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JUNE 2013

Chicag­o Fed Letter
Estimating the trend rate of economic growth using the CFNAI
by Scott A. Brave, senior business economist, and R. Andrew Butters, graduate student, Kellogg School of Management,
Northwestern University

This article shows how a new methodology for constructing the Chicago Fed National
Activity Index (CFNAI) can be used to identify both the cyclical (medium-run) and trend
(long-run) components of real gross domestic product (GDP) growth.

The uneven recovery from the Great

Recession has led some observers to question whether the growth potential of the
U.S. economy declined in its aftermath.
To address this important question,
economists need to be
able to differentiate
1. Differences between DF-CFNAI and CFNAI
between movements
in the trend compo1.5
nent of economic
growth and those in
the cyclical compo1.0
nent. The cyclical
component captures
medium-run factors
driving economic
growth and is generally
associated with the
business cycle—the
periodic fluctuations
in economic activity
1967 ’72
’97 2002 ’07
around its long-term
HR minus CFNAI
historical trend. In
AR minus CFNAI
contrast, the trend
Notes: The figure displays the difference in every month from January 1967 through March 2013
component captures
between each of the three DF-CFNAI variants (see the text for details on OLS, HR, and
AR) and the CFNAI. All four indexes were standardized (i.e., transformed to have a zero
long-run factors, such
mean and a standard deviation of one) and transformed into three-month moving averages
prior to calculating the differences. Shading indicates U.S. recessions as identified by the
as potential growth
National Bureau of Economic Research.
in productivity, capiSource: Authors’ calculations based on data from Haver Analytics.
tal, and labor. In this
Chicago Fed Letter, we
detail a new way for constructing the
CFNAI that makes it possible to simultaneously link the estimation of the
monthly CFNAI to quarterly real GDP
growth and decompose it into its trend
and cyclical components. At least some

of the weakness in real GDP growth during the recovery can be attributed to a
decline in its trend (or average) rate of
growth, although cyclical factors are shown
to have played a more dominant role.

The CFNAI is a monthly index of U.S.
economic activity constructed from 85
data series (or indicators) classified into
four groups: production and income;
employment, unemployment, and hours;
personal consumption and housing;
and sales, orders, and inventories.1 The
index is normalized to reflect deviations
around a trend rate of economic growth.
As such, a zero value for the index indicates that growth in economic activity
is proceeding along its long-term historical path, a negative value indicates belowaverage growth, and a positive value
indicates above-average growth.
Essentially, the CFNAI is a weighted
average of the 85 data series, with their
individual weights representing the relative degree to which each series explains
the total variation among all the series.
The statistical method used to generate
these weights is called principal components analysis, or PCA. The CFNAI
is the first principal component of the
85 data series, as it is the single factor
common to each data series that explains the most variation across all 85.
To construct our alternative CFNAI, we
reweight the underlying data series to

2. Fraction of data variance explained









Production and income
Employment, unemployment,
and hours
Personal consumption
and housing
Sales, orders, and inventories













Notes: The figure displays the fraction of the variance of the 85 underlying indicators in the
CFNAI and the three variants of the DF-CFNAI (see the text for details on OLS, HR, and AR)
that is explained by each index (see top row). In addition, it decomposes this fraction into the
share explained by each of the four broad categories of indicators listed here. The values for
the categories’ shares may not sum to one because of rounding.
Source: Authors’ calculations based on data from Haver Analytics.

3. RMSE ratios for current quarter GDP growth forecasts











Notes: The figure displays root mean squared error (RMSE) ratios for current quarter real
gross domestic product (GDP) growth forecasts based on the three variants of the DF-CFNAI
(see the text for details on OLS, HR, and AR). A value less than one indicates a forecast
based on the DF-CFNAI for the sample period labeled in each row is more accurate than
a similar forecast based on the CFNAI (more precisely, the lower the value, the more
accurate the DF-CFNAI’s forecast). All of the forecasts based on the DF-CFNAI include a
time-varying mean for real GDP growth, in contrast to those based on the CFNAI, which
instead allow for discrete shifts in the mean of real GDP growth as explained in the text.
Ratios with * denote statistical significance at the 95% confidence level according to the
Diebold–Mariano mean squared error test statistic for equal forecast accuracy.
Source: Authors’ calculations based on data from Haver Analytics.

