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APRIL 1976

The 1976 Economic Report and the Federal
Budget: Towards a Long-Run
A M ortgage Futures Market:
Its Development, Uses, Benefits,
and C o sts.........................................

Vol. 58, No. 4



The 1976 Economic Report and the Federal Budget:
Towards a Long-Run Perspective
I n late January, the Administration announced its
economic strategy for 1976 and future years. An
enunciation of macroeconomic goals along with a pro­
posed course of policy actions to achieve them is
found in three documents — the Federal Budget
for Fiscal Year 1977, the Economic Report of the
President, and the Annual Report of the Council of
Economic Advisers. These three documents present
(1 ) Federal budget plans for the remainder of the
current fiscal year and the upcoming fiscal year which
begins October 1, 1976, (2 ) economic forecasts for
calendar 1976 and 1977, and (3 ) a set of economic
and budget projections through 1981 which place the
more immediate forecasts and policy proposals in a
longer-run framework of economic objectives.

As a means of implementing the overall economic
program, a budget plan is outlined with emphasis on
the upcoming fiscal year 1977. As a part of that plan,
Federal expenditures (national income accounts
basis) are projected to rise 9.4 percent in calendar
1976 and 5.3 percent in 1977. Included among the
budget proposals are a number of tax changes which
require Congressional action, in addition to those
scheduled under existing law. Scheduled and pro­
posed tax changes include: (1 ) a reduction in tax
rates on individual and corporate income on July 1,
1976, and (2 ) an increase in social security and un­
employment trust fund taxes on January 1, 1977.3

The shift of emphasis in macroeconomic analysis
and policy to a long-run horizon of six years represents
primarily a response to the provisions of the Congres­
sional Budget and Impoundment Control Act of 1974.
According to that Act, the beginning of the fiscal year
was changed from July 1 to October 1, but more im­
portantly, this Act required the Administration to
make budget projections for a longer-run period than
previously.1 These budget projections are conditioned
by the assumptions that are made about the course of
economic activity. It is necessary, therefore, that the
Administration’s short-run forecasts and policy pro­
posals be consistent with the long-run projections.

The emphasis of the Administration’s program is on
the Federal budget, yet the CEA Report discusses at
some length a course of monetary policy considered
consistent with their overall economic program. For
the immediate future, the Administration seems con­
tent with a monetary policy that stays near the mid­
point of the Federal Reserve’s then announced target
range of 5 to 7% percent growth (from third quarter
1975 to third quarter 1976) in the money stock (M i ).4
What seems as important from the viewpoint of the
Administration as the specific rate of increase of
money is the extent of fluctuation about the target
growth rate. The CEA makes a case for steadiness in
monetary and fiscal policy as a means of promoting a
sustainable recovery.5

With an eye toward long-run economic targets, the
Administration has forecast GNP growth of 12.3 per­
cent in 1976, which is distributed as a 6.3 percent
increase in real product and a 5.9 percent advance in
prices. By comparison, GNP rose 6.5 percent in 1975,
with real product declining 2 percent and prices rising
8.7 percent. Unemployment is projected to average
7.7 percent of the labor force in 1976, compared to an
average of 8.5 percent in 1975.2

The primary purpose of this article is to summarize
and evaluate the economic program as presented in
the 1976 Economic Report and the Fiscal 1977
Budget. The focus of the discussion is on the nature of
the program as it relates to the achievement of fullemployment with relative price stability. Many non­
stabilization issues are also included in the economic
program of the Administration, but they are not dis­
cussed here.

'Long-run projections were presented in last year’s budget as
a dry run, but fiscal 1977 is the first year that they are
required under law.

3A more complete listing of proposed tax changes is found
in the section entided “ Proposals and Guidelines for Macroeconomic Policy.”

-Employment developments since late January suggest that
the economic expansion may be moving ahead of schedule.
Unemployment in March was 7.5 percent of the labor force.

4The target range for Mi has subsequently been widened to
4% to 7V4 percent for the year ending fourth quarter 1976.
51976 CEA Report, pp. 20-21.

Page 2

APRIL 1976


tax cut of about $20 billion. The Administration also
recommended that monetary policy provide “growth
in money and credit . . . which . . . will encourage a
freer flow of credit and lower interest rates. . .”6

1975 C E A Forecast in Retrospect
The 1975 CEA Report forecast an increase in GNP
of 7.3 percent for the year. Preliminary data indicate
that GNP actually rose 6.5 percent. Even though
GNP growth was overestimated, the forecast was well
within the range of error based on past CEA experi­
ence (see Table I ) .7 More significantly the contours
of the economic recovery in 1975 were accurately
forecast by the CEA, with a recovery beginning be­
fore midyear. In fact, the recovery appears to have
begun in April or May.

T able I


A secondary purpose is to review the CEA’s 1975
economic projections in light of the actual course of
the economy last year. This review shows where and
why the CEA projections went awry. The accuracy of
past projections provides some basis for judging how
accurate their most recent projections are likely to be.

A year ago, when the CEA presented its forecast
for calendar 1975, the economy was in the midst of a
severe recession, with unemployment rising, output
declining sharply, and the deficit in the Federal
budget increasing. Furthermore, energy considerations
were creating considerable uncertainty with regard to
prospective economic conditions. Actually the reces­
sion had begun in late 1973, and the economy was
showing signs of recovery during 1974, but then out­
put was jolted downward again in late 1974. The
CEA’s forecast for 1975, which was very much in line
with the consensus at that time, was a realistic one
in the sense that it did not project a rosy picture for
unemployment and prices.
Against the backdrop of recession and continuing
inflation, the Administration presented a very ambi­
tious program of fiscal action. This program consisted
of a proposed 15.5 percent increase in expenditures
and a number of tax changes which added up to a net

A ctu a l

Error* *
2 .7 %


9 .4 %

6 .7 %


4 .4

5 .4

— 1.0
-0 .1







— 1.4


6 .9


— 1.7


6 .4

5 .6




9 .0

-1 .2


7 .0

7 .7

-0 .7


5 .7

4 .9

0 .8


9 .0




9 .4

9 .7

-0 .3


1 0 .0

1 1 .5

-1 .5


7 .9


0 .0




0 .8

A v e r a g e A b so lu te Error

1 .0 %

•Based on data given in the C E A R ep o rt fo r the year follow ing
the forecast year.
**N o adjustm ent is made fo r deviation o f policy realizations from
plans, or fo r m a jo r strikes.

Despite the fact that the CEA’s GNP forecast was
reasonably accurate, an analysis of the components of
GNP indicates that the relative success of the forecast
received a major boost from an offsetting error for one
item — net exports (see Table II). The CEA over­
estimated the increase in GNP by $9 billion, but if
they had not underestimated net exports, the forecast
error for GNP would have been $25 billion. The fore­
cast was made credible because domestic demand for
61975 CEA Report, p. 26.
7Planned and actual figures in Tables I - IV are not strictly
comparable because of the extensive revisions of the national
income accounts in early 1976.

Page 3


APRIL 1976

T a b le II

A N D COMPONENTS: 1974 TO 1975
(B illio n s of D o lla rs )

A c t u a l* *


$ 8 5 .1

$ 7 7 .3

$ 7.8

P e rso n a l C o n su m p tio n

6 .0



-1 8 .3

-2 3 .9

5 .6

-2 .3

-5 .8

3 .5

9 .9

1 1 .4

-1 .5


1 8 .4

-2 .3


B u sin e ss Fixe d Investm ent
C h a n g e in In ven to ries
R esid en tial C on struction
Federal Purchases
State & Local Purchases
N e t Exp o rts

$ 1 0 1 .3


4 .7
-1 6 .1

$9 2 .1

$ 9 .2

^Estimated by this Bank and based on 1975 C EA R ep ort.
**Based on prelim inary data in 1976 C EA R eport.

