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Chicago Fed Letter
R obots
O urs are sm arter;
theirs sell better
Something happened on the way to an
American robotics industry. In spite
of much ballyhoo from time to time,
both the production and adoption of
robots in the U.S. have fallen short of
expectations. Productivity gains by
robot users have often suffered from
unforeseen problems in getting the new
machines on line. Consequently, do­
mestic consumption has leveled off in
recent years as large users, especially
automakers, have curtailed their pur­
chases of robots.
Meanwhile, this American-born indus­
try has ceded its position of world emi­
nence in production and has been
surpassed by the Japanese, who have
benefitted from government support
both for robotics technology develop­
ment and for the adoption of robots by
Japanese industry. While heavy gov­
ernment support for robotics overseas
has contributed to the troubles of the
domestic robotics industry, it also ap­
pears that many U.S. producers con­
tributed to their own undoing by
developing products that were too so­
phisticated and expensive. Once the
world leader in robotics technology, the
United States now leads in only a few
remaining areas with foreign compet­
itors close behind.
Robotics in the Midwest

The U.S robotics manufacturers (as
self-defined by trade association figures)
are highly concentrated in the Mid­
west, including the Seventh District
slates: Illinois, Indiana, Iowa,
Michigan, and Wisconsin and partic­
ularly in the state of Michigan (see
map). Over one-third of reporting
firms were located here in 1986 with

one-half of those in the state of
Michigan. Michigan’s strength in
robotics derives from the stale’s contin­
ued specialization in auto production.
This industry has widely adopted
robotics for use in painting, welding,
and, to a lesser degree, assembly.
GMF Robotics of Michigan reportedly
leads the domestic industry in sales.
This company is a joint venture be­
tween GM and Fanuc Limited of
Japan. Designs for basic GMF units

largely originate overseas, but the
company estimates that each sales dol­
lar is comprised of approximately onehalf value added performed in the U.S.
The robotics industry is also wellrepresented in other Midwestern slates.
Wisconsin-based ASEA, a subsidiary of
ASEA of Sweden, reportedly adds sig­
nificant value to its products on the
U.S. mainland. Other industry nota­
bles include Cybotech Corporation and
Thermwood Corporation of Indiana

and GCA/Industrial Systems Ltd. of
Recent industry trends

The industrial robot market originated
in the U.S. about 25 years ago. Ac­
cording to U.S. Department of Com­
merce count, there are approximately
60 manufacturers of industrial robots in
the U.S., as of 1986. The large number
of producers masks a significant con­
centration, however; the top 10 pro­

ducers account for approximately 80
percent of domestic production.
Following a long period of disappoint­
ing robotics usage in the U.S., sales rose
rapidly in the late 1970s and early
1980s. During this period, U.S. man­
ufacturers responded to the carrot of
large productivity gains foreseen by
analysts, and to the threats of overseas
competition that w'ere emerging in tra­
ditionally strong domestic industries.
So far, most robotic applications have

been made by the auto, electronics,
metalworking, and aerospace indus­
tries. Robot sales escalated very rap­
idly from 1983 to 1985 as extensive
modernization programs undertaken,
especially by domestic auto manufac­
turers, stimulated demand (see table).
Now, however, the robotics industry is
in a slump. Sales flattened in 1986
with some industry observers expecting
as much as a 30 percent decline for
1987. Lagging sales stem from cut­
backs in capital spending by domestic
auto producers, who are reportedly ex­
periencing a difficult transition to the
new' technologies. As a result of falter­
ing market conditions, many firms are
merging, closing down operations, and
abandoning domestic product develop­
ment in favor of foreign product lines.
Japanese successes

While the robotics industry originated
in the U.S., the Japanese were quick to
follow, developing their own domestic
markets before penetrating U.S. and
world markets during the 1970s. Japan
now leads the world in overall pro­
duction, followed by the U.S. and
Western Europe. The United States,
Japan, France, and West Germany are
the largest users of robots. Japan re­
ports significantly more robots installed
in their factories but many of these are
less sophisticated in their operations
than those installed in U.S. factories.
Most analysts believe that the U.S.
balance of trade in robotics was
roughly in balance in the early 1980s.1
However, the value of imports has risen
sharply since that time, moving the
U.S. into a deficit position. Japan has
strongly gained share of U.S. markets
in recent years. The U.S. imports an
estimated 40 percent of robots with 80
percent coming from Japan. (The re­
mainder arrives from Western
European countries—especially Sweden
and West Germany.)
Domestic producers have responded to
strong foreign competition by cutting
back on the manufacture of many
robotics products—especially basic
units. Instead, joint ventures and li­
cense agreements with overseas firms
have become common. U.S. firms have
increasingly imported basic robot units,

