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lir  ;s\-)-) \< L.cK i ^AjoR<I7 (r 1 0f7../0>th Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  ,  Was 4tari llba 4es* is the Avatar sit the Sam La industrty lsvk. ifthi"a-it• kilirtoost et weft Miss I* nee* Ls  partioalark Atte.. to owe* it the isms la WWI,la Ws emery as die has boss la elan to* with OWN me* ahr NW Poise AweWed La amnia. an as AndoIMP et the aiimea*s htendh et the iskiertelsi airvise ailettea et the Waage Dapartadato $he brought so that leatties a Igasileige sat swim** gilast thameih leo ineeesiab Wass if the esiatitimme maw 114014 imam Imre issidits tiiat she sale direetel ter WPM years elate La eliatott it Ike itassitta, ea itomaits Anilt ad it 40. Litoislea it ladestrIal Jiallies if the Mamma deo ilmatatlea La Nee Yea CAW. te"Us ..bLie'AU Ito eraishase llesonollst tiera Jaiiiigh at itimam eimatitiens earleiresat the svvIasI Mae less Wia atria goverament under iverstiag u1e and Oasts La the gINlrS aemeeeto sae tan the ierfinwAte at osaguarikanstike ** more betas se nerilig ireseigtel tate movverampat ~glee I anewassas the conditions maw Wish thew were earliveta at thae sumo time bp maim; the soulam ealpit if iimitteas *Leh yen is utresatig needed • the ,as Yea MeeiSt use smismod Sma her fealties la 4147.1918 La the Mame hosertion.W ostabilah the Mom La lalhothl Sandee Mreetior et that aervlso she hes bees NI the Mipirtmot it Meek amosies eat be aesisteit la the guvenutut all with La Wiese tenth the ausilepore$ it enneue namraing "Maus OW aelatleaof et the at Wit rolimies asior num wag *or position as the is the timing W pellets' tsitkame 0141 kw Me& be &be Om is. is ter the enplaimeat et The wenn la laitastry i2erriee vas the ea3g en if the at 4ierrios otlyitise, not pronrided ter b statutory kar. "bleu as rsasemsoded tor 04attaaat1es b the .19prigr1stiame aeamittee it the Imo it pmekreseatativos. la ,,keimite sa the MOO et the emorigriatisa ter loneerif :•Airriee villiah as romommoolet w sal pasta by latus the .4noue if Stanssati&tbrae. liereismatithre imantall if voulai said vas the if Moe gm Um* mit the Mos In laitaltr$ tarritle " oak santes ass e11 if the at settritiee Ilhat me not preriasi air blt be that the earalttsea reeeneeillid fie 4111411.11110111 at. OS eat the his ma net peep 00114***** took Os Wish at b. Mai that it ens sahliest to a pialk at maw, begone i to be eairleil no vere iiiressed ill* the impesse it sat farther is wan isopelaig with ea 44•21 114/141111111* with 1.1 sh the loft had boa INIPP1114 Oa it as Ole at the veer" Ni,at at baresos shish jastMell itself Woad ogniaostiaait seatroporey. I believe is Vila gut sad. I believe la theas wimp& IR hoe  -  000 Wag *Stied of ~ass h., tee isepaa La Saaastel1 LLoh.1543, toe to wastlame 4NA 4111,4144 the weak data. the emu.Miro INS POMO tic the NM% eat as the avor.priatieli if 014,1 isMU Wag to eems v. at asestai• kgproysiatis 43,11 enttre amen ea klestere Jaw* 4114 Li beton adjewast onksionLa the waist* there is um me mrselatou ter the seatinuattea if the veil attar 1.1, In%  3/4/1919 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  1LY  131iiG11.2.1.211Y  LIN  aIECE:  One of the women of imerica that the war erouEht into a position of greatest responsibility and prominence is Liss :arzi Van Kleedk, Director of the 'Ioman in Industry 3ervice, Department of Labor. -iss Van 1:10eck, who is a native of New -ork Stater, degrai was graduated from smith College, Northampton, 1.,:ass„ with the of _.B. in 1904.  For three :fears she attended the sumer courses  at the college specializing in economics and other lines of study t: :vt later were to be of value in hoc aor:: for aomen. .,-- ecretary o.  he  ea 13.reese 1,re3:  dr home and  -erk ilssociatin Hospital for ?uberculaas Children naintained by the hew for Improving the Condition of the l'oor, Liis active career.  Van  Kleeck bean her  In 1903-6 she was holder of the Joint .ellowship of  the Golleem ,3ettlements Association and the amit,: College ,Llumnae _zociation.  