imports was overestimated resulting in an underesti­
mation of net exports. Imports declined sharply while
exports rose slightly.
Examination of the 1975 GNP forecast in terms of
its distribution between output and prices reveals
another set of offsetting errors (see Table III). The
decline in output was actually overestimated with
output decreasing 2 percent compared to a forecast
decline of 3.3 percent. Similarly, on the inflation side
the CEA was also overly pessimistic, projecting an
advance of prices of 10.8 percent; prices actually rose
8.7 percent. It should be pointed out, however, that
the CEA inflation forecast included projected effects
of higher excise taxes on energy products; these pro­
posed excise tax changes were not legislated by

assumptions that underlie the forecast. Of particular
importance for any macroeconomic forecast are as­
sumptions about monetary and fiscal variables. In the
case of the 1975 CEA forecast, the planned course of
fiscal actions was laid out in great detail, but there
was considerable ambiguity as to the prescribed plan
for monetary action.
Monetary Policy — The 1975 CEA report was
especially vague with regard to its recommendations
for monetary policy, and made only very general
Monetary policy must be conducted so as to en­
courage a near term recovery in the economy and a
resumption of sustainable economic growth. Toward
this end, reasonable growth in money and credit will
be required — growth, which, one hopes, will en­
courage a freer flow of credit and lower interest rates
in private credit markets.9

To assign meaning to this statement it is necessary
to recall that monetary growth in the last half of 1974
was slow relative to the trend of the previous 2%
years. Although the money stock data have since been
revised, at that time the Federal Reserve reported
that M i had grown at only a 2.8 percent annual rate
in the second half of 1974. In early 1975, most ob ­
servers translated the CEA call for “reasonable
growth” in money as an increase in
in the 6 to 8
percent range.10
M o n e y Stock
R a tio Scale
B illio a s of D o lla rs
3 5 0 1--------

R a tio Scale
B illio n s of D o lla rs
-------- 3 5 0

Monthly Averages of Daily Figures
Seasonally Adjusted

T a b le III

O u tp u t
U n e m p lo ym e n t Rate

7 .3 %

6 .5 %

0 .8 %
-1 .3

-3 .3

-2 .0

1 0 .8

8 .7




-0 .4

Stabilization Policy in 1975
A comparison of observed and forecast GNP is of
little meaning in and of itself. In fairness to any fore­
caster, it is necessary to evaluate the accuracy of the
8Import fees on crude oil and petroleum products were im­
posed by Administrative action in 1975, but this action was a
very small part of the total energy program that was proposed

Page 4

1 972
Percentages are annual rates of change for periods indicated.
Latest data plotted: March

1 974

“ 1975 CEA Report, p. 26.
1(lSee the testimony of David Rowe and Franco Modigliani in
The 1975 Economic Report of the President, Hearings before
the Joint Economic Committee, Part 2 (February 1975),
and Keith M. Carlson, “The 1975 National Economic Pro­
gram: Another Exercise in Fiscal Activism,” this Review
(March 1975), p. 10.


Recently revised money data indicate that M , grew
4.4 percent from fourth quarter 1974 to fourth quarter
1975. By this measure, there is little question that
monetary actions were less stimulative than the CEA
was implicitly assuming in its forecast. Furthermore,
the path of monetary actions was an unsteady one;
money declined slightly in the first quarter, followed
by rapid growth in the second and third quarters,
and then finished the year with very slow growth
again in the fourth quarter.11
Fiscal Policy — In accordance with tradition, the
policy emphasis in the 1975 Report was on fiscal ac­
tions. The fiscal plan for calendar 1975 was a very
stimulative one, although the extent of net stimulus
was overstated if one looked at the projected change
in the NIA deficit (see Table IV ). The CEA forecast
of a large increase in the NIA deficit reflected partly
the expected effects of weak economic activity on tax
receipts and increased expenditures for unemploy­
ment compensation.
Fisca l M e a s u r e s

Sources: U.S. Department of Commerce and Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis
Latest data plotted: 4th quarter 1975; dashed line indicates
half-year estimates from the fiscal 1977 Federal Budget

As a measure of fiscal plans, the high-employment
budget serves a useful function in helping to isolate
the active aspect of the fiscal policy process from the
passive response to economic activity. In early 1975,
the Administration was planning an increase of $40
billion in expenditures on a high-employment basis.
Dominating this planned increase were transfer pay11For a detailed summary of monetary developments in 1975,
see Nancy Jianakoplos, “The FOMC in 1975: Announcing
Monetary Targets,’ this Review (March 1976), pp. 8-22.

APRIL 1976

T a b le IV

(B illio n s o f D o lla rs)
B u d g e t Plan
N I A Receipts

$ -8 .4

A ctual


-4 .9

$ — 3.5

4 6 .3

5 6 .8

-1 0 .5

N I A S u rp lu s o r Deficit

$ -5 4 .7

$ -6 1 .7


7 .0

H ig h -E m p lo y m e n t




4 .9

N I A Exp e nd iture s

H ig h -E m p lo y m e n t
Exp e nd iture s

2 7 .6


2 2 .7


4 9 .5

H ig h -E m p lo y m e n t Surp l us
o r Deficit
$ -1 2 .5

$ -2 6 .8

-9 .4



ments which included a one-time payment to social
security beneficiaries. The actual increase in Federal
spending in 1975 exceeded projections, however, as
high-employment expenditures rose by over $49 bil­
lion, or 17 percent over 1974.
On the receipts side, Table IV indicates that highemployment receipts increased less than planned in
1975.12 The chief reason for this was that the CEA’s
high inflation forecast was not realized. The growth of
high-employment receipts reflects not only changes in
tax rates but is also sensitive to changes in the rate of
inflation. Congress enacted tax cuts only slightly less
in magnitude than those proposed by the Administra­
tion in early 1975. The composition of these tax
changes, however, was substantially different from
that proposed.
Policy Realizations and the 1975 CEA Forecast —
As a result, with tax actions more stimulative than
planned ( as measured by the change in high-employ­
ment receipts), and with expenditures rising faster
than anticipated, the net effect of fiscal actions in
1975 was more expansionary than planned. The highemployment budget moved from a $14 billion surplus
in 1974 to a $13 billion deficit in 1975. This swing of
$27 billion was about $14 billion more than planned.
On the other hand, monetary actions were apparently
less stimulative than expected. Thus to the extent that
policy actions contributed to the overestimate of GNP
growth, it appears that monetaiy actions were pri­
marily responsible. Such a conclusion is highly tenta­
tive, however, because the CEA does not give the
details of the economic framework that provides the
basis for their forecasts.
12The problem of comparability requires emphasis here, be­
cause of the national income accounts revisions by the
Department of Commerce and revisions in the high-employ­
ment budget by this Bank.

Page 5


APRIL 1976

Economic Forecasts
The economic situation facing the CEA in early
1976 is very much different from what it was a year
earlier. The economy is in the midst of a recovery,
and the forces of inflation have moderated substan­
tially. Against this backdrop of economic improve­
ment, the CEA has forecast very strong economic
growth for both 1976 and 1977. The focus of discus­
sion in the CEA Report is on 1976; veiy few details
are given regarding the 1977 forecast.13
A summary of the components of the 1976 GNP
forecast reveals that the strength of economic activity
is expected to be broadly based (see Table V ). Both
personal consumption and business fixed investment
are projected to rise in the neighborhood of 11 per­
cent. Residential construction is forecast to advance
by almost 40 percent from a depressed level in 1975
and inventories are projected to swing from net liqui­
dation in 1975 to accumulation in 1976. Net exports
are expected to remain positive, but not at the extra­
ordinarily high rate of 1975; this is mainly because
economic expansion in the U.S. is expected to increase
the demand for imports.
T a b le V

1975 A N D 1976

to slow relative to 1975, and once allowance is made
for price increases, the 5.6 percent increase in nominal
terms translates into little or no change in real terms.
State and local purchases are also expected to in­
crease less rapidly than in 1975, although the slow­
down is less dramatic than for Federal spending.

Proposals and Guidelines for
Macroeconomic Policy
The Administration’s projection of considerable eco­
nomic strength raises questions about the policy as­
sumptions that underlie the forecasts. When viewed
in conjunction with the strong economic projections,
the Federal budget program becomes a matter of
substantial interest because it reflects a proposed
move toward less stimulus, at least according to con­
ventional definitions.
Federal Expenditures — The budget program for
calendar 1976 calls for an increase in expenditures
(N IA basis) of $34 billion, or 9.4 percent (see Table
V I). This projected increase contrasts with the 19
percent increase in 1975. Projections for calendar 1977
indicate further slowing in Federal spending, to a 5.3
percent rate of increase. This pattern of slower growth
represents a conscious effort on the part of the Ad­
ministration to arrest the growth of Government and
seek an enlarged role for decision-making by the
private sector.

