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V  Wq-t614 Nvki -1 A, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  4Pief3-  WRIGHT- MARTIN AIRCRAFT CORPORATION LONG ISLAND  CITY, N.Y.  December 18, 1918,  SIMPLEX AUTOMOB ILE COMPANY NEW BRUNSWICK, N.J.  GENERAL AERONAUTIC CO. OF AMERICA NEW  YORK CITY  WRIGHT-MARTIN AIRCRAFT CORPORATION OF CALIF. LOS ANGELES, CALIF.  Mies Helena V. Williams, Woman In Industry Service, U. S. Department of Labor, Washington, D. C. My dear Miss Uilliams:— pictures I am forwarding to you under separate cover set of showing "omen at —ork in our Plant, properly  •tioned.  Personnel Supervisor.  aT  7/7"P Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  11111•11111  Noenber 13, 1910,  stv. 4. A•., —okvuotter,  Persasmel 444rri0er, -Uartia Airoraft Corp., cz lailirterfr; dear Ir. 7cJistotter4  mouse.  Tlan1; ;„Cra for th.c: ooliootion of photographs SLwing work La the :richt-aat: tplaut; also for yo..Ar co.mmut  tl'e %Knot  u lilierty to return the pioturos to I au taking vea short dosoriptiol, oi the with the request tLat you mimosas** *bona Asset on the b6u4: of sash photigraph. lii order to make oiir records of value, we must, of (sours*, know just q kiwi of work cw-ch jAotograph represents.. 'rho War Industries Bervioe desires to .e tilesu time in exhibits,in orier to show the v.:t.rious ProoOluoo Lwhio womes !o4nre sAPgsi duril...e; the mar, as veil as the comditLm, ander which they worked, am& to illustrate lievu2tkoer and. magn.sitt a'tislas o t;LL; subjoct. iLwes ox the firmil will Lot be mentioned in any oases Will you be good enougb to return the photogralhs to ns after thw„, have been nii.riteci. with•your permisuion to use the for the puruose st:totri grupbn from time to Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  Aneorei.ev yours,  Reline. V. Williams, Weems In tsinstry Service.  WRIGHT- MARTIN AIRCRAFT CORPORATION ....mmusammimmomplow, December 6, 1918. LONG ISLAND CITY, N.Y. SIMPLEX  AUTOMOB ILE COMPANY NEW BRUNSWICK. N.J.  GENERAL AERONAUTIC CO. OF AMERICA NEW YORK CITY WRIGHT-MARTIN AIRCRAFT CORPORATION OF CALIF. LOS ANGELES, CALIF.  Miss Mary Winslow, Women in Industry Service, Department of Labor, Washington, D. C. 1TiSS  Winslow:-  A letter dated November 22nd received from the Bureau of Aircraft l'roduction requests that we send to you photographs of women at work in our plant to be used in writing the "History of the War Industrially." We have had a number of photographs taken which we enclose herewith. You will perhaps be interested to know that although we had not yet reached of production where the full benefit of the training of women micht be realized, yet notwithstanding this, we feel that women in this plant have been a distinct success. I shall not attempt to outline here, the methods which we inaugurated in the training of these women, but suffice it to 7,ay that our women showed a 1-Leen a-opreciation of their task and we found them most adaptable. (  re purposely endeavored to obtain wmen of fair education and of somc refinewent, with the result that they were able to assimilate more rapidly than the average man having no 1)revious training, wham we might employ.  Yours v  GLH/717 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  ersonnel Supervisor.  (  Nave:ler 19,1918.  Mr.  F. Johnson., t•:,:artin_Aitreriat Q0.°11* New Truatck, N.J. JanieS  tar lir. Johnson: 11 sent me of tle  Ver:7 much for the picture3 zrz sch-ols run by your establishment.  ilk  I am writing astia at the suz,estion of Major G itchell of the Industrial Servioc _eeticn, Bureau of Aircraft )roduction„ to &tic if you have any pictures of women who are actually working in the shops which you could send us. 4 will find the pictures in the training school most useful and would like to add to our co/leo:Aim whatever pictures we c,la Get of women doinc tlfo recrlar work on aircraft production. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  ith mat/ thz__Illcct for your kirA cooperation, Very sincorcly :ours, Mary -* Ansloa, 6peci-1 ;Lcent, Avian in Industry oervice.  