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r Circular No. 7907*1
L June 30, 1976 J

Proposed Amendments to Regulations H and Y
To All Member Banks, and Others Concerned,
in the Second Federal Reserve District:

Following is the text of a statement issued June 21 by the Board of Governors of the Federal
Reserve System:
T he B oard of G overnors of the Federal Reserve System today proposed am endm ents to two of its
regulations relative to the operations of certain clearing agencies for stock m arket transactions.
T he B oard will receive comment on its proposals through July 30, 1976.
T he proposals were m ade in conform ity w ith requirem ents of the Securities A cts A m endm ents of 1975.
They would affect State m em ber banks or their subsidiaries that are registered clearing agencies and State
mem ber banks, bank holding companies and nonbank subsidiaries of bank holding companies that clear their
securities transactions through banks that are clearing agencies.
T h e Board’s proposal would am end its Regulation H (Membership of State B anking Institutions in the
Federal R eserve System ) to require that State member banks, or their subsidiaries, that are registered clearing
agencies m ust file notice with the B oard on all final disciplinary sanctions imposed by them on any firm p artici­
pating in the operations of the clearing agency. T he proposal also requires that State m em ber banks acting as
clearing agencies file notice w ith the B oard of any denials of applications to participate in their clearing opera­
In addition, the B oard proposed to am end R egulation Y (B ank H olding Com panies) and R egulation H
to establish procedures for requesting stays and review by the Board of disciplinary sanctions and denials of
participation imposed by bank clearing agencies, when the B oard is the appropriate regulatory agency.
T he Securities and E xchange Commission and the Com ptroller of the C urrency are issuing sim ilar p ro ­
posed rules for clearing agencies or participants under their jurisdictions.

Printed below is an excerpt from the Federal Register of June 25, 1976, containing the text of
the proposed amendments. Comments thereon should be submitted by July 30, 1976, and may be
sent to our Bank Regulations Department.








[ 12 CFR Parts 208,225]
[D o c k e t N o. R —0042; R e g s . H a n d Y ]

Notice of Proposed Rulemaking

Pursuant to authority of Sections 17,
7A, 19 and 23 of the Securities Exhange.Act of 1934 (15 U.S.C. 78q, q-1,
and w) (“Act”) , the Board of Govertors proposes to amend Regulation H,
Membership of State Banking Instituions in the Federal Reserve System, (12
:FR 208) to require that, a State memer bank or any of its subsidiaries that
> a registered clearing agency pursuant
d Section 17A(b) of the Act, shall file
otice with the Board of all final discilinary actions, denials of participation,
onditions, prohibitions or limitations of

access to services, summary suspensions
or conditions, prohibitions or limitations
of participation imposed by it on any
participant, in conformity with the form
and content of such notices as prescribed
herein. This amendment also prescribes
the form and content of applications for
stays by the Board of final disciplinary
sanctions and summary actions of regis­
tered clearing agencies when the Board
is the appropriate regulatory agency for
the applicant and the form and content
of applications for review by the Board
of final disciplinary sanctions, denials of
participation, prohibitions or limitations
of access to services imposed by regis­
tered clearing agencies.
In connection with this amendment,
the Board of Governors also proposes to
amend Regulation Y, Bank Holding Com­
panies, (12 CFR 225) prescribing the
form and content of applications for
stays by the Board of final disciplinary

sanctions, and summary actions of regis­
tered clearing agencies when the partici­
pant or applicant is a bank holding com­
pany or a subsidiary of a bank holding
company and the form and content of
applications for review by the Board of
final disciplinary sanctions, denials of
participation, prohibitions or limitations
of access to services imposed by regis­
tered clearing agencies when the partici­
pant or applicant is a bank holding com­
pany or subsidiary of a bank holding
The Securities Acts Amendments of
1975 (the “1975 Amendments”) provided
for direct oversight jurisdiction to cover
disciplinary sanctions and denials of
participation imposed by any registered
clearing agency. Under the 1975 Amend­
ments such clearing agencies must
promptly .file notice of such action w ith


