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Fiscal A gent of the United States
r Circular No. 4 0 8 9 * 1
L March 23, 1954 J

Registration in Names of Trustees of Employees’ Payroll Savings Plans
T o A ll Issuing A g en ts in the Second Federal R eserve D istrict
Qualified f o r Sale o f U nited S tates Savings Bonds, Series E :

The Treasury Department has amended its regulations governing United States
Savings Bonds to permit the registration of Series E bonds in the names and titles of the
trustees of certain types of employees’ payroll savings plans. Generally, the savings
plans to which the regulations apply are those established by an employer for the exclu­
sive and irrevocable benefit of his employees or their beneficiaries, and which provide for
contributions by the employer to the savings withheld from the employees’ wages. The
regulations prescribe that an individual account be maintained for each participating
employee and that the account show his denominational interest in any E bonds purchased
with funds from his account. Also, the employee must have the right to withdraw at any
time all the assets credited to his account, or their value, except, however, that a savings
plan may provide that the employee shall not have the right to withdraw his employer’s
contributions to the account until the employee shall have made contributions in each of
not more than 60 months succeeding the month for which the employer ’s contribution was
made. In addition to obtaining Series E bonds in denominations available to other pur­
chasers, the trustees of eligible savings plans are permitted under the amended regulations
to purchase bonds in a new denomination of $1 0 0 , 0 0 0 (maturity value).
This Bank is authorized to establish the eligibility, under the amended regulations,
of a trustee of an employees’ payroll savings plan to have Series E bonds registered
in his name, as trustee. Requests to establish such eligibility should be addressed to our
Savings Bond Department.
These changes in the regulations are set forth in the Second Amendment to Treasury
Department Circular No. 530, Seventh Revision, dated May 21, 1952, and in the First
Amendment to Treasury Department Circular No. 653, Third Revision, dated April 29,
1952. Copies of the amendments, both dated February 23, 1954, are enclosed.
Additional copies of the amendments will be furnished upon request.






s ^ n d A S d n ,.,...

May 21.1952




epartm ent,


Washington, February 23,195J+.

Fiscal Service
Bureau o f the Public Debt

To Owners of United States Savings Bonds, and
Others Concerned:
Sections 315.3, 315.4 (a), 315.8 (a), 315.10,
315.32 (d) and 315.50 (a) of Department Circular
No. 530, Seventh Revision, dated May 21, 1952
(31 CFR, 1952 Supp., 315), as amended, are
hereby amended, effective as of January 1, 1954,
to read as follows:
S e c . 315.3
Restrictions.—Only residents
(whether individuals or others) of the United
States (which for the purposes of this section shall
include the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, the
territories, insular possessions and the Canal
Zone), citizens of the United States temporarily
residing abroad and nonresident aliens employed
in the United States by the Federal Government
or an agency thereof may be named as owners,
coowners or designated beneficiaries of savings
bonds, whether on original issue or authorized re­
issue, except that such persons may name as co­
owners or beneficiaries of their bonds citizens of
the United States permanently residing abroad or
nonresident aliens who are not residents of areas
with respect to which the Treasury Department
has restricted or regulated the delivery of checks
drawn against funds of the United States or any
agency or instrumentality thereof. 1 Citizens of
the United States permanently residing abroad
and nonresident aliens who become entitled to
bonds under these regulations, by right of sur­
vivorship or otherwise, will not have the right to
reissue but will have the right (1 ) to retain the
bonds without change of registration, (2 ) to receive
interest on current income bonds, and (3) to re­
deem any bonds in accordance with their terms.2
1 See D e p a rtm e n t C ircular N o . 655, as a m en ded (31
C F R 211).
2 P a y m e n t o f b o n d s t o nationals o f b lo ck e d cou ntries
w ill in all cases be s u b je ct t o th e term s o f a n y la w , execu ­
tiv e order or regulations issued pursuant to such law or

S e c . 315.4 Authorized forms of registration,
Series E and H, and general provisions relating to
their use.
(a) Forms of registration.—Except as provided
in subparagraphs (4) and (5) hereof, bonds of
Series E and H may be registered only in the
names of individuals (natural persons), whether
adults or minors, in their own right in one of the
following forms:
(1) ONE PERSON: In the name of one per­
son, for example:
“John A. Jones.”
FORM: In the names of two (but not more than
two) persons in the alternative as coowners, for
“ John A. Jones OR Mrs. Ella S. Jones.”
No other form of registration establishing
coownership is authorized.
(3) TWO
FORM: In the name of one (but not more than
one) person, payable on death to one (but not
more than one) other person, for example:
“ John A. Jones, payable on death to Miss
Mary E. Jones.”
“ Payable on death to” may be abbreviated
“ p. o. d.” The first person named is herein­
after referred to as the owner or registered
owner, and the second person named as the
beneficiary or designated beneficiary.
ARY : In the name of the owner with the Treas­
urer of the United States as coowner or as bene­
ficiary. A bond so registered may not be re­
issued to eliminate or change the coowner or the
beneficiary, and upon the death of the owner
will become the property of the United States.
SAVINGS PLAN: In the name and title of the

