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P. O .

St . L o

u is

Bank of

St. Louis

BOX 442

. M is s o u r i 63166

May 4, 1983
To the Member Banks of the
Eighth Federal R eserve District:
In accordance with the provisions of Section 4 of the Federal R eserve Act
and my circular dated April 4,1983, in regard to the election of a Class B direc­
tor of this bank to succeed Mary P. Holt who was appointed by the Board of
Governors as a Class C director and designated Deputy Chairman of the Board
of this bank, there are given herein the name of the candidate nominated for
such Class B director and a listing of the banks which made the nominations.
The elected director will serve for a term ending December 31, 1985.
There is sent herewith to each bank in Group 2 a ballot for use in voting for
a Class B director. An envelope bearing on its face the certificate in regard to
the vote and a colored envelope marked “Ballot” in which the ballot is to be
sealed also are enclosed.
The ballot and certificate on the envelope must be executed by an officer
who has been authorized to cast the vote. A list of the designated officers,
revised to date, forms a part of this circular. In order that the balloting may be
secret, the name of the bank and of the voting officer should not be written on
the ballot but only on the certificate envelope.

The following procedure is required:
(1) The ballot should be marked.
(2) It should be placed in the colored envelope marked “Ballot”
and the envelope sealed.
(3) Then after the certificate on the certificate envelope is
executed, the sealed ballot envelope should be placed within
the certificate envelope and the latter sealed.
(4) The certificate envelope containing the sealed ballot envelope
should be returned in the enclosed self-addressed envelope.

Under the law, the ballot must be returned so as to reach me within fifteen
days after its receipt. The polls will open on May 9 and close at 2 p.m. on May
24, 1983. A t that time the ballot box will be opened in the Board Room of this
bank, the sealed envelopes containing the ballots will be opened, the votes
counted, and the results of the election announced.
While the banks in Groups 1 and 3 will not vote in this election, this cir­
cular is sent to them, without forms, for their information.

Very truly yours,
Chairman of the Board


2 -



Robert J. Sweeney, El Dorado, Arkansas
First National Bank, Batesville, A rk .

Place and date of birth:

T h e Citizens Bank, Batesville, A rk.
T h e First National Bank in Blytheville, Blytheville, A rk .
T h e First National Bank of C o n w a y , C o n w a y , A rk.


A u b u rn

U n iv e rs ity ,

A u b u rn ,

First National Bank of Crossett, Crossett, Ark.

A la b a m a , B .S . Engineering P h ysics; Louisiana

T h e First National Bank of D e Q u e en , D eQ ueen, A rk .
National Bank of C o m m e rce of El Dorado,

P olyte ch n ic Institute, R u sto n , Louisiana, M .S .
Petroleum E n gin e e rin g; attended M a n a g e m e n t
D e ve lo p m e n t p ro g ra m at H a rva rd U n iv e rs ity

El D orado, A rk.
N o rth w e st National Bank, Fayetteville, A rk .
T h e First National Bank of Fayetteville,
Fayetteville, A rk.

G ra d u a te S ch o o l of Business.



P re s id e n t


C h ie f

T h e First National Bank in Harrison, Harrison, A rk.

O p e ra tin g O ffice r, D ire cto r, M u rp h y Oil C o rp o ra ­

T h e Citizens National Bank of H ope, H ope, A rk.

tio n , El D o ra d o , A rk a n sa s ; D ire cto r, M u rp h y Oil

T h e First National Bank of H ope, H ope, A rk.

Com pany

First National Bank in M ena, M ena, A rk.

Ltd .

(C a n a d a ),

O ce a n



Exploration C o m p a n y .

First National Bank of Russellville,
Russellville, A rk .

Other affiliations:

First National Bank of Law rence C o u n ty at W a lnu t

D ire cto r, N ational A s s o cia tio n

of M a n u fa ctu re rs ; M e m b e r, A m e ric a n Petroleum

Ridge, W a ln u t Ridge, A rk .
T h e First National Bank of W y n n e , W y n n e , A rk .

