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Circular No. 8 2 0 1 ~1
October 18, 1977 -1

Nomination of Directors
To All Member Banks, and Others Concerned,
in the Second Federal Beserve District:

A n election will be held under the provisions o f section 4 o f the F ederal R eserve A ct, as
amended, to choose successors, to serve fo r three-year terms, to the follow ing directors of
this Bank whose terms will expire D ecem ber 31, 1977: class A director, R aymond W . B auer,
President, U nited Counties T rust Company, Elizabeth, N. J., and class B director, W illiam S.
S neath , Chairman o f the B oard, U nion Carbide Corporation, New York, N. Y.
B o th d ir e c to r s w e r e e le c te d b y m e m b e r banks in G ro u p 2 and th eir s u c c e s s o r s w ill be
ch o sen b y this g r o u p . M e m b e r banks in G r o u p s 1 and 3 w ill n o t p a rtic ip a te in this election .

The classification o f member banks fo r the purposes o f nomination and election o f class A
and B directors o f the F ederal R eserve Bank o f New Y ork is as fo llo w s :
Group 1 consists of banks with capital and surplus of more than $65,000,000;
Group 2, of banks with capital and surplus of $3,000,000 to $65,000,000, inclusive; and
Group 3, of banks with capital and surplus of less than $3,000,000.

F o r the purposes o f this election, a member bank’s classification will be determ ined by its
capital and surplus as o f the date o f this circular, even though its capital and surplus may
change before the polls close. The list o f banks com prising Group 2 begins on page 3.
E xcept in the case o f any member banks that are subsidiaries o f the same bank holding
com pany,* each bank in G roup 2 is perm itted to nominate a candidate fo r class A director and

* Section 4 of the Federal Reserve Act, as amended, reads in part as follows:

“ . . . That whenever any member banks within the same Federal Reserve district are subsidiaries of the
same bank holding company within the meaning of the Bank Holding Company A ct of 1956, participation
in any such nomination or election by such member banks, including such bank holding company if it is
also a member bank, shall be confined to one of such banks, which may be designated for the purpose by
such holding company.”
P ursuant to the foregoing provision, a nom ination by any bank th at is a subsidiary of a multibank holding
company cannot be accepted unless there is on file w ith this Bank evidence th a t such bank has been so designated.
Accordingly, banks in Group 2 affected by the foregoing provision of the law are requested to take prom pt action
to have the appropriate bank holding company designate, if it has not already designated, one of such banks to
participate in this nom ination and election.
If such bank holding com pany does not have on file w ith this Bank an appropriate resolution either perm anently
designating one of such banks to participate in nom inations or elections of this Bank’s directors or setting forth the
authority under which such designations will be made from time to time, such bank holding company may wish to
file such resolution w ith this Bank. A form of resolution authorizing officers of a bank holding com pany to make
such designations is enclosed for such bank holding companies.

a candidate fo r class B d irector.! The nominations should be made by resolutions o f the
boards o f directors o f the nom inating banks (o r by resolutions o f the banks’ executive com ­
mittees, if such committees are em pow ered to take such action), and certified copies o f such
resolutions should be sent to me so as to reach me on or before W ednesday, N ovem ber 23, 1977.
The enclosed printed form s show the appropriate form s o f resolution, and one e x e c u ted c o p y
o f the appropriate form fo r each nom ination should be returned to me.
On N ovem ber 25, 1977, copies o f the list o f candidates (indicating by whom nom inated)
and preferential ballots will be mailed to the banks in Group 2. The law provides that the
ballot shall be cast within 15 days after receipt o f this list. The polls will open at 10 a.m.,
N ovem ber 28, 1977, and will close at 12 noon on Tuesday, Decem ber 13,' 1977. U pon the closing
o f the polls, the ballot box will be opened in the board room o f this Bank, the votes counted
and checked by tellers, and the results o f the election announced. The candidates may, if they
so desire, be present or represented on that occasion.
In order to be counted as valid, the ballot must be executed by an officer authorized
to cast the vote and must be received by me at or b efore the time thus fixed fo r the closing
o f the polls (i.e., at or b efore 12 noon on Tuesday, D ecem ber 13, 1 9 /7 ). The officers heretofore
designated fo r this purpose by each bank in G roup 2 are shown on the list beginning on page 3.
A n y G roup 2 bank that desires to change its authorization should do so by resolution o f its
board o f d ire c to rs ; a certified cop y o f such resolution must reach me b efore the polls close.
A form fo r this purpose will be furnished upon request.
B e c a u s e ban ks in G r o u p s 1 and 3 w ill n o t p a rticip a te in th is electio n , this circid ar is sen t
to th em w ith o u t f o r m s and f o r th eir in fo r m a tio n o n ly.


