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Chicago Fed Letter
Higher energy prices
in the Midwest

1. Natural gas consumption per capita—1999

by William A. Testa and Thomas Klier


It has been remarked that the Midwest enjoys two climatic seasons—
winter and summer. Lately, at least
one wag has characterized these two
seasons by the particular fuel—natural gas or gasoline—that is pinching
the pocketbooks of Midwest consumers. This Chicago Fed Letter reviews recent experience for these two fuels
and measures the extent to which rising prices have been draining consumer pocketbooks in the Midwest.1

Seventh District
United States

Midwest natural gas
As prices soared and temperatures
dropped this past winter, residential
sector expenditures on natural gas—
especially for space heating—climbed
sharply in many areas. These prices
stung consumers across the nation,
but many midwestern residents were
severely affected because the region’s
winter climate is cold, and because
natural gas is the primary fuel for space
heating purposes. The Midwest residential sector consumes more natural
gas per capita than the U.S. average
by a factor of 70%; total consumption over all sectors exceeds the national level by 12% (figure 1).
Delivered prices for natural gas tend
to follow production costs or “wellhead” price movements. However,
sudden swings in price of the product
delivered to homes are muted by the
fixed costs borne in operating pipeline and delivery systems. Nationally,
both wellhead and delivered prices of
natural gas to residential customers
remained low to moderate (in real
terms) throughout the late 1980s and
1990s, followed by a spike in 2000—

Residential Commercial Industrial Transportation Electricity Total
( - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - thousand cubic feet - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - )






Sources: Consumption data from the U.S. Department of Energy, Energy Information Administration;
population data from the Census Bureau.

especially in the fourth quarter of
that year. Before abating during the
second quarter of this year, wellhead
prices topped all-time records late last
year. However, delivered prices (on
an annual average basis) did not reach
their previous peak, which was experienced in the early 1980s.
Natural gas is largely a domestically
produced fuel, with nearby Canada
filling in 17% of U.S. consumption
needs. Despite its home-grown production, gas prices tend to follow international petroleum prices because
natural gas and fuel oil are used as
substitute fuels in some industrial applications and in home heating use.
Accordingly, the recent run-up in petroleum-based fuels has contributed
to pressures on natural gas prices and
consumption. But the demand for
natural gas also climbed owing to
the fact that a number of natural-gasfired electric generating plants,
mostly so-called peaker plants, have
been constructed. From 1996 to 2000,
consumption of natural gas for the
generation of electricity grew by an
average of nearly 11% per year.
In addition, peaker plants burn their
natural gas during warm weather
months when gas electric usage peaks,
at just the time when gas storage and

accumulation for the winter heating
season takes place. This development,
along with unexpected price hikes that
induced intermediate gas vendors to
slow their pace of summer storage,
left distribution utilities in short supply during the cold weather months
of this past winter. Inventories at the
end of September 2000 averaged just
over 8% lower than the previous year
in the eastern United States. And so,
the nation and the Midwest were illprepared for the cold snap that pushed
across the nation this past November
and December. In response, local
utilities and private vendors turned
to spot markets to shore up dwindling
gas supplies. As a result, following
years in the mid-1990s when natural
gas prices hovered around $2 to $2.50
per thousand cubic feet, spot market
prices near gas fields such as Louisiana peaked near $10. Down the line,
“city gate” prices near Chicago rose
in concert.
What’s the bill?
Our estimates of incremental Midwest
residential expenditures for natural
gas require an estimate of this past
winter’s consumption and price. On
average, delivered residential prices
are estimated to have risen about

