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98 STAT. 1576

PUBLIC LAW 98-412—AUG. 30, 1984

Public Law 98-412
98th Congress
Joint Resolution
Aug. 30, 1984
[H.J. Res. 600]

To amend the Agriculture and Food Act of 1981 to provide for the establishment of a
commission to study and make recommendations concerning agriculture-related
trade and export policies, programs, and practices of the United States.

Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the
United States of America in Congress assembled, That title XII of
the Agriculture and Food Act of 1981 is amended by inserting after
subtitle B a new subtitle C as follows:
Trade and
Export Policy
Commission Act.


7 u s e 1691 note.

"SEC. 1217. This subtitle may be cited as the 'Agricultural Trade
and Export Policy Commission Act',


7 u s e 1691 note.

"SEC. 1218. (a) Congress finds that—
"(1) the economic well-being of the Nation's agricultural industry is directly related to its ability to compete in international markets; and
"(2) a thorough examination of agriculture-related trade and
export policies, programs, and practices of the United States is
needed to ensure that such policies, programs, and practices
increase the competitiveness of United States agricultural commodities and products in international markets.
"(b) It is hereby declared to be the policy of Congress to expand
international trade in United States agricultural commodities and
products and to develop, maintain, and expand markets for United
States agricultural exports.

Commission on
Trade and
Export Policy,
7 u s e 1291 note.
President of U.S.

"SEC. 1219. (a) There is established a National Commission on
Agricultural Trade and Export Policy to conduct a study of the
agriculture-related trade and export policies, programs, and practices of the United States.
"(b) In addition to the ex officio congressional members specified
in subsection (c) of this section, the Commission shall be composed of
twenty-three members appointed or designated by the President and
selected as follows:
"(1) The President shall select three members from among
officers or employees of the Executive branch who shall serve in
an ex officio capacity without voting rights; and
"(2) The President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker
of the House of Representatives shall each select ten members
from among private citizens of the United States to represent
industries that are directly affected by agriculture-related trade

PUBLIC LAW 98-412—AUG. 30, 1984

98 STAT. 1577

and export policies, programs, and practices of the United
States, including, but not limited to, the following:
"(A) producers of major agricultural commodities in the
United States;
"(B) processors or refiners of United States agricultural
"(C) exporters, transporters, or shippers of United States
agricultural commodities and products to foreign countries;
"(D) suppliers of production equipment or materials to
United States farmers;
"(E) providers of financing or credit for domestic and
export agricultural purposes; and
"(F) organizations representing general farm and rural
interests in the United States.
"(c) The chairmen and ranking minority members of the House
Committee on Agriculture, the Senate Committee on Agriculture,
Nutrition, and Forestry, the House Committee on Foreign Affairs,
the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, the House Committee
on Ways and Means, and the Senate Committee on Finance shall
serve as ex officio members of the Commission and shall have the
same voting rights as the members of the Commission selected and
appointed under the provisions of subsection (bX2) of this section.
The chairmen and ranking minority members may desigpnate other
members of their respective committees to serve in their stead as
members of the Commission.
"(d) A vacancy in the Commission shall be filled in the manner in
which the original appointment was made.
"(e) The Commission shall elect a chairman from among the
members of the Commission who are selected and appointed under
the provisions of subsection (bX2) of this section.
"(f) The Commission shall meet at the call of the chairman or a
majority of the Commission.



"SEC. 1220. The Commission shall study the agriculture-related 7 use 1691 note.
trade and export policies, programs, and practices of the United
States and the international and domestic factors affecting such
policies, programs, and practices, including the intergovernmental
activities of the United States that affect the formulation of policies.
In conducting the study, the Commission shall consider, among
other things, the following:
"(1) the effectiveness of existing agricultural export assistance
programs, and the manner in which they can be improved;
"(2) new export assistance programs that should be considered, and the conditions under which they can be implemented;
"(3) practices of foreign countries that impede the export of
United States agricultural commodities and products, and appropriate responses for the United States;
"(4) the effectiveness of the trade agreements program of the
United States with respect to agriculture-related trade and
exports, and the manner in which it can be improved;
"(5) international economic trends that affect agricultural
exports, and the manner in which the United States can best
adjust its policies, programs, and practices to meet changing
economic conditions;

98 STAT. 1578

PUBLIC LAW 98-412—AUG. 30, 1984
"(6) potential areas of conflict and compatibility between
international agricultural trade and foreign food assistance
programs, and the manner in which any conflict can be resolved; and
"(7) the relationship between international agricultural trade
and foreign economic development and food programs, and the
manner in which they can be made more compatible.

7 use 1691 note.

