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Chicago Fed Letter
The household balance sheet—Too much debt?
by François Velde, senior economist

Are U.S. households carrying too much debt? Debt levels have grown recently to
unprecedented levels. But that is nothing new, as debt has long been following an
upward trend. Rising debt can be a good thing, signaling improved access to credit.
For aggregates, what matters is net worth. That has risen in the late 1990s and fallen
recently, but consumption had not kept up with the rise, and may not follow the fall.

Much concern has surfaced recently

about the balance sheet of the household
sector in the U.S. economy. One common worry is that households are excessively indebted and may be forced to cut
back on their consumption, with negative consequences for economic growth.
The purpose of this Chicago Fed Letter is
to place this concern in

1. Assets and liabilities of the household sector

Record levels of debt

ratio to GDP (log scale)












Federal Reserve Board, Z1 Release.



To do this, it is useful to
look at both sides of the
aggregate balance sheet of
the household sector over
a long period. Since total
assets and liabilities are
nominal amounts, we need
to scale them so as to make
them somewhat comparable over time. One method
is to take such factors as
'95 2000
inflation and population
growth explicitly into account and look at per capita constant dollars. Another
way, which turns out to give the same
overall picture, is to measure assets
and liabilities compared with gross domestic product (GDP), as in figure 1.
Figure 1 makes clear that the ratio of
assets to GDP is roughly constant. This
means that the value of assets grows

over time at roughly the same rate as
the economy. That is not true of liabilities, which have been growing steadily
over the past 50 years, from 24% to
78%. As a result, the ratio of assets to
liabilities has fallen from 14 to 6.
It is worth emphasizing that this growth
of liabilities is not a recent phenomenon, but rather a secular trend. Thus,
while it is correct to say that in the fourth
quarter of 2001, household debt reached
unprecedented levels, that is not, in fact,
very newsworthy. The fact is household
debt reaches record levels every other
quarter on average (44% of the time
to be exact). Thus, high levels of debt
are not informative for current economic conditions. We may also note that the
growth in liabilities has been uneven
over time, and distinguish three periods:
an initial rise until 1965, then a period
of stagnation until 1984, and another rise
since 1984. In that last period, liabilities increased 62% relative to GDP, or
2.7% per year on average. Compared
with this last figure, the growth rate of
liabilities during the last five years (2.9%)
is not out of the ordinary.
A final observation one can make is that
both ratios display little or no cyclical pattern: They do not rise or fall markedly
in recessions or in expansions. Of
course, this could simply mean that
the numerators and denominators of

transfer resources from
debt. Mortgage debt grew from 40%
times and circumstances in of disposable personal income in 1984
ratio to DPI (log scale)
which they are less needed to 73%.
to those in which they are
The increase in mortgage debt can be
value of household
more needed. Typically,
real estate
attributed to two factors. One is simply
younger households have
that the rate of home ownership has
less resources than older
been increasing, from 64% in 1994 to
households, yet they need
68% at the end of 2001. For those con0.7
housing just as much, if not
sumers who have switched from being
more. They borrow to
renters to homeowners, the debt bur0.5
bring forward part of the
den stemming from the mortgage mere0.4
future income they will enly replaces the rent they paid formerly.
joy in their prime, and use
mortgage debt
Thus, in terms of their budget, the init to buy a house now. Ancreased debt burden puts no additionother example is the use of
al pressure on their consumption.
1955 '60
debt to make up for sudSOURCE : Federal Reserve Board, Z1 Release.
den falls in income and
The other factor is the combination of
maintain a relatively stable smaller down payments on initial mortlevel of consumption. In the real
gages and increased use of home equity
the ratios are moving together. Indeed,
world, there are constraints
when one compares real rates of growth
of liabilities and GDP, there is a relation- on people’s ability to
4. Net worth of the household sector
ship. But, as it turns out, the former is a borrow, due to various inratio to GDP
formational and legal diffilagging indicator of the latter. In other
words, reductions of households’ liabil- culties. Lenders may be
reluctant to lend because
ities follow rather than precede downthey can’t be sure that borturns. Nor are such high levels related
rowers will be able or willto economic performance over longer
time spans. For example, liabilities as a ing to repay. In this
context, a relative growth
ratio to GDP remained about constant
in indebtedness indicates
from 1965 to 1984, but increased 62%
that these constraints are
from 1984 to 2002. Yet the average an3.25
being loosened, and that
nual growth rate of GDP was the same
financial intermediation is
over these two periods (3.2%).
becoming more efficient
Debt is good
over time. In particular, an
1952 '56 '60 '64 '68 '72 '76 '80 '84 '88 '92 '96 2000
improved ability to borrow
Debt has been growing steadily over
SOURCE: Federal Reserve Board, Z1 Release.
means that consumers can
time. That’s good news. Household
better plan their consumpdebt is a means for households to
lines of credit, both of which represent
tion and smooth it over
greater access to credit. This allows
time. Thus, shocks to in3. Household debt burden
homeowners to use their homes as
come ought to have less of
an impact on consumption collateral for the purpose of smoothshare of disposable personal income
ing the variations in their overall conthan before.
sumption, over the life cycle as well as
Household liabilities, as of
for other reasons. Figure 2 shows the
the first quarter of 2002,
value of household real estate and the
are made up essentially of
value of mortgage debt, each as a ratio
mortgage debt (67%) and
of disposable personal income. Because
consumer credit (21%).
the scale is logarithmic, the difference
consumer credit
These shares have been
between the two lines corresponds to
relatively stable, and they
the percentage of homeowners’ equi6
tend to mirror each other.
ty. The two lines are almost parallel in
Since the 1970s, however,
mortgage debt
the last five years, indicating that this
the share of mortgage debt
percentage has been stable. As house
has been growing. Since
1980 '82
'84 '86
'88 '90
'96 '98 2000 '02
values have increased, so has mortgage
total debt itself has been
SOURCE : Federal Reserve Board, Z1 Release.
debt in the same proportion.
growing, so has mortgage
2. Household real estate and mortgage debt