instead isolate the single factor that
explains the most variation in the 85 data
series and real GDP growth, as well as
best describes their historical evolution.
This alternative estimation procedure
for the underlying series’ weights results
in the construction of what is referred
to as a dynamic factor.2
The differences between the CFNAI and
the index that results from our alternative estimation procedure—which
we call the DF-CFNAI—tend to be very
small unless we also relax some of the
additional assumptions of PCA. Figure 1
(on front page) plots the differences
between the CFNAI and three variants
of the DF-CFNAI from January 1967
through March 2013 after each index
was transformed into a three-month moving average. With this construction, we

get a more consistent
picture of national
economic growth
than that shown by
the monthly indexes,
which can vary significantly from month to
month. The threemonth moving average
also has the advantage
of highlighting the
medium-run movements that are typical
of the business cycle,
captured in figure 1
by the shaded periods
corresponding with
U.S. recessions as
identified by the
National Bureau of
Economic Research.
The differences between the indexes
that do exist appear
around several business cycle turning
points and, most notably, during the recovery from the most
recent recession.

The two assumptions
of PCA that we relax
in figure 1 affect the
way the weights are
calculated by assigning
less of the variance of
the individual indicators to the common factor and more to idiosyncratic
shocks. The first assumption that we
relax—the result of which we refer to
as HR in figure 1—is that an individual
indicator cannot be subject to idiosyncratic shocks that are more volatile than
similar shocks for other indicators.3 The
second assumption that we relax is that
idiosyncratic shocks for each indicator
are not persistent. The result of relaxing
both assumptions is referred to as AR
in figure 1. Neither PCA assumption is
relaxed for the DF-CFNAI variant referred
to as OLS in figure 1. In this case, the
small differences between the CFNAI
and OLS stem entirely from our alternative estimation procedure.
The recent experience of the housing market is inconsistent with both

assumptions, in that the protracted recovery of the housing indicators implies
that they experienced idiosyncratic shocks
that were more volatile and persistent
than those experienced by other indicators. The DF-CFNAI puts relatively less
weight on the housing indicators than
does the CFNAI as a result. However,
the housing indicators in the CFNAI
are not the only indicators inconsistent
with these assumptions—and such inconsistency is not solely confined to the
recent period. Similar to what we found
in previous work examining potential
trends in the CFNAI’s 85 underlying indicators, the contributions to the index
from two other categories of indicators—
the employment, unemployment, and
hours category and the sales, orders, and
inventories category—are also affected
by these assumptions.4
Figure 2 decomposes the overall variance
explained by the CFNAI and the three
variants of the DF-CFNAI into the contributions from their four groups of indicators. Compared with the CFNAI, the
HR and AR variants of the DF-CFNAI
capture a much larger share of the
overall variance in the production and
income category at the expense of the
other three categories of indicators. It
is also the case that these two variants
of the DF-CFNAI capture slightly less of
the total variance of the 85 underlying
data series than the CFNAI. The latter
finding suggests that the HR and AR
variants of the DF-CFNAI are normalized at slightly different average levels
than the CFNAI. This finding, then,
also has implications for the trend rate
of economic growth.
Trend rate of economic growth

