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F e d e r a l

r e s e r v e

B a n k


o f

D a l l a s


Circular No. 67-236
Decem ber 5, 1967

To All Banks in the
Eleventh Federal Reserve District:
On Saturday, Decem ber 23, 1967 and Saturday, Decem ber 30, 1967, our head office
at Dallas and branch offices at El Paso, Houston, and San Antonio will not process and
dispatch deferred credit item s and will not forward cash letters on th ose tw o dates.
Also, on th ose tw o Saturdays our head office and branches will not dispatch item s
to other Federal R eserve offices. Accordingly, banks w hich norm ally deliver item s to us
for forw arding in consolidated shipm ents are requested to forward such item s independ­
ently on th ose two dates. In accordance w ith th e provisions of paragraphs 34 and 35 of
our Bulletin No. 8 w e shall be glad to reim burse those banks fo r th e transportation
costs incurred.
Yours very truly,
W atrous H. Irons

This publication was digitized and made available by the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas' Historical Library (