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Producer Price
U.S. Department of Labor
Bureau of Labor Statistics

Data for September 1995



Robert B. Reich, Secretary
Katharine G. Abraham, Commissioner
Producer Price Indexes is a monthly report on producer price
movements including text, tables, and technical notes. An
annual supplement contains monthly data for the calendar
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October 1995

Data for September 1995

Producer Price Indexes
Data for September 1995
Editors: William D. Thomas, Jerry L. Matheny, Scott Sager
Production assistant: Dorothy Williams



Price movements, September 1995...............................



Producer price indexes and percent
changes for commodity groupings
and individual item s........................................ 157


Producer price indexes by durability
of product.......................................................... 201


Producer price indexes for special
commodity groupings................................ .

1. Producer price indexes and percent
changes by stage o f processing..............................


2. Producer price indexes and percent
changes for selected commodity groupings
by stage o f processing.............................................


3. Producer price indexes for selected
stage-of-processing groupings,
seasonally adjusted.................................. ........... .


4. Producer price indexes for the net
output of major industry groups............................ 10
5. Producer price indexes for die net
output of selected industries and
their products............................................................ 11



Producer price indexes for material
inputs to construction industries.................... 203


Producer price indexes and percent
changes for the net output of industry
by stage o f process.......................................... 204


Producer price indexes and percent changes
for net material inputs to industry stage of
process and final demand............................... 205

Technical notes............................................................... 206


Scheduled Release Dates
Producer Price Index data are scheduled for initial release on the following dates:
Index month

Release date

Index month

Release date


November 9


February 13


December 12


March 14


January 11


April 11

Price Movements
September 1995

The Producer Price Index for Finished Goods increased
0.3 percent, seasonally adjusted, from August to Septem­
ber. This followed a decline of 0.1 percent in August and no
change in July. Prices received by domestic producers of
intermediate goods inched down 0.1 percent over the month
after showing no change in each of the previous 2 months.
Crude material prices advanced 1.9 percent after falling in
August and July. (See table A.)
Among finished goods, the index for finished foods turned
up after showing no change in August, and the index for
finished energy goods fell much less than in recent months.
In addition, the index for finished goods less foods and en­
ergy moved up just slightly more in September (0.2 per­
cent) than in August (0.1 percent).
During the third quarter of 1995, prices received by do­
mestic producers of finished goods advanced at a season­
ally adjusted annual rate of 0.9 percent, the same increase
as in the second quarter. The index for finished goods other
than foods and energy rose at a seasonally adjusted annual
rate of 2.0 percent after rising at a 2.9-percent rate in both
the first and second quarters. The index for finished energy
goods turned down from June to September after rising from
March to June. After two consecutive quarterly declines,
the consumer foods index increased in the third quarter.
Prices for intermediate goods edged down in the third quar­
ter, the first calendar-quarter decline in 2 years. The index

for crude materials for further processing fell slightly after
increasing in each of the previous three calendar quarters.
Before seasonal adjustment, the Producer Price Index for
Finished Goods declined 0.2 percent in September to 127.9
(1982=100). From September 1994 to September 1995, this
index increased 1.8 percent. During this same period, con­
sumer food prices rose 2.9 percent, the index for finished
energy goods fell 0.8 percent, and the prices for finished
goods other than foods and energy advanced 2.1 percent.
The index for intermediate goods increased 4.9 percent dur­
ing the 12 months ended in September 1995, and crude
material prices were 2.7 percent higher than a year earlier.

Finished goods
Prices for finished consumer foods increased 1.0 percent
over the month on a seasonally adjusted basis after showing
no change in August. After falling at a seasonally adjusted
annual rate of 4.9 percent in the second quarter and 1.2 per­
cent in the first quarter, this index turned up at a 9.1-percent
rate from June to September. In September, prices for fresh
and dry vegetables advanced nearly 40 percent after falling
about 13 percent in August. Prices also turned up after fall­
ing a month earlier for shortening and cooking oils and for
pasta products. Price declines for beef and veal slowed from
3.4 percent in August to 1.3 percent in September. Price
increases accelerated over the month for eggs for fresh use,

Table A. Monthly and annual percent changes in selected stage-of-processlng price Indexes, seasonally adjusted1
Finished goods

Septem ber............................................................. .
October ....................................................................
November.... ............................................................
December......... .......................................................
February.................................... ..............................
M arch....................................... ................................
M a y ...........................................................................
J u n e ..........................................................................
A ugust......................................................................
Septem ber...............................................................





- 0 .2

2 .2









- .2




- 1 .0

1 .2
1 .0




' Some percent changes shown here and elsewhere in “Price Movements
September 1995” may differ from those previously reported because indexes
for May 1995 have been recalculated to incorporate late reports and correc-

Change in
finished goods
from 12 months
ago (unadj.)











Except foods
and energy



2 .2








- .1

- 1.1
- .8


tions by respondents. All Indexes are subject to revision 4 months after original


Table B. Monthly and annual percent changes in selected price indexes for intermediate goods and crude goods, seasonally
Intermediate goods


and energy


-1 .7
-1 .7


-1 .0



S e p te m b e r............................................. .......................
O c to b e r..........................................................................
N ovem ber.......................................................................
D ecem ber....................................................... ...............
J an u a ry.................................... ......................................
February .........................................................................
M a rc h ..............................................................................
A p ril....................................................... ..........................
M a y ....................................................... ..........................
J u n e ........................................... ....................................
J u ly ............. ................................................ ....................
August ......................................................... ..................
S e p te m b e r....................................................................

- 1 .0



-2 .4
-1 .4

Crude goods
Change in
goods from
12 months
ago (unadj.)




-0 .2




- 1 .4



-2 .4
- 2 .8
3 .9

- .4
-5 .4



■>S o m e p e rc e n t c h a n g e s s h o w n h e re a n d e ls e w h e re in “ P ric e M o v e m e n ts




- 1 .0
-1 .8

- 1 .4



and energy

Change in
goods from
12 months
ago (unadj.)


-1 .3
-4 .5
-3 .0


- 1 .6

-1 .7



-1 .8
- .9

-1 .7

tio n s b y re s p o n d e n ts . A ll in d e x e s a re s u b je c t to re v is io n 4 m o n th s a fte r o rig in a l

S e p te m b e r 1 9 9 5 ” m a y d iffe r fro m th o s e p re v io u s ly re p o rte d b e c a u s e in d e x e s

p u b lic a tio n ,

fo r M a y 1 9 9 5 h a v e b e e n re c a lc u la te d to in c o rp o ra te la te re p o rts a n d c o rre c -

month.) Price increases also accelerated in September for
newspapers, prescription drugs, girls’ apparel, household
furniture, and floor coverings. The index for sporting goods
was unchanged over the month after falling in August. Prices
fell more in September than in August for household glass­
In September, the capital equipment index increased 0.1
percent for the third consecutive month. This index moved
up at a seasonally adjusted annual rate of 1.5 percent from
June to September following a 2.4-percent rate of increase
in the second quarter. In September, increases were regis­
tered for heavy motor trucks, metal cutting machine tools,
transformers and power regulators, commercial furniture,
communications equipment, and for pumps and compres­
sors. Declines occurred for truck trailers, office and store
machines and equipment, and electronic computers.

turkeys, pork, processed fruits and vegetables, and milled
rice. By contrast, prices turned down after rising a month
earlier for finfish and shellfish, roasted coffee, fresh fruits
and melons, and soft drinks. Prices rose less in September
than in August for dairy products, processed young chick­
ens, and confectionery end products.
Prices for finished energy goods moved down 0.5 per­
cent in September after falling 0.9 percent a month earlier.
During the third quarter, this index fell at a 14.7-percent
annual rate after rising at annual rates of 2.0 percent in the
second quarter and 11.3 percent in the first quarter. In Sep­
tember, prices for residential natural gas and home heating
oil turned up after falling in the previous month. Prices for
residential electric power, however, declined after increas­
ing a month earlier. Gasoline prices fell for the fourth con­
secutive month in September (about 2 percent).
Prices for finished consumer goods other than foods and
energy moved up 0.3 percent from August to September
following a 0.1-percent rise in the previous month. This in­
dex rose at a seasonally adjusted annual rate of 2.3 percent
in the third quarter following an increase at a 3.2-percent
rate in the second quarter. Prices turned down after rising a
month earlier for light motor trucks, jewelry, and leather
footwear. Price increases slowed from August to September
for sanitary papers and health products, alcoholic beverages,
periodicals, and mobile homes. Prices fell more in Septem­
ber than in August for home electronic equipment. By con­
trast, prices turned up after falling a month earlier for cos­
metics, soaps and detergents, over-the-counter drugs, and
for tires and tubes. The passenger car index increased 0.5
percent in September after rising 0.2 percent in August. (On
an unadjusted basis, this index actually fell 3.1 percent in
September following a 0.6-percent decline in the previous

Intermediate goods
The Producer Price Index for Intermediate Materials, Sup­
plies, and Components declined 0.1 percent, seasonally ad­
justed, after remaining unchanged in each of the previous 2
months. During the third quarter, this index fell at a 0.3percent seasonally adjusted annual rate after increasing at a
3.6-percent rate in the second quarter. In September, price
declines for energy goods and durable manufacturing mate­
rials outweighed increases for construction materials and
for foods and feeds. The index for nondurable manufactur­
ing remained unchanged over the month. Excluding food
and energy prices, this index increased 0.1 percent for the
second consecutive month. (See table B.)
The index for intermediate energy goods declined 1.4 per­
cent in September after falling 0.7 percent a month earlier.
Prices for energy goods fell at a 17.0-percent seasonally ad­


justed annual rate in the last 3 months after rising at a 1.4percent rate from March to June. In September, the index
for commerical electric power turned down 1.4 percent after
rising 0.4 percent in the previous month. Prices for indus­
trial electric power and diesel fuel also declined after in­
creasing in August. The index for residual fuel fell more
than it had a month ago. By contrast, the decline in the
liquefied petroleum gas index slowed to 0.7 percent from
8.6 percent in August. Prices for jet fuels and commercial
natural gas turned up after falling a month earlier. In addi­
tion, the index for liquid asphalt rose more than in the pre­
vious month.
The index for durable manufacturing materials fell 0.1
percent for the second consecutive month. Durable manu­
facturing material prices rose at a seasonally adjusted an­
nual rate of 0.3 percent from June to September, compared
with a 1.2-percent rate of decline in the second quarter. In
September, index declines for hot rolled steel sheet and strip,
copper, copper and brass mill shapes, and zinc more than
offset advances for plywood, building paper and board, sil­
ver, and platinum.
The index for construction materials rose 0.3 percent for
the second month in a row. This index advanced at a 4.6percent seasonally adjusted annual rate in the third quarter
after moving up at a 1.4-percent rate in the second quarter.
In September, price increases for softwood lumber, plywood,
wiring devices, and switchgear outweighed declines for plas­
tic construction products, nonferrous wire and cable, gyp­
sum products, and fabricated ferrous wire products.
The rise in the index for intermediate foods and feeds
slowed to 0.9 percent in September from 1.1 percent in
August, the fourth consecutive monthly advance. From June
to September, prices for foods and feeds rose at a 15.1-percent seasonally adjusted annual rate after falling at a 3.9percent rate from March to June. In September, the rise in
the index for prepared animal feeds slowed to 1.6 percent
from 2.4 percent in the previous month. Prices for crude
vegetable oils and for malt and malt by-products turned down
after rising in the previous month. The index for confec­
tionery materials fell more than it had a month earlier. Con­
versely, the index for natural and processed cheese turned
up 3.2 percent after falling 0.7 percent in August. Prices for
frozen ground meat patties also increased after declining a
month earlier. The index for beef and veal fell less than in
the prior month, and prices for dry milk products rose more
than in August.
The index for nondurable manufacturing materials re­
mained unchanged in September after falling 0.1 percent in
the previous month. This index rose at a 0.9-percent sea­
sonally adjusted annual rate from June to September, after
increasing at a 13.2-percent rate in the preceding 3 months.
In September, price increases for paper, miscellaneous ba­
sic organic chemicals, gray fabrics, and phosphates offset
declines for plastic resins and materials, primary basic or­
ganic chemicals, nitrogenates, and intermediate basic or­
ganic chemicals.


Crude goods
The Producer Price Index for Crude Materials for Further
Processing rose 1.9 percent, seasonally adjusted, after fall­
ing during the prior 2 months. This index declined at a 1.2percent seasonally adjusted annual rate in the third quarter
of 1995, compared with an 8.1 percent rate of increase from
March to June. In September, the index for crude energy
materials turned up, following 3 consecutive months of price
declines. Prices for crude foodstuffs and feedstuffs rose more
in September than in August. By contrast, the index for
basic industrial materials fell more than in the previous
month. (See table B.)
The index for crude energy materials rose 2.1 percent in
September following a 4.1-percent decline in August. Dur­
ing the third quarter, prices for crude energy materials fell
at a 26.3-percent seasonally adjusted annual rate after ad­
vancing at a 21.2-percent rate in the second quarter. Prices
for natural gas and coal turned up in September after falling
in the preceding month. The crude petroleum index rose
more than in August.
The index for crude foodstuffs and feedstuffs rose 4.2
percent in September following a 0.7-percent increase in
August. From June to September, this index increased at a
41.7-percent seasonally adjusted annual rate, after declin­
ing in each of the six preceding calendar quarters. In Sep­
tember, prices turned up after falling in the previous month
for slaughter cattle, fresh and dried vegetables, and alfalfa
hay. The index for com rose more in September than a month
earlier, and prices for soybeans advanced after showing no
change in the previous month. In contrast, the index for
slaughter broilers rose less than in August. Furthermore,
prices for unprocessed finfish, fresh fruits and melons, and
wheat all turned down following increases in the preceding
Prices for crude nonfood materials less energy fell 2.1
percent in September, the third consecutive monthly decline.
This index dropped at a 17.8-percent seasonally adjusted
annual rate in the third quarter after moving up at a 4.1percent rate from March to June. In September, indexes for
iron and steel scrap, aluminum base scrap, and copper ores
all turned down after rising in August. In addition, the in­
dexes for wastepaper and cattle hides fell more than in Au­
gust. Conversely, the index for raw cotton turned up 7.9
percent after falling 11.5 percent in the previous month.
Prices also increased in September after falling a month
earlier for pulpwood logs, bolts, and timber. Prices fell much
less than in the previous month for softwood logs, bolts,
and timber.

Net output price indexes for mining, manufactur­
ing, and other industries
Mining. The Producer Price Index for the net output of the
domestic mining sector advanced 2.4 percent in September
after decreasing 4.3 percent in the preceding month.
(Netoutput price indexes are not seasonally adjusted.) From

June to September, this index fell at a 20.3-percent annual
rate following an increase at an 11.2-percent annual rate in
the second quarter. In September, the oil and gas extraction
industry group index turned up 3.6 percent following a 6.1percent decrease in August. The index for the industry group
for bituminous coal and lignite mining also moved up after
declining a month earlier. Prices for the nonmetallic miner­
als mining group increased somewhat more than in the pre­
vious month. The metal mining industry group index fell
about as much as in the previous month. In September, the
Producer Price Index for total mining stood at 68.6 (Decem­
ber 1984=100), 5.2 percent lower than a year earlier.

the indexes for the industry groups for petroleum refining,
primary metal industries, chemicals and allied products, and
nonelectrical machinery. Prices increased for the industry
groups for lumber and wood products, paper and allied prod­
ucts, printing and publishing, furniture and fixtures, textile
mill products, and for food and kindred products. The index
for the net output of the domestic manufacturing sector stood
at 124.3 in September (December 1984=100), 2.6 percent
higher than a year earlier.
Other. Among other industries, the index for waste paper
collection fell almost 20 percent, the fourth consecutive
monthly decline. Prices also declined in September for metal
scrap collection, passenger car rental, psychiatric hospitals,
deep sea domestic transportation of freight, travel agencies,
freight transportation arrangement, and electric power utili­
ties. Prices advanced, however, for water transportation of
freight, not elsewhere classified; scheduled air transporta­
tion; farm product warehousing and storage; radio broad­
casting; tugging and towing services; and nonlocal truck­

Manufacturing. Prices received by producers for the net
output of the domestic manufacturing sector edged down
0.1 percent in September, the fourth consecutive month of
little or no change. During the third quarter, this index moved
down at a 0.6-percent annual rate following an increase at a
3.6-percent annual rate in the second quarter. In September,
a 1.5-percent decrease was registered for the industry group
for transportation equipment. There were also declines in


Table 1. Producer price indexes and percent changes by stage of processing
(1 9 8 2 = 1 0 0 )



Unadjusted index




percent change to
S ep.1995 from :


Seasonally adjusted
percent change from:



- .5
- .6

- .2


- .1

Finished goods ....................................... ......................................... ...............
Finished consumer g o o d s ......................................................................
Finished consumer fo o d s .....................................................................
Crude ................................. .....................................................................
P ro c e s s e d ...................................................................... ......................
Finished consumer goods, excluding fo o d s ...................................
Nondurable goods less fo o d s ........................................................
Durable g o o d s ..................................................................... ..... ..........
Capital equ ip m en t......................................................................................
Manufacturing industries ......................................................................
Nonmanufacturing industries .......................................... ....................






-0 .2
- .4
-1 .3

Intermediate materials, supplies and com ponents.......... ...................
Materials and components for m anufacturing..................................
Materials for food m anufacturing............................... ........................
Materials for nondurable m anufacturing.........................................
Materials for durable manufacturing.............................................
Components for manufacturing................................... ........ .........
Materials and components for construction...................... ..............
Processed fuels and lubricants..............................................................
Manufacturing industries.................................. *...................................
Nonmanufacturing industries.............................. ...................... .......
C ontainers..;.............. ..................................................................................
S upplies........................................................................................................
Manufacturing industries.......................................................................
Nonmanufacturing industries...............................................................
Feeds ......................................................................................................
Other supplies.................................................................... ..................





-1 .4
-2 .0

- .7
-1 .3

-2 .4
-2 .6

-1 .0

Crude materials for further processing............................................ ......
Foodstuffs and feed stu ffs........................................................................
Nonfood m a te ria ls .....................................................................................
Nonfood materials except fuel3 ..........................................................
Manufacturing3 ......................................................................................
Construction ..........................................................................................
Crude fuel4 ........................ .......................................................................
Manufacturing in dustries ............................................................ ......
Nonmanufacturing in dustries.............................................. .............





- .4
-1 4 .2
-1 2 .9
-1 4 .7


-3 .8
-4 .5
-4 .6
-2 .6
-2 .4
-2 .6

-1 .4
-2 .8
-8 .9
-7 .8
-9 .2


Finished goods, excluding fo o d s ............................................................
Intermediate materials less foods and feeds ......................................
Intermediate foods and feeds ............................ .................... ................
Crude materials less agricultural products3 7 ............................ .....

5 77.215
6 95.525
6 4.475
8 57.845




-1 .0


-3 .8

-2 .7


Finished energy g o o d s ..............................................................................
Finished goods less e n e rg y .....................................................................
Finished consumer goods less e n e rg y .................................................

5 13.533
5 86.467
5 62.988




- .8


-2 .5


- .5

Finished goods less foods and e n e rg y ................................................
Finished consumer goods less foods and e n e rg y ............................
Consumer nondurable goods less foods and e n e rg y ......................

5 63.682
5 40.203
5 22.310









Intermediate energy g o o d s ......................................................................
Intermediate materials less energy .......................................................
Intermediate materials less foods and e n e rg y ...................................

6 12.712
6 87.288
6 82.813




-1 .4


-2 .4


-1 .4

Crude energy materials3 ............................................................................
Crude materials less e n e rg y ....................................................................
Crude nonfood materials less energy4 .................................. ...............

8 34.885
8 65.115
8 25.027




-5 .8

-2 .0

-5 .4
-1 .8

- .9





-1 .4



Special groupings

3 Includes crude petroleum.
4 Excludes crude petroleum.
5 Percent of total finished goods.
6 Percent of total intermediate materials.
7 Formerly titled “Crude materials for further processing, excluding
crude foodstuffs and feedstuffs, plant and animal fibers, oilseeds, and leaf
8 Percent of total crude materials.

1 Comprehensive relative importance figures are initially computed after
the publication of Decem ber indexes and are recalculated after final
Decem ber indexes are available. The first-published and final December
relative importances initially appear, respectively, in the release tables
containing January and May data.
2 The indexes for May 1995 have been recalculated to incorporate late
reports and corrections by respondents.
All indexes are subject to
revision four months after original publication.




Table 2. Producer price indexes and percent changes for selected commodity groupings by stage of processing
(1982= 100 unless otherwise indicated)
Unadjusted percent
change to Sep. 1995

Unadjusted index




Seasonally adjusted percent
change from:







-0 .2




Finished goods...................................................................................................................




Finished consumer goods..............................................................................................









Finished consumer foo ds................................................................... .......................









Fresh fruits and melons2 .....................................................................................................
Fresh and dry vegetables2 ..................................................................................................
Eggs for fresh use (Dec. 1991- 1 0 0 ) 2 .............................................................................






-2 .5




Bakery products2 ...................................................................................................................
Milled rice2 ..............................................................................................................................
Pasta products (June 1 9 8 5 -1 0 0 )2 ...................................................................................
Beef and v e a l.........................................................................................................................
P o rk .........................................................................................................................................
Processed young chickens....................... ..................... ...................................................
Processed turkeys................................................................................................................
Finfish and shellfish.............................................................................................................
Dairy products.................................................. .....................................................................
Processed fruits and vegetables........................ ...............................................................
Confectionery end products2 ..............................................................................................
Soft drinks ..............................................................................................................................
Roasted c o ffe e .....................................................................................................................
Shortening and cooking oils2 ..............................................................................................






-1 .4












Finished consumer goods excluding foods............................................................
Alcoholic beverages.............................................................................................................










Women’s apparel2 ................................................................................................................
Men’s and boys’ apparel.....................................................................................................
Girls’, children’s, and infants’ apparel2 .............................................................................
Textile housefurnishings2 .....................................................................................................










Footwear............................................................................................................. ...................










Residential electric power (Dec. 1 9 9 0 - 1 0 0 ) ..................................................................
Residential gas (Dec. 1 9 9 0 - 1 0 0 ) ..................................................... ...............................
Gasoline................. ................................................................................................................
Fuel oil No. 2 ................................................................... ....................................................





-5 .4





Pharmaceutical preps, ethical (Prescription)..............................................................
Pharmaceutical preps,proprietary (Over-counter)...........................................................
Soaps and synthetic detergents2 ......................................................................................
Cosmetics and other toilet preparations2 ........................ ................................................










Tires, tubes, tread, etc2 .......................................................................................................










Sanitary papers and health products2 ....................................................... ......................
Newspaper circulation.........................................................................................................
Periodical circulation............................................................................................................
Book publishing2 ...................................................................................................................










Household furniture..............................................................................................................
Floor coverings2 ............................ ....................................... ................................................
Household appliances2 ........................................................................................................
Home electronic equipment2 ..............................................................................................
Household glassware2 .........................................................................................................
Lawn and garden equip., ex. tractors2 .............................................................................










Passenger c a rs .....................................................................................................................





-1 .5





Toys, games, and children’s vehicles...............................................................................
Sporting and athletic goods2 .............................................................................................
Tobacco products2 ...............................................................................................................
Mobile homes2 ........................ ..............................................................................................
Jewelry, platinum, & karat gold2 ........................................................................................
Costume jewelry and novelties2 ........................................................................................






















-3 .5




Capital equipment...........................................................................,..............................
Agricultural machinery and equipment2 ............................................................................
Construction machinery and equipment...........................................................................
Metal cutting machine tools2 .............................................................................................
Metal forming machine tools2 .............................................. ..............................................
Tools, dies, jigs, fixtures, and ind. molds2 ......................................................................
Pumps, compressors, and equipm ent..............................................................................
Industrial material handling equipment2 ...........................................................................
Electronic computers (Dec. 1990—100)2 .........................................................................
Textile machinery2 ................................................................................................................
Paper industries machinery (June 1 9 8 2 -1 0 0 )2 .............................................................
Printing trades machinery2 ..................................................................................................
Transformers and power regulators2 ................................................................................


See footnotes at end of table.


Table 2. Producer price indexes and percent changes for selected commodity groupings by stage of processing—Continued
(1 982= 100 unless otherwise indicated)
Unadjusted percent
change to Sep. 1995

Unadjusted index




Seasonally adjusted percent
change from:






Capital equipment—Continued
Communication & related equip. (Dec. 1 9 8 5 -1 0 0 )2 .....................................................
X-ray and electromedical equipment2 ...............................................................................
Oil field and gas field machinery2 .....................................................................................
Mining machinery and equipment2 ....................................................................................
Office and store machines and equipment2 ....................................................................










Commercial furniture2 ..........................................................................................................










Light motor tru cks................................................................................................................
Heavy motor trucks..............................................................................................................
Truck trailers..........................................................................................................................
Civilian aircraft (Dec. 1 9 8 5 - 1 0 0 ) ............ ......................................................................
Ships (Dec. 1 9 8 5 - 1 0 0 ) ......................................................................................................
Railroad equipment2 ............................ ................................................................................










Intermediate materials, supplies, and components......................................................









Intermediate foods and fe e d s ......................................................................................















-3 .6


-1 .0









Synthetic fibers2 .....................................................................................................................
Processed yams and threads2 .... ......................................................................................
Gray fabrics2 .........................................................................................................................
Finished fabrics........................................................................................................... ..........
Industrial textile products2 ...................................................................................................










Leather2 .............................. ...................................................................................................










Liquefied petroleum g a s ......................................................................................................
Commercial electric pow er..................................................................................................
Industrial electric pow er......................... .............................................................................
Commercial natural gas (Dec. 1 9 9 0 -1 0 0 )2 ....................................................................
Industrial natural gas (Dec. 1 9 9 0 -1 0 0 )2 .........................................................................
Natural gas to electric utilities (Dec. 1 9 9 0 -1 0 0 )2 .........................................................
Jet fuels .................................................................................................................. ...............
No. 2 Diesel fu e l........................................................................................................ ...........
Residual f u e l..........................................................................................................................









-1 .6

Industrial chemicals2 ............................................................................................................
Prepared p a in t.......................................................................................................................
Paint materials2 ......................................................................................................................
Medicinal and botanical chemicals2 ........................... .......................................................
Fats and oils, inedible2 ........................................................................................................
Mixed fertilizers......................................................................................................................
Nitrogenates.................................................. ........................................................................
Phosphates2 ............................. ....................................... .....................................................
Other agricultural chem icals........................................... ............................................. ......
Plastic resins and materials2 ...............................................................................................







-1 .2


-2 .6


-3 .9

Synthetic rubber2 ...................................................................................................................
Plastic construction products2 ............................................................................................
Unsupported pkstic film, sheet, & other shapes2 .........................................................
Plastic parts and components for manufacturing2 .........................................................






-1 .0




Softwood lum ber...................................................................................................................
Hardwood lumber2 .................................................................................................................
Plywood2 .................................................................................................................................










Woodpulp2 ..............................................................................................................................
Paper2 .....................................................................................................................................
Paperboard2 ...........................................................................................................................
Paper boxes and containers2 ....................... .'............................................. ......................
Building paper and board2 ..................................................................................................
Commercial printing (June 1982—100)2 ..........................................................................










Foundry and forge shop products......................................................................................
Steel mill products2 ..............................................................................................................
Primary nonferrous metals2 .................................................................................................
Aluminum mill shapes2 ........................................................................................................
Copper and brass mill shapes2 ............................................................................... ..........
Nonferrous wire and cable2 ................................................................................................
Metal containers2 ...................................................................................................................
H ardw are..................................................................................................... ...........................
Plumbing fixtures and brass fittings...................................................................................
Heating equipm ent................................................................................................................









-1 .0

Flour2 .......................................................................................................................................
Refined sugar2 .......................................................................................................................
Confectionery materials.......................................................... ............ ................................
Crude vegetable oils2 ...........................................................................................................
Prepared animal feeds2 ....................................................................... ................................

Intermediate materials less foods and fe e d s ..................... .......................................

See footnotes at end of table.



- .1


Table 2. Producer price indexes and percent changes for selected commodity groupings by stage of processing—Continued
(1982= 100 unless otherwise indicated)
Unadjusted percent
change to Sep. 1995

Unadjusted index





Seasonally adjusted percent
change from:






Intermediate materials less foods and feeds—Continued
Fabricated structural metal products...... .................... ....................................................
Fabricated ferrous wire products (June 198 2=100)2 ....................................................
Other misc. metal products2 ...............................................................................................










Air conditioning and refrigeration equipment...................................................................
Metal valves, ex.fluid power (Dec. 1 9 8 2 -1 0 0 ) ...............................................................
Ball and roller bearings2 ...................................................................... ............. .................
Wiring devices...... .......................................................................................... ......................
Motors, generators, motor generator s e ts .......................................................................
Switchgear, switchboard, etc., equipment........................................................................
Electronic components and accessories2 ........................................................................
Internal combustion engines...............................................................................................
Machine shop products2 ......................................................................................................










Flat glass2 .............................................. ..................... ...........................................................
Cement ................................................... ................................................................................
Concrete products............................. ..................................................................................
Asphalt felts and coatings...................................................................................................
Gypsum products2 ................;........... „ ......................... ........................................................
Glass containers2 .......................................................................... ................. .....................










Motor vehicle p a rts ........................... ...................................................................................
Aircraft engines & engine parts (Dec. 1 9 8 5 - 1 0 0 ) ........................................................
Aircraft parts & aux.equip.,nec (June 1985—100)2 ............................ ...........................










Photographic supplies2 ...................................................................... ..................................
Medical/surgical/personal aid devices.... ........................................................................





























-5 .7





Crude materials for further processing.......................................................................
Crude foodstuffs and feedstuffs........................................................
W h e a t....................... ...............................................................................................................
Co rn............................................................... .................... ......................................................
Slaughter cattle.....................................................................................................................
Slaughter hogs.... .......................................................... ........................ ...............................
Slaughter broilers/fryers......................................................................................................
Slaughter turkeys...... ......................................................................... ..................................
Fluid m ilk ............................. ................... ...............................................................................
Soybeans........................................... ............................................... .....................................


Cane sugar,raw2 ........ ...........................................................................................................


Crude nonfood materials.......................................

...................... .............................







-1 .6

-1 .5

















Raw cotton ................................................................... ..........................................................
Leaf tobacco................................................................................................. ........................


Cattle h ides............................................................................................................................





-5 .6




-5 .0

Coal2 .......................................................................................................................................
Natural gas (to pipelines)2 .......................... ........................................................................
Crude petroleum2 ..................... ............................................................................................





-3 .9





Logs, timber, etc.2 .................................................................................................................








-1 .9


Wastepaper2 .................................................................................................... ......................










Iron ore2 ............................ .................... .......................................................................... ......
Iron and steel scrap2 ......................................................................... ..................................
Nonferrous metal ores (Dec. 1 98 3= 100)2 ......................................................................
Copper base scrap2 .................... ......................................... ...............................................
Aluminum base s c ra p ....................................................................................... ..................







-2 .6

-2 .0


Construction sand, gravel, and crushed stone................................................................
Construction sand, gravel, and crushed sto n e................................................................
Construction sand, gravel, and crushed stone................................................................










i The indexes for May 1995 have been recalculated to incorporate late reports
and corrections by respondents. All indexes are subject to revision 4 months after original publication.



* Not seasonally adjusted,
. ^ t available,


Table 3. Producer price Indexes for selected stage-of-processing groupings, seasonally adjusted

January ................................
M arch ..................................
A p rii......................................
M a y .......................................
J u n e ....................................
J u ly .......................................
Septem ber..........................
O ctober...............................
Novem ber...........................
D ecem ber...........................
M arch ..................................
A p ril......................................
M a y ......................................
J u n e .....................................
J u ly .......................................
O ctober...............................
Novem ber...........................
Decem ber...........................
M arch ..................................
A p ril......................................
M a y .......................................
J u n e ......................... ...........
J u ly .......................................
August........ ........................
O ctober...............................
Novem ber...........................
Decem ber...........................
M arch ..................................
A p ril......................................
M a y .......................................
J u n e ........................ ............
J u ly ...................... ................
Septem ber..........................
O ctober...............................
Novem ber...........................
D ecem ber...........................
M a rc h ..................... .............
A p ril..... ................................
M a y .......................................
J u n e .....................................
Ju ly .......................................






























































All seasonally adjusted indexes are subject to change up to 5 years after original

publication due to the recalculation of seasonal factors each January.

2 The indexes for May 1995 have been recalculated to incorporate late reports and Corrections by respondents.


Table 4. Producer price indexes for the net output of major industry groups, not seasonally adjusted
Percent change
to Sep. 1995 from —■



Total mining industries....................... ........................................ ....................................................















Metal mining...................................................................................................................................................



Sep. 1994

Aug. 1995

Coal m in ing....................................................................................................... ............................................








Oil and gas extraction..............................................................................................................................








Mining and quarrying of non-metallic minerals, except fu e ls ..............................................................














Total manufacturing industries........................................... ............................................................
Food and kindred products.............................................. ....................... .......................................... ........








Tobacco manufactures................................................................................................................................








Textile mill products........................................................................... ..........................................................








Apparel and other finished products made from fabrics and similar m aterials...............................




* 120.7




Lumber and wood products, except furniture.........................................................................................








Furniture and fixtures...................................................................................................................................








Paper and allied products...........................................................................................................................








Printing, publishing, and allied industries. ................................................................................................








Chemicals and allied products....................................................................................................................








Petroleum refining and related products..................................................................................................








Rubber and miscellaneous plastic products................................................. ............ ..............................








Leather and leather products.....................................................................................................................








Stone, clay, glass, and concrete products...............................................................................................








Primary metal industries..............................................................................................................................








Fabricated metal products, except machinery and transportation equipm ent.................................








Machinery, except electrical........................................................................................................................








Electrical and electronic machinery, equipment, and supplies...........................................................








Transportation equipment............................................................................................................................








Measuring and controlling instruments; photographic, medical, optical goods; watches, clocks..








Miscellaneous manufacturing industries...................................................................................................















Services industries............................................................................................................................
Motor freight transportation and warehousing.........................................................................................
United States Postal Service......................................................................................................................








Water transportation....................................................................................................................................








Transportation by a ir .....................................................................................................................................








Pipe lines, except natural g a s ....................................................................................................................








Health services................................................................................ .............................................................






Indexes in this table are derived from the net-output-weighted industry price
indexes shown in table 5. Because of differences in coverage and aggregation
methodology, they will generally not match the movements of similarly-titled indexes
which are derived from traditional commodity groupings shown in table 6.




2 Data for May 1995 have been revised to reflect the availability of late reports
and corrections by respondents. All data are subject to revision 4 months after
original publication.
3 Not available.

Tab§@ S. Producer price indexes for the net output of selected industries and their products, not seasonaily adjusted

In d e x
In d u stry a n d p ro d u c t1

In dustry

P ro d u ct

In d e x




T o t a l m in in g i n d u s t r i e s ................................... ...............................................................................

P e rc e n t c h a n g e
to S e p . 1 9 9 5 fro m —

M ay






1 2 /8 4

7 2 .8

6 7 .0

6 8 .6

-5 .2

2 .4

Sep. 1994

Aug. 1 9 9 5

M e ta l m in in g ...........................................................................................................................................


1 2 /8 4

1 0 0 .9

1 0 1 .6

9 9 .6

1 3 .7

- 2 .0

Iro n o r e s ......................... .......................................................................................................................


1 2 /8 4

9 2 .7

9 2 .8

9 2 .7

1 3 .0

- .1

Iro n o r e s .................................................................... ...............................................................................


1 2 /8 4

9 2 .7

9 2 .8

9 2 .7

1 3 .0


P rim a ry p r o d u c t s ................................ ........................................ ................................................

1 0 1 1 -P

1 2 /8 4

9 4 .9

9 5 .0

9 4 .9

1 3 .7

O re s , G re a t L a k e s a r e a .............................................................. .........................................

1 0 1 1 -2

1 2 /8 4

9 2 .5

9 2 .5

9 2 .5

1 4 .3

P e l l e t s .............................................................. ................................................. , . ....................
In tra -c o m p a n y tra n s fe rs ................................................... ............. .............................
O re s , all a re a s , e x c lu d in g G re a t L a k e s ......................... .............................................
O th e r o r e s ...................................................................................... ........................................
M a r k e t s a l e s .......................... ................................................................ .........................
C o p p e r o r e s ..................... .................................. ............................................................. ......................


C o p p e r o r e s ..................................................................................................................................... .......



1 0 1 1 -2 1

1 2 /8 4

8 9 .7

8 9 .7

8 9 .7

1 4 .3


1 0 1 1 -2 1 1

1 2 /8 9

1 1 7 .2

1 1 7 .2

1 1 7 .2

1 7 .0


1 0 1 1 -3

1 2 /8 4

9 4 .4

9 5 .2

9 4 .4



1 0 1 1 -3 2

1 2 /8 4

1 2 1 .4

1 2 2 .4

1 2 2 .4



1 0 1 1 -3 2 2

1 2 /8 9

1 2 1 .4

1 2 2 .4

1 2 2 .4



0 6 /8 8

1 4 9 .8

1 5 7 .9


2 1 .9

-4 .3

0 6 /8 8

1 4 9 .8

1 5 7 .9

1 51.1

2 1 .9

-4 .3

0 6 /8 8

1 4 5 .9

1 5 9 .4

1 5 3 .2

2 1 .4

-3 .9

P rim a ry p r o d u c t s ........................................................................ .................................................

1 0 2 1 -P

C o p p e r c o n c e n tra te s , c o p p e r p re c ip ita te s , a n d c ru d e c o p p e r o r e s .............

1 0 2 1 -3

0 6 /8 8

1 4 5 .9

1 5 9 .4

1 5 3 .2

2 1 .4

-3 .9

1 0 2 1 -3 0 2

0 6 /8 8

1 4 7 .6

1 5 9 .4

1 5 5 .5

2 1 .6

-2 .4

1 2 /8 5

1 0 2 .9

1 0 3 .6

1 0 1 .5

5 .7

-2 .0

C o p p e r c o n c e n t r a t e s ...................................................................................................... .
L e a d a n d z in c o r e s ..............................................................................................................................


L e a d a n d z in c o r e s ................................... .................. .......................................................................


1 2 /8 5

1 0 2 .9

1 0 3 .6

1 0 1 .5

5 .7

P rim a ry p r o d u c t s ..........................................................................................................................

1 0 3 1 -P

1 2 /8 5

1 0 2 .9

1 0 3 .6

1 0 1 .5

5 .7

-2 .0

L e a d a n d z in c c o n c e n tra te s .................... .........................................................................

1 0 3 1 -2

1 2 /8 5

1 0 2 .9

1 0 3 .6

1 0 1 .5

5 .7

-2 .0

L e a d c o n c e n t r a t e s .............................................................................................................

1 0 3 1 -2 1 4

1 2 /8 5


1 2 6 .4

1 2 7 .8

1 1 .5


Z in c c o n c e n tra te s ............................. ................................... .............................................

1 0 3 1 -2 1 5

1 2 /8 5

1 0 6 .0

1 0 4 .4

1 0 0 .5

2 .7

-3 .7

-2 .0

G o ld a n d s ilv e r o r e s ........................................................ ...................................................................


1 2 /8 4


7 6 .9

7 7 .4



G o ld o r e s ..................................................................................................................................................

1 041

0 6 /8 5

1 1 8 .0

1 1 5 .8

1 1 5 .9

- .7


P rim a ry p r o d u c t s ..........................................................................................................................

1 0 4 1 -P

0 6 /8 5

1 1 8 .0

1 1 5 .8

1 1 5 .9

- .7


¿ o ld m ill bullio n , in cluding d o r e ....................................... ......... ....................................

1 0 4 1 -4

0 6 /8 5

1 2 1 .8

1 1 9 .5

1 1 9 .5



M e ta l m in in g s e r v i c e s ........................................................................................... .............................


1 2 /8 5

1 1 1 .4

1 1 1 .5

1 1 1 .5



M e ta l m in in g s e r v i c e s ............................................................. ...........................................................

1 081

1 2 /8 5

1 1 1 .4

1 1 1 .5

1 1 1 ,5



1 0 8 1 -P

1 2 /8 5

1 1 1 .6

1 1 1 .7

1 1 1 .7



P ro s p e c t a n d te s t d r illin g ...............................................................................................

1 0 8 1 -8 0 3

1 2 /8 5

1 14.1

1 1 4 .5

1 1 4 .5



O th e r m e ta l m in in g s e r v ic e s .............................................. ...........................................

1 0 8 1 -8 0 9

1 2 /9 1

1 0 4 .0

1 0 4 .0

1 0 4 .0



1 2 /8 5

3 3 .7

3 3 .5

3 3 .7

3 .4


1 2 0 .4

1 1 9 .4


P rim a ry p r o d u c t s ...................................................................... ....................................................

M is c e lla n e o u s m e ta l o r e s ...............................................................................................................


M e ta l o re s , n .e .c .......................................................................................... ...........................................


1 20.1

5 .9

P rim a ry p r o d u c t s .......................................... ...............................................................................

1 0 9 9 -P

1 2 /8 5

1 1 9 .2


1 1 8 .9

6 .0


M e ta l o re s , n .e .c ................... ....................................................................................................

1 0 9 9 -1

1 2 /8 5

1 2 /8 5

1 1 9 .2


1 1 8 .9

6 .0


1 0 9 9 -1 0 3

1 2 /8 5

1 2 1 .8

1 2 0 .4

1 2 1 .7

3 .8


O th e r c ru d e o re s a n d c o n c e n tra te s , s u c h a s a n tim o n y , ra re -e a rth
m e ta ls , b erylliu m , a n d t i n .......................................................................................
C o a l m in in g ..............................................................................................................................................


1 2 /8 5

9 0 .4

9 0 .4

9 0 .7

-3 .8


B itu m in o u s c o a l a n d lig n it e ..............................................................................................................


1 2 /9 3



9 6 .4

-3 .9


B itu m in o u s c o a l a n d lig n it e ..............................................................................................................


1 2 /8 1

9 4 .0


9 4 .3

- 4 .0

P rim ary p r o d u c t s ...........................................................................................................................

1 2 1 1 -P

1 2 /8 1

9 6 .5

9 6 .5

9 6 .8

-3 .9


P r e p a r e d ............... ................... ............................................................ ......................................

1 2 1 1 -A

1 2 /8 1

9 3 .9

9 4 .6

9 4 .3

- 1 .2


S te a m e le c tric u t ilit ie s ..................................................................................... .................

1 2 1 1 -2

1 2 /8 1

1 0 1 .2

1 0 1 .8

10 1 .1

- 2 .6


1 2 1 1 -2 1 1

N o rth A p p a la c h ia ............................................................................................... .............


1 2 /8 1

9 6 .9

9 6 .5

9 6 .3

-1 .9


1 2 1 1 -2 1 1 8

1 2 /8 1

8 8 .5

8 8 .2

8 7 .0


- 1 .4

U n d e rg ro u n d m in e ............................................. ...................................................

1 2 1 1 -2 1 1 8 1

1 2 /8 6

9 7 .6

1 2 1 1 -2 1 1 8 2

1 2 /8 6

9 1 .2

9 0 .3

9 7 .5

S u r fa c e m i n e .............................................................................................................

8 8 .4

- 8 .4

- 2 .1

1 2 1 1 -2 1 1 9

1 2 /8 1

9 8 .2

9 7 .7

9 7 .8

-2 .1


1 2 1 1 -2 1 1 9 1

1 2 /8 6

8 3 .8


8 3 .2

-4 .0


1 2 1 1 -2 1 1 9 2

S p o t ...................................................................................................................................

C o n tra c t ................... ......................................................................................................
U n d e rg ro u n d m in e ......... .......................................................................................
S u r fa c e m i n e ............................................................................................................
S o u th A p p a la c h ia ................................................................. ....................... .............. .
S p o t ...................................................................................................................................
U n d e rg ro u n d m in e ...............................................................................................
C o n t r a c t ......... .................................................................................................................

1 2 /8 6

1Ò 7.6

1 0 7 .3

1 0 7 .3

- 1 .0

1 2 1 1 -2 1 2

1 2 /8 1

8 8 .2

8 8 .9

88 .1

-2 .9


1 2 1 1 -2 1 2 8

0 5 /8 2

8 5 .8

8 7 .6

8 6 .0

-1 .6

-1 .8

1 2 1 1 -2 1 2 8 1

1 2 /8 6

1 0 0 .6

99 .1

1 0 0 .0

- 1 .3


1 2 1 1 -2 1 2 9

1 2 /8 1

8 8 .4

8 8 .8

8 8 .2

-3 .2

-1 .5


U n d e rg ro u n d m in e .................................................. ...................................... .

1 2 1 1 -2 1 2 9 1

1 2 /8 6

9 4 .8

9 5 .2

9 3 .8

-2 .2

S u r fa c e m i n e .............................................................................................................

1 2 1 1 -2 1 2 9 2

1 2 /8 6

8 1 .9

8 2 .3

8 2 .3

- 4 .0

1 2 1 1 -2 1 3

1 2 /8 1

9 8 .9

9 9 .3

9 9 .2

- 4 .2


1 2 1 1 -2 1 3 9

1 2 /8 1


9 9 .6

9 9 .5

- 3 .6


U n d e rg ro u n d m in e ................................... ................................. ..................

1 2 1 1 -2 1 3 9 1

1 2 /8 6

8 7 .4

8 7 .5

8 7 .5



S u r fa c e m i n e ................................................................... ........................................

1 2 1 1 -2 1 3 9 2

1 2 /8 6

8 8 .8

8 9 .5

8 9 .4

-6 .1

- .1

1 2 1 1 -2 1 4

M id w e s t ............................. ..................................................................................................
C o n t r a c t .................................................................................... ......................................

W e s t ...... ................................................................................................................................
S p o t ...................................................................................................................................
S u rfa c e m i n e ............................................................................................................

1 2 /8 1

1 1 9 .5

1 2 0 .6

1 1 9 .4

-1 .5

-1 .0

1 2 1 1 -2 1 4 8

1 2 /8 6

8 3 .1

8 0 .0

7 9 .4

-2 .9


1 2 1 1 -2 1 4 8 2

1 2 /8 6

7 7 .0

7 2 .2

7 3 .0

-9 .0


See footnotes at end of table.



Table 5. Producer price indexes for the net output of selected industries and their products, not seasonally adjusted
Industry and product1




Bituminous coal and lignite—Continued
Co ntract............................................. ......................... ...............................
Underground m in e ................................................................................
Surface m ine...........................................................................................
Metallurgical/coke producer...... ....................................................................
All other industrial.............................................................................................
North Appalachia...........................................................................................
S p o t.............................................................................................................
C o ntract..........................................................................................;...........
South Appalachia ................................. ........................................................
S p o t..............................................................................................................
Co ntract......................................................................................................
M idw est..........................................................................................................
W e s t................................................... .............................................................
C o ntract......................................................................................................
Residential and commercial .......................... ................................................
Export........................ .........................................................................................
Unprepared............................. ..............................................................................
For preparation at other establishments.......................... ...........................
For use without preparation......................... ...................................................
Intracompany shipm ents.....................................................................................


Percent change
to Sep. 1995 from —



85.8 J





Sep. 1994

Aug. 1995























06/8 5
06/8 5
06/8 5
























-7 .4
-7 .4









0 6/84
0 6/84
0 6/84
06/8 4
0 6/8 4
06/8 4
06/8 4







Anthracite m ining.............................................................................................................


Anthracite m ining.............................................................................................................
Primary products................. ................ ....................................................................
Unprepared anthracite shipped.........................................................................
For preparation at other establishments.....................................................
Prepared anthracite shipped..............................................................................
Mechanically cleaned by wet-washing, pneumatic, or other methods ...


Coal mining services.... .................................................................................................


Coal Mining Services......................................................................................................
Primary services................................................... ...................................................
Exploration and development w o r k ......................................................... ........
Production work not for own acc ount..............................................................
Strip mining c o a l...............................................................................................
Other coal mining services.................................... ...........................................
Other coal mining services............................ ................................................


0 6/85

Oil and gas extraction...................................................................................................



Crude petroleum and natural gas ................................................................................


0 6/84

Crude petroleum and natural g a s ................................................................................
Primary products..................... .................................................. ..............................
Crude petroleum...................................................................................................
Natural g a s .............................................. ..............................................................
Sales to interstate pipelines.......................................................................
Sales to intrastate pipelines .;.....................................................................


0 6/84
0 6/84
0 6/84

Natural gas liquids..........................................................................................................


Natural gas liquids..........................................................................................................
Primary products .......................................................................................................
Natural gas liquids................................................................................................
Plant condensate ..............................................................................................
Eth an e.................................................................................... ............................
Natural gasoline .......................................!........................................................
Propane ........................................................................................... ...................
Bu tan e........................................................................................................ ........
Gas m ixtures...... .......................... .................. ................................................
Other natural gas liquids.................................................................................






Oil and gas field services..............................................................................................








Drilling oil and gas w e lls ........................................................ .......................................
Primary products..................................................................... .................................
Offshore drilling................................ ...................................................................
Drilling oil, gas, dry, and service w ells.........................................................
Reworking w e lls .......................................... ......................................................
Onshore drilling......................................................................................................
Drilling oil, gas, dry, and service w ells........................... ..............................








Oil and gas exploration services..................................................................................








See footnotes at endof table.


Table 5. Producer price indexes for the net output of selected industries and their products, not seasonally adjusted



Oil and gas exploration services—Continued
Primary products...... .................................
Geophysical exploration ..........................
Lan d....................................................... ..
M arine......................... .................. ..........

Oil and gas field services, n.e.c...... .............................
Primary products...........................................
Offshore field services, n.e.c....................... .........
Other oil and gas field services... ............... ..........
Onshore field services, n.e.c.... ......... ..... ..............
Acidizing and other chemical treatment of wells, excluding hydraulic
fracturing ..... ..... ... ................ .............
Well surveying and well logging ............ .. .............
Hydraulic fracturing.....................................
Running, cutting, and pulling casing, tubes and rods.. ..........
Installing production equipment, such as wellhead fittings, pumps,
and engines..... ...................................
Other oil and gas field services.. ............... ...........
Secondary products and miscellaneous receipts ...................
Miscellaneous receipts ........................... .........
Secondary products............ ..........................


Mining and quarrying of non-metallic minerals, except fuels .


Dimension s to n e ........................... .................................................





Sep. 1994

Aug. 1995



1 0 2 .0

1 0 1 .2

1 0 1 .2





-2 .6






























1 0 0 .0







0 6/85




0 6/85






2 .0









Dimension s to n e ......................... .................. ...................
Primary products........................................................
Rough dimension limestone......................... .....
Rough dimension granite......................................
Other rough dimension sto n e..............................
Secondary products and miscellaneous receipts .
Secondary products...............................................

Percent change
toSep. 1995 from-



























- .1
1 .8

- .1



Crushed and broken stone, including riprap .








Crushed and broken limestone .......................................
Primary products........................................................
North Central region..............................................
East North Central division...............................
West North Central division...............................
Other regions..........................................................
South region........................................................
South Atlantic division...................................
East South Central division..........................
West South Central division ..... ...................
Northeast region.................................................
Secondary products and miscellaneous receipts .
Secondary products...............................................


0 6/89






1 1 1 .0



2 .8

1 1 1 .6

1 1 1 .1

1 .6



1 1 1 .3


Crushed and broken granite, n.e.c.
Primary products........................
Granite and related ro c k s ....
South Atlantic region.........
Other regions.......................














Crushed and broken stone, n.e.c....................................
Primary products........................................................
Other, (slate, volcanic rock, e tc .).....................
Secondary products and miscellaneous receipts .
Secondary products.... ..........................................






8 .0










Sand and gravel.
Construction sand and gravel .
Primary products................
Construction s a n d ..........
Northeastern Region ..
New England ...........
M id-Atlantic............
North Central Region .
East North Central ..
West North Central .
Southern R egion.........
South Atlantic..........
East South Central..


See footnotes at endof table.


1 1 0 .6


- .1
- .1

2 .2


8 .2

- .1




6 .0
- .1






0 6/82
0 6/82
0 6/82
0 6/82
0 6/82
0 6/82
0 6/82






2 .6








1 .6



- .1


- .1

Table 5. Producer price indexes for the net output of selected industries and their products, not seasonally adjusted
Industry and product1


Construction sand and gravel— Continued
West South Central....................................................... ............... ,..............
Western R egio n................................................................................................
P a cific..............................................................................................................
Construction g rave l..............................................................................................
Northeastern R e gio n........................................................................................
New E ngland.................................................................................................
M id-Atlantic....................................................................................................
North Central R e g io n .......................................................................... ............
East North C e n tral........................................................................................
West North C e ntral.......................................................................................
Southern R egion................................................ ..............................................
South Atlantic................................................................................................
East South Central........................................................................................
West South Central.......................................................................................
Western R e gio n................................................................................................
Mountain......................................... ............... ................................................
P a cific ....................... ......................................................................................
Secondary products and miscellaneous receipts ..............................................
Miscellaneous receipts.......................................................................................
Contract work and other miscellaneous receipts.......................................
Secondary products .............................................................................................



Percent change
to Sep. 1995 from —




06/8 2
06/8 2
06/8 2
06/8 2
06/8 2
06/8 2
0 6/82
0 6/82












0 6/82
0 6/82
0 6/82
0 6/82












0 6 /8 4
08/8 4






06/8 4
06/8 4
0 6/84
0 6 /9 0
06/8 4
0 6 /8 4
0 6/84
0 6/84





Sep. 1994

Aug. 1995

Industrial s a n d ..................................................................................................................
Primary products......................................................................................................
Glass s a n d .............................................................................................................
Molding san d..........................................................................................................
Other industrial sand, n.e.c............................. ....................................................
Abrasive sand, including blast san d ..............................................................
Other industrial sand, n.e.c..............................................................................


Clay, ceramic, and refractory minerals........................................................................


Kaolin and ball c la y ........................................................................................................
Primary products......................................................................................................
Prepared kaolin and ball c la y ............................................................................
Secondary products..................................................................................... .......


Clay and related minerals, n. e. c ................................................................................
Primary products......................................................................................................
Prepared bentonite...........................................................................................
Fire c la y ........................... ......................................................................................
Crude fire c la y ...................................................................................................
Prepared fire clay..............................................................................................
Common clay and shale......................................................................................
C ru d e........................... ................................................................ ......................
Prepared...................... :......................................................................................
Other clay and related minerals........................................................................
Secondary products and miscellaneous receipts..............................................
Secondary products.............................. ..............................................................


0 6/84






Chemical and fertilizer mineral m ining........................................................................








Potash, soda, and borate minerals..............................................................................
Primary products......................................................................................................
Processed or refined potassium s a lts ...................... .......................................
Natural sodium carbonates................................................................................
Natural sodium sulfate........................................................................................
Boron compounds................................................................................................








Phosphate ro c k ................................................................................................................
Primary products......................................................................................................
Processed phosphate r o c k .................................................................................








Chemical and fertilizer mineral mining, n.e.c................... ...........................................
Primary products......................................................................................................
Prepared barite..................................................................... .............................
Rock s a lt ................................................................................................................
Northern region rock s a lt................................................................................
Chemical and fertilizer mineral mining, n.e.c....................................................








Non-metallic minerals (except fuels) services............................................................








Non-metallic minerals (except fuels) services............................................................


0 6/85









Seefootnotesat endof table.





Table 5. Producer price indexes for the net output of selected industries and their products, not seasonally adjusted
P e rc e n t c h a n g e

In d e x
In d u stry a n d p ro d u c t1

In d u stry

P ro d u c t

In d e x




to S e p . 1 9 9 5 fro m —
M ay

A ug.

S ep.




Sep. 1994

A u g . 199£

N o n -m e ta llic m in e ra ls (e x c e p t fu e ls ) s e rv ic e s — C o n tin u e d
P rim a ry p r o d u c t s .................... ..........................................................
D r i ll i n g ............................... ................................................................
O th e r drilling in clu d in g b la s t in g ........................................
M is c e lla n e o u s n o n m e ta llic m in e ra ls , e x c e p t f u e l s ..

1 4 8 1 -P

0 6 /8 5

9 9 .3

9 9 .3

9 9 .3

4 .6

1 4 8 1 -8 0 3

0 6 /8 5

1 0 8 .7

1 0 8 .7

1 0 8 .7



1 4 8 1 -8 0 3 0 2

0 6 /8 5

1 0 8 .2

1 0 8 .2

1 0 8 .2



1 2 /8 4

1 3 6 .3

1 3 6 .6

1 3 6 .8

3 .2




0 6 /8 5

1 2 7 .0

1 2 7 .3

1 2 7 .5

3 .2

P rim a ry p r o d u c t s ...................................................................

1 4 9 9 -P

0 6 /8 5

1 2 7 .4

1 2 7 .7

1 2 7 .8


P e a t .........................................................................................

1 4 9 9 -5

0 6 /8 5

1 1 6 .4

1 1 6 .4

1 1 6 .4



T a lc , s o a p s to n e , a n d p y r o p h y llite ............................

1 4 9 9 -8

0 7 /9 1

1 1 1 .5

1 1 1 .4

1 1 1 .3

1 .9


1 4 9 9 -8 2 2

1 1 1 .4

1 1 1 .3

M is c e lla n e o u s n o n m e ta llic m in e r a ls ....................................


0 7 /9 1

1 1 1 .5

1 .9


1 4 9 9 -9

0 6 /9 1

1 0 7 .7

1 0 8 .5

1 0 8 .6

3 .5


S h e ll, c ru s h e d o r b r o k e n .........................................

1 4 9 9 -9 0 7

0 6 /9 1

1 1 2 .9

1 1 2 .9

1 1 2 .9

9 .3


O t h e r n o n m e ta llic m in e ra ls n .e .c .....................

1 4 9 9 -9 9 8

0 6 /8 5

1 3 2 .4

1 3 3 .8

1 3 3 .8

2 .8


S e c o n d a r y p ro d u c ts a n d m is c e lla n e o u s re c e ip ts .

1 4 9 9 -S M
0 6 /8 5

1 1 7 .2


1 1 9 .3

3 .7

P ro c e s s e d .........................................................................
O th e r n o n m e ta llic m in e r a ls .........................................

1 4 9 9 -S

S e c o n d a r y p r o d u c t s .......... .............................................

Total manufacturing Industries .


1 2 /8 4

1 2 4 .5

1 2 4 .4

1 2 4 .3

2 .6

- .1

F o o d a n d k in d re d p r o d u c t s .............


1 2 /8 4

1 2 0 .3

1 2 1 .8

1 2 2 .3

2 .0


M e a t p r o d u c t s .........................................

20 1

1 2 /8 4

1 0 6 .9

1 0 9 .6

1 1 0 .2



Meat packing p lan ts.............................................................................................
Primary products...........................................................................................
Miscellaneous byproducts of meatpacking plants, except sausage
casings....................... ...........................................................................
Edible tallow and stearin....................................................... ...............
Beef, not canned or made into sau sage...............................................
Whole carcass b e e f................................................................................
USDA choice beef carcasses............................................. ...........
Other USDA graded and ungraded beef carcasses.....................
Primal and fabricated beef cuts...........................................................
Boneless beef, including hamburger...................................................
Variety meats (edible organs)............................................................
Pork, fresh and fro zen...............................................................................
Primal and fabricated cuts (incl trimmings) ................ .......................
Pork, processed or cured (not canned or made into sausage)........
Hams and picnics, except can n ed ....... ..............................................
Sliced bacon.............................................................................................
Sausage and similar products (not canned)........................... .............
Fresh sausage........................................ ................................................
Frankfurters or wieners,........................................................... .............
Other sausage, smoked or cooked......................... ...........................
Hides, skins, and pelts ............... ..............................................................
Cattle hides, except k i p ........................................................................
Other hides, skins, and pelts, except k ip ......................... ................
Secondary products and miscellaneous receipts....................................
Secondary products................................................... ...............................


Sausages and other prepared m eats............................................... .....................
Primary products..................................................... ...........................................
Portion control and miscellaneous processed, frozen, or cooked meats .
Frozen ground meat patties ........................................................................
Frozen portion control other than ground meat p atties........................
Miscellaneous processed, frozen, or cooked m e a ts .............................
Pork, processed or cured, including frozen (not canned or made into
Hams and picnics, except ca n n e d ............................................... .............
Sliced bacon...................... ..................... .......................................................
Other smoked pork........................................................................................
Boiled ham, barbecued pork, and other cooked pork, except canned
meats and sausage...............................................................................
Sausages and similar products (not canned)..............................................
Fresh sausage, pork sausage, breakfast links, etc..................................
Dry and semidry sausage (salami, cervelat, summer sausage,
pepperoni, pork roll, e t c .) .....................................................................
Frankfurters and wieners....................................................... ................. ....
Other sausage, smoked or cooked (bologna, liverwurst, Polish
sausage, luncheon meats, e tc .)...........................................................
Canned meats (except dog and cat food) containing 20-percent or more
m e a t............................................................................................... ...........
Other canned m eats........................ ..........................................................


S e c o n d a ry p ro d u c ts a n d m is c e lla n e o u s re c e ip ts .
M is c e lla n e o u s r e c e i p t s ................................................
R e s a l e s .............................................................................
S e c o n d a ry p r o d u c t s .........................................................

1 2 /8 0

10 4 .1

1 0 6 .3

1 0 5 .2


-1 .0

2 0 1 1 -P

1 2 /8 0

1 0 4 .1

1 0 6 .7

1 0 5 .0


-1 .6

2 0 1 1 -C

1 2 /8 0

1 0 9 .1

1 1 5 .5

1 1 5 .8

1 1 .5


2 0 1 1 -C 4 1

1 2 /8 0

1 0 0 .4

1 0 6 .3

1 0 6 .6

1 1 .5


9 3 .5

2 0 1 1 -1

1 2 /8 0

9 8 .0

95 .1

-6 .8

- 1 .7

2 0 1 1 -1 1 2

1 2 /8 0

1 0 5 .2

9 9 .4

9 8 .2

-9 .6

- 1 .2

2 0 1 1 -1 1 2 0 2

1 2 /8 0

1 0 5 .1

9 8 .9

9 9 .0

-8 .4


2 0 1 1 -1 1 2 0 5

1 2 /8 8

9 5 .5

9 0 .8

8 7 .9

-1 1 .4

-3 .2

2 0 1 1 -1 1 7

1 2 /8 0

9 0 .8

9 0 .7

8 8 .6

- 2 .1

-2 .3

2 0 1 1 -1 3 1

1 2 /8 0

6 9 .4

7 0 .9

6 9 .0

-9 .4

-2 .7

2 0 1 1 -1 5 1

1 2 /8 0

6 7 .5

6 9 .2

7 3 .8

6 .0

2 0 1 1 -4

1 2 /8 0

1 0 0 .9

1 2 0 .5

1 1 5 .8

1 1 .7

- 3 .9

2 0 1 1 -4 1 7

1 2 /8 0

9 7 .4

1 1 8 .8

1 1 2 .9

1 0 .8

-5 .0

2 0 1 1 -6

1 2 /8 0

1 0 3 .7

1 0 9 .5

1 1 3 .3


3 .5

2 0 1 1 -6 3 1

1 2 /8 0

9 8 .0

9 5 .9

9 9 .2

-3 .3

3 .4

2 0 1 1 -6 4 1

1 2 /8 0

1 1 5 .5

1 3 3 .2

1 3 9 .5

1 5 .3

4 .7

2 0 1 1 -7

1 2 /8 0

1 1 1 .6

1 1 3 .8

1 1 4 .7

3 .2

1 .0


2 0 1 1 -7 1 1

1 2 /8 0

1 2 8 .8

1 3 3 .7

1 3 5 .0


2 0 1 1 -7 2 1

1 2 /8 0

1 0 4 .6

1 0 3 .4

1 0 5 .6

2 .2

2 0 1 1 -7 3 5

1 2 /8 0

1 0 5 .8

1 0 8 .9

1 0 9 .2

4 .4


2 0 1 1 -9

1 2 /8 0

2 0 6 .0

1 7 9 .7

1 7 3 .7

-5 .6

-3 .3

2 0 1 1 -9 1 2

1 2 /8 0

2 0 7 .9

1 8 1 .5

1 7 5 .3

-5 .6

-3 .4

2 0 1 1 -9 9 7

1 2 /8 0

9 7 .3

8 3 .3

8 3 .4

-1 4 .0


1 2 /8 0

8 7 .5

9 1 .2

9 4 .9

6 .9


1 2 /8 2

1 0 6 .6

1 0 8 .3

1 0 9 .3



1 2 /8 2

1 0 4 .3

1 0 5 .7

1 0 6 .7



1 2 /8 2

1 1 3 .2

1 1 1 .7

-6 .7

2 0 1 1 -S M
2 0 1 1 -S

2 0 1 3 -P
2 0 1 3 -B

1 1 0 .8


2 0 1 3 -B 1 1

1 2 /8 8

8 9 .0

8 6 .4

8 7 .8

- 8 .9

1 .6

2 0 1 3 -B 1 3

1 2 /8 8

1 1 1 .3

1 0 9 .4

1 1 0 .5

- 4 .3

1 .0

2 0 1 3 -B 1 9

1 2 /8 8

1 0 9 .0

1 0 6 .8

1 0 7 .0

-6 .6


8 6 .4

6 .4

2 .6

2 0 1 3 -6

1 2 /8 2

8 0 .3

8 4 .2

2 0 1 3 -6 3 1

1 2 /8 2

9 0 .6

9 3 .8

9 5 .0

3 .7

1 .3

2 0 1 3 -6 4 1

1 2 /8 2

6 8 .9

7 5 .6

'8 0 .4

1 5 .9

6 .3

2 0 1 3 -6 5 2

1 2 /8 8

1 0 2 .7

1 0 8 .5

1 0 9 .8


1 .2

2 0 1 3 -6 6 1

1 2 /8 2

8 3 .8

8 5 .7

1 .2

2 0 1 3 -7

1 2 /8 2

1 1 2 .7

1 1 4 .5

1 1 5 .0



2 0 1 3 -7 1 1

1 2 /8 2

1 1 4 .0

,1 1 8 .8

1 1 8 .4


- .3

2 0 1 3 -7 1 7

1 2 /8 2

1 0 8 .2

1 1 0 .8

1 1 1 .6

1 .4


2 0 1 3 -7 2 1

1 2 /8 2

1 1 0 .4

1 1 1 .2

11 2 .1



2 0 1 3 -7 3 5

1 2 /8 2

1 1 4 .3

1 1 5 .1

1 1 5 .5



2 0 1 3 -8

1 2 /8 2

1 1 1 .4

1 1 1 .5

1 1 1 .5



2 0 1 3 -8 9 8

1 2 /8 2

1 1 5 .5

1 1 5 .6

1 1 5 .6



8 5 .7


2 0 1 3 -S M
1 2 /8 2

1 1 7 .3

12 1 .1

1 2 1 .3

5 .8

2 0 1 3 -Z 8 9

1 2 /8 2

1 1 6 .2

1 1 9 .9

120 .1

5 .9


2 0 1 3 -S

1 2 /8 2

1 2 0 .3

1 2 3 .9


6 .4

2 .6

2 0 1 3 -M

See footnotesat endof table.

6 .6



Table 5. Producer price indexes for the net output of selected industries and their products, not seasonally adjusted
in d e x
In d u s try a n d p ro d u c t1

P o u ltry s la u g h te rin g a n d p ro c e s s in g ..................................................................... .....................

In d u stry

P ro d u c t

In d e x




Y o u n g c h ic k e n s .......................................................................................................................
B r o ile r s /fr y e r s ........................................................................................................................

M ay

A ug.





Sep. 1994

Aug. 1 9 9 5

1 2 /8 1

1 1 4 .9

1 2 3 .8

1 2 8 .6

5 .3

3 .9

2 0 1 5 -P

1 2 /8 1

1 1 5 .0

1 2 4 .2

1 2 9 .2

5 .5

4 .0

2 0 1 5 -1

1 2 /8 1

1 1 4 .3

1 2 7 .8

1 3 1 .9

7 .6

3 .2

2 0 1 5 -1 3

1 2 /9 0

1 0 5 .1

1 1 7 .6

1 2 1 .5

8 .3

3 .3


P rim ary p o d u c ts .................... ......................................................................................................

P e rc e n t c h a n g e
to S e p . 1 9 9 5 fro m —

2 0 1 5 -1 3 3

1 2 /8 1

1 1 7 .9

1 3 3 .8

1 3 7 .9


G ra d e A b ulk w h o le b ro ile rs ................................................................................

2 0 1 5 -1 3 3 0 1

1 2 /8 1

1 0 3 .8

1 2 9 .5

1 3 0 .8

7 .0

1 .0

O th e r w e t ic e p a c k b r o ile r s ...................................................................................

2 0 1 5 -1 3 3 9 8

1 2 /8 1

1 2 3 .9

1 3 7 .7

1 4 2 .5

9 .5

3 .5

1 2 4 .2

W e t ic e p a c k b r o ile r s ....................................................................................................

D ry ic e ( C 0 2 ) p a c k b r o i l e r s .......... ............................................. .............................

2 0 1 5 -1 3 4

1 4 0 .9

1 4 7 .9

1 1 .7

5 .0

T r a y p a c k b ro ile rs (c o n s u m e r p a c k a g e d ) .........................................................

2 0 1 5 -1 3 6

1 2 /8 1

96 .1

1 0 3 .9

1 0 8 .2

6 .6


O th e r b ro ile rs (in cl. fro z e n , w h o le a n d p a r t s ) ..................................................

2 0 1 5 -1 3 9

1 2 /8 1

1 2 1 .0

1 2 8 .5

1 3 2 .1

3 .3

2 .8

T u r k e y s .........................................................................................................................................
Y o u n g tu rk e y s ...................................................... .............. .................................................

1 2 /8 1

2 0 1 5 -3

1 2 /8 1

1 0 9 .6

1 1 4 .5

1 2 7 .5

4 .3

1 1 .4

2 0 1 5 -3 2 3

1 2 /8 1

1 1 1 .3

1 1 6 .3

1 2 9 .6

4 .3

1 1 .4

H e n s , G ra d e A w h o l e ...................................................................................................

2 0 1 5 -3 2 3 0 1

1 2 /8 1

1 0 6 .4

1 1 3 .9

1 2 0 .6

1 .9

T o m s , G ra d e A w h o le ..................................................................................................

2 0 1 5 -3 2 3 0 2

1 2 /8 1

1 0 8 .6

1 2 0 .1

1 2 3 .9

1 .9

3 .2

O th e r yo u n g tu rk e y s (p a rts , g ro u n d t u r k e y ) ......................................................

2 0 1 5 -3 2 3 9 8

1 2 /8 1

12 6 .1

1 3 0 .6

1 4 7 .5

4 .9

1 2 .9

2 0 1 5 -4

1 2 /9 0

* 9 6 .0

9 4 .1

9 4 .9



2 0 1 5 -4 1 1

1 2 /8 1

1 4 3 .9

1 4 0 .7

1 4 2 .7


1 .4

1 2 3 .7

1 2 4 .5

O th e r p oultry a n d s m a ll g a m e (incl. h e n s / f o w l ) ......................................................
C h ic k e n s : h e n s /fo w l (b r e e d e r s /e g g p r o d u c e r s ) .................................................

2 0 1 5 -5

1 .0

2 .2

2 0 1 5 -5 2

1 2 /9 0

9 8 .2

9 8 .7

1 0 0 .8

1 .0


T u rk e y , c o o k e d o r s m o k e d ........................................................................................

2 0 1 5 -5 2 1

1 2 /8 1

1 2 7 .4

1 3 1 .9

1 3 3 .7

2 .4

1 .4

C h ic k e n , c o o k e d o r s m o k e d .....................................................................................

2 0 1 5 -5 2 3

1 2 /8 1

1 1 4 .4

1 1 2 .9

1 1 5 .9


2 .7

P ro c e s s e d p o u ltry a n d s m a ll g a m e ...............................................................................
P o u ltry, c o o k e d o r s m o k e d .............................................................................................

1 2 /8 1


2 0 1 5 -5 3 3

1 2 /9 0

9 2 .0

P o u ltry lu n c h e o n m e a t s ................... ............................................. .................................

2 0 1 5 -5 3 4

1 2 /9 0

1 0 5 .2

2 0 1 5 -9

1 2 /8 1

8 9 .1

P o u ltry fra n k fu rte rs , w e in e r s ................................

Liquid, d ried a n d fro z e n e g g s ...........................................................................................
Liquid o r fro z e n e g g s ........................................................................................................
Liquid o r fro z e n e g g w h i t e s ......................................................................................
S e c o n d a ry p r o d u c t s ...............................................................................................................


1 2 7 .2

5 .9

9 2 .4

9 2 .3

-4 .3

- .1

1 0 6 .4

1 0 9 .7

2 .5


9 2 .5

9 5 .6

-2 .2

3 .4

2 0 1 5 -9 5

1 2 /9 0

7 7 .5

7 8 .8

8 1 .4

-2 .3

3 .3

2 0 1 5 -9 5 1

1 2 /8 1

1 9 8 .7

2 0 3 .4

2 0 5 .9

3 .5

1 .2

2 0 1 5 -S

1 2 /8 1

1 3 2 .8

1 3 2 .8

1 3 3 .5

2 .8

1 .0

D a iry p ro d u c ts ....................................... .................................................................................................


1 2 /8 4

1 1 4 .2

1 1 5 .1

1 1 6 .2


C r e a m e r y b u tte r ......................... ............................. .............................................................................


0 6 /8 4

6 2 .1

6 6 .2

6 6 .7

4 .2


2 0 2 1 -P

0 6 /8 4

5 0 .9

5 7 .7

5 9 .0

1 2 .0

2 .3

5 9 .0

1 2 .0

P rim a ry p r o d u c t s ....................................................... ...................................................................

5 7 .7

2 .3

2 0 2 1 -1

0 6 /8 4

5 0 .9

B u lk b u tte r (o v e r 3 p o u n d s ) ............... ..........................................................................

2 0 2 1 -1 1 3

0 6 /8 4

4 8 .9

5 4 .6

5 5 .8

1 0 .5

2 .2

C o n s u m e r b u tte r (3 p o u n d s o r l e s s ) .........................................................................

2 0 2 1 -1 1 5

0 6 /8 4

5 4 .1

6 2 .3

6 3 .7

1 3 .5

2 .2

S e c o n d a ry p ro d u c ts a n d m is c e lla n e o u s r e c e i p t s .......................................................

2 0 2 1 -S M
-1 .2

C r e a m e r y b u t t e r ........................................................................................................................

2 0 2 1 -S

0 6 /8 4

9 7 .4

9 5 .2

9 4 .1

-5 .8

O th e r s e c o n d a ry p r o d u c t s .................................................................. ...........................

2 0 2 1 -S S

0 6 /8 4

7 0 .1

7 2 .4

7 2 .4

4 .5


D ry, c o n d e n s e d , a n d e v a p o ra te d m i l k ........................................................ ............

2 0 2 3 -S

0 6 /8 4

9 6 .0

9 2 .3

9 0 .8

-8 .7

-1 .6

0 6 /8 1

1 0 8 .2

1 0 9 .3

1 1 2 .4

2 .2

2 .8

2 0 2 2 -P

0 6 /8 1

1 1 1 .9

1 1 3 .7

1 1 7 .6

2 .8

3 .4
3 .9

S e c o n d a ry p r o d u c t s .......................... ...:...............................................................................

N a tu ra l a n d p r o c e s s e d c h e e s e .....................................................................................................


P rim a ry p r o d u c t s ..................... ....................................................................................................

1 0 4 .0

1 0 6 .1

1 1 0 .2

2 .3

2 0 2 2 -3 0 2

0 6 /8 1

9 9 .3

1 0 1 .1

1 0 6 .7

1 .9

5 .5

C h e d d a r c h e e s e ...................................................................... ......... .............................

2 0 2 2 -3 0 2 0 1

0 6 /8 1

1 0 0 .0

1 0 1 .8

1 0 7 .5


5 .6

O th e r A m e ric a n -ty p e c h e e s e ....................................................................................

2 0 2 2 -3 0 2 1 1

0 6 /8 1

9 7 .4

9 9 .7

1 0 4 .9

6 .6

5 .2

2 0 2 2 -3 0 3

0 6 /8 1

1 0 8 .5

1 1 1 .7

4 .2

2 .9



N a tu ra l c h e e s e , e x c e p t c o tta g e c h e e s e .....................................................................

2 0 2 2 -3

A m e ric a n -ty p e c h e e s e .................................................................................................... .

Ita lia n -ty p e c h e e s e ......................................................................................................... ....

0 6 /8 1

M o z z a r e lla c h e e s e ...................................................................... ..................................

2 0 2 2 -3 0 3 0 1

1 0 7 .7

1 1 1 .9

1 1 4 .9
1 1 5 .4

O th e r Ita lia n -ty p e c h e e s e .................................................. .........................................

2 0 2 2 -3 0 3 1 1

0 6 /8 1

1 1 0 .0

1 1 1 .4

1 1 3 .5

5 .2

2 0 2 2 -3 0 5

0 6 /8 1

1 2 1 .4

1 2 3 .3

1 2 5 .7

3 .9

1 .9

C r e a m a n d N e u fc h a te l c h e e s e ....................................................................................

2 0 2 2 -3 0 7

0 6 /8 1

1 1 3 .9

1 1 5 .3

1 1 4 .8



O th e r n a tu ra l c h e e s e , e x c e p t c o t t a g e .....................................................................

2 0 2 2 -3 1 1

0 6 /8 1

1 1 4 .2

1 1 6 .7

2 0 2 2 -4

0 6 /8 1

1 2 3 .9

1 2 5 .2

1 2 8 .8

3 .5

2 .9

P ro c e s s e d c h e e s e ..............................................................................................................

2 0 2 2 -4 1 1

0 6 /8 1

1 1 9 .0

1 2 2 .4

1 2 8 .3

8 .5

4 .8

C h e e s e f o o d ...................................................... ;..................................................................

2 0 2 2 -4 1 3

0 6 /8 1

1 3 8 .3

1 3 6 .5

-3 .7

C h e e s e s p r e a d ......................................................................................................................

2 0 2 2 -4 1 5

0 6 /8 1

1 2 3 .7

1 2 1 .8

1 2 4 .4

-1 .3

S w is s c h e e s e ........................................................................................................................

P ro c e s s e d c h e e s e a n d r e la te d p r o d u c t s ....................................................................

0 6 /8 1

1 1 3 .6

1 .5

1 .9

2 .2


2 0 2 2 -S M

S e c o n d a r y p ro d u c ts a n d m is c e lla n e o u s r e c e i p t s .......................................................
M is c e lla n e o u s r e c e i p t s .........................................................................................................
R e s a l e s .....................................................................................................................................
S e c o n d a ry p r o d u c t s ...............................................................................................................
O th e r s e c o n d a ry p r o d u c t s ........................................... i............ .....................................

2 0 2 2 -M

0 6 /8 1

1 0 6 .8


1 1 0 .2


2 0 2 2 -Z 8 9

0 6 /8 1

1 0 7 .1

2 0 2 2 -S

0 6 /8 1

7 8 .5

7 6 .6

7 7 .6

-1 .3

0 6 /8 1

1 2 8 .5

1 2 4 .1

1 2 6 .0

- 1 .9

1 .5

2 0 2 2 -S S

1 .3

D ry, c o n d e n s e d , a n d e v a p o ra te d m i l k .....................................................................

2 0 2 3 -S

0 6 /8 1

8 0 .6

7 6 .7

7 8 .8


2 .7

Fluid m i l k ..... ......................................'......................................................................................

2 0 2 6 -S

0 6 /8 1

6 9 .6

7 1 .2

7 1 .5



1 2 /8 3

1 3 0 .2

1 3 0 .9

1 3 1 .9

1 .3


D ry , c o n d e n s e d , a n d e v a p o ra te d m ilk p r o d u c t s .......... .......................................................


P rim a ry p r o d u c t s ........................................ ..................................................................................

2 0 2 3 -P

1 2 /8 3

1 4 5 .2

1 4 4 .8

1 4 5 .4



D ry m ilk p ro d u c ts , e x c e p t s u b s titu te s ...........................................................................

2 0 2 3 -5

1 2 /8 3

1 3 4 .3

1 3 4 .0

1 3 4 .9

1 .7


D ry m ilk p ro d u c ts , e x c e p t su b s titu te s , s h ip p e d in c o n s u m e r-ty p e
p a c k a g e s (3 lbs. o r le s s ) ............................................... ........................................

2 0 2 3 -5 A

0 6 /9 2

1 0 5 .9

1 0 6 .3

1 0 6 .3

2 .5


2 0 2 3 -5 B

0 6 /9 2

9 4 .6

9 4 .0

9 5 .1

1 .2

D ry m ilk p ro d u c ts , e x c e p t s u b s titu te s , s h ip p e d in b u lk (m o re th a n 3
D ry w h o le m ilk (fo o d g ra d e ) s h ip p e d in b u lk (m o re th a n 3 l b s . ) ..........

2 0 2 3 -5 4 2

1 2 /8 3

9 7 .2

9 6 .9

9 8 .4


N o n fa t d ry m ilk (fo o d g ra d e ) s h ip p e d in b u lk (m o re th a n 3 l b s . ) .........

2 0 2 3 -5 4 3

1 2 /8 3

1 1 2 .1

1 1 1 .4

1 1 1 .6



D ry w h e y (fo o d g ra d e ) s h ip p e d in b u lk (m o re th a n 3 l b s . ) .......................

2 0 2 3 -5 4 5

1 2 /8 3

1 2 0 .7

1 1 8 .9

1 2 5 .4

4 .8

5 .5

lb s.) ................................................................................................................................

2 0 2 3 -5 4 9

1 2 /8 3

1 2 9 .5

1 2 7 .6

1 2 7 .2



F e e d g r a d e d ry m ilk p ro d u c ts s h ip p e d in b u lk (m o re th a n 3 l b s . ) ......

2 0 2 3 -5 5 1

1 2 /8 3

1 5 3 .3

1 5 3 .9

1 6 2 .7

6 ,5

5 .7

2 0 2 3 -6

1 2 /8 3

1 7 0 .5

1 7 0 .6

1 7 0 .6

2 0 2 3 -6 1 2

1 2 /8 3

1 1 1 .6

1 1 1 .6

i 3)

l b s . ) .......... .............................................................................................. ...........................

1 .5

O th e r fo o d g ra d e d ry m ilk p ro d u c ts s h ip p e d in b u lk (m o re th a n 3

C a n n e d m ilk p ro d u c ts (c o n s u m e r-ty p e c a n s ), e x c e p t s u b s t it u t e s .................
E v a p o ra te d m ilk, c o n s u m e r-ty p e c a n s ......... ...........................................................

See footnotes at end of table.





Tab le 5. Producer price indexes fo r the n et output o f selected industries and their products, n ot seasonally adjusted
— Continued
P e rc e n t c h a n g e

In d e x
In d u stry a n d p ro d u c t1

In d u stry

P ro d u c t

In d e x




to S e p . 1 9 9 5 fro m —
M ay


S ep.




Sep. 1994

Aug. 1 9 9 5

D ry , c o n d e n s e d , a n d e v a p o ra te d m ilk p ro d u c ts — C o n tin u e d
1 2 9 .7

1 2 4 .7

1 2 6 .7

-6 .4

1 .6

2 0 2 3 -7 1 9

1 2 /8 3

1 2 9 .6

1 2 4 .6

1 2 6 .6

- 6 .4

1 .6

2 0 2 3 -9

0 6 /9 2

1 0 6 .5

1 0 7 .9

1 0 7 .9

2 .7


2 0 2 3 -M

1 2 /8 3

1 1 7 .9

1 1 9 .4

1 1 9 .6

2 .3


2 0 2 3 -Z 8 9

1 2 /8 3

1 1 6 .5

1 1 8 .0

11 8 .1

2 .3


2 0 2 3 -7

C o n c e n tr a te d m ilk p ro d u cts, s h ip p e d in b ulk, e x c e p t s u b s t it u t e s ................
A ll o th e r fo o d g ra d e c o n c e n tra te d m ilk p ro d u c ts , s h ip p e d in b u l k ..........
D a iry p ro d u c t s u b s titu te s .....................................................................................................

1 2 /8 3

2 0 2 3 -S M

S e c o n d a r y p ro d u c ts a n d m is c e lla n e o u s r e c e ip t s .......................................................
M is c e lla n e o u s r e c e i p t s .........................................................................................................
R e s a l e s ....................................................................................................................................
S e c o n d a ry p r o d u c t s ......................... .................................................. ..................................

2 0 2 3 -S

1 2 /8 3

8 0 .5

8 4 .9

8 7 .9

4 .8

3 .5

C r e a m e r y b u t t e r ...................................................................................................................

2 0 2 1 -S

1 2 /8 3

5 0 .4

5 8 .9

5 9 .9

1 4 .5

1 .7

F lu id m i l k .................................................................................................................................

2 0 2 6 -S

1 2 /8 3

8 3 .3

8 5 .5

8 5 .5

2 .3


Ic e c r e a m a n d fro z e n d e s s e r t s ........................................................................... .........................

0 6 /8 3

1 2 5 .8

1 2 5 .7

1 2 5 .8

1 .2


2 0 2 4 -P

0 6 /8 3

1 2 6 .2

1 2 6 .5

1 2 6 .7

1 .5



P rim a ry p r o d u c t s ..........................................................................................................................

2 0 2 4 -1

0 6 /8 3

1 2 6 .2

1 2 6 .5

1 2 6 .7

1 .5


B u lk ic e c re a m a n d c u s ta rd (3 g a llo n s o r m o r e ) ................................................

2 0 2 4 -1 1 4

0 6 /8 3

1 3 8 .9

1 3 8 .9

13 9 .1

1 .2


C o n s u m e r-s iz e ic e c re a m a n d c u s ta rd ( 1 6 o z . to le s s th a n 3 g a llo n s ) ..

2 0 2 4 -1 1 5

0 6 /8 3

1 1 7 .8

1 1 8 .4

1 1 8 .6

1 .7


S u p e rp re m iu m a n d p r e m iu m ............................................................ ........................

2 0 2 4 -1 1 5 0 2

0 6 /9 2

1 0 2 .2

1 0 2 .2

1 0 2 .2



R e g u la r a n d e c o n o m y ............................... .................................................................

2 0 2 4 -1 1 5 0 3

0 6 /9 2

9 8 .6

9 9 .4

9 9 .6

2 .2


Ic e c r e a m a n d i c e s ................................................................................................................

N o v e lty fo rm s (ic e c re a m a n d c u s t a r d ) ..................................................................

2 0 2 4 -1 1 7

0 6 /9 2

10 3 .1

1 0 2 .7

1 0 3 .0



W a te r i c e s .............. ................................................................................................................

2 0 2 4 -1 5 1

0 6 /8 3

1 3 0 .7

1 3 1 .0

1 3 1 .0

2 .3


C o n s u m e r-s iz e ic e m ilk (1 6 o z. to le s s th a n 3 g a l l o n s ) .................................

2 0 2 4 -1 8 4

0 6 /8 3

1 3 3 .5

1 3 3 .9

1 3 3 .9

1 .4


2 0 2 4 -1 8 4 0 1

0 6 /9 2

1 0 2 .3

1 0 3 .6

1 0 3 .6

1 .3


C o n s u m e r-s iz e s h e rb e t (1 6 o z . to le s s th a n 3 g a llo n s ) ..................................

2 0 2 4 -1 9 6

0 6 /8 3

1 1 9 .7

1 1 9 .7

1 1 9 .7

1 .2


O t h e r fro z e n d a iry d e s s e r t s ...........................................................................................

2 0 2 4 -1 9 7

0 4 /9 0

1 0 1 .7

1 0 2 .4

1 0 2 .1

1 .2


2 0 2 4 -1 9 7 0 1

S u p e rp re m iu m a n d p r e m iu m ....................................................... .............................

F r o z e n y o g u r t ....................................................................................................................

0 6 /9 2

103 .1

1 0 3 .8

1 0 3 .6

1 .8


2 0 2 4 -M

0 6 /8 3

1 2 4 .2

1 2 1 .9

1 2 1 .9



2 0 2 4 -Z 8 9

0 6 /8 3

1 2 4 .2

1 2 1 .9

1 2 1 .9



2 0 2 4 -S

0 6 /8 3

1 2 1 .3

1 2 0 .3

1 1 9 .7



2 0 2 4 -S M

S e c o n d a r y p ro d u c ts a n d m is c e lla n e o u s r e c e ip t s .......................................................
M is c e lla n e o u s r e c e i p t s .........................................................................................................
R e s a l e s ....................................................................................................................................
S e c o n d a r y p r o d u c t s ................................................................................. .............................
O th e r s e c o n d a ry p r o d u c t s ..............................................................................................

2 0 2 4 -S S

0 6 /8 3

1 1 6 .6

1 1 6 .3

1 1 6 .3



F lu id m i l k .............................................................................. ..................................................

2 0 2 6 -S

0 6 /9 2

1 0 2 .9

1 0 0 .9

1 0 0 .2



F lu id m i l k ...................................................................................................................................................


P rim a ry p r o d u c t s ........................................................................................................................

2 0 2 6 -P

B u lk flu id -m ilk a n d c r e a m ....................................................................................................

2 0 2 6 -1

P a c k a g e d flu id m ilk a n d re la te d p r o d u c ts ..................................................................
Fluid w h o le m ilk, p a c k a g e d (in cluding U . H . T . ) ........................ ............................

1 2 /8 2

1 2 2 .0

1 2 2 .8

1 2 2 .9



1 2 /8 2

1 1 9 .2

1 2 0 .0

1 1 9 .9



1 2 /9 1

8 1 .5

8 9 .7

9 1 .3

3 .9

1 .8

2 0 2 6 -2

1 2 /8 2

1 2 4 .5

1 2 3 .6

1 2 3 .5



2 0 2 6 -2 1 2

1 2 /8 2

1 2 0 .4

1 2 0 .0

1 1 9 .5



F lu id w h o le m ilk, p a c k a g e d , N o rth e a s t r e g i o n ................... ............................

2 0 2 6 -2 1 2 0 1

1 2 /8 2

1 2 3 .8

1 2 2 .1

1 2 1 .0



F lu id w h o le m ilk, p a c k a g e d , N o rth C e n tra l r e g io n ........................................

2 0 2 6 -2 1 2 0 2

1 2 /8 2

1 1 1 .4

1 1 2 .6

1 1 2 .0



F lu id w h o le m ilk, p a c k a g e d , S o u th e rn r e g i o n .................................................

2 0 2 6 -2 1 2 0 3

1 2 /8 2

1 2 0 .9

1 2 0 .9

1 2 1 .1

1 .5


2 0 2 6 -2 1 2 0 4

1 2 /8 2

1 3 3 .2

1 3 1 .4

1 3 0 .9

- 3 .6


2 0 2 6 -2 2 3

1 2 /8 2

1 3 5 .7

1 3 4 .0

1 3 3 .6



F luid w h o le m ilk, p a c k a g e d , W e s te rn r e g io n ...................................................
L o w fa t m ilk, 0 .5 - 2 .0 % b u tte rfa t, p a c k a g e d (in clu d in g U . H . T . ) ..................

2 0 2 6 -2 2 3 0 1

1 2 /9 1

9 9 .7

9 8 .2

9 7 .3

-2 .2


L o w fa t m ilk, p a c k a g e d , N o rth C e n tra l r e g i o n ..................................................

2 0 2 6 -2 2 3 0 2

1 2 /9 1

1 0 3 .0

1 0 1 .3

1 0 0 .9



L o w fa t m ilk, p a c k a g e d , S o u th e rn r e g io n ............................................................

2 0 2 6 -2 2 3 0 3

1 2 /9 1

1 0 5 .6

1 0 4 .6

1 0 4 .9

1 .2

L o w fa t m ilk, p a c k a g e d , W e s te rn r e g i o n ............................. ................................

L o w fa t m ilk, p a c k a g e d , N o rth e a s t re g io n ........................


2 0 2 6 -2 2 3 0 4

1 2 /9 1

1 0 9 .0

1 0 8 .4

1 0 7 .9



S k im m ilk, p a c k a g e d (in cluding U . H . T . ) ..................................................................

2 0 2 6 -2 2 5

1 2 /8 2

1 4 0 .5

1 3 7 .9

1 3 9 .5

-4 .6

1 .2
4 .0

C re a m , light, w ith le s s th a n 3 6 % b u tte rfa t (c o ffe e c r e a m ) .......... ................

2 0 2 6 -2 4 3

1 2 /8 2

1 1 2 .9

1 1 3 .3

1 1 7 .8

3 .5

S o u r c re a m , u n fla v o r e d .................................................................. .................................

2 0 2 6 -2 4 5

1 2 /8 2

1 0 4 .7

1 0 4 .8

1 0 4 .8

-3 .4


H a lf a n d h a l f ........................................ ..................................................................................

2 0 2 6 -2 5 2

1 2 /8 2

1 1 1 .2

1 1 2 .5

1 1 5 .6

3 .6

2 .8

W h ip p e d to p p in g w ith a b u tte rfa t b a s e ....................................................................

2 0 2 6 -2 6 3

1 2 /8 2

1 0 7 .3

1 0 9 .4

1 1 1 .8

3 .5

2 .2

2 0 2 6 -3

1 2 /8 2

1 5 4 .3

1 5 2 .6

1 5 1 .9



2 0 2 6 -3 1 3

1 2 /8 2

1 5 3 .2

1 5 1 .5

1 5 0 .8



Y o g u rt, e x c e p t f r o z e n .................................................. .................................. ......................

2 0 2 6 -5

1 2 /8 2

1 2 2 .5

1 2 7 .8

1 2 5 .9

3 .0

-1 .5

P ro d u c ts w h ic h su b s titu te fo r fluid m ilk p r o d u c t s ..................................................

2 0 2 6 -7

1 2 /9 1

1 0 2 .4

1 0 2 .3

9 7 .8

- 4 .0

-4 .4

2 0 2 6 -7 1 4

1 2 /9 1

1 0 2 .2

1 0 2 .2

1 0 1 .9


- .3

2 0 2 6 -8

1 2 /9 1

1 0 5 .2

1 0 4 .8

1 0 4 .4



2 0 2 6 -8 1 5

1 2 /9 1

1 0 5 .4

1 0 5 .5

1 0 5 .0

1 .9


2 0 2 6 -8 1 9

1 2 /9 1

1 0 6 .5

1 0 5 .3

1 0 5 .0

-1 .3


2 0 2 6 -M

1 2 /8 2

1 4 3 .0

1 4 1 .8

1 4 3 .8


1 .4

2 0 2 6 -Z 8 9

1 2 /8 2

1 4 3 .0

1 4 1 .8

1 4 3 .8


1 .4

S e c o n d a ry p r o d u c t s .............. ................................................................................................

2 0 2 6 -S

1 2 /8 2

1 0 2 .5

1 0 5 .0

1 0 4 .8


- .2

Ic e c r e a m a n d fro z e n d e s s e r t s ...................................................................... .............

2 0 2 4 -S

1 2 /8 2

1 2 7 .9

1 2 7 .9

1 2 7 .9

1 .0


O th e r s e c o n d a ry p r o d u c t s ..............................................................................................

2 0 2 6 -S S

1 2 /8 2

1 2 9 .6

1 3 0 .7

1 3 0 .4

1 .5


1 2 /8 4

1 2 5 .0

1 2 5 .8

1 2 5 .8

2 .0


1 2 /8 2

C o tta g e c h e e s e (in clu d in g fa rm e rs ’ c h e e s e , p o t c h e e s e a n d b a k e rs ’
c h e e s e ) ................................................................................................................................
C o tta g e c h e e s e , m a n u fa c tu re d a n d c re a m e d a t th e e s ta b lis h m e n t ........

C o ffe e w h it e n e r s ..................................................................................................................
O th e r p a c k a g e d m ilk p ro d u c ts , n .e .c ..............................................................................
F la v o re d m ilk s (c h o c o la te m ilk, e t c . ) .......................................................................
O th e r m ilk p ro d u c ts (e g g n o g , b u tte rm ilk , a c id o p h ilu s m ilk,
re c o n s titu te d m ilk, e t c . ) ...........................................................................................

2 0 2 6 -S M

S e c o n d a ry p ro d u c ts a n d m is c e lla n e o u s r e c e ip t s ................................... ..................
M is c e lla n e o u s r e c e i p t s ................................................................. .......................................
R e s a l e s ....................................................................................................................................

C a n n e d a n d p re s e rv e d fru its a n d v e g e t a b le s .......................................................................


C a n n e d s p e c ia ltie s ................................................................................................................................


1 5 3 .8

1 5 4 .9

1 5 4 .7

2 .2


P rim a ry p r o d u c t s ................................................................. .........................................................

2 0 3 2 -P

1 2 /8 2

1 6 0 .8

1 6 2 .3

1 6 1 .7

2 .3


C a n n e d b a b y fo o d s , e x c e p t c e re a l a n d b is c u it s .....................................................

2 0 3 2 -1

1 2 /8 2

1 8 9 .4

1 9 3 .5

1 9 4 .5

5 .2


2 0 3 2 -1 3 1

1 2 /8 2

2 1 0 .3

2 1 3 .0

2 1 5 .1

4 .2

1 .0
-1 .0

V e g e t a b l e s ............................................................................................... ..............................
C a n n e d s o u p s , e x c e p t fro z e n o r s e a f o o d ...................................................................
C a n n e d d ry b e a n s in clu d in g b a k e d ........................................................ ......................
B e a n s w ith p o r k ......................... .........................................................................................
B e a n s w ith p o rk (7 .1 to 1 8 .0 o u n c e s ) .................................................................
B e a n s w ith s a u c e , v e g e ta ria n s t y l e ...........................................................................

1 2 /8 2

1 9 8 .1

1 9 9 .6

1 9 7 .7

1 .7

2 0 3 2 -3

1 2 /8 2

1 1 6 .5

1 1 6 .8

1 1 6 .8

2 .2

2 0 3 2 -3 7

2 0 3 2 -2

0 6 /9 1

9 1 .1

9 1 .1

9 1 .1

1 .9


2 0 3 2 -3 7 3

1 2 /8 2

1 1 5 .1

1 1 5 .2

1 1 5 .2

1 .2


2 0 3 2 -3 8

0 6 /9 1

1 0 3 .2

1 0 4 .2

1 0 4 .2

2 .9


See footnotesat endof table.



Table 5. Producer price indexes for the net output of selected industries and their products, not seasonally adjusted
In d e x
In d u stry a n d p ro d u c t1

In d u stry

P ro d u c t

In d e x

cod e



P e rc e n t c h a n g e
to S e p . 1 9 9 5 fro m —

M ay

A u g.





Sep. 1994

Aug. 1 9 9 5

C a n n e d s p e c ia ltie s — C o n tin u e d
2 0 3 2 -3 8 4

0 6 /9 1

1 0 3 .3

1 0 5 .0

1 0 5 .0

5 .0


2 0 3 2 -3 9

0 6 /9 1

9 6 .6

9 6 .8

9 6 .8

2 .2


O th e r c a n n e d d ry b e a n s , 13.1 to 1 8 o u n c e s ............................................

2 0 3 2 -3 9 2

1 2 /8 2

1 0 2 .0

1 0 2 .1

1 0 2 .1



O th e r c a n n e d b e a n s , all o th e r s i z e s .............................................................

2 0 3 2 -3 9 3

1 2 /8 2

1 2 4 .3

1 2 4 .6

1 2 4 .6

4 .5


2 0 3 2 -4

1 2 /8 2

1 1 8 .8

1 1 9 .5

1 1 9 .5

1 .2


2 0 3 2 -4 9 8

1 2 /8 2

1 2 3 .2

1 2 3 .5

1 2 3 .5



B e a n s w ith s a u c e , v e g e ta ria n sty le (o th e r s ize s ) ........... .......................
O th e r c a n n e d d ry b e a n s , inclu ding c h ile c o n c a m e w ith le s s th a n
2 0 % m e a t .................................................................................................................

C a n n e d s p e c ia lty f o o d s .....................................................


O th e r c a n n e d s p e c ia ltie s , in cluding g ra v y a n d p u d d in g s (o th e r th a n
m e a t s ) ..................... .................. ...............................................................................

2 0 3 2 -S M

S e c o n d a ry p ro d u cts a n d m is c e lla n e o u s re c e ip ts .................................................

2 0 3 2 -S

1 2 /8 2

1 3 2 .7

1 3 2 .8

1 3 3 .4


O th e r s e c o n d a ry p r o d u c t s .......................................................................................

2 0 3 2 -S S S

1 2 /8 2

1 2 8 .8

1 2 9 .5

1 3 0 .3

3 .2


C a n n e d fru its a n d v e g e t a b l e s ................................................................................

2 0 3 3 -S

1 2 /8 2

1 3 5 .8

1 3 5 .4

1 3 5 .8



0 6 /8 1

131 .1

1 3 3 .2

1 3 3 .2

2 .9


2 0 3 3 -P

0 6 /8 1

» 1 3 0 .0

1 3 1 .8

1 3 2 .0

2 .9


S e c o n d a ry p r o d u c t s .........................................................................................................

C a n n e d fruits, v e g e ta b le s , p re s e rv e s , ja m s , a n d je llie s .............................................
P rim a ry p r o d u c t s ....................................................................................................................

2 0 3 3 -1

0 6 /8 1

1 3 3 .4

1 3 6 .5

1 3 7 .2

3 .4

A p p l e s ................................................................................................................................

2 0 3 3 -1 1 2

0 6 /8 1

1 2 6 .6

1 2 7 .8

1 2 7 .8

3 .7

C h e rrie s , s w e e t ..............................................................................................................

2 0 3 3 -1 2 4

1 2 /8 1

1 3 4 .3





Fruit p ie m ix e s ........................................... .....................................................................

2 0 3 3 -1 6 2

0 6 /8 1

1 2 3 .6







7 .0

2 .6

C a n n e d fruits, e x c e p t b a b y f o o d ...................................................... ........................


A p p le p ie m i x ........-.....................................................................................................

2 0 3 3 -1 6 2 6 1

1 2 /8 7

1 2 0 .7



C h e rry p ie m i x ......................... ...................................................................................

2 0 3 3 -1 6 2 6 3

1 2 /8 7

1 2 0 .3

A p p le s a u c e .......................................................................................................................

2 0 3 3 -1 7 1

0 6 /8 1

1 3 5 .6

1 3 6 .6

14 0 .1

P e a c h e s , including s p ic e d .......................................................................................

2 0 3 3 -1 7 4

0 6 /8 1

1 5 6 .5

1 6 4 .0

1 6 3 .9

4 .9

- .1

P e a rs , in clu d in g s p i c e d ..............................................................................................

2 0 3 3 -1 7 5

0 6 /8 1

1 0 0 .9

1 0 0 .6

1 0 3 .0

-8 .9

2 .4

2 0 3 3 -1 9 8

1 0 /8 8

9 9 .1

1 1 9 .8

1 1 9 .8



0 6 /8 1

12 0 .1

9 9 .6

2 0 3 3 -2

- 1 .7

-3 .0

O th e r c a n n e d f r u i t ..... .............. .......................................................................... .........
C a n n e d v e g e ta b le s , e x c e p t h o m in y a n d m u s h r o o m s ...................................
F re s h lim a b e a n s ..........................................................................................................

2 0 3 3 -2 0 3

0 6 /8 1

1 3 1 .8

0 6 /8 1

1 1 4 .5

1 1 5 .7

1 1 2 .2

B e a n s , g re e n a n d w a x (in clu d in g b lu e l a k e ) ..................................................

2 0 3 3 -2 0 7

C a r r o t s .................................................................................................................................

2 0 3 3 -2 1 5

0 6 /8 1

1 4 0 .7

1 4 2 .4

1 4 3 .6

V e g e ta b le c o m b in a tio n s .............................................................................................

2 0 3 3 -2 3 5

0 6 /8 1

1 3 2 .4

1 4 7 .1

1 5 1 .4
1 0 9 .2

-2 .1



2 .9

P u m p k in a n d s q u a s h (in clu d in g p ie m i x ) ..........................................................

2 0 3 3 -2 5 3

1 2 /8 7

S p i n a c h ...............................................................................................................................

2 0 3 3 -2 5 5

0 6 /8 1

1 1 6 .6

W h ite p o t a t o e s ...............................................................................................................

2 0 3 3 -2 7 5

0 6 /8 1

1 4 4 .3

1 4 1 .0

1 4 0 .3

- 3 .2


S a u e r k r a u t ..........................................................................................................................

2 0 3 3 -2 7 6

0 6 /8 1

1 6 5 .2

1 6 4 .3

1 6 5 .1

2 .2


A s p a r a g u s ................................................................. ........................................................

2 0 3 3 -2 9 1

1 2 /8 7

1 0 2 .5

1 0 2 .4

1 0 2 .7

-5 .0


B e e t s ............................. ...........................'.................. .................................. ....................

2 0 3 3 -2 9 3

0 6 /8 1

1 6 9 .7

1 6 3 .6

1 5 9 .4

-5 .2

-2 .6

S w e e t c o rn , w h o le k e r n e l .........................................................................................

2 0 3 3 -2 9 4

0 6 /8 1

9 8 .3

9 9 .5


3 .3

S w e e t c o rn , c re a m s t y l e ......... ..................................................................................

2 0 3 3 -2 9 5

0 8 /8 1

1 0 1 .9

9 8 .7

9 5 .5

-6 .2

-3 .2

G r e e n p e a s ............................................................................... ........ ..............................

2 0 3 3 -2 9 6

0 6 /8 1

1 1 2 .3

1 1 7 .9

1 1 8 .4

7 .7


T o m a t o e s ..........................................................................................................................

2 0 3 3 -2 9 7

0 6 /8 1

1 3 7 .1

1 3 3 .8

1 3 3 .6

-2 .0


O th e r c a n n e d v e g e t a b l e s ........................................................................................

2 0 3 3 -2 9 9

1 2 /8 7

1 1 8 .2

1 1 9 .7

1 1 7 .9

1 .9

-1 .5

2 0 3 3 -3

0 6 /8 1

1 3 3 .5

1 3 3 .0

1 3 2 .7

-1 .5


2 0 3 3 -3 2 1

0 6 /8 1

1 3 2 .3

1 3 1 .8

1 3 1 .5

-1 .4


2 0 3 3 -4

0 6 /8 1

1 3 5 .8

1 4 0 .8

1 4 1 .8

6 .4


2 0 3 3 -4 A

0 6 /9 5

1 0 5 .6

A p p le ju ic e , s in g le s tre n g th ..................................................................................

2 0 3 3 -4 1 1

0 6 /8 1

1 3 9 .2

1 0 4 .8
1 5 5 .4

1 6 0 .7

1 9 .9

3 .4

O r a n g e ju ic e , sin g le s t r e n g t h .............................................................................

2 0 3 3 -4 1 5

0 6 /8 1

1 4 1 .4

1 4 8 .8

1 4 8 .4

9 .0


G ra p e ju ic e , sin g le s t r e n g t h ..............


2 0 3 3 -4 2 5

0 6 /8 1

1 4 0 .6

1 4 2 .3

1 4 2 .3


P in e a p p le ju ic e , s in g le s t r e n g t h ........................................................................

2 0 3 3 -4 2 8

0 6 /8 1

1 3 1 .5





G ra p e fru it ju ic e , s in g le s tre n g th .......................................................................

2 0 3 3 -4 3 1

0 6 /8 1

1 2 0 .7

2 0 3 3 -4 7 2

0 6 /8 1

1 2 0 .0

1 2 0 .0

1 .9


O th e r s in g le s tre n g th fru it ju ic e s a n d m ix tu re s o f fruit ju ic e s ...........

1 2 0 .0

F ru it ju ic e , c o n c e n tra te d , h o t p a c k ......... .......................................................

2 0 3 3 -4 9 4

1 2 /8 7


1 4 8 .1

1 5 2 .7



1 0 0 .6



C a n n e d h o m in y a n d m u s h r o o m s ..............................................................................
M u s h r o o m s ............... .......................................................... ............................................
C a n n e d o r fre s h fruit ju ic e s , n e c ta rs , a n d c o n c e n t r a t e s ..............................
C a n n e d fruit ju ices, n e c ta rs , a n d c o n c e n t r a t e s ............................................

......... ........

9 6 .3




2 0 3 3 -4 B

0 6 /9 5


1 0 0 .2

F re s h o ra n g e ju ic e , s in g le s t r e n g t h .............................. ................................

2 0 3 3 -4 9 6

0 6 /9 5


1 0 0 .2

1 0 0 .2


O th e r fre s h fru it ju ic e s a n d n e c t a r s ................................................................

2 0 3 3 -4 9 8

0 6 /9 5

1 0 0 .2

1 0 1 .0

2 0 3 3 -5

0 6 /8 1

1 3 9 .8

1 3 9 .8

1 3 9 .7



2 0 3 3 -5 1 5

0 6 /8 1

1 3 7 .4

1 3 7 .4

1 3 7 .2



2 0 3 3 -6

0 6 /8 1

1 3 0 .0

1 3 0 .3

1 3 0 .3

2 .5


2 0 3 3 -6 1 4

0 6 /8 1

1 4 7 .6

1 4 7 .6

1 4 7 .6

2 .7


T o m a to s a u c e s , 7.1 - 1 0 o z. s iz e ....................... ............................................

2 0 3 3 -6 1 4 1 3

1 2 /8 7

1 0 8 .9

1 1 6 .3

1 1 6 .3

1 8 .2

T o m a to s a u c e s , o th e r s i z e s ................................................................................

2 0 3 3 -6 1 4 1 9

1 2 /8 7

1 2 2 .4

1 2 5 .5

1 2 5 .5

2 .5
1 .6

F re s h fru it ju ic e s a n d n e c t a r s ................................................................................

C a n n e d v e g e ta b le j u i c e s .................................................................................... ..........
T o m a to j u i c e .............. ......... ............................................................................................
C a ts u p a n d o th e r to m a to s a u c e s , e tc ...........................


T o m a to s a u c e s ..... .................... ...................................................................................

2 0 3 3 -6 2 1

0 6 /8 1

1 2 5 .5

C a ts u p , 1 4 - 3 2 o z. s i z e .......................................................................................

2 0 3 3 -6 2 1 2 2

1 2 /8 7

1 0 3 .2

1 0 3 .2

1 0 3 .2

C a ts u p , all o th e r s i z e s .................................... ......................................................

2 0 3 3 -6 2 1 2 3

1 2 /8 7


1 1 3 .7

1 1 3 .7

C a t s u p ............................................... I ...............................................................................





S p a g h e tti, p izza , a n d m a rin a ra s a u c e s (le s s th a n 2 0 p e rc e n t m e a t)

2 0 3 3 -6 3 1

0 6 /9 5


1 0 1 .2

1 0 0 .9



C h ili s a u c e ............... ........................................................................................................

2 0 3 3 -6 5 1

0 6 /8 1

1 7 3 .0

1 7 5 .5

2 0 3 3 -6 6 2

0 6 /8 1

1 1 6 .0

1 1 6 .0

2 .3


T o m a to p a s t e ................ ........................................ .......................................................

1 1 4 .9


2 0 3 3 -6 6 2 6 4

1 2 /8 7

1 1 5 .1



2 0 3 3 -6 9 1

0 6 /8 1

1 1 4 .2

2 0 3 3 -8

0 6 /8 1

1 3 9 .8

1 3 9 .4

1 3 7 .7

1 .2

-1 .2

2 0 3 3 -8 1 1

0 6 /8 1

1 3 9 .5

1 4 7 .8

1 4 6 .3

1 4 .8

-1 .0

O th e r p u re ja m s a n d p r e s e r v e s ............................................................................

2 0 3 3 -8 1 5

0 6 /8 1

1 5 2 .0

1 3 7 .2

1 3 5 .3

-9 .3

-1 .4

P u re g ra p e j e l l y ................................................................ .............................................

2 0 3 3 -8 2 1

0 6 /8 1

1 1 7 .6

1 2 5 .3

1 2 3 .0

5 .4

-1 .8

O th e r p u re j e l l i e s ..........................................................................................................

2 0 3 3 -8 2 5

0 6 /8 1

1 4 5 .4



2 0 3 3 -M

0 6 /8 1

1 0 0 .6

1 0 8 .5

1 0 8 .5

9 .2


2 0 3 3 -Z 8 9

0 6 /8 1

9 9 .4

2 0 3 3 -S

0 6 /8 1

1 4 8 .2

1 5 0 .8

1 4 8 .0

1 .6

-1 .9

T o m a to p a s te , all o th e r s iz e s (incl b u l k ) ......................................................
T o m a to p u lp a n d p u r e e ............................................................................................
J a m s , je llie s a n d p r e s e r v e s ....................................... .................................................
P u re s tra w b e rry ja m s a n d p r e s e r v e s .................................................................

S e c o n d a ry p ro d u c ts a n d m is c e lla n e o u s re c e ip ts .................................................
M is c e lla n e o u s r e c e i p t s .................................. ................. ...............................................
R e s a l e s .............................................................................. .................. .................... ........
S e c o n d a r y p r o d u c t s ..................................................................... ...................................




2 0 3 3 -S M

See footnotes at end of table.



Table 5. Producer price indexes for the net output of selected industries and their products, not seasonally adjusted
In d e x
In d u stry a n d p ro d u c t1

In d u stry

Pro d u c t

In d e x




P e rc e n t c h a n g e
to S e p . 1 9 9 5 fro m —

M ay

A u g.





Sep. 1994

A u g . 199E

C a n n e d fruits, v e g e ta b le s , p re s e rv e s , ja m s , a n d je llie s — C o n tin u e d

- 2 .8

- 5 .2

C a n n e d s p e c ia l t i e s .....................................................................................

2 0 3 2 -S

0 6 /8 1

1 3 8 .8

1 4 1 .4

O th e r s e c o n d a ry p r o d u c t s ......................................................................

2 0 3 3 -S S S

0 6 /8 1

1 4 6 .6


1 4 8 .7

4 .7


F r o z e n fru its a n d v e g e t a b le s .................................................................

2 0 3 7 -S

0 6 /8 1

1 5 6 .6

1 6 3 .4

1 5 0 .6

-3 .2

-7 .8

B o ttle d a n d c a n n e d s o ft d r in k s ........................ ...................................

2 0 8 6 -S

0 6 /9 5


1 0 1 .7

1 0 1 .7



1 2 /8 2

1 3 8 .5

1 3 8 .9

1 3 9 .0



P rim a ry p r o d u c t s ................................................................................................

2 0 3 4 -P

1 2 /8 2

1 3 7 .7

1 3 8 .2

1 3 7 .5



D rie d fru its a n d v e g e t a b le s .....................................................................

2 0 3 4 -A

1 2 /8 2

1 4 0 .8


1 4 0 .4



D rie d fru its ....................................................................................................

2 0 3 4 -1

1 2 /8 2

117 .1

1 16.1

1 1 6 .2

1 .0


R a i s i n s .............................................. .......................................................

2 0 3 4 -1 1 3

1 2 /8 2

1 0 0 .7

1 0 0 .5

1 0 0 .7

3 .6


P r u n e s ............................................................... .................................. .

2 0 3 4 -1 1 5

1 2 /8 2

1 5 7 .9

1 5 5 .2

1 5 4 .9

2 .4


O th e r fru its a n d fruit f lo u r s .............................................................

2 0 3 4 -1 2 3

1 2 /8 2

1 2 2 .5

1 2 1 .8

1 2 1 .8


2 0 3 4 -2

1 2 /8 2

1 5 5 .9

1 5 5 .7

1 5 6 .6



2 0 3 4 -2 1 3

1 2 /8 2

1 9 0 .7





C o n s u m e r s ized : 1 lb. o r l e s s .................................... .............

2 0 3 4 -2 1 3 1 1

0 6 /9 1

1 0 3 .2

1 0 2 .5

1 0 2 .9



C o m m e rc ia l size: o v e r 1 l b ........................................................

2 0 3 4 -2 1 3 1 2

0 6 /9 1

9 2 .6

9 1 .8

9 4 .5

2 .7

2 .9




D rie d a n d d e h y d ra te d fruits, v e g e ta b le s , a n d s o u p s ...............................

D rie d v e g e t a b le s ......................................................................................
P o ta to e s (in clu ding fla k e s , g ra n u le s , slices, d ic e s , e t c . ) .


O n io n s ......................................................................................................

2 0 3 4 -2 3 7

1 2 /8 2

1 0 3 .7

1 0 6 .2

1 0 6 .0

V e g e ta b le p o w d e rs , m e a ls , a n d f l o u r s ....................................

2 0 3 4 -2 3 8

0 6 /9 1

1 0 6 .7

1 0 6 .7

1 0 6 .7



O th e r v e g e t a b le s .................................................................................

2 0 3 4 -2 4 1

1 2 /8 2

1 0 6 .4

1 0 5 .7

1 0 5 .6



D rie d s o u p s .....................................................................................................

2 0 3 4 -B

1 2 /8 2

1 2 5 .6





D rie d s o u p s ................................................................................................

2 0 3 4 -3

1 2 /8 2

1 2 5 .6





1 3 6 .5

1 3 5 .6

1 4 5 .9

2 0 3 4 -S M

S e c o n d a ry p ro d u c ts a n d m is c e lla n e o u s re c e ip ts ............................
S e c o n d a r y p r o d u c t s ...................................................................................

8 .3

7 .6

2 0 3 4 -S

1 2 /8 2

0 6 /8 1

1 5 5 .7

1 5 7 .2

1 5 7 .6

2 .8

2 0 3 5 -P

0 6 /8 1

1 6 1 .0

1 6 2 .7

1 6 3 .2

3 .0


P ic k le d fru its a n d v e g e ta b le s , v e g e ta b le s a u c e s a n d s e a s o n in g s , a n d s a la d
d r e s s in g s ..... ...............................................................................................................................
P rim a ry p r o d u c t s .....................................................................................................................



2 0 3 5 -2

0 6 /8 1

1 7 1 .5

1 7 4 .9

1 7 5 .7

3 .7


2 0 3 5 -A

0 6 /9 4

1 0 0 .1

1 0 1 .8

1 0 2 .3

1 .9


D ill p ic k le s (p ro c e s s e d , na tu ra l, o r k o s h e r ) .................................................

2 0 3 5 -2 2 1

0 6 /8 1

1 7 0 .0

1 7 5 .2

1 7 6 .0

1 .6


S o u r p i c k l e s .................................................................................................................

2 0 3 5 -2 2 3

0 6 /9 4

1 0 1 .2

1 0 1 .2

1 0 1 .2

1 .2


S w e e t p ic k le s ...............................................................................................................

2 0 3 5 -2 2 5

0 6 /8 1

1 7 0 .8

1 7 0 .8

1 7 3 .2

1 .4

1 .4

2 0 3 5 -2 2 9

0 6 /9 4

1 0 3 .0

1 0 3 .0

1 0 3 .0

3 .4


2 0 3 5 -2 3 3

0 6 /8 1

1 7 2 .2

1 7 4 .5

1 7 4 .7



2 0 3 5 -3

0 6 /8 1

1 5 0 .8

1 5 0 .3

1 5 0 .4



2 0 3 5 -3 1 1

0 6 /8 1

1 5 0 .4

1 4 9 .2

1 4 9 .2

2 0 3 5 -3 5 1

0 6 /8 1

1 5 1 .0

1 5 0 .9

1 5 1 .1

1 .0


P ic k le s a n d o th e r p ic k le d p r o d u c ts .................... .............................
F in is h e d p ic k le s a n d o th e r p ic k le d p r o d u c ts ...............

R e frig e ra te d p ic k le s (including o v e rn ig h t, h a lf sour, artificially
ac id ifie d , e tc .) .....................................................................................................
O th e r fin is h e d p ic k le d p ro d u c ts (in cluding m ix e s , g h e rk in s , relish,
o n io n s , e t c . ) .............................. ............................................ .............................
P re p a re d m e a t s a u c e s (e x c e p t t o m a t o - b a s e d ) ............................. .....................
P re p a re d m u s t a r d ..........................................................................................................



O th e r s a u c e s (including w o rc h e s te rs h ire , soy, p e p p e r, h o rs e ra d is h ,
s e a fo o d , e t c . ) ......... ................................................................................................

2 0 3 5 -4

0 6 /8 1

1 5 6 .7

1 5 8 .4

1 5 9 .0

3 .4

T h ic k , s p o o n ty p e s a la d d re s s in g s (re g u la r o r lo w c a l o r i e ) ....................

2 0 3 5 -4 1 1

0 6 /8 1

1 6 1 .8

1 6 6 .8

1 6 6 .8

9 .7


M a y o n n a is e (re g u la r o r lo w c a l o r i e ) .....................................................................

2 0 3 5 -4 2 3

0 6 /8 1

1 6 0 .5

1 6 1 .7

1 6 2 .6

1 .7


P o u ra b le s a la d d re s s in g s (re g u la r o r lo w c a l o r i e ) ........................................

2 0 3 5 -4 3 9

0 6 /8 1

1 5 7 .5

1 5 8 .7

1 5 8 .7



M a y o n n a is e , s a la d d re s s in g s a n d s a n d w ic h s p r e a d s ....................................

S e c o n d a ry p ro d u c ts a n d m is c e lla n e o u s r e c e ip t s ..................................................

2 0 3 5 -S M

S e c o n d a ry p r o d u c t s ..........................................................................................................

2 0 3 5 -S

0 6 /8 1

1 5 0 .0

1 5 1 .0

1 5 1 .2

2 .7


C a n n e d fru its a n d v e g e t a b le s .................................................................................

2 0 3 3 -S

1 0 /8 3

1 4 6 .4

1 5 2 .8

1 5 2 .2

9 .9


O th e r s e c o n d a ry p r o d u c t s ............................... ............................ ............................

2 0 3 5 -S S S


0 6 /8 1

1 5 3 .2

1 5 2 .5

15 3 .1

1 .3

0 6 /8 1

1 3 4 .6

1 3 3 .1

1 3 3 .1

1 .2


2 0 3 7 -P

0 6 /8 1

1 2 7 .6

1 2 5 .9

1 2 5 .8


- 2 .2

F r o z e n fru its a n d v e g e ta b le s .
P rim a ry p ro d u c tio n .

2 0 3 7 -1

0 6 /8 1

1 1 5 .6

1 1 3 .1

1 1 0 .6

3 .0

F r o z e n f r u it s .................... ........................................ .........................................................

2 0 3 7 -1 A

1 2 /9 0

1 0 6 .9

1 0 6 .5

1 0 6 .2

-4 .2

F r o z e n fru it a n d b e rry ju ic e s , c o n c e n t r a t e d ................................... .................

2 0 3 7 -1 B

1 2 /9 0

99 .1

9 6.1

9 3 .3


-2 .9

2 0 3 7 -1 7 9

0 6 /8 1

1 0 1 .6

9 7 .3

9 3 .2


-4 .2

2 0 3 7 -1 7 9 1

1 2 /9 0

9 5 .6

8 9 .7

8 4 .3

- 3 .7

-6 .0

2 0 3 7 -1 7 9 1 2

1 2 /9 0

9 3 .4

8 5 .4

8 2 .0

-4 .0

-4 .0

F r o z e n fruits, ju ic e s , a d e s , drinks, a n d c o c k t a ils ................................... ...........

