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Fiscal Agent of the United States

[ D^^be^3o,4i8959 ]

$1,200,000,000 o f 91-Day Bills, Additional Amount, Series Dated Oct. 8, 1959, Due April 7, 1960
(T o Be Issued January 7, 1960)
$400,000,000 of 182-Day Bills, Dated January 7, 1960, Due July 7, 1960
To All Incorporated Banks and Trust Companies, and Others
Concerned, in the Second Federal Reserve District:
Following is the text o f a notice issued by the Treasury Department, released for publication in morning newspapers,
Wednesday, December 30, 1959:
T h e T r e a s u ry D ep a rtm en t, b y this p u b lic n otice, invites
tenders f o r t w o series o f T rea su ry bills t o th e a g g reg a te am ount
o f $1,600,000,000, o r th ereabou ts, f o r cash and in ex ch a n g e for
T re a su ry bills m atu rin g January 7, 1960, in the am ou nt o f
$1,600,007,000, as fo llo w s :
91-day bills (to m aturity da te) to be issued January 7,
1960, in the am ou nt o f $1,200,000,000, o r thereabouts,
rep resen tin g an addition al a m ou n t o f bills dated O c to b e r
8, 1959, and t o m ature A p ril 7, 1960, o rigin a lly issued
in the a m ou n t o f $405,104,000, the addition al and original
bills to be fre e ly in terch angeable.
182-day bills, f o r $400,000,000, o r thereabouts, to be dated
January 7, 1960, and t o m ature July 7, 1960.
T h e bills o f b o th series w ill be issued o n a d iscou n t basis
under co m p etitive and n o n com p etitiv e b id d in g as h ereinafter p r o ­
vided, and at m atu rity their fa ce a m ou n t w ill be p ayable w ith ou t
interest. T h e y w ill b e issued in b ea rer fo r m on ly , and in de­
n om in ation s o f $1,000, $5,000, $10,000, $100,000, $500,000 and
$1,000,000 (m a tu rity v a lu e ).
T e n d e rs w ill be receiv ed at F ed eral R es e rv e B anks and
B ran ches up to the clo s in g h ou r, on e-th irty o ’c lo c k p.m ., E astern
Standard tim e, M o n d a y , January 4, 1960. T en d ers w ill not
be received at the T re a su ry D epartm en t, W a s h in g to n .
E ach
tender m ust be f o r an even m u ltiple o f $1,000, and in th e case o f
com p etitive ten ders th e p rice offered m ust be ex p ressed on the
basis o f 100, w ith n o t m ore than th ree decim a ls, e.g., 99.925.
F ra ctio n s m ay n o t be used. It is u rg ed that ten ders be m ade on
th e printed fo rm s and fo rw a rd e d in th e special en velopes w hich
w ill be supplied b y F ed eral R es e rv e B anks o r B ra n ch es on
a pp lication th erefor.
O th e rs than b ank in g in stitu tions w ill n ot be perm itted to
subm it tenders e x ce p t fo r their o w n a ccou n t. T e n d e rs w ill be
received w ith ou t d ep o sit fr o m in corp ora ted banks and trust c o m ­
panies and fro m resp on sib le and recog n ized dealers in investm ent
securities. T e n d e rs fr o m oth ers m u st b e a ccom p a n ied b y p a y ­
m en t o f 2 p ercen t o f th e face a m ou n t o f T rea su ry bills applied
for, unless the tenders are a ccom p a n ied b y an exp ress guaranty
o f paym ent b y an in co rp o ra ted bank o r trust com p a n y .
Im m edia tely after the clo s in g h our, ten ders w ill be o p en ed at
the F ed era l R e se rve B anks and B ran ches, fo llo w in g w h ich pu blic
a n n ou n cem en t w ill be m ade b y the T rea su ry D ep a rtm en t o f the
am ou n t and price ran ge o f a ccep ted bids. T h o s e subm itting
ten ders w ill be advised o f the a ccep ta n ce o r re je ctio n th ereof.

