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Chicago Fed Letter
Assessing the auto
The Federal Reserve Bank of Chica­
go recently held its Auto Outlook
Symposium on June 3 in Detroit.
Besides generating a consensus eco­
nomic forecast, the m eeting provides
a forum for in-depth discussions on
the economy and the auto industry.
This year’s m eeting provided a pro­
file of the surging activity in the in­
dustry as well as a critical assessment
of its ongoing structural adjustments.
Although rapid sales gains and the
improved position of the domestic
industry have significantly bolstered
the regional and national economy,
the optimism at the m eeting was
somewhat tem pered. This Fed Letter
reviews the highlights of the Auto
Outlook Symposium and the extend­
ed outlook provided by participants.

The consensus outlook is upbeat

Like most other forecasts, the con­
sensus from forecasts subm itted for
the m eeting was relatively upbeat.
Whereas in December, participants
had produced a consensus GDP fore­
cast for the year just below 3%, the
more recent consensus was 3.6%.
The increased optimism extended to
all segments of the economy, with
the exception of international trade,
but seemed to stem especially from
the continued growth in certain core
segments (see figure 1).
Personal consum ption expenditures
are expected to increase modestly
during 1994-95, although the rate of
growth is expected to slow in 1995.
Business investment should increase
through mid-1995, although once
again tem pering in 1995. An added
plus is expected from growth in in­
ventories and residential construc­

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1. Consensus forecast*



GDP (real)




P ersonal
c o n s u m p tio n
e x p e n d itu re s




In v e s tm e n t




R e sid e n tia l
c o n s tru c tio n




G o v e rn m e n t
p u rch a se s

-0 .7

-0 .4


b illio n dollars
C han ges in
b u sin e ss
in v e n to rie s




N et e x p o rts

-7 6 .5

-1 0 7 .7

-1 0 9 .4

*Based on the mean of 30 forecasts
submitted prior to the June 3 m eeting.

One of the primary causes of the
increased optimism has also been the
resurgence in durable goods, espe­
cially the m otor vehicle industry.
The sales surge in late 1993 and early
1994 was somewhat unexpected by
participants. In their initial assess­
ments last December, they projected
1994 light vehicle sales at 14.7 mil­
lion units. Although discounting the
strong pace of the first four m onths
somewhat, participants continued to
be relatively upbeat, projecting
strong build activity from late 1994
through 1995. The consensus for
light vehicle sales was 15.4 million
for 1994 and 15.7 million units in
1995. Although a few forecasts were
m ore cautious, almost all were above
15 million and the m edian was 15.5
million in 1994 (see figure 2).
One key to resurgence has been the
rebirth of the Big Three. They are
expected to gain m arket share



during the rem ainder of the year,
partly because Japanese nameplates
have not fully incorporated the ap­
preciation of the yen into pricing
(see figure 3). In spite of the grow­
ing pricing disadvantage of Japanese
nameplates, com petition should
remain intense. Some participants
argued that the surge in the domes­
tic industry should not be exaggerat­
ed, as Japanese nam eplates have
perform ed well despite a substantial
price disadvantage. In the current
environm ent, offsets in the form of
rebates and leasing are assisting Japa­
nese m anufacturers in attem pting to
m aintain m arket share. Also the
continued substitution of U.S.-pro­
duced vehicles at transplant facilities
for imports has boosted the position
of major m anufacturers.
Overall, however, the m otor vehicle
sales m arket remains fragmented.
Some segments such as light trucks
have soared, while others, including
many passenger car lines, have only
crawled forward. One by-product of
this fragm entation has been the in­
creasing imbalance between sales

2. Car and light truck sales
millions of units

18 ------------------------------------------------------------

seasonally adjusted
annual rate


** Forecast



__i____ i____ i____ i____ i____ i—






Note: Shaded area represents range of forecasts.

