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AFRICA, 1960-64
.Dayton & Montgomery Cti*
P u blic Library

MARS - 1966
U N I T E D S T A T E S D E P A R T M E N T OF L A B O R , W. W i l l a r d W i r t z , S e c r e t a r y


OF L A B O R S T A T I S T I C S . A r t h u r






B ib liograp h y


BUREAU OF LABOR STATISTICS, Arthur M. Ross, Commissioner

For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office,
Washington, D.C. 20402 — Price 60 cents


‘P icket
Research on labor in Africa by international organizations, national
governments, businessmen, labor organizations, economic analysts,
and others is expanding in step with enlarged general interest in
that continent. This bibliography was prepared
to assist in such
The bibliography covers mainly references published between
1960 and 1965#
A few sources predating 1960 are included because
they are exceptionally useful or because more recent information
does not appear to have been published.
Even within the scope de­
scribed, however,
the listing is not definitive.
From among the
pertinent publications examined, or noted in bibliographical guides,
only those which appeared to be of likely use to researchers are in­
cluded. Others, although not concerned exclusively with Africa, are
included because they contain either (1) chapters or sections on
African labor or (2) background information, mainly on African eco­
nomics, which is essential for research on African labor.
References, arranged alphabetically by country and by author,
are classified under five broad topics. A source which pertains to
more than one section is listed only under the section to which a
major portion of it relates. The United Arab Republic and the smaller
countries and islands are excluded.
The bibliography was prepared by Marie J. LeClair,
in the
Bureau*s Division of Foreign Labor Conditions, William C. Shelton,
Lester N. Trachtman, of the Bureau of International Labor
Affairs, participated in the initial stages of the compilation.

December 1965


i i


@ 04tte*t&


AFRICA IN GENERAL...............................................


AFRICA BY COUNTRY........... ,..................................


Angola. ........ ...................................••••
Basutoland............................... .. ••......... •••
Bechuana land •••••..... ...................... .......•••••
Burundi (Formerly Part of Ruanda-Urundi)...........
Cameroon •• •.........„........... .........................
Central African Republic...........
Congo (Brazzaville)...............................
Congo (Leopoldville) .........................
Dahomey •••••............ ..................... «•••••.....
Ethiopia (Includes Eritrea).....................
Gabon.................. . •. •.............................
.... ..............••••••••••«••••••••••••....
Ghana. ....................
Ivory Coast..........
Kenya...... ..........................................
Liberia.... ......
Libya...... .••••••••••..................................
Malagasy Republic. ••••.............
Malawi (Formerly Nyasaland in the Federation
of Rhodesia and Nyasaland)............
Mauritania......... •••.•••••••••......
Mauritius. •••••....•••........ ................. ........
..... .............••••••••••«.
Rwanda (Formerly Part of Ruanda-Urundi)...........
Sierra Leone.....................
Somali Republic.........................................
South Africa. ......*. ••.................... ••. .......
Southern Rhodesia (Formerly in the Federation
of Rhodesia and Nyasaland)..............
South-West Africa............. ..........................
Sudan............ .
Tanzania (Formerly Tanganyikaand Zanzibar)........ ........
Uganda.... .......................................
Upper Volta..... .............................................116
Zambia (Formerly Northern Rhodesia in the
Federation of Rhodesia andNyasaland)..................




Junod, Violaine I., editor, assisted by Idrian N. Resnick.
New York, New York University Press, 1963. 472 pp.
Kitchen, Helen, editor. A Handbook of African Affairs.
Praeger, 1964. 311 pp.
Legum, Colin, editor. Africa:
A. Praeger, 1962. 553 pp.

The Handbook of Africa.

New York, Frederick A.

A Handbook to the Continent

New York, Frederick

African Bibliographic Center, Inc.
Washington, 1963-, Bimonthly.

A Current Bibliography on African Affairs.

__. A Select Bibliographical Listing on Technical Assistance in Africa. 19611962. Its Special Bibliographic Series, Vol. 1, No. 2. Washington, 1963.

ii pp.
_____ . nTrade Unions in Africa:
1963. 7 pp.

A Select Bibliography, 1960-1962.11 Washington,

Brembeck, Cole S., and John P. Keith. Education in Emerging Africa: A Select
and Annotated Bibliography. East Lansing, Mich., Michigan State University,
College of Education, 1962. 153 pp.
Commission for Technical Cooperation in Africa South of the Sahara, Scientific
Council for Africa South of the Sahara. Inventory of Economic Studies Con­
cerning Africa South of the Sahara. An Annotated Reading List of Books.
Articles, and Official Publications. Edited by Peter Ady.
Publication No, 30, Joint Project No. 4) London, Commission for Technical
Cooperation in Africa South of the Sahara, 1960. 301 pp.


G u i d e s , Bibliographies, and Periodicals

Dethine, P. Bibliographie des aspects economiques et sociaux de 11industrialisa­
tion en Afrique. Bruxelles, Centre de Documentation Economique et Sociale
Africaine, 1961.
136 pp.
Dolan, Eleanor F., compiler. Higher Education in Africa South of the Sahara.
Selected Bibliography. 1945-1960. Washington, American Association of Uni­
versity Women, Educational Foundation, 1961. 56 pp.
Glazier, Kenneth M. Africa South of the Sahara. A Select and Annotated Bibliog
raphy. 1958-1963. Stanford, Calif., Stanford University, Hoover Institution
on War, Revolution, and Peace, 1964. 65 pp.
Johnson, Albert F., compiler. A Bibliography on Ghana. 1930-1961. Evanston,
111., published for the Ghana Library Board by the Northwestern University
Press, 1964. 210 pp.
Johnson, Carol A., and Sara S. Russell.
MSelected Bibliography: Africa and
International Organization,11 International Organization. Vol. 16, No. 2,
Spring 1962, pp. 449-464.
(Reprinted in Africa and World Order, by Norman
J. Padelford and Rupert Emerson. New York, Frederick A. Praeger, 1963, pp.
Leyder, Jean. L^nseignement supe'rieur et la recherche scientifique en Afrique
intertropicale. 3 vols. Bruxelles, Centre de Documentation Economique et
Sociale Africaine, 1959-60.
Michigan State University, African Studies Center.
"Bibliography on Labor Prob­
lems in Africa with Special Reference to West Africa." East Lansing, Mich.,
19 63, unpaged. (Mimeographed.)
New York State School of Industrial and Labor Relations.
Industrial and Labor
Relations Review. Ithaca, N. Y., Cornell University, Quarterly, 1947present.
(Each issue contains a list of publications on national and inter­
national labor.)
Panofsky, Hans E. "A Bibliography of Labor Migration in Africa South of the
Sahara." Evanston,
University Library, Northwestern University,
28 pp• (Mimeographed.)



_____ . "Migratory Labour in Africa:
A Bibliographical Note," Journal of Modern
African Studies. Vol. 1, No. 4, December 1963, pp. 521-529.
Sufrin, Sidney C., and Frank E. Wagner. A Brief Annotated Bibliography on Labor
in Emerging Societies. Syracuse, N. Y., Syracuse University, 1961. 64 pp.
United Nations Economic and Social Council. Bibliography of African Statistical
Publications. (E/CN.14/112) New York, 1962. 206pp.
(In English and


Guid e s , Bibliographies, and Periodicals

U.S. Department of the Army. Africa:
graphic Survey. Washington, 1962.

Its Problems and Prospects:
195 pp.

A Biblio­

U.So Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics. "A Bibliography on Labor
in Ghana,'* by Lester N. Trachtman. Washington, 1962. 9 pp.
U.S. Library of Congress, General Reference and Bibliography Division. Agri­
cultural Development Schemes in Sub-Saharan Africa: A Bibliography. Com­
piled by Ruth S. Freitag. Washington, 1963.
189 pp.
_____ , _____ . Official Publications of British East Africa.
Conover. Washington, 1961. 67 pp.

Compiled by Helen F.

Viet, Jean.
International Cooperation and Programs of Economic and Social De­
velopment: An Annotated Bibliography. Paris, United Nations Economic and
Social Council, 1962,
107 pp.

Africa Digest.

London, Africa Publications Trust, Monthly.

Africa Report.

Washington, African-American Institute, Inc., Monthly.

Africa Today.

New York, American Committee on Africa, Inc., Monthly.

African Affairs.

London, Royal African Society, Quarterly.

African Labour News. Ebute Metta, Lagos, Nigeria, International Confederation of
Free Trade Unions, African Regional Organisation, Weekly.
African Survey. Facts and Figures for Trade Unionists. Ebute Metta, Nigeria,
International Confederation of Free Trade Unions, African Regional Organisa­
tion, Monthly,
Afro-Asian Economic Review.
operation, Monthly.

Cairo, Afro-Asian Organisation for Economic Co­

Bulletin of the International Social Security Association. Geneva, International
Social Security Association, General Secretariat, Monthly.
Economic and Social Bulletin.
Trade Unions, Bimonthly.

Brussels, International Confederation of Free

Economic and Statistical Review. Nairobi, East African Common Services Organisa­
tion, East African Statistical Department, Monthly.


Guides, Bibliographies, and Periodicals___________________________________________

Economic Bulletin for Africa, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, United Nations, Economic
Commission for Africa, Biannual.
Free Labour World.
Monthly •

Brussels, International Confederation of Free Trade Unions,

Information Sheet.

Brazzaville, Congo, Inter-African Labour Institute, Bimonthly.

Inter-African Labour Institute. Bulletin. (Quarterly Review of Labour Problems
in Africa.) London, Publications Bureau, Quarterly.
International Labor. Washington, U 0S 0 Department of Labor, Bureau of Interna­
tional Labor Affairs, Bimonthly.
International Labour Review.

Geneva, International Labour Office, Monthly.

International Social Science Journal.
Council, Quarterly.

Paris, United Nations, Economic and Social

Journal of Modern African Studies. (A Quarterly Survey of Politics, Economics,
and Related Topics in Contemporary Africa.)
Edited by David and Helen Kimble.
London, New York, Cambridge University Press, Quarterly.

Brussels, International Federation of Christian Trade Unions, Bimonthly.

Labor Developments Abroad.
Statistics, Monthly.

Washington, U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor

Maghreb Labor Digest. North African Perspectives.
Coordinated by W. A. Beling.
Los Angeles, Calif., Middle East and North African Program, School of Interna­
tional Relations, University of Southern California, Monthly.
Monthly Bulletin of Statistics (with Supplement).
Statistical Office, Monthly.
West Africa.

New York, United Nations,

London, West African Graphic Co., Ltd., Weekly.


"Africa,11 International Affairs, Vol. 36, No. 4, October 1960, entire issue.
"Africa: A New Nationalism," Current History, Vol. 41, No. 242, October 1961,
pp. 193-239.
Akademiia Nauk SSSR, Institut Narodov Azii. The Position of the Working Class
and the Labor Movement in the Countries of Asia and Africa, 1959-1961. Moscow
Izd-vo Nostochnoi Lit-ry, 1962. 243 pp.
Allen, V. L. "East African Workers in Transition," Africa Today, Vol. 9, No. 5,
June 1962, pp. 4-6.
Almond, Gabriel A., and James S. Coleman, editors. The Politics of the Develop­
ing Areas. Princeton, N. J., Princeton University Press, 1960. 591 pp.
American Universities
New York, American
and March 1964, 17

Field Staff. Pt. I; "Rural Reform and Revolution," Pt. II;
and Development," North African Problems and Prospects.
Universities Field Staff, Inc., February 1964, 28 pp.,

Barbour, Nevill, editor. A Survey of North West Africa (The Maghreb).
London and New York, Oxford University Press, 1962. 411 pp.
Batten, T. R. Problems of African Development.
versity Press, 1961. 292 pp.

3d ed.

2d ed.

London, Oxford Uni­

Benveniste, Guy, and William E. Moran, Jr. Handbook of African Economic Develop­
ment. New York, Frederick A. Praeger, 1962.
178 pp.
Berg, Elliot J. "Socialism and Economic Development in Tropical Africa," Quarter
lv Journal of Economics, Vol. 78, November 1964, pp. 549-573.
Brecher, M. "Israel and 1Afro-Asia1," International Journal. Vol. 16, Spring
1961, pp. 107-137.



Political, Economic, and Social--Con.
Brown, Godfrey N. "British Educational Policy in West and Central Africa," Jour­
nal of Modern African Studies, Vol. 2, No. 3, November 1964, pp. 365-377.
Carr-Saunders, A. M. Staffing African Universities.
ment Institute, 1963. 26 pp.

London, Overseas Develop­

Carter, Gwendolen M . , editor. African One-Party States.
University Press, 1962. 501 pp.

Ithaca, N. Y., Cornell

_____ c Five African States. Responses to Diversity. The Congo. Dahomey. The
Cameroun Federal Republic, The Rhodesias and Nyasaland, South Africa. Ithaca,
N. Y., Cornell University Press, 1963. 643 pp.
Cave, Roy C. Cooperative Development and Outlook in East and Central Africa.
San Francisco, Calif., San Francisco State College, Consumer Research Insti­
tute, 1961. 56 pp.
Church, R. J. Harrison. West Africa: A Study of the Environment and of Man's
Use of It. 3d ed. New York, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1961. 547 pp.
Commission de Cooperation Technique en Afrique au Sud du Sahara (C0CoT.A0), Conseil Scientifique pour l'Afrique au Sud du Sahara. Conference inter-africaine
sur le logement et 1'urbanisation, Nairobi. 19-30 Janvier 1959. (Publication
No. 47) London, 1959. 294 pp.
Cox-George, Noah A. Finance and Development in West Africa:
Experience. London, D. Dobson, 1961. 333 pp.

The Sierra Leone

Curie, Adam. Educational Strategy for Developing Societies.
tional and Social Factors in Relation to Economic Growth.
Publications, 1963.
180 pp.

A Study of Educa­
London, Tavistock

Dalton, George. "The Development of Subsistence and Peasant Economies in Africa,"
International Social Science Journal. Vol. 16, No. 3, 1964, pp. 378-389.
_____ . "Traditional Production in Primitive African Economies," Quarterly Jour­
nal of Economics. Vol. 76, August 1962, pp. 360-378.
De Graft-Johnson, J. C. An Introduction to the African Economy.
Publishing House, 1959. 115 pp.
Duffy, James. Portuguese Africa.
1959. 389 pp.

New York, Asia

Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University Press,

"East Africa," Current History. Vol. 46, No. 271, March 1964, pp. 136-174.



East Africa High Commission.
Some Notes on Industrial Developments in East
Africa. 2d e d . Nairobi, East African Industrial Council, 1959. 65 pp.
"Economic Development, Employment, and Public Works in African Countries," Inter­
national Labour Review, Vol. 91, January 1965, pp. 14-46.
Elkan, Walter.
"Some Social Policy Implications of Industrial Development in
East Africa,M International Social Science Journal, Vol. 16, No. 3, 1964,
pp. 390-399.
Ensminger, Douglas.
"Overcoming the Obstacles to Farm Economic Development in
the Less Developed Countries," Journal of Farm Economics, Vol. 44, December
1962, pp. 1367-1387.
Ethiopia. Ministry of Information. The African Summit Conference.
Government Printer, 1963. 234 pp.

Addis Ababa,

Ewing, A. F. "Industrialisation and the U.N. Economic Commission for Africa,M
Journal of Modern African Studies, Vol. 2, November 1964, pp. 351-363.
"Family Expenditure Studies in Developing Economies--East Africa," Journal of
Home Economics, Vol. 56, May 1964, pp. 321-328.
"Family Expenditure Studies in Developing Economies--West Africa," Journal of
Home Economics, Vol. 56, March 1964, pp. 169-175.
"The First African Regional Conference of the International Labour Organisation,
Lagos, December 1960," International Labour Review, Vol. 83, No. 3, March
1961, pp. 211-228.
Fitzgerald, Walter. Africa: A Social, Economic, and Political Geography of Its
Major Regions. 9th ed. Revised by W. C. Brice. London, Methuen & Co., Ltd.,
1961. 511 pp.
Friedland, William H., and Carl G. Rosberg, Jr., editors. African Socialism.
Stanford, Calif., Hoover Institution Publications, 1964. 313 pp.
Geertz, Clifford, editor. Old Societies and New States: The Quest for Modernity
in Asia and Africa. New York, Free Press of Glencoe, 1963. 310 pp.
Geiger, Theodore, and Winifred Armstrong. The Development of African Private
Enterprise. Washington, National Planning Association, 1964.
156 pp.
Graves, Daniel R. "The Agrarian Problem in West Africa," Orbis, Vol. 6, No. 1,
Spring 1962, pp. 119-136.



Political, Economic, and Social--Con*
Green, Leslie P., and Thomas J. D. Fair. Development in Africa. A Study in
Regional Analysis with Special Reference to Southern Africa. Johannesburg,
Witwatersrand University Press, 1962. 203 pp.
Greenough, Richard. Africa Calls . . . Development of Education: The Needs and
Problems. New York, United Nations, Economic and Social Council Publications
Center, 1961, 50 pp.
Hahn, Lorna. North Africa: Nationalism to Nationhood.
Affairs Press, 1960, 264 pp.

Washington, Public

Halpern, Manfred. The Politics of Social Change in the Middle East and North
Africa. Princeton, N. J., Princeton University Press, 1963. 431 pp.
Hance, William A. African Economic Development. New York, published for the
Council on Foreign Relations by Harper & Bros., 1958. 307 pp.
_____ . The Geography of Africa.
653 pp.
Hatch, John.

New York, Columbia University Press, 1964.

Africa Today--and Tomorrow: An Outline of Basic Facts and Major
1st ed. revised. New York, Frederick A. Praeger, 1962. 343 pp.

Hausman, Warren H., editor. Managing Economic Development in Africa.
Mass., Massachusetts Institute of Technology Press, 1963. 253 pp.
Hazelwood, Arthur.
1961. 90 pp.
Hempstone, Smith.
1961. 664 pp.

The Economy of Africa.


London, Oxford University Press,

Africa--Angry Young Giant.

New York, Frederick A. Praeger,

Herskovits, Melville J. The Human Factor in Changing Africa.
Knopf, Inc., 1962. 500 pp.

New York, Alfred A.

_____ , and Mitchell Harwitz, editors. Economic Transition in Africa. Evanston,
111., Northwestern University Press, 1963. 444 pp.
(With bibliography.)
"The Housing of Workers in Urban Living Conditions in Africa," Inter-African
Labour Institute Bulletin, March 1959, pp. 62-71.
Hughes, John. The New Face of Africa--South of the Sahara.
Green, and Company, 1961. 296 pp.

New York, Longmans,

Human Environments in Middle Africa. Final Report, February 1961. 2 pts.
Washington, National Academy of Sciences-National Research Council, 1961.



Hunter, Guy. Education for a Developing Region: A Study in East Africa.
London, George Allen & Unwin, Ltd,, 1963.
119 pp.
_____ . "Independence and Development:
Some Comparisons between Tropical Africa
and South-East Asia," International Affairs, Vol. AO, January 196A, pp. 47-59.
_____ . The New Societies of Tropical Africa:
A Selective Study. London, pub­
lished for the Institute of Race Relations by the Oxford University Press,
1962. 376 pp.
Hunton, W. Alphaeus. Decision in Africa.
lishers, 1960. 271 pp.

Rev. ed.

New York, International Pub­


Institut d*Etude du Developpement Economique et Social. Afrique Noire: Developpement social et economique. Paris, Presses Universitaires de France, 1962.
78 pp.
International Bank for Reconstruction and Development.
A Summary of Activities. Washington, 1961. 70 pp.

The World Bank in Africa:

International Labour Office. African Labour Survey. (Studies and Reports, New
Series, No. 48.) Lausanne, Imprimeries R^unies S 0 A., 1958. 712 pp.
_____ . Labour Survey of North Africa. (Studies and Reports, New Series, No.
60.) Geneva, La Tribune de Geneve, 1960. 473 pp.
_____ . Record of Proceedings of the First African Regional Conference, Lagos,
December 1960. Geneva, 1961. 310 pp.
_____ . Report of the Director-General of the First African Regional Conference,
1960. Geneva, 1960.
90 pp.
_____ , The Role of the ILO in the Promotion of Economic Expansion and Social
Progress in Developing Countries. Geneva, 1961. 69 pp.
_____ .

Year Book of Labour Statistics.

Geneva, Kundig.


Jackson, Barbara W. "Free Africa and the Common Market," Foreign Affairs, Vol.
40, April 1962, pp. 419-430.
Jucker-Fleetwood, Erin E. Money and Finance in Africa. New York, Frederick A.
Praeger, 1964. 335 pp. (Particularly Appendix 3, "Contributions by Manage­
ment to Labour Productivity," pp. 311-314.)
Kilson, Martin.
"African Political Change and the Modernisation Process," Jour­
nal of Modern African Studies, December 1963, pp. 425-440.



Political, Economic, and Social---Con.
Kimble, George H. T. Tropical Africa: Vol. I:
The Twentieth Century Fund, 1960. 603 pp.
_____ o Tropical Africa: Vol. II:
Century Fund, 1960. 506 pp.

Land and Livelihood,

Society and Polity.

New York,

New York, The Twentieth

Krause, Walter. Economic Development: The Underdeveloped World and the American
Interest. San Francisco, Wadsworth Publishing Co., 1961. 524 pp.
Kreinin, Mordechai E.
Israel and Africa. A Study in Technical Cooperation.
New York, Frederick A. Praeger, 1964.
206 pp.
Laqueur, Walter Z. "Communism and Nationalism in Tropical Africa," Foreign
Affairs, Vol. 39, No. 4, July 1961, pp. 610-621.
Lefaucheux, Marie-Helene. "The Contribution of Women to the Economic and Social
Development of African Countries," International Labour Review, Vol. 86,
July 1962, pp. 15-30.
Lewis, L. J. Education and Political Independence in Africa and Other Essays.
Edinburgh, Thomas Nelson & Sons, 1962.
128 pp.
Lichtblau, George E. "The Communist Labor Offensive in Former Colonial Coun­
tries," Industrial and Labor Relations Review, Vol. 15, No. 3, April 1962,
pp. 376-401.
McLoughlin, Peter F. M. "Business and Its Managers in Africa," California Manage­
ment Review, Vol. 5, Summer 1963, pp. 43-50.
"Many Africas: A Continent in Turmoil," Journal of International Affairs, Vol.
15, No. 1, 1961, pp. 5-76.
Marcus, E. "Investment in Tropical Africa: Economic, Social, and Political
Aspects of Opportunities for Development and Obstacles to Change," American
Journal of Economics and Sociology, Vol. 20, July 1961, pp. 399-409.
_____ ♦ "Labor Management and Training Problems in Tropical Africa," Advanced
Management, Vol. 26, January 1961, pp. 12-15.
Massell, Benton F. East African Economic Union: An Evaluation and Some Implica­
tions for Policy (Memorandum RM-3880-RC, December 1963). Santa Monica, Calif.,
The Rand Corporation, 1963. 94 pp.
_____ . Industrialization and Economic Union in Greater East Africa.
Monica, Calif., The Rand Corporation, 1962. 23 pp.




Matthews, David, and Raymond Apthorpe.
Social Relations in Central African
Industry. Lusaka, Northern Rhodesia, The Rhodes Livingstone Institute,
135 pp.
Montgomery, John D. Aid to Africa: New Test for U.S. Policy. (Headline Series
No. 149.) New York, Foreign Policy Association-World Affairs Center, 1961.
62 pp.
Moore, Wilbert E . , and Arnold S. Feldman, editors. Labor Commitment and Social
Change in Developing Areas. New York, Social Science Research Council, 1960.
378 pp.
Neumark, S. Daniel.
Foreign Trade and Economic Development in Africa: A
Historical Perspective. Stanford, Calif., Stanford University, Food Re­
search Institute, 1963.
222 p p .
Nkrumah, Kwame.
229 pp.

Africa Must Unite.

London, Wm. Heinemann, Limited, 1961.

Nye, Joseph S., Jr.
"East African Economic Integration," Journal of Modern
African Studies, Vol. 1, Nc. 4, December 1963, p p . 475-502.
Patel, Surendra,
"Economic Transition in Africa," Journal of Modern African
Studies, Vol. 2, No. 3, November 1964, p p . 329-349.
Paulme, Denise, editor. Women of Tropical Africa. Translated by H. M. Wright.
Berkeley and Los Angeles, Calif., University of California Press, 1963.
308 pp.
Pauvert, J. C. "Sociological Factors in Education Planning," Inter-African
Labour Institute B u 1letin, Vol. 8, No. 1, February 1961, pp, 5-14.
Petch, George A. Economic Development and Modern West Africa.
versity of London Press, 1961. 224 p p .
Price, Willard.
213 pp.

Incredible Africa.

London, Uni­

New York, The John Day Companv, Inc., 1962.

