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After discussing public spending and/
the Senator pointed out, and “ it is not
anXobligation of the Federal Govern­ taxes and after advocating the killing
off of Social Security, Merwin K. Hart,
president of the National Economic
“ Ir\ many . . . states, school boards
are independent of cities, towns and Council, Inc., in the Economic Council
counties and answerable directly to the Letter of March 1, 1947, states: “ As a
people.\ In Ohio and elsewhere the third measure that will come before .the
people of each community are author­ present Congress, a great buildup is
ized to vpte additional tax levies on now going on to support a bill that will
themselves if they feel that more money give ‘federal aid to education.’ /Such
is needed for good educational facili­ a bill has been before Congress for
ties. . . . No state has come before us eight or nine years. It has always been
affirming its inability to deal with the beaten because it is certain that there
educational problem. No legislature can be no federal aid to education with­
has passed any resolutions requesting out federal control. And federal control
would place in the hands of governr
Senator Taft\then launched into a ment bureaucracy the absolute control
series of arguments against the danger of everything pertaining to education.
of federal control of public schools if The socialistic teachings in our schools
federal aid is given, notwithstanding and colleges today would .be multiplied
the bill specifies that no such control is several times.
“ The pretext, of coursb, is that teach­
to exist. Sometimes large discrepancies
occur within a given state as there are ers are not paid enough. Well, that ar­
rich sections and poor sections. Like­ gument has been brought up every year,
wise a $40 education, in some places, he while the Federal Government was aid­
said, may be better than a $60 educa­ ing its special-privilege boys to drive
tion in .other places. \Another pointed up truckmen’s and hod-carriers’ pay
to double that of teachers. And the
argument of Senator Taft was this:
“ The bill, therefore, does not do the Government was then getting into debt
very thing it is supposed to do. Equal­ at an astronomical rate, while even the
ization, as a matter of fact, cannot be poorest stated were paying off their
secured except by complete federal con­ debts and even accumulating surplus
trol and direction. Everyone agrees funds. * /
“ It is known that some Republicans
that complete federal control and di­
rection are worse than the inequality are entertaining the notion of giving
the schools ‘a little federal aid.’ Where
which now exists.”
That was what Senator Taft said on would it stop? If this Congress should
October 14, 1943. But on January 9, be th oon e to yield to the bureaucrats
and /leftwingers who are the core of
1947, in a speech before the' Economic
Club of New York City, the same Sen­ the/aemand for ‘ federal aid to educa­
ator Taft came out in favor of a bi­ tion,’ then it may be expected that it
would soon yield to the whole com­
partisan plan for federal aid for edu­
cation. The bill proposed b y ' Senator munistic-socialistic program.” S. W.
Taft, Senator Lister Hill and other
Senators, would appropriate $150,000,LAUBACH FOR GLOBAL ALPHABET
000 for the next school year, $200,000,N T h e N e w A ge for November, 1946,
000 for 1948-1949 and $250,000,000 a
there was an account of the global
year thereafter.
Many admirers of Senator Taft, as alphabet invented by former U. S. Sen­
ator Robert L. Owen, heakl of the
well as those who do not share his po­
litical and economic views, are wonder­ World Language Foundation, 2400 Six­
ing just what caused him in his New teenth Street, Washington 9, D. C,, a
York speech to set forth views so at nonprofit, educational institution.
Senator Owen has now brought out
variance with those to which he gave
his Global Alphabet Guide Book.
expression in 1943. Yes, what?






lish in from four to six months.
Dr Frank C. Laubach, one of the same way, the native English-speaking
world’s outstanding authorities of lan­ peoples can learn any of a dozen lan­
guages, states: “ If Senator Owen can guages in the same length of time by
wield enough influence to get his alpha­
use of the same global alphabet.
bet started, it has a chance of winning
The result of such international un­
by sheer merit. It is the simplest, best derstanding, made possible by the abil­
alphabet I have ever seen.”
ity to speak and write a common
This is indeed strong commendation
language, is seen as tremendous _m
coming from one of Doctor Laubach s helping abolish war and promoting
acknowledged standing. For years he
was a missionary of the Congregational world peace.
Christian Churches. He gave the Moros
of the Philippines an alphabet and
ETHODISM, as other denomina­
taught them how to read and write
tions, is fortunate in having insti­
with the technique of “ each one teach
one ” Then the war came, he returned tutions which are not mendicants asking
to the United States and obtained
for public funds, said Dr. John O.
financial aid to go to South America Gross iri\ his address at the diamond
and a similar technique was used m anniversary of the founding of Lander
Mexico, Ecuador and other Latin
College, Greenwood, S. C. He is the
American countries. Doctor Laubach, secretary of the Department of Eduan alumnus of Princeton and now
cational Institutions of the Board of
sixty-two, is in Cairo, Egypt, where he Education, or The Methodist Church.
is setting up literacy charts m twenty
In his address he deplored the trend
languages and dialects and using his toward linking State and Church
‘'each one teach one” method in the through financial aid from the State
hope of eventually making Africa liter­
ate. He has used similar methods in to the Church. \
A report on his speech given m the
India, and has spent more than thirty Southern Christiari\Advocate is quoted
years in teaching millions of illiterates
as follows:
to read and write.
. ~
“ He insisted that Methodist colleges
Doctor Laubach is also special Coun­
selor and Representative of the Com­ must continue to be free and unfettered.
mittee on World Literacy and Christian He said that for themvto be placed at
Literature, Foreign Missions Confer­ the step of national or. state govern­
ence of North America, 156 Fifth Ave­ ment meant for them to b^ governmentnue, New York 10, N. Y. Thus, when controlled, and this he contended would
he places the seal of his approval on be something to be deplored.
“ Education must by all , means be
Senator Owen’s global alphabet, he is
True education can ^ardly be
speaking from first-hand knowledge of
conceived of in terms of bondage, slav­
the subject.
, .
Senator Owen feels that English is, ery, control. Education which is con­
of right, the language that should be trolled by any government, 'pr any
church, or any individual, is n<^t edu­
universally known and used because
200,000,000 people, one-tenth of the cation at its highest. The mind of man
world’s population, speak it and, fur­
must be free. Any attempt to place
thermore, most of the world s great his mind in fetters must be resisted.
books are to be found printed in Eng­ Therein lies the grave danger in an in­
Also, another 200,000,000 use stitution’s accepting contributions froni
English as a secondary language. This
a government. A governmental grant
doe's not mean that any race or nation of funds may, by implication or ex­
is to give up its native language-far
pressed contract, be thought of as giv­
from it
It merely means that this ing government some degree of control.
global alphabet will enable other people Government aid to farmers led to govto learn to read, write and speak Eng­