trustee or trustees o f an employees’ savings i lan
or any similar trust for the accumulation o f em­
ployees’ savings (see Sec. 316.6a o f Department
Circular N o. 653, Third Revision, as amended),
substantially in accordance with the provisions
of Sec. 315.5 (b).

bond and only in accordance with the provisions
of those regulations. Reissue o f a savings bond is
authorized only as follows: * * *

(d) As otherwise specifically provided in these
regulations; except that in any case (1) a request
for reissue received after the maturity date of a
bond will not be recognized or given any effect
whatever, and (2) actual reissue will not be made
Sec. 315.8 Amount which may be held.— The
if the request therefor is received less than one
limits on the amounts o f savings bonds of Series
full calendar month before the maturity date of a
E, F, G, H, J and K issued during any one calendar
bond, but a request for reissue so received will
year that may be held by any one person at any
otherwise be treated as effective.
The term
one time follow:
Series E.— For individuals in their own right, “ maturity date” as used herein, as applied to
bonds of Series E, means the date on which the
$5,000 (maturity value) each year up to and includ­
authorized extension period expires.3
ing the year 1947, $10,000 (maturity value) for
each year from 1948 to 1951, inclusive, and $20,000
S ec. 315.50 Reissue or payment to person
(maturity value) for the year 1952 and each year
thereafter; for trustees o f an employees’ savings
Distribution of trust estate in kind.— A sav­
plan (see Sec. 315.4 (a) (5)), $2,000 (maturity
ings bond to which a beneficiary of a trust estate
value) multiplied b y the highest number o f em­
has become lawfully entitled in his own right or in
ployees participating in the plan at any time during
a fiduciary capacity, in whole or in part, under the
the calendar year in which the bonds are issued.
terms of the trust instrument, will be reissued in





S ec. 315.10 Disposition of excess.— If any per­
son at any time acquires savings bonds issued
during any one calendar year in excess o f the
prescribed amount, the excess must be surrendered
for refund o f the purchase price, less (in the case of
current income bonds) any interest which may
have been paid thereon, or for such adjustment
as may be possible, except that for good cause
found the Secretary o f the Treasury may permit
excess holdings to stand in any particular case or
class o f cases.
S ec. 315.32 General reissue provisions.— R e­
issue of a savings bond will be restricted to a
form o f registration permitted by the regulations
in effect on the date o f original issue o f the bond
and will be made only upon surrender o f the

his name to the extent of his interest as a dis­
tribution in kind upon the request of the trustee
or trustees and their certification that such person
is entitled and has agreed to reissue in his name.
The trustee or trustees of an employees’ savings
plan, when requesting reissue in the name of a
distributee, may request reissue in beneficiary or
coownership form, in accordance with instructions
received from the distributee, and will be recog­
nized as his representatives for that purpose.

Acting Secretary o f the Treasury.
3 Owners have the option of retaining bonds of Series E
for a further period of not more than 10 years after
maturity and earning interest upon the maturity values





First Amendment to
Department Circular No. 653
Third Revision, dated
April 29. 1952




O f f ic e
Fiscal Service
Bureau o f the Public Debt

Department Circular N o. 653, Third Revision
(31 C F R , 1952 Supp., 316), is amended, effective
as of January 1, 1954, to revise Sections 316.6,
316.7, 316.10 (a) and 316.18 and to add Section
316.6a to read as follows:
S e c . 316.6 R e g i s t r a t i o n — (a) A u t h o r i z e d
form s.— Bonds o f Series E may be registered only
in the names o f natural persons (that is, individ­
uals), whether adults or minors, in their own right,
as follows: (1) in the name o f one person; (2) in the
names of two (but not more than two) persons as
coowners; and (3) in the name o f one person pay­
able on death to one (but not more than one) other
designated person, except that the Treasurer o f the
United States may be designated as coowner or
beneficiary, and except further that such bonds
may be registered in the name and title o f the
trustee or trustees o f an employees’ savings plan
as provided in Section 316.6a. Sections 316.2
and 316.9 hereof are hereby amended to authorize
the issuance o f Series E bonds in the denomination
of $100,000 (maturity value) at the issue price of
$75,000. Full information regarding authorized
forms of registration and rights thereunder will be
found in the regulations currently in force govern­
ing United States Savings Bonds.
Restrictions.— Only residents o f the United
States (which for the purposes o f this section shall
include the Commonwealth o f Puerto Rico, the
territories, insular possessions and the Canal Zone),
citizens o f the United States temporarily residing
abroad, and nonresident aliens employed in the
United States by the Federal Government or an
agency thereof may be named as owners, coowners
or designated beneficiaries o f bonds of Series E
issued pursuant to this circular, or o f authorized
reissues thereof, except that such persons may
name as coowners or beneficiaries o f their bonds
American citizens permanently residing abroad or
nonresident aliens who are not residents o f areas
with respect to which the Treasury Department

