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Federal reserve Ban k of Dallas


C i r c u l a r No. 78-94
J u l y 18, 1978


This i s to advise t h a t the National Bank of Commerce, K e r r v i l l e ,
Texas, a newly organized i n s t i t u t i o n located in the t e r r i t o r y served by
the San Antonio Branch of the Federal Reserve Bank o f D a l l a s , opened f o r
business Jul y 17, 1978, as a member of the Federal Reserve System.
The new member bank has c a p i t a l of $750,000 and surplus of $750,000.
I t s o f f i c e r s and d i r e c t o r s are as follows:
Of fi ce r s
Ben R. Low, Chairman of the Board and P re si de nt
Kenneth D. Adams, Senior Vice P re si d en t
Louis J . Haass, Cashier
Dir ect ors
Kenneth D. Adams
William G. Fain
Leonard L. Holloway

Ben R. Low
John W. McCullough, J r .
Robert H. Seal

The bank is locat ed a t 1130 Junction Highway, K e r r v i l l e , Texas, and
the mailing address i s P. 0. Box 431, K e r r v i l l e , Texas 78028.
The combined ABA number and the Federal Reserve Bank ro u tin g symbol
of the new bank is 88-0764.

S in cer el y you rs,
Ernest T. Baughman
P re si d en t

This publication was digitized and made available by the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas' Historical Library (