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f e d e r a l

e s e r v e


a n k


D a lla s , T e x a s , J a n u a ry

19, 1 9 6 0


To the M e m b e r Banks in the
Eleventh Federal Reserve District;

T h e B o a rd o f D ire c to rs a t its m e e tin g o n J a n u a ry 1 4 ,1 9 6 0 , re -e le c te d
a ll o f th e o ffic e rs o f th e F e d e ra l R eserve B a n k o f D a lla s a n d its b ra n c h e s
a t El P aso, H o u s to n , a n d S an A n to n io , T e x a s ,
A c o m p le te list o f o ffic e rs o f th e B a n k a n d its b ra n c h e s is s h o w n o n
th e re v e rs e o f th is c irc u la r .

Y o u rs v e ry tr u ly .
C h a irm a n o f th e B o a rd

This publication was digitized and made available by the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas' Historical Library (




H ead Office:
W a tr o u s H. I r o n s .................................................. P re s id e n f
H a r ry A . S h u f o r d .................................................. First V ic e P re s id e n t
Ja m e s L. C a u t h e n .................................................. V ic e P re s id e n t
T. A . H a r d in .................................................................V ic e P re s id e n t
G . R. M u r f f .................................................................V ic e P re s id e n t
Ja m e s A . P a r k e r .................................................. V ic e P re s id e n t
T. W . P l a n t .................................................................V ic e P re s id e n t a n d

C a s h ie r

L, G . P o n d r o m ..........................................................V ic e P re s id e n t
M o r g a n H. R ic e ..........................................................V ic e P re s id e n t a n d
o f th e B o a rd

S e c re ta ry

* C h a rls E. W a l k e r .................................................. V ic e P re s id e n t a n d E c o n o m ic A d v is e r
A r th u r H . L a n g ..........................................................G e n e r a l A u d it o r
G e o r g e F. R u d y ..........................................................G e n e r a l C o u n s e l a n d A s s is ta n t
S e c re ta ry o f th e B o a rd
R o b e rt H. B o y k i n .................................................. A s s is ta n t C o u n se l
W . M . P r it c h e t t ..........................................................A s s is ta n t V ic e P re s id e n t
T h o m a s R. S u lliv a n .................................................. A s s is ta n t V ic e P re s id e n t
E. H . B e r g .................................................................A s s is ta n t C a s h ie r
R oy E. B o h n e ..........................................................A s s is ta n t C a s h ie r
H e rm a n W . K i l m a n ........................................... A s s is ta n t C a s h ie r
E m m ett A . T h a x to n , J r............................................. A s s is ta n t C a s h ie r
P h ilip E. C o l d w e l l .................................................. D ire c to r o f R esearch
Ja m e s O . R u s s e l l .................................................. C h ie f E x a m in e r

El Paso Branch:
H o w a rd C a r r it h e r s .................................................. V ic e P re s id e n t in C h a rg e
F re d ric W . R e e d .................................................. C a s h ie r
T. C. A r n o ld .



............................................A s s is ta n t C a s h ie r

Houston Branch:
J, L. C o o k .................................................................V ic e P re s id e n t in C h a rg e
B. J. T r o y .................................................................C a s h ie r
W . C. H a r t u n g ..........................................................A s s is ta n t C a s h ie r
R asco R. S t o r y ..........................................................A s s is ta n t C a s h ie r

San Antonio Branch:
C a rl H. M o o r e ..........................................................V ic e P re s id e n t in C h a rg e
A . E. M u n d t .................................................................C a s h ie r
A lv in E. R u s s e ll......................................................... A s s is ta n t C a s h ie r
F re d e ric k J. S c h m i d ........................................... A s s is ta n t C a s h ie r

"On leave of absence.