Domestic robotics shipments and number of producers




Robotics Institute Data
Shipments (units)
Value of shipments ($ millions)





U.S. Department of Commerce
Shipments (units)
Value of shipments ($ millions)
Number of producers





Sources Robotics Industries Association, and U S Department of Commerce. Bureau of the Census.
Current Industrial Reports

especially from Japan, then added re­
finements and peripherals such as soft­
ware and vision systems on the U.S.
mainland. In fact, several firms have
moved toward becoming service
firms—selling, installing, and adapting
foreign-source equipment in their U.S.
Why has Japan been so successful in
encroaching on this domestic industry
long before the industry itself has fully
blossomed? The first reason is a famil­
iar story: The Japanese government
extended extensive support and en­
couragement to the robotics industry
through government-sponsored R&D
programs and low-interest loans. Such
support facilitated the growth of a large
domestic market prior to widespread
overseas marketing. The government
encouraged market development
through the use of tax incentives to
domestic purchasers and lessees of ro­
bots. The wide domestic use of robots
helped producers by providing a testing
ground for quality control and appli­
cations. Moreover, a large Japanese
market also contributed to economies
of scale and lower production costs,
which subsequently translated into very
competitive export prices. Exports ac­
counted for only an average 4 percent
of Japanese robotic output from 1977
to 1980. By 1984, this figure had
jumped to 28 percent.
U.S. robots— too clever?

A second reason for the disappointing
U.S. performance may be tied to de­
velopment mistakes. Imports
encroached on domestic markets early
because, in part, early generations of
domestic robots were typically complex

in design- perhaps loo complex. As a
result, some domestic products w'ere
very expensive and required frequent
maintenance. Robots produced in
Japan and Western Europe were often
mechanically simpler and less expen­
sive. Undoubtedly, much energy was
mistakenly expended by U.S. research­
ers in trying to build sophisticated ro­
bots to mimic human work routines
and abilities rather than learning to
apply existing robotics technologies to
factory functions. In rebuttal, how­
ever, many involved in U.S. robotics
technology lay the blame for slow U.S.
market growth at the feet of U.S.
manufacturers who w'ere too conserva­
tive in bringing the early robots into
their factories.
Whatever the reason for the difficulties
of the domestic industry, however, all
is not lost. The U.S. continues to lead
in some robotic technologies. As
robotics users learn to apply robotics in
their factories, the need for more so­
phisticated robots may emerge. If so,
domestic producers may expand mar­
ket share. Robots with vision and tac­
tile sensors will most likely be the next
major advance. Already G.M. and
Ford use some robots with vision sys­
tems, for example, to install auto
windshields as they move down an as­
sembly line. With much of the research
in “machine vision” being conducted
in the Detroit-Ann Arbor area, U.S.
producers can potentially emerge
ahead of the competition in this area.
Seventh District perspective

Along with their U.S. brethren else­
where, Midwest producers are re­
trenching in response to slumping sales.

Robots in use
percent (totals to 100)



New England

East North
West North
East South
West South


S ource S ociety of M a n u fa cturing E ngineers/T he U niversity of
M ichigan. In d u s tria l Robots. Forecasts a n d Trends. D elphi Study.
A n n Arbor. 1985

The Midwestern problem may be
magnified because of the pullback in
robotics purchases by the auto indus­
try. But even before that, it was ap­
parent to many industry analysts that
robotics usage would soon spread be­
yond the auto industry. And, as
robotics sales spread to industries such
as electronics and aerospace, the mar­
ket share of Midwestern producers
could be expected to diminish.
These market developments appear to
dim the prospects for robotics pro­
duction to make a significant contri­
bution to Midwest revival. However,
regional growth may be more closely
tied to technological gains acquired
through the purchase and adoption of
such innovations as robotics rather
than the actual production of robots.
Those regions gaining an edge in tech­
nology through early adoption of proc­
ess technologies will have competitive
advantages over neighboring regions.
Several studies have reported signif­
icant regional differences in the rate of
technology diffusion and the Midwest
already has the lion’s share of robots
installed (see chart).2
Several factors will determine if the
Midwest adopts emerging factory au­