r an k

R. M

il l ik e n


C h a irm a n o f the B o a rd .

t Section 4 of the Federal Reserve Act, as amended, reads in part as follows:

“ Class A shall consist of three members, who shall be chosen by and be representative of the stock­
holding banks. . . . No officer or director of a member bank shall be eligible to serve as a class A director
unless nominated and elected by banks which are members of the same group as the member bank of which
he is an officer or director.
‘ ‘ Class B shall consist of three members, who at the time of their election shall be actively engaged in
their district in commerce, agriculture or some other industrial pursuit. . . . No director of class B shall be
an officer, director, or employee of any bank. ’ ’
[Under interpretations o f the Board o f Governors o f the Federal Reserve System, a person whose sole occupation is
that o f officer o f an insurance company or of a savings and loan association is not eligible for election as a class B
director of a Federal Reserve Bank.]

“ No Senator or Representative in Congress shall be a member of the Board of Governors of the Federal
Reserve System or an officer or a director of a Federal reserve bank.”
[In a resolution adopted December
opinion “ that persons holding political
county, district, political subdivision,
cannot consistently with the spirit and
o f Federal Reserve B an k s.” ]

23, 1915, the Board o f Governors o f the Federal Reserve System expressed th$
or public office in the service o f the United States, or o f any State, Territory,
or municipality thereof, or acting as members of political party committees,
underlying principles o f the Federal Reserve A ct, serve as directors or officers


Nomination for Class A Director
of Federal Reserve Bank of New York
For Three-Year Term Ending Decem ber 31, 1980
G roup N o . 2

D istr ict N o . 2

A t a meeting of the Board of Directors of the

(Name of Bank)

(or of the Executive Committee of such Board)

(City or Town and State)

duly called and held on the .................... day of ............................................................. 1977,
on motion duly made and seconded, it was
, whose occupation is


be, and is hereby, nominated by this bank as a candidate for class A director of the
Federal Reserve Bank of New York, and the cashier or other officer of this bank is hereby
authorized, empowered, and directed to send a certified copy of this resolution to the Chair­
man of the Board of Directors of the Federal Reserve Bank of New Y ork.”
I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of a resolution of the
Board of Directors of this bank, or of its Executive Committee, duly adopted on the date
I also certify that if the foregoing resolution was adopted by the Executive Committee
of this bank’s Board of Directors, such Executive Committee is empowered to so act.

(S eal


Ba n k )

(Official signature)
C h a ir m a n

of t h e

B oard


F ederal R eserve B a n k

D irectors ,

New Y


October 18,1977

Recommendations of Candidates in the 1977
Election of Directors of the Federal Reserve Bank
of New York by Banks in Group 2
To All Member Banks in the
Second Federal Reserve District:
The directors of the Federal Reserve Bank o f N ew York to be elected in this year’s regular election,
for the three-year terms ending Decem ber 31, 1980, will be chosen by the member banks in Group 2, as
classified by the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, that is, those banks with capital and
surplus o f $3,000,000 to $65,000,000, inclusive.
The undersigned committee, appointed by the bankers associations o f New York, New Jersey, and
Connecticut to make recommendations to member banks of candidates for directors of the Federal
Reserve Bank o f New York, and to inform member banks o f the qualifications of these candidates,
recommends for nomination by Group 2 banks the following individuals, w ho have consented to serve
if elected:
For Class A Director


P resid e n t
United Counties Trust Company, Elizabeth, New Jersey
R a y m o n d W . B a u e r was b om in Linden, New Jersey, on August 27, 1915. He was graduated
from Dartmouth College in 1937 and also holds a Master of Commercial Science degree from Amos
Tuck School of Business Administration at Dartmouth College. In 1942, after receiving a Bachelor
of Laws degree from Rutgers University, he was admitted to the New Jersey Bar.

