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/ 12.1.



February 14, 1921.

Dear Sir:

We are juxt in receipt of a complimentary volume
entitled "Letters from the Front," being n record of the
part played by the officers of your bank in the Great War,

Se this volume came addresped to the "Governor,
Federal Rec-.erve Bank of Grin Francisco, New York, K. Y.,"

we desire to knob whether the copy is intended for kr.
Benjamin Strong, Governor of the Federal Reserve Bank of
New York, or Mr. John Calkins NGovernor of the Federal Toe -

erve Bank of San Francisco, to whom we shall be pleased to
forward the same, should it be your wish.
Yours very truly,

Secretary to the Governor.
General Manager,
Canadian Bank of Commerce,
Toronto, Canada.

Kmade6az -,93;74



21st February 1921

George Beyer, Esq.

Federal Reserve Bank of New York
15 Nasseau Street
New York, N.Y.
Dear Sir:

Your lett-r of 4th instant, addressed to the General Manager,

was referred to the writer, and I regret to learn that a copy of
"Letters from the Front" was erroneously forwarded to "the Governor,
Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, New York".

This, of course,

should have been addressed to the Governor of your good institution,

and I would ask you to be good enough to hand the volume to your
Mr Benjamin Strong.

I regret the trouble which we have put you to in this matter.
Y 'ars truly


Volume II, "Letters from the Front"








:-ontreal, 27th December, l'zi16.

dear Sir:

Peferring to the recent announcement by the press that the Bank
of Pngland has been designated as the agent in London of the 2:ew York
Federal 'Reserve lank,

I beg to suggest that if it should be your intention

to apnoint an agent in this country, we have much pleasure in nlacing at
ylur disposal the best services of this bank.

You are doubtless aware that we are now and have for many years
been the bankers in Canada, in London and in 7ew York of the Government
of the rominion of Canada.

?or your further information I nay add that we will celebrate
our centenary next year.

-e have pleasure in enclosing you herewith copy of

;ur balance

sheet for the year ending 31st of October last, which is self-explanatory,

and waiting an acknowledgment of this communication and a decision in due

I ml, my dear Sir,

Yours very truly,
(Signed) 7. V. ::eredith,


Pierre Jay, -sq.,
Chairman and Federal "reserve Agent,
ederal Peserve Rank of 'Jew York,
Equitable Building,
New York.




Er. Strong.



30th March, 1917.

My dear Mr. Jay:

Acting on the suggestion made when I had the pleasure of
meeting you and Er. Treman in New York recently, I am taking the first
moment at my disposal since my return to repeat in writing the reasons
why, in my opinion, advantages would accrue to both your country and
ours from an affiliation between the Federal Reserve Ban and the Ban;;:
of Montreal.
In first ,tit.ting forth the suggestion, I had in mind, primarily, the moral and sentimental effect such an alliance would produce,
and since my visit to your city and the South, I am more than ever convinced that it would go far to increase the feeling of food will that
happily now exists between the United States and 'Canada and bring
about more intimate friendly business relations.

The announcement that the Banx-. of Montreal had been appointed
your representative in this country would, I am sure, receive wide and
favorable comment as another step towards cementing international relations.

Then, as to more concrete benefits, the advantages to your
good selves might be of value in having a confidential correspondent,
so long established at all the important points in Canada, who could
keep the Federal reserve bank informed on economic conditions and perform the numerous services that a financial representative in another
country is called upon to carry out.
The stabilizing of exchange between the two countries is an
important problem to be solved.
As you are aware, the bulk of our importations are from the "nited States and during the periods when grain
and produce movements are not taking place, the rate for New York funds
riser at times as high as one per cent, thus unduly penalizing imrorters
and militating against an increase in the volume of trade.
this situation could be ameliorated to an extent by loans against the
deposit of satisfactory securities or the establishment of bank credits
to tide over the periods mentioned.
Should the war be rolonged, proposals of a financial nature
might be submitted for your 'consideration, although I know of nothing in
view at the moment.

These are the ideas I had in :71:- mind when discussing the question with you, but I have no doubt if actual business relations were entered into, the scope of our mutual operations would be considerably extended beyond the lines I have indicated.



I trust that the froposal will r
eration of yourself and your executive com
may be reached to the mutual advancement o
at heart.

Lay I take this ol.portunity of e
your courteous recertion zind hospitality
Believe me,

Ey dear Er.


pierre.Jay, Esq.,
Chairman and Federal Reserve Agent,
Federal Reserve Bank of New York
New York, N. Y.



e,JUN 8


he (9,a92.adeail





31st ::ay 1923

George Byer, Esq.
Secretary to the Governor

Federal Reserve Bank
Yew York,



Dear Sir:

Referrirg to your letter of 28th instant, according to our
records, the two volumes of the of this Bank were sent to

Governor Strong on 7th instant.

We are asking the Post Lffice officials

here to endeavour to trace them and, if they are not found within a cport
tire, we shall gladly I-el-dace them by others.

Possibly it would facili-

tate matters were you to enquire of the Pest Office in New York.


books were addressed "The Governor, The Federal Reserve Bank, NewYork".
They are large octavo volumes, bound in scarlet buckram, with gilt lettering, the first contEining about 500 pages and the second about 6u0.

Yours truly


June 8, if)23.

Dear Sir:
In compliaace with your kind favor of May 31, we have ,1 ade

a thorough investigation both
Gr'fice Department to

here at the tani and through

trace the two volumes, and regret

the Post

to report that

we are unable to locate them.

oo not understand how

they could miscarry and I hope soon

to learnsome favoratilie report from you.
Yours very truly,

Secretary to
governor Strong.

Mr. A. L. Trigge,
Secretary, Cans.diun Bank of Commerce,
Toronto, Canada.



June 18, 1923.

Dear Sir:

I an pleased to advise you that the duplicate set of
two volumes relating to the history of your :)auk was safely

received with your letter of June 12.

I know that Governor

Strong will be keenly interested in reading the volumes and
that he is thorour:hly appreciative of your favoring him with

such a fine historical record of your institution.
Should the original volumes eventually be r-:ceived,

it will afford me pleasure to have them delivered to your
York Agents, 18 Exchange Place.

With -any thanks, believe me,

Yours very truly,

Secretary to
Go vernor Strong.

Vr. A. L. Trigge,

Secretary, Canadian Bank of Comrrerce,
Toronto, Canada.







Sr 14;t4. 90--

George Beyer, Esq
Secretary to the Governor
Federal Reserve Bank of New York
New York, N.Y.
Dear Sir:

Referring to your letter of 22nd instant, we
have oresented each of the Federal Reserve Banks in the

United States with a set of the history of The Canadian
Bank of Commerce, so that the set received by the Federal

Reserve Bank of Philadelphia was not that intended for
Governor Strong.

Yours truly