At this beginning of her career she made a thorough  investigation of overtime work of factory girls in College SettleL,ent of the city.  ew York  tJ  The report whic.,_ Jas pfidished ip  Charities and Coiamons, 1906, attracted Vis attention to the ,c),Ing student of sociology  and the next year, the rcllowship continuing  with the cooperation of the i.ew York child Labor Whrhiittee and the Con7prierts League, she investigated child luvor in the tenements of :ow  City, the report being published in Charities and Commons  1907. For the two :,ears 1907-09 ;is: Van lUeedk v.s )1oyment Dureau, a philanthropic Industrial Jecretary of the .1.1lianee :;LI!  .age ,Jo. 2  agencj maintained Dy settlements and girls' clubs in :CA/ 7ork for the puroose of finding work ler girls in shops .-hd offices.  Here she  used her knuile ge and experience in directing investigations, the results of which were published in book ford by the _Lussel 2oundation, under the titles." Women in the Bookbinding Trade" and "  Seasonal Industry, a 3tudy of the , illinery Trade in 1:cra  These surveys, important in thoIseives led to larger enterprises that were soon to mean much to the progress of women.  In 1908-9 the Russel  :rbandation became so interested that it financed the work, which in 1909 was organied as the Cor:L.ittee on ibmen's ',iork, an independent orniz-.tion witic,I a year later vps taken over as a department of the rbundation's activities. of Industrial Studies. on -Jouen's  In 1916 the Coralittee b came the Division  liavinu beeA chosen to direct the Committee :1.ueck  was appointed Director of the  Divi-ion on Industrial Audios and in this position tirected in— vestiationL leading to t e following reports: "  Girls  In fublic Evining Schools", " rtificial Flower I,Akers", " Italian Girls in Intlul:tr;; in New York", " The Burden of Sickness in 3age— earner's 2aril1lies and " Collective Bargaining in the Cigar Traue", the last three of Widch, written by members of hiss Van :le,_;dk's staff, are not yet published, althOugh the re,iort on " Italian Girls in Industry" is now in press. fter the entrance of the UnitJd States into the _ar Liss Van Meedk investigated conditions, in view of the .)ossible employ— ment in the storage de,)ots of the U.S. limy.  This work was under—  taken for the Storage Committee of the 'Jar Industries Board and the re:?ort was published as the committees Bulletin Uo. 9. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  The report Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  ice. 3  should be organizer contains the recommendation tit a ioman's .ureau in the .ar  epartment•  as Director Zrom January to July, 1918, —iss Van laeeck served 3ection of the of the domants Branch of the Industrial Service that position Ordnance Department, U.J. Army, and was summoned from t of Laoor, to establish the jomam in Industry Service of the Departmen ofZice as Since July, 1913, when she assuzied the duties of her new identified with Director of the Service, —iss Van 1.ieeck has been is all problems relating to woliten Jor:cerso in which the Government interestedu  She forniulated for the apvroval of the Secretary of  Industry", Labor, " Standards Governing the Employment of Women in whicii, contains the most advanced ideals* /These standards include the eight—hour day witu half holiday on Saturday, prohibition of night work  rest periods, eoual pay for eoual work, the best possible  they so.A.tation an... general working conditions, safety devices, and so that recoLtiend care in determining the selection of occupation heat or to dust lifting, constant standing, exposure to excessive and fuL:es or occupational poisons may be avoided* tflese standards, approved b  According to  the Secretary " no work shall be given  out to be done in roam used for living or sleeping purposes or in rooms directly comected with living or sleeping