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F ederal






DALLAS, TEX AS 7 5 2 2 2
Circular No. 71-48
F ebruary 16, 1971

To All Banking Institutions a n d Others Concerned
in the Eleventh Federal Reserve District:
Your attention is invited to the fo llo w in g statem ent giving details of tw o issues of Treasury hills:
T he T reasury D epartm ent, by this public notice, invites tenders for two series of T reasury bills to the aggregate am ount
of $3,300,000,000, or thereabouts, for cash and in exchange for Treasury bills maturing February 25, 1971, in the am ount of
$3,303,285,000, as follows:
91-DAY B IL L S (to m aturity d ate) to be issued February 25, 1971, in the am ount of $1,900,000,000, or th ere­
abouts, representing an additional am ount of bills dated Novem ber 27, 1970, and to m ature M ay 27, 1971
(C U S IP No. 912793 K K 1), originally issued in the am ount of $1,400,490,000, the additional and original bills
to be freely interchangeable.
182-DAY B IL L S for $1,400,000,000, or thereabouts, to be dated February 25, 1971, and to m ature August 26,
1971 (C U S IP No. 912793 L F 1 ).
T he bills of both series will be issued on a discount basis under com petitive and noncom petitive bidding as hereinafter
provided, and a t m aturity their face am ount will be payable w ithout interest. T hey will be issued in bearer form only, and in
denom inations of $10,000, $15,000, $50,000, $100,000, $500,000 and $1,000,000 (m atu rity value).
T enders will be received a t F ederal Reserve Banks and Branches up to the closing hour, one-thirty p.m., E astern
Standard Tim e, Monday, February 22, 1971. T enders will not be received a t the T reasury D epartm ent, W ashington. Each
tender m ust be for a m inim um of $10,000. Tenders over $10,000 m ust be in m ultiples of $5,000. In the case of com petitive tenders
the price offered m ust be expressed on the basis of 100, with not m ore th a n three decimals, e.g., 99.925. Fractions m ay not be
used. It is urged th a t tenders be m ade on the printed forms and forwarded in the special envelopes which will be supplied by
F ederal Reserve Banks or Branches on application therefor.
Banking institutions generally m ay subm it tenders for account of customers provided th e names of the customers are
set forth in such tenders. O thers than banking institutions will not be perm itted to subm it tenders except for their own account.
T enders will be received w ithout deposit from incorporated banks and tru st companies and from responsible and recognized
dealers in investm ent securities. T enders from others m ust be accom panied by paym ent of 2 percent of the face am ount of
T reasury bills applied for, unless th e tenders are accom panied by an express guaranty of paym ent by an incorporated bank or
tru st company.
Im m ediately after the closing hour, tenders will be opened a t the F ederal Reserve Banks and Branches, following which
public announcem ent will be made by the T reasury D epartm ent of the am ount and price range of accepted bids. Only those
subm itting com petitive tenders will be advised of the acceptance or rejection thereof. T he Secretary of the T reasury expressly
reserves the right to accept or reject any or all tenders, in whole or in part, and his action in any such respect shall be final. Sub­
ject to these reservations, noncom petitive tenders for each issue for $200,000 or less w ithout stated price from any one bidder will
be accepted in full a t the average price (in three decim als) of accepted com petitive bids for the respective issues. S ettlem ent for
accepted tenders in accordance with the bids m ust be m ade or com pleted a t the Federal Reserve B ank on February 25, 1971,
in cash or other im m ediately available funds or in a like face am ount of T reasury bills m aturing February 25, 1971. Cash and
exchange tenders will receive equal treatm ent. Cash adjustm ents will be made for differences between the par value of m atur­
ing bills accepted in exchange and the issue price of the new bills.
U nder Sections 454 (b ) and 1221 (5 ) of the Internal R evenue Code of 1954 the am ount of discount a t which bills issued
hereunder are sold is considered to accrue when the bills are sold, redeem ed or otherwise disposed of, and the bills are excluded
from consideration as capital assets. Accordingly, th e owner of Treasury bills (other than life insurance com panies) issued here­
under m ust include in his income tax return, as ordinary gain or loss, the difference between the price paid for the bills, w hether on
original issue or on subsequent purchase, and the am ount actually received either upon sale or redem ption a t m aturity during the
taxable year for which the retu rn is made.
T reasury D epartm ent Circular No. 418 (current revision) and this notice, prescribe the term s of the Treasury bills and
govern the conditions of th eir issue. Copies of the circular m ay be obtained from any F ederal Reserve B ank or Branch.

