed as to
principal and interest by, any agency of the
United States, for the purpose of assessing
operational readiness. The reverse repurchase
operations authorized by this resolution shall be
(i) offered at a fixed rate that may vary from zero
to five basis points, (ii) offered at up to a capped
allotment per counterparty of $1 billion per day
and (iii) for an overnight term, or such longer
term as is warranted to accommodate weekend,
holiday, and similar trading conventions. The
System Open Market Account Manager will
inform the FOMC in advance of the terms of
the planned operations. These operations may
be announced when authorized by the Chairman, may begin when authorized by the Chairman on or after September 23, 2013, and shall
be authorized through the FOMC meeting that
ends on January 29, 2014.”

Staff Review of the Economic Situation
The information reviewed for the September 17–18
meeting suggested that economic activity continued
to increase at a moderate rate. Private-sector employment rose further in July and August, but the unemployment rate was still elevated. Total consumer price
inflation picked up in recent months but continued to
be modest, and measures of longer-run inflation
expectations remained stable.

Minutes of Federal Open Market Committee Meetings | September


Private nonfarm employment continued to expand in
July and August, but at a somewhat slower pace than
in the first half of the year, while total government
employment edged down on balance. The unemployment rate declined further to 7.3 percent in August.
The labor force participation rate also decreased,
leaving the employment-to-population ratio essentially unchanged in recent months. Other indicators
of labor market activity also were mixed. Measures
of firms’ hiring plans moved up, initial claims for
unemployment insurance declined, and the share of
workers employed part time for economic reasons
decreased a little. However, household expectations
of the labor market situation deteriorated somewhat,
rates of job openings and gross private-sector hiring
were little changed, on net, and the rate of longduration unemployment rose slightly.

Growth in real private expenditures for business
equipment and intellectual property products
appeared to be subdued going into the third quarter.
Nominal shipments of nondefense capital goods
excluding aircraft declined again in July. However,
nominal new orders for these capital goods continued
to be above the level of shipments, pointing to
increases in shipments in subsequent months, and
other forward-looking indicators, such as surveys of
business conditions, were consistent with moderate
gains in spending for business equipment in the near
term. Nominal business expenditures for nonresidential construction increased in July but were still at a
low level. Recent book-value data for inventory-sales
ratios, along with readings on inventories from
national and regional manufacturing surveys, did not
point to significant inventory imbalances.

Manufacturing production increased in August after
a decline in July, and the rate of manufacturing
capacity utilization was unchanged, on balance, over
those two months. Automakers’ schedules indicated
that the pace of motor vehicle assemblies would
remain roughly flat in the coming months, but
broader indicators of manufacturing production,
such as the readings on new orders from the national
and regional manufacturing surveys, pointed to moderate increases in factory output in the near term.

Reductions in real federal government purchases
appeared to persist: Defense spending continued to
decrease in July and August, while federal employment edged down further. Real state and local government purchases looked to be about flat—the payrolls of these governments expanded slightly, on balance, in July and August, and state and local
construction expenditures seemed to be leveling off.

Real personal consumption expenditures (PCE) were
flat in July. In August, nominal retail sales, excluding
those at motor vehicle and parts outlets, edged up,
while sales of light motor vehicles rose notably.
Recent information on key factors that influence consumer spending were mixed: Households’ net worth
likely expanded further as home prices posted additional gains through July, but real disposable incomes
increased only a little in July and consumer sentiment
in the Thomson Reuters/University of Michigan Surveys of Consumers moved lower in August and early
Improvements in housing-sector activity appeared to
slow, possibly reflecting the rise in mortgage rates
since the spring. Starts and permits of new singlefamily homes moved down in July, but the level of
permit issuance was still somewhat above that for
starts and pointed to moderate increases in construction in subsequent months. In the multifamily sector,
both starts and permits rose in July but construction
remained around the same level as early in the year.
Sales of existing homes increased, but new home
sales declined.

The U.S. international trade deficit narrowed substantially in June before widening in July to a level
near its second-quarter average. Exports expanded in
June, with particular strength in industrial supplies
and capital goods, before stepping down somewhat in
July. Imports fell in June but then largely recovered in
July, driven by swings in imports of oil and consumer
Total U.S. inflation, as measured by the PCE price
index through July and by the consumer price index
through August, was about 1½ percent over the preceding 12-month period for each series. Consumer
food prices only edged up in July and August, while
energy prices were little changed, on net, over those
two months, and retail gasoline prices moved down
in the first half of September. Core consumer price
inflation, which excludes food and energy, was modest in July and August. Both near-term and longerterm inflation expectations from the Michigan survey
were little changed in August and early September.
Measures of labor compensation indicated that
increases in nominal wages were still subdued. Both
compensation per hour and unit labor costs in the
nonfarm business sector rose modestly over the year


100th Annual Report | 2013

ending in the second quarter, as there were only slight
gains in productivity. In July and August, increases in
average hourly earnings for all employees were fairly
slow on balance.
Average foreign economic growth remained muted in
the first half of the year, although there were some
notable divergences across countries. Growth in real
gross domestic product (GDP) picked up in the second quarter in the United Kingdom and remained
strong in Japan, recent data suggested that the euroarea economy was coming out of recession, and economic indicators were positive for China and several
other emerging market economies (EMEs) in Asia.
However, real GDP fell in the second quarter in
Mexico and decelerated notably in India. Foreign
inflation was generally subdued. Monetary policy
remained highly accommodative in the advanced
economies, but some EME central banks moved
toward tighter monetary policy in the face of capital
outflows and depreciation pressures. An exception
was the Bank of Mexico, which cut its policy rate in
response to economic weakness.

Staff Review of the Financial Situation
Longer-term interest rates rose over the intermeeting
period, while equity prices were fairly volatile but
ended the period modestly higher. The move in interest rates appeared to be importantly influenced by
shifting expectations about monetary policy.
The path of the federal funds rate implied by financial market quotes steepened notably during the
period, in part reflecting some increase in uncertainty
about the outlook for monetary policy as indicated
by option-implied measures of uncertainty about the
future path of the policy rate. In contrast to marketbased quotes, the results from the Desk’s September
survey of primary dealers showed little change in the
projected path of the policy rate relative to that in the
July survey. However, the survey also suggested that
primary dealers marked up somewhat the odds that
the FOMC would begin to cut the pace of asset purchases at its September meeting, a result generally in
line with other surveys of market participants.
Five- and 10-year Treasury yields increased about
25 basis points over the intermeeting period. Yields
on corporate bonds, agency MBS, and Treasury

inflation-protected securities rose about in line with
those on nominal Treasury securities.
Conditions in short-term dollar funding markets
were generally stable during the period since the July
FOMC meeting. Responses to the September Senior
Credit Officer Opinion Survey on Dealer Financing
Terms suggested little change over the preceding
three months in the credit terms applicable to most
classes of counterparties covered by the survey. A
moderate net fraction of respondents reported a
decline in the use of financial leverage by hedge
funds, and a more substantial net fraction reported a
decrease in financial leverage used by real estate
investment trusts. In response to special questions in
the survey, dealers indicated that, during the period
of heightened volatility beginning in May and
extending into early July, liquidity and functioning
had deteriorated in a number of fixed-income
Stock prices for financial-sector firms underperformed the broad equity market somewhat over the
intermeeting period. However, spreads on credit
default swaps (CDS) for the largest bank holding
companies remained stable at levels near the bottom
of their range over the past few years.
Credit flows to nonfinancial businesses remained
solid in the face of higher longer-term interest rates.
Relative to the typical summer lull, gross issuance of
corporate bonds and leveraged loans was robust in
August; commercial and industrial (C&I) loans on
banks’ books continued to expand moderately, on
average, in July and August. Commercial real estate
(CRE) loans at banks accelerated over the summer,
and issuance of commercial mortgage-backed securities remained strong despite slightly wider spreads on
those securities.
Recent information about household credit was
mixed. Mortgage rates increased further over the
intermeeting period, and credit standards for mortgage loans remained tight. Nonetheless, applications
for new mortgages declined only modestly, apparently supported by improvements in labor market
conditions and some pent-up demand. Higher mortgage rates weighed more heavily on applications to
refinance existing mortgages, which decreased significantly. The pace of home price appreciation moderated a bit in July, although it was still strong. In non-

Minutes of Federal Open Market Committee Meetings | September

mortgage credit, automobile loans and student loans
both continued to expand rapidly, while balances on
revolving consumer credit stayed about flat. Issuance
of consumer asset-backed securities remained robust
in July and August.
In the municipal bond market, despite the ongoing
bankruptcy proceedings for Detroit and greater scrutiny of Puerto Rico’s fiscal problems, broader market
sentiment was reportedly supported by the lessening
in budget pressures for many other state and local
governments. Gross issuance of long-term municipal
bonds was solid in August, and yield ratios on
general-obligation municipal bonds over comparable
Treasury securities were about unchanged, on balance, over the intermeeting period.
Bank credit declined in July and August amid the
general rise in longer-term interest rates. While
banks’ holdings of assets with longer duration, such
as residential mortgages, decreased, growth in C&I,
CRE, and automobile loans—which are more likely
to have floating interest rates or relatively short
maturities, and therefore less duration risk—tended
to hold up in recent months.
M2 increased significantly in July and August, as the
selloff in fixed-income markets that began in May,
along with the associated outflows from bond funds,
likely continued to support reallocations into liquid
M2 assets. The monetary base continued to expand
rapidly, primarily reflecting the rise in reserve balances resulting from the Federal Reserve’s asset
Against a backdrop of higher interest rates in the
advanced economies and slowing economic growth in
the EMEs, several EME currencies came under
downward pressure in August; yields and CDS premiums on EME sovereign debt increased, particularly for those economies experiencing sharp currency depreciations; and investors continued to
decrease their holdings in EME mutual funds. In
response, some EME authorities took actions to support their currencies, including tightening monetary
policy, modifying capital controls, and purchasing
their currencies in foreign exchange markets. On net
over the period, the dollar ended little changed on a
trade-weighted basis against a broad set of currencies, but it appreciated notably against the currencies
of India, Indonesia, and Turkey. Equity prices in
Germany increased substantially and sovereign yields
in the United Kingdom and Germany continued to
rise as data on economic activity in Europe generally


improved over the period, while yield spreads of
Spanish and Italian sovereign securities relative to
German government debt declined a bit further.
The staff reported on potential risks to financial stability, including those highlighted by the rise in yields
and volatility on longer-term fixed-income securities
since the spring. The increase in yields appeared to
reduce investors’ appetite for taking duration risk,
but if a significant volume of bond investors moved
to sell at a future time, issues surrounding dealer
capacity and willingness to make markets in volatile
conditions could again amplify price movements. On
balance, the vulnerability of the financial system
appeared moderate, as loss-absorbing capital had
increased and the reliance on short-term funding and
the exposure of financial institutions to nonfinancial
credit risk had decreased. Nonetheless, a number of
potential shocks could prove challenging to markets
and institutions, including a failure to raise the U.S.
federal debt limit, financial instability in EMEs, and
geopolitical events in the Middle East.

Staff Economic Outlook
In the economic forecast prepared by the staff for the
September FOMC meeting, the projection for real
GDP growth in the second half of this year was
revised down a little from the one prepared for the
previous meeting. The staff’s forecast for real GDP
over the medium term also was revised down somewhat, reflecting higher projected paths for both
longer-term interest rates and the foreign exchange
value of the dollar, along with slightly lower projected paths for equity and home prices. The staff
still anticipated that the pace of expansion in real
GDP this year would only moderately exceed the
growth rate of potential output but continued to
forecast that real GDP would accelerate in 2014 and
2015, supported by an eventual easing in the effects
of fiscal policy restraint on economic growth,
increases in consumer and business sentiment, further improvements in credit availability and financial
conditions, and accommodative monetary policy. In
2016, real GDP growth was projected to begin to
edge down toward the growth rate of potential output. Over the projection period, the expansion in economic activity was anticipated to slowly reduce the
slack in labor and product markets, and the unemployment rate was expected to decline gradually.
The staff’s forecast for inflation was little changed
from the projection prepared for the previous FOMC
meeting. In the near term, the staff continued to


100th Annual Report | 2013

project that inflation would be modest in the second
half of this year but higher than the readings posted
in the first half. Over the medium term, with longerrun inflation expectations assumed to remain stable,
changes in commodity and import prices expected to
be modest, and resource slack persisting over most of
the projection period, inflation was forecast to be
subdued through 2016.
The staff viewed the uncertainty around the forecast
for economic activity as similar to its normal level
over the past 20 years. However, the risks were
viewed as skewed to the downside, reflecting concerns about the economic effects of the recent tightening in U.S. financial market conditions, the resolution of federal fiscal policy issues in the coming
months, the economic and financial stresses in the
EMEs, and the ability of the U.S. economy to
weather potential future adverse shocks. The staff did
not see the uncertainty around its outlook for inflation as unusually high, and the risks were viewed as

Participants’ Views on Current Conditions
and the Economic Outlook
In conjunction with this FOMC meeting, meeting
participants—5 members of the Board of Governors
and the presidents of the 12 Federal Reserve Banks,
all of whom participated in the deliberations—submitted their assessments of real output growth, the
unemployment rate, inflation, and the target federal
funds rate for each year from 2013 through 2016 and
over the longer run, under each participant’s judgment of appropriate monetary policy. The longer-run
projections represent each participant’s assessment of
the rate to which each variable would be expected to
converge, over time, under appropriate monetary
policy and in the absence of further shocks to the
economy. These economic projections and policy
assessments are described in the Summary of Economic Projections (SEP), which is attached as an
addendum to these minutes.
In their discussion of the economic situation and
outlook, meeting participants regarded the information received during the intermeeting period as indicating that economic activity had continued to
expand at a moderate pace, albeit somewhat more
slowly than earlier anticipated, and they generally
indicated that the broad contours of the outlook further out had not changed materially since their July
meeting. Participants continued to project the rate of
growth of economic activity to strengthen over com-

ing years, supported by highly accommodative monetary policy and the gradual abatement of the headwinds that have been slowing the pace of economic
recovery, such as household-sector deleveraging, tight
credit conditions for some households and businesses, and fiscal restraint. Accordingly, the unemployment rate was projected to continue to decline
over time toward levels judged to be consistent with
the Committee’s dual mandate. While downside risks
to the outlook for the economy and the labor market
were generally viewed as having diminished, on balance, since last fall, a number of significant risks
remained, including those related to the potential
economic effects of the sizable increases in interest
rates since the spring, ongoing fiscal drag, and the
possible fallout from near-term fiscal debates. Inflation continued to run below the Committee’s longerrun objective, apart from fluctuations that largely
reflected changes in energy prices, and participants
generally saw it as moving back gradually to 2 percent in the medium term.
In the household sector, consumer spending continued to advance, but incoming data on retail sales
were somewhat weaker than expected. Auto sales,
however, remained strong, supported in part by
steady interest rates on auto loans, which, unlike
mortgage rates, did not rise substantially in recent
months. Despite the continued improvement in
household balance sheets, a number of factors were
mentioned as possible restraints on spending, including declines in consumer confidence, concerns about
job security and availability, and the lingering effects
of this year’s payroll tax increase. While the housing
sector continued to strengthen, supported by improving fundamentals and gains in house prices, the
increases in mortgage rates since the spring were seen
as a potential risk. The extent to which the higher
mortgage rates had materially affected that sector
remained unclear, with the exception of the sharp
decline in refinancing activity. But it was noted that
recent softness in housing starts and home sales
might well reflect some restraint from those higher
Business contacts in selected parts of the country
were reported to be cautiously optimistic, consistent
with encouraging responses to a number of business
surveys. Nonetheless, uncertainties regarding the outlook for the economy and fiscal and regulatory policies were reportedly continuing to weigh on business
decisionmaking, with firms focused on improving
their balance sheets and enhancing productivity and
still quite cautious about expanding their workforces.