Institute; Past P resident and c u rre n t D ire cto r of
El D o ra d o


C lu b ;

T ru s te e ,


D o ra d o

First National Bank & Tru s t C o m p a n y , A lto n ,, III.
First National Bank and T ru s t C o m p a n y , Centralia, III.
First Granite C ity National Bank, Granite C ity, III.
Mercantile National Bank of St. Louis C o u n ty ,
St. Louis C o u n ty , M o .


3 -

Consisting of member banks having capital and surplus of $1,500,000 and over, but not over $5,000,000.

Banks in this group elect one Class B Director

Batesville . . . .
Batesville . . . .
Berryville . . . .


First National Bank ...................................................................
The Citizens B a n k.....................................................................
The First National Bank of Berryville........................................


Chairman, President, Vice President or Cashier

The Farmers Bank & Trust Co....................................................
The First National Bank in Blytheville .....................................
The First National Bank of Camden..........................................

Blytheville. . . .
Blytheville. . . .
C a m d e n ...........

The First National Bank of Conway..........................................
First National Bank of Crossett ...............................................

C o n w a y ...........
C ro s s e tt...........

The First National Bank of DeQueen........................................
National Bank of Commerce of El Dorado................................

DeQueen . . . .
El Dorado . . . .

The First National Bank of Fayetteville ...................................
Northwest National B a n k .........................................................

Fayetteville . . .
Fayetteville . . .

Chairman, President, Vice President or Cashier
Chairman, President, Vice President or Cashier
Chairman, President, Vice President or Cashier
Chairman, President, Vice President or Cashier
Chairman, President, Vice President or Cashier
Chairman, President, Vice President or Cashier
Chairman, President, Vice President or Cashier
President, Vice President or Cashier
Chairman, President, Vice President or Cashier

First National Bank of Eastern Arkansas................................
The First National Bank of Fort S m ith .....................................

Chairman, President, Vice President or Cashier

Chairman, President, Vice President or Cashier

H a rris o n ...........

The Merchants National Bank of Fort Sm ith...........................
The First National Bank in Harrison..........................................

H e le n a ................

First National Bank of Phillips C o u n ty .....................................

Chairman, Vice Chairman, President, Vice

H o p e ................. ..

The Citizens National Bank of H o p e ........................................

Chairman, President, Vice President or Cashier

H o p e ...................

The First National Bank of Hope...............................................
Grand National B a n k ................................................................


The First National Bank of Huntsville........................................
Metropolitan National Bank.......................................................
First National Bank in Mena......................................................

Chairman, President, Vice President or Cashier

Forrest City . . . ,
Fort Sm ith

. . .

Fort Smith

. . .

Chairman, President, Vice President or Cashier

Chairman, President, Vice President or Cashier
President or Cashier

Hot Springs . . . .
H u n ts v ille ...........
Little Rock
M e n a ....................
North Little Rock
North Little Rock
O s c e o la ..............

First American National Bank ..................................................
National Bank of Arkansas in North Little Rock......................
First National Bank in Osceola..................................................

Chairman, President, Vice President or Cashier

Chairman, President, Vice President or Cashier
Chairman, President, Vice President or Cashier
Chairman, President, Vice President or Cashier
Chairman, President, Vice President or Cashier
Chairman, President, Vice President or Cashier

Q u itm a n ..............

First National Bank ...................................................................
First National Bank of Cleburne County...................................

R o g e rs .................

First National Bank ...................................................................

Chairman, President, Vice President or Cashier

Russellville . . . .

First National Bank of Russellville.............................................
First National Bank ...................................................................

President or Executive Vice President

Chairman, President, Vice President or Cashier

W alnut R idge. . .

First National Bank ...................................................................
The First National Bank of Springdale.....................................
First National Bank in Stuttgart...............................................
First National Bank of Lawrence County at Walnut Ridge . . .

W est Memphis


Fidelity National Bank of West M em phis................................

Chairman, President, Vice President or Cashier

W est Memphis


First National Bank in West M em phis.....................................
The First National Bank of Wynne ..........................................

Chairman, President, Vice President or Cashier

P a ra go u ld ...........

S e a r c y .................
Siloam Springs


. . . .

S t u t t g a r t ...........

W y n n e .................