F r o z e n o ra n g e j u i c e ..................................................................................................
C o n s u m e r a n d in stitu tio n al s i z e s ..................................................................
6.1 o z . to 1 2 o z ..................................................................................................
12.1 b z . to 2 4 o z ........................ .......................................................................
B u l k ................................................................................................................................
F r o z e n g ra p e fru it j u i c e ................................................................................. ...........
F r o z e n g ra p e fru it ju ic e , ail o th e r s i z e s .......................................................
F ro z e n g ra p e j u i c e ...................................................................................... .............


-2 .8

-4 .3

2 0 3 7 -1 7 9 2

1 2 /9 0

8 7 .0

8 7 .0

8 6 .2

8 .3

- .9

2 0 3 7 -1 8 3

0 7 /8 1

1 1 4 .3

1 1 2 .3

112 .1

-7 .0

- .2

2 0 3 7 -1 8 3 0 2

0 7 /8 1

1 1 3 .8

1 1 1 .6

Ì1 1 .4

-7 .6

2 0 3 7 -1 9 1

0 6 /8 1

11 3 .1


1 1 3 .1

-1 .0


2 0 3 7 -1 7 9 1 3

1 2 /9 0

9 8 .3

9 1 .2

8 7 .3

- .2

0 6 /8 1

1 1 5 .2


1 1 5 .2


2 0 3 7 -1 C

1 2 /9 0

1 2 6 .9


1 2 7 .3

38 .1


F ro z e n l e m o n a d e ............................................. .........................................................

2 0 3 7 -1 8 9

0 6 /8 1

1 2 7 .3





C itru s p u l p ............................................................................................................... .

2 0 3 7 -1 9 7

0 6 /8 1

1 7 9 .3

2 0 3 7 -2

0 6 /8 1

1 3 6 .7

1 3 5 .5

1 3 6 .9


1 .0

1 1 4 .6

F r o z e n g r a p e ju ic e , 10.1 to 1 3 o z ..... ..........................................................
F ro z e n fruit a d e s , d rin ks, a n d c o c k ta ils , c o n c e n t r a t e d ..............................

F ro z e n v e g e t a b le s ..............................................................................................................

2 0 3 7 -1 9 1 0 2

F r o z e n g re e n b e a n s , re g u la r a n d fre n c h c u t ..................................................

2 0 3 7 -2 1 3

0 6 /8 1

1 1 4 .3

- 3 .5


F ro z e n lim a b e a n s ; b a b y , e m e ra ld , a n d f o r d h o o k ......... ...............................

2 0 3 7 -2 2 1

0 6 /8 1

1 5 1 .6

1 5 1 .4

1 5 2 .3

-2 .1


F r o z e n b r o c c o l i ...............................................................................................................

2 0 3 7 -2 2 5

0 6 /8 1

1 1 9 .7

1 1 9 .7

1 1 9 .7

4 .4


F r o z e n c a r r o t s ................................................................. ................................................

2 0 3 7 -2 3 3

0 6 /8 1

1 3 1 .2

1 3 0 .9

1 3 4 .0

4 .8

2 .4

1 1 4 .8

2 0 3 7 -2 3 5

0 6 /8 1

1 1 7 .2

1 1 6 .8

F ro z e n g re e n p e a s ..................................................................................................... .

2 0 3 7 -2 4 1

0 6 /8 1

1 3 7 .6

1 3 6 .9

1 3 6 .2

-6 .0


F r o z e n s p in a c h .................................................................................................................

2 0 3 7 -2 4 2

0 6 /8 1

1 4 7 .7

1 4 9 .2

1 4 9 .2

5 .0


F ro z e n c a u liflo w e r ..........................................................................................................

F ro z e n v e g e ta b le c o m b in a tio n s (s u c c o ta s h , p e a s & c a rro ts /o n io n s ,
m ix e d v e g e ta b le s , e t c . ) ......................................................................................

2 0 3 7 -2 4 5

1 2 /9 0

1 0 1 .1

1 0 1 .8

1 0 1 .3



F r o z e n fre n c h frie d p o t a t o e s ....................................... ............................................

2 0 3 7 -2 4 8

0 6 /8 1

1 4 7 .3

1 4 4 .6

1 4 7 .7

-1 .5


2 0 3 7 -2 4 8 0 1

0 6 /8 1

1 1 1 .6

1 0 7 .0

1 1 3 .5

-1 4 .5


F ro z e n fre n c h frie d p o ta to e s , tw o lbs a n d u n d e r ....................................

See footnotesat endof table.


Table 5. Producer price indexes for the net output of selected industries and their products, not seasonally adjusted
In d e x
In d u s try a n d p ro d u c t1

In dustry

P ro d u c t

In d e x

cod e


b ase

P e rc e n t c h a n g e
to S e p . 1 9 9 5 fro m —

M ay






Sep. 1994

Aug. 199 5

F r o z e n fru its a n d v e g e ta b le s — C o n tin u e d
1 5 1 .9

1 5 4 .5

0 .3

1 .7

O th e r fro z e n p o ta to p ro d u c ts (p a ttie s , p u ffs, e t c . ) ......... ..................................

2 0 3 7 -2 4 9

0 6 /8 1

1 2 1 .7

1 2 0 .6

1 2 3 .1

1 .8


F r o z e n s w e e t c u t c o rn , y e l l o w .....................................................................................

2 0 3 7 -2 4 8 0 2
2 0 3 7 -2 5 3

0 6 /8 1

1 3 4 .5

1 3 4 .5

1 3 3 .6



F ro z e n s w e e t c o b co rn , y e l l o w ................................... ................................................

2 0 3 7 -2 5 5

0 6 /8 1

1 4 2 .6

1 4 0 .8

1 4 0 .8

-1 .9


O th e r fro z e n v e g e t a b l e s .................................................................................................

2 0 3 7 -2 9 8

0 6 /8 1

1 4 3 .4

1 4 3 .4

1 4 3 .6



F ro z e n fre n c h frie d p o ta to e s , o v e r tw o lbs. .......... ..........................................

0 6 /8 1

1 5 4 .3

2 0 3 7 -S M

S e c o n d a ry p ro d u cts a n d m is c e lla n e o u s r e c e i p t s .......................................................
S e c o n d a ry p r o d u c t s ...............................................................................................................

2 0 3 7 -S

0 6 /8 1

1 1 4 .6

1 1 4 .4

1 1 4 .7

1 .4

C a n n e d fru its a n d v e g e t a b l e s ......................................................................................

2 0 3 3 -S

0 6 /8 1

1 1 7 .4

1 1 7 .8


A ll o th e r s e c o n d a ry p ro d u c ts .............. ........................................ ................................

2 0 3 7 -S S S

0 6 /8 1

1 1 7 .9

1 1 7 .2

1 1 7 .2


1 2 /8 2

1 3 2 .7

1 3 3 .4



P rim ary p r o d u c t s ..........................................................................................................................

2 0 3 8 -P

1 2 /8 2

1 3 6 .5

1 3 6 .8

1 3 6 .7



F ro z e n d in n ers; b e e f, p o rk , a n d p o u ltry p ies; a n d n atio n ality f o o d s ............

2 0 3 8 -2

1 2 /8 2

1 3 4 .8

1 3 5 .3

1 3 5 .2



2 0 3 8 -2 2

0 6 /9 1

1 0 0 .7

1 0 1 .4

1 0 1 .3

1 .5

- .1

2 0 3 8 -2 2 3

1 2 /8 2

* 1 4 7 .2

1 5 4 .2

1 5 3 .5

4 .7


F ro z e n s p e c ia lt ie s ............................................ ....................................................................................


F ro z e n d in n e rs , e n tre e s a n d s id e d is h e s (in cluding rice d i s h e s ) ..............
F r o z e n d in n e r s ..................................................................................................................

1 3 3 .4


F r o z e n e n tr e e s a n d s id e d is h e s (e x c lu d in g ric e d is h e s a n d
1 2 /8 2

1 3 2 .8

1 3 0 ,7

1 3 0 .8



2 0 3 8 -2 5

1 2 /8 2

1 2 3 .2

1 2 3 .0

1 2 3 .2



F r o z e n p i z z a .......................................................................................................................

2 0 3 8 -2 5 2

2 0 3 8 -2 2 6

1 2 /8 2

1 1 1 .5

1 1 1 .0

1 1 1 .3



F r o z e n M e x ic a n f o o d ........................................................................................... ........

2 0 3 8 -2 5 3

0 6 /9 1

1 0 1 .9

1 0 2 .4

1 0 2 .3

-1 .3


F r o z e n Ita lia n fo o d , e x c lu d in g p i z z a .............. ......................................................

2 0 3 8 -2 5 5

0 6 /9 1

1 0 2 .6

1 0 2 .6

1 0 2 .8



2 0 3 8 -4

0 6 /9 1

1 0 8 .4

1 0 7 .6

1 0 7 .6

2 .0


2 0 3 8 -4 6

0 6 /9 1

1 0 5 .5

1 0 3 .8

1 0 3 .8


F ro z e n w a ffle s , p a n c a k e s , a n d F re n c h t o a s t ............................... ..................

2 0 3 8 -4 6 3

0 6 /9 1

1 0 7 .9

1 0 7 .9




O th e r fro z e n s p e c ia ltie s , e x c e p t s e a fo o d , including s o u p s, e tc ..............

2 0 3 8 -4 6 9

0 6 /9 1

1 0 4 .5

1 0 2 .2


A 3)


1 2 /8 2

1 3 3 .6

1 3 7 .7




1 2 /8 4

1 2 2 .5

1 2 6 .0

1 2 7 .7

3 .2

1 .3

n a tio n a lity f o o d s ) ....................................................................................................
F r o z e n n a tio n a lity f o o d s ...................................................................................................

O th e r fro z e n s p e c ia ltie s .......................................................................................................
O th e r fro z e n s p e c ia ltie s , n .e .c .......................................................................................


2 0 3 8 -S M

S e c o n d a r y p ro d u c ts a n d m is c e lla n e o u s r e c e ip t s ..................... .................................

2 0 3 8 -S

S e c o n d a ry p r o d u c t s ............................................. ................................... .............................
G ra in m ill p r o d u c t s .................................................................................................... ...........................


F lo u r a n d o th e r g ra in mill p r o d u c t s ......................... ...................................................................


0 6 /8 3

1 0 8 .7

1 1 9 .4

1 2 2 .4

1 4 .8

2 .5

P rim a ry p r o d u c t s ...........................................................................................................................

2 0 4 1 -P

0 6 /8 3

1 0 8 .0

1 1 9 .6

1 2 2 .6

1 5 .9

2 .5

W h e a t flo u r, e x c e p t flo u r m i x e s ......................................................................... ............

2 0 4 1 -1

0 6 /8 3

1 1 3 .5

1 2 7 .4

1 2 9 .6

1 8 .8

1 .7

2 0 4 1 -1 B

0 6 /9 2

1 0 1 .9

1 1 6 .6

1 1 8 .1

2 0 .1

1 .3

W h ite b re a d -ty p e f l o u r .................................................................................................

2 0 4 1 -1 B 1

0 6 /9 2

1 0 2 .4

1 1 7 .6

1 1 8 .2

2 0 .4


B a k e r s ’ a n d in stitutional w h ite b re a d -ty p e flo u r s h ip p e d in b u l k .......

2 0 4 1 -1 1 1

0 6 /8 3

1 1 2 .5

13 1 .1

1 3 1 .3

2 1 .8


B a k e r ’s a n d in s titu tional f l o u r .............. .........................................................................

B a k e r s ’ a n d in s titution al w h ite b re a d -ty p e flo u r s h ip p e d in
2 0 4 1 -1 1 3

c o n t a i n e r s ...... ................................................................ ......................................

0 6 /8 3

1 1 2 .3

1 1 9 .4

1 2 1 .6

1 1 .9

1 .8

S o ft w h e a t f l o u r .................................. .............................................................................

2 0 4 1 -1 B 2

0 6 /9 2

1 0 0 .0

1 1 2 .3

1 1 8 .0

1 9 .7


B a k e r s ’ a n d in s titutional s o ft w h e a t flo u r s h ip p e d in b u l k ...................

2 0 4 1 -1 1 5

0 6 /8 3

1 2 2 .2

1 4 0 .4

1 4 8 .6

2 1 .5

5 .8

2 0 4 1 -1 C

0 6 /9 2

9 1 .3

9 6 .8

9 6 .8

7 .9


2 0 4 1 -1 2 1

0 6 /8 3

1 0 7 .5

1 1 4 .9

1 1 4 .9

9 .4


3 .2


1 7 .5

4 .6

F a m ily f l o u r .............................................................................................................................
F a m ily flo u r, <

2 5 p o u n d s , incl. a ll-p u rp o s e fo r d o m e s tic d o n a tio n ...

F a m ily w h ite flo u r > = 2 5

p o u n d s , incl. a ll-p u rp o s e fo r d o m e s tic
2 0 4 1 -1 2 3

d o n a t io n .......................................................................................... ............................

0 6 /8 3

1 3 3 .2

1 3 7 .6

1 3 7 .6

2 0 4 1 -1 D

F lo u r s h ip p e d to b le n d e rs a n d o th e r p r o c e s s o r s ............... ..............................
F lo u r s h ip p e d to b le n d e rs a n d o th e r p ro c e s s o rs fo r u s e in fo o d

9 8 .7

1 1 1 .7

1 1 6 .8

2 0 4 1 -1 E

0 6 /9 2

1 1 7 .3

1 2 5 .3

13 0 .1

1 5 .4

W h o le w h e a t f l o u r ..........................................................................................................

2 0 4 1 -1 3 1

0 6 /8 3

1 3 5 .9


1 4 7 .9

1 0 .0


D u ru m flo u r a n d s e m o lin a ..........................................................................................

2 0 4 1 -1 5 1

0 8 /8 3

1 0 1 .1

2 0 4 1 -1 7 1

0 6 /8 3

1 2 2 .3

1 2 9 .3

9 .8


S elf-ris in g flo u r, all s i z e s ....................................................................................... .

1 2 9 .3

2 0 4 1 -2

0 6 /8 3

6 1 .8

6 5 .1

7 6 .6

5 .5

1 7 .7

2 0 4 1 -1 2 9

p r o d u c t s .......................................................................................................................
O th e r w h e a t f l o u r ....................................................................... .........................................

O th e r w h e a t mill p r o d u c t s ...................................................................................................

0 6 /8 3


W h e a t m ill f e e d ....................................................................................................................

2 0 4 1 -2 1 3

0 6 /8 3

5 8 .5

6 2 .1

5 .3

1 9 .3

O th e r w h e a t mill p ro d u cts, in clu d in g w h e a t g e rm , w h e a t b ra n , e tc ..........

2 0 4 1 -2 1 9

0 6 /8 3

1 1 0 .7

1 1 0 .5

1 1 6 .3

6 .4

5 .2

2 0 4 1 -3

0 6 /8 3

9 6 .6

1 0 5 .9

1 0 6 .7

1 2 .0


W h o le c o m m e a l ...................................................................................................................

2 0 4 1 -3 1 1

0 6 /8 3

1 1 8 .6

1 2 3 .6

1 2 2 .9

6 .6


C o rn mill p r o d u c t s ...................................................................................................................


3 .8

D e g e r m e d c o m m e a l ....................................................... ..................................................

2 0 4 1 -3 1 5

0 6 /8 3

1 0 1 .6

1 1 0 .3

1 1 1 .7

C o rn g rits a n d fla k e s , fo r b re w e r’s u s e ...................................................................

2 0 4 1 -3 2 3

0 6 /8 3

1 0 3 .4

1 1 4 .7

1 1 7 .6

1 3 .4

2 .5

H o m in y fe e d , c o m m e a l a n d o th e r b y -p ro d u c ts o f d ry c o m m illin g ..........

2 0 4 1 -3 6 5

0 6 /8 3

6 9 .6

8 1 .6

7 8 .9

3 3 .3

-3 .3

C o rn f l o u r ..... ...........................................................................................................................
B le n d e d a n d p re p a re d f l o u r ................................................................................................
B iscuit m ix e s , le s s th a n 5 p o u n d s .........................................................................
O th e r p re p a re d flo u r m i x e s ............................................................................................
O th e r p re p a re d flo u r m ix e s , le s s th a n 5 p o u n d s ..........................................

2 0 4 1 -3 9 3

0 6 /9 2

9 9 .8

1 0 5 .8

1 0 6 .0

6 .5


2 0 4 1 -5

0 6 /8 3

1 3 3 .7

1 3 6 .0

1 3 6 .1

1 .9


2 0 4 1 -5 5 6

0 6 /8 3

1 7 4 .0

1 7 4 .0

3 .9


2 0 4 1 -5 E

0 6 /9 2

1 0 6 .7

1 0 8 .7

1 0 9 .0

2 .6


2 0 4 1 -5 6 8

1 0 /8 3

1 1 7 .9

1 6 7 .5

1 2 0 .2

1 2 0 .4

2 .6


2 0 4 1 -S M

S e c o n d a r y p ro d u c ts a n d m is c e lla n e o u s r e c e i p t s .......................................................
M is c e lla n e o u s r e c e i p t s .........................................................................................................
R e s a l e s .....................................................................................................................................
S e c o n d a r y p r o d u c t s ................................................................................................................

P rim a ry p r o d u c t s ............................................................................... ..........................................

1 .3

2 0 4 1 -5 C

B iscu it m ix e s ................................... .......................................................................................

C e r e a l b re a k fa s t f o o d s ...................................... .......... .....................................................................

8 .8

2 0 4 1 -M

0 6 /9 2

1 0 0 .3

1 0 0 .3

1 0 0 .3



2 0 4 1 -Z 8 9

0 6 /9 2

1 0 0 .2

1 0 0 .2

2 0 4 1 -S

0 6 /8 3

1 3 4 .8

1 3 7 .6

1 5 2 .6

1 7 .9

1 0 .9

1 2 /8 3

1 6 8 .2

1 6 8 .3

1 7 1 .0

4 .0

1 .6

2 0 4 3 -P

1 2 /8 3

1 7 8 .8

1 7 8 .9

1 8 2 .8

1 .4

2 .2

1 .4

2 .4

2 0 4 3 -1

1 2 /8 3

1 7 8 .1

C o m fla k e s a n d o th e r c o m b re a k fa s t f o o d s ............................................... ........

2 0 4 3 -1 1 1

1 2 /8 3

1 7 5 .0

1 7 4 .9

1 7 8 .2

1 .8

1 .9

W h e a t fla k e s a n d o th e r w h e a t b re a k fa s t f o o d s ............................ ..................

2 0 4 3 -1 1 2

1 2 /8 3

1 7 2 .0

1 7 3 .0

1 7 6 .9


2 .3

O a t b re a k fa s t f o o d s ................................ ..........................................................................

2 0 4 3 -1 1 5

1 2 /8 3

1 8 5 .6

1 8 4 .0

1 9 1 .0

2 .9

3 .8

2 0 4 3 -1 1 9

1 2 /8 3

1 8 3 .7

1 8 3 .7

1 9 0 .5

3 .7

3 .7

R e a d y to s e r v e c e r e a l b re a k fa s t f o o d s ........................................................................

1 7 8 .2

1 8 2 .4

P re p a ra tio n s o f o th e r g ra in s a n d m ix e d g ra in s , e x c lu d in g in fa n t
c e r e a l s ...............................................................................................................................

See footnotes at endof table.


Table 5. Producer price indexes for the net output of selected industries and their products, not seasonally adjusted
In d e x
In d u stry a n d p ro d u c t1

In d u stry

P ro d u c t

In d e x




P e rc e n t c h a n g e
to S e p . 1 9 9 5 fro m —

M ay

A u g.





Sep. 1994

Aug. 1 9 9 5

C e r e a l b re a k fa s t fo o d s — C o n tin u e d
2 0 4 3 -2

1 2 /8 3

1 8 0 .8

1 8 0 .8

1 8 0 .8

0 .4


2 0 4 3 -2 5 3

1 2 /9 2

1 0 3 .2

1 0 3 .2

1 0 3 .2



2 0 4 3 -3

1 2 /9 2

1 0 8 .5

1 1 0 .2

1 1 0 .2



0 6 /8 4

9 4 .8

1 0 7 .0

1 3 .3

2 .0

P rim a ry p r o d u c t s ..........................................................................................................................

2 0 4 4 -P

0 6 /8 4

9 2 .5

1 0 5 .0


1 3 .8

2 .0

H e a d r i c e ......................................... ..........................................................................................

2 0 4 4 -1

0 6 /8 4

9 6 .8

1 0 9 .6

1 1 2 .2

1 4 .7

2 .4

2 0 4 4 -1 0 1

0 6 /8 4

1 0 0 .4

1 1 5 .3

1 1 6 .7

1 5 .0


2 0 4 4 -1 0 1 0 3

0 6 /8 4

9 3 .8

1 0 6 .4

1 0 9 .0

1 5 .2

2 .4

T o b e c o o k e d b e fo re serv in g c e re a l b re a k fa s t f o o d s .........................................
R o lle d o a ts a n d o a tm e a l ....................................................................................... ........
In s ta n t h o t c e re a ls , all ty p e s o f g r a i n .................... ........................ .............................
R ic e m illin g ........................................................................................... ...................................................


L o n g g rain m ille d r i c e ......................................................................... .............................
P a c k e d in 1 0 0 -p o u n d b a g s o r m o r e ................................ ....... ............................
P a c k e d in all o th e r c o n t a in e r s .......... ......................................................................
M e d iu m g rain m illed r i c e .............................................. ...................................................
P a c k e d in 1 0 0 -p o u n d b a g s o r m o r e .....................................................................
P a c k e d in all o th e r c o n ta in e r s .................................................................................
O th e r m illed rice a n d b y p r o d u c ts ........................................................ ...........................

2 0 4 4 -1 0 1 0 7

0 6 /8 4

9 4 .8

1 1 0 .9

1 1 0 .2

1 2 .8


2 0 4 4 -1 0 3

0 6 /8 4

9 5 .0

1 0 4 .7

1 1 0 .7

1 5 .2

5 .7

2 0 4 4 -1 0 3 0 3

0 6 /8 4

8 4 .0

9 2 .7

1 0 0 .4


8 .3

2 0 4 4 -1 0 3 0 7

0 6 /8 4

1 1 9 .3

1 3 1 .3

1 3 5 .5

1 0 .5

3 .2

2 0 4 4 -2

0 6 /8 4

6 3 .7

7 3 .8

7 2 .9

6 .9

- 1 .2

2 0 4 4 -2 9 8

A ll o th e r m illed rice a n d b y p r o d u c t s ........................................................................
B le n d e d a n d p re p a re d f l o u r ..... ......................... .............................................................................

0 6 /8 4

8 8 .3

1 0 6 .4

1 0 6 .3

1 8 .4


0 6 /8 5

1 1 5 .0

1 1 5 .3

1 1 6 .4

2 .0


2 0 4 5 -P

0 6 /8 5

1 1 2 .8

1 1 3 .0

1 1 4 .0

1 .3



P rim a ry p r o d u c t s ........................ .................................................................................................

109 .1

F lo u r m ix e s a n d re frig e ra te d a n d fro z e n d o u g h s a n d b a tte rs , m a d e fro m
p u rc h a s e d m a t e r ia ls .......................................................................................................
F lo u r m i x e s .............................................................................................................................
P a n c a k e a n d w a ffle m i x e s .........................................................................................
P a n c a k e a n d w a ffle m ix e s , le s s th a n 5 p o u n d s .............. ..........................

2 0 4 5 -5

0 6 /8 5

1 1 2 .8

1 1 3 .0

1 1 4 .0



2 0 4 5 -5 A

0 6 /8 5

1 1 0 .5

1 1 0 .8

11 2 .1


1 .2

2 0 4 5 -5 A A

0 6 /9 2

1 0 5 .2

1 0 5 .3


2 .2


2 0 4 5 -5 5 1

0 6 /8 5

1 1 1 .6

1 1 1 .8

1 1 2 .9


1 .0

P a n c a k e a n d w a ffle m ix e s , 5 . p o u n d s o r m o r e ...........................................

2 0 4 5 -5 5 2

0 6 /8 5

1 2 5 .8

1 2 5 .8

1 2 6 .6

2 .8


C a k e m ixe s, in cluding g in g e rb re a d ................................... ............. ...................

2 0 4 5 -5 A B

0 6 /9 2

9 9 .4

9 9 .5

1 0 0 .8


1 .3

C a k e m ix e s , in cluding g in g e rb re a d , 5 p o u n d s o r m o re .........................

2 0 4 5 -5 5 4

0 6 /8 5

1 3 5 .8

1 3 6 .0

1 3 6 .8

- 2 .1


B iscu it m i x e s ......................................................................................................................

2 0 4 5 -5 A C

0 6 /9 2

1 0 2 .3

1 0 2 .7

1 0 2 .8



B iscu it m ix e s , 5 p o u n d s o r m o r e ............................................ ...........................

2 0 4 5 -5 5 7

0 6 /8 5

1 2 6 .7

1 2 7 .6

1 2 7 .8

2 .8


O th e r p re p a re d flo u r m i x e s ................................................... ........ ...........................

2 0 4 5 -5 A E

0 6 /9 2

1 0 2 .8

1 0 2 .9

1 0 4 .6

2 .5

1 .7

O th e r p re p a re d flo u r m ixes, in cludin g c o o k ie , le s s th a n 5 p o u n d s .

2 0 4 5 -5 6 8

0 6 /8 5

1 3 1 .7

2 .3

2 0 4 5 -5 6 9

0 6 /8 5

8 1 .8


1 3 4 .3

O th e r p re p a re d flo u r m ixes, in cludin g c o o k ie , 5 p o u n d s o r m o re ...

8 2 .7

2 .7


D o u g h n u t a n d o th e r s w e e t y e a s t g o o d s m i x e s .............................................

2 0 4 5 -5 6 3

0 6 /9 2

1 0 8 .4

1 0 9 .8

1 1 1 .2

2 .0

1 .3

R e frig e ra te d d o u g h s a n d b a t t e r s ................................................................................

2 0 4 5 -5 B

0 6 /8 5

1 2 1 .9

1 2 1 .7

1 2 2 .4



F r o z e n d o u g h s a n d b a t t e r s ...........................................................................................

2 0 4 5 -5 C

0 6 /9 2

1 0 4 .4

1 0 4 .8

1 0 5 .6

1 .7


F ro z e n b re a d a n d b re a d -ty p e roll d o u g h s , all s i z e s ............... .....................

2 0 4 5 -5 9 1

0 6 /9 2

1 0 5 .0

1 0 5 .7

1 0 6 .0



All o th e r fro z e n d o u g h s a n d b a tte rs , all s i z e s ................................................

2 0 4 5 -5 9 3

0 6 /9 2

1 0 3 .7

1 0 3 .7

10 5 .1


1 .4

2 0 4 5 -S

0 6 /8 5

1 2 7 .5

1 2 9 .3

1 3 0 .9

3 .9

1 .2

0 6 /8 5

1 2 4 .0

12 3 .1

1 2 3 .3

-6 .7


P rim a ry p r o d u c t s ...........................................................................................................................

2 0 4 6 -P

0 6 /8 5

1 2 4 .6

1 2 4 .8

1 2 4 .6

-7 .7


C o rn s w e e t e n e r s ........................................................... ........................................................

2 0 4 6 -1

0 6 /8 5

1 2 7 .6

2 0 4 5 -S M

S e c o n d a ry p ro d u c ts a n d m is c e lla n e o u s r e c e ip t s .......................................................
S e c o n d a ry p r o d u c t s ......................... ......................................................................................
W e t c o rn m i ll i n g .....................................................................................................................................


1 2 7 .5

1 2 7 .5

-1 1 .8


2 0 4 6 -1 0 1

0 6 /8 5

1 4 0 .0

1 4 0 .0

1 4 0 .0

-8 .9


T y p e II (3 8 u p to 5 8 d e x tro s e e q u iv a le n t ) .......................

2 0 4 6 -1 0 1 0 3

0 6 /8 5

1 4 9 .2

1 4 9 .2

1 4 9 .2

-8 .0


T y p e s III a n d IV (5 8 o r m o re d e x tro s e e q u iv a le n t ) .......................................

2 0 4 6 -1 0 1 0 5

0 6 /8 5

1 2 6 .5

1 2 6 .5

1 2 6 .5

- 1 0 .4


1 1 7 .9

G lu c o s e s y r u p ........................................... ..........................................................................

2 0 4 6 -1 0 5

0 6 /8 5

1 1 8 .0

-1 3 .2


2 0 4 6 -3

0 6 /8 5

141 .1

137 .1

1 3 6 .4



C o rn s t a r c h ............................................................................ ................... ............................

2 0 4 6 -3 0 1

0 6 /8 5

1 4 4 .8

1 3 9 .0

1 3 8 .9

- 1 .2


O th e r s ta rc h (in c lu d in g p o ta to , w h e a t, rice, e t c . ) ..............................................

2 0 4 6 -3 0 3

0 6 /8 5

1 2 6 .8

1 3 2 .0

2 0 4 6 -7

0 6 /8 5

1 0 7 .9

1 1 5 .0

1 1 4 .7

- 8 .3


C o rn g lu te n f e e d ................................................................................................................

2 0 4 6 -7 0 1

0 6 /8 5

1 2 1 .6

13 3 .1

C o rn g lu te n m e a l .................................................................................................................

2 0 4 6 -7 0 3

0 6 /8 5

1 1 8 .2

1 2 2 .7

12 8 .1

-1 3 .3

4 .4

2 0 4 6 -7 0 5

0 6 /8 5

80 .1

8 1 .6

8 0 .9

-1 1 .0


H ig h fru c to s e c o rn s y r u p ................................................................................................
M a n u fa c tu re d s t a r c h ........................ .................................. ..................................................

W e t p ro c e s s c o rn b y p r o d u c ts ................................... ........................................................

1 1 7 .9

O th e r w e t p ro c e s s b y p ro d u c ts , in cluding s te e p w a te r c o n c e n tra te
( 5 0 % s o lid s b a s i s ) .....................................................................................................

1 2 /8 5

1 2 3 .7

1 2 3 .8

1 2 4 .8



P rim a ry p r o d u c t s ...........................................................................................................................

2 0 4 7 -P

1 2 /8 5

1 2 4 .7

1 2 4 .8

1 2 4 .7


- .1

D o g f o o d ............................................................................... ....................... ................................

2 0 4 7 -3

1 2 /8 5

1 3 0 .8

1 3 0 .9

1 3 0 .7



C a n n e d ra tio n -ty p e d o g f o o d ........ ......... .................................. ................................

2 0 4 7 -3 2 1

1 2 /8 5

1 4 2 .0

1 3 5 .9

1 3 3 .9


- 1 .5

O th e r c a n n e d d o g f o o d ....................................................................................................

2 0 4 7 -3 2 3

1 2 /8 5

1 3 6 .4

1 3 6 .5

1 3 7 .0



2 0 4 7 -3 2 6

0 6 /9 1

1 0 0 .0

10 0 .1

1 0 0 .2

-2 .4


2 0 4 7 -3 3 8

0 6 /9 1

1 1 0 .0

1 1 0 .8

1 1 0 .6



2 0 4 7 -4

1 2 /8 5

1 1 4 .2

1 1 4 .3

1 1 4 .3

-2 .8


M e a t-b a s e d c a n n e d c a t f o o d ........................................................................................

2 0 4 7 -4 4 3

1 2 /8 5

1 2 7 .8

1 2 7 .8

1 2 7 .8



O th e r (ra tio n -m e a l) b a s e d c a n n e d c a t f o o d ..........................................................

2 0 4 7 -4 4 5

1 2 /8 5

1 2 9 .6

1 2 9 .6

1 2 9 .6



D ry c a t f o o d ....................................................................... ....................................................

2 0 4 7 -4 5 4

0 6 /9 1

9 3 .6

9 3 .7

9 3 .8

-5 .9


1 2 /8 5

1 0 9 .8

1 1 1 .3

D o g a n d c a t f o o d ............................................................................... ..................................................

D ry a n d s e m im o is t d o g fo o d s h ip p e d in p a c k a g e s le s s th a n 2 5
p o u n d s .............................................................................................. ..............................
D ry a n d s e m im o is t d o g fo o d s h ip p e d in p a c k a g e s 2 5 p o u n d s o r m o re
C a t f o o d .................... ........................ ............. .................................................... ........................

2 0 4 7 -S M

S e c o n d a r y p ro d u c ts a n d m is c e lla n e o u s r e c e ip t s .......................................................

2 0 4 7 -S

S e c o n d a ry p r o d u c t s ...............................................................................................................


9 8 .3

9 9 .8

3 .9

2 0 4 8 -P

1 2 /8 0

9 0 .8

9 4 .8

9 6 .0

3 .4

1 .3

S p e c ia lty f e e d s ........................................................... ..............................................................

2 0 4 8 -A

0 6 /9 1

1 0 0 .0

1 0 2 .6

1 0 3 .6

1 .2

1 .0

F re s h a n d fr o z e n m e a t o f h o rs e s a n d o th e r a n im a ls fo r p e t f o o d s ........

2 0 4 8 -A 0 1

0 6 /9 1

1 0 1 .5

Bird f e e d (w ild , ta m e , p ig e o n , g a m e ) .......................................................................

2 0 4 8 -A 0 9

1 2 /8 5

1 3 5 .9

1 4 2 .8

1 4 2 .8


O th e r s p e c ia lty f e e d s .............................. ........ ................................. ..............................

2 0 4 8 -A 1 3

1 2 /8 5

8 3 .2

8 5 .4

8 7 .5


2 .5

2 0 4 8 -1

1 2 /8 0

8 4 .5

8 8 .7

9 0 .0

6 .5

1 .5

2 0 4 8 -1 1 1

1 2 /8 0

6 8 .0

72 .1

7 2 .4

4 .0


C h ic k e n a n d tu rk e y fe e d , s u p p le m e n ts , c o n c e n tra te s , a n d p r e m i x e s ........
S ta r te r -g r o w e r c o m p le te c h ic k e n f e e d .............................. ...........


See footnotes at endof table.


9 3 .8


P rim a ry p r o d u c t s ...........................................................................................................................

P r e p a r e d a n im a l fe e d s , n . e . c . .................. ............. .........................................................................

1 2 /8 0


1 .5


Table 5. Producer price indexes for the net output of selected industries and their products, not seasonally adjusted
Industry and product1



Percent change
to Sep. 1995 from —




Sep. 1994

Aug. 199!

P re p a re d a n im a l fe e d s , n .e .c .— C o n tin u e d
L a y e r -b r e e d e r c o m p le te c h ic k e n f e e d .................................................................
B ro ile r c o m p le te c h ic k e n f e e d .................................................................................
L a y e r -b r e e d e r c h ic k e n s u p p le m e n ts a n d c o n c e n t r a te s ..............................
C o m p le te dairy c a ttle f e e d s ...........................................................................................
D a iry c a ttle fe e d s u p p le m e n ts , c o n c e n tra te s , a n d p r e m ix e s .......................
D a iry fe e d s u p p le m e n ts a n d c o n c e n t r a t e s ........................................................
D a iry c a ttle fe e d p re m ix e s (fe e d b a s e ) ................................................................
C o m p le te s w in e f e e d s .......................................................................................................
S w in e fe e d s u p p le m e n ts , c o n c e n tra te s , a n d p r e m ix e s ...................................
S w in e fe e d s u p p le m e n ts a n d c o n c e n t r a t e s ......................................................
S w in e fe e d p re m ix e s (fe e d b a s e ) ...........................................................................
C o m p le te b e e f c a ttle fe e d s ...........................................................................................
B e e f c a ttle fe e d s u p p le m e n ts , c o n c e n tra te s , a n d p r e m ix e s ........................
B e e f c a ttle fe e d s u p p le m e n ts a n d c o n c e n t r a t e s ...........................................
B e e f c a ttle f e e d p re m ix e s (fe e d b a s e ) ................................................................




























O th e r p o u ltry a n d liv e s to c k fe e d s , in clu d in g d u c k , g o o s e , h o rs e , m u le,
e t c .........................................................................................................................................
C o m p le te h o rs e a n d m u le f e e d s ............................................................................
O th e r c o m p le te liv e s to c k fe e d s (s h e e p .e tc .) ....................................................
H o rs e a n d m u le f e e d s u p p le m e n ts a n d c o n c e n tr a t e s .................................
O th e r liv e s to c k fe e d s u p p le m e n ts a n d c o n c e n tra te s (s h e e p , e t c . ) .....
O th e r p re p a re d a n im a l fe e d s incl. fe e d in g m a te ria ls a n d a d ju n c t s ..........
G ra in -

g ro u n d , ro lled , p u lv e riz e d , c h o p p e d , o r c rim p e d , exc lu d in g

c o r n m e a l ......................................................................... ............................................
M in e ra l m ixtu re, in clu d in g o y s te r s h e lls , p re p a re d fo r fe e d u s e .............
S e c o n d a r y p ro d u c ts a n d m is c e lla n e o u s r e c e ip t s ...................................................
M is c e lla n e o u s r e c e i p t s ..................................................... ................................................
R e s a l e s .................................................................................................................................
S e c o n d a ry p r o d u c t s ............................................................................................................

Bakery products .








B re a d a n d o th e r b a k e ry p ro d u cts, e x c e p t c o o k ie s a n d c r a c k e r s ....................



























P rim a ry p r o d u c t s ...............................................................................................................
B r e a d ......................................................................................................................... .........
W h ite b r e a d ................................................................................................................
W h ite p a n b r e a d ...................................................... ............................................
W h ite p a n b re a d , N o r t h e a s t ......................................................................
W h ite p a n b re a d , N o rth C e n t r a l...............................................................
W h ite p a n b re a d , S o u t h ............................................................ ..................
W h ite p a n b re a d , W e s t ................................... ............................................
W h ite h e a rth b r e a d .............................................................................................
O th e r b r e a d ................................................................................................................
D a rk w h e a t b r e a d ................................................................................................
R y e b r e a d .................................................................................................................
O th e r v a rie ty b re a d , in cluding raisin, p o ta to , o a tm e a l, c a n n e d ,

2051 -SM
2051 -M
2051 -S

e tc .........................................................................................................................
B re a d ty p e rolls, stuffing, a n d c r u m b s ..............................................................
B re a d ty p e rolls, in cluding b uns, b a g e ls , m u ffin s, c ro is s a n ts , e tc .
H a m b u rg e r a n d w e in e r rolls o r b u n s ........................................ ................
B ro w n a n d s e rv e r o lls ........................................................................................
E n g lish m u f f i n s .....................................................................................................

Other bread type rolls......................... .....
Sweet yeast goods....................................
Yeast raised doughnuts..............................
Other sweet yeast goods, including sweet rolls and coffeecake.,
Soft cakes...................... ....................
Snack cakes......................................
Other soft cakes...................................
Pies...... ........ .................................
Snack pies ........... .............................
Other pies........................................
Pastries.. ..........................................
Cake type doughnuts.
Secondary products and miscellaneous receipts .
Miscellaneous receipts.... .............
Secondary products .
Cookies and crackers.
Primary products .
Crackers, cracker sandwiches, and pretzels .
Graham crackers.. ...............
Other crackers..
Cracker sandwiches .


See footnotes at endof table.


- .1


Table 5. Producer price indexes for the net output of selected industries and their products, not seasonally adjusted
In d e x
In d u stry a n d p ro d u c t1

In d u stry

P ro d u c t

In d e x




P e rc e n t c h a n g e
to S e p . 1 9 9 5 fro m —

M ay

A u g.





S ep. 1994

Aug. 1995

C o o k ie s a n d c ra c k e rs — C o n tin u e d
P r e t z e l s ....................................................................................................................................
C o o k ie s a n d ic e c r e a m c o n e s ..........................................................................................

2 0 5 2 -1 C

0 6 /8 3

1 2 3 .8

1 2 4 .2

1 2 4 .2

2 .7


2 0 5 2 -2

0 6 /8 3

1 4 8 .4

1 4 9 .5

1 4 9 .6

2 .0




S a n d w ic h c o o k i e s .........................................................................................................

2 0 5 2 -2 1 3

0 6 /8 3

1 5 5 .9

1 5 6 .8

1 5 6 .6



A ll o th e r c o o k ie s a n d w a f e r s ....................................................................................

2 0 5 2 -2 3 7

0 6 /8 3

1 4 3 .8

1 4 5 .2

1 4 5 .4

2 .0


2 0 5 2 -M

0 6 /8 3

1 3 5 .3

1 3 1 .4

1 3 3 .2

-1 .0

1 .4

2 0 5 2 -Z 8 9

0 6 /8 3

1 3 5 .3

1 3 1 .4

1 3 3 .2

-1 .0

1 .4

2 0 5 2 -S

0 6 /8 3

1 2 0 .3

1 2 2 .6

1 2 2 .9

2 .3


0 6 /9 1

1 0 7 .5

1 0 7 .5

1 0 7 .5

1 .0


1 2 /8 2

1 5 0 .8

1 5 0 .8

1 5 0 .8



1 6 2 .6

1 6 2 .6



2 0 5 2 -2 A

C o o k i e s ...................................................................................................................................

1 4 6 .9


1 4 8 .2

2 0 5 2 -S M

S e c o n d a ry p ro d u c ts a n d m is c e lla n e o u s r e c e ip t s .......................................................
M is c e lla n e o u s r e c e i p t s ........................................................................................... .............
R e s a l e s ........................................................ ...........................................................................
S e c o n d a ry p r o d u c t s ..............................................................................................................
F ro z e n b a k e ry p ro d u c ts , e x c e p t b r e a d ................................................... .................................

0 6 /8 3


P rim a ry p r o d u c t s ..........................................................................................................................

2 0 5 3 -P

F ro z e n b a k e ry p r o d u c ts ....................................................................... ................................

2 0 5 3 -1
2 0 5 3 -1 1 1

1 2 /8 2

1 6 2 .6

c o ffe e c a k e , e t c ...........................................................................................................

2 0 5 3 -1 1 3

1 2 /8 2

1 2 9 .3


12 9 .1


S o ft c a k e s in clu d ing p o u n d , la y e r, s h e e t, fruit, c h e e s e , e tc ..........................

2 0 5 3 -1 1 4

1 2 /8 2

1 3 6 .2

1 3 6 .2

1 3 6 .2

2 .0


1 5 4 .5



1 0 3 .6

2 .3


F ro z e n p ie s (fruit, c u s ta rd a n d c re a m t y p e ) .........................................................
S w e e t y e a s t g o o d s in cluding y e a s t ra is e d d o u g h n u ts , s w e e t rolls,

A ll o th e r b a k e ry p ro d u c ts includ ing c o o k ie s a n d p astrie s ; e x clu d in g
b re a d a n d r o l l s ............................................................................................................
S e c o n d a r y p r o d u c t s ........................................................................ ............... ......................

2 0 5 3 -1 1 9

1 2 /8 2

1 5 4 .3

1 5 4 .5

2 0 5 3 -S

0 6 /9 1

1 0 3 .6

1 0 3 .6

S u g a r a n d c o n fe c tio n e ry p r o d u c t s ...............................................................................................


1 2 /8 4

1 2 2 .9

1 2 3 .6

1 2 3 .8

2 .6


R a w c a n e s u g a r m i l l s ........................................................................................................................


0 6 /8 2

1 1 5 .2

1 1 8 .9

1 17.1

5 .5

- 1 .5

P rim a ry p r o d u c t s ..........................................................................................................................

2 0 6 1 -P

0 6 /8 2

1 1 5 .2

1 1 8 .9

1 17.1

5 .5

- 1 .5

R a w c a n e s u g a r ......................................................................................................................

2 0 6 1 -1

0 6 /8 2

1 1 5 .8

1 1 9 .9

1 1 8 .0

5 .9

- 1 .6

0 6 /8 2


1 2 3 .9



P rim a ry p r o d u c t s ................................................ .........................................................................

2 0 6 2 -P

0 6 /8 2

123 .1

1 2 3 .9

1 2 3 .1



R e fin e d c a n e s u g a r ................................................................................................................

2 0 6 2 -1

0 6 /8 2


1 2 3 .9




2 0 6 2 -1 A

0 6 /8 2

1 2 6 .3

1 2 7 .2

1 2 6 .3



2 0 6 2 -1 1 2

0 6 /8 2

1 2 2 .5

1 2 4 .7

1 2 2 .6

3 .3

-1 .7

C a n e su g a r re fin in g .............................................................................................................................


G ra n u la te d c a n e su g ar, including c u b e a n d ta b le t s u g a r ..............................
C o n s u m e r un its (c o n ta in e rs o f 2 5 lbs o r l e s s ) .............................. .................
C o m m e rc ia l un its (b a g s a n d o th e r co n ta in e rs : o v e r 2 5 l b s ) ...................

2 0 6 2 -1 1 4

0 6 /8 2

1 3 4 .2

1 3 4 .2

1 3 4 .2


B u lk s h ip m e n ts (rail cars , tru cks, o r b in s ) .........................................................

2 0 6 2 -1 1 5

0 6 /8 2

1 2 3 .5

1 2 3 .3

1 2 3 .3

- 4 .7

C o n fe c tio n e rs ’ p o w d e re d s u g a r ..................................................................................

2 0 6 2 -1 3

0 6 /8 2

1 16.1

1 1 7 .0

1 1 5 .9

-1 .1


B ro w n o r so ft s u g a r ............................... ...........................................................................

2 0 6 2 -1 4

0 6 /8 2

1 0 2 .7

1 0 3 .9

1 0 2 .6


- 1 .3

0 6 /8 2



1 1 0 .4



P rim a ry p r o d u c t s ........................... ........... .................................................................................

2 0 6 3 -P

0 6 /8 2

1 1 2 .2


1 1 0 .5



R e fin e d b e e t s u g a r .......................................... ................... ............... ..................................

2 0 6 3 -1

0 6 /8 2

1 1 0 .8

1 0 8 .3

1 0 8 .6



2 0 6 3 -1 X

0 6 /8 2

1 1 0 .0

1 0 7 .7




B e e t su g a r p r o c e s s in g ......................................................................................................................


G ra n u la te d b e e t su g ar, including c u b e a n d ta b le t s u g a r ..............................
Individual s e rv ic e s (s m a ll p a p e r p a c k e ts ) a n d c o n s u m e r units

2 0 6 3 -1 0 7

1 0 /8 2

9 7 .2

9 7 .3

9 7 .7

2 .3


C o m m e rc ia l units (b a g s a n d o th e r co n ta in e rs : o v e r 2 5 l b s ) ...................

2 0 6 3 -1 1 3

1 1 /8 2

1 1 3 .2

1 1 0 .9

1 1 1 .4



B u lk s h ip m e n ts (rail c a rs , tru cks, o r b in é ) .........................................................

2 0 6 3 -1 1 5

0 6 /8 2

1 0 5 .9

1 0 3 .4

1 0 3 .6



2 0 6 3 -1 3

1 1 /8 2

1 2 2 .9

1 1 6 .6

1 1 7 .7

-2 .7


2 0 6 3 -2

0 6 /8 2

1 2 5 .4

1 2 7 .6

1 2 7 .6

5 .3


2 0 6 3 -2 8 9

0 6 /8 2

9 1 .7

9 1 .7

9 1 .7

4 .7


0 6 /8 3

1 3 7 .1

1 3 7 .8

1 3 8 .3



0 6 /8 3

1 3 8 .6

1 3 9 .0

1 3 9 .5





(c a rto n s a n d sacks: 2 5 lb o r l e s s ) ...................................

C o n fe c tio n e rs ’ p o w d e re d s u g a r ......................................................... ........................
O th e r b e e t s u g a r fa c to ry p ro d u c ts a n d b y p r o d u c ts ..............................................
All o th e r su g a r b e e t refining p ro d u c ts a n d b y p ro d u cts, incl. d rie d
b e e t p u l p .......................................... .............................................................................
C a n d y a n d o th e r c o n fe c tio n e ry p r o d u c ts ......................................... .......................................

2 0 6 4 -P

P rim ary p r o d u c t s .................................................... .....................................................................
C h o c o la te a n d c h o c o la te ty p e c o n fe c tio n e ry p ro d u c ts m a d e fro m
p u rc h a s e d c h o c o l a t e ...................................................................................................
So lid c h o c o la te c o n fe c tio n e ry p r o d u c ts ..................................................................

2 0 6 4 -2

0 6 /8 3

1 3 1 .0

1 31.1

1 3 1 .6

2 0 6 4 -2 A

0 6 /9 1

1 0 1 .9

1 0 2 .0

1 0 2 .0



1 0 2 .8



1 0 1 .3



So lid c h o c o la te c o n fe c tio n e ry p ro d u c ts w ith o u t in c lu s io n s .....................

2 0 6 4 -2 1 1

0 6 /9 1

1 0 2 .6

1 0 2 .8

S o lid c h o c o la te c o n fe c tio n e ry p ro d u c ts w ith in c lu s io n s ...........................

2 0 6 4 -2 3 1

0 6 /9 1

1 0 1 .3

1 0 1 .3

2 0 6 4 -2 5 1

0 6 /9 1

1 0 2 .8

1 0 2 .9




2 0 6 4 -2 5 1 3 1

0 6 /9 1

1 0 3 .2

1 0 3 .3

1 0 3 .5



2 0 6 4 -2 5 1 5 1

0 6 /9 1

9 9 .9

9 9 .9

9 9 .9

2 0 6 4 -2 7 1

0 6 /9 1

93 .1



2 0 6 4 -2 9 1

0 6 /9 1

1 2 0 .5

1 2 1 .0

1 2 4 .9

3 .7

3 .2

2 0 6 4 -3

0 6 /8 3

1 3 7 .2

1 3 7 .8

1 3 8 .2

2 .3


H a rd c a n d y ............................................................................................................................

2 0 6 4 -3 1 1

0 6 /9 1

1 0 5 .6

1 0 5 .9

1 0 5 .9



C h e w y n o n c h o c o la te c a n d y , including g ra n o la b a r s ...... .................................

2 0 6 4 -3 2 1

0 6 /9 1

1 1 6 .6

1 1 7 .8

1 1 9 .2

7 .6

1 .2

S o ft n o n c h o c o la te c a n d y ................................................................................................

2 0 6 4 -3 3 1

0 6 /9 1

1 0 6 .7

1 0 7 .6

1 0 7 .8



E n ro b e d o r m o ld e d c h o c o la te c o n fe c tio n e ry p r o d u c ts ...................................
E n ro b e d o r m o ld e d c h o c o la te c o n fe c tio n e ry p ro d u c ts w ith c a n d y ,
fruit, o r n u t c e n t e r s ..............................................................................................
E n ro b e d o r m o ld e d c h o c o la te c o n fe c tio n e ry p ro d u c ts w ith b a k e ry
p ro d u c t c e n t e r s ......................................................................................... ............
P a n n e d c h o c o la te c o n fe c tio n e ry p r o d u c t s ............................................................



C h o c o la te a s s o rtm e n ts a n d o th e r c h o c o la te a n d c h o c o la te ty p e
c o n fe c tio n e ry p r o d u c ts ................... .........................................................................
N o n c h o c o la te ty p e c o n fe c tio n e ry p r o d u c t s ..............................................................

Ic e d /c o a t e d n o n c h o c o la te c o n fe c tio n e ry p r o d u c ts .......... ................................

2 0 6 4 -3 5 1

0 6 /9 1

1 0 0 .7

1 0 0 .7

1 0 1 .4


P a n n e d n o n c h o c o la te c o n fe c tio n e ry p r o d u c t s ..................... .............................

2 0 6 4 -3 7 1

0 6 /9 1

1 0 1 .0

1 0 1 .0

1 0 1 .0



L ico ric e a n d lico rice ty p e c o n fe c tio n e ry p r o d u c t s .............................................

2 0 6 4 -3 8 1

0 6 /9 1

1 0 5 .5

1 0 5 .5

1 0 5 .5



2 0 6 4 -9

0 6 /9 1

9 6 .0

9 9 .6

9 9 .6

-3 .6


O th e r c a n d y a n d c o n fe c tio n e ry p ro d u cts, n .e .c ...................................................

2 0 6 4 -9 9 1

0 6 /9 1

105 .1

1 0 5 .0

1 0 5 .0



S e c o n d a ry p ro d u cts a n d m is c e lla n e o u s r e c e ip t s .......................................................

2 0 6 4 -S M
0 6 /9 1


1 0 1 .7

1 0 1 .7

3 .4


1 2 3 .7

1 2 3 .4

1 2 3 .4



O th e r c o n fe c tio n e ry ty p e p r o d u c t s ...............................................................................

2 0 6 4 -S

S e c o n d a ry p r o d u c t s ...............................................................................................................
C h o c o la te a n d c o c o a p r o d u c t s .....................................................................................................

0 6 /8 3


See footnotesat endof table.


Table 5. Producer price indexes for the net output of selected industries and their products, not seasonally adjusted
In d e x
In d u stry a n d p ro d u c t1

In d ustry

P ro d u c t

In d e x




P e rc e n t c h a n g e
to S e p . 1 9 9 5 fro m —

M ay






Sep. 1994

Aug. 1 9 9 5

C h o c o la te a n d c o c o a p ro d u c ts — C o n tin u e d
P rim a ry p r o d u c t s ............................................. ............................................................................

2 0 6 6 -P

0 6 /8 3

1 2 3 .6

1 2 3 .2

1 2 3 .2

1 .4


C h o c o la te c o a tin g s ................................................................................................................

2 0 6 6 -1

0 6 /8 3

1 0 1 .5

1 0 2 .1

1 0 2 .3

3 .2


S w e e t c h o c o la te c o a tin g s .............................................................................................

2 0 6 6 -1 1 2

0 6 /8 3

8 4 .5

8 5 .0

8 5 .4

3 .0


M ilk c h o c o la te c o a t i n g s ..................................................................................................

2 0 6 6 -1 2 2

0 6 /8 3

1 0 0 .9

1 0 1 .5

1 0 1 .4

2 .6

- .1

C o n fe c tio n e ry (c o c o a ) c o a t i n g s ..................................................................................

2 0 6 6 -1 5 2

0 6 /9 1


1 0 3 .0

1 0 3 .8

2 0 6 6 -2

0 6 /8 3

1 4 4 .0

1 4 3 .9

1 4 3 .8

1 .6

- .1

2 0 6 6 -2 A

0 6 /9 1

1 0 1 .9

1 0 1 .9

1 0 1 .9



S o lid c h o c o la te c o n fe c tio n e ry p ro d u c ts w ith o u t in c lu s io n s .....................

2 0 6 6 -2 1 2

0 6 /9 1

1 0 4 .0

1 0 4 .0

1 0 4 .0



S o lid c h o c o la te c o n fe c tio n e ry p ro d u c ts w ith in c lu s io n s ............................

2 0 6 6 -2 2 2

0 7 /9 1

1 0 0 .0

0 6 /8 3

1 1 7 .9

1 1 7 .9



2 0 6 6 -9

1 1 9 .4

1 0 0 .0

C h o c o la te , e x c e p t c o a t in g s ...........................................................................................

2 0 6 6 -9 A

0 6 /9 1

1 0 4 .1

1 0 4 .3


P o w d e re d c o c o a ........... ...................................................................... ..............................

2 0 6 6 -9 B




C h o c o la te c o n fe c tio n e ry p ro d u c ts m a d e fro m c o c o a b e a n s g ro u n d in
th e s a m e e s t a b lis h m e n t ..............................................................................................
S o lid c h o c o la te c o n fe c tio n e ry p r o d u c ts ........................................ .........................

O th e r c h o c o la te a n d c o c o a p r o d u c t s ...........................................................................


0 6 /9 1

1 3 4 .8

1 3 3 .9

1 3 3 .5

4 .5

P o w d e re d c o c o a , u n s w e e te n e d ..............................................................................

2 0 6 6 -9 6 3

1 2 /8 5

1 8 7 .5

1 8 4 .0

1 8 2 .8

1 .3

P o w d e re d c o c o a , s w e e te n e d ..................................................................................

2 0 6 6 -9 6 5

0 1 /8 6


9 8 .1

9 8 .1


2 0 6 6 -9 C

0 6 /9 1


1 1 1 .6

1 1 1 .6



C h o c o la te syru p s, c o c o a p o w d e r b a s e ..............................................................

2 0 6 6 -9 9 5

0 3 /8 6


1 2 1 .3

1 2 1 .3



C o c o a b u t t e r ..........................................................................................................................

2 0 6 6 -9 8 1

0 6 /8 3

O th e r c h o c o la te a n d c o c o a p ro d u c ts , n .e .c ...........................................................

2 0 6 6 -9 9 9

0 6 /9 1

1 0 1 .7

1 0 1 .7

1 0 1 .7

1 .7

0 6 /8 3


1 1 2 .7

1 1 2 .7

1 .7

C h o c o la te s y r u p s ................................................................................................................



2 0 6 6 -S M

S e c o n d a ry p ro d u c ts a n d m is c e lla n e o u s r e c e ip t s .......................................................

2 0 6 6 -S

S e c o n d a ry p r o d u c t s ...............................................................................................................


1 2 /8 4

1 3 3 .6

1 3 3 .8

1 3 3 .5

3 .2


P rim ary p r o d u c t s .........................................................................................................................

2 0 6 7 -P

1 2 /8 4

1 3 6 .9

1 3 7 .3

1 3 7 .0

5 .0

- .2

C h e w in g g u m , n o n - m e d ic a t e d .........................................................................................

2 0 6 7 -1

1 2 /8 4

1 3 3 .5

1 3 3 .9

1 3 3 .3



2 0 6 7 -1 1 2

1 2 /8 4

1 3 0 .9

1 3 1 .7

1 3 1 .7

4 .0


2 0 6 7 -S

1 2 /8 4

1 3 2 .6

1 3 2 .2

1 3 2 .2




C h e w in g gu m a n d g u m b a s e ..........................................................................................................


C o n ta in in g s u g a r ....................................... ..........................................................................
S e c o n d a ry p r o d u c t s .......... ................................................. ...» ............................................
P ro c e s s e d nuts a n d s e e d s (s a lte d , ro a s te d , c o o k e d , b la n c h e d ,
e t c . ) .............................................................................................................................. ......................

0 6 /9 1

1 1 1 .6

1 1 5 .2

1 1 5 .7

1 0 .6

2 0 6 8 -P

0 6 /9 1

1 1 4 .7

1 1 8 .5

1 1 8 .8

1 1.1


2 0 6 8 -1 1

0 6 /9 1

12 0 .1

1 3 0 .3

1 3 1 .3

1 6 .6


2 0 6 8 -1 1 3

0 6 /8 3

1 6 9 .7

1 6 9 .7

1 6 9 .7



2 0 6 8 -1 1 7

0 6 /8 3

1 7 6 .2

2 0 8 .4

2 1 1 .4

3 6 .9

1 .4

0 6 /9 1

9 5 .7

9 6 .0

9 6 .0

1 .9


1 8 7 .7

-2 .5


P rim ary p r o d u c t s ..........................................................................................................................
P ro c e s s e d nuts sold in b u l k ........................................ ......................................................
P e a n u t s .......................................................................................................... ’. ........................
O th e r nuts, m a d e \ip o f fro m o n e to th re e v a r ie t ie s ........................................

. 2 0 6 8 -1 3

P ro c e s s e d nuts, p a c k a g e d in c a n s ................................................................................
M ix e d nuts, m a d e up o f fo u r v a rie tie s o r m o re ..................................................

2 0 6 8 -1 3 5

0 4 /8 5

9 5 .9

9 6 .6

O th e r nuts, m a d e up o f fro m o n e to th re e v a r ie t ie s ........................................

2 0 6 8 -1 3 7

1 1 /8 3

1 8 6 .6

1 8 7 .7

2 0 6 8 -1 5

0 6 /9 1

1 1 7 .6

1 1 8 .8

1 1 8 .9

1 0 .8


P e a n u t s ........................................................................................... ........ ................................

2 0 6 8 -1 5 3

0 6 /8 3

1 2 6 .4

1 2 9 .7

1 3 0 .1



O th e r n uts, m a d e up o f fro m o n e to t h re e v a r ie t ie s ........................................

2 0 6 8 -1 5 7

0 6 /8 3

2 0 5 .0

2 0 6 .4

2 0 6 .4

1 5 .3


0 6 /9 1

8 6 .0

8 7 .5

9 0.1

4 .6

3 .0

1 2 /8 4

9 8 .5

1 0 3 .0

1 0 3 .2



P ro c e s s e d nuts, in p a c k a g in g o th e r th a n c a n s o r so ld b u l k ............................


2 0 6 8 -S M

S e c o n d a ry p ro d u c ts a n d m is c e lla n e o u s r e c e ip t s .......................................................
S e c o n d a ry p r o d u c t s ...............................................................................................................

2 0 6 8 -S

F a ts a n d o i l s ..................................... ................................................. ....................................................


C o tto n s e e d oil mill p r o d u c t s ....................................................................................... ...................


0 6 /8 5

10 9 .1

1 1 8 .0

1 2 1 .1

P rim a ry p r o d u c t s .................................................................. ......................... .............................

2 0 7 4 -P

0 6 /8 5

1 0 8 .8

1 1 9 .3

1 2 2 .0

2 .2

2 .3

C o tto n s e e d oil, c r u d e ............................................................................................................

2 0 7 4 -1

0 6 /8 5

7 9 .7

8 5 .3

8 4 .1

-3 .9

-1 .4

C o tto n s e e d oil, o n c e r e f in e d .............................................................................................

2 0 7 4 -2

0 6 /8 5

8 3 .5

8 8 .3

8 6 .3

2 .5

-2 .3

C o tto n lin t e r s ............................................................................. ................................................

2 0 7 4 -3

0 6 /8 5

1 7 4 .4

1 8 2 .2

1 8 4 .5

2 2 .8

C o tto n s e e d c a k e , m e a l, a n d o th e r b y p r o d u c t s .......................................................

2 0 7 4 -4

0 6 /8 5

1 2 7 .5

1 4 9 .5

1 6 1 .8

-1 5 .5

8 .2

C o tto n s e e d c a k e a n d m e a l ...........................................................................................

2 0 7 4 -4 1 4

0 6 /8 5

121 .1

1 3 9 .3

1 5 4 .8

-9 .4


C o tto n s e e d h u l l s ...................................................................................... ...........................

2 0 7 4 -4 5 1

0 6 /8 5

1 7 5 .3

2 2 9 .0

2 2 4 .1

-3 8 .2

- 2 .1

O th e r c o tto n s e e d b y p r o d u c ts .......................................................................................

2 0 7 4 -4 9 8

0 7 /8 5

1 4 8 .6

1 6 1 .5

16 6 .1


2 .8

- .1

4 .5

2 .6

1 .3

2 0 7 4 -S M

S e c o n d a ry p ro d u c ts a n d m is c e lla n e o u s re c e ip ts .......................................................

1 2 /7 9

8 2 .1

8 8 .1

8 8 .0

-1 .0

P rim a ry p r o d u c t s ..........................................................................................................................

2 0 7 5 -P

1 2 /7 9

7 7 .0

8 3 .2

8 3 .5

-2 .1


S o y b e a n oil ...............................................................................................................................

2 0 7 5 -1

1 2 /7 9

8 6 .8

9 0 .4

8 8 .0

- 2 .7

8 9 .0


-5 .6

9 5 .0

1 1 0 .6

1 0 9 .5

9 6 .4

9 5 .4

- 2 .6

- 1 .0

8 0 .2

1 .0

2 .8

8 0 .3

1 .3

S o y b e a n oil mill p r o d u c ts .................................................................................................................


2 0 7 5 -1 1 1

1 2 /7 9

S o y b e a n oil, c ru d e , d e g u m m e d ..............................................................................

2 0 7 5 -1 1 1 1 3

0 5 /8 8

S o y b e a n oil, c ru d e , n o t d e g u m m e d ......................................................................

2 0 7 5 -1 1 1 1 5

1 2 /7 9

C ru d e s o y b e a n o i l ...............................................................................................................

1 2 /7 9

7 0 .0

7 8 .0

S o y b e a n byp ro d u cts, m e a l ......................................................... ..................................

2 0 7 5 -2 1 1

1 2 /7 9

6 9 .7

7 7 .9

S o y b e a n b yp ro d u cts, o th e r, including s o y flour, grits a n d is o la t e s ..........

2 0 7 5 -2 9 8

2 0 7 5 -2

0 6 /9 1

P rim ary p r o d u c t s ..........................................................................................................................

2 0 7 6 -P

V e g e ta b le oils, o th e r th a n co rn , c o tto n s e e d , s o y b e a n , a n d lin s e e d ...........

2 0 7 6 -2

1 2 /8 5

P e a n u t oil, c r u d e ............................................................................. ...................................

2 0 7 6 -2 5 2

1 2 /8 5

S u n flo w e r oil, c r u d e ...........................................................................................................

2 0 7 6 -2 6 2

O th e r c ru d e v e g e ta b le oils in clu d in g s a fflo w e r, c a n o la , e tc ..........................

S o y b e a n m e a l, a n d o th e r b y p ro d u c ts ...........................................................................

V e g e ta b le oil m ills, n .e .c ....................................................................................................................

- 1 .0
- 1 .0




1 1 0 .8

1 2 /8 5

1 1 1 .0

1 1 7 .0

1 1 9 .6


1 2 /8 5

1 1 8 .0

1 2 4 .3


2 .7

1 2 9 .7

1 3 7 .9

1 4 0 .6

2 .2

2 .0

1 0 8 .5

1 1 5 .2

1 0 9 .4

-1 .4

-5 .0

1 2 /9 1

1 2 1 .6

1 2 6 .4

1 2 5 .7

-8 .5


2 0 7 6 -2 6 4

1 2 /9 1


1 1 2 .3

1 0 9 .8

-4 .5

- 2 .2



2 .2
2 .3

2 0 /6 -3

1 2 /8 5

1 2 7 .0

1 3 7 .2

1 4 2 .2

-4 .9

3 .6

P e a n u t c a k e a n d m e a l .....................................................................................................

2 0 7 6 -3 5 1

1 2 /8 5

9 1 .0

1 1 3 .4

1 1 7 .5

2 .8

3 .6

S u n flo w e r s e e d c a k e a n d m e a l ..................................................................................

2 0 7 6 -3 6 1

1 2 /9 1

7 6 .4

8 1 .7

8 7 .9

- 2 3 .4

7 .6

1 2 /8 2

1 1 1 .2

11 2 .1

1 1 2 .6

-1 .0


1 2 /8 2

1 0 7 .2

1 0 9 .9

1 1 0 .7



O th e r v e g e ta b le oil mill p ro d u cts, e x c e p t c o tto n s e e d a n d s o y b e a n ...........

A n im a l a n d m a rin e fa ts a n d o i l s ..................................................................................................
P rim a ry p r o d u c t s ..........................................................................................................................

2 0 7 7 -P

See footnotes at endof table.


Table 5. Producer price indexes for the net output of selected industries and their products, not seasonally adjusted
In d e x
In d u stry a n d p ro d u c t1

In d u stry

P ro d u c t

In d e x




P e rc e n t c h a n g e
to S e p . 1 9 9 5 fro m —

M ay

A ug .





Sep. 1994

A u g . 199!

A n im a l a n d m a rin e fa ts a n d oils— C o n tin u e d

O th e r in e d ib le ta llo w a n d in e d ib le a n im a l s t e a r i n .........................................

M e a t /b o n e m e a l ............... .............................. .............. ...................................................

2 0 7 7 -1

1 2 /8 2

1 2 7 .3

1 3 2 .3


4 .6

-0 .9

2 0 7 7 -1 1 1

1 2 /8 2

1 3 0 .6

1 3 7 .8

1 3 5 .9

3 .2

- 1 .4

2 0 7 7 -1 1 1 1 1

1 2 /8 2

1 3 0 .7

1 3 5 .5

1 3 2 .3

1 .5

-2 .4

2 0 7 7 -1 1 1 1 3

1 2 /8 2

1 3 4 .6

1 4 4 .7

1 4 4 .0

5 .0

2 0 7 7 -1 1 3

1 2 /8 2

1 2 3 .8

1 2 3 .2

1 2 3 .7

8 .7


2 0 7 7 -2

1 2 /8 2

89 .1

9 0 .0

9 1 .7

-9 .1

1 .9

2 0 7 7 -2 1 1

1 2 /8 2

8 4 .8

8 4 .6

8 5 .7

-1 2 .5

1 .3

2 0 7 7 -2 1 1 1 1

1 2 /8 2

8 3 .7

8 3 .5

8 4 .6

- 1 2 .5

1 .3

2 0 7 7 -2 1 2

1 2 /8 2

8 0 .5

8 0 .5

8 0 .6

-1 6 .0


2 0 7 7 -2 3 7

1 2 /8 2

7 1 .2

7 8 .4


-1 2 .1


2 0 7 7 -2 9 8

1 2 /8 2

1 0 4 .0

1 0 5 .6

1 0 7 .5

-2 .3


2 0 7 7 -3

1 2 /8 2

1 2 9 .3

1 3 3 .4

1 3 6 .6

2 6 .4

2 .4

O th e r fe e d a n d fe rtilize r, includ ing po u ltry b y -p ro d u c t m e a l a n d
A n im a l a n d m a rin e oil mill p ro d u c ts , includ ing f o o t s ............................................
F is h a n d m a rin e a n im a l o i l ..................... .....................................................................
F is h s c ra p a n d m e a l ........... ..............................................................................................

2 0 7 7 -3 6 1

1 2 /8 2

1 5 8 .0

1 7 8 .9

1 8 2 .6

4 8 .0

2 0 7 7 -3 6 6

1 2 /8 2

1 2 3 .1

1 2 1 .6

1 2 4 .7

1 7 .8

2 .5

1 2 /8 2

1 7 0 .5

1 7 5 .4

1 61.1

-6 .8

-8 .2

2 0 7 7 -S M

S e c o n d a r y p ro d u c ts a n d m is c e lla n e o u s r e c e ip t s .......................................................

2 0 7 7 -S

S e c o n d a ry p r o d u c t s .................................... .................................... ............................. .......

1 4 4 .4

5 .6

P rim a ry p r o d u c t s ..........................................................................................................................

2 0 7 9 -P

1 2 /8 1

1 4 2 .6

1 45.1

1 4 5 .8

6 .3


S h o rte n in g a n d c o o k in g o i l s ...................................... ............................. ........................

2 0 7 9 -1

1 2 /8 1

1 4 1 .7

1 45.1

1 4 5 .4



S h o rte n in g , c o o k in g oils, a n d m a rg a rin e ...... ..........................................................................

B ak in g o r frying f a t s ............................................... ..........................................................
S a la d o r c o o k in g o i l s .............................. ............................. ............................................

1 2 /8 1

1 4 2 .2



2 0 7 9 -1 1

1 2 /8 9

1 2 2 .0

1 27.1

1 2 7 .4

6 .3

2 0 7 9 -1 1 3

1 2 /8 1

1 4 8 .3

1 5 1 .3

1 5 1 .7

2 .3


2 0 7 9 -1 5

1 2 /8 9

1 2 0 .9

1 2 1 .3

1 2 1 .5

7 .7


2 0 7 9 -1 5 2

0 2 /9 0


1 3 9 .0

1 4 0 .8


1 .3

S a la d o r co o k in g oils, c o tto n s e e d o i l ......................................... ........................

2 0 7 9 -1 5 3

0 4 /9 0

1 2 2 .4

0 2 /9 0

9 8 .0

9 8 .0

1 0 .4

- .1

2 0 7 9 -1 5 4

9 6 .4

1 2 2 .5

S a la d o r c o o k in g oils, v e g e ta b le oil b le n d s .....................................................
A ll o th e r s a la d o r c o o kin g o i l s ............................... .................................................

2 0 7 9 -1 5 9

1 2 /8 1

1 3 1 .3

1 3 2 .4

1 3 1 .3

9 .8


1 1 2 .6

1 1 2 .0

S a la d o r c o o kin g oils, o th e r s o y b e a n o i l ............................................................

2 0 7 9 -1 7 1

V e g e ta b le oil w in te r s t e a r in ..........................................................................................
A ll o th e r fu lly re fin e d o i l s ...............................................................................................
M a r g a r in e ....................................................................................................................................

1 0 7 .5




2 0 7 9 -1 9 8

1 2 /8 1

9 8 .3

9 7 .9

9 7 .9

2 0 7 9 -2

1 2 /8 1

1 4 2 .9

1 4 2 .9

1 4 4 .8


1 .3

2 0 7 9 -M

1 2 /8 1

1 5 7 .7

1 6 6 .4

1 5 6 .5


-5 .9

2 0 7 9 -Z 8 9

1 2 /8 1

1 5 7 .7

1 6 6 .4

1 5 6 .5

- 5 .9

2 0 7 9 -S

1 2 /8 1

1 4 0 .4

1 3 5 .2

1 3 5 .3

- .8

1 2 /8 4

1 2 3 .0

1 2 3 .4

1 2 3 .3



1 2 /8 9


2 0 7 9 -S M

S e c o n d a ry p ro d u c ts a n d m is c e lla n e o u s r e c e ip t s ................................... ...................
M is c e lla n e o u s r e c e i p t s ........................................................................................................
R e s a l e s .......... ..................... .................................................................................................
S e c o n d a ry p r o d u c t s ......................................... ..................... ......................... .....................
B e v e r a g e s ................................................................................................................................ .......... ...


M a lt b e v e r a g e s ..................................... .................................................... ...........................................


0 6 /8 2

1 2 4 .4

1 2 4 .4

1 2 4 .8

4 .7



P rim a ry p r o d u c t s .................................................................................................. ......................

2 0 8 2 -P

0 6 /8 2

1 2 4 .4

1 2 4 .5

1 2 4 .8

4 .7


C a n n e d b e e r ........................................................................................................ ....................

2 0 8 2 -1

0 6 /8 2

1 3 0 .4

1 3 0 .4

1 3 0 .6

2 .5


Lig h t b e e r in c a n s ..............................................................................................................

2 0 8 2 -1 1 1

0 6 /8 2

116 .1

1 1 6 .3

1 1 6 .3

1 .5


R e g u la r b e e r in c a n s ........................................................................................................

2 0 8 2 -1 1 2

0 6 /8 2

1 3 2 .5

1 3 2 .5

1 3 2 .7

2 .9


B o ttle d b e e r ................................................................................................. ............................
R e tu rn a b le b o t t l e s ................................................................................... .........................
L ig h t b e e r in re tu rn a b le b o t t l e s ..... ........................................................................
R e g u la r b e e r in re tu rn a b le b o t t l e s ........................................................................
N o n re tu rn a b le b o t t le s .......................................................................................................

2 0 8 2 -2

0 6 /8 2

1 1 5 .7

1 1 5 .8

1 1 6 .5

8 .4

2 0 8 2 -2 1 1

0 6 /8 2

1 0 2 .8

1 0 2 .9

1 0 2 .9

4 .5


2 0 8 2 -2 1 1 1 1

1 2 /9 1

8 9 .4

8 9 .4

8 9 .4



2 0 8 2 -2 1 1 1 2

0 6 /8 2

1 0 7 .8

1 0 7 .9

1 0 7 .9

5 .8


2 0 8 2 -2 2 1

0 6 /8 2

1 3 0 .4

1 3 0 .6

1 3 1 .5

9 .3


L ig h t b e e r in n o n re tu rn a b le b o t t le s .......................................................................

2 0 8 2 -2 2 1 1 1

0 6 /8 2

1 3 0 .3

1 3 0 .3

1 3 0 .3



R e g u la r b e e r in n o n re tu rn a b le b o t t le s ................ ................................................

2 0 8 2 -2 2 1 1 2

0 6 /8 2

1 3 1 .5

1 3 1 .8

1 3 3 .0

1 1 .8


2 0 8 2 -3

0 6 /8 2

1 2 5 .9

1 2 5 .9

1 2 5 .9

1 1 .4


R e g u la r b e e r in b a rre ls a n d k e g s ..............................................................................
O th e r fe rm e n te d m a lt b e v e ra g e s a n d b y p r o d u c ts ..............................................

2 0 8 2 -3 1 2
2 0 8 2 -4

0 6 /8 2
0 6 /8 2

1 2 8 .5
1 1 7 .8

1 2 8 .5
1 1 7 .4

1 2 8 .5
1 1 8 .2

1 2 .9


M a lt l i q u o r ......................... ................................... .................................................................

2 0 8 2 -4 1 1

0 6 /8 2

1 2 5 .0

1 2 5 .0

1 2 5 .0

4 .8


A le , p o rte r a n d s t o u t ..................................... ................................... ..............................

2 0 8 2 -4 7 1

0 6 /8 2

1 3 0 .4

1 2 7 .5

1 3 1 .5

1 .9


B a rre ls a n d k e g s ....................................................................................................................

4 .2

A ll o th e r fe r m e n te d m a lt b e v e ra g e s a n d by p ro d u c ts (in cluding





1 2 /9 1

1 0 1 .0

1 0 2 .7

1 0 2 .7

5 .4

0 6 /8 5

1 0 9 .0

1 2 1 .0

1 2 1 .0

1 4 .5


2 0 8 3 -P

0 6 /8 5

1 0 9 .3

1 2 1 .5

1 2 1 .5

1 4 .6


2 0 8 3 -1

2 0 8 2 -4 9 9

n o n -a lc o h o lic b re w s ) ................................................................................................
M a lt


P rim ary p ro d u c ts ................................................. ........................................................................
M a lt a n d m a lt b y p ro d u c ts .......................... .......................................................................

0 6 /8 5

1 0 9 .3

1 2 1 .5

1 2 1 .5

1 4 .6


2 0 8 3 -M

1 2 /9 2

8 8 .7

8 8 .7

8 8 .7

-2 .6


2 0 8 3 -Z 8 9

1 2 /9 2

8 8 .7

8 8 .7

8 8 .7

-2 .6


2 0 8 3 -S M

S e c o n d a ry p ro d u c ts a n d m is c e lla n e o u s r e c e ip t s ........... ..........................................
M is c e lla n e o u s r e c e i p t s ........................................................................................................
C o n tra c ts a n d o th e r m is c e lla n e o u s r e c e ip t s ........................................................

1 2 /8 3

1 2 0 .0

1 2 1 .3

1 2 1 .2



P rim a ry p r o d u c t s .......... ........................................ ......................................................................

2 0 8 4 -P

1 2 /8 3

1 2 2 .4

1 2 3 .7

1 2 2 .8



W i n e s ....................................................................... ................................................ ...................

2 0 8 4 -A

1 2 /9 1

1 0 2 .5

1 0 3 .7

1 0 2 .9



G r a p e ta b le w i n e s ......................... ........................................ ............................................

2 0 8 4 -1

1 2 /8 3


1 1 8 .7

1 1 8 .7


W in e s , b ra n d y a n d b ra n d y s p i r i t s ................................................................................................



2 0 8 4 -1 1 2

1 2 /8 3

1 1 3 .3

1 1 4 .6

1 1 4 .6



W h ite v a rie ta l w i n e s ....................................................................... .........................

2 0 8 4 -1 1 2 1 1

1 2 /8 3

1 2 7 .0

1 2 8 .7

1 2 8 .7



• W h ite g e n e ric , s e m i-g e n e ric , a n d p ro p rie ta ry w in e s ...............................

2 0 8 4 -1 1 2 2 1

1 2 /8 3

1 0 9 .3

1 1 0 .4

1 1 0 .4

1 .2


2 0 8 4 -1 1 4

1 2 /8 3

1 2 6 .0

1 2 9 .2

1 2 9 .2

1 .4


W h ite w i n e s .......................................................................................................................

R e d w in e s .........................................................................................................................
R e d v a rie ta l w i n e s ...................................................... .............................................
R e d g e n e ric s e m i-g e n e ric a n d p ro p rie ta ry w i n e s ...................................
R o s e w in e s .......................................................................................................................
R o s e v a rie ta l w i n e s ..................................................................................................
B u lk w in e s ........................................................................................................... ..................

1 6 7 .6

1 6 7 .8

-1 .2

2 0 8 4 -1 1 4 2 1

1 2 /8 3

1 1 4 .6

1 1 7 .5

1 1 7 .5

2 .3

2 0 8 4 -1 1 6

2 0 8 4 -1 1 4 1 1

1 2 /8 3

10 9 .1

1 0 9 .3

1 0 9 .3



2 0 8 4 -1 1 6 1 1

1 2 /8 3

1 2 8 .2

1 2 8 .8

1 2 8 .8



2 0 8 4 -2

1 2 /8 3

16 4 .1

1 6 6 .4

1 5 3 .0

- 6 .2

- 8 .1

See footnotesat endof table.


1 2 /8 3

1 6 3 .8


Table 5. Producer price indexes for the net output of selected industries and their products, not seasonally adjusted
In d e x
In d u stry a n d p ro d u c t1

In d u stry

P ro d u c t

In d e x




P e rc e n t c h a n g e
to S e p . 1 9 9 5 fro m —

M ay

A u g.





Sep. 1994

A u g . 1996

W in e s , b ra n d y a n d b ra n d y spirits— C o n tin u e d
B u lk w h ite w in e ...............................................................................................................

2 0 8 4 -2 1 2

1 2 /8 3

1 0 0 .3

1 1 0 .6

1 1 7 .8

-2 1 .6

6 .5

B u lk re d w in e (in c lu d e s r o s e ) ..................................................................................

2 0 8 4 -2 1 4

1 2 /9 1

1 4 0 .4

1 3 7 .9

1 1 8 .7

4 .0

- 1 3 .9

2 0 8 4 -4

1 2 /8 3

1 0 8 .7

1 0 8 .7

1 0 8 .7



2 0 8 4 -5

1 2 /8 3

1 1 7 .0

1 1 7 .1

1 1 7 .1

1 .2


1 .4


D e s s e rt w i n e s ....................................................................... ................................................

O th e r s p e c ia lty (fo rm u la ) w i n e s ...............................................................................
M is c e lla n e o u s r e c e i p t s ...................................................................................... i.................
R e s a l e s ....................................................................................................................................

1 2 /9 0

9 2 .2

9 2 .2

2 0 8 4 -6 1 9

1 2 /9 0

9 3 .1

9 3 .1

2 0 8 4 -M

1 2 /9 1

1 1 4 .6

1 1 7 .1

9 3 .1



2 0 8 4 -Z 8 9

1 2 /9 1

1 0 6 .7

1 1 1 .9

1 2 /8 3

1 3 0 .8

1 3 0 .8

-1 .4


2 0 8 4 -S

1 3 0 .8

0 6 /8 3

1 4 5 .2

1 4 5 .4

1 4 5 .4

3 .7

2 0 8 5 -P

0 6 /8 3

1 4 3 .3

1 4 3 .7

1 4 3 .8



2 0 8 5 -5

0 6 /9 0

1 1 9 .7

1 2 0 .0

12 0 .1



2 0 8 5 -5 2

0 6 /8 3

1 4 7 .7

1 4 7 .5

1 4 7 .6

4 .0


2 0 8 5 -5 2 1

0 6 /9 0

1 1 6 .2

1 1 5 .9

1 1 6 .0

4 .6


2 0 8 5 -5 2 1 1

0 6 /9 0

1 1 3 .5

1 1 3 .6

1 1 3 .6



2 0 8 5 -5 2 1 1 1

0 6 /8 3

1 3 9 .4

1 3 9 .4

1 3 9 .4

7 .0


2 0 8 5 -5 2 1 2

0 6 /8 3

1 5 2 .2

1 5 1 .7

1 5 1 .8



2 0 8 5 -5 2 1 2 1

0 6 /9 0

117 .1

1 1 6 .8

1 1 6 .9

4 .2


2 0 8 5 -5 2 1 3

0 6 /9 0

1 2 3 .1

1 2 5 .8

1 2 5 .8

2 .4


2 0 8 5 -5 2 2

0 6 /9 0

1 2 8 .3

1 2 8 .3

1 2 8 .3

3 .4


2 0 8 5 -5 2 2 1 1

0 6 /8 3

1 4 5 .0

1 4 5 .0

1 4 5 .0

3 .3


2 0 8 5 -5 2 2 2 1

0 6 /8 3

1 5 2 .3

1 5 2 .3

1 5 2 .3

3 .7


2 0 8 5 -5 2 2 4 1

0 6 /8 3

1 5 7 .4

1 5 7 .4

1 5 7 .4

5 .5


2 0 8 5 -5 2 2 6 1

0 6 /9 0

1 2 1 .6

1 2 1 .6

1 2 1 .6



D istille d spirits, e x c e p t b ra n d y (b ulk a n d b o t t l e d ) ..................................................
B o ttle d d is tille d spirits, e x c e p t b r a n d y .....................................................................
W h i s k e y ..............................................................................................................................
A m e ric a n b le n d e d w h is k e y ....................................................................................
B o u rb o n w h is k e y a n d rye w h is k e y ...................................................................
B o u rb o n w h is k e y .................................. .................................................................


2 0 8 4 -6

9 2 .2


O th e r w h is k e y , e x c e p t im p o rts (co rn , b o u rb o n & b le n d , light,
e tc .) ..........................................................................................................................
D istilled spirits, e x c e p t w h is k e y a n d b r a n d y ....................................................
V o d k a ...............................................................................................................................

O th e r d istilled spirits, e x c e p t im p o rts (sp irit-b a s e d c o o le rs ,
bitters, e tc .) ..........................................................................................................

2 0 8 5 -S M
2 0 8 5 -M

0 8 /8 3

1 3 8 .7

1 3 8 .7

1 3 8 .7

1 .9


2 0 8 5 -Z 8 9

0 8 /8 3

1 3 9 .5

1 3 9 .5

1 3 9 .5

1 .8


0 6 /8 1

1 3 9 .7

1 4 0 .4

1 4 0 .0

4 .6


0 6 /8 1

1 4 0 .2

1 4 0 .8

1 4 0 .5

4 .5

2 0 8 6 -1

0 6 /8 9

1 1 3 .5

1 Ï3 .9

1 1 3 .8

4 .8

- .1

2 0 8 6 -1 1

0 6 /8 9

1 0 9 .9

1 1 0 .9

1 1 0 .1

8 .0


2 0 8 6 -1 1 1

0 6 /8 9

1 1 0 .2

1 1 1 .5

1 1 0 .5

7 .4


2 0 8 6 -1 1 1 5 1

0 6 /8 9

1 0 7 .5

1 0 8 .6

1 0 8 .4

6 .5


O ra n g e .............................................................................................................................

2 0 8 6 -1 1 1 5 2

0 6 /8 9

1 1 0 .8

1 0 3 .6

1 0 6 .0

1 9 .6

2 .3

L e m o n , lim e a n d le m o n - lim e ...............................................................................

2 0 8 6 -1 1 1 5 3

0 6 /8 9


1 3 1 .2

12 3 .1

9 .6

-6 .2

2 0 8 6 -1 1 1 5 7

0 6 /8 9

1 0 9 .0

1 0 8 .9

1 0 9 .7

4 .3


2 0 8 6 -1 1 2

0 6 /8 9


1 0 8 .8

1 0 8 .6

1 0 .0


2 0 8 6 -1 1 2 5 8

0 6 /8 9

1 0 7 .9

1 0 7 .3

10 7 .1

8 .4


2 0 8 6 -1 1 2 5 9

0 6 /8 9

1 1 0 .8

1 1 0 .8

1 1 0 .8

1 2 .4


2 0 8 6 -1 3
2 0 8 6 -1 3 1

0 6 /8 9

1 1 5 .8
1 1 4 .7

1 1 5 .4

1 1 5 .4

1 1 4 .3

1 1 4 .3

2 .2
2 .5

2 0 8 6 -1 3 1 1 1

0 6 /8 9

1 1 4 .9

1 1 5 .3

1 1 5 .2

3 .2


2 0 8 6 -1 4

0 6 /8 9

1 2 3 .7

1 2 4 .6

1 2 4 .7

2 .0


2 0 8 6 -1 4 1

0 6 /8 9

1 2 5 .5

1 2 6 .5

12 6 .1

1 .8


2 0 8 6 -1 4 1 2 1

0 6 /8 9

1 2 9 .9

1 3 0 .8

1 2 9 .9



2 0 8 6 -1 4 1 2 7

0 6 /8 9

1 2 5 .4

1 2 8 .0

1 2 6 .0

6 .6

-1 .6

R e s a l e s ....................................................................................................................................
B o ttle d a n d c a n n e d s o ft d r in k s .................................................................... ................................

2 0 8 6 -P

P rim a ry p r o d u c t s ..........................................................................................................................
B o ttle d a n d c a n n e d ‘ so ft d r i n k s .......................................................................................
C a n n e d c a r b o n a te d s o ft d rin ks in 1 0 a n d 1 2 o z c a n s ...................................
N o n d ie t e t ic s .......................................................................................................................
C o l a ........................................................................... .......................................................


O th e r c a rb o n a te d fla v o rs in clu ding c a rb o n a te d w a te r a n d club
s o d a ............................................................................ .............................................
L o w c a l o r ie .........................................................................................................................
C o l a ...................................................................................................................................
O th e r c a r b o n a te d fla v o rs in cluding c a rb o n a te d w a te r a n d club
s o d a ............................................................. ............................................................
1 0 to 1 2 o z b o ttle d c a rb o n a te d so ft d r in k s ..........................................................
N o n d ie te tic s ......................................................................................................................
C o l a ...................................................................................................................................
1 6 o z b o ttle d c a rb o n a te d so ft d r in k s .......................................................................
N o n d i e t e t i c .............................................. ..........................................................................
C o l a ...................................................................................................................................

0 6 /8 9

O th e r c a rb o n a te d fla v o rs in cluding c a rb o n a te d w a te r a n d club
s o d a ........................................................................... ..............................................
L o w c a l o r i e .........................................................................................................................
C o l a ...................................................................................................................................
A ll o th e r s iz e b o ttle d c a rb o n a te d s o ft d r in k s .......................................................
N o n d ie t e t ic s ......................................................................................................................
C o l a ...................... ............................................................................................................

2 0 8 6 -1 4 2

0 6 /8 9

1 1 2 .8

1 1 2 .8

1 1 6 .2

4 .0

3 .0

2 0 8 6 -1 4 2 2 8

0 6 /8 9

1 1 6 .2

1 16.1

1 1 5 .9

5 .4


2 0 8 6 -1 6

0 6 /8 9

1 1 0 .2

1 0 9 .5

1 1 0 .4



2 0 8 6 -1 6 1

0 6 /8 9

1 0 9 .7

1 0 8 .7

1 0 9 .7

2 .9


2 0 8 6 -1 6 1 4 2

0 6 /8 9

1 0 6 .4

1 0 5 .2

1 0 5 .8

2 .2


2 0 8 6 -1 6 1 4 4

0 6 /8 9

1 1 6 .2

1 1 5 .7

1 1 7 .4

4 .2

1 .5

2 0 8 6 -1 6 2

0 6 /8 9

1 1 2 .4

1 1 3 .2

1 1 3 .6

3 .8


2 0 8 6 -1 6 2 4 5

0 6 /8 9

10 1 .1

1 0 2 .4

10 3 .1



O th e r c a rb o n a te d fla v o rs in cluding c a rb o n a te d w a te r a n d club
s o d a ..........................................................................................................................
L o w C a l o r i e ........................................................................................................................
C o l a ...................................................................................................................................
O th e r c a rb o n a te d fla v o rs in cluding c a rb o n a te d w a te r a n d clu b
2 0 8 6 -1 6 2 4 7

0 6 /8 9

1 2 9 .6

1 2 9 .6

1 2 9 .6

2 0 8 6 -1 7 1

0 6 /8 9

1 0 9 .4

1 0 9 .4

1 0 9 .4

7 .6


2 0 8 6 -4

0 6 /8 9

1 2 4 .0

1 2 6 .2

1 2 2 .7


-2 .8

C o l a .................................................................. .........................................................................

2 0 8 6 -4 1 1

0 6 /8 9

1 2 4 .6

1 2 7 .9

1 2 4 .8

2 .9

-2 .4

O th e r f l a v o r s ..........................................................................................................................

2 0 8 6 -4 2 1

0 6 /8 9

1 2 2 .9

1 2 2 .9

1 1 8 .4


-3 .7

S e c o n d a ry p ro d u c ts a n d m is c e lla n e o u s r e c e ip t s ......................................... .............

2 0 8 6 -S M

s o d a ..........................................................................................................................
F ru it d rin ks, c o c k ta ils a n d a d e s c o n ta in in g n o re a l fruit j u i c e ....................
S o ft d rin k s s o ld in b u l k ........................................................................................................


1 3 5 .9

1 3 7 .4

1 3 6 .4

4 .9


2 0 8 6 -Z 8 9

0 6 /8 1

1 3 7 .2

1 3 8 .7

1 3 7 .7

5 .0

- .7

2 0 8 6 -S

0 6 /8 1

1 5 1 .2

1 5 1 .2

1 5 1 .2

4 .2


1 2 /8 5

1 2 5 .4

1 2 5 .7

1 2 5 .8

1 .5


P rim ary p r o d u c t s ..........................................................................................................................

2 0 8 7 -P

1 2 /8 5

1 2 7 .9

1 2 8 .3

1 2 8 .3

1 .4

Fla v o rin g e x tra c ts e m u ls io n s a n d o th e r liquid fla v o rs .......................................

2 0 8 7 -1

1 2 /8 5

1 0 1 .3

1 0 1 .4

1 0 1 .5



N a tu ra l o r tru e e x tra c ts in c o n ta in e rs o f m o re th a n 8 o u n c e s ...................

2 0 8 7 -1 1 5

1 2 /8 5

1 1 1 .2

1 1 1 .3

1 1 1 .6

2 .6


Im itatio n o r artificial e x t r a c t s .........................................................................................

2 0 8 7 -1 5 3

1 2 /8 5

9 2 .0

9 2 .0

9 2 .0



2 0 8 6 -M

M is c e lla n e o u s r e c e i p t s .........................................................................................................
R e s a l e s ...................................................................................................................................
S e c o n d a ry p r o d u c t s ...............................................................................................................
Fla v o rin g e x tra c ts a n d syrups, n e c .............................................................................................


See footnotesat endof table.


0 6 /8 1

6 .2

Table 5. Producer price indexes for the net output of selected industries and their products, not seasonally adjusted
P e rc e n t c h a n g e

In d e x
In dustry a n d p ro d u c t1

In d u stry

P ro d u c t

In d e x




to S e p . 1 9 9 5 fro m —
M ay

A ug .

S ep.




Sep. 1994

Aug. 1 9 9 5

F la v o rin g e x tra c ts a n d syrups, n e c — C o n tin u e d
L iquid b e v e r a g e b a s e s n o t fo r u s e by s o ft d rin k b o t t le r s ..................................
Liquid co c k ta il m i x e s .........................................................................................................
O th e r liquid b e v e r a g e b a s e s n o t fo r u s e b y s o ft d rin k b o t t le r s ..................
Liquid b e v e r a g e b a s e s fo r u s e by s o ft d rin k b o t t le r s .............. ............................
C o n c e n tr a te s w ith no ju ic e c o n t e n t ...........................................................................
O th e r fla v o rin g a g e n ts (e x c e p t c h o c o la te s y r u p ) ...................................................
F la v o rin g p o w d e rs , ta b le ts , a n d p a s te s fo r s o ft d rin ks ..................................

2 0 8 7 -2

1 2 /8 5

1 3 7 .8

1 3 8 .0

1 3 8 .0



2 0 8 7 -2 1 5

0 6 /9 4

1 0 6 .1


1 0 6 .1


2 0 8 7 -2 2 1

0 6 /9 4

1 0 2 .9

1 0 3 .2

1 0 3 .2

3 .2

2 0 8 7 -3

1 2 /8 5

1 4 8 .9

1 4 8 .9

1 4 8 .9


2 0 8 7 -3 5 3

0 6 /9 4

1 0 1 .6

1 0 1 .6

1 .6


2 0 8 7 -4

1 2 /8 5

1 0 8 .9

1 0 9 .8

1 0 9 .7



2 0 8 7 -4 3 5

1 2 /8 5

1 0 6 .8

1 0 6 .9

1 0 6 .9

-1 .6


1 0 1 .6


O th e r flavo rin g p o w d e rs , ta b le ts , a n d p a s te s , including dry m ix
c o c k t a ils ......................... ................................................................................................

2 0 8 7 -4 3 7

1 2 /8 5

1 3 1 .9

1 3 3 .2

1 3 3 .0

1 .4

Fruit, c ru s h e d o r w h o le , fo r fo u n ta in a n d ic e c re a m u s e ..............................

2 0 8 7 -4 6 1

1 2 /8 5

8 1 .3

8 1 .8

8 1 .8

3 .5


S e c o n d a ry p ro d u cts a n d m is c e lla n e o u s r e c e ip t s .......................................................

2 0 8 7 -S M
1 2 /8 5

1 0 3 .7

1 0 3 .0

1 0 4 .2


1 .2

1 2 /8 4

1 3 1 .0

1 3 1 .3

1 3 0 .8


- .4

1 2 /8 4

1 2 2 .7

-9 .6

2 .8

2 0 8 7 -S

S e c o n d a ry p r o d u c t s .................................................................................... .........................
M is c e lla n e o u s fo o d p re p a ra tio n s a n d kin d red p r o d u c t s ..................................................


C a n n e d a n d c u re d s e a f o o d s ..........................................................................................................


1 1 5 .9

1 1 9 .2

2 0 9 1 -P

1 2 /8 4

1 1 8 .2

1 1 8 .2

1 1 8 .2

5 .8


2 0 9 1 -1

1 2 /8 4

1 1 8 .2

1 1 8 .2

1 1 8 .2

5 .8


C a n n e d s a l m o n ...................................................................................................................

2 0 9 1 -1 1 3

1 2 /8 4

1 2 6 .2

1 2 6 .0

1 2 6 .6

6 .9

C a n n e d s a r d i n e s .................................................................................................................

2 0 9 1 -1 1 4

1 2 /8 4

1 2 7 .6

1 2 3 .2


1 2 5 .5

P rim a ry p r o d u c t s ...................... ......................... ........................................................................
C a n n e d a n d cu re d s e a fo o d s including s o u p (e x c e p t f r o z e n ) ..........................


1 2 /8 4

1 2 5 .5

1 2 5 .5



O th e r c a n n e d fish a n d s e a fo o d (e x c e p t s o u p s, s te w s , a n d c h o w d e r s ) .

2 0 9 1 -1 1 9

1 2 /8 4

1 4 5 .2

1 4 5 .2

1 4 5 .2

5 .5


C a n n e d s e a fo o d sou ps, s te w s a n d c h o w d e r s ....................................................

2 0 9 1 -1 3 1

0 2 /8 5

8 9 .2

8 9 .2

8 9 .2

2 .5


S m o k e d s a l m o n ..................................................................................................................

2 0 9 1 -1 5 1

1 2 /8 4

1 2 1 .6

1 2 1 .6

1 2 1 .6


O th e r s m o k e d f i s h .............................................................................................................

2 0 9 1 -1 7 1

1 2 /8 4

1 8 3 .2

1 8 3 .2

2 1 .2

1 3 5 .0



1 2 4 .8

- 2 5 .2

7 .2

2 0 9 1 -1 1 5

C a n n e d c l a m s ......................................................................................................................

2 0 9 1 -1 8 2

S a lte d a n d p ickled f i s h .....................................................................................................

1 2 /8 4

1 3 2 .6

1 3 5 .0

1 2 /8 4

1 3 3 .7

1 1 6 .4


2 0 9 1 -S M

S e c o n d a ry p ro d u cts a n d m is c e lla n e o u s r e c e ip t s .......................................................

2 0 9 1 -S

S e c o n d a ry p r o d u c t s ..............................................................................................................

1 4 9 .7

1 4 8 .7

1 5 0 .0

4 .2

P rim ary p r o d u c t s .........................................................................................................................

2 0 9 2 -P

1 2 /8 2

1 5 1 .8

1 5 0 .9

1 5 2 .3

4 .8


F re s h p a c k a g e d fish a n d o th e r s e a f o o d ....................................................................

2 0 9 2 -2

1 2 /8 2

1 8 1 .8

1 7 5 .4

1 7 8 .8

4 .6

1 .9

P re p a re d fre s h fish, exclu d in g s h e llf is h ..................................................................

2 0 9 2 -2 A

0 6 /8 9

1 1 9 .4

1 1 0 .0

1 1 1 .2

2 .2


P re p a re d fre s h s h e llf is h ..................................................................................................

2 0 9 2 -2 B

0 6 /8 9

1 3 0 .4

1 2 9 .0


5 .9

2 .4

2 0 9 2 -2 2 1

1 2 /8 2

2 2 6 .1

2 1 0 .6

2 1 5 .0

1 4 .0


1 6 0 .4

1 4 1 .0
1 6 8 .5

3 .7

5 .0

1 4 7 .2

1 7 6 .7


1 4 7 .9



F re s h o r fro z e n p a c k a g e d f i s h .......... ...........................................................................................

C ra b m e a t:

1 2 /8 2


b lu e a n d r o c k .........................................................................................

O th e r c r a b m e a t ..................... .........................................................................................

2 0 9 2 -2 2 2

0 6 /8 9

1 3 9 .2

O y s te rs ............................................................ ..................................................................

2 0 9 2 -2 2 4

1 2 /8 2

1 5 9 .0

C l a m s ...................................................................................................................................

2 0 9 2 -2 2 5

0 6 /8 9

1 7 5 .6

2 0 9 2 -3

1 2 /8 2

1 4 7 .0

F ro z e n p a c k a g e d fish, exclu d in g s h e llf is h .................................................................


2 0 9 2 -3 A

0 6 /8 9

1 2 5 .6

1 2 8 .8

G ro u n d fis h , fillets a n d s t e a k s .................................... .............................................

2 0 9 2 -3 2 1

1 2 /8 2

1 6 4 .6

1 6 8 .7

1 6 8 .9

7 .0


G ro u n d fis h , sticks a n d p o r tio n s ................................................................... ..........

2 0 9 2 -3 2 2

1 2 /8 2

1 6 4 .2

1 68.1


6 .3

1 .8
-2 .6

G ro u n d fis h .............................................................................................................................

1 3 0 .0


6 .9

2 0 9 2 -3 2 3

0 6 /8 9

1 5 5 .6

1 6 1 .7

1 5 7 .5

1 1 .3

F l o u n d e r ......................................................................................................................... ........

2 0 9 2 -3 B

0 6 /8 9

1 0 9 .3

1 0 9 .3

1 0 9 .3

- 3 .3


O th e r fro z e n f i s h ........................................................................ ........................................

O th e r g r o u n d fis h ........................................................... ................................................

2 0 9 2 -3 C

0 6 /8 9

9 7 .0

9 2 .9

9 2 .5

-1 2 .5


O th e r fillets a n d s t e a k s ..............................................................................................

2 0 9 2 -3 2 6

1 2 /8 2

1 2 2 .2

1 2 2 .7

1 2 2 .9

-1 .2


O th e r fro z e n p a c k a g e d f i s h ......................................................................................

2 0 9 2 -3 2 9

1 2 /8 2

1 1 4 .7

1 0 5 .8

1 0 4 .9

-2 0 .0


2 0 9 2 -4

1 2 /8 2

1 3 8 .7

1 3 9 .5

1 4 0 .4

8 .9


2 0 9 2 -4 A

0 6 /8 9

1 1 8 .8

1 1 8 .9

1 1 7 .6


- 1 .1

F ro z e n p a c k a g e d sh ellfish a n d o th e r s e a fo o d , in cluding s o u p ......................
F ro z e n sh rim p ......................... ............................................................................................
S h rim p , h e a d le s s , r a w ...................................................................... .........................

2 0 9 2 -4 2 1

0 6 /8 9

1 2 7 .8


1 1 3 .2

-1 3 .2

-5 .0

S h rim p , p e e le d , r a w ......................................................................................... ............

2 0 9 2 -4 2 2

0 6 /8 9

1 3 1 .6

1 3 4 .8

1 3 3 .9

4 .9


S h rim p , p e e le d , c o o k e d ..............................................................................................
S h rim p , b r e a d e d ................................................................... .........................................

2 0 9 2 -4 2 3
2 0 9 2 -4 2 4

0 2 /8 3

1 0 2 .3

1 0 4 .8

1 0 4 .8

1 2 /8 2

1 08.1

1 0 9 .3

1 0 9 .8

4 .9
4 .7


2 0 9 2 -4 2 5

0 6 /8 9

10 6 .1

1 1 1 .2

- 3 .0

O th e r 1 0 0 p e rc e n t sh rim p p r o d u c ts ................................ .....................................
F ro z e n c ra b s ............................................... ........................................................................
C ra b m e a t, b lu e a n d r o c k .................................................................. .......................


1 0 7 .9

1 3 .7

2 0 9 2 -4 C

0 6 /8 9

1 5 5 .3

1 5 3 .4

1 5 5 .9

5 0 .5

1 .6

2 0 9 2 -4 3 1

0 6 /8 9

1 4 2 .7


1 3 5 .8


-3 .1

2 0 9 2 -4 3 4

0 8 /8 9



0 8 /8 9

1 7 4 .4


2 0 9 2 -4 3 5

O th e r fro z e n p a c k a g e d s h e llfis h .................................................................................

2 0 9 2 -4 D

0 6 /8 9

1 3 3 .4

1 3 7 .4

1 4 4 .4

-1 2 .9


O th e r fro z e n s e a f o o d s ....................................................................................................

2 0 9 2 -4 E

0 6 /8 9

1 6 3 .6

1 7 2 .0

1 7 2 .0



S e c o n d a ry p ro d u c ts a n d m is c e lla n e o u s r e c e ip t s ..................... .................... ............

2 0 9 2 -S M

C ra b , king, s e c tio n s .....................................................................................................
O th e r c r a b .........................................................................................................................

M is c e lla n e o u s r e c e i p t s ........................................................................................................
R e s a l e s ............... ....................................................................................................................
S e c o n d a ry p r o d u c t s ...............................................................................................................


2 0 9 2 -M

1 2 /8 2

1 2 5 .6


1 2 2 .4

- 2 .1


2 0 9 2 -Z 8 9

0 6 /8 9

1 2 0 .2

1 1 6 .8

1 1 7 .0

- 2 .1


2 0 9 2 -S

1 2 /8 2

1 0 6 .8

1 0 7 .7

1 0 7 .8



0 6 /8 1

1 5 4 .1

1 5 3 .7

1 4 9 .7

P rim a ry p r o d u c t s ..........................................................................................................................

2 0 9 5 -P

0 6 /8 1

1 5 3 .0

1 5 1 .3


- 6 .2

-3 .4

W h o le b e a n a n d g ro u n d ro a s te d c o f f e e ..................................................... ..............

2 0 9 5 -1

0 6 /8 1

1 5 3 .0

1 5 1 .0

1 4 6 .7

- 5 .2

-2 .8

2 0 9 5 -1 1 1

0 6 /8 1

1 6 8 .8

1 6 9 .0

1 6 7 .2

2 0 9 5 -1 1 1 1 1

1 2 /9 4

1 0 0 .2

1 0 0 .2

9 9 .0


-1 .2


W h o le b e a n , ro a s te d c o f f e e .........................................................................................
G o u rm e t w h o le b e a n , ro a s te d c o f f e e ..................................................................

1 2 /9 4

9 6 .6

9 8 .0

9 7 .7

2 0 9 5 -1 1 6

0 6 /8 1

1 5 1 .6

1 4 9 .3

1 4 4 .7

-5 .7

-3 .1

0 6 /8 1






0 6 /8 1

1 9 8 .5

2 1 8 .3

2 2 1 .7


0 6 /9 1

1 0 4 .4

1 0 4 .4

1 0 4 .4



1 2 /8 5

1 1 9 .8

1 1 9 .9

1 1 9 .9



2 0 9 5 -S

S e c o n d a ry p r o d u c t s ............................................................................. .............. ..................

P rim a ry p r o d u c t s ..........................................................................................................................

2 0 9 6 -P

See footnotesat endof table.

-1 .1

2 0 9 5 -S M

S e c o n d a ry p ro d u cts a n d m is c e lla n e o u s r e c e ip t s .......................................................

P o ta to a n d c o rn ch ip s, a n d s im ilar s n a c k s ............................................................................

2 .4

-2 .6

2 0 9 5 -2

2 0 9 5 -1 1 1 1 2

C o m m e rc ia l w h o le b e a n , ro a s te d c o f f e e ..........................................................
G ro u n d , ro a s te d c o ffe e , including e x te n d e d y i e l d .............................................
C o n c e n tra te d (in stan t) c o f f e e ..........................................................................................

-3 .7


1 .6

Table 5. Producer price indexes for the net output of selected industries and their products, not seasonally adjusted
In d e x
In d u s try a n d p ro d u c t1

In d u stry

P ro d u c t

In d e x




P e rc e n t c h a n g e
to S e p . 1 9 9 5 fro m —

M ay

A ug.





Sep. 1994

A ug. 1 9 9 5

P o ta to a n d c o rn c h ip s , a n d sim ilar s n a c k s — C o n tin u e d
P o ta to c h ip s a n d s t i c k s ........................................................................................................

2 0 9 6 -1

1 2 /8 5

1 2 0 .8

1 2 0 .9

1 2 1 .0

0 .7

2 0 9 6 -1 1 1

0 6 /9 1

1 0 1 .8

1 0 1 .9

1 0 1 .9



P l a i n .......................................................................................................................................

2 0 9 6 -1 1 1 1 2

0 6 /9 1

1 0 3 .9

1 0 4 .3

1 0 4 .0



F la v o re d p o ta to c h i p s ............... ...................................................................................

2 0 9 6 -1 1 1 1 4

9 6 .7

P o ta to c h i p s ...........................................................................................................................


0 6 /9 1

9 6 .3

1 .5


2 0 9 6 -2

1 2 /8 5

1 1 4 .2

1 1 4 .4

1 1 4 .1



2 0 9 6 -2 1

0 6 /9 1

1 0 7 .2

1 0 7 .5

1 0 7 .2



C o rn c h i p s ......................................................................................... ,...............................

2 0 9 6 -2 1 2

0 6 /9 1

1 1 1 .4

1 1 1 .4

1 1 1 .4

4 .5


C u rls a n d re la te d p r o d u c t s ................................... ........................................................

2 0 9 6 -2 9 9

0 6 /9 1

9 4 .3

9 3 .2

9 3 .2

-6 .4


2 0 9 6 -3

1 2 /8 5

1 3 4 .6

1 3 4 .8

1 3 4 .8



P o p p e d p o p c o rn (e x c e p t c a n d i e d ) ............................................................................

2 0 9 6 -3 1 1

0 6 /9 1

1 1 6 .2

1 1 6 .2

1 1 6 .2



P o rk r in d s .................................................................................................................................

2 0 9 6 -3 1 2

0 6 /9 1

1 0 1 .1

1 0 2 .0

1 0 2 .0

O th e r ch ip s, sticks, e tc ......................................................................................................

2 0 9 6 -3 9 9

0 6 /9 1

1 0 0 .0

1 0 0 .8


C o rn ch ip s, curls a n d r e la te d p r o d u c t s .......................................................................
C o rn a n d to rtilla c h i p s ......................................................................................................

O th e r ch ip s , stick s, e t c ...........................................................................................................

9 5 .8



2 0 9 6 -S M

S e c o n d a ry p ro d u c ts a n d m is c e lla n e o u s r e c e ip t s .......................................................
M is c e lla n e o u s r e c e i p t s .........................................................................................................

2 0 9 6 -M

0 6 /9 1

1 0 7 .1

1 0 4 .6

1 0 3 .6

- .1

- 1 .0

S e c o n d a ry p r o d u c t s ...............................................................................................................

2 0 9 6 -S

0 6 /9 1

1 0 2 .4

1 0 2 .4

1 0 9 .1

6 .8

6 .5

1 2 /8 5

1 2 8 .1

1 2 8 .6

1 2 8 .6



P rim a ry p r o d u c t s ........................................................ .................................................................

2 0 9 7 -P

1 2 /8 5

1 2 0 .4

1 2 0 .9

1 2 0 .9


C a n o r b lo c k i c e ......................... ............................................................................................

2 0 9 7 -1

1 2 /8 5

1 3 5 .4

1 3 5 .4

1 3 5 .4



C u b e d , c ru s h e d , o r o th e r p ro c e s s e d i c e .....................................................................

2 0 9 7 -2

1 2 /8 5

1 1 2 .3

1 1 2 .9

1 1 2 .9



0 6 /8 5

1 2 2 .6

1 2 0 .0

1 2 3 .5


2 .9

P rim a ry p r o d u c t s ..........................................................................................................................

2 0 9 8 -P

0 6 /8 5

1 2 2 .8

1 1 9 .9

1 2 3 .7


3 .2

M a c a ro n i, s p a g h e tti, v e rm ic e lli, e tc . (w ith o u t e g g ) .................................................

2 0 9 8 -1

0 6 /8 5

1 2 2 .2

1 1 8 .8

1 2 3 .3


3 .8

N o o d le p ro d u c ts , e tc . (w ith e g g ) .....................................................................................

2 0 9 8 -2

0 6 /8 5

1 2 7 .6

1 2 7 .6

1 2 7 .6



M a n u fa c tu re d ic e ..................................................................................................................................

M a c a ro n i, s p a g h e tti, a n d n o o d le s ................................................................................................




2 0 9 8 -S M

S e c o n d a ry p ro d u c ts a n d m is c e lla n e o u s r e c e ip t s .......................................................
M is c e lla n e o u s r e c e i p t s .........................................................................................................

2 0 9 8 -M

1 2 /9 3

101 .1

1 0 1 .1

S e c o n d a ry p r o d u c t s ...............................................................................................................

2 0 9 8 -S

0 6 /8 5

1 1 2 .6

1 1 2 .8

1 1 2 .8

- 8 .1

1 2 /8 5

1 2 0 .4

1 2 2 .3

1 2 2 .3

1 .9


F o o d p re p a ra tio n s , n .e .c ....................... .............................................................................................



P rim a ry p r o d u c t s ..........................................................................................................................

2 0 9 9 -P

1 2 /8 5

1 2 0 .5

1 2 2 .7

1 2 2 .7

2 .3

P e ris h a b le p r e p a re d fo o d s (so ld in b u lk o r p a c k a g e s , n o t fro z e n ) ..............

2 0 9 9 -A

1 2 /8 5

1 3 0 .8

1 3 2 .2

1 3 2 .2

4 .8


2 0 9 9 -A 2 1

1 2 /8 5

1 3 3 .9

1 3 2 .4

1 3 2 .4

5 .8


S a l a d s ........................................................................................... ............................................
S a n d w ic h e s , m a d ê fro m b r e a d ....................................................................................

2 0 9 9 -A 3 1

1 2 /8 5

1 56 .1

15 6 .1

1 5 6 .1

7 .0

T o rtilla s , ta m a le s , a n d o th e r M e x ic a n fo o d s p e c ia lt ie s ..................................

. 2 0 9 9 -A 4 1

0 6 /9 1

1 0 5 .6

1 0 9 .3

1 0 9 .3



O th e r p e ris h a b le p re p a re d f o o d s ................................................................................

2 0 9 9 -A 9 8

1 2 /8 5

1 2 4 .8

1 2 4 .6

1 2 4 .6

1 .3



2 0 9 9 -E

1 2 /8 5

1 4 0 .6

1 5 2 .5

1 5 2 .7

1 3 .8


2 0 9 9 -E 1 1

0 6 /9 1

1 1 9 .5

1 2 6 .9

1 2 7 .1

1 8 .6


C o n s u m e r s iz e s (le s s th a n 1 p o u n d ) ...................................................................

2 0 9 9 -E 1 1 3 1

1 2 /8 5

1 4 1 .7

1 5 5 .3

1 5 5 .3

1 6 .7


C o m m e rc ia l s ize s (1 p o u n d o r g r e a t e r ) ..............................................................

2 0 9 9 -E 1 1 3 3

1 2 /8 5

1 1 6 .7

1 1 5 .6

1 1 6 .1

2 3 .4


S p i c e s ...........................................................................................................................................
P e p p e r, w h ite a n d b l a c k .................................................................................................

2 0 9 9 -E 1 2

0 6 /9 1

1 1 8 .7

1 2 9 .5

1 2 9 .7

1 2 .6

C o n s u m e r s iz e s (le s s th a n 1 p o u n d ) ...................................................................

2 0 9 9 -E 1 2 3 8

1 2 /8 5

1 7 1 .2

1 9 1 .4

1 9 1 .4

1 5 .6

C o m m e rc ia l s iz e s (1 p o u n d o r g r e a t e r ) ..............................................................

2 0 9 9 -E 1 2 3 9

1 2 /8 5

1 0 7 .3

1 0 8 .9

1 0 9 .7

4 .6


2 0 9 9 -5

1 2 /8 5

1 0 1 .4

1 0 1 .4

1 0 1 .8



P a c k a g e d te a in t e a b a g s ......................... ............................................ ........................

2 0 9 9 -5 8 2

1 2 /8 5

1 0 3 .1

1 0 3 .8

1 0 3 .8



P o w d e re d t e a ........................................................................................................................
C id e r a n d v i n e g a r .............................................. ....................................................................

2 0 9 9 -5 8 3

1 2 /8 5

9 8 .4

9 7 .4

9 8 .4


1 .0

1 2 /8 5

1 1 4 .2



V in e g a r, fe r m e n te d a n d d is t ille d .................................................. ..............................

2 0 9 9 -6 5 1

1 2 /8 5

1 1 4 .2

2 0 9 9 -7

0 6 /9 1

1 0 2 .3

1 0 2 .4

1 0 2 .4

2 0 9 9 -7 4 1

0 6 /9 1

10 1 .1

10 1 .1

10 1 .1

2 0 9 9 -7 9 8

0 6 /9 1

1 0 4 .7

1 0 5 .0

1 0 5 .0



2 0 9 9 -9

1 2 /8 5

1 2 0 .8

1 2 4 .8

1 2 3 .5

-3 .5

-1 .0

1 1 4 .4

- 8 .8

-1 .6

O th e r spic e s , e x c e p t p e p p e r ........................ ................................................................

T e a in c o n s u m e r p a c k a g e s ................................................................................................

2 0 9 9 -6

D ry m ix p r e p a r a t io n s .............................................................................................................
S e a s o n in g m ix e s .................................................................................................................





1 .3


O th e r dry p re p a ra tio n s , in cluding bullion, b u t e x clu d in g im itation
d a iry m ix e s ................................................................... .................................................
O th e r fo o d p re p a ra tio n s , n .e .c ...........................................................................................
U n p o p p e d p o p c o rn in c o n s u m e r p a c k a g e s .........................................................

2 0 9 9 -9 8 5

1 2 /8 5

1 0 9 .8

1 1 1 .6

O th e r (incl. c ra c k e r s a n d w ic h e s m fp m , c o c o n u t, p e c t i n ) ..............................

2 0 9 9 -9 9 8

1 2 /8 5

1 1 2 .4

1 1 6 .3

2 0 9 9 -S M

S e c o n d a ry p ro d u cts a n d m is c e lla n e o u s r e c e ip t s .......................................................
M is c e lla n e o u s r e c e i p t s .........................................................................................................
M is c e lla n e o u s r e c e ip t s .....................................................................................................
S e c o n d a ry p r o d u c t s ...............................................................................................................

2 0 9 9 -M

1 2 /8 5

1 1 6 .4

1 1 6 .4




2 0 9 9 -M M

1 2 /8 5

1 1 6 .4

1 1 6 .4

1 2 /8 5

1 2 1 .7

1 2 2 .4

1 2 2 .4



2 0 9 9 -S


T o b a c c o m a n u fa c tu r e s ......................................................................................................................


1 2 /8 4

1 9 5 .3

1 9 5 .0

*1 9 5 .0

3 .8


C ig a r e t t e s ..................................................................................................................................................


1 2 /8 2

2 0 6 .7

2 0 6 .0

2 0 6 .1

3 .6


C i g a r e t t e s ..................................................................................................................................................



1 2 /8 2

2 0 6 .7

2 0 6 .0

2 0 6 .1

3 .6

P rim ary p r o d u c t s ..........................................................................................................................

2 1 1 1 -P

1 2 /8 2

2 0 9 .4

2 0 8 .7

2 0 8 .7

3 .6


F ilte r t i p .........................................................................................................................................

2 1 1 1 -1

1 2 /8 2

2 0 5 .2

2 0 4 .5

2 0 4 .5

3 .6


8 0 m m lo n g o r l e s s ..........................................................................................................

2 1 1 1 -1 1 3

0 6 /8 9

1 2 0 .3

1 2 0 .3

1 2 0 .3

2 1 1 1 -1 1 6

1 2 /8 2

2 0 7 .4

2 0 5 .8

2 0 5 .9

3 .4


81 to 9 5 m m l o n g ................................... ...........................................................................

2 1 1 1 -1 1 8

1 2 /8 2

2 0 1 .5

2 0 1 .5

2 0 1 .5

3 .6


1 2 /8 2

1 8 5 .6

1 8 5 .8

1 8 5 .8

5 .7


1 2 /8 2

1 8 5 .8

G r e a te r th a n 9 5 m m ..........................................................................................................


1 8 5 .6

1 8 5 .8

5 .7


P rim a ry p r o d u c t s ..........................................................................................................................

2 1 2 1 -P

1 2 /8 2

1 8 4 .7

1 8 4 .9

1 8 4 .9

5 .6


C ig a rs a n d c ig arillo s (w e ig h in g 3 o r m o re p o u n d s p e r 1 ,0 0 0 c ig a r s ) ..........

2 1 2 1 -3

1 2 /8 2

1 8 4 .7

1 8 4 .9

1 8 4 .9

5 .6


C ig a rillo s (w e ig h in g 3 to 1 0 p o u n d s p e r 1 , 0 0 0 ) ..................................................

2 1 2 1 -3 1 2

0 6 /8 9

1 4 1 .3

1 4 1 .3

1 4 1 .3

4 .6


C ig a rs (w e ig h in g m o re th a n 1 0 p o u n d s p e r 1 , 0 0 0 ) ..........................................

2 1 2 1 -3 1 4

0 6 /8 9

1 3 9 .3

1 3 9 .5

1 3 9 .5

6 .0


See footnotes at endof table.


Table 5. Producer price indexes for the net output of selected industries and their products, not seasonally adjusted
In d e x
In d u stry a n d p ro d u c t1

C h e w in g a n d s m o k in g to b a c c o a n d sn u ff .
C h e w in g a n d s m o k in g to b a c c o a n d s n u f f .

In d u stry

P ro d u c t

In d e x





S m o k in g t o b a c c o .

M ay






2 4 3 .4

2 4 4 .6

2 4 5 .5

5 .9

Sep. 1994

A u g . 19É

0 .4

1 2 /8 2

2 4 3 .4

2 4 4 .6

2 4 5 .5

5 .9

2 1 3 1 -P

1 2 /8 2

2 5 2 .3

2 5 2 .8

2 5 3 .3

5 .5


2 1 3 1 -1 1 1

1 2 /8 2

2 0 0 .7

2 0 3 .3

2 0 6 .8



2 1 3 1 -1 1 3

1 2 /8 2

2 2 3 .9 .

