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Chicago Fed Letter
Can higher education foster economic growth?
by Richard H. Mattoon, senior economist and economic advisor

On October 30, 2006, the Chicago Fed will host a conference on higher education’s role
in economic growth. Speakers will include Richard Lester of MIT, Michael Luger of the
University of North Carolina, Ned Hill of Cleveland State, Sean Safford of the University
of Chicago Graduate School of Business, Larry Isaak of the Midwest Higher Education
Compact, and Randy Eberts of the Upjohn Institute.

For more information on the
conference, titled “Can Higher
Education Foster Economic
Growth?,” please visit:

Countless observers have suggested
that the role of higher education in a
knowledge-driven economy has never
been more crucial as innovation and
human capital are seen as keys to future
economic growth. For mature regions,
such as the Midwest, it could be argued
that colleges and universities might play
an even larger role. The region is not
likely to see rapid population growth
and is home to many mature industries,
placing a relatively high premium on
innovation for transforming the economy. For the Midwest, it would appear
that outsized productivity growth will be
needed if the region is to hold its own
against competing regions. The question
is: Can the university system in the region foster these opportunities?
Not a settled question

Not all observers agree that higher education and economic growth are obvious
or necessary bedfellows. On the one
hand, prominent studies1 have reported
on the direct and indirect economic impacts of universities on their local communities and regions.2 However, work by
Richard Vedder3 has questioned whether
spending more on higher education
necessarily provides larger returns for
the local economy. Vedder’s work has
found that states with higher spending
on colleges and universities often fail

to have faster economic growth than
states with lower spending, even after
controlling for differences in other key
variables. While Vedder does not question whether higher education is an
important ingredient in promoting
economic growth, he does suggest that
the returns to public investment in
higher education may be limited.
Some of this controversy comes about
because of the difficulty of measuring
the exact contribution of colleges and
universities to economic growth. Standard economic base analysis can do a
good job of accounting for the payroll,
spending, and employment contributions of a university to a community but
relies on estimates of economic multipliers to determine the secondary benefits
of university activities. Studies have produced a range of multipliers (ranging
from 1.0 to 3.1), and estimates of economic benefits are highly sensitive to the
choice of multiplier. Perhaps most problematic is that these studies cannot provide any estimate of whether this is the
best use of economic assets for a given
region. If the university were not in the
community, the same land and resources
would undoubtedly have been used for
some other activity and may have produced a similar or higher level of economic growth. Other studies focus on
the influence of universities’ outputs

on human capital and technology. These
studies examine the role of higher wages
received by college graduates in the local
economy as reflected in higher tax revenues, consumer spending, and personal
savings. Of course, for college towns to
capture such benefits, graduates need
to stay in the communities where they
were educated.
So where does that leave us?

The Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), in conjunction with the
University of Cambridge in the UK, has
developed an international research consortium to examine universities, innovation, and the competitiveness of local
economies. The structure for this joint
project (hereafter the MIT project) is
to examine how universities can contribute to local innovation. At the core of
the work is the belief that local economies succeed when firms are able to
respond to changing market conditions

economies. The nature of the industrial
transformation in the local economy
in large part defines what the best role
is for the university to help contribute
to change.
Overestimating the importance of
technology transfer

Richard Lester, the director of the MIT
project, suggests that much of the focus
on the role of universities in economic
development, in particular technology
transfer, has been fueled by a handful of
regional transformations, such as Silicon
Valley, the North Carolina Research
Triangle, and the Boston area, where
universities have had highly visible roles
in changing local economies.4 This
model envisions cutting edge research
leading to the development of patents
and licenses, which in turn lead to new
technology companies. However, while
this model has produced some notable
successes, it is difficult to replicate and

According to one study, universities are most successful in
influencing economic growth when they are attuned to the
economic structure of their local economies.
by producing new products, services,
and production methods. The role of
the university in promoting these can
take many forms. Most visible are technology transfer programs. Often such
programs allow universities to commercialize cutting edge research. This can
provide benefits to a local economy
through the spinoff of new businesses,
but often significant benefits accrue simply by creating a place where talented
people in a similar field can meet and
discuss their research.
As the MIT project has revealed, the role
of universities as a public forum for discussing ideas and as a platform for creating opportunities for firms to apply
new technologies to their businesses can
be significant. The work has also pointed
to the role of universities in education
and work force development. To date,
the MIT project has found that universities are most successful in influencing
economic growth when they are attuned
to the economic structure of their local

often fails to produce large-scale success.
For example, new university-based business formation represents only 2% to 3%
of all new U.S. business starts, and university patents contribute only 3,700 of
150,000 total U.S. patents in a year.
Even from the universities’ perspective,
licensing revenues often disappoint. In
2003, only 4% of total research and development funds at universities came
from licensing revenues, and most of
this was highly concentrated at a handful of universities. Lester suggests that
technology transfer does have less tangible benefits, such as creating an entrepreneurial culture in the university,
but that it may have less of a role in
economic development than other university functions that provide human
capital and enhance the social capital
of a region.
In the MIT model, the focus is on the
local firms’ capacity and the local industry structure. The university’s role