epartm ent,



Secretar y,

Washington, February 2 3 ,1 9 5 b.
has restricted or regulated the delivery of checks
drawn against funds of the United States, or any
agency or instrumentality thereof.1 American
citizens permanently residing abroad and nonres­
ident aliens who become entitled to bonds under
the regulations governing United States Savings
Bonds,2 by right of survivorship or otherwise, will
not have the right to reissue but may hold the
bonds without change of registration with the right
to redeem them at any time in accordance with
their terms.
S ec. 316.6a Registration in name and title o f the
trustee or trustees of an employees’ savings plan.
Definition of plan and conditions of eligibil­
ity.— Bonds of Series E m ay be registered in the
name and title of the trustee or trustees of an em­
ployees’ savings plan or any similar trust for the
accumulation of employees’ savings established by
the employer for the exclusive and irrevocable
benefit of his employees or their beneficiaries which
affords employees the means of making regular
savings from their wages through payroll deduc­
tions, provides for employer contributions to be
added to such savings, and provides in effect that:
(1) The entire assets thereof must be credited
to the individual accounts of participating em­
ployees and assets credited to the account of an
employee may be distributed only to him or his
beneficiary, except as otherwise provided herein.
(2) Bonds of Series E may be purchased only
with assets credited to the accounts of partici­
pating employees and only if the amount taken
from any account at any time for that purpose is
equal to the purchase price of a bond or bonds in
an authorized denomination or denominations,
and shares therein are credited to the accounts of
the individuals from which the purchase price
thereof was derived, in amounts corresponding
1 See Department Circular N o. 655 as amended (31
C F R 211).
* See Department Circular N o. 530, current revision.

with their shares. For example, if $37.50 cred­
ited to the account o f John Jones is commingled
with funds credited to the accounts o f other em­
ployees to make a total o f $7,500, with which a
bond o f Series E in the denomination o f $10,000
(maturity value) is purchased in June 1954 and
registered in the name and title o f the trustee or
trustees, the plan must provide, in effect, that
John Jones’ account shall be credited to show that
he is the owner o f a bond o f Series E in the denom­
ination o f $50 (maturity value) bearing issue date
o f June 1, 1954.
Each participating employee shall have an
irrevocable right at any time to demand and re­
ceive from the trustee or trustees all assets cred­
ited to his account, or the value thereof, if he so
prefers, without regard to any condition other
than the loss or suspension o f the privilege o f par­
ticipating further in the plan, except that a plan
will not be deemed to be inconsistent herewith, if
it limits or modifies the exercise o f any such right
by providing that the employer’s contribution
does not vest absolutely until the employee shall
have made contributions under the plan in each
of not more than sixty calendar months succeed­
ing the month for which the employer’s contribu­
tion is made: Provided, however, that in any such
exceptional case the employee shall have the right
to demand and receive cash in an amount equal
to the redemption value o f all bonds o f Series E
credited to his account (see (2)) less the amount
o f the employer’ s unvested contribution to the
purchase price thereof.
(4) Upon the death o f an employee, his bene­
ficiary shall have the absolute and unconditional
right to demand and receive from the trustee or
trustees all assets credited to the account of the
employee, or the value thereof, if he so prefers.
(5) When settlement is made with an employee
or his beneficiary with respect to any bond of
Series E registered in the name and title of the
trustee or trustees in which the employee has a
share (see (2) hereof), the bond must be submitted
for redemption or reissue to the extent o f such
share; if an employee, or his beneficiary, elects to
receive distribution in kind, bonds bearing the
same issue dates as those credited to the employee’s
account will be reissued in the name o f the dis­
tributee to the extent to which he is entitled, in
authorized denominations, in any authorized
form o f registration, upon the request and certi­

