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Fiscal Agent of the United States
r Circular N o. 4 7 3 2 1
M ay 1, 1959

Offering of $1,500,000,000 of 221-Day Treasury Bills
To Be Designated “ Tax Anticipation Series”
Dated May 15, 1959

Maturing Decem ber 22, 1959

l o A ll Incorporated B anks and Trust Companies, and O thers Concerned,
in the Second Federal R eserv e D istrict:

Following is the text o f a notice issued by the Treasury Department, released for publication A pril 30, 1959:
T h e T re a su ry D epa rtm en t, b y this p u b lic n otice, invites
tenders fo r $1,500,000,000, or thereabouts, o f 221-day T rea su ry
bills, to be issued o n a discou n t basis under com p etitiv e and
n o n co m p e titiv e b id d in g as h ereinafter provided . T h e bills o f
this series w ill be design ated T a x A n ticip a tion Series, th ey w ill
be dated M a y 15, 1959, and th ey w ill m ature D e ce m b e r 22, 1959.
T h e y w ill be a cce p te d at face value in paym ent o f in com e and
profits taxes due on D e ce m b e r 15, 1959, and to the exten t they
are n ot p resen ted fo r this pu rpose the face a m ou n t o f these
bills w ill be p ayable w ith ou t interest at m aturity. T a x p a y e rs
d esirin g t o a p p ly these bills in paym ent o f D e ce m b e r 15, 1959,
in co m e and profits ta xes have the p rivilege o f su rren d erin g
them to any F ed era l R e serve B ank or B ran ch o r to the O ffice
o f the T re a s u re r o f the U n ited States, W a sh in g ton , n ot m ore
than fifteen days b e fo re D e ce m b e r 15, 1959, and receiv in g
receip ts th e re fo r s h o w in g the face a m ou n t o f the bills s o sur­
ren dered. T h e s e receip ts m ay be subm itted in lieu o f the bills
on o r b e fo re D e ce m b e r 15, 1959, to the D is trict D ir e c to r o f
In tern al R even u e fo r the D istrict in w h ich such taxes are p a y ­
able. T h e bills w ill be issued in bearer fo r m on ly , and in
den om in a tion s o f $1,000, $5,000, $10,000, $100,000, $500,000 and
$1,000,000 (m a tu rity va lu e).
T e n d e rs w ill be re ce iv ed at Federal R eserve B anks and
B ran ches up to the clo s in g hour, on e-th irty o ’ c lo c k p.m ., E a st­
ern D a y lig h t S a v in g tim e, T h u rsd a y, M a y 7, 1959. T h e tenders
w ill n o t be re ce iv e d at the T rea su ry D epa rtm en t, W a sh in g ton .
E a ch ten der m u st be fo r an even m ultiple o f $1,000, and in the
case o f co m p etitive ten ders the price offered m u st be exp ressed
on the basis o f 100, w ith n ot m ore than three decim als, e.g.,
99.925. F ra ctio n s m a y n ot be used. It is u rg ed that tenders
be m ade on the printed form s and forw a rd ed in the special
en v e lo p e s w h ich w ill be supplied b y F ed eral R eserve Banks
or B ra n ch es o n a pp lication th erefor.
O th e rs than b a n k in g institutions w ill n ot be perm itted to
subm it tenders e x ce p t fo r their ow n a ccou nt. T en d ers w ill be
receiv ed w ith ou t dep osit from in corp ora ted banks and trust
com p a n ies and fr o m respon sib le and re co g n iz e d dealers in
in vestm ent securities. T e n d ers fro m oth ers m u st be a c c o m ­
panied b y pa ym en t o f 2 percen t o f the face a m ou n t o f T rea su ry
bills a pp lied for, unless the tenders are a ccom p a n ied b y an
express gu a ra n ty o f paym ent b y an in corp ora ted bank or trust
com p a n y .
A ll bidders are req u ired to a gree n ot to purchase or to sell,
o r to m ake any agreem en ts w ith resp ect to the pu rch ase or