WRIGHT-MARTIN AIRCRAFT CORPORATION NEW BRUNSWICK, N. J. SIMPLEXAUTOMOBILECOMPANY NEW BRUNSWICK, N J  GENE RA L AERONAUTIC CO- OF AMERICA NEW YORK CITY  WRIGHT - MARTIN AIRCRAFT CORPORATION OF CALIF _OS ANGELES, CALIF  November 5th, 1918.  Miss.11ary N. Winslow, U.S.Dept.of Labor, Washington, D.C. My dear Lliss Winslow: Replying to your letter of November 1st. Would advise that women are being trained in a separate training department and substituted for men, in the following branches of work: 1:  Including turret lathes, hand-screw Lachine operating machines, milling machines (power), hand milling machines, radial drills, upright drills, sensitive drills, bench work ( including filing, burring,stoning, redieing and reaming, Inspection work, both on parts inspection and 100,Z inspection, factory floor clerks and tool crib attendants.  2. As an example of the training given =won, will mention that while in training learners set up simple jobs and carry through the operations as specified on the blue The parts so done are rut print as used in the shop. that is demanded of inspection routine same through the factory. in the 3.  There have been no adjustments of machinery or methods of :/ork changed to amount to much, in introducing women in this factory.  4.  Women receive the same pay as men for the quality and quantity of the work perforlred.  I am attaching herewith photographs of women at trust these will be of assistance to you in I plant. work in our the people a correct understanding of before your efforts to place women in industry. ours very tr  y‘ -  ames F.Johnso ,  IAL  JiJ:F11 Enclosures. under separate cover. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  Chief Instructor.  A- Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  Love sber -re J.x. Johnson, Director of Training, ,right-:artin ircraft Ce .iiche • iO,4..q. iy dor r. Johnson: in Indastr '.;ervice is ,-)L.nning to conduct 1, The an edu43 tional e:rayAgn on the 2ubject of standards of nork for 7)emen. A are particularl interested in tlAs training 4/1d-cabIf .you 1- of women for .1,21 in industrial prooe..;ses. stitatio.: on st_tistics Or could .Asind un any facts, individual instances Training the the followinc subjects from :our exL)eriences in Departlent "..70 will be vex': LTuteful: In wh t processes h-ve women for nen?  ou boon ale to aUbstitlro  c_n , ou givo us two or three ex,.. ,ples of the inc given MKWAM2 before the; take over the job one In; men? fornerl chineru .us examples of ...djustzlonto of in -1, cubbeen havo .t th ur :othods of work stitutinc wortsn? . ten Do women receive the same pay . sa:- *3 work for oily done by non? tell us the reason?  perfori the If not, C.2fl you  u_n wou send ac an pictures of the warren ..7orkina in your plant, or can you toll whore we could secure then for our use? 2. do fur  - hinc Luu you in adv::..nco for an t  Ver:,! sincorel;. ;701irs,  ilary r. inslary, L..i) T.AY WWIII id•  be ablo to  WRIGHT-MARTIN AIRCRAFT CORPORATION NEW BRUNSWICK, N. J.  SIMPLEX AUTOMOBILE COMPANY NEW BRUNSWICK, N k.1  GENERAL AERONAUTIC CO OF AMERICA NEW  YORK  CITY  WRIGHT MARTIN AIRCRAFT CORPORATION OF CALIF LOS ANGELES, CALIF  '-uclast 15, 1918.  Miss M. an Kleeck, Department of Labor, Office of the Secretory, ITashington, I. C.  Dear Sir;  This will acknowledge your letter of August 14th. Very glsd to 'rive your opinion on the matt:r of segregation of women, inasmuch as it conforms with the one to Which I hold so strongly. I sib.all be pleased to meet lass alinson when she is on this way. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  Y,Y.Iirs very truly,  ,thief Instructor. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  1!,..•4 IN INrIrTT T1FiVICE  Aui ust 14, 1918. Vr. J%mee P. Johnon, kr10.1tt-14,,xtin Nov runiK, N.J. [2e,r Sir: nE•wer to y(ur lctt r of A.uouEl, rth,  In received in my  y-ence from the city, it .oe-, not seem tn  dt tll necess5ry or lerArmble to segr-:i:ite women in -e-ir.!te dertments vrom len torker6, if their work naturally hrint.