goes beyond creating new industries and
can focus on the ability of local firms to
take up and apply new knowledge to
their existing businesses. The measure
of success is the ability of local firms to
adapt and successfully compete in an
ever changing market. At issue is to what
degree the local university is actively
engaged in helping with this industrial
transformation, whether it is through
products, services, or the production
process. The MIT project has focused on
23 separate locations with industries ranging from mature manufacturing (machinery and automotive) to emerging fields
(bioinformatics and optoelectronics).
These locations include high tech regions, such as Boston, and less favored
mature regions, such as Youngstown, OH,
and Allentown, PA. In each case, a different model of economic growth emerged
based on a local industry structure. The
MIT project identified four basic types
of industrial transformation.
• Indigenous creation. This is the case
of a new industry emerging that has no
prior antecedent in the region. This is
often directly related to a spinoff of a
technology from a university. While this
sort of development can receive a great
deal of attention, it is relatively rare.
• Transplantation. In this case, an industry is new to a region, but it primarily
develops through the transplanting
of an existing industry to a new location, e.g., the development of the
auto industry in the South.
• Diversification into related industries.
In this case, an existing industry goes
into decline, but a related industry
emerges that can take advantage of
the mature industry’s core technology.
An example is the emergence of the
polymer engineering and manufacturing industry in Akron, OH. As the
tire industry disappeared, a new industry was able to capitalize on the
understanding of polymers that is key
to synthetic rubber tire production.
• Upgrading an existing industry. This
entails the application of new production technology that can also lead to
the development of new products or
services. A study from the MIT project
described the revitalization of the

industrial machinery business in
Tampere, Finland, as an example of
the integration of electronics, control, and communications technologies into a traditional product that
benefited the forestry, paper, and
transportation industries.
In each of these cases, universities played
different roles and provided varying levels of support. Usually the transformation
was driven by the individual firm and its
interest in remaining competitive. Ideas
on how best to compete were gleaned
not only from the local university, but
also from suppliers, competitors, and internal sources. The sources of university
support generally fell into four categories. Often the university was instrumental
in providing or enhancing local human
capital at either the undergraduate, master’s, doctoral, mid-career, or executive
level. Universities also increased the local capacity for problem solving. This
can include everything from contract
research, faculty consulting, and technology licensing to setting up incubators
and providing specialized equipment or
instruments. An often overlooked function of universities is their simply providing public space and hosting meetings
and forums that can bring investors,
companies, and academics together.
Finally, universities can be a source of
codified knowledge, providing comprehensive references on technical standards, patents, and other criteria.
One of the key findings of this project is
that no single strategy of university engagement is the panacea for aiding economic growth everywhere. What works is
largely determined by the type of industrial transformation that is being attempted. For example, in the case of the
creation of a new industry, the key activities support various aspects of new business formation. The university is often a
broker between the university’s researchers and local entrepreneurs. In the case
of transplanted industries, a key university function is producing manpower for
the firm and often creating a curriculum
and a continuing education program
that support the firm’s growth. For cases
involving the diversification of existing
firms, the university can often serve to
link firms together, allowing them to

consider how the technology might be
applied to their businesses. When local
firms are attempting to upgrade their
technology base, universities can often
serve as problem solvers, offering consulting and contract research opportunities.
How does this apply to the Midwest?

In some ways, the Midwest matches up
quite favorably to the model of university
aided economic development discussed
previously. The Seventh Federal Reserve
District comprises all of Iowa and most
of Wisconsin, Illinois, Indiana, and
Michigan—five states that are home to
513 colleges and universities, ranging
from internationally renowned research
universities to locally focused community
colleges. This variety suggests that various
higher education institutions are available
to help meet the needs of a wide range
of firms and economic development
goals. For this model of development to
work, we must recognize that higher education institutions have different roles
and capacities, and it would be unrealistic to expect individual colleges or universities to fulfill all roles. For example,
the University of Chicago would be unlikely to focus on meeting the local manpower needs of firms through vocational
training; however, through its executive
and evening MBA programs, it is able to
enhance the management skills available
at many local companies. Local community colleges are unlikely to provide
the science and engineering know-how
that could create new industries, but they
are often excellent sources of local labor
skills training and can provide meeting
spaces and forums for local firms. So,
diversity among institutions of higher
learning is undoubtedly a strength.
Considering the MIT model, it would
appear that the most immediate needs
for a mature industrial region would
focus on diversifying old industries into
related new industries and upgrading
existing industries. In both cases, the role
of the university is one of facilitator and
technical expert, creating linkages across
sectors in the economy and providing
the expertise and work force to meet
firms’ needs.
Work by Safford (2004)5 examines the
role of universities in helping two mature

