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498 T H IR T Y -E I G H T H propriatidn for pay of army. inbefore appropriated for the pay o f the army, the sum o f thirty-six mill ions o f dollars is hereby appropriated out o f any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated. ArFRQYEV, March 3, 1865. March 3, 3865. TiiiTch. 1067 § 21. Ante, p. 105. Banking asso ciations after transfer, &c., of bohds, may re ceive circulating notes. Limit of amount of notes to be received. Apportionment of authorized circulation. March 3,1865. C O N G R E SS. S e s s . II. Ch. 82, 83. 1865. L X X X II. — An Act to amend an A ct entitled “ An A it to provide a National Cw rency, secured by a Pledge o f United States Bonds, and to 'provide fo r the Circulation and Redemption thereof.” C hap. Be it enacted by the Senate and House o f Representatives o f the United States o f America in Congress assembled, That section twenty-one of said act be so amended that said section shall read as follows : S e c . 21. And be it further enacted, That upon the transfer and delivery of bonds to the treasurer, as provided in the foregoing section, the asso ciation making the same shall be entitled to receive from the comptroller o f the currency circulating notes o f different denominations, in blank, reg istered and countersigned as hereinafter provided, equal in amount to ninety per centum of the current market value o f the United States bonds so transferred and delivered, but not exceeding ninety per centum of the amount o f said bonds at the par value thereof, if bearing interest at a rate not less than five per centum per annum ; and the amount of said circu lating notes to be furnished to each association shall be in proportion to its paid-up capital as follows, and no more : T o each association whose capital shall not exceed five hundred thousand dollars, ninety per centum o f such capital; to each association whose capital exceeds five hundred thousand dollars, but does not exceed one million dollars, eighty per centum o f such capital; to each association whose capital exceeds one million dol lars, but does not exceed three millions o f dollars, seventy-five per centum of such capital; to each association whose capital exceeds three millions o f dollars, sixty per cent, o f such capital. And that one hundred and fifty millions o f dollars o f the entire amount o f circulating notes author ized to be issued shall be apportioned to associations in the states, in the District o f Columbia, and in the territories, according to representative population, and the remainder shall be apportioned by the Secretary of the Treasury among associations formed in the several states, in the Dis trict of Columbia, and in the territories, having due regard to the existing banking capital, resources, and business o f such states, district, and terri tories. A pp ro ved , March 3, 1865. L X X X III, — An A ct to prevent the Enlistment o f Persons charged with Crime in the District o f Columbia, as Substitute [s] or as Volunteers in the Army or Navy, and to prevent Frauds at the District Jail, in the City o f Washington. Chap. Be it enacted by the Senate and House o f Representatives o f the United States o f America in Congress assembled, That, from and after the pas sage of this act, it shall be unlawful for any person, with knowledge of the fact, to present or offer to any recruiting agent or officer, or any muster-in officer in the United States military or naval service, either as a volunteer or as a substitute for any person, any person charged with the commission of any criminal offence, and confined or held on bail for the trial of such offence, within the District o f Columbia ; and it shall in like manner be unlawful for any person, in any way or manner, to abet, aid, or assist in procuring the offer or acceptance of any person so charged or held for trial, or released on bail and awaiting trial, either as a volunteer or as a substitute for any person drafted or liable to draft in the military or naval service o f the United States, whether the person so drafted or liable to draft shall be a resident o f the District o f Columbia, or shall reside else Punishment of where. And any person who shall knowingly offend against the provis principals and ions o f this section, or either o f such provisions, shall be deemed guilty accessories. o f a misdemeanor, and shall upon conviction thereof, before a court of Persons charged with crime in the District of Colum bia not to be of fered as volun teers or substi tutes.