(D o lla r A m o u n ts in B illio n s)
P e rso n a l C o n ­
sum p tio n

A c t u a l*


P ro je c te d **

Nat ional l acome A cco aa ts B a d gt t


7 7 .3

B usin e ss Fixed
Investm ent

8 .7 %

$ 1 0 6 .8

1 1 .1 %


0 .5

1 6 .3


— 2 3 .9


2 5 .2


R esid en tial C o n ­

-5 .8

-1 0 .6


3 7 .3


1 1 .4

1 0 .2

6 .9

5 .6

State a n d Local
P urchases


9 .7

1 7 .2

8 .3

N e t Exports




6 .5 %

C h a n g e in
In ve n to rie s


F e d e ra l G o v e r n m e n t E x p e n d itu re s


-5 .5
$ 1 8 5 .0


12 .3 %

♦Based on prelim inary data in 1976 C E A R ep ort.
** Estimated by this Bank and based on 1976 C E A R ep ort.

Another facet of the 1976 forecast that stands in
marked contrast to the actual experience in 1975 is
the projected trend of government purchases of goods
and services. Growth of Federal purchases is planned
13The 1977 forecast is found in The Budget of the United
States Government, Fiscal Year 1977, p. 25, and is not
discussed in the CEA Report.

Page 6

Source: U.S. Department of Commerce
Percentages are annual rates of change for periods indicated,
latest data plotted: 4th quarter 1975; dashed line indicates
half-year estimates from the fiscal 1977 Federal Budget

Defense expenditures are projected to increase 5.2
percent in 1976 and 6.3 percent in 1977. These pro­
jected increases reflect planned purchases of sophis­


ticated military equipment and, given the inflation
projections, would represent little change in real
The nondefense category of Federal spending is
planned to bear the brunt of Administration cutbacks.
After rising at a 15 percent average annual rate from
1969 to 1974, and accelerating to a 23 percent increase
in 1975, nondefense spending is being proposed to
increase by a more moderate 11 percent in 1976. The
projected rise for 1977 is 5 percent. Transfer pay­
ments are estimated to increase 9.5 percent in 1976
and 5 percent in 1977, rates substantially below the
27 percent advance in 1975 and the 23 percent in­
crease in 1974.
Receipts — Reflecting an expectation of strong re­
covery, the Administration sees Federal receipts rising
by $43.5 billion in 1976, or 15.4 percent. Receipts
would rise even more with current tax schedules, but
further tax cuts are being proposed. The Revenue
Adjustment Act, which was passed in December 1975,
extended the ongoing provisions of the Tax Reduction
Act of 1975, but the extension is only through June 30,
1976.14 The Administration is proposing that taxes be
cut by even more than provided by the Revenue Ad­
justment Act. However, as emphasized in the Presi­
dent’s budget message, these cuts are being proposed
contingent upon favorable action on the expenditure
The tax changes proposed to be effective July 1,
1976 consist of the following: (1 ) an increase in the
personal exemption from $750 to $1000; (2 ) substitu­
tion of a flat $2500 standard deduction for the current
low income allowance and percentage standard de­
duction; (3 ) a reduction in marginal tax rates for
the individual income tax; (4 ) a reduction in the
maximum corporate tax rate from 48 to 46 percent;
and (5 ) legislation to provide tax relief to electric
utilities.15 Also, the Administration proposes that the
increase in the investment tax credit under the Reve­
nue Adjustment Act be made permanent. The only
tax increase for 1976, which is the result of past
legislation, is an increase in the base for social security
contributions from $14,100 to $15,300 effective January
1, 1976.
14Most of the provisions (the major exception was the tax
rebate) of the Tax Reduction Act were extended, although
there were some changes. In particular, with respect to the
individual income tax, the minimum standard deduction was
raised and the tax credit per exemption was increased.
15There are several other proposed tax changes with a total
revenue impact of about $1 billion on an annual rate basis:
( 1 ) a tax credit to encourage financial institutions to hold
residential mortgages, ( 2 ) accelerated depreciation on plant
and equipment investment in areas of high unemployment,
(3 ) tax deferral for funds invested in stock purchase plans.

APRIL 1976

Table VI

1975 TO 1976


(B illio n s o f D o lla rs )


$ 4 3 .5

C h a n g e D ue to G ro w th

4 6 .6

C h a n g e D ue to C ycle

4 .7

C h a n g e D ue to T ax Rate
Adjustm ents

-7 .8

N I A Exp e nd iture s

3 3 .7

C h a n g e in D efe nse

4 .4

C h a n g e in N o n d e fe n se
D ue to C ycle
D ue to Existin g P ro gra m s a n d
N e w Initiatives
N I A S u rp lu s o r Deficit

2 9 .3
— 1.3
3 0 .6

H ig h -E m p lo y m e n t Receipts

3 8 .8

H ig h -E m p lo ym e n t Exp e nd iture s

3 5 .0

H ig h -E m p lo y m e n t S u rp lu s o r Deficit


Table VI shows that tax rate changes, as proposed
by the Administration or due to past legislation,
amount to about $7.8 billion in calendar 1976. This
estimate reflects the dollar amount of tax changes
relative to the rate structure that was in effect, on
average, in 1975. Consequently, the $7.8 billion
amount includes not only Administration proposals
but the delayed effects of the Tax Reduction Act
(for example, the tax credit per exemption) and the
increase in the social security tax base on January 1,
Surplus/Deficit Position — Because of the forecast
of strong economic activity and the proposed slowing
in expenditure growth, the NIA deficit is expected to
be reduced. The $9.8 billion decline in the NIA defi­
cit (a decline in the deficit is shown as a positive
number in Table V I) reflects a movement in the
deficit from $74.2 billion in calendar 1975 to $64.4
billion in 1976. The effect of the overall budget pro­
gram on the deficit becomes more substantial by 1977.
Given the budget program and the assumptions about
economic activity, the NIA deficit is projected to de­
cline to $30.7 billion in calendar 1977.
With the budget being influenced in considerable
measure by the strong recovery, the movement in the
NIA budget gives a misleading picture of the extent
of fiscal restraint. The high-employment budget ad­
justs the NIA budget for these feedbacks of economic
activity on the surplus or deficit. As a result, as indi­
cated by the $3.8 billion reduction in the high-em­
ployment deficit, (see Table V I), the economic impact
of the budget program in 1976 is one of slight re­

Page 7

APRIL 1976


straint. The budget program is scheduled to show
significant restraint in calendar 1977 when it is pro­
jected to move to a $16 billion surplus, or a swing of
$25 billion toward restraint.
Monetary Policy — The CEA does not make a spe­
cific recommendation for monetary policy in 1976, but
suggests some guidelines along with acceptance, in
principle, of the Federal Reserve’s target ranges for
monetary aggregates.
It is not possible to say with any assurance what
growth rates of money are necessary to allow real
GNP to grow by 6 - 6 V2 percent from 1975 to 1976.
Setting an upper limit on the growth rate, however,
should reduce the prospects for a rekindling of infla­
tion. At the same time, the lower limit provides as­
surance of continued growth in the money supply if
the recovery should turn out to be much weaker than
expected .16

As general guidelines for future years, the CEA
provides what appears to be a mixed view. On the
one hand, they say “the targets must be administered
with flexibility,” but, on the other hand, they state
that “what is called for . . . is a steadier course in
macroeconomic policies than has been followed in the
past.”17 Reconciliation of these two statements seems
to imply a compromise between a monetary rule and
fully discretionary policy. The CEA does get very
specific, however, in stressing the dangers of moving
to the top of the target range:
. . . concern with the achievement of greater eco­
nomic stability in future years suggests that any rate
of growth in money which is at the upper limit o f the
tolerance range announced by the Federal Reserve
(7% percent for M ,, 10% percent for M 2), could not
be maintained indefinitely if progress toward lower
inflation rates is to continue .18

The two primary objectives of the Administration’s
program are long-run in scope. The first objective is
promoting a moderate and sustainable recovery, and
the second is checking the expanding role of Govern­
ment. Although it runs against Keynesian economic
doctrine the Administration feels that these two ob­
jectives are compatible with one another. These two
objectives provide the basis for an evaluation of the
Administration’s economic program over the six-year
horizon, 1976-81.
i«1976 CEA Report, p. 39.
17Ibid., pp. 21, 39.
18Ibid., pp. 21-22.

