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I" Circular No. 6 4 *74 T
L January 22, 1970 J

Correction of Board of Governors’ Statement in Circular No. 6470

Notice of Proposed Amendment of Regulation D

To All Member Banks, and Others Concerned,
in the Second Federal Reserve District:

Our Circular No. 6470 contains the text of a statement issued January 20 by the Board of
Governors of the Federal Reserve System announcing an upward realignment of maximum inter­
est rates member commercial banks may pay on time and savings deposits and a proposed amend­
ment of Regulation D that would apply reserve requirements to certain types of bank-related
commercial paper. The Board of Governors has advised us that the next to the last paragraph of
that statement, dealing with the proposal to amend Regulation D, should be corrected to read as
In proposing to use new legislative au th o rity fo r the first time, the B oard said it is considering a 10
per cent reserve requirem ent on fund's obtained by member banks through the issuance of commercial paper
or sim ilar obligations by bank affiliates, including a member b a n k ’s p a re n t com pany— either a one-bank
holding com pany or a company registered under the B ank H olding Company Act.
On October 29, 1969, the B oard announced th a t it was considering am ending its rules governing the
paym ent of interest on deposits to apply to fund's received by member banks from the issuance of commer­
cial p aper by bank affiliates or by a p aren t holding company. Subsequently, the A ct of December 23,
1969, explicitly authorized the B oard to apply reserve requirem ents to such obligations. Accordingly, the
B oard has w ithheld action in applying interest rate ceilings to bank-related commercial p ap er while it is
considering am ending its rules to apply reserve requirem ents to the same type paper. Comments on this
proposal should be received by the B oard by F eb ru a ry 16.

Printed on the reverse side is a copy of the notice of the proposed amendment of Regulation D,
as submitted by the Board for publication in the Federal Register. Comments on the proposed
amendment should be submitted by February 16 and may be sent to our Bank Examinations

A l fr e d H ayes,


(o v er)

[12 C F R Part 204]
[Reg. D]

Certain Borrowings by Bank Affiliates
as Deposits

The Board of Governors is considering
amending Regulation D, effective Febru­
ary 26, 1970, in the following respects:
(1) By adding to § 204.1(f) the follow­
ing sentences:
“F or the purposes of this part, ‘deposits’
of a member bank also include the liability
of a member bank’s affiliate, as defined in
section 2 (b )(2 ) or 2 (b )(4 ) of the Bank­
ing Act of 1933 (12 U.S.C. 221a(b)(2)
and (b )(4 )), on any promissory note,
acknowledgment of advance, due bill, or
similar obligation (written or oral), with
a m aturity of two years or less, that is
issued or undertaken principally as a
means of supplying funds to the bank for
use in its banking business, or maintain­
ing the availability of such funds, except
any such obligation that, if it had been
issued directly by the member bank, would
not constitute a deposit in view of excep­
tions (1) and (2), above.”

of affiliates shall not be subject to para­
graph (a) of this section, but a member
bank shall maintain with the Reserve
Bank of its district, a daily average bal­
ance equal to 10 per cent of the daily
average amount of such deposits.”
The main purpose of the proposed
amendments is to apply a 10 per cent
reserve requirement to funds received by
member banks as the result of issuance
of obligations commonly described as com­
mercial paper by a corporation or trust
that (1) majority-controls the member
bank, (2) is majority-controlled by per­
sons who also majority-control the mem­
ber bank, or (3) is controlled by trustees
for the benefit of the shareholders of the
member bank. The amendments would
implement authority granted by the
Congress to the Board in section 4(a) of
the Act of December 23, 1969 (Public
Law 91-151).

(2) By changing the caption of
§ 204.5(c) to read “Reserve percentages
against certain deposits”, by inserting
“ (1 )” before the present text of such sec­
tion, and by inserting the following before
the period at the end thereof: “and (2)
Time deposits9 represented by obligations

The following illustrate the effect of
the proposed amendments:
(1) A corporation that controls a
m ajority of the stock of a member bank
establishes and acquires a majority of the
stock of another corporation. That cor­
poration proposes to acquire $10 million
by the public sale on February 1 of
promissory notes with a maturity of 90
days and to use $5 million to acquire on
February 1 interests in loans made by
the bank, $3 million of which will mature
in 90 days and $2 million of which will
mature in 180 days. Under the proposed
amendment, on February 26, $5 million
of the notes will become subject to a 10
per cent reserve requirement, which would
continue as long as the funds of the affili­
ate are used to maintain the availability
of funds to the bank.

9 F or the purposes of this paragraph, “time de­
posits” means any deposit having a m aturity of
one day or more.

(2) If, on March 1, the affiliate de­
scribed in the preceding paragraph sells
to a third person $1 million of the 90-day

loans, the bank may thereupon reduce its
deposits subject to the 10 per cent re­
quirement by $1 million. If, on A pril 1,
$1 million of the affiliate’s funds are again
used to purchase from the bank notes
maturing in 45 days, the bank must
add back $1 million to its deposits sub­
ject to the 10 per cent requirement, even
though the affiliate does not issue addi­
tional obligations. If, upon m aturity on
May 2 of the affiliate’s $5 million of obli­
gations, the affiliate extends $1 million
thereof for 60 days and $2 million for 90
days, the $1 million is subject to reserves
only for 14 days—until the m aturity of
the 45-day loans—unless additional funds
are channeled to the bank or repayments
on the loans maturing in that time are
deferred. If, on June 1, a portion of the
$2 million 180-day loans is prepaid, the
amount of such prepayments will reduce
the amount of the affiliate’s obligations
that are subject to reserves, unless addi­
tional funds are channeled to the bank.
To aid in the consideration of this
matter by the Board, interested persons
are invited to submit relevant data, views,
or arguments. Any such material should
be submitted in writing to the Secretary,
Board of Governors of the Federal
Reserve System, Washington, D. C. 20551,
to be received not later than February 16,
1970. Under the Board’s rules regarding
availability of information (12 CFR
P art 261), such materials will be made
available for inspection and copying upon
request unless the person submitting the
material asks that it be considered confi­
By order of the Board of Governors,
January 20, 1970.
K e n n e th


K e n to n ,

D eputy Secretary.