2 2 3 .9

2 2 3 .9

5 .0


2 1 3 1 -1 1 5

1 2 /8 2

2 3 6 .9

2 3 8 .1

2 3 8 .1

5 .6


2 1 3 1 -1 1 7

1 2 /8 2

3 1 1 .2

3 1 1 .2

3 1 1 .2

5 .8


0 6 /8 4

1 1 1 .6

1 1 5 .9

1 1 5 .9

6 .6



P rim a ry p r o d u c t s ......................................
L o o s e le a f c h e w in g to b a c c o

1 2 /8 2

P e rc e n t c h a n g e
to S e p . 1 9 9 5 fro m —


C h e w in g to b a c c o o th e r th a n lo o s e le a f, including fin e cut, plug, a n d
t w i s t ............................................................................................................ ..................
S n u ff, d ry a n d m o is t ...... ......
T o b a c c o s te m m in g a n d red rying .


Tobacco stemming and redrying...................................................... ........................
Primary products...................................................................................................
Unstemmed leaf tobacco redried before packing, including interplant
Unstemmed leaf tobacco redried before packing, including interplant
Tobacco stem m ed............................................................................................
Reconstituted tobacco (processed sheet and homogenized)...................
Reconstituted tobacco (processed sheet and homogenized)...............
Secondary products and miscellaneous receipts............................................
Miscellaneous receipts.......... .................................................... ...................
Contract work and other miscellaneous receipts .....................................
Resales ...................................................................................... .-.....................


T e x tile mill p r o d u c ts .............


0 6 /8 4

1 1 1 .6

1 1 5 .9

1 1 5 .9

6 .6

2 1 4 1 -P

0 6 /8 4

1 0 8 .3

1 1 3 .3

1 1 3 .3

7 .9


2 1 4 1 -1

0 6 /8 4

1 1 9 .8

1 1 9 .5

1 1 9 .5

3 .9


2 1 4 1 -1 2 1

0 6 /8 4

1 1 9 .8

1 1 9 .5

1 1 9 .5

3 .9


2 1 4 1 -2

0 6 /8 4

1 0 7 .0

2 1 4 1 -3

0 6 /8 9

1 1 1 .3

1 0 4 .5

1 0 5 .3

-2 .5


2 1 4 1 -3 1 1

0 6 /8 9

1 1 1 .3

1 0 4 .5

1 0 5 .3

- 2 .5


2 1 4 1 -S M
2 1 4 1 -M

1 1 /8 4

1 2 6 .6

1 2 6 .6

1 2 6 .6



2 1 4 1 -X Y 9

1 1 /8 4

1 3 2 .6

1 3 2 .6

1 3 2 .6



2 1 4 1 -Z 8 9

0 6 /8 9

1 0 2 .2

1 0 2 .2

1 0 2 .2



1 2 /8 4

1 1 6 .6

1 1 6 .8

1 1 7 .3



C o tto n b ro a d w o v e n fa b ric

22 1

1 2 /8 0

1 1 8 .8

1 2 0 .8

1 2 0 .9

5 .4


C o tto n b ro a d w o v e n f a b r i c .......................


1 2 /8 0

1 1 8 .8

1 2 0 .8

1 2 0 .9

5 .4


P rim a ry p r o d u c t s .................... ..............

2 2 1 1 -P

1 2 /8 0

1 2 0 .7

1 2 2 .8

1 2 2 .9

5 .8


G r a y c o tto n b ro a d w o v e n fab ric .

2 2 1 1 -A

1 2 /8 0

1 1 8 .2

1 2 0 .0

1 1 9 .9

6 .4


P la in w e a v e , e x c e p t p i l e ..........

2 2 1 1 -A 1

0 6 /8 7

1 1 8 .5

1 2 1 .2

1 2 1 .0

6 .0


T w ill w e a v e , e x c e p t p ile ............

2 2 1 1 -A 2

0 6 /8 7

1 1 6 .4

1 1 7 .0

1 1 7 .0

A ll o th e r w e a v e s e x c e p t p ile ..

2 2 1 1 -A 3

0 6 /8 7

1 2 5 .4

1 2 6 .0

1 2 5 .9



P ile f a b r i c s .......................................

2 2 1 1 -A 4

1 2 /9 4

1 0 3 .2

1 0 3 .3

1 0 3 .3

2 2 1 1-B

1 2 /8 0

11 3 .1

1 1 5 .7

1 1 6 .9

7 .0

1 .0

2 2 1 1 -F

0 6 /8 7

1 2 7 .3

1 2 9 .3

1 2 9 .3


F in is h e d c o tto n b ro a d w o v e n f a b r ic ..... ...................
C o tto n to w e ls a n d w a s h c lo th s ..................................


2 2 1 1 -S M

S e c o n d a ry p ro d u c ts a n d m is c e lla n e o u s re c e ip ts .
S e c o n d a ry p r o d u c t s .............


2 2 1 1 -S

..... ........ .......................

S y n th e tic fib e r a n d silk b ro a d w o v e n f a b r ic ..


Manmade fiber and silk broadwoven fabric ............................................ ..............
Primary products.................................................................................................
Grey fabrics.... ..................... ....................................................... ....................
85% or more filament yarn fabrics..... .................................................
Chiefly other filaments .......................... ..................................................
85% or more spun yarn fabrics (exc. wool blends, silk fabrics, and
p ile )............................ .............................................................................
Plain w eaves.................................... ........................ .................... ...........
Other plainweaves........................................... ....................................
Twill w eaves............... .............. ................................................................
Spun/filament yarn combinations, each less than 8 5 % (exc. wool
blends, silk fabrics, and pile)................................ ................................
Other combination fabrics........................................................................
Finished fabric (finished in weaving m ills)....................................................
Fabricated man-made fiber and silk textile products (made in weaving
mills)..... ......................... ..............................................................................
Secondary products and miscellaneous receipts......................... ..................
Secondary products................................................................... ......................
Cotton broadwowen fabrics....... .................................................................
Other secondary products ............................ ............... ................................


W o o l w e a v in g a n d fin ish in g .


W o o l w e a v in g a n d f in is h in g ......................


2 2 2 1 -P

1 2 /8 0

1 0 6 .9

1 0 8 .7

1 0 8 .8



0 6 /8 1

1 1 2 .8

1 1 1 .7

1 1 4 .5

4 .4

2 .5

1 1 1 .6

2 .6

0 6 /8 1

1 1 2 .8

1 1 4 .5

4 .4

0 6 /8 1

1 1 1 .2

1 0 9 .9

1 1 3 .0

4 .3

1 1 3 .2

2 .8

2 2 2 1 -1

0 6 /8 1

1 1 1 .2

1 0 9 .4

4 .6

3 .5

2 2 2 1 -1 1

0 6 /8 1

1 1 5 .4

1 1 1 .9

1 2 2 .4


9 .4

2 2 2 1 -1 1 2

0 6 /8 1

1 1 0 .8

1 0 5 .0

1 1 8 .9

1 0 .5

1 3 .2

2 2 2 1 -1 3 9

0 6 /8 1


1 .0


2 2 2 1 -1 3 9 1

0 6 /8 7

1 0 0 .2

9 9 .2

9 8 .0


-1 .2

2 2 2 1 -1 3 9 1 1

0 6 /8 7

1 0 4 .2

1 0 3 .4

1 0 3 .3

5 .6


2 2 2 1 -1 3 9 1 2

1 2 /9 4

1 0 2 .1

1 0 1 .0

9 9 .4

- 1 .6


1 0 6 .3

1 0 5 .6

2 2 2 1 -1 3 9 2

0 6 /8 7

1 0 9 .9

1 1 0 .4

1 1 0 .7

5 .7

2 2 2 1 -1 6

0 4 /8 5

1 1 9 .6

1 1 9 .6

1 1 8 .9

3 .4

2 2 2 1 -1 6 2

1 2 /9 4

1 0 5 .5

1 0 9 .8

1 0 9 .8


2 2 2 1 -1 6 3

1 2 /9 4

1 0 3 .8

1 0 3 .5

1 0 2 .8



2 2 2 1 -2

0 6 /8 1

1 2 3 .0

1 2 3 .4

1 2 3 .6

3 .0

2 2 2 1 -3

0 6 /8 1

1 1 5 .5

1 1 6 .2

1 1 6 .2

4 .4

1 2 4 .7

1 2 4 .8



2 2 2 1 -S M
1 2 5 .7



2 2 1 1 -S

0 6 /8 7

1 1 7 .9


1 1 9 .7

8 .3

1 .4

2 2 2 1 -S S S

2 2 2 1 -S

0 6 /8 7

0 6 /8 1

1 17.1


1 17.1



0 6 /8 5

1 1 3 .6

11 3 .1

1 1 3 .8



0 6 /8 5

1 1 3 .6



1 1 3 .8


P rim a ry p r o d u c t s ....................................

2 2 3 1 -P

0 6 /8 5

1 0 8 .8

1 0 8 .4

10 9 .1

1 .2


F in is h e d w o o l f a b r i c s ......................

2 2 3 1 -A

0 6 /8 5

1 1 0 .2

1 0 9 .7

1 1 0 .6



F in is h e d w o o l a p p a re l fa b ric s .
W o r s t e d .............. .............


2 2 3 1 -3

0 6 /8 5

1 0 5 .4


1 0 5 .8


- .3

2 2 3 1 -3 1 4

0 6 /8 5

1 1 3 .7

1 1 3 .9

1 1 3 .7



W o o le n .................................... ......

2 2 3 1 -3 1 6

0 6 /8 5

1 0 4 .0

1 0 5 .5

1 0 4 .9



F in is h e d w o o l n o n -a p p a re l fa b ric s a n d f e l t s ..

2 2 3 1 -4 1 1

0 6 /8 5

1 3 0 .5

1 2 0 .9

1 3 0 .9

8 .0

8 .3

S e c o n d a r y p ro d u c ts a n d m is c e lla n e o u s re c e ip ts ....

2 2 3 1 -S M
0 6 /8 5

1 2 5 .4

1 2 5 .4

1 2 5 .4

-4 .2


S e c o n d a ry p r o d u c t s .................... .......................................

2 2 3 1 -S

See footnotesat endof table.


Table 5. Producer price indexes for the net output of selected industries and their products, not seasonally adjusted
In d e x
In d u stry a n d p ro d u c t1

In d u stry

P ro d u c t

In d e x




N a r r o w fa b ric m i l l s ................................................................. .............................................................

E l a s t i c ........................................................................................................................................

T a p e s (w t. le s s th a n 1 5 o z ./s q . y d .) ....................................................................
W e b b in g (w t. 1 5 o z ./s q . yd. o r m o r e ) .................................................................

M ay

A ug.





0 6 /8 4

1 1 9 .4

1 2 0 .1

1 2 0 .2

Sep. 1994

2 .7

Aug. 1 9 9 5


0 6 /8 4

1 1 9 .4

1 2 0 .1

1 2 0 .2

2 .7


2 2 4 1 -P

0 6 /8 4

1 1 9 .8

1 2 0 .4

1 2 0 .6

2 .7


2 2 4 1 -1

0 6 /8 4

1 1 4 .8

1 1 5 .4

1 1 5 .6

2 .8



P rim a ry p r o d u c t s ..........................................................................................................................

P e rc e n t c h a n g e
to S e p . 1 9 9 5 fro m —

2 2 4 1 -1 1

0 6 /8 4

1 2 2 .5

1 2 3 .0

1 2 3 .0



2 2 4 1 -1 1 2

0 6 /8 4

1 1 5 .4

1 1 5 .4

1 1 5 .4

2 .3


2 2 4 1 -1 1 2 1 3

0 6 /9 1

1 1 2 .3

1 1 2 .3

1 1 2 .3

4 .7


2 2 4 1 -1 1 3

0 6 /9 1

1 0 8 .0

1 0 9 .2

1 0 9 .2

7 .0
3 .2


2 .4



2 2 4 1 -1 1 4

0 6 /8 4

1 3 7 .4

1 3 7 .4

1 3 7 .4

2 2 4 1 -1 2

0 6 /8 4

1 1 0 .9

1 1 1 .6

1 1 1 .9

2 2 4 1 -1 2 1

0 6 /8 4

1 0 1 .5

1 0 1 .5

1 0 1 .5


2 2 4 1 -1 2 3

0 6 /8 4

1 2 3 .0

1 2 3 .0

1 2 3 .0

1 .5


2 2 4 1 -1 2 5

0 6 /8 4

1 0 5 .4

1 0 5 .4

1 0 5 .4



2 2 4 1 -1 2 5 5 6

0 6 /8 4

9 3 .1



2 2 4 1 -1 2 7

0 6 /8 4

1 2 2 .7

1 2 5 .4

1 2 7 .1

6 .3

1 .4

2 2 4 1 -1 2 7 3 9

0 6 /8 4

1 2 5 .4

93 .1

1 2 9 .2

93 .1

1 3 1 .6

8 .9

1 .9

2 2 4 1 -1 2 9

0 6 /8 4

1 0 2 .0

1 0 3 .2

1 0 3 .2

2 .8


2 2 4 1 -4

0 6 /8 4

1 3 6 .3

1 3 6 .5

1 3 6 .5

2 .9


2 2 4 1 -4 2 2

0 6 /8 4

1 3 1 .9

1 3 2 .1

1 3 2 .1


2 2 4 1 -4 2 2 2 1

0 6 /8 4

1 3 0 .7

1 3 0 .7

2 2 4 1 -4 2 2 2 3

0 6 /8 4

1 3 3 .0

1 3 3 .2

1 3 3 .2

3 .0

0 6 /8 4

1 1 5 .6

1 1 6 .0

1 1 6 .1

2 .0


1 2 /8 4

1 1 5 .6

1 1 6 .3

1 1 6 .3

2 .7



0 6 /8 4

1 1 7 .6

1 1 8 .1

1 1 8 .3

2 .6


A ll o th e r n o n e l a s t ic ................................................................................ .......................

S h o e a n d c o rs e t l a c e s ................... ............................................................................


2 2 4 1 -S M
2 2 4 1 -S


............................................................. .....................................................

2 2 5 1 -P

0 6 /8 4

1 1 7 .3

1 1 7 .8

1 1 8 .0

1 .8


F in is h e d s e a m le s s h o s ie r y .................................................................................................

2 2 5 1 -3

0 6 /8 4

1 1 7 .9

1 1 8 .5

1 1 8 .7

2 .0


1 1 8 .9

1 1 9 .2



Prim a ry p ro d u c ts

2 2 5 1 -3 2 1

S to c k in g s a n d k n e e -h ig h s , knit on 3 0 0 n e e d le s o r m o r e .............................

0 6 /8 4

1 1 8 .9

K n e e - h ig h .............................. .............................................................................................

2 2 5 1 -3 2 1 7 7

0 6 /8 4

1 1 8 .8

1 1 8 .8

1 1 9 .3


F u ll- le n g t h ...........................................................................................................................

2 2 5 1 -3 2 1 8 8

0 6 /8 4

1 3 7 .8

1 3 7 .8

1 3 7 .8

1 .9


2 2 5 1 -3 5 1

0 6 /8 4

1 1 7 .1

1 1 7 .9

1 1 8 .0

2 .3


U n d e r 3 0 d e n ie r, s h e e r ...............................................................................................

2 2 5 1 -3 5 1 2 2

0 6 /8 4

1 2 2 .7

1 2 4 .0

1 2 4 .4

1 .6


3 0 d e n ie r a n d o v e r, o p a q u e .....................................................................................

2 2 5 1 -3 5 1 4 4

0 6 /8 4

1 1 0 .6

1 1 0 .6


1 1 2 .8

1 1 3 .6

P a n t y h o s e ...............................................................................................................................


2 2 5 1 -3 5 1 6

0 6 /8 4

1 1 3 .7

4 .3

i 3)

C o n tro l t o p .....................................................................................................................

2 2 5 1 -3 5 1 6 1

0 6 /8 4

1 2 1 .4

1 2 1 .4

1 2 1 .5

6 .4


L e g su p p o rt ...................................................................................................................

2 2 5 1 -3 5 1 6 2

0 6 /8 4

1 0 5 .8

1 0 7 .3

1 0 7 .3

2 .3


0 6 /8 4

1 0 9 .4

1 0 9 .4

1 0 9 .8



0 6 /8 4

1 1 4 .6

1 1 5 .7

1 1 5 .7

2 .0


2 2 5 2 -P

0 6 /8 4

1 1 3 .6

1 1 4 .7

1 1 4 .7

2 .0


2 2 5 2 -2 2

0 6 /8 4

1 1 8 .2

1 1 9 .9

1 1 9 .8

2 .6

- .1

2 2 5 2 -2 2 2

0 6 /8 4


1 2 6 .5

1 2 6 .5

3 .2

2 2 5 2 -2 2 2 2

0 6 /8 4

12 7 .1

1 3 0 .0

1 3 0 .0

3 .9


N a tu ra l f ib e r s ................................................................................................................

2 2 5 2 -2 2 2 2 1

0 6 /8 4

1 2 1 .8

1 2 2 .0

1 2 2 .0

4 .0


M a n m a d e f i b e r s ..........................................................................................................

2 2 5 2 -2 2 2 2 7

0 6 /8 4

1 2 9 .5

1 3 3 .7

1 3 3 .7

3 .9


2 2 5 2 -2 2 3

0 6 /8 4

1 1 7 .3

1 1 7 .7

1 1 7 .4

2 .2


1 1 3 .5

1 1 3 .2

E la s to m e r p a n t y h o s e ....................................................................................................

2 2 5 1 -S M

S e c o n d a ry p ro d u c ts a n d m is c e lla n e o u s r e c e ip t s .......................................................

2 2 5 1 -S

H o s ie ry , n .e .c ..........................................................................................................................

2 2 5 2 -S

S e c o n d a ry p ro d u c ts

H o s ie ry , n .e .c ............................................................................................................................................
P rim a ry p ro d u cts


M e n ’s fin is h e d h o s ie r y ..........................................................................................................
A n k le t ..


N o n -c u s h io n


M i d - c a l f / c r e w .............................................................. ..........................................................



2 2 5 2 -2 2 3 1

0 6 /8 4

1 1 3 .5

2 .7


N a tu ra l fib e rs ........................................................................................................... ...

2 2 5 2 -2 2 3 1 1

0 6 /8 4

10 8 .1

10 8 .1

1 0 7 .4



M a n m a d e f i b e r s ..........................................................................................................

2 2 5 2 -2 2 3 1 7

0 6 /8 4

1 1 7 .5

1 1 7 .5

1 1 7 .5

1 .8


2 2 5 2 -2 2 3 2

0 6 /8 4

1 2 3 .5

1 2 4 .4

12 4 .1

1 .6


C u s h io n ................................................................................................................................

N o n - c u s h io n ......................................................................................................................
N a tu ra l f i b e r s ................................................................................................................

2 2 5 2 -2 2 3 2 1

0 6 /8 4

1 2 7 .4

1 2 9 .6

1 2 8 .8

2 .5


M a n m a d e f i b e r s ..........................................................................................................

2 2 5 2 -2 2 3 2 7

0 6 /8 4

1 2 1 .7

1 2 1 .7

1 2 1 .7



2 2 5 2 -2 2 4

0 6 /8 4

1 0 5 .7

1 0 5 .7

1 0 5 .7



2 2 5 2 -2 2 4 1

0 6 /8 4

1 0 1 .5

1 0 1 .5

1 0 1 .5



2 2 5 2 -2 2 4 1 1

0 6 /8 4

1 0 9 .1

1 0 9 .1



2 2 5 2 -2 2 4 2

0 6 /8 4

1 2 3 .5

1 2 3 .5

1 2 3 .5

1 .3


2 2 5 2 -2 2 4 2 1

0 6 /8 4

1 3 1 .8

1 3 1 .8

1 3 1 .8

1 .3


K n e e - h ig h ............................................................................................. ..................................
C u s h io n ................................................................................................................................
N a tu ra l f i b e r s ................................................................................................................
N o n -c u s h io n ......................................................................................................................
N a tu ra l f ib e r s ................................................................................................................

10 9 .1

O th e r fin ish ed hosiery, kn it o n le s s th a n 3 0 0 n e e d le s , e x c e p t w o m e n ’s
2 2 5 2 -2 3

0 6 /8 4

1 1 1 .4

1 1 2 .0

1 1 2 .2

1 .8

W o m e n ’s, girls’ a n d b o y s ’ f o o t s o c k .........................................................................

2 2 5 2 -2 3 1

0 6 /8 4

1 0 0 .5

1 0 0 .5

1 0 0 .5



W o m e n ’s, girls’ a n d b o y s ’ a n k l e t ...............................................................................

2 2 5 2 -2 3 2

0 6 /8 4

1 0 2 .1

1 0 2 .7

10 3 .1

1 .6


2 2 5 2 -2 3 2 1

0 6 /8 4

9 6 .3

9 6 .3

9 6 .3



2 2 5 2 -2 3 2 1 1

0 6 /9 0

9 6 .3

9 6 .3

9 6 .3



2 2 5 2 -2 3 2 2

0 6 /8 4

1 0 6 .5

1 0 7 .4

10 8 .1

2 .3


N a tu ra l f ib e r s ................................................................................................................

2 2 5 2 -2 3 2 2 1

0 6 /8 4

13 3 .1

1 3 4 .0

1 3 4 .0

2 .4


M a n m a d e f i b e r s ..........................................................................................................

2 2 5 2 -2 3 2 2 7

0 6 /8 4

9 4 .6

9 5 .5

9 6 .6


1 .2

1 3 3 .6

3 .3


s t o c k in g s ...........................................................................................................................

C u s h io n ................................................................................................................................
N a tu ra l f ib e r s ................................................................................................................
N o n -c u s h io n ......................................................................................................................

W o m e n ’s, girls’, a n d b o y ’s k n e e -h ig h s o c k s ........................................................
W o m e n ’s k n e e -h ig h s o c k s —m a n m a d e f i b e r s ................ .................................

2 2 5 2 -2 3 3

0 6 /8 4

1 3 2 .2

1 3 3 .6

2 2 5 2 -2 3 3 4

0 6 /9 0

1 0 5 .2

1 0 9 .7

1 0 9 .7

4 .3

2 2 5 2 -2 3 4

0 6 /8 4

1 0 7 .8

1 0 7 .6

1 0 7 .6

1 .0


2 2 5 2 -2 3 5

0 6 /8 4

1 0 7 .9

1 0 7 .9

1 0 8 .0



2 2 5 2 -2 3 5 1 1

0 6 /8 4

1 0 7 .9

1 0 7 .9

108 .1



2 2 5 2 -2 3 8

0 6 /8 4

9 6 .9

9 6 .9

9 6 .9



O th e r w o m e n ’s, g irls’ a n d b o y s ’ fin is h e d ho siery, including leg
w a rm e rs , w a is t-h ig h s , e tc ........................................................................................
In fa n ts ’ a n d c h ild re n ’s a n k l e t ...................................
N a tu ra l fib e rs ...............................................................
O th e r in fa n ts ’ a n d c h ild re n ’s fin is h e d ho s ie ry

See footnotes at endof table.


Table 5. Producer price indexes for the net output of selected industries and their products, not seasonally adjusted
P e rc e n t c h a n g e

In d e x
In d u stry a n d p ro d u c t1

In d u stry

P ro d u c t

In d e x



b ase

to S e p . 1 9 9 5 fro m —
M ay

A ug .

S ep.




Sep. 1994

Aug. 1995

H o s ie ry , n .e .c .— C o n tin u e d
U n fin is h e d h o s iery , kn it o n le s s th a n 3 0 0 n e e d le s , e x c e p t w o m e n ’s
s t o c k in g s .............................................................................................................................
M e n 's u n fin is h e d h o s ie r y ................................................................................................

2 2 5 2 -2 4

0 6 /8 4

1 0 2 .6

1 0 2 .6

1 0 2 .6

0 .6


2 2 5 2 -2 4 2

0 6 /8 4

10 2 .1

1 02.1

1 0 2 .0


- .1

0 6 /8 4

1 0 6 .3

1 0 6 .3

1 0 6 .3

- .4


1 1 2 .2

1 1 2 .2



O th e r u n fin is h e d h o siery, knit o n le s s th a n 3 0 0 n e e d le s , e x c e p t
2 2 5 2 -2 4 6

w o m e n ’s s t o c k in g s ....................................................................................................

2 2 5 2 -S M

S e c o n d a r y p ro d u c ts a n d m is c e lla n e o u s r e c e ip t s .......................................................

2 2 5 2 -S

S e c o n d a ry p r o d u c t s ......................... ....................................................................... .............
K n it o u t e r w e a r ........................................................................................................................................


P rim a ry p r o d u c t s .......................... ...............................................................................................

2 2 5 3 -P

S w e a te rs a n d s w e a te r v e s t s ....................................................................... ......................

2 2 5 3 -1

0 6 /8 4

1 1 2 .5

1 2 /8 4

1 1 6 .6

1 1 7 .0

1 1 7 .2

2 .5


1 2 /8 4

1 1 7 .4

1 1 7 .6

1 1 7 .8

2 .3


1 2 /8 4

1 1 6 .9

1 1 6 .6

1 1 6 .8



2 2 5 3 -1 2

1 2 /8 4

1 2 8 .3

1 2 8 .3

1 2 8 .5



A ll m a n m a d e a n d c h ie fly m a n m a d e .....................................................................

2 2 5 3 -1 2 4

1 2 /8 4

1 2 5 .8

1 2 5 .8

1 2 5 .8

2 .2


O th e r f i b e r s ........................................................................................................................

2 2 5 3 -1 2 6

0 6 /9 0

9 2 .6

9 2 .6

9 2 .9

- 2 .2


2 2 5 3 -1 4

1 2 /8 4

1 0 3 .2

1 0 2 .5

1 0 2 .7



M e n ’s a n d b o y s ’ ....................................................... ..........................................................

W o m e n ’s, m is s e s ’ a n d ju n io rs ’ ...................................................................................
A ll m a n m a d e a n d c h ie fly m a n m a d e .....................................................................

2 2 5 3 -1 4 4

1 2 /8 4

1 0 1 .6

1 0 1 .6

1 .0


C o t t o n ..................................................................................................................................

2 2 5 3 -1 4 6

0 6 /9 0

1 0 1 .3


9 9 .3

-2 .0

1 .2

2 2 5 3 -2

1 2 /8 4

1 2 4 .4

1 2 3 .6

1 2 4 .3

2 .0


K n it o u te r w e a r s p o rt shirts, includin g s w e a t s h i r t s ...............................................

1 0 1 .6

2 2 5 3 -2 2

1 2 /8 4

1 2 6 .2

1 2 5 .4

12 6 .1

2 .2


S w e a ts h irts a n d j e r s e y s .............................................................................................

2 2 5 3 -2 2 2

0 6 /9 0

1 1 0 .4

1 0 8 .2

1 1 0 .0

7 .0

1 .7

C o tto n sp o rt s h i r t s .........................................................................................................

2 2 5 3 -2 2 3

0 6 /9 0

8 8 .9

8 8 .9

2 2 5 3 -3

1 2 /8 4

1 1 0 .4

1 1 2 .2

1 1 2 .3

4 .7


M e n ’s a n d b o y s ’ .................................................................................. ..............................

O th e r knit o u t e r w e a r .............................................................................................................
W o m e n ’s, m is s e s ’ & ju n io rs ’ kn it o u te rw e a r, e x c l. s w e a te rs , ja c k e ts ,

2 2 5 3 -3 1

1 2 /8 4


1 1 5 .4

1 15.1

5 .4


W o m e n ’s, m is s e s ’ a n d ju n io rs ’ s la c k s , je a n s a n d d u n g a r e e s ................

2 2 5 3 -3 1 5

1 2 /8 4

W o m e n ’s, m is s e s ’, a n d ju n io rs ’ knit o u t e r w e a r ..............................................

2 2 5 3 -3 1 9

1 2 /8 4

1 1 1 .5

1 1 4 .5

1 1 4 .3

5 .2


2 2 5 3 -3 3

1 2 /8 4

1 2 7 .4

1 2 7 .3

1 2 8 .3



2 2 5 3 -3 3 5

1 2 /8 4

1 2 1 .3

1 2 2 .2

1 2 2 .5

5 .3


2 2 5 3 -3 3 8

1 2 /8 4

1 2 8 .8

1 2 8 .0

12 9 .1

3 .7


1 2 /8 4

1 2 5 .6

1 2 5 .8

1 2 4 .4

2 .6

- 1 .1

je rs e y s & s p o rt s h i r t s ......................................... .................. ..................................

M e n ’s a n d b o y s ’ kn it o u te rw e a r, e x c lu d in g s w e a te rs , ja c k e ts , je rs e y s
a n d s p o rt s h ir t s ...........................................................................................................
M e n ’s a n d b o y s ’ shirts, e x c lu d in g s p o rt shirts ...............................................
M e n ’s a n d b o y s ’ o th e r kn it o u t e r w e a r .............................................................

2 2 5 3 -9

C o n tra c t w o rk o n knitting a n d d y e in g knit o u t e r w e a r ..........................................
C o n tra c t w o rk o n knittin g a n d d ye in g knit o u t e r w e a r .....................................

2 2 5 3 -9 1 1

S e c o n d a r y p ro d u c ts a n d m is c e lla n e o u s r e c e ip t s .......................................................

2 2 5 3 -S M
2 2 5 3 -S

1 2 /8 4

1 1 8 .9

1 2 1 .7

1 2 1 .7

6 .0


2 2 5 3 -S S S

0 6 /9 0

1 1 3 .9

1 1 7 .9

1 1 7 .9

7 .5


0 6 /8 2

1 3 3 .3

1 3 3 .9

13 4 .1

4 .0


2 2 5 4 -P

0 6 /8 2

1 3 3 .9

1 3 4 .7

1 3 4 .9

4 .5


M e n ’s a n d b o y s ’ k n it u n d e r w e a r .....................................................................................

2 2 5 4 -A

0 6 /8 2

1 3 4 .7

1 3 4 .7

1 3 4 .7



M e n ’s a n d b o y s ’ u n d ersh irts, e x c e p t t h e r m a l ......................................................

2 2 5 4 -1

0 6 /8 2

1 3 4 .2

1 3 4 .2

1 3 4 .2

6 .0


2 2 5 4 -1 2 2

0 6 /8 2

1 3 2 .7

1 3 2 .7

1 3 2 .7



2 2 5 4 -4

0 6 /8 2

1 1 0 .9

1 1 0 .9

1 1 0 .9

4 .5


2 2 5 4 -4 1 1

1 2 /8 7

1 1 0 .2

1 1 0 .2

1 1 0 .2

4 .6


1 3 6 ,7

S e c o n d a ry p r o d u c t s ...............................................................................................................
O th e r s e c o n d a ry p r o d u c t s .............................................................. ..............................
K n it u n d e rw e a r a n d n ig h tw e a r m i l l s ...........................................................................................


P rim a ry p r o d u c t s ..........................................................................................................................

U n d e rs h irts , e x c e p t a th le tic t y p e s ..............


M e n ’s a n d b o y s ’ s h o rts a n d b r ie f s ............................................................................
S h o rts a n d b rie fs, e x c e p t th e rm a l u n d e rw e a r a n d un io n s u i t s ..............

2 2 5 4 -C

W o m e n ?s a n d c h ild re n ’s u n d e rw e a r a n d n ig h t w e a r ..............................................
W o m e n ’s a n d c h ild re n ’s u n d e r w e a r .........................................................................
W o m e n ’s u n d e r w e a r ....................................................................................................
S e c o n d a ry p ro d u cts a n d m is c e lla n e o u s r e c e ip t s .................................................

1 3 2 .8

1 3 5 .9

3 .0


2 2 5 4 -2

0 6 /8 2

1 3 6 .7

1 3 6 .7

1 3 8 .0


1 .0

2 2 5 4 -2 1
2 2 5 4 -S M

0 6 /8 2

1 3 8 .0


1 3 9 .6

1 .2


0 6 /8 1

1 0 8 .6

1 0 9 .4

1 0 9 .2

3 .9


P rim ary p r o d u c t s .................................................. .......................................................................

2 2 5 7 -P

0 6 /8 1

1 0 8 .6

1 0 9 .5

1 0 9 .2

4 .0


G ra y circ u la r kn it fa b r ic s ......................................................................................................

2 2 5 7 -1

0 6 /8 1

1 2 0 .4

1 2 0 .8

1 2 0 .8


B ro a d g ra y fa b ric s (m o re th a n 1 2 in c h e s w i d e ) ................................................

2 2 5 7 -1 2 2

1 2 /9 4

1 1 2 .2

1 1 2 .6

1 1 2 .6



F in is h e d c ircu lar kn it f a b r i c s .............................................................................................
K n it a n d fin is h e d in th e s a m e e s t a b lis h m e n t ......................................................

2 2 5 7 -3

1 2 /9 4

1 0 0 .9

1 0 2 .0

1 0 1 .6



2 2 5 7 -3 1 1

1 2 /9 4

1 0 1 .4

1 0 1 .2

1 0 1 .2



2 2 5 7 -3 1 1 2 2

1 2 /9 4

1 0 1 .4

1 0 1 .2

1 0 1 .2



2 2 5 7 -3 2 1

1 2 /9 4

1 0 0 .0

1 0 3 .7

1 0 2 .5


-1 .2

2 2 5 7 -3 2 1 2 2

1 2 /9 4

1 0 0 .0

1 0 3 .7

1 0 2 .5

2 2 5 7 -9

0 6 /8 1

1 0 9 .6

1 0 9 .8

1 0 9 .5

-1 .3

- 1 .2

2 2 5 7 -9 2 1

1 2 /9 4

9 7 .7

9 7 .0

9 6 .9


- .1



C irc u la r knit fab ric m i l l s .....................................................................................................................


0 6 /8 2

B ro a d fa b ric s (m o re th a n 1 2 in c h e s w id e ) .......................................................
P u rc h a s e d a n d fin is h e d ..................................................................................................
B ro a d fa b ric s (m o re th a n 1 2 in c h e s w id e ) .......................................................
C o n tra c t w o rk o n g ra y a n d fin ish ed circu lar knit f a b r i c .....................................
C o n tra c t fin ish in g o n l y ....................................................................... ..............................

1 2 /9 4

1 00.1

1 0 0 .8

1 0 0 .5

0 6 /8 1

1 2 0 .4

1 2 1 .5

1 2 1 .5

2 .2

2 2 5 8 -P

0 6 /8 1

1 1 8 .3

1 1 9 .4

1 1 9 .3


2 2 5 8 -1

0 6 /8 1

1 1 7 .4


0 6 /8 1

1 1 8 .0

1 1 7 .4

2 2 5 8 -1 0 1
2 2 5 8 -5

1 2 /8 5

1 4 1 .3

1 3 7 .5

1 3 7 .5

- 4 .9

2 2 5 7 -9 2 5

C o n tra c t knittin g o n ly o r knittin g a n d fin is h in g .................... ................................
L a c e a n d w a rp k n it fa b ric m i l l s ...... ..............................................................................................


P rim a ry p r o d u c t s .........................................................................................................................
G ra y w a rp knit f a b r ic s ............................................................................................. .............
G ra y w a rp kn it f a b r i c s ......................................................................................................
L a c e a n d n e t g o o d s (e xclu d in g ra s c h e l la c e m a c h in e p r o d u c t s ) ..................
F in is h e d w a rp k n it fa b ric s (kn it & fin ish ed , o r p u rc h a s e d & f in is h e d ) .........




2 2 5 8 -6

0 6 /9 5


1 0 1 .5

1 0 1 .5



2 2 5 8 -7

0 6 /9 5


1 0 0 .0

1 0 0 .0



2 2 5 8 -S M

0 6 /8 1




0 6 /8 1

1 5 1 .9


2 2 5 8 -S





2 2 5 8 -S S S

0 8 /9 5

1 6 0 .6





1 2 /8 5

1 1 7 .3

1 1 7 .6

1 1 7 .6

1 2 /8 5

1 1 6 .0

11 6 .1


1 2 /8 5

1 25.1

C o n tra c t o r c o m m is s io n w o rk fo r knitting, finishin g, & d ye in g (incl.
la c e g o o d s ) ............................................................................................ ...........................
S e c o n d a ry p ro d u cts a n d m is c e lla n e o u s r e c e ip t s .......................................................
S e c o n d a ry p ro d u c ts ..............................................................................................................
O th e r s e c o n d a ry p r o d u c t s .............................................................................................
K n ittin g m ills n .e .c .............................................. J.................................................................................
P rim a ry p r o d u c t s .......................................................................................... ..............................
K n it g lo v e s a n d m itte n s ................................................... ....................................................
W o rk , in clu d in g fa b ric a n d le a th e r o r p la s tic c o m b in a tio n s .........................
O th e r kn it e n d p ro d u c ts ......................................................................................................
O th e r knit e n d p ro d u cts, n .e .c .......................................................................................

2 2 5 9 -P
2 2 5 9 -1



1 2 5 .0


1 .8


2 2 5 9 -1 7 1

1 2 /8 5

12 3 .1


1 23.1



2 2 5 9 -2

1 2 /8 5

1 1 0 .4

1 1 0 .4

1 1 0 .4



2 2 5 9 -2 9 8

1 2 /8 5

1 1 0 .4

1 1 0 .4

1 1 0 .4



See footnotesat endof table.

1 .5


Table 5. Producer price indexes for the net output of selected industries and their products, not seasonally adjusted
In d e x
In d u stry a n d p ro d u c t1

In dustry

P ro d u ct

In d e x




D y e in g a n d fin ish in g te x tile s , e x c e p t w o o l fa b ric s a n d knit g o o d s .............................


F in is h e d c o tto n b ro a d w o v e n fab ric ................................................


1 2 /8 4

M ay

A u g.





1 2 7 .9

'1 2 8 .2

1 2 8 .2

1 3 2 .4

Aug. 1 9 9 5



1 3 2 .2

3 .6


2 2 6 1 -P

0 6 /8 4

1 3 3 .4

1 3 3 .0

1 3 2 .9

4 .0


N o n -c o m m is s io n fin is h e d fa b ric ......................................................................................

2 2 6 1 -7

0 6 /8 4

1 2 6 .5

1 2 7 .1

1 2 6 .8

4 .8


C o m m is s io n f in is h in g ...... ........................ ......... ..................................................................

2 2 6 1 -9

0 6 /8 4

1 4 4 .3

1 4 2 .6

1 4 2 .6

0 6 /8 4

1 2 2 .5

1 2 2 .5

12 2 .1


0 6 /8 4

1 2 9 .9

1 3 0 .5

1 3 0 .6

1 .4


1 3 2 .4

1 3 2 .2





2 2 6 1 -S M

S e c o n d a ry p ro d u c ts a n d m is c e lla n e o u s re c e ip ts ................................ ......................

2 2 6 1 -S

S e c o n d a r y p r o d u c t s ....................................... ....................................... ................................
F in is h e d sy n th e tic fib e r a n d silk b ro a d w o v e n f a b r i c ..... ....................................................

1 3 2 .9

Sep. 1994

P rim a ry p r o d u c t s ......................... ................................................................................................


0 6 /8 4

P e rc e n t c h a n g e
to S e p . 1 9 9 5 fro m —


- .3

P rim a ry p r o d u c t s ..................... ............................ ........................................................................

2 2 6 2 -P

0 6 /8 4

1 3 2 .6

N o n -c o m m is s io n fin is h e d fa b ric ....................................... .............. ................................

2 2 6 2 -8

0 6 /8 4

1 3 4 .3

1 3 4 .2

1 3 3 .9



C o m m is s io n f in is h in g ............................................................................. ..............................

2 2 6 2 -9

0 6 /8 4

1 2 9 .4

1 2 8 .8

1 2 8 .7



0 6 /8 4

1 2 2 .5

1 2 5 .2

1 2 6 .0

2 .4


2 2 6 2 -S M

S e c o n d a ry p ro d u c ts a n d m is c e lla n e o u s re c e ip ts .......................................................

2 2 6 2 -S

S e c o n d a ry p r o d u c t s ......................................................................................... .....................
F in is h e d yarn , ra w s to c k , b ra id e d g o o d s a n d n a rro w fab ric , e x c e p t knits a n d

0 6 /8 3

1 2 7 .2

1 2 7 .4

1 2 7 .2

3 .2


P rim a ry p r o d u c t s ....................................... ...................................................................................

2 2 6 9 -P

0 6 /8 3

1 2 9 .6

1 2 9 .8

1 2 9 .7

3 .9


B le a c h e d y a r n s .................................................................... ................... ................................

2 2 6 9 -5

1 2 /9 4

1 0 3 .8

1 0 3 .8

1 0 3 .8

D y e d y a r n ................................... .................................................................................................

2 2 6 9 -8

1 2 /9 4

1 0 2 .6

1 0 2 .9

1 0 2 .8



C a rd e d c o t t o n ............................................................. ...................................... ...................

2 2 6 9 -8 2 1

1 2 /9 4

1 0 2 .2

10 3 .1

1 0 2 .9



C o m b e d c o t t o n .................................................. ........ ..........................................................

2 2 6 9 -8 2 3

1 2 /9 4

1 0 4 .5

1 0 4 .2

1 0 4 .2



P o ly e s te r b le n d s w ith c o t t o n .........................................................................................

2 2 6 9 -8 3 2

1 2 /9 4

1 0 0 .0

1 0 0 .0

1 0 0 .0



All o th e r p o l y e s t e r ......... ..................................................................... ..............................

2 2 6 9 -8 3 3

1 2 /9 4

1 0 2 .8

1 0 4 .1

10 4 .1



O th e r m a n m a d e fib e r a n d silk y a r n ..... ............................................ ........................

2 2 6 9 -8 3 4

1 2 /9 4

1 0 6 .7

1 0 6 .7

1 0 6 .7



F in is h e d b ra id e d o r w o v e n n a rro w f a b r ic s .................................................................

2 2 6 9 -9 7 1

1 2 /9 4

1 0 0 .0


1 0 0 .0



S e c o n d a ry p ro d u c ts a n d m is c e lla n e o u s r e c e ip t s .......................................................

2 2 6 9 -S M
1 1 /8 3

1 1 8 .9

1 1 8 .2

1 1 5 .9

-2 .8

-1 .9

1 2 /8 4

1 1 1 .9

1 1 1 .3

1 1 1 .9

1 .9


0 6 /9 0

1 0 2 .4

1 0 1 .9

1 0 2 .4

1 .9


0 6 /9 0

1 0 2 .0

1 0 1 .5

10 2 .1



w o o l ............................................................................ ....................................... ................................


2 2 6 9 -S

S e c o n d a ry p r o d u c t s .......... ................. .................................. ......................... ......................
F lo o r c o v e rin g m ills ........................................................ ................................... .................................


C a rp e t a n d r u g s .......... ..........................................................................................................................

2 2 7 3 -P

P rim ary p r o d u c t s ........................................ ........................... ......................................................




2 2 7 3 -1

0 6 /8 5

1 2 8 .5

2 2 7 3 -1 1 1

0 6 /8 5

1 2 8 .5

1 2 9 .2

1 2 9 .2



2 2 7 3 -2

1 2 /7 9

1 4 1 .3

1 4 0 .6

1 4 1 .4

2 .2


2 2 7 3 -2 1 1

1 2 /7 9

1 3 8 .4

13 9 .1

1 39.1

1 .3


2 2 7 3 -2 3 3

1 2 /7 9

1 4 3 .4

1 4 2 .4

1 4 3 .5

2 .6


N y lo n tu fte d b r o a d lo o m ................................................ ...........................................................

2 2 7 3 -2 3 3 0 1

1 2 /7 9

1 4 9 .3

1 4 9 .0

1 5 0 .0

2 .0


O th e r tu fte d b r o a d lo o m ............................................ ..................................................

2 2 7 3 -2 3 3 0 9

1 2 /7 9

1 1 4 .5

1 1 4 .0

1 1 3 .0

4 .7



2 2 7 3 -2 5 5

1 2 /7 9


1 1 7 .3

1 1 7 .3



O th e r tu fte d c a r p e t a n d rugs, in clu d in g a rtificial g r a s s .............. ..........................

2 2 7 3 -2 7 7

0 2 /8 5

1 1 8 .4

1 1 8 .4

1 1 9 .3



W o v e n c a rp e t a n d rugs ............ ....................................... ...................................................
W o v e n c a r p e t a n d rugs, in clu d in g m a ts a n d a rt s q u a r e s .............................
T u fte d c a r p e t a n d r u g s ............................................... ........................................................................
B a th m a ts a n d s e ts a n d s c a tte r ru g s 6 X 9 o r le s s ..........................................
T u fte d b ro a d lo o m

................................... ........................... ......................................................

A u to m o b ile a n d a irc ra ft c a rp e tin g ........... ....................................................

F in is h in g o n l y .........................................................................................................................
O th e r c a r p e t a n d rugs ......................................................................... ........................................
N e e d le p u n c h e d c a rp e t a n d r u g s ..................................................................................................

1 2 9 .2

1 2 9 .2

1 .5

2 2 7 3 -2 8 8

1 2 /8 6

1 0 3 .2

1 0 3 .2

1 0 3 .2



2 2 7 3 -3

0 6 /8 5

1 1 8 .5

1 1 8 .5

1 1 8 .8



2 2 7 3 -3 2 1

0 6 /8 5


11 2 .1

1 12.1



2 2 7 3 -3 3 1

0 6 /8 5

1 3 1 .5

1 3 1 .5

1 3 2 .4



1 2 /8 4

1 1 2 .5

1 1 1 .9

1 1 2 .3

4 .0


B ra id e d , h o o k e d , a n d o th e r c a rp e t a n d rugs, e x clu d in g w o v e n a n d
tu fte d .............................................................................. .................................................................

2 2 7 3 -S M

S e c o n d a ry p ro d u c ts a n d m is c e lla n e o u s r e c e ip t s .....................................................................
Y a rn a n d th re a d m i l l s ........................................................................................................................


S p u n y a r n .................................................. .......................................................................................................................


P rim a ry p r o d u c t s .................................................. .................................................................................
C a rd e d c o tto n y a r n s .........................................................................................................................................
G ra y c a rd e d c o tto n y a rn s fo r s a le to o th e rs ....................................................................

1 2 /8 2

106 .1

1 0 6 .2

1 0 5 .5

3 .0

2 2 8 1 -P

1 2 /8 2

1 0 6 .2

1 0 6 .4

1 0 5 .7

3 .4

2 2 8 1 -1

1 2 /8 2

1 0 4 .9

1 0 2 .5

9 9 .5

3 .4

-2 .9

2 2 8 1 -1 1 3

1 2 /8 2

1 0 5 .8

1 0 3 .2

9 9 .8

3 .7

- 3 .3


1 - 2 0 c o u n t ....................................................................................................................................................

2 2 8 1 -1 1 3 1

1 2 /8 2

1 1 5 .3

1 1 2 .7

1 1 0 .3

6 .8

-2 .1

21 c o u n t a n d o v e r .............. ...................................................................................................................

2 2 8 1 -1 1 3 3

1 2 /8 2

8 9 .8

8 7 .0

82 .1

- 2 .4

-5 .6

2 2 8 1 -2

1 2 /8 2

1 1 6 .4

1 1 5 .5

1 1 5 .5



2 2 8 1 -2 1 3

1 2 /8 2


1 1 5 .4

1 1 5 .4

3 .0


2 2 8 1 -2 1 3 1

1 2 /8 2

1 1 0 .6

1 0 9 .9

1 0 9 .9

4 .3


2 2 8 1 -2 1 3 3

1 2 /8 2

1 2 0 .5

1 1 7 .3

1 1 7 .3



2 2 8 1 -3

1 2 /8 2

1 2 8 .4

1 3 2 .4

1 3 0 .5

6 .4

- 1 .4
-1 .4
- .2

C o m b e d c o tto n y a r n s .....................................................................................................................................
G ra y c o m b e d c o tto n yarn s fo r s a le to o th e rs .................................................................
1 - 2 5 c o u n t ................................................................................................................... ................................
2 6 c o u n t a n d o v e r ........ ............................................................................................................................
R a y o n a n d / o r a c e ta te s pun y a r n s .....................................................................................................
G r a y ra y o n a n d /o r a c e ta te s p u n y a rn s fo r s a le to o t h e r s ..................................
S p u n n o n c e llu lo s ic fiber, silk, a n d w o o l y a rn s ......................................................................
S p u n c h ie fly p o ly e s te r y a r n s ........ .......................................—


G r a y s p u n c h ie fly p o ly e s te r y a rn s fo r s a le to o t h e r s .........................................

1 2 /8 2

1 2 8 .4

1 3 2 .4

1 3 0 .5

6 .4

2 2 8 1 -4

1 2 /8 2

1 0 7 .3

1 0 7 .7

1 0 7 .5

2 .7

2 2 8 1 -4 1

1 2 /8 2

1 0 9 .2

1 0 9 .5

1 0 9 .5

5 .9


2 2 8 1 -4 1 3

1 2 /8 2

10 6 .1

1 0 5 .4

1 0 2 .8


-2 .5

2 2 8 1 -3 1 3

1 0 0 % s p u n p o ly e s t e r ........................................................... ..........................................................

2 2 8 1 -4 1 3 3

1 2 /8 2

1 1 8 .8

1 1 9 .5


4 .5


B le n d s , c h ie fly p o ly e s t e r ...........................

2 2 8 1 -4 1 3 5

1 2 /8 2

10 3 .1

1 0 1 .9

9 8 .8


-3 .0

2 2 8 1 -4 1 3 5 1

1 2 /8 2

1 0 1 .5

1 0 0 .4

9 7 .3


- 3 .1

2 2 8 1 -4 2

1 2 /8 2

1 0 6 .7

1 0 7 .0

1 0 6 .8

1 .4

- .2

2 2 8 1 -4 2 3

1 2 /8 2

1 0 4 .6

1 0 4 .8

1 0 4 .8

2 .8

2 2 8 1 -4 2 3 1

1 2 /8 2

9 7 .2



1 0 8 .6

.............. .............................................................

5 0 - 5 0 p o ly e s te r/c o tto n b l e n d ......................................................................... ..................
S p u n n o n c e llu lo s ic fib er, silk, a n d w o o l y a rn s , e x clu d in g p o ly e s t e r ..........
G ra y s p u n n o n c e llu lo s ic fib e r, silk, a n d w o o l y a rn s fo r s a l e ........................
1 0 0 % a c r y lic ...................................................................................... ................. ;.................................


1 0 0 % n y l o n ...............................................................................................................................................

2 2 8 1 -4 2 3 3

1 2 /8 2

C h ie fly w o o l .......................................... ............................. ......................................................................

2 2 8 1 -4 2 3 4

1 2 /8 8

9 4 .2

1 0 0 .4

100 .1

7 .5

2 2 8 1 -4 2 7

1 2 /8 2

1 1 0 .9

1 1 1 .4

1 1 1 .0

- 1 .2

F in is h e d s pun n o n c e llu lo s ic fib e r, silk, a n d w o o l y a r n s ............................



C h ie fly w o o l ...................................................................................................................

2 2 8 1 -4 2 7 1

1 2 /8 8

9 9 .4

1 0 1 .8

1 0 1 .8

4 .8


O th e r s p u n n o n c e llu lo s ic fib e r a n d silk y a r n s .............................................

2 2 8 1 -4 2 7 3

1 2 /8 8

1 0 4 .8

1 0 5 .0

1 0 4 .5

-2 .1


2 2 8 1 -6

1 2 /8 8

94 .1

95 .1

9 4 .2

5 .7


In te rp la n t tra n s fe rs o f g ra y sp u n y a r n .......................... ................... ...........................

Seefootnotes at endof table.


Table 5. Producer price indexes for the net output of selected industries and their products, not seasonally adjusted
In d e x
In d u stry a n d p ro d u c t1

In d u stry

Pro d u c t

In d e x




P e rc e n t c h a n g e
to S e p . 1 9 9 5 fro m —

M ay

A u g.





Sep. 1994

Aug. 19 9 5

T e x tu rin g , th ro w in g , a n d w in d in g m ill pro d u cts: c o tto n , m a n m a d e fib e rs , silk,
1 2 /8 2

131 .1

1 2 7 .7

1 3 2 .4

7 .5

3 .7

P rim a ry p r o d u c t s ..........................................................................................................................

2 2 8 2 -P

1 2 /8 2

1 3 1 .1

1 2 7 .5

1 3 2 .5

8 .0

3 .9

T h ro w n fila m e n t ya rn s , e x c e p t t e x t u r e d ..... ................................................................

2 2 8 2 -3

1 2 /8 2

1 3 0 .3

1 3 4 .0

1 3 3 .6

3 .6


2 2 8 2 -3 3 2

1 2 /8 2

1 3 0 .2

1 3 6 .9


6 .6


a n d w o o l ................ ..........................................................................................................................


M a c h in e kn itting y a r n s ..... ...............................................................................................

1 2 /8 2

1 2 7 .7

1 2 7 .9



2 2 8 2 -5

1 2 /8 2

1 3 4 .9

1 2 9 .8

1 3 6 .5

9 .9

5 .2

2 2 8 2 -5 1 5

1 2 /8 2

1 2 5 .2

1 2 6 .4

1 2 6 .4



2 2 8 2 -3 3 5

O th e r th ro w n y a r n s ............................................................................................................
T e x tu re d , b u lk e d , o r c rim p e d fila m e n t y a rn (m a d e fro m p u rc h a s e d y a rn )
N y l o n .........................................................................................................................................

1 2 7 .9

N y lo n ( 6 0 - 8 9 d e n i e r ) .................................................................................................

2 2 8 2 -5 1 5 1 3

1 2 /8 2

1 1 4 .9

1 2 2 .3


1 .7

N y lo n (9 0 - 2 1 0 d e n ie r) ...............................................................................................

2 2 8 2 -5 1 5 1 4

1 2 /8 2

1 1 4 .3

1 2 2 .9

1 2 2 .9

1 .8


2 2 8 2 -5 5 1

1 2 /8 2

1 5 2 .9

1 3 9 .2

1 5 5 .2

2 1 .3

1 1 .5

2 2 8 2 -5 5 1 2 3

1 2 /8 2

1 5 8 .9


1 6 1 .9

2 4 .8

1 4 .7

2 2 8 2 -5 5 1 2 4

1 2 /8 8

1 0 7 .8

8 .0

0 2 /8 3

8 5 .9

8 6 .4

1 0 8 .2

2 2 8 2 -5 7 1

8 5 .3


- 1 .3

P o l y e s t e r ......................................................... .......................................................................
P o ly e s te r (1 4 5 - 1 7 9 d e n i e r ) .....................................................................................
P o ly e s te r (all o th e r d e n ie r s ) ......................................................................................
A ll o th e r te x tu re d fila m e n t y a r n s .................................................................................

2 2 8 2 -9

1 2 /8 2

1 1 3 .7

1 1 3 .7

1 1 3 .7

3 .6

C o m m is s io n textu rin g o r th ro w in g o f fila m e n t y a r n s .......... .............................

2 2 8 2 -9 1 1

1 2 /8 2

1 1 7 .0

1 1 7 .0

1 1 7 .0

4 .9

S e c o n d a r y p ro d u c ts a n d m is c e lla n e o u s r e c e ip t s .......................................................

2 2 8 2 -S M
2 2 8 2 -S

1 2 /8 8

1 1 1 .5

1 1 1 .5


0 6 /8 4

1 3 5 .6

1 3 5 .8

P rim a ry p r o d u c t s ..........................................................................................................................

2 2 8 4 -P

0 6 /8 4

1 3 4 .4

1 3 4 .6

1 3 4 .6

1 .9


F in is h e d th re a d fo r u s e in th e h o m e .............................................. ,............................

2 2 8 4 -1

0 6 /8 4

1 3 0 .4

1 3 2 .2

1 3 2 .2

4 .5


2 2 8 4 -1 5 7

0 6 /8 4

1 3 3 .9

13 6 .1

1 36.1

5 .3


2 2 8 4 -2

0 6 /8 4

1 3 8 .0

1 3 8 .0

1 3 8 .0

1 .8


2 2 8 4 -2 2 5

0 6 /8 4

1 3 4 .8

1 3 4 .8

1 3 4 .8



1 2 7 .1

1 27.1

1 2 7 .1

1 .4


C o m m is s io n textu rin g , th ro w in g , plying, e tc . o f fila m e n t y a r n s .......................

S e c o n d a r y p r o d u c t s ...................................... ................... ............. ......................................
T h r e a d m i l l s ........................................................................................................... .................................


M a n m a d e fib e r th re a d a n d o th e r t h r e a d ............................................. ..................
F in is h e d th re a d fo r industrial o r m a n u fa c tu re rs ’ u s e ............................................
M a n m a d e fib e r th re a d a n d o th e r t h r e a d ................................................................

1 3 5 .8




2 .2


S p u n p o ly e s t e r ..................................... ...........................................................................

2 2 8 4 -2 2 5 0 1

0 6 /8 4

C o r e s p u n ............................................................................................................................

2 2 8 4 -2 2 5 0 2

0 6 /8 4

1 2 5 .7

1 2 5 .7

1 2 5 .7

1 .2


T e x tu re d p o ly e s te r a n d n y l o n ..................................................................................

2 2 8 4 -2 2 5 0 3

1 2 /8 8

1 3 1 .7

1 3 1 .7

1 3 1 .7



F ila m e n t p o ly e s te r a n d n y l o n ..................................................................................

2 2 8 4 -2 2 5 0 4

0 6 /8 4

14 8 .1

1 48.1


5 .9


1 2 /8 4

1 4 8 .1

1 4 8 .1

14 8 .1

7 .6


2 2 8 4 -S M

S e c o n d a ry p ro d u c ts a n d m is c e lla n e o u s r e c e ip t s .......................................................

2 2 8 4 -S

S e c o n d a ry p r o d u c t s ...............................................................................................................
M is c e lla n e o u s te x tile g o o d s ...........................................................................................................


C o a te d fab ric s , n o t r u b b e r iz e d ......................................................................................................


P rim a ry p r o d u c t s ......................................................................... ................................................

2 2 9 5 -P

Pyro xylin c o a te d o r la m in a te d fab ric ............................................................................

2 2 9 5 -1

V in y l c o a te d o r la m in a te d f a b r ic ................................... ..................................................

2 2 9 5 -2

1 2 /8 4

12 3 .1

1 2 3 .9

1 2 3 .7

4 .5


0 6 /8 5

1 2 5 .9

1 2 7 .2

1 2 7 .0

5 .4


0 6 /8 5

1 2 3 .5

1 2 4 .9

1 2 4 .7



0 6 /8 5

- .1

12 2 .1


1 2 3 .0

5 .8

2 2 9 5 -2 1 1

0 6 /8 5

1 1 0 .0


1 0 9 .7

1 .2


W o v e n fa b ric b a s e ............................. ..........................................................................

2 2 9 5 -2 1 1 1 3

0 6 /8 5


1 0 5 .0

1 0 4 .5



K n itte d fa b ric b a s e ................................. ......................................................................

2 2 9 5 -2 1 1 1 5

1 2 /9 1

1 0 6 .4

1 0 6 .4

1 0 6 .4

2 .5


N o n w o v e n fa b ric b a s e .......................................................................... ......................

2 2 9 5 -2 1 1 1 7

0 6 /8 5

1 1 4 .2

1 1 5 .0

1 1 5 .0



L ig h tw e ig h t fa b ric , 1 0 o z. & u n d e r /s q yd. fin is h e d w t ....................................

M e d iu m w e ig h t fab ric, o v e r 1 0 o z. to 1 6 o z ./s q . yd. fin is h e d w t ...............

2 2 9 5 -2 2 2

0 6 /8 5

1 2 4 .0

1 2 4 .0

1 2 4 .0

4 .5

H e a v y w e ig h t fab ric, o v e r 1 6 o z ./s q . yd fin is h e d w t .........................................

2 2 9 5 -2 3 3

0 6 /8 5

1 2 3 .9

1 2 5 .5

1 2 5 .5

7 .4


0 6 /8 5

1 2 0 .8

1 2 0 .8

1 2 0 .8


6 .5


K n itte d fa b ric b a s e ........................................................................................................

2 2 9 5 -2 3 3 3 4

0 6 /8 5

1 2 5 .9

1 2 9 .2

1 2 9 .1

9 .3


N o n w o v e n fa b ric b a s e .................................................................................................

2 2 9 5 -2 3 3 3 6

0 6 /8 5

1 2 1 .7

1 2 3 .9

1 2 3 .9

5 .9


2 2 9 5 -3

0 6 /8 5

1 2 5 .3

12 7 .1

1 2 6 .7

4 .6


2 2 9 5 -2 3 3 3 2

W o v e n fa b ric b a s e ...... .................................................................................................

P o ly u re th a n e & o th e r c o a te d & la m in a te d f a b r i c ...................................................
P o ly u re th a n e c o a te d o r la m in a te d f a b r ic ........... ...................................................

2 2 9 5 -3 1 5

0 6 /8 5

1 4 3 .6

1 4 6 .3

2 .2


O th e r c o a te d o r la m in a te d f a b r ic ................................................................................

2 2 9 5 -3 2 2

0 6 /8 5

1 2 1 .9

1 2 3 .5

1 2 3 .0

5 .2


2 2 9 5 -3 2 2 2

0 6 /8 5

1 2 5 .8

1 2 7 .4

1 2 6 .8

5 .5


W o v e n fa b ric b a s e .......................................... ..........................................................

2 2 9 5 -3 2 2 2 2

0 6 /8 5

12 9 .1

1 3 0 .3

6 .2


K n itte d o r n o n w o v e n fa b ric b a s e ......................................................................

2 2 9 5 -3 2 2 2 5

1 2 /9 1


1 2 4 .0

1 2 4 .2

2 .8


1 1 7 .2

1 2 0 .7

1 2 0 .7

8 .7


L ig h tw e ig h t fa b ric , 1 0 o z. & u n d e r /s q yd. fin is h e d w t .................................

2 2 9 5 -3 2 2 3

M e d iu m w e ig h t fa b ric , o v e r 1 0 o z. to 1 6 o z ./s q . yd. fin ish ed w t ...........
P la stic c o a te d y a rn (fro m p u rc h a s e d y a r n ) ...............................................................

2 2 9 5 -4
2 2 9 5 -S M

S e c o n d a ry p ro d u c ts a n d m is c e lla n e o u s r e c e ip t s .......................................................

2 2 9 5 -S

S e c o n d a ry p r o d u c t s ................ ............. ................................................................................
T ire c o rd a n d f a b r i c .................................................................... .......................................................

0 6 /8 5


1 4 6 .3


0 6 /8 5

1 2 6 .6

1 2 7 .2

1 2 7 .2

6 .9


0 6 /8 4

1 1 6 .7

1 1 8 .4

1 1 8 .4

3 .5


P rim a ry p r o d u c t s ..........................................................................................................................

2 2 9 6 -P

0 6 /8 4

T ir e co rd a n d f a b r i c ...................................................................................................... ........

1 1 7 .8

3 .5


0 6 /8 4

11 6 .1
11 6 .1

1 1 7 .8

2 2 9 6 -1

1 1 7 .8

1 1 7 .8

3 .5


N y lo n tire co rd a n d f a b r i c ..................................... ........................ ...............................

2 2 9 6 -1 2 2

0 6 /8 4

1 1 5 .3

1 1 5 .4

1 1 5 .4



P o ly e s te r tire c o rd a n d f a b r i c .......................................................................................

2 2 9 6 -1 3 3

0 6 /8 4

1 1 3 .7

1 1 9 .3

1 1 9 .3

7 .3


N o n w o v e n fa b ric s a n d re la te d p r o d u c t s ................................................... ..............................

1 2 /8 5


1 2 4 .6

1 2 5 .0

1 2 5 .4


2 .7

P rim a ry p r o d u c t s ........... .............................................................................................................

2 2 9 7 -P

1 2 /8 5

1 2 7 .2

1 2 7 .6

1 2 8 .0

2 .3


N o n w o v e n f a b r i c s ....................................................................................... ............................

2 2 9 7 -1

1 2 /8 5

1 2 7 .9

1 2 8 .3

1 2 8 .8

3 .0


1 4 3 .2

1 4 3 .4


2 2 9 7 -1 2

1 2 /8 5

1 4 3 .4


1 o u n c e to 2 .5 o u n c e s p e r s q u a re y a r d ...........................................................

2 2 9 7 -1 2 3

0 6 /9 1

9 9 .9

9 9 .9

9 9 .9

- 1 .6


O v e r 2 .5 o u n c e s p e r s q u a re y a r d ............................................... ..........................

2 2 9 7 -1 2 5

0 6 /9 1

1 0 0 .3

1 0 0 .9

1 0 0 .9

2 .3


L a m in a te d a n d w e t l a i d ....................................................................................................

2 2 9 7 -1 3

1 2 /8 5

1 1 8 .9

1 1 9 .3

1 1 9 .9

4 .3


U n d e r 0 .8 o u n c e s p e r s q u a re y a rd ................................................... ...................

2 2 9 7 -1 3 1

1 2 /8 5

10 7 .1

1 0 7 .6

1 0 9 .6

6 .5

1 .9

0 .8 o u n c e s to 1 .5 o u n c e s p e r s q u a re y a r d ......................................................

2 2 9 7 -1 3 3

S p u n b o n d e d , d ry laid, a n d o t h e r s ............................................................................

1 2 3 .4

1 2 3 .5

1 2 3 .5

2 .0


2 2 9 7 -1 3 5

1 2 /8 5

1 2 7 .4


1 2 8 .3

6 .3


2 2 9 7 -2

0 1 /8 6

1 2 5 .7

1 2 6 .6

1 2 6 .6



lith o g r a p h ic )..................................................................................................................

2 2 9 7 -2 5 1

0 6 /9 1

1 0 2 .2

1 0 4 .9

1 0 4 .9

O th e r n o n w o v e n p ro d u c ts ..............................................................................................

2 2 9 7 -2 9 8

0 1 /8 6






0 6 /8 6






O v e r 1 .5 o u n c e s p e r s q u a re y a r d .........................................................................
F a b ric a te d n o n w o v e n p r o d u c t s .......................................................................................

1 2 /8 5

W ip e rs m a d e fro m n o n w o v e n fa b ric s (w in d sh ield , in dustrial, a n d

S e c o n d a r y p ro d u c ts a n d m is c e lla n e o u s r e c e ip t s .......................................................
S e c o n d a ry p r o d u c t s ........................................................... ..................................................

2 2 9 7 -S

See footnotes at endof table.

2 .6


2 2 9 7 -S M


Table 5. Producer price indexes for the net output of selected industries and their products, not seasonally adjusted
In d e x
In d u stry a n d p ro d u c t1


P ro d u c t

In d e x




0 6 /8 5

M ay


S ep.




1 2 9 .4


2 2 9 8 -P

0 6 /8 5

1 3 5 .6

13 3 .1

13 1 .1


- 1 .5

2 2 9 8 -2

0 6 /8 5

1 3 8 .7

1 3 5 .7

1 3 3 .3


- 1 .8

2 2 9 8 -2 A

0 6 /8 5

1 4 0 .6

1 3 7 .6

1 3 5 .2


-1 .7

2 2 9 8 -2 0 7

0 6 /8 5

1 8 9 .9

1 8 6 .5

1 8 7 .2


2 2 9 8 -2 0 7 1

1 2 /9 2

1 0 6 .0

1 0 2 .7

1 0 3 .4

2 .2


2 2 9 8 -2 0 8

0 6 /8 5

1 2 1 .7

1 1 9 .6

1 1 6 .7


-2 .4

2 2 9 8 -2 1 3

F is h lin e, fish n e t, a n d fish n e ttin g ( m a d e in th is e s ta b lis h m e n t) ....
F is h l i n e .......................................................................................................................
R o p e .................................................................................................................................

1 3 1 .0

A u g . 199i

S o ft fib e r c o rd a g e a n d tw in e , e x c e p t c o t t o n ........................................................
M a n m a d e fib e r c o rd a g e a n d t w i n e ......................... ..............................................

1 3 2 .9

S ep. 1994

P rim a ry p r o d u c t s ............................................. ........................................................................

C o rd a g e a n d t w i n e ...........................................................................................................................


P e rc e n t c h a n g e
to S e p . 1 9 9 5 fro m —

- 1 .2


A ll o th e r m a n m a d e fib e r c o rd a g e a n d tw in e , incl. ag ric u ltu re a n d
1 2 /9 2

1 1 2 .2

1 0 9 .3

1 0 5 .8


-3 .2

2 2 9 8 -3

0 6 /8 5

1 2 1 .3

1 2 0 .9

1 2 0 .9



B ra id e d c o r d .....................................................................................................................

2 2 9 8 -3 1 1

1 2 /9 2

9 8 .3

9 7 .4

9 7 .4



W ra p p in g , s e in e , a n d o th e r t w i n e ..........................................................................

2 2 9 8 -3 2 5

1 1 /8 5

1 2 6 .5

1 2 6 .5

1 2 6 .5

3 .8


0 6 /8 5

1 1 0 .0

1 0 9 .0

1 0 9 .0

-1 .4


0 6 /8 5

1 2 1 .0

1 2 2 .8

1 2 2 .3

1 0 .2


in d u strial .................................................................................................................
C o tto n c o rd a g e a n d t w i n e ..... .........................................................................................

2 2 9 8 -S M

S e c o n d a ry p ro d u c ts a n d m is c e lla n e o u s r e c e ip t s ..................................................

2 2 9 8 -S

S e c o n d a ry p r o d u c t s ..........................................................................................................
T e x tile g o o d s, n .e .c ..........................................................................................................................


P rim a ry p r o d u c t s ............................................. ........................................................................

2 2 9 9 -P

0 6 /8 5

1 2 2 .5

1 2 4 .0

1 2 3 .5

1 0 .5


F e lt g o o d s , e x c e p t w o v e n fe lt a n d h a t s .................................................................

2 2 9 9 -1

1 2 /8 5

1 1 7 .0

1 1 7 .4

1 1 7 .4



1 4 5 .5

2 2 9 9 -1 1

1 2 /8 5

1 4 5 .5

1 4 5 .5

9 .3


2 2 9 9 -1 1 1

1 2 /8 5

1 5 0 .4

1 5 0 .4

1 5 0 .4

- 3 .0


2 2 9 9 -1 2

1 2 /8 5


1 0 5 .7

1 0 5 .7

4 .0


2 2 9 9 -1 2 4

1 2 /8 5

1 0 4 .4

1 0 5 .2

1 0 5 .2

3 .3


S c o u rin g a n d c o m b in g mill p ro d u c ts .......................................................................

2 2 9 9 -3

0 6 /8 5

1 3 7 .2

1 3 7 .2

1 3 3 .5

1 2 .8

- 2 .7

P ro c e s s e d te x tile w a s t e ................................................. ..................... ........................

2 2 9 9 -4

1 2 /8 5

1 8 7 .8

1 9 5 .2

1 9 4 .2

2 1 .0

- .5

2 2 9 9 -4 1

1 2 /8 5

1 8 7 .8

1 9 5 .2

1 9 4 .2

2 1 .0


P re s s e d w o o l f e l t ............................................................................................................
In d u strial f e l t .................................................................................................................
P u n c h e d o r n e e d le d fe lts ..........................................................................................
W o o l fe lts a n d m a n -m a d e fib e r f e l t s ................................ ..............................

R e c o v e r e d fib ers, p ro c e s s e d mill w a s te , a n d re la te d p r o d u c t s ...........
F ib e rs re c o v e re d fro m clip s a n d ra g s (n e w a n d u s e d ) .........................

2 2 9 9 -4 1 1

1 2 /8 5

9 2 .7

9 2 .7

9 2 .7



2 2 9 9 -4 1 2

1 2 /8 5

2 0 7 .3

2 1 4 .8

2 1 3 .6

2 7 .6


F ib e rs re c o v e re d fro m mill w a s te , e x clu d in g fib e rs re c o v e re d fro m
c lip s a n d r a g s ................................................. ....................................................
M a n -m a d e f i b e r s ................................................................................................ ...
P a d d in g a n d u p h o ls te ry filling .......................................................................................

2 2 9 9 -4 1 2 7

1 2 /8 5

1 6 3 .9

1 7 .4

1 2 /8 5

1 1 7 .5

1 1 9 .4

16 8 .1

2 2 9 9 -6

1 1 9 .3

8 .2


2 2 9 9 -6 3

1 2 /8 5

1 1 7 .5

1 1 9 .4

1 1 9 .3

8 .2


2 2 9 9 -6 3 1

1 2 /8 5

9 9 .0

9 9 .6

9 9 .3

1 .5


2 2 9 9 -6 3 1 1 9

1 2 /8 5

1 1 3 .2

1 1 4 .3

1 1 3 .8

2 .5


2 2 9 9 -6 3 3

1 2 /8 5

1 3 5 .4

1 3 8 .3

1 3 8 .3

1 2 .8

2 2 9 9 -6 3 3 4 1

1 2 /8 5

1 3 7 .9

1 4 0 .7

1 4 0 .7

1 3 .9


2 2 9 9 -8 5 9

0 6 /8 5

11 0 .1

1 0 7 .5

1 0 7 .5

3 .2


0 6 /8 5

1 3 3 .8

1 3 8 .8

1 3 8 .8

1 0 .0


P a d d in g a n d u p h o ls te ry filling, b a ttin g , w ad d in g , exclu d in g fo a m
ru b b e r a n d p la s t ic s ...............................................................................................
P a d d in g a n d p a d s .....................................................................................................
AH o th e r p a d d in g ....................................................................... ...........................
B attin g , w a d d in g , a n d m a ttre s s f e l t s ..... .........................................................
M a d e fro m all o th e r f i b e r s ................................................................................
O th e r te x tile g o o d s, n .e .c ............................................................................................

2 2 9 9 -S M

S e c o n d a ry p ro d u cts a n d m is c e lla n e o u s r e c e ip t s ..................................................

2 2 9 9 -S

S e c o n d a ry p r o d u c t s ..........................................................................................................



Table 5. Producer price indexes for the net output of selected industries and their products, not seasonally adjusted—Continued

P e rc e n t c h a n g e

In d e x
In d u stry a n d p ro d u c t1

In dustry

P ro d u c t

In d ex




to S e p . 1 9 9 5 fro m —
M ay

A ug.





Sep. 1994

Aug. 1 9 9 5

A p p a re l a n d o th e r fin is h e d p ro d u c ts m a d e fro m fa b ric s a n d s im ilar
m a t e r ia ls .............................................................. ............................................................................
M e n ’s a n d b o y s ’ su its a n d c o a t s ........................... .....................................


M e n ’s a n d b o y s ’ suits a n d c o a t s .................................................................................................


1 2 /8 4

1 2 0 .5

1 2 0 .7

1 2 0 .8

0 .9


2 31

1 2 /8 0

1 5 5 .2


1 5 6 .4



1 2 /8 0

1 5 5 .2


1 5 6 .4


2 3 1 1 -P

1 2 /8 0

1 5 5 .0

1 5 5 .7

1 5 6 .0




P rim a ry p r o d u c t s ............................................... ..........................................................................

2 3 1 1 -A

1 2 /8 6

1 2 2 .8

1 2 3 .5

1 2 3 .6


M e n ’s s u it s .............................................................................................................................

2 3 1 1 -1

1 2 /8 0

1 5 4 .8

1 5 6 .0

1 5 6 .0



M e n ’s ta ilo re d o u t e r c o a t s ..............................................................................................

2 3 1 1 -2

1 2 /9 3

10 5 .1

1 0 5 .0

1 0 5 .2

4 .8


M e n ’s a n d b o y s ’ suits a n d c o a ts , exclu d in g c o n tra c t w o r k ..............................

M e n ’s ta ilo re d d re s s a n d sp o rt c o a ts a n d j a c k e t s ..................... ......................

2 3 1 1 -3

1 2 /8 0

1 4 8 .2

1 4 8 .8

1 4 9 .2

1 .4


B o y s ’ suits, c o a ts a n d ta ilo re d ja c k e ts , incl. s e p . v e s t s ..... ...........................

2 3 1 1 -4

1 2 /8 0

1 2 9 .0

1 2 9 .5

R e c e ip ts fo r c o n tra c t w o rk o n m e n ’s a n d b o y s ’ suits a n d c o a t s ..................

2 3 1 1 -9

1 2 /8 0

1 7 6 .8

1 7 6 .8

1 7 7 .9




2 3 1 1 -S M

S e c o n d a ry p ro d u c ts a n d m is c e lla n e o u s r e c e ip t s ............... .......................................
S e c o n d a ry p ro d u c ts ............................................... ....................... .......................................

2 3 1 1 -S

1 2 /8 0

1 6 5 .6

1 6 8 .0

1 6 8 .0

M e n ’s a n d b o y s ’ s e p a ra te tro u s e rs a n d s la c k s ..................................................

2 3 2 5 -S

1 2 /8 0



2 3 3 7 -S

1 2 /9 3

1 0 4 .0

1 5 2 .5

W o m e n ’s, m is s e s ', a n d ju n io rs ’ suits, skirts, a n d c o a t s .................................

1 0 4 .0






M e n ’s, y o u th s ’ & b o y s ’ fu rn ish ings, w o rk clo th in g & allie d g a r m e n t s .......................


1 2 /8 4

1 2 3 .8

1 2 4 .0

12 4 .1



M e n ’s a n d b o y s ’ shirts, e x c e p t w o rk s h ir t s ............................................................................

23 2 1

0 6 /8 3

1 2 5 .3

1 2 4 .8

1 2 4 .7



P rim a ry p r o d u c t s .................... ........................................................................... .........................

2 3 2 1 -P

0 6 /8 3

1 2 6 .9

1 2 6 .2

1 2 6 .0



M e n ’s a n d b o y s ’ knit o u te rw e a r sp o rt shirts, includin g s w e a t s h ir t s .............

2 3 2 1 -2

0 6 /8 3

1 1 8 .2

1 16.1

1 1 5 .7

-1 .0

- .3

2 3 2 1 -2 1 1

0 6 /8 3

1 1 3 .9

1 1 0 .7

-1 .5


A ll c o tto n a n d ch ie fly c o tto n f i b e r s .......... ............................................. ..............

2 3 2 1 -2 1 1 1 5

0 6 /8 3

1 2 0 .6

1 2 0 .3

1 1 9 .0


- 1 .1

A ll m a n m a d e a n d ch iefly m a n m a d e f i b e r s .......................................................

2 3 2 1 -2 1 1 1 7

0 6 /8 3

1 0 6 .6

1 0 2 .0

1 0 1 .9

- 3 .3


2 3 2 1 -2 2 5

0 6 /8 3

1 3 0 .2





2 3 2 1 -2 2 5 2 7

0 6 /8 3

1 3 4 .5

1 3 4 .5

1 3 4 .5



M e n ’s knit o u te rw e a r sportshirts, including s w e a t s h ir t s .................................

B o y s ’ kn it o u te rw e a r s p o rt shirts, including s w e a t s h ir t s .................................
A ll m a n m a d e a n d ch ie fly m a n m a d e f i b e r s .......................................................

1 1 0 .2

0 6 /8 3

1 2 8 .4

1 2 8 .6

1 2 8 .7



2 3 2 1 -4 1 7

0 6 /8 3

1 3 8 .9

1 3 9 .2

1 3 9 .2



A ll c o tto n a n d c h iefly c o tto n fib e rs ...:.................... .............................................

2 3 2 1 -4 1 7 1 8

0 6 /8 3

1 1 8 .0

1 1 8 .0

1 1 8 .0

-2 .1


A ll m a n m a d e a n d ch ie fly m a n m a d e f i b e r s .......................................................

2 3 2 1 -4 1 7 2 1

0 6 /8 3

1 4 9 .6



2 .6

2 3 2 1 -4 2 7

0 6 /8 3

1 1 8 .0


1 18.1



2 3 2 1 -4 2 7 1 3

0 9 /8 3
0 6 /8 3

13 8 .1


1 38.1



2 3 2 1 -9
2 3 2 1 -9 1 3

0 6 /8 3

13 8 .1




2 3 2 1 -4

M e n ’s a n d b o y s ’ d re s s a n d w o v e n sp o rt shirts, including u n ifo rm shirts ..
M e n ’s d re s s a n d b u sin ess sh irts a n d co llars, including u n ifo rm shirts

M e n ’s w o v e n sp o rt s h ir ts ..... ..........................................................................................
A ll c o tto n a n d c h ie fly c o tto n f ib e r s .......................................................................
C o n tra c t w o rk o n m e n ’s a n d bo ys s h ir t s .................................................... ..............
C o n tra c t w o rk o n m e n ’s a n d b o y s ’ shirts a n d c o l l a r s ..................... ..............



2 3 2 1 -S M

S e c o n d a ry p ro d u c ts a n d m is c e lla n e o u s r e c e ip t s .......................................................
M is c e lla n e o u s r e c e i p t s ........................................................................................................

2 3 2 1 -M

0 6 /8 3

1 0 1 .9

1 03.1

1 03.1

1 .6


S e c o n d a ry p ro d u c ts .................... ..........................................................................................

2 3 2 1 -S

0 6 /8 3

1 2 7 .2

1 2 7 .2

1 2 7 .2



0 6 /8 2

1 2 2 .5

1 2 3 .4

1 2 2 .9



2 3 2 2 -P

0 6 /8 2

1 1 9 .2


1 1 9 .7


- .3

2 3 2 2 -A

0 6 /8 2

1 1 9 .7

1 2 0 .7




1 2 1 .7

1 2 0 .7



M e n ’s a n d b o y s ’ u n d e rw e a r a n d n ig h t w e a r ...........................................................................


P rim a ry p r o d u c t s ..........................................................................................................................
M e n ’s a n d b o y s ’ knit u n d e r w e a r .....................................


2 3 2 2 -4

K n it s h o rts a n d b riefs, e x c e p t t h e r m a l.....................................................................

2 3 2 2 -S

S e c o n d a ry p r o d u c t s ...........................................................................................................
M e n ’s a n d b o y s ’ n e c k w e a r ..............................................................................................................

0 6 /8 2

1 2 0 .0

0 6 /8 2

1 4 9 .8



1 2 /8 3

1 2 8 .4

1 2 8 .6

1 2 8 .6



1 2 /8 3

1 2 8 .7

1 2 8 .9

1 2 8 .9



1 2 /8 3

1 2 8 .7

2 3 2 2 -S M

S e c o n d a r y p ro d u c ts a n d m is c e lla n e o u s r e c e ip t s .......................................................

2 3 2 3 -P

P rim a ry p r o d u c t s ............................... ..........................................................................................



1 2 8 .9

1 2 8 .9



2 3 2 3 -1 2

1 2 /8 3

1 2 8 .8

1 2 9 .0

129 .1

1 .8


A ll silk ..................................................................................................................................

2 3 2 3 -1 2 1

1 2 /8 3

1 5 4 .5

1 5 4 .9

1 5 4 .9



A ll p o ly e s t e r ............................................................. ........................................ ................
O th e r fab rics, including b l e n d s ................................................................................

1 2 /8 3

1 2 5 .7

1 2 5 .7

1 2 5 .7

2 3 2 3 -1 2 9

1 2 /8 3

1 0 5 .7



M e n ’s a n d b o y s ’ n e c k w e a r, n .e .c ., including m u ffle rs a n d sc a rfs

2 3 2 3 -1 4 9

1 2 /8 3

1 2 5 .6


2 3 2 3 -1

M e n ’s a n d b o y s ’ n e c k w e a r ............... ...............................
M e n ’s a n d b o y s ’ n e c k t ie s ...............................................................................................

2 3 2 3 -1 2 7


3 .2





2 3 2 3 -S M

1 2 /8 3




1 2 /8 3

1 2 8 .9


2 3 2 3 -M





2 3 2 3 -Y 9 3

0 1 /9 0

1 0 4 .5





1 2 /8 1

1 3 0 .5

1 3 0 .8

1 3 0 .9


P rim a ry p r o d u c t s ........................................................................ .................................................

2 3 2 5 -P

1 2 /8 1

1 2 9 .9

1 3 0 .3

1 3 0 .4



M e n ’s a n d b o y s ’ s e p a ra te d re s s a n d s p o rt tr o u s e r s ............... ................... ........

2 3 2 5 -1

1 2 /8 1

1 2 7 .7


1 2 9 .4

2 .5


S e c o n d a ry p ro d u c ts a n d m is c e lla n e o u s r e c e ip t s .......................................................
M is c e lla n e o u s r e c e i p t s .........................................................................................................
C o n tra c t w o r k .......................................................................................................................
M e n ’s a n d b o y s ’ s e p a ra te tro u s e rs a n d s l a c k s ...................................................................



M e n ’s s e p a r a te tro u s e rs a n d s l a c k s ..... ..................................................................

2 3 2 5 -1 1

1 2 /8 1

1 3 1 .9

1 3 3 .4

1 3 3 .5

2 .5

B o y s ’ s e p a ra te tro u s e rs a n d s l a c k s .........................................................................

2 3 2 5 -1 3

0 6 /8 7

1 0 8 .9

1 0 8 .9

2 3 2 5 -2

1 2 /8 1

1 2 8 .7

1 2 8 .6

1 2 8 .6


2 3 2 5 -2 A

1 2 /8 1

1 3 0 .8

1 3 0 .8

1 3 0 .8



M e n ’s a n d b o y s ’ je a n s , je a n c u t c a s u a l sla c k s , a n d d u n g a r e e s ...................
M e n ’s je a n s , d u n g a re e s , a n d je a n cu t c a s u a l s l a c k s ................. ...................


M e n ’s je a n s a n d d u n g a r e e s ........................................ ............................................

2 3 2 5 -2 1

1 2 /9 2



1 0 3 .0


M e n ’s je a n cu t c a s u a l s l a c k s ..................................................................................

2 3 2 5 -2 2

1 2 /9 2

1 0 1 .0

1 0 1 .0

1 0 1 .0



B o y s ’ je a n s , d u n g a re e s , a n d je a n cu t c a s u a l s l a c k s ......................................

2 3 2 5 -2 B

1 2 /8 1

1 2 1 .9

1 2 1 .5

1 2 1 .5



B o y s ’ je a n s a n d d u n g a r e e s ......................................................................................

2 3 2 5 -2 3

1 2 /9 2

9 9 .8

9 9 .5

9 9 .5



2 3 2 5 -9

1 2 /8 1

1 4 0 .4

1 4 1 .0

1 4 1 .0



2 3 2 5 -9 1 1

1 2 /8 1

1 4 3 .6

1 4 5 .0

1 4 5 .0



2 3 2 5 -9 1 2

1 2 /9 2

1 0 1 .4

1 0 1 .5

1 0 1 .5



1 2 /8 1

1 4 5 .3

1 4 5 .3

1 4 5 .3



1 2 /8 1

1 31.1

1 3 1 .3

1 3 1 .8

2 .0


1 2 /8 1

1 3 3 .0


1 3 3 .5

2 .0


C o n tra c t w o rk o n m e n ’s a n d b o y s ’ d re s s a n d sp o rt tro u s e rs a n d sla c k s .
C o n tra c t w o rk o n m e n ’s a n d b o y s ’ tro u s e rs a n d s la c k s ...............................
C o n tra c t w o rk o n m e n ’s a n d b o y s ’ je a n s a n d je a n c u t c a s u a l s lacks,
in clu d in g d u n g a re e s .................................................................................................

2 3 2 5 -S M

S e c o n d a ry p ro d u c ts a n d m is c e lla n e o u s r e c e ip t s .......................................................

2 3 2 5 -S

S e c o n d a ry p ro d u c ts ...............................................................................................................
M e n ’s a n d b o y s ’ w o rk c l o t h in g ...... ......................... ....................................................................
P rim ary p r o d u c t s ................................................................ ............................. ...........................

2 3 2 6 -P

Seefootnotes at end of table.


Table 5. Producer price indexes for the net output of selected industries and their products, not seasonally adjusted
P e rc e n t c h a n g e

In d e x
In d u stry a n d p ro d u c t1

In d u stry

P ro d u c t

In d e x



b ase

to S e p . 1 9 9 5 fro m —
M ay

A u g.





Sep. 1994

Aug. 199 5

M e n ’s a n d b o y s ’ w o rk c lo th in g — C o n tin u e d

2 3 2 6 -1

1 2 /8 1

1 3 1 .5

1 3 1 .4

1 .6

0 .5

M e n ’s a n d b o y s ’ o th e r w o rk c l o t h i n g ...........................................................................

2 3 2 6 -2

1 2 /8 1

1 3 1 .9

1 3 2 .0

1 3 2 .4

2 .3




M e n ’s a n d b o y s ’ w o rk s h ir t s ............................................

1 3 2 .0

M e n ’s a n d b o y s ’ w o rk p a n t s .........................................................................................

2 3 2 6 -2 1 1

1 2 /8 1

1 3 5 .3

1 3 5 .3

1 3 5 .7

M e n ’s a n d b o y s ’ c o v e ra lls , o v e ra lls , a n d ju m p s u its .........................................

2 3 2 6 -2 3 1

1 2 /9 2

1 0 9 .4

1 0 9 .6

1 1 0 .3

3 .5

M e n ’s w a s h a b le s e rv ic e a p p a r e l ................................................................................

2 3 2 6 -2 5 1

1 2 /8 1

1 2 2 .5

1 2 2 .5

1 2 2 .5



M e n ’s a n d b o y s ’ o th e r w o rk clo th in g , including j a c k e t s .................................

2 3 2 6 -2 8 1

1 2 /8 1


122 .1

12 2 .1

1 .6


2 3 2 6 -9

C o n tra c t a n d c o m m is s io n w o rk o n m e n ’s a n d b o y s ’ w o rk c lo t h in g .............

1 2 /8 1

1 3 0 .5

13 1 .1

13 1 .1



2 3 2 6 -S

1 2 /8 1

1 2 3 .2

1 2 3 .8

1 2 4 .3



1 2 /8 3

1 2 2 .2

1 2 2 .9

12 3 .1



2 3 2 9 -P

1 2 /8 3

1 2 3 .5

1 2 4 .6

1 2 4 .3



C o n tra c t a n d c o m m is s io n w o rk o n m e n ’s a n d b o y s ’ w o rk c lo t h in g ........

2 3 2 6 -9 1 1

S e c o n d a ry p ro d u c ts a n d m is c e lla n e o u s r e c e ip t s .......................................................

2 3 2 6 -S M

S e c o n d a ry p r o d u c t s ................................... ...........................................................................
M e n ’s a n d b o y s ' clo th in g , n .e .c ......................................................................................................


P rim a ry p r o d u c t s ...........................................................................................................................
M e n ’s a n d b o y s ’ n o n ta ilo re d h e a v y ja c k e ts a n d c o a ts , in cluding u niform ,

2 3 2 9 -1

1 2 /8 3

1 1 8 .3

12 0 .1

1 1 9 .5

-1 .6


2 3 2 9 -1 2 1

1 2 /8 3

1 2 1 .4

1 2 3 .4

1 2 2 .8

-1 .7


2 3 2 9 -1 2 1 0 1

1 2 /8 3

1 1 8 .3

1 1 8 .3

1 1 8 .3



C h ie fly w o o l ........................................................................................................................

2 3 2 9 -1 2 1 0 2

1 2 /8 9

1 1 7 .8

O th e r f a b r i c s ......................................................................................................................

2 3 2 9 -1 2 1 0 3

1 2 /8 3

1 1 9 .3

1 2 2 .6

1 2 1 .6

- 5 .1


2 3 2 9 -2

1 2 /8 3

1 2 6 .7

1 2 7 .4

1 2 7 .3

1 .4

- .1

2 3 2 9 -2 2

1 2 /8 3

1 2 4 .8

1 2 4 .8

1 2 4 .8

1 .4


2 3 2 9 -2 2 3

1 2 /8 3

1 3 3 .9

1 3 3 .9

1 3 3 .9



M e n ’s a n d b o y s ’ a th le tic u n ifo rm s so ld a s s u c h ......................... ......................

2 3 2 9 -2 3

M e n ’s a n d b o y s ’ o u te rw e a r, n .e .c ........................... ...................................................

e x c lu d in g ski j a c k e t s .....................................................................................................
M e n ’s h e a v y n o n ta ilo re d ja c k e ts a n d c o a ts , includin g u n if o r m ..................
C h ie fly c o t t o n ................................................................ ....................................................

M e n ’s a n d b o y s ’ s w im w e a r, s w e a te rs , a n d o u te rw e a r n .e .c .............................
S w im w e a r a n d a th le tic s h o r t s ......................................................................................
M e n ’s a n d b o y s ’ a th le tic s h o r t s .............................................................................

1 2 /8 9

1 1 0 .3

1 1 1 .1

11 1 .1



2 3 2 9 -2 5

1 2 /8 3

12 8 .1

1 2 9 .3

1 2 9 .0

2 .0


M e n ’s lig h t n o n ta ilo re d ja c k e ts , e x c lu d in g u n if o r m .......................................

2 3 2 9 -2 5 5

1 2 /8 3

1 2 7 .7

1 2 8 .6

1 2 8 .6

2 .5


O th e r m e n ’s a n d b o y s ’ o u te rw e a r, n .e .c .............. ...............................................

2 3 2 9 -2 5 9

1 2 /8 3

1 3 4 .0

1 3 5 .8

1 3 4 .8


- .7

-1 .9

2 3 2 9 -S M

S e c o n d a ry p ro d u c ts a n d m is c e lla n e o u s re c e ip ts .......................................................
M is c e lla n e o u s re c e ip ts ..................................................................................... ...................
C o n tra c t w o r k .......................................................................................................................
S e c o n d a ry p r o d u c t s ......................... .....................................................................................
W o m e n ’s, m is s e s ’, a n d ju n io rs ’ o u t e r w e a r ..............................................................................


W o m e n ’s, m is s e s ’, & ju n io rs ’ b lo u s e s & s h ir t s ............... ......... .............. ............................

23 3 1

2 3 2 9 -M

1 2 /8 3

1 1 8 .3

11 8 .1

118 .1

2 3 2 3 -Y 9 3

1 2 /8 3

1 1 6 .8

1 1 6 .5

1 1 6 .5



2 3 2 9 -S

1 2 /8 3

1 2 6 .0

1 2 6 .4

1 2 8 .8

3 .3

1 .9


1 2 /8 4

1 1 6 .4

11 6 .1

1 1 6 .2



1 3 3 .7

1 3 3 .7

1 3 0 .4

-2 .6

-2 .5

P rim a ry p r o d u c t s ........................................................................................ .................................

2 3 3 1 -P

0 6 /8 3

1 3 5 .4

1 3 5 .4

1 3 1 .6

-2 .1

- 2 .8

W o m e n ’s, m is s e s ’, & ju n io rs’ b lo u s e s & shirts, e x clu d in g c o n tra c t w o rk ..

2 3 3 1 -A

0 6 /8 6

1 2 0 .8

1 2 0 .8

1 1 6 .7

-2 .6

-3 .4

K nit shirts a n d b lo u s e s m a d e fro m p u rc h a s e d f a b r i c ......................................

2 3 3 1 -3

0 6 /9 3

1 0 5 .5

1 0 5 .5

1 0 2 .6

- .6

- 2 .7

2 3 3 1 -3 2 1

0 6 /9 3

9 9 .6

9 9 .6

1 0 0 .4


T -s h irts a n d ta n k to p s .................................................................................................
A ll o t h e r .......................... .....................................................................................................
W o v e n sh irts a n d b lo u s e s .......................... ........................................... .......................
C o n tr a c t w o rk o n w o m e n ’s, m is s e s ’, a n d ju n io rs ’ b lo u s e s & s h ir t s .............

0 6 /8 3

0 6 /9 3

1 0 0 .0

1 0 0 .0

9 4 .2

- 5 .8

-5 .8

0 6 /8 3

1 6 3 .8

1 6 3 .8

1 5 7 .7

- 3 .5

-3 .7

2 3 3 1 -9

0 6 /8 3

1 1 2 .2

1 1 2 .2

1 1 2 .2



0 6 /8 3

1 1 5 .5

1 1 5 .5

114 .1

-5 .7

-1 .2

1 2 /8 0

1 2 5 .3

1 2 3 .4

1 2 5 .6



1 2 7 .2
1 1 3 .7


1 .8


2 .4

1 3 3 .5



C o n tra c t w o rk o n w o m e n ’s, m is s e s ’, a n d ju n io rs ’ b lo u s e s & s h i r t s ........

2 3 3 1 -9 1 1

S e c o n d a ry p ro d u c ts a n d m is c e lla n e o u s r e c e ip t s .......................................................

2 3 3 1 -S M
2 3 3 1 -S

S e c o n d a ry p r o d u c t s .......... ....................................................................................................
W o m e n ’s, m is s e s ’, a n d ju n io rs’ d r e s s e s ................................... ...............................................


2 3 3 1 -3 5 1
2 3 3 1 -4


P rim ary p ro d u c ts .......................................................................................... ................................

2 3 3 5 -P

1 2 /8 0

1 2 6 .9

D re s s e s m a d e fro m p u rc h a s e d fa b ric ..........................................................................

2 3 3 5 -3

0 6 /8 6

1 1 3 .4

1 2 4 .9
1 1 1 .0

C o n tra c t w o rk o n w o m e n ’s a n d m is s e s ’ d re s s e s ..................................................

2 3 3 5 -9

1 2 /8 0

1 3 3 .4

1 3 3 .5

1 2 /8 0

1 2 4 .5

1 2 4 .5

1 2 4 .5



1 2 /8 2

1 1 3 .4

1 1 4 .9

1 1 4 .9



2 3 3 5 -S M

S e c o n d a ry p ro d u c ts a n d m is c e lla n e o u s re c e ip ts .......................................................

2 3 3 5 -S

S e c o n d a ry p r o d u c t s ...............................................................................................................
W o m e n ’s, m is s e s ’, a n d ju n io rs ’ suits a n d c o a t s ..................................................................


P rim ary p r o d u c t s .................................................................. ................................... ...................

2 3 3 7 -P

1 2 /8 2

1 1 4 .6

1 1 5 .2

1 1 5 .2

-1 .9

C o a ts , suits, a n d skirts, e x clu d in g c o n tra c t w o r k ...................................................

2 3 3 7 -A

0 6 /8 6

1 1 0 .4

1 1 1 .0

1 1 1 .0

- 2 .4

C o a ts a n d c a p e s ............................................................. .............................. ....................

2 3 3 7 -1

0 6 /9 3



9 6 .9

- 3 .3


2 3 3 7 -1 1 1

0 6 /9 3

1 0 1 .6

-3 .3

0 6 /9 3

1 0 1 .1

9 6 .9

2 3 3 7 -2

1 0 1 .5


- .1

2 3 3 7 -2 2 2

0 6 /9 3


C o a ts a n d c a p e s , e x c e p t d o w n o r fe a th e r-fille d , fur, all le a th e r
a n d rain ................................................... ...................................... ............................
S u its a n d p a n t s u it s ............................................................................................................

1 0 1 .5

- .8


2 3 3 7 -4

1 2 /8 2

1 0 7 .8

1 0 8 .9

1 0 8 .9

-2 .3


S kirts , in clu d in g u n if o r m ..............................................................................................

2 3 3 7 -4 1 1

1 2 /8 2

1 0 3 .5

1 0 5 .6

1 0 5 .6

-2 .7


S e p a r a te ta ilo re d suit ty p e j a c k e t s .......................................................................

2 3 3 7 -4 1 7

1 2 /8 2

1 1 6 .8

1 1 5 .3

1 1 5 .3

-2 .0


2 3 3 7 -4 1 8

0 8 /9 3

9 9 .3

2 3 3 7 -9

1 2 /8 2

1 2 3 .5

1 2 3 .8

1 2 3 .8


2 3 3 7 -S

1 2 /8 2

1 1 7 .5

1 2 1 .0

1 2 1 .0

1 .6

0 6 /8 3

1 0 6 .9

1 0 6 .4

1 0 6 .8



P rim a ry p r o d u c t s ..........................................................................................................................

2 3 3 9 -P

0 6 /8 3

1 0 8 .4

1 0 7 .8

1 0 8 .2



N o n -c o m m is s io n w o m e n ’s, m is s e s ’, a n d ju n io rs ’ o u te rw e a r, n .e .c ................

2 3 3 9 -A

0 6 /8 6

1 0 7 .8

1 0 7 .4

1 0 7 .5



W a s h a b le s e rv ic e a p p a r e l ..............................................................................................

2 3 3 9 -2

0 6 /8 6

1 1 7 .8

1 1 8 .9

1 1 8 .9

1 .2


2 3 3 9 -2 1 5

0 6 /9 3

9 9 .9

1 0 0 .8

1 0 0 .8

1 .2




S u its a n d p a n t s u its ................ ........................................................................................
J a c k e ts , v e s ts a n d s k i r t s ................................................................................................


1 0 1 .6

N o n ta iio re d o u te r ja c k e ts , e x c lu d in g ski, b u t in cluding p a d d e d
ja c k e t v e s t s ............................................................................ ..................................
C o n tra c t w o rk o n w o m e n ’s, m is s e s ’ a n d ju n io rs ’ suits a n d c o a ts ..... .........
S e c o n d a ry p ro d u c ts a n d m is c e lla n e o u s r e c e ip t s .......................................................
S e c o n d a r y p r o d u c t s ..............................................................................................................
W o m e n ’s, m is s e s ’, a n d ju n io rs ’ o u te rw e a r, n .e .c ..................................................................

W a s h a b le s e rv ic e a p p a r e l ..........................................................................................
B a th in g s u i t s ........................................................................... ..............................................
S l a c k s ........................................................................................................................................


2 3 3 7 -S M



2 3 3 9 -4
2 3 3 9 -5

0 6 /8 3

9 5 .0

9 4 .2

9 4 .3


2 3 3 9 -5 1 1

0 6 /9 3

1 0 1 .0

9 9 .8

9 9 .8



J e a n s a n d d u n g a r e e s ..................................................................................................

2 3 3 9 -5 1 2

0 6 /9 3

9 3 .4

9 3 .4

9 3 .4



S la c k s , e x c e p t d u n g a re e s a n d j e a n s .....................

Seefootnotes at endof table.


Table 5. Producer price indexes for the net output of selected industries and their products, not seasonally adjusted
In d e x
In d u stry a n d p ro d u c t1

In d u stry

P ro d u ct

In d e x


cod e


P e rc e n t c h a n g e
to S e p . 1 9 9 5 fro m —

M ay






Sep. 1994

Aug. 199 5

W o m e n ’s, m is s e s ’, a n d ju n io rs ’ o u te rw e a r, n .e .c .— C o n tin u e d
O th e r o u te rw e a r, n .e .c .......................................................................................................

2 3 3 9 -7

0 6 /8 3

1 1 2 .6

1 1 2 .6

1 1 2 .7



2 3 3 9 -7 6 1

0 6 /9 3

9 7 .9

9 7 .9

9 7 .9



2 3 3 9 -9

0 6 /8 3

1 2 1 .9

1 2 0 .0

1 2 1 .8


1 .5

0 6 /8 3


1 0 2 .0

10 2 .1




P la y g a rm e n ts , including sh o rts, p e d a l p u sh ers, B e rm u d a s , a n d
J a m a i c a s .................................................................................. .................................
C o n tra c t a n d c o m m is s io n w o rk o n w o m e n ’s, m is s e s ’, a n d ju n io rs ’
o u te rw e a r, n .e .c ........................................................... ....................................................

2 3 3 9 -S M

S e c o n d a ry p ro d u c ts a n d m is c e lla n e o u s r e c e ip t s .......................................................
M is c e lla n e o u s r e c e i p t s ........... .................................................. ..........................................

2 3 3 9 -M

S e c o n d a ry p r o d u c t s ..............................................................................................................

2 3 3 9 -S

W o m e n ’s, m is s e s ’ , c h ild re n ’s, a n d in fa n ts ’ u n d e r g a r m e n ts ............... ...........................


1 2 /8 4

1 1 8 .5

1 1 8 .7

1 1 8 .9


W o m e n ’s a n d c h ild re n ’s u n d e rw e a r a n d n ig h t w e a r ..........................................................


0 6 /8 2

1 2 0 .8

1 2 1 .2

1 2 1 .2



0 6 /8 2

1 2 3 .5

1 2 4 .0

1 2 4 .0



2 3 4 1 -P

P rim a ry p r o d u c t s ..........................................................................................................................
W o m e n ’s a n d c h ild re n ’s u n d e rw e a r a n d n ig h tw e a r, exc lu d in g c o n tra c t
w o rk .................................... .................... ............................................................................

2 3 4 1 -A

1 2 /8 7

1 1 2 .0

1 1 2 .5

1 1 2 .5



U n d e rw e a r ..............................................................................................................................

2 3 4 1 -2

0 6 /8 2

1 3 6 .2

1 3 6 .9

1 3 6 .9

4 .7 "


5 .3

W o m e n ’s u n d e r w e a r ............................... .....................................................................
S lip s, h a lf slips, a n d p e t t ic o a t s ............................................. ..........................
C h ie fly s y n th e tic f ib e r s ...................................................................................

2 3 4 1 -2 1

0 6 /8 2

1 3 3 .4

1 3 4 .3

1 3 4 .3

2 3 4 1 -2 1 1

0 6 /8 2


1 3 5 .6

1 3 5 .6



2 3 4 1 -2 1 1 3

0 6 /8 2

1 3 4 .5

1 3 4 .5




2 .2


1 31.1

1 .8


P a n t i e s .............................................................................................................................

2 3 4 1 -2 1 3

0 6 /8 2

1 3 5 .7

O th e r w o m e n ’s u n d e r w e a r ...................................................................................

2 3 4 1 -2 1 4

0 6 /8 2

1 31.1



2 3 4 1 -2 2

0 6 /8 2

1 4 7 .9

1 4 7 .9

1 4 7 .9

2 .0


P a n t i e s .............................................................................................................................

2 3 4 1 -2 2 3

0 6 /8 2

1 3 3 .8

0 6 /8 2

1 6 7 .8

1 6 7 .8



2 3 4 1 -2 2 5

1 6 7 .8

1 3 3 .8

O th e r g irls’, c h ild re n ’s a n d in fa n ts ’ u n d e r w e a r ..........................................

2 3 4 1 -3

0 6 /8 2

1 1 2 .9

1 1 3 .4

1 1 3 .4

-2 .5


2 3 4 1 -3 1

0 6 /8 2

1 1 1 .4

1 12.1


-2 .5


2 3 4 1 -3 1 5

0 6 /8 2

1 0 5 .3

1 06.1


-3 .6

2 3 4 1 -3 1 5 3

0 6 /8 2

1 0 8 .6

1 0 9 .6

1 0 9 .6

-3 .5

2 3 4 1 -3 1 6

0 6 /8 2

1 2 8 .7





2 3 4 1 -3 1 6 3

0 6 /8 2

1 3 0 .4

0 6 /8 2

1 2 9 .5

1 2 9 .7

1 2 9 .7



2 3 4 1 -3 1 7
2 3 4 1 -3 2

0 6 /8 2

1 2 2 .5

1 2 2 .5

1 2 2 .5


N ig h t g o w n s ...................................................................................................................

2 3 4 1 -3 2 5

0 6 /8 2

1 4 3 .0

P a j a m a s .................................................... .....................................................................

2 3 4 1 -3 2 6

0 6 /8 2

116 .1

1 4 3 .0




2 3 4 1 -9

0 6 /8 2

1 2 8 .4

1 2 8 .4

1 2 8 .4



G irls ’, c h ild re n 's a n d in fa n ts ’ u n d e r w e a r ......... ..................................................

3 N ig h t w e a r ..................................................................................................... ..........................
W o m e n ’s n ig h t w e a r ....................................................................... ...............................
N ig h tg o w n s ......................................... ..........................................................................
C h ie fly s y n th e tic f ib e r s ........................................... .......................................
P a j a m a s ............................................................................. ............. ...............................
C h ie fly s y n th e tic f ib e r s ...................................................................................
O th e r w o m e n ’s n ig h tw e a r ......................................................................................
G irls ’, c h ild re n ’s a n d in fa n ts ’ n ig h t w e a r ............................................................

C o n tra c t w o rk on w o m e n ’s a n d c h ild re n ’s u n d e rw e a r a n d n ig h t w e a r ........

2 3 4 1 -S

......................................... ............................

B ra s s ie re s a n d a llie d g a r m e n t s ....................................................................................................




2 3 4 1 -S M

S e c o n d a ry p ro d u c ts a n d m is c e lla n e o u s r e c e ip t s .......................................................
S e c o n d a ry p r o d u c t s ...................................



0 6 /8 2

9 5 .8

9 5 .8

9 5 .8



0 6 /8 2

1 3 8 .5

1 3 8 .0

1 3 8 .7



P rim a ry p r o d u c t s ............................... ..........................................................................................

2 3 4 2 -P

0 6 /8 2

1 4 0 .1

1 3 9 .9

1 4 0 .2


B ra s s ie re s a n d a llie d g a rm e n ts , exclu d in g c o n tra c t w o rk .................................

2 3 4 2 -A

1 2 /8 7

1 1 5 .5

1 1 5 .3

1 1 5 .6

- .2


B r a s s ie r e s ...............................................................................................................................

2 3 4 2 -1

0 6 /8 2

1 3 4 .7

1 3 4 .5

1 3 4 .8

-1 .4


2 3 4 2 -1 4

0 6 /8 2

1 3 4 .6

1 3 4 .7

1 3 4 .7

-1 .5


R e g u la r s t r a p ................................................................................................................

2 3 4 2 -1 4 1

0 6 /8 2

1 2 9 .2

1 2 9 .2

1 2 9 .2



C o n to u r lin ed o r p a d d e d s t r a p ............................................................................

2 3 4 2 -1 4 2

0 6 /8 2

1 4 4 .7

S tra p le s s , c o n v e rtib le o r o th e r b a n d e a u b r a s .............................................

2 3 4 2 -1 4 3

0 6 /8 2

1 5 4 .2

1 5 4 .2

1 5 4 .2

-4 .3

2 3 4 2 -1 5

0 6 /8 2

13 7 .1

1 2 9 .2

1 4 0 .4

3 .5



B a n d e a u .............................................................................................................................

O th e r b ra s, in clu ding long lin e ............................... ................... ............................

8 .7

2 3 4 2 -2

0 6 /8 2

1 57.1

15 7 .1

2 .8

2 3 4 2 -2 1 1

1 2 /8 7

1 1 9 .8

1 1 9 .8

1 1 9 .8

2 .8

........... ..............................

2 3 4 2 -2 4 1

0 6 /8 2

1 3 6 .6



S e c o n d a ry p ro d u cts a n d m is c e lla n e o u s r e c e ip t s .......................................................

2 3 4 2 -S M
0 6 /8 2

1 2 8 .2


1 2 8 .6

2 .7

2 .0

0 6 /8 5

1 2 9 .9

1 3 1 .5

1 3 1 .4


- .1

G ird le s , c o rs e ts , c o m b in a tio n s a n d a c c e s s o rie s ................................................
G ird le s , w ith o r w ith o u t o p e n in g s ...........................................................................
C o rs e ts , c o m b in a tio n s , a n d a c c e s s o r ie s ...........

2 3 4 2 -S

S e c o n d a ry p r o d u c t s ...............................................................................................................
H a ts , c a p s , a n d m illin e r y ..................... ............................................





1 1 2 .5

1 1 3 .8

1 1 3 .8


P rim ary p r o d u c t s ............................................................................................. ............................

2 3 5 3 -P

1 2 /9 0

1 1 2 .8

1 1 4 .2

1 1 4 .2



M illin e r y .........................................................................................................................................

2 3 5 3 -1

1 2 /9 0

1 0 5 .9

1 0 5 .9

1 0 5 .9



2 3 5 3 -1 1 2

0 6 /8 5

1 11.1

1 11.1

11 1 .1



2 3 5 3 -1 9 3

H a ts , c a p s , a n d m illin e r y ..................................................................................................................


F u r fe lt a n d w o o l f e l t .........................................................................................................

1 2 /9 0


All o th e r m illinery inc. flo w e re d m illinery, straw , w h im s e y s ,
m in iatu res, e tc ...............................................................................................................
H a ts a n d h a t b o d ie s , e x c e p t clo th a n d m illin e r y ....................................................
F in is h e d s tra w h a ts e x c e p t h a rv e s t h a t s .......................................... .....................

0 6 /8 5

1 2 1 .0

2 3 5 3 -2

1 2 /9 0

1 1 5 .5

1 1 6 .3

1 1 6 .3



2 3 5 3 -2 1 5

0 6 /8 5

1 1 4 .8

1 1 5 .0

1 2 1 .0
1 1 5 .0

-7 .1



2 3 5 3 -2 4 1



0 6 /8 5



15 1 .1

2 3 5 3 -3

1 2 /9 0

11 4 .1

1 16.1

11 6 .1

1 .6



2 3 5 3 -3 1 2

0 6 /8 5

1 5 3 .0

1 5 9 .4

1 5 9 .4



W o v e n clo th c a p s , e x c e p t u n if o r m ............................................... ............................

2 3 5 3 -3 1 5

0 6 /8 5

1 2 7 .7

1 29.1

1 29.1



W o v e n u n ifo rm h a ts a n d c a p s .....................................................................................

2 3 5 3 -3 1 7

0 6 /8 5

1 2 8 .2

1 3 1 .5

1 3 1 .5



1 2 /9 0

W o o l fe lt fin ish ed h a t s .....................................................................................................
W o v e n clo th h a ts a n d c a p s ...............................................................................................
W o v e n clo th h ats, e x c e p t u n ifo r m ...........................................


A ll o th e r h a ts a n d c a p s , including th o s e m a d e fro m p u rc h a s e d knit
1 0 9 .3


1 1 0 .0

- .3


2 3 5 3 -S M

1 2 /9 0

1 0 6 .3

1 0 6 .5

1 0 6 .3



M is c e lla n e o u s r e c e i p t s .........................................................................................................

2 3 5 3 -M

1 2 /9 0

1 0 0 .5

1 0 0 .5

1 0 0 .5



S e c o n d a r y p r o d u c t s ...............................................................................................................

2 3 5 3 -S

1 2 /9 0

1 1 5 .5

1 1 6 .0

1 1 5 .6



2 3 5 3 -4 9 8

fa b ric a n d h a rv e s t h a t s ...........................................................................................
S e c o n d a ry p ro d u c ts a n d m is c e lla n e o u s r e c e ip t s ......................... .............................

G irls ', c h ild re n ’s, a n d in fa n ts ’ o u t e r w e a r ..................................................................................


1 2 /8 4

1 1 8 .3

1 1 8 .9

1 1 9 .0

3 .6


G irls ’, c h ild re n ’s, a n d in fa n ts ’ d re s s e s , b lo u s e s , a n d s h ir t s ..........................................


1 2 /8 4

1 2 4 .5

1 2 6 .0

1 2 6 .3

8 .7


1 2 /8 4

1 2 2 .9

1 2 4 .4

1 2 5 .0

6 .3


P rim a ry p r o d u c t s ..........................................................................................................................

2 3 6 1 -P

See footnotesat endof table.


Table 5. Producer price indexes for the net output of selected industries and their products, not seasonally adjusted
In d e x
In d u stry a n d p ro d u c t1

In d u stry

P ro d u c t

In d e x

cod e



P e rc e n t c h a n g e
to S e p . 1 9 9 5 fro m —

M ay






Sep. 1994

A ug. 1 9 9 5

G irls ’, c h ild re n ’s, a n d in fa n ts ’ d re s s e s , b lo u s e s , a n d shirts— C o n tin u e d
1 2 /8 4

1 3 1 .5

1 3 3 .3

1 3 4 .7

1 2 .8


2 3 6 1 -1 2

1 2 /8 4

1 3 6 .4

1 3 9 .0

1 3 9 .2

1 7 .2


G irls ’ d r e s s e s ....................................................................................................................

2 3 6 1 -1 2 1

2 3 6 1 -1

1 2 /8 4

1 2 0 .7

132 .1

132 .1

9 .4


C h ild re n ’s d r e s s e s ..........................................................................................................

2 3 6 1 -1 2 3

1 2 /8 4

1 4 2 .0

1 4 0 .7

141 .1

2 2 .9


D r e s s e s , b lo u s e s , & shirts, e x c e p t kn it s p o rt sh irts & s w e a ts h ir ts ...............
D r e s s e s .....................................................................................................................................

A ll o r c h ie fly m a n m a d e fib e r f a b r i c ............................... ..................................
In fa n ts ’ d r e s s e s .......................:....... ...............................................................................
K nit sp o rt shirts & s w e a ts h ir ts ..........................................................................................
K nit s p o rt s h ir t s .......... ..........................................................................................................
G irls ’ kn it s p o rt s h ir t s ....................................................................................................
C o n tra c t w o rk o n d re s s e s , b lo u s e s & s h ir t s .............................................................

2 3 6 1 -1 2 3 3 5

1 2 /8 4

1 5 3 .8

1 5 2 .3

1 5 2 .3

3 0 .2


2 3 6 1 -1 2 5

1 2 /8 4

1 3 1 .8

1 3 1 .8

1 3 1 .8

1 5 .5


2 3 6 1 -2

1 2 /8 4

1 0 7 .8






107 .1

2 3 6 1 -2 1

1 2 /8 4

1 0 7 .7


1 0 7 .0

2 3 6 1 -2 1 3

1 2 /8 4





2 3 6 1 -9

1 2 /8 4

1 1 7 .2





1 2 /8 4

1 4 3 .2

1 4 4 .3

1 4 3 .7

2 7 .4


2 3 6 1 -S M

S e c o n d a ry p ro d u c ts a n d m is c e lla n e o u s r e c e ip t s .......................................................

2 3 6 1 -S

S e c o n d a ry p r o d u c t s .................................................. .............................................................

1 2 /8 4

1 1 1 .4

1 1 1 .4

1 1 1 .4

- 1 .1

P rim a ry p r o d u c t s ..........................................................................................................................

2 3 6 9 -P

1 2 /8 4

1 1 1 .9

1 1 2 .0

1 1 2 .0

- 1 .3

C o a ts , s n o w su its, c o a t-a n d -le g g in g s e ts , suits, v e s ts , & ja c k e t s ...................

2 3 6 9 -2

1 2 /8 4

1 3 5 .0





C o a t s ..........................................................................................................................................
O u te r w e a r , n .e .c ., e x c e p t c o n tra c t w o r k .................................................................

2 3 6 9 -2 1

1 2 /8 4

1 5 1 .9

1 2 /8 4

1 1 0 .3

1 1 0 .2

-1 .4


2 3 6 9 -3

1 1 0 .2

P la y g a r m e n t s ...................................................................... .................................................

2 3 6 9 -3 4

1 2 /8 4

1 1 0 .9

1 1 0 .8

1 1 0 .8

-1 .9

G irls ’, c h ild re n ’s, & in fa n ts ’ o u te rw e a r, n .e .c ...........................................................................




C h ild re n ’s a n d in fa n ts ’ p la y g a rm e n ts , e x c e p t in fa n ts ’ c re e p e rs a n d
2 3 6 9 -3 4 5

1 2 /8 4

9 9 .0

9 8 .8

9 8 .8


J e a n s , d u n g a re e s , a n d s h o r t s ..............................................................................

2 3 6 9 -3 4 5 2

0 2 /8 5

2 3 6 9 -3 4 5 3

0 2 /8 5

1 0 9 .5

1 0 9 .5



All o th e r p la y g a rm e n ts , e x c e p t in fa n ts ’ c re e p e rs a n d r o m p e r s .......

1 1 0 .5

2 3 6 9 -3 4 6

1 2 /8 4

1 2 9 .8



1 2 /8 4

1 0 3 .1


2 3 6 9 -9

r o m p e r s .......................................................................................................................

In fa n ts ’ c re e p e rs a n d r o m p e r s ................................................................................
C o n tra c t w o rk o n c h ild re n ’s o u te rw e a r, n .e .c ............................................................



2 3 6 9 -S M

S e c o n d a ry p ro d u c ts a n d m is c e lla n e o u s r e c e ip t s .......................................................

2 3 6 9 -S

1 2 /8 4

1 0 7 .8

1 0 7 .9

1 0 7 .9


G irls ’, c h ild re n ’s, a n d in fa n ts ’ d re s s e s , b lo u s e s , & s h ir t s ..............................

2 3 6 1 -S

1 2 /8 4

1 0 9 .2

1 0 9 .2

1 0 9 .2

2 .2


O th e r s e c o n d a ry p r o d u c t s ....................................... ......................................................

2 3 6 9 -S S S

1 2 /8 4

1 0 6 .3

1 0 6 .5

1 0 6 .5



S e c o n d a ry p r o d u c t s ...............................................................................................................


F u r g o o d s ..................................................................................................................................................


1 2 /8 3

1 0 3 .7

1 0 3 .7

10 5 .1

-3 .0

1 .4

F u r g o o d s .................... .............................................................................................................................


1 2 /8 3

.1 0 3 .7

1 0 3 .7

10 5 .1

-3 .0

1 .4

P rim a ry p r o d u c t s ................................................... ......................................................................

2 3 7 1 -P

1 2 /8 3

F u r p r o d u c ts ............................... *..............................................................................................

2 3 7 1 -1

1 0 5 .3

1 0 5 .3

1 0 6 .8

-3 .0

1 .4

1 2 /8 3

1 0 5 .3

1 0 5 .3

1 0 6 .8

- 3 .0

1 .4

M i n k ............................................................................................................................................

2 3 7 1 -1 1 1

1 2 /8 3

1 0 7 .6

1 0 7 .6

1 0 9 .6


1 .9

F o x .............................................................................................................................................

2 3 7 1 -1 1 3

0 6 /9 0

1 0 4 .3

1 0 4 .3

1 0 4 .3

-3 .0


B e a v e r , R a b b it, a n d O th e r F u r s ..................................................................................

2 3 7 1 -1 1 5

1 2 /8 3

1 0 1 .6

1 0 1 .6

1 0 1 .6

- 1 2 .9


M is c e lla n e o u s a p p a re l a n d a c c e s s o r ie s ..................................................................................


0 6 /8 5

1 2 2 .9

1 2 3 .0

1 2 3 .8


F a b ric d re s s a n d w o rk g l o v e s ........................................................................................................


0 6 /8 5

1 2 7 .6

1 2 7 .7

1 2 8 .8

6 .0


0 6 /8 5

1 2 4 .7

1 2 4 .8

126 .1

6 .3

1 .0

P rim a ry p r o d u c t s ....................................................................... ..................................................

2 3 8 1 -P

W o rk g lo v e s a n d m itte n s ....................................................................................................

2 3 8 1 -2

0 6 /8 5

1 2 5 .8

1 2 5 .9

1 2 7 .3

6 .3

2 3 8 1 -2 1 1

0 6 /8 5

1 2 7 .8

1 2 8 .0

1 2 9 .6

7 .2


2 3 8 1 -2 1 1 2 2

0 6 /8 5

12 4 .1

1 2 4 .2

1 2 9 .1

9 .0

3 .9

D o u b le c a n to n fla n n e l .................................................................................................

2 3 8 1 -2 1 1 2 4

0 6 /8 5

1 1 7 .3

1 1 7 .3

1 1 7 .3

5 .3


F le e c e d c o tto n j e r s e y ..................................................................................................
C irc u la r knit c o t t o n .........................................................................................................