(a) the appropriate regulatory agency
for the registered clearing agency and
(b) if not the same, with the appropriate
regulatory agency for a participant, ap­
plicant or person on whom is imposed a
final disciplinary sanction, or with re­
spect to whom participation is denied, or
access to service is limited or prohibited.
Review of any action requiring the filing
of such notice may be had either on the
motion of the appropriate regulatory
agency (the Board with respect to State
member banks, .bank holding companies,
or subsidiaries of bank holding compan­
ies in bank clearing agencies, the Comp­
troller of the Currency with respect to
National banks in bank clearing agen­
cies ; the Federal Deposit Insurance Cor­
poration with respect to State nonmem­
ber insured banks in bank clearing agen­
cies; and the Securities and Exchange
Commission (the “Commission”) with
respect to all others) or on the applica­
tion of any person aggrieved by such
action. However, appeals taken to the
Board or the other appropriate regula­
tory agencies do not automatically stay
any action, although stays may be
granted by a particular agency where
Moreover, the 1975 Amendments grant
specific authority, under certain circum­
stances, to a registered clearing agency
to take summary action against partici­
pants where such persons have been sus­
pended or expelled from any self-regu­
latory organization, such as a registered
exohange or securities association. A reg­
istered clearing agency may also sum­
marily suspend a participant where such
clearing agency determines that the par­
ticipant is in such financial or opera­
tional difficulty so as to endanger inves­
tors, creditors, or participants in the reg­
istered clearing agency or the registered
clearing agency itself.
Finally, the 1975 Amendments intro­
duced the concept of a “statutory dis­
qualification.” A person is subject to a
statutory disqualification if such person:
1. Has been and is expelled or sus­
pended from membership or participa­
tion in, or barred or suspended from
being associated with a member of, any
self-regulatory organization;
2. Is subject to an order of the Com­
mission denying, suspending or revoking
his registration as a broker, dealer or
municipal securities dealer or barring his
association with a broker, dealer or mu­
nicipal securities dealer;
3. By his conduct while associated with
a broker, dealer or municipal securities
dealer if such conduct has been found to
be the cause of any effective suspension
or expulsion; or has associated with him
any person who is known, or in the exer­
cise of reasonable care should be known,
to be a disqualified person,
4. Has violated or participated in vi­
olating any provisions of the Federal se­
curities acts or the rules of the Munici­
pal Securities Rulemaking Board;
been convicted within the past
ten yeans of any felony or misdemeanor
which involves certain crimes relating,
generally, to securities transactions or
business, perjury or the misappropria­
tion of funds or securities;
6. Is enjoined from any action, conduct

or practice in connection with the securi­
ties industry or the purchase or sale of
any security; or
Has willfully made application or
submitted a report containing a false or
misleading statement with respect to any
material fact or omitted to state any
material fact which is required to be
stated to a self-regulatory organization.
These statutory disqualifications per­
mit, but do not automatically require, a
registered clearing agency to deny or
-condition participation, but the Act re­
quires the registered clearing agency to
take such action if the Commission so
orders. A registered clearing agency pro­
posing to admit to participation a person
subject to a statutory disqualification
must give notice to the Commission 30
days prior to such action.
The notice provisions of this amend­
ment provide for the content of notices
relating to four general types of adjudi­
catory actions taken by a registered
clearing agency for which the Board is
the appropriate regulatory agency as
1. Notice of Final Disciplinary Action.
2. Notice of Final Denial, Prohibition,
Termination or Limitation Based on
Qualification or Administrative Rules.
3. Notice of Final Action Based on a
Statutory Disqualification.
4. Notice of Summary Suspension of
Participation or Summary Limitation or
Prohibition of Access to Services.
Section 17A(b) (4) of the Act requires
that disciplinary sanctions, denials of
participation and similar adjudicatory
findings include supportng statements of
the registered clearing agency. The pro­
posed notice provisions were designed to
obtain a report from the registered bank
clearing agency containing its state­
ments. The notice provisions have also
been structured to satisfy, at the same
time, the requirement of Section 19(d)
of the Act that such actions be promptly
reported to the Board. Moreover, the
notice provisions ensure that such re­
ports and notices supply sufficient in­
formation regarding the background,
factual basis and issues involved in the
proceeding to enable the Board or the
appropriate regulatory agency not
merely to determine whether the case
should be called up for review on its own
motion but also to ascertain generally
whether registered bank clearing agen­
cies are adequately carrying out their
responsibliities under the Act.
The stay provisions of the proposed
amendment would apply in the case of a
registered bank clearing agency only
where the disciplinary or denial action is
taken against a participant or applicant
for which the Board is the appropriate
regulatory agency. Such persons desir­
ing to stay registered bank clearing
agency actions would be required to
make application for such a stay pur­
suant to these provisions.
The proposed amendment also pro­
vides the procedures for application for
review of all final disciplinary sanctions,
participation denials, and similar actions
by registered bank clearing agencies
against a participant, applicant, or per­
son for which the Board is the appropri­
ate regulatory organization. The Secre­
tary of the Board or other designated
officer acting for the Board would serve
a copy of the application for review on
the registered bank clearing agency

which, within 10 days, must certify and
file with the Board one copy of the rec­
ord and three copies of an index of the
record. The Secretary or the Board’s de­
signee would then serve on the parties
copies of the index and any other papers
subsequently filed. The applicant may
file a brief within 20 days after receipt
of the copy of the index and, within 20
days thereafter the registered bank
clearing agency may file its brief. Oral
argument may be requested by the ap­
plicant or the registered bank clearing
agency which request may be granted
or denied at the discretion of the Board.

