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2013 Americas Center Annual Review



A Note from Americas Center Director Stephen Kay
The Americas Center's Purpose









A Note from Americas Center Director Stephen Kay

The Atlanta Fed has longstanding ties to the Americas. In 2005, to ensure that Atlanta Fed staff work together effectively and
communicate efficiently with all of our constituencies, we launched the Americas Center. Since then, the Americas Center has
been a vibrant hub of cooperation among Atlanta Fed staff, who have collaborated extensively with the Bank's external
partners. In 2013, the Americas Center continued to exhibit thought leadership on key policy and regulatory issues of direct
relevance to the Bank's mission. Examples of these efforts include:
• A Miami conference on "Banking Challenges and Opportunities in an Era of Global Crisis: Prospects for South Florida
and Latin America," cosponsored with the Florida International Bankers Association.
• The Retail Payments Office's work in support of the Western Hemisphere Payments Initiative, which would establish a
regional payments hub that would link many payment systems of the hemisphere's central banks.
• The Workshop on International Economics, cosponsored with New York University's Stern School of Business, which
featured new research from leading economists.
• The Miami Branch's leadership role in the bilingual rollout of the new $100 note.
In addition to these and other accomplishments highlighted in this Annual Review, the Sixth Federal Reserve District's ties to Latin America have
flourished and the Americas Center's range of activity has expanded. In day-to-day operations, Atlanta Fed colleagues continued to collaborate with one
another to improve their understanding of the region. In banking supervision, our multilingual specialists provided foreign technical assistance. The
Country Risk and Foreign Banking Organization (FBO) Analysis team enhanced their analysis of country and regional banking sector risk fundamentals
and their linkages to global developments. Atlanta Fed Cash Operations in the Miami Branch, which serves 38 countries in Latin America and the
Caribbean, met the challenges of providing U.S. banknotes for foreign institutions.
In 2013, the Americas Center worked with stakeholders in the Atlanta Fed and the Federal Reserve System, as well as public and private stakeholders,
to provide leadership in key supervisory, financial, and economic matters. In 2014, as we enter our 10th year, we will build on this foundation.
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The Americas Center's Purpose

The Americas Center, launched in 2005, is a cooperative initiative among the Federal Reserve System's Retail Payments Office, based in Atlanta, and
the Atlanta Fed's Supervision and Regulation, Research, and Operations and Administrative Services divisions. The center provides a framework for
collaboration among Bank staff whose responsibilities relate to the Americas and Spain. This collaboration enables the Bank more effectively to leverage
its strengths and integrate its resources to serve internal and external constituencies through a wide variety of initiatives. These efforts include
sponsoring policy conferences, analyzing key regional banking and economic trends in the area, participating in exchange programs, providing technical
assistance, and conducting public outreach and educational activities.
Our mission: To provide leadership to fulfill the Bank's responsibility in key supervisory, financial, and economic matters related to the Americas by
fostering effective cross-functional collaboration and communication among Bank, System, public, and private stakeholders.
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2013 Highlights