sale or oth er d isp osition o f a n y bills o f this issue, until after
o n e-th irty o ’ c lo ck p.m ., E astern D a y lig h t S a v in g tim e, T h u rs ­
day, M a y 7, 1959.
Im m ed ia tely after the clo s in g h our, ten ders w ill be open ed
at the F ed era l R eserve B anks and B ra n ch es, fo llo w in g w hich
pu blic an n ou n cem en t w ill be m ade b y the T r e a s u ry D epa rtm en t
of_ the a m ou n t and price range o f a ccep ted bids. T h o s e su b­
m ittin g tenders w ill be advised o f the a ccep ta n ce or rejection
thereof. T h e S ecreta ry o f the T rea su ry e x p ressly reserves the
righ t to a ccep t o r re je ct any or all tenders, in w h ole o r in part,
and his a ction in a n y such resp ect shall b e final. S u b je ct to
these reservations, n on com p etitiv e ten ders for $400,000 o r less
w ith ou t stated price fro m any on e b idd er w ill be a ccep te d in
full at the average price (in three decim a ls) o f a ccep ted c o m ­
petitive bids. P a y m en t o f a ccep ted ten ders at the p rices offered
m u st be m ade or com p le te d at the F ed era l R es e rv e B ank in
cash or oth er im m ediately available fu n ds on M a y 15, 1959.
T h e in com e derived fr o m T rea su ry b ills, w hether interest
or gain fr o m th e sale or oth er d isp osition o f the bills, d oes not
have a n y exem p tion , as such, and lo s s fr o m th e sale o r oth er
d isp osition o f T rea su ry bills d oes n o t have a n y special treat­
m ent, as such, under the In tern al R even u e C o d e o f 1954. T h e
bills are su b ject to estate, inheritance, g ift o r oth er excise
taxes, w h eth er F ed eral o r State, but are ex em p t fr o m all taxa­
tion n o w o r h erea fter im p osed o n the principal o r interest
th ereof b y a n y State, o r a n y o f the p ossession s o f the U nited
States, o r b y a n y lo ca l ta x in g authority. F o r pu rposes o f
taxation the a m ou n t o f d iscou n t at w h ich T r e a s u ry bills are
o rig in a lly sold b y the U n ited States is con sid ered t o b e interest.
U n der S ection s 4 5 4 (b ) and 1221(5) o f the In tern a l R even ue
C od e o f 1954 the a m ou n t o f d iscou n t at w h ich bills issued
hereun der are s o ld is n ot con sid ered to a ccru e u ntil su ch bills
are sold, red eem ed or oth erw ise disp osed of, and such bills
are exclu d ed fr o m con sidera tion as capital assets. A c c o r d in g ly ,
the o w n e r o f T rea su ry bills (oth er than life in su rance c o m ­
pan ies) issued hereunder need in clude in his in co m e ta x return
on ly the differen ce betw een the price paid fo r su ch bills,
w hether on origin a l issue o r on subsequent pu rch ase, and the
a m ou n t actu a lly receiv ed either u p on sale o r red em p tion at
m aturity d u rin g the taxable year for w h ich the return is m ade,
as ord in a ry gain or loss.
T r e a s u ry D ep a rtm en t C ircu lar N o . 418, R evised , and this
notice, prescrib e the term s o f the T rea su ry bills and g o v e rn
the con d ition s o f their issue. C opies o f the circular m a y be
ob ta in ed fro m a n y F ed eral R eserve B ank or B ranch.

This Bank will receive tenders up to 1 :30 p.m., Eastern Daylight Saving time, Thursday, May 7, 1959, at the
Securities Department o f its Head Office and at its Buffalo Branch. Please use the form on the reverse side of
this circular to submit a tender, and return it in the enclosed blue envelope marked “ Tender for Treasury Bills— Tax
Anticipation Series.” Y ou are cautioned not to enclose a tender for tax anticipation Treasury bills in the yellow
envelope marked "T en d er for Special Treasury Bills.” Tenders may be submitted by telegraph, subject to written con­
firmation; they may not be submitted by telephone. Payment for the Treasury bills cannot be made by credit through
the Treasury T a x and Loan A ccou n t; settlement must be made in cash or other immediately available funds.




a y e s


(O V E R )


Dated May 15, 1959

F ed era l

R eserve

B an k

o f

N ew

Maturing Decem ber 22, 1959
Y ork ,

Fiscal Agent of the United States.

Dated at


................................................................ 1959

Pursuant to the provisions of Treasury Department Circular N o. 418, Revised, and to the provisions of
the public notice issued by the Treasury’ Department and printed on the reverse side o f this tender, the under­
signed hereby offers to purchase the above described Treasury bills in the amount indicated below, and agrees
to make payment therefor at your Bank on or before the issue date at the price indicated b elow :


D o not fill in both Competitive and
N on com pttitive tenders on on* form

$ ............................................................ (maturity value),
or any lesser amount that may be awarded.
P r i c e : .....................................per 100.
(Price must be expressed with not m ore than three
decimal places, for example, 99.925)



$ ............................................................ (maturity value).
(N ot to exceed $400000 for otic bidder through all sources)
A t the average price of accepted competitive bids.

Subject to allotment, payment for these bills will be made at your Bank on May 15, 1959, by cash or other
immediately available fund9.
W e hereby agree not to buy or to sell, or to make any agreements with respect to the purchase or sale
or other disposition of any bills of this issue, until after one-thirty o’clock p.m., Eastern Daylight Saving time,
Thursday, M ay 7,1959.
Name o f subscriber

Insert this tender
in blue envelope
marked t4T ender for
Bills —
Tax Anticipation Series” _

(Please print)




(Official signature(s) required)

T itle ................................................................................ Title ..................
Address .............................................................................................................................

(Banks submitting tenders for customer account must indicate name on line below, or attach a list)

(N am e o f custom er)

(A ddress)

(Note. Successful bidders will receive a letter of instructions form with their allotment notice to instruct us as to the disposition
and method of payment of the bills allotted to them.)

1. N o tender for less than $1,000 will be considered, and each tender must be for an even multiple of $1,000
(maturity value).
2. Others than banking institutions will not be permitted to submit tenders except for their own account. Banks
submitting tenders for customer account may consolidate competitive tenders at the same Price and may consolidate
noncompetitive tenders, provided a list is attached showing the name of each bidder, the amount bid for his account,
and method of payment. Forms for this purpose will be furnished on request.
3. I f the person making the tender is a corporation, the tender should be signed by an officer of the corporation
authorized to make the tender, and the signing of the tender by an officer of the corporation will be construed as a
representation by him that he has been so authorized. If the tender is made by a partnership, it should be signed by a
member of the firm, who should sign in the form “ .................................................................................................. . a copartnership, by
............................. ................................................................................... a member of the firm.”
4. Tenders will be received without deposit from incorporated banks and trust companies and from respon­
sible and recognized dealers in investment securities. Tenders from others must be accompanied by payment of
2 percent bf the face amount of Treasury bills applied for, unless the tenders are accompanied by an express guaranty
of payment by an incorporated bank or trust company.
5. I f the language of this tender is changed in any respect, which, in the opinion of the Secretary of the
Treasury, is material, the tender may be disregarded.