Minutes of Federal Open Market Committee Meetings | September

Reports on manufacturing activity pointed to some
rebound, with production related to autos the most
notable area of strength, and activity in the energy
sector continued to expand at a steady pace. In the
agricultural sector, farmland values increased further,
even though farm income was reported to be declining. Some business contacts indicated that wage and
price pressures were subdued; however, in one District, contacts pointed to rising wage pressures and
labor shortages.
Participants discussed the extent to which the ongoing tightening in fiscal policy was likely to further
restrain economic activity in the second half of this
year, with one participant noting that the effects of
the federal sequestration appeared to be less pronounced than previously anticipated. However, a
number of others pointed to heightened uncertainty
about the course of federal fiscal policy over coming
months, including the potential for a government
shutdown or strains related to the debt ceiling debate,
which posed downside risks to the economic outlook.
In discussing labor market developments, a number
of participants indicated that gains in payrolls in the
July and August employment reports were disappointing, but one participant also noted that seasonal
adjustment tended to be challenging during the summer months. Taking a range of data into account,
participants generally agreed that labor market conditions had improved meaningfully since the start of
the asset purchase program in September 2012. Participants discussed how to reconcile the notable
decline in the unemployment rate over the past year
with the only moderate pace of expansion in real
GDP. One possible explanation was that, to the
extent the decline in the unemployment rate was primarily driven by a fall in the labor force participation
rate and low productivity growth, such a decline
might overstate the degree of improvement in
broader labor market conditions. Indeed, the continued low readings on the employment-to-population
ratio were supportive of this explanation, suggesting
that overall labor market conditions had not
improved as much as the unemployment rate would
indicate. An alternative explanation for the significant improvement in the labor market performance
despite the moderate growth in real GDP over the
past year was that growth had been understated
somewhat; notably, some research suggested that real
gross domestic income, which expanded at a somewhat faster pace than real GDP, may provide better
information about overall economic activity. Despite
recent declines in the unemployment rate, one partici-


pant noted the risk that the longer the duration of
elevated unemployment, the more likely it was that
the labor market and economy would experience
some lasting structural damage. While judging the
extent of structural damage continued to be quite difficult, one piece of evidence consistent with this view
was the apparent decline in the job-finding rate of
the long-term unemployed.
Despite the reversal of some transitory factors that
had contributed to the earlier softness in inflation,
recent readings continued to be below the Committee’s longer-run objective of 2 percent. However, participants generally expected inflation to pick up over
the coming year as the pace of economic growth
accelerated and slack in resource utilization diminished further, although to a rate still below the Committee’s longer-run objective.
Participants discussed financial market developments, including their views on the extent to which
the rise in longer-term interest rates since May
reflected growing confidence about the economic
outlook or a perception by financial markets that
monetary policy would be less accommodative going
forward than had been previously anticipated. Several participants judged that overall financial conditions had tightened notably over the past few
months, as seen most importantly in the rise in mortgage rates. While acknowledging that it was too early
to assess the effects of such an increase, they
expressed concerns that tighter financial conditions
might weigh on the recovery in the housing sector. A
few others observed that the increase in longer-term
yields in recent months had not seemed to leave a
meaningful imprint on other asset prices, suggesting
that the effects on the economy were likely to be relatively muted. While recognizing the potentially significant impact of higher mortgage rates on the
housing market, these same participants pointed to
higher equity prices, the further gradual loosening of
terms in bank lending, and the continued availability
of credit at inexpensive terms in corporate debt markets as signs that financial conditions more generally
had not tightened materially. In any case, however,
the assessment of the adverse effects of the increase
in longer-term rates on financial conditions and ultimately on economic activity would depend importantly upon the extent to which rates stabilized at
current levels or instead continued to rise.
Participants also touched on the implications for
financial stability resulting from the increase in interest rates, focusing on the effects on securities held by


100th Annual Report | 2013

banking and other nonbank institutions, the unwinding of leveraged trades, and the liquidity and functioning of a number of fixed-income markets. One
participant noted that, notwithstanding the recent
rise in interest rates, net interest margins remained
under pressure at community and regional banks,
and as a result many of these banks continued to add
to risk exposures. Another participant raised the possibility that financial stability risks might arise from
recent adverse developments in municipal bond markets. It was also noted that financial conditions in a
number of EMEs had tightened as a result of some
depreciation of their currencies, an increase in yields
and borrowing costs, and some capital outflows as
measured by withdrawals from bond funds. More
broadly, a couple of participants noted the complexities related to the interaction between the stance of
monetary policy and the vulnerabilities in the financial system.
In their discussion of the path for monetary policy,
participants debated the advantages and disadvantages of reducing the pace of the Committee’s asset
purchases at this meeting, focusing importantly on
whether the conditions presented to the public in
June for reducing the pace of asset purchases had yet
been met. In general, those who preferred to maintain for now the pace of purchases viewed incoming
data as having been on the disappointing side and,
despite clear improvements in labor market conditions since the purchase program’s inception in September 2012, were not yet adequately confident of
continued progress. Many of these participants had
revised down their forecasts for economic activity or
pointed to near-term risks and uncertainties. For
example, questions were raised about the effects on
the housing sector and on the broader economy of
the tightening in financial conditions in recent
months, as well as about the considerable risks surrounding fiscal policy. Moreover, the announcement
of a reduction in asset purchases at this meeting
might trigger an additional, unwarranted tightening
of financial conditions, perhaps because markets
would read such an announcement as signaling the
Committee’s willingness, notwithstanding mixed
recent data, to take an initial step toward exit from its
highly accommodative policy. As a result of such
concerns, a number of participants thought that riskmanagement considerations called for a cautious
approach and that, in light of the ambiguous cast of
recent readings on the economy, it would be prudent
to await further evidence of progress before reducing
the pace of asset purchases. Consistent with the
framework discussed by the Chairman during the

June press conference, asset purchases were contingent on the Committee’s ongoing assessment of the
economic outlook and were not on a preset course;
this approach implied a need to adapt and to adjust
asset purchases in response to changes in economic
conditions in order to preserve the Committee’s credibility. With many outside observers expecting a decision to reduce purchases at this meeting, some participants emphasized a need to clearly communicate
the rationale behind any decision not to do so, in
order to avoid conveying a message of pessimism
regarding the economic outlook or to reinforce the
distinction between decisions concerning the pace of
purchases and those concerning the federal funds
rate. One participant suggested that postponing the
reduction in the pace of asset purchases would also
allow time for the Committee to further discuss and
to implement a clarification or strengthening of its
forward guidance for the federal funds rate, which
could temper the risk that a future downward adjustment in asset purchases would cause an undesirable
tightening of financial conditions.
The participants who spoke in favor of moderating
the pace of securities purchases at this meeting also
cited the incoming data, but viewed those data as
broadly consistent with the Committee’s outlook for
the labor market at the time of the June FOMC
meeting when the contingent expectation that the
pace of asset purchases would be reduced later in the
year was first presented to the public. Moreover, they
highlighted what they saw as meaningful cumulative
progress in labor market conditions since the purchase program began. Those participants generally
were satisfied that investors had come to understand
the data-dependent nature of the Committee’s thinking about asset purchases, and, because they judged
that the conditions laid out in June had been met,
they believed that the credibility of the Committee
would best be served by announcing a downward
adjustment in asset purchases at this meeting. With
the markets apparently viewing a cut in purchases as
the most likely outcome, it was noted that the postponement of such an announcement to later in the
year or beyond could have significant implications
for the effectiveness of Committee communications.
In particular, concerns were expressed that a delay
could potentially undermine the credibility or predictability of monetary policy by, for example,
increasing uncertainty about the Committee’s reaction function and about its commitment to the forward guidance for the federal funds rate, with the
result of an increase in volatility in financial markets.
Moreover, maintaining the pace of purchases could

Minutes of Federal Open Market Committee Meetings | September

be perceived as a sign that the FOMC had turned
more pessimistic about the economic outlook.
Finally, it was noted that if the Committee did not
pare back its purchases in these circumstances, it
might be difficult to explain a cut in coming months,
absent clearly stronger data on the economy and a
swift resolution of federal fiscal uncertainties. Most
of the participants leaning toward a downward
adjustment in the pace of asset purchases also indicated that they favored a relatively small reduction to
signal the Committee’s intention to proceed
With regard to adjustments in the pace of asset purchases, whether at this or a future meeting, a few participants expressed a preference for not cutting MBS
purchases but reducing purchases only of Treasury
securities initially, with the intent of continuing to
support the recovery in the housing sector. However,
the appeal of including both types of securities in
any reduction was also mentioned. In addition, in an
effort to reduce uncertainty about how the Committee might adjust its purchases in response to economic developments and to alleviate some of the
related communications issues, one participant suggested an approach that would mechanically link the
reduction in asset purchases to numerical values for
the unemployment rate, with the goal of ending the
program when the unemployment rate reached a
stated level.
Participants also discussed the potential for clarifying
or strengthening the Committee’s forward guidance
for the federal funds rate. To the extent that financial
markets have at times interpreted the Committee’s
communications regarding the asset purchase program as also signaling information about the federal
funds rate target, participants thought it might be
important to reiterate the distinction between the
two, and a clarification or strengthening of the forward guidance might help to reinforce this message.
In part toward this end, participants mentioned several possible steps that might be considered, including stating that the Committee would not raise its
target for the federal funds rate if the inflation rate
was expected to run below a given level or providing
additional information on the Committee’s intentions regarding the federal funds rate after the
6½ percent unemployment threshold was reached.
One participant stressed that the Committee could
use the full range of its tools, including forward guidance, to further improve the alignment of the
medium-term outlook for employment and inflation
with its longer-term goals. In light of the importance


of credibility for the effectiveness of the forward
guidance for the federal funds rate, participants
noted the possible implications of uncertainties
related to the Federal Reserve leadership transition in
considering the appropriate timing of any enhancements to the guidance.
In discussing the projections for the target federal
funds rate at the end of 2016 as reported in the SEP,
some participants highlighted the importance of
communicating to the public the reasons why the
policy rates that were projected by most, but not all,
participants appeared to remain at low levels even as
the unemployment rate and inflation by then were
expected to be close to their longer-run values. In
particular, if economic headwinds died away only
slowly, as a number of participants expected, the
achievement of the Committee’s employment and
price stability objectives would likely require keeping
the federal funds rate below its longer-run equilibrium value for some time even as economic conditions improved. In light of the potential difficulties in
succinctly conveying this information in the Committee’s policy statement, the Chairman’s postmeeting
press conference and the minutes were mentioned as
more appropriate vehicles for providing this information. A couple of participants also remarked that
they viewed their projections of a low federal funds
rate in 2016 as reflecting a commitment to support
the economy by maintaining a more accommodative
policy for longer.

Committee Policy Action
Committee members saw the information received
over the intermeeting period as suggesting that economic activity was expanding at a moderate pace.
Some indicators of labor market conditions showed
further improvement in recent months, but the unemployment rate remained elevated. Household spending and business fixed investment advanced, and the
housing sector was strengthening, but mortgage rates
had risen further and fiscal policy was restraining
growth. The Committee expected that, with appropriate policy accommodation, economic growth
would pick up from its recent pace, resulting in a
gradual decline in the unemployment rate toward levels consistent with the Committee’s dual mandate.
Members generally continued to see the downside
risks to the outlook for the economy and the labor
market as having diminished, on net, since last fall,
but indicated that the tightening of financial conditions observed in recent months, if sustained, could
slow the pace of improvement in the economy and


100th Annual Report | 2013

labor market. Apart from fluctuations due to changes
in energy prices, inflation was running below the
Committee’s longer-run objective, but longer-term
inflation expectations were stable, and the Committee
anticipated that inflation would move back toward
its objective over the medium term. Members recognized, however, that inflation persistently below the
Committee’s 2 percent objective could pose risks to
economic performance.
In their discussion of monetary policy for the period
ahead, members reviewed the degree of improvement
in economic activity and labor market conditions
since the asset purchase program began a year ago
and judged that, taking into account the extent of
federal fiscal retrenchment, the improvement was
consistent with growing underlying strength in the
broader economy. However, all members but one
judged that it would be appropriate for the Committee to await more evidence that progress would be
sustained before adjusting the pace of asset purchases. In the view of one member, the progress to
date in labor markets and in broader economic conditions amply supported a reduction in purchases.
During the exchange of views on whether to trim the
flow of asset purchases at this meeting, a number of
members emphasized the contingent and datadependent nature of the Committee’s purchase program. In light of the mixed data recently, including
inflation readings that remained below the Committee’s longer-run objective, and the concerns over
near-term fiscal uncertainties, some members indicated that they preferred to await more evidence that
their expectation of continuing improvement would
be realized. But with financial markets appearing to
expect a reduction in purchases at this meeting, concerns were raised about the effectiveness of FOMC
communications if the Committee did not take that
step. For several members, the various considerations
made the decision to maintain an unchanged pace of
asset purchases at this meeting a relatively close call.
At the conclusion of the discussion, the Committee
decided to continue adding policy accommodation
by purchasing additional MBS at a pace of $40 billion per month and longer-term Treasury securities at
a pace of $45 billion per month and to maintain its
existing reinvestment policies. In addition, the Committee reaffirmed its intention to keep the target federal funds rate at 0 to ¼ percent and retained its forward guidance that it anticipates that this exceptionally low range for the federal funds rate will be
appropriate at least as long as the unemployment rate
remains above 6½ percent, inflation between one and
two years ahead is projected to be no more than a

half percentage point above the Committee’s 2 percent longer-run goal, and longer-term inflation
expectations continue to be well anchored.
Members also discussed the wording of the policy
statement to be issued following the meeting. In addition to updating its description of the state of the
economy, the Committee decided to underline its
concern about the tightening of financial conditions
observed in recent months. It also acknowledged the
improvement in economic activity and labor market
conditions since its asset purchase program began,
while emphasizing that it was prepared to be patient
and await more evidence that progress would be sustained before adjusting downward the pace of purchases. The Committee also adopted language to the
effect that, in judging when to moderate the pace of
asset purchases at its coming meetings, it would
assess whether incoming information continued to
support its expectation of ongoing improvement in
labor market conditions and of inflation moving
back toward its longer-run objective. Finally, the
Committee reiterated the contingent nature of the
outlook for asset purchases, indicating that asset purchases were not on a preset course and that the Committee’s decisions about their pace would continue to
depend on its economic outlook as well as its assessment of the likely efficacy and costs of such
At the conclusion of the discussion, the Committee
voted to authorize and direct the Federal Reserve
Bank of New York, until it was instructed otherwise,
to execute transactions in the System Account in
accordance with the following domestic policy
“Consistent with its statutory mandate, the Federal Open Market Committee seeks monetary
and financial conditions that will foster maximum employment and price stability. In particular, the Committee seeks conditions in reserve
markets consistent with federal funds trading in
a range from 0 to ¼ percent. The Committee
directs the Desk to undertake open market
operations as necessary to maintain such conditions. The Desk is directed to continue purchasing longer-term Treasury securities at a pace of
about $45 billion per month and to continue
purchasing agency mortgage-backed securities at
a pace of about $40 billion per month. The
Committee also directs the Desk to engage in
dollar roll and coupon swap transactions as necessary to facilitate settlement of the Federal

Minutes of Federal Open Market Committee Meetings | September

Reserve’s agency mortgage-backed securities
transactions. The Committee directs the Desk to
maintain its policy of rolling over maturing
Treasury securities into new issues and its policy
of reinvesting principal payments on all agency
debt and agency mortgage-backed securities in
agency mortgage-backed securities. The System
Open Market Account Manager and the Secretary will keep the Committee informed of ongoing developments regarding the System’s balance sheet that could affect the attainment over
time of the Committee’s objectives of maximum
employment and price stability.”
The vote encompassed approval of the statement
below to be released at 2:00 p.m.:
“Information received since the Federal Open
Market Committee met in July suggests that
economic activity has been expanding at a moderate pace. Some indicators of labor market conditions have shown further improvement in
recent months, but the unemployment rate
remains elevated. Household spending and business fixed investment advanced, and the housing
sector has been strengthening, but mortgage
rates have risen further and fiscal policy is
restraining economic growth. Apart from fluctuations due to changes in energy prices, inflation has been running below the Committee’s
longer-run objective, but longer-term inflation
expectations have remained stable.
Consistent with its statutory mandate, the Committee seeks to foster maximum employment
and price stability. The Committee expects that,
with appropriate policy accommodation, economic growth will pick up from its recent pace
and the unemployment rate will gradually
decline toward levels the Committee judges consistent with its dual mandate. The Committee
sees the downside risks to the outlook for the
economy and the labor market as having diminished, on net, since last fall, but the tightening of
financial conditions observed in recent months,
if sustained, could slow the pace of improvement in the economy and labor market. The
Committee recognizes that inflation persistently
below its 2 percent objective could pose risks to
economic performance, but it anticipates that
inflation will move back toward its objective
over the medium term.


Taking into account the extent of federal fiscal
retrenchment, the Committee sees the improvement in economic activity and labor market conditions since it began its asset purchase program
a year ago as consistent with growing underlying
strength in the broader economy. However, the
Committee decided to await more evidence that
progress will be sustained before adjusting the
pace of its purchases. Accordingly, the Committee decided to continue purchasing additional
agency mortgage-backed securities at a pace of
$40 billion per month and longer-term Treasury
securities at a pace of $45 billion per month.
The Committee is maintaining its existing policy
of reinvesting principal payments from its holdings of agency debt and agency mortgagebacked securities in agency mortgage-backed
securities and of rolling over maturing Treasury
securities at auction. Taken together, these
actions should maintain downward pressure on
longer-term interest rates, support mortgage
markets, and help to make broader financial
conditions more accommodative, which in turn
should promote a stronger economic recovery
and help to ensure that inflation, over time, is at
the rate most consistent with the Committee’s
dual mandate.
The Committee will closely monitor incoming
information on economic and financial developments in coming months and will continue its
purchases of Treasury and agency mortgagebacked securities, and employ its other policy
tools as appropriate, until the outlook for the
labor market has improved substantially in a
context of price stability. In judging when to
moderate the pace of asset purchases, the Committee will, at its coming meetings, assess
whether incoming information continues to support the Committee’s expectation of ongoing
improvement in labor market conditions and
inflation moving back toward its longer-run
objective. Asset purchases are not on a preset
course, and the Committee’s decisions about
their pace will remain contingent on the Committee’s economic outlook as well as its assessment of the likely efficacy and costs of such
To support continued progress toward maximum employment and price stability, the Committee today reaffirmed its view that a highly


100th Annual Report | 2013

accommodative stance of monetary policy will
remain appropriate for a considerable time after
the asset purchase program ends and the economic recovery strengthens. In particular, the
Committee decided to keep the target range for
the federal funds rate at 0 to ¼ percent and currently anticipates that this exceptionally low
range for the federal funds rate will be appropriate at least as long as the unemployment rate
remains above 6½ percent, inflation between one
and two years ahead is projected to be no more
than a half percentage point above the Committee’s 2 percent longer-run goal, and longer-term
inflation expectations continue to be well
anchored. In determining how long to maintain
a highly accommodative stance of monetary
policy, the Committee will also consider other
information, including additional measures of
labor market conditions, indicators of inflation
pressures and inflation expectations, and readings on financial developments. When the Committee decides to begin to remove policy accommodation, it will take a balanced approach consistent with its longer-run goals of maximum
employment and inflation of 2 percent.”
Voting for this action: Ben Bernanke, William C.
Dudley, James Bullard, Charles L. Evans, Jerome H.
Powell, Eric Rosengren, Jeremy C. Stein, Daniel K.
Tarullo, and Janet L. Yellen.