one-fifth in 2000 over 1999 for the
Midwest. This compares to gas price
hikes of 15% for the U.S. on average
in 2000 over 1999. Individual states
in the Midwest were affected fairly
uniformly, the exception being Michigan where households continued to
enjoy low residential prices during
2000 and into the first quarter of
2001. This enviable position was due
to temporary rate freezes that were
in effect for many Michigan consumers as the state makes a transition to
a more deregulated market.
Natural gas consumption was up modestly in 1999 and 2000 in the Seventh
District, reflecting mild winters accompanied by the growth of housing
and related natural gas demand. However, the fourth quarter of 2000 spiked
at a 25% increase year over year, and
the first quarter of 2001 increased
around 8%. These jumps were commensurate with the overall average
national experience. Yet, since Midwest natural gas consumption is higher, price increases exert a larger
impact on expenditures.
In the Midwest, estimated consumer
expenditures peaked at just above
1.6% of disposable personal income
in 1983 and 1984 on an annual basis,
falling steadily to around .9% by 2000.
This is about two-thirds greater than
the average for the United States
(.54%). From 1999 to 2000, expenditures on natural gas as a share of personal income in the Seventh District
increased only modestly (figure 2),
rising from .73% to .86% of disposable personal income, or .13 percentage points. This compares to a hike

of only .06 percentage points in the
U.S. over the same time period.
The winter-only impact was somewhat
larger. The 2000:Q4 spike moved the
natural gas bite out of income from
.86 to 1.39 on a fourth quarter/fourth
quarter basis, or .53 percentage points
(as compared to .24 percentage points
for the nation on average). For the
winter quarter of 2001:Q1, a .45 percentage point rise was estimated to
have taken place for the U.S., and a
.84 percentage point rise in the Seventh District. On average, for the sixmonth heating period, Seventh District
natural gas expenditures took a 1.05%
nick out of disposable personal income in 1999–2000, and a 1.74% nick
the following winter, for a rise of .69
percentage points. These estimated
expenditure shares exceeded those
of the U.S., which experienced a 1.01
percentage point share of natural gas
spending, up from .67—a rise of .34
percentage points.
These estimates suggest that the residential sector has experienced an
erosion of discretionary income during the cold-weather season running
from October 2000 through March
2001. This erosion has been more significant in the Seventh District where
seasonal consumption runs high for
home/business heating purposes.

During the months of May and June
of this year, the Midwest experienced
a rerun of last summer’s record-setting run up in gasoline prices, with
prices rising earlier than last year (see
figure 3). However, it
is important to keep
2. Natural gas expenditure/income
in mind that these
comparisons are based
on nominal prices. In
real terms, recent gas( - - - - - - - - - - - - percent - - - - - - - - - - - )
oline prices are only
about half of the hisIndiana
torical peak reached
in the early 1980s.
Similar to last year, the
Seventh District
rapid price rise initiatUnited States
ed a supply response,
Sources: Price and consumption data from the U.S. Department of
with imports increasEnergy, Energy Information Administration; disposable income data
ing and refineries profrom the Bureau of Economic Analysis.
ducing more gasoline,

causing prices to return to pre-peak
levels rather quickly.2
What drives gasoline prices?
In addition to various taxes levied on
the sale of gasoline, several supply
and demand factors influence the
price of gasoline. In general, demand
for gasoline responds very little to
price changes in the short term. However, over a number of years consumers respond noticeably to changes in
the price of gasoline. For example,
consumption fell by 12% between 1978
and 1982 in response to the two oil
price shocks of the 1970s. Since then
it has been rising steadily, partly as a
result of consumers’ growing appetite
for light trucks, which tend to be less
fuel-efficient than cars.
The main drivers of supply availability are the price of crude oil, refinery
capacity, as well as environmental regulations. The price of crude oil represents the single largest factor in
determining gasoline prices.3 Crude
oil prices, as measured by the West
Texas Intermediate benchmark, have
recently been around $28 per barrel,
up sharply from just over $10 per barrel at the beginning of 1999. Inventory fluctuations have also contributed
to spiking gasoline prices. Last year,
gasoline inventories were 7.5% below
the level desired at the beginning of
the summer travel season. Toward
the end of spring 2001, inventories
were actually slightly below the levels
seen in 2000. Part of this results from
last year’s pipeline problems, especially in the Midwest where the main
pipeline from the Gulf Coast unexpectedly had to be taken down. Aside
from transport of fuel, the capacity to
refine gasoline remains limited. In
the U.S. no new refineries have been
built in more than two decades, while
a number of refineries have closed.4
As a result, the refineries are operating near full capacity. Last summer,
they were operating at 94% capacity;
this year started at even tighter levels.
Consequently, the gasoline market
and prices are very sensitive to supply
disruptions. With little time for routine maintenance, the likelihood of
breakdowns of refineries has become
less avoidable.

