Full text of Agricultural News Letter : Volume V, Number 3
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AGRICULTURAL NEWS LETTER THE Volume V FEDERAL RESERVE BANK OF Dallas, Texas, March 15,1950 DALLAS Number 3 Higher Corn Yields Higher corn yields will be especially impor tant to southwestern farmers in 1950, since income from cotton, peanuts, and rice—major cash crops in the area—will be reduced be cause of the imposition of acreage controls. As a result, many farmers are increasing corn acreage, and higher corn yields will mean more income whether the crop is sold as a cash crop or fed to livestock. As illustrated below, the first step in ob taining higher corn yields is the use of adapted hybrid seed. While farmers in southern sec tions of the Southwest have already planted corn, farmers who have not yet planted might find it profitable to check the list of hybrids on the next page and select one adapted to their areas. The cost of hybrid seed—about $1 per acre —may seem high, but the experience of farm ers shows that this investment usually returns from $7 to $8 per acre in increased corn yields. (Hybrid seed should be purchased each year, as it tends to "run out” after the first year.) Hybrid corn has proved itself in the South west. Planting adapted varieties is not risky. They will mature satisfactorily, and they make suitable livestock feed. Planting untested or unadapted hybrids is risky, and if seed of adapted and tested strains are not available, open-pollinated varieties are recommended. Use of hybrid seed is a most important fac tor in obtaining higher corn yields, but such factors as number of plants per acre, rate of fertilization, time of planting, and method of cultivation also affect materially the yield per acre. For example, corn yields are increased when the crop follows a fertilized legume. (See illustration below.) This is especially true on lighter, depleted soils. Legumes increase soil fertility by adding valuable plant food—espe cially nitrogen—and improve the moisture holding capacity of the soil by adding organic matter, breaking up hard pans, and increasing the rate of moisture absorption. Thus, a crop which follows a legume usually suffers less from lack of moisture. AGRICULTURAL NEWS LETTER 2 APPROXIMATE SPACING AND NUMBER OF CORN PLANTS PER ACRE Level of soil fertility Light, relatively poor soil Soil of medium fertility Fertile bottom land Amount of fertilizer applied per acre None 32 pounds of nitrogen1 64 pounds of nitrogen2 100 pounds of nitrogen3 None 32 pounds of nitrogen1 64 pounds of nitrogen2 100 pounds of nitrogen3 None 32 pounds of nitrogen1 64 pounds of nitrogen2 100 pounds of nitrogen3 1 100 pounds of ammonium nitrate. 2 150 pounds of ammonium nitrate and 300 pounds of 5-10-5. * 200 pounds of ammonium nitrate and 700 pounds of 5-10-5. Approximate number of plants per acre Corn probably will not be profitable. 4.500 (3 feet apart in 3-foot rows) 7.000 (2 feet apart in 3-foot row's) 10.000 (16 inches apart in 3-foot rows) 4.500 (3 feet apart in 3-foot rows) 6.000 (27 inches apart in 3-foot rows) 9.000 (18 inches apart in 3-foot rows) 12.000 (14 inches apart in 3-foot rows) 7.000 (2 feet apart in 3-foot rows) 9.000 (18 inches apart in 3-foot rows) 11.000 (15 inches apart in 3-foot row's) 13.000 (1 foot apart in 3-foot rows) It is, of course, too late to do much about legumes for this year’s corn crop, but plans can be made now to sow a legume this year on land that will be planted in corn in 1951. In some cases, it might be profitable to divert to legumes some of the acreage intended for corn this year, in preparation for the 1951 corn crop. Early planted corn usually produces the highest yields. In 1949 in a Hill County, Texas, corn contest all but one of the yields of 7 5 or more bushels per acre were from crops planted by March 20. The optimum planting time, of course, varies with the location and season, but in all areas the earlier corn has a better opportunity to mature before the onset Maximum yields are obtained when corn is of the hot, dry winds of early summer. planted to as thick a stand as the fertility of the soil, amount of fertilizer applied, and prob Corn yields are also frequently reduced by able moisture supply will support. Obviously, late cultivation. By the time corn is "hip no "hard and fast” rule can be given, but there high,” the space between the rows contains have been sufficient experimental work and hundreds of tiny feeder roots, and