Voting against this action: Esther L. George.
Ms. George dissented because she saw recent information on the economy as sufficiently positive to
warrant a reduction in the pace of the Committee’s
asset purchases at this meeting. In her view, waiting
for more evidence of progress discounted the cumulative improvement in the economy as well as the
potential costs of ongoing purchases. Accordingly,
not only would a reduction be appropriate in light of
the ongoing improvement in labor market conditions,
but it also would support the credibility and predictability of monetary policy because it would be seen
as following through on the Committee’s earlier communications about the outlook for the asset purchase
It was agreed that the next meeting of the Committee
would be held on Tuesday–Wednesday, October 29–
30, 2013. The meeting adjourned at 11:15 a.m. on
September 18, 2013.

Notation Vote
By notation vote completed on August 20, 2013, the
Committee unanimously approved the minutes of the
FOMC meeting held on July 30–31, 2013.
William B. English

Minutes of Federal Open Market Committee Meetings | September

Summary of Economic Projections


(table 1 and figure 1). Almost all of the participants
projected that inflation, as measured by the annual
change in the price index for personal consumption
expenditures (PCE), would rise to a level at or somewhat below the Committee’s 2 percent objective in

In conjunction with the September 17–18, 2013, Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) meeting,
meeting participants—5 members of the Board of
Governors and the 12 presidents of the Federal
Reserve Banks, all of whom participated in the deliberations—submitted their assessments of real output
growth, the unemployment rate, inflation, and the
target federal funds rate for each year from 2013
through 2016 and over the longer run. Each participant’s assessment was based on information available
at the time of the meeting plus his or her judgment of
appropriate monetary policy and assumptions about
the factors likely to affect economic outcomes. The
longer-run projections represent each participant’s
judgment of the value to which each variable would
be expected to converge, over time, under appropriate
monetary policy and in the absence of further shocks
to the economy. “Appropriate monetary policy” is
defined as the future path of policy that each participant deems most likely to foster outcomes for economic activity and inflation that best satisfy his or
her individual interpretation of the Federal Reserve’s
objectives of maximum employment and stable

Most participants judged that highly accommodative
monetary policy was likely to remain warranted over
the next few years to support continued progress
toward maximum employment and a return to 2 percent inflation. As shown in figure 2, a large majority
of participants judged not only that it would be
appropriate to wait until 2015 or later before beginning to increase the federal funds rate, but also that it
would then be appropriate to raise the federal funds
rate target relatively gradually. Most participants
viewed their economic projections as broadly consistent with a slowing in the pace of the Committee’s
purchases of longer-term securities this year and the
completion of the program in mid-2014.
Most participants saw the uncertainty associated
with their outlook for economic growth, the unemployment rate, and inflation as similar to that of the
past 20 years. In addition, most participants considered the risks to the outlook for the unemployment
rate and inflation as broadly balanced. A slim majority of the participants also judged that the risks to
the outlook for real gross domestic product (GDP)
growth were broadly balanced, while nearly as many

Overall, FOMC participants expected, under appropriate monetary policy, a pickup in economic growth,
with the unemployment rate declining gradually

Table 1. Economic projections of Federal Reserve Board members and Federal Reserve Bank presidents, September 2013
Central tendency1



Change in real GDP
June projection
Unemployment rate
June projection
PCE inflation
June projection
Core PCE inflation3
June projection





Longer run





Longer run

2.0 to 2.3
2.3 to 2.6
7.1 to 7.3
7.2 to 7.3
1.1 to 1.2
0.8 to 1.2
1.2 to 1.3
1.2 to 1.3

2.9 to 3.1
3.0 to 3.5
6.4 to 6.8
6.5 to 6.8
1.3 to 1.8
1.4 to 2.0
1.5 to 1.7
1.5 to 1.8

3.0 to 3.5
2.9 to 3.6
5.9 to 6.2
5.8 to 6.2
1.6 to 2.0
1.6 to 2.0
1.7 to 2.0
1.7 to 2.0

2.5 to 3.3
5.4 to 5.9
1.7 to 2.0
1.9 to 2.0

2.2 to 2.5
2.3 to 2.5
5.2 to 5.8
5.2 to 6.0

1.8 to 2.4
2.0 to 2.6
6.9 to 7.3
6.9 to 7.5
1.0 to 1.3
0.8 to 1.5
1.2 to 1.4
1.1 to 1.5

2.2 to 3.3
2.2 to 3.6
6.2 to 6.9
6.2 to 6.9
1.2 to 2.0
1.4 to 2.0
1.4 to 2.0
1.5 to 2.0

2.2 to 3.7
2.3 to 3.8
5.3 to 6.3
5.7 to 6.4
1.4 to 2.3
1.6 to 2.3
1.6 to 2.3
1.7 to 2.3

2.2 to 3.5
5.2 to 6.0
1.5 to 2.3
1.7 to 2.3

2.1 to 2.5
2.0 to 3.0
5.2 to 6.0
5.0 to 6.0

Note: Projections of change in real gross domestic product (GDP) and projections for both measures of inflation are from the fourth quarter of the previous year to the fourth
quarter of the year indicated. PCE inflation and core PCE inflation are the percentage rates of change in, respectively, the price index for personal consumption expenditures
(PCE) and the price index for PCE excluding food and energy. Projections for the unemployment rate are for the average civilian unemployment rate in the fourth quarter of the
year indicated. Each participant’s projections are based on his or her assessment of appropriate monetary policy. Longer-run projections represent each participant’s
assessment of the rate to which each variable would be expected to converge under appropriate monetary policy and in the absence of further shocks to the economy. The June
projections were made in conjunction with the meeting of the Federal Open Market Committee on June 18–19, 2013.
The central tendency excludes the three highest and three lowest projections for each variable in each year.
The range for a variable in a given year includes all participants’ projections, from lowest to highest, for that variable in that year.
Longer-run projections for core PCE inflation are not collected.


100th Annual Report | 2013

Figure 1. Central tendencies and ranges of economic projections, 2013–16 and over the longer run

Change in real GDP


Central tendency of projections
Range of projections














Unemployment rate












PCE inflation













Core PCE inflation










Note: Definitions of variables are in the general note to table 1. The data for the actual values of the variables are annual.




Minutes of Federal Open Market Committee Meetings | September


Figure 2. Overview of FOMC participants’ assessments of appropriate monetary policy
Number of participants

Appropriate timing of policy firming






Appropriate pace of policy firming


Target federal funds rate at year-end











Longer run

Note: In the upper panel, the height of each bar denotes the number of FOMC participants who judge that, under appropriate monetary policy, the first increase in the target federal funds rate from its current range of 0 to ¼ percent will occur in the specified calendar year. In June 2013, the numbers of FOMC participants who judged that the first
increase in the target federal funds rate would occur in 2013, 2014, 2015, and 2016 were, respectively, 1, 3, 14, and 1. In the lower panel, each shaded circle indicates the
value (rounded to the nearest ¼ percentage point) of an individual participant’s judgment of the appropriate level of the target federal funds rate at the end of the specified calendar year or over the longer run.


100th Annual Report | 2013

indicated that the risks were weighted to the

The Outlook for Economic Activity
Participants generally projected that, conditional on
their individual assumptions about appropriate monetary policy, real GDP growth would be similar in
2013 to its rate in 2012 and would increase in the
2014–16 period to a pace above what participants
saw as the longer-run rate of output growth. Many
participants pointed to diminishing restraint from
fiscal policy, pent-up demand for consumer and producer durables, or rising household net worth as contributing to the pickup in growth. In addition, a
number of participants noted continued improvement in the housing sector, supported by rising
employment and income and by improved credit
The central tendencies of participants’ projections
for real GDP growth were 2.0 to 2.3 percent in 2013,
2.9 to 3.1 percent in 2014, 3.0 to 3.5 percent in 2015,
and 2.5 to 3.3 percent in 2016. In general, participants’ projections for growth in 2013, 2014, and, to a
lesser extent, 2015 were below those collected in June.
Most participants attributed the downward revisions
to their projections in 2013 and 2014 in part to
weaker-than-expected incoming data, while some
participants pointed to tighter financial conditions.
The central tendency for the longer-run rate of
growth of real GDP was 2.2 to 2.5 percent, little
changed from June.
Participants anticipated a gradual decline in the
unemployment rate over the projection period. The
central tendencies of participants’ forecasts for the
unemployment rate in the fourth quarter of each
year were 7.1 to 7.3 percent in 2013, 6.4 to 6.8 percent in 2014, 5.9 to 6.2 percent in 2015, and 5.4 to
5.9 percent in 2016. These projections were little
changed from June. The central tendency of participants’ estimates of the longer-run normal rate of
unemployment that would prevail under appropriate
monetary policy and in the absence of further shocks
to the economy was 5.2 to 5.8 percent. A majority of
participants projected that the unemployment rate
would be near or slightly above their individual estimates of its longer-run level at the end of 2016.
Figures 3.A and 3.B show that participants’ views
regarding the likely outcomes for real GDP growth
and the unemployment rate in 2014 and 2015

remained dispersed. This diversity reflected their
individual assessments of the likely rate of improvement in the housing sector and in household balance
sheets, the domestic implications of foreign economic
developments, the prospective path for U.S. fiscal
policy, the likely evolution of financial conditions,
and a number of other factors. Relative to June, the
dispersions of participants’ projections for GDP
growth in 2014 and 2015 narrowed to some extent,
while the dispersions of projections for the unemployment rate in those years generally widened a bit.

The Outlook for Inflation
Participants’ views on the broad outlook for inflation
under the assumption of appropriate monetary
policy were little changed from June. Although most
participants revised up slightly their projection for
PCE inflation in 2013, a number of participants
revised down a bit their forecasts for 2014. All participants anticipated that both headline and core
inflation would rise gradually over the next few years,
and almost all participants expected inflation to be at
or somewhat below the Committee’s 2 percent objective in 2016. Specifically, the central tendencies for
PCE inflation were 1.1 to 1.2 percent in 2013, 1.3 to
1.8 percent in 2014, 1.6 to 2.0 percent in 2015, and
1.7 to 2.0 percent in 2016. The central tendencies of
the forecasts for core inflation were little changed
from June and broadly similar to those for the headline measure over the projection period. A number of
participants viewed the combination of stable inflation expectations and diminishing resource slack as
important factors leading to a gradual pickup in
inflation toward the Committee’s longer-run
Figures 3.C and 3.D provide information on the
diversity of participants’ views about the outlook for
inflation. The ranges of participants’ projections for
overall inflation in 2014 and 2015 widened slightly
from June and were 1.2 to 2.0 percent in 2014 and
1.4 to 2.3 percent in 2015. In 2016, the forecasts for
PCE inflation were concentrated near the Committee’s longer-run objective, though one participant
expected inflation to be noticeably above the Committee’s objective and another expected it to be
½ percentage point below. Similar to the projections
for headline inflation, the projections for core inflation became more concentrated near the 2 percent
objective in 2016 than in earlier years; however, the
dispersion of the projections for core inflation in
each year was lower than for headline inflation.

Minutes of Federal Open Market Committee Meetings | September


Figure 3.A. Distribution of participants’ projections for the change in real GDP, 2013–16 and over the longer run
Number of participants


September projections
June projections

1.8 1.9

2.0 2.1

2.2 2.3

2.4 2.5

2.6 2.7

2.8 2.9

3.0 3.1

3.2 3.3

3.4 3.5

3.6 3.7

3.8 3.9

Percent range
Number of participants



1.8 1.9

2.0 2.1

2.2 2.3

2.4 2.5

2.6 2.7

2.8 2.9

3.0 3.1

3.2 3.3

3.4 3.5

3.6 3.7

3.8 3.9

Percent range
Number of participants



1.8 1.9

2.0 2.1

2.2 2.3

2.4 2.5

2.6 2.7

2.8 2.9

3.0 3.1

3.2 3.3

3.4 3.5

3.6 3.7

3.8 3.9

Percent range
Number of participants



1.8 1.9

2.0 2.1

2.2 2.3

2.4 2.5

2.6 2.7

2.8 2.9

3.0 3.1

3.2 3.3

3.4 3.5

3.6 3.7

3.8 3.9

Percent range
Number of participants


Longer run

1.8 1.9

2.0 2.1

2.2 2.3

2.4 2.5

2.6 2.7

2.8 2.9

Percent range
Note: Definitions of variables are in the general note to table 1.

3.0 3.1

3.2 3.3

3.4 3.5

3.6 3.7

3.8 3.9


100th Annual Report | 2013

Figure 3.B. Distribution of participants’ projections for the unemployment rate, 2013–16 and over the longer run
Number of participants


September projections
June projections

5.0 5.1

5.2 5.3

5.4 5.5

5.6 5.7

5.8 5.9

6.0 6.1

6.2 6.3

6.4 6.5

6.6 6.7

6.8 6.9

7.0 7.1

7.2 7.3

7.4 7.5

Percent range
Number of participants



5.0 5.1

5.2 5.3

5.4 5.5

5.6 5.7

5.8 5.9

6.0 6.1

6.2 6.3

6.4 6.5

6.6 6.7

6.8 6.9

7.0 7.1

7.2 7.3

7.4 7.5

Percent range
Number of participants



5.0 5.1

5.2 5.3

5.4 5.5

5.6 5.7

5.8 5.9

6.0 6.1

6.2 6.3

6.4 6.5

6.6 6.7

6.8 6.9

7.0 7.1

7.2 7.3

7.4 7.5

Percent range
Number of participants



5.0 5.1

5.2 5.3

5.4 5.5

5.6 5.7

5.8 5.9

6.0 6.1

6.2 6.3

6.4 6.5

6.6 6.7

6.8 6.9

7.0 7.1

7.2 7.3

7.4 7.5

Percent range
Number of participants


Longer run

5.0 5.1

5.2 5.3

5.4 5.5

5.6 5.7

5.8 5.9

6.0 6.1

6.2 6.3

Percent range
Note: Definitions of variables are in the general note to table 1.

6.4 6.5

6.6 6.7

6.8 6.9

7.0 7.1

7.2 7.3

7.4 7.5

Minutes of Federal Open Market Committee Meetings | September


Figure 3.C. Distribution of participants’ projections for PCE inflation, 2013–16 and over the longer run
Number of participants


September projections
June projections

0.7 0.8

0.9 1.0

1.1 1.2

1.3 1.4

1.5 1.6

1.7 1.8

1.9 2.0

2.1 2.2

2.3 2.4

Percent range
Number of participants



0.7 0.8

0.9 1.0

1.1 1.2

1.3 1.4

1.5 1.6

1.7 1.8

1.9 2.0

2.1 2.2

2.3 2.4

Percent range
Number of participants



0.7 0.8

0.9 1.0

1.1 1.2

1.3 1.4

1.5 1.6

1.7 1.8

1.9 2.0

2.1 2.2

2.3 2.4

Percent range
Number of participants



0.7 0.8

0.9 1.0

1.1 1.2

1.3 1.4

1.5 1.6

1.7 1.8

1.9 2.0

2.1 2.2

2.3 2.4

Percent range
Number of participants


Longer run

0.7 0.8

0.9 1.0

1.1 1.2

1.3 1.4

1.5 1.6

Percent range
Note: Definitions of variables are in the general note to table 1.

1.7 1.8

1.9 2.0

2.1 2.2

2.3 2.4


100th Annual Report | 2013

Figure 3.D. Distribution of participants’ projections for core PCE inflation, 2013–16
Number of participants



September projections
June projections

1.1 1.2

1.3 1.4

1.5 1.6

1.7 1.8

1.9 2.0

2.1 2.2

2.3 2.4

Percent range
Number of participants


1.1 1.2

1.3 1.4

1.5 1.6

1.7 1.8

1.9 2.0

2.1 2.2

2.3 2.4

Percent range
Number of participants


1.1 1.2

1.3 1.4

1.5 1.6

1.7 1.8

1.9 2.0

2.1 2.2

2.3 2.4

Percent range
Number of participants


1.1 1.2

1.3 1.4

1.5 1.6

1.7 1.8

Percent range
Note: Definitions of variables are in the general note to table 1.

