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Lonergan s

Owen is “ Only 92” ;
Never Failed Labor;
Democrats Celebrate
Big Local Victories

yyH E N OKLAHOMA' was admitted
to the Union, 40 years ago,
Robert L. Owen was chosen as one
of the first Senators from the new
state and remained in the Upper
Chamber for 18 years.
There were giants in those days—
William Jennings Bryan, "Teddy”
Roosevelt, Woodrow Wilson, still pres­
ident of Princeton; "Old Bob" , La
Follette at the zenith of his physical
and mental powers.
The new Senator from Oklahoma
ranked with the best of them and
took ,a leading
part In the en­
actment of the
“ Only 92”
most significant
r e f o r m s of
t h o s e days—
popular e 1e ction of Sena­
tors, the initia­
tive and refer-.
. endum, so the
people c o u l d
write their own
laws; the direct
primary, e n ­
abling the
voters to push
th e bos s e s
aside and pick
the c a n d idates they de­
sired; p u b l i o
ow nership o f
utilities, l a w s
curbing c h i l d
Robert L. Owen
Owe n was
c h a i r m a n of
the Senate committee which fashion­
ed the Federal Reserve Act. He
fought to make the system the ser­
vant of all the people, while Glass of Virginia, often referred to as “the
father of the Federal Reserve,” battled
to make it a bankers’ bill.
Checked Shylocks
Farmery have saved hundreds of
millions, probably billions, in interest
because of the Farm Credit Act,
sponsored by Owen; which, for the
first time in the history of this coun­
try, permitted Uncle Sam to step in
between the farmers and the Shylocks who had been bleeding them.
And Owen never failed the
working man, whatever the issue
might be.
He's "only 92” now. His eyes are
troubling him, but his voice still has
me ring which stirred thousands In
the old days and his body seems as
robust as ever.
Sees a "World of Abundance’’
A few days ago the Senators and
Congressmen from Oklahoma . ar­
ranged a luncheon in his honor.
When Owen got the floor, he talked
about the subject so close to his heart
—a global language, which he has
perfected and which he believes will
enable the native of any country to
get a working knowledge of his own
language and of English in a few
"The benefits of this world reform
are beyond all present human calcu­
lation,’’ declared the Senator.
"I believe the result would be to
increase the production of the world
a thousand per cent and make this a
world of super-abundance, instead of
a world of dire poverty.”
Key to Happiness
"How is It possible for you to keep
going at this marvelous pace at 92?”
someone asked the Senator.
He was very grave when he replied:
"Whatever I have I owe to the favor
of God and the kindness of friends.
Life is based largely on reciprocity.
The kindness you may show to others
will be returned a hundredfold.”