Page 8

Promoting a Sustainable Recovery
With the U.S. economy in an apparently strong state
of recovery, the CEA is concerned with keeping it
going, and keeping it going for a long period of time.
The desirability of a sustainable expansion is indis­
putable, but two questions present themselves: (1 )
is the Administration’s growth path for GNP con­
sistent with the policies they propose, and (2 ) given
the GNP growth path, is the price-output scenario
Consistency of GNP Path with Policy Proposals —
The Administration has presented projections of GNP
showing an average annual rate of growth of 12.2
percent from 1975 to 1979, followed by a 10 percent
average rate of increase in 1980 and 1981 (see the
first column in Table V II). Along with this projection,
a set of budget estimates are given — estimates based
on the assumption that real Government services will
be maintained at levels implied in the fiscal 1977
budget. In other words, the budget estimates do not
represent a projection of prospective fiscal actions but
show only an extrapolation of “current services.” For
this reason, the budget projections should not be in­
terpreted as a set of fiscal actions designed to achieve
the assumed path for GNP.
To gain possible insight into the means of achieving
GNP growth of 12 percent through 1979, it is inter­
esting to develop conjectures about the course of
monetary actions. The Administration provides no
information about the pattern of monetary action that
they view as necessary to attain their GNP target. The
closest they come to committing themselves on this
question is their concern about the inflationary poten­
tial of sustaining a rate of
growth at the top of the
Federal Reserve’s target range, that is, at 7.5 percent.
Quite clearly then, a monetary growth rate of less
than 7.5 percent underlies their long-term GNP
Consider the implications of assuming that money
grows at a steady 6 percent growth rate through 1981
(shown as Alternative A in Table V II). Given the
Administration’s GNP growth path, velocity would
have to increase at a 6 percent average annual rate
from 1975 to 1979 and a 4 percent rate in 1980 and
1981. Is such a pattern of velocity growth consistent
with historical experience?
Examination of rates of change of velocity for the
postwar period from 1947 to 1975 reveals that the
highest 4-year growth of velocity is 7.4 percent, which
occurred from 1947 to 1951. The second highest period


APRIL 1976

T a b le V II

(A n n u a l

Rates of C h a n g e )

A lte rn a tiv e A *
G N P G ro w th

A ssu m e d
M o n e y G ro w th

Im p lie d
V e locity G ro w th

A lte rn a tiv e B *
V elo city
G ro w th
from 1 9 7 5

A ssu m e d
Velocity G row th

Im p lie d
M o n e y G row th

G row th
from 1 9 7 5


1 2 .4 %

5 .6 %

6 .4 %

6 .4 %

5 .0 %

7 .0 %

7 .0 %


1 2 .2

6 .0

5 .9


4 .0

7 .9



1 2 .4

6 .0

6 .0


3 .0




1 1 .9

6 .0

5 .5

6 .0

3 .0




1 0 .9

6 .0

4 .7

5 .7

3 .0



19 8 1


6 .0


5 .2


6 .0

7 .7

*The A dm inistration does not provide detail on the m oney and velocity assumptions underlying their p rojection s. These tw o alternatives w ere pre­
pared by this Bank. A lternative A assumes a steady growth in Money (M i) o f 6 percent from IV /1975, and shows the velocity path implied
by the A dm inistration G N P projection s. A lternative B assumes an initial acceleration in velocity followed by a return to a 3 percent trend
rate, and shows the m oney (M i) path implied by the A dm inistration p rojections.

for velocity growth (which overlaps the 1947-57 pe­
riod) is 1949 to 1953 when it grew at a 5.3 percent
average rate. Once we move away from these warrelated periods the highest rate of growth is 3.9 per­
cent from 1958 to 1962.
Another way of analyzing the GNP projection is to
assume a path of velocity consistent with past experi­
ence, and calculate the implied money path. The re­
sult of such a calculation is shown as Alternative B in
Table VII, and shows money growth of 8.2 percent
from 1975 to 1981. Whether we focus on the 4-year
period from 1975 to 1979 or the full 6-year period, the
implied rate of money growth moves above the high
end of the Federal Reserve’s target range.
Historical experience does not provide an immu­
table law, but one is forced to question a set of pro­
jections that is so much at variance with historical
experience. Does the CEA provide any explanation
for this newly evolving phenomenon?
Although not directed at the long-term projections,
the CEA does devote a section to the discussion of
recent trends in velocity.19 Listed are a set of factors
that have recently come into play tending to increase
velocity via downward shifts in the demand for
money. Included are references to recent financial
innovations and changing regulations relating to tele­
phonic transfer of funds and corporate holdings of
saving accounts at commercial banks. Ceteris paribus,
there is little question that these innovations increase
velocity. The relevant point for the long-run projec­
tions, however, is whether these financial changes im­
19Ibid., pp. 35-39.

ply a sustained change in the rate of change of
velocity. For velocity growth to step up and be main­
tained at 6 percent suggests the continuing rapid
development of financial innovations into the future.
Indeed, such changes are occurring all the time, and
the observed rise in velocity in the postwar period
attests to the effects of such changes. Pointing to re­
cent factors tending to increase velocity, however,
does not imply that such factors will produce a sus­
tained change in the rate of velocity growth.
Likelihood of Price-Output Scenairo — Despite the
questionable possibility of achieving an average
growth of GNP of 12 percent over the next four years,
it is still of interest to examine the distribution of
such growth between price and output change. The
Administration’s long-term projections show a 6 per­
cent average rate of real growth from 1975 through
1981 (see Table V III). Furthermore, this rapid ad­
vance of output is accompanied by a slowing of infla­
tion from 6.5 percent in 1975 to 4 percent by 1981.
Table VIII provides a summary of the postwar
period showing the growth of output and associated
changes in the inflation rate. First of all, there is no
period of sustained expansion as long and strong as
the one projected by the Administration. Second,
there is only one of the four periods of six-year eco­
nomic expansion that inflation decelerated — the
1955 to 1961 period, which was one of real growth
below trend. In general, the more rapid the rate of
real growth the greater the acceleration of inflation.
It is difficult to draw any definite conclusions with
the sketchy data available, but what evidence there
is suggests that 6 percent growth of output over a

Page 9

APRIL 1976


T a b le V III



O u tp u t

B e g in n in g
o f P e rio d *

End of
P e rio d *

1 9 4 9 to 1 9 5 5

4 .9 %

-2 .0 %

1 9 5 5 to 1 9 6 1



0 .9

1 9 6 1 to 1 9 6 7

4 .9

0 .9



1 9 6 7 to 1 9 7 3



7 .5

4 .4

1 9 7 5 to 1 9 8 1 “

5 .9

6 .5

4 .0

-2 .5

2 .7 %

C h a n g e In
4 .7 %
— 1.8

♦Inflation rate fo r b eginn in g o f period calculated fo r four-quarter
period ending in fourth quarter o f initial year, and fo r end o f
period calculated fo r four-quarter period ending in fourth quarter
o f term inal year.
** A dm inistration p rojection .

six-year period cannot be achieved without some
acceleration of inflation.20
In summary, the prospects for sustained economic
expansion are good, if monetary growth is held steady
— a point which is emphasized by the CEA in their
Report. But the growth of GNP is not likely to be as
rapid as they indicate unless the rate of monetary
expansion is accelerated. Furthermore, even if their
path of GNP growth is achieved, there is some evi­
dence from past experience questioning the likelihood
of sustaining a rapid growth in output without ac­
celerating the rate of inflation. The latter conclusion
is grounded on a weaker foundation, however, be­
cause the current situation appears to be unique rela­
tive to past experience because of relatively large
excess capacity. But when account is taken of the
effect of Government regulations relating to product
reliability, occupational and consumer safety, and en­
vironmental control, the amount of excess capacity
currently is much less than a superficial reading of the
numbers would suggest.

Checking the Growth of Federal Spending
The second major objective of the Administration’s
program is checking the growth of Federal spending.
Questions might arise as to political feasibility, but
20A more complete analysis of the price-output scenario should
probably also take the growth of money into consideration.
Research at this Bank indicates that a maintained growth in
money of 6 percent would produce an inflation rate of be­
tween 5 and 6 percent by 1981. See Leonall C. Andersen
and Denis S. Karnosky, “The Appropriate Time Frame for
Controlling Monetary Aggregates: The St. Louis Evidence,”
Controlling Monetary Aggregates II: The Implementation
(Proceedings of a Conference Held at Melvin Village, New
Hampshire, sponsored by the Federal Reserve Bank of
Boston, September 1972), pp. 147-177.