Mr. Bauer began his business career in 1940 with C. H. Winans Company, a construction and
investment corporation in Roselle, New Jersey. He has held various positions with the company,
currently serving as its president and director.
In 1944 Mr. Bauer was named a director of Linden Trust Company in Linden, New Jersey, and
in 1951 he joined the staff of the bank as a vice president. He was appointed executive vice
president of the bank in 1956 and president in 1958. In 1961, after the bank merged with Union
County Trust Company, Mr. Bauer was named president, chief executive officer, and a director of
the bank. Following the merger of Union County with Keansburg-Middletown National Bank in
1972, Mr. Bauer became president, chief executive officer, and director o f United Counties Trust
Company, the resultant institution. Presently he serves the bank as chairman, president, and chief
executive officer.
Mr. Bauer is a director of the Eastern States Bankcard Association and is past president and
current member of the Executive Committee o f the New Jersey Bankers Association. He has also
served as a member of the American Bankers Association’s Government Relations and Governing
Councils, the New Jersey State Banking Advisory Board, and the Board o f Governors o f the
Mortgage Bankers Association.
Mr. Bauer is now a class A director of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, having been
elected, on April 15, 1977, for the unexpired portion o f the term ending December 31, 1977.

( o ver )

For Class B Director


Chairman of the Board
Union Carbide Corporation, New York, N. Y.
W illiam S. Sneath was born March 29, 1926, in Buffalo, N. Y. He received a Bachelor o f Arts
degree from Williams College, Williamstown, Mass., in 1947 and an M.B.A. degree from the Harvard
Graduate School of Business Administration in 1950.

Mr. Sneath began his career with the general accounting department o f Union Carbide Corpora­
tion in 1950. Following his transfer to the finance department in 1956, he was appointed assistant
secretary and assistant treasurer in May 1961 and later that year became treasurer. In 1965 Mr.
Sneath was elected vice president and treasurer, and designated chief financial officer. He became
president in April 1971 and was named chairman and chief executive officer on January 1, 1977.
He has been a director of the corporation since 1969.
In addition, Mr. Sneath is a member o f the management committee of the Metropolitan
Variable Account B (a management investment com pany), a director of the Metropolitan Life
Insurance Company, and a trustee of Williams College and o f Brunswick School, Greenwich, Conn.
Mr. Sneath is now a class B director of the Federal Reserve Bank o f New York. He was elected,
on August 15, 1973, for the unexpired portion of the term ending Decem ber 31, 1974, and in
Decem ber 1974 he was elected a class B director for the three-year term ending Decem ber 31, 1977.

E lliott A verett, Committee Chairman

E verett A. G ilmour

The Bank of New York
New York, New York

The National Bank & Trust Company
of Norwich
Norwich, New York

Peter C artmell

F rank C. H arding

Fidelity Union Trust Company
Newark, New Jersey

Vice Chairman
Manufacturers & Traders Trust Company
Buffalo, New York

Joseph F. F ah ey , Jr.

T hom as J. Stanton , Jr.
The First Jersey National Bank
Jersey City, New Jersey

The State National Bank of Connecticut
Bridgeport, Connecticut

Nomination for Class B Director
of Federal Reserve Bank of New York
For Three-Year Term Ending Decem ber 31, 1980
D istrict N o . 2



N o. 2

A t a meeting of the Board of Directors of the .................................................................

(Name of Bank)

o f ................................................................... (or of the Executive Committee of such Board)

(City or Town and State)

duly called and held on t h e .................... day o f ............................................................. 1977,
on motion duly made and seconded, it was
‘ ‘ RESO LVED , That
, whose occupation is


be, and is hereby, nominated by this bank as a candidate for class B director of the
Federal Reserve Bank of New York, and the cashier or other officer of this bank is hereby
authorized, empowered, and directed to send a certified copy of this resolution to the Chair­
man of the Board of Directors of the Federal Reserve Bank of New Y ork.”
I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of a resolution of the
Board of Directors of this bank, or of its Executive Committee, duly adopted on the date
I also certify that if the foregoing resolution was adopted by the Executive Committee
of this bank’s Board of Directors, such Executive Committee is empowered to so act.