1.9 2.0

2.1 2.2

2.3 2.4

Minutes of Federal Open Market Committee Meetings | September

Appropriate Monetary Policy
As indicated in figure 2, most participants judged
that exceptionally low levels of the federal funds rate
would remain appropriate for the next few years. In
particular, 12 participants thought that the first
increase in the target federal funds rate would not be
warranted until sometime in 2015, and two judged
that policy firming would likely not be appropriate
until 2016. Three participants judged that an increase
in the federal funds rate in 2014 would be
All participants projected that the unemployment
rate would be below the Committee’s 6½ percent
threshold at the end of the year in which they viewed
the initial increase in the federal funds rate to be
appropriate, and all but one judged that inflation
would be at or below the Committee’s longer-run
objective. Almost all participants projected that the
unemployment rate would still be above their view of
its longer-run level at the end of the year in which
they saw the federal funds rate increasing from the
effective lower bound.
Figure 3.E provides the distribution of participants’
judgments regarding the appropriate level of the target federal funds rate at the end of each calendar year
from 2013 to 2016 and over the longer run. As noted
above, most participants judged that economic conditions would warrant maintaining the current low
level of the federal funds rate until 2015. Among the
three participants who saw the federal funds rate
leaving the effective lower bound earlier, projections
for the federal funds rate at the end of 2014 ranged
from 1 to 1¼ percent. These three participants
viewed the appropriate level of the federal funds rate
as 3 percent or higher at the end of 2015, while the
remainder of participants saw the appropriate level
of the funds rate as 1½ percent or lower. On balance,
the dispersion of participants’ projections for the
appropriate federal funds rate at the end of 2015 widened a bit from June, while the median value of the
rate was unchanged.
All of the participants who saw the first tightening in
either 2015 or 2016 judged that the appropriate level


of the federal funds rate at the end of 2016 would
still be below their individual assessment of its
expected longer-run value. In contrast, the three participants who saw the first tightening in 2014 believed
that the appropriate level of the federal funds rate at
the end of 2016 would be at their assessment of its
longer-run level, which they viewed as either at or
just above 4 percent. Among all participants, estimates of the longer-run target federal funds rate
ranged from 3¼ to about 4¼ percent, reflecting the
Committee’s inflation objective of 2 percent and participants’ individual judgments about the appropriate
longer-run level of the real federal funds rate in the
absence of further shocks to the economy.
Participants also described their views regarding the
appropriate path of the Federal Reserve’s balance
sheet. Conditional on their respective economic outlooks, most participants judged that it would likely
be appropriate to begin to reduce the pace of the
Committee’s purchases of longer-term securities this
year and to conclude purchases in the middle of
2014. A couple of participants thought it appropriate
for the first reduction in the pace of asset purchases
to occur later, and another specified that purchases
likely would continue past midyear 2014; in contrast,
a couple of participants thought that the program
should be ended considerably sooner than the middle
of next year.
Participants’ views of the appropriate path for monetary policy were informed by their judgments on the
state of the economy, including the values of the
unemployment rate and other labor market indicators that would be consistent with maximum employment, the extent to which the economy was currently
falling short of maximum employment, the prospects
for inflation to reach the Committee’s longer-term
objective of 2 percent, and the balance of risks
around the outlook. Some participants also mentioned the usefulness of examining the implications
of alternative policy strategies for returning employment and inflation to mandate-consistent levels over
the medium term.


100th Annual Report | 2013

Figure 3.E. Distribution of participants’ projections for the target federal funds rate, 2013–16 and over the longer run
Number of participants



September projections
June projections

0.00 0.37

0.38 0.62

0.63 0.87

0.88 1.12

1.13 1.37

1.38 1.62

1.63 1.87

1.88 2.12

2.13 2.37

2.38 2.62

2.63 2.87

2.88 3.12

3.13 3.37

3.38 3.62

3.63 3.87

3.88 4.12

4.13 4.37

4.38 4.62

Percent range
Number of participants


0.00 0.37


0.38 0.62

0.63 0.87

0.88 1.12

1.13 1.37

1.38 1.62

1.63 1.87

1.88 2.12

2.13 2.37

2.38 2.62

2.63 2.87

2.88 3.12

3.13 3.37

3.38 3.62

3.63 3.87

3.88 4.12

4.13 4.37

4.38 4.62

Percent range
Number of participants


0.00 0.37


0.38 0.62

0.63 0.87

0.88 1.12

1.13 1.37

1.38 1.62

1.63 1.87

1.88 2.12

2.13 2.37

2.38 2.62

2.63 2.87

2.88 3.12

3.13 3.37

3.38 3.62

3.63 3.87

3.88 4.12

4.13 4.37

4.38 4.62

Percent range
Number of participants


0.00 0.37


0.38 0.62

0.63 0.87

0.88 1.12

1.13 1.37

1.38 1.62

1.63 1.87

1.88 2.12

2.13 2.37

2.38 2.62

2.63 2.87

2.88 3.12

3.13 3.37

3.38 3.62

3.63 3.87

3.88 4.12

4.13 4.37

4.38 4.62

Percent range
Number of participants

Longer run

0.00 0.37

0.38 0.62


0.63 0.87

0.88 1.12

1.13 1.37

1.38 1.62

1.63 1.87

1.88 2.12

2.13 2.37

2.38 2.62

2.63 2.87

2.88 3.12

3.13 3.37

3.38 3.62

Percent range
Note: The target federal funds rate is measured as the level of the target rate at the end of the calendar year or in the longer run.

3.63 3.87

3.88 4.12

4.13 4.37

4.38 4.62

Minutes of Federal Open Market Committee Meetings | September

Uncertainty and Risks
Most participants judged that the levels of uncertainty about their projections for real GDP growth
and unemployment were broadly similar to the norm
during the previous 20 years, although four participants continued to see them as higher (figure 4).2 The
number of participants who viewed the risks around
their GDP projections as weighted to the downside
was nearly equal to the number who viewed them as
broadly balanced. Most participants saw the risks
around their unemployment projections as broadly
balanced. The main factors cited as contributing to
the uncertainty and balance of risks around economic outcomes were the limits on the ability of
monetary policy at the zero lower bound to respond
to adverse shocks, as well as challenges associated
with forecasting the path of fiscal policy and developments abroad. In addition, some participants
pointed to the tightening in financial conditions in
recent months and the possibility of heightened volatility in financial markets, while others pointed to
risks associated with structural changes affecting productivity growth and labor markets.
Participants reported little change in their assessments of the level of uncertainty and the balance of
risks around their forecasts for overall PCE inflation
and core inflation. Eleven participants judged the

Table 2 provides estimates of the forecast uncertainty for the
change in real GDP, the unemployment rate, and total consumer price inflation over the period from 1993 through 2012.
At the end of this summary, the box “Forecast Uncertainty”
discusses the sources and interpretation of uncertainty in the
economic forecasts and explains the approach used to assess the
uncertainty and risks attending the participants’ projections.


Table 2. Average historical projection error ranges
Percentage points
Change in real GDP1
Unemployment rate1
Total consumer prices2









Note: Error ranges shown are measured as plus or minus the root mean squared
error of projections for 1993 through 2012 that were released in the fall by
various private and government forecasters. As described in the box “Forecast
Uncertainty,” under certain assumptions, there is about a 70 percent probability
that actual outcomes for real GDP, unemployment, and consumer prices will be in
ranges implied by the average size of projection errors made in the past. Further
information may be found in David Reifschneider and Peter Tulip (2007), “Gauging
the Uncertainty of the Economic Outlook from Historical Forecasting Errors,”
Finance and Economics Discussion Series 2007-60 (Washington: Board of
Governors of the Federal Reserve System, November).
Definitions of variables are in the general note to table 1.
Measure is the overall consumer price index, the price measure that has been
most widely used in government and private economic forecasts. Projection
is percent change, fourth quarter of the previous year to the fourth quarter of
the year indicated.

levels of uncertainty associated with their forecasts
for those inflation measures to be broadly similar to
historical norms; the same number saw the risks to
those projections as broadly balanced. Five participants saw the risks to their inflation forecasts as
tilted to the downside, reflecting, for example, the
possibility that the current low levels of inflation
could persist and become embedded in inflation
expectations. Conversely, a couple of participants
cited upside risks to inflation stemming from the current highly accommodative stance of monetary
policy or concerns about the Committee’s ability to
shift to a less accommodative policy stance when it
becomes appropriate to do so.


100th Annual Report | 2013

Figure 4. Uncertainty and risks in economic projections
Number of participants

Uncertainty about GDP growth


September projections
June projections



Number of participants


Risks to GDP growth

Weighted to


Number of participants

Uncertainty about the unemployment rate




Risks to the unemployment rate

Weighted to


Number of participants





Weighted to



Weighted to
Number of participants



Weighted to

Risks to PCE inflation

Number of participants



Number of participants


Uncertainty about core PCE inflation

Weighted to
Number of participants


Uncertainty about PCE inflation


September projections
June projections

Risks to core PCE inflation

Weighted to



Weighted to

Note: For definitions of uncertainty and risks in economic projections, see the box “Forecast Uncertainty.” Definitions of variables are in the general note to table 1.

Minutes of Federal Open Market Committee Meetings | September


Forecast Uncertainty
The economic projections provided by the members
of the Board of Governors and the presidents of the
Federal Reserve Banks inform discussions of monetary policy among policymakers and can aid public
understanding of the basis for policy actions. Considerable uncertainty attends these projections, however. The economic and statistical models and relationships used to help produce economic forecasts
are necessarily imperfect descriptions of the real
world, and the future path of the economy can be
affected by myriad unforeseen developments and
events. Thus, in setting the stance of monetary
policy, participants consider not only what appears to
be the most likely economic outcome as embodied in
their projections, but also the range of alternative
possibilities, the likelihood of their occurring, and the
potential costs to the economy should they occur.
Table 2 summarizes the average historical accuracy
of a range of forecasts, including those reported in
past Monetary Policy Reports and those prepared by
the Federal Reserve Board’s staff in advance of
meetings of the Federal Open Market Committee.
The projection error ranges shown in the table illustrate the considerable uncertainty associated with
economic forecasts. For example, suppose a participant projects that real gross domestic product (GDP)
and total consumer prices will rise steadily at annual
rates of, respectively, 3 percent and 2 percent. If the
uncertainty attending those projections is similar to
that experienced in the past and the risks around the
projections are broadly balanced, the numbers
reported in table 2 would imply a probability of about
70 percent that actual GDP would expand within a
range of 2.1 to 3.9 percent in the current year, 1.5 to
4.5 percent in the second year, 1.2 to 4.8 percent in
the third year, and 1.1 to 4.9 percent in the fourth

year. The corresponding 70 percent confidence intervals for overall inflation would be 1.2 to 2.8 percent in
the current year, 1.0 to 3.0 percent in the second
year, and 0.9 to 3.1 percent in the third and fourth
Because current conditions may differ from those
that prevailed, on average, over history, participants
provide judgments as to whether the uncertainty
attached to their projections of each variable is
greater than, smaller than, or broadly similar to typical levels of forecast uncertainty in the past, as
shown in table 2. Participants also provide judgments
as to whether the risks to their projections are
weighted to the upside, are weighted to the downside, or are broadly balanced. That is, participants
judge whether each variable is more likely to be
above or below their projections of the most likely
outcome. These judgments about the uncertainty
and the risks attending each participant’s projections
are distinct from the diversity of participants’ views
about the most likely outcomes. Forecast uncertainty
is concerned with the risks associated with a particular projection rather than with divergences across a
number of different projections.
As with real activity and inflation, the outlook for the
future path of the federal funds rate is subject to considerable uncertainty. This uncertainty arises primarily
because each participant’s assessment of the appropriate stance of monetary policy depends importantly
on the evolution of real activity and inflation over
time. If economic conditions evolve in an unexpected
manner, then assessments of the appropriate setting
of the federal funds rate would change from that
point forward.


100th Annual Report | 2013

Meeting Held
on October 29–30, 2013
A meeting of the Federal Open Market Committee
was held in the offices of the Board of Governors of
the Federal Reserve System in Washington, D.C., on
Tuesday, October 29, 2013, at 1:00 p.m. and continued on Wednesday, October 30, 2013, at 9:00 a.m.

Ben Bernanke
William C. Dudley
Vice Chairman
James Bullard
Charles L. Evans
Esther L. George
Jerome H. Powell
Eric Rosengren
Jeremy C. Stein
Daniel K. Tarullo
Janet L. Yellen
Richard W. Fisher, Narayana Kocherlakota,
Sandra Pianalto, and Charles I. Plosser
Alternate Members of the Federal Open Market

Steven B. Kamin
David W. Wilcox
Thomas A. Connors, Michael P. Leahy, Stephen A.
Meyer, Daniel G. Sullivan, Christopher J. Waller,
and William Wascher
Associate Economists
Simon Potter
Manager, System Open Market Account
Michael S. Gibson
Director, Division of Banking Supervision and
Regulation, Board of Governors
James A. Clouse
Deputy Director, Division of Monetary Affairs,
Board of Governors
Jon W. Faust
Special Adviser to the Board, Office of Board
Members, Board of Governors
Linda Robertson
Assistant to the Board, Office of Board Members,
Board of Governors
Trevor A. Reeve
Senior Associate Director, Division of International
Finance, Board of Governors
Ellen E. Meade and Joyce K. Zickler
Senior Advisers, Division of Monetary Affairs,
Board of Governors

Jeffrey M. Lacker, Dennis P. Lockhart,
and John C. Williams
Presidents of the Federal Reserve Banks of
Richmond, Atlanta, and San Francisco, respectively

Eric M. Engen, Michael T. Kiley,
Thomas Laubach, and David E. Lebow
Associate Directors, Division of Research and
Statistics, Board of Governors

William B. English
Secretary and Economist

Marnie Gillis DeBoer
Deputy Associate Director, Division of Monetary
Affairs, Board of Governors

Deborah J. Danker
Deputy Secretary
Matthew M. Luecke
Assistant Secretary
David W. Skidmore
Assistant Secretary
Michelle A. Smith
Assistant Secretary
Scott G. Alvarez
General Counsel
Thomas C. Baxter
Deputy General Counsel

Rochelle M. Edge
Assistant Director, Office of Financial Stability Policy
and Research, Board of Governors
Eric Engstrom
Section Chief, Division of Research and Statistics,
Board of Governors
David H. Small
Project Manager, Division of Monetary Affairs,
Board of Governors
Mark A. Carlson
Senior Economist, Division of Monetary Affairs,
Board of Governors

Minutes of Federal Open Market Committee Meetings | October

Robert J. Tetlow
Senior Economist, Division of Research and
Statistics, Board of Governors
Blake Prichard
First Vice President, Federal Reserve Bank of
David Altig, Glenn D. Rudebusch,
and Mark S. Sniderman
Executive Vice Presidents, Federal Reserve Banks of
Atlanta, San Francisco, and Cleveland, respectively
Craig S. Hakkio, Evan F. Koenig,
Lorie K. Logan, and Kei-Mu Yi
Senior Vice Presidents, Federal Reserve Banks of
Kansas City, Dallas, New York, and Minneapolis,
Anna Nordstrom and Giovanni Olivei
Vice Presidents, Federal Reserve Banks of New York
and Boston, respectively
Argia M. Sbordone
Assistant Vice President, Federal Reserve Bank of
New York
Andreas L. Hornstein
Senior Advisor, Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond
Satyajit Chatterjee
Senior Economic Advisor, Federal Reserve Bank of

Developments in Financial Markets and
the Federal Reserve’s Balance Sheet
The Manager of the System Open Market Account
reported on developments in domestic and foreign
financial markets as well as System open market
operations, including the progress of the overnight
reverse repurchase agreement operational exercise,
during the period since the Federal Open Market
Committee (FOMC) met on September 17–18, 2013.
By unanimous vote, the Committee ratified the
Desk’s domestic transactions over the intermeeting
period. There were no intervention operations in foreign currencies for the System’s account over the
intermeeting period.
The Committee considered a proposal to convert the
existing temporary central bank liquidity swap
arrangements to standing arrangements with no preset expiration dates. The Manager described the proposed arrangements, noting that the Committee
would still be asked to review participation in the
arrangements annually. A couple of participants
expressed reservations about the proposal, citing


opposition to swap lines with foreign central banks in
general or questioning the governance implications of
these standing arrangements in particular. Following
the discussion, the Committee unanimously
approved the following resolution:
“The Federal Open Market Committee directs
the Federal Reserve Bank of New York to convert the existing temporary dollar liquidity swap
arrangements with the Bank of Canada, the
Bank of England, the Bank of Japan, the European Central Bank, and the Swiss National
Bank to standing facilities, with the modifications approved by the Committee. In addition,
the Federal Open Market Committee directs the
Federal Reserve Bank of New York to convert
the existing temporary foreign currency liquidity
swap arrangements with the Bank of Canada,
the Bank of England, the Bank of Japan, the
European Central Bank, and the Swiss National
Bank to standing facilities, also with the modifications approved by the Committee.
Drawings on the dollar and foreign currency
liquidity swap lines will be approved by the
Chairman in consultation with the Foreign Currency Subcommittee. The Foreign Currency
Subcommittee will consult with the Federal
Open Market Committee prior to the initial
drawing on the dollar or foreign currency liquidity swap lines if possible under the circumstances then prevailing; authority to approve
subsequent drawings of a more routine character for either the dollar or foreign currency
liquidity swap lines may be delegated to the
Manager, in consultation with the Chairman.
The Chairman may change the rates and fees on
the swap arrangements by mutual agreement
with the foreign central banks and in consultation with the Foreign Currency Subcommittee.
The Chairman shall keep the Federal Open Market Committee informed of any changes in rates
or fees, and the rates and fees shall be consistent
with principles discussed with and guidance provided by the Committee.”