Reich, Bernard.
"Israels Policy in Africa," Middle East Journal, Vol. 18, No. 1,
Winter 1964, pp. 14-26.
Remba, 0. "Israel*s Aid Program in Africa and Asia," Midstream, Vol. 7, Spring
1961, pp. 3-21.
"Retail Prices of Selected Consumer Goods, October 1963," International Labour
Review: Statistical Supplement, Vol. 89, No. 1, July 1964, p p . 42-50.



Political, Economic, and Social--Con.
Richards, C. S. , and Mary V. Piercy.
"Economic Development Programming," South
African Journal of Economics, Vol. 31, No, 4, December 1963, pp. 304-315.
Rivkin, Arnold. Africa and the West: Elements of Free-World Policy.
Frederick A. Praeger, 1962.
241 pp.

New York,

Robinson, E. A. G., editor.
Economic Development for Africa South of the Sahara.
London, Macmillan & Co., Ltd,, 1964. 744 pp.
Roper, Joseph I.
Ill pp.

Labour Problems in West Africa,

London, Penguin Books, 1959.

Rosberg, Carl G . , Jr., and Aaron Segal.
"An East African Federation," Inter­
national Conciliation, No. 543, May 1963, entire issue.
Ruth Sloane Associates, Washington, D.C. The Educated African: A Country-byCountry Survey of Educational Development in Africa. Edited by Helen Kitchen.
New York, Frederick A, Praeger, 1962. 542 pp.
Satterthwaite, J. C. "Role of Labor in African Development," Department of State
Bulletin, April 1959, pp. 524-529.
Seers, Dudley.
"The Role of Industry in Development:
Some Fallacies," Journal
of Modern African Studies, Vol. 1, No. 4, December 1963, pp. 461-465.
Senghor, Leopold,
"Some Thoughts on Africa: A Continent in Development," Inter­
national Affairs, Vol. 38, April 1962, pp. 189-195.
Shepherd, George W . , Jr. The Politics of African Nationalism; Challenge to
American Policy. New York, Frederick A. Praeger, 1962. 244 pp.
Sillery, Anthony,
Ltd«, 1961. 244 p p .

A Social Geography.

London, Gerald Duckworth & Co.,

Smet, Guy. Contribution a l1etude de la progression economique de l'Afrique. Brux­
elles, Centre de Documentation Economique et Sociale Africaine, 1960. 217 pp.
"Social Aspects of African Resource Development," International Social Science
Journal, Vol. 16, No. 3, 1964, pp. 339-410.
Springer, Maida.
"African Labor at the Crossroads," Africa Report, Vol. 6, No. 8,
August 1961, pp. 5-6.
Staley, Eugene. The Future of Underdeveloped Countries; Political Implications
of Economic Development. 1st ed. revised. New York, published for the Coun­
cil on Foreign Relations by Harper & Bros., 1961. 483 pp.



Stutterheim, N. "Providing Economic Housing for the Growing Labour Forces in
Africa," Economic Opinion (South Africa), June 1959, pp. 3-10.
Sutton, F. X. "Planning and Rationality in the Newly Independent States in
Africa," Economic Development and Cultural Change, Vol. 10, No. 1, October
1961, pp. 42-50.
"Symposium on West African Integration," Nigerian Journal of Economics and Social
Studies, Vol. 5, March 1963, pp. 9-93*
Theobald, Robert, editor. The New Nations of West Africa.
Wilson Company, 1960.
179 pp.

New York, The H. W.

Thompson, Virginia, and Richard Adloff. The Emerging States of French Equatorial
Africa. Stanford, Calif., Stanford University Press, 1960. 595 pp.
"Towards Economic and Social Progress in Africa," African Survey, August 1964,
pp. 1-6.
United Africa Company, Ltd.
"Industrialization in West Africa," Statistical and
Economic Review, September 1959, pp. 1-41.
United Nations, Bureau of Economic Affairs.
Structure and Growth of Selected
African Economies. (E/3137,ST/ECA/57) New York, United Nations Publishing
Service, 1958. 201 pp.
__, Department of Economic and Social Affairs. Economic Survey of Africa
Since 1950. (E/CN.14/28) New York, United Nations Publishing Service,
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No. 30: Sindicalismo e evoluyao social na Africa ao Sul do Sara. Lisbon,
120 pp.
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ton, Brookings Institution, 1963.
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Economic Transition in Africa, edited by Melville J. Herskovits and Mitchell
Harwitz. Evanston, 111., Northwestern University Press, 1963, pp. 277-297.
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1961, pp. 466-485.
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Tlili, A. "Trade Unions and the Economic Problems of Developing Countries,"
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Pt, I, October 1964, pp, 20-55.
Zack, Arnold.
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"Hourly Wages of Adult Wage Earners in 41 Occupations, October 1963," Interna­
tional Labour Review: Statistical Supplement, Vol. 89, No. 1, July 1964,
pp. 3-11.

Maier, H. "Wage Regulations in Africa," Free Labour World, No. 145, July 1962,
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ment , Vol. 89, No. 1, July 1964, pp. 35-37.
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Algeria. Direction de la Jeunesse et de 1*Education Populaire. Creation et
fonctionnement d fune cooperative d 1education populaire. _/Alger/, 1963.
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__. Direction des Affaires Economiques et du Plan. "Denombrement de la
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__ « Direction Generate du Plan et des Etudes Economiques. Plan de
Constantine, 1959-1963: Rapport general. Alger, Imprimeur Officiel,
1960. 526 p p 0
__ . Ministere de l'Economie Nationale, Direction Generale du Plan et des
Etudes Economiques, Sous Direction des Statistiques. Bulletin mensuel de
statistique generale. Alger, Monthly.
__ . Ministere de 11Information.
1963. 39 pp.

Enseignment et culture en Algerie.

__ . Ministere de 11Orientation.
130 pp.

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__ . Ministry of Information.
_/Algierjs/, 1963. 73 pp.



Documents on SeIf-Management (Autogestion).

__ . Service de la Statistique Generale.
Alger, Annual.

Annuaire statistique de l1Algerie.

Bulletin de statistique generale.

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La Situation demographique et economique de lfAlgerie en 1960. Alger, 1961.
32 pp.


Alger ia/Angola_________________________________________________________
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Embassy of France, Press and Information Service, 1961. 40 pp.

New York,

Lubbell, Harold.
nIndependent Algeria’s Chances for Economic Development,"
Quarterly Review of Economics and Business, Vol. 3, Winter 1963, pp. 5-35.
Maghreb Labor Digest. North African Perspectives. Coordinated by W. A. Beling.
Los Angeles, Calif., Middle East and North African Program, School of Inter­
national Relations, University of Southern California, Monthly.

Darbel, Alain, and Others. Travail et travailleurs en Algerie. I: Donnees
statistiques. II: Etude sociologique. Paris, The Hague, Mouton, 1963.
566 pp.
"Employment Situation of Algerians in France Analyzed," Labor Developments Abroad
December 1961, pp. 10-11.
"Statistics of Salaried Employees in Algeria," Labor Developments Abroad, August
1960, pp. 17-18.




Delegation Generale du Gouvernement en Algerie. Rapport sur le fonctionnement
des regimes de securite sociale en Algerie durant l’annee 1959. Alger,
Imprimeur Officiel, 1960. 278 pp.
Mathieu, Pierre-Andre^ editor.
Maison des Livres, 1955-58.

Code algerien du travail.

4th ed.

1 vol.

Angola. Instituto do Trabalho, Previdencia e Acyao Social. Bibliografia.
Fichas bibliograficas com resumos das obras registadas na biblioteca do
I.T.P qA.S.A q Luanda, 1964. Pp. unnumbered.
_____ .

_____ .


Luanda, Quarterly.

Angola. Reparteyao de Estatistica Geral.
Imprensa Nacional, Annual.

Anuario estatistico.




Angola* Reparte 9ao de Estatistica Geral.
Luanda, Imprensa Nacional, Monthly.

Boletim mensal de estatistica.

__. _____ . Terceiro recenseamento geral da populaqao, 1960.
Luanda, Imprensa Nacional, 1964.

1 vol.

Cassinda-Martins, Andre.
’’Angola: Five Centuries of Oppression," Free Labour
World, No. 139/140, January/February 1962, pp. 14-16.
Diogo, Alberto. Rumo a industrializa<j;ao de Angola.
Desenvolvimento Industrial, 1963.
195 pp.

Luanda, Junta de

International Labour Office. Report of the Commission of the International
Labour Organisation concerning the Observance by the Government of Portugal
of the Abolition of Forced Labour Convention, 1957. Geneva, 1962. 390 pp.
McVeigh, Malcolm.
pp. 9-10.

"Labor in Chains," Africa Today, Vol. 8, No. 8, October 1961,

Okuma, Thomas Masaji. Angola in Ferment: The Background and Prospects of
Angolan Nationalism. Boston, Beacon Press, 1962.
137 pp.
(With bibliography.)
United Nations, Economic Commission for Africa. Economic and Social Consequences
of Racial Discriminatory Practices. (E/CN.14/132/Rev. 1) New York, United
Nations Publishing Service, 1963. 84 pp.
_____ , Report of the Sub-Committee on the Situation in Angola. General Assembly,
Official Records, 16th Sess., Supp. 16. New York, United Nations Publishing
Service, 1962. 51 p p c
United Nations Secretariat. Angola:
Publishing Service, 1963.
11 pp.

A Bibliography.

New York, United Nations

UoSo Department of Commerce, Bureau of International Programs. Basic Data on the
Economy of Angola. Washington, U 0S 0 Government Printing Office, 1961. 20 pp.

Instituto do Trabalho, Previdencia e Accao Social.
Luanda, 1963. Pp. unnumbered.


"Angola. Rural Code Promulgated," Labor Developments Abroad, December 1962,
pp. 11-12.


Basu toland/Bechuanaland
Barclay’s Bank, Dominion, Colonial, and Overseas.
Swaziland: An Economic Survey. London, 1962.

Basutoland, Bechuana land, and
A3 pp.

Basutoland. Census Office.
1956 Population Census.
Census Officer. Maseru, 1958.
118 pp.

Report by D. H. Taylor,

Doxey, G. V. The High Commission Territories and the Republic of South Africa.
Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1963. 51 pp.
Great Britain. Office of Commonwealth Relations. Basu toland, Bechuanaland
Protectorate, and Swaziland. Report of an Economic Survey Mission. London,
H 0M. Stationery Office, 1960. 555 pp.
_____ .

_____ .

Report on Basutoland.

London, H. M. Stationery Office, Annual.

South Africa. Bureau of Census and Statistics. Official Year Book of the Union
and of Basutoland, 3echuanaland Protectorate, and Swaziland. Pretoria, Annual.

Elkan, Walter. Report to the Government of Basutoland on the Manpower Situation.
Geneva, International Labour Office, 1964. 59 pp.

Maripe, Knight T. "Trade Unions in Basutoland," Free Labour World, July/August
1963, pp. 10-13.



Barclay’s Bank, Dominion, Colonial, and Overseas.
Swaziland: An Economic Survey. London, 1962.

Basu toland, Bechuanaland, and
43 pp.

Bechuanaland Protectorate. Development Plan, 1963/1968.
Press (Pty.), Ltd., 1963. 72 pp.


Mafeking, Bechuanaland

Be c h u a n a l a n d / B u r u n d i

Great Britain.
Office of Commonwealth Relations. Basutoland, Bechuanaland
Protectorate, and Swaziland. Report of an Economic Survey Mission. Lon­
don, H.M. Stationery Office, 1960. 555 pp.
_____ . _____ . Report on the Bechuanaland Protectorate.
Office, Annual.

London, H 0M. Stationery

South Africa. Bureau of Census and Statistics. Official Year Book of the Union
and of Basutoland, Bechuanaland Protectorate, and Swaziland. Pretoria, Annual.

"Bechuanaland Protectorate: Labor Force, Occupations, and Wages Reviewed," Labor
Developments Abroad, June 1962, p. 6.

(Formerly Part of Ruanda-Urundi)



Association Europeenne de Societes d 1Etude pour le Developpement. Etude globale
de developpement du Ruanda et du Burundi. Rapport generale, rapport analytique.
Brussels, 1961. 392 pp.
Clerfayt, Albert. Le Developpement energique du Congo Beige et du Ruanda-Urundi.
Brussels, 1960. 437 pp.
Leurquin, P. P. Agricultural Change in Ruanda-Urundi, 1945-1960. Stanford,
Calif., Stanford University, Food Research Institute, 1963. 93 pp.
U 0So Department of Agriculture, Economic Research Service. The Agricultural
Economy of the Belgian Congo and Ruanda-Urundi, by Snider W. Skinner.
(ERS-Foreign 22) Washington, U . S 0 Government Printing Office, 1962. 52 pp.

International Labour Office. Rapport au gouvernement du Royaume du Burundi sur
l!emploi et le chomage a Usumbura. (OIT/TAP/Burundi/R.1) Geneva, 1964.
55 pp.


Burund i/Cameroon

Congo, Belgian, Caisse des pensions des travailleurs du Congo et du RuandaUrundi. Rapport sur llactivite/de ^exercise, 1959, Brussels, 1960.
14 pp,
_____ . Caisse des pensions et allocations familiales des employe's du Congo Beige
et du Ruanda-Urundi, Rapport sur l'activite de l1exercise, 1959. 1 vol.
Brussels, 1960. Various paging.
Hesbois, Jean, and Rene Hoffman. "Social Security and the Social Services in the
Belgian Congo and Ruanda-Urundi in March I960," Inter-African Labour Institute
Bulletin, Vol. 7, No. 5, September 1960, pp. 8-29.
nNew Social Security Legislation in Rwanda and Burundi,11 International Labour
Review, Vol. 87, No. 5, May 1963, pp. 485-488.

International Labour Office.
1961. 55 pp.

Rapport sur les salaires au Ruanda-Urundi.


"L'Afrique d*expression francaise,1' Europe, France Outremer, Vol. 39, No. 385,
March 1962, pp. 11-232.
Ardener, E . , S* Ardener, and W. A. Warmington. Plantation and Village Life in
the Cameroons. London, Oxford University Press, 1960.

Economic and Social Council.


_____ . Ministere de ^Economie Nationale.
Yaounde, Monthly.

Yaounde, Annual.

Bulletin de la statistique generale.

Chambre de Commerce, d 1Industrie, et des Mines du Cameroun.
Douala, Monthly.


Bulletin mensuel.

Douala, Annual.

Groupement Interprofessionel pour l 1Etude et la Coordination des Interets
Economiques au Cameroun. Bulletin d 1Etudes et d 1information. Douala,



International Labour Office* Rapport au gouvernement de la Republique Fe'derale
du Cameroun sur le developpement de l fartisanat et des petites industries*
Geneva, 1962* 58 pp*
_____ * Rapport au gouvernement de la Republique Federale du Cameroun sur
11organisation de service de l’emploi.
(0IT/0TA/Cameroun/R.4) Geneva,
1962. 39 pp.
_____ * Rapport au gouvernement de la Republique Federale du Cameroun sur une
mission interorganisation d fenquete sur la main d 1oeuvre. (OIT/TAP/Cameroun/R.3)
Geneva, 1962.
136 pp*
Le Vine, Victor D. "The Cameroun Federal Republic," Five African States. Re­
sponses to Diversity, edited by Gwendolen M* Carter.
Ithaca, N. Y*, Cornell
University Press, 1963, pp. 263-360.
Fetch, George A* Economic Development and Modern West Africa.
versity of London Press, 1961. 224 pp.

London, Uni­

U.Sc Department of Commerce, Bureau of International Programs. Basic Data on the
Economy of the Federal Republic of Cameroon. Washington, U.S. Government
Printing Office, 1961.

13 pp.

__ , World Trade Information Service, Economic Developments in the Federal
Republic of Cameroon. Washington, U.S. Government Printing Office, 1961.
7 pp.
Wells, Frederick A., and W* A. Warmington,
Studies in Industrialization: Nige­
ria and the Cameroons. New York, Oxford University Press, 1962. 266 pp.

"Economic Development and Employment in Eastern Cameroon," International Labour
Review, Vol. 85, No. 6, June 1962, pp. 601-611.
"The Organization of Rapid Trade Training in the Republic of Cameroon," InterAfrican Labour Institute Bulletin, Vol. 8, No. 1, February 1961, pp. 138-140.
West Cameroon. Ministry of Education and Social Welfare.
Education Department
Statistics, June 30, 1964* Buea, Government Press, 1964. 36 pp.

Bowen, J. "Legislation Relating to Occupational Hygiene in the Republic of
Cameroon," Inter-African Labour Institute Bulletin, Vol. 11, No. 4,
November 1964, pp. 352-359.


Cameroon/Central African Republic

International Labour Office, Rapport au gouvernement de la Republique Feiderale
du Cameroun sur la reorganisation de la caisse de compensation des prestations
familiales. (0IT/0TA/Cameroun/R.5)
Geneva, 1963. 46 pp.
"Medical Care in the Federal Republic of Cameroon," International Labour Review,
Vol. 86, No. 6, December 1962, pp. 585-586.
"New Social Legislation in the Republic of Cameroon," Inter-African Labour Insti­
tute BuJ^jetin, Vol. 8, No. 1, February 1961, pp. 124-131.

Warmington, W. A. A West African Trade Union: A Case Study of the Cameroons1
Development Corporation Workers* Union and Its Relations with Employers.
London, Oxford University Press, 1960.
150 pp.

Nigeria. Commission on the Review of Salaries and Wages in the Public Services
of the Northern and Eastern Regions and the Southern Cameroons. Review of
Salaries and Wages. Report. Lagos, Government Printer, 1959. 52 pp.




"L*Afrique d*expression francaise," Europe. France Outremer. Vol. 39, No. 385,
March 1962, pp. 11-232.
The Central African Republic.
Service, 1960. 28 pp.

New York, Embassy of France, Press and Information

Central African Republic.
Service de la Statistique et de la Conjoncture.
tin mensuel de statistique. Bangui, Monthly.
Congo. Gabon. Central African Republic, and Chad.
Information, Reference Division, 1961. 21 pp.


London, Central Office of

France. Ministere de la Cooperation. Republique Centrafricaine: Economie et
plan de developpement. 3d. ed. Paris, Direction des Affaires Economiques et
Financieres, Sous-Direction des Etudes GeneVales et de la Documentation,
May 1963. 57 pp.


Central African Repuhlic/Chad

International Labour Office. Rapport au gouvernement de la Republique Centrafricaine sur les besoins en personnel d'encadrement moyen et subalterne et sa
formation professionnelle. Geneva, 1963. 46 pp.

"Changes in Family Benefit Rates in the Central African Republic," International
Labour Review, Vol. 90, No. 1, July 1964, p. 65.
"The New Labour Codes in French-speaking African Countries," Inter-African Labour
Institute Bulletin, Vol. 9, No. 4, November 1962, pp. 56-59.
(In French,
pp. 32-35.)
U.So Department of Health, Education and Welfare, Social Security Administration,
Division of Research and Statistics. "Recent Foreign Social Security Develop­
ments (1964-No. 1)." Washington, November 5, 1964, various paging.

"L'Afrique d'expression francaise," Europe, France Outremer, Vol. 39, No. 385,
March 1962, pp. 11-232.
Chad. Chambre de Commerce, d'Agriculture, et d 1Industrie, Fort-Lamy. La
Republique du Tschad, 1961-1962, Monaco, Societe des Editions Paul Bory,
1962. 193 pp.
Congo, Gabon, Central African Republic, and Chad.
Information, Reference Division, 1961. 21 pp.

London, Central Office of

France. Ministere de la Cooperation. Republique du Tschad: Economie et plan
de developpament. 2d ed. Paris, Direction des Affaires Economiques et
Finaneieres, Sous-Direction des Etudes Generales et de la Documentation,
June 1963. 77 pp.
The Republic of Chad.
ice, 1960. 32 pp.

New York, Embassy of France, Press and Information Serv­

UoS. Department of Commerce, Bureau of International Commerce. Basic Data on the
Economy of Chad. (OBR 64-53) Washington, U . S C Government Printing Office,
July 1964. 8 pp.


Chad/Congo (Brazzaville)__________________________________________________________
"Employment Position and Problems in Chad," International Labour Review. Vol. 85,
No. 5, May 1962, pp. 500-507•

"Amendments to the Employment Injury Compensation Scheme in Chad," International
Labour Review, Vol. 86, No. 3, September 1962, p. 296.
"The New Labour Codes in French-speaking African Countries," Inter-African Labour
Institute Bulletin, Vol. 9, No. 4, November 1962, pp. 60-61.
(In French,
pp. 36-37.)


( B R A Z Z A V I L L E )

Chukwumah, P. A # L. "The New Constitutions of the Republic of Congo (Brazza­
ville) and the Federal Republic of Nigeria," Inter-African Labour Institute
Bulletin, Vol. 11, No. 3, August 1964, pp. 297-313.
(In English and French.)
Congo, Gabon, Central African Republic, and Chad.
Information, Reference Division, 1961. 21 pp.
Inter-African Labour Institute.

London, Central Office of

Information Sheet.

The Republic of the Congo (Brazzaville).
Information Service, 1961. 32 pp.

Brazzaville, Bimonthly.

New York, Embassy of France, Press and

U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of International Commerce. Overseas Business
Reports: Basic Data on the Economy of the Republic of Congo (Brazzaville).
(OBR 64-100) Washington, U . S C Government Printing Office, November 1964.
12 pp.

Devanges, M. "Unemployment in Brazzaville," Inter-African Labour Institute
Bulletin, Vol. 7, No. 3, May I960, pp. 8-49.
International Labour Office. Rapport au gouvernement de la Republique du Congo
(Brazzaville) sur la formation et le perfectionnement du personnel des cadres
subalternes et moyens. 1 vol.
(OIT/TAP/Congo(Brazzaville)/R.1) Geneva,
1962. Various paging.


____________________________________________ Congo

(Brazzaville) /Congo (Leopoldville)

__. Rapport au gouvernement de la Republique du Congo (Brazzaville) sur
11africanisation des cadres moyens dans 1 Industrie. (OIT/TAP/Congo(Brazzaville)/R.2)
Geneva, 1964. 30 pp.

"Congo (Brazzaville). First Social Insurance Law Passed," Labor Developments
Abroad, April 1963, pp. 16-17.
"Congo Brazzaville:
Industrial Relations under the New Labour Code," InterAfrican Labour Institute Information Sheet, Vol. 6, No. 5, October 1964,
pp. 2-4.
"Congo Brazzaville: New Labour Code Deals with Apprenticeship," Inter-African
Labour Institute Information Sheet, Vol. 6, No. 5, October 1964, p. 9.
"General Structure of Social Security Systems in French-speaking African States:
Congo (Brazzaville), Guinea, Ivory Coast, Congo (Leopoldville)," InterAfrican Labour Institute Bulletin, Vol. 9, No. 2, May 1962, p p . 31-65.
Hesbois, Jean, and Rene Hoffman.
"Social Security and the Social Services in the
Belgian Congo and Ruanda-Urundi in March 1960," Inter-African Labour Insti­
tute Bulletin, Vol. 7, No. 5, September 1960, pp. 8-29.

"Paid Educational Holidays in the Congo (Brazzaville)," International Labour
Review, Vol. 85, No. 5, May 1962, p. 528.


( L E O P O L D V I L L E )

American University, Foreign Areas Studies Division, Special Operations Research
Office. Area Handbook for the Republic of the Congo (Leopoldville). Washing­
ton, UoSc Government Printing Office, 1962. 657 pp.
(With bibliography.)
Bustin, Edouard.
"The Congo," Five African States. Responses to Diversity,
edited by Gwendolen M. Carter.
Ithaca, N. Y., Cornell University Press,
1963, pp. 9-159.
Clerfayt, Albert. Le Developpement energique du Congo Beige et du Ruanda-Urundi.
Brussels, 1960. 437 pp.


Congo (Leopoldville)

Congo (Leopoldville)* Gouvernement Central, Ministfere du Plan et de la
Coordination Economique, Direction de la Statistique. Bulletin des
statistiques generates. Leopoldville, Monthly.
_____ . Gouvernement Central, Ministere du Plan et du Developpement Industriel,
Direction de la Statistique et des Etudes Economiques. Bulletin trimestriel
des statistiques generates de la Republique Democratique du Congo. Leopold­
ville, Quarterly.
Fall, B. B. "Education in the Republic of the Congo," Journal of Negro Educa­
tion, Vol. 30, No. 3, Summer 1961, pp. 266-276.
Hoskyns, Catherine.
"Sources for a Study of the Congo Since Independence," Jour­
nal of Modern African Studies, Vol. 1, No. 3, September 1963, pp. 373-382.
Miracle, Marvin P. "Technological Change in the Tribal Economies of the Congo
Basin," Western Economic Journal, Spring 1963, pp. 103-113.
R.aymaekers, M. Paul.
"Squatting in Leopoldville," Inter-African Labour Institute
Bulletin, Vol. 8, No. 4, November 1961, pp. 22-45.
U.S. Department of Agriculture, Economic Research Service. The Agricultural
Economy of the Belgian Congo and Ruanda-Urundi, by Snider W. Skinner.
(ERS--Foreign 22) Washington, U.S. Government Printing Office, 1962.
52 pp.