2 3 8 1 -2 1 1 3 2
2 3 8 1 -2 1 1 3 4
2 3 8 1 -2 1 1 3 8

0 6 /8 5
0 6 /8 5

1 3 4 .6
1 4 6 .7

1 3 6 .0
1 4 6 .4

1 3 6 .0
1 4 6 .4

6 .2


0 6 /8 5
0 6 /8 5

1 1 9 .3
1 2 4 .5

1 1 9 .3
1 2 4 .5

1 1 9 .3
1 3 4 .7

1 .0



8 .2

0 6 /8 5

1 1 6 .6

1 1 6 .6

1 1 6 .6

2 .2


0 6 /8 5
0 6 /8 5

1 3 5 .9

1 3 5 .9

1 3 5 .9

5 .3


2 3 8 1 -Z 8 9

1 3 5 .9

1 3 5 .9

1 3 5 .9

5 .3


2 3 8 1 -S

0 6 /8 5

1 4 5 .3

1 4 5 .8

1 4 5 .8

1 .5


All f a b r i c ............... ..................................................................................................................
S in g le c a n to n f l a n n e l ....................................................................................................

O th e r f a b r i c .......................................................................................................................

2 3 8 1 -2 1 1 4 7
2 3 8 1 -2 5 1

L e a th e r o r p la stic a n d fa b ric c o m b in a tio n s ..........................................................

2 3 8 1 -S M
2 3 8 1 -M

S e c o n d a r y p ro d u c ts a n d m is c e lla n e o u s r e c e ip t s .......................................................
M is c e lla n e o u s r e c e i p t s .........................................................................................................
R e s a l e s ....................................................................................................................... ............
S e c o n d a r y p r o d u c t s ...............................................................................................................
R o b e s a n d d re ss in g g o w n s, e x c e p t c h ild re n ’s .....................................................................
P rim a ry p r o d u c t s ..........................................................................................................................

0 6 /8 5

1 1 6 .4

1 1 6 .4

1 1 6 .4



2 3 8 4 -P

0 6 /8 5

1 1 7 .5

1 1 7 .5

2 3 8 4 -1

0 6 /8 5

1 1 9 .5

1 1 7 .5
1 1 9 .5




W o m e n ’s, m is s e s ’, a n d ju n io rs’ ro b e s a n d d res s in g g o w n s .............................

2 3 8 4 -2

0 6 /8 5

1 1 6 .9

1 1 9 .5
1 1 6 .9

S e c o n d a ry p r o d u c t s ............... ...............................................................................................

2 3 8 4 -S

0 6 /8 5

113 .1

1 1 3 .1

M e n ’s a n d b o y s ’ ro b e s a n d d re s s in g g o w n s ............................................................

W a te r p r o o f o u te r g a r m e n t s ......................................................... ...................................................
R a in c o a ts a n d r a in c a p e s ................................................................................................
M e n ’s a n d b o y s ’ .............................................................................................................
O th e r w a te rp ro o f g a r m e n t s .............. ............................................................................


1 1 6 .9



11 3 .1



0 6 /8 5

1 2 1 .4

1 2 1 .8

1 2 5 .6

5 .0

2 3 8 5 -P

0 6 /8 5

1 2 2 .6

1 2 3 .0

1 2 7 .7



P rim a ry p r o d u c t s ..........................................................................................................................


3 .8

2 3 8 5 -1 4 1

0 6 /8 5

1 2 0 .1

1 2 0 .6

1 2 5 .6

6 .6


2 3 8 5 -1 4 1 1 1

0 6 /8 5

1 2 4 .3

1 2 4 .8

1 3 0 .0

6 .6

4 .2

2 3 8 5 -1 9 8

0 6 /8 5

1 2 3 .6

1 2 3 .7

1 2 3 .8



2 3 8 5 -S M

S e c o n d a ry p ro d u c ts a n d m is c e lla n e o u s r e c e ip t s .......................................................

2 3 8 5 -M

0 6 /9 1

9 5 .5

9 5 .6


1 2 /8 5

1 1 9 .7

1 1 9 .7

1 1 9 .7

1 .5

2 3 8 6 -P

1 2 /8 5

1 1 8 .2

1 1 8 .2

1 1 8 .2



2 3 8 6 -1 A

1 2 /8 5

1 2 0 .9

1 2 0 .9

1 2 0 .9

1 .3


M e n ’s a n d b o y s ’ ......................................... .......................................................................

2 3 8 6 -1 0 1

1 2 /8 5

1 3 4 .8

1 3 4 .7

1 3 4 .7

4 .0


W o m e n ’s, m is s e s ’, a n d ju n io rs ’ ..................................................................................

2 3 8 6 -1 0 2

1 2 /8 5

1 0 5 .2

1 0 5 .2

1 0 5 .2

- 2 .7


1 2 /8 5

1 0 0 .4

1 0 0 .4

1 0 0 .4

- 2 .9


1 1 /8 9

1 0 9 .0

1 0 9 .0

1 0 9 .0



M is c e lla n e o u s r e c e i p t s ........................................................................................................
L e a th e r a n d s h e e p lin ed c lo t h in g ................................................................................................
P rim ary p r o d u c t s ..................... ...................................................................................................
L e a th e r c o a ts a n d j a c k e t s ..................................................................................................

A ll o th e r le a th e r a n d s h e e p lin e d c lo th in g , includ ing c h ild re n ’s ....................
A ll o th e r le a th e r a n d s h e e p lin ed clo th in g , including c h ild re n ’s .................
S e c o n d a ry p ro d u c ts a n d m is c e lla n e o u s r e c e ip t s .......................................................
S e c o n d a ry p r o d u c t s ............................................................ ..................................................



2 3 8 6 -1 B
2 3 8 6 -1 9 8
2 3 8 6 -S M
2 3 8 6 -S

Seefootnotesat endof table.



Table 5. Producer price indexes for the net output of selected industries and their products, not seasonally adjusted
P e rc e n t c h a n g e

In d e x
In d u stry
In d u stry a n d p ro d u c t1

P ro d u c t

In d e x




Apparel belts....................... ........................
Primary products.........................................
Leather belts...........................................
Women’s and children’s leather belts.......................
Women’s and children’s made for sale separately ............
Men’s and boys’ leather belts............................
Men’s and boys’made for sale separately............. ...
Belts other than leather..................................
Wo me n’s and children’s other than leather..................
Wo me n’s and children’s made for sale separately...........
Secondary products and miscellaneous receipts.................
Miscellaneous receipts.................... ..............
Contract work and other miscellaneous receipts..............
Resales ..................... ........................
Secondary products.....................................


Apparel and accessories, n.e.c....................... ...........
Primary products..... ....................................
Apparel and accessories, n.e.c.............................
Academic caps and gowns and costumes, including theatrical....
Ecclesiastical vestments, special garments for fraternal orders,
except tailored clothing................ ...... ........
Secondary products and miscellaneous receipts.................
Miscellaneous receipts................................ ,..
Secondary products...................... ...............


to S e p . 1 9 9 5 fro m —
M ay

A u g.





Sep. 1994

A u g . 19 9!

0 .4

0 6 /8 5

1 2 7 .3

1 2 7 .3

1 2 7 .8

1 .5

2 3 8 7 -P

0 6 /8 5

1 2 5 .1

1 2 5 .1

1 2 5 .7

1 .4


2 3 8 7 -1

0 6 /8 5

1 3 5 .9

1 3 5 .9

1 3 6 .8

2 .0


2 3 8 7 -1 1

0 6 /9 2

1 0 7 .0

1 0 7 .0

1 0 7 .0



2 3 8 7 -1 1 5

0 6 /8 5

1 1 3 .4

1 1 3 .4

1 1 3 .4

2 .2


2 3 8 7 -1 5

1 4 3 .9

0 6 /8 5

1 4 3 .9

1 4 5 .5

2 .8


2 3 8 7 -1 5 5

0 6 /9 2

1 0 7 .6

1 0 7 .6

1 0 8 .8

2 .8


2 3 8 7 -2

0 6 /8 5

1 0 3 .0

1 0 3 .0

1 0 3 .0



2 3 8 7 -2 1

0 6 /9 2

9 5 .8

9 5 .8

9 5 .8



2 3 8 7 -2 1 5

0 6 /8 5

1 0 6 .4

1 0 6 .4

1 0 6 .4



2 3 8 7 -M

0 6 /9 2

1 0 0 .4

1 0 0 .4

1 0 0 .4

2 .8


2 3 8 7 -X Y 9

0 6 /9 2

9 6 .6


0 6 /9 2

1 0 5 .8

1 0 5 .8

9 6 .6

2 3 8 7 -Z 8 9

1 0 5 .8

5 .8


2 3 8 7 -S

0 6 /8 5

1 3 5 .1

13 5 .1




1 2 /8 5

1 2 0 .5

1 2 0 .6

1 2 0 .7

2 3 8 9 -P

1 2 /8 5

1 1 8 .2

1 1 8 .1

1 1 8 .3

1 .5


2 3 8 9 -1

1 2 /8 5

1 1 8 .2

11 8 .1

1 1 8 .3

1 .5


2 3 8 9 -1 9 1

1 2 /8 5

1 2 4 .3

1 2 4 .5

1 2 4 .5

1 .9


2 3 8 7 -S M

1 .6



1 2 /8 5

1 0 5 .0

1 0 4 .6

10 5 .1

1 .9

2 3 8 9 -M

1 2 /8 5

1 2 7 .3

1 2 8 .7

1 2 8 .7



2 3 8 9 -S

1 2 /8 5

1 3 1 .9

1 3 1 .9

1 31.1

2 .0


2 3 8 9 -1 9 8
2 3 8 9 -S M

Miscellaneous fabricated textile products.................. .......


1 2 /8 4

1 1 9 .3

1 1 9 .9

1 20.1

1 .7


Curtains and draperies........................ ...............
Primary products....................... ..................
Curtains, except lace........................... .........
Wholly or chiefly cotton fabrics........... ................
Wholly or chiefly manmade fiber fabrics, plastics, and other
materials........................................ .
Chiefly polyester fabrics...... ....... ................
Other materials, including plastics.......................
Wholly or chiefly cotton fabrics...........................
Wholly or chiefly manmade fiber fabrics, plastics, and other
materials............ ...................... ......
Chiefly rayon and acetate fabrics........................
Nylon and other manmade fiber fabrics, excluding rayon, acetate,
and polyester...................... .............
Chiefly polyester fabrics................. ..............
Other materials, including plastics.......................
Secondary products and miscellaneous receipts.................
Miscellaneous receipts........... ...... .................
Contract work and other miscellaneous receipts..............
Secondary products ......... ............................


0 6 /8 4

1 2 9 .9

1 3 0 .2

1 3 0 .5

1 .5


2 3 9 1 -P

0 6 /8 4

1 2 8 .7

1 2 8 .9

1 2 9 .3

1 .5


2 3 9 1 -2

0 6 /8 4

1 2 4 .2

1 2 4 .5

1 2 4 .6

1 .4


2 3 9 1 -2 1 1

0 6 /8 4

1 5 2 .3

1 5 2 .3

1 5 2 .3

7 .3


2 3 9 1 -2 2 2

0 6 /8 4

1 1 7 .0

1 1 7 .4

1 1 7 .5



2 3 9 1 -2 2 2 7 3

0 6 /8 4

1 1 6 .3

1 1 6 .8

1 1 6 .9

- .6


2 3 9 1 -2 2 2 7 4

0 6 /8 9

1 0 7 .8

1 0 7 .8

1 0 7 .8

1 .4


2 3 9 1 -4

0 6 /8 4

1 3 1 .5

1 3 1 .7

1 3 2 .3

1 .5


House furnishings, n.e.c............... ........................
Primary products.........................................
Bedspreads and bedsets............... ..................
Tailored, quilted.......................................
Nontailored, except tufted ........ ........ ...............
Sheets and pillowcases...................................
Towels and washcloths..................................
Other house furnishings....................... ..........
Comforters.............. ...........................
Blankets........................................ ...
Crib size..................... .......... ... ......
All other housefurnishings, except blankets and comforters......
Shower/bath curtains, including plastic.............. .. ¿....
Mattress protectors........ .......... ...............
Fancy pillows and cushions............. ..............
F o a m .............................. .............
Other materials...................................
Mops and dusters...................................
Dry mops and dusters...... ........................
Sponge m o p s .....................................
All other house furnishings............................
Secondary products and miscellaneous receipts ..................
Miscellaneous receipts...................................
Contract work and other miscellaneous receipts..............
Resales....................... ......................
Secondary products........................ ........ ....


Textile bags............................... ..... ...........
Primary products.................................... ....


2 3 9 1 -4 1 1

0 6 /8 4

1 2 9 .5

1 3 0 .4

1 3 0 .6



2 3 9 1 -4 4 4

0 6 /8 4

1 3 2 .4

1 3 2 .4

1 3 3 .1



2 3 9 1 -4 4 4 7 1

0 6 /8 4

1 3 2 .5

1 3 2 .5

1 3 2 .8



1 2 2 .4

1 2 2 .5

3 .6


0 6 /8 9
0 6 /8 4

1 3 5 .9

1 3 5 .9

1 3 5 .9

1 .3


2 3 9 1 -4 4 4 7 4

1 2 /8 4

1 1 7 .8

1 1 7 .4

1 2 0 .5

2 .7

2 .6

2 3 9 1 -M

0 6 /8 4

1 4 2 .8

1 4 2 .8

1 4 2 .8

1 .0


2 3 9 1 -X Y 9

0 6 /8 4

1 3 0 .5

1 3 0 .5

1 3 0 .5



2 3 9 1 -S

0 6 /8 4

1 2 6 .4

1 2 9 .2

1 2 9 .2

2 .5


0 6 /8 3

1 1 6 .6

1 1 7 .4

1 1 7 .6

2 .5


2 3 9 2 -P

0 6 /8 3

1 1 4 .6

1 1 5 .6

1 1 5 .5

2 .3

- .1

2 3 9 2 -A

0 6 /8 3

1 1 4 .2

1 1 7 .2

1 1 7 .2

3 .6


2 3 9 2 -A 1 1

0 6 /8 8

1 1 1 .6

1 1 1 .6

1 1 1 .6


2 3 9 2 -A 1 4

0 6 /8 8

1 0 6 .1

1 1 2 .5

1 1 2 .5

7 .2


2 3 9 2 -2

0 6 /8 3

1 1 5 .2

1 1 6 .1

1 1 6 .0

1 .3

- .1

2 3 9 2 -3

0 6 /8 3

9 9 .3

9 9 .3

9 9 .3

1 .6


2 3 9 2 -4

0 6 /8 3

1 1 8 .6

1 1 9 .3

1 1 9 .3

2 .6


2 3 9 2 -4 2 3

0 6 /8 3

9 2 .9

9 8 .8

9 8 .3

2 .3


2 3 9 2 -4 8 2

0 6 /8 8

1 2 3 .4

1 2 3 .4

1 2 3 .4



2 3 9 2 -4 8 2 8 6

0 6 /8 8

1 1 7 .7

1 1 7 .7

1 1 7 .7



2 3 9 2 -4 C

0 6 /8 8

1 1 4 .6

1 1 4 .6

1 1 4 .6

3 .0

2 3 9 1 -S M



2 3 9 2 -4 1 9

0 6 /8 3

9 4 .8

9 4 .8

9 4 .8



2 3 9 2 -4 3 1

0 6 /8 3

1 0 8 .7

1 0 8 .7

1 0 8 .7

3 .6


2 3 9 2 -4 5 5

0 6 /8 3

1 2 2 .2

1 2 2 .3

1 2 2 .3

2 3 9 2 -4 5 5 5 7

0 6 /8 3

1 1 2 .1

1 1 2 .7

2 3 9 2 -4 5 5 5 9

0 6 /8 3

1 2 5 .5

2 3 9 2 -4 7 7

0 6 /8 3

1 4 1 .2

1 4 1 .2

1 2 5 .5





6 .9


1 4 1 .2
1 4 1 .1


2 3 9 2 -4 7 7 7 1

0 6 /8 3

1 4 1 .1

1 4 1 .1

2 .5


2 3 9 2 -4 7 7 7 5

0 6 /8 3

1 3 8 .1

13 8 .1

1 3 8 .1

9 .0


2 3 9 2 -4 9 8

0 6 /8 3

1 2 7 .9

1 2 7 .8

1 2 7 :8



2 3 9 2 -S M
2 3 9 2 -M

0 6 /8 3

1 1 8 .6

1 1 8 .5

1 1 8 .5



2 3 9 2 -X Y 9

0 6 /8 3

1 1 5 .5

1 1 5 .5

1 1 5 .5

3 .0


2 3 9 2 -Z 8 9

0 6 /8 3

1 2 2 .3

1 2 2 .1

1 2 2 .1

3 .2


2 3 9 2 -S

0 6 /8 3

1 3 4 .1

1 3 3 .2

1 3 5 .8

3 .7

2 .0

1 2 /8 5

1 2 2 .6

1 2 2 .7

1 2 2 .5

2 .2


2 3 9 3 -P

1 2 /8 5

1 2 4 .2

1 2 4 .3

12 4 .1

2 .3


See footnotes at endof table.

1 2 2 .5

2 3 9 1 -4 4 4 7 2
2 3 9 1 -4 4 4 7 3


Table 5. Producer price indexes for the net output of selected industries and their products, not seasonally adjusted
In d e x
Ind ustry

P ro d u c t

In d e x




P e rc e n t c h a n g e
to S e p . 1 9 9 5 fro m —

M ay

D >
O c
en íq

In d u stry a n d p ro d u c t1


Sep. 1994

Aug. 199 5

T e x tile b a g s — C o n tin u e d
V e g e ta b le fib e r b a g s ..............................................................................................................

2 3 9 3 -1

1 2 /8 5

1 2 4 .0

1 2 4 .3

1 2 3 .8

1 .6

-0 .4

W h o lly o r ch ie fly c o tto n fa b ric s , in clu d in g c o tto n c a n v a s a n d
2 3 9 3 -1 2 1

1 2 /8 5


1 6 7 .6

1 6 6 .7

.............................. ....................................................

2 3 9 3 -1 2 1 1 1

1 2 /9 2

1 0 7 .0

1 0 6 .8

2 3 9 3 -1 2 1 2 2

1 2 /9 2

1 1 4 .4

1 1 4 .0

1 1 3 .3


O th e r w h o lly o r c h ie fly c o tto n fa b ric b a g s ........................................................

o p e n -m e s h c o t t o n ..................................................................................... .................
D u ffe l b a g s /k n a p s a c k s ........

B u rlap fa b ric b a g s .......... ..................................................................... ..............................
O th e r te x tile b a g s ....................................................................................................................
W h o lly o r ch ie fly m a n m a d e fib e r f a b r i c s ...............................................................
S p lit p o ly e th y le n e o r p o ly p ro p y le n e strip b a g s ..............................................

4 .9
4 .9


2 3 9 3 -1 3 1

1 2 /8 5

9 9 .0

2 3 9 3 -2

1 2 /8 5

1 2 5 .3

1 2 5 .3

1 2 5 .3

2 .9

2 3 9 3 -2 4 1

1 2 /8 5

12 7 .1

1 2 7 .1

12 7 .1



2 3 9 3 -2 4 1 2 2

1 2 /9 2

1 1 6 .2

1 1 6 .2

1 1 6 .2

5 .2


2 3 9 3 -2 4 1 3 3

1 2 /9 2


10 6 .1

10 6 .1

1 .6


S p u n p a p e r ............................................................ ................................................................

2 3 9 3 -2 5 8

1 2 /9 2

1 0 1 .9

1 0 1 .9

1 0 1 .9



O th e r f a b r ic s ..........................................................................................................................

2 3 9 3 -2 7 9

1 2 /8 9

1 0 9 .4

1 0 9 .4

1 0 9 .4

3 .9


2 3 9 3 -S

1 2 /8 5

1 1 5 .2

1 1 5 .2

1 1 5 .2

1 .8


2 3 9 3 -S S S

1 2 /8 5

1 1 5 .3

1 1 5 .3

1 1 5 .3

1 .8


O th e r m a n m a d e fib e r fa b ric b a g s .......................... ...............................................

10 6 .1

2 3 9 3 -S M

S e c o n d a r y p ro d u c ts a n d m is c e lla n e o u s r e c e ip t s ......................... ................. ............
S e c o n d a r y p r o d u c t s ...............................................................................................................
O th e r s e c o n d a ry p r o d u c t s ..............................................................................................

1 2 /8 5

1 4 7 .6

1 4 9 .6

1 5 0 .9

6 .3


P rim a ry p r o d u c t s ...........................................................................................................................

2 3 9 4 -P

1 2 /8 5

1 4 9 .2

1 5 1 .4

1 5 2 .7

6 .6


A w n i n g s .........................................................................................................................................

2 3 9 4 -2

1 2 /8 5

1 7 0 .3

1 7 4 .0

1 7 4 .0

9 .0


T e n t s ...............................................................................................................................................

2 3 9 4 -3

1 2 /8 5

1 6 1 .3

1 6 1 .3

1 6 1 .3

6 .0


C a n v a s a n d re la te d p r o d u c t s ............................................................................... ..........................


O th e r t e n t s ..................................................................... .........................................................
C o m m e rc ia l a n d o th e r t e n t s .....................................................................................
T a rp a u lin s a n d o th e r c o v e r s ..............................................................................................
F itte d .........................................................................................................................................
O th e r p ro d u c ts .

1 2 /8 5

1 5 4 .6

1 5 4 .6

1 5 4 .6

3 .5

2 3 9 4 -3 6 6 3 7

1 2 /8 5

1 5 5 .6

1 5 5 .6

1 5 5 .6

3 .6


2 3 9 4 -5

1 2 /8 5

1 5 5 .3

1 5 9 .2

1 5 8 .5

8 .5



2 3 9 4 -5 5 5

1 2 /8 5

1 3 4 .4

1 4 1 .9

1 4 0 .6

5 .0


1 4 2 .9

4 .6

2 .9

2 3 9 4 -8

....................... .............................................................................................

2 3 9 4 -8 7 7

S a i l s ............................................. ..............................................................................................

1 2 /8 5

1 3 6 .6

1 3 8 .9

1 2 /8 5

1 5 0 .0

1 5 0 .0


1 2 /8 5

1 3 3 .3

1 3 3 .6

1 3 3 .6



1 3 2 .1

13 2 .1

1 .2


2 3 9 4 -S M

S e c o n d a ry p ro d u c ts a n d m is c e lla n e o u s re c e ip ts .......................................................

2 3 9 4 -S

S e c o n d a r y p r o d u c t s ...............................................................................................................
P le a tin g , stitching, a n d tu c k in g .......................................................................................................

2 3 9 4 -3 6 6




P rim a ry p r o d u c t s ....................................................... ...................................................................

2 3 9 5 -P

1 2 /8 5

1 3 2 .0

E m b ro id e rie s (e x c e p t S c h if f li)...........................................................................................

2 3 9 5 -1

1 2 /8 5

1 3 3 .8

1 3 3 .8

1 3 3 .8



2 3 9 5 -1 1 2

1 2 /8 5

1 4 1 .9

1 4 1 .9

1 4 1 .9



E m b ro id e rie s , in clu d ing e m b ro id e re d a rt n e e d le w o r k .................... .................

2 3 9 5 -9

1 2 /8 5

1 2 9 .7

1 2 9 .8

1 2 9 .8

2 .8

2 3 9 5 -9 1 1

1 2 /8 5

1 7 0 .7

1 7 0 .7

1 7 0 .7

3 .8


t r a d e ................................................................................................................................

2 3 9 5 -9 3 1

1 2 /8 5

117 .1

1 1 7 .4

1 1 7 .4



S e c o n d a r y p ro d u c ts a n d m is c e lla n e o u s r e c e i p t s .......................................................

2 3 9 5 -S M
1 2 /8 5

1 4 5 .3

1 4 6 .7

1 4 6 .7

1 .0


1 2 /8 3

1 0 9 .8

1 1 0 .1

1 1 0 .1



1 1 0 .0



C o m m is s io n e m b ro id e rin g , tu c k in g , p le a tin g , e tc . fo r th e t r a d e .....................
E m b ro id e rin g (e x c . S ch iffli) o n m a te ria ls o w n e d by o t h e r s ..........................
C o n tr a c t tu ck in g , p le a tin g , h e m s titc h in g , a n d b u tto n h o lin g fo r th e

2 3 9 5 -S

S e c o n d a ry p ro d u c ts .................................................................... ...........................................
A u to m o tiv e trim m in g s , a p p a re l findings, a n d r e la te d p r o d u c t s .................... ................


P rim a ry p ro d u c ts ..........................................................................................................................

2 3 9 6 -P

1 2 /8 3

1 0 9 .8

110 .1

M e n ’s a n d b o y s ’ suit a n d c o a t fin d in g s, a n d h a t a n d c a p tr im m in g s .........

2 3 9 6 -1

1 2 /8 3

1 2 7 .2

1 2 7 .2

1 2 7 .2


2 3 9 6 -1 1 1

1 2 /8 3

1 2 7 .8

1 2 7 .8

1 2 7 .8


M e n ’s a n d b o y s ’ c o a t, suit, a n d tro u s e r f in d in g s ..............................................


A u to m o tiv e t r im m in g s ........................................ ...................................................................

2 3 9 6 -2

1 2 /8 3

10 6 .1

1 0 6 .1

10 6 .1

-1 .4


O t h e r trim m in g s a n d fin d in g s .............................................................................................

2 3 9 6 -3

1 2 /8 3

1 1 6 .0

1 1 8 .8

1 1 8 .1

3 .9

-1 .6

W o m e n ’s a n d c h ild re n ’s a p p a re l trim m in g s a n d f in d in g s ..............................

2 3 9 6 -3 1 1

1 2 /8 3

1 2 3 .4

1 2 7 .9

1 2 5 .9

5 .9

O t h e r trim m in g s a n d fin d in g s, in clu d in g fu rn itu re t r im m in g s ......... ..............

2 3 9 6 -3 1 2

1 2 /8 3

8 6 .3

8 6 .3

8 6 .3



B ia s b in d in g s, e x c e p t fu s e d o r s e a le d e d g e ........................................................

2 3 9 6 -3 3 3

1 2 /8 3

1 4 2 .4

1 4 6 .0

1 4 6 .0

.4 .5


2 3 9 6 -4

0 6 /9 0

1 0 3 .7

1 0 3 .7

1 0 3 .7



P rin tin g o n p u rc h a s e d te x tile p ro d u c ts , in clu d in g silk s c r e e n .....................

2 3 9 6 -4 4 1

1 2 /8 5

1 1 5 .1

11 5 .1

11 5 .1



S e c o n d a r y p ro d u c ts a n d m is c e lla n e o u s r e c e i p t s .......................................................

2 3 9 6 -S M
2 3 9 6 -M

1 2 /8 3

1 1 2 .3



2 3 9 6 -X Y 9

1 2 /8 3

1 1 0 .8

2 3 9 6 -S

1 2 /8 3

9 0 .5

9 0 .5

9 2 .2

- 2 .1

1 .9

P rin tin g a n d s ta m p in g o n a p p a re l, a p p a re l a c c e s s o rie s , a n d a rt g o o d s ...

M is c e lla n e o u s r e c e i p t s .........................................................................................................
C o n tra c t w o rk a n d o th e r m is c e lla n e o u s r e c e i p t s ..............................................
S e c o n d a ry p r o d u c t s .................................... ............................. ........................ .................


0 6 /8 5

1 3 4 .0

1 3 4 .0

1 3 4 .0



P rim a ry p r o d u c t s ..........................................................................................................................

2 3 9 7 -P

0 6 /8 5

1 3 6 .3

1 3 6 .3

1 3 6 .3



S ch iffli m a c h in e e m b r o id e r ie s ...........................................................................................

2 3 9 7 -1

0 6 /8 5

1 3 6 .3

1 3 6 .3

1 3 6 .3



C o n tr a c t w o rk a n d o th e r m is c e lla n e o u s r e c e i p t s ..............................................

2 3 9 7 -X Y 9

0 6 /8 5

1 0 3 .8

1 0 3 .8




S e c o n d a r y P r o d u c t s .............................. ............................................................................

2 3 9 7 -S S

0 6 /8 5






1 2 /8 5

1 0 7 .9

1 0 8 .3

1 0 8 .7

1 .8

1 2 /8 5

1 0 7 .9

1 0 8 .5

1 0 8 .9

2 .0

1 2 0 .2

1 2 0 .4

1 2 0 .7


S ch iffli m a c h in e e m b ro id e rie s ........................................................................................................



2 3 9 7 -S M

S e c o n d a r y p ro d u c ts a n d m is c e lla n e o u s r e c e i p t s ......................... ..............................

F a b r ic a te d te x tile p ro d u c ts, n .e .c ............................. .............................................. ......................

2 3 9 9 -P

P rim a ry p ro d u c ts ....................................................................................... ..................................


2 3 9 9 -1 1 5

1 2 /8 5

S e a t o r s a fe ty b e lts , in clu d in g s h o u ld e r h a rn e s s e s , e x c e p t l e a t h e r ........

2 3 9 9 -1 2 5

1 2 /8 5

9 3 .3

9 3 .3

9 3 .3

S le e p in g b a g s ..................................................... ....................................................................

2 3 9 9 -1 3 1

1 2 /8 5

10 5 .1

1 0 5 .9

1 0 8 .4

1 .2

2 .4

A u to m o b ile s e a t c o v e r s ................................................................. ......... .......................



F la g s , b a n n e rs , a n d s im ila r e m b l e m s .................................. ...................................

2 3 9 9 -1 4 1

1 2 /8 5

1 3 6 .3

1 3 8 .8

1 3 8 .9

8 .9

P a r a c h u t e s ......... ............................. .................. ........................ ...........................................

2 3 9 9 -1 8 5

1 2 /8 5

1 6 6 .7

1 6 6 .7

1 6 6 .8



A ll o th e r fa b ric a te d te x tile p ro d u c ts , n .e .c ................... ...........................................

2 3 9 9 -1 9 8

1 2 /8 5

1 0 9 .5

1 1 0 .0

1 1 0 .5

1 .8


2 3 9 9 -M

1 2 /8 5

1 0 0 .8

9 8 .5

9 8 .6

-1 .6


2 3 9 9 -Z 8 9

1 2 /9 2

9 5 .9


93 .1

2 3 9 9 -S

1 2 /8 5

1 1 3 .6

1 1 3 .4

1 1 3 .4



1 2 /8 4

1 5 4 .5

1 5 4 .3

1 5 5 .5



2 3 9 9 -S M

S e c o n d a r y p ro d u c ts a n d m is c e lla n e o u s r e c e i p t s .......................................................
M is c e lla n e o u s r e c e i p t s ...................................................... .......... .......................................
R e s a l e s .................................................................... ............. ..................................................
S e c o n d a r y p r o d u c t s ................... ................................. .................. .......................................
L u m b e r a n d w o o d p ro d u c ts , e x c e p t f u r n it u r e .......................................................................


See footnotes at endof table.



Table 5. Producer price indexes for the net output of selected industries and their products, not seasonally adjusted
In d e x
In d u stry a n d p ro d u c t1

L o g g in g c a m p s a n d lo g g in g c o n tr a c t o r s ............... ...................................................................

In d u stry

P ro d u c t

In d e x




P e rc e n t c h a n g e
to S e p . 1 9 9 5 fro m —

M ay






Sep. 1994

Aug. 199Î


1 2 /8 1

1 9 9 .1

19 1 .1

1 9 1 .4

1 .9

0 .2


1 2 /8 1

1 9 9 .0

1 9 1 .2

1 9 1 .5

1 .9


2 4 1 1 -P

1 2 /8 1

2 0 5 .0

1 9 5 .8

1 9 5 .9

1 .5


2 4 1 1 -1

1 2 /8 1

2 5 6 .6

2 4 0 .8

2 4 0 .8



2 4 1 1 -1 1 7

1 2 /8 1

2 8 3 .3

2 7 7 .3

2 8 4 .2

7 .3

2 .5

2 4 1 1 -1 1 7 4 4

1 2 /8 1

2 7 4 .3

2 6 8 .6

2 7 5 .3

6 .5

2 .5

S o ftw o o d logs, b o lts, a n d t i m b e r ....................................................................................
D o u g la s f i r .................................. ................................................................................. ..........
S a w lo g s a n d b o l t s ................................................................... ......................................
S o ftw o o d , e x c e p t D o u g la s f i r ........................... ...........................................................
S o u th e rn y e llo w p i n e ....................................................................................................
O th e r s o ftw o o d log s p e c ie s , n .e .c ..........................................................................
H a rd w o o d logs, b o lts, a n d t i m b e r ..................................................................................

S o f t w o o d ..................... ...........................................................................................................

2 4 1 1 -1 3

1 2 /8 1

2 4 0 .0

2 1 7 .0

2 1 2 .0

- 3 .8

-2 .3

2 4 1 1 -1 3 1

1 2 /8 1

108 .1

1 0 5 .5

1 0 5 .7

1 1 .6


2 4 1 1 -1 3 3

1 2 /8 1

2 3 1 .4

1 9 5 .9

1 9 5 .9

- 1 2 .9


2 4 1 1 -1 3 9

1 2 /9 4

1 0 0 .9

9 9 .7

9 9 .7

1 2 /8 1

1 5 8 .0

1 58.1

1 58.1



2 4 1 1 -2
2 4 1 1 -2 2 1

1 2 /8 1

1 2 2 .2

1 2 2 .5

1 2 2 .5

1 .0


2 4 1 1 -3

1 2 /8 1

1 1 0 .8

1 0 9 .2

1 0 9 .5

6 .7


2 4 1 1 -3 1 1 1 5

1 2 /8 1

1 0 8 .2

1 0 5 .9

1 06.1

7 .4


2 4 1 1 -3 2 2 2 7

1 2 /8 1

1 0 6 .0

1 0 7 .2

1 08.1



0 6 /8 2

9 0 .4

9 0 .5

9 0 .6

2 4 1 1 -4 1 3

1 2 /9 4
1 2 /9 4

1 0 0 .0

9 9 .7

1 0 0 .0

2 4 1 1 -4 1 6
2 4 1 1 -9

1 2 /8 1

1 1 6 .3

1 1 5 .6

1 1 5 .8

2 4 1 1 -4

9 9 .7







1 2 /8 1

1 1 6 .3

1 1 5 .6

1 1 5 .8




1 2 /8 4

1 5 5 .1

1 5 4 .3

1 5 6 .9

- 3 .3



1 2 /8 0

1 5 0 .9

1 5 0 .3

1 5 3 .0

-3 .7


2 4 2 1 -P

1 2 /8 0

1 5 4 .5

1 5 3 .8

1 5 6 .7

-4 .0

1 .9

2 4 2 1 -1

1 2 /8 0

1 7 3 .1

16 9 .1

1 6 7 .9

-5 .4

- .7

2 4 2 1 -1 2

1 2 /8 0

1 7 0 .5

1 6 6 .7

1 6 5 .4

-5 .3

2 4 2 1 -1 2 1

1 2 /8 0

1 9 7 .9

1 9 6 .7

1 9 6 .4



2 4 2 1 -1 2 1 1 1

1 2 /8 0

2 1 5 .3

2 1 0 .1

2 0 9 .8

-2 .3

- .1

W h i t e ............................................................................. ...................................................

2 4 2 1 -1 2 1 1 2

1 2 /8 0

1 7 1 .3

1 7 1 .8

1 7 2 .2

3 .9


O th e r R e d O a k .............................................................................................................

2 4 2 1 -1 2 1 1 9

1 2 /8 0

1 9 9 .5

1 9 9 .6

1 9 8 .3

-1 .1


1 2 5 .3

1 2 0 .7

-1 8 .7

-3 .7

2 4 1 1 -9 1 1

P rim a ry p ro d u c ts .................................................... .....................................................................

O a k .........................................................................................................................................


P o p l a r ................................... .................................................................................................

2 4 2 1 -1 2 2

1 2 /8 0

1 3 7 .6

M a p le , g u m , & a s h r o u g h ...........................................................................................

2 4 2 1 -1 2 4

0 6 /9 5


9 3 .9

9 3 .7



O th e r h a rd w o o d s ro u g h ..............................................................................................

2 4 2 1 -1 2 5

0 6 /9 5


9 8 .2

9 6 .9


-1 .3

H a rd w o o d , d re s s e d lu m b e r, including c eilin g , fra m in g , a n d m a tc h e d

2 4 2 1 -1 3

1 2 /8 0

1 8 5 .6

1 8 1 .8

1 8 1 .9

-4 .4

O a k .................... .....................................................................................................................

2 4 2 1 -1 3 1

0 8 /8 5

1 7 3 .2

1 6 8 .5

1 6 8 .6

-6 .4

O th e r h a rd w o o d s p e c i e s .............................................................................................

2 4 2 1 -1 3 9

1 2 /8 0

1 6 1 .9

1 5 9 .7

1 5 9 .7

-2 .4


2 4 2 1 -2

1 2 /8 0

1 5 9 .6

1 5 8 .8

1 6 2 .0

- 7 .3

2 .0

a n d s h ip la p p e d lu m b e r ................................... .........................................................

S o ftw o o d lu m b e r, ro u g h a n d d re s s e d , e x c e p t s id in g ...........................................
S o ftw o o d lu m b e r, ro u g h a n d d re s s e d , E a s te rn s p e c ie s , e x c e p t siding .
R o u g h s o ftw o o d lu m b er, E a s te rn s p e c i e s ........................................................
B o a rd s - lu m b e r le s s th a n 2 in c h e s in n o m in a l t h ic k n e s s ...................


2 4 2 1 -3

1 2 /8 0

15 6 .1

1 4 9 .0

1 4 7 .2

-1 0 .1

-1 .2

2 4 2 1 -3 1

1 2 /8 0

1 2 7 .6

1 2 1 .9

1 1 6 .5

-1 5 .8

-4 .4

2 4 2 1 -3 1 1

1 2 /8 0

1 0 3 .1

1 0 1 .7

9 7 .3

- 1 1 .5

-4 .3

2 4 2 1 -3 2

1 2 /8 0

1 6 8 .2

1 6 0 .9

1 6 1 .0

-7 .7

2 4 2 1 -3 2 1

1 2 /8 0

1 8 4 .5

1 8 0 .8

1 8 1 .8

-3 .2


S o u th e rn P in e .....................................................................................................

2 4 2 1 -3 2 1 1

1 2 /8 0

1 8 7 .9

1 8 4 .0

1 8 5 .0

- 2 .9


2 1 2 .0

2 1 3 .5


D re s s e d s o ftw o o d lu m b er, E a s te rn s p e c i e s .....................................................
B o a rd s - lu m b e r le s s th a n 2 in c h e s in n o m in al t h ic k n e s s ...................
F in ish , c a n d b e t t e r ..........................................................................................

2 4 2 1 -3 2 1 1 1

1 2 /8 0

1 6 4 .9

B o a rd s , no . 2 .......................................................................................................

2 4 2 1 -3 2 1 1 3

1 2 /8 0

O th e r S o u th e rn P in e B o a r d s ...........................................................................

2 4 2 1 -3 2 1 1 9

1 2 /8 0

1 7 9 .7


1 7 6 .8

1 8 0 .3


2 4 2 1 -3 2 2

1 2 /8 0

1 6 2 .5

1 5 0 .7

1 5 0 .6

-1 1 .3

S o u th e rn P i n e ......... :................................................................................................

2 4 2 1 -3 2 2 1

1 2 /8 0

1 6 1 .2

1 5 0 .8

1 5 0 .8

-8 .9


D im e n s io n , no . 1 ......................................... .................................. .......................

2 4 2 1 -3 2 2 1 1

1 2 /8 0

1 5 6 .7

1 4 8 .6

1 3 7 .6

- 1 3 .0

-7 .4

-3 .9
-1 3 .6


Light fra m in g lu m b e r 2 inch n o m in al th ic k n e s s o n ly ..............................

D im e n s io n no . 2 .....................................................................................................

2 4 2 1 -3 2 2 1 2

1 2 /8 0

1 6 2 .6

O th e r 2 in ch S o u th e rn P in e lu m b e r .............................................................

2 4 2 1 -3 2 2 1 9

1 2 /8 0

1 5 8 .6

1 5 7 .6
1 4 4 .3

1 5 9 .0
1 4 3 .7

2 .0
- .1

L u m b e r a n d tim b e rs o v e r 2 inch n o m in a l th ic k n e s s , E a s te rn
s p e c i e s ....................................................................................................................
S o u th e rn P i n e .................................................................. .................. .....................

2 4 2 1 -3 2 3

1 2 /8 0

1 4 9 .6

1 5 9 .4

1 5 7 .3


-1 .3

2 4 2 1 -3 2 3 1 1

1 2 /8 0

1 3 9 .2

1 6 9 .2

-5 .4


2 4 2 1 -4

1 2 /8 0

1 6 0 .5

1 6 2 .5

2 4 2 1 -4 1

1 2 /8 0

1 6 7 .4

1 6 8 .5

1 7 8 .8


B o a rd s - lu m b e r le s s th a n 2 in c h e s in n o m in a l th ic k n e s s ...................

2 4 2 1 -4 1 1

1 2 /8 0

17 8 .1

1 7 3 .2

1 7 4 .1



L ig h t fra m in g lu m b e r 2 in ch n o m in a l th ic k n e s s o n l y ..............................

2 4 2 1 -4 1 2

1 2 /8 0

1 2 8 .8

1 3 0 .6

1 4 8 .3

-1 .1

1 3 .6

S o ftw o o d lu m b e r ro u g h a n d d re s s e d , W e s te rn s p e c ie s ..............................
R o u g h s o ftw o o d lu m b e r, W e s te rn s p e c i e s .......................................................

L u m b e r a n d tim b e rs o v e r 2 in c h e s in n o m in al th ic k n e s s ....................
D re s s e d s o ftw o o d lu m b er, W e s te rn s p e c i e s ...................................................
B o a rd s -lu m b e r le s s th a n 2 in ch n o m in a l t h ic k n e s s .............. ..................

1 2 /8 0

2 2 2 .6

2 2 6 .2

2 2 4 .7

-4 .3


2 4 2 1 -4 2

1 2 /8 0

1 5 8 .4

1 6 1 .0

1 6 5 .9

-7 .6

2 4 2 1 -4 2 1

1 2 /8 0

1 6 5 .0

1 6 1 .9

1 6 1 .8

-8 .6

3 .0
- .1
2 .2

2 4 2 1 -4 1 3

D o u g la s F i r ................................................................................ ................................

2 4 2 1 -4 2 1 1

1 2 /8 0

1 3 7 .4

1 4 0 .2

1 4 3 .3

-5 .2

O th e r b o a r d s ............... .............................................................................................

2 4 2 1 -4 2 1 1 9

1 2 /8 0

1 3 5 .3

1 3 9 .3

1 4 2 .6

-3 .8

2 .4

P o n d e ro s a P i n e ......................................................................................................

2 4 2 1 -4 2 1 2

1 2 /8 0

2 1 4 .6

2 0 0 .6

1 9 8 .2

-9 .2

-1 .2

N o . 3 b o a rd s .............................................................................................................

2 4 2 1 -4 2 1 2 1

1 2 /8 0

1 3 6 .7

1 1 7 .8

1 1 4 .4

- 2 3 .7

-2 .9

O th e r b o a r d s ............... ........................ ....................................................................

2 4 2 1 -4 2 1 2 9

1 2 /8 0

2 4 2 .4

2 3 3 .7

2 3 1 .7

- 3 .3


R e d w o o d a n d W e s te rn R e d C e d a r .................................................. ...........

2 4 2 1 -4 2 1 6

1 2 /8 6

1 5 9 .5

1 5 8 .4

1 5 9 .6

-2 .7


O th e r b o a rd s , W e s te rn d re s s e d s o f t w o o d ................................................

2 4 2 1 -4 2 1 9

1 2 /8 0

1 9 4 .7

1 8 7 .0

1 8 2 .7

- 1 3 .9

- 2 .3

1 4 6 .8

1 5 3 .1

1 6 1 .2

- 8 .7

5 .3

D o u g la s F i r ..... , .........................................................................................................

2 4 2 1 -4 2 2 1

1 2 /8 0

1 4 0 .6

1 5 0 .3

1 6 3 .4

-7 .4

8 .7

S ta n d a rd a n d b e t t e r .............................................................................................

2 4 2 1 -4 2 2 1 4

1 2 /8 0

1 5 0 .9

1 6 2 .6

1 8 0 .6


O th e r 2 in ch D o u g la s F ir l u m b e r ......................... ........................................

2 4 2 1 -4 2 2 1 9

1 2 /8 0

1 7 8 .0

1 9 2 .2

2 0 8 .9


8 .7

P o n d e ro s a P i n e ...................................................................................... ................

2 4 2 1 -4 2 2 2

1 2 /8 0

1 4 4 .6

14 8 .1

14 4 .1

-9 .4

-2 .7

W h ite F i r .....................................................................................................................

2 4 2 1 -4 2 2 4

1 2 /8 0

1 6 4 .0

1 6 4 .6

1 7 1 .4

- 1 6 .0


S ta n d a r d a n d b e t t e r ..............................................................................................

2 4 2 1 -4 2 2 4 1

1 2 /8 0

1 6 7 .5

1 6 5 .4

1 6 9 .6

1 6 3 .0

1 7 4 .4

-1 6 .4

7 .0

L u m b e r o f 2 in c h e s n o m in a l th ic k n e s s o n l y ...............................................

O th e r 2 in ch W h ite F ir lu m b e r .......... ..............................................................

2 4 2 1 -4 2 2

2 4 2 1 -4 2 2 4 9

See footnotes at endof table.


1 2 /8 0

1 2 /8 0


2 .5

Table 5. Producer price indexes for the net output of selected industries and their products, not seasonally adjusted
In d e x
In d u stry a n d p ro d u c t1

In d u stry

P ro d u c t

In d e x




P e rc e n t c h a n g e
to S e p . 1 9 9 5 fro m —

M ay






Sep. 1994

A u g . 199E

S a w m ills a n d p lan in g m ills— C o n tin u e d
W e s te r n H e m lo c k ..............................................................................................

2 4 2 1 -4 2 2 5

1 2 /8 0

1 4 2 .2

1 5 4 .8

1 7 3 .4

-0 .5

1 2 .0

D im e n s io n , std. a n d b t r . .................................................................................

2 4 2 1 -4 2 2 5 1

1 2 /8 0

1 2 6 .3

1 3 9 .4

1 6 0 .9


1 5 .4

O th e r 2 in ch W e s te rn H e m lo c k l u m b e r ................................................

2 4 2 1 -4 2 2 5 9

1 2 /8 0

1 6 4 .0

1 7 5 .8

1 9 0 .6

- 2 .1

8 .4

R e d w o o d 2 inch lu m b e r ................................................................................

2 4 2 1 -4 2 2 6

1 2 /8 0

1 6 8 .8

1 7 0 .6

1 6 4 .7

6 .9

- 3 .5

- 6 .5

6 .9

L o d g e p o le , S u g a r, a n d W e s te rn (Id a h o ) W h ite P in e 2 inch
lu m b e r .............................................................................................................

2 4 2 1 -4 2 2 8

1 2 /8 0

1 4 2 .7

O th e r W e s te r n s o ftw o o d 2 in ch l u m b e r ...............................................

2 4 2 1 -4 2 2 9

1 2 /8 0

1 6 6 .1

1 7 0 .6

1 8 2 .3

2 0 6 .6

2 0 1 .8

2 4 2 1 -4 2 3

1 2 /8 0

2 0 1 .3

- 3 .1

D o u g la s F i r ...........................................................................................................

2 4 2 1 -4 2 3 1

1 2 /8 0

17 9 .1

1 7 7 .5

1 7 6 .5

- 1 4 .6

O th e r W e s te r n s o ftw o o d t i m b e r s .............................................................

2 4 2 1 -4 2 3 9

1 2 /8 0

2 2 9 .5

2 2 2 .9

2 2 2 .9

7 .4


2 4 2 1 -5

1 2 /8 0

1 1 5 .9

1 1 8 .2

1 2 4 .7

2 1 .9

5 .5

S h o rt t o n s ..........................................................................................................................

2 4 2 1 -5 7 7

1 2 /8 0

1 4 2 .2

1 4 1 .4

1 5 2 .4

2 6 .3

7 .8

S ta n d a rd u n i t s ..................................................................................................................

2 4 2 1 -5 7 8

1 2 /8 0

8 5 .2

9 1 .5

9 1 .3

1 5 .0


2 4 2 1 -7

1 2 /8 0

1 5 5 .4

1 5 4 .3

1 5 4 .3



F u rn itu re c u t s t o c k ..................................................................... ...................................

2 4 2 1 -7 1 1

0 4 /9 1

1 3 4 .9


2 4 2 1 -7 5 1

1 2 /8 0

( 3)
1 5 5 .1

1 3 4 .9

O th e r in d u strial c u t s t o c k ...........................................................................................

2 4 2 1 -8

1 2 /8 0

1 4 3 .7

1 4 2 .5

1 4 2 .0



1 4 3 .2

1 .3

- 1 .3



L u m b e r a n d tim b e rs , o v e r 2 inch n o m in a l th ic k n e s s .........................

W o o d c h i p s ............................................................................................................................

S o ftw o o d cu t s t o c k ........................................................... ,...............................................

S o ftw o o d flo o rin g , siding a n d o th e r sa w m ill a n d p lan in g mill p ro d u c ts .
W o o d s id in g ........................................................... ................................................. ...........

2 4 2 1 -8 1 3

1 2 /8 0

1 7 0 .2

R a ilw a y c ro s s tie s a n d m in e t i e s .............................................................................

2 4 2 1 -8 1 7

1 2 /8 0

1 4 6 .8

1 4 5 .1

2 4 2 1 -8 1 9

0 6 /9 5

141 .1

9 9 .4

9 9 .4

1 4 1 .1


O th e r s a w m ill/p la n in g mill p r o d u c t s .....................................................................




2 4 2 1 -9

1 2 /8 0

2 4 2 1 -9 1 1

1 2 /8 0




o w n e d by o t h e r s ...................................................................................................

2 4 2 1 -9 5 1

1 2 /8 6

1 2 4 .4

1 2 4 .4

1 2 4 .4

S e c o n d a r y p ro d u c ts a n d m is c e lla n e o u s r e c e i p t s ..................................................

2 4 2 1 -S M
9 1 .0

9 1 .0


9 8 .8

9 8 .8

1 3 2 .9

1 3 5 .2

1 .7

1 .7
3 .0

C o n tra c t/c u s to m w o r k .....................................................................................................
C o n tra c t o r c u s to m sa w in g o f lo g s o w n e d b y o t h e r s .................................



C o n tra c t drying, plan in g , re s a w in g o r o th e r m a n u fa c tu rin g o f lu m b e r
6 .9


2 4 2 1 -M

1 2 /8 0


2 4 2 1 -Z 8 9

0 6 /9 5

2 4 2 1 -S

1 2 /8 0

1 3 2 .5

L o g g in g c a m p s /c o n tra c to rs .....................................................................................

2 4 1 1 -S

1 2 /8 0

1 3 2 .5

1 3 3 .9

1 3 7 .9

3 .8

O th e r s e c o n d a ry p r o d u c t s .........................................................................................

2 4 2 1 -S S S

1 2 /8 0

1 3 2 .5

1 3 2 .0

1 3 2 .8



0 6 /8 4

1 4 7 .6

14 6 .1

1 4 5 .7



M is c e lla n e o u s r e c e i p t s ....................................................................................................
R e s a l e s ...............................................................................................................................
S e c o n d a r y p r o d u c t s ..........................................................................................................

H a rd w o o d d im e n s io n a n d flo o r in g ..........................................................................................



Prim a ry p ro d u c ts ....:...............................................................................................................

2 4 2 6 -P

0 6 /8 4

14 9 .1

1 4 8 .0

1 4 7 .7



H a rd w o o d f lo o r in g .............................................................................................................

2 4 2 6 -1

0 6 /8 4

1 3 6 .3

1 3 5 .9

1 3 5 .2

-2 .0


2 4 2 6 -1 1

0 6 /9 1

1 2 7 .4

1 2 6 .9

1 2 6 .4

-2 .3


S trip o a k flo o rin g ( 3 / 4 ” , 1 / 2 ” , 3 / 8 ” T & G a n d E M ) .............................

2 4 2 6 -1 1 1

0 6 /8 4

1 2 6 .7

1 2 5 .2

1 2 4 .0

-5 .1

-1 .0

O a k s p e c ia lty flo o rin g , including b lo ck, p a rq u e try a n d p l a n k .............

2 4 2 6 -1 1 9

0 6 /8 4

1 5 1 .8

1 5 2 .2

15 2 .1


- .1

G lu e d la m in a te d tru c k tra ile r flo o rin g a n d railro a d c a r d e c k in g ............

2 4 2 6 -1 4 1

0 6 /8 4

1 5 5 .7

1 5 4 .3

1 5 2 .5

-1 .0

-1 .2

2 4 2 6 -2

0 6 /8 4

1 5 1 .4

1 4 9 .5

1 4 9 .3


- .1

2 4 2 6 -2 2

0 6 /9 1

1 2 2 .8

1 2 0 .7

1 2 0 .5


O a k ....................................................................... .............. ............................'....................

H a rd w o o d d im e n s io n s to c k fo r fu rn itu re a n d industrial u s e s ......................
F u rn itu re d i m e n s io n .............................................. .......................................................


R o u g h ..... ........................................................................................................................

2 4 2 6 -2 2 3

0 6 /8 4

1 4 2 .5

1 3 6 .0

1 3 5 .2

-3 .8


S e m if a b r ic a t e d .................................... ........................................................................

2 4 2 6 -2 2 7

0 6 /8 4

1 3 6 .1

1 3 6 .2

1 3 5 .7

4 .9


2 4 2 6 -2 2 9

0 6 /8 4

1 6 5 .0

1 6 4 .9

1 6 5 .6



2 4 2 6 -2 8 4

0 6 /9 1

1 3 0 .6

1 3 1 .5

1 3 1 .3

4 .2


2 4 2 6 -6

0 6 /8 4

1 5 1 .5

1 5 1 .5

1 5 1 .5

2 .3


C o m p le te ly fa b ric a te d re a d y fo r a s s e m b ly , incl fu rn itu re p arts, e x
fr a m e s fo r h o u s e h o ld furn ..................................... .....................................

2 4 2 6 -2 8

In d u strial d im e n s io n .......................................................................................................
In d u strial d im e n s io n e x c e p t c o m p re s s io n -m o d ifie d a n d d e n s ifie d
w o o d ........................................................................................................................
W o o d fra m e s fo r h o u s e h o ld f u r n it u r e ......................................................................

2 4 2 6 -S M

S e c o n d a ry p ro d u c ts a n d m is c e lla n e o u s r e c e ip t s ..................................................

2 4 2 6 -S

S e c o n d a ry p r o d u c t s ......................................................... ................................................
S p e c ia l p ro d u c t saw m ills, n .e .c ...................... ................................................ ...........................


0 6 /8 4

1 3 9 .6

1 3 2 .8

1 3 2 .5

-5 .0


1 2 /8 5

2 0 3 .7

2 0 5 .4

2 0 7 .5

5 .3

1 .0

P rim a ry p r o d u c t s ......................................................................................................................

2 4 2 9 -P

1 2 /8 5

2 0 4 .7

2 0 6 .4

2 0 8 .6

4 .8

S h in g le s , s h a k e s , c o o p e ra g e s to c k a n d e x c e ls io r ............................................

2 4 2 9 -1

1 2 /8 5

2 0 4 .7

2 0 6 .4

2 0 8 .6

4 .8

1 2 /8 5

2 1 6 .9

2 1 9 .2

2 2 1 .2

5 .6

S h in g le s , in clu d in g re m a n u fa c tu re d s h in g le s ..............................................

2 4 2 9 -1 1 1 0 1

1 2 /8 5

2 1 2 .0

2 1 0 .8

2 1 2 .5

5 .8


S h a k e s (h a n d s p lit a n d re s a w n , ta p e r a n d s tra ig h t s p lit )............. ..........

2 4 2 9 -1 1 1 0 3

1 2 /8 5

2 1 4 .9

2 2 3 .1

5 .3

2 4 2 9 -1 1 7

0 6 /9 4

1 0 0 .1

1 0 0 .1

1 0 2 .7

2 .7

2 .6

0 6 /9 4

9 0 .3

1 0 1 .3

9 9 .7


-1 .6

1 2 /8 4

1 5 0 .6

1 5 1 .7

1 5 2 .8

2 .2


R e d c e d a r s h in g le s a n d s h a k e s ............................................................................

S la c k & tig h t c o o p e ra g e s to c k (s ta v e s & h e a d in g s ) ...................................
S e c o n d a r y p ro d u c ts a n d m is c e lla n e o u s r e c e i p t s ......................... ........................
S e c o n d a r y p r o d u c t s ................................................ .........................................................

2 4 2 9 -1 1 1


2 4 2 9 -S M
2 4 2 9 -S

M illw o rk , v e n e e r , p lyw o o d , a n d s tru ctu ral w o o d m e m b e rs .......................................

0 6 /8 3

1 5 1 .8

1 5 2 .6

1 5 2 .7

1 .2


P rim a ry p r o d u c t s .................................................. ...................................................................

2 4 3 1 -P

0 6 /8 3

1 5 2 .1

1 5 2 .9

1 5 3 .1

1 .3


W o o d w in d o w u n i t s ...........................................................................................................

2 4 3 1 -1

0 6 /8 3

1 4 9 .9

1 5 0 .0

1 5 0 .0

2 .5


2 4 3 1 -1 3 3

0 6 /8 3

1 5 4 .0

1 5 4 .0

1 5 4 .0

2 .5


M illw o rk .................................................................................................................................................

D o u b le h u n g ....................................................................................... .............................
C a s e m e n t ..........................................................................................................................

2 4 3 1 -1 3 7

0 6 /8 3

1 5 0 .9

1 5 1 .2

1 5 1 .2



H o riz o n ta l s lid in g ............................................................................................. .............

2 4 3 1 -1 4 1

0 6 /8 3

1 4 4 .7

1 4 4 .7

1 4 4 .7



A ll o th e r, in clu d in g s in g le h u n g a n d s k y lig h ts .................................................

2 4 3 1 -1 4 5

0 6 /8 3

9 9 .5

9 9 .5

9 9 .5



2 4 3 1 -2

0 6 /8 3

1 6 2 .7

1 6 2 .7

1 6 2 .7



2 4 3 1 -2 1 5

0 6 /8 3

1 5 6 .7

1 5 6 .7

1 5 6 .7



2 4 3 1 -3

0 6 /8 3

1 4 2 .0

1 4 4 .6

1 4 4 .8

2 .7


2 4 3 1 -3 1 5

0 6 /8 3

1 4 3 .1

1 4 6 .9

1 4 7 .2

4 .0


2 4 3 1 -4

0 6 /8 3

1 5 7 .9

1 5 8 .2

1 5 8 .2

1 .6


2 4 3 1 -4 1

0 6 /8 8

14 7 .3

1 4 7 .3

1 4 7 .3

1 .6


W o o d s a s h , incl. c o m b , s c re e n a n d s to rm s a s h , a n d w in d o w s c re e n s ,
e x c l. w in d o w u n i t s .....................................................................................................
W o o d s a s h ; g l a z e d .......................................................................................................
W o o d w in d o w a n d d o o r fra m e s a n d d o o r fra m e s s h ip p e d in d o o r u n its ..
D o o r f r a m e s ....................................... .................................................................................
W o o d d o o rs , int. a n d e x t., incl. th o s e s h ip p e d w ith g la z e d s e c tio n s a n d
in d o o r u nits ......................................... .................................. .......................................
P a n e l ty p e d o o rs , in clu d in g F re n c h d o o r s ...........................................................

See footnotes at end of table.


Table 5. Producer price indexes for the net output of selected industries and their products, not seasonally adjusted
In d e x
In d u stry a n d p ro d u c t1

In d u stry

P ro d u c t

In d e x




P e rc e n t c h a n g e
to S e p . 1 9 9 5 fro m —

M ay






Sep. 1994

Aug. 1 9 9 Î

M illw o rk — C o n tin u e d
D o u g la s f i r .................................................. ................................................... ...................

2 4 3 1 -4 1 1

0 6 /8 3

1 8 2 .4

1 8 2 .4

1 8 2 .4

0 .3

W e s te r n p in e s ..................................................................................................................

2 4 3 1 -4 1 3

0 6 /8 3

1 6 0 .9

1 6 0 .9

1 6 0 .9

3 .3


2 4 3 1 -4 1 9

0 6 /8 3

1 6 9 .0

1 6 9 .0

1 6 9 .0



2 4 3 1 -4 3

0 6 /8 8

1 3 7 .6

1 3 7 .6

1 3 7 .6



H a rd w o o d fa c e s , in cluding la u a n , birch, o a k , e tc ...........................................

2 4 3 1 -4 3 3

0 6 /8 3

1 5 2 .8

1 5 2 .8

1 5 2 .8

-1 .7


H a rd b o a rd f a c e s ............................................. .............................................. .................

2 4 3 1 -4 3 5

0 6 /8 3

1 3 0 .2

1 3 0 .2

1 3 0 .2



2 4 3 1 -4 4

0 6 /8 8

14 4 .1

1 4 5 .0

1 4 5 .0

4 .7


2 4 3 1 -4 4 A

0 6 /8 8

1 4 0 .7

1 4 0 .7

1 4 0 .7

5 .2


2 4 3 1 -5

0 6 /8 3

1 4 9 .6

1 5 1 .0

1 5 1 .0

1 .7


S c re e n d o o rs a n d c o m b in a tio n s c re e n a n d sto rm d o o rs , w o o d ...............

2 4 3 1 -5 7 5

0 6 /8 8

1 3 3 .4

1 3 3 .4

1 3 3 .4



B i-fo ld d o o rs , w o o d ............................................. ..............................................................

2 4 3 1 -5 8 4

0 6 /8 3

1 6 6 .5

1 6 7 .0

1 6 7 .0



S lid in g p a tio d o o rs , w o o d ...............................................................................................

2 4 3 1 -5 8 5

0 6 /8 3

1 4 5 .3

1 4 5 .3

1 4 5 .3



O th e r w o o d d o o rs, incl. sto rm , c a b in e t, toilet, g rain , e tc ................................

2 4 3 1 -5 9 8

0 6 /8 3

1 5 3 .4

1 5 7 .4

1 5 7 .4

2 .6


O th e r s p e c ie s ........................ ..........................................................................................
F lu s h ty p e d o o rs , h o llo w c o r e .....................................................................................

F lu sh ty p e d o o rs , solid c o re ..........................................................................................
H a rd w o o d fa c e s , in clu d in g la u a n , birch, o a k , e tc ...................... .....................

2 4 3 1 -4 4 B

N o n -h a rd w o o d f a c e s .....................................................................................................
O th e r w o o d d o o rs, incl. g a ra g e , s c re e n , s to rm , c o m b in a tio n , a n d lo u vre .

W o o d m o ld in g s (s ta n d a rd ) e x c e p t p re fin is h e d m o ld in g s m a d e fro m
p u rc h a s e d m o ld in g s ..... .................................................................................................
S o ftw o o d m o ld in g s .............................................................................................................

2 4 3 1 -6

0 6 /8 3

1 4 5 .7

1 4 7 .5

1 4 8 .5



2 4 3 1 -6 2

0 6 /8 8

1 2 9 .6

1 2 9 .9

1 3 0 .9

-1 .7


P i n e ....................................................................................................................... ...............

2 4 3 1 -6 2 1

1 4 2 .6

-2 .3


O th e r s o ftw o o d s p e c i e s ..................................................................................... ........

2 4 3 1 -6 2 2

0 6 /8 3

1 6 8 .2

1 7 2 .9

1 7 7 .4

4 .8

2 .6

H a rd w o o d , in clu d in g la u a n ............................................. ......... .....................................

2 4 3 1 -6 5 1

0 6 /8 3

1 6 4 .1

1 7 5 .0

1 7 5 .0

5 .9


2 4 3 1 -8

0 6 /8 3

16 4 .1

1 6 4 .3

1 6 4 .4



O th e r m illw o rk p ro d u c ts in cluding s ta irw o rk a n d e x te rio r m illw o r k ...............

0 6 /8 3

1 4 1 .7

1 4 1 .7

S ta irw o rk , in clu d in g tre a d s , risers, b a lu s te rs , b ra c k e ts , c ro o k s ,
2 4 3 1 -8 2

0 6 /8 8

1 3 6 .9

1 3 6 .7

1 3 6 .6

1 .8

- .1

H a r d w o o d ...........................................................................................................................

2 4 3 1 -8 2 5

0 6 /8 3

1 5 8 .7

1 5 8 .3

1 5 8 .2

3 .2


E x te rio r w o o d b lin d s a n d s h u tte rs , w ith o r w ith o u t h a r d w a r e .....................

2 4 3 1 -8 3 1

0 6 /8 3

1 5 1 .0

1 5 1 .0

1 5 1 .0



2 4 3 1 -8 3 5

0 8 /8 3

1 8 8 .2

1 8 8 .2

1 8 8 .2



a rc h , o r tu rn , d e c o r a t io n s .................................... .................................................

2 4 3 1 -8 7 5

0 6 /8 3

2 0 1 .5

2 0 2 .9

2 0 3 .1



O th e r m illw o rk p ro d u cts, n .e .c ., in cluding in terio r m illw o r k ......... .................

2 4 3 1 -8 9 8

0 6 /8 3

1 5 8 .5

1 5 8 .5

1 5 8 .5



2 4 3 1 -M

0 6 /8 3

1 4 7 .9

14 8 .1

1 4 7 .9

- 1 .0

- .1

2 4 3 1 -Z 8 9

0 6 /8 3

1 4 8 .2

1 4 8 .5

1 4 8 .2

-1 .7


2 4 3 1 -S

0 6 /8 3

1 5 0 .5

1 5 1 .6

1 5 0 .5

- .7

n e w e ls , rails, e t c ...........................................................................................................

E x te rio r m illw o rk, in c luding p o rch co lu m n s , p o rc h rails, n e w e ls ,
tre llis e s , a n d e n tra n c e s ............................................................................................
N o n s ta n d a rd w o o d m o ld in g s, ca rv in g s , a n d o rn a m e n ts s u ita b le fo r

2 4 3 1 -S M

S e c o n d a r y p ro d u c ts a n d m is c e lla n e o u s r e c e ip t s ............................... .......................
M is c e lla n e o u s r e c e i p t s .......................................................... .............................................
R e s a l e s ....................................................................................................................................
S e c o n d a ry p r o d u c t s ...............................................................................................................
O th e r s e c o n d a ry p r o d u c t s .............................................................................................

2 4 3 1 -S S S

0 6 /8 3

1 5 7 .6

1 5 9 .0

1 5 7 .6


M e ta l d o o rs , s a s h , a n d trim ..........................................................................................

3 4 4 2 -S

0 6 /8 3

1 2 9 .3

1 2 9 .3

1 2 9 .3

2 .5


0 6 /8 4

1 4 4 .9

1 4 5 .3

1 4 4 .9

3 .4


0 6 /8 4

1 4 4 .4

1 4 4 .9

1 4 5 .3

3 .9

W o o d kitc h e n c a b i n e t s ......................................................................................................................


P rim a ry p r o d u c t s .............................. ...........................................................................................

2 4 3 4 -P

W o o d k itc h e n c a b in e ts a n d c a b in e tw o rk , s to c k l i n e ............................................

2 4 3 4 -1

0 6 /8 4

1 4 9 .1

1 4 9 .3

1 4 9 .8

5 .2


W o o d ..... ...................................................................................................................................

2 4 3 4 -1 1 1

0 6 /8 4

1 5 0 .0

1 5 0 .2

1 5 0 .9

5 .4


P la s tic la m in a t e d ................... ..............................................................................................

2 4 3 4 -1 1 3

0 6 /8 4

1 4 3 .5

1 4 3 .6

1 4 3 .6

4 .8


2 4 3 4 -2

0 6 /8 4

1 3 6 .9

1 3 8 .0

1 3 8 .0

2 .6


W o o d .........................................................................................................................................

2 4 3 4 -2 1 2

0 6 /8 4

1 3 9 .6

1 4 0 .7

1 4 0 .8

2 .9


P la s tic l a m i n a t e d ......... ........................................................................................................

2 4 3 4 -2 1 4

W o o d k itc h e n c a b in e ts a n d c a b in e tw o rk , c u s t o m .................................................


0 6 /8 4

1 2 8 .6

1 2 9 .6

1 2 9 .6

1 .4


2 4 3 4 -3

0 6 /8 4

1 4 7 .7

1 4 7 .7

1 4 8 .4

2 .2


S to c k l i n e ............................................................................................................. ..................

2 4 3 4 -3 1 6

0 6 /8 4

1 5 4 .5

1 5 4 .5

1 5 4 .5

3 .3


C u s t o m ........................................................................................ , ...........................................

2 4 3 4 -3 1 8

0 6 /8 4

1 4 1 .0

1 4 1 .0

1 4 2 .4

1 .0

1 .0

V a n itie s a n d o th e r c a b in e t w o r k ........................................................................................

2 4 3 4 -S M

S e c o n d a ry p ro d u c ts a n d m is c e lla n e o u s r e c e ip t s .......................................................

1 2 /8 9

1 2 6 .9

1 2 6 .9

1 2 6 .9

7 .0

2 4 3 4 -X Y 9

1 2 /8 9

12 0 .1

120 .1

12 0 .1

1 .8

2 4 3 4 -S

0 6 /8 4

1 5 4 .5



2 4 3 4 -M

M is c e lla n e o u s r e c e i p t s .............................................................................. ..........................
C o n tra c t w o rk a n d o th e r m is c e lla n e o u s r e c e ip t s ..............................................
S e c o n d a ry p r o d u c t s ......................................... ............. ........................................................



1 3 8 .0

1 3 7 .0

Prim a ry p ro d u c ts ...........................................................................................................................

2 4 3 5 -P

0 6 /8 5

1 3 8 .2

1 3 7 .8

1 3 6 .7



H a rd w o o d p ly w o o d ............................................ .....................................................................

2 4 3 5 -1

0 6 /8 5

1 3 3 .8

1 3 3 .3

1 3 2 .3

-1 .1


2 4 3 5 -1 0 8

0 6 /9 1

1 2 0 .6

1 1 9 .2




P re fin is h e d h a rd w o o d p ly w o o d m a d e fro m p u rc h a s e d p ly w o o d ....................

2 4 3 5 -2

0 6 /8 5

1 3 6 .3

1 3 6 .3

1 3 6 .3

-3 .3


H a rd w o o d p ly w o o d ty p e p r o d u c t s .....................................................................

2 4 3 5 -3

0 6 /8 5

1 3 9 .9

1 3 9 .7

1 3 9 .7

4 .3

H a rd w o o d v e n e e r a n d p ly w o o d ....................................................................................................

V e n e e r c o re h a rd w o o d p ly w o o d ....................................... .........................................

H a rd w o o d v e n e e r e d p a n e l s ..........................................................................................
H a rd w o o d v e n e e r , n o t re in fo rc e d o r b a c k e d ............................................................

0 6 /8 5


1 3 8 .2

1 .8



2 4 3 5 -3 3 1

0 6 /8 5

1 4 9 .3

14 8 .1

14 8 .1

2 .8


2 4 3 5 -4

0 6 /8 5

1 3 6 .7

1 3 6 .4

1 3 3 .7

1 .8

-2 .0

M a p l e .........................................................................................................................................

2 4 3 5 -4 1 7

0 6 /9 1

1 3 7 .6

1 3 7 .6

1 3 7 .6

5 .7


O a k ......................... ...................................................................................................................

2 4 3 5 -4 1 9

0 6 /8 5

1 3 3 .8

1 3 1 .0

1 3 1 .7



W a l n u t .......................................................................................................................................

2 4 3 5 -4 2 1

0 6 /8 5

1 5 3 .7

1 5 3 .8

1 5 3 .4

4 .0


O th e r h a rd w o o d s (d o m e s tic a n d im p o r te d ) ......................................... .................

2 4 3 5 -4 2 9

0 6 /8 5

1 2 9 .8

1 3 0 .0

1 2 2 .5


-5 .8

S e c o n d a ry p ro d u c ts a n d m is c e lla n e o u s r e c e ip t s .......................................................

2 4 3 5 -S M

S o ftw o o d p ly w o o d ........................................................................... ................................. ...................
P rim a ry p r o d u c t s ..........................................................................................................................
S p e c ia lty s o ftw o o d p ly w o o d ................................................................................ .............
O th e r p ly w o o d s p e c ia ltie s , in clu d in g s o ftw o o d p ly w o o d ty p e p ro d u c ts .

2 4 3 6 -P

1 6 1 .7

1 6 6 .8

5 .3

3 .2

1 6 0 .0

1 6 4 .5

5 .2

2 .8

2 4 3 6 -3

1 2 /8 0

1 7 3 .3

1 7 0 .7

1 8 8 .4

1 1 .5

1 0 .4

2 4 3 6 -3 1

0 6 /9 5

1 5 5 .1

1 0 0 .6

1 0 0 .8

1 5 2 .8

1 5 2 .8

- 3 .4


1 2 /8 0
1 2 /8 0

1 5 1 .7

1 6 4 .7

1 6 8 .3

6 .9

2 .2

S o ftw o o d p ly w o o d s h e a t h in g ......................................................................................

2 4 3 6 -5

W e s te r n , In la n d & N o n -s o u th e rn in te rio r s h e a t h in g .............................

1 5 8 .2
1 5 5 .2

2 4 3 6 -4

S o ftw o o d v e n e e r ......... .....................................................................................................
W e s te r n , In la n d & o th e r N o n -s o u th e rn s h e a t h in g ......................................

1 2 /8 0
1 2 /8 0


2 4 3 6 -5 1

1 2 /8 0

1 5 4 .6

1 7 0 .7

1 7 1 .0



2 4 3 6 -5 1 1

1 2 /8 0

1 5 4 .6

1 7 0 .8

1 7 1 .3



2 4 3 6 -5 1 1 2 4

0 6 /9 5


1 0 7 .6

1 09.1


1 .4

2 4 3 6 -5 2

0 6 /9 5


11 6 .1

1 2 1 .4


4 .6

O t h e r W e s te r n , In la n d , & N o n -s o u th e rn in te rio r s h e a th in g ,
inclu d in g : s tr u c tu r a l............................. .......................................................
S o u th e rn s h e a t h in g .......................... ..........................................................................

Seefootnotes at end of table.


Table 5. Producer price indexes for the net output of selected industries and their products, not seasonally adjusted
P e rc e n t c h a n g e

In d e x
In d u s try a n d p ro d u c t1

In d u stry

P ro d u c t

In d e x




to S e p . 1 9 9 5 fro m —
M ay






Sep. 1994

Aug. 1 9 9 5

S o ftw o o d p ly w o o d — C o n tin u e d
2 4 3 6 -5 2 1

1 2 /8 0

1 4 2 .2

1 4 3 .4

1 4 9 .9

6 .8

S o u th e rn C D X , in t e r io r ...................................... ......................................................

2 4 3 6 -5 2 1 1

1 2 /8 0

1 5 1 .9

1 6 3 .6

1 7 0 .9


4 .5

O th e r S o u th e rn , i n t e r io r ..........................................................................................

2 4 3 6 -5 2 1 2

0 6 /9 5

1 1 6 .7

1 2 2 .0


4 .5

S o u th e rn in terio r s h e a t h in g ..................................................................................... ..

S o u th e rn e x te rio r s h e a t h in g ........................................ ..............................................
S a n d e d s o ftw o o d p ly w o o d .................................................................................................
W e s te rn , In la n d & N o n -s o u th e rn s a n d e d ...............................................................
W e s te r n , In la n d & N o n -s o u th e rn s a n d e d , e x t e r i o r ......................... .............
W e s te r n , In la n d & N o n -s o u th e rn A -G , e x t e r io r ...........................................
W e s te r n , In la n d & N o n -s o u th e rn s a n d e d , i n t e r io r ........................................
S o u th e rn s a n d e d .................................................................................................................
S o u th e rn s a n d e d , e x t e r io r ..........................................................................................

4 .5

2 4 3 6 -5 2 2

1 2 /8 0

1 5 0 .4

2 4 3 6 -6

1 2 /8 0

1 6 1 .2

1 5 5 .7

f )
1 5 6 .2

3 .4


2 4 3 6 -6 1

0 6 /9 5

1 6 0 .1

1 0 2 .3

1 0 2 .9

1 5 5 .1

1 5 5 .5

2 .7


9 9 .5




2 .7

7 .9


1 .8

4 .2

2 4 3 6 -6 1 1

1 2 /8 0

2 4 3 6 -6 1 1 1

0 6 /9 5


9 9 .3

2 4 3 6 -6 1 2

0 6 /9 5


1 1 2 .5

1 1 5 .5

2 4 3 6 -6 2

0 6 /9 5

9 9 .4

9 9 .5

2 4 3 6 -6 2 2

1 2 /8 0

1 6 8 .9

1 5 6 .5

1 5 6 .2



2 4 3 6 -S M

S e c o n d a r y p ro d u c ts a n d m is c e lla n e o u s r e c e i p t s .......................................................
S e c o n d a r y p r o d u c t s ............................................. ..................................................................

2 4 3 6 -S

1 2 /8 0

1 6 6 .0

1 5 8 .2

1 6 4 .9

S a w m ill & p la n in g m i l l s ....................................................... ............................................

2 4 2 1 -S

0 6 /9 5


1 0 8 .9

1 1 5 .0


5 .6

0 6 /8 1

1 5 5 .3

1 5 4 .1

15 5 .1

-3 .4


2 4 3 9 -P

0 6 /8 1

1 5 2 .5

1 5 1 .3

1 5 2 .4

-3 .7


G lu e d la m in a te d lu m b e r ...................................................................................................

2 4 3 9 -1 3 1

0 6 /8 1

1 4 0 .6

1 4 2 .8

1 4 2 .8

-1 .1


R o o f t r u s s e s ...........................................................................................................................

2 4 3 9 -1 5 1

0 6 /8 1

1 4 9 .6

1 4 6 .7

1 4 7 .5

-5 .6

2 .2

S tru c tu ra l w o o d m e m b e rs , n .e .c ................................................................................. ...................


P rim a ry p r o d u c t s ................................... .......................................................................................

2 4 3 9 -1 9 8

0 6 /8 1

1 9 0 .2

1 9 1 .3

1 9 5 .5


F lo o r tru s s e s , incl I-b e a m flo o r j o i s t s ................................... ..............................

2 4 3 9 -1 9 8 1 5

0 6 /8 1

1 8 7 .0

1 8 5 .3

1 8 7 .4

-5 .1


O th e r fa b r ic a te d stru c tu ra l w o o d p ro d u c ts , e x c e p t flo o r t r u s s e s .........

2 4 3 9 -1 9 8 2 5

0 6 /8 1

1 9 6 .1

2 0 2 .5

2 1 0 .8

1 1 .8


1 2 /9 3

1 0 4 .5

1 0 4 .1

1 0 4 .1



O th e r fa b ric a te d stru c tu ra l w o o d p r o d u c t s ............................................................

2 4 3 9 -S M

S e c o n d a r y p ro d u c ts a n d m is c e lla n e o u s r e c e ip t s ......... ...................... .......................

2 4 3 9 -M

M is c e lla n e o u s r e c e i p t s ........................................................................................................

2 4 3 9 -Z 8 9

R e s a l e s ....................................................................................................................................
W o o d c o n t a in e r s ....................................................................................................................................


0 6 /8 5

1 4 9 .1

1 4 8 .4

1 4 8 .5


N a ile d w o o d b o x e s a n d s h o o k .................... ..................................................................................


0 6 /8 5

1 3 8 .3

1 3 8 .1


- .1


0 6 /8 5

1 3 1 .7

1 3 1 .4

1 3 1 .6



P rim a ry p r o d u c t s ...........................................................................................................................

2 4 4 1 -P

N a ile d o r lo c k -c o rn e r w o o d e n b o x e s ............................................................................

2 4 4 1 -1

0 6 /8 5

1 2 3 .2

1 2 3 .4

1 2 3 .7

1 .3


2 4 4 1 -1 5 1

0 6 /8 5

1 2 6 .8

1 2 7 .2

1 2 7 .8

2 .2


M a d e fro m lu m b e r fo r in d u strial a n d o th e r u s e s ................................................
M a d e fro m v e n e e r a n d p ly w o o d fo r fruits, v e g e ta b le s , a n d in dustrial
a n d o th e r u s e s .............................................................................................. ...............
W o o d e n b o x a n d c ra te s h o o k ................................................................!,........................
M a d e fro m lu m b e r fo r in d u strial a n d o th e r u s e s ...............................................

2 4 4 1 -1 6 5

0 6 /8 5

1 3 7 .5

1 3 7 .3

1 3 7 .4


2 4 4 1 -2

0 6 /8 5

1 3 8 .2

1 3 7 .7

1 3 7 .7

-1 .1


2 4 4 1 -2 1 5

0 6 /8 5

1 3 8 .5

1 3 7 .9

1 3 7 .9



2 4 4 1 -S M

S e c o n d a ry p ro d u c ts a n d m is c e lla n e o u s r e c e i p t s .......................................................

2 4 4 1 -S

0 6 /8 5

1 3 1 .8

1 3 1 .6

1 3 1 .3

1 .3


0 6 /8 5

1 5 1 .3

1 5 0 .3

1 5 0 .4

-1 .1


2 4 4 8 -P

0 6 /8 5

1 4 7 .1

1 4 5 .9

1 4 6 .0

-1 .4


P a lle ts , w o o d e n , f l a t ...............................................................................................................

2 4 4 8 -1 6 2

0 6 /8 5

1 5 0 .7

1 4 9 .7

1 4 9 .7

- 1 .3


W o o d e n s k i d s ...........................................................................................................................

2 4 4 8 -1 6 5

0 6 /8 5

1 2 6 .7

1 2 3 .9

1 2 3 .9

- 2 .1




S e c o n d a ry p r o d u c t s ...............................................................................................................
W o o d p a lle ts a n d s k i d s ......................................................................................................................


P rim a ry p r o d u c t s ...........................................................................................................................

2 4 4 8 -S M

S e c o n d a ry p ro d u c ts a n d m is c e lla n e o u s r e c e ip t s .......................................................
M is c e lla n e o u s r e c e i p t s ....................................... ................................... .............................

2 4 4 8 -M

0 6 /9 2

1 0 4 .5

1 0 6 .0

1 0 6 .0

S e c o n d a r y p r o d u c t s ...............................................................................................................

2 4 4 8 -S

0 6 /8 5

1 7 6 .9

1 7 6 .9

1 7 6 .9



1 2 /8 5

1 5 1 .0

1 5 1 .6

1 5 2 .2

6 .9

P rirh ary p r o d u c t s ...........................................................................................................................

2 4 4 9 -P

1 2 /8 5

1 4 8 .4

1 4 9 .2

1 4 9 .8

5 .4

W ire b o u n d b o x e s m a d e fro m lu m b e r, v e n e e r, a n d p ly w o o d ............................

2 4 4 9 -1

1 2 /8 5

1 3 9 .5

1 4 0 .1

1 4 0 .1

3 .2


2 4 4 9 -1 1 2

1 2 /8 5

1 3 3 .8

1 3 4 .5

1 3 4 .5

4 .3


2 4 4 9 -1 1 2 1 1

1 2 /8 5

1 2 1 .5

1 2 2 .5

1 2 2 .5

4 .5


2 4 4 9 -3

1 2 /8 5

1 8 6 .9

1 8 8 .2

1 8 8 .2

1 4 .7


W o o d c o n ta in e rs , n .e .c ........................................................................................................................


M a d e fro m v e n e e r a n d p ly w o o d .................................................. ...............................
F o r fru its a n d v e g e t a b l e s .................................................................. ........................
V e n e e r a n d p ly w o o d c o n ta in e rs , e x c e p t b o x e s a n d c r a t e s .............................
C o n ta in e rs incl. p ails, d ru m s , tu b s , fruit a n d v e g e ta b le b a s k e ts , a n d
h a m p e rs , e t c ................................................. ......... ............. ....................................... ..
S la c k a n d tig h t c o o p e r a g e ......................................... .......................................................

2 4 4 9 -3 1 2

1 2 /8 5

1 8 6 .9

1 8 8 .2

1 8 8 .2

1 4 .7


2 4 4 9 -5

1 2 /8 5

1 4 5 .9

1 4 6 .8

1 4 9 .8

3 .9

2 .0

2 4 4 9 -5 1 2

0 6 /9 2

1 0 9 .9

1 1 1 .1

1 2 0 .0

1 3 .9

8 .0

2 4 4 9 -5 1 3

1 2 /8 5

1 4 3 .5

1 4 4 .1

1 4 4 .1



1 2 /8 4

1 4 7 .7

1 4 8 .6

1 4 8 .7

5 .2


S la c k c o o p e ra g e (h o g s h e a d s , b a rre ls , & k e g s , incl. r e c o o p e re d u s e d
s la c k b a rre ls a n d k e g s ) ...........................................................................................
T ig h t c o o p e ra g e (h o g s h e a d s , b a rre ls , & k e g s fo r b o u rb o n a n d o th e r
w h i s k e y ) ....................................................................................................................... .

2 4 4 9 -S M

S e c o n d a r y p ro d u c ts a n d m is c e lla n e o u s r e c e i p t s ................................... ...................
W o o d b u ild in g s a n d m o b ile h o m e s .............................................................................................


M o b ile h o m e s .......................................... .............................................................................................


0 6 /8 1

1 5 0 .2

1 5 1 .5

1 5 1 .9



P rim a ry p ro d u c ts ...... ................................................ ..................................................................

2 4 5 1 -P

0 6 /8 1

1 5 0 .2

1 5 1 .5

1 5 1 .8

6 .2


M o b ile h o m e s , r e s i d e n t ia l................................................................ ..................................

2 4 5 1 -1

0 6 /8 1

1 5 2 .2

1 5 3 .2

1 5 3 .5

6 .2




2 4 5 1 -1 3

0 6 /8 1

1 5 0 .9

1 5 2 .3

1 5 2 .5

1 2 ft to 1 4 ft...........................................................................................................................

2 4 5 1 -1 3 3 3

0 6 /9 4

1 0 4 .7

1 0 6 .0

1 0 6 .0

5 .6


1 4 ft a n d o v e r .....................................................................................................................

2 4 5 1 -1 3 4 4

0 6 /8 1

1 6 3 .4

1 6 4 .9

1 6 5 .1

7 .3


2 4 5 1 -1 4

0 6 /8 1

1 5 9 .0

1 5 9 .6

1 6 0 .2

5 .4


2 4 5 1 -1 4 1

0 6 /8 1

1 5 9 .0

1 5 9 .6

1 6 0 .2

5 .5


S in g le s e c t i o n ............................................................................................. .........................

M u lti-s e c tio n ..................................................... .................... ......................... ......................
D o u b le w id e ................................................................ .........................................................
O th e r m u lt i- s e c t io n .............. ..........................................................................................
M o b ile b u ild in g s , n o n - r e s id e n t ia l.....................................................................................
O ffic e a n d o th e r c o m m e r c ia l............................................................ ............................

0 6 /9 4

1 0 4 .3

1 0 5 .9

1 0 5 .9

2 4 5 1 -2

0 6 /9 4

1 0 1 .2


1 0 5 .4

4 .8


2 4 5 1 -2 2 2

0 6 /9 4

1 0 2 .0


1 0 8 .9

7 .9


1 2 /8 4

1 5 5 .8

1 5 6 .0

1 5 5 .8

3 .7


See footnotesat endof table.


2 4 5 1 -S M

S e c o n d a r y p ro d u c ts a n d m is c e lla n e o u s r e c e ip t s .......................................................
P r e fa b ric a te d w o o d bu ild in g s a n d c o m p o n e n ts ....................................................................

2 4 5 1 -1 4 3

4 .3


- .1

Table 5. Producer price indexes for the net output of selected industries and their products, not seasonally adjusted
P e rc e n t c h a n g e

In d e x
In d u stry a n d p ro d u c t1

In dustry

P ro d u ct

In d e x




to S e p . 1 9 9 5 fro m —
M ay






Sep. 1994

Aug. 1995

P re fa b ric a te d w o o d b u ild in gs a n d c o m p o n e n ts — C o n tin u e d
P rim a ry p r o d u c t s ........... ..............................................................................................................

2 4 5 2 -P

1 2 /8 4

1 5 2 .6

1 5 2 .9

1 5 2 .7

3 .7

- 0 .1

C o m p o n e n ts n o t s o ld a s c o m p le te units ....................................................................

2 4 5 2 -1

1 2 /8 9

1 3 8 .9

1 3 8 .3


4 .9

- .1

2 4 5 2 -1 7 3

1 2 /8 9

1 4 0 .9

1 4 0 .3


4 .9


2 4 5 2 -2

1 2 /8 4

1 6 6 .8

1 6 7 .0


4 .8


2 4 5 2 -2 2 1

1 2 /8 4

1 6 7 .0

1 6 7 .5

1 6 7 .5



R e s id e n tia l (h o m e s , to w n h o u s e s , a n d a p a rtm e n ts ) .........................................
P re c u t p a c k a g e s so ld a s c o m p le te u n i t s .................... ........................ ......................
R e s id e n tia l (h o m e s , to w n h o u s e s , a n d a p a r t m e n t s ) ............... ..........................
N o n re s id e n tia l, in cluding m o te ls a n d h o t e l s ........................................................
P a n e liz e d b u ild in g s so ld a s c o m p le te u n i t s ............................... ...............................
R e s id e n tia l ....................................................... ........................................ .............................
S in g le fa m ily , in cluding to w n h o u s e s .....................................................................
N o n re s id e n tia l, in cluding m o te ls a n d h o t e l s ........................................................

2 4 5 2 -2 2 3

1 2 /8 4

1 5 6 .8

1 5 6 .8

1 5 6 .8

8 .9

2 4 5 2 -3

1 2 /8 4

1 5 5 .4

1 5 6 .7

1 5 6 .7

2 .5


2 4 5 2 -3 3 4

1 2 /8 4

1 5 1 .2

1 5 2 .9

1 5 2 .9

1 .6


2 4 5 2 -3 3 4 3 3

1 2 /8 4

1 5 3 .6

1 5 5 .3

1 5 5 .3


2 4 5 2 -3 3 7

1 2 /8 4

1 4 8 .2


1 4 8 .2

4 .7

2 4 5 2 -4

1 2 /8 4

1 3 7 .7

1 3 7 .8

1 3 7 .3

3 .3


2 4 5 2 -4 4 4

1 2 /8 4

1 3 6 .4

1 3 6 .5

1 3 5 .8

4 .7


2 4 5 2 -S

0 8 /9 2

1 63.1

1 6 1 .9

1 6 1 .9

1 .5



M o d u la r b u ild in g s s h ip p e d w ith flo o rs a n d w a lls , a n d u su ally c eilin g s
a n d r o o f s ................................................................... .........................................................
R e s id e n t ia l............................................................................... .............................................
S e c o n d a ry p r o d u c t s .......... ...................................................... ..............................................
M is c e lla n e o u s w o o d p r o d u c t s .................................................. .............................. ...................


1 2 /8 4

1 4 5 .3

1 4 4 .8

1 4 5 .9

2 .2


W o o d p r e s e r v in g ................................................................ .................................................................

24 9 1

0 6 /8 5

1 4 6 .6

1 4 6 .8

1 4 6 .3

3 .2


P rim a ry p r o d u c t s ............................................................................. ;...........................................

2 4 9 1 -P

0 6 /8 5

1 4 7 .8

1 4 7 .9

1 4 7 .4

2 .7

W o o d p o le s , piles, a n d p o sts o w n e d a n d tre a te d b y s a m e e s ta b lis h m e n t

2 4 9 1 -2

0 6 /8 5

1 5 5 .7


1 5 8 .2

1 3 .6


N o t o v e r 1 5 fe e t in l e n g t h .......................................... ................... ..............................

2 4 9 1 -2 1 1

0 6 /8 5

14 2 .1

1 4 1 .0

1 3 9 .5

3 .9

- 1 .1

O v e r 1 5 f e e t in le n g t h .................................... ................... .............................. ...............

2 4 9 1 -2 1 3

1 6 1 .6

O th e r w o o d p ro d u c ts o w n e d a n d tre a te d by s a m e e s ta b lis h m e n t ..............
R a ilw a y c ro s s tie s a n d m in e t i e s .................................................................................

0 6 /8 5

1 5 8 .4


1 5 .7

2 4 9 1 -3

0 6 /8 5

1 4 6 .3

1 4 4 .8

1 4 3 .8

-4 .6


2 4 9 1 -3 1 1

0 6 /8 5

1 5 2 .7

1 5 3 .3

1 5 1 .5


-1 .2



L u m b e r a n d w o o d siding, rou gh a n d w o r k e d ......................................................

2 4 9 1 -3 1 3

0 6 /8 5

1 3 7 .0

1 3 4 .4

1 3 3 .6

-7 .5

O t h e r w o o d tre a te d p r o d u c t s .......................................................................................

2 4 9 1 -3 1 9

0 6 /8 5

1 5 1 .2


1 5 4 .3

2 .2


C o n tra c t w o o d p r e s e r v in g ........................................................... ..................................

2 4 9 1 -9 1 1

0 6 /8 5

1 2 3 .4

1 2 3 .3

12 3 .1



0 6 /8 5

1 7 6 .8

1 7 6 .8

1 7 6 .8

1 .4


0 6 /9 1

1 2 6 .2

1 2 4 .2

1 2 7 .7

-1 .1

2 .8
2 .9

2 4 9 1 -S M

S e c o n d a r y p ro d u c ts a n d m is c e lla n e o u s r e c e ip t s .......................................................

2 4 9 1 -S

S e c o n d a ry p r o d u c t s ................ .................................................. ..........................................
R e c o n s titu te d w o o d p r o d u c ts ................................... .....................................................................


P rim ary p r o d u c t s ................................................................................ ....... .................................

2 4 9 3 -P

0 6 /9 1

1 2 7 .2

1 2 5 .0

1 2 8 .6

- 1 .2

P a r tic le b o a r d .............................................................................................................................

2 4 9 3 -1

1 2 /8 2

1 6 0 .7

1 4 8 .8

1 4 8 .9

- 7 .6


2 4 9 3 -1 0 7

1 2 /8 2

1 3 2 .6

1 2 8 .2

1 2 9 .2

-1 .1


- 3 .9


S h e lv in g ..................................... ............................ ................................................................

2 4 9 3 -1 1 2

1 2 /8 2

1 5 1 .4

1 4 5 .8

1 4 6 .0

3 / 4 inch th ic k ..................................................................................................................

2 4 9 3 -1 1 2 1 1

1 2 /8 2

1 5 2 .5

1 4 7 .9

1 4 7 .9

-3 .1


5 / 8 inch th ic k ......................................................... .........................................................

2 4 9 3 -1 1 2 1 3

1 2 /8 2

1 6 1 .6

1 4 6 .9

1 4 7 .8

- 9 .6


O th e r ind u strial b o a r d ...... ................................................................................................

O rie n te d s tra n d b o a r d ...........................................................................................................

2 4 9 3 -2

1 2 /8 2

14 1 .1

1 4 9 .3

1 6 2 .2

1 .8

8 .6

M e d iu m d e n s ity fib e rb o a rd ............... .................................................................................

2 4 9 3 -3

0 6 /8 4

1 2 7 .6

1 2 0 .0

1 1 7 .6

- 6 .1

-2 .0

2 4 9 3 -3 1 1

U n c o a te d p a n e l .......... ............................ .................. .................................. .....................

2 4 9 3 -3 1 1 1 4

0 6 /8 4

1 2 5 .3

1 1 7 .8

1 1 5 .0

- 6 .7

-2 .4

e s t a b lis h m e n t ......................................... ..........................................................................

2 4 9 3 -4

0 6 /8 4

1 1 3 .6

1 1 4 .2

1 2 0 .8


5 .8

F ib e r b o a r d ..................................................................................................................................

2 4 9 3 -5

1 2 /8 5

1 3 0 .7

1 3 0 .5

1 2 9 .4

1 .3


F a b ric a te d h a rd b o a rd p ro d u c ts m a d e fro m p u rc h a s e d h a r d b o a r d ...............

2 4 9 3 -6

0 9 /8 4

1 2 4 .8

1 2 4 .8

1 2 4 .8





U n c o a te d s ta n d a rd s ize p a n e l ...... ..............................................


F a b ric a te d h a rd b o a rd p ro d u c ts fro m h a rd b o a rd m a d e in th is

2 4 9 3 -6 2 2

C o a te d o r la m in a te d .......... ............... ................................... ...........................................

2 4 9 3 -6 2 2 1 7

O th e r, in clu d in g d o o r skins, g a ra g e d o o r p a n e ls , fu rn itu re s t o c k .........

0 6 /9 1

1 1 0 .3

1 1 0 .3

1 1 0 .3

P re fin is h e d p a rtic le b o a rd a n d m e d iu m d e n s ity fib e rb o a rd m a d e fro m
2 4 9 3 -7

0 6 /9 1

1 2 7 .2

12 4 .1

12 4 .1



2 4 9 3 -7 2 1

0 6 /9 1

1 3 3 .4

1 2 9 .5

1 2 9 .4

-1 .2

- .1

0 6 /8 4

1 4 0 .0

1 4 0 .4

1 4 0 .3

4 .6

- .1

P rim a ry p r o d u c t s ................................................................. ........................................................

2 4 9 9 -P

0 6 /8 4

1 3 8 .2

1 3 8 .5

1 3 8 .4

5 .0


M irro r a n d p ic tu re f r a m e s .............................. .....................................................................

2 4 9 9 -1

0 6 /8 4

1 6 0 .1

1 6 0 .2

1 6 0 .2



2 4 9 9 -1 1 1

0 6 /8 4

1 4 1 .8

1 4 1 .9

1 4 1 .9

6 .8


2 4 9 9 -1 1 1 1 1

0 6 /8 4

1 4 1 .9

1 4 2 .0

1 4 2 .0

4 .5


p u rc h a s e d m a t e r ia ls ........................................................... ................. ........................
P a r t ic le b o a r d ............................................................................................... ...........................
W o o d p ro d u c ts , n .e .c .............................. .............................................................................................

F r a m e s ................................................................... ..................... ............. .............................
W o o d f r a m e s ...................................................................................................................
M e ta l f r a m e s .......................................................................................... ...........................
F in is h e d m o ld in g s fo r m irrors a n d p ic t u r e s ...........................................................
W o o d m o ld in g ...................................................................................................................
F ra m e d p ic t u r e s ...................................................................................................................
W o o d fra m e d p ic t u r e s ................................................................. ................................


0 6 /8 4

1 4 6 .4

1 1 .8

0 6 /8 4

1 6 6 .0

1 6 6 .0

1 4 6 .4

2 4 9 9 -1 2 1

1 6 6 .0

3 .6


2 4 9 9 -1 2 1 3 1

0 6 /8 4

1 7 9 .3

1 7 9 .3

1 7 9 .3

3 .2


2 4 9 9 -1 3 1

0 6 /8 4

2 1 1 .5

2 1 2 .0

2 1 2 .0



2 4 9 9 -1 3 1 6 1

0 6 /8 4

2 3 9 .6

2 4 0 .2

2 4 0 .3

4 .0


5 .0

- .1

2 4 9 9 -1 1 1 1 5


2 4 9 9 -9

0 6 /8 4

1 4 5 .4

1 4 6 .0

1 4 5 .8

B o x e s , c a s e s , a n d c h e s ts fo r je w e lry , silver, to o ls , uten sils, e tc ................

2 4 9 9 -9 1 1

0 6 /8 4

1 3 1 .9

1 3 1 .9

1 3 1 .9

W o o d fe n c e s , p alin g s, a n d rails; a s s e m b le d into fe n c e s ..............................

2 4 9 9 -9 1 7

0 6 /9 1

1 1 1 .6

1 1 1 .6

1 1 1 .6

3 .6


T o o th p ic k s , s k e w e rs , c a n d y sticks, a n d sim ilar s m a ll w a re s ........ <.............

2 4 9 9 -9 1 9

0 6 /8 4

1 2 5 .6

1 2 6 .7
1 1 0 .0

1 1 0 .6

4 .3


M is c e lla n e o u s w o o d p ro d u c ts , n .e .c ............. .................................................. ..............

W o o d h a n d le s a n d t o o l s ........................................ ........................ ................................

2 4 9 9 -9 5

0 6 /9 1

1 0 6 .8

2 4 9 9 -9 5 1

0 6 /8 4

1 1 6 .3

1 2 0 .0


3 .5


O th e r h a n d le s a n d w o o d e n t o o l s ......................... .................................................

2 4 9 9 *9 5 9

0 6 /8 4

1 3 8 .2

1 4 2 .0

1 4 3 .7

8 .0

1 .2

D o w e ls a n d d o w e l p in s ................................................................................ ...................

2 4 9 9 -9 6 2

0 6 /8 4

1 4 5 .3

1 4 5 .3

1 4 5 .3

3 .3


W o o d e n re e ls fo r w ire a n d c a b l e .....................

2 4 9 9 -9 8 5

0 6 /8 4

1 5 3 .2

1 5 2 .4


2 4 9 9 -9 9 8

0 6 /8 4

1 4 6 .7

1 4 7 .0

1 4 7 .4

H a n d le s , in clu d in g h a n d to o l, m o p , a n d b r o o m ......................... ....................


1 2 0 .3



O th e r m is c e lla n e o u s w o o d e n p ro d u c ts , n e c , in cluding w o o d tu rn in g s
n o t fo r f u r n i t u r e ...........................................................................................................
S e c o n d a ry p ro d u c ts a n d m is c e lla n e o u s r e c e ip t s .......................................................
M is c e lla n e o u s r e c e i p t s .........................................................................................................
R e s a l e s ................................................. ...................................................................................
S e c o n d a r y p r o d u c t s ............................................ ..................................................................
O th e r s e c o n d a ry p r o d u c t s ............................. .............. ......... ............ »..........................


2 4 9 9 -M

0 6 /8 4

1 9 6 .0

1 9 6 .0

1 9 6 .0



2 4 9 9 -Z 8 9

0 6 /8 4

1 8 4 .3

1 8 4 .3

1 8 4 .4



2 4 9 9 -S

0 6 /8 4

1 3 2 .7

1 3 2 .9

1 3 2 .9



2 4 9 9 -S S S

0 6 /8 4

1 3 3 .5

1 3 3 .8

1 3 3 .8

1 .7


See footnotes at endof table.

5 .7

2 4 9 9 -S M


Table 5. Producer price indexes for the net output of selected industries and their products, not seasonally adjusted
In d e x
In d u s try a n d p ro d u c t1

In d u stry

P ro d u c t

In d e x




P e rc e n t c h a n g e
to S e p . 1 9 9 5 fro m —

M ay

A ug.





S ep. 1994

Aug. 199 5

F u rn itu re a n d f ix t u r e s ...........................................................................................................................


1 2 /8 4

1 3 2 .8

1 3 3 .5

1 3 4 .0

2 .8

0 .4

H o u s e h o ld f u r n i t u r e .............................................................................................................................


1 2 /8 4

1 3 2 .1

1 3 2 .6

1 3 2 .9

2 .8


W o o d h o u s e h o ld fu rn itu re , e x c e p t u p h o ls t e r e d ...................................................................


1 2 /7 9

1 8 6 .3

1 8 6 .8

1 8 6 .9

P rim a ry p r o d u c t s ...........................................................................................................................

2 5 1 1 -P

1 2 /7 9

1 8 8 .6

1 8 9 .1

1 8 9 .3

3 .0


W o o d living ro o m , library, fa m ily ro o m a n d d e n f u r n it u r e ..................................

2 5 1 1 -2

1 2 /7 9

1 9 1 .0

1 9 1 .7

1 9 2 .0

2 .8

2 .8



C a b in e ts , e x c e p t s e w in g m a c h in e c a b i n e t s ..........................................................

2 5 1 1 -2 1 9

1 2 /7 9

2 2 0 .4

2 2 0 .0

2 2 2 .1

3 .9

1 .0

C h a irs , e x c e p t d in in g ro o m (in c lu d in g r o c k e r s ) ..................................................

2 5 1 1 -2 3 1

1 2 /7 9

1 8 2 .8

1 8 5 .5

1 8 6 .0

-1 .3


T a b le s , e x c e p t c a rd a n d te le p h o n e t a b l e s ............................................. ...............

2 5 1 1 -2 4 1

1 2 /7 9

1 9 4 .9

195 .1

1 9 5 .4

3 .8


D e s k s ..........................................................................................................................................

2 5 1 1 -2 5 1

1 2 /7 9

1 8 8 .8

1 8 8 .8

1 8 8 .2

1 .3


C re d e n z a s , b o o k c a s e s , a n d b o o k s h e lv e s .............................................................

2 5 1 1 -2 7 1

1 2 /7 9

1 6 4 .4

1 6 4 .4

1 6 4 .4



O th e r n o n u p h o ls te re d living ro o m f u r n itu r e ...........................................................

2 5 1 1 -2 9 8

1 2 /7 9

1 6 7 .6

1 6 9 .4

1 6 9 .2

2 .7


W a ll u nits (d e s k , b o o k c a s e , a n d s to ra g e t y p e ) ..............................................

2 5 1 1 -2 9 8 1 1

0 6 /9 4

1 0 3 .2

1 0 4 .5

1 0 4 .3

2 .7


A ll o th e r living ro o m f u r n it u r e ...................................................................................

2 5 1 1 -2 9 8 9 9

0 6 /9 4

1 0 3 .4

1 0 4 .2

1 0 4 .2

2 .6

2 5 1 1 -3

1 2 /7 9

2 0 6 .0

2 0 5 .8

2 0 6 .2

3 .3


2 0 5 .2

2 0 4 .7

2 0 5 .0



W o o d din in g ro o m a n d k itc h e n fu rn itu re, e x c e p t c a b i n e t s ................................



2 5 1 1 -3 1 1

1 2 /7 9

D in in g ro o m c h a irs , incl. u p h o ls te re d a n d n o n u p h o ls te r e d ...........................

2 5 1 1 -3 3 1

1 2 /7 9

2 1 1 .7

2 1 1 .2

2 1 1 .9

3 .0

B u ffe ts a n d s e rv e rs , din in g r o o m ............................................ ..................................

2 5 1 1 -3 5 1

1 2 /7 9

2 2 2 .9

2 2 4 .0

2 2 4 .0

3 .0


C h in a a n d c o m e r c a b in e ts , d ining r o o m ................................................................

2 5 1 1 -3 7 1

1 2 /7 9

1 9 6 .6

1 9 6 .6

1 9 6 .9

3 .0


T a b le s , din in g ro o m , 3 0 x 4 0 in c h e s a n d g r e a t e r .............. ...............................

2 5 1 1 -3 9 8

1 2 /7 9

1 5 3 .9

1 5 3 .9

1 5 4 .3

2 .3


2 5 1 1 -5

1 2 /7 9

1 8 1 .5

1 8 2 .8

1 8 2 .9



2 5 1 1 -5 A

1 2 /7 9

1 8 5 .9

1 8 8 .6

1 8 8 .9

4 .3


B e d s , incl. b u n k a n d w a te r b e d s , e x c l. crib a n d h e a d b o a rd b e d s .......

2 5 1 1 -5 1 1

1 2 /7 9

1 9 6 .2

2 0 1 .4

2 0 1 .9

5 .4


H e a d b o a rd s a n d h e a d b o a rd s e t s ..........................................................................

2 5 1 1 -5 1 3

1 2 /7 9

1 7 9 .2

1 7 9 .2

1 7 9 .2

3 .0


D r e s s e rs , v a n itie s a n d d re s s in g t a b l e s ....................................................................

2 5 1 1 -5 2 1

1 2 /7 9

1 8 4 .2

1 8 4 .9

1 8 5 .1

4 .0


O t h e r d in in g ro o m a n d k itc h e n f u r n it u r e .................................................................
W o o d b e d ro o m f u r n i t u r e ......................................................................................................
B e d s , h e a d b o a r d s a n d f o o t b o a r d s .............................................................................

W a rd r o b e s , c h iffo ro b e s , a rm o ire s , & w a rd ro b e -ty p e c a b in e t s ....................

2 5 1 1 -5 3 3

1 2 /7 9

1 .0


C h e s ts o f d ra w e rs , in clu d in g c e d a r c h e s t s ...........................................................

2 5 1 1 -5 3 5

1 2 /7 9

1 7 7 .9

1 7 9 .3

1 7 9 .1

2 .0

- .1

N ig h t ta b le s a n d s t a n d s ...................................................................................................

2 5 1 1 -5 6 1

1 2 /7 9

2 0 1 .5

17 8 .1

2 0 2 .0

1 7 7 .7

2 0 2 .1

1 7 8 .0

2 .8


O th e r n o n u p h o ls te re d b e d ro o m f u r n it u r e ...............................................................

2 5 1 1 -5 9 8

1 2 /7 9

1 6 1 .6

1 6 1 .6

1 6 1 .6

1 .5


In fa n ts ’ a n d c h ild re n ’s w o o d f u r n it u r e ..........................................................................

2 5 1 1 -6

1 2 /7 9

1 6 7 .6

1 6 6 .7

1 6 6 .7

3 .7

U n p a in te d , u n a s s e m b le d , k n o c k -d o w n , a n d o u td o o r f u r n it u r e ........................

2 5 1 1 -7

1 2 /7 9

1 6 1 .6

1 6 1 .7

1 6 1 .7

2 .5


U n p a in te d w o o d f u r n it u r e ...............................................................................................

2 5 1 1 -7 4 1

1 2 /7 9

1 8 8 .0

1 8 8 .8

1 8 8 .7

1 .7

- .1

U n a s s e m b le d , k n o c k -d o w n , a n d o u td o o r fu r n it u r e ............................................

2 5 1 1 -7 5 1

0 6 /8 7

1 1 8 .6

1 1 8 .7

1 1 8 .7

2 .6


S e c o n d a ry p ro d u c ts a n d m is c e lla n e o u s r e c e ip t s ............................... .......................

2 5 1 1 -S M

M is c e lla n e o u s r e c e i p t s .........................................................................................................
R e s a l e s ..................................................................... :............................. ................................


1 2 /7 9

1 4 2 .6

1 4 2 .7

1 4 2 .7



1 2 /7 9

1 4 2 .7

1 4 2 .7

1 4 2 .7



2 5 1 1 -S

S e c o n d a ry p r o d u c t s ............................................. ....................................... i........................
U p h o ls te r e d w o o d h o u s e h o ld fu r n it u r e ...............

2 5 1 1 -M
2 5 1 1 -Z 8 9


1 2 /7 9

1 7 9 .3

1 7 8 .8

1 7 8 .8

1 .8


0 6 /8 2

1 3 2 .3

1 3 3 .5

1 3 4 .1

3 .0


P rim a ry p r o d u c t s ...........................................................................................................................

2 5 1 2 -P

0 6 /8 2

1 3 3 .4

1 3 4 .6

1 3 5 .2

3 .0


U p h o ls te re d w o o d h o u s e h o ld f u r n it u r e ..... .................................................................

2 5 1 2 -1

0 6 /8 2

1 3 3 .4

1 3 4 .6

1 3 5 .2

3 .0


1 3 4 .7

2 5 1 2 -1 1 2

0 6 /8 2

2 .0


1 3 3 .4

1 3 3 .9

C h ie fly c o t t o n .....................................................................................................................

2 5 1 2 -1 1 2 3 2

0 6 /8 2

1 3 9 .4

1 4 0 .1

1 4 1 .3

2 .5


C h ie fly r a y o n ......................................................................................................................

2 5 1 2 -1 1 2 3 3

0 6 /8 2

1 5 4 .1

1 5 5 .7

1 5 5 .4

2 .3


C h ie fly o l e f i n ........................................................................................................, ............

2 5 1 2 -1 1 2 3 4

0 6 /8 2

1 3 1 .3

1 3 1 .4

1 3 1 .4

1 .9


C h ie fly n y l o n ............................................. ........................................................................

2 5 1 2 -1 1 2 3 5

0 6 /8 2

1 2 7 .6

1 2 7 .6

1 2 7 .6



S o fa s , d a v e n p o rts , s e tte e s , a n d l o v e s e a t s ...........................................................

C h ie fly p o l y e s t e r ..............................................................................................................

2 5 1 2 -1 1 2 3 6

0 6 /8 2

1 2 7 .0

3 .0


O t h e r fib e rs a n d b le n d s , in clu d in g c o a te d fa b ric a n d v i n y l ......................

2 5 1 2 -1 1 2 3 7

0 6 /8 2

1 2 2 .3

1 2 2 .7

1 2 5 .2

2 .5

2 .0

2 5 1 2 -1 3 2

0 6 /8 2

1 3 6 .5

1 3 8 .4

1 3 9 .4

4 .8


2 5 1 2 -1 3 2 4 2

0 6 /8 2

1 3 3 .6

1 3 5 .6

1 3 5 .4

2 .2


C h a irs , e x c e p t re clin in g a n d r o c k e r s .........................................................................
C h ie fly c o t t o n ....................................................................................................................

1 2 8 .2

1 2 8 .5

C h ie fly r a y o n ............................. :.......................................................................................

2 5 1 2 -1 3 2 4 3

0 6 /8 2

1 4 4 .1

7 .8

2 5 1 2 -1 3 2 4 4

0 6 /8 2

1 2 5 .6

1 2 7 .5

1 4 9 .6

C h ie fly o l e f i n ......................................................................................................................

1 2 7 .5

4 .4


O t h e r fib e rs a n d b le n d s , inclu d in g c o a te d fa b ric a n d v i n y l ......................

2 5 1 2 -1 3 2 4 5

0 6 /8 2

1 4 4 .9

1 4 6 .1

1 4 7 .7

5 .2


S e c tio n a l s o fa p i e c e s ................................................................................ .......................

2 5 1 2 -1 4 1

1 2 /8 7

1 2 6 .9

1 3 2 .8

1 3 2 .8

7 .9


R o c k e rs , in c lu d in g s w iv e l.................................................................................................

2 5 1 2 -1 4 5

0 6 /8 2

1 1 0 .9

1 1 2 .0

1 1 2 .0

2 .0


R e c lin in g c h a i r s ...................................................................... .............................................

2 5 1 2 -1 5 4

0 6 /8 2

1 2 9 .1

1 2 9 .1

1 2 9 .1

2 .0


2 5 1 2 -1 9 8

0 6 /8 2

1 5 9 .2

1 5 8 .8

1 5 8 .9



2 5 1 2 -S

0 6 /8 2

1 1 9 .0

1 1 9 .7

1 2 1 .0

3 .6


0 6 /8 4

1 2 4 .7

1 2 5 .2

1 2 6 .4

3 .6

1 .0

2 5 1 4 -P

0 6 /8 4

1 2 3 .8

1 2 4 .4

1 2 5 .7

3 .5

1 .0

2 5 1 4 -1

0 6 /8 4

1 3 2 .8

1 3 4 .6

1 3 4 .6

2 .6


2 5 1 4 -1 1 1

0 6 /8 4

1 2 9 .3

1 3 1 .6

1 3 1 .6




O t h e r u p h o ls te re d w o o d h o u s e h o ld fu rn itu re ( o tto m a n s , h a s s o c k s ,
e t c ) ..................................................................................................................................

2 5 1 2 -S M

S e c o n d a ry p ro d u c ts a n d m is c e lla n e o u s r e c e i p t s .......................................................
S e c o n d a ry p r o d u c t s ..... .........................................................................................................
M e t a l h o u s e h o ld f u r n i t u r e .................................................................................................................
P rim a ry p r o d u c t s ..........................................................................................................................
M e ta l h o u s e h o ld d in in g , d in e tte a n d b re a k fa s t fu r n itu r e .......................... ..........
T u b u la r m e ta l s e ts (ta b le s a n d c h a i r s ) ....................................................................


T u b u la r m e ta l ta b le s (n o t s o ld w ith a s e t ) ............................................................

2 5 1 4 -1 1 5

0 6 /8 4

1 4 0 .3

1 4 0 .3

1 4 0 .3

1 .0


T u b u la r m e ta l c h a irs (n o t s o ld in a s e t ) .................................................................

2 5 1 4 -1 1 7

0 6 /8 4

1 3 6 .9

1 3 6 .9

1 3 8 .2

2 .4


O th e r m e ta l d in in g , d in e tte , a n d b re a k fa s t f u r n it u r e ........................................

2 5 1 4 -1 9 8

0 6 /8 4 ,

1 5 1 .4

1 5 1 .6

2 5 1 4 -2

0 6 /8 4

9 9 .9

9 9 .9

1 0 1 .2

2 .4

1 .3

2 5 1 4 -2 5 1

0 6 /8 4

1 0 8 .7

1 0 8 .7

1 1 0 .1

2 .4

1 .3

2 5 1 4 -3

0 6 /8 4

1 3 2 .7

1 3 3 .4

1 3 5 .6

5 .9

1 .6

2 5 1 4 -3 1

0 6 /8 4

1 3 6 .6

1 3 7 .5

1 4 0 .0

6 .3

C h a irs , ro c k e rs , b e n c h e s , c h a is e lo u n g e s a n d s e t t e e s .............................

2 5 1 4 -3 1 2

0 6 /8 4

1 3 8 .5

1 3 9 .7

1 4 1 .6

5 .9

1 .4

O th e r p o rc h , la w n , o u td o o r a n d c a s u a l f u r n it u r e ...........................................

2 5 1 4 -3 1 4

0 6 /8 4

1 3 0 .5

1 3 0 .5

1 3 5 .0

7 .7

3 .4

M e ta l k itc h e n f u r n it u r e ...........................................................................................................
S to o ls , p a d d e d a n d p l a i n ................... .............................................................................
M e ta l p o rc h , la w n , o u td o o r a n d c a s u a l f u r n it u r e .............. .....................................
T u b u la r a lu m in u m ................................................................................................................

1 .8

C a s t a n d w ro u g h t i r o n .......................................................................................................

2 5 1 4 -3 2

0 6 /8 4

1 1 6 .8

1 1 6 .8

O th e r p o rc h , la w n , o u td o o r, a n d c a s u a l fu rn itu re , in c. p ic n ic t a b l e s .......

2 5 1 4 -3 9 8

0 6 /8 4

1 3 8 .9

1 4 0 .4

i 3)
1 4 0 .4

4 .5

2 5 1 4 -4

0 6 /8 4

1 1 2 .6

1 1 2 .3

1 1 3 .8

2 .2

1 .3

2 5 1 4 -4 3 3

0 6 /8 4

1 1 5 .3

1 1 6 .5

1 1 7 .8



O th e r m e ta l h o u s e h o ld f u r n it u r e ......................................................................................
F o ld in g c o ts , ro lla b le c o ts , a rm y c o ts , a n d o th e r m e ta l b e d s ....................

Seefootnotes at endof table.



Table 5. Producer price indexes for the net output of selected industries and their products, not seasonally adjusted
P e rc e n t c h a n g e

In d e x
In d u stry a n d p ro d u c t1

In d u stry

P ro d u c t

In d e x




to S e p . 1 9 9 5 fro m —
M ay

A ug .





Sep. 1994

A ug. 1 9 9 5

M e ta l h o u s e h o ld fu rn itu re — C o n tin u e d
M e ta l b e d f r a m e s ................................................................................................................

2 5 1 4 -4 3 7

0 6 /8 4

1 1 2 .3


2 5 1 4 -4 8 9

0 7 /8 4

1 0 0 .7

1 0 0 .5

1 1 2 .3

In fa n ts ’ a n d c h ild re n ’s m e ta l f u r n it u r e ............................................................ ........

1 0 2 .9


2 .4
7 .7

In fa n ts ’ h ig h c h a ir s ....................................................................................... .................

2 5 1 4 -4 8 9 2 2

0 7 /8 4

1 0 6 .6

1 0 9 .3

1 1 7 .7

8 .5

In fa n ts ’ c a r s e a t s .............................................................................................................

2 5 1 4 -4 8 9 3 3

0 7 /8 4

1 0 9 .7

1 0 8 .2

1 0 8 .5

-2 .9


2 5 1 4 -4 8 9 4 4

0 8 /8 4

9 6 .1

9 5 .6

9 7 .2

-1 .2

1 .7

2 5 1 4 -4 9 8

0 6 /8 4

1 1 5 .7

1 1 6 .8

11 7 .1

5 .4


0 6 /8 4

1 2 7 .4

1 2 7 .4

1 2 8 .4

4 .3


0 6 /8 3

1 3 3 .7

1 3 3 .8

1 3 3 .8

1 .4


0 6 /8 3

1 3 4 .2

1 3 4 .2

1 3 4 .4

1 .8


O th e r in fa n ts ’ a n d c h ild re n ’s m e ta l fu rn itu re (ch a irs , ta b le s ,
p la y p e n s , e t c . ) .........................................................................................................
O th e r m e ta l h o u s e h o ld f u r n it u r e .................................................................................

2 5 1 4 -S M

S e c o n d a ry p ro d u c ts a n d m is c e lla n e o u s r e c e ip t s .......................................................

2 5 1 4 -S

S e c o n d a ry p r o d u c t s ...............................................................................................................
M a ttre s s e s a n d b e d s p r in g s .............................................................................................................


P rim a ry p r o d u c t s ...........................................................................................................................

2 5 1 5 -P

In n ersp rin g m a ttre s s e s o th e r th a n crib s i z e .............................................................

2 5 1 5 -1

0 6 /8 3

1 2 2 .6

1 2 2 .7

1 23.1

1 .4

T w in s iz e in n ersp rin g m a t t r e s s e s ...............................................................................

2 5 1 5 -1 1 2

0 6 /8 3

1 1 5 .2

1 1 4 .8

1 1 4 .8

1 .6


Q u e e n s iz e in n ersp rin g m a ttre s s e s ..........................................................................

2 5 1 5 -1 1 3

0 6 /8 3

1 3 4 .3

1 3 4 .5

135 .1



1 2 2 .7

2 .0


O th e r s iz e in n ersp rin g m a ttre s s e s , e x c e p t crib s i z e ........................................
O th e r m a ttre s s e s , in cluding crib m a ttre s s e s a n d m a ttre s s in s e r t s ..............
F o a m c o re m a ttre s s e s , o th e r th a n crib s i z e ..... ..................................................

2 5 1 5 -1 1 4

0 6 /8 3

1 2 1 .4

1 2 1 .9

2 5 1 5 -2

0 6 /8 3

1 5 6 .4

1 5 6 .4

1 5 6 .4

2 .7


2 5 1 5 -2 1 5

0 6 /8 3

1 4 8 .7

1 4 8 .7

1 4 8 .7

4 .4


2 5 1 5 -3

0 6 /8 3

1 2 6 .1

1 2 5 .9

1 2 6 .0

3 .0


S p rin g f o u n d a t io n s ..............................................................................................................

2 5 1 5 -3 1 5

0 6 /8 9

1 0 8 .9

1 0 9 .0

1 0 9 .0

3 .3


O th e r fo u n d a tio n s , in clu d in g p la t f o r m ......................................................................

2 5 1 5 -3 1 9

0 6 /8 9

1 2 4 .0

1 1 9 .7

1 1 9 .7

-6 .1


2 5 1 5 -M

F o u n d a t io n s .................................................................................................................................

