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W r i t e s F o r th to W a r A n e w
A g a in s t O u r ‘ W a s t e i u V A lp h a b e t


Wants Government Group of Economists,
Statisticians to Reform It Phonetically
as a Saving of Time and M on ey
By Wireless to Tux Nxw York T imxs.

LONDON, Dec. 26—George Ber­ etc., etc. They have never knocked
nard Shaw has picked up his pen into our heads the simple fact
again on behalf of his old love and that a letter save'd in spelling is
appealed to the Government to ap­ saved not once but millions of
point a committee of economists times every day. This same is true
and statisticians to create a new of the digits of our arithmetical
phonetic English alphabet with no tables.
"France might owe its present
more than one sign for each
desperate economic predicament'
Using as an example of wasted largely to its having chosen as its
effort the final "b” in the word rules a certain intensely myopic
•'bomb,” Mr. Shaw said in a long president named PolncarS who be­
letter published in The Times of gan counting in twopences the
London today that "the extra sign francs he had borrowed in tenis entirely senseless and not only penses. His brother, a mathema­
wastes the writer’s time but sug­ tician, should have taught him
gests an absurd mispronunciation better.”
Mr. Shaw said that he appeared
of the word exactly as if the word
to be the "only phonetician, econ­
’gun’ were to be spelt ‘gung’ * *
Mr. Shaw said that he could write omist and man of letters who real­
"bomb” eighteen times in one min­ izes how much money there is in
ute and “ bom” twenty-four times a British alphabet with which
and that the figures for the time every sound in our speech can be
lost in writing the word with four written with one graphic and
easily written symbol without even
letters were "astronomical.”
"And yet our phoenticians have crosses or dots.” He said that,
made nothing of this,” Mr. Shaw "if the Phoenician alphabet were
continued. “They have wasted a only turned upside down and en­
century raising an empty laugh larged by seventeen letters from
over our spelling of ‘cough,’ the Greek alphabet, it would soon
‘laugh,’ ‘enough,’ ‘though,’ etc., pay for the war.”

G.B.S. Now Offers His Fortune
For a 42-Letter Alphabet
LONDON, March 30 (U .P.).ja common word with six letters
George Bernard Shaw, in a let-i instead of two as the time lost
ter to the London Times today,!is only a fraction of a second
offered to leave his fortune— "if But multiply that fraction of a
war taxation leaves me anything second by the number of times
to bequeath”— for the establish­ the word has to be written in
ment of a 42-letter English al­ the British Empire and North
America every hour, every day,
“ We have no English alphabet,” every month, every year, every
Shaw wrote. "W e make shift with century and the cost grows . . .
a Phoenician one, but it has only to billions of pounds.
"T he fact that R&ssia, with |
26 letters representing 26 speech
sounds. English speech has 42 its 35-letter alphabet, can spell j
sounds which must be spellable my name with two letters instead
before the language can be writ­ of four may conceivably make
it impossible for us to compete!
ten or read intelligibly.
"It may seem only a laugh­ economically in the world withj
R ussia’V
ing matter that we


3 6

Owen, Blind Ex-Senat6r/S(fys
It Simplifies Language Study
Sj*cia.l to T hk New York T im es .

W ants Longer A lp h ab e t:

Shaw Says Shorter Spelling
Of 'Phone' W ill Pay for War
LONDON. June 12 (Reuter) ,*common word would pay for the
George Bernard Shaw, in a letter World War in a few months.^ If
in the Times, advocated simpll we h a d ,a British alphabet of 42
lied and shorter spelling of the letters instead of persisting in
word "telephone.” He referred to using that prehistoric one of 26
;"old fashioned people” who are letters, we could spell phone with
letters instead of five and
concerned when they see the name three
the much commoner word ‘though
of an instrument spelled with four with two letters instead of srx.
letters— "fon e”— instead of five. That saving would pay for half a
Tire letter added, "the saving of dozen wars if we could find noth-1
i _ _ u ni»ni< 4r\ rrusnrl i t ftTl. ■
a single letter in spelling of thatJing better to spend it on.

WASHINGTON, Jan. 8— Former 1
Senator Robert Latham Owen of
Oklahoma has created a global al­
phabet to simplify international
communication and has presented
it to President Roosevelt for con­
In a letter to the President, Mr.
Owen, who is blind, said that the
global alphabet of thirty-three let­
ters would enable learning of all
languages by pronunciation and
hence in only a fraction of the
time required to learn them by
their individual alphabets and
spelling systems.
"As our Commander in Chief you
have the power and the opportun­
ity of rendering the world, through
this mechanism, a service of in­
calculable value,” the letter de­
clared. “ I beg of you to request
the Secretary of State to make a
report to you on this plan, or with
your approval to take such action
as the public interest may justify.
Professor Pei and his associates
have just published the book
‘Languages for War and Peace,’
including all the leading languages.
He has prepared textbooks for
teaching eleven foreign languages
to be almost immediately available
which can be put in the global al­
One hundred and fifty copies of
the global alphabet have been sent
to State- Department officers and
foreign service members abroad.