Sixth District cash operations
The Miami Branch of the Atlanta Fed serves as one of two primary Fed offices that help satisfy global
demand for U.S. banknotes and coins, making payments to and accepting deposits from financial
institutions that have included several central banks throughout Latin America and the Caribbean. In
2013, the Miami Branch provided cash services to 38 countries in the region, including the dollarized
nations of Panama, Ecuador, and El Salvador. The domain of international cash services comprises
half of the Miami Branch's total cash activity. The Miami Branch works closely with System partners at
the Federal Reserve Bank of New York and the Board of Governors and regularly hosts personnel
from global wholesale banknote dealers as well as central banks.
Leadership in supporting innovation in international payments
The Retail Payments Office (RPO) continued to perform its leadership role in supporting international
payments and innovation in the Americas and globally. The Federal Reserve's FedGlobal ACH
services currently reach 35 countries including 13 in the Americas, and it continued to carry out
initiatives to increase its corridor reach and international service offerings last year. Following is a
snapshot of several key initiatives pursued in 2013.
The Dodd-Frank 1073 regulation, implemented in May 2013, was in part intended to increase
transparency in cross-border remittances. Many U.S. financial institutions expressed concern about
the challenges of adhering to the new regulation and about the possible discontinuation of
international service. To help minimize barriers for Federal Reserve financial services customers, the
RPO developed tools to help them facilitate compliance with the regulation requirements.
The RPO sponsored a number of outreach efforts in 2013 to increase awareness and promote adoption of its FedGlobal ACH Directo a México service.
For example, the RPO helped develop partnerships among the Central Bank of Mexico, the Institute for Mexicans Abroad, NACHA, and U.S. regional
payments associations. The RPO also collaborated with the Mexican Ministry of Foreign Affairs to help develop banking opportunities for underserved
The RPO issued a request for proposals (RFP) in
$100 Note Rolls Out in Miami
November 2013 to support its expansion strategy
On October 8, 2013, the Miami Branch hosted a
regarding its corridor reach and service offerings. The
news conference announcing the official rollout of
RFP was released to approximately 80 recipients,
the newly designed $100 note. Paul Graham and
Sandy Juárez described the security features of the
including central banks, financial institutions, service
new note. The event received press coverage from
providers, and clearing and settlement entities.
local and national media, including Associated
Collaboration continued in 2013 with the Center for Latin
Press, Bloomberg, the Miami Herald, Fox, CBS,
American Monetary Studies (or CEMLA) on
ABC, and the South Florida Business Journal. Of
interconnectivity feasibility through FedGlobal ACH for a the five Federal Reserve offices that hosted a media
number of Latin American central banks. In-person
event onsite, the Miami Branch was the only location
meetings and educational webinars were held to discuss that had Spanish-language media coverage.
service overviews and connectivity opportunities.
Developing effective national and regional consolidated supervision best practices
In 2013, Atlanta Fed's International Supervision/Country Risk and Foreign Banking Organization
(FBO) Analysis staff visited Spain, Brazil, and Colombia. These visits continue to support International
Supervision's core responsibilities under the Foreign Bank Supervision Program and evolving DoddFrank Act guidance, including Recovery and Resolution Planning. In Spain, FBO and supervision staff
participated in a supervisory college, hosted by the Bank of Spain and attended by regulators from
around the world. One of the key objectives of regulatory colleges is to improve communication
among the host supervisors from countries where global banks have a presence.
International Supervision staff also hosted an interagency regulatory conference at the Miami Branch. The meeting was designed to improve
communication among various state, federal, and foreign regulatory agency supervisors. These opportunities to meet with regulatory counterparts
continued to support the Americas Center's mission to build solid working relationships across the region and thereby gain a more in-depth
understanding of evolving risks and trends.
International Supervision supported the Federal Reserve System's foreign technical assistance initiatives in 2013. Atlanta Fed supervision staff,
representing diverse areas of technical expertise, served as instructors at programs hosted by foreign regulatory agencies and multilateral organizations
and held in Mexico, Ecuador, Peru, Uruguay, India, France, and the United Arab Emirates. Staff also instructed examination staff representing several
foreign regulatory agencies in schools held in Washington, D.C.; Chicago; and San Francisco. Noteworthy was the Atlanta Fed staff's instructor
participation for the 16th consecutive year at the Bank Analysis and Examination School held in Lima, Peru. This one-week school is part of a threemonth course for students and bank examiners from throughout the Americas. It is organized by the Peruvian Banking Superintendency and sponsored
by the Association of Supervisors of Banks of the Americas located in Mexico City. The class, taught in Spanish, included students from Peru, Brazil,
Mexico, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Honduras, Uruguay, Paraguay, Ecuador, El Salvador, and Haiti.

