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Reproduced from the Unclassified I Declassified Holdings of the National Archives

d e c l a s s if ie d

Authority E .6 . iBSfc

Governor Strong, Chairman
Governors Harding, Faneher, McDougal and Norris
Mr* W* B* Matteson, Secretary of the Committee
Governor Crissinger, Vice Governor Platt
Dr. M iller, Messrs* Hamlin, James and Cunningham
Honorable Garrard B* Winston, Under Secretary of the Treasury
Mr* W* L* Eddy, Secretary of the Federal Reserve Board
Mr* Walter W. Stewart, Director of Research and Statistics
At the request of Governor Crissinger, Governor Strong as Chairman of
the Open Market Investment Committee reviewed b rie fly the situation which existed
prior to the organization on May 16, 1922 of the Committee of Governors on Cen­
tralized Execution of Purchases and Sales of Government Securities, and the manner in which purchases and sales of Government securities were conducted; also,


the manner in which such transactions had been handled since the formation of the
original committee and it s successor*
Governor Strong also stated b rie fly the present status of open market
transactions of the System and the position of the banks at this time, with re­
ference to their investment holdings of various classes*

He further stated that

the Committee fe lt i t to be expedient at the present time that the Federal reserve.
banks should consider a change in policy, leading possibly to the purchase (through
the Open Market Investment Committee) of a suitable volume of Government securities
of short maturities, such purchases to be made with due regard to money market con­
ditions, to the position of the Treasury, and to the market for Government secur­
it ie s , so as to be in a position to exert an influence from time to time by the
purchase and sale of such securities in the open market*

I t was understood that for

the present such purchases should (hot) be of such volume as to cause a net increase


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Reproduced from the Unclassified I Declassified Holdings of the National Archives
d e c l a s s if ie d

Authority E .6 . U35fc

jl.ii the System1 s earning assets*
An extended d iscu ssion follow ed , which was p a rticip a te d in by Governor
C rissin g er and other members o f the Federal Reserve Board, Under Secretary of the
Treasury Winston and the members of the Open Market Investment Committee.
The meeting adjourned at 1:00 p . m* fo r lunchwon.
The members o f the Open Market Investment Committee reconvened at
2;30 p . m*, a l l th e members of the Committee being present except Governor Norris*
Governor Strong presented the fo llo w in g communication which he received from the
Federal Reserve Board:
HYou are advised that the Federal Reserve Board at i t s meeting
to-day considered the rep ort o f your Committee and adopted the fo llo w ­
ing re s o lu tio n s ;
1WKEHEAS, The Open Market Investment Committee of the
Federal Reserve System (Governors Strong, Harding, McDougal
Fancher and N orris) has reported t o the Board that i t i s
expedient at the present time that the Federal reserve banks
be given perm ission t o assume a p o s itio n toward the money
market by the purchase of a su ita b le volume o f Government
s e c u r it ie s o f short time m a tu ritie s, provided such purchases
can be made without disturbing the con d ition s o f the money
market or of the market fo r Government s e c u r it ie s ,
’ NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Federal Reserve
Board declares i t s e l f in favor o f the purchase of a lim ite d
volume of short-term Government s e c u r it ie s at t h is tim e, i t
being understood that the Board reserves the righ t t o discon­
tinue purchases and t o require the sa le of any of the secur­
i t i e s purchased in pursuance of t h is re so lu tio n at any time
i t may deem expedient, and
’ BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That cop ies of these r e s o ltio n s
be transm itted t o the Chairman o f the Open Market Investment
Committee o f the Federal Reserve System and t o the Governors
of a l l Federal reserve banks*1
"By d ir e c tio n of the Federal Reserve Board.
R e sp e ctfu lly ,

Walter L* Eddy

The Chairman was d ire cte d t o acknowledge the Board’ s le t t e r , which was
done at once*

The Committee a ls o d ire cte d the Chairman t o send a l e t t e r t o each

reserve bank, rep ortin g the r e s u lts of the Conference and ou tlin in g the procedure

Reproduced from the Unclassified / Declassified Holdings of the National Archives
d e c l a s s if ie d

Authority E .6 .

- 3 to be followed, after f ir s t informing Under Secretary of the Treasury Winston
of the proposed action.
I t was understood that the Chairman would ask for the views of the
Federal Reserve Board and participating reserve banks, as to further purchases
a fte r a total of $100,000,000 had been acquired*

The Committee agreed that only

early maturing obligations of the Treasury should be purchased and that the pro­
cedure heretofore followed in executing orders would continue*
It,was thereupon voted that the Committee should proceed with the pur­
chases of Government securities along the lines set forth in the Federal Reserve
Board resolution, such purchases to be made as and when conditions should permit.

The meeting thereupon adjourned*