rooms in any dwelling or tenement." * * *  * * * * * * * * * *  * *  Miss Nary Tan Klee, direetor of the Woman in Industry Swirls* of the U. S. Department of Labor, wee appointed when the Service was first *rosined in 'July, 1918. She came to this position from the Ordnanee Department where she had been chief of the leman's Division of the Warr trial Service Section. While with the Ordnenee Department from Januarys 1918 to Julyip 1918, ass len Kleeck supervised the conditions of employment of !women in the Government arsenals and plants operating under Goverment contrast. She thus had the opportunity of safeguarding the women who were being so rapidly recruited into the Government service by regulating the conditions under which they were employed, at the same time insuring the maximum output of munitiome which were so urgently needed by the Army. A. Director of the ifamma in Industry Service sne bas been in clos- touch with all government agencies and has assisted in the solution of their problems regarding the 01104yment of women. Her pos'tion as the only wonan member of the War Labor Policies Board gave her 'WIe influence in the forming of policies for the employment 'If women. The standards for the employment of women in industry which were fermmlated by the Woman in Industry S,rvioe and adepted tgy the War Labor Policies Board are being widely used as guides by employers and by organizations working for the betterment of conditions for working women. in addition to establishing standards for general conditions, the employment of women under unusual circumstaness has been considered by this Service. Special studies have been nods of soma working in the chemical industries of one city, of the women In the metal trades in one State, of women sandy mak rs in another city, and of the employment of novo wawa La industry. Assistance has been given in several States with a view towards recommending or furthering improved legislation. The Service Also has aa advisory relation with the War and Navy Departments regarding the conditions affecting the employment of women in Government arsenals and navy yards. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  KreTECK  One of tie women of America that the war brought into a position of greatest responsibility and prominence is Miss ar7 Van Kloeck, Director of the Arian in Industry 3ervice, Department of labor. Asa Van flcock, who is  native of New York State,  vas graduate& MS Smith College, orthampton, of 4B. in 19046  s., with the degreo  For three years She attended the summer courses  at the college specialising in economics and other lines of study tiriL,t later were to be of value in her work for women, .;ecretary of the Sea Breeze 'ircsh Lir Home aud liespitLL1 for Aiberaulous Children maintained by the Aim York ..1cL.tin for Improving the Condition of the Poor, Miss Van Xleeok beam her actio career.  In 1905-6 she uas holder of the Joint Fellowship of  the College 6ett1alents zsociation and the Snit :.J;ociation.  College Alumnae  At this beginning of her career the made a thenough  invIstigation of ovelti-Je .1ork of factory girls in New York for th Golluo  jettlement of the cit.  The  published in  eArt  Charities and Commons, 1906, .,ttracted Mai attention to the young student Of sociology  and the next year, the Fellowship continuing  with the cooperation of the New York ehild Labor Committee and the ;onsumerls League, she investicIted child labor in the tenements of New York City, the report being published in Charities and Gammons 1907. -/ears 1907-09 For the two ,  Vi  Kleeek 'Jae  Insiustrial Secretary of the Alliance itkoloTiment nuroau, a philanthropic  -jo. 2  clubs tulles? 