UoS. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare.

Republic of the Congo: A
Study of Health Problems and Resources. (Public Health Services Publication
No. 806) Washington, U 0S 0 Government Printing Office, 1960.
115 pp.

Capelle, M. "The Employment of African Women in Undertakings in the Belgian
Congo," Inter-African Labour Institute Bulletin, March 1959, pp. 46-61.
"Economically Active Population of Congo (Leopoldville), 1959-61," Labor Develop­
ments Abroad, September 1961, p. 14.
Hesbois, Jean. Louage de travail; contrat de travail au Congo Beige.
Librairie Encyclopedique, 1957. 172 pp.


International Labour Office. Rapport au gouvernement de la Republique du Congo
(Leopoldville) sur la formation et le perfectionnement des agents du Ministhre
du Travail, stages 1960/61 et 1962; preparation de stage 1963. (OIT/ONUC/
Geneva, 1963. 54 pp.


Congo (Leopoldville)

__# Rapport au gouvernement de la Republique du Congo (Leopoldville) sur
1'organisation d'un systeme general de preparation professionnelle et les
actions d'urgence et de sauvegarde dans ce domaine. (OIT/ONUC/Congo(Leo)/
R.3) Geneva, 1962. 75 pp.
_____ . Rapport sur une,mission d 1education ouvriere en Republique du Congo
(Leopoldville). (OIT/ONUC/Congo(Leo)/R.6)
Geneva, 1963. 35 pp.
Moons, Robert.
"The Problem of Migration and Social Achievements in Leopoldville,
Congo," Migration N ews, Vol. 11, May/June 1962, pp. 5-9.
Poupart, Robert. Facteurs de productivite" de la main d 1oeuvre autochtone sa
Elisabethville. Brussels, Editions de l'Institut de Sociologie Solvay,
1960. 234 pp.
Spitaels, Guy. "A Study of Unemployment in Leopoldville," Inter-African Labour
Institute Bulletin, Vol. 8, No. 3, August 1961, pp. 81-94.
"Unemployment in the Belgian Congo. Appendix: Brief Note on the Youth Problems
in the Belgian Congo," Inter-African Labour Institute Bulletin, Vol. 7, No. 2,
March 1960, pp. 8-38.
Vuerings, R. "Management Development in the Congo," Inter-African Labour Institute Bulletin, Vol. 10, No. 2, May 1963, pp. 178-197.

"Collective Agreements and Labour Relations in the Congo ( L e o p o l d v i l l e ) Inter­
national Labour Review, Vol. 90, No. 3, September 1964, pp. 273-277.
"Traiteraents, greves, et politique d'austerite," Etudes congolaises, Vol. 2,
No. 5, 1962, pp. 1-32.

Congo. Caisse des pensions des travailleurs du Congo et du Ruanda-Urundi.
Rapport sur Pactivite de l1exercise, 1959. Brussels, 1960.
14 pp.
_____ . Caisse des pensions et allocations familiales des employe's du Congo Beige
et du Ruanda-Urundi. Rapport sur ^activite" de l'exercise, 1959. 1 vol.
Brussels, 1960. Various paging.
"Congo Democratic Republic: Law Regulates Collective Relations at Work," InterAfrican Labour Institute Information Sheet, Vol. 6, No. 5, October 1964,
pp« 6-7.


Congo (Leopoldville)__________________________________________________________ _____
"Congo Republic: New Social Security Legislation Summarized," Labor Developments
Abroad, January 1962, pp. 8-9.
"Decret- loi du 29 Juin 1961 organique de la securite' sociale," Moniteur congolais,
August 4, 1961, pp. 284-310.
"General Structure of Social Security Systems in French-speaking African States:
Congo (Brazzaville), Guinea, Ivory Coast, Congo (Leopoldville)," Inter-African
Labour Institute Bulletin, Vol. 9, No. 2, May 1962, pp. 31-65.
International Labour Office. Rapport au gouvernement de la Republique du Congo
(Leopoldville) sur la securite^ sociale des marins. Geneva, 1963. 50 pp.
"Introduction of a Social Security Scheme in Congo (Leopoldville)," International
Labour Review, Vol. 85, No. 1, January 1962, pp. 74-78.

"New Congolese Basic Labor Law," Labor Developments Abroad, July 1961, pp. 11-12.
Nouvelle legislation sur le contrat de louage de services: decret-loi et
ordonnance d 1execution du ler Fevrier 1961. Leopoldville, Editions Union
des Travailleurs Congolais, 1963. 23 pp.
"Workers* Old Age Pensions in the Republic of Congo (Leopoldville)--The Order-inCouncil of 29 June 1961, Introducing an Organic Law of Social Security,11 InterAfrican Labour Institute Bulletin, Vol. 9, No. 2, May 1962, pp. 60-65.

Makambu, Joseph.
pp. 161-163.

"Congo Unions' Uphill Fight," Free Labour World, April 1961,

Poupart, Robert. Premiere esquisse de 1*evolution du syndicalisme au Congo.
Brussels, Editions de l'Institut de Sociologie Solvay, 1960. 234 pp.
"Third Congress of the Union of Congolese Workers (Leopoldville)," International
Labour Review, Vol. 85, No, 5, May 1962, pp. 529-531.
Union des Travailleurs Congolais (U.T0C 0), Secretariat General,
l'action de l'U.T.Cc Leopoldville, May 1962. 78 pp.

La Verite^ sur

International Labour Office. Rapport sur les salaires dans la Republique du
Congo. Geneva, 1960. 275 pp.


_____________________________ ________________________________ Congo

(Leopoldville) /Dahomey

"Statistics of Wages in Congo (Leopoldville)," Labor Developments Abroad, Septem­
ber 1961, p. 14.

"L^frique d'expression francaise," Europe, France Outremer, Vol. 39, No. 385,
March 1962, pp. 11-232.
International Labour Office. Rapport au gouvernement de la Republique du Dahomey
sur le developpement de la cooperation en milieu urbain. Geneva, 1963. 34 pp#
"Labor Situation Summarized," Labor Developments Abroad, May 1962, pp. 6-7.
The Republic of Dahomey.
ice, 1960. 32 pp.

New York, Embassy of France, Press and Information Serv­

Thompson, Virginia.
"Dahomey," Five African States. Responses to Diversity,
edited by Gwendolen M. Carter.
Ithaca, N. Y . , Cornell University Press,
1963, pp. 161-262.
U . S 0 Department of Commerce, Bureau of International Commerce. Overseas Business
Reports: Basic Data on the Economy of Dahomey. (OBR 64-36) Washington, U.S.
Government Printing Office, 1964. 8 pp.

International Labour Office. Rapport sur l1education ouvriere en la Republique
du Dahomey. Geneva, 1963.
16 pp.
"Number of Salaried Workers Reported for 1960," Labor Developments Abroad, April
1962, pp. 7-8.
"Number of Wage and Salaried Employees, by Industry and Size of Establishment,
December 31, 1960," Labor Developments Abroad, May 1962, pp. 16-17.
"Statistics of Wages and Employment in Dahomey," Labor Developments Abroad, May
1962, pp. 16-17.


Daho m e y / E t h i o p i a _______________________

’’Alterations in the Family Benefit Scheme in Dahomey," International Labour Re­
view, Vol. 86, No. 3, September 1962, p. 297.
Dahomey. Caisse des Prestations Familiales et Accidents du Travail. Les
Prestations familiales au Dahomey. Cotonou, Grande Imprimerie Dahomeenne,
1964. 24 pp.
"Establishment of a Ministry of Labour and Civil Service in Dahomey," Interna­
tional Labour Review, Vol. 85, No. 5, May 1962, pp. 510-511.
International Labour Office. Rapport au gouvernement de la Republique du Dahomey
sur l1assurance pension. (0IT/TAP/Dahomey/R.5) Geneva, 1964. 93 pp.
_____ . Rapport au gouvernement de la Republique du Dahomey sur la situation de
l’emploi et 11organisation du service de la main-d'oeuvre. (0IT/TAP/Dahomey/
R.l) Geneva, 1962. 44 pp.
"New Act concerning Pensions for Civil Servants in Dahomey," International Labour
Review, Vol. 85, No. 2, March 1962, pp. 299-302.
Soumah, David.
"The IPRAO (Institution de Prevoyance et de Retraites de
l’Afrique Occidental) Pension Scheme (West African Provident and Pensions
Institution)," Inter-African Labour Institute Bulletin, Vol. 9, No. 4,
November 1962, pp. 85-92.

"Statistics of Wages and Employment in Dahomey," Labor Developments Abroad, May
1962, pp. 16-17.

(Includes Eritrea)
American University, Foreign Areas Studies Division, Special Operations Research
Office. Area Handbook for Ethiopia. 2d ed. Washington, U . S 0 Government
Printing Office, 1964. 621 pp.
Ethiopia. Central Statistical Office.
Government Printer, Annual.

Statistical Abstract.


Addis Ababa,

_______________________________________________________________ Ethiopia

__. Ministry of Commerce, Industry, and Planning.
Ethiopian Economic Review.
Addis Ababa, Berhanena Selam Printing Press, Quarterly.
__. Ministry of Information. The African Summit Conference.
Government Printer, 1963. 234 pp.

Addis Ababa,

"Ethiopian Labour on the Move," Free Labour World, No. 155, May 1963, pp. 16-17.
Ethiopia's Second Five-Year Development Plan.

Addis Ababa, Government Printer,

International Labour Office. Report to the Government of Ethiopia on Handicrafts
and Small-scale Industries. (ILO/TAP.Ethiopia/R.4)
Geneva, 1964. 25 pp.
Lipsky, George A., editor. Ethiopia:
Its People, Its Society, Its Culture. New
Haven, Conn., HRAF (Human Relations Area Files) Press, 1962. 376 pp.
Logan, Rayford W. "Ethiopia's Troubled Future," Current History, Vol. 44, No.
257, January 1963, p p . 46-50.
Pankhurst, Richard. An Introduction to the Economic History of Ethiopia.
Sidgwick and Jackson, 1961. 454 pp.


"Review of Social Development Trends and Policies of Ethiopia," Economic Review,
No. 8, April 1964, pp. 7-9, 11-15.
Stauffer, Robert B., and Mulford J. Colebrook.
"Economic Assistance and Ethio­
pi a ’s Foreign Policy," Orbis, Vol. 5, No. 3, Fall 1961, p p . 320-341.
United Nations, Food and Agriculture Organisation. Agriculture in Ethiopia.
Compiled by H. P, Huffnagel, New York, Columbia University Press, 1961.
484 pp.

International Labour Office. Report to the Government of Ethiopia on the Organi­
zation of an In-Service Training System for Clerical Staff of the Ministries
and Government Agencies. (ILO/OTA/TAP/Ethiopia/R.S) Geneva, 1964. 20 pp.

"First Collective Agreement Concluded in Ethiopia," International Labour Review,
Vol. 90, No. 4, October 1964, p. 380.



Zack, Arnold M c ’’The New Labour Relations in Ethiopia," African Survey, July
1964, p p 0 4-10, and August 1964, pp. 12-16.

International Labour Officec Report to the Government of Ethiopia on Actuarial
and Financial Aspects of a Proposed Pension Scheme for Civil Servants and Mem­
bers of the Armed Forcesc Geneva, 1961. 55 pp.
"A Labour Relations Decree in Ethiopia," International Labour Review, Vol. 87,
No. 4, April 1963, p p c 473-477.
"Reforms Stimulate Labor Activity," Labor Developments Abroad, July 1963, pp. 7-9.
Robinson, H c T. "A Step Forward in Ethiopia," Free Labour World, No. 146-147,
August-September 1962, pp. 331-332.
Von Baudissan, Georg Graf. "Labour Policy in Ethiopia," International Labour Re­
view, Vol. 89, No. 6, June 1964, pp. 551-569.

"L’Afrique d ’expression francaise," Europe, France Outremer, Vol. 39, No. 385,
March 1962, pp. 11-232.
Chambre de Commerce, d'Agriculture, d'Industrie, et des Mines du Gabon.
mensuelle. Libreville, Monthly.
Congo, Gabon, Central African Republic, and Chad.
Information, Reference Division, 19610 21 pp.


London, Central Office of

France. Ministere de la Cooperation. Republique gabonaise: economic et plan de
developpement. 3d e d c Paris, Direction des Affaires Economiques et Financieres, Sous-Direction des Etudes Generales et de la Documentation, May 1963.
66 pp.
Gabon. Direction de 1'Information.
ville, 1961. 54 pp.

L'Essentiel sur le Gabon.

2d ed.

_____ . _____ .

Paris, Diloutremer, 1960.

187 pp.

Rea liters gabonaise.





Gabon. Ministere de l'Economie Nationale du Plan et des Mines. Programme
triennal interimaire 1963-1965, preparatoire au plan quinquinnal de
developpement 1966-1970: Expose'' des motifs. Libreville, 1963.
206 pp.
Gabon. Ministere des Finances. Budget general de fonctionnement,
developpement. Libreville, 1963. 214 pp.
Service de la Statistique.

Budget de

Bulletin mensuel de statistique.

_____ . _____ . Recensement en enquete demographiques, 1960-1961.
Libreville. Paris, 1962. 50 pp.


Resultats pour

Marcus, Edward.
"Large-scale Investment and Development: The Dilemma of the
Gabon Republic," Economic Development and Cultural Change, No. 1, October
1960, pp. 64-74.

International Labour Office. Rapport au gouvernement du Gabon sur la situation
de la main-d1oeuvre en relation avec les problemes de la formation professionnelle. (OIT/TAP/Gabon/R.1) Geneva, 1962. 45 pp .

"Gabon: Old-age Insurance," International Labour Review, Vol. 90, December 1964,
pp. 579-580.
International Labour Office. Rapport au gouvernement de la Republique Gabonaise
sur 11assurance-vieillesse. (OIT/TAP/Gabon/R.3) Geneva,, 1964. 25 pp.
_____ . Rapport au gouvernement de la Republique Gabonaise sur la securite
sociale. (OIT/OTA/Gabon/R.2) Geneva, 1962. 219 pp.
"The New Labour Codes in French-speaking African Countries," Inter-African Labour
Institute Bulletin, Vol. 9, No. 4, November 1962, pp. 39-46.
(In French,
pp, 6-19.)
"Reorganisation of Labour Administration in the Republic of Gabon," Industry and
Labour, September 15, 1960, pp. 229-230.

UoS0 Department of Health, Education and Welfare, Social Security Administration,
Division of Research and Statistics.
"Recent Foreign Social Security Develop­
ments (1964-Noc 1)." Washington, November 5, 1964. Various paging.


Gabon/Gamb ia/Ghana

"Workmen's Compensation in the Gabon Republic," Industry and Labour, Vol. 26,
December 1/15, 1961, pp. 412-413.


Gailey, Harry A. A History of The Gambia.
209 pp.
(With bibliography.)


Department of Labour.


New York, Frederick A. Praeger, 1965.

Bathurst, Government Printer, Annual.

Great Britain.
Colonial Office. Report on The Gambia, 1962/1963.
Stationery Office, 1964.
147 pp.

London, H.M.

Haswell, M. R. The Changing Pattern of Economic Activity in a Gambia Village.
London, H.M. Stationery Office, 1963.
190 pp.

Patch, George A. Economic Development and Modern West Africa.
versity of London Press, 1961.
224 pp.

London, Uni­

U.S. Library of Congress, General Reference and Bibliography Division. Official
Publications of Sierra Leone and Gambia. Compiled by Audrey A. Walker.
Washington, 1963. 92 pp.

Akwawuah, Kwado Asafo. Prelude to Ghana1s Industrialisation.
Press, 1960. 96 pp.

London, Mitre

American University, Foreign Areas Studies Division, Special Operations Research
Office. Area Handbook for Ghana. Washington, U.S. Government Printing Office,
1962. 533 pp.
(With bibliography.)



Barclay1s Bank, Dominion, Colonial, and Overseas.
1960. London, 1961.
31 pp.


An Economic Survey,

A Bibliography of Ghana, 1930-1961. Compiled by A lbertF. Johnson. Evanston, 111. ,
Northwestern University Press for the Ghana Library Board, 1964. 210 pp.

Bourret, F. M. Ghana, the Road to Independence. 3d ed. Stanford, Calif.,
Stanford University Press, 1960. 246 pp.
(With bibliography.)

Economic Society of Ghana.

Economic Bulletin.

Accra, Monthly.

Friedland, William H., and Carl G. Rosberg, Jr., editors. African Socialism.
Stanford, Calif., Hoover Institution Publications, 1964. 313 pp.

Ghana. Census Office.
1960 Population Census of Ghana. Advance Report of Vol­
umes III and IV. Accra, published by the Ministry of Information and Broad­
casting for the Central Bureau of Statistics, 1962. 91 pp.

__ . _____ . 1960 Population Census of Ghana. Vol. I: The Gazetteer. Accra,
published by the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting for the Central
Bureau of Statistics, 1962. 403 pp.

__. _____ . 1960 Population Census of Ghana. Vol. II: Statistics of Locali­
ties and Enumeration Areas. Accra, published by the Ministry of Information
and Broadcasting for the Central Bureau of Statistics, 1962. 707 pp.

__. Department of Social Welfare and Community Development.
1961. 2 vols. Accra, 1962, 1963.

Ghana Employers* Association.

GEA Newsletter.

Report, 1960,

Accra, Monthly.

Ghana. Ministry of Finance, Central Bureau of Statistics.
Accra, Government Printer, Annual.

Economic Survey.


Labour Statistics.

Accra, Government Printer, Annual.


Quarterly Digest of Statistics. Accra, Government Printer, Quarterly.


Statistical Year Book.

Accra, Government Printer, Annual.

__ . Ministry of Information and Broadcasting for the Labour Department.
Report on the Labour Department. Accra, Government Printer, Annual.



Ghana. Ministry of Labour, Cooperatives, and Social Welfare, Labour Division.
Information on Labour Matters. Accra, Government Printer, 1960. Various

"Ghana Since Independence," British Survey, Main Series, N-S, No. 128, November
1959, pp. 1-24.

Grove, David. Population Patterns, Their Impact on Regional Planning: A Pre­
liminary Analysis of the 1960 Census of Ghana. Kumasi, Building Research
Group, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, 1963. 43 pp.

Hill, Polly. The Migrant Cocoa Farmers of Southern Ghana: A Study in Rural
Capitalism. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1963. 265 pp.

_____ . "Some Characteristics of Indigenous West African Economic Enterprise,"
Economic Bulletin (Accra), Vol. 6, 1962, pp. 3-14.

Hoover, Calvin B. Economic Systems of the Commonwealth.
University Press, 1962. 538 pp.

La Anyane, S.

Durham, N, C., Duke

Ghana Agriculture. London, Oxford University Press, 1963.

Petch, George A. Economic Development and Modern West Africa.
sity of London Press, 1961. 224 pp.

Phillips, John. Kwame Nkrumah and the Future of Africa.
Praeger, 1960.
272 pp.
(With bibliography.)

228 pp.

London, Univer­

New York, Frederick A,

U.So Department of Commerce, Bureau of International Commerce. Overseas Business
Reports: Establishing a Business in Ghana. (OBR 64-12) Washington, U.S.
Government Printing Office, February 1964. 7 pp.

U.So Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, Division of Foreign Labor
"A Bibliography on Labor in Ghana." Compiled by Lester N. Trachtman. Washington, February 1962. 9 pp.

Williams, J, W.
"The Economy of Ghana," India Quarterly, Vol. 16, April-June
1960, pp. 145-154.



Clignet, Remi P,, and Philip Foster.
"Potential Elites in Ghana and the Ivory
Coast: A Preliminary Comparison," American Journal of Sociology, Vol. 70,
November 1964, pp. 349-362.

Ghana. Department of Labour, National Employment Service, Employment Information
Branch. Accra Employment Market Report. Accra, Quarterly.

__. _____ . A Handbook of Training Facilities in Ghana.
Training, 1962. Accra, May 1963. 75 pp.


_____ .

Kumasi Employment Market Report.



Accra, Quarterly.

__. _____ . The Occupational Pattern of Employment in Ghana, 1962.
1963. 58 pp.

__. Ministry of Finance, Central Bureau of Statistics.
Accra, Government Printer, Annual.


Migration Statistics.

__. Ministry of Information, Manpower Unit.
Survey of High-level Manpower in
Ghana , 1960. Accra, Government Printer, 1961. 62 pp.

__. Office of the Planning Commission.
"Education, Manpower, and Employment,"
Seven-Year Plan for National Reconstruction and Development. Accra, 1964,
pp. 141-174.

"Ghana: Survey of High-level Manpower, 1960," Inter-African Labour Institute
Bulletin, Vol. 1, August 1963, pp. 235-260.
Hollander, E. D. "Observations on the Political Economy of Manpower in Ghana,"
Economic Bulletin (Accra), Vol. 4, No, 6, June 1960, pp. 9-18.

__ , and Others.
"Labor Supply and Requirements in High-level Occupations in
Ghana," Ec on om ic Bullet in (Accra), ’V o l . 4 , No, 8, August-September 1960, pp. 1-5.

International Labour Office. Employment Objectives in Economic Development:
Report of a Meeting of Experts. (Studies and Reports, New Series, No. 62.)
Geneva, United Nations Publishing Service, 1961. 255 pp.

Locken, Robert P. High-level Manpower in Ghana.
and Nathan Associates, 1960. 62 pp.


Accra, Ministry of Information


"The National Apprenticeship System in Ghana," International Labour Review,
Vol. 85, No. 6, June 1962, pp. 612-621.

Nez, George.
"Future Population and Labour Force Patterns," Economic Bulletin
(Accra), Vol. 7, No. 3, 1963, pp. 31-35.

Panofsky, Hans E. "A Bibliography of Labor Migration in Africa South of the
Sahara." Evanston, 111., Northwestern University Library, 1961, pp. 7-9.

__ . "The Significance of Labor Migration for the Economic Growth of Ghana."
Unpublished Master's thesis, New York State School of Industrial and Labor
Relations, Cornell University, 1958.
138 pp.

__. "The Significance of Labour Migration for the Economic Welfare of Ghana
and the Voltaic Republic," Inter-African Labour Institute Bulletin, Vol. 7,
No. 4, July 1960, pp. 30-45.

"Population of Ghana, by Region, and Recorded Number of Persons Employed by
Private Enterprise and Public Authorities, Grouped by Industry Division and
by Race and Sex," Quarterly Digest of Statistics (Accra), Vol. 12, No. 1,
March 1963, pp. 1-4.

"Statistics of Employment in Ghana," Labor Developments Abroad, December 1961,
pp. 28-29, and May 1962, pp. 18-20.

Taylor, Andrew, editor.
"Educational and Occupational Selection in West Africa,"
Conference on Educational and Occupational Selection in West Africa (Univer­
sity College of Ghana, 1960). London, Oxford University Press, 1962. 219 pp.

Rimmer, Douglas.
"The New Industrial Relations in Ghana," Industrial and Labor
Relations Review, Vol. 14, January 1961, pp. 206-226.

Seer, M. "Ghana Tackles the Problem of Industrial Relations," Indian Labour Jour­
nal, Vol. 1, No. 3, March 1960, pp. 248-251.

Stephens, Leslie.
"Impressions of Industrial Relations in Nigeria and Ghana,"
Personnel Management (London), Vol. 41, No. 347, March 1959, pp. 28-33.




Elias, T. 0. Ghana and Sierra Leone: The Development of Their Laws and Constitu­
tions . London, Stevens & Sons, Ltd., 1962. 334 pp.
(With bibliography.)


Apprentices Act, 1961 (Act 45).

Accra, Government Printer, 1961.

21 pp.

"The Ghana Apprentices Act, 1961 (Act 45) ,M Inter-African Labour Institute
Bulletin, Vol. 9, No, 1, February 1962, pp. 89-91.

Ghana. The Industrial Relations (Amendment) Act, 1959.
Printer, 1959. 4 pp.

Accra, Government

__. The Industrial Relations (Amendment) Act, 1962.
Printer, 1962.
1 leaf.

Accra, Government

International Labour Office. Report to the Government of Ghana on the Develop­
ment of an Employment and Manpower Information Programme. (ILO/TAP/Ghana/R.7)
Geneva, 1963,
138 pp,

__. Report to the Government of Ghana on the Establishment of a National
Apprenticeship System. Geneva, 1961. 53 pp.

__. Report to the Government of Ghana on the Organisation and Development
of Vocational Training. (ILO/TAP/Ghana/R.5) Geneva, 1962. 44 pp.