2003, thereby increasing the demand
for that particular oxygenate.

3. Midwest reformulated gasoline retail price, all grades
cents per gallon

Budget impact
















Source: Data from the U.S. Department of Energy, Energy Information Administration, available on the Web

Regulatory requirements give rise to
significant regional variations in gasoline prices, especially during summer months.5 As part of the Clean Air
Act Amendments of 1990, the areas
of the country in violation of ozone
air quality standards are required to
use cleaner or reformulated gasoline
(RFG). In particular, RFGs use “oxygenates,” i.e., hydrocarbons that contain oxygen atoms. When added to
gasoline, they increase its combustion
efficiency and reduce carbon dioxide
emissions. However, there are no uniform standards for reformulated gasoline. Rather, compliance with air
quality regulations resides at the state
level. The states can choose among a
number of specifications for reformulated gasoline. As it turns out, the two
main oxygenates used to produce
cleaner burning fuel are methyl tertiary butyl ether (MTBE) and ethanol.6
This lack of consistency in the specification of reformulated gasoline has
resulted in a variety of reformulated
fuels that are not substitutable. In combination with the high capacity utilization at which refineries are operating,
this makes regions that sell reformulated gasoline more dependent on a
specific set of refineries and hence
susceptible to supply interruptions.7
Last year marked the beginning of the
Environmental Protection Agency’s

(EPA) phase II reformulated gasoline
program. It represents the second
generation of reformulated gasoline
and requires stringent reductions in
gasoline vapor pressure. These can
be difficult to meet particularly when
blending gasoline with ethanol. Partly in response to last summer’s price
spikes—which were experienced primarily in the Midwest—the EPA this
year has relaxed the vapor pressure
requirements for reformulated gasoline containing ethanol. Nonetheless, this driving season started with
lower gasoline inventories and higher prices for MTBE and ethanol
than last year.
Hence, this year retail prices for gasoline repeated their price spike near
the beginning of the summer driving season (see figure 3). The difference was in the timing, with prices
rising earlier this year. Looking ahead
there is little to indicate relief from
such seasonal supply constraints in the
medium term. For example, stricter
regulations are on the way for refineries in order to comply with low sulfur gasoline standards by the year
2004. In addition, at the beginning
of June, California’s request to discontinue the use of oxygenates in its
gasoline was denied by the U.S. EPA.
The state now plans to switch from
using MTBE to using ethanol by

To estimate the impact of the rise in
gasoline prices on consumer expenditures, we use data from the 1999 Consumer Expenditure Survey. During that
year, households in the Midwest spent
an average of 2.8% of their after-tax
income on gasoline and motor oil.8 If
one assumes that income accrues
equally across the year and no seasonality in the demand for gasoline, one
can quantify the summer spike of gasoline prices relative to expenditures
and income. During the 11 weeks of
higher than average prices in the
summer of 2000, the retail price of
RFG gasoline in the Midwest rose by
51% compared with the same period
of 1999. This resulted in an extra $44
of expenditures by households on gasoline per month during the summer,
bumping the share of gasoline expenditures out of personal income after
taxes from 2.8% to 3.9%. As figure 3
shows, the current summer’s price spike
very closely resembles the one from
last summer. Hence the hit taken by
consumers is estimated to be in line
with that estimated for the year 2000.
However, this year’s episode played
out against a much weaker economy.9