In previous work, we documented how
the three-month moving average of
the CFNAI—the CFNAI-MA3—can be
used to generate current quarter forecasts of real GDP growth.5 Values of the
CFNAI-MA3 that were above zero in the
recent past have historically been associated with above-average current quarter
real GDP growth. This is also true for
the three-month moving average of the
DF-CFNAI. Because DF-CFNAI values
during much of the recent recovery have
been systematically higher than CFNAI

growth because, like
the CFNAI, it can be
shown to be an excelpercent growth on an annualized basis
lent coincident indicator of the business
cycle. Using the meth4.0
od developed by Berge
and Jordà7 to quantify
the accuracy of our
indexes in capturing
U.S. recessions and
expansions since 1967,
we find that the HR
and AR variants of
the DF-CFNAI are both
1967 ’72
’97 2002 ’07
95% accurate, while
the OLS variant and
CFNAI are 94% accuNotes: The figure displays estimates of the time-varying mean of real gross domestic product
(GDP) growth based on the three variants of the DF-CFNAI (see the text for details on OLS,
rate. So, by this meaHR, and AR) from 1967:Q1 through 2012:Q4. For comparison, the Congressional Budget
Office’s (CBO) estimate of growth in potential real GDP for the U.S. is also presented.
sure, the HR and
Source: Authors’ calculations based on data from Haver Analytics.
AR variants of the
DF-CFNAI are only
values (shown in figure 1), this suggests
slightly more accurate in identifying U.S.
real GDP growth that is even further
recessions and expansions than the OLS
above average. How do we reconcile this
variant and the CFNAI, with the differwith the fact that real GDP growth has
ence not being statistically significant.
been much weaker on average during the
Figure 3 presents root mean squared
recent recovery than during the recoverror (RMSE) ratios computed using
eries from previous deep recessions? One
current quarter forecasts of real GDP
interpretation is that average (or trend)
growth based on the CFNAI and the
real GDP growth is now much lower and
three variants of the DF-CFNAI. For the
has been declining during the recovery.
CFNAI’s forecasts, we allow for discrete
Our alternative estimation framework
shifts in the mean of real GDP growth
makes it possible to quantify this possibility over time as in Brave and Butters (2010).
by decomposing real GDP growth into
In contrast, the DF-CFNAI’s forecasts
its cyclical and trend components in the are based on a time-varying mean for
process of estimating the DF-CFNAI. To real GDP growth. A value less than one
do so, we use a “nowcasting” equation
in figure 3 indicates in each instance
(similar to the one used in Brave and
that the DF-CFNAI’s forecasts are more
Butters, 2010), which relates current
accurate than the CFNAI’s (more prequarter real GDP growth to current and cisely, the lower the value, the more
past values of the three-month moving
accurate the DF-CFNAI’s forecasts).8
average of the DF-CFNAI. In this way,
There is some variation in the level of
we both control for the cyclical dynamics accuracy across the DF-CFNAI variants’
of real GDP growth using the DF-CFNAI
forecasts depending on the time period.
and allow current quarter real GDP
In general, the OLS variant’s forecasts
growth to shape the DF-CFNAI’s recent dominate those of the other two. More
history. Here, however, to capture the
recently, however, the HR and AR
trend component we also include a time- models have produced slightly superior
varying mean for real GDP growth, which forecasts, but not enough to be statistidistinguishes this exercise from Brave
cally significantly different from the
and Butters (2010) where we instead
OLS model’s.
considered several discrete shifts in the
Figure 4 plots the history of our estimean of real GDP growth over time.6
mates of the time-varying mean of real
We use the DF-CFNAI to control for
GDP growth based on the DF-CFNAI
the cyclical component of real GDP
over the period 1967:Q1–2012:Q4. For

4. Estimates of the trend rate of economic growth

comparison, we also include in figure 4
the Congressional Budget Office’s (CBO)
estimate of growth in potential real GDP.
The CBO’s estimate of potential real GDP
growth is calculated in a vastly different
way than our estimate of the time-varying
mean of real GDP growth, but it too aims
to capture a similar notion of the longrun growth trend.9 Our HR and AR estimates of the time-varying mean of real
GDP growth are highly correlated with
the CBO’s estimate of potential growth
and have an average absolute deviation
of 0.2 percentage points from it in the
post-1984 era. That said, all four estimates have very different interpretations
of recent history. The HR and AR growth
estimates exhibit declines of about 0.5 percentage points and 0.7 percentage points
since 2007, respectively; and the OLS
growth estimate fell by roughly 0.3 percentage points since then, while the CBO’s
estimate of potential growth decreased
by 0.6 percentage points.