__. Report to the Government of Ghana on the Organisation of a National
System of Vocational Guidance. Geneva, 1962. 65 pp.

Roper, J. L. "The Ghana Industrial Relations Act, 1958," Inter-African Labour
Institute Bulletin, Vol. 7, No. 1, January 1960, pp. 8-31.

Trachtman, Lester N. "Ghanaian Labor Legislation Since Independence," Labor Law
Journal, Vol. 12, June 1961, pp. 547-556.

"The Views of the Ghana Trades Union Congress on Mr. J. L. Roper's Analysis of
the Industrial Relations Act of 1958," Inter-African Labour Institute
Bulletin, Vol. 7, No. 4, July 1960, pp, 46-65.



Ghana Mineworkers1 Union of the Trades Union Congress.
By-Laws. Tarkwa, Ghana, February 1961.
15 pp.

Constitution, Rules, and

Ghana Trades Union Congress.
"Constitution, Rules, and By-Laws of the Trades
Union Congress," Ghana Gazette, June 7, 1963, pp. 414-425.

_____ . Labour. Monthly, July 1960--December 1961.
Worker, July 1958-June 1960.)

(Successor to The Ghanaian

__. The Tasks Before U s . Accra, Education and Publicity Department of the
Ghana Trades Union Congress, 1964. 20 pp.

Tettegah, John K.
1958. 53 pp.

A New Chapter for Ghana Labour.

Accra, Guinea Press Ltd.,

__. Towards Nkrumaism:
The Building of Socialist Ghana. The Role and Tasks
of the Trade Unions. Accra, Education and Publicity Department of the Ghana
Trades Union Congress, 1962. 79 pp.

Trachtman, Lester N.
"The Labor Movement of Ghana: A Study in Political Unionism," Economic Development and Cultural Change, Vol. 10, No. 2, January 1962,
pp. 183-200.

__. "The Labor Movement of Ghana: A Study in Political Unionism." Unpub­
lished Master's thesis, New York State School of Industrial and Labor Rela­
tions, Cornell University, 1960. 203 pp.

Birmingham, Walter.
"An Index of Real Wages of the Unskilled Labourer in Accra,
1939-1959," Economic Bulletin (Accra), Vol. 4, March 1960, pp. 2-6.

Ghana. Administrative Committee. Report . . . on Matters Connected with the
Revision of Salaries and Wages, 1957. Accra, Government Printer, 1958. 59pp.

Ghana Chamber of Mines (Gold 6c Bauxite Members). Conditions of Service. Pt. I:
Daily Rated Employees (as Negotiated with the Ghana Mines Employees' Union).
Accra, 1958.
147 pp.


Gh ana/Guinea

Ghana. Commission Appointed to Enquire into Salaries and Wages of the Civil
Service and Non-Government Teaching Service, 1957. Report. Accra, Govern­
ment Printer, 1957. 78 pp.

__. Government Proposals on the Report of the Salaries and Wages Commission,
1957. Accra, Government Printer, 1957.
11 pp.

International Labour Office. Report to the Government of Ghana on Questions of
Wage Policy. (ILO/TAP/Ghana/R.6) Geneva, 1962. 72 pp.

Isaac, J. E. "The National Minimum Wage," Economic Bulletin (Accra), Vol. 7,
No. 3, 1963, pp. 3-11.

"Statistics of Wages and Hours in Ghana," Labor Developments Abroad, December
1961, pp. 25-27, 30.

Yannoulis, Y., and M. Bostok.
"Urban Household Income and Expenditure Patterns
in Ghana," Economic Bulletin (Accra), Vol. 7, No. 3, pp. 12-18, tables.

"L’Afrique d 1expression francaise," Europe, France Outremer, Vol. 39, No. 385,
March 1962, pp. 11-232.
American University, Foreign Areas Studies Division, Special Operations Research
Office, Area Handbook for Guinea. Washington, U.S. Government Printing
Office, 1961. 534 pp.
Cowan, L. Gray.
"Guinea," African One-Party States, edited by Gwendolen M.
Ithaca, N. Y . , Cornell University Press, 1962, pp. 149-236.



Dumont, Rene. Tiers-Monde; Afrique Noire--Developpement agricole*, Guinee, Cote
d 'Ivoire, Mali. Paris, Presses Universitaires de France, 1962. 212 pp.


"Economic Developments in the Republic of Guinea, 1961," World Trade Information
Service, August 1962, pp. 1-10.
Friedland, William H ., and Carl G. Rosberg, Jr,, editors. African Socialism.
Stanford, Calif., Hoover Institution Publications, 1964. 313 pp.



U o S 0 Department of Commerce, Bureau of International Programs. Economic Develop­
ments in the Republic of Guinea, 1961. Washington, U 0S 0 Government Printing
Office, 1962.
10 pp.

Hovey, J. Allan, Jr. "Industrial Africanization:
Vol. 8, No. 11, December 1963, pp. 12-14.

A Case Report," Africa Report,

"The Present-Day Problems of Executive Staff in the Republic of Guinea," InterAfrican Labour Institute Bulletin, Vol. 8, No. 2, May 1961, pp. 90-95.

"Alterations in Sickness and Invalidity Benefits in Guinea," International Labour
Review, Vol. 86, No. 3, September 1962, pp. 298-299.
"The Development of Social Security in the Republic of Guinea Since 1958," InterAfrican Labour Institute Bulletin, Vol. 9, No. 2, May 1962, pp. 40-41.
"General Structure of Social Security Systems in French-speaking African States:
Congo (Brazzaville), Guinea, Ivory Coast, Congo (Leopoldville)," Inter-African
Labour Institute Bulletin, Vol. 9, No. 2, May 1962, pp. 31-65.
"Guinea: Establishment of a Central Pensions Department," Bulletin of the Inter­
national Social Security Association, No. 12, December 1963, p. 413.
Guinea. Ministere du Travail et des Affaires Sociales. Code de la securite
social: Loi numero 21 du 12 Decembre 1960. Conakry, Government Printer,
1960. 90 pp.
__ . _____ , Code du travail:
ment Printer, 1960. 101 pp.

Loi numero 1 du 30 Juin 1960.

Conakry, Govern­

"The New Labour Codes in French-speaking African Countries," Inter-African Labour
Institute Bulletin, Vol. 9, No. 4, November 1962, pp. 47-50.
(In French,
pp. 20-25.)
"Social Security in the Republic of Guinea," Industry and Labour, Vol. 26,
December 1/15, 1961, pp. 416-421.
"Tax for Apprentice Training Levied," Labor Developments Abroad, October 1961,
p. 10.


Ivory Coast



"L'Afrique d ’expression francaise," Europe, France Outremer, Vol. 39, No, 385,
March 1962, pp. 11-232.
Alexander, A. S., Jr. nThe Ivory Coast Constitution: An Accelerator, not a
Brake," Journal of Modern African Studies, Vol. 1, No. 3, September 1963,
pp. 293-311.

American University, Foreign Areas Studies Division, Special Operations Research
Office. Area Handbook for the Ivory Coast. Washington, U . S Q Government
Printing Office, 1962. 485 pp.
Chambre de Commerce de la Republique de Cote d'Ivoire.
Abidjan, Monthly.

Bulletin mensuel.

Dumont, Rene"! Tiers-Monde; Afrique Noire--Developpement agricole; Guinee, Cote^
d'Ivoire, Mali. Paris, Presses University ires de France, 1962. 212 pp.
France. Ministere de la Cooperation, Direction des Affaires Economiques et
Financieres. Repub lique de la Cote d'Ivoire. Economie et plan de develop­
pement . Paris, Institut de ScienceEconomique Appliquee, Fevrier 1963. 81 pp.
The Republic of the Ivory Coast.
tion Division, 1960. 32 pp.

New York, Embassy of France, Press and Informa­

Thompson, Virginia.
"The Ivory Coast," African One-Party States, edited by
Gwendolen M. Carter.
Ithaca, N. Y., Cornell University Press, 1962,
pp. 237-324.
U.S. Department of Agriculture, Economic Research Service, Regional Analysis
The Agricultural Economy of the Ivory Coast, by Snider W. Skinner.
(ERS--Foreign 69) Washington, U 0S 0 Government Printing Office, 1964. 40 p p .
Zolberg, Aristide R. One-Party Government in the Ivory Coast.
Princeton University Press, 1964. 274 pp.

Princeton, N. J.,

Clignet, Remi P. "The Psychology of Women in the Ivory Coast," Inter-African
Labour Institute Bulletin, Vol. 8, No. 1, February 1961, pp. 64-74.
_____ , and Philip Foster. "Potential Elites in Ghana and the Ivory Coast:
Preliminary Comparison," American Journal of Sociology, Vol. 70, November
1964, pp. 349-362.


Ivory Coast__________________________________________________________________________________

Darracq, L. R. nThe Problem of Executive Staff in the Ivory Coast," InterAfrican Labour Institute Bulletin, Vol. 8, No. 2, May 1961, pp. 56-74.
Desclercs, R. "The Manpower Problems of the Ivory Coast and Their Solutions,"
Inter-African Labour Institute Bulletin, Vol. 7, No. 2, March 1960, pp. 51-54.
France. Ministere de la Cooperation, Direction des Affaires Economiques et
Financieres. Planification en Afrique. T. 8: La Planification de l'encadrement: Problemes et methodes. Paris, Institut de Science Economique Appliquee,
176 pp.

Ivory Coast. Ministere des Finances, des Affaires Economiques, et du Plan,
Direction de la Statistique et des Etudes Economiques et Demographiques.
Situation e'conomique de la C6te" d ^ v o i r e . Abidjan, Annual.
"Manpower Development in the Ivory Coast," Labor Developments Abroad, December
1962, pp. 1-2.

"Code du travail (loi n° 64-290 du ler/8/64)," Bulletin mensuel (Abidjan),
November 1964, pp. 7-14, 38-90.
"General Structure of Social Security Systems in French-speaking African States:
Congo (Brazzaville), Guinea, Ivory Coast, Congo (Leopoldville)," InterAfrican Labour Institute Bulletin, Vol. 9, No. 2, May 1962, pp. 31-65.
"Law No. 60-314 of 21 September 1960 Establishing a Pension Fund for Retired Wage
Earners in the Ivory Coast," Inter-African Labour Institute Bulletin, Vol. 9,
No. 2, May 1962, pp. 48-53.
"Modifications in the Social Security System of the Ivory Coast," International
Labour Review, Vol. 90, No. 3, September 1964, pp. 283-284.
U . S 0 Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, Social Security Administration,
Division of Research and Statistics.
"Recent Foreign Social Security Develop­
ments (1964--No. 1)." Washington, November 5, 1964. Various paging.

Chambre de Commerce, Annexe de. "Syndicat des industrielles de la cSte/ d 1Ivoire,"
Bulletin mensuel (Abidjan), Mai 1962. 40 pp.


Ivory Coast/Kenya

"Regulations Governing Wages, and Wage Statistics," Bulletin mensuel (Abidjan),
March 1964, pp. 32-38.
"Summary of an Analysis of a Report on Family Budgets of African Wage Earners in
Abidjan," Inter-African Labour Institute Bulletin, Vol. 7, No. 2, March 1960,
pp. 55-77.

Clayton, Eric S. Agrarian Development in Peasant Economies.
Kenya. Oxford, Pergamon Press, 1964.
154 pp.

Some Lessons from

_____ . "Small-scale Cash Crop Production in a Developing Economy," Economic
Development and Cultural Change, Vol. 9, July 1961, pp. 618-624.
"East Africa," Current History, Vol. 46, No. 271, March 1964, pp. 136-174.
East Africa High Commission, East African Statistical Department.
Statistical Review. Nairobi, Government Printer, Monthly.

Economic and

Fearn, Hugh. An African Economy: A Study of the Economic Development of the
Nyanza Province of Kenya, 1903-1953. New York, Oxford University Press,


284 p p .

Forrester, Marion Wallace. Kenya Today: Social Prerequisites for Economic
Development. *s-Gravenhage, Mouton 6c Co., 1962.
179 pp.
Griffin, G. W, "The Development of Youth Centres in Kenya," International Labour
Review, Vol. 88, No. 1, July 1963, pp. 52-65.
International Bank for Reconstruction and Development. The Economic Development
of Kenya. Baltimore, The Johns Hopkins Press, 1963. 380 pp.

Labour Department.


Nairobi, Government Printer, Annual.

_____ . Land Development Board (Non-Scheduled Areas). African Land Development
in Kenya. Report for the Period 1 July 1959 to 31 December 1960. Nairobi,
Government Printer, 1961. 72 pp.



Kenya. Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Husbandry, and Water Resources. African
Land Development in Kenya, 1946-1962. Nairobi, Government Printer, 1962.
312 pp.
_____ . Ministry of Education.
Printer, 1964. 53 pp.

Triennial Survey, 1961-1963.

Nairobi, Government

_____ . Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning, Economics and Statistics
Division. Economic Survey. Nairobi, Government Printer, Annual.
_____ . _____ .

Kenya Statistical Digest.

_____ . _____ .

Statistical Abstract.

Mboya, Tom.

Freedom and After.

Nairobi, Quarterly.

Nairobi, Government Printer, Annual.

Boston, Little, Brown & Company, 1963.

275 pp.

McWilliam, M. D. "Economic Problems During the Transfer of Power in Kenya,"
World Today, Vol. 18, No. 4, April 1962, pp. 164-175.
_____ . "Economic Viability and the Race Factor in Kenya," Economic Development
and Cultural Change, Vol. 12, October 1963, pp. 55-69.
"Number of Factories Registered under the Factories Ordinance, 1950, by Major
Industry Group, December 31, 1960," Labor Developments Abroad, August 1962,
p. 21.

UoS. Library of Congress, African Section.

Official Publications of British East
Africa: Pt. 3. Kenya and Zanzibar. Washington, U.S. Library of Congress,
General Reference and Bibliography Division, 1962.
162 pp.

Wood, Susan. Kenya: The Tensions of Progress.
versity Press, 1962.
135 pp.

2d ed.

London, Oxford Uni­

Dalgleish, A. G.
44 pp.

Survey of Unemployment.

Nairobi, Government Printer, 1960.

East Africa High Commission, East African Statistical Department. Reported
Employment and Earnings in Kenya, 1961. Nairobi, Government Printer, 1962.
25 pp.
_____ . Reported Employment and Wages in Kenya, 1948-60.
Printer, 1961. 42 pp.


Nairobi, Government


’’Kenya: Distribution of Establishments (Excluding the Public Services), by
Number of Employees and Industry Division, June 1960," Labor Developments
Abroad, August 1963, p. 17.
"Kenya: Employed Persons in the Private Sector, by Major Industry Group, and in
the Public Sector, by Major Department, by Race and Sex, June 30, 1961," Labor
Developments Abroad, August 1963, pp. 18-20.
"Kenya: Employees in Major Sectors of the Economy, by Race, 1957-1961," Labor
Developments Abroad, August 1963, p c 16.
Kenya. Ministry of Labour, Social Security, and Adult Education.
Nairobi, Government Printer, 1960.
17 pp.


"Kenya: Percent Distribution of Full-time European and Asian Female Employees
in Major Sectors of the Economy, by Annual Earnings Class, 1961," Labor
Developments Abroad, August 1963, pp. 26-27.
"Kenya: Percent Distribution of Full-time European and Asian Male Employees
in Major Sectors of the Economy, by Annual Earnings Class, 1961," Labor
Developments Abroad, August 1963, pp. 24-25.
Ndisi, M. A. 0, "Kenya's Basis for Economic Development," Inter-African Labour
Institute Bulletin, Vol. 11, No. 2, May 1964, pp. 163-169.
Springer, Maida.
"Learning Skills in Kenya," American Federationist, Vol. 70,
July 1963, pp. 15-17.
"Statistics of Wages and Employment in Kenya, 1960 and 1961," Labor Developments
Abroad, June 1962, pp. 16-21.

"Blueprint for Industrial Peace in Kenya," Free Labour World, No. 154, April 1963,
pp. 10-12.
"Establishment of a National Joint Consultative Council in Kenya," International
Labour Review, Vol. 85, No. 2, February 1962, pp. 163-165c
"Industrial Relations Charter," Economic and Social Bulletin, Vol. 11, No. 1,
January/February 1963, pp. 6-13.

"End of Daily Casual Labor System at Mombasa," Labor Developments Abroad, May
1960, p. 4.
Kenya. Colony and Protectorate. The Industrial Training Ordinance, 1959.
Nairobi, Government Printer, 1959. 20 pp.



"Kenya: Establishment of an Industrial Court," Inter-African Labour Institute
Information Sheet, Vol. 6, No. 5, October 1964, p. 5•

East Africa High Commission, East African Statistical Department. The Pattern of
Income, Expenditure, and Consumption of Africans in Nairobi, 1957-58. Nairobi,
Government Printer, 1959. 48 pp.
_____ , Reported Employment and Earnings in Kenya, 1961.
Printer, 1962. 25 pp.

Nairobi, Government

_____ . Reported Employment and Wages in Kenya, 1948-60.
Printer, 1961. 42 pp.

Nairobi, Government

Kenya. Local Civil Service Salaries Commission. Report on the Kenya Civil Serv­
ice, the Kenya Teaching Services, the East African Posts and Telecommunica­
tions Administration, and the General Fund Services Organisation. 2 vols.
Nairobi, Government Printer, 1963.
"Kenya: Minimum Wages Increased," Labor Developments Abroad, October 1961,
pp. 10-11.
"Kenya: Minimum Wages Negotiated for Agricultural Workers," Labor Developments
Abroad, May 1961, p. 10.
Kenya. Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning, Economics and Statistics
Division. The Pattern of Income, Expenditure, and Consumption of African
Middle Income Workers in Nairobi, July 1963. Nairobi, Government Printer,
July 1964. 52 pp.
Office of the Prime Minister, Directorate of Personnel. Revised Condi­
tions of Service for the Kenya Civil Service. Nairobi, 1964. 55 pp#
"Kenya: Percent Distribution of Full-time European and Asian Female Employees
in Major Sectors of the Economy, by Annual Earnings Class, 1961," Labor
Developments Abroad, August 1963, pp. 26-27.
"Kenya: Percent Distribution of Full-time European and Asian Male Employees
in Major Sectors of the Economy, by Annual Earnings Class, 1961," Labor
Developments Abroad, August 1963, pp. 24-25.
"Kenya: Statutory Monthly Minimum Wages and Housing Allowances in Urban Areas,
December 1960," Labor Developments Abroad, August 1963, p. 23.
"Kenya: Typical Monthly Wage Rates for Unskilled Workers in Urban Areas, Se­
lected Industries," Labor Developments Abroad, August 1963, p. 21.
"Statistics of Wages and Employment in Kenya, 1960 and 1961," Labor Developments
Abroad, June 1962, pp. 16-21.



American University, Foreign Areas Studies Division, Special Operations Research
Office. Area Handbook for Liberia. Washington, U . S 0 Government Printing
Office, 1964. 419 pp.

Cole, Henry B., editor.

The Liberian Yearbook.

Monrovia, Annual.

Collings, Francis d*A., Moeen A. Qureshi, and Yoshio Mizoe.
"The Liberian
Economy," International Monetary Fund Staff Papers, Vol. 11, No. 2, July
1964, pp. 285-326.
Hance, William A. African Economic Development. New York, published for the
Council on Foreign Relations by Harper & Bros., 1958. 307 pp.

Bureau of Natural Resources and Surveys.

_____ . Department of Agriculture.
Printer, 153 pp.

Report, 1963/64.

_____ . Department of Commerce and Industry.
Printer, 1964, pp. 36-46.
_____ . Information Service. Liberia:
Publications Co., 1960. 76 pp.
_____ . Office of National Planning.
Monrovia, Annual.


Monrovia, Annual.

Monrovia, Government

Report, 1964.

Story of Progress.

Monrovia, Government

London, Consolidated

Report on Operations and Activities.

Liberian Trading and Development Bank, Ltd., Monrovia.
Information. Monrovia, Annual.


Basic Data and

Liebenow, J. Gus. "Liberia," African One-Party States, edited by Gwendolen M.
Ithaca, N. Y., Cornell University Press, 1962, p p . 325-394.
Montgomery, John D. Aid to Africa: New Test for U . S 0 Policy. (Headline Series
No. 149.) New York, Foreign Policy Association--World Affairs Center, 1961.
62 pp.

Porter, Philip W.

"Liberia," Focus, Vol. 12, No. 1, September 1961.

Richardson, Nathaniel R. L i b eria^ Past and Present.
Press and Publishing Co., 1959. 348 pp.


6 pp.

London, The Diplomatic

L iberia/Libya

Solomon, Marvin D. , and Warren L. d*Azevedo. A General Bibliography of the
Republic of Liberia. (Working Papers in Social Science, No. 1.) Evanston,
111., Northwestern University Press, 1962. 68 pp.

UoS. Department of Commerce, Bureau of International Programs. Establishing a
Business in Liberia. Washington, U 0S. Government Printing Office, 1962.
19 pp.
U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics.
ton, 1960.
22 pp.

Labor in Liberia.


International Labour Office. Report to the Government of the Republic of Liberia
on the Development of Vocational Training. (ILO/TAP/Liberia/R.3)
1963. 21 pp.

Liberia. Acts Passed by the Legislature of the Republic of Liberia during the
Session, 1960-1961. Monrovia, Government Printing Office, 1961. Pp. 111-113,
__. Department of Commerce and Industry, Bureau of Labor.
Law of the Republic of Liberia. Monrovia, 1965.
115 pp.

Handbook of Labor

MNew Labor Legislation Enacted," Labor Developments Abroad, November 1963, p. 13.
"Workmen1s Compensation and Pension Legislation in Liberia," International Labour
Review, Vol. 87, No. 2, February 1963, pp. 165-187.

Barclay*s Bank, Dominion, Colonial, and Overseas.
London, 1960. 23 pp.


An Economic Survey.

Bottomley, Anthony.
"Economic Growth in a Seminomadic Herding Community,M Eco­
nomic Development and Cultural Change, Vol. 11, July 1963, pp. 407-419.



Hartshorn, J. E. Politics and World Oil Economics,
Praeger, 1962.

New York, Frederick A.

International Bank for Reconstruction and Development. The Economic Development
of Libya. Baltimore, The Johns Hopkins Press, 1960. 524 pp.
Khadduri, Majid. Modern Libya: A Study in Political Development.
The Johns Hopkins Press, 1963.


Kubbah, Abdul Amir Kassem. The Kingdom of Libya:
Its Petroleum Industry and
Economic System. Baghdad, Iraq, The Arab Center for Economic and Petroleum
Research, 1964.
Libya. Ministry of National Economy, Census and Statistical Department.
Population Census of Libya, 1954; Report and Tables. Tripoli, 1959. 234 pp.
_____ . _____ . Preliminary Results of the General Population Census, 1964.
Tripoli, 1964. 45 pp.
_____ . _____ .

Statistical Abstract of Libya.

Tripoli, Government Press, Annual

Lockwood, Agnese N. Libya--Building a Desert Economy.
versity Press, 1957.

New York, Columbia Uni­

Maghreb Labor Digest. North African Perspectives0 Coordinated by W 0 A 0 Beling.
Los Angeles, Calif., Middle East and North African Program, School of Inter­
national Relations, University of Southern California, Monthly.
National Bank of Libya, Research Department.

Economic Bulletin.

U.So Department of Commerce, Bureau of International Commerce.
Reports: Basic Data on the Economy of Libya, (OBR 64-112)
Government Printing Office, September 1964. 24 pp.


Overseas Business
Washington, U 0S 0

International Labour Office. Report to the Government of Libya on the Technical
and Clerical Training Center, Tripoli. (ILO/TAP/Libya/R.5)
Geneva, 1961.
50 pp.

"Manpower and Employment Problems in Libya," International Labour Review, Vol. 85
No. 1, January 1962, pp. 30-40.
Thomas, Frederic C., Jr.
"The Libyan Oil Worker," Middle East Journal, Vol. 15,
No. 3, Summer 1961, pp. 264-276.


Libya/Malagasy R









U.Sc Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, Office of Education.
tional Data:


(0E-14034-52, No. 52)

Washington, 1961.


6 pp.

’'Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment of Disabled Persons in Libya," Inter­
national Labour Review, Vol. 87, No. 4, April 1963, pp. 376-377.

"Changes in the Social Security Scheme of Libya," International Labour Review,
Vol. 86, No. 6, December 1962, pp. 586-588.
International Labour Office. Report to the Government of Libya on Manpower and
Labour Administration. (ILO/TAP/Libya/R.4) Geneva, 1960. 38 pp.
_____ . Report to the Government of Libya on Social Insurance.
130 pp.

Geneva, 1961.

__. Report to the Government of the United Kingdom of Libya on a Manpower
Information Programme. (ILO/TAP/Libya/R.7) Geneva, 1962. 24 pp.