cultiva actual experience on farms in this area to pro tion at this time destroys these roots which vide some general guides which are helpful in are so essential for maximum growth. If weeds determining approximate stands that will pro make cultivation necessary after the corn is duce maximum yields. These are shown in the 2 or 3 feet high, the cultivator shovels should be set shallow and well away from the row. table above. ADAPTED CORN HYBRIDS — from Recommendations of Respective States (Listed in order of yielding ability) Northern Louisiana Louisiana 7102, Dixie 11, Dixie 17, N. C. 27, Louisiana 468, Louisiana 521, Funk’s G714, Funk’s G720, Dixie 18. Southeastern Oklahoma Kansas 2234 (white), U. S. 13, Funk G-711, Keystone 222, Keystone 38, Tennessee 10 (white), Missouri 313, Ward 135 (white), Embro 36, Razorback U. S. 13, Crost Rite Mo. 148, Funk G-94, Pioneer 332, Illinois 200, Texas 12, P. A. G. 170, Keystone 39, Texas 18, Kansas 1583, Texas 20, Keystone 40, Shannon 1300, Kansas 1585, Ward 120A. Texas Blackland Prairies and portions of the State south and west of this area: Texas 28, Texas 26, Texas 24, Texas 20. Timbered section of east Texas: Texas 28, Texas 20, Texas 26, Texas 24. Gulf Coast Prairies except river bottoms: Texas 11W, Texas 9W. (These white hybrids have outyielded the yellow hybrids in this area. They are also adapted to all areas of Texas.) If the hybrids listed above are not available, Texas A. & M. College recommends some of the older hybrids, such as Texas 18, Texas 12, and Texas 8. AGRICULTURAL NEWS LETTER Save the Little Pigs "About 4 out of every 10 pigs never reach weaning age,” says A. A. Heidebrecht, Okla homa A. & M. College swine specialist. This very high loss is due principally to im proper care of the sow and litter at farrowing time, according to Mr. Heidebrecht. Farmers frequently let the sows shift for themselves at this critical time and many little pigs get no attention until they are old enough to come to the feed trough. Under these circumstances only the strong and the "lucky” survive. Improper housing during the first few days after farrowing may cause the sow to lie on even the most vigorous and healthy pigs. Fail ure to carry out proper sanitation practices may cause the young pigs to be contaminated with parasites that will stunt their growth and prevent efficient use of feed throughout the feeding period. Some of the more important "pig-saving” practices are: • Provide a farrowing pen for each sow. This pen should be at least 6x8 feet and should have a guard rail around the inside about 10 inches above the floor. • Two weeks before farrowing, the pen should be thoroughly cleaned, washed, and disin fected with lye water (1 pound of lye to 15 gallons of water). • Four or five days before farrowing, wash the sow with soap and water and place her in the farrowing pen. • Use only a small amount of clean, short straw on the floor of the pen at farrowing time. • If weather is cool, an electric pig brooder should be provided in one corner of the pen. • During farrowing an attendant should take the new-born pigs, clip the "wolf” teeth with a suitable instrument, and place the pigs un der the brooder to prevent chilling. • If the pigs are to be kept on cement for several days, place a shovelful of clean soil in the pen daily. This will insure an adequate supply of iron and prevent anemia. 3 WARNING! The mild winter has been favorable for cotton insects. In fact, conditions have been nearly ideal and closely parallel weather con ditions that preceded the 1946 season when 6,000,000 acres in Texas produced only 1,669,000 bales of cotton— an average per acre yield of only 134 pounds of lint. Grow ing conditions were good, but insects got the crop! In 1949 the average per acre yield of cotton in Texas was 264 pounds of lint and returned farmers an estimated average of $85 per acre. Failure to control insects in 1950 could reduce this income to less than $50 per acre. Can your community afford such a reduction in income? See February 15 issue of the Agricultural News Letter on cotton insect control. Spray Early to Control Late Blight Farmers are urged to apply control meas ures for late blight on tomatoes and Irish po tatoes early in the season in order to reduce the damage from this destructive disease, which has cost the Nation’s farmers as much as $50,000,000 in one season. Late blight causes large watersoaked, green ish-brown or black spots on the leaves and during