and producdon capacity. Conse­
quently, although the m arket contin­
ues to improve, a primary concern
remains that light truck capacity
constraints may limit sales gains (see
figure 4).
A nother im portant question is what
impact capacity constraints will have
on sales heading into 1995. Domes­
tic m anufacturers have increased
efforts to expand light truck capacity,
but it will take some time before they
can alleviate current supply difficul­
ties. In the meantime, tight supplies
may constrain sales; the supply short­
age appears to have been one of the
key causes of the drop-off in sales in
May and June. (Figure 5 tracks the
capacity utilization rate for m otor
vehicles and parts during the last
decade.) The outlook for the third
quarter was assessed by participants
as likely being constrained substan­
tially due to supply difficulties. Al­
though once again the consensus
view expects sales to rebound as in­
creased production occurs during
the fourth quarter, in the near term
the statistics on the industry may
appear confusing.
With the exception of some concern
over interest rates, oil prices, and a
weak stock market, most external
economic developments look favor­
able for the auto industry. Among
the more bullish factors are modest
income growth, reduced consum er
debt, positive consum er attitudes
(especially toward purchasing a

vehicle), and most
im portant, pent-up
dem and. Although
estimates vary some­
what, pent-up dem and
probably stands be­
tween 4 million and 6
million vehicles. Dur­
ing the economic
cycle the num ber of
net vehicle additions
above scrappage has
been well below previ­
ous behavioral pat­
terns; it now appears
that the industry has
turned the corner and
pent-up dem and is being satisfied.
In this regard, the entry of consum­
ers into the m arket to replace aged
vehicles should boost growth
through 1996.
In the extended term, the ongoing
realignm ent of the m arket will con­
tinue to pose challenges. Dark
clouds on the horizon include a
num ber of unresolved issues, the
largest one being the uncertainty
about future governm ent regulatory
actions. Nevertheless, some partici­
pants rem ain bullish on the long­
term outlook as well. Given buying
propensities, population growth, and
scrappage levels, the U.S. auto mar­
ket is projected to continue expand­
ing throughout the decade. Domes­
tic m anufacturers are expecting a
peak in sales after 1995, with a sales
level in excess of 17 million vehicles.
Finally, the continuing changes in
sourcing of vehicles have also boost­
ed the industry. T hroughout the
economic cycle, imports as a share of
sales have fallen because of the Big
Three recapture of m arket share and
the proliferation of transplants. An
additional spark to regional and
national economic activity is being
provided especially by the substitu­
tion of transplant-produced vehicles
for imports. Additionally, transplants
are increasingly using U.S.-produced
content and buying from increasing
num bers of U.S. suppliers. The in­
crease in domestic content provides
an added boost to Midwest economic
activity in particular.

Despite improvement, structural
adjustments continue

Although all participants stressed
that improved sales have benefited
the industry and the national econo­
my as a whole, num erous questions
still linger. Primary are those relat­
ing to the ongoing restructuring
of the industry, especially the rela­
tionships between finished producers
and suppliers. The current improve­
m ent in sales may somewhat lessen
the pressure to adjust these relation­
ships. However, the increasing
com petition within the industry that
motivated such adjustments is con­
tinuing and may even be accelerat­
ing. Thus, despite the recovery, auto
m anufacturers can be expected to
continue making adjustments.
The main question facing suppliers
remains pricing pressures. Although
the immediate pressure to reduce
prices substantially has dissipated,
constraints on price increases are
still very prevalent. In fact, price
cuts are not uncom m on, although
perhaps less frequent than a few
years ago. The pricing process now
follows a different format, incorpo­
rating long-term agreem ents and
new pricing mechanisms. Interna­
tional com petition strongly con­
strains price increases, to the extent
of producing reductions in some
segments of the industry. The result­
ing im pact on profitability is of