Page 10

they will not be discussed here. Of concern are the
implications of such a goal for the course of the
economy in future years.
The CEA offers a challenge to conventional macro­
economics. Virtually all of the well-known econome­
tric models suggest that increased Government spend­
ing is stimulative, but this is a feature which applies
to the short run.21 In particular, when the economy
is operating below some so-called full employment
level, an increase in Government spending stimulates
output and employment, and once full employment is
reached, any further increases in Federal spending
puts upward pressures on prices. This is the message
of Keynesian economics.
The Administration questions the assumption that
the Federal government can promote economic ex­
pansion for a very long period. The focus in the Re­
port is on the detrimental effects of rapidly rising
Government spending on economic growth. The
budget program is grounded on the hypothesis that
the growth of productive potential will be greater if
the size of the Government sector is reduced relative
to the private sector.
The financing of Government programs has to come
ultimately from incomes and profits generated by the
private sector. If the growth of Government is allowed
to continue unchecked, financing requirements will
21See Gary Fromm and Lawrence Klein, “ A Comparison of
Eleven Econometric Models of the United States,” Ameri­
can Economic Review (May 1973), pp. 385-93.


eventually work toward discouragement of incentives
to work, produce and invest.22 These are the ingre­
dients that are vital to the growth process.
Even though the CEA does not develop statistical
evidence in support of their position, their proposal
is a refreshing one because it reflects a long-run per­
spective that has long been missing from the policy­
making process. Recognition of short vs. long-run ef­
fects of expanding Government programs represents
a significant departure from conventional thinking,
which has been dominated by considerations of the
short-run transitory effect of fiscal actions on economic

The Administration is in the position of being able
to take a long-run perspective now that the recovery
seems to be well underway. As a result, they have
formulated a budget program that, if enacted, would
reverse the trend of Government spending. Further­
more, such a reversal of trend is regarded by the
Administration as being consistent with promoting a
moderate and sustainable recovery.
The CEA forecasts for 1976 and 1977 are at the
high end of the range of the consensus forecasts,
indicating a relatively rapid advance of output and
continuing inflation in the range of 5 to 6 percent.
The scenario for the years following 1977 is somewhat
of a mystery, however, as the CEA does not spell out
its policy strategy. Furthermore, it is not clear how
output could continue to advance rapidly and infla­
tion could abate at the same time.
22For some discussion of this hypothesis, see Keith M. Carlson
and Roger W. Spencer, “Crowding Out and Its Critics,”
this Review (December 1975), p. 16.

APRIL 1976

Evidence was presented indicating that the Admin­
istration’s long-run GNP path is rather unlikely, given
past relationships. In particular, even if a relatively
rapid 6 percent rate of monetary expansion were as­
sumed, the implied pattern of velocity change in the
Administration’s projections is so far from historical
experience that it is difficult to accept. No evidence
is developed in the CEA Report supporting a marked
and sustained change in the rate of change of velocity.
One of the most interesting aspects of the Report is
the recommendation for slowing the growth of Fed­
eral spending, and that the long-term interest of the
economy will be best served by such a slowing. De­
spite the significance of the recommendation, the
rhetoric is not backed by any quantitative evidence.
The proposal is laudable, however, because the focus
is shifted from short-run aggregate demand considera­
tions to long-run effects on aggregate supply.
Contrary to many of the past CEA reports, shortrun problems do not seem to be paramount. It is true
that the ultimate economic goals have not been
achieved nor is it likely that they will be reached in
the next year or two. Yet, the foundation for their
ultimate achievement rests on the development of
policies that aim for steadiness in monetary growth
and reducing the size of Government. Policymakers
and the public seem to have accepted the fact that
achievement of full employment with price stability
is not possible within a short period of time, and any
attempt to do so is self-defeating. Consequently, the
time is ripe to take a long-run perspective and at­
tempt to define a long-term policy strategy. The Ad­
ministration has succeeded in shifting the emphasis,
but the details of the scenario still need to be spelled

Page 11

A Mortgage Futures Market:
Its Development, Uses, Benefits, and Costs

inherent risk associated with dealings in com­
modities is the possibility of financial losses resulting
from unexpected changes in the price of the com­
modity. One mechanism for reducing such risks is a
futures market. Last fall a futures market in mort­
gages began operations on the Chicago Board of
Trade.1 In view of the volatility of mortgage interest
rates in recent years, this new futures market will
likely be useful to some mortgage market participants
in reducing their risks from unexpected interest rate
In principle, this mortgage futures market operates
in the same way as the traditional commodity futures
markets. In this new market, contracts based on
GNMA pass-through securities are traded rather than
contracts based on commodities, such as wheat, com,
or silver. This article examines the underlying condi­
tions leading to the development of this market, the
uses it can offer to some mortgage market participants,
and the benefits and costs of such a market.
Note: Material particularly helpful in the preparation of this
article include “ Hedging in GNMA Mortgage Interest Rate
Futures,” Chicago Board of Trade (November 1975), and
Richard L. Sandor, “Trading Mortgage Interest Rate Fu­
tures,” Federal Home Loan Bank Board Journal (September
1975), pp. 2-9.
iPrice quotes for this market are now published daily in the
commodity section of the Wall Street Journal.

Page 12

Futures contracts are standardized agreements to
make or take delivery of a specified amount of a com­
modity at some future date.2 Contracts specify the
commodity, its exact grade and quantity, the maturity
date of the contract, details concerning delivery, and
a number of other technical specifications. Prices of
these contracts are determined by trading activity on
organized exchanges. In well-functioning futures mar­
kets, contracts are seldom allowed to mature; that is,
delivery of the commodity is not usually made or
taken. A futures market position can be offset before
the maturity date of the contract by simply executing
an opposite buy or sell transaction.
Commodities traded on futures markets must be
well defined; thus the chief problem in the develop­
ment of a mortgage futures market was finding a
suitable trading unit of uniform quality. Mortgage
documents are not uniform nor does there exist a
widely accepted grading system for standardizing
mortgages. Mortgage markets have traditionally been
localized, and have only recentiy become national
2In general, a futures contract differs from a forward contract
in that the forward contract is not negotiable, the terms are
not standardized, and delivery of the commodity is expected
unless otherwise agreed upon by the parties involved in the

APRIL 1976



Mortgage Corporation (F H L M C ) whose capital stock
is issued only to the twelve Federal Home Loan
Banks, is authorized to purchase and sell residential
mortgages. The primary purpose is to assist in the
development of secondary markets for conventional


( A v e r a g e s fo r A ll M a jo r Lend ers)

M e tro p o lita n A re a
A tla n ta
B altim ore
C h ic a g o —
In d ia n a

Decem ber

Decem ber

8 .9 0

9 .1 7

8 .8 6

9 .0 4

N orth w e stern
9 .0 6

9 .3 7

C le v e la n d

8 .8 0

9 .7 0

D a lla s

8 .9 8

9 .8 0

D en ve r

9 .2 5



8 .7 4

9 .3 3

H ouston

9 .0 9

9 .1 9

9 .1 5

9 .5 7

M ia m i

9 .0 5

8 .6 2

N e w Y o rk — N orth e aste rn
N e w Je rse y


P h ila d e lp h ia

8 .7 6

St. Louis

8 .7 7

Los A n g e le s —

S a n Francisco —

Long Beach

O a k la n d

W a s h in g t o n , D.C. —
a n d V irg in ia

9 .4 7

(L o w )


( H ig h )

8 .3 8

(L o w )

9 .8 6

( H ig h )

M a r y la n d ,
9 .1 4

9 .0 9

S ource: Federal H om e Loan Bank Board N ew s (Jan uary 21, 1976).

in character. Consequently, effective interest rates on
conventional mortgages vaiy substantially among
cities.3 For example, according to a survey by the
Federal Home Loan Bank Board, the effective rate on
conventional mortgages for newly-built homes in D e­
cember 1975 varied from a low of 8.61 percent in the
New York City area to 9.47 percent in the San Fran­
cisco Bay area (see Table I). Thus a futures contract
based on conventional-type mortgages did not appear
feasible in view of the diversity of these mortgages.
Two agencies have been given primary responsibil­
ity for improving the liquidity of mortgages. One, the
Federal National Mortgage Association (FNM A and
known in the trade as Fannie Mae) is a Governmentsponsored corporation owned by private stock­
holders, but regulated by the Department of Housing
and Urban Development.4 Operations of FNMA are
aimed at providing liquidity for mortgages insured by
the Federal Housing Administration and Farmers
Home Administration, mortgages guaranteed by the
Administration of Veterans Affairs, and conventional
mortgages. It performs this function by making pur­
chase commitments or purchasing and selling such
mortgages. Another agency, the Federal Home Loan
Conventional loans usually refer to mortgages made by
private lenders without Government insurance or guarantees.
4Contributions to FNMA capital stock are required for most
buyers and sellers using the FNMA mortgage market.

