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Fiscal Agent of the United States
Circular No. 8212
November 4, 1977

Offering o f $3,402,000,000 of 364-Day Treasury Bills
Dated November 15, 1977

Due November 14, 1978

To All Incorporated Banks and Trust Companies, and Others
Concerned, in the Second Federal Reserve District:
F o llo w in g is th e text o f a n o tic e issu ed y esterd a y b y th e T rea su ry D e p a rtm e n t:
The Department of the Treasury, by this public notice, invites tenders
for approximately $3,402 million, of 364-day Treasury bills to be dated
November 15, 1977, and to mature November 14, 1978 (CUSIP No. 912793
R73). The bills, with a limited exception, will be available in book-entry
form only, and will be issued for cash and in exchange for Treasury bills
maturing November 15, 1977.
This issue will result in a pay-down for the Treasury of about $2,500
million as the maturing issue will be outstanding in the amount of $5,902
million ($2,500 million of which will represent 8 -day bills to be issued
November 7, 1977). The public will hold about $4,566 million of the
maturing issue and $1,336 million is held by Government accounts and the
Federal Reserve Banks for themselves and as agents of foreign and interna­
tional monetary authorities. Additional amounts of the bills may be issued
to Federal Reserve Banks as agents of foreign and international monetary
authorities. Tenders from Government accounts and the Federal Reserve
Banks for themselves and as agents of foreign and international monetary
authorities will be accepted at the average price of accepted tenders.
The bills will be issued on a discount basis under competitive and non­
competitive bidding, and at maturity their par amount will be payable
without interest. Except for definitive bills in the $100,000 denomination,
which will be available only to investors who are able to show that they
are required by law or regulation to hold securities in physical form, this
series of bills will be issued entirely in book-entry form on the records
either of the Federal Reserve Banks and Branches, or of the Department
of the Treasury.
Tenders will be received at Federal Reserve Banks and Branches and at
the Bureau of the Public Debt, Washington, D.C. 20226, up to 1:30 p.m.,
Eastern Standard time, W ednesday, November 9, 1977. Form PD
4632-1 should be used to submit tenders for bills to be maintained on the
book-entry records of the Department of the Treasury.
Each tender must be for a minimum of $10,000. Tenders over $10,000
must be in multiples of $5,000. In the case of competitive tenders, the price
offered must be expressed on the basis of 100 , with not more than three
decimals, e.g., 99.925. Fractions may not be used.
Banking institutions and dealers who make primary markets in
Government securities and report daily to the Federal Reserve Bank of
New York their positions with respect to Government securities and
borrowings thereon may submit tenders for account o f customers,
provided the names of the customers are set forth in such tenders. Others
will not be permitted to submit tenders except for their own account.
Payment for the full par amount o f the bills applied for must
accompany all tenders submitted for bills to be maintained on the

book-entry records of the Department of the Treasury. A cash adjustment
will be made for the difference between the par payment submitted and
the actual issue price as determined in the auction.
No deposit need accompany tenders from incorporated banks and trust
companies and from responsible and recognized dealers in investment
securities, for bills to be maintained on the book-entry records of Federal
Reserve Banks and Branches, or for definitive bills, where authorized. A
deposit of 2 percent of the par amount of the bills applied for must
accompany tenders for such bills from others, unless an express guaranty
of payment by an incorporated bank or trust company accompanies the
Public announcement will be made by the Department of the Treasury
of the amount and price range of accepted bids. Those submitting
competitive tenders will be advised of the acceptance or rejection thereof.
The Secretary of the Treasury expressly reserves the right to accept or
reject any or all tenders, in whole or in part, and his action in any such
respect shall be final. Subject to these reservations, noncompetitive
tenders for $500,000 or less without stated price from any one bidder will
be accepted in full at the average price (in three decimals) of accepted
competitive bids.
Settlement for accepted tenders for bills to be maintained on the
records of Federal Reserve Banks and Branches must be made or
completed at the Federal Reserve Bank or Branch on November 15, 1977,
in cash or other immediately available funds or in Treasury bills maturing
November 15,1977. Cash adjustments will be made for differences between
the par value of maturing bills accepted in exchange and the issue price
of the new bills.
Under Sections 454(b) and 1221(5) of the Internal Revenue Code of
1954 the amount of discount at which bills issued hereunder are sold is
considered to accrue when the bills are sold, redeemed or otherwise
disposed of, and the bills are excluded from consideration as capital
assets. Accordingly, the owner o f bills (other than life insurance
companies) issued hereunder must include in his Federal income tax
return, as ordinary gain or loss, the difference between the price paid for
the bills, whether on original issue or on a subsequent purchase, and the
amount actually received either upon sale or redemption at maturity
during the taxable year for which the return is made.
Department of the Treasury Circulars, Public Debt Series— Nos. 26-76
and 27-76, and this notice, prescribe the terms of these Treasu^ bills and
govern the conditions of their issue. Copies of the circulars and tenuer
forms may be obtained from any Federal Reserve Bank or Branch, or
from the Bureau of the Public Debt.

T e n d e r s w ill b e receiv ed u p to 1 :3 0 p .m ., E astern S ta n d a rd tim e, W e d n e s d a y , N o v em b er 9, 1977 at the
S ecu rities D e p a rtm e n t o f th is B a n k ’ s H e a d O ffic e , at o u r B u ffa lo B r a n c h , o r at th e B u rea u o f th e P u b lic D e b t. T h e
e n clo s e d fo r m sh ou ld b e u sed , fo r s u b m ittin g ten d ers th ro u g h a fin a n c ia l in stitu tion . F orm s fo r su b m ittin g ten d ers
d ire ctly to th e T rea su ry are a v a ila b le fr o m th e G o v e r n m e n t B o n d D iv isio n o f th is B a n k . T e n d e rs n ot re q u irin g a d e p o s it
m ay b e su b m itte d b y teleg ra p h , s u b je ct to w ritten c o n fir m a tio n ; n o ten d ers m a y b e su b m itte d b y te le p h o n e .

P a ym e n t f o r
the T reasu ry bills can n ot be m a d e by cred it through th e T reasury T ax a n d L o a n A cco u n t. S ettle m en t m u st be m a d e in
cash or o th er im m e d ia te ly available fu n d s o r in m atu rin g T reasury bills.

PA U L A. V O L C K E R ,

P re sid e n t.