2 5 1 5 -S M

S e c o n d a ry p ro d u c ts a n d m is c e lla n e o u s r e c e ip t s .......................................................

0 6 /8 9

1 0 9 .0

1 0 5 .5

9 7 .2

-5 .9

- 7 .9

2 5 1 5 -Z 8 9

0 6 /8 9

1 0 8 .4

1 0 4 .4

S e c o n d a ry p r o d u c t s ...............................................................................................................

2 5 1 5 -S

0 6 /8 3

13 6 .1

1 3 7 .6

1 3 7 .4

-3 .5


W o o d h o u s e h o ld f u r n it u r e ..............................................................................................

2 5 1 1 -S

0 6 /8 9

1 1 5 .3

1 1 5 .3

1 1 5 .3

5 .2


O th e r s e c o n d a ry p r o d u c t s ..............................................................................................

2 5 1 5 -S S S

0 6 /8 3

1 3 3 .9

1 3 5 .5

1 3 5 .0

-1 2 .2

" •4

M is c e lla n e o u s r e c e i p t s .........................................................................................................
R e s a l e s ............................................................. ......................................................................

W o o d te le v is io n , ra d io , p h o n o g ra p h a n d s e w in g m a c h in e c a b in e t s .........................

1 2 /8 5

1 0 8 .8

1 0 8 .8

1 0 8 .8



2 5 1 7 -P

1 2 /8 5

1 0 9 .3

1 0 9 .3

1 0 9 .3



1 0 9 .6


P rim a ry p r o d u c t s ...........................................................................................................................
C o n s o le p h o n o c a b in e ts a n d o th e r a u d io c a b in e ts incl. rad io , s te re o ,
a n d s p e a k e r c a b in e t s ...............................................................................................

2 5 1 7 -1 1 3

0 6 /9 2

1 0 9 .6

1 0 9 .6

T V c a b in e ts & c o m b in a tio n s o f T V , s te re o , a n d r a d i o ...................................

2 5 1 7 -1 1 5

1 2 /8 5

9 9 .9

9 9 .9



2 .0


S e w in g m a c h in e c a b in e t s ...............................................................................................

2 5 1 7 -1 2 1

1 2 /8 5

1 3 7 .4





S e c o n d a r y p ro d u c ts a n d m is c e lla n e o u s r e c e ip t s .......................................................

2 5 1 7 -S M
1 2 /8 5

1 1 5 .0

1 1 3 .8

1 1 3 .9

6 .2


2 5 1 9 -P

1 2 /8 5

1 1 4 .8

1 1 3 .4

1 1 3 .6

6 .5


P la s tic s a n d fib ro u s g la s s h o u s e h o ld f u r n it u r e ...................................................

2 5 1 9 -1 1

0 6 /9 1

1 0 9 .6

1 0 7 .9

1 0 7 .9

7 .9


R e e d & ra tta n fu rn itu re, in clu d in g w illo w , w ic k e r & c a n e ..............................

2 5 1 9 -1 3

1 2 /8 5

1 0 7 .8

1 0 7 .8

1 0 8 .8

1 .4


1 1 0 .5



H o u s e h o ld fu rn itu re, n .e .c ..................................................................................................................


P rim a ry p r o d u c t s ..........................................................................................................................

A ll o th e r re e d a n d ra tta n h o u s e h o ld f u r n it u r e .................................................

2 5 1 9 -1 3 5

0 6 /9 1

11 0 .1

1 1 0 .4

2 5 1 9 -1 9 8

0 6 /9 1

8 8 .5

8 8 .5

8 8 .7

-2 .5


1 2 /8 4

1 3 6 .0

1 3 7 .5

1 3 8 .3

3 .4


3 .4


O th e r h o u s e h o ld fu rn ., e x c . w o o d , m e ta l, p la s tic s o r fib ro u s g la s s ,
incl c o rru g a te d f u r n ...................................................................................................
O ffic e fu r n itu r e ............................................................................................................. ...........................


0 6 /8 5

1 3 0 .3

1 2 9 .2

1 29 .1

P rim a ry p r o d u c t s ..........................................................................................................................

2 5 2 1 -P

0 6 /8 5

1 3 1 .8

1 3 1 .7

1 3 1 .7


S e a t i n g ..................................................................................., ......................................................

2 5 2 1 -1

0 6 /8 5

1 3 2 .1

1 3 2 .5

1 3 2 .5



2 5 2 1 -1 1 1

0 6 /8 5

1 4 9 .1

1 5 1 .5

1 5 1 .5

3 .5


W o o d o ffic e fu r n it u r e ...........................................................................................................................

S e c re ta ria l c h a i r s .................................................................................... ....... ............... ...


0 6 /8 5

1 3 6 .4

1 3 6 .4


S id e a n d a rm c h a i r s ..........................................................................................................

2 5 2 1 -1 1 4

0 6 /8 5

1 3 0 .4

1 3 1 .0

1 3 1 .0

3 .9

L o u n g e s e a t i n g .......................................................................................... ...........................

2 5 2 1 -1 2 1

0 6 /8 5

1 0 3 .8

1 0 3 .8

1 0 3 .8



2 5 2 1 -2

0 6 /8 5

1 3 4 .2

134 .1

1 3 4 .0

4 .2


2 5 2 1 -2 2 1

0 6 /8 5

1 3 4 .1

1 3 4 .0

1 3 3 .9

3 .6

- .1

2 5 2 1 -4

0 6 /8 5

1 4 1 .2

14 1 .1

1 4 1 .1

4 .7

G e n e r a l o ffic e a n d d e s k c h a irs (in clu d in g e x e c u tiv e o ffic e c h a irs ) .........

D e s k s a n d e x t e n s io n s ......... ....................... .........................................................................
D e s k s ........................................................................................................................................ .
S to r a g e u n its, file s a n d t a b l e s ............... ..........................................................................

2 5 2 1 -1 1 3

1 3 6 .4



2 5 2 1 -4 1 1

0 6 /8 5

1 3 8 .2

1 3 7 .8

1 3 7 .8

5 .0


C r e d e n z a s ...........................................................................................................................

2 5 2 1 -4 1 1 4 1

0 6 /8 5

1 3 3 .0

1 3 2 .1

1 3 2 .0

5 .8

- .1

B o o k c a s e s a n d o th e r s to ra g e u n it s ......................................................................

2 5 2 1 -4 1 1 4 3

0 6 /8 5

1 4 7 .9

1 4 8 .4

1 4 8 .4

3 .8


2 5 2 1 -4 2 2

0 6 /8 5

1 3 8 .2

1 3 8 .2

1 3 8 .2

3 .3


S to r a g e u n i t s ..........................................................................................................................

F i l e s ............................................................................................................................................
H o riz o n ta l/la te ra l, le tte r a n d le g a l...........................................................................
T a b l e s ......................... ...............................................................................................................
W o r k / c o n f e r e n c e ...........................................................................................................
P a n e l a n d m o d u la r s y s te m s fu r n it u r e ...........................................................................
P a n e l s y s t e m s .......................................................................................................................
P a n e l s u p p o rte d s y s t e m s ............................................................................................

0 6 /8 5

1 3 5 .8

1 3 5 .8

1 3 5 .8

3 .3

2 5 2 1 -4 3 3

2 5 2 1 -4 2 2 4 7

0 6 /8 5

1 4 7 .2

1 4 7 .4

1 4 7 .4

4 .5


2 5 2 1 -4 3 3 5 5

0 6 /8 5

1 4 7 .0

1 4 7 .4

1 4 7 .4

5 .7



2 5 2 1 -5

0 6 /8 5

12 4 .1

1 2 3 .3

12 3 .1



2 5 2 1 -5 1

0 6 /8 5

1 2 7 .2

1 2 6 .3

12 6 .1

5 .8


2 5 2 1 -5 1 2

0 6 /8 5

1 2 7 .2

1 2 6 .3

1 2 6 .1

5 .8

- .2

1 .9


P a n e ls , ce ilin g h e ig h t a n d le s s th a n ce ilin g h e i g h t ..................................

2 5 2 1 -5 1 2 3

0 6 /8 5

1 0 1 .5

9 9 .9

9 9 .4

W o rk s u r f a c e s ................... ...................................... ...................................................

2 5 2 1 -5 1 2 4

0 6 /8 5

1 5 6 .3

1 5 6 .3

1 5 6 .3

3 .7

2 5 2 1 -5 1 2 4 7

0 6 /9 0

1 3 6 .0

1 3 6 .0

1 3 6 .0

3 .7


2 5 2 1 -5 2

0 6 /9 0

1 0 9 .1

10 9 .1

10 9 .1

2 .4


2 5 2 1 -5 2 8

0 6 /9 0

1 1 3 .2

1 1 3 .2

1 1 3 .2

4 .4


0 6 /8 5

1 4 1 .3

1 4 1 .3

1 4 1 .3



P a n e l a t t a c h e d ........................................................................................................
M o d u la r s y s t e m s ................................................................................ .................................
F ilin g , s to ra g e a n d s h e lv in g c o m p o n e n t s ..........................................................
O th e r w o o d o ffic e f u r n it u r e .................................................................... ............................

2 5 2 1 -6

O th e r w o o d o ffic e f u r n itu r e .............................................................................................

2 5 2 1 -6 1 1

S e c o n d a r y p ro d u c ts a n d m is c e lla n e o u s r e c e ip t s .............. .................. ......................

2 5 2 1 -S M

M is c e lla n e o u s r e c e i p t s .........................................................................................................
R e s a l e s .....................................................................................................................................
S e c o n d a ry p r o d u c t s ..............................................................................................................

0 6 /8 5

1 3 6 .1

13 6 .1

2 .3


2 5 2 1 -Z 8 9

2 5 2 1 -M

0 6 /8 5

1 3 6 .1

1 3 6 .1

13 6 .1

2 .3


2 5 2 1 -S

0 6 /8 5

1 1 7 .8

10 4 .1

104 .1

-3 .7


See footnotes at endof table.



13 6 .1

Table 5. Producer price indexes for the net output of selected industries and their products, not seasonally adjusted
In d e x
In d u s try a n d p ro d u c t1

In d u stry

P ro d u c t

In d e x

cod e



P e rc e n t c h a n g e
to S e p . 1 9 9 5 fro m —

M ay

A ug .





Sep. 1994

Aug. 1 9 9 5

1 2 /7 9

1 8 5 .2

1 8 8 .2

1 8 9 .8

3 .3

0 .9

P rim ary p r o d u c t s ................................................................................................ .........................

2 5 2 2 -P

1 2 /7 9

1 8 8 .5

1 9 1 .9

1 9 3 .6

3 .4


O ffic e s e a t i n g ..................................................................................................... .......................

2 5 2 2 -1

1 2 /7 9

1 8 1 .0

1 8 2 .2

1 8 2 .2



2 5 2 2 -1 1

1 2 /8 7

1 2 2 .7

1 2 3 .5

1 2 3 .5



S id e a n d a rm c h a i r s .............................................................. .......................................

2 5 2 2 -1 1 2

1 2 /8 7

1 3 0 .2

1 3 4 .1

1 3 4 .1

6 .2


G e n e ra l o ffic e a n d d e s k ch airs, e x c e p t s e c r e t a r ia l......................................

2 5 2 2 -1 1 4

1 2 /8 7

1 2 4 .0

1 2 4 .0

1 2 4 .0



O th e r c h a irs ............................................................................ ..........................................

2 5 2 2 -1 1 5

1 2 /7 9

1 4 9 .5

1 4 9 .7

1 4 9 .7

- 1 0 .6

2 5 2 2 -2

1 2 /7 9

2 0 0 .2

1 9 7 .4

1 9 0 .0

-4 .9

-3 .7

2 5 2 2 -2 2 4

1 2 /8 7

1 3 2 .9

1 3 1 .1

1 2 6 .1

- 4 .9

-3 .8

2 5 2 2 -5

0 6 /9 5


9 8 .6

9 9 .4


2 5 2 2 -5 1

0 6 /9 5


1 0 0 .0

1 0 0 .0



2 5 2 2 -5 1 2

0 6 /9 5

1 7 0 .2

1 0 0 .0

1 0 0 .0


1 7 2 .2

1 7 4 .0

6 .6

N o n w o o d o ffic e f u r n it u r e ...................................................................................................................


C h a i r s ................................................................................................ ................... ...................

D e s k s a n d e x t e n s i o n s ............................................................................ .............................
D e s k s ........................................................................... ..............................................................
S to r a g e units, file s a n d t a b l e s ..........................................................................................
S to r a g e u n i t s .........................................................................................................................
B o o k c a s e s a n d o th e r s to ra g e u n it s ............................................ .........................



2 5 2 2 -5 2

1 2 /7 9

V e rtic a l file s , le tte r a n d le g a l. ..................................................................................

2 5 2 2 -5 2 1

1 2 /7 9

1 7 8 .4

1 7 8 .5

1 7 8 .4


- .1

H o rizo n ta l o r la te ra l files, le tte r a n d le g a l.............................. ............................

2 5 2 2 -5 2 2

1 2 /7 9

1 3 4 .9

1 4 2 .1

1 4 5 .7

1 9 .2

2 .5

All o th e r f i l e s .............................................................................................................. ......

2 5 2 2 -5 2 4

1 2 /8 7

1 2 6 .7

1 2 6 .7

1 2 6 .7

3 .6


2 5 2 2 -5 3

0 6 /9 5


1 0 0 .0

1 0 0 .0


2 5 2 2 -5 3 1

0 6 /9 5

1 0 0 .0

1 0 0 .0

2 .1

Filin g c a b in e ts a n d c a s e s ..............................................................................................

T a b l e s ......................................................................................................... ..............................
W o rk o r c o n fe r e n c e t a b l e s ........................ ...............................................................
O th e r n o n w o o d o ffic e f u r n itu r e .........................................................................................
S y s te m s f u r n it u r e ............................................................................................................... .

1 .0


2 5 2 2 -6

1 2 /7 9

2 0 0 .2

2 0 6 .5

2 1 0 .9

5 .2

2 5 2 2 -6 1

1 2 /8 7

1 3 8 .5

1 4 4 .2

1 4 7 .3

5 .5


M o d u la r s y s te m s f u r n it u r e ........................ .................................................................

2 5 2 2 -6 1 1

1 2 /7 9

1 5 7 .9

1 4 9 .2

1 4 9 .2

- 2 .7


P a n e l s y s te m s f u r n it u r e ...............................................................................................

2 5 2 2 -6 1 2

1 2 /8 7

1 4 0 .5

1 4 7 .3

1 5 1 .6

6 .8

2 .9

M is c e lla n e o u s , n o n w o o d o ffic e f u r n it u r e ................................................................

2 5 2 2 -6 2 1

S e c o n d a r y p ro d u c ts a n d m is c e lla n e o u s r e c e ip t s ......................................... .............

2 5 2 2 -S M
2 5 2 2 -S

S e c o n d a r y p r o d u c t s ...............................................................................................................
P u b lic bu ild in g a n d re la te d f u r n it u r e ....................................................... ....................................


P u b lic bu ild in g a n d re la te d f u r n it u r e ...........................................................................................


1 2 /7 9

2 0 1 .3

2 0 2 .0

2 0 2 .6

1 .5


1 2 /7 9

160 .1

1 6 0 .1

1 6 0 .1

2 .6


1 2 /8 4

1 2 9 .4

1 3 0 .4

1 3 0 .2

1 .8


1 2 /8 4

1 2 9 .4

1 3 0 .4

1 3 0 .2

1 .8

2 5 3 1 -P

1 2 /8 4

1 3 4 .2

1 3 5 .4

1 3 5 .2

2 .2


2 5 3 1 -1

1 2 /8 4

1 2 5 .2

1 2 7 .3

1 2 7 .1



S in g le pupil u nits .................................................................................................................

2 5 3 1 -1 3 1

0 6 /8 7

1 1 2 .0

1 1 2 .0

1 1 2 .0

- .1


C h a irs , all p u rp o s e (n o n fo ld in g )......................... .........................................................

2 5 3 1 -1 3 6

1 2 /8 4

1 2 2 .0

1 1 8 .9

1 1 9 .2

-5 .2


P rim a ry p r o d u c t s ...........................................................................................................................
S c h o o l fu rn itu re, e x c e p t s to n e , c o n c re te , a n d library f u r n it u r e .......................

2 5 3 1 -1 9 8

1 2 /8 4

1 3 8 .6

1 3 8 .3



2 5 3 1 -2

1 2 /8 4

1 3 7 .5

1 3 8 .5

1 3 8 .3

2 .6

- .1

S e a ts fo r p u b lic c o n v e y a n c e s .................... .................................................................

2 5 3 1 -2 1 1

1 2 /8 4

1 1 4 .2

1 1 4 .9

1 1 4 .5

1 .0


C h u rc h fu rn itu re ...................................................................................................................

2 5 3 1 -2 3

1 2 /8 4

1 4 0 .6

1 4 0 .6

1 4 0 .6

3 .4


2 5 3 1 -2 3 1

1 2 /8 4

1 4 2 .8

1 4 2 .8

1 4 2 .8



O th e r s c h o o l fu rn itu re d e s ig n e d s p e c ific a lly fo r u s e in s c h o o ls .................
P u b lic building a n d r e la te d fu rn itu re, e x c e p t s c h o o l a n d r e s t a u r a n t ...........

C h u rc h p e w s ......................................................................................................................

1 3 4 .5


C h a irs a n d s e a ts , e x c lu d in g s e a ts fo r p u b lic c o n v e y a n c e s a n d
1 2 /8 4

19 3 .1

1 9 3 .1

19 3 .1

F i x e d ......................................................................................................................................

2 5 3 1 -2 5 1

1 2 /8 4

1 3 0 .9

1 3 0 .9

1 3 0 .9

2 .9

S ta d iu m a n d b le a c h e r s e a tin g , in clu d in g g r a n d s t a n d s ...................................

2 5 3 1 -2 6 1

1 2 /8 4

13 4 .1

1 3 6 .5

2 5 3 1 -2 9 8

1 2 /8 4

1 1 7 .7

1 2 0 .9

1 2 0 .9

5 .2

s ta d iu m s ................................................................................ .........................................

2 5 3 1 -2 5

O th e r p u b lic bu ild in g f u r n it u r e .......................................................................................
S e c o n d a r y p ro d u c ts a n d m is c e lla n e o u s r e c e ip t s .......................................................



2 5 3 1 -S M
2 5 3 1 -S

S e c o n d a ry p r o d u c t s ...............................................................................................................
Partitio n s, s h elvin g , lo c k e rs , a n d o ffic e a n d s to re f ix t u r e s .............................................


W o o d p artitio n s a n d fix tu r e s .......................... .................................. .............................................


1 2 /8 4

9 9 .8

9 9 .8

9 9 .8



1 2 /8 4

1 3 4 .7

1 3 5 .2

1 3 6 .0

2 .6


1 4 0 .4

1 2 /8 3

1 3 9 .8

1 4 1 .9

2 .2


P rim a ry p r o d u c t s ..........................................................................................................................

2 5 4 1 -P

1 2 /8 3

1 4 0 .0

1 4 0 .6

1 4 2 .3

2 .2

1 .2

W o o d p a rtitio n s , s h elvin g , a n d l o c k e r s .......................................................................

2 5 4 1 -1

1 2 /8 3

1 1 7 .4

1 1 7 .6

11 8 .1



2 5 4 1 -1 1 1

1 2 /8 3

1 1 9 .5

1 1 9 .8

1 2 0 .9



1 4 3 .0

2 .6

P a rtitio n s (p re fa b ric a te d , a s s e m b le d , o r k n o c k e d d o w n ) ................... ...........
P la s tic la m in a te d fix tu re t o p s ................................................... ........................................

2 5 4 1 -2

1 2 /8 3

1 4 0 .8

1 4 1 .7

W o o d fix tu res fo r sto re s , b a n k s , o ffic e s , e t c . ...........................................................

2 5 4 1 -3

1 2 /8 3

1 4 2 .5

1 4 3 .1

1 4 5 .0

2 .3

1 .3

R e ta il s to re fixtu res , e x c e p t fo o d sto re: c u s t o m ................................................

2 5 4 1 -3 3 A

1 2 /8 3

1 2 8 .0

1 2 8 .4

1 3 2 .9

3 .2

3 .5

W a lls a n d w a ll f ix t u r e s .........................................................................i.......................

2 5 4 1 -3 3 2

0 8 /8 4

1 1 8 .8

1 1 8 .8

1 1 8 .8



O th e r fix tu re s a n d d is p la y s ........................................................................................

2 5 4 1 -3 3 4

1 2 /8 3

1 1 4 .5

1 1 5 .3

1 1 5 .4



R e ta il s to re fixtu res , e x c e p t fo o d s to re : m a n u fa c tu re rs ’ s t a n d a r d ............

2 5 4 1 -3 3 7

1 2 /8 3

1 8 1 .7

1 8 3 .3

18 4 .1

6 .0



R e ta il fo o d s to re f i x t u r e s .......................................................................... ......................

2 5 4 1 -3 3 8

0 6 /8 8

1 0 8 .7

1 0 8 .7

1 0 8 .7


O th e r s h o w a n d d is p la y c a s e s a n d t a b l e s ............... ............................................

2 5 4 1 -3 3 9

0 6 /8 8

1 4 8 .2

1 5 0 .3

1 5 0 .3



C a b in e ts (flo o r o r w a ll t y p e s ) .......................................................................................

2 5 4 1 -3 4 1

1 2 /8 3

1 2 8 .4

1 2 8 .4

1 2 8 .4

1 .0


C o u n te rs a n d b a n k f i x t u r e s ...........................................................................................


2 5 4 1 -3 6

1 2 /8 3

1 4 0 .4

1 4 0 .7

1 4 0 .7


C o u n te rs , e x c e p t b a n k c o u n t e r s .............................................................................

2 5 4 1 -3 6 1

1 2 /8 3

1 3 9 .9

1 4 0 .5

1 4 0 .5

2 .0

B a n k fixtu re s , in clu d in g b a n k c o u n t e r s ...............................................................

2 5 4 1 -3 6 2

1 2 /8 3

1 3 3 .4


2 5 4 1 -3 9 8

1 2 /8 3

1 2 2 .2

1 2 2 .2

1 3 3 .4

O th e r w o o d fixtu res, in clu d in g w in d o w b a c k s , te le p h o n e b o o th s , e tc . ..

1 2 2 .2

1 .8


1 2 /8 3

1 4 2 .0

1 4 2 .8

1 4 2 .8

3 .0


1 3 9 .9



2 5 4 1 -S M

S e c o n d a ry p ro d u c ts a n d m is c e lla n e o u s r e c e i p t s .......................................................

2 5 4 1 -S

S e c o n d a ry p r o d u c t s ................................................................................................................

1 4 0 .3

1 4 0 .3

3 .2

P rim a ry p r o d u c t s ..... ...................................................................................................................

2 5 4 2 -P

1 2 /8 3

1 3 5 .7

1 3 6 .1

1 3 6 .1

3 .0


M e ta l p a rtitio n s (p re fa b ric a te d , a s s e m b le d , o r k n o c k e d d o w n ) ......................

2 5 4 2 -1

1 2 /8 3

1 3 4 .9

1 3 4 .9

1 3 4 .9

1 .0


M e ta l p artitio n s a n d f ix t u r e s .................................................................................... .......................

1 2 /8 3


M o v a b le , e x c e p t fr e e s t a n d in g ........................................... .........................................

2 5 4 2 -1 1 7

1 2 /8 3

1 4 9 .1

1 4 9 .1

1 4 9 .1

1 .8

O th e r p a rtitio n s , in c lu d in g fr e e s t a n d in g .................................................................

2 5 4 2 -1 1 9

0 6 /8 8

1 2 3 .1

1 2 3 .1

1 2 3 .1



2 5 4 2 -2

1 2 /8 3

1 3 6 .5

1 3 6 .5

1 3 6 .5

2 .3


M e ta l s h e lv in g a n d l o c k e r s ................... .............................................................................

2 5 4 2 -2 3

1 2 /8 3

1 3 6 .6

1 3 6 .6

1 3 6 .6

2 .3


2 5 4 2 -2 3 3

1 2 /8 3

1 3 0 .5

1 3 0 .5

1 3 0 .5



c o m p u te r ta p e s , e tc .................................................................. .............................

2 5 4 2 -2 4 1

1 2 /8 3

1 2 8 .9

1 2 8 .9

1 2 8 .9

4 .0


L o c k e r s ................................................ .....................................................................................

2 5 4 2 -2 5 1

1 2 /8 3

1 3 5 .9

1 3 5 .9

1 3 5 .9

2 .2


M e ta l s h e l v in g .......................................................................................................................
C o m m e rc ia l s h e lv in g fo r fa c to rie s , s to re s , e tc ............ .....................................
O th e r s h e lv in g , in clu d in g o ffic e s h e lv in g fo r c o rre s p o n d e n c e ,

See footnotes at endof table.


Table 5. Producer price Indexes for the net output of selected industries and their products, not seasonally adjusted
In d e x
In d u stry a n d p ro d u c t1

In d u stry

Pro d u c t

In d e x




P e rc e n t c h a n g e
to S e p . 1 9 9 5 fro m —

M ay






Sep. 1994

Aug. 199 5

M e ta l p artitio n s a n d fix tu re s — C o n tin u e d
1 2 /8 3

1 3 8 .6

1 3 8 .4

1 3 8 .6



2 5 4 2 -3 5 1

1 2 /8 3

1 3 8 .9

1 3 8 .6

1 3 8 .9

4 .0


2 5 4 2 -4

1 2 /8 3

1 3 3 .8

1 3 5 .0

1 3 5 .0

3 .0


R e ta il s to re fixtu res, e x c e p t fo o d s t o r e ..................................................................

2 5 4 2 -4 6 A

1 2 /8 3

1 3 1 .5

1 3 3 .9

1 3 3 .9

4 .3


C u s to m f ix t u r e s ................................................................................................................

2 5 4 2 -4 6 3

1 2 /8 3

1 2 5 .0

13 0 .1


4 .7


M a n u fa c tu re rs ’ s ta n d a rd f ix t u r e s .............................. .................. ...........................

2 5 4 2 -4 6 5

1 2 /8 3

1 3 7 .6

1 3 7 .6

1 3 7 .5

3 .9


C a b in e ts (flo o r o r w a ll t y p e ) ....................................................................... ..................

2 5 4 2 -4 7 1

1 2 /8 3

1 4 3 .3

1 4 3 .9

1 4 3 .9

2 .6


2 5 4 2 -4 9 8

1 2 /8 3

1 1 9 .9

1 1 9 .7

1 1 9 .7



M e ta l s to r a g e r a c k s a n d a c c e s s o rie s ..............................................................
S ta c k e r r a c k s a n d o th e r m e ta l r a c k s .......... ..................


M e ta l fix tu re s fo r s to re s , b a n k s , o ffic e s , e t c ..............................................................

2 5 4 2 -3

O th e r m e ta l fix tu res, includin g b a n k fixtu res, b a n k c o u n te rs ,
c lo th in g ra c k s , e t c ......................................................................................................

2 5 4 2 -S M

S e c o n d a r y p ro d u c ts a n d m is c e lla n e o u s r e c e ip t s .......................................................
M is c e lla n e o u s r e c e i p t s ........................................................................................................
R e s a l e s .............................................. .....................................................................................

2 5 4 2 -M

0 6 /8 8

1 7 7 .1





2 5 4 2 -2 8 9

1 1 /8 9

2 4 3 .3

2 4 3 .3

1 2 /8 3

14 4 .1

1 4 4 .2

1 4 4 .5

3 .9


1 2 /8 4

1 3 0 .3

1 3 0 .9

1 3 1 .2



0 6 /8 4

2 5 4 2 -S

S e c o n d a r y p r o d u c t s ............... ...................................................................... ........................
M is c e lla n e o u s fu rn itu re a n d fix tu re s ..................................................................... ......................


D r a p e r y h a rd w a re a n d b lin d s a n d s h a d e s ...............................................................................



1 3 2 .4

1 33.1

1 3 3 .9

4 .6

P rim a ry p r o d u c t s ................................................................................................ ......... ...............

2 5 9 1 -P

0 6 /8 4

1 3 2 .3

1 3 3 .5

13 4 .1

4 .8


W in d o w s h a d e s a n d a c c e s s o r ie s ................................................................... ................

2 5 9 1 -3

0 6 /8 4

1 1 5 .9

1 1 5 .4

1 1 8 .7


2 .9
3 .0

2 5 9 1 -3 1

0 6 /8 4

1 1 6 .7

1 1 6 .2

1 1 9 .7


P la s tic w in d o w s h a d e s .................................................. ..............................................

2 5 9 1 -3 1 1

0 6 /8 4

1 3 7 .7

1 3 5 .8

1 3 5 .8

2 .0


O th e r w in d o w s h a d e s in clud ing clo th a n d p a p e r ............................... ...........

2 5 9 1 -3 1 3

0 6 /8 4

11 0 .1

11 0 .1

1 1 4 .6



0 6 /8 4

1 1 4 .7

1 1 6 .7

1 1 6 .6


- .1

2 5 9 1 -4 5

0 6 /8 4

1 2 2 .9

1 2 4 .4

1 2 4 .3

7 .6


A lu m in u m s la t b lin d s ................................... .................................................................

2 5 9 1 -4 5 2

0 6 /8 4

1 1 7 .5

1 1 9 .0

1 1 9 .0

5 .8


A ll o th e r V e n e tia n b lin d s in clu d in g w o o d a n d p la s t ic ......... ........................

2 5 9 1 -4 5 9

0 6 /8 4

1 4 9 .3

1 5 0 .9

1 5 0 .9

1 0 .9


2 5 9 1 -4 7 1

0 6 /8 4

8 3 .2

8 8 .3

8 8 .3

1 1 .8


2 5 9 1 -5

0 6 /8 4

1 4 6 .9


1 4 7 .4

1 .9


O th e r s h a d e s a n d b lind s, e x c e p t c a n v a s a n d o th e r te x tile f a b r i c s .........

2 5 9 1 -5 1 1

0 6 /8 4

1 5 1 .2

2 .5

2 5 9 1 -5 1 7

0 6 /8 4

1 4 4 .8

145 .1

1 5 1 .2

C u rta in a n d d ra p e ry ro d s, p o le s , a n d fixtu res fa b ric a te d a t p l a n t .............

1 4 5 .5



V e n e tia n b l i n d s .........................................................................................................................
C o m p le te V e n e tia n b lin d s, v e rtic a l a n d h o r iz o n ta l.............................................

2 5 9 1 -4

U n a s s e m b le d V e n e tia n b lin ds, p a rts , a n d c o m p o n e n ts fa b ric a te d a t
p l a n t .................................... ................................................................. ...........................
O th e r s h a d e s a n d b lin d s n .e .c ., c u rta in a n d d ra p e ry ro d s, p o le s a n d
o th e r h a r d w a r e .............................................. .................................................................

2 5 9 1 -S M

S e c o n d a ry p ro d u c ts a n d m is c e lla n e o u s r e c e ip t s .......................................................

2 5 9 1 -M

0 6 /8 4

1 4 1 .2

138 .1


3 .3

2 .2

2 5 9 1 -Z 8 9

0 6 /8 4

1 4 1 .8

1 3 8 .7

1 4 1 .8

3 .4

2 .2

2 5 9 1 -S

0 6 /8 4

1 2 8 .6

1 2 8 .6

1 2 8 .6

2 .0


1 2 /8 5

1 2 9 .6

1 2 9 .8

1 2 9 .8

1 .5


P rim a ry p ro d u c ts ...................................................... ....................................................................

2 5 9 9 -P

1 2 /8 5

1 3 1 .6

1 3 1 .8

1 3 1 .8



H o s p ita l a n d sim ilar h e a lth c a re b e d s .............................. ...........................................

2 5 9 9 -1
2 5 9 9 -1 0 1

1 2 /8 5

1 1 7 .0

1 1 7 .0

2 5 9 9 -2

1 2 /8 5

1 3 3 .6

1 3 3 .9

1 3 3 .9

2 .4

2 5 9 9 -2 4 1

1 2 /8 5

1 3 7 .8

1 3 7 .8

1 3 7 .8

1 .0

M is c e lla n e o u s r e c e i p t s .........................................................................................................
R e s a l e s .......... ...................................................................................................... ..................
S e c o n d a r y p r o d u c t s .................... ..........................................................................................
F u rn itu re a n d fix tu re s , n .e .c ...............................................................................................................


H o s p ita l a n d s im ilar h e a lth c a re b e d s ......................................... ...........................
R e s ta u ra n t, c a fe te r ia a n d b a r f u r n it u r e .......................................................................
W o o d c h a irs a n d s t o o l s ...................................................................................................
U p h o ls te r e d ........................ ....................................................... .......................................
M e ta l c h a irs a n d s t o o ls ....................................................................................................


2 5 9 9 -2 4 1 0 1

0 6 /9 1

1 0 9 .0

1 0 9 .0

1 0 9 .0



2 5 9 9 -2 4 5

1 2 /8 5

13 3 .1

1 3 3 .0

1 3 3 .0

3 .4


2 5 9 9 -2 4 5 0 1

0 6 /9 1

1 1 2 .6

1 1 2 .6

1 1 2 .6

3 .8


B o o th s , b a rs a n d b a c k b a r s ..........................................................................................

2 5 9 9 -2 4 7

1 2 /8 5

1 2 4 .6

1 2 5 .0

1 2 5 .0

2 .2


O t h e r re s ta u ra n t, c a fe te ria a n d b a r f u r n it u r e .......................................................

2 5 9 9 -2 4 8

1 2 /8 5

1 3 4 .9

1 3 5 .4

1 3 5 .4

2 .7


2 5 9 9 -3

1 2 /8 5

1 3 2 .4

1 3 2 .5

1 3 2 .5



c a b i n e t s .............................. .............................................................................................

2 5 9 9 -3 5 3

1 2 /8 5

1 3 1 .9

1 3 2 .4

1 3 2 .4



A ll o th e r fu rn itu re a n d fixtu res, n . e . c . ......... ..............................................................

2 5 9 9 -3 5 4

1 2 /8 5

1 3 2 .5

1 3 2 .5

1 3 2 .5



U p h o ls t e r e d ...................................................... ............................ .................... ...............

O th e r fu rn itu re a n d fixtu res, n .e .c ....... .............................................................................
In d u s tria l fu rn itu re, in clu d in g b e n c h e s , sto o ls , so rtin g ta b le s a n d

S e c o n d a r y p ro d u c ts a n d m is c e lla n e o u s r e c e ip t s ..........

2 5 9 9 -S M


M is c e lla n e o u s r e c e i p t s ............................................ ...................... ......................................
R e s a l e s ........... ................................................. ......................................................................
S e c o n d a r y p r o d u c t s ..................................................................... .........................................

2 5 9 9 -M

1 2 /8 5

1 2 6 .7


1 2 6 .7


2 5 9 9 -Z 8 9

1 2 /8 5

1 3 1 .0

2 5 9 9 -S

1 2 /8 5

1 1 5 .3

1 1 6 .4

1 1 6 .2

1 .0

( 3)


P a p e r a n d a llie d p r o d u c t s .................................................................. .............................. ..............


1 2 /8 4

1 4 6 .2

1 5 0 .5

1 5 1 .5

2 0 .7


P u lp m i l l s ......................................................................................................................... .........................

2 61

1 2 /8 2

1 7 9 .8

1 9 8 .5

1 9 9 .4

6 1 .9


P u lp m i l l s ...................................................................................................................................................


1 2 /8 2

1 7 9 .8

1 9 8 .5

1 9 9 .4

P rim a ry p r o d u c t s ...........................................................................................................................

2 6 1 1 -P

1 2 /8 2

1 8 7 .4

2 0 6 .9

2 0 7 .7

6 1 .9


S p e c ia l a lp h a a n d d is so lvin g w o o d p u lp ......................................................................

2 6 1 1 -1

1 2 /8 2

1 4 9 .3

1 8 6 .7

1 8 2 .2

5 7 .6

- 2 .4

O th e r p u lp, in clu d in g p u lpm ill b y p ro d u c ts , e x c e p t ta ll o i l ...................................
W o o d p u lp ..................................... .................. ................................................. ...........................
S u lfa te w o o d p u lp , in cluding s o d a ............................................................................................
S u lfa te , b le a c h e d a n d s e m ib le a c h e d (in clu d in g s o d a ) ...........................

6 1 .9


2 6 1 1 -2

1 2 /8 2

2 0 6 .1

2 2 1 .2

2 2 3 .6

6 2 .9


2 6 1 1 -2 1

1 2 /8 2

2 0 2 .8

2 1 8 .3

2 2 1 .1

6 6 .1


2 6 1 1 -2 1 3

1 2 /8 2

2 0 3 .7

2 2 0 .1

2 2 3 .7

6 6 .6

2 6 1 1 -2 1 3 4

0 6 /8 8

1 2 2 .6

1 3 2 .5

1 3 4 .7

6 6 .5

1 .7

1 2 /8 2

2 1 8 .8

2 3 5 .1

2 4 1 .2

7 1 .2

2 .6

1 .6

S u lfa te , s o f t w o o d ........................................................................... ................... ...

2 6 1 1 -2 1 3 4 1

E x p o rts ..............................................................................................................................................

2 6 1 1 -2 1 3 4 E

1 2 /9 3

2 1 4 .6

2 1 9 .7

2 2 6 .9

7 1 .0

3 .3

In tra c o m p a n y s h ip m e n t s ....................................... ................................................................

2 6 1 1 -2 1 3 4 1

0 6 /8 8

1 1 4 .5

12 6 .1


8 4 .2

3 .8

D o m e s tic (m a rk e t s h ip m e n ts o n l y ) .............................................


0 6 /8 8

1 2 4 .9

1 3 6 .6

1 4 1 .8

2 6 1 1 -2 1 3 4 2

1 2 /8 2

1 8 9 .0

2 0 6 .2

2 0 6 .4

5 9 .0

2 6 1 1 -2 5

0 6 /8 8

1 4 9 .3

1 5 5 .0

1 5 3 .6

3 3 .6


2 6 1 1 -2 5 1 3

1 2 /9 3

1 6 2 .9

1 5 9 .2

1 5 5 .5

4 9 .2

-2 .3

0 6 /8 1

1 6 2 .8

1 7 2 .2

1 7 4 .3

3 3 .7

1 .2

S u lfa te , h a r d w o o d ........................................................................... ......................
P ulp, o th e r th a n w o o d , a n d m is c e lla n e o u s p u lp m ill b y p r o d u c ts ..............
O th e r p u lp , in c lu d in g p u lp m a d e fro m s tra w , ra g , fla x , e tc ........................
P a p e r m ill p ro d u c ts e x c e p t building p a p e r ...........



See footnotesat endof table.



Table 5. Producer price indexes for the net output of selected industries and their products, not seasonally adjusted
In d e x
In d u s try a n d p ro d u c t1

In d u stry

P ro d u c t

In d e x



M ay


S ep.




Sep. 1994

Aug. 19 9 5

0 6 /8 1

1 6 2 .8

1 7 2 .1

1 7 4 .3

3 3 .7

P rim a ry p r o d u c t s ...........................................................................................................................

2 6 2 1 -P

0 6 /8 1

1 6 1 .6

1 7 1 .3

1 7 3 .2

3 2 .6


T is s u e p a p e r a n d s a n ita ry p a p e r s t o c k .......................................................................

2 6 2 1 -A

0 6 /8 1

1 4 6 .8

1 5 8 .2

1 5 7 .2

1 9 .8

- .6

2 6 2 1 -A 4

0 6 /8 1

1 4 5 .1

1 5 6 .4

1 5 5 .4

1 9 .9


2 6 2 1 -A 41

1 1 /8 7

1 2 0 .3

1 3 4 .4

1 3 2 .8

2 5 .3

- 1 .2

P a p e r m i l l s ................................................................................................................................................


P e rc e n t c h a n g e
to S e p . 1 9 9 5 fro m —

S a n ita ry p a p e rs , in cluding s to c k , m a d e in p a p e r m ills ......................................
T o ile t tis s u e a n d s t o c k ................................................................................................

2 6 2 1 -A 4 2

0 8 /8 1

1 7 .8


N a p k in s a n d n a p k in s t o c k ..........................................................................................

2 6 2 1 -A 4 3

0 6 /8 1


1 3 9 .0

1 3 8 .9



T o w e ls a n d to w e l s to c k ..............................................................................................

2 6 2 1 -A 4 4

0 8 /8 1

1 5 8 .8

1 6 9 .2

1 6 8 .4

2 0 .3


O th e r s a n ita ry p a p e rs , in clu d in g s t o c k ................................................................

2 6 2 1 -A 4 9

1 2 /8 7

95 .1

9 5 .6

9 5 .9

-6 .5


N e w s p r in t......................................................................................................................................

2 6 2 1 -B

0 6 /8 1

1 5 8 .8

1 7 3 .2

1 8 9 .3

4 9 .2

9 .3

P rinting a n d w riting g r a d e s ..................................................................................................

2 6 2 1 -C

1 2 /8 7

1 3 7 .2

1 4 5 .2

1 4 5 .9

3 6 .6


G ro u n d w o o d p a p e r, u n c o a t e d ......................................................................................

2 6 2 1 -2

0 6 /8 1

1 3 0 .6

1 3 4 .2

1 3 5 .8

24 .1

1 .2

2 6 2 1 -2 1 1

0 6 /8 1

1 2 7 .4

1 3 0 .4

1 3 2 .2

2 3 .0

1 .4

2 6 2 1 -3

0 6 /8 1

1 6 6 .8

1 7 6 .5

1 7 5 .4

2 6 .6


2 6 2 1 -3 4

0 6 /8 1

1 9 2 .0

2 0 2 .5

2 0 2 .7

2 1 .8

F a c ia l tis s u e a n d s t o c k ..... ..........................................................................................

P u b licatio n a n d p r in t in g ...............................................................................................
C la y c o a te d p rinting a n d c o n v e rtin g p a p e r ................................... .......................
C o a te d 1 -s id e ...................................................................................................................

1 3 8 .0

1 4 9 .1

1 4 8 .6

1 .3


2 6 2 1 -3 6

0 6 /8 1

1 6 4 .4

1 7 4 .0

1 7 2 .8

2 6 .9


N o . 3 c o a te d 2 -s id e s ................................................................................................

2 6 2 1 -3 6 3

0 6 /8 1

16 1 .1

1 7 1 .2

1 7 0 .8

2 3 .3


N o . 5 c o a te d 2 - s id e s ................................................................................................

2 6 2 1 -3 6 5

0 6 /8 1

1 4 9 .5

2 5 .8

2 6 2 1 -3 6 6

0 6 /8 1

1 6 6 .4

1 7 5 .7

1 5 9 .6

C o a te d 2 -s id e s e x c e p t N o . 3 a n d N o . 5 .......................................................

1 7 3 .7

2 9 .2

-1 .1

2 6 2 1 -3 6 6 0 4

1 2 /8 7

1 4 3 .8

1 5 7 .8

1 5 2 .8

4 5 .1

-3 .2

11 9 .1

1 1 8 .9

C o a te d 2 - s id e s .................................................................................................................

N o . 4 c o a te d 2 - s i d e s ...........................................................................................
All o th e r c la y c o a te d 2 -s id e s , in clu d in g N o.1 a n d N o . 2 ..................
B o o k p a p e r, u n c o a te d fr e e s h e e t ...............................................................................
C h e m ic a l w o o d p u lp w riting p a p e r, e x c e p t b o d y s t o c k ...............................

2 6 2 1 -3 6 6 0 6

1 2 /8 7

2 6 2 1 -4

0 6 /8 1

1 6 0 .7

1 7 1 .1

1 7 3 .3

5 0 .0

1 .3

2 6 2 1 -4 2 1

0 6 /8 1

1 5 5 .0

1 6 7 .4

1 6 9 .3


5 5 .2

1 1 .4


1 .9

2 6 2 1 -4 2 1 1

1 2 /8 7

1 3 9 .5

1 5 0 .8

1 5 0 .8

4 8 .4


U n w a te rm a rk e d b o n d , N o . 4 g r a d e .............................................................

2 6 2 1 -4 2 1 1 1

0 6 /8 1

1 5 9 .7

1 7 6 .4

1 7 6 .4

4 2 .4


U n w a te rm a rk e d b o n d , e x c e p t N o . 4 ............................................................

2 6 2 1 -4 2 1 1 2

1 2 /8 7

1 2 9 .9

1 3 5 .8

1 3 5 .8

5 8 .5


2 6 2 1 -4 2 1 2

0 6 /8 1

16 5 .1

1 7 0 .9

1 7 0 .9

1 5 .5


F o rm b o n d , in r o l l s ....................................................................................................

2 6 2 1 -4 2 1 5

1 2 /8 7

1 4 4 .9

1 5 9 .7

1 5 9 .4

7 7 .5


1 5 lb. fo rm b o n d in r o l l s .....................................................................................

2 6 2 1 -4 2 1 5 5

0 6 /8 1

1 3 3 .2

1 5 1 .3

1 5 0 .8

73 .1

2 0 lb. fo rm b o n d in r o l l s .....................................................................................

2 6 2 1 -4 2 1 5 6

1 2 /8 7

1 3 8 .7

1 4 8 .7

7 9 .2

U n w a te r m a r k e d b o n d ...............................................................................................

W a te rm a rk e d b o n d ...........................

F o rm b o n d in rolls, e x c e p t 1 2 , 1 5 a n d 2 0 lb. g r a d e s ........................



2 6 2 1 -4 2 1 5 9

0 6 /8 1

1 7 6 .7

1 9 4 .2

1 9 4 .2

8 4 .1


2 6 2 1 -4 2 1 7

0 6 /8 1

1 5 9 .0

1 6 7 .4

1 7 6 .0

4 6 .7


2 6 2 1 -4 4 1

0 6 /8 1

1 6 7 .4

1 7 6 .0

1 8 0 .1

4 8 .8

2 .3


O th e r w ritin g p a p e rs , in clu d in g m a n ifo ld a n d c a rb o n le s s b a s e
s to c k & b o d y s to c k fo r c o m m u n ............... ...............................................
P u b lic a tio n a n d p rinting g ra d e fr e e s h e e t ..........................................................
P lain (in clu d in g M .F ., E .F ., s u p e rc a le n d e re d , e g g s h e ll a n d
a n tiq u e g r a d e s ) ........................ ................................................. .........................

2 6 2 1 -4 4 1 1 1

1 2 /8 7

1 7 6 .2

1 8 9 .9

1 9 0 .4

6 4 .7


O f f s e t ..................................................... ............................................................ ..............

2 6 2 1 -4 4 1 2 2

0 6 /8 1

1 5 4 .3

1 5 9 .6

1 6 2 .3

3 7 .8

1 .7

2 6 2 1 -4 6 5

0 6 /8 1

1 7 4 .6

1 7 6 .8

1 7 6 .8

1 2 .9


C o v e r a n d te x t p a p e r s .................................................................................................
O th e r c o n v e rtin g a n d m is c e lla n e o u s fr e e s h e e t, including b o d y
s to c k fo r c o a tin g ....................................................................................................
E n v e lo p e p a p e r .............................................................................. .............................
W h ite w o v e e n v e lo p e p a p e r ............................................................................

2 6 2 1 -4 8 1

1 2 /8 7

1 4 3 .0

1 5 0 .5

1 5 0 .9

5 4 .6

2 6 2 1 -4 8 1 1

1 2 /8 7

1 4 0 .7

1 4 9 .9

1 5 0 .7

5 1 .0


2 6 2 1 -4 8 1 1 1

1 2 /8 7

1 5 2 .7

1 6 4 .7

1 6 4 .6

71 .1


2 6 2 1 -4 8 1 1 2

1 2 /8 7

1 2 5 .7

1 3 0 .1

1 3 2 .6

1 8 .4

1 .9

1 5 9 .4

K ra ft e n v e lo p e p a p e r (in clu d in g u n b le a c h e d , s e m i-b le a c h e d a n d
b le a c h e d k r a f t ) ...............................................................................................
All o th e r u n c o a te d fr e e s h e e t, n .e .c ., in cluding b o d y s to c k fo r
2 6 2 1 -4 8 1 2

0 6 /8 1

1 5 6 .4

1 5 9 .8

6 3 .8


2 6 2 1 -5
2 6 2 1 -5 A

0 6 /8 1
0 6 /8 1

1 6 0 .9
1 6 1 .0

16 4 .1

1 6 0 .1

1 1 .6

-2 .4

1 6 2 .6

1 5 5 .4

1 4 .7

-4 .4

2 6 2 1 -5 5 1

1 2 /9 3

1 2 1 .8

1 2 4 .9

1 1 9 .9

1 4 .5

-4 .0

2 6 2 1 -6

0 6 /8 1

1 6 6 .0

1 7 5 .2

1 7 5 .3

1 4 .6

2 6 2 1 -6 7 1

0 6 /8 1

1 6 4 .7

1 7 2 .2

1 7 2 .4

1 7 .5


P a c k a g in g a n d industrial g ra d e p a p e r s ........................................................................

2 6 2 1 -D

1 2 /8 7

1 4 8 .7


U n b le a c h e d k ra ft p a c k a g in g a n d in d u strial c o n v e rtin g p a p e r .....................

- 2 .0

c o a tin g ............................................................................ .......................................
B le a c h e d bristo ls, e xc lu d in g c o tto n fib e r in d e x a n d b o g u s .........................
U n c o a te d b risto ls ............................................................................................................
O th e r u n c o a te d bristols, in cluding in d ex, p rin ting

a n d p o s t c a r d .....

C o tto n fib e r p a p e r a n d th in p a p e r ..............................................................................
T h in p a p e r .......................................................... ...............................................................


1 5 1 .8

1 5 0 .5

1 7 .8

2 6 2 1 -7

0 6 /8 1

2 1 7 .6

2 2 0 .7

2 1 6 .2

2 4 .8

B a g a n d s a c k , o th e r th a n sh ip p in g s a c k ............................................ ..............

2 6 2 1 -7 5 1

0 6 /8 1

2 0 3 .5

2 0 6 .0

2 0 5 .8

2 6 .9

- .1

O th e r u n b le a c h e d k ra ft p a c k a g in g a n d in d u strial c o n v e rtin g p a p e r ....

2 6 2 1 -7 6 1

0 6 /8 1

2 0 4 .2

2 0 8 .2

1 9 9 .6

23 .1

- 4 .1

2 6 2 1 -8

0 6 /8 1

1 5 5 .7

1 5 7 .7

1 5 7 .9

1 3 .4


2 6 2 1 -8 6 1

0 6 /8 1

1 3 8 .1

1 3 8 .6

1 3 8 .6

5 .4


2 6 2 1 -9

0 6 /8 1

160 .1

1 6 5 .5

1 6 5 .5

1 3 .3


P a c k a g in g a n d in d u strial c o n v e rtin g p a p e r, e x c e p t u n b le a c h e d kraft. ...
O th e r p a c k a g in g a n d in d ustrial c o n v e rtin g p a p e r, e x c e p t u n b le a c h e d
k r a ft.................................................................................................. ..............................
S p e c ia l in d u strial p a p e r ........................................................................................... ........

2 6 2 1 -S M

S e c o n d a r y p ro d u c ts a n d m is c e lla n e o u s r e c e i p t s ......... .............................................
S e c o n d a r y p r o d u c t s ...............................................................................................................

2 6 2 1 -S

0 6 /8 1

1 5 9 .8

1 6 8 .1

171 .1

4 6 .0

1 .8

P u lp m ill p r o d u c t s ...............................................................................................................

2 6 1 1 -S

0 6 /8 1

1 1 5 .5

1 3 1 .8

1 3 0 .4


- 1 .1

1 2 /8 2

2 0 7 .3

2 1 1 .6

2 1 1 .4

3 1 .1

- .1

P a p e rb o a rd m i l l s ...................................................................................................................................


P a p e rb o a rd m i l l s ...................................................................................................................................


P rim a ry p r o d u c t s ...........................................................................................................................
P a p e rb o a rd , m a d e fro m prim arily virgin w o o d p u lp .......................


1 2 /8 2

2 0 7 .3

2 1 1 .7

2 1 1 .4

31 .1

- .1

2 6 3 1 -P

1 2 /8 2

1 9 7 .0

1 9 9 .6

1 9 9 .3

2 9 .7

- .2

2 6 3 1 -A

1 2 /8 8

1 3 4 .7

1 3 5 .7

1 3 5 .7

2 9 .2


U n b le a c h e d k ra ft p a c k a g in g a n d in d u strial c o n v e rtin g p a p e rb o a rd
2 6 3 1 -1

1 2 /8 2

2 1 0 .3

2 1 0 .2

2 0 9 .9

2 8 .5

- .1

2 6 3 1 -1 1 1

1 2 /8 2

2 1 3 .0

2 1 2 .7

2 1 2 .4

2 9 .0

- .1

4 2 lb. k ra ft lin e r b o a r d ...............................................................................................

2 6 3 1 -1 1 1 0 1

1 2 /8 2

2 2 0 .1

2 2 0 .1

2 2 0 .1

2 7 .8


O th e r u n b le a c h e d lin e r b o a r d .............. ..................................................................

2 6 3 1 -1 1 1 0 2

1 2 /8 2

2 0 0 .5

1 9 9 .9

19 9 .1

3 0 .9


(> 8 0 %

virg in w o o d p u l p ) .......................................................................................

U n b le a c h e d lin e r b o a r d .................................................................................................

B le a c h e d p a c k a g in g a n d in d u strial c o n v e rtin g p a p e rb o a rd ( > 8 0 %
2 6 3 1 -2

1 2 /8 2

1 6 1 .8

1 6 6 .9

1 6 7 .5

2 3 .1


L i n e r b o a r d ................... ......... ........ ....................................................................................

2 6 3 1 -2 1 1

1 2 /8 2

1 9 3 .0

1 9 5 .6

1 9 5 .7

2 9 .3


F o ld in g c a rto n -ty p e b o a r d ..........................................................................................

2 6 3 1 -2 4 1

1 2 /8 2

1 4 7 .9

1 5 4 .8

1 5 4 .8

1 4 .3


2 6 3 1 -2 6

1 2 /8 8

1 4 1 .8

1 4 4 .5

1 4 5 .8

3 1 .8


v irg in w o o d p u lp ) .......................................................................................................

B le a c h e d p a p e rb o a rd fo r m o ist, liquid o r o ily fo o d s , in cluding m ilk
c a rto n b o a r d .............................................................................................................

See footnotes at end of table.


Table 5. Producer price indexes for the net output of selected industries and their products, not seasonally adjusted
In d e x
In d u s try a n d p ro d u c t1

In d u stry

P ro d u c t

In d e x




P e rc e n t c h a n g e
to S e p . 1 9 9 5 fro m —

M ay






1 2 /8 8

1 2 5 .0

1 2 9 .9

1 2 9 .9

2 6 3 1 -3 2 1

1 2 /8 2

2 1 3 .7

2 1 5 .0

Sep. 1994

Aug. 1 9 9 5

P a p e rb o a rd m ills— C o n tin u e d
O th e r b le a c h e d p a p e rb o a rd fo r p a c k a g in g a n d o th e r solid b le a c h e d
2 6 3 1 -2 8

b o a rd ......... ........................................... .................... ................. .................................
S e m ic h e m ic a l p a p e rb o a rd ( > 7 5 % virgin w o o d p u lp ) .......

1 7 .0


2 6 3 1 -3


4 0 .9


2 6 3 1 -4

1 2 /8 2

1 9 1 .5

1 9 7 .2

1 9 6 .2

31 .1


virgin f i b e r ) ...................................................................................

2 6 3 1 -4 1 1

1 2 /8 2

2 1 7 .0

2 1 6 .5

2 1 6 .0

3 6 .6


C o rru g a tin g m e d iu m ( < 7 5 % virgin f i b e r ) ......... .....................................................

2 6 3 1 -4 2 1

1 2 /8 2

2 5 6 .3

2 5 5 .4

2 5 5 .4

3 7 .8


F o ld in g c a rto n b o a r d .......... ........................ *......... .......... ...............................................

2 6 3 1 -4 4

1 2 /8 8

13 6 .1

1 4 9 .7

1 4 7 .5

2 9 .2

-1 .5

C o rru g a tin g m e d iu m .....................................................................................................
R e c y c le d p a p e r b o a r d ............................................................................................................
L in e rb o a rd ( < 8 0 %

C la y -c o a te d fo ld in g c a rto n b o a r d ............................................. .............................
O th e r re c y c le d p a p e rb o a rd ...........................................................................................

2 1 4 .9

2 6 3 1 -4 4 6

1 2 /8 2

1 5 3 .7

1 6 6 .8

1 6 4 .3

2 6 .3

-1 .5

2 6 3 1 -4 8

1 2 /8 8

1 5 4 .5

1 5 6 .0

1 5 5 .7

2 7 .3


2 6 3 1 -S M

S e c o n d a r y p ro d u c ts a n d m is c e lla n e o u s r e c e ip t s .......................................................
S e c o n d a ry p r o d u c t s ........,.....................................................................................................

2 6 3 1 -S

1 2 /8 2

2 8 4 .8

3 0 6 .5

3 0 6 .5

4 0 .7


P a p e rm ill p r o d u c t s ..............................................................................................................

2 6 2 1 -S

1 2 /8 8

1 3 9 .4

1 4 3 .8

1 4 3 .8

2 6 .3


P a p e rb o a rd c o n ta in e rs a n d b o x e s ................................................ .................. ...........................


1 2 /8 4

1 4 8 .1

1 5 1 .9

1 5 3 .0

2 1 .0

S e tu p p a p e rb o a rd b o x e s .......................................... .......................................................................


1 2 /8 3

1 4 5 .5

1 4 6 .0

1 4 6 .0

8 .8


2 6 5 2 -P

1 2 /8 3

1 4 3 .7

1 4 4 .0


8 .4


2 6 5 2 -1

1 2 /8 3

1 4 3 .7

1 4 4 .0


8 .4


T e x tile s , w e a rin g a p p a re l, a n d h o s i e r y ................................... ....... .......................

2 6 5 2 -1 2 1

1 2 /8 3


1 5 4 .5

1 5 4 .5

4 .8


D e p a rtm e n t s to re s a n d o th e r re ta il s t o r e s .................................... .......................

2 6 5 2 -1 3 1

1 2 /8 3

1 2 7 .2

1 5 6 .7

1 5 6 .7

6 .8


1 2 7 .2

1 2 7 .2

1 3 .0


1 2 1 .0

1 2 1 .0


1 6 1 .4

1 6 1 .4

9 .8

1 4 6 .5

1 2 .2


S e tu p p a p e rb o a rd b o x e s (cla s s ifie d by e n d u s e ) ..................................................

C o n f e c t io n s .......................... .................... ............................................................................

2 6 5 2 -1 4 1

1 2 /8 3

C o s m e tic s , including s o a p ..............................................................................................

2 6 5 2 -1 5 1

1 2 /8 3

S ta tio n e ry a n d o ffic e s u p p lie s ......................................................................................

2 6 5 2 -1 6 1

1 2 /8 3


All o th e r e n d u s e s , n . e . c . ......................................................................... ......................

2 6 5 2 -1 9 8

1 2 /8 3

1 4 6 .2

1 4 6 .2

1 2 /8 3

1 6 5 .5

1 6 9 .2


1 3 .7

- .1

0 3 /8 0

1 8 6 .1

1 9 1 .3

1 9 3 .4

2 8 .0


2 6 5 2 -S M

S e c o n d a ry p ro d u c ts a n d m is c e lla n e o u s r e c e ip t s .......................................................

2 6 5 2 -S

S e c o n d a ry p r o d u c t s ...............................................................................................................
C o rru g a te d a n d solid fib e r b o x e s .................................................................................................



P rim a ry p ro d u c ts .......................................................................................... ................................

2 6 5 3 -P

0 3 /8 0

1 8 7 .8

1 9 2 .9

1 9 4 .9

2 8 .5

1 .0

C o rru g a te d s h ip p in g c o n ta in e r s ........................................................................................

2 6 5 3 -1

0 3 /8 0

1 8 4 .6

1 9 0 .2

1 9 2 .8

2 9 .0

1 .4

2 6 5 3 -1 1 2

0 3 /8 0

1 8 3 .0

1 8 6 .5

1 8 7 .8

2 8 .4


2 6 5 3 -1 1 2 0 1

0 6 /8 7

1 5 0 .8

1 5 4 .4

1 5 2 .9

2 6 .9

-1 .0

2 6 5 3 -1 1 2 0 2

0 6 /8 7

6 .9

F o r fo o d s a n d b e v e r a g e s ................................... ........ .................................. ...............
F o r c a n n e d a n d b o ttle d fo o d s a n d b e v e r a g e s ................................................

1 5 0 .9

1 5 1 .6

1 6 2 .1

2 4 .7

F o r d ry g o o d s ..... .............. .............................................................................................

2 6 5 3 -1 1 2 0 3

0 6 /8 7

1 3 4 .9

1 3 7 .0

1 3 7 .0

3 0 .4

F o r all fo o d a n d b e v e ra g e u s e s n o t s p e c if ie d ................................................

2 6 5 3 -1 1 2 0 4

0 6 /8 7

1 3 4 .0

1 3 6 .8

1 3 6 .8

3 0 .2


2 6 5 3 -1 1 3

0 3 /8 0

1 8 8 .0

1 9 4 .7

1 9 4 .3

2 6 .5


0 3 /8 0

6 .5

F o r fre s h fru its a n d v e g e t a b le s ..............................................................................

F o r p a p e r a n d a llie d p r o d u c t s ......................................................................................
F o r m e ta l p ro d u c ts a n d m a c h in e ry , e q u ip m e n t a n d su p p lie s , e x c e p t
e le c t r ic a l................................................................... ................... .................................

2 6 5 3 -1 1 6

1 8 7 .7

1 9 9 .4

2 1 2 .3

3 2 .8

F o r e le c tric a l m a c h in e ry , e q u ip m e n t, su p p lie s a n d a p p lia n c e s ..................

2 6 5 3 -1 1 8

0 3 /8 0

1 7 0 .4

17 4 .1

1 7 4 .0

2 4 .0


F o r all o th e r u s e s n o t s p e c ifie d a b o v e ....................................................................

2 6 5 3 -1 1 9

0 3 /8 0

1 8 5 .3

1 9 1 .6

19 5 .1

3 0 .6


s o a p s ......................................................................... ;............................. ..................

2 6 5 3 -1 1 9 0 1

0 6 /8 7

1 5 2 .9

1 5 7 .4

1 5 7 .4

F o r lu m b e r a n d w o o d p ro d u cts, in cluding f u r n it u r e ......................................

2 6 5 3 -1 1 9 0 2

0 6 /8 7

1 4 4 .3

1 4 7 .4

1 4 7 .8

2 4 .6


1 5 5 .9

3 1 .8

2 .5

F o r c h e m ic a ls a n d d rugs, including p ain ts, v a rn is h e s , c o s m e tic s a n d
2 9 .3


2 6 5 3 -1 1 9 0 3

0 6 /8 7

1 4 6 .7

15 2 .1

C o rru g a te d p a p e rb o a rd in s h e e ts a n d rolls, lin ed a n d u n lin e d .......................

2 6 5 3 -3

0 3 /8 0

2 0 9 .2

2 0 9 .2

2 0 6 .2

2 8 .6

-1 .4

C o rru g a te d a n d so lid fib e r p a lle ts , p a d s , a n d p a r t it io n s ...................................

2 6 5 3 -4

0 3 /8 0

2 4 1 .3

2 4 4 .2

2 4 3 .0

1 8 .0


F o r a ll o th e r u s e s ............... ............................................................................................

2 6 5 3 -S M

S e c o n d a ry p ro d u c ts a n d m is c e lla n e o u s r e c e ip t s .......................................................

2 6 5 3 -S

S e c o n d a ry p r o d u c t s .............................................................................................................
F ib e r c a n s , d ru m s a n d sim ilar p r o d u c ts ..... .............................................................................


1 2 /9 0

1 2 8 .5


1 3 3 .1

1 2 .3

1 2 /8 5

1 4 9 .5

1 5 0 .8

1 5 0 .8

1 1 .9


1 5 2 .4

1 2 .6


P rim a ry p r o d u c t s .................... .....................................................................................................

2 6 5 5 -P

1 2 /8 5

1 5 1 .3

1 5 2 .4

P a p e rb o a rd fib e r d ru m s w ith m e ta l, w o o d , p la s tic o r p a p e rb o a rd e n d s ....

2 6 5 5 -1

1 2 /8 5

1 4 1 .8

1 4 2 .0

1 4 2 .0

9 .3


F ib e r c a n s , tu b e s , a n d sim ilar fib e r p r o d u c t s ...........................................................

2 6 5 5 -2

1 2 /8 5

1 5 3 .9

1 5 5 .3

1 5 5 .2

1 3 .5


1 4 2 .0

1 4 2 .0

C a n s , all fib e r a n d c o m p o s it e ......... ............. ...............................................................
F o o d p ro d u c ts .................... .............. ..............................................................................
A ll o th e r fo o d p ro d u c ts , exclu d in g p e t f o o d .................................................

2 6 5 5 -2 2 1

1 2 /8 5

1 4 1 .0

7 .5


2 6 5 5 -2 2 1 A

1 2 /8 5

1 4 9 .6

1 5 0 .8

1 5 0 .8

8 .2


2 6 5 5 -2 2 1 1 3

1 2 /8 5

1 7 3 .6

1 7 4 .9

1 7 4 .9

1 0 .4


2 6 5 5 -2 2 1 B

N o n -fo o d p r o d u c t s ................... .............. ......................................................................

1 1 7 .8


C o r e s a n d t u b e s .......... .................................................. ......................,............................

2 6 5 5 -2 3 1

1 2 /8 5

1 6 0 .9

1 6 1 .9

1 6 1 .9

1 9 .5


P a p e rb o a rd c o n e s , re e ls , sp o o ls , b o b b in s, b lo c k s

2 6 5 5 -2 7 1

1 2 /8 5

1 4 9 .7

1 5 5 .5

1 5 5 .5

1 9 .2


2 6 5 5 -S

1 2 /8 5

1 3 4 .1

1 3 7 .8

1 3 7 .8

5 .0


2 6 5 5 -2 2 1 1 7

A ll o th e r n o n -fo o d p ro d u cts, in clu ding p e t fo o d ........................................
a n d o th e r p ro d u c ts

1 2 /8 5

1 1 7 .3

1 1 7 .8


2 6 5 5 -S M

S e c o n d a r y p ro d u c ts a n d m is c e lla n e o u s r e c e ip t s .......................................................
S e c o n d a ry p r o d u c t s ....................................... ........................................................................

0 6 /8 5

1 5 5 .8

1 6 1 .7

1 6 1 .8

1 7 .8


2 6 5 6 -P

0 6 /8 5

1 5 3 .0

1 5 7 .7

1 5 7 .7

1 6 .0


M ilk a n d m ilk -ty p e c a rto n s , in clu d in g ju ic e s a n d o th e r b e v e r a g e s ...............

2 6 5 6 -1

0 6 /8 5

1 3 0 .3

C u p s a n d liq u id -tig h t c o n t a in e r s ............... .................................................. ...................

2 6 5 6 -2

0 6 /8 5

1 7 4 .1

177 .1

1 7 7 .0

1 9 .2

- .1

2 6 5 6 -2 3 5

0 6 /8 5

1 7 6 .7

1 8 0 .0

1 7 9 .9

2 0 .9

- .1

2 6 5 6 -5

0 6 /8 5

1 4 4 .9

1 5 1 .6

1 5 2 .0

1 9 .4


P re s s e d p la te s , d is h e s , s p o o n s a n d sim ilar p r o d u c ts ......................................

2 6 5 6 -5 1 1

0 6 /8 5

1 5 2 .1

1 6 0 .4

1 6 0 .4

2 2 .5


S e c o n d a r y p ro d u c ts a n d m is c e lla n e o u s re c e ip ts .......................................................

2 6 5 6 -S M
2 6 5 6 -S

0 6 /8 5

1 7 0 .2

1 8 0 .3

1 8 0 .8

2 3 .8


2 6 5 6 -S S S

1 2 /8 8

1 3 6 .4

1 4 6 .3

1 4 6 .9

2 9 .5


1 2 /8 3

1 4 0 .6

1 4 3 .7

1 4 3 .9

7 .8


2 6 5 7 -P

1 2 /8 3

1 3 9 .8

1 4 3 .2

1 4 3 .3

7 .7


S a n ita ry fo o d c o n t a i n e r s ................... ................................................................. .......... i.................
P rim a ry p r o d u c t s ............................................ .


D rin kin g c u p s a n d p o rtio n s e rv in g c u p s .................................................................
O th e r s a n ita ry fo o d c o n ta in e rs , b o a rd s , a n d tra y s , e x c e p t f o ld in g ...............

S e c o n d a r y p r o d u c t s ....................................... ........................ ............. ........ ........................
O th e r s e c o n d a ry p ro d u c ts ................................................................... .........................
F o ld in g p a p e rb o a rd b o x e s ...............................................................................................................
P rim a ry p ro d u c ts ............................. .............................................................. ............................


See footnotes at endof table.


Table 5. Producer price indexes for the net output of selected industries and their products, not seasonally adjusted
In d e x
In d u stry a n d p ro d u c t1

In dustry

P ro d u c t

In d e x




P e rc e n t c h a n g e
to S e p . 1 9 9 5 fro m —

M ay

A ug .





Sep. 1994

Aug. 1 9 9 5

F o ld in g p a p e rb o a rd b o x e s — C o n tin u e d
Fo ld in g p a p e rb o a rd b o x e s , e x c e p t s a n ita ry fo o d c o n ta in e rs , c lassified
1 3 8 .2

1 4 1 .6

1 4 1 .6

D ry fo o d a n d p ro d u c e , incl. p e t a n d a n im a l f o o d ........................................

2 6 5 7 -1 1 4

1 2 /8 3

1 3 5 .7

1 4 0 .0

1 4 0 .1

9 .9

S o a p s a n d d e te rg e n ts .................................................................................................

2 6 5 7 -1
2 6 5 7 -1 3 1

1 2 /8 3

1 3 1 .8

H a r d w a r e a n d h o u s e h o ld s u p p lie s ......................................................................

2 6 5 7 -1 5 1

1 2 /8 3

1 5 4 .0

1 5 4 .5

1 5 4 .5

6 .4

C a n d y ........................................................... .....................................................................

2 6 5 7 -1 6 1

1 2 /8 3

1 3 9 .0

1 3 9 .0

1 3 9 .0

4 .4

b y e n d u s e .......................................................................................................... ........

1 2 /8 3

7 .4


12 8 .1

1 3 8 .9

1 3 9 .4

1 5 .5


C o s m e t ic s ......................................................................................................................

2 6 5 7 -1 7 1 0 1

1 2 /8 3

1 2 3 .5

12 4 .1

1 2 7 .0

6 .8

2 .3

M e d ic in a l p r o d u c t s ....................................................................... ..........................

2 6 5 7 -1 7 1 0 2

1 2 /8 3

1 3 0 .5

1 4 7 .7

1 4 6 .6

2 0 .8

- .7

P a p e r g o o d s o r p ro d u cts, in cluding b o o k m a ile r s ................ ......................

2 6 5 7 -1 8 1

1 2 /8 3

1 4 2 .9

14 5 .1

1 4 5 .1

6 .5


F o ld in g c a rry -o u t b o x e s a n d tra y s fo r re ta il f o o d ........................................

2 6 5 7 -1 9 5

1 2 /8 8

1 0 6 .9

1 1 2 .0

1 1 2 .0

7 .3


2 6 5 7 -1 7 1

C o s m e tic s a n d m e d ic in a l p ro d u c ts ..... ...............................................................

1 2 /8 3

1 5 3 .7

1 5 5 .4

8 .8


2 6 5 7 -2

0 6 /8 5

1 3 6 .5

1 3 9 .2

1 4 0 .2

9 .3


B a k e ry , fre s h a n d f r o z e n .............. ...........................................................................

2 6 5 7 -2 0 1

0 6 /8 5

1 3 2 .2

1 3 4 .6

1 3 4 .6

1 0 .4


B u tte r a n d ic e c re a m p a c k a g e s a n d fo o d p a ils ..... ....................... ..............

2 6 5 7 -2 0 2

0 6 /8 5

18 1 .1

1 8 3 .5

1 8 3 .5

8 .9

P r o c e s s e d m e a t, m a rg a rin e , lard a n d s h o rte n in g .......................................

2 6 5 7 -2 0 3

0 6 /8 5

1 0 2 .8

9 8 .7

2 6 5 7 -2 0 4

1 2 /8 8

1 1 2 .5

1 1 9 .1

1 1 9 .1

9 .5

1 2 /8 3

1 4 0 .6

1 4 1 .3

1 4 1 .3

6 .5


2 6 5 7 -1 9 8

All o th e r e n d u ses, n .e .c ........................................................... .................................
Fo ld in g s a n ita ry c o n ta in e rs fo r liquid, m o ist, oily o r p e ris h a b le fo o d s

O th e r fro z e n f o o d s .......................................................................................................

1 2 /8 3

1 5 4 .9


2 6 5 7 -S M

S e c o n d a ry p ro d u c ts a n d m is c e lla n e o u s r e c e ip t s .................... ............................

2 6 5 7 -S

S e c o n d a ry p r o d u c t s .........................................................................................................
C o n v e rte d p a p e r a n d p a p e rb o a rd p ro d u cts, e x c e p t c o n ta in e rs a n d
b o x e s ..................... ......................................................................................................................
P a p e r c o a te d a n d la m in a te d , p a c k a g in g ...........................................................................


0 6 /9 3

1 1 0 ,2

1 1 1 .3

1 1 1 .7

1 0 .6



0 6 /9 3

1 1 1 .4

1 1 1 .8

1 1 2 .6

1 0 .2


P rim a ry p r o d u c t s ..... ...............................................................................................................

2 6 7 1 -P

1 2 /8 7

1 3 1 .9

1 3 2 .5

1 3 2 .7

1 0 .2

S in g le w e b p a p e r (c o a te d rolls a n d s h e e ts in cluding w a x e d ) ...................

2 6 7 1 -1

1 2 /8 7

1 4 2 .7

1 4 3 .3

1 4 3 .4

2 0 .1


2 6 7 1 -1 1 5

0 6 /9 3

1 2 0 .3

1 2 0 .5

1 2 0 .6



2 6 7 1 -2

1 2 /8 7

1 1 5 .7

1 1 5 .7

2 6 7 1 -2 1 1

0 6 /9 3

1 0 0 .3

1 0 0 .3

1 0 0 .3



2 6 7 1 -3

1 2 /8 7

1 3 0 .6

1 3 0 .7

1 3 1 .1

1 5 .3


2 6 7 1 -3 1 2

0 6 /9 3

1 2 3 .6

1 2 3 .9

1 2 5 .1

1 8 .6

1 .0

2 6 7 1 -3 1 2 1 8

0 6 /9 3

1 1 9 .6

1 2 1 .4

1 2 8 .2

2 8 .2

5 .6

2 6 7 1 -4

1 2 /8 7

1 3 6 .2

1 3 7 .3

1 3 7 .8

9 .8


2 6 7 1 -4 1 6

0 6 /9 3

1 1 0 .5

1 1 1 .7

1 1 2 .2

1 0 .9


O t h e r .............. ...................................... ...............................................................................
S in g le w e b film (c o a te d rolls a n d s h e e ts in cluding c o e x tru d e d ) .............
S in g le w e b film , c o a t e d ...................................................... ....... ................................
P a p e r /p a p e r m u ltiw e b la m in a t io n s ........................................................ .................
O th e r la m in a t io n s .......................................................................... ...............................
C o a t e d ...........................................................................................................................
M u ltiw e b la m in a te d ro lls a n d s h e e ts ex . p a p e r /p a p e r a n d f o i l .................
O th e r film /film la m in a t io n s .................................................. ....................................


2 6 7 1 -S

S e c o n d a ry p r o d u c t s ......................................... ...............................................................

0 6 /9 3

1 0 6 .3

1 0 6 .3

1 1 0 .8

1 0 .5

4 .2

0 6 /9 3

1 0 7 .6

1 0 9 .6

1 1 0 .0

7 .5


1 2 /8 7

1 2 8 .9

1 3 1 .9

1 3 2 .1

8 .9


2 6 7 2 -1

1 2 /8 2

16 1 .1

1 7 0 .2

1 7 0 .8

1 8 .6


2 6 7 2 -1 1 3

1 2 /8 2

1 6 2 .2

16 8 .1

1 6 8 .4

1 6 .2


2 6 7 2 -1 5 3

1 2 /8 2

1 5 8 .4

1 7 3 .6

1 7 4 .7

2 3 .1


2 6 7 2 -3

1 2 /8 2

1 3 6 .8

1 3 9 .0

1 3 9 .5

5 .3


1 2 4 .1

1 2 6 .2


2 6 7 1 -S S S

O th e r s e c o n d a ry p ro d u c ts ........................................................................................

P rim a ry p r o d u c t s ......................... ..........................................................................................

3 .2

2 6 7 1 -S M

S e c o n d a ry p ro d u c ts a n d m is c e lla n e o u s r e c e ip t s ......................................... .......

P a p e r c o a te d a n d la m in a te d , n . e . c . ............................................................... .......................

1 1 5 .7

2 6 7 2 -P

Printing p a p e r c o a te d a t e s ta b lis h m e n ts o th e r th a n w h e re p a p e r w a s
p r o d u c e d ..................................... ..................................................................................
C o a te d , o n e s id e (fo r la b e ls a n d sim ilar u s e s ) .............................................
C o a te d , tw o sid e s (fo r printing o f m a g a z in e s , d ire c to rie s , a n d
sim ila r u s e s ) ...........................................................................................................
P re s s u re s e n s itiv e p ro d u c ts .........................................................................................

2 6 7 2 -3 0 1

1 2 /8 7

1 2 6 .2

8 .2

P a p e r b a c k i n g ...................................................................................... ......................

2 6 7 2 -3 0 1 0 1

1 2 /8 2

1 3 6 .0

1 3 9 .2

1 3 9 .2



C lo th b a c k in g , e x c e p t e l e c t r i c a l .......................................................................

2 6 7 2 -3 0 1 0 2

1 2 /8 7

1 2 7 .6

1 2 8 .0

1 2 8 .0

6 .8


m a t e r ia l.................................................................................... .............................

2 6 7 2 -3 0 1 0 3

1 2 /8 7

1 3 1 .2

1 2 9 .2

1 2 8 .7

3 .8

R e in fo rc e d a n d la m in a te d t a p e .........................................................................

2 6 7 2 -3 0 1 0 5

1 2 /8 2

1 0 9 .5

1 0 9 .5

111 .1

5 .7

1 ,5

D o u b le fa c e d t a p e .......................................................................................................

2 6 7 2 -3 0 2

1 2 /8 2

1 5 2 .9

1 5 5 ,4

1 5 5 .2

7 .4

U n p rin te d p re s s u re s e n s itiv e l a b e l s ...................................................................

2 6 7 2 -3 0 3

1 2 /8 2

12 1 .1

12 2 .1

1 2 9 .4

-9 .4

6 .0

P re s s u re s e n s itiv e b a s e s t o c k ...............................................................................

2 6 7 2 -3 0 4

1 2 /8 7

1 3 9 .3

142 .1

1 4 0 .3

6 .3

-1 .3

7 .9

- 1 .6

S in g le fa c e d t a p e ............... ..........................................................................................

F ilm b a c k in g , incl. c e llo p h a n e , a n ti-c o rro s iv e & o th e r tra n s p a re n t

B a s e s to c k fo r la b e ls ...................................................................... .......................
O th e r c o a te d a n d p ro c e s s e d p a p e rs , e x c e p t fo r p a c k a g in g u s e s .........
O th e r c o a te d a n d p r o c e s s e d p a p e r, n .e .c ........................................................
S e c o n d a ry p ro d u c ts a n d m is c e lla n e o u s r e c e i p t s ......... .................... ..................

1 8 0 .6

- .1

2 6 7 2 -3 0 4 0 1

0 4 /8 3

1 7 9 .0

1 8 3 .5

2 6 7 2 -4

1 2 /8 2

1 5 7 .2

1 6 1 .7

1 6 1 .4

1 3 .2


2 6 7 2 -4 5 9

1 2 /8 2

1 4 5 .8

1 4 9 .8

1 4 9 .4

1 3 .3

- .3

2 6 7 2 -S M
2 6 7 2 -M

0 6 /9 3

1 0 1 .2

1 0 1 .2

1 0 1 .2



2 6 7 2 -Z 8 9

0 7 /9 3

1 0 1 .8

1 0 1 .8

1 0 1 .8



S e c o n d a r y p r o d u c t s .........................................................................................................

2 6 7 2 -S

0 6 /9 3

1 0 8 .9

1 0 9 .0

1 1 1 .0

3 .6

1 .8

P a p e r c o a te d a n d la m in a te d , p a c k a g in g .........................................................

2 6 7 1 -S

0 6 /9 3

1 0 9 .3

1 1 0 .0

1 1 0 .6

1 0 .2


O th e r s e c o n d a ry p r o d u c t s ........................................................................................

2 6 7 2 -S S S

0 6 /9 3

1 0 8 .9

1 0 8 .9

1 1 1 .0

3 .3

1 .9

M is c e lla n e o u s r e c e i p t s ...................................................................................................
R e s a l e s ........................................ ................................................ ............... ....................

P la stic s, fo il a n d c o a te d p a p e r b a g s ....................................... ............................................

1 2 /8 3

1 6 3 .6

1 6 3 .0

1 6 1 .5

1 0 .3


1 2 /8 3

1 6 3 .8

1 6 2 .7

1 6 1 .0


- 1 .0

1 4 1 .9

1 4 4 .5

1 4 4 .5

5 .8


1 3 9 .9

1 3 9 .0

1 3 7 .2

9 .0

-1 .3

1 0 0 .3

9 8 .8

9 .4

- 1 .5

P rim ary p r o d u c t s ..................................................... .................. ............................................

2 6 7 3 -P

S p e c ia lty b a g s a n d liners, s in g le w e b p a p e r, c o a t e d ...............................

2 6 7 3 -1

1 1 /8 4

S p e c ia lty b a g s a n d lin ers, s in g le w e b f i l m .............

2 6 7 3 -2

1 2 /8 3

2 6 7 3 -2 1

1 2 /9 0

1 0 1 .0

............... ......................

P o ly e th y le n e b a g s ................................................................ ........................................
G ro c e ry a n d v a r i e t y .................... ...................................................... ......................

2 6 7 3 -2 1 1

1 2 /9 0

9 6 .8

9 5 .2

9 3 .5

6 .7

- 1 .8

R e fu s e ...........................................................................................................................

2 6 7 3 -2 1 2

1 2 /9 0

9 2 .7

9 2 .7

9 1 .4

9 .3

-1 .4

P r o d u c e ........................................................................................................ .................

2 6 7 3 -2 1 3

1 2 /9 0

1 0 6 .7

1 0 2 .6

1 0 2 .6

5 .3


T e x tile a n d c lo th in g ..................................................................................................

2 6 7 3 -2 1 4

1 2 /9 0

1 1 3 .5

1 1 4 .9

1 1 3 .2

1 3 .9

-1 .5

D ru m a n d b o x l i n e r s ......... .............. ......................................................................

2 6 7 3 -2 1 5

1 2 /9 0

1 1 5 .9

1 1 5 .2

1 1 3 .3

1 8 .4

-1 .6

S h ip p in g s a c k s .................... ......................................................................................

2 6 7 3 -2 1 6

1 2 /9 0

1 0 8 .8

1 0 6 .0

1 0 2 .8

7 .6

-3 .0

H o u s e h o ld fo o d s t o r a g e ........................................................................................

2 6 7 3 -2 1 7

1 2 /8 3

1 0 1 .2

1 0 0 .2

9 9 .2

1 2 .7

-1 .0

O th e r p o ly e th y le n e b a g s ........................ ..............................................................

2 6 7 3 -2 1 8

1 2 /9 0

1 1 3 .3

1 1 2 .7

1 1 1 .2

6 .4

-1 .3

Seefootnotesat endof table.


Table 5. Producer price indexes for the net output of selected industries and their products, not seasonally adjusted
P e rc e n t c h a n g e

In d e x
In d u stry a n d p ro d u c t1


P ro d u c t

In d e x




to S e p . 1 9 9 5 fro m —
M ay

A ug .





Sep. 1994

Aug. 1 9 9 5

P la stic s , foil a n d c o a te d p a p e r b a g s — C o n tin u e d
2 6 7 3 -2 2

1 2 /9 0

1 1 6 .0

1 1 5 .6

1 1 5 .4

5 .5

C o e x tru d e d film ............................................................. ................... .................... .

2 6 7 3 -2 2 1

1 2 /9 0

1 2 2 .8

1 2 2 .5

1 2 2 .7

7 .4


O th e r film t y p e ........... ..............................................................................................

2 6 7 3 -2 2 3

1 2 /9 0

1 0 6 .4

1 0 6 .0

1 0 5 .2

2 .5


1 2 .9


S in g le w e b film b a g s o th e r th a n p o ly e th y le n e .............................................

-0 .2

1 2 /8 3

1 5 3 .6

1 5 0 .0

1 4 9 .8

P a p e r c o m b in a tio n s e x c e p t p a p e r / f o i l .............................................................

2 6 7 3 -3 1 1

1 2 /9 0

1 0 7 .6

1 0 7 .2

1 0 7 .8

1 .3

F oil a n d foil c o m b in a tio n s .......................................................................................

2 6 7 3 -3 1 2

0 8 /8 4

1 0 6 .2

1 0 6 .3

1 0 6 .3

2 .3


O th e r m u ltiw e b la m in a tio n s .................... ..............................................................

2 6 7 3 -3 1 4

1 2 /8 3

1 4 3 .9

1 3 9 .5

1 3 9 .0

1 7 .7

- .4

2 6 7 3 -M

1 2 /9 0

1 2 7 .2

2 6 7 3 -2 8 9

1 2 /9 0

9 6 .6

9 6 .6

9 6 .6



2 6 7 3 -S

1 2 /8 3

1 4 3 .4

1 4 4 .9

1 4 4 .0

1 5 .6


2 6 7 3 -3

S p e c ia lty b a g s a n d liners, m u ltiw e b la m in a tio n s a n d foil ..........................


2 6 7 3 -S M

S e c o n d a r y p ro d u c ts a n d m is c e lla n e o u s r e c e ip t s ............... ........ .......................
M is c e lla n e o u s re c e ip ts .................................................................................. ..............
R e s a l e s .............................................................................................................................
S e c o n d a r y p r o d u c t s .................................... ....... ...........................................................

1 2 5 .8

1 25.1

9 .5


1 2 /9 0

1 2 0 .2

1 1 9 .6

1 2 0 .8

2 2 .8


P rim a ry p r o d u c t s ..................... ............................. ..............................................................

2 6 7 4 -P

1 2 /9 0

1 2 1 .5

1 2 1 .3

1 2 2 .5

2 3 .5

1 .0

U n c o a te d p a p e r b a g s ...................................................................................................

2 6 7 4 -1

1 2 /8 3

2 8 0 .4

2 7 1 .6

2 7 6 .6

3 6 .9

1 .8


U n c o a te d p a p e r a n d m u ltiw all b a g s ...................................................................................

G ro c e rs ’ b a g s a n d s a c k s .........................................................................................

2 6 7 4 -1 1 1

1 2 /8 3

3 1 7 .9

3 0 5 .4

3 1 2 .0

4 0 .3

2 .2

V a rie ty b a g s .......................... ........................ ....................... ........................................

2 6 7 4 -1 1 2

1 2 /8 3

1 6 4 .6

1 6 8 .6

1 6 8 .9

3 2 .6


O th e r u n c o a te d b a g s ................................................................................................

2 6 7 4 -1 1 5

1 2 /8 3

1 6 4 .0

1 6 4 .7

1 6 4 .7

5 .0


2 6 7 4 -2

1 2 /8 3

1 8 5 .2

1 9 0 .8

1 91.1

1 2 .0


S in g le a n d d o u b le w a l l ..............................................................................................

2 6 7 4 -2 1 1

1 2 /8 3

1 6 5 .8

1 6 9 .3

1 6 9 .3

9 .4


M u ltiw a ll (th re e o r m o re p lies) .................................................... ..........

2 6 7 4 -2 1 2

1 2 /8 3

1 8 9 .0

1 9 5 .5

1 9 5 .9

1 3 .3


1 2 /9 0

1 0 7 .0

1 0 2 .7

1 0 3 .7

1 6 .0

1 .0

S h ip p in g s a c k s a n d m ultiw all b a g s ........................................................................

2 6 7 4 -S M

S e c o n d a ry p ro d u c ts a n d m is c e lla n e o u s r e c e ip t s .................... ...........................

2 6 7 4 -S

S e c o n d a ry p r o d u c t s .......................................................................................................

1 2 /8 4

1 2 8 .7

1 3 2 .0

1 3 1 .9

1 0 .0


P rim ary p r o d u c t s ............................................................................. ....................................

2 6 7 5 -P

1 2 /8 4

1 2 9 .3

1 3 3 .4

1 3 3 .3

1 2 .4

- .1

D ie -c u t p a p e r a n d b o a rd o ffic e s u p p lie s ....................................................... .....

2 6 7 5 -1

1 2 /8 9

9 0 .8

9 5 .6

9 5 .8

9 .6


In d e x c a r d s .....................................................................................................................

2 6 7 5 -1 1 1

1 2 /8 4

1 3 2 .8

1 3 8 .5

1 4 1 .8

1 3 .0

2 .4

F ile f o l d e r s ......................................................................................................................


D ie -c u t p a p e r a n d b o a r d ......................................... ........................................ ........................

2 6 7 5 -1 1 3

1 2 /8 9

9 2 .2

9 8 .0

9 8 .0

9 .6


E x p a n d in g file f o l d e r s .............................................. ............................................

2 6 7 5 -1 1 3 0 1

1 2 /8 4

1 1 6 .8

1 2 3 .9

1 2 3 .2

6 .4


H a n g in g f o l d e r s ......................................... ............................. ...............................

2 6 7 5 -1 1 3 0 2

1 2 /8 9

O th e r file fo ld ers, including file p o c k e ts a n d j a c k e t s ..........................

2 6 7 5 -1 1 3 0 3

1 2 /8 9

9 2 .6

9 9 .4

9 9 .6

1 2 .9


2 6 7 5 -1 9 9

1 2 /8 4

1 4 4 .7

1 5 0 .3

1 51.1

9 .6


2 6 7 5 -2

1 2 /8 9

1 2 0 .6

1 2 2 .4

1 2 0 .3

6 .6

-1 -7

2 6 7 5 -2 9 9

1 2 /8 9

1 2 0 .3

1 2 3 .2

1 1 9 .9

1 1 .2

-2 .7

2 6 7 5 -3

1 2 /8 4

1 6 3 .9

1 6 5 .2

1 6 5 .2

1 7 .9


2 6 7 5 -M

1 2 /8 4

1 3 7 .9

1 3 5 .0

1 3 5 .0

- 2 .1


2 6 7 5 -Z 8 9

1 2 /8 4

1 3 6 .2

1 3 3 .4

1 3 3 .4

-2 .1


2 6 7 5 -S

1 2 /8 4

1 1 9 .8

1 1 9 .3

11 9 .1

-3 .4


0 6 /8 3

1 4 8 .8

1 5 0 .4

1 5 1 .4

6 .5


P rim a ry p r o d u c t s .....................................................................................................

2 6 7 6 -P

0 6 /8 3

1 4 9 .4

1 5 1 .0

1 5 1 .5

5 .8


S a n ita ry n a p k in s a n d t a m p o n s ...................................................................

2 6 7 6 -1

0 6 /8 3

18 9 .1


18 9 .1

6 .9


2 6 7 6 -1 1 4

0 6 /8 3

9 3 .8

9 3 .8

9 3 .8



O th e r o ffic e su p p lies, inclu ding re p o rt c o v e rs , e x c lu d in g l o o s e le a f ..
D ie -c u t p a p e r a n d b o a rd e x c e p t o ffic e s u p p lie s ..... ........................... .........

8 6 .6

O th e r, including fillers a n d fla ts fo r e g g c a s e s , b o ttle c a p s ,
c lo s u r e s ....................................................................................................................
P a s te d , lined, la m in a te d , o r s u rfa c e c o a te d p a p e r b o a r d ...........................

2 6 7 5 -S M

S e c o n d a ry p ro d u c ts a n d m is c e lla n e o u s r e c e ip t s ...............................................
M is c e lla n e o u s r e c e i p t s ......................................................................... .......................
S e c o n d a ry p r o d u c t s .......................................... ...............................................

S a n ita ry P a p e r P r o d u c t s ............... ...................................................................... .......

S a n ita ry n a p k in s ................ ............................................................................
D is p o s a b le d ia p e rs (e x c e p t in c o n tin e n c e p a d s ) ...............................

2 6 7 6 -3

0 6 /8 3

8 5 .0

8 5 .9

8 5 .9



S a n ita ry tis s u e h e a lth p ro d u cts (m a d e fro m p u rc h a s e d s to c k ) .

2 6 7 6 -4

0 6 /8 3

1 4 5 .8

15 2 .1

1 5 5 .6

1 4 .9

2 .3

2 6 7 6 -4 2

0 6 /8 3

1 4 1 .9

1 4 4 .4

1 4 4 .4

1 2 .3


2 6 7 6 -4 7

0 6 /8 3

1 5 1 .4

1 5 8 .5

1 6 6 .4


5 .0

2 6 7 6 -S S S

0 6 /8 3

1 5 5 .4

1 5 7 .5

1 6 2 .2

7 .6

3 .0

1 2 /8 4

1 2 7 .0

1 2 8 .3

1 2 9 .5

1 8 .9


2 6 7 7 -P

1 2 /8 4

12 6 .1

1 2 7 .5

1 2 8 .8

1 9 .3

1 .0

2 6 7 7 -1

1 2 /8 4

12 6 .1

1 2 7 .5

1 2 8 .8

1 9 .3

1 .0

1 2 /8 4

1 3 2 .9

1 3 2 .9

1 3 2 .9

2 .8


0 6 /8 5

15 9 .1

T a b le n a p k in s including p lain c re p e d a n d fa c ia l tis s u e ty p e ..
P a p e r t o w e l s .................... ............... ................................................................

2 6 7 6 -S M
2 6 7 6 -S

S e c o n d a ry p ro d u c ts a n d m is c e lla n e o u s r e c e ip t s ...............................
S e c o n d a ry p ro d u c ts ..........................................................................................
O th e r s e c o n d a ry p r o d u c t s ........................................................................

E n v e lo p e s ................................................... .......................................................................
P rim a ry p r o d u c t s .............................................. ......................................................
E n v e lo p e s , all t y p e s .......................................................... ..............................

2 6 7 7 -S M

S e c o n d a r y p ro d u c ts a n d m is c e lla n e o u s r e c e ip t s ........................ .........

2 6 7 7 -S

S e c o n d a ry p r o d u c t s ..........................................................................................

1 6 1 .9

1 6 3 .0

3 8 .5

P rim a ry p r o d u c t s .....................................................................................................

2 6 7 8 -P

0 6 /8 5

1 6 7 .3

1 6 8 .4

1 7 0 .6

3 6 .5


S ta tio n e ry ..............................................................................................................

2 6 7 8 -1

0 6 /8 5

1 4 4 .8

1 4 7 .4

1 4 4 .7

1 1 .8

-1 .8

2 6 7 8 -1 1 1

0 6 /8 5

1 4 2 .8

1 4 2 .8

1 4 2 .8

1 1 .6


2 6 7 8 -2

0 6 /8 5

1 7 4 .7

1 7 5 .2

1 7 9 .3

4 6 .7

2 .3

0 6 /8 5

1 8 9 .6

S ta tio n e ry p r o d u c t s .........................................................................................................

B o x e d s ta tio n e ry a n d p o r t f o lio s .................................



................... .

T a b le ts a n d re la te d p r o d u c t s ......................................................................


L e g a l p a d s ..... ...................................................................................................

2 6 7 8 -2 5 2

1 9 1 .0

1 9 9 .3

3 8 .0

4 .3

T a b le ts a n d p a d s , e x c e p t le g a l p a d s .................................................

2 6 7 8 -2 5 4

0 6 /8 5

1 6 9 .6

1 6 7 .2

1 7 0 .8

4 4 .7

2 .2

N o t e b o o k s ...................................................................... .................................

2 6 7 8 -2 5 7

0 6 /8 5

1 4 6 .8

147 .1

1 4 9 .6

3 8 .9

1 .7

L o o s e le a f fillers (s c h o o l a n d c o m m e rc ia l t y p e s ) .............. ..........

2 6 7 8 -2 6 1

0 6 /8 5

2 0 2 .5

2 0 3 .3

2 0 0 .2

6 8 .2

- 1 .5

W r a p p e d re a m p a p e r s ..............................................................................

2 6 7 8 -2 6 5

0 6 /8 5

2 0 5 .7

2 0 6 .9

2 2 0 .0

5 1 .4

6 .3

2 6 7 8 -2 6 5 1 9

0 6 /8 5

2 0 0 .4

2 0 1 .6

2 1 4 .4

5 1 .4

6 .3

2 6 7 8 -2 6 9

0 6 /8 5

1 3 9 .8

1 5 3 .3

1 5 1 .2

8 .6

-1 .4

O th e r w r a p p e d re a m p a p e r .......................................... ................
O th e r ta b le ts a n d r e la te d p r o d u c t s ................... ..................................

2 6 7 8 -S M

S e c o n d a ry p ro d u c ts a n d m is c e lla n e o u s r e c e ip t s ......................... .......
S e c o n d a ry p r o d u c t s ................................................................... .....................

2 6 7 8 -S

0 6 /8 5

1 5 5 .3

1 6 3 .5

1 6 1 .9

7 3 .3

- 1 .0

E n v e lo p e s ........................................................................................................

2 6 7 7 -S

0 6 /9 0

1 1 4 .9

1 2 0 .7

1 1 8 .7

1 5 .8

- 1 .7

2 6 7 8 -S S S

0 6 /8 5

1 7 4 .3

1 8 3 .6

1 8 2 .2

2 .4


0 6 /8 5

1 2 4 .0

1 2 6 .0

1 2 6 .5

8 .8


O th e r s e c o n d a ry p r o d u c t s .......................................................................
C o n v e rte d p a p e r a n d p a p e rb o a rd p ro d u c ts , n .e .c .........................................



See footnotes at end of table.


Table 5. Producer price indexes for the net output of selected industries and their products, not seasonally adjusted
In d e x
In d u stry a n d p ro d u c t1

In d u stry

P ro d u c t

In d e x




P e rc e n t c h a n g e
to S e p . 1 9 9 5 fro m —

M ay






Sep. 1994

Aug. 199 5

C o n v e rte d p a p e r a n d p a p e rb o a rd p ro d u c ts , n .e .c .— C o n tin u e d
P rim a ry p r o d u c t s ..........................................................................................................................

2 6 7 9 -P

1 2 5 .5

8 .2

W a llc o v e r in g s ...................................................................... .................... .................................

2 6 7 9 -1

0 6 /8 5

1 0 7 .1

1 0 7 .4

1 0 6 .9



2 6 7 9 -1 2

0 6 /8 5

1 0 9 .9

1 1 0 .6

1 0 9 .4


-1 .1

2 6 7 9 -1 2 5

0 6 /9 0

1 0 9 .1

1 1 1 .0

1 0 7 .9

1 .0

-2 .8

2 6 7 9 -2

0 6 /8 5

1 3 0 .3

1 3 3 .4

1 3 3 .0

3 .8

2 6 7 9 -2 8

0 6 /9 0

1 0 7 .8


1 0 9 .2

1 .2


P a p e r w a llc o v e r in g s ............................................................................................................
P la s tic c o a te d o r la m in a te d to 1 m il o f vinyl o r m o r e .................................
G ift w ra p p a p e r ..........................................................................................................................
R e ta il c o u n te r ite m s , all m a te ria ls e x c e p t f o i l ......................................................

0 6 /8 5

1 2 3 .1

1 2 5 .1

0 .3


2 6 7 9 -2 8 2

0 6 /8 5

1 2 9 .3


1 3 6 .6

4 .0

2 6 7 9 -3

0 6 /8 5

1 2 8 .5

1 2 8 .6

1 2 8 .6

1 2 .5

2 6 7 9 -3 1

0 6 /8 5

1 3 4 .3

1 3 4 .6

1 3 4 .6

1 5 .0


R o lls fo r a d d in g a n d o th e r b u s in e s s m a c h in e s ..............................................

2 6 7 9 -3 1 1

0 6 /8 5

1 2 7 .2

1 2 7 .2

1 2 7 .2

9 .3


O th e r, in clu d in g ta p e s , te le ty p e s , e tc ....................................................................

2 6 7 9 -3 1 7

0 6 /9 0

16 3 .1

1 6 4 .6

1 6 5 .0

4 9 .6

M is c e lla n e o u s p a p e r a n d b o a rd o ffic e s u p p le s , n .e .c .......................................

R o l l s .......................................................................................................................................
P a p e r b u s in e s s m a c h in e s u p p lie s a n d o th e r m is c e lla n e o u s o ffic e
s u p p lie s .................................................................................................................................
P a p e r b u s in e s s m a c h in e s u p p lie s ..............................................................................



2 6 7 9 -3 2 2

0 6 /9 0

1 1 3 .5

1 1 3 .5

1 1 3 .5

9 .5


P re s s e d a n d m o ld e d p u lp g o o d s ....................................................................................

2 6 7 9 -4

0 6 /8 5

1 2 9 .5

1 3 3 .0

1 3 6 .3

1 1 .6

2 .5

O th e r c o n v e rte d p a p e r a n d p a p e rb o a rd p r o d u c t s .................................................

2 6 7 9 -5

0 6 /9 0

* 1 1 3 .4

1 1 5 .6

1 1 5 .9

1 1 .2


N o v e ltie s , g a m e s , d isp lays, a n d sim ilar p r o d u c t s ..............................................

2 6 7 9 -5 1

0 6 /8 5

1 2 7 .5

1 2 8 .5

1 2 8 .5

-3 .6


In d u strial p a p e r a n d p a p e rb o a rd p r o d u c t s ............................................................

2 6 7 9 -5 3

0 6 /8 5

1 0 9 .6

1 1 6 .8

1 1 9 .2

1 0 .7


C e llu lo s e in s u la t io n ........................................................................................................

2 6 7 9 -5 3 1

0 6 /9 0

1 0 9 .6

9 .5

2 .4

D o ilies, p la c e m a ts a n d tra y d o i l i e s ..........................................................................

2 6 7 9 -5 4 1

0 7 /8 5

1 2 2 .1

12 2 .1

1 2 2 .1

1 4 .5


P a p e r w ra p p in g p ro d u c ts , n .e .c .....................................................................................

2 6 7 9 -5 6 1

0 6 /8 5

1 5 3 .6

1 5 6 .7

1 5 6 .7

2 9 .6


M is c e lla n e o u s p a p e r a n d p a p e rb o a rd p ro d u c ts , n .e .c ......................................

2 6 7 9 -5 6 9

0 6 /8 5

1 3 5 .5

1 3 7 .7

1 3 8 .4

1 2 .4


1 1 5 .8

1 1 8 .6

2 6 7 9 -S M

S e c o n d a ry p ro d u c ts a n d m is c e lla n e o u s r e c e i p t s .......................................................

2 6 7 9 -M

0 6 /8 5

1 4 3 .8

1 4 2 .6

1 4 3 .0

1 0 .6


C o n tra c t a n d o th e r m is c e lla n e o u s r e c e ip t s ...........................................................

2 6 7 9 -X Y 9

0 6 /9 0

1 2 5 .7

2 4 .7

2 6 7 9 -Z 8 9

0 6 /8 5

1 4 0 .9

1 3 9 .5

1 2 5 .7

R e s a l e s .....................................................................................................................................

1 4 0 .0

8 .5


2 6 7 9 -S

0 6 /8 5

1 2 1 .2

1 2 4 .7

1 2 6 .1

1 1 .7


M is c e lla n e o u s r e c e i p t s .........................................................................................................

S e c o n d a ry p r o d u c t s ...............................................................................................................
Printing, p u b lishing, a n d a llie d in d u s tr ie s .................................................................................


1 2 /8 4

1 5 7 .9

1 5 9 .9

1 6 0 .5

6 .8


N e w s p a p e r p u b lis h in g ........................................................................................................................


1 2 /7 9

2 8 3 .7

2 8 6 .6

2 8 9 .4

6 .9

1 .0

N e w s p a p e r p u b lish in g ........................................................................................................................


P rim a ry p r o d u c t s .................... .....................................................................................................
C ir c u la tio n ....................................................................................................................................

1 2 /7 9

2 8 3 .7

2 8 6 .6

2 8 9 .4

6 .9

1 .0

2 7 1 1 -P

1 2 /7 9

2 8 6 .5

2 8 9 .2

2 9 2 .1

6 .8

1 .0

2 7 1 1 -6

1 2 /7 9

2 4 2 .8

8 .3

2 3 2 .9

2 3 6 .1

2 .8

2 7 1 1 -6 1

1 2 /7 9

2 2 5 .0

2 2 5 .3

2 3 4 .6



T h ro u g h in t e r m e d ia r y ................... '................................................................................

2 7 1 1 -6 1 1

1 2 /7 9

2 2 4 .2

2 2 4 .2

2 3 4 .6

6 .3

4 .6

D ire c t to r e a d e r ...............................................................................................................

2 7 1 1 -6 1 2

1 2 /7 9

2 3 1 .6

2 3 4 .4

2 3 5 .0

3 .9


2 7 1 1 -6 2

1 2 /7 9

2 4 8 .9

2 5 9 .3

2 5 9 .5

1 3 .4


T h ro u g h in te r m e d ia r y ....................................................................................................

2 7 1 1 -6 2 1

1 2 /7 9

2 4 2 .1

2 4 2 .1

2 4 2 .7

7 .7

D ire c t to r e a d e r ...............................................................................................................

2 7 1 1 -6 2 2

1 2 /7 9

2 5 3 .8

2 7 1 .0

2 7 1 .0

1 7 .3


2 7 1 1 -7

1 2 /7 9

3 0 3 .2

3 0 5 .7

3 0 7 .5

6 .5


2 7 1 1 -7 1

1 2 /7 9

3 4 1 .4

3 4 3 .8

3 4 5 .3

5 .0


S u b s c r ip t io n s .........................................................................................................................

S in g le c o p y s a l e s ................................................................................................................

A d v e r t is in g ...................................................................................................................................
C la s s ifie d a d v e r tis in g .........................................................................................................


R e ta il, m a n u fa c tu rin g & o th e r c o m m ’l a d v t’g , e x c c la s s ifie d s a n d
1 2 /7 9

2 9 5 .4

2 9 8 .2

7 .6


N a tio n a l a d vertisin g .......................................................................................................

2 7 1 1 -7 2 1

1 2 /7 9

3 2 3 .8

3 1 9 .2

3 2 3 .6

5 .9

1 .4

L o c a l, re g io n a l a n d o th e r a d v e r t is in g ...................................................................
In s e rtio n o f p re p rin te d a d s .............................................................................................

2 7 1 1 -7 2 2

1 2 /7 9
0 6 /8 6

2 9 2 .0
1 4 2 .4

2 9 6 .4

2 9 8 .0

7 .9


1 4 2 .7

1 4 3 .0

2 .6


2 7 1 1 -7 2

in sertio n o f p re p rin te d a d s ....................................................................................

2 7 1 1 -7 3

3 0 0 .3

2 7 1 1 -S M

S e c o n d a ry p ro d u c ts a n d m is c e lla n e o u s r e c e ip t s .......................................................

1 2 /7 9

2 1 7 .2

2 2 5 .1

2 2 5 .1

O th e r s e c o n d a ry p r o d u c t s ..............................................................................................

2 7 1 1 -S S S

1 2 /7 9

2 1 8 .2





C o m m e rc ia l printing, fith o g ra p h ic ................................................................................

2 7 5 2 -S

1 2 /9 4

1 0 2 .9





2 7 1 1 -S

S e c o n d a ry p r o d u c t s ...............................................................................................................

6 .3


P e rio d ic a l p u b lis h in g ............................................................................................................................


1 2 /7 9

2 4 5 .5

2 4 7 .7

2 4 4 .6


-1 .3

P erio d ic a l p u b lishing ............................................................................................................................

- 2721

1 2 /7 9

2 4 5 .5

2 4 7 .7

2 4 4 .6


-1 .3

P rim a ry p r o d u c t s ...........................................................................................................................

2 7 2 1 -P

1 2 /7 9

2 5 6 .1

2 5 8 .5

2 5 5 .0

2 .2

-1 .4

A d v e r tis in g ..................................................................................... .............................................

2 7 2 1 -A

1 2 /7 9

2 8 8 .4

2 9 2 .2

2 8 4 .8

1 .9

-2 .5

S p e c ia liz e d b u s in e s s a n d p ro fe s s io n a l p e r io d ic a ls ...........................................

2 7 2 1 -4

1 2 /7 9

2 4 3 .2

2 4 3 .2

2 4 3 .2



In d u stria l p e rio d ic a ls (e x c lu d in g e le c t r o n ic s ) ...................................................

2 7 2 1 -4 1 1

1 2 /7 9

2 5 8 .6

2 5 8 .5

2 5 8 .8

2 .7


W h o le s a le a n d retail tra d e , incl. m e rc h a n d is in g p e r io d ic a ls ...................

2 7 2 1 -4 1 3

1 2 /7 9

2 5 1 .3

2 5 1 .3

2 5 1 .3

5 .7


P ro fe s s io n a l a n d in stitu tio n al p e r io d ic a ls ...........................................................

2 7 2 1 -4 1 5

1 2 /7 9

2 6 1 .2

2 6 1 .2

2 6 1 .2

2 .0

M e d ic a l a n d h e a lth c a r e p e r io d ic a ls .....................................................................

2 7 2 1 -4 1 7

1 2 /9 2

1 0 1 .0

1 0 1 .0

1 0 1 .0

3 .0

E le c tr o n ic /d a ta m a n a g e m e n t p e r io d ic a ls ..........................................................

2 7 2 1 -4 1 9

1 2 /9 2

1 0 3 .5

1 0 3 .5

S e rv ic e s p e rio d ic a ls (e x c lu d in g d a ta m a n a g e m e n t ) ....................................

2 7 2 1 -4 2 1

1 2 /9 2

1 1 0 .0

3 .7

O th e r b u s in e s s p e rio d ic a ls , n .e .c ..............................................:.............................

2 7 2 1 -4 2 3

1 2 /9 2

9 7 .2

9 7 .2

9 7 .2

2 .3


2 7 2 1 -6

1 2 /7 9

3 1 6 .1

3 2 2 .7

3 0 9 .5

1 .3

- 4 .1

2 7 2 1 -6 5 3

1 2 /7 9

3 4 7 .5

3 4 8 .3

3 4 8 .8

5 .3


G e n e r a l p e r io d ic a ls ........................................... ..................................................................
G e n e ra l a n d s p e c ia l in te re s t p e r io d ic a ls .......... ...............................................

1 1 0 .0

1 1 0 .0


S p e c ia l in te re s t (prim a rily h o b b y , e n te rta in m e n t, o u td o o r s p o rts
a n d a u t o ) ................................................................................................................

2 7 2 1 -6 5 3 1 1

0 6 /8 6

1 7 6 .1

1 7 6 .7

1 7 6 .7

4 .3


2 7 2 1 -6 5 3 1 2

0 6 /8 6

1 6 8 .6

1 6 8 .6

1 6 9 .3

7 .0



G e n e r a l in te re s t (inc. g e n e ra l a rtic le s , p ic tu re s , fiction,
no n fictio n , tra v e l a n d h u m o r ) ......................................................................
O th e r p e r io d ic a ls ..................................................................................................................

2 7 2 1 -7 3
2 7 2 1 -7 3 7

1 2 /7 9

1 9 6 .7

1 9 6 .7

C ir c u la tio n ...................................................................................... ...............................................

2 7 2 1 -C

1 2 /7 9

2 1 8 .8

2 1 9 .7

2 2 0 .2

2 .6

S p e c ia liz e d b u s in e s s a n d p ro fe s s io n a l p e r io d ic a ls ...........................................

O th e r p e rio d ic a ls , n .e .c ..................................................................................................

2 7 2 1 -3

1 2 /7 9

2 6 0 .8

2 6 4 .5

2 6 4 .5

3 .6


P ro fe s s io n a l a n d in stitu tio n al p e r io d ic a ls ...........................................................

2 7 2 1 -3 1 7

1 2 /7 9

2 7 5 .8

2 7 9 .5

2 7 9 .7

9 .9


M e d ic a l a n d h e a lth c a r e p e r io d ic a ls .....................................................................

2 7 2 1 -3 1 9

1 2 /9 2

1 1 0 .0

1 1 5 .6

1 1 5 .6

7 .0

O th e r b u s in e s s p e rio d ic a ls , n .e .c ................

2 7 2 1 -3 2 5

1 2 /9 2

1 0 9 .1




Seefootnotes at endof tabje.




Table 5, Producer price indexes for the net output of selected industries and their products, not seasonally adjusted
In d e x
In d u stry a n d p ro d u c t1

In d u stry

P ro d u c t

In d e x




P e rc e n t c h a n g e
to S e p . 1 9 9 5 fro m —

M ay

A ug .


Sep. 1994

A u g . 1991

P e rio d ic a l p u b lish in g — C o n tin u e d

S u b s c r ip t io n s ................................................................................................................

2 7 2 1 -5

1 2 /7 9

2 0 7 .1

2 0 7 .3

2 7 2 1 -5 5

1 2 /7 9

2 3 1 .1

2 3 0 .1

2 3 1 .3

1 .6


2 7 2 1 -5 5 3

1 2 /7 9

2 5 4 .4

2 5 2 .8

2 5 4 .7

2 0 8 .0



0 .3

2 7 2 1 -5 5 3 1 1

0 6 /8 6

1 3 9 .3

1 3 9 .7

1 3 9 .7



S p e c ia l in te re s t (prim arily h o b b y, e n te rta in m e n t, o u td o o r
s p o rts a n d a u t o ) ............................................................................................
G e n e ra l in te re s t (inc. g e n e ra l a rtic le s , p ictu re s , fiction,
no n fictio n , tra v e l a n d h u m o r ) ................................................................
S in g le c o p y s a l e s .......................................................................................................

2 7 2 1 -5 5 3 1 2

0 6 /8 6

1 4 8 .4

1 4 6 .2

1 4 8 .4


1 .5

2 7 2 1 -5 5 5

1 2 /7 9

1 9 9 .3

1 9 9 .3

1 9 9 .3

2 .8


2 7 2 1 -5 5 5 1 1

0 6 /8 6

1 4 5 .6

1 4 5 .6

1 4 5 .6

3 .6


2 7 2 1 -7 A

1 2 /7 9

2 3 1 .0

2 3 1 .1

2 3 1 .2

6 .3


2 7 2 1 -7 1 7

0 2 /8 6

1 5 2 .9

1 5 3 .9


1 8 .3


2 7 2 1 -7 1 7 0 2

0 2 /8 6

1 4 7 .5 .

1 5 4 .3

1 5 5 .2

7 .4


S p e c ia l in te re s t (prim arily h o b b y, e n te rta in m e n t, o u td o o r
s p o rts a n d a u t o ) ................................................................. ..........................
O th e r p e r io d ic a ls .................................................................................................................
O th e r p erio d ic a ls , n .e .c . ..............................................................................................
S in g le c o p y s a l e s ......................................................................... ................... .........

2 7 2 1 -S M
M is c e lla n e o u s r e c e i p t s ........................................................................................................

2 7 2 1 -M

1 2 /7 9

1 6 4 .2

1 6 4 .2

S e c o n d a r y p r o d u c t s ...............................................................................................................

2 7 2 1 -S

1 2 /7 9

1 8 3 .0

1 8 3 .0

1 8 3 .0

1 .0

1 2 /8 4

1 6 0 .6

1 6 2 .8

1 6 3 .0

6 .0



1 2 /8 0

2 1 1 .9

2 1 5 .0

2 1 5 .3

5 .9


2 1 3 .2

2 1 6 .6

2 1 6 .8

5 .5


2 7 3 1 -1

1 2 /8 0

2 8 3 .1

2 8 3 .5

2 8 3 .5

6 .6

2 7 3 1 -1 A

1 2 /8 0

3 0 9 .6

3 0 9 .6

3 0 9 .6

6 .6


2 7 3 1 -1 1 1

1 2 /8 0

3 0 6 .5

3 0 6 .5

3 0 6 .5

4 .6


2 7 3 1 -1 1 2

1 2 /8 0

3 2 0 .5


1 2 /8 0

3 0 2 .3

3 2 0 .5

2 7 3 1 -1 B





2 7 3 1 -P

H ig h s c h o o l t e x t b o o k s ......................................................................................................
H a r d b o u n d ..........................................................................................................................

P a p e r b o u n d ........................... ........................................................ ..................................


1 2 /8 0

T e x t b o o k s ........................................................................................................ ...........................




2 7 3 1 -1 1 3

1 2 /8 0

3 2 2 .0

2 7 3 1 -1 C

1 2 /8 0

2 6 2 .1

2 6 2 .8

2 6 2 .8

5 .8

2 7 3 1 -1 1 5

1 2 /8 0

2 6 1 .3

2 6 1 .3

2 6 1 .3

5 .4


2 7 3 1 -1 1 6

1 2 /8 0

2 6 3 .1

2 6 8 .7

2 6 8 .7

8 .3


1 2 /8 0

3 0 3 .1

3 0 3 .1

3 0 3 .1

7 .7


E le m e n ta ry w o r k b o o k s ................................................................................................

2 7 3 1 -1 2 1

1 2 /8 0

2 9 7 .3

2 9 7 .3

2 9 7 .3

5 .8


H ig h s c h o o l w o r k b o o k s ....................................................................... .......................

2 7 3 1 -1 2 3

1 2 /8 0




2 7 3 1 -1 2 5

0 6 /9 5

2 7 3 1 -3

1 2 /8 0

1 7 8 .9

1 0 0 .0

2 8 4 .4
1 8 1 .5

2 .9


W o r k b o o k s .............................................................................................................................

C o lle g e w o r k b o o k s ........................................................................................................
T e c h n ic a l, scien tific a n d p ro fe s s io n a l b o o k s ............................................................
L a w b o o k s .............................................................................................................................

2 7 3 1 -1 2


2 7 3 1 -3 1

1 2 /8 0

1 8 4 .9

1 8 1 .4
1 8 4 .9

1 8 4 .9



2 7 3 1 -3 1 5

1 2 /8 0

1 7 2 .3

1 7 2 .3

1 7 2 .3



2 7 3 1 -3 2

1 2 /8 0

1 8 3 .4

1 8 3 .4

1 8 3 .4

3 .2


H a r d b o u n d ........................................... ..............................................................................

2 7 3 1 -3 2 5

1 2 /8 0

1 7 8 .6

1 7 8 .6

1 7 8 .6

P a p e r b o u n d .......................................................................................................................

2 7 3 1 -3 2 7

1 2 /8 0



2 1 7 .1


H a r d b o u n d ..........................................................................................................................
M e d ic a l b o o k s .............................................................................................. ......................

B u sin ess b o o k s ...................................................................................................................
H a r d b o u n d ........................... .............................................................................................
O th e r te c h n ic a l, s cien tific a n d p ro fe s s io n a l b o o k s ..........................................

2 .6


2 7 3 1 -3 3

0 6 /9 5



1 0 0 .0



2 7 3 1 -3 3 5

0 6 /9 5
1 2 /8 0

1 7 2 .0

1 7 9 .2

1 0 0 .0

2 7 3 1 -3 4

1 7 9 .4

7 .6


1 9 9 .3

1 7 0 .2

3 .8

1 9 9 .3

1 3 .8

1 8 6 .0

1 8 6 .0

5 .4



2 0 4 .7

7 .2


3 .0


H a r d b o u n d ..........................................................................................................................

2 7 3 1 -3 4 5

1 2 /8 0

172 .1

P a p e r b o u n d .......................................... ............................................................................

2 7 3 1 -3 4 7

1 2 /8 0


2 7 3 1 -4

1 2 /8 0

1 7 8 .3

B ib les a n d te s ta m e n ts ..... .................................................................. ............................

2 7 3 1 -4 1 5

1 2 /8 0


O th e r relig io u s b o o ks, including h y m n a ls a n d d e v o t io n a ls ..........................

2 7 3 1 -4 4

1 2 /8 0

1 9 3 .9

2 0 4 .7

H a r d b o u n d .........................................................................................................................

2 7 3 1 -4 4 5

0 6 /9 5

1 0 8 .6

2 7 3 1 -4 4 7

1 2 /8 0

2 5 4 .0

1 0 8 .6

P a p e r b o u n d ................................................ ............................. ........................................

2 5 7 .3

2 5 7 .3

2 7 3 1 -5

1 2 /8 0
0 8 /8 4

1 8 0 .2

1 8 5 .5

1 8 5 .7

5 .5


2 7 3 1 -B

1 4 1 .6

2 7 3 1 -5 6

1 4 0 .3

1 4 0 .4

8 .5


R e lig io u s b o o k s .......................................................................................................................


G e n e r a l, m a s s m a rk e t, a d u lt tra d e , ju v e n ile , b o o k c lu b a n d m ail o rd e r
b o ...........................................................................................................................................
B o o k clu b b o o k s, h a rd b o u n d a n d p a p e rb o u n d ..................................................

0 6 /8 8

1 3 3 .6

M a s s m a rk e t b o o k s , ra c k s i z e .......................................................... ........ .............

2 7 3 1 -A

1 2 /8 0

2 0 6 .2

A d u lt tr a d e a n d ju v e n ile b o o k s ................................................................................

2 7 3 1 -D

0 6 /8 8

1 3 1 .8

1 3 5 .5

1 3 5 .7

1 .7

2 7 3 1 -D 4

1 2 /8 0

1 6 5 .2

1 7 1 .0

1 7 1 .0



2 7 3 1 -D 4 1

1 2 /8 0

1 5 5 .2

1 6 3 .9

1 6 3 .9


2 7 3 1 -D 4 7

M a s s m a rk e t a d u lt tra d e a n d ju v e n ile b o o k s .....................................................

A d u lt t r a d e ....................................................................................................................

1 2 /8 0

1 8 5 .0

1 8 6 .0

1 8 5 .9

1 .5

- .1

2 7 3 1 -D 5

1 2 /8 0

1 9 4 .3

1 9 4 .4

1 9 5 .4

5 .6


H a r d b o u n d ................................................................................................................

2 7 3 1 -D 5 1

1 2 /8 0

1 8 7 .7

1 8 7 .7

1 8 9 .0



P a p e r b o u n d ...............................................................................................................

2 7 3 1 -D 5 3

1 2 /8 0

2 0 5 .8

2 0 6 .0

2 0 6 .0

4 .7


A u d io b o o k s ..................................................................................................................