5. Nondurables and services consumption
nondurables and services consumption/after-tax labor income ratio





5. 0

5 .5

6. 0

6 .5

7. 0

7 .5


Arguably, such a transfer
might affect the consumption level of debtors and
creditors differently. Suppose, to take an extreme
case, that the debtor is forced to absorb
the increase in debt burden one-for-one
through a cutback in consumption, but
that the creditor increases consumption
only fractionally: The difference represents a fall in aggregate consumption.
This difference, however, is not lost to
the economy as a whole. It will become
an increase in saving (by the creditor)
and, therefore, an increase in investment. Another concern is bankruptcy.
If the debtor’s situation really worsens, he
might default. In principle, however, defaults actually increase consumption,
since they free up debtors’ income.

8. 0

net wealth/after-tax labor income ratio
Federal Reserve Board, Z1 Release.

The bottom line is that consumers are
indeed more indebted. I have given
several reasons why this could be seen
as a “good thing.” Nonetheless, a picture like figure 3, which shows the debt
burden as a percentage of disposable
personal income, might raise concerns.
The data series provided by the Federal Reserve Board only go back to 1980.
They show two major upswings in this
debt burden; it now stands at 14.05%,
not far below the previous peak of
14.38% in the third quarter of 1986. If
interest rates rise abruptly, might consumers find this debt burden too high
and then cut back on consumption?
It is worth keeping in mind at this point
that, in a closed economy, one person’s

liability is another person’s
asset. If an event or a development has a negative
impact on the debtor, it has
a positive impact on the
creditor. What counts for
aggregate consumption is
the net effect. In particular, increases in interest
rates are just a transfer
from debtors to creditors.
Debtors reduce their consumption, but creditors increase theirs.

8 .5

The other side of the sheet

Ultimately, consumers base their decisions on net wealth. If liabilities increase but assets
6. Nondurables and services to household net worth
increase even more, then
consumption/total wealth (percent)
consumers in the aggre18
gate are wealthier and can
spend more.













This measures the ratio of consumption of nondurables and
services to household wealth on a quarterly basis.

Federal Reserve Board, Z1 Release.



Household assets at the end
of the first quarter of 2002
were around $48 trillion,
about 4.6 times GDP. Onethird of this is tangible,
mostly real estate (28%)
but also consumer durables (6%). The other twothirds are financial—bank
deposits (10%), bonds
(4%), non-corporate equity (10%), directly held