1. Pursuant to the amendment, new
paragraphs (g), (h) and (i) would be
added to § 208.8 as set forth below:
§ 208.8


Banking practices.





(g) State member banks as registered
clearing agencies. (1) Requirement of
notice—(i) Any State member bank or
any of its subsidiaries that is a regis­
tered clearing agency pursuant to Sec­
tion 17A(b) of the Securities Exchange
Act of 1934 (the “Act”), shall file with
the Board and (if other than the Board)
the appropriate regulatory agency for a
participant, applicant or person affected,
notice of all final disciplinary actions,
denials, conditions, prohibitions or
limitations respecting participation or
access to services and summary sus­
pensions, conditions, prohibitions, limi­
tations, imposed by such registered
clearing agency on any of its partici­
pants, applicants or persons, such notice
to be in conformity with the form and
content prescribed herein.
(ii) For the purposes of this para­
graph “final disciplinary action” shall
mean the imposition of any final dis­
ciplinary sanction pursuant to Section
17A(b) (3) (G) of the Act or other action
of a registered clearing agency which
after notice and opportunity for hearing
results in any final disposition of charges
(A) One or more violations of the
rules of such registered clearing
(B) Acts or practices constituting s
statutory disqualification of a type de­
fined in subparagraph (D) or (E) (ex­
cept prior convictions) of Section 3(a)
39 of the Act.
Notice of such final disciplinary actioi
shall be promptly filed with the Boar<
in accordance with paragraph (g) (2) o
this section.
(iii) Any registered clearing agenc;
for which the Board is the appropriat
regulatory agency that takes any fins
action with respect to any person con
stituting a denial, prohibition, or limita
tion of participation or of access to serv
ices offered by it, and which is based o
an alleged failure of any person to:
(A) Comply with qualification stanc
ards established by rules of the appn
priate regulatory agency or such regi;
tered clearing agency; or
(B) Comply with any administrati'
requirements of such registered clearir
agency (including failure to pay ent
or other dues or fees or to file prescrib<