'York for ,40mmk; maintained by settlements and girls' shops and offices. Hare she tho purpose of finding work for girls in g investigations, the used her knowledge and experience in directin book form by the liAlssel Sage results of which were published in n in the Bookbinding Trade" and FounCation, under the titles, " Wome iner7 Trade in Wu Yoek", " Seasonal Industry, a Study of the :111 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  led to larger enterprises that These surveys, important in themselves of women. In 19084.9 the Russel mire soon to mum much to the prowess that it financed the 72ork„ which Sage Foundation became so interested - oek, an independent on Wolmen's j in 1909 vas organized as the ComAttee taken over as a department of the organization which a year Later vas the Connittee b canie the Division Foundation's activities. In 1916 beezi chosen to direct the Comittee of Industrial Studies. Havinc was ajvointed Dire:Aor of the on Women's Jork, ;Ass Yi Eloodk in this position diroeted inDivision on Industrial Studios and owing reports: " Working Girls vostitiona leading to tile foll in Public Evoking  " Artificial Plover Laker.", " Italian  The Burden of Sickness in '4geGirls in Inaustr; in Now York", " Bargaining in the Cigar Wade", earner's Pamilies and " Collective ers of Miss Vut Kleeekts the last three of Which, written by memb the report on" Italian staff, are not yet pdblished, although Girls in Industry" is um in press. the 'Aitas Miss .4ter the entrance of the United States into of the 2)ossib1e employ,Van Klee& investigated conditions, in view . This 'dork was underment in the storage depots of the U.S. Amu stries Board and the taken for the Storage Cortlittee of the War Indu etin NO. 9. 2he report re,ort was published as the comnittQes Bull  No. 3  's Bureau should be organized contains the recommendation that a Woman in the War Department, k served as Director From January to July, 1918, Miss Van Kleec ce Section of the of the Women's Branch of the Industrial Servi summoned frau that position Ordnance Department, U.S. Army, and was the Department of Labor. to establish the Woman in Iudustry Service of her Since JOIE, 1918, when she assumed the duties of  new  office as  bees identified with Director of the L7ervice, Miss Van Kleeek has the Government is all problems relating to women workers, in which interested.  Secretary of She formulated for the approval of the  of Women in Industry", Labor, " Standards Governing the EMployment which contains the most advanced icieals. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  These standn.rds include  on Saturday, prohibition of the eight-'hour day with half holiday work, the best possible night work, rest periods, equal pay for equal sanitation an  they generalAwalking conditions, safety devices, and  tion of occupation so that resomuend sare in determining the selec excessive heat or to dust lifting, constant standing, exposure to and fumes or occupational poisons may be avoided. these standards, approved b  According to  the Secretary " no work shall be given  sleeping purposes or in out to be done in roam used for living or ing rooms in any rooms directly connected with living or sleep dwelling or tenement." *  *  * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *  U. S. DEPARTMENT OF LABOR WOMAN IN INDUSTRY SERVICE WASHINGTON  BIOGRA2HY of MISS LARY VAN E1ZECK.  Born June 26, 1883-- Glenham, New York. Hich School- Flushing iJang Island Graduated 1900-- Smith College,Northampton,/xlass. 1900--1904-Degree A.B. 1904. Sumaers 1904, 1905 and 1906. Secretary Sea Breeze Fresh Air Hoe and Hospital for Tuberculous Children maintained by New York Association for Improving the Condition of the Poor. 1905--1906- Holder Joint Fellowship College Settlements Association and investigated for College Settlement Smith College Alumnae Association. of hew York, overtime work of girls in factories in New York. Re-t]ort published in Charities and the Coulions, 1906. 