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r Cii'cular No. 6 5 7 8 s!
July 20, 1970


Interpretation of Regulation Q

To A ll M ember Banks, and Others Concerned,
in the Second Federal Reserve D is tric t:

P rin ted below is the text of an interp retatio n of Regulation Q, adopted by the B oard of Gover­
nors of the Federal Reserve System on Ju ly 14, regarding the application of the reg u latio n ’s
Supplement, effective June 24, 1970, to certain short-term deposits. The in terp retatio n will be pub­
lished shortly in the Federal R egister and in the A ugust 1970 issue of the Federal Reserve B ulletin
but is being sent to you now so th a t you m ight have prom pt notice of its content.
A lfk e d H ay e s,


[Reg. Q]
Maximum Rate Payable
§ 217.150

Rate payable when higher rate is payable
only on short-term deposits.

The B oard of Governors considers th a t the change
in the Supplem ent to R egulation Q, effective Ju n e 24,
1970, which perm its the paym ent of interest a t any
rate on single m atu rity time deposits of $100,000 or
more w ith m aturities of 30 to 89 days (while retaining
the existing lim itations on interest rates for such de­
posits m atu rin g in 90 days or m ore), should be applied
as follow s:
(a) A member bank may amend the rate paid on a
$100,000 certificate w ith an original m atu rity of 30 to
89 days issued before Ju n e 24, 1970, to pay any in te r­
est ra te for the period subsequent to th a t date.
(b) A member bank may not amend the rate paid
on a $100,000 certificate with an original m atu rity of
90 days or more to pay interest thereon for any period
a t a rate in excess of th a t specified in the Supplem ent
for such a deposit w ith the p artic u la r m aturity. Since
such a deposit is not a 30 to 89 day deposit— the only
kind of deposit free from interest rate control—it is
not affected by the change in the regulation.
(c) A member bank may extend the m atu rity of a
$100,000 certificate which originally provided for a
m atu rity of 30 to 89 days, and pay interest at any rate
during the extended term , if the new m atu rity is (1)
later th an the original m atu rity and (2) 30 to 89 days
from the date of the extension.
(d) A member bank may not extend the term of a
certificate originally issued for 90 days or more and
pay interest on the deposit a t a rate in excess of th at
applicable to the original deposit, even if the new
m atu rity meets the conditions in the preceding p a ra ­

graph. This does not apply, of course, to extension or
renewal a t m aturity.
(e) A member bank may pay interest a t any rate on
a certificate originally issued in an am ount less th an
$100,000 to which the depositor adds sufficient fu nds
to increase the deposit to $100,000 or more, if an d only
if (1) the original m atu rity of the certificate is 30 to
89 days, and (2) the m atu rity date is 30 to 89 days
afte r the date of the addition of such funds.
(f) Member banks may not make use of contracts
fo r fu tu re deposits to perm it a depositor to commit his
funds for more th a n 89 days and obtain interest at a
rate in excess of th a t applicable to a deposit w ith a
longer m aturity. F o r example, a bank and its depositor
m ight agree on A ugust 1, 1970 th a t the depositor will
deposit, on th a t date and again on October 20 (80 days
la te r), $100,000 for 80 days, on which the bank will
pay interest a t the rate of 10 per cent. Such an a r ­
rangem ent would be an effort to evade the purposes of
the Regulation, which perm its paym ent of rates of in ­
terest w ithout legal restriction only on deposits of 30
to 89 days. The B oard considers th a t the substance of
such a transaction would be a deposit for 160 days.
( I f the depositor has an option, by contract or u n d er­
standing, to w ithdraw funds a t the end of the first 80
days or to leave them on deposit for the second 80 days,
the deposit would be subject to the lim itations of the
Supplem ent to R egulation Q applicable to m ultiple
m atu rity deposits payable a t intervals of less th an
90 days.) The B o a rd ’s view would be the same even
though the agreem ents—form al or inform al— were en­
tered into a t different times, if they were so related as
to be, in reality, a single arrangem ent th a t commits
the bank and its depositor for 90 days or longer.
(12 U .S .C . 2 4 8 (i). In te rp re ts and applies 12 U .S .C . 371b.)