In addition to these Government-sponsored agen­
cies, the Government National Mortgage Association
(GN M A and known in the trade as Ginnie M ae), a
Government-owned corporation under the Depart­
ment of Housing and Urban Development, has among
its operations the pass-through securities program.
Under this program Ginnie Mae guarantees the timely
payment of principal and interest on GNMA pass­
through certificates. Such certificates are issued by
private mortgage lenders against specified pools of
mortgages insured by the Federal Housing Adminis­
tration or guaranteed by the Administration of
Veteran Affairs. Stated maturities on modified pass­
through certificates are equal to those on the under­
lying mortgages (usually 30 years) and the minimum
denomination of certificates is $25,000. Holders of
these certificates receive regular monthly interest and
principal payments as well as any prepayments of
principal. Ginnie Mae guaranteed $4.8 billion of these
securities in 1974 and another $7.4 billion in 1975.
A well-functioning secondary market for these se­
curities currently exists among security brokers. Thus,
the developers of the mortgage futures market viewed
GNMA modified pass-through certificates as a suitable
unit for basing mortgage futures contracts. As pres­
ently traded on the Chicago Board of Trade, the
mortgage futures contract is specified as a GNMA
modified pass-through certificate with a principal bal­
ance of $100,000 and a stated interest rate of 8 per­
cent. GNMA pass-through certificates bearing other
yields can be used for delivery, providing they yield
an equivalent 8 percent when calculated at par and
under the assumption of a 30-year certificate prepaid
in the twelfth year. Prices of the GNMA futures con­
tracts are quoted as a percentage of par; when market
interest rates rise, the price of the futures contract
falls and vice versa.

The primary functions performed by residential
mortgage lenders are origination of loans, interim and
3Both FNMA and FHLMC are authorized to raise funds to
purchase mortgages by issuing various types of securities in
the capital market.

Page 13


short-term financing, and permanent financing. These
functions may be carried out by the same firm or by
different firms. The major institutions which perform
these functions, and thus some of the potential users
of the mortgage futures market, include savings and
loan associations, mutual savings banks, commercial
banks, insurance companies, and mortgage banks.
Mortgage banks perform primarily the function of
loan origination by making initial contact with the
builder and home buyer, arranging short-term financ­
ing for construction, and finding a permanent buyer
of the mortgages originated. Savings and loan associa­
tions and mutual savings banks, as well as commercial
banks, often perform all three functions, while insur­
ance companies, trust funds, and pension funds most
often perform the role of permanent investor.
Various opportunities arise for the use of a mort­
gage futures market as a hedging device when these
participants in the mortgage market carry out the orig­
ination and permanent financing functions.6 In essence
hedging is for the purpose of protecting a temporarily
uncovered cash market position, either expected or
existing, from price changes.7 Hedging is carried out
by temporarily taking an equal and opposite position
in the futures market from that taken in the cash
market, that is, buy in one and sell in the other. The
futures market position should be cancelled when the
cash transactions have been completed so that there is
no longer an uncovered position.
Two basic types of hedges are possible — a sell
hedge and a buy hedge. The sell hedge ( sell futures)
can be used to temporarily protect a commitment to
buy mortgages or an existing inventory of mortgages
held. A buy hedge (buy futures) can be used to tem­
porarily protect a commitment to sell mortgages or fix
the price of an expected purchase of mortgages. In
addition to these hedging possibilities, the futures
market can be used to undertake speculative actions.

Hedging a Commitment to Buy Mortgages
The use of commitments in the mortgage lending
process gives rise to one use of a mortgage futures
6Since interim and short-term loans often reflect short-term
interest rate movements and yields on GNMA certificates
reflect long-term interest rate movements, the GNMA futures
market cannot be used to effectively hedge short-term financ­
ing operations. Such short-term loan commitments may be
more effectively hedged in the new Treasury bill futures
market. Federal-related agencies that buy and sell mort­
gages may also use this futures market to reduce their risks.
7An uncovered position is one which is subject to price level
risk, that is, a position where changes in interest rates, subse­
quent to taking the cash position, leads to either financial
losses or gains.

Page 14

APRIL 1976

market.8 When commitments are made to builders and
homebuyers at fixed interest rates, subsequent changes
in mortgage interest rates can result in a substantial
financial gain or loss to the lender.
To give some idea of the amount of this risk, com­
mitments outstanding at all savings and loan associa­
tions on July 31,1975, amounted to $16.1 billion, while
yields on 8 percent Ginnie Mae securities in 1975
ranged from a low of 8.02 percent on February 12 to
a high of 9.11 percent on September 17. With this
range in yields, one GNMA contract ($100,000)
would change approximately $7,500 in value. The
magnitude of these commitments and the possible
fluctuations in mortgage interest rates can lead to
considerable uncertainty in profits, especially in the
short run, and therefore give impetus to the use of a
mortgage futures market.
Suppose, for example, a savings and loan association
makes arrangements to finance new housing construc­
tion and makes a commitment to finance the perma­
nent loans at a given rate. The association expects to
form a mortgage pool from the mortgages obtained
and sell GNMA securities to investors. The commit­
ments are made at the current market rate; however,
should interest rates increase before the GNMA se­
curities are sold to investors, the savings and loan
association would have to sell the mortgages at a dis­
count, thereby suffering a financial loss.
The GNMA mortgage futures market provides a
mechanism for the savings and loan association to
protect loan origination and servicing profits from
interest rate movements. For an illustration of how
such an interest rate hedge could be carried out, sup­
pose that in January a savings and loan association
makes $1 million in permanent financing commit­
ments to be consummated by June at 8% percent,
the going market yield of Ginnie Mae 8’s at the time.9
The institution plans to form a pool of mortgages and
issue GNMA pass-through securities to be sold to
other investors rather than hold the mortgages in their
own portfolio. If the savings and loan association de­
cides to protect these cash market transactions from
interest rate movements, it will sell 10 June GNMA
futures contracts ($100,000 each) at the time the com­
mitments are made. For simplicity, assume that the
Commitments as used here are defined as promises to buy or
sell mortgages at a fixed price for future delivery, that is, for­
ward contracts. Such commitments are considered here as a
cash-type transaction. Also see footnote 2.
9The term “ Ginnie Mae 8’s” refers to GNMA pass-through cer­
tificates with a stated interest rate of 8 percent.


Illu stration


C a sh T ran sa ction s
J a n u a r y — S a v in g s a n d loan
a sso c ia tio n m ake s $1 m illion
in resid en tial m o rtga ge
com m itm ents at the current
yie ld o n G in n ie M a e 8 's
of 8 .5 % .
Price of G in n ie M a e 8 ’s —
9 6 -0 3

Futures T ran sa ction s
J a n u a r y — S a v in g s a n d loan
a sso c ia tio n sells 10 June
G N M A futures contracts.
Price —
Y ie ld —

Price —
Y ie ld —

9 2 -2 2
9 .0 0 %

Total valu e o f G in n ie M a e
8 's — $ 9 2 6 , 8 7 5 . 0 0

$ 3 4 ,0 6 2 .5 0

8 .5 0 %

Total v a lu e o f 1 0 contracts
— $ 9 6 0 ,9 3 7 .5 0

Ju n e — S a v in g s a n d loan
a sso c ia tio n buys 1 0 Ju n e
G N M A futures contracts,
can ce llin g out the a b o v e
Price —

9 2 -2 2

Y ie ld —

9 .0 0 %

T otal v a lu e o f 10 contracts
— $ 9 2 6 ,8 7 5 .0 0
G a in

$ 3 4 ,0 6 2 .5 0

GNMA futures contract is priced at 96-03, or a yield
of 8.5 percent.10
Assume interest rates have risen by June, so the
$1 million of Ginnie Mae 8’s are sold to investors at a
price of 92-22, a yield of 9 percent. GNMA futures
prices will have also fallen (yields risen) reflecting
the changed market conditions, and should approxi­
mately equal the price of the 8 percent Ginnie Mae
securities sold to private investors in the cash
market.11 The savings and loan association completes
the hedge at the time the GNMA certificates are sold
to investors by buying 10 June contracts, thereby off­
setting the futures position taken earlier. From Illus­
tration I, the cash transactions alone resulted in a loss
of $34,000 to the savings and loan association while
the futures transactions alone resulted in a gain of
$34,000. Thus, the firm has successfully hedged its
commitments from increases in interest rates.
1096-03 is read 96 and 3/32. 93-03 is equivalent to a yield of
8.5 percent assuming a 30-year maturity and prepaid in the
twelfth year.
u In practice, the futures price and the cash price for GNMA
futures will differ somewhat depending on market condi­
tions. In the delivery month of a contract, however, interest
rates in both the GNMA cash market and the GNMA futures
market should normally be very close. If the cash price is
significantly above the futures price, those who bought fu­
tures contracts will take delivery and make a profit by
selling in the cash market, thus bringing pressure for the
gap to narrow between the two markets. If, on the other
hand, the futures price is significantly above the cash price,
a profit can be made by buying mortgages in the cash
market, selling futures, and making delivery.