4. Vehicle sales
16 ------------

1993 year/year

1994 year-to-date


the domestic indus­
The recent increase
in sales has boosted
suppliers as well as
finished-goods pro­
ducers. Shipments
for most segments of
the industry increased
in excess of 10% dur­
ing the last few quar­
ters, including not
only first-tier suppli­
ers but those further
downstream includ­
ing steel and machine
tool producers. One
course considerable, necessitadng
unique current problem , at least in
gains in producdvity to yield accept­
the context of recent history, is ca­
able results.
pacity constraints. Some segments of
the industry are running at full ca­
The impact of pricing difdculties is
pacity including overtime, and some
com pounded by other operational
adjustments occurring downstream.
observers believe this will provide
Suppliers must not only accept price some cover for price increases. If so,
it m ight be m ore accurate to call
constraints but also increase their
them a “recapture of past price re­
responsibility in the m anufacturing
process. The increase in responsibili­ ductions.” Additionally, competitive
pressures and surplus capacity
ty stems drst from the proliferation
of outsourcing of products to suppli­ abroad continue to constrain pric­
ers. Suppliers now must provide the ing. Imports of key materials such as
steel have increased dramatically
capacity to produce and accept the
over the last quarter and must still be
risk of having excess or unused ca­
pacity. They must also take on more factored into any assessment of the
market. The m arket will continue to
of the tasks of design and engineer­
be shaped by growing com petition,
ing. These shifts not only involve
risk but also added costs to suppliers and profit increases will have to be
when their com pensation levels may generated through cost reductions
be falling. Given these pressures, it is and gains in productivity.
not surprising that the supplier base
continues to consolidate, a trend that Assessing the extended term
will likely continue. The future will
probably bring still further pressures Observers expect the m arket to con­
tinue growing until 1997 and likely
because of the increasing globaliza­
slow from there. For the longer
tion of the industry.
term, however, a num ber of ques­
O f course there is an upside to the
tions rem ain about the underlying
intense competitive pressures and
strength of sales. Key to long-term
continuing operational changes; as a sales growth is an increase in vehicles
result of this restructuring, the do­
in operation greater than the under­
mestic downstream industry has re­
lying scrappage rate. Such increases
gained its competitiveness interna­
can be generated by increased house­
tionally. A num ber of external
hold pentration a n d /o r increases in
opportunities are surfacing, especial­ the num ber of households. Al­
ly growth in sales to foreign nam e­
though there is some potential for
plates, mostly transplants. Part of
growth in all of these areas, it does
this renewed competitiveness is due
not appear robust.
to the depreciation of the dollar, but
m uch is due to the stream lining of

In fact, observers expect a num ber of
developments to continue affecting
the rate of expansion of vehicle sales.
O lder vehicles and a reduction in the
scrappage rate due to improved qual­
ity and vehicle life expectancy is one
factor. More fundamentally, there
remains some concern over consum­
ers’ ability to afford vehicles. On the
basis of num ber of weeks of family
income to purchase an average vehi­
cle, vehicles have become less afford­
able over the last twenty years. Al­
though this may be offset partially by
extensions in maturity an d /o r, more
recently, leasing, whether or not the
industry has fundam entally corrected
the imbalance remains an issue. Ad­
ditionally, many segments of the
population have experienced a sub­
stantial erosion in their ability to
purchase a vehicle beyond the aggre­
gate num bers. Nontraditional house­
holds in particular have experienced
a substantial decline with regards to
vehicle affordability. This develop­
m ent in conjunction with extensions
in the operating age of vehicles raise
substantial concerns for the industry
as it moves beyond the immediate
surge. Participants cited all of these
factors as concerns that will undoubt­
edly be discussed at future sympo­
sium meetings.
—Paul D. Ballew and
William A. Strauss

David R. Allardice, Vice President and Director
of Regional Economic Programs
Janice Weiss, Editor.
Chicago Fed Letter is published monthly by the
Research Department of the Federal Reserve
Bank of Chicago. The views expressed are
the authors’ and are not necessarily those of
the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago or the
Federal Reserve System. Articles may be
reprinted if the source is credited and the
Research Department is provided with copies
of the reprints.
Chicago Fed Letter is available without charge
from the Public Information Center, Federal
Reserve Bank of Chicago, P.O. Box 834,
Chicago, Illinois, 60690, (312) 322-5111.
ISSN 0895-0164

Light vehicle output has been declining rather sharply during recent months.
Production difficulties associated with model changeovers and new introduc­
tions have proceeded at a higher pace than the seasonal norm. In addition,
automakers have been bum ping up against capacity constraints for some
model lines (particularly light trucks) at a time of the year when seasonal
factors anticipate production gains. C urrent assembly schedules suggest that
output will flatten out over the balance of the third quarter.

Sources: The Midwest Manufacturing Index
(MMI) is a composite index of 15 industries,
based on monthly hours worked and kilowatt
hours. IP represents the Federal Reserve Board
industrial production index for the U.S. manu­
facturing sector. Autos and light trucks are
measured in annualized physical units, using
seasonal adjustments developed by the Board.
The purchasing managers’ survey data for the
Midwest are weighted averages of the produc­
tion components from the Chicago, Detroit,
and Milwaukee Purchasing Managers’ Associa­
tion surveys, with assistance from Bishop Associ­
ates and Comerica.

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