1906-1907- Fellowship, continued with cooperation of Mew York Child Labor Investigated Child Labor in New York Committee and Consumers' League. and the Commons,1907. Charities in City Tenements- Report published 1907--1909-- Industrial Secretary, Alliance Employment Bureau, a philanthropic agency maintained by settlements and girls' clubs in hew York to find work for girls in trades and offices. Diredted staff which began investigations afterwards published by Russell Sage Foundation in bookform with titles of 1. 2.  Women in the Bookbinding Trade and A Seasonal Industry, a Study of the Millinery Trade in  ew York.  In tile second year C 1908-9) this wrok was financed by the Ruseli Sage Foundation and in 1909 it was organized as the Committee in Wo.Aen's „ork, an independent organization financed b the Foundation- and in 1910 taken over by it as a department of its work. In 1916 its name was changed to Division of Industrial Studies. 1909--1917-- Director of Committee on Tiomen's .:ork afterwards Division of Industrial Studies, Russell Sage Foundation. Directed investigations leading to following reports:Tiorking Girls in Public Evening Schools Special Interest! to Italy; 1 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  artificial Flower hakers Italian Girls in Industry in New York ( In Press) The Burden of Sic:mess in ':,age-earners' Families ( in preparation Collective Bargaining in the Cigar Trade  ( In preparation)  Page 1- ;o. 2  ( The last three reports were not written b, Lary Van ;Ileeck but by menbers of the Staff 1917 ( After entrance of United L'tates into war) Investigated, Possible Employment of Wdmen in Storage Depots of U. S. Argy- for Storage Committee of 7ar Industries Board. Aeport published as Bulletin No. 9 of the Storage Committee. Chief recommendation, organization of 'Auen's Bureau in 46x Department, January- July 191c-- Director of Women's Branch of Industrial Service Section of the Ordnance Department, U.S. Aray. July 1918-- Appointed by Secretary of Labor as director of the Woman in Industry Service just organized in the Department of Labor.  Z- :ember:: Women's Trade Union ieeaue Governing Board, Consumere' Lea6ue of New York Layor's Committee on Unemployment 1916 American Ansociajdon for Labor Legislation Electoral _board Intercollegiate Community Service Assn, &c--&c Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  iiluSdeair et IMO Luar vic.1 ILLEL:cic*, Bora June 26, 1883— apiliintip/SOrs Yolk. RI& 2111•114* ralliMitie Island Gra4uated 1900-- Smith Collece,BortSingiessMs. Degree :-.4•13. 111016 flosaure Mt, 1905 ant 11106. Soorotary i4ett Jimmie Fresh Ar IIo * and ITSopital for Tilberonlous maintained by Now -brit Asoolation for Improving the 00011ition of tho ?OWN  11100-0,1906- Holder Joint iellouship 0,410go ;.iettlenenta Amsociation ane bath Wale. Abaft, .43aosiskties. lowestigated for , ,ettlommt og Siow Yodi, ~Um week of girls in esetories in New York. 14aport 902,11sball la Oharitlea and the learsoms, 11106. 111041-1907. rellonehip, continual with seopsystioa of ,ise York ...hilt labor Imastlipitsi child later la Bee Yeast Caualttse awl Oenewnerst lisessai City Tomannatem. Iampert pahUshai ta Charities ant the Oemens.1007. 1907-111110e- Sulastrial learetary, Malang, laelosoont larsau, a ilillauthropic IOW obits la Nor nett la tint away maiabilnall by settlemato gook ter girls ja Waft. age offices. Direetedi staff abloh beam lotions afterwards Dubitable. b Saco in boddina walk titles of 1. law is the logublailing USN and 2. A 110111111111 INAualta. a efiii* et the allinory Trade in Nor Yea% la the se001111 par ( 19084) this mak was tlauseed by tho /us ell :14.,-e Yeemlaties and in 1909 it was aripaniall aa the Olmittaa watacnio ork, orapniaatioa flasnael b, the Faimiatisam. sal in 1910 sa taloa swer tri it as a department of Ile make 2 MA its MIMS Ms. ahurail hi Divides ilkt Industrial 111110ft-1917— livastie Osslittoe as UMW'Cosh aftesurirds Divides of itztuotria liganes. wee lareeteil leading to following re.,)ortasAwking Atria in Mlle Owning Schools  ,louor Mem ftsaial latelesti to Usk s I Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  Italian Girls