forms or reports) not involving charges ings of fact with respect to any act or
be exercised over and by such person;
of violations which may lead to a dis­ practice that such respondent was
(v) A copy of the oi’der or decision of
ciplinary sanction shall not be considered charged with having engaged in or
the court, the appropriate regulatory
a “final disciplinary action” for purposes omitted; the conclusion of the registered
agency or the self-regulatory organiza­
of this paragraph; but notice thereof clearing agency as to whether such re­
tion which adjudicated the matter giving
shall be promptly filed with the Board spondent violated any provision as
rise to such statutory disqualification;
in accordance with paragraph (g) (3)
charged; and a statement of the reg­
(vi) The nature of the action taken
of this section, provided, however, that istered clearing agency in support of its
and the date upon which such action is
no disposition of a-matter shall be con­ resolution of the principal issues raised
to be made effective; and
sidered “final” pursuant to this para­ in the proceedings;
)vii) Such other matters as the reg­
graph which results merely from a notice
(v) A statement describing any sanc­
istered clearing agency deems relevant.
of such failure to the person affected, if tion imposed, the reasons therefor, and
Content of notice of summary sus­
such person has not sought an adjudica­ the date upon which such sanction has
pension of participation or summary lim­
tion of the matter, including a hearing, or will become effective, together with a
itation or prohibition of access to serv­
or otherwise exhausted his administra­ finding, if appropriate, as to whether
ices. Any notice of summary suspension
tive remedies within such registered such respondent was a cause of any
of participation or summary limitation
clearing agency with respect to such a sanction imposed upon any other person;
or prohibition of access of services filed
with the Board pursuant to this amend­
(vi) A statement concerning whether
ment shall contain at least the following
(iv) Any registered clearing agency for any stay of any sanction imposed should
which the Board is the appropriate regu­ be granted, pending final determination
(i) The name of the person concerned
latory agency that takes any final action on review thereof by the Board or the
together with his or her last known place
with respect to any person which:
appropriate regulatory agency, if any
of residence or business as reflected on
(A) Denies or conditions participation person aggrieved thereby applies for
the records of the registered clearing
in or prohibits or limits access to services such review; and
(vii) Such ether matters as the regis­
offered by such registered clearing
(ii) The date upon which such sum­
tered clearing agency may deem relevant.
agency; and
mary action has or will become effective;
(3) Content of notice of final denial,
(B) Is based upon a statutory disquali­
(iii) If such summary action is based
fication of a type defined in subpara­ prohibition, temnination of limitation
based on qualification or administrative
upon the provision of Section 17A(b) (5)
graph (A), (B) or (C) of Section 3(a)
(C) (i) of the Act, a copy of the relevant
39 of the Act or consisting of a prior rules. Any notice of a final denial, pro­
order or decision of the self-regulatory
conviction, as described in subparagraph hibition, termination or limitation based
(E) of said Section 3(a) 39 shall on qualification or administrative rules
(iv) If such summary action is based
not be considered a “final discipli­ filed with the Board pursuant to this
upon the provisions of Section 17A(b)
nary action” for purposes of this para­ amendment shall consist of the follow­
(5) (C) (ii) or (iii) of the Act, a state­
graph; but notice thereof shall be ing, as appropriate:
(i) The name of each person con­
ment describing as appropriate:
promptly filed with the Board in accord­
(A) The default of any delivery of
ance with paragraph (g) (4) of this sec­
funds or securities to any clearing facil­
tion, provided, however, that no disposi­ known place of residence or business as
ity based upon which such registered
tion of a matter shall be considered reflected on the records of the registered
clearing agency determined th at such
“final” pursuant to this paragraph where clearing agency;
(ii) The specific provisions of the rules
suspension was necessary for, or the
such person has not sought an adjudi­
participant could not be permitted to
cation of the matter, including a hearing, of the registered clearing agency, upon
continue to do business with, safety to
or otherwise exhausted his administra­ which the action of the registered clear­
ing agency was based; and the answer of
such registered clearing agency, in­
tive remedies within such registered
clearing agency with respect to such a
vestors, creditors, or participants in the
registered clearing agency;
of fact and conclusions as to each alleged
(B) The financial or operating diffi­
(v) Any registered clearing agency for
culty of the participant based upon
which the Board is the appropriate regu­
qualification standards, or comply with
which such registered clearing agency
latory agency that summarily suspends a
administrative obligations, and a state­
determined that the participant could
participant, or summarily limits or pro­
ment of the registered clearing agency
not be permitted to continue to do busi­
hibits any person with respect to access
in support of the resolution of the prin­
ness with safety to investors, creditors or
to or services offered by the organization
cipal issues raised in the proceeding;
other participants in the registered
pursuant to the provisions of Section
(iv) The date upon which such action
clearing agency; or
17A(b) (5) (C) of the Act, shall within 24
(C) The failure to meet qualification
hours of the effectiveness of such sum­
(v) Such other matters as the regis­
requirements or other prerequisites for
mary suspension, limitation or prohibi­
tered clearing agency deems relevant.
access and the basis upon which such
tion notify the Board and the appro­
(4) Content of notice of final action organization determined that the person
priate regulatory agency for the partici­
based upon-prior adjudicated statutory
concerned could not be permitted to
pant (if other than the Board) of such
disqualification. Any notice of a final
continue to have access with safety to
action. Such notice of summary suspen­
action based upon a prior adjudicated
investors, creditors, the registered
sion, limitation or prohibition filed with
statutory disqualification filed with the
clearing agency or participants of the
the Board shall be in accordance with
Board pursuant to this amendment shall
registered clearing agency.
paragraph (g) (5) of this section.
(v) The nature and effective date of
Content of notice of final dis­ consist of the following, as appropriate:
The name of the person concerned, the suspension, limitation or prohibition •
ciplinary action. Any notice of a final
together with his or her last known place
disciplinary action filed with the Board
of residence or business, as reflected on
(vi) Such other matters as the or­
pursuant to this amendment shall consist
ganization deems relevant.
the records of the organization;
of the following, as appropriate:
<ii) A statement setting forth the
Applications for stays of disci­
(i) The name of the respondent con­
principal issues raised, the answer of any plinary sanctions or summary suspen­
cerned together with his or her last
person concerned, and a statement of
sions by a registered clearing agency. If
known place of residence or business as
the registered clearing agency in support
a registered clearing agency for which
reflected on the records of the registered
of the resolution of the principal issues the Securities and Exchange Commission
clearing agency and the name of the
raised in the proceeding;
is not the appropriate regulatory agency,
person, committee, or other organiza­
(iii) Any description furnished by or
imposes any final disciplinary sanction
tional unit that brought the charges in­
pursuant to Section 17A(b) (3) (G) of the
activities engaged in by the person since
Act, or summarily suspends or limits or
(ii) A statement describing the in­
the adjudication upon which the dis­
prohibits access pursuant to Section
vestigative or other origin of the action;
qualification is based;
17A(b) (5) (C) of the Act, any person ag­
(iii) As charged in the proceeding, the
(iv) Any description furnished by or grieved thereby for which the Board is
;peciflc provisions of the rules of the
on behalf of the person concerned of the
the appropriate regulatory agency may
■egistered clearing agency and the
prospective business or employment in
file with the Board, by telegram or
mswer of the respondent to the charges;
which the person plans to engage and
otherwise, a request for a stay of imposi­
(iv) A statement setting forth find­
the manner and extent of supervision to
tion of such action. Such request shall be