Building a better understanding of the economies of Examining Trends in the International
the Americas
In November and December, the Americas Center
The Americas Center and the Florida International
hosted two workshops devoted to international
Bankers Association (FIBA) organized an outreach
economics. In the International Macro Workshop,
program geared toward international and foreign
banks located in the Miami market. The forum,
cosponsored with New York University, economists
"Banking Challenges and Opportunities in an Era of
presented leading-edge research on monetary policy,
Global Crisis: Prospects for South Florida and Latin
sovereign debt, and firms in the open economy.
America," featured presentations by Atlanta Fed
Highlights include the papers "Dynamics of Firms and
specialists, private bankers, and regulatory
Trade in General Equilibrium"— by Robert Dekle, Hyeok authorities. The panels examined trends in South
Jeong, and Nobuhiro Kiyotaki—and "Global Imbalances Florida's international economy (in the real estate,
trade, and wealth management sectors),
and Structural Change in the United States"—by Lee
developments in the international payments arena,
Ohanian, Paulina Restrepo-Echavarria, and Mark L.J.
and evolving regulatory guidance for Europe, Latin
Wright. At the Southeastern International Development
America, and the United States.
Economics workshop, cosponsored with Georgia State
University, economists from regional universities
presented new research on a range of topics related to economic development. Atlanta Fed
economists Julie Hotchkiss and Myriam Quispe-Agnoli presented "The Impact of the Community's
Financial Structure on Firm Survival." The papers from both meetings are available on the Americas
Center website.
The Americas Center partnered with the BrazilAmerican Chamber of Commerce of the Southeast, the Brazilian Consulate in Atlanta, the Fundação
Getulio Vargas (FGV), and the World Affairs Council of Atlanta to conduct a morning briefing on "The
2014 Brazilian Economic Outlook: World Cup and Beyond." Atlanta Fed President and CEO Dennis
Lockhart welcomed the guests and spoke about the Americas Center's connections to Brazil. FGV
economist Fernando de Holanda spoke about Brazil's serious economic challenges in 2014.
Ambassador Hermano Ribeiro discussed Brazil's foreign policy. Georgia Tech professor Kirk Bowman
gave his assessment of Brazil's preparation for this summer's World Cup. The meeting featured frank
discussion of Brazil's current economic and political challenges.
In October, Lockhart interviewed Chilean Ambassador Felipe Bulnes at a luncheon at Atlanta's
Commerce Club that was sponsored by the World Affairs Council. Dennis's questions focused on
Chile's economic challenges, bilateral relations, and domestic politics.
Throughout the year, Atlanta Fed economists developed new research on a range of topics related to
the Americas, including immigration, remittances, and pensions. Quispe-Agnoli and Hotchkiss
published two new articles on immigration, including "Does Employing Undocumented Workers Give
Firms a Competitive Advantage?" (with David J. Brown) in the Journal of Regional Science and "The
Expected Impact of State Immigration Legislation on Labor Market Outcomes" in the Journal of Policy
Analysis and Management. They also presented "Threatening to Defect: The Impact of
Undocumented Workers on Support for the Democrats" (with Nicole Baerg) at the Southern Economic
Association Meetings in Tampa, Florida, in November 2013.
Federico Mandelman's article "Monetary and Exchange Rate Policy under Remittance Fluctuations" was published in the Journal of Development
Economics. Federico also wrote two Atlanta Fed working papers: "Labor Market Polarization and International Macroeconomic Dynamics" and "Flexible
Prices, Labor Market Frictions, and the Response of Employment to Technology Shocks" (with Francesco Zanetti). Stephen Kay coauthored the chapter
on Brazil in Social Security Coverage Extension in the BRICS, published by the International Social Security Association.
Spanish and Portuguese translations reach a wide audience
The Americas Center seeks to reach audiences throughout the hemisphere through its many
translations of original Atlanta Fed content that are featured on its website. In fact, each year, the most
widely viewed EconSouth magazine articles are those that were translated into Spanish and
Portuguese. The most popular article each year for the past several years is a Portuguese translation
of an article on China's economic growth. The Americas Center site also features translations of
supervisory documents and blog posts on international payments. In 2013, new articles were added
on Mexico's manufacturing sector and European sovereign debt.
Dissertation internship program attracks the best and brightest
Each year, the Americas Center invites doctoral candidates who are writing dissertations in the field of
economics on topics that have a direct link to Latin America and the Caribbean to apply for a summer
dissertation internship. The students are expected to make significant progress on their dissertation
during their stay, and are asked to make two presentations of their research and be available for
consultation with staff. In 2013, Alvaro Pedraza of the University of Maryland was selected. Alvaro's
dissertation is titled "Strategic Interactions in Money Management: Theory and Evidence."
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Americas Center Structure

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Americas Center Director

Stephen Kay
Senior Economist
Research Department


Steering Committee






Americas Center Structure

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Americas Center Director


Ana Castilla
Regional Community Development Director
Community Affairs
Miami Branch
Laurel Graefe
REIN Director
Research Department
Paul Graham
Assistant Vice President
Miami Branch
George Holguin
Country Manager/Senior FBO Analyst
International Banking Supervision
Nancy Jaimes
Director, Country Risk and FBO Analysis Unit
International Banking Supervision
Miami Branch
David Jimenez
FBO Analyst
International Banking Supervision
Miami Branch
Jorge Jimenez
RPO Product Development Director
FedGlobal ACH
Sandy Juárez

Steering Committee

Director, Project Management
District Cash Function Office
Operations and Administrative Services
New Orleans Branch
Roxana Maneiro
Country Manager/Senior FBO Analyst
International Banking Supervision
Miami Branch






Americas Center Structure

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Americas Center Director


Joan Buchanan
Vice President
Office of Minority and Women Inclusion
Nell Campbell-Drake
Vice President
Retail Payments Office
Michael J. Chriszt
Vice President and Public Information Officer
Public Affairs
Todd Greene
Vice President
Community and Economic Development
Mary Kepler
Vice President and Chief Risk Officer
Risk and Compliance
Juan Sanchez
Vice President
International Banking Supervision/Outreach
Paula Tkac
Vice President and Senior Economist
Molly Willison
Assistant Vice President
International/Community Banking Supervision
Miami Branch

Steering Committee