„- Ii them to4:ether. The whole -roblem i - one of r!irect suderviRion A .11 timer rt- . ,or‘ir, :)elieve  n in  this is necery in plants whetner the wowen TIte  le)artmcnts or seprate departments. I  trorvly of course th6t there ilhoul! be -,ame women in  ret-2onsib1e edvie3ory vonitions mnd if thiP iF done and efficient women auDervioors .7re eecured, it htog been the ex, ,erience of mEny ' - , nts, that the effect on ir-)iu(tion ic entirely --1,t“fvetory 1,nd that the whole tone of th, i workin, force lc- good. I h-ve, ju-A written r, letter introlucint, to you Miss Mty Allineon,  Secrry of the Uommittee on 1men in  InduRtry on tne L,ouncil of aatilndl r,efense. 4iss AlLiason may not be '2o1e to t-ke you the letter for three or four weeks, -u' of t:wn '?ut 'en ;11Fi t  in  he i  Oole to pria  s sho iP to De  it, I Am t-ur  -tt.L.L. t.,6et'.6r  th t  r",.rlini„ the trainin  Your ,, rincerfly, .irector, Womin in IrCuLtry.  will of  WRIGHT-MARTIN AIRCRAFT CORPORATION NEW BRUNSWICK, N. J.  SIMPLEX AUTOMOBILE COMPANY NEW BRUNSWICK,N J GENERAL AERONAUTIC CO.OF AMERICA NEW  YORK CITY  WRIGHT-MARTIN AIRCRAFT CORPORATION OF CALIF LOS ANGELES, CALIF  August 6, 1918.  Miss M. Van Eleeck, Women in Industry Service, Department of Labor, Washington, D. C.  Dear Madam;  This will acknowledge your letter of August 5th. I will be pleased to receive from you your 'Viewpoint on the matter of ser:Tegating women in the factory. Our big aim in manufacturing is progressive production, and with that in mind of course it is not advisable to segregate women if such segregating hinders our particular aim. Many manufacturers have Some of these companies claim tat by placing women had a remarkable success. workers with the men, tte women h:ve decidedly toned the general condition and speed in the production of the men. There has been some question among a few manufacturers, and the question has also come up here in a very slight way as to the moral effect of having men and women work together in similar liras. I shall be pleased to have the results of your experience in tl 's matter.  Yours very truly, 'it J/B Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  -z-2.-.--47---0----,  l thi ef histru/or.  -;  Ar? Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  r rmu3n.y. s-rav[or  August 5, 1916,  14ht-Martin Airctaft Corporation, New Brunswick, New Jqrsgv. near' Sirs:  AITTNTION tR. JOMISO'T,  re have at present no rrinted material, tvat. shall be s.lal to put your' name on thci nailing list afll :.end y:111 shortly a statement of the Tar labt.r P-rlicies Board regarding the gmploymont cf romon. the Offici41 Bulletin of Jul.  Thic statnwm' appealimod in  17th a clipling fro/1-i which is  attached. 17c) shall be very  L.t.d indeed to k3ep in touch with  your experience, 3special1y :_n the training of wolLen.  Ab  toll you wher r3 1111. in P:illadilphia, I hope some time to have an opportunity to visit your plant. Meanwhile if in any specifte ways we c 111 tc, of asr,istanii; to you, we trust that you will 001 upon us. Ver, %ruly yours,  Director, 'twren in Industry Service.  WRIGHT-MARTIN AIRCRAFT CORPORATION NEW BRUNSWICK, N_ J. SIMPLEX AUTOMOBILE COMPANY NEW BRU NSWI CK, NU.  GENERAL AERONAUTIC CO. OF AMERICA NEW YORK CITY  WRIGHT - MARTIN AIRCRAFT CORPORATION OF CALIF. LOS ANGELES, CALIF  July 30, 1918,  Miss Mary Van Kleeck, .epartment of Labor, Women in Industry Service, Washington, 0. C.  Dear Madan:  I shall be pleasud to receilv any information from you relating to the enployment of women in industries engaged upon war work. Our Long Island City Plant has already employed women, and is making preparations to put on several thousand of them. Your aperience in this matter will be of great help to us I am sure.  Yours very truly,  J/B Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  Chief Instructor.  "ICATT.N IN INDUSTRY 87RVICID July 21 118.  MY deAr Major litohells The attached oory of a lette..- fro  the Wri;bt,  first to the Martin Corporation haa been delayed through reference Industry Service. War Labor Policies Board And than to the rlomen in Labor Policies ar rs71viner, to it with the information that tha 7ar the re— Board lifts endorsed the standards of Gonel Orders #13 anl comriendatione of the War Labor Conference noard.  