2 7 3 1 -H

0 6 /9 5

1 0 0 .6

2 7 3 1 -7

1 2 /8 0

1 6 1 .3

1 0 0 .6

G e n e r a l r e fe r e n c e b o o k s ...................................................................................................

1 6 1 .3




H a r d b o u n d .................................................................................................................
P a p e rb o u n d , including m a s s m a rk e t o th e r th a n ra c k s i z e ..............
J u v e n ile b o o k s ...........................................................................................................


E n c y c lo p e d ia s ......................................... ............................................................................

2 7 3 1 -7 2 1

1 2 /8 0

1 5 5 .9

1 5 5 .9

1 5 5 .9

-2 .1


D ic tio n a rie s a n d t h e s a u r u s e s .......................................................................................

2 7 3 1 -7 4 1

1 2 /8 0

1 4 0 .5

1 4 0 .5


O t h e r ................................................... ......................................................................................

2 7 3 1 -7 4 9

2 0 7 .1

2 .2
1 .0

1 2 /8 0

2 0 7 .1

2 1 1 .7

4 .2

2 7 3 1 -8

0 4 /8 1

1 4 7 .2

1 72.1

1 7 3 .8


2 7 3 1 -8 B

0 4 /8 1


1 7 4 .2

1 7 4 .5


H a r d b o u n d .................................................................................................. .......................

2 7 3 1 -8 1 5

0 4 /8 1


1 6 8 .9

1 6 8 .9



P a p e r b o u n d .......................................................................................................................

2 7 3 1 -8 1 6

0 6 /9 5


1 2 9 .3

1 2 9 .7



0 6 /8 8

O th e r b o o k s, e xc lu d in g p a m p h le t s ................................................................................
O th e r b o o k s , n .e .c ...............................................................................................................

U n iv ersity p re s s b o o ks, h a rd b o u n d a n d p a p e r b o u n d .....................................
P a m p h le ts (5 - 4 8 p a g e s ) ......................................................................................................
O th e r p a m p h l e t s .................................................................................................................
S e c o n d a ry p ro d u c ts a n d m is c e lla n e o u s r e c e ip t s .......................................................


1 2 /8 0

1 6 1 .0

1 6 1 .0

1 2 7 .7

2 7 3 1 -9

1 6 3 .3

5 .2

1 .4

2 7 3 1 -9 5 9

0 6 /8 8

1 1 1 .2

1 1 1 .2

1 1 2 .8

6 .7

1 .4

2 7 3 1 -8 C

2 7 3 1 -S M
2 7 3 1 -M

1 2 /8 0


1 3 2 .4

1 3 2 .2



C o n tra c t w o rk a n d o th e r m is c e lla n e o u s r e c e ip t s ......... ..................................

2 7 3 1 -X Y 9

0 6 /9 5

1 0 1 .2

1 2 0 .3

1 2 0 .3



R e s a l e s ...................................................................................................................................

0 6 /8 8

1 2 0 .3

1 0 1 .6

2 7 3 1 -Z 8 9

M is c e lla n e o u s r e c e i p t s .................................................................................................... ...

See footnotes at endof table.



Table 5. Producer price indexes for the net output of selected industries and their products, not seasonally adjusted

In d e x

In d u stry a n d p ro d u c t1

In dustry

P ro d u c t

In d e x




P e rc e n t c h a n g e
to S e p . 1 9 9 5 fro m —

M ay

A u g.





Sep. 1994

Aug. 1 9 9 5

B o o k P u b lis h in g - C o n t in u e d
2 7 3 1 -S

1 2 /8 0

2 3 3 .3

2 3 4 .5

2 3 6 .0

1 2 .8

O th e r s e c o n d a ry p r o d u c t s ..............................................................................................

2 7 3 1 -S S S

0 6 /9 5


1 0 0 .7

1 0 1 .2



M is c e lla n e o u s p u b lis h in g ................................................................................................

2 7 4 1 -S

0 6 /9 5


1 0 0 .0

1 0 0 .9



S e c o n d a ry p r o d u c t s ...............................................................................................................

0 .6

1 2 /8 3

1 4 7 .8

1 4 8 .7

1 4 9 .2

5 .7

Prim ary p r o d u c t s ..........................................................................................................................

2 7 3 2 -P

1 2 /8 3

1 4 9 .5

1 5 0 .6

1 5 1 .2

5 .6


T e x tb o o k s printing a n d b inding .......................................................................................

2 7 3 2 -3

0 6 /9 3

1 0 7 .9

1 08 .1

11 0 .1

8 .0

1 .9

4 .6


B o o k p r in tin g ..................... ......................................................................................................................



C o lle g e te x tb o o k s (g ra d e s 1 3 o r h ig h er, including p riv a te busin ess,
2 7 3 2 -3 B

0 6 /9 3

1 0 6 .7

1 0 7 .4

1 0 7 .8

H a r d b o u n d ..........................................................................................................................

2 7 3 2 -3 1 4

0 6 /9 3

1 0 2 .0

1 0 2 .7

1 0 2 .7

2 .6


P a p e r b o u n d ...................... .................................................................................................

2 7 3 2 -3 1 5

0 6 /9 3

1 1 2 .7

1 1 3 .3

11 4 .1

6 .6


e t c . ) ....................................................................................................................................

2 7 3 2 -3 1 6

0 6 /9 3

11 7 .1

2 7 3 2 -4

0 6 /9 3

1 0 7 .0

1 0 7 .9

1 0 8 .4

5 .3


H a r d b o u n d ....................:........................................................................................................

2 7 3 2 -4 1 7

0 6 /9 3

10 8 .1

1 0 8 .8

1 0 8 .6

6 .5


P a p e rb o u n d ..................................................................................... ......................................

2 7 3 2 -4 1 8

0 6 /9 3

1 0 6 .4

1 0 7 .4

1 0 8 .2

4 .7


W o rk b o o k s a n d s ta n d a rd iz e d t e s t s ............................. ..............................................
T e c h n ic a l, s cien tific, a n d p ro fe s s io n a l b o o k s , printing a n d bin ding .............

R elig io u s b o o k s , printing a n d b in d in g ..... .....................................................................
P a p e rb o u n d ...........................................................................................................................
G e n e r a l b o o k s (tra d e e tc .) printing a n d bin d in g ....................................................
A d u lt tra d e b o o k s (fiction a n d n o n fic tio n ) .............................................................

2 7 3 2 -5

0 6 /9 3

1 0 7 .5

1 0 8 .7

1 0 8 .9



2 7 3 2 -5 3 5

0 6 /9 3

1 1 0 .8

1 1 1 .4

1 1 1 .7

1 0 .9


2 7 3 2 -6

0 6 /9 3

1 0 5 .9

5 .5


0 6 /9 3

1 0 5 .3
10 4 .1

1 0 5 .9

2 7 3 2 -6 B

1 0 4 .8

1 0 4 .8

5 .2


3 .6


H a r d b o u n d ......................... .................................................................................................

2 7 3 2 -6 4 5

0 6 /9 3

1 0 2 .7

1 0 3 .1

P a p e r b o u n d ................................................. ......................................................................

2 7 3 2 -6 4 6

0 6 /9 3

1 06.1

1 0 7 .4

1 0 3 .1
1 0 7 .4

2 7 3 2 -6 C

0 6 /9 3

1 0 5 .4

1 0 5 .4




2 7 3 2 -6 4 8

0 6 /9 3

10 5 .1

1 0 5 .1




2 7 3 2 -6 4 4

0 6 /9 3

10 8 .1

1 0 8 .8

1 0 8 .8

7 .5

2 7 3 2 -7

0 6 /9 3

1 0 5 .5

1 0 6 .4

1 0 6 .4



2 7 3 2 -7 A

0 6 /9 3

1 0 5 .3

1 0 5 .4

1 0 5 .4

5 .5


H a r d b o u n d ...... .............................................................................................. ....................

2 7 3 2 -7 5 4

0 6 /9 3

1 0 5 .7

1 0 5 .7

1 0 5 .7

5 .5


P a p e r b o u n d ..............!......................................................... ...............................................

2 7 3 2 -7 5 5

0 6 /9 3

1 0 4 .7

105 .1

10 5 .1

5 .4


2 7 3 2 -7 B


J u v e n ile b o o k s (fiction a n d n o n fic tio n ) ...................................................................
P a p e r b o u n d ..... ..................................................................................................................

7 .8


M a s s m a rk e t p a p e rb o u n d b o o k s , ra c k size , d istrib u ted p re d o m in a n tly
to m a s s m a rk e t o u t l e t s ........................................................................ ..................
O th e r b o o k s a n d p a m p h le ts , n .e .c ., p rinting a n d b in d in g ..................................
O th e r r e fe r e n c e b o o k s .....................................................................................................


A ll o th e r b o o ks , n .e .c (in clu d in g m u sic b o o k s , un iversity p re s s
0 6 /9 3

107 .1

1 0 7 .8

1 0 7 .9

3 .6

H a r d b o u n d ...........................................................................................................................

2 7 3 2 -7 5 6

0 6 /9 3

1 0 6 .9

1 0 7 .7

1 0 7 .7

2 .5

P a p e r b o u n d ........................................................................................................................

2 7 3 2 -7 5 7

0 6 /9 3

1 0 7 .6

1 0 8 .2

1 0 8 .6



B o o k s prin tin g o n ly, n o t b o u n d ....................................................................................

2 7 3 2 -7 6 1

0 6 /9 3

1 0 7 .9

1 1 2 .1

1 1 2 .0

1 1 .0


2 7 3 2 -7 6 2

0 6 /9 3

1 0 0 .7

1 0 1 .3

1 0 1 .4

3 .2


1 2 /8 3

1 3 9 .2

1 3 9 .2

1 3 9 .2

6 .7


b o o k s , e t c . ) ....................................................................................................................

P a m p h le ts , p rinting o n ly o r prin ting a n d b in d in g ................................................


2 7 3 2 -S M

S e c o n d a ry p ro d u c ts a n d m is c e lla n e o u s r e c e i p t s .......................................................

2 7 3 2 -S

S e c o n d a ry p r o d u c t s ...............................................................................................................
M is c e lla n e o u s p ublishing ............................... .................................................................................


0 6 /8 4

1 6 5 .7

1 6 7 .8




M is c e lla n e o u s publishing ......................... ........................................................... ............................

27 4 1

0 6 /8 4

1 6 5 .7

1 6 7 .8

1 6 9 .1



P rim ary p r o d u c t s ..........................................................................................................................
C a ta lo g s a n d d irec to rie s , p u b lis h in g .............................................................................

2 7 4 1 -P

0 6 /8 4

1 6 6 .9

1 6 9 .1

1 7 0 .4

4 .2


2 7 4 1 -1

0 6 /8 4

1 5 8 .0

16 0 .1

1 6 1 .4

2 .8


1 6 1 .7

1 6 3 .0

2 7 4 1 -1 1

0 6 /8 4

1 5 9 .5

2 .8


2 7 4 1 -1 1 3

0 9 /8 4

1 7 1 .0

1 7 3 .3

1 7 4 .9

2 .6


Y e llo w p a g e s a d v e r tis in g .......................................................................................

2 7 4 1 -1 1 3 1

1 2 /8 9

1 2 8 .9

1 3 0 .8

1 3 2 .0

2 .5


O th e r te le p h o n e d ire c to ry a d v e r tis in g .............................................................

2 7 4 1 -1 1 3 2

1 2 /8 9

3 .8

0 6 /8 4
1 2 /8 9
0 6 /8 4

1 3 9 .0

5 .7

1 7 3 .9

1 3 9 .6
1 1 2 .0
1 7 6 .7

1 2 5 .2

2 7 4 1 -1 1 5

1 3 8 .3
1 1 2 .0

1 1 2 .0
1 7 6 .7

7 .4


1 2 4 .2

12 8 .1

1 2 8 .5

3 .9


1 8 7 .2
1 4 3 .2

1 8 9 .8

1 8 9 .8

7 .9

1 4 3 .2

1 4 3 .2



D ir e c to r ie s ...............................................................................................................................
T e le p h o n e ......................................................... ................................................................

O th e r d ire c to rie s , including b u s in e s s r e fe re n c e s e r v i c e ...........................
C a t a l o g s ...................................................................................................................................
B u s in e s s s e rv ic e p u b lic a tio n s ...........................................................................................

2 7 4 1 -2

B u s in e s s s e rv ic e n e w s le tte rs , exclu d in g p u b lic a tio n s c u m u la te d in
lo o s e le a f in d ex f o r m .................................................................................................

2 7 4 1 -2 1 3

O th e r b u s in e s s s e rv ic e p u b licatio n s, lo o s e le a f a n d h a r d b o u n d ................

2 7 4 1 -2 1 5

0 2 /8 8
0 6 /8 4

2 7 4 1 -4

0 8 /8 4

P a tte rn s , inclu d in g clo th in g p a t t e r n s ............................................................................

2 7 4 1 -5

0 6 /8 4

174 .1

1 7 6 .6

1 7 8 .9

8 .6


S h o p p e r n e w s ..... ....................... .............................................................. .........................

2 7 4 1 -5 2 1

0 6 /8 4

1 9 0 .8

1 9 4 .9

1 9 9 .3

9 .9

2 .3

M u ltim e d ia kits .......... ...........................................................................................................
M ic ro p u b lish in g in m icro fo rm , in cluding o riginal a n d rep u b lis h e d

2 7 4 1 -5 6 1

1 2 /8 9

1 3 3 .8

1 3 4 .6

1 3 4 .6



m a te ria l ...........................................................................................................................

2 7 4 1 -5 9 7

0 6 /8 4

1 7 7 .0

1 7 8 .0

178 .1

1 6 .3


fo rm s ............................... ................................................................................................

2 7 4 1 -5 9 9

0 6 /8 4

1 9 6 .9

197 .1

1 9 7 .6

4 .9


S e c o n d a ry p ro d u cts a n d m is c e lla n e o u s re c e ip ts .......................................................

2 7 4 1 -S M

M is c e lla n e o u s r e c e i p t s ....................................................... .................................................

2 7 4 1 -M

0 6 /8 4

1 2 2 .0

1 1 4 .4

1 1 4 .4

- 5 .5


S e c o n d a ry p r o d u c t s ...............................................................................................................

2 7 4 1 -S

0 6 /8 4

1 4 9 .8

1 5 0 .0




O th e r m is c e lla n e o u s p u b lis h in g ........................................ ...............................................

O th e r m is c e lla n e o u s p u b lishing n e c , in cluding a lm a n a c s a n d racin g


Tab!© 5. Producer price indexes for the net output of selected industries and their products, not seasonally adjusted—Continued

In d e x
In dustry

P ro d u c t

in d e x




P e rc e n t c h a n g e
to S e p . 1 9 9 5 fro m —

M ay

O >
O c
cn co

In d u stry a n d p ro d u c t1


S ep. 1994

Aug. 1 9 9 5

C o m m e rc ia l p r in t in g ............................... ...................................................................................


1 2 /8 4

1 3 2 .5

1 3 4 .6

1 3 4 .8

6 .4

C o m m e rc ia l prin tin g , lith o g r a p h ic ..........................................................................................


0 6 /8 2

1 4 3 .9

1 4 6 .5

1 4 6 .8

7 .2



P rim ary p r o d u c t s ..................................................................................................................

2 7 5 2 -P

0 6 /8 2

1 4 4 .0

1 4 6 .8


7 .4


L ith o g ra p h ic m a g a z in e a n d p e rio d ic a l p r in t in g .................................................

2 7 5 2 -1

0 6 /8 2

1 3 2 .0

1 3 3 .7

13 4 .1

6 .6


M a g a z in e s a n d p e rio d ic a ls (exclu d in g m a g a z in e a n d c o m ic
2 7 5 2 -1 1

1 2 /8 8

1 0 9 .5

1 1 1 .0

1 1 0 .9

5 .9

S h e e t - f e d .....................................................................................................................

2 7 5 2 -1 1 2

0 6 /8 2

1 3 2 .8

1 3 3 .5

1 3 3 .5

4 .3


W e b - f e d ............... .......................................................................................................

2 7 5 2 -1 1 4

0 6 /8 2

1 3 0 .9

1 3 2 .9

1 3 2 .8

6 .4


2 7 5 2 -2

0 6 /8 2

1 1 9 .6

1 1 9 .9

1 1 9 .9

1 .6


2 7 5 2 -2 1

1 2 /8 8

9 7 .7

9 8 .0

9 8 .0



s u p p le m e n ts fo r S u n d a y n e w s p a p e r s ) ....................................................

L ith o g ra p h ic la b e l a n d w ra p p e r p r in tin g ..............................................................
P rin te d c u s to m a n d sto c k l a b e l s ........................................................................
S h e e t-fe d fla t p rin ted la b e ls (ex. p re s s u re s e n s it iv e ) ..........................

2 7 5 2 -2 1 2

0 8 /8 2

P re s s u re s e n s itiv e la b e ls (fla t a n d r o l l s ) ....................................................

2 7 5 2 -2 1 7

0 6 /8 2

1 5 8 .0

1 5 8 .0

1 5 8 .0



2 7 5 2 -3

0 6 /8 2

1 3 4 .2

1 3 4 .9

1 3 4 .9

7 .2


L ith o g ra p h ic c a ta lo g a n d d irecto ry p r in tin g ................................... .............. .....

1 0 6 .9

1 0 7 .4

1 0 7 .4



2 7 5 2 -3 1

1 2 /8 8

1 1 1 .5

1 1 1 .7

1 1 1 .7



S h e e t - f e d .................................................................................... ................................

2 7 5 2 -3 1 2

0 6 /8 2

1 5 8 .2

1 5 8 .9

1 5 8 .8

3 .3


W e b - f e d ........................................................................ ,.................. .......................

2 7 5 2 -3 1 4

C a ta lo g s , in clu d in g d ire c t m a i l ...................................... ......................................

D ir e c t o r ie s .................................................................................................................. ...
T e le p h o n e d ir e c t o r ie s ..........................................................................................

0 6 /8 2

1 1 7 .7

1 1 7 .7

1 1 7 .7


2 7 5 2 -3 2

1 2 /8 8

1 1 7 .8

1 1 9 .4

1 1 9 .4

1 3 .0


2 7 5 2 -3 2 A

0 6 /8 2

1 2 8 .6

1 2 8 .6

1 2 8 .6

4 .8



W e b - f e d .............................................................................. .............. ......................

2 7 5 2 -3 2 2

1 2 /8 8

1 0 8 .0

1 0 8 .0

1 0 8 .0

4 .8


O th e r d ir e c to r ie s ................................................................... ..................................

2 7 5 2 -3 2 B

0 6 /8 2

1 73.1

1 7 9 .2

1 7 9 .2

2 9 .9


2 7 5 2 -4

0 6 /8 2

1 5 1 .7

L ith o g ra p h ic fin a n c ia l a n d leg al p r in tin g ..............................................................
S E C filing a n d p r o s p e c t u s e s ............................................... ,............. ..................
S h e e t - f e d ....................................................................................................................
A n n u a l re p o rts a n d o th e r c o rp o ra te fin an icial printing ...... .....................
S h e e t - f e d ....................................................................................................................

1 5 4 .9

1 5 5 .0

2 7 5 2 -4 A

1 2 /8 8

1 1 0 .7

1 1 0 .7


2 7 5 2 -4 1 2

1 2 /8 8

1 2 2 .0

1 2 2 .0

2 7 5 2 -4 B

0 6 /8 2

15 0 .1

1 5 5 .8

2 7 5 2 -4 1 6

1 2 /8 8

1 3 2 .7

1 3 7 .7

2 7 5 2 -4 C

0 6 /8 2

1 4 2 .2

1 4 4 .3

7 .2




1 5 5 .8

1 2 .8


1 3 7 .7

1 2 .8


1 4 4 .4

3 .8



O th e r fin a n c ia l a n d leg al printing, (including in s u ra n c e fo rm s,
secu rity c e rtific a te s ,e tc .) ................................................................................
S h e e t - f e d ...... ............................... ..............................................................................
L ith o g rap h ic a d ve rtis in g p r in tin g .............................................. ................................

2 7 5 2 -4 2 1

1 2 /8 8

1 2 3 .2

1 2 5 .2

1 2 5 .2



2 7 5 2 -5

0 6 /8 2

1 3 9 .4

1 4 0 .9

1 4 1 .4

3 .9


2 7 5 2 -5 1

1 2 /8 8


1 1 5 .5

1 1 6 .0

4 .0

S h e e t - f e d .....................................................................................................................

2 7 5 2 -5 1 2

0 6 /8 2

1 8 4 .3

1 8 7 .9

1 8 9 .2

5 .9

W e b -fe d ....................................,,................................................................................

2 7 5 2 -5 1 4

0 6 /8 2

1 1 0 .6

1 1 0 .6

1 1 0 .6



2 7 5 2 -5 2

1 2 /8 8

1 1 6 .3

1 1 8 .8

1 2 1 .8

7 .4

2 .5

9 .2

4 .9

D ire c t m a i l........... .................................................................. ......... .................. ............

D is p la y a d v e r t is in g ......................................................................................................


2 7 5 2 -5 2 A

P o s ters , (in clu d in g o u td o o r ad vertisin g , c a r c a rd s ) ..............................
S h e e t-fe d ........... ....................................................................................................

2 7 5 2 -5 2 2

1 2 /8 8


1 1 8 .3


C o u n te r a n d flo o r d is p la y s .................................................................................

2 7 5 2 -5 2 B

0 6 /8 2

1 4 0 .4

1 4 5 .3

1 4 5 .3

5 .4

S h e e t-fe d ............................ ...................................................................................

2 7 5 2 -5 2 6

1 2 /8 8

1 1 5 .3

1 1 9 .4

1 1 9 .4

5 .4


2 7 5 2 -5 3

0 6 /8 2

1 0 0 .5

1 0 0 .5

1 0 0 .5



2 7 5 2 -5 3 6

1 2 /8 8

1 0 1 .6



P re p rin te d n e w s p a p e r in s e r ts ................................................................................
W e b -fe d s e c tio n s ...... ............................... ............................................................




O th e r a d vertisin g printing, (including b ro c h u re s , p a m p h le ts , c a ta lo g
2 7 5 2 -5 5

1 2 /8 8

1 2 1 .2

1 2 2 .7

1 2 2 .7

S h e e t - f e d ....................................................................................................................

2 7 5 2 -5 5 1

0 6 /8 2


1 46.1


5 .0


W e b - f e d .......................................................................................................... ............

2 7 5 2 -5 5 3

0 6 /8 2

1 4 8 .0

1 4 9 .2

1 4 9 .4

4 .8


s h e e t, e t c . ) .............................................................................................................

4 .9


2 7 5 2 -6

0 6 /8 2

1 6 8 .9

1 7 6 .3

1 7 6 .4

1 3 .7


T ic k e t, c o u p o n , a n d fo o d a n d b e v e ra g e c h e c k p r in t in g .........................

2 7 5 2 -6 4 4

0 6 /8 2

1 2 3 .7

1 3 .6

B u sin e ss fo rm s , e x c e p t m a n if o ld .........................................................................

1 2 /8 8

1 3 8 .4

1 4 4 .6

1 2 9 .6

2 7 5 2 -6 9 1

1 4 5 .6

2 2 .3


O th e r lith o g ra p h ic g e n e ra l jo b p r in t in g .................................................................

Q u ic k printing ............... .................................................................................................

2 7 5 2 -6 9 6

1 2 /8 8

1 1 1 .7

1 1 1 .8

1 1 1 .8



All o th e r g e n e ra l c o m m e rc ia l printing, n .e .c ., s h e e t - f e d .........................

2 7 5 2 -6 9 8

1 2 /8 8

1 4 1 .4


1 4 3 .2

5 .2


0 6 /8 2

1 9 6 .2

1 9 7 .2

1 9 7 .2

1 6 .5


2 7 5 2 -M

0 6 /8 2

1 2 4 .5

1 2 6 .9

1 2 6 .9

4 .5


C o n tra c t w o rk a n d o th e r m is c e lla n e o u s re c e ip ts ........................................

2 7 5 2 -X Y 9

0 6 /8 2

1 1 5 .3

1 2 1 .5

1 2 .6


R e s a le s ...........................................................................................................................

2 7 5 2 -Z 8 9

0 8 /8 2

1 2 8 .9

1 2 1 .5
1 2 9 .5

1 2 9 .5



2 7 5 2 -S

0 6 /8 2

1 4 8 .4

1 4 9 .5

1 4 9 .6

5 .9


1 59.1

1 6 3 .3

1 6 3 .7



2 7 5 2 -6 9 9

A il o th e r g e n e ra l c o m m e rc ia l printing, n .e .c ., w e b -fe d ...........................
S e c o n d a ry p ro d u c ts a n d m is c e lla n e o u s r e c e ip t s ..........................

2 7 5 2 -S M


M is c e lla n e o u s r e c e i p t s .................................................................................................

S e c o n d a ry p r o d u c t s ......................................... ........................................ ......................
B o o k printing .............................. ...................................................................................

2 7 3 2 -S

0 6 /8 2

O th e r s e c o n d a ry p r o d u c t s .......................................................................................

2 7 5 2 -S S S

0 6 /8 2

1 4 8 .2

1 4 8 .2

1 4 8 .2

5 .2


C o m m e rc ia l printing, n .e .c .................................................. .....................................

2 7 5 9 -S

0 6 /8 2

1 5 3 .9

1 5 3 .9

1 5 3 .9

1 .7


2 7 5 9 -6 S

1 2 /8 8

1 3 1 .9

1 3 1 .9

1 3 1 .9

2 .6


2 7 6 1 -S

0 6 /8 2


1 51.1

1 5 0 .7



0 6 /8 2

1 0 3 .8

1 0 4 .5

1 0 4 .6



2 7 5 4 -P

0 6 /8 2

1 0 2 .8

1 0 3 .6

1 0 3 .7

2 .5


L e tte rp re s s g e n e ra l jo b p rinting ......................................................................
M a n ifo ld b u s in e s s f o r m s .......... ................................................................................
C o m m e rc ia l printing, g ra v u re ...................................................................................................
Prim a ry p r o d u c t s ......................................................................................... .........................
L a b e ls a n d w ra p p e rs , printin g ( g r a v u r e ) .............................. .....................

2 7 5 4 -2

0 6 /8 2


1 3 5 .0

1 3 5 .0

3 .2


O th e r g e n e ra l jo b printing, (g r a v u r e )............................................... .......................

2 7 5 4 -6

0 6 /8 2

1 2 1 .4

1 2 1 .3

1 2 2 .7

4 .4

1 .2

2 7 5 4 -6 9 5

0 6 /8 2

1 1 2 .2

1 1 2 .2

1 1 3 .8

5 .9

1 .4

2 7 5 4 -S

0 6 /8 2

1 1 1 .9

1 1 1 .9

1 1 1 .9

2 7 5 4 -S S S

0 6 /8 2

1 2 2 .8



A ll o th e r g e n e ra l c o m m e rc ia l printing n .e .c . ( g r a v u r e ) .............................

2 7 5 4 -S M

S e c o n d a ry p ro d u c ts a n d m is c e lla n e o u s r e c e ip t s ................................................
S e c o n d a ry p r o d u c t s .................................... ...................................................................
O th e r s e c o n d a ry p r o d u c t s ............................... .......................................................
C o m m e ric a l printing, n .e .c ..................................................................... ......... ..........................
P rim a ry p r o d u c t s ...................................................................................................................
L e tte rp re s s a n d s c re e n printing .......... .......... .........................................................
L e tte rp re s s lab el a n d w ra p p e r p r in t in g .............................................................
C u s to m a n d sto c k lab e ls , including b o rd e re d m a d e o f p a p e r f o i l ..
R o lls p re s s u re sen sitive, le tte rp re s s (s e lf-a d h e s iv e ).........................
O th e r g e n e ra l jo b p r in tin g ........................................................................................
A ll o th e r c o m m e rc ia l printing n .e .c ., including m a p s , a tla s e s , etc .
S c re e n p ro c e s s printing, e x c e p t te x t ile s ..........................................................


0 6 /8 2

1 5 4 .2

1 5 4 .9

1 5 5 .5

4 .9


2 7 5 9 -P

1 2 /8 8

1 1 8 .8

1 19.1

1 1 9 .7

5 .0


2 7 5 9 -A

0 6 /8 2


1 5 1 .7

1 5 2 .0

1 5 2 .5

5 .2


2 7 5 9 -2

0 6 /8 2

1 4 1 .7

1 4 0 .6

1 4 1 .7

6 .5


2 7 5 9 -2 A

0 6 /8 2

1 3 0 .4

1 3 0 .4

1 3 0 .4

1 .2


2 7 5 9 -2 1 8

0 6 /8 2

1 3 8 .0

1 3 8 .0

1 3 8 .0



2 7 5 9 -6

0 6 /8 2

1 6 8 .8

1 7 1 .5

1 7 1 .5

6 .3


2 7 5 9 -6 9 5

0 6 /8 2

1 6 7 .0

1 6 9 .7

1 6 9 .7

6 .3


2 7 5 9 -7

0 6 /8 2

1 3 5 .5

1 3 5 .5

1 3 5 .5



See footnotes at end of table.



Table 5. Producer price indexes for the net output of selected industries and their products, not seasonally adjusted
In d e x
In d u stry a n d p ro d u c t1

In d u stry

P ro d u c t

In d e x




P e rc e n t c h a n g e
to S e p . 1 9 9 5 fro m —

M ay






Sep. 1994

Aug. 1 9 9 5

C o m m e ric a l prin tin g , n .e .c .— C o n tin u e d

2 7 5 9 -7 1

1 2 /8 8

11 1 .1

1 1 1 .1

1 1 1 .1

l a b e l s .......................................................................................................................

2 7 5 9 -7 1 1

0 6 /8 2

1 4 6 .7

1 4 6 .7

1 4 6 .7



All o th e r s c re e n p ro c e s s , n .e .c ........... .....................................................................

2 7 5 9 -7 9 8

0 6 /8 2

1 3 4 .9

1 3 4 .9

1 4 3 .3

3 .6

1 .5

D e c a lc o m a n ia s a n d la b e l s .........................................................................................

3 .2

D e c a lc o m a n ia s a n d p re s s u re s e n s itiv e s (s e lf-a d h e s iv e ), e x clu d in g

E n g r a v in g ......................... ..................................... ....................... ..............................................

2 7 5 9 -B

1 2 /8 4

1 4 0 .3

1 4 1 .2

E n g ra vin g .................................. .................................. ......................... .................................

2 7 5 9 -8

1 2 /8 4

1 4 0 .3

1 4 1 .2

1 4 3 .3

3 .6

1 .5

2 7 5 9 -8 1 2

1 2 /8 4

1 4 6 .3

1 4 9 .0

1 4 9 .0



S o c ia l e n g r a v in g .............................................................................................................

2 7 5 9 -S M

S e c o n d a ry p ro d u c ts a n d m is c e lla n e o u s r e c e i p t s .......................................................
S e c o n d a ry p r o d u c t s ...............................................................................................................

2 7 5 9 -S

0 6 /8 2

1 5 8 .4

1 6 1 .8

1 6 1 .8

4 .4


C o m m e rc ia l printing, lith o g r a p h ic ................................... ............................................

2 7 5 2 -S

0 6 /8 2

168 .1

1 7 5 .4

1 7 5 .3

9 .3

- .1

2 7 5 9 -S S S

1 2 /8 8

1 0 3 .5

1 0 3 .5

1 0 3 .5

- .1


1 2 /8 3

1 6 2 .3

1 6 7 .9

1 7 1 .4

2 8 .2


1 2 /8 3

1 6 2 .3

O th e r s e c o n d a ry p r o d u c t s ..............................................................................................
M a n ifo ld b u s in e s s f o r m s ..................................................................................................................


M a n ifo ld b u s in e ss f o r m s ..................................................................................................................


1 6 7 .9

1 7 1 .4

2 8 .2


P rim a ry p r o d u c t s ..........................................................................................................................

2 7 6 1 -P

1 2 /8 3

166 .1

1 7 1 .8

1 7 5 .7

2 9 .2

2 .3

U n it s e t fo rm s ............................................................................................................................

2 7 6 1 -2

1 2 /8 3

1 7 0 .5

1 7 6 .0

1 7 6 .0

1 6 .2

2 7 6 1 -2 1

1 2 /8 3

1 5 7 .7





S to c k , inclu d in g im p r in te d ...............................................................................................

2 7 6 1 -2 1 5


1 2 /8 3

14 0 .1

2 7 6 1 -2 5

1 2 /8 3

1 7 2 .1

1 7 7 .3

1 7 7 .3

1 6 .3

C a rb o n ................................. .................................................................. .............................

2 7 6 1 -2 5 3

1 2 /8 3

1 7 6 .7

1 8 2 .1

1 8 2 .1



C a r b o n l e s s .........................................................................................................................

2 7 6 1 -2 5 5

1 2 /8 3

1 5 9 .6

1 6 4 .2

1 6 4 .0

1 3 .9

- .1

2 7 6 1 -3

1 2 /8 3

15 2 .1

1 5 8 .9

1 6 0 .4

9 .3


2 7 6 1 -3 2

1 2 /8 3

1 4 9 .0

15 8 .1

1 6 2 .0

1 8 .2

2 .5

2 7 6 1 -3 2 3

1 2 /8 3

1 5 2 .9

1 6 2 .5

1 6 7 .2

2 0 .0

2 .9

C a r b o n l e s s .........................................................................................................................
C u s to m p r in t e d .....................................................................................................................

M a n ifo ld b o o k s , in c luding s a le s , a n d p e g b o a rd a c c o u n tin g s y s t e m s .........
S a le s a n d o th e r m a n ifo ld b o o k s .......... ......................................................................
C u s to m .......................... .....................................................................................................


C u s to m co n tin u o u s fo rm s , w ith o r w ith o u t c a rb o n , m arg in ally p u n c h e d
o r n o t ....................................................................................................................................
All o th e r c u s to m p rin te d ............................................ .....................................................

2 7 6 1 -5

1 2 /8 3

1 6 9 .6

1 7 4 .1

1 7 4 .2

2 3 .4


2 7 6 1 -5 8

1 2 /8 3

1 6 8 .7

1 7 3 .1

1 7 3 .2

2 3 .0


1 8 9 .2

2 3 .3

- .1

O n e p a r t ..............................................................................................................................

2 7 6 1 -5 8 1

1 2 /8 3

1 8 4 .6

1 8 8 .8

M u ltip le p a rts ....................................................................................................................

2 7 6 1 -5 8 2

1 2 /8 3

1 6 2 .7

1 6 7 .2

1 6 7 .1

2 2 .9

C a r b o n ............................. .................................................................................................

2 7 6 1 -5 8 2 2

1 2 /8 3

1 6 8 .3

1 7 3 .3

1 7 3 .3

2 7 .6

C a r b o n le s s ...................................................................... ...............................................

2 7 6 1 -5 8 2 4

1 2 /8 3

1 4 4 .8

1 4 8 .0

1 4 7 .8



1 7 9 .6

5 8 .4

7 .5

S to c k c o n tin u o u s f o r m s ........................................................................................................
S to c k s h e lf f o r m s ................................................................................................................
O n e p a r t ..............................................................................................................................

2 7 6 1 -7

1 2 /8 3

1 5 9 .7

1 6 7 .0


2 7 6 1 -7 6

1 2 /8 3

1 6 1 .4

1 6 9 .8

1 8 4 .7


8 .8

2 7 6 1 -7 6 1

1 2 /8 3

1 4 0 .4

1 4 7 .8

1 7 2 .8

6 4 .3

1 6 .9

2 7 6 1 -7 6 2

1 2 /8 3

1 8 6 .0

1 9 5 .6

2 0 0 .2

C a r b o n .............................................................................................................................

2 7 6 1 -7 6 2 1

1 2 /8 3

2 0 3 .3

2 1 4 .7

2 1 4 .7

5 4 .5


C a r b o n le s s ............................................. .......................................................................

2 7 6 1 -7 6 2 2

1 2 /8 3

143 .1

1 4 7 .8

1 6 8 .0

3 9 .0

1 3 .7

S to c k fo rm a t f o r m s .............................................................................................................

2 7 6 1 -7 7

0 6 /8 9

121 .1

1 2 1 .6

1 2 1 .6

6 8 .2


All o th e r s to c k f o r m s .........................................................................................................

2 7 6 1 -7 8

1 2 /8 3

1 7 9 .0

1 9 0 .5

1 9 1 .4

6 9 .4


M u ltip le p a rts ....................................................................................................................

5 1 .2

2 .4

2 7 6 1 -S M

S e c o n d a ry p ro d u c ts a n d m is c e lla n e o u s re c e ip ts .......................................................
M is c e lla n e o u s r e c e i p t s .........................................................................................................
R e s a l e s ............................................................................... ........................ ............................

2 7 6 1 -M

0 3 /8 4

99 .1

1 0 2 .5

1 0 2 .5

2 4 .7


2 7 6 1 -Z 8 9

0 6 /8 5

9 5 .7

9 9 .0

9 9 .0

2 4 .7


S e c o n d a ry p r o d u c t s ...............................................................................................................

2 7 6 1 -S

1 2 /8 3

1 3 3 .9

1 3 7 .6

1 3 7 .6

8 .0

L ith o g ra p h ic c o m m e rc ia l p r in t in g ................................................................................

2 7 5 2 -S

1 2 /8 3

1 4 1 .9

1 5 0 .0

1 5 0 .0

1 8 .0


C o m m e rc ia l printing, n .e .c ..................................... ..........................................................

2 7 5 9 -S

1 2 /8 3

1 8 3 .5

1 9 0 .3

1 9 0 .0

8 .8




G re e tin g c a rd a n d p u blishing ..... ................................................................................................


1 2 /8 5

1 58.1

1 5 8 .9

1 5 8 .5

7 .2

G re e tin g c a rd p u b lis h in g ..................................................................................................................


1 2 /8 5

1 5 8 .1

1 5 8 .9

1 5 8 .5

7 .2


1 2 /8 5

1 5 2 .8

15 4 .1

1 5 3 .3

3 .2


P rim ary p r o d u c t s ..........................................................................................................................

2 7 7 1 -P

P u b lis h e rs ’ s a l e s ......................... ............................................. ..............................................

2 7 7 1 -1

1 2 /8 5

1 5 3 .7

1 5 5 .0

1 5 4 .3

3 .2


2 7 7 1 -1 A

1 2 /8 5

1 4 5 .8

1 4 8 .7

1 4 6 .9

-2 .3

-1 .2

C o u n te r c a r d s ................... ...............................................................................................

2 7 7 1 -1 1 1

0 8 /9 3

1 1 2 .9

2 7 7 1 -1 1 2

1 4 0 .7

2 .0


P a c k a g e d c a rd s (in cluding b o x e d c a r d s ) ...........................................................

1 4 0 .7

S e a s o n a l g re e tin g c a r d s .................................................... ............................................

1 2 /8 5

1 3 7 .9


2 7 7 1 -1 B

1 2 /8 5

1 6 0 .3

1 6 0 .4

1 6 0 .5

7 .5


C o u n te r c a r d s ...................................................................................................................

2 7 7 1 -1 5 3

1 2 /8 5

16 1 .1

1 6 1 .1

1 6 1 .3

7 .5


P a c k a g e d c a rd s (in cluding b o x e d c a r d s ) ......... .................................................

2 7 7 1 -1 5 5
2 7 7 1 -S M

1 2 /8 5

1 4 9 .3

15 1 .1

1 5 0 .5

6 .9


1 2 /8 5

1 4 6 .8

1 4 6 .8

1 4 6 .8

1 3 .8


0 6 /8 5

1 4 9 .7

1 5 0 .3

1 5 1 .0

5 .5


6 .0

N o n -s e a s o n a l g re e tin g c a r d s ........................................ ...............................................

S e c o n d a ry p ro d u c ts a n d m is c e lla n e o u s r e c e ip t s ................

...................... ............

2 7 7 1 -S

S e c o n d a r y p r o d u c t s .................................................................. .................. .........................
B la n k b o o k s , lo o s e le a f b in d ers, a n d b o o k b in d in g a n d r e la te d w o r k ..........................


B la n k b o o k s a n d lo o s e le a f b in d e r s ..............................................................................................


0 6 /8 5

15 8 .1

1 5 8 .6

1 5 9 .6

P rim ary p r o d u c t s ........................................................................... ...............................................

2 7 8 2 -P

0 6 /8 5

1 5 9 .3

1 6 0 .0

1 6 0 .0

5 .9


L o o s e le a f b in d e rs a n d d e v ic e s .........................................................................................

2 7 8 2 -2

0 6 /8 5

1 3 1 .2

1 3 2 .7

1 3 2 .8

9 .9



2 7 8 2 -2 1

1 2 /9 1

1 0 6 .7

1 0 7 .3

1 0 8 .0

2 7 8 2 -2 1 1

0 6 /8 5

1 2 7 .5

1 2 8 .2

129 .1

9 .4


2 7 8 2 -2 2

1 2 /9 1

1 1 9 .3

1 2 3 .3

1 2 0 .2

1 2 .9

-2 .5

2 7 8 2 -2 2 2

1 2 /9 1

1 0 2 .7

1 0 2 .7

1 0 2 .7

6 .8


2 7 8 2 -2 2 3

1 2 /9 1

1 1 9 .9

1 1 9 .4

1 1 9 .4


C h e c k b o o k s , in s erts a n d refills, e x c lu d in g co n tin u o u s fo rm s a n d d ie cu t

2 7 8 2 -3

0 6 /8 5

1 8 1 .6

1 8 1 .7

1 8 1 .7

3 .9


B la n k b o o k m a k in g , e x c e p t c h e c k b o o k s ......................................... ............................

2 7 8 2 -4

1 2 /9 1

1 0 6 .7

1 0 6 .6

1 0 6 .8

4 .9


2 7 8 2 -4 2

0 6 /8 5

1 7 0 .8

1 7 0 .8

1 7 0 .8

1 .2


2 7 8 2 -4 4

0 6 /8 5

1 3 4 .7

1 3 4 .7

1 3 4 .7

6 .8


2 7 8 2 -4 5

1 2 /9 1

1 1 6 .4

1 1 5 .9

1 1 6 .9

1 2 .4


0 6 /8 5

1 3 6 .4

1 3 6 .4

1 4 4 .6

9 .2

6 .0

B i n d e r s ....................................................... ..............................................................................
L o o s e le a f b in d e rs, all ring a n d p ro n g t y p e .......................................................
M is c e lla n e o u s b in d e r d e v ic e s a n d f o r m s ..............................................................
S h e e t p r o t e c t o r s ..............................................................................................................
A ll lo o s e le a f d e v ic e s , m e ta l a n d n o n m e t a l.......................................................

A lb u m s a n d s c r a p b o o k s .............................................................. ..................................
C o lu m n a r p a d s , m e m o b o o k s , a n d m isc. b la n k b o o k s (incl. fin a n c ia l
n o te s a n d a d d re s s b o o k s ) .............................................. ......................................

9 .3



A ll o th e r b la n k b o o k s , in clu d in g le d g e r a n d a c c o u n t b o o ks, b o u n d
d ra fts a n d fin a n c ia l n o t e s ......................................................................................
S e c o n d a ry p ro d u c ts a n d m is c e lla n e o u s r e c e ip t s .......................................................
S e c o n d a ry p r o d u c t s ..............................................................................................................

2 7 8 2 -S M
2 7 8 2 -S

See footnotesat end of table.


Table 5. Producer price indexes for the net output of selected industries and their products, not seasonally adjusted
P e rc e n t c h a n g e

In d e x
In d u stry a n d p ro d u c t1

In d u stry

P ro d u ct

In d e x




to S e p . 1 9 9 5 fro m —
M ay

A u g.





S ep. 1994

Aug. 1995

1 2 /8 5

1 2 4 .5

1 2 4 .9

1 25.1


0 .2

P rim a ry p r o d u c t s .............................. ...........................................................................................

2 7 8 9 -P

1 2 /8 5

1 2 3 .5

1 2 4 .0

1 2 4 .2

3 .8


E d itio n , library, tra d e a n d o th e r h a rd c o v e r b in d in g ................................................

2 7 8 9 -1

1 2 /8 5

1 2 7 .7

1 2 7 .7

12 8 .1

3 .9


2 7 8 9 -1 1

1 2 /9 1

1 0 6 .2

1 0 6 .2

1 0 6 .2

3 .5


2 7 8 9 -1 1 7

0 2 /9 2

1 1 1 .4

1 1 1 .4

1 1 1 .4



B o o k b in d in g a n d re la te d w o r k .......................................................................................................


Ed itio n binding, h a r d b o u n d ............................................................................................
T e x tb o o k , te c h n ic a l, scien tific, a n d p ro fe s s io n a l b o o k s .............................
L ib ra ry b inding; incl. p reb in d in g , re binding, a n d o th e r h a rd c o v e r
b in d in g o f p e rio d ic a ls ..............................................................................................
O th e r b o o k a n d p a m p h le t b inding a n d re la te d w o r k ............................................

2 7 8 9 -1 2

1 2 /8 5

1 3 0 .7

1 3 0 .7

1 3 1 .6

4 .4


2 7 8 9 -2

1 2 /8 5

1 2 2 .2

1 2 2 .9

1 2 3 .0

3 .7


2 7 8 9 -2 2

1 2 /8 5

1 0 9 .0

1 0 9 .7

1 0 9 .6

5 .3


A d h e s iv e b in d in g ................. ................................................................. ........................

2 7 8 9 -2 2 1

1 2 /9 1

1 1 0 .9

1 1 0 .2


9 .3


M e c h a n ic a l b in d in g .......................................................................................................

2 7 8 9 -2 2 2

1 2 /9 1

9 7 .0

9 8 .8

9 8 .8

1 .9


2 7 8 9 -2 3

1 2 /8 5

1 0 3 .4

1 0 3 .3

1 0 3 .8



2 7 8 9 -2 3 2

1 2 /9 1

1 0 1 .5

1 0 1 .4

1 0 2 .0



2 7 8 9 -2 4

1 2 /9 1

1 0 6 .5

1 0 7 .1

1 0 7 .3

6 .2


2 7 8 9 -2 5

1 2 /8 5

1 3 8 .8

1 4 0 .8

1 4 0 .2

2 .6

- .4

S o ft c o v e r b inding o f b o o k s (4 9 p a g e s o r m o r e ) ..............................................

P a m p h le t a n d o th e r so ft c o v e r binding .......................... .......................................
M e c h a n ic a l b in d in g .......................................................................................................
S a m p le b o o k s, s w a tc h e s , a n d card s; color, c a rp e t, u p h o lstery, d ra p e s ,
e t c .............. ............... ............................................................. ...........................................
M is c e lla n e o u s b o o kb in d in g w o rk a n d re la te d s e rv ic e o p e ra tio n s or
m a te ria l p rin ted e l s e w h e r e ...................................................................................
S e rv ic e in dustries fo r th e printing t r a d e ....................................................................................


0 6 /8 5

1 1 4 .6

1 1 5 .0

1 1 5 .7

1 .4


T y p e s e ttin g ......................................................... .....................................................................................


0 6 /8 5

1 1 7 .5

1 1 8 .2

1 18.1



P rim a ry p r o d u c t s .................................................................................................. .......................

2 7 9 1 -P

0 6 /8 5

1 1 7 .3

1 1 8 .0

1 1 7 .9


- .1

P h o to g ra p h ic ty p e s e ttin g , includ ing p h o to ty p e s e ttin g a n d p h o to le tte rin g

2 7 9 1 -2

0 6 /8 5

1 1 8 .2

1 1 8 .9

1 1 8 .7



W ith c a p a b ility to in te g ra te te x t a n d g ra p h ic s ....................................................

2 7 9 1 -2 1 1

0 6 /8 5

118 .1

1 1 8 .7

1 1 8 .7



A ll o th e r p h o to ty p e s e ttin g ...............................................................................................

2 7 9 1 -2 1 2

0 6 /8 5

1 1 9 .5

1 2 0 .3

1 1 9 .5


- .7

1 2 /8 5

1 1 0 .8

1 1 1 .0

1 1 2 .3



1 2 /8 5

1 1 0 .0


1 1 1 .3



P la te m a k in g s e r v i c e s ..........................................................................................................................

2 7 9 6 -P

P rim a ry p r o d u c t s ..........................................................................................................................

2 7 9 6 -1

1 2 /8 5

1 1 1 .7

1 1 1 .7

1 1 1 .7

D ia z o ty p e p la te s p re p a re d fo r p r in t in g ..................................................................

2 7 9 6 -1 1 3

1 2 /8 5

1 1 1 .9


2 7 9 6 -1 2 9

1 2 /8 5

1 1 7 .4

1 1 7 .4

1 1 1 .9

All o th e r lith o g rap h ic p l a t e s ..........................................................................................

1 1 7 .4

4 .5


2 7 9 6 -2

1 2 /8 5

1 0 7 .8

1 0 8 .0

1 0 9 .8



L ith o g ra p h ic p l a t e s ............................................... .................................................................

L ith o g rap h ic p la te m a k in g s e r v ic e s .................................................................................

1 0 4 .7

1 0 4 .8

1 .5


2 7 9 6 -2 3 1

1 2 /8 5

2 .2

2 .3

All o th e r lith o g ra p h ic f i l m ................................................................................................

2 7 9 6 -2 3 9

1 2 /8 5

1 0 4 .2

1 0 4 .5

1 0 4 .6



A s s e m b le d fla ts fo r p la t e m a k in g ................................................................................

2 7 9 6 -2 4 1

1 2 /8 5

1 2 9 .1

12 9 .1

1 29.1

-1 .2


2 7 9 6 -3

1 2 /9 0

1 0 7 .9


1 08.1



2 7 9 6 -3 1


C o lo r c o rre c te d p ro c e s s p o sitives o r n e g a tiv e s on f i l m ................................

P la te m a k in g se rv ic e s , e x c e p t lith o g r a p h ic .................................................................

1 0 7 .2

1 2 /9 0

1 1 1 .9

1 1 1 .9

1 1 1 .9

3 .8

R u b b e r p l a t e s ..................................................................................................................

2 7 9 6 -3 1 5

1 2 /9 0

1 1 6 .8

1 1 6 .8

1 1 6 .8

3 .6


P h o to p o ly m e r (p lastic) p l a t e s ........................................................................ .........

2 7 9 6 -3 1 6

1 2 /9 0

1 0 7 .2

1 0 7 .2

1 0 7 .2

1 .8


2 7 9 6 -3 5


D u p lic a te p la te s fo r le t t e r p r e s s ........................................


G ra v u re p la te s a n d cylin d e rs m a d e fo r o th e rs (in cluding p re p a ra tio n
o f f i l m ) .............................. ...............................................................................................
P h o to e n g ra v in g p la te s m a d e fo r o t h e r s .................................................................
M a g n e s iu m ................................................................................................. .......................
O th e r p la te m a k in g s e rv ic e s , e x c e p t lith o g r a p h ic ...............................................

1 2 /9 0

1 0 5 .0

1 0 5 .0

1 0 5 .0


2 7 9 6 -3 6

0 6 /8 5

1 2 1 .2

1 2 2 .4

1 2 2 .4

1 .0

2 7 9 6 -3 6 2

0 6 /8 5

1 2 8 .2

1 2 9 .8

1 2 9 .8

1 .2


2 7 9 6 -3 9

1 2 /9 0

9 7 .9

9 8 .4

9 8 .4

-1 .7



2 7 9 6 -S M

S e c o n d a ry p ro d u c ts a n d m is c e lla n e o u s r e c e ip t s .......................................................

1 2 /8 5

1 2 1 .5

1 2 1 .5

1 2 5 .9

3 .6

3 .6

C h e m ic a ls a n d a llie d p r o d u c t s ...... ...............................................................................................


1 2 /8 4

1 4 5 .0

1 4 4 .6

1 4 4 .3

9 .3


In d u strial in o rg a n ic c h e m ic a ls .......................................................................................................


1 2 /8 4

1 2 4 .2

1 2 5 .8

1 25.1

7 .5


1 2 /8 0

1 6 4 .5

1 5 6 .8

1 5 6 .6

1 7 .7

- .1

1 2 /8 0
1 2 /8 0
1 2 /8 0

1 6 4 .7
1 7 8 .5

1 6 7 .4
1 7 5 .9

1 6 7 .2
1 7 6 .7

2 2 .9

- .1

1 7 3 .0

-7 .8

2 8 1 2 -3

1 2 /8 0

1 7 2 .6

1 7 7 .2

1 7 6 .6

5 1 .8

- .3

2 8 1 2 -3 6 5

1 2 /8 0

1 7 6 .8


1 8 0 .5

5 6 .0


2 7 9 6 -S

S e c o n d a ry p r o d u c t s .............................. ................................................................................

A lk a lie s a n d c h l o r i n e ..........................................................................................................................

2 8 1 2 -P
2 8 1 2 -1

P rim a ry p r o d u c t s ..........................................................................................................................
C h lo r in e ......................................................... ...............................................................................
Liquid c h lo r i n e .................................................. ...................................................................
S o d iu m h y d ro xid e (c a u s tic s o d a ) ..........................................................

2 8 1 2 -1 1 5

.......... ...........

All o th e r c o n c e n tra tio n s - liq u id ..................................................................................
5 0 p e rc e n t fro m m e rc u ry c e ll ..................................................................................
P o ta s s iu m h yd ro x id e (c a u s tic p o ta s h , K O H ) ........................................................
Liquid K O H (all f o r m s ) ............................................... .................................................


1 8 5 .7

1 8 4 .3

7 3 .2


2 8 1 2 -3 6 5 1 2

1 2 /8 0

1 8 6 .4

1 7 7 .8

1 8 0 .0


1 .2

1 2 /8 0

1 1 3 .2

1 1 8 .0

1 1 7 .4

4 .4


1 2 /8 0

1 7 7 .7

1 7 2 .2

2 8 1 2 -4

2 8 1 2 -3 6 5 1 1

5 0 p e rc e n t re g u la r d ia p h ra g m g r a d e ...................................................................
O th e r a lk a lie s ........................................................................................................ ...................

1 7 4 .8

-7 .8

2 8 1 2 -4 2 1

1 2 /8 0

1 1 3 .5

1 2 0 .6

1 1 9 .2

3 .3

- 1 .2

2 8 1 2 -4 2 1 1 4

0 6 /9 0

1 0 4 .5

1 1 1 .0

1 0 9 .8

3 .3

- 1 .1
2 .5

0 6 /8 1

1 5 1 .9

1 5 2 .3


6 .8

P rim a ry p r o d u c t s ................................................................................................. ........................

2 8 1 3 -P

0 6 /8 1

1 5 0 .9

1 5 1 .3

1 5 5 .3

7 .0

2 .6

A c e t y l e n e ....................................................................................................................................

2 8 1 3 -2

0 6 /8 1


1 7 2 .4

1 7 5 .8

7 .4

2 .0

C a rb o n d io x id e ..........................................................................................................................

In dustrial g a s e s .................................................................. ...................................................................


2 8 1 3 -3

0 6 /8 1

1 3 1 .6

1 3 2 .4

1 3 2 .3

Liquid & g a s ................................................... ......................... .............................................

2 8 1 3 -3 1 1

0 6 /8 1

1 3 5 .5

1 3 6 .0

S o lid (d ry i c e ) ........................................................................................................................

2 8 1 3 -3 3 1

0 6 /8 1

1 2 7 .6

1 2 7 .0

1 0 3 .9


1 2 3 .0


2 8 1 3 -5

0 6 /8 1

1 0 3 .0

G a s ................................. ..................................................................................... .....................

2 8 1 3 -5 1 1

0 6 /8 1

1 2 1 .7

L iq u id .......... .............................................................................................................................

2 8 1 3 -5 2 2

N i t r o g e n .......... ................................................................................................ ............................

O x y g e n ................................................ .........................................................................................
L iq u i d .........................................................................................................................................
O th e r ind u strial g a s e s ......................... .................................................................................

0 6 /9 4

3 .4


- .1
6 .0

1 6 6 .9



0 6 /8 1

1 6 6 .6


2 8 1 3 -6



2 8 1 3 -6 2 2

0 6 /8 1

1 1 9 .3

1 1 5 .9

1 9 1 .9

9 .7

4 .0

2 8 1 3 -7

0 6 /8 1

1 8 5 .4

1 8 4 .6


A rg o n , high p u r it y ................................................................................................................

2 8 1 3 -7 1 5

0 6 /9 4

1 0 8 .5


H e liu m ......................................................................................................................................

2 8 1 3 -7 8 1

0 6 /8 1

1 3 5 .8

1 3 5 .8

1 4 3 .5

8 .6

5 .7

S e c o n d a ry p ro d u cts & m is c e lla n e o u s r e c e ip t s ............................................................

2 8 1 3 -S M
2 8 1 3 -M

0 6 /8 1

1 5 6 .4

1 5 6 .4

1 5 6 .4



2 8 1 3 -Z 8 9

0 6 /8 1

1 5 6 .5

1 5 6 .5

1 5 6 .5



M is c e lla n e o u s r e c e i p t s ........................................ ........................................................ .......
R e s a le s ......................................... ................................................. ........................................

See footnotes at endof table.


Table 5. Producer price indexes for the net output of selected industries and their products, not seasonally adjusted
In d e x
In d u s try a n d p ro d u c t1

In d u stry

P ro d u c t

In d e x




P e rc e n t c h a n g e
to S e p . 1 9 9 5 fro m —

M ay

A ug .





Sep. 1994

Aug. 19 9 5

0 6 /8 3

1 4 8 .2

1 5 0 .0

1 5 0 .1

4 .0


P rim a ry p r o d u c t s .................................... ........................... ..........................................................

2 8 1 6 -P

0 6 /8 3

1 4 5 .3

1 4 7 .4

1 4 7 .5

4 .3


T ita n iu m p ig m e n t s ...................................................................................................................

2 8 1 6 -1

0 6 /8 3

1 4 5 .3

1 4 8 .0

1 4 8 .0

5 .7

C h ro m e c o lo rs a n d o th e r in o rg a n ic p ig m e n ts ..........................................................

2 8 1 6 -3

0 6 /8 3

1 5 5 .9

1 5 7 .6

1 5 8 .0



Iro n o x id e p ig m e n t s ............................................................................................................

2 8 1 6 -3 3 1

0 6 /8 3

1 6 7 .6

1 6 7 .6

1 6 9 .5

2 .0


C a d m iu m su lfid e p i g m e n t s ............................................................................................

2 8 1 6 -3 8 9

0 6 /8 3

19 1 .1

1 9 1 .1

19 1 .1

“ 1 -1


o x i d e s ......................... .....................................................................................................

2 8 1 6 -3 9 3

0 6 /8 3

1 5 0 .5

1 5 2 .9

1 5 2 .3

6 .9


N o t c o n ta in in g l e a d ........................................................................................................

2 8 1 6 -3 9 7

0 6 /9 0

1 1 7 .4

1 1 8 .4

1 1 7 .8

6 .7


2 8 1 6 -S

0 6 /8 3

1 6 4 .5

1 6 4 .8

1 6 4 .3

1 .3


2 8 1 6 -S S S

0 6 /8 3

1 2 0 .4

1 1 5 .8

1 1 5 .1

-5 .7


6 .0

-1 .4

In o rg a n ic p ig m e n t s ...............................................................................................................................



A ll o th e r c o lo r p ig m e n ts , incl. iron b lu e s , p e a rl e s s e n c e , a n d c o p p e r

2 8 1 6 -S M

S e c o n d a ry p ro d u c ts a n d m is c e lla n e o u s r e c e i p t s .......................................................
S e c o n d a ry p r o d u c t s ............................................................................................. .................
O th e r s e c o n d a ry p r o d u c t s ..............................................................................................

1 2 /8 2

1 2 2 .1

1 2 4 .7

1 2 2 .9

P rim a ry p r o d u c t s ...........................................................................................................................

2 8 1 9 -P

1 2 /8 2

1 3 0 .3

1 2 9 .4

1 2 9 .8



S u lfu ric a c id (n e w a n d f o r tifie d ).................................................. ....................................

2 8 1 9 -3

1 2 /8 2

9 9 .5

1 0 2 .6

1 0 2 .0

3 .4


O le u m g r a d e s ................................... ....................................................................................

2 8 1 9 -3 1 4

1 2 /8 2

7 9 .3

O th e r th a n o le u m g r a d e s .................................................................................................

2 8 1 9 -3 3 1

1 2 /8 2

1 0 4 .3

10 8 .1

1 0 7 .4

4 .0


2 8 1 9 -4

1 2 /8 2

9 8 .1

1 0 4 .1

1 0 2 .6

1 .8

- 1 .4

2 8 1 9 -4 4

1 2 /8 2



2 8 1 9 -4 9 8

1 2 /8 2

8 9 .6

9 8 .5

9 6 .6

In d u strial in o rg an ic c h e m ic a ls , n .e .c ..................................................................... .......................


O th e r in o rg a n ic a c id s (e x . sulfu ric, nitric a n d p h o s p h o ric ) ...............................
H y d ro c h lo ric a c i d .................... ...........................................................................................

'f t



O th e r in o rg a n ic a c id s , n .e .c ., inc b o ric, c h ro m ic , h y d ro cyan ic, a n d
m ix e d (sulf. a n d n it r ic ) ..............................................................................................
O th e r a lu m in u m c o m p o u n d s , n .e .c ..................................................................................
A lu m in u m h y d ro x id e (trih y d ra te ) .............. ..................................................................

2 8 1 9 -6

1 2 /8 2

1 1 2 .5

1 1 2 .7

1 1 2 .9

2 8 1 9 -6 2 5

1 2 /8 2

1 4 5 .8



2 8 1 9 -6 7 1

0 6 /8 7

1 4 4 .2

2 8 1 9 -7

1 2 /8 2

1 2 6 .0

1 2 6 .3

1 2 6 .8

6 .4

-1 .9





1 .7


O th e r a lu m in u m c o m p o u n d s (in. s o d iu m a lu m ín a te , light alu m .
h yd ro x id e , cry o lite a n d a lu m , e tc ........................................................................
P o ta s s iu m a n d s o d iu m c o m p o u n d s (e x b le a c h e s , a lk a lie s a n d a lu m s ) .....
S o d iu m c o m p o u n d s (inc. s o d iu m m e ta l) ................................................................

2 8 1 9 -7 A

1 2 /8 2

1 2 0 .1

1 2 0 .5

1 2 1 .0

1 .8

S o d iu m p h o s p h a t e s ........................................ ..............................................................

2 8 1 9 -7 3

1 2 /8 2

1 0 6 .4

1 0 6 .4

1 0 6 .4


2 8 1 9 -7 3 8

1 2 /8 2

1 0 1 .5



2 8 1 9 -7 3 9

1 2 /8 2

1 1 9 .5

1 1 9 .5

1 1 9 .5

2 8 1 9 -7 4

0 4 /8 3


1 3 4 .6


2 8 1 9 -7 8 8

1 2 /8 2

1 2 6 .5

1 2 7 .3

1 2 8 .8

3 .3

1 .2

2 8 1 9 -7 B

1 2 /8 2

1 5 7 .7

1 5 6 .8

1 5 6 .9



In o rg a n ic c h e m ic a l c a ta ly tic p re p a ra tio n s , n .e .c .......................................................

2 8 1 9 -8

1 2 /8 2

1 1 7 .4

1 1 7 .4

O th e r in d u s trial in o rg an ic c h e m ic a ls , n .e .c ..................................................................

2 8 1 9 -9

1 2 /8 2

1 2 6 .2

1 2 3 .4

1 2 3 .6

1 .4


S o d iu m trip o ly p h o s p h a te ( S T P P ) .......................................................................



O th e r s e le c te d so d iu m p h o s p h a te s (m o n o , di, tri, a n d te tra b a s ic ;
m e ta - a n d a c id p y r o ) .......................................................................................
S o d iu m s ilic a te s a n d s ilic o flu o r id e .........................................................................



S o d iu m m e ta l a n d o th e r so d iu m c o m p o u n d s (inc. so d . b o ra te ,
flo u rid e, h yd ro su lfid e, e t c . ) ................................................................................
P o ta s s iu m c o m p o u n d s , n .e .c ..........................................................................................


S e le c te d a lka li e a rth m e ta l c o m p o u n d s , n .e .c ......................................................

2 8 1 9 -9 A

1 2 /8 2

1 2 9 .6

1 2 9 .2

1 2 9 .2

3 .6


C a lc iu m c o m p o u n d s ......................................................................................................

2 8 1 9 -9 1

1 2 /9 1

1 1 7 .2

2 8 1 9 -9 2 2

1 2 /8 2

1 2 3 .3

1 1 7 .2

B a riu m a n d m a g n e s iu m c o m p o u n d s (in c b ulk e p s o m s a l t s ) ...................

1 2 0 .8

1 2 0 .8

-3 .0



S e le c te d s e m i-m e ta llic m in e ra l c o m p o u n d s , io d in e a n d h y d ro g e n
p e r o x i d e ......................................................................................................................

2 8 1 9 -9 3

1 2 /8 2


1 0 7 .1

1 0 4 .4


2 8 1 9 -9 3 9

0 6 /9 5


9 7 .3

9 7 .3

- 2 .5


2 8 1 9 -9 E

1 2 /8 2






2 8 1 9 -9 7 6

1 2 /8 2

2 8 1 9 -9 F

1 2 /8 2

12 7 .1

1 2 6 .9

12 6 .1

6 .8


A n tim o n y , a rs e n ic , b ism u th a n d s e le n iu m c o m p o u n d s , n .e .c . (ex.
a n tim o n y -1 2 4 a n d 1 2 5 ) ............................................................................. ....
E le m e n ta l sulfur a n d sulfur c o m p o u n d s , n .e .c ......................................................
O th e r sulfur c o m p o u n d s , n .e .c . (in c s ulfur c h lo rid e a n d d io x id e ) .........
S e le c te d m e ta llic m in eral c o m p o u n d s , n .e .c .........................................................


C h ro m iu m , m a n g a n e s e , c o b a lt (e x c o b a lt-6 0 ), a n d n ickel
c o m p o u n d s , n .e .c ....................................................................................................

2 8 1 9 -9 8 2

1 2 /8 2


1 1 6 .3

1 1 4 .3


-1 .7

L e a d a n d zin c c o m p o u n d s , n .e .c ........ ....................................................................

2 8 1 9 -9 8 3

0 7 /8 7

1 6 4 .0

1 6 1 .0

2 8 1 9 -9 8 4

1 2 /8 2

1 4 2 .2

1 4 2 .2

1 .2

-1 .8

C o p p e r, iron a n d silv e r c o m p o u n d s , n .e .c ..........................................................

1 4 1 .8

2 8 1 9 -9 G

1 2 /8 2

1 4 8 .6

1 4 9 .0

1 5 1 .4

3 .7

1 .6

2 8 1 9 -9 9 8

1 2 /8 2

1 7 0 .6

1 7 0 .6

177 .1

5 .6

3 .8

-1 .3

O th e r in o rg an ic c h e m ic a ls , n .e .c ......................................... .........................................


O th e r, inc. r e a g e n t fro m te c h . g ra d e s , industrial b le a c h e s , g o ld &
titan iu m c o m p o u n d s ..............................................................................................

2 8 1 9 -S M

S e c o n d a ry p ro d u cts a n d m is c e lla n e o u s r e c e ip t s .......................................................

2 8 1 9 -S

S e c o n d a ry p r o d u c t s ...............................................................................................................

1 2 /8 2

1 7 1 .0

16 9 .1

1 6 7 .5

5 .7

1 2 /8 4

1 3 0 .5

1 3 0 .6

1 2 8 .9

1 0 .9

1 2 /8 0

1 6 4 .7

16 3 .1

1 5 9 .7

1 3 .2

- 2 .1

1 2 /8 0

1 5 5 .8

1 5 3 .6

1 5 1 .2

1 4 .3

-1 .6
-1 .8

P la s tic m a te ria ls a n d s y n th e tic resin s, ru b b e rs , a n d n o n -g la s s
f i b e r s ...................................................................................................................................................
P la s tic m a te ria ls a n d r e s in s ................................................................. ...........................................


P rim a ry p r o d u c t s ............................................................................................... ..........................

2 8 2 1 -P

T h e rm o p la s tic r e s i n s ............................. ................................................................................

2 8 2 1 -3

1 2 /8 0

1 5 4 .2

1 5 1 .6

1 4 8 .9

1 5 .3

2 8 2 1 -3 0 1

1 2 /8 6



2 8 2 1 -3 1 1

1 2 /8 1

1 3 7 .7


N y lo n r e s in s ............................................................................................................................

1 3 6 .5

1 2 /8 0

2 0 3 .9

2 1 4 .0

2 1 4 .0

2 4 .1


P o ly e s te r resin s s a tu ra te d ..............................................................................................

2 8 2 1 -3 2 1
2 8 2 1 -3 2 1 4 4

1 2 /9 2

1 0 7 .9

1 1 0 .9

1 1 0 .9



2 8 2 1 -3 3 1

1 2 /8 0

1 7 5 .0

1 6 5 .7

1 6 1 .2

2 2 .9

-2 .7

2 8 2 1 -3 3 1 0 1

1 2 /8 0

1 6 8 .6

1 5 2 .4

1 4 5 .6

2 6 .9

-4 .5

2 8 2 1 -3 3 1 0 4

1 2 /8 0

1 8 5 .5

1 9 1 .8

1 7 .0

2 8 2 1 -3 4 1

1 2 /8 0

15 1 .1

1 4 6 .8

1 4 4 .7

2 7 .7

-1 .4

2 8 2 1 -3 4 1 0 2

A crylic r e s i n s .........................................................................................................................


O th e r s a tu ra te d p o ly e s te r resin s, incl. p o ly b u ty le n e te r e p h th a la te
( P B T ) .............................................................................................................................
L o w d e n s ity p o ly e th y le n e r e s in s .................................................................................
F o r film a n d s h e e t in g ....................................................................................................
F o r all o th e r u s e s in clu d in g in je c tio n m o ld in g a n d extru sio n
c o a t i n g ........................................................................................................................
H ig h d e n s ity p o ly e th y le n e r e s i n s ................................................................................

1 2 /8 6

1 7 1 .2

1 6 4 .1

1 6 1 .5

2 5 .0

-1 .6

2 8 2 1 -3 5 1

1 2 /8 0

1 6 1 .7

1 6 3 .4

1 5 7 .1

2 7 .1

-3 .9

F o r in jectio n m o l d i n g ....................................................................................................

2 8 2 1 -3 5 1 0 1

1 2 /8 0

1 6 0 .9

1 6 0 .8

1 5 8 .6

2 1 .3

- 1 .4

F o r fib e r a n d f i l a m e n t s ................................................................................................

2 8 2 1 -3 5 1 0 2

1 2 /8 0

1 4 4 .7

15 0 .1

1 4 9 .3

3 6 .8


2 8 2 1 -3 6 1

1 2 /8 0

1 5 5 .0

1 5 0 .8

1 4 9 ,4

1 3 .9


F o r all o th e r u s e s ...........................................................................................................
P o ly p ro p y le n e r e s i n s .........................................................................................................

S ty re n e p la s tic s m a t e r ia ls ......... .....................................................................................

See footnotes at endof table.


Table 5. Producer price indexes for the net output of selected industries and their products, hot seasonally adjusted
P e rc e n t c h a n g e

In d e x
In d u stry a n d p ro d u c t1

In d u stry

P ro d u c t

In d e x




to S e p . 1 9 9 5 fro m —
M ay

A u g.





Sep. 1994

Aug. 1 9 9 Í

P la s tic m a te ria ls a n d re s in s — C o n tin u e d
S tra ig h t p o ly s ty re n e r e s in s .................... ........................ ...........................................

2 8 2 1 -3 6 1 0 1

1 2 /8 0

1 6 9 .2

1 6 5 .4

1 6 3 .9

1 7 .6

.................. ...................................

2 8 2 1 -3 6 1 0 2

1 2 /8 0

1 5 5 .1

1 5 3 .3

1 5 2 .5


2 8 2 1 -3 6 1 0 4

0 4 /8 2

1 5 6 .5

R u b b e r m o d ifie d p o ly s ty re n e r e s i n s .......

- 0 .9

A ll o th e r s ty re n e p la s tic m a te ria ls including s ty re n e acrylo n itrile
(S A N ) .............................. ............................................................................. ..............
V in y l a n d v in y lid e n e r e s i n s ......................... ..................................................................
P o lyvinyl c h lo r id e .............................................................................................................
O th e r e n g in e e rin g th e rm o p la s tic r e s in s .......................... .................

14 6 .1

1 4 3 .2

1 1 .8

2 8 2 1 -3 7 1

1 2 /8 0

1 4 1 .5

1 3 7 .4

1 3 2 .3

4 .6

-3 .7

2 8 2 1 -3 7 1 0 1

1 2 /8 0

1 4 2 .9

1 3 7 .7

1 3 1 .5

3 .6

- 4 .5

2 8 2 1 -3 7 1 0 4

0 1 /9 2

1 1 7 .2

1 1 7 .7

1 1 7 .6

8 .8


2 8 2 1 -3 8 1

1 2 /8 1

1 1 0 .3

1 1 0 .5

1 1 0 .5



2 8 2 1 -3 9 9

1 2 /8 0

1 5 1 .9

1 5 0 .5

1 5 0 .7

7 .3


-2 .0

2 8 2 1 -4

1 2 /8 0

16 1 .1

1 6 0 .7

1 6 0 .0

8 .5


A lk y d r e s i n s .......... .................... ...........................................................................................

2 8 2 1 -4 0 1

1 2 /8 6

1 4 9 .8

1 5 1 .8

1 54.1

1 6 .7

E p o x y r e s i n s .............................. ...........................................................................................

2 8 2 1 -4 1 1

1 2 /9 2

1 0 9 .6



P h e n o lic a n d o th e r ta r a c id r e s i n s ............................................................................

2 8 2 1 -4 2 1

1 2 /8 0

1 7 2 .6

1 6 0 .7

1 1 0 .8
1 5 8 .7

-1 .1

- 1 .2

2 8 2 1 -4 2 1 0 2

1 2 /8 0

1 7 3 .5

1 6 0 .7

1 5 8 .6

- 1 .7

- 1 .3

T h e rm o s e ttin g r e s i n s ................................................................................................. ...........


2 8 2 1 -4 3 1

1 2 /8 0

14 1 .1

1 4 8 .7


1 7 .9

- 1 .1


2 8 2 1 -4 4 1

1 2 /8 0

2 1 2 .0

1 8 0 .9

1 7 9 .4

2 .3


A ll o th e r th e rm o s e ttin g r e s i n s ........... ..........................................................................

2 8 2 1 -4 9 9

1 2 /8 0

1 4 8 .4

1 5 0 .5

1 5 0 .6


- 4 .9

P o ly e s te r res in s , u n s a t u r a t e d .....................................................................
U r e a fo rm a ld e h y d e r e s in s ...................................................... ........................

2 8 2 1 -S M

S e c o n d a r y p ro d u c ts a n d m is c e lla n e o u s r e c e ip t s ..................... «................................

2 8 2 1 -S

S e c o n d a ry p r o d u c t s ........................ ............ .................................. ......................................
S y n th e tic r u b b e r ..................................................................................................................................


1 2 /8 0

2 0 3 .9

2 0 6 .7

1 9 6 .6

7 .5

0 6 /8 1

1 2 7 .9

1 2 8 .9

1 2 8 .9

1 3 .7


1 3 2 .8

1 6 .4

- .1

P rim a ry p ro d u c ts ........................ ................................................................................................

2 8 2 2 -P

0 6 /8 1

1 3 1 .0

1 3 2 .9

S ty re n e b u ta d ie n e ( S B R ) .................................. ..................................................................

2 8 2 2 -1

0 6 /8 1

1 2 2 .9

1 2 6 .0

1 2 5 .6

2 8 .7


2 8 2 2 -1 1 1

0 6 /8 1

1 2 7 .7

1 2 9 .6

129 .1

3 0 .0


S ty re n e b u ta d ie n e • s o l i d ................................................................................... ............
P o ly b u ta d ie n e ........... ................................................................................................................

2 8 2 2 -2

9 9 .6

1 0 2 .6

1 0 2 .6

2 5 .9


E th y le n e p ro p y le n e (including E P D M ) ...................................................

2 8 2 2 -4

1 2 /8 1

1 1 6 .2

1 1 9 .9

1 2 0 .6

6 .2


2 8 2 2 -6

0 6 /8 1

1 2 7 .9





2 8 2 2 -6 1 1

0 6 /8 1

1 2 7 .9





2 8 2 2 -8

0 6 /8 1

1 4 6 .6

1 4 6 .6

1 4 7 .0

1 1 .7


0 6 /8 4

12 1 .1

1 2 9 .3

1 3 1 .9


2 .0

2 8 2 3 -P

0 6 /8 4

1 21.1

1 2 9 .3

1 3 1 .9


2 .0


0 6 /8 1

O th e r s y n th e tic e la s to m e rs (in cludin g butyl, is o p re n e , n e o p re n e ,
s ilic o n e r u b b e r s ) .............................................................................................................
C e llu lo s ic m a n m a d e f i b e r s ...............................................................................................................


P rim a ry p r o d u c t s ..........................................................................................................................
N o n c e llu lo s ic m a n m a d e f i b e r s ......................................................................................................
N y lo n fib e rs e x c p ro d u c e r te x tu re d y a rn ........................

0 6 /8 1

1 0 6 .8

1 0 9 .0

1 09.1

4 .2

2 8 2 4 -P

0 6 /8 1

1 0 8 .0

1 0 9 .2

1 0 9 .4

2 .5

2 8 2 4 -1

1 2 /8 9


1 0 3 .0

1 0 3 .0


2 8 2 4 -1 1 3

0 6 /8 1

9 3 .6

8 9 .0


P rim a ry p r o d u c t s .......................... ....... ............................................... .......................................
.................... .................

S ta p le , to w , a n d f i b e r f ill..................................................................................................
P o ly e s te r fib e rs , e x c p r o d u c e r te x tu re d y a r n ............................................................
Y a rn , e x c p ro d u c e r te x tu re d ........................................................................... ...............


2 8 2 4 -3

1 2 /8 9

1 0 3 .0

1 0 6 .6

1 0 6 .8

2 8 2 4 -3 1 1

0 6 /8 1

1 0 9 .6

1 1 2 .0

1 1 2 .4


6 .0


I n d u s t r ia l..............................................................................................................................

2 8 2 4 -3 1 1 1 1

0 8 /8 1

1 5 4 .0

1 5 3 .4

O th e r, in cluding high d e n ie r te x tile y a rn ............................................................

2 8 2 4 -3 1 1 1 3

0 6 /8 1

1 0 5 .4

1 1 4 .7

1 1 4 .7

4 .6

2 8 2 4 -3 3 1

0 6 /8 1

1 0 9 .3

1 1 3 .9

1 14 .1

9 .2


S t a p l e ...................................................................................................................................

2 8 2 4 -3 3 1 1 1

0 6 /8 1

1 0 9 .3

1 1 5 .2

1 1 5 .6



T o w a n d f ib e r f ill........................ ......................................................................................

2 8 2 4 -3 3 1 1 2

1 2 /8 9

1 0 0 .2

1 0 2 .8

1 0 2 .8



S ta p le , to w a n d f ib e r f ill....................................................................................................



2 8 2 4 -4

1 2 /8 9

1 0 7 .3

1 0 7 .3

1 0 7 .3


Y a rn , e x c p ro d u c e r t e x t u r e d ..........................................................................................

2 8 2 4 -4 1 1

1 2 /8 9

1 0 7 .8

1 0 7 .8

1 0 7 .8

-2 .0


S ta p le , to w , a n d f i b e r f ill ................................................ .................................................

2 8 2 4 -4 1 2

1 2 /8 9

1 0 5 .4

1 0 5 .4

1 0 5 .4

9 .7


P o ly o le fin fib ers , e x c p ro d u c e r te x tu re d y a r n ...........................................................

P ro d u c e r te x tu re d y a r n ....................................................................................... .................
N y l o n .........................................................................................................................................
C a r p e t ............................................... ...................................................................................
S e c o n d a r y p ro d u c ts a n d m is c e lla n e o u s r e c e ip t s .......................................................
S e c o n d a ry p r o d u c t s ...............................................................................................................

2 8 2 4 -6

0 6 /8 1

1 1 1 .6

1 1 1 .4

1 1 1 .5

-3 .4

2 8 2 4 -6 1 2

0 6 /8 1

1 0 5 .3

105 .1

1 0 5 .2

-7 .0


2 8 2 4 -6 1 2 1 1

0 6 /8 1


9 7 .2

9 7 .4

-1 1 .7


2 8 2 4 -S M
2 8 2 4 -S

0 6 /8 1

1 0 2 .2

1 0 9 .5

1 0 9 .5

1 4 .3


D ru g s ..........................................................................................................................................................


1 2 /8 4

1 7 8 .5

1 7 8 .8

1 7 9 .0

2 .2


M e d ic in a l c h e m ic a ls a n d b o ta n ic a l p ro d u c ts (in b u l k ) ......................................................


0 6 /8 2

1 2 9 .2

1 2 8 .9

1 2 9 .0

1 .9


0 6 /8 2

1 2 7 .2

1 2 6 .9

1 2 6 .9

2 8 3 3 -1

0 6 /8 2

1 2 6 .7

1 2 6 .3

1 2 6 .3

1 .9
2 .0

C e n tra l stim u la n ts a n d d e p r e s s a n t s .........................................................................

2 8 3 3 -1 3 1

2 8 3 3 -P

0 6 /8 2

7 4 .6

7 4 .6

7 4 .6

-6 .4

A ll o th e r sy n th e tic o rg a n ic m e d ic in a l c h e m ic a ls .................................

2 8 3 3 -1 6 1

0 6 /8 2

1 0 3 .3

1 0 2 .9

1 0 3 .0


2 8 3 3 -3

0 6 /8 2

1 2 5 .8

1 2 5 .8

1 2 5 .8



2 8 3 3 -3 9 8

0 6 /9 0

1 2 2 .2

1 2 2 .2

1 2 2 .2

1 .4


P rim a ry p r o d u c t s ........................................................................ .................................................
S y n th e tic o rg a n ic m e d ic in a l c h e m ic a ls ........................................................................

O t h e r m e d ic in á is a n d b o t a n ic a ls ......................................... ............................. .............
AH o th e r o rg a n ic m e d ic in á is ..........................................................................................


2 8 3 3 -S M

S e c o n d a r y p ro d u c ts a n d m is c e lla n e o u s r e c e ip t s ........................................ ..............

2 8 3 3 -S

0 6 /8 2

1 3 6 .5

1 3 6 .5

1 3 6 .5


O th e r s e c o n d a ry p r o d u c t s .............................................................................................

2 8 3 3 -S S S

0 6 /8 2

1 2 8 .9

1 2 8 .9

1 2 8 .9



P h a rm a c e u tic a l p r e p a r a t io n s .................................................................. ......................

2 8 3 4 -S

1 2 /9 3


1 01.1

101 .1



0 6 /8 1

2 4 9 .7

2 5 0 .2

2 5 0 .5

2 .2


2 8 3 4 -P

0 6 /8 1

2 6 1 .2

2 6 1 .9

2 6 2 .3

2 .5


S e c o n d a ry p r o d u c t s ...............................................................................................................

P h a rm a c e u tic a l p r e p a r a t io n s ..........................................................................................................
P rim ary p r o d u c t s ......... ........................ .................................................. .....................................
P h a rm a c e u tic a l p re p a ra tio n s , p r e s c r ip tio n .................................................................
A n a lg e s ic s ............................................................ ...................................................................
N a rc o tic a n a lg e s ic s .............................. ........................................................................

2 8 3 4 -1

0 6 /8 1

2 8 9 .2

2 9 0 .3

2 9 0 .9

3 .0

2 8 3 4 -1 0 2

0 6 /8 1

3 9 0 .6

3 9 1 .2

3 9 1 .2

2 .0


2 8 3 4 -1 0 2 1

0 6 /8 1

3 3 7 .2

3 3 7 .2

3 3 7 .2



2 8 3 4 -1 0 2 2

0 8 /8 1

4 0 9 .2

4 1 0 .3

4 1 0 .3

2 8 3 4 -1 0 2 2 1

0 8 /8 1

3 7 7 .7

3 8 1 .3

3 8 1 .3



A n tia rth r itic s ...........................................................................................................................

2 8 3 4 -1 0 5

0 6 /8 1

1 7 9 .5

1 8 3 .3

1 8 1 .8

2 .5


A n t ic o a g u la n ts ................................................................................................ .....................

2 8 3 4 -1 0 6

0 6 /8 1

1 5 2 .4

1 4 9 .4

1 4 8 .2

-5 .4


A n tic o n v u ls a n ts ............................... ....................................................................................

2 8 3 4 -1 0 7

0 6 /8 1

3 7 9 .0

3 8 1 .2

3 7 9 .2

3 .2

- .5

N o n -n a rc o tic a n a lg e s ic s .............................................................................................
S y n th e tic , in cluding a c e ta m in o p h e n a n d a n ti-m ig r a in e ..........................

See footnotes at endof table.




Table 5. Producer price indexes for the net output of selected industries and their products, not seasonally adjusted
In d e x
In d u stry

P ro d u c t

In d e x




P e rc e n t c h a n g e
to S e p . 1 9 9 5 fro m —

M ay

D >
to C

In d u s try a n d p ro d u c t1


S ep. 1994

A u g . 19 96

P h a rm a c e u tic a l p re p a ra tio n s — C o n tin u e d
S y s te m ic a n t i-in fe c tiv e s ....................................................................................................

2 8 3 4 -1 0 9

0 6 /8 1

4 1 8 .4

4 2 1 .3

4 2 1 .3



2 8 3 4 -1 1 1

0 6 /8 1

2 1 6 .2

2 1 8 .1

2 1 8 .9

2 .7


2 .7


0 6 /8 1

1 9 4 .4

1 9 5 .0

1 9 5 .8

C e p h a lo s p o rin s ............................................................................................................

2 8 3 4 -1 1 1 1 1

0 6 /8 1

2 6 4 .4

2 6 4 .4

2 6 4 .4

1 .5

B ro a d s p e c tru m p e n ic illin s ....................................................................................

2 8 3 4 -1 1 1 1 2

0 6 /8 1

8 5 .7

8 5 .7

8 5 .7

1 .3


2 8 3 4 -1 1 1 1 9

0 6 /8 1

1 0 8 .0

1 1 1 .5

1 1 1 .4

5 .3

- .1

2 8 3 4 -1 1 1 1

B ro a d a n d m e d iu m s p e c tru m a n tib io t ic s ............................................................

2 8 3 4 -1 1 1 2 9

0 8 /8 1

2 0 1 .5

2 0 2 .6

2 0 2 .6


2 8 3 4 -1 1 1 3 9

0 6 /8 1

3 5 2 .4

3 6 7 .2


3 6 7 .0

3 6 7 .2



2 8 3 4 -1 1 6

0 6 /8 1

B ro n c h ia l t h e r a p y ..... ...........................................................................................................

2 8 3 4 -1 1 8

0 6 /8 1

3 9 7 .3

3 9 7 .3

3 9 7 .3

4 .2


C a n c e r th e ra p y p r o d u c t s ................................................................................................

2 8 3 4 -1 1 9

0 6 /8 1

4 6 3 .5

4 6 3 .3

4 6 5 .7

3 .8


C a rd io v a s c u la r t h e r a p y .............. ............................. .........................................................

2 8 3 4 -1 2 1

0 6 /8 1

3 0 6 .5

3 0 9 .0

3 1 3 .2

4 .6

1 .4

2 8 3 4 -1 2 1 1 9

0 6 /8 1

3 0 7 .9

3 0 8 .4

3 1 6 .4

4 .4

2 .6

C N S s tim u la n ts /a n tio b e s ity p r e p a r a t io n s ..............................................................



2 8 3 4 -1 2 1 2 9

0 6 /8 1

2 5 5 .2

2 5 3 .3

2 5 5 .4

1 .5


2 8 3 4 -1 2 1 9 1

0 6 /8 1

3 1 1 .0

3 1 7 .3

3 1 6 .9

5 .4

- .1

2 8 3 4 -1 2 3

0 6 /8 1

5 8 3 .6

5 8 3 .6

5 8 3 .6

4 .2


2 8 3 4 -1 2 5

0 6 /8 1

3 5 9 .8

3 5 4 .4

3 5 4 .4

7 .2


2 8 3 4 -1 2 5 1 1

1 2 /8 7

1 6 7 .6

1 5 6 .3

1 5 6 .3

8 .3


8 .4

2 8 3 4 -1 2 5 1 9

1 2 /8 7

1 7 0 .2

1 6 3 .6

1 6 3 .6

2 8 3 4 -1 2 6

0 6 /8 1

3 7 2 .4

3 7 7 .1

3 7 7 .2

7 .6


2 8 3 4 -1 2 6 1 1

1 2 /8 7

1 9 3 .4

19 5 .1

19 5 .1

8 .6


2 8 3 4 -1 2 6 1 9

0 6 /8 1

3 0 6 .3

3 1 9 .1

3 1 9 .5

1 4 .4


2 8 3 4 -1 2 7

0 6 /8 1

2 1 9 .4

2 1 9 .8

2 1 9 .8

4 .5

2 8 3 4 -1 2 8

0 6 /8 1

2 7 9 .2

2 8 5 .8

2 8 5 .8

-1 0 .7


2 8 3 4 -1 3 5

0 6 /8 1

2 3 5 .1

2 3 6 .0

2 3 4 .8

2 .6


2 8 3 4 -1 3 6

0 6 /8 1

7 9 .0

7 9 .0

7 9 .0

0 6 /8 1

2 9 5 .6

2 9 3 .9

2 9 3 .9

-1 .8


2 8 3 4 -1 3 9
2 8 3 4 -1 4 1

0 6 /8 1

3 2 1 .6

3 2 5 .2

3 2 2 .9

4 .0


2 8 3 4 -1 4 2

0 6 /8 1

3 6 1 .2

3 6 1 .1

3 6 1 .1



2 8 3 4 -1 4 4

0 6 /8 1

4 8 0 .1

4 8 0 .2

4 8 1 .1

4 .6


2 8 3 4 -1 4 4 1

1 2 /8 7

1 8 9 .6

1 8 9 .6

1 9 0 .7

4 .6


M a jo r tra n q u ilize rs .....................................................................................................

2 8 3 4 -1 4 4 1 1

1 2 /8 7

1 5 0 .9

1 5 0 .9

1 5 2 .8

3 .4

1 .3

M in o r tra n q u ilize rs .....................................................................................................

2 8 3 4 -1 4 4 1 2

1 2 /8 7

2 2 5 .3

2 2 5 .3

2 2 5 .3

5 .8


H o s p ita l s o lu tio n s ................................................................................................................

P s y c h o th e r a p e u tic s .............................................................................................................
T r a n q u iliz e r s .......................................................................................................................




2 8 3 4 -1 4 4 2

1 2 /8 7

1 9 1 .0

1 9 1 .1

1 9 1 .0

4 .6

- .1

S e d a t i v e s ................................................................................................................................

2 8 3 4 -1 4 5

0 6 /8 1

7 0 9 .1

7 2 0 .6

7 2 0 .6

2 .9


T u b e rc u lo s is t h e r a p y .........................................................................................................

2 8 3 4 -1 4 7

0 6 /8 1

3 6 2 .8

3 6 2 .8

3 6 2 .8

6 .9


V it a m in s ....................................................................................................................................

2 8 3 4 -1 4 8

0 6 /8 1

2 0 6 .1

2 0 8 .7

2 0 8 .3

5 .9


B -c o m p le x ..........................................................................................................................

2 8 3 4 -1 4 8 2 9

0 6 /8 1

2 1 3 .0

2 1 2 .3



O th e r v it a m in s ...................................................................................................................

2 8 3 4 -1 4 8 3 9

1 2 /8 7

1 4 8 .0

1 5 0 .7

1 5 0 .4

6 .9


2 8 3 4 -1 9 8

0 6 /8 1

2 7 0 .3

2 7 0 .0

2 6 7 .5



A n tid e p re s s a n ts f...............................................................................................................

M is c e lla n e o u s p rescrip tio n p h a rm a c e u tic a l p r e p a r a tio n s ..............................

2 1 2 .3

2 8 3 4 -2

0 6 /8 1

1 9 9 .3

1 9 9 .2

1 9 9 .3



2 8 3 4 -2 0 1

0 6 /8 1

2 6 1 .0

2 6 1 .0

2 6 1 .0



A s p irin /a s p irin -s a lic y la te c o m p o u n d s ..................................................................

2 8 3 4 -2 0 1 0 1

0 6 /8 1

2 9 0 .1

2 9 0 .1

2 9 0 .1


N o n -a s p irin (in clud ing e ffe rv e s e n t) .......................................................................

2 8 3 4 -2 0 1 0 2

0 6 /8 1

1 9 0 .9

A n t a c i d s ...................................................................................................................................

2 8 3 4 -2 0 2

0 6 /8 1

1 9 5 .3

1 9 5 .3

1 .0

C o u g h a n d c o ld p r e p a r a tio n s .......................................................................................

2 8 3 4 -2 0 8

0 6 /8 1

1 9 5 .3
2 2 7 .3

2 2 6 .4

2 2 6 .4



C o u g h syrups, elixirs, e x p e c to ra n ts , d ro p s, lo z e n g e s , g u m s , tro c h e s

2 8 3 4 -2 0 8 1 9

0 6 /8 1

2 8 3 4 -2 0 8 3 1

0 6 /8 1

1 9 0 .0
2 5 1 .8

1 9 0 .0
2 5 1 .8

3 .3
1 .7


C o ld ta b le ts , c a p s u le s (in clu d in g a n tih is ta m in e co ld p r e p a r a tio n s ).....

1 9 0 .0
2 5 1 .8

D e c o n g e s t a n t s .................................................................................................................
O th e r c o u g h a n d c o ld p re p a ra tio n s , in c d e c o n g e s ta n t a n d

2 8 3 4 -2 0 8 4 9

0 6 /8 1

2 7 5 .5

2 7 5 .6

2 7 5 .6

1 .2


a n tih is ta m in e m ix t u r e s .........................................................................................

2 8 3 4 -2 0 8 5 1

0 6 /8 1

2 1 5 .8

2 1 1 .1

2 1 1 .1

-4 .0


2 8 3 4 -2 0 9

0 6 /8 1

1 8 6 .4

1 8 6 .8

1 8 6 .8


2 8 3 4 -2 0 9 0 9

0 6 /8 1

2 2 6 .7

2 2 7 .6

2 2 7 .6

-1 .4


2 8 3 4 -2 1 1

0 6 /8 1
0 6 /8 1

1 2 6 .0

1 2 6 .0

1 2 6 .0

1 .3


P h a rm a c e u tic a l p re p a ra tio n s , n o n -p r e s c r ip t io n .......................................................
A n a lg e s ic s , in tern al (e x c e p t a n tia r th r itic s ).............................................................

D e rm a to lo g ic a ls


O th e r d e rm a to lo g ic a ls .................................................................................................
E x te rn a l a n a lg e s ic s a n d c o u n te rirrita n ts .................................................................




L a x a t i v e s .................................................................................................................................

2 8 3 4 -2 1 6

1 7 8 .7

1 7 9 .0

1 7 9 .0

5 .4

N u trie n ts a n d s u p p le m e n t s ............................................................................................

1 2 /8 7

1 25.1

1 2 /8 7

1 6 2 .4

1 6 2 .4

1 2 5 .1

O p h th a lm ic p r e p a r a t io n s ..... ...........................................................................................

2 8 3 4 -2 1 7
2 8 3 4 -2 1 8

1 6 2 .4

4 .4

V it a m in s ....................................................................................................................................

2 8 3 4 -2 2 1

0 6 /8 1

1 5 2 .7

1 5 1 .9

1 5 2 .4

1 .7


A d u lt m u ltiv ita m in s .........................................................................................................

2 8 3 4 -2 2 1 0 1

0 6 /8 1

1 4 3 .0

14 3 .1

1 43 .1

- .1


B -c o m p le x ........;................................................................................................................

2 8 3 4 -2 2 1 0 2

0 6 /8 1

1 4 9 .4

15 0 .1

150 .1

-2 .2


O th e r v it a m in s ..................................................................................................................

2 8 3 4 -2 2 1 0 9

0 6 /8 1

1 7 3 .7

1 7 0 .8

1 7 2 .3

5 .3


2 8 3 4 -2 9 8

0 6 /8 1

2 0 3 .6

2 0 4 .0

2 0 4 .0



2 8 3 4 -M

0 6 /8 1

2 1 3 .6

2 1 3 .2

2 1 1 .3

2 .9


2 8 3 4 -Z 8 9

0 6 /8 1

2 1 3 .6

2 1 3 .2

2 1 1 .3

2 .9


2 8 3 4 -S

0 6 /8 1

1 8 3 .0

1 8 3 .0

1 8 4 .0

-2 .2


2 8 4 4 -S

1 2 /8 7

1 1 2 .5

1 1 2 .5

113 .1

-1 .0


0 3 /8 0

1 6 4 .8

1 6 4 .9

1 6 5 .7

1 .2


0 6 /8 7

1 1 5 .9

1 1 6 .0

1 16.1

1 .2


M is c e lla n e o u s n o n -p re s c rip tio n p h a rm a c e u tic a l p r e p a r a t io n s ....................
M is c e lla n e o u s r e c e i p t s .........................................................................................................
R e s a l e s .................................................................. .................................................................
.................................. .......................................................................

C o s m e tic s a n d t o ile tr ie s ...................................................................................................
In v ivo a n d In v itro d ia g n o s t ic s .....................................................................................................
P rim a ry P ro d u c ts



2 8 3 4 -S M

S e c o n d a r y p ro d u c ts a n d m is c e lla n e o u s r e c e ip t s .......................................................

S e c o n d a ry p ro d u c ts


2 8 3 5 -P
2 8 3 5 -1

0 6 /9 1

1 0 2 .9

10 3 .1

1 0 3 .2

1 .7

2 8 3 5 -1 A

1 2 /9 3

1 0 4 .1

1 0 4 .1

1 0 4 .2

1 .0



2 8 3 5 -1 1 1

0 6 /8 7

1 1 5 .6

1 1 5 .6

1 1 5 .7

1 .0


S ta n d a rd s a n d c o n t r o ls ...............................................................................................

2 8 3 5 -1 1 5

0 6 /8 7

1 0 4 .9

1 0 4 .9

1 0 4 .9



In v itro d ia g n o s tic s u b s t a n c e s ..........................................................................................
C lin ica l c h e m is try p ro d u c ts ...........................................................................................
R e a g e n ts

B lo o d b a n k p r o d u c t s ........................................................................................................

2 8 3 5 -1 2 1

0 6 /9 1

1 1 0 .5

1 1 0 .9

1 1 1 .7

1 .5


H e m a to lo g y p r o d u c t s .......................................................................................................

2 8 3 5 -1 2 5

0 6 /8 7

1 4 4 .4

1 4 4 .6

1 4 4 .6

3 .2


M ic ro b io lo g y , se ro lo g y , h isto lo g y, v iro lo g y, a n d c yto lo g y p r o d u c ts ..........

2 8 3 5 -1 3 5

0 6 /8 7

1 1 7 .0

1 1 9 .3

1 1 9 .3

5 .5


C u ltu re m e d i a .......................................................................................................................

2 8 3 5 -1 4 1

0 6 /9 1

1 0 2 .2

1 0 1 .4

1 0 1 .3

1 .5

- .1

See footnotesat endof table.


Table 5. Producer price Indexes for the net output of selected industries and their products, not seasonally adjusted
P e rc e n t c h a n g e

In d e x
In d u stry a n d p ro d u c t1

In d u stry

P ro d u c t



to S e p . 1 9 9 5 fro m —

In d e x
D aSe
M ay


S ep.




Sep. 1994

A ug. 1 9 9 5

In v iv o a n d In v itro d ia g n o s tic s — C o n tin u e d
O th e r in v itro d ia g n o s tic s , in cluding c o a g u la tio n p r o d u c ts ............................
In v iv o d ia g n o s tic s u b s ta n c e s ................................... .......................................................

2 8 3 5 -1 9 9

0 6 /9 1

8 7 .7

8 7 .4

8 7 .9

2 8 3 5 -2

0 6 /9 1



10 0 .1


1 .6

0 .6

1 2 /8 0

2 0 3 .5

2 0 3 .5

2 0 3 .5

-1 .1


2 8 3 5 -S M

S e c o n d a ry p ro d u c ts a n d m is c e lla n e o u s r e c e ip t s ................... ...................................

2 8 3 5 -M

M is c e lla n e o u s r e c e i p t s ........................ ................................................................................
R e s a l e s .......................................................................................... ..........................................
S e c o n d a r y p r o d u c t s ...............................................................................................................

2 8 3 5 -Z 8 9

0 6 /9 1

1 1 6 .5

1 1 6 .5

1 1 6 .5

-1 .1


2 8 3 5 -S

0 3 /8 0

1 7 8 .7

1 7 8 .7

1 8 4 .6


3 .3

0 6 /9 1

1 0 9 .6

1 0 9 .5

1 1 0 .8

4 .7

P rim a ry p r o d u c t s ..........................................................................................................................

2 8 3 6 -P

0 6 /9 1

1 0 7 .9

1 0 7 .8

1 0 9 .3

4 .8

1 .4

B lo o d a n d b lo o d d e riv a tiv e s , fo r h u m a n u s e ............................................................

2 8 3 6 -1

0 3 /8 0

1 2 1 .9

1 2 0 .4

1 2 3 .9

5 .8

2 .9

2 8 3 6 -1 2 1

0 3 /8 0

1 1 1 .8

1 1 0 .4

1 1 3 .6


2 .9

2 8 3 6 -3

0 6 /8 7

1 4 4 .6

1 4 4 .6

1 4 4 .6

1 .0


B io lo g ic al p ro d u c ts , e x c e p t d ia g n o s tic s ....................................................................................


1 .2

O th e r b lo o d a n d b lo o d d e riv a tiv e s , e x c e p t th o s e u s e d fo r p a s s iv e
im m u n iz a tio n .................................................................................................................
O th e r b io lo g ies fo r h u m a n u s e .................................... ...................................................

2 8 3 6 -3 2 1

0 3 /8 0

3 0 7 .7

3 0 7 .7

3 0 7 .7

1 .0


2 8 3 6 -4

0 3 /8 0

9 5 .7

9 7 .2

9 7 .2

3 .7


V e te rin a ry v a c c in e s ...........................................................................................................

2 8 3 6 -4 1 1

0 6 /9 1

1 1 4 .9

1 1 7 .5

1 1 7 .8

B io lo g ies fo r in dustrial a n d o th e r u s e s ...................................................................

2 8 3 6 -4 3 1

0 3 /8 7

1 3 8 .8

1 3 9 .2






A lle rg e n ic e x tra c ts fo r h u m a n u s e , e x c lu d in g d ia g n o s tic a l le r g e n s .........
B io lo g ie s fo r v e te rin a ry , in d u strial a n d o th e r u s e s .................................................

4 .8


O th e r biologies: incl. a n tito xin s, im m u n e s e ru m s , b lo o d , a n d
0 6 /8 7

1 4 6 .7

1 4 6 .7


S e c o n d a ry p r o d u c t s ...............................................................................................................

2 8 3 6 -4 9 9
2 8 3 6 -S

0 6 /9 1

1 2 2 .7

1 2 3 .0

1 2 3 .0

4 .2


P h a rm a c e u tic a l p r e p a r a tio n s .........................................................................................

2 8 3 4 -S

0 6 /9 1

1 2 5 .0

1 2 5 .4

1 2 5 .4

4 .8


S e c o n d a ry p ro d u c ts e x c e p t p h a rm a c e u tic a l p r e p a r a t io n s ............................

2 8 3 6 -S S S

0 3 /9 2

1 0 6 .0

1 0 6 .0

1 0 6 .0



1 2 /8 4

1 2 5 .2

1 2 4 .9

1 2 5 .6

2 .2


a lle rg e n s , e x c e p t d ia g n o s tic s ................................................. .............................

2 8 3 6 -S M

S e c o n d a ry p ro d u c ts a n d m is c e lla n e o u s re c e ip ts .......................................................

S o a p , d e te rg e n ts , a n d c le a n in g p re p a ra tio n s , p e rfu m e s , c o s m e tic s a n d o th e r
to ile t p r e p a r a t io n s ............................... .......................................................................................
S o a p a n d o th e r d e t é r g e n t s .................................................................................. .............. ............


0 6 /8 3

P rim a ry p r o d u c t s ..........................................................................................................................

2 8 4 1 -P

S o a p a n d d e te rg e n ts , n o n h o u s e h o ld ...........................................................................

2 8 4 1 -1

1 2 1 .8

1 2 1 .7

1 2 2 .3

2 .2


0 6 /8 3

1 1 8 .7

1 1 8 .6

1 1 8 .7

1 .3


0 6 /8 3

1 3 8 .7

14 0 .1

1 4 0 .7

4 .7


A c id -ty p e c l e a n e r s .............................. .......................................... ...................................

2 8 4 1 -1 A

0 6 /8 3

1 1 9 .7

1 1 9 .7

1 1 9 .7


M e ta l c l e a n e r s .................................................................................................................

2 8 4 1 -1 7

0 6 /8 3

1 1 8 .1

11 8 .1

11 8 .1



2 8 4 1 -1 7 7

0 6 /8 3

11 8 .1


1 1 8 .1



Liquid m e ta l c l e a n e r s ............................................................ ........ ..........................

2 8 4 1 -1 B

0 6 /8 3

1 4 4 .5

4 .0

2 8 4 1 -1 B A

0 6 /8 9

1 1 2 .7

1 1 4 .2

1 1 4 .2

4 .0

2 8 4 1 -1 4 1

0 6 /8 3

1 4 5 .6

1 4 8 .0

1 4 8 .0

4 .5


L iq u id ............................................................. .......................................................................

2 8 4 1 -1 B B

0 6 /8 9

1 1 0 .1

1 1 0 .7

1 1 1 .0



Liquid, a n io n ic b a s e ..................................................................................................

2 8 4 1 -1 4 5

0 6 /8 3

1 4 6 .4

1 4 7 .8

1 4 8 .5

5 .5


Liquid, n o n io n ic o r o th e r b a s e ............................................................................

2 8 4 1 -1 4 9

0 6 /8 3

1 3 3 .6

1 3 3 .6

1 3 3 .6

1 .8


2 8 4 1 -1 C

0 6 /8 9

1 1 0 .7

1 1 2 .7

1 1 3 .2

5 .2


p o w d e r s ....................................................................... ............. .................................

2 8 4 1 -1 1 2

0 6 /8 3

1 3 3 .4

1 3 8 .0

1 3 8 .0

8 .0


L iq u id ................................................... ............................................... .............. :.................

2 8 4 1 -1 1 4

0 7 /8 9

1 0 9 .2

1 0 9 .2

1 0 9 .3


2 .7

S y n th e tic o rg a n ic d e te rg e n ts , n o n h o u s e h o ld .......................................................
D ry ( p o w d e r s ) ......................................... ........................................................................
D ry (p o w d e rs ), a n io n ic b a s e ................................................................................

S o a p s , e x c e p t s p e c ia lty c le a n e rs , n o n h o u s e h o ld .............................................

1 4 3 .1

1 4 4 .3


C h ip s , fla k e s , g ra n u la te d , p o w d e re d , a n d s p ra y e d , incl. w a s h in g

1 3 1 .4

1 3 5 .0

6 .3

2 8 4 1 -1 D

0 6 /8 3

1 4 4 .0

1 4 5 .7

1 4 6 .7

6 .0

2 8 4 1 -1 D A

0 6 /8 9

11 4 .1

1 1 6 .6

1 1 8 .4


1 .5

D r y ....................................................................................................................................

2 8 4 1 -1 2 3

0 6 /8 3

1 5 6 .0

1 5 6 .0

1 6 0 .0

3 .8

2 .6

O th e r liquid a lk a lin e d e te rg e n ts ..............................................................................

2 8 4 1 -1 2 5

0 6 /8 3

1 3 0 .5

1 3 1 .7

1 3 1 .8

3 .9


D ry a lk a lin e d e te rg e n t h a rd s u rfa c e c l e a n e r s .................................................

2 8 4 1 -1 2 6

0 6 /8 3

1 4 3 .2

1 4 3 .3

1 4 3 .9

6 .2


2 8 4 1 -2

0 6 /8 3

1 0 3 .0

1 0 2 .3

1 0 2 .3



2 8 4 1 -2 A

0 6 /8 3

1 0 1 .9

1 0 1 .9

1 0 1 .9

1 .2


2 8 4 1 -2 A A

0 6 /8 3

1 1 7 .2

1 1 7 .2

1 1 7 .2



H e a v y d uty, p h o s p h a te b a s e d ............................................................................

2 8 4 1 -2 2 4

H e a v y duty, p h o s p h a te f r e e .................................................................................

2 8 4 1 -2 2 6

0 6 /8 3
0 9 /8 3

8 5 .6

8 5 .9

8 6 .0

-5 .2


2 8 4 1 -1 1 9

O th e r n o n h o u s e h o ld s o a p , including m e c h a n ic s ’ h a n d s o a p ..... ...........
A lk a lin e d e te rg e n ts , n o n h o u s e h o ld ...........................................................................
M a c h in e d is h w a s h in g c p m p o u n d s ............................................. .....................

H o u s e h o ld d e t e r g e n t s ...........................................................................................................
S y n th e tic o rg a n ic d e te rg e n ts , h o u s e h o ld ..............................................................
D r y ..........................................................................................................................................

2 8 4 1 -2 A B

L iq u id .....................................................................................................................................

0 4 /8 5

0 6 /8 3

1 3 1 .4

7 8 .6

7 8 .6

7 8 .6

6 .2



L ig h t du ty .......................................................... ....................................................... .

2 8 4 1 -2 3 1

0 6 /8 3

7 9 .0

7 9 .0

7 9 .0



H e a v y - d u t y ................................................................... .................................................

2 8 4 1 -2 3 5

0 6 /8 9

8 5 .6

8 5 .4

8 5 .5

1 8 .6


2 8 4 1 -3

0 6 /8 3

1 4 8 .5

1 4 8 .5

1 4 8 .2



T o ile t s o a p s , exclu d in g m e d ic a te d s o a p s ............... ..............................................

2 8 4 1 -3 1 1

0 6 /8 3

1 5 0 .4

1 5 0 .4

1 5 0 .4



B a r s ........................................................................................................................................
S e c o n d a r y p ro d u c ts a n d m is c e lla n e o u s r e c e ip t s .......................................................

2 8 4 1 -3 1 3

0 6 /8 9

1 1 3 .2

1 1 3 .2

1 1 3 .2


2 .5

H o u s e h o ld s o a p , e x c e p t s p e c ia lty c le a n e rs .............................................................

2 8 4 1 -S M
2 8 4 1 -S

0 6 /8 3

1 3 1 .8

1 3 1 .8

13 5 .1

7 .2

A ll o th e r s e c o n d a ry p r o d u c t s .......................................................................................

2 8 4 1 -S S S

0 6 /8 3

1 3 6 .4

1 3 6 .4

1 4 6 .2


P o lis h e s a n d s a n ita tio n g o o d s ....................................................................................

2 8 4 2 -S

0 6 /8 3

1 5 3 .9

1 5 3 .8

1 5 4 .2

6 .8


S u r f a c t a n t s ..............................................................................................................................

2 8 4 3 -S

0 6 /8 3

1 0 5 .2

1 0 5 .2

1 0 9 .4

6 .7

4 .0

S e c o n d a r y p r o d u c t s .................................................... ..........................................................

7 .2

0 6 /8 3

1 2 8 .7

1 2 9 .6

1 2 9 .8

2 .8


P rim a ry p r o d u c t s ..........................................................................................................................

2 8 4 2 -P

0 6 /8 3

1 2 9 .8

1 3 0 .8

1 3 1 .0

2 .7


H o u s e h o ld b l e a c h e s ......................................................................... ...................................

2 8 4 2 -2

0 6 /8 3

1 3 1 .0

1 3 1 .0

1 3 1 .0

1 .7


2 8 4 2 -2 4 3

0 6 /8 3

1 2 7 .9

1 2 7 .9

1 2 7 .9

1 .8


2 8 4 2 -2 5 3

0 6 /ß 3

1 6 2 .1

162 .1

16 2 .1



2 8 4 2 -3

0 6 /8 3

12 6 .1

127 .1

12 7 .1

2 .6


S p e c ia lty c le a n in g , p o lish in g a n d s a n ita tio n p r e p a r a tio n s ..............................................

L iquid, le s s th a n 7 % c h lo rin e o r e q u iv a le n t oxid izin g a g e n t ........................
D ry, le s s th a n 5 0 % c h lo rin e o r e q u iv a le n t oxid izin g a g e n t ..........................
S p e c ia lty c le a n in g a n d s a n ita tio n p r o d u c t s ..............................................................
G la s s w in d o w c le a n in g p r e p a r a tio n s ................................................................. .......
T o ile t b o w l c le a n e rs a n d d ra in p ip e s o lv e n t s .....................................................
T o ile t b o w l c l e a n e r s ................................... ...................................................................


1 .5


2 8 4 2 -3 3 1

0 6 /8 3

1 3 8 .2

1 3 8 .8

1 3 9 .0

4 .4


2 8 4 2 -3 3 1 1 1

0 6 /8 9

1 0 2 .9

1 0 3 .3

1 0 3 .6

3 .4


2 8 4 2 -3 1 1

0 6 /8 3

1 2 7 .9

1 2 8 .0

1 2 8 .0

2 8 4 2 -3 3 1 2 1

0 6 /8 9

1 2 9 .3

1 2 9 .9

1 2 9 .9

6 .4


D is in fe c ta n ts fo r u s e s o th e r th a n a g r ic u lt u r a l......................................................

2 8 4 2 -3 3 2

0 6 /8 3

1 3 9 .1

1 4 4 .0

1 4 3 .9

4 .2

- .1

D e o d o ra n ts , n o n p e rs o n a l ..............................................................................................

2 8 4 2 -3 8

0 6 /8 3

1 2 0 .2

1 2 0 .8

1 2 0 .8



D ra in p ip e s o l v e n t s .......................................................................................................

See footnotesat endof table.


Table 5. Producer price indexes for the net output of selected industries and their products, not seasonally adjusted
In d e x
In d u s try a n d p ro d u c t1

In d u stry

P ro d u c t

In d e x




P e rc e n t c h a n g e
to S e p . 1 9 9 5 fro m —

M ay

A u g.





Sep. 1994

A u g . 199£

S p e c ia lty c le a n in g , p o lis h in g a n d s a n ita tio n p re p a ra tio n s — C o n tin u e d
A e ro s o l t y p e .......................................................................................................................

2 8 4 2 -3 8 1

1 1 /8 3

1 0 0 .1

1 0 0 .2

1 0 0 .1


O th e r d e o d o ra n ts , n o n p e rs o n a l ........................ ....................................................

2 8 4 2 -3 8 5

0 6 /8 3

1 2 2 .6

1 2 3 .4

1 2 3 .4


2 8 4 2 -3 9

0 6 /8 3

1 2 2 .8





2 8 4 2 -3 9 4

0 6 /8 3

1 2 2 .8





2 8 4 2 -3 9 4 1 1

0 6 /8 9

1 0 4 .3





2 8 4 2 -3 9 9

0 6 /8 9

1 1 1 .4

1 1 2 .0

1 1 2 .4

2 .5

2 8 4 2 -4

0 6 /8 3

1 3 9 .8

1 4 1 .7

1 4 2 .4

3 .8

2 8 4 2 -4 1 1

0 6 /8 3

1 1 9 .8

1 1 9 .8


F u rn itu re p o lis h e s a n d c le a n e r s ..................................................................................

2 8 4 2 -4 1 5

0 6 /8 3

1 5 4 .7

F lo o r p o lis h .............................................................................................................................

2 8 4 2 -4 2

0 6 /8 3

1 2 8 .0

1 3 0 .2

1 3 2 .8

W a te r e m u ls io n .................................................................................................................

2 8 4 2 -4 2 1

0 6 /8 3

1 2 3 .6


1 2 9 .0

5 .6


Liquid (o th e r th a n w a te r e m u ls io n ) .......................................................................

2 8 4 2 -4 2 3

0 7 /8 3

1 5 4 .6

7 .2


2 8 4 2 -4 6 3

0 6 /8 9

1 0 5 .4

1 0 5 .4

1 5 4 .6

L e a th e r d re s s in g s a n d fin is h e s , e x c lu d in g s h o e p o lis h ..................................

1 0 5 .4

1 .3


2 8 4 2 -4 9 8

1 6 7 .6

1 6 7 .6

4 .4


-3 .1


H o u s e h o ld la u n d ry a id s ...................................................................................................
F a b ric s o fte n e rs a n d r i n s e s .............................................. ........................................
L i q u i d ........................................................................................................... .....................

- 0 .1

O th e r s p e c , d e te rg . incl. s w e e p in g c m p d s ., w a te rle s s h a n d clnrs.,
iro n in g a id s , a n d w a ll c l n r s ....................................................................................
P o lis h in g p re p a ra tio n s a n d re la te d p r o d u c t s ......
A u to m o b ile b o d y p o lis h e s a n d c le a n e r s .......................... ......................................



5 .7

2 .0

R e la te d p ro d u cts, including m e ta l p o lish a n d p olishing c lo th s a n d
p a p e r s ................................ ............................................................................................

0 6 /8 3

1 6 5 .5

2 8 4 2 -M

0 6 /8 3

9 7 .0

2 8 4 2 -S M

S e c o n d a r y p ro d u c ts a n d m is c e lla n e o u s r e c e ip t s .................................... ..................


9 7 .0

2 8 4 2 -Z 8 9

0 6 /8 3

9 7 .0

-3 .1

2 8 4 2 -S

0 6 /8 3

1 3 8 .6

1 3 9 .7

9 7 .0

S e c o n d a ry p r o d u c t s .................... ............. ............................................................................

1 3 9 .8


S o a p a n d o th e r d e te rg e n ts ..........................................................................................

2 8 4 1 -S

0 6 /8 3

1 4 2 .9

1 4 3 .7



A ll o th e r s e c o n d a ry p r o d u c t s .......... .............................................................................

2 8 4 2 -S S S

0 6 /8 3

1 2 8 .3

1 2 8 .7

1 2 8 .9

9 .0


2 8 7 9 -S

0 6 /8 3

1 4 4 .9

1 4 8 .6

1 4 8 .6



1 2 /8 3

1 4 0 .8

1 4 2 .5

1 4 2 .5

6 .2

1 2 /8 3

14 4 .1

1 4 5 .8

1 4 5 .8

4 .7


M is c e lla n e o u s r e c e i p t s ........... .............................................................................................
R e s a l e s ....................................................................................................................................

S u rfa c e -a c tiv e a g e n t s ......................................................................... ............................... ..............

2 8 4 3 -P

P rim a ry p r o d u c t s .......................... ................................................................................................

1 4 3 .7


2 8 4 3 -1

1 2 /8 3

1 29.1

1 2 9 .9

1 2 9 .8

1 .6

- .1

2 8 4 3 -1 3

1 2 /8 3

1 3 0 .6

1 3 1 .5

1 3 1 .4

2 .3

- .1

2 8 4 3 -1 3 1

1 2 /8 3

1 3 3 .6

1 3 4 .6

1 3 4 .5

2 .3

- .1

2 8 4 3 -1 3 5

1 2 /8 3

1 1 7 .4

1 1 8 .3

2 .7

2 8 4 3 -1 6

1 2 /8 3

1 2 8 .5

1 2 8 .4


- .1

2 8 4 3 -1 6 1

1 2 /8 3

1 2 1 .3

1 2 2 .2

12 2 .1

1 .2

- .1

2 8 4 3 -5

1 2 /8 3

1 4 7 .6

1 4 9 .4

1 4 9 .4

4 .9


2 8 4 3 -5 3

1 2 /8 3

1 4 2 .9

1 4 4 .8

1 4 4 .9

7 .4


S u lfo n ic a c id s ............................................................................................ .......................

2 8 4 3 -5 3 5

0 3 /8 4

1 6 1 .1

1 6 4 .6

1 6 4 .8

9 .6


S u lfu ric a c id e s te rs ....................................................... ................................................

2 8 4 3 -5 3 7

1 2 /8 3

134 .1

1 7 4 .7

5 .5

- .1

T e x tile a n d le a th e r a s s is ta n ts a n d fin is h e s ................................
A s s is t a n t s .......................................................... *........................................... ........................
L e a t h e r .................................................................................................................................
F i n i s h e s ..................................... ..............................................................................................
T e x tile .................................................................................................. ................... ............
B u lk s u r fa c e -a c tiv e a g e n ts ( s u r fa c ta n ts ) .....................................................................
A n io n ic .......................................................................................................... ............................

1 2 7 .8

2 8 4 3 -5 3 9

1 2 /8 3

1 7 3 .3

1 7 4 .4

C a t i o n i c ..................................... . ............................................................. .............................

2 8 4 3 -5 5

1 2 /8 3

1 2 9 .7

1 3 4 .8

1 3 4 .6

5 .5

N o n i o n i c ..................................................................................................... .............................

2 8 4 3 -5 7

1 2 /8 3

1 5 8 .2

1 5 8 .4

1 5 8 .4




2 8 4 3 -5 7 1

0 7 /8 9

1 1 1 .7

1 1 3 .5

1 1 3 .5

7 .3


O th e r n o n io n ic s u r fa c ta n t s ................... ................................... .................................

2 8 4 3 -5 7 9

1 2 /8 3

1 5 2 .4

15 6 .1

1 56.1

9 .9


2 8 4 3 -S

1 2 /8 3

1 2 8 .6

1 3 0 .6

1 3 0 .6



0 3 /8 0

1 6 8 .2

1 6 6 .3

1 6 7 .7



2 8 4 4 -P

0 3 /8 0

1 6 7 .7

1 6 5 .5

1 6 7 .2


1 .0

O th e r an io n ic s u r fa c ta n ts ...........................................................................................

C a rb o x y lic a c id a m id e s

......................... .................. ...................

S e c o n d a ry p r o d u c t s .......... ............................. .........................................


T o ile t p r e p a r a t io n s ...... ................................................................................................ .......................
P rim a ry p r o d u c t s ..................................... ....... ............................ ................................................

2 8 4 4 -1

0 3 /8 0

1 4 4 .9

1 4 4 .9

1 4 4 .9

-5 .7


2 8 4 4 -2
2 8 4 4 -2 A

0 3 /8 0
0 3 /8 0

1 7 7 .0

1 6 8 .9
1 6 9 .9

1 7 5 .5

6 .8

3 .9

1 6 9 .6

1 7 0 .3



P e rfu m e oil m ixtu res a n d b le n d s ............................................................................

2 8 4 4 -2 1 1

0 3 /8 0

1 6 4 .6

1 6 5 .0

1 6 5 .0

7 .4


Liquid a n d solid p e r f u m e ............................................................................................

2 8 4 4 -2 2 3

0 3 /8 0

1 7 6 .5

1 7 6 .5

1 7 7 .7



C o lo g n e a n d to ile t w a t e r .................................................................................................

S h a v in g p r e p a r a t io n s ...... ............................