"L'Afrique d fexpression francaise," Europe, France Outremer, Vol. 39, No. 385,
March 1962, pp. 11-232.

"Le Developpement de Madagascar," Bulletin de Madagascar, No. 202, March 1963,
pp. 259-268.
"East Africa," Current History, Vol. 46, No. 271, March 1964, pp. 136-174.
France. Ministere de la Cooperation.
developpement. Paris, March 1962.

Republique Malgache:
55 pp.

Economie et plan de

Hance, William A. African Economic Development. New York, Harper & Bros, for
the Council on Foreign Relations, 1958. 307 pp.
(With bibliography.)
Kent, Raymond K. From Madagascar to the Malagasy Republic.
A. Praeger, 1962.
182 pp.

New York, Frederick

"Labor Conditions in the Malagasy Republic," Labor Developments Abroad, JanuaryFebruary 1965, pp. 5-9.


Malagasy Republic

Malagasy Republic. Ministere de Finance, Office de Statistique. Population de
Madagascar au ler Janvier 1961. Tananarive, Government Printer. 41 leaves.
__ o Service de Statistique et de la Recherche Economique.
de statistique. Tananarive, Monthly.
__. Service General de 11Informationc
Government Printer, Monthly.

Bulletin mensuel

Bulletin de Madagascar.


UoSo Department of Commerce, Bureau of International Programs. Basic Data on the
Economy of the Malagasy Republic. (Part 1, N o 0 62-65) Washington, U . S Q
Government Printing Office, 1962.
18 pp.

Deschamps, Hubert.
'‘Internal Migrations in Madagascar," Inter-African Labour
Institute Bulletin, Vol. 8, No. 3, August 1961, pp. 50-56.
"Malagasy Republic:
June 1962, p. 7.

Population and Labor Force," Labor Developments Abroad,

"Organisation and Control of Immigration in the Malagasy Republic," International
Labour Review, Vol. 86, No. 6, December 1962, p. 578.

Goyat, Michel, and Maurice Rene.
Code du travail Malgache et son application
practique. Tananarive, Socie1:e Lilloise d 1Imprimetrie, 1962. 518 pp.
’’Malagasy Republic: New Rates of Contributions and Benefits (National Family
Allowances and Employment Accidents Fund)," Bulletin of the International
Social Security Association, Nos. 1-2, January-February 1964, p. 46.
"A National Fund for Family Allowances and Employment Injury Compensation in the
Malagasy Republic," International Labour Review, Vol. 87, No. 4, April 1963,
pp. 390-392.
"The New Labour Codes in French-speaking African Countries," Inter-African Labour
Institute Bulletin. Vol. 9, No. 4, November 1962, pp. 51-55.
(In French,
pp. 26-31.)

U.So Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, Social Security Administration.
"Recent Foreign Social Secur ity Developments (1964-No. 1)."
November 5, 1964, various paging.



Malagasy Repub lie/Malawi

___________________________________ _

Delaunay, D. Pierre.
"The Economic and Social Background of Industrial Medicine
in Madagascar," International Labour Review, Vol. 83, No. 2, February 1961,
pp. 107-135.
_____ . "Madagascar's Experience in Industrial Medicine," Inter-African Labour
Institute B u 1letin, Vol. 9, No. 3, August 1962, pp. 21-36.

(Formerly Nyasaland in the Federation
of Rhodesia and Nyasaland)
Barber, William J. The Economy of British Central Africa: A Case Study of Eco­
nomic Development in a Dualistic Society. Stanford, Calif., Stanford Uni­
versity Press, 1961.
271 pp.
Black, Colin. The Lands and Peoples of Rhodesia and Nyasaland.
Macmillan Company, 1961.
104 pp.

New York, The

Blake, W. T. Central African Survey: Facts and Figures of Rhodesia and Nyasa­
land. London, Alvin Redman, Ltd., 1961.
133 pp.
"East Africa," Current History, Vol. 46, No. 271, March 1964, pp. 136-174.
Franck, Thomas M. Race and Nationalism: The Struggle for Power in RhodesiaNyasaland. New York, Fordham University Press, 1960. 369 pp.
Great Britain. Commonwealth Economic Committee.
Commonwealth Development and
Its Financing, Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland. London, H 0M 0 Stationery
Office, 1961. 44 pp.
_____ . Office of Commonwealth Relations.
tionery Office, Annual.

Report on Nyasaland.

London, H 0M 0 Sta­

Hazelwood, Arthur, and P, D. Henderson.
"Nyasaland: The Economics of Federa­
tion," Bulletin of the Oxford University Institute of Statistics, February
1960, entire issue.

Development Plan, 1964-1969.

Zomba, Government Printer, 1964.


20 pp.


Matthews, David, and Raymond Apthorpe.
Social Relations in Central African
Industry. Lusaka, Rhodes Livingstone Institute, 1958.
135 pp.
143 pp.
_____ .

Development Plan, 1962-1965.

Labour Department.


Zomba, Government Printer, 1962.

Zomba, Government Printer, Annual.

_____ . Ministry of Education and Social Development.
Printer, Annual.
Rhodesia and Nyasaland. Central Statistical Office.
tistics . Salisbury, Government Printer, Monthly.


Monthly Digest of Sta­

_____ . Information Department.
Supplement to Cost of Living.
low & Sons, Ltd., 1961.
18 pp.
_____ . Ministry of Economic Affairs.
Printer, Annual.
_____ . Ministry of Education.
Printer, Annual.

Economic Report.

Report on Education.

Zomba, Government

Salisbury, Water-

Salisbury, Government

Salisbury, Government

Spiro, Herbert J. “The Rhodesias and Nyasaland," Five African States. Responses
to Diversity, edited by Gwendolen M. Carter.
Ithaca, N. Y., Cornell Univer­
sity Press, 1963, pp. 361-470.
United Nations, Bureau of Economic Affairs.
Structure and Growth of Selected
African Economies. (E/3137, ST/ECA/57) New York, United Nations Publishing
Service, 1958.
201 p p c

Chiume, M. W. Kanyama.
"The Problem of Staff in Nyasaland--Extracts from a Work­
ing Paper," Inter-African Labour Institute Bulletin, Vol. 8, No. 2, May 1961,
pp. 48-52.
"Non-African Migratory Movements to and from the Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasa­
land in 1960," Industry and Labour, Vol. 25, No. 11, June 1, 1961, pp. 360-362.
Rhodesia and Nyasaland. Central Statistical Office.
"Preliminary Results of
Federal Censuses of Population and of Employees.
(1): Industrial and Racial
Distribution of Employees." Salisbury, March 1962.
15 pp.


Mala wi/Mali

"Rhodesia and Nyasaland: Employment by Industry Division, Territory, and Race,
1954, 1959, and 1961," Labor Developments Abroad, August 1963, pp. 29-31.
"Rhodesia and Nyasaland: Population and Employment, by Territory, 1954, 1959,
and 1961," Labor Developments Abroad, August 1963, p. 28.
"Rhodesia and Nyasaland: Training Programs for African Miners Expanded," Labor
Developments Abroad, October 1963, pp. 7-8.
Rouse, A. F. "Recruitment and Training of Managerial Staff in the Federation of
Rhodesia and Nyasaland," Inter-African Labour Institute Bulletin, Vol. 7,
No. 6, November 1960, pp. 41-45.
"Statistics of Employment of Europeans and Africans, by Territory and Industry,
in the Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland, 1960," Labor Developments Abroad,
November 1961, p. 29.
"Statistics of Wages and Employment in the Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland,"
Labor Developments Abroad, August 1960, p. 20.

"Retirement Benefits Provided for British Employees in Nyasaland," Labor Develop­
ments Abroad, January-February 1964, pp. 11-12.


"Rhodesia and Nyasaland:
pp. 16-18.

Rates of Pay," Labor Developments Abroad, July 1962,

"Rhodesia and Nyasaland: Wages Increased, and Wage Distribution Analyzed," Labor
Developments Abroad, August 1962, pp. 10-11.

"L’Afrique d ’expression francaise," Europe, France Outremer, Vol. 39, No. 385,
March 1962, pp. 11-232.
American Universities Field Staff. Reports Service: The Struggle for Stability
in the Republic of Mali, by Victor Du Bois. Jffe st Africa Series. Vol. 7,



No. 1 (Ma 1 0 /
10 pp.

New York, American Universities Field Staff, Inc., December

Clauzel, J. "Economic Life and Social Structure of the Nomadic Region of Mali,"
U.Sc Joint Publications Research Service, No. 155510, October 1, 1962,
pp. 83-100.
Dumont, Rene. Tiers-Monde; Afrique Noire--Developpement agricole; Guinee, Cote
d'Ivoire, Mali. Paris, Presses Universitaires de France, 1962. 212 pp.
Friedland, William H., and Carl G. Rosberg, Jr., editors. African Socialism.
Stanford, Calif., Hoover Institution Publications, 1964. 313 pp.

International Labour Office. Rapport au gouvernement de la Republique du Mali
sur le developpement de la cooperation en milieu urbain. Geneva, 1961. 35 pp.
Mali. Ministere d'Etat Charge' du Plan et de la Coordination des Affaires Economiques et Financieres, Service de la Statistique Generale, et Chambre de
Commerce, d 1Agriculture, et d*Industrie.
Statistique de la Republique du
Mali. Bamako, Government Printer, Annual.
. Ministere du Plan et de Coordination des Affaires Economiques et Finan­
cieres. Comptes economiques de la Republique du Mali. Clichy, Imprimeur
Paul Dupont, 1962.
164 pp.
_____ . Ministere du Plan et de l'Economie Rurale. Rapport sur le plan quinquennal de developpement economique et sociale de la Republique du Mali,
1961-1965. /Bamako, 19617/ 42 pp.
UcSc Department of Commerce, Bureau of International Commerce. Overseas Business
Reports: Basic Data on the Republic of Mali, prepared by Julia Graham.
(OBR 64-17) Washington, U.S* Government Printing Office-, March 1964. 7 pp.

International Labour Office. Rapport au gouvernement de la Republique du Mali
sur la formation de cadres dirigeants et 11accroissement de la productivite.
(OIT/TAP/Mali/R.3) Geneva, 1962. 46 pp.
__. Rapport au gouvernement de la Republique du Mali sur les problWies de
l'emploi et de la formation professionnelle dans 1 Industrie, le commerce,
et lfartisanat. (OIT/TAP/Mali/R.2/Vol. 2) Geneva, 1962.
__. Rapport au gouvernement de la Republique du Mali sur les problemes de
l!emploi et de la formation professionnelle en agriculture. (OIT/TAP/Mali/
R. 2/V0I. 2) Geneva, 1962. 38 pp.


Mali/Maur i tan ia

Bamako, Chambre de Commerce, d 1Agriculture, et d 1Industrie.
economique, 1962. Bamako, April 1963. Chap. 5.

Elements du bilan

"Bilateral Conventions Concerning Movement of Persons Concluded by France with
Mali, Mauritania, and Senegal," International Labour Review, Vol. 90, No. 2,
August 1964, pp. 183-184.
International Labour Office. Act No. 62-67 A 0No--R0M., to Promulgate a Labour
Code for the Republic of Mali. Dated 19 August 1962. (Legislative Series,
1962--Mali 1.) Geneva, May-June 1964. 69 pp.
"Introduction of Social Security in Mali," International Labour Review, Vol. 89,
No. 6, June 1964, pp. 610-613.
Mali. L ’Institut National de Prevoyance Sociale (INPS).
"Code de prevoyance
sociale en Republique du Mali," Annual Report, 1962, pp. 3-73, Annex,
pp. 75-96.
__ . Laws, Statutes, etc.
Bamako, 1962. 69 pp.

Code de prevoyance sociale en Republique du Mali.

__. _____ . Code du travail (Loi no. 62-67 AN-RM du 9 aout 1962).
Imprimerie Nationale du Mali, 1962.
113 pp.


"Regional Joint Occupational Health Centres in Mali," International Labour Review,
Vol. 90, No. 1, July 1964, pp. 66-67.



"L*Afrique d'expression francaise," Europe, France Outremer, Vol. 39, No. 385,
March 1962, pp. 11-232.
Church, R. J. Harrison.
"The Islamic Republic of Mauritania," Focus, Vol. 12,
No. 3, November 1961. 6 pp.
France. Ministere de la Cooperation.
Economie et plan de developpement.

Republique Islamique de Mauritanie:
2d ed. Paris, Direction des Affaires



...________________________ Mauritania

Economiques et Financieres, Sous-Direction des Etudes Generates et de la
Documentation, 1963. 90 pp.
The Islamic Republic of Mauritania. New York, Embassy of France, Press and
Information Division, 1960. 28 pp.
Pick, Helen.
"Independent Mauritania," World Today, Vol. 17, No. 4, April 1961,
pp. 149-158.

International Labour Office. Rapport sur l1education ouvriere en la Republique
Istamique de Mauritania. (OIT/TAP/Mauritanie/R.2) Geneva, 1963.
18 pp.

"Bilateral Conventions Concerning Movement of Persons Concluded by France with
Mali, Mauritania, and Senegal," International Labour Review, Vol. 90, No. 2,
August 1964, pp. 183-184.
International Labour Office. Rapport au gouvernement de la Republique Islamique
de Mauritanie sur la legislation et 1 "administration des regimes de prevoyance
sociale. Geneva, 1963. 83 pp.
. Rapport au gouvernement de la Republique Islamique de Mauritanie sur la
securite* sociale. (OIT/OTA/Mauritanie/R.1) Geneva, 1962.
103 pp.
Establishment of a National Social Insurance Fund," Bulletin of the
International Social Security Association, Nos. 1-2, January-February 1964,
pp. 46-48.
"Mauritania: Family Allowances," Bulletin of the International Social Security
Association, Nos. 1-2, January-February 1964, pp. 48-50.
Mauritania. Laws, Statutes, etc.
"Code du travail (Loi 63.023)," Journal
officiel de la Republique Islamique de Mauritanie, No. 106, February 20,
1963, pp. 53-90.
"Social Security Reform in Mauritania," International Labour Review, Vol. 89,
No. 6, June 1964, pp. 613-615.
Soumah, David.
"The IPRAO (Institution de prevoyance et de retraites de
l’Afrique Occidental) Pension Scheme (West African Provident and Pensions
Institution)," Inter-African Labour Institute Bulletin, Vol. 9, No. 4,
November 1962, pp. 85-92.


U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, Social Security Administra­
tion. "Recent Foreign Social Security Developments (1964-No. 1)." Washing­
ton, November 5, 1964, various paging.

Barclay's Bank, Dominion, Colonial, and Overseas. Mauritius: An Economic Survey,
1962. London, Williams, Lea, and Company, Ltd., 1962. 22 pp.

Great Britain, Colonial Office.
Office, Annual.

Report on Mauritius.


H.M. Stationery

International Labour Office. Report to the Government of Mauritius on the 19611962 Family Budget Inquiry and the New Consumer Price Index. Geneva, 1963.
97 pp.
Mauritius. Central Statistical Office. Quarterly Digest of Statistics. Port
Louis, Government Printer, Quarterly.
(Published since 1959 in place of the
Year Book of Statistics.)
__ . Ministry of Labour and Social Security. Report. Port Louis, Government
Printer, Annual.
(Report for the Year 1962 is the first issued by the inte­
grated Ministry.)
__. Registrar, Cooperative Societies. Report on the Working of the Coopera­
tive Societies. Port Louis, Government Printer, 1946/47-1957/58, Annual.
Meade, James E . , and others. The Economic and Social Structure of Mauritius.
London, Methuen & Co., 1961. 246 pp.
Titmuss, Richard M . , and Brian Abel-Smith.
Social Policy and Population Growth
in Mauritius. London, Methuen & Co., 1961. 308 pp.

Mauritius. Ministry of Labour and Social Security. Report on Mauritius, 1962.
Port Louis, Government Printer, 1963. Chaps. I and II.


"Allowances for Three-Child Families of Small Means in Mauritius," International
Labour Review, Vole 85, N o c 6, June 1962, p c 648c
Mauritius 0 Ministry of Labour and Social Security *, Report on Mauritius, 1962c
Port Louis, Government Printer, 1963. Chapsc II, VII, and VIII0
"Termination of Contracts of Service in Mauritius," International Labour Review,
Vole 90, Noc 2, August 1964, p p c 180-182.

Mauritius. Ministry of Labour and Social Security. Report on Mauritius, 19620
Port Louis, Government Printer, 1963* Chap. II«,

"L!Afrique d ’expression francaise," Europe, France Outremer, Vol. 39, N o c 385,
March 1962, ppe 11-232,
Ashford, Douglas E. "Labor Politics in a New Nation," Western Political QuarterLy, Vole 3, June 1960, p p c 312-331.
_____ e Political Change in Morocco.
Press, 1961e 432 ppo

Princeton, N c J., Princeton University

Carey, Jane P. C 0, and Andrew G. "The Two Developing Worlds of Morocco: A Case
Study in Economic Development and Planning," Middle East Journal, Vol. 16,
No. 4, Autumn 1962, pp. 457-475.
Cowan, Le Gray. The Economic Development of Morocco. Santa Monica, Calif.,
The Rand Corporation, 1958e 136 pp.
Maghreb Labor D i g e s t North African Perspectives. Coordinated by W D A. Beling.
Los Angeles, Calif., School of International Relations, University of Southern
California, Monthly.
Morocco. Ministere de l'Economie Nationale, Division de la Coordination Economique et du Plan. La Consommation et les depenses des menages marocains;
musulmans; resultats de l!enquete, 1959-1960. Rabat, 1961. 206 pp.


M orocco

Morocco. Ministere de l'Economie Nationale, Division de la Coordination Economique et du Plan. La Situation economique au Maroc. Rabat, Annual.
_____ 0 Ministere du Travail et des Questions Sociales.
2d edo Rabat, Imprimerie de Fedala, 1960.
181 pp.

Le Maroc au travail0

Stewart, Charles F„ The Economy of Morocco, 1912-1962. (Harvard Middle Eastern
Monographs, 12) Cambridge, Mass., distributed by Harvard University Press for
the Center for Middle Eastern Studies of Harvard University, 1964. 234 pp.
Tenenbaum, Edward A., and James S. Taylor. An Economic Strategy for Morocco.
Washington, Continental Allied Company, Inc., I960.
182 pp.
United Nations, Bureau of Economic Affairs.
Structure and Growth of Selected
African Economies. (E/3137,ST/ECA/57) New York, United Nations Publishing
Service, 1958. 201 pp.
Waterston, Albert. Planning in Morocco: Organization and Implementation. Balti
more, published for the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development
by the Johns Hopkins University Press, 1962. 72 p p . (With bibliography.)

Charles, Pierre. La Promotion des travailleurs nationaux a l’interieur des entre
prises industrielles des pays en voie de developpement. Rabat, Editions la
Porte, 1961. 75 pp.
Forget, Nellyo
"Attitudes towards Work by Women in Morocco," International
Social Science Journal, V ol0 14, No. 1, 1962, p p . 92-124.
Hauet, Daniel. La Formation professionnelle par ses propres moyens dans les
pays en voie de developpement. Rabat, Editions la Porte, 19610 167 pp.
International Labour Office. Regional Seminar on Workers1 Education in Arab
Stateso Geneva, 19610 59 pp.
"Labor Force Estimated," Labor Developments Abroad, January-March 1963, p. 10.
The Moroccan Five-Year Plan, 1960-1964. Pt. I, Chap. Ill: The Development of
Employment. Translated by the U . S C AID Mission, Language Service Section.
Rabat, March 1962. 21 pp.

Morocco. Ministere de l’Economie Nationale et des Finance, Service Central des
Statistiques. Statistiques et etudes economiques et demographiques. (Supple­
ment trimestriel au Bulletin mensuel de statistique.) Rabat, Quarterly.



Nouacer, Khadidjac "The Changing Status of Women and the Employment of Women in
Morocco," International Social Science Journal, Vol. 14, No. 1, 1962, pp.
"The Problem of Executive Staff in Morocco," Inter-African Labour Institute
Bulletin, Vol. 8, No. 2, May 1961, pp. 100-105„

"Bilateral Manpower Agreement between France and Morocco," International Labour
Review, Vo l 0 89, No. 2, February 1964, pp. 189-192.
"Bilateral Manpower Agreement between Morocco and the Federal Republic of Ger­
many," International Labour Review, Vol. 89, N o 0 2, February 1964, pp. 192-194
"Contrat de travail: nouvelle procedure pour les contrats de travail d'etrangers,
La Revue fiduciaire marocaine, N o 0 507 , January 20, 1965, p p 0 11-120
La Fiduciaire Marocaine d !Editions Techniques (FIDUTEC), editor0 Guide du
travail et de la legislation sociale au MaroCo Re v 0 ed. Casablanca,
Imprimeries Reunies, _/1964/. 97 pp.
"Introduction of a Social Security Scheme in Morocco," Industry and Labour,
Vol. 24, September 15, 1960, p p 0 234-238.
Lancre, Paul, editorQ Legislation marocaine du travail.
Casablanca, Imprimeries Reunies, 1963.
Morere, Maurice0 Les Tribunaux de travail au Maroc.
Marocaine d'Editions Techniques, 1958.
143 pp.

2d ed.; 2 vols0

Casablanca, La Fiduciaire

Morocco0 Ministere du Travail et des Questions Sociales. Legislation du travail
VI: Applications des lois sociales dans 11agricu lture . 2d ed „ _/Rabajt/,
February 1 , 19610 26 p p Q
UoSo Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics0 Labor Law and Practice in
Morocco, prepared by Ann C. Suter0 (BLS Report No* 282) Washington, U.S.
Government Printing Office, 1964. 73 pp.

"Morocco: Workers1 Representation Within Undertakings," International Labour
Review, Vol. 87, N o c 5, March 1963, pp. 477-478.


Moroc c o / M o z a m b i q u e

’’Food for Wages Program Undertaken," Labor Developments Abroad, February 1962,
p p 0 7-8o

Harris, Marvin0 Portugal’s African "Wards": A First-Hand Report on Labor and
Education in Mozambique0 New York, American Committee on Africa, 1960. 36 pp
Mozambique. Direccao Provincial dos Servicos de Estatistica Geral. Anuario
estatistico. Lourenqo Marques, Imprensa Nacional de Mocambique, Annual.
__ . _____ . Boletim mensal de estatistica.
Nacional de Mocambique, Monthly„

Lourenco Marques, Imprensa

_____ . Reparticao Tecnica de Estatistica. Estatistica industrial.
Marques, Imprensa Nacional de Mozambique, Annual.
Spence, C c F. Mocambique (East African Province of Portugal)„
Howard Timmins, 1963.
147 pp.


2d ed0

Cape Town

UoS. Department of Commerce, Bureau of International Programsc World Trade
Information Service: Economic Developments in Mozambique, 1961, Pt. Ic
Washington, U 0S 0 Government Printing Office, 1962.
15 pp.

"Labor Situation Summarized," Labor Developments Abroad, July 1962, p. 16.

Codigo do trabalho rural. Duretas 44309 e 44310 de 27 de abril de 1962.
ren^o Marques, Imprensa Nacional de Mozambique, 1962.
123 pp.


International Labour Office. Report of the Commission of the International
Labour Organisation Concerning the Observance by the Government of Portugal
of the Abolition of Forced Labour Convention, 1957. Geneva, 1962. 390 pp.
"Rural Labor Code Promulgated," Labor Developments Abroad, December 1962,
pp. 11-12.


______________________________________________ _______________ ______________ M o za m b i qu e / N ig e r

Silva e Sousa, A., annotator. Legislacao do trabalho.
ques, Imprensa Nacional de Mocambique, 1963.

2 vols.

Lourenqo Mar­

"Family Allowances Reduced," Labor Developments Abroad, June 1963, pp. 6-70

"L’Afrique d ‘expression francaise," Europe, France Outremer, Vol. 39, No. 385,
March 1962, p p 0 ll-2320
International Labour Office0 Rapport au gouvernement de la Republique du Niger
sur la creation de cooperatives rurales et la formation de leurs dirigeants.
(OIT/TAP/Niger/Rc4) Geneva, 1964.
19 p p c
_____ . Rapport au gouvernement de la Republique du Niger sur les conditions de
de'veloppement du mouvement coopdratif au Niger. (OIT/TAP/Niger/R01) Geneva,
1962* 57 p p c
_____ . Rapport au gouvernement de la Repub lique du Niger sur ^organisation de
cooperatives de construction et de transports. (OIT/TAP/Niger/R.3) Geneva,
1964. 32 pp.
The Republic of the Niger0
Division, 1960o 32 p p 0

New York, Embassy of France, Press and Information

UoSc Department of Commerce, Bureau of International Programs. World Trade
Information Service: Basic Data on the Economy of Niger. Washington, U 0S 0
Government Printing Office, 1962.
16 p p 0

Al-Akel, Adelc
Comptes economiques, 1961« Niamey, Commissariat General au Plan,
Service de la Statistique, 1964. 64 pp.
International Labour Office0 Rapport sur l 1education ouvriere en Republique du
Niger. (OIT/OTA/Niger/Rc2) Geneva, 1963.
16 pp.