I am stating that  a repre— we are referring the inquiry to ynu as you nay wish to send sentative to the plant.  As you doubtless  this plant hais dew—  -imPlts 11 trftin1-1 und their veloped srlse emteedingly intorestiyg exr1, . experienee will undoubtodly be of v!aue in other plants Sincerely yours.  Direetor. Women in Inlustry Service.  Major 3. H. 31tcholl, Industrial Relations Departments 3ure4u of Aircraft Proiuctior, and B Streets, N. 1., Washington, D. C. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  INI Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  OMI IN INDUSTRY STAVZCS July 25, 1913.  The Nri/ht-4iarti New Brunawick, New Jersey:  Aircraft C.-.rporaf:ion,  Dear Sive: Your letter of July 15th aVrs7socl to the National 'far tabor PolicicG loari ha3 been refe-re-! to this office for reply. d At its meeting of Jul7 5th the War Labor .)-licies Boarl rec-rle a — an ,4 en:Innis includo -rhch —(1'n1r. of ent emrloym hø statJ:Ant rsriiri the by srluel #11 f)rdera in lonerul d ment ef the standards outline ons Chief of Ordnance. A copy of these ir enclosed, as the $11sti t aircraf to hut plants e Ordnanc to contained in it aprly not onl7 ent. tile of ioilrnm the policy of 7roduotion, as 4 stat-Jront We 4re dlao reforrir4; you letter to biajor B. H. 1itshell, in charge of the industrial Relations Derartment of the Bureau of Aim:waft Production. Meanwhile if we c„ir be of any the special service to you in applieation of the general stmlanlr tr fror further hear to 7,1Lil be problers of your plants we shall yu  Sincerely yurs,  Dir,:etor, l'oren in Industry Service.  WRIGHT-MARTIN AIRCRAFT CORPORATION NEW BRUNSWICK, N. J. SIMPLEX AUTOMOBILE COMPANY NEW BRUNSWICK, N J  GENERAL AERONAUTIC CO_ OF AMERIC A NEW YORK CITY  WRIGHT - MARTIN AIRCRAFT CORPORATION OF CALIF. LOS ANGELES, CALIF  July 24, 1918. Mrs. Mary Van Kleeck, Director Division of Women Industry, 604 Ouray Building, 8th & G Sts., N.W., Washington D.C. Dear Madam: The Executive Secretary of the War Labor Policies Board advised us on July 19th that our letter of the 15th inst. asking for information rela tive to the employment of women in shops had been turned over to you. We are very anxious to obtain the advice asked for in that letter and would ap,xecia te a reply at your earliest convenience.  HGLAICS  Chief Planner & Scheduler.  P.S. PI ase address reply to Henr y G. Lamb, Chief Planner & Scheduler, c/o Wright Martin Aircraft Gbrporation, New Brunswick, N.J. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  WAR LABOR POLICIES BOARD.  July 19, 1918.  Subject: Employment of Women.  Dear l'Ass Van Kleeck: Referring to your attention attached letter of July 15th from the  Wright—::artin Aircraft Corporation,  of New Brunswick, N. J. We have wtiffed this company that the matter has been referred to you for attention.  Very truly yo rs,  Execut  Yiss Mary Van Kleeck, Drctr., 604 Ouray Bldg., 8th & G Ste. N. W., :KFR  e Secreta  6--K3 WRIGHT-MARTIN AIRCRAFT CORPORATION NEW BRUNSWICK, N. J -  SIMPLEX AUTOMOBILE COMPANY NEW BRUNSWICK, N J  GENERAL AERONAUTIC CO.OF AMERICA NEW  YORK CITY  WRIGHT-MARTIN AIRCRAFT CORPORATION OF CALIF LOS ANGELES, CALIF  July 15th 1918. War Labor Policies Board, Washington, D.C. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  Gentlemen: We are planning to undertake the employment of women on contracts for the produttion of aircraft motors for the U.S. Government and would request that you furnish us with such printed matter as you may have issued on the subject of Woman Labor, and also advise us definitely of any regulations or decision that you may have reached relative to (a) Time and overtime during which women may be employed. (b) The ages of women which may be employed. (c) The shop and housing conditions. (d) The restrictions regarding class of work, if any. Thanking you for the prompt attention we feel you will give this request, we are, Very trul,j: .urs,  HGL/HCS stamped return envelope enclosed.  thief Planner & Scheduler.