in Industry in F:ew York ( the Burdeis of Sidtamos  Prose)  flogossarners* ilmsilloo I in Aroparatical )  Collective Bar/pining in tbs Otaw etas  •Zia pempeation)  Dee lo. 2 throe reports ware net Ind tten Izarg Can nee* but by vie lbero of the Staff) 1.91,( Atter mamas. et Units& Aates into Asr) investiestody Possible deyment of Ara ill Apots of U. S. amwmfor Stems. Osenittee of Wor botastrioe BOs. e.port yablie.bed as Bulletin No. 9 at the Sten. ostaittee. Chief r000nriendotion, °roan/3241m of Jamer•s ill.0111in ;Jar Dtgertmente Java: • - July 191 — Dirootor of Amnia iliesok Of lisibutriel 3erkce _. the Ordnance Department, 48. ,xcv. July1 rpollaSs6 by Seseetary of labor 11/11 divests, of the an in lasmeiliar Servies just osipadast in Oho Dmporloast of labor. '412aOrit Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  ,4111041 Sias Mama Image* GovonlbieBoxylly SomommiWissimo MorTellk Apses Ossaittee in Umesphionent INA Amsriesa AemseLaSima for labor Iegislsties lleetoral Doer& Interoollasiste Commit, Service Aeltm.  --%0  BIOdruti:  of  14,14Y VAN 111:11120110  New York, ISO 4a.001- iloshing 14111 Isl" a Nom isms 211, UM-so 1900-4904-Co Graimeted 1900-- Smith i4opee ..44/S• 1194. Assers 111014 ISM am& 1106. 4soretar7 See Meese Alma Air Urea ant Hospital for TWbeVeskes Children 7fork ,IssoeLotion ter laprwrins the 0ontition of the maintainedkjNew , * .4(r.  1906-4906.. Helder Joint kellewship College Jettlenents Assooiatiesnor kweestigated for college Settlement with Wales, Aftwee ..aseelation. of New Yerk4 overtime work of girls in factories in Now York. akport yublishod in Charities and the Cozies., 19004 1906.1907. Yellowship, sentinmed with seeperation of New York 0411 labor Iniestidited Chili labor in New 7ork vessittee and (km:immerse Lave. Charities and the Semmons,1907. in pollished ileport Olt- t'ansments1907-1909— Industrial Seeretary. Altana* Ikoleynent Immo a iddlaatbropio snow aaintained by settlemnstedaal girls* clubs in lbw York to find wok tor %Ws in trades sal offices. Direetel staff whisk boon isoreetii, illations afterwards published b tusiillFags aluaintien in boollitewn with titles of 1. Vasa in the illainding amide ate 2. A $easonal laituetry. a Study of the iiillistery Sala in lice Tort. 1900.1) this oat as fialimmed by the Itusaeli Sage In the eeswiL year it was oripniaell as the Osintittee in 'Armee ark, 1909 in and. Feamlation imilipemiest oissaisatien finmead k tis Feandatierm ant in 1910 S Non my tqf it as a deportment of its almat, la 1916 its MOO Industrial elidlias• of aimmapi to Division IllInanoe Welk aftesuards ;Aviator. Direeter Of aesttittee . Dirsitot investicutions Sage Maulailism ihissell of Industrial Studios, ripertst. leading to follseLpg amass able in Mlle *min &heels rtifloial nower Mars  I Special Interest' I Italian Girls in Induntry inDm Yogit ( In Press) to Italys Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  !he Darden of Blames in "2tesmearnerell Fertilise ( in preparation ) Oollestive Denali:tine in the Cigar Trate ( In preparation)  Pass No. ( The last three reports INNIS net eaDitteE b  of the Staff)  •'Await bat b% xrbors  1917( At oittroaeo of United Amites into lir) InvestiLiAe0-, ?Quibble beissisat Women In Sams. Depots of U. S. Aasw- for Jtericc, Closatttee of Mr Intim:tries SOOrd• asPert published as 2,141.1etin of the Storage Comittoe. Chief reoserisiodstione orcani:Alon o:leues Dam* in war Ivartnent. Janufazji• tinki 191 — Diroctor of ioinees Munch of tailsotrial Service lectiOn of the C.rduesse Department, 11.0. MOW*  July 1918— lapels** by Boairotory atlabir as dlirsolur of the Them' in IssiusSri Stagy's. just Srandaillia in the Dsparteent et iber: Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  Amos Soft Union league Govern'''. Dowd, OssoN811110 lows of Syr Toillt boyar's Oievaittoe on Massplegment 2916 American ASOestalOss foe litter 1404•1141011 Silo:torsi *surd 12xteroollegiato Consialty Service Assaf 'le- 1-Nrac