- 4-

Chairman, President or Cashier

Chairman, President, Vice President or Cashier

Chairman, President, Vice President or Cashier
Chairman, President, Vice President or Cashier
Chairman, President, Vice President or Cashier






A l b i o n ...........

Citizens National Bank of Albion


Chairman, President, Vice President or Cashier

A l t o n ..............

First National Bank & Trust C o m p a n y ............................

Chairman, President, Vice President or Cashier

Breese ...........

State Bank of B re e s e ..........................................................

Chairman, President, Vice President or Cashier

Carbondale . .

First National Bank and Trust C o m p a n y .........................

Chairman, President, Vice President or Cashier

C a rly le ...........

The First National Bank in C a rly le ....................................

Chairman, President, Vice President or Cashier


. . .

First National Bank and Trust C o m p a n y .........................

Chairman, President, Vice President or Cashier


. . .

The Old National Bank of C e n tra lia ..................................

President, Vice President or Cashier

Chester . . . .

Buena Vista National Bank of C h e s te r............................

Chairman, President, Vice President or Cashier

Collinsville . .

The First National Bank of C o llin s ville ............................

Chairman, President, Vice President or Cashier

DuQuoin . . . .

DuQuoin National Bank .....................................................

Chairman, President, Vice President or Cashier

DuQuoin . . . .

DuQuoin State B a n k ...........................................................

Chairman, President, Vice President or Cashier

Edwardsville .

Edwardsville National Bank and Trust Com pany . . . .


Effingham . . .

Effingham State Bank ........................................................

Chairman, President, Vice President, Cashier

Effingham . . .

Th e First National Bank of E ff in g h a m ............................

Chairman, President, Vice President or Cashier

or Assistant Cashier


First Granite City National B a n k .......................................

Chairman, President or Cashier

Grayville . . . .

Th e Peoples National Bank of G ra y v ille .........................

Chairman, President, Vice President or Cashier

Harrisburg. . .

Th e First National Bank of H a rris b u rg ............................

President, Vice President or Cashier

Harrisburg. . .

Th e Harrisburg National B a n k ..........................................

Chairman, President, Vice President or Cashier

Highland . . . .

Th e First National Bank of H ig h la n d ...............................

Chairman, President, Vice President or Cashier

Hillsboro . . . .

Th e Hillsboro National Bank

Chairman, President, Vice President or Cashier

Hillsboro . . . .

M ontgom ery County National B a n k ...............................

President, Vice President or Cashier

New ton . . . .

Th e First National Bank in N e w t o n ..................................

Chairman, President, Vice President or Cashier

Nokomis . . . .

First National Bank of N o k o m is .......................................

Chairman, President, Vice President or Cashier

O b lo n g ...........

Th e First National Bank of Oblong


Chairman, President, Vice President or Cashier

O ln e y ..............

First National Bank in Olney


Chairman, President, Vice President or Cashier

Q u in c y ...........

Th e First National Bank and Trust Com pany of Quincy

Chairman, President, Vice President or Cashier

Robinson . . .

Th e First National Bank in R o b in s o n ...............................

Chairman, President, Vice President or Cashier

S a l e m ...........

The Salem National B a n k ..................................................

President, Vice President, Cashier or Assistant

Granite City


Chairman, President, Vice President or Cashier

Steeleville . . .

First National Bank of S te e le v ille ....................................


. .

Teutopolis State B a n k ........................................................

President or Cashier

W ayne City . .

Th e First National Bank of W ayne C i t y .........................


W ood River . .

Th e First National Bank of W ood River

Chairman, President, Vice President or Cashier



B e d f o r d ..................................

Th e Bedford National B a n k ................................................................

Chairman, President, Vice

B e d f o r d ..................................

Th e Citizens National Bank of Bedford



President orCashier

or Cashier

C h a rle s to w n .........................

First Bank of C h arle stow n...................................................................

Chairman, President, Vice


United Bank of Indiana, N .A ................................................................

Chairman, President, Vice

President orCashier

E n g lis h ....................................

English State Bank


Chairman, President, Vice

President orCashier

H u n tin g b u rg .........................

The First National Bank of H u n tin g b u rg ..........................................