N i g e r / N i g e r i a _____________________________________________________________________________

"Act No, 61-23, to Prescribe Legal Public Holidays in the Republic of Niger,
July 12, 1961," Journal officiel de la Republique du Niger, No. 5 (Special),
August 31, 1961, p. 66o
"Employment Injury Compensation in the Republic of Niger," Industry and Labour,
August 1, 1961, pp. 108-110.
"New Labour Code in Niger," International Labour Review, Vol. 87, No. 5, May
1963, p. 4 7 3 o
Niger. Direction du Journal Officiel.
Code du travail. Loi no, 62-12 du
13 Juillet 1962 instituant un code du travail de la Republique du Niger.
Niamey, Imprimerie, T. L. Fontanon, 1962. 67 pp.
Soumah, David. "The IPRAO (Institution de prevoyance et de retraites de
l*Afrique Occidental) Pension Scheme (West African Provident and Pensions
Institution)," Inter-African Labour Institute Bulletin, Vol. 9, No. 4,
November 1962, p p c 85-92.

Niger. Direction du Travail, de la Main__d1Oeuvre, et de la Securite Sociale.
Rapport annuel, 1964. /Niamey, 1965^ / 95 pp.
"Survey of Wage Earners Completed," Labor Developments Abroad, November 1962,
pp. 11-12.

Buchanan, Keith M . , and Others. Land and People in Nigeria; the Human Geography
of Nigeria and Its Environmental Background. 3d ed. New York, International
Publications Service, 1961. 252 pp.
Chukwumah, P. A. L. "The New Constitutions of the Republic of Congo (Brazzaville)
and the Federal Republic of Nigeria," Inter-African Labour Institute Bulletin,
Vol. 11, No. 3, August 1964, pp. 297-313.
(In English and French.)
Coleman, James S. Nigeria: Background to Nationalism. Berkeley and Los Angeles,
Calif., University of California Press, 1960. 510 pp.
(With bibliography.)


N i geria

Ford Foundation. Prospects and Policies for Development of the Eastern Region of
Nigeria. Enugu, 1960. 96 pp.
Helleiner, Gerald K. MThe Eastern Nigeria Development Corporation: A Study in
Sources and Uses of Public Development Funds, 1949-1962,” Nigerian Journal of
Economics and Social Studies, Vol. 6, March 1964, pp. 98-123.
International Labour Office. Report to the Government of the Federation of Nige­
ria on Cooperative Education. (ILO/TAP/Nigeria/R.6) Geneva, 1963. 24 pp.,
Israel. Ministry for Foreign Affairs, Department for International Cooperation.
Development of Cooperatives in Eastern Nigeria. (Report to the Eastern Nigerian
Prepared by S. Alon (Domb). Jerusalem, November 1961.
142 pp.
Marris, Peter0 Family and Social Change in an African City : A Study of Re­
housing in Lagos. (Northwestern University African Studies No. 8) Evanston,
111., Northwestern University Press, 1962, 180 pp.
Nigeria, Eastern.

Department of Labour,


Enugu, Annual.

__. Ministry of Economic Planning, Statistics Division,
of Eastern Nigeria. Enugu, Government Printer, Annual,
__. Ministry of Education.
1964, 60 pp.

Education Handbooks

Ministry of Internal Affairs,


Nigeria Employers * Consultative Association,

Statistical Digest

Enugu, Government Printer,

Enugu, Government Printer , Annual.
NECA News,


Nigeria. Federal Ministry of Commerce and Industry. Handbook of Commerce and
Industry in Nigeria. 5th ed. Lagos, Federal Ministry of Information, Print­
ing Division, 1962. 398 pp.
_____ .
____ . Industrial Labour, An Introductory Guide for Prospective Inves­
tors . Lagos, Tika-Tore Press, Ltd., _/19637. 26 pp, and Appendices.
_____ . Federal Ministry of Economic Development. Federal Government Development
Programme, 1962-68: First Progress Report. (Sessional Paper No. 3 of 1964.)
Apapa, Nigerian National Press, 1964. 54 pp.
_____ . _____ . National Development Plan, 1962-1968.
Press, Ltd., 1962. 362 pp.

Apapa, Nigerian National

_____ . Federal Ministry of Education. Digest of Statistics.
Ministry of Information, Printing Division, Quarterly.


Lagos, Federal

N ige ria

Nigeria, Federal Ministry of Education,
Investment in Education: The Report of
the Commission on Postschool Certificate and Higher Education in Nigeria, Lon­
don, St, Clements Press, Ltd,, 1960,
140 pp,
_____ . Federal Ministry of Information, Nigeria, I960,
Brown, Knight, and Truscott, Ltd,, 1960. 63 pp.
_____ . Federal Ministry of Labour.
Press, Ltd., Quarterly.
__. _____ . Report.
sion, Annual.

Quarterly Review.

Apapa, Nigerian National

Lagos, Federal Ministry of Information, Printing Divi­

__. _____ , Cooperative Division.
tion, Printing Division, Annual.
_____ .

London and Tonbridge,


_____ , Social Welfare Division.

Lagos, Federal Ministry of Informa­

Report. Lagos , Government Printer , Annual.

_____ . Federal Office of Statistics.
Printer, Annual.

Abstract of Statistics,

_____ .

Lagos, Government Printer, Quarterly.

_____ .

Digest of Statistics.

Lagos, Government

"Nigeria," Journal of Human Relations, V o l . 10, No, 1, Autumn 1961, pp. 32-72.
Nigeria: The Making of a Nation. (Central Office of Information Reference Pam­
phlet 38) London, H.M. Stationery Office, 1960. 64 pp,
Nigeria. National Economic Council, Joint Planning Committee. Economic Survey
of Nigeria, 1959. Lagos, Government Printer, 1959,
132 pp.
_____ o National Universities Commission. Report on University Development in
Nigeria. Apapa, Nigerian National Press, Ltd., 1963. 47 pp.
Nigeria, Northern.
Kaduna, _/1962/.

Ministry of Economic Planning.
112 pp.

Development Plan, 1962-68.

Nigeria, Western. Ministry of Economic Planning and Community Development, Sta­
tistics Division. Abstract of Education Statistics. Ibadan, Government Print­
er, Annual.

____ .

Statistical Bulletin.

Ibadan, Government Printer, Biannual.

__• _____ * Western Nigeria Development Plan, 1962-1968.
Printer, 1962. 74 pp.


Ibadan, Government

N i g e ri a

_____ . _____ . Western Region Development Plan, 1960-1965#
Printer, 1959. 55 pp.
Nigeria Year Book.

Ibadan, Government

Apapa, Daily Times of Nigeria, Ltd., Annual.

Nigerian Economic Society, Nigerian Journal of Economic and Social Studies.
Ibadan, Ibadan University Press. Triennial.
Nigerian Institute of Social and Economic Research.
March 1962. Ibadan, 1963. 230 pp.

Conference Proceedings,

_____ . A List of Books, Articles, and Government Publications on the Economy of
Nigeria, 1960-1962, Compiled by Juliet 0. Kemp,
Ibadan, 1963. 41 pp.
Petch, George A. Economic Development and Modern West Africa.
sity of London Press, 1961. 224 pp.

London, Univer­

Royal Institute of International Affairs. Nigeria: The Political and Economic
Background. London, Oxford University Press, 1960.
141 pp.
Schatz, Sayre P. "The Influence of Planning on Development: The Nigerian
Experience," Social Research, Vol. 27, Winter 1960, pp. 451-468.
_____ . "Nigeria's First National Development Plan (1962-1968):
An Appraisal,"
Nigerian Journal of Economics and Social Studies, Vol. 5, July 1963, pp. 221-235.
_____ , and S. Ic Edokpayi,
"Economic Attitudes of Nigerian Businessmen," InterAfrican Labour Institute Bulletin, Vol. 11, No. 3, August 1964, pp. 241-261.
Simpson, Beatrice.
"A Nigerian Experiment in Adult Education," Free Labour World,
No, 165, March 1964, pp. 16-18.
Sklar, Richard L. Nigerian Political Parties: Power in an Emergent African
Nation. Princeton, N. J . , Princeton University Press, 1963. 578 pp.
Smythe, Hugh H., and Mabel M. The New Nigerian Elite.
ford University Press, 1960.
196 pp,
Stapleton, G. Brian.
1958. 228 pp.

The Wealth of Nigeria.

Stanford, Calif., Stan­

New York, Oxford University Press,

Stolper, Wolfgang F. "Economic Development in Nigeria," Journal of Economic
History, Vol, 23, December 1963, pp, 391-413.


N igeria______________________ _______________________________________________________________

U.So Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics0 Labor in Nigeria. Pre­
pared by Ann C c Suter, Max Horlick, and Janet L. Norwood.
Government Printing Office, 1963. 45 pp.

Washington, U . S Q

Wells, Frederick A 0, and W. A. Warmingtonc Studies in Industrialization: Nige­
ria and the Cameroons0 New York, Oxford University Press, 1962c 266 pp.

Bispham, W e M. L. "The Concept and Measurement of Labour Commitment and Its
Relevance to Nigerian Development," Nigerian Journal of Economics and Social
Studies, Vol. 6, March 1964, pp. 51-59.
Byl, Adhemar,
"Training Schemes of the United Africa Company; a New Outlook for
International Business," Training Directors* Journal, Vol. 19, January 1965,
p p 0 l4-260
Dyson, P. "Local Government Training in the Western Region of Nigeria," Journal
of African Administration, October 1959, pp. 193-200.
Goldway, Michae1« Report on Investigation of Vocational Education in Nigeria.
Enugu, Government Printer, 1962. 37 pp.
International Labour Office.
Interim Report to the Government of the Federation
of Nigeria on Advanced Training in the Building Trades at the Government Trade
Centre, Enugu<, (ILO/TAP/Nigeria/R.4)
Geneva, 1963. 8 pp.
_____ . Report on Workers1 Education in Nigeria.
1963c 24 p p 0



_____ o Report to the Government of the Federation of Nigeria on the Vocational
Rehabilitation and Employment of the Disabled. (ILO/OTA/Nigeria/Re1) Geneva,
1960. 59 pp«
Kilby, Peter.
"Technical Education in Nigeria," Bulletin (Oxford University,
Institute of Economics and Statistics), Vol. 26, May 1964, pp. 181-194.
"The Manpower Situation in Nigeria--A Preliminary Report," I n t e r - African Labour
Institute Bulletin, Vol. 11, No. 1, February 1964, pp. 26-46.
Nigeria, Eastern. Ministry of Education. Report on the Investigation of Voca­
tional Education in Eastern Nigeria. (Official Document No. 13 of 1962)
Enugu, Government Printer, 1962. 37 pp.
Nigeria. National Manpower Board. Manpower Situation in Nigeria. Preliminary
Report. (Manpower Studies No. 2) Lagos, Federal Ministry of Information,
Printing Division, 1963.
19 pp.



"The Problem of Staff in Nigeria with Particular Reference to the Western Region
of Nigeria," Inter-African Labour Institute Bulletin, Volc 8, N o c 2, May 1961,
p p 0 9-19.
Smythe, Hugh H c, and Mabel M 0 "Occupation and Upper-class Formation in Nigeria,"
Southwestern Social Science Quarterly, Vol. 41, December 1960, p p 0 350-356o
"Statistics of Employment in Nigeria," Labor Developments Abroad, December 1961,
p 0 33, and January-March 1963, p p c 23-26c
"Vocational Training in Eastern Nigeria," African Survey, N o c AS/19, December
1963, p p c 8-11o
Walker, Kathryn E c, and Hazel M e Haucko "Women*s Work in Changing Villages,"
Journal of Home Economics, V olc 56, April 1964, pp. 233-238«

Abiodun, M c 0 o "Industrial Relations in Nigeria," Industrial Relations, Volc 3,
April 1961, p p 0 44-53o
Nigeria*, Federal Ministry of Labour0 "Labour-Management Relations in the Coal
Industry in Nigeria," Inter-African Labour Institute Bulletin, V ol0 X, N o e 2,
May 1963, pp„ 198-207„
Stephens, Leslie*, "Impressions of Industrial Relations in Nigeria and Ghana,"
Personnel Management (London), Vol. 41, No. 347, March 1959, p p Q 28-33.
"What is the Check-off? How Will the New Labour Code Amendment Affect Employers?"
Inter-African Labour Institute Bulletin, Vol. 8, No. 4, November 1961, pp.
93-96 0
Yesufu, T 0 M c An Introduction to Industrial Relations in Nigeria.
Oxford University Press, 1962.
190 p p Q


"The Influence of International Labour Conventions on Nigerian Labour Legislation," International Labour Review, Vol. 82, No. 1, July 1960, p p e 26-43«
International Labour Off ice «> Report to the Government of the Federation of Nige­
ria on the Establishment of an Employment Market Information0 Geneva, 1962*
24 pp.


Ni g e r i a

Nigeria. Laws, Statutes, etc. The Laws of the Federation of Nigeria and Lagos
in Force on the First Day of June 1958: Chap. 91, Labour Code. 1 vol. Rev.
ed. Lagos, Government Printer, _/196_1 /. Various paging.
_____ . Ministry of Labour and Welfare. Guide for Employers.
Information on
Labour Legislation and Wage Rates in Nigeria. Lagos, Government Printer,
16 pp.
"Nigeria--National Provident Fund Act, 1961: A Descriptive Account Contributed
by the Nigeria Federal Ministry of Labour," Inter-African Labour Institute
Bulletin, Vol. 9, No. 2, May 1962, pp. 17-22.
Nigeria, Northern.
Social Welfare Division. Report on the Social Welfare Serv­
ices, 1958-1959. Kaduna, Government Printer, 1959. 7 pp.
Short Guide to Wor k m e n s Compensation Ordinance.
Printer, 1957.
19 pp.

Lagos, Government

"Social Legislation in Nigeria," Inter-African Labour Institute Bulletin, Vol. 9,
No. 2, May 1962, pp. 17-22.
Spencer, S. V.
"The Nigerian Factories Act. The First Five Years," Inter-Afri­
can Labour Institute Bulletin, Vol. 10, No. 4, November 1963, pp. 432-440.

United Labour Congress.


Nigeria, January 1962.

11 pp.

International Confederation of Free Trade Unions.
"Nigerian Workers Seek New
Wage Structure," Free Labour World, No. 141, March 1962, pp. 88-90.
"Nigeria. Average Monthly Wages, 1957-1959," Labor Developments Abroad, JanuaryMarch 1963, p. 27.
Nigeria. Commission on the Review of Salaries and Wages in the Public Services
of the Northern and Eastern Regions and the Southern Cameroons. Review of
Salaries and Wages. Report. Lagos, Government Printer, 1959. 52 pp.
_____ o Commission on the Review of Salaries and Wages in the Public Services of
the Western Region. Review of Salaries and Wages. Report. Lagos, Govern­
ment Printer, 1960. 54 pp.


N iger ia/Rwanda

Commission on the Review of Wages, Salaries, and Conditions of Service of
the Junior Employees of the Governments of the Federation and in Private Estab­
lishments. Report, 1963-64. Lagos, Federal Ministry of Information, Printing
Division, 1964.
155 p p .
"Nigeria. Daily Wage Rates in Principal Industries and for Federal Government
Employees, by Skill Level, 1958-1959," Labor Developments Abroad, JanuaryMarch 1963, pp. 28-29.
Nigeria. Federal Ministry of Information.
Conclusion of the Federal Government
on the Report of the Morgan Commission on the Review of Wages, Salaries, and
Conditions of Service of the Junior Employees of the Governments in the Federa­
tion and Private Establishments, 1963-64. Nigeria. Parliament. House of
Sessional Paper No. 5 of 1964. Lagos, 1964. 9 pp.
___ _. _____. Estimates of the Government of the Federal Republic of Nigeria,
1964-65. Lagos, Federal Ministry of Information, Printing Division, 1964.
385 pp.
"Nigeria. Wage Commission Established Following National Strike," Labor Develop­
ments Abroad, January-February 1964, pp. 10-11.
"Nigeria. Wage Earners, by Sex and Industry, September 1960," Labor Developments
Abroad, January-March 1963, p. 26,
Nigerian Employers’ Consultative Association. A Comparison of Conditions of Serv­
ice amongst Employers. Lagos, 1961.
25 pp.

(Formerly Part of Ruanda-Urundi)
Association Europeenne de Societes d 'Etude pour le Developpement. Etude globale
de deVe.loppement du Ruanda etduUrundi. Rapport generate, rapport analytique.
Brussels, 1961. 392 pp.
Clerfayt, Albert. Le Developpement energique du Congo Beige et du Ruanda-Urundi.
Brussels, 1960. 437 pp.
International Labour Office. Rapport au gouvernement de la Republique du Rwanda
sur les conditions de developpement du mouvement coope^atif au Rwanda. Geneva,
1963. 90 pp.
Leurquin, P. P. Agricultural Change in Ruanda-Urundi, 1945-1960. Stanford,
Calif., Stanford University, Food Research Institute, 1963. 93 pp.


Rwan da/Senegal__________________________ __________________________________________________

U.So Department of Agriculture, Economic Research Service0 The Agricultural
Economy of the Belgian Congo and Ruanda-Urundi, by Snider W. Skinner0 (ERS-Foreign 22) Washington, U 0S 0 Government Printing Office, 1962. 52 pp.

Congo, Belgiano Caisse des pensions des travailleurs du Congo et du RuandaUrundi 0 Rapport sur l'activite de l1exercise, 1959 0 Brussels, I960.
14 p p c
_____ o Caisse des pensions et allocations familiales des employes du Congo Beige
et du Ruanda-Urundi. Rapport sur l^ctivite" de ^exercise, 1959. 1 vo 1.
Brussels, 1960. Various paging.
Hesbois, Jean, and Rene Hoffman.
"Social Security and the Social Services in the
Belgian Congo and Ruanda-Urundi ii March I960,11 Inter-African Labour Institute
Bulletin, V o l . 7, N o 0 5, September 1960, pp. 8-29 .
"New Social Security Legislation in Rwanda and Burundi," International Labour Re­
view, Vol. 87, No. 5, May 1963, pp. 485-488.

International Labour Office.
1961. 55 pp.

Rapport sur les salaires au Ruanda-Urundi.


"L'Afrique d'expression francaise," Europe, France Outremer, Vol. 39, No. 385,
March 1962, pp. 11-232.
American University, Foreign Areas Studies Division, Special Operations Research
Office. Area Handbook for Senegal. Washington, U.S. Government Printing
Office, 1963. 489 pp.
Crowder, Michael.
Senegal: A Study in French Assimilation Policy.
Oxford University Press, 1962.
104 pp.


"Establishment of an Economic and Social Council in Senegal," International
Labour Review, Vol. 85, No. 3, March 1962, pp. 283-284.


__________ _________________________________ ________ _________________________________ Senegal

Friedland, William H., and Carl G. Rosberg, Jr., editors. African Socialism.
Stanford, Calif., Hoover Institution Publications, 1964. 313 pp.
Hapgood, David.
"Rural Animation in Senegal; New Approach to Village Develop­
ment," International Development Review, Vol. 6, September 1964, pp. 15-19.
International Labour Office, Rapport au gouvernement de la Republique du Senegal
sur le developpement de l*artisanat et des petites industries. (0 IT /TAP /
Senegal/R.4) Geneva, 1963, 30 pp.
Mersadier, Y. Budgets familiaux africains: Etude chez 136 families de salaires
dans trois centres urbains du Senegal. Limoges, Imprimeur A. Bontemps, 1957.
102 pp.
Milcent, Ernest.
"Senegal," African One-Party States, edited by Gwendolen M.
Ithaca, N. Y , , Cornell University Press, 1962, pp. 87-148.
Mission Socio-Economique du Fleuve Senegal. La Moyenne vallee du Senegal; etude
socio-economique, par J. L, Boutillier, P. Cantrelle, et autres. Paris,
Presses Universitaires de France, 1962. 358 pp.
The Republic of Senegal. New York, Embassy of France, Press and Information
Service, 1960. 32 pp.
"Senegal: Economic and Social Background for Development," Inter-African Labour
Institute Bulletin, Vol. 9, No. 2, August 1962, pp. 46-54.
Senegal. Ministere de 11Information, de la Radiodiffusion, et de la Presse.
Le Senegal en marche a l'an I de l1independance sur la voie africaine du
socialisme. Casablanca, Imprimeur Reunies, 1961. 209 pp.
_____ . Ministere des Finances et des Affaires Economiques, Service de la Statistique et de la Mecanographie. Situation economique du Senegal. Dakar, Annual.
_____ , Ministere du Plan et du Developpement, Service de la Statistique.
Bulletin statistique et economique mensuel, Dakar, Grand Imprimerie
Africaine, Monthly.
_____ . Plan quadriennal de developpement, 1961-1964.
f l 96_17.
209 pp.

Dakar, J, & C, Bompard,

_____ . Premier plan quadriennal de developpement, 1961-1964.
Imprimerie Nationale, 1962,
174 pp.


_____ , Service de la Statistique et de la Mecanographie. Enquete agricole,
1960-1961; resultats previsoires. Paris, Ministere de la Cooperation,
I.N.S.E.E. Service de la Cooperation 1962. 87 pp.


Senegal____________________________________________________ __________________________________

UoSo Department of Commerce, Bureau of International Programs. Basic Data on the
Economy of Senegal. Washington, U 0S C Government Printing Office, 1962.
18 pp

Hauser, M, A. Facteurs humains affectant la productivite'des travailleurs industriels
du Cap-Vert, Dakar, Institut de Science Economique Appliquee, _/19637. 18 pp.
International Labour 0fficeo Rapport au gouvernement de la Republique du Senegal
sur 1’elaboration d'un programme de main-d 1oeuvre. (OIT/TAP/Senega 1/R.2)
Geneva, 1962. 52 p p c
_____ . Rapport au gouvernement de la Republique du Senegal sur 1* organisation du
service de la main-d1oeuvre. (0IT/TAP/Senega1/R .3; 19 64--0IT/TAP/Senega1/R•5)
Geneva, 1963. 34 pp.
_____ . Rapport sur lfeducation ouvriere au Senegal0
Geneva, 1962„ 30 pp.


Obeye, M. Diop0 ’’Report on the Work of the Secretariat of State for Technical
Education and Vocational Training in the Republic of Senegal as at 3 March
1960,” Inter-African Labour Institute Bulletin, Vol. 7, No. 4, July 1960,
pp. 8-29c

"Act No. 62-47, to Prohibit Spare-time and Double Employment. Dated 13 June
1962,” Journal officiel de la Republique du Senegal, No. 3535, Extraordinary,
June 18, 1962, p c 1050.
’’Act No. 62-32, to Promulgate the Merchant Marine Code. Dated 22 March 1962,”
Journal officiel de la Republique du Senegal, No. 3527, Extraordinary, May 14,
1962, p. 787.
"Bilateral Conventions Concerning Movement of Persons Concluded by France with
Mali, Mauritania, and Senegal,” International Labour Review, Vol. 90, No. 2,
August 1964, p p c 183-184.
"Decree No. 61-347/PC.MFPT.DTLS, to Prescribe, Where There Is No Collective Agree
ment, Conditions of Work in Agricultural Occupations and Other Occupations
Placed on the Same Footing, Dated 6 September 1961,” Journal officiel de la
Republique du Senegal, No. 3477, September 23, 1961, p. 1380.
Senegal. Direction du Travail et de la Securite^ Sociale.




S e n e g a l/Sierra Leone

Soumah, Davidc
"The IPRAO (Institution de prevoyance et de retraites de 1 1Afrique
Occidental) Pension Scheme (West African Provident and Pensions Institution),"
Inter-African Labour Institute Bulletin, Vol. 9, N o c 4, November 1962, pp.
85-92 c
"Summaries of Selected Annual Reports of Labour Departments: Northern Rhodesia,
Southern Rhodesia, Senegal, Tanganyika," Inter-African Labour Institute Bulle­
tin , Volo 9, No. 2, August 1962, pp. 87-99.

Brun, Charles-Francisc
"Toward Trade Union Unity in Senegal-- Stages in the Evolu­
tion of Trade Union Law and New Procedures for Regulating Conflicts between
Labor and Management," Af rique-documents, No. 75„ Lyon, Imprimeur Micolon,
1964, pp. 195-244.



Barclay’s Bank, Dominion, Colonial, and Overseas.
Survey . London, I960. 23 pp.