Our estimates of the trend rate of economic growth show that it has fluctuated
considerably over time, falling from
around 4.5% in 1967:Q1 to 2.25%–2.5%
by the end of 2007. Its further decline
Charles L. Evans, President ; Daniel G. Sullivan,
Executive Vice President and Director of Research;
Spencer Krane, Senior Vice President and Economic
Advisor ; David Marshall, Senior Vice President, financial
markets group ; Daniel Aaronson, Vice President,
microeconomic policy research; Jonas D. M. Fisher,
Vice President, macroeconomic policy research; Richard
Heckinger,Vice President, markets team; Anna L.
Paulson, Vice President, finance team; William A. Testa,
Vice President, regional programs, and Economics Editor ;
Helen O’D. Koshy and Han Y. Choi, Editors  ;
Rita Molloy and Julia Baker, Production Editors;
Sheila A. Mangler, Editorial Assistant.
Chicago Fed Letter is published by the Economic
Research Department of the Federal Reserve Bank
of Chicago. The views expressed are the authors’
and do not necessarily reflect the views of the
Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago or the Federal
Reserve System.
© 2013 Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago
Chicago Fed Letter articles may be reproduced in
whole or in part, provided the articles are not
reproduced or distributed for commercial gain
and provided the source is appropriately credited.
Prior written permission must be obtained for
any other reproduction, distribution, republication, or creation of derivative works of Chicago Fed
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Letter and other Bank publications are available
ISSN 0895-0164

since the Great Recession suggests that
at least some of the weakness of the
current recovery can be attributed to
long-run growth factors. Our estimates
of the time-varying mean of real GDP
growth range from 1.6% to 2.1% in
2012:Q4. That said, the magnitude of
the recent decline in the mean of real
GDP growth is entirely consistent with
the pace of the decline in average real
GDP growth seen over the past decade.
Thus, it appears that cyclical factors
are more to blame for the current
weak recovery.
1 For more details, see

3 In statistical terms, the idiosyncratic distur-

bances are assumed to be homoskedastic
and serially uncorrelated in PCA but allowed
to be heteroskedastic for all and to be firstorder autocorrelated for some in our dynamic factor method.




2 For more information on this procedure,

see Catherine Doz, Domenico Giannone,
and Lucrezia Reichlin, 2012, “A quasimaximum likelihood approach for large,
approximate dynamic factor models,” Review
of Economics and Statistics, Vol. 94, No. 4,
November, pp. 1014–1024, and B. Jungbacker,
S. J. Koopman, and M. van der Wel, 2011,
“Maximum likelihood estimation for dynamic

considered in James H. Stock and Mark W.
Watson, 1998, “Median unbiased estimation
of coefficient variance in a time-varying
parameter model,” Journal of the American
Statistical Association, Vol. 93, No. 441,
March, pp. 349–358. For further details,
see the accompanying technical report,
available at

factor models with missing data,” Journal of
Economic Dynamics and Control, Vol. 35,
No. 8, August, pp. 1358–1368.


See Scott Brave, 2008, “Economic trends
and the Chicago Fed National Activity
Index,” Chicago Fed Letter, Federal Reserve
Bank of Chicago, No. 250, May, available
Scott Brave and R. Andrew Butters, 2010,
“Chicago Fed National Activity Index turns
ten—Analyzing its first decade of performance,” Chicago Fed Letter, Federal Reserve
Bank of Chicago, No. 273, April, available
Our specification for the time-varying
mean of real GDP growth is similar to that


Travis J. Berge and Òscar Jordà, 2011,
“Evaluating the classification of economic
activity into recessions and expansions,”
American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics,
Vol. 3, No. 2, April, pp. 246–277.


Statistical significance is assessed based on
the Diebold–Mariano mean squared error
test statistic for equal forecast accuracy; see
Francis X. Diebold and Robert S. Mariano,
2002, “Comparing predictive accuracy,”
Journal of Business & Economic Statistics,
Vol. 20, No. 1, January, pp. 134–144.


For details on the CBO’s methodology,