cool, damp, foggy weather may resem ble "mildew” on the lower sides of the leaves. Growers should be familiar with these symp toms so that they can recognize the disease before it gains a foothold on their crops. Louisiana State University recommends the following control measures for late blight on both tomatoes and Irish potatoes: Sprays: Dithane D-14, Dithane Z-78, or a Copper fungicide, such as Bordeaux mixture. Begin spraying Irish potatoes when they are 4 to 6 inches tall and continue at weekly in tervals until the danger period of cool, moist weather has passed. Spray tomato plants 2 or 3 weeks after setting plants in the field and at weekly intervals, as with potatoes. Dusts: Copper dusts or Dithane Z-78 ap plied in the same general method as the sprays can also be used but are less effective than spraying. Adding DDT or Calcium Arsenate to the materials already mentioned will control the Colorado potato beetle on Irish potatoes. 4 AGRICULTURAL NEWS LETTER Grasshoppers May Threaten Again Grasshoppers may threaten southwestern crops again this year if warm, dry weather pre vails during April and May—the usual hatch ing time of these pests. Entomologists point out that recently com pleted surveys show heavy infestation of grass hopper eggs in the Brazos and Trinity valleys of Texas and in the Panhandle area. They urge farmers and ranchers to be prepared to launch an all-out poisoning campaign against the ’hoppers. Neighborhood and community-wide cam paigns are most effective. Farmers and ranchers should be ready to spray or dust field margins, fence rows, and roadsides when hatching is complete—usually about 7 to 10 days after the first ’hoppers appear. Do not wait until they have moved to cultivated crops. Once these insects have moved out of the areas where they hatch, it is extremely difficult and expen sive to gain effective control. Control measures this year will emphasize the use of poison sprays or dusts rather than poison bait. Sprays have proved to be more effective than dusts. Insecticides recommended are: (1) Chlordane— 1 quart 45-percent emulsion or 2 pounds 50-percent wettable powder per 50 to 100 gallons of water—to spray one acre, and (2) Toxaphene—1 quart 55-percent emulsion or 2% pounds 40-per cent wettable powder per 50 to 100 gallons of water—to spray one acre. If dusts are used, apply 15 pounds per acre of either 10-percent toxaphene or chlordane dust when grasshop pers are small. Increase the dosage to 18 or 20 pounds per acre, or use 10 pounds of 20-per cent toxaphene per acre, if grasshoppers are large. weeks old has given increases in yields of more than 7 barrels per acre in experiments at the Rice-Pasture Experiment Station at Beaumont, Texas. The practice of topdressing rice with nitrogen fertilizer has become quite common throughout the rice belt, and all farmers are urged to consider this practice as a method of increasing their rice yields. Results of recent tests at the Beaumont Sta tion conducted on Beaumont clay soil—a com mon soil used for growing rice—indicate that highest yields are obtained if the fertilizer is applied when the soil is dry, that is, neither flooded with irrigation water nor in a very moist condition from rains or earlier irriga tion. The tests also show that increasing the amount of nitrogen fertilizer above 60 pounds per acre gives only a slight increase in yield. During the period 1946-48, average yields were as follows: No fertilizer—12.09 barrels per acre; nitrogen fertilizer, dry soil— 19.18 barrels per acre; nitrogen fertilizer, wet soil —17.92 barrels per acre; and nitrogen fer tilizer, flooded soil— 13.76 barrels per acre. MEETING Annual Dairy Day will be held at Okla homa A. & M. College, Stillwater, Oklahoma, on April 1. F.B. Morrison, professor of animal husbandry and animal nutrition at Cornell University and author of Feeds and Feeding, will be the guest speaker. PUBLICATIONS Texas Agricultural Experiment Station, Col lege Station: Grazing Studies on the Amarillo Conserva tion Experiment Station, 1943-49, Bul letin 717, by Charles J. Whitfield and others. Chemical Control of Johnson Grass at the Blackland Station, Progress Report 1201, by E. N. Stiver and others. Cotton Defoliation at the Blackland Sta tion, Progress Report 1203, by E. N. Fertilizers for Rice Stiver and J. R. Johnston. Topdressing rice fields with nitrogen fer Yield and Nitrogen Content of Legumes, Progress Report 1204, by E. B. Reynolds. tilizer when the rice plants are from 6 to 9