In acco rd a nce with the a b o v e a n n o u n c em en t, tenders will b e received at this bank an d its branches at El Paso,
Houston a n d San Antonio up to twelve-thirty p.m., Central Standard Time, M o n d ay, February 22, 1971. Tenders m ay
not b e entered by te le p h o n e .
Yours very truly,
P. E. Coldwell
Amount, Range and A pproxim ate Y ield of Accepted T enders
91-Day Bills
182-Day Bills
D ue M ay 20, 1971
Due August 19, 1971
.T otal Applied F o r_______________________________ $2,743,655,000
$2,000,515,000-------------------------------------------------T otal Accepted________________________________ $1,400,095,000
Y ield
99.090------------------3.600% _________________________ .H igh___________________ ' ....98.159___________ 3.642 %
99.072-----------------3.671% ---------------------------------------- Low______________________ 98.133___________ 3.693%
99.080----------------- 3.640% ( 1 ) -------------------------------A verage____________________ 98.140____________3.679% (1 )
(1 ) These rates are on a bank discount basis. The equivalent coupon issue yields are 3.72% for the 91-day bills and 3.80% for the
182-day bills.

(S ee reverse for tender form )

This publication was digitized and made available by the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas' Historical Library (


Maturing August 26,1971

Dated February 25,1971
To: Federal Reserve Bank, Station K, Dallas, Texas 75222
or —
The-------------------------------------- Branch
El Paso 79999

H ouston 77001

San Antonio 78206

(D ate)

P u rsu a n t to th e provisions of T reasu ry D epartm ent Circular No. 418 (current revision) and the provisions of th e
public announcement issued by the T reasury D epartm ent, the undersigned offers to purchase T reasu ry bills in th e am ount
shown below, and agrees to pay for the am ount allotted, on or before the issue date, by the method and a t the ra te indicated.

NONCOMPETITIVE TENDER $_________________________________

_NOT TO EXCEED $200,000

Noncompetitive tenders for $200,000 or less from any one bidder, w ithout stated price, will be accepted in full a t the average
price (in three decimals) of accepted com petitive bids.


$ ___________________________


^ ----------------------------------------



-@ -


Prices should be ex­
pressed on the basis of
100, w ith not more th a n
th r e e d ec im a l p la c e s ,
e. g., 99.925. F ractio ns
m ust not be used.

D enominations D esired
N um ber of

Paym ent fo r this issue of bills cannot be m ade by
credit to T reasury Tax and Loan Account.

M a tu rity V alue

@ $ 10,000 ?@ $ 15,000 $@ $ 50,000 ?@ $ 100,000 *
@ $ 500,000 $@ $1 ,000,000 $Delivery Instructions:
□ Hold in Custody Account— Member
banks for own account only
□ Pledge to secure Treasury Tax and
Loan Account
□ Ship to-------------------------------------


By maturing bills
held by-----------------------------------------Payment to be made by---------------------


Charge our reserve account on payment
| | Draft enclosed (E ffectu al delivery o f enclosed d r a f t
shall be on la te st day w hich will p e rm it p re s e n tm e n t in
o rd e r to o b ta in irrevocably collected fu n d s on p a y m e n t
(S ubscriber’s fu ll n a m e o r c o rp o ra te title )

(A ddress)


(A uthorized official s ig n a tu re a n d title )

(F o r th e acco u n t of. if te n d e r is fo r a n o th e r subscriber)
(A ddress)

1. No tender fo r less t.Tin.n $10,000 will be considered and each tender over $10,000 m ust be fo r an am ount in m ultiples of
$5,000 (m atu rity value).
2. Tenders should be forw arded in an envelope clearly addressed to this bank or app ropriate branch as Fiscal A gent of th e
U nited States, w ith notation on the envelope reading “TEN D ER FOR TREASURY O FFE R IN G ”. Since envelopes
received w ith this legend will not be opened until a fte r th e closing tim e specified in th e public announcement, com m uni­
cations relatin g to other m a tte rs should not be enclosed. Envelopes fo r subm itting tenders m ay be obtained from th is
bank or ap propriate branch.
3. A ny qualified or conditional tender will be rejected.
4. If a corporation makes the tender, the form should be signed Jby an officer of the corporation authorized to m ake th e
tender and th e signing of the form by an officer of the corporation will be construed as a representation by him th a t he
has been so authorized. If the tender is m ade by a p artn e rsh ip it should be signed by a m em ber of the firm, w ho
should sign in the form “___________________________ , a copartnership, by------------------------------------------------------------a m em ber of th e firm.”
5. Tenders from those other th a n incorporated banks and tr u s t companies or responsible and recognized dealers in in v e st­
m ent securities will be disregarded, unless accompanied by a deposit of 2 percent of the total am ount (m atu rity valu e)
of the T reasu ry bills applied for, or unless the tenders are accompanied by an express g u ara n ty of full paym ent by an
incorporated bank or tru s t company.
6 If the language of this form is changed in any respect, which, in the opinion of the S ecretary of the T reasu ry is
m aterial, th e tender m ay be disregarded.

(See reverse for announcement)