Chairman, President, Vice

President orCashier

Mount V e r n o n ......................

Th e Posey County National Bank, M ount V e r n o n ......................

Chairman, President, Vice

President orCashier

P e te rs b u rg ............................

Th e Citizens State Bank of P e te r s b u rg .......................................

President, Vice President or Cashier

P rin c e to n ...............................

Th e Farmers National Bank of P rin c e to n .....................................

President or Cashier


5 -

President orCashier

IN D IA N A (C o n tin u e d )





Th e State Bank of S a l e m ....................

President or Cashier

S c o tts b u rg ............................

Th e Scott County State B a n k ...........

Chairman, President, Vice President or Cashier

S e lle rsb u rg ............................

Indiana Southern B a n k .........................

Chairman, President, Vice President or Cashier

Seym our


Th e Seym our National B a n k ................

Chairman, President, Vice President or Cashier

Tell C i t y ..................................

The Citizens National Bank of Tell City


Tell C i t y ..................................

Th e Tell City National B a n k ...................

Chairman, President, Vice President or Cashier

D a n v ille ..................................

Th e Farmers National Bank of Danville . . . .

President, Vice President or Cashier

Fort K n o x ...............................

Fort Knox National B a n k ....................................

Chairman, President, Vice President or Cashier

G la s g o w ..................................

Th e N ew Farmers National Bank of Glasgow

Chairman, President, Vice President or Cashier

G re e n sbu rg ............................

Th e Peoples Bank & Tru st C o m p a n y ..............

Chairman, President, Vice President or Cashier

H e n d e rs o n ............................

Ohio Valley National Bank of Henderson . . ,

Chairman, President, Vice President or Cashier

M a y fie ld ..................................

Th e First National Bank of Mayfield

Chairman, President, Vice President or Cashier


Th e Morganfield National B a n k ......................

President, Vice President or Cashier

Th e Owensboro National Bank

Chairman, President, Vice President or Cashier


O w e n s b o ro ............................



Russell S p r in g s ....................

Th e First National Bank of Russell Springs . .

Chairman, President, Vice President or Cashier


Th e Farmers National Bank of Scottsville . . .

President or Cashier




First National Bank of Clarksdale . . .

Chairman, President, Vice President or Cashier

L e x in g to n ...............................

First National Bank of Holmes County

Chairman, President, Vice President or Cashier

O x f o r d .....................................

Th e First National Bank of Oxford . . .

Chairman, President, Vice President or Cashier

W est P o i n t ............................

Th e First National Bank of W est Point

Chairman, President, Vice President or Cashier



A f f t o n ..............

Com m erce Bank - South, N .A .....................................................

Chairman, President, Vice President or Cashier

A f f t o n ..............

Gravois B a n k .................................................................................

Chairman, President, Vice President or Cashier

Cape Girardeau

Centerre Bank of Cape Girardeau National Association

Chairman, Vice Chairman, President, Vice

C l a y t o n ...........

Th e First National Bank of C la y t o n ..........................................

Chairman, President, Vice President or Cashier

Columbia . . . .

Th e Boone County National Bank of C o lu m b ia ....................

Chairman, President, Vice President or Cashier

Columbia . . . .

First National Bank and Tru st C o m p a n y ..................................

Chairman, President, Vice President or Cashier

. .

President or Cashier


6 -

M IS S O U R I (C o n tin u e d )



Fenton ..............

Com m erce Bank of Fenton, National A s s o c ia tio n ...................

Chairman, President, Vice President or Cashier

F u l t o n ..............

The Callaway B a n k ...........................................................................

President, Vice President or Cashier

Jackson ...........

Jackson Exchange Bank and Trust C o m p a n y ............................

Chairman, President, Vice President or Cashier

Jefferson City .

The Exchange National Bank of Jefferson C i t y .........................

Chairman, President, Vice President or Cashier

Kirkwood . . . .

Com m erce Bank of Kirkwood, National A s s o c ia tio n ..............

Chairman, President, Vice President or Cashier



Landmark Bank of Ladue

Chairman, President, Vice President or Cashier



Mark Tw a in National B a n k .............................................................

Chairman, President, Vice President or Cashier

Lake Ozark . . .