"SEC. 1221. (a) On the basis of its study, the Commission shall
make findings and develop recommendations for consideration by
the President and Congress with respect to the agriculture-related
trade and export policies, programs, and practices of the United
States, and the manner in which such policies, programs, and
practices can be improved to better develop, maintain, and expand
markets for United States agricultural exports.
"(b) The Commission shall submit to the President and Congress—
"(1) a report containing its initial findings and recommendations by March 31,1985,
"(2) such additional interim reports on its work as may be
requested by the chairman of any of the Committees set forth in
section 1219(c) of this subtitle, and
"(3) a report containing the final results of its study and its
recommendations therefrom by July 1,1986.

7 use 1691 note.

5 use 5101 et
seq., 5331.

"SEC. 1222. (a) The heads of Executive agencies, the General
Accounting Office, the International Trade Commission, and the
Congressional Budget Office shall, to the extent permitted by law,
provide the Commission such information as it may require in
carrying out its duties and functions.
"(b) Members of the Commission shall serve without any additional compensation for work on the Commission. However, members
appointed from among private citizens of the United States may be
allowed travel expenses, including per diem in lieu of subsistence, as
authorized by law for persons serving intermittently in the government service under sections 5701 through 5707 of title 5, United
States Code.
"(c) To the extent there are sufficient funds available to the
Commission in advance under section 1223 of this subtitle, and
subject to such rules as may be adopted by the Commission, the
chairman, without regard to the provisions of title 5, United States
Code, governing appointments in the competitive service and without regard to the provisions of chapter 51 and subchapter III of
chapter 53 of such title relating to classification and General Schedule pay rates, shall have the power to—
"(1) appoint and fix the compensation of a director; and
"(2) appoint and fix the compensation of such additional staff
personnel as the Commission determines necessary to carry out
its duties and functions.
"(d) Upon request of the Commission, the Secretary of Agriculture
shall furnish the Commission with such personnel and support
services as are necessary to assist the Commission in canying out its
duties and functions.

PUBLIC LAW 98-412—AUG. 30, 1984

98 STAT. 1579

"(e) Upon request of the Commission, the heads of other Executive
agencies and the General Accounting Office are each authorized to
furnish the Commission with such personnel and support services as
the head of the agency or office and the chairman of the Commission
agree are necessary to assist the Commission in carrying out its
duties and functions.
"(f) The Commission shall not be required to pay or reimburse any
agency or office for personnel and support services provided under
this section.
"(g) In accordance with section 12 of the Federal Advisory Com- 5 use app.
mittee Act, the Secretary of Agriculture shall maintain such financial records as will fully disclose the disposition of any funds that
may be at the disposal of the Commission and the nature and extent
of its activities, and the Comptroller General of the United States, or
any of the Comptroller General's authorized representatives, shall
have access to such records for the purpose of audit and
"(h) The Commission shall be exempt from section 7(d), section 5 use app.
10(e), section 10(f), and section 14 of the Federal Advisory Committee
"(i) The Commission shall be exempt from the requirements of
sections 4301 through 4305 of title 5, United States Code.

"SEC. 1223. (a) Following the appointment or designation of the 7 use 1691 note.
members of the Commission, notwithstanding the provisions of
section 1342 of title 31, United States Code, the Secretary of Agriculture may receive, from persons, corporations, foundations, and all
other groups and entities within the United States, contributions of
money and services to assist the Commission in carrsdng out its
duties and functions. Any money contributed under this section
shall be available to the Commission for the payment of salaries,
travel expenses, per diem, and other expenses incurred by the
Commission under this subtitle. In no event may the contributions
from any one person, corporation, foundation, or other group or
entity exceed 5 per centum of the Commission's total budget.
"(b) If the contributions provided under subsection (a) are insufficient for pajrment of Commission salaries, travel expenses, per diem,
£ind other expenses incurred by the Commission under this subtitle,
the Secretary of Agriculture is authorized to use the funds of the
Commodity Credit Corporation for such purposes in an amount not
to exceed a total of $1,000,000.

98 STAT. 1580

PUBLIC LAW 98-412—AUG. 30, 1984

"(c) The Secretary of Agriculture shall keep, and shall make
available for public inspection during normal business hours,
records that fully disclose a complete list of every person, group, and
entity making a contribution under this section, the address of the
contributor, the amount and type of each such contribution, and the
date the contribution was made.
"(d) Any amount of money available to the Ck)mmission under this
section that remains unobligated upon termination of the Commission shall be deposited in the Treasury as miscellaneous receipts.

7 use 1691 note.

"SEC. 1224. The Commission shall terminate sixty days after the
transmission of its final report to the President and Congress.".
Approved August 30, 1984.

LEGISLATIVE HISTORY—H.J. Res. 600 (H. Con. Res. 349):
HOUSE REPORT No. 98-956, Pt. 1 (Comm. on Agriculture).
Aug. 6, considered and passed House.
Aug. 10, considered and passed Senate.
Aug. 30, Presidential statement.