P e rfu m e , to ile t w a te r, a n d c o lo g n e ...... .........................................................................
P e r f u m e ................................................................................... ................................................

2 8 4 4 -2 3 2

0 3 /8 0

1 8 0 .4

1 6 7 .3

1 7 7 .7

7 .9

6 .2

C o l o g n e ...............................................................................................................................

2 8 4 4 -2 3 2 0 1

1 2 /8 6

1 1 3 .9

1 0 2 .4

1 1 1 .0

9 .5

8 .4

T o ile t w a t e r .......................................................................................................................

2 8 4 4 -2 3 2 0 2

1 2 /8 6

1 5 4 .7

1 5 7 .2

1 5 7 .2

3 .2


2 8 4 4 -3

0 3 /8 0

1 6 4 .0

16 5 .1

1 6 3 .8

2 8 4 4 -3 A

0 3 /8 0


-7 .4

H a ir p r e p a r a t io n s ...................................................................... ...............................................
H a ir to n ic s a n d rin ses


1 4 3 .3

1 5 3 .7

1 4 2 .4

2 8 4 4 -3 2 1

0 3 /8 0

1 37.1

1 4 7 .8

1 3 6 .2


2 8 4 4 -3 B

0 3 /8 0

16 7 .1

1 6 6 .0

1 6 6 .2

-3 .1

- 7 .8

............................................................. ....................................... .....

2 8 4 4 -3 4 1

0 3 /8 0

1 7 8 .0

1 7 7 .1

1 7 8 .0



H a ir s p ra y s .........................................................................................................................

2 8 4 4 -3 6 A

1 2 /8 0

1 3 2 .5

1 3 1 .5

1 3 1 .5

-3 .7


A e ro s o l h a ir s p r a y s ................................................................................. ..................

2 8 4 4 -3 6 3

0 3 /8 0

1 6 0 .9

1 5 9 .0

1 5 9 .0

-6 .1


N o n -a e ro s o l h a ir s p r a y s .............................. ...................................... .....................

2 8 4 4 -3 6 4

0 2 /8 9

1 1 5 .3

1 1 5 .3

1 1 5 .3



H a ir to n ic s (in clu ding c o n d itio n e r s ).......................................................................
H a ir d re s s in g s a n d s p r a y s .............................................................................................
H a ir d re s s in g s ..

2 8 4 4 -3 1

0 3 /8 0

1 1 4 .9

1 1 4 .6

1 1 5 .0


S y n th e tic o rg a n ic d e t e r g e n t ................... ..................................................................

2 8 4 4 -3 1 A

0 3 /8 0

1 1 0 .0

1 0 9 .6

11 0 .1



Liquid sy n th e tic o rg a n ic d e t e r g e n t ...................................................................

2 8 4 4 -3 1 6

0 3 /8 0

1 0 5 .9

1 0 5 .5

1 0 6 .0



S h a m p o o s ......................................................... ....................................................................

C re a m a n d g e l sy n th e tic o rg a n ic d e t e r g e n t ................ ...............................

2 8 4 4 -3 1 8

1 5 2 .5

2 8 4 4 -3 1 3

1 1 /8 9

1 1 9 .2

1 5 2 .5

S o a p s h a m p o o s .............................................................. ..............................................

1 1 9 .2

1 1 9 .2



P e r m a n e n ts - b o th h o m e a n d c o m m e r c ia l........ ................... ................................

2 8 4 4 -3 3 7

0 3 /8 0

1 7 8 .3

1 7 2 .7

1 7 5 .9


1 .9

H a ir c o lo rin g p re p a ra tio n s ............................................ ................................................

2 8 4 4 -3 5 1

0 3 /8 0

2 2 8 .7

2 3 1 .2

2 .3


1 2 9 .7

- 3 .8


1 3 0 .0

-4 .6


8 6 .8


1 7 5 .5


1 .3

D e n tifric e s ............................................................... ...................................................................
T o o th p a s te .............................. ............................................ .................... .............................

0 3 /8 0

2 8 4 4 -4

0 3 /8 0

1 2 9 .7

2 3 1 .2

2 8 4 4 -4 2 1

0 3 /8 0

1 3 0 .0


2 8 4 4 -4 7 4

1 2 /8 6

8 6 .8

2 8 4 4 -5

0 3 /8 0

1 7 6 .2

2 8 4 4 -5 1

0 3 /8 0



M o u th w a s h e s , rin s e s a n d b re a th fre s h e n e rs , exclu d in g a n tis e p tic
m o u th w a s h e s a n d g a r g le s ............... ............................................ ........................
O th e r c o s m e tic s a n d to ile t p r e p a r a t io n s .....................................................................

1 7 3 .5


2 8 4 4 -5 1 A

0 3 /8 0

1 9 0 .8

19 1 .1

1 9 1 .1

1 .6

C le a n s in g c r e a m s ..... ................................................................................................

2 8 4 4 -5 1 1

0 3 /8 0

2 2 9 .7

2 2 9 .7

2 2 9 .7



F o u n d a tio n c r e a m s .................................................................................. .................

2 8 4 4 -5 1 2

0 3 /8 0

1 7 5 .9

1 7 5 .7

1 7 5 .8

2 .7


L u b ricatin g c re a m s , in clu d in g h o rm o n e c r e a m s ........................................

2 8 4 4 -5 1 3

0 3 /8 0

1 9 7 .4

1 9 7 .2

1 9 7 .2



C r e a m s a n d lo tio n s ................................................................. ..........................................
C r e a m s .................................................................................................................................

Seefootnotes at endof table.


1 7 3 .8

1 7 3 .3
1 7 2 .8


Table 5. Producer price indexes for the net output of selected industries and their products, not seasonally adjusted
In d e x
In d u stry a n d p ro d u c t1

In d u stry

P ro d u c t

In d e x




P e rc e n t c h a n g e
to S e p . 1 9 9 5 fro m —

M ay

A u g.





Sep. 1994

A u g . 199!

T o ile t p re p a ra tio n s — C o n tin u e d
O th e r c r e a m s ...............................................................................................................

2 8 4 4 -5 1 4

0 3 /8 0

1 5 7 .9


1 6 0 .3



2 8 4 4 -5 1 B

0 3 /8 0

1 5 8 .2

1 5 5 .8

1 5 7 .3


1 .0

S u n ta n lo tio n s a n d s u n s c re e n s , in cluding o i l s ............................................

2 8 4 4 -5 1 5

0 3 /8 0

1 6 8 .4

1 6 8 .4

1 6 8 .4

-1 .9

C le a n s in g lo tio n s .......................................... .............................. .............................

2 8 4 4 -5 1 6

0 3 /8 0

1 1 8 .3

H a n d l o t i o n s ................................................................................ .................................

2 8 4 4 -5 1 8

0 3 /8 0

1 7 0 .9

1 7 1 .2

1 7 1 .2



O th e r lo tio n s & oils, in cluding p e tro le u m je llie s b u t e x clu d in g
1 2 5 .7


2 8 4 4 -5 1 9

0 3 /8 0

12 5 .1


C o s m e tic s . . ............................. ............................................................ .................................

2 8 4 4 -5 2 A

0 3 /8 0

1 8 5 .2

1 8 2 .9

1 8 8 .6

4 .2


Lip p re p a ra tio n s (lipstick, lip glo ss, e t c . ) ............................................................

2 8 4 4 -5 2 1

0 3 /8 0

1 5 4 .8

1 4 9 .2

1 6 0 .7

8 .9

7 .7

B lu s h e rs (ro u g e s ), exc lu d in g lip r o u g e ........................................ .......................

2 8 4 4 -5 2 2

0 3 /8 0

1 6 1 .7

1 6 1 .7

1 6 1 .7

1 .9


1 2 5 .2

E y e p re p a ra tio n s (m a s c a ra , e y e s h a d o w s , e y e liners, e y e c re a m s ,
e t c . ) ...............................................................................................................................

2 8 4 4 -5 2 3

0 3 /8 0

2 2 1 .1

2 2 2 .2

2 2 2 .2



D e o d o ra n ts ............................................................................................................................

2 8 4 4 -5 2 B

0 3 /8 0

1 7 7 .8

1 7 0 .6

1 7 8 .5

2 .2

4 .6

U n d e ra rm d e o d o r a n t s ...................................................................................................

2 8 4 4 -5 2 C

0 3 /8 0

1 7 1 .4

1 6 4 .5

172 .1

2 8 4 4 -5 2 8

0 3 /8 0

1 3 9 .0


1 3 9 .8


6 .6

M a n ic u re p r e p a r a t io n s ......................................................................................................

2 8 4 4 -5 3

0 3 /8 0

1 8 6 .6

1 7 3 .6

1 6 5 .3

- 2 .2

- 4 .8

2 8 4 4 -5 3 1

0 3 /8 0

2 1 2 .2

1 9 3 .0

1 8 0 .8

-5 .1

-6 .3

P o w d e r s ...................................................................................................................................

2 8 4 4 -5 4

0 3 /8 0

1 7 3 .5

1 7 3 .4

1 7 4 .3

- 2 .4


2 8 4 4 -5 4 3

0 3 /8 0

1 8 4 .5

1 8 1 .5

1 8 4 .5

1 .7

1 .7

2 8 4 4 -5 6

B a th o ils a n d s a l t s ..............................................................................................................
S e c o n d a ry p r o d u c t s ................................................... ...........................................................

2 8 4 4 -S

S o lv e n t - t y p e ......................................................................................................................
P a in ts a n d tinting b a s e s , including b a rn a n d ro o f p a i n t s .....................

1 2 /8 0

1 4 0 .3

1 3 9 .2

1 3 7 .2

-3 .8

-1 .4

0 3 /8 0

2 7 2 .0

2 7 1 .7

2 7 1 .8



0 6 /8 3

1 4 3 .2

1 4 4 .4

1 4 4 .2

5 .9

0 6 /8 3

1 4 3 .2

1 4 4 .4

1 4 4 .2

5 .9


2 8 5 1 -P

0 6 /8 3

1 4 1 .4

1 4 2 .6

1 4 2 .5

5 .9


2 8 5 1 -1

0 6 /8 3

1 5 0 .4

1 5 1 .4

1 5 1 .3

7 .4


2 8 5 1 -1 A

0 6 /8 3

1 3 9 .3


14 0 .1

5 .5


2 8 5 1 -1 A A

0 6 /8 3

1 4 7 .6

149 .1

14 9 .1

5 .8


2 8 5 1 -1 1 2

1 2 /8 8

1 2 1 .8

1 2 3 .4

1 2 3 .4

6 .8


2 8 5 1 -1 1 5

1 2 /8 8

1 3 2 .7

P rim a ry p r o d u c t s .........................................................................................................................

4 .6

2 8 4 4 -S M

S e c o n d a ry p ro d u c ts a n d m is c e lla n e o u s r e c e ip t s .......................................................

P a in ts a n d allied p ro d u cts ........... .............. ......................... ..........................................................

2 .2

E n a m e ls a n d tinting b a s e s , including in te rio r-e x te rio r flo o r
e n a m e l s .................................................................................................................
U n d e rc o a te rs a n d p r im e r s .....................................................................................

2 8 5 1 -1 2 5

0 6 /8 3

1 2 6 .8

1 2 9 .8

1 2 9 .8

2 .4

S ta in s , in clu d ing sh in g le a n d s h a k e .................................................................

2 8 5 1 -1 3 7

0 6 /8 3

1 4 9 .4

1 4 9 .4

1 4 9 .4

5 .3


2 8 5 1 -1 A B

0 6 /8 3

1 3 2 .3

1 3 2 .6

1 3 2 .6

5 .2


2 8 5 1 -1 4 1

1 2 /8 8

1 2 1 .6

1 2 1 .8

1 2 1 .8

2 8 5 1 -1 B

0 6 /8 3

1 6 0 .5

1 6 1 .6

1 6 1 .5

9 .0


2 8 5 1 -1 B A

0 6 /8 3

1 6 6 .5

1 6 8 .7

1 6 8 .4

1 3 .7


S e m ig lo s s , e g g s h e ll a n d satin p a in ts a n d tinting b a s e s .......................

2 8 5 1 -1 6 9

0 6 /8 3

1 6 4 .5

1 6 5 .7

1 6 5 .5

9 .0


C le a r fin is h e s ................................................................................................................

2 8 5 1 -1 7 5

1 2 /8 8

1 2 3 .5

1 2 6 .6

1 2 5 .7

1 0 .7


2 8 5 1 -1 8

0 6 /8 3

1 5 7 .7

1 5 8 .3

1 5 8 .3

6 .7

W a t e r - t y p e ........................................................................................ .................................
P a in ts a n d tinting b a s e s , including b a rn a n d ro o f p a i n t s .....................
I n t e r i o r ............................................................................. .........................................................
S o lv e n t - t y p e ..... ................................................................................................................

W a t e r - t y p e ..........................................................................................................................

4 .8




F la t p ain ts a n d tinting b a s e s .......................... .....................................................

2 8 5 1 -1 8 1

0 6 /8 3

1 6 1 .0

1 6 1 .7

1 6 1 .7

6 .9


S e m ig lo s s , e g g s h e ll a n d satin p a in ts a n d tinting b a s e s .......................

2 8 5 1 -1 8 3

0 6 /8 3

1 5 1 .0

1 5 1 .7

1 5 1 .7

6 .5


O th e r in te rio r w a te r th in n e d c o a tin g s .............................................................

2 8 5 1 -1 8 8

1 2 /8 8

1 3 3 .1



7 .8


2 8 5 1 -2

P ro d u c t fin ish es fo r o riginal e q u ip m e n t m a n u fa c tu re rs (O E M ), e x clu d in g
0 6 /8 3

1 2 4 .4

12 6 .1

1 2 5 .8

3 .2


2 8 5 1 -2 A

0 6 /8 3

1 3 1 .7

1 3 4 .5

1 3 3 .8

5 .7


2 8 5 1 -2 2 2

0 6 /8 3

1 2 5 .3

1 2 8 .4

1 2 7 .6

2 .5


2 8 5 1 -2 2 5
2 8 5 1 -2 B

1 2 /8 8


15 7 .1

157 .1

2 5 .1


W o o d f in is h e s ........................................................................................................................

0 6 /8 3

1 2 1 .8

1 2 1 .8

1 2 2 .3

2 .7


W o o d fu rn itu re, c a b in e t, a n d fixtu re f in is h e s ...................................................

2 8 5 1 -2 3 7

0 6 /8 3

1 2 6 .7

1 2 6 .7

1 2 6 .7

2 .6


W o o d a n d co m p o s itio n b o a rd fla t s to c k fin is h e s ...........................................

2 8 5 1 -2 3 9

1 2 /8 8

1 1 1 .6

1 1 1 .6

1 1 3 .9

A p p lia n c e , h e a tin g a n d air c o n d itio n e r f in is h e s ..................................................

2 8 5 1 -2 3 5

0 6 /8 3

1 0 2 .3

1 0 2 .7

1 0 0 .7

3 .4
- .1

-1 .9

m a rin e c o a t in g s ......................................................... ....................................................
T ra n s p o rta tio n fin ish es, e x c e p t p o w d e re d a n d h ig h -so lid s c o a t in g s ......
A u to m o b ile f in is h e s ................................... ....................................................................
O th e r tra n s p o rta tio n e q u ip m e n t fin ish es, including a irc ra ft a n d
r a ilr o a d .........................................................................................................................


S h e e t, strip a n d coil c o a tin g s , in cluding sidings, exclu d in g
c o n t a in e r s ......................................................................................................................

2 8 5 1 -2 4 1

0 6 /8 3

1 2 3 .3

1 2 3 .3

1 2 3 .3

5 .8

C o n ta in e r a n d c lo s u re fin is h e s ...................................................................................

2 8 5 1 -2 4 3

0 6 /8 3

1 0 8 .9

1 1 0 .8

1 1 0 .7

1 .2

- .1

M a c h in e ry a n d e q u ip m e n t fin is h e s , including ro a d building a n d fa rm
im p le m e n t ......................................................................................................................

2 8 5 1 -2 4 7

0 6 /8 3

1 5 9 .9

1 6 4 .8

1 6 3 .3

4 .3

M e ta l fu rn itu re a n d fixtu re fin is h e s ............................................................................

2 8 5 1 -2 4 9

0 6 /8 3

1 0 5 .8

1 0 5 .8

1 0 5 .8

- 6 .8


H ig h -s o lid s fin is h e s (o v e r 6 2 .5 p e rc e n t s o lid s ) ...................................................

2 8 5 1 -2 5 4

0 6 /8 3


1 5 1 .8

1 5 0 .9

1 .4


2 8 5 1 -2 6 7

1 2 /8 8

1 1 1 .5

1 1 2 .9

1 1 2 .9

2 .5

2 8 5 1 -3

0 6 /8 3

14 8 .1

1 4 9 .5

1 4 9 .4

5 .9


O th e r p ro d u c t fin ish es, e x c e p t s e m i-m a n u fa c tu re d (e .g . p ig m e n t
d isp e rs io n s a n d ink v e h ic le s ) ..............................................................................
S p e c ia l p u rp o s e c o a tin g s inclu ding all m a rin e c o a t i n g s ...................................

2 8 5 1 -3 A

0 6 /8 3

1 4 5 .6

1 4 5 .7

1 4 5 .7

6 .0


I n t e r io r ............................................................. ....................................................................

2 8 5 1 -3 0 1

0 6 /8 3

1 5 4 .3

1 5 4 .5

1 5 4 .5

2 .3


E x t e r i o r ...............................................................................................................................

2 8 5 1 -3 0 5

0 6 /8 3

1 4 0 .9

1 4 1 .0

1 4 1 .0

8 .2


A u to m o tiv e a n d m a c h in e ry refin ish c o a t in g s ............................... .......................

2 8 5 1 -3 B A

0 6 /8 3

1 6 6 .0

1 6 7 .7

1 6 7 .7

5 .7


In d u strial m a in ta in a n c e p a in ts (s p e c ia lly f o r m u la t e d ) ...... ...............................

P a in ts a n d e n a m e ls , e x c e p t la q u e r s ...................................................................

2 8 5 1 -3 1 4

0 6 /8 3

1 7 3 .5

1 7 3 .5

1 7 3 .5

5 .2


P rim ers a n d u n d e r c o a te r s ................................................................. .......................

2 8 5 1 -3 1 6

0 6 /8 3

1 7 1 .8

1 7 5 .5

1 7 5 .5

4 .5


L a c q u e r s .............................................................................................................................


2 8 5 1 -3 2 7

0 6 /8 3

1 4 7 .0

1 51.1

8 .9


A e ro s o l p a i n t s .................... .................................................................................................

2 8 5 1 -3 3

0 7 /8 3

1 2 1 .0

1 2 1 .0

1 2 1 .0



O th e r s p e c ia l p u rp o s e c o a tin g s ..................................................................................

2 8 5 1 -3 9 8

1 2 /8 8

1 1 9 .8

1 2 0 .9

1 2 0 .9

7 .9


2 8 5 1 -5

1 2 /8 8

1 2 9 .4



7 ,5


2 8 5 1 -5 3 1

0 6 /8 3

1 6 5 .8

1 6 8 .4

1 6 8 .4

1 5 .5


M is c e lla n e o u s a llie d p a in t p r o d u c t s ..............................................................................
T h in n e rs fo r d o p e s & la c q u e rs & o le o re s in o u s th in n e rs , inc. m ixtu res
& p ro p rie ta ry th in n e r s ..............................................................................................

See footnotes at endof table.


Table 5. Producer price indexes for the net output of selected industries and their products, not seasonally adjusted
In d e x
In d u stry a n d p ro d u c t1

In d ustry

P ro d u c t

in d e x




P e rc e n t c h a n g e
to S e p . 1 9 9 5 fro m —

M ay






1 2 /8 8

1 1 8 .4

1 1 8 .4


2 8 5 1 -M

0 6 /8 3

1 5 9 .3

1 6 0 .2

1 6 0 .2

7 .6

2 8 5 1 -Z 8 9

0 6 /8 3

1 6 0 .2

16 1 .1

16 1 .1

7 .6


2 8 5 1 -S

0 6 /8 3

1 5 2 .8

1 5 2 .8

1 5 2 .8



O th e r s e c o n d a ry p r o d u c t s ...................................................................... .......................


0 6 /8 3

1 2 5 .8



A d h e s iv e s a n d s e a l a n t s ................... ........................................................... ...................

2 8 9 1 -S

1 2 /8 8

1 1 9 .7

1 1 9 .7

1 1 9 .7

2 .7


Sep. 1994

A ug. 19 9 5



P a in ts a n d A llie d P ro d u c ts — C o n tin u e d
M is c . re la te d p ro d u cts, inc. b ru sh c le a n e rs , n o n p re s s u re w o o d
2 8 5 1 -5 9 8

p re s e rv a tiv e s , p utty, e t c . .........................................................................................

2 8 5 1 -S M

S e c o n d a ry p ro d u cts a n d m is c e lla n e o u s r e c e ip t s .......................................................
M is c e lla n e o u s re c e ip ts

I.......... ................................................. ..........................................

R e s a l e s ....................................................................... .............................................................
S e c o n d a ry p r o d u c t s ...............................................................................................................





In d u stria l o rg a n ic c h e m ic a ls ............................................................................................................


1 2 /8 4

1 6 2 .7

1 6 0 .5

1 6 0 .9

2 2 .2

G u m a n d w o o d c h e m i c a ls ...............................................................................................................


0 6 /8 4

1 4 1 .8

1 4 0 .4

1 4 0 .4

3 .8


2 8 6 1 -P

0 6 /8 4

1 3 3 .7

1 3 0 .3

1 3 0 .3

3 .6


P rim a ry p r o d u c t s ..........................................................................................................................
O th e r g u m a n d w o o d c h e m ic a ls .....................................................................................
H a r d w o o d d is tilla tio n p r o d u c t s ........................ ............................................................
C h a rc o a l b riq u e ts, in cluding b le n d s w ith lignite o r o th e r m a te ria ls
T a ll o i l s .....................................................................................................................................

2 8 6 1 -2

0 6 /8 4

1 3 1 .8

1 3 3 .9

1 3 3 .9

4 .2


2 8 6 1 -2 5

0 6 /8 4

1 2 9 .6

1 2 9 .6

1 2 9 .6



2 8 6 1 -2 5 5

0 6 /8 4

1 2 9 .6

1 2 9 .6

1 2 9 .6



2 8 6 1 -2 9

0 6 /8 4

1 1 2 .5

1 1 5 .6

1 1 5 .6

7 .2


2 8 6 1 -2 9 8

0 6 /8 4

1 1 6 .2

1 1 8 .0

1 1 8 .0

1 1 .3


- 1 .3

O th e r tall oil d e riv a tiv e s , in clu ding rosin a c id s alts, e x c e p t tall
oil fa tty a c id s ............................................................. .................. ...........................
C yc lic (c o a l ta r) c ru d e s a n d in te rm e d ia te s , o rg a n ic d y e s a n d
1 2 /8 2

1 2 7 .9

1 2 8 .2

1 2 6 .5

6 .8

P rim a ry p r o d u c t s ..................... ....................................................................................................

2 8 6 5 -P

1 2 /8 2

1 3 1 .5

1 3 3 .7

1 3 2 .5

8 .7


C y c lic in te r m e d ia te s ...............................................................................................................

2 8 6 5 -1

1 2 /8 2

1 3 1 .0

1 3 3 .6

1 3 2 .5

1 2 .6


p ig m e n t s ............................................................................ ...............................................................


2 8 6 5 -1 9 9

1 2 /8 2

1 3 6 .6

1 4 0 .7

1 3 9 .2

1 1 .4

- 1 .1

P h e n o l.......... ........................................................................................................................

2 8 6 5 -1 9 9 1 5

0 3 /8 3

1 4 9 .5

1 2 /8 2

1 2 8 .7

1 2 8 .7

9 .5

-7 .0

2 8 6 5 -1 9 9 9 9

1 2 3 .3

1 6 0 .7

M is c e lla n e o u s o th e r cyclic in te rm e d ia te s .........................................................

2 8 6 5 -2

1 2 /8 2

1 4 0 .3

13 7 ,1


- 2 .3

1 5 2 .7

1 5 3 .5

7 .7

O th e r cy clic i n t e r m e d ia t e s ................ .......................................................... ..................

S y n th e tic o rg a n ic d y e s .........................................................................................................


2 8 6 5 -2 9 9

1 2 /8 2

1 3 8 .8

2 8 6 5 -3

1 2 /8 2

1 5 0 .8

P h th a lo c y a n in e b lu e (B lu e 1 5 ) ................................................................................

2 8 6 5 -3 1 1 1 1

1 2 /8 2

1 7 4 .4





O th e r sy n th e tic o rg a n ic p ig m e n t s ..........................................................................

2 8 6 5 -3 1 1 9 9

1 2 /8 2

1 4 5 .3

0 5 /8 3


9 6 .6

9 4 .0


2 8 6 5 -5


- 2 .7

0 5 /8 3


9 6 .6

9 4 .0


-2 .7



S y n th e tic o rg a n ic d y e s .....................................................................................................
S y n th e tic o rg a n ic p ig m e n ts (la k e s a n d to n e rs ) .......................................................

C y c lic (c o a l ta r) c r u d e s ........................................................................................................

2 8 6 5 -5 1 1

T a rs , ta r cru d e s , a n d ta r p i t c h e s ......................................................... ......................

2 8 6 5 -5 1 1 9 9

O th e r cy clic (c o a l ta r) c r u d e s ..................................................................................

2 8 6 5 -S M

S e c o n d a ry p ro d u c ts a n d m is c e lla n e o u s r e c e ip t s .......................................................
M is c e lla n e o u s re c e ip ts .;.......................................................................



R e s a le s .....................................................................................................................................

2 8 6 5 -M

1 2 /8 2

1 5 1 .6



2 8 6 5 -Z 8 9

1 2 /8 2

1 5 1 .6
1 2 0 .8

1 1 7 .0


3 .6

-2 .5

1 0 7 .3

1 0 7 .0

1 3 2 .3

1 2 8 .0

1 1 .6

-3 .3

2 8 6 5 -S

1 2 /8 2

O th e r s e c o n d a ry p r o d u c t s ..............................................................................................

2 8 6 5 -S S S

0 5 /8 3

In d u s tria l o rg a n ic c h e m ic a ls , n .e .c ..............................................................................

2 8 6 9 -S

1 2 /8 2

1 3 6 .2

S e c o n d a ry p r o d u c t s ...................... ............................ ..........................................................


1 2 /8 2

1 6 7 .4

1 6 4 .9

1 6 5 .7

2 3 .6


P rim ary p r o d u c t s ..........................................................................................................................

2 8 6 9 -P

1 2 /8 2

136 .1

1 3 4 .9

1 3 6 .2

5 .7

1 .0

S y n th e tic o rg a n ic c h e m ic a ls , n .e .c ..................................................... ...........................

2 8 6 9 -3

1 2 /8 2

1 0 4 .0

1 0 7 .7

1 0 8 .9

9 .8


2 8 6 9 -3 1 1
2 8 6 9 -3 1 1 1 1

1 2 /8 2

1 0 8 .6





C h e m ic a l c o m p o u n d s , u n m ix e d .............................................................................

1 2 /8 2

10 2 .1





C h e m ic a l c o m p o u n d s , m ix e d ....................................................................................

2 8 6 9 -3 1 1 1 2

1 2 /8 2

1 2 5 .4

2 8 6 9 -3 3 1

1 2 /8 2

1 3 2 .2

1 3 5 .9

1 3 5 .9

6 .8


R u b b e r p ro c e s s in g c h e m ic a ls ................... ...................................................................
P la s t ic iz e r s .............................................................................................................................

2 8 6 9 -3 5 1

1 2 /8 2

8 5 .6

9 1 .0

93 .1

1 8 .3

2 .3

In d u s tria l o rg a n ic c h e m ic a ls , n .e .c ................................................................................................

F la v o r a n d p e rfu m e m a t e r ia ls ......................................................................................



2 8 6 9 -3 5 1 9 9

1 2 /8 2

8 5 .0

9 0 .3

9 2 .4

1 8 .3

2 .3

P e s tic id e s a n d o th e r sy n th e tic o rg a n ic ag ricu ltu ral c h e m ic a ls ........................

2 8 6 9 -4

1 1 /8 7

173 .1

2 8 6 9 -5

1 2 /8 2

1 4 5 .4

1 73 .1

Eth y l a lc o h o l a n d o th e r industrial o rg a n ic c h e m ic a ls , n .e .c ...............................

1 4 5 .3

1 4 6 .7

1 4 .0

1 .0

O th e r p la s tic iz e r s ............................................................................................................

E th yl a lc o h o l................................................... ............................................. ........................
D e n a tu r e d (s p e c ia l o r c o m p le te ) e th y l a lc o h o l ..............................................
O th e r in d u strial o rg a n ic c h e m ic a ls , n .e .c .................................................................

2 8 6 9 -5 1 2

1 2 /8 2

1 2 5 .3




2 8 6 9 -5 1 2 1 2

1 2 /8 2

1 2 7 .1

2 8 6 9 -5 9 9

1 2 /8 2

1 5 5 .5

1 5 4 .4

1 5 4 .6

1 7 .9


E th y le n e ...................................................................................... ................... ...................

2 8 6 9 -5 9 9 1 2

1 2 /8 2

1 6 7 .8




P ro p y le n e , c h e m ic a l.......... ...........................................................................................

2 8 6 9 -5 9 9 1 3

0 7 /8 7

1 5 0 .5

M is c e lla n e o u s o th e r industrial o rg a n ic c h e m ic a ls , n .e .c .............................

2 8 6 9 -5 9 9 9 9

1 2 /8 2

149 9

1 4 4 .3

1 4 4 .6

1 1 .8


2 8 6 9 -6

1 2 /8 2

1 2 6 .2

1 2 6 .5

1 2 6 .9

3 .3



M is c e lla n e o u s e n d -u s e c h e m ic a ls a n d c h e m ic a l p ro d u cts, exc lu d in g
u re a .................................................. .....................................................................................
O th e r m is c e lla n e o u s e n d -u s e c h e m ic a ls a n d c h e m ic a l pro d u cts,
1 3 9 .7

1 4 0 .3

1 4 0 .7



2 8 6 9 -7

1 2 /8 2

1 3 8 .8

1 3 5 .3

1 3 6 .9

3 .9

1 .2

A c e tic a c i d ............................................................. ................................................................

2 8 6 9 -7 2 1

0 8 /9 5

2 4 0 .8

2 8 6 9 -7 3 7

1 2 /8 2

3 3 9 .0


3 .8

F o r m a ld e h y d e .................................. .....................................................................................

2 8 6 9 -7 3 8

1 2 /8 2


3 2 6 .6


F lu o rin a te d h y d ro c a rb o n s ...............................................................................................





P ro p y le n e g ly c o l................................................................................................. .................

2 8 6 9 -7 4 7

1 2 /8 2

1 0 9 .8





A lc o h o ls , s y n th e tic , m o n o h y d r ic ............... .................................................................

2 8 6 9 -7 5 4

1 2 /8 2

1 1 6 .2





2 8 6 9 -7 9 9

1 2 /8 2

1 1 7 .2

1 1 6 .6

1 1 7 .4

e x c lu d in g u re a ..............................................................................................................
M is c e lla n e o u s c yc lic a n d a c y c lic c h e m ic a ls a n d c h e m ic a l p r o d u c t s ..........

2 8 6 9 -6 9 9

1 2 /8 2

O th e r m is c e lla n e o u s cyclic a n d a c y c lic c h e m ic a ls a n d c h e m ic a l
p r o d u c t s ..........................................................................................................................
S e c o n d a ry p ro d u c ts a n d m is c e lla n e o u s r e c e ip t s .......................................................

9 .7

M is c e lla n e o u s r e c e i p t s .........................................................................................................
C o n tra c t w o rk a n d o th e r m is c e lla n e o u s r e c e ip t s ..............................................

2 8 6 9 -M

1 2 /8 2


6 9 3 .0

6 9 3 .0


2 8 6 9 -X Y 9

0 6 /9 5

1 0 3 .2

.......... ...........................

2 8 6 9 -S

1 2 /8 2

1 7 4 .5

1 0 3 .2

S e c o n d a ry p r o d u c t s .....................................................................

1 7 5 .7

1 7 5 .3

2 8 .8



2 8 2 1 -S

1 2 /8 2





C y c lic c r u d e s a n d in te rm e d ia te s , o rg a n ic d y e s a n d p ig m e n t s ...................

2 8 6 5 -S

1 2 /8 2

1 4 8 .6

O t h e r s e c o n d a ry p ro d u c ts ................................................ .............................................

2 8 6 9 -S S S

1 2 /8 2

1 9 8 .5

1 9 7 .8

1 9 7 .0

3 5 .3

P la s tic m a te ria ls a n d r e s in s ....................


Seefootnotes at endof table.


2 8 6 9 -S M



Table 5. Producer price indexes for the net output of selected industries and their products, not seasonally adjusted
In d e x
In d u s try a n d p ro d u c t1

In dustry

P ro d u c t

In d e x


cod e


P e rc e n t c h a n g e
to S e p . 1 9 9 5 fro m —

M ay






Sep. 1994

Aug. 199i

A g ric u ltu ra l c h e m ic a ls .................................................. ......................................................................


1 2 /8 4

1 3 1 .5

1 2 8 .2

1 2 8 .0

6 .0

N itro g e n o u s fe r tiliz e r s ........... ................................. ...........................................................................


1 2 /7 9

1 6 6 .6

1 4 9 .9

1 4 6 .2

5 .8

- 2 .5

1 2 /7 9

1 6 1 .7

1 4 4 .9

1 4 1 .2

4 .3

-2 .6

2 8 7 3 -P

Prim a ry p r o d u c t s ........................................................................................... ..............................
S y n th e tic a m m o n ia , n itric a c id a n d a m m o n iu m c o m p o u n d s ............................
N itra te ( 1 0 0 % N H 4 N 0 3 ) ...... .......................................................................... ...............

2 8 7 3 -1

1 2 /7 9

1 7 3 .2

1 5 2 .7

1 4 7 .8


-3 .2

2 8 7 3 -1 A

1 2 /7 9

1 4 8 .3

1 4 5 .2

1 4 0 .0

3 .9

-3 .6

8 .4

—3 .0

1 2 /8 0

1 3 3 .6

2 8 7 3 -1 5 2

1 2 /7 9

1 4 2 .0

1 3 4 .4

1 3 1 .7

6 .3

-2 .0

2 8 7 3 -1 5 3

0 6 /8 1

1 2 3 .9

1 2 8 .4

1 2 2 .6

- 2 .6

-4 .5

2 8 7 3 -1 5A

N itra te fo r fe rtiliz e r u s e ......... ......................................................................................
S o lid n i t r a t e ...................................................................................................................

N itro g e n so lu tio n s, including m ixtu res co n ta in in g u re a ( 1 0 0 % N ) .........

A n h y d ro u s a m m o n ia .....................................................................................................
U r e a ..................... ......................................................... ................................................................

-0 .2

1 2 6 .5

1 2 2 .7

2 8 7 3 -1 B

1 2 /7 9

1 4 7 .5

1 3 3 .9

1 2 7 .9

7 .9

- 4 .5

2 8 7 3 -1 5 5

1 2 /7 9

1 6 1 .9

1 4 8 .2

1 4 1 .2

1 0 .8

-4 .7

2 8 7 3 -1 1 1

1 2 /9 3

1 0 8 .6

1 0 4 .7

1 0 6 .7

6 .2

1 .9

2 8 7 3 -1 3

1 2 /7 9

2 0 5 .5

1 7 0 .6

166 .1

-1 .9

-2 .6

2 8 7 3 -1 3 1

1 2 /7 9

2 0 5 .5

1 7 0 .6

16 6 .1

- 1 .9

-2 .6

2 8 7 3 -2

1 2 /7 9

1 2 2 .5

1 1 5 .7

1 1 5 .6

1 4 .0


2 8 7 3 -S M

S e c o n d a ry p ro d u c ts a n d m is c e lla n e o u s r e c e ip t s .......................................................

2 8 7 3 -M

0 6 /8 6


1 5 2 .8

1 3 7 .4


- 1 0 .1

2 8 7 3 -Z 8 9

0 6 /8 6

1 3 7 .4

1 5 0 .3

1 6 0 .4

3 4 .2

-1 0 .1

1 2 /7 9

1 5 7 .7

1 5 2 .8

2 8 7 3 -S

1 2 /7 9

1 4 0 .9

1 3 7 .8

1 3 9 .4

1 4 .9

1 .2

P rim a ry p r o d u c t s ..........................................................................................................................

2 8 7 4 -P

1 2 /7 9

1 2 8 .9

1 2 5 .5

1 2 7 .2

1 3 .3

1 .4

P h o s p h o ric a c i d .......................... .............................................................................................

2 8 7 4 -1

1 2 /7 9

1 3 1 .3

1 3 6 .8

1 3 7 .5

1 2 .5

M is c e lla n e o u s r e c e i p t s ........................................................................................................
R e s a l e s .................................... ............... .................................. ............................................
S e c o n d a ry p r o d u c t s ...............................................................................................................
P h o s p h a tic f e r t iliz e r s ................................................................. .........................................................


P h o s p h o ric a c id fro m o th e r s o u rc e s (p h o s p h a te ro ck, e t c . ) ........................
S u p e r p h o s p h o r ic ......................................... ....................................................................

6 .7


2 8 7 4 -1 8 5

0 6 /8 6

112 .1

1 1 8 .4

1 1 9 .2

1 2 .5


2 8 7 4 -1 8 5 2 2

0 6 /8 6

9 4 .9

8 4 .8

8 1 .8

-6 .6

-3 .5

2 8 7 4 -2

1 2 /7 9

1 2 8 .3


1 2 3 .3

1 4 .7

1 .8

S u p e r p h o s p h a te ............... .................... ................................................................... .........

2 8 7 4 -2 A

1 2 /7 9

1 1 1 .2

1 0 3 .6

1 0 6 .2

2 .5

A m m o n iu m p h o s p h a te s a n d o th e r p h o s p h a tic fe rtilize r m a t e r ia ls ............

2 8 7 4 -2 B

1 2 /7 9

1 3 0 .2

1 2 3 .0

1 2 5 .2

1 5 .4

2 8 7 4 -2 5 1

1 2 /7 9

1 3 1 .3

1 2 4 .3

1 2 6 .6

1 5 .7

1 .9

1 2 /7 9

1 4 2 .4

1 4 0 .6

1 4 0 .6

6 .8


1 2 /7 9

1 3 6 .9

1 3 5 .5

1 3 5 .4

4 .7

- .1

S u p e rp h o s p h a te a n d o th e r p h o s p h a tic fe rtiliz e r m a te ria ls ................................

A m m o n iu m p h o s p h a t e s ..............................................................................................
F e rtiliz e rs , m ixin g o n ly ............................................................................................... ........................

2 8 7 5 -P

P rim a ry p r o d u c t s ................................................................................. ........................................

1 .8

M ix e d fe rtiliz e rs (m a d e by p la n ts w h ic h d o n o t m a n u fa c tu re p h o s p h a tic
2 8 7 5 -4

0 6 /8 6

1 2 1 .6

1 2 0 .4

1 2 0 .3

4 .8

- .1

S o lid , b u l k ...............................................................................................................................

2 8 7 5 -4 1 1

0 6 /8 6

1 2 1 .3

1 2 0 .6

1 2 0 .5

4 .9

- .1

S o lid , b a g g e d ............................... .........................................................................................

2 8 7 5 -4 2 1

0 6 /8 6

1 1 8 .5

1 1 8 .2

1 1 8 .2



F l u i d ........................................................................ ....................................................... ..........

2 8 7 5 -4 3 1

0 6 /8 6

1 2 0 .9

1 1 6 .4

1 1 6 .5

7 .3


S e c o n d a r y p ro d u c ts a n d m is c e lla n e o u s r e c e ip t s .......................... ............................

2 8 7 5 -S M

fe rtiliz e r m a t e r ia l s ) ..........................................................................................................

M is c e lla n e o u s r e c e i p t s ............................................................................................. ..........
R e s a l e s .................................................................. r............. ..................................................
S e c o n d a ry p r o d u c t s ................................ ..............................................................................
A g ricu ltu ra l c h e m ic a ls , n .e .c ................................................... .........................................................

2 8 7 5 -M

1 2 /7 9

1 5 8 .2

1 5 5 .4

1 5 5 .4

2 8 7 5 -Z 8 9

1 2 /7 9

1 5 7 .9

15 5 .1

1 55.1

1 3 .4


2 8 7 5 -S

1 2 /7 9

1 5 2 .5

1 5 0 .0

1 5 0 .3

-1 1 .5


0 6 /8 2

1 3 4 .7

1 3 5 .3

1 3 5 .5

2 .0


2 8 7 9 -P

0 6 /8 2

1 4 2 .7

1 4 3 .4

1 4 3 .5

2 .4



P rim a ry p r o d u c t s .................... .....................................................................................................

1 3 .4


In s e c tic id a l p re p a ra tio n s p rim arily fo r ag ricu ltu ral, g a rd e n o r h e a lth
s e rv ic e u s e ......................... .............................................................................................
C o n ta in in g o rg a n ic c o m p o u n d s ......... .........................................................................

2 8 7 9 -5

0 6 /8 2

1 6 3 .2

1 6 4 .5

1 6 4 .1

1 .7


2 8 7 9 -5 2 5

0 6 /8 2

1 6 2 .1

1 6 3 .4

1 6 3 .0

1 .7


C a r b a m a te p r e p a r a tio n s ..............................................................................................

2 8 7 9 -5 2 5 3 1

0 6 /8 2

1 5 3 .7

1 5 6 .4

1 5 5 .0

- 2 .8

O r g a n o -p h o s p h a te p r e p a r a tio n s .............................................................................

2 8 7 9 -5 2 5 4 1

0 6 /8 2

1 7 7 .9

1 7 8 .7

1 7 8 .7

2 .6


O th e r o rg a n ic p r e p a r a t io n s ..... ..................................................................................

2 8 7 9 -5 2 5 7 9

0 6 /8 2

9 7 .9

9 7 .9

9 7 .9

5 .8


H e rb ic id a l p re p a ra tio n s p rim arily fo r ag ricu ltu ral, g a rd e n o r h e a lth
2 8 7 9 -6

0 6 /8 2

1 3 2 .0

1 3 2 .7

1 3 3 .0



C o n ta in in g o rg a n ic c o m p o u n d s .................................................................................
P h e n o x y c o m p o u n d p r e p a r a t io n s .................................................... ......................

2 8 7 9 -6 2 5
2 8 7 9 -6 2 5 4 1

0 6 /8 2
0 6 /8 2

1 3 3 .2
1 4 5 .8

1 3 3 .9
1 4 5 .8

1 3 4 .2
1 4 5 .9

1 .8
4 .8


T ria z in e p r e p a r a t io n s .......... ............................................ ............................................

2 8 7 9 -6 2 5 6 5

0 6 /8 2

1 4 6 .0

14 8 .1

14 8 .1



O th e r o rg a n ic p r e p a r a t io n s ........... ...........................................................................

2 8 7 9 -6 2 5 7 9

0 6 /8 2

1 1 0 .4

1 1 0 .8

1 1 1 .2

1 .6


2 8 7 9 -7

0 6 /8 2

13 1 .1

1 3 1 .0

13 1 .1

6 .8


2 8 7 9 -7 2 5

0 6 /8 2

1 4 1 .5

1 4 1 .4

1 4 1 .5

7 .6


s e rv ic e s u s e ......................................................................................................................

Fu n g icid al p re p a ra tio n s p rim arily fo r ag ricu ltu ral, g a rd e n o r h e a lth
s e rv ic e u s e .........................................................................................................................
C o n ta in in g o rg a n ic c o m p o u n d s .................................... .............................................
O th e r p es tic id a l p re p a ra tio n s p rim arily fo r a g ricu ltu ral, g a rd e n o r
h e a lth s e rv ic e u s e ........................................................ .................................................

2 8 7 9 -8

0 6 /8 2

1 4 2 .2

143 .1

1 4 2 .7

3 .7


2 8 7 9 -8 9 8

0 6 /8 2

1 3 1 .9

1 3 3 .3

1 3 2 .7



2 8 7 9 -9

0 6 /8 2

1 3 2 .0

1 3 2 .0

1 3 2 .0

1 .5


2 8 7 9 -9 1

0 6 /8 2

1 3 4 .3

1 3 4 .3

1 3 4 .3



All o th e r p e s tic id a l p re p a ra tio n s p rim arily fo r ag ricu ltu ral, g a rd e n
o r h e a lth s e rv ic e u s e .................................................................................. .............
H o u s e h o ld p es tic id a l p r e p a r a t io n s ................ ...............................................................
In s e c tic id e s fo r c ra w lin g in s e c ts , e x c lu d in g f u m ig a n t s ........................... .......

2 8 7 9 -9 1 5

1 2 /9 3

1 0 5 .3

1 0 5 .3

1 0 5 .3

2 .9

2 8 7 9 -9 2

1 2 /9 3

1 0 2 .5

1 0 2 .5

1Ó 2.5



A e r o s o ls ...............................................................................................................................

2 8 7 9 -9 2 1

1 2 /9 3

1 0 2 .6

1 0 2 .6

1 0 2 .6

R e p e lla n ts & a ttra c ta n ts fo r in s e c ts , birds, fish, a n d o th e r a n im a ls ........

2 8 7 9 -9 9 7

0 8 /9 2

1 1 2 .2

1 1 2 .2

1 1 2 .2



N o n a e r o s o ls .....................................................................................................................
In s e c tic id e s fo r flyin g in se c ts , e x c e p t f u m ig a n t s ...............................................


2 8 7 9 -S M

S e c o n d a ry p ro d u c ts a n d m is c e lla n e o u s r e c e ip t s .......................................................

2 8 7 9 -S

S e c o n d a r y p r o d u c t s ...............................................................................................................
M is c e lla n e o u s c h e m ic a l p r o d u c t s ................................................................................................


A d h e s iv e s a n d s e a l a n t s ...................................................................................................................


0 6 /8 2

1 0 4 .8

1 0 5 .2

1 0 5 .4



1 2 /8 4

1 3 7 .3

1 38.1

1 3 7 .9

3 .7

- .1

1 4 5 .3

1 4 6 .4

1 4 6 .0

6 .0

P rim a ry p r o d u c t s .............................. .............................................................. ......... ..................

2 8 9 1 -P

1 2 /8 3

1 4 2 .2

1 4 3 .5

1 4 3 .3


- .1

N a tu ra l b a s e g lu e s a n d a d h e s iv e s ................... ............................................. ................

2 8 9 1 -3

1 2 /8 3

1 2 /8 3

1 3 4 .0

1 3 6 .6


6 .0

-2 .6

2 8 9 1 -4

1 2 /8 3

1 4 6 .9

1 4 7 .3

1 4 8 .0

7 .2


S y n th e tic resin a n d ru b b e r a d h e s iv e s , in cluding c e llu lo s e ,
nitro c e llu lo s e , e t c ...................................................................................... .....................

See footnotesat endof table.


Table 5. Producer price indexes for the net output of selected industries and their products, not seasonally adjusted
In d e x
In d u s try a n d p ro d u c t1

In dustry

P ro d u c t

In d e x




P e rc e n t c h a n g e
to S e p . 1 9 9 5 fro m —

M ay

A u g.





Sep. 1994

Aug. 1995

A d h e s iv e s a n d s e a la n ts — C o n tin u e d
E p o x y a d h e s i v e s ..................................................................................................................

2 8 9 1 -4 1 1

1 2 /8 3

1 4 9 .5

1 5 0 .0

1 5 0 .0



V in y l ty p e a d h e s iv e s ..........................................................................................................

2 8 9 1 -4 4

1 2 /8 3

1 4 1 .4

1 4 0 .3

1 4 3 .7

1 1 .0

2 .4

P o ly vin yl a c e ta te , la te x t y p e .....................................................................................

2 8 9 1 -4 4 1

1 2 /8 3

1 5 4 .0

1 5 3 .1

1 5 8 .1

1 2 .2

3 .3

O t h e r vinyl p o ly m e r ty p e a d h e s iv e s ......................................................................

2 8 9 1 -4 4 7

1 2 /8 3

1 2 5 .5

1 2 3 .5

1 2 3 .5

6 .8

1 3 2 .5



A c ry lic a d h e s i v e s ................................................................................................................

2 8 9 1 -4 5 3

1 2 /8 3

1 3 0 .7

P o ly e s te r a d h e s iv e s ................ ..........................................................................................

2 8 9 1 -4 5 5

0 1 /8 4



1 2 2 .1

3 .5


H o t m e lt a d h e s iv e s , in cluding n ylo n , p o ly o le fin , a n d o th e r h o t m e lts ....

2 8 9 1 -4 6 5

1 2 /8 3

1 5 3 .6

1 5 5 .6

1 5 5 .2

5 .9

- .3

a n d n o n s tr u c tu r a l...................................................... .................................................

2 8 9 1 -4 7 1

0 6 /9 0

1 0 6 .7


2 8 9 1 -4 7 8

1 2 /8 3

1 52.1

1 5 7 .0

1 1 0 .1

R u b b e r a n d sy n th e tic resin c o m b in a t io n s .............................................................

1 5 7 .5

1 1 .9


2 8 9 1 -4 8 9

0 6 /9 0

1 1 4 .3

1 1 7 .3

1 1 5 .6

7 .6

-1 .4

2 8 9 1 -5

1 2 /8 3

1 3 1 .3

1 3 4 .9

1 3 3 .0

2 .5

-1 .4

2 8 9 1 -5 6

1 2 /8 3

1 30.1

1 3 4 .2

1 3 2 .0

2 .6

-1 .6


A d h e s iv e film s, all ty p e s , in clu d in g p re s s u re s e n s itiv e structural

O th e r sy n th e tic resin a n d ru b b e r a d h e s iv e s , in cluding c e llu lo s e ,
n itro c e llo s e , e tc .............................................................................................................
C a u lk in g c o m p o u n d s a n d s e a la n ts ................................................................................
S y n th e tic b a s e .......................................................................................................................
G e n e ra l p e rfo rm a n c e s e a la n ts (P V A C , butyl, vinyl, acrylic,
2 8 9 1 -5 6 6

1 2 /8 3

1 1 9 .0

12 2 .1


3 .6


silico n e, e t c . ) ..... .......................................................................................................

2 8 9 1 -5 6 7

1 2 /8 3

1 3 9 .4

1 4 4 .5

1 4 0 .2

1 .9

-3 .0

S e c o n d a ry p ro d u c ts a n d m is c e lla n e o u s r e c e ip t s .......................................................

2 8 9 1 -S M

n e o p re n e , e t c . ) ........................................................................................................
S p e c ia l p e rfo rm a n c e s e a la n ts (e p o x y , u re th a n e , p o lysu lfid e,

S e c o n d a r y p r o d u c t s ...............................................................................................................

2 8 9 1 -S

1 2 /8 3

1 4 6 .7

1 4 3 .4

1 4 4 .0

4 .7

P a in ts , v a rn is h e s , la c q u e rs , e n a m e ls , a n d a llie d p r o d u c t s ..........................

2 8 5 1 -S

0 1 /8 4

1 3 1 .3

1 3 3 .6

1 3 3 .6

5 .0


O th e r s e c o n d a ry p r o d u c t s ..............................................................................................

2 8 9 1 -S S S

1 2 /8 3

1 5 6 .2

14 9 .1

1 5 0 .2

4 .9


C h e m ic a ls a n d c h e m ic a l p re p a ra tio n s , n .e .c .........................................................

2 8 9 9 -S

0 2 /8 4

1 3 6 .6

1 3 8 .0

1 3 8 .0

2 .0


1 2 /8 0

2 1 9 .4

2 1 9 .6

2 2 0 .0

-1 .9


1 2 /8 0


1 8 5 .2

1 8 5 .7

1 .6


1 8 6 .3

1 8 6 .4

1 8 6 .9

1 .6


E x p lo s iv e s .................................................................................................................................................

2 8 9 2 -P

P rim a ry p r o d u c t s ..........................................................................................................................
E x p lo s iv e s , p ro p e lla n ts , a n d b lastin g a c c e s s o rie s (n o t m a n u fa c tu re d in

2 8 9 2 -1

G O C O s ) ...............................................................................................................................

1 2 /8 0

2 8 9 2 -1 1

1 2 /8 0

1 8 7 .3

1 8 7 .3

1 8 7 .3

1 .0


O th e r in d u strial e x p lo s iv e s .........................................................................................

2 8 9 2 -1 2 7

0 6 /8 8

1 1 7 .3

1 1 7 .3

1 1 7 .3



P r o p e lla n t s ...... .......................................................................................................................

2 8 9 2 -1 3 3

B las tin g a c c e s s o r ie s ..........................................................................................................

2 8 9 2 -1 5

1 2 /8 0

1 6 3 .8

1 6 3 .8

1 6 3 .8

2 .8


2 8 9 2 -1 5 5

0 6 /8 8

1 0 1 .7

1 0 1 .7

1 0 1 .7

1 .2


e x p lo s iv e a s s e m b lie s , e t c . ) ....................................................................................

2 8 9 2 -1 7 1

0 6 /8 8

1 0 3 .0

1 0 3 .0

1 0 3 .0



S e c o n d a ry p ro d u c ts a n d m is c e lla n e o u s r e c e ip t s .......................................................

2 8 9 2 -S M
2 8 9 2 -M

1 2 /8 0

3 9 8 .1

3 9 8 .7

3 9 9 .0

-5 .3


2 8 9 2 -X Y 9

0 6 /8 8

1 6 9 .2

1 6 9 .5

1 6 9 .6

-6 .6


e s ta b lis h m e n ts (G O C O s ) .............................................................. ....................

2 8 9 2 -Y 6 6

0 6 /8 8

1 6 9 .2

1 6 9 .5

1 6 9 .6

-6 .6


R e s a l e s ....................................................................................................................................

2 8 9 2 -Z 8 9

1 2 /8 0

3 2 2 .0

3 2 2 .0

3 2 2 .0

5 .8


0 6 /8 4

1 3 5 .9

1 3 5 .9

1 3 6 .4

5 .2


P rim ary p r o d u c t s ..........................................................................................................................

2 8 9 3 -P

1 3 5 .6

1 3 5 .7

4 .9

2 8 9 3 -1

0 6 /8 4
0 6 /8 4

1 3 5 .5

L e tte rp re s s in k (b la c k a n d c o lo r) ....................................................................................

1 4 9 .0

1 4 9 .2

1 4 9 .2

2 .5

2 8 9 3 -1 1 5

0 8 /8 4

1 2 5 .9

1 2 6 .5

4 .5

2 8 9 3 -2

In d u s tria l e x p lo s i v e s ........... ..............................................................................................

O th e r b la s tin g a c c e s s o rie s (sq u ib s, ignitors, fu s e , n o n e le c tric
b las tin g c a p s , n . e . c . ) .............................................................................................
O th e r e x p lo s iv e s (m ilitary d e to n a to rs , je t s ta rte rs , fu s e a n d

M is c e lla n e o u s r e c e i p t s .........................................................................................................
C o n tra c t w o rk a n d o th e r m is c e lla n e o u s r e c e ip t s ..............................................
C o n tra c t w o rk p e rfo rm e d by g o v e rn m e n t o w n e d c o m p a n y o p e ra te d

P rinting i n k ...............................................................................................................................................


P a c k a g in g i n k .......................................................................................................................


0 6 /8 4

1 3 5 .5

1 3 5 .6

1 3 5 .6

5 .2

2 8 9 3 -2 3 2

0 6 /8 4

1 1 5 .6

1 1 5 .7

1 1 5 .7

4 .3

W e b t y p e ............................................................................................................................

2 8 9 3 -2 3 2 3 3

1 2 /8 9


1 12.1


4 .9


S h e e t t y p e s ........................................................................................................................

2 8 9 3 -2 3 2 3 4

1 2 /8 9

1 0 9 .7





P a c k a g in g i n k ........................................................................................................................

2 8 9 3 -2 3 5

0 6 /8 4




3 .8


W e b c o m m e rc ia l ty p e .......... ...........................................................................................

2 8 9 3 -2 3 8

1 2 /8 9

1 1 1 .4

1 1 1 .4

1 1 1 .4

4 .3


1 2 2 .0

L ith o g ra p h ic a n d o ffs e t ink (b la c k a n d c o l o r ) ...........................................................
P u b lica tio n i n k .......................................................................................................................

O th e r lith o g rap h ic a n d o ffs e t i n k ............................................................. ..................
G ra v u r e i n k ............................................................................................ .....................................
P a c k a g in g i n k ......................................................................................................................
F le x o g ra p h ic ink ......................................................................................................................


2 8 9 3 -2 4 5

1 2 /8 9

1 2 2 .0

1 2 2 .0

8 .3


2 8 9 3 -3

0 6 /8 4

1 3 5 .5

1 3 5 .5

1 3 5 .5

6 .3


2 8 9 3 -3 4 3

0 6 /8 4

1 6 1 .9

1 6 1 .9

1 6 1 .9

6 .5


2 8 9 3 -4

0 6 /8 4

1 2 3 .9

1 2 3 .6

1 2 3 .8

4 .0


2 8 9 3 -4 8 1

0 6 /8 4

1 2 5 .3

1 2 4 .8




S o lv e n t ty p e s ................................. ...................................................................................

2 8 9 3 -4 8 1 8 2

1 2 /8 9

1 1 1 .0

1 1 0 .1

W a t e r t y p e s .................................. ................................................................................... ...

2 8 9 3 -4 8 1 8 3

1 2 /8 9

1 1 2 .8

1 1 3 .2

1 1 3 .7

8 .0


2 8 9 3 -4 8 4

1 2 /8 9

1 1 0 .5

1 1 0 .5


2 8 9 3 -4 8 4 8 6

1 2 /8 9

1 1 4 .9

1 1 4 .9

1 4 2 .9

P a c k a g in g i n k ........................................................................................................................

O th e r fle x o g ra p h ic i n k ......................................................................................................
W a te r t y p e s ........................................................................................................................

2 8 9 3 -5

Printing ink, n .e .c .......................................................................................................................
S c re e n p ro c e s s i n k .............................................................................................................
M is c e lla n e o u s r e c e i p t s .................................................................. ......................................
R e s a l e s ....................................................................................................................................
C a rb o n b la c k ..........................................................................................................................................
C a rb o n b l a c k ..............................................................................................................................


4 .2


1 4 1 .5

1 4 2 .4

2 8 9 3 -5 8 5

0 6 /8 4

1 5 6 .5

1 5 8 .2

1 5 9 .3

3 .9

2 8 9 3 -M

0 6 /8 4

1 5 5 .2


1 6 4 .0

1 3 .8


2 8 9 3 -Z 8 9

0 6 /8 4

1 5 5 .2


1 6 4 .0

1 3 .8



1 2 /8 3

1 1 5 .5

1 1 7 .2

1 1 6 .9

1 3 .3


2 8 9 5 -P

1 2 /8 3

1 1 5 .5

1 1 7 .2

1 1 6 .9

1 3 .3


2 8 9 5 -1 1 1

1 2 /8 3

1 1 5 .5

1 1 7 .2

1 1 6 .9

1 3 .3



P rim a ry p r o d u c t s ........................................................................... ..............................................

0 6 /8 4


0 6 /8 5

1 2 9 .2

1 2 9 .9

1 2 9 .6

2 .5


P rim a ry p r o d u c t s ..........................................................................................................................

2 8 9 9 -P

0 6 /8 5

1 2 9 .0

1 2 9 .8

1 2 9 .4


- .3

S a lt, e v a p o r a te d a n d s o l a r .................................................................................................

2 8 9 9 -1

0 6 /8 5

1 1 6 .5

1 1 6 .2

1 1 5 .9

- .3

- .3

2 8 9 9 -1 2 1

0 6 /8 5

1 1 6 .4

1 1 6 .0

1 1 5 .7



2 8 9 9 -5

0 6 /8 5


1 3 2 .9

1 3 2 .4

2 .2


C h e m ic a ls a n d c h e m ic a l p re p a ra tio n s , n .e .c ...........................................................................

E v a p o ra te d s a l t ................................................................................................ ...................


E s s e n tia l oils, fire w o rk s a n d p y ro te c h n ic s , size s , a n d c h e m ic a l
p re p a ra tio n s , n .e .c ...........................................................................................................

See footnotes at endof table.


Table 5. Producer price indexes for the net output of selected industries and their products, not seasonally adjusted
In d e x
In d u stry a n d p ro d u c t1

In dustry

P ro d u c t

In d ex



b ase

P e rc e n t c h a n g e
to S e p . 1 9 9 5 fro m —

M ay

A ug .

S ep.




S ep. 1994

A ug. 1 9 9 5

C h e m ic a ls a n d c h e m ic a l p re p a ra tio n s , n .e .c .— C o n tin u e d
F ire w o rk s & p y ro te c h n ic s , incl. fla re s , je t fu el ign iters, railro ad
t o rp e d o e s , to y pistol c a p s .................... ....................................... .................
A u to m o tiv e c h e m ic a ls ................................................................................................
A n tifre e z e p re p a ra tio n s ........................... ...........................................................

2 8 9 9 -5 2 9

0 6 /8 5

1 1 7 .5

1 2 0 .8

1 1 8 .7

4 .7

2 8 9 9 -5 3

0 6 /8 5

12 8 .1

1 3 3 .0

1 3 2 .3

2 .4

- .5

2 8 9 9 -5 3 2

1 2 /8 7

1 3 5 .8

1 4 6 .1

1 4 4 .6

5 .3

-1 .0

- 1 .7

O th e r a u to m o tiv e c h e m ic a ls , including b a tte ry ac id , d e ic in g fluid,
c a rb o n re m o v e r so lv e n ts , e tc ........................................................ ..........

2 8 9 9 -5 3 7

0 6 /8 5

1 1 6 .8

1 1 0 .9

1 1 1 .9

- 4 .5

C o n c r e te c u rin g a n d flo o r h a rd e n in g m a t e r ia ls ...........................................

2 8 9 9 -5 4 5

0 6 /8 5

1 3 3 .6

1 3 3 .6


O il tre a tin g c o m p o u n d s (n o n oil b a s e ) ............................................. ................

2 8 9 9 -5 5 6

0 6 /8 5

1 6 6 .8

1 6 6 .8

1 6 6 .8



W a t e r tre a tin g c o m p o u n d s .....................................................................................

2 8 9 9 -5 7

0 6 /8 5

1 2 4 .3

1 2 4 .7

1 2 4 .2

2 .6



2 8 9 9 -5 7 6

0 6 /9 0

1 1 7 .9

1 1 7 .9

1 1 7 .9

5 .9


B o ile r c o m p o u n d s ................ ..................................................................... ............

2 8 9 9 -5 7 7

0 6 /8 5

13 4 .1

1 3 5 .2

1 3 3 .2

5 .5

-1 .5

O th e r w a te r tre a tin g c o m p o u n d s ....................................................................

2 8 9 9 -5 7 8

0 6 /8 5

1 2 2 .7

1 2 3 .0

1 2 3 .0



2 8 9 9 -5 9 1

0 6 /8 5

1 4 4 .3

1 4 2 .5

1 4 2 .1



C o o lin g to w e r c o m p o u n d s ................................... ..............................................

P la tin g c o m p o u n d s ....................................................................................................
O t h e r in d u strial c h e m ic a l p re p s ., incl. fluxes, p la s tic w o o d p rep s.,

2 8 9 9 -5 9 7

a n d e m b a lm in g c h e m ic a ls .............................................................................

0 6 /8 5


1 2 3 .2

1 2 3 .7

3 .9


2 8 9 9 -M

0 6 /8 5

1 0 4 .8

1 0 4 .2

1 0 4 .2



2 8 9 9 -Z 8 9

0 6 /8 5

1 1 8 .5

1 1 7 .6

1 1 7 .6



2 8 9 9 -S

0 6 /8 5

1 3 6 .9

1 3 7 .3

1 3 7 .6

4 .8


2 8 9 9 -S M

S e c o n d a r y p ro d u c ts a n d m is c e lla n e o u s r e c e ip t s ...................... ........................
M is c e lla n e o u s r e c e i p t s ........... ......................................................................................
R e s a l e s ............................................................. .................... .................................. ........
S e c o n d a ry p r o d u c t s ............... .........................................................................................
S p e c ia lty c le a n in g , p o lishing, a n d san ita tio n p r e p a r a t io n s ....................

2 8 4 2 -S

0 6 /8 5

1 2 3 .8

1 2 3 .8

1 2 3 .8



In d u strial o rg a n ic c h e m ic a ls .......................................... .......................................

2 8 6 9 -S

0 6 /9 0

1 5 2 .7

1 5 5 .0

1 5 5 .5

6 .2


2 8 9 9 -S S S

0 6 /8 5

1 20.1


1 1 9 .8


- 1 .1

P e tro le u m refining a n d re la te d p r o d u c ts ........... ...............................................................


1 2 /8 4

8 3 .4

7 7 .5

7 7 .2

-2 .9


P e tro le u m r e f in in g ..................................................................................................................... ...

2 91

0 6 /8 5

8 1 .1

7 4 .7

7 4 .4

-3 .8


7 4 .4

-3 .8


O th e r s e c o n d a ry p r o d u c t s ..... ......... ......................................................................

0 6 /8 5

81 .1

7 4 .7

2 9 1 1-P

0 6 /8 5

8 2 .3

7 6 .0

7 5 .6

-3 .8

F u e ls ......................................................................................................................................

2 911-1

0 6 /8 5

7 8 .2

7 1 .7

7 1 .4

-4 .0


G a s o l i n e ............................................................................................................................

2 9 1 1 -1

0 6 /8 5

8 1 .3

7 3 .2

7 1 .8

- 5 .4

- 1 .9

P e tro le u m R efin in g ................................................... ...................................................................


P rim a ry p r o d u c t s ...................................................................................................................

F in is h e d m o to r g a s o lin e ............................................... ......................................
P re m iu m g r a d e s ...................................................................................................
S a le s to jo b b e rs , re ta ile rs a n d o th e r r e s e lle r s ................................

2 9 1 1 -1 3

0 6 /8 5

-5 .5

- 1 .8

2 9 1 1 -1 3 3

0 6 /8 5

8 7 .3

7 8 .8

7 7 .2

- 7 .0

- 2 .0

2 9 1 1 -1 3 3 1

0 6 /8 5

8 7 .3

7 8 .7

7 7 .2

-7 .0

8 1 .4


7 1 .8

-1 .9

2 9 1 1 -1 3 3 2

0 6 /8 5

8 4 .3

7 6 .4

7 4 .6

-3 .0

-2 .4

2 9 1 1 -1 3 4

0 6 /8 5

7 7 .9

6 9 .6

6 8 .2

-5 .9

-2 .0

S a le s to jo b b e rs , re ta ile rs a n d o th e r r e s e lle r s ................................

2 9 1 1 -1 3 4 1

0 6 /8 5

7 7 .8

6 9 .6

6 8 .1

-5 .9

-2 .2

D ire c t s a le s to e n d u s e r s .............................-..............................................

2 9 1 1 -1 3 4 2

0 6 /8 5

7 6 .3

6 9 .8

6 8 .3

-3 .0

2 9 1 1 -1 3 5

1 2 /8 7

1 2 0 .1

1 1 0 .7

1 1 1 .2


S a le s to jo b b e rs , re ta ile rs a n d o th e r r e s e lle r s ...............................

2 9 1 1 -1 3 5 1

1 2 /8 7

1 2 0 .2

1 1 0 .9

1 1 1 .4


S a le s to e n d u s e rs .........................................................................................

2 9 1 1 -1 3 5 2

1 2 /8 7

1 2 2 .2

1 0 1 .5

1 0 2 .3

- 1 .9

3 .6

D ire c t s a le s to e n d u s e r s ......................................... .................................
U n le a d e d r e g u l a r .............................. ..................................................................

M id -p re m iu m u n le a d e d ..................................................................................

J e t fu e l ..................................................................................................................... ........
K e ro s e n e ty p e je t f u e l ..................... ....................................................................
K e r o s e n e ..........................................................................................................................

- 2 .1


2 9 1 1 -2

0 6 /8 5

6 8 .8

6 6 .9

6 9 .3


2 9 1 1 -2 1 3

0 6 /8 5

6 9 .3

6 6 .7

6 9 .7

2 .3

4 .5

2 9 1 1 -3

0 6 /8 5

6 6 .0

6 3 .2

6 5 .4

-1 .5

3 ,5

7 5 .0

7 0 .5



2 9 1 1 -4 1

0 6 /8 5

7 5 .0

7 0 .5




# 2 fu el oil to jo b b e rs , re ta ile rs a n d o th e r re s e lle rs ..........................

2 9 1 1 -4 1 1

0 6 /8 5

7 6 .0

7 0 .8

7 4 .8


5 .6

# 2 d ie s e l fu el ........................................................................................................

2 9 1 1 -4

L ig h t fu e l o i l ...................................................................................................................
D is t illa t e s .................................... ........................................ ........................................

0 6 /8 5


2 9 1 1 -4 1 3

0 6 /8 5

7 4 .4

7 0 .2

7 3 .5


4 .7

S a le s to jo b b e rs , re ta ile rs a n d o th e r r e s e lle r s ...............................

2 9 1 1 -4 1 3 1

0 6 /8 5

7 4 .7


7 3 .4

1 .8

4 .7

D ire c t s a le s to e n d u s e r s ...........................................................................

2 9 1 1 -4 1 3 2

0 6 /8 5

74 .1

7 0 .8

74 .1

1 .6

4 .7

2 9 1 1 -4 1 5

7 4 .0

- .4

4 .8

7 7 .3

7 2 .2
7 2 .2

7 5 .7

2 9 1 1 -5

0 6 /8 5
0 6 /8 5

6 0 .9

- 1 7 .7

-1 5 .7

2 9 1 1 -5 1

0 6 /8 5

7 8 .3


5 7 .2

-2 2 .7

-2 0 .7

O th e r d istillates, n .e .c ., including # 1 , # 2 fu e l d ire c t s a le s ,
a n d o th e r d is t illa t e s ..................................................................................
H e a v y fu el oil (resid u al f u e l ) ..................... ............................................................

1 % s u lf u r ............................................................................................ ..................
S a le s to re s e lle rs , in cluding o th e r r e f in e r s ...........................................

2 9 1 1 -5 1 1

0 6 /8 5

8 7 .0

7 9 .6

6 8 .2

-8 .3

-1 4 .3

D ire c t s a le s to e n d u s e rs ..............................................................................

2 9 1 1 -5 1 2

0 6 /8 5

6 6 .0

6 1 .2

4 5 .2

-3 3 .0

- 2 6 .1

2 9 1 1 -5 2

0 6 /8 5

7 3 .4

7 0 .3

6 5 .6

-8 .9

- 6 .7

2 9 1 1 -5 2 1

0 6 /8 5

9 1 .3

8 0 .1

7 7 .4

-5 .5

-3 .4

N o n -fu e l p ro d u c ts o f p e tro le u m refining .............................................................


0 6 /8 5

1 14.1

1 0 9 .3

1 09.1

-2 .8


L u b ric a tin g o ils a n d g re a s e s , m a d e in r e f in e r ie s ...................................

2 9 1 1 -7

A s p h a lt, m a d e in r e f in e r ie s ................................................................................

2 9 1 1 -9
0 6 /8 5

6 8 .3

6 6 .3

6 9 .0

1 5 .8


Not >

1 % s u l f u r .............................................................................. ......................

S a le s to re s e lle rs , in cluding o th e r r e f in e r s ............................................

2 9 1 1 -9 2 1

P a v in g g ra d e ........................................................................................................
Liquified refin ery g a s e s , in cluding alip h a tic s (fe e d s to c k a n d o th e r
u ses), m a d e in r e fin e r ie s ...........................................................................
P r o p a n e /p r o p y le n e .............................................................................................
P r o p y l e n e ...... ....................................................................... ............................
C h e m ic a l g r a d e ..............................................................................................

2 9 1 1 -A

0 6 /8 5

2 3 7 .0

2 3 1 .5

2 2 7 .8

2 9 1 1 -A 1

0 6 /8 5

2 5 2 .0

2 4 1 .2

2 3 5 .6

2 3 .2

-2 .3

2 9 1 1 -A 1 2

0 6 /8 5

1 4 6 .3

1 3 9 .4

1 3 3 .7

2 8.1

- 4 .1

2 9 1 1 -A 1 2 0 1

0 6 /8 5

1 5 2 .9

1 4 4 .9


2 8 .2

-4 .0

2 9 1 1 -A 3 2

1 2 .9

- 1 .6

2 9 1 1 -A 2

B u ta n e /b u ty le n e .................................................................................................

2 9 1 1 -A 3

E t h a n e / e t h y l e n e .................. ....................................... ......................................

0 6 /8 5

2 0 1 .8




-2 .6

2 9 1 1 -D

0 6 /8 5

7 6 .7

6 4 .8

6 2 .3

-2 5 .9

- 3 .9

P e tro le u m c o k e , m a d e in re fin e rie s .......................................................

2 9 1 1 -D 2 1

0 6 /8 5

1 1 .4

A ro m a tic s , m a d e in r e f in e r ie s ......................................................................

2 9 1 1 -D 5

0 6 /8 5

8 2 .4

6 6 .8

6 2 .6

-3 4 .2

-6 .3

E t h y le n e ...............................................................................................................
M is c e lla n e o u s p e tro le u m re fin e ry pro d u cts, n .e .c ...................................

B e n z e n e ............................. .......... .....................................................................

2 9 1 1 -D 5 2

0 6 /8 5

7 8 .1

6 1 .2

5 7 .8

-4 1 .3

- 5 .6

T o l u e n e .................................................................................................. .............

2 9 1 1 -D 5 3

0 6 /8 5

7 9 .2

6 8 .3

6 3 .0

-2 4 .9

-7 .8

1 2 /8 4

9 8 .3

99 .1

9 8 .9

4 .4

- .2

P a v in g a n d ro o fin g m a t e r i a ls ...................................................................................................


See footnotes at endof table.


Table 5. Producer price indexes for the net output of selected industries and their products, not seasonally adjusted
In d e x
In d u stry a n d p ro d u c t1

P a v in g m ix tu re s a n d b l o c k ...............................................................................................................

In d u stry

P ro d u c t

In d e x




E m u ls ifie d a s p h a lt, in clu d in g liquid a d d it iv e s .......................................................

M ay






Sep. 1994

Aug. 1 9 9 5

0 6 /8 1

1 0 6 .6

1 0 8 .1

1 0 7 .5

3 .8

2 9 5 1 -P

0 6 /8 1

1 0 6 .6

1 0 8 .2

1 0 7 .5

3 .9


2 9 5 1 -1 1 1

0 6 /8 1

1 0 7 .5

1 0 9 .4

1 1 2 .2

7 .8

2 .6


P rim a ry p r o d u c t s ...........................................................................................................................

P e rc e n t c h a n g e
to S e p . 1 9 9 5 fro m —

-0 .6

O th e r liquid a s p h a lt & ta r p a v in g m a te ria ls , including c u t b a c k s ..............

2 9 5 1 -1 1 2

0 6 /8 1

8 2 .3

8 2 .9

8 2 .3

8 .6


A s p h a ltic (b itu m in o u s) c o n c r e t e ......................................................................................

2 9 5 1 -1 1 3

0 6 /8 1

1 1 0 .9

1 1 2 .6

1 1 1 .2

3 .0

-1 .2

2 9 5 1 -S M

S e c o n d a r y p ro d u c ts a n d m is c e lla n e o u s re c e ip ts .......................................................
M is c e lla n e o u s r e c e i p t s .........................................................................................................

2 9 5 1 -M

0 6 /8 1

8 6 .2

8 6 .2

S e c o n d a ry p r o d u c t s ...............................................................................................................

2 9 5 1 -S

0 6 /8 1

1 3 1 .5

1 3 1 .8

1 3 2 .3

2 .4


0 6 /8 4

1 0 3 .0

1 0 3 .0

1 0 3 .3

5 .2


P rim a ry p r o d u c t s ..........................................................................................................................

2 9 5 2 -P

0 6 /8 4

1 0 3 .1

1 0 3 .0

1 0 3 .3

5 .7


R o o fin g a s p h a lts a n d p itc h e s , c o a tin g s a n d c e m e n t s ........................................

2 9 5 2 -2

0 6 /8 4

9 9 .7

1 0 0 .0

1 0 0 .0



2 9 5 2 -2 2

1 2 /9 1

1 0 6 .3

1 0 6 .7

1 0 6 .7

2 .8


2 9 5 2 -2 2 1

0 6 /8 4

11 6 .1

1 1 7 .0

1 1 7 .0

3 .3


2 9 5 2 -2 2 2

0 6 /8 4

1 1 2 .4

1 1 2 .4

1 1 2 .4

2 9 5 2 -2 2 3

0 6 /8 4

1 2 0 .9

1 2 1 .2

1 2 1 .2

3 .3


2 9 5 2 -2 3

0 6 /8 4

9 9 .9

9 9 .9

9 9 .9

4 .2


A s p h a lt fe lts a n d c o a t i n g s ...............................................................................................................


A s p h a lt ro o fin g c o a tin g s a n d c e m e n t s ....................................................................
F ib ra te d a s p h a ltic c o a t in g s ........................................................................................
N o n fib ra te d a s p h a ltic c o a t in g s ................................................................................
A s p h a ltic ro ofing c e m e n t s ..........................................................................................
O th e r ro o fin g a s p h a lts a n d p itc h e s , c o a tin g s a n d c e m e n t s ........................
P r e p a re d a s p h a lt a n d ta r ro o fin g a n d sidin g p r o d u c t s ........................................
S m o o th -s u rfa c e d roll ro o fin g a n d c a p s h e e t s ......................................................
S m o o th s u rfa c e , in o rg a n ic b a s e ( f ib e r g la s s ) ...................................................
M in e ra l s u rfa c e d roll ro o fin g a n d c a p s h e e t s ......................................................
M in e ra l s u rfa c e d , in o rg a n ic b a s e ( f ib e r g la s s ) ..................................................
S h in g le s .....................................................................................................................................
S h in g le s , in o rg a n ic b a s e .............................................................................................
S h in g le s , all o th e r w e ig h ts (e x c lu d in g la m in a te d ), in o rg a n ic b a s e
O rg a n ic a n d /o r in o rg a n ic b a s e la m in a te d o r m ulti la y e re d s h in g le s ..

1 .8


2 9 5 2 -3

0 6 /8 4

1 0 2 .2

1 0 2 .0

1 0 2 .4

6 .3


2 9 5 2 -3 1

0 6 /8 4

1 0 4 .7

1 0 6 .6

1 0 5 .9

3 .5


2 9 5 2 -3 1 2 1

0 6 /8 4

1 0 4 .0

1 0 5 .0

1 0 4 .3

2 .3

2 9 5 2 -3 2

0 6 /8 4

8 7 .5


8 7 .5

3 .6

2 9 5 2 -3 2 2 2

0 6 /8 5

8 6 .8

2 9 5 2 -3 3

1 2 /9 1

1 0 2 .6

1 0 2 .1

1 0 3 .0

5 .0

2 9 5 2 -3 3 2

1 2 /9 1


1 0 1 .9

1 0 2 .1

1 0 3 .5

6 .0

1 .4

2 9 5 2 -3 3 2 0 9

1 2 /9 1

1 0 2 .6

1 0 2 .7

1 0 4 .7

6 .3

1 .9

2 9 5 2 -3 3 3

1 2 /9 1

1 0 2 .1

1 0 3 .0

1 0 2 .6

1 .9


2 9 5 2 -3 5

0 6 /8 4

1 3 0 .2

1 2 9 .2

1 2 8 .0

2 5 .6

P ly fe lts , fib e rg la s s b a s e ............................................................................................

2 9 5 2 -3 5 2

1 2 /9 1

1 0 4 .4

1 0 4 .4

1 0 4 .7

6 .4


O th e r fe lts , o rg a n ic b a s e ............................................................................................

2 9 5 2 -3 5 5

1 2 /9 1

1 4 8 .3

1 4 5 .4

4 2 .4

-2 .0

1 2 /9 1

1 0 0 .5

1 0 1 .4

1 0 1 .4

2 .5


1 2 /9 1

1 0 0 .6

1 0 0 .6


2 9 5 2 -Z 8 9

1 2 /9 1

1 0 0 .6

1 0 0 .6

2 9 5 2 -S

0 6 /8 4

9 7 .3

9 9 .1

9 9 .5

-1 .8


S a tu ra te d a s p h a lt a n d ta r f e l t s ....................................................................................

2 9 5 2 -3 6

O th e r p re p a re d a s p h a lt a n d ta r p ro d u c ts fo r ro o fin g a n d s i d i n g ..............

2 9 5 2 -S M

S e c o n d a r y p ro d u c ts a n d m is c e lla n e o u s r e c e ip t s .......................................................

2 9 5 2 -M

M is c e lla n e o u s r e c e i p t s .........................................................................................................
R e s a l e s ....................................................................................................................................
S e c o n d a ry p r o d u c t s ..................... .........................................................................................

2 9 5 2 -S S

S e c o n d a ry p r o d u c ts ....................................................................... ....................................
M is c e lla n e o u s p ro d u c ts o f p e tro le u m a n d c o a l ....................................................................


L u b ricatin g oils a n d g r e a s e s ...........................................................................................................

2 9 9 2 -P

P rim a ry p r o d u c t s .................... ......................................................................................................



1 2 /9 1

9 6 .6

9 8 .4

9 8 .7

-1 .8


1 2 /8 4

1 3 5 .1

1 3 7 .1

1 3 7 .5

4 .2


1 2 /8 0

1 5 7 .0

1 5 8 .7

1 5 8 .5

3 .2


1 2 /8 0

1 5 9 .4

1 6 0 .8

1 6 0 .7

3 .3

- .1

3 .6

- .1

4 .5

2 9 9 2 -1

1 2 /8 0

1 6 1 .3

1 6 2 .8

1 6 2 .7

2 9 9 2 -1 1 1

1 2 /8 0

1 7 3 .0

1 7 5 .4

1 7 5 .4

2 9 9 2 -1 1 1 5

0 6 /9 5


1 0 0 .3

1 0 0 .3



E n g in e oil fo r g a s o lin e e n g i n e s ..........................................................................

2 9 9 2 -1 1 1 5 1

0 6 /9 5


1 0 0 .2

1 0 0 .2



E n g in e oil fo r d ie s e l e n g in e s ................................................................................

2 9 9 2 -1 1 1 5 2

0 6 /9 5


1 0 0 .6

1 0 0 .6



1 0 0 .0



L u b rica tin g a n d sim ilar o i l s .................................................................................................
A u to m o tiv e lu b ricating o i l s ..............................................................................................
E n g in e o i l s ..........................................................................................................................

O th e r e n g in e o i l .........................................................................................................
T ra n s m is s io n a n d h yd rau lic f l u i d s ..........................................................................
A u to m a tic tra n s m is s io n fluid ................................................................................


2 9 9 2 -1 1 1 5 3

0 6 /9 5


1 0 0 .0

2 9 9 2 -1 1 1 6

0 6 /9 5


1 0 0 .4

1 0 0 .4



2 9 9 2 -1 1 1 6 1
2 9 9 2 -1 1 1 6 2

0 6 /9 5
0 6 /9 5


1 0 0 .0
1 0 0 .9

1 0 0 .0



1 0 0 .8


- .1

2 9 9 2 -1 1 1 7

0 6 /9 5


1 0 0 .3

1 0 0 .3



2 9 9 2 -1 1 1 7 1

0 6 /9 5

1 0 0 .3

1 0 0 .3

2 9 9 2 -1 2 1

1 2 /8 0

1 3 6 .3

1 3 6 .5

1 3 6 .4

1 .9

G e n e r a l ind u strial o i l s ...................................................................................................

2 9 9 2 -1 2 1 1 1

1 2 /8 0

1 3 5 .7

1 3 6 .6

1 3 6 .6

3 .7


In d u stria l p ro c e s s o i l s ...................................................................................................

2 9 9 2 -1 2 1 1 2

1 2 /8 0


2 9 9 2 -1 2 1 1 3

1 2 /8 0

1 2 8 .4

1 3 8 .0

In d u stria l m e ta lw o rk in g f lu id s ....................................................................................

1 2 8 .3

1 2 8 .2

2 .6

- .1

In d u stria l e n g in e o i l s .....................................................................................................

2 9 9 2 -1 2 1 1 4

0 6 /8 8

2 9 9 2 -2

1 2 /8 0

O th e r tra n s m is s io n a n d h yd rau lic flu id s .........................................................
A u to m o tiv e g e a r o i l ........................................................................................................
A u to m o tiv e g e a r o i l ...................................................................................................
In d u strial lu b ricating o i l s ...................................................................................................

L u b ric atin g g r e a s e s ................................................................................................................


1 4 7 .2

- .1

1 2 5 .6

1 2 5 .6

1 .7


1 4 7 .6

1 4 7 .5

1 .5


A u to m o tiv e g r e a s e s ...........................................................................................................

2 9 9 2 -2 3 1

1 2 /8 0

1 4 0 .0

In d u stria l g r e a s e s ................................................................................................................

2 9 9 2 -2 3 2

1 2 /8 0

1 5 1 .8

1 5 2 .4

1 5 2 .3

1 .2

- .1

O t h e r g r e a s e s ........................................................................................................................

2 9 9 2 -2 3 4

0 6 /8 8

1 4 0 .9





S e c o n d a r y p ro d u c ts a n d m is c e lla n e o u s r e c e ip t s ..... ....................... ..........................

2 9 9 2 -S M

M is c e lla n e o u s r e c e i p t s .........................................................................................................
R e s a l e s ........................................................................................... ........................................
S e c o n d a r y p r o d u c t s ........................................................................................... ...................


2 9 9 2 -M

1 2 /8 0


1 5 7 .6

1 5 7 .6


2 9 9 2 -Z 8 9

0 6 /8 8

1 3 1 .1

1 2 /8 0

1 2 0 .4

1 3 1 .1

2 9 9 2 -S

1 2 8 .5

1 2 5 .9

5 .8

- 2 .0


1 2 /8 4

1 1 0 .8

1 1 6 .2

1 1 9 .2

1 0 .7

2 .6

P rim a ry p r o d u c t s ..........................................................................................................................

2 9 9 9 -P

1 2 /8 4

1 1 0 .8

1 1 6 .2

1 1 9 .2

1 0 .7

2 .6

C a lc in e d p e tro le u m c o k e (n o t m a d e in r e fin e r ie s ).................................................

2 9 9 9 -2

1 2 /8 4

1 1 5 .2

1 2 3 .1

1 2 7 .6

1 5 .3

3 .7

2 9 9 9 -5

1 2 /8 4

5 0 .9

5 1 .0

5 0 .2

-1 .2

-1 .6

P e tro le u m a n d c o a l p ro d u cts, n .e .c ..............................................................................................


O th e r p e tro le u m a n d c o a l p ro d u c ts , n .e .c ., incl. p e tro le u m c o k e , (n o t
m a d e in re fin e rie s ..........................................................................................................
R u b b e r a n d m is c e lla n e o u s p la s tic p r o d u c ts ...........................................................................


1 2 /8 4

1 2 3 .6

1 2 3 .9

12 4 .1

5 .3


T ire s a n d in n e r t u b e s ...................................................... ..................................................................


0 6 /8 1

1 0 8 .3

1 0 9 .3

1 0 9 .3

3 .0


T ire s a n d in n e r t u b e s .........................................................................................................................


P rim a ry p r o d u c t s ...................................................................... ...................................................
P a s s e n g e r c a r p n e u m a tic t i r e s ........................................ ................................................
R a d i a l s .....................................................................................................................................

0 6 /8 1

1 0 8 .3

1 0 9 .3

1 0 9 .3

3 .0


3 0 1 1 -P

0 6 /8 1

10 3 .1

1 0 3 .9

1 0 4 .0

2 .9


3 0 1 1 -1

0 6 /8 1

9 8 .3

9 9 .6

9 9 .6

2 .4


3 0 1 1 -1 1 2

0 6 /8 1

9 9 .3

1 0 1 .1

1 0 1 .1

3 .3


See footnotesat endof table.


Table 5. Producer price indexes for the net output of selected industries and their products, not seasonally adjusted
In d e x
In d u stry a n d p ro d u c t1

In d u stry

P ro d u c t

in d e x




P e rc e n t c h a n g e
to S e p . 1 9 9 5 fro m —

M ay






Sep. 1994

Aug. 1 9 9 5

T ire s a n d in n e r tu b e s — C o n tin u e d
A ll s e a s o n (e x c e p t high p e rfo rm a n c e ) a n d all o th e r ra d ia is incl.
o ff h i g h w a y ................................................................................................................
R e p l a c e m e n t ................................................................................................................

3 0 1 1 -1 1 2 2

1 2 /8 8

1 0 3 .6


10 5 .1

3 0 1 1 -1 1 2 2 4

0 6 /9 5


1 0 0 .3

1 0 0 .3

1 0 0 .0

1 0 0 .0

9 7 .8

9 7 .8

9 3 .0

3 .2






9 3 .2

- 1 .0


3 0 1 1 -1 1 2 3

H ig h p e r f o r m a n c e ...........................................................................................................
R e p la c e m e n t ...............................................................................................................
N o n - r a d ia ls ..............................................................................................................................
T r u c k /b u s tire s, in clu d in g o ff h ig h w a y ..........................................................................
R a d i a i s ......................... .............................. ............................................................................
L ight h ig h w a y t r u c k ........................................................................................................
R e p la c e m e n t ................................................................................................................

3 0 1 1 -1 1 2 3 4

0 6 /9 5


3 0 1 1 -1 5

0 6 /8 1

3 0 1 1 -2

0 6 /8 1

9 3 .7

3 0 1 1 -2 1

7 6 .2


0 6 /8 1

7 7 .8

7 6 .5

-3 .0

3 0 1 1 -2 1 3

0 6 /8 1

8 4 .5

8 1 .4

8 1 .7

-6 .8


3 0 1 1 -2 1 3 1 2

0 6 /9 5


9 5 .1

9 5 .6




3 0 1 1 -2 1 4 1 2

0 6 /9 5

9 9 .8

1 0 1 .5

1 0 1 .6



0 6 /8 1

1 0 0 .6

9 9 .4

3 0 1 1 -2 1 5
3 0 1 1 -2 1 5 1

0 6 /8 1

1 1 3 .5

1 1 5 .0

1 1 5 .1

3 .1


3 0 1 1 -2 1 5 1 3

0 6 /9 5


1 0 0 .0

10 0 .1

3 0 1 1 -2 1 5 2

0 6 /9 5



1 0 0 .0



3 0 1 1 -2 1 5 2 3

0 6 /9 5

1 3 9 .2

1 0 0 .0


3 0 1 1 -2 1 4

M e d iu m a n d w id e b a s e h ig h w a y t r u c k ................................................................
R e p la c e m e n t ........................................ ........................................................................
N o n - r a d ia ls ............... ................................................................................ .............................
L ig h t h ig h w a y t r u c k .......................................................................................................
R e p la c e m e n t ................................................................................................................
M e d iu m a n d w id e b a s e h ig h w a y t r u c k ................................................................
R e p la c e m e n t ....................................... ................................................. ......... .............
O t h e r p n e u m a tic a n d all solid t i r e s ................................................................................
T r a c to r /im p le m e n t t i r e s ...................................................... ............................................



3 0 1 1 -3

0 6 /8 1

1 3 6 .3

1 3 9 .2

8 .2

3 0 1 1 -3 1 4

0 6 /8 1


1 4 0 .4

1 4 0 .4



3 0 1 1 -3 1 4 1 1

0 6 /9 5


1 0 1 .2

1 0 1 .2



1 4 5 .2

1 4 5 .2

1 2 .9



F ro n t tra c to r a n d fa rm im p le m e n t. O rig in a l e q u ip m e n t a n d
r e p l a c e m e n t ............................................................ .................................................
In dustrial, utility a n d g a rd e n tra c to r tires. O rig in al e q u ip m e n t o r
r e p la c e m e n t .......... .............................................................................. ..........................

3 0 1 1 -3 1 6

0 6 /8 1

1 3 4 .2

All o th e r p n e u m a tic , including a irc ra ft, m o b ile h o m e a n d b ic y c le .............

3 0 1 1 -3 1 9

0 6 /8 1

1 4 0 .3

In dustrial a n d h ig h w a y - s o lid ........................................................................................

3 0 1 1 -3 3 3

0 6 /8 1

1 1 4 .1

123 .1

1 2 3 .1

In n e r t u b e s ........................................................ .........................................................................

3 0 1 1 -4

0 6 /8 1

1 2 5 .4

T r e a d ru b b er, tire s u n d ries, a n d re p a ir m a t e r ia ls ......... ..........................................

3 0 1 1 -5

0 6 /8 1

1 3 1 .5

1 2 5 .4
1 3 2 .9

1 3 2 .8


T r e a d r u b b e r ..........................................................................................................................

3 0 1 1 -5 1 1

0 6 /8 1

1 2 3 .6

1 2 3 .8

1 2 3 .8

7 .8


O th e r tire su n d rie s a n d re p a ir m a te ria ls , n .e .c ......................................................

3 0 1 1 -5 3 9

0 6 /8 1

1 5 5 .0

1 6 0 .3

1 5 9 .7

8 .8




R u b b e r a n d p la s tic f o o t w e a r ..........................................................................................................


1 2 /8 0

1 2 6 .6

1 2 7 .6

1 2 7 .2

1 .8

R u b b e r a n d p la s tic f o o t w e a r ..........................................................................................................


1 2 /8 0

1 2 6 .6

1 2 7 .5

127 .1

1 .8


1 2 /8 0

1 3 2 .7

1 3 3 .6

1 3 3 .2

1 .8


P rim a ry p r o d u c t s ..........................................................................................................................

3 0 2 1 -P

R u b b e r, p lastic, a n d o th e r p ro te c tiv e f o o t w e a r .......................................................

3 0 2 1 -1

1 2 /8 0

1 7 1 .4

1 7 3 .3

1 7 3 .3

3 .2


3 0 2 1 -1 A

1 2 /8 6

1 4 1 .0

1 4 3 .3

1 4 3 .3

4 .6


3 0 2 1 -1 4 2

1 2 /8 6

1 4 3 .1

1 4 4 .9

1 4 4 .9

6 .4


1 2 /9 3

1 0 3 .8

1 0 3 .8

1 0 3 .8



3 0 2 1 -3

1 2 /8 6

1 0 7 .8

1 0 8 .4

1 0 7 .8


3 0 2 1 -3 0 5

1 2 /9 3

93 .1


9 3 .2

-1 .4

R u b b e r u p p e r s .......................................................................................................................
L u m b e rm a n , p a c s , ru b b ers, a n d o th e r fo o tw e a r h a v in g ru b b e r
u p p e r s ..........................................................................................................................

3 0 2 1 -1 C

P la s tic a n d /o r fa b ric u p p e r s ..........................................................................................

3 0 2 1 -1 8 1

P la s tic a n d /o r fa b ric u p p e r s .....................................................................................
N o n -p ro te c tiv e fo o tw e a r c e m e n te d , v u lc a n iz e d , in je c tio n m o ld e d , e tc . to
fa b ric u p p e r ............................. ........................................................................................
In je c tio n m o ld e d o n l y ................................................................................ .......................


3 0 2 1 -S M

S e c o n d a ry p ro d u c ts a n d m is c e lla n e o u s r e c e ip t s ......................................................
G a s k e ts , p a c k in g , a n d s e a lin g d e v ic e s a n d ru b b e r a n d p la s tic s h o s e a n d
b e l t i n g .......... .................. ....................................................................................................................
R u b b e r a n d p la s tic s h o s e a n d b e l t i n g ......................................................................................


0 6 /9 5


1 0 0 .6

1 0 0 .8


1 2 /8 1

1 4 1 .5

1 4 4 .0

1 4 4 .6

5 .5




P rim a ry p ro d u c ts ................... :......................................................................................................

3 0 5 2 -P

1 2 /8 1

1 3 9 .8

1 4 2 .7

1 4 3 .3

5 .4


R u b b e r a n d p la s tic s b e lts a n d b e ltin g , f l a t ................................................................

3 0 5 2 -1

1 2 /8 1

1 5 1 .1

1 5 7 .7

1 5 7 .7

1 0 .2


L ig h t w e ig h t c o n v e y o r a n d e l e v a t o r ..........................................................................

3 0 5 2 -1 0 3

1 2 /8 1

1 6 5 .9

1 6 7 .6

1 6 7 .6

7 .0


H e a v y d u ty c o n v e y o r a n d e le v a t o r ............................................................................

3 0 5 2 -1 0 5

1 2 /8 1

1 4 4 .2

1 5 3 .0

1 5 3 .0

1 2 .0


3 0 5 2 -2

1 2 /8 1

1 3 4 .0

1 3 4 .9

1 3 4 .9



M o to r v e h i c l e .........................................................................................................................

3 0 5 2 -2 2 5

1 2 /8 1

1 4 1 .5

1 4 1 .5

3 0 5 2 -2 3 1

1 2 /8 1

2 .4


In d u strial, e x c e p t f r a c tio n a l................................................. ...........................................

1 2 6 .6

R u b b e r a n d p la s tic s tra n s m is s io n b e lts a n d b eltin g , o th e r th a n f l a t ............

1 2 8 .4

3 0 5 2 -3

1 2 /8 1

1 4 3 .9

1 4 8 .2

1 4 8 .3

T e x tile , n o n h y d ra u lic ..........................................................................................................

3 0 5 2 -3 1 4

1 2 /8 1

1 4 9 .0

1 5 0 .9

1 5 1 .0

2 .0
3 .6

W ire , h y d r a u lic .................... ..................................................................................................

3 0 5 2 -3 1 6

1 2 /8 1

1 5 5 .7

1 6 2 .9

1 6 2 .9

2 .8


W ire , n o n h y d r a u lic ............................................ .................................................................

3 0 5 2 -3 1 8

1 2 /8 1

7 9 .7

8 2 .0

8 2 .0

-6 .4



1 4 2 .9

1 4 7 .8

R u b b e r h o s e , m a n d re l m a d e , a n d all h y d r a u lic ......................................................


3 0 5 2 -5

1 2 /8 1

P la s tic s , in clu d in g p e rfo ra te d s p r in k le r .............................. .....................................

3 0 5 2 -5 6 1

1 2 /8 1


1 3 3 .8

1 3 8 .2

3 .3

3 .3

R u b b e r ............................................................ ............................. ...................................... .....

3 0 5 2 -5 6 3

1 2 /8 1

1 4 7 .2

1 7 4 .9

1 8 2 .3

7 .0

4 .2

4 .3

1 .0

R u b b e r a n d p la s tic s g a rd e n h o s e ...................................................................................

A ll o th e r ru b b e r a n d p la s tic s h o s e .................................................................................
A ll o th e r ru b b e r h o s e ................... ........................................................... .................... ...
A ll o th e r ru b b e r h o s e , n .e .c ........................................................................................

3 0 5 2 -6

1 2 /8 1

1 4 7 .9

1 4 8 .8

3 0 5 2 -6 A

0 6 /9 5

1 0 1 .2

1 2 /8 1

1 3 6 .2

1 0 0 .4

3 0 5 2 -6 7 4

1 3 6 .8

13 8 .1

3 .4

3 .4


3 0 5 2 -6 8

1 2 /8 1

1 7 7 .2

1 7 7 .3

1 7 7 .5

4 .9


H y d r a u lic ..............................................................................................................................

3 0 5 2 -6 8 2

0 6 /8 7

1 5 1 .0

1 5 1 .0

N o n h y d r a u lic ......................................................................................................................

3 0 5 2 -6 8 4

1 2 /8 1

1 8 4 .4

1 8 4 .5

1 8 4 .8

6 .6


P la s tic h o s e , e x c e p t g a r d e n ..........................................................................................

3 0 5 2 -S M

S e c o n d a ry p ro d u c ts a n d m is c e lla n e o u s r e c e ip t s .......

3 0 5 2 -S

S e c o n d a ry p r o d u c t s ...............................................................................................................
G a s k e ts , p a c k in g a n d s e a lin g d e v ic e s .......................... ...........................................................



1 2 /8 1

1 8 6 .8

1 8 7 .6

1 8 8 .0

5 .3


1 2 /8 5

1 2 6 .1

1 2 6 .5

1 2 6 .5



P rim a ry p r o d u c t s ..........................................................................................................................

3 0 5 3 -P

1 2 /8 5

1 2 6 .8

1 2 7 .2

1 2 7 .2

2 .0


C o m p re s s io n p a c k in g s .................................................................................. .......................

3 0 5 3 -4

1 2 /8 5

1 2 9 .4

1 2 9 .4

1 2 9 .4



P la n t f i b e r .................................................................................................................................

3 0 5 3 -4 1 1

1 2 /9 0

1 1 6 .4

1 1 7 .0

1 1 7 .0

8 .7

S y n th e tic fib e r, p la s tic s , c o m p o s itio n .......................................................................

3 0 5 3 -4 1 5

1 2 /9 0

1 1 2 .0

1 1 2 .0

1 1 2 .0

-5 .9


3 0 5 3 -5

1 2 /8 5

1 3 2 .2

13 4 .1

1 3 4 .1

3 .4


N o n m e ta llic g a s k e ts a n d g a s k e t in g ........................................................... ...................

See footnotes at end of table.



Table 5. Producer price indexes for the net output of selected industries and their products, not seasonally adjusted
In d e x
In d ustry a n d p ro d u c t1

In d u stry

P ro d u c t

In d e x




P e rc e n t c h a n g e
to S e p . 1 9 9 5 fro m —

M ay

A ug .





S ep. 1994

Aug. 1995

G a s k e ts , p a c k in g a n d s e a lin g d e v ic e s — C o n tin u e d
E la s to m e ric , all m a t e r ia l................................................................................ ..................

3 0 5 3 -5 1 5

1 2 /8 5

1 2 4 .1

1 2 7 .3

1 2 7 .3

2 .7


C o rk a n d c o rk c o m p o s itio n ..'.........................................................................................

3 0 5 3 -5 1 9

1 2 /8 5

14 8 .1

1 5 0 .3

1 5 0 .3

1 3 .9


O th e r n o n -m e ta llic , n .e .c .......... ........ ...............................................................................

3 0 5 3 -5 2 9

1 2 /8 5

1 1 3 .9

1 1 4 .4

1 1 4 .4

2 .4


3 0 5 3 -6

1 2 /8 5

1 2 1 .5

1 2 1 .6

1 2 1 .6

3 0 5 3 -6 2 1

1 2 /8 5

1 1 0 .2



3 0 5 3 -6 2 6

1 2 /8 5

1 3 8 .9

1 3 8 .7

1 3 8 .7



3 0 5 3 -6 3 5

1 2 /8 5

133 .1

1 3 3 .3

1 3 3 .3

6 .0


3 0 5 3 -7

1 2 /8 5

1 5 7 .7

1 5 7 .3

1 5 7 .3



3 0 5 3 -7 2 9

0 2 /9 2

1 0 3 .2

9 8.1

98 .1

-4 .9


3 0 5 3 -7 4 9

1 2 /9 0

1 1 7 .0

1 1 7 .7

1 1 7 .7



3 0 5 3 -8

1 2 /8 5

1 3 5 .7

1 3 5 .7

1 3 5 .7

4 .5


1 2 /8 5

1 0 9 .8

1 0 9 .9

1 0 9 .9

2 .5


1 1 3 .2

1 1 3 .5

2 .4


M o ld e d p ack in g a n d s e a lin g d e v i c e s ...........................................................................
O -rin g s (in cluding sp liced ; exclu d in g m e t a l ) .........................................................

2 .5


S in g le & m ult, fle x ib le s e a ls (c o m p o n e n t ty p e , s y m m e tric a l &
n o n -s y m m e tr ic a l)........................................................................................................
A ll o th e r m o ld e d p a c k in g a n d s e a ls (in cluding le a th e r a n d p la s tic
s e a l s ) .............................. ........................ ........................................................................
M e ta llic g a s k e ts a n d m a c h in e d s e a l s ......................................................... .................
S p ira l w o u n d filler t y p e .....................................................................................................
A ll p isto n rings, ex c lu s io n d e v ic e s a n d m e ta l g a s k e ts a n d m a c h in e d
s e a ls , n . e . c ............... ....................................................................................................
A x ia l m e c h a n ic a l f a c e s e a l s .....................


3 0 5 3 -S M

S e c o n d a r y p ro d u c ts a n d m is c e lla n e o u s r e c e i p t s ........................... ........ ..................

3 0 5 3 -S

S e c o n d a ry p r o d u c t s ............... ........................ ................................ ......................................

1 2 /8 8

1 1 3 .0

P rim a ry p r o d u c t s ................................... ...................... ................................................................

3 0 6 1 -P

1 2 /8 8

1 1 1 .1

1 1 0 .9

1 1 1 .3


M o ld e d ru b b e r m e c h a n ic a l g o o d s ...................................................................................

3 0 6 1 -A

0 6 /8 3

1 1 1 .9

1 1 2 .2

1 1 2 .2

1 .9


3 0 6 1 -A 11

0 6 /8 3

9 4 .4

9 4 .4

9 4 .4

1 .5


T ra n s p o rta tio n , o th e r th a n a u to m o tiv e .....................................................................

3 0 6 1 -A 1 2

0 6 /8 3

1 2 3 .8

1 2 8 .3

1 2 8 .3

9 .0


A p p lia n c e s , h o u s e h o ld a n d c o m m e r c ia l............... .................................................

3 0 6 1 -A 1 3

0 6 /8 3

1 1 4 .6

1 1 4 .6

1 1 4 .6


O il a n d g a s fie ld m a c h in e ry a n d e q u i p m e n t ........................................................

3 0 6 1 -A 1 4

0 6 /8 3

1 2 9 .2

1 2 9 .2

O th e r m o ld e d g o o d s ................ ........................................................................................

3 0 6 1 -A 1 6

0 6 /8 3

1 3 2 .8

1 3 2 .8

1 3 2 .8


3 0 6 1 -B

0 6 /8 3

1 1 7 .4

1 1 4 .6

1 1 7 .4

3 .0

A u to m o tiv e , e x c e p t t u b in g ...... ......................................................................................

3 0 6 1 -B 11

0 6 /8 3

1 0 4 .5

1 0 4 .5

O th e r t u b in g ................................................... .......................................................................

3 0 6 1 -B 1 4

0 6 /8 3

1 4 6 .4

1 4 6 .4

1 4 6 .4

3 .0

0 6 /8 3

1 3 6 .8

1 4 0 .2


4 .9


0 6 /8 3

1 2 8 .1

1 2 9 .3

1 2 9 .5

4 .4


0 6 /8 3

1 2 8 .9

1 3 0 .4

1 3 0 .6

5 .2


3 .7


M o ld e d , e x tru d e d a n d la th e c u t m e c h a n ic a l ru b b e r g o o d s ................... ........................


A u t o m o t iv e ..............................................................................................................................

E x tru d e d ru b b e r m e c h a n ic a l g o o d s .................................................. ............................

2 .4

3 0 6 1 -S M

S e c o n d a ry p ro d u c ts a n d m is c e lla n e o u s r e c e ip t s .......................................................

3 0 6 1 -S

S e c o n d a ry p r o d u c t s .................... .................. ........................................................................
F a b ric a te d ru b b e r p ro d u cts, n .e .c ..................................................................................................


3 0 6 9 -P

P rim a ry p ro d u c ts ..........................................................................................................................
In d u s tria l p ro d u c ts, n .e .c .......................................................................................................
R o ll c o v e rin g , in c lu d ing all industry ro lls ................................................................
A ll o th e r roll c o v e rin g s , including g ra p h ic a r t s .............................. .................
O th e r in d u strial ru b b e r p r o d u c t s ....................................... ....................... ..................
R u b b e r c o a te d fa b ric s a n d ru b b e r c lo t h in g ................................. ...........................
O th e r ru b b e r g o o d s ........................................ ........................................................................

3 0 6 9 -C

0 6 /8 3

1 3 8 .8

1 4 1 .0


3 0 6 9 -C 1 2

0 6 /8 3

1 3 0 .6

1 3 6 .0

1 3 6 .0

6 .8


3 0 6 9 -C 1 2 0 3

0 6 /8 3

1 2 8 .5

3 0 6 9 -C 3 9

0 6 /8 3

1 5 2 .6

154 .1

1 5 4 .7

2 .4


3 0 6 9 -D

0 6 /8 3

1 2 5 .1

1 2 5 .1

3 0 6 9 -E

0 6 /8 3

1 2 7 .4

1 2 8 .6

1 2 9 .8

3 .2


H a r d ru b b e r g o o d s ..... ........................................................................................................

3 0 6 9 -E A

B o a ts , p o n to o n s , a n d life r a f t s ................................................................... .................

3 0 6 9 -E 2 2

0 4 /8 5

1 4 1 .9

1 4 8 .0

3 0 6 9 -E 2 8

0 6 /8 3

1 3 6 .4

1 3 6 .7

1 3 6 .7

3 .6


O th e r ru b b e r g o o d s ..... ......................................................................................................

3 0 6 9 -3

0 6 /8 3

1 3 6 .9

1 3 8 .7

1 3 6 .9

3 .9

- 1 .3

0 6 /8 3

S p o n g e a n d fo a m r u b b e r ..... ........................................................................ ......................

In d ivid u a l m a t s ............................... .................................................................. ..................
R u b b e r d ru g g ist a n d m e d ic a l su n d rie s in clu d in g h o u s e h o ld g lo v e s ............


S e c o n d a ry p r o d u c t s ............... .......................................................... .....................................
O th e r s e c o n d a ry p ro d u c ts .............................................................................................

U n s u p p o rte d p la s tic film a n d s h e e t ......................... ..................................................................

1 1 8 .2

1 2 2 .4

4 .0

3 .6

1 1 6 .4

1 1 6 .4

1 21.1

4 .0

4 .0

3 0 6 9 -7

0 6 /8 3

1 3 1 .8

1 3 3 .2

1 3 4 .3

7 .0


1 2 /8 8

9 6 .7

9 8 .6

1 0 2 .1

7 .4

3 .5

3 0 6 9 -7 7 8

0 6 /8 3

1 3 3 .3

1 3 3 .6

1 3 3 .6

9 .2


3 0 6 9 -9

0 6 /8 3

1 3 4 .7

1 3 7 .4

1 3 7 .0

1 2 .0

- .3

3 0 6 9 -S M

S e c o n d a ry p ro d u c ts a n d m is c e lla n e o u s r e c e i p t s .......................................................


1 1 7 .7

0 6 /8 3

3 0 6 9 -7 6 1

S u r g ic a l ........................................................................................ .......................................
C o m p o u n d s o r m ix tu re s fo r s a le o r in te rp la n t t r a n s f e r .......................................

M is c e lla n e o u s p la s tic p r o d u c t s ......

1 4 4 .4

0 6 /8 3

3 0 6 9 -4 A
3 0 6 9 -7 A

G l o v e s .......................................................................................................................................
O th e r ru b b e r d ru g g is t a n d m e d ic a l s u n d r ie s ...............................

1 4 4 .4

3 0 6 9 -4

3 0 6 9 -3 B

C h e m ic a lly blo w n s p o n g e ......................................... .....................................................
R u b b e r flo o r a n d w a ll c o v e r in g s ................... ........................ .........................................


3 0 6 9 -S

0 6 /8 3

1 2 6 .7

1 2 6 .9

1 2 6 .9

1 .3


3 0 6 9 -S S S

0 6 /8 3

1 2 2 .7

1 2 2 .9

1 2 2 .9




0 6 /9 3

1 0 8 .8

1 0 8 .8

1 0 9 .0

6 .0



0 6 /9 3

1 1 2 .8

1 1 1 .7

1 1 2 .6

1 0 .4


3 0 8 1 -P

1 2 /8 2

1 3 3 .3

1 3 2 .3

1 3 3 .7

1 1 .4


3 0 8 1 -1

1 2 /8 2

1 3 3 .3

1 3 2 .3

1 3 3 .7

1 1 .4


P o ly e t h y le n e ................... .................................................. ...................................................

3 0 8 1 -1 0 2

0 6 /9 3

1 1 7 .9

1 1 3 .1

1 1 1 .6

8 .5

-1 .3

V in y l a n d vinyl c o p o ly m e r ...............................................................................................

3 0 8 1 -1 0 4

0 6 /9 3

1 1 0 .5

1 0 8 .7

1 0 7 .8

4 .4


2 0.1


3 .4


7 .4

1 .5

P rim a ry p ro d u c ts .......... ................................................................... ......................... .................
U n s u p p o rte d p la s tic film a n d s h e e t ......................... ............................. .......................

3 0 8 1 -1 0 5

O th e r u n s u p p o rte d p la s tic film a n d s h e e t .............................................................

1 1 6 .5

1 2 0 .1

0 6 /9 3

1 0 7 .9

1 0 4 .6

1 0 4 .4

3 0 8 1 -S M

S e c o n d a ry p ro d u c ts a n d m is c e lla n e o u s r e c e i p t s .......................................................

3 0 8 1 -S

S e c o n d a ry p r o d u c t s ................................................................. .............................................
U n s u p p o rte d p la s tic p ro file s h a p e s , ro d s a n d t u b e s ..........................................................

0 6 /9 3

1 2 5 .0

0 6 /9 3

1 0 5 .7

1 0 6 .0

1 0 7 .6

3 0 8 2 -P

1 2 /8 2

1 3 9 .2

1 3 9 .4

1 4 2 .0

7 .8

1 .9

1 3 9 .2

1 3 9 .4

1 4 2 .0

7 .8

1 .9


P rim a ry p r o d u c t s .............................................. ...........................................................................

3 0 8 2 -1

1 2 /8 2

P o ly a m id e ( n y l o n ) ............................................... .................. ............................. ..............

3 0 8 2 -1 0 3

0 6 /9 3

1 0 0 .6

1 0 0 .6

101 .1



P o ly e t h y le n e ..................... ....................................................................................................

3 0 8 2 -1 0 4

0 6 /9 3

1 0 9 .9

1 1 0 .9

1 1 0 .9

8 .8


P o ly p r o p y le n e .................................. .............. ......................................................................

3 0 8 2 -1 0 5

0 6 /9 3

1 0 0 .9

1 0 0 .9

1 0 0 .9

8 .0

V inyl a n d vinyl c o p o ly m e r ......................... .....................................................................

3 0 8 2 -1 0 8

0 6 /9 3

1 0 5 .7

1 0 5 .7

1 0 5 .7

5 .3


0 6 /9 3

1 0 2 .7

1 0 2 .7

1 0 7 .6

6 .5

4 .8

0 6 /9 3

1 1 0 .3

1 1 0 .9

1 1 0 :8

5 .4


0 6 /9 3

1 1 2 .1

1 0 8 .6

1 0 9 .6

7 .8

U n s u p p o rte d p la s tic p ro file s h a p e s , ro d s, a n d t u b e s ................


3 0 8 2 -1 0 9

O th e r u n s u p p o rte d s h a p e s , ro d s, a n d t u b e s .......................................................

3 0 8 2 -S M

S e c o n d a ry p ro d u cts a n d m is c e lla n e o u s r e c e i p t s .......................................................

3 0 8 2 -S

S e c o n d a ry p r o d u c t s .......................... ....................................... ............... ............................
L a m in a te d p la s tic p la te , s h e e t, a n d p ro file s h a p e s ............................................. ..............


See footnotes at end of table.




Table 5. Producer price indexes for the net output of selected industries and their products, not seasonally adjusted
P e rc e n t c h a n g e

In d e x
In d u stry a n d p ro d u c t1

In dustry

P ro d u c t

In d e x


cod e


to S e p . 1 9 9 5 fro m —
M ay

A ug .





Sep. 1994

Aug. 199 5

L a m in a te d p la stic p la te , s h e e t, a n d p ro file s h a p e s — C o n tin u e d
1 2 /8 2

1 4 4 .7

1 3 9 .7

3 0 8 3 -1

1 2 /8 2

1 4 4 .7

1 3 9 .7

14 1 .1

7 .5

1 .0

3 0 8 3 -1 0 1

0 6 /9 3

1 1 0 .3

1 0 8 .6

1 1 1 .3

6 .4

2 .5

0 6 /9 3

3 0 8 3 -P

P rim a ry p r o d u c t s ...........................................'...............................................................................
L a m in a te d p la s tic p la te , s h e e t, a n d p ro file s h a p e s ..............................................
T h e rm o s e ttin g .......................................................................................................................

14 1 .1

1 2 5 .6

1 2 7 .8

3 0 8 4 -P

1 2 /8 2

1 2 1 .7

1 2 4 .2

1 2 0 .7

8 .4

-2 .8

P la s tic p i p e ..................................................................................................................................

3 0 8 4 -1

1 2 /8 2

1 2 1 .7

1 2 4 .2

1 2 0 .7

8 .4

-2 .8
-7 .6



1 .0

P rim a ry p r o d u c t s ..........................................................................................................................

P la s tic p i p e .................... ................. .........................................................................................................

1 2 4 .8

7 .5

- 2 .3

D rain , w a s te , a n d v e n t .................................................................. ..................................

3 0 8 4 -1 0 1

0 6 /8 7

9 7 .3

9 4 .8

8 7 .6

- 4 .3

S e w e r ........................................................................................................................................

3 0 8 4 -1 0 2

0 6 /8 7

1 2 3 .4

1 2 0 .8

1 1 9 .2

1 .4

- 1 .3

W a t e r .........................................................................................................................................

3 0 8 4 -1 0 4

0 6 /8 7

1 0 5 .9

1 1 5 .4


1 3 .8

- 2 .9

3 0 8 4 -1 0 5

0 6 /9 3

1 4 0 .5

1 4 0 .5

1 4 0 .5

34 .1


3 0 8 4 -1 0 6

0 7 /8 7

1 7 0 .4

1 7 1 .5

1 7 0 .0

1 9 .0


0 6 /9 3

1 1 5 .4

1 1 3 .2

1 1 6 .3


2 .7

In d u strial a n d m i n i n g ................................................................... .....................................
O th e r p la stic p ip e ...............................................................................................................

3 0 8 4 -S M

S e c o n d a ry p ro d u cts a n d m is c e lla n e o u s r e c e ip t s .......................................................

3 0 8 4 -S

S e c o n d a ry p r o d u c t s ...............................................................................................................

0 6 /9 3

1 1 0 .9

1 1 1 .5

1 1 0 .2

7 .7

-1 .2

P rim a ry p r o d u c t s ..........................................................................................................................

3 0 8 5 -P

1 2 /8 2

1 2 6 .9

1 2 7 .4

1 2 5 .8

7 .5

-1 .3

P la s tic b o t t l e s ............................................................................................................................

3 0 8 5 -1

0 6 /8 7

1 2 1 .0

1 2 1 .4

1 1 9 .8

7 .4

-1 .3

P la stic b o t t l e s ........................................................................................................................

3 0 8 5 -1 0 1

0 6 /8 7

1 2 1 .0

1 2 1 .4

1 1 9 .8

7 .4

-1 .3

S e c o n d a ry p ro d u c ts a n d m is c e lla n e o u s r e c e ip t s ...... ................................................

3 0 8 5 -S M
0 6 /9 3

1 1 2 .6

1 1 6 .2

1 1 6 .2

1 1 .7


P la s tic b o t t l e s .........................................................................................................................................


3 0 8 5 -S

S e c o n d a ry p r o d u c t s ...............................................................................................................
P la s tic fo a m p ro d u c ts ..........................................................................................................................

0 6 /9 3

1 1 1 .2

1 1 2 .8

1 1 2 .3


3 0 8 6 -P

0 6 /8 7

1 2 0 .9

1 2 2 .6

1 2 2 .0

8 .3

3 0 8 6 -1

0 6 /8 7

1 2 0 .9

1 2 2 .6

1 2 2 .0

8 .3


3 0 8 6 -1 0 1

1 2 /8 2

1 1 4 .9

1 1 3 .3

1 1 4 .7

2 .7

1 .2


P rim a ry p r o d u c t s ..........................................................................................................................
P la s tic fo a m p r o d u c t s ............................................................................... ...........................
T r a n s p o r t a t io n .......................................................................................................................

3 0 8 6 -1 0 2

1 2 /8 2

1 1 0 .3

1 1 2 .0

1 1 1 .3

5 .8


Building a n d c o n s tru c tio n ...............................................................................................

3 0 8 6 -1 0 3

0 1 /8 3

1 7 3 .2

1 7 1 .4

1 6 8 .6

1 5 .6

-1 .6

F u rn itu re a n d f u r n is h in g s ................ ...............................................................................

3 0 8 6 -1 0 4

1 2 /8 2

1 3 2 .3

1 3 6 .6

1 3 6 .6

6 .1


C o n s u m e r a n d in s titu tio n a l............................................................................................

3 0 8 6 -1 0 5

1 2 /8 2

1 2 2 .9

1 2 7 .2

1 2 5 .3

1 2 .3

-1 .5

3 0 8 6 -1 0 6

0 2 /8 9

8 2 .4

8 2 .7

8 3 .4

5 .6


0 6 /9 3

1 0 4 .1

1 0 5 .7

1 0 6 .1

5 .6


0 6 /9 3

1 0 8 .9

1 0 9 .2

1 0 9 .2

6 .6


0 6 /9 3

1 0 7 .9

1 0 8 .2

1 0 8 .2

5 .4


0 6 /9 3

1 0 7 .9

P a c k a g in g ...............................................................................................................................

O th e r p lastic fo a m p r o d u c t s ..........................................................................................

3 0 8 6 -S M

S e c o n d a ry p ro d u c ts a n d m is c e lla n e o u s r e c e ip t s .......................................................

3 0 8 6 -S

S e c o n d a ry p r o d u c t s ...............................................................................................................
C u s to m c o m p o u n d in g o f p u rc h a s e d p la s tic r e s in s ............................................. ............


P rim a ry p r o d u c t s ..........................................................................................................................

3 0 8 7 -P

C u s to m c o m p o u n d in g o f p u rc h a s e d resin s a n d c o lo r c o n c e n t r a t e s ...........

3 0 8 7 -1

1 0 8 .2

5 .4

C u s to m c o m p o u n d in g o f p u rc h a s e d r e s in s ...........................................................

3 0 8 7 -1 0 1

0 6 /9 3

1 0 9 .0

1 0 9 .4

1 0 9 .4


C o lo r c o n c e n t r a t e s ......................................................................................................... .

3 0 8 7 -1 0 2

0 6 /9 3

1 0 4 .8

1 0 4 .8

1 0 4 .8

0 6 /9 3

1 0 3 .6

10 4 .1

1 0 4 .2

1 0 8 .2



3 .4


P rim a ry p r o d u c t s .......................... ...............................................................................................

3 0 8 8 -P

0 6 /9 3

1 0 3 .7

1 0 4 .2

1 0 4 .4

3 .5


P la s tic p lu m b in g f ix t u r e s ......................................................................................................