fication of the trustee or trustees in accordance
with the provisions o f the regulations governing
United States Savings bonds.3
Definitions of terms used in this section and
related provisions.
(1) The term “ savings plan” includes any regu­
lations issued under the plan with regard to bonds
o f Series E ; a copy of the plan and any such regu­
lations, together with a copy of the trust agreement
certified by a trustee to be true copies, must be
submitted to the Federal Reserve Bank of the
District in order to establish the eligibility of the
trustee or trustees to purchase such bonds under
this section.
(2) The term “ assets” means all funds, including
the employees’ contributions and the employer’s
contributions and assets purchased therewith as
well as accretions thereto, such as dividends on
stock, the increment in value on bonds and all
other income; but, notwithstanding any other pro­
vision of this section, the right to demand and
receive “ all assets” credited to the account of an
employee shall not be construed to require the
distribution of assets in kind when it would not be
possible or practicable to make such distribution;
for example, bonds of Series E may not be reissued
in unauthorized denominations, and fractional
shares of stock are not readily distributable in kind.
(3) The term “ beneficiary” means the person or
persons, if any, designated by the employee in
accordance with the terms of the plan to receive
the benefits of the trust upon his death or the
estate o f the employee, and the term “ distributee”
means the employee or his beneficiary.
S ec. 316.7. Limitations on holdings.
(a) General limitation.— The amount of bonds of
Series E originally issued during the calendar year
1952 (and each calendar year thereafter) that may
be held b y any one person at any one time is
$20,000 (maturity value), except as provided in
subsection (b) of this section.
(b) Special limitation applicable to trustees of
employees' savings plans.— The amount o f bonds of
Series E originally issued during each calendar year
that may be held b y the trustee or trustees o f an
employees’ savings plan (as described in Section
316.6a) is $2,000 (maturity value) multiplied by
the highest number of employees participating in

See D ep a rtm en t C ircu lar N o . 530, cu rren t revision,

Sec. 315.50 (a).


such plan at any time during the year in which the
bonds are issued.
Regulations.— For full information concern­
ing the limitations on and methods o f computing
holdings, see the regulations currently in force
governing United States Savings Bonds.
S ec. 316.10. Purchase of bonds. * * *
(a) Over-the-counter for cash: (1) For individuals
(natural persons) only (i) at such incorporated
banks, trust companies and other agencies as have
been duly qualified as issuing agents, and (ii) at
selected United States post offices; and (2) for
individuals (natural persons) or trustees o f em­
ployees’ savings plans (see Section 316.6a) at
Federal Reserve Banks and Branches and at the
Treasury Department, Washington 25, D . C.





S ec. 316.18. Payment or redemption (in gen­
eral).— A bond o f Series E may be redeemed at
the option o f the owner at any time after two
months from the issue date at the appropriate
redemption value as shown in the tables o f redemp­
tion values at the end o f this circular, Table A for
bonds (other than the $100,000 denomination)
dated on and after M ay 1,1952, Table B for those
dated M a y 1, 1941, through April 1, 1942, and
Table C for those dated M a y 1, 1942, through
April 1, 1952. The redemption values o f bonds in
the denomination o f $100,000 (maturity value)
dated on and after January 1, 1954, will be equal
to the total redemption values o f ten $10,000
bonds bearing the same issue dates (see Table A ).4
* Bonds of Series E in the denomination of $100,000
(maturity value) are available for purchase only by
trustees of employees’ savings plans.

A bond of Series E in a denomination higher than
$25 (maturity value) may be redeemed in part
but only in the amount of an authorized denomi­
nation or multiple thereof. Payment of a bond
o f Series E will be made upon presentation and
surrender of the bond by the owner to authorized
paying agencies as follows:
(1) Federal Reserve Banks and Branches and
Treasurer of the United States. Owners of bonds
of Series E may obtain payment upon presentation
of the bonds to a Federal Reserve Bank or Branch
or to the Treasurer of the United States, Washing­
ton 25, D . C., with the requests for payment on the
bonds duly executed and certified in accordance
with the provisions of the regulations governing
savings bonds.
(2) Incorporated banks, trust companies and other
financial institutions. An individual (natural per­
son) whose name is inscribed on the face of a bond
of Series E either as owner or coowner in his own
right may also present such bond (unless marked
“ D U P L IC A T E ” ) to any incorporated bank or
trust company or other financial institution which
is qualified as a paying agent under the provisions
of Department Circular N o. 750 or any revision of
or amendment thereto. If such bond is in order
for payment by the paying agent, the owner or
coowner, upon establishing his identity to the
satisfaction of the paying agent and upon signing
the request for payment and adding his home or
business address, may receive immediate payment
of the current redemption value.

Acting Secretary o f the Treasury.