Staff Review of the Economic Situation
In general, the data available at the time of the October 29–30 meeting suggested that economic activity
continued to rise at a moderate pace; the set of information reviewed for this meeting, however, was
reduced somewhat by delays in selected statistical


100th Annual Report | 2013

releases associated with the partial shutdown of the
federal government earlier in the month. In the labor
market, total payroll employment increased further in
September, but the unemployment rate was still high.
Consumer price inflation continued to be modest,
and measures of longer-run inflation expectations
remained stable.

Starts and permits of new single-family homes
increased in August, but starts and permits of multifamily units declined. After falling significantly in
July, sales of new homes increased in August, but
existing home sales decreased, on balance, in August
and September, and pending home sales also

Private nonfarm employment rose in September but
at a slower pace than in the previous month, while
total government employment increased at a solid
rate. The unemployment rate edged down to 7.2 percent in September; both the labor force participation
rate and the employment-to-population ratio were
unchanged. Other recent indicators of labor market
activity were mixed. Measures of firms’ hiring plans
improved, the rate of job openings increased slightly,
and the rate of long-duration unemployment
declined a little. However, household expectations of
the labor market situation deteriorated somewhat,
the rate of gross private-sector hiring remained flat,
and the share of workers employed part time for economic reasons was essentially unchanged and continued to be elevated. In addition, initial claims for
unemployment insurance rose in the first few weeks
of October, likely reflecting, in part, some spillover
effects from the government shutdown.

Growth in real private expenditures for business
equipment and intellectual property products
appeared to be tepid in the third quarter. Nominal
shipments of nondefense capital goods excluding aircraft rose modestly, on balance, in August and September after declining in July. However, nominal new
orders for these capital goods continued to be above
the level of shipments, pointing to increases in shipments in subsequent months, and other forwardlooking indicators, such as surveys of business conditions, were consistent with some gains in business
equipment spending in the near term. Nominal business expenditures for nonresidential construction
were essentially unchanged in August. Recent bookvalue data for inventory-to-sales ratios, along with
readings on inventories from national and regional
manufacturing surveys, did not point to notable
inventory imbalances.

Manufacturing production expanded modestly in
September, but output was flat outside of the motor
vehicle sector and the rate of total manufacturing
capacity utilization was unchanged. Automakers’
schedules indicated that the pace of light motor
vehicle assemblies would be slightly lower in the coming months, but broader indicators of manufacturing
production, such as the readings on new orders from
the national and regional manufacturing surveys,
pointed to further gains in factory output in the near

Real federal government purchases likely declined as
federal employment edged down further in September and many federal employees were temporarily
furloughed during the partial government shutdown
in October. Real state and local government purchases, however, appeared to increase; the payrolls of
these governments expanded briskly in September,
and nominal state and local construction expenditures rose in August.
The U.S. international trade deficit remained about
unchanged in August, as both exports and imports
were flat.

Real personal consumption expenditures (PCE) rose
moderately in August. In September, nominal retail
sales, excluding those at motor vehicle and parts outlets, increased significantly, while sales of light motor
vehicles declined. Recent readings on key factors that
influence consumer spending were somewhat mixed:
Households’ net worth likely expanded further as
both equity values and home prices rose in recent
months, and real disposable incomes increased solidly
in August, but measures of consumer sentiment
declined in September and October.

Available measures of total U.S. consumer prices—
the PCE price index for August and the consumer
price index for September—increased modestly, as
did the core measures, which exclude prices of food
and energy. Both near- and longer-term inflation
expectations from the Thomson Reuters/University
of Michigan Surveys of Consumers were little
changed, on balance, in September and October.
Nominal average hourly earnings for all employees
increased slowly in September.

The recovery in the housing sector appeared to continue, although recent data in this sector were limited.

Foreign economic growth appeared to improve in the
third quarter following a sluggish first half, largely

Minutes of Federal Open Market Committee Meetings | October

reflecting stronger growth estimated for China and a
rebound in Mexico from contraction in the previous
quarter. Growth also picked up in the third quarter in
the United Kingdom, and available indicators suggested an increase in growth in Canada and continued mild recovery in the euro area. Economic activity
in Japan appeared to have decelerated somewhat
from its first-half pace but continued to expand, and
inflation measured on a 12-month basis turned positive in the middle of this year. Inflation elsewhere
generally remained subdued. Monetary policy stayed
highly accommodative in advanced foreign economies. In addition, the Bank of Mexico continued to
ease monetary policy, citing concerns about the
strength of the economy, but central banks in certain
other emerging market economies, including Brazil
and India, tightened policy and intervened in currency markets in response to concerns about the
potential effect of currency depreciation on inflation.

Staff Review of the Financial Situation
On balance over the intermeeting period, longer-term
interest rates declined and equity prices rose, largely
in response to expectations for more-accommodative
monetary policy. In addition, financial markets were
affected for a time by uncertainties about raising the
federal debt limit and resolving the government
Financial market views about the outlook for monetary policy shifted notably following the September
FOMC meeting, as the outcome and communications from that meeting were seen as more accommodative than expected. Investors pushed out their
anticipated timing of both the first reduction in the
pace of FOMC asset purchases and the first hike in
the target federal funds rate. The path of the federal
funds rate implied by financial market quotes shifted
down over the period, as did the path based on the
results from the Desk’s survey of primary dealers.
The Desk’s survey also indicated that the dealers had
revised up their expectations of the total size of the
Committee’s asset purchase program. Concerns
about the fiscal situation and somewhat weaker-thanexpected economic data releases also contributed to
the change in expectations about the timing of monetary policy actions.
Five- and 10-year yields on both nominal and
inflation-protected Treasury securities declined
30 basis points or more over the intermeeting period.
The reduction in longer-term Treasury yields was


also reflected in other longer-term rates, such as
those on agency mortgage-backed securities (MBS)
and corporate securities.
Short-term funding markets were adversely affected
for a time by concerns about potential delays in raising the federal debt limit. The Treasury bill market
was particularly affected as yields on bills maturing
between mid-October and early November rose
sharply and some bill auctions saw reduced demand.
Conditions in other short-term markets, such as the
market for repurchase agreements, were also strained.
However, these effects eased quickly after an agreement to raise the debt limit was reached in
Credit flows to nonfinancial businesses appeared to
slow somewhat during the fiscal standoff amid
increased market volatility; however, access to credit
generally remained ample for large firms. Gross issuance of nonfinancial corporate bonds and commercial paper, which had been particularly strong in September, slowed a bit in October. In September, leveraged loan issuance was also robust. Commercial and
industrial (C&I) loans at banks continued to
advance, on balance, in the third quarter at about the
pace posted in the previous quarter, and commercial
real estate (CRE) loans at banks rose moderately. In
response to the October Senior Loan Officer Opinion
Survey on Bank Lending Practices (SLOOS), banks
generally indicated that they had eased standards on
C&I and CRE loans over the past three months.
Developments affecting financing for the household
sector were generally favorable. House prices posted
further gains in August. Mortgage rates declined over
the intermeeting period, although they were still
above their early-May lows. Mortgage refinancing
applications were down dramatically compared with
May, but purchase applications were only a bit below
their earlier level. Some large banks responding to
the October SLOOS reported having eased standards
on home-purchase loans to prime borrowers on net.
In nonmortgage credit, automobile loans and student
loans continued to expand at a robust pace, while
balances on revolving consumer credit were again
about flat.
In the municipal bond market, issuance of bonds for
new capital projects remained solid. Yields on
20-year general obligation municipal bonds decreased
about in line with other longer-term market rates
over the intermeeting period.


100th Annual Report | 2013

Bank credit declined slightly during the third quarter.
Growth of core loans slowed, primarily because of a
sizable decline in outstanding balances of residential
mortgages on banks’ books. Third-quarter earnings
reports for large banks generally met or exceeded
analysts’ modest expectations.
M2 grew moderately in September. Preliminary data
indicated that growth in M2 picked up temporarily in
early October amid uncertainty about the passage of
debt limit legislation; deposits increased sharply as
institutional investors appeared to shift from money
fund shares to bank deposits, and as money funds
increased their bank deposits in anticipation of possible redemptions. These inflows to deposits were
estimated to have reversed shortly after the debt limit
agreement was reached.
Foreign stock prices rose, foreign yields and yield
spreads declined, and the dollar depreciated against
most other currencies. A large portion of these asset
price changes occurred immediately following the
September FOMC announcement. In addition,
yields and the value of the dollar fell further after the
debt ceiling agreement was reached and in response
to the U.S. labor market report. Mutual fund flows to
emerging markets stabilized, following large outflows
earlier this year.

Staff Economic Outlook
In the economic projection prepared by the staff for
the October FOMC meeting, the forecast for growth
in real gross domestic product (GDP) in the near
term was revised down somewhat from the one prepared for the previous meeting, primarily reflecting
the effects of the federal government shutdown and
some data on consumer spending that were softer
than anticipated. In contrast, the staff’s mediumterm forecast for real GDP was revised up slightly,
mostly reflecting lower projected paths for the foreign
exchange value of the dollar and longer-term interest
rates, along with somewhat higher projected paths for
equity prices and home values. The staff anticipated
that the pace of expansion in real GDP this year
would be about the same as the growth rate of
potential output but continued to project that real
GDP would accelerate in 2014 and 2015, supported
by an easing in the effects of fiscal policy restraint on
economic growth, increases in consumer and business
sentiment, further improvements in credit availability
and financial conditions, and accommodative monetary policy. Real GDP growth was projected to
begin to slow a little in 2016 but to remain above

potential output growth. The expansion in economic
activity was anticipated to slowly reduce resource
slack over the projection period, and the unemployment rate was expected to decline gradually.
The staff’s forecast for inflation was little changed
from the projection prepared for the previous FOMC
meeting. The staff continued to expect that inflation
would be modest in the second half of this year, but
higher than its level in the first half. Over the medium
term, with longer-run inflation expectations assumed
to remain stable, changes in commodity and import
prices expected to be relatively small, and slack in
labor and product markets persisting over most of
the projection period, inflation was projected to run
somewhat below the FOMC’s longer-run inflation
objective of 2 percent through 2016.
The staff continued to see a number of risks around
the forecast. The downside risks to economic activity
included the uncertain effects and future course of
fiscal policy, concerns about the outlook for consumer spending growth, and the potential effects on
residential construction of the increase in mortgage
rates since the spring. With regard to inflation, the
staff saw risks both to the downside, that the low
rates of core consumer price inflation posted earlier
this year could be more persistent than anticipated,
and to the upside, that unanticipated increases in
energy or other commodity prices could emerge.

Participants’ Views on Current Conditions
and the Economic Outlook
In their discussion of the economic situation and the
outlook, meeting participants generally indicated
that the broad contours of their medium-term economic projections had not changed materially since
the September meeting. Although the incoming data
suggested that growth in the second half of 2013
might prove somewhat weaker than many of them
had previously anticipated, participants broadly continued to project the pace of economic activity to
pick up. The acceleration over the medium term was
expected to be bolstered by the gradual abatement of
headwinds that have been slowing the pace of economic recovery—such as household-sector deleveraging, tight credit conditions for some households and
businesses, and fiscal restraint—as well as improved
prospects for global growth. While downside risks to
the outlook for the economy and the labor market
were generally viewed as having diminished, on balance, since last fall, several significant risks remained,

Minutes of Federal Open Market Committee Meetings | October

including the uncertain effects of ongoing fiscal drag
and of the continuing fiscal debate.
Consumer spending appeared to have slowed somewhat in the third quarter. A number of participants
noted that their outlook for stronger economic activity was contingent on a pickup in growth of consumer spending and reviewed the factors that might
contribute to such a development, including low
interest rates, easing of debt burdens, continued gains
in employment, lower gasoline prices, higher real
incomes, and higher household wealth boosted by rising home prices and equity values. Nonetheless, consumer sentiment remained unusually low, posing a
downside risk to the forecast, and uncertainty surrounding prospective fiscal deliberations could weigh
further on consumer confidence. A few participants
commented that a pickup in the growth rates of economic activity or real disposable income could
require improvements in productivity growth. However, it was noted that slower growth in productivity
might have become the norm.
Business contacts generally reported continued moderate growth in sales, but remained cautious about
expanding payrolls and capital expenditures. Manufacturing activity in parts of the country was
reported to have picked up, and auto sales remained
strong. Reports from several Districts indicated that
commercial real estate and housing-related business
activity continued to advance. In the agricultural sector, crop yields were healthy, farmland values were
up, and lower crop prices were increasing the affordability of livestock feed. Wage and cost pressures
remained limited, but business contacts in some Districts mentioned that selected labor markets were
tight or expressed concerns about a shortage of
skilled workers. Reports from the retail sector were
mixed, with remarks about higher luxury sales and
expectations for reduced hiring of seasonal workers
over the upcoming holiday season. Uncertainty
about future fiscal policy and the regulatory environment, including changes in health care, were mentioned as weighing on business planning.
Participants generally saw the direct economic effects
of the partial shutdown of the federal government as
temporary and limited, but a number of them
expressed concern about the possible economic
effects of repeated fiscal impasses on business and
consumer confidence. More broadly, fiscal policy,
which has been exerting significant restraint on economic growth, was expected to become somewhat
less restrictive over the forecast period. Nonetheless,


it was noted that the stance of fiscal policy was likely
to remain one of the most important headwinds
restraining growth over the medium term.
Although a number of participants indicated that the
September employment report was somewhat disappointing, they judged that the labor market continued to improve, albeit slowly. The limited pace of
gains in wages and payrolls, as well as the number of
employees working part time for economic reasons,
were mentioned as evidence of substantial remaining
slack in the labor market. The drop in the unemployment rate over the past year, while welcome and significant, could overstate the degree of improvement
in labor market conditions, in part because of the
decline in the labor force participation rate. However,
a few participants offered reasons why recent readings on the unemployment rate might provide an
accurate assessment, on balance, of the extent of
improvement in the labor market. For instance, if the
decline in labor force participation reflected decisions
to retire, it was unlikely to be reversed, because retirees were unlikely to return to the labor force. Furthermore, a secular decline in labor market dynamism, or turnover, might have contributed to a
reduction in the size of normal monthly payroll
gains. Finally, revised data showed that the historical
relationship between real GDP growth and changes
in the unemployment rate had remained broadly in
place in recent years, suggesting that the unemployment rate continued to provide a reasonably accurate
signal about the strength of the labor market and the
degree of slack in the economy.
Available information suggested that inflation
remained subdued and below the Committee’s
longer-run objective of 2 percent. Similarly, longerrun inflation expectations remained stable and, by
some measures, below 2 percent.
Financial conditions eased notably over the intermeeting period, with declines in longer-term interest
rates and increases in equity values. Financial quotes
suggested that markets moved out the date at which
they expected to see the Committee first increase the
federal funds rate target. It was noted that interest
rate volatility was substantially lower than at the time
of the September meeting, and a couple of participants pointed to signs suggesting that reaching-foryield behavior might be increasing again. Nevertheless, term premiums appeared to only partially
retrace their rise of earlier in the year, and longerterm interest rates remained well above their levels in
the spring. A few participants expressed concerns


100th Annual Report | 2013

about the eventual economic impact of the change in
financial conditions since the spring; in particular,
increases in mortgage rates and home prices had
reduced the affordability of housing, and the higher
rates were at least partly responsible for some slowing
in that sector. One participant stated that the
extended period of near-zero interest rates continued
to create challenges for the banking industry, as net
interest margins remained under pressure.