Sierra Leone:

An Economic

Carney, Davidc
"The Integration of Social Development Plans with Over-all
Development Planning: The Example of Sierra Leone," International Social
Science Journal, Vol. 16, N o c 3, 1964, p p 0 357-377.
Cox-George, Noah A c W. Finance and Development in West Africa:
Experience 0 New York, Humanities Press, 1962c 333 pp <>
Fyfe, Christopher A. A History of Sierra Leone.
Press, 1962. 733 pp.

The Sierra Leone

New York, Oxford University

International Labour Office. Report to the Government of Sierra Leone on Re­
vision of the Consumer Price Index--Freetown; the Mine Workers’ Price Index;
and Statistics of Employment, 19610 (ILO/TAP/Sierra Leone/Rc2) Geneva,
106 p p c
Petch, George A. Economic Development and Modern West Africa.
versity of London Press, 19610 224 pp.
Sierra Leone. Central Statistics Office.
Cash Register Co., Ltd., Quarterly.


London, Uni­

Statistical Bulletin.

Apapa, National

Sierra Leone/Somali Republic

Sierra Leone Government. Ten-Year Plan of Economic and Social Development for
Sierra Leone, 1962/63-1971/72. Freetown, Government Printer, 1962.
105 pp.
Sierra Leone.

Labour Department,


Freetown, Government Printer, Annual.

Sierra Leone: The Making of a Nation0 (Central Office of Information Pamphlet
45) London, H 0M 0 Stationery Office, 1961. 38 pp.
"Social Development in Sierra Leone," African Survey, No. AS/24, July 1964,
pp. 10-13o
UoSo Library of Congress, General Reference and Bibliography Division. Official
Publications of Sierra Leone and Gambia. Compiled by Audrey A. Walker.
Washington, 1963. 92 pp.

Elias, T. 0. Ghana and Sierra Leone. The Development of Their Laws and Constitu
tions. London, Stevens & Sons, Ltd., 1962. 334 pp.
(With bibliography.)



Castagno, A. A . , Jr.
entire issue.

"Somalia," International Conciliation, No. 522, March 1959,

"East Africa," Current History, Vol. 46, No. 271, March 1964, pp. 136-174.
Great Britain. Colonial Office.
Somaliland: Report for the Years 1958 and 1959
London, H.M. Stationery Office, 1960. 78 pp.
International Labour Office. Report to the Government of the Republic of Somalia
on the Development of Handicrafts and Small-scale Industries. Geneva, 1963.
102 pp.
Lewis, I. M.
320 pp.

A Pastoral Democracy.

London, Oxford University Press, 1961.

Somaliae Planning and Coordinating Committee for Economic and Social Development
First Five-Year Plan, 1963-1967 <> Mogadiscio, Government Printer, 1963.
162 pp.


Somali Repu b l i c / S o u t h Africa

UoSo Department of Commerce, Bureau of International Commerce0
Reportso Basic Data on the Economy of Somalia0 (OBR 65-8)
Government Printing Office, 1965o 13 p p c

Overseas Business
Washington, U 0S 0

"Compulsory Employment of the Disabled in Somalia," International Labour Review,
Vole 90, Noo 1, July 1964, p p 0 60-61,



Andrews, H c T«, and Others, editors0 South Africa in the Sixties0 A Socio-Eco­
nomic Survey 0 Cape Town, South African Foundation, 1962c 216 p p 0
Ballinger, Margaret0 "South Africa: A Problem in Race Relations: Challenge and
Response," Australia Outlook, Volo 15, N o c 1, April 1961, p p c 5-28c
Benson, Maryc "South Africa and World Opinion," Current History, V o l 0 46, No«
271, March 1964, p p c 129-135, 137„
Boud, Sean0 "The Economics of Apartheid: The Facts Are a Challenge to the
Conscience of America," Worldview, Vol„ 3, July/August 1960, pp. 3-7.
Cole, Monica M c

South Africa*, London, Methuen and Co,, 1961.

696 pp.

de Coning, C c Aspects of Urban Bantu Consumer Behavior0 Pretoria, Bureau of
Market Research, University of South Africa, 1961. 22 p p c
de Jager, L c T c The Welfare of the Urban Bantu0
19610 21 p p 0
Economic Opinion.

Pretoria, Government Printer,

Johannesburg, Bank of South Africa, Ltdc, Monthly0

Economic Society of South Africa.
South African Journal of Economics.
burg, Swan Press, Ltd., Quarterly„


Green, Leslie P., and Thomas J 0 D 0 Fair*, Development in Africa: A Study in
Regional Analysis with Special Reference to Southern Africa*, Johannesburg,
Witwatersrand University Press, 19620 203 pp«
Hoover, Calvin B« Economic Systems of the Commonwealtha
University Press, 1962*, 538 p p 0


Durham, N c C c, Duke

South Africa

Horwood, Oo P. F. "The Financing of Higher Education in South Africa, with Par­
ticular Reference to the Universities," South African Journal of Economics,
Vole 32, Noc 3, September 1964, p p c 159-186.
Houghton, D. Hobart. The South African Economy0
University Press, 1964. 261 p p .

Cape Town, New York, Oxford

Hupkes, G. J., and A 0 B. Dickmanc A Survey of Contemporary Economic Conditions
and Prospects for 1965. Stellenbosch, University of Stellenbosch, Bureau for
Economic Research, 1964.
148 p p c
Hurwitz, Nathan, and Owen Williams. The Economic Framework of South Africa.
Pietermaritzburg, Shuter and Shooter, 1962.
148 pp.
International Review Service0
York, 19640 87 pp.

Apartheid in the Republic of South Africa0


Karis, Thomas0 "South Africa," Five African States. Responses to Diversity,
edited by Gwendolen M. Carterc Ithaca, N 0 Y c, Cornell University Press,
1963, pp. 471-616.
Kuper, Holda0 "The Colonial Situation in Southern Africa," Journal of Modern
African Studies, Vole 2, No. 2, July 1964, p p c 149-164*
Kuper, Leo* An African Bourgeoisie: Race, Class, and Politics in South Africa.
New Haven, Conn*, Yale University Press, 1964c 452 pp.
Legum, Colin, and Margaret.
South Africa:
Frederick A. Praeger, 1964. 333 p p .

Crisis for the West.

New York,

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2d ed.

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New York, 1964.
109 pp.



South Africa

Neame, L. E c A History of Apartheid: The Story of the Color War in South
Africa0 London, Pall Mall Press with Barrie & Rockcliff, 1962o 200 p p 0
Pienaar, S., and Anthony Sampson.
Press, 1960o 81 pp.

South Africa0

London, Oxford University

Richards, C e S. ’’Problems of Economic Development in the Republic of South
Africa,” South African Journal of Economics, Vol0 30, N o c 1, March 1962,
pp. 3-33c
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South African Journal of Economics, Vol. 32, No. 3, September 1964, pp. 199-210.
South Africa. Bureau of Census and Statistics. Bulletin of Statistics.
Government Printer, Monthly0


__ . _____ . Industrial Census, 1960-1961. A Summary of Principal Statistics
of Industrial Establishments— Private Industries Only; Electrical Under­
takings--Private and Public Undertakings. (Its Special Report No. 257)
Pretoria, Government Printer, 19630 70 pp.
__ . _____ . Official Year Book of the Union of Basutoland, Bechuanaland Pro­
tectorate, and Swaziland. Pretoria, Government Printer, Annual.
__ . _____ . Population Census, 1960; Sample Tabulation.
Government Printer, 1962.

2 vols.


__. _____ . Report on Agricultural and Pastoral Production and Sugar Cane,
Timber, and Wattle Plantations, 1958-1959. (Agricultural Census No. 33.)
Pretoria, Government Printer, 1961. Various paging.
__. Department of Information.
Government Printer, Monthly.

Digest of South African Affairs.


__. Department of Mines. Report, Including Reports of the Government Mining
Engineer and the Geological Survey. Pretoria, Government Printer, Annual.
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Spooner, F. P.
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Frederick A. Praeger, 1961. 288 pp.

New York,

State of South Africa: Economic, Financial, and Statistical Year Book for the
Republic of South Africa. Johannesburg, Da Gama Publications, Ltd., Annual.


South Africa

Strauss, C. B. "Population Growth and Economic Development," South African Jour­
nal of Economics, Vole 31, No. 2, June 1963, pp. 138-1480
Tatz, Co Mo "Dr0 Verwoerd's 'Bantustan1 Policy," Australian Journal of Politics
and History, Volo 8, No. 1, May 1962, pp. 7-26.
Transvaal Chamber of Industries, Johannesburg0


Johannesburg, Annual.

UoSo Department of Commerce, Bureau of International Commerce0 Overseas Business
Reportsr Basic Data on the Economy of the Republic of South Africa, prepared
by Robert S c Peckham0 (OBR 63-3) Washington, U 0S 0 Government Printing Office,
January 1963o
18 p p G
Van der Merwe, Hendrick W 0 "Social Stratification in a Cape Colored Community,"
Sociology and Social Research, Vol. 46, April 1962, p p 0 302-311.
Yearbook and Guide to Southern Africa0

London, Robert Hale, Ltd., Annual.

Doxey, G. V. The Industrial Colour Bar in South Africa.
versity Press, 1961o 205 pp.

London, Oxford Uni­

"Economic Society of South Africa," South African Journal of Economics, Vol. 30,
No. 2, June 1962, pp. 93-131.
Hampton, J 0 D.
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December 1962, pp. 253-268o
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Development for Africa South of the Sahara» edited by E 0 A 0 Go Robinson.
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nomics , Vol. 32, No. 4, December 1964, pp. 253-277o


South Africa

Princeton University, Department of Economics, Industrial Relations Section.
Enterprise and Politics in South Africa, by Heinz Hartmann. Princeton,
N. J., Princeton University Press, 1962.
101 pp,
Robertson, H. M. "South Africa," The Economics of International Migration,
edited by Brinley Thomas. London, Macmillan & Co,, Ltd., 1958, pp. 173-184.
Sadie, J. L. "South Africa1s Population and Manpower," South African Industry
and Trade, Vol. 56, March 1960, pp. 111-114.
South Africa. Bureau of Census and Statistics.
Census of Fisheries, 1961-62.
Special Report No. 268. Pretoria, Government Printer, 1964. Various paging.
_____ . _____ , Census of the Fishing Industry, 1960-61:
South Africa and SouthWest Africa.
Special Report No. 258. Pretoria, Government Printer, 1963-64.
25 pp.
__ . _____ . Statistical Year Book, 1964.
Printer, 1964.

1 vol.

Pretoria, Government

_____ . Department of Labour. Analysis of the Unemployment Position in the Union
of South Africa: Comparative Summary, August 1959. Pretoria, Government
Printer, 1959. 4 pp.
_____ . Population Census , I960. Sample Tabulation. N o . 1: Industry Divisions, Age
Groups, Home Languages, Whites. Pretoria, Government Printer, 1962. 57 pp.
_____ .
__ . N o . 3 : Major Occupational Groups:
Pretoria, Government Printer, 1962. 56 pp.

Whites, Coloureds, and Asiatics.

_____ . _____ . No. 2: Industry Divisions , Age Groups , Home Languages.
and Asiatics. Pretoria, Government Printer, 1962. 66 pp.


"South African Industry's Still Acute Manpower Problem," Industrial Review of
Africa, Vol. 14, December 1963/January 1964, pp. 16-18.
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"African Farm Labour: A Survey,"
Race Relations Journal, Vol. 26, Nos. 2 and 3, 1959, pp. 86-124.
Standard Bank Limited .

Standard Bank Review.

London, SimsonShand, Ltd., Monthly.

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Developments Abroad, August 1960, pp. 21-22.
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Abroad, July 1962, pp. 26-31.


South Africa

University of Natal, Department of Economics.
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Natalc London, Oxford University Press, 1961.
167 pp.
Walt, Bo Jo Workers in South Africao
Office, 1961. 27 pp.

Bloemfontein, National Party's Information

Arkin, Marcus*
"Strikes, Boycotts--the History of Their Impact on South Africa,"
South African Journal of Economics, V o l 0 28, No. 4, December 1960, pp. 303-318.
Clack, Garfield. "Industrial Peace in South Africa," British Journal of Indus­
trial Relations, Vol. 1, February 1963, pp. 23-42.
de Vyver, Frank T. "South African Labor Relations," Labor Law Journal, Vol. 11,
No. 9, September 1960, pp. 837-846.
South Africa. Bureau of Census and Statistics. Labour Statistics, Labour Rela­
tions, Trade Unions, 1957-58 and 1958-59.
Special Report No. 236. Pretoria,
Government Printer, 1960-61.
10 pp.
__. Non-European Affairs Department. Hints to Employers, or Prospective
Employers, of Native Labour. Johannesburg, Government Printer, 1961. 7 pp.

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International Labour Review, Vol. 86, No. 6, December 1962, pp. 590-592.
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Race Relations, 1963.

South African Institute of

Horwood, 0. P. F. "Is Minimum Wage Legislation the Answer for South Africa?"
South African Journal of Economics, Vol. 30, No. 2, June 1962, pp. 119-131.
Joshi, P. S.

Unrest in South Africa.

Bombay, Hind Kitabs, 1958.

Landis, Elizabeth S. South African Apartheid Legislation.
Yale University Press, 1962.
115 pp.

293 pp.

New Haven, Conn.,

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Expanding Economy," South African Journal of Economics, Vol. 28, No. 2,
June 1960, pp. 119-140.


South Africa

South Africa. Apprenticeship Act (No. 37 of 1944) , as Amended by Act No. 28 of
1951, together with Regulations. Pretoria, Government Printer, 1956.
123 pp.
_____ . Bread and Confectionery Industry, Bloemfontein. Wage Determination
No. 214« (No. 1780) Pretoria, Government Printer, November 4, 1960. 20 pp.
_____ . Cement Manufacturing Industry, Republic of South Africa. Wage Determina­
tion No. 225. (No. 592) Pretoria, Government Printer, April 13, 1962. 24 pp
_____ . Department of Labour. "Industrial Conciliation Act, 1956, as Amended.
Biscuit Manufacturing Industry, Republic of South Africa," Government Gazette,
Extraordinary, August 4, 1961, p p c 1-15.
_____ . _____ . "Industrial Conciliation Act, 1956, as Amended. Chemical Manufac
turing Industry (Witwatersrand and Pretoria)," Government Gazette, Extraordi­
nary , August 18, 1961, pp. 1-22.
_____ . _____ . "Industrial Conciliation Act, 1956, as Amended, Commercial
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."Industrial Conciliation Act, 1956, as Amended. "Electrical
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."Industrial Conciliation Act, 1956, as Amended. Furniture Manu­
facturing Industry, Transvaal--Main Agreement," Government Gazette, Extraordi­
nary , January 18, 1963, pp. 1-24.
."Industrial Conciliation Act, 1956, as Amended. Hairdressing
Trade, Witwatersrand," Government Gazette, Extraordinary. August 18, 1961,
pp. 1-14.
__ o ______. "Industrial Conciliation Act, 1956, as Amended. Jewelry and
Precious Metal Industry (Cape)," Government Gazette, Extraordinary, July 7,
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."Industrial Conciliation Act, 1956, as Amended. Laundry, Dry
Cleaning, and Dyeing Trade (Transvaal)," Government Gazette, Extraordinary,
July 21, 1961, pp. 1-29.
."Industrial Conciliation Act, 1956, as Amended. Liquor and
Catering Trade, Durban," Government Gazette, Extraordinary, July 28, 1961,
pp. 1-16.
__. _____ . "Industrial Conciliation Act, 1956, as Amended.
Sweet Manufac­
turing Industry, Port Elizabeth," Government Gazette, Extraordinary, August 4,
1961, pp. 1-15.


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ment Gazette, Extraordinary, August 11, 1961, pp. 1-10.
_____ . _____ .
"Industrial Conciliation Act, 1956. Building Industry, Kroonstad," Government Gazette, Extraordinary, March 1, 1963, pp. 1-24.
_____ . _____ .
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_____ . _____ .
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London. Agreement. Pretoria, Government Printer, May 1, 1964.
10 pp.
_____ . _____ .
Industrial Conciliation Act, 1956. Iron, Steel, Engineering, and
Metallurgical Industry. Amendment of Iscor Agreement. Pretoria, Government
Printer, April 24, 1964. 8 pp.
_____ , _____ .
Industrial Conciliation Act, 1956. Iron, Steel, Engineering, and
Metallurgical Industry, Republic of South Africa. Amendment of the Main Agree­
ment. Pretoria, Government Printer, April 24, 1964. 2 pp.
_____ . _____ .
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try- -Main Agreement," Government Gazette, Extraordinary, June 19, 1959, pp. 1-63.
_____ . _____ .
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__. _____ . "Industrial Conciliation Act, 1956. Tobacco Manufacturing Indus­
try, Rustenburg. Agreement," Government Gazette, Extraordinary, May 15, 1964,
pp. 1-17.


Pretoria, Government Printer, Annual.

__. _____ . Work Reservation:
Its Background, Motivation, and Application to
the Benefit of All Racial Groups in South Africa. Pretoria, Government Print­
er, 1960. 24 pp.
__. Electrical Wiremen and Contractors Act, 1939, and Regulations (Act No. 20
of 1939), as Amended, 1955, 1957. Pretoria, Government Printer, 1959-60.
89 pp.
__. Factories, Machinery, and Building Work Act, 1951, as Amended, 1952, 1954,
I960. Pretoria, Government Printer, 1962-63. 243 pp.
__ . Glass and Glassware Manufacturing Industry, Certain Areas. Wage Deter­
mination No. 232. (No. R. 1249) Pretoria, Government Printer, August 3,
1962. 36 pp.


South Africa

__. Industrial Conciliation Act, 1956 (Act No, 28 of 1956), as Amended, 1959,
1961. Pretoria, Government Printer, 1961-62. 261 pp.
__. Native Building Workers* Act, 1951 (Act No, 27 of 1951) and Proclamations
and Regulations Published Thereunder. Pretoria, Government Printer, 1951-52.
66 pp.
__o Native Labour (Settlement of Disputes) Act, No. 48 of 1953, together with
the Regulations Thereunder. Pretoria, Government Printer, 1954. 48 pp.
_____ . Registration for Employment Act, 1945, and Regulations Framed Thereunder.
Pretoria, Government Printer, 1955-56. 43 pp.
_____ . Road Passenger Transportation Trade, Witwatersrand and Pretoria. Wage
Determination No. 231. (No. R. 1169) Pretoria, Government Printer, July 20,
19 pp.
_____ . Shops and Offices Act, 1939, and Regulations.
Printer, 1955-56.
64 pp.

Pretoria, Government

_____ . Training of Artisans Act, 1951 (Act No. 38 of 1951), together with Regula­
tions Published Thereunder. Pretoria, Government Printer, 1951-52.
23 pp.
_____ . Unemployment Insurance Act, 1946, as Amended, 1949, 1952, 1954, 1957.
Pretoria, Government Printer, 1957-58.
159 pp.
_____ . Wage Act, 1957, and Regulations.
109 pp.

Pretoria, Government Printer, 1957-58.

_____ . Workmen!s Compensation Act, 1941 (Act No. 30 of 1941), as Amended, 1945,
1949, 1951, 1956, 1961, and Regulations Framed Thereunder. Pretoria, Govern­
ment Printer, 1961-62.
197 pp.
South African Institute of Race Relations. Laws Affecting the Bantu:
of Papers Prepared for a Public Discussion Group. Capetown, 1961.

A Series

’’Union of South Africa: The Factories, Machinery, and Building Work Amendment
Act, 1960," Industry and Labour, April 1, 1961, pp. 222-223.

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of Economics, Vol. 29, No. 4, December 1961, pp. 243-257.


South Africa

Horrell, Muriel. Racialism and the Trade Unions.
tute of Race Relations, 1959. 50 pp.

Pretoria, South African Insti­

__ . South African Trade Unionism:
A Study of a Divided Working Class.
Johannesburg, South African Institute of Race Relations, 1961.
150 pp.

Levy, Leon.
"African Trade Unionism in South Africa and Operations of the NonRacial South African Congress of Trade Unions," Africa South, Vol. 5, April/
June 1961, pp. 32-43.

Sohn, Louis B. "Expulsion or Forced Withdrawal from an International Organiza­
tion," Harvard Law Review, June 1964, pp. 1381-1425.

Trade Union Council of South Africa.
22 pp.


/Johannesburg/, 1962.

Walker, Ivan L . , and Ben Weinbren.
2000 Casualties: A History of the Trade
Unions and the Labour Movement in the Union of South Africa. Johannesburg,
South African Trade Union Council, 1961. 387 pp.

"The Fight for a Living Wage in South Africa," Free Labour World, No. 138,
December 1961, pp. 507-510.

Machanik, Gerald. Occupational Accidents and Compensation.
Central News Agency, 1961.
109 pp.


Simons, H. J. "Death in South African Mines," Africa South in Exile, Vol. 5,
No. 4, July-September 1961, pp. 41-55.

South Africa. Bureau of Census and Statistics. Labour Statistics. Wage Rates,
Earnings, and Average Hours Worked in Commerce, September 1959. Special
Report No. 248. Pretoria, Government Printer, 1961-62. 28 pp.

__ . _____ . Labour Statistics. Wage Rates, Earnings, and Average Hours
Worked in the Engineering Industry, September 1959. Special Report No. 242.
Pretoria, Government Printer, 1961-62.
17 pp.

__. _____ . Labour Statistics. Wage Rates, Earnings, and Average Hours Worked
in the Motor Industry, September 1959.
Special Report No. 246. Pretoria,
Government Printer, 1961-62.
12 pp.


South A f r i c a / S o u t h e r n Rh o d e s i a

South Africa. Bureau of Census and Statistics. Labour Statistics. Wage Rates,
Earnings, and Average Hours Worked in the Printing and Newspaper Industry,
September 1959. Pretoria, Government Printer, 1961-62.
14 pp.
_____ . _____ . Population Census, I960. Sample Tabulation. No. 4:
Income-Coloureds and Asiatics. Pretoria, Government Printer, 1962. 78 pp.
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Developments Abroad, July 1962, pp. 30-31.
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Labor Developments Abroad, August 1960, pp. 21-22.
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nomics , Vol. 30, No. 2, June 1962, pp. 93-118.
_____ • "The Impact of the Bantu on Personnel Administration and Wage Structures,"
Finance and Trade Review, Vol. 4, September 1960, pp. 139-169.
_____ . "In Quest of Aims and Norms for Minimum Wage Fixing in Terms of the Wage
Act," South African Journal of Economics, Vol. 31, No. 4, December 1963,
pp. 249-263.

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1962, p. 12.
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Industry," South African Journal of Economics, Vol. 30, No. 4, December 1962,
pp. 269-288.
Viljden, S. "Higher Productivity and Higher Wages of Native Labour in South Afri­
ca," South African Journal of Economics, Vol. 29, No. 1, March 1961, p p . 35-44.
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(Formerly in the Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland)
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developed Area: A Case Study of African Economic Behavior in the Rhodesias,"
Economic Development and Cultural Change, Vol. 8, April 1960, pp. 237-251.


Southern Rhodesi a

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nomic Development in a Dualistic Society. Stanford, Calif«, Stanford Uni­
versity Press, 1961o 271 pp.
Black, Colin. The Lands and Peoples of Rhodesia and Nyasaland.
Macmillan Company, 1961.
104 p p c

New York, The

Blake, W. T. Central African Survey: Facts and Figures of Rhodesia and Nyasa­
land o London, Alvin Redman, Ltd., 1961.
133 pp.
Brelsford, W. F., editor. Handbook to the Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland.
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Vol. 48, No. 284, April 1965, pp. 201-206, 242-243.
"East Africa," Current History, Vol. 46, No. 271, March 1964, pp. 136-174.
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Vol. 52, October 1962, p p 0 566-582.
Franck, Thomas M. Race and Nationalism: The Struggle for Power in RhodesiaNyasaland. New York, Fordham University Press, 1960.
369 pp.
Great Britain.
Commonwealth Economic Committee. Commonwealth Development and
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Office, 1961. 44 pp.
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No. 1, February 1964, pp« 69-101.
Matthews, David, and Raymond Apthorpe.
Social Relations in Central African Indus­
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135 pp.
Phillips, John, and Others. Development of the Economic Resources of Southern
Rhodesia. Report of the Advisory Committee. Salisbury, Mardon Rhodesian
Printers (Pvt.), Ltd., 1962. 484 pp.
Prescott, J. R. V. "Population Distribution in Southern Rhodesia," Geographical
Review, Vol. 52, October 1962, pp. 559-565.
Rhodesia and Nyasaland.
Central Statistical Office. Preliminary Report on the
April/May 1962 Census of Africans in Southern Rhodesia. Salisbury, Government
Printer, February 1963. 25 pp.