industrial centers—Akron, OH, and
Rochester, NY—manage structural economic change. In the case of Akron,
Safford found that the University of
Akron was able to build on its reputation
in polymer research to help local firms
develop polymer-based industries to
help cushion the decline of the tire industry. In Rochester, the University of
Rochester and the Rochester Institute of
Technology were able to help with the
development of higher technology optoelectronic devices, such as lasers, semiconductors, and photonics. Safford finds
that the primary impact of universities
is often the deepening of social capital.
Along this dimension, he finds that
Rochester’s development has created a
stronger local network than that of Akron
and may well reap larger benefits.
A final challenge specific to the Midwest
is the need for outsized productivity
growth to maintain regional health in
the face of unfavorable demographics.
Studies of U.S. productivity by the
McKinsey Global Institute found that
from 1995 to 2000, six out of 59 industries accounted for all of the acceleration in U.S. productivity growth and that
the top three contributed more than
66% of this total.6 Interestingly, the top
three industries could be characterized

Michael H. Moskow, President; Charles L. Evans,
Senior Vice President and Director of Research; Douglas
Evanoff, Vice President, financial studies; Jonas Fisher,
Economic Advisor and Team Leader, macroeconomic
policy research; Richard Porter, Vice President, payment
studies; Daniel Sullivan, Vice President, microeconomic
policy research; William Testa, Vice President, regional
programs and Economics Editor; Helen O’D. Koshy,
Kathryn Moran, and Han Y. Choi, Editors; Rita
Molloy and Julia Baker, Production Editors.
Chicago Fed Letter is published monthly by the
Research Department of the Federal Reserve
Bank of Chicago. The views expressed are the
authors’ and are not necessarily those of the
Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago or the Federal
Reserve System.
© 2006 Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago
Chicago Fed Letter articles may be reproduced in
whole or in part, provided the articles are not
reproduced or distributed for commercial gain
and provided the source is appropriately credited.
Prior written permission must be obtained for
any other reproduction, distribution, republication, or creation of derivative works of Chicago Fed
Letter articles. To request permission, please contact
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Letter and other Bank publications are available
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ISSN 0895-0164

more as technology users than technology producers. Wholesaling, retail, and
securities and commodities trading saw
the greatest productivity gains during this
period, and this was driven by the application of information management
technology and developments in supply
chain and warehouse management. A
more recent study looking at productivity gains from 2000 to 2003 found productivity growth more evenly distributed,
but still concentrated among technology
users rather than producers. The sectors
included retail trade, finance and insurance, computer and electronic products,


For example, National Association of State
Universities and Land Grant Colleges,
2001, “Shaping the future: The economic
impact of public universities,” report,
Washington, DC, August; Sandy Baum and
Kathleen Payea, 2004, “Education pays:
The benefits of higher education for individuals and society,” College Board, report,
available at
A recent paper finds that a state’s “knowledge stock” (as measured by patents and
high school and college attainment rates)
is the main factor for explaining its relative
per capita personal income. Inasmuch as
universities are significant contributors to
a state’s knowledge stock, one can infer
that they have a significant role in economic health. See Paul W. Bauer, Mark E.

wholesale trade, and administrative and
support services. This finding suggests
that for universities in the region to have
the greatest impact on productivity, they
will need to focus on helping firms in
mature and service industries to use
technology better. This further suggests
a model similar to that of the old agricultural extension system that linked
research and best practices developed at
land-grant universities to local farmers.
Some attempts have been made to extend this model to manufacturing and
services, and perhaps this might deserve
more attention.


In the end, a model based on local conditions and higher education’s response
seems somewhat amorphous. It fails to
provide hard and fast rules on what a
“best practice” is when it comes to colleges and universities that want to influence local development. However, it
does make clear that higher education’s
contributions to local economies work
best when colleges and universities understand what they have to offer and
what is happening to the local industrial
structures of their economies.

knowledge networks in Akron and Rochester,” Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Industrial Performance Center,
Local Innovation Systems Project, working paper, No. 04-002, available at http://

Schweitzer, and Scott Shane, 2006, “State
growth empirics: The long-run determinants of state income growth,” Federal
Reserve Bank of Cleveland, working paper,
No. WP06-06.

Richard K. Vedder, 2004, Going Broke by
Degree: Why College Costs Too Much, Washington, DC: AEI Press.


Richard K. Lester, 2005, “Universities, innovation, and the competitiveness of local
economies: A summary report from the
Local Innovation Systems Project—Phase 1,”
Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
Industrial Performance Center, Local Innovation Systems Project, working paper,
No. 05-010, December 13, available at http://


Sean Safford, 2004, “Searching for Silicon
Valley in the Rust Belt: The evolution of


Diana Farell, Martin Baily, and Jaana Remes,
2005, “U.S. productivity after the dot-com
bust,” McKinsey and Company Inc., McKinsey Global Institute, report, December,
available at
publications/us_productivity.asp; McKinsey
and Company Inc., McKinsey Global Institute, 2001, U.S. Productivity Growth,
1995–2000: Understanding the Contribution
of Information Technology Relative to Other
Factors, report, Washington, DC, October,
available at