If interest rates had fallen during the January-June
period, the opposite situation would occur in each
market. The cash transaction would result in a finan­
cial gain to the lender while the futures transactions
would result in a loss. On balance, however, the gains
and losses should approximately offset each other,
thus preserving the profit from origination and servic­
ing of the mortgage.

9 6 -0 3

T otal v a lu e o f $1 m illion of
G in n ie M a e 8 's at this
time — $ 9 6 0 , 9 3 7 . 5 0
Ju n e — S a v in g s a n d loan
a sso c ia tio n com pletes
m o rtg a g e p oo l a n d sells
$1 m illion of G in n ie
M a e ’s 8 's.

APRIL 1976

Hedging an Inventory of Mortgages
Originators of mortgages, especially mortgage
banks, often make commitments simultaneously to
both the investor and the borrower (builder or home­
owner) at a specified rate, which effectively hedges
the transaction. In other cases the originator may
temporarily hold an inventory of mortgages without
an agreed upon price.12 If the loan originator follows
the hedging procedure similar to that outlined in
Illustration I, the GNMA futures market can be used
as a means for avoiding large losses while the mort­
gages are held in inventory. These mortgages may be
either Federally insured or conventional. The assump­
tion necessary for a successful hedge, however, is that
the price of the mortgages agreed upon between the
originator and investor move in step with price move­
ments in the GNMA futures market. This could be
assured by agreeing beforehand that the price of the
mortgages be pegged to movements in Ginnie Mae

Hedging a Commitment to Sell Mortgages
A loan originator might have occasion to make
commitments to sell mortgages to an investor at a
specific price before all the mortgages have been
originated. A loan originator, such as a mortgage
banker, would normally avoid such situations for he
bears the risks that market rates will decline, causing
him to buy the mortgages at a higher price than ex­
pected. To protect himself in this situation, the bank
can buy futures contracts at the time he makes the
commitment to sell mortgages to the institutional in­
vestors. When the buying price of the mortgages is
determined, the futures transaction is reversed by
1-Since the mortgage inventory is likely to have been financed
by short-term financing, the spread between the financing
interest rate and the mortgage interest rate is presumably
favorable to the mortgage bank if such a procedure is
followed. If the interest rate spread is not favorable, the
mortgage bank may be speculating that mortgage interest
rates will fall in the near future, thereby realizing a specula­
tive profit. Of course, in the latter case, the firm would
choose not to hedge.

Page 15


selling futures. If this price closely reflects the
GNMA pass-through market price, the firm will again
succeed in protecting its profit from loan origination.

APRIL 1976

Illu stra tio n II

C a sh T ra n sa ction s

Forward Pricing of Cash Floivs
Another use of the mortgage futures market is the
forward pricing of expected cash inflows by financial
intermediaries. For example, permanent investors,
such as savings and loan associations, usually have
relatively steady cash inflows, so that fairly accurate
projections of these flows over, say, a six-month period,
are possible. In addition, the offering rates for funds
by these thrift institutions, that is, the rates paid on
savings deposits, are relatively fixed over periods of
time, which, in effect, results in a de facto commitment
by these institutions. Since the price at which they sell
these funds (buy mortgages) changes as market in­
terest rates change, and thereby affect their short-run
profits, they may wish to protect themselves from such
risk. For these reasons, financial intermediaries may
make commitments to buy mortgages at fixed prices
several months in advance of their delivery. In so
doing, the firm may lock-in the existing margin be­
tween its buying rate for funds and the selling rate
(buying price of mortgages). Finding such arrange­
ments in the cash market can be difficult. Therefore,
the GNMA futures market offers a convenient alter­
native for locking-in a given yield on a cash flow
before it is received.
Illustration II presents an example of this type of
hedging. Suppose in June a financial intermediary,
such as a savings and loan association, forecasts its net
cash inflows over the next three months at $1.92 mil­
lion and would like to invest these funds in GNMA
securities which currently are yielding 8.514 percent.
The buying rate for savings and time deposits is ex­
pected to average 6 percent and remain unchanged
over the period. The savings and loan association
views this current profit margin as satisfactory and
thus decides to lock-in the 8.514 percent yield. This
can be accomplished by buying September GNMA
futures contracts. Suppose that by September current
mortgage interest rates have fallen to 8 percent. The
savings and loan buys Ginnie Mae 8’s in the cash
market for 99-21.13 The firm completes the hedging
transaction by selling 20 September GNMA futures
contracts which are assumed to be also trading for
13Because of the GNMA 15-day interest-free servicing delay
provision, an 8 percent GNMA yields 8 percent at a price of
99-21/32, assuming a 30-year mortgage prepaid in the
twelfth year.

Page 16

Ju n e — S a v in g s a n d loan
a sso c ia tio n expects a cash
flow o f $ 1 . 9 2 m illion ove r
the next three m onths. P lan s
to invest these fu n d s in
G N M A p a ss -th ro u g h

Futures T ra n sa ction s
Ju n e — B uys 2 0 Sep tem b er
G N M A futures contracts
Price —
Y ie ld —

9 6 -0 0
8 .5 1 4 %

Total V a lu e —

$ 1 ,9 2 0 ,0 0 0

C urrent G in n ie M a e 8 's
Price — 9 6 - 0 0
Y ie ld —

8 .5 1 4 %

S e p t e m b e r — B uys $ 2 m illion
p rincip a l b a la n c e of G in n ie
M a e 8 ’s securities.
Price —
Y ie ld —

9 9 -2 1

Price —

8 .0 0 %

Total Price —

Sep tem b er — S e lls 2 0
Sep tem b er G N M A futures

$ 1 ,9 9 3 ,1 2 5

In cre a se d C o st o f G in n ie M a e
Securities ( L o s s ) — $ 7 3 , 1 2 5

Y ie ld —

9 9 -2 1
8 .0 0 %

Total V a lu e —
G a in

$ 1 ,9 9 3 ,1 2 5

$ 7 3 ,1 2 5

99-21. The cash transactions result in the firm paying
$73,125 more for the securities than it would have
paid in June, while the futures market transactions
yield a profit of a like amount. Thus, on balance, the
firm will receive the 8.5 percent yield on the $1.92
million cash flow.
Although a financial intermediary can lock-in a
given yield on a cash flow before it has actually been
received, such a procedure cannot assure that such
profitable opportunities will develop nor can it assure
long-term investors that mortgages will be profitably
held over their entire life. A problem of some inter­
mediaries, such as savings and loan associations, is the
different average length of maturities between its
assets ( mostly mortgages) and its liabilities ( time and
savings deposits). Savings and loan associations gen­
erally have a shorter average maturity structure in
their liabilities than in their assets. Therefore, if inter­
est rates rise unexpectedly over a prolonged period of
time, long-term assets must be carried with higher
cost funds, that is, higher rates on time and savings
deposits, resulting in financial losses to these insti­
tutions.14 This type of interest rate risk borne by per­
manent investors cannot be hedged effectively in the
GNMA futures market since the movements of rates
paid on time and savings deposits are not likely to be
very close to movements in GNMA futures prices.
14Such rates are currently constrained by Government regula­
tions, thus forcing a quantity adjustment (amount of funds
held at these intermediaries) rather than a price adjustment
when yields on alternative market instruments rise signifi­
cantly above regulated rates.