Sou t h e m


__ o _____ . Second Report on the Urban African Budget Survey in Bulawayo,
1958/1959 o Salisbury, Government Printer, 1960. 52 pp.
__ . Information Department.
Supplement to Cost of Living.
low & Sons, Ltd., 1961o 18 p p .
__ . Ministry of Education*
Printer, Annual*

Report on Education*

Salisbury, Water-

Salisbury, Government

Southern Rhodesia. Director of Native Education. Native Education.
the Director. Salisbury, Government Printer, Annual.

Report by

__* Division of Labour, Social Welfare, and Housing. Report of the Secretary
for Labour and Social Welfare, 1963* Salisbury, Government Printer, 1964*
56 pp o
_____ . Ministry of the Treasury. Review of the Economy of Southern Rhodesia,
1963. Salisbury, Government Printer, 1963. 35 pp.
Spaull, Hebec “Cooperation in Southern Rhodesia," Review of International
Cooperation, December 1960, pp* 345-347.
Spiro, Herbert J. "The Rhodesias and Nyasaland," Five African States. Responses
to Diversity, edited by Gwendolen M 0 Carter.
Ithaca, N. Y., Cornell Univer­
sity Press, 1963, pp. 361-470.
Tow, Leonard. The Manufacturing Economy of Southern Rhodesia: Problems and Pros­
pects . (National Research Council, Division of Earth Sciences, Foreign Field
Research Program, Report No. 10) Washington, National Academy of Sciences,
National Research Council, 1960.
141 pp.
"Urban Patterns of Income, Expenditure, and Consumption in Africa South of the
III. Southern Rhodesia," Inter-African Labour Institute Bulletin,
V o l * 7, No. 3, May 1960, pp. 50-58.
Whitehead, Edgar.
"Southern Rhodesia," International Affairs, Vol. 36, No* 2,
April 1960, pp* 188-196.
Yudelman, Montague* Africans on the Land*
Press, 1964* 290 pp.

Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University

Rhodesia and Nyasaland* Central Statistical Office. "Preliminary Results of
Federal Censuses of Population and of Employees*
(1): Industrial and Racial
Distribution of Employees*" Salisbury, March 1962*
15 pp*


Southern R h odesi a

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1954, 1959, and 1961," Labor Developments Abroad, August 1963, pp, 29-31.
Rhodesia and Nyasaland. Ministry of Economic Affairs.
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Economic Report.


"Rhodesia and Nyasalandc Population and Employment, by Territory, 1954, 1959,
and 1961," Labor Developments Abroad, August 1963, p. 28e
"Rhodesia and Nyasaland. Training Programs for African Miners Expanded," Labor
Developments Abroad, October 1963, p p . 7-8.
"Rhodesia and Nyasaland. Urban Unemployment Increasing," Labor Developments
Abroad, October 1963, p. 8.
Rouse, A. Fc "Recruitment and Training of Managerial Staff in the Federation of
Rhodesia and Nyasaland," Inter-African Labour Institute Bulletin, Vol. 7,
No. 6, November 1960, pp. 41-45.
Salisbury, Rhodesia, University College of Rhodesia and Nyasaland, Department of
Economics. The Requirements and Supplies of High Level Manpower in Southern
Rhodesia, 1961-1970. Salisbury, Unitas Press, Ltd., 1964. 22 pp.
Southern Rhodesia. Central Statistical Office.
Census of Distribution in 1962.
Wholesale and Retail Trade and Selected Services. Salisbury, 1965. 42 p p ,
"Statistics of Employment of Europeans and Africans, by Territory and Industry,
in the Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland, 1960," Labor Developments Abroad,
November 1961, p. 29.
"Statistics of Wages and Employment in the Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland,"
Labor Developments Abroad, August 1960, p. 20.

Southern Rhodesia. Laws, Statutes, etc.
Salisbury, 1959. 95 pp.

Industrial Conciliation Act, 1959.

_____ . _____ . Paint Manufacturing Industry Employment Regulations, 1962.
Salisbury, 1962.
13 pp.
"Summaries of Selected Annual Reports of Labour Departments: Northern Rhodesia,
Southern Rhodesia, Senegal, Tanganyika," Inter-African Labour Institute
Bulletin, Vol. 9, No. 2, August 1962, pp. 87-99.


Sou t h e m

R h o d e s i a / S o u t h - W e s t Africa / S u d a n

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Statutory Minimum Wages, 1954-1962.
Salisbury, Government Printer, 1962* 5 pp.
"Southern Rhodesia.
p p c 16-18.

Rates of Pay," Labor Developments Abroad, July 1962,

"Southern Rhodesia* Wages Increased and Wage Distribution Analyzed," Labor
D evelopments Abroad, August 1962, p p . 10-llo

S O U T H - W E S T


First, Ruth.
269 p p c

South West Africac

Harmondsworth, Middlesex, Penguin Books, 1963.

Krogh, D. C. "The National Income and Expenditure of South-West Africa (19201956)," South African Journal of Economics, Vol. 28, No. 1, March 1960,
p p c 3-17.
United Nations* Report of the Committee on South-West Africa. General Assembly,
Official Records, 16th Sessc, Supp* No. 12 (A/4957). New York, United Nations
Publishing Service, 1961* 31 p p .
UoSo Department of Commerce, Bureau of International Programs* Basic Data on the
Economy of South-West Africa* Washington, U.S* Government Printing Office,
12 pp*

South Africa* Bureau of Statistics* Census of Fisheries, 1961-62.
Report No* 268* Pretoria, Government Printer, 1964. Various paging*

American University, Foreign Areas Studies Division, Special Operations Research
Office* Area Handbook for the Republic of the Sudan. 2d ed. Washington,
UoS. Government Printing Office, 1964. 473 pp*



Barbour, K 0 M c The Republic of the Sudan:
versity of London Press, 1961, 292 pp*

A Regional Geography.

London, Uni­

Brausch, Georges. "Change and Continuity in the Gezira Region of the Sudan,"
International Social Science Journal, V ol0 16, N o 0 3, 1964, p p c 34l-3560
Fawzi, Saad ed Dine "Structure and Development of the Sudan Economy," Middle
East Economic Papers, 1959, pp. 56-68*
Gaitskell, Arthur* Gezira: A Story of Development in the Sudan*
Faber, Ltd*, 1959* 372 pp*

London, Faber &

International Labour Office. Report to the Government of the Republic of the
Sudan on a Productivity Mission, January-April, 1959 * (ILO/TAP/Sudan/R*2)
Geneva, 1960. 31 pp.
_____ * Report to the Government of the Republic of the Sudan on the Establish­
ment of the Vocational Training Centre, Khartoum* (ILO/TAP/Sudan/R*7)
Geneva, 1962* 21 pp*
_____ . Report to the Government of the Sudan on the Development of Cooperatives*
Geneva, 1959* 68 p p . ; 1960, 53 pp*
McLoughlin, Peter F. M. "Business and Its Managers in the Sudan," California
Management Review, Vol* 6, Fall 1963, pp* 81-88.
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An Economic Profile," Social and Economic
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__. ______. The Ten-Year Plan of Economic and Social Development, 1961/621971/72, Khartoum, Government Printer, 1962.
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S u d a n /Swaz iland

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Month ly.
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Nairobi, East African Statistical Department, 1963. 25 pp.
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Report. Baltimore, The Johns Hopkins Press, for the International Bank for
Reconstruction and Development, 1961. 548 pp.
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ing Industrial Cooperatives. Geneva, 1961. 20 pp.



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Studies, Vol. 1, No. 2, June 1963, pp. 185-207.
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Selwyn, P . , and T. Y. Watson. Report on the Economic Development of the Zanzibar
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105 pp.
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Smith, T. E., and J. G. C. Blacker. Population Characteristics of the Common­
wealth Countries of Tropical Africa. London, Athlone Press for the Institute
of Commonwealth Studies, 1963. 72 pp.
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_____ . Ministry of Health and Labour, Labour Division.
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__. Report on Cooperative Development.



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ment in Tanganyika. Washington, U . S C Government Printing Office, 1961. 8 pp.
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tion for Africans in Tanganyika: A Preliminary Survey, by Betty C. George.
(0E--14039, Bull. 1960, No. 19) Washington, 1960. 97 pp.
_____ , _____ . Recent Educational Developments in Tanganyika.
No. 54) Washington, 1961.
13 pp*

(0E-- 14034--54,

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Africa: Pt. 3. Kenya and Zanzibar. Washington, U.S. Library of Congress,
General Reference and Bibliography Division, 1962.
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1962-1967. (Government Paper No. 2 of 1963) Dar es Salaam, Government
Printer, 1963. 65 pp#

Jack, Daniel T. Report on the State of Industrial Relations in the Sisal Indus­
try . Dar es Salaam, Government Printer, 1959. 23 pp.
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V o l . 88, No. 4, October 1963, pp. 345-365.

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"Proposals for the Intro­
duction of Minimum Wages Legislation in Tanganyika," Economic and Social
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Exploratory Social Security Survey with a View to Establishing a National
Provident Fund. (ILO/TAP/Tanganyika/R.3) Geneva, 1963.
120 pp.
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Southern Rhodesia, Senegal, Tanganyika," Inter-African Labour Institute
Bulletin, Vol* 9, No* 2, August 1962, pp. 87-99.
Severance Pay Bill Passed," Labor Developments Abroad, JanuaryMarch 1963, p. 11*

Friedland, William H. The Institutionalization of Labor Protest in Tanganyika
and Some Resultant Problems. (Reprint Series No. 123)
Ithaca, N. Y . ,
Cornell University Press, 1962.
14 pp.
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"An Experiment in Trade Union Training," Free Labour World.
No. 126, December 1960, pp. 520-522.

"Methods of Determining Wages in Tanganyika," Inter-African Labour Institute
Bulletin, Vol. 7, No. 2, March 1960, pp. 78-87.


________________________________________________________________________________ Ta n z a n i a / T o g o

"The Payment of Severance Allowances in Tanganyika," International Labour Review,
V o l • 87, No. 4, April 1963, pp. 367-368.
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Dar es Salaam, Government Printer, 1963.
15 pp.



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March 1962, pp. 11-232.
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International Social Science Journal, Vol. 14, No. 1, 1962, pp. 148-156.
Banque Centrale des Etats de l'Afrique de l*Ouest (Paris).
chiffres. Paris, 1960. 218 pp.

Togo, 1960:

Faits et

"Estimation de la population du Togo au ler Janvier 1965," Bulletin de statistique, No. 2, 1965, p p e 1-4.
International Labour Office. Rapport au gouvernement de la Republique du Togo
sur les conditions de developpement du mouvement cooperatif au Togo. (OIT/
TAP/Togo/R.1) Geneva, 1960. 83 pp.
Togo. Ministere des Finances, de l'Economie, et du Plan, Service de la Statistique Generale. Bulletin de statistique. Lome, Monthly*

Service de 1fInformation.

Annuaire du Togo.

Paris, Diloutremer, Annual.

International Labour Office. Rapport au gouvernement de la Republique du Togo
sur la situation de l'emploi et 11organisation du service de la Main-d1Oeuvre.
(OIT/OTA/Togo/Rc2) Geneva, 1960.
15 pp.
Togo. Ministere des Finances, de l'Economie, et du Plan. "Recensement de la
population du Togo, 1958-1960." 2 pts. in 1 vol. Lome, J_ 196JL/. (Mimeo­
graphed .)


"New Family Benefit Scheme for Civil Servants in Togo," International Labour Re­
view, Vol. 86, No. 5, November 1962, pp. 502-503.

"L'Afrique (^expression francaise," Europe, France Outremer, Vol. 39, No. 385,
March 1962, pp. 11-232.
Ardant, Gabriel. La Tunisie d 1aujourd'hui et de demain, une experience de
developpement economique. Paris, Calmann-Levy, 1961. 222 pp.
Cherel, Jacques.
"Les Unites cooperatives de production du nord tunisien," Tiers
Monde, April-June 1964, V o l 0 5, pp. 235-254.
Constitution de la Rdpublique de la Tunisie.
11Information, 1959. 31 pp.

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Gallagher, Charles F. "Tunisia," African One-Party States, edited by Gwendolen
M e Carter.
Ithaca, N. Y., Cornell University Press, 1962, pp. 11-85.
Hahn, Lorna.
"Tunisia. Pragmatism and Progress," Middle East Journal, Vol. 16,
No. 1, Winter 1962, pp. 18-28.
International Labour Office. Rapport au gouvernement de la Tunisie sur le
developpement du mouvement coope'ratif. 1 vol.
(OIT/TAP/Tunisie/R.1 [ 3 ] )
Geneva, 1959.
Maghreb Labor Digest. North African Perspectives.
Coordinated by W, A. Beling.
Los Angeles, Calif., Middle East and North African Program, School of Inter­
national Relations, University of Southern California, Monthly.
Micaud, Charles, with Leon C. Brown and Clement H. Moore. Tunisia, the Politics
of Modernization. New York, Frederick A. Praeger, 1964. 205 pp.
Secretariat d'Etat au Plan et aux Finances.
tique. Tunis, Monthly.
__ . _____ .
452 pp.

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Bulletin mensuel de statis

Tunis, Imprimeur Officielle, 1964.


Service des Statistiques.
Tunis, 1940-1960. Annual.

Annuaire statistique de la Tunisie.

11 vols.

_____ .

. Recensement des activites industrielles, 1957-1958-1959.
70 pp.

_____ .

. Recensement general de la population de la Tunisie du ler Fevrier
Repartition geographique de la population. Tunis, 1957.
191 pp.

_____ .

. Situation economique de la Tunisie.

La Tunisie au travail.


Tunis, Imprimeur du Nord,

Tunis, Secretariat d'Etat a 1 *Information, 1960.

204 pp.

UoSo Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, Office of Education. Educa­
tional Data: Republic of Tunisia. (0E-14032, No. 41-NE) Washington, 1960.
7 pp.

Appel, Patricia.
"Pre-vocational Training Centres in Tunisia,n ILO News, Septem­
ber 1964, pp. 3-9.
Ardant, Gabriel.
"From Full Employment to Better Employment--Extracts from
Tunisia Today and Tomorrow," Inter-African Labour Institute Bulletin, Vol. 8,
No. 4, November 1961, pp. 5-17.
International Labour Office. Rapport au gouvernement de la Tunisie sur la
readaptation professionnelle et l^mploi des aveugles. (OIT/TAP/Tunisie/
R.7) Geneva, 1963. 55 pp.
Silberzahn, Claude. "L^mploi en Tunisie en 1961 et 1971." Tunis, Secretariat
d'Etat au Plan et aux Finances, Division du Developpement Regional, 1964.
101 pp.

Ladhari, Noe.
"Labour-Management Relations in Tunisia," International Labour
Review, Vol. 84, No. 3, September 1961, pp. 175-197.

"Agreement between France and Tunisia Concerning Movement of Persons," Inter­
national Labour Review, Vol. 90, No. 2, August 1964, pp. 182-183.



"Amendment of Social Security Scheme in Tunisia," International Labour Review,
Vol. 89, No. 1, January 1964, p. 88.
"Changes in the Contractual Retirement Pensions Scheme in Tunisia," International
Labour Review, Vol. 88, No. 1, July 1963, pp. 87-90.

"Institution of a Social Security Scheme in Tunisia," Industry and Labour, June 15,
1961, pp. 410-414.
"Manpower Convention between France and Tunisia," International Labour Review,
Vol. 89, No. 4, April 1964, pp. 400-403.
"Tunisia: Amendment of Social Security Scheme," Bulletin of the International
Social Security Association, No. 12, December 1963, pp. 420-421.
"Tunisia: Free Medical Care to Insured Persons," Bulletin of the International
Social Security Association, Vol. 15, January/February 1962, pp. 63-65.
Inspection Divisionnaire du Travail. Rapport sur 11application de la
legislation ouvri^re en Tunisie. Tunis, Annual.

"Tunisia: Social Security Law Amended," Labor Developments Abroad, November 1963,
pp. 14-15.

East African Common Services Organisation, East African Statistical Department.
Economic and Statistical Review. Nairobi, East African Statistical Department,
Elkan, Walter.
The Economic Development of Uganda.
Press, 1961. 70 pp.

Nairobi, Oxford University

International Bank for Reconstruction and Development. The Economic Development
of Uganda. Baltimore, Md., Johns Hopkins Press, 1962. 475 pp.
Masefield, G. B. "Agricultural Change in Uganda, 1945-1960," Food Research Insti­
tute Studies, Vol. 3, May 1962, pp. 87-124.
Powesland, Phillip. Economic Policy and Labour; a Study in Uganda1s Economic
History. Edited by Walter Elkan.
(East African Studies No. 10) Kampala,
East African Institute of Social Research, 1957. 81 pp.



Russell, A. H. "Urban Housing for the Unskilled Labourer in Uganda," InterAfrican Labour Institute Bulletin, January 1959, pp. 48-57.
Smith, T. E., and J. G. C. Blacker. Population Characteristics of the Common­
wealth Countries of Tropical Africa. London, Athlone Press for the Institute
of Commonwealth Studies, 1963. 72 pp.
"Uganda: Background for Economic Development," Inter-African Labour Institute
Bulletin, Vol. 10, No. 1, February 1963, pp. 5-10.

Labour Department.


Entebbe, Government Printer, Annual.

____ _. Ministry of Economic Affairs, Statistics Branch. Uganda Census, 1959:
African Population. Entebbe, Government Printer, 1961.
103 pp.
_____ . Ministry of Economic Development, Statistical Branch.
Abstract. Entebbe, Government Printer, Annual.
. Ministry of Information, Broadcasting, and Tourism.
Entebbe, Government Printer, 1964. 233 pp.


Uganda, 1962-1963.

U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, Office of Education.
tion in Uganda, by David Scanlon.
(Bull. 1964, No. 32) Washington, U.S.
Government Printing Office, 1964.
115 pp.

Elkan, Walter.
An African Labour Force.
Social Research, 1956. 59 pp.

Kampala, East African Institute of

. Migrants and Proletarians: Urban Labour in the Economic Development of
Uganda. London, Oxford University Press, 1960.
149 pp.
"Employment in Uganda," Labor Developments Abroad, December 1962, pp. 3-4.
Ford Foundation, in cooperation with the Ministry of Education and Labour, Robert
L. Thomas, consultant. Report on the Survey of Manpower and Training, Uganda
Protectorate, British East Africa, July-October 1959. 1 vol. New York,

/ 1960?.
International Labour Office.
19 pp.

Report on Workers1 Education in Uganda.


Kajubi, W. Senteza.
"The Problem of Executive Staff and Senior Officials of
Public and Private Institutions in Uganda," Inter-African Labour Institute
Bulletin, Vol. 8, No. 2, May 1961, pp. 31-41.


U g a n d a ___________________________________________________________________________
"Kampala Fulfils Its Promise," Bulletin of the International Federation of Building and Woodworkers, No. 12, December 1964, pp. 330-334.
"Migrant Labor in Africa South of the Sahara: Migrants and Proletarians," InterAfrican Labour Institute Bulletin, Vol. 9, February 1962, pp. 35-64.
"Migrant Labor in Uganda," Labor Developments Abroad, November 1963, pp. 8-9.
Report of the Uganda Commissioners for Africanisation. Pt. I: Africanisation,
Retention of Expatriates, and Scholarships. Entebbe, Government Printer,
119 pp.
"Uganda: Distribution of Adult Male African, European, Asian, and Other Em­
ployees, by Occupation Groups, June 1961," Labor Developments Abroad, August
1963, p. 47.
"Uganda: Distribution of All African Employees in the Private and Public Sectors
by Industry Group, 1961," Labor Developments Abroad, August 1963, p. 42.
"Uganda: Distribution of Employees of all Races in the Private and Public
Sectors, by Industry Group, 1961," Labor Developments Abroad, August 1963,
p. 41.
Uganda. Ministry of Economic Affairs, Statistics Branch, for the Ministry of__
Finance. Background to the Budget, 1963-64. _/Entebbe, Government Printer/,
1963. 42 pp.
_____ • Ministry of Planning and Community Development, Statistics Division.
Enumeration of Employees, 1963. Entebbe, Government Printer, 1964. 33 pp.

"Industrial Relations Charter for Uganda," African Survey, No. AS/26, September
1964, pp. 5-11; see also International Labour Review, Vol. 90, No. 4, October
1964, pp. 381-382.
Scott, Roger.
"Trade Unions and Labour Relations in Uganda," Inter-African
Labour Institute Bulletin, Vol. 11, No. 2, May 1964, pp. 177-184.

"Education (Amendment) Act, No. 83, 1963, to Amend the Education Ordinance, ^959,'
Supplement to the Uganda Gazette, Extraordinary, Vol. 56, December 30, 1963,
pp. 534-541.

______ ________________________________________________________________________ Uganda
"Public Service (Negotiating Machinery) Act, No. 78, 1963," Supplement to the
Uganda Gazette, Extraordinary, Vol. 56, December 30, 1963, pp. 515-524.
"Uganda: Establishment of a New Trade Disputes Bill," Inter-African Labour
Institute Information Sheet, Vol. 6, No. 5, October 1964, p. 7.
Uganda. Report on the Setting Up of a Contributory Social Security Scheme with
Particular Reference to the Needs of Persons in Their Old Age, prepared by
E. Turner, Ministry of Pensions and National Insurance Central Office, New­
castle Upon Tyne, England. Entebbe, Government Printer, 1964.
112 pp.

Harmsworth, J. "Peasant Agricultural Labour Organisation in Four Selected Areas
of Eastern Uganda," Inter-African Labour Institute Bulletin, Vol. 10, No. 4,
November 1963, pp. 452-463.

East Africa High Commission, East African Statistical Department, Uganda Unit.
Patterns of Income, Expenditure, and Consumption of African Unskilled Workers
in Fort Portal, February 1960. Nairobi, East African Statistical Department,
1960. 41 pp.
Uganda. Civil Service Salaries Commission.
Printer, 1963.
109 pp.

Report, 1963.

Entebbe, Government

_____ . Committee on Wages and Conditions of Service of Government Unestablished
Employees. Report, 1962. Entebbe, Government Printer, 1962. 22 pp.
_____ . Ministry of Economic Development. Patterns of Income, Expenditure, and
Consumption of African Unskilled Workers in Gulu, February 1961. Entebbe,
Government Printer, 1961. 53 pp.
"Uganda: Number and Average Annual Earnings of Non-African Workers in the
Private and Public Sectors, by Sex and Industry Group, 1961," Labor Develop­
ments Abroad, August 1963, pp. 45-46.
"Uganda: Percent Distribution of African Adult Male Employees in the Private and
Public Sectors, by Wage Class and Industry, 1961," Labor Developments Abroad,
August 1963, pp. 43-44.
Uganda. Proposals for the Implementation of the Recommendations Contained in the
Report of the Uganda Teachers1 Salaries Commission, 1961. Entebbe, Govern­
ment Printer, 1961. 8 pp.


Uganda/Upper Volta____________________________________________________________ _
Uganda. Report of the Uganda Teachers1 Salaries Commission, 1961.
Government Printer, 1961. 64 pp.


Statistics of Wages," Labor Developments Abroad, May 1960, p. 16.



"L'Afrique d'expression francaise," Europe, France Outremer, Vol. 39, No. 385,
March 1962, pp. 11-232.
Balima, Salfo Albert.
"Notes on the Social and Labour Situation in the Republic
of Upper Volta," International Labour Review, Vol. 82, October 1960, pp. 358362.
France. Ministere de la Cooperation. Republique de Haute-Volta:
plan de developpement. 2d ed. Paris, February 1963. 66 pp.

Economie et

International Labour Office. Rapport au gouvernement de la Republique de HauteVolta sur les conditions de developpement du mouvement coop^ratif. (OIT/TAP/
Haute-Volta/R.6) Geneva, 1964. 32 pp.
The Republic of the Upper Volta.
tion Service, 1960. 31 pp.

New York, Embassy of France, Press and Informa­

"Results of Population Census Announced," Labor Developments Abroad, October 1962,
p. 20.
Skinner, Elliott P. The Mossi of the Upper Volta.
University Press, 1964. 236 pp.

Stanford, Calif., Stanford

UcS. Department of Agriculture, Economic Research Service, Regional Analysis
Division. Notes on the Agricultural Economy of Upper Volta. Washington,
1962. 6 pp.
UcS. Department of Commerce, Bureau of International Commerce, Office of Inter­
national Regional Economics. Overseas Business Reports. Basic Data on the
Economy of Upper Volta. (OBR 65-7) Washington, U.S. Government Printing
Office, 1965. 6 pp.
Upper Volta. Ministere de 1*Economie Nationale, Direction de la Statistique et
des Etudes Economiques. Bulletin mensuel de statistique. Ouagadougou,


Upper Volta/Zambia

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Government Printer, 1962. 60 pp.



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pp. 16-18.

Rates of Pay," Labor Developments Abroad, July 1962,

"Northern Rhodesia. Wages Increased and Wage Distribution Analyzed " Labor
Developments Abroad, August 1962, pp. 10-11.

☆ U. S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING O F F IC E : 1966 O - 798-978