(ii) Within 20 days after receipt of a
statement or within 10 days after receipt
in writing and shall include a statement
copy of the index, the applicant shall file
of the registered clearing agency’s an­
as to why such stay should be granted.
a brief or other statement in support of
Applications for review of final dis­ swer, or (B) by the registered clearing
agency with its answer. The Board, in its
his application which shall state the
ciplinary sanctions, denials of participa­
discretion, may grant or deny any request
tion or prohibitions or limitations of ac­
specific grounds on which the application
cess to services imposed by registered
is based, the particular findings of the
clearing agencies. (1) Scope—Proceed­
organization to which objection is taken,
sider an application on the basis of the
ings on an application to the Board un­
and the relief sought. Any application
papers filed by the parties, without oral
der Section 19(d) (2) of the Act by a
not perfected by such timely brief or
participant that is subject to the Board’s
jurisdiction for review of any final disci­
The Board’s Rules of Practice for statement may be dismissed as aban­
plinary sanction, denial, or conditioning
Formal Hearings shall apply to review
of participation, or prohibition or limita­
(iii) Within 20 days after receipt of
proceedings under this rule to the extent
tion with respect to access to registered
the applicant’s brief or statement the
that they are not inconsistent with this
clearing agency services imposed by a
organization may file an answer thereto,
rule. Attention is directed particularly to
registered clearing agency for which the
and within 10 days of receipt of any such
Securities and Exchange Commission is
answer the applicant may file a reply.
ing to formal requirements as to papers
not the appropriate regulatory agency
Any such papers not filed within the
shall be governed by this paragraph.
time provided by paragraphs (e) (2) (i),
Procedure, (i) An application for PART 225— BANK HOLDING COMPANIES
(ii), or (iii) of this section will not be
review pursuant to Section 19(d) (2) of
reecived except upon special permission
2. In connection with this amendment,
the Act shall be filed with the Board
of the Board.
the Board of Governors also proposes to
within 30 days after notice thereof is
(iv) On its own motion, the Board may
amend Regulation Y, Bank Holding
filed pursuant to Section 19(d) (1) of the
direct that the record under review be
Companies, (12 CFR 225) by adding new
Act and received by the aggrieved person
supplemented with such acWitional evi­
paragraphs (d) and (e) to § 225.5 to
applying for review, or within such longer
dence as it may deem relevant. Never­
read as follows:
theless, the registered clearing agency
period as the Board may determine. The
and persons who may be aggrieved by
Secretary of the Board shall serve
§ 2 2 5 .5 A dm in istratio n .
such agency’s action shall be obliged to
a copy of the application on the regis­
adduce all evidence that they deem rele­
(d) Applications for stays of discipli­
tered clearing agency, which shall, with­
vant in the proceedings before the reg­
in ten days after receipt of the applica­
istered clearing agency, and no such per­
by a registered clearing agency. If a
son shall be entitled to adduce additional
tion, certify and file with the Board one
registered clearing agency for which the
copy of the record upon which the action
Securities and Exchange Commission is evidence unless it is shown to the satis­
faction of the Board th at such additional
not the appropriate regulatory agency,
complained of was taken, together with
evidence is material and th at there were
imposes any final disciplinary sanction
three copies of an index to such record.
reasonable grounds for failure to adduce
The Secretary shall serve upon the par­
such evidence in such proceedings. Any
Act, or summarily suspends or limits or
ties copies of such index and any papers
prohibits access pursuant to Section 17A request for leave to adduce additional
subsequently filed.
(b) (5) (C) of the Act, any person ag­ evidence shall be filed promptly so as not
Within 20 days after receipt of a grieved thereby for which the Board is to delay the disposition of the proceeding.
copy of the index, the applicant shall file
(v) Oral argument before the Board
the appropriate regulatory agency may
may be requested by the applicant or the
a brief or other statement in support of
file with the Board, by telegram or other­
clearing agency as follows: (A)