(S eal of B a n k )

(Official signature)
(T itle)

C h a ir m an of th e B oard of D irectors,

F ederal R eserve B a n k of N e w Y ork .

Authorization for Officers of Bank Holding Company
To Designate Subsidiary Member Bank to Participate in
Elections of Directors of Federal Reserve Bank of New York

D istrict N o . 2

At a meeting of the Board of Directors (or of its Executive Committee) of the

(Name and Location of Bank Holding Company)
duly called and held on t h e ................... day o f ........................................, 19........... , on motion
duly made and seconded, it was
“ RESOLVED, that t h e ...............................................................................................................

(Title (s) of designated officer (s))

of this bank holding company be and (any one of them) is hereby authorized to designate
on behalf of the company from time to time one subsidiary bank to participate in the
nomination and election of directors of the Federal Reserve Bank of New Y ork; Provided,
That such subsidiary bank is a member of the Federal Reserve System and is not otherwise
disqualified from participating in such elections.
“ RESO LVED FU RTH ER, That the authority hereby granted shall continue in force
until revoked by the Board of Directors of this bank holding company and that such
authority heretofore conferred on any officer of this bank holding company is hereby
I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of a resolution of the
Board of Directors of this bank holding company, or of its Executive Committee, duly
adopted on the date specified.
I also certify that if the foregoing resolution was adopted by the Executive Committee
of this company’s Board of Directors, such Executive Committee is empowered to so act.
Dated t h e ................. day o f ................................................, 19..................

(Official signature)
(S eal of B a n k H olding Co m p a n y )

To C h a ir m an

of th e

B oard of D irectors,

F ederal R eserve B a n k of N e w Y ork .


1977 Election of Class A and Class B Directors

NEW JERSEY ( C o n tin u ed )

For Terms of Office Ending December 3 1, 1980

List of 107 Member Banks in Group


( Group 2 consists of member banks with capital and surplus of $3,000,000 to
$65,000,000, inclusive, on October 18, 1977)

Name of Bank or Trust Company

Officers Authorized to Cast Vote

The Connecticut National B a n k ...........................................President, any Vice President, or Cashier
The State National Bank of C onnecticut...............................President, any Vice President, or Cashier


F irst National Bank of Central Jersey

Name of Bank or Trust Company

Officers Authorized to Cast Vote

Old Bridge

Amboy-Madison National B a n k ..............................

President, any Vice President, or Cashier


Garden State National B a n k ....................................

Chairman of the Board, President, any Vice
President, or Secretary


Valley National B a n k .................................................

President, any Vice President, or Treasurer


The National Bank of New J e r s e y ........................

President, any Vice President, or Cashier


The Peoples National Bank of Central Jersey

President, any Vice President, or Cashier


United National B a n k .................................................


President, any Vice President, or Cashier

Raritan Township The Hunterdon County National Bank of Flemington

President, any Vice President, or Cashier

Red Bank

Colonial F irst National B a n k ....................................

President, any Vice President, or Cashier


Citizens F irst National Bank of New Jersey

President, any Vice President, or Cashier


National Community Bank of New Jersey .

South Plainfield

F irst National State Bank — E d iso n ........................


Chairman of the Board, Chairman of the
Executive Committee, President, any Vice
President, or Cashier


F irst National State Bank of Northwest Jersey .



F irst National State Bank — C o u n ty ........................

President, any Vice President, any Assistant
Vice President, or Cashier

President, any Vice President, or Cashier


Midlantic National B ank/C itizens..............................

President, any Vice President, or Cashier


F irst National Bank of New J e r s e y ........................