Policy Planning
After an introductory briefing by the staff, meeting
participants had a wide-ranging discussion of topics
related to the path of monetary policy over the
medium term, including strategic and communication issues associated with the Committee’s asset purchase program as well as possibilities for clarifying or
strengthening its forward guidance for the federal
funds rate. In this context, participants discussed the
financial market response to the Committee’s decisions at its June and September meetings and, more
generally, the complexities associated with communications about the Committee’s current policy tools. A
number of participants noted that recent movements
in interest rates and other indicators suggested that
financial markets viewed the Committee’s tools—asset purchases and forward guidance regarding the
federal funds rate—as closely linked. One possible
explanation for this view was an inference on the part
of investors that a change in asset purchases reflected
a change in the Committee’s outlook for the
economy, which would be associated with adjustments in both the purchase program and the
expected path of policy rates; another was a perspective that a change in asset purchases would be read as
providing information about the willingness of the
Committee to pursue its economic objectives with
both tools. A couple of participants observed that
the decision at the September FOMC meeting might
have strengthened the credibility of monetary policy,
as suggested by the downward shift in the expected
path of short-term interest rates that had brought the
path more closely into alignment with the Committee’s forward guidance. Participants broadly
endorsed making the Committee’s communications
as simple, clear, and consistent as possible, and discussed ways of doing so. With regard to the asset
purchase program, one suggestion was to repeat a set
of principles in public communications; for example,
participants could emphasize that the program was
data dependent, that any reduction in the pace of
purchases would depend on both the cumulative
progress in labor markets since the start of the pro-

gram as well as the outlook for future gains, and that
a continuing assessment of the efficacy and costs of
asset purchases might lead the Committee to decide
at some point to change the mix of its policy tools
while maintaining a high degree of accommodation.
Another suggestion for enhancing communications
was to use the Summary of Economic Projections to
provide more information about participants’ views.
During this general discussion of policy strategy and
tactics, participants reviewed issues specific to the
Committee’s asset purchase program. They generally
expected that the data would prove consistent with
the Committee’s outlook for ongoing improvement
in labor market conditions and would thus warrant
trimming the pace of purchases in coming months.
However, participants also considered scenarios
under which it might, at some stage, be appropriate
to begin to wind down the program before an unambiguous further improvement in the outlook was
apparent. A couple of participants thought it premature to focus on this latter eventuality, observing that
the purchase program had been effective and that
more time was needed to assess the outlook for the
labor market and inflation; moreover, international
comparisons suggested that the Federal Reserve’s
balance sheet retained ample capacity relative to the
scale of the U.S. economy. Nonetheless, some participants noted that, if the Committee were going to
contemplate cutting purchases in the future based on
criteria other than improvement in the labor market
outlook, such as concerns about the efficacy or costs
of further asset purchases, it would need to communicate effectively about those other criteria. In those
circumstances, it might well be appropriate to offset
the effects of reduced purchases by undertaking alternative actions to provide accommodation at the same
Participants generally expressed reservations about
the possibility of introducing a simple mechanical
rule that would adjust the pace of asset purchases
automatically based on a single variable such as the
unemployment rate or payroll employment. While
some were open to considering such a rule, others
viewed that approach as unlikely to reliably produce
appropriate policy outcomes. As an alternative, some
participants mentioned that it might be preferable to
adopt an even simpler plan and announce a total size
of remaining purchases or a timetable for winding
down the program. A calendar-based step-down
would run counter to the data-dependent, statecontingent nature of the current asset purchase program, but it would be easier to communicate and

Minutes of Federal Open Market Committee Meetings | October

might help the public separate the Committee’s purchase program from its policy for the federal funds
rate and the overall stance of policy. With regard to
future reductions in asset purchases, participants discussed how those might be split across asset classes.
A number of participants believed that making
roughly equal adjustments to purchases of Treasury
securities and MBS would be appropriate and relatively straightforward to communicate to the public.
However, some others indicated that they could back
trimming the pace of Treasury purchases more rapidly than those of MBS, perhaps to signal an intention to support mortgage markets, and one participant thought that trimming MBS first would reduce
the potential for distortions in credit allocation.
As part of the planning discussion, participants also
examined several possibilities for clarifying or
strengthening the forward guidance for the federal
funds rate, including by providing additional information about the likely path of the rate either after
one of the economic thresholds in the current guidance was reached or after the funds rate target was
eventually raised from its current, exceptionally low
level. A couple of participants favored simply reducing the 6½ percent unemployment rate threshold, but
others noted that such a change might raise concerns
about the durability of the Committee’s commitment
to the thresholds. Participants also weighed the merits of stating that, even after the unemployment rate
dropped below 6½ percent, the target for the federal
funds rate would not be raised so long as the inflation rate was projected to run below a given level. In
general, the benefits of adding this kind of quantitative floor for inflation were viewed as uncertain and
likely to be rather modest, and communicating it
could present challenges, but a few participants
remained favorably inclined toward it. Several participants concluded that providing additional qualitative
information on the Committee’s intentions regarding
the federal funds rate after the unemployment threshold was reached could be more helpful. Such guidance could indicate the range of information that the
Committee would consider in evaluating when it
would be appropriate to raise the federal funds rate.
Alternatively, the policy statement could indicate that
even after the first increase in the federal funds rate
target, the Committee anticipated keeping the rate
below its longer-run equilibrium value for some time,
as economic headwinds were likely to diminish only
slowly. Other factors besides those headwinds were
also mentioned as possibly providing a rationale for
maintaining a low trajectory for the federal funds
rate, including following through on a commitment


to support the economy by maintaining moreaccommodative policy for longer. These or other
modifications to the forward guidance for the federal
funds rate could be implemented in the future, either
to improve clarity or to add to policy accommodation, perhaps in conjunction with a reduction in the
pace of asset purchases as part of a rebalancing of
the Committee’s tools.
Participants also discussed a range of possible
actions that could be considered if the Committee
wished to signal its intention to keep short-term rates
low or reinforce the forward guidance on the federal
funds rate. For example, most participants thought
that a reduction by the Board of Governors in the
interest rate paid on excess reserves could be worth
considering at some stage, although the benefits of
such a step were generally seen as likely to be small
except possibly as a signal of policy intentions. By
contrast, participants expressed a range of concerns
about using open market operations aimed at affecting the expected path of short-term interest rates,
such as a standing purchase facility for shorter-term
Treasury securities or the provision of term funding
through repurchase agreements. Among the concerns
voiced was that such operations would inhibit price
discovery and remove valuable sources of market
information; in addition, such operations might be
difficult to explain to the public, complicate the
Committee’s communications, and appear inconsistent with the economic thresholds for the federal
funds rate. Nevertheless, a number of participants
noted that such operations were worthy of further
study or saw them as potentially helpful in some
At the end of the discussion, participants agreed that
it would be helpful to continue reviewing these issues
of longer-run policy strategy at upcoming meetings.
No decisions on the substance were taken, and participants generally noted the usefulness of planning
for various contingencies.

Committee Policy Action
Committee members saw the information received
over the intermeeting period as suggesting that economic activity was continuing to expand at a moderate pace. Although indicators of labor market conditions had shown some further improvement, the
unemployment rate remained elevated. Household
spending and business fixed investment advanced,
but the recovery in the housing sector slowed somewhat in recent months, and fiscal policy was restrain-


100th Annual Report | 2013

ing economic growth. The Committee expected that,
with appropriate policy accommodation, economic
growth would pick up from its recent pace, resulting
in a gradual decline in the unemployment rate toward
levels consistent with the Committee’s dual mandate.
Members generally continued to see the downside
risks to the outlook for the economy and the labor
market as having diminished, on net, since last fall.
Inflation was running below the Committee’s longerrun objective, but longer-term inflation expectations
were stable, and the Committee anticipated that
inflation would move back toward its objective over
the medium term. Members recognized, however,
that inflation persistently below the Committee’s
2 percent objective could pose risks to economic
In their discussion of monetary policy for the period
ahead, members generally noted that there had been
little change in the economic outlook since the September meeting, and all members but one again
judged that it would be appropriate for the Committee to await more evidence that progress toward its
economic objectives would be sustained before
adjusting the pace of asset purchases. In the view of
one member, the cumulative improvement in the
economy indicated that the continued easing of
monetary policy at the current pace was no longer
necessary. Many members stressed the datadependent nature of the current asset purchase program, and some pointed out that, if economic conditions warranted, the Committee could decide to slow
the pace of purchases at one of its next few meetings.
A couple of members also commented that it would
be important to continue laying the groundwork for
such a reduction in pace through public statements
and speeches, while emphasizing that the overall
stance of monetary policy would remain highly
accommodative as needed to meet the Committee’s
At the conclusion of the discussion, the Committee
decided to continue adding policy accommodation
by purchasing additional MBS at a pace of $40 billion per month and longer-term Treasury securities at
a pace of $45 billion per month and to maintain its
existing reinvestment policies. In addition, the Committee reaffirmed its intention to keep the target federal funds rate at 0 to ¼ percent and retained its forward guidance that it anticipates that this exceptionally low range for the federal funds rate will be
appropriate at least as long as the unemployment rate
remains above 6½ percent, inflation between one and
two years ahead is projected to be no more than a

half percentage point above the Committee’s 2 percent longer-run goal, and longer-term inflation
expectations continue to be well anchored.
Members also discussed the wording of the policy
statement to be issued following the meeting. In addition to updating its description of the state of the
economy, the Committee considered whether to note
that the effects of the temporary government shutdown had made economic conditions more difficult
to assess, but judged that this might overemphasize
the role of the shutdown in the Committee’s policy
deliberations. Members noted the improvement in
financial conditions since the time of the September
meeting and agreed that it was appropriate to drop
the reference, which was included in the September
statement, to the tightening of financial conditions
seen over the summer. Members also discussed
whether to add to the forward guidance in the policy
statement an indication that the headwinds restraining the economic recovery were likely to abate only
gradually, with the federal funds rate target anticipated to remain below its longer-run normal value
for a considerable time. While there was some support for adding this language at some stage, a range
of concerns were expressed about including it at this
meeting. In particular, given its complexity, many
members felt that it would be difficult to communicate this point succinctly in the statement. In addition, there was not complete consensus within the
Committee that headwinds were the only explanation
for the low expected future path of policy rates.
At the conclusion of the discussion, the Committee
voted to authorize and direct the Federal Reserve
Bank of New York, until it was instructed otherwise,
to execute transactions in the System Account in
accordance with the following domestic policy
“Consistent with its statutory mandate, the Federal Open Market Committee seeks monetary
and financial conditions that will foster maximum employment and price stability. In particular, the Committee seeks conditions in reserve
markets consistent with federal funds trading in
a range from 0 to ¼ percent. The Committee
directs the Desk to undertake open market
operations as necessary to maintain such conditions. The Desk is directed to continue purchasing longer-term Treasury securities at a pace of
about $45 billion per month and to continue
purchasing agency mortgage-backed securities at
a pace of about $40 billion per month. The

Minutes of Federal Open Market Committee Meetings | October

Committee also directs the Desk to engage in
dollar roll and coupon swap transactions as necessary to facilitate settlement of the Federal
Reserve’s agency mortgage-backed securities
transactions. The Committee directs the Desk to
maintain its policy of rolling over maturing
Treasury securities into new issues and its policy
of reinvesting principal payments on all agency
debt and agency mortgage-backed securities in
agency mortgage-backed securities. The System
Open Market Account Manager and the Secretary will keep the Committee informed of ongoing developments regarding the System’s balance sheet that could affect the attainment over
time of the Committee’s objectives of maximum
employment and price stability.”
The vote encompassed approval of the statement
below to be released at 2:00 p.m.:
“Information received since the Federal Open
Market Committee met in September generally
suggests that economic activity has continued to
expand at a moderate pace. Indicators of labor
market conditions have shown some further
improvement, but the unemployment rate
remains elevated. Available data suggest that
household spending and business fixed investment advanced, while the recovery in the housing sector slowed somewhat in recent months.
Fiscal policy is restraining economic growth.
Apart from fluctuations due to changes in
energy prices, inflation has been running below
the Committee’s longer-run objective, but
longer-term inflation expectations have
remained stable.
Consistent with its statutory mandate, the Committee seeks to foster maximum employment
and price stability. The Committee expects that,
with appropriate policy accommodation, economic growth will pick up from its recent pace
and the unemployment rate will gradually
decline toward levels the Committee judges consistent with its dual mandate. The Committee
sees the downside risks to the outlook for the
economy and the labor market as having diminished, on net, since last fall. The Committee recognizes that inflation persistently below its
2 percent objective could pose risks to economic
performance, but it anticipates that inflation will
move back toward its objective over the medium


Taking into account the extent of federal fiscal
retrenchment over the past year, the Committee
sees the improvement in economic activity and
labor market conditions since it began its asset
purchase program as consistent with growing
underlying strength in the broader economy.
However, the Committee decided to await more
evidence that progress will be sustained before
adjusting the pace of its purchases. Accordingly,
the Committee decided to continue purchasing
additional agency mortgage-backed securities at
a pace of $40 billion per month and longer-term
Treasury securities at a pace of $45 billion per
month. The Committee is maintaining its existing policy of reinvesting principal payments
from its holdings of agency debt and agency
mortgage-backed securities in agency mortgagebacked securities and of rolling over maturing
Treasury securities at auction. Taken together,
these actions should maintain downward pressure on longer-term interest rates, support mortgage markets, and help to make broader financial conditions more accommodative, which in
turn should promote a stronger economic recovery and help to ensure that inflation, over time,
is at the rate most consistent with the Committee’s dual mandate.
The Committee will closely monitor incoming
information on economic and financial developments in coming months and will continue its
purchases of Treasury and agency mortgagebacked securities, and employ its other policy
tools as appropriate, until the outlook for the
labor market has improved substantially in a
context of price stability. In judging when to
moderate the pace of asset purchases, the Committee will, at its coming meetings, assess
whether incoming information continues to support the Committee’s expectation of ongoing
improvement in labor market conditions and
inflation moving back toward its longer-run
objective. Asset purchases are not on a preset
course, and the Committee’s decisions about
their pace will remain contingent on the Committee’s economic outlook as well as its assessment of the likely efficacy and costs of such
To support continued progress toward maximum employment and price stability, the Committee today reaffirmed its view that a highly
accommodative stance of monetary policy will


100th Annual Report | 2013

remain appropriate for a considerable time after
the asset purchase program ends and the economic recovery strengthens. In particular, the
Committee decided to keep the target range for
the federal funds rate at 0 to ¼ percent and currently anticipates that this exceptionally low
range for the federal funds rate will be appropriate at least as long as the unemployment rate
remains above 6½ percent, inflation between one
and two years ahead is projected to be no more
than a half percentage point above the Committee’s 2 percent longer-run goal, and longer-term
inflation expectations continue to be well
anchored. In determining how long to maintain
a highly accommodative stance of monetary
policy, the Committee will also consider other
information, including additional measures of
labor market conditions, indicators of inflation
pressures and inflation expectations, and readings on financial developments. When the Committee decides to begin to remove policy accommodation, it will take a balanced approach consistent with its longer-run goals of maximum
employment and inflation of 2 percent.”
Voting for this action: Ben Bernanke, William C.
Dudley, James Bullard, Charles L. Evans, Jerome H.
Powell, Eric Rosengren, Jeremy C. Stein, Daniel K.
Tarullo, and Janet L. Yellen.
Voting against this action: Esther L. George.
Ms. George dissented because she did not see the
continued aggressive easing of monetary policy as
warranted in the face of both actual and forecasted
improvements in the economy. In her view, the cumulative progress in labor markets justified taking steps
toward slowing the pace of the Committee’s asset
purchases. Moreover, market expectations for the size
of the purchase program had continued to escalate
despite that progress, increasing her concerns about
communications challenges and the potential costs
associated with asset purchases.
It was agreed that the next meeting of the Committee
would be held on Tuesday–Wednesday, December 17–18, 2013. The meeting adjourned at 12:05
p.m. on October 30, 2013.

Notation Vote
By notation vote completed on October 8, 2013, the
Committee unanimously approved the minutes of the
FOMC meeting held on September 17–18, 2013.

Videoconference meeting of October 16
On October 16, 2013, the Committee met by videoconference to discuss issues associated with contingencies in the event that the Treasury was temporarily unable to meet its obligations because the statutory federal debt limit was not raised. The meeting
covered issues similar to those discussed at the Committee’s videoconference meeting of August 1, 2011.
The staff provided an update on legislative developments bearing on the debt ceiling and the funding of
the federal government, recent conditions in financial
markets, technical aspects of the processing of federal payments, potential implications for bank supervision and regulatory policies, and possible actions
that the Federal Reserve could take if disruptions to
market functioning posed a threat to the Federal
Reserve’s economic objectives. Meeting participants
saw no legal or operational need in the event of
delayed payments on Treasury securities to make
changes to the conduct or procedures employed in
currently authorized Desk operations, such as open
market operations, large-scale asset purchases, or
securities lending, or to the operation of the discount
window. They also generally agreed that the Federal
Reserve would continue to employ prevailing market
values of securities in all its transactions and operations, under the usual terms. With respect to potential
additional actions, participants noted that the appropriate responses would depend importantly on the
actual conditions observed in financial markets.
Under certain circumstances, the Desk might act to
facilitate the smooth transmission of monetary
policy through money markets and to address disruptions in market functioning and liquidity. Supervisory policy would take into account and make
appropriate allowance for unusual market conditions.
The need to maintain the traditional separation of
the Federal Reserve’s actions from the Treasury’s
debt management decisions was noted. Participants
agreed that while the Federal Reserve should take
whatever steps it could, the risks posed to the financial system and to the broader economy by a delay in
payments on Treasury securities would be potentially
catastrophic, and thus such a situation should be
avoided at all costs.
William B. English

Minutes of Federal Open Market Committee Meetings | December

Meeting Held
on December 17–18, 2013
A meeting of the Federal Open Market Committee
was held in the offices of the Board of Governors of
the Federal Reserve System in Washington, D.C., on
Tuesday, December 17, 2013, at 1:00 p.m. and continued on Wednesday, December 18, 2013, at 8:30 a.m.

