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Fiscal Agent of the United States
r Circular No. 7 7 1 7 " 1


September 24, 1975


—Use of Penalty Envelopes
—Change in Mailing Procedures
To All Issuing Agents for United States Savings Bonds
in the Second Federal Reserve District:

Penalty envelopes
The T reasury D epartm ent has advised us that, beginning with the quarter ending Sep­
tember 30, 1975, it will be necessary for issuing agents to submit quarterly, rather than
annual, reports to this Bank on their use of special penalty envelopes in mailing U nited
States Savings Bonds. This change has been made to facilitate projecting the need for such
Enclosed is a card form to be used in m ailing the first quarterly report; additional cards
are available at this Bank. It is suggested th at you m aintain sufficient records of the num ­
ber of penalty envelopes received, the number spoiled, and the number on hand so th at you
may submit accurate reports at the end of each quarter. The quarterly reports m ust be
returned by the time indicated in the upper left portion of the card, so th at this Bank may
send a timely consolidated report to the T reasury Department.
The T reasury D epartm ent has also advised us that penalty envelopes may no longer
be used for hand delivery of savings bonds. G ift envelopes for this purpose are available
from this Bank upon w ritten request.
Mailing procedures
The arrangem ent between the T reasury D epartm ent and the U. S. Postal Service whereby
issuing agents could return unissued or unfit savings bonds to this Bank by registered mail
without paying the registry fees has been discontinued.
Accordingly, agents who return unissued or unfit savings bond stock should pay the
registry and postage fees on such shipments and request reimbursement for both in the usual
manner. Issuing agents should no longer use Form SA V .B 378 stickers ( “R egistry Fee
Paid by United States T reasu ry ” ) on these shipments.
As indicated in our Circular No. 7168, dated June 25, 1973, only shipments of unissued
or unfit savings bond stock should be sent to this Bank by registered mail.



Amendments to our O perating Circular No. 20, on instructions to issuing agents for
savings bonds, reflecting these changes will be sent to you shortly.

P a u l


V o lc k e r ,