his application which shall state the
wise, a request for a stay of imposition registered
specific grounds on which the applica­
by the applicant with his brief or state­
of such action. Such request shall be in
ment or within 10 days after receipt of
tion is based, the particular findings of
writing and shall include a statement as
the organization to which objection is
the registered clearing agency’s answer,
to why such stay should be granted.
or (B) by the registered clearing agency
taken, and the relief sought. Any applica­
(e) Applications for review of final
with its answer. The Board, in its discre­
tion not perfected by such timely brief
disciplinary sanctions, denials of partici­
tion, may grant or deny any request for
or statement may be dismissed as aban­
pation or prohibitions or limitations of
oral argument and, where it deems it ap­
access to services imposed by registered
propriate to do so, the Board will consider
Oil) Within 20 days after receipt of
clearing agencies. (1) Scope.—Proceed­
an application on the basis of the papers
the applicant’s brief or statement the or­
ings on an application to the Board un­
filed by the parties, without oral argu­
ganization may file an answer thereto,
der Section 19(d)(2) of the Act by a
and within 10 days of receipt of any such
participant that is subject to the Board’s
(vi) The Board’s Rules of Practice for
answer the applicant may file a reply.
jurisdiction for review of any final dis­
Formal Hearings shall apply to review
Any such papers not filed within the time
ciplinary sanction, denial, or condition­
proceedings under this rule to the ex­
provided by paragraphs (i), <i)(2), (ii),
ing of participation, or prohibition or
tent that they are not inconsistent with
or (iii) of this section will not be received
limitation with respect to access to
this rule. Attention is directed particuexcept upon special permission of the
registered clearing agency services im­
relating to formal requirements as to
posed by a registered clearing agency for
papers filed.
(iv) On its own motion, the Board may
which the Securities and Exchange Com­
To aid in consideration of this matter
direct th at the record under review be
mission is not the appropriate regula­
by the Board, interested persons are in­
supplemented with such additional evi­
tory agency shall be governed by this
vited to submit relevant data, views, oi
dence as it may deem relevant. Never­
theless, the registered clearing agency
Procedure, (i) An application for arguments concerning the proposec
amendments. Any such material shoulc
and persons who may be aggrieved by
review pursuant to Section 19(d) (2) of
be submitted in writing to the Secre­
such agency’s action shall be obliged to
the Act shall be filed with the Board
tary, Board of Governors of the Federa
adduce all evidence that they deem rele­
within 30 days after notice thereof is filed
Reserve System, Washington, D.C. 20551
vant in the proceedings before the regis­
pursuant to Section 19(d)(1) of the Act
to be received not later than July 30,1976
tered clearing agency, and no such per­
and received by the aggrieved person ap­
All material submitted should include th<
son shall be entitled to adduce additional
plying for review, or within such longer
docket number R-0042. Such materia
evidence unless it is shown to the satis­
period as the Board may determine. The
will be made available for inspection an<
faction of the Board th at such additional
Secretary of the Board shall serve a copy
copying upon request, except as provide*
evidence is material and that there were
of the application on the registered
in section 261.6(a) of the Board’s Rule
reasonable grounds for failure to adduce
clearing agency, which shall, within ten
Regarding Availability of Informatioi
such evidence in such proceedings. Any
days after receipt of the application,
(12 CFR 261.6(a)).
request for leave to adduce additional
certify and file with the Board one copy
evidence shall be filed promptly so as
of the record upon which the action com­
By order of the Board of Governor!
not to delay the disposition of the
plained of was taken, together with three
June 21,1976.
copies of an index to such record. The
[ seal]
G riffith L. C arwood,
(v) Oral argument before the Board
Secretary shall serve upon the parties
Assistant Secretary of the Board.
may be requested by the applicant or the
copies of such index and any papers sub­
registered clearing agency as follows:
(FR Doc.70-18502 Filed 0-24-70; 8: 45 am]
sequently filed.
(A) by the applicant with his brief or