A futures market can be used both to hedge and to
speculate. The hedging firm is one which in the
normal course of business takes a cash position in a
particular commodity, and wishes to protect its posi­
tion from adverse price ( yield) movements by taking
an equal and opposite position in the futures market.
The speculator, on the other hand, is willing to as­
sume an open position either in the cash market or in
the futures market. In other words, the speculator
wishes to take the risk of price (yield) changes moti­
vated by the expectation that price movements will
yield him a profit.
Mortgage market participants themselves often
have strongly held expectations about the course of
future interest rate movements and may believe their
projections of future interest rates are better than
those implied in current market rates. Thus, partici­
pants in the mortgage market who normally take cash
positions in mortgages may find the GNMA futures
market a convenient tool to carry out speculative
For example, firms might follow what could be
referred to as “selective hedging” strategy. Such a
strategy would entail the use of the futures market to
hedge transactions when interest rate movements are
expected to benefit the firm while leaving its cash
positions open (unhedged) when this is expected to
benefit the firm. For example, a well-capitalized mort­
gage company may have an opportunity to originate
$1 million in loans. The company is reasonably certain
that interest rates will fall by the time the loans are
closed and ready for delivery to an investor. Thus the
company commits itself to make the loans at the cur­
rent interest rate expecting that it can later sell the
loan to a permanent investor at a profit. If, however,
the company expected interest rates to rise rather
than fall, it could cover that transaction in the futures
market, as in Illustration I, avoiding either loss or gain.
Firms using speculative decisions based on fore­
casts of interest rate movements are likely to be major
users of the futures market. They gain to the extent
that their expectations are more accurate than those
implied in market prices; they lose to the extent that
their expectations are less accurate than those implied
in the markets.

Most of the previous examples illustrate the uses of
the mortgage futures market as a means of minimizing

APRIL 1976

the risks associated with interest rate changes. But
futures trading involves costs as well as benefits, and
these costs must be weighed in order to decide
whether or not futures trading should be undertaken.

Private Costs
Some costs involved in futures trading to individual
firms are obvious and some are hidden. The fee
charged by brokers on a round of futures trading is a
direct cost while the foregone income from the margin
required by brokers is a less obvious cost. Margins are
actually earnest money or a security deposit which
futures traders must hold with their broker. Margins
can be divided into two parts — initial margin, which
all buyers and sellers of futures contracts must de­
posit with their broker — and variation or mainte­
nance margin. This latter type of margin covers daily
fluctuations in the value of the contract, thus addi­
tional margin will be required if the market value de­
clines sufficiently. On the other hand, if the market
value of the contract increases, such increases are
credited to the customer’s account and may be with­
drawn by the customer. In some cases, the initial
margin can be held in the form of Treasury bills such
that the customer gains interest income, thus reducing
the effective cost of futures trading.15
Although the hedger avoids interest rate risk with
proper hedging, he becomes subject to a new risk,
that of a changing relationship between the futures
market and cash market yields. This relationship is
often known as basis. In the simplified illustrations
presented earlier no change in basis was assumed,
thus gains and losses in the cash market were exactly
offset by the results from futures market transactions.
In practice, substantial changes in basis can occur,
thus gains and losses in the two markets will not be
exactly offsetting. Since the mortgage futures market
is based on a specific trading instrument — namely,
GNMA pass-through certificates — those markets in
which interest rates closely parallel the GNMA mar­
ket will offer the best possibilities for successful hedg­
ing. Changes in basis or spread between yields in the
GNMA futures market and other markets must be
carefully examined before GNMA futures are used to
hedge transactions in other markets.16 In practice,
15Noted by David R. Ganis in “ GNMA Futures Market Has
Advantages, But Not a Way to Make or Take Delivery,”
Mortgage Banker (January 1976), p. 20.
18See Kenneth M. Plant, “ Playing the Futures Market Game,”
Federal Home Loan Bank Board Journal (November 1975),
pp. 16-21, for a discussion of statistical correlations between
various yield series and GNMA yields; also see “Hedging in
GNMA Mortgage Interest Rate Futures,” pp. 44-53, for
graphs comparing several interest rate series to GNMA yields.

Page 17


much of the time and expertise devoted to futures
trading will be directed toward analysis of the basis
between the GNMA market and the instruments
being hedged.
The firmness of a commitment is another considera­
tion in hedging. Commitments thought to be firm have
been broken, leaving the hedger open to price level
risks. Mortgage production that doesn’t materialize as
expected, leaves the hedging institution with only its
futures position and thus subject to the gains or losses
which an open position entails.

Private Benefits
The possible costs of futures trading must be
weighed against the benefits which the firm perceives
from hedging operations. The primary benefit from
hedging operations is the reduction of risk from large
losses resulting from major changes in mortgage in­
terest rates. The degree of profit stability afforded by
hedging will be evaluated differently by individual
firms. Firms in a highly leveraged position may wish
the protection offered by hedging certain transactions
while other less leveraged firms may be more inclined
to take the risks of an unhedged position.
Increased capital leverage is another possible bene­
fit of hedging. Mortgage companies that operate pri­
marily on borrowed funds would seem to benefit most
from this aspect. To the extent that the mortgage
company operations are hedged and risks reduced,
lenders should be more willing to make larger loans,
allowing for more intensive use of the company’s
The mortgage futures market also gives greater
flexibility and reduces search time in carrying out
hedging and speculative decisions. Existing practices,
as noted earlier, already allow transactions to be
hedged by various cash market transactions, but find­
ing other buyers or sellers at the preferred time may
be difficult and costly.

APRIL 1976

A futures market, in general, can be thought of as
one in which risk is being traded. In the case of the
GNMA futures market, specialization occurs by sep­
arating the risk of changing interest rates from the
mortgage lending function. In many respects such a
separation of price level risk from other business risks
is similar to the separation of theft or fire risks from
other business risk. These risks are reduced through
the purchase of theft and fire insurance. In the case of
futures markets, the burden of price level risk is
shifted to those who wish to assume such risks. Spec­
ulators are willing to assume the risk of losses from
price level changes in anticipation of a profit. But in
the aggregate the net gains to speculators over the
long run is probably near zero, assuming they are
no better at anticipating price level movements than
A market acts as a focal point where buyers and
sellers can meet readily, reducing search costs, increas­
ing market information, and thus increasing efficiency
in resource use. A futures market in mortgages,
along with the development of secondary mort­
gage markets, should lead to less segmentation in the
mortgage market as local lending rates become more
competitive with national rates, and thus result in
more efficient allocation of mortgage funds through­
out the country. In turn, as mortgage markets become
more integrated, the futures market can be used more
successfully to hedge risks since interest rates in
various markets will tend to move together.

Social Costs
The futures market is not without social costs, for it
consumes a portion, although a very small portion, of
society’s resources — buildings, equipment, paper,
labor, etc. But in a free market setting it appears that
such costs will be outweighed by the benefits accruing
to society. Although the benefits may be sizable from
society’s viewpoint, individual homebuyers cannot ex­
pect to see a significant drop in housing costs.

Social Benefits
According to some proponents, social benefits
should result from a mortgage futures market, includ­
ing somewhat lower average mortgage interest rates,
slighdy lower effective housing prices, and less volatil­
ity of mortgage interest rates. These proponents are
referring to benefits normally expected from any wellfunctioning market.

Page 18

The GNMA mortgage
offers participants a way
est rate movements from
Institutions can use this
positions, either actual

interest rate futures market
to separate the risk of inter­
other types of business risk.
market to hedge their cash
or expected, against large

1Possibility below zero when commissions and the opportun­
ity cost on margins are taken into account.


financial losses resulting from adverse movements in
mortgage interest rates. Loan originators, such as
mortgage banks or savings and loan associations act­
ing as originators, can use this market to avoid interest
rate risks when making commitments to either buy or
sell mortgages. In so doing, institutions can protect
profits accruing from loan origination and servicing.
Permanent investors, such as savings and loan associa­
tions or insurance companies, can use this market to
lock-in the current yield on a cash flow to be received
in the future. In addition, this market allows specula­

APRIL 1976

tive transactions on mortgage interest rates to be
carried out in a convenient way.
This market will not solve all the problems of the
housing industry. However, it is likely to offer sig­
nificant benefits including increased market informa­
tion, less search time, integration of markets and
greater specialization of risk bearing. All these add up
to greater efficiency in the use of resources, and thus
should ultimately benefit home purchasers, savers, and
the public at large.

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