Ben Bernanke
William C. Dudley
Vice Chairman
James Bullard
Charles L. Evans
Esther L. George
Jerome H. Powell
Eric Rosengren
Jeremy C. Stein
Daniel K. Tarullo
Janet L. Yellen
Christine Cumming, Richard W. Fisher, Narayana
Kocherlakota, Sandra Pianalto, and Charles I. Plosser
Alternate Members of the Federal Open Market
Jeffrey M. Lacker, Dennis P. Lockhart,
and John C. Williams
Presidents of the Federal Reserve Banks of
Richmond, Atlanta, and San Francisco, respectively
William B. English
Secretary and Economist
Matthew M. Luecke
Assistant Secretary
David W. Skidmore
Assistant Secretary
Michelle A. Smith
Assistant Secretary
Scott G. Alvarez
General Counsel
Steven B. Kamin


David W. Wilcox
Thomas A. Connors, Troy Davig, Michael P. Leahy,
Stephen A. Meyer, and William Wascher
Associate Economists
Simon Potter
Manager, System Open Market Account
Michael S. Gibson
Director, Division of Banking Supervision and
Regulation, Board of Governors
Nellie Liang
Director, Office of Financial Stability Policy and
Research, Board of Governors
James A. Clouse and William Nelson
Deputy Directors, Division of Monetary Affairs,
Board of Governors
Jon W. Faust
Special Adviser to the Board, Office of Board
Members, Board of Governors
Linda Robertson
Assistant to the Board, Office of Board Members,
Board of Governors
Trevor A. Reeve
Senior Associate Director, Division of International
Finance, Board of Governors
Ellen E. Meade and Joyce K. Zickler
Senior Advisers, Division of Monetary Affairs,
Board of Governors
Eric M. Engen, Thomas Laubach, David E. Lebow,
and Michael G. Palumbo
Associate Directors, Division of Research and
Statistics, Board of Governors
Gretchen C. Weinbach
Associate Director, Division of Monetary Affairs,
Board of Governors
Marnie Gillis DeBoer
Deputy Associate Director, Division of Monetary
Affairs, Board of Governors
Diana Hancock
Deputy Associate Director, Division of Research and
Statistics, Board of Governors
Stacey Tevlin
Assistant Director, Division of Research and
Statistics, Board of Governors


100th Annual Report | 2013

Eric Engstrom
Section Chief, Division of Research and Statistics,
Board of Governors
David H. Small
Project Manager, Division of Monetary Affairs,
Board of Governors
Peter M. Garavuso
Records Management Analyst, Division of Monetary
Affairs, Board of Governors
John F. Moore
First Vice President, Federal Reserve Bank of
San Francisco
David Altig, Jeff Fuhrer, Loretta J. Mester,
and Mark S. Sniderman
Executive Vice Presidents, Federal Reserve Banks of
Atlanta, Boston, Philadelphia, and Cleveland,
Evan F. Koenig, Lorie K. Logan,
and Samuel Schulhofer-Wohl
Senior Vice Presidents, Federal Reserve Banks of
Dallas, New York, and Minneapolis, respectively
David Andolfatto, James P. Bergin, Jonas D. M.
Fisher, Sylvain Leduc, and Paolo A. Pesenti
Vice Presidents, Federal Reserve Banks of St. Louis,
New York, Chicago, San Francisco, and New York,
Robert L. Hetzel
Senior Economist, Federal Reserve Bank of

Developments in Financial Markets and
the Federal Reserve’s Balance Sheet
The Manager of the System Open Market Account
reported on developments in domestic and foreign
financial markets as well as System open market
operations during the period since the Federal Open
Market Committee (FOMC) met on October 29–30,
2013. The staff also presented an update on the
ongoing testing of overnight reverse repurchase
agreement (ON RRP) operations that the Committee
approved at its September meeting and that is scheduled to end on January 29, 2014. All operations to
date had proceeded smoothly. Participation in ON
RRP operations varied somewhat from day to day, in
part reflecting changes in the spread between market
rates on repurchase agreement transactions and the
rate offered in the Federal Reserve’s ON RRP operations. The staff reported that they saw potential benefits to extending the exercise and in January would

likely recommend a continuation along with possible
adjustments to program parameters that could provide additional insights into the demand for a potential facility and its efficacy in putting a floor on
money market rates.
Following the Manager’s report, the Committee considered a proposal to increase the caps on individual
allocations in the ON RRP test operations from
$1 billion to $3 billion per counterparty. The proposed increase in caps was intended to test the Desk’s
ability to manage somewhat larger operational flows
and to provide additional information about the
potential usefulness of ON RRP operations to affect
market interest rates when doing so becomes appropriate. Participants generally supported the proposal,
with one participant emphasizing the usefulness of
extending the end date of the program beyond the
end of January. However, some participants questioned the extent to which the proposed limited
increase in the caps would provide additional insights
about the operational aspects of the ON RRP program or the potential market effects of ON RRP
operations. A few participants suggested that it
would be useful to evaluate the potential role of an
ON RRP facility in the context of the Committee’s
plans for monetary policy implementation over the
medium and longer term.
Following the discussion, the Committee unanimously approved the following resolution:
“The Federal Open Market Committee authorizes an increase in the maximum allotment cap
for the series of fixed-rate, overnight reverse
repurchase operations approved on September 17, 2013, to $3 billion per counterparty per
day from its previous level of $1 billion per
counterparty per day. All other aspects of the
resolution remain unchanged.”
By unanimous vote, the Committee ratified the
Desk’s domestic transactions over the intermeeting
period. There were no intervention operations in foreign currencies for the System’s account over the
intermeeting period.
The staff presented a short briefing summarizing a
survey that was conducted over the intermeeting
period regarding participants’ views of the marginal
costs and marginal efficacy of asset purchases. Most
participants judged the marginal costs of asset purchases as unlikely to be sufficient, relative to their
marginal benefits, to justify ending the purchases

Minutes of Federal Open Market Committee Meetings | December

now or relatively soon; a few participants identified
some possible costs as being more substantial, indicating that the costs could justify ending purchases
now or relatively soon even if the Committee’s macroeconomic goals for the purchase program had not
yet been achieved. Participants were most concerned
about the marginal cost of additional asset purchases
arising from risks to financial stability, pointing out
that a highly accommodative stance of monetary
policy could provide an incentive for excessive risktaking in the financial sector. It was noted that the
risks to financial stability could be somewhat larger
in the case of asset purchases than in the case of
interest rate policy because purchases work in part by
affecting term premiums and policymakers have less
experience with term premium effects than with more
conventional interest rate policy. Participants also
expressed some concern that additional asset purchases increase the likelihood that the Federal
Reserve might at some point suffer capital losses. But
it was pointed out that the Federal Reserve’s asset
purchases would almost certainly provide significant
net income to the Treasury over the life of the program, especially when the effects of the program on
the broader economy were taken into account, and
that potential reputational risks to the Federal
Reserve arising from any future capital losses could
be mitigated by communicating that point to the
public. Further, participants noted that ongoing asset
purchases could increase the difficulty of managing
exit from the current highly accommodative policy
stance when the time came. Many participants, however, expressed confidence in the tools at the Federal
Reserve’s disposal for managing its balance sheet and
for normalizing the stance of policy at the appropriate time. Regarding the marginal efficacy of the purchase program, most participants viewed the program as continuing to support accommodative financial conditions, with a number of them pointing to
the importance of purchases in serving to enhance
the credibility of the Committee’s forward guidance
about the target federal funds rate. A majority of
participants judged that the marginal efficacy of purchases was likely declining as purchases continue,
although some noted the difficulty inherent in making such an assessment. A couple of participants
thought that the marginal efficacy of the program
was not declining, as evidenced by the substantial


effects in financial markets in recent months of news
about the likely path of purchases.

Staff Review of the Economic Situation
The information reviewed for the December 17–18
meeting indicated that economic activity was expanding at a moderate pace. Total payroll employment
increased further, and the unemployment rate
declined but remained elevated. Consumer price
inflation continued to run below the Committee’s
objective, although measures of longer-run inflation
expectations remained stable.
Total nonfarm payroll employment rose in October
and November at a faster monthly pace than in the
previous two quarters. The unemployment rate
declined, on net, from 7.2 percent in September to
7.0 percent in November. The labor force participation rate also decreased, on balance, and the
employment-to-population ratio in November was
the same as in September. The share of workers
employed part time for economic reasons declined
slightly while the rate of long-duration unemployment was little changed, but both measures were still
high. Other indicators were generally consistent with
gradually improving conditions in the labor market.
The rate of job openings edged up in recent months,
the share of small businesses reporting that they had
hard-to-fill positions increased, and the four-week
moving average of initial claims for unemployment
insurance trended down, on net, over the intermeeting period, although the rate of gross private-sector
hiring was still somewhat low. Measures of firms’ hiring plans remained higher than a year earlier, and
household expectations of the labor market situation
improved in early December.
Manufacturing production accelerated briskly in
October and November after increasing at a subdued
pace in the third quarter, and the gains were broad
based across industries. Automakers’ schedules indicated that the pace of light motor vehicle assemblies
would rise in December, and broader indicators of
manufacturing production, such as the readings on
new orders from the national and regional manufacturing surveys, were consistent with a further expansion in factory output in the coming months.


100th Annual Report | 2013

Real personal consumption expenditures (PCE)
increased modestly in the third quarter but rose at a
faster pace in September and October. The components of the nominal retail sales data used by the
Bureau of Economic Analysis to construct its estimate of PCE increased at a strong pace in November,
and light motor vehicle sales moved up significantly.
Moreover, recent information for key factors that
support household spending was consistent with further solid gains in PCE in the coming months.
Households’ net worth likely expanded as equity values and home prices increased further in recent
months; real disposable income rose, on net, in September and October; and consumer sentiment in the
Thomson Reuters/University of Michigan Surveys of
Consumers improved significantly in early December.
The pace of activity in the housing sector appeared
to continue to slow somewhat, likely reflecting the
higher level of mortgage rates since the spring. Starts
for both new single-family homes and multifamily
units increased, on balance, from August to November, but permits—which are typically a better indicator of the underlying pace of construction—rose
more gradually than starts over the same period.
Sales of existing homes and pending home sales
decreased further in October, although new home
sales rose in October after falling markedly in the
third quarter.
Growth in real private expenditures for business
equipment and intellectual property products was
subdued in the third quarter. In October, nominal
shipments of nondefense capital goods excluding aircraft edged down. However, nominal new orders for
these capital goods remained above the level of shipments, pointing to increases in shipments in subsequent months, and other forward-looking indicators,
such as surveys of business conditions, were generally
consistent with moderate gains in business equipment
spending in the near term. Real business spending for
nonresidential structures rose substantially in the
third quarter, but nominal expenditures for new business buildings declined slightly in October. Real nonfarm inventory investment increased noticeably in the
third quarter, but recent book-value data for
inventory-to-sales ratios, along with readings on
inventories from national and regional manufacturing surveys, did not point to significant inventory
imbalances in most industries.
Real federal government purchases declined somewhat in the third quarter but appeared likely to
decrease more substantially in the fourth quarter,

reflecting the effect of the temporary partial government shutdown in October and further cuts in
defense spending in October and November. Real
state and local government purchases rose markedly
in the third quarter. Moreover, the payrolls of these
governments continued to expand, on net, in October
and November, and nominal state and local construction expenditures increased in October.
The U.S. international trade deficit narrowed in
October as exports rose more than imports. The
gains in exports were fairly widespread across categories and were led by sales of consumer goods, industrial supplies, and agricultural products. The higher
value of imports reflected increases in services, consumer goods, and petroleum products that more than
offset lower purchases of computers, semiconductors,
and automotive products.
Total U.S. consumer price inflation, as measured by
the PCE price index, was less than 1 percent over the
12 months ending in October, in part because consumer energy prices declined over the same 12-month
period. In addition, core PCE price inflation—which
excludes consumer energy and food prices—was only
a little above 1 percent, partly reflecting subdued
increases in medical services prices and recent
declines in the prices of many nonfuel imported
goods. In November, the consumer price index (CPI)
was flat, and core CPI prices rose slightly faster than
in the preceding few months. Both near-term and
longer-term inflation expectations from the Michigan
survey were little changed, on net, in November and
early December.
Measures of labor compensation indicated that
increases in nominal wages continued to be modest.
Compensation per hour in the nonfarm business sector rose moderately over the year ending in the third
quarter, and unit labor costs moved up at a similar
pace as gains in productivity were small. The employment cost index expanded a little more slowly than
the compensation per hour measure over the same
yearlong period. The increase in nominal average
hourly earnings for all employees over the 12 months
ending in November was also modest.
Foreign economic activity strengthened in the third
quarter, as the euro area continued to recover from
its recent recession, economic growth picked up in
China after slowing in the first half of the year, and
the Mexican economy rebounded from a secondquarter contraction. Inflation slowed recently in
many advanced foreign economies, partly as a result

Minutes of Federal Open Market Committee Meetings | December

of a deceleration in prices for energy and other commodities. Monetary policy remained very accommodative in most advanced economies, but central
banks in some emerging market economies recently
tightened policy further to contain inflation and support the foreign exchange value of their currencies.

Staff Review of the Financial Situation
Financial market developments over the intermeeting
period appeared to be driven largely by incoming
data on employment and economic activity that
exceeded investor expectations as well as by Federal
Reserve communications.
Investors appeared to read the economic data
releases over the intermeeting period as better than
had been expected and therefore as raising the odds
that the FOMC might decide to reduce the pace of
asset purchases at its December meeting. Survey evidence suggested that market participants now saw
roughly similar probabilities of the first reduction in
the pace of asset purchases occurring at the December, January, or March meeting. Market expectations
regarding the timing of liftoff of the federal funds
rate seemed to be little changed over the period. In
part, a variety of Federal Reserve communications
were seen as strengthening the Committee’s forward
guidance for the federal funds rate and contributing
to the stability of expectations for the near-term path
of the federal funds rate in the face of an improved
economic outlook.
On net, judging by financial market quotes on interest rate futures, the expected federal funds rate path
through the end of 2015 moved only slightly since the
October FOMC meeting. The expected federal funds
rate path at longer horizons rose somewhat, and the
Treasury yield curve steepened, with the 2-year Treasury yield about unchanged but the 5- and 10-year
yields higher by 21 and 34 basis points, respectively.
The measure of 5-year inflation compensation based
on Treasury inflation-protected securities dipped
5 basis points, while the 5-year forward measure
increased 7 basis points. The 30-year current-coupon
yield on agency mortgage-backed securities increased
a bit more than the 10-year Treasury yield.
Stock prices were about unchanged, on net, over the
intermeeting period, even though some broad equity
price indexes temporarily touched all-time nominal
highs. Corporate risk spreads narrowed somewhat.