Chairman of the Board, President, any Vice
President, Cashier, or any Assistant Cashier
President, any Vice President, or Cashier


New Jersey Bank (National Association)

President, any Vice President, or Cashier


United Jersey Bank/Northwest

President, any Vice President, Treasurer, or
Assistant Treasurer


The Union Center National B a n k ..............................

The National State Bank, Elizabeth, N. J.

President, any Vice President, or Cashier


Prospect Park National B a n k ...............................

President, any Vice President, or Cashier

United Counties Trust Company .

Chairman of the Board, Chairman of the
Executive Committee, President, or any Vice


Mid-Jersey National B a n k ...........................................

President, any Vice President, or Cashier

Wood Ridge

The Wood Ridge National B a n k ........................

President, any Vice President, or Cashier




United Jersey Bank/Central

President, any Vice President, or Treasurer


United Jersey Bank .

Chairman or Vice Chairman of the Board, or
any Vice President

Hazlet Township

United Jersey Bank/M id State, National Association

Jersey City

Commercial Trust Company of New Jersey .

Jersey City

The F irst Jersey National Bank . . . .


Bankers Trust Company of Albany, National Association . President, or any Vice President

President, any Vice President, or Treasurer


National Commercial Bank and Trust Company .

President, any Vice President, Cashier, or


State Bank of A lb a n y ............................................................. President, any Vice President, or Cashier


Union National B a n k ............................................................. President, any Vice President, or Cashier



. President, any Vice President, or Cashier

Jersey City

The Trust Company of New Jersey .

President, any Vice President, or Treasurer


The Citizens Central B a n k .......................................................

President, any Vice President, or Cashier


Livingston National B a n k ........................

President, any Vice President, or Cashier


First-City National Bank of Binghamton, N. Y.

President, any Vice President, or Cashier


The Maplewood Bank and Trust Company

President, any Vice President, Cashier,
Treasurer, or Secretary


Liberty National Bank and Trust Company

President, any Vice President, or Cashier


Central National Bank, C an ajo h arie..................................... President, any Vice President, or Cashier

Monroe Township Heritage Bank — North, National Association .

President, any Vice President, or Cashier


Chairman of the Board, President, Executive
Vice President, any Vice President,
or Secretary

American National Bank & Trust of New Jersey



The Canandaigua National Bank and Trust Company


The St. Lawrence National B a n k ........................................... President, any Vice President, or Cashier

. President, any Vice President, or Cashier


Peninsula National B a n k ....................................................... Chairman of the Board, President, any Vice
President, or Cashier


F irst Merchants National Bank . . . .

President, any Vice President, or Cashier


Fidelity Union Trust Company

President, or any Vice President


Chemung Canal Trust C o m p a n y ..........................................


F irst National State Bank of New Jersey .

Chairman of the Board, President, any Vice
President, or Cashier


Endicott Trust C o m p a n y ....................................................... President, any Vice President, or Treasurer


Midlantic National B a n k ...............................

President, any Vice President, or Cashier

Garden City

Long Island Trust C o m p an y .................................................

President, or any Vice President

President, any Vice President, or Cashier

Glen Head

The F irst National Bank of Glen H e a d ..............................

President, any Vice President, or Cashier


. . . .

Midlantic N ational Bank/Sussex & Merchants



President, any Vice President, Cashier,
Secretary, or Treasurer






( Continued )

Nam e o f Bank or Trust Company


Glens Falls

The F irst National Bank o f Glens F a l l s ....................................

President, any Vice President, or Cashier

Glens Falls

Glens Falls National Bank and Trust Company .

President, any Vice President, or Cashier


City N ational Bank and Trust Company of Gloversville .

President, any Vice President, or Cashier



B a n k ...............................................................................

President, any Vice President, or Cashier


Long Island B a n k ...............................................................................

President, any Vice President, or Cashier


Tompkins County Trust C o m p a n y ..................................................

President, any Vice President, or Cashier


Bankers Trust Company o f Western New York


The F irst National Bank o f J a m e s t o w n .............................

President, any Vice President, or Cashier


K ingston Trust C o m p a n y ................................................................

President, any Vice President, or Treasurer


The Sullivan County National Bank of Liberty .