Michael H. Moskow, President; William C. Hunter,
Senior Vice President and Director of Research; Douglas
Evanoff, Vice President, financial studies; Charles
Evans, Vice President, macroeconomic policy research;
Daniel Sullivan, Vice President, microeconomic policy
research; William Testa, Vice President, regional
programs and Economics Editor; Helen O’D. Koshy,
Editor; Kathryn Moran, Associate Editor.
Chicago Fed Letter is published monthly by the
Research Department of the Federal Reserve
Bank of Chicago. The views expressed are the
authors’ and are not necessarily those of the
Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago or the Federal
Reserve System. Articles may be reprinted if the
source is credited and the Research Department is
provided with copies of the reprints.
Chicago Fed Letter is available without charge from
the Public Information Center, Federal Reserve
Bank of Chicago, P.O. Box 834, Chicago, Illinois
60690-0834, tel. 312-322-5111 or fax 312-322-5515.
Chicago Fed Letter and other Bank publications are
available on the World Wide Web at http://
ISSN 0895-0164

From an economic perspective, one
may be concerned over the potential
impact of eroding personal disposable
income due to rising gasoline and natural gas prices. In fairness, some of
the impact may be more temporary
than sustained. For example, over
three-quarters of the natural gas consumed in the United States is produced in the United States—albeit
outside of the Midwest—with most of
the remainder being imported from
neighboring Canada. This means that
income from rising gas prices is partly re-circulated via profits and rents
to stockholders, energy company employees, and owners of natural gas
wells who may spend it on Midwestproduced goods and services. Midwestern residents may accrue income
from these channels. The situation
for gasoline is somewhat less sanguine,
as rising gasoline prices in part reflect
an eroding national “terms of trade”
with oil-exporting nations. So too,
for both of these fuels, the average
relative effect on low-income households is sharper, and the offset to income less beneficial.


The authors thank Carrie Jankowski for
research assistance. This Fed Letter is part
of an ongoing project to address longerterm infrastructure issues that are key to
the Midwest region’s fortunes.
For a detailed analysis of the rise of gasoline prices in the Midwest during the
summer of 2000, see Federal Trade Commission, 2001, Midwest Gasoline Price Investigation, Final Report, March 29.
In 2001, crude oil accounted for about
35% of the cost of a gallon of regular
grade gasoline. Federal, state, and local
taxes represented 25%; refining costs
and profits about 26%; and distribution,
marketing, and retail costs and profits
account for 14% of the cost. These data
are available from the U.S. Department
of Energy, Energy Information Administration (EIA) on the Web at http://

For example, at the end of January, Premcor Inc. permanently closed its 80,000 barrel-per-day refinery in Blue Island, IL. This
refinery accounted for about 2% of the
Chicago–Milwaukee market.


Apart from taxes, regional and local price
differences are also caused by proximity
of refineries, incidence of supply disruption, and the degree of competition in
local markets.

The EIA definition of the Midwest encompasses 15 states: IL, IN, IA, KS, KY, MI,
The nonattainment areas in the EIA’s
Midwest region are Chicago–Milwaukee;
St. Louis; and Louisville, KY. Only Chicago and Milwaukee exclusively rely on
RFG made with ethanol. Indiana and
Iowa voluntarily add ethanol to gasoline
sold in their states.

In addition, gasoline reformulated with
ethanol can be blended only at the final
delivery terminal due to its high degree
of water solubility. This prohibits shipping already blended gasoline through
pipelines, leading to the potential for
further supply disruptions.
Incidentally, overall transportation expenditures, which includes vehicle purchases, represent the second largest expenditure category (about 18%) for the
average household. Gasoline and motor
oil represent approximately 15% of
transportation expenditures.
The calculation for 2000 as well as the
estimates for 2001 are likely to represent
lower bounds of expenditures on gasoline, as they assume no growth in the consumption of gasoline since 1999. The income effects are estimated for the Midwest as a region using RFG gasoline retail
prices, averaging across all grades. Within the region, however, there is noticeable variation of retail prices for gasoline.

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Chicago Fed Letter