Business finance flows were robust over the intermeeting period. Gross equity issuance by the nonfinancial corporate sector in October and November
reached levels not seen in a decade. Gross bond issuance by nonfinancial corporations picked up again
after a dip related to the fiscal standoff in October.
Similarly, institutional issuance of leveraged loans
rose in October and November, and collateralized
loan obligation issuance remained strong.
Financing conditions in commercial real estate
(CRE) markets were consistent with increased confidence. Year-to-date issuance of commercial
mortgage-backed securities (CMBS) remained
strong, but far below levels seen before the financial
crisis. Responses to the December 2013 Senior Credit
Officer Opinion Survey on Dealer Financing Terms
(SCOOS) suggested that demand for funding for
CMBS picked up since September. CRE loans on
banks’ books expanded in October and November at
an increasing pace.
Automobile loans continued to expand in October,
and available data suggested that this trend was sustained in November. Automobile asset-backed securities (ABS) issuance accelerated in November, and
issuance of paper backed by subprime automobile
loans stayed strong. In contrast, credit card balances
moved sideways, and ABS issuance in that sector
stayed flat.
In the residential mortgage market, several large
lenders were reported to have eased their underwriting standards slightly, but data suggested that mortgage lenders generally continued to be reluctant to
lend to borrowers with less-than-pristine credit
scores. Mortgage rates rose over the intermeeting
period to levels about 100 basis points above their
early-May lows. On balance, refinancing applications
were down substantially since May while purchase
applications declined much less. House prices rose
significantly in October, but some indicators suggested that the pace of house price gains continued
to decelerate relative to earlier in the year.
Responses to the December SCOOS generally
showed little change in dealer-intermediated financing since September. Credit terms for most classes of
counterparties were little changed. One-third of
respondents reported a decline in the use of financial
leverage by trading real estate investment trusts,
whereas the use of financial leverage by other classes


100th Annual Report | 2013

of counterparties was basically unchanged. In
response to special questions in the survey, dealers
indicated that the current use of repurchase agreements or other forms of short-term funding for
longer-duration assets was roughly in line with or
somewhat below the levels seen early in 2013.
Bank credit rose slightly in October and November,
as growth in commercial and industrial loans, CRE
loans, and consumer loans was partially offset by
declines in the outstanding balances of closed-end
residential mortgages on banks’ books. Stock prices
for large and regional domestic banking firms outperformed the broad equity market over the intermeeting period amid better-than-expected economic
data and the settlement of mortgage-related litigation
by some large banking organizations. Spreads on
credit default swaps for the largest bank holding
companies also moved lower, on net.
M2 contracted in November, likely reflecting in part
portfolio reallocations by investors that had temporarily placed funds in bank deposits as a safe haven
during the recent federal debt limit impasse. Meanwhile, the monetary base continued to expand rapidly, primarily reflecting the increase in reserve balances resulting from the Federal Reserve’s asset
The foreign exchange value of the dollar appreciated
following the October FOMC meeting and the October employment report and ended the intermeeting
period higher on balance. A shift in market expectations toward easier monetary policy abroad may have
also boosted the exchange value of the dollar, most
notably against the Japanese yen, and equity prices in
Japan rose substantially further during the period. By
contrast, equity prices declined in many emerging
market economies; in some cases, those declines were
large and accompanied by sizable decreases in currency values and sovereign bond prices. European
equity prices were also lower over the period. Longterm benchmark sovereign yields in the United Kingdom and Canada increased, in line with, but somewhat less than, the rise in yields on comparable U.S.
Treasury securities. Yields on German sovereign
bonds, which reacted to a policy rate cut by the European Central Bank and the release of data showing
lower-than-expected euro-area inflation, were only
slightly higher on net.
The staff’s periodic report on potential risks to financial stability concluded that the vulnerability of the
financial system to adverse shocks remained at mod-

erate levels overall. Relatively strong capital profiles
of large domestic banking firms, low levels and moderate growth of aggregate credit in the nonfinancial
sectors, and some reduction in reliance on short-term
wholesale funding across the financial sector were
seen as factors supporting financial stability in the
current environment. Valuations in most asset markets seemed broadly in line with historical norms.
However, the staff report noted that the complexity
and interconnectedness of large financial institutions,
along with some apparent increases in investor appetite for higher-yielding assets and associated pressures on underwriting standards remained potential
sources of risk to the financial system.

Staff Economic Outlook
In the economic projection prepared by the staff for
the December FOMC meeting, the forecast for
growth in real gross domestic product (GDP) in the
second half of this year was revised up a little from
the one prepared for the previous meeting, as the
recent information on private domestic final
demand—particularly consumer spending—was
somewhat better, on balance, than the staff had
anticipated. The staff’s medium-term forecast for real
GDP growth was also revised up slightly, reflecting a
small reduction in fiscal restraint from the recent federal budget agreement, which the staff assumed
would be enacted; a lower anticipated trajectory for
longer-term interest rates; and higher paths for equity
values and home prices. Those factors, in total, more
than offset a higher path for the foreign exchange
value of the dollar. The staff continued to project
that real GDP would expand more quickly over the
next few years than it has this year and would rise
significantly faster than the growth rate of potential
output. This acceleration in economic activity was
expected to be supported by an easing in the effects
of fiscal policy restraint on economic growth,
increases in consumer and business sentiment, continued improvements in credit availability and financial conditions, a further easing of the economic
stresses in Europe, and still-accommodative monetary policy. The expansion in economic activity was
anticipated to slowly reduce resource slack over the
projection period, and the unemployment rate was
expected to decline gradually to the staff’s estimate
of its longer-run natural rate.
The staff’s forecast for inflation was quite similar to
the projection prepared for the previous FOMC
meeting. The near-term forecast for inflation was
revised down slightly to reflect some recent softer-

Minutes of Federal Open Market Committee Meetings | December

than-expected data. The staff continued to forecast
that inflation would be modest, on net, through early
next year but higher than its low level in the first half
of this year. The staff’s projection for inflation over
the medium term was essentially unchanged. With
longer-run inflation expectations assumed to remain
stable, changes in commodity and import prices
expected to be measured, and slack in labor and
product markets persisting over most of the projection period, inflation was projected to be subdued
through 2016.
The staff viewed the uncertainty around the projection for economic activity as similar to its average
over the past 20 years. Nonetheless, the risks to the
forecast for real GDP growth were viewed as tilted to
the downside, reflecting concerns that the extent of
supply-side damage to the economy since the recession could prove greater than assumed; that the tightening in mortgage rates since last spring could exert
greater restraint on the housing recovery than had
been projected; that economic and financial stresses
in emerging market economies and the euro area
could intensify; and that, with the target federal
funds rate already near its lower bound, the U.S.
economy was not well positioned to weather future
adverse shocks. However, the staff viewed the risks
around the projection for the unemployment rate as
roughly balanced, with the risk of a higher unemployment rate resulting from adverse developments
roughly countered by the possibility that the unemployment rate could continue to fall more than
expected, as it had in recent years. The staff did not
see the uncertainty around its outlook for inflation as
unusually high, and the risks to that outlook were
viewed as broadly balanced.

Participants’ Views on Current Conditions
and the Economic Outlook
In conjunction with this FOMC meeting, the meeting
participants—5 members of the Board of Governors
and the presidents of the 12 Federal Reserve Banks,
all of whom participated in the deliberations—submitted their assessments of real output growth, the
unemployment rate, inflation, and the target federal
funds rate for each year from 2013 through 2016 and
over the longer run, under each participant’s judgment of appropriate monetary policy. The longer-run
projections represent each participant’s assessment of
the rate to which each variable would be expected to
converge, over time, under appropriate monetary
policy and in the absence of further shocks to the
economy. These economic projections and policy


assessments are described in the Summary of Economic Projections (SEP), which is attached as an
addendum to these minutes.
In their discussion of the economic situation and the
outlook, meeting participants viewed the information
received over the intermeeting period as suggesting
that the economy was expanding at a moderate pace.
They generally indicated that the broad contours of
their outlook for real activity, the labor market, and
inflation had not changed materially since their October meeting, but most expressed greater confidence in
the outlook and saw the risks associated with their
forecasts of real GDP growth and the unemployment
rate as more nearly balanced than earlier in the year.
Almost all participants continued to project that the
rate of growth of economic activity would strengthen
in coming years, and all anticipated that the unemployment rate would gradually decline toward levels
consistent with their current assessments of its
longer-run normal value. The projected improvement
in economic activity was expected to be supported by
highly accommodative monetary policy, diminished
fiscal policy restraint, and a pickup in global economic growth, as well as a further easing of credit
conditions and continued improvements in household balance sheets. Inflation remained below the
Committee’s longer-run objective over the intermeeting period. Nevertheless, participants still anticipated
that with longer-run inflation expectations stable and
economic activity picking up, inflation would move
back toward its objective over the medium run. But
they noted that inflation persistently below the Committee’s objective would pose risks to economic performance and so saw a need to monitor inflation
developments carefully.
Consumer spending appeared to be strengthening,
with solid gains in retail sales in recent months and a
rebound in motor vehicle sales in November. On balance, retail contacts reportedly were fairly optimistic
about holiday sales. Participants cited a number of
factors that likely contributed to the recent pickup in
spending, including the waning effects of the payroll
tax increase that had trimmed disposable income earlier in the year, the drop in energy costs, and the
recent improvement in consumer sentiment. More
broadly, spending was being supported by gains in
household wealth associated with rising house prices
and equity values, the still-low level of interest rates,
and the progress that households have made in reducing debt and strengthening their balance sheets.
These favorable trends were generally anticipated to
continue and to be accompanied by stronger real dis-


100th Annual Report | 2013

posable income as labor market conditions improve
and inflation remains low.
Activity in the housing sector slowed in recent
months. Some participants noted that the increase in
mortgage interest rates since the spring was having a
greater effect on that sector than they had anticipated
earlier. Despite the recent softening, participants discussed a number of factors that should support a
continued recovery in housing going forward. These
included expectations that mortgage interest rates
would remain relatively favorable, that rising home
values would boost household wealth and further
reduce the number of borrowers with underwater
mortgages, that consumer incomes and confidence
would continue to rise as employment expanded, and
that a pickup in household formation would support
the demand for housing.
Business investment appeared to be advancing at a
moderate rate. A number of the fundamental determinants of business investment were positive: Business balance sheets remained in good shape, cash
flow was ample, and input costs were subdued. Business contacts in a number of Districts were reportedly somewhat more confident about the outlook
than they had been earlier in the fall, but a couple of
participants reported that their contacts continued to
focus on investments intended to reduce costs and
were still cautious regarding investment to expand
capacity, or that concerns about health care costs
were holding back hiring. In the manufacturing sector, production appeared to be increasing at a solid
rate according to both national and most of the
regional surveys of activity, and the available indexes
of future activity continued to suggest optimism
among firms. Renewed export demand and a buildup
in auto inventories, which may be reversed in 2014,
were cited as contributing to the recent gains in production. Participants heard positive reports from
their contacts in the technology, rail, freight, and airline industries, and activity in the energy sector
remained strong. In agriculture, record yields were
reported for corn and soybeans, but farm income was
being reduced by lower crop prices. Measures of
farmland values were still rising, but anecdotal
reports suggested softening in some areas.
Fiscal policy continued to restrain economic growth.
However, participants generally judged that the
extent of the restraint may have begun to diminish as
the effects of the payroll tax increases earlier in the
year seem to have waned, and the drag on real activity from restrictive fiscal policies was expected to

decline further going forward. Moreover, a number
of participants observed that the prospect that the
Congress would shortly reach an accord on the budget seemed to be reducing uncertainty and lowering
the risks that might be associated with a disruptive
political impasse.
Committee participants generally viewed the
increases in nonfarm payroll employment of more
than 200,000 per month in October and November
and the decline in the unemployment rate to 7 percent as encouraging signs of ongoing improvement in
labor market conditions. Several cited other indicators of progress in the labor market, such as the
decline in new claims for unemployment insurance,
the uptrend in quits, or the rise in the number of
small businesses reporting job openings that were
hard to fill. Participants exchanged views on the
extent to which the decrease in labor force participation over recent years represented cyclical weakness
in the labor market that was not adequately captured
by the unemployment rate. Some participants cited
research that found that demographic and other
structural factors, particularly rising retirements by
older workers, accounted for much of the recent
decline in participation. However, several others continued to see important elements of cyclical weakness
in the low labor force participation rate and cited
other indicators of considerable slack in the labor
market, including the still-high levels of longduration unemployment and of workers employed
part time for economic reasons and the stilldepressed ratio of employment to population for
workers ages 25 to 54. In addition, although a couple
of participants had heard reports of labor shortages,
particularly for workers with specialized skills, most
measures of wages had not accelerated. A few participants noted the risk that the persistent weakness
in labor force participation and low rates of productivity growth might indicate lasting structural economic damage from the financial crisis and ensuing
Inflation continued to run noticeably below the Committee’s longer-run objective of 2 percent, but participants anticipated that it would move back toward
2 percent over time as the economic recovery
strengthened and longer-run inflation expectations
remained steady. Several participants suggested that
some of the factors that had held down inflation
recently, such as the slowing in price increases for
medical care and banking services, were likely to
prove transitory. Some participants suggested that
inflation, while low, was unlikely to slow further,

Minutes of Federal Open Market Committee Meetings | December

pointing to core, trimmed mean, or sticky-price inflation measures as indicative of fairly steady underlying price trends; most measures of wage gains were
also steady. Nonetheless, many participants expressed
concern about the deceleration in consumer prices
over the past year, and a couple pointed out that a
number of other advanced economies were also experiencing very low inflation. Among the costs of very
low or declining inflation that were cited were its
effects in raising real interest rates and debt burdens.
A few participants raised the possibility that recent
declines in inflation might suggest that the economic
recovery was not as strong as some thought.
Domestic financial markets were influenced importantly over the intermeeting period by Federal
Reserve communications and by economic data that
were generally better than market participants
expected. These factors apparently led market participants to raise the odds they assigned to a reduction in the pace of asset purchases at the December
meeting, and to leave roughly unchanged their expectations for the timing of the first increase in the target federal funds rate. A number of participants
noted that current market expectations were reasonably well aligned with the Committee’s recent policy
Participants also reviewed indicators of financial vulnerabilities that could pose risks to financial stability
and the broader economy. These indicators generally
suggested that such risks were moderate, in part
because of the reduction in leverage and maturity
transformation that has occurred in the financial sector since the onset of the financial crisis. In their discussion of potential risks, several participants commented on the rise in forward price-to-earnings ratios
for some small-cap stocks, the increased level of
equity repurchases, or the rise in margin credit. One
pointed to the increase in issuance of leveraged loans
this year and the apparent decline in the average
quality of such loans. A couple of participants
offered views on the role of financial stability in
monetary policy decisionmaking more broadly. One
proposed that the Committee analyze more explicitly
the potential consequences of specific risks to the
financial system for its dual-mandate objectives and
take account of the possible effects of monetary
policy on such risks in its assessment of appropriate
policy. Another suggested that the importance of
financial stability considerations in the Committee’s
deliberations would likely increase over time as progress is made toward the Committee’s objectives, and
that such considerations should be incorporated into


forward guidance for the federal funds rate and asset
In their discussion of the appropriate path for monetary policy, participants considered whether the
cumulative improvement in labor market conditions
since the asset purchase program began in September 2012 and the associated improvement in the outlook for the labor market warranted a reduction in
the pace of asset purchases. The most recent data
showed that increases in nonfarm payroll employment had averaged around 190,000 per month for the
past 15 months, and the unemployment rate had
fallen more quickly over that period than most participants had expected. Moreover, participants generally anticipated that the improvement in labor market
conditions would continue, and most had become
more confident in that outlook. Against this backdrop, most participants saw a reduction in the pace
of purchases as appropriate at this meeting and consistent with the Committee’s previous policy communications. Many commented that progress to date
had been meaningful, and some expressed the view
that the criterion of substantial improvement in the
outlook for the labor market was likely to be met in
the coming year if the economy evolved as expected.
However, several participants stressed that the unemployment rate remained elevated, that a range of
other indicators had shown less progress toward levels consistent with a full recovery in the labor market,
and that the projected pickup in economic growth
was not assured. Some participants also questioned
whether slowing the pace of purchases at a time
when inflation was running well below the Committee’s longer-run objective was appropriate. For some,
the considerable slack remaining in the labor market
and shortfall of inflation from the Committee’s
longer-run objective warranted continuing asset purchases at the current pace for a time in order to wait
for additional information confirming sustained
progress toward the Committee’s objectives or to
promote faster progress toward those objectives.
Among those inclined to begin to reduce the pace of
asset purchases at this meeting, many favored a modest initial reduction accompanied by guidance indicating that decisions regarding future reductions
would depend on economic and financial developments as well as the efficacy and costs of purchases.
Some other participants preferred a larger reduction
in purchases at this meeting and future reductions
that would bring the program to a close relatively
quickly. A few proposed that the Committee lay out,
either at this meeting or subsequently, a more deterministic path for winding down the program or that


100th Annual Report | 2013

it announce a fixed amount of additional purchases
and an expected completion date, thereby reducing
uncertainty about the trajectory of the purchase
Participants also considered the potential for clarifying or strengthening the Committee’s forward guidance for the federal funds rate. In general, participants who favored amending the forward guidance
saw a need to more fully communicate how, if the
unemployment rate threshold was reached first, the
Committee would likely set monetary policy after
that threshold was crossed. A number of participants
pointed out that the federal funds rate paths underlying the economic forecasts that they prepared for this
meeting, as well as expectations for the funds rate
path priced into financial markets, were consistent
with the view that the Committee would not raise the
federal funds rate until well after the time that the
threshold was crossed. A few participants discussed
the potential advantages and disadvantages of using
medians of the projections of the federal funds rate
from the SEP as a means of communicating the likely
path of short-term interest rates. Some worried that,
if the Committee began to reduce asset purchases,
market expectations might shift, and they wanted to
reinforce the forward guidance to mitigate the risks
of an undesired tightening of financial conditions
that could have adverse effects on the economy. In
light of their concern that inflation might continue to
run well below the Committee’s longer-run objective,
several participants saw the need to clearly convey
that inflation remains an important consideration in
adjusting the target funds rate. Participants debated
the advantages and disadvantages of lowering the
unemployment rate threshold provided in the forward guidance. In the view of the few participants
who advocated such a change, a lower threshold
would be a clear signal of the Committee’s intentions
and was an appropriate adjustment in light of recent
labor market and inflation trends. In contrast, a few
others expressed concern that any change in the
threshold might be confusing and could undermine
the credibility of the Committee’s forward guidance.
Most were inclined to retain the current thresholds
for the unemployment and inflation rates and to
instead provide qualitative guidance regarding the
Committee’s likely behavior after a threshold was

Committee Policy Action
Committee members viewed the information received
over the intermeeting period as indicating that the

economy was expanding at a moderate pace. Labor
market conditions had improved in recent months,
with monthly gains in payroll employment of more
than 200,000 in October and November. The unemployment rate had declined but remained elevated.
Household spending and business fixed investment
advanced, while the recovery