President, any Vice President, or Cashier


Em pire National B a n k ........................................................................

Chairman o f the Board, President, any Vice
President, or Cashier


N anuet N ational B a n k ........................................................................

President, any Vice President, or Cashier


Highland N ational Bank o f N e w b u r g h ....................................

New York City

(See page 6)


The N ational Bank and Trust Company o f Norwich


Manufacturers Hanover Trust Com pany/W estern, National
A s s o c i a t i o n ......................................................................................

President, any Vice President, or Cashier


W ilber National B a n k .........................................................

President, any Vice President, or Cashier


Manufacturers Hanover Trust Company/Central N ew York

President, or any Vice President


Bankers Trust Company of Hudson Valley, National
A s s o c i a t i o n ......................................................................................

President, any Vice President, or Cashier


Dutchess Bank & Trust C o m p a n y ..................................................

President, any Vice President, or Secretary


The Suffolk County National Bank o f Riverhead



Central Trust Company Rochester N . Y .......................................

President, any Vice President, or Secretary


Lincoln First Bank of R o ch e ste r ..................................................

Chairman o f the Board, President, Senior
Executive Vice President, any Executive
Vice President, or any Senior Vice President


Security Trust Company o f Rochester

President, any Vice President, or Secretary

Saratoga Springs

The Adirondack Trust Company .

President, any Vice President, or Treasurer


The Oystermen’s Bank and Trust Company .

Chairman o f the Board, President, any Vice
President, or Secretary


Scarsdale National Bank and Trust Company




The Mohawk National Bank o f Schenectady

President, any Vice President, or Cashier


The Schenectady Trust Company .

Chairman o f the Board, President, any Vice
President, or Treasurer



First N ational Bank o f S c o t i a ..................................................

President, any Vice President, or Cashier


Bank o f S m ith to w n ...............................................................................

President, any Vice President, or Cashier

Stony Brook

Bank o f Suffolk C o u n t y ................................................................

President, any Vice President, or Cashier


F irst Trust & Deposit C o m p a n y ..................................................

President, any Vice President, or Secretary


Lincoln F irst Bank — Central, National Association

President, any Vice President, or Cashier


The Merchants N ational Bank & Trust Company o f


Officers Authorized to Cast Vote

The Oneida National Bank and Trust Company of Central
New Y o r k .............................................................................................

President, any Vice President, or Cashier


The National Bank o f Northern New Y o r k ............................

President, any Vice President, or Cashier

The Citizens N ational Bank and Trust Company .

President, any Vice President, or Cashier

W hite Plains

N ational Bank o f W e stc h e ste r .........................................................

President, any Vice President, or Cashier



Chairman o f the Board, President, any Vice
President, or Cashier

Island State B a n k ..............................................................................

Nam e o f Bank or Trust Company

W ells ville

President, any Vice President, or Cashier




President, any Vice President, or Cashier




Officers Authorized to Cast Vote

( Continued )


Barclays Bank o f N ew Y o r k .........................................................

President, any Vice President, or Cashier

Bradford Trust C o m p a n y ................................................................

Chairman o f the Board, President, any Vice
President, or Cashier

Century National Bank and Trust C o m p a n y ............................

President, any Vice President, or Cashier

Freedom N ational Bank o f New Y o r k ...................................

President, any Vice President, or Cashier

The Merchants Bank o f New Y o r k ...........................................

President, any Vice President, Cashier, or
Assistant Cashier

Schroder Trust C o m p a n y ......................................................... '

President, any Vice President, or Secretary


Sterling National Bank & Trust Company of New York .

President, any Vice President, or Cashier

U B A F Arab American B a n k .........................................................

Chairman o f the Board, Deputy Chairman,
President, or any Executive Vice President

Union Chelsea National B a n k .........................................................

President, any Vice President, or Cashier

United States Trust Company o f New York

President, or any Vice President





Community N ational Bank and Trust Company of New
Y o r k .............................................................................................

President, any Vice President, or Cashier


Hato Rey

President, any Vice President, or Cashier



Banco De Santander — Puerto Rico, N .A ,

Chairman o f the Board, President, any Vice
President, or Cashier