equity (12%), pension fund and life
insurance reserves (20%), mutual fund
shares (6%), and others (4%). Almost
half of the last three categories consists
of equity, indirectly held. All told, corporate equity (directly and indirectly
held) represents 27% of assets, about $13
trillion as of the end of 2001. Liabilities
total about $8 trillion, leaving net worth
at $40 trillion, about 3.8 times GDP.
The share of equity in total assets has
varied considerably over time, averaging 18%, and ranging from around
10% in the mid-1980s to a peak of 36%
in 1999. In recent months, the market
value of equity has fallen considerably.
As a rule of thumb, one can divide the
S&P 500 index by 40 to get the percentage share of equity in total assets, or by
33 for the effect on net worth. Figure 4
shows net worth relative to GDP, up to
the end of March 2002. Using the rule
of thumb, that ratio, which then stood
at 3.84, would be around 3.57 at the
end of July.
Substantial variations in the value of
equity inevitably bring up the matter
of wealth effects. Consumption is usually thought to be based on consumers’
perceptions of their long-term wealth,
both human (as manifested through
labor income) and nonhuman (or net
worth). It is natural to think that consumption on one hand and labor income and net worth on the other

Michael H. Moskow, President; William C. Hunter,
Senior Vice President and Director of Research; Douglas
Evanoff, Vice President, financial studies; Charles
Evans, Vice President, macroeconomic policy research;
Daniel Sullivan, Vice President, microeconomic policy
research; William Testa, Vice President, regional
programs and Economics Editor; Helen O’D. Koshy,
Editor; Kathryn Moran, Associate Editor.
Chicago Fed Letter is published monthly by the
Research Department of the Federal Reserve
Bank of Chicago. The views expressed are the
authors’ and are not necessarily those of the
Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago or the Federal
Reserve System. Articles may be reprinted if the
source is credited and the Research Department
is provided with copies of the reprints.
Chicago Fed Letter is available without charge from
the Public Information Center, Federal Reserve
Bank of Chicago, P.O. Box 834, Chicago, Illinois
60690-0834, tel. 312-322-5111 or fax 312-322-5515.
Chicago Fed Letter and other Bank publications
are available on the World Wide Web at http://
ISSN 0895-0164

should remain roughly in line over
time. Researchers have found such a
relation in the long run. Steindel and
Ludvigson estimated the coefficient
on net worth to be about 4.6%, based
on data up to 1997.1 Using the most
recently available data (up to the first
quarter of 2002), the same methodology yields an estimate of 2.9%.
How can one explain this change? The
answer is in two parts. First, it is imprecisely estimated in the data. Second,
recent years have shown consumption
to be abnormally low given the long-run
historical relation between consumption and wealth. As a result, the relationship between consumption and wealth
weakens if recent numbers are included.
This departure can be illustrated by
plotting the ratio of consumption to
income against the ratio of wealth to
income, as shown in figure 5.2 The last
22 observations (corresponding to the
period 1996 to present) are plotted in
black. The large upswing in the wealth–
income ratio (rightward movement in
the figure) was not accompanied by a
corresponding increase in the consumption–income ratio (upward movement).

One way to read the figure is that, relative to their historical behavior toward
their total wealth, consumers have ignored the run-up in their nonhuman
wealth of the late 1990s.
A simpler but more vivid way to make
this point is simply to ignore income
and compare consumption and wealth
directly, as shown in figure 6. The historical mean for this ratio since 1952 is
15.3%. The recent falls in wealth, which
were accompanied by only a mild slowdown in consumption growth, brought
the ratio to 15.1% as of the first quarter of 2002. Figure 6 provides a quick
way to assess the import of further falls
in net worth. Using the rule of thumb
given above, a 200-point fall in the S&P
500, for example, would reduce net
worth by 6%. If consumption remained
at the same level, it would raise the
consumption–wealth ratio to 16%, a
number that can be compared with
the historical record.

Overall, neither the assets side nor the
liabilities side of household balance
sheets seems grossly out of line with

the past. The reduction in wealth due
to equity price movements appears to
have brought wealth back in line with
consumption. On the liabilities side,
secular increases in debt should be
placed in perspective against even
greater increases in assets; this trend
can be seen as evidence of improved
intermediation, hence reduced dependence of consumption on income. The
degree to which financial distress can
affect aggregate consumption depends
on the comparison between debtor
and creditor behavior, and it is not obvious that high debt burdens (such as
they presently are) signal an imminent
curtailment of consumption.

Sydney Ludvigson and Charles Steindel,
1999, “How important is the stock market effect on consumption?,” Economic
Policy Review, Federal Reserve Bank of
New York, July, Vol. 5, No. 2.


To be consistent with Ludvigson and
Steindel, I plot the same measures of consumption (nondurables and services) and
income (after-tax labor income). Using
total consumption or disposable income
yields similar pictures.