3 0 8 8 -1

0 6 /9 3

1 0 3 .7

1 0 4 .2

1 0 4 .4

3 .5


3 0 8 8 -1 0 1

0 6 /9 3

1 0 3 .7

1 0 4 .2

1 0 4 .4

3 .5


0 6 /9 3

1 0 6 .0

1 0 6 .0

1 0 6 .3

4 .0


3 0 8 9 -P

0 6 /8 7

1 2 5 .3

1 2 5 .2

1 2 5 .5

3 .7


3 0 8 9 -1

0 6 /9 3

1 0 0 .2

10 0 .1

1 0 0 .5



3 0 8 9 -1 0 1

0 6 /9 3

1 0 0 .2

10 0 .1

1 0 0 .5



3 0 8 9 -2

1 2 /8 2

1 0 6 .7

1 0 6 .7

1 0 7 .9

6 .0


3 0 8 9 -2 0 1

1 2 /8 2

1 0 6 .7

1 0 6 .7

1 0 7 .9

6 .0


3 0 8 9 -3

0 6 /9 3

1 0 5 .7

1 0 5 .9

1 0 5 .9



3 0 8 9 -3 0 1

0 6 /9 3

1 0 5 .7

1 0 5 .9

1 0 5 .9


P la s tic p lu m b in g f i x t u r e s ...................................................................................................................


P lastic plu m b in g f ix t u r e s ..................................................................................................
P la s tic p ro d u c ts n .e .c ...........................................................................................................................
P rim a ry p r o d u c t s ..........................................................................................................................


T ra n s p o rta tio n , fa b ric a te d p la s tic p ro d u cts, e x c e p t fo a m a n d
re in fo rc e d p la s tic s .....................................................................................................
T ra n s p o rta tio n , fa b ric a te d p lastic p ro d u cts, e x c e p t fo a m a n d
re in fo rc e d p la s t ic s ..................................................................................................
E le c tric a l a n d e le c tro n ic fa b ric a te d p lastic p ro d u cts, e x c e p t fo a m
a n d re in fo rc e d p la s t ic s ............................................................................................
E le c tric a l a n d e le c tro n ic fa b ric a te d p lastic p ro d u cts, e x c e p t fo a m
a n d re in fo rc e d p la s t ic s ................................................................. ......................
In d u stria l m a c h in e ry p la s tic p ro d u cts, e x c e p t f o a m .........................................
In d u stria l m a c h in e ry p la s tic p ro d u cts, e x c e p t fo a m ....................................


3 0 8 9 -4

0 6 /9 3

1 0 9 .2

1 0 9 .5

1 0 8 .4

5 .6

-1 .0

T u b s (fo r fo o d ) a n d ja rs (fo r fo o d , c o s m e tic s , a n d to ile t g o o d s ) ..........

3 0 8 9 -4 0 2

0 6 /9 3

1 2 5 .3

12 5 .1

1 2 0 .7

5 .2

- 3 .5

C a p s a n d c l o s u r e s .............................. ..........................................................................

3 0 8 9 -4 0 3

0 6 /9 3

1 0 7 .3

1 0 7 .3

1 0 7 .3

7 .2


P la s tic s p a c k a g in g , e x c e p t film a n d s h e e t, fo a m , a n d b o ttle s ..................

B lis te r a n d b u b b le fo rm e d p a c k a g in g , sh ip p in g b o x e s , a n d fo o d
t r a y s ...................................... .......................................................................................

3 0 8 9 -4 0 4

0 6 /9 3

1 1 0 .2

1 1 0 .3

1 1 0 .6

1 0 .6


O th e r p la s tic s p a c k a g in g ...................................................................... ......................

3 0 8 9 -4 0 5

0 6 /9 3

1 0 6 .3

1 0 7 .3

1 0 6 .2

3 .8

- 1 .0

3 0 8 9 -5

0 6 /9 3

1 0 4 .8

1 0 4 .8

1 0 4 .8

3 .5


3 0 8 9 -5 0 1

0 6 /9 3

1 0 4 .8

1 0 4 .8

1 0 4 .8

3 .5


3 0 8 9 -6

0 6 /9 3

1 0 6 .3

1 0 5 .7

1 0 6 .7

4 .4


3 0 8 9 -6 0 3

0 6 /9 3

9 8 .5

9 3 .8

9 7 .8

3 .2

4 .3
2 .0

P la s tic d in n e rw a re , ta b le w a re , a n d k itc h e n w a r e .................................................
P la s tic d in n e rw a re , ta b le w a re , a n d k it c h e n w a r e ............................................
C o n s u m e r, in s titutional a n d c o m m e rc ia l fa b ric a te d p la s tic p ro d u cts,
e x c e p t fo a m a n d w ire c o a t e d ..............................................................................
Utility, w a s te , a n d g a rb a g e c o n ta in e rs , in cluding b u c k e ts a n d
d is h p a n s .....................................................................................................................
F lo w e rp o ts , p la n te rs a n d a c c e s s o r ie s .................................................................

3 0 8 9 -6 0 4

0 6 /9 3

1 1 3 .6

1 1 3 .4

1 1 5 .7

9 .4

H o s p ita l a n d la b o ra to ry w a re , in cluding p itc h e rs a n d fla s k s ...................

3 0 8 9 -6 0 6

0 6 /9 3

1 0 4 .5

1 0 4 .5

1 0 4 .5

4 .7


O th e r c o n s u m e r, in s titutional a n d c o m m e rc ia l fa b ric a te d p ro d u c ts ....

3 0 8 9 -6 0 8

0 6 /9 3

1 0 7 .0

1 0 7 .0




3 0 8 9 -7

1 2 /8 2

9 9 .8

1 0 0 .0

1 0 0 .0

1 .7


3 0 8 9 -7 0 1

1 2 /8 2

9 9 .8

1 0 0 .0

1 0 0 .0

1 .7


3 0 8 9 -8

0 6 /8 7

1 3 9 .9

1 4 0 .2

1 4 0 .2

5 .0


P la s tic fu rn itu re c o m p o n e n ts a n d fu rn ish in g s e x c l. fo a m a n d
re in fo rc e d p la s tic s .....................................................................................................
P la s tic fu rn itu re c o m p o n e n ts a n d fu rn ish in g s

exc l. fo a m a n d

re in fo rc e d p l a s t ic s ..................................................................................................
B uilding a n d c o n s tru c tio n fa b ric a te d p ro d u c ts , e x c e p t fo a m , p lu m bing ,
re in fo rc e d p la s tic s .....................................................................................................

See footnotes at end of table.


Table 5. Producer price indexes for the net output of selected industries and their products, not seasonally adjusted
P e rc e n t c h a n g e

In d e x
In d u stry a n d p ro d u c t1

In d u stry

P ro d u c t

In d e x




to S e p . 1 9 9 5 fro m —
M ay






Sep. 1994

Aug. 1 9 9 5

P la s tic p ro d u cts n .e .c .— C o n tin u e d
D o o rs , p artitio n s, m o ld in g s, w in d o w s , fra m e s a n d trim .............................

3 0 8 9 -8 0 2

0 6 /9 3

1 0 8 .0

1 0 9 .1

1 0 9 .1

S id in g a n d a c c e s s o rie s , in clu d in g soffit, fa s c ia , a n d skirts .....................

3 0 8 9 -8 0 3

0 6 /9 3

1 0 9 .7

1 0 9 .7

1 0 9 .7

5 .0


3 0 8 9 -8 0 4

0 6 /9 3

1 0 6 .1

1 0 5 .1

1 0 5 .3

2 .5


3 0 8 9 -A

0 6 /9 3

1 0 2 .4

1 0 2 .7

1 0 3 .0

2 .0


T r a n s p o r t a t io n ............... ...................................................................................................

3 0 8 9 -A 0 1

0 6 /9 3

1 0 1 .9

1 0 1 .9

1 0 1 .9



B uilding a n d c o n s tru c tio n ...........................................................................................

3 0 8 9 -A 0 3

0 6 /9 3

10 6 .1

1 0 8 .7

1 0 7 .8

5 .6


O th e r fa b ric a te d fib e rg la s s a n d re in fo rc e d p lastic p r o d u c t s ...................

3 0 8 9 -A 0 4

F ittin g s a n d u n i o n s .........................................................................................................
R e in fo rc e d a n d fib e rg la s s p la s tic p ro d u c ts , n .e .c ...............................................

4 .3


0 6 /9 3

1 0 2 .6

1 0 2 .2

1 0 3 .6

2 .3

1 .4

M is c e lla n e o u s r e c e i p t s .........................................................................................................

3 0 8 9 -M

0 6 /9 3

1 3 4 .8

1 3 4 .8

1 3 4 .8

S e c o n d a ry p r o d u c t s ...............................................................................................................

3 0 8 9 -S

0 6 /9 3

1 0 2 .8

1 0 2 .7

103 .1

2 .2


3 0 8 9 -S M

S e c o n d a r y p ro d u c ts a n d m is c e lla n e o u s r e c e ip t s .......................................................


L e a th e r a n d le a th e r p r o d u c t s .........................................................................................................


1 2 /8 4

1 3 4 .4

1 3 4 .0

1 3 4 .1



L e a th e r ta n n in g a n d finishing .........................................................................................................


0 6 /8 1

1 9 1 .1

1 8 3 .0

1 8 0 .9

2 .3

-1 .1

L e a th e r ta n n in g a n d fin is h in g .........................................................................................................


0 6 /8 1

191 .1

1 8 3 .0

1 8 0 .9

2 .3

-1 .1

0 6 /8 1

1 9 1 .2

1 8 2 .0

1 7 9 .8

2 .0

- 1 .2

3 1 1 1 -P

P rim a ry p r o d u c t s ..........................................................................................................................

3 1 1 1 -1

0 6 /8 1

1 9 2 .0

1 8 8 .2

1 8 7 .7

3 .6


3 1 1 1 -1 A

0 6 /8 1

1 9 2 .3

18 8 .1

1 8 7 .6

2 .2


B a g , c a s e , a n d s tra p l e a t h e r ......... ..........................................................................

3 1 1 1 -1 3 4

0 6 /8 1

2 3 5 .9

2 3 7 .4

2 3 7 .4

4 .6


U p h o ls te ry l e a t h e r ........................................ .................................................................

3 1 1 1 -1 3 5

0 6 /8 1

2 0 6 .4

2 0 8 .3

2 0 7 .9



U p p e r le a th e r, including p a te n t ........................ ......................................................

3 1 1 1 -1 3 7

F in is h e d c a ttle a n d kip l e a t h e r .........................................................................................
G ra in s , e x c e p t o ffa l a n d w e ltin g le a t h e r .................................. ...............................

0 6 /8 1

1 7 8 .1

1 7 2 .6



3 1 1 1 -1 3 7 1 1

0 6 /8 1

1 7 8 .8

1 7 4 .3

1 7 3 .5

1 .8


G a r m e n t l e a t h e r ..............................................................................................................

3 1 1 1 -1 4 2

0 6 /8 1

1 9 4 .2

1 8 8 .4

1 8 8 .9

5 .9


O th e r g r a i n s ......................................................................................................................

3 1 1 1 -1 4 7

0 6 /8 1

2 3 2 .9

2 2 9 .9

2 3 0 .7

4 .2


3 1 1 1 -3

0 6 /8 1

1 9 3 .6

2 0 3 .7

2 0 3 .7

1 0 .7


3 1 1 1 -3 3 1

0 6 /8 1

1 7 8 .9

1 8 4 .7

1 8 4 .7

8 .3


3 1 1 1 -9

0 6 /8 1

1 5 3 .5

1 3 9 .2

1 4 1 .0

-2 .3

1 .3

1 2 /8 4

1 2 9 .7

1 3 0 .0

1 3 0 .0

3 .7


1 2 /8 4

1 2 9 .7

1 3 0 .0

1 3 0 .0

3 .7


1 2 /8 4

1 3 2 .6

1 3 2 .9

1 3 3 .0

4 .2


D re s s a n d c a s u a l s h o e , in clu d in g a ll p a t e n t ................................................

F in is h e d s h e e p a n d la m b le a t h e r ....................................................................................
G a rm e n t l e a t h e r ................................................................................................... ..............
R e c e ip ts fo r c o n tra c t ta n n in g d o n e fo r o th e rs o n th e ir m a t e r ia ls .................
B o o t a n d s h o e c u t s to c k a n d f in d in g s ......................................................................................


B o o t a n d s h o e c u t s to c k a n d fin d in g s ......................................................................................

3 1 3 1 -P

P rim a ry p r o d u c t s ........................................ ..................................................................................

1 7 1 .8

3 1 3 1 -1 1 6

1 2 /8 4

1 4 5 .5

1 4 5 .5

O th e r le a th e r c u t s t o c k .........................................................................................................

3 1 3 1 -1 3 1

1 2 /8 4

1 3 4 .1

1 3 4 .1

1 3 4 .3

3 .6


N o n -le a th e r s to c k a n d fin d in g s incl. h e e l s .................................................................

3 1 3 1 -1 9 1

1 2 /8 4

1 2 6 .0

1 2 6 .7

1 2 6 .7

2 .6


S e c o n d a r y p ro d u c ts a n d m is c e lla n e o u s r e c e ip t s .......................................................

3 1 3 1 -S M

O u te r s o le s a n d in n e rs o le s o f le a t h e r ........................................ .................................

3 1 3 1 -S

S e c o n d a ry p r o d u c t s .................................... ..........................................................................
F o o tw e a r, e x c e p t r u b b e r ......................................... .........................................................................


H o u s e s lip p e r s ........................................................................................................................................


1 2 /8 4

1 0 7 .5

1 0 7 .5

1 0 7 .5



1 2 /8 4

1 3 5 .0

1 3 5 .2

1 3 5 .3

2 .5


0 6 /8 5

1 2 6 .4

1 2 6 .6

1 2 6 .6

4 .6


P rim a ry p r o d u c t s ..........................................................................................................................

3 1 4 2 -P

0 6 /8 5

1 2 6 .0

1 2 6 .1

1 2 6 .1

4 .9


H o u s e slip p ers, e x c e p t slip p e r s o c k s ......................... .................................................

3 1 4 2 -1

0 6 /8 5

1 2 5 .6

1 2 5 .7

1 2 5 .7

4 .6


3 1 4 2 -1 1 1

0 6 /8 5

1 6 2 .1

1 6 2 .1

1 6 2 .1

6 .7


3 1 4 2 -1 1 1 3 3
3 1 4 2 -1 1 1 4 4

0 6 /8 5

1 4 5 .7

1 4 5 .7

1 4 5 .7


0 6 /8 5

2 0 2 .6

2 0 2 .6

2 0 2 .6

3 .0
1 3 .7

3 1 4 2 -1 2 2

0 6 /8 5

1 0 8 .5

1 0 8 .7

1 0 8 .6



L e a th e r h o u s e s lip p e r s .....................................................................................................
M e n ' s ........................................................................................................... ........................
W o m e n ’s ............................. ................................................................................................
H o u s e slip p ers, e x c e p t le a th e r ....................................................................................


3 1 4 2 -1 2 2 3

1 2 /9 0

9 7 .2

9 7 .3

9 7 .3

3 .4

M e n ’s .................................................................................................... ............................

3 1 4 2 -1 2 2 3 4

1 2 /9 0

1 0 7 .1

1 0 7 .1

1 0 7 .1



W o m e n ’s .........................................................................................................................

3 1 4 2 -1 2 2 3 5

1 2 /9 0

9 6 .3

9 6 .5

9 6 .4

3 .8


3 1 4 2 -1 2 2 4

1 2 /9 0

1 1 9 .0

1 1 9 .0

1 1 9 .0



3 1 4 2 -S

1 2 /9 0

1 1 9 .3

1 2 1 .7

1 2 1 .7

2 .0


1 2 /8 0

1 6 0 .4

1 6 0 .4

1 6 0 .5

3 .3


F a b ric h o u s e slip p e rs ...................................................................................................

V in y l h o u s e s lip p e r s ......................................................... ............................................
S e c o n d a r y p r o d u c t s ...............................................................................................................
M e n ’s f o o t w e a r ............................................. .........................................................................................


P rim a ry p r o d u c t s .................... .................... ................................................................................

3 1 4 3 -P

1 2 /8 0

1 6 1 .2

1 6 1 .2

1 6 1 .4

3 .8

M e n ’s s h o e s , e x c e p t a t h l e t i c .............................................................................................

3 1 4 3 -4

1 2 /9 3

1 0 4 .7

1 0 4 .7

1 0 4 .9

3 .9


D r e s s a n d c a s u a l .................................................................................... ...........................

3 1 4 3 -4 1 1

1 2 /9 3

1 0 4 .8

1 0 4 .5

1 0 4 .5

3 .7


B o o ts , d re s s a n d c a s u a l, e x c e p t w e s te rn s t y l e ..................................................

3 1 4 3 -4 2 1

1 2 /9 3

1 0 6 .8

1 0 6 .8

1 0 6 .8

2 .7


W e s te rn s ty le b o o t s .................... ................................................................................ .....

3 1 4 3 -4 2 2

1 2 /9 3

1 0 1 .8

1 0 1 .9

1 0 2 .1



W o r k o x fo rd s .........................................................................................................................

3 1 4 3 -4 3 1

1 2 /9 3

1 0 6 .5

1 0 7 .2

1 0 7 :3

5 .3


W o rk s h o e s , a n k le h e ig h t o r h i g h e r ...........................................................................

3 1 4 3 -4 4 1

1 2 /9 3

1 0 6 .2

1 0 6 .6

1 0 6 .9

5 .6


S e c o n d a ry p ro d u c ts a n d m is c e lla n e o u s r e c e ip t s .......................................................

3 1 4 3 -S M
3 1 4 3 -M

1 2 /8 0

1 5 0 .7

1 5 0 .7

1 5 0 .7

1 .0


3 1 4 3 -Z 8 9

1 1 /8 3

1 2 3 .6

1 2 3 .6

1 2 3 .6



3 1 4 3 -S

1 2 /8 0

1 5 4 .4

1 5 4 .4

1 5 4 .4

1 .0


1 2 /8 0

1 2 8 .1

1 2 8 .4



P rim a ry p r o d u c t s .................................................................................................. .......................

3 1 4 4 -P

1 2 /8 0

1 2 6 .1

1 2 6 .3

1 2 6 .3



W o m e n ’s s h o e s , e x c e p t a t h l e t i c ............... .....................................................................

3 1 4 4 -4

1 2 /9 3

1 0 0 .3

1 0 0 .5

1 0 0 .5



M is c e lla n e o u s re c e ip ts .........................................................................................................
R e s a l e s .....................................................................................................................................
S e c o n d a r y p ro d u c ts .................... ..........................................................................................
W o m e n ’s f o o t w e a r ................................... .............. ............................................................................


1 2 8 .3

S a n d a l s .................................................. ..................................................................................

3 1 4 4 -4 1 1

1 2 /9 3

1 0 2 .5

1 0 2 .5

1 0 2 .5



D r e s s a n d c a s u a l, e x c e p t s a n d a ls .............................................................................

3 1 4 4 -4 2 1

1 2 /9 3

9 9 .7

1 0 0 .0

9 9 .9


- .1

B o o ts , a n k le h e ig h t o r h ig h e r ........................................................................................

3 1 4 4 -4 4 1

S e c o n d a r y p ro d u c ts a n d m is c e lla n e o u s r e c e ip t s ........................................ ..............

3 1 4 4 -S M

S e c o n d a r y p r o d u c t s ................................................................................................................
F o o tw e a r , e x c e p t ru b b e r, n .e .c .......................................................................................................
P rim a ry p r o d u c t s ..........................................................................................................................

1 2 /9 3

1 0 1 .8

1 0 0 .7

1 0 1 .9

1 .9

1 .2

3 1 4 4 -S

1 2 /8 0

1 7 3 .2

1 7 2 .8

1 7 3 .4

2 .7


1 2 /7 9

1 4 6 .3

1 4 6 .7

1 4 6 .8

2 .2


3 1 4 9 -P

1 2 /7 9

1 5 0 .5

1 5 0 .9

1 5 0 .9

2 .0



See footnotes at end of table.


Table 5. Producer price indexes for the net output of selected industries and their products, not seasonally adjusted
P e rc e n t c h a n g e

In d e x
In d u s try a n d p ro d u c t1

In d u stry

Pro d u c t

In d e x




to S e p . 1 9 9 5 fro m —
M ay

A ug.

S ep.




Sep. 1994

Aug. 19 9 5

F o o tw e a r, e x c e p t ru b b er, n .e .c .— C o n tin u e d
Y o u th s ’ a n d b o y s ’ fo o tw e a r, e x c e p t a t h l e t i c ............................................................

3 1 4 9 -1

1 4 9 .3

1 48.1

14 8 .1

C h ild re n ’s s h o e s a n d b o o ts , e x c e p t a th le tic .................... ........................... ............

3 1 4 9 -3

1 2 /7 9

1 6 0 .2

1 6 0 .5

1 6 0 .8

1 .7


In fa n ts ’ a n d b a b ie s ’ f o o t w e a r ...........................................................................................

3 1 4 9 -4

1 2 /7 9

1 7 1 .7

1 7 2 .3

1 7 2 .4

4 .7


3 1 4 9 -5

1 2 /7 9

1 3 9 .0

1 3 9 .2

1 3 9 .2



1 2 /7 9

1 5 0 .0

1 5 2 .0

1 5 2 .0

1 .4


0 6 /8 5

13 1 .1

1 3 1 .3

1 3 1 .5

2 .8


A th le tic , e x c e p t ru b b e r s o le /fa b r ic u p p e r ..................................................................

1 2 /7 9

- 0 .3


3 1 4 9 -S M

S e c o n d a ry p ro d u c ts a n d m is c e lla n e o u s r e c e ip t s ................................... ...................

3 1 4 9 -S

S e c o n d a ry p r o d u c t s ............................................................................ ..................................
L e a th e r g lo v e s a n d m i t t e n s ............................................................................................................


L e a th e r g lo v e s a n d m i t t e n s ............................................................................................................


0 6 /8 5

1 3 1 .1

1 3 1 .3

1 3 1 .5

2 .8


P rim a ry p r o d u c t s ........... .............................................................................................................

3 1 5 1 -P

0 6 /8 5

1 3 6 .2

1 3 6 .4

1 3 6 .7

2 .4


A ll le a th e r d re s s a n d s e m id re s s g lo v e s a n d m i t t e n s ...........................................

3 1 5 1 -2

0 6 /8 5

1 2 9 .8

1 2 9 .2

1 2 9 .2



3 1 5 1 -2 2 2

0 6 /9 1

1 0 4 .0

1 0 3 .6

1 0 3 .6

1 .0


3 1 5 1 -7

0 6 /8 5

1 3 8 .4

1 3 9 .0

1 3 9 .3

2 .8


All g rain , exclu d in g w e ld e r s .................................................................. ........................

3 1 5 1 -7 8 1

0 6 /8 5

1 4 0 .5

1 4 0 .5

2 .9


All split, e xc lu d in g w e l d e r s ............................................................................................

3 1 5 1 -7 8 3

0 6 /8 5

1 4 1 .2

1 4 1 .5

1 4 1 .5

2 .4


L e a th e r, e x c e p t all g rain a n d all split, including w e ld e rs ..............................

3 1 5 1 -7 8 9

0 6 /8 5

1 3 1 .5

1 3 3 .8

1 3 3 .8

3 .4


3 1 5 1 -Z 8 9

0 6 /8 5

1 3 3 .4

1 3 3 .4

1 3 3 .4

5 .4


3 1 5 1 -S

0 6 /8 5

1 1 4 .4

1 1 4 .3

1 1 4 .3

2 .9



1 2 /8 4

1 2 0 .0

1 2 0 .2

1 2 0 .2




1 2 /8 4

1 2 0 .0

1 2 0 .2

1 2 0 .2



1 2 /8 4

12 0 .1

1 2 0 .2

1 2 0 .2



A ll le a th e r d re s s a n d s e m id re s s g lo v e s a n d m it t e n s .......................................
A ll le a th e r w o rk g lo v e s a n d m it t e n s .............................................................................

3 1 5 1 -S M

S e c o n d a ry p ro d u c ts a n d m is c e lla n e o u s re c e ip ts .......................................................
R e s a le s ............................................................ .................................................. ....................
S e c o n d a ry p r o d u c t s ...............................................................................................................
L u g g a g e .............................................. ......... .............................................................................................
L u g g a g e ........................................................................................................................ ............................

1 4 1 .2

3 1 6 1 -P

P rim a ry p r o d u c t s ............................................................................................ .............................
H a n d lu g g a g e ................................................................................................... ........................
H a n d lu g g a g e , all ty p e s e x c e p t z ip p e r e d ................... ............. ............. ................

3 1 6 1 -1

1 2 /8 4

1 1 2 .4

1 1 2 .5

1 1 2 .5

-1 .2


3 1 6 1 -1 1 3

1 2 /8 4

1 4 3 .6

1 4 3 .6

1 4 3 .6

-3 .2


1 4 6 .0

1 4 6 .0

3 1 6 1 -1 1 3 3 5

1 2 /8 4

1 4 6 .0



3 1 6 1 -1 1 4

1 2 /8 4

12 1 .1

1 2 1 .5

1 2 1 .5



3 1 6 1 -2

1 2 /8 4

1 3 4 .6

1 3 4 .7

1 3 4 .7



O c c u p a tio n a l lu g g a g e c a s e s , s a m p le , bin o cu lar, a n d c a m e ra c a s e s .....

3 1 6 1 -2 5 3

1 2 /8 4

1 4 5 .2

1 4 5 .2

1 4 4 .9



T ru n k s , h a n d tru n k s a n d lo c k e rs ........................................................... .................. .

3 1 6 1 -2 6 3

1 2 /8 4

1 6 0 .3

1 6 0 .3

1 6 0 .3

2 .2


3 1 6 1 -2 7 3

1 2 /8 4

1 4 3 .8

1 4 4 .6

1 4 4 .7



F ra m e d , lo c k c o n s tru c tio n .................................... ................... .................................
Z ip p e re d h a n d l u g g a g e .................................................................. ................................
L u g g a g e o th e r th a n h a n d lu g g a g e .................................................................................

B rie fc a s e s a n d b a g s , s c h o o l b a g s , e n v e lo p e s , c a ta lo g c a s e s , a n d
z ip p e re d ring b in d e r s ................................................................................................
M u s ic a l in s tru m e n t c a s e s ...............................................................................................

3 1 6 1 -2 8 1

1 2 /8 4

1 2 3 .3

1 2 3 .3

1 2 3 .3



A tta c h e c a s e s ......................................................................................................................

3 1 6 1 -2 8 4

1 2 /8 4

1 2 1 .4

1 2 1 .4

1 2 1 .4

-5 .5


O th e r lu g g a g e , including n o n -c a n v a s k n a p s a c k s ................................. .............

3 1 6 1 -2 9 8

1 2 /8 4

1 2 5 .2

1 2 5 .2

1 2 5 .2

4 .6


3 1 6 1 -M

1 2 /8 4

1 1 6 .8

1 1 6 .8

1 1 6 .8

4 .3


3 1 6 1 -Z 8 9

1 2 /8 4

1 1 6 .0

1 1 6 .0

1 1 6 .0

3 ,6


3 1 6 1 -S

1 2 /8 4

1 2 2 .7

1 2 2 .9

1 2 2 .8

2 .9

- .1

1 2 /8 4

1 2 2 .5

1 2 2 .7

1 2 3 .2



1 2 9 .3

1 3 0 .0

1 .4

3 1 6 1 -S M

S e c o n d a r y p ro d u c ts a n d m is c e lla n e o u s r e c e ip t s .......................................................
M is c e lla n e o u s r e c e i p t s ................................................................................ ........................
R e s a l e s ....................................................................................................................................
S e c o n d a ry p r o d u c t s .......................... ....................................................................................
H a n d b a g s a n d o th e r p e rs o n a l le a th e r g o o d s ........................................ ...............................


W o m e n ’s a n d c h ild re n ’s h a n d b a g s a n d p u r s e s ...................................................................


0 6 /8 2

1 2 9 .3

P rim a ry p r o d u c t s .................................................... ........................................ ............................

3 1 7 1 -P

0 6 /8 2

1 3 0 .0

1 3 0 .0

1 3 0 .8

1 .6


W o m e n ’s a n d c h ild re n ’s h a n d b a g s a n d p u r s e s .................................. ...................

3 1 7 1 -5

0 6 /8 2

1 3 0 .0

1 3 0 .0

1 3 0 .8

1 .6


A ll o r c h ie fly l e a t h e r ......................................................................... ................................

3 1 7 1 -5 1 1

0 6 /8 2

1 3 4 .1

13 4 .1

1 3 5 .5

3 1 7 1 -5 7 1

0 6 /8 2

1 2 0 .3

1 2 0 .3

1 2 0 .3

2 .0

1 .0

O th e r m a te ria ls , e x c e p t p re c io u s m e t a l s ...............................................................
S e c o n d a r y p ro d u c ts a n d m is c e lla n e o u s r e c e ip t s ........................ ..............................

3 1 7 1 -S M

P e rs o n a l le a th e r g o o d s , e x c e p t w o m e n ’s h a n d b a g s a n d p u r s e s ...............................

B illfo ld s, w a lle ts , F re n c h p u rs e s a n d c lu t c h e s .....................................................
B illfo ld s, w a lle ts , F re n c h p u rs e s a n d c lu tc h e s , l e a t h e r ..............................
B illfo ld s a n d w a lle t s .................... ................................................................ .............


0 6 /8 2

1 3 5 .6

13 6 .1

1 3 6 .5



3 1 7 2 -P

0 6 /8 2

1 3 7 .5

1 3 7 .8

- .1


3 1 7 2 -5
3 1 7 2 -5 A

0 6 /8 2
0 6 /8 2

1 3 7 .4
1 4 0 .9

1 3 7 .7
1 4 0 .9

1 3 8 .3
1 3 8 .2
1 4 1 .6

- .1
-1 .3


3 1 7 2 -5 1 1

0 6 /8 2

1 3 7 .1

137 .1

1 3 7 .8

- 1 .2


3 1 7 2 -5 1 1 1 1

0 6 /8 2

1 3 5 .3

1 3 5 .3

1 3 5 .3



1 4 3 .7

1 4 6 .5

3 .0

1 .9


P rim a ry p r o d u c t s ............................................................................................................ .............
P e rs o n a l le a th e r g o o d s , e x c e p t w o m e n ’s h a n d b a g s a n d p u r s e s ..................


F re n c h p u r s e s ......... ...................................................................... .............................

3 1 7 2 -5 1 1 2 2

0 6 /8 2

1 3 4 .0

C l u t c h e s .................................................................................................... .....................
J e w e lry b o x e s a n d c a s e s ..... ................................... .............................. ......................

3 1 7 2 -5 1 1 3 3

0 6 /8 2

1 4 3 .7

3 1 7 2 -5 5 3

1 2 /8 9

1 0 3 .4

1 0 3 .4

1 0 3 .4

1 .8


O th e r p e rs o n a l g o o d s , l e a t h e r .....................................................................................

3 1 7 2 -5 9 6

0 6 /8 9

1 0 7 .3

1 0 8 .9

1 0 9 .5

3 .4


O th e r p e rs o n a l g o o d s , e x c e p t l e a t h e r .....................................................................

3 1 7 2 -5 9 7

0 6 /8 2

1 3 5 .0

1 3 5 .3

1 3 5 .3

1 .0


0 6 /8 2

1 2 5 .0

1 3 0 .7

1 3 0 .7

5 .9


0 6 /8 5

1 3 1 .4

1 3 2 .5

1 3 2 .8

3 .6


3 1 7 2 -S M

S e c o n d a ry p ro d u c ts a n d m is c e lla n e o u s r e c e ip t s .......................................................

3 1 7 2 -S

S e c o n d a ry p ro d u c ts ................................................................................................................
L e a th e r g o o d s , n .e .c ............................................................................................... .............................


L e a th e r g o o d s , n .e .c ............................................................................... .............................................


P rim a ry p r o d u c t s .............. .............. ................................... .........................................................
L e a th e r g o o d s , e x c lu d in g ind ustrial l e a t h e r ..............................................................
S a d d le ry a n d h a rn e s s a n d a c c o u te r m e n ts .......... .................................................

3 1 9 9 -P

0 6 /8 5

1 3 1 .4

1 3 2 .5

1 3 2 .8

3 .6


0 6 /8 5

1 3 4 .4

1 3 5 .7

1 3 6 .1

3 ,3


3 1 9 9 -A

1 2 /9 1

1 0 7 .3

1 0 8 .0

1 0 8 .4

2 .8


3 1 9 9 -1 3 1

0 6 /8 5

1 3 6 .2

1 3 8 .8

1 3 8 .8

5 .7


3 1 9 9 -1 9 6

4 .4

1 .9

D o g co lla rs , le a s h e s a n d o th e r h o u s e h o ld p e t a c c e s s o rie s m a d e o f
0 6 /8 5

1 2 4 .3

1 2 4 .3

3 1 9 9 -1 9 7

0 6 /8 5

1 3 1 .3

1 3 1 .9

1 3 1 .9

1 .2


3 1 9 9 -B

1 2 /9 1

1 0 7 .6

1 1 2 .4

1 1 2 .4

8 .2


In d u strial le a th e r b e ltin g /in d u s tria l le a th e r p r o d u c ts ........................................

3 1 9 9 -1 9 1

0 6 /8 5

1 5 1 .4

1 5 8 .3

1 5 8 .3

8 .3


S e c o n d a ry p ro d u c ts a n d m is c e lla n e o u s r e c e ip t s .......................................................

3 1 9 9 -S M
1 1 0 .9

1 1 0 .9

1 1 0 .9

l e a t h e r .............................................................................................................................
O th e r le a th e r g o o d s ..........................................................................................................
In d u s tria l l e a t h e r .......................................................................................................................

M is c e lla n e o u s r e c e i p t s .........................................................................................................
R e s a l e s .................................................................................. .................................................
S e c o n d a ry p r o d u c t s ........................................ ............................................. ........................

3 .9

3 1 9 9 -M

0 6 /8 5

3 1 9 9 -Z 8 9

0 6 /8 5

8 8 .0

8 8 .0

8 8 .0

3 .9


3 1 9 9 -S

0 6 /8 5

1 3 8 .6

1 3 7 .8

1 3 7 .8

6 .6


See footnotes at end of table.

1 2 6 .7



Table 5. Producer price indexes for the net output of selected industries and their products, not seasonally adjusted
In d e x
in d u stry a n d p ro d u c t1

In d u stry

P ro d u c t

In d e x




P e rc e n t c h a n g e
to S e p . 1 9 9 5 fro m —

M ay






1 2 4 .8

S ep. 1994

3 .4

Aug. 19 9 5

S to n e , c la y , g la s s , a n d c o n c re te p r o d u c t s ..... .......................................................................


1 2 /8 4

1 2 4 .6

1 2 4 .6

0 .2

F la t g l a s s ...................................................................................................................................................


1 2 /8 0

1 2 1 .0

1 1 5 .7

1 1 5 .7



F la t g l a s s .............................................................................................................................. .....................


1 2 /8 0

1 2 1 .0

1 1 5 .7

1 1 5 .7



P rim a ry p r o d u c t s ..........................................................................................................................

3 2 1 1 -P

1 2 /8 0

1 2 2 .2

1 1 6 .5

1 1 6 .5



O th e r fla t g la s s , m a d e fro m g la s s p ro d u c e d in th e s a m e e s ta b lis h m e n t..

3 2 1 1 -4

1 2 /8 0

1 1 5 .4

1 0 7 .2

1 0 7 .2

-2 .7


R a w fla t g la s s o r w in d o w g la s s (flo a t, s h e e t a n d p l a t e ) ....................................

6 .2


3 2 1 1 -5

1 2 /8 0

1 2 4 .6

1 2 4 .5

1 2 4 .5

U p to a n d in clu d in g .1 0 7 i n c h .................................... .................................................

3 2 1 1 -5 1 2

1 2 /8 0

1 0 9 .6

1 0 9 .3

1 0 9 .3



.1 0 8 in c h th ro u g h .1 3 4 inch ............... ............................ .............................................

3 2 1 1 -5 1 3

1 2 /8 0

1 0 2 .4

1 0 2 .3

1 0 2 .3



3 2 1 1 -5 1 5

1 2 /9 4

1 0 6 .0

1 0 6 .0

1 0 6 .0


1 2 /8 4

125 .1

1 2 5 .5

1 2 5 .6

O v e r .2 0 0 i n c h ....................................................................................................... ...............
G la s s a n d g la s s w a re , p re s s e d o r b lo w n .............................. ....................................................


G la s s c o n t a in e r s ...................................................................................................................................



2 .8


0 6 /8 2

1 2 8 .5

1 2 8 .8

1 2 8 .9

2 .2


P rim a ry p r o d u c t s ...........................................................................................................................

3 2 2 1 -P

0 6 /8 2

1 2 9 .0

1 2 9 .3

1 2 9 .4

2 .3


N a rro w n e c k a n d w id e m o u th c o n ta in e rs , e x . f o o d .......................... .....................

3 2 2 1 -A

0 6 /9 5


1 0 0 .3

1 0 0 .3



3 2 2 1 -1 B

0 6 /9 5


1 0 0 .3

1 0 0 .3


N o n -a lc o h o lic b e v e r a g e ............................. .................................................................

3 2 2 1 -1 1 5

0 6 /8 2

1 2 6 .1

1 2 6 .1

1 2 6 .1

1 .6

B e e r ............... ........................................................................................................................

3 2 2 1 -1 1 6

0 6 /8 2

1 3 7 .4




3 2 2 1 -1 1 6 6

0 6 /8 2

1 3 8 .5



0 6 /9 5


0 6 /8 2


1 1 9 .1

2 .8


3 2 2 1 -2 1

11 7 .1

1 0 0 .3


3 2 2 1 -2

B e v e ra g e c o n ta in e rs .........................................................................................................

N o n - r e f illa b le ............................................................................... .................................
F o o d c o n t a in e r s ........................................................................................................................
N a rro w n e c k fo o d c o n t a in e r s ........................................................................................


0 6 /8 3

1 3 1 .8

1 3 2 .4

1 3 2 .6

3 .4


P rim a ry p r o d u c t s ...........................................................................................................................

3 2 2 9 -P

0 6 /8 3

1 3 2 .9

1 3 3 .5

1 3 3 .8

3 .6


T a b le , k itc h e n , a rt, a n d n o v e lty g l a s s w a r e ...............................................................

3 2 2 9 -1

0 6 /8 3

1 4 0 .9

1 4 0 .3

1 3 9 .7



3 2 2 9 -1 2

0 6 /8 3

1 4 1 .3

1 4 0 .6

1 4 0 .9

2 .4


P re s s e d a n d b lo w n g la s s , n .e .c ......................................................................................................

M a c h in e m a d e ta b le , k itc h e n , a rt, a n d n o v e lty g l a s s w a r e ............................



T u m b le rs (o n e p ie c e e x c lu d in g p a c k e rs ’ t u m b le r s ) ......................................

3 2 2 9 -1 2 1

0 6 /8 3

1 1 7 .9

1 1 8 .0

1 1 8 .1

3 .9

T a b l e w a r e ............................................................................................................................

3 2 2 9 -1 2 3

0 6 /8 3

1 5 7 .1

1 5 2 .9

1 5 2 .9


C o o k w a r e , o v e n w a re , k itc h e n w a re , a n d m ic ro w a v e o v e n g l a s s ..........

3 2 2 9 -1 2 5

0 6 /8 3

1 3 9 .1

1 3 9 .0




O r n a m e n ta l, d e c o ra tiv e , a n d n o v e lty g la s s w a re a n d s m o k e rs ’
a c c e s s o r i e s ....................................................:..........................................................
H a n d m a d e ta b le , k itc h e n , a rt, a n d n o v e lty g la s s w a r e .....................................
Lighting a n d e le c tro n ic g la s s w a r e ...................................................................................
M a c h in e -m a d e lig h tin g /e le c tro n ic g la s s w a r e .......................................................
B o w ls a n d e n c lo s in g g lo b e s (in te rio r a n d e x t e r io r ) ......................................

1 5 0 .7

- .1


3 2 2 9 -1 3

0 6 /8 3

1 5 4 .9

1 5 4 .9

1 4 9 .6

-6 .6

-3 .4

3 2 2 9 -2

0 6 /8 3

1 2 9 .1

1 2 9 .2

1 2 9 .5

3 .5


3 2 2 9 -2 A

1 2 /9 1

1 0 8 .9

1 0 9 .0

1 0 9 .4

3 .7


3 2 2 9 -2 2 4

1 2 /9 1

1 0 5 .0

1 0 4 .7

1 0 4 .2

1 .2


3 2 2 9 -2 3 5

0 8 /8 3

1 2 3 .2

1 2 3 .4




3 2 2 9 -1 2 8

0 6 /8 3

1 5 0 .7

1 5 0 .7

T .V . tu b e b la n k s a n d parts; tu b in g , c a n e , a n d g la s s p a rts fo r
e le c tro n ic tu b e s a n d d e v ic e s ...........................................................................


T ra n s fe rs a n d s h ip m e n ts o f p artia lly fa b ric a te d lig h tin g /e le c tro n ic
g la s s w a r e ........................................................................................................................
G la s s fib e r-te x tile t y p e ..........................................................................................................
O th e r te x tile -ty p e g la s s fib e r p ro d u c ts , in clu d in g m a t a n d y a r n .................
O th e r p re s s e d a n d b lo w n g la s s w a r e ..... ............. ........................................................
M a c h in e -m a d e g la s s w a re , n .e .c . .............. .................................................................
O th e r g la s s w a r e .............................................................................................................
H a n d m a d e g la s s w a re , n .e .c . ....................................... .................................................

3 2 2 9 -2 C

0 6 /8 3

1 0 5 .7

1 0 5 .8


3 2 2 9 -3

0 6 /8 3

1 0 9 .2

1 1 0 .9

1 1 2 .0

6 .4

1 .0

3 2 2 9 -3 2 8

1 2 /9 1

1 0 7 .8

1 0 7 .8

1 6 2 .7

2 .6


3 2 2 9 -4

0 6 /8 3

1 6 2 .7

3 2 2 9 -4 A

1 2 /9 1

1 1 4 .0

1 1 4 .0

1 1 4 .0

3 2 2 9 -4 2 8

1 2 /9 1

1 1 3 .6

1 1 3 .6

1 6 2 .7

1 1 3 .6

3 2 2 9 -4 B

1 2 /9 1



1 1 3 .0

2 .3


3 .4




T ra n s fe rs a n d s h ip m e n ts o f p a rtia lly fa b ric a te d p re s s e d a n d b lo w n
g la s s w a re , n .e .c .................................................... .......................................................
M is c e lla n e o u s r e c e i p t s .........................................................................................................
S e c o n d a r y p r o d u c t s ..... ...................................................................................■;....................

3 2 2 9 -4 C
3 2 2 9 -M
3 2 2 9 -S


1 2 /9 1
1 2 /9 1

1 0 9 .9
1 0 7 .6

1 0 9 .9

1 0 9 .9

0 6 /8 3

1 0 7 .1

1 0 7 .2

1 0 3 .5



2 .5





Table 5. Producer price indexes for the net output of selected industries and their products, not seasonally adjusted—Continued

P e rc e n t c h a n g e

In d e x
In d u stry a n d p ro d u c t1

In d u stry

P ro d u c t

In d e x




P ro d u c ts o f p u rc h a s e d g l a s s ..........................................................................................................


P ro d u c ts o f p u rc h a s e d g l a s s ..........................................................................................................


0 6 /8 3

to S e p . 1 9 9 5 fro m —
M ay






1 2 6 .8

1 2 7 .0

1 2 7 .3

2 .9

0 .2

Sep. 1994

0 6 /8 3

1 2 6 .8

1 2 7 .0

1 2 7 .3

2 .9

P rim a ry p r o d u c t s ..... ....................................................................................................................

3 2 3 1 -P

0 6 /8 3

1 2 6 .3

1 2 6 .5

1 2 6 .6

2 .8

L a m in a te d g la s s , in clu ding p la te , flo a t, a n d s h e e t ......................... ...................

Aug. 19 9 5


3 2 3 1 -3

0 6 /8 3

1 0 2 .3

1 0 2 .8

1 0 2 .5

2 .6


F o r c o n s tru c tio n a n d a rc h ite c tu ra l u s e s .................... ............................................

3 2 3 1 -3 2 1

0 6 /8 7

9 0 .3

9 5 .8


1 1 .6

- 1 .8

F o r a u to m o tiv e u s e s ..........................................................................................................

3 2 3 1 -3 4 1

0 6 /8 7

1 0 1 .7

1 0 0 .8

1 0 0 .8



O E M .....................................................................................................................................

3 2 3 1 -3 4 1 0 1

0 6 /8 7

9 4 .2

9 3 .9

9 3 .9



R e p l a c e m e n t .................................. ..................................................................................

3 2 3 1 -3 4 1 0 2

1 2 1 .8

F o r o th e r u s e s .......................................................................................................................
M irro rs, p la te a n d flo a t (d e c o ra te d o r u n d e c o r a t e d ) ............................................

0 6 /8 7

1 2 5 .0

1 2 1 .8

-1 .5


3 2 3 1 -3 6 9

0 6 /9 4

1 0 5 .8

1 0 5 .9

1 0 5 .8

7 .4


3 2 3 1 -5

0 6 /8 3

1 4 1 .9

1 4 2 .2

1 4 3 .2

4 .6


F ra m e d m ir r o r s .....................................................................................................................

3 2 3 1 -5 2 1

0 6 /8 3

1 6 9 .3

1 6 9 .3

1 7 0 .7

3 .6


U n fra m e d m ir r o r s ................................................................................................. ..............

3 2 3 1 -5 4 1

0 6 /8 3

1 3 4 .2

1 35.1

1 3 6 .4

8 .5

1 .0

A u to m o tiv e m ir r o r s ............... ................................................. ............................................

3 2 3 1 -5 7 1

0 6 /8 3

1 1 8 .8

1 1 8 .8

1 1 8 .8



3 2 3 1 -7

0 6 /8 3

1 3 7 .0

1 3 7 .3

1 3 7 .4

2 .8


3 2 3 1 -7 1 1

0 6 /8 3

1 3 8 .8

1 3 9 .3

1 3 9 .3

4 .3


3 2 3 1 -7 1 1 0 3

0 6 /8 7

1 2 1 .7

12 2 .1

12 2 .1

5 .4


3 2 3 1 -7 5 1

0 6 /8 3

1 4 5 .7

1 4 6 .2

1 4 6 .5

2 .4


P re s s e d a n d b lo w n g la s s w a re , m a d e fro m g la s s p u rc h a s e d o r
tra n s fe rre d fro m o th e r e s t a b lis h m e n t .................... ..............................................
C o n s u m e r g la s s w a r e ............................................................ ............................................
M a c h in e m a d e .................................................................. .................. ............................
O th e r g la s s w a re , including scien tific, la b o ra to ry , in dustrial, e t c . ...............
O th e r g la s s p ro d u c ts , m a d e fro m g la s s p u rc h a s e d o r tra n s fe rre d fro m
3 2 3 1 -8

0 6 /8 3

1 2 0 .2

1 2 0 .0

1 2 0 .2

2 .3

S ta in e d , le a d e d , a n d fa c e te d g la s s a n d c o lo re d g la s s s l a b s .....................

3 2 3 1 -8 2 1

0 6 /8 3

1 2 6 .3

1 3 6 .7

M u ltip le -g la z e d , s e a le d in sulating g la s s u n i t s ......................................................

3 2 3 1 -8 7 1

0 6 /8 3

1 2 1 .4

1 2 1 .4

1 2 1 .4

3 .5

T e m p e r e d g l a s s .................................................................... .............................................

3 2 3 1 -8 8

0 6 /8 7

9 8 .4

9 7 .7

9 7 .9

1 .6


1 1 8 .2

1 1 4 .8


o th e r e s t a b lis h m e n t s .....................................................................................................


3 2 3 1 -8 8 1

0 6 /8 3

1 1 4 .9

-3 .4

....................................... ....................................... ................... ...............................

3 2 3 1 -8 8 1 0 4

0 6 /8 7

9 5 .4

9 1 .6

9 1 .7

- 6 .8

R e p l a c e m e n t ................... ................... ............................ ....................... ....................

3 2 3 1 -8 8 1 0 5

0 6 /8 7

1 5 2 .4

1 5 2 .4

1 5 2 .4

5 .8


3 2 3 1 -8 8 3

0 6 /8 3

9 1 .3

9 4 .3

9 4 .8

9 .5


F o r o th e r u s e s .......................................................................................... .......................

3 2 3 1 -8 8 9

0 6 /8 3

1 4 4 .3

1 4 6 .0

1 4 6 .0

9 .6


O th e r fla t g la s s p r o d u c t s ...... .............. ........ .................................................................

3 2 3 1 -8 9 8

0 6 /8 3

1 6 2 .0

17 1 .1

17 1 .1

1 3 .2


3 2 3 1 -M

1 2 /8 3

1 3 4 .9

1 3 7 .5

1 4 2 .5

5 .6

3 .6

C o n tra c t w o rk a n d o th e r m is c e lla n e o u s r e c e ip t s ..............................................

3 2 3 1 -X Y 9

0 6 /8 7

1 7 1 .5

1 7 1 .5

1 7 1 .5



R e s a l e s ...................................................................................... ..............................................

3 2 3 1 -Z 8 9

1 2 /8 3

1 1 6 .8


12 6 .1

8 .0

5 .0

S e c o n d a ry p r o d u c t s ..............................................................................................................

3 2 3 1 -S

0 6 /8 3

1 2 4 .3

1 2 4 .9

1 2 4 .3

P la s tic p ro d u c ts, N . E . C ....................................................................................................

3 0 8 9 -S

0 6 /9 4


1 1 6 .0


0 6 /8 2

1 2 8 .6

1 2 9 ,0

1 2 8 .8

F o r a u to m o tiv e u s e .......................................................................................................

F o r co n s tru c tio n a n d a rc h ite c tu ra l u s e ...............................................................


3 2 3 1 -S M

S e c o n d a ry p ro d u c ts a n d m is c e lla n e o u s r e c e ip t s .......................................................
M is c e lla n e o u s r e c e i p t s ...... .................................................................................................

H y d ra u lic c e m e n t ........................................................... ................................................................... .


H y d ra u lic c e m e n t ..................................................................................................................................


( 3)


6 .4


0 6 /8 2

1 2 8 .6

1 2 9 .0

1 2 8 .8

6 .4


3 2 4 1 -P

0 6 /8 2

12 8 .1

1 2 8 .5

1 2 8 .3

6 .5


3 2 4 1 -3

0 6 /8 9

1 2 6 .7

12 7 .1

1 2 6 .9

6 .5


N o rth e a s t r e g i o n ................... ..............................................................................................

3 2 4 1 -3 2 2

0 6 /8 9

1 0 7 .7

1 0 7 .6

1 0 7 .6

1 3 .9


N o rth C e n tra l r e g io n ..................................... ............................................ ....... ...............

3 2 4 1 -3 2 3

0 6 /8 9

1 3 1 .8

1 3 2 .0

1 3 1 .4

7 .6


3 2 4 1 -3 2 3 1

0 6 /8 9

1 2 3 .3

1 2 3 .3

1 2 3 .3

6 .6


3 2 4 1 -3 2 3 2

0 6 /8 9

1 4 3 .2

1 4 3 .8

1 4 2 .3

9 .0

-1 .0

3 2 4 1 -3 2 4

0 6 /8 9

1 4 7 .6

1 4 8 .1

14 8 .1

7 .6


P rim a ry p r o d u c t s .........................................................................................................................
C e m e n t, in clu d in g p o rtla n d c e m e n ts a n d o th e r c e m e n ts (m a s o n ry , lim e,
e t c . ) .............................................. ........................................................ ...............................

E a s t N o rth C e n tra l d ivision, in clu d in g p o rtla n d c e m e n ts a n d o th e r
c e m e n ts (m a s o n ry , lim e, e t c ................. ............. ................... .........................
W e s t N o rth C e n tra l division, in clu d in g p o rtla n d c e m e n ts a n d o th e r
c e m e n ts (m a s o n ry , lim e, e t c .......... ....................... ..........................................
S o u th r e g i o n ............................................................................ ............................ .................
S o u th A tla n tic d ivision, in cluding p o rtla n d c e m e n ts a n d o th e r
c e m e n ts (m a s o n ry , lim e, e t c . ) .........................................................................

3 2 4 1 -3 2 4 1

0 6 /8 9

1 2 9 .6

1 2 9 .7

1 2 9 .6

8 .4


3 2 4 1 -3 2 4 2

0 6 /8 9

1 4 5 .9

1 4 6 .3

1 4 6 .0

6 .9


3 2 4 1 -3 2 4 3

0 6 /8 9

1 6 3 .4

1 6 4 .3

1 6 4 .4

7 .5


3 2 4 1 -3 2 5

0 6 /8 9

1 0 2 .2

1 0 2 .9

1 0 2 .7



1 2 /8 4

1 2 4 .5

1 2 5 .0

1 2 5 .0

2 .3


E a s t S o u th C e n tra l division, in cluding p o rtla n d c m e n ts a n d o th e r
c e m e n ts (m a s o n ry , e t c . ) .....................................................................................
W e s t S o u th C e n tra l division, in cluding p o rtla n d c e m e n ts a n d o th e r
c e m e n ts (m a s o n ry , lim e , e t c .............................................................................
W e s t r e g i o n ...................................................... .............................. ......................................
S tru c tu ra l c la y p r o d u c t s .............................................. ....................................... .............................


B ric k a n d s tru ctu ra l c la y t i l e ............................................................................................................


1 2 /8 4

1 2 7 .5

1 2 7 .8

2 .3


P rim a ry p r o d u c t s ..........................................................................................................................

3 2 5 1 -P

1 2 /8 4

12 9 .1

1 2 9 .6

1 2 9 .4

2 .4


B rick, e x c e p t c e ra m ic g la z e d a n d r e f r a c t o r y ......... ............ ......................................

3 2 5 1 -1

1 2 /8 4

1 2 9 .3

1 2 9 .8

1 2 9 .6

2 .5


1 2 8 .0

3 2 5 1 -1 1 1

1 2 /8 4

1 2 9 .4

1 2 9 .9

1 2 9 .7

2 .4


3 2 5 1 -1 1 1 0 1

1 2 /8 4

1 3 5 .0

1 3 7 .6

1 3 6 .5

2 .3


3 2 5 1 -1 1 1 0 2

1 2 /8 4

1 2 7 .9

1 2 7 .9

1 2 7 .9

2 .5


3 2 5 1 -1 1 9

1 2 /8 4

1 2 1 .9

1 2 1 .9

1 2 1 .9



0 6 /8 5

1 1 5 .8

1 1 7 .5

1 1 7 .7

2 .8


P rim a ry p r o d u c t s .................................. ........................................................................................

3 2 5 3 -P

0 6 /8 5

1 1 7 .6

1 1 9 .5

1 1 9 .6

2 .7


C la y flo o r a n d w a ll tile in cluding q u a rry t i l e ........................ ......................................

3 2 5 3 -1

2 .7

B uilding o r c o m m o n , a n d fa c e b r i c k .............................. .......................... ..............
B u ild in g o r c o m m o n b r i c k ................... .................................. ................. ..................
F a c e b r i c k ............................... .................... .....................................................................
O th e r brick (p a v in g , flo o r, a n d s e w e r ) .................................................. ..................
C e r a m ic w a ll a n d flo o r t i l e ....................................................................... ......................................


0 6 /8 5

1 1 7 .6

1 1 9 .5

1 1 9 .6

Q u a rry t i l e ................................................................................................................................

3 2 5 3 -1 2

0 6 /8 5

1 0 7 .6

1 0 7 .6

1 0 7 .6

1 .8


G la z e d w a ll t i l e ....................................................................... .............................................

3 2 5 3 -1 3

0 6 /8 5

1 2 2 .4

1 2 2 .3

1 2 2 .4




3 2 5 3 -S M

S e c o n d a r y p ro d u c ts a n d m is c e lla n e o u s r e c e ip t s ........................................ ..............

3 2 5 3 -M

M is c e lla n e o u s r e c e i p t s ................................................................................. !......................

1 2 /8 5

1 2 1 .5

1 2 1 .6

1 2 1 .5

1 .9

- .1

P rim a ry p r o d u c t s ........................................................ .................................................................

3 2 5 5 -P

1 2 /8 5

1 2 1 .5

1 2 1 .5

1 2 1 .4

2 .5

- .1

B ric k s a n d s h a p e s ...................................................................................................................

3 2 5 5 -1

1 2 /8 5

1 1 9 .5

1 1 9 .5

1 1 9 .4

1 .2

- .1

C la y r e f r a c t o r ie s ............................... .....................................................................................................

See footnotes at end of table.


Table 5. Producer price indexes for the net output of selected industries and their products, not seasonally adjusted
In d e x
In d u stry a n d p ro d u c t1

In d u stry

P ro d u c t

In d e x




P e rc e n t c h a n g e
to S e p . 1 9 9 5 fro m —

M ay

A ug.





Sep. 1994

Aug. 1 9 9 5

C la y re fra c to rie s — C o n tin u e d
F ire c la y (in clu d in g s e m is ilic a ) bric k a n d c la y e x c e p t s u p e r d u t y .................

3 2 5 5 -1 1 1

1 2 /8 5

1 1 3 .9

1 1 3 .9

1 1 3 .9

6 .3


H ig h a lu m in a in c. h ig h a lu m in a la d le b rick, 5 0 % a lu m in a a n d o v e r ........

3 2 5 5 -1 1 3

1 2 /8 5

1 2 0 .2

1 2 0 .3

1 2 0 .2


- .1



2 .9


B lo a tin g a n d s u p e rd u ty fire c la y b ric k a n d s h a p e s ............................................
U n s h a p e d c la y r e f r a c t o r ie s ................................................................................................

3 2 5 5 -1 1 8

0 6 /9 1

1 0 3 .0

1 0 3 .0

1 0 3 .0

3 2 5 5 -2

1 2 /8 5

1 2 4 .1

1 2 4 .1

1 2 4 .1

H ig h a lu m in a p la s tic re fra c to rie s a n d ra m m im g m ixes, 5 0 % a lu m in a
a n d o v e r .............................................................................................. ............................
C a s ta b le re fra c to rie s (h y d ra u lic s e t t in g ) ....................................................... ...............
C a s ta b le re fra c to rie s , le s s th a n 5 0 % a lu m in a .....................................................
H ig h a lu m in a c a s ta b le r e f r a c t o r ie s ............................................................................
O th e r c la y re fra c to ry m a te ria ls s o ld in lu m p o r g ro u n d f o r m ..........................
H ig h a lu m in a m a te ria ls a n d ra w m a te ria ls , 5 0 % a lu m in a a n d o v e r .........

3 2 5 5 -2 1 4

1 2 /8 5

1 2 1 .7

1 2 1 .7

1 2 1 .7

3 .0


3 2 5 5 -3

1 2 /8 5

1 2 0 .8

1 2 1 .3

1 2 1 .0

3 .4


3 2 5 5 -3 1 1

1 2 /8 5

1 1 4 .8

1 1 5 .3

1 1 4 .8

2 .0


3 2 5 5 -3 1 2

1 2 /8 5

1 2 3 .8

1 2 3 .8

1 2 4 .1



3 2 5 5 -4

1 2 /8 5

1 2 1 .0

1 2 1 .0

1 2 1 .0

4 .5


3 2 5 5 -4 1 2

0 6 /9 1

1 0 8 .3

1 0 8 .3

1 0 8 .3

4 .5


1 1 6 .2



1 2 /8 5

1 1 8 .5

1 1 6 .2

P rim a ry p r o d u c t s ...........................................................................................................................

3 2 5 9 -P

1 2 /8 5

1 2 0 .5

1 1 7 .9

1 1 7 .9



V itrifie d c la y s e w e r p ip e a n d f it t in g s ..............................................................................

3 2 5 9 -1

1 2 /8 5

1 2 6 .6

1 2 6 .6

1 2 6 .6

3 .9


O t h e r stru c tu ra l c la y p ro d u c ts , n .e .c ........................ ......................................................

3 2 5 9 -2

1 2 /8 5

1 0 9 .3

1 0 2 .9

1 0 2 .9

-5 .8


S tru c tu ra l c la y p ro d u c ts , n .e .c ......................................................... ................................................


O th e r stru c tu ra l c la y p ro d u c ts incl te r r a c o tta , d ra in a n d flu e tile,
3 2 5 9 -2 9 8

c o n d u it a n d a d o b e .................................. ...................................................................
P o tte ry a n d re la te d p r o d u c t s ...........................................................................................................


V itre o u s p lu m b in g f ix t u r e s .................................................................................................................


P rim a ry p r o d u c t s ...........................................................................................................................

1 2 /8 5

1 1 5 .8

1 1 5 .8

1 1 5 .8



1 2 /8 4

1 2 9 .0

1 2 9 .5

1 3 0 .8

3 .9

1 .0

0 6 /8 5

1 2 0 .5

1 2 1 .3

1 2 0 .5

1 .9

3 2 6 1 -P

0 6 /8 5

1 1 5 .7

1 1 6 .6

1 1 5 .7

2 .0


3 2 6 1 -1

0 6 /8 5

1 1 5 .5

1 1 6 .4

1 1 5 .5

2 .0


L a v a to rie s , c h in a a n d e a r t h e n w a r e ...........................................................................

3 2 6 1 -1 1 1

0 6 /8 5

1 0 4 .3

1 0 4 .6

1 0 3 .2


-1 .3

W a t e r c lo s e t b o w l s ............................................................................................................

3 2 6 1 -1 2 1

0 6 /8 5

1 2 5 .8

1 2 7 .1

1 2 5 .8

3 .5

-1 .0

F lu s h t a n k s .............................................................................................................................

3 2 6 1 -1 3 1

0 6 /8 5

1 0 5 .3



P lu m b in g f i x t u r e s ......................................................................................................................



O t h e r c h in a p lu m b in g fix tu re s incl. drin kin g fo u n ta in s , sin ks,
1 2 7 .8

1 2 7 .3

1 .7


3 2 6 1 -2

0 6 /8 5

1 2 0 .4

1 2 0 .4

1 2 0 .4



C h in a a n d e a r th e n w a re p lu m b in g fix tu re a c c e s s o rie s a n d fitt in g s ............

3 2 6 1 -2 1 1

0 6 /8 5

1 2 0 .4

1 2 0 .4

1 2 0 .4



S e c o n d a r y p ro d u c ts a n d m is c e lla n e o u s r e c e i p t s .......................................................

3 2 6 1 -S M
0 6 /8 5

1 3 3 .5

1 3 3 .5

1 3 3 .5

1 .6


1 2 /8 3

1 4 8 .1

1 5 1 .7

1 4 8 .9

4 .5

-1 .8

1 2 /8 3

1 4 5 .3

1 4 9 .6

1 4 6 .3

4 .3

-2 .2

3 2 6 1 -1 5 1

b id e ts , e t c .........................................................................................................................
C h in a a n d e a r th e n w a r e p lu m b in g fix tu re a c c e s s o rie s a n d f it t in g s ...............

3 2 6 1 -S

S e c o n d a ry p r o d u c t s ................................................................................................................
V itre o u s c h in a fo o d u t e n s ils ............................................................................................................


P rim a ry p r o d u c t s ...........................................................................................................................

3 2 6 2 -P

V itre o u s c h in a a n d p o rc e la in ta b le a n d k itc h e n a r t i c l e s .....................................

3 2 6 2 -1

0 6 /8 5

1 2 9 .6

3 2 6 2 -1 2

0 6 /9 1

1 1 1 .4

1 1 4 .7

11 2 .1

4 .3

-2 .3

H o u s e h o ld ..........................................................................................................................

3 2 6 2 -1 2 2

0 6 /9 1

1 1 7 .7

1 1 8 .6

1 1 0 .9

4 .4

-6 .5

H o te l o r c o m m e rc ia l ......................................................................................................

3 2 6 2 -1 2 3

0 6 /9 1

1 0 8 .8

1 1 3 .0

1 1 2 .6

4 .3

- .4

1 2 /8 3

1 6 0 .4

1 6 0 .4

1 6 0 .4

5 .7


1 2 /8 5

1 2 2 .5

T a b le a n d k itc h e n w a r e ......................................................................................................

3 2 6 2 -S M

S e c o n d a r y p ro d u c ts a n d m is c e lla n e o u s r e c e i p t s .......................................................

3 2 6 2 -S

S e c o n d a ry p r o d u c t s ................................................................................................................
P o rc e la in e le c tric a l s u p p lie s ................................................................ ...........................................


1 2 1 .9

1 2 7 .9

7 .8

4 .9

P rim a ry p r o d u c t s ...........................................................................................................................

3 2 6 4 -P

1 2 /8 5

1 2 1 .8

1 2 1 .1

1 2 7 .7

8 .5

5 .5

P o rc e la in e le c tric a l p ro d u c ts (e x c e p t s te a tite , a lu m in a , fe rrite , e t c ) .............

3 2 6 4 -2

0 6 /9 1

1 0 4 .8

1 0 4 .8

1 1 6 .7

1 9 .9

1 1 .4

A d v a n c e d c e r a m ic m a t e r ia ls .................... ........................ ................................................

3 2 6 4 -3

0 6 /9 1

1 0 7 .5

1 0 6 .6

1 0 8 .6

2 .3

1 .9

3 2 6 4 -3 2

0 6 /9 1

1 0 7 .7

1 0 8 .2

1 1 1 .0

4 .2

2 .6

3 2 6 4 -3 2 2

0 6 /9 1

1 0 9 .4


F e rrite s (in clu d in g e le c tro n ic a p p lic a t io n s ) ............................................................
O th e r fe rrite s , in clu d in g e le c tro n ic a p p lic a t io n s .......................................

1 0 9 .4

A lu m in a m a te ria ls fo r e le c tro n ic a p p lic a t io n s ......................................................

3 2 6 4 -3 3

1 2 /8 5

1 1 2 .4

11 2 .5

1 1 2 .5

1 .5

B ery llia , tita n a te , a n d o th e r c e ra m ic c o m p o n e n ts , n . e . c . ..............................

3 2 6 4 -3 4

1 2 /8 5

1 1 7 .8

1 1 0 .8

1 1 4 .4

-2 .9

3 .2

3 2 6 4 -S

1 2 /8 5

1 3 1 .1

1 3 1 .1

1 3 1 .1



1 2 /8 3

1 3 9 .6

1 3 9 .6

1 3 9 .6

1 .8


P rim a ry p r o d u c t s ................................................. ........................................................................

3 2 6 8 -P

1 2 /8 3

1 4 2 .1

1 4 2 .2

1 4 2 .2

1 .6


A rt, d e c o r a tiv e a n d n o v e lty p o t t e r y ................................................................................

3 2 6 8 -1

1 2 /8 3

1 3 8 .2

1 3 8 .4

1 3 8 .4

2 .7



3 2 6 4 -S M

S e c o n d a r y p ro d u c ts a n d m is c e lla n e o u s r e c e i p t s .......................................................
S e c o n d a ry p r o d u c t s ...............................................................................................................
P o tte ry p ro d u c ts , n .e .c ., in c luding e a rth e n w a re (s e m iv itre o u s ) ta b le a n d
k i t c h e n .................................. .................................................................... ........................................


C h in a a n d p o r c e l a i n .......\..............................................................................................
E a r th e n w a r e a n d s t o n e w a r e .........................................................................................

3 2 6 8 -1 1 1

1 2 /8 3

1 3 6 .9

1 3 6 .9

1 3 6 .9


3 2 6 8 -1 3 1

1 2 /8 3

1 3 7 .7

1 3 8 .0

1 3 8 .0

2 .5


3 2 6 8 -2

1 2 /8 3

1 4 3 .5

1 4 3 .5

1 4 3 .5



1 2 /8 3

1 5 7 .0

1 5 7 .0

1 5 7 .0



S to n e w a r e a n d e a rth e n w a re (s e m iv itre o u s ) ta b le a n d k itc h e n a r t i c l e s .....
O t h e r p o tte ry p ro d u c ts , n .e .c ..............................................................................................

3 2 6 8 -3


A ll o th e r p o tte ry p ro d u c ts , in clu d in g p y ro m e tric c o n e s , v e rita s rings
3 2 6 8 -3 1 5

e tc ........................................................................................................................................

1 2 /8 3

1 6 3 .3

1 6 3 .3

1 6 3 .3



0 6 /9 1

1 1 6 .1

1 1 6 .1

1 1 6 .1

4 .8


1 2 /8 4

1 2 3 .9

1 2 3 .7

1 2 3 .8

3 .9


3 2 6 8 -S M

S e c o n d a ry p ro d u c ts a n d m is c e lla n e o u s r e c e i p t s .......................................................

3 2 6 8 -S

S e c o n d a ry p r o d u c t s ................................................................................................................
C o n c re te , g y p s u m , a n d p la s te r p r o d u c t s .................................................................................


C o n c r e te b lo c k a n d b r i c k .................................................................................. ................................


1 3 8 .5

1 3 9 .0

1 3 8 .8

3 .4

P rim a ry p r o d u c t s ...........................................................................................................................

3 2 7 1 -P

0 6 /8 1

1 4 3 .6

1 4 4 .1

1 4 3 .8

3 .4


C o n c r e te b lo c k a n d c o n c re te b r i c k ................................................................................

3 2 7 1 -1

0 6 /8 1

1 4 3 .6

1 4 4 .1

1 4 3 .8

3 .4


3 2 7 1 -1 1

0 6 /8 1

1 4 4 .6

3 .2

0 6 /8 1

C o n c r e te b lo c k : light, m e d iu m , a n d n o rm a l (e x c lu d in g d e c o ra tiv e a n d
1 4 4 .4

1 4 5 .0

3 2 7 1 -1 1 1

0 6 /8 1

1 4 6 .8

1 4 7 .5

1 4 6 .6

3 .0


N o rth A tla n tic lig h tw e ig h t b l o c k ......... ...................... ..........................................

3 2 7 1 -1 1 1 0 1

1 2 /8 7

1 1 8 .2

1 2 0 .2

1 1 7 .3

3 .7

-2 .4

N o rth C e n tra l lig h tw e ig h t b lo c k ........................ ..................................................

3 2 7 1 -1 1 1 0 2

1 2 /8 7

1 2 0 .5

1 2 0 .5

1 2 0 .5

3 .3


S o u th A tla n tic lig h tw e ig h t b l o c k ....................... ..................................................

3 2 7 1 -1 1 1 0 3

1 2 /8 7

12 3 .1

1 2 3 .5


2 .9


p a v i n g ) ........................................................................................................ ......................
c o n c re te b lo c k a n d b rick, e x c e p t d e c o ra tiv e a n d p a v i n g .........................

See footnotes at end of table.



Table 5. Producer price indexes for the net output of selected industries and their products, not seasonally adjusted
P e rc e n t c h a n g e

In d e x
In d u stry
In d u stry a n d p ro d u c t1

P ro d u c t


to S e p . 1 9 9 5 fro m —

In d e x
M ay

A u g.





Sep. 1994

A u g . 199!

C o n c r e te b lo c k a n d b rick — C o n tin u e d
S o u th C e n tr a l lig h tw e ig h t b l o c k .........................................................................

3 2 7 1 -1 1 1 0 4

1 2 /8 7

1 1 9 .7

1 1 9 .7

1 1 9 .7

6 .2

W e s te r n lig h tw e ig h t b lo c k .................................................. ...................................

3 2 7 1 -1 1 1 0 5

1 2 /8 7

1 0 6 .0

1 0 6 .2

1 0 6 .2

-2 .3


3 2 7 1 -1 1 5

0 6 /8 1

1 4 0 .0

1 4 1 .0

1 4 0 .9

3 .8

- .1

N o rth A tla n tic m e d iu m w e ig h t b lo c k .

3 2 7 1 -1 1 5 0 1

1 2 /8 7

1 0 7 .9

1 0 9 .5

1 0 9 .5

2 .3


N o rth C e n tra l m e d iu m w e ig h t b l o c k ..

3 2 7 1 -1 1 5 0 2

1 2 /8 7

1 1 1 .7

1 1 3 .7

1 1 2 .7

5 .5


S o u th A tla n tic m e d iu m w e ig h t b lo c k .

3 2 7 1 -1 1 5 0 3

8 .5

1 .4

W e s te r n m e d iu m w e ig h t b lo c k .

3 2 7 1 -1 1 5 0 5

1 2 /8 7

1 1 0 .0

1 1 0 .0

1 1 0 .0

1 .4


3 2 7 1 -1 1 7

0 6 /8 1

1 4 3 .8

1 4 4 .0

1 4 3 .9



N o rth A tla n tic n o rm a l w e ig h t b l o c k ..........................................................

3 2 7 1 -1 1 7 0 1

1 2 /8 7

1 1 4 .2

1 1 4 .6

1 1 4 .6

4 .8


N o rth C e n tra l n o rm a l w e ig h t b l o c k .............. ...........................................

3 2 7 1 -1 1 7 0 2

1 2 /8 7

1 1 8 .4

1 1 8 .7

1 1 8 .7

2 .4


12 9 .1

4 .7


M e d iu m w e ig h t c o n c re te b lo c k , fro m 1 0 5 lbs. b u t < 1 2 5 !b s ./c f dry
w e ig h t

N o rm a l w e ig h t c o n c re te b lo c k , 1 2 5 lbs. o r m o r e /c f d ry w e ig h t ...

3 2 7 1 -1 1 7 0 3

S o u th A tla n tic n o rm a l w e ig h t b lo c k ..........................................................

1 2 /8 7

1 2 /8 7

1 1 8 .9

1 2 9 .9

1 1 8 .0

1 2 9 .4

1 1 9 .6

S o u th C e n tra l n o rm a l w e ig h t b l o c k .........................................................

3 2 7 1 -1 1 7 0 4

1 2 /8 7

1 1 6 .9

1 1 7 .5

1 1 7 .5

1 .4


W e s te r n n o rm a l w e ig h t b lo c k .....................................................................

3 2 7 1 -1 1 7 0 5

1 2 /8 7

1 0 6 .8

1 0 7 .0

1 0 7 .0

1 .8


D e c o r a tiv e b lo c k (s u c h a s s c re e n b lo c k , split b lo c k , s lu m p b lo ck,
3 2 7 1 -1 2 1

0 6 /8 1

1 3 2 .5

1 3 3 .6

1 3 3 .6

4 .7

C o n c r e te b r i c k .............................................................................................................

3 2 7 1 -1 5 1

0 6 /8 1

1 3 9 .8

1 3 9 .8

1 3 9 .8

4 .3


P a v in g b lo c k s .

3 2 7 1 -1 6 1

0 6 /8 1

1 4 0 .3

1 4 1 .4

1 4 1 .4



3 2 7 1 -M

0 6 /8 1

1 1 6 .6

1 1 6 .6

1 1 7 .5

3 .7


3 2 7 1 -X Y 9

0 6 /8 1

1 4 1 .1

1 3 2 .9

141 .1

6 .2

6 .2

s h a d o w a l b lo c k , e t c . ) ......................................................................................

3 2 7 1 -S M

S e c o n d a ry p ro d u c ts a n d m is c e lla n e o u s r e c e ip t s .........
M is c e lla n e o u s re c e ip ts ...........................................................
C o n tra c t w o rk a n d o th e r m is c e lla n e o u s re c e ip ts .
R e s a le s ......................................................................................
S e c o n d a r y p r o d u c t s .................................................................

3 2 7 1 -Z 8 9

0 6 /8 1

1 1 5 .0

1 1 5 .6

116 .1

3 .6


3 2 7 1 -S

0 6 /8 1

1 4 0 .7

1 4 1 .6

1 4 1 .7

4 .7


1 2 /7 9

1 4 3 .9

1 4 4 .8

1 4 5 .3

3 .6


1 2 /7 9

1 4 0 .0

1 4 1 .0

1 4 1 .5

3 .6



C o n c r e te p r o d u c t s .......

3 2 7 2 -P

P rim a ry p ro d u c ts ...

3 2 7 2 -1

1 2 /7 9

1 2 9 .9

1 3 0 .0

1 3 0 .5

3 .4

C o n c r e te p re s s u re p i p e ..............

3 2 7 2 -1 3

1 2 /8 6

C u lv e rt a n d s to rm s e w e r p ip e .

3 2 7 2 -1 6

1 2 /8 0

1 1 5 .6

1 1 5 .5

1 1 5 .6

5 .0

R e i n f o r c e d ....................................

3 2 7 2 -1 6 1

1 2 /7 9

1 2 1 .7

12 1 .1

1 2 1 .2

5 .0

N o n r e in f o r c e d .............................

3 2 7 2 -1 6 2

1 2 /7 9

1 9 7 .9

2 0 2 .4

2 0 2 .4

4 .7

2 .6
2 .6

C o n c r e te p ip e ...

S a n ita ry s e w e r p i p e .....................
R e in f o r c e d ....................................
O th e r c o n c re te p ip e .
P re c a s t c o n c re te p r o d u c t s ...............................................................................................


3 2 7 2 -1 7

1 2 /8 0

1 4 5 .3

1 4 5 .0

1 4 8 .8

3 .5

3 2 7 2 -1 7 1

1 2 /7 9

1 5 8 .5

1 5 8 .3

1 6 2 .4

3 .4

3 2 7 2 -1 9 8

0 6 /9 4

1 0 0 .4

1 0 0 .4

1 0 0 .4



3 2 7 2 -2

1 2 /7 9

1 5 5 .1

1 5 5 .8

1 5 6 .9

3 .2


3 2 7 2 -2 1 3

0 7 /8 5

1 2 3 .6

1 2 3 .4

1 2 3 .6



J o is ts a n d b e a m s ..............................................................................................................

3 2 7 2 -2 1 7

0 6 /9 4

1 0 0 .0

1 0 0 .0

1 1 8 .2

1 8 .2

1 8 .2

W a ll p a n e l s ..........................................................................................................................

3 2 7 2 -2 2 3

1 1 /8 4

1 2 2 .7

1 2 4 .5

1 2 6 .4

3 .9

1 .5

Pilings, p o s ts

3 2 7 2 -2 2 5

0 6 /9 4

1 0 1 .8

1 0 1 .8

1 0 1 .8

1 .8


1 0 4 .0

1 0 4 .0

4 .0


2 .2


S la b s a n d t i l e .................................................. ...................................................................

a n d p o le s ............... ........................................ ......................................

C a s t s to n e p ro d u c ts fo r a rc h ite c tu ra l p u rp o s e s (e x c e p t a rc h ite c tu ra l
3 2 7 2 -2 2 7

0 6 /9 4

1 0 3 .2

3 2 7 2 -2 2 8

0 6 /9 4

1 0 2 .4

O th e r p re c a s t c o n c re te co n s tru c tio n o r building p r o d u c t s .........................

3 2 7 2 -2 2 9

0 6 /9 4

1 0 1 .7

1 0 2 .2

1 0 2 .3

B u rial v a u lts a n d b o x e s .................................................................................................

3 2 7 2 -2 3 4

1 2 /7 9

1 6 6 .5

1 6 6 .5

w a ll p a n e l s ) .................................... ..........................................................................
P re fa b ric a te d bu ilding s y s te m s , p rim arily c o n c re te , so ld a s c o m p le te
u n i t s ......................... .............................. ............................................... .......................

1 6 6 .9

3 .4


C o n c r e te s e p tic ta n k s

3 2 7 2 -2 6 1

1 2 /7 9

1 6 7 .1

1 6 8 .3

1 6 8 .2

4 .3


O t h e r p r e c a s t c o n c re te p r o d u c t s ..

3 2 7 2 -2 8 1

1 2 /7 9

1 5 0 .5

1 5 0 .8

1 5 1 .7

3 .8


3 2 7 2 -3

1 2 /7 9

1 3 0 .7

1 3 3 .3

13 3 .1

4 .4

T e e s a n d c h a n n e ls ............................................................. .............

3 2 7 2 -3 1 1

1 2 /7 9

1 1 6 .0

1 2 1 .0

1 2 1 .4

4 .7


P ilings, b e a rin g a n d s h e e t p i l e s .................................................

3 2 7 2 -3 2 3

0 6 /9 4

1 0 0 .9

1 0 0 .7

1 0 1 .6

1 .4


C o n c re te b rid g e b e a m s ..................................................................

3 2 7 2 -3 2 5

1 2 /7 9

1 1 6 .7

1 1 7 .8

1 1 7 .4

6 .3


J o is ts, g ird e rs a n d b e a m s ..................... .......................................
S o lid a n d h o llo w c o re d p a n e ls ...................................................

3 2 7 2 -3 2 7

0 6 /9 4

1 0 3 .5

1 0 4 .0

1 0 4 .4

6 .4


3 2 7 2 -3 3 1

1 2 /7 9

1 5 8 .3

1 5 9 .2

1 5 7 .7


O th e r p re s tre s s e d c o n c re te p ro d u c ts , e x c lu d in g p ip e s .

3 2 7 2 -3 9 8


P re s tre s s e d c o n c re te p ro d u c ts , exc lu d in g p i p e ....................

0 6 /9 4

1 0 2 .6

1 0 6 .2

1 0 6 .4

3 .2
5 .5

3 2 7 2 -M

1 2 /7 9

1 8 8 .4

1 8 8 .4

1 8 8 .4

4 .0

C o n tra c t w o rk a n d o th e r m is c e lla n e o u s re c e ip ts .

3 2 7 2 -X Y 9

1 2 /7 9

3 6 0 .6

3 6 0 .6

3 6 0 .6

5 .3


R e s a l e s ......................................................................................

3 2 7 2 -Z 8 9

1 2 /7 9

1 2 4 .7

1 2 4 .7

1 2 4 .7



1 2 /7 9

1 7 4 .5

1 7 5 .8

1 7 5 .9

4 .5


0 6 /8 1

1 3 1 .2

1 3 1 .6

1 3 1 .8

4 .0


M is c e lla n e o u s re c e ip ts .

3 2 7 2 -S

S e c o n d a ry p r o d u c t s .................................................................
R e a d y -m ix e d c o n c r e t e ..


3 2 7 2 -S M

S e c o n d a ry p ro d u c ts a n d m is c e lla n e o u s r e c e ip t s ......................

3 2 7 3 -P

0 6 /8 1

1 3 0 .1

1 3 0 .5

1 3 0 .7

4 .0


3 2 7 3 -1 1 1

0 6 /8 1

1 3 0 .1

1 3 0 .5

1 3 0 .7

4 .0


3 2 7 3 -1 11A

1 2 /8 7

1 0 3 .7

1 0 3 .7

1 0 3 .8

1 .0


N e w E n g la n d re a d y -m ix e d c o n c r e t e ...............

3 2 7 3 -1 1 1 0 1

1 2 /8 7

1 0 3 .0

1 0 3 .2

1 0 3 .2

1 .0


M id A tla n tic r e a d y -m ix e d c o n c r e t e .................

3 2 7 3 -1 1 1 0 2

1 2 /8 7

1 0 4 .1

1 0 3 .9

1 0 4 .1

1 .0


P rim a ry p ro d u c ts .
R e a d y -m ix e d c o n c r e t e ....................................................
N o rth e a s t re g io n re a d y -m ix e d c o n c r e t e .......

3 2 7 3 -1 11B

1 2 /8 7

1 1 8 .8

1 1 9 .0

1 1 8 .9

4 .9


E a s t N o rth C e n tra l re a d y -m ix e d c o n c re te ...

3 2 7 3 -1 1 1 0 3

1 2 /8 7

1 2 2 .5

1 2 2 .9

1 2 2 .8

5 .6

- .1

W e s t N o rth C e n tra l re a d y -m ix e d c o n c re te ..

3 2 7 3 -1 1 1 0 4

1 2 /8 7

1 1 2 .5

1 1 2 .5

1 1 2 .5

3 .6


3 2 7 3 -1 1 1 C

1 2 /8 7

1 2 9 .2

1 3 0 .0

1 3 0 .4

4 .8


N o rth C e n tra l re g io n re a d y -m ix e d c o n c re te ....

S o u th e rn re g io n re a d y -m ix e d c o n c r e t e ..............
S o u th A tla n tic re a d y -m ix e d c o n c r e t e .............

3 2 7 3 -1 1 1 0 5

1 2 /8 7

1 2 9 .7

1 3 1 .5

1 3 1 .8

7 .3

W e s t S o u th C e n tra l re a d y -m ix e d c o n c re te ..

3 2 7 3 -1 1 1 0 6

1 2 /8 7

1 2 9 .2

1 2 9 .3

1 2 9 .3

2 .5


E a s t S o u th C e n tra l re a d y -m ix e d c o n c re te ...

3 2 7 3 -1 1 1 0 7

1 2 /8 7

1 2 7 .4

1 2 7 .4

1 2 9 .6

4 .9

1 .7

3 2 7 3 -1 11D

1 2 /8 7

1 1 3 .4

1 1 3 .4

1 1 3 .5

2 .8


M o u n ta in re a d y -m ix e d c o n c r e t e ....................... .

3 2 7 3 -1 1 1 0 8

1 2 /8 7

1 1 3 .8

1 1 3 .8

1 1 3 .8

4 .7


P a c ific re a d y -m ix e d c o n c r e t e .............................

3 2 7 3 -1 1 1 0 9

1 2 /8 7

1 1 3 .1

1 1 3 .1

1 1 3 .3

1 .7


W e s te r n re g io n r e a d y -m ix e d c o n c r e t e ..............

S e c o n d a r y p ro d u c ts a n d m is c e lla n e o u s re c e ip ts ..

3 2 7 3 -S M

M is c e lla n e o u s r e c e i p t s ..................................................

3 2 7 3 -M

0 6 /8 1

1 3 4 .6

1 3 4 .6

1 3 4 .6

5 .6


S e c o n d a r y p r o d u c t s ........................................................

3 2 7 3 -S

0 6 /8 1

1 4 3 .4

1 4 3 .4

1 4 4 .4

5 .7


See footnotes at end of table.


Table 5. Producer price indexes for the net output of selected industries and their products, not seasonally adjusted
In d e x
In d u stry a n d p ro d u c t1

In dustry

P ro d u c t

In d e x




P e rc e n t c h a n g e
to S e p . 1 9 9 5 fro m —

M ay






Sep. 1994

Aug. 1 9 9 5

1 2 /8 5

1 1 2 .4

1 1 2 .5

1 1 2 .9

2 .4

0 .4

3 2 7 4 -P

1 2 /8 5

1 1 3 .6

1 1 3 .7

1 1 4 .1

2 .6


Q u ic k lim e ......................................................................................................................................

3 2 7 4 -1 1 1

1 2 /8 5

1 1 2 .8

1 1 3 .2

1 1 3 .3

2 .5


H y d ra te d l i m e .............................................................................................................................

3 2 7 4 -1 5 1

1 2 /8 5

1 1 4 .9

1 1 3 .8

1 1 5 .6

4 .8

1 .6

D e a d -b u rn e d d o l o m i t e .................... ........................ ......................... .............. ;..................

3 2 7 4 -1 7 1

1 2 /8 5

1 1 2 .5

1 1 2 .5

1 1 2 .5

-7 .6


S e c o n d a ry p r o d u c t s ..............................................................................................................

3 2 7 4 -S

0 8 /9 2

9 9 .3

9 9 .3

9 9 .3



P rim a ry p r o d u c t s ......... .................................................................................................................

0 6 /8 1

1 5 0 .2

1 4 4 .1

1 4 3 .3

4 .4


P rim ary p r o d u c t s .................................... ................................. ....................................................

3 2 7 5 -P

0 6 /8 1

1 5 2 .3

1 4 6 .1

1 4 5 .3

4 .2


G y p s u m b uilding m a t e r ia ls ..................................................................................................

3 2 7 5 -5

1 2 /9 3

1 3 7 .6

1 3 2 .0

G y p s u m p r o d u c t s ....................................................... ..........................................................................


P la s te r build in g b o a rd s a n d l a t h s ...............................................................................
B u ild in g b o a r d s ......... ......................................................................................................
R e g u la r g y p su m b o a r d s ..........................................................................................

1 3 1 .3

4 .3


3 2 7 5 -5 1

1 2 /9 3

1 3 9 .0

1 3 3 .2

1 3 2 .5



3 2 7 5 -5 1 1

1 2 /9 4

1 0 7 .1

1 0 2 .6

1 0 2 .1

3 2 7 5 -5 1 1 1

1 2 /9 3

1 4 6 .6

1 4 0 .5

1 3 9 .0

4 .3

0 6 /8 1

1 4 1 .9

1 3 3 .5

1 3 4 .6

3 .9


3 2 7 5 -5 1 1 2

1 2 /9 3

1 3 5 .7

1 3 0 .2

1 3 0 .8

0 6 /8 1

1 4 5 .0

1 3 8 .7

1 3 9 .9



3 2 7 5 -5 1 1 2 1

3 2 7 5 -5 1 1 1 1

1 / 2 in ch g y p s u m b o a rd ................................................. ......................................
B uilding b o a rd s e x c l. re g u la r g y p s u m b o a r d .................................................
T y p e X g y p s u m b o a r d .................................. ........................................................

- 1 .1


C u t s to n e a n d s to n e p r o d u c ts ........................................................................................................


1 2 /8 4

1 3 4 .1

1 3 4 .5

1 3 4 .5

1 .7


C u t s to n e a n d s to n e p r o d u c ts ......................... .............................................................................

32 8 1

1 2 /8 4

13 4 .1

1 3 4 .5

1 3 4 .5

1 .7


1 2 /8 4

1 3 4 .3

1 3 4 .7

1 3 4 .7

1 .8


1 2 6 .2

2 .0

3 2 8 1 -P

P rim ary p r o d u c t s ..................................................................... .....................................................
D re s s e d d im e n s io n g ra n ite , in clu d in g g n e is s , s y e n ite , d iorite, a n d cu t

3 2 8 1 -1

g r a n i t e ...................................................................................................................................

1 2 /8 4

1 2 5 .9

1 2 6 .2


B uilding s t o n e ................... ................................................ ...................................................

3 2 8 1 -1 1 3

1 2 /8 4

9 7 .9

9 7 .9

9 7 .9



M o n u m e n ta l s t o n e ..............................................................................................................

3 2 8 1 -1 3 5

1 2 /8 4

1 4 1 .6

1 4 2 .6

1 4 2 .6

5 .2


O th e r g ra n ite p ro d u c ts s u ch a s p a v in g b lo c k s a n d c u r b in g ........................

3 2 8 1 -1 9 8

1 2 /8 4

1 0 0 .6

1 0 0 .6

1 0 0 .6

- 2 .1


D re s s e d d im e n s io n lim e s to n e , in clu d in g d o lo m ite , tra v e rtin e , c a lc a re o u s
1 3 7 .4

1 3 7 .4

1 3 7 .4


B uilding s t o n e ........................................................................................................................

3 2 8 1 -2 1 3

1 2 /8 4

1 3 7 .4

1 3 7 .4

1 3 7 .4


O th e r lim e s to n e p ro d u c ts , s u c h a s f la g g i n g ........................................................

3 2 8 1 -2 9 8

1 2 /9 3

1 0 0 .3

1 0 0 .3


3 2 8 1 -2

tu fa , a n d c u t li m e s t o n e ........... ................................. ...................................................

D re s s e d d im e n s io n m a rb le a n d o th e r s t o n e ............................................................
Building s to n e , m o n u m e n ta l s to n e , a n d o th e r m a rb le p r o d u c ts .................
O th e r m a rb le p r o d u c ts ..................... ......................................... .................................

1 2 /8 4


3 2 8 1 -3

1 2 /8 4

1 5 1 .0

1 5 1 .4


1 5 1 .4

2 .0


3 2 8 1 -3 3 7

1 2 /8 4

1 5 6 .9

1 5 7 .3

1 5 7 .3



3 2 8 1 -3 3 7 1 7

1 2 /9 3

1 0 0 .0

1 0 0 .0

1 0 0 .0

-5 .7


3 2 8 1 -3 9 8

1 2 /8 4

1 4 3 .3

1 4 3 .6

1 4 3 .6




O th e r s to n e , s u c h a s s la te , s a n d s to n e , g a b b ro , b a s a lt, a n d o th e r
d re s s e d s to n e p r o d u c t s ..........................................................................................
A b ra s iv e s , a s b e s to s , a n d m is c e lla n e o u s n o n m e ta llic m in e ra l
p ro d u c ts ......................... :.................................................................................................................
A b ra s iv e p r o d u c t s ................................................., ..............................................................................


1 2 /8 4

1 2 3 .4

1 2 3 .9

1 2 4 .7

3 .8


1 2 /8 0

1 6 2 .4

1 6 2 .5

1 6 2 .5

1 .4


3 2 9 1 -P

1 2 /8 0

1 5 7 .2

1 5 7 .4

1 5 7 .4

2 .0


P rim a ry p r o d u c t s ..........................................................................................................................
N o n m e ta llic s ize d g rain s, p o w d e rs , a n d flo u r a b r a s iv e s .....................................
S y n th e tic n o n m e ta llic s ize d g ra in s , p o w d e rs , a n d flo u r a b r a s iv e s ............
A lu m in u m o x i d e ................................................... ......................... .................................
N o n m e ta llic a b ra s iv e p ro d u c ts (in clu d in g d ia m o n d a b ra s iv e s ) .......................
R e s in o id a n d s h e lla c b o n d ....................................................... .....................................
R e in f o r c e d .................................... ................. ..................................................................

3 2 9 1 -5

0 6 /8 7





3 2 9 1 -5 A

0 6 /8 7






3 2 9 1 -5 1 9

1 2 /8 0
1 2 /8 0

1 6 0 .2

1 6 0 .4

1 6 0 .4

2 .9


3 2 9 1 -6
3 2 9 1 -6 A

0 6 /8 7

1 3 3 .6

1 3 4 .0

1 3 4 .0

2 .4


3 2 9 1 -6 3 7

1 2 /8 0

1 7 8 .6

1 7 9 .5

1 7 9 .5

2 .0

1 6 7 .9

1 6 8 .2

3 .0


4 .4


1 .8


N o n -r e in fo r c e d ..................................................................................................................
V itrified b o n d .........................................................................................................................

3 2 9 1 -6 3 1

1 2 /8 0
1 2 /8 0

1 7 1 .5

1 7 1 .5

1 6 8 .2
1 7 1 .5

R u b b e r b o n d ...........................................................................................................................

3 2 9 1 -6 4 4

1 2 /8 0

1 9 7 .5

1 9 7 .5

1 9 7 .5

D ia m o n d w h e e l s ..................................................................................................................

3 2 9 1 -6 7 1

0 6 /8 7

1 1 9 .3

1 1 9 .3

1 1 9 .3

3 2 9 1 -6 4 2




N o n m e ta llic c o a te d a b ra s iv e p ro d u c ts , bu ffin g w h e e ls , po lish in g w h e e ls ,
a n d l a p s .......... ....................................................................................................................
C lo th (all b o n d s ) ...................................................................................................................

3 2 9 1 -7

1 2 /8 0

1 9 0 .2

1 9 0 .5

1 9 0 .5

1 .4


3 2 9 1 -7 1

0 6 /8 7

1 4 2 .9

1 4 3 .2

1 4 3 .2

1 .8


3 2 9 1 -7 1 1

G lu e b o n d ...........................................................................................................................
O th e r s h a p e s .................................................................................................................
R e s in a n d w a te rp ro o f b o n d ......................................................................................

1 .3


0 6 /8 7

14 3 .1

1 4 4 .9

1 4 4 .9

3 2 9 1 -7 1 1 0 2

1 2 /8 0

2 3 0 .5

2 3 3 .5

2 3 3 .5

1 .3


3 2 9 1 -7 1 5

0 6 /8 7

1 4 2 .5

1 4 2 .5

1 4 2 .5

1 .8


B e l t s ............................................ ................................ ..................................................

3 2 9 1 -7 1 5 0 1

1 2 /8 0

1 9 4 .0

1 9 4 .0

O th e r s h a p e s .................................................................................................................

3 2 9 1 -7 1 5 0 2

1 2 /8 0

2 3 2 .2

2 3 2 .2

P a p e r -g lu e b o n d .................................. ................................................................................

3 2 9 1 -7 2 1

0 6 /8 7

1 2 9 .4

1 2 9 .4

O th e r(in c lu d in g p a p e r-c lo th , v u lc a n iz e d fib e r-c lo th c o m b in a tio n )..............

3 2 9 1 -7 4 0

1 2 /9 4

1 0 1 .5

1 0 1 .5


1 9 4 .0

2 .2


2 3 2 .2


1 2 9 .4


1 0 1 .5



6 .3



B u ffin g a n d p o lis hing w h e e ls a n d la p s (c lo th , le a th e r, fe lt, a n d
o th e r m a t e r ia ls ) ................................................................................................ ...........
M e ta l a b ra s iv e s (in cluding sco u rin g p a d s ) .......................... ......................................
S te e l w o o l ..................... .........................................................................................................

3 2 9 1 -7 7 1

1 2 /8 0

1 4 0 .5

1 4 4 .6

1 4 4 .6

3 2 9 1 -8

1 2 /8 0

1 5 7 .0

1 5 5 .8

1 5 6 .1


3 2 9 1 -8 3 1

1 2 /8 0

1 5 8 .2

1 5 8 .2

1 5 8 .2



3 2 9 1 -8 9 1

1 2 /8 0

1 7 7 .0

1 7 7 .0

1 7 7 .0



8 8 .2

O th e r m e ta l a b ra s iv e s a n d sco u rin g p a d s (in cluding m e ta l p a d s w ith
s o a p ) ..................................................................................................................................

1 2 /8 5

8 8 .2



P rim a ry p r o d u c t s ............................................................. ...........................................................

3 2 9 2 -P

1 2 /8 5

9 0 .7

9 0 .7

9 0 .7



A s b e s to s fric tio n m a t e r ia ls ..................................................................................................

3 2 9 2 -2

1 2 /8 5

9 3 .2

9 3 .2

9 3 .2



A s b e s to s p r o d u c t s ............................................ ....................... ..........................................................


8 8 .2

3 2 9 2 -S M

S e c o n d a r y p ro d u c ts a n d m is c e lla n e o u s re c e ip ts .......................................................

0 6 /8 5

1 2 1 .2

1 2 2 .6

1 2 2 .3

6 .5


P rim a ry p r o d u c t s .............. ........................... ................................................................................

3 2 9 5 -P

0 6 /8 5

1 1 9 .6

1 2 0 .8

1 2 0 .4

2 .5


M in e ra ls a n d e a rth s , g ro u n d o r t r e a t e d .......................................................................

3 2 9 5 -1

0 6 /8 5

1 1 9 .6

1 2 0 .8

1 2 0 .4

2 .5


M in e ra ls a n d e a rth s , g ro u n d o r tr e a te d ..................................................... ...............................


L ig h tw e ig h t a g g re g a te , e x p a n d e d c la y , sla g , p e rlite , h a y d ite , p u m ic e
1 .6


a n d d ia to m a c e o u s e a r t h ......... ....................... .................. .....................................

3 2 9 5 -1 1 1

0 6 /8 5

1 1 9 .6

1 1 9 .6

1 1 9 .8

S la g , in clu d in g c ru s h e d a n d g r o u n d ............... ........................... ............................

3 2 9 5 -1 3 1

0 6 /8 5

1 1 3 .1

1 1 8 .7

1 1 8 .7

6 .7


C la y s , artificially a c tiv a te d w ith a c id o r o th e r m a t e r ia ls ..................................

3 2 9 5 -1 8 5

0 7 /8 5

9 5 .5

9 5 .5

9 6 .0

-1 .4


See footnotes at end of table.


Table 5. Producer price Indexes for the net output of selected industries and their products, not seasonally adjusted
P e rc e n t c h a n g e

In d e x
In d u stry a n d p ro d u c t1

In d u stry

P ro d u c t

In d e x

cod e



to S e p . 1 9 9 5 fro m —
M ay






0 6 /8 5

1 2 5 .8

1 2 6 .9

1 2 5 .8

2 .4

1 2 /8 1

1 2 2 .2

1 2 2 .6

1 2 4 .1

5 .0

1 .2

1 2 /8 1

1 2 0 .2

1 1 9 .7

1 2 2 .2

6 .0

3 .0

Sep. 1994

Aug. 1 9 9 5

M in e ra ls a n d e a rth s , g ro u n d o r tre a te d — C o n tin u e d
O th e r m in e ra ls a n d e a rth s , g ro u n d o r tr e a te d , incl. fe ld s p a r, ro o f
3 2 9 5 -1 9 8

g ra n u le s a n d b a r i t e ............................................................................ .......................
M in e ra l w o o l ............................................................ ........................ ......................................................


P rim a ry p r o d u c t s .........................................................................................................................

3 2 9 6 -P

M in e ra l w o o l fo r stru c tu ra l in s u la tio n ............................................................................

-0 .9

3 2 9 6 -1

1 2 /8 1

1 0 9 .1

1 0 8 .5

1 1 1 .8

7 .6

L o o s e fib e r a n d g ra n u la te d f i b e r .................................................. .............................

3 2 9 6 -1 1 1

1 2 /8 1

9 9 .6

9 7 .2

9 6 .6



B u ild in g b a tts , b la n k e ts , a n d r o lls ...............................................................................

3 2 9 6 -1 3 5

1 2 /8 1

1 1 8 .7

1 1 7 .8

1 2 3 .9


5 .2

R - 1 9 .0 o r o v e r ............................. ....................................................................................

3 2 9 6 -1 3 5 3 1

0 5 /8 2


9 8 .5

1 0 3 .9

1 1 .4

5 .5

R - 1 1 .0 to R - 1 8 . 9 ......................................................... ....................................................

3 2 9 6 -1 3 5 3 5

1 2 /8 1

1 2 5 .7

12 4 .1

1 3 1 .4

1 2 .4

5 .9

3 2 9 6 -1 9 8

1 2 /8 1

1 1 0 .8

1 2 /8 1

1 3 7 .0

1 3 7 .0

1 3 7 .0

2 .6


3 2 9 6 -2
3 2 9 6 -2 3 5

1 2 /8 1

1 4 6 .5

1 4 6 .5




3 2 9 6 -2 3 5 3 6

1 0 /8 2

1 5 8 .7



( 3)


3 2 9 6 -2 9 8

1 2 /8 1

1 3 2 .4

1 3 2 .4

O th e r m in e ra l w o o l fo r s tru ctu ral in su latio n , in cluding in sulating
b o a r d ....................................................................... ........................................................
M in e ra l w o o l fo r in du strial, e q u ip m e n t, a n d a p p lia n c e in s u la t io n ..................
B la n k e ts (fle x ib le ) in cluding fa b ric a te d p ie c e s , rolls, a n d b a t t s ..................
F a c e d a n d m e ta l m e s h e d ................................................. ......................................



O th e r m in e ra l w o o l fo r in dustrial, e q u ip m e n t, a n d a p p lia n c e
in s u la t io n ................................................................... .....................................................

1 3 2 .4 ^


4 .6

1 2 /8 5

1 1 7 .4

1 1 8 .2

1 1 7 .9

3 .7


P rim ary p r o d u c t s ....................................................................... ..................................................

3 2 9 7 -P

1 2 /8 5

1 1 8 .3

1 1 9 .2

1 1 9 .1

3 .8

- .1

B ric ks a n d s h a p e s ...................................................................................................................

3 2 9 7 -1

1 2 /8 5

1 1 6 .0

1 1 5 .8

1 1 7 .2

4 .8


S ilic a b ric k s a n d s h a p e s ........................................ .........................................................

3 2 9 7 -1 1 1

1 2 /8 5

8 2 .4

8 2 .4

8 2 .4

3 .3


M a g n e s ite a n d m a g n e s ite -c h ro m e b ricks a n d s h a p e s ...................................

3 2 9 7 -1 1 2

1 2 /8 5

1 1 2 .5

1 1 1 .6

1 1 4 .4

8 .0

2 .5

3 2 9 7 -1 1 6

1 2 /8 5

1 2 3 .8

3 2 9 7 -1 1 8

0 7 /9 2

9 7 .8

3 2 9 7 -1 1 9

0 1 /9 1

1 1 3 .6



3 2 9 7 -1 2 1

1 2 /8 5

1 2 3 .2

1 2 4 .0

1 2 3 .7

1 .5


3 2 9 7 -3

1 2 /8 5

1 2 7 .9

1 2 7 .8

1 2 7 .8



3 2 9 7 -4

1 2 /8 5

1 3 8 .6

1 3 9 .9

1 3 8 .6

5 .9


3 2 9 7 -4 1 2

1 2 /8 5

1 3 7 .8

G u n n in g m ix es , b a s ic a n d o t h e r ......................................................................................

3 2 9 7 -5

1 2 /8 5

1 1 0 .4



O th e r n o n c la y re fra c to ry m a te ria ls in lum p o r g ro u n d f o r m .............................

3 2 9 7 -6

1 2 /8 5

10 8 .1

1 0 8 .6

1 0 8 .8
1 1 0 .4

N o n c la y r e fr a c to r ie s .............................................................................................................................


E x tra -h ig h a lu m in a b ricks & s h a p e s , m a d e p re d o m in a n tly o f fu s e d a n d
sy n th e tic a lu m in a s ............................................................. .......................................



9 8 .8

9 8 .8



S ilic o n c a rb id e b ricks a n d s h a p e s , m a d e p re d o m in a n tly o f silicon
c a rb id e , e x c e p t kiln fu r n it u r .............................. .................... ..............................

-5 .3


Z irc o n a n d z irc o n ia b ricks a n d s h a p e s , m a d e p re d o m in a n tly o f e ith e r
o f t h e s e m a t e r ia ls ................ ............................................................ ........................



A ll o th e r b rick s a n d s h a p e s , in clud ing d o lo m ite , d o lo m ite -m a g n e s ite
a n d c a rb o n r e fr a c to r ie s .................................. .........................................................
C a s ta b le s (h yd ra u lic s e t t in g ) .............................................................................................
P la s tic re fra c to rie s & ra m m in g m ixes, w e t & dry, a n d c a s ta b le s o f
n o n h y d ra u lic s e ttin g t y p e ...........................................................................................
E x tra -h ig h a lu m in a p la s tic s a n d ra m m in g m ixes, p re d o m . o f fu s e d o r
s y n th e tic a lu m in a s & m u llit ....................................................................................






D o m e s tic ship, fo r d ire c t u s e b y c u s to m e rs a s fin is h e d re fra c to rie s ,
1 2 /8 5

1 0 9 .8

1 1 0 .3

3 2 9 7 -7

0 6 /9 2

1 1 3 .7

1 1 5 .4

1 1 5 .4



S e c o n d a r y p r o d u c t s ...............................................................................................................

3 2 9 7 -S

1 2 /8 5

1 1 6 .2

1 1 6 .0

11 5 .1



1 2 /8 5

1 1 7 .9

1 1 7 .4

1 2 4 .6

1 0 .5


P rim a ry p r o d u c t s .................... ......................................................................................................

3 2 9 9 -P

1 2 /8 5

1 1 5 .1

1 1 4 .6

1 2 2 .9

1 1 .5

S ta tu a ry a n d a rt g o o d s (fa c to ry m a d e ) .......... ............................ ................................

3 2 9 9 -2

1 2 /8 5

1 3 0 .6

1 3 0 .6

1 3 2 .9

3 .3

1 .8

O th e r n o n m e ta llic m in e ra l p ro d u c ts ................................................. .............................

3 2 9 9 -3

1 2 /8 5

1 0 6 .3

1 0 5 .6

1 1 6 .3

1 5 .7


1 2 /8 5

1 4 0 .6

1 4 0 .6

1 4 0 .6

4 .6


1 2 8 .9

1 2 8 .5

1 2 8 .1

7 .9


1 1 6 .5

1 1 5 .5

1 1 4 .7

4 .0


a n d all e x p o rte d m a t e r ia l .................................... ...................................................

N o n m e ta llic m in e ra l p ro d u c ts , n .e .c .............................................................................................




3 2 9 7 -6 1 1

C e r a m ic re fra c to ry fib e rs ....................... ..............................................................................

7 .2

3 2 9 9 -S M

S e c o n d a r y p ro d u c ts a n d m is c e lla n e o u s r e c e ip t s .......................................................

3 2 9 9 -S

S e c o n d a ry p ro d u c ts ...............................................................................................................
P rim a ry m e ta l in d u s tr ie s ......................... ..........................................................................................


1 2 /8 4

B la s t fu rn a c e s , s te e l w o rk s , a n d rolling a n d finishing m ills ............................................

3 31

1 2 /8 4

B la s t fu rn a c e s a n d s te e l m i l l s ........................................................................................................


0 6 /8 2

1 2 0 .2

1 1 9 .3

1 1 8 .5

4 .3


P rim a ry p r o d u c t s ......................... ........................................................................ ........................

3 3 1 2 -P

0 6 /8 2

1 1 9 .3

1 1 8 .7

1 1 8 .0

4 .9


R a ils , w h e e ls , a n d tra c k a c c e s s o r ie s ...........................................................................

3 3 1 2 -C

0 6 /8 2

1 2 0 .6

1 2 1 .6

1 2 1 .7

2 .7


C o k e o v e n a n d b la s t fu rn a c e p r o d u c t s ................... ........................... ........................

3 3 1 2 -1

0 6 /8 2

8 9 .7

8 9 .7

91 .1

6 .2

1 .6

3 3 1 2 -1 A

0 6 /8 2

8 6 .3

8 6 .2

8 7 .6

6 .2

1 .6

3 3 1 2 -1 1 1

0 6 /8 2

9 1 .4

9 1 .4

9 1 .4

7 .0


3 3 1 2 -1 1 1 1 1

0 6 /8 2

8 4 .1

8 4 .0

8 3 .9

8 .0

- .1

C o k e o v e n p ro d u c ts ....................................... ...................................................................
C o k e , e x c e p t s c re e n in g s a n d b r e e z e ..................................................................
F u r n a c e c o k e ...............................................................................................................

3 3 1 2 -2

0 6 /8 2

1 1 7 .7

1 1 7 .6

1 1 7 .6

8 .9

W ire ro d s, c a r b o n ................................. .............................................................................

3 3 1 2 -2 1 9

0 6 /8 2

1 1 9 .7

1 1 8 .9

1 1 8 .1


S e m ifin is h e d p ro d u c ts (e x c lu d in g w ire ro d s ), s t a in le s s .......... ......................

3 3 1 2 -2 5 6

0 6 /8 2

13 8 .1

1 3 5 .6

1 3 7 .5

3 4 .5

1 .4

3 3 1 2 -3

0 6 /8 2

1 3 1 .8

1 2 9 .9

1 2 8 .3

2 .6

-1 .2

S h e e ts , h .r., c a r b o n ............................................................................................................

3 3 1 2 -3 1 1

0 6 /8 2

1 2 6 .3

1 2 2 .2

1 1 9 .0

- 1 .6

-2 .6

S h e e ts a n d strip , h o t d ip p e d g a lv a n iz e d , c a r b o n ............... ...............................

3 3 1 2 -3 1 3

0 6 /8 2

1 3 4 .6

1 3 4 .7

1 3 1 .6

3 .5

- 2 .3

S h e e ts a n d strip , e le c tro ly tic g a lv a n iz e d , c a r b o n ..............................................

9 .5

3 .9

S te e l in g o ts a n d s e m ifin is h e d s h a p e s a n d f o r m s ..................................................



T in m ill p ro d u c ts , h.r. s h e e ts a n d strip (incl. m e ta llic c o a te d a n d
e le c t r i c a l ) .................................. ..........................................................................................

3 3 1 2 -3 1 5

0 6 /8 2

1 2 9 .0

1 2 1 .5

S trip , h .r., c a r b o n .................................................................................................................

3 3 1 2 -3 1 9

0 6 /8 2

1 2 5 .0

1 2 2 .6

1 2 2 .6

2 .9

T i n p l a t e .....................................................................................................................................

3 3 1 2 -3 2 6

0 6 /8 2

1 4 6 .0

1 4 6 .9

1 4 5 .9


T in f r e e s t e e l .........................................................................................................................

3 3 1 2 -3 2 8

0 6 /8 2

1 4 1 .7

1 4 1 .9

1 4 2 .4

1 .9


3 3 1 2 -4

0 6 /8 2

1 1 5 .6

1 1 6 .3

1 1 5 .6

5 .9

-1 .5

H o t ro lle d b a rs , p la te s a n d stru c tu ra l s h a p e s ..........................................................

1 2 6 .2



P la te s , c a r b o n ......................................................................................... ............................

3 3 1 2 -4 1 2

1 2 /8 9

1 0 5 .8

1 0 5 .6

1 0 4 .0

2 .7

H e a v y s tru c tu ra l s h a p e s , piling a n d p iles, c a r b o n .............................................

3 3 1 2 -4 1 5

0 6 /8 2

8 6 .0

9 0 .0

91 .1

3 3 1 2 -4 1 5 1 1

0 6 /8 2

8 6 .0

9 0 .0

91 .1


3 3 1 2 -4 2 2

0 6 /8 2

1 2 7 .0

1 2 6 .3

1 2 6 .4

5 .9


3 3 1 2 -4 2 2 1 1

0 6 /8 2

1 2 0 .7

1 2 0 .7

1 2 1 .0



H e a v y s tru ctu ral s h a p e s , c a rb o n ...........................................................................
B a rs , h.r., c a r b o n .......... ....... ........................................ .....................................................
B a rs , h.r., c a rb o n , m e rc h a n t q u a lit y .................................................. ........ ..........

See footnotes at end of table.


1 .2
1 .2

Table 5. Producer price indexes for the net output of selected industries and their products, not seasonally adjusted
Industry and product1


Blast furnaces and steel mills—Continued
Bars, light structurals, carbon ........................................................................
Concrete reinforcing bars, c a rb o n ................................................................
Plates, a llo y ................................................;......................................................


3312-5 A

Plates and structural shapes, s ta in le s s .......................................................
Grade 3 0 4 ...................................................................................................
Bars, h.r., s ta in le s s ..........................................................................................
Grade 304 ......................................................................................................
Steel w ire ...............................................................................................................
Carbon w ir e .......................................................................................................
Steel pipe and tu b e s ........................................................ ...................................
Pipe and oil country tubular goods, carbon ....................... ........................
Oil country tubular goods, c a rb o n .............................................................
Casing (OCTG), c a r b o n ...........................................................................
Cold rolled sheets and strip (excl. metallic coated and electrica l).............
Sheets and strip, c.r., c a rb o n .........................................................................
Sheets, c.r., c a rb o n ................................................................................... ...
Sheets and strip, c.r., sta in le ss......................................................................
Sheets, c.r., stainless..................... ..............................................................
Grade 3 0 4 .............................................. ........................................... .........
Strip, c.r., s ta in le s s ........................................................................................
Grade 3 0 4 ...................................................... ............................................
Cold finished b a r s ................................................................................................
Bars, c.f., s ta in le s s ...........................................................................................
Grade 304 ......................................................................................................
Secondary products and miscellaneous re c e ip ts ..............................................
Secondary p ro d u c ts ........................... .'................................................................
Electrometallurgical products ........................................................................................
Primary p ro d u c ts ......................................................................................................
Ferrosilicon .............................................................................................................
Other ferroalloys and products made in electric and other furnaces,
except blast fu rn a c e s ..................................................................................
Other fe rro a llo y s ...............................................................................................


Steel wire and related products - m fp m .....................................................................
Primary p ro d u c ts ...............-......................................................................................
Noninsulated ferrous wire rope, cable and stra n d .........................................
Wire rope and c a b le .................... ....................................................................
Wire strand and f o r m s .....................................................................................
Steel nails and s p ik e s ....................................................................... ..................
Steel wire n a ils ..................................................................................................
Bright n a ils .....................................................................................................
Galvanized n a ils ...... ................. ...................................................................
Other n a ils ......................................................................................................
Wire staples and tacks, cut nails and s p ik e s .............................................
Steel wire s ta p le s ..........................................................................................
Steel w ire ......................... ......................................................................................
Carbon w ir e .......................................................................................................
Plain wire, c a rb o n ...... ...................................................................................
Galvanized wire, c a rb o n ..............................................................................
Other coated wire, c a rb o n ..........................................................................
Stainless w ire ......... .......................................................................................
Steel fencing and fence g a te s ............................................. .............................
Ferrous wire cloth and other woven wire p ro d u c ts ......................................
Other fabricated ferrous wire pro d u c ts............................................................
Welded steel wire f a b r ic .................................................................................
Welded steel wire fabric (concrete reinforcing mesh) ..........................
O ther wire p ro d u c ts ................................................. ........................................
Other wire p ro d u c ts ............................................................................... ......
Secondary products and miscellaneous re c e ip ts ..............................................
Secondary p ro d u c ts ............................................................................................


Cold finishing of steel shapes - m fp m ........................................................................
Primary products
................................................. ............................................
Sheets and strip, metallic coated and electrical, c . r ....................................
Cold rolled sheets and s trip ................... ............... ............................................
Sheets and strip, c.r., c a rb o n ......................... ...............................................
Strip, c.r., c a rb o n ..........................................................................................
Sheets and strip, c.r., a llo y ....................................................... .....................
Strip, c.r., a llo y ......................................................................... .....................
Sheets and strip, c.r., sta in le s s ......................................................................
Cold finished b a r s ................................................................................................
Bars, c.f., carbon .... ................................................................. .......................









Sep. 1994

Aug. 199E

























0 6/82
06/8 2



« 129.8









0 6/82






3315-5 A


See footnotes at end of table.

Percent change
to Sep. 1995 from —




Table 5. Producer price indexes for the net output of selected industries and their products, not seasonally adjusted
Industry and product1

S te e l p ip e a n d tu b e s - m f p m ................................... ...................................................




P rim a ry p r o d u c t s ................................... ........................... .......................................
S te e l p ip e a n d t u b e s ................................... ............................ ..........................
P ip e a n d oil c o u n try tu b u la r g o o d s , c a r b o n ........................ ..............
S ta n d a rd p ip e , c a r b o n ...............................................................................
O il c o u n try tu b u la r g o o d s , c a r b o n .......................................................
P re s s u re tu b in g , c a rb o n ................................................................................
P re s s u re tu b in g , w e ld e d , c a r b o n .................................................. .......
M e c h a n ic a l tu b in g , c a r b o n ...........................................................................
M e c h a n ic a l tu b in g , s e a m le s s , c a r b o n ..............................................
M e c h a n ic a l tu b in g , w e ld e d , c a r b o n ..............................................
S tru c tu ra l p ip e a n d tubing , c a rb o n ......................................................
P ip e a n d tu b in g , a l l o y ...... .................................................................. ..........
P re s s u re tu b in g , s t a in le s s .......................................................................
P re s s u re tu b in g , w e ld e d , s t a in le s s .....................................................
M e c h a n ic a l tu b in g , s t a in le s s .......................................................... ..........
M e c h a n ic a l tu b in g , s e a m le s s , s t a in le s s ..........................................
M e c h a n ic a l tu b in g , w e ld e d , s t a in le s s ...............................................
O th e r p ip e a n d tu b in g (including s ta n d a rd p ip e ), s ta in le s s ...
S e c o n d a ry p r o d u c t s ............................................................................................
Iro n a n d s te e l f o u n d r i e s .................................................................................................


G ra y iro n f o u n d r i e s .......................... .................................. .............................................

3321 -SM

P rim a ry p r o d u c t s ........................................................ .................... ....................... .
C a s t iro n p re s s u re a n d soil p ip e a n d fittin g s .........................................
P re s s u re p ip e a n d fittin gs, d u c tile i r o n ................................................
P re s s u re p ip e , d u ctile iron ...... ...............................................................
P re s s u re p ip e fittings, d u c tile iron ............................................. .........
P re s s u re p ip e a n d fittin gs, g ra y i r o n ......................................................
P re s s u re p ip e , g ra y iron ..................................................................... .....
P re s s u re p ip e fittings, g ra y i r o n .................................................. .........
S o il p ip e a n d fittings, g ra y i r o n ............................................................. ...
S o il p ip e , g ra y i r o n ................................................... ..................................
S o il p ip e fittings, g ra y iron .................................................................. .
O th e r d u c tile iron c a s tin g s ...............................................................................
A u to m o tiv e u s e s ..............................................................................................
P a s s e n g e r c a rs .............................................................................................
A ll o th e r a u to m o tiv e u s e s .......................................................................
C o n s tru c tio n a n d utility u s e s .....................................................................
V a lv e u s e s .................................................................. ........................................
M a c h in e ry u s e s ........................................................................................ ......
A ll o th e r u s e s .................... .............................................. .............................. .
O th e r g ra y iron c a s tin g s ......................................................... .........................
A u to m o tiv e u s e s ...................................... ......................................................
P a s s e n g e r c a r s .......... ......... ........................................................................
A ll o th e r a u to m o tiv e u s e s ................ .....................................................
C o n s tru c tio n a n d utility u s e s ............. .....................................................
A ll o th e r u s e s ................... .................................................... ...........................
S e c o n d a r y p ro d u c ts a n d m is c e lla n e o u s r e c e ip t s ...................................
S e c o n d a r y p r o d u c t s ...........................................................................................
M a lle a b le iro n f o u n d r ie s ......................... .............................................. ......... ;...........


P rim a ry p r o d u c t s .................................................. ...................................... .............
S ta n d a r d m a lle a b le iron c a s t in g s ........


S te e l in v e s tm e n t f o u n d r i e s ................... ........................................................... ........


P rim a ry p r o d u c t s .................................,................. ..................................................
C a rb o n a n d lo w a llo y s te e l in v e s tm e n t c a s tin g s ..............................
C o m m e rc ia l a p p lic a tio n , o th e r th a n a e r o s p a c e ..... ........................
H ig h allo y s te e l in v e s tm e n t c a s tin g s , in clud ing s ta in le s s s t e e l ...
A e r o s p a c e a p p lic a tio n ..................................................................................
C o m m e rc ia l a p p lic a tio n , o th e r th a n a e r o s p a c e ................... ...........
H i-te m p m e ta l c a s tin g s (iron, n ic k e l, o r c o b a lt-b a s e a llo y s ) .........
A e r o s p a c e a p p lic a tio n ........................................................................... .......
C o m m e rc ia l a p p lic a tio n , o th e r th a n a e ro s p a c e ..............................
S e c o n d a r y p ro d u c ts a n d m is c e lla n e o u s r e c e ip t s ......................
S e c o n d a ry p r o d u c t s ...........................................................................................
S te e l fo u n d rie s , n .e .c .................................................................................................... ...
P rim a ry p r o d u c t s ...................... .............................. ;....................................... .......
C a rb o n s te e l c a s t in g s .............. ................................................................ .....
R a ilro a d w h e e ls a n d s p e c ia lt ie s ............... ..............................................
A ll o th e r c a rb o n s te e l c a s tin g s , in cluding ro lls fo r rolling m ills
H ig h a llo y s te e l c a s tin g s , in clu d in g s ta in le s s s t e e l ...........................
L o w a llo y s te e l c a s t in g s ........

.............. .......... .............................. ........

A ll o th e r lo w a llo y s te e l c a s t in g s ............................. .............................
S e c o n d a ry p ro d u c ts a n d m is c e lla n e o u s re c e ip ts .............................
S e c o n d a r y p r o d u c t s .......................................................................................... .


See footnotes at end of table.


Percent change
to Sep. 1995 from —




0 6/82
0 6/8 2
0 6/82