tomation technologies more rapidly
than other regions. The concentrated
presence of producers in the Midwest
may encourage a rapid adoption of
robotics technologies by Midwest in­
dustries. Producers have learned that
successful robotic installations are often
those in which the vendor takes an ac­
tive role in integrating new technolo­
gies with the production system, so
robotics vendors have the incentive to
push local adoption. Physical proxim­
ity can be valuable in supplying factory
automation systems. However, this
need for a close relationship between
producer and vendor has encouraged
many large firms, such as GM, GE,
IBM, and Westinghouse, to opt for inhouse robotics subsidiaries. This inhouse phenomenon has taken away
much of the potential market of the
independent producers.
Remaining Midwest robotics producers
now have an incentive to cultivate a
small-firm market niche to insure their
own survival. But expanding the mar­
ket for smaller robotics-using firms will
not be easy. Firm size has been identi­
fied as an impediment to factory auto­
mation because of the high costs and
risks imposed on smaller firms. Here
again, the region’s early start in factory
automation has possibly helped to spur
technology adaptation in the Seventh
District. The Midwest contains several
public institutions to help overcome the
barriers that small-to-medium firms
must surmount in considering new
technologies. One, the Industrial
Technology Institute in Ann Arbor,
Michigan, provides direct and practical
services to individual firms seeking to
implement computer-controlled manu­
facturing systems. Another, the Inter­
national Flexible Automation Center in
Indianapolis, will soon emerge as an
educational center for small-to-medium
firms and a clearinghouse for intelligent
machine producers.
With the infant robotics industry in a
state of flux, it is far too early to tell
whether the production segment of this
industry will settle in the Midwest. In
any event, the domestic industry may

well end up far smaller than once pre­
dicted owing to a surge of foreign
competition and disappointing rates of
adoption by user industries. Similarly,
the impact of the new technology on
the geography of manufacturing cannot
be predicted. Still, the Midwest’s quick
start in both applying and producing
robotics technology bodes well for fu­
ture productivity gains in the District.
- William A. Tesla

1 H istorical d a ta on robotics a rc n o t w idely
a v ailab le because sales w ere previously
subsum ed u n d e r existing S IC codes. T h e
C ensus B ureau is now w restling w ith an
a d e q u a te d efinition o f this industry. T h e
1987 Census o f Manufactures will rep o rt on
robots as a 5-digit “ p ro d u ct class” w hich
will m ean th a t som e lim ited d a ta will be
rep o rted on. S u b seq u en t analysis o f the
5-digit d a ta will help d eterm in e the possi­
bility o f defining robotics as a “4 -d ig it”
in dustry.
2 T h e M idw est is rep resented by th e N orth
C e n tra l regions in th e c h a rt. T h e E ast
N o rth C e n tral region includes all states o f
the S eventh D istrict ex cept Iow a. It also
covers O h io . A m ore recent study reports
the a d o p tio n rates for a wide range o f a u ­
to m atio n technologies by industry in each
o f six G re a t Lakes S tates. See Frostbelt Au­
tomation: The I T I Status Report on Great Lakes
Automation, In d u stria l T echnology In sti­
tu te, A nn A rbor, M ich ig an, 1987. See also
J o h n Rees, R o n ald Briggs, an d R aym ond
O ak ey , “T h e A d o ption o f New T e c h n o l­
ogy in the A m erican M ach in ery
In d u s try ,” Regional Studies, V ol. 18, N o. 6,
pps. 489-504.

Karl A. Scheld, Senior Vice President and
Director of Research; David R. Allardice, Vice
President and Assistant Director of Research;
Edward G. Nash, Editor.
Chicago Fed Letter is published monthly by the
Research Department of the Federal Reserve
Bank of Chicago. The views expressed arc the
authors' and are not necessarily those o f the
Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago or the Federal
Reserve System. Articles may be reprinted if the
source is credited and the Research Department
is provided with copies of the reprints.
Chicago Fed Letter is available without charge
from the Public Information Center, Federal
Reserve Bank of Chicago. P C). Box 834, Chicago.
Illinois 60690, or telephone (312) 322-5111.

ISSN 0895-0164

The Midwest Manufacturing Index (covering manufacturing industries in Illinois,
Indiana, Iowa, Michigan, and Wisconsin) showed further improvement in Au­
gust, up 1.3 percent from the previous month. The gain marked the fourth con­
secutive advance for the index, after being relatively flat since the beginning of
1986. Capital usage accounted for most of the gain in August, while labor
(measured by employment and hours worked) was virtually flat.
The MM I showed a stronger gain than the Federal Reserve Board’s Index of
Industrial Production, which gained only 0.3 percent in August. Both indices,
however, were deriving much of their strength from durable-goods industries,
particularly primary metals and nonelectrical machinery. An exception for both
was transportation equipment, which reflected attempts to reduce inventories.

Chicago Fed Letter
Public Information Center
P.O. Box 834
Chicago. Illinois (50690

NOTE: The \1M I is a composite index of 15
manufacturing industries and is constructed from
a weighted combination of monthly hours
worked, and kilowatt hours data. See ‘‘Midwest
Manufacturing Index: The Chicago Fed’s new
regional economic indicator,” Economic Perspectives,
Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, Vol. XI, No.
5, September/October. 1987. The United States
represents the Federal Reserve Board's Index of
Industrial Production, Manufacturing.