Lake National B a n k ...........................................................................

Chairman, President, Vice President or Cashier

Lebanon ...........

CharterBank Lebanon National A s s o c ia tio n ...............................

Chairman, President, Vice President or Cashier

Lebanon ...........

Com m erce Bank of Lebanon, National A s s o c ia tio n .................

Chairman, President, Vice President or Cashier

M a p le w o o d. . .

Citizens National Bank of Greater St. L o u i s ...............................

President, Vice President or Cashier

M e x ic o ................

Com m erce Bank of Mexico, National A s s o cia tio n ....................

Chairman, President, Vice President or Cashier

M o b e r ly ...........

City Bank and Tru st Com pany of M o b e r ly ..................................

Chairman, President, Cashier or Assistant

M o b e r ly ...........

Com m erce Bank of Moberly, National A s s o c ia tio n .................

Chairman, President, Vice President or Cashier

St. Charles . . .

Th e First National Bank of Saint C h a r le s ....................................


St. Charles . . .

Mark Tw a in St. Charles County Bank, N .A ..................................

Chairman, President, Vice President or Cashier

St. L o u is ..............

American National Bank in St. L o u is .............................................

Chairman, President, Vice President or Cashier

St. L o u is ...........

Landmark St. Louis Bank, N .A .........................................................

Chairman, President, Vice President or Cashier

St. L o u is ...........

Lindell Tru st C o m p a n y ......................................................................

President, Executive Vice President or

St. L o u is ...........

Mark Tw a in St. Louis Bank, N .A ......................................................

Chairman, President, Vice President or Cashier

St. L o u is ...........

South Side National Bank in St. L o u is ..........................................

Chairman, President, Vice President or Cashier

St. Louis . . . . . .

United Missouri Bank of St. Louis, National Association . . . .

Chairman, President, Vice President or Cashier

St. Louis County

Mercantile Bank of South County, N .A .........................................

Chairman, President, Vice President or Cashier

St. Louis County

Mercantile National Bank of St. Louis C o u n t y ............................

Chairman, President, Vice President or Cashier

Springfield . . .

Boatmen's Union National B a n k .....................................................

Chairman, President, Vice President or Cashier

Springfield . . .

CharterBank Springfield, N .A ...........................................................

Chairman, President, Vice President or Cashier

Springfield . . .

Landmark Bank of Springfield, N .A .................................................

Chairman, President, Vice President or Cashier

Springfield . . .

Metropolitan National B a n k .............................................................

Chairman, President, Vice President or Cashier

W est Plains

Centerre Bank of W est Plains National A s s o c ia tio n .................

Chairman, President, Vice President or Cashier




Vice President



First-Citizens National Bank of D y e rs b u rg ....................

Chairman, President, Vice President or Cashier

Jackson .

First American Bank of Jackson, National Association

Chairman, President, Vice President or Cashier

Jackson .

Jackson National B a n k ........................................................

Chairman, President, Vice President or Cashier

Jackson .

Th e National Bank of Com m erce of J a c k s o n ..............

Chairman, President, Vice President or Cashier


Com m erce Union Bank of M e m p h is ...............................

Chairman, President, Vice President or Cashier


First American Bank of Memphis, N .A .............................

Chairman, President, Vice President or Cashier

- 7-


B a llo t

Group No. 2:

May 4, 1 9 8 3

This ballot and the ce rtifica te on the envelope m ust be executed by an o ffice r w ho
has been authorized to cast the vote and whose designation has been certified to me.
The choice must be indicated by cross (X) in the column below.
This ballot m ust be returned so as to reach me w ith in fifte e n days after its receipt.
The polls w ill open on May 9, and close at 2 p.m . on May 2 4 , 1983.
Failure to observe above instructions will invalidate this ballot.
Chairman o f the Board

C A N D ID A TE (Indicate choice by X)

Robert J . Sweeney,


President and Chief Operating O fficer
M urphy Oil C orporation
El Dorado, Arkansas

N o te —A fte r execution, please place this ballot in pink envelope, seal same and place

the sealed pink envelope in yellow envelope bearing ce rtifica te , then seal the latter and
return it in self-addressed envelope.