T h e S ecreta ry o f the T rea su ry e x p ressly reserves th e righ t to
a ccep t or reject a n y o r a ll tenders, in w h o le o r in part, and his
ai-tion in a n y such resp ect shall be final. S u b ject to these reserva ­
tions, n on com p etitiv e ten ders for $200,000 o r less fo r the add i­
tional bills dated O c t o b e r 8, 1959, (91 days rem ain in g until m a ­
turity date on A p ril 7, 1960) and n on com p etitiv e tenders for
$100,000 o r less fo r the 182-day bills w ith ou t stated p rice fro m
a n y on e b id d er w ill b e a ccep ted in fu ll at the a verage p rice (in
three decim a ls) o f a ccep ted com p etitive bids fo r the respective
issues. S ettlem ent f o r a ccep ted tenders in a ccord a n ce w ith the
bids m u st be m ade o r com p leted at the Federal R e se rv e B ank
on January 7, 1960, in cash o r oth er im m ediately available
fu n ds o r in a like face a m ou n t o f T rea su ry bills m atu rin g
January 7, 1960. C ash and ex ch a n g e tenders w ill receive equal
treatm ent. Cash a dju stm en ts w ill be m ade fo r d ifferen ces betw een
the par valu e o f m atu rin g bills a ccep ted in ex ch a n g e a n d th e issue
price o f the n ew bills.
T h e in com e derived fro m T r e a s u ry b ills, w h eth er interest o r
gain fro m the sale o r oth er d isp osition o f the bills, d o e s n o t have
any exem p tion , as such, and loss fr o m th e sale o r oth er d isp osi­
tion o f T rea su ry bills d oes n ot have a n y special treatm ent, as
such, under the Internal R even u e C o d e o f 1954. T h e bills are
su b ject to estate, inheritance, g ift or oth er e x cis e taxes, w hether
F ed eral o r State, but are exem p t fro m all taxation n o w o r h ere­
a fter im p osed on the principal o r interest th ereof b y a n y State,
o r a n y o f the p ossession s o f the U n ited States, o r b y a n y local
ta x in g authority. F o r pu rp oses o f taxation the a m ou n t o f dis­
co u n t at w h ich T rea su ry bills are o rigin a lly sold b y th e U n ited
States is con sid ered t o be interest. U n d er S ection s 4 5 4 (b ) and
1221(5) o f the In tern al R even u e C o d e o f 1954 th e a m ou n t o f dis­
co u n t at w h ich bills issued h ereun der are sold is n o t co n sid ered
to a ccru e until such bills are sold, red eem ed o r oth erw ise dis­
posed o f, and such bills are exclu d ed fro m con sid era tio n as
capital assets. A c c o r d in g ly , the ow n er o f T rea su ry bills (o th e r
than life in su rance com p a n ies) issued hereun der need in clu d e in
his in com e ta x return o n ly the differen ce betw een th e price paid
f o r such bills, w h eth er on origin al issue o r on subsequen t pu r­
ch ase, and the a m ou n t actu ally receiv ed either u p on sale o r
redem ption at m aturity d u rin g the taxable yea r fo r w h ich the
return is m ade, as ord in a ry gain o r loss.
T rea su ry D epa rtm en t C ircu lar N o . 418, R evised , and this
n otice, prescrib e th e term s o f the T r e a s u ry bills and g o v e rn the
con d ition s o f their issue. C op ies o f the circular m a y be obtain ed
fr o m a n y F ed eral R e s e rv e B ank o r B ranch.

This Bank will receive tenders for both series up to 1 :30 p.m., Eastern Standard time, Monday, January 4,
1960, at the Securities Department o f its Head Office and at its Buffalo Branch. Tender forms for the respective series
are enclosed. Please use the appropriate form s to submit tenders and return them in an envelope marked “ Tender for
Treasury Bills.” Tenders may be submitted by telegraph, subject to written confirmation; they may not be submitted
by telephone. Payment f o r the Treasury bills cannot be made by credit through the Treasury T ax and Loan Account.
Settlement must be made in cash or other immediately available funds or in maturing Treasury bills.

Results of the last offering of Treasury bills (91-day bills to be issued December 31, 1959, representing an addi­
tional amount of bills dated October 1, 1959, and maturing March 31, 1960; and 182-day bills dated December 31, 1959,
maturing June 30, 1960) are shown on the reverse side of this circular.

A lfred H a y e s ,


(o v e k )

Range of Accepted Competitive Bids
91-Day Treasury Bills
Maturing M arch 31,1960
A pprox. equiv.
annual rate


Approx. equiv.
annual rate










4.516% 1





........................ ........

L ow

A v e r a g e ...................

182-Day Treasury Bills
Maturing June 30,1960

a E xcepting one tender o f $500,000.
1 A vera ge rate on a coupon issue equivalent yield basis is 4.64% fo r the 91-day bills and 5.15% fo r the 182-day bills.
Interest rates on bills are quoted on the basis o f bank discount, with their length in actual number o f days related to a
360-day year. In contrast, yields on certificates, notes, and bonds are computed on the basis o f interest on the investment,
with the number o f days remaining in a semiannual interest payment period related to the actual number o f days in the
period, and with semiannual com pounding i f m ore than one coupon period is involved.

(1 0 percent o f the amount o f 91-day bills
bid for at the low price was accepted.)

(79 percent o f the amount o f 182-day bills
bid for at the low price was accepted.)

Total Tenders A p p lied for and A ccepted (B y Federal Reserve Districts)
91-Day Treasury Bills
Maturing M arch 31,1960
Applied for





182-Day Treasury Bills
Maturing June 30,1960



A pplied for













Cleveland .......................























St. Louis .......................





Minneapolis ...................





Kansas C i t y ...................





Dallas ..............................





San Francisco ...............







New Y ork .....................



b Includes $211,925,000 noncompetitive tenders accepted at the average price o f 98.858.